O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1879

Page 1


Q0rbrr of

§t. ~DIJn

of ~rrnsalcln in QSnglnnb:


Oil 'Tllescla,1J the 24th




srr. (ST.





DAY, 1879.)

LONDON: HARRISON AND SONS, ST, MARTIN'S LANE, Pr1'nters in O/'dina/'Y to Her 11ajest.lJ·


m:urcopo lier. 'fhis Office is at present vltcant.

3lorb '~} ltior. ~ HIS GRACE W1LLl.t\.~ DROGO, D UKE OJl MANCHESTER, K.P. ~ aiIiff Df

dhrg {£.

The Right Ronble. Wrr.LIAM RENRY, BARON LEIGH.

();;omm!m:ber of




Sir ED1lIUND A. R. LECHMERE, Bart., M.P., F.S.A. Q1gt ~Duncil.

P?'esident-General Sir JOHN ST. GEORGE, K.C.B. Major-General the Most Ronble. the Marquis COXYNGIIAM. The Right Ronble. the Earl of DlJDLEY. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of ST. ALIlANS, (Ohaplaill-Gel1em7). Sir EDWARD G. L. PERROTT, Bart. Lieut-General 8ir H. C. B. DAUBENfi:Y, K.C.B. JOHN FURLEY, Esq. Colonel JAMES BOURNE, M.P.

{!fncntlbe Q)ffiurs. (Who are ex-officio Members oj ike CoulIcil).

Olznnce7lo?'-General Sir JOHN ST. GEORGE, K.C.B. Bec7'ela?'V and ReceivP7,-Sir E. A. R. LECH~IERE, Bart., M.P., F.S.A.

A7moner-General the Viscount TEMPLETOWN, K.C.B. Registra1'-Lieut.-Colonel GOULD WEs'rON, F.S.A. Genea7ogist-Rev. W. K. R. BEDFORD, M.A. Lib?'aTicltn-EDWIN FHESHFIELD, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. Assistant-SeC?'eta?'y-Captain PERROTT. A1J1b~dance Dep(lt?'tment-Director: Major }1'RANCTS D UNOAN, R.A., M.P.., D.C.L., LfJ.D.

Bcmkm's-THE LONDON AND WE STMINST Em BANK, 1, St. James's Sq., S W. l ewellen-Messrs. PHILLIPS, Cockspur Street, S.W.

Communications may be addressed to the Secretary of the Order of St. John, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, RC.

Trm Chapter ha ' to make the following Report to the General \, '. Cm1ll:r


The following admlssion. haye been made to the Order during the pa. t year : D((JlI(,s C1tcmlihcs oj J/lsticc-Lady Daubenf'y; 1\1rs. l\1acpherson of Cluny; 1\lrs. Francis Duncan; l\liBs Clara Amelia 'Yr n Ho. k.yns. ESfJui1'cs-Reginalc1 ela Costa Porter, Lieutenant R.E.; Herbert \Yinnington Domvile, Captain \Vorcestershire 1\lilitia; T. Lambert, late Captain n ..A.; G. E. \Y. 1\Ialet, Captain n.H. A.. HonomTY Associ((tcs-fimgeon-1\Iajor Peter Shepherd, 1\I.B.; Surgeon-1\lajor F. Falwassel', F.R.e.S.; George 'Y. Oallender, F.R.O.S. ; Edmund Owen, YR.C.fI.; Professor Friedrich Esmarch, Surgeon-General to the Prussiall Army; Lieutenant-General Renard, Aide-de-Oamp to the King of the Belgians and 1\linister of \,\T ar ; Count Hem'y de Beaufort, Secretary-General of the Societe Fran«aise de SecolU's alU Blesses l\lilitaires; Henry \Yentworth Acland, Esq., M.D., LL.D., Regius Professor of l\1eclicine at Oxford. The following Members of the Order have deceased during the year : Surgeon-Major P. Shepherd, l\1.B., Army 1\leclical Department; killed in action at the battle of IsancUana, January 22nd, 1879 ; Captain Harry Blair; l\lajor F. Wollaston; J. Henderson. A



It is almost impossible to estimate the extent of the loss which Lhe Order has sustained by the premature death of Surgeon-Major Shepherd. Originally detailed by the War Office as one of the Surg80ns appointed by the Government to aid our Ambulance Department in the instruction of the l\Ietropolitan Police, he was not long in realizing the importance of the work which had been instituted by the Order, and he gave himself up to it with all the zeal and devotion of a vigorous mind and enthusiastic natlue. His power of conveying information, and his genial manner of illustrating the course of instruction given by him, not only secured the attention of his pupils, but greatly endeared him to them, and it is not to be wondered at, that on his leaving England for foreign service, there should have been such g neml expre sion of appreciation of his services, and deep regret at hi. departure. His last work for the Order was the compilation of the valuable little l\1anual for the use of the Ambulance Classes which is now so extensively known. His death, like his life, was a noble instance of self-sacrifice for the good of others. After doing all he could for the wounded on the fatal field of IsancUana, he was retiring on hoI' eback, with the few who had escaped the general carnage, when his attention was called to a trooper in the Natal Carabineers who had been severely wounded. Dismounting immediately, he endeavoured to minister to the man's relief, and when remolUlting was struck by an assegai and mortally wOlUlded. Captain Harry Blair was for some years Assistant Secretary, and subsequently Librarian. He was a most conscientious and devoted Officer of the Langue, and his varied experience and matured judgment, combined with his love for the principles and traditions of the Order, whose ubjects he cherished with all the ardour of a deeply religious mind, were of great service to the Langue, and his retirement from active work, in consequence of failing health, was general1y regrettr-d . The following changes and. appointments made during the past year, are recorded :Rev. W. K. R. Bedford has been appointed Genealogist. Mr. ,T ohn Furley has been appointed Assistant Director of the Ambulance Department, vice Mr. Rupert C. F. Dallas, resigned.

5 Mr. John Furley has also been appoiuted to fill the additional office of Director of Stores, rendered necessary by the large increase of mathiel, resulting from the formation of so many new Ambulance Centres. The greatly augmented labours of the Secretariat of the Ambulance Department having rendered the employment of a clerk indispensable, the Chapter has undertaken to provide his salary for the first year, as an advance to the Ambulance Committee, to be repaid by them when they are in a position to do so. In reviewino' the work of the Order during the past year, the principal . u bject of record and of congratulation is the very rema.rkable growth of the St. John Ambulance As ociation all over England, proving how much such an organization was required, and how cal)a.ble it is of still fm'ther and more important development and extension. The details of the work done, and in progress, will be laid before the General A. sembly by the Director in a separate statement and report. The Chapter desires to take this opportunity of conveying to :Major Duncan, the Director of the Ambulance Department, to II'. Furley, the Director of Stores, and to the Secretary, Captain Perrott, their cordial acknowledgments of the unrelllitting labom's bestowed by them upon the work of the Ambulance Department during the past year, which have combined to secure such gratifying results. The Bronze Medal of the Order ha been awarded to PoliceConstable Stephen Little, of the E division of tbe l\Ietropolitan Police for an act of bravery at the risk of his own life, under the following circumstances :-A lunatic woman had got upon the very steep roof of a house in Gray's Inn Square, and was in a position of great danger in consequence; Police-Constable Little, without hesitation, climbed up the roof, and brought the woman safely down. Had either of them lost their footing they would have fallen from a height of between 60 and 70 feet, and would, beyond doubt, have been killed on the spot. The medal was presented in July last by the Lord Prior, the



Duke of JUanchester, K.P., at a prm.lde of the l\letropolitan Police at the ,Vellil1gton Barracks, about 200 ConstalJles, detailed from the several London Divisions being present, as well as the Chief COlllll1issioner, Colonel Sir E. HenderRon, K.C.B., Captain Harris, and other officials of the Police Force. The recipient was addressed by the Lord Prior, \yho then invested him ,,~th the medal, and ir E. Henderson thanked His Grace for the recognition, by the Order of St. John, of distinguished gallantry shown by memlJers of the Police Force, of which the present case was an example. Three other applications fOT the medal of the Order have been made during the past year; lmt in each case, the Council, after due consideration, ,,,as compelled to decline the award. In one case, that of a surgeon 'who was attached to the TlU'ki h Army, and in the performance of military duty when the act of bravery was performed, the Council, "hilst fully recoO'uiz::illg the gallantry displayed, decided that it was not within it· l)roYince to recolllll1end the award. A second case was that of a gentleman who had r "cuell a woman from being run oyer by a train, in the year 1S7!); lmt it was decided, that owing to the length of time \yhich hall elap ell, the Council was unable to recolllmend the award. The third case was an application in fayour of six lllen who had saved lives in the Abercarne ~Iine accident, but although the Manager's attention was called to the a'ivard of medals by the Order for such services within a short time after the accident, no application for them was made until ji'Ce months afterwards, and was, in consequence, declined. It has been resolved that in the conditions for the award of the medals, an addition should be made to the effect that, whilst, as at present provided, applications for the medals should be made within one month from the occurrence of the act of bravery, they can in no case, be entertained by the Chapter afte?' three months have elapsed, provided that the act of bravery shall have occurred within the United Kingdom.

recommended to the care and charity of the Order by the authorities at the Oharing Oross and King's CoUege Hos]?itals, and it appeal'fJ that these recommendations are considered of much value in such cases as need assistance. I myself consider that the charitable exertions of the Order could not take a better direction than for these purposes in the JIetropolis, because there is 110 public charity which places this particular need among its objects and duties. It is true that Convalescent Establi hments have been orgunized at places out of the l\letropolis, and at the easide, but these leave aside and unattended to, the cases which the Order now subsidizes. In my opinion, then, it would be good, and enough, that their charity ,hould be confined to this object, but that it would be desil'able that the sphere of their action should, if possible, be extended, by connecting themselves with other Hospitals in lil~e manner. Ways and means must, however, be devised, and herein is OlU difficulty, bec ause neither are the arms of the Almoner long enough to embrace so large a purpose; nor are the funds at the di posal of the Order suilicient for it; indeell, the urnLed efforts of both 'would fail to effect it. Yet the Council might be able to devise some plan for procuring funds for so great an advantage. If I might myself venture to suggest one, it would be that the Order, through their Almoner, should address them. elves to the District Visiting ociety in \yhich YOlu' Almoner is a Committeeman, asking them to devote to this particular object, under the dispensations of the Order, aid to Convalescents belonging to, or inhabiting in, the Parishes and District, with which the District Visiting ociety is in connection. Of course, for this purpose, proper persons for visiting and inquiries would have to be found up by the Order. I have gone into this subject at some length, because I hold ,trongly to the opinion that the Order cannot do better than to continue and endeavour to extend the benefits effected by this work. I have only to add, that the Diets for the last year have been issued for the £15 per quarter, by the Lady Superior of St. John' House in a satisfactory manner, in the following proportion :-

The Almoner, General the Viscount Templetown, K.O.B., reports as follows :During the past twelve months, the duties and ministrations of the Almoner have been limited to the object in which they were engaged at his last Report; the dieting of the (Jonvalescents



8 QUaJ.'ter ending.

No. of Pl1tiClltS.

September 29th, 1878 December 31st, 1878 March 29th, 1879 J Ulle 28th, 1879

.. .. .. ..

No. of Diets.


9 12 ]9 12

---- - - - - - £ s. d. 12 9

5 8 9 21 4 10 2 9


2 54




.. ..





Quarter ending


-t:i Total Cost of u;,:;~ . . . Women. No. of 2S,.oU)~ Diets. gl S~.~ cacho


_ I""'"

Of which the Dispensary paid.

.... ::1"',,::

--------- - - 29th ept., 1 78 .. 25th Dec., 1878 .. 25th farel], 1 79 .. 24t..h June, 1 7!) ..

1 3 12 13

15 15 23 19

27;3 371 4,59 427

4 4 4 4

- - ---- ----£ s. d. 12 8 0 15 13 1 20 4 2 19 4 9




lOt 10~

£ s. d. 8 5 4 7 13 3 8 0 1 8 4 1


Almost every patient.. ha his diet 14 clays.

I have, at the same time, to state now, my regret' that, owinc r to my own absence from London, and the occnpation of my Assistant, 1\11'. Maxwell Lyte, the cases haye not been visited as they ought to have been. I have, however, no reason to suspect any inaccuracy in the statements in writing affixed to each case, under the signature of the Lady Superior; and all these I have, of course, myself examined. If, as I hope may be, with the as istance of our esteemed Receiver, a paid visiting inquirer can be established, very much will be gained. There are many valid rea ons why all cases should not be visited by Ladies 01' Gentlemen, (. 'ignecl)

Total Cost.

On ~ unday evening, 22nd June, a Sermon was preached in W Drcester athechal, by the Frere Chaplain the Rev. T. W. -vv-ood, de criptive of the objects and works of the Order, and the Offertories at the Cathedral on that day, amounting to £7 lIs. 7d" were devoted to the various charitable works of this Commandery in W Drces tel'. REPO!tT

of Ambulance stationed at Town Hall, Burslem, for year ending 31st :May, 1879. Patients conveyed,


Nature of Hurt.



A final payment of £50 has been made in order to secure the Patent on the St. John Ambulance Litter. The merit of the Litter as a valuable addition to the existing means of relieving suffering has been still further recognised by the award of a Prize Medal by the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain, and by a certificate of merit from the :Mining Institute of Cornwall. The Commander of the Worcestershire (Hanley Castle) Commandery reports that--The diet system, under the new arrangement, as explained in the last report, has continued to be successfully carried out. In their last report, the Committee of the Worcester Dispensary thus record their acknowledgment of the aid rendered : (( The diets supplied by the Order of St. John have contributed greatly to restore the health of many of our patients," The follow ing is the return of diets for the year ending this day.


: : : •••




Peel Street

nigh Street.




Hamil Road

Globe Street,




Crushed by cart shaft.

The Chapter has great pleasure in announcing that H is Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh has been pleased to accept the office of President of the Ashford Centre, and H is Royal Highness Prince Leopold that of the Oxford Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association. The meeting of the Association, promoted by the Ambulance Department of the Order, and held in the Theatre in the Royal United Service Institution, in February last, was of the most successful anrl gratifying nature. The theatre was filled to overflowing, and the meeting, under the presidency of the Almoner, General the Viscount Templetown, K .C.B., who was supported by many members and associates of the Order, was enthusia.stic in its reception of the members of the




-~ ~





Police Force and others, who received theu.' certificates at the hands of the President.

Gate property, and in the meantime to take a lease of the same from, 'ir E. Lechmere. The arrangements for the Lease are nearly completed, and the tenancy of the Gate by the Order will shortly commence. It i' intended to make a general appeal to the Members and Associates of the Order) with a view to raise the sum required for the purchase. 'orne very liberal sums have already been promised, and it is hoped that the Committee-which has already undertaken a considerable amount of responsibility with the sole object of securing, if possible, po. ession of this venerable relic of the Order-may be generously supported by their confreres and associates.

The active assistance given by the Director of 'tore, and the supply of 1ncddriel collected through the agency of the Ambulance Department, have enabled the Chapter to send out a considerable quantity of bandages, and other useful appliances) for the u e of the army in Zululand. The Chapter has had under its can ideration the que tion of availing itself still further of the resources of the J:. mbulance Department and of the Guarantee Fund, with a view to send out a small contingent of Surgeons, mth a Commissioner, in aid of the Staff of the Army Medical Department. A letter was addressed to the ecretary of tatc for War, offering the assistance of the Order, and inquiring in what way it could best be given. The reply was) that the Army 1edical Department at present required nothing for use in Natal, cc but that should any further demands in the course of the war with the Zulu be macle, assi tance from the Order of St. John of Jerusalem will be gladly accepted." Preliminary steps having heen taken, during the past year, hy means of a small Comlllittee, to negotiate for the purclw. e of , 'L, John's Gate and the adjoining tavern, a larger and permanent Committee has been formed, consisting 01'The Duke of Manchester. Lord Conyngham Lord Glasgow Lord Dudley Lord Templetown Lord Leigh Sir Brook Kay, Bart. Sir E. Lechmere, Bart., M.P. Lieutenant-Colonel Gould Weston, F.S.A. Oolonel J. Bourne, M.P. Major F. Duncan) R.A. Mr. E. Freshfield (with power to add to their number) with a view to devise means for raising the necessary funds for the purchase of the St. John's

The memorandum presented to Sir H. Elliot, by the Secretary, 'ir E. Lechmere, in December, 1876, on behalf of the Order of St. J olm, respecting the acquisition of a site for an English Hospital in the city of J eru 'alem, was communicated to the Porte, which caused iucluiries to be made, when it was discovered that the land, which the Orcler \yi hed to acquire did not belong to the Turkish Government but to the Greek Convent at Jerusalem. Application was accordingly made by the Embassy to the {Ecumenical Patriarch at ionstantinople, who communicated with the Greek authorities at Jerusalem, but without any satisfactory result. It appeared that the land in question) which is very near the site of the ancient Hospital of St. John, given by the Sultan to the Prussian J ohanniter, was of great importance, from its being in the centre of the surrounding Convents, and reserved for the completion of further works proposed by the Greek Community at Jerusalem, in order to maintain, with dignity, the rights of their nation at the Holy Place . In July of the same year, 1\11'. Noel 1\100re) Her Britannic Majesty's Consul at Jerusalem, being in London, Sir E. Lecl1mere consulted him on the subject. Mr. Moore considered that the " Meidan" between the city walls and the Prussian buildings to the Westward, would be the most favourable site for the object proposed, and thought that the present would be a good time for making an application for such a site, and that if supported by the English Government it would probably be favourably received.



He further considered that a small Dispensary for natives, if it could be attached to the Hospital, would be very valuable. In August the Secretary, Sir E. Lechmere, at the request of the Chapter, wrote to Sir A. Layard, to ask him if he thought the Porte could be induced to make a grant of land at the spot designated by Mr. Moore, and urging the special grounds on which the Order felt itself justified in making the application, which had already been embodied in the memorandum to ir H. Elliot; pointing out more especially the grants already made for similar objects belonging to other Nations, and in particular to the Pru sian Order of t. J olm. In November, Sir A. Layard replied that he had cOllllllunicated to the Porte the desire of the Order of t. John and that the Porte had applied to the" Mutissarif" of J eru alem for information on the subject, but that up to the date of his writing no reply had been received. In January last, a further communication was received to the effect that the Sublime Porte awaited, before -givjng an answer, the receipt of information requested from the Governor of the Holy Places, who had not, however, replied, notwithstanding that several despatches and telegrams had been sent to him by the Central authorities to hasten his reply. In February, the Reverenrl W. W. Malet wrote on hi own responsibility to Lord Salisbury on the subject. Lord alisbury kindly replied that he would give the matter his attention, and would be glad, if he found himself able, to assist the 01 ject of the Order in any way. In March last, Sir E. Lechmere availed himself of the opportunity offered by Sir A. Layard's visit to England, to remind him of the matter. Sir A. Layard expressed hinlself most willing to do anything in his power to aid the object in view, and retluested Sir E. Lechmere to write to him on the subject. A letter has been recently received from Sir A. Layard, but only in reference to the ancient cannon of the Knights at Rhodes. In March, Sir E. Lechmere had an interview with Lord Salisbury, asking his Lordship's friendly aid in getting a reply from the Porte, and in June received a letter from his Lordship to the effect that instructions had been sent to Her Majesty's Representatives at Constantinople, to report whether it was likely that objections would be rai~ed on the part of the Porte to the wishes of the Order of St. John, that Mr. Malet had reportecl.

having placed himself in communication with the Acting British Consul at Jerusalem, upon the subject, as well as with the authorities at the Porte, and that as soon as any further information is receivell at the Foreign Office, it will be communicated to the Secretary of the Order of St. John. The Lihmrian reports that the following additions have been made to the Library during the last twelve months. NAME OF WORK.


Olaims of the bIte e Nobility (Correspondence and Report of the Parliamentary Commission).... .. .. Sir E. Lechmere. Corr ponclence on the Taxation and Expenditure of Malta .... " The 1azon of Episcopacy. By the R e\T. W. K. R. Bedford, M.A. .... .... .... .... .. .. The Author. 1. K atharine's Ro. pital. By the Rev. F. S. Lea, I.A ..... JYIr. John Furley. Bulletin International, n~. :32, 33, :35, 36, 37, 38 Sir E. Lechmere. t..'ttut'3 de la • oci6te lIe!') :-;ann~LelU's de Belgique " 'om pte rencln des tnn-nux de la Conference Internationale a Berlin Mr. John FLU'ley. "The nrgeon's Hal1(lhonk." By Dr. Esmarch. (Translated hy nIl.'. ('1nttoll F.R '., .) .... .... .. .. The Author. "Die El te Htilf lU:'i Yerietzungen." By Dr. Esmarch ..... The Author. (( Le 1nLeriel de ,-'ecoUl's de Ia ociet8 Francaise de , 'econl'S aux Bles~6~ a 1 Exposition de 1878 " Mr. John Fmley. (( The Royal PrOyillCe of T ew cotland, and her Baronet.." By rajor F. Duncan, R.A. (Pamph.) The Author. The ational ill ociety: operations during the Ru 'o-Turkish War, 'eptember 1878. (Letters and Report, &c.) (Pamph.) Captain Perrott. Gli Alberti di Ferenze, Genealogia Storia e Documenti. 'r>vo vols. 1 69.... .... Duc di Brolo. " eber den Kampf del' Rumanita:t gegen den chrecken des Krieges" .... .... .... .. .. Dr. F. Esmarch. "Verbandplatz und Feldlazareth." And several Pamphlets on Medical and SlU'gical subjects " (( cience made Easy" in Six parts. By Thomas Twining, Esq..... The Author. Report of John FlU'ley, Esq. and Captain R. Rennick as representatives of the Mansion Rouse French Inundation Fund 1875 Mr. John Fmley. Two Drawings on Vellum of the Banner and the Monument of Sir William Weston, Lord Prior, on the suppression of the Order ill England by Renry VII!., A.D. 1540. .. .. Lieut-Col. Gould Weston, descended, like his illustrious namesake, from the ancient family of Weston, of Westonunder-Lyzard, co. Stafford Dei Lancia eli Brolo (Biografie) .. .. Duc eli Brolo.





espondence respecting the ~iots at Mfllta on the 15th May, 1 78. (Pamph.}.... .... .... .... Sir E. Lechmere. (( The Life Boat," J ourual of the Royal National Life lapt.'Lill Perrott. Boat In titution. Vol. X., No. III. (Pamph.).... Report, Italian R ed ero Society .... Major II. ~. Burge s, R.A.

Two Models Bombay Government "Dandy" (or Stretcher) A. round shot thTown by the TlU'ks at the Second Siege of Rhodes.

Maj. H. M. Bmgess, R.. ViscolUlLess Strangford.

The Receiver's accounts for the past year have been examined and audited. The cash balance in the Bankers' hands is £71 68. 6el. The capital of the Langue amounts to £ 688, invested III Bank Stock and Queensland Government Bond . The Balance in favour of the Medal Account i £60 Os. 5d. A donation of £20 has again been made by the Chapter to the funds of the St. John Ambulance A. sociation. Addresses of congratulation and sympathy haye been pr sente(l by the Chapter to His Royal Highne s the Duke of COl1naugbt, un the occasion of his marriage, and to H er :Majesty, the Queen, on the lamented death of Her Royal Highness the Princes Alice, of Hesse. To the first an autograph letter from the Prince \Va. received, expressing his warm acknowledgments of the good wishes of the Order. In the latter case, the reply of H er :Majesty, conveyed thl'ough Lieutenant-General Sir H. F. Ponsonby, expressecl cc to the Duke of Manchester, and the members of the English Langue, H er Majesty's sincere thanks for their kind and feeling expressions of sympathy with the Queen in her sorrow." The Chapter cannot conclude their Report without expressing their satisfaction with the results of the past year, which have shown that the special HospitaUer work of the Order has fairly established itself in public favour and estimation, and that nothing remains but to complete its organisation, and to develop still further its means of usefulness. The Chapter would urge upon the Members and Associates

the great service which they may render to the Order by givino' their active support to the Ambulance Department as comprise~ in the St. John Ambulance Association, thus relieving the exertions of those whose labours have aheady achieved so much to secure the success of a movement which promises to open out so auspicious a future for the English Branch of OlU' venerable fraternity.


The Right H onble. LORD LEIGH. Sir EDMUND A. H. LEClTMERE, Bart., M.r.



General Sir JOHN ST. GEORGE, K.C.R.







(L'on :> i:;Ling cx clu:>i.cly of Mcmbers and A sociates of the Order of St. J oh11).


Q9rher af

~t. ~ag1t

of ~ernsalent in ®nglnnh.

I give and bequeath to the Receiver for the time being of the English (Protestant) Langue of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England the sum of £._ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ , to be applied at the discretion of the Chapter of the said Order towards the charitable objects of such Order, and I direct that the said sum shall

<cgairmcm. • lIt

EDlfL'xD ~L II. LECIIlfERE, B.1RT., M.P., F.S.A. (Secretary and Recei,cr, Order of St. John).

Drpnt)! ([gninmm. ::\I.lJOR F1Ll.~CIS DU:;S-CAN, R.A., M.A., D.C.L., LL.D. (Director of the Ambulance Department, Order of St. John). LIO~EL

S. BEALE, ESQ., M.D., F.R.S. Rt'PERT C. F. DALL.c\ , E Q. LIEUT.-GEXERAL Sm H. C. B. DAuDENEY, R.C.B. m TIIOlfAS DI CK-LA'GDER, BART. TIIE RIGllT lION. TIIE EARL OF DL'DLE1.". PIIILIP FRANK, E Q., M.D. JOliN FURLEY, ESQ. (As istant-Direetor, Ambulance Department). TIIE RIGIIT lION. TIIE EARL OF GLASGOW. V. B RRINGTON-KEN TBTT, ESQ., M.A., LL.M. Tno:\IAS LONGMORE, ESQ., C.B. (SlU'geon -General, Al'my Medical Depf1l'tment). \ VILLIA:ll 1iA.CCORMAC, ESQ., M.A., F.R.C.S. R ODERT MACLEAN MACLEAN, ESQ. W. G. N. MANLEY, ESQ., V .C. (SurgeonMajor, Al'my Medical D epartment). ~ircdor

be paid, free of legacy duty, out of such part of my personal estate as may be legally bequeathed for charitable purposes.

SAKDFORD MOORE, ESQ., M.B., F . .. (Surgeon-Major, Army :Jfedieal Department). A . IIARFORD PEARSON, ESQ., :JLA ., B .C.L. CAPTAIN II. C. PERROTT, (.A.ssi tant ecretary, Order of t. John). GENERAL SIR JOIIN "T. GEORGE, R.C.B. (Chancellor, Order of t . John). TUE RIGIIT liON. 'l' IIE EARL OF ST. GERMANS . A. JULITIS POLLOCK, ESQ., M.D. J. H. PORTER, ESQ. (SUl'geon-::lIajol', Army Medical Department). EDWARD H. SIEI"EKING, ESQ., J\I.B . C1IARLES SIIRDIPTON, ESQ., M .D. STEW ART UT1IERLAND, ESQ. GENERAL THE VISCOL'KT TE::U:PLETOWN,


.of cStaw; .






CU.!. TENT,'.

Report of the Director of the _'..mbulllllcC Department IT.A.RnrSO~ PRI~TERS





Report of the Dircctor of 'lol'e~


ST. M.A.RTI~'S L.A.~E.




'tatcmont of Receipts and Expenditure from July ht, 1 77, to Jllne 30th, 1 79


Central Fund Donations, Annual Subscriptions, &e.


Appendix (Country Centres)


:Methol1 of forming u Centre


R} llnblls showing Comse of Instruction



REPOR.T, ST. JOHN'S D1Y, 1879.

THE pr02rc3' of the Ambula.nce work of the Order, since St. J ohu's D .1Y, 1 78, was s rapid tha.t it was decided to publish a halfyC1.rly rcport, bringing the nanative down to February, 1879. Tilis ha been in the hands of membera for some time, and as far as 1)ossilJ1c any repetition of the facts therein stated will be avoided, hut to give a clear view of the year's work some reference to them will be neccssary. The two great divisions into which the Ambulance work resolves itself arc those touching (1) on the instruction of individuals of both sexes and all ranks in the first treatment of injured persons, until surgical aid can be obtained, and (2) on the more general distribution of such ambulance rnatririel as may be useful in diminishing the risk and suffering inseparable from the frequent accidents met with in daily life. It is not easy to allot the preference in importance to these, but as the first mentioned has a greater interest as yet, and will have, it is hoped, equal 11ermanence, it will be discussed first in this report.


It is a matter of l egitimate congratulation that the lines on which the scheme of this simple instruction was originally framed have requll'edlittle, if any, modification. The idea of decentralization, combined ·with sufficient supervision to ensure uniformity, has



been successfully carried out. Even where the centralization has not assumed the form of de£nite local machinery, there has always been some one ready to undertake the labour of administration, and there has never been any attempt to evade or reject the authority or wishes of the Central Committee. The anticipation that the same assistance would be rendere<.1 to the work by the members of the medical profession in the provinces as had been rendered by their metropolitan urethren, has also been fully realized, and the system of sending London examiners to test the pupils in provincial classes has been successful in securing uniformity of instruction, and possibly in preyenting local jealousies. The ready recognition of the services of the pupils after instruction, which it was felt "ould be an admirable sti?TI/lll'lls to the "ork, has also been most gracefully accorded, not merely by the Central :Medical Committee in 1.11 ir corporate capacity, but also by individual surgeons in the seyeral Ambulance centres. The only part of the scheme "hich requires further de,'elopment is that by which it "as hoped that by contributions from the various local Committees a central fund would be stablished for use in emergencies, for the gratuitous instruction of the poor, and for tbe maintenance of a clerical staff at head-quarters, adequate to the vast correspondence inseparable from such a work ::lS has been initiated by the Hospitaller Order. It has long been ::lpparent to the Central Committee that the labours which have devoh'ed upon tbe Director of Stores, and the Chief 'ecretary, are heavier than they can be expected to perform much longer unassisted, howeyer great their dC:\votion and untiring their energies. In fact, \Yere it not for the special knowledge of the former, ~a:r. John Fm'ley, and the method and clearness of the latter, Captain Perrott, the strain and pressure would at times have led to an inevitable suspension of part of the work. The failure to lend the necessary pecuniary aid has been by no means general in the centres; some have risen far above the average of support which is necessary; but there are a few which have been a source of considerable expense, instead of revenue, to that central body on which the administration, expendjture, and supervision fall so heavily. There are many things to be urged in palliation of the circumstances just stated. In the wave of commercial and agTicultural depression which has recelltly passc(1 over England, the claims of many valuable and long

Bst9.blished institutions have suffered temporary submersion, and any work of a novel description, however strong may be its appeal, has found great difficlllty in obtaining other than moral and personal support. In the first year, also, of an Ambulance Centre's existence there are many expenses of a local nature, which will not recur. The one item of Ambulance ?ncdriTiel for instructional purposes alone, an item which will not be repeated in subsequent years, except in very djmjnished proportions, has drained resources which would otherwise have aided the central fund and will doubtless do so in future. It has been fortunate that dUTing this early time of organization, this period when the resources of the centres were called upon to furnish the local paTapheTnalic" for the work, there have been found generous members of the Order of ,'to John to aid in the expenses of its revived work, and other members to give the time, energy, and labour, without which even money woulJ. fail to ensure success. It ,requires much care and tact to obtain the necessary sUlJport from the centres, without breaking the slight thread of connection which unites them to the central body ,vhich asks for it. The best and most permanent way of succeeding in the matter seems to be by increasing the number of annual subscribers to the Association itself; a fixed income will thus 1e ensuretl, ancl the ~entral Committee will be able without fear to launch into that expenditure among the poor, which is so necessary and so eagerly desired. It is in the power of members of the Order to do much in this direction, and the Central Ambulance Committee appeals to them confidently for co-operation. The voice, " 'hich has sl)oken so clearly from St. John's Gate, must not be allowed even to get faint i-far less must it be permitted to pass away into silence. In enumerating the classes which haye met for instruction in the simple but useful art of rendering first aid in cases of emer· gency, those will first be taken which are in the earlier stage of development, and which have not passed under the machinery of a centre; with a few exceptions, to be mentioned hereafter, they have met in the suburbs of London, and the instructors have been members of the staff of the London hospitals. The interest of the students has been always strongly manifested, and the per-centage of successful pupils among those who presented themselves for examination has beell high, but the number of certificates awarded bears no proportion to the number of pupils who bave been under instrucr





tion. 11any circumstances, such as absence, nerYOUSne8S, inability to attend all the lectures, combined to reduce the number of candidates, but many who have not obtained certificates, and who did not even compete for them, have carried away an amount of new and useful knowledge which will stand them in good . tead shoulll emergency arise. In almost every case the pupils who have obtained certificates in the elementary course haye expressed their intention of going through the more advanced course next session. The word advanced does not imply any intrusion into the prOyillCe of the surgeon or physician, but merely a higher knowledge of those dietetic and sanitary laws, and those rules for nursing, familiarity with which on the part of the laity will facilitate the labours of the doctor, and not make his services less absolutely necessary. The first of these detached classes opened at 'utton, in Surrey, :Miss Turner acting as Secretary and proving indefatigable. The instructor was 1\1r. . Benton, F.R. . ., and the Director attended at the opening of the class and the ilistrilmtion of certificates. Of those pupils who presented themselYe, t"enty-fi ,"e succeeded in obtaining certificates. Although ,Vimbledon has now developed into a centre, it is right to state that the Ambulance work commenced ·"ith a series of ladies' classes, both elementary and advanced, and that out of a total of 92 pupils in the former, and 55 in the laUer, G3 and 14 respectively obtained certificates before 't. John's Day. 1\11'. ,Valter rye, F.R.C .. , of St. 1\fary's H ospital, and 1\1r. George Cowell, F.R.C. '., of W estminster Hospital, respecti,'ely acted a.s lecturer and examiner. Wimbledon affords an excellent instance of the tentative method of commencing the work in a district; the sympathy of the inhabitants having been first obtaineu, the machinery of a centre soon followed, and there haye aheady been classes for the general male public and for the police. The next detached class was formed at Epsom, and the gratitude of the Central Committee, and of the pupils, is due to Mrs. Giberne for the facilities she afforded. The class was well attended, but only a few of the pupils presented themselves for examination, and of these there were eight who succeeded in obtaining certificates. Arrangements are in progress, thanks to a distinguished medical Honorary Associate of the Order, for extending the instruction to a large educational establishment near Epsom.

A very interesting anu numerously atLended class ,vas next opened at 1\1iltoll 1\10ullt College, near Gravesend, by request of the governing body and the principal, Miss HacUand. The pupils are the daughters of Nonconformist clergymen, and are in many cases intended to become governesses and school-mistresses in c1iffere 1t parts of the Empire. They will thus lJe most useful, as centre. from which the useflll knowledge acquired hy them may radiate. The instructor was Dr. Coleman, of "\Voolwicb, formerly in the TIoyal Artillery; the examiner was Mr. James Cantlie, F.TI. 1•• '., of Charing Cross Ho pital; 54 l)upils were successful at the examination, and the Director was present at the distribution of certificates. An attentive class ,yas formed at Shortlands, 11iss Belgraye acting as 'ecretary, and )-1r. H. Crookshank, 1\1.R.C.S., who had become familiar with Am lJulance work in war, as well as in peace, gi\"illg the instruction. Of the small nnmber who presented thelllseh"es for examination, eight obtained certificate. , which \"IeI' pre entec1 hy the Diredor. T,yo ladies' cl~ses were formed at Esher, 1\fiss C. Gertrude Corrie acting as secretary, and ill r. J. H. Casson, 1\1.TI.C.S., one of the most experienced lecturers on the staff of the Ambulance Department, acLing as instructor. Of the few who presented themselves to the examiner, 14: obtained certificates, which were presented in the E ~her Nabonal chools by the Director. A well-attended cla.ss met at \~Teybridge, in the house of 1\11'-' . Lewis, whose kind assistance cannot be too highly ackno\"llec.1ged, and eluring whose temporary absence the duties of secretary were ably performed by :;\1iss de 1Iichele. 1\1r. Pye was lectluer, and although an interval occurred bet·ween the course of lectures and the examination, a fair propOTtion of candidates presented themselves at the latter, and the Director had the pleasure of presenting certificates to 10 successful pupils. A very successful class was formed at Sli. Leonard's, 1\1iss Hall acting as secretary and proving indefatigable. There were 40 pupils, and of those who arpeared before the examiner no fewer than 27 obtained certificates, which ·were presented at a pulJlic meeting by the Director. 1\11'. Crookshank "'las lecturer and 1\11'. Cantlie examiner. Already a committee has been formed to organize a. local centre. A yery energetic class was formed at Harrow, 1\11'3. Hart acting

Milton MOlln! College.


Shol'tlan (l,.

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IIanworLh Park, :JIiclcllesex.

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IIampton Court Palace.



us Secretary and !1r. Pye as lecturer. Eighteen pupils obtuined certificates and men's classes will be formed next ,,,,inter. A small class was formed at Brighton, ,vhich bus sillce become u powerful centre; 1\1iss Annie Goff was Secretary und had much to do with the formution of the centre. Seven certificates were issued. At Hanworth Park, throngh the hospitality of ~Irs. Lafone, u large ladies' class was formed, instructed by 1\11'. Pre. 'ixteen pu pils obtained certificates, which were presented by the Director. Here, as elsewhere, arrangements are being llln.de for an advanced class next winter. Not far from Hanworth Purk, at Isleworth,lUiss Glossol)' herself a certificated pup.il, formed a cbss of bdies, which "'as taught by a local surgeon, 1\11'. Day, and w111ch numberml '1eyen .'uccessful pupils. The Director attended the opening meeting and was present at the distribution of certificates. A large ladies' class was opened by 1\Iiss Trench at I . i verpool. and was taught by a local lecturer, 1\Ir. Rushton l)arker. ::Ur. Crookshank was sent down as examiner and 22 pupils obtained certificates. It is intended to form u centre there next winter. A class was formed at Highgute, in the Literary <11H1 Scicntitlc Institution, by 1\1:1'. R. Harcourt Chambers, and was taught by 1\1r. Benton. 1\1r. Cowell exmnined it, und 18 pupils were successful; the certificates have not yet been distributed. Fresh classes are to commence in Octo bel'. A well-attended and most enthusiastic cbss, about 4:0 in number, met in the house of 1\il's. Robertson-Aikl1lul1, inlllediutely after Kensington was made a separate district under 'ir Charles Daubeney. Mr. Benton was lecturer and 1\11'. Cantlie examiner. Colonel Gould vVeston represented the Central Committee at tho opening of the class, and was present when the Director presen ted the certificates, 21 in number, to the successful pupils. A ladies' class, taught by 1\11'. Crookshank, met in the honse of Mrs. Gladstone, at Bexley, Miss Gladstone acting as 'ecretary. The certificates, 12 in number, were presented after the examination by the Director. Through the energy of Mrs. Goodenough, a large ladies' class was formed in Hampton Court Palace, which was taught by Mr. Crookshank and examined by Mr. Benton. The certificates, 18 in number, were presented by the Director, after the course was completed, the lecturer, Mr. Crookshank, being present.

A cluss was formed at Dorking, tlll'ough the exertions of :Miss A. Benecke, und has been under the instruction of 1\11'. Crookshank. TllC examination had not taken place at the date of this Report. A class was opened at North Finchley, :i\Iiss El wes acting as ~ 'cCl'etary, und ::\11'. A. T. Norton, F.R.C.S., of 't.1\1ary's Hospital, as lecturer. 'rhe examination resulted in 13 pupils obtaining certificn.tes, which will be distributed by the Director in ~eptember. A large bdies' class was opened in the Soldiers' Institute, Portsmouth, on the 14th l\1:ay, by the Director. Surgeon-~1ajor Dick gave the first three lectures, but the exigencies of the service requirinrr his remoyul to Ihatbam, the course was completed by fr. rook hank. },Iuch inconvenience was caused to the ladies by the removal o[ Dr. Dick, und u smaller number pre. ented themselves [or exumination than would otherwise have been the case. Ucrtificutes were awarded to 15 pupi18 after an flxaminution by 1\1r. ~antlic. The duties of ~ecretary "ere ably performed by ~\1i8S Yan Olllmer. .Another detached bdies' class was formed at Conway, l\Iiss Darui hire acting as ~ ecretary, 1\11'. Dal'uishire lectured, and II'. Pye examined. The number of successful pupil.' was ±. In pussing now to the work done in centres which have the prescribed locul organization, the Central Committee begs to call the attention of the readers of this Report to the statistics connected with them, which are given at the end of these pages (viele Appendix). They are by no means exhaustive and they give but u faint idea of the number of pupils taught. The metropolitun centre is not included, and yet by a return which has been furnished it appears that no fewer than 1580 women alone have attended a complete course of instruction in London. The number of male pupils, including some hundreds of the 1\letropolitan Police, volunteers, army schoolmasters, &c., will be equal, if not superior to the women's, and the work is only beginm'ng in London. Under a new system of subdivision into districts, the work "Till be greatly developed. Already the City Police and the Fire Brigades, as ,yell as the e??~ployes of the Board of Trade, have been reached, and the energetic Chuirman of the sub-district, which includes the l)ort of London, John Furley, Esq., does not mean to rest satisfied until the useful knowledge is still further extendecl among a sea-faring population, where it is sorely needed.


Torth Fiuchley.








The public bodies, such as the army and navy, the volunteers, the police, the firemen, the employes in the various dockyards, railways, &c.~ offer a field for the work which will not be neglected . The organizatlOn and discipline already in existence facilitate the formation and instruction of classes among snch bodies, but it is only just to say that there is no need to coerce the pupils, whose eagerness to learn has been most marked. The sympathy of all classes i invited to aid in the instruction of men whose skill may be displayed at Ciny moment, and for the general public. Already the results have proved eminently satisfactory, boLh in the metropolis and in the provinces, and the day will doubtle. s come when a constable or a fireman will be as skilled in the firt tr~atment of injured persons as in the rudiments of discipline or drill. In the meantime, all honour is due to the police allthoritie. at Scotland Yard, in the City, and ill such counties as K ellt, cvon, Worcestershire, York, Stafford, Shropshire, Surrey, ~ ussex, and Durham, who have moved in the van of a movement which ,,,ill soon be commonplace. But although it is true that there are special reasons wby Lhe servants of the public should be instructed, the rea.diness of the public itself to learn should not be undervalued. III such cooperation lies a mine of sympathy and support, which in due t.ime will. furnish ~eans of teaching the poor in tim~ of peaco, and helpmg the wounded in time of war. It Cc'1nnot be too "\'annly C'ncouraged. The power of even one pupil, as a centre from ,,,hich this knowledge may radiate, cannot be overrated. And the same power m l,y be used to provoke in others a thirst for the same knowledge. It has been almost startling to the promoters to find the zeal of all classes and both sexes, which surmounted all obstacles until the end was obtained. This was notably the case in such centres as Blackheath, where the zeal found a ready and able instrument in the Honorary Secretary, Mr. C. D. Davies. In the coming session it is hoped that these classes will ~)e ~ultiplied.. The moral effect of men and women of all grades Inspued b'y thlS noble purpose of increasing their helpfnlness, has already been very great. Although the work is neither sectarian n~r political, it has in the event proved to be the latter in the hIghest sense, for it has created an army of skilled men aw] women to perform the highest political function in the primary ~ense of the term-the function of helpful, loving, find unselfish

<citizenship. The sympathies called forth by the contemplation of Buffering will now, among the pupils of the Ambulance Association l1ave a genuineness, a vigour, and a value, unknown in the days ·w hen the ready. igh or the falling tear was all that they could offer as their trihute to pain. In a Report such as this, one would fain enumerate tl~ose who haye done special service to the work during the past year. But their name is Legion, and as this report is in the first instance merely for circulation among the members of the Order of ~t. John, the irector coufines himself to mentioning the names of those belonging to tl1at Order ·w ho haye rendered personal service. Sir Edmund Lechmere, in London and Worcestershire; 1\11'. Furley, in Y ellt, ,'urrey, 'ussex, and London; ~1:r. Maclean, in Blackheath; Capta.in }'1a.let, in Devonshire; have all done the work of tnle kllighLs, nor 11a ve they confined their labonrs merely Lo the districts named. I n the metropolis ~Ir. and ~1rs. A. Harford Pearson have (jontinued the work which in their hands assumed such giant proportions. Lord Templetown was always ready, at personal inconvenience not unfrequently, to help in planting this last child of the "\Vhite Cross inliew districts, or in handing to successful pupils their well-earned certificates. In general administration, Sir JolIn t. George, 'olonel Gould Weston, Sir Charles Daubeney, ~Ir. V. Darrington-Kennett, Dr. Shrimpton, and very notably Dr. Sieveking, ,yere always really to help, and the Chief ~ ecretary, Captain Perrott, showed a devotion and conscientious energy worthy of the true knight, and of the father whose heart has been so many years full of the grmving work of the Order. The facts, on which the Contral Committee h as to congratulate itself, are so many, and cro,yd so pertinacions]y on their attention in this retrospect of a marvellous year, that the matter of selectioll is difficult. But above all stands this great fact, that to the pupils of the Ambulance Association is it due that much pain has been minimized, and that not a few lives that would have been lost have been saved. ViTith the chivalry of their profession , this has always been readily and gratefully acknowledged by the surgeons before whom the cases ultimately came. Next stands also the undoubted fact that with the more general know ledge of the mechanism of the human body, which has come from this instruction, has come a greater sympathy with those who have suffered injury, and a greater Teverence for pain.



Nor can this Report be considered complete, ,ycre it not stated that as a. fresh instance of the sympathy with the suffering a.h,'a.ys manifested by the Royal Family, and as a seal al 0 to the success of the work, two of its member.~, H.R.H. The Dukc of Eclinburcrh and b H.R.H. rrince Leopold, ha.ve accepted the presic1ency respecLively of the Ashford a.nd Oxford centres. The work during the approaching winter Lids fair to Lc even heavier than during the last. The aid of all the members of the Order is earnestly demanded and anxiously hoped for. It is desirecl also that the general public, whose possible sufierings it is meant to relieve, will extend their sympathy, their pracLical as. i. Lance their charita.ble co-operation, to the handful of busy men, who iI: the hours of their leisure try to preach from the olll ga Le of .~ t. John the beautiful lesson of healing the sick and of helping those that are ready to fall. As a work of brotherhooc1, as an earnest and most appea.ling duty, as a means of ending much pain and misery, a' a. possible method 01 saving valuable and cherished lives, the 'cutml COlllmittee of the St. John Ambulance Association commends to all this simple system of imparting instruction in the fir. t treatment of injured persons.

J\1anual of Instruction, published by the Association. But in adtlition to these, some idea of the work done in spreading mechanical means for instructing pupils and also reducing pain, may be formed from the following statement made by Mr. Furley, whose labours in this department haye been unceasing. Few, indeed, know their magnitude. cc • 'ince the last Hel)ort, in February, 1[;79, was published, the Director of .1tores has issued the following articles:

Se ction B .-MATERIEL.

1 1

:3 1 1

2 1

. Inquir~es for this admirable litter are now very frequent, and Its .use WIll. greatly diminish the sufferings of injured persons durmg transIt from the scene of accident to the hospital. 2. The Chief Secretary has, from the Chancery at St. J obu's Gate, sent much Ambulance mateTiel and many copies of the

36 15 40 1,020 2,600 50 3,800 1,nO


"The Director of 1Lores has lately introduced a small Ambulance hamper fitted ,yith splints, Landages, lint, plaister, and such other thing as the classes are instructed to use in case of accident .; thi · hamper has met with the approyal of many members of the medical profession, both ciyil and military, and it has already been [ounel useful on severa.! occa.sions. During the past year the BearlljoTt stretcher has been the only pa.Hern u ed l)y the Association; but the Director of Stores is now engagell in perfecting another model, which he hopes will combine equal adyantages with greater strength. \~Thether or not he . ucceeds in this enc.leayour, the debt of gratitude due to the Count de Beaufort ( ecretaire GenerJl de la. Societe Franyaise de Secours aux blesses J\lilitaires), who kindly placed his ingenious invention at the disposa.l of this Association, will nl)t be diminished. The lighLest) most compact, anclleast rxpensiye stretcher at the present lllOlllent if) unc.loubLecUy the Bca'l.ifort." It ma.y be. mentioned that much mcdeTiel was sent to the Cape during the war, lJOW practically OY81\ for the use of the troops. From Isandlana down to the sailing of the last reinforcements from Plymouth) the supply from the Director of Stores continued; and it rests with the public whether this department of the work may not be pla.cecl on such a footing as to put an end to the spasmodic action so familiar in our charities when our soldiers find themselves at war. Ie

1. In the supplementary report, published by the Central Committee in February last, it was mentioned that 18 of the ,yhreletl ~mbulance litters, patented Ly the Order, had, within the preceding SlX months, been disposed of to puLlic bodies or individual .. Since the publication of that report the following additional litters have been disposed of, viz. : To Monkwearmouth (Canon Miles) .... " T. Smith Rowe, Esq., M.D., Margate.... .... " O~ord ~Miss A.shhurst, for Radcliffe Infirmary) " SIemens Telegraph Works, Woolwich.. .. .. .. " Police Station, Barnsley ... . " IIead Constable, Birkenhead .... .... .. .. " Oxford, St. John Ambulance Association Centre

• tretchers ... , Amhulance IIampers Diagrams to illu. trate L ectures (sets) 'mall Anatomical Diagrams ITanclbooks • ets of Line<.l Splints Esmarch's Illustrated Bandages Plaiu Triangular " " Roller "

1G A fit and practical conclusion to this report will ue found in the Police Order, quoted on the next page. That the pupils of tl18 Association may always be able to avail themselves of this order with skill and nerye and tenderness, until a surgeon can be fonnel, js the earnest prayer of the Committee.

'11'. DUNCAN, :U ajor R.A.,

Di1'CCtOT of the .Amu1llance DepCl1'tmcnt.



"s DAY, 1879.





A i(l to Police u.;hen assisting I njnl'ecl Persons in the StJ'eets. ::\IE:'\IO.

,Vhen aid is offere 1 Lo the Police in rendering assistance to persons inj urcd in Lhe . 'treets, by a certificated pupil of the Order of St. ,John of J crusalelll Ambulance Classes, the offer is to be accepted, unles ~

the circumstances of the case are such as, in the opinion of

the Officer pre. ent, render it unauyisable to do so.

A report is to

l)e mark of any ca e in which ai.d offered as ahoye is declined.

c. 'ignGll)

,YILLJI. C. HARRIS, ~ 1ssis(ant



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Ol'c1l'l' of St. J Oh11 of J crusnlCll1 in EngluJ1(lt 'nptaill Bu]'.', E. K. ::\1. " Mujor F. DUllcan, RA ... TJIC Right lion. the Earl of Glaqgow



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Genoml the Yiscount Telllpletown, R.C.B. F. R. Dayic~, E ' q. lUiss E. ::\[nl't.rn lUI' . E. ~. Burnes .. Surgeon-}Iajor J. II. Porter, A..M.D. lUucpher,;on of Cluny G. D. '\Yingflelc1 Digby, Esq. J ohn \lulker, E q. Lionel Beale, Esq., M.D., F.RS. lUis ::U. A. Roberts Lieut.-General Sir II. C. B. Daubeney, R.C.13. Bishop of t. Albans Frank P. Fellows, Esq., F.S.A. ... Lieut.-Colonel Gould Weston, F.S.A. Sevenoaks Cen tl'e (pel' John Furley, Esq.) C. Shrimpion, E g., U.D . 1\11's. C. Goldingham Colonel Whitworth Porter, RE. lUI'S. IIeDry Porter lUi, s Caroline Porter Colonel Henry, RA.. Colonel J. Bourne, M.P . .. Woolwich Centre (pel' Ct1ptain Penott) Bishop of Gibraltar

£ 20 5 5 5 10 1

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t In addition to Lhe money contributions referred to in the above li ts, tbe O1'd('1' of St. John has hiLherto allowed the SL John Ambulance Association Lhe usc of offices rent free, and has also c1efmyec1 ihe cost of clerical assistance.


21 £ s. d.

£ s. d. Rupert C. F. Dallas, Esq. '''.JIiss ~1. 11. R oberts Sir Brook hay, Bart. 'tewart ut-herland, Esq. R. 11. 1IaeLean, E"q. Philip Frank, E'q., ~I.D. Slu'geon-General T. Longmoro, C.B . Albert X appel', Esq.

Sevenoaks Centro (pOl' John Furley, Esq.) W. H. Hndlestol1, Esq., J.P. Chelsea Centre (pel' A . H. Pearson, Esq.) Per John Furley, Esq. Dr. Cogswell (per Major DUl1ean) *~1:r. II. L. Sack *::\11'8. 11. C. Rawlin *Dr. F. de H. Hall, F.R.C.P. Southampton Centre (per Dr. J. H. Porter) F. R. D avies, E-q. (additional) " C. F. Rac1ewald (pel' A... H. Pearson, Esq.) lIIaidstone Centre (per Randall Mercer, K;;q.) .. Se,enoak Centre (per W. H. Doclg on, K-q.) .. *A.Tthur J. Hubbard, Esq. *E. H. ieveking, Esq., M.D. *Eldon Haney, E q. Metropolitan Centre (per Captain Lom'ie) A... P. Fiddian, E q. Metropolitan Centre (per R. C. F. Dall'1s, E g.) *:JIr. J. E. Bradley *A. P. Fidcuan, Esq. "'Countess of Effingham *W. Leavens WhiLe, Esq., }1.D. Chelsea Centre (per Captain L om:ie) George E. Vi,ian, Esq. .. C. G. Beaumont, Esq., 1\1.B. W oohl'ieh Centre (per Captain PerroLt) *Miss 1\1. A. Robert s '''1\1rs. C. Goldingham *.YIa,jor-Genoral Lowry J. B . Saunders, Esq. Ol'cester Centre (per W. T. Curtler, E q.) * W. E. Barnes, Esq. *Miss ~I. B. Mackey *11rs. Sim .. Cby Cross Company (per John Jackson, Esq.) P er John FlU'ley, Esq. Metropolitan Cimtre (per A... E. Ross, Esq.) R. C. F. Dallas, Esq. 'V. R. Cheyne, Esq. Major J. W. O'Bryen Hoare :;\riss Ellen Broml ::\Ii.;s A... J. IIuth .. *A. R. Campbell Johnston, Esq., F.R.S ... *.JI1'5. A. R . Campbell Johmton ..


500 050 330 1 0 0 500 500 110 110

600 200 600 600 100 o ;) 0 050 o ;) 0 1 IG 7 o 10 0 200 26 0 0 11 1 0

o ;)


C. G . Brown , Esq. *W. P. Caron, Esq. Pel' J 01 III Fmley, Esq. , 'ir R. '''ullaee, Bart., M.P. 1>er John lflll'lcy, Esq. 'urgeon-11njor VY. G. N. Manley, '{.C. lI. N. liolberton, Esq. Major-General the Most lion. the Marquis Conyngham '1'1Ie Hight lion . Lord Leigh Mr~. Gould ,Veslon General lhe Yi count TempleLo"\Yl1, R.C.B. 'Ve"tmin ter IIo pital Class t. l\lury's 1l0piLlll CIa s II. Ho)l' Bell, Esq., F .R.C.S. ::\[1'". Eliza Guy C\lpLuin "IV. II. Allsopp SouthampLon 'en tre (pel' Dr. J. II. PorLer) '\' est llIinl:>ter Hospital Class (balance sub eription) Cltptain Forte cue Edwin Fre::,hfleld, Esq. l\lajol' F. Duncan, R.A. *CouuL Yisconti Coullle~s Visconti .. ~ }1i:;s Lloyd : .Hr . .Frank E. LoU 'ale of Physiological Charts and 'tretehera

o 10 o 10



6 11 50 0 G 1 10 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 10 0 0 21 0 0 5 0 0 30 0 0 5 5 0 6 10 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 0-10 0 3 17 7 0 5 0 1 0 0 10 0 0 5 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 9 16 2 U

050 050

7 Hi

o ;) -;")

0 0 0


o ;)


110 050 ·10 17 0 050 o 10 0




050 050 050 o ;) 0 8 IG 0

050 050 110 20 0 0 3 15 0 1·1 2 7 50 0 0 100 100 o 10 0 o 10 0 o 10 0 o 10 0

';' The Hon. Lady Dallas 11. C. F. Dulias, Esq. ,,-urcc:;tcr Centre' (Per W. T. Curtler, E<;q.) R. C. }'. Dalla, E q. 1ltth-ern Centre (per A... Brown, Esq.) ~ir Brook Kay, Bart. '.'hrimpton, Esq., M.D. .l.\laichtonc Centre (per R. Mercer, Esq.) Reigate entre (per Captain Searle) Order of St. John of J ernsalcm .. '[niTord Centre (per F. D. Mort, E sq.) '-C. 1l01rue , Esq. * ~liss II. M. Adair "\Yimbledon Ladies' Cla s (Lt) per Miss K C. TOln1shencl \Yool"ieh Centre (per Captain Perrott) \Vimbledon Lacues' Class (~nc1) per Miss K. C. TO"l'"nshellCl Mrs. E. S. Burnes Tibsheli Centre (per G. M. Sankey, Esq.) *}I1's. A... \Y. Von Glehn . • Mrs. C. Marryat .. Cheam and Su.tton Ladies' Class (pel' 1\1i5S TlU'ner) l~icharcl Lewis, Esq. *Gel'!11d C. Me J neli, Esq. Kiveton P ark Coal Company ,Vimbledon Ladies' Class (3rc1) per Miss K C. Tom1shencl Esher La.cues' Class (1st) pel' Miss C. G . Corrie

1 20





G 10 0 3



7 17 0 5 5


5 5 10 0 0 0 5 10 15

6 10 2 5 0 2 11 1 1

6 17 0 0 5 0 5 0 0


10 20 5 0


9 ID 10


7 10

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 0


23 £ s. d.

Epsom Ladies' Class (1st) per l\1rs. Giberne *lIfiss E. Sweeting (Annual, 58.) .. Epsom L adie~' Cluss (additional) per :Mrs. Giberlle *lI1i Clemency IIubbard .. Wimbledon Ladies' Class (1 t admncec1 class) pel' 1\Iiss Town::;hcl1l1 .. Sutton L adies' Cbss (additional) pel' Miss Turner Lieut.-General ir II. C. B. Daubeney, K.C.B. *Mr8. :Moncrieff Chislehurst Centre (per T. II Coekcroft, Esq., :M.D.) W oolwich Ladies' Class (ad,ancec1) per Major Duncan Shortlands L adie ' Class (per 1\IiSB F. S. Belgrave) vYeybridge L adies' CIa s (per :Mrs. Lewis) M etropolitan Centre (pel' A. E. Ross, Esq.) Exeter Centre (per Capt.ain 1\Ialet, RII.A.) H arrow Ladies' Class (per Mrs. IIenry II:ll'L) .. *Urs. R awlins *Sir Brook Kay, Bart. Dr. Ellis (pel' Captain II. 1\1. IIozier) St. Leonarc1's Ladies' Class (pel' Miss E. IIall) .. Wimbledon 2nd acl"vancec1 Ladies' CIa s (pCI' :\Iii:is K. C. Townshend) H anworth Park Ladies' Class (per Mrs. Lafone) Oxford Centre (per Captain Eh.,-es) *W. C. Hearne, E. q L iverpool Ladies' Class (per Miss S. L. Trench) *1fiss Mary E. T. Larkins *lIIrs. Ursula W. Browne. , *lIEss M. A. Roberts Milton Mount College Ladies' Class (pel' Mi s IIacUonc1) *Mrs. Odell (Annual 58.) " * Miss H 1\1. Adail' I sleworth Laclies' Class (per 1\1iss C. A. Glossop) Stewart Sutherland, Esq. , , *1I1rs. Wix ., Sevenoaks Centre (pel' J. Thorne, Esq.) Bexley Ladies' CIa s (l)er Miss F . M. Gladstone) Esher Laclies' Cla s (2nd) per Miss C. G. Corrie BromFtnn Crescent Ladies' Class (per Mrs. Roberholl ..:\i1:n.ol ) Edmonton Centre (per Rcv. Dr. Dolbe) Chelsea Branch, Metropolitan Centre (pel' Rev. B. Belcl.cl') .. Sale of Diagrams anc1 Pamphlets Sale of Stretchers, Charts, and B ampers

9 0 1




4. 6


o 10 9 15 o 19 1 1 1 0 6 3 8 8 1:1:11 0 0 10 7 10 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 ;)



10 10 0 0 10 10 o 10 21 G 0


0 5 0 ;) 10 10 0 5 () 10 8 5 1 0 0 ;) 10 0 12 5 G 0

21 13 5 [5


0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0


0 0 0 0 0 2 3 [5 0 5 0 10 0 G 0

NOTE.-The sums mentioned in tbe foregoing list.s as receivcd by sale of materiel are for articles supplied prior to Mr. J. Furley's appointment as Director of Stores, and the items are therefore not included in bis statement at page 15.


£ *Ml's. Susan Lumley *Gcorge T. I3idclulph, Esq.



100 100

'IF :JIrs.

Susan Lumley lfGeol'ge T. Bicldulph, Esq. *John. terling, Esq. *1Iujor F . DUllcan, R.A, . ..lrlhtu, Jat.kson, Esq.

1 1

0 0 5 0 1 0 o 10

0 0 0 0 0

·}Il's. Susan Ltunlcy "' Geol'ge T. Bic1dulph, Esq. .. John. 'terling, Esq. *)Injor F. Duncan, R.A. " " )11's. A. F. II. lin ':\Iajor-General Gibbes Rigaud . ~\.rlhlU' Jackson, Esq. }Irs. R. B. Martin *F. B. Bakel', Esq. (Grenadier Guards) , .

1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 1 1 1

o o o

0 0 0 0 1 0 10 10 10


The following Cont1'ibutionS1Cei'e not 1'Cceiud till ((ftc?' June 30th, and arc therefore not inclndecZ in the publi::ihcd Balancc Shcet oj Reccipts ancZ Erpcnditu1'C. £ s. d. ITis Gruce the Duke of Manehe-ter, h.P. Riddings Colliery Centre (pel' II. Lole, Esq.) Cunterbmy Centre (per F. W. Furley, Esq.) Bubbington Colliery Centre (per C. Em'bel', E sq.) Margate Centre (per Mr. A. T. Chexficlc1.) R eigate Centre (per Ja . Searle, Esq.) .. \\ool-wieh Centre (pel' Captain Perrott) *~fajor -Generul Lowry ITampton Court Palace Ladies' Class (per Mrs. Y. GoodcnouglJ) Tibshelf Centre (per G. M. Sankey, Esq.) OliftOll Centre (per ::'Iajor-G eneralMarshall) .. Li.-erpool Ladies' Class (additional) per J. Furley, E:q. Stafford Centre (per F. D. Mort, Esq.) .. *11rs. Rowley Lambert Maiclstone Centre (per R. Mercer, Esq.) ""General ~ir John St. George, K.C.B. *V. Barrington-Kennett, E q., M.A. Blackheath Centre (per C. D. Davies, E '1.) Portsmouth Laclie ' Class (per Miss Yan Sommer) Korth Finchley Ladies' Class (per }Ii:;s '. L. Ehn'~) .. Ladies' Council, Metropolitan Centre .. Oxford Centre (per Major-General Rigallc1) Highgate Laclies' Class (per R. IT. Chambers, ES 'l') United Senice College, "\VestwaJ.'d Ho (per COl'mell rl'iee, E~q., ::'1...1.) Canterbury Centre (adclitional) per F . W. Flll'lcy, E q. Esher Ladies' ebss (additional) pel' lUi s C. G. Corrie Conway Ladies' Class (per Miss S. A. Darbishire) Korth Finchley Laclies' Class (additional) per Miss S. L. Eh'·es Portsmouth Ladies' Class (additional) pCI' SUJ'gcon-}fajor Ditk By sale of " 1nateriel" Dorking Ladies' Class (pel' Miss A. Benecke) .. Shrewsbury Centre (per Captain R. H. Coldwell) East and \Vest Inelia Docks Company (per I ,icut.-C'oIOl;cl J. du Phlt Taylor) ~'Counte5s of Effingham Lord Edwurct Ca,en:lish .,

0 1 0 1 !) 0 3 13 3 0 5 1 3 5 1 8 2

0 0 1 1 0 G (>





18 G 15 10 0 5



Ll 0


o 5 0 0

GO 0

10 (l


0 0

11 13 Ii 11 5 u GO 0 U (j 5 13 12 :3 7 0 U 5 5 U 3 10 (> 4 0 0 0 7 G 1 IG 0 5 17 ~ 10 7 !) 11 13 () 20 1 5

0 1 0

~olXlttr)1 ~£lttr£s.





0 0 0

Non; A .-Since the closing of the Balance Sheet on June 30th, the sum of £244 4s. 4d.has been expended 0n the worl<1ng of the Association. KOTE B .-l,250 handbooks, the printer's bills for which (included in the B alance Sheet) ha,e been paid, are in st.oek a t the date of printing tbis RepOl t (August). There are also 638 copies which l:a,e been issue::l and are not yet 11uid for . 620 Handbooks have also been presented gratuitously to police clasEes, lectm'ers, and oLbers. NOTE C.-A balance of profit to the amount of about £80 "ill have been made by the Director of Stores on the sale of mate?'iel, "hen out.standing debts baTe been paid, and will appear in the next Balance SheeL published.



The Re[Ui'IISfi'om Ule Cliislelllll'sl Centre haL'e ~eeJl lW((l'oidaUy dela!;ed .



President. IT.R.IT. tbe Duke of Ediubmgh, KG. VIcc-Pl'c~idcnts .

Sir Elh-ard C. Dering, Bart. ir n. J. Tufton, Barl. The Right ITon. E. H. Knatchbull-ITugr,sen, M.P. Committee.

::'11-. John FlU'ley, Chairman. Be,. Cunon Alcock. Mr. A.Lkinson. Dr. Beet. Mr. ",V. Pomfret Bnrl'u. " Bugler. Capt. Chee man (5th East K ent R.V.) Mr. Coke. " R. Elliott. " \V. Jemmett, Han. T?·easl'?'el' .

}'Ir. R. ITa)' l\Llrrny. " :Mansell. Capt. Reid . :nIl'. Sheppard. " Sti..l'lil1g. " E. W. 'l'bm':;tol1. " \filkinsoll. Dr. vVilk ~ . Mr. J . Creery, Hall. S ecreta?·!/ .

Tumbcr of fen who ba,e attended a complete course of Insiruct:on since the formation of the CenLre .. ditto N umber of Women ditto Number of Men who haTc reeei,ed Certificates Number of Women do. do.

58 30 56 6

'"' M ember s of the Association are tbose who annually subscr~be Five Shillings a~lc1 · donati'ons of £5 •unel upwards to constitute themselves Lifo up,,·arcI s, or W h 0 gi,e Members.


26 List of ilIcmbcrs.

BUrl'a, 1'Ifiss, (Life Mem.) Cheesmau, F. Capt. Cl'eery, J. (Hon. Secretary). D'Oyley, Rev. C,

Dering, Sir.E. C. Darl. Fmley, R. E q. TufLon, Sir ll. J . Dart, (Life Mem.) Lewis, Mrs. J. A.





Geo. FO"l1ler, Esq. Jlli'. W. Maltby. " J . Eley. J . Smith. H. HUl·"I1ood. " T. Rigley.


Committee. Mr. C. Burbcr. F. S. Marsh. II. Jorth. J. Jar,is. " C. Rossingtoll. II J. R. ALkill'on, 11011. Secretary.

N umber of Men "I1ho ha,e attended a complcle course of Inslruction since the formation of the Centre .. N umber of Women ditto diLLo N umber of Men who have received CerliiicaLes N umber of Women do. do.

2G 23

Mr. J. Wood. " W. Batty. R. Latimer. A. Patersou. J. llanlon. G. Mills. J. G. ·Warbrook. J. G. Gra.dweli. W. Watson. J. W. Wilkinson. J. W. Gration. " G. E. Naylor. W . J. Frankland. " J obn Rymer. II Wm. Whiteley. " G . Noble. J. H. WatEOn, Esq., Hon. Treasu1·e1·. Re,. F. W. Roberts, HOIL. Secreta?,!! .

Rev. J. F. T. llalio,,·es. " ,\V. Pursonson. " W. Bre\nns. ~Ir. G. Kdl. A.1\:eli. G. ::\1. Richardson. J. ,\Y. ,\Yibon. R. ::lIadclison. G. ,\V. Alkinson. II II. Wilby. J o~iuh Drake. R:>berL Miller. C. Beeyers. " lIenry CauLer. " J. Bl·oudhen.d. " \\'. Curringtou. " C. Lingard. E. ·Wood.

X umber of }'Ien ~'ho ha,e allended a complete comse of Instruction since the formalioll of Lhe C@tro 1: llmlll'l' of \Vomen diLlo ditto l'\umbcl' of }'Icn who have reeeiyed Ccrtificates N llUl her of \ \' Oll1cn do. do.

70 50 35



List of ;Uembers.

List of JIembcrs. (X 0 return recei,ed) .

Col. Seely. Geo. Fo~ leI'. J. R. Atkinson. C. Barber. J os. CorbeLt.




Prcsidcnt. W. S. Stanhope, Esq., M.P, Vice-Presidcnts. F. W . T. V. Wentworth, Esq. Ed"l1ardl'le"l1man, Esq., J.P. Thos. V. Wentworth, Esq. John Dyson, Esq., J.P. R. Carter, Esq. (President Mid. Inst. Thos. Norton, Esq., J.P. Mining Engineers). R. C. Wilmot, Esq., J.P. Thos. Taylor, Esq., J.P. John Kaye, Esq .. J.P. F . H. Taylor, Esq., J.P. Riehd. Raywood, Esq. S. J. Cooper, Esq. Committce.

His Worship the Mayor (B. Marshall, Esq.,) Cl~ai?·l1wn. Rev. W. W . Kirby, M.A... . } Deputy- Cllairmen. J. Blackburn, Surgeon MaJor 4th A.B.W.Y.R.V. Dr. Sadler. J. F. llorne, Esq. W. J. L ancaster, Esq. J. O'Connell, Esq. W. Stawman, Esq. Rev. W. J. Bindel'. W. Stewart, Esq. " J. Michael. " J. L. Brereton. M. C. Halton, Esq. (Assistant Surgeon 37th W.Y.R.V.) II J. M. Easterling. I:



Committee. MacLean, Esq. (}'Iember of ibe R. Finch, Esq., l\I.D . Centl'ill Executi,e Committee), G. H . Freau, Esq. Chairman. S. Ferrall Green, Esq. },1njor 1'11. de B. Barnett, 1st A.B. The Re,. ll. Martyn Hurt, M.A. Kent A.Y., rice-Chairman. \Villam ilolmes, Esq., M.R.C.S. (late C. D. Davies, E q., IIono1'ary SecreArmy Medical Staff) . tary and Treasllrel'. The Rev. G. Merrick J oues, M.A . W. Baglchole, Esq. W. Kersey, Esq. G. Barber, Esq. The Rev. F. II. Law, M .A. The Rev. II. Batchelor. Sir Edmuud A. ll . L eehmere, Bart., J. C. Bolton, Esq. M.P. (Chairman of the Central The Rev. R. Rhodes Bristow, M.A. Exeeuti,e Committee). J. E. Bueklaud Burroughs, Esq., ,Yo G. Lemon, Esq., LL.B . M.R.C.S. W. Lockhart, Esq., M.R.C.S. J. Burtou, Esq., M.R.C.S. S. MeCaull, Esq., B.C.L. II. Burtou, Esq., M.R.C.S . The Rev. J. W. Marshall, M.A.. . W. Ward Carl', Esq., MD. The Rev. H . Marteu, B.A . G. W. Clarke, Esq. A... G. Medwiu, Esq., M.D. The Rev. E. A.. Claydou, M.A. J. N. Miller, Esq., M.D . W . Way Cooper, Esq. J. Moxon, Esq. J. A. CrookendcD, Esq. Oapt. Herbert O. Perrott, E.K.M. Major F . Duuean, M.A.., n.C.L., Capt.-Commelt. Henry W. Pook, 31'd LL.D., R.A. (DiJ:eetor of tho AmKent R.V. bulance Department 0.8.J.) Prior Purvis, Esq., M. D. IT. R. Ellington, Esq.




28 J. R. Ta.ylor, Esq. F. J. Turner, Esq. C. W est, Esq. R. Price Williams, E 'q. A. ,Yithel'by, E q.

Arthur R oper, Esq., 1\I.R.C.S. J. A. Rucker, Esq. W. S. Shove, E q. h e R e I. C. A. te'l'"ens, M .•\.. L. W. Stobul't, Esq. L. Stokes, Esq.

N umbel' of Mell " 'ho hale aLLencl ed a complete eomse of Imll'uclion sinec the formation of Lhe Centre

Knmber of Women ditto Number of Uen who hale receiled Certificutes .Number of W omen clo .


BLACK,YELL COLLIERY CENTH E. Committee. Mr. W . Winlerbottom. J. A . Longden, Esq., Chairman . ,V. Tate. Mr. Bembridge, Treasurer . II P. 1\1. Chester, Hon. S ec/·eta}'!!. " ",V. Elliott. II T. E. Femyiek.

Number of ::'Ien who have attended a complete course of Instruction siner; th e formation of the Centre Number of ,Vomen ditto ditto N umber of len " 'ho hale recei,ed Certificatc' N umber of Women do. do. List of

Mr. "\\". B embl'idge. " J. J. Bingham. S. Buxton. P.1\1. Ol1Cster. F. Cutts. T. Dalton. E. Eastwood . E. Elliott. R. R. K. Elm es. T. E . F enwick.

Verl'all. IIughc . Ecl\\·ul'c1. Edwards . )IilLs.

b . f Men ,,·ho hale aLlend0 1 n. complete e0:11'5e of Instruction} . e1 0 Cla'ses lIll since Lhe formation of the Centre .. .. .. .. .. ::; cliUo ditto .. under. umber of , Vomen .. Instruction . umber of Uen "who haye reecil'ecl Cerliucutcs Tllmber of 'Vomen "


1, Lllll

'lG3 111 2\-5


List of iUember

ride Local LisLs.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

General Hope. Colonel Penton. The Rev. Dr. Ha.milton. Dr. )lillurd. Dr. l\1ackey. Dr. ,'mill!.

'olonel Pen Lon (Life) 'oloncl TalboL. 1\11''';. Talbot. ll'net'itl IIollaml. :\li..;9 GO:-iling. ::'11' . Coddington . ::'1i'5 Flelchcr. Turlley. Daniell. JL Daniell. " -ltitmore. " Pl'<'tll1cl'gasL ::'Il' ~ . Young. ::'li~:-i ::'Inekcl1zie. ::'11'",. G. :Jla~kellzie. D'l"t1t'",. l u.ll1;.

List o f Jiemucl's. :J1r•. Haig. " A. IIope. ::'li~3 R edding. " nI. Redding . " Boone. l! Smart. :JIrs. Cocking. ::'Ii -s Freeman. ::'Irs. Becket. :JIi~ Goff. " A. Dunnell. " B. Dtumcll. 1\11'8. H. Verrall. " Danke. 1\Ii' Che:;holl11e . ::'Irs. DOl,deer.


Mr. Geo. IIopkinson. W. Kane. " B. Lee. l! J. A. Longden. " J.1\Ioultl. " J. 'illblol1e. " J. Smith. " J. Stirland. " \V . Tate. " W . WinLerbotto:ll.


Committee. The R eI. Dan Winham, Chai1'1Jlan . Alex. Stewart, Esq Oaptain W ebstcr·W edc1erbu.i:'l1, Hon. W. J ohnstone, Esq. Secl'etary and TI'easure1'. F. Wo od, Esq. Admiral Stirling. The Re,. J. Oal,-erL. Colonel Stri;lger. Dr. Grant Wilson. Col. the Hon. "\V . Talbot. W. E. IIeaLhfi eld, E sq. The R eT. W. J. IIilb. The ReI. R. Ac1nms.

committee . 1\1. A. Da.s, E-q., :J1.P. C. J. Clay, Esq. ' Y. C. Salt, E"q. G. II. Allsopp, Eq. C. U. Tripp, Esq. E. A.. P. Forster, Esq . W . G. Lowe, E,q,

The ::'[alo1' t \\. II. Worthinglon, Esq.) , . C. Ailso pp, E q., :JLP. E. J. Dird, "Esq. George Lowe, Esq. J. A. But'cllry, :b:sq. E. A. D1'O'\\l1, E q. Percy Ever heel, Esq.

Jumber of 1\1en ,,·ho h:we ulleuelecl a complete eotu'se of Instl'udion "ince Lhe fOl'n:ation of the CenLrc .. umber of Women ditLo ditto Number of 1\1en who htwe receiyccl Cerlifica.tes Number of Womcn do. clo.

Allbotls, R. W. Anderson, H. G. Allsopp and Son Abbotts, Mrs. AbboLLs, 1\Ii ~'.

List of ;Uembel'l'. Auty, Mrs. Buxton, B. H. Bas and Co . Bass, -:\1. A. (~\I.!?) Bem,cll, }.Iiss.

2G 10 9


30 Bing, Mrs. Brolrn, E. A. Brandon, C. L. BineUey, ,V. Barratt, R. B. Brown, H. T. Brown, :Mrs. II. T Brolrn, A. J. BromJ, lI1rs. A. J Bil'd, E. J. Clubb, W. B. Clay, C, J. Coe, T. S. Day, ]\frs. Day, Miss. D aniels, nIl's. Day, Miss. Eadie, :urI's. Eadie, Miss. Elliott, :nEss. E,ershed, lIIiss. Evershed, Mis. Earp, l\fiss. Earp, Miss 1\1. Goakin, G . L. Grose, S. T. W . Goer, C. J. Halloway, 1\1iss. Heron, J. Hind, II. R. Hillam, Mrs. I sett, C. L. J ames, C. II. James, A. A. Jones, :Miss. James, :nITs. Lott, F. E.

Marson, W. 1\1ayger, F. J. 1\Iarlin, 1\11". Nunbold, John. o elling, W. Oelling, :JIrs. Potter, II. Pegg, Miss. P erfee:t, J. C. Partridge, Mrs. Parson, Miss J. Payser, Mis". RoberL, MI'. Roberts, Mis. Rawlinson, ..i. G. :J1. Sadler, ~Irs. SLmchan, J. tork, J. adler, J. S\Yim~erton, ,V. Truman and Co. Tnbberel', 1\Ii:;s. Tabberer, ~Ii~s J. Tong, '\'. J. Tripp, }Ir . Trimmer, :JIrs. Trimmer, Mi s. ThornewiIl, :JIl's. Thomp on, :JIis . White, :Miss. ,Yaklcy, A. 'Yillt.!ox, J. B. ,Yhileheac1, T . E. Wal'ham, ~Iiss. Wayte, :JEss. Yates, ~Irs.

OANTERBURY OE~TR.E. Prcsidcnt. Major-General the Marquis Conyngham. Vice.Prcsidcnts. The V~ry Rev. the Dean of Canterbury. The RIght Rev. the Bishop of Do,er. C. J. PIumptre, Esq. Committce. Capt. T. Lambert, Ohairman. Mr. G. Furley. The Mayor of Canterbury (C. Goulden Dr. Gogarty. Esq.) , Mr. GreasIey. Mr. 9.u:-,tis (Surgeon.Major East Kent The lIon. A. E. Gathorne IIardy, M.P. MilILIa). Mr. IIolttum (Sm'geon-Major 5th 1\Ir. G. Dc Lasaux. E.K.R.Y)

Colo.nel IIor ley. Major Knight (E.K. 11ilitia). Colonel R. P. Lauric, M.P. Dr. LocMe. Mr. W. A. LoeMe (Lieut,



E.K.R.V.) 1\11'. W. :Mount. Capt. Pheli ps.

JUl'. W. G. Pidduck (Capt. Fire Brigade).

1111'. Pit tor:k. "

Mr. James Reid. T. W. Reid. " Rigden. "Roeh (Surgeon-M:ajor CaTaIl'Y Depot) . Rev. C. F. Routledge. 1\11'. Sadler. Major Sankey (5th E.K.R.Y.) Colonel teward (45th Brigade Depot) . Mr. W ache l' . " F. W . FUl,ley, Hon. Secretary and Treasure)'.

E. Plummer.

K umber of :JIen ,,-ho ha,e atLended !1 complete course of Instruction since the formation of the centre, yiz., attended all five Lectures -umhcr of ,\"omc11 ditto ditto N'umber of :J[Cll "ho ha,e recei,ed Certificates N umbel' of VI-omen d.l. do.

Capt. Lambe!'t. Geo. Fl11'ky. ,\Y. G. Pi<l(ltlf'k. A. ,\Y. Ganlncl'.

30 44 14 11

List of Jlcmbcrs . F. W. FUl'lcy. G. Furley, JUDI'. W . .J... LochCe.


LOl'tl Etlwanl Ca,endi~b, President of the Chesterfield and Derbyshire I nstitutc of Engineers. Committee.

Tbe :JIulol' of ehc terflcld (Theo. Peal' 0~1, E q.) F. Arkwright, Esq., "M.P. 1\11' . .J... Barne , J P. " G. Booth. " E. Bromley. Re,. G. BuU, :JLA. "Mr. A. Carringlon, J.P. Mr. R. G. Coke. Lieut. Coke. Mr. J. Drabble. Rey. T. ,V. Dl'1l1'Y, 1\f.A. 1\11'. E. Eastwood. Admiral the lIon. F. Egerton, M.P. Mr J. W. Fearn. G. TIe\\'iU. " J. G. R. IIe"'i! t. " W. D . IIoUoI'd. " E. IIoufton. " J. IIumhle . Capt. ' Y. \Y. Jendwine.

:Mr. C. E. Jones . " J. Knighton. " 1\1. Knowles, Jun. " A. II. Leech . " W. 1\1. Manloyc. Rev. J. 1\1. 1\1ello, l\LL Mr. 1\1. II. :Mills. " W.Oli,er. R. Parker. " R. II. Robinson. " J. Stores mith, J.P. " J. Bagnold miLb. " F. Swanwiek, J.P. " E . 'Iaylor. F. Thornton. J. Ward. C. White. " W. Wilde. " G. J. Wood. " VV. F . IIO\Htrd, HOIl. Secreta}'!;,.



~ lruber

of :Men who h [1ve [1ttcn l ed a complete e01.!l'ac of Iustruetion since the forma.tion of t.he Centre diLLO ditto ~umbcl' of Women X ulllb3i' of Men who h[1'\'e received CerLifica.tc' ~ umbel' of W omen do. do.

List of


20 13


Miss Blackl ey. " Bridges . " Hooper. Mrs. Nutting.

Miss Nutting. Dr. Spencer. Miss Tyndale. " E. O. Tyndale.

List of nCIIlbcl' ~ . (No retmn received).


c rrI~'LEilUR T

Presidcnt. Rev. Prebendary Burrows, B.D., Vicar of Edmonton.


Vice-Pres idents .

(The Retlll'lls h[1'\'e been uU[1loido.bly delayed.)


ORO '"'

J. R. Anning, Esq. n. C. BidcUe, E q. E. J . Booker, E q ReT'. R. Bull, M.A. n. Carpenter, E q.


,v. W. Day, E

q. J. B. Doe, Esq., J.P, n. Nash, Esq., J.P, Dr. F. Reid. J. Walton, Esq. Committee.

pi'c ident.

Chas. Binns, Esq. Committee.

Mr. Geo. ParkCl'. Cha . Bloor. Thos. Dunn. John Roe. " n. W. Grcatol'cx, IIolI. S t!" /·C{lli'!!.

J. P. J aekwu, Esq., Clwil'llla :1. }Ir. Thos. Wilkinson, Treasurer. " Geo. Howe. II T. D. Croudace. " Jos. Dickinson. " John Walters.

N umbel' of :Jfen who hwe attenJed a completc course of InsLructiou since the formlLtion of the Centre dilto Number of ,Vomen ~umber of }Ien who ho.ve reeei'\'ec1 CerLificates :x umbel' of Wome:l do. do . List of


Ll t of iUc lllbers. LADIES.



CommiLtee forme cl at prescnt).

HonOl'al'Y Secl'eta)'!! (pI'O tem.) . Major-General W. B. Marshall. ~ Ll!nbcl' of len who have attended a complete COUl'se of I nstruction since \'he

formation of the Centre X uml)er of ,V omen ditto ditto Xumber of 1\1en who have reeeived Cer~ificatcs Xumber of Women d o. clo.

Mr. Bal'ry. " Doidge. " Gibbs. RH. E. F. nay, M.A, }1r. Hendel' on, " Hewitt. " Judd. " Linnell. Miss Prince. } HOll. Sec1·etan'es. Rev. Dr. Dolbe.

Number of Men who ho.'\'e attendcd a complete coursc of I nstruction since the formnlion of the CenLre ditto ditto N umber of Women Number of Men who hllle recei,ed Certificatcs N umber of ,Vomen do. do.

)Icmbel' ~ .

(N 0 return recei ,ed) .


Mrs. Barry. Bull. " Burrows. " Dolbc. Ii Ellle~. :Mrs. Elliott. Mis ' E. Elli~. " S. Peppin. " Booth mith, Mr. Archer.


75 8 :.0

Mrs. D olbe. Miss Prince. E. Prince. " Cunninghllm. " Lo'\'ering. " R. Lo,ering. " '\Vhe3-terof t " Burrows, Mrs. Bull. " Eales. :Miss E. Ellis. " P eppin. S. Peppin. " E. Peppin·. " MrR. Barry. Miss Booth-Smith . M. Burrows. " EllioLt. Mrs.

Mrs. J. Ellis. Miss II. Wilson. Weber " P epereol'l1. " Ainsley. Mrs. :Miss Ellnm. Chappell. " Rolanel. .," Walker. Mrs. Venn . P edley. " ·Williams. :Miss Cripps . " nill. 1\1rs. l\Iiss Whilley. M. Taylor, " Gibbs. Mrs. }\liss Hay.


25 34 17 14


35 Number of Men who have I1ttended a eompleto COUl'se of Instruction since the formation of the Centro Number of Women ditto ditto Number of Men who have received Certificates Number of Women do. do.


Re1". n.. Bull, :M.A. Mr. Elliott. " Barry. " Jefferson. " Archer. " Hewitt. Brow-n. Doidge. " Riddle. Walker. Rev. E. F. liay, M.A. Mr. hlillbomn. " E. D. Judd. J. B. Doe, Esq., J.P. hl.r . S. Gibb Livock. Rev. Preb. Burrows. Mr. E1"erclell.


Mr. IIendel'son. " Boyce. " Boulton. 'Vard. " Ashton. " Bryant. Linnell. Dcxtcr. Allen. " Peuch. " Bingham. Goodchild. Riddel dcll. " II. Perry. " J. O. 1Ioye. Rcv. Dr. Dolbc.

List of ;Uembel's.

GRASSMOOR CENTRE. President. A. Burnes, Esq.

N umber of Men who ho.,e attended a complete course of Instl'uelion since thc formation of the Centre Number of Womcn ditto ditto K umber of len who ha,e l'ecei,ed Certificates Number of Women do. do. List of Jlembers. HU


Li!ott of :lIemlJer~. The East und ' \esL India Dock Company.


Committee. 'Vilcoekson, .8.. Saxton, A. hipley, B. II.

Bromley, E., Chairman. Barncs, A. 'Y., IIon. Seer·eiel,·!!. Leach, Goo.

COlUmittee. J ohn FlU'ley, E q., ClwirmrlJl. A. J. A. Brownlon', E q., IIon. eCi·ela/·y. Du,ic1 Powell, Junr., Esq. (Chairman of thc Dock Company). n. II. Dobrce, E~q. (Deputy 'hai]').HU1 of thc Dock l'omplllly). J. L. eln Plat Taylol', Esq. CocreLul'Y of the Dock Company).



(Ko return received.)


Number of Men who IU1,e llttenc1cd a complete COlll'~e of Inslmclion siucc tho formalion of the Bro.nch Number of Women ditto dillo Kumber of Men who h8.'c rccei,ed Cel'tific[lte.~ Number of "omen do. do.

129 143 41


Gild en, Hy. IIopkinson, \V., Sell. IIopkinson, VV., Jun. Kirkland, Rd. Leach, Geo. Longden, Hy. Moss, RL. Norman, Geo. Saxton, A. Shipley, B. H. Saxby, C. Wilcockson, J. Walker, Jus.

Au Lin, G. Bromley, E. Barnes, A. 'V. Bamford,13. Banks, Joq. Baker, 'Vm. Bmley, J. Barlow, Rd. Booth, J Bramlcy, Ed. Bell, vVm. Clarke, J no. Ellis, JOB.

Preshlent. Right Honourable thc Earl of De,on

{;ommittee. COl1l'tenl1Y H. Edmonds, Esq. The Right Worshipful Lhe lVhyor of Exeter. \V. 1\1ears, Esq. (District Superintendent, G.vV.R.) Lient.-Col. II. C. Acbms (1st A.B. D.I\.V.) C. II. Ropel', Esq. The Rev. Prcbl-uuary R. II. Burne3. John Tyler, Esq. (~upel'intenden(, CCLpt. T. BenL (Chief Const•• ble of 'Vo Lern Division, L. & S.W.R.) Exeter) . LieuL.-Col. ,V. II. Wl1lroncl (1st R.V.) CJ.pt. "W. G. Cunningham (Depu.Ly A. \Vyatt-Ec1gell, Es:[ , Hon. 8 p crelrtry. Chief Constable, County of De,oil).

KIVETON PARK CENTRE. Mr. Aaron HarL " John Ec1c1ersha\Y. " Levi DOl1t'. " John ~ha\\'cl'on. " Edward 80:),", HOil . Secrd'1I·!!.

Committee. I\Ir. J ether Ellis. " H eilry Feal'll. Charles Ashky. " Tbo~. Spelll:ei'.


20 20



Number of Men who have attended a complete course of Instruction sin co the format.ion of the Centre dit.to ditto Number of Women Number of Men who have recei\'ed Certificates do. do. N umber of Women

MAIDSTONE CENTRE. 128 Committee.

42 W. IIaynes, Cl~airman. Capt. Aylmer. H. Benstead. '1'. P. Franklyn. Walter Fremlin. R. Fryer. J. B. Grecn . Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P. \V. F. Mercer . Dl·. Meredith. Dr. Monekton.

List of ]11 cmbcrs.

Ki.eton Park Coal Comp::my.


F . Pine, J un. J. R. Ra ggett. Mojor R oss. Capt. Stacey. Henry Storr. A. F Style. R. T. Tatbam . Sir Sydney IVuterlow, M.P. C. E. Wright. Rundull Mercer, Treasurer and Hon. Secretary.

Prcs ident.

Sir L. 1\1. Swinnerton Pilkington, Bart.

Number of Men who have Ilitended a complcte course of Instruction since the formation of the Centre Tumber of 'Vomen ditto ditto Number of :Men who ha,e received Certifi eatcs Number of Women clo. do.


Thc :Mayor of Leed , Clwi/·man. J. D. Hcaton, M.D., F.R.C.P., Depu(if Chairmall. Capt. C. E. Arundel. " E.]I.1. Baines (7th ,Vest York Rifle Volunteers). Lieut.·Col. ChIld (2nd We t York Engineer Voluuteer ). Capt. Hubert J. Cundy (1 t ,Vest York Artillery Y olun teers) . T. W. Embleton, Esq. Sir Andl'ew Fairbairn. J. Rawlinson Ford, Esq. Rev. J ohn GoU, D.D. Lieut.-Col. T. W. IIarding (1st West Y ork Artillery Volunteers). Major A. R. IIarding. Rev. C. Hargrove, M.A. II. P. liolt, E sq., C.E. J. T. Kinnear, M.A. W. L. Jackson, E sq. , J.P. J ames Kitson, J un., Esq. Capt . Herbert Nelson (1st 'West York Artillery Volunteers). T . Wemyss Reid, Esq. Jno . Ralph, Esq. R ev. T. C. Smythe, D.D.

Major ,'\arc1 (2nd ,VesL York Engincer Yolunteer ). F. I . , Vardell, Esq. (lIer ~rujl'tj' Inspector of Mine '). Re,. n. J. Wilkinson, LA. Iuj or E. 'Yil~ol1 (7th "\Y cst York Rille Volunteers). Rpgiuald I,\igram, E'q. James Walker, Esq. ( ewton liill). Rev. R. T . Young. Ex-officio M embers oj COllllJlilLee.

The Mayor. Borough Members of Parliament. To\'\'D Clerk. Borough Engineer. Coronel'. Chief Constable. " Passenger Superintendents of the Railway Companies in Leeds. The Instructor in Mining, Yorkshire College. R. Reynolds, Esq. Walt61' Rowley, Esq., C.E. (LienL. \V.Y.E.V.,) Hon. Secretary.

Number of Men who have attended a completc COurse of Instruction since the formation of the Centre N umbel' of Women ditto ditt.o Number of Men who have received Oertificates Number of W omen do. do. List of


(No return received.)


J... l st of

•T. B.


J Brlllllall. Rcy. 1'. ]);x n. G. II. Doret. '1'. Edmelt. '1'. P. Frankl,)'l'. R. J. Fremlin. lI. Green . J. 13. Urecn. IV. Uayncs. J. II. Hills. J. IIolling,,·ortll. E. Lendon. John ~Iar s h. Rt. l\fcrcer.



Rd. Mercer. . ::'tIcrcel'. 'Y. F. Merccr. Dr. ~ft'redith. Dr. lHoncktoll . Dennis Paint'. F. Pine, Jun. Rev. Stuart Rob~on. Major R oss . Capt. , tact'y. F. Scudamort' . Dr .. myth . H. tren.tfield. A. F. Stylc. II. Store. W. Taylor. C. E. Wright. J. P. II. ''\oocl. G. Youngman.

Capt. Aylll1l'r. J ohn .hgl· •. ]f. Benr. U. 13cnstl'cl.




57 Committce.

Rev. A Fabcl', M.A., Clwirman. Rev. T. Grcgory Smith. Rev. Haden Cope. E. Chance, E.,q. l'lhjor Cazalet. E. R. IIayes, Esq. Erlward Lakin, Esq., H Ull . Sec1·etat·Y.

Dr.IVest. II. Bnrtlcct., Esq. A. Brown, E q., Treasurer. Thomas Cox, Esq. Dr. \,\"Teir. 'V. II. Da"'son, Esq. Dr. IIuynes.


18 61 23

38 N um bor of Men who ha.o attcnded a complete eomso of Instruction since the formation of the Centro .. Jumber of Women ditto ditLo Number of Men who ha.o rcceived Certificates Number of Women do. do. List of



CommIttce. 'rhe Commiltee of Lhe Monkwearmouth anc1 Southwick Dispensary. R ev. J. II. ilancoeK, lIon. Sec1·etary.


(No retum received.)


Number of Men who have attcnded a complete COUl'se of In tl'Uction ince the forma.tion of tho Centre Number of Women diUo ditto Number of 1\1en "\yho have recei,ed Ccrti.fieaLes N umber of Women do. do.




List of JIcmbcrs. (.l.~o

S. tiles, E q. Capt. S"iuford, J.P. T. N. Talfourcl, Esq. W. II. Thornton, Esq., F.R.C . .,J.P. Rev. II. \V. Tindall. W. K. Trelcs, Esq., F.R.C .... ., L .. A. ·W. P. 'l'ritton, Esq. Dr. ,\Vhitc. Capt. White (5th E.K.R.Y.) Dr. Youn g. A. B. Cobb, Esq., Han. T,·easlIl'er. A. T. Chexfield and ,\V. J. 'hurch Brn ier (el'geant 5th E.K.R. V.) H an. Secretaries.

Number of Men who havo attended f1 oomplete COUI'SO of Instruction since Lhe formation of the Centre Number of Women ditt~"" ~litlo .. Number of Men who have reoeived CerLirlcates Numbel' of Women do. clo.

Mgt of ~rembel·s. Bailey, H. Bl':1siel', W . J. C. Brasier, J . C. ChapmalJ, Miss Emil". ChexfielcJ, A. 'r. ' Gibson, O. Giles, Miss Caroline. Grant, A. Gray, Geo. Hannay, Miss Elizabeth. IIitehenkemp, Miss Fanny. Henning, J. G. IIolness, D. Kentish, J.



Committc{'. The Mayor of Margate, R. "Wood, Esq., J.P., Chairman. Mr. H. Bailey. R ev. W. Benham, B.D., Vicar. E. F. Dans, Esq. Mr. Councillor Davis (Cf1Pt. M.F.B.) Lieut. E. Foord Kelcey (5th E.K.R.Y.) T . H. Keble, E sq., J.P. Dr. Pittock. Supt. Romanis, Borough P olice. Dr. Ro"e. Major Sankey (5th E.K.RT.) Lieut. Skinner do. Sergeant Instructor Smilh, clo. Mr. Sno'W (Supt. l\I.F.B )



Laurcnce, Mrs. L:LUrellce, Geo. Luck, Miss Eliz!1beLh. l\feDcal'mid, D. i utter, A. 1\1. Ray, Miss Sophie. Ro\,"c, Wm. n. Salmon, Miss Alice E. Stanley, Fred. Stiles, S. Silani, Frederick L. Tl'ougl1 tOil , C. E. Willis, Mi ' 8 Caroline. "Wootton, Alfl'eu.

)'eturn reeei"l"ed.)

OXFOllD OENTRE. Prc. idcnt. II.R.lI. Prince Leopold, K.G.

Committcc. Major·General Rigauc1, Chairman. The Archdeacon of Oxford. } Profe. or Bul'l'Ow~. 'V. Cl. . Lieut .. Col. G. II. MOl'l'pll (O.U.V.C.) Ice· ~all'7llen Cl.' he "Pl'O"l"ost of Queen.'s College.


n. B.


Tho :Jfnyor of Oxfcrd.



'rho Right lIon. J. R. ilIon-bl'BY, M.P. J. G. Talbot, Esq., )LP. Sir W. Vernon IIal'eol1l't, M.P, A, W. IInll, Esq" M.P.

Mr, Gibbs (G.W.R.)


Dt.. Adanc1. Col. ]Jaynes. J. J. Bit'keTtoll, J~ sq, C. E. Bickmore, Esq. Reginalcll3irll, Esq. Rev. F. J. Bronn. E. hapll1!1l1, Esq. R cv. ,\V. II. L. Cogswell. \V. L. Comine:, Es'i' R p\,. II. ])C:111e. 1\1a.jol' . Genernl Dosborongh, C.D. Re,. G. N. Freeling.


" Gilbert (G.W.R.) Lieut.·Col. H. Hall (O.C.V.C.) E. Pickard Hall, Esq. Rev, J. II. J. IIopkins. 1\11'. J. Jenkin. R ev. J. Kernf->. J. Pal'w!ls, Esq. hll'. AlderlUan RnllClnll. n. 0, Sn111\0.\', Esq. J. A. Shaw DtC\YUrt, Esq. H. SJ"molH]s, E "q. Dr. ':!'"ilch.. ell. ~\Iajor Finch \Yhilo. Capt. C1-. R. El \\'c, 1I011. Secretary anc1 TrcasIi 1·el·.

Number of Men who hale attended !.I. eomplde COUl'~e of In"tr u(:l io:J since the forrnu,tion of the Centre K umber of "Vomcn ditto c1itto Numbcr of Men who ha,o recci"l"ed Cel'tiHcales Number of Women do. do.


132 J6




List of ~Ielllbers . The Venerable Archdeacon of Oxford. Colonel Baynes. Rev. W. H. L . Cogswell. E. Pickard Hall, Esq. Major-General Rigaud .

Special Committeejor Volunteers. Licutenant-Colonel F . J. King. Captain Paine. " Searle. Sergeant-Major Garton. Mr. Kenrick. Ca1.Jtain Searle, Hon . T,·easurer. H.li. Atkinson Grimshaw, Hon. Secretary. Number of Men who have attended a complete course of Instruction since the formation of the Centre Number of Women ditto ditto about Number of ?lIen who have received Certificate3 do. do. N umber of Women

OXFORD MILITARY COLLEGE CEN1'RE. CommIttee. l\fajor-GeLOral J. Desborough, C.B. Rev. James Whito, M.A... Ohairman. D. J. Cowles, Esq., B.A.. Rev. H . B. Blogg, M.A. Major F . Duncan, RA. . H. B. Dixon, E q., M.A.. IIenry NaitUey, Esq. Sir E. Lechmerc, Bart., M.P. A. H. Thomas, Esq., M.A. H. L. Ormsby, Esq., B.A.. Major J Graham, Hon. Secretary. Ex-Officio: The Under Officer. The two Senior Subalterns of Militia.. The t,,-o Senior Corporals.

Number of 1\1en who ha,e attended a complete course of In lruction inee the formation of the Centre Number of Women ditto ditto N umber of ]',fen who hale recei,ed Certincates} . do. do. Classes not yet cxuuuncd N llIDber of Women List of lUcmbers.

Blogg, Rev. IT. B. Cowles, D. J . Desborough, Major-Gen. John. Dixon, H. B. Graham, Major J .

Ma11ders, E. IT. N aic11ey, II. Ruston, W. II. Thomas, A. II. White, Rev J .




Rev. Oanon Cazenove, Cltairman. The Mayor of Reigate. Rev. H . Brass. 1\11'. George Baker, J.P. " Berridge. " Frederick Campion. " Robert Hesketh. Dr. Holman. 1\11'. Hallowes. " Langton. " Markby. " G. Carter MOl'l'isol1. " A.. Mordan.

Rev. J. D. Nairne. Mr. Tom Nickalls. " F. C Pa'Vde. " W. J. Paync . " St. Barbo Sladen. John Shaw. Steele. Dr. Stolle. " Smith. M1' A. J . \VaLerlow, J.P. " W . B . Watedow, J .P . Dr. ,Val tel's. l)



Alfrcy, Mis es (2). Browne Lady R. BooLy Mrs. Baily, Mis. Brown, ?lfrs. R. Banon, ?Ill' . P. Butler, ?III's. N. Bax(C!', ~Ii~~es (:s). Hell ~Iis:;es (~). BI':lS3, ?Ills. B lke]', ?III's. Baker, Misse3 (~). Uccchcroft, Mis;>. Cazcl1ove, Canon. C.azcno,;,c, lUiss. Cazcnovc, A. P. Cl1zcno\c, ?lIa1'k. 'ros -field, Misses (2). Campion, Mrs. Campion, 1\fi scs (2) CLll'ko, l\Ii s. Duthoil s, Misscs (2). Da;,is, Mrs. D<1yi , Miss. EscreeL, Misses (2). Futh, Mrs. and ?Iii ses (~). Farguhar, Mrs. Gllimarael1s, Mr. and 1\11'3. G:1l'l'od, --. Gtlnt, 1\Iajor. Gil'v:1ll, Misses (2). Gurncy, Mis cs (3) . lial'rison, Mrs. li[1l'l'ison, Mis 5e~ (2). ilanbury, Miss. ilarc1ing, Mrs. lIillis, Rev. C. Isham, Miss. Jennings, Mrs. Jenner, Miss.

Li t of Members . Kelk, Misses (2). Knight, Miss. Keough, 1\1l·S. Knowles, Mrs. Knight, --. Knight, B., Majol·. Kellrick, Miss. L:uHLway, .- . Lowe, ?l1i ~s. Langton, Miss. Langton, Mis . Morulln, Misse (:2). 1\Iorrisa, lUiss. M:J. rlin, Miss . 1\1akonski, Mrs. lIaidment, - . Nairne, Rev. J. N all'ne, Mrs. Neale, Captain. Nickalls, 1\11'. T. Nicholson, Mrs. PaTIle, Mr. J.D. PaTIle, 1\11'. F.D. Pa"wle, 1\Ir3. F.D . Pawle, Mrs. F.C. Pawle, Miss. Plll'sel', Mi. s. Pownall, Misses (2). (~). Payne,1\1r . Payne, Captain. P elley, Mrs. Pelley, ~1r. Richardson, 1\11'. W. Richanlson, Mias . Searle, J. Searle, Irs. Sllete, Mis.,. Sladen, St. B. Smith, Lt. C. A.. Stoncs, Iisses (2).

21 50 7


42 Smee, Mis~. Smith, Miss. Secretor, Miss. Thornton, - . Thornton, Miss. Trego, Mrs. Wilkinson, Miss J. WalLers, Dr. Walters, Mrs.

43 ,,,aleriow, Misses (2). 'Yaterton. Mi s G. 'Yright, Mi ses (3). Wryght, ]\Irs. Warlters, ]\Ii, s. 'Yindham, Miss. \Vilson, l\Ii ' . ,"Vn thell, Mi's. Young, Mi!'s.


Number of Men who have attended a complete course of lnsh'uction since the formation of the Centre Number of Women ditto ditto Number of Men who hl1,e received Certificates N umber of Women do. do.


PrcsIdcnt. C. H. Oakes, Es 1.

Yicc.Pl'cshlellt. MI'. Lunrit'k. Committct'.

Mr. R:1. Hill, Treasure,'. " Hem'y Lole, Secretary. " Ed. Farnsworth. II John Farnsworth.

Mr. " " "

John DClll'l. ',illillm Wright. John Nll~vlor. IIcnry Burgoyne.

Number of Men "ho have attended 11 eomr1ete course of Instruction 8ince the formation of the Centre Number of Women ditlo dilto Number of ]\fen who have received Certificates Nmnber of 'WoIDen do. do.


61 74 35


List of iUembel's. :Mr. J. LoveLt. Mrs. J. Loyett. Miss Martin. Mrs. Matthe"Vs. Capt. Miller, R.N. Col. :forthey, J.P. ]\1i s Ogle. 1\11'. A. Ogle. " C. R. C. Petley, J.P " D. Reid. Miss Sutton. ]\I!-8. Pye-Smith. JUl'. Thorne. 1\11'". Thorne. Miss Thorne. " ]\1:. Thol'l1r. Tucker. " E. Tucker. " Turnbull. Two Friends. Mr. F. Underwood. E. Webb. "" H. Webb. " A. Wilson. ]\frs. A. Wilson. Dr. "Worship.

Mrs. Alford. " Ballard. Mies Brown. ~fr. Clabon. " Clode. Mrs. Clode. Miss Cres ey. Mrs. Devitt. Mie Doclg on . Mr. W. II. Doc1g. ol1. " J. Furley. Mrs. J. Furl y. Dr. Fl'fillks. Rev. J. L. Gal'diner. Mrs. Grunt. Mr. IIaneock. Mrs. FitzIIerbert. :Mr. IIilder. Mrs. H ennel!. " Hooper. " IIughes. Rev. R. C. Jones. 1\11'. Y\"arren Jones. Mrs. 'Varren Jonel'. )11'. W. Johnson.

" A. Knos. Li8t Gf HcmltCl·S. (N 0 ret mn l'ecci rea.)

SHRE'VSBURY CENTRE. . . EVENOAl S UEXTHB. Pl'csltlcnt. i'rIlllloll L:1mburde, E \.'

"icc .. Prcsi~cnt I John Fmley, E ~ q. Cvmm!tLcc.

Dr. Alliot.t. Col. Northey, J .P. Rev. T. S. Curteie. N. Clode. Esq. A. McDonnell, Esq. J. Franks, Esq. Geo. Berkeley, Esq. O. D. Marriott, Esq.

C. R. C. Pet ley, ]~~q., J.P. II. Thompson, Esq. W. J. Thompson, Esq. A. ,\"ilso11, Esq. J. L. 'Vorship, Esq. A. Young, Esq. 'V. ll . Dodgson, Esq., Hon. Trells. J. Thorne, Hon. S ecretary.

Committee • Colonel Colvl1e l <JIB., {)ka7','mal1, Admiral R, Jenkins, C.B, Colonel EdgelL The Rev, Canon Lloyd. Major Patchett.

Colonel Field. G, M. Sn.lt, Esq. The Rev, L. llope-Ech1'111'd5 al1ct Clipi. R . H. Coldwell, Hon, Secretarit:s.

Number of Mell who ha;re altel1cled n. eomp1ote formation of the Centre Number of Women ditto Number of Men who have received Ccrtificates do. do. Numbor of Women

Ailen, Archdeacon (donation). Arrowsmith, Miss n. Atkinsoll, :Mrs. BaLhel', Mrs.


of !usti'uetivn :li11eG the


List of lUcmbcl's. Bather, Miss. Bather, Mi s Rhoda. Bather, Mrs. II. Bather, Miss M.

13 77 1.6

45 Burd, Dr. Burd, Miss. Burd, H., EsC!.. Burton, R. H. L., Esq. Burton, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. Lingen. Blunt, Miss. Blunt, Miss S. M. Bryan, Miss S. Bryans) the Rev. - . Butler, Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Churchill, C. 1'., Esq. Churchill, Mrs. Cholmondeley I Miss. Cholmondeley, Mis3 E. Col vile, Colonel, C.B. Colvl1e, Mrs. Colvile, Miss A. Colvill, T. C.) Esq. Colvill, Mrs. Coldwell, Captain R. II. Coldwell, Mrs. Cooper, R ev. N. Cooper, Mr . Cooper, }\fi" E. Cooper, Miss G. Cooper, Miss M. S. Crump, 1\1is3. Crombie, Mi s. Downward, Mi53. DOWll'Ward, Miss A. Davis, Miss . Edgell, Colonel. Edgell, ~Irs. Eyre, Miss . Eddowes) Mrs. Edwards, H. N. EsC!.. Fenton, H., Esq. Finch, the Rev. T. K. Fletch er, }\fiss. Ford, Miss T. Guise, Miss J . Guise, Miss F . Godby, Mrs. Godby, Miss. Godby, Miss J. Glover, J., Esq. Haycock, E., Esq. IIaycock, Mis8. IIaycock, Miss A. Harries, T D., E q.

Harding, W., Esq. Hall, Rev. G. IIope- Edwards, 1\frs. (donation). IIope-Edward , the Rev. G. L. IIope-Edwards, Capt. H. J. Hope-Edwards, Miss. L. IIope-Edwards, Miss J. Hope-Edwards, :Miss A. Harley, l\Iiss. IIol'llby, Uis E. C. IIill, l\Iiss A. Noel. J effreys, Miss . Juson, l\Irs. J enkins, Admiral, C.B. Kenyon, Mrs. Kenyon, Ii s E. C. Kenyon Slane.v. 11i"3 . Lloyd, G. B., E q. Lowe, Miss II. L eighton,"11i Clare. Lloyd, Lady Frances. Lloyd, Mis . Lauric, Mis. Mo~ ., 1\1i~. ~ro;.:e r,

E. 13., E .q. 1lll'yriek, ~rrs. Myers, 1\11' . l\Ial'Y 'iste-n. T eveU, li:;.'l . Pigott, Mrs. C. F. C. Phillip~, :E. A., Et<q. Rope, T. II. Esq. Rodc1am, Miss. Slrmton, G. E q. 'outhern, ~Irs. Salt, Mrs. W. Salt, Mrs. G. M. SaH, G. 1\1. Esq. Savage, MiSE. Stevens, Miss. Smith, Miss. Sprott, Mrs. Taylor, R. Esq. Taylor, Mr'. Topp, fiss Isabelle. Thompaon, 1\1i:5s. Turner, 1\1iss. Vine, Miss A. vVarren, Mrs. Wanen, Miss A. Yardley, Rev. J. S.

STAFFORD CENTRE. Prcshlcnt. The Earl of Lichfield. Yice·Pl'e~!dcnts.

T. Salt, E q., U.P. A. 1\Iacdonald, EsC!.., M.P.

Committee. The Major of Stafford, (Ex- Officio) . Mr. J. Averill. Rev. J. A. B eeL. " "'iV. Bere ford. Mr. G. R. Bull. W. E Clenclinllen. R ev. \V. E. Coldwell. Dr. C. II. Crawford. " II. Day. Mr. T. B. Elley. " T. Fowke. " C. II. Gl·ea,es. " R. Griffith. Rev. . B. IIanilley. Dr. J. D. IIewson. R ev. M. O. IIoldel1. Mr. II. Levington. F. Mar h. " B. Massey. " J. Morga.n. " \V. Morgan. " J. D. Mort. Lieut.-CoL Nugent. Mr. J. B. Oswell. R ev. J. T. Owen. l)


Mr. W. T. Pater. Dl'. G. Reid. Rev. S. D. Scammell. Major H. S. 'l'ompson. Mr. W. M. Turner. " E. F. Weston. Mr. A. Macqueen (The King's Own 2nd Stafford Militia), Hon. Secretary. Ladies' Committee. Lady Lichfield. Mrs. Coldwell. Day. Dodd. Earle. Greaves. Lady Hathel'Lon. Mr'. Hewson. Johnson. Mort. " Torman . J. Salt. " Spooner. Weston. Miss Wogan. E. W ogan .

Number of Uen who have attended a complete course of Instruction since lhe formation of the Centre N umber of vVomen ditto ditto Number of Men who have received Certificates Number of Women clo. do.

Mr. J. Averill. " Brindley. Rey. W. E. Cold well. Mr. J. Dale. " J . Fowke. Rey. S. B. IIandley. Dr. J. D. IIewson. Rey. M. O. IIolden . Mr. B. Mossey. " F. D. Mort. Rey. D. R. Norman. Lieut.-Col. Nugent. Mr. B . J. Oswell.

List of rtIcmbcl's. Rev. S. P. Scammell. Major VV. Shaw. H. S. Thompson. Mr. W. H. Woolley. " A . 1\facC!.ueen . Miss Bowen. " Burne. Mrs. Coldwell. Dodd. Earle. Everitt. " Fowke. Lady IIat,herton.

75 132 48 64



- - - - - ---


46 Urs. IIadley. Miss Hewson. 1\1rs. Johnson. Miss A. Jones. " Killiek. Mrs. J. Morgan. l\liss J. Marson. " L. Marson. M1·s. F. Mort. " Normun.

N um bel' or Men who have nttenc1ec1 a oompleLe courso of InstrucLion siuco tho formation of the Contre Number or Women dit.to ditio Number of Men who have received Certiflcates Nnmber of Women do. do.

Miss "Newbold. " Ripley. Mrs. A. Smith. Miss Silvester. " Saunders. 1\1rs. Spooner. " Tompson. " We ton. " \-Vood. Miss W·ogau.


Charlc Seely, Esq. . C. Wardell, E~(l.




:Mr. R. II udson. Capt. Johnson, R.N. Mr. G . Matthew. " A. G. McKenzie. " A. G. McKenzie, Jun. Rev. '.V. S. Monerieff. Dr. Murphy. Mr. Nicholson (Chief Conslable), " Patti on. Dr. Pyle. Mr. C. H. Reed. II. Rit on. T. F. Ritson. " R. Simey. " '.V. St. John. Rey. R. \-Vaters. " 11. Wiener. II. Martin, llan. Treasurer allcl S ecretary.



List of JIembel's.


Mr. S. S. Robson Chail'man. " W. Allen. " Atkinson. " S. P. Austin. Dr. Barron. " Bernard. " Bomnan. Mr. Broderick. Re"l. W. R. Burnett. Mr. G. Clark, Jun. F. Corder. Mr. Cox. " C. H. Dodds. " Douglas. " T. Elliot. 'V. B. Ferguson. Rev. F. Harms. Mr. E. Hirst. S. S. lloc1gaon.


No Committee formed at present. MI'. Edward Plowright, Hon. Secretary. List of


Becching, Arlhur Thomas, Esq. Sottidge, Albert J., Esq.




Pre 'idcnt.

The Most llon. tbe :;\Iarquis of Aberga,ennJ.



N umber of Men who ha.e attended a com .. plete . e.ourse..of Ins.h.'lletiOn} since tbe formation of tbe Centre Nnmber of Women ditto ditto . . . . Number of Men wbo have received Certificates.. } Number of WomC'n do. do. .. Fivc cla.sscs not yet examined.

about 600


List of iUembCl'!ii .

(No rcturn rceeived.)


Charles Seely, Esq. CommIttce.

S. C. Wardell, Esq., Chairman . Mr. SamI. Nix. " Geo. Hubbard. " J obn Brady. " Gro. Ra':\-~on. " R. Harrison.

'Y. A. Stamford, Esq. Mr. Jos. Radford. " vVm. Armstrong. " J. R. Maddison. " J olm Tix. G. rvr. S:1nkey, :Esq., Hon. Secretal·Y.


The IIon. James 11. O. Byug. Robert Forbes. " Sir Edmnnd S. Hardinge, Burt. " David L. Salomons, Bart.

L01'd De L'Islc and Dndley. \ ri eOllnt IIaruingc. Lord Gcorgc Pratt. The llon. F. G. ·Molyneux.


The llon. F. G. illolyneux, Chairmctn. nIl'. G. Barlr,lm. J. J. Barrow. " Bisbopp. " W. F. Browdl. Dr. Milner Barry. Mr. B. Collins. Major Crookes. Mr. F. W. Cllrteis. Captain F. Carr Dyer. Mr. '.V. Elm's. Capt. G. H. Field. ~fr. J. Finch. J. B. Footner. '1'. Jones Gibb. T. F. Gibson. Rev. Canon UO!1l'c. A. F. Hotham. Dr. Johnson. Mr. Lo.rnmiman. " F. McClean. SUl'geon-Gcneral Maitland, C.13. M1'. Manser.

Major S. Blackbllrn-lifaze. M1'. l\farsack. Lis llt.-COl. Ramsden. Dr. Ranking. :;\Ir. B. Rix. " Apsler Smith. G. Fcreday Smith . '.V. A. Smitb. Stamford. Satchell. G. Sandal'S (the late). Ticehurst. Rev. L. C. 'Valforc1. " F. F. Walrond. Mr. T . Walker. J. Stollcwigg. Dr. 'Yardell. Capt. C. S. '.,Tillia1l1f1. Mr. C. R. Fletcher Lutwidge, Hon. S ec'1'eta I·!I. Frederi ck \-V. Elers, Hon. TrcaJure?'.

48 No. on Books as attending.

Number of Men who bn;re attendcd a complete course of I nstruction since the formation of the Centre Number of Women ditto ditto Number of Men who ba,e reeei,ed Certi1lcates Number of Women do. do.

31 78

125 197

29 30

List of ~Iclllbcr . (Return not received to daLe of going to press.)

Lht of

Life ;Jlelnoers. The Hight lion. tll e Earl of ,'t, Germllll . Oaptaill h Y. '\\'aille, RiIle Brigadc. G. Franei Legg, Ecq.

WIMBLEDON CENTRE. Presidcnt. The Rev. Cllnon IIllygllrth.


'The lioll. and Rey. A. A. A))tlUll, Major 1\1. de B . BUl'l1ctt. Rev. R II. Bullock, :J1...1. Mis Caulft'ild. " E. J. Cog \I ell. Admil'lll Duutzc, R.N . Mi" J?al'nIielc1. ~Ir . G. . linn e,' . " lIall kill~.

' -icc-Prc Ident. E. Thurstan Holland, Esq. R. S. Dean, Esq. Jamieson Ellis, E q. R. H. Few, Esq. Mrs. Thurstan Holland. John Hunter, Esq. L. Mortimer, Esq.

Committce. Ii' P ellrs. Rev. B. Rcynolds. " A. T. cotl. " Lionel te.ells. 1\Ii s Town hene1. II. Webb, Esq.

Number of Men who have aLtended a complete course of Instruction inee the formation of the Oentre Number of Women ditto ditto Ditto ditto (ad.anced) Nnmber of Men who have received Certificates .. Number of Women do. do. (ad'llnecd comsr) Do. do. do. List of

rumber of Men who have attended a eomplete cotil'se of Instruction since the formation of the Oentre about Number of Women ditto ditto Ditto ditto (advanced course) Number of ~Ien who have receivcd Oertificates .. Number of , 'r umon do. do. Do. clo. (advanced course) . .


po return receiled.)

'YOOL'VICII CENTRE. PreSident. The Right Hon. the Earl of St. Germans. Committee. Oaptain James O. Lowrie, Adj., 2nd I.ieut.-Oolonel W. Noel Waller, R.A., Middlesex Artillery Volunteers. Chairman. R. MacLean MacLean, Esq., Major F. Duncan, R.A., M.A., D.O.L., LL.D., D eputy-Chairman. Dr. P. Purvis. The Hon. and Rev. A. A. Anson, M .A. Rev. Dr. Raitt. Major lV1. B. de B. Barnett, 1st Ad. J. Naylor Stephens, Esq. Bele., Rent Artillery Volunteers. Oaptain L. V. Swaine, Rifle Brigade. Rev. R. H. Bullock, M.A. Rev. James White, M.A. Rev. R. A. Oorbett, M.A. Captain E. Woollcombe, R.A. Rev. H. Hirsch. Cl1ptain II. C. Perrott, E.K.M. IIon. Liellt.-Oolonel H. 11. Rozier, F.G.8., Secretary. 10th Kent Royal Arsenal Artillery Volunteers.

Miss E. H. Jenkin~oll. Mrs. King. Miss King. Mr . PatcrSU]l. Miss Paterson. " l\J. PatersOn. " E, PaLer on. 1\lr'. Ratcliffc. Mis Ratcliffe. " F. Ratcliffe. J. Naylor Stephen:>, E ' q. Lieut.-Oolonel W. N. Waller, RA.. M)". F. F. Whinyates. Captain 'Yoollcombe, R.i.

l'rc ident. The Right lion. the Earl of DucUeJ •

55 15 11



59 fl2


.Jl. ~L

243 110 36 107 74 24

Committce. .\.lb," ellUI/'lIllill. C,lplain Le\\'l'~. \Yaltcr Hollund, ESlh rice-CltairillClil. ",rebb. Lurd L.' tLcltOD. " Oorbett. ii' Eclnlllml Lcchmcrc, BarL, M,P., G. E. Hyde, E q. F. ' ..i. J olm Parker, Esq. Colonel Hunte)', C.B, W. H. Barneby, Esq. Nurbury. I. H. Hooper, Esq. Carmichacl. E. . Sanderson, E q. T'. Rowley Hill, E g., :J1.P. M. CurLIer, Esq. Colonel Y cmOD. 1\1. Power, E q. Major rIili. J. Tom Bmge, Esq., F.S.A., Rev. W. II. R Longuurcl. F.RH .. Colonel Bellers, 1[011. T,·easurer. T. W. 'Yooel. ,V. T. Curtlel', Esq., HOIl. Secreta!'y. l> 1. . Isaac, E ' q. Major Stallard. Gl')I(')'ul

Number of Men who ha.e attended a complete comse of Instruction since the fOl'maLion of Lhe Oentre :N umbel' of Womcn clitto ditto Number of fen 'who 1ll1Te rcceived Oerti11cales Number of -VYomen do. do.


43 30 21 U

51 50 Lis t of

Ames, F reeTh. ..A.tlay, General. ..A.tlay, ~1i s. ..A.tlay, Miss . Ba,rneby, W. II. Bellers, Col. Bm'ge s, T. Caldicott, Mrs. Carmichael, Col. Casey, Rev. II. Cooper, Miss. Corbett, F. Corbett, II. Crofton, Mrs. Curtler, Mal,tin. Curtler, Miss. Cur tIer, W. T . Day, Mrs. Day, Miss . D ouglus, Mrs . W. W. D ouglas, Hon. Mrs . Eld, lY1J:s. Gardiner, Mrs. Griffiths, C. W. (dead). Goldingham, 11J: . Goldingham, Miss. Goldingham, Miss B. Hayes, Mrs. Hill, T. R. Hill, Hilary. Hill, Major. Holland, W. Hooper, J no. H. Hyde, Mrs . Thos.

lUellllJ e l' ~.

Hyde, Mrs. G. E. Ingram, Mis . I aac, J. S . I nac Mrs. J. ' I nuc, Mrs. VV. (deud). Isnac, )li:ss. Jeffrey,1Ji -s. LcchUlcre, -'ll' E. A.. n. Longhlll"t, ReI. W. II. R. Lytleltoll, the Lord. :r orbul'Y, Colonel. Parker, J Oh11. PoLL', )lr. Power, 1. Pritchard, nIi::,:;. ander-on, E. . tallard, olond. 'tallard, )1r '. "TUL tnllul'd, Mrs. J. O. Stallard, Irt'. J 0 iah. Sutton, Mis, . Strangc, Dr. hcpPllrd, )11'5. Thor11, [i,.,.. Thur"field, )[r:,. Tlnll'field, Mit>. \ernon, II. F. ,Vcbb, Caplain A. \Vebb, )11'8. A. Wilding, L. J. Wilding, 111s8. Wodehou e, Mi::,!'< . Wood, Rev. T. 'Y. Wood, Mrs. Ryle.


The. y. tcm adopted is as follows ;((t.) The formation of an influential local Committee, with Ihairman, Treasurer, and Honorary iecretary. Cu.) The formation of cIa .. es (separate) for persons of both . exe .. (c.) The securing the elTices of a competent medical gentleman, who ,,~ll undertake the duties of Lecturer. (d.) The formation of n. Laches' Committee (when requisite.) (c.) Ohtaining the u. e of a . uitable room, such as a Volunteer Drill Shed, •'chOOlrOOlll, or similar building, or in a priYate hou. " ,-here lecture. can be delivered. (/) The ('ollrction of ~llhscl'iptions to defray local expen es, and to 1'U1'11i. 11 contribution to head-quarters to uarry on, and extell( 1 the work of the Association. (r;.) The enrolling for entry ill the Register kept at the Head 01fices the names of certificated pupils who would cons nt in ,Val' time to assist the Order of St. John in certain capacities, a Ii t of which can be obtained from the 'hief ecretary. COll1'Se

of InstTuction.

This consists of fiye lectures, followed by an Examination. The. ubjects taught are detailed in the Syllabus. The last halfhour is devoted to practical work, such as the application of bandages and splints, re toration of the apparently drowned, lifting the injured) carrying on stretchers, &c.) &c. The examiner is sent down 1JY the Central Committee. A report is made by him, and certificates of proficiency are awarded to successful Candidates. Materiel RequiTed.

The only articles required for the use of the cla.sses are) a Beaufort Stretcher (price 30s.) ; a physiological chart or diagram (price two guineas, or 13s. 6d. according to size); a set of common

52 lined splints, and n. supply of plain roller aml triangular hal1(1agcs. All the e can be ohtained from thc Director of ~Lore.. A ycr)' useful.handbook (price, post-free, one hilling and n. penny), COlllpiled for the express u e of the cJas es by the late ,'urgcon-1\Iajol' P. Shepherd, A.1\1.D., i. in very extensive circulatioll, and tll'ro is a very great demand for the Illu tmted E. march halHlage (pri 'C sixpence each, post-free eightpence), llcaring printed c1iagram showing method of application. The two latter can al. 0 1ll' (J1Jtained at St. John's Gate. tretchel's are not required for Lacli " Clns. eR.



~ntbulantC ~ssociatian.



Receipts for local subscription will he uiven hy tIl) II()llOrar~' Secretarie. of Centres from receipt book.- . uppli c1 by tIl 'hid Secretary. All local expen. es will be defrayed by the Treasur r~ or Honorary ecretaries of Centres out of :nb criptions rec 'iYCll. A Balance heet or , tatement of recoipts and exp"llCliturc at each Centre is sent in to the Chiof ,'ecretary half-yearly, viz.: lly June 30th and Dec. 31st. This mu. t 1 e . igned, and ccrtifi 1(1 as correct, by the hairman, Hon. ecretary and Trea urcr, or if a Treasurer be not appointed) by one other Iem1)cr of the Local Committee. The balance of subscriptions in hand at thesc c1al 'S (June 30th and Dec. 31st) respectively») i paid ovor to thc 'ontral Fund) to assiflt the classes and extend the ",York of the A .. ociation in poor districts. An Annual ,ubscriber of Five •'hillings and Up\yarclR can become a Member of the cc • 't. John Ambulance Association." \. donation of Five POlmds and upwards constitutes Life Iem b ]'ship. Forms of Membership and Orders on Banker. can ll8 011tained on application to the Chief Secretary, St. ,J olm'R Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.


FI H. '1' LECTUHE. A. Preliminary l' ' mark. ) object of Instructioll, &c. D. ...\.. general outline of the ~ 'tructure and Function of the IIllllJan Do(ly, illcl1Hling a In'ief de. c1'iption of the Bones, Muscles, . \.rt erie - and "\'"cin.. The EUllction. of the Circulation, H.e pi.Tatjon :l11<1 of the 1. r el'YOU .• 'ystcm. The tJ·jangular anc1roll >1' lmndao'e; their application. •'E iO JI> LECTURE. The general directioll of the l\Iain arteries indicatino' the b point. re the circulation may be arre ted by digital pressure or Ly the application of a tournitrnet. 13. The difference between Arterial, \.,T enous and Capillary Bleeding, and the yariou. extemporary means of arresting it. The trianguJar and roller handages.


THIRD LECTURE. A. The signs of fracture, and fir. t aid to be rendered in such accident. . The application of . plints, or other re training apparatu. B. The triangular and roller bandages. FOURTH LECTURE. A. First ajd to thofle fmffering collap e from injul'Y, to those stunned, to the apoplectic, inebriated, epileptic, fainting, and to those bitten by rabid animals. B. The immediate treatment of the apparently drowned, or otherwis suffocated. C. Burns, scalds and poisons.

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Sir E. A. ll. LEClll\fERE, BarL., l\f.P., Chail'man of thr Centrnl ExccutiT'r Commit trr. l\fnjor FRANCIS DUNCAN, RA., M.A., D.C.L., IlL.n ., Drputy Chairman . JOHN FURLEY, Ef'q., Dirrc-tol' of Stores. Captain II. C. PERROTT, Chief SeCl'eltll'Y.





'LlpOn tlte




Usu a l




UJ/(Zel' the Pat }'oJ/ClUe (!

l'eq1.lest that my name mav be entnM

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Permanent Addnss NOTE.-An Annual Subscription of Five Shillings and upwards constitutes Membership. A Donation of Five Pounds and up-wards constitutes a Life J\t[ember. Annual Subscriptions will be considered due on June 1st, [l.n<l must oe paid in before June 24tb. Order on Bankers forwarded on application to the Chief Secretary, St. John's Gate, Clerk-enwell.








General The Yi::;CO llllL Sir


A. II.

General 'ir J on~





Bart. :M.P.

'1' . GEOIWE


O~l 'I'll


~t. ~og1t ~mhulancc ~ssoci~tiOl1.

1 give allll bequeath to the Chairmall of the Cellli aJ Executi \'e Committee for the time being of Uw the

' lllll


t. J uhn Ambul<LllCU A::;:-i()cia( iOIl

of £

to be applied at the cli::;cretion of the Central Execllti \'e COlUmitteu 01' tho said A sociation toward

the philanthropic objects of such

ASRociatioo, and I direct that the sctid mll shall be paifl, free of legacy

c1ULY, out of such part of my personal esLate as l1lay be legally

llARlLISO~ A~D SONtl, l'ltlNTEHS I N OK1HNdltY TO lil!:U ~UAJE oTY, ST. MiiRTIN'S L.A~E.


of t~c

~t. ~O~ltts

©ate QGommittcc.

Your C'OllllllitL 'l' were "l>poilltell at the spedal Coullcil helll at 'hancel'Y, Sl. ,J olm'::; Gate, Cl Cl'k l' lllY ell, on Tuesday the l:Hh :JIan:h , l i~TI , for the IJlll'POSC ur COlhillcl'illg if ,orne scheme ('ouIll noL l)e deyL.'ed hy ,\"hich St. .r oh11's Gate might become the pl'UJll~]'t.Y {)r tll ' Ol'lle1'. 1'0111' CUlllmittee <lesirc to report the following facts:-That ~il' EtllllllJl(l Lcchlllcre, Lhe Secretary of the Order, acquired the huil<lil1g.' kllCl,,'n aq St. ,John's Gatc," in Lhe year 1872, and that :::incc then Hmlulllil the presenL tillie,l18 has expended partly in l'L'lrllil<liug the prcmif)c " the purchase of the furniture and fixture..:, and partly ill rep}lil':::l [md allllilions to them, a sum exceeding £12,000. YonI' Committee further l)cg to report that Sir EdmUlHl Lecllmcl'c pUl'cllascll the G~Le ,uldy in the interest of the Order, a Jl( 1 to preycnt other per.'o11s, from 'w hom it ,,,ould hereafter hayc lleen ill1po. si11e to aC(luire it, obtaiuing pos8es ion of it. lour COlllmittee further report, that although in so purcha. ing, Sir ElllllUllll Lechmere in no sense acted as agent for or on behalf of the Oreler, still that he is entitled Lo the '"arme t thanks of thc Order for the step he took, and that it is the eluty of the Order, in the opinion of your Committee, to relieye Sir Edmullll Lechmere from the purchase that he has made. Your COlllmittee furLher report :- That having purclm "'ed the Gate for the purpose of the Order, Sir Edmund Lechmere has not thought himself justified in using the premises, so as to secure the greatest profit to hilll~ elf, but has on ly 111ucl' iemporal'~r arrallget h'



ment . . nt no s1l1n11 pecllniary los::;, so <1S to Cll,tl lIe tll 0)'(1('1' t(l acquire them from him unfettered 1ly all." l'cslrid iUllS. Your COl11mittee further report :-That thc }ll'cmi. c.' COllSi~(, first of the Gate'iyay it "elf, amI next or an acljoinillg T,lYCrn whicll, ho"eYcr, now C0l11111 unica tes "i tll the (i nteway. The 'I' h ole () C th house and the ea t portion of the CinLcway, illclmling tll' (,('ll tra 1 Hall are usell for amI in connection" ith the pn1lljc-hol1se, nn(l nn' at present in the occupation of lIIr. On)', lUI'. (Lly lllallngl''< tl)(l business for Sir E(llllund Lechmere, hut pn:v. no rent. TlIi., \\'n" neces itnted hy ,'ir Edmuml Lechme1'c's de"il'e) ilwt the Ordl'l' should ha\Te the ol'portuuity of aCfluiring the nate amI dt'\'otillg it to such pnrpo es as the:,' might thi llk fit, ulli1l<'llllll'(')'('ll 1,.\' any arrangement "'ith ::\I1'. C:ay. Your Committee further report :-TJlllt tllt~re i. ' Olle' ),()Olll ill the north tmyer of t.he Gate\vay which is oCCTlpicll1ly a ~il \'l')';-jllli th nt a rent of £4:5, that there arc two other ro()ms, ()11t: 011 tlle first, and the other on the thin,l floor in the, alllC to,,'er oc<.'upil'(l Jly tlw Order at a rent of £100 a-year. There i' aLo a :,()(llll 11l)()11 Ule second floor \ylich i let by ::\Ir. Gay for the purpo 'e. or lIla, O])lC lodges, but which it is de, irable to aCf}uire for tllt' l1:'e (If tJI(~ Ambulance Department. Your Committee llaye put themse1Yes into communi('n lion with Sir Edmund Lechmere, through hi. ,'olicitor, :l\Ir. ,Yhit " of the firm of ,Yhite, Borrett and Co., for the purpose of a. . cel'laillillg tl1e prict' and the ter111S upon which the Order could acquire lhe ~nle"ay from Sir Edmund Lechmere. r pon thi. head thC,\T l'eport that the terms are contained in a }\[e]))ol'alldulll of iI[]'. 'Yhite'~. of ",11ie11 the following is a rop.v.

ST. JOHK'8 CL\ TE. TEIDIS. A Lease to 1Je granted to the Order for the term of 14 ,\'cars to commence on the 24th day of l\Iay, 1879, nt the yearly rellt of £440 and the Order to haTe the option of pnrcllflsillg at £l:2,O()(J during the first seven y~ars of th~ term. The Order not to assign, lJut to 1)e at liberty to sub-let the premises not at present occupied oy the Order to allY respectable' and responsi11e tenant. The license to lJe maintained and not parted WWl to [[)IY tC1~ mlt or othl'nrise, and llotbing to lle clone \'i'llich mj~']lt ri, kits


forfeiture or llepreciait- Lhe character of the property or the lan(llonl's intercst therein. The prellli~<:s to 1)(~ kept in substantial repair within an(l without, amI in-lUred in an apprOl'ed office in a sum to be agree(l 011, and ill t11e namc of' the Lessor. One year's rent also to he in.'ured. Tile flll'llitul'c, fixture., l)bnt, and slock in trade, except such t11illgS (if ally) as lllay 1)e l'esel'veel, to be taken at a valuation, but in ca. e the propcrly i.' purcha ed, an allowance to be made from the £12,OUO of the amount paiel for such of the furniture, fixture. , and plant a were included in the original inventory. The Len. e 10 contain a conclition of re-entry and all other usual ;\1](1 rC(flli 'ite provisions, inclmlil1g a covenant by the Lessees tu l'el111ild and reinsLatc forthwith in ca.se of destruction or damage by fire, antI 10 make gootl any cleficiency in the Insurance money. Your Committee recommenu to the Council the acceptance 1l)' the ChapLcr, on hebalf of the Order, of this proposal. Your 'ommil tee are strongly impress eel 'w ith the yiew that it j" llot onl,:' a cluty, but i in the inierest of the Order immediately to pay Sir Eclmullll Lec.:llluere the purchase-money for the premises. The,Y canllot look "ith satisfaction upon the fact that Sir Edmund 1.ec111nere i. to be kept out of the large sum he has expended, nor do :"OU1' ('ommittee tllink that it i ' con i tent "ith the dignity of the Onler to 118 111<:1'e Joclger.. wl1ere they ought to be masters. YonI' Committee further relJort that they consider the existence of a pn blic hou Le on the premi es an into]c1 able, although under the circumstance pe)'hap, a neces,.ary eyi1. AndlnfltJy, :"0111' Committee 'would strongly recommend, if this 1ep01't 1)e nppr()'YeLl, tlwt immediate stel) be taken to conect the wlJO]C' of the money necesi'ary for the completion of the purchase n 'your 'olllmiUce con.jcler that a pm'cha e of the premises ,,,ould, from a pccllniary l)oiJlt of yiew, lJe more advantageou to the Order t11:111 a Lea e ,,,itll the option of a purchase, Your Committee do not think it ner-essary to revert to the circumstances which haye delayed their Report, The delay wa ' c:tnsed oy the full con. ideration of the whole matter \\'hich your Committee found it incnmbent upon them to give before they \\~ere nble to . ulnnit the facts to the Council. 1"01' the Committee, GOl LD , y, ,~TE TON, Glzai1'JlI{{l1.

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