adi Mursalin: halo

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adi Mursalin: halo Angelykas: hi adi Mursalin: how are you? Angelykas: ´fine friend and you? adi Mursalin: I am fine .what are u doing? Angelykas: where is you now?...i am waiting a partner for can confugurate a dispositive from our company Angelykas: One Airgate adi Mursalin: what kind of partner? what should the partner do? adi Mursalin: I am at home in Pontianak Angelykas: i teach how connfigurate this AIRGATE is a router very special Angelykas: i am a team builder adi Mursalin: so you need a partner to do your project? adi Mursalin: is your project a kind of IT? Angelykas: i dont remember the word kind...i search in a dictyonary adi Mursalin: Is it IT Project? Angelykas: group of individuals that share features: a group of individuals or items connected by shared characteristics What kind of fruit is this? Microsoft® Encarta® 2007. © 1993­2006 Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. adi Mursalin: i dont know Angelykas: we builder the red wi­fi global...we are a new global model of businees Angelykas: this model is call M D M Angelykas: Multi..Dimesional. Marketing adi Mursalin: I know. what red wi­fi global adi Mursalin: what is red wi­fi global? Angelykas: with you can to access to internet wireless Angelykas: you will make a VIDEOCALLS IN THE STREET adi Mursalin: I understand. I can install it from Internet. Angelykas: yes adi Mursalin: and I have installed it,but i can not operate is confusing Angelykas: jeje adi Mursalin: what is jeje? Angelykas: sorry i joke! Angelykas: jeje is that hahhaha BUZZ!!! adi Mursalin: how to operati it> I have opened it. Angelykas: but you dont have one Air Gate!!! the Air gate is diferente adi Mursalin: what is Air gate? Angelykas: with your router,,,you dont win money!!!

Angelykas: with my Airgate i win Angelykas: always i win Angelykas: see this video Angelykas: telme cartoon adi Mursalin: how can i get the router? adi Mursalin: ok Angelykas: you can buy for internet Angelykas: and our compañy send at your home Angelykas: with DHL transport Angelykas: wait me adi Mursalin: what about the price? Angelykas: more less 95U$ Angelykas: but with one Air GATE you are only a user Angelykas: you win poins and credicts adi Mursalin: is it on cash? adi Mursalin: what should I do with the airgate to my laptop? Angelykas: and I win because i have many airgates around for my red of partners Angelykas: yes adi Mursalin: the problem is that I can not operate it. I have not seen the airgate. Angelykas: please see this in portuges language but you can underestand...see please Angelykas: i cant meet it in english but i know that it is too in englishs adi Mursalin: is the airgate the name of program software? Angelykas: no the airgate is only a router wiñfi Angelykas: the software is WOIP2 adi Mursalin: should I use the telephone? Angelykas: is a evolution the el voip adi Mursalin: should we install WOIP2? adi Mursalin: will the telephone be charged when we use winfi? Angelykas: when you buy an Airgate it contains the software Angelykas: and too adi Mursalin: . is it like a modem? Angelykas: each Airgate have one line 1800 for you can made calls Angelykas: each Airgate have one Virtual Sim Angelykas: with one pin with Air Time for made calls in Voip Angelykas: please see each video from the our web page Angelykas: Angelykas: see each video Angelykas: telme Air Angelykas: telme Talk Angelykas: and Telme worlds Angelykas: there you can underestan better

adi Mursalin: telme words is too expensive Angelykas: i dont underestand your question? adi Mursalin: I mean the price Angelykas: ohhhh nooo adi Mursalin: why do you say noooo? Angelykas: telme Air with the Air gate,,, and telme talk with the Woip2 platarform and telme worlds is a one only have all in one adi Mursalin: all of them is US$85 Angelykas: if you only like by user...yes!!! only you pay U$85...but if you wanna by one TEAM BUILDER that me you need pay more money Angelykas: when i am a TEAM BUILDER Angelykas: i WIN WITH THE NEW GLOBAL MODEL BUSINESS adi Mursalin: how much? Angelykas: i am a ACCIONIST!!! Angelykas: yes Angelykas: i win good money adi Mursalin: what is accionist? Angelykas: i win bonus share from this company adi Mursalin: what is the price I am a teambuilder? Angelykas: 1200 U$ Angelykas: for few time Angelykas: 1200 U$ Angelykas: for few time adi Mursalin: that's a lot of money Angelykas: but when you win much money adi Mursalin: you are right. the problem is that I can not afford to buy it because that's alot of money in my currency. Angelykas: sorry... Angelykas: well i need to go now adi Mursalin: ok Angelykas: in other oportunity we to be continued Angelykas: is ok? adi Mursalin: ok Angelykas: we have one class in spanish Angelykas: other day adi Mursalin: ok Angelykas: see you later adi Mursalin: see you.good bye Angelykas:

hi 12:02amWm Paul hey 12:02amAdi How are you? 12:02amWm Paul everything that matters is great 12:03amAdi

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