I SG9.
TllE TURCOPOLIER. Vacant c1uring the abeyance of the Grand Mastership of the Order. THE CAPITULAR BAILIFFS.
GRAND PRIOR OF ENGLAND. His Grace the DUKE OF l\1ANIIE TER, G.c.J.J. GRAND PRIOR OF IRELAND. The COUNT DE SALIS-SOGLIO, G.C.J.J., K.C.P., K.R.E., &c. BAILIFF OF EGLE. The Right Honourable the LORD LEIGH, G. C.J.J. OFFICERS. P1'esident of the Chapter'. Colonel BURLTON, G.C.J.J., C.B. Chancellor and Archivist. Major-General Sir John ST. GEORGE,
Roy. Art., K.C.J.J., K.C.B., &c. Sir EDMUND A. H. LECIIMERE, Bart., K.C.J.J., Rhydd Court, near Upton-on-Severn. Receiver'-Gener'al. Lieutenant-Colonel WHITWORTH PORTER, Roy. Eng., K.C.J.J., &c. Almoner. CHARLE J. BURGESS, K.J.J. (of Grace), The Chancery, 8, S. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, W.C. Preceptor of Torphichen in Scotland. The Right Honourable the LORD TORPIIICllEN, G. C.J.J. Chaplain-Genel'al. The Rev. W. BENTINCK L. HAWKINS, ICC.J.J., M.A., F.R.S. Registl'al', Secreta1'y, and Judge-cj-Ar'ms. J "GLIUS A. PEARSON, K.J.J., F. S. A.) 26, Great George Street, Westminster, S. W. Genealogist and Libral'ian. The Rev. THOMAS IIuGO, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.S.L., Chaplain. Sec1'eta7'y-Ge71eral.
THE CHAPTER. The Grand-Prior, with the Bailiffs holcling Officc, thc Officcrs of the Langue, and the following elected l\lcmbers :·-Colol1cl 'YILLLUI BURL TON, C.B. (President), Sir EDW,\RD IIo,um, Delft., C. PElUBERTON CARTER, J Oll FUHLEY, the Rev. 'V. BE TTL TCK L. HAWKIN , l\I.A., F.R.S., and Lord ELIOT. Chancery oj the EflgZish Langue, 8, S. :Martin's Place, Trafalgar quarc, L ondon, ' V.C. Bankers.
The London and 'Vestmin ter Dank, 1, S. James's Square,
L-1OaiIi[g. (G.C.J.J.) Appo inted .
1860. 1859.
S.,V. 1 ~ G0.
E I. K .J.J.
l\IA ITl<::'TEn, His Grace "Villiam Drogo, Duke of,- Kim bolton Castle, Hunts; 1, Gt. Stanhope S17'eet, W. DE 8.ALT. '-SOGLIO, Peter John, Count (Holy Roman Empire), K .C.P. Hohenlohe, K.R.E.Prussia, K.G.l\L Rome, K.L.H ., K. H. S., &c.-S. J ohn's Villa, Acton, fV. Received into the Order, in the Anglo-Bavarian Langue, 1844. LEunI, The Right Hon. ,Villiam Henry, Lord, - Stoneleigh Abbey, ](enilworth, JVa1'1lJ'ickshire; 37, Portman Sq., fV. T
~ ,
" 1857.
" 1858.
186 1.
PrrILIPPART, Sir tTohn . K. Gustavus Vasa and PoJar Star, Swed en, ~r.R.I.A.,-Collpge House, ChU1'ck Lane, .lJammersmith, Jr. PEllUOTT, 'ir E lhvarcl George Lambert, Bart., late l\Iajor Ea t Kent .r Iilitia, - Brookhillllouse, Plumstead, Iirmt, S .E. l\IA PllEH .OX O:E' CLUNY, Ewen, Chief of the l\lacpher ons and Clan Chattan,- Cluny Castlp, I{illgussie, Inverness -shi1'e; Jun. United S e1'vice Club, S. H~ O)DO~NELL, General Sir Charles R., Colonel of the 18th IIu ~s ars,- Trugh, Limericlt; United Service Club, S . fV. RIG SBY, Robert, LL.D., K . S.J. oftlle Sword, Portugal, &c.,1, Elm Villas, Elm GTfJVe, P eckhmn, S .E . CRA WFORD, ,Villiam, l\I.A., Chief :Magistrate of Bombay. DE BLISS, Henry, Baron (Portugal), F .R . S .L .,- Be1'l?elpy Ilouse, Cam!n'idge Street, fr.; Brandon PaTk, Suffolk; Sleddale F01'est, near ]{endal. PENNEFATllER, General Sir tTohn L ysaght, K .C.B., K .C.S. ~1. & S. Laz. Sardinia, K . C. III. Spain, Gr. Off. Leg. H on. France, K . ~Iec.ljidie, Turkey, Colonel of t he 22nd Regiment,- 6, Onslow Crescent, and United Se1'vice Club, S . fV. AImuTIINoTT, Adullral Sir Alexander Dundas Young, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Her Majesty, ICC. Charles III., and S. Fernando,, K . C. St. G., Russia., and K. ~1edj idie, Turkey,- ConseTvative Club, S . TV.
183 1.
1837. 1834.
1832. 1835. 1837.
6 F.l. K J J.
TORPIIICIIEN, The Right lIon. Robert, Lord,- Caldel' House, Edinburgh; Brooks' Club, S. J;v. • BURLTON, Colonel William, C.B., late Commissary-General, " Bengal .Army,- Oaklands, Shepherd's Bush, W. 1864. HOARE, Sir Edward, Bart.,-Little Hotlifield, near Ashford, Kent.
II.-<[ommantlet. 1869.
IlI. -Il\ni!Jbt$' of ]u$tice. (K.J.J.)
LECllMERE, Sir Edmund Anthony I-IarIey, Bart., Commander of Hanley Castle, W orcestershire, - R hydd COU7't, near Upton-an-Severn; Carlton Club, S./F.
1 65.
" "
HONORARY COMl\1ANDERS. 1841. 1842.
" 1857.
" " 1858. 1859.
" " 1861.
POTT, Joseph Compton, J un.,-llardcn, Kent. ALEXANDER, Colonel Sir James Edward, K.C.L. & S., Persia, K. Medjidie, Turkey,- JVesterton IIouse, Bridge of Allan, N.B.; United Service and Athenceum Clubs, S. IV. VAVASOUR, Sir Henry Mervyn, Bart.,-Spaldington .lfall, Tadcaster; Travellers' Club, S. W. MANSEL, Sir John Bell William, Bart.,- Isclwed, Lla71dilo, Caermarthenshire; Ca1'lton Club, S. rV. SPRYE, Captain Richard, late Dep.-J udge-Advoeate-Gcneral, Madras Army,-18, S. George's Terrace, ](ensillgto17, rf: WOLLASTON, Major Frederick, late 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, -16, Grafton Street, w.; Shenton Ifall, Nuneaton, "lVarwickshire. BROWNE, Lieut.-General Walter John, C.B.,-14, S. James's Squa7'e, S. W. SHUCKBURGH, Sir Francis, Bart., F.R.S.,-Shucltburgh Park, near Daventry. POWNALL, Henry, Chairman of the Middlesex Sessions,63, Russell Square, Jf: C. PORTER, Lieut.-Colonel Whitworth, R.E., K. Medjidie, Turkey,-Brompton Barracks, Chatham. RYLAND, Lieut.-Colonel George Hermon,-Government House, Montreal. RAMSAY, Vice-Admiral George, C.B. ST. GEORGE, Major-General Sir John, R.A., K.C.B., Off. Leg. I-Ion., France, and l{. Medjidie, Turkey, late DirectorGeneral of the Ordnance.-17, Rutland Gate, Hyde Park, and United Service Club, S. W.
El. K.J.J.
1863. A 1T DEH 'ON, Colonel Thomas,- U71irnt Club, Trafalga1' Square, JV, C. j JJawtlw1'1t Ifill, near Fredericton, New Brunswick. • 1865. IIAWKIN, The Rev. 1Vm, Bentinck Letham, M.A., F.R.S., -100,I-la1'ley St., "IV.; Athenceum Club, S. W.
1 41. 1 32.
" "
1 43.
1 55. 1 57.
" " 1860.
" 1 62.
1863. 1837. 1859.
" 1867.
" 1869.
IIOL;)IE. , l\lajor-G eneral John, C. B., K. 1\1ec1jic1ie, Turkey,1--1, St. James's Squa1'e, S. rV. nUlL E~, L1eut. Fitzjames IIolmes. LEITH, tTolm Farley, late Professor of Civil Law, H.E.I.C. College, IIaileybury, - 79, Gloucester Ten'ace, Hyde I>arlt, JT~ nCRXE , Adam,-J.1Ielbourne, Australia. nAItH, Colonel IIaery James, 11.11. Bombay Staff Corps,1--1, S. Jamf's' Squa?'e, S. rV FIFE, ir John, 1\l.D., Dep.-Lieut.,-Newcastle-on- Tyne. IIoLLAND, l\Iajor Trevenen James, C.B., H.M. Bombay St.aff' Corps. IIERIDA"N, I-Ienry Brinsley, l\LP.,-17, rVestbourne Ten'ace, rf:; Oaldallds, St. Peter~s, Isle of Thanet. BURNE~ . Lieut. Sidney Holmes. GIlm, I-Iugh, late Surgeon- General, Bombay Presidency,Grove EMl IIouse, St. John's Wood. B -ItLTO T-BEN ETT, John Robert, late Postmaster-General, Bengal,-14, IJavf70clt Road, Ilastings. IIoARE, J 0 eph V\T allis O'Bryen, l\1ajor 5th (Royal Elthorne) 1\Iiddlesex l\Iilitia,-Sydney House, near Southampton. Locn, Henry Brougham, C.B., Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Nlan,-D01.lglas, Isle of Man. CARTER, Charles Pemberton, - I{ennington Hall, Aslif01'd, Keitt. TnoMsoN, Captain 'Villiam, late 78th Highlanders. FURLEY, J onN, Capt. 29th Kent (Ashford) Rifle Volunteers, -Ashford, I(ent. vYALFORD, The Rev. Edward, 1\1. A., -- 17, Church Row, I-Iampstead, N. J;v. PEAR ON, Julius Alexander, LL.D., F.S.A.,-46, Hyde Park Squa1'e, W.; Junio1' Carlton Club, S. W. ELIOT, Wm. Gordon Cornwallis, Loru,-36, Dova StTeet, w.; P01't Eliot, S. Germans, COTrtwall.
9 Elected.
IV·-Ql:baplain~. Elected.
1858. 1867.
" " 1868.
" " " 1869.
HAWKINS, The Rev. Wm. Bcntinck Letham, M.A., F.R.S.,100, IIaTley 8t7'eet, n ·"'.; Athencewn Club, 8.1V. (ChaplainGeneral, 1866). IKIN, The Rev. "'ilEam D., :M .A. (care of A. fl{in, Esq., Trimbledon Road, lVandsw01'th). HUGO, The Rev. Thomas, 1\1.A., F.S.A., F.R.S.L.,-The Rect01'y, 'fVest Hackney, N WALFORD, The Rev. Edward, 1\1. A., - 17, Chw'ch Row, Hampstead, N 'fv. SHADWELL, The Rev. Arthur Thomas vVhitmorc, 1\1.A.,Langton Vicarage, near lJ.JaLton, York 'hire. ,\VOOD, The Rev. Albert Athelstane,- Castle lJ.Jorton, lu'ar Tewkesbury. OAKLEY, The Rev. John, 1\I.A.-l, 8. lJJ(Jry's Road, CalloJLbury, N. HOLDEN, The Rev. Oswald Mangin, 1\1.A., B.C.L ,-J{ingswinford, near Dudley. 1\IALET, The Rev. 'Vm. "\Vynelham,-Anleley ricarug(', near Buntingford, He7'ts. WOODWARD, The Rev. John, - S. llIary' Pllrsunafj(', ~lontrose, NB. Cox, The Rev. James Bell, 1\1.A.,- SeveTlZ End, near [TptOllon-Severn. RUSSELL, The Rev. Sydenham Francis, M.A.,- lVillesbo'J'ough Vicarage, nem' Ashfo'J'd, I{ent.
v.-Il\nigbtz of Qbtace. 1848.
" 1857.
" " "
M.cALESTER, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Archibald, K.II.,-Loup Villa, Axminster, Devon. SRA W, Colonel Claudius, IL S. Fernando, Spain; F.R. S. Eelin.; late Royal Artillery, 7, Elder Place, Cob ridge, Stokeon-Trent. BEATTIE, vVilliam, M. D.,-13, Upper Be1'keley 8b'eet, 'fV. BURNES, Dalhousie Holmes, late Lieut. Royal Engineers. LAURIE, William Alexander, F.S.A. Edin.,-Rossend Castle, Fifeshir-e, NB. PRINGLE, William,-Edinburgh. GIBSON, Lieut.-Colonel George VVashington,-21, Blomfield Ten'ace, 1[(17']'01.0 Road, PV.
1857. COPLAND, James, lVLD" F.R.S.,-5, Old Burlington Street, n. " • VELLA, Sir Luigi, IC.C.1\1. & G., LL.D., Superintendent of ILM. Recorcl Office, Malta,-Malta. 1858. BURNE. ', Lieut. Hamilton Farquhar Hohnes. CLAY, ,,\Yilliam Nichols,-Ilill House, Babbicombe, near Torquay. 1859. RYLA.I. D, 'Yarwick Hastings,-Government IIouse, Montreal. 1 60. CLAY, Richard, late Lieut. 78th Highlanders. ErrlHATINGER, Lieut.-Colonel ,\Villiam, K. S. Fernando and " I abella the Catholic, Spain,-.L1Iontreal, Canada. ]864. RATCLIFF, Charles, F.S.A., Lieut.-Colonel 1st "\Yarwickshire Rifle Volunteer , - lVyddringt01l, Edgbaston, Birmingham; Athf'1l([>7l1n alld Consel'vative Clubs, 8.1V. 1 67. "\YOOF. Richard, F.S,A.,F.R.S.L., Lieut. 13th Worcestershire Rifle Volunteer ,-lVol'cester. ,,\VllEN-IIo.'KYN, Chandos, :M,P" - Hm'ewood, near Ross, " IIel'ejo1'(ZshiTe; O,~ford and Cam.bridge Club, S.lV. 186 BURGE R, Charles John (late H.1\I. 46th Regt.),-Naval and lJJilitaTY Club, Piccadilly, IF. ~,
1 59. 1861. 1865. 1 67.
" " 1868.
" " 1869. "
IIENDER ON, J oseph,-BToonifield Place, Evelyn St., Depiford, S.E. A DEn. ON, A. 1\1. DOD WOllTII, Frederick Charles,- O.'I.f07'd rilla, TU1'1zham Green, TV. PEARf.lON, Albert IIm"ford, ~1.A., B.C.L.,-Juni07' Cm'llon Club, 8. H/~; I{uebworth R ectory, near Steven age, He1'ts. LYTE, lIenry Churchill Maxwell,-55, Cw'zon Street, Mayfair, rv. SANDEll ON, Edw. Scott, -Fearnall I-Ieath, Clai,tes, neal' lVorcestel' . BURGE S, John, Commr. R.N.-H.1J.f.8. "Pand01'a." FREND, Edwin, Lient. Oxfordshire Militia,-Rejo1'1n Club, S. 'fv. BURGESS, Harry 1\1iles, Lieut. Royal Artillery. WILMOT, Charles 1\1ontague,-I{ennington, near Ashf07'd, I{ellt. SHAW, Alexander .lEneas,- Cobridge, 8toke-on- Tl'ent.
-VII.-JLal1iez. 1862.
RAMSAY, flarriett Charlotte, widow of lHajol'-General James Ramsay, G.C.J J.,--16, Brya1lstone Squal'e, TV. _\. 2
" "
PORTER, Annie Shirley, wife of Lieut.-Colonel Porter, R.E., K.C.J.J .,-B1'ompton Brrrruc/is, Chatham. ST. GEORGE, Elizabeth .Marianne, Lady,-17, Rutland Gatf', Hyde PaTH, "1fT. DE LA TIC St. JAL, Agnes, Vieomtesse,-Chateau de lJfontauban, Dep. de Ta1"1~-et- Garonne, Fl·w/ce. BURNE, Esther Sarah, widow of James, Baron Burnes, (Saxe-Coburg-Gothn), G.C.,J.J., K.II.-clO, Ladbrolle Sq., lVottillg lJill, IV.
1863. 1865. ] 867.
" " 1869.
!J 113rotber.
8, S. lJlartin's Placp, Trafalgar S'11tn1·e. lV. C.
I.-DAILIFFS. STAGG, General, Quito, Ecuad01'. SALIS-SOGLIO, l\1ajor-General Johann Ulrich, Baron dc, leS. \Vlndimir, Russia. CASTEL-13uOLO, Federico Lancia e Grassellini, Duea eli, K. SS. lVI. & L., Sardinia, K. Crown of Italy. 2.-CO~fMANDERS.
", ~
" 1864.
1 61.
IIOl\IPESCII VON WISDECQ, Theophile Anton Wilhelm, Count von, nephew and heir of the sixty-ninth Grand-Master, Rll7'ich Castle, neal' Aix-la- Chapelle; and Chateau de IVisbecq, near Brussels. (Hceeived into the Order in the AncrloBavarian Langue, 1825.) b BULOW, Carl Georg Alexander, Baron von. l\lETTERNICII, Baron von,-Po{sdmn.
lIE UD, Colonel tfohn T.,-JJoston, N Amcl'ira. \V INTIIHor, Colonel J ohn,-LouisiaNa, U. S. n 'TELLI-FosCOLO, Giovanni, Conte di. 3.-KNIGHTS. LA, TIC ST .•TAL, Louis, Vieomte de,- Chateau de JJIolltauban, Dep. de Tarn-rt-Gm'mme, France. DELbJ'IBIU: E, Octave, K.C.C.III., Spain, IC.S. Syl., Rome, LL.D., F. .A., Belgian Consul-Gelleral and Sec. of Legation ,-35, Jluwle!J Place, JJIaida IIill, TV. 4.-CIIAPLAIN.
IX.-J1)onorarp ®elnber$. 1855. 1858.
HOA RE, Harriet, Ludy,-Little IIot1!field, Asl!fo1'rl, ]{('Ilt. LECTI;\IEHE, LouiBU Rosamond, Lac1y,-Ilhydd Court, Ileal' Upto71-on- Seve1'1z, "lrvTcesteJ'shil'e. HAWKINS, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev. ,\V. n. L. IIawkin, K.C.tT.J.,-lOO, Harley Stl'fet, Jr. LEIGH, The Right lIon. Caroline Amelia, Lady,-i Ylolleleigh Abbey, ]{ellilwm'th, Irar1cicl.shiJ'e; 37, PortlJl(lll ''1', If~ POHTEU, Catharine, daughter of Lieut.-Colonel l}orter, H. E., K. C.J .J.,-Bro1nIJtun Bal'raclls, rltatlwJIl. TORPHICIIEN, The Right lIon. lIelen, Lady,-Calrfer IIullse, Edinburgh. YIII.-~ertli
186 .
Elc(·ted .
TENNE,' EE, The Right Rev. Charles Todd QuintaI'd, LL.D., Lord Bishop of,-JJIe1llphis, Tenn., U. S.
X.-IDonat. 1 G2.
PIIILLIl), , Robert.
13 Elrdl'c\
IDccea.~etJ ®cnlbcr~. J798.
. 1799.
" 1830.
" " " 1832.
" " " "
" 1833. " "
1834. 1835.
" "
LA WRE JCE, Sir James, K.tT.J. (,receil'ed ({bro((d). 1\IEREDYTII, f ir Joshua olles, Bart., Captain ( 9th Foot, K. t. Louis, France, and K. On1. LOlli of IIeH 'e Dann tach (1'eceiued into the Orde1' by the 69th Gr{[J/(!-J.l[a ta the BaroJl Ferdinand von ]Imnpesch). POrIIAl\I, Admiral Sir IIome Riggs Y.c.n., 1\1.P. (},(}(·(It'Nl ab1'oarl) receiveu the Hoyal Licence to weal' the ill ·igll i,,- at Court 20th Sept., 1799. Horm, Vice-Admiral the Right lIon. ir ,\Yilliam John tone, G.C.B., 1\1.P., Governor oC Greenwieh IIo . . pital. Sl\IJ'Jn, Admiral Sir ,\Villiam Sidney, Count Palatine of the Lateran, Prince 1\lagistral and Hcgcnt oC the Order oC the Temple, G.C.D., G.C.T.S., Portugal, G.C.S., Swcclen, G.C.S. Fenl. and G.C. Orc1. 1\1 rit, Naple', r.U.l\I. Home, Ie. Cre c., Turkey, 1\1.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., etc. (J'e('('il'ed in the AIIglo-Bavm'ian Lml!}I/(J). TOXICIN, Lieut.-Col. Sir '\Vnrwick IIek, K. Leg. lIon. France, Viee-.,:\..dmiral of Dcvon (recr,oed ill the AlI!}/o-JJ((vnri(lII La71gue ). PEAT, The Rev. Sir Robert, D.D., G.C.S. Stani -laus, Polaml Chaplain to King George IV. DUI~BOY E, The Right lIon. J ame , L3th Lonl Baron. DOYLE, 1\lajor-Gen. Sir John l\Iillcy, ICC.n., K. '. F mando, Spain, and K. T. & S., Portugal, K. Cresc., Turkey, Serjeantat-Arms to Queen Victoria, 1\I.P. [or co. Carlo'. ·.. LANGFORD, The night lIon. IIercules Langford, Lonl Daron. DnOl\ILEY, Stretch Cowley. CLAN Y, '\iVilliam Heid, 1\l.D., F.R.S. El1in., nI.H.I.A. DIWW TSO ,Lieut.-Colonel vYilliam Henry, late Captain 23nl Welsh Fusiliers. ~1AGIN , William, LL.D. GRANT, Captain Thomas, Vice-Admiral of Devonshire. TOCQt'EVILLE, Peter Victor, Comte de. D.AltTON, Sir Freeman, late Captain 2nd Foot. ROBEn.T~() OT!' STHUAl General George Duncan, Chief of the Clan Donnochie, C. B., K. Imp. OnL Leopold, Austria. BEETIIAiI[, ,Villiam, F.lLS. Du ,'ANY, The Right lIon. Randal Edward, 15th Lord Baron. JYIACKENZIE, Charles Fitzgerald.
~ 'IIADWELL, The Right Hon. Sir Lancclot, Vice-Chancellor of
England. BURNE, James, Daron (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), R.IL, LL.D., " F.R.S. DE PEA1L ALL, Robert Lucas, fVil/esbridge ]]ouse, Glo/lcester" shire; JrartclIspe Castle, Lalte of COllstance. n 1.:t,L, ,\Villiam, 1\ I. D. 183" IIlT,LARY, 'ir ,\Villiam, Bart., Equerry to II.n. II. the Duke of Sus ex. IIrL L.\l~Y, Sir A ugu'tus ,\Villiam, Bart., late 6th Dragoon " U uanls. Dy fOKE The lIon. ir Henry, Dart., 17th IIereditnry " Champion of England. 1839. NEW 1'0... .T ame, Dep. Licut. of Che. hire, Derbyshire and Lanea -hire. P EAH. L, Commander Sir James, R. N., Ie. II. " -10. 1\IA:--TEIt, Capt. Uiehanl Thoma, late II.1\I. Grenadier Guards. 1\1l lUtA Y Captain Arthur tormont, late 11.1\1. Rifle Brigade. 18-10. DE PEAl~SALL, Pobert Lucas, late 4th (Emperor's Own) Regt. Uhlan', AlI'triall Army. 1 -12. CIIEIDr~IDE, Sir Robert Alexander, nLD., K.C.H., K.R.E., Prll::5~ia, K.L. II., France, Physician to the Briti h Emba 7 at Pari. 1\1,\(' An, Colonel the lIon. Sir Alan Napier, Dart., Prime " 1\Iini tel' of Canada. IH-U. PI~[m 1'1£, ~ 'ir Edward 13i11(11088, Dart. el ~Y TGILDI, Sir H.obert Keith Dick, Bart. " IH-l6. N gEDIIA I, the IIon. Francis IIenry. 1 47. LA\1I3,Lieut.-Colonel'ir Charle l\lontolieu,Bart. Daron de St. IIypolite (France), D.C.L., ICnight-1\farshal of the Queen's 1Iousehold, Deputy Lieutenant of Sus ex and Ayrshire. LABANOFli', 1Ii Ilighne s the Prince Alexander. " 1848. ANTRI I, The H.ight Hon. Iingh Seymour, Earl of. n ROER, Somerville ,Valdemar, late Captain ILM. Grenadier " Guards (brother to the late Sir C. 1\1. Lamb, Dart., Baron de St. IIypolite, G.C.J.J.) LAMB, Charles James Saville 1\10ntgomery. " GIUFl<'ITIIS, 1\Iajor ,,\Yilliam Stuart, late 23nl (Royal '\Yelsh " Fusilier) Regt. GLOVER, 1\lortimer, 1\1. D., F.R. S. Ec1in. " VVILKIE, Lieut.-Colonel David. " BROUN, Lieut.-Colonel William James, Government Secretary, " Guernsey.
14 Electeu.
18-19. 1855.
BUCKLEY, :Major \Villiam, Bengal Cavalry. \VILLL M , Thomas Troughear, Count of t.he Lateran, IC.G ..M., Rome, l\I.D., Physician to the Spanish Emba~sy, London. " GUNNING, John, C.B., K. \Yilhellll of the Netherlands, InspectorGeneral of Army Hospitals. FLORES, General, G.C.C. 111., Spain, Gr. Off. Leg. lIon., " France, President of the Ecuador. RIARIO-SFORZA, II Gcneralissimo II Duea Luc1ovieo cli. " 1857. BURNES, Lieutenant George James IIolmcH, Bombay Fu iEers. RA.)ISA.Y, :Maj. General J ame8, late Commissary U cuerai of thc " Bengal Army. JONES, Vice-Admiral the lIon. Alexandcr l\Iontgolllery. " LE GEYT, Philip \Villiam, :\lemb. Legisbtivc COLlllcil of India. " BUETT, l\lajor Reginald Best, Bombay Artillery. " GRANT, John, Bengal Army. " OUTR.A.:\I, Lieut.-General Sir James, BaIt., G.C.D., I\:.C.S.I. " \yHITEHEAD, John, Superior of the Barony of Drell), Scotland. " PINHEY, the I-Ion. Hamnett, l\lelllbcr of the Legislative " Council of Canada. FREESTUN, Colonel Sir 'Villiam Lockyer, K.C.C.III.. ~. " Fernando, and Isabella the Catholic, Spain, amI Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, Dep. Licut. of Dorsetshire. FERGUS ON, Lieut.-General \VilJiam, K. Cresc., Turkcy, late " Royal lHarines. PLUMRIDGE, Admiral Sir James Hanway, R.C.B. " AGAR, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Emmanuel Felix, Knight. " VV ATTS, Vice-Admiral George Edward, C.B., K. C. II. , 1858. K.R.E., Prussia, K. Henri the Lion of Brunswick, etc. BISSHOP, l\lajor-General Cecil, C.D., Col. of the 16th Hegt. " NORCLIFFE, :Major-General Norcliffe, K.H. " TACHE, Colonel Sir Etienne Paschal, Knight, Prime ~Iinister " of Canada. BURNES, Holland 'Yard Holmes, Lieut. Indian Navy. " 1858. WINTIIROP, William, Consul U.S.A., :Malta. 1859. TURNBULL, Wm. Barclay David Dundas, Barrister-at-Law, Calendarer of State Papers. ROBERTSON OF STRUAN, George Duncan, Chief of the Clan " Donnochie, late Lieut. 42nd Highlanders. " BELL, Alexander, Quebec. 1864. MELANO DE CALCINA, Antoine Laurent, Comte de. 1865. RAMSAY OF BARNTON &~A CIlIE, Charles Wm. Ramsay. J h /~ ./. // /( /~~3 . UL~U4{/- h rriu {/tl{ ~/?//I tL.~~( AU.1.-'/~
// /" L / / /l dk d~/ci, (nr' d{(/i{d'k;;
. [,~
HE Chapter Ordinary has to report, that since the last Chapter
Meetings of
General, they have met on nine occasions for the dispatch of the Chapter hn~ines ; namely, in the months of July, August and December in the pa t year, and in the months of January, February, ~Iarch, April, l\lay, and .r une in the present year. The following have heen admitted members of the English branch Members a< of the Order since the last Chal/ter General. mittecl. ]{Jlight of Justice.
The Hon. \V:\I. GonDoN COHNWALLIS ELIOT, Baron ELIOT of St. German's. Chaplains.
Hey .•LurEs DELL Cox, 1H.A., of Christ's College, Cambridge, Chaplain of Rhydd Court, near U pton-on-Severn, \Vorce-tershire. Rev. SYJ)E ... ~ILDI FlU.NeIS RUSSELL, l\LA., St. John's College, Cambridge, Vicar of '\Yillesborough, near Ashford, Kent. Esquires.
EDWIN FUEND, Lieut. Oxford :Militia. HAnny :MILES DUIWESS, Lieut. Royal Artillery. CHARLES l\IoNTAGUE VVILl\IOT, Kennington, Ashford, ICent.
Lady (DA)IE CREV ALI ERE ). The Right flon. HELEN, LADY TOTIPHICHEN. The following promotions have taken place during the year. Sir EDMUND A . H. LECUUERE, Bart., to be a Commander virtute officii as President of the Provincial Chapter, and founder of the Commandery of IIanley Castle. C. J. BUI~GESS, Esq., to be a Knight of' Grace.
1G I t will be in the rem em brance of the l\1em bers of the Chapter, that ;isterhood of 38. l\laryand at the last. Chapter General it was announced that the :l\1embers of the rohn. Sisterhood of SS. :Mary and John, who lately formed part of the community of St. John's Hou e, Norfolk Street, Strand, had undertaken to visit the convalescents relieved by the English branch of the Order, and to discharge other duties connected with our 110 pitaller work. In consequence of their having been obliged to change their house and move to another part of London, they have been compelled to withdraw the services which they had so kindly placed at our disposal. Deprived by this unfortunate circumstance of the means of providina and dis11en ina of diets for a certain number of o for the cookina 0 0 convalescents from the Royal Free Ho pital, Gray' Inn Road, the Chapter were obliged to abandon their intention of extending the charitable work of the Order to one of the ho pitals in the North of London. The subscriptions paid to the Sisterhood Fund have been added to the current income of the year, and will appear in the Receiver General's account. We have to acknowledge again, with sincere gratitude, the great attention paid to our convalescents by the 'isters of St. John's House, who continue to prepare and di pense the diet. In the absence of any Sisterhood connected with the Order, we hould have had great difficulty in carrying out our work, had it not been for the ready aid and sympathy which we have experienced from both the Council and the community of St. John's Hou e. In addition to the preparation and dispensing of the diets to the convalescents, the f'i tel'S have in many cases undertaken to visit those patients whose cases required more particular care and attention. The Chapter has under consideration the formation of an English roposed ranch of the branch of the "Societe Internationale de Secours aux l\Iilitaires ciet6 de Malades et Blesses." A correspondence wi th the \Var Office, the ~ cours
Admiralty, and the Army Medical Department, carried on by the Almoner, elicited the fact, that the Secretary of State for "'\Var recognises the great advantage which such a Society might prove to this country in time of war. The following members of our Order therefore, formed themselves into a preliminary Committee for the purpose of determining how such a society could best be formed, and how it could be most serviceable to the country in peace as in war. Major General Sir J onN ST. GEOHGE, Ie. C. B. Sir EDMUND A. H. LEcruIEuE, Bart. Lord ELIOT.
17 Hev. 'V. B. L. II \ WKI ~~ S. .M r. J. A. PE .\l~ .. o ~r . lVIr. J. FURLEY. 1\lr. C. J. BURGE, s, who undertook the office of lIon. See. The Chapter having been invited to se11(l delegates to the International Conference then about to be held at Berlin, it was thought advi able to take no further action until the return of the delegates, the Chevaliers Burgf'-;' :l l ll: T'l!llt'.· . It is contemplated to call together shortly a meeting of naval and military officers and others, with the object of forming a strong central committee, 011 which to found a. National Society for the organization of a staff of trained nurses, who by gaining experience in the tending of ea es of di case or accident in time of peace, may be employed in as ~i . ting the army metlieal tuff in time of war. Thi Committee should also collect funds for the purchase of the neces 'ary ho pital material, and have ready for immediate service in case ' of' public cabmity at home or abroad, an or 6 anized system of help for the sick UlHl wounded, somewhat similar to that which was impro"i·cd by .I. Iiss Nightingale dnring the Crimean 'Var. The neces'ity for uch voluntary help to the state is everywhere recognised, hut Englantl remains the only country in Europe in which no uch society exi tt'. It i ' obvious, that owing to the rapidity with which modern wars are conducted, any organization for the relief of sufferers by war, must be perfectly ready to take the fieltI with the army, or it will fail in its purpose. Our two delegates propose to publish an account of their visit to the Conference of 13m'lin, and of other matters referring to the subject, in the hope of awakening a more general intere t in our work. It is hoped that at the next Chapter-General, we may be enabled to report the foundation, upon a sound and practical footing, of an English branch of the International Society of Help. During the past year the Chaplains have been requested by the Chapter, through the Almoner, to bring the charitable objects of the Order before their parishioners, so as to make our organization better known, and to obtain some aid from church offertories, and from the donations of individuals. Up to the present time little has been done in this respect; it is, however, hoped, that at the meeting of the Chaplains held yesterday, some plan may have been devi 'ed by which they may more closely identify themselves with our Hospitaller work, and promote its maintenance and extension. Since the forma.tion of the Commandery of fIanley Castle, in W orcestershire, two meetings of the Provincial Chapter attached to the
Chaplain an Charitable object.
Comman(lci of Hanley en ·tIe.
18 Commandery have been hcld at the Rhydcl Court, the u e of which has been granted to the Members of the Chapter by the Commander. The businc s on both occasions was preceded by the cu tomary office of the Order, said by one of the Chaplains in the Domestic Chapel. The specia.l work of this Commandery has by a vote of the Provincial Chapter, been decided to be, the supply of diets to convalescent patients of the W Ol'cester Dispensary. The Lady Superintendent of the S. Alban's Indu trial chool, W Ol'cester, has kindly undertaken to open a Hospice for the supply of the diets upon the same plan as that adopted by the Si ters of S. John's House, for the relief of our London convalescent'. The limits of the province assigned to the Commandery of Hanley Castle have been extended to Stafford hire, in con cqucnce of an urcrent request made by our Confrere, Col. the Chevalier Claudius Shbaw, that we would, if possible, establi,h a branch of onr charitable work amongst the neglected poor, and victims of evere accidents in the mining and pottery districts. It gives crreat pleasure to the Chapter ordinary to be able to report ;. John's o r ' that anew, and especially interesting work has been set on loot m louse, A h)rd. Kent, by some of the members of the Order residing in that. county. It consists of a rural hospital, ca1led S. John's I-Iouse, de igned for the accommodation of the poor who are suffering from di ea e or accident. The establishment fund at the present time amounts to about £350, and the promised annual income to £140. A Dispen ary in connection with S. John's House, Ashford, for which one of our membcrs is solely responsible, was opened on the 1st of April la t, with 55 members; on the last subscription night there were 85 members. The Chapter have had under their consideration the be t means of Ionorary Asconnectino' with the Order the names of medical men distingui heel in Sciates. b their profession, or who have rendered special services to the Order, or in the cause of philanthropy generally. It has been felt that as the charitable work of the Order increases, and as it becomes more extcnsively known as a great" Soci6tie de Bienfaisance," whose objects are mainly directed to the relief of sickness and pain amongst the poorer classes, it will be most desirable that we should have the advice and sympathy of members of the medical profession distinguished for their philanthropy, as well as for their professional skill. The following gentlemen have accordingly been elected I-Ionorary Associates, and have expressed their desire to aid in promoting the objects of the order: EDWARD II. SIEVEKING, Esq., M.D. A. JULIU. POLLOCK, Esq., M.D.
ALBERT NAPPER, Esq., of Cranleigh, Surrey. FREDERICK vV. IIEADLAND, Esq., M.D. Through the kindness of the Rev. IIenry White, the Chaplain, permission has been obtained from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lanca tel', to hold an annual service in celebration of St. John's Day in the beautifully restored Chapel Royal, Savoy. Its proximity to the Chancery, and to the hospitals with which we are connected, renders it a convenient and appropriate place, whilst its hi torical a sociations as a royal chapel give it an additional interest. It has been thought very desirable to appoint a publisher to the Order, and Mr. B. M. Pickering, of Piccadilly, has expressed his willingness to undertake this office. The last report was accordingly printed and published by him, and it is hoped that all succeeding publication will be entrusted to him so as to secure uniformity. The following additions have been made during the past year to the library: Roll of Caerlaverock, presented by the Chev. C. J. Burgess. Le l\Iartyrologe des Chevaliers de St. Jean par Goussancourt, 1643. Ditto. (2 Vol., with u. condition that it is to be returned if the copy now mi sing from the library is found.) l\'fonachologia. Ditto. Lewi ' I Ie of Tenet, 1736. Ditto. l\lonasticon Favershaniense, 1671. Ditto. Breve e particolare Instruzione del S. O. M. degli Ospitalari, 1724. Ditto. Die Biehilfe del' Volker zur pflege, del' in ICriegen verwundeten, 1 6. Ditto. Re"ultats de la Conference Internationale, de Berlin, 1869, Ditto. Juc10ci Ammani. Pont. Ord. Omn. Habitus, 1661. Ditto. Burke's orders of Knighthood. ehev. C. P. Carter. lYIonumenti e Lapidi Sepolerali dei Militi Gerosolimitani nella Chiesa di san Giovanire in Malta. Chev. R. Woof.
Service on John's Day.
Publj her.
The Chapter of Ladies (Dames Chevalicres) has met on two Ladics' occasions during the year. tcl'. Tickets for different metropolitan and other charities, and clothing for distribution to the more necessitous of the convalescents relieved by the Order, have been sent in by the Ladies for distribution under the direction of the Almoner. It has also been proposed that each Lady should be requested to name a month during which she would visit at their homes the convalescents relieved by the Order, and that in the event of her not being
it 1111:,'1'-
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'\'inp: ltlH'r,
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nhk to do 8t), ~lIt' ::;ilollld pnn idt' t;()lIH' nllt' to yisit ill hl'r slc:ul. ~I rt-l. II illl)]), tIl{' widow n(' our lith' ~t'l'\illg bwtlter, \Vat> ll:ttllc<l at' :l t'llitable person Cor this dllty. "'ith a "it' to 8t'l'Ill'l nniformity, :l1ld to n'('ol1('iln f'OIlH' app:lrt'llt inl'OIH3it;tt'IlCl '8 :lntI v:lri:llillll::' {'rOIll tltl' ll~:lgCS o{' tltt' l'rll~::;iall :llld olher br:nll'ht'~ of the Order, a Comlllittl'l', :Ip)loinll'd b.\ tilt' (illaptl'r, h:IS t'al'L'l'lllly l'oll~idered :l11d reported on Iht' "hoI, q lIl'~t iOll of' till: I Ilsiglli:1. It h:18 U' 'n thought. dl't;irabll' tn postpOIIl' tht' lill:d t'oll~idl'raliul1 alld adoptilHl of' this nport, a Cl)P.' of which h:l::; b('t'n ::; 'Ill to l'!lt'h ;\1t'lIlhl!l', lI11til the COllll\\ittl't' hat' becn abll' tn take into its cOllKidl'l'ation the :Hhlitioll:ll 8uil,il'd s of' a form 0(' n'cl'ption, a11<l :l dt't'l:tration to 1)(' 1I1:HIl b,Y Knight::; of .1 1I ,ticc and other l\lctllu r on their :llltllission to thl' h-der. Sil1l'e tIl last Chaptl'r-Gt'lwral 0111'':1.l' and NC(,l'l'Iar , Ih' (hcvaliel" tlulius A. Pear:,on h:\s vi::-;ited H rlin, "ith n ,iew 10 Jllake hil\l~elr more I:ulliliar with the ()r~aniz;ltion 0(' th' Ibili" i('I' (II' nr:ll1denb\1rg :t11tl itt' ,ariol1s charitaull' in::;titutiOI1'. Ill' \\n~ 'CI') cOl'dially received b:v llunt Eucrhanl 'l.;11 Stulhcrg- \\r cl'l1ig;erlHlc, ('OUIl!. .\t1:duert and COil talltin ,on d T Heckc-Volult'rst ,ill, :llltl othl'l' inflllential members of' the Pnl sian branch 0(' th Onl'l', and brought; I)a('k with him a ~ tore 0(' iuformation which will be or great t:l 'I'vi" t th Chapter. A OT at It)~s has heen slIstained bv the tleC'e:1s of' our ~ 'Cl'vincr Broth ~ Hilton who ' ince his appoil1t\l)~I1t. in "pite of hi 0\\ II phYt'ic~1 incapacity {'lH' any great exertion, llit'ehal'g d his duties and e~p('ciall)' those in relation to thc eOl1Ya1c"ccnts whom he had to vi::-;it and report upon with a hearty Cecling and tend '1' t'}lllpathy which c'pecially fittet! him for hi, particular work. Our hrother's funeral was cOJ)tluded by the Tuill! of S. Alb:1n, nll the e. 'pence ' bing (1 Cray d by the Chapt r and it is gratif') ing to 1 nuw that through the eil<.>rts of some of our mcmber' two of hi ehihlren arc likely to ue educated aml put out to scrnce. The Chapter d pire again to remiml the III mbers of the special charitaule work which their branch of the Order is actively c:11'rylllg on. ,YhiLt other charities are annually .'pending large ums on salaric and other official charges, the whole of the funds pInc d :1t our dispot'al may be said to find their way to the object for which tbey were intemlcd and are dispel1 eel uncleI' the direction of unpaid officers, through the agency of those devoted ladies who have so readily aided us. After the succesi:lf'ul experience of two years, in proof of \V hich we 11:1\'e the testimony uf high medical authority, the Chapter feel thnt they may with confidence appeal for increased aid, and that they Illay espc-
t'ially (':tll lIpOIl tltoH(' of' ollr :"wlli())' 1ll('IllherH wllo having C()IIl]lOlllltl('d I'or tlH'ir ('C'l'" :In' 110 IOllg('r obliged t.o Illakc all/lual Jl:Ij'IIIOIIt.::I, to COII)(, ('o)'w;tnl alld a:.u..,i"t t ]1('111. The (1lmpter :lIHO ('t'pl tll:I L t.hey lllay })()w l'1:tilll th(, :-;yll'll:lthy alld HII)lpOr\ of' tho, c who arc !lot JIl('JldJ('r~ of' ullr Onl('r, huL Ill'llly 0(' WIWIIl, Wt!1 e t Ilc I';ill'llii('ity alld cfTiciellC'Y of' ()III' (~lt:l)'it:lblt: \Vor] kllowlI, would c10llbtleRH cOIlt.ribute to our {'und a s dOll:1 t i()ll~.
So IOl1g :1H that work waH ('XI)('rill)('ntal, it waH our aim to proce<'d :tK IIl1i(·tly :l1ld as IIIlO:-;tc IltatiollHly as ]los iLJlc hilt. JlOW that its SlICCCHH 1I;\s Ill'('1l cst:Li)Ii:-;hed :llId its (' "tl'IH;i(l1l ollly dclny<'cl ('or want 0(' meanl-;, it :qIIH';trs to thc Chapter II() long'l' llcccHH<lry io clef' r making Ollr ohje ,tti 11101'(' g('IH'rally kIlOWIl. III ollc\w.. ioll, the Clwl't('r would call upon all uur member., of' wh:tt 'V('1' dl'gl'~c to aid them in their difTj(,lIlt t:u;\c 0(' conducting the :dl:tir uf" thi::; br:tllch o{' th \ Onl'1' by co-operating with them ill thcir e!Till't to Illak \ it.' orrt:tnization more efliciell t , i ttl o\,J', ects UlOr \ real and b III ore LIS 'CuI. By such Hllit '<1 eflin'ts W(' Ill:ty hop, if GOI>'H blessing be UPUIl LIS, ar uy y'ar to ~' ee our branch gaining [rc ,11 Btl' nglh, "ecul'illg among ,t its mClllb'1'8 m 11 0(' high positiun anel 0(' philantJ'fopic view:;; ri 'ing in publi' stimation, and making '<.tell (In(l every individual amongst liS morc prowl of' the boly uadg' which we wear, and morc ready to mal c rre~h t:l:l orifices in til cause uf humanity, or in the word ' of uur gluriolls motto,
CO)I(;JII , i(Jl1 .
N presenting to the Chapter-General a Report of the of the Sixth Langue for the past year, I have the sat! factIOn of stating that the scheme adopted on S. John Baptist's Day, 1 67, has continued in active operation from the date of the last Annual Report up to the present time. The number of convalescents to whom nourishing diets have been issued during the year ended yesterday is 303; of these 146 were outpatients of the Charing Cross Hospital and 157 of the King's College Hospital; the total number of diets issued was 3694, or an average of twel ve days' rations to each person; the quantities being as follows: Beef-tea, pints Beef-steaks, lbs. Mutton-chops. Rolls of bread . Light puddings Bottled stout, pints Wine,ozs .. Spirits, ozs. ,[
Charing Cross Hospital.
King's ColI. Hospital.
45 70 1712 1799 1691 1258 1970 18
69 999 827 1895 1860 1309 1653 104
These rations were all cooked and issued by the Sisters at S. John's House, to whom our best thanks are due for their hearty co-opcration with our scheme, and for the trouble which they from the first have taken to insure its successful working. Our system seems to be a good one, and it is attended with fair results, in proportion to the outlay. The following extract from the Report of S. John's House (dated 31st March, 1868) explains the manner in which it is carried out. " At the instance of the Order of S. John of Jerusalem, or of the Knights Hospitallers, represented by the Secretary-General, Sir E. A. H. Lechmere, Bart., M. P., the Sisterhood of S. John's I-Iouse undertook, in August last, to distribute daily at the Home in Norfolk Street.,
to six out-patients of Charing Cross Hospital, the dietary which ffilght be ordered for them by the medical men, and an arrangement has just been sanctioned by the Council, by which the same useful service is to be rendered to six out-patients of King's College Hospital. The cookinoof the e diets is conducted in the kitchen of the Home, and the o distribution is uperintended, at a fixed hour daily, by one of the Si tel's. The patlents tIm supplied are visited at their dwellings by the members of the Order; but, that their state may be more regularly ascertained at all seasons of the year, and their exigencies provided for, the ister have undertaken to perform this duty also, the Sisters' Fund affording them the means of making at discretion some addition to the bounty of w hicb they are the dispensers, as agents of the Order of S. John. " The Council have only to add that they very willingly second the effort of the Lady Superior and Sisters thus to promote an excellent object, 0 congenial with their own, in connection with these two London hospitals." The opinion of the medical officers of these two hospitals is also expre sed in letters addres ed to me, from which the following are extract : "I cannot miss the pre ent opportunity of expressing to you, on behalf of my colleagues and my!:ielf, how grateful we are for the means of relief which the Order of 8. John places at our disposal. ",Vith due care in it, distribution I can hardly imagine any charity so free from the usual drawbacks. In many cases, the food and wine we are thus enabled to order for our poorer patients are the chief agents in their restoration to health, and without which all the tonics in the world would be of little service. It is a mockery to create an appetite in a poor creature who has not the means of satisfying it, &c.
" Charing Cross Hospital, 8th llfa1'ch, 1869."
" The system of serving out diets at our Hospital is evidently of the greatest value, and is regarded as of the utmost use to the poor; we are all much obliged to the Chapter for their kindness in placing such an advantage at our disposal, &c. " LIO ... EL BEALE.
" King's ColleO'e Hospital 5th Ap7·il,01869.''
These opinions are fully borne out by the gratitude expressed by the recipients of the rations to the Servinoo Brother , and to those of our members who have personally visited them.
24 Initinrrb the The necessity for an organized system of vi'iting the pel"ons tl1U~ onvalescents. relieved is a subject which deserves consideration; even with frequent
visits made at different times by different people, it is sometimes difficult to discover whether the recipients of our charity are not well able to support themselves, or in recei pt of assistance from various sources. A t present the Serving Brother is our only regular visitor; the Sisters of St. John's House are quite unable, from their mar.y engagements, to promise any regularity in helping us in this particular; nor do tho members of the Order regularly visit them; it is to be hoped, however, that all our members who are resident in London will occa!:)ional1y take their turn at this duty, and I think that a Sisterhood permanently attached to the Order would be of the greate t po sible value in thi and in other matters relating to our charitable work. I would sugge t that, before we extend to other hospital the benefit of the system which works so well with Charing Cro"s and King's College, we should connect ourselves with 0111e convalescent e ' tabli::-hment, and so endeavour, by a course of fresh air and change of scene, to complete thE' restoration to health begun in hospital, aml furthered by the nourishing diets. In course of time, as our resources increase and our organization becomes more complete, a register might be kept of all persons coming under our notice who may be out of employment, with the view of' endeavouring to find them suitable occupation by placing ourselves in communication with emvloyers of labour. By the decease of Charles Hilton, the Order has 10 t a faithful and good servant; the office of Serving Brother which thus became vacant is filled, as a temporary measure, by James Balcombe, late of the Royal Dragoons, one of the earliest on our list of recipients of diets. In concluding my Report, I would remark that from my limited experience as your Almoner I am induced to believe that a centralization of the different London charities would be of advantage; at present many of them are supporting the same persons, each not know"ing that those persons receive relief from any other source. Centralization need not destroy the identity of the different charities in any way, but it would ensure their large funds being distributed to deserving persons only, and would admit of a large reduction in their working expences. CnARLES J onN BURGESS, Almoner. London, 24th June, 1869.