Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 69
Editor and Editorial Boards Chipas, A. CRNA Today, Editor-in-Chief Graber, D. Journal of Health and Human Service Administration, Editorial Board Member Kautz, S. A. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Editorial Board member; Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, Editorial Board Member Krause, J. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, Editor-in-Chief; Rehabilitation Psychology, Editorial Board Member Martin-Harris, B. Dysphagia Journal, Associate Editor & Editorial Board Member; Bulgarian Journal of Communication Disorders, Editorial Consultant; Journal of Applied Physiology, Editorial Consultant; American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, Editorial Consultant; Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Editorial Consultant; Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, Editorial Consultant; Laryngoscope, Editorial Consultant; Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Editorial Consultant; Journal of Speech-Language-Hearing Research, Editorial Consultant; Neurogastroenterology and Motility (NMO), Editorial Consultant; Diseases of the Esophagus, Editorial Consultant Saunders, L.L. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, Associate Editor Sistino, J. Journal of ExtraCorporeal Circulation, Associate Editor White, A. American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)/Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Health Administration Press, Chair of Editorial Board Woodbury, M.L. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, Editorial Board Member
Editorial Reviewers Breland, H. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Reviewer Bonilha, H. Dysphagia, Reviewer; Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, Reviewer; Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, Reviewer; Journal of Voice, Reviewer Bowden, M. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Experimental Brain Research, Reviewer; Gait and Posture, Reviewer; Journal of Biomechanics, Reviewer; Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, Reviewer; Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Reviewer; Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, Reviewer; Medical Engineering and Physics, Reviewer; Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, Reviewer; Physical Therapy Journal, Reviewer; Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Reviewer; Spinal Cord, Reviewer; Stroke, Reviewer; Topics in Spinal Cord Rehabilitation, Reviewer Breland, H. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Journal of Aging and Health, Reviewer; Military Medicine, Reviewer; Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer Brotherton, S. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Spinal Cord, Reviewer; Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation; Reviewer Chipas, A. American Journal of Psychiatry, Reviewer Coker-Bolt, P. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Clinical Rehabilitation Disability College of Health Professions MUSC
Breland, H. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Editorial Board Member
70 Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report
and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Reviewer
Dean, J.C. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Biological Cybernetics, Reviewer; Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Reviewer; Journal of Biomechanics, Reviewer; Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation Research, Reviewer; Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Reviewer; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Reviewer Ellis, C. Stroke, Reviewer; Journal of Allied Health, Reviewer; Ethnicity and Disease, Reviewer; Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Reviewer; Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Journal of Behavioral Medicine, Reviewer; Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, Reviewer Graber, D. The Gerontologist, Reviewer Gregory, C. Journal of Athletic Training, Reviewer; Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Clinical Biomechanics, Reviewer; Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, Reviewer; Gait & Posture, Reviewer; Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, Reviewer; Aging Science, Reviewer; Experimental Gerontology, Reviewer; Physical Therapy, Reviewer; Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Reviewer Hewett, M. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, Reviewer Jacques, P. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, Reviewer Jones, W. Journal of Health Administration Education, Reviewer; Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, Reviewer Kautz, S.A. Journal of Neurophysiology, Reviewer; Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, Reviewer; Journal of Neuroscience, Reviewer; Brain Stimulation, Reviewer; Gait & Posture, Reviewer; Journal of Biomechanics, Reviewer; Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Reviewer; Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, Reviewer; International Journal of Stroke, Reviewer; Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer Kazley, A. BMC Health Services Research, Reviewer; Journal of Medical Systems, Reviewer; Journal of Health Care Engineering, Reviewer; Journal of Healthcare Management, Reviewer; Pediatrics, Reviewer; Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, Reviewer Moore, E.L. Journal of Health Administration Education, Reviewer Moreau, N. Journal of Novel Physiotherapies, Reviewer Morrisette, D. Spine Journal, Reviewer; Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Ergonomics, Reviewer Saladin, M. Psychopharmacology, Reviewer; Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Reviewer; Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Reviewer Saunders, L.L. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Reviewer; Disability and Health, Reviewer, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Reviewer Seif, G. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Reviewer Wager, K.A. Journal of Health Administration Education, Reviewer White, A. Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Journal of Health Administration Education, Reviewer 2012 Annual Report
Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 71
Wise, H. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, Reviewer; Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, Reviewer
Bickel, C.S., Gregory, C.M., Dean, J.C. (2011). Motor unit recruitment during neuromuscular electrical stimulation: A critical appraisal. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 111(10), 2399-407. Bickel, C.S., Lein, D., & Gregory, C.M. (2011).Impact of electrical stimulation parameters on muscle torque and fatigue in people with SCI. Archives of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation, 92(10), 1708-2011. Bowden, M.G., Behrman, A.L., Woodbury, M., Gregory, C.M., Velozo, C.A. & Kautz, S.A. (2012). Advancing measurement of locomotor rehabilitation outcomes to optimize interventions and differentiate between recovery versus compensation. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy; 36(1), 38-44. Bowden, M.G., Embry, A.E.,& Gregory, C.M. (2011). Physical therapy adjuvants to promote optimization of walking recovery post stroke. Stroke Research and Treatment. E-published, doi:10.4061/2011/601416. Breland, H.L. & Ellis, C. (2012). Is reporting race and ethnicity essential to occupational therapy evidence? American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66 (1), 115-119. Brotherton, S.S., Saunders, L.L., Krause, J.S., & Morrisette, D.C. (2012). Association between reliance on devices and people for walking and ability to walk community distances among persons with spinal cord injury. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 35(3), 156-161. Bui, J., Hodge, A., Shackelford, A., & Acsell, J. (2011). Factors contributing to burnout among perfusionists in the United States. Perfusion, 26(3):1-6. Bushardt, R., Booze, L., Hewett, M., Hildebrandt, C., & Thomas, S. (2012). Physician assistant program characteristics and faculty credentials on physician assistant national certifying exam pass rates. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, (23)1, 19-23. Coker-Bolt, P., Jarrard, C., Woodard-Kline, F., & Merrill, P. (2012). The effects of oral motor stimulation on feeding behaviors of infants born with single ventricle anatomy. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. E-published, doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2012.03.024. Day, K.V., Kautz, S.A., Wu, S.S., Suter, S.P. & Behrman, A.L. (2012). Foot placement variability as a walking balance mechanism post-spinal cord injury. Clinical Biomechanics, 27,145-50. Esparza, S. J., Zoller, J.S., White, A.W., & Highfield, M. E. (2012). Nurse staffing and skill mix patterns: Are there differences in outcomes? Journal of Healthcare Risk Management, 31(3), 14-23. Frueh, B.C., Grubaugh, A.L., Lo Sasso, A., Jones, W.J., Oldham, J.M., & Lindrooth, R.C. (2012). Key stakeholders perception regarding acute care psychiatry in distressed publicly funded mental health care markets. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 76, 1-20. Gebregziabher, M., Miller, P., Psenka, T., Rehman,S., Zoller, J.S., & Blue A.V. (2011). Interprofessional team practices, attitudes, and educational experiences of medical faculty. Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association, 107 (Supplement I), 11-16. Graber, D., Mitcham, M., Coker-Bolt, P., Wise, H., Jacques, P., Edlund, B., & Annan-Coultas, D. (2012). The caring professionals program: Educational approaches that integrate caring attitudes and empathic behaviors into health professions education. Journal of Allied Health, 41(2), 90-96. Groah, S.L., Charlifue, S., Tate, D., Jensen, M.P., Molton, I.R., Forchheimer, M., Krause, J.S., Lammertse, College of Health Professions MUSC
Journal Publications
72 Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report
D.P., & Campbell, M. (2012). Spinal cord injury and aging: Challenges and recommendations for future research. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(1), 80-93.
Hall,P.D., Zoller, J.S., West, V.T., Lancaster, C, J.,& Blue, A.V. (2011). A novel approach to interprofessional education: Interprofessional Day, the four-year experience at the Medical University of South Carolina. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 2(1), 1-14. Hormes, J. M., Coffey, S. F, Drobes, D. J., & Saladin, M.E. (2012). The Obsessive Compulsive Cocaine Use Scale: Development and initial validation of a self-rated instrument for the quantification of thoughts about cocaine use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 120, 250-254. Jensen, M.P., Molton, I.R.,Groah, S.L., Campbell, M., Charlifue, S., Chiodo, A., Forchheimer, M., Krause, J.S., & Tate, D. (2011). Secondary health conditions in individuals aging with SCI: Terminology, concepts and analytic approaches. Spinal Cord. E-published ahead of print, doi: 10.1038/sc.2011.150. Kautz, S.A., Bowden, M.G., Clark, D.J. & Neptune, R.R. (2011). Comparison of motor control deficits during treadmill and overground walking post-stroke. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair, 25, 756-765. Kazley, A.S., Diana, M.D., & Menachemi, N. (2011). The agreement and internal consistency of national hospital EMR measures. Health Care Management Science, 14(4), 307-313. Kazley, A.S., Diana, M.D., Ford, E., & Menachemi, N. (2011). Is EHR use associated with patient satisfaction in hospitals? Health Care Management Review, 37(1). Kazley, A.S., Wilkerson, R., Jauch, E., & Adams, R.J. (2012). Access to expert stroke care with telemedicine:Â REACH-MUSC. Frontiers of Teleneurology, 3(44), 1-6. Kirby, K. C., Carpenedo, C. M., Stitzer, M. L., Dugosh, K. L., Petry, N. M., Roll, J. M., Saladin, M.E., Cohen, A. J., Hamilton, J., Reese, K., Sillo, G. R., Stabile, P. Q., Sterling, R. C. (2012). Is exposure to an effective contingency management intervention associated with more positive provider beliefs? Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 42, 356-365. Kohout, R., Saunders, L.L., & Krause, J.S. (2011). The relationship between prescription medication use and ability to ambulate distances after spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(8), 1246-1249. Krause, J.S., & Bozard, J.L. (2012). Natural course of life changes after spinal cord injury: A 35-year longitudinal study. Spinal Cord, 50, 227-231. Krause, J.S., & Ricks, J.M. (2012). Stability of vocational interests after recent spinal cord injury: Comparisons related to gender and race. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(4), 588-596. Krause, J.S., & Saunders, L.L. (2011). Health, secondary conditions, and life expectancy after spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(11), 1770-1775. Krause, J.S., & Saunders, L.L. (2012). Socioeconomic and behavioral risk factors for mortality: Do risk factors observed after spinal cord injury parallel those from the general USA population? Spinal Cord. E-published ahead of print, doi: 10.1038/sc.2012.24. Krause, J.S., Saunders, L.L., & Acuna, J. (2012). Gainful employment and risk of mortality after spinal cord injury: Effects beyond that of demographic, injury, and socioeconomic factors. Spinal Cord, E-published ahead of print, doi: 10.1038/sc.2012.49. Krause, J.S., Saunders, L.L., & Zhai, Y. (2012). Stability of predictors of mortality after spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 50(4):281-284. 2012 Annual Report
Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 73
Krause, J.S., Terza, J.V., Erten, M., Focht, K.L., & Dismuke, C.E. (2012). Prediction of post-injury employment and percentage of time worked after spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(2), 373-375. Ling, C., Kelechi, T. J., Mueller, M., Brotherton, S.S., & Smith, S. (2012). Gait and function in class III obesity. Journal of Obesity. E-published, doi:10.1155/2012/257468. McRae-Clark, A. L., Carter, R. E., Price, K. L., Baker, N. L., Thomas, S., Saladin, M.E., Giarla, K., Nicholas, K., & Brady, K. T. (2011). Stress- and cue-elicited craving and reactivity in marijuana-dependent individuals. Psychopharmacology. 218(1), 49-58. Menachemi, N., Mazurenko, O., Kazley, A.S., Diana, M.L., & Ford, E.W. (2012). Market factors and electronic medical record adoption in medical practices. Health Care Manage Review, 37(1):14-22. Merritt, K.J., Raburn, C.E., & Dean, J.C. (2012). Adaptation of the preferred human bouncing pattern toward the metabolically optimal frequency. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107, 2244-2249. Michaud, E., Jacques, P.F., Gianola, F.J., & Harbert, K. (2012). Assessment of admissions policies for veteran corpsmen and medics applying to physician assistant educational programs. Journal of Physician Assistant Education, 23(1):4-12. Moreau, N.G., Falvo, M. J., & Damiano, D. L. (2012). Rapid force generation is impaired in cerebral palsy and is related to decreased muscle size and functional mobility. Gait Posture, 35, 154-158. Paul L.A., Grubaugh A.L., Frueh B.C., Ellis C., & Egede L.E. (2011). Associations between binge and heavy drinking and health behaviors in a nationally representative sample. Addictive Behaviors, 36(12):1240-5. Plowman, E., Hentz, B., & Ellis, C. (2012). Post-stroke aphasia prognosis: A review of patient-related and stroke-related factors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18, 689-694. Price, K. L., Baker, N. L., McRae-Clark, A. L., Saladin, M.E., DeSantis, S. M., Santa Ana, E. J. & Brady, K.T. (2012). A randomized, placebo-controlled laboratory study of the effects of d-cycloserine on craving in cocaine-dependent individuals. Psychopharmacology. E-published ahead of print, PMID:22234379. Raburn, C.E., Merritt, K.J., & Dean, J.C. (2011). Preferred movement patterns during a simple bouncing task. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214, 3768-3774. Saladin, M.E., Gray, K.M., Carpenter, M.J., LaRowe, S.D., DeSantis, S.M., & Upadhyaya, H.P. (2012). Gender differences in reactivity to smoking and negative affect/stress cues. American Journal on Addictions. 21(3), 210-220. Saladin, M.E., Santa Ana, E. J., LaRowe, S. D., Simpson, A. N., Tolliver, B. K., Price, K. L., McRae, A. L., & Brady, K. T. (2012). Does alexithymia explain variation in cue-elicited craving reported by methamphetaminedependent individuals? American Journal on Addictions. 21, 130-135. Saunders, L.L., & Krause, J.S. (2012). Behavioral factors related to fatigue among persons with spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 93(2), 313-318. Saunders, L.L., Krause, J.S., & Acuna, J. (2012). Association of race, socioeconomic status, and health care access with pressure ulcers after spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. E-published ahead of print, College of Health Professions MUSC
Krause, J.S., Saunders, L.L., Bombardier, C., & Kalpakjian, C.Z. (2011). Confirmatory factor analysis of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9: A study of participants from the SCI Model Systems. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3(6), 530-540.
74 Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report
Saunders, L.L., Krause, J.S., & Focht, K.L. (2012). A longitudinal study of depression after spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 50(1), 72-77.
Seif, G.A. & Elliott, J.M. (2011). Ankylosing spondylitis in a patient referred to physical therapy with low back pain. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 28(1), 63–70. Selassie, A.W., Varma, A., Saunders, L.L. (2011). Current trends in venous thromboembolism among persons hospitalized with acute traumatic spinal cord injury: Does early access to rehabilitation matter? Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 92(10), 1534-1541. Shackelford, A., & Hodge, A. (2011). A technique for autologous priming of the veno-venous bypass circuit during liver transplantation. Journal of ExtraCorporeal Technology, 43, 89-92. Sharma, N., Gregory, C.M., & Dixon W.E. (2011). Predictor-based compensation for electromechanical delay during neuromuscular electrical stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 19(6), 601-11. Sharma, N., Gregory, C.M., Johnson, M., & Dixon W.E. (2012). Closed-loop neural network-based nmes control for human limb tracking. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 20(3), 712-725. Sievert, A.N., & Sistino, J.J. (2012). A meta-analysis of the renal benefits to pulsatile perfusion in cardiac surgery. The Journal of Extra-corporeal Technology, 44(1), 10-14. Sistino, J.J., & Ellis, C. (2011). Effects of health disparities on survival after neonatal heart surgery: Why should racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic status be included in the risk analysis? The Journal of Extracorporeal Technology, 43(4), 232-235. Sistino, J.J., Michaud, N.M., Sievert, A.N., & Shackelford, A.G. (2011). Incorporating high fidelity simulation into perfusion education. Perfusion, 26(5), 390-394. Teufel, R., Kazley, A.S., & Basco, W. (2011). Is computerized physician order entry use associated with a decrease on hospital resource utilization in hospitals that care for children? Journal of Medical Systems, 36(4), 2411-2420. Thomas, K.J., Wise, H.H., Nietert, P.J., Brown, D.D., Sword, D.O., & Diehl, N.S. (2011) Interaction with a health care professional influences changes in physical activity behaviors among individuals with a spinal cord injury. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 17(1):94- 106. Tolliver, B. K., Price, K. L., Baker, N. L., LaRowe, S. D., Simpson, A. N., McRae-Clark, A. L., Saladin, M.E., DeSantis, S. M., Chapman, E., Garrett, M., & Brady, K. T. (2012). Impaired cognitive performance in subjects with methamphetamine dependence during exposure to neutral versus methamphetamine-related cues. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 38(3), 251-259. Velozo, C.A., & Woodbury M.L. (2011). Translating measurement findings into rehabilitation practice: An example using the Fugl-Meyer Assessment of the Upper Extremity with clients following stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 48(10): 1211-1222. Westerkam, D., Saunders, L.L., & Krause, J.S. (2011). Association of spasticity and life satisfaction after spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 49(9), 990-994. Yuen, H. K., Halthaus, K., Kamen, D. L., Sword, D., & Breland, H.L. (2011). Using Wii Fit to reduce fatigue among African American women with systemic lupus erythematosus: A pilot study. Lupus, 20 (12), 12931299. 2012 Annual Report
Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 75
Yuen, H., Brooks, J., Azuero, A., & Burik, J. (2012). Brief report: Certified driver rehabilitation specialists’ preferred situations for driver simulator scenarios. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 66, 110-114.
Martin-Harris, B., Blair, J., & Focht, K.L. (2011). Meeting the challenges of communication and swallowing disorders after treatment for head and neck cancer. In N.E. Leupold & J.S. Sciubba (Eds.), Meeting the challenges of oral and head and neck cancer: a survivor’s guide (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc.
Presentations Allen, J.L., Kautz, S.A., & Neptune, R.R. (2011). Modular control of walking: A 3D simulation study. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA. Backus, D., Pike, E., Saunders, L.L., & Krause, J.S. (2012, April). Insights gained from assessment of research bias and reported utilization of evidence after a specialized training program. National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers Annual Conference. Alexandria, VA. Bickel, C.S., Lein, D., & Gregory, C.M. (2011, October). Impact of electrical stimulation parameters on muscle torque and fatigue in people with SCI. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. Blue, A., Ragucci, K., Bistrick, C., Brown, D., Burik, J., Hollerbach, A., Leaphart, A., Norcross, D., & Thomas, K. (2011, November). An interprofessional case conference for students at the Medical University of South Carolina: A description and evaluation. Poster. Collaborating Across Borders III Conference. Tucson, AZ. Bonilha, H.S. (2011, September). Creating a mastery experience during the voice evaluation. 9th Pan European Voice Conference. Marseille, FR. Bonilha, H.S., & Halstead, L. (2011, September). Efficacy of tremor reduction techniques. 9th Pan European Voice Conference. Marseille, FR. Bonilha, H.S., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, August). Perception of 5 vocal fold vibratory features with notoriously poor reliability. Medical Image Perception Society XIV Conference. Dublin, IE. Bonilha, H.S., Blair, J., Carnes, B., & Martin-Harris, B. (2012, April). Clinical implications of pulse rate on perception of swallowing components from the MBSIMP. Association for Clinical Research Training Translational Science Meeting. Washington, D.C. Bonilha, H.S., Blair, J., Carnes, B., Michel, Y., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, August). Clinical implications of frame rate on perception of swallowing components from the MBSIMP. Medical Image Perception Society XIV Conference. Dublin, IE. Bonilha, H.S., Blair, J., Carnes, B., Michel, Y., & Martin-Harris, B. (2012, March). Clinical implications of pulse rate on perception of swallowing components from the MBSIMP (Award of Achievement. 2nd Place Scientific Abstract Poster). 20th Annual Dysphagia Research Society Meeting. Toronto, Ontario, CA. Bonilha, H.S., Dawson, A.E., & McGrattan, K.E. (2012, February). Are improved rater reliability results associated with faster reaction times after rater training for judgments of laryngeal mucus? SPIE Medical Imaging. San Diego, CA. Bonilha, H.S., Gerlach, T.T., & Sutton, L.E. (2011, September). Impact of systemic hydration on laryngeal College of Health Professions MUSC
Book Chapter
76 Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report
sensation, coughing, and throat clearing. 9th Pan European Voice Conference. Marseille, FR. Bonilha, H.S., Gerlach, T.T., Sutton, L.E., & McGrattan, K.E. (2011, September). Relationship between the presence of and perception of laryngeal mucus. 9th Pan European Voice Conference. Marseille, FR. APPENDIX A
Bonilha, H.S., Gerlach, T.T., Sutton, L.E., & McGrattan, K.E. (2011, November). Are patient reports of laryngeal mucus accurate? American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. Bonilha, H.S., McGrattan, K.E., Gerlach, T.T., Sutton, L.E., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, August). Perception of laryngeal mucus: Rater reliability. Medical Image Perception Society XIV Conference. Dublin, IE. Bonilha, H.S., Simpson, A.N., Ellis, C., Mauldin, P.D., Martin-Harris, B. & Simpson, K.N. (2011, November). 1-year cost of dysphagia post-ischemic stroke. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. Bonilha, H.S., Simpson, A.N., Ellis, C., Mauldin, P.D., Martin-Harris, B. & Simpson, K.N. (2012, March). 1-year cost of dysphagia post-ischemic stroke. Dysphagia Research Society. Toronto, CA. Breland, H.L. (2012, March). Environmental determinants of autoimmunity: Lessons from the sea island Gullah community. 2nd Annual Research to Action Grantee Meeting, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), Partnerships for Environmental Public Health (PEPH). Bethesda, MD. Burik, J. & Mitcham, M. (2012, April). If one is good, two or more are better: A synopsis of interprofessional education at the Medical University of South Carolina. The Academic Fieldwork Coordinators’ Forum, American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis, IN. Carnes, B., Bonilha, H., Blair, J., Humphries, K., McGrattan, K., Michels, Y.,& Martin-Harris, B. (2011, November). Effect of frame rate on swallowing function judgments via MBSImP. American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. Carpenter, M., Saladin, M.E., & Gray, K. M., (2012, March). Adolescent occasional vs. daily smokers: Evidence for greater cue reactivity? Poster. 18th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Houston, TX. Carson, N., Coker-Bolt, P., Harvison, N., Herge, E., Hissong, A., Kern, S. & Mitcham, M. (2012, April). Exploring opportunities to integrate interprofessional education/practice (IPEP) in occupational therapy curriculum. Oral Presentation. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN. Charalambous, C.C., & Dean, J.C. (2012, February). Does a passive exoskeleton with two degrees of freedom at the hip make walking easier? Human Movement Science Research Symposium. Chapel Hill, NC. Chipas, A. (2011, October). Anesthesia for the difficult airway with hands-on workshop. Barry University. Tampa, FL. Chipas, A. (2011, October). Anesthesia for the difficult airway with hands-on workshop. Barry University. Orlando, FL. Chipas, A. (2011, October). Anesthesia for the difficult airway with hands-on workshop. Barry University. Miami, FL. Chipas, A. (2011, October). Anesthesia for the difficult airway. Barry University. Miami, FL. Chipas, A. (2011, September). Anesthesia for the difficult airway: Hand-on workshop. Florida Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Orlando, FL. 2012 Annual Report
Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 77
Chipas, A. (2011, September). Assessment of the airway. Kansas Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Wichita, KS. Chipas, A. (2011, September). CRNAs role in preventing surgical site infections. Georgia Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Atlanta, GA. Chipas, A. (2011, September). CRNAs role in preventing surgical site infections. Kansas Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Wichita, KS. Chipas, A. (2011, September). Health policy and anesthesia practice. Kansas Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Wichita, KS. Chipas, A. (2011, September). Pain management: A review. Georgia Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Atlanta, GA. Chipas, A. (2011, September). Pain management: A review. Kansas Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Wichita, KS. Chipas, A. (2012, January). Health policy and anesthesia practice. Mississippi Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Jackson, MS. Chipas, A. (2012, January). Herbal medication and anesthesia. Mississippi Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Jackson, MS. Chipas, A. (2012, January). Pain management: A review. Mississippi Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Jackson, MS. Chipas, A. (2012, March). Anesthesia for the difficult airway with hands-on workshop. Indiana Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Indianapolis, IN. Clark, D.J., Behrman, A.L. & Kautz, S.A. (2011, November). Does foot placement accuracy during walking reveal the integrity of supraspinal locomotor control following stroke? Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Washington, DC. Clark, D.J., Kautz, S.A., Bauer, A., Chen, Y.T., & Christou, E.A. (2012, April).Task-specific differences in the cortical contribution to walking are revealed by 30-60Hz oscillatory EMG activity. Pepper Older American Independence Centers Annual Meeting. Bethesda, MD. Coker-Bolt, P. & O’Brien, J. (2012, April). How important is the restraint? Applying theories of motor control and motor learning to pediatric CIMT. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis, IN. Coker-Bolt, P., Jarrard, C., Woodard, F., & Merrill, P. (2012, April). The effects of oral motor stimulation on infants born with congenital heart defects. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis, IN. Coker-Bolt, P., Woodbury, M., Moreau, N., Perkel, J., & Jenkins, D. (2012, April). Early motor differences in high and low risk premature infants. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference and Exposition. Indianapolis, IN. Dean, J.C. (2011, August). Effects of a passive elastic exoskeleton during walking. 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Long Beach, CA. College of Health Professions MUSC
Chipas, A. (2011, September). Assessment of the airway. Georgia Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Atlanta, GA.
78 Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report
Dean, J.C. (2012, April). Intensive mobility training and functional assessment post-stroke: biomechanics of walking. South Carolina American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference. Greenville, SC.
Dean, J.C. (2012, May). A foot placement strategy for the active control of gait stability. Dynamic Walking Conference. Pensacola, FL. Ellis, C., & Bonilha, H.S. (2011, November). A meta-analysis of aphasia-naming studies using activation likelihood estimation. American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. Ellis, C., Simpson, A.N., Bonilha, H.S., Mauldin, P.D.,& Simpson, K.N. (2011, November). The attributable cost of aphasia. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. Embry, A.E., Bowden, M.G., Gregory, C.M., Behrman, A.L., Neptune, R.R., & Kautz, S.A (2012, February). Relationship between personal factors and behavioral outcomes after locomotor rehabilitation intervention post-stroke. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Chicago, IL. Floyd, L.M., Holmes, T.C., & Dean, J.C. (2011, August). Contributors to ankle proprioception for static and dynamic tasks. 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Long Beach, CA. Fox, E.J., Kautz, S.A., Day, K.V., Suter, S.P., Clark, D.J., Howland, D.R. & Behrman, A.L. (2012, February). Mechanisms of walking recovery in adults with incomplete spinal cord injury. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Chicago, IL. Fox, E.J., Kautz, S.A., Day, K.V., Suter, S.P., Clark, D.J.,Howland, D.R. & Behrman, A.L. (2011, November). Mechanisms of walking recovery following locomotor training in adults with incomplete spinal cord injury. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Franz, C.O., Monsch, E.D., & Dean, J.C. (2011, August). Effects of varying gait strategy on metabolic cost and stability. 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Long Beach, CA. Graber, D., Mitcham, M., Coker-Bolt, P., Wise, H., Jacques, P., Edlund, B., & Annan-Coultas, D., (2012, May). Developing caring professionals: Infusing compassion and humanism in health professions education. Creating and Sustaining Caring in Health Care – Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Conference. Jacksonville, FL. Gray, K.M., Saladin, M.E., Schiller, C.E., Carpenter, M.J. & Hartwell, K.J. (2011, September). From cycles and phases to levels and ratios: Refining methods to investigate ovarian hormone effects on smoking behaviors in women. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Europe Annual Meeting. Antalya, TR. Green, R.W., Brandt, H., & Jones, W.J.(2011, November). CPRIT funding: Behind the score. 2nd Annual Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference. Austin, TX. Gregory, C.M. (2011, October). Muscle power and locomotor function after stroke: The chicken or the egg phenomenon. American Heart Association Research Forum. Hilton Head, SC. Hodge, A. (2011, November). Are you smarter than a perfusion student? American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Pediatric Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. Hodge, A., Fernandez, A., Snyder, A., & Sistino, J. (2011, November). The effect of sleep loss and fatigue on cardiovascular perfusion students: Preliminary results. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Pediatric Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. Hodge, A., Snyder, A., Fernandez, A., Boan, A., Malek, A., & Sistino, J. (2012, March). The effect of sleep loss and fatigue on cardiovascular perfusion students: A mixed method study. 50th International Conference of the American Society of Extracorporeal Technology. Orlando, FL. 2012 Annual Report
Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 79
Howell, D., (2012). Preparing physician assistants for IP collaborative practice through a transformative learning approach. Fourth annual West Michigan Interprofessional Initiative Conference. Grand Rapids, MI. Humphries, K., Blair, J., Bonilha, H., Carnes, B., McGrattan, K., Hill, E., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, November). Radiation exposure time during VFSS: An analysis of influencing factors. American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. Jacques, P.F., & Cousineau, L. (2011, October). Evidence based medicine in clinical practice. South Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants Conference. Isle of Palms, SC. Jacques, P.F., Mitcham, M., & Wise, H., (2011, November). Embedding interprofessional learning experiences (IPE) into the first semester of a graduate PA program. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Forum. New Orleans, LA. Jefferson, M.S., Rouvalis, E., Sword, D.O., & Ford, M.E. (2011, November). Life after lung cancer resection: Exploring rehabilitative options to improve quality of life. Poster. American Institute for Cancer Research Conference. Washington, DC. Kautz, S.A. (2011, November). Optimizing patients outcomes – What does movement analysis reveal about how locomotor rehabilitation works? Optimizing the Management of Spastic Patients. Nice, FR. Kazley, A.S., Simpson, K.N., Simpson, A., Jauch, E., & Adams, R.J. (2012, February). Increased rt-PA utilization will decrease healthcare costs in South Carolina. International Stroke Conference. New Orleans, LA.  Kazley, A.S., Wilkerson, R., Heidari, K., Jauch, E., & Adams, R.J. (2011, September). REACH-MUSC: Use of telemedicine to address disparities in stroke care. Diabetes Fall Symposium for Primary Care Providers. Charleston, SC. Kraft, S., Wise, H., Jacques, P., Burik, J., Edlund, B., Mitcham, M. Graber, D., Coker-Bolt, P., AnnanCoultas, D., & Green, M. (2011, November). Discharge planning case study: An interprofessional learning activity to enhance caring/compassion in health professions students. Poster. Collaborating Across Borders III Conference. Tucson, AZ. Krause, J.S & Acuna, J. (2012, March). Vocational outcomes among underserved populations with SCI: a systematic program of research. Race, Ethnicities, and Disabilities: State of the Science Conference. Arlington, VA. Krause, J.S & Saunders, L.L. (2012, March). Developing a fundable program of research focused on underserved populations. Race, Ethnicities, and Disabilities: State of the Science Conference. Arlington, VA. Krause, J.S. (2011, September). Considerations in applying for NIDRR grants. South Carolina State University Research Forum. Orangeburg, SC. Krause, J.S., & Saunders, L.L. (2012, April). Socioeconomic factors and mortality after spinal cord injury. American Spinal Injury Association Annual Conference. Denver, CO. Krause, J.S., Bozard, J.L., & Reed, K.S. (2011, October). Natural course of life changes after spinal cord injury: A 35-year longitudinal study. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. Krause, J.S., Saunders, L., DeVivo, M., Staten, D., Cao, Y., & Reed, K.S. (2011, October). Disparities in health outcomes after TBI and SCI. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference. College of Health Professions MUSC
Howell, D., & Aston, S. (2011). Why IPE? Creating Collaborative Care (C3): Interprofessional education at Medical University of South Carolina. Des Moines University. Des Moines, IA.
80 Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report
Atlanta, GA. Krause, J.S., Saunders, L.L., & Sligh Conway, C. (2011, September). Race-ethnicity, health behaviors, and secondary conditions in SCI. Paralyzed Veterans of America Conference. Orlando, FL. APPENDIX A
Martin-Harris, B., Focht, K.L., McGrattan, K., & Sandidge, J. (2011, November). Mapping dysphagia phenotypes using standardized measures of swallowing impairment. American Speech Language Hearing Association. San Diego, CA. Martin-Harris, B., Hill, E., Bonilha, H., & McGrattan, K. (2011, November). Effects of bolus variables on physiologic components of swallowing impairment. American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. Meacham, M., & Moore, E.L. (2012, May). Going international. Association of University Programs in Health Administration. Minneapolis, MN. Michaud, N., Sistino, J.J., Ikonomidis, J., & Fernandez, A. (2012, January). Team training for adverse situations utilizing simulation. 12th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA. Michaud, N., Sistino, J.J., McCall, M., & Bistrick, C. (2012, January). Can a simulation in a perfusion curriculum improve a student’s clinical readiness? 12th Annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. San Diego, CA. Mitcham, M., Graber, D., Coker-Bolt, P., Jacques, P., Wise, H., Edlund, B., & Annan-Coultas, D. (2011, November). Adding caring and compassion to interprofessional education: Strategies for enriching and redesigning courses in the health professions. Collaborating Across Borders Conference. Tucson, AZ. Moreau, N.G., Holthaus, K., & Marlow, N.M. (2011, October). Differential adaptations of muscle architecture in response to high velocity versus traditional strength training in cerebral palsy. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Las Vegas, NV. Moreau, N.G., Holthaus, K., & Marlow, N.M. (2012, February). Muscle architectural plasticity of the quadriceps in response to high velocity vs. traditional strength training in cerebral palsy: A randomized clinical trial. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Chicago, IL. Moreau, N.G., Holthaus, K., & Marlow, N.M. (2012, February). Muscle architectural plasticity of the quadriceps in response to high velocity vs. traditional strength training in cerebral palsy: Effects on function, self-concept, activity and participation. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Chicago, IL. Morrisette, D.C., Cholewicki, J., McGowan, S. & Seif, G.A., (2012, May). Comparison of 2 designs of lumbosacral supports for the management of lower back pain. The First Spine Conference. Kiawah Island, SC. Morrisette, D.C., Cholewicki, J., Seif, G.A., & McGowan, S. (2012, May). Efficacy of extensible and inextensible lumbosacral orthoses in the management of low back pain. International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine. Amsterdam, NL. Mund, A. (2012, March). Fluid responsiveness: Cultivate your curves. Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Wisconsin Dells, WI. Mund, A. (2012, March). Perioperative management of heart failure. Wisconsin Association of Nurse Anesthetists. Wisconsin Dells, WI. Mund, A. (2012, May). Perioperative management of heart failure. MUSC Charleston Anesthesia Conference. 2012 Annual Report
Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 81
Charleston, SC.
Peterson, C.L., Kautz, S.A. & Neptune, R.R. (2011, August). Paretic muscle work is increased in pre-swing during hemiparetic walking. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Long Beach, CA. Romano, F., Duin, D., Gropack, S.J., Morrisette, D., & Simpson, D.S. (2011, November). Self-perceived attitudes about professional behavior among allied health students. Association of Schools of Allied Health Annual Conference. Phoenix AZ. Rowell, T., Mooney, Y., Shackelford, A.G., Michaud, N.M., & Sievert, A.N. (April, 2012). Separation of biocompatible cardiopulmonary bypass tubing connections. Presented at the American Society of Extracorporeal Technology 50th International Conference. Orlando, FL. Saunders, L.L., & Krause, J.S. (2012, April). Behavioral factors related to fatigue among persons with spinal cord injury. American Spinal Injury Association Annual Conference. Denver, CO. Saunders, L.L., & Krause, J.S. (2012, February). Health outcomes research and capacity building for underserved populations with spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury. Invited presentation at Spelman College, Atlanta, GA. Saunders, L.L., Krause, J.S., & Acuna, J. (2012, April). The association of race, socioeconomic status, and health care access with pressure ulcers after spinal cord injury. American Spinal Injury Association Annual Conference. Denver, CO. Saunders, L.L., Krause, J.S., & Selassie, A. (2012, April). Health behaviors among blacks with spinal cord injury: A comparison with the general population. Poster. American Spinal Injury Association. Denver, CO. Saunders, L.L., Krause, J.S., Selassie, A., & Cao, Y. (2012, April). Healthcare access after SCI and TBI: A comparison with the general population. National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers Annual Conference. Alexandria, VA. Saunders, L.L.,Krause, J.S., Acuna, J., & Cao, Y. (2012, April). Association of race, socioeconomic status, and health care access with pressure ulcers after SCI. National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers Annual Conference. Alexandria, VA. Seif, G., Brown, D., & Annan-Coultas, D. (2012, June). Development in clinical reasoning skills of physical therapy students through the use of educational technology. Poster. Physical Therapy 2012: Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Physical Therapy Association. Tampa, FL. Seif, G., Brown, D., & Annan-Coultas, D. (2012, June). The use of educational technology, self and peer assessment on student perception of preparation for clinical practicums. Poster. Physical Therapy 2012: Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Physical Therapy Association. Tampa, FL. Shackelford, A.G. (2011, November). An introduction to racial disparities in the treatment of cardiovascular disease: Polishing our lens of research and care. North Carolina State Perfusion Society Annual Education Seminar. Charlotte, NC. Shackelford, A.G. (2011, November). Evolution of an adult ECMO program: How technology drove redesign. North Carolina State Perfusion Society Annual Education Seminar. Charlotte, NC. Shackelford, A.G. (2011, September). The Use of a Modernized Extracorporeal Life Support System: A Case Series. Florida Perfusion Society’s Case Reports in the Sun VII. Tampa, FL. College of Health Professions MUSC
Perkel, J., Coker-Bolt, P., Moreau, N., Mulvihill, D., Woodbury, M., & Jenkins, D., (2012, April). Very early quantifiable motor skills in preterm infants. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.
82 Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report
Shackelford, A.G., Relle, M., Hutchinson, J., Mattison, A., & Sievert, A.N. (2012, March). Report on trends in adult perfusion practice in the United States: Results from 2006 and 2011 surveys. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology 50th International Conference. Orlando, FL. Sievert, A. (2011, November). Factor VII usage in pediatric cardiac surgery. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Pediatric Perfusion Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Sievert, A. & Sistino, J.J. (2012, February). Part 2: Sitting in the hot seat -perfusion safety training using simulation. Cardiothoracic Research and Education Foundation. San Diego, CA. Sievert, A. (2012, March). Factor VII in cardiac surgery: Do the benefits outweigh the risks? 32nd Annual Cardiothoracic Research and Education Foundation Perfusion Conference. San Diego, CA. Sistino, J.J. & Sievert, A. (2012, February). Part 1: Sitting in the hot seat -perfusion safety training using simulation. Cardiothoracic Research and Education Foundation. San Diego, CA. Sistino, J.J. (2012, February). Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in neonatal heart surgery patientsImplications for adults. Cardiothoracic Research and Education Foundation. San Diego, CA. Sistino, J.J. (2012, January). Development of an air embolism video for perfusion safety training, American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion. New Orleans, LA. Vargus, A., Jacques, P.F., Shrader, S., & Kern, D., (2011, November). Enhancing physician assistant education through simulated interprofessional rounding experiences. Poster. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Forum. New Orleans, LA.
Professional Service Activities Acsell, J. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Internet Committee, Member Annan-Coultas, D. EDUCAUSE National Conference Teaching and Learning Track, Libraries, E-Research, and Digital Content Track, Reviewer; Teaching Learning and Technology Professional Association, Member Bonilha, H. South Carolina Speech Language Hearing Research Committee, President; The Voice Foundation: Care of the Professional Voice Symposium, Poster Judge; ASHA Convention 2012 Voice, Resonance and Alaryngeal Speech Program Committee, Member Bowman, P. National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Clinical Simulation Question Writing Committee, Member; American Occupational Therapy Association, Member; South Carolina Occupational Therapy Association, Member Breland, H. Association of Rheumatology Health Professions (ARHP) Annual Meeting Rehabilitation Science Category Abstract Review, Chair; ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting Program Subcommittee, Member Brotherton, S. South Carolina Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association, Vice President Brown, D. South Carolina Chapter, American Physical Therapy Association National House of Delegates, Delegate; South Carolina Chapter, American Physical Therapy Association, Member Burik, J. American Occupational Therapy Association, Member Chipas, A. South Carolina Association of Nurse Anesthetists, President; American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Wellness (AANA) Curriculum Taskforce, Member; AANA Wellness Committee, Member 2012 Annual Report
Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 83
Ellis, C. American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention Program Planning Committee, Member Embry, A. South Carolina American Physical Therapy Association Board of Directors, Conference Committee, Federal Affairs Liaison, and Strategic Planning Task, Member Graber, D. American Public Health Association, Member; Metanexus Institute, Member Hodge, A. Pediatric American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Meeting , Moderator Jacques, P.F., Physician Assistant Education Association, Helping Veterans Become PAs, Bridge Program Subcommittee, Co-chair; American Academy of Physician Assistants, House of Delegates, S.C. Delegate; South Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants, Immediate Past President; South Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants, Legislative Committee, Chair; South Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants, Awards Committee, Chair Jones, W. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Reviewer; Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), Scientific Research and Prevention Programs Committee, Scientific Reviewer; Pennsylvania Department of Health / Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Performance Reviewer Kautz, S.A. American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic Affiliate Board of Directors, Member Kazley, A. Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Committee and Annual Planning Committee, Member Martin-Harris, B. OESO, World Organization for Specialized Study on Diseases of the Esophagus, Permanent Scientific Committee, Member; OESO, World Organization for Specialized Study on Diseases of the Esophagus Deglutology Section, Chair; Board of Councilors for the International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation (ISMR), Member; Medical Advisory Board, Support for People with Oral Head and Neck Cancer, Member; International Dysphagia Research Society, Program Planning Committee, Member; American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Special Interest Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders, Voice and Voice Disorders, Member; ASHA Special Interest Research Committee, Chair; ASHA Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders Board, Recognized Specialist; American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Member; South Carolina Speech and Hearing Association, Member, South Carolina Cancer Alliance, Member McCall, M. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology, Member; American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Associate Member Michaud, N. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology, Member; American Association of Blood Banks, Member; American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Member Moreau, N. American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Section on Pediatrics Awards Committee, Chair; APTA Research Committee, Member; American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine Awards Committee, Member Morrisette, D. American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) 2012 Education Section, Delegate at Large; APTA , Orthopaedic Section Practice Affairs Committee, Member; APTA Combined Sections Meeting Poster Presentation, Reviewer Mund, A. Association of Veteran’s Affairs Nurse Anesthetists, Executive Director; South Carolina Association College of Health Professions MUSC
Coker-Bolt, P. American Occupational Therapy Association, Member; South Carolina Occupational Therapy Association, Member
84 Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report
of Nurse Anesthetists, President-Elect; American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Education Committee, Member; South Carolina Future of Nursing Taskforce, Member Sampson, N. Project Management Institute, Member; American College of Healthcare Executives, Member APPENDIX A
Seif, G. South Carolina American Physical Therapy Association (SCAPTA) 2012, President and Delegate; SCAPTA 2011, President- elect; SCAPTA Programs Committee, Chair Shackelford, A. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Membership Committee, Member Sievert, A. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Ethics Committee, Chair; American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Nominating Committee, Member Sistino, J. Perfusion Program Directors Council Board, Member Sword, D. American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Certified Specialist Exam, Item Writer Wager, K. Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education Accreditation Site Visitor, Fellow; Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Information Management Special Interest Group, Member; AUPHA-HIMSS-CAHME Task Group, Health Information Technology Curriculum Development Project, Panel Reviewer; American Medical Informatics Association, Member; Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, Senior Member White, A. Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME) Council of Accreditation Site Visitor, Chair; CAHME Candidacy Committee, Chair; South Carolina Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives Board of Directors, Member Wise, H. South Carolina Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (SCAPTA) Nominating Committee, Chair; SCAPTA Strategic Planning Committee, Member Woodbury, M. American Congress of Rehabilitation Measurement, Post-Stroke Upper Extremity Task Force, Member; NeuroRecovery Network, Upper Extremity Measurement Tool Development Task Force, Member; American Occupational Therapy Association, Member; American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Member; American Society for Neurorehabilitation, Member Zoller, J. Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Information Management 2011 Annual Conference Planning Committee, Development Committee, Member; AUPHA- 2011 Annual Conference Session, Facilitator
Community Service Activities Bowman, P. MUSC Community Aid, Relief, Education and Support Clinic, Supervisor Breland, H. Lowcountry AHEC Coalition for Health Careers, Member; Howard University Occupational Therapy Alumni & Friends Advisory Board, Member Brotherton, S. USA Swimming Stroke and Turn Swimming, Official; South Carolina High School League Swimming Stroke and Turn Swimming, Official Burik, J. MUSC Community Aid, Relief, Education and Support Clinic, Mentor Chipas, A. South Carolina Aquarium, Volunteer Educator Coker-Bolt, P. Charleston Miracle League Executive Board, Member; Pattison’s Academy Finance Committee 2012 Annual Report
Appendix A: Faculty Productivity Report 85
and Executive Board, Member; Play Today Foundation, Member Embry, A. Charleston Miracle League, Coach and Board of Directors; Human Rights Committee, Chairman
Kazley, A. MUSC Children’s Hospital, Volunteer Martin-Harris, B. Medical Advisory Board, Member; Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, Member McCall, M. Charleston Exchange Club Auxiliary, Member Moore, E.L. Respite Care Charleston Board of Directors, Member Morrisette, D. MUSC Community Aid, Relief, Education and Support Clinic, Volunteer; Low Country Splash and Cooper River Bridge Swim, Volunteer Sampson, N. Trident United Way Day of Caring, Project Coordinator Sievert, A. Junior League of Charleston, Member Sword, D. American Heart Association Lowcountry Heart Walk, Fundraiser Wise, H. Center for Post-Polio Rehabilitation Board, Member Woodbury, M.L. Ashley Hall High School, Mentor Zoller, J. SC Office for Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning Board, Member; SC State Health Planning n
College of Health Professions MUSC
Howell, D. We Are Family Board of Directors, Member