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changing what’s possible. one step at a time.



May 4, 2011

Medical University of South Carolina College of Health Professions

changing what’s possible. one step at a time.

That’s the promise MUSC realizes, every day. Ours is a community that seeks answers to challenging questions. We share discoveries openly. We collaborate interprofessionally across the campus as well as with the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center next door and other institutions across the state. And we focus, always, on the people who will benefit from our work. At the Grand Opening of the Center for Rehabilitation Research in Neurological Conditions, we welcome you to see how we are changing what’s possible in the lives of those with stroke, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and other neurological conditions. Here scholars will push the edges of current knowledge and turn theoretical frameworks into proven therapies that improve lives – one step, one reach, one swallow at a time. Why one step at a time? Because for the majority of individuals with neurological conditions an improved life means a life of more efficient muscular function, control, and movement. For them, an improved life means better swallowing, better walking, better reaching, and a more independent life. Come see how we will help them get there.

Neurologic Conditions f i r st f l oor

Neuromuscular Assessment f i r st f l oor

Voice and Swallowing t hi rd f l oor

Locomotor Energetics and Assessment sec ond f l oor

sec ond f loor

Upper Extremity Motor Function

Locomotor Rehabilitation f i r st f l oor

Let us give you a tour Join us Wednesday, May 4th from 4:30-6:30pm at the Center for Rehabilitation Research in Neurological Conditions located at 77 President Street Charleston, South Carolina, 29425. EVENTS | Ribbon Cutting and Welcome by MUSC President Dr. Raymond S. Greenberg and Director of Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center Carolyn L. Adams to start promptly at 4:45pm. Followed by lab and facility tours. Hor d’oeuvres and beverages provided.

Laboratories available for viewing LOCOMOTOR ENERGETICS AND ASSESSMENT LAB In the Locomotor Energetics and Assessment Lab, neurologically-injured individuals will walk in a safe environment while MUSC investigators take complex and accurate measurements using cutting-edge instrumentation. By providing insight into the energetics and control mechanisms of persons with stroke and spinal cord injury, this lab and its scientists will serve to validate practical, cost-effective treatments for clinical use.

LOCOMOTOR REHABILITATION LAB Designed to offer a full range of interventions for people with impaired walking secondary to neurologic injury, the Locomotor Rehabilitation Lab will help MUSC scientists understand and improve clinical decision making. At its center a ZeroG mobile body weight support system (only the 6th one installed nationally!) will create a permissive environment for retraining walking ability over a treadmill and also over level ground and environmental obstacles.

UPPER EXTREMITY MOTOR FUNCTION LAB Equipped with state of the art equipment like wireless data gloves, upper extremity activity accelerometers and electromyography, MUSC researchers in the Upper Extremity Motor Function Lab will capture and analyze arm motion and muscle function. Using this data, they will develop and implement innovative rehabilitation interventions to improve upper extremity functional recovery in individuals who have suffered a neurologic injury or disease.

NEUROMUSCULAR ASSESSMENT LAB MUSC investigators in the Neuromuscular Assessment Lab will work to understand the neuromuscular mechanisms underlying abnormal muscle function in people with neurological conditions such as cerebral palsy, stroke and spinal cord injury. Their primary aim is to determine the optimal muscular training of these individuals in order to significantly enhance their quality of life.

VOICE AND SWALLOWING LAB In the Voice and Swallowing Lab, MUSC researchers will use laryngeal endoscopy with stroboscopy, high-speed videoendoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, videofluoroscopy, acoustic analysis, aerodynamic analysis, and air pulse laryngeal sensory testing to improve the diagnostic accuracy and treatment effectiveness of voice and swallowing disorders. A collaborative partnership with the MUSC Evelyn Trammell Institute for Voice and Swallowing will allow access to patients and fully-equipped diagnostic suites and treatment rooms.

NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS RESEARCH While not housed in a traditional lab, the Center for Rehabilitation Research in Neurological Conditions also includes a well-established research focus on risk assessment and prevention of adverse outcomes in individuals with spinal cord injury. MUSC researchers here focus on defining the risk of morbidity and mortality as it relates to participants’ psychological, behavioral, environmental and health factors.

b evera g es of f ered

Hor d’oevres and

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Labs and Facility

Wednesday May 4th half past f our

Ribbon Cutting f ront ent ranc e

What others are saying The Center for Rehabilitation Research in Neurological Conditions places MUSC and the College of Health Professions on the cutting edge of neurorehabilitation research. The new infrastructure allows us to build upon and expand our nationally and internationally recognized research program and to conduct research that is essential to improving the health, quality of life, and longevity of South Carolinians with neurological conditions. -Center Directors, Dr. Steven Kautz and Dr. Jim Krause [pictured at right] The Center provides an excellent opportunity for students to gain exposure to both state of the art equipment and real patients with differing rehabilitation needs. By participating at the Center, I’ve become more excited about the different paths open to me in the future. -Doctorate in Physical Therapy student, Jessica House [pictured at left]

LOGISTICS | Please arrive before 4:30pm to ensure that you have a spot to view the ribbon cutting. Parking is available at the President Street Garage located at 91 President Street. Cash and credit cards are accepted. If you would like more information about this event, please visit our website at If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Lauren Dickerson at 843-792-9134 or

To me, the success of the MUSC Center for Rehabilitation Research in Neurological Conditions is extremely important. This research will hopefully lead to new rehabilitation methods that will help spinal cord injured individuals walk and walk more independently. By improving rehabilitation techniques, the Center will benefit students, therapists and patients. -Grateful research participant, Charlie Cole [pictured at right in harness] The most productive research programs emerge from talent and resources that move science forward while keeping the focus on those needing physical rehabilitation. Success of the Center would provide such an environment, making it uniquely positioned to support development of both measurement techniques and patient-centered therapies that are based on an understanding of human movement. -Associate Professor, Dr. Mark Bowden [pictured at right assisting Mr. Cole]


151-A Rutledge Avenue MSC 960, 3rd Floor Charleston, SC 29455 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


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