Appendix C: Student Productivity Report 91
Publications: Division of Physical Therapy Merritt, K.J., Raburn, C.E., & Dean J. C. (2012). Adaptation of the preferred human bouncing pattern toward the metabolically optimal frequency. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 2244-2249. Raburn, C.E., Merritt, K.J., & Dean J. C. (2011). Preferred movement patterns during a simple bouncing task. Journal of Experimental Biology. 214(22): 3768-3774.
Publications: Division of Health and Rehabilitation Science Bryant, D.C., Williamson, D., Cartmell, K.B., & Ford, M. (2011). A lay patient navigation training curriculum targeting disparities in cancer clinical trials. Journal of the National Black Nurses Association, 22(2), 68-75. Carpenter, M.J., Ford, M.E., Cartmell, K.B., & Alberg, A.J. (2011). Misperceptions of nicotine replacement therapy within racially and ethnically diverse groups. Journal of the National Medical Association, 103 (9-10), 879-888. Carter, C.L., Onicescu, G., Cartmell, K.B., Sterba, K.R., Tomsic, J. & Alberg, A.J. (2011). The comparative effectiveness of a team-based versus group-based physical activity intervention for cancer survivors, Supportive Care in Cancer. Cartmell, K.B., Miner, C., Carpenter, M.J., Vitoc, C.S., Biggers, S., Onicescu, G., Hill, E.G., Nickerson ,B.C. & Alberg, A.J. (2011). Secondhand smoke exposure in young people and parental rules against smoking at home and in the car. Public Health Reports, 126, 575-582.
Ellis, C., Simpson, A.N., Bonilha, H.S., Mauldin, P.D., & Simpson, K.N. (2012). The one-year attributable cost of post-stroke aphasia. Stroke, 43:1429-1431. Hernandez-Tejada, M.A., Campbell, J.A., Walker, R.J., Smalls, B.L., Davis, K.S., & Egede, L.E. (2012). Diabetes empowerment, medication adherence and self-care behaviors in adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 14(7). Hunt, K. J., Marlow, N.M., Gebregziabher, M., Ellerbe, C. N., Mauldin, J., Mayorga, M. E., & Korte, J. E. (2012). Impact of maternal diabetes on birthweight is greater in non-Hispanic blacks than in non-Hispanic whites. Diabetologia, 55(4), 971-980. Krause, J.S., Terza, J.V., Erten, M., Focht, K.L., & Dismuke, C.L. (2012). Prediction of post-injury employment and years worked after spinal cord injury. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 93(2), 373-375. Price, K.L., DeSantis, S.M., Simpson, A.N., Tolliver, B.K., McRae-Clark, A.L., Saladin, M.E., Baker, N.L., Wagner, M.T., & Brady, K.T. (2011). The impact of clinical and demographic variables on cognitive performance in methamphetamine-dependent individuals in rural South Carolina. American Journal on Addiction, 20, 447-455. Ravenel, M. C., Salinas, C. F., Marlow, N.M., Slate, E. H.,Evans, Z. P., & Miller, P. M. (2012). Methamphetamine abuse and oral health: a pilot study of meth mouth. Quintessence International, 43(3), 229-237. Ryan, K.K., Garrett-Mayer, E., Alberg, A.J., Cartmell, K.B. & Carpenter, M.J. (2011). Predictors of cessation pharmacotherapy use among black and non-hispanic white smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 13(8), College of Health Professions MUSC
Cooley, M.A., Fresco, VM, Dorlon, M.E., Twal, W.O., Lee, N.V., Barth, J.L., Kern, C.B., Iruela-Arispe, M.L., Argraves, W.S. (2011). Fibulin-1 is required during cardiac ventricular morphogenesis for versican cleavage, suppression of ErbB2 and Erk1/2 activation, and to attenuate trabecular cardiomyocyte proliferation. Developmental Dynamics, 241(2), 303-14.
92 Appendix C: Student Productivity Report
646-652. Saunders, L.S., Krause, J.S., & Focht, K.L. (2012). A longitudinal study of depression in survivors of spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 50(1), 72-77. Smalls, B.L., Walker, R.J., Hernandez-Tejada, M.A., Campbell, J.A., Davis, K.S., & Egede, L.E. (2012). Associations between coping, diabetes knowledge, medication adherence and self-care behaviors in adults with type 2 diabetes. Abstract. General Hospital Psychiatry, 34(4): 385-389. Tolliver, B.K., Price, K.L., Baker, N.L., LaRowe, S., Simpson, A.N., McRae-Clark, A.L., Saladin, M.E., DeSantis, S.M., Chapman, E., Garrett, M., & Brady, K.T. (2012). Impaired cognitive performance in subjects with methamphetamine dependence during exposure to neutral versus methamphetamine-related cues. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. 38(3): 251-259. Yuen, H. K., Marlow, N. M., Reed, S. G., Mahoney, S., Summerlin, L. M., Leite, R., Silver, R. M. (2012). Effect of orofacial exercises on oral aperture in adults with systemic sclerosis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 34(1), 8489.
Presentations: Division of Cardiovascular Perfusion Davis, G.R., Shackelford, A.G., McClain, B.D., & Sievert, A.N. (2012). Assessment of the effect of temperature on global coagulation using a thromboelastogram. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology 50th International Conference, Orlando, FL. Floyd, L., & Holmes, T. (2011). Contributors to ankle proprioception for static and dynamic tasks. American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Franz, C. & Monsch, E. (2011). Effects of varying gait strategy on metabolic cost and stability. American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA. APPENDIX C
Hutchinson, J., Relle, M., Mattison, A., Shackelford, A.G., Sievert, A.N. (2012). Using Binomial Proportions and a Linear Regression to Predict Adoption of Perfusion Techniques and Technologies. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology 50th International Conference, Orlando, FL. McClain, B.D, Shackelford, A.G., Davis, G.R., & Sievert, A.N. (2012). Differences in perfusionist and surgeon retrograde autologous priming volumes of the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology 50th International Conference, Orlando, FL.
Rowell, T., Mooney, Y., Shackelford, A.G., Michaud, N.M., & Sievert, A.N. (2012). Separation of biocompatible cardiopulmonary bypass tubing connections. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology 50th International Conference, Orlando, FL. Snyder, A. (2011). Simulation Labs: Making us better one student at a time. American Society of Extracorporeal Technology Pediatric Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Presentations: Division of Health and Rehabilitation Science Barth, J.L., Fresco, V.M., Gittinger, C.K., Twal, W.O., & Argraves, W.S. (2012, February). Leading edge protein and genomic services at the MUSC Proteogenomics Facility. EPSCoR/IDeA South Carolina INBRE Scientific Symposium (poster), Columbia, SC. Bonilha, H., Gerlach, T., Sutton, L., & McGrattan, K. (2011, November). Are patient reports of laryngeal mucus accurate? American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. Bonilha, H., Simpson, A.N., Ellis, C., Mauldin, P.D., & Simpson, K.N. (2011, November). One year cost of dysphagia post-ischemic stroke. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. 2012 Annual Report
Appendix C: Student Productivity Report 93
Carnes, B., Bonilha, H., Blair, J., Humphries, K., McGrattan, K., Michel, Y., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, November). Effect of frame rate on swallowing function judgments via MBSImP. American Speech-LanguageHearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. Cartmell K.B., Bryant, D.C., Carpenter, M.J., Ford, M.E., Cummings, M.K., Sterba, K.R., Wallace, K., Current, J. & Alberg, A.J. (2012, March). Racial Differences in Lifestyle Factors among Uninsured Women Screened for Cancer on a Mobile Health Unit, American Society of Preventive Oncology (poster), Washington, DC. Cartmell, K.B., & Matson, T. (2011, July). Navigate: Navigation to increase guidance and awareness of trials for thoracic and esophageal cancers. American Association of Cancer Institutes, American Association of Cancer Institutes’ Clinical Research Initiative Meeting, Chicago, IL. Cartmell, K.B., Bryant, D.C., Carpenter, M.J., Cummings, M.K., Ford, M.E., Wynne, K.L., Biggers, S., Wallace, K., Sterba, K.R., Current, J. & Alberg, A.J. (2012, March). Mobile Community outreach to intervene with medically underserved smokers, American Society of Preventive Oncology (poster), Washington, DC. Charalambous, C., & Dean, J.C. (2012). Does a passive elastic exoskeleton with two degrees of freedom at the hip make walking easier? Annual Human Movement Science Research Symposium (poster), Chapel Hill, NC. Charalambous, C., & Dean, J.C. (2012). Magnitude and time course of adaptation during walking with a passive elastic exoskeleton. American Society of Biomechanics (poster), Gainesville, FL. Ellis, C. Simpson, A.N., Bonilha, H., Mauldin, P.D., & Simpson, K.N. (2011, November). The one-year attributable cost of post-stroke aphasia. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
Focht, K.L., Simpson, K.N., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, September). Business case for pretreatment swallowing exercises. American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery (poster), San Francisco, CA. Focht, K.L., Simpson, K.N., Day, T., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, November). Business case for pretreatment swallowing exercises. Hollings Cancer Center Annual Scientific Research Retreat (poster), Daniel Island, SC. Focht, K.L., Simpson, K.N., Day, T., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, November). Business case for pretreatment swallowing exercises. Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day (poster VA Honorable Mention), Charleston, SC. Focht, K.L., Simpson, K.N., Day, T., & Martin-Harris, B. (2012, March). Markov Modeling to evaluate pretreatment swallowing exercises in head and neck cancer. Annual Meeting of Dysphagia Research Society (Postdoctoral/Fellow Plenary Poster Award), Toronto, Ontario, CA. Focht, K.L., Skinner, M., & Martin-Harris, B. (2012, July). Physiological components of swallowing related to outcomes in HNC. Oral presentation at the 8th International Conference on Head & Neck Cancer, Toronto, Ontario, CA. Fresco, V.M. (2012, February). Fibulin-1 regulates a Shh-Forkhead-Tbx1-Fgf8 genetic pathway required for pharyngeal arch and cardiac outflow tract development. EPSCoR/IDeA South Carolina INBRE Scientific Symposium (poster), Columbia, SC. Fresco, V.M. (2012, May). Fibulin-1 regulates a Shh-Forkhead-Tbx1-Fgf8 genetic pathway required for pharyngeal arch and cardiac outflow tract development. National Predoctoral Clinical Research Training College of Health Professions MUSC
Focht, K.L., Simpson, K.N., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, November). Business case for pretreatment swallowing exercises. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (poster), San Diego, CA, November 2011.
94 Appendix C: Student Productivity Report
Program Meeting (oral presentation), Rochester, MN. Fresco, V.M., Cooley, M.A., Twal, W.O., Lee, K.H., Barth, J.L., & Argraves, W.S. (2011, November). Fibulin-1 and fibronectin act in opposition to regulate the Shh-Forkhead-Tbx1-Fgf8-Map Kinase pathway critical for neural crest cell motility and survival. MUSC Student Research Day (poster), Charleston, SC. Harikrishnan, K., Cooley, M.A., Twal, W.O., Fresco, V.M., Kern, C.B., Broude, E., & Argraves, W.S. (2012, May). Fibulin-1 regulation of cell cycle progression in developing cardiac valves. Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference (poster), Chicago, IL. Horton, A., Cooley, M.A., Twal, W.O., Fresco, V.M., Zhang, B. Argraves, W.S., & Lee, K.H.(2012, May). Mutual regulation of Nkx2.5 and fibulin-1 in the SHF regulatory network. Weinstein Cardiovascular Development Conference (poster), Chicago, IL. Humphries, K., Blair, J., Bonilha, H., Carnes, C., McGrattan, K., Hill, E., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, November). Radiation exposure time during VFSS: An analysis of influencing factors. American Speech-LanguageHearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. Kazley, A.S., Simpson, K.N., Simpson, A.N., Jauch, E.C., & Adams, R.J. (2012, February). rt-PA Use improves economic impact and health benefits in stroke. International Stroke Conference, New Orleans, LA. Magro, T., Lewis, T., Simpson A.N., Wright, T., & Anton, R. (2012, May). A retrospective study comparing VA patients receiving long-acting injectable naltrexone versus oral naltrexone maintenance therapy for alcohol dependence. American Psychiatry Association 2012 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Marlow, N.M., Bonilha, H.S., & Short, E.B. (2012, January). Efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome: A systematic review. MUSC Department of Medicine Research Day (poster), Charleston, SC.
Marlow, N.M., Bonilha, H.S., & Short, E.B. (2012, November). Efficacy of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome: A systematic review. MUSC Student Research Day (poster), Charleston, SC. Martin-Harris, B., Focht, K.L., McGrattan, K., & Sandidge, J. (2011, November). Mapping dysphagia phenotypes using standardized measures of swallowing impairment. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA. McGrattan, K. (2011, August). Development and measurement of sucking physiology. Evelyn Trammell Institute for Voice and Swallowing Rounds, Charleston, SC. McGrattan, K. (2012, May). The infant feeding mechanism: an overview of the anatomy and physiology of sucking and swallowing. Keynote Address: Improving Breastfeeding for the Preterm Infant, Charleston, SC. McGrattan, K., Bonilha, H., Hill, E., & Martin-Harris, B. (2011, November). Effects of bolus variables on physiologic components of swallowing impairment. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San Diego, CA. Moreau, N.G., Marlow, N., & Holthaus, K. (2011, October). Differential adaptations of muscle architecture in response to high velocity versus traditional strength training in cerebral palsy. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (oral presentation), Las Vegas, NV. Pardue, E., Barth, J.L., Guffy, S., Fresco, V.M., Braun, K., Mecham, B., Mecham, R., Wight, T.N.,& Argraves, W.S. (2012, February). Comparative transcriptome analysis to identify maturogens to normalize Elastogenesis during tissue fabrication. EPSCoR/IDeA South Carolina EARB Project for Organ Biofabrication Meeting (poster), Columbia, SC. 2012 Annual Report
Appendix C: Student Productivity Report 95
Savage. A., Hudson, M., & Marlow, N. (2012, March). Cost comparison of two surveillance options for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Biennial Clinical Meeting of the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (oral presentation), San Francisco, CA. Simpson, A.N., Ellis, C., Bonilha, H., Mauldin, P.D., & Simpson, K.N. (2011, November).The one-year attributable cost of post-stroke aphasia. MUSC Student Research Day, Charleston, SC. Smalls, B.L., Walker, R.J., Hernandez-Tejada, M.A., Campbell, J.A., Davis, K.S., & Egede, L.E. (2011, September). Associations between coping, diabetes knowledge, medication adherence and self-care behaviors in adults with type 2 diabetes. 18th Annual Diabetes Fall Symposium for Primary Health Care Professionals, Charleston, SC. Smith, V., McGrattan, K., McGhee, H., Martin-Harris, B., & White, D. (2012, April). Swallowing patterns in children with type 1 laryngeal clefts. American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (poster), San Diego, California, April 2012.
Grants: Division of Health and Rehabilitation Science Focht, K.L. (Principal Investigator). Clinical & Translational Research Training Program (TL1) South Carolina Clinical and Translational Institute. Quantifying Normal Swallow Physiology Across the Adult Lifespan. $50,332. Fresco, V.M. (Principal Investigator). Clinical & Translational Research Training Program (TL1) South Carolina Clinical and Translational Institute. Investigating the role of fibulin-1 in cardiac outflow tract and pharyngeal arch development associated with DiGeorge Syndrome. $36,800.
Simpson, A.N. (Principal Investigator). 2012-2013. Experimental and Clinical Studies of Presbyacusis with applications to Health Services. n
College of Health Professions MUSC