Service Highlights
Service Highlights 23
Community Service Activities Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Summer Careers Academy Prepares Future Health Care Professionals The College of Health Professions (CHP) participated in the AHEC Summer Careers Academy that took place June, 2012. The majority of students who participated were entering freshmen undergraduates chosen by CHP faculty. This weeklong session emphasized preparation for programs of study in which they had interest. The skills centered on interviewing techniques, how to prepare for applying into the program, and professionalism skills. Six students participated in the CHP programs this year. Immediately following the Summer Career Academy, the South Carolina AHEC held the Health Careers Program (HCP). The program works to increase the number of students entering the health professions pipeline in South Carolina. Emphasis is placed on underrepresented minority and disadvantaged students in order to address disparities in the health professions workforce. The HCP is designed to develop academically proficient and self-confident future health care professionals. Ninety-three students from across the state participated in the 2012 event which was held on the campus of South Carolina State University. The agenda included activities and interactive sessions which emphasized health career exploration, academic and career planning, resource development, health disparity topics, basic health skills training, and a service learning component. Ms. Angela Hampton, PA-C, a graduate of the MUSC Physician Assistant Studies program, was among the health care practitioners and educators who participated as session facilitators. Ms. Hampton’s sessions engaged 34 students in learning more about the field of physician assisting.
clinic. One specific client that the physical therapy and occupational therapy students, and faculty in the clinic have helped is 17 year-old Mr. Khasim Burton. Mr. Burton came to CARES as a young man with paralysis due to transverse myelitis. He was walking with the assistance of a walker and also using an old, heavy wheelchair. While Mr. Burton previously enjoyed many sports such as surfing, water skiing, basketball, and soccer prior to his disease, he had not become involved in any recreational activities since his diagnosis. In the clinic, the students, with the guidance of Drs. Kraft and Seif, were able to get an ultralightweight manual wheelchair donated to Mr. Burton as well as teach him to walk on loftstrand crutches. Outside the clinic, the students were able to engage Mr. Burton in a variety of adapted wheelchair sports including water skiing, kayaking, jet skiing, and basketball. Coming to the CARES Clinic changed this young man’s life and opened his eyes to all the possibilities available to him, regardless of his physical abilities.
Staff Congress Sponsors Community Service Activities The College of Health Professions Staff Congress sponsored two community service activities. The first was a food drive to benefit Tricounty Family Ministries, a local food bank, located in North Charleston, SC. The second service activity was a back pack drive for students at J. K. Gourdin Elementary School in St. Stephens, S.C.
CARES Clinic helps 17 year-old Resume Recreational Activities There have been over 470 visits of underinsured and uninsured people in the tri-county area to the Community Aid, Relief, Education, and Support (CARES)
Students guide Mr. Burton into the water. College of Health Professions MUSC
24 Service Highlights
A Glimmer of in a World of Need Tricounty Family Ministries Tricounty Family Ministries (TFM) is a faith-based not-for-profit, ecumenical ministry providing food, clothing, medical care, counseling, transportation, shelter, financial assistance and other vital services to the less fortunate in the Tricounty area. The College of Health Professions’ faculty, staff, and students, were generous in their giving and provided over four car loads of canned goods around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. In addition, there were 12 Staff Congress members who donated their time to the annual TFM Christmas luncheon and helped serve food, assisted families with young children, and handed out toys and clothing. The families enjoyed the day and the volunteers experienced the rewards of serving others. J.K. Gourdin Elementary is a Title I Community School with 95% of the students from a low income family. The students are given some school supplies through funding provided to Title I schools, but backpacks, essential for each student, are not allowed to be purchased with these funds. Seeking to fill that need, the CHP staff sponsored a drive to raise funds to purchase a backpack for each of the nearly 200 students at the school. The drive was successful and a total of 200 back packs were donated. The College of Health Professions’ Occupational Therapy Division provided information inside the backpacks that explained how to “Pack it Light, and Wear it Right” to promote safety. Members of Staff Congress were delighted to meet the need and bring smiles to the children’s faces. n Front Row: J.K. Gourdin Elementary Students; Back Row: (L-R) Ms. Lorene Bradley (J.K. Gourdin Principal), CHP Staff Ms. Julie Parrish, Ms. Melissa Serrano, Ms. Ashley Martindale and Ms. Marisah Daniels.
2012 Annual Report