Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) would like to thank the following people for their contribution to the development of this toolkit:
• Hope Cooper – Care Coordinator, Marathon Health
• Dr Rachael Fikkers – Senior Medical Officer, Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation (Rivmed)
• Maxine Honeysett – Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Manager, MPHN
• Karen Ingram – Indigenous Health Project Officer, Marathon Health
• Michelle Little – Chronic Disease Coordinator, Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation (Rivmed)
We acknowledge and pay respects to the traditional owners of the lands on which MPHN operates; the Wiradjuri, Nari Nari, Wemba Wemba, Perepa Perepa, Yorta Yorta, Ngunnawal, Ngarigo, Bangerang and Yitha Yitha Nations. We recognise our communities are made up of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples descended from additional mobs and clans who also call the Murrumbidgee region home.
We pay respect to Elders past, present and future and recognise these lands have always been places of traditional healing and medicine, and this plays a role in shaping future health services.
firsthealth Limited trading as Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (ABN 15 111 520 168).
Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network gratefully acknowledges the financial and other support from the Department of Health and Aged Care. The Primary Health Networks Program is an Australian Government Initiative.
While the Department of Health and Aged Care has contributed to the funding of this material, the information contained in it does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed by, the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not liable in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided in this material.
Disclaimer: First Nations peoples are advised that imagery in this toolkit may contain images of deceased people which may cause sadness or distress.
Acknowledgement: MPHN would like to acknowledge the generosity of Southwest Sydney PHN and Capital Health for allowing the adaptation of some of their GP toolkits in the creation of this toolkit.
The health and wellbeing of First Nations peoples in the Murrumbidgee region is a priority for MPHN, as we work to create connected, dynamic and equitable healthcare to achieve our vision of well people, resilient communities across the Murrumbidgee
The disparities in health outcomes for First Nations peoples in our region are clearly evident through the data and stories we hear, and this drives our focus to identify opportunities to invest in services and support the capacity and capability of primary care providers to improve equity of access.
Importantly, the health of First Nations people needs to be considered holistically, as described by the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs):
”Aboriginal health” means not just the physical well-being of an individual but refers to the social, emotional and cultural well-being of the whole Community in which each individual is able to achieve their full potential as a human being thereby bringing about the total well-being of their Community. It is a whole of life view and includes the cyclical concept of life-death-life.
Understanding the centrality of social and emotional wellbeing to First Nations health outcomes is critical to strengthening the delivery of healthcare services. The seven interconnected domains of wellbeing are depicted in Figure 1 including country, culture, spirituality, community, family and kinship, mind and emotions, and body, which are influenced by historical, political and social determinants2
Social determinants
Figure 1. A model of social and emotional wellbeing, Dungeon et al 2014.
1 NACCHO, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), What is the definition of Aboriginal Health; accessed 17/11/2024;
2 Gee G, Dudgeon P, Schultz C, Hart A, and Kelly K, ‘Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health: An Aboriginal Perspective.’ Chapter 4, in Dudgeon P, Milroy M, and Walker R (eds.), Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice – Revised Edition, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2014
Culture can greatly influence First Nations peoples’ decisions about accessing healthcare, including when and why to access, as well as their willingness to adhere to treatment and follow up plans3. Therefore, it is important to ensure that services and providers are culturally safe and inclusive.
The First Nations Toolkit for General Practice is designed to support general practices within the Murrumbidgee region to deliver culturally safe and inclusive care to First Nation’s people and communities. Specifically, the toolkit aims to improve health outcomes by addressing the challenges First Nations peoples face in accessing healthcare through mainstream services.
Australian Government, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013 - 2023, Department of Health, Canberra, 2013, p.9.
Closing the Gap
Closing the Gap is the national strategy aimed at reducing the significant disparities in health, education and economic outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous people. The 2020 National Agreement on Closing the Gap has 17 socio-economic targets that have an impact on life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples4
The National Agreement recognises that when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a real say in shaping the design and delivery of policies, programs and services, better outcomes are achieved. Four priority areas for reforms include:
1. Formal partnerships and shared decision making.
2. Building the community-controlled sector.
3. Transforming government organisations.
4. Shared access to data and information at a regional level.
Further information regarding Closing the Gap can be found here and reports regarding progress under the National Agreement can be found here
Our region
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Local Government Areas within our region with the highest proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as a percentage of the total population include: compared to
50.5% 30.9% 14,548 km2 126,000 508
Lachlan (part b) (18.3%)
Narrandera (12.7%)
of the population identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are aged under 25 years of all people
people according to the last census
Carrathool (8.8%) Murrumbidgee (8.6%)
Figure 1. Murrumbidgee population age distribution comparing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to the total population
Total population
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics Census of Population and Housing 2021.
The health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Murrumbidgee is characterised by a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease and cancer, and a higher prevalence of mental health conditions. Figure 2 provides a snapshot of the Murrumbidgee and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community profiles. Further details regarding the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within the Murrumbidgee can be accessed here and on MPHN’s website here
252,358 population
0.1-16.6 communities
2,387 51,269 over 65 years (21.6%)
Edward River Murray River
Greater Hume Shire Lockhart
Wagga Wagga
Snowy Valleys
Figure 2. Murrumbidgee community profile and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community profile, 2024
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
74.1 years life expectancy
2,033 over 55 years
15,408 (5.9%) (13.2%)
consume alcohol at risky levels of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease and cancer 43.0% higher prevalence of mental health conditions higher prevalence 29.6%
*Artistic impression only
At the time of creating this resource, there are general practices
GPs and registrars
For up to date data regarding the Murrumbidgee region, including the number of general practices, please visit MPHN’s website
Within the Murrumbidgee region there are three Aboriginal Medical Services
Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation based in Wagga Wagga
Gri th Aboriginal Medical Service in Gri th, which also operates Hay Aboriginal Medical Service in partnerhip with the Hay First Nations community
Cummeragunja Housing and Development Aboriginal Corporation operates the Viney Morgan Clinic in Moama
practice nurses
2 3 8,991 5.7% 39%
Data from Murrumbidgee mainstream general practices indicates there are around
active patients who identify as First Nations representing of all active patients across the region5
5 Data based on 64 general practices, July 2024. Active patients as per the RACGP guidelines refers to patients who have had at least three visits to the practice in the previous 24 months.
had participated in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Health Assessment (MBS 715 health check) in the previous 12 months. Of these,
Introduction to the toolkit
This toolkit provides practical ways for general practices to ensure First Nations peoples can access culturally safe primary care. It covers the following areas:
• Creating a safe environment for First Nations peoples
• Programs, services and initiatives
• The patient journey
• The practice workflow
• HealthPathways
• First Nations health workforce
• Resources and links
Image: Murrumbidgee River, Wagga Wagga (water represents healing)
Creating a safe environment for First Nations peoples
Acknowledgement of Country
Displaying an Acknowledgement of Country helps First Nations peoples to feel welcome in your practice. This is an opportunity to show respect to the traditional owners of the land and acknowledge the continuing connection for First Nations peoples to country.
Examples of appropriate Acknowledgement of Country signs include:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags
The inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags, artwork, and posters also signals your practice’s respect and acknowledgement of First Nations peoples.
The Aboriginal Flag represents Aboriginal peoples and is a powerful emblem of Indigenous identity and unity. It is also a symbol of pride and resilience for First Nations people across the world.
The Torres Strait Islander flag represents the Torres Strait Islander peoples symbolising the unity and identity of all Torres Strait Islanders.
Cultural awareness training
Cultural awareness training supports people’s understanding of the similarities and differences that exist between two diverse cultures. For First Nations peoples, culture is about connections with Elders and ancestors. It is about building relationships and spiritual connection to land, waters, song, and dance.
Cultural awareness training can support the practice to deliver culturally sensitive care to First Nations patients.
Below are links to several CPD cultural training opportunities through the general practice colleges:
RACGP – Cultural Awareness and Cultural Safety Training
ACCRM - Cultural Safety
MPHN also provides opportunities for general practice to access cultural awareness training. These will be promoted through regular news bulletins.
Ask patients if they identify as First Nations
Practice staff have a role in providing all patients the opportunity to identity as First Nations. Self-identification is voluntary and practices should provide patients with enough information to enable them to make an informed decision. Asking the question helps the practice to provide appropriate, individual, and culturally safe healthcare.
Do you identify as First Nations?
Receive culturally appropriate care and support Receive the right health care and services
Health service staff must ask you the question.
Checklist for creating a safe environment
A checklist for creating a culturally safe environment for patients is a quick way to determine what you have in place and any ways you can increase your First Nations patients’ safety and inclusion at your practice.
✓ Acknowledgement of Country (and/or First Nations art) on display
✓ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags on display
✓ Staff asking all patients if they identify as First Nations
✓ Displaying a poster encouraging patients to identify as First Nations
✓ Cultural awareness training is part of staff training
It is recommended the checklist be completed routinely, i.e. every 6 or 12 months.
The Wiradjuri word for ‘fire’ is wiiny, which means ‘thinking’ and ‘enlightening your mind’ by the word winnya.
Programs, services and initiatives
Integrated Team Care program
The Integrated Team Care (ITC) program, funded by the Australian Government, aims to improve health outcomes for First Nations peoples with chronic conditions through care coordination and support for self-management. The program is delivered in Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS) and is accessible to non-AMS through Marathon Health. To access the program, GPs can make a referral, or First Nations people can self-refer.
To be eligible for the ITC program a patient must
1. Identify as a First Nations person.
2. Have a current GP Management Plan.
3. Have one or more of the following chronic conditions:
• Diabetes
• Cancer
• Renal disease
• Cardiovascular disease
• Respiratory disease.
For information regarding the ITC program and referral pathways in the Murrumbidgee region please visit Marathon Health or MPHN.
Mental health, alcohol and other drugs (AOD)
There are a range of mental health and alcohol and other drugs programs available through AMS in the region as well as mainstream providers.
The MPHN Central Access and Navigation (CAN) service provides support to community members, GPs and other service providers to help navigate the Murrumbidgee mental health and AOD system. The team will connect people with commissioned mental health and AOD providers and can also connect people with broader services to best meet their needs.
Referrals can be sent via the MPHN CAN service using the digital referral portal or connecting with the CAN team using the information listed below.
Phone: 1800 931 603
Fax: 02 6921 9911
Practice Incentives Program – Indigenous Health Incentive (PIP IHI)
The PIP IHI encourages health services to meet the healthcare needs of First Nations peoples with chronic disease. Health services eligible for PIP IHI include general practice, AMS and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS). These services are supported to continue delivering quality care, enhance their capacity, and improve access and health outcomes for patients.
Further information can be found here
Closing the Gap (CTG) – Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Co-payment Program
The CTG PBS Co-payment Program aims to reduce or remove the PBS co-payment for eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This applies to all PBS general schedule medicines, including medicines approved for 60-day prescriptions.
Further information can be found here
PBS Items for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
The Australian Government is committed to improving the capability of the PBS to better meet the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee is assisting this goal by elevating and recommending the listing of medications specifically to help the health needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Further information can be found here.
Health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (MBS item
The aim of this MBS item is to help ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples receive primary healthcare matched to their needs. This health assessment is available to all people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent and should be used for health assessments for the following age categories:
• An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander child who is less than 15 years.
• An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person who is aged between 15 years and 54 years.
• An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander older person who is aged 55 years and over.
A health assessment includes the assessment of a patient’s health and physical, psychological and social function, and consideration of whether preventive healthcare and education should be offered to the patient, to improve that patient’s health and physical, psychological and social function.
MBS item 715 must include the following elements:
a. information collection, including taking a patient history and undertaking examinations and investigations as required
b. making an overall assessment of the patient
c. recommending appropriate interventions
d. providing advice and information to the patient
e. keeping a record of the health assessment, and offering the patient, and/or patient’s carer, a written report about the health assessment with recommendations about matters covered by the health assessment
f. offering the patient’s carer (if any, and if the general practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees) a copy of the report or extracts of the report relevant to the carer.
MBS health assessment item 715 must be provided by a general practitioner personally attending upon a patient. Suitably qualified health professionals, such as practice nurses, Aboriginal Health Workers or Aboriginal Health Practitioners employed and/or otherwise engaged by a general practice or health service, may assist general practitioners in performing this health assessment.
The health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may be provided once every 9 months.
Further information can be found here.
Figure 3 provides a useful summary and guide for practices to delivering care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Further links can be found in the resources section.
Five steps towards excellent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare
1 Prepare and register for PIP
• Register for the Indigenous Health PIP Incentive
• Staff complete accredited cultural awareness training
• Create a welcoming practice environment
3 Offer a health assessment (MBS Item 715)
Opens access to an additional 5 allied health visits
Conducting a health assessment with a patient is an excellent opportunity to build rapport, trust and to develop and enhance an ongoing relationship. As well as identifying physical health problems, discussing psychological and social functions is an excellent approach to effective two-way communication with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.
Department of Health fact sheet on Aboriginal and Torres Islander health assessments: main/publishing.nsf/Content/mbsprimarycare_ATSI_ MBSitem715
Identify your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
Asking the question can cause discomfort in practice staff; evidence shows that all patients are comfortable when asked if the reasons can be explained.
If patients choose to identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, they will do so when prompted.
More details on identification can be found here: guides/identification/
Register eligible patients for the PIP and the Closing the Gap PBS co-payment
Once your practice is registered for the Indigenous PIP (Step 1), you are able to register patients for the CTG – PBS co-payment.
Use the same form as the PIP patient registration. forms/ip017
Use appropriate clinical guidelines, and programs from the RACGP, Medicare and PHNs to enhance access and quality of care
The NACCHO/RACGP National Guide outlines the activities that are effective for preventive health.
Please visit the Indigenous Health Service eLearning program for more advice.
Figure 3. RACGP Five Steps towards excellent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare, accessed 17/11/2024;
Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Neither
The practice workflow
This section provides recommended responsibilities across the practice team and should be read in conjunction with the following section on the patient journey.
Responsibilities for all staff
• Ask all new patients ‘Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?’ or ask existing patients if this information has not been previously recorded.
• Record identification status, and ethnicity for all new and existing patients in practice software.
• Contribute to facilitating a culturally safe and aware medical centre.
• Attend cultural awareness and safety training.
• Understand programs and Medicare item numbers available to First Nations peoples.
• Understand how to register patients for programs such as the PIP IHI and CTG co-payment and know where to seek further information for such programs.
Responsibilities for practice
• Have a thorough understanding of the PIP IHI practice requirements, how to register patients for the PIP IHI and CTG co-payments, and know where to seek further information for such programs.
• Perform practice audits on practice documentation, such as:
• Patient ethnicity
• Number of active First Nations patients who are due or overdue for routine healthcare, e.g. health assessments and GPMPs.
• Be aware of how many active First Nations patients are registered with the practice for PIP IHI.
• Have a thorough understanding of the practice recall system, and ensure this process is performing adequately.
Responsibilities for medical receptionist
• Assist with recalling First Nations patients when they are due for health assessments, and routine care.
• Know how to access Medicare information, such as patient details or billing history.
Responsibilities for practice nurse
• Have a thorough understanding of the practice recall system, and ensures this process is performing adequately.
• Recall active First Nations patients who are due or overdue for routine healthcare, e.g. health assessments and GPMPs.
• Assist the general practitioner with performing 715 health assessments, GPMPs, and other relevant healthcare.
• Provide patients with appropriate follow up care and referrals as per their health assessment or GPMP.
• Provide comprehensive, holistic, patient-centred, and culturally safe care.
• Know how to access information specific for First Nations patients, e.g. HealthPathways, Australian Immunisation Handbook, Australian Indigenous Health Info net.
Responsibilities for general practitioner
• Perform 715 health assessments, GPMPs, and other relevant healthcare.
• Provide comprehensive, holistic, patient-centred, and culturally safe care.
• Understand medications listed specifically on the PBS for First Nations identifying patients.
• Know how to access information specific for First Nations patients, e.g. HealthPathways, Australian Immunisation Handbook, Australian Indigenous Health Info net.
The patient journey
Patient presents at the general practice or self-identifies as First Nations.
Registers for MyMedicare with practice.
Patient is registered for PIP IHI with the practice, with patient’s consent.
GP, practice nurse, or Aboriginal Health Worker (AHW) / Aboriginal Health Practitioner (AHP) checks to see if the patient is registered for CTG PBS co-payment. If not, the practice explains this and assists the patient with registration.
Health assessment/s
GP, practice nurse or AHW/AHP discusses the patient’s healthcare needs, the potential benefit of an MBS item 715 health assessment and what is involved.
Patient consents to a 715 health assessment and the health check is undertaken by clinical staff in a culturally safe, patientcentred way.
Practice clinical staff discuss health issues identified in health check with the patient and agree on a strategy to improve and reduce risk of future disease.
Health check is completed with the patient by the GP and the patient is offered a copy.
GP prescribes any required medicines, using specific PBS listings if relevant, and the patient receives lower cost medicines from the pharmacy under the CTG PBS co-payment measure.
Follow up
If after the 715 health assessment further follow-up and assistance is required, the patient can be referred for:
• Follow up allied health services (MBS 81300 – 81360) five in total per calendar year.
• Follow up services by practice nurse or AHW (MBS 10987), ten in total per calendar year.
Chronic disease management
A GP Management Plan (GPMP) MBS 721 and/or Team Care Arrangement (TCA) MBS 723.
Follow up practice nurse or AHP visits (MBS 10997) for ongoing support and monitoring (5 per calendar year).
Follow up Allied Health Services – MBS 10950 – 10970 (5 per calendar year).
Follow up Group Allied Health Services for those with Type 2 Diabetes – MBS 8110 – 81125 (1 assessment and eight services per calendar year).
If complex chronic conditions or needs are identified the patient can be referred to the ITC program for care co-ordination and supplementary services.
Ongoing care
The patient continues to attend the practice for ongoing acute, preventive, and chronic disease care.
The practice uses recall and reminder systems to let the patient know when they are due for further preventive and chronic disease care.
The patient attends to have a health assessment each year.
Murrumbidgee HealthPathways is an online health system that provides evidence based assessment, management and referral information on specific common clinical conditions.
HealthPathways are developed locally through a collaborative process that brings GPs, specialists and key stakeholders together who work collaboratively to identify issues preventing optimum patient care in the particular clinical condition and to propose solutions to the issues identified.
• Promote best practice care through enhancing clinical knowledge by using evidence based clinical HealthPathways.
• Support consistent care and management of health conditions.
• Build a more sustainable and integrated health system for the Murrumbidgee area by assisting clinicians to connect patients to the right care, at the right time at the right place.
• Increase the number of patients that are managed in the primary and community care setting.
• Better quality and more accurate triage of referrals.
Important links
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment (MBS item 715)
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment -0-14 years
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment- 15-54 years
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Service Directory
Claiming MBS items for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Healthcare
Cultural Awareness and Cultural Safety
Closing the Gap
Private incentives program-Indigenous Health Incentive (PIP-IHI)
Email healthpathways@mphn. to request log in details
Go to: https://murrumbidgee.
Enter the username and password provided to log in
Select a pathway OR search for a condition or suspected illness
Find the condition you are looking for and then access the symptom outlines and management options, how to refer to local services
HealthPathways are dynamic documents and your feedback is essential to maintain currency. There is a feedback button on every page, please use it.
Need more information or want to get involved?
For more information on HealthPathways, or to offer expertise, suggest a new pathway, provide feedback, or request a demonstration, please email
First Nations health workforce
First Nations employees can enhance business and organisations by providing different perspectives, experience and knowledge. They can contribute to cross-cultural awareness in your workplace which is important when communicating with people from diverse backgrounds and engaging with the local community.
AHWs and AHPs play a significant role in the delivery of healthcare in Australia, not only through their clinical skills but being able to respond to the social and cultural needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities. The National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners (NAATSIHWP) states “Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Health Practitioners are the world’s only Indigenous health professions underpinned by national training and regulation. For close to a century, this workforce has played a vital role in the safe and effective delivery of health services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities”.
NAATSIHWP provides the following definitions:
Aboriginal Health Worker
An Aboriginal Health Worker works as part of a healthcare team and plays a key role in building relationships between First Nations patients and other health professionals. Aboriginal Health Workers are involved with providing patient support and health education, and often work in community and hospital settings.
Aboriginal Health Practitioner
Aboriginal Health Practitioners are registered healthcare practitioners who provide clinical services and patient care with a focus on culturally safe practice for First Nations peoples. They work collaboratively within a multidisciplinary healthcare team to achieve better health outcomes for First Nations peoples and communities. Aboriginal Health Practitioners play a key role in facilitating relationships between First Nations patients and other health practitioners and providers. Aboriginal Health Practitioners work with communities, families, and people of all ages. They provide a range of health services depending upon the work setting and individual scope of practice. These may include but are not limited to:
• Assessment and screening of physical health, and social and emotional wellbeing
• Health promotion for risk factors
• Providing healthcare in line with care plans/ treatment protocols
• Supporting clients in self-management including safe use of traditional and western medications
• Delivering health programs
• Advocating for clients and translating languages
• Education and training of health workers and other health professionals
• Cultural support for clients and staff.
Aboriginal Health Practitioners can work in a variety of settings including community health, AMS, hospital and health services, and general practices.
For further information regarding the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health workforce, please refer to the National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners who hold responsibility for professionalising, promoting and expanding the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health worker and health practitioner professions.
A short video regarding the importance of this workforce can be found here
More information on training staff in NSW TAFE Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Healthcare can be found here.
Resources and links
Do you identify as First Nations?
715 health check – Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Aboriginal Health – MPHN
HealthPathways – MPHN
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHOs)
Resources and information from the Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW (AH&MRC)
Closing the Gap
Five steps towards excellent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healthcare – The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health education and training –The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
Cultural safety training – Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACCRM)
Item 715 – Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS)
The Practice Incentives Program – Indigenous Health Incentive – (PIP IHI)
PBS co-payment program – Closing the Gap (CTG)
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations – National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people – Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
Integrated Team Care (ITC) program – Marathon Health
National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners
Why are Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners so important?
Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Healthcare – TAFE NSW