The Arch
summer/fall 2012 edition • physical therapy division college of health professions • medical university of south carolina
PT FACULTY EARNS HIGHLY COMPETITIVE SPECIALTY DESIGNATION We have great news to share from the faculty in the Department of Health Science and Research and the Division of Physical Therapy. Lindsay Perry, PT, DPT, recently earned her specialty certification with the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties as a Neurological Clinical Specialist (NCS). According to the APTA website, “The specialist certification program was established to provide formal recognition for physical therapists with advanced clinical knowledge, experience, and skills in specialty practice and to assist consumers and the health care community in identifying these physical therapists.” This is an incredible honor for Dr. Perry as she is only the 5th physical therapist in the state of South Carolina to earn this distinction (joining Dr. Sara Kraft in the Division of Physical Therapy).
Specialty certification is a grueling process requiring 2000+ hours of neurologic clinical practice; demonstrated competency in patient care, patient education, interpretation of research, scholarly activity, administration, and consultation; and passing of the Neurologic Certified Dr. Lindsay Perry Specialist Examination. Pursuit of Specialist Certification reflects a tremendous personal dedication to the field of neurological rehabilitation. We are extremely proud of Dr. Perry and thrilled to have her as an exceptional member of the MUSC faculty.
LOSS OF A LEADER As you may know, the physical therapy profession has lost one of their leaders and educators, Kathleen A. Cegles, PT, DEd, who died on September 1, 2012 in Miami, Florida. She was instrumental in starting physical therapy services in what is now well-known as the Community Aid, Relief, Education and Support Clinic (CARES), a studentDr. Kathleen Cegles initiated and managed non-profit organization providing free medical care and rehabilitative services to underserved, uninsured population in the local Charleston area. Memorial donations are being gratefully accepted and will be designated to support Physical and Occupational Therapy at the CARES Clinic in memory of Dr. Kathleen A. Cegles, PT.
2 Adaptive Water Ski Clinic 2 Teaching Excellence Award
To make your donation online, please click here, then click on the designation drop-down box that reads: “Physical Therapy Support Fund.” You may also mail your donation to the MUSC Foundation, 18 Bee Street, MSC 450, Charleston, SC 29425. In the memo line, please designate your gift to: Kathleen Cegles/PT-OT CARES Clinic. Or, you may call the MUSC Foundation directly at 843-792-7910 to make a donation with your credit card. For more information about the C.A.R.E.S. Clinic, to volunteer, or to make your tribute memorial directly to the CARES general fund, please visit: Thank you for helping us keep Kathy’s legacy alive by supporting those she cared about so deeply.
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What Legacy Will You Leave? Student News
The Arch
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summer/fall 2012 edition • physical therapy division
ADAPTIVE WATER SKI CLINICS Dr. Sara Kraft of the Division of Physical Therapy and neuromuscular physical therapy course students spent July 9 and July 21 working with Achieving Wheelchair Equality at the Adaptive Water Ski Clinics. The events were both educational and informative for all involved. A lot was accomplished with 63 MUSC PT students working with the group who struggled with various neurological injuries or diseases, helping them to water ski, jet ski, kayak, and boat. The students were involved with all aspects of the clinic from setup to ski fitting, transfers, rescues, water tests and packing the equipment at the completion of the activities. Students learned how to fit participants in sit skies and how to perform several very challenging dependent transfers which will carry over into their clinic role.
What Legacy Will You Leave? We all desire significance – to lead happy and fulfilled lives surrounded by family and friends. And for many of us, there is a compelling need to make a difference – to leave a lasting impact on the people most dear to us and the world in which we live. The search for significance and desire to plan for the future leads many to ponder their legacy. What kind of legacy will you leave? A bequest is perhaps the easiest and most tangible way to have a lasting impact on the people and organizations that mean the most to you. And a bequest may be an effective way to make a gift and lessen the burden of taxes on your family and on your estate. To learn more about how you can leave your legacy, please contact Leslie Brady, Director of Development at (843) 792-8547 or bradyl@musc. edu to have a confidential conversation. Click here for more information.
Please send us your comments, compliments or concerns! Contact: Lauren Dickerson at
MUSC Foundation Honors Professors for Teaching Excellence Four faculty members were honored for teaching excellence at MUSC’s annual Faculty Convocation at the beginning of the 2012-13 academic year on August 21. Presented for the first time in 1995, these university-wide teaching awards were proposed as part of MUSC’s Educational Strategic Plan. One of our very own, Gretchen A. Seif, DPT, received the MUSC Developing Teacher award. Congratulations to Gretchen for a well-deserved award!
Pictured above and left, sixty-three MUSC Neuromuscular Physical Therapy course students volunteer at the Adaptive Water Ski Clinics on July 9 and July 21.
STUDENT NEWS • The Division of Physical Therapy students Wade Harrell, Laura Keys, and Mark Noble attended the SCAPTA-PAC event in Columbia, SC. • DPT students Lisa Floyd, Taylor Holmes, Allie Bunchman and Molly Wellinghoff presented their research at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics in Gainesville, Florida, Aug. 15-18, 2012. Dr. Jesse Dean mentored the group for 2 presentations. • Lisa Hudak, Anna Lockamy and Allie McNeil successfully completed the “Certification as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist” (CSCS) exam with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Dr. David Sword served as their mentor and advisor through the preparation process. • The DPT Class of 2014 sponsored the Shots with a Spin Wheelchair basketball tournament on June 16 with ~ $6000 was raised to support Achieving Wheelchair Equity (AWE).
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