Naruto Shippuden Last Movie
"Naruto " Two years when the events of the Fourth Shinobi war and Kakashi became the Sixth Hokage, the moon that Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki created earlier to seal away Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's body begins to descend towards the planet. With the moon currently a meteor that will destroy everything on impact. The crisis is caused by Toneri Ōtsutsuki, a descendant of Hamura Ōtsutsuki through the Branch House, dedicated to satisfy his Associate in Nursingcestor's gift that human beings should be penalize for mistreatment chakra as weapon hostilities over an millennia
During the Rinne pageant, Hinata Hyuga hopes to provide Naruto a private gift of affection - a red scarf - she unwoven herself in remembrance of 1 Naruto wont to wear back within the Academy, and Sakura offers to assist. However, she is unable to as a result of Naruto is receiving numerous gifts, together with another scarf, for his hero name. Toneri infiltrates Konoha then kidna