~be TilE
Clrontlentual 113ailitf.
TURcorOLIEH. Vacant during the abeyance of the Grand Mastership of the Order.
PRIOR 01i' ENGLAND. His Grace the DUKE OF l\fANCHESTER. BAILIFF OF EGLE. The Right Honourable the LO}{D LEIGII.
~be ~inigter~. Chancellor. Seaetal'Y· ReceiveT. Almoner. Place,
Major-General Sir John ST. GEORGE, K. C.B., &c. Sir EDMUND ANTHONY HARLEY LECIIl\IERE, Bart. J onN FURLEY, Ashford, ICent. CHARLES lTOilN BURGESS, The Chancery, 8, St. 1\1artin's London, ",iV. C. OFFICERS.
Registrar. JULIUS . .L\..LEXANDER PEARSON, F. S. A.) 26, Great George Street, Westminster, S. vV. Assistant-Secretary. CrrARLES JOHN BURGESS, The Chancery, 8, St. Martin's Place, W. C. Chaplain. The Rev. WILLIAM BENTINCK LETHAM HAWKINS, M.A., F.R.S. Genealogist. The Rev. TrrOl\IAS HUGO, l\1.A., F.S.A., F .R.S.L. Assistant-Almona. The Rev. VVILLIAl\I REYNER COSENS, 10, Bessborough Gardens, S. "V.
The Grand-Prior, with the Bailiffs holding Office, t.he Ministers of the Langue, and the following elected 1\fembers:-
Grand Prior.
Bailiff of Eglc.
MANCHESTER, I-lis Grace William Drago, Duke of,-I{imbolton Castle, I-Iunts; 1, Ct. Stanhope Street, YV. LEIGH, The Right Hon. vVilliam Henry, Baron,-Stonelpigh Abbey,I{enilworth, JiVa7'wickshi'r e ; 37, Portman Sq., W.
El ected Ch eval ier of Justice.
<[ommaniler. 1869.
Chancery, 8, St. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C. Ban/l,eTs. The London and Westminster Bank, 1, St. James's Square, S."\V.
LECH1fERE, Sir Edmund Anthony Harley, Bart., Commander of Hanley Castle, Vlorces tershire, - Rhydd COUTt, near Upton-on-Sevenz; Carlton Club, S. W.
QLbebalier~ Ron. Bailiff.
" " " "
... .'
of ]u~tice.
PHILIPP ART, J ohn, ICnight of Gustavus Vasa, & Polar Star, 1831. l\l.R.I.A.,- College House, Church Lane, Hamme7'smith, fV. PERROTT, Sir Edward George Lambert., Bart., late Captain 1837. " East K ent 1\Iilitia,-BrooklLill House, Plumstead, ](ent, S. E. 1855. MACPHERSON OF CLUNY, Ewen, Chief of the l\Iacph erson and 1834. Clan Chattan,- Cluny Castle, Iiingussie, Inverness-shire ; .Jun. United S ervice Club, S. lV. O'DON ELL, G eneral Sir Charl es Routledge, Colon el 18th 1832. " H nssars,- TTugh, Limericlt ; United S eTvice Club, 8. lV. BIG BY, Robert, LL.D., K.S.J., &c.,-l, Elm Villas, Elm 1835. " Crove, P edham, S. E . 1857. CRA WFORD, William, 1\1. A. 1837. BARRETTO, lIenry Bliss, Baron de, of Portugal, F.R. S.L.," Berl~eley Hous e, Cambridge Street, lV.; Brandon Purll, Suffolk; Sleddale Forest, 77 em' ]{f; nrlal. 1858. PE l NEFATIIER, Gen eral Sir John Ly8aght, R.C.B., K.C.l\1.L., &c., Colon el 22nd Foot,-6, Onslow C1'I!scent, and United Service Club, S. fV. 1859. DE SALIS-SOGLIO, Peter John, Count (Holy Roman Empire), K.H.S., &c.-S. Joh71's Villa, Acton, lV. H.eceived into the Order, in the Anglo-Bavarian Lang ue, 1844. 1861. ARBUTHNOTT, Admiral Sir Alexander Dundas Young, Gentle- 1855. man of the Privy Chamber to Her l\IIajesty, R.C. C. 111., K. S.F., &c. - Conservative Club, S. W.
czrbetlaHet~ Honorary Commander.
" "
1862. 1864. 1841. 1842.
BURLTON, Colonel \~illiam, C.B., late Commissary-General, Bengal Army,- Oaklands, Shepherd's Bush, W. HOAHE, Sir Edward, Bart.,-Little ~Iothjield, near A slifo?'d, I{ent. POTT, Joseph Compton, Jun.,-Harden, I{ent. ALEXANDER, Colonel Sir James Edward, K. C. L. S.,"Vesterton House, B?'idge of Allan, N.B.; United Service and AthenCBum Clubs, 8. VAVASOUR, Sir Henry Mervyn, Bart.,-Spaldington Hall, Tadcaster; Tl'avelle'rs' Club, S. 11ANSEL, Sir John Bell William, Bart.,- The Heath, W1'otham, Kent; JJIaestilo, Caermarthenshire; Carlton Club, S. VV. SPRYE, Captain I'E chard, late Dep.-J udge-Advocate-General, l\1adras Army,-18, S. George's Ten'ace, I(ensington, "':f/~ VVOLLASTON, Frederick, late Major 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, - Shenton Hall, Nuneaton, Warwickshi1'e. BROWNE, Lieut.-General \Valter John, C.B.,-14, S. James's Square, S. W. SrrUCKBURGH, Sir Francis, Bart., F.R.S.,-Slwcltburgh Parlt, neal' Davent7'y. POWNALL, Henry, 63, Russell Square, If: C. RYLAND, Lieut.-Colonel George Hermon,-Government House, JJfontreal. RAMSAY, Vice-Admiral George, C.B. ST. GEORGE, Major-General Sir John, K. C. B., Royal Artillery, late Director-General of Ordnance,-17, Rutland Gate, Hyde Park; United S ervice Club, S. W. ANDERSON, Colonel Thomas,- Union Club, T1'afalgar Square, W. C.; Hawthorn Hill, near Fredericton, New Brunswicll. HAWKINS, The Rev. Wm. Bentinck Letham, M.A., F.R.S., -33, Bryanstone Square; AthenCBum Club, S. W. :HOLM:ES, Major-General John, C.B.,-14, St. James's Square,
E lected Chel'alier of J ustice.
185(, 1857. 1841, 1832,
" "
" 1857.
" "
" " "
1858. 1859.
" 1861.
" 1863 1865.
1841. 1843, 1855, 1857, 1857.
BURNES, Lieut. Fitzjames Holmes. LEITH, John Farley, late Professor of Civil Law, H. E.I.C. College, Haileybury, -79, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park, W. BURNES, Adam,-Melbourne, Australia. BARR, Major General I-Ienry J ames,-14, S. James' Square, S. W.
" " "
Elected Chevalier of Jus tice.
FIFE, Sir John, M.D., D. L.,-Newcastle-on- Tyne. HOLLAND, Major Trevenen James, C.B., Assistant Quarter-Master General,-Bombay; 14, S. James's Square, S. W. SHERIDAN, Henry Brinsley, M.P.,-17, Westbourne Ten'ace, w.; Oaldands, St. Peter's, Isle of Thanet. BURNES, Sidney Holmes, Lieutenant Bombay Staff Corps. GIBB, Hugh, late Surgeon-General, Bombay Presidency,- G?'ove End House, St. John's Wood. BURLTON-BENNETT, John Robert, late Postmaster-General, Bengal, -14, Havelock Road, Hastings. I-IOARE, Joseph Wallis O'Bryen, Major 5th (Royal Elthorne) Middlesex Militia,-Sydney House, near Southampton. LOCH, I-Ienry Brougham, C.B., Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Man,Douglas, Isle of Man. CARTER, Charles Pemberton,-Kennington Hall, Ashford, I(ent. TnolHsoN, William, late Captain 78th Highlanders. FURLEY, J obn, Capt. 29th Kent (Ashford) Rifle Volunteers,Ashford, I{ent. WALFORD, The Rev. Edward, M.A.,-17, Church Row, Hampstead, N. w.; Junior AthenCBum Club, W. PEARSON, Julius Alexander, LL.D., F.S.A.,-46, Hyde Park Square, liV.; Junior Carlton Club, S. liV. ELIOT, Wm. Gordon Cornwallis, Baron,-36, Dove?' Street, P01't Eliot, S. Germans, Cornwall. TEM:PLETOWN, The Right Hon. George Frederick, Viscount, K. C. B. Lieutenant-General, Colonel Commandant 60th Royal Rifles, - United Se?'vice Club, S. w.; Government House, Portsmouth. MOUNT CHARLES, George Henry, Earl of, Col. h. p. 1st Life Guards ; Lt.-Col. Commanding Royal East Kent Mounted Rifles.-Godinton, nea?· Ashford, Kent; 60, Rutland Gate, Hyde PaTk, S. W.
" 1858.
" " 1860.
" 1862. 1863. 1864.
" 1867.
" 1869. 1870.
8 Elected.
1857. ([baplain~. Elerted
" " 1868.
" "
" " 1869.
" " " 1870.
HAWKI :rs, The Rev. Wm. Bentinck Letham, M.A., F.R.S.,100, Harley Street, w.; Athenceum CLub, S. W. (Chaplain to the Chapter-General, 1866). HUGo, The Rev. Thomas, lVI.A., F.S.A., F.R.S.L.,-The Rectory, West Hackney, N. WALFORD, The Rev. Ed ward, M. A.,- 17, Church Row, rIampstead, N. fV. SHADWELL, The Rev. Arthur Thomas Whitmore, ~I. A.,B1'itish Chaplain, Rome. WOOD, The Rev. Albert Athelstane,- Castle Morton, near Tewkesbury. OAKLEY, The Rev. John, :M.A., Vicar of S. Saviour's, Hoxton. -1, S. llIary's Road, Canonbury, N. floLDEN, The Rev. Oswald 1\1angin, lVLA., B.C.L.,-I{ingswi'17jo7'd, nea7' Dudley. MALET, The Rev. 'Vm. vVyndham,-Ardeley Vicarage, near Buntingford, Herts. WOODWARD, The Rev. John, - S. lYlary's Parsonage, Montrose, N.B. Cox, The Rev. James Bell, M. A.,-St.lJ£argaret's Parsonage, Princes Road, Liverpool. RUSSELL, The Rev. Sydenham Francis, M.A.,-IFillesborough Vicarage, near A sliford, ]{ent. COSENS, The Rev. vVilliam Reyner, M. A., Vicar of the Holy Trinity Church, Westminster,-10, Bessborough Gardens, S. fV. PORTAL, The Rev. George Raymond, 1\1. A., Chaplain to the Earl of Carnarvon,-Albur.7J Rector.v, near Gu£lclford. BECK, The Rev. Edward Josselyn, M.A., Rector of Rotherhithe, Surrey. WIIARTON, The Rev. Joseph Crane, M.A., ViCa7' of fVillesden, JltJiddlesex.
1848. 1857.
of Qarace.
SHAW, Claudius, K.S.F., F.R.S. Edin.; late Colonel Royal Artillery, 7, Elder Place, Cobridge, Stoke-on- Trent. BEATTIE, William, 1\1.D.,-13, Upper Berkeley Street, W.
" " "
" 1858.
" lS60. 1864.
" 1868.
BURNES, Dalhousie Holmes, late Lieut. Royal Engineers. LAURIE, William Alexander, F.S.A. Edin.,-Rossend Castle, Fifeshire, NB. PRINGLE, William,-EdinbU1'gh. GIBSON, Lieut.-Colonel George Washington,-21, Blomfield Terrace, rla7'1'ow Road, Ttv. VELLA, Luigi, LL.D., Superintendent of the Record Office,Malta. BURNES, Lieut. Hamilton Farquhar Holmes. CLAY, vVilliam Nicholls,-St. Mary Church, nea7' Torquay. RYLAND, vVarwick Hastings,- Government House, Montreal. PORTER, Lieut.-Colonel Whitworth, Royal Engineers,Malta. CLAY, Richard, late Lieut. 78th Highlanders. RATCLIFF, Charles, F.S.A., Lieut.-Colonel 1st Warwickshire Rifle Volunteers,- Wyddrington, Edgbaston, Bi1'mingham; Athenceum and Conservative Clubs, S. W. WOOF, Richard, F.S.A.,F.R.S.L., Lieut. 13th Worcestershire Rifle V olunteers,- Worcester. WREN-HoSKYNS, Chandos, M.P.,-Harewood, near Ross, Herejordshire; Oxford and Camb7'idge Club, S. W. BURGESS, Charles John (late Captain and Adjutant 9th Lancashire Volunteers ),-Belgrave Mansions, S. fV. " Naval and Military Club, Piccadilly, IV.
HENDERSON, Joseph,-Bro07'rifield Place, Evelyn St., Deptford, S.E. ANDERSON, A. M. DODSWORTH, Frederick Charles,- Oxfo1'd Villa, Turnham G'reen, W. PEARSON, Albert Harford, M.A., B.C.L.,-Jimio7· Ca7'lton Club, S w.; Knebworth Rectory, near Stevenage, Hats. LYTE, Henry Churchill 1\laxwell,-55, Cm'zon Street, Mayfai7', W. SANDERSON, Edw. Scott,-Fearnall Heath, Claines, neaT Worcester. BURGESS, John, Commander R.N. H.MS. " Pandora,"-Malta. FREND, Edwin, Lieut. Oxfordshire Militia,-Rejo1'7n Club, S. Ttv. BURGESS, Harry lVliles, Lieut. Royal Artillery,-1Voolwich. WILMOT, Charles Montague,-]{ennington, nem' Aslzjonl, ]{ent. SnAw, Alexander .lEneas,- Cob7'idge, Stoke-on- Trent. HOLDEN, Hyla,-Lark Hill, near TtVorcester. BURY, Phineas, late Captain 15th Hussars,- Little Island, co. Corli, ; Junior United Service Club, 1V A2
Hon. Comma.nder.
1859. Nominated Esquires.
1859. 1861. 1865. 1867.
" " 1RfiS.
" " l S69 . 1 70.
J1)onotatp t!@embet%. (Foreign. ) Elected.
" "
1863. 1865. 1867.
" "
PORTER, Annie Shirley,-lJlalta. ST. GEORGE, Elizabeth :Marianne, Lady,-17, Rutland Gate, rlyde Park, W. DE LAS TIC St. JAL, Agnes, Vicomtesse,-Chateau de 1Ylonta'llban, Dep. de Tarn-et- Garonne, F1'ance. BURNES, Esther Sarah,-40, Ladbrolw Sq., Notting Hill, W. HOARE, Harriet, Lady,-Little IIotlifield, Ashford, Kent. LECH:~IERE, Louisa Rosamond, Lady,-Rhydd Court, }lear Upton-on- Severn, Worcestershire. HAWKINS, Elizabeth,-33, Bryanstone Square, rfT. LEIGII, The Right lIon. Caroline Amelia, Lady,-Stoneleigh Abbey, Kenilworth, rVa1'wickskire; 37, Portman Sq., W. PORTER, Catharine,-Malta. TORPHICREN, The Right Hon. Helen, Dowager Lac1y,-Calcler House, Edinburgh.
1855. 1858. 1865.
COMMANDERS. HOl\IPESCII VON W ISBECQ, Theophile Anton Wilhelm, Count von, nephew and heir of the sixty-ninth Grand-~1aster, Rurich Castle, near Aix-la- Chapelle; and Chateau de Wisoecq, near Brussels. (Received into the Order in the AngloBavarian Langue, 1825.) BULow, Carl Georg A.lexander, Baron von. " METTERNICII, Baron von,-Potsdam. " 1858. HEARD, Colonel John T.,-Boston, N. America. VV INTHROP, Colonel John ,-Louisiana, U. S. " 1864. B-USTELLI-FosCOLO, Giovanni, Conte di.
J1)onotatp a%%ociate%. SIEVEKING, Edward H., M.D., Phy. in Orc1. to H.R.II. the Prince of W ales,-17, 1J1ancheste1' Square, W. :NAPPER, Albert,-Cranleigh, SU1'Tey. HEADLAND, Frederick W., 1I.D.,-37, JYJargaret Street, Cavendish Square, rV. POLLOCK, A. Julius, 1\1. D.,-21, Montag'll Place, Russell S7. uare , W. C. LONGMORE, Thomas, C.B., Hon. Surgeon to the Queen,-Royal Victo1'ia Hospital, Netley. . HODSON, Elizabeth, Superior of St. John's House,-Norfolk Street, Strand, W. C. STILLINGFLEET, Cordelia Stillingfleet, Superintenuent of St. Alban's Industrial School, 'Vorcester. 1\IARTI T, Emma Teresa, Superintendent of St. John's House, Ashford , Kent.
IDonat%. Elected.
1862. 1869.
PHILLIPS, Robert. LUMLEY, Susan, Mrs. BEAUCH lUIP, Catherine, Countess of.
l\lRs. GlBsoN,fo1' duty u.t St. John's J-louse, London.
STAGG, General, Quito, Ecuador. SALIS-SOGLIO, Major-General Johann Ulrich, Baron de, K. S. 'Vladimir. CASTEL-BROLO, Federico Lancia e Grassellini, Duca di, K. SS. 1\1. & L., K. Crown of Italy.
CHEV ALlERS. 1861. lJ
" "
DE LASTIC ST. J AL, Louis, Vicomte,- Chateau de JYJolltauuan, Dep. de Tarn-et-Garonne, France. DELEPIERRE, Octave, K.C.C.III., K.S. Syl., LL.D ... F.S.A., Belgian Consul-General and Sec. of Legation,-35, Howley Place, fllaida Hill, W.
TENNESSEE, The Right Rev. Charles Todd Quintard, LL.D., Lord Bishop of,-Memphis, Tenn., U. S.
13 Elected.
" 1830.
" " 1832.
" " " "
" 1833. " " 1834. 1835.
" " 1837.
LAWRENCE, Sir James (received ab'road). MEREDYTH, Sir Joshua Colles, Bart., Captain 89th Foot, Knight of the Orders of St. Louis of France, and of Louis of Hesse Darmstadt (received into the Order by the 69th Grand-Master, the Ba1'on Fe1'dinand von I£ompesch). POPHAM, Admiral Sir Ifome Riggs, K.C.B., 1\1.P. (received abroad) received the Royal Licence to wear the insignia at Court 20th Sept., 1799. HOPE, Vice-Admiral the Right Hon. Sir \Villiam Johnstone, G.C.B., M.P., Governor of Greenwich Hospital. SMITH, Admiral Sir William Sidney, Count Palatine of the Lateran, Prince Magistral and Regent of the Order of the Temple, G.C.B., G.C.T.S., G.C.S., G.C.S., Knight of the Golden Militia, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., etc. (received in the Ang lo-B aVa?'ian Langue). TONKIN, Lieut.-Col. Sir Warwick Hele, K. Leg. Hon. France, Vice-Admiral of Devon (received in the Anglo-Bavarian Langue). PEAT, The Rev. Sir Robert, D.D., G. C. S. Stanislaus of Poland, Chaplain to King George IV. DUNBOYNE, The Right Hon. James, 13th Baron. DOYLE, Major-Gen. Sir John Milley, K.C.B., K.S.F., K.T.S., Serjeant-at-Arms to Queen Victoria; 1\1. P. for co. Carlow. LANGFORD, The Right Hon. Hercules Langford, 2nd Baron. BROMLEY, Stretch Cow ley. CLANNY, William Reid, M.D., F.R.S. Edin., l\1.R.I.A. BROWNSON, Lieut.-Colonel William Henry, late Captain 23rd (Royal Welsh Fusiliers) Regt. MAGINN, William, LL.D. GRANT, Captain Thomas~ Vice-Admiral of Devonshire. TOCQUEVILLE, Peter Victor, Comte de. BARTON, Sir Freeman, late Captain 2nd Foot. ROBERTSON OF STRUAN General George Duncan, Chief of the Clan Donnochie, C.B., Knight of Leopold of Austria. BEETH.AM, Sir vVilliam, F.R. S. DUNSANY, The Right Hon. Randal Edward, 15th Baron. MACKENZIE, Charles Fitzgerald. SHADWELL, The Right Hon. Sir Lancelot, Vice-Chancellor of England.
" 1838. "
" 1839.
" 1840. " " 1842.
" 1844.
" 1846. 1847.
" " " " " " " 1849. 1855. "
BURNES, James, (Baron of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), K.H., LL.D. F.R.S. DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas. BELL, William, M . D. HILLARY, Sir William, Bart., Equerry to H .R.H. the Duke of Sussex. HILLARY, Sir Augustus William, Bart., late 6th Dragoon Guards. DYMOKE, The Hon. Sir Henry, Bart., 17th Hereditary Champion of England. NEWTON, .Tames, Dep. Lieut. of CheRhire, Derbyshire and Lancashire. PEARL, Commander Sir .Tames, R.N., ILH. 1\1ASTER, Captain Richard Thomas, late Grenadier Guards. MURRAY, Captain Arthur Stormont, late Rifle Brigade. DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas, late 4th (Emperor's Own) Regt. Uhlans, Austrian Army. CHERMSIDE, Sir Robert Alexander, M.D., R.C .H., R .R.E., K.L.H., Physician to the British Embassy at Paris. JHAcN AB, Colonel the Hon. Sir Alan Napier, Bart., Prime 1\1inister of Canada. PERROTT, Sir Edwoard Bindloss, Bart. CUNYNGHAl\1, Sir I{obert Keith Dick, Bart. NEEDHAlU, the flon. Francis Ifenry. LAMB, Lieut.- Colonel Sir Charles lVlontolieu, Bart., Baron de St. Hypolite (France), D.C.L., Knight-l\1arshal of the Queen's lIousehold, Deputy Lieutenant of Sussex and . .L\..yrshire. LABANOFF, His Highness the Prince Alexander. ANTRIlU, The Right Hon . Hugh Seymour, 2nd Earl of. BURGES, Somerville Waldemar, late Captain Grenadier Guards. LAlUB, Charles James Saville Montgomery. GRIFFITHS, 1\1ajor William Stuart, late 23rd (Royal Welsh Fusiliers) Regt. GLOVER, 1\10rtimer, 1\1. D., F. R. S. Edin. WILKIE, Lieut.-Colonel David. BROUN, Lieut.-Colonel William James, Government Secretary, Guernsey. McALESTER, Lieu t-Colonel Charles .Archibald, K. H. BUCKLEY, Major William, Bengal Cavalry. GUNNING, John, C.B., ICnight of Wilhelm (of the Netherlands), Im:pector-General of Hospitals. FLORES, General, G.C.C. III., Gr. Off. Legion of Honour President of the Ecuador.
14 Elected.
]855. ]857.
" " "
" " " " " "
" "
" " " " " 1859.
" 1860. 1862. ] 864. 1865.
RIARIO~ SFORZA, II Generalissimo II Duca Ludovico die BURNES, Lieutenant George James Holmes, Bombay Fusiliers. RAM AY, Maj. General James, late Commissary General of the Bengal Army. J ONES, Vice-Admiral the Hon. Alexander Montgomery. LE GEYT, Philip William, Memb. Legislative Council of India. BRETT, Major Reginald Best, Bombay Artillery. GRANT, John, Bengal Army. OUTRAM, Lieut.-General Sir James, Bart., G .C.B., K.C.S.!', WHITEHEAD, John, Superior of the Barony of Drem, Scotland. PINHEY, the Hon. Hamnett, .Member of the Legislative Council of Canada. FREEST UN, Colonel Sir William Lockyer, K. C. C. 111., K. S.F.r. and Knight of the IIoly Sepulchre, Dep. Lieut. of Dorsetshire. FERGUSSON, Lieut.-General William, late Royal Marines. PLUMRIDGE, Admiral Sir James Hanway, K.C.B. AGAR, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Emmanuel Felix, Knight. COPLAND, James, :M.D., F.R.S. WATTS, Vice-Admiral George Edward, C.B., ICC.H., K.R.E., K. Henri the Lion (of Brunswick,) etc. BISSHOP, Major-General Cecil, C.B., Col. 16th Foot. N ORCLIFFE, Major-General N orcliffe, K.H. TAcHE, Colonel Sir Etienne Paschal, Knight, Prime Minister of Canada. BURNES, Holland Ward Holmes, Lieut. Indian Navy. WI THROP, William, Consul U.S.A., Malta. TUR BULL, W m. Barclay David Dundas, Barrister-at-Law, Calendarer of State Papers. ROBERTSON OF STRUAN, George Duncan, Chief of the Clan Donnochie, late Lieut. 42nd Highlanders. BELL, Alexander, Quebec. ERMATINGER, Lieut.-Colonel William, K.S.F.!. TORPHICHEN, the Right Hon. Robert, 11 th Baron. MELANO DE CALCINA, Antoine Laurent, Comte de. Rill SAY OF BARNTON & SAUCHIE, Charles Wm. Ramsay.
annuallRepott of tbe Clrbaptet, pte~entet1 to tbe Clrbaptet:; <85enetal on 16apti$t'~
HE Chapter Ordinary have to report that during the past year they have held nine meetings, namely, in the months of July, August, December, 1869, January, February, March, April, May, and June, ] 870. The following gentlemen have been admitted Members and Associates of the Order in the English Langue since St. John the Baptist's Day, 1869. Chevaliers of Justice.
Lieut. Gen. the VISCOUNT TElUPLETOWN, K. C. B. Col. the EARL of MOUNTCHARLES. Chaplains.
Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.
HYLA HOLDEN, Esq. Dame Chevalz'e1'e.
16 HOnOral"y Associate.
THOlVIAS LONGMORE, C. B., Han. Surgeon to the Queen, Deputy Inspector General of Hospitals. The following MembeTS deceased during the year.
and changes in administration. Secretary and Registrar.
Annual Festival.
Form of Prayer.
Help for the Sick and Wounded.
The Count Peter J olm Fane de Salis has resigned the office of Grand Prior of Ireland. Lieut. Col. 'Vhitworth Porter, R. E. resigned the office of Receiver-General on being ordered on service to ]\1alta, and Nlr. John Furley has been appointed in his place. Mr. J uEus Alexander Pearson has been unfortunately prevented by ill health from continuing to perform the duties of Assistant-Secretary, which have been undertaken by lVlr. Charles John Burgess. During the temporary absence of the Almoner his duties were performed by the Rev. VV. R. Cosens, who was appointed AssistantAlmoner, with a seat in the Chapter. By permission of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster the use of the Chapel Royal Savoy has again been granted for the Annual Festival services on St. John Baptist's Day. The thanks of the Chapter are due to the Rev. Henry vVhite, the Chaplain of the Savoy, for the kindness with which he has afforded every facility to those ]\1embers of the Order upon whom the necessary arrangements depended. In compliance with a resolution passed at the last Chapter-Genere:ll, a Form of Prayer, compiled from ancient sources, for use by members of the Order at opening and closing Chapters, and on other occasions, has been prepared by the Rev. T. Hugo, assisted by the Rev. W. B. L. Hawkins. In compliance with their promise made to the Chapter-General on St. John's Day last, our Confreres, Mr. John Fur1ey and ]\1r. Charles John Burgess, have prepared ann published a work entitled, " Help for the Sick and Wounded," which it is hoped may have some effect in arousing public interest in a subject which so much concerns the national honour. The preliminary Committee, named in the last Annual Report, has been unable to make much progress in furthering the formation of an English branch of the " Societe de Secours aux ]\1ilitail'es Blesses," the naval and military authorities of this country having apparently not yet recognised the necessity of such help, or the expediency of its being supplied by private individuals under proper organisation.
17 Suggestions have been made by the Secretary relative to the Rewarrls for services in tho establishment of means for rendering the Order of St. John useful in cause of hucases of accident in the mining and pottery districts, and generally for manity. granting a medal for acts of gallantry in saving life on land, as is done by the Royal I-Iumane Society in cases of disaster on water. The rent of the present rooms, occupied as the Chancery, being Chancery. considered excessive, notice has been given to the landlord of the intention of the Order to vacate them in March next. In the meantime the Chapter are looking out for suitable quarters, and when found the change will be duly notified to each member of the Order. The question of the expediency of the revision and partial recon- Revision of tho struction of the Statutes of the English Langue has been under the Statutes. consideration of the Chapter. In their present form they do not sufficiently convey a correct impression as to the principles and objects of the Order, and the especial work of the English branch of it. The Statutes of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg would furnish materials from which many valuable hints might be taken. It is proposed that a resolution should be passed by the Chapter-General authorising the Chapter-Ordinary to prepare an amended code of Statutes, and to submit the result of their labours to a special Chapter-General to be convened. The Chapter has occasionally experienced some difficulty, from the Increase of the Chapter-Ordifact of its limited numbers, in securing the due and necessary discussion nary. of important subjects coming before them. They would suggest that in future the number of elected Members in addition to the Ministers be eight, instead of five as at present, and that Statute XIII be altered accordingly. The charitable work, continued on the system adopted at the Almoner's Chapter-General of St. John's Day, 1867, has been uninterruptedly department. carried on during the year ended yesterday. The number of sick poor In London. thus supplied with nourishing food was 250; 106 from Charing Cross Hospital, and 144 from King's College. The number of meals issued was 3174, at a total cost of £150. The Sisters of St. John's House requiring assistance in carrying out St. John's H ou e, the system of relief more thoroughly than was afforded by a Serving- Norfolk Brother, the Chapter, on the 3rd August, 1869, sanctioned the esta- Street. blishment of a Serving-Sister resident at St. John's House, and doing duty there under the Lady Superior in all matters connected with our confraternity. Some of the Dames Chevalieres promised subscriptions towards the increased expenses thus thrown upon our funds, and Mrs. Gibson (who was appointed Serving-Sister) has since that date lived at St. John's House, assisting in the preparation and issue of the diets to those persons duly recommended by the Hospital medical officers,
18 visiting them frequently, making full reports of their cases to the Almoner every week, and, when disengaged, helping the Sisters of S. John's House in matters unconnected with our Order. Subsequently, communications were opened with the Society for organizing charitable relief in the metropolis, and it is hoped that by these means, in addition to the visiting of the convalescents by various members of our Order at irregular times, the fear of our funds being expended upon unworthy objects may be reduced to a minimum. The Visiting reports reveal cases of misery which cannot fail to Visiting Repurts. excite your sympathy; at the same time, the gratitude expressed by many who feel that your timely aid has, under Providence, restored them to health, and in some cases saved life, cannot fail to be gratifying to you. Unhappily these reports also reveal how much sickness and poverty exist close around us, which the scantiness of our charity-fund compels us to leave untouched, and it is therefore hoped that by the exertions of our Members this fund may be considerably increased. Dr. Lionel Beale states that" the system has worked well, and has Opinions of .Medical of great service to the poor." Dr. Julius Pollock writes to the been Officers. Almoner, " I am able to tell you, and with increased emphasis, that the assistance afforded to us (Charing Cross Hospital) by the Order of St. John is most valuable, and indeed I scarcely know how we could now get on without it, so essentially has it become a part and parcel of the Out-Patient relief. The whole thing is so well arranged that I have little or nothing to suggest, except perhaps that while we keep within our proper number of diets, I think the nature of the cases relieved may be well left to the medical officer, and that so-called chronic cases are often as much relieved as others by an occasional order for relief." It appears, therefore, that we have reason to be thankful for the success of our system so far as it goes, and it should be our aim to Necessity of extending the extend it to other parts of the metropolis; but thi s can only be done system. by increasing our charity fund. The progress of the Hanley Castle Commandery in the Hospitaller work of the Order is satisfactory. The system adopted is founded Since June, 1869, 44 persons in In Worces- upon that practised in London. Worcester have been supplied with nourishing diets for periods varying ter. from one to seven weeks, the total number of meals issued being 1,150, at an average cost of 9d. These are cooked and issued under the superintendence ofJVIiss Stillingfleet, Superintendent of St. Alban's Industrial School, Worcester. The patients are visited weekly by members of the Order, and the Commandery believes the result of the visiting is beneficial. The Committee of the Worcester Dispensary passed the following resolution at a meeting held on the 8th September last. " This Committee desire to record their high sense of the benevolence
of the Hanley Castle Commandery of the Order of St. John of J erusalem in the supply of diets for convalescent patients of this Institution, which from their observation they are already able to pronounce of the utmost value, and to be fLllly appreciated by the patients themselves." St. John's House, Ashford, which was mentioned in our last Annual In K ent. Report as then lately opened, is now in complete working order, with a resident staff consisting of the Lady Superintendent, two nurses, and a cook, besides such temporary attendance as from time to time becomes necessary. Since the 1st January in the present year, 22 patients have been admitted, who remained for periods varying from 10 to 163 days. An extra nurse is kept in training, and at the present time she is engaged in a private family; the fixed income amounts to .£170, exclusive of other variable sources. It is hoped that by next St. John's Day, we may be able to report Projected Con valescen t the foundation of a Convalescent Home on the Kentish coast. Home. In concluding their Report of the progress made by the English Langue in practical good work during the past year, the Chapter would urge upon all the JVlembers of the Langue the necessity of holding the ground thus gained by working, together and separately, in every matter tending to further the cause of humanity,
Jj!)ro utilitate bominum.
S. J ohn B aptist's Drty, I R70 ,
@rDcr af
~t. ~aglt
~ rrlts a [ent .
As a member of OUf Confraternity, I feel sure that you will take a hearty interest in the movement which has just been set on foot, and to which it has been the priyilege of the English branch of the Order of St. J ohn to give the initiative in this country. As you are doubtless aware, two of our c~)l1freres Captain Burgess and Mr. Furley, visited Berlin last year, in order to be present at the I nternational Conference of Societies of Help to the Sick and '.vounded in \ Var. Since that time they have, in furtherance of this cause, jointly published a translation of the very interesting work of MM. Moynier and Appia, entitled, 'Help for the Sick and \Younded,' to which are annexed valuable additions on the same subject by our Honorary Associate, Professor Longmore, C.B ., and by Captain Henry Brackenbury, of the Royal Artillery. A Meeting summoned by our confrere, Captain Burgess, was held at the Chancery on Saturday last, the 23rd instant, when, in addition to myself, most of the Members of the Order forming the Preliminary Committee and several influential noblemen and gentlemen, were present. A re olution was unanimously passed in favour of forming a National Central Committee for the purpose of sending help to the sick and wounded in war, in connection with the International Committee, whose head-quarters are at Geneva. I need hardly remind you that independently of the interest attaching to such an object, it is imperatively our duty, as members of a great Hospitaller Confraternity, to do all that lies in our power, individually and collectively, to aid a movement which claims our warmest sympathy at the present juncture, and which, when the war is over, may lay the foundation of an important National Institution. I shall be glad to receive your reply) which may be addressed to Lord Eliot, Captain Burgess, or Mr. Furley, Honorary Secretaries of the Provisional Committee. I am, dear Sir and Confrere, Yours faithfully and fraternally, l\IANC H ESTER, Prior. TilE
28th J uly, 1870 .
@rbtr of £'. ~O~1t of ~frllsalent.
will take place on the
..... ................ ..... at 2
I am,
Dear Sir and Confrere) Faithfully and
fraterna~ ly
E. A. H. LECHMERE. SeC1'etary.
18 70
~~~~~~~ T a Chapter General of the
Order of S. John of J erufalem in England, held at the Chancery in London, on S. John the Baptift's Day, 1869, it was "Refolved, &c., That the Chaplain General and the Rev. Chaplain Hugo be authorized to prepare from the ancient fources a Form of Prayer for the Meetings of Chapter, and for the private ufe of fuch members as think proper to accept it. " At a Chapter General held in the fame place on S. John's Day, 187°, "The Rev. Chaplain Thomas Hugo prefented to the Chapter General a Form of Prayer which he had prepared from the ancient fources, in accordance with a Refolution palfed at the Chapter Genera], held on S. John's Day, 1869, when it was refolved, &c., That
That the fame be fubmitted to the Chapter Ordinary." At a Chapter O,rdinary held at the fame place on the 5th of July, 1870, cc The Rev. Chaplain Thomas Hugo brought forward the Form of Prayer which he had compiled from ancient fources, in accordance, &c., and he was requefted to get it printed, and to fubmit the proof to members of the Chapter before having it finally printed and iffued." Such is the authority in obedience to which the following Formularies have been compiled and printed, and are hereby fubmitted for adoption. The pages now before the reader are to be regarded as a proof and a proof onl y, for which neither the Chapter nor the members of the Order in general are in any way refponfible. And they are circulated in order to enable each member, to whom that duty iliall belong, to bring to the talk of voting either for or againft their adoption the refult of a careful examination and devout ftudy. To facilitate the fame conclufion a few preliminary remarks are very refpeCtfully tendered. The Offices have been compiled from ancient
cient fources, in accordance with the Refolutions already quoted, with {pecial reference to thofe which were ufed by our olden brethren at their General and Ordinary Chapters. In ufing the Offices no other direction appears to be neceffary than that the Pater NoJter, the Credo, and the Conjiteor are to be faid by all prefent. The refpective parts of the Officiator and of thofe for whom he minifters are clearly indicated by the notes prefixed to each. The Offices eafily admit of abbreviation, if on any occafion they are found to be too long. It may appear to. forne that the Latinity of various paffages might have received improvement. In their prefent form, however, the Offices will poffefs a peculiar charm for thofe who think that old prayers are better than new, who remember that the words before them were conftantly in the mouths of holy men now with God, and who believe that :,hat thefe Forms might poffibly have gained In claffical elegance, they would more certainly have loft in fimplicity and precifion. It will be perceived that in forne cafes the E.ngli~ verfion does not follow the original WIth lIteral exactnefs. In thefe inflances it will ?e found that the former, as well as the latter, IS part of an authoritative Formulary, from the
the text of which a feeling of reverence did not allow the compiler in the leaft degree to deviate. Laflly, the compiler could not bring him felf, or in any way be a party, in the reproduction of a Formulary wherein they were previoufiy found, to repudiate the facred right of the Chief Paftor of Weflern Chriflendom to a fpecial place in our prayers, and ftill lefs, if poffible, to exclude from them the mention of the Faithful Departed-a primitive practice, whofe tranfcendent excellence the majority of modern Englifhmen have far too long been permitted to ignore. Whether the following be ultimately accepted as our authorized Forms, or whether they be ufed, as at all events they will, in the private devotions only of fome of our Confreres, the compiler moft humbly and earneflly begs to be remembered, whether living or dead, in the prayers of all who fhall adopt them, for a participation in thofe bleffings for attainment whereunto they fhall be admitted to plead. THO.
-'. ,-:,.. ' , "@i . j,,~'
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The Rectory, Weft Hackney, Stoke Newington, N .
A/I Sllints' Driy, 18 7 0 . B
IGNUM exiflit, fratres, ut in cunftis aftionibus mentem ad Deum dirigamus, et Suam "'" clementiam ad quietem humanam et beatitudinem conJequendam Jupplicemus. Itaque preces et orationes ad Deum pro omnium Fidelium pace, viventium et dejunftorum quiete, et omnibus qu£ ad vitam Sanflorum pertinent humiliter offeramus,. et pro magnis ab Eo collatis beneficiis gratias ex animo referamus.
in all our doings we jhould dirett our mind to God, and implore His mercy towards the attainment of quietnifs in this life, and beatitude in th~ ne~t. Let us, therefore, humbly offer our JuPplzcatzo.ns and prayers to God for the peace of all the Fazthful, the quiet of the living and the dead, an~ for all things which belong to the life of Samts; and let us render hearty thanks for the great benefits that we have received at His hands.
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanfti. Amen. Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nofler 7eJus Chriflus pacem, quietem, et concordiam omnibus fidelibus Chriflianis concedat, bella et Jeditiones reprimat, infidelium rabiem refrenet, et omnium Chriflianorum Jemitas in viam dirigat Jalutis t£ternt£. Oremus,
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghojl. Amen. L,et us pray that our God and Lord 7ifus Chrijl would grant peace, quietnifs, and concord to all faithful Chrijlians; that He would reprejs ~ars and Jeditions, rejlrain the madnejs of the ~nfidels, and direft the paths of all Chrijlians mto the way of everlajling Jalvation. Let
Oremus, llt Deus et Dominus nofler JeJus Chrifll!.s fruflus terree dare, multiplicare, et conJervare dignetur. Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nojfer JeJus Chriflus Pajforem Gregis Sui N. non deJerat, Jed continua proteflione defendat, et Fidem et Charitatem augeat, ut una cum commilfo jibi grege ad vitam perveniat Jempiternam. Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nofler JeJus Chriflus SacroJanllee Cathalicee Ecclejiee Archiepijcopos, Epijcopos, et cceterum univerjum Clerum in Suo Janflo obJequio confirmare et conJervare dignetur . Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nojfer JeJus Chriflus Reges et Principes Catholicos in pace et vera concordia conJervet, ac eos ad Jubigendas barbarorum et infidelium gentes, atque terram Janflam HieruJalem a Jervitutis jugo liberandam ferventius animare dignetur. o remus , ut Deus et Dominus nojfer Jejus Chriflus Magiflrum nojfrum N. ad gubernationem domus Hojpitalis, et Religionis noflrce fratrumque nojfrorum illujfrare et injfruere dignetur, ipJumque longevum et in projpero flatu conJervet. Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nojfer Jejus Chrijlus Ballivos et Priores Ordinis nojfri dirigat,
Let us pray that our God and Lord Jfjus Chrifl would vouchJafe to give, multiply, and prejer1Je the fruits of the earth. Let us pray that our God and Lord Jefus Chrifl would not defert the Pajfor of His flock, N. but would defend him with His continual proteflion, and increaje his faith and charity, that together with the flock committed to him he may attain unto everlajfing life. Let us pray that our God and LOl"d 7fjus Chrijf would vouchJafe to confirm and prejerve in His 110ly Jervice the Archbifhops, Bifhops, and all the refl of the Clergy of the Moft Holy Catholic Church. Let us pray that our God and Lord JeJus Chrijf would preJerve all Catholic kings and governors in peace and true concord, and would vouchJafe to animate them with fervent zeal to Jubdue the nations of barbarians and infidels, and to deliver the holy land of JeruJalem from the yoke of jlavery. Let us pray that our God and Lord 7efus Chrifl would ·vouchfafe to enlighten and inflrutt our Mafler N to the government of the HoJpital, and of our Religion and our brethren, and would preferve him in long life and proJperity. Let us pray that our God and Lord 7efus Chrifl
dirigat, et eorum mentes illuftret, quo honorem et utilitatem Ordinis noflri adimplere ftudeant. Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nofler ,]eJus Chriflus fratres noflros conJervare dignetur, ac nos a votis promijJis declinare non permittat. Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nofter ,]eJus Chrijlus omnibus infirmis et captivis Jalutem tribuat, ut captivitate ac cegritudine liberati ad Ecclejiam SanBam veniant gratias reddituri. Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nofter ,]eJus Chriflus omnes peccatores a vinculis peccatorum abJolvat, et ceternam faciat obtinere Jalutem. Oremus, ut Deus et Dominus nofter ,]eJus Chriflus BenefaBoribus noflris pro piis operibus illorum dignam mercedem tribuat, et poft mortem ceternam Jalutem concedat. Oremus pro animabus confratrum, parentum, et conjunftorum noftrorum, et pro his qui in noftris ccemeteriis per univerjum orbem requieJcunt.
f. Deus mijereatur noftri, et benedicat nobis: illuminet vultum Suum Juper nos, et mijereatur noftri.
Ri. Ut cognojcamus in terra viam 'Fuam: in omnibus gentibus Jalutare Tuum.
Chrifl would direEl the Bailiffs and Priors of our Order, and would enlighten their minds, to the end that they may jfudy to promote to the utmofl tIle honour and utility of our Order. Let us pray that our God and Lord ,]eJus Chrifl would vouchJafe to preJerve our brethren, and not permit us to deviate from the performance of our vows. Let us pray that our God and Lord ,]eJus Chrifl would grant health to all jick perjons and captives, that they being delivered from captivit), and jickneJs may come to Holy Church to return thanks. Let us pray that our God and Lord ,]eJus Chrifl would deliver all finners from the bands of their fins, and would enable them to attain unto everlajfing Jalvation. Let us pray that our God and Lord ']ejus Chrifl would give to our BenefaElors a worthy recompence for their pious works, and after death everlajfing Jalvation. Let us pray for the fouls of our confreres, parents, and kinsfolk, and for thoJe of fuch as reft in our cemeteries over all the world.
God be merciful unto us, and bleJs us: and /hew us the light of His countenance, and be merciful unto us: ]?y. That
j. Confiteantur CJ'ibi populi, Deus: confiteantur CJ'ibi populi omnes. . 19. Lcetentur et exJultent gentes, quonzam judicas populos in cequitate: et gentes in terra dirigis. j. Confiteantur CJ'ibi populi, Deus: confiteantur CJ'ibi populi omnes: terra dedit Jruftum juum. RJ. Benedicat nos Deus, Deus nofter; benedicat nos Deus: et metuant Eum omnes fines terrce.
j. Gloria P atri, et Filio: et Spiritui Santlo; RJ. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et jemper: et in Jceculajceculorum. Amen.
j. De proJundis clamavi ad CJ'e, Domine: Domine, exaudi ·vocem mettm. 19. Fiant aures cruce intendentes : in vocem deprecationis mece. . Si iniquitates obJervaverzs, Domine: Domine, quis juftinebit ? IV. !!<..,uia apud CJ'e propitiatio eft: et propter legem CJ'uamJuflinui cre, Domin~. j. Suflinuit anima mea m verbo Ej us : /peravit anima mea in Domino.
19. A cuflodia
R;. That Thy way may be known upon earth: Thy javing health among all nations. T. Let the people praije crhee, 0 God: yea let all the people praife Thee. RJ. 0 let the nations rejoice and be glad: for Thou /halt judge the folk righteoujly, and govern the nations upon earth. T. Let the people praife Thee, 0 God: let all the people praije Thee. RJ. Then /hall the earth bring forth her increafe: and God, even our own God, /hall give us His blejjing. T. God /hall blifs us: and all the ends of the world /hall fear Him. T. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghoji;
.& As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever /hall be: world without end. Amen.
Out of the deep have I called unto crhee, Lord: Lord, hear my voice. R;. 0 let Thine ears conjider well: the voice of my complaint. If Thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amifs: 0 Lord, who may abide it? R;. For there is mercy with Thee: therefore /halt Thou be feared. c f. I look
19 A cuflodia matutina uJque ad noflem: jperet Ijrael in Domino. !tuia apud Dominum miJericordia: et copioJa apud Eum redemptio. RJ. Et Ipfe redimet Ijrael: ex omnibus iniquitatibus ejus. f. Gloria Patri, et Filio: et Spiritui Sanflo; R;. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, etfemper: et in ft£cula ft£culorum. Amen.
Kyrie eleijon. Chrijle eleiJon. Kyrie eleiJon. Pater nofler, Qui es in ctElis, Sanflijicetur Nomen Tuum. Adveniat regnum Tuum. Fiat voluntas Tua, Sicut in ctElo, et in terra. Panem nojfrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. Et dimitte nobis debita nojfra, Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nojfris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem; Sed libera nos a malo: f?(uia 'Iuum ejf regnum, potentia, et gloria, In jt£cula jt£cu!orum. Amen.
f. I look for the Lord; my Joul doth wait for Him: in His word is my trujf. RJ· My foul jleeth unto the Lord: before the morning watch, Ijay, before the morning watch. f. 0 ljrael, trufl in the Lord, for with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him is plenteous redemption. R;. And He jhall redeem !lrael: from all his fins. f. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghofl; RJ. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever jhall be: world without end. Amen. Lord, have mercy upon us. Chrijf, ha·ve mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Our Father, Which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our treJpaJ!es, As we forgive them that trtjpajs againfl And lead us not into temptation; But us. deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, 'rhe power and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. 1 Believe
REDO in Deum, Patrem Omnipotentem, Creatorem ceeli et terrt£ : Et in ]eJum Chriflum, Filium Ejus unicum, Dominum noflrum: §Gui conceptus efl de Spiritu Sanfto, Natus ex Maria 17irgine, PajJus Jub Pontio Pilato, Crucifixus , mortuus, et Jepultus : DeJcendit ad inferos: 'I'ertia die reJurrexit a mortuis: AJcendit ad ceelos, Sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris Omnipotentis: Inde venturus efl judicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, Sanftam Ecclejiam Catholicam, Sanftorum. Communionem, RemijJionem peccatorum, Carnis ReJurreftionem, Et Vitam Eternam. Amen. f. Adjutorium nojlrum in Nomine Domini. R;. §Gui fecit ceelum et terram. Conjiteor Deo, Patri Omnipotenti, FiNo Ejus Unigenito ]eJu Chriflo, Domino nojlro, et Spiritui Sanfto, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo, et opere, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo precor ut mifereatur mei Omnipotens Deus, Pater, et Filius Ejus Unigenitus ]eJus Chriflus, Dominus nojler, et Spiritus Sanftus, et dimij)is peccatis meis perducat me ad vitam t£ternam. Amen.
BELIEJ7E in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in ]ejus Chrifl His only Son our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Ghojl, Born of the J7irgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried, He dejcended into Hell; 'I'he third day He rofe again from the dead; He aJcended into Heaven, and fitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence He /hall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghofl; 'I'he Holy Catholic Church; 'I'he Communion of Saints; 'I'he F orgivenejs of )ins; 'I'he Rejurreftion of the Body, And the Life Everlafling. Amen. Y. Our help is in the Name of the Lord. R;. Who hath made heaven and earth. I confejs to God the Father Almighty, to His Only-begotten Son ]ejus Chrifl our Lord, and to the Holy Ghojl, that I have )inned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, through my own fault, through my own mojl grievous fault. Wherefore I bejeech Almighty God the Father, and His Only-begotten Son Jejus Chrifl our Lord, and the Holy Ghofl to have mercy upon rile, to forgive me my)ins, and to bring me to everlafling life. Amen.
y. Deus, :tu converjus vivificabis nos. R;. Et plebs 'rua lcetabitur in 'Te.
;P. Lord, wilt 'rhou not turn again and quick-
en us: R;. :that :thy people may rejoice in 'rhee?
j. 0flende nobis, Domine, mijericordiam 'ruam.
;f. Shew us 'rhy mercy, 0 Lord.
R;. Et ja lu tare 'ruum da nobis.
Fiat pax in virtute 'rua, R;. Et abundantia in turribus :tuis. j. Salvos fac jervos :tuos, R;. Deus meus,jperantes in 1'e. j. Requiem ceternam dona eis, Domine. R;. Et lux perpetua luceat eis. f. A porta inferi, R;. Erue, Domine, animas eorum. j. Non intres in judicium cum jervis 'Iuis, Domine. R;. §(,uia non juflificabitur in conJPeflu 'ruo omnzs vzvens. f. Mitte nobis, Domine, auxilium de Sanflo. R;. Et de Sion tuere nos. f. Nihil proficiat inimicus in nobis. 19. Et filius iniquitatis non apponat nocere nobis. f. Eflo nobis, Domine, turris fortitudinis, R;. A facie inimici et perjequentibus nos. f. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. 19. Et clamor meus ad ere veniat. f. Dominus vobijcum. R;. Et cum jpiritu tuo. Oremus
I?;. And grant us 'rhy jalvation.
Peace be within 'rhy walls. R;. And plenteouJnejs within 'rhy palaces. f. 0 Lord,jave 'rhy Jervants, R;. Who put their trufl in 'rhee. f. Eternal refl grant unto them, 0 Lord. 19· And let perpetual light /hine upon them. f. From the gate of hell, R;. Deliver their fouls, 0 Lord. f. Enter not into judgment with 'rhy Jervants, Lord.
. ~ For in 'rhy fight /hall no man living be.) Juflijied. ,. Send us help from the Sanfluary. R;. Andflrengthen us out of Sion. Let the enemy have no advantage of us; R;. Nor the wicked approach to hurt us. ,. Be unto us, 0 Lord, a flrong tower, R;. From the face of our enemy, and from them that perjecute us. j. Lord, hear my prayer, 19. And let my cry come unto Thee. f. 'rhe Lord be with you. 19'. And with thy Jpirit. Let
Let us pray. Oremus. EUS, a ituo fancta dejideria, r~fla ~onl!lia, et jufta funt opera, Da Jervzs Tuzs zllam quam mundus dare non poteft pacem;. ut et corda noftra mandatis Tuis dedita, et hoftzum Jublata formidine temporajint Tua proteflione tranquilla. Per Chriflum Dominum noftrum. Amen. Deus, itui corda fidelium Sanfli Spiritus i!luftratione docuijli " Da nobis in eodem Spiritu de omnibus reflaJapere, et de EjusJemper Janfla conJolatione gaudere. Per merita Salvatoris noftri JeJu Chrijli, stui Tecum viruit et regnat in unitate ejuJdem Spiritus Sanfli Deus, per omnia jt:ecula ftCculorum. Amen. f. Benedicamus Domino. ~ Deo gratias. Amen.
GOD, from Whom all holy dejires, all good coun/els, and all juft works do proceed; Give unto Thy Jervants that peace which the world cannot give; that both our hearts may be Jet to obey Thy commandments, and a!fo that by Thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies may pajs our time in refl and quietneJs. 'Ihrough the merits of JeJus Chrijl our Saviour. Amen. God, Who didft teach the hearts of 'Ihy faithful people, by the Jending to them the light of Thy Holy Spirit; grant us by the Jame Spirit to have a right judgment in all things) and evermore to rejoice in His holy comfort. Through the merits of Chrijl 1eJus our Saviour, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Jame Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. T. BleJs we the Lord. 19. Thanks be to God. Amen.
P rayers
ORA TIONES POST CAPITULUM. Oremus. MNIPO'1'ENS jempiterne Deus, it,ui fa cis mirabilia magna jolus, Prr:etende juper nos famulos 'tuos Spiritum gratir:e jalutaris, et, ut in veritate 'ribi complaceamus, perpetuum nobis rorem benediftionis 'tur:e infunde. Per Chriflum Dominum nojlrum.
Amen. USCIP IA't nos Dominus in numero Fide-
lium. Amen. Concedat nobis Dominus locum bene agendi, voluntatem perJeverandi, et gratiam ad r:eternr:e vitr:e beatitudinem hr:ereditatemque feliciter perveniendi; ut, jicut nos Charitas fraternitatis conjunxit in terris, ita Divina Pietas, qur:e dileftionis auxiliatrix ejl, cum Suis Fidelibus nos conjungere dignetur in ccelis, prr:ejlante Domino noflro 7eJu Chriflo, ftui cum P atre et Spiritu Sanfto vivit et regnat Deus, per omnia jr:eculajr:eculorum.
PRA YERS AFTER CHAPTER. Let us pray. LMIG H'l'rand everlajling God, Who alone workefl great mar·vels; Send down upon us 'l'hy jervants the healthful Spirit of 'I hy grace; and that we may truly pleaje 'thee, pour upon us the continual dew of'1'by blejJing. Grant this, 0 Lord, for the honour of our Advocate and Mediator, 'JeJus Chrifl. Amen.
HE Lord receive us in the number of the Faithful. Amen. 'l'he Lord give us opportunity to do good, the will to perjevere, and grace happily to attain unto the beatitude and inheritance of everlajfing life: that, as the love of the brotherhood hath united us on earth, fo the Divine CompaJlion J which is the jupport of love, may vouchjafe to unite us with His Faithful in heaven, through the mediation of 'jeJus Chrijl, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Ghojf, one God, world without end. Amen.
BSOLVE, quteJumus, Domine, animas famulorum 'ruorum ab omni vinculo delifiorum, ut in reJurreftionis gloria inter Sanfios et Eleflos 'ruos reJuJcitati reJpirent. Per Chrijlum Dominum noflrum. Amen. Libera nos, Domine, de morte teterna in die illa tremenda quando cedi movendi Junt et terra, dum veneris judicare Jteculum per ignem. Per 1eJum Chriflum Dominum noflrum. Amen. Gratia Domini noflri 1eJu Chrijli, et Charitas Dei, et Communicatio Sanfli Spiritus )it cum omnibus nobis in Jtecula J teculorum. Amen. I. Abeamus in pace. JV. In Nomine Chrijli. Amen.
1: H
BSOLVE, we beJeech 'rhee, 0 Lord, the fouls of 'rhy Jervant s from every band of )ins, that in the glory of the reJurreflion they may rife again and live among the Saints and 'rhine Elefl. 'rhrough Chrijl our Lord. Amen. Deliver us, Lord, from eternal death in that tremendous day when the heavens and the earth /hall be moved, whilft 'rhou fhalt come to judge the world by fire. 'rhrough 1eJus Chrift our Lord. Amen. 'rhe Grace of our Lord 1ifus Chrijl, and the Love of God, and the Fellowflzip of the Holy Ghoji, be with us all evermore. Amen. f. Let us depart in peace. 1V. In the Name of Chrijf. Amen.
ENGLAND, 1871.
STATUTES. 1. All former Statutes are hereby repealed (saving the rights actually acquired by individual members thereunder), and the following are enacted and adopted in their place and stead.
2. The title of the Confraternity is John of Jerusalem in England."
The Confraternity of St.
3. The objects and purposes of the Confraternity are : -
I. Aiding the restoration to health of sick poor, without di. tinction of creed, by providing the convalescent out-pfltients of puhlic Hospitals and Dispensaries with diets prescribed hy the 1\ledical Officers, and visiting them at their homes during the period of sickness. II. The foundation and maintenance of Cottage Hospi ta1s and Convale, cent Homes, and of Training Estah1isbm8nts for nurses to attend the sick poor; and the formation of Provincial organisations ill furtherance of the general objects of the Confraternity. III. The promotion of a more intimate acquaintance ,vith the wants of the poor in the time of sickness, and the supplying of such information as may usefully aid the proper authorities in the prosecution of measures for the improvement of the localities and houses they inhabit. IV. The further and continuous support of the National Society for aid to the Sick and '\iVounded in War (the establishment of which in England was first initiated and mainly promoted by this Confraternity), and the aid in such permanent organisation during time of peace as may be at once available upon the occnrrence of tmy necessity for active exertion. V. The award of silver and bronze medals for services on land in the cause of humanity, especially in accidents in mines or collieries, and for meritorious exertions in advancing the interests of the Confraternity and promoting its objects.
RE'pE'al of f"rmer Statutes.
Of the Order.
O:Jjects and purrmws or the Confraternity.
VI. ' t'1011 '. of, (all works of Generally, the encouragl'ment, an d ~Iomo . " o. humanity and charity in the relief of SIckness, dls~Ies.s, suffeIlu h , and danger, and the exteusion of the great prll1Clp1c of the ConfraternityPRO
4. The Confraternity consists of The Bailiff, Brothrrs Chevaliers Commanders, of Justice, of Honor,
" Chaplains, Ladies (Dames Chevalieres), Honorary A.ssociates, Servin oo' Brothers and Sisters, Donats. Election of Members.
5. All admissions to and promotions in the Confraternity are by Ballot of the Chapter; but the appoiutment of Serving Brothers and Sisters and the enrolling of Donats may be deputed to the
6. Foundation fees and annual dues, devoted to the HospiA~~~;~n:;~es. tallery objects of the Confraternity, are l)ayable by entrants and members, and are particularised in the Regulations made under Of the Obla-
Statute 25. Of Classes of the. Confraterm ty. The Bailiff.
The Commanders.
...., . The Bailiff who is the head of the Confraternity . in England, c, . is elected for five years (but may 1Je re-elected), and Ins duty IS to . ( t' tl C cil) preside at all meetings of the ConfrateTIuty excep mg Ie oun , and to direct and govern the proceedings of the Order and guard its interests in all such respects as can be required of its head and chief. The Bailiff 'will annually appoint a Brother Chevalier of .Justice to preside in his absence. S. The Brothers Commanders are the presiding Members of actual Commanderies formed or founded under Statute 24. They are elected (for a period of five years; but may be Te-elected) from the Brothers Chevaliers of Justice, and cease to be Comman<lers on vacating that position.
9. The Brothers Chevaliers of Justice are unlimited in number, . tIe 1 enJoymen . t 0 f an h onorao ' Ie POSI'tIOn ' III . tllOy mns't b e persons III life, and must give satisfactory proof that they arc entitled to coatarmour.
The Chevalier of Justice.
10. TJlC' Bl'othrrs Chevaliers of lIonor nre unlimited in number , they are chosen from persons who possess the same qualifications as Brothers Chevaliers of Justice, or who by marked services to the Confraternity or in furtherance of its objects, lllay be considerrcl worthy of admission. They are eligible to serve on the COllllcil. They may become Brothers Chevaliers of Justice on complying with the statutes and regulations relating to that class.
The Chevaliers of Honor.
1l. All candidates for admission ·who are in Holy Orders must The enter the class of Chaplains. One of the number is apI)ointed by the Cbapter as Chaplain in Chief, for a period of five years, and is eligilJJe for re-appointment.
12. JAlllies (Dames Chevalieres) lllust possess the same qualifications as Chevaliers of Justice.
Of Ladies.
13. Persons 'who arc eminent for their philanthropy and charity, or who have clevoted their exertions or l)rofessional skill in aid of the objects of the Confraternity, or otherwise for the benefit of their fellow-men, may be elected IIonomry A.ssociates.
Of Honorary Associates.
14. Serving Brothers and Sisters of the Confraternity are chosen from amongst persons '\yho, from a spirit of charity, devote them~elves to the care of the sick, and their activity and energy to the objects and insbtutions of the Confraternity.
Of Rel'ving Brothers and Sisters.
15. Persons of professjonal or other similar position in life, and of honorable character, may be admitted and enrolled as Donats of the Confraternity.
Of the Donats.
16. jt General Assembly of the Confraternity will be held annuaHy on St. John's Day, when the results of the proceedings for the past year will be submitted for consideration. At this meeting all Members of the Confraternity are entitled to attend.
General Assembly.
17. The business and geneml transactions of the Confraternity are regulated by a Chapter and a Council constituted in the manner provided by Statutes 18 and] 9.
Chapters Of. the Confratermty.
The Chapter.
18. The Chapter (of which not less than ten Members must be present) is the supreme authority, and consists of the Bailiff, Brothers Commanders, Brothers Chevaliers, of Justice, Chaplain in Chief, and the Executive Officers. It assembles quarterly at London in the 1110nths of February, Ma y, August, and November. It may be at any time specially cOllvened 011 the requisition of seven of its Members, such requisition to contain a statement of the propositions to be submitted to the Chapter. J luring the intervals of regular meetillgs the Chapter delegates its powers (excepting the admission and promotion of members) to the Council, which is directly responsible to the Chapter for all its proceedings.
style of Commander (subject to Statute 6). The duty of Commanderies thus formed is to undertake the management of some special branch of usefulness in connection with the Hospitals and Dispensaries of the neighbouring country, and to advance in every way the interests, objects, and purposes of the Confraternity.
The Council.
19. The Conncil (three members of which form a quorum) consists of the Expcutive Officers of the Confraternity, with the addition of eight i\lelll uers, to be electl!J by the ClwpLer. If a vacancy occurs by death, resignation, or by non-attendance for four consecutiye JHeetings, without a satisfactory canse of absence being assigned, the Council will elect a }"Iember to till the vacancy. The Council meets monthly, and at such other times as the President may deem necessary. The President is eleded by the Chapter.
Court of H ODer
20. The Court of HOllOI' of the Confraternity is the Council, and its duties are defined by the Regulations.
The "Expcutive· Officers.
21. The Executive Officers of the Confra,(el'nity are, the Chancellor, Secreta!'y, Receiver, Almoner, Registrar, and Assistant Secretary. Th e Chancellol', Secretary, alld Heceiver are elected by the Chapter, and the other officers by th e Council. Their terlll of office is three years, subject to re-election. No paid officer is permitted to vote on any occasion.
Insignia. Medals for Services.
22. The Insignia will be found described in thc Hegulations. 23. The Chapter of the Confraternity, 011 the recommendation of the CouncD, may award Silver and Bronze :l\Iedals for services on land ill the cause of hUll1anity. 24. It is competent for four or more 1\1 enl bel'S of the Confrater... . nlty resldmg m the same distnct, of whom at least one must be a .Brother Chevalier of Justice, to form themselves into a Commandery l1nder the preside ncy of a Bl'othcl' Chevahel' of J, whose name shall be submitted uy the Chapter to tho ] ~a jjjff for approval. If so approved he will be aIJpointed President with the rank and
Proyincial Commam!eries..
25. Regulations for the general guidance of the Confraterllity may be made and varied from time to time by the Chapter, as occasion may arise. 26. Every Member on election or promotion, and on complying with the requirements of the Statutes, will receive a diploma under the seal of the Confraternity, signed by the Bailiff, or at least two of the Executive Officers.