2011 Health Administration Alumni and Leadership Conference

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Exploring the Brave New World of Healthcare <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

14TH ANNUAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION ALUMNI & LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Consider this your Passport to the New World... Founders Hall, Charlestowne Landing 1500 Old Towne Road, Charleston, SC 29407

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Division of Health Administration and Policy 151 Rutledge Avenue, Building B MSC 962, Fourth Floor Charleston, SC 29425-9620 NONPROFIT US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #254 CHAS SC

Schedule Thursday October 20th, 2011


We l c o m e & N e t w o r k i n g C o n t i n e n t a l B r e a k f a s t Sponsored by ARAMARK Healthcare

8:45-10:15 Panel One | The Future of Healthcare Financing ACHE Category 1 Credit, 1.5 hours

• Explore the outlook for Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance and their impact on organizational strategy and planning • Explore the outlook for pay for performance and consumer-driven products and their impact on organizational strategy and planning • Discuss the current issues and challenges in providing charity care • Review strategic approaches to monitoring and adjusting to financing issues

10:30-Noon Panel Two | Reinventing Customer Service in Healthcare: Lessons Learned from the Best ACHE Category 1 Credit, 1.5 hours • • • •

Discuss what consumers/patients really want from healthcare organizations Discuss what healthcare organizations can realistically provide to patients Assess how we can meet patient and provider needs in a better, faster and cheaper way Focus on how a healthcare organization can excel in safety, satisfaction and retention outcomes • Discuss some best practices that have been proven to work in healthcare or other industries surrounding patient/customer care • Introduce some new technologies that can aid in increasing patient satisfaction

12:15-1:30 L u n c h w i t h K e y n o t e S p e a k e r T h o r n t o n K i r b y

President a nd CEO of South Carolina Hospital A ssoci at i o n Sponsored by ARAMARK Healthcare


Panel Three | Leading a Successful Multigenerational Organization ACHE Category 1 Credit, 1.5 hours

• Explore specific challenges healthcare leaders encounter with multigenerational organizations • Assess how multigenerational conflicts affect organizational culture and patient care • Discussion of organizational successes and difficulties in working with the various generations • Explore issues related to recruitment of a multigenerational workforce • Indentify the benefits of a multigenerational workforce

3:30-5:00 Panel Four | Physician Integration Approaches ACHE Category 1 Credit, 1.5 hours • Discuss key influences that are driving physicians and hospitals to align • Review collaboration models, successes and failures • Compare primary care collaborations vs. specialty care collaborations


Networking O yster Roast Sponsored by SC ACHE Lowcountr y LPC

Summary E x p l o r i n g t h e B r a v e N e w Wo r l d o f H e a l t h c a r e As healthcare reform unfolds, leaders in the field are being required to map the changing terrain and chart new paths that ensure the viability of their institutions in this new and challenging environment. What more appropriate setting for this conference than Charlestowne Landing, the site of the original settlers of the Carolina province. Led by a fascinating and knowledgeable group of panelists and speakers, this conference will inform, challenge and entertain you. There will also be an opportunity to receive 6 credit hours of ACHE Category 1 credit. Do not miss this opportunity to dialogue and network with your colleagues at a top of the line meeting facility in Charleston, South Carolina. Conference Highlights • Four ACHE Category-1 workshops • Networking breakfast and breaks • Lunch with keynote speaker • Oyster Roast

Attendees will include: • Executive administrators (CEOs, COOs, CIOs, VPs) • Clinical directors • Consultants • Directors/managers • Information systems professionals • Professors

Presenting Partners MUSC DHAP Alumni Chapter Established in 1998, the Medical University of South Carolina’s Division of Health Administration and Policy alumni chapter represents more than 900 healthcare executives throughout the nation and the world. Members include healthcare executives with bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. The chapter mission is to create, foster and nurture relations between the Medical University, its alumni, faculty and students, the community, and healthcare executives and organizations across the nation.

N C a n d S C C h a p t e r s o f t h e A m e r i c a n C o l l e g e o f He a l t h c a re E xe c u t i ve s In order to ensure that ACHE members have convenient, close-to-home opportunities available to them, the ACHE has established a network of local chapters. The mission of the local chapters is: to be the professional membership society for healthcare executives; to meet its members’ professional, educational, leadership and management goals; and to promote the mission of ACHE. To learn more, visit www.ache.org

South Carolina Hospital Association South Carolina Hospital Association is a private nonprofit organization made up of more than 100 member hospitals and health systems and about 900 personal members. The mission of SCHA is to support its members in addressing the healthcare needs of South Carolinians through advocacy, education, networking and regulatory assistance. To learn more, visit www.scha.org


M e d i c a l Un i ve r s i t y o f S o u t h C a r o l i n a

14th Annual Health Administration Alumni & Leadership Conference C o l l e g e o f H e a l t h Pr o f e s s i o n s

Thursday, October 20th, 2011 | Founders Hall,Charlestowne Landing | 1500 Old Towne Road, Charleston, SC 29407 Contact Information

Contact name Title/Position Company name Mailing address City State Zip Phone



M U S C A l u m n i R e g i s t r a t i o n Fe e s Pa y m e n t O p t i o n s (Pl e a s e s e e Opt io ns A an d B ) $300 Complete conference plus ACHE Category 1 and 2 credits (6 hrs ACHE Category 1, 1 hr ACHE OPTION A: Pay by credit card online. Category 2 credits) http://www.academicdepartments.musc.edu/2011haalc.htm $225 Complete Conference with no ACHE credit

N o n - A l u m n i R e g i s t r a t i o n Fe e s $400 Complete conference plus ACHE Category 1 and 2 credits (6 hrs ACHE Category 1, 1 hr ACHE Category 2 credits) $325 Complete Conference with no ACHE credit O p t i o n a l Fe e s $50--DHAP Alumni Chapter Dues ($25) and College of Health Professions Dues ($25) $25--DHAP Alumni Chapter Dues for College of Health Professions Full Lifetime Members

OPTION B: Check enclosed. Make checks payable to MUSC DHAP Alumni Chapter. Please mail payment and this form to: MUSC College of Health Professions Attn: Lauren Dickerson 151-A Rutledge Ave MSC 960 3rd Floor Charleston, SC 29425


Questions? Contact Lauren Dickerson at meltonl@musc.edu or 843.792.9134 Cancellations: Registration cancellation requests received prior to October 13th are subject to a full refund. Individuals submitting cancellation requests after this date will not be refunded.

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