O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1868

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THE T RcorOLIER. Vacant during the abeyance of the Grand J\Iastcr hip of the Order. THE CAPITULAR BAILIFFS. GUAND PRIOR OF E.KGLAJ..T D. His Grace the DUKE OF l\IA.NCrn~ STER, G.C J.J. GR"\ TD Ph-Ion OF IRELA . . TD. The COUNT DE SALIS, G.C.J.J., K.C.Il., len.E., &c. BAILIFF OF EGLE. The Right l-Ionourable the LOHD LEIGII, G.C.J.J. OFFICERS.


Preceptor of T01phichen in Scotland. The Right Honourable the LORD TORrIlICllEN, G. C.J.J. President of tlte Chapter. Colonel BURL TON, G.C.J.J., C.B. Chaplaiu- G('neral. The Rev. W. BENTINCK L. HA WKI TS, I{.C.J.J., l\I.A., F.R.S. Chancellor and Archivist. lVlajor-General ST. GEORGE, Roy. Art., K.C.J.J., C.B. Sec1·etary-General. Sir EDMUND A. H. LECHl\IERE, Bart., K.J.J., J\LP., Rhydd Court, near U pton-on-Severn. Receiver- General. Lieutenant-Colonel WHITWORTH PORTER, Roy. Eng., K.C.J.J. Registra'J', Sec1'etary, and Judge-(j-Anns. JCLIDS A. PEARSO ,K.J.J., F. S. A., 26, Great George Street, 'Vestminstel', S. 'V. Genealogist and Librarian. The Rev. THOMAS IIUGo, l\,IA., F.S.A., Chaplain. Almoner. CHARLES J. BURGESS, K. of Grace, The Chancery, 8, S. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, "\V.C.



THE CHAPTER. The Grand-Prior, with the Bailiffs holding Office, the Officers of the Langue, and the following elected l\lembers :-Colonel ,VILT"IAl\l BURLTOJ: , C.B. (President), Sir EDWARD ROAnE Bart C PElUBERTO.t: CARTER, ~TOIIN FURLEY, the Rev. 'V.' BENT~'.t: c~ L. HAWKINS, l\LA., F.R.S., and H. B. SnERID.AN, l\l.P.


Chancery oj the English Langue ' 8 , S . l\Iartin's Place , T'Inlet (' 1gar S quare) 'lV C L on d on, H . •


Bankers. The London and 'Vestminster Bank, 1, S.W.

L- ®reat <2rrozzez.



. James's Square,

1 59.



lYrA CIIE TER, IIis Grace William Drogo, Duke of,-Kimbolton Castle, IIullts; 1, Gt. Stanhope Street, W. DE SALT, Peter John, Count (Holy Roman Empire), K.C.H., K.R.E. Prussia, lLG.S., K.L.H., &c.-S. John's Villa, A cton, W. Received into the Order, in the Anglo-Bavarian Langue, 1844. LEIGII, The Right Hon. William Henry, Lord,-8toneleigh Abbey, ]{enilworth, fVanoickshire; 37, Portman Sq., W. HONORARY BAILIFFS.

1 47. PIIILIPPART, Sir John, K. Gustavus~:ndJ~ Star, L7? .(. ~ /. ~vcden, 1I.R.I.A.",Collpge House, ~fa.{le, Hammerfi~ c.. ,,;,C~ c. smith, ,r. ~ " JERROTT, Sir Edward George Lambert, Bart., late Captain ~;: / ~<East Kent l\lilitia,-Plumstead, ]{ent, 8.E. J / ~ r1855. l\IACPIIER ON, Ewen, Chief of the JYIacphersons and Clan / ~~ Chattan,- Cluny Castle, ](ingussie, Inverness-shi1'e; Jun. r a United Service Club, S.lY. ~ ,t"O'DON JELL, General Sir Charles R., Colonel of the 18th fIussars,- T'rugh, Limerick; United Service Club, S.1'V. " BIG BY, Robert, LL.D., K. S.J. of the Sword, Portugal, &c.,2:), Clifton Crescent, Peckham, S.E. " CRAWFORD, vVilliam, l\1.A., Chief l\Iagistrate of Bombay. 1857. DE BLISS, IIenry, Baron (Portugal), F.R.S.L.,-Berkeley House, Cam!)ridge St7'eet, W.; Brandon Park, Suffolk; Sleddale Forest, near ]{e1ldal. 1858. PENNEFATHER, General Sir John Lysaght, K.C.B., K.C.S. M. & S. Laz. Sardinia, Gr. Off. Leg. Hon. France, Colonel of the 22nd Regiment, ·6, Onslow Crescent, and United Service Club, S.1'v. 1860'f,AMSAY, 1Iaj.-General James, late Commissary-General,



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] 861.

1862. " 1864.

ARBUTHNOTT, Admiral Sir Alexander Dundas Young, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Her l\Iuje ty, ICC. Charles 111., and S. Fernando, Spain, K.C.St.G., Ru sia, alld l\1edjidie, Turkey,- Conse1'vative Club, S. TV. TORPHIOllEN, The Right lIon. Robert, Lonl,- Calder Rouse, Edinb1.l1'gh; Brooks' Club, S. TV. BURLTON, Colonel William, C. B., late Commi sary-General, Bengal Army,- Gaklands, Shepherd's Bush, TV. HOARE, . Sir Edward, Bart.,-Little 110 thjir: ld, near Ashford,

1863. 1865.

1 -10.


1841. 1842.


" 1857.


" " 1858.

" 1859.

" " 1861. "



POTT, Joseph Compton, J un.,-I-Iarden, I{ent. ALEXANDER, Colonel Sir James Edward, K.C.L. &' S., Persia, K. l\ledji~ie, TUl'key,- JVesterton IIoZlsf', Bridye of Allan, N.B.; Umted Service and Athen(f!um Clubs, . Jv. VAVASOUR, Sir Henry l\Iervyn, Bart.,-Spaldillgton II({ll, Tadcaste1'; T7'avellers' Clu.b, S. l/v. MANSEL, Sir John Bell ,Villiam, Bart.,- Ischoal, Llwldilo, Caermarthenshire; Ca7'lton Club, S./V. SPRYE, Captain Richard, late Dep.-J udge-Advocate-Gencral, l\Iadras Army,-18, 8. Gem'ge's Terrace, l(ellsillgtoll, If: \VOLLASTON, ]Hajor Frederick, late Enni kill~ Dragoons,16, Grafton Street, "v.; Shenton IIall, Nuneatoll, Ira1'wicltshire. BROWNE, Major-General \Valter John, C. B.,-14, S. James's Square, S. W. LE COUTEUR, Colonel John, Viscount of Jersey, A.D. C. to the Queen. SHUOKBURGH, Sir Francis, Bart., F.R.S.,-Shucltburgh Parlt, near Daventry. POWNALL, Henry, Chairman of the Middlesex Sessions63, Russell Square, l/l/: C. ' PORTER, Lieut.-Colonel vVhitworth, R.E., K. 1\ledjidie, Turkey,-16, Roy. Mil. Coll. Terrace, l:i'arnborough Station, Rants. RYLAND, Lieut.-Colonel George IIermon,-Govcrnment I-Iouse, Montreal. RAMSAY, Rear-Admiral George, C.B. ST. GEORGE, l\1ajor-General John, R.A., C.B., Off. LeO'. lIon. France, and K. Medjic1ie, Turkey, Director-Gener~l of the Ordnance.-17: Rutland Gate, Hyde Park, S. W.






ANDEH. 'ON, Lieut.-Colonel Thomas, C.B.,-Hawthorn Hill, near F1'edericton, New Brunswick. IIAWKI The Rev. vVm. Bentinck Lethaill, :M.A., F.R.S., -100, IIarley St., W.; Athenceum Club, S. W.


" " "

" " " 1858.


" " 1860.

" 1862. 1863. 1864.

" 1865. 1867.

" ~




DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas, late 4th (Emperor's Own) Reg. Uhlan8, Austrian Army. DURGE " Captain Somerville Waldemar, late Grenadier Guards (brother to the late Sir C. 11. Lamb, Bart.) ... HOL IE , lHajor-General John, C.B., K. l\ledJIdIe, Turkey,14, St. James's SquaTe, S. H'. DUILTE , Lieut. Fi~zjames I-Iohnes. LEITH, John Farley, late Professor of Civil Law, H.E.Le. College, Hailey bury, - 79, Glouceste1' Terrace, Hyde Pa1'lt, fV. BCRNES, Ac1am,-1Idelbourne, Australia. 13 .\UR, Lieut.-Colonel IIarry James, H.l\1. Indian Staff. :B IFE, Sir John, l\l.D., Dep.-Lieut.,-}{ewcastle-on- Tyne. HOLLAND, l\lajor Trevenen James. SIIEIUDAN, Henry Brinsley, ~I.P.,-17, FVestbourne Terrace, TV.; Gaklands, St. Peter's, Isle of Thanet. B RNES, Lieut. Sidney Holmes. GIBB, I-Iugh, late Surgeon-General, Bombay,-Grove End IIouse, St. John's fVood. BURLTON-BENNETT, John Robert, late Postmaster-General, Bengal,-9, CombTidge Terrace, Hastings. . ... HOARE, Joseph 'Vallis O'Bryen, l\1ajor 5th lVlIddlesex MIlItIa, -LittLe I-Iothjield, Ashf01'd, I(ent. LooII, Henry Brougham, C.B., Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of 1Ian,-Douglas, Isle of Man. CARTER, Charles Pemberton, - Kennington Hall, Ashford, Kent. TIIOMSON, Captain William, H.M. 78th Highlanuers. FURLEY, JOHN,-Ashford, Kent. LEOIIMERE, Sir Edmund Anthony Harley, Bart., M.P.,Rhydd Court, Upton-on-Severn; CaTlton Club, S. W. WALFORD, The Rev. Edward, l\1.A., - 17, Chw'ch Row, IIampstead, N. l/v. PEARSON, Julius Alexander, LL.D., F.S.A.,-46, Jlyde Park Square, W.; Junior Carlton Club, S. W.


8 1862.

IV.-CZLbaplain$'. 1865.

1858. J 867.

" " 1868.

" " "

HAWKINS, The Rev. Wm. Bentinck Letham, 1\LA., F.R.S.,100, lIarley Stuet, fV,; Athenceum Club, S."lv. (ChaplainGeneral). IKIN, The Rev. 'Villiam D., M.A. (care of A. fldn Esq., TTl"mbledon Road, JTandsw01·th). HUGo, The Rev. Thoma, ]\1.A., F.S.A.,- The Redory, 1Vest Hackney, N. WALFORD, The Rev, Ed war, d M .A . , - 17, Chw'ch ROlo, Hampstead, N. 'Yv. SHADWELL, The Rev. Arthur T . W ., 1\1.A. , - L ang ton , Vzcarage, nea7' lIfaLton, Yorkshire. 'VOOD, The Rev. Albert A.,- Castle lIforton, ncar Tt!wR.psbury. OAKLEY, The Rev. John, 1\1. A.-S.lIIary's Road, C'allonbury, N. HOLDEN, The Rev. Oswald IV1., l\I.A., B.C.L ,-Kingswinford near Dudley. ' l\IALET, The Rev. 'V. Wync1ham,-Ardeley Vicarage ncar Buntingford, HeTts. ' 'VOODWARD, The Rev. John, - S. flfaTy's Parsonage, Montrose, N.B.

V.-{gert1ant~::at::armz, 1859. 186l. 1865. 1867.

" " 1868.


" 1863. 1865. 1867 .

or QE$'quire$'.

of ®race.

1\IcALBSTER, Lieut.-Colonel ~rles Archib~, ~.H.,-J.oup //0 ~ ~ rilla, AxminsteJ', Devon. p-<~d :Z~~ Jfb i} ~Y' / SIIA w, Colonel Claudius, K. S. Fernando, Spain; F.li. S. C/ " Edin.; late Royal Art.,-NoTton-le-A]oors, BW'slem, Stokeon-Trent. BEA.TTIE, \Villiam, l\tLD.,-13, Upper Berkeley Street, JV. 1857. BURNES, Dalhousie Hohnes, late Lieut. R.E. " LAURIE, 'VVilliam Alexander, F.S.A. Edin.,-Rossend Castle, " Fifeshire, N.B. PRINGLE, William,-Edinbw·gh. " GIllSON, Lieut.-Colonel George 'Vashington,-21, Blomjield " Terrace, 11a17ow Road, lV. COPLAND, James, l\LD., F.R.S.,-5, Old Burlington Street, W. " VELLA, Sir Luigi, K.C.1\1. & G., LL.D., Superintendent of " the Record Office, 1\1alta. 1858. BURNES, Lieut. Hamilton Farquhar Holmes. CLAY, vVilliam Nichols,-Hal House, Babbicombe, nem' Torquay. " 1859. BELL, Alexander,- Canada. ,. RYLAND, Warren Hastings,-Canacla. A 2

18-18 .

HENDERSON, J. ANDER ON, Alexander 1\1. DODSWORTH, Frederick Charles,-St. John's Villa, Acton, 1'v. PEARSON, Albert Harford, M.A., B.C.L.,-Knebworth Rectory near Stevenage, Herts; Junior Carlton Club, S. W. ' LYTE, H. Churchill Maxwell,-55, CU7'zon Street, lYIayfair, W. SANDERSON, Edw. Scott, - Fearnall Heath, ClailLes, near Worcester. BURGESS, John, Cn. R.N.-.lI.flf. S. " Pandora." FREND, Edwin, Lient. Oxfordshire Militia,-Riform Club, BURGESS, H. Miles, Lieut. R. A.

VI.-lLanie~. 1862.

r.c ..




PORTER, Annie Shirley, wife of Lieut.-Culonel Porter, R.E., Ic'C.J.J., - IG, Roy. Mil. Coll. Terrace, FarnborouglL Station, lImits. ST. GEORGE, Eliz·l.heth 1\iarianne, wife of :\Iajor-Genel'cl.l St. George, R.A., K.C.J.J., C.B.,-17, RutLand Gate, Hyde j:Jw'k, "IV. DE LA TIC St. JAL, Agnes, Vicomtesae. DUn.:XE, E-ther Sn.rah, widow of James, Baron Burnes, (Germany), G.C.J.J., Ic'H.-40, Ladbroke Sq., Notting IIill, IY. IIo.\.RE, Harriet, Lady,-Little Hotllfield, Asl~fo7'd, I{ent. LECU\IEllE, Loui::;a ROSanlOn(l, Lady,-Rhydd Court, near [ptan -an-Severn, JVorcestershil'e. IIA.,,\YKL':, Elizabeth~ wife of the Rev. \Y. B. L. Hawkins, J.J.,-100, fIarley Stuet, IV. LEIGJI, The Right Hon. Caroline Amelia, Lady,- Stoneleigh AUbey,]ienilw01'th, IVanviclishire; 37, Portman Sq., fV, POllTETI, Catharine, daughter of Lieut.-Colonel Porter, R.E., K.C .•LJ.,-16, Roy.lllil. CoIl. Terrace, Farnborough Station, lfants.

RAMSAY, Harriett Charlotte, wife of J.\.:[ajor-General James Ramsay, G.C.J.,T.,-46, Bryanstone Square, W.



10 1860.

" 1864. 1867.

" 1868.

CLAY, Richard, late Lieut. 78th Highlanders. ERlUATINGER, Lieut.-Colonel \Villiam, K. S. Fernando, Spain, -jJfontreal, Canada. RATCLIFF, Charles, F.S.A.,-lryddrington, Edgbaston, Blrmingham; AthenCEum and Conservative Clubs, S.IV. WOOF, Richard, F.S.A.,-lJrorcester. VVREN-HoSKYNS, Chandos,-IIarewood, near Ross, IIerefordshire. BURGESS, Charles J. (late 46th Regt. ),-Naval and jJlilitary Club, Piccadilly, TV. VIII.-~ettlinfJ'




1 62. 2.

" " 1858.


" 1864.

rr. c.


STAGG, General, Quito. SALIS-SOGLIO, Ie General Ulrich, Baron de. CASTEL-BROLO, Federico Lancia e Grassellini, Duca cli.

HOlUPESCH VON WISBECQ, Theophile Anton ,Vilhelm, Count von, nephew and heir of the sixty-ninth Grand-~Iaster, Burich Castle, near A ix-la- Chapelle ; and Chateau de IVisbecq, near B1·ussels. (Received in to the Order in the AnrrloBavarian Langue, 1825.) 0 BULOW, Carl Georg Alexander, Baron von. METTERNICIT, Baron von. WINTHROP, William, Consul U.S.A., l'rfalta. HEARD, Colonel John T.,-Boston, N America. WINTHROP, Colonel John,-Louisiana, U . .~y. BUSTELLI-FosCOLO, Giovanni, Conte di. 3.-KNIGHTS.

1861. 1864.


IDecea~en ®embet~. Sir James, K.J.J. (received ahroad).

P PllA~l, Admiral Sir Home Riggs, K.C.B., ~1.P. HOPE, Vice-Admiral the Right Hon. Sir 'Yilliam J ohustone, G.C.B., 1LP., Governor of Greenwich Hospital. ] 79. 11EREDYTIT, Sir Joshua Colles, Bart., Captain 89th Foot, K. t. Louis, France, and K, Orcl. Louis of Hesse Darmstadt (l'eceived il/to the 07'der by the 69th Grand-lIlaster, the Baron F erdinand von IIompesch ). 1 30. S lITII, Admiral Sir ,Villiam Sidney, Count Palatine of the Lateran, Prince lVIagistral and Regent of the Order of the Temple, G.C.B., G.C.T.S., Portugal, G.C.S., Sweden, .C.S. Ferd. and G.C. Ord. 1ierit, Naples, K.G.S., Rome, K. Cresc., Turkey, 11. A., D. C.L., F.R.. S., etc. (l'eceived in the All!Jlo-Bauarian Langue). TONKIN, Lieut.-Col. Sir Warwick Hele, Ie. Leg. Hon. France, " Vice-Admiral of Devon (received in the Anglo-Bavarian Langue). IffJ / PEAT, The Rev. Sir Robert, D .D., G.C. S. Stanislaus, Poland, Chaplain to ICing George I V. I J,J 2. DUKBOTNE, The Right flon. James, Lord. ~ Doyle, ~Iajor-General SirJohn 11illey, ICC.B., K.S. Fernando,~ Spain, and K. T. & S., Portugal, K. Cresc., Turkey,~. J{1/"--" LANGFORD, The Right I-Ion. Hercules Langford, Lord. " BROMLEY, Stretch Cowley. " CLAN NY, ,Villiam Reid, 11.D., F.R.S., Edin., M.R.I.A. " BROWNSON, Lieut.-Colonel William Henry, late Captain 23rd " Welsh Fusiliers. MAGINN, William, LL.D. " 1833. GRANT, Captain Thomas, Vice-Admiral of Devon. DE TOCQUEVILLE, Peter Victor, Comte. " , BARTON, Sir Freeman, late Captain 2nd Foot. I J~A/I1 J 18~4. ROBERTsoN,,,,General George Duncan, of Struan, Chief of the Clan Donnochie, C.B., K. Imp. Ord. Leopold, Austria. 1790. 1799.



PHILLIPS, Robert,-23, Cockspllr Street, S. W.


I.-BAILIFFS. 1855. 1858. 1865.

TENNES EE, The Right Rev. Charles Todd Quintard, LL.D., Lord Bishop of,-Memphis, Tenn., U.S.



HILTON, Charles, 8, S. lrIartin's Place, Trafalgar Squm'e,



LASTIC ST. J AL, Louis, Vicomte de. DELEPIERRE, Octave, LL.D., F.S.A., Belgian Consul-General and Sec. of Legation,-35, Howley Place, Maida I-lill, W.




"7J <2- «


/}i> L,; Z


12 1835.

" " "


" " "


" " 1839.

" 1840. " 1842.

" 1844.

" 1846. 1847.

" 1848.

" " "

" " 1849. 1855.


BROUN, Sir R. Bt. BEETHAl\I, vVilliam, F.R.S. PLUNKETT, The Hon. Randall, M:.P. MACKENZIE, Charles Fitzgerald. SHADWELL, The Right Hon. Sir Lancelot, Vice-Chancellor of' England. BORNES, James, Baron (Germany), K.II., LL.D., F.R.S. DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas, "Villesbridge IIouse, Glollcestershi1'e; TVal'tensee Castle, Lake of Constance. BELL, William, 1\1. D. HILLARY, Sir ",Villiam, Bart., Equerry to II.R.II. the Dnkc of Sussex. HILLARY, Sir Augustus ",Villiam, Bart., late 6th Dragoon Guards. DY)IOKE, The Hon. Sir IIenry, Bart., 17th Hereditary Champion of England. N"EWTON, .Tames. PEARL, Commander SirtTame~, R.X., !C.II. MASTER, Captain Richard Thomas, Grenadier Guard '. 1\1URRAY, Captain Arthur Stormont, Rifle Driga<1c. CHER~ISIDE, Sir Robert Alexander, :M.D., K.C.H., K.R.l;;., Prussia, K.L.H., France, Physician to the Briti'\} Emba sy at Paris. MAcN AB, Colonel Sir Alan Napier, Bart., Prime 1\Iillister of Canada. PERROTT, Sir Edward Bindloss, Bart. CUNYNGHAlH, Sir Robert K:eith Dick, Bart. NEEDHAM, the Hon. Francis IIenry. LA]'IB, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Charles lVlontolieu, Bart., Baron de St. Hypolite, France, D.C.L., Knight-Marshal of the Queen's Household. LABANOFF, His Highness the Prince Alexander. ANTRIM, The Right Hon. Hugh .seymour, Earl of. LAMB, Charles James Saville l\lontgomery. GRIFFITIIS, Major William Stuart, 23rd Foot. GLOV ER, 1\Iortimer, 1\1. D., F.R. S., Edin. WILKIE, Lieut.-Colonel David. BROUN, Lieut.-Colonel 'Villiam James, Government Secretary, Guernsey. BUCKLEY, Major William, Bengal Cavalry. WILLIAMS, Thomas Troughear, M. D., K. G. S., Rome, Physician to the Spanish Embassy. GUNNING,John, C.B., K. vYilhelm of the Netherlands, Inspector General of Army Hospitals.


" 1857. " "


" " "


" "

185 .

" 1859. " 1 64. 1865.

FLORES, General, G.C.C. 111., Spain, Gr. Off. Leg. Hon., France, Pre ident of the Ecuador. RIA RIO-SFORZA, II Generalissimo 11 Duca Ludovico di. BURNE , Lieutenant George Holines. JOXE, , Vice-Admiral the lIon. Alexander :Montgomery. LE GEYT, Philip William, ~1emb. Legislative Council of India. BUETT, ~fajor Reginald Best. GUAXT, John, Bengal Army. OUTl~A}r, Lieut.-General IiI' James, Bart., G. C.B., K. C. S.l. ,VUITEIlEAD, tT oIm, Superior of the Barony of Drem, Scotland. Ph IIBY, the lIon. Hamnett, 1\1ember of the Legislative Council of Canada. Fl'EE TON, olonel Sir ",Villiam Lockyer, K.C.C.III., S. Fernando, and I abella the Catholic, Spain, and Knight of the Iloly 'epulchre. O.l.T , Lieut-General William, K. Cre c., Turkey. FERG PLUl\IHIDGE, Admiral Sir James Hanway, K.C.B. AGAH, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Emmanuel Felix, Knight. \\1'ATTS, Vice-Admiral George Edward, C.B., K.H., ICR.E., Pru sia, K. Henri the Lion of Brunswick, etc. BI... nop, ~lajor-General Cecil, C.B. N" OUCLIFFE, ~Iajor-General N orcliffe , IL H. TACHE, oloncl Sir Etienne Paschal, Knight, Prime ~linister of Canada. BGRNE , Holland ",Yard Holmes, Lieut. Indian Navy. TUUNB"CLL, 'Y m. Barclay, D. D., Barrister-at- Law, Calendarer of State Papers. ROBERT OX, George Duncan, of Struan, Chief of the Clan Donnochie, late Lieut. 4~nd Highlanders. J\IELANO, Antoine Laurent, Comte de. RAMSAY, Charles "VIn. Ramsay,-Barnton and Sauchie, N.B. T'



15 and December, 1867, and in the months of January, February, n,Iarcb, April, l\1ay, and June, 1868.

Chapter and




HE Chapter beg leave to submit the following account of their proceedings since the last Chapter General, for the information of the members of the Order of S. John of' Jerusalem in AngErt.

JJlembers Admitted. The following gentlemen have been admitted members and associates of the Or<1er in the Engli::;h Langue since S. John Baptist's Day, 1867.

Annual Report.

Knight of Justice.

tJ ulius A. Pearson, Esq., LL. D., F. S.A. Chaplazns. Rev. " " " " "

Arthur T. 'Y. Shadwell, l\1.A. Albert A. Wood. John Oakley, lVI.A. O'wald 11. Holden, l\1.A., B.C.L. 'V. Wyndham l\Ialet. John 'Voodward.

Se7'vants-at-A1'ms or Esquires.


H. Churchhill Maxwell Lyte, Esq., Ch. Ch., Oxford. Edward Scott Sanderson, Esq. Commander John Burgess, R.N.

Nominated but not yet Admitted. Edwin Frend, Esq., Lieut. Oxfordshire Militia.

Honorary Chaplain. Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Tennessee, U.S.A.

Meetings. The Capitular Commission have to report that during the past year they have held nine chapters, namely, in the months of July, August,


By a decision of the Capitular Commission at their last meeting, their 10nO' o and somewhat indefinite title has been altered to the shorter and more regular name of Chapter. The Capitular Commission was formed some years ago for the purpose of carrying on negotiations with the authoritie of the Italian Langue of the Order, and the term continued to be applied to the body to whom the Chapter General intrusted the management of the affairs of the English Langue. In returning to the name of Chapter, we shall be taking another step towards assimilating our con titution to the principles of the Ancient Statutes and the usage of other branches of thc Order.


It has formerly been customary at the annual meetings of the Chapter General for the whole of the minutes of the Capitular Commission for the year preceding to be read by the Secretary. This, it will be allowed by all who have been present at former Chapters General, was a somewhat tedious process, involvlDg, as it did, the introduction of a great deal of formal and uninteresting matter, as, for instance, the constant repetition of names; and it was decided by a re olution of the Capitular Commission that in future a full report, including all matters of interest and importance connected with the proceedings of the Commission during the year, should be prepared by the Secretary-General, and read at the Chapter General in lieu of the whole of the minutes. It was also decided that reports from the Receiver-General and Almoner should be at the same time laid before the Chapter General. One great advantage of the plan will be that in case the Chapter General decides upon printing these reports, our scattered members will be kept constantly informed of our operations, and it is hoped. that their interest in the progress of the English Langue will be by this means sustained. The reports may also be of use in conveying to the general public, and especially to those who may be desirous of seeking atlmission to our ranks, some idea of our principles and objects.


Changes in Administration. ,.'

During the year several changes have taken place among the officers

16 of the Langue, and for temporary purposes new officers have been created. The Rev. Chaplain Thomas Hugo has been appointed Librarian, and also holds the office of Genealogist. The Chancellor ~l\I<lj.-General the Commander St. George has undertaken the charrre of our records as '-' n Archivist, the Chevalier Julius A. Pearson has been appointed Deputy Secretary General, and ~Ir. C. J. Burgess, As~istant Almoner. The e two latter offices, which were created to meet a temporary emergency and pressure of work, are now no longer neces~ary. The Rev. Chaplain Edward vValford havinO' his wi h to v slanifieu v resign the offices of Registrar and Secretary, the Chapter propose that the Chevalier Julius A. Pearson should be appointed to thc vacant office. Lieut.-Colonel the Commander Porter wishes to resign the office of Almoner, the duties of which are increasing, anll require much personal attention. 1\11'. Charles J. Burgess, who from the first ha ~ given active assistance in the hospitaller work of the Langue, 11a been nominated for appointment to the post vacated by the Commander Porter. Charity Scheme. The principal subject for congratulation is the great succe::; which has attended the plan adopted by the Chapter General la"t year for the administration of the charitable oblations of the Langue. The detail of the assistance afforded to convalescent out-patients of Charing Cro s Hospital will be given in the Almoner's report, and it i therefore unnecessary to enter into the very interesting particular of this really hospitaller work, but the Chapter has every reason to be sati tied with the result, and it is difficult to imagine how any other method could have been devised by which so much substantial goocl could have been effected with the small means a.t present at the clisposal of the Langue. Extension of rlospitaller ffork. The same plan adopted at Charing Cross I-Iospital has been commenced at King's College Hospital-the authorities of which have expressed themselves as being most desirous to make use of the proffered aid of the Order. There will, therefore, for the future be six convalescents from each hospital, who will receive such nouri hina diets and stimulants as the medical officers may prescribe. The sisters ~f S. John's House, Norfolk Street, Strand, have very kindly offered to prepare and dispense the diets for the King's College Hospital patients, and the Chapter has gratefully accepted the proposal. In acknowledgment of the services rendered by that institution during the management of the former and present sisterhood-services

17 which have contributed very considerably to the successful working of our charity scheme-the Chapter at their last meeting resolved upon offerin a a 'donation of £5 to the funus of S. John's House, which is maintained Vby annua1 contributions, and at present in want of support. This offer has been thankfully accepted and warmly acknowledged on behalf of the institution by 1\11'. Bowman, the eminent surgeon and oculist, one of the council. Sisterhood. The Sisterhood of SSe .il1ary and John, who were formerly occupants of S. John's House, and who undertook the superintendence of the llUl"'in rr at ICing-'s College and Charing Cross Hospitals, have offered their servi~es to th~' Oruer of S. John with a view to aid its hospitaller work in any way in their power. In return for these services, which will extenu to visiting any objects of the charitable care of the Knights, a well as to the preparation and di"pensing of food, &c., the sisters have a ked the Order to be responsible for a portion of the rent of their present house.,y" The Chapter, after due consideration, thought it right to accept this offer, ancl to make themselves responsible to the extent named for one year, it bcing deemecl by them most desirable to extend the hospitaller work of the Order 0 far as the funds at their command woulcl permit. It is proposeu to raise the sum required annually, with out trenching on the r gular income of the Langue, by special contributions to a i terhoou fund, which will be kept distinct from the ordinary receipts and expenditure. Some annual subscriptions have already been received, and a most liberal donation of £15 from the Chevalier Furley. The Sisterhood ha,·e taken a house, No. 27, Percy Circus, Clerkenwell, which, though distant from Charing Cross and King's College Hospitals, is most conveniently situated as regards two other great hospitals-the Great N ortbern Hospital, and the Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn Road. The real want of such aid as that given by the Order, and the simplicity and efficacy of the mode employed by the Chapter in supplying :r: The above arrancrement was made with the idea that the sisters would have to take a house for the pu~poses of the Order near to King's College Hospital at a higher rent than they would otherwise be giving, and it was felt to be only right under such circumstances that the Order should bear the extra cost. As, however, by the arranrrements subsequently made, the sisters were able to take a house in a less expe:Sive locality, they declined to accept any subsidy from the Order; and the money left by this generous act at the disposal of the Chapter has been addeu to the Almoner's fund.


18 that want, will, it is hoped, be acknowledged by the members of the Langue generally, and induce them to give liberally to an object so dear to the Knights of S. John in times present as well as past-the relief of the sick and destitute.

time to time report through the Almoner to the Chapter. It must be obvious to all that the &.ttendance of a body of experienced nursing Sisters on the wants of the sick must have the best possible influence in securing their proper management, ancl promoting their ultimate recovery.

Extension of J;Vork to N01'thern Hospitals.

Ambulance Service.

If an effort be made, and if many of our members who have not yet contributed to our funds for Hospital1er purposes will now come forward and aid the Chapter, there is no doubt that ,,'e might at once commence carrying out in the north of London the same good work which has hitherto been so successful in the south-west.

Before quitting the subject of our hospitaller work, it is right to mention that the question of the expediency of setting on foot an ambulance service, for the conveyance to the hospitals of sick and injured persons, introduced at the last Chapter General, has been fully discu ed by the Chapter, the Almoner the Commander Porter having drawn up a carefully prepared scheme. The opinion of JUl'. F. C. Skey, the senior Surgeon of S. Bartholomew's IIospital, and that of other surgical authorities, was consulted, and the difficulties in the way of an adequate and successful adoption of the scheme appeared so great that, on the recommendation of the Almoner, the Chapter General abandon it for the present.

Visiting of Convalescents. The visiting of the conyalescents at their own houses has been carried out regularly by the Serving-Brother Charles IIilton, by the Assistant Almoner, 1\lr. C. J. Burgess, and by some of the Knights and one of the Ladies of the Order. The Serving-Brother Hilton has proved him elf to be a rno t fitting person for the duties required; and, though himself an in valid, has devoted himself to the work of visiting and reporting about the convalescents, with a heartiness and kindly feeling which are much appreciated by the poor recipients of the alms of the Order. In acknowledgment of the services which he and his wife render to the Order in various ways, the Chapter have made an addition to his stipend. It is much to be wished that the number of members of the Order who are willing" at certain periods, to undertake to vi it the poor convalescents, could be increased, so that a regular rotation of duty might be established. The work of visiting the poor in London is a most interesting one, and there can be no doubt that the occasional intercourse of the upper with the humbler classes in our great towns must be productive of the best results. The gratitude with which many of the convalescents have expressed themselves for the personal attention of members of the Langue who have visited them proves how warmly this part of our work is appreciated. The Almoner will very gladly receive the names of those also who are desirous of aiding personally in visiting the convalescents during the ensuing year.

Branch of the Societe de Secours aux Blesses. Another proj ect has been under the consideration of the Chapter, which is that of endeavouring either collectively, by the Order, or individually, by the efforts of some of its members, acting in conjunction with military officers of experience, to establish in England a branch of the great European association of the" Societe de Secours aux Blesses 1\lilitaires." It is somewhat singular that England stands almost alone amongst the other great powers, in having no representation of this admirable society; and it is to be hoped that, whether through the efforts of members of the Order or otherwise, its claims to the interest and sympathy of Englishmen may not be much longer overlooked. Bailiwicl?, of Brandenburg.

Value of Sistel'hood. In the northern hospitals of the metropolis, their distance from the west end will 'most likely preclude the possibility of the Knights and other members of the Order visiting the convalescents; and here it is that the aid of a sisterhood working for the Order will be most beneficially felt, as the sisterhood will visit the convalescents regularly, and from


N ext in importance to the progress of our charitable operations comes the very gratifying announcement of the establishment of most friendly relations between the English Langue and the Prusslan I{nights of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg, in the German Langue. In consequence of the very interesting particulars connected with the good works of the Prussian Knights, during the recent German war, by the Rev. Francis Cannon, one of the military chaplains at Aldershot, the Secretary General was induced to obtain an introduction, through Count von Bernstorff, the Prussian and North German ambassador, to the Count Eberhard zu Stolberg-W ernigcrode, the Chancellor of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg. In reply to the application made for infor-


20 mation as to the statutes and organization of the Brandenburg branch, the Count zu Stolberg most kindly sent a voluminous statement as to the past history of the Bailiwick and the present working of its extensive anu admirable charitable organization, with details 0(' its services in the cau e of humanity during the late German war. The tatement was accompanied by the statutes, and some copies of a very intcretSting publication, issued periodically by the Bailiwick. The e valuable contributions have, by the kind permission of the Count zu Stolberg, been translated, printed, and published, under the direction and editorship of the Chevalier Julius A. Pearson, for the u e of its member, by the Langue, in the form of a " Memoir of the Baili ~Yick of Bramlenburg," to which has been prefixed an Introduction, giving an account of the Order of S. John in England, from the able pen of the Hev. Chaplain Thomas I-fugo, our Genealogist and Librarian, to whom the Chapter are greatly indebted for his ready as istance. The )lemoir was printed for the Langue by the Royal Artillery Institution at \Voolwich, at a very moderate cost. In return for the information thus kindly sent, the Chapter authorized the Secretary-General to write to the Count zu Stolberg, expressing their warmest thanks, and sending him a copy of the statutes of the English Langue. Soon after this we received a copy of the weekly periodical of the Bailiwick, containing the whole of the Engli h statutes, together with the list of our members translated into German, showing the interest which our Prussian conj1'eres took in our existence, which apparently had not been previou ly known to them. Since this we have received further communications and information from Count zu Stolberg, indicating a very friendly feeling towards the English Knights, and a sincere wish for more intimate relations. One copy of the Memoir will be sent to every member of the Order applying for it, and additional copies may be obtained if required at Is. each. One of the members of the Chapter, the Chevalier J uliu::i A. Pearson, proposes visiting Berlin this autumn, and it is very desirable that he should be the means of obtaining further information as to the organization and usages of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg, and of still further establishing the friendly relations which have sprung up between ourselves and that branch of the Order which, in its principles and objects, most closely resembles our own. Under Chapter XI. of the Statutes of the Langue, the ladies of the Order (Dames Chevalieres) have been regularly constituted as a Chapter, and have held two meetings. The Lady Leigh bas been elected President, the Lady Lechmere Vice-President, and 1\11'. C. J. Burgess has undertaken the duties of Secretary.

It is only right to mention that Mrs. I-Iawkins, the wife of our Chaplain-General, very kinJ]y offered her services as Secretary to the Ladies' Chapter, for wbich the thanks of the Chapter Ordinary have been duly rendered to her; but it was thought that, independently of the uutie of the office being likely to be of an onerous nature, inasmuch a the functions of the Ladic ' Chapter will be mainly connected with the IIospitalIer work of the Langue, it would be de irable, if not neces"al'Y, tbat the duties of Secretary should be performed, if possible, by the pre ent A - i taut Almoner, whose experience on all matters connected with the Convalescents would be of essential value. The Ladies' Chapter propose to hold meetings in the months of larch, April, ~lay, .J une, and December. The following may be briefly stated as the principal duties which the Ladies' Chapter hope to be able to perform : 1. To as i t in visiting the Convalescents, and to give special aid in certain ca e .... 2. To collect tickets of admi sion to various Hospitals', especially tho e for pecial eli ease, uch as the Brompton Consumption Hospital,

&c. 3. To collect clothing, old or new, for distribution. (Parcels may be ent to the Chancery directed to the Almoner.) 4. To aid in providing funds for the Sisterhood work. 5. To make known the principles and objects of the English Langue of the Order. The Ladies will be as isted in their various works connected with the Convale cents by the Almoner, and the Superior of the Sisterhood of . ~1ary and John al 0 will have a seat, but without a vote, at the Ladies' Chapter. It is hoped that those ladies of the Order, who from their distance from London or other causes are unable to visit, may give their aid in the other ways specified.

Annual Festival. Last year it was decided that the members of the Langue should celebrate the Festival of the Patron Saint of the Order by dining together; such a meeting partaking more of the nature of a social reunion for the purpose of bringing our scattered members together, than of that of the hackneyed type of public dinner. So successful was the experiment, that it has been considered desirable by the Chapter to repeat it. An auditional feature this year is the service, taken by two of our Chaplains, in S. Martin's Church, which has been kindly placed at our disposal by the Rev. the Vicar. It was ever the practice of our ancient brethren of the Order to COffi-



variably present. The books so taken out are entered in a book kept for the purpo . . e, and to facilitate the recov<::ry of any books whieh may for the future bc 10 t, they are all marked with the stamp of the Langue. The following presents of books have been receiveu during the past year:" IIi tory of the Knights Templars." By Col. the Bailli Burlton,

rnence their Chapter-General by a solemn service, and this excellent principle is carried out to this day by the Prussian branch of the Order. A7·chives.

During the past year the archives and papers of the Langue, many of which are of much value and interest, have been carefully arranged and catalogued by one of our Knights of Grace, the Chevalier Richard ,Voof, F.S.A. The thanks of the Chapter have been giyen to 1\lr. vVoof for the very careful and elaborate manner in which he has performed the task which he voluntarily and most kindly unuertook. The archives are now under the charge of 1\lajor-General the Commanuer St. George, who has added the duties of Archivi t to those which he already ful£ls as Chancellor.

.B. ce ~ 'loane Evans' British Heralury." By r'l. Genl. the Commander St. George, C.B. " Statutu 1Iosp. 1Iie1'o." Ed. 1584. Folio. By the Chev. E. A. II. Lechmere, Bart., ilLP. " 'tatuta Hosp. IIiero." 1\18S. Folio. 1603. By the Rev. the Chaplain- General. , Guillim's Display of :Heralc1ry." Ed. 1638. "Kottenkamp' IIi tory of Chivalry." Ed. 1587 ; and "De V ertot's Hi tory of Knights of 1\lalta." Engl. ed. 2 vols. Folio. 172. A.ll three by C. J. Burgess, E q., O.S.J.J. Further donations of books, especially county and town histories, anu genealogical and heraldic works, as well as of engravings, drawings, and photograph, illustrative of the Order of S. J ohu, are solicited and may be sent directed to the Regi trar and Secretary, Julius A. Pearson, Esq., F.S.A.,26, Great George treet,"\Yestminster, S.vV.,orto the Chancery.


The small Library of the Langue, for many years inacce sible to the members, from the fact of its being kept in a chest which remained under the charge of the Secretary-General for the time being, has been arranged and catalogued by the Chevalier Woof, who, as in the case of the Archives, has most kindly offered his services. 'Vhen examined by him with the list given by the late Secretary-General, it wa round that some of the most valuable books were mis, ing, and though every dfort has been made by the present Secretary-General, and other members of the Chapter to trace them, they have not yet been recciveu.

Testimonial to Dr. Bigsby. JJlissillg Books.

At the meeting of the Chapter in December last, a testimonial, subscribed for by several members of the Langue, was presented to Dr. Big by on his resignation of the offices of Registrar and Secretary, in acknowledCTment of the valuable services which be had rendered to the b Langue for a period of thirty-two years, during a great portion of which he had held important offices. The testimonial, which consisted of a handsome silver vasc, bearing a suitable inscription in Latin from the pen of our confrere, the Rev. Chaplain Ed ward ,Valford, was presented by Colonel the Bailli ,,\Yilliam Burlton, as President of the Chapter, and acknowledged by Dr. Bigsby.

The missing books are as follows : " 1\lartyrologe des Chevaliers de S. Jean de J," par Goussancourt. Paris, 1743. " Histoire de tous Ie Ordres J\1ilitaires," &c., par Ac1rien Schoonebeak. " Brown's Hospitallaria et Synopsis." 2 '\'oIs. " Jerusalem et Malte," par von Osterhausen. "New Genealogical Handbook of the Noble Families of the IIoly Roman Empire." . . " Statute della Religione di Cavaliere S. J ohan."


Provincial Commande1·ies. B07'TOwing Books.

The books, which are now kept in a bookcase at the Chancery, may be had out by members of the Langue, by applying to the Librarian, the Rev. Thomas Hugo, The Rectory, "Vest Hackney, N., anu calling at the Chancery on any subsequent Tuesday afternoon, that being the day in each week on which oue of the officers of the Langue is almost in-


During the year the first step has been taken to develop the organization of the English branch of the Order in the provinces by the establishment of a Provincial Chapter or Commandery, consisting of the members of the Order residing in the counties of Worcester and Hereford, the chef-lieu of which will be for the present at Rhydd Court, near Malvern, the residence of the Secretary-General.



A code of regulations for the guidance of the Commandery has been submitted to and approved by the Chapter, and a copy of the same has been placed in the Library of the Langue. It is hoped that by this means the existence and objects of the English Langue may be maue known in the western counties, and that eventually Commanderies may be established, in accordance with ancient precedent and the present usage of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg, in other parts of England.

dations and extend the organization of the English Langue, so that it may, under GOD' blessing, continue~ however humbl!, to carry .out the objects and principles of our profeSSIOn, and to sustam the credlt.of an Order renowned not more for its indomitable courage and devotIOn to the Faith than for its ever ready sympathy with the oppressed, and its heartfelt desire to relieve the burdens and to ameliorate the troubles of the sick, the suffering, and the poor. (Signed) ED~IUND A. H. LECH~IERE, Sec1'etary- GeneTal.

Loan of Inner Chambers.

Durillg the past year the Inner Chamber of the Chancery which hitherto had not been required for the purpo es of the Langue, het been lent on two occasions to institutions of a national and philanthropic nature. In the first instance it was placed at the di po al of the members of the Belgian Reception Committee, who most gcnerou ly acknowledged the compliment by a donation of £15 to the charitable objects of the Langue. In the second case, the Ea t of London Emigration and Relief Society have been accommodated with the loan of the room for ten mon ths. In accordance with the decision of the Chapter, the Inner Chamber has been fitted up as a chapter room for the meetings of the Chapters Ordinary, as well as of the Annual Chapter General, and will be reserved exclusively for the purposes of the Langue.


'hancery of the English Langue, S. John Baptist's Day, 18G8.



In conclusion, the Chapter venture to express a hope that their labours during the past year will meet with the approval of the Chapter Genera1. There is no uoubt that the Langue has made satisfactory progress, although it has not added largely to its numbers. It is most desirable that we should endeavour to secure a gradual accession of gentlemen of position, ready to aid in the interesting work of our great confraternity. The Chapter earnestly hope that before the next Chapter General they may be able to report a large accession of members, and a corresponding extension of charitable work; but in the meantime we must look to our present members for increased and more hearty support, in order that no effort may be spared to strengthen the foun-

:«< Since this report was written a cheque for £10 ] Os. has been received from the Secretary of the Society, being a donation from the Committee to the chadty funds of the Langue, accompanied by their hearty thanks for the accommodation given.

IT is with much satisfaction that the Almoner of the Langue is enabled to report the successful establishment of the scheme f?r resuscitating the charitable functions of our ancient Order, and whlCh has been for so 10nO" a time under consideration. At th~ Chapter General, held at the Chancery of the Langue, on S. John Baptist's Day, 1867, His Grace the Duke of l\1anchester, Grand Prior of England, presiding, it was unanimously ~ecreed that assistance should be afforded to the convalescent out-patIents of the principal London Hospitals, by the supply of nutritious diet when prescribed by the Physicians of the respective Hospitals, to be provided and issued at the cost of the Order. The Ho~pital of Charing Cross was selected as the first upon which the experiment was to be tried, and the N ursin O0" Sisters of the Hospital, residing at S. J olm's House, Norfolk Street, Strand, undertook the cooking and issue of the provisions gratuitously. . The following scale of diets was determined on after due consultatIOn with the medical authorities:-


26 A1·ticles

of D iet.




Beef-Tea or l\1utton Broth, or Fish, or Chicken, or JHeat, with Vegetables, or l\lutton-Chop, or Steak.

Arrow-Root, or Rice l\1ilk, or Sago, or Light Pudding.

Wine, or Brandy, or Bottled Porter.

N.B. -Each pint of Beef-Tea represents 14 oz. of Beef; unti any one article in column No.1 is deemed all equivalent. 2 ozs. of 'Vine, 1 oz. Brandy, If pint Porter, are considered as equivalents. The first issue under this system took place on 31 t Augu t 1 67, and from that t.ime to the present, the out-patients of the Ho pital have been uninterruptedly in the enjoyment of its advantages. It is proposed to include King's College I-Iospital under a similar scheme in the course of the present month; and it is al 0 propo ed to extend still further the objects of the Charity by the addition so soon as possible, of University College Hospital, and the Royal Free Hospital, Gray's Inn Road. The supply of food to these two latter Hospitals will be undertaken by the Sisterhood of SS. Mary and John at Clerkenwell, who will also undertake to visit all the cases on behalf of the Ordcr. The following table shows the amount of provisions which have been issued, properly cooked, and in a palatable form to the recipients of the Charity up to the 13th June, the latest date to which detailed reports have been received. Beef-Tea Mutton Broth Wine Bottled Porter Chops or Steaks Light Puddings Portions of Chicken Brandy Milk Rolls

Pints, 367 " 64 Ozs. 1494 Pints, 500 No. 1049 541 " 15 " Ozs. b9 Pints, 210 No. 642

The number of cases that have been relieved is 110, and the periods for which the diets have been dispensed, has varied from seven to fifty days. The following report from Dr. Headland, will prove the sense entertained by the authorities of Charing Cross I-Iospital of this Charity:" Cb:1ring Cross Hospital, April 9th, 1868 .

To the Board of Gove1'n01'S, Charing C1'OSS Hospital, " Gentlemen,- The letter of Sir Edmund Lechmere, Secretary to the Engli sh branch of the Order of St. John of J erusale111, having been referred to me by your Committee, I have the honour to state, that baving been in attendance on the out-pati ents of this Hospital during nearly the whole of the time since the fir t dispensing of these grants of food, wine, &c., placed at our disposal by the Order, I have formed a. very high opinion of the value of the Charity, and should be please d und grateful at any extension of its benefits. It supplies us with a most efficient means of promoting the recovery of deserving but needy patients at their own homes. " I have requested my colleague, Dr. Pollock, to favour me wi th his views, and I finel that he entirely coincides with me in this opinion.I am, &c. F. W. HEADLAND, :M.D., F.R.C.P." I may add in connection with the subject, that the peraonal visitation of the recipients of the Order's bounty is systematically carried on by the Serving Brother, Charles Hilton, and that several members of our Order have also given most valuable assistance in the same manner. Deserving cases have in many instances by this means received relief from private sources, beyond that afforded by the Order. The formation of a Ladies' Chapter, which has just been effected, will, it is hoped, lead to considerable increase in the benefits to be derived from this source. The Visitors' book, containing a detail of all the cases relieved by the Order, toget.her with the remarks of the visitors thereon, may at any time be inspected at the Chancery of the Order, and will fully bear out the foregoing remarks. It may be further added that the Superior of S. John's House states, that to her certain knowledge, in four cases positively, and most probably in two additional cases, the relief afforded ~Y t~1e Order has saved the lives of the patients, which would otherwise mevltably have been lost from wallt of proper nourishment. The system is now fairly in action, and requires only a due extenslon of support in the way of increased funds to ensure results of a permanent and most valuable character. (Signed)



APPENDIX. N the morning of the 25th June, 1868, in accordance with arrangements made at the meeting of the Chapter, twenty-one of the convalescents, out-patients of the Charing Cross Ho pital, who had received relief from the Order of S. John of Jerusalem in Anglia during the past year, made an excursion into the country. They were met at the Chancery, at 8.30 a.m., by the late and present Almoners, who superintended the placing of them in the pleasure-vans which the Order had provided; and, accompanied by six of the Sisters of SS. l\Iary and John, and by the Serving Brother Hilton and his wife, they proceeded to Bushey Park, being plentifully supplied with provisions. The following were their names, and it should be remembered that their number was limited only by the state of health and strength of the convalescents ; -


Mrs. Burrill, Mrs. Balcombe, Ellen Bull, George Cuthbert, John Dwyer, James Gray, Ellen Gray,

lVIrs. Garrett, :Mrs. Gould, Eliza Hillman, :Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Murphy, Elizabeth :Murray, Mrs. Nunn,

:Mrs. Nisbcy, 1\Iary A. Summers, Susan 'Valsh, 1\1rs. 1Vheeler, Susan 'Yilke , Mrs. 'Yi11son, Ellen 'Vise,

In the course of the day, the Secretary-General and the Almoner visited them at Bushey Park, during their dinner, which consisted of cold beef, ham, bread, salad, fruit pies, cheese, butter, plum cake, fruit, and a pint of stout each; and at which they were waited upon by the Sisters, under the superintendence of the :Mother Superior. After dinner, tobacco was served out to the men; and when the party had roamed about the park and visited the gardens of Hampton Court Palace, they had tea; and started about six o'clock for the Chancery. They all expressed the greatest delight at the treat which had been provided for them, some of them not having been out of London for many (in one case, £fteen) years. What remained of the provisions over and above the day's consumption was taken Gharge of by the Sisters to be equally distributed by them on the following day, among all the convalescents on the Almoner's list. (Signed) EDMUND A. H. LECHMERE, Secretary-Ge71e7·al. C. J. BURGESS, Almoner.

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