November 2, 2012
Vol. 31, No. 12
Inside State of the College addreSS
Dr. Etta Pisano, College of Medicine dean, presents the past year’s accomplishments and future goals.
giving BaCk Program
Medial center employees may apply for funds to support their department’s special projects. 2 Around Campus 5 Meet Danielle 11 Classifieds
t h e C ata ly S t online http://www. catalyst
Respiratory therapy coordinator David Crout and registered nurse II Allyson Hiers help move a patient from 9 Center to 8 Center. When 9 Center reopens, there will be 16 NSICU beds.
Neuroscience intensive care unit moved for temporary face lift By Ashley BArker Public Relations
n less than 30 minutes on Tuesday, Oct. 23, seven patients in the neuroscience intensive care unit (NSICU) were moved from the ninth floor to their new home on the eighth floor. The move came three hours after the new 8 Center NSICU opened and the 9 Center NSICU closed for a temporary
facelift. Construction crews are expected to install new doors, paint the walls and upgrade technology by the end of November. Once completed, the fully equipped 16-bed neuroscience ICU will be operating on the eighth and ninth floors. “It’s been a goal of the service line to add additional ICU beds, just due to the growth of the service line,” said June Darby, R.N., administrator of the neuroscience service line.
To commemorate the opening of the unit, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held. Stuart Smith, vice president for clinical operations and executive director of the medical center, helped cut the ribbon, along with Cheryl Holderfield, R.N., nurse manager of the NSICU, and other members of the unit. NSICU medical director Julio Chalela, M.D., who is a U.S. Army major and brigade
See NsICU on page 6
2 The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012
Around Campus
Janet Byrne
Teddy Bear Clinic
Janet Byrne, R.N., was selected to receive the 2013 American Association of Critical Care Nurses Circle of Excellence Award. The award recognizes and showcases the excellent outcomes of individuals in caring for high acuity and critically ill patients and their families. With this award, she becomes a member of the Circle of Excellence Society.
The MUSC Children’s Hospital Mount Pleasant After Hours Care Clinic will sponsor a Teddy Bear Clinic from 9 a.m. to noon, Nov. 3 at 2705 Highway 17 North, Suite 100. Children are encouraged to bring in their favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal for a checkup and see the new facility. For information, call 876-2222.
Saurabh Chhabra Saurabh Chhabra, M.D., joined the Division of Hematology/ Oncology as an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine. Chhabra’s interests include myelodysplastic syndrome, lymphoma, and allogeneic transplantation, with an emphasis on the management of posttransplant complications.
Diane Kamen Diane Kamen, M.D., associate professor in the Division of Rheumatology and Immunology, received the Mary Betty Stevens Young Investigator prize
Editorial of fice MUSC Office of Public Relations 135 Cannon Street, Suite 403C, Charleston, SC 29425. 843-792-4107 Fax: 843-792-6723 Editor: Kim Draughn Catalyst staff: Cindy Abole, Ashley Barker,
The 15th annual MUSC Health Administration Alumni and Leadership Conference was held Oct. 25 at Founders Hall in Charles Towne Landing. Attendees included executive administrators, clinical directors, consultants, managers, faculty and health administration students. through the Lupus Foundation of America Inc. In 2009 the foundation established the Mary Betty Stevens, M.D., Young Investigator prize, given annually to recognize the achievements at the beginning of an investigator’s independent career in lupus research.
Katy Kuder Katy Kuder, Volunteer & Guest Services manager, completed the requirements to become a certified director of volunteer services. Kuder’s certificate was presented by the South Carolina Society for The Catalyst is published once a week. Paid adver tisements, which do not represent an endorsement by MUSC or the State of South Carolina, are handled by Island Publications Inc., Moultrie News, 134 Columbus St., Charleston, S.C., 843-849-1778 or 843-958-7490. E-mail:
Hospital Directors of Volunteer Services Oct. 5. Certified directors are proficient in establishing policies and procedures for implementing a successful volunteer program, knowledge of laws, liability and legal issues concerning volunteers and the duties they perform.
Nurses Care Walk The S.C. Nurses Foundation is hosting the fourth annual Nurses Care Walk at 9 a.m., Nov. 3 at Palmetto Islands County Park in Mount Pleasant. Registration is free. Medicine Awareness Day Health care professionals are invited to Personalized Medicine Awareness Day Nov. 13 at the Hyatt Hotel in Greenville. Registration is available at www.
The Veterans Day Celebration 12:15 – 1 p.m. Nov. 9 Basic Science Building Auditorium MUSC President Dr. Raymond S. Greenberg, and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Dr. Mark Sothmann along with the Veterans Day Task Force invite MUSC employees, students, faculty and staff to its Veterans Day Celebration. Guest Speaker Col. Thomas S. Clark III, USMC Commanding Officer, Naval ROTC, The Citadel MUSC Public Safety Color Guard Video in Celebration of MUSC Veterans Presentation of Lapel Pins to All Veterans Reception immediately following in the Basic Science Building lobby
The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012 3
Reality becomes humbling experience for intern
t is about five weeks into my dietetic internship, and, for the first time, I find myself applying many of the processes and techniques that I learned in undergraduate school. From the counseling aspects of nutrition, all the way to basic human anatomy and physiology, this dietetic internship has already opened my eyes to the practical application of those “when am I ever really going to need to know this” subjects we covered in school. Hannah West Not all dietetic Intern Dietetic internships are as hands-on as MUSC’s, and, for that reason, I am extremely grateful that I was chosen here. Learning about the cardiovascular system in school, we looked at a lot of pictures, models, and, if we were lucky, a cadaver. Those visual aids were meant to enhance the learning process, and they did, to a degree. Here at MUSC, I was able to witness an open-heart surgery firsthand during my rotation in Ashley River Tower, which primarily dealt with patients in the cardiothoracic ICU and critical-care unit. Witnessing an open-heart surgery not only was important for me to better understand how the cardiovascular system works,
Nutrition matters
but also because my father had an aortic valve repair four years ago. Having the opportunity to visualize a procedure similar to what my father went through was a very humbling experience. A coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is defined as a surgical procedure in which one or more blocked coronary arteries are bypassed by a blood vessel graft to restore normal blood flow to the heart. These grafts usually come from the patient's own arteries and veins located in the leg, arm, or chest. The CABG we witnessed was a triple bypass. As one surgeon sliced through layer after layer of thin tissue surrounding the heart, the other surgeon obtained a blood vessel located in the patient’s left leg. It was phenomenal to see how precise the surgeons work. It was even more amazing to watch the restoration of normal blood flow begin again after being filtered through the bypass machine during the procedure. The patient’s heart virtually came back to life before my eyes—red, pumping, and healthy again. I am so thankful to be at a teaching hospital where this opportunity of a lifetime was given to me. The entire team I was with couldn’t have been nicer. The anesthesiologists made room for my preceptor and I at the head of the bed to increase our view of the entire procedure. Our presence was welcomed by all, and, for that, I want to say thank you to all of the wonderful “teachers” MUSC employs.
I visited the patient whose CABG we had observed to talk about a heart-healthy diet. This part was the most remarkable for me. The patient was already sitting up and drinking liquids with a smile on his face just one day after surgery. He was such a nice man, and I felt so connected to him after having witnessed such an invasive procedure performed on his body. Sometimes during a surgery, I think, it is easy to forget you are viewing a human being with feelings, thoughts and a history. During that brief moment in his room after the surgery, everything came full circle for me. I realized just how beautiful the surgery was. It allowed this man to continue living his life fully and happily. MUSC really does save lives, and I am proud to be affiliated with such a great cause. November is Diabetes Awareness Month In honor of Diabetes Awareness Month, certified diabetic educators, endocrinologists and a dietitian will be available to questions from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Nov. 7 by Starbucks at the university hospital. Free glucose screening, entry to win a gift basket with glucose screening, free education materials, log books, diet information, and menus ideas for the holidays will be available. For additional information, contact Jennifer Z. McCrudden, R.N., at 876-0803.
4 The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012
College of Medicine dean cites accomplishments By CINdy ABole Public Relations
q Bruce Ovbiagele, M.D., co-chair of neurosciences (September, joins MUSC from UC-San Diego)
tta Pisano, M.D., dean of the College of Medicine and vice president for medical affairs, met with faculty and staff on Sept. 10 at the Drug Discovery Building to share the college’s accomplishments during the past year and perspectives for the future. Pisano expressed that she still possessed as much, if not more, Pisano optimism and excitement about MUSC’s future going into her third year at MUSC as she did when she first arrived at the institution. “I haven’t changed my mind about MUSC as a great place where people genuinely care about the institution and our service to our students, our patients, and the state of South Carolina. People have genuine joy, love and loyalty for MUSC, and that’s pretty incredible.” She began her talk by mentioning new buildings, the Drug Discovery Building and Bioengineering Building, which opened last fall, and the MUSC Health East Cooper facility, which opened in July. Each facility, she said, is a concrete symbol of the excellent work, discovery and patient care conducted by faculty, students and staff.
FUNds Flow The dean expressed her enthusiasm about the universitywide funds flow. She said it is a model that leads to better, more-informed decision making and ensures a more complete understanding of campuswide expenses and revenues. “Funds flow is in the best interest of our college and the entire institution,” Pisano said. The model provides more accountability and transparency. Pisano thanked MUSC Provost Mark Sothmann, Ph.D., and Vice President for Finance Lisa Montgomery for leading the funds-flow process. The dean held a talk devoted to funds flow and College of Medicine finances on Sept. 17.
reCrUITmeNT ACComPlIshmeNTs Pisano celebrated new department chairs recruited within the past fiscal year: q Lucian Del Priore, M.D., Ph.D., chair of ophthalmology (October 2011, joins MUSC from Columbia University) q Donna Johnson, M.D., chair of obstetrics & gynecology (July, MUSC faculty member since 1996) q Don Rockey, M.D., chair of medicine (September, joins MUSC from UT-Southwestern)
Pisano also discussed plans to continue the extension of clinical services across the state.
edUCATIoNAl mIssIoN, ACComPlIshmeNTs
College of Medicine, Medical University Hospital Authority, and MUSC Physicians leaders have worked together to establish the MUSC Health Strategic Plan (Mission 2015), now in its implementation phase. The mission is for MUSC to be nationally recognized as a premier academic medical center (top 25 ranking) by 2015. “This is really the first time that this organization has crossed the boundaries between all three entities to create one clinical vision. This process involved the work and dedication of hundreds of people,” said Pisano. The dean cited accomplishments including MUSC’s national ranking in six medical specialties in U.S. News & World Report: cardiology and heart surgery; gastroenterology; ear, nose and throat; nephrology; pediatric cardiology and heart surgery, and pediatric gastroenterology. High performers included: cancer, diabetes, endocrinology, geriatrics, gynecology, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, pulmonology, rheumatology and urology. Additionally, MUSC ranks No. 1 in South Carolina among competing hospitals. MUSC beat out the Greenville Hospital System, Spartanburg Regional Hospital, Bon Secours St. Francis, Roper Hospital and Palmetto Health Richland. She cited implementation of the Epic ambulatory electronic medical record as another important accomplishment. “We now have an ambulatory outpatient electronic medical record system, which we can be proud of. This will help us not only provide better patient care, but implement efficient practices in clinical care,” said Pisano. Pisano mentioned that MUSC Health has seen substantial growth in primary care. Patient volume increased by 13 percent in the past year and increased primary care physicians by 66 staffers (not including OB-GYN). MUSC also opened three new sites: Dorchester Road, North Charleston; MUSC Specialty Care, North Charleston; and MUSC Health East Cooper. “Building primary care services is a priority in MUSC’s Health Strategic Plan and will be something we will emphasize in the next few years,” she said. The dean mentioned the hires of Peter Zwerner, M.D., as chief medical officer, and Jeffrey D’Agostino, as chief operations manager, to help lead MUSC Physicians. On July 9, MUSC Health East Cooper officially opened. Clinical specialties include neurosciences, orthopedics, urology, imaging and lab services, family medicine, and surgical specialties including oncology, GI and plastic surgery.
MUSC was named among the top 10 most popular medical schools in the U.S. for a second year by U.S. News & World Report. The college has implemented a board prep program to assist its students. During the past year, COM students’ board pass rate increased by 4 percent, which is greater than the national average. For the class of 2017, about 3,500 students applied for 160 medical school slots. The mean GPA of students admitted in this class is 3.72, with an MCAT mean of 30. “This is a phenomenal class, and I attribute this to our wonderful faculty, staff, and admissions committee,” Pisano said. The college’s match assistance program has helped 97 percent of students match for residency education —the highest in five years. “We are proud that about 30 percent of students stay at MUSC or in South Carolina for their residency training,” said Pisano. During the summer, about 70 first-year medical students conducted research in labs across campus – a record number of participants.
reseArCh ACComPlIshmeNTs The college is continuing implementation of its Research Strategic Plan. A new Department of Public Health Sciences and a new Center for Genomic Medicine are being established in response to the strategic plan. “We’re increasing our investment in infrastructure to support scientists. We have created a biorepository committee to assess needs and make recommendations for additional support of our scientific and clinical community,” said Pisano.
BrIdge FUNdINg ProgrAm A bridge funding program was started in reaction to flattened National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding. With support from the dean’s office, college departments, and the provost’s office, 13 faculty received bridge funding totaling $780,000. These 13 faculty members have since received more than $7.9 million (a 10:1 return) in extramural funding. Faculty members are encouraged to seek assistance from this program as appropriate.
oNgoINg ACTIvITIes Following the discussion of accomplishments, Pisano talked about ongoing activities and initiatives across each mission of the college. With respect to the clinical mission, Pisano emphasized the importance of working with MUHA to help increase the hospital’s margin and planning for a new Women’s and Children’s Hospital.
See deAN on page 8
The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012 5
Meet Danielle
Danielle Scheurer, M.D. Department Medicine How long at MUSC 2 years How are you changing what’s possible at MUSC Keeping patients safe Children Leddy, 8, and Bowen, 5 What music is in your player now Maroon 5 A must-have in the freezer Ice cream Favorite restaurant Andolini’s Pizza How would you spend $1 million I have no idea. I am not a big spender so my husband would have to spend it for me. Most embarrassing moment Calling someone by the wrong name. I have had too many of those moments. Unique talent According to my children, I have eyes in the back of my head and supersonic hearing.
6 The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012
NsICU Continued from Page One surgeon stationed at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, communicated via Skype during the ceremony. “We are excited about the opening of the eighth floor NSICU,” he said. “It is the only specialized academic neurosciences intensive care unit in the state of South Carolina and the only place that can provide advanced care for patients with complex neurological injuries.” Eight Center was a temporary ICU for surgical trauma, but when that unit moved out it was left empty for quite some time, according to Darby. The NSICU staff — a blend of newly hired and veteran employees — will offer several levels of care in its new facility, ranging from neurosurgery and neuroscience to procedures for
tumors, aneurysms and strokes. In addition to new paint, the NSICU will be able to add an award to its new walls soon. Holderfield was recently named a 2013 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Circle of Excellence Award recipient. “I love what I’m doing, and I love MUSC,” she said. “Early intervention can make all the difference in the outcome. We do see a good outcome for a lot of our patients. It’s incredible.” Holderfield will be honored at the 2013 AACN National Teaching Institute and Critical Care Exposition in Boston, May 18-23. Neuroscience Service Line administrator June Darby, R.N., shows NSICU medical director Dr. Julio Chalela the new unit. Chalela is currently deployed to Kosovo and Skyped in for the ceremony. Bottom photo: NSICU staff begin the process of moving patients to 8 Center.
Stuart Smith, vice president for clinical operations and executive director of the medical center, left, helps cut the ribbon to commemorate the opening of the 8 Center NSICU. Helping Smith cut the ribbon are, from left nurses Cheryl Holderfield and Mark Mccaslin, and Drs. Sunil Patel and Angela Hays. Registered nurses Perette Sabatino, left, and Marilyn James look at a Philips patient monitor. The NSICU now has 11 nurses who have earned national certification in either neuro nursing or critical care. For information on the unit, call 792-7898.
The Catalyst, November 2, 2012 7
idental for halloween
Dental Medicine’s Dr. Joe Vuthiganon is joined by more than 100 James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine faculty and staff dressed in Apple garb and personalized lanyard badges to parody specialists
at the Apple store. The group dressed up to celebrate Halloween. To keep things authentic, Vuthiganon created a variety of posters spoofing several dental iproducts such as iDentist, iBrush, iFloss and iSmile.
8 The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012
Women’s health winners announced
athleen Brady, M.D., Ph.D., recently received awards on behalf of MUSC for her work in women’s health. MUSC is one of 11 new or continuing Specialized Centers of Research (SCOR) on Sex Differences award winners. Brady, director of the center, oversees coordination of individual projects involving the research theme of “sex and gender differences in addictions and stress response.” SCOR were selected for having at least “three highly integrated, synergistic research projects that explore an important issue related to sex/ gender health differences through interdisciplinary approaches,” according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health. Potential funding for the 11 SCOR will total more than $11 million per year for five years. “This renewal will fund years 11 to 15 of our SCOR Center’s operation. We are pleased that NIH has recognized the excellence of the efforts by MUSC researchers by continuing to fund our research and training initiatives in women’s health,” she said. Brady was also the principal investigator for MUSC receiving a 2012
deAN Continued from Page Four
Implementation of the clinical strategic plan continues to include enterprisewide Epic, a focus on improving patient access, growth of primary care, and statewide affiliation and outreach efforts. With respect to education, the upcoming Liaison Committee on Medical Education reaccreditation site visit, scheduled for January 2013, is of the utmost importance and a great deal of planning has gone into this important initiative. A new Academy of Medical Educators has been created to honor and provide training for faculty educators. Implementation of the research strategic plan continues. Upcoming renewal efforts for both the Hollings Cancer Center and SCTR are critical for the continued growth and success of the MUSC research enterprise. One of the most important administrative activities under way is the creation of a sustainable model for supporting basic science departments.
Women’s Health Research Day Investigators are invited to submit abstracts pertaining to either sex/ gender differences or disorders/ treatments as they uniquely relate to women. Abstracts are due by noon, Jan. 7. The 2013 Women’s Health Research Day will be held April 18, 2013 at the Institute of Psychiatry. Visit for more information. Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH) award. The National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) and other co-sponsors awarded nearly $6 million to 14 BIRCWH programs. The goal of the BIRCWH program is to “bring scholars’ advanced training with independent research in areas that cut across scientific disciplines and fields in women’s health including basic, clinical and translational research,” a news release from the Office of Research on Women’s Health stated. Applications are being accepted for the program and are due by Jan. 1, 2013. Visit Renovations are planned for several college facilities, including the Walton Building and the Clinical Sciences Building. The faculty affairs team is implementing roundtables, which will be open to members of the college faculty.
CommUNICATIoNs Pisano remarked that she continues to strive to provide open and frequent communication with faculty, staff, and students that she committed to since arriving at MUSC. “The decisions that I make are best made if I hear from a wide variety of people,” she said. Pisano has reopened her dean’s breakfast meetings, which are open to all faculty members. She also hosts regular receptions for students. Pisano spoke of using topicdriven (clinical, research, education and administration) online discussion forums to encourage additional communication and feedback from all members of the college.
MUHA employees encouraged to apply for funds Medical University Hospital Authority (MUHA) employees have a chance to under take projects that will benefit patients and advance the medical center’s mission. Established in 2011, MUHA’s Giving Back Program was created to manage monetary gifts presented to the hospital by patients and families. Giving Back Program chairman Terry Wilson, Pastoral Care Services director, encourages hospital employees to apply for this special funding. “It is touching to know that these funds were given by patients and families from their grateful spirits for the care they received while at MUSC. I can’t think of a stronger endorsement of our staff and their delivery of health
care in this place of healing, teaching and research,” Wilson said. Funds will be available through $2,500 grant awards and must be used for projects that impact or improve the medical center’s mission. Grants will be awarded to individuals for projects that meet the program’s criteria or work-related need such as employee training, travel, equipment, patient education materials, software or system, etc. The deadline to submit completed application is Nov. 15. Awards will be announced by Dec. 14. Interested MUHA employees can apply at http://academicdepartments. back.htm. For information, call 7922201 or email
The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012 9
Security team has tips to keep computers protected By ClAy TAyor OCIO: Endpoint Security Team
he OCIO’s Endpoint Security Team asks that you take a few minutes to go through the checklist below to make sure that your computer is secure and the information stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone is protected: 1. Anti-malware software: Whether or not you are using a Mac or a Windows PC, you need to have antimalware (anti-virus) software installed. q For Windows PCs, MUSC provides Microsoft’s System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP 2012). You should have it set to run a quick scan at a minimum of once per week and a full scan once per month. Visit for download info. q For Macs, MUSC provides Microsoft System Center Endpoint Protection for Mac (SCEP for Mac). The number of Macs with malware compromises has been growing exponentially over the past year. In the past, Macs were not frequently targeted by malware, but this is no longer true. Visit 2. Secunia patch management q For Windows PCs, MUSC provides Secunia’s
personal software inspector. This software makes a list of all software installed on your computer, then checks weekly to make sure that your software is fully up to date. It is very simple to use, and patched systems are compromised less often than non-patched systems on our network. Visit for download information. q For Macs, it is imperative that you install updates whenever they are available. Apple now packages third-party updates, like Java, with its standard system updates. Many Mac exploits and vulnerabilities are a result of Java flaws that can easily be patched. If you are not sure if your Mac is up to date, click on the Apple menu, then choose Software Update. 3. Encryption q If you have an unavoidable business need to store any type of patient data or sensitive information—whether in email, PDFs, scanned files, Word documents, voicemails, or any other means—then you need to install encryption software on your laptop, desktop or USB hard drive. Encrypting your computer or hard drives makes it almost impossible for intruders to access your data in the event that your laptop or hard drive is lost or stolen.
MUSC provides encryption software for Windows PCs, Macs, Linux PCs, and external hard drives. Instructions on how to encrypt your drives can be found at www. 4. Cloud storage services q You should never store sensitive or patient information on unauthorized third-party storage services like Dropbox or iCloud. Call the OCIO-IS Help Desk at 792–9700 if you need information on approved mechanisms for sharing or transferring information. 5. Smart phones and tablets q You should always enable passcode protection on your smartphone. For iOS and Android, the only way to encrypt your email is to have a password enabled on your smartphone. If you need help enabling passcode protection on your smartphone or tablet, please contact the OCIO-IS Help Desk at 792–9700. q If your smartphone is lost or stolen, you should immediately contact the help desk at 792–9700 if your MUSC email account was set up on your phone. If you have questions or comments regarding computer and smartphone security, send an email to
10 The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012
MUSC Health East Cooper to host community day
he MUSC Health East Cooper facility, which opened in July, is hosting a health and wellness event from 9 a.m. to noon, Nov. 3, 1600 Midtown Ave., Mount Pleasant. A 23-foot water wall, rooftop garden with adjoining community meeting room and the Black Bean Company Café create a therapeutic aesthetic and an ideal setting for the wellness activities planned for the day. The purpose of the MUSC Health and Wellness Community Day is to welcome guests to the new medical center while educating the community on the services available. Visitors will have the opportunity to tour the building and participate in activities. Health screenings include cholesterol, bone density, body mass index, ear, nose and throat and allergies. Additional services include free flu shots (first 100 visitors), weight loss consultations and educational information. Local partners such as Wine and Design, Little Gym and Pure Barre will be providing children activities and games.
The rooftop garden provides a setting for wellness activities and will be the location for MUSC’s Urban Farm’s educational sessions which focus on the connection between food and health. The space will be divided into three areas (farm, kid zone and nutrition) with the following programs, appropriate for all ages: Composting: 9 to 9:20 a.m. (farm); Veggie Prints: 9:20 to 9:40 a.m. (kid zone); Keeping it Real: 9:40 to 10 a.m. (nutrition); Container Gardening: 10 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. (farm); Gardens to Go: 10:20 to 10:40 a.m. (kid zone); Squashing Your Fall Veggie Fears: 10:40 to 11 a.m. (nutrition); Honey Bees: 11 to 11:20 a.m. (farm); Veggie Twister: 11:20 a.m. to noon (kid zone). For information on this event, email Employee Wellness events q Flu shot satellite clinic: Flu shots will be given from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Nov. 14, in the lobby of the Children’s Hospital. For faster service, bring a completed influenza consent form, found in
My Records. q Worksite screening: The next worksite screening will be Nov. 15 in HE628H, Clinical Sciences Building. Visit musc. edu/employeewellness and click on worksite screening appointment to register. Urban Farm q Family work & learn: The next work & learn will be held from 9 to 11 a.m., Nov. 3. Visit the Urban Farm for this
child friendly series where participants can engage in hands-on learning about sustainable urban agriculture including stewardship, planting, and harvesting at the MUSC Urban Farm. Bring a plastic bag and take home fresh produce in return for work efforts. Email for information. The activity will be Gardens To Go. q Early bird maintenance: The Urban Farm needs early bird maintenance from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., Nov. 6 and 7.
The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012 11
12 The CATAlysT, November 2, 2012