O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1885

Page 1





1 885.









188 5. OF TilE

@rbrr of b t. j)Obll of j)rruDalfJl1. P rinted

(7) 1

Order of tile Clw}tcr, 188 5,

LO DON : I [AI' lUS O ~ A ~ D SOl " ST, :,lARTl~ " / '1 illters ill vrdillal), /0 / 1,'1 .1/a}'s(l'.

L U,F ,


Thi Office is at presen t vacant.



IIi Grace Sir \ V[LLL\ 'II DROCO, DUKE OF l\L\XCHESTER, K.P. 24th June, 186r.


of ICagle.

T he Right IIonblc. \VILLL\l\1 HEXR\T, R\RO:\f LEIGH . 5th Janu1.l'Y, 1863.

~IJe ~oundl. PRESIDENT-General Sir



Consists of the Executive Officers, the Chaplain-General, and the following elected (1884) Members : The Right Honble. the Earl of GLASGOW. The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of ST. ALBAKS ( CltaplailZ-Gelleral). Sir EDWARD G. L. PERROTT, Bart. General Sir HE JRY CIIARLES BAR r STOr DAUBE ~ EY, G.C.B. Jon FURLEY, Esq. Captain RUPERT CARADOC FRANCIS DALLAS. Rev. HE RY \VHITE, l\1.A.

~xecutU)£ ®ffic£t~. Who, ex-officio, are Members of the Council.

JOIIN ST. GEORGE, Corllwall Gardens, Queen's Gate, S. TV.

CHANCELLoR-General Sir



EDMUND A JTIIO -Y HARLEY LECIIMERE, Bart., M.P., M.A., F.S.A., Rllydd Coltrt, Hanley Cast/{', liVoycester / 13, Boltoll Row, TIV.


FRESIIFIELD, Esq., LL.D., V.P.S.A., lIIillt J-Iolfse, Cltipstead, Surrq / 5, Bank BuildiJlgs, E. C.


ALlIIONER-General the Right Honble. Sir GEORGE FREDERICK, Viscount TE~IPLETOW ,K.C.H., Castle UptOJl, Temple-

patrick, co. Alttrilll/ 49, Charles Street, Berkcll.')! Square. REGISTRAR-Lieut.-Colonel GOULD HUNTER-VVESTON, F.S.A.,

HZL7ltersto71, TVest I{zlbrz'cie, £lyrslu're, N.B. To whom any correclions [or lhe Roll may be addressed eilher as above, or lo .St. TIl/lit'S Gat!!, CI,'d,','med/, LOl/(loll, E. C.



A.llfBULANCE DEPARTMENT-D irector: Ashford, ](Cllt.



GENEALOGIST-vVILLIAThI AThn-IURST T YS. ·EN A IIlER."r, M.P., F .S.A ., Did!z'llgto1t Hall, Hralldoll, Norfolk 88, Brook Street, TV. J'

L1BR...JRI.1A"-The Rev. VV. K . RILAND BEDFORD, l\1.A., Tile Rector)!, Sutton Coldfield, Birlllz'lZglwJ/l. ~lSS1STrlNT

ALJio.NER-Major J rUIES GILDEA, 20, Plullimorc Gardens, ]{ eltsz'llgton, lV

ASSISTAKT. SECRE TrlRY-Captain HERBERT Brook Hill HOlfse, Plumstcad, ](ellt.



BANKERS-The London and \Vestminster Bank, 41, Lotltbury,

E.C JEWELLERS-Messrs . Phillips, Cockspur-street, S. ~v.

Communications may be addressed to the Secretary of the Order of ~L. John, St. J(lhn's Gate, Clerk en well, LondoD, E.C.


19robimial <lrommanbel'U of ~anlr!? <lrastle (Comprising counties of "Worcester, Hereford , Gloucester, and Warwick).

Sir EDMUND ANTHO Y HARLEY LECIlMERE, Bart., M. P ., M.A., F.S.A., --Rltydd Court, Hauley Castle, Worcester / 13, Bolton Row, May Faz'r, liV. Carlton Club, S. vv. J'

Appointed 2nd Feu., 1869.





COl NAUGHT AX!) STRATIIEARN, l\Iajor-General His Royal Highncss Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of, K.G., K.T., K.P., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., c.B., A .D.C. to H.M. the Queen, Colonel-in Chief of the Rifle Brigadc,-Bags/wt Park, Surrey.

Date of Electiort. 13th Dec., 1881.

TECK, Brevet Colonel H.S.H. Francis Paul Charles Louis Alexander, Duke of, G.C.B., Honorary Colonel 1st Surrey Artillery Voluntecrs and 24th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers,](cllsillgtOIl Palace, TV. " TV/tite Lodg-e, Rz'clt1IloJld Park, Surre)'.

'lncl Feb., 1882.

ALEXA . . DER, General Sir James Edward, C.B., K .C.L.S .,TVestC1 r toll House, Bridge of Allall, lVB. / Unz'ted Service a/ld A tlu:llu,ltlJl Clubs, S. TV.

2-+th Feb., 1832.

H onorary Commander, 24th June,

T84 2 •

AMIIER 'T, William Amhurst Tyssen, M.P., F.S.A.,-Didlz'Jtgt01l Hall, Brando7l, and BuckenlwlIl- Tofts, lIfzmdford, N07folk / 88, Brook Street, rv.

18th July, 1882.

BULO W, Carl Georg Alexandcr, Baron von.

18th Koy., If42.


IIonorary Commander, 24th June, 1847·

BUHLTON - Bh l J\ET, J ohn Robert,- H'Ilit1Jluir, Cl'lltral Hill, Upper Norwood.

8lh Feb. , 1860.

CARTER, Charles Pembertol1,-Allg!csca TOTace, St. Lco/lards01l-Sca~' U71z'ted U71i'llcrsit), Club, SlIjjolk St1 CCt, S. HI.

24th June, 186 3.

CO YNGIIAM, The Most Honourable Hcnry Francis, Marquess, Bifro/ls, Callte1-blLr)' ,' ,laue Castle, co. J1Jcat/l; J1JOIl7lt CIlmr!cs, [0. DONegal; Gu{/rds' {I/:d l 'adlclors' Clubs, S. TT T.

23 r t! Junc, IS 8 3·


ClLEVALIERS OF JUSTICE. Datl' cf Eia/loli.

DALLAS, Rupert Caradoc Francis, Lieut. Reserve of Officers, late Lieut. and Adjt. 98th Regiment, and late Captain 5th Batt. Rifle Brigade,-4, Nevenz Square, Earl's Court, S. ~v.~' Jlm£or United Ser'Zlice Club, S. llV.

5th Feb., 1878.

DALTO , James Cecil, Captain Royal Artillery, DeputyAssistant-Adjutant and Quarter-Master·.General, Gibraltar, -50, Langridge Road, Earl's Court, S. TV. DAUBENEY. General Sir Henry Charles Barnstol1, G.C.B., Colonel 2nd. Batt. The Border Regiment,-Ostcrlcy Lodge, Spn'Jlg G1'ove, lslewortlt __ U1lited S ervice and Junior Carltolt Clubs, S.W.

8th Feh., 1876.

DAVIES, Francis Robert, M. R. I.A., - Hawtltorlt, Dublin,





DAWES, Bethel Martin, Major and Brevet Lieut.-Colonel 1st Batt. The Prince of Wales' Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadian s), -Royal MzI£tary College, Sa1ldlw1-'st .. OS7Zabmglt EJoltse, York TO'lem,-Fanzbo1-'o' Sta#on, Hauts __ J1.m£or United Service Club, S. ~Y.

23rcl June, 1882.

DICK-LAUDER, Sir Thomas North, Bart., -- F02t7ltailt Hall, Hadd£l'zgtons!t£re / 44, Onslow Square, S. liV.

6th Feb., 18 73.

DUDLEY, The Right Honourable the Earl of,- Witlcy Court, W01'Cestershire " Dudley House, Park Laue, ~v.,' Carlton Club, S. W.


DUNCAN, Francis, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Lt.-Col. R.A., Colond Commandant-en-Chef de l'Artillerie Egyptienne,- Wady lIaifa, Upper Egypt " 43, The Common, Woolwich " United Ser'll'ict? and Carlton Clubs, S. W.

23J'd June, r875.

EGERTON OF T ATTON, The Right Honourable vVilbraharn, Baron,-Captain and Honorary Major, Cheshire Yeomanry Cavalry,-Tatton Park, limttsj'ord; 7, St. James's SqUa7'C, S. W.,. CarU01/ a71rl T1'avelkrs' Clubs, S. liV.

26th Feb., Ib8S.




9 Date 0.1 Election.

FERRERS, The Right Honourable Sir Sewallis Edward Shirley, Earl,-Stawztoll l-fm'old, 1lear As!tby-de-la-Zouck

8th June, 1"76.

FORTESCUE, Major Edward F. Knottesford, Captain Retired List H.M. Indian Army, late Captain and Honorary Major 1st Warwickshire Militia,-Alveston Mmzor House, Stratjordon-A '(JOlt,. TVa71dere1's' C17lb, S. TV

9 th July, 18 75.

FURLEY, J oh11, Captain late East Kent Rifle Volu11teers,As!tf07'd, I(Cllt.

2nd lIIarch, 1864.

GILDEA, James, l\iajor 4th Batt. The Poyal \Varwickshire Regime11t,-l-lolllle Blfry, TVatjord,. 20, P!tilli1Izo1'c Gardens, Ifcnsillgt01l, TV.

23rd June, IS80.

GL\ ·COW, The light IIonourable the Earl of,-I(elbll1'Jle HOllse, AJ1rs!tire,. Cra'ivford Prior)I, Cupar, Fife,. I I, l-lereford Gardells. Carlton Club, S. TV.


GORDO, The Honourable Sir Arthur Hamiltol1, G.c.l\I.G., Governor of New Zealand,- GOVCr7l71lCllt HOlLsc, TVclZz'llgtoll,

6th Dec., 1870.

lV.Z. HALLWYL, Le Comtc Frederic de,-Garrick Club, vVC.

17th Apnl, 1883.

HAWKI TS, The Rev. Wm. Bentinck Letham, M.A., F.R.S.,33, Br)'allstolt Square, VV,. A t/tCJlt2lt1lZ and Co1tservati'l'e Ctubs, TV

1St April, 1865.


Honorary Commander, 9th December, 1865.

HOARE, Major Sir Joseph Wallis O'Bryen, Bart., late Lieutenant Royal Engineers, and late Major 5th Middlesex :Militia,Sidney, Bittc77U!, J-Imzts; JUllior United Se1"uice Club, S. TV

8th Feb., 1860.

HOLLA D, Lieut.-Col. Trevenel1 James, c.B., late Indian Staff Corps,--lv)J7Ilcat!l, Sllodlalld, Rodlester.

12th Dec.,


HOULTON, Sir Edward Victor Lewis, G.C.M.G., late Chief Secretary to the Government of Malta,-60, EbuY)1 tJ'l d, S. W. / A r,'!wr's Club, S. vV.



18th April, I .... 2.




'TICE. Datt: 0/ H/rdwil.

Sir Brook, Bart., formcrly Captain 6th Bombay Stanley Lodge, Battledow7Z, Citeltenitalll.




17th Nov"


Ll\.MB, Sir Archibald, Bart., late Major 2nd Lifc Guards,-Bct1ltport, Battle, Sussex,' TV)'ltdlLam Club, St.jamcs's Square, ,TV'.

6th Feb, 1873,

LECH 1ERE, Sir Edmund Anthony Harlcy, Bart., M,P" l\I,A" F.S.A., Commander of Provincial Commandcry of Hanley Castle, vVorcestershirc. - Rlt)ldd COllrt, HaJllq Cas tic, rVorcester " 13. Boltou Row, TV,' Carltolt Club, S. TV.

9th Dec., 1865.

Commander. 21111 February, 1869 '

LEIGH, The Right Hon. vVilliam Hcnry, Baron, Lord Lieulcnant of vVanvickshirc, Honorary Colonel 3rd Batt. The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, - Stolte!eiglt .£1bbC)', ]{eltilworllt. Warwicksltire,. 37, Portmall Sqllare; TV.,. Brooks' alld T1'ave!lers' Clubs, 5. TV

"'9th ~epl., Ib60.

Bailiff of Eagle, 5th January, 1863.

LEITH, John Farley, Q.C.,-8, D07'set Square, N. W.

8th July, 1857,

LOCH, Colonel Sir Henry Brougham, K.C.B., Governor and Commander-in· Chief of the Colony of Victoria, Jate H. M.'s Indian Army, Honorary Colonel 4th Batt. The Cheshire Regiment,-44, Elm Park Gardens, "J-. TV.,. I, White/tall Place, 5. TV.,. T1'avellcrs', Marlboroltl[lt, and A thenceu1ll Clubs, S. J/v.

1St Feb" 186:!.

LOFTUS, Henry J ohn,-49, Queen's Gate, S. vV.,. Mariborouglt and Pratt's Clubs, 5. W.

23 n1 June, 1880.

MANCHESTER, His Grace Sir William Drogo, Duke of, K .P" late C8.ptain Grenadier Guards, Major and Honorary Licut.Colonel, late Hunts Militia,-l{'imboltolt Castle, St. Neots, I-fU1lts/ I, Great Sta7lhope Street, TV/ Car/ton Club, SlV


Lord Prior, 24th June, 1861.






P .\.L\lER,




Date 0/ Election. 18th July, 1882.

~v. C.

George,-58, EblLry Street, S. TV.

18th illay,188o.


Albert Harford, M.A., B.C.L.,-29, .Ilsldey Place, (Tictoria Street. S. TV.,' JlINior Carlton Club, S. vv.

13th Oct., 18 75.

Sir Edward George Lambert, Bart., Captain, late East Kent l\Iilitia, Vice-President Royal National Lifeboat Institution, and Vice-President c.1'Honneur de la Societe Royale et Centrale des Sauveteurs de Belgique,-Brookltifl HOl/sc, Pllllllstcad, I(Cllt.

22nd Jul~, 18 37.


Honorary Bailli, 20th Augu t, 1855.

IIerberl Charles, Captain 3rd Batt. The Buffs (East Kent Regiment), and Reserve of o ffi cers,-Brooklt ill rloltse, P lu7IZS tcad, I(ell t.

12lh Dec., 18 76.

Major-General Whitworth, R.E.,-5, Elliot Terrace, P !yJlloutk

8th June, 1859.



Honorary Commander, 24th June, 1861.


Richard Reynolds, F.S.A.,-Park House, Cambridgf.

ST. GEOlZGE, General Sir John, K.C.B.) Colonel Commandant Royal Arlillcry,-22, COrll1.uat'1 Gardells, Queen's Gate, S. rv./ Ultitcd Service Club, PaIL lila!!.

22nd Feb., 188r.

I~t June, 1861.

lIonorary Commander, 24th June, 1861.

James, M.A.,-Errz'Jlgtoll, co. Tyrone,' Square, IV.,· Carltolt Club, S. TV.



BrJ a7lstOlt 1

General the P ight I Ion. Sir George Frederick, Viscount, K.C.B., Colonel 2nd Life Guards,-Castle Up to II , Telllplepatrzd.?, co. Antrim / 49, Clwr/es Street, Berkeley Square, TV. / Unz'tcd Service and GI/ards' Clubs, S. TV.


5th fllay, 18 74.

7lh June,


' 7r:·



Date of Electiolt.

VAVASOUR, Sir Henry Mervyn, Bart.,-Spaldingtoll Hall, Tad-

caster / T1'ave!!ers' Club, S.

24th Jnne,




Honorary Commander, 2+th June, 1847.

VVALFORD, Edward, M.A.,-2, Hyde Park lIIalZsio71s, Edgeware Road, ~v.; JU1Zior A titemEum Club, TV.


WAKEMAK, Henry Offiey,--All Souls College, Oxford.


vVARREN, Sir Charles, K.C.M.G., Lieut. - Colonel and Brevet Colonel R.E., Major-General (Local) and H.l\1. Commissioner in Bechuanaland.

17lh July, 188 3.

WATERFORD, The Most Honourable Sir John Henry de la Pocr Beresford, P.c., K.P., Marquess of,-CurraglwLOre, Co. vVate1ford / 30 , Citarles Street, St. james's, S. TV. / lIIa1'1-

23 nl June, 1884.





borougit, Wltite's, and Carlton Clubs. WESTON, Lieut.-Colonel Gould HUNTER-, F.S.A.,-Hwlterst071,




West I<z'lbride, Ayrsltire, l'l.B. / U1zited Service and A thcmEum Clubs, PalllWall, S. ~v. VVESTOK, Aylmer Gould HUNTER-, Lieutenant Royal Engineers,



-Brompton Ba1'1'acks, Chatham / jU1ZZor A1'171Y and Na'l'Y Club, S. VV.



~Daplain~. BECK, The Rev. Edward Josselyn, M.A., Rector of Rotlledlit/lc,




1870 .

BEDFORD, The Rev. William Kirkpatrick Riland, M.A., Rcctor of Sutton Coldfie!d, BirminglLa11Z / National Club, S. W.

2211(1 June, 187 8.

CAMM, The Rev. J. Brooke Maher, M.A., late Cornet 12th Lancers, Vicar of Monktou Wyld, C1La1'7llozttll, DorsctslLi1'c.

2nd Aug., 1870.

CHAPLAINS. GmRALTAR, The Right Rev. Charles Waldegrave Sandford, D. D., Lord Bishop of, including Malta and the Islands and Countries of the Mediterranean, Canon of Canterbury,Cla-ist Clwrclt, Oxford)' 28, Great George Street, TVestmillster/ A tlteua:1t711 Club, S. [tv.

13 Date 0./ Elt!ctiOil. 12th Dec., 1876.

IL\ WKI l s, The Rev. \Vm. Bentinck Letham, M. ., F.R.S.,33, Bryanstoll Sqllare, TV. " A tltc71{{!?/JI1, alld COllSel"Zlati'ue Cillbs, S. TV.

6th June, [86S.


The P ev. O~\\'ald lang-in, :V1.A., B.C.L, Vicar of Ga£lC)' owz HatltCl,ton, PCllJ..:ridgl.

7 th .\pril, [868.


LET, The Rev. \Vm. Wyndham, S.c.L., Vicar of Ardelcy, ?lC'ar BUlltingford, I-ferts.

12th :'Iay, [868.

MARTY~, The Rev. Charles John, Rural Dean of Sudbury,-

19 th Feh., [881 ·

Tile Rectol]', L071 0 11 le/fo I'd, Sltffolk. O.\KLEY, The Very Rev. John, D.D., Dean of Manchester,- Tlte Deanel]', 1I1aJlchestcl'.

3rd :'brch, 1868.

PORTAL, The P ev. George Raymond, M. ., IIonorary Canon, \Vinchester Cathedrrtl, Rector of Burgllc/er[' Ileal' J\Te'ivb?L7J', Berks.

3 rLI ,\ug., 1869.

ST. ALnx~\., The Right Rev. Thomas Legh Claughton, D.D., Lord Bishop of,-Daltb?l7J' Palace, 7lcar Chelmsford / 28, Grcat Gcorge treet, TVest///iltslcr, S. TV.

sth Junc,



hapbin.Gcncral, rc-appointcd 231"'1 June, 1882, [or fivc ycars.

SEWELL, The Rev. Arthur, M.A.,- TVaterioo llo/lse, LcaJlliJlgto71.

[sth Dcc.,

SHADWELL, The Rev. Arthur Thomas \Vhitmore, M.A., Rector of L£ttlc l/ford, Essex.

3rd Dec.,




The Right Rev. Charles Todd Quintard, D.D., LL.D., M.D., Bishop of,-ll?l/ford llall, SClllallce) TOl/l., U.S.

6th Feb ..



WIIARTO I, Th(' Rev. Joseph Crane, M.A., Vicar of 1Vz'f/csdc/l) 1I1iddlcs('x.

rst '.larch. I . 70 .



CHAPLAINS. Datt! oj Election.

VVHITE, The Rev. Henry, M.A., ChaIJlain Chapel Royal The SavoY,-4, Lancaster Place, Savoy Preci1lcts, rve.

13 th

\NOOD, The Rev. Albert Athelstane, D.C.L.,-Tlte Vz'carage,

3rcl larch, 1868.

Dec., I88!.

Somercotes, St. Peter's, Gn·1lZsby. 'vVOOD, The Rev. Thomas vVilliam, Vicar of Eldersfidd, ucar Tezvkesb7l1J/.


June, r88!.

Chaplain to the Hanley Castle Commanclery, 5th May, 18 74.

\VOOD\YARD, The Rev. John, St. jkfar)/s, J1!fontrose, _\ T.E.



Incumbent of


June, 186S.


Dec., 18 76.



June, 1881.

HER ROYAL HIGHNESS Pf\.IXCESS BEATRICE MARY VICTORIA FEODORE,- Wi1ldsor Castle; Osbor7lc Holtse; BlIcking ItaJll Palace, &c., &c.


Dec., 1884.



HER ROYAL HIGH TE. S ALEXANDRA CAHOLI~E l\L\'RIA CHARLOTTE LOUISA JULIA, PRINCES.' OF \VALES A TD PRINCESS OF DE T:'IARK,-Sandrz'71g-!ta7lZ, i'lo7folk / Birlltal!, Abe1'dee1lsltirc " lIfar/bol'ougll H07tse, Pall lIIall, S. TTT.



Dec., 188 4.

TECK, Her Royal Highness Princess Mary Adelaide \Vilhelmina Elizabeth, Duchess of,- TVItz'tc Lodge, Ridlll107ld Pm-l, S1tr1'ey.

r7th :\hy, [SST.

BADEN, Her Royal Highness Louise Marie Elizabeth, The Reigning Grand Duchess of, Princess of Prussia,Sclzloss, Carlsl'71lze, Baden.

lith Dec. 1871 .




A vrnERsT, Mary Pothes Margaret Tyssen (Miss),-Dt'dl£/~ot(}1Z Hall, Brandon, Norfol/~; 88, Brook Street) TV.

Date of Election. 23rc1 June, r883.

Br \SSEY, Annie, Lady,-...'\Torma:zltllrst COllrt, Battle, 5'ltsst'x,' 24, Park Lalle, TTT.

r8th Oct., 1881.


24th June, 1862.

The Most Honourable Frances Elizabeth Sarah Eveleigh-dc-1\lo1eyns, Marchioness,-Bifrolls, Canterbury / Slane Castle, co. 111mJll; lIfo/lllt Clmrles, co. DOllegal.

23 rtl June, 188 3.

,Esther Fad:, TV.

BUR l E.


arah (:\Ir"·).-40. Ladbroke Sq1lare,


COi-JY GUAM, The lost Honblc. Jane St. IVIaur Blanche, Dowager l\larchioncss,-36, Be~~ra'ilC Sqllare, . TV

7 th :\by, 18 72 .


4th Jun e, 186 7.


Catherine (:\lrs.)





(:\lic;s),-50, LOllgrid(Tc R()ad, Earl's COllrt,

26th Feh., 188 5.

S.ff·. l> .AUBf~~EY,

Eliza, LauY,-36, Eh'ers/oll Place, QueeJl's Gate,

. TV.

DE L_L TIC, ST. J.\L, Agnes, Vicomtessc,-Clultcall de J/IolltmlbaJl, D/p. de Tarll-et-GarOlll/c, FraJ/ct'. DU~CA~,

1ary I ~ ate (J\Irs.),-4", Tilt' COlli 1Il01l , TTToohl'zdl .

DUXCO?lTl3E,- E\T lyn




-t April, 1862.

23 rd June, 18 7 .

PTiss),-49, Bf-'rkdey SqllaJ'(', TT'.

Rachel Caroline (l\1rs.), Il()/IIl{, Plli/lil/!ort' Gardells, I((JIS!I/J~·I(J:I . ]f'.


23rc1 June, r878.

IIth Dec. 188: .


2Jrcl Jun e, I

3n1 .\ pril. [ 6j.



Cbra 1\m lia \\'rell eV1iss),-TI1C Herlllitage, St.

9th July, r 7 .


IIOULTO~, IIyacinthe Ir'arriette, Lady,-60, EUlI),Y Street, S. TV.

18th April, 18




0./ Elalioll. July, 1884.

KENSINGTON, The Right Honourable Grace Elizabeth, Lady,St. Bride's, Haverfordwest; 69, Grosvenor Street, TV.

15 th

LECH lERE, Louisa Katherine, Lady, -Rhydd Co II rt, Ha1lk)1 Castle, TVorcester~' 13, Bolton Row, TV.

9 th

MACPHERSOI OF CLU V, Sarah Justina (Mrs.),-Cbl1l)1 Castle, l(z'ngltssie, In7.1e7'1zess-s/u're.




P.-\L fER, Jessie Frances (Mrs.),-Ca7lOn Hill, lIIaidelthead,. 12, Peters/tam Ter7~ace, Sout/t l(ellSi1tgtoll, S. TV.



18 o.

PEARSO , Rosetta Mary (Mrs.),-29, Ashley Place, Victoria Street, S. TV.




PORTER, Annie Shirley (Mrs.),-5, Elliot Terrace, Plymozt!it.




ROWE, Charlotte (Mrs.),- Park Ho?tse, Cambridge.

17 th .\pril, ISS3-

ST. GEORGE, Elizabeth Marianne, Lady,-22, Cornwall Gardens, Queen's Gate, S. TV.


STRA JGFORD, The Right Hon. Emily Anne, Viscountcss,3, Uppr;r B1'00k St1'cet, vV.

8th Aug., IS73.

TEMPLETOW , The Right Hon. Susan Mary Isabella, Viscountess,-Castie Upton, Templepatrick, co. Autrim, Irdmul.


TORPIIICHE , The Right Hon. Helen, Dowager Lacly,-2 7, Cadogan Place, S. W.

1st June, 1869.

TUCKER, Mildred Anna Rosalie (Miss),-23, IVi17Zpole Street, Cavendis/z Square, TV.

14th Dec., IS80.

WESTON, Jane HUNTER- (Mrs.),-l-f1t1ztersto7t, T;Vest l(ilbride, AJwskire, N.B.








Mny, 1877-



~tact. Dale of Election.

BARRETO, Baron IIcnry dc, late Lieutenant Scots' Guards,-

r2th Dec., r857.

Brandon Pm'k, Suffolk,. Slcdale Forest, near I{c71dal; Berkeley I-foltse) Camb7"idge Street, TtV. Honorary Dailli, 2rst December, r857. BURFORD-HANCOCK, Sir Henry James Burford, Chief Ju stice of

Gibraltar,-Stmzden Clmte .!::JtandelZ, Andover, Palace, GZ"braltar.

r9 th Feb., r884·

1iVilts,. Tile

BUSTELLI-FoSCOLO, de Marignan Giovanni, Duca di. Honorary Commander, same date.

24th June, r864.

CLAY, Richard, late Captain 78th Highlanders.

20th :March, r860

DE LASTIC ST. JAL, Louis, Vicomte,-Clultemt de lJlo7Ztauban,

2nd Dec., r861.

Dip. de Tarll-et- Garo7Z1ze, France. FELLOWS, Frank



Tlte Green, I-famjstead,

roth July, r877.

N. TV.,. Reform Club, S. TV. FRESIIFIELD, Edwin, LL.D., V.P.S.A.,-Mint House, Cltipstead,

5th June, r8n.

Surrey ,. 5, Bank Buildings, E. C. FRESIIFIELD, William Dawes, M.A.,-Park Side, Reigate,.


23 rd June, 1880.

Bank Buzldz'llgs, E. C. KETTLE, Sir Rupert Alfred (Knight Bachelor), F.R.S.L., Jud ge of the County Court of \Norcestershire,-lJleridalc, oi'l'cr-

:1 rc1 Nov., 18 74.



IlamptOJL,. and Glew-y..doll, To'w)!71, lJlcriolletll. MACLEAN, Robert MacLean,-Eliot Eli!!, BlackltcatlL, I{ ellt.

5th Feb., r878.

MANLEY, lJ.<!r., William George Nicholas, Surgeon-General Army Medical Department (Retirecl),-I, lIatllcrlc)! Place,

7th 1 0\".,


Cltelteltltam. RATCLIFF, Charles, F.S.A.,-26, Lalli-'aster Gate, HJ'de Park,

5th Dec., r86-+.

T/V.; A tILC7ICTJIIllt and COllscl"uative Cillbs, S. TTT. RYLAND, \i\1anvick IIastings,- TTTarwick IJo7lse, lJlolltrcal.

8th June, 1859. D



Date of Eltt:tiol1.

SHRIMPTON, Charles, M.D. [Paris], - II, TYells'lCJood Pade, To1'-

16th March, 1877.

quay. VVALDIE-GRIFFITH, Sir George Richard,

P a1'k, I{e/so, N.B. /


15th Dec., 1874.

Carlton Club, S. W.

VVA1.KER, John, M.A.,- TVestbour7ze House, P£ttville, Cltelten/tam.


ALCOCK-STAWELL, J onas \Villiam,-K£lbr£ttaz'n Castle, co. Cork/5th



0\'., 1872.

New U71i'llersity Club, St. James's Street, S. TV. BURGESS, J ohn, Captain R edcar, Y orks/zin. BURGESS, Harry

R.N.,- TIV)lJZyard House, Coat/tam,

Miles, Lieut.-Colonel,

half-pay list, Royal


:'I1arch, 1868.




Artillery,-Naval and Military Club, TIV. BURY, Phineas, late Captain and Honorary l\1ajor 4th Batt. 'The Buffs (East Kent Regiment),-Little Island, co. Cork;

24th June, 1870.

Jzmi011" Un£ted Serv£ce Club, S. TV. CHAPMAN, Edward Francis, C.B., A.D.C. to the Queen, l\l[ajor and Brevet-Colonel R.A., Quartermaster-General, Indian

8th Feb., 1871.

Army,-S£mla. CROOKSHANK, Henry Maule, Inspector General of Prisons,-

17th April, 1883.

Cairo. DODS\VORTH, Frederick Charles,-Arlillgton Park) GU7111erS-

1st April, 1865.

bzt1')', W. DOMVILE, Herbert vVinnington, Major 3rd Batt. The Worcestershire Regiment,-Laugllenzf House, Martley, near V/orccster,'

4th Feb., 18 79.

Carl/o/Z Club, S. W. FREND, Edwin, Captain, late Oxfordshire Militia,-Rijor1JZ Club,

7th July, 1868.

S.W. FRESHFIELD, Edwin Hanson,-Mint House, Clz ips tead, Sun'e)l;

11th Dec., 1883.

5, Bank Buildings, E.C. HILL, Charles J ames,-U71£on Club, Trafalgar Squan, S. TIV.

26th Feb., 1885.

IIOOPER, John Harvey, M.A.,-College G7l"een, VVol'cester / United

7th May, 1878.

Univers£ty Club, W.

ESQUIRES. LA iBERT, Thomas, late Captain Royal Artillery,-Stanmore, CmzterbZL7J/.

Date of Election. 23 rd June, 1879.

LLUELLY ,Richard, late Captain 46th Regiment,-A1'1ny and Navy Club, S. TV.




LYTE, Henry Churchill Maxwell,-18, Albe1narlc St1/eet, W.

2nd July,


MALET, Maj or Guilbert Ed ward Wyndham, late Captain Royal Horse Artillery,-Ardele;;, TIValkern, Herts~' /zmior United Service Club, S. TV.

23 r OJune,


MURRAY, James Wolfe,-Cr£1lg1etie, NB. O'M.\LLEY, Edward Loughlin, Attorney-General of Hong-Kong.

23 rd June, 1873.

PORTAL, vVilliam Wyndham, l\1.A.; Captain 2nd Brigade (Southern Division), Royal Artillcry,-Soztt/li71gtolZ, Overton, Hants.

18th May, 1880.

ST. GEORGE, Baldwin John, Lieutenant 4th Dragoon Guards,Preston Barracks, Brig/doll; 22, Cornwall Gardens, S. TV.

18th April, 1882.

SA DERSON, Edw. Scott,-Fem'llall Hcat/l, Cla£1lcs, TVorcestcr.




SUA W, Alexander lVIackintosh J -





C/tippi1lg Barnet, I-ferts.

ACLA JD, Sir Henry \Nentworth, K.C.B. [Civil], M.D., LL.D., Regius Professor of Medicine,-·Oxford / A tltCllCi?7tJ11 Club, S.IV.

23 rd June, 18 79.

ApPIA, le Dr. Louis,-Socicte de Secours aux Militaires Ble scs, Rue de l'At/trill/e, GellC'l'a.

2znd Feb.,

BAKER, Sir Samuel White, Kt., M.A., F.R.S., F.R.G.S., a Pacha of the Ottoman Empire,-Saud(ord Orlc~g/t, l'lC'lvtOll Abbott, Devoll~' A t/tCIlf2WJZ CII/b, S. TV.

9th Feb., 18 75.

BEALE, Lionel Smith, M.D., F.R.S.,-J{ing's Co/Ic;e Hospital, TtV.c.,. and 61, Grosvenor Street, TV.


BEAUFORT, Ie Comte Henry ie, Secn~taire General de la Societe de Secours aux Militaires Blesscs,-43, Rue de Verneuz"l, Paris.

6th ~b}', 1879·

BENNETT, Charles Henry, M.D.,-Collt;ge Ho7tse, lia1lZ17Ie r s111it/t.

23 rcl June,






75. B 2


no ORAl\. Y



BRACKENBURY, Henry, C.B., Lieut.-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel Royal Artillery, D.A. and Q.M.G. in Egypt, and BrigadierGen eral (local and temporary rank), - JUJliur Ullited S cr'l,ice Club, S. TV.

Date of Electioll. 20lh April, 1875.

BUSTROS, Edma Helene de (Mme.),-44, Queen's Gate, S. TV

17lh July, 1883.

CARTER, Robert Brudenell, F.R.C.S.,-27, Queen Anne's Street, Cavendislt Square, W.

15th July, 1884.

CHAPLIN, Thomas, M.D.,-Jerusalem.

18th July, 1882.

CUFFE, Charles McDonough, c.B., Surgeon-Major Army Medical Department,-Cavalry Barracks, Dundalk,. Junior United Service Club, S. ~v.

18lh :\hy, 1880.

DOUGLAS, lJ. C!b. , Campbell Millis, M.D., Brigade Surgeon Army Medical Department (Retired),-Lak¢eld, Peterboro' County, OJl,ta1~io, Canada.

22nc1 Feb., 1881.

ESMARCH, Friedrich, Geheimrath, Professor to the University of Kiel; Surgeon-General in the German Army,-l(iel.

roth Dec., 1878.

FALWASSEH., Francis, F.R.C.S., Surgeon-Major Army Medical Department,-Nortlt Camp, Alderslzot.

10th Sept., 1878.

FARQUHARSON, Robert, M.D., M.P.,-Refonn Club, Jzm£or United S erv£ce Club, S. TV.

S. W.

FRANK, Philip, M.D.,-Minley Lodge, Farnbo1~oZtgll, Hants Cannes, F'r,,11Zce.


23rc1 June, 1880.


6th Dec., 1870.

FRASER, Colonel] ames Keith, late Lieut.-Col. Commanding 1st Life Guards, and late Assistant-Quartermaster-General,Alderslzot; 43, Lowndes Square, S. W.



GRANVILLE, Paulina (Miss),-St. Katlzerine's Home, River Coltrt, H a1?1,mersmitlz.


HUSSENOT Hubert, Secretaire General des Sauveteurs de la Seine et de la Societe Franyaise de Sauvetage,-r6, RZI~ d?t Mail, Paris.

26lh Feb., 1885.

KE?\ ETT, BARRI TGTON-, Vincent, lVLA., LL.M.,-I5, rlyde Park GardeiZs, TiV.,. Oxford and Cambrz'd!(c Ci7tu.




18 74.


18 75.




Date of ElectiM.

CARVALLO, Don Nicasio de,-Pampe-

22nc1 Feb., 188!.

LANGENDECK, Bcrnhard Rudolph Conrad, His Exccllency Baron von, Geheim ober-medizinal Rath, and Professor of Surgery, University of Berlin,- TV£esbadelZ.

22nd Feb., 188!.

LASERO , Michael, M.D.,-Tlw G1'een, Tottenlzam.

loth July, 1877.

LLOYD, Caroline Anne (Miss),-B1I'an:cholm, vVeJ'brz"dge.

17 th July, 1883.

LONG?lIORE, Thomas, c.B., Surgeon-General, Professor of Military Surgery, - Royal Victoria Hospital, Netle)l, Southamptoll.

24th June, 18 70


8th F~b., 187!.

LANDA Y ALVAREZ luna, Spain.


Sir William, l\1.A., F.R.C.S.,-St. Thomas's Hospital/ alld 13, J-larlcy Street, TV.



Ellen (Miss),- TVoodelld, l<z"7llboitOll, St. Neots, Hunts.

MOORE, Lieut. - Colonel Olltario, CaJlada.



MacLeod, - Prescott,

23rd June, 18 73.

5th :'IIay, 1874·

MOORE, Noel Tcmple, C.M.G., H.B.M. Consul,- Je7'usaZem.

18th July, 1882.

MOORE, Sandford, F.S.S., M.B., B.A., Surgeon -l\lajor Army Medical Department, Assistant-Professor of Military Hygiene at the Army Mcdical School, N etley.


lVIOYNIER, Gustave, President du Comite International de Secours aux Blesses Militaires,-Gencva.

20th April, 1875.

MUNDY, Faronir, Ie Baron, Professor of l\1ilitary Hygiene at thc F. J. University, Vienna, - Hotel Goldenes La7lt7lZ, Leopoldstadt, Vz'emta.

18th l\Iay, 1880.

NAPPER, Albert,-Cranlezglt, Surrcy.

6th April, 1869.

OGILVIE, Joh11 IIovelle, Hospital, jerusalem.

L.R.C.S.E., -





26th Feb., IS

OWEN, Edmund, F.R.C.S., urg'con to St. Mary's Hospital, and Surgeon to the Out-Paticnts at the Childrcn's Hospital,49, Seymour Street, PortllLall Sql!are, TV


OWEN, Sir Francis Philip Cunliffc, K.C.M.G., C.B., C.I.E.,-2, TIle Residences, S Olltll J\'CI/SillgtOIl, S. TV.

l<)th FeL., 1884·

ept., IS7S



PAGET, Sir James, Bart., F.R.S.,-I, Harewood Place, Hanover Square, ~v. POLLOCK, A. Julius, M.D.,- Clwri1lg and 85, Hade)1 Street, rv.

Cross Hospital,

rv.c. /

Date oj Election. 9th Dec., 1884.




PRATT, Thomas Tarte, lVI.D.,- I2, Place Velldo711e, Paris.



18 70 .

ROBERTS, Mary Ann (Miss) J- 13, B1I'itaJZ7l£a Square, rVorcester.



18 74.

ROWLEY, Walter, C.E.,- t1Ider Hill, lIJean TVood, Leeds.




SHAFTESBURY, The Right Hon. Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Earl or, K.G.,-St. Giles's House, C7'anbollJ7ze / 24, Grosvenor Sqltrtre, TV. / AtitenCTm1ll Club, S. W

13 th


18 75.

SIEVEKING, Edward Henry, lVLD., F.S.A., LL.D. Edin., Physician Extraordinary to H.M. the Queen, Physician in Ordinary to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales,-St. Mary's Hospital, Paddi71gtoJt, TV. / 17, Mane/lester Square, rv. / and A thenC1Jzt17z Club, S. r




STILLINGFLEET, Cordelia Stillingfieet (Miss), Founder and Lady Superintendent of St. Alban's J1Zdustn'al Se/wol,- TVorcester.




SUTHERLA TD, W. Stewart, M.A.,-Coombe, C7l'oydo1l, Surrey / Ca1'ito1Z, Jzmz'o1' Carlton, and Un£ted University Clubs, S. W.




WALLACE, Sir k.icnal·d, Bart., K.C.B., M.P., Hon. Colonel Antrim Artillery Militia, - Hertj01l'd House, lVIane/lester Square, W



187 2 •

R.N., -- New Bn11,iford,



18 8 3.

ALLNATT, Elizabeth A. Surtecs (Mrs.),-134, St. Owen's Street, He7l'ifo1l'd.




ARMSTRONG, Thomas,-H£ghfield Ba711~, Ur1Jlsto7t, lI1"ane/lester.


ATLAY, Sarah, (Miss),-College Green, rVorcester.



WARD, Vice-Admira





May, June,

r878. 1873·

DONATS. Dale of Election.




J(ing's Bendt


23 ru Tune, 1880.

Temple, E. C. CARR, Colonel Ralph Edward, Commanding 29th Regimental

9th Dec., 1884·

District,-Norto71 Barracks, TVorcester. COOK, John Mason,-Ludgate Circlts, E.C.

12th Jan., 1883.

DRAFFEN, Elizabeth Pitt (Mrs.),-64, Lowndes Square, S. TV.

9th Dec., 188 4.



Henry,-26, Wz'lkinson

Street, Albert

18th April, 1882

Square, S. TV. GOD SO , Augustus Frederick,-3, Pump Court, Temple, E. C.

16th :March, 1877·

HARVEV, The Rev. Frederick.

7th :\Iay, 18 78.

HILL, Thomas Rowley, IVI.P.,-St. Catllerille's Hill, rVo1'cester /


TOY. ,

18 72.

R eforllt Club, S. TV. LUMLEY, Susan (Mrs.),-9, Clwries Street, Berkeley Square. PERRI I

,James Dyson, F.R.A.S.,-Da7..1enltallt Bank, lIJall'ern.

24th June, 1869. 5th :May, 18 74.

PIIILLIP , Alfred,-47, Conzwa!l Gardens, S. TV.

23 rd June, 1882

ROBERTS, Mary Ann (Miss),-13, Brz'tawzz'a Square TVorcester.

17th Feb.,

STILLI GFLEET, Lydia Anne (Miss),-Ca711briall House, Ckuedoll.

11th Dec., 1877.

VIGERS, Robert,-7, Frederick Place, Old jewry, E.C.

5th June, 1877.

WILSON, J ane (Miss),-2, Belgrave Place, Belgrave Square.

19th July, 1881.



~£l'b t llg )StotfJ£t~. BIRCH, Thomas, late Sergeant 7 th Hussars)· -Stationed at tlte

20th April, 1875.

Gztildltall, TVol'ccstcr. J ACKSON, Robcrt,-StatioJu.d at St. Joltn's Gate, Clerkellwe!l.

21st :MaL, 1882.

RYALL, Edward, late Sergeant 1st Batt.

23rc1 June,

StatioJtcd at St. jolm's Gate, ClcrkeJt'well.

5th Fusiliers,-



ALBANY, Colonel H.R.H. Leopold George Duncan Duke of, K.G., K.T., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G.


ANDERSON, Colonel Thomas.

D ale of E ft·c li on. 7th June, 1883.

5th Jan., 1865.

ANTRIM, The Right Hon. Hugh Seymour, 9th Earl of. ARBUTI-U,OT, Rear-Admiral Sir Alexander Dundas Young, K. Chas. III.; Medjidie; St. George of Russia; St. Ferdinand, &c. ; Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to Her Majesty.

20th A ug., 1855.

Lord Prior, 16th July, 1860.

BARTON, Sir Freeman.

15th Sep., 1833.

BEA UMONT, Sir George Howland, Bart.

15th Dec., I87l.

BEETHAM, William, F.R.S.

28th July, 1835.

BELL, William, M.D. BIGSBY, Robert, M.A., LL.D., K.J.S.

9th Sep., 1837. 28th July, 1835.

BrssHoP, Major-General Cecil, C.B.

16th F eb., 1858.

BOURNE, Colonel Sir James, Bart., c.B., F.S.A.

12th Dec., 1876.

BRETT, Major Reginald Best.

th July, 1857·

BROMLEY, Stretch Cowley.

30th March, 1832.

BROUN, Sir Richard, Bart.

28th July, 1835.

BROWNSON, Lieut.-Colonel William Henry.

15th Scp., 1832.



Date of Election.

BUCKLEY, Major William.

19th July, 1849.

BURGES, Captain Somerville Waldemar.

24th June, 1848.

BURLTO ,Colonel William, c.B.

8th July, 1857.

BUR ABY, Major-General Edwyn Sherard, M.P.

14th Dec., 1880.

BUR E, James, K.H., LL.D., F.R.S.

22nd July, 1837.

BURL ES, Lieutenant George James Holmes.

1st July, 1857.

BFRNES, Captain Sidney Holmes.

20th :'t1ay, 18 58.

BUR ES, Lieutenant Holland Ward Holmes.

18th Jan., 18 58.

CllA 'TELAIN, Philippe, Count de. Received 111 France in 18 I 3. Sometime Secretary to the French Langues, and one of the Delegates to England at the revival of the English Langue. Honorary Rank.


OV T .,

18 73.

CIIERMSIDE, Sir Robert Alexander, M.D., K.C.H. CLA

Y, William Reid, M.D., F.R.S. Edin.

24th June, 1832.

CONYNGllAM, Lieut.-General The Most Noble George Henry, Marquis.

7th June, 187 0.

CRAWFORD, vVilliam, M.A.

22nd July, 18 37.

CUNY GHAM, Sir Robert Keith Dick, 6th Bart.

31st July, 1844.

DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas.

22nd July, 18 37.

DE PEARSALL, Robert Lucas, Junior.

17 th July, 1840.

DOYLE, Major-Gen. Sir John Milley, K.C.B., M.P.

11th March, 1832 .

DUNBOYNE, The Right I-Ion. James Butler, 13th Baron.


DUNSANY, The Right Hon. Randal Edward Plunkett, 15 th

28th July, 18 35.


Nov., 18 30.


MEMBERS, ASSOCIATES, AND Dattf af Electioll.



FREESTUN, Colonel Sir William Lockyer, M.P.



18 57.

GIBB, Hugh, Surgeon-General.




GIBSON, Lieut.-Colonel George Washington.


GRANT, Captain Thomas.


GRA T, ] ohn.


GRIFFITHS, Major William Stuart.


HILLARY, Sir William, Bart.



18 38 .

HILLARY, Sir Augustus William, Bart.




HOARE, Sir Edward, Bart.

1St J uly, 1857.

DYMOKE, The Hon. Sir Henry, Champion of England. Lord Prior,



HOLMES, General] ohn,


I7th Hereditary




HOMPESCH VON WISBECQ, Theuphile Anton vVilhelm, Count von (nephew and heir of the 69th Grand - Master Ferdinand von Hompesch. He 'Was 1/ecez'ved into tlte





1833. 1857.








HOPE, Vice-Admiral the Right Hon. Sir William Johnstone, G.C.B ... M.P. (received abroad).

30 th


] ONES, Vice-Admiral the Hon. Alexander Montgomery.


LABANOFF, His Highness the Prince Alexander. Honorary Rank.



Order in tile Anglo-Bavarian Langue, 1825.) Honorary Rank.

LAMB, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Charles Montolieu, Bart., Baron de St. Hypolite (France), D.C.L. Lord Prior,

24th June, 1847.

LAMB, Charles] ames Saville Montgomery.



18 57.



SER VIr G BROTHERS DECEASED. LANGFORD, The Right Hon. Hercules Langford, 2nd Baron.

27 Date of Election. 30th March, 1832.

LAWRE 'CE, Sir James (received abroad), Member of French Chapter in 1789.

30th April, 1831.

LE GEYT, Phillip William.

8th July, 1857.

McALESTER, Lieut.-Colonel Charles Archibald, K.H . MACKENZIE, Charles Fitzgerald.

28th July, 1835.

IACN AB, Colonel the H on. Sir Alan Napier, Bart. MACPIIERSO MAGI

of Cluny, Ewen.

13 th Jan., 1834.

,William, LL.D.

MA~SEL, Sir John Bell William, 9 th Bart.

30th June, 1843.

MASTER, Captain Richard Thomas.

17th July, 1840.

MELANO DE CALCI -A, Antoine Laurent, Comte de.

6th Jan., 1864.

IIonorary Rank.

MEREDYTII, Sir Joshua Colles, Bart., Knight of the Orders of St. Louis of France, and of Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt, &c.

9th Sep., 1837.

(He 'Was tile last E1lglz'slww7t rece£ved iuto tile Order by tlte 69 tlt Graud-.J.llaster, tlte Baron Ferdinand V07t Hompesclt, early in 1798.) MITFORD, Percy

18th April, 1882.

MURRAY, Captain Arthur Stormont.

18th Dec., 1840.

NEEDHAM, The Hon. Francis Henry. NEWTON, James.

17th Jan., 1839.

O'DONNELL, General Sir Charles Routledge.

11th March, 1832.

PEARL, Commander Sir James, R.N., K.H. PEARSON, Julius Alexander, LL.D., F.S.A.

2nd July, 1867.

MEMBERS, ASSOCIATES, AND PEAT, The Rev. Sir Robert, D.D., G. C. St. Stanislaus of Poland, Chaplain to King George IV.

Date oj Election.

lIth Nov., 1830.

Lord Prior, 29th January, 1831. PE J JEFATHER, General Sir John Lysaght, G.c.B., K.C.M.L.

16th Feb., r858.

PERROTT, Sir Edward Bindloss, 3rd Bart. PHILIPPART, Sir John, K.G.V., K.P.S.

lIth Nov., 1830.

POPHAM, Admiral Sir Home Riggs, K.C.B., M.P. (received abroad/ I(mg Itt Commander, r 799/ rccei-ved tlte Ro)/al Licence to wear tlte ills£gnia at Court, 20tlt Sept., r 799.)

9th Sep., 1837.

POTT, Joseph Compton, Jun.

24-th June, 1841.

POWN ALL, Henry.

22nd July, 1837.

RAMSAY, Major-General James.

8th July, 1857.

RIARIO-SFORZA, II Generalissimo II Duca Ludovico di.

20th Aug., 1855.

ROBERTSON OF STRUAN, General George Duncan, c.B.

13 th Jan., 1834.


24th June, 1863.


GERYIANS, The Right Honourable Cornwallis Eliot, 4th Earl of.



2nd March, 1869.

SHADWELL, The Right Hon. Sir Lancelot.

22nd July, 1837.

SHAW, Lieut.-Colonel Claudius, K.S.F.

3rd Nov., 1874.

SI-IUCKBRUGH, Sir Francis, Bart., F.R.S.

loth Nov., 1858.

SMITH, Admiral Sir William Sidney, G.C.S.F., etc. (reet:ived in France).



9th Sept., 1837.

SPRYE, Captain Richard Samuel Marc.

20th Aug., 1855.

TACHE, Colonel Sir Etienne Paschal.

18th Jan., 1858.

TnOMSON, Captain William.

2nd March, 1864.


TOCQUEVILLE, Peter Victor, Comte de.

5th March, 1833.

TONKIN, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Warwick Hele (1'ecez'ved Z11- tile Allglo-Bavarian Langue, 1830).


TORPIIICIIE ,The Right Hon. Robert Sandilands, I Ith Baron.

16th April, 1862.

Ith June, 1841.

WILKIE, Lieut.-Colonel David. WOLLASTON, Major Frederick.

1st July, 1857.

WOOLFE, Richard, F.S.A.

7th May, 1872.

Qibnplain. HUGO, The Rev. Thomas, M.A., F.S.A.

4th June, 1867.

1IDame Qibc\.lfllirrr. HOARE, IIarriet, Lady.

5 th Jan., 1863.

AGAR, Lieut.-Colonel Sir Emmanuel Felix, l\I.P.

12th Dec., 1857.

BEATTIE, vVilliam, M.D.

bt July,

BERENGER, Daron de.


BEETIIAM, Albert \Villiam, F.R.~.

28th July, 1835.

BELL, Alc. tl11dcr.

Sth June, 1859.

BLAIR, Captain IIarry.


BROUN, Lieut.-Colonel \ViJliam J amcs.

16th Aug.,


BROWNE, General Walter John,





\w. , IS73. 1

-I- •

8th July, 1857.



BUCK, The Rev. John Parmenter, M.A.

Date 0./ Elt:cti01l. 28th Dec., 1860.

BURNES, Lieutenant Dalhousie Holmes.


BUSTROS, Salim de.


Oct., 1882.


June, 1864.

CLAY> William Nicholls.


May, 18 58.

COPLAND, James, M.D., F.R.S.

16th July, 18 57.

DELEPIERRE, Joseph Octave, LL.D., F.S.A.


ERMATINGER, Lieut.-Colonel William, K.S.F.

loth Feb., 1860.

FERGUSSON, Lieut.-General William, K. Cres. 1st Class.


Dec., 18 57.

FIFE, Sir John, M.A.


Dec., 18 57.

GLOVER, Robert Mortimer, M.D., F.R.S. Edin.


June, 1848 .

GUNNING, John, C.B., Inspector-General of IIospitals.


Aug., 18 55.

HEARD, Colonel James.


HEARD, Colonel, The Honble. John T.

13 th

LAURIE, William Alexander, F.S.A. Edin.


LE MARCHANT, Sir John Gaspard, K.C.B., K.C.M.G.

20th May, 18 58.

NORCLIFFE, Major-General Norcliffe, K.H.


OUTRAM, Lieut.-General Sir James, Bart., G.C.B., K.C.S.I.


PINHEY, The Hon. Hammett.


Aug., 18 57.

PLUMRIDGE, Admiral Sir James Hanway, K.C.B., M.P.


Dec., 18 57.

PRINGLE, William.


RAMSAY, Charles William Ramsay.

5th June, 1865.

ROLPH, Dr. Thomas.


CASTEL-BROLO, Federico Laucia

eGrassellini, Duca di, K.S.S.M.

July, 1857.

Dec., 1864.

July, 18 57. Oct., 18 58.

July, 18 57.

May, 18 58.

July, 18 57.

July, 18 57.

Oct., 184 2 .


31 Date of Election. 9th June, 1858.

RYLAND, Lieut-Colonel George Harrison. SALIS-SOGLIO, Peter John Fane dc, Count of the Holy Roman Empire K.R.E., K.H.S. (rece£ved at Rome, 20tlt JUly, 18 43.)

12th Dec., 1857.

SALIS-SOGLIO, Major-General Johann Ulrich, Baron de.

9th June, 1858.

TURNBULL, vVm. Barclay David Dundas.

13 th July, 18 59.

VELLA, Luigi, LL.D., Superintendent Record Office, Malta.

28th Aug., 1857.

'vVATT" Vice-Admiral George Edward,


K.C.H .

18th Jan., 1858.


8th July, 1857.

WILLIA IS, Thomas Troughear.

20th Aug., 1855.

WI l THROP, \Villiam, Consul U.S.A Malta.

28th Aug., 1857.


4th Jun e, 1867.


; Chand os, M.P.

FAREMAN, Colonel William Blennerhasset.

18th :May, 1833.


1st ~Iarch; 1870.

PORTER, Lieutenant Reginald da Costa, Royal Engineers.

10th Sep., 1878.

WIL::\IOT, Charles Montagu.

2nd Feb., 1869.

BAUMGARTEN, H. E. General Alexander de, Aide- dc- Camp General de S.M. l'Empcreur de P ussie.

21St F eh., ISS2.

BRETT, Robert, M.R.C.S.

24th June, 1871.

CALLENDER, George William, F.R.C.S., F.R.S.

roth Sep., 18 78.

FRERE, P ight IIonble. Sir IIenry Bartle Edward, I3art., G.c.n., G.C.S.I.

20th April, [875·



HEADLAND, Frederick, M.D.

Date o.f Electiol!. 4th May, 186 9.

HODSON, Elizabeth (Mrs.)


June, 1870.

PORTER, Surgeon-Major Joshua Henry, Army l\1edical Department.


June, 18 75 .

RENARD, Bruno Jean Baptiste Joseph, Lieut.-General, A.D.C. to H.M. the King of the Belgians.

6th May, 18 79.

RUMSEY, Henry vVyldbore, M.D., F.R.S.


SHEPHERD, Surgeon-Major Peter, Army Medical Departm ent.


Nov., 1872. Sep., 18 78

lllonata. BEAUCHAMP, Catherine, Dowager Countess.

8th Dec., 1869.




17 th Feb., 1874.

April, 1862.

~erbing ~rotfJera+

HILTON, Charles. SYSON, Hiram.

2nd July, 1867.

3rd Nov., 1874.

Order of Stx John of Jerusalem ($i~tb

or J8ngIisb ')Langue).

MED.AL in stituted by the Chapter, 1874, as a reward for deeds of gallantry in savin g life 01Z land.



Tlte CJ·oss oftlte Order. (lis poinls anciently syll/bolic oj lite eig/d Beali/lldt-s.)

Tile Badgi' of tlte Order. (The SI. J olt II'S IVorl, entwimd 7i'illl COlI/lllclI/oralit-e 1'/'/1/1011.)




(S iluer).

F or

saving, at imminent risk of their lives, six fellow-workmen in great peril in the shaft of a coal-pit near Chesterfield, September 7th , 18 75. Presented by Sir Edmund Lechmere, Bart., at a public meeting at Whittin gton Moor, November 18th, 1 8 75. C



JOHN SMITH You TG, Deputy-Commissary. Attached to the English Ambulance during the Siege of Paris (Silver). For saving the life of a wounded German soldier at the Bridge of Bezons on December roth, r870. Presented, March I7th, I876, by Major-General H.S.H. Prince Edward of Saxe-vVeimar, Commanding the Home District, at a parade of the Guards and Army Service Corps, H.R.H. the Field Marshal Commanding-in-Chief granting permission for the Medal to be worn in uniform on the rigllt breast. CO STANT VAN HOVDO CK (Silver), HE RI TROUSSELOT (Bronze). For marked courage and judgment, resulting in the saving of life and property, and the subsequent conviction of the murderers concerned in the mutiny on board the British ship LE NIE on the high seas on October 3 1st, 18 75. The Chapter regarding the ship as part of the Queen's dominion, awarded accordingly, and the medals were presented through the Dutch and the Belgian Ministers in June, 1876. GEORGE GATES (Bronze;. For saving, at much personal risk, voluntarily and unaided, two dying men from the New Road Sewer, Battersea, after a companion had already succumbed to the poisonous gases. August 9th, 18 76 . Presented publicly by the Local Authorities on January 3 rd , r 877. THOMAS ERRI GTON WALES, Her Majesty's Inspector of Mines for South Wales (Sz'l'ver), ]OH WILLIAM HOWELL (Si:ver), ISAAC PRIDE (Silve7'), WILLIAM BErnI (Sz'lver), DANIEL TrrOMAS (Silver). For special service during the gallant and protracted efforts made for the rescue of the buried miners in the Tynewydd Colliery, Glamorganshire. Presented by Major F. Duncan, R.A., Director of the Ambulance Department of the Order, at Pontyprido, on .'\ugust 4 th , r 877, in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of the Count.y, the Lord Mayor of London, and a very large and distinguished assembly. GEORGE PATMORE (Bronze). For bravery in SelZll1g, securing, and aiding in the destruction of a mad dog, which had pre-



viously bitten three men and several dogs, September 9 th 18 77. Presented at the Hertford Borough Sessions, March 7 th , 1878, by the Mayor of Hertford. STEPIIE LITTLE, Constable, Metropolitan Police (B1~01lZe). For the gallant rescue of a lunatic from a position of great danger, on June 4th, 1878. Presented on August 2n<1 18 7 8, by His Grace the Duke of Manchester, K,P" Lore Prior of the Order, at a special parade of the Metropolitan Police at the Wellington Barracks. I

ARTHUR H. STOKE', Assistant Inspector of Mines (S£lver) , CHARLES MALTBY (Bronze), J OH HAN COCK (Bronze), THOMAS DA VI (Bronze), JOHN DA \TIS (Bronze). For remarkable constancy, courage, and daring, during the operations leading to the rescue of Dennis Bagshawe, buried for five days and nights without food in the Black Engine Mine, Eyam, July, 1879. Presented on behalf of the Order by John Furley, Esq., a l\1ember of the Council, January 21st, 1880, at a public meeting at Sheffield. HE RY SPAYL (Bronze). For rescuing, at great personal danger, December 17th, 1879, from a small sewer at Silvertown, a fellow-workman, rendered insensible by poisonous gases. Presented by Sir Edward G. L. Perrott, Bart., March 9th, 1880, at a meeting at the Town Hall, Stratford. GEORGE FREDERICK HARRI', Captain 3rd Foot, "The Buffs," (Silver). For conspicuous gallantry in saving the li,"es of five persons from a fire in Charlemont Street, Dublin, Septembf'r 19th, 1877, and in subsequently removing, unaided, at still further risk, a quantity of paraffin oil, thereby preventing the fire from spreading to an adjacent Female Orphanage. Presented by H.R.H. the Princess of Wales, a Dame Cheval£c're of the Order, July 24th, 1880, at the Volunteer Camp, Wimbledon, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, H.R.H. the I-<ield Marshal Commanding-in-Chief, the Secretary of State for War, and a deputation from the Order being present. As in the case of Deputy-Commissary Young, permission has been granted for the M eual to be worn in uniform on the right breast, in accordance with the Queen's Regulations. C 2




EDWARD MOD JTJOY PRICE (Bronze). For conspicuous gallantry in rescuing on September 13th, 1880, at Ilfracombe, Devon, a boy named George Williams from a burning room, afterwards returning and removing a barrel of gunpowder charred by the flames; thus saving the lives of the firemen who were working, in imminent dJ.nger of an explosion, to extinguish the fire. Presented, January loth, 188 I, at a public meeting in the Town Hall, Ilfracombe. J AMES MCGOWAK, Inspector of Roads for the Borough of Birkenhead (Bro71::;e). For gallant and self-devoted exertions, at great personal risk, on October 18th, J 880, in rescuing from an underground passage three workmen insensible from poisonous gases; one of whom expired on being brought to the surface. Presented, February 2nd, 1881, by Colonel Sir James Bourne, Bart., F.S.A., at a public meeting held at the Court House, Birkenhead, the Mayor presiding. GEORGE CLARKE, Corporal 95th Regiment (Silve1'). For conspicuous courage on December 9th, 1880, in rescuing two children at a fire at Limerick, Ireland, at considerable risk, and sustaining severe injury. Presented by LieutenantColonel J. North Crealock, c.R., commanding 95 th Regiment, at a full dress parade at Aldershot, March 16th, 1881, permission being granted (as in previous cases) for the medal to Le worn in uniform on the right breast. WILLIAM MAGUIRE, Constable, H. Division, Metropolitan Police (Bronze). For saving, at imminent Janger to himself, two persons at a fire in Leman Street, Whitecnapel, December 19th, r880. Presented by Sir Edmund A. H. Lechmere, Bart., M.P., at a public meeting held ill tIle theatre of the Royal United Service Institution, March 18th, 1881.>on the occasion of the presentation of certificates of the St. John Ambulance Association to Metropolitan Police classes. GEORGE EVERETT, Labourer (Silver). For very gallant and devoted conduct, on 13th June, 1881, in rescuing, at the Old City Gas Works, Gloucester, a fellow workman, under



circumstances of great peril, one life having been just previously sacrificed. Presented August 25th, 1881, by Sir Brook Kay, Bart., at a public meeting, attended by the Mayor and Corporation, at the Tolsey, Gloucester. MARION SMITH, Widow of the late Bandmaster, 94th Regiment (Silver). For heroic devotion during the action, December 20th, 1880, at Bronkorst Spruit, Transvaal, where she assisted the wounded under a heavy fire, tearing up her own dress to make bandages; and for her subsequent devoted and humane attention, during a period of three months, to the injured soldiers who escaped the massacre. Presented March 2nd, 1882, by General Sir James E. Alexander, C.B., at a public meeting in the Council Chamber, N e\\'castle-onTyne, the Mayor presiding. THO~IAS MCGUIRE, Labourer, Birmingham (Bronze). For gallantry on the 21st October, 1881, in forcing his way into a burning house in Shadwell Street, Birmingham, thereby sustaining severe personal injuries in his successful endeavour to rescue a child, who must otherwise have perished. Forwarded to his wife, the recipient having left England for America in search of employment.

A TNIE LOFTUS, Machine Operative, Stockport (S ih1er) . For her courage and devotion on April 15th, 1882, in rescuing her sister from a burning house at Stockport, under circumstances of great personal peril. Presented July 19 th , 1882, by John Furley, Esq., at a public meeting, attended by the Mayor and Corporation, held in the Borough Court House, Stockport. ROBERT NELSON, Police Constable, Liverpool (Bronze). In recognition of his courageous conduct at Liverpool, on 14th November, 18 8 3, in pursuing and destroying a mad dog at much personal risk. Presented February 29 th , 18 84, at a parade of over 200 constables, at the Police Station, Hatton Garden, Liverpool, by the Mayor of Liverpool, supported by members of the Watch Committee, and many others.

NAl\IES OF RECIPIE TS. WILLIAM CORSON, Police Constable, Liverpool (Bro1lze). In recognition of his courageous conduct at Liverpool, on 14th November, 1883, in pursuing and destroying a mad dog at much personal risk. Presented on th~ same occasion as Robert Nelson's. ARNOLD LUPTO , Mining Engineer (Silver). In recognition of his gallant and devoted conduct on 22nd October, 188 3, in rescuing under circumstances of great personal danger and difficulty, two persons, after an explosion in the Wharncliffe Carlton Colliery, Barnsley. Presented February 22nd, 188 4, by the Mayor of Leeds, at a special meeting at the Leeds School Board Offices. TOM ROWLEY, Working Collier (S£lver). In recognition of his gallant and devoted conduct on 22nd October, T883, in rescuing under circumstances of great personal danger and difficulty, two persons, after an explosion in the Wharncliffe Carlton Colliery, Barnsley. Presented on the same occasion as Mr. Arnold Lupton's. JULIA HATCHER, of Marnhull, Dorset (Bronze). In recognition of her gallant and devoted conduct on 25th September, 188 3, in rescuing under circumstances of great personal danger and difficulty, a boy who had been gored and tossed several times by a bull. Presented by the Rector of Marnhull, January 26th, 1884, at a Vestry Meeting held in the Parish School-room. JOSEPH DOUBLE, Inspector, King's Cross Station, Metropolitan Railway, London (Silve11"). For conspicuous gallantry on 2nd November, I S84, in saving at imminent personal danger the life of a woman, who having attempted to cross the line had stumbled and fallen just in front of an advancing train. ALBERT ABRAHAM (aged 15), of Condurrow, Camborne (Bronze). For gallant and devoted conduct on 13th July, 188 4, in rescuing from further injury and from danger of drowning




by the incoming tide, a playfellow, named Edward Bartle, who had fallen over a cliff to the beach below, and had broken his leg, besides sustaining other severe inj uries. Forms of application for the Medal and full particulars can be obtained from the Secretary of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, ST. JORI'S GATE, CLERKE WELL, LO~DON.



P,-'inte,'s in Ordinary to Hf?' lJ1"ajesty.


®rbtr of bt. 3joDn of 3jrrtl£saltm (ENGLISH


18 8 5 .


®rhcr nf

~t. ~nYn



(1EngH~fJ rLan~uagt) :



On T-Vednesday, the 24th of June, 1885, AT







Printers in Ordinal'Y to H er Majesty.

1 '5.

~Orl)" ~rior.




The Right lIon. LORD LEIGH.

tlgc (Council. Presideni--G lloral iir JOHN" ST. GEORGE. K.U.B. 'rhe Right Honourable the Earl of GLA 'GOW. The Right Rov. the Lord Bishop of • T. ALBA TS ( Chap lain- GeneTal). ~ir ED\TARD G. L. PERROTT, Bart. Goneral ir II. C. B. DAUBEi'iEY, G.O.B. aptain R. C. F. DALLA. Rev. IIEN'RY \\TIIITE 1\1. .

(£ucufibe ©ffi.ccrs. (Who al'e ex-officio l1Iembers of the Council.)

Chancello?'-General u: JOHN T. GEORGE, R.C.B. CC7'CtCl?'<II--Sir E. A. II. LEOIDIERE, Bart., M.P., 1Il.A., F . .A. HeceiL'el'-ED\\'I)l' FRE ilFIELD, E q., LL.D., V.P. 'i. • A lmone?'-Goneral the Vi count TE~IPLETO\\N, K.U.B. Regisi?'a'l·-Lieut.-Colonel GOULD IIu TTER- \\ E TON, F.S.A. Amb7.dance Dppa7·tment-Dil'cctor: JOHN FURLEY~ Esq. Genealogist- \V. Al\1ilURST T. AMllERST, Esq., }U,P. F.S.A. Assista7d-A lmone1'- 1ajor JAMES GILDEA, 4th Batt. Royal Warwickshiro Regt. Lib?'a1'ian-Rev. ,'f{. K. R. BEDFORD, 1\1. . A ssistant- ec?'eta'l 'y-Captain H. C. PERROTT, 3rd Batt. East Kent Regt.

Banke?'s-rrIIE LONDON A D \VESTMIN TER BANK, 41 Lothbury, E.C.

Communications may bo addres eel to the SecI' tary of the Order of St. John, St. J ohn's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.O.

.\. 2




(A Paper read by Mr. J OHN FURLEY, at the G eneral Assem bly

on St. J ohn's Day).



usefulness, and the discharge of public duties. In 1870, Sir JAMES ALEXAXDF.R was onc of the first amongst the Members of the Order to offer his personal assistance, if required, in relieving the sick and wounded of the French army in the Franco-German ,Val', desiring to utilize to the utmost his knowledge of the country in which he had resided faT some year, and, in his OWll words, "to be of some service to the great caul e of humanity, and to testify to the utility of the Sovereign Order of ~t. J olm of .J rusalem." Both ill per on and in writing, hc for muny year' interested him elf in advocating the d fellce of our great seaports, especially tho. e of the Firth of FOl tll and of th Clyde. lIe was, too, mainly iu:<trumental ill hawing public attention to the splencbd obelisk given to the Briti h nation and lying so long neglected in the sands of Alexandria, which through the liberality and enterprise of his friend, the late ~ir Ernsmu ,ViI Oll, now forms one of the most interesting features of the Ietropoli.

The Chapter of the Order of St. .John communicates the following Report to the General Assembly:-

JUl'. PERCY :ThIITFORD'. career as a Cheyalier of J u tice was unfortnnat ly a very short one, but he howed an energetic appr ciation of OlU' object, which, had Lis life been spared, would have m.ade him one of our most active and useful Member>.).

The following well-known Iembers of the Order have been lost to us during the past year :-Th e Earl of DUDLEY, General Sir JA~IE S ALEXA~'1)ER, UACPllER O~ OF CLUI Y, Ml'. PERCY MITFORD, and the Rev. W. VVYNDHAl\I MALET. The EARL OF DUDLEY was for several years a Member of the Oraer, but from his numerous engagements, and latterly from fa:iling health, he was prevented from appearing amongst us and taking part in onr proceedings. The distinguished career of General Sir JAMES ALEXANDER, who was the Senior Knight on our Roll, having been admitted in 1832, is worthy of especial notice, inasmuch as, in addition to his military sen-ices, his devotion to the Order of St. .John, his active philanthropy, and his interest in the extension of the influence of Great Britain in Egypt and Palestine, prove the value of high mi.litary training as a preparation for a life of

The Rov. 'VM. "Yl\DITA11 :ThIALET has only been very recently taken from u ,at a venerable old age; the Order of t. John, its work at Jerusalem, and the approach of our Commemoration Festival, occupying a place in his last thoughts. He dearly loved that lIoly Land, the birth-place of our Fraternity, with which 110 was so familiar, and where, mainly through his provident advocaoy, we hav at In, t re-established a lio pital of the Order, a work in which he took the deepest intere t and which will always be associated with his eurnest endeavour for its accomplishment. The Chapter has admitted to the Order during the year:-

As Chevalie?' of In tice.-Lord Egerton of Tatton. As Dames Ghevalie?'es of Justice.-li.R.II. Prin ess Loui e, Marchioness of Lorue; ILR.II. Pnnc ss Beatrice; II.R.E. The



Duchess of Albany; Her Majesty the Queen of Sweden and Norway; Lady Kensington. . As Chevalien of G1'ace. -y\T aynman Dixon; Professor SmIth. As HOnO'l'a1'Y Associates. -Sir James Paget, Bart., F .R.S.; Robert Brudenell Carter, F.R.C.S.; M. Hub ert Hussenot; John Hovelle Ogilvie, L.R.C.S.E.; Miss Jane Charlotte Topping; Mrs. Ogihie; Miss Etheldreda Benett. . As Donats.-Colonel Ralph Edward Carr; :Thlrs. Elizabeth PItt Draffen; Frank Clark; Samuel \Viseman.

presentation was made at a Volunt,eer Dinner held on Easter Monday la t.

The Iedals of the Order, awarded in recognition of bravery in saving life on land, have been granted in the following very deserving cases : A Silver Medal to Inspector Joseph Double, of the King's Cross Station of the Metropolitan Railway, who, on Ullday, November 2nd, 1884, saved the life of a woman at the ri k of his own, under the following circumstances:-The wom~n had gone to the wrong platform, and, on finding out her mI. take, foolishly endeavoured to crosS the line. Just at the tlme a train was seen to be approaching, and then to the horror of the spectators she fell across the line of rails upon which the train was coming. Seeing her extreme danger, the Inspector instantly sprang down, and seizing the unfortunate woman dragged her under the projecting platform, where she was held till the train had passed. The Medal was presented by II.R.II. the Princess Christian (a Dame Cheyaliere of the Orcler)~ at a public meeting held in the Polytecbnie Institution. A Bronze Medal to Albert Abraham, of Condurrow, near Cam bourne, Cornwall, who is only in his thirteenth year. lIe and another lad were ascending a dangerous cliff on the Cornish coast, when the latter fell over the rocks, breaking his leg and suffering other injuries. Abraham, at tbe risk of his own life, went t.o the assistanee of his companion, and removed him to a place of security from the rising tide. This happened about four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was not until half-past one next morning that assistance reached them. In the meantime he attended to the wounds of the il\ilU'ecl lad, and coyerecl bun up with some of his own clothing to preselVe warmth. The

A Certificate of Merit has been awarded to Alfrecl James Coxon, a journeyman plumber, who descended a well, about 40 feet deep, containing nearly 20 feet of water, at Holly Bush naIl ~ ~tnlrord hire, and rescued, at some personal danger, a small child who had fallen therein. In or leI' to m et th cases of persom! who have exerted them. dye. in saving life, without sufficient claim to one of the redal., a Diploma form has been prepared under the supervi, ion of the A, istant Almoner, which has been adopted by the Chapter. During the past year a new RoH of the Members and A. sociate. of the Order ha been prepared by the Registrar, which hal been printed and i ued. It contain some improvements, e. pecially in th manner in which the names of deceased Iember are reconled. A copy of' la 't year's Report, with accompanying paper, 'va' presented to II l' :ThIajesty the Queen, ,vho was graciously plea ed to accept the arne. On the admi '. ion of IIis late Royal IIighne s the Duke of Albany as t\, Chevalier of J u tice of the Order, he wa inyested with the rantl of hi ' grad . The Dame Chevaliere, H.R.II. the Duchess of Albany, In been graciou 'ly plea eel to pre ent this mantle to the Onler, and it will be carefully pre erved at t.he Chanc ry, ancl be u ed iu future at the ceremouy of Receptions of hevalicrs of J u tice. Among-Rt the more interesting eyent of the year have been the audiences given to the eC'retary and Almoner by H.R.H. Prince s Beatrice and ILR.II. the Duche of Albany for the purpose of presenting th ir Royal IIighnes es with the diploma and insiguia of the Order, and al 0 to obtain thelr ignntures to the IIomage Roll; the former audience taking place at ,Yiud or Ca. tle, and the latter in London.



hn,yu mn h pleasure in reporting a consiclerA3



able increase in the number of diets issued, thuA each year proving their usefulness and value. They are also glad to be able to report an increase in the am01.m t of Annual Subscriptions and Donations, which it is hoped will be further augmented to enable the number of diets now issued to be sustained. It was pointed out in last year's Report that the income available for the diets was considerably less than the actual amount spent) and that the deficiency was only being met by dTawing on the am01mt realized some three or four years ago by a special appeal. This has now been reduced to £35 ~L., tho amount standing to t.he credit of the Diet Fund at tho Bank. The cooking and dispen ing of the diets continuc to be undertaken and carried out in a most willing and sati factory manner by the Sisters of St. Philips' ]His ion, the only expenses attending the issuing of the diets being the salary paid to the Serving Brother. Hospital letters and tickets have been thankfully received from Lord Leigh, the Earl of Gla, gow, Sir John and Lady St. George, Sir Charles Daubeney, as well as from :I'dI'. George Palmer, to whom the thanks of the Almoners are especially due for interest OD several occasions in procluing letters for special cases. Annexed will be found a table showing the number of patients relieved and cost of same. Al 0 Balance heet [or the year, and list of Annual Subscriptions and Donations. Return for Quarter ending.

1884 29th Sept.

Males. Females

Total Patients

Total Dieta.

Cost per Diet.












1 2l

34 8 7



24th June

16 14

13 12

29 26

452 410

1 6 1









1 2

00 00

Number of Patients from Royal Free IIoapital =67. The Finsbury Dispensary = 67.






00 00


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Ul 0


00 00 rl •



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S '.;j ~cdr;..4-<O ~8·~




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24 18 8





--._--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '






1885 25th March

t.C I~ ~I



'---- -- --- -------.-s. CZ. £ s. cZ.

25th Dec.

r,,;000) ~0)0\C rl rl CQ rl

Z Total Cost.





U}o..D ~ .-;:s h"tj U}

~5:s~ 1: ,...

~ ;:s ctS <J)"'" ~

Cijtij§q r:qOO~


~ ~






The following are the Annual Subscriptions and Donations to the Almonor's Department for the CUlTont year :-

The number of diets issued during the year, with the cost and oiher particulars, is shown in the followillg table :-

£ The Fin bury Di pensary .. Viscount Templetown Charle L. Methuen, E q . .. Sir Brook Kay, Bart. Miss E. Lloyd Lady Lechmere Lord Leigh .• Re\'". A. Shadwell lIIrs. Gildea . . Lady St. George Mrs. Burns .. lIf1's, Edward Iaberly .Miss ,\Vren IIo'kyn , 1883, 188-1 1I1i s Pakeman lIliss T. Clark Miss IIampton Anonymous

s. 5 5 5 0 5 0 3 3 3 0 2 15 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 o 10 o 10 0 5 0 5


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The Commander of the Hanley Castle Commandory roports as follows : The diets issued to the oonvalescent patients of the ,Vorcester Dispensary have been continued during tlJO past year on the same, ystem as that in tituted by the Comma,nlery 16 years ago . An increase, however, of the numb r of pa60nt,· of the Dispensary has caused a cOlTesponding increaso in the expense, and the COllmandery has beon compelled to apply to the Dispensary for an increase of their contribution to,vanls the Diet Fund. At a Conference with the Disponsary Committe it was decided that the co t of 200 diets por quarter b provi.dod both by the Dispensary and the Commandory; and that tho DiRpensary oontribute the fixed sum of £10 per quarter for tho cost of their share of the total number of diets.


Return for Quarter ending

Males. Females.


Total Diets.

Cost per Diet.

- -1884

18 5





25th Dec.






25th Murch




21th June




o 10 o 10


Cost to Commandery.

---- ----d. 9

29'h 8ept.

Cost to Dispensary.



7 2 3

s. d.

G 18














22 13 11 14




Tho lIoll . A ooiate of the Or ]er, .ThE s tillingfieet has, 'yor Binco tll liet 8Y, tem wa first introduced, kineUy undertak'll gratuitolL ly to l:)uperintenc1 the cooking and eli pen iug of the dietF; at 'to Alban s lIome; but in con eqnence of increa, ing work in connection ,'irith thi Institution, which was founded and ha, been managed by Mi· tillingfieet, she h:1. beon reluctantly compelled to di continue to take charge of the i,,,'uillg f tho eliot. At a. meeting of the Provincial Chapter, h III on Fob. 11th, 1 5 it wa unanimously decided that in recoo'nition of Ii. ' tillillgile t' valua.ble sen--ices fur, 0 many year., tIl folluwing l'0 olution be ent to hel' engro eel on volh1111 :, Tho Cbapter of tbe IIanley Ca. tIe Commandery of the Ord r f J I'll al m, b -g to convey to the lion. A ociate [i, , tillingtlc t, a Lady uperint ndclJt of t. Alban' Indnstrial liome, \Vorce::;ter, the expres ion of their ineere regret i hal, he shonkl feel her elf comp lIed, in con, equence of incr a ing work aL the llome, to t rminato tho arrangement, 0 kindly undertakon by her 16 y a1' ago, to prepare and di.. , pen e the diet iHHllod by the Chapt'r to cOllvalo"cent pati nts of the ,yorce ter DiHponsary, amI at the same time to a sure her of the high appre 'i" bun in which her CHi 0 are held, Dot ouly by tb Member of the Chnpt r ::md by the Modical taIT of the Di pel1Httry, but n1so by tho patient to who e comfort ::I.lld recovery to health 811 has 0 larg ly and liberally contributed." t. .John

The Commander haR much plea nrc in reporting that the



Hon. Associate, Miss Topping. Superintende11t of St. John's Bouse, 'V Ol'cester, has kindly undertaken to prepare and issue the diets in the place of Miss Stillingfieet.

tarian work, the Chapter, have had mnch pleasure in electing MR. OGILVIE an Honorary As.'ociate of the Order. It was announced in the previous Report that arrangements would, as soon as possible, be made for the reception of inpatients, and from a letter just received from lr. Ogilvie it will be seen how far this, and other general details of the work have been attended with success.

Th e Funds of the Commandery having suffered some diminution from the increasing claims upon them, it has been necessary to make a reduction in the nnmber of patients sent to the \71[ est of England Convalescent Home at vVeston-superMare. The following is a list of tho e who have benefitted by the arrangement since the last return. No.



1 2




4 5


17 35


Time of .Luy.


Suffering from

M. M.

Chronic ~ronchitis and General Debiliby Rheumatism and General Debility .•.... Phthi is ..............•.......••.. " Do .••....................... , .... General DebiliLy

F. M. F.








4 weeks. 2 " 2 " 2 " 2


The Committee of the JERUSALK\I HOSPITAL report very favourahly of the progress of the Institution. The work of the Hospital, which was temporarily interrupted in consequence of DR. WADDELL}S departure, has been thoroughly re-organised by his successor, MR. OGILVIE, and renewed with an ability and vigour which promises well for the future of the undertaking.

MR. OGILVIE has already performed, with success, seyeral difficult and delicate operations, and his services have been warmly appreciated by the authorities of the various nationalities in J erusalem. The Committee have received with great satisi~tctjon the testimony in his favour of the Greek Patriarch, a11d of DR. CHAPLIN, the Medical Superintendent of the Hospital of the Society for promoting ChristiaDity amongst the J ews. In partial recognition of services which it is hoped may long be a~ the disposal of the Committee, as well as in what they conSIder a necessary and advisable recognition of the position of their responsible officer in this distant b1'a11ch of their humanj-

Extract from Report of IR. OGILVIE contained in letter dated J eru alem, June 6th, 1 5. 'rhe di pen ary was re-opened Oct. 20th, 18 4, for the treatment of outdoor patient, and the hospital was opened Nov. 14th for the admi.. ion of in-patients. At the 31st lay 1,174 persons had been treated at the dispellsary, and 43 had been adlllitt d into the hou e. Of the whole number treated, 4 4 have been em'ed; 228 more or Ie ' , improved, and 1 4 are incurable. The proportion of incurable is very large, but this must be expected for orne time yet, and it will mo t probably decrease in the future. Before thi di pen ary wa opened many persons with bad eyes never got any advice for themselves, and others waited uutil improvement was hopele before applying for advice. But as time advances thi wili all be changed, indeed already there i improvement in thi re pect, and it is now being impre sed upon the people the advantage of coming early for advice. ince the ho pital was opened, our four beds have been constantly occupied, and mo tly ,vith cases requiring operation. Thirty-nine major and several minor operations have been performed in the ho 'pital, and mo tly all have been ucce ful. More beds are greatly needed however, as patients have frequently to be refused aclmis ion for di eases which could only be successfully treated in ho pita.l, and thu many poor people have 10 t the be t chance of getting complet ly Clued. Our patients belong to all the variou faiths which prevail here, and as we do not in any way interfere with their religious opinions) all come fre ly to the dispensary and into the ho pita!. The greatest number bave been Jew and a.ft r them l\lahommeCl.an8 and Greek Christians who Hre about eq11<11.



'rhe fact that this hospital has been opened is spreading around, and already we have patients coming from far eli. tant places as J a,ffa, Gaza, Tiberias and from the De ert beyond Jordan and the Dead Sea. It is for these poor creatures thctt the want of beels j, mostly felt. They come great distance, mostly with very sore eye, with little money to support themsel ves, and as so few can be admitted many go away again before they are much improved. I feel very confident that if we could get another half-dozen beds the amount of good that might be done for the e pOOl' suffering creatures would be incalculable.

The Oommittee are also largely indebted to MR. R.BRUDE ffiLL OARTER, the ITonorary Consulting Surgeon, alike for much valuable professional advice, and for several handsome and costly contributions of most necessary articles for the equipment of the Hospital, including a complet e set of lenses for testing vision; som expensive books, &c., and a supply of the lJ ew and costly anresthetic " cocaine," by which the most delicate operations are rendered comparatively easy and painless.




SU1'geon, British Ophtlwbnic IIospital.

To carry out all at once the suggestions of their prof, sional officer is, unfortuna.tely, at present not within the power of the Committee, whose desire to place the lIo pital on a secure financial basis is much curtailed by their very limited fund::;. The cash balance in hand is now, roundly, £350, augmentec1 at the present period by the special half-yearly subscriptions of £25 each, generously guaranteed by Lady Lechmere anc1MI'. Amherst, to meet the increased stipend of the resident medical officer as statec1 in the previous Report. Still, although much, very much is needed before the anxious responsibilities borne by the Committee can be sellsibly decreased, a great deal has been done during the past twelve months to render the Hospital more worthy of its placo and purpose as a representative work of the Order which took its origin in the Holy Oity. . Necessary repairs have been carried out, and in mORt respects the building is now quite fitted for it purpose. Furniture for the r esident officer's quarters, as wen as for the wards, has been provided-at a considerable outla,y it is true, but much h as been set,ved by the judicious selection ancl supervision of the ITonorary Secretary, Mr. R. R. Howe, kindly assisted by Mrs. Rowe, and the best thanks of tbe Ol)mmittee are due to both for this and much Himilar an(l valuahle help.

The Oommittee has also to acknowledge its special obligations to ~1R. J on. I. OOOK (a Donat of the Order), not only for his handsome pecuniary contributions, but al 0 for the great aid rendered to the Oommittee in permitting his agent at J erusalem to act as the financial medium between them and the local Oommittee, and for the facilities offered for forwarding parcels to J rusal m. "Mr. Oook has also kindly promi ed to insert a pecial notice of the ITospital in the Guide Book furnished to tOlU·i ts) an 1 to receive for the ITo pital any donations they may be pleased to make. Many causes have militated against special efforts being made during the past year to augment the funds of the Institution, but the OOlllmittce cannot omit to notice two meetings -the first promoted by Lady L echmere, at "\Vorcester, in September last, resulting in a substantial lonation to the ±i.mds ; and the second : a. public meeting in the J eru alem Ohamber, "\V tmin ter, by kind penni sion of the D an, on the 26th March last, under the pre ic1ency of Sir Au tin H . Layard, R.O.B.) whcm the Ohairman, Hobart Pacha, Sir Richard T emple, G.O . .1. (who kindly exhibited a collection of oil sketches made by him in the Holy Land), fr. Mocatta, Mr. Brudenell Oarter, F.R.O.S., Mrs. Finn and others, loqucntly and to an extent uccessfully, pleaded the cause of the Hospital, and bore te timony to the necessity for its initiation and to the good it had effected. A translation of the speech of ir lIenry Layar 1has, at the request of IIif:) Excellency tho Turki h Ambassador, 1usurus Pachal been forwanled to IIi Majesty th e Sultan, and also to the Pacha of J erusal m, Raouf Pacha. Full particulars of these meetings, and other cognate ma.tters,



will be published in the Special Report of the Hospital, to be issued later. The Committee have to report the resignation of the Treasurership by Captain Dallas, to whom they are greatly indebted for much valuable help in the early days of the undertaking, and thftt the office has been kindly undertaken by Mr. Amherst. The thanks of the Committee are also especially clue to Mrs. Ogilvie to whose careful and economic supervision of the work of the Hospital-work usually appertaining to a matron-not a little of its success is due. The engagement of a proper nurse has now been authorised, alld it is hoped that in this way Mrs. Ogilvie's voluntary efforts may, to an extent, be lightened. Mr. CLARK (Mr. Cook's local agent), and Mr. ,VISEMAN, who has ah'eady rendered good service to the Order in the acqui ition of the sitA, &c" have been elected as Donats of the Order, and, subject to the approval of the existing local Committee, have been added to its numbers. The Committee, feeling confident that their work, so thoroughly and efficiently begun, needs only to be known to receive a more liberal support from members of the Ord l' and their friends than it has hitherto received, ventures to record the foregoing facts in the hope that all may generously share the labours and efforts hitherto confined to a few, since all must allke share in the gratification the progress of this truly hospitaller work affords, and the additional lustre it adds to the fame of their noble and ancient Order.

arrangement, and it is hoped that the number will be largely increased.

The ST. JOHN'S HOUSE DISTRICT NURSING ASSOCIATION, VVOROESTER, which ifl in connection with the Order of St. John and the St. John Ambulance Association, reports a considerable extension of work during the year 1884. Arrangements were made a year ago with the Lady Superintendent that ladies who had passed through the earlier stages of the Ambulance Classes, and were desirous of gaining an insight into practical nUl'sing, might be received into St. John's House for two months'instruction. Already five ladies have taken advantage of this

At Kidderminster the nurses rendered most valuable aid during a recent severe epidemic of typhoid fever, and in acknowledging their services the treasurer of the Kidderminster Nursing Fund wTote:" I have great pleasure in assuring you, from general as well as professional sources, that universal praise and satisfaction is accorded to the noble, painstaking, and devoted perseTerance displayed by all the Nurses in the exercise of their very arduous and at times most painful duties. . .. There can be no doubt that many live' were. pared, and much spread of illness prevented, by the timely as istance of the Nursing Staff provided by your Illstitution."

The CO:,.\Ii\IITTEE appointed by the Chapter to consider the improvements of the Hall at t. John's Gate, have obtained the profe sional advice of Mr. J. O. Scott, of Spring Gardens, and he has mnde a very careful survey and report upon the pre. ent condition and the ancient features of the apartment. Ml'. cotf recommendations, embodied in the Report, were presented by the Committee to the Chapter in May last, and consi ,t of a completely new and somewhat elaborate roof, which it i propo. ed should be of a character suitable to the period of the building, and of oak; repau's to the walls, new stone mullions to the windows, a floor of oak and oak panelling round the room. The total cost is estimated at £609. 'rowards this the Chapter has voted ::t sum of £500, and it is hoped that a considerable portion, if not the whole, of the remain leI' may be supplied by contributions from the Members of the Order. The following donatiolls have ah'eady been received : £


Captain R. C. F. Dallas Dr. Ed win Freshfield General Sir J OM t. George, K.C.B. Lady St. George .. Sir Brook Kay, Bart. Sir Edmund Lechmer , Bart., ~1:.P . Sir James Paget, Bart.

s. d.

550 20 0 0 550 220 550 10 10 0 1 0

21 At the recommendation of Mr. Scott the work has been entrusted to Messrs. Brindley, of London, and Messrs. Thompson, of Peterborough, both firms having had great experience in the restoration of ancient buildings. The uontract h~s been prepared by Ul'. Freshfield, and the works will shortly be commenced. The amount for the restoration may appear a large one, but it must be understood that the restoration will be very complete, and that the result will be a chamber, not only well adapted for future meetings of the chapter and for the general assembli s of the Order, but also a feature of considerable beauty, as well as historical interest. The REOEIVER reports that the Accounts fnr the year ending 30th June, 1885, will be duly examined and audited. The cash balance at this date at the London and Westminster Bank is £988 I s. lId., from which will have to be deducted the rent due for the Gate to Midsummer and some other small payments for sundries. The balance included the various donations that have up to the present been made on account of the Gate Improvement Fund. The invested securities are :£120 58. Bank of England Stock £200 Queensland 4 per cent. Bonds .. £550 London and Blackwall Railwuy Consolidated Stock .. .. £260 London and Blackwall Railway 4t per cent. Preference Stock

(present value) ..

£ s. d. 355 18 10 203 10 0 671






£1,547 12 10

The LIBRARIAN reports the following additions to the Library:NAME OF WORK.

Wiener Freiwilligen Rettungs-Gesellschaft. Reports, &c. 2 volumes bound. 1 volume tmbound .. Transport von Kl'anken und Verletzten in grossen StauLen. By Baron Mundy. (Pamph.) .. Transport von Kranken und VerlctzLen oder miL Infectionsleiden BehafteLen. (Pampb.) Wien, 1883 La Comite InternaLional de la Croix Rouge de 1863 it 1884. (Moynier)


Tho Knights of Malta (3rel Edition) in One Volume. By Major-General WhitworLh Porter, R.E. AccidenLal Injuries. Their Relief and Immediate Treatment. By James Cantlie, M.A., M.B., F.R.C.S. Photographs of old Members of Lhe Order .. Rea,ring of Infants. Lecturo at the International Health ExhiblLion, 1884. By Edmund Owen, M.B., F.R.C.S. Introductory Address to Surgeous on Probation at the Army Medical School, Session of 188.1,-5. By SurgeonGeneral T. Longmore, C.B. BulleLin Interna,tional. No. 60, 61 .. EyesighL-Good and bad. Defects Of} For the Hospital Vision. Lectures on Cataract. at Disea es of the Eye. By R. Brudenell Cartel', F.R.C.S. .... Jerusalem IIandolingcn del' N ederlandsche Voreeniging Stone Cannon Ball from Malta (fired by the Turks at the siege) Photograph of a celebrated Maltcse Gun In tho Trades, tho Tropics, and the Roaring Forties. By Lady Bras ey Travels in tho East. By Tho Crown Prince Rudolph. 1884 Suggo tions for the Organisation of the Volunteer Medical ervice. By Surgeon-Major G. J. II. Evatt, M.D. .. The Mackintoshe and Olan Chattan. By A. JYL Shaw .. " The J.Jifo-Boat." Journal of tho Royal National Life-Boat InstituLion. Volumes I to XI .. Finsbnry Di pensary, Report, 188.1, ., ditto Copy of Music for Chants, Anthems, &c., sung at Centennial Services, 1885 .. Memoria, presentada a la, Sociedad Argentina. de la Cruz Roja, 1 5 (Dr. Coni) BulleLin d.e la Societe FrauC«(1ise do Sauvetage, 188-J, Malta, Correspondenco (Parliamentary papers) Photograph of Sir William Weston's Monument in St. James' Church, Clerkcnwell


The Author. The Author. Mrs. Burnes. The Author.

The Author. Sir E. Lechmere.

The Author. Mr. Furley.

Mr. Furley. Sit' John St. George. The Author. Sir Edw. Perrott. The Author. The Author.

n' Edw. Perro Lt. Mr. R. Moreland .

Mr. J. FlU·ley. M. Hussenot. Sir E. Lechmere. Colonel Gould Hunter-Weston.


Mr. Furlev.


In conclusion, although the past year ha not been characterised by any events of very special importance, it ha undoubtedly been Olle of steady, satisfactory progress. There are unmi takable indications that the Engli b Language, or Langue, of the Order occupie a po ition of . increasing importance in the public e timation.



The Chapter has ample reason of belief that during the year which is before us we may be able still further to strengthen om' increasing influence, as well as the extension of our ranks-and more especially the numbers of our governing body the Chapter - by the admission of gentlemen who, in addition to valuing its traditions, and many interesting associations, will become active participators in our various works, and add to the never ceasing progress and usefuln ess of our venerable and historic order.

Order of Srx John of Jerusalem (lEngIiab ?Language). TRUSTEES. The Right Honourable LORD LEIGH. t lir ED:JJUXD A. R. LECIDJERE, Bart. LP. General ~'ir .JOIIX T. GEORGE, K.C.B.



af ~t. ~alIn nf ~crnSalellt (Q5ngIistr Jnnguane).

I giv a ntl bequeath to the Receiver for the time being of t.ho Engli -b (Protestant) Language of the Order of

t. J ohn of

.J erusalem ill Ellgland the sum of £ _ _ to be applIed, at the discretion of the Chapter of the said Order, towards the charitable objects of 'lwh 01' leI', anLI I direct that the said Rum shall be paid, free of legacy luty, out of such pmt of my personal estate as may be legally bequeathed for charit able purposes.

Members and Associates are particularly requested to be good enough to notify any change of address wi.thout delay to the Assistant Secretary, The Chancery, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.



Order of Stx John of Jerusalem (lBngIisb


MED.AL Instituted by the Chapter, 1874, as a reward for deeds of


3JnlJu l\-mhulau(£ J\zzll£iatilln.

gallantry in saving life on land.




@rlJcr of ;:'t.]joDn of Jjeru~alcm (EngIi~b llanguagr), JUNE


The Cross oj the Orde?'. (Its points anciently 8ymbolic of the eight B eatitudes.,




The Badge oj the O)·der. (The St. John' s Wort entwined wah commenw?'ative ,ribbon.)


AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S in ~rbin rrril fa ~u ~lnjestlI.






CLERKENWELL (Within five minutes' walk of

t. Ba7,tholomew's Hospital, and

of Fal'ringdon

Street and Aldersgate Street Stations, lJIetropolitan Distl'ict Railway),




FIRST AID TO THE INJUllED. " The Carriage and Removal of the Sick and Injured/'


By ]\IR. JOHN FURLEY, Deputy Chairman and Honorary Director of Stores of the t. J ohn Ambulance A sociation;


lAI CIIE"'''fEI, K.P.,






The Ambulance Arrangements of the Metropolis during Epidemics/

tcntral Q;ncutiue <.Committee l COl1 ' i ling exclu ively of Mcmber and As ociates of the Order.


By MR. V. B. KEX}'''ETT-BARRIXGTOX, M.A., LL. 1., Deputy Chairman of the St. J olm Am bnlance A sociation. Papers read at the St. John Ambulance A, socjation Conference at the Internatiollal Health Exhibition, July 21 t, 1 4. -SIR J A)IE. PAGET, Bart., F .R . . ) in tb hail'.

AL 0

{{ The urgent necessity for making Surgical provision for Railway Accidents. JJ

A Paper r ead by Baron DR. ]\lUNDY, of Vienna, Honorary Associate of the Order of St. J oha of J eru alem (Engli. h Language), at the Royal United S ervice In. Litution} July 29th, 1884.- urgeon-General T. LOXG;\lORE, C.B., ill the Chair.



B ~\'R'r., M.P., :JL.A., F . . Li..

Drputll (Yninncn. OLONEL FR.iNCI D1:'XCA~, .n., R . . , D.C.L., LL.D. JOllN FURLEY, E q. Y. 13 . .KENt.ETT-B..rnRINGTO~, Eq., M.A., LL.M.


LrO:-1EL . BE.iLE, E. Q., LD., F.R. \Y. G. . MJ.NLEl, ESQ., \' C. ( lU'geollAPTAI)," RePERT . F. DALLA ~ . General, .Army Meclieal Department). MAJOH. J. '. DALTo~, R. . 'DFORD 1\100RF., E Q., :JI.B., F . . '. IR TUO)IA D [cK-L \ UDER, BA RT. ( urgt'on·ilhjor, A.rmy :JIeuical DepartGEl ERAT, rR n .. B. D . .\.UBENE1', G. '.RI lllcnt). ROllHIlT F.iRQUlI \.It ON, E Q., LD ., M.P. ED)lUND OWE~, E Q., F.R.C .• PHILIP FHA,\K, E Q.. Ln. I.A. lI.lHFORD PE.Ht ox, E Q., :M.A., EDWIr FJlESHF[EL[),E~Q.,LL.D., .P. '.A. n .C.L . . (Rc('ci\cl', relcr of 'to Jolin). CAP'l'AIN HERBERT C.PERROTT (A slstant \I"ILLI.I.M D .I.'''ES FRE TIFIELD, E Q., I ~ecl'elal')-, Order of d. John). M.A. GE:-1EHAL 'IR JOTIN T. GEORGE, h.C.B. ]l.L\ JO R. J A~mS GU.DE \ (A~islanL ( lUl1lccllor, Ol'der of t. John). Almonc)', rl1er of 't John). A. J1:'LIUS POLLOCK, E Q., M.D. TilE HIGIlTIIo::-'.TI-lEE.ntLOF GLASOO\\-. R. REYNOLD ~ BO~E, E Q., F. '.~.\.. Sm BnooK 1\:.\.1', BART. EDWARD II. IEYBRIXG, E:.Q., :JI.D ., OLONEL 'lit lIEXHY B . LOCTI, K. .B. F . . A. 'IUO:llA Lo GMORE, l~>Q., .n. (.'ur· HARLE lIRDrpTO~, E Q. M.D. gcon-Gcncm.l, Army Medicol Departrl':WAItT 'UTTIERLAND, ESQ. Illent). GE\'ERAI, THI!: I'r couNT TlnIPLEToWN, IR VVJLUAM UACCORMAC, :M.A., K.C .B . (Almoner, Order of t. John). l!'.R.U.'. LIEUT. - COLONEL ~(J(,LD IIuXTEH· ROURRT l\[AcLJUN·l\[aoLE \~, Ti;'Q. WE 'TON. F . . A. (Hcgi b'ar, Order of MAJOR G. E. WYNDIBM ]HHET. t. John). ~)ol:or:tr!.!


Th e CHIEF SECRETARY, S.J.A.A., St. John's Gate, Clerkenw e/!, LONDON, E.C.

Dirrrtor of Stow;.

FUHLEY, E Q. (Direclor of .Amblufillce Dcpartment, Order of

(girf ~mrtllr!t.

Copies ~f the above can be obtcdned on application to-

( eerelary, Order of

SL. John).

t. John .)





~s,tji!:itnnt ~rrrrIlH!.! nil'll ~torr1mprr.


llJra'll (0 [fins. LEHKE~ \YELL, Lo TDON, E.C.

Jnllhcrll. 1,0 TllON AND WESTMINSTER 13A 'K , LnlITED (\Y('~lll1il15ter Brunch), 1, St. J amcs's 'q lIure, London, . \Y.



co ~ TE N TS.

£t. -



~ l1'thulnltt£ ~Ssnttutirrn t 1885.

Page Report-General .. Report-Stores Department .. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure Smumary of Detached Classes

7 29 33 3.J.

" On lIome of the Results of Eight Years' Work of the St. John .Ambulance A.s ociation" (By :Mr. John Furley).

A.PPE DlX A.. Donations, Annual Subscriptions, &c., from July, 1884, to July, 1885 Subscribers Life Members Honorary Life Members Form of Testamentary Bequest Formation of a Centre Detached Olasses Sy llabus, First .Aid Course .. Nursing Course (Women only) SUbscription Form .. Medallion Rules-and Illustration of ..

37 41 4..J. 45

49 50

52 55

57 5 50

APPENDIX B. Metropolitan Districte, Country and Foreign Centres, Local Executive, and Names of Life and Annual Members The Order of St. John of JerusaLem (brief acc~~nt of)


61 137

I~ submitting its Report for the last twelve months, the Committee has again the gratification of recording a second donation of £25 to its ftmds forwarded by Sir IIenry Ponsonby "on behalf of II.R.II. Princess Beatrice," by the Queen's command. This renewed proof of the interest taken by Her Majesty in the A ociation, and of approvnl, so practically expressed, of its philanthropic labour, will afford fre h encouragement to its worker of all degre to pare no effort to merit still further the commendation of their beloved 0 'IeI' ign. 01' have other members of the Royal Family been backward in following the xamr Ie set by its iUn triolls head. Th urgent appeal for the exten ion of the movement made by the Duke of COlluaught at the meeting at the Guildhall, re[e1'1'e l to ill last year's ReporT, has met with a 1'e ponse 0 far in ex e . of the mo t sanguine expectations that his Royal IIighne s has shown his appreciation of the compliance with hi, wishes by accepting the Presidency of the City and Port of London Di trict, and hetS consented to use his be t endeavours to spar time dnring his leave of absence from Indict for the presentation of some 700 certificat s now awaiting di tribution. The Presidency of a new and promi ing Centre in the I Ie of Wight has been aecepted by Princess Chri tian who e name hFl.s long been a household word not only in connection ·with the Assoeiation's work, but with any object for the l' lief of pain all 1 suffering; and II.R.II. Princ ss Beatriee, who was three years ago elected President of the ,-~hetland Islands Centre, has now become President of the Hyde Park and Iayfair District.

8 In an interview at "\Vindsor Castle with which the District Chairman, .lUI'. V. Kennett-Barrington, and the Chief Secretn.ry were honoured in December last, lIer Royal Highne s expressed the utmost intere t in details of Ambulance work in London, especially a regards classes for the benefit of working people of br}th sexes, FLnd has still further endorsed the e:s:pre ion of this intere t by graciously consenting to present medallions and certificates on Thursday next at the Grosvenor Gall ry, when advantage of the occasion will be taken by the ladies of the District to submit for the acceptance of the Princess a small offering, accompaniecl by an addre H of congratulation on her approaching marriage, and good ,vishcs for her future happiness-good wishes in which the Associn.tion most cordially joins with the nation at large. The Committee cannot here l' frain from acknowledging with gratitude the encouragement it r8ceives from the fad that the above and the other Royal :Members of the Order of t . John, evidently unde irous that their connection \yith that ancient body should be nominal only, continue to evince a li'Tely interest in its humanitarian objects, and, as far as the other duties of their high position admit, are ever ready to ta.ke all active share ill the work. The Centres formed during the past ye~r have been above the average in importance. Among. t the e may he specially mentioned the names of places such as Oldh~m, 1] u IdeI' field, Rotherham, the "Potteries," Dumfrie, ,Yinsford, ,Vombwel1, and Llanberis. The imp ortance of such 10 calJties lies in the fact not so much even as a large population, or a certain area of square miles, but of the existence of manufactories, mills, collierieR, mines, and warehouses, and of other centres of labour where the employment of machinery and other causes must and always will entail a certain number of accidents of more or 1 ss severity, which in their turn render inevitELble more or less physical suffering. Than k8, however, to the widespread influence of Ambulance training, it iR now becoming daily more and more recognized that such suffer~ng can be sensibly diminished, not only aR

regards the comparatively trifling injury, but also as regards the frncturecllimb or the more serious casualty involving danger to life, hy the speerly application of the principles of "first aid." The A. ociation has, therefore, reason to congratnl~te itself on the increa ing extension of it., operations in districts such as thofle a few of which are enumerated above, and has still further caU8e for satisfaction from the fact that to such an extent is the value of its training fast becoming recognized, that it is now no uncommon thing for promotion to be refused to collier" miner, and other" unle. 's they can produce a certificat for" fir t aid to the injured" from the St. J oh11 Ambl1la,nce AB. ociation. The Ii. t of Detached Chl,.'ses ' to be found ill the Appendix, will tihow till further how widely the good work is extending among t those to whom, above all others, it is of such vital importance-the toilers in our mid t, amongst whom accic1ellts of variou, degree are merely ordiuary epi odes of daily life. The number of certificates awarded c1lU'lng the year has reached a total of 10 123. Of these, 5)~402 have been to male da8 'c" 3 n 7 to femn.le "fir t ai<1' clas cs, and 1,3640 to " nur, ing" cla, 'e. It will be observed that the satisfactory incre<1.. e in th proportion of male pupils referred to in former report . bll continue, and thi tendency will, it is hoped, be even till further deyelope 1. A very large number of certilicated pupil ' now come forward for re-exarnination annually, and the total numb r of medallions i sued to date now amounts to clo 'e npon 3,000. Of the clu,. s, ome are sp cially noticeable, such as tho e for war leI'S held C1.t 11."l\1. prison, Parkhur t; the boys of Her Maj e ty's ship 'Exmouth,' the training hip of the Metropolitan Asylums Board (to ·w hom certificate were recently pre ented by Lord "haftesbury-II r Royn.l IIighne the Iarchione s of Lorne having graciou ly nndertaken the same dnty on the 27th instant); the Royal Irish Con tabulary; for the officer and men of the Guards helel en ?'oute to uakin on board the three transports, outfits of material being supplied for the purpose by the generous kinclne"s of JJady Bra ey; the Police Volunteer Corps, allU Fire Brigades, and R oyal l' aval Artillery

10 Volunteers at various Centres, notably at Liverpool; and, as in previous years, the Staff College and Royal Military College, Sandhurst. In an acldress to the cadets at the last-named place, special allusion was made by H.R.H. the Field-Marshal Commanding-in-Chief to the necessity for and the value of Ambulance training to all branches of the naval and military services, and the Duke of Oambridge's remarks on this subject have since been further emphasized by the recent VI ar Office order, authorising the formation of Ambulance c1aElses for both the regular and auxiliary forces in all garrison towns. The Committee would especially urge on the head-rna tel'S and others connected with both public and private schools the desirability of Ambulance training forming part of the ordinary curriculum of study. Besides the military college above r eferred to, it is only necessary to point to the Sllccess '''hich has attended the Association's classes at Eton, ,Vestmin t el', Charterhouse, the 1{oyal Naval chool (New Cro" s» Croydon, VI[ orcester, and many other schools, to prove that the importance of this -subject is fully appreciated by those best qualified to judge. Special reference to its advant.ages was made at a "Conference on Education under Healthy Conditions," held in Manchester in April last under the presidency of Lord Aberdare. The llsual periodical classes for the ~Ietropolitan Police Force have been held at the cotland Yard, Albany h eeL Leman Street, Lower Kennington Lane, Twickenham and Blackheath Road Stations. The examiner for these classes, Deputy Inspector-G eneral M. Coates, R.N" has on more thc.l,ll one occasion made special report of the thoroughness of the practical knowledge displayed. by the police officers; and the Committee had recently the pleasure of receiving a letter from the Chief Commissioner in which reference was made to the great utility to the Force of the Association's instruction. It is much to be regretted that the total inadequacy of the annual grant from the Home Office to cover the necessary expenses still prevents a yet larger increase in the number of these classes, especially when the pupils are so anxious and willing to learn; and it can but afford matter for wonder that

11 whe~l so many millions can be unhesitatingly voted by Parliament to supp1y appliances for destruction. an infinit e imal fraction callnot be pared when the obj ect is to save life.

Cla ses for the City Police, which some years sillce were so succe ful, have just again been revived. Not the least interesting of the year's classes have been those held at the Ma,nsion HOllse under the patronage of the late and present Lady Iayoress. No effort h~s been spared by either of these ladie by p er.onal attendance, whenever possible, and otherwi, e, to ensure th ir succe ,but special thallks are particularly due .to La 1y Nottage for in tituting the practice so kindly contllluecl by h er ucces, or, ::mel when overtaken by her sad bereavement in the death of Lorcl l\Iayor Nottage, the Committ e felt it their duty to pass a formal vote of condolence with her in her ami tion. Jn the ity district generally, where nearly 700 c rtiticate, llOW awaIt eli tribution, the progre s made ha b en exceptionally gratifying, the chief credit being clue to th Di trict ecretary, Mr. J. H. Easterbrook, who has c1 vot 1 the greater part of his leisure during the past ea on to the extension of AmbulalJCe work in this important Centre. Abroad; new ntres have been formed at IIong Kong, Kimberley, an 1 Graham s Town, South Africa; at Ioutreal, and at llelaiele, wher III eting have ben helel presided over by the overnor of outh Au tralia. Th re ha been, also, much activity at old-e tablish d Centre' abroacl, as at Bombay, where numerou certificate were pre euted by tue Governor, U' James Fergus on, sllortly before hi return to Engtl,nd, his Excellency being him",eJf among the recipients; at Malta, where the Governor-General ir J. Lintoru immons, has pre 'ented medallion to th~ lacli s' cIa se at the Pa!:tc ; and at Melbourne, where the ovorllor of Victoria, ir II nry Loch, who is a member ot' the Central Committe ,ha prided at meetings, at one of which an address was d livered by the Duke of lanchester. Progre s has also b en made in Canada anI New Zealand, and fresh inquiries have been r eceived from other parts of the British Dominion s.



The year 1884-5 has been prolific of meetings of more than usual interest. Amongst these a foremost place must be given to the Conference in July at the International Health Exhibition, when papers on branches of Ambulance work were read by 11'. John Furley and Mr. V. Kennett-Barrington, and an address was delivered by the Chairman, ir James Paget, which, from its eloquence and pathos, must have tilTed the hearts of all who heard it. An abJe paper was also read on " Tlte U1'gent llecessity f01' ?nak'ing ll1'gicul P1'ovisiOIt fa}' Railway Accidents," by aliother distinguished Associate, Baron Dr. Mundy, of Vifmna, Sm'gon-General T. L ongmore pre iding, at the Royal United Service Institution, where al 0 a COllference of the Medical Staff has been held to eli cuss poiuts connected with the course of instruction and mode of COllducting examinations. Dr. Sievelcing occupied the chair at this meeting and at another held a few weeks ince at t. John' , Gate, and both teachers and pupils 'will, it is hoped, materially benefit by the opportunity thus afforded for discus,ion l>v members of the Medical Staff. Amongst other useful papers have been one by Mr, Y. Kennett-Barrington, r ead at Dublin at the meeting of the Sanitary Inl::ltitute of Great Britain, and one by urgeonMajor G. Hutton, "Facts and Figures connected with First Aid," read at a meeting of the Social cience CongT8 'S at Birmingham. On the special invitation of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mr. John Furley attended the third Iuternational Uonference of Red Cross Societies held at Geneva from the 1st to the 6th September last as representative of the Order of Bt. John in England, and took part in the discussions. The lnsertion here of even a list of the numerous place::; where meetings attended by the Chairman, Deputy Chairmen, and I embers of the Committee and other representatives of the Association, have beell held during the pa&t twelve month,' would trel::lpass too much upon exigencies of space, and a selection would appear invidious; yet special r eference must. be made to two-one for the presentation of certificates by the Duch eEs of Teck at Florence, the other when the same

kinrlly offiue was gracioll ly performed by Her Royal Highn ess Princess Chri. tian, the recil ients being pupils attending the cIa. ses held at the Pulytechnic in connection with the Young len' , Christian As.ociation. It j encouraging to record that numerous clas. e' un leI' the auspic s of the As oeiation are held at many Centres aL the instance of thi.' excellent Institution, and not less gratifying is it that s many classes 1l0W rlevelop into 'to John Ambulance Corps, whereby opportunity is aiTnnled for subsequent practice, and the advantages of Ambnlclllc training becom of permanent instead of only transient 1) nefit. A 1110 t ple~\..'ing and practical illustration of the yu.lue of nch 01'I f:; occurred last autumn on the occasion of the opening of the 'oble Dene Doek at outh 'meld' by the Prin and Princess of \\ ales. 'action.· of the local Ambulance Corp.· composed entll'ely, a required by the rule., of certificated pnpil.. bclongin 0' to the gallant Yolunteer Life Brigade of the port, W re po ted ill five liiferent pai'ts of the Dock, having at hmlll . iI'etcher and appliance for c fir t aid. ' their station being imlie;atec1 by a uitabl flag, ancl were thu available in th . v nt of accident., many of Ivhich were feared, olving to the va. t a ",emblage of p ople. F ortnnatcly their service . wore not l' qnirecl, sa,Ye for som trifling ca es; but the smart and wOl'kmnulike ap} aran'e of the Corp attracted very f(tvourable COlTIm nt ii'om ill ir Royal IIighnesses. 'rhe Committ e tru t that d11l1ng tIl ensuing sea. on the number of Ambulan e Corps will be still further lllcrea ed, e pecially at tho. e 'entre. where ther are larg railway depot. The good xampl et by orne tOWllS, nch as Leicester, ,Vorkington, Ashford, 'l\mbridge ,V ell ,and evenoaks, in organi ing completely train d and equilJped Jocal Ambulanc Corp cannot be too highly commended nor too widely follow d. 1oreover, the periorlical in 1 ecti 11 by a memb r of the London ComDllttee or of the Examiuing tail', and the exhibition of practical work whiuh usuall)T follow, affords admirable opportunity for awakeuing and maintaining local interest. The abov -mention ed fact a1' sufficient to show that the Association continues to advance steadily ill public e timation and popubrity while the formation of new Centr s and classes, >:





aud the large increase in the number of examinations, and in the sale of Ambulance mate?'iel, prove that its promoters rightly e timated the career of usefulne s which lies before it. But the extension and development of the Transport Dcpclrhncnt ma.y fairly be dpscribed as the chief feature of the year's progress. It may with equal truth be said that this result woulJ never have been attained but for the unwearying perseverance of the Honorary Director of Stores. Full details of this branch of work will be found in the appended report of the Ambulance Corps; but it is the bounden duty of the Committee to express its obligations to Mr. Fudey, who can be t be repaid for his arduous personal exertions, and liberality as regards use of material, by receiving such extended support as will render his labours not less successful in the future than in the past. Invaluable assistance in this direction can be given by membcr. of the :Medical Staff, who will bear in mind when pati nts require removal that vehicles and appliances of the mo t approved pattern can be obtained on application at t. J Oh11' Gate. The awards to 1r. Furley by the International IIealth Exhibition, referred to in the ~ tores Department report, will give universal satisfaction. The Committee has to express its regret at the resignation on relinquishing the command of the Southern Disbict, of the Presidency of the Portsmouth Centre by H.S.II. Priuce Echvaru of Saxe-,Veimar, who, by presiding at public meetillgs and otherwise, has rendered great service to the good cause. The Associ~tion has also sustained some loss by the removal, from various causes, of some of its most able and zealous IIonorary Secretaries-Mr. Herbert II. IIudson, of the Portsmouth Centrp, Mr. Allan, of Dumfries, Colonel R. T. King, of the Richmond Centre, and Mr. G. M. Sankey, late of Tib8helf. The revised edition of " Shepherd's Handbook," which was stated in last year's report to be in progress, has been publishecl, and has met with general approval from the Medical taff. The thanks of the Committee have been voted to Mr. R. Bruc , M.R.C.S., Honorary Secretary of the R evising Sub-Committee, for editing, and to the Assistant Secretary of the Association, Mr. J. R. Easterbrook, for ably illustrating the revised manual.

A~ in former years, the Associtl,tion has benefited much


the kllldly reference macle to its operations in various public journals and periodicals. Not the least valuallle of these has been an article in the April issue of Chamoe?'s' Jou?'nal, which has been the m ea,us of producing inquiries from many quarters 'w here the movement was unknown. The following is a selection of authenticated cases of "first aid," renderecl by certificat8d pupils, which have been brought tu tile notice of one examincr alone. A notable feature is the careful and skilfnl method of removal on stretchers and wheelecl litters, pecially in the mining and manufactllring centres of industry, and also in large town - and citics. If proof be needed of tll strong practical utility of the Associcl,tioll's work, no more cOllvilJCing te -timony can be adduced. ~ ORTII



( rTynnstay Cutliery B7·anclz.)

One fra r;tured arm; one fractured forearm; one compound fracture of thigh; oue compound fracture of Ipg; four fractured legs; one internal illjnry. Th ca 'es ar certifieJ by Dr. Lawton Roberts, who say, "TellllJorary splints amI bandag s were correctly applied-straw or portions of lothing being u ed as padding. The ca s of fracture of upper llmu were properly lUllg, and the lower limb' ill the other 'a es of fracture were correctly bound together. Tile ca e of internal injury and the c[t 'es of fracture of lower limbs were all conveyed from tIt . cene l'f Lhe accident to the ho piLal Oll tretcher"." In n.ll tilt' e ca e tll correct rendering of "first aid" re ulted in(a.) '1'11 relief of the patients Buffering; (b.) The conveyance of the patient from the cene of the accident to tile ho ~'pital comf07·tably antI with the least possible pain,. and (c.) The delivery of the patient into the hands of the, urgeon with ?to agg1'avation of the injuries cau ed by injudicious or unskilflll handling. TV?'e,dwJl1 Colliery.

One broken thigh. The stretcher was taken ill tbi ca e into :vorki.ngs about half-a-mile, and after the broken bOlle had been m splInts the patient was tak II 011 the stretch r right away from place where he was injured to his bed side at ilome and put illto by Ambulance men. Two days after they remoyed him from his

the put tb bed bed



ann took him to the infirmary where he could receive more attention, in the same skilful manner, ther by saving much 11 eelless pain aud a\'oiding all complication by careless and unskilful handling iu the removal. Se"elal ca. e~ are reported from thi colli ry, in \vhi ch 111 n w re mnch injnred by falb of roof, and who were bandaged. and t mporary splints of stra.\\T, wood, &c., applied, and the suITer rs carried Oll Rtretchers distance of thr e-quarters of a mile to the pi t bottom, then placed in the cage, and taken home, 'w ithout ever once being removed from the Rtretcher on the spot where they 'were placed und rground where they were injured. These report are confirmed by the medical attendant and the Government Inspector of Mines, J. L. IIedley E 1. Fl'ewd Collie?'!). One case of apparent drowllillg. A certificated pupil cam acro s a child just pulled out of the water and apparently dead. IIe u .. eel artificial respiration and brought the child round. One ca e of broken ribs. Careful bandage applied, and tho man was able to walk home. IIafod-y-blich Collie1·Y. One man much injured-bad scalp wound. The tl'etcher some time in coming, so the men rigg'ed up a temporary stretcher, a they had been tanght, and took him to th pit bottom, when he wa. transferred to the regular stretcher. Plas Powe1' Colliery. Oue bleeding from the femoral artery. Bleeding effectually topped :tndlife saved. Vauxlza1l C01liC1'Y. One broken hip bone aud eli. located arm. Carefully aU nded to and removed home. BToughton and Plas Powe1' Collie1Y. One knee severely injured by the bursting of a cannon. bandaged and taken to the Infirmary at \Vrexham.


The Government Inspector of fines, J. L. IIedley, E q., reports" There have been innumerable cases where the Amhulance men have been of use in this district, but the above are the more important ones." BEDLINGTON COLLIERY, NORTIIUMBERLAND.

One compound fracture of leg. One of the class, who wa. ncar at the time, dressed the wound, put on temporary splints, then on a temporary stretcher made of 6-feet lengths of brattice cleals the man

~va:c:; cani 'd ant of the mine, as he himself expressed, most comfortably. TIll ' a e ', .·ay. tb workman who describes it, so opened tIle eyes of tbo men to tho practical import.ance of the work that anotber class of 30 m n \Va. at onc form d. 011e broken collar bone. All Ambulance man put pad under tIle I1rm and a bandage, n,nd the mall wa able to walk home. 011e com p0uIlcl fr:1cturo of leg, and :1rtery llearly sev red below the ]mec. One of tIle class cff tua]]y stoppecl tho ble cling, dressed the woulld, and :1pplied tempomry Rplint . The stretcher wa. ent down the mill and the patient W:1S carried three-quarters of a lllile to the pit bOLtom aud np the shaft, and a '1uarter of a mile home without any r moyal from the Rlretch r. The du tor in attendance afterwards was IJigbly pleased at the way in which Hid was r ndered in the e cases, and it is reported that "sll<:h 1113. been the inOllCllC for good and the good re ultF:, tbat in tho lImnecliaLo clistrict conn cL d with the Bedlington Coal (Jompany otber thr e cb~ . have been formed."


On. fm turecl I g. Dr. 'Ym. IIammond remark. :-" 1\. poor fellow had hiS leg broken c1o\\Tn tbo pit; bis comrade were t. John Amb~ll~llC c rLifi ate bold l'S; they at once rendered C first aid,' and so ill wlItly that 11 wa brought up the pit, removed home about two l~lil 's, a~ll1 put to L d without allY illcrea. e of injury and with very liLt] . pam. ,Vh u I arrived, the t Il1por:1ry "plint~ were properly applIed, anel the leg had be 11 kept in good po. ition." 'rh ... ecr tnr}' to the Ccutral .ociation for d aling with Distre s cn n. c1 by lining AccidcntFl, ny ' in a letter to nrgeoll- rajor IIutton : _ c. 'l'llel'e is 110 rcport to Government onceming non-fatal accident lUllc 's tlleY:11' cau ed by explo . . ion or are ex eptionally erion . Of Courso w know how many acciden ts llappen among t th members of our p nnan nt so i ties be aUee w pay for them. Last year (1 3) ther W 1'e 35,000 amongst 1 6,500 mcmber -say, one in five. There are in all about 500,000 person. employed in min , 0 tbi would givo 100,000 accidents per annum. I cannot po . ibly ay how muny of theFl0 accident ought to hav ome under Ambulauc treatment; but c rLainly an enormous number of the U'01' t cases. rr her is hardly a day happ llS in tbi di trict without our having cases treated." And ill. anuth r lett r ju t receiv el, 11 says :-" I can mo t heartily give e~ld .nce to the fact that tbe Ambulance sy tem work admirably ilJ n chstl'lct wbere it 1. peculiarly need d."






One severe injury to arm. Man's arm run over by train at level crossing; two railway Ambulance men extelllporised tourniquet, stopped bleeding, and conveyed him carefully to ho pital. Owing to the age of the patient (73) he died from shock, shortly after the arm had been amputated at the hospital. . .' One case of severe burns. Para,ffin lamp exploued in shlpbUlldlilg' yard . Face and hands much burnt. Lint and oil applied by Ambulance man. One broken arm, both bones. ,Voman in ooe of the factories got her arm broken. Was put up in plints, padded with newspaper, and in sling; sent to hospital without any pain, and bonos in proper position. One internal injury. Sailor fell from yard-arm of ship, 40 feet, alighting on Ghest. Removed on Ashford wheeled-litter by dock gate men. One fractured leg. Splints were made of paper by Ambulance men, and the leg carefully bandag·ed. One case of drowning. On February 14th, 1885, a body was ob rrved floating down the Tay opposite the east end of the harbour; one or two men put off and broug'ht it ashore. A gentleman passing suggested his removal to the Dock Gate House, where l\.mbulance material is kept, and there one of the certificated men set to work to restore breathing. After 5 or 6 hours the boy was so far recovered a to be able to be taken home, and is now well. Dr. Gibb reports: "I am pleased to say that in no case where either the dock gate, railway, or police Ambulance men have had anything to do with accidents, since the introduction of the St. John Ambulance system here, has there been any carelessness; in fact, the t. J olm stretcher of the Fudey pattern, is now so common a thing in Lhe hospital that our Superintendent of the Infirmary has got a lift made so as to fit it, and the wheeled-litter is now run on to the lift and the patient wheeled to the bedside." SOUTH SilIELDS CENTRE.

One fracture of leg and other injuries. Carefully put up and sent to Infirmary. The House Surgeon says the careful way treated saved the leg from a compound fracture. One wound of brachial artery. Bleeding arrested by St. John Ambulance pupil. One bad wound in the wrist in shipbuilding yard. Severe bleeding, arrested by St. J ohn Ambulance pupil-a working' man, who was complimented by the doctor for his prompt and correct action.

(D ezcsbll1'y-Batley-Birstall.) One fracture of hip; two cases removal from home to ho 'pital; one art rial b1 eding upper arm; cno fracture of leg ; one fracture of ribs; one wonnd on bead; one di.<;location and injury to ankle. There have boen many other caso of ,. fir t aid" which have not been reported. In .the cases mentionod, "first aiel" was efficiently rendered, and the patlCntR carefully removed. The medical men who subsequently attended the patients ha\e certified as to the practical and efficient manner Jl rI'lt airl" waR g iven. Tllo lIoll. Secretary of this tentre, r port that "the method of carrying the injurell and sick by the Amhulance pnpil is found by the do ·tor. of such senice, that it if{ almost a clailyoccurrence for their ,etTice~ beiDg recluisitionoel hy the medical men, not only in taking' to th Infirmary, but removing' paraly. eel ca 'es," &c. lIe also reports a case that has ju t occurred as follows :--" A mill clo'o t o u. , tel phoned to us, a king if we had a litter a they had an ac ident. I went and found a man's arm sma hed at tbe elbow and only banging by a picce of kin the size of finger-olle of their men had put OIl a t ourniquet on th ul per arm 'lccll, and he had hardly lost any blood. r askecl tho man 'w ho put on the tourniquet if he had gone through any las, o~, he aid, No; but I live with some people who have, and 11a,e oft n s en them practising, and 0 know what to do.' Another thiug I notie d in thi C8.S0; someonp. bad got a cab tbere, hut the men about dielnot attempt to put tho lllall in, but wailed patiently for the Ambulance liLler, anci the mall was thus carefully removed to the hospital. The limb ha been amputat d and tbe man is rapidly recovering. Now comparo thi ' ca. e ·with tho following one :-~\. man in our mill fell from the roof fractured hi elbow and tore the artery-the men who were ''lorkin g with him did not kn ow what to do - indeed they ",ere hohlin g hi. arm. 0 that the Llooel wonld fall on the ground, and not soil their trousors-they never ell' amt of stopping the bloeding. The result \Va the eloctorR could nut amputate tho arm for bur days, the man was so weak from loss of blooel, and he ",a many week in recoverillg. A it wa ', I wa jn t in time in tbi ca e to top the bleeding, anel, a the doctor says, to aye the mau's life." 'YIN FOilD CENTilE.

Tho following L the Ii t of cases where ; first aiJ." ha been render d:March 25th, E. Blackburn, '\ T a)'s Green, simple fracture of the forearm aLL lld d by JUl'. T. Dntton, who applied a hort splint and sling. The doctor's remarks are," Onse doing yery well. The splint, but moro esp cially the liJlg, no doubt contributed to the patient's B



20 comfort.-H. Leak." April 11 tb, Enocb Lightfoot, IIi gh-stroet, f1'u,ctured ribs with injury to lun gs, attended by Bugler Kennerley, who applied bandages and straps to chest. The doctors remarks are, "It was a matter of considerable difficnlty to remove the patient from the bottom of the wagonette and up some very narrow n.nd steep stairs to his bedroom. Kennarley rendered me very valuable assistance.-E. Potts." April 18th, - - Aspinu,l1, Weaver-street, fracture of both forearms, scalp wound, and shock. Attended by II'. TIenry Lightfoot, \vho sent for the doctor and plac8u patient in a comfortable position with his hea.d low. Doctor'::> remarks :-" Great assistance rendered by a St. John's Ambulance pupil in carrying patient and placing him on an improvised litter and taking home.-E. Pott." May 5th, ,Villiam Perry, High-street, right foot severely hurt. The case caused prohl e bleeding, and was attended by Ir. A. tubbs and Bugler Kennerley, \\ho removed him home. Doctor's remarks :_t' Ambulance pupils placed pads and banda.ges over the wound, which at once effectnally stopped the bleeding.-G. Okell." 1\Iay 15th. Laban Stubbs, Weaver-street, severe contusion over the left shoulder, concus ion of spine and shock. He was attended by Bugler Kennerley and Mr. A. tubb, who removed him home. Doctor's remarks :_Ct ITe was splendidly carried by Kennerley and another workman from the works to a steam packet. I attended to his injuries on board, and the same men carried him from the packet home. Kennerley had made a large arm sling out of some sacking uefore my arrival.-E. Potts." May 15th, David George mith, ,iVinniugton-street, spontaneous hoomorrhage to ulcer in log, u,ttended by Mrs. Potts and Miss Beaman. Doctor's remarks:- t Bleeding effectually stopped.-IT. Leak." Mr. Cooke said he had spoken to the medical gent18man in this case, and he assured him that if it had not been for the attention of the ladies the patient could not pos, ibly have lived until the arrival of the doctor. Attention is particularly directed in the foregoing rough list of cases to the removal of injured men from the underground workings of mines without being moved at all from the stretcher; in cases where the cages are large enough, the Furley stretcher with telescopic handles can be got in entire, and this

has been clone in many cases. Particular attention should be given to the improved mcthod of moving injured men by the above means in the colliery districts. Probably very few people have any idea of the immense area of coal pits, one, for instancc, which the prcsent Home Secretary visited after an explosion had taken place in it, had more than eleven miles of 1nain 1>oadway alone.


Guisborough, Yorkshire, June 24th, 1885. I have many instances in my mind of the great value of the Ambulance instruction. You would be surprised and pleased to see the tren.tment of some of the more serious cases of accident now sent to the TIospital. In more thn.n one instance I have done nothing more but simply curried on the treatment, and first-rate cures have been the reo nIt. ome time ago a boy cut his forearm in a wood at Skelton, whi18t cutting a stick with n. kuife; he severed the radial artery and was fainting from 10 s of bloocl-he b eing alone. Fortunately one of the Ambulance pupil arrived on the scene jnst in time: he at once saw the nature of the accident, and directly put pressure on the chief artery of the ann, bOllnd up the wonnd, had the boy conveyed to the Hospital when I ti ccl botb. ends of the cut artery, and ill a short time he wa~ discbarged almo t fit for work. If the man had not wade his appearauc tb poor laO. must have l)led to death nn een. Another ca e. -A miner \'\orking at Chaloner Pit got the muscles of the foreu,rm tom from the bones, causing great hremorrage, and had faint d from 10, of blood. Fortunately the Ambulance Cla::;s ecretary aniy c1 put pre sure on tbe main artery applied cold water cloths to the wound, brought th man to the no piLal, and he \'\as discharged after a short time able to work. Another cas e.-A man broke his forearm clo e to the "rist, the bOlles ju t pointing beneath th sbn; two men of my cla s extended the limb, set tbe fracture put the limb in plints, and ent him alone to my surg(\ry, when I had little to do except to continue the treatment. lIe is now at work. I could tell you of many more caseR, ueh as injuries to bead, face, ::md oth l' part of the body that have been ncces fully treated by men b longing to the diff l' nt Ambulance Glasso" "\ery many accidents take place at tho differ nt works with which I am connected, and I am Ilea cd to record with great sati fatioll the plea me and illtere t the mell take in helping their il1JU!' c1 brother workmen. I hav0 al 0 noticed that the home nm ing' of medicu,l C(1se" is done better in the house vf the Ambulance men, the wive and daughters arc more attentive to the inl3tl'actions given by the mediC'al mun than formerly. DEAR MR. DIXON,

I am, dear Ir. Dixon, Your inGorcly, J ..:QIE' MERRY\\TK\,'rilER. (.'ignelI) \V A -y,

E. q., lIon . . . 'ee., nce AHso:-iatioll, Mid li lesul'o'.




Aml)UI ~



June 1st, 1885. The IIouse Snrgeon of Liverton Mines Hospital has much pleasure in replying to Mr. ,Vaynman Dixon that the few cases that have been admitted here were brought hither in a careful and proper manner by their fellow workmen, some of whom have had Ambulance instruction. New sm,all cottage hospital, with three or foul' beds, mostly


Nort.h Ormesby, Middlesbro', June 8th, 1885. DEAR SIR,

It is with much pleasure th[l.L I reply to your letter asking my experience of the work done by those who have attended the Ambulance classes. So far as I am able to judge, I can only say that a great amount of good has followed the instruction given. At the Cottage Hospit[l.l I find the condition of injured p[l.tients received there much more satisfactory than was the case when the principles of "first aid" were known to only a few. At that time almoRt nothing was done when an accident happened lmtil the patient was seen by a medical man. Simple fractures were sent to us then without any temporary appliance to prevent them becoming compound, whilst more serious injuries were recei ved almost untouched. Now that so many know what to do iu cases of emergency, we finn nearly all injuries, before leaving the various works, have bern carefully dressed and treated in accordance with the instruction given at the Ambulance cla;;ses. The benefit to the patient from thi tre[l.tment is most important to the after progress of the case, and I need hardly say it is not always the injury which brings about [I. fatal termination after an accident, but often it is the loss of blood, where perhaps an imperfect attempt, or no attempt at all, has been mad to stop its flow; or may be it is due to additional shock from want of care in preparing the patient for removal to an hospital. The Ambulance lectures have instructed many how these and other dangers are to be dealt with, and the good work done cannot 1e too highly praised, especially in a manufacturiug district such as this. . First aid to the injured, if righLly performed, means in many cases a life saved, or a more rapid recovery to health: either result being of the greatest importance, especially if the case should be one of injury to a ~an who has a wife and many little children depending upon him and hiS earnings for their daily bread. I am, yonrs very truly, (Signed) WM. KNOTT, IIouse Surgeon. W AYN:dU~ DIXON, Esq., Hon. Sec., St. John ~mbulance Association, Mlddlesbro' Centre.

This Cottage Hospital last year admitted 377 in-patients, mostly surgical cases, and the larger part accidents from the u'on works, shipyard, ra.ilway, &c., a great many of which works have their qualified Ambulance men and proper maMriel.

for benefit of miners. N ORTll


Middles bro', May 30th, 1885 . I think there can be no doubt in the mind of auy thinking persoll that the work of the St. John Ambulance Association is of real practical utility. I do not remember any case which seemed to have suffered in its transit here; and there is one patient lying here just now with a hoken leg, who came in put up in a way that must greatly ha,e lessened the pain and subsequent danger of its becoming compound The police are always handy. I ouly regret I h~tve not noted any more special case . B lieve me, dear Sir, Yours faithfully, J. A. FRA ER, IIouse Sw·geon. 'YAYNMAN DIXON, Esq.


North Rilling Infirmary, Middlesbro', last year admitted 537 in-patients, consi ting brgely of accident cases from the large works of 1Iidcllesbro' and neighbourhood, GRANGETOWN,






June 15th, 1885. In reply to your inqniry sent to the House Surgeon of the Eston llospital, I have i.o state it is the experience of the surgeons, at both end of the township, that patients now getting' hurt either in the mines or in the iron and st el works, are efficiently attended to before removal by members of your Association. As there is no Resident Surgeon in E ton IIospital, it has been put on me, as one of the urgeons, to reply to your enquiry addressed to the IIouse urgeon, and I have not done so without getting the opinion of the other surgeons as to tbeir experience. I rem[l.in, Yours faithfully, igned) JOIIN GLEN, M.B., 1l1'geon. WAYNMAN DIXO , E q.



Eston IIospital belongs to Messrs. Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., Limited, and is for the benefit of the thousands of workmen employed by them at their steel works at Eston and their ironstone mines. This firm alone have 256 qualified Ambulance pupils scattered over their works and mines.

The nearest Ambulance pupil was summoned, who sent for doctor and gave the child emetics. Child recovered. 9. Lad scalded his hand with hot tar. First aid rendered. Oil, lint, and bandage applied. 10. Young woman, hand severely cut opening a tin of mea.t. ,Vound washed, pad and bandage put on. The stretcher and litter has been used four times to convey patients by train (25 miles) to the Infirmary, Edinburgh, from the scene of their accident.



June, 1 5.


List oj Cases. 1. Goods Guard of the North British Railway. Deep cut of the head with profuse bleeding. First aid rendered by J. llunter, signalman. The hair was removed from wounu, wound washed, und a pad and bandage pllt on. Man able to proceed to Glasgow. 2. Goods Guard, North Briti h Railway. Compound fracture of the thigh, bleeding from artery, and inj llry to back. FIrst aid rendered by J. Hunter, signalman. ..Applied tourniquet, which was ineffectnal on account of the seat of the injury; bleeding stopped by the pre sure of finger upon artery. Hunter afterward in tructed a b-.;' tander bow to press the artery whilst he went for a doctor. The inj~u'ed man was conveyed to Edinburgh Infirmary, but died under operation. 3. Boy playing with a mangle got several fingers of one hand severely crushed. He was taken to doctor's house, but doctor not at home. An Ambulance pupil (Jno. Gillies) was sent for who did all ihat . ' was necessary untIl the doctor's return. 4. Young man exploding waste detonators had part of one fino'er blown off and hand injured. Fir t aid rendered by J no. Gillie ; wo~nd washed and bound up with pads and bandage. Young man taken to doctor.

5. A man took by mistake a quantity of vermin poison. First aid rendered by Jno. Gillies, who gave emetics and sent for doctor. Man recovered. , 6. Foreman blacksmith struck on the head with handle o[ a lever. Severe scalp wound. Attended to by Turner and Wyners: hair clipped off, wound wa hed, pad and bandage applied pending arrival of doctor. 7. Man engaged in explosive works. Right forearm blown off le~t ha~d lacerated, artery of left arm injured, face and head iujurec1: ~l~st ald rendered by several. A tourniquet applied to each ann the l~Jured man placed on a litter and carried to suitable place for exal~ina­ tlOn .by doctor. Pupils assisted doctor ill dressing wounds, after which the l.nJulr~d ma~ was takeu on litter to Bdinburgh Infirmary. 8. OhIld pOJsoned with spirits of salts. .FathC-'r been solderiDO' left th f . b' e room or a mmute, the cbild took up the bottle and emptied it.


An illu tration o[ the value of Ambulance training among the police wa. hown on Tlle day last, when shortly after five o'clock P .C. Day, 166 L., who was on duty in the Kennington-park-road, had his attention attracted to a woman who was lying on the footpath in a pool of blood. lle fOlmd that a varicose "Vein in her leg had bur t. The officer, who hold:') a certific~Lte from the Ord r of t. J obn of J eru alcm Ambulance ociety, immediately placed a compress on the wonnd, and having bandaged the leg' up pnt the woman in a cab and conveyed her to an ho pital. The house surgeon expressed an opinion tha.t had it not been [or tho prompt rtttfmtion of the police constable the woman mu t have died on the way.-The 81'itish lIIeclical JOll1'nal, June 13th, 1 ~ 5.




17 June, 1885.

I beg to report that at 5.2U rt.lll., 7th inst., P.O. 166 L Edward Day, [ound Phcebe Cook, age 33, no home, lying on the footwa,y in Kennington-park-road bleeding [rom her left leg', which he tated was caused by the bursting o[ a vanco vein. The P.C. at onco placed a compre s on the log and stopped the bleeding, and con\'eyed her to It. Thoma. ' IIo pital in a cab, where she was examined by thA llouse Surgeon, who stated that a varicose vein had bur t in the left leg, and detained her in Elizabeth '\Vard. Cook tate that slle has no friend in London, but ha'" a sister named mith l' Wing at Ip wich- treet, olch e tel'. fr. Parsoll , one of ill dr' ers at t. Thomas's TIos-pital, who attended upon the ,yoman befor the arri,'al of the llOll. e urgeon,

26 and who removed the bandage, has been seen, and states that the P.O. with very great intelligence and promptitude, and although he WIll not go so far as to say that it was the means of savinO' the woman's life, yet on her arrival at the hospital the bleeding~ was effectually stopped, and that was all that could be done under the circumstances. G. HORN BY, In specto7', J . BRANNAN, Superintendent. a~ted

The for egoing is sufficient to show how pos ible it is to suffering, and when it is remembered) for example, tlwlt In the 12 months ending October, 1 84, in factories alone 8,501 various b?dily illjUl'ies, not fatal, were caused by nuwhillery,* and that In 403 cases death ensued) and that, during the same yea:', 1)86 personst w ere killed, and 8,023 were injured) by ~eCld,ents on railways and on railway premises, it is eRSY to Imagme, even excluding the innumerable other fields of labour w~ere accidents are daily occurring, how stern a ncce sity eXIsts that those whose avocations lie in these dangerous paths should possess that knowledge so indispensable to enable; them to assuage anguish or to saye life. . ,From an ~conomical point of view also the advantage is illd~sputable s]~ce, ,as was graphically demonstrated by \u'geonMajor Hutton m hIS Pap er at the Social Science Congress above referred to, if the knowledge of "first aid" of an Ambulance pupil enables an injUl'ed man to be placed in the way of making a, " gO,od, recov,er~," and thus return the earlier to his occupatIon, It IS a clistmct gain both to his family and friends, it lessens the call upon his own earnings, and r elieves the funds of any Benefit Society to which he may b e a subscriber. Such Societies, and the Trades' and Miners' Unions and similar large Associations for promoting the welfare of I~iners and others of the working clast!es) might well take into their consideration the desD:ability of annually subscribing towards t~e. funds of an Institution which, with so many calls upon its lImIted resources, has yet done so much for those who can afford to pay little or nothing to help themselves. So urgent ~'elieve

* Vide Report, Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops. t Board of Trade Annual Return to Parliament.

27 a necessity exists for a substantial increase in the number Annual Subscribers to enable the various branches of its beneficent work to be extended and increased, that the Committee most earnestly hope that ill future, as unfortunately has often OCCUlTed hitherto, lack of funds may not alone prevent the development of its humane undertakings ; and trust, therefore, that many of those having means at their disposal, will aid pecuniarily in this most r ecent crusade of the Order of St. John. The annual rep ort of any philanthropic institution can b e, as a general rule, but a detailed record of dry facts, and still Ie s acceptable statistics, valuable in themselves as proofs of progre s, or as evidence of useful work performed, yet to the ordina.ry r eader often uninviting, and sometimes even uninteresting, But the work of the f t. J ohn Ambulance Associa.tion has this g reat advanta.ge, that the motive which prompts attendance at its cIa. 'ses, and directs the energies of its pupils, -the earliC, t l esire to become qualified to save life and to alleyiate suffering must always be a prominent featnre in the contempbtion of its proceeding . In the busy and self-seeking nineteenth cenilU'y, an age which, rightly or wrongly is often censured as being one in which the pm'suit of wealth has crushed out higher aims and loftier objects, it is gratifying to find after eight years' experience that so many thousands of men and women can still bc found to devote a portion of their leisure and plea ure to the attainment of information not calculated to bring them any personal recompense other than the happiness ,vhich must follow the p erformance of a duty to suffering humanity. The success of the St. John Ambulance Association in the limited p eriod of its exi tenue has been uch as its founders little contemplated. Its cla ses have been held in almost every part of the Queen's dominions; but there are wide districts, even in tho Unitod Kingdom, still untouched. '1.'he humblest worker, the poorest pupil, can do his 01' her little part-the powerful organisatio~ for "first aid to tho injured" existing in New York, and spreacling thence to other large towns in the United

28 States, was only initiated by a young lady who had herself attended the London classes. The Committee therefore confidently appeal to all to help them, so that the blessings of a work .so. co.mpassion~te in its conception, so essentially philanthTo~l.c ill Its executlOn-a work which rouses in our population ~ SpInt of self-denial and emulation to benefit others-may be IncreaBed a thousandfold.

~t. ~nlJlt ~lnh1thntte ~ssntiatian. REPORT OF THE


'Vith regard to the Stores Department it is only necessary to refer to the li ,t of articles issued dluing the last twelve months, which will be found at the end of this Report, to prove that thi ' branch of work is still progressing. Special interest, however, attaches to certain items of ambulance material, and we would particularly call attention to the fact that considerable supplies adapted for use in a hot climate have been sent to Egypt and the Soudan. Several Asbford litters with double covers and other articles were ordered by the National Aid Society fur Cairo and uakin. Litters, stretchers, Beaufort springs, and" first aid" hampers were also furnished to Messrs. Lucas & Aird for their taff engaged on the railroad in the ~

'oudnn. tores of a similar character, but adopted to a very different c1imat , have al 0 been sent to Canada for the Princess Louise's Committee; and although it is to be hoped they may not be required for use in war, they cannot fail to be appreciated in some of the civil hospitals of the Dominion, where they will serve to express in a practical manner, though in a small degree, tho S8nse entertained in Great Britain and Ireland of that foeling of loyalty and patriotism of which Canatla and the Colonies have lately given so strong a proof. The total value of tho stores issued this year amounts to about £4,000. In connection with t.he Department it must be mentioned that si.."'deen horse ambulance carriages have been de igned and built under the direction of 1\11'. John Furley, and practical experience in some of tho principal towns of England having proved the usefulness of and need for these vehicles, the Committee have undertaken to relieve him ot' the personal risk and responsibjlity which h e has hitherto borne, :lnd in future horse ambulance carriages of similal' character, but so varied as to


30 suit th e r equirements of special localities, will be supplied in the same manner as other articles of ambulance material. It should also be mentioned that quite recently Mr. Furley h ad t he honour of submitting a horse ambulance cC"trriage fol' the inspection of the Prince and Princess of , Vales at Marlborough IIouse, when the members of the Ambulance Corps gave a demonstration of the manner in which invalids could be placed in 01' taken out of the carriage. This vehic.:le was built for use in London, but as the Princess of 'Vales Branch of the National Aiel Society were anxious to send an ambulance carriage to Egypt without delay, Mr. FlU'ley ,vas requested to do the best he could to adapt it for use in Cairo within tho space of t en days. This was done, and immediately after the insp ection at Marlborough House it was shipped for Egypt. In last year's Report a list was given of the Exhibits of the Association at the International IIealth Exhibition. It is now our pleasing duty to record that the Jury a" arded a Diploma of Honour to the Association) two Gold :Medals to :Thlr. Furley, and a Silver :Thledal to the Tibshelf Colliery Centre of the Association.

L ist of places which ha'l.'e been s1.q7pliecZ with lw?'se ca?'7'iages designecZ lly }'.fJ'. Fw'ley. BRIGHOUSE. N ORTIIERN H OSPITAL, L IVERPOOL. ST. J uHN AMBULANCE ASSOOIATION, L ONDON. Messrs. L OGA & HE1',IMINGWAY, Railway Contractors, MELTO)l' MOWBRAY. WELLTh'GTON, ~ O~mRSET . ~TEST HARTLEPOOL. METROPOLITAN ASYLUMS BOARD. SWANSEA. WREXHAM. Messrs. O. CAMi\IELL & Co., Limited, SHE1!'FIELD. LEICESTER. CAIRO (for Princess of Wales Branch of the National Aid S ociety).



Lzst of St01'es issued fl'om Jilly 31st, 1884, to


31st, 1885.

Ashforcl " Litters complete with StreLcher3 (improved pu.ttern pu.tenteel) with Stretchers with Telescopic nu.ncllrs •• Amb~~bnce Stretche'l:s (CC Fl~rl('y" improved pn.Ltern) .. .. •• " " " "I'i"ith Tclescopic HancUes 'pare canvas covcrs for " " " Large Diagrams (for LectlU'er's use) (sets) Splints (seLs) . {Fielel .. .• TOluOlqueLs " ) (Esmu.l'ch s ElasLIC Ambulance namper , fiLLecl complete, and with waterproof cover anel strap Olas Attenelance n.11(1 'erLificatcs (sets) Registers { ase Reports Book



Plain Triangular .. Bandages { Roller .. •. Ptlll'S Orulches •• SeL Beaufort prings .. .. •• •• . . . .• •• BandaO'es-E mareh's IllustraLed (wilh printed I nstl'Uel.lOns enelo eel) o '11epherd's (" J! ir L Aiel ") • • .. •• I 00 gl'u,ve's ( Tur-iug) for advanced classes ... I Gildea's (Oreler of L. John of J crusu.lem 111 England, anel St. Books ~ J o11n .l"-mbulanee As ocialion) .. ,. ., . . . .. \ Esmal'ch's (" First Aid") (ll'!1nslu.Led by n.R.II. Pr111cess hl'istitm) • • .. Poe ket" ide 16moire" in linen lined envelopes mall Anatomical Diagrams .. .. .. .. " . .• .. . .. 1.fcelallions Ice Ball (Rii.dcl's) with line complete (for use m leo ACClelents) .. "Esmareh's" Tourniquet Brace ' (pairs) •• Revised "SysLem of Stretcher Exercises" (the 0 are incluc1ed in all Shepherd's llund-books now i sued) •• •• .• Special nu.mpel's. . Silk ArID Buelges .• Electro Of1P Badges Eloctr os of tho Badge



Total value, £4,215.

25 75 190 Sl

IDS 160

252 76 386 42 40 42

5,5S7 3,383 3

7 lS,2 9 1 ,603 4,318 6-1 317 10,~07

12,276 1,174 2 64

296 5

259 7


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ST"\TE:JIE ~ T of

A~1:BUL ~~ NCE

Receipts and Expellditure from Jl1ly, 1884, to July . 1883. £

To B alance, I nvestecl in Consols, as per la~t account .. At Lonclon ancl \, est minster Bank £ s. d . Petty Cash as on J uly 31st, 188.1, 0 13 10 0 2 0 P ostage in hand .,


s. d. 0




o 15


2,000 638


2,638 17 " D onations, Annual Snbseriptiom, and Sundry Paymellts by Centres :1ncl Detached Classes 2,109 0 1,000 0 " Stores Department . , Di\'idl'nus 58 3 " :Jlisc('llaneous (including saJe of Pamphlets, &c.) 3G 1

£5 ,8J3


d·l By Lec t urers' and Examinera' Fees n.ncl

G 8






(C r. £ s. d.

Trlnel1in~ Expenses 1,3.1,8 17 0 " Print ing Books, Reports, Circull1r<', &c., and including 375 3 2 Stationery 53 13 10 ., Mat erial S1l1;plied t.o Detached Olas~es 25 0 0 " Grant to Cenlre 300 0 0 " ChicI' Secretary 73G 6 0 " bLlarics and ',"ages ] 0 10 0 Audit Fees (3 Jcurs) 90 0 0 Rent .. " Office Expenses (including new Fittings and R epai.rs, 51 16 5 IIousekecrw)', Newspapers, Gas, Fllf'l, &r.) " GO 1 7 "TJ'lnellil1g and Ineillenlnl Expcm;cs (Exeeuti,e Officers) 133 2 7 " P ostage aull UUl'riagc of Smail 1\11'('e18 2 If) 9 " Telegrams ., 15 16 0 " Advertising .. , . Balallce£ s. d . Impslcd in Cons018, as on 31st July, 1881, 3,000 0 0 At London aUll \\7estminstcl' Bun k 630 9 2 _C s. d. o 5 D Pet Ly Cash . . 0 2 2 l)osto ge o 7 11 - - - - 2,630 17 1



IIE RBERT C. P E RROTT, RUPERT C. F. D ALLAFl, (Signed) Cltief Secr etary . Treaslll'er. W e hn.,e examined the above account with th c books and { (Signed) J-10 VELO OK A~D } CAaJ'iered Al'Countant s, A~tdito1'S. , oueLers procluced, and find the salllc COl'rCCt. II . \ V. ::;. ' VlIIF FI N, 19, Colcman Strect, E .C. H tli S eptem ber, 1885. (~igned)




().:> ().:>



S UJL1L1 RYof UBT.ACIIED CLJ.l SE (other thall Centres) held durillg the ye:1l' 1 :-. J:-J (J l1ly, 1 884:, to July, 1885)






ht aid.

- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -~


Nul's- :tl Ialc. ing.

l st hill.


---- ---1-----

·\.lton eRe-examiuation) . . .. Ashingtou Oolliery .. .. c\.shton-nnder-Lyu:3 .. .. Ba:nber Bridge .. .. .. B:tllbury . . .. .. .. Banstead (Re-examination) .. Bat~l .. .. .• .. Bebiogton .. •• .. Bedlington Colliery .. .. Belfast; .. .. .• .. Bognor .. .. .. .. Boldon Oolliery . . .. .. Braintree (Re-examination) .. .. .• .. .. Brecon Bromley (Kent) .. .• .. Burgh (Lincowshire) .. .. Cardiff .. .. .. .. Cal marthen .. .. .. Chatham .. .. .. .. Chndleigh .. .. .. Clevedon .. .. .. .. Dartmouth .. .. .. .. .. .. Datchet .. Derby .. .. .. .Doncaster (Re-examination) .. .. .• .. DOl'king .. Dover .. .. .. .. Downham Market .. .. Duffield . . .. .. .. Dumfries, X .B. . . .. El~wick \ Yorks (Xowcastle-on-TYlle) Enth .. Forest of Dean .. .. .. Gainsbl'o' . . .. .. .. Gatesheacl .. .. .. Glascote .. .. .. Grimston (Lyun) . . .. .. Guildford .. .. .. .. IIayclock Colliery .. .. oj


Carried for warrl



.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..





in g',


82 :J;] 1 1,) 1 1 17 1 1 1 11 a 1 11 4 10;3 1 11 0t ,·X;! mint',1 1 ] 14. ;L) 1 11 ot exa milll'll 1 1 1 1 ;) :20 1 1 L3 23 1 10 1 8 3 2 39 35 1 ]3 1 8 1 -- Hi 1 11 1 9 2 33 :: 1 -- .. 1 2 1 18 ·11 13 .. 1 J6 .. 1 20 .. 1 10 .. 2 2 G0 4G .. 3 ~ 34 1 lU ..I 1 -- n ot c~a Illin~u 1 22 _ .. 1 43 .. 1 30 _ .. 1 n ot exa. min c,l .. 1 20 _ .. 1 - [ - 24 _ ..



I 2








8 46:3 3GO 118

lst uid.

2G 1 1



36 5 17

1 1 1


1 1


IG :2

Kil:Jd IV LonsLhdc , .




Ken·\\,ol'Ul. .


8 46J 360 lIt; G 7 13


Kuar ~sl 11'0' Lax y (LI of Mau) LeytollRton LockerlJie, .B. Long ,"'tratton ..\ laidellhoacl l\[aryport . . Mitehalll .. Mon Le


~urs- ;)Iuic. lIst ing . aid.

-- I,-- - - -- - 27

Brought fonntl'll lIa,ylil1'" 1 ~ l alld lIenl y- n Thames lIet V,n-Io-Hole rIiIling-doll .. Hc)J'. ahay ( oalLrookdale) Ret tl'rilJO'

~IofLtr, ~ T .



" -U ERE llELD.

not included in pr3viou Hcpol't. Classes.


n ut

1 1 1





13 \)


mil' ell


20 1-:1:








n ot cxa minp. I


~r llllingal'

(II'0Ian(1) Tew 'a" tle-on-'rYll-' (Cy 'ling 'lull) ;\owLo\Yl1 (JI on,) , . Xorwich .. Overton (1 uabon) 0."" . try .. Parkfiold (Li \-crpoo]) P emith Port rush (Ireland) Hadstock 1 llaUOll Rioon . H~yal1\[ilitnry r1011cg' (. nnclhnr.· t) Saddl \\'ol'th ,':-tIe (~ r :-tncll(' s t 1') , ligo Strowl ,'uruiton IIill Tellby Thir k 1'orqn8.Y 1'yncmouLh \ \T 8.lsall W est Bl'omwi h Ditto ( Police) Carried forward

1 11


ot exa mined

29 22 1 3 1

5 8 12





1 1


1 1





25 1




16 4.2

17 70 If) 14.







5 2-1


J ·1

12 30


11 ot exa mined

















-=-I_=- ~l-=--=-

_1 5:; GO I 1G 915

25 218

c 2

36 Certifies tes.








Brought fO!'ward \Vilnecote .. ·. ·. 'ViI ton ·. · . "' \Tinchester · . ·. ,\V"inmnrleigll · . ·. '\Vol,erlJampton ·. Ditto ( 'hifnal) · . o.


·. ·.

·. ·. o.


·. ·. ·. ·.

·. ·.



1st aid.



1. t aid.



--- - - - - - - - - - -




1 1


1 1







82;') 21.























ON SOME OF THE RESULTS OF EIGHT YEARS' WORK OF TH E ST. JOH N AM BU LANCE ASSOCIATION. A Paper read before the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem (English Language), at their General Assembly on June 24, 1885, BY



Rarnes ·. I3100111, bnry · . . 1 ] ~alin g :. ·. · . · . E1ltham Road (Blackheath Collegiate 00









· •




·. o.

·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·.



o .

.. .. ·. ..


















23 -

1 1




1 -




1 1





SPECIAL. , Exmouth" Tr:tining-ship .. I nfant Orphan Asylum, '\Vanstead ·. 1:I.M.S. " :Minotaur" .. . P arklmrst (1. of ,\\Tight), H.M. Convict Prison. ~

I- 1

- I1


1 1


School). IIaclmey (Deacones es' IIome) Ditto. (Orion Gymnasium) · . orth Fll1chley .. .• ·. P utney IIiH ·. · · . R oyal Naval chool (Kew CrosR) St. John's (S.E.) . Somers Towu ·. ·. . S toke ewington .. · . T ooting lira veney ·. T u£nell Park .. · . ·. ITpper Tooting · . ·. · .








17 1·1




20 -



13 -













13 -






















nut exa minell





B ankok (Siam) C'alcutta ( [ndia) ..

·. ·.




Dhurmsala (Illdia) ·. · F lorence (Italy) .. .. .. II?ng Kong (China) 1 K m[2:ston (Ontario) Royal Military CoIl., 1 Canada. .0



Grand Totals


1 1





n ot exa mined n ot exn.lmined


n ot cxa1mincd





n ot exa mined

- - - - - - - - - - ---

75 7G 23 1154 1042 320 · . '---v----' '---.......,-~




Director of the Ambnlcmcc Dep!1'rtm(mt, Order of St. John, and Honora?'y Director of St01'es, St. John Ambulance Association.



A ociation wa foundeel in the year 1877, with the popular motive of affording (( First Aid to the Injured." EYen after the lap e of so short a period a eight year, it would be lifficult to trace its xact origin, but I think it may be fairly described as the direct outcome of that enthusiasm which wa evoke 1 in 1 70-1, anLl the effort which were then made on a stupenclolls scale in favor of ::;iclc and wounded soldiers in time of war, and which it was rightly thought hould be su tained for the ben fit of civilian in time of peace. Endeavours in the latter direction are a proper complement to the former, or perhap', thi order may with more propriety be rever ed. J mu. t again a sert my opinion that the two ought never to have been so cntirely separated as they have been. Red Cros Societies are doubly valuable in time of war, if kept in a tate of useful activity in time of peace, a they are in Germany, France, Russia, and el ewhere; and what better sphere can be founel for the maintenance of their reo p ctive organizations than in such work as that in which our Association is daily engaged? "Peace hath her victories/' but, as in war, there i a reverse to the medal; and who can count the number of civilian who are struck down by di ea e and accident on the battle field of daily life? The. e need as::;istance as much as tho e who fall in war, anel they have as great a claim on our sympathy.

4 Association and granted a proficiency certificate and badge which they wear on the left arm. In achlitioll, 4:3 Con tables have becn traincd tbifl summer uncleI' Dr. Higgins, and passed their fil'st examination by the officer of the Association, and were granted certificates.

JHajor Barker, tIle Chief Constable, also writes a' foJlows :"N ot a week pa ses but some inl)tance occurs demonstrating the valuable as istance constables can give by being instrllcted in your system. It' is a great boon to the pl1 blic and only those like chief officers of police under \Y hose notice the working of the system comes, can fully realize it." Very soon after the First Aid Classes had been e tablished, an additional incentive was offered to tho, e who had gained certificates, in the opportunity to attend an advanced course; of lectures on Nursing. Though of secondary importance, for a trR.inca nurse cannot be made in five lectures or even in fifty, the .. e have also been followed by excellent results, especiaJly where the Glasses have been formed entirely or partly of working ,vomen.of those who cannot afford the presence of qualified nurl)C, in their houses. It so often happens that the skill of the doctor is neutralized by the inability of those arouml his patient to carry out even the simplest directions; and it is to supply such a want that this Nursing Oourse of Lectures is particularly adapted. It is a mistake to suppose that any superficial instruction will of itself qualify women to take the place of trained and c.'perienced nurses, either in peace or in war, though it may be, and it sometimes has been, the first rung of the ladder which lead" to that position. On this point there should be no mis-apprehen..,ion. Many generous and impulsive pcrsons scem to illJagine tha.t because they possess certificates from the St. John A.mbulance A.ssociation for First Aid, and for N ursillg, they are fully justified on the outbreak of a war, in volunteering £01' Hospital service abroad. Only a long, patient, and arduous apprenticeship in hospital wards can fit men and women for work, the first essential lesson in which is obedience and discipline. The nursing lectures !lave undoubtedly done much good; ancl the doctor's time il-l not so frequently wasted as it used to be, when he could place no dependence on those whose ,,york it was to perfol'm SL1ch simple dLlties as changing sheets on a bed without removing the in valiJ, preparing poultices and applying blisters, &c.


The general Literature of the Association is so extensive that I only propose to mention its principal text books. First in order must l)e ]lamef1 "Aids for Ulses of Injuries or sudr.1en illness." This valnahk little \Yo]'l- of which more than 0:3,000 copies have benn issued will evcr serve as the best and most practical memorial of one of Ollr first (1nf1 HtannchC'st supporters, Surgeon Major Peter Shepherd, who fell whih,t hntvely performillg his duty at Isandlwana. A new eclitioll of this vvork has lately been issued, and we [1.1'(' inclclJtetl for this to nI.:. R. Bruce, M.R.U.B., who has carefully ulH1.iudiciollsly revise(l the text, whil ·t its value has been greatly enlJanced by the e.'cellent illLl ·trations which have been addccl ll'y :Mr. J. H. Easterbrook. For the text book in the cc T l1r~ill (f lOlll'Se of Lectures," we are uncler an obligation to Dr. E. Mac])ow,l COfignwe. ... Tor ll111st mention he omit.ted of a hool- whieh, thon 6'h pllblihed independently of the A. sociation, ha~ nev "rthcle . lJecn adopted 1J,Y it. I refer to " First Aid to the Injnl' .c1," 11)T Profe. ,' 01' E march, and translated by the most illll::.tl·jon pupil of the A . . ociation, H.n..H. The Princess ()luitian. In the early (l:.tys of the Association the few simple appliances, ne <1 'd llv the L 'ctnnm" for the pnrpo 'e of cl mOllstration, and by the p\1pii~ fm' practice, were pUl'cllased as rCfll1il'ed. This was ,'0011 founel to be an e.'pensi ve a' well as an inconvenient plan which fre(lu ntly createll clitticnltie , a ,et of al'ticles u, ed in one -lla . lJeing often quite eli ~' silllilar to that u eel in another. This lUll to [l. cli .. tinct branch of work which has since developed into the Stores Department. Here almost everything we require is not 0111y n:anufacturec.l, anc1l-ept ready for use, but many articles are actually invented as the necC"sity for them becomes apparent. T11llfl oIll' Stretchers, Two-wheeled Litter, Ho pital Trollys, Inyalicl hairs, Horse Ambulance CaITiages, and Fir t Aid IIampel's bear a distinct cbaractel', and all the .. e thing', are the result of SOllle years of car >ful stuLly and practical c.-pcrience. N ext to the knolvlcdge of' the best m[l.lll1er to improvise Ambulance appliances is the a hility to usc specially constructed means. The Str 'teller is llndoubtellly the 1110,·t importallt vchicle for, 'iyhether the (listttJlce to be travelled be long or short, whether a journey be periol'lllec1 by rottd or l'ttil, it is Oll a portttble Stretcl:er the invalid should he pIa,ced: next in value) for reasons whlCh ..L



are self-evident, i the hand Litter or ,tretcher on whe lR, ancl thirdly the more costly and lux.urious horse Ambulance Carriage. Yet w'hichever of th la t-named vehicles may be u ecl,the tr'tcher mu t remain the most important unit, if I llIay be allow d the expres ion; indeed it is iudi 'pen able, for ,yi thout a propel' Stretcher, the Litter is not complete,antlno oft cushion. or yielLlillg springs ,yill compen 'ate for its ab ence in a hoI'. e Ambulanc Carriage. In any consideration of Ambulance transport, I 'wou] 1 in ist upon this order, and I hall pre ently giye other l' a.ons which I think will ju tify the dogmatic manner in which I llIay appear to express my opinion. It is this uniformity and interchangeability at which ,ye had long aimed, which we have at last succeeLlell in obtaini Du' . and '=' whatever alterations may be made, I tl'U. t that the!':;e quaJitiefl will be preserved, for without them an important part of our work would be again thrown into the confn 'ion from whi<..:h it i sued. During the progre s of a war we have often remarked how seriously the proper removal of sick and wounLlecl. 'ohlier. ha been impeded when, owing to stretcher being of differ nt pat·, terns we ha"Ve been obliged to shift the invalids f10m one to the other because the tran port wagons were only adaptecl to one. i%e. For such an anomaly as this there may be Ollle x.cuse in time of war, but there is no rea on why it hould ex] t, to the , ame extent amongst civilians in time of peace. I wi. h ,,ye could annihilate all the difficultie in this reo pect as far as they effect our o,,'n Empire: but I do not despair of the time when we shall have, both for civil and military purposes, a. hetcher that will be practi ally interchangeable. It is unnecessary to enumerate all the ach antages which would be gained, for I think these must have been made very apparent quite recently when so many civilian. were engaged with our soldiers in Egypt and when uncleI' military d.ir~~tion the construction of a railroad "vas untlertaken by CIVIlians. The advantages of uniformity and interchangeability to which I have alluded are fully admitted by the ArulY :Medical Staff~ and knowing this I would deprecate that reckless and indiscr~l~inate criticism which is so often levelled at the military authontles because they profess thell1f3clves una1le immediately to adopt all the changes in Ambulanee material which they allow to be improvements. Take only one instance, a change in the

pattern of the .:ervice Rtr tcher. This means not only a cacrifice of PI' sent means o[ transport c1ishilmtecl over nearly every part of the worlel where Bl'itish solclicrs arc to be founll, but it would pl'01ably involve a chang in the. tretcher (hill. EYen then the ditJ-icnlties woultl not he o,,-cr<..:Oltle and uniformity of Ambulance material ,vould be fonnel to 1 e rplite impo . ible. During the la t three years as we know, Army Stretchers, Cacolcts, Dhoolie., and Damlles have be n employell in the, 'ame army, and we have en fiolllil'rs lalllled in this country in the navy cots in which they left Egypt. I lulY marIe this lligr . ,'ion, because where all feel .0 much int l' 'st in al1(1 'Ympathy with our ick and wounded oldiers and ·ailor;.;, it is right that the circmnstances of those who are responsilJle for their care should not be entirely ignored. I repeat that the conditions in time of war bear no analogy to tho. e ,,,ith which lYe, a a peac 'ful a. so<..:iation, hayc to cleal; but our experi'llcu comlJine(1 with that lil lerty of action 'w hich we enjoy may, amI actually doe, ,enalJle u. to as 'ist in l' alizing that progre to\\ a]'(l:-; a urea tel' degree of uniformity in Ambulance tran port, material, amI con ' quent 1 .'Rening of phy.ical u fierin 0', which \\ as . ugn'cstell at the International ionfer nc held at Gen va last antunlll, \yh )n a wi 'h was unanimously ex-pre.·s d that in aU Anni sand ] ecl iro::;S . . o<..:ietie· a ·tretcher of identical . ize SllOUhl he llsed, Strekh r' mny vary in point of d tail, but if uch a llccision a' th above ,,-ere gen rally accepted) much unneC ~~al'y suffering anel jnconvenience woultl be ayoid d. Th \ Report of th A,. ociation 'which ha been read to-day contains ample (Ietails as to th material which ha b en i. ned by the Storefl D partment clul'l11 o' thc last t"'elYe month. ; it i only necesl-!ary for me to state that th \ yalne of the yariou t1.l'ticle amounts in th nggn:{1'ate to (1)ol1t £-b 300, and that alllong~t our prill<..:ipal cll~tomC1's haxe bl:::cn the Admiralty, the OnIllancu Department, Hoyal Arscnal, ,Yoolwi 'h, the row 11 AO'cnt for the Colonies, the Agent-General for outh All tralia, '=' the Nn,tionaJ Aid • oeiet)', MesT.. Lucas and AiI'd, the Metropolita,n Aflylmn' BoarLl, the ~t. Auchew' Ambulance As ociation, tho Corpora.tions of Bradfol'l.1 and Bootll" allLI tho following Ra.ilway Companil!., the lIIicUallll, Lom10n ancl South-\Y ~tern, LOlHlon and N orth- \Vestern, and Lancashil'e anll York hire.


Reference is made in the Report to the fact that I hnve designed some horse Ambulance Carriages and that, at my o"\yn risk, I have hacl sixteen of these yehicles built. Kn0wing the necessity that exi, ted for irnproyement in this direction I have satisfaction in feeling that I was able to do s0l11ethillO' towanls it. I have now been relieved of tbe personal responsibility of carriage building, and in future this branch of work will be included in that of the Stores Department. I now wish to invite your attention for a few minutes to a branch of work which has rapic1ly become one of the mo. t important and satisfactory outcomes of the As ociation. I mean the organization for tbe removal ofinyalids f1'o111 any place to ally place. A few small Ambulance Corps were e tabli,.heLl for local purposes two or three years ago: the fir::,t of these W0l'e formed in Kent, at 1vIargate, Ashforrl, Sevenoaks, Cranbrook and Tun briclge \Yell. , and in Yorkshire at Brig-house, and Midllleshrough. Tbis example was followed at Leice tel' on a more ambitiOlls scale an(l, I think, this was thefirstCorpsin theproYinces to po " es a hor, 'eAm bulancc Oarriage as well as the simpler means of tran port. In the Metropolis, whil t effort were being made to organize an Amlmlance scheme in connection with the large ho pitaJs similar to tbat which exists in the principa.l cities of America and which ha been illli tated with such marked success at the Northern Hospital at Liverpool, steps were being taken at the Head Quarters of this As ociation to provide means for the proper removal of invalids whh..:h had been until then almost entirely -wanting. Owing to an absence of funds the commencement was of the most modest and experimental character. During the first few months an Ambulance beino" Carriage was lent for the purpose, and the staff en()'ao'ecl . . b b b qmte madequate for extended employment, the work performed was confined to a few cases in London. In 188-1 our colleague, Ca~tain Dallas, kindly presented the Association with a OalTiage of Improved pattern which was at once put upon the road. From that time the real existence of a liletropolitan Ambulance Corps dates. Another Carriage, resembling a small private omnibus to which a gold medal was awarded at the Internationa{ Health Exhibition, has since been lent to the Oorps,rathel' than the work should be allowed to suffer for want of sufficient means of transport.

I shall pres~ntly r("for to what has been already accomplished by our little Corps but I won]ll first mention the fact that it possessed no ostal)lishment fund whatever. Tl1e mo,'t rigid economy has l)con oh.,el'yed and tho necestlity for this has frcquently doubled our labUUl'R. Undoubtedly the Ambulance Corps will be in time a selfsnpporting Institution, but it InU t oe reu:.emoered that there is no money in hand to pa,y for tbo installation 01' for the wear and tear of' rolling stock, in which India-ru1ber t,yres form no incnniclcl'nblo itcm. As Hon. Sccretary and ~ranager of this Ambulance Corps, and as ono who fl'cclllCntly a:sist, in the capacity of A mbulancie?' (I wish an Engli, h word coulll be foun!l for this) it is a plea ure for 111 to CXPl'C,' S my hearty recognition of the manner in which Mr. \V. J. Brasier ha, acted a my chief a,;,-'i"tant, and also to acknuwledge tho willing help at all timos aft'onlell by Mr. Jackson, who has work t1 with me frum the fir, t ca..'e of removal we undertool-, as 'well a, by Mr. \\~illiam , Mr. CUl'ti anll Mr. Smith. Appell(led to the Report is an abstract of the Ca~e Book, s11o\\'i11'" that ince, 'to J ohu' Day la ·t year we haVE: moved 129 invalids l)elunging tu eycl')' clas ' of Society. I will only present a few c_-a11\plcs which "\"\ ill nable a more accurate estimate to be fOl'lllc(l of tllO importance of this particular branch of work than can lJe obtained from any general tatement. A man with a fracturcd leg was taken from London to Maid, tone; a case of paraly, is from nJal'<late to .l. eath in Glamorgan,' hil'e' a policeman crippI ,(1 l)y paraly, i" cnl1.'cd by a blow, from the Cjty to Ealing; a woman :.;utferil1g from extreme debility from London to Southampton; an oiliccl' of the Scots Gnanl. from ,Yinll 'or to Lonc1on; a lally wi th congestion of tho lungs from London to Gom hall, and anothcr lady from Lonllon to Gllildfol'd; a poor boy with piua,l complaint from ~Iargate to t. Luke's; a lacly from N orthallcrton to London, anll anothn from Lonclon to Li \Terpool . a lady with spinal complaint from Lonc1on to Broad ·tail's; a gentlelllan from St. ThomaF;'s Home to Pcnal'th (\YalcR), and anuther f!"Om Lonc1ull to Basilwstoke' a ladv from Rein'ate to b ' . I b Lomloll by roall; an officer fL'Oll1 the Royal VictOl'ia Hospital, Netley to London, and t\\'o officers who were wounded in Egypt were mct on arrival at Port mouth, and conveyed to London; five


11 10 iuyalids have also been brought from ships in the London DoclThese are some of the longest journeys which have yet been undertaken by the Corp, but I may perhaps, without i1ll1iscretion, be permitted to add that quite recently Lady Bra sey con ulted me with ren'ard to the removal of an invalid from <':l ~ladl'id to London. All the arrangements were completed, and I have no doubt had the plall been carried out the journey would have been accomplished in a sati factory manner. Indeell there is no reason why we should not maintain complete ambulance connection with all the health re orts on the Continent, and thus supply a want that is frequently felt. The first 0 bj ect kept in view i that the poorest per on when helpless from illness or accident may share the same facilities with the rich when they wish to be mO\Ted, or medical and ul'gica.l exigAncies demand such removal. Anxious as we are to de erve the patronage and support of the rich, we feel that credit attaches in a areater dearee to such removals as can be performed for persons of small means at the lowest po sible cost. I have thus briefly and I fear very imperfectly touched on some of the con picuous results accomplish ell by the St. John Am bulance Association. Captain Perrott our able and indefatigable Secretary and all my colleagues could illu trate other pha. es of the work. I must be pardoned if I have given undue prominence to those off-shoots of our original scheme with which I my elf am most closely connected. In conclusion then, I claim for this Association that it has popularized the giving and receiving of instruction ip.., and the practical application of First Aid to the sick and injured, that it has not only done this in every class of Society in the United Kingdom, in India and in all the British Colonies, but it ha al 0 assisted in extenuing the same work in many other Countries,' notably in Germany. By this means simple accidents arc llaily prevented from becoming complicated, unnecessary pain is frequently avoided and valuable lives are sometimes saved. The Association has also introduced and circulated throughout the world Ambulance material of improved quality and construction; and this has materially helped to diminishsllffering. Tbir(lly, by means of its Ambulance Corps, it has not only provilled vehicles for the transport of invalids, but what is of far greater 1:)


importance, it possesses a staff of trained men who can adapt these means to the varied I' quirements which the circumstances of indivillual invalids create. And further I may add that all the consequences which have sprung from the Association may be summed up in one great and con 'picuous 1'e ult. Sympathy with pain and suffering ha' expanded in the arne uegl'ee as the knowledge how best to alleviate it ha. been lliffu. cd. It will be the duty of those on whom in the future will devolve the re .. pon ibility of directing and regulating the simple but wiele pl'ealling machinery of thi great A ociation" trictly to maintain the principles on which it was ta ed, ancl on which it is now flourishing. Thus guilled the St. John Ambulance As ociation i .. capable of till further developing a power of practical good in a ·w orld that is at it.' be t when, through humane and Christian elltiment., it is keeping touch with the victim of moral and phy ical suffering.



"" **

The sums with which Lhe se,crul Centres and CIa ,cs are here credited rcprc cnl the full amount rccei,ed u. Sub eriptions, from which the Central l?uncl c1'Ul'gC for Expen c hu.ye lo be deducted. In 1'nany cases the Subscnj}{iolls do 1J Ot COl'er th e disbll/'semenls, and in others 110 balance -:'s left in fal'ollr oj the Associalioll.-ride tutement of Receipts and Expcnditul'e, pngc 3:3.


1. DrSTRICT (pCI' :Major Jamcq Gildea) '0 . II. Dr TRICT (prl' :\11'. Jobn U. En~lerbl'ook) .. Xo. nT. DISTRICT (per :Mr. V. B. KenneLL-Barlington) :Xo. V. Dr TRICT (per Mr. C. J. Lambe Eamcl» TO . 1'1. Dl TlU T (pCI' :Mr. K II. Bu.ycrtoek) TO. J ". DI TItlCT (per Mr. F. J_ Grie bach) No. XII. DIST InOT (per :Mr. John Fi hel') TO.

£ s. d . 200 0 0






0 0 0 0 0



5 5 0 13 15 1

OGNTRY. Ayle blll'y Barn ley Barrow-in-Furne s Bt'I'J11ucltt Birmingham . , (ErdingLon Bruueh) Blackburn BlackheaLh Bognor Bridport Burnley Bmton-0n-Trent Canterbury Cheltenbam ..

4. 16 0 4 6 5 5 10 3 5 5 0 <.1, 19 9 G 0 7 4H 0 5 8 4 14 13 6 4, 2 7 6 14 0 2 10 0 6 13 6

:r OTE.- Owing to the continuanco of work this H'U.SOU ill many di trict to a. mllch later pcriod t hn,n hiLherto. thQ annual balunee shret J~ac1 ~o be closed bcf~rc the rcceipt, in numerous ea es of Lhc amount clue on tllC Lel'llUnatlOl1 of the £in~ncJill YC:U'. For 016 Hlmo l'eason a sub equcllL inye. (mcnt of £500 c1oe~ not nppeflr Jll the pllbli hed bu,lanee heeL at pngo 33. Local Treasurer and e(' ~'etllrIes of enb'es will eonfcr a f.-wonr in futurl-l b~' foJ''' anling the anlluol rell:utlance 05 s(10n as po. sible I1fLel' t ho close of l he lln:lllciul year.

38 <;loy Oross Cork Cranbrook Croydon (Whirgift chool) Darlington Dublin Eastbourne Bton Oollege .. Farnham Faversham Grave end (Tilbury Ola,b) Gibraltar Grimsby Guernsey Hastings (Fi hermen' Ola. s, per Ln.cly Bras eJ) Hn.wkshcad ., Heavy Woollen Oentre H nddersfield •• Ipswich Keighley L anea tel' Leamington Leeds Leicestershire : Leicester Branch Wigs ton Branch Uppingham Branoh .• Lilleshall Oolliery Liverpool (Ladies) Lymington Lytham Maidstone Malta Manchester :Marlow Middlesbrough Monkwearmoul11 Newark New Zealand (Ohrist Ohurch Branol1) North Wales Oolliery (WynsLay) Nottingham Oldha"D. OxfOrlt Perth Pilsley Polmont Potteries (Staff.) Reigate Richmond Royal Military College .•


2 18 G 13 8 16 4


2 10 26 1 [) 0




G 0 0 0 0 5 0



11 3









7 lb 5 1 17 2 [)


'.I0 20

Rye .. S at on Cat'C'w Seven oaks Shrerness Southampton . . Sloel,port Slourbric1ge 'ydeuhn.m Tnnn,orth Tn.nn(on Tibehclf Tonoric1ge (,"chool) TUllbridg ,Ydls '1llfcrford W'dlington ( alop) ,Vhilelmreh ,Yilllbol'l\r Wirk worlh



0 7 0 1() 6 1 0 10 0 ]2 1 G H n 0 0 8 0 5 0 0 0 6

DETACllED CLA "'E -** .A.1l Fem!lle CIa es unless otherwise stated.

'l7 2

3 6 16 G 0 13 0 9 1 10 1 1 1 6 G 21 1 2 10 37 9 1 1 8 2 [) 5 0 [) 10 0 30 ] 2 It 0 3 8 3 13 4lt.L


0 o 10 5 0 55 1

2 0 0 0 0

0 0 9 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 G

G G 0 0 0 0


Abingdon (per Mrs. Morland) Alton (per ~Ir~. liull) Ai'ihillgl011 ollieri (Malo Chss, ret' Mr. R. Latimer) , . A ltLon-un{ler-Lyne (per l\11'~. Abel Buckley) J3t11l1ber Bridge (Male cltu, ]1r1' Dl'. C. J. Trimble) 13anbul'Y (pCI' 1\11' . Pellal I) .. BuLh (pel' :1li", P. II. Britlges) 13ebington (~rnle class, ]1r1' Mr, ream) 13rdling-tol1 (~rtllc rlass, prr 11'. J. Rogl'l") BloOlmhury prall' cln."", per Rey. J.:11. adm~Hl) Bognor prahl and Female cln:;sC's, per Mil's A. Fullngar) Bowe~ IJark plule unclPcmnle rln~s(>!', per l\1r. E. Lamprell) Br.lintrce prulc and Female eln . e", pel' 1\11'. II. Prykr, Te-examination) Breeoll pInlc and Female clai:1~c~, per ::'[1'8. Clca hy) Bl'imseombo (Malo elu 5, per Lr. P. J. Evans) .. Bromlcy ( la~scs, per Mis. Dccdrs) Bro\' l1ey olliery prall' cla ., pl'l' rl'.~rs. Bell Bro Burgh (Lincoln hire) (pel'l\Iig, Heanh'y) ul'diff (per Dr. Taylor) 'ul'lnnrfhl'll ("JIalc llnd Female ela~ c. , pel' Mis IIughe and Mr. 'I. Spul'l'clJ) .. 'llttdlciglt (pC'l' Mr. J. ~tlam ,Yat8on) Clol'C(lon (per 1\Iiss Yisger) .. 'o:tlbt'ookdnlo find Ho!" ehay pfale cb~~, pr't' MI'. II. O. Simpson) Conlbl'ool,dnle (Male cluE'S, PC'l' :111'. O. A . lhc11l'Y) Dartmouth (pOl' Mujor Toms) Datehet ( htle cla~s , 1,er Dr. Osborn)

£ 8. d, 12 16 5 8 0 6 311 G 6 6 0 9 1 [) 21 3 2 18 15 ;J 11 15 6 8 1 0 1 6 0 16 19 11 [) 1 fi 1:3 16 0 0 1 0 5 0 6 9 G 0 2 5 0 5 () 0

£ s. d. 014, 0 2 0 0 3 10 10 10 10 () 0 8 6 13 6 0 13 13 9 3 5 G 2 16 G G If) 6 8 12 10 I.j, 4 0 3 0 6 25 14 3 9 1 26 6 0 4. ]3 0 II 9 2 011 G

41 I G G 3 16 8 3 G

7 G 0




G 5 0 2 3 0


40 £ s. d. Derby (per Miss U. Darby) Doncaster (pCI' Mr. A.. O. Wil 0;) •• Dorking (pCI' :1\1i8 . M. Benecke) pIule cla ,per 11'. G. GUl'llincr) DOl'"el' (pel' jlis G. A. Fielel) DownlH1m Iarket (pel' Mr8. LutLer) Duffield (pel' :JIrs. IIeywood) Dumfrie pEale and Fcmale, pCI' fro F . . .lUlen) Ealing (pel' Mr. F. R. IIawarcl, M.R.C.S.) .• Elswick IV ork (Male c1:1 s, pel' Mr . .LL PheIp) Eltham Road (per Mi Oro Llchcr) .. Erith (per 11'. BeaeUe) " Exmouth," Training hip, pel' Metropolitan ~~ ylum Boartl .. Falmouth (:\Iale clas , pel' Mr. J. IT. Gelln) Florence (Ola .ef', pCI' 11 iss Colnaghi) Gain bro' (JIale cIa s, pel' :JIr. J. :JIur hall) Gate heacl-on-T,}ue (Uale cla~ e , per JUl'. E. TO'wcr) (r.IuJe ela~ , per Mr. F. Riley) Glascote (1\1ale cIa s, pel' Mr. B. Gott) Guildford (per Dr. F. R. Rus ell) .• IIaekuey (Female cla. ,per Deaconess Louise Collicr) (Orion Gymnu ium) pfale cla " per :JIr. A. Barnllrd) Hayd ock Colliery (:J1ale classe , per Messl's. R. Emns & Co.) Hayling Island (per Mi s E. Sandeman) .. Henley-on-Thames (pel' Mrs. Baskerl'"ille) .. Hillingdon (pel' :JIr . John ttlwell) Infant Orphan A ylum, \Vanstead (:Jfale anel Female cIa sse', pel' Mr. II. W. Green) Kegworth (pel' :J.1r. W oclehouse) ,. Kettering (1I1ale class, pCI' Mr. O. W. Lane) C~fule and Female cla.sse , pel' 11ft,. T. P. Baker) Kirkby Lon sdale (per ~lis . L. IIarris) Knaresbro' (pel' Lhe Visrounte s Laseelle ) Leytonstone (per Oolonel D. A. Baby) Lockerbie (~fale class, per :JIr. J. Maclachlan, ~1.B.) Long Stratton (per Mrs. Cotton) .. Maidenhead (per Mrs. L. Davie') .. Maryport (ilfale class, per Mr. J. B. Eailey) Mitcham (per Mrs. RutLer) Moate (Male cla s, per Mr. n. E. Yates) ,. Moffat (Male clasa, per Mr. R. W. Blyth) Newtown (Male cla s, per Dr. O. Gowan) . . North Finchley (pel' J\fi A hley) Norwich (Male class, per Mr. R. Foster) ,. Oswestry (per Mrs. E. II. Evans) .• "., ., Overton (Male and Female classes, per Mi s A. "IV. ·Williams) .. Parkfield (Liverpool) (Male cluss, per Mr. A. J. Fail'rie) " Parkhurst II.M. Oonviet Prison (1\1ale class, pel' Mr. Arthur Pl'iee, M.R.C.S.)




Penrith (;}fale and Female classes, per Mr. J .• 'illlpson Yeate ) Portrush (per Miss Orookshank) , • •• •• ,. ••


6 £) 4 40 12 11 2

4 IG 16 18 IG 17 ]:3 12 4 4 10 1·.1


G 0 0 0 0

G 8 2G 10 0

·1 11 C 17 a 2 ,1 ·1 0 11 3 III G 3 IG (j 3 U Jl 10 0 0 £)20

10 10 2 ::; 0 10 10 3 ,1 3 3 4 2


o o G

1 11 12 10



4 2





(Rel'r-ilcd aL 'entrnl OfliL'C only, nnd noL including tho e recei,ed by Local lIonom.I'Y ~e(;l'elarie of entre.)

.1. DUllation oj Fil'e Poun Is allLl lljJwal'c!s cOllstitutes a LiJ'e JIembei'. An Anllual I 'llbscrij,tlon oj Five I 'hillillf/s Witt uptL'ai'ds constitutes an Annual JIembel'. ~\.n Aslcl'i::.k ( ) signifies an Allllual



200 '.I, 7 10 D 4 :3 1:)

2 8

3 1:3 18 1·,L l.L 5

0 8

"All ell , :\Ir. John. ~'~Ullla It, :Ml's. 'mlec::!. AlIlllCl':>L, .\1 J'. \\T. Amlllll':;L '1'., *' \.ppleby, 1\11'. F. II., :-'LR.C.S.

0 1





>II- \.tl,imloll, 1\liss O. A. *".13." *J3.13, lIfl'.

Dall,} ,


II. A.





1 7 G 13 17 G 12


SUBSCRIBERS] 1884-1885,

10 1 ) o 2G 8 o 3 10 8 12 1 0


13 12 6 6


o o

9 13


s, d 13 0 12 0 15 6 17 6 7 4 4 5 5 0 20 12 G 7 0 0 4 3 10 1 15 0 19 14 0 13 1 0 30 2 0 'i HI 6 3 10 0 1.1 4 0 £) 8 0 1 1 0 3 3 0 9 ]8 0 8 U 0 3 10 0 3 3 0 2 10 0 IG 16 0 10 3 ;£

Plltney IIiH (per }'f1's. Sandell) Rhnabon (pel' Mrs. S. E. Ormrod) Ripon (Malo and Female cla.sse~, pel' ::\11-3. IIaslam) per :\[1's. '\Vhittaker) SarlcUeworth (per :\[rs. 'Wrigley) " " (pel' ::'IIr. J. Fl'ance) •• • 'I. John's, S.IL (Obb el:!, pcr Mrs. Hich) Hale, :\Innehe:;Lcl' (::\falc and Felllllie cIa ~c , PCl' Mr. J. "IV. Rooh) •'hil'naI, ,\Yohel'll:lll\pton (pel' the lIon. II·s. ,f, Bric1gcman) I 'omeJ',; 'rown (:\1.11e dass, pel' 1\1r. Andrew Moil') toke ~ CIyingLOIl (per l}fi, A. Jeafft'c on) Slrond (pel' :\[i~:; \vilkin:,on) • llrhiton Hill (Ch'l3e3, P '1' l\It". Dard ' well) Tim k pEale al1(l Female cIa :,C', pCI' Lady Frankland) 'l'ooLin!; GI'all'ncy (p~l' ::\ri~s E. Lonl) TOI'lII!:l) t'1[ \le and \<\-lI1a1e cla-;ses, pel' :\h. O. hapley) 'J'llfllcll l'al'1, C\lale cIa" • PCI' ::\[1'. L. II. l>o,,"c11) 'l',} lll'lllotl~h (pur ':\[1' ..A. Wi kin '011) rpPL-!' Toolillg pInle da"", pCI' Jr. C. II. Bakel') Wal,.:LlI (pll' ;Hi." Kirkpa.tJ'ick) '\\' est Brom \I ic·h (:\1 tle and lTclllalc cla~ e , pel' :\f 1':3. :\f. A. Conuol') (Pulice CLl'S, pel' ,'llpl. '1Yh itehul';;t) " '\\-dloll (~hll' cl:t~~, pel' MI'. '. H .. 'lI-nlton, 1'.l1.C ... ) '1\ JIlchc"tcl' 'la,~e' (lWl' -:'Iis~ A. F01'1'ot) .. ,Yillillarll'igh (.\lalc aJl(l Fcmale cIa' C:>, pel' Re,. ']'. n. Al'mi.:leac1) '\Yoll'cl'lInmplon (per -:'[1' . .T. O. ~lujol')

0 0 0 0 0 3 0




*Baker, ::'Ill'. G. *' Beale, Mr'. Lionel. *Bender, Rey. P. *Bcnccke, 1\1i~s A. 1\I. "'Bernard, :MisB E. .. Beran, :Mit; ' . '~BlackJllorc, ilIr. Fruncis J. *Bradford, Ii'S.

42 ""Bridges, Miss P. II. *Brown, Miss Ursula \'lade. Buckley, JUrd. Abel. *Burt, :BIr. G. Bustros, Madame K de. *Capel, Mr. Frank C CalT-Dyer, :Mrs. ·Ceely, Miss J. F. *Clancarty, Earl of. *Olarke, Mrs. E. M. *Clea by, Un. Edith A. *Coate~, Deputy r nspector General Malthew, R,X. :!fCoek hott, 1\11'. A. "Colfox, Mrs. *Cooke, Miss E. A. ~Copest-ake, 1\11'. W. G. Crompton Co-operatiyc Provident Society, Limitcd. *Dallas, the Hon. Lady. *Dallas, Cli.ptain R. C. F. -Dallas, Mrs. R. C. F. *Davies, Uiss. *Davies, 11 i s Charlotte. *Dickinson, Mr. W. G. *Dixon, lfi,B W. A. Dixon, Mrs. RayIton. *Draffen, J\Irs. W. Pitt. *Edden, Mrs. M. ·Ellis, Miss A. M. Emmott, Mr. J. *EYans, Mrs. P. J . *Evelegh, Captain G. C., ILl.. ~E,elegh, Miss. '*-Finch, Miss J. Franh, Mr. Chas. W. Glenn, Miss. *Glyn, Miss Cunstance. *Gordon, Lieut.-GeneraL *Greenhol'ne, "Miss. *Haig-Brown, Rev. D. *Haig-Brown, Mrs. *Haig-Brown, Mr. Clarence. *Haig-Brown, Mr. W. A. *Haig-Brown, Mi s *Haig-Brown, 1\1iss H. S. *Haig-Brown, Miss A. 11. *Haig-Brown, Miss F. A. Hardy, Mrs. Paul. *Heathcote-Smith, Mrs. E. *Hieks, Dr. J. Rraxton.

*lioarc, Sir O'BJ'yen, Bart. *IIoste, Mr. G. If. "'Ifutton, Surgeon-Major a. A., A.M.)). *IIunt, Major A. Carew. *" In J\1emoriam." *J ohnson, Miss K. A. '"'Kay, ir Brook, Barl. .. Laird, Mi s Alice M. *La,fr , J\Ir. '1'. II. *Lovrll, Mr. 'laUeI'. "'Lowry , Lieut.·Gcnern.l R. '\\-. , C.D. *Mackenzie Dr. Murray, R.N *MaiLlunc1, ]\frs. Edward. *Martin, Mr. J., F.R.C::i. *Maude, Miss. *.JIn1Y, on and Thomp<:>on, 1\Ies.r~. *.McEwan, Mrs. E. '-Mcwburn, J\Ii E. *MiLchell, Mrs. F. J. Moore, uygcon-3Iajor 'auMuJ'cl, A.)J.l>. *.Jloore, Mi~s. '"'.Morison) Mr. Jo~hua. *.J1orris, Mis E. *Mu pratt, Mi's E. F. *X elson, Miss Anna M. II. *'Odell, 111'11. U. E. *Orde, Miss E. M. *'Parkel', Mr. R. C. ·Pendleton, Ur. D. *Perrott, Rev. F. D. *Pollock, Mr. E. 1\1. Pollock, Dr . .T. Porler, Major-Gencral ,YhiLll orth, H.E. *Prout, Mr. . Gille8pie. *Quilter, 1\1ies. I~ oberts, Lieut.-Gc'.lcral 'il' }'. ,'., ]JarL, T.C., G.C.B., &c. RoberL on, The Misses. *Ruttle, Mr. Robert. '"' ands, Mi, .. *, colt, J\fr. R. J. H. *Shaw, Dr. John. * idney, Miss L. U. '"' imoncl , Mrs. Ellen A. *Simpilon, 11'. J. *3ingleton, Miss A. II. '"'SkerriLt, Miss. *Skerritt, Mi s Aliec. *Sucklu1g, Mr .. E. *Sti1'ling, ]\fro J. A. *Temple, Miss Catherine.

43 Tomkin<;, Mr . .A.lfd. Su,vil1. *I't'ipp, 1\1iss F. E. * Ward, Admiml J. R. *Ward, Miss Grace C. ~Whighu,Jll, 1:i E.

*Whitharc1, 1\11'. B. 11. * Wilkinson, Mr. Auburn, M.ll.C.S. *Woods, M:i~s Jessic 1L *Woolfoot, Mr. George E. *Wray, Lieut. -Colonel.


* Ln.rly ~L Augu::;La On..;low. Lady l\I(: lurc. *Coloncl F. Duncan, C.n., R.o\.. *:\Ir.. R. B. furLin. *.JIr. Arthur Jack on . *.JIrs. u n.ll Lumley. *)11'. John tirling. *CnpLain J. II. Ro ~clcr.


* Lieul.-G ene1'lll

ir C. P. Beauchamp Walker, K C.B. * 'urgeon-::'1ujor F. B. Bakcr (Grenadier Guards). *:'IIrs. Rowley Lu,mberL '"' Mr. P. IV oodhcad. *::'111' . F. U. A. Burton.


44 RoberL, LieuL. - General 'il' F. S., Bn,rt., I.C., G.c.n. Roc1gcLL, ]\frs. RieharJ BRowe, Mr. Riehard Reynolds, F.S.A. St. Alb~n', Lhe RighL Rev. Lhe Bisb')p of. St. George, Genera,] 'il' J uhn, K.C.n. Sandon, Mr. Phi ip. Sharp, MI'. Willium. ,'lll'illlpLOD, ])". Cklr1e ,'ie,eking, ] I'. K H., F.S. \. Skel'l'ill, ~Ii s '.]1;. , lceL, ::\[1'. O. (\ll'l'il'k, F.R.C.~. lllhcl'lallll, lIis Grace lhe ])uke of, K G. wun, Mr ..John G. weel ing. Mis3 E.

ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION. LIFE MEMBER . ]lOl'E.--Tlte Life J.ll eJ71 beTs attached to Centres are not included in list, but m'e shown in Appencli:r: B. HER 1\10 T GRAOIOtJ


IIER ROYAL IIIGIINESS PRIXOE." IIEXRY OF Adair, 1I1iss II. 1\1. Amherst., Mr. 'V. Amhurst '1'., :li.P. Argyll, The Very Rey. the Dean of. A hwe11, 1\fi s Julia A. Barton, 1111'S. Alfred. Bartoll, Mrs. Hope . Baker, SUl'geon-ilIajor F. n. E aker, Mrs. F . B. B eddington, 1\1rs. Bohn, Mr. G., C. E. Bolckow, Mr. O. F. H. Brakspear, Mr. II. Hayward. Branston, Mrs. J. G. Brassey, L ady. Brassey, Mr. Hemy A., M.P . Britten, Oaptain, R. F., R.X. Bruce, Miss Ohristina 1\1. A. Bury, 1\1ajor. Busb'os, Madame E. de. Oapel, :Ml'. Frank O. Oavendisb, Lord Edward, M.P. Coates, Deputy Inspector-General M., R.N.

Crompton Oo-operatiye Proyiclent 'ociety, L imited. Orookshank, Mr. II., F.R.C.S. Dullas, Oaptain Rupert O. F. Dalton, Oaptain J. 0., R..A. D aubeney, General S,r II. O. 13 ., G . C.B. De Vesei, the Viscountess. Dixon, 1\frs. Raylton. Dixon, 1\11'. Waynman. Dun can, Lieut.-Oolonel Fra"!Jcis, C.B., R.A. Egerton, Vice-Admiral the lIon. F., M.P.

Taylor, Surgeon-Major, Templetown, General

M.lILD .

the Viscount,


Tomkins, Mr. Alfred, avill. Yaeber, Mr. Francis, F.R.C.S . 'Waddy, 1\11'. Edward, M .ll. C.S . 'Valker, Mr. Jobn. , Vallace, ir Richard, BarL., M.P. Weston, Lieut. - 001. Gould IIunter-, F.S.A.

,-Yc, Lon, ]Hr". Gonld Hlllltel'-. \lilln1l.l.11, 1\11'. Oha1'le . ,VhiLhul'c1, ~Ir. B. M. Yarrow, 1\Ir8.


Elswick \lorks .:\.cciucnt nnd Oompcn. .alion Fund. Fellows, Mr. F. P. , F.S.S., F.B.!. :Figgim, Mr. J ame . Frank, Dr. Philip. Franks, ::\11'. Cha . W. Fre hueld, "JIr. Ellwin, U ,. D., Y.l'.~.A. Gla gow, the Right 1I 0ll. the Earl of. Gold worth:>, Colonel. Grim ton, The Lady lIal'rioL E. Hacon, Mr. "V. E., L.ll.C.P. IIarrison, Dr. O. J ervoi,e, Sir J eHoise Olarke, Bart. Jervoi 'e, 1\11'. S. Clarke. JerYoise, Miss ' . G. Clarke. Roy, ir Brook, Bart. Rembl111, General Sir A1'llold B., K.C.n.,

nO~O[L\. RY

MEjlBEl{,' .

(Elected i,z l'eco!]I/,liull of distiJl!]uished service infudherill!] the objects oj tile Association.)


Leigh, th e Lord. Leney, 1\1iss. Longmore, Surgeon - Gelleral Thomas c.n.

McClure, Lady. MacLean, Mr. Robert MacLean. Manley, Surgeon-General W. G. N., I".C. Manchester, IIis Grace the Duke of, R.I'. Mitchell, 1\11'. A. O. Mi Lchell, Mr. John. Nugent, Mrs. ArtLur. Orde, Miss E. 1\1. P earson, Mrs. A . IIarforu. Pelham, Lhe Lord. Phillips, 1\11'. A . R eyher, Dr. Oarl (St. Petersburg).



Adam , ~Ir. MutLhcw A., F.R.C . . Allin, urgeoll ,". B., :li.n., A.M.D. Andl'e\\'~, :J[r. S., :li.n.E'.S. AlJ..insoll, ::\[1'. Robert, M.R.C.B. 13ain, Dr. Ihldwin, fr. F. n. J., :lCE.C .S. B,trrow, 1\h. . A., M.R.C.S. Benson, MI'. A. 11., F.R.C.S.I. 13igg, ,l"IT lll'gcon G. herman. Bingham, MI'. John J., L.R.C.P . Birt, [1'. Geo., :li.n. Blackburn, IHr. J., M.R.C.S. Bloxam, II'. J. Alley, F.n.C.S. 13l'oomhead, Dr. Chas. Brown, Dr. J. Brown, 11'. J. M., lILR.C.S. 13ro,Yne, Mr. Robert, F.n.c.s.I. Bruce, II'. Robert, lILll.C.S. BryanL, 11'. J. II., M.R.C . . Buck, 11'. J. Randle, M.R.C.S . Buck, Dr. ,V. E. Burge s, 11'. ' 1m. 1\1., M.ll.C.S. ha.ITel's, Mr. EchVG1., F.lt-C.S. J1awuC'1', Mr. AUred, lILR.C.S. Ooleman, fl'. "V. \V., M.U.C.S. Oosgru.vc, Dr. E . leDowal. Orespi, 1\11'. Alfred J. II. Dayey, Mr. John, F.R.C.B.

Daxic , ~1l'. Charles D. Da,ies, Dr. E. Dicken on, Dr. A. Newton. Dick on, Dr. John Dunbar. Dobie, Dr. , Villia111. Dolan, 1\11'. Thomas, F.R.C.S . Domvillc, Mr. E. J., L.R.C.P. Dougla. , Mr. Olaude, L.R.C.P. Dryd en, ~Ir. Ja . IIuntcl', L.R.C.P. Dllggan, Mr. l\IoLherwell, lILR.C.S . Duke, urgeon-~1lljor W. A. Duncan, Ccloncl F., C.B., R.A . Eccles, fl'. A. ymons, :li.B. Eden, Dr. R. Edger Dr. R. EUm·ton, Dr. John. Ellerton, Mr. J. F. II. Krau', Mr. A. II., M .R.C.S. Fall- itt, Mr. Thos., lII.R.C . . FenLon, Dr. Murk .Anthony. Finlay, lll'geon-Major W. Filzgerald, Dr. O. Egerton. Fleming, Dr. A.. J . For,yLb, Dr. Robt. Fort, Mr. Tbos., M .R.e.S. Franks, Dr. Kenelal. Fqor, Mr. J ohn, M.R.C.S. Furber, MI'. George II., M.R.C.S.

46 Furley, Mr. J 01n . Gabb, Mr. C. Bakel', M.lt.C.S. Gardner, urgeon R. H ., :1LB., ..I..1LD. Garrard, Mr. W. A.., M.R.C.S. Gascoigne, 11'. W . E., L.R.C.S . Gibb, Dr. Gildea, :Major J ames. Glen, Mr. John, M.B. Godwin, Smgeon- JIaj or C. R. Y. Gourley, Dr. Samuel. Graham, Ur. ArthUl' R., M.ll. Green, Ur. William T., :\f.R.C.S. Gron, Mr. ,V. R., M.D. Gwynn, Mr. C., )I.n. Hacon, Mr. W. E., LR.C.P. Hamilton, ~Iajor Ihns n. Hammond, Dr. Wm. H ann, ~lr. H. F., L.ll.C.P. H aynes, Dr. Stanley L. Hedley, Mr. John , M.ll.C.S. Hewetson, Mr. Richard, M.R.C .S . Hicks, Mr. R. , M.ll.C .S. Holman, )11'. R ., M.ll.C.S. H oward, Dr. J as. F. Hudson, JUl'. II. E., M.E.C.S. Innes, Deputy Surgeon-General C. A., M .D.

Jay, Mr. Frederick FiLzhcrbert, L.R.C.P. J oncs, Mr. W est. Jurneaux, Mr. Benjamin, M .ll.C.S. Keith, :JIr. Alexander Ewing, M.n. Ketchen, Dr. William. K eys, Dr. C. W. Moore, A..1LD. Kilgarriff, :JIr. M. J ., F.R.C . . r. Kingsblli'y, Mr. G ., M.B. Knaggs, Dr. Samuel T. Knott, :JIr. Charles, lLE.C.P. L e Cronier, Dr. IIl1rdwickc. Lee, Mr. B. J. , JJ.S.A.. Lee, 1\h. Edwin, M .ll.C.S. Love, 111'. nenry, lI.B. McCarthy, II'. Jus.tin McC., lLn.C'.s . McCullagb, l\lr. J ohn, :1I.ll.C S.T. McQuaig, Dr. Dun can. Mackenzie, Dr. Jas. Mackinlay, Mr. J ames E. H., M.ll.C.S. Macneilage, Mr. D., L.R.C.P. Malcolmson, Dr. John A. Marriott, Mr. C. W. , M.E.C.S. Marriott, Dr. O. D. Martin, Dr. J . W.

Maynard, Dr. J. Clarkson. Merryweather, Mr. James, M.E.C.S. '\Ioorc, Dr. C. A.. Moore, Mr. II. Cecil, M.n.c.s. Moorc, Surgeon-Major ~ aLdfortl, M.B. Nanhrell, Dr. IIerbeJt. Newman, Dr. William. Nicholson, urgcon-l\Inj or E., ...\ .M.1I. Norman, Dr. J. ,yo O'Conncll, Surgeon-Major. Page, DI·. David. Palin, :J11'. II. 'Venahles, lLB. Par~ons, Dl·. Francis IIenl'y . Partridge Dr. 1. Pedley, Dr. T. F. Pikc, :JIr. ,V. Royston, M.R.C.S. Pllcher, 1'.11'. W. J., F.R.C.~. Pinck, Mr. O. H., M.n. Platt, Mr. W. II., L.ll.C.P. Plomley, Dr. J olm F. Po~e, Dr . ..llexander. Pope, Smgeon W. W., A..1LD. Pratt, Dr. J. Dallas. P ritchett, Mr. Henry, :\f.R.C . . Rangoon, Rt. Rev. the Bil:>hop of, .li . D. R awling~, l\lr. James, M.ll.C.S. Read, Mr. A. W., M.R.C.S. Reid, Mr. Duncan J., M.B. Reid, Mr. T. Wllitehcac1, F.ll.C.P. Robcrts, Mr. Arthur, M.ll.C.S. Robcrts, Dr. R. LllIdon. Robinson, Dr. A.. II. Robinson, :J11'. Emes L. Robin on, }'Ir. G., M.R.C.::;. Rowe, Dr. Thoma's Smith . ..cho:efield , Dr. G. E. ,'haw, :Mr. Ja ., M.B. ,'heaf, 11r. O. A. Ernes t , lLn .C.l'. Siddall, Dr. J. B. impson, Dr. J . IIerbel't, ",impson, 1\11'. ,V. ., :\f.U.C'. kae, Dr. Francis D. A.. l-1a1.1.cr, 1\Ir. A. 1'.1., M.n. 'loman, 1\11'. S. G., jun., L.R.C. r. Smith, Mr. H . IIammond, M.R.C.S. , mith, Mr. W . J ., L.R.C.P. Stamford, Mr. William A chill , M.R.C.S. Steet, Mr. George Oarrick, F.ll.C.S. Stockwell, Mr. Gco., L.R.C.P. Stretton, Mr. Samuel, M.ll .C.S. wann, Dr. A.

'woLe, ))1'. lIo1'.:tGe. Sydnc,Y-'ful'l1l!1', MI' . ..i. M., :\f.g.c;s. Tamplin, "'II'. Cl!a~. II ., ::.II.TI..C.S . Tuylol', Dr. ::3. ILLJ.l!:ltul1. Taylor, -:\11'. 1holll'1.S, "\l.R. C.S . Tomplelllan, lUI'. '11:1.9., ::.11.13. Thomson, Dr. Geo. 'fllOJ1l on, Dr. \Villiam. 'Ihul'tifldd, Dr. T. \Y. 'f w'n cr, Dr. William. TUl'llor, l\h. Geo . ..llbCl t, .li .R.C. Turner, -:\h. II. a uuton, lLR.C.S. Turner, :'11'. Thoma ~, )l.R.C.S. T\\'i~s, "lll'gron G. E., A..1LD. Tyrrcll, ~rl'. \\Taltel', :\f.R.C. '. rfjson, ~Ir. \\ illinm Jo cph, )1 ll. Yore, :J11'. _\.rlhlll', :\f.R .C.S . \\Tnthl.r, ~h. II. E., L.R.C.r.

\Valdo, Dr. Fren . J. \Valkcr, Mr. Bemar,l, ::.I1.R.C s. ,Yalker, 1\11'. Samuel, lLR.C.S. , Vallis, Mr. Fred. :J1., :\f.R.C.S . \Vurd, ~fr. :\1. A., l?R.C.S.I. vYatts, Mr. W. F., :\f.R.C.S. Waugh, 1\fl'. Alcxr., ::.ILR.C.S. \Vecke , Mr. Fral1citl II., ::.I1.ll.C.';. Wheeler, Dr. ,Yilliam Ireland. 'Wickham, :Jfr. \VaILer, ::.I1.ll.C.:=;. \Villi~; Ml'. G. O\\'en, L,R.C.P. W il on, Dr. A. O. \Vilton, Mr. J. I'. , lLR.C.S. ,Yimbel'ley, Dr. Conrad C. \IToodman, 111'. 'umuol, F.R.C.S. \ Voods, 'ltd! ,'Ul'gOOl1 II. C., )LD., Young, :'h . ..i., F.R.O.S.

R.X .




An An1l7.tal Subscri ber of Fivo Shillings ancl upwards can become a Member of the "St. John Ambulance Association." .A.. Donation of Fi,e Pounds ::mcl upwards constitutes Life Membership. ..A nnual Subscriptions will be conRiclered due on January 1st in each year, bnt an Annual Suuscription paid


for the first time in October, November, or December ,vill not become dne ti1l 1st of January of the second year following. Forms of Membership and Orders


Banken; cau be ubtained on app1ication to the Chief Secretary.

Donations, and especin.lly Annual Subscriptions, are earnestly solicited. The work of the Association has of late so enormously increased, especially amolJg colliers, minel"R, police, ntihyay and dock employes, and others, who can contrilmte nothing' towards the necessary working e:xpenseR, while they constitute a class to whom instruction is, from the nature of thpir daily occupation, of the highest ,-alue, that further and substantial pecuniary support from those able and willing to nifor(l it is urgelltly lleeded. Oheques aod Post ODice Orders may be marIe payable to the Ohief Secretary, St. John Ambulance Association, St. JolJll's Gate, 010r1<:en\';'e11 , E.C., or to the Treasurer of any Oentro.





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in SlIppl!lillfJ Ce1'{ ijicate<3 and printed IIwtteJ', a' Jlel'


(lGGOl/lit ?'enderecl by the OILief I eCI'eta}'.') , a8 ~cell as to assz'st in d pfl'Clyill{j tlte u·o1'l.;illg expenses oj the Asso.:iatio.'2, an l especiaLly to leal.:e as lCtJ'ge a balance as possible as Ct contribution towards tlte maintenance of tlte 'W01'!.; amollg POO1' Cent1'es and Classes which can contribute nothing ill diminution of lh e cost lltey entaz'l on the Centml F und,


IT is usual to hold an Inaugural P ub]ic Meeting, presided oye r lJy the I ayor or otber local dignitary, to explain the objects of the movement. The sy tem adopted is then as follo\\'oS :(a .) The formation of an influential local Committee, wi tIl Chairman Tre:tsurer, and IIonorary Secretary. (b .) The formation of classes (separate) for persons of both sexes. (c .) The securing' tbe services of a competent medical gentleman wbo will tmdertake tbe dnties of Lecturcr. (d.) The formation of a Ladies' CommitLee (when requisite). (e.) Obtaining tbe use of a suitable room, such as a Volunteer Drill Shed, Schoolroom, or similar building, or in a pri\'ate bou, c, where lectures can be delivered. (f.) The collection of subscriptions to defray local expense::;, and to furnish contributions to head-quarters to carryon and extend tbe work of tbe Association. (g, ) Tbe enrolling for entry in the Register kept at tbe IIead Offices tbe names of qualified persons who would consent in , Val' time, when British troops are engaged, to assi·t the Order of St. John in certain capacities, a Ii, t of wbich can be obtained from the Chief Secretary. FINANcE.-Receipts for local sulJscriptions will be g iven by the Treasurers or lIonorary Secretaries of Centres from receipt book supplied by the Cbief Secretary. All local expenses will be defrayed uy the 'freasmers or Honorary Secretaries of Oentres out of subscriptions rccei ved. A Balance heet or Statement of receipts and expenditure at eacb Centre is annually sent in to the Cbief ,ecretar,r, Hot later than J UDe 15th. This lllU 't be signed, and certified as correct, uy tbo Chairman, Ilon. Secretary and Treasurer, or if a Trea.'uTel' be not appointed, by one otber Icmber of the Local Coml11i Ltce. It is expected that at the annual setllem(nt of account;; in JIIW', a trill be 1'emittecl to } 'to John's Gote IIf sl~fJiciellt amount to core1' the incw'1'cd dzwin{j tlte previous twclt:e months in sel/ding E,1'amillcJ's (u1/O paid one gvinea erIch class examined, a .'ulji}'st - clas~ trCL'celling e:rpens'3s),

stun cost are and

OOunsE OF INSTIt CTION.-This consists of fi,'e lectures, followed by Examination. Tho sul jects taught are detailed in the Syllabus. The last half-hom i,' c1e,'oted to practical "ork: ~uch as the application of bandag'8 and spliJlts, re 'lo ration of tbe apparen1.ly drowned, lifting tho illjur0d, carrying Oll stretc:hers, &c., &c:. The examiner is sent clown by the Cenlrn.l ommittec. ..l report is made by IJim, and certifiC::'ltes of proficiency aI'"" awarded to sl1cc:essful Candidates. Female pupils who ha.ve pa ' 'cd the preliminary examination arc eligilJle for a , econd 01' 1 Tursing' Course. n!l

MATERIAL REQUIRED. These Stores remain the property of the C,mtTe, or Class , and aTe alw ay s available for local use (for future chsses, or in cases of accident). _imbalance trelchcrs (n FurIe},," improvecl pattern) TJarge Diagrams ([or Ledurcl"s usc)



Tourniquet · (E march's ElnsLie) . . R . l {ClUs AtLemlnnco nnd CCl'liflctLies-two to set Cgl' el's II '0 Heporl Dook . . ,. .. ., l!lain 'l'riullgulal' Dandages { Rollol' . . ..


each 42/0 sets 1 5 0 " 3/ G each I IG sets G/O each I /O .. pCI' doz. 4 /G 2/0

T he followmg Stores should be retailed to the Pupils at the prices here invoiced. Return.s promptly m!lde and in good condition will be allowed for. Bnn.dage , Esmurc!.!'s [llllslrnlecl, with printed InsLruclions enclosed, (post Sci. each) per doz. G/O ShOPherd'S (J/irsLiicl). Ro,i~ednnd illu b'ated edit ion.. .. .. .. .. .. (po_t 1 '1) each 1 /0 Books Cosgrllle's ({" ur:.'ing) foJ' nchanced do. _ es ., (po t 1[2) 1/0 I /O { Gilden,'s(Ol'llerof ' t.JuhnofJel'llsalcminEn gland,} (bcls. ] /2) and t. John .J.mbulance.J. social ion) (dothl /G) " l/G Pocket" _'Lille ~remoil'e" in lincn-lillcd enTelopes per doz. 3/0 Small Annlomital Diagrams 2/0 NOTE.- ingle ('opics of any of tho Books or Bn,n dn-ges mentioncd may be had by post. .All slilall o}'({as sllOulcl be pl'epaicl to ei/sure prompt altention.

An Ambulanco IIampcr fiLLed <.;omplete, wiLh wGterproof co'-cr Gnd strap, aUll containing' the nece ~.sa ry appliauces for rellLIering First ~ id (price 3Gs. each); light-whceled LiUcrs and \\~ 8gon for conveyance o[ tho iujll1'ed, espe<.;ially alIapted for ll~e at Hnilwny 'tation and ill MineR, or at largo \ YOl+S and Factoric~, amI ~ pccial' [retchers wiih tl,10, copic kLlldlc (lo fac:ilitatc their being lo\\-e roll to the pit's bottulll, price ;)lh. cach), allllflllg'h n t lndllllOll ill tlw material necessary for a c:laFs, can al '0 be ha'l on applicat ion to tho HOllOrary Director of (Oro.s. D 2




1 •

. The e are cIa sos formed in tho sulJUrbs of London and in country towns and "magc, pending the estauli hment of regular centres. Such classes are under the immediate control of the Central Executiyo Committee, and the amount due for the cost of the samo should bo sent to the Chief Secretary (Captain IIerbert C. rcrrott), t. John' Gate, Clerkemvell , London. A memorandum givillg a detail o[ tbe expon es will be [ound at page 54. The balance (If any) o,er the actual total cost o[ Detached Clas es is applied to the maintenance of cla ses for police, firemen, min r , dock labourers, railway officials, working mon and women, and othors who are too poor to make any pecuniary return for the ill trLlction recci ved . It is therefore earne tly hoped that where the pupil are in a position in ife to afford it, the amount remitted lUlder the item "incidental expenses" may be at least not less than file guineas; the demand upon the As ociation' limited resources caused by such gratuitous cla sc being very great. The Committee also trust that as many pupils as po, ible will become" Life" or " Annual" lembers, and thus materially aid by t heir subscriptions in extending this philanthropic work. From twenty-fiye to thirty is tue bost number for a clasE;. It is not desirable to hale more than thirty or the instructor cannot d yote sufficient time to each pupil. In the case of a female class a small boy should be lti1'ed f01' demonstration of bandaging. The usual way to form a Detached Class i for the lady or gentleman undertaking to do so, to collect from twenty-fivo to thirty namcs, charge each pupil an entrance fee sufficient ill amount to coyer the expenscs, and remit cheque, &c., to the Chiof Secretary, who will detail a lecturer, and in due course an examiner, and arrang'e for supply of mnterial. If it i .. required to send a lecturer an oxceptional distance [rom town (as for instance had to Le clone in the car:e of Lincoln), an e.rtm foe of two or three guineas would probably have to be paid him . A local medical pmctitione1' (duly qualified) 1J1ay lecture, provided he adhe1'e.:; to the authorised official Byllauus of the Associat1·o'1. Female lecture7's (we not allowed. At nearly all the Association's" centrcs " and to many" Dei.atcbed Classes" local medica.l gentlemen voluntarily lecture gratuitously . Detachecl classes mnally meet, in i11e case of womcn, in Rome lady'S

drawing-room ; ill the case of men in a parish schoolroom, institution, or similar hGilc1il1g'. Cow'se of Inst7'Ilction .-This consi,t ' of five I ctnres, with au. interval of a week beLwoen oach. Each lecture lasts abont. two hours, the la. t half hour being llcvot d to practical work (bandaging, applicat ion of splints, &c., e'c.). 'rIle sixth week the examination takes place. pto lectll?'er may examine his ou.:n Cl~ISS . L1 t least Cl clem' weck's notice, statil1g also )J1'obable number of candidates, should be giren to the Cla'~f Secl'etw'y of Cl cOllvenient day, hotl1', anel place (a choice of two 0)' thee cla!Js is )Jrefl'xable)fo1' examination, to prevent di!',appoilllm llt in ,C'llllillg' duwll an examiner. The ollly fLdclitiollal articles r -quir 'd [(\1' the exalllinatioll al' a supply of foolscap paper and pf>ll il~, or pcns and illk. ~ertifit;atcs are awarded to the successful andidat 'R. , e I' taril's of Detacbell Classes are recommended to a certain dl1rin!)' Lbe COul', e the full Chri~tiall names of the pupil~, as ihey b pl'obal'ly tllcreuy ,'(lYO thcmsel" nmch trouUle :md correspondence w11 11 tll xiracL [rom tho examiner's report is fonnlrdec.l for Yerification of . p >lling- o[ name:.;. ~\1l ['ccnrate li,t o[ the ChriRlian al1l1 SUJ'l1ame of


i hORe 111' sent ::-;hould illYal'iauJy bc gi "cn to the Examiner by the CIa", • 'e r iary ,

'las .. attellClanc ~hects can be obtained, if desircd, on ap]Jlication ; alf.1o for i11e information of ledurcr. and sccrctarics only, in tructions ,'howillg how the examiner will conduct the examination. J.V.B.-JJi,ICcl classes of males alld females are on no account perlllitted. ,'E O:,\D CorH::\E.-LcduI'CH 011 ., IIom Xl1l' ing and IIygiene" can be arr:lllg" d ill a . illlilar mmmcr for women \\'ho haye gone through tho first com ·c. It is u 'unl, lto\ye\'cl', tbat the eutrance fee hould 11('ver b 1es. OWll lta~l a gUII/W, as tho millimum charge; and that the " um l' miltcd for' incid lIto.l xp 11~C'" should 11 It be Ie. than five guincas. Ollly pupil holding th Preliminary Cerliiicat"' can ellter for the ('xnmillation [or the Second Course, for which z'elllllll crti£ica~cs arc awarded. N .B.-.'pocial Books nro Elllpplied [or ~ T l1l'sing

la . . . C8 nt L . erIch, 01'


1s. 2d. Full parLit;ulnr~ a' to the formatiun of CellLref.1 tcrms of 1\1 mbership, sylbbus of il1~lrudi 11, ~nb~criprioll for111s re-cxaminatiol1s, medallions, and delaib of the w(lrk o[ illO "'1. Joh11 ~\lllbul ance AR ~ocialion can ur obi aincli from the hicf Secr tary,


ST. JOll"\':-; tL\.TE.





I :.J






No. fiR .


FIRST AID TO THE INJURED. DETAOHED OLA P a yments to be mad e t o t he Chief S ecretary. 1. L:ECTURER'S FEE (per class) 2. E XAMINER'S FEE (per class) 3. INCIDENTAL EXPEc{SES.- Cost of Certificates, P rinting, P ostage,

s. d. 550



~lH.bUr H nte ~ s~ad: atiant


Stationery, &c., not less than220 For a P reliminary Class .• 5 5 0 For a Nursing Class 4. I-,ECT-c-RER'S AilD EXDfINER'S First-Class R aihmy and Tmlelling Expenses (Extra). N OTE.- The foregoing expenses will be defrayed by Lhe Chief Se01'etary out of the Cheque forTI'arded to him, as explained on page 52 .

Payments t o be made t o the Honorary D irector of Stores. MATERIAL, 'Viz. : PhYEiological Charts, Splints, T ourniqnet, Plain Triangular Bandages [CHARGE FOR :HIRE OF] (First Aid classes only) N .B .-It is essential that the Charts shoulcl be returned to St. John's Gate, undamaged, as otherwise their full \Ulue will ha,e to be charged. I n the case of 1I1ale Classes, a Stretcher, which must be retained (being alTI'ays useful in case of accident), ,,-ill also be required IN ADDITION TO THE MATERIAL sent on hire referred to above, a supply of the following articles (according to the number attenclulg the Class) will be forwarded to the lady or gentleman in charge "on sale (at the pr-z'cEs qWJted) or 1'eit£rn." These articles can be accounted for separately from the expenses of t.he Class mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and can be pairl for at the end of the COluse, when the Books, &c., left unsolcl will be t.aken back, if undamaged : cc Aids for Cases of Injuries or Sudden I llness." Re\'ised and IIlus tmted Edition. (By Surgeon-Major P. Shepherd, M.B.). . "Esma.rch's Triangular Ba.ncbges," illustrated by diagrams showing method of application (U)ith p"intecl 7'nst"uctions enclosed) Small PbY5iological Diagrams Oard pocket ".Aides Memoire" •• "Hospitaller Work at St. Jolm's Gate in 1,he X I Xth Century," by Col. F . D UDca.n, C.B., R..A., M.A. ) D.C.L. (Pamph.)


11 0

1 0 0

FIH'T LEOTURE. A. Preliminary remark, object of In. truction, &c. B. A general outline of tho tructure and Functions of the Human Body, includinn' a brief de. cription of tho BOlles, Muscles, Arteries, and Y ins. Tho Functions of tho Circulation, Respiration and of tlle 1\eryou ,y t m. O. Tho triangular bandage and it application.

ECO [TD LEOT'CRE. A . The general direction of the :Main Arteri'8 indicating the points where tho circula,tion may be mre led b digital pressure or by the application of a tournicrll t. B. The dJference oet',cen Arterial, Venous and iapillary Bleeding', auc1 the variou extemporary mean of arrc" ling it. C. Tho triangular oaudage. T





EACH. 0 1 0

A. The signs of Fracture, and fir t aiLl to be rendered in snch accident . Tho application of splints, or other restraining apparatus. Treatment of sprains. B. The triangular bandage.

FOURTII LECTURE. 006 002 0 03




A. First aid to thoso suffering collap~e from injury, to those stunned, to the apoplectic, in Lriat el, epU ptic, fainting, and to t hose biUen hy ralJid animals. B. The immediate treatment of the apparentl y clro"'11ed, or otherwise suff ocated. U. Blll'nf3, sCfLlrls: and poison



INDEX No. 60. F I FTli LECTURE FOR }'I ALES ONLY. A. The improvised method of lifting and carrying the sick or injured. B. Methods of lifting and carryiDg the sick or injured on stretchers. O. The conveyance of such oy rail, or in country carts .




F I FTII LEOTURE FOR FEJIALES ONLY. A. Hints on nnrsing- prepn,ration of the room - the bed, how arranged- requisites for all emergencies treated of in the foregoing lectures - Temperatme of room- reading ordinary and bath thermometers. B. Preparing the patient for bed and placing him thereon in various cases. Administering food, drink, medicine - making and applyiug poultices of bread, linseed, mustard - fomentations and lotion NOTE


l ntroc1uctory Rem:1rks- olectioD, pl'ep:1r:1tion and cleaning of room-Bed allllooddil1g-Fnmi. hing-\Y:1rming anI Ventilation. LECTURE 11.-1 FEOTION AXD DISIXFECl'ION. Infectiou. n.llllnon-illfectiou. case. -Quarantine of patient-History of a feycr c:1se-Di infcclil1g and di. ·iufectants. LECTURE IlL-DETAIL


The subject of poisons should be treated in a general manner. The common poisons classified, and only their general symptoms and effects taught. With regard to the treatment, the fir t indication, viz., how to get rid of the poison, is the only one which can be safely practised by non-professional persons. The adminisLration of antidotes is the medical man's duty.


00. ervation of the

The last half·hour of each lecture shonld be devoted to praclical work, snch as the application of bandages und splints, lifting the wounded, and carrying on stretchers. NOTE


ITCR,- L.~G.



OF 1\ .R IXG-(colltillllCd).

'k-Rig'on::l- Ic p-Pain-Po tnre- kin-

App tite-Yomiting- ouglt-Exp 'ctoratiun-Ef[ ct~ of remeclieEl, ?C'. -Temperalure takillg-Balhs-Bed-. ore8 -D eli rillm-~ Tnr. iDg sick chilclren-\Yhnt to prepure for Ph), iciuu's amI .'urgcoll'''' ylsit.


There should be an interl'al of a week between each lecture. examination must attend at least four out of Lhe five lectures.

lIlixed Classes oj


The llUl"...:e-Regulatioll of yi 'itor,~ -~Ianag III ut of nur. e's own hen.lth-\Ya hiug aUll (1 re ... illg- pationt -Bed-l1laking--Uhallging sheets-Lifting h Iple s patients- ick eli t-Aell1lini tration of food, l1lecli 'inos, and stimulauls. LECTUHE 1Y.-DET~\ILh


'ICK R001lI.

A cl1udidtlLe for

and Women w'e on no account permitted.

Poulticc '-FOlnclltatiom,;-Bli ·ters-Ointll1cut-Lecche -Pacldil1g,plints-Unllclngillg- Pcr:-4ol1al amI family llygicnc- ::'Ltnngel1lent of convale cent8.

N.D.-No pel' ons a]'e allowed to entcr fv]' c.l'alll/·natt'on in the e sllujccf. unless the!J hare oUlained the certificate of Fil'st Aid to thc injured." The pl/pil ?nllst also lwee ((ttenderl at lewt JOllJ' alit oj the jive Lectllre.· IlAND-noOJ\: ', uy E. IncDowell Co. gnl.YC, E:'Iq., M.D (Lecturer il.)1(.l Exmnill '[ to the A"suciutioll ), C"ll be pUl'cha, eel GIl application tr) the llOllOI'a,-), Dil' c:or of Store., 't. Jol11t's Onte.


P"le(' 1 .; 7}!J fJu.'t 18. "2d.




Bron::e }'ff'cZalliolls 1eith Names ancZ Regdetecl Number engTCll/ed on back will be ]1Tesentecl to those Pupils 'I.c11O become entitled to tliem, unclet the following conditions.


CERTIFICATED PurILs who have twice undergone r -examination, with an intl'l'ml of not less tlurn tlcehe men /lis uetlceen eaclL examination, will be exempt from any further examinations, and v,"ill be eligible to recei \'e a Medallion to be c:wrieel in the pocket, or worn as an ornament, but ne~'el' as a clecomtion, and to he used II'hen neceB arya a certificate of competency to render fir ~ t aiel to the injured. Thus, a PUl il who obtained a certificate iu January, 1880, and bas been re-examin d in January, 1 '81, and again in January, 18 2, or later, will be el igible for RllCh Iedallion; of cour, e provided be or sbe has, in eacb it stance, Rati, fled the Examiner. The rlllration of interval since the pre~" ious examination (or re-examination) i immaterial, pro vided it be not le's than hve1 vo mouths. llch re-examinations may be made by any Member of a Local Medical taff, bnt ouly on tbe authority of the hief ecreiary, or Honorary ecretary of the Centre, :mc1 ,,"ill consist of que tions on tbe First Aid yllablls, the anslI'ers to II'bich may prove that tho lmowleclge once acquirod has not bovu forgotten . WOllIEN who have passed tho seconrl 01' NUl' ilJg' Course Examination will be allc"wec1 to count this as a 1'e-C:l.:alllz'lIation II'heneyer the same may hayo been held. Twelyc clear mouths,11o,,"eYo1', must


GO elapse bet ween tlJe date of the Nursing Certificate, and the final examillation . At the FINAL Examination, Oandidates will be required to pay the Local Secretaries a Fee of Two Shillings each person, for which a Bronze 1 dallion will be issued, and n0 Mecbllion will be issued from St. J ohn's Gate unle s the npplication for the same (on the specified form) be accompanieJ by a remittance for that amount. Pupils entitled t o recei,e Bronze Medallions, but electing to ha,e Silver or Gold Medallions in tead, can do so by paying the following prices, in addition to the abo\'c fee of T\'i'O Shilling : -

SILVER 5s. 6d.,

/:1. moIJn J\mbulatt(t J\-sBotiation. APPENDIX B.



GOLD 48s., each.


~ AME'

[Including the cost of engra\'ing NAlIIE and REGISTER No. on back.]

NO:\Il.i...lL ROLL

Ca es 3s. GcZ. each extra.

If it be desired that the Medallion should be forwarded 1»), post, threepence, t o cOler regi, tration and postage, Rbould be paid ""ith i11e abo,e amount.

Members oj the Associatioll are those 1t'ho annually subscribe F ive Shillings rr,nd lIpwal'ds,

Every application for Medallion must be made on a printed Form supplied for that purpose, authenticated by the signature of tbe H onorary fecretary of the Centre, or Detached Clas, to wbich the pupil or pupils may belong, and addre, sed to the JIOXORARY DmECTOR OF STORES, at the Central Office. All orders for Medalliolls must be prepaid, and to facilitate numbering and engraying of names it is requested that, a fllr a possible, the Iec1allions be ordered by llonorary Secretaric periodi cally, in batche , and not singly at tlJe option of individual pupils. Cprtificates of re-examined pupils should not be enclol',~cd either 1,y the Examiners or llonorary Secretaries, Lut 1'e-e.rami71ath 1/ c{)1I r le1's, supplied from St. J oh n's Gate, will Le ,_" igued and is~u c1 lly ]C!'.'11 llonoral'Y Eecretnries, as in the caso of C rtificateR.


ST . .J OJ1l\'S GATE, ULERKEN"'IELL; E.O . lIJay l ,',t, 18 8..1-.

U. PEI1ROTT, ('!ti('/ J...:.eaet((I·.1J .

11710 git'e donations of £5 and 1lpwa/'ds to constitute themselves







(ICell:ill[lt071 Del[j I'Cl via. Chelsea g·G.) Pt'C ' jdcnt. The Rig1.lt lIon. (ho Earl of Glusgow. Chait'mau, Tt·ca<.,nrcl' and )(onol'ary Sccrctary.

Mujor James Gill1e:1, F.R.G. '., 20, Phillimoro Gardcns, "\V .


Mid Julia. Benyon.

)[Clnbcl' .~.


F. W. IInni '.

lIon. IIenricLfn, "\VinelsJr-Clivc.

Mr. J~rne"t Hnrt. Mrs. UOYll IIal'chicke. Mis' IIllIl1phreys. Mr. E. J. Jermm, l\Ir . Lcnn.

1111' . D. L. Cohen. Mi ss Duncombe.

l\Ii,-s B. Loui"tl. Pnl'1.er.



]\frs. IIal'groavc" Brown. lUi s Burn eLL.


By Order,


Life lJIellloel's .


L. J. D. Admiral ir E. Fun hawe, l\I1' . Fo,,,ler. 1\11', Charles Gn,reliner. ~Jiss A.. 'L. John Gmy.


K .C .D.

l[ujOl' Jamos Giltlon.. !I[!' .

J ame Gillloa.

'rho Re\'. tho lIon. E. C'tll'r-OIyn,


" Mary L. Parker. 1\1l'. tl'enLfeilc1. Lady Tl'elltlYu:r.

Trevelyan. l\[ l·8. W ec1cl.

Miss Weld. " , Yil"on .

G2 A llu ual

1\1rs. h ennelt And er .-on. ~Ii ss "\Yl'ight J..nc!cl'.;oD. ,. Annan. 1\11's. l... planr1. The Dow:1,~e r Countc,,:; of .1.yles ford. :JIi5s Baillie. Mrs. F. , V. Barlow. :Th1iss Can hlllCC Bal'lo ,'-. Mn Bray. . , Reginald Bray . }'liss P ern. I3l'elt. ~.Il's. Bi hop. ~Iiss Buckler. Ln.dy Agncs Burne. ::'Ilis3 B urnelt. The L ady Florence Blunt. )11'5. Arthur Blunt. 'rhe L:.tdy Evelyn Campbell . lIon. :JIrs. Ronald Campbell. Mrs. J. C . C:lmpbcll. :Miss Card,,-ell. 1\11's. Charles Chamber. TIOD. Eleano:-n. Chetn-ynd. :all'S. Somenuil-Ole1'k. :Miss Creme. " Kate Child. Lady ~r al'y Windsor-Cliy!? 1\Ii::s G. Ohristie. ::Jll'3. Cohen. " TICl'bert Cohin. Miss Col.in . 1\11'3. Co';ens. Miss C. E. Courtney. " F. COUl'tney, " Cox. Mrs. Davpn po1't. TIon. ?>.fabel do Grey. 1\1i. s Dering. " F ..May Dickinson. lIOD. Thel'em Digby. ~Iiss :J1. Dillon. " Dixon. " Dunbar. :2.11's. Dunn. 1\;i I Elton. " Fanshawe. " Fraser, l ,ady Camilla. Fortescue. Colonol Fyers. l\Ii~s Fyol's.


~icmocl'S ,



" .,

Galc. :;Uil:i" AdcitL Ycra, II. Gallon. " Orah~Dl. 1\Iril. George G JOy. I1Ii:s Dora Gi.lJ'urJ. l\Irs. Dayies Gilbert. MI'. G. A. Gildea. 1\Iisil Kathleen Gilclcn. " " " " "

Gill. Green. J. TIeron Gold mid.

Gorst. G nest. " F . Laura Glyn. " Eyelyn llaines. Mrs. TIall. " F. E, H all . }\fiss llall. " J. E. IIa.ll. " Hampton. " Amy TIarne. Lady Beatrix H erbert. Miss llill. ~Irs . IIook . Miss TIorne. Mrs. llubbard. }'Ii.:; E. ITubbard. " 11. s. IIunt. Mr . R obt'rt L. IIunLet'. 1\1iss llnlehinson. Mr~. Iudenvick. 1\1iss Indcrwick. Mes. Ingliil . " TIenry Jonas. " Jo eph, " L erroy. Miss Le Fe,re. Mrs. Somers Lewis. " L iLLleLlale . 1\1i:;s Li LLledale. Lindo. R. Eliott-Lockhart. Mrs. I ,yons. " l >l\\"arcl M ubel'l.r. 11i::'8 MacinLyre. .Mrs. 8. 1funsD.elJ . 1\fn rt illl1ale. A~h1cy Maude. Miss McEuen. :JIrs. ~Iiers.


Milld .

11jss Franklin 8mith. J. MIIlTay Sl1lil II. K :Mul'l·:-ty SlIliLh. ~Il'!l. ,'pillman. 8u10111011. Henry Solo111on. Mr. George G. T , Treherne. Lady Thring. Miss Thynne. Twining. Conslance Grant Thorold . Hilda Omnt Thorold. Mra , 'rl'Ollcil!LOll. J\Ii s IWa YOIl Runn. J. A. Voelcker. BeaLrice ,Vallick , ." 1\1rs. "\Val'ren . 1\1i:;:l F. W ra)'.

.l\liee Pl'iml'ose ~IilJ..J. J. P. :'IIoline. .


1\1 O\ll'O. :Mi~s

' _


K F. J\IuspruLl . "


" L. "B~. M . Nicholls. " 0' Luuglilin. O'Reilly.

·:">lline. "

Cat!Jel'inC' P urbu!'y.


l~. Ros:\. Ptll'buI'Y.

:lUr:!.Ib.e. " Ln.mbort Rees. Miss Edith Reynolds. 1\1ra. ,V. Rigg. MitiS Rubinson . Mrs. Ross.

\,i"rny. \rebb.



" ltll<Sell. Miss Russell. :JIa!'y J. Ru s ell. " almon. 1\Ir". lUiss E, C1Y11 CheL" ynd &tap) HOll. R. D. Ol'ltT·cs • 'alrle. :JIr. 'eely. Mis:! .A. 'eely. " I~. ,-'eely. " F.8cc1y,

" Ml'il.

"\ \~ csl gal'~lI.

"\\'ll ,1. :J1r .... Wikle . l\lil:is"\ iltle. Mrs. "\\'llliallls. Canls, 11s01J. 1\1i s :JIal',Y R. WilheI'u). G. \\,ill". A. "\ytlk J. \\,lIitd m. H. F. \"00 Ihou l'.

Stecl. ni~hopp-



2 Dl

' THIUT-:01ETnOPOLl 'L~:.J"


(C/f!) and Purt of L uwluiI, l'IIJ!ildill[j lli:;/'(Jutc.) P l ' r '" idl'll ~ . M:tjUl'-Gcllel'~ll

1I.R.1I. Ihe Dukc


Kenne:! L- Blll'l'ill 6 tOIl, :\I.A., LL .~ l.


:\[I's. C. Aldl·I'.,on . ~rl'. G. \V . .A1lIUll,L " J. F. lhl·lIul·,l. l\Ii-8 E. B.ll'I1Ul'J. :ThII-. J. ll. Bond.

'onn:wghl, R.U. Di tl' il't §CCl'c tal'Y,

Chait'luan antI TJ'ca'ill l'{'l',

:J11'. V.


1\[r. Julill H. Ea,lcl'bl'ook C· 't. Juhn':! UnLo, l'lel'kel1"ell, E.C.). ,'C CI'(.'t:ll'lc"..

\\T. ,J , l'ltut'l:lt 13l'a::.icl'. l'. R. Bruwll. ::'IIis,; ElIlily (:. (·alde:·. :\[;Jj , 1' J. If. l'uur t r.ey L'Lll·k0.




F. 1I. D..Ilby.


G5 1\11'. Chas. Parker. " F. H. Pal'som. l\Iiss E. Parso:ls. Mr. Tho . PnlLan. J. 1\1. Rose. "" '\Valter G. Scoonos. " J. Sexton Simonds ( LF.B.) MillS Mary 'impson. 1\11'. Thos. Whitley. " John Yardley.

1\11'. C. II. Deliny. " John Denoon. Miss D. Edwards. Mr. J as. Foreman. H. Forward. A. J. Halford. J . C. W. Harrison. " Henry Hill. Miss E. II. Lyne. " Fanny Marshall.

Honorary Secrct al'ies of Cla sse s .

Mr. C. Morgan. J. W. J. Potter. Miss Quilter. Mr. M. Ross. Miss M. Simpson. Mr. J. K Studd. Mi·s. Holmes White.

Mr. Kontislt Brock. J . VI". Duke. R. E. Fall . " L . Hcrbert. " G. S. Mll,nning. Mis F. MarLin. Mr. R. Mitch,,]!.

Life :U c mb el' .

L i fe iU em ber s.

The Corporation of the City of London. The Baroness BurdeLL-Coutts. " Fishmongers' Comp:1Dy. Major-General Bryan Milman, C.B. " Goldsmiths' Company. :Messrs. J . and R. Morley. 1\11'. Erne t L. Olive. " Grocers' Company. " Edmund Howley P almer. " Haberdashers' CJmpllny. Messrs. Prescotts & Co. (Bankers). " Mercers' Company. ]\11'. Sheriff Watel'low. " Merchant Taylors' Company. " Edward Webb (British and " Skinners' Company. Foreign vVharf). " Surrey Commercial Docks Company. Miss Ford, } The Rt. Hon. W. McArthur, M. P . "Maud, Highgate. Mi'. Conrad Bergman. Annu a l iU emb er s . Mr. W. Lutwyche. 1\fr. F . W. Barrat. " C. E. Penny. " C. B . Barnes. P. B. Pol. " J . H. Bond. Flint Browne. " Henry Price. " E. II. Rea. " S. H . Clark. Rev. A. J . Renc1le. Chas. Coombs. :Miss J. Rusher. Chas. Cull. 1\11'. W. A. Seaton. J. Curtis. Mi s 'ic1ney. ,) T . McK. von Dadelszen. Mr. Wm. Smart. H. Forward. Bateman Harcoill't. " R. L. Spicer. orman Tucker. " A. Hawkins. J. Weaver. Messrs. Hitchcock and Williams. "" W. Whitton. Hoare and Co. Jas. Wilc1. Mi'. Horace W. Holt. Miss Lacy. " T. II. Wilkins. 1\1:1'. E. Lamprell.

No.3 DISTRICT-METROPOLITAN CENTRE. (St. James's, lJfayjai1', I1Vcle Park, S . W .) Presidcnt. II.R.H. Princess IIcnry of BaLtenbcrg. Cbairman and Trca sure l'. :!'III-. V. B. Kenneit-BalTington.

UC:Hlorary Sec rctary. 1\lajor ~ haen Carler.




Col. E. II. Kennard. Miss Kingsmill. Marchioness of Lansdowne. Duchess of Leeds. Miss Frances MarLin. A. Miles. Mr. Samuel Morley. Lord Reay. Mr . .Albert Sandeman. " Fleetwood Sandeman. M1' . G. G. Sandeman. 1\11'. A. L. Savoury. Counte s of eflon. 1\11'. II. J. Tritton.

Marchioness of Bath. Lady Bras ey. Lady E. Browne. Mr. vV. L. Burdett-Coutts. " P. J. Chiosso. " VI". Coates. " F. L. Cook. CouIlLe s Cowper. Miss A. do Rothschild. Countess Gram-ille. 1\J r. L. Y cl'Oon ilm·court. 1\1rs. Quintin-Hogg. Counless of llchesLer. :Mr. E. Kelso.

Annual iU e l1lb cr .

}.frs. Kennett-Barrington. Miss E. C. Bedford. " Bon, or. " A. Bon or. :Mrs. Buckingham. :Mi Buckingham. l\Ir8. CaLor. " A. Gillard. Major-General ir II. Green, K.C.S.I., C.B. 1\Ii s J. ilarringlol1. 1\frs. V. Harvey. Mr. James Jack on. General Sir Arnold Kemball, R.A., K.C.B. , KC. .r.

ili Grace the Duke of r anchester, h.P. R. Micholls. IIon. Mr . 1\10 tyn. 1\1 i F. G. Otto. Purkin. ,) A.}.I, Prothoro. " Quilter. E. Robcrtson. L. Robert 011. 1\ll', J. G. anc1eman. MlS. Tomlin. 1\Ii s TyZlll'd. " ,\Ye tern. Lord Wynfol'cl. Lady \'i~ynford. ~Iiss

Sll ccial S ub s crib c rs to U y cl e l- ar}{ Ambulanc e Stations Fund.

:llIi 8 De Burgh. Mr. iloraco Davey, Q.C. " Robt. ilaJ'l'ison. " E. ilal'L. Lady Pollock.

Dr. Priestley. 11'. Geo. Robin on. D. elln,r. " Gco. n.. ith.







( C/wring C1'O s, 'trcmel, Chancery Lane, g·c.)

lYm·tlt TVest London,

~·c .)

Itl'csiilcnt :uul Cllairman. LieuL.-Gencral R. W. Lowry, C.B .

Chairman a nd Tl'ea surer, Mr. G. T. Biddulph. Dcputy ChaIrman. 1\11'. Gcorge James.


eEl TRE.

Honorary Sccrctary.

Mr. C. J . Lambe Eames, (29, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross, .\V.)


T r ca u rCl' a nt! Il 011o1'al'y Secr ctary. Francis J. Gricsbach (31, Carlton Road, Kilbul'J1, N. vV.)



nIr. F. W . .Alillgton MillS E ccles.

lU emb cr ~ .


Miss 1\L B. Ha\yf,h:)l'ne.

Annu a l JI cmbel'. 1\11'. G. T. Biddulph.

~ o.

Annual Melubcl's. Mr. A. Moore. Dr. T. Morton. " W . II. PlaLt. Colonel Blaekct t Revell. Mr. W. Strickland. Dr. A. K. Wilhs . Mr. S. J. vVoolley.

Mr. C. B. Allen. J. E. Atkin on. " C. Bergman. " T. W . arpenlel'. Rev. E. T . Coulthard. 1\11'. C. 'r. D. Cre" " .T. ,. Furmer.

6 DI TRICT- IETROPOLITAN CEI TRE. (Blo07l1sbury, 9·C.)


Honora r y Secreta!'). Mr. E . H . Ba,er tock (36, Queen quaro, \\.C.)

(Bti.don allcl neighbourhood.) C hall' man. The Rev. Canon TIus ey, D.D.

~o .


Tre a , urer and Ilonorary Secret ary . MI'. T. , V . Town end (2G, Ch1'Y' ell Road, Norlh Rrixlon, ~. W.)

(NOTth East L ondon, CZapton, Stake New£ngton g·c.) Presiden t. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Bedford.

No . 11 DI TRT


E. . TRE.

( out/ncarl',)

Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. (Vacant.)

PJ'c~i d cnt .

Lord Lyttelton. (In abeyance.)

No. 8 DI TRICT-METROPOLITAN CEN TRE. (Putney, TVandsn'o1'th, and neighbourlzond.) Chai r m.an. Mr. E dward Coventry. Del)uty Chairman . Mr. Swanston.


( TVillesden and nei!Jh bOll dlOod. ) Treasurcl'. JUl'. A. S. Michie.

Honor ary Sec r ctar y. Mr. Arthur Dryden (72, IIigh treet, Putney, ' .W.) Life : nc mb cl'S.

Capiai n R. C. F. Dalla .

~() .

Mr. J . S. Longdell.

Pl'cs1<l c nt. The Right lIon. tbo Ellrl of Aberdeen. Chairman. .1\[1'. W. Lant Carpenter.

Honorary Secretary. Mr. J ohn Fi her, (15, Church Road, Wille den, N.W.)


Mr. J. M. Grant. E




Annual lUcmbcrs. Mr. Rani on. Mrs. Harrison. Miss 1. Kingston. II A. Kingston. " Keen. Mr. Laverack. " F. S. Long. Mrs. M. Lambert. " Meredith. ]\fiss Esther Meredith. Mrs. Marlow. 1\Ir. W. L. }\forley. " W. Maxwell. Re\"'. J. R. Mills. Mrs. Phip50n. Mr. W. Tindal Perkin3. Mrs. Penny. Miss Edith Roberts. " Ridley. Mrs. Symington. Miss Sedgwick. " Annie Sedgwick. Mr. W. H. Stanger. Mrs. SLeer. Mr. A. Steel'. " P. Gordon Smith. Mi s Ida Taylor. " Sophie Tisdall. " Tisdall. Mr. T. D. Thomson. Miss "YVatts. Rev. J. C. Wharton. Mrs. Wharton. Miss Weedon. Mrs. West. " Williams. Mr. F. A. Wood. " M. Walton. " W. Walton.

Lord Aberdeen. 1\11'. Bowden. " Bunkall. Miss Bannister. 1\11's. Breeze. " Barnes. Miss Barnes. II Bennett. Barron. " Collins. Cobb. Irs. Chambers. 1\11'. W. L ant Carpenter. " Thoil. Coleman. ]\Irs. Darton. Miss Laura E. Dunnage. Mr. A. L. Don. MI·s. Davidson. Mr. T. Day. " T. J. Elwin. Miss Englehardt. 1\11'. W. K. Elrnslie. Miss French. Mr. Thos. Fry. :Mrs. Fry. llfr. John Fisher. Mrt'. Emily C. Fisher. Miss Fisher. " F. Fisher. Mrs. Ellen Fisher. J\fr. Geo. Furness. " J. T. Fripp. 1\1rs. Fripp. 1\11'. Glass. Mrs. Glass. Mr. J OM M. Grant. " Hugh~s. II Hutt. II T. Hazzledine. " F. A. Hazzledinc.

President. Lord Aberdare. Treasurer. Major Powell. Honorary Secretary. Mr. Evan J 01:6S. (No return.)

(No return.)

ALFRETON CENTRE. President. II'. C. R. Pnlmer·Morewood. Trea urer. Mr. Wm. Parsons.

Chairman. Mr. J. Pogmore.

II onoral'Y Sccretary. 1\Ir. IIollnnc1 Rowbottom. Life lUcmber. 11'. C. R. Pulmer·Morewood.

J.l IBLE IDE CENTRE. ( Tlrestmol'eland.) Honorary Secretary. Rev. II. B. Rawnsley.

Cbairman. Rev. J. W. Ashton.

.\ IIFORD CE TRE. Pre Ident. H.R.H. tho Duke of Edinburgh, K.G. Chairman. }Ir. John Furley.


Trca urer. W. F. B. Jemmett.

JlollOral'Y Secretary. Mr. G. Furler. Mrs. Blo~field. Mr. J. S. Burro,.


Chairman. Mr. James Lewis.

ACCRINGTON. Honorary 8ecretary. Major W. Nutter.

Mr. J. M. Bugler. " F. Cheesman. " J. Creevy. " W. Daniels. Sir E. O. Dering, Bart. Mr. J. S. Eastes.

LIfe lUember . Lord HotWleld.


Annual lUembcrs. Mr. R. Furley. Mrs. R. Fur1ey. Mr. Thos. N otLidge. W. P. Pomfret. " G. S. pain.


70 AYLESBURY CENT1{E. Prcshlcnt. ilis Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, K .C.S.l. Treasurer. Major Gooc1nll.

Honorary Sccretar),. Mr. L ewis Poulton .


Annual lUcmbcl's.

Barrow Ship-Builcling Company. Barro\, Municipal Building Employe . Barrow Corn Mill Employes. Ball Committee, Barrow Police. Mr. Briggs. Mos 1'8. 111'ruther c' o. Captain Foll. Mr. IrYing.



Mr. C. H. Seely. Chairman.

Treasurcr. :.'Ilr. F . Lazenby.

Chail'lllan. Mr. 'Ym. W. Portal.

Honorary §ecretary. 11r. G. II. Vardy.

J(onol'al'Y Secretary. :Jfr. ,T. Gib:;on.

(In abryul1cc.)

BACKWORTH COLLIERY CENTRE. Chairman. Mr. H enry Richardson. Deputy Chairman. 11'. W . F. Pilter.

BARNSLEY CEKTRE. President. Mr. W. S. Stanhope, ,J.P. Chairman. The Mayor of Barn ley, 'l'rcasurcr. Mr. J. H. Gration.

BARROW-IN-FURNE "" Chairman. Mr. Edward Wadham, J.P.


EX) CEi\'l'RE.

Deputy Chairman. The Rev. C. ' V. Cnss.

Chairman. ,jll'. Philip O. Pllpillon. Tl'ca. nrCl·. '1'11e \'l'n Hey. K It 'ul'l'il', Delln of

lIonoral'Y Seeretal·Y. Mr. ,YoA. Rap er.


Balllc. Llllly Bm

Life ;U cmbc l' I The Duke of Cloveland, KG. Capt. J[anker·


Deputy Chairmen. Rev. W. W. Kirby, R.D. Dr. Blackburn. Honorary Secretary. Mr. Vernon Blackburn.


l-re ",ltlent. lIii! Grace the Duke of le,eland, K. ~.

Tl'ea ureI'. Mr. James Hunter.

Honorary Secretary. Mr. RobL. F. pence.


PI'elolhlent. }Ir. ~lehiJle Portal.

Trea urer. Mr. S. W . Hancod:.

lUI'. Thomas H ancock.

Mr. Ormandy. " P etch, J .P. chncidcr, J.P. Major trongiLharm. lUI'. Wolfcnc1on. " " !Ldham, J.P. Me 8)' . vYaddingLon and Longbottom. 'Vestray and Copeland.






JlollOl'al'Y Sccretary. 1\11'. B enjamin II. Dodd.

CENTRE. Treasurcr. Mr. H enry Oook, J.P.

lIonoral'Y Secretaries. The Ven . Archdeacon Crosse, M.A. Mr. Thos. Leary. Lifc ltIcmbers. The Barrow HremaLile Ste&l Co.

l-rc)'ldl'ut. Colonel '" t Hall. 'l'rcalolUl'Cl·. Mr. If. J. Cockbul'l1.

Chairman & 1I01l01'ary sccrctar y . , 'The Fev. Howurc1 Ycmp.on. Lifc Jlcmbcl'S.

Tho D udlOSS of B OLHod. The :Marehionc 8 of 'l'twi::;lock.


Colonel Stuart. :Jh. Frcucl'ick lIo" al'd..



Prc ident. 1fr. H. W. Vel'elst, J.P. Chairman. Mr. R. Eddison .

Prc itl en t . Mr. Thos. Weld-Blundell, J.P., D .L. Trea urer. Mr. J. H . A. hton .

Chajrman. Dr. 1I. II. Vernon.

Honorary Sccretary. 1Ifr. George lIolland.


Life IUembers . I Colonel D. Milne-llome, M .P.

UI'Cl' anti JIOllorary !!Iecretary. Captain W. 1I. 'inunonds.



Pre hlent . The Right lIon. Lord Leigh.


The Hon. Mr s. W atson Askew.



:Mr. Adam D arling, J .P. Honorary Secretary. Capt. R obt.Wedclell (1st Vol. Batin.

Trea \



Trea nrer. Mr. W. L. Miller.




Chairman. Rev. Canon Wilkinson, D. D .


urcr and J[onorary !!Iccretary. Mr. G. King-Patten.

I"i fc ) I e mb er . The Righl lIon. Lord Leigh. Mr. Arlhul' JJbright, J.r. )11'. G: B. Lloyd, J.P. C. II. " RIchard 'Tangye, J.P. " J. C. lIolder. " John E. W i! on, J.P. CI Anonymous."


BEXHILL CENTRE. Pre ident. Colonel B . L ane, J .P. Treasurer. Samuel ScriT'ens, E sq.

1I0norary Secrctary. R ev. J. Cother.

BIXGLEY CENTRE. Honorary Secretary.

R ev. G. P ostlethwaite. o return.)

BIRCH W OOD CENTRE. Pre ident. Mr. Charles H ilton Secly. Chairman. Mr. Wm . M. L acey.

Trea urel'. Mr. Geo. W . Chambedain.

Honorary Secretary. Mr. J ohn :Merriman. I.,ife iU ember. Mr. Charles HilLon 'cely.


Miss A.rbla tel'. Captain A h. Mr. Daniel Boker (BalHtU IIealb). " W. 1L Baker. Mi s Barnett. II A. f. Barnett. ~1r. J. Bateman. RcT'. J. O. BeT'an, M ..\. Mi.s Bi hop. Mr. James BooLh. ReT'. Canon Bowlby, ~LA. Mr. J. Broac1hur t. Mrs. Brooks. " Brown. Mis Brown (Leamington). Mr. A. 1I. arpenter. Mi Cave. ::\1rs. Thomas Cha e. The ~li.e ChaJtock. Mrs. 'huT'a e. MI' . J. n. 'larke. 1Ifr. Edward Collins. Miss Cooper. " Cope. II Cotlerill.

)[eJl1bcl' ~ .

~Ii Cox. Rev. R. ,V. Dale, D.n. Mis Day. Rev. Dr. Deane. lis:" Dmgley. 'The ~fi , e Dobb" lfr,. Do·wning. am. Eclwarck " Evan .. )11'. P. Field. l\11' . Fletcher. lIis Gibbons. " lIarrolcl. :Mr. C. IIarrolcl. Mi"s lIill. ~1r. Alfred IIill, J.P. " J. !Calchell nopkin , J.IJ. 'The Mise lIughe'l. 1111's. C. IIunt. Mr. IIutchin. on. " IIC'11ry IUD is. " J. 11lnis. ~ri .s Jelf. ~11':S. G. II. Joh1lstone. " ~[ar 11 ,Tonrs.




Annual ilIcmbers-coniinued.

nIl'. Reading. " "\Villiam R eeves. mith R ichards. :Mis Roberts. Rogers. " Rubol-y. Mr. J. W. alamall. Mi cotto Mr. Alston mith. ~Ii's tarkey. tock. " ,ummerfield. Mr. Law on Tait, F.R .C.S. :all". Thomson. Mi Treadwell. :!'tIl'S. Tyndall. " "\Vhitlock. Rev. Canon Wilki.n on, D.D. :all' . Willoughby Wilkin on. Rev. Willoughby Wilkinson, M.A. . Mr . Franei William . Wilfred ·Williams. ,. W . II. William Ii s Wil on. ~Ir. W. Wyke . ~[r. F. Young.

Mrs. K ershaw. :Miss Knowles. Mr. James Lacon. l.1rs. Sydney L aw on. Right Hon. L ord L eigh. Mr. P. H . L evi. :Hr . Roward Lloyd. Miss Lon g. 1\;11'6. Edwin Ludlow. lfiss Lunt. Manley. " :1 Iarks. Mrs. :Martin. Rev. E. R. },fa on, ~r.A.. Irs. C. E. Mathews. " G. S. Mathews. Uiss Mayo. " Moffatt. ettlefold. Mrs. Oharles K ewman. " J. O. Onions. Misses Osler. Mrs. King-Patten. " Powell. Ii s Prime. Mr. Jefferson Read . )l


Chairman. Mr. R. MacLean-MacLean.

DClluty ChaIrman. Lieut.-Ool. M. oe B. BarneLt, 1st A.. B. KenL A.. V.

Treasurcr a111l Ifonorary Secretary. Major C. D . DavieR, 4th Kent R.V.

(.I. ~ 0 return.)

BLAC'KPOOL C Ei'TRE. Chairm811. Major-General R. J . Foiloen, M.P. (.l~o


Sccrctary. Taylor.

)fr . .J uhn




ChaIt'man. ~rr. J. _1.. Longden.


Deputy Chairman. Dr. J. J. Blllgham.

Jlonorary cercl.ary. '\It-. PuculM. Ohe lor.


Honorary Secretary. ~Irs. J . B . , tone.


Life ;Ucmbcr. 1111' . Yundcleur Kelly.


Annual Jlcm.bcrs,



Honorary Secretary. Mr. Thomas Kenyon.


Pl'c ... idcllt. "\V. II. B. Portman, M.P .

ITl'ca urer ~nd lIonorary Secrctary, 1111 . II. :at Grons.

Life lUcmbcr. lion. Lucy Ella, PorLmun .




Cbairman. Rev. O. II. Fyne -OlinLon.

Mrs. Mac1eley. Mi Marsland. Rev. II. II. Rose. Mi s Kate Rose. Mrs. T. 'mi.th . " J . B. ,'tono . Mr. , . Taylor. Mrt'. ·Wiley.

Mr. R. B. Batty. Miss Beale. JYIr . Cattell. Greener. " Rookham . " Hughe . Mille. L efebure. Mrs. Ohas. Machin. " Madders.

Life ;Ucmbcr . II'. J . .A.. Longden.

:;}Ir. FaRctd M. hell!!'. T. R Fenwick.


Trea m'cr. Miss Marsland.

'rl'ea urer. "\V. II. te,ons.

~Ir .


I"residcnt. RighI, ltcv. Bi bop Tnfncll. Chairman. Rev. Robert Biscoe Tritton. Honoral'Y Sccrctary. lis lfullagal'.

Tl'ca llrcr.

1111' . Tritton.


7H A.nnual lUelllbcl's. Mr. Long. Mrs. Mumford. Colonel :rorton. Dr. Stockel'. Colonel Teesdale. Rev. R B. Tritton. Bishop Tufnell. Mrs. Tufnell. Mr. Yarnell. Dr. II. C. Wooc18, R.N.

Gonel'al Boileau. Colonel Blagrave. Rev. Dr. Conder. Mrs. Ellis. II Fletcher. Miss Fullagal'. Baroness Grant. :111'. H ewitt. Mrs. Keats·J ack80n. "Mr. Lloyd. Mrs. Lloyd.

JlOIlOl'ary Sccl·ctary. (Vacant.)

Sir George Armytagc, Bart. Mr. Henry J occ1yn Barber. BrighoUtle Industrial ociety. Messra. HiI'd, Daw on and IIarely.

Lifc lUClIlbcl'.·. Mr. Riehard Kershaw. II IIanson Ormerod, Sen. II Richard Sugden.


131 IGDTO.!:

Chairluan. The Rcy. Dan Wioham.



Jlollorary Sccrctary. Mr. Harry Nash.

JlollOl'ary Secretary. Mr. Charles J. Smith.

Treasurer. Captain By the ca. Lifc iUclllbcr. Colonel Pen Lon.


Presillcnt. J. M. P. Montagu.

Chairmlln. Mr. J. M. P. Montagu.

BRl'TOL AKD CLIFTON Treasurer. Mrs. Templer.

Jlollorary Sccretary. Mrs. Colfax. A.nnual lUembers . :Mr. W. Houn ell. Rev. F. Maunilell. " J. M. P. Montagu. Mrs. J. M. P. Montagu. Mr. C. C. Runtbe . Mrs. StucUey. Miss Suttill. Mrs. Templer.

Re"l". Canon Bl'oacUey. Rev. R. L. Carpenter. Mr. W. Colfax. 111'8. Colfax. Miss Col£ox. Mr. A. W. H. Dammers. Rev. W. Gildea. Mrs. Gunchy.

'El TRE.

lire illcllt. His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, K.G. Chairman. Sir Sanford Frceling, K.C.M.G.


Trcasurer anll lIonorary Secl'etar)'. Dr. W. II. penceI'.



Cbairman. Re\' . C. B."\ alton (Vicar). Trca nrer aUII Jlonorary Secl'etary. Ill'. John Croft.

BRIGHOUSE CENTRE. Pre ident. 111'. Robert Farrel', 11.R.C.P.

Mr. Laurence Hardy, J.P. Trea urer, Mr. Henry Sugden.

Tru tecs. I Mr. G. J. Al'mytnge, F . .A. Mr. Richard Sugden. A si tant Treas urer. ]\fl'. II. S. Stott.

B R LE ir Chairman. Mr. T . G. Sandy.

(L NG..S. IIIRE) CE TRE. Prcsiclcnt. . J. Kay·Shuttleworth, Bart. Treasurer. Mr. J. L. W!1rd, M.A...

UOlloJ'ary SCCl'ctarlc . fr. J. L. 'Vard, LA. lis Greenwood.


/,' AUllual iU embel'S. l\liss Hirst. l\Irs. R. TIa lam.

1111'S. Bal'ber. l'lIiss Coultate. Mrs. Oranbl'ook. " Dale. " D. Drew. " Dugdale . 1\11'. J. Folds. :Mrs. J. Folds. " Giles. 1\11'. G. GIll. l\frs. Green"ooc1.

" T. IIa lam. " IIolroyd. Sir U. J. Kay-. bllttlc'\\-nrth, Ral-t. ]\Irs. Proctor. 1\11'. Sandy. Miss Stamer. nil'. Strange. " Ward. Mrs. Wbitham.

Messrs. Trllman & 00. Mis Turner. " 'Vaytc. Mrs. vVells. l\Iis Wmtertoll. 11'. VV. H. vVorthington .

lVIr. W. J. RQl1d. " G. H. Russell. Miss Sadler. Mr. '-iV. O. alt. Mrs. S taroy. The Misses 'J.'homp:5on (3). :Mr. '-iV. R Thomas.


The Most .I."oble the Marquis Cunyngh:.\m. DClmty Chairman.


Captain T. Lambert.


The Dean of Canterbury.

Trca"iurC I' and Jlollorary Secretary.

President. .JIr. \\'". n . Worthington. Chairman.

Dcputy Chairman.

}[r. George Lo\,\·c .

Dr. "alter G. Lowe.


Honorary Sccrctary.

::\[1'. Ed"in A. Brown.

Mr. Robert IIarriEon. Life

~IClllbel' s .

Messrs. Allsopp and Sons . }fr. Samuel Charles Allsopp, YL P . Annual

1\11'. G. H. Allsopp. " H. G. Anderson. l\frs. Ed-win Brown. " Adrian Brown. Mr. E. J. Bird. The Countess of Chestern rlc1. :M~rs. J ames Coxon. " Clarke. Mr. C. J. Clay. " II. N . Cowell. Miss E. Day. Mrs. F. t . Dunwell. Mr. F. S. Dunwell. Mi sEarle. " Eadie. " Eaton. Mrs. Ellis. Miss Fisb er. " Grinlin g. " Goodger. Mr. J . O. Grinling.


}1es,rs. Bass and Co. ir 1\1. Arthur Ba ,Bftrt., M.P.

1\11'. l!'. W. FUl'ley . \'nullal JIcmbcr .

1\11'. W. Gillman. Re,. J obn lInllet!. olonel IIor ley. aptnill Lambert. Colonel R. P. Lauric. ~Ir. O. T. Plumptt·c. " IT. \Y. Rolfe. Major IT. T .• anke~-.

The .JIm·qui Conyngham. Dean of Canterbw'Y' .. Muyor of anierbury (T. 'oppin, E q.) " Bi 'hop of DOTer. Colonel Dcgacher, C.B. 1\11'. F. ' V. Furley. " Geo. Fll1'IC'y.


::'111'8. Hu bands. " Hobday. Robert Harri on. Hallam. Miss Hallam. Mr. H eury Hencheliffe. " C. F. Hill. Mes rs. Ind. Ooope, & 00. Miss A. J. J ome . 1\11'. 'V. John on. Oetanu Leatham. Mi s Lowe. 1\Irs. Lake. Mr. Ohas. Lowe. " E. Menr. Mrs. IIarris Morri". " l\Iayon. " Nicholas. Miss Pegge. Mrs. Piclcloehe. " Plant.

C. .\.RLI LE



(In abeyance.)




l-l'e!i;illcu1. ]~nrl


of Egmonl. DC}Juty Chairman.



n. ITomewood

IThe Re,. Lord Victor A.


'J' I'ca"nrcl' and Honorary Secretary. "\[1'.

Franei Carter.



The Earl of Egmonl.



(In abeyanee.)


c.'moul', !\I.A.



OHARD CEN TRE. Trca' urer. 1\Ir. A. V. ICyrke.

Chairman. 1\Ir. G. T. Canning. Honorary Sccrctary. 1\11'. J. William Gifford.

CHARLTON CENTRE. Prcsidcnt. i1' penceI' :Haryon Wilson, B art. ChairJllan. Lieut.-Oolonel II. Geary, R.A.


Life ~Icm"crs. Mr. O. Brown. Miss L ynes. Dr. Wat61's. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ohester.



Dcputy ChaIt'mall, IIis Worship the Mayor.

L01'c1 Edward Ouvendish, 1\f.P,

Tl'ca. urcr allll lIollo1'al'y Sccrctary. Mr. Charles J!.. Jone., O.E.

Tl'ca nrcr and Honoral'Y Sccretary. 1\11'. A. K. Wylie.

Life iUC Ill"Cl', Lord Edward Cayendibh, M.P.

(No return.)


Honorary Secretary. Lieut. Mayne, R.E.

(In abeyance.)



Pre ident. Sir Brook K ay, Bart. Chairman. Mr. John Walker.


I'l'e 'idcnt, II'. 'hu. Binns, J.P.

Treasurer and Honorary Sect'ctary, Dr.Oarr.

Ch aIt'JlI all. Mr. J. P. Jack 011, J .P.

Honorary Secretary of Ladics' Branch, Mrs. Fenn.

1I0llol'ary Secretary. fl'. II. W. GreaLorex.

Life ~Ielllber, Miss H emy. Annual

'1'l'ea lIrel'. 1\11'. Thoa. Wilkin on.







Clay ~Ielllbers,

Miss Henry. " I nglis.

Fenn. " D aker IIarley.





Prcshlcnt. IIis Grace the Duke of Westminster, K.G. Chairman, Lieut.-General In gall, O.B.

Trcasuret', Miss M. How on.

1\1rs. BinJl. . 1\11'. W . F. Clare. " n. ,\V. Grcatorcx. " G. IIowe.

Jack Oll. 1\11'. G. Parler. " '1'. ,\Vilkinson . 1\[1' .



(In abeyance.)

Honorary Sccrctary, 1\1i s IIow on. F

I_Hc lUcmbcl'. LLeuL.-Colonel Loyd, J.P.

CORK CENTRE. l~l'c idcnt. The Earl of Bandon.

Chairman. The ::lIu.yor of CJrlr.

Del)uty Chait'man Sir Daniel V. O. Sullivan,

'.1'reasurer, 1\1:l·S. I'. J. B::tbington.

lIonoral'Y Sccrctm'ics. l\hjor Lunh!1lu, anc1l\1rs. Allman.


Annual Mr. R. Appaeh, J.P. Miss .Appach. " G. Appaeh. " M. ApI)u.;b. Mr. G. French, J.P. The lIon. J. S. Gn,thorne-llarcly, M.P. Mr. W. J. Ne,e. G. Neve.


. Mr. R. Ne,e. Miss Neve. " C. Neve. Sir harles Oakcley, BarL. Mr . .A. Oakes, J.P. " J . .A. Philpott. The Rev. Dr. Reyner.

President. The Earl of Denbigh. UOllorary Secretarics. \ l\1r. ,V. T. Browett, and :nIl' . GUISOil.

'.1'reasurer. 1\1rs. Gulson.

Life iUember. Mr. John Gnlson.



I"resilIcnt. llis Grace Lhe Archbishop of Canterbury. ClJail'man.

:Mr. T. R. Edl'idgc, J.P.

'.1'rcasurcr and HOllorary Secl'Ctary Dr. ,-raILer TIos cr.

BEO\VORTrI BR.d..~Orr (COVE . . TRY CE~TR8). Chairman. Re,. T. R. Evans.


Honorary Secrctary. '.1'reasurer. lIfr. A. E. Tansley. Mr. W. Linney. Honorary Secrctary of Ladies' CIa s. Mrs. Thomas.

Chait'man. Mr. 11clll')' Pea.e.

lIouoral'Y Secretary.

Mr. Edward llutCJlll.SOll.


1I0110ra1'Y Secrctary. Mnjor coLt.

Chairman. Mr. T. S, Whittem. lIonorary Sec t·ctaric !;. l\1r.W.\Villiam un, ancI 1\11' . T. '. WhiLtcm.

'.1'rcasnrel·. Mr. G. Lines.



Prc ident }\Jr.

CRA. BROOK CENTRE. Prcsident. The Hon. J. S. Gathol'Dc-Hal'c1y, M.P. 'l'rca urcr. 1\1:1'15. Websler.

Chairman. 1\11'. R. Appach. Honorary Sccrctary, Miss C, N Cle.

F. R. Davie, K.J.J.; JU.R.I.A.

Chail'nlan. Tho Pl'csillenl (cx o!f.).

'.1'1'ca urCI·. 1\J iS3 Cooper

UonOl'a1'Y Secretary. Dr. J. Dallas Pratt. Lifc ~Icll1bcr, Sir Ech urd C. G uinne.s, Burt.




LIfc iU eUlbcl' s .

A.llullal lUclllber s .

:Miss J ohns. " Kenny. :Mr. P. Kenny. :Mrs. L amb. 1\Ii s Lamb. Leetch. M rs . :Maenie. )) R udelle. :Mr. O. Roe. M rs. ykes . Mis Tolertol1. Vincent. Rey. nope :M. Wadddl. :Mr. John W ebb. M rs. John W ebb. 1\Ii s Webb . Rey . 1\11'. Woodro1I'tl.

:Miss Ander son. B arlow. :Mrs. H ugh B rowne. M rs. J ohn Bagot. JUiss Oooper. JUrs. Oroghan. Miss Oar michael. D oyl e. )) D rury . lJ M . D rury. :Mrs. E c1dowes . Fletcl) cr. :Mr. G ibson . lliis3 Gilbert. Mrs. Gray. Miss Gray. JI Gribbon. ]\irs . N . H one.



President. H is 8 1'[1,('e the D uke of B uccleueh and Q,ueensbury, R.T. "icc PreSidents. Sir R obt. J ardine) Bart., 'M.P. Mr. W . K. :Maxwell) of MUllehcs. Chait'man. Sheriff Hope.

D Clmt y Chairman. lllr. Thomas hortridge.

Treas llrer.

Jlonorary Secrct ary , Mr. James mith, Commercial Bank.

1'.11'. Lauderdale M. Dinwiddie.

(New Centr e.)

Pre hlent.

The R ight TIon. the Earl of Strathmore, Lord Lieutenant of Forfar hire. Pat roness of Women's CIa se s.

The R ight non. the Oonntess of I trathmore. Chairman.

Deputy Chairman.

Lieut.-Col. M orison) 1st Forfal' R.V.

Mr. J . E . A. I'teggall) LA.


Jlonoral'Y Secretary.

Mr. Alex. Simpson.

Major R ankin, 1 st Forfar R.V.

Mr. GOOl'gO ..Il.l'll1itsten.c1) M.P. Oolonel J. E. Erskine. Mr. Joseph Grimonc1. J . n . Luis. O. G. Miller.

L ieut.-Colollel MOJ'ison. :Mr. J ohn Sharp. Earl of SLrathmore. Countess of StraLhmore. lHi 'ymer~. Anllual

Uis Alison Adic. 1\1l's. Jeannie AJ xandc)' . Agnes Allan. 1\1i Lizzie Allardiec. Mrs. JWa F. Anderson. "\.I111e.1c)'. -:'Ifnrgn,re( Baill. Mis I:;n,bcl lltLl'nlry. ~fl' . j\ gnes 11a\.(')·. Miss Loui'!u I'. Bcal. Re\". J. C:dh('l'L Bl':I1. Mr. Jnllle Bcll. -:'1[1'3. J. M. lkll. Ii :\Iaggie Bl'll. Helen j ... Bell. Robina Bpl1. )) (ieoJ'gina G. Bel'l'il'. " Calherine I' . Benie. 1\1)'. _Uexander f4. lli ',e l. lUi s Annie mack. M al'lha 13lnck. " EllIily Boase. N eUie Bon 'c. Mr. loorge \ Y. BOUM' . -:'IIiss Annie E. Bmnd. :JIr. \,illiam A. Brown. Mi Et-Lher Brown. 1\[1' . El1za Brnee. lUis J anct B ulchurt. " I~ubella Cam~ron. Rey. Ja. 1. ampbell. Miss Campbell. » :JIll)' Campbell. Mrs. Agnes al'gill. 1\11'. Dayitl Om·gill. Mis Grace CUl'lnichacl. " Agne "\.. Oarmichael. Mrs. Jl.Iul'gm·cL CtLl'lnichllel. " 1\IargareL CaLtley. Mi s Mary Oheney. fl'. John Oheyne. Mrs. fury J. Oheyne. Miss J anet Ohn k.



~IcmlJCI·S .

Miss l\fr . Mi ' 3 1\11'R. lUi s

Jan e Clark. John Clegbol'l1 . Cleghorn. Jane E . Collie)'. 11. L. Collier. Annie B . Con lable. -:'III'S. John Cuuper. Mi Couper. Mr~. n elen E. Cox . :J[is' Janey I • Cox. 1\11'. 'ranston. -:'IIi Janel E. Crichlon. Blanche Crouda(;(' . Rev. RoberL Oruickshank. -:'II is -:'IIat·.v _\.. 0 unllinghan/. :;.rrd. W. O. ullningham. ::'IIis' -:'Ilaggie B. OunninghaUl. Eliz.1 Cunningham . :JIt". E. O. F. Dalglei::,h. :Mal'gftl'ct Daxid bon. -:'Ili~s Annie Davia on. Florence Dodd. :JIrs. J os ie Dolphin. -:'III'. James Doig. }Jr . IIelen Jlon. " Don. 1\Ii ' J e ie \ V. Donald 011 . " Maggie Donaldson. Lilia J. Dot. Rey. James J. Dunbar. fr. John Duncun. Miss L izzie G. DUl'hnw . Rey. O. A. Elrington. Mi 's Katherine E . El' h.ine. fr . Alfred Ewing. Mis CnLhel'ine Ewing. " Edith Ewing. l\1I- . Maljory Ewing. Ii s Jessie J. ]?llinyenLbe r. Lizzie L . Fuil'weaLlll'J'. )) 1\1argaret A.. Fergu . on. » Mina J . Fergu~son. )) Matilda J. F ergusson.

7 Mrs. Scott Fe1·gmson. :Mi S L\.gnes F. FcrguE on. " 1\1nry W. Fraser. Irs. Fullcrton. :Miss Rose E. Gellatly. " :Maria Gcllatly. " Elizabeth Gib on. :Mrs. Alfred Gilberrson. "Mr. William Gibb. :Mrs. E. F. Gilroy. " Eliza.beth Glns . :ThIjss }I:n'g;nret Gordon. " Fauny Gordon. " S~ra R. Gordon . " Janet A. GOUl·by. }.Irs. Obri tina G01'e. " Jan e Grant. " A. K. Grant. }.Iiss Nellie Grimoud. " E roma O. Guthrie. " Oatherine IIalliday . Irs. Alex. IIender on. }.Ii s :Mary Henderson. " Jane P. H endel' on . " N ellie IIenc1'!r,on. " B ella Henc1eroen. Mr. Alex . H enderson . " Willian: Henderson. Miss Margaret IIeron. " Henrietta J. IIill. Rev. . J3. IIod on. :Miss Catherine IIolden. " Oarolir.e Home. " Jeannie Hood. :Mn J\f81'garet Ryslol)' Miss I sabella Jackson . Mrs. Lily Kelsey. " Sman K err. Mr. William Kerr. Miss Isabella D. Kidd. " :M. Kidd . Mr. George E . Kidd. :Miss Bella Kinmond. }.Irs. Rohert Lamb. :Miss OJn,ra Leng. " Liz7,ie Leng. " Rrlen Linc1say. " Agnes JJinc1sfLY. Mr. William Logie (Newport). Miss Ac1elene O. Low. " B eatrice L. Low.

Mrs. D . Luke. Ii s Janey A. Luke. Mis" Ellen C. Luis. Oonstanee E. Luis. Emma R. Lni . " E. Florence Luis. :Thfr. J olm Henry Luis. " Robert II. Lundie. Miss Jessie W. Lunclie . Beatrice Lyell. II. O. Lyell. Lady Oonstance BO"'e Lyon. Mr. John 1Laeclonalc1. " Davicl Maekay. " Robert F. Mackay. ~Ir~. E. F. Iaekenzio. Miss Mary L. Mackison. Sa1':1h Gordon Maclcod. Dr. J. B. Macleod. 11'. Thomas O. Mulcolm. Mi s E . n. Ualcolm. Mrs. M. E. l\hitland . :ThE 3 Amelia 1\1[11' hall. Mr. W. Y. myth Marlin. Miss Jane 1Im·tin. }Iaggie E. Matthew. Elizabcth W. l\IaUhew. Mr. J arne l\IcIntyre. Mi Iarjory IeLhi1'en. Mrs. J 0 hanne l\Iillur. Ii s Iargacet D. Miller. E. Miller. Ann Anderson Miller. Mary .A.. 1\1illr.r. Maggie Graham Mills . Lizzie F. Mills. Mr . Eliza Miln. Miss Mary 1\1itchclJ. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Miss Amy Montgomery. " Isabella Mori on. TIannah Mori on. " TIelen Moil' Morriwn. Mr. W. J3. Morrison . Mrs. Eliza Morrison. Mr. James MorLon. Mrs . Robert Mndie. Margaret Mudie. Miss Kate Mumo. Nellie S. Mumo. " TIelen Munro.

Mi ss J ane U. Murdoch . National Telephone Oompany. Mrs. Anne elson. Uiss Elizabelh Neish. Nri sh. A. eish. [1' . Georgc Newla.nds. Miss L. iellcll. 11'. Rol.JerL Ju L Ni l"en . Mrs. ITal'l'ieL Ogilvie. }.Ii D. R.. Ogil,·ie. :Thir. IIemy Ogill'y. JUi ,s Fanny II. Ogilvy. " Ellilh J. O~ilyy. " JCvcline Ogilvy. M. 13. Ogihic. " In,ggin Osler. [I'. ' Y. \V. Parkel', Ml". I1rislilla Pad,el·. " Do" ell Pcarce. :Thii '5 arah POd(,Oll~. fnrgard J. Prophct. }.Ir . Alex. Ihm'Suy. Rnmsny. :Thlis' Mary J. Rnnkin. Iajor J. Rankin. Irs. ITelcn Rl1incl. Miss Jeannie 1\I. Rilchie. 1\11'. Robll'l B. Rilchie. }.Il Hannah 1\ih:hie. " Margaret Ritchie. " Alice Rilehil'. Mr. 'Vm . Mori. on Robert on. )li s Kale Roherl<;on. " Annic 1\£. Rogel' . " ElizabeLh Ro~ . " Ro, R. " J~m ily 1 l1l111c1cl's . " SeoLl. 1

[aud Shephl'l't1. " IIilc1a lJephertl. " ,'hield. Mrs. 11l'Lslina, ' ienrright. Mi, s Lena 1 imc. }.f1'S . Annio l\£. 'impson. Mr. R obert 1 ])1:111.

Mrs. RO]J ort Small . Ess Oharlotte SlI1all. :Thfr. J. More Smiclon " John Smith. " James 1 mitl!. Mi ss Annie mill!. " Eliza Y. Smil h " Oarrie T . mill!. " Agnes Smith. Mr. Gcorge K. mith. 1\11's. Sooto. Miss Oatherine ,'oo te. " Emma Soote. " Fanny l.ooLe. 1\1rs. ponce. 8t. Mary's 'i lorhooc1. l)1'ofesso1' Sleggall. MI·s. I sabella IT. Steggnll. " Stephen. :Mr. Robert :Moocly Stuart. Mr . JOg, Le A. Mooely 'Luart. " Emily ., tnrroek. Mr .•Tame Gorc1on 'utherland. ~[is Symcrs. ReI. barIc lepben . Mi J ane hepherd. " Mary Taylor. fr. James Tennant. Mrs. Emma Thain. " Alice Gordon Thomson. Mr. D. O. Thomson. Mis Graec ThoU1~on . 11'. William ~rcLcod Thorburn. Mrs. !sohel Todd. Rev. ,\Vm. Veilch. ::'111'8. John \\ulkel'. " R. . '\VI11ker. Ii Kale '\\ nlkor. " 1\1argl1l'et Wnlker: Ml'f . Jolm '\Vat son. '\Vat ou. " Ann Welch. " '\\"c111 y.$. 1i"8 Lizzie ,\Yil on. M}' . R. II. Wybranls. " W einberg. Mn.rgnl'et Wright. Alice Y. Young. ~Ir. James Y oung. I.

Messrs. Thomas Bell and SOllS. Provost Ballingall. GOUl'lay Brothers & Co. Mr. James Guthrie, jUll. " Geo. Gilroy, jun. •, Frank Henderson, lU.P. Messrs. H. Henderson and on. Ex-Provost Moncur. Messrs. John Laing and Sons. I, R. A. Mudie and Sons.

Donations. Messrs. Pearce Bros. lUI'. R. A. P earce. '1'ho . Smith. " Jam es N. Smith. Geo. K. Smith. JJ P. Spence-lUudie . JJ W. B. Thompson. lUessrs. ThomsoD, Shephcrd &. Co. II Urquhart, Lindsay & Co.

EUKI GTON CENTRE. l"t'cshlcnt. Sir G. K Sit well, Dart. t ' hail·lIl an .


He". K 13. E3lcollrf , :'ILL

Tt'ca H1'cr and llouol'at'Y Secrctary, lUI'. RobcrL DumbleLon.

Life JlembeJ's. Collieries Field Olub.





(In abeyance.)

Chairman. The Dean of Durham. Treasurer. Mr. L. Edwardes.

Honorary Secretary. Mr. E. JepsoD, F.R.C.S. Chait'man.

TIeL E. 'Yanc, D.D.

EAf)TBOURNE CEN TRE. Chairman. Mr. C. Raikes, J.P., C.. r. Treasurer. Major Owen.

Honol'ary Secretary. Mr. Leonard J effcry.

])cllllty Chair'man. UrLjor \V. Dlll'nConl, 2nd Buck R. Y.

ITI'ca"illl'Cr anti JlOlloral'Y Secretary. Captain I). T. Go Chlll 1, 2nd Buck' R. V.

Life JIelllbcl'~. '1 he OmrCl' COlllmanding 2ml Buck 'f he Adj utl1nL 2nd Bucks (ELan College) (ELon 'ollcgo) RiGe VolunLeer . RiUe YOIUllLcCl" . .'ul'gcon Jtl1lll'S "iV . Uooe11 l\I.R. '.8.


EA T GRIK TEAD CENT RE. Chau'man. Maj or P~arless .

Trea urer. 1\11'. "iV. N. Rudgc. Honorary Secretary, Mr. George Taylor.

I"rcsilient. LllC l;;tlrl of Dc\"on .

Hight lIon.

Trcasurcr. ::\Ir. '\Yilliam CoLLoD.


fr. ArLhur ".YyaLL Ellgel1.

II ')llOl'ary Secretary. \Il1jol' 'YV. D. Ta1)er.

EBB,y VALE CENTRE. Chairman. Mr. C. B. IIolland.


'I'1'ca ure1' antI Honorary Secretary, l\h. W. Dayson. Lifc IUembel'. Mr. C. B . IIollanc1, J.P.


11'. J. II. BuLLoll. Miss K. Bonll. " E. 'VeuLworth Bullor. Mrs. corro.


Ii '6 Ellacombc. Mrs. Fur (lou. IIus cy. " W. D. T:1pC1•.



FARNHAM CENTRE. Prcsidcn t . The Right R ev. the Lord Bishop of Winchester, D.D. TI'caSlll·c l·.

Chai rJu a n . :Mr. S. G. Sloman.

1\11'. J . W . Burninghum.

JlollOl'al'y Secr ctar y. :Mr. John Lewis. I~ife

M r, Lewis Shrubsole. R. Wat on SmiLh. ,V. C. BLunr. " J :1mes Ta. sell. Allan Tassell. " lI. ,'. Tett. IJieul.-Col. T.llel'. Messrs. R. ])1. & II. ·WhiLing. }le,'. B. S. 'Vl'ighL.

Mrs. Fredk. O:1.111e, J nn. Mr. P. B. Nel1IDe. R ev. G. B. Reynl1l'dson . Mra. Rigden. :Mr. ,V. K Rigden. " John Rigdon. :Miss R. Rigdon . E. 1\1. }{igclon. J\I. R. Rigdon .

ltJemb crs.

1\11'. R. II. Combe. 1\11'. George 'l't'immer. Annual

Hr. J. F . La Trobe Bateman. Dr. Brodie. Rev. R obert Gore Bro\yne. 1\11'. BurnistoD. " R. H. Combe. Dr. Hayes. Rev. Canon IIoste. :Mrs. Miley. Mr . J . Pares.

FE T1:-\ rOG

DCIHlty Chait'man , h. Robert Roberts.

Chai l' luan, :Mr. Daric.

~Icmbc r s .

ReT'. C. Powell. Dr. S. G. loman. . G. Sloman, Jun. " IIerbert, 'loman. Mr. A. II. SLeT'ens. "Jame te,ens. Major'laller. Lord Bishop of \\incltester.

Honorary SeCl'etar),. 1\11'. J o11n Owen.

TI'CaSl1l'cr. n. Ca:;san.

:Jh. IV.

I.ifc ::Uembcr.

II'. A. M. Dunlop, on behalf of the Oaldey l\Ii.Ulo and Compuny (LillliLed).


pper Quarries


."l'c!o>hlcnt. olonellhc RighL lion. l!'. A. Stanley, M.P.

FA. VERSllAM CENTRE. Pr csident,


('hail'man. Rev. J. l)ear:<oo, ::'1.A.., F.R ..\..S.

DelHliy Chairman .

Tl'caSUl'CI'. :Mr. J. ]T. ::'lnrgil1:>on.

Honorary Secretary.

:Mr. A. Carson, J.P.

The Right llon. Lorcl liarris . Chai rman. Rl I. B, . Wrig1t.

'J'reaSllJ'cr . :Mr. W. E. Rigdcn.

Uenorar), Secretary.

nIl'. Walter C. SLunt. Annual

Mr. J. A. Anderson. " Ed,,·d. Bryant. " Chas. E. Clinch. " J. W . Cook. " Riehard Cooper. " William Crundell. " John II. Curling. }-{ev. H . E. Curtis. C. E. Donne. Mrs. Elvy. Mr. H. Fielc1ulg. " Thos. GilieLt. Mrs. F . F. Giraud,

~Icm b e J' .


l\fr. C. L. Grabam. J\[essr . John Ball & 011. Rigllt lion. Lord Harri . ]\Jr. Samuel Higham. " R J. ]Jilton. }'Ie~,rs. liillon, Anc'crs oJ1, & Co. Caplain II oopel'. Mr. J01111 lIorsford. " Fredk. J ohmon. " Nieholas Murton. Miss Mary N eame , Mr. Fredk. Neame. " Fredk. Neamc, Jun .

1'111'. J. R. , 'unmcr. Annual iUembers. Mr. T. Riley. J. R. I 'umner. " I). ,Yillio.ms.

Mr. J. D. :rib on. " J. H. (JitROO. " J. I>ickering.

I"residcnt. The Right lIon. the Earl of Glasgow. Chairman .


,V. J.

Jcnlfre 'on , l\1.A., J.P.

Trca 'tll'cr. Mr. John i:)l!e1'IYood, J.P.

Secrctary. Mr. John DiCKer.


IAfc ltlcmber.

Sir Rclmm1l1 Filmer, Burt., D.L., J.P.

92 GLOUCE TER C]£r THE. Chai rman . Dr. W illiam R utherford Ancrum. Trca 'urcr.

Jlonorary Sccretary.

R e,' . II. I V. Uaddy.



(Including Cl'rencesteT Cl.'ul Swindoll .)

. 'l'csid c n t ,

Uajor-Gencral II. A.. 'ttl'cl,


LieuL.-Governor. and llonOt'al'Y Sect'ctan', Mr. Sau marez Le Cocq.

Tt' ca'i lll'Ct'


It,. E. l\In,cCulLoch, Bn,ilif1'.


::\Ir. Geo. Sbeffield Blake way.


GH. \'VE'E:\TD

(Tn ab<,yanec.)


Ch a irnlau.

The ::Uuyor.


Tl'c a SUrcl' anll Honorary S c cr c tal'Y.

::\Iajor Wykeham Dickenson.


C hail'Jllan. Mr. '1'11os. Richardson, M.P, ](ollol'aJ'Y SeCl'eL~U'Y, Mr. J ohn Clarke.

DCIHtty Chait'man.

GHEEl\ \ VI Cil


11'. John IIorslcy ( fayor).

Pr e ~id ell t,

Oulonel F. Duncan, C.B., R.i. Chairma n. ReT'. D. R eitb.


'l' 1 ~G

1\ D ST, LEO~ ARD',"'1

D CIHl1 y C hairman,

Ch ai t'm a n. J\Ir. l~dlYal'(l FurIry, M.D.

:Jlr. II. O. Gibbi5.

'rl'caSlIl' c r and Hon o r a l'Y Secrc t ary , Ur. W . Watts.


](onol' ary Secrctary. lIIr. F. Rossiter.

'l't'c a urcr.

nIt,. W. J. GanL,

A. s i stant Jlon Ol'al'Y S e e t'ctal'Y·

Mr. F. '. Gunt. Life Jl c mu cl'.

GRD[ BY CENTRE. Chairman, Mr. E . Bannister, J.P.

I T1'ea lIr c1' and lIonOl'at'Y Secl'etat'Y.


311'. B. II. T",igltL

Life ;Jl cmb cr,

The Right llon. the Earl of Yal'bc,rough. A nnual Jl emb er ,

Mr. E. Bannister, J .P. Miss S. B ennett. Mrs. II. Bennett. M r . H, B ennett, J.P. M rs. Cook. Mr. H. S . Gar vey, R ev. i1.. Gedge , M r . E . L . Grange. " W. Alford Green. R ev. H , H utchinson. Mrs. K endall. Miss L eppington,

11'. GUbLuT'uS Y . IIill.

Mr. C. Mar hall, J.P. " J. Ueac1ow~, J.P . A. :Montanaro. " A. Reed. " J. Reed, J.P. " J. Robinson . Mra. Ska[te. Mr. II. Smethurst, jun. Mrs. J. SuLcliffe . Mr. B. II. Twight. " J . WaldJ.'am . Rev. J . p, Y oun g .

Annual ;U Clllb c l", 1\Irs. Paken11arn. Y. G. Ros". Mi . nr. , el11'le.

Miss Birkett. l\I1'. C. P . Cu,1'Lcl'. Dr. Furley. l\Ir. Tho. Mason.





D cputy Chairman . lIIr. Wm. Hopes IIeelis.

Chait'm a n . The Rcy. J. ADen.

](OllOl'al'Y SCCI' ctal'Y, 11[1'8.

Rev . J . AJ1en . l\Ir. EveneLL. " G. W . Goodison.

\ Vm. Hope IIeelis.

Allnual JUcmU cl's . lIIr· . Goodi'ol1. lIIr. IYm. IIopes IIeelis . l\fl'~. IYm. ITopes IIeelis.



I"rcsidcnt. (Yacant.) Cilairlll cll. Mr. Samuel Jubb J.P. (Batley) . Mr. R. J. Critchley, J.P. (Dew blll·Y) . " John lneson (Birstall). " John Nevin (Rn;,euslhorpe). Rev. St. George Kerr (S Laincliife) .


Treasurcr. Mr. Chaley Fox.

JlonOl'al'Y Secrctary.

Mr. Duke Fox. Life

The Birstall Co -operati,e Society. Mr. Chaley Fox. " R. Gaelie .


Mr. IIerbm·t Marrio! t. " William Preston. . II. SlJedding.

Annual JIcmbcl'S. DE"SBuRY SECTIO:\'".

Mr. J. Cardwell, jun. Simon Crawshaw. " R. J. Critchley, J.P. " G. D. CullingworLh. " Fredk. Ellis, J.P. " George Wm. Fox. John Day Fox. " T. Bateman Fox (:.\Iayor). " Joseph Haley. " B. G . Hepworth. " John Ingram. Joshua :nritchell. Wm. Seholefield. Wm. Sharrock. Mrs. L. A. Shepherd. :Mr. Seth Ward.

Mr. J~d. llall. " John IIarLlcy. " Titus IIeeley. G. II. IIi.rilt. » 'Vm. IIowgaLe. Midield Oo-opemlive Sociely. M e ~l'S. 1Yhr3hall, Kaye & ::.\larshull. h. J ohn Nevin. James Robel'Lshu,w. Free1. Smith. " Benj. Simpson. " J u,mes Sandel' on. " lfmnk t:l.pleton. » Geo. Tatter:;field, jun. " "\Vm. Thaekrah, J.P. Me 51' • J u,s. W n.lker, 'ons & 00. 11'. SamuC'l 'Vood.

]l,l1's. Jos. \Vm . Jubb. Miss Marriott. 1\11'. J. P. MiclcUebl'ook . Mrs. John St·.1bley. 1\1e3S1'3. M. Shen.rc1 & Sona. :Miss Eliz. '1\1y10r. " Alice J. Taylor. " Susn.u wa on. The Bn.tley Working ]I,1en's Club. RA.VENSTIIORPE SEC'rIOY.

Mr. Fred. Buckley. :1\103S1'8. Isu,[I,e Buckley & Mr. Thomas Brooke. " George Day. Dr. Fai.rclough. ~Ir. Marmaduko Fox.


OllS .


Mr. Charles Creighton. " Wm. Fo tel'. Me r. George Ellis & Nephews. The Gomel'sall Co-operali,e Society. The IIowden Clough Colliery Co. :'Ill'. D. Ashton. Joseph Hadfield. " G. F. IIammond. » W m. IIirst. » .ththur IIutchinsoll. » J. P. llling~rorth. " John Ineson. " William Jowett. Re,. John Kemp. Mr. W. E. Knowles. " John O. Lee. Messrs. Lyons & Carr.


The Right Rev. Lhe Lorel Bishop of IIereford. Tl'ca 'urcI'. Mr. O. G. Marlin.

C hairJuall . Mr. J. F. ymoncls.

JlonOl'ary Sccrctary.

lIIiss Allu,y. Anuual


Sir Robel L Lighton, Bart. Mrs. Norris. 1\11'. Pulley. " E. B. de 'Vinton.

Mrs. ALlay. Miss Cuthbert. Mr. R. Greell. )) Jenner.


Messrs. J. & G. Bailey. Crabtree & Co. G. Fox & ons. Miss Greenwood. Heckmondwike Co-operati,e Society. Mr. Joseph lneson. " Wm. Parker. Messrs. Robinson & Bros. Mr. Wm. Senior. " J erh. TaLtersfielc1. Messrs. J. Tattersfielcl & SOllS. Tattersfield, Oddy & Co. Mr. Wm. Townend. " Robt. Walsha\\'.


Me srs. John Black burn & Co. R. Brearley & 'ons. :;}Irs. Walter Bug ha,"\'. Balley Co-operative Society. Messrs. J as. Critchley & SOllS. Mr . Walter CrileLley. Mr. 'V. J. R. Fox. " Duke Fox. Re,' . FaLLer C. Gordon. Mr. Thomas Hirst. " S.Jubb,J.P . " John Jubb, J.P. " John Joseph Jubb (Mayor) .

TIEl TFOnD CEXTRE. Chail'man.

Mr. Abel miLb, M.P.

'['rca_urcI'. ,V. Oozen .

D CIHlty Chairman.


'r'lle lion. Baron DimsLlale.

Jl01101'31'Y Sccrctary. Lieut.-Colonel yc1ney 'V. Bell. Life It.lcmbcl'.

'lhe Right IIOll. Enrl Oowpel', R.G. Annual iUc mb cl' Si .

Lieut.-Oolonel S.> <lucy 'V. Bell. The lion. Duron Dnl1sc1ale.

Re,. R. Rutland.

In~ Y\\~OOD

(M. .'L KCIlE "l't~n)

CE ~Tlm.

l·rcs idc nt . Dr. Alfred ChachicK, M .D. Treas urer.

ChairJn :ut. Dr . .Alfrec1 Chac1lyick, M.D.

1\Ir. Clough 1\f ac1en.

H onorary Secret ary.

1\11'. IT. II. J. IIitchon.

n eDDEH, 'l<'IELD CENTRE. Chairman. R ev. J . W . Bardsley. lIonorary Sccretary. :Hr. J . Martin, F.R.C.S.E.

'rl'ea urcr.

h . G. G. Fisher. Mr. W m . Brooke, J.P. Miss O. Brooke. " E. Brooke. Mr. J ames H irt.

Annual lUemb ers. :Jl.Irs. Rothery. :Jl.Iiss Grace v"Vooc1head. 1\Ir. Jo eph W riglesworth.

H ULL OENTRE. Chairman. R ev. Canon McCormick.

l'resitlc nt.

II.R.il. Princess Christian. "ic C_ P r csid en ts. The Right lIon. Vi couuL Ercl'sl<,y, Sir Thomas I3 l'nasey. G-JYcl'llor oC the Isle of ' Yighf. Lady Brosse}'. Og1a.nclcr. Lady.ALllcrlC'y. Ilelmty Chait'mall . 1\11'. R. F. TIldridgc, Uf\yor of 1'ewpol't.

Tl'eaSU1'CI'. Mr. J . F. IIoc1dinotl.

I1ol1oral'Y Secret ary. Ml' . .Arlllul' PrieC', }\I.l-{"C. L ife

~Ielll l ) e l' s .

'il' Thomas Brn~ ey, K.C.B. Lady Bra cy.

The RL. lIon. Vi"count E,er ley, G.C.B. Lady Oglanc1er.


Annual ~( c mber s. The lIon. Eyelyn shley, 1\1.P. Mr. S. Lehman. Colonel Baillie, J .P. Mi s Lehman. Browne, V.C., J .P. ' 1\11'. II. :Mortimer :Mrs. E. Carter. port) . 1\11-. F. Da IlWood. :Mrs. Iowatt. Coloncl ' igbtingale, D3l'd lIighlancler . " R. F. Eldridge C~Ia~ol' of .J..~c"pOl't). Captain E.-elegh, R.A. 1\11'. R. Pinnock, J.P. Mi s E . .A. Evelegh. " R. R. Pittis. 1\1rs. IIaigh. il' Barrington 'imeoll, Bart., J. P . 1\11'. J . F . IIoddinott. The Rei'. II. 'Ia:d or. Dr. Jollifre. fr. C. Tottcnbam.

Treasurer and ~onol:ary Sceretary, Mr. II. :N. BabJl1gton.




IPS, VICll CENTRE. Presiden.t. Tue Mayor. Cllairman. Dr . Durrant.

Mr . D. IT. B ooth. " S. S. Elliston. Mrs. B ar tlet . Miss Cobbold. Clayden.

Tre a s urcr a nd Jlonorary Sccrc1 arl'. Miss Coulcller . Life iU embcrs . Mr. C. E. Skinner.


Prc ,i clr n1. 1\11'. \\". 1J. elc Gl'l1chy. Chairman. Rc\,. P . R Pipon 13l'aitlmni1.c.

Tl' e a ~ m' cr


ancl JlonOl'at·y Secrctal'Y,

l\Jajor G. M.

tc,Cl1S, R.A.

-- - - - ------KEIGHLEY


Pl't'si cl c n t , Annua l lU emb el' Mrs. Coulcher. l\fi s CouJcher. Dr. D un'an t.

Mr. I:-;aae Holdcll, M.P., .J.P., D.L. Chait·man . The Mayor, Alc1('l'l11un 'Yll1. Clough, J.P.


'I' I 'ca ~ Ut'et', Jr. Jolm dcuhill

UOll01':I .. Y S CCt·C1:1I'Y·

:\11'. 1: T..n.\(·o(·k.





(In abeyance.)

Itl'esiclellt. Sir Andrew Fail'bau:n, M.P. Cbai,·mau. 1\11'. Edward .A tkillson.

KE 'VICK UE:NTRE. Presillcnt. Mr. II. A. pedding. Deputy Chairman. Chairman. Mr. Joseph liall, B.A. R ev. II. D. Rawnsley, 1\I.A. Honorary Sccrctarics. Trcasurer. )Iiss E. Benn, and 1\[1'. George If. Dixon, JUl' .•T. Fi~h('r Cro~thwaitc . B.A.

KIDDERMINSTER CENTRE. Pt'c sidcn t. Mr. John Brinton, M.P. Cbairman. The )Iayo1' of Ridder.

DelHlty Chairman. Mr. E. J. Morton.

Trea uret'.

lIonorary Secretary. )11'. Daniell\Iackay. Life :U em.bers. )Ir. Michael Tomkinson.

:'h. J ohn Brinton, :M.P.

KIVETON PARK COLLIERY CEl. TRE. Presitlent. Rev. G. T. IIucl"on, M.A. Cbairman. lir. 'rhos. Oarrington, 1\I.I.C.E., F.G. '.




i1' Andrew Fairbairn, M.P.

" Lionel


lVinnerton Pilkington, Bart.


1\11'. Charles Rider. "Walter Rowley, C.E.

A.nnual iUembers.

Clifford Allbutt. " Edward Atkinson. " A. Baddeley. llliss E. 1\1. Haines. Mr. John Hanan, :LP. Miss Brown (\V c twood). " L. Cader (Ripon). Colonel 'hild. II'. C. D. ClayLon (Dot1ca<:ter). " n. C. undy. " ,\V. B. Deni ·on. 1\1l's. R. \V. Eddi on . ir Andrew Fuirbairn, r.p. Miss Flam tead. Mrs. Hownl'Lh. 1I1i Humble. Messrs. Illehbolcl 0 ' Bc('1.. Mr. W. L. Jack on, ~r.I}.

Mr. Jame::, Kit on, Jun. 11rs. F. Lupton. " Morley. 1'111'. G. W. 1\1orrison. " lienry.l: el on. II Geo. IIird el on. J\fc:-;sr~. Pope and Peal' 0)1, Limited (N orm:lllton). Ii~ Richard on (Ripon). Mr. C. Rider. " '\IalLer Rowley. 1\11'8. 'Wallcr Rowley. Mr. Ashlcy ' table~. Mis. Lucy 'tablc'>. 1'111'. T. P. Teale. Major Ward. Mr. Edwin '\\'"oodhotbC, J.P.

Treasul·cr. 1\11'. F. E. liud on.


Honorary Secretary. Mr. Edward oar.


Treasurers. Messrs. BeekeLt and Co.

lIonol'ary Secretary. Mr. WalLer Rowley, C.E.


:Mr. A. Dow.



I" rcsident. IIi Grace thc Dnke of Rutland, K.G.

'l'reasurcl'. . Pagct.

JIonorary Sccretary. 11'. T. F. Jobnon, Jun.


Prc ident. Colonel the Right Hon. F. A. Stanley, M.P. Chairman. Tbe Rev. Canon Allen, D.D.

Treasurer. Dr. Robert Clark.

Honorary Sccretary. Major Edward ,\V. I 'tokes.


Life iUembers. I 'torey Bros. & Co.


LEICE 'l'ER BRANCn (LEICE TER 'lIn E Chairman. Rev. II. J. ForLesuue.


Tl'ca urcl'. Mr . . Chambcrs.

Jlonoral'Y Sccrctal'ic

:!\fiss FOl'tcsc~e ancll\Ii s Fullagar (Women'::;) ; l\I)'. J. li. Buc1.ley (.Jlen's). G




IJifc Uembcl·s.

Miss 1\I. Broughton. Mrs. Buck. R ev. G. H. Elli . l\Iiss E. Ellis. R ev. H. J. Forlie CllC. 1\liss Forliescuc. 1\11'. W. Gleadow. l\Iiss Adderley. S. Baines. " J. H. Baines. " Bromley. l\b-s. Bruin. " Oalichpool. " Ohambers. " Oharliers. l\Iiss Olarke. Rev. L. Olaylion. Mrs. Olayton. Mr. J. O. Oollier. 1\1rs. Oooper. " Ourtis. Mr. Denton. Mrs. Douglas. " G. H. Ellis. Miss E. Ellis. Rev. H. J. Forte cue. Miss FOl·teseue. Fullagar (Bognor). n K. Fullagar. " F. Fullagar. Gibbs. Green. Mrs. H. Humberston. " O. Humberston. Miss Humberston. Mrs. G. 1I. Jones.

Lady King-llall. Major Millican. Mr. A. Paget. " W. Napier Reave. Swain. . ·Wright. Annual lUcmbel's. 1\11'. Joyce. Irs. Kinton. ~lis Leicester. " 1\Iaekennal. l\Irs. 1\1ott. Rev. F. B. l\Ieycr. 1\1iss Nedham. " Noble. " Paget. l\Irs. J. D. Paul. 1\11'. Pickering. 1\Ie srs. Rathby & Lawrence. 1\1rs. Ran om. l\Iiss Robin on p1aida Vale). 1\11'. O. Robin on. 1\1rs. Rowlett. " Skilling ton. " S. Smith. " A. Spencer. l\Iiss E. 1\1. Stafford. 1\Ir. Stanyon. 1\1rs. Walker. " ,Voodroffc. 1\11 s Wheeler. 1.\1rs. Waud. Messrs. Whitmore & 00. 1\1rs. A. Wykes. The Watch Oommittee of Leicc Icr (per 11'. Almond).

IIALL.A.TON BRA NOII (LEICEf TERf lURE Chail'Dlan. Sir Arthlli' IIazlerigg, Bart. Treasurcr aU11 lIonorary Sccrctary. (Vacant.)

El. TRE).



(No ret urn.)




Chairman. Rov. W. I. Oolles, D.D.

Tl'ca urcl' and Ilonorary Secretary. (Vaco,nt.)


'Jlfc ;Uc lllbcr. End of Wilton.


GnJ ~M





UOII01'at'Y Sccrctary. :M]'. Thomas BolL




llo11oral'Y Sccrct.ary. Dr J . D. lIulme.

LE,YE' UEI TRE. JlonOral'Y Sccl·c(.ary. CaJ)tuin II. J . Broud.



IJre idcnt. The Right Re,. Lho Lord Bishop of LichJleld. Trea urer. Chairman. Dr. 1I. 1. l\Iorgan. Tho V cry Rey. Lhe Dcan of LichJleld.


UOllOl'ary 'ccl'etarlcs. 'olonel Tompson and nIl'. Wakeman- Tewport. Annual lUembcl's. Rev. G. 1\1oberly. Right Rev. Bi~hop .A.bl'oI1am, D.D. Dr. H. 1\1. 1\1organ. ~lr. ylvanu Bigg. 1\1r. H. A. Wakeman-Newport. Ooloncl W. D. . Dickins. Mr. F. T. Godfrey-FausseLt. " A. D. Parker. C. Richardson. Rev. John Graham. J. O. Richardson. Mr. F. lIincklcy. Rev. Melville coit. " J. 1I. IIodson. " J. SCljeani on. Miss lIolbech. Ooioneill. S. Tompson. The Dean of Lichficld, D.D. Mr. O. Trigg. Mr. A. O. Lomax. " J. T. Whateley. Tho lIon. 1\1rs. 1\1aclagan.



L wlie./

LILLBsnALL COLLIERIES CENTRE. l·l'esitlcnt, Earl Gram·ille, KG. Trc~tsur('r.

Chah'Jnan, lUI'. W. Perrott.

lUI'. St. John Tysioll.

Deputy Chairman. Rev. J. A. Panter .

Honorary Secretary. Mr. Benjamin Boit.

ir. William Bullock. Rev. W. B. G. Botfielcl. 1111'. Benjamin Bott. Earl Gram·ilie, K.G. Mr. George Griffith•. II John Gralc. II '1'. E. Horton.


Chait'lltan. }Irs. Rowbncl Williams.

•\nlllutl ;lIclllbcrs. Dr. J usiin IcO. McCarth, . Mr. R. Moffitt. II W, Perrott. Rev. J. A. Panter. 1\11'. St. John Tyston. II F. Tucker.

Honorary Sccrctary. Mis' Fanny L. Calder.

'l'rca urcr. 11' . A. '1'. Square -.

UonOl'ary Sccl'etaric .... Bl'anckol' anc1l\frs. Fail'ric.


~Iit' s

LLANBI'JRL' A" D DI 'TInCT. Honorary Sccrctary. MI'. Thoma S. R owland. (N ew CClIl1·e.)

- - - -- --------


Charles Evans. II John Ferguson. Rev. Thomas O'Regan. ., W. J. Price, },fl'.

Treasurcr and I1onorary Sccrct3ry. :Mr. Charle EYans.

l'rc"j(lcnt. Lord ::\Io"{3'll .


Annual lUcmbcrs. Mr. R. W. Ralph. C. C. Walker. II F. Weck.

DCllllty Chairman.

Chairmall. Dr. James Nicol

Mr. W. Bevan. lIonorary Sccretary. ::\Ir. C. Le Neve Foster.

Trcasurer. Mr. J. Adcy ·Well ' .

Lifc JIcm.,cr. ::\11'. C Le T ele Fo ter.

LIVERPOOL CENTRE. President. The Earl of Derby, KG., &0. Chairman, Treasurer and Honorary Secrct.ary· Sir James A. Picton, J.P. Lieut.-Colonel C. B. Paris.


Life JIembers. Mr. Edward Bibby, F.R.G.S. Lieut.-Oolonel C. B. Paris. Sir Thomas Brassey, KC.B., M.P. Lieut.-Oolonel R. F. Steble, M.P. Mr. J. T. Nickels. The Duke of Westminster, KG.

Mr. Thomas Dobson. " A. B. Forwood. " H. Grayson. Major C. Grayson. Mr. W. D. Heyne. " Thomas Holder. II T. H. Ismay. II T. H. Jackson. The Misses Leicester. Mr. Henry Leyland. George R. Leyland .

Annual lUcmber . Lieut.-Col. C. B. Pari. l\fr. C. J. Paris. Miss H. H. A. Paris. 1'111'. F. Pierpoint. Dr. A. Creswell Rich. Messrs. Rockliffe Brothel' . Major Shirley. Captain H. Tate. Mr. G. M. Williams. Captain G. F. Williams.


j're ... iden1. Yillil'l's Fl'flnci~ Dent.


DCI)uty Chairman,

Ir. Yillicl' Fruncis Denl.

Captain Earle R.r .

'l'rcalo.urcr and Uonoral'Y I!;cc rctary. ::\Ir. Ro"lantl n. Cooper.

Mr. Adam Allen. II IIc:lry Bac1cock. Mrs. Francis ' l. Barbe. 1\11'. IIenl'y t. Bllrbe. II II. T. Bath. :Mrs. Oastle. Mr. B. B. Cooper. " Daniel Oroft

.\.nuual JIcmbcriOo. fl'. l~ . II. Crozicr. The Rev. J. O'Connell. Dr. Edward Chincry. 1\1rs. Ec1ward Chiner)'. :Mr. Yillicrs Dent. " IIems Daniell. " IIcnl'y Doman. Capt. Earle, R.N.


] 05

Annual JIembcrs-continued.

Mr. Murdock. The Rev. B . Maturiu. Capt. Patton, R.N. :JIr. aul. " IIenry Spike. " P. Trigs. IIoward P. Ward . , P. W. Young.

Mr. W. F. Gl1breJJ. " ,V. E. Ha"kins. Dr. Braxton Hick. " Hill. U1'. Howell. " Edward King. Leonard Lewis. " Lamble. II James Light.

LYTHA:l\[ OENTRE. PI'e~ident.

:i\Iajol' IIineksman.

1\11'. J. II. lIilis. " T. Hollin gworth. " J. IIollin gwOJ·th. Iiss I ggulden. Rev. Canon Knollys. 1\'[1'. A. ,V. ~Io.r::lh. Mrs. Martin. Mr. Riehn,rd Moreel'. " Samuel Moreer. " W. F. 1\'[oreor. Dr. MorediLh. Mrs. Millarc1. :JIi s Alico :;\lonektol1. Dr. )Ionekton. Mrs. luir. Mr. D. Paino. A. Page. Mrs. E. Phillips. )Ii s Page. Mr. F. Pint', JUIJ. :J1l's. Roberts.

Mr. L. J. Rook. E. T. Ruck. " W. E. Seyfang. " J n,mes Sharpe. Mis 'hn,rpe. Messrs. J. & A. 'm) the. Captain E. SLn,eey. Mr. II. StOlT. " C. C. 'tren,fueld. " II. 'treatlleld. )1i5s StreaLfield. Mr. A. F. SLylc. )[iss C. Tassell. Mr. R. T. Tatham. " ,\? Tuylor. " G. II. 'Yillialll ~. " R. West. \) J. P. II. \YOOll. " R. .J. Worley. " C. E. \\?l'ight. " :F. "IV. ,"right.


Chail'luan. Major Hineksma,n.

Deputy Chairman. Dr. Fishel'.

Trea urer. JIr. J as . Stretton Fan.

JlollOI'ary Sccrctary. :'\Ir. William Kelsall.

IAIDSTO.l E CENTRE. P resi(lcn t. • 'ir Edmund Filmer, Bart., M.P. Chairman. !Ill'. William Haynes.

DCI)uty Chairman. Dr. D. IIenry Ionekton.

Treasur er. Mr. Randall Mercer.

Honorary Secretary. Mr. Claude Hn,milton ·White.


Tl'ca lIollorary Secret.ary.

'apl. 'Y. OLLley.


Life Jlcmbcrs.

Colonel Cecil Cragg. A Friencl


Ross, 11.P. Messrs. J. & T. IIollin gwol'th.

Mr. G. IT. Dore!;. Mrs. Dobell. Mr. G. Edmet. Miss EVl.ms. Mr. T. P. Frn,nklyn. " W. Fowle (ilLV.F.B.). Mrs. F. Fremlin. Mr. R. J. Fremlin. " Walter Fremlill. Mrs. Goodwin. Mr. IIerbert Green. " Mr. R. P. Grant. » W. IIaynes.



l~ rc~idCllt.


The RigllL Roy. the Lord Bishop of )lancl1e tel'. ))('IHt1y Chairman.

Annual lUember .

Messrs. Al'gles & Co. Captain i.ylmer, M.P. Mrs. William Crump. 111'. S. Benteiff. ~Irs. Barling, jun. Miss E. Best. Mr. J. Brennn,n. " F. Bunyard. " J. B. Brown. Miss A. Bryant. " K. Bryant. Messrs. F. W. & II. R. Cutbush. Rev. E. F. Dyke.


)Ir. Albert 13rolyn .

:\11'. 11011ry \Vilson.

Dr. Duere Fox. Treasurer. )11'. J. 'V. l\Inclul'c. ~rr.


Chairman. rr. Smith Rowe.

Dr. T. Smith Rowe.

UOIlOl'al'Y Secrctal'Y. ::\Iajor Pooloy.: Sccrctary. Benjamin Brown.

Jlonorary Sccrctal'ie (VacL1nL.) Life ;Ucmbcl' I Mr. . Stiles.





DelHlty Chairmall, Mr. John G·. ,'watl.


Trcasurer anll Uouorary Secretal'". j1r. C. 1\1. Footti{..


I"resident, C. F. ll. Bolckow, D.L.


Licul-.-Col. Owcn P. Wethel'ed.


Ml'. Cl1l1rles 'Willman, 'I'l'Ca,SlU'Cl',

'\11'. Eng ne 'VetliC',r.

Ladies' Sccretary. ::\Iiss E. B. JacKson.




_11'. \VnYlllnan lJixon Life lUcmbers. I Lieut.-Col. Owcn Pcel '\~cthel'ecl.

:Mr. Thos. Somers Cocks.

A.nnual IUenll.cl's. 1\11' . Powcll. 1\11'. W. Ritchie " D. Rn h, V.C. G. \Iard. " Thos. ll. "right. 1\11' , Owen \\illiams.

Mr. R. F. Campbell. " C. 1\1. Foottit. " Geo. Jack on. 1\1iss E. B. Jackson. :M1'. J. S. Kirkpatrick. II F. Morgan.


::\ir. :B', ilol'bol't jIal'Sllllll. Life Jlemuel'!oi.

I'll lldcn,ton Foun~ry CUll1pun~·. La<ly TIm ;;e~. 1\1e rs. Bell Brothel' , Limited. Mr. '. P. II. Bolckow. Mes 1'S. Bolckow, Yaugban, & '0., Limited. The Cargo Fled Iron Company, Limited. Admiral haloller, dcC'ca cd. ::\1es 1'8. COCh1'UllC & Co. Mr. Raylton Dixon.

1.10 ' l'il. Dorman, Long, & Co. The Mayol' and COl'pol':1tion of Middlesbro'. The ~orth En tern llaillYay Company. ~ ir J 0,;. Peae and Partners, LimiLed. ,'ir 13. ,_'amuel on & Co. ~Ie:;sl's. 'le,en'on, Jaques, & Co. ?Ill'. J. '1', "-burton. ::\Ie::;1's. Wilsons, Pease, & '0. The Earl of Zet1ancl,

Anuual ;Ucluber .

IAH KE-BY-TIIE-SEA CENTRE. President. j11'. Artbm Pease, jLP.

Chairman. Rev. H. W. Yeoman,

Delmty Chail'lIUU1. Rev, Thos. Robson.

Treasurer. j11'. W m. 1\1oore.

Honorary Secrctary. J11'. Wm, Lapsley.

1.11'. J. W. Alexander. " T. llugh Bell. " W. Bulmer. Capt. Burge..;', R. . ::\11'. Wayuman Dixon . " Joeph IIl1rlullC1. F. lliHon. II. Kitcbin tr • " A. J.\Iaepher.oll.

F. IIorbert Mal' hall. T.:\£. ::'Ieck. " O. II. Minchill. Ml''':. A. E. Pease. Be<llllUout Pea~l'. l\11'. n. G. Reid. lb,. E. ll. mart. Mr. II . ..\. , '''<In. " E 'leLbe),.






Presi(lent. Lieut.-Colonel P. R. Cre swell.

Chairman. Mr. W. O. ilemy Jame~,


2\-h. W. Rees ThollJas.

Uonoral'Y Secretary, Captalll W. D. Rees Lewis.




( IIDDLE 'BROUGH CE TRE). Deputy Chairman,

Chairillall. 'apt. Burge ,R.N.

::\11'. J. ::\1. ::'Ieek, 1\I.A.

lIonorary Sccret.alOY. J'Jhn 'V. Alexltlltlcl'.


Life IUcmbe l'. Ul'. Ja . Hutherfol'(l.

l OV



Prcs itlcnt.

Sir IIedworth W illiamsoll, Bar t. Trca nl·Cl·. Chairlnall. Mr . W illiam Bl':l11foot. R ev. O. G. H opkinson, I .A. Honoral'Y S ccl·ctaI'Y· 1\11'. J. C+. A.clclison . .'-uuua l ) IClllbcr'"

Mr. ,,,"ilEum Br<.lJlfoot .

1\11'. J . G. Addison.

hlcll t.

Mr. J. Sparrow. ( ' 11:1 it'Ulan, 1\1 ·. .r. 1I Rpa1'l·ow.

Tt'casurcr, MI'. :r. Millington.

PL .\. ' PO\VH. C OLLll~ l t Y B 1 L\' ~0 l1 ( ~O P Til \\rALE.' UOLLIERY CEXTRE) . ( ' hail'uU1Jl. 1\11'. John Henry Darb~-.

I Tl'Ca ~ U1'Cl' alllllloJlol'al'Y Sccl'rtal'l'. Mr. Geol'gc J. Findlay.

\\R Ex rr.U[ BILL T iII (P.'OHTII , \".\LE,· 'OLLIERY CEXTRE). Prcsi(lcllt. His Grace lhe Duke of Beaufort, K.G.

Chail'luall , 1\11'. \ . Young.

lIoJl o l'ary Sc crctary. 11'. \Ym. Ellis.

Dcputy Chairman.

Chair man.

General Somerset, K O.B.

Mr. G. G. Griffin.

Trca urcr.

J{onol'ary SCCl'ctarl'.

:Mr. H orace Bailey.

Rev. D . G. Davies.

,Y Y l\ ~ T TA Y


Chairm a n .

::\11-. George 1' homp on.


DCjlllty Chait'mau .

Viscount Newark.

Jlonorary Scct'ctal'Y. :JIr. I nn e J ones.

Trca 'tu·cr. ::'Ill'. R. IIoc1gkinson .

D CIHlty Chairman.

Mr. H . BranstoD.

Tr ca . lIrcl'. Ml'. Richard 1110mas.

D r. R. £:1,' lOll Roberts.

Annual iU c mb cr ,

Honorary Sc c t·ctarl'.

::'Ilnstel' J olm

. L . Roberls.

::'111'. Edwd. H . :richolson . Annual Jlcmb c r . Mr. F. II. Appleby.

ITOT'l'I N 'IL\' I CE;\fTRE. I·rcsident allll ( ' hail·man. M I'. Ril'llnl'll Ennl'll1.


'l'r c a

Ul' C l'

and 1l01l0l':tI'Y Sccl·ctarl'.

Mr. Francis

Prc itlcnt.



Sir Roht. A. Cunliffe, Bart., ::'ILP. Tl'CaSU1'c l'


Mr. Honorary Sccrctary. ]\fl' . J ohn IIarrop.

Mr. J ohn L. H edley.



1\1a tel' J ohn O. L .



D. IIaawell. ( 'bail·U UI Il .

Mr. J .• '. Dugc1nk, Q, DClmt)' Chait·mall.

n v, H . \Y. Brl 'ail'



.:'IIr. F.

Jlonol'ar y Sccrctary.

MI' . .John II . 131:11111.





OLDIIAM OlD JTR.K ClJail'll1an. }Il'. amuel R. Platt, J.P.

DeIJnty Chail'lllau. l\Ir. I saac Bamforc1.

Trcasurcr. Mr. George Lees.

Jlonorary Sccrctary. l\Ir. W. Wharton Ogden .

Chait'UUlll :uul '1'l'ca urer. 1\'[1'. John Tomlinson.

JlollOl'ary Secretary. Mr. Samuel Godber.

PLY 10UTII eEl TRE. Life


11'. Samuel R. Platt, J.P. "Jo hua U. R adcliffe, J.l?, of Oldham. Miss 1.: . Taylor.

:Mr. I saac B.:mfol'u. The Equitable Co-operative Society, Limited. The Ind ustrinl Co-opcrrrti,e Society, Limited. Annual

Chairman. The Right IIon. tho Earl of Mouut Ec1goumbe.


Trcasurcl'. 'apt. J olm vVilJiI:L111

.lnUllaI Jlcmbcl'. Mr. ]~c1w :ll'll Pearue.


Mr. IIOt·bert Lees. " 'amuel Ogden, J.P. " W. Wharton Ogden. " John Kenworthy Stoney. " George Wainwright-, J.P.

Rev. A. J. J. CacLemaille. ~Ir. James Wild Olegg, J.P. " Edward I ngham. Rev. Philip Lancashire. 11£1'. George Lees.

lIonorary Sccretary, Mr. eorge Robl. Holberton.





Ro>. J. G. TroLLer, )[1'.

UCPHty Chairman. ~LL

R ey. A. G. -Lewi.

'1'rea 'urer. '11: <rlcs l~d,rard tUUl't.

Honorary Sccrctary. :JI.r. :J1yll(,Q llarclwick.

OXFORD CENTRE. Honorary Secretary. }i[r. W. L . l\Iol'gan, :fiLL I"res idcll t.

Mr. ,T. C, GolLon, ::U.P.



( ' hail'IHall. '1. L. F. Linng,..tOIlL',

(In abeyance.)

PEASE'S ,VEST COLLIER IE, Chairman. }Ir. '1'. Douglas.

'I'l'ca1'ltu'cr and 1I01101'al'Y Sccretal'Y.

}1r. :rcol'@:e mith, F .C .• '., F.R. •. E. l,ifc )Icmbcr, :\[1' .. ·Walt,.: .


•\ unllal )Icmbcl'I't, ::\11'. W. J. U. Pl'ehled. ., Lt. '1l1iLh. Dr. Wickham .

Mr. D. Preblc::.. " A. Peebles. " L. II. J . Peeble, .


Treasurcr. }Il'. L. CaneUer. Honorary Secretary, Mr. Ralph H. Oughton.

POHT ~ :JIO TIT OE... TRE. Presidcnt,

Lieut.-General. ir Gl'ol'ge II. J. ,Yillis, K.C.B. C llairman.

PERTII CENTRE. Chairman. -.Right Hon . Viscount Stormont.


Tl'CRStU'er and Honoral'y SeCl'etal'Y· Mr Geo A. Mackenzie.

The Worshipful tho l\la:ror (Mr. J. Mooely). Trcel

1)cImty ChairJlUlII. (Vacant.)

1I01101'al' Secretary. 1\11'. Edwin Izod,

lH'cr mHl



A.nuual lUclubcr s.

]Hr. J. 110usficld. " O. II. J. Oollings, R.N. " A. W. Oosser . Lt .-General J. \V. Oox, O.B. ]Hr. R. Donaldson, R. T . " .A.. L . Emanuel. " G. O. Eyelcgb. '1'hc R ey. E. P. Gr:lIlL. 1\1r. W m. Grant, J .P. Major Hooper. Mr. J. T. Hn!' t. " Edwin Izod. " W . D. King, J.P. Oolonel Sir Owen I,anyon, K.O.M.G., 0 .13.

]\[1'. Henry Lcwis. 1\Irs. StolJford 1\Llnu ell. ]\II'. IIcmy N cwman. Admiral Raby, V.O., O.B. Mr. Robert Rastrick. Oapt. T. Mills Richey, RJ... JUiss Simpson . 001. II. B. Tu<on , C.B ., A.D.C., R.l\Ll.. ]\Irs. Tuson. Mis E. ToLtenham. ~Irs. Thompson . \ Iatch Commitler, rortsll10ulh Town Council. Dr. ITemy O. Woods, R. .

POTTERIES (1.,0 -GT01-) Chairman,

I.'LE OF I UHBEOK UENrrRE, I"l'c"itlcnt,

'1'he RighL IIOll. the Earl of Eldon. Chait'luan.

Tl'ca. urcl'.

Lieut. A. B. Mansell, R.N.

1\h. J. Andrews.

JIonOl'al'Y Sccrctary.

Rcy. II. J. Mason. Lifc JUcmbcl",

Mr. Geo. BlIrt , .T.P.


E ' TRE. II', J. Freeman, jun.


JlOllorary Sccretary,

Mr. H. idney Ramsc1alc.

Mr. J . St. V, Parkcr-J ern, J.P, Life



Dcputy Cbairman,

Re" Aclam Clarke, M.A.

Mr. II .• 'lilwell.

Gelleral. ir \Villiam 1. Coghlan, R.O.B. Tl'ca llrc/'.

UOlloral'y Sccrctary,

II'. A. 1\1. llillon.

:M r . II. Hayward Brak pear. Lifc iUcmbcr.


Mr. II. lIuY"'urd 13mk peul'.

Mes rs. The l' orth StanoI'd hi!':! Railway Company. Annual JIcmbel's,

Mrs. Acton. Miss Ashdown. Mrs. Bailey, " Blaikie. Mr. W. R. Blair. " W. Boardman. Mrs. Brand. Miss Ohallinor. R ev. A. Olarke. Miss A. M. Cole. II Oresswell. " Diggin~. " Edge. Rev, J. Finch-Smith. Messrs. J. Forester & Sons. Mr. J. M. Freeman . Miss G. Freeman. :1\11'. O. Hackney. " J. IIaines. Miss Alice Hawley. Mrs. Horth. Messrs. H. and R. l nskip. 1\Ii s A. Keary. " H. Keary.

Miss Lock. Mr. L. Longbottom, Mi. s Meal-in. " E. Mitcheson. Mr. G. Mitcheson. 1\Ii.s O. Moore, M1'3. J. IT. Mottram. 1\1iss Orton. " Owen. ]\fro J. Sl. Y. Parker-J cl'vi:3. 1\11' . E. JI.I. Phillips. Mr. Ramsclale. Miss 1\1 . • hirley. ]\frs. E. S. SmiLh. Miss E. O. Stamer. 1\1. L. Swan. " F. Vacoc. " L. Vacoe. Mr. G. Waring. " W. Webberley. Mrs. We tbury. :Jhss F. Wilson. " 1\1. Wilson. :;\[1'. VI'. ,roocln,ll, ""If .P.




C hairillan.

Rev. Oallon CUZellOYc. T/·('a)o.lu'cl' antI ]((mol'al'Y Secrctal'!.

JUl'. Jas. D . •'carll'.






ll. '.TI. thc Dukc of Tt'tk, G . . B. 'I'rca, urcr.


1\fJ-. T]:os. Cnyc, J.P.

Oolonel prtrks.

JlOllorary Sccl·ctar),.

Mr. W. A . F. Bateman. Lifc iUcmbcr.

Mr. \V. A. F. Bateman. H


114 Annual ;Uclubcrs. The Lady Augusta. On lol\'. lajor-Gencral Raper. Mrs. Rugge-Price. " R. Alec Smith. Miss Smee. Oolonel parks. Mrs. Sparks. Mr. F. E. Whyte.

Mi sAndre. :Major S. B. Bennett. Hon. Harriet Broderick. fl'. Thomas Oave, J .P. Lieut.- Ool. King . Mr. J ohn I cOonnell. Miss }Hurray. Mr. O. G. Nairne.

Chait·man. 1\11'. F . Bellingham. lIollol'ary Scct·ct.a)')'. ~ri s K ~r. Burrn.

I"rc!o,j IIcn t. 1\11'. 1'11 0:-1. Irair, J.P.


Honorary Sccrcta.·),. ~Ir. J obn ~~llen.

Prcsltlcnt. 1\11'. George Wilton Ohambers, J.P. 'I'rcaS1U'cl' . Chairman. Rev. J . Dra}Jer, TIl.A. Rev. J. N. Q,uirk, M.A. lIonOl'al'V Secretary.

Annual Jlcmbcr. Mr. John Allen.


Mr. A. T. Oocking. Annual Jlembers. R ev. J. Draper, ~1.A..

'I'I·caSlll'cr. ~rl'. Vi(lkl'.

,'1'. HELEN'S (L.A... l.[l. 'lURE) T

R ev. J. N. Q,uirk, :JLL

l·.·e ... ldcut. Major R. Pilkington, J.P. Chairman.


Tl'ca. urcr. }'Ir. Edward. Abel.

11'. II . •1.. Binney.

Chairman. 1\11'. K 1. P ower.

Jlonor:tI'Y Secrctary. Mr. R "'IV. II. Thomas.

Treasurer anll lIonorary Secrctary. R eI". Douglas, eaton .

Lifc JIclllbct·. Major Richard Pilkington.



Pres ident. Major-General H.R.H. the Duke of Oonnaught, KG.





1'Ifl·. R. B.

Treasllrcr. lark.


Chairluan. General 5ir R. Taylor, KO.B.

M}'. Fl'rd. 'Y. lIonol'al'Y Sccl·ctar),.

Mr. ITcm)' Tyrcl', JUII.

Houorary Secretary.

Treasurer. Brigade-Surgeon Clarke, M.D.

Lieut. -Oolonel D awes.

:,ANDG1:l.'l'E UEXTRE. PI'C)olhlcnt. Th o Lord Pclham.

RUGELEY OENTRE. Chairman. Mr. E. O. P eake.

Trcasurcr and Jl0110ral'y Sccrctary Mr. Arthur II. Pratt.


Chairluan. :Mr. Wilfl'cll Cripps, J.P.

General IT. A. ITo.nkey.


Tl'ca urcr aUII )[onol'al'Y Sccrctal·Y. Cn pLain Fymnore.

LIfc JIcmhcl' . Tbe Lord Pelham.




111) n


E ~TnE.

Pre idcnt. ir W alter C. J ame", Bart. ClJairman. Th e Mayor.

Dcputy Chairman. R e,. Dr. nill cr.

Trea urer. 1\11'. E. C. Han-kim.

llonorary Sccrctary. Capt. W. Mat e, ht O.r.A.Y.

Life Jlcmber. • ir W alter C. Jame , Bart.


'.iRE \\~

Mrs. A. Kno . 1Ir. 11ulton Lambarde. " J . LoyeU . 111' . J . LoyeU. Captain Lewis, RE. Irs. Le"iq. )Ir. J . )lut LheWi'. Captain 1filler, RS. )Ir' . 11iIJer. ~h. 11001'e. " J . 1100!'e, Jun. " II ppcnheiUl.


Chairlnall. L cI\\~'n, 11..L

Pre Jdent. R ey. John Lawson.

TI LY . ...... .

TJ'cn"urCl' anll 1I~lloral'Y Secretary. 1Il'. Julill II. BUl'row,.

I1onorary Secrctal'1·. Rev. F. G. J. Robin"on.

Trea nrer. :111'. W. F. R Hulton. Annual

Jlcmber ~ .

Mr. W. F. R Hulton. 11i . :'1. Lan-son. R ev. F. G. J. Robin on. 111'. C. D. Thomp ~o n. " T. n. Tilley.


Atkinson. :Mr. J . Baken-ell. Mr . Blarland . " A. Bunting. :Mr. St. G. W. Edmond:;.

'Mr. '. R. C. PeLleL 1Jr,,;. PeHey. " 111'. D. Reid. )[1' . D. Reid. :'\Ir. A.. R. Ring. ., F. wunzy. " ,,~. J . Thomp on . " Tooth. 11i Turnbull. 1[1' .•1.. W ilion. " \Vo!',hip, )I.R.C. ' .



)[r. Juhn II. llU1TU\\·';. ,. K L. rl'IlJUrrton, .i\I P.

Rey. ,.' . .1.. 'elll: 11,

)1 ~\.

nptuin Y. II. ,_tallon, ht K .iX.


'E ~ TRE.

( ' )ani 1·lJJan. The Hight CE~1'RE.


Pre ident. :Mr. 11ulton L ambarde. Deputy ClJail'mall. Chairman. Mr. J obn Furley. ~lr. L ambarde. 1I0norary Sccretary. Mr. Franei wfinzy.

Treasurer. Mr. David R eid. Life ;tIcmbcr Mr. J ohn Furley. Vi count L ewisham,



Sir Charle n. 1lill ", Bart., 11. P. 1lr. 'William Tipping.

Annual Jlcmbcrs.

"A.T." :Mr. Jobn 11. Clabon. Mrs. J ohn 11. Clabo]). Miss Cressy. Mr. James Dixon. Mrs. Jam es Dixon . Mr. W. O. Dodgson. Mrs. W . O. Dodgson .

111'. J. Franks, M.R.C. '. Mrs. A. D. n ooper. }'liss J oho on. " A. Johnson. 111'. ::U. W arton Johnson. " H . Warren J ones. Mrs. H. Warren Jones. Mr. A. Knos.

I IUll.

!lll' Earl vi , 'nwl'lll'iilfc .

UelHlty Chairman. 11njo1' 'utler.

Jlollorary Sccretary. Dr. J. 'i~. ::'lJa1'tin.

Trca nrcI'. 111'. E1l11'1"on 13aiubl'i<l~l'.

.l...... htant 1I0norary Secretary. 111'. A. " . Warner. Life :UcmlJcl'''.

:J11'''. Cutler. ~lr. J . Bradley I' il'll!. )1ark Firth. ~1i


Dr. Keeling. 1Ir. E. 11. E. Welby. 'The Right Hon. the'Earl of \Yhal'11cIifft'. :Hr. George Wil~on.

Annll a l JlemlJer". ::\Ir. 11. J. ll. 13adtll'!e ,". )[1'. W. F. FayeU. )1r . Baddde,. . " Lewi }'il'LlI. 111'. E. Buinb~ ldITc :reorge Frunklin. Dr. BarLolemo. 0 . John IIall. :.\11'. Edwal'Cl Birks. IIeI'be1't; IIuttan. Rev. arnuel Chorlton. " \i. Dale J arne3. Me 1'8 Cubley and Prc~ton. " .J... A. J owitt. :JIr8. J. E. uUer. ~\.. II. L a,eI'. ]\fl'. C. Donea tel' ( iute dee a cd). Dr. L aw. Rev. II. A. Fuvell. R ev. W. L enwood.


11K ,\.nnnal iUcmbcl's-continlled. 1\[1' . .J.

G. Rouksl y. " O. n. 'miLh. Mt· . C. II . •'miLh. lY1:r. Simon 'ncll. H cnry SLeei. G. K. Thol'l'C. r . Jfl. Yickcr . hadcs 'Val'dlow. vVillia.m \Yn,(soll. AUt'eel \Vil ·on. n . J. Wilson . " 'l'homll ,Yil on.

:Mr. H. D. Lomus. Dr. J. W. Martin. :Mr. John Mar hall. :Mrs. ~Iar8hall. IatLhcw . ~Ii _s MaLLhcw . 1\11'. W. A.. MaLlhcw3. " J. F. F . Pclrr. ~Iessrs. Pawson and Brail ford. :Ml'. Charlcs Peace. W illiam Prc t. " R. J . Pyc-. mitb. G. R obinson.

lIE'l'L ND






Hi s Gl'n(,C' th e Duk e of ])('vollshirr, K.G. TJ'casu I'CI'.


:\fr ..J. H.

f) e ll

1\fl' .

lUlrsL, JlOII()J'RI'y ),11''; . (J.

.T. ArLhul' 'lingAby.




1,lf(' ;1ICUlhCI'!oi, Jli ~

Orner L1 lC nidi!: or j)('rol1-hi l'p, 1\ .<:.


R 13. 13ul'I'ct!.


TAm l H oLlifield .

All" IIOlI ;Uelllhcl')o;,

Fed·cd. :'fr" (Jco. Hobimion. :;\f1~H ,'lll1gsby . \f l'. \VII1 . ,'Iingslly. ~) i~s

IIfl'. D l' wlill1'sL. " T. H . ])r\\ hlll'l't. Mr. J. R. J ~ddy .

I"resident. II.R.II. Princcss H cnry of' BaLLenbcl'g.

•' LO[ TC n

C h ail'lll an ,

Chairman of Ccntrc. The Hon. Jno. Chus. Dundas, I .P. Dcputy Chairman. :Mr. G. II. B. III1Y.




Trcasllrcr. A.. 'unningbl1m lIay.

Mr . ..\ 1'111\11'


(Tn nbC'Jllllc<,)

Honorary Sccrctaric'i. :;}1:rs. G. II. B. IIay.

Mr. J. 'coLt . 'miLh.

Lifc lUcmbcr. lion. Jno. Chas. D undns , M.P. Annual iU cmbcrs. Mr. A. Cunningham Hay. " Oharle Rllmpini. " ,J . •'coLL •'miLh .

Mr. John Bruce. M ajor Camcron. Mr. Andrcw John Grierson .

'E. TIm.

M ajor T. 1\1. 'ameron.

" G. II. B. IIay.

,'OC 'l'IL\ fPTO\"

."I'('..,ld('nL , 1II'gl'oll-Clcncrlll IV. '. ),!n.c]CUlJ, ).r.D.,


( ' halt'mall, '111'gc l)I1-Q('ll('ml \\' .

~1. I) .,



IfOJloJ'ary Secretary, Mr. Arthur \\r. .Drain.

TI'casul'('I' :Jllel


' 130 "if'





SlIl'gcon.Gcl1('1'nl \\r. '. Maclolln, M.n., '. ll .


AnnllCl) '.('mhe .. ~,


Major A.. N. P earse, RA..

\1 ujol'-(1cl1cral •'. Tryoll .

Dr. T. \V . TI'('n(1.

(In abeyanc·e.)


I" .. ('sitl('11 t,

::vrajor-General 0 01l7i1e, O.B.

11 l'\ . •JUltl l ~Ul1 B aily, ,\f.A .

Trcasurcr, Mr. G. M .• 'alt. Life lUcmbcr, Lady Brassey.

)(onorary Sccrctary.

( ' hail'lII: II.

Major R. II. Coldwell.

Dr. A11111'('\\ Ll'glll, \f. D., .f.P.


1I()J10I'aI'Y Se('l'ctal'lc~.


[I' .

,J. ] r. Wooc1.

t Y ( ' halrmau,

1\11'. J. Hol)('rlson 'reas!', P.R.C.,'.K


~ I·H.

J"J.\\'l,collc,) nnc1 R .'. TIucldnnc1.


120 Lifc :.uelUbel'~. J 01m Redhead & Co.

:Me~ T .

Annual Jlember .. . Janow Chemicul Company. ::'111'. A. ..lllen. )Ir. J. N. :JIoffat. ~Iessr~. Bruce and 'mith. )Ie r. ::'II01'alee Bro. Re,. Jobnson Baily. )11'. Geo. Robson. :JIes rs. Brigham and Cowan. :JIe- 1'". Readbead and Co. )11'. " illiam Black. ,'t. Bide Chcmieal Company. Messr . B rown Bros. ) I e1'8 .. mith, GaTIn and Co. ~Ir . J ohn Dagli . h. outh hielJ8 Ga Company. " J . T. Eltringham. Tyne Plate Glas" Company. ::'Iles-r8. Edward and ons. Trne Alkali Company, Edwards, on and Robinson. :JIr. J. P. \\'arclle. IIartin Coal CO:'J1pany.



P r e icl cn t. L~

'Ihe Higllt. Hon. Lorr1


C hair·m a n. TIe,. ,Yo .T. J. Wtlch, M.D.


Trea lU' CY'. Gninsbol'ongh ITal'\\nrcl.

Uonorary S ec r e tary. :'Ifr. _L \1-. Wortllington, B.A.

;\.nllll a J 1.1rs. Al'kle. ~11'. Frank Eyer;;. " G. IIarlYar(1. " II. T. IIickman. )1is~ Lamb. Right IIon. Lord Lylldtoll. 1fT!!. Pear on .

)lclUhc l'~.

:\fl', "-. Rolwrls. ., n. _L 'Ia «ell. harl( ~ Webb. R '-. IY. ,J. .J. Ilelf·]1. :\11'. IIolyoukr 'YI~hl. " A. \\-. '10 lhingtoll.

re~icl e n t.

The Right Hon, lhe Earl of L ichfield. Tr ea surer ancl lIonorary Secretary. :J1ajor Fred. D :J1ort.

Chairman. The ::'IIa;lor of tafford.

(T n abC'; an(·e.)

(In abeyance.)


(In al)( 'allc .)


Pre. itlCll t. Lord Egerton of Talton. Delluty Chairman. Lt.-Col. llowaTtl.

ChaIrman. Mr. J ame Leigh, J .P,

JIonora r y Secretary. ~Ir. A.. E. Fern.,.

Trea urer, )11', John Humphrey Life L ord Egerton of Tatton,

R ev. C. J . Bayley. Mr. Russell Coppock. MiS5 :J1. Coppock. " H . Coppock. " B. Coppock. " E.Oross . Mr • .A.. E. F erns. R ev. J . F, Galloway. 11r. G. C. Greenwell. " R. T . H eys.

Sec r etar y.

:Jf1'. T. ,'. Ecldowes.

111', James Leigh, J .P .

Annual Jlember . )Ir. II. IIeginbotham. Lt.-Col. IIoward . )11'5. Walker-Hyde. ~Ir. John Humphrey. )11'8. llumphreys. Mis8 11ary Robinson. Mrs . .A.. II. Sykes. " E. IT. Sykes. " IIenry Turner. 1.1iss ),1. E. ' Yard.

Rey. A. 'mith.

Jl OllO l ' al' Y

)IeDlber ~ .


Tl'ea ur c l'.

Chairmall. Rey. , Yo K. R. Dcc1fo1't1.

L ifc :Ucmu e r . LUI'(l Lej (,h .

Itre ill nt. , i1' II. II. Yivian, Barl., ::.r,P. ChaIrman. MI'. F . , . ni~hop.

'Yi ce- Pl'c id e nt. }1r. L. L. Dillwyn, :J1.P.

'I'r ea'>ur c r. 1111'. R . .J. Leitcher. Jlonol'al'y S c cr etary. ::'11'. Ernest II. Leeder.


122 YDENIIAM CENTRE. 'I'rca nrCI', Mr. W ynne O. do OCl'jat.

1'J'cs itlcn t. The Rev. Canon Ycatman.

Honorary Sccretary, :Mrs. )1anley.


Rcy. ThcJ.

Annual iUcmUcrs. 1\11'. A. L. Gardner. :Mi s LOIY. Mrs. ranloy. JUl'. E. Saxton . JUj 'Valton.

Mr. G. Adams. Uiss Bucknall. Mr. W. O. de C'cl'jaL Miss E. A. M. de Ccrjn,(. l'IIl's. Ourrey. :Miss Jcbb.



Mr. J. O. Talbot, M.P.


'l'l.'ca!olUI'cr. E. Plow1'ight.

RO ln~.


UUlWl';tI'Y SC('l'rtal,),. (y·l(;Ullt.) AIIUIU\l ;1(cmlJCI'!'.

JUl·S. A. T. U eelling. ;,\11'. Albert T.

Rey. T.





lIonorary Sccrctaric . . Mr. 1hos. IV. \Yoodcock. I Mj es M. R Hudge.

l·rc. jdCll t.

The )[ul'qlless of

Life JIcmucrs.

l\Ir. llamar

MI'. J. S. Balfour, U.P.

Ba ~s, ~I.P.


be1'g1l7011l1Y. Tl'caSH1'cr. l\Ir. Frederiok 'V. Eler ,


Tho lIon. F. G. "J[olyncux.

JlOllOl'al'Y Sccl'ctal'Y. CE~TRE.

TAUNTON President.

General Sir P ercy Douglas, B art.

MojoI' C. R. Flc[dlcr Lut witlgc.


Chairman alHI J[onoral'Y.SCCl'Cial· Y, Oolonel A. W . ..Ac1all'.

l .. ifc JIcmUcl'.

fr. G. lTcredny milh.

Lifc IUcmUcJ'. Oolonel ..A. 'Y. Adair. Annual IUemucl'!" Dr. II . .Alford. Dr. W. Liddon. General it' R. Perc] Douglas, Bart. Colonel n. J3. PuLton. Dr. H, 1. Kelly.



1\Il". AllnuLt. Tho lIon. Jll111e' ~r. O. J3yng. ~fajOl' J. IV. l3l11ekbmne- 'f tuC'. Ll'. Bl't:u(on II. Cullin Mrs. ol1il1. 'omel'oll. Mr. F. 'I. ur[l'i ;)11'8. toc1c1n.rL J)ongln,~.

Annual JIcmbcl'!'. )[rs. Jone Giob. E Y. R Cromptun Jones (Lhe late). )11's. H. Crompton .TUllCS. ~ra.ior '. R. Fletcher LUbyidge. Thc ]Jon . F. O. Molyneux. )11'. F1'Il11k .:J1cOlcnn. " \Y . •L Smith.

Presidcnt. Mr. Ohas. Seely, Jun., M.P. Chairman.

J)CIHlty Chait'man.

111'. S. O. Wardoll.

;)11'. Wm . ..Arm "lrong.

Trca. Ul'cr and HOllorary SrCl'etary. Mr. T. D. A Lkinson.

Mr. Obas. Soely, JUD., M.P.

Lifc IUcmbcl'S. Mr. W. A Stamford, l\f.R.C.S.

'il' Georg..: Bourchic]',

K. '.D. UOnOI'ZlI'Y Sccretary.

Tho Rev. L. 1\1. D'Ol'soy, M.A. ( TO

Annual iU cmbcl'!' .

Mr. G. Hubbard. Rev. O. Norris ,


Mr. S. C. Warucll.

Treasurcl'. Colonel T. G. Gardiner,









Chairman. Colonel E. SmyLb .

Chairman. Mr. J . n. Piclnnere.


Treasure{·. Mr. W m. Sharp.

P r e si dent, Tm'nbull.

]\fl' . l~(l\Yarcl

JlonOl'ary Seeretarie;" Mr. W m. Sharp, and ~h. J . Burgess.

Chail'man. MJ'. E thYflrcl Turnhlll!.

Life iUemuer. ::\11'. Wm. harp.

Tt'easnrer alltlll onoral'Y Secretary. Mr. Jamc IIollancl.

I r. ife




Dr. Samnel Gourley, J.P.

IIellr,"\' Fawcll".


" '"E TOX- ,

Life JIember. Mr. William Evan.


Trcasurcl' and Honoral'y Seeretary, Rev. "V. d' A. OroHon ..



Preslden t. The Right lIon. Lord Winmarleigh.

'VAR" Je K llIRE



(In abcyance.)



l~l'c ·itlcnt. Rev. Prebendary Rowley.

(LE . .\Ml1' GTON

lIonol'ary ,'ecretary. Rev. T. Birkett.


Pre ident. 1'he ::'IIarquis of H crtford. C llairman. Mr. W. Willes.

JJeputy Chairman. TIe"\'. :JIaze Gregory.

Treasurer. ~11'. T. 'I borne.

Uonorary Secretary. ::'\Ir. G. II. CaLlnte)'. Annual ~Ienlber. ::'III's. lIans l3lac:kwood.


Chait'man, Colonel G. Noell'lIoney, C.13.

Treasurer, Mrs. Alice II. Butler.



Oaptain J as. Patch ett. Honorary Secretary, Mr. John P almer.

Jlcl1lber ~ .


Honorary Secretary. Mr . John trangman.


Trea urel', tnpylton Burne.

Mr. Arthur R obert Graham, n.M,

:fi1iss Ann'). Fal'l' Roberls.

Mr. F. R. Davies, KJ.J., M.R.I.A. Cllairman. JJelHlty Cllairman. Sir R obert J. Paul, Bart. Dr. Ringro_e A.tkins, M.A., M.D.

JUl'. G.

IIOJlorary Secrctary. ::'Ilr. Thomas lla\\-kins.


Pr(' sident.

Tl'easurer, Lieut. Leake.

1"re!ol1l1ent. Ac1mirnl tlte lIon, F. Egerton, "M.l).


UOlloral'y Scerctal'y, 1\f1'. T. T. hubb.


Chairman. DJ'. T. F. l'Anson.

Treasurcl', Mr. T, Tichol on.

1I01101'al'Y SeCl' etary, 1\11'. J, L. P aiLsoll ,







l~ residcn t.

Mr. William Henry Verdin, J.P.

The Right llon . the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres. Trcasurcr.

Jlonoral'Y Secrctary.

1\11'. R ii. fIarington.

(\"r acunt.)



Mr. W. ll. Ycrc1in, J.P.

Mr. Edmund Leigh (}1nyor of Oyer).

Life ;Ucmbcl'.

JIonOl'al'Y Sccrctary.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Crawford and Balcanes.

1\11'. Frank BeLLIey Cooke. Lifc

(No return.)


Mr. John T. Brunner.

,VHIBLEDO.i. J CEXTRE. President.

The Rev. Canon H aygnrth . Chairluan.

TrcaSlu·er. MI'. S. Rosser Dean.

1\11'. E. ThlU'stan Holland .

Honorary Secretary.

1\1rs. ThlU'stan llollancl.

WL\lBORNE CEI TRE. Chairman.

T rCaSUrcl' and lIo11orary Sccrctal·Y. ) Major-General P. :llfacl('an, R.A.

R ev. J. Huyshe.


Mr. Joseph Evaus. Annual IUenlbcl'S. :JIrs. John KllO,yle . :Jrr. ,Villiam LiLtler.

1\11'. J. K. Arm lrong. 1\1rs. C. Cay. lIon. Mrs. 'holmondcle,L 1\h. F. DcWey Cooke. ::\11's. F. Bettle)' Cooke. 1\11'. J. II. 'ooke. Mrs. J. H. Cooke. Right Hon. Lord D el!1lTIere . Mi s 1. Dudley. Duncan. ::\[1'. Gcorge Garfit. " John Grant. Christopher Kay. " John D. Kay.

" Joseph Smallwood. " Frederick J. Thomp on. Captain Turner, J.P. Lielltellant ~rurn er . :Miss Annie Turner. " Alice Turner. " 1\Iary Turl1el'. Grace Turner. ::\Ir. W. II. TCl'cun, J .P. ~rrs. \'\-. II. Tereun. ::\11'. Robert Verdin. :JIrs. '\ooc1yatt.

Annual Jlembcl'S.

Dr. BatterblU'Y. 1\1rs. M. A. Crespi. Mr. G. W. Graham, 1\1.R.C. .E. Rev. J. Huyshe. :Mrs. B. Lees .

Iajor-General Maclean . 1\1rs. F. Tanner. 1\11'. W. Wyke- milh, F.R.C. .R 1\1rs. A. 1\1. Wyke- mith .

Prc, hlcnt.

Mr. Alhel'l Frederic IIlll't .

ITrcaSllrcr aUli Honorary Sccrctary.


Dr. '\ebb.

::\1iss Florence E.



Annuai lUembcr.

Mrs. '\Vright.

\VINDER IERE CE... TRE. (In abeyance.) Pre . idcnt. )rr. W. S. Sianhope. Chairllian.

WINDSOR CEl. TRE. President.

H.R.H. Prince Chri Lian. Cllairman.

l.'rca ul·cr.

Mr. R. R. ]Jolmes, F.S.A.

Rev. R. Tahourdin, M.A.


Mr. John Blackburn.


J(oJlOl'al'Y Sccrctary. 1\11'. T. 'Y. II. l\Iilcbell.

1\[1'. J ohn . Robinson.

Rev. Canon Gee, D.D.

Honorary Secretary.


1\11'. Jo eph Mitchell.


Darileld lain Colli cry '0. Col'tonwood 'ollie]'Y Co. Mitchell :Main Colliery Co.


11'. John Bluckbul'll. " Frank :riehol ' .



AllnlHIl iU culbeNI -co lltil7llerl.


Miss Beale Ooopel'. Major IT. Oorbett. Mr. l\1artin Om·tler. Major IT. Winnington Domvil Mrs. \VinningLon Domvile. ReL \V. Gardner. Mr. ITayes. » H enry lIill. " ITilary Hill. T. Rowley ITiU, M.P. rajor W . O. IIill. Mr. Walter ITolland. " J. IT. Hooper . Mrs. T. Gal'mstone IIyck


R ev . A.. ITughes, l\I.A., R ector of \\"oodfon1. Honorary Sccrctary, l\Ir. William Robert Fox.



I"l'c si(lcnt,

il' Edmn'd G. II. Perrott, Bart. Chait'man. Colonel F. Duncan, C.B., R..A.


Tl'casurer. Capt. II. C. Pel'l'ott, 3rd BaLL. Kent R egiment .


lIo11ol'ary Secl·ctaI'Y.


l\Ir. W. U. Bartlett.


Lifc :UClllbcr .

Mr. T. W. Boord, LP.


" G. Francis L egg.

Mr. O. J. Valentinc, J .P.

Colonel L . V. waim, '.B. Baron ITems de Worms, M.P.

Annual iUcmber.!!.

Rev. J . K. Q,uarterman , M.A. Mrs. Radcliffe. l\Iiss Radcliffe. F. Radcliffe.

Mrs. Hawkins. 1I1iss A. K. Holland. Sir Edward Perrott, Bart. Captain H. C. Perrott.


Cbairman. Mr. O. J. Valentinc, J .P.

Dcputy Chairman. Rev. J. J. 'fhoInley, M.1\..

Trcasurcr. Mr. J. Tickett.

JlonUl'al'Y Sccretary. 1\11'. G. F. aunders.

SUI)Cl'Jntentlent of Anlbnlance Corps.

JUl'. W . G . Bird.

OE~TRE, Prc~hlcnt .


Sir Richard Temple, Bart., G.C.S.I., C.I.E., D.C.L. Cbairman. Major-General E. Atlay, O.B.

DClluty Chairman, Mr. \Valter IToliand.

Treasurer. Lieut.-Oolonel Bellers.

Uonoral'y Secrct:u·y. Major IIerbert W. Domvile.

Honorary Class Secretary.

l\Ir. W. Edwards. Annual JIcnabcl'S.

Mr. Freet Ames. Mrs. Ashton. Major-General E. Atlay, O.B. Miss Atlay. S. Atlay. J)

Miss Isaac. » J ellery. Sir E. A. H. Lechmere, Bart., M.P. R ev. vV'. II. Longhurst. Lord Lytte1 ton. Rev. Oanon Melville. 11'. F. Parker. Miss "Roberts. Mr . E. ~ . Sanderson. Sir Richard Temple, Bart., G.O.S.I. [". IT. F. Vernon. 0' W. B. Williamson. )fi s \Voc1ehou e.

Lieut.-Oolonel R. B. B ellers. :!\II'. IT. Bramwell.

Oolonel G. L. Oarmichael. The Very Rev. Lord Alwyne OompLon . Lady Alwyne Oompton.

:Mr. Robert Loder, ]H.P. Chairman. Dr. J . Goldsmith.

Deputy Chairman. Mr. E. F. Oooksey.

Trca nrcI'. Mr. W. F. Fuller.

Jlonol'al'Y Secretary,

Jr. J . Bmt.



Annual iUcluucrs. Drputy I nsp.-Gon. Cowan, R. ~ . Re1 Murk J ames. Colonel F. E. Cox, RE. (0. R.E.) 1\[1' . Oharlos C. Keane. ]\'[iss LuClY A. Frir.h. 111' . C. O. Keano. L ieut.-Gon. T. L. Gallwey, Governor, &c. Pomonhy. lIon. \ V. II. Go&ling. " PurcelL D ep. UJ'g.-Gcn. Grave -I rwin (P.1\L O.). Chief Jus,ice Josiah R ees . ]\'[1'. S. Bl'o,Ynluw Grey. l\Iajor C. n . , anti (C. & T. Staff) . Miss J eannoUe IIarvey. 7•


.A. USTRALIAN CE... 'l 'RE. Prcsidcnt. His Grace the D uke of :Manchester, K.P .

BO ~[ T3AY

NEW CASTLE (NE W SOUTlI W AL ES) BRA.NOn . Treasurer. :Mr. Matthew J . D awson.

Chairman. Mr. Oha9. F . Stokes .

Honorary Sccrctary. Mr . Ohus. 1\1. Ranchud .

P.·c .. idcnt. IIis Exccllency the GovernoJ'. Vicc-PI'c hlcnt. Mr. E. C. K. Ollil'!lllt, 1\Iunicipal

Chairman. ir Frunk Sonter, C.S.L




Chairman. Hon. H . OuLhbert , M.L.C.

lIonorary Secrctary. Mrs. Thornton (Bishopscourt) ,

Treasurer, Mr. James Oddie, JP .

A.s si stant lion. Sccretary. Miss Walker.

Trcas urer. )'fr. II. E. A,tley.

GIBR.\' LT .\. H

Vice-I-re itIcnt. Sir W. J . Chrke, Bart. Vice Chairman. M r. R obert R obertson, M .R O.S.

Chairman. Mr. W. Lloyd Tayler.

IIDnorary Sccrctary. Mr. Richard B . Warren, F.RC.S.

BERMUDA CENTRE. Chairman . H.E. L ieut.- General T . L . Gallwey, R E., Governor . Deputy Chairman. The Hon. Josiah R ees, Chief Justice.

Sir Thomas Brassey, M.P .


Treas urer antI Honorary Secretary. Mr. J . H. Markham Rae, C.E .

Life )Iembers. L ady Brasiley.

(,E~TRE .

ILK General, il' John }1. Aclye, G .C.B., Governor.

VIOTORI A B RANCH. PresitIen t . His E xcellency the Governor, ir R . B. L och, R. O. B .

lIonorary Secretary. :\11'. IIarold R King.

Yicc-l"rc sidcnt . 11ljor General }L \ \alker, V.C., .n., Commanding Infantry Brigade. ir II. J . n. Burford-llancock, 'liief Ju lice. Ch a it'man , Colonel P. Rtll'cnbill, o.n., RE. La(ly Bra sey.

Rev. 1\1. Cottel'. Mr. W. F. 'ott.rel1. l\1njor J. C. Dalton, RA. :Miss Foote. The L I'd I' isltop of Gibraltar . LieuL.·Ooi. G . J. Gilbl1l·tl. The Ven. Archdeacon Govett. Colonel '. IIi,ckeLl, A.A.G. Mi'. Pctel' L,) ons. Mrs. Mosley .

TI' c a ~ urcl'


1\(aJol' J .

antI 1I01lorary Sccretal y. . Dalton, RA.., D.A.A.G.

Lifc ;Ucml)('l' '' . 'il' II. J. B. Burforcl-llancork, Chief J llstico. Annual ;Ucm lJcl'!'I. R 1'. D. Kickerson. aptuin J . '. PUl'Yi , R.J. . olonel I. Huvenhill, .B., RE. i\[1·". I~llmbo.

1111'. J .• 'necone. " n. 8dlolt. l\Injol' T. ,. 'tephen 011. Iajor-Genm'ull\Iul'k 'Walker, V .C., C.B. Lieut.· Colonel \ Y. W ard, RA. Lieut. J . W ino, RE.



GRAIIAU 'S TO \VN Chairman. Sir Jacob Dirk BeLr1'Y· R ev . N . .Abrahams. Mrs. l£dwln Ather stone. Hon. W. U. L. A. Ayliff. :Miss Sarah Ann Ayliff. Sir J . D. Barry. Lady Barr.). Edgar Baley. Mrs. C. E . Bell. Captain H. 1\1. Borton. Ron. Mr. JIl tice Buchanan. :Mrs. Buchanan. Rev. T. Cooper. :Mrs. Cooper. M r. R. Dale. J. E. Davies. Rev. Canon Espin. )1rs. Espin. 1111' . .Angus Fraser. Mrs. Gadd. Mr. J ulins Gau. Mrs. T. F. Gibbs. Miss M. E. Glanville. Mrs. Greathead. :Miss Greatbead. Rev. S. J. Helm. 1\11'. A. J . Rubbl.tl'(l. 1\11'0. Hubbard. l)




Trea urer an(l lIo11oral'y Secretary. II'. lIcrbert Tr,Lver Tamp lin.

Annual iU embers . :Mr. C. Jerome . 1\Ii s Kingsley. :Mr. J . 1. Lewis . Mis Lowe. 1\[['. A. F. S. 1\I aasdorp (Solicito r General). .JIrs. Uaasdorp. Mr. F. Ia,xwell. J. B. Muffatt. Rev. Barron l\Ioore. 1\L Norton. 1\11'. II. ReIly. " 1\1. B. Robinson. " A . W. Robillson. 1\11' . R. olomon. Mis trong. Captain illlpkins. .Hr. W . Smith. .. }I. T. Tamplin. Rev. R. Templeton. 1\Ii Watson. Irs. E. T. . Webb. Miss A . A. Webb. 1\1. E. ·Webb . Ven. Arehde!1Con \Vhite. 1\11'. G. W . \Yood.

Chairman. Sir .T. L intorn Simmons, G.C. B .

Deput y Chairman. The Bishop of Gibraltar.

Treasurer. Mr. H. Gale.

lIonorary secretary. Rev. R. 1I. Bullock, Senior Chaplain.


CANTERBURY (NEW ZEALAND) CENTRE. Pre i d el1t Lady J ervois.

Hii Excellency the Governor.

Ch a irman . ilis W ol'sbip the Uayor of Christ Church. COlluuittee. frs. Henderson. Miss Pheney. Mr. 'inelair. " Thorn. on. Captain Wolf. Mr. W. IT. h(tw. H. 1. Smith.

Mrs. Flavell. Peacock. Wpbb. Gibbi:l. Lane. a&hcski. Caro. lIol1orary S ecretal·Y· R ev. T. Fla\ell, ferivulp, Christ Church.

HO~:f(.:f KO~G OE~TRE.

l- l·es id ent. Major-General Gordon Cameron, C.B . Chair Jua n. Tr ea urer. Hon. E. L . O' .JIuuey. Mr. V. A. Cresar llawkins. H onorary Secr etary. 1\lr. E. W. Keey, .A.~D

Mr. H.

Trea s urer. . E . llobday, Christ Church.

Uanl{cr s . 8



eCl'eLary, R.X.

DE BEER::) (SOUTil lURIOJ.\' )

[Chairman. T he Uayor of Kimberley. Honorary Secret ary. Mr. Ed" arcl IIosrnel'.


'J'l'ea surer. Mr. Jus . li ay.


Dr. ndel'son. Mi s Alc1riclge. B!1rker. Brelt. ., B(tyuclcl, Bendely. " Barlow. Barlow. Buchu,uan. Dr. BriLLen. Mi s G. Bowen . " Alicc Bowron. Mr. BulL ., Bloxh!1lU. Miss BuLcher.

Lional Bank.

Annua l .:U e lllb er rr . Barry. :l\Iiss Britten. " Anice Boys. irs. arter. Corfe. " G. Clarke. Caro. lUiss Lena Cook. Mrs. Jacobs. Kaye. Lane. Mr. Lechmero. Mrs. ]',f. 1\1. Long. Iiss Lewis . Leach.

134 A.nnual lUembers-contin1~ed. Miss M. Davie. Mrs. Mead QW8. Mrs. Sarah Davis. Mr. Meadows. Miss Emily F. Dobson. Dr. Moorhouse. Mrs. William Moore-. " Alma Dale. Mrs. Denham. Miss Maud. Davis. Lillie Mason. Miss Elliot. Mrs. Martin. Mr. Evans. Miss Michell. Rev. T. Flavell. Mrs. Merton. Mrs. Flavell. McA.llum . Miss Marie Fisher. Newlyn . Mr. Francis. T> E. H. NorrIS'. Mrs. Francis . Mr. E. H. orris. Mrs. :r asheski. " Garrick. Miss Garrick. Miss Preston. Mrs. Gibbs. Mrs. Peacock . Miss Goode. Miss PelTY. J. Gresham. Parvey. Harriet Phillip;s. Gullivey. Pheney. Dr. Guthrie. Mrs. T. G. Pascoe. Captain Gibb. Father Ginaty. " Pack. Miss E. Purchas. Miss Jessie Gould. Rogers. Mrs. Gut.hrie. Dr. Robinson. Miss M. Greenstreet. Miss Rogers. Gollaway. Ridley. Mr. E. G. Gardner. Mrs. Schowrup. Mrs. H. Grey. J.1J.ss SchOWl'Up. Rev . G. O'Brien Hoare. R. Seager. Mrs. Hoare. Small. Hawkins. Mr. W. H. Smith. Humphries. Miss Spensley. Hacon. Mrs. tringer. Miss H artly. IT Stawford. Hawkins. Miss Stawford. :1'11:1'. H. S. E. Hobday. Mr. Stanford. Mrs. E. P. Hulbert. Miss Smith. James Henderson. Strudwick. Mr. J. M. Haywood. E. Smith. Miss Lizzie H aywood . Smith. Hobden. Mrs. Scrivenor. Mr. J ames H enderson. Miss F. Smith. Mrs. Leonard Harper. Mrs. Smith. lIutton. " Seager. Miss lIutton. Miss Temple. Mrs. Holmcs. " Mary Turner. H. Harris . The Very Rev. Henry Jacobs, Dean of Hart. Christchurch. Miss Hart. Miss Davie. Mrs. Henwood .

135 Miss Annie Inglis. Mrs. Izard. Miss Lottie Turner. " Cassy Turner. " Edith Turner. Mrs. E. Thomas. " Dr. Thomas. Mr. J. S. Thompson. Miss Twentyman. Thompson. Colbourne Veel. G. Colbourne Veel. W ebb. Mr!l. Webb.

Miss Wiencke. " Wolfe. " Woodhouse. Mrs. Woodhouse. Mr. Wolfe. Mrs. Mary E. Wilcox, Mr. Wethey. Mrs. Wethey. " Webster. Miss Walker. " Wilson. " May Wilson. » Williams.

RIVIERA (CAN E ) CEl. TRE Treasurer and lIonol'ary Secretary. Lieut.·Colonel Cecil Webb Cragg. Life lUember. Lieut.-Colonel ecil Webb Cragg.

I JG APORE ( 'l'l{ IT

ETTLEJlEl '1' ) OENrrRE.

President. His Excellency the ACLing Governor. lIonorary Secretary. Mr. T . R. el' Almeid:' . ----- ---

\VE ''1' I DIE " .L


A SAU (BAlIAMAS) BRA.. OR. P reshlent. His Excellency Lhe Governor.

Chairlnan. The Hon. W. Kirkwood, M.D.

TreasurCl', Mr. J . A. Oulbert.

Honorary Secretary. MI'. A. J. rl'hompson. l...ife ~ir

Thomas Brassey. Lady Brassey .


Sir Oharles C. Lees, K.O.M.G. The lIon. W. Ki.rkwood, M.D.




No. 51.

President. Sir Charles Lees. Vice-Pre ident. Rt. R ev . C. J. Branch, D.D.

®X1:rcr ,nf cSt.

Treasurer. R ev. H . R. Holme, M.A.

Chairman. The Hon. C. M. Eldridge.

~oglt ,af ~£rlt~Ctt£nt

(JEngIisb ']language).

Honorary Secretary. Dr. W. J. Branch.

TRINIDAD (pORT OF SP AI ) BRANCH. to the capture of Jeru ohm by the Cru ader3 A.D. 1099, two ho pitals were founded therein by the Chri lians for mule and femu,]e pilgrims. In 1113, Pope Paschal II formally sancLioned the eslablishment of Lhe llospitallers as a religious Order, and in 111 they took an additiollal vow to bear arms in defence of their faith. PermanenLly establi"hed on a mililary basis the Order of t. J ohn of J erusalem aehie, ed imperi::;hable reno" n in war whilst eycr cherI I,ing the duty of alleriating siclme s and suffering in peace. It wa divided into eight Langues or nationallLle ,viz., Pro renee, A.uYergne, France, Italy, Arragon, England, Germany and ea tile. Introrlueed into England in 1101, the confraternity rapidly attaiued gren,t power and iniluence, its hL'ud-qllurters being at Clerkenwell. t. John's Gate led to its fur-fumcd Priory, and the i~terti of the Order "ere e:>tablished o.t Buckland, in'omcrelhire.


President. Sir Sanford Freeling, K.C.M.G. Deputy Chairman. Chairman. D r . S. L . Crane. Hon. J. Scott Bushe, C.M.. G. Honorary Secretary . Mr. Geo. F. Bushe.

Treasurer. Capt. A. W. B ake:!". Life 1'lembers. Sir Thomas Brassey.

L ady Brassey.

The Ol'der hellI its high po:;itiou in this eOlmtry until Lhe yeUl' 1540, when it wa despoiled, npprc cd, and ils property confiscated by Act of Purliament. In 1557 it was re"tol'ed by Royal Charter, au 1 111a11Y of .its possessions wcre re-gl'unted; only to be again conllcatecl ,,-iLhin two years by a second statute, which did not, however, enact it re-suppre'sion. till, owing to the 10 s of its estates and the withdrawal of its members to Malta-then the so,ereign seat of the Order-it became exlinct in England, although the ixth or Engli"h Langue continued to be repl'e:;ented at the Cluj-lieu. ~Iuny flncluaLions hure marked the fortunes of an in titution which played a prominent pal·t in hi tory, until the loss of Malta, in 179 ; after which the disprl' rd diri"ions of Lhe Ordcr truggled to maintain indi,ic1nal exi tencr. 1\1ore Lhan lmlf-a-eentuI'Y ago fire of the seren then ensling di,isiolls of the Order decreed thc reriyal in England of the Englih Langue, ince wbieh its .M embers hUI'e to the extent of their ability triYen to carry out their duty as Hospitaller in the relief of ickues , di:;tre", uffering and danger. The following arc some of the objects which have engaged the attention of the Order in Englund:-

1. Providing eonvale cent paticnt of ho pitals (without distinction of creed) with Buch nouri bing diets a are orderecl by the medical officers, ,0 as to aid their return, at Lhe eurlie::;t po sible time, to Lbo business of life and the upport of their families.

2. Tho in Litutiou in Englund of what is now known as Lhe "National Society for Aid 1.0 ick anci vVoul1l1ed in 'Yar." 3. The fonndaLion and mailltenrLllee of CoLtage ll ospitals allLl Con,aleseent llomes.



4. Providing the mel1ns and opportunities for 10Cl11 trl1ining of nurses for the sick poor; and founding what, is no\\' known as the Metropolitan and National Society for tt'aining and supplying such nurses. 5. The promotion of a more intillll1te acqul1intance wiLh the wants of the poor in time of sickness. 6. The establi hment of ambulance litters, for the conveyancc of sick and injured persons in the colliery and milling districts, and in all large railway and other public departments anJ in towns, as a. means of preventing much aggravation of huml1l1 suffering. 7. '. rhe awareI of silver and bronze mec1al , :llld certificates of honom, for special senices on land in tho cause of humauity. 8. The initiation and organi I1tion, dming the Turco- ervian War, of the" Eastern War Sick and Wounded Relief FUllrl." 9. The" Briti h Ophthalmic Hospital at J erusalem" establi hed in the IIoly City under the management of the Chapter for thc allevia.tion of the terrible sull'erings caused by disease of the eye and ignorance of its treatment. 10. Tl~e imtitution of the" t. John Ambulance A soc!ation" for inslruction in the preliminary trea.tment of the Injured in Pen,ce and 'W ounded in W <11'. Although initiatec1 1ess than eight yeal's t'Lgo tbi movement has already attained very great snccess. Upwards of 200 Local Centres have already been formed in important towns and eIi~trict5 in all parts of the hngdol11, and many others are in COUl"e of formation. Among the more notable cIn.ses aJ'e those fvr the instruction of the Royal :Xavy; Royal }lilit ary College, 'nndhul'st; GU[ll'c1s; Ropl Artillery, and other R egiments; 'Metropolitan and City Police; County Const.abulary; Metropolitan and Provinc1!11 Fire Bl'ig:ldes; Royal Na\'al Artillery Volunteers; the 'Val' Offif'e; Admiralty; omel'i:'et IIonse; and other Go,erl1ment D epartments; The Cu toms H ou e; East and West India Dock; 'mrey Com· Dlercial Docks; Victoria DocKs; U ercantile JUf'Lrine; Great Northern, London and North W estern, Great Eastern, outh Ea tel'D, and other RUl.h vay Companies' employes, and numerous public and priYate institutions. Detached Clas~es have also been held, pending lhe formati on of Centres, at numerous other places. The work has also extended to the East and '-Vest Indie-, Canada, China, Australia, and ew Zealand. In France (the Riutera) many UCL:cssful classes of both sexes have been held under the immediate supervision of the Central Executive Committee. In Russia the Hand-book of the Association ha.s been translated into the native language; and thcre, as well as elsewhere on the Continent and in the United States, work, on the lines laid down by the St. John Ambulance Association, has been actively and successfully commenced. Interesting episodes of recent work occurred in the establishment of Centres at 11alta, so long the principal stronghold of Lhe Order of St. J oItn, and at Gibraltar. Her 1\faj p sty the Queen has been graciously pleased to make donatiom, each of £25 to the Shetland I slands Centre, and to o. III District of the Metropolitan Centre, of both of which II.R. H. Princess Beatrice is Lhe Pre"idcnt. T.R.II. the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Connaught, II.S.li. the Duke of Teck, and H.S.H. Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, al 0 hold thc office of Prcsident ot various country Centres. Certiflcates have more than once been presented to the Windsor chsses by H.l-t.H. Princess Christian, at li:en'lington ancl Richmond by II.R.II. the Duchess of Teck, and at the Grosvenor Gallery by the Princess Bea.tricc. Princess Christian had not only been awarded both the Preliminary and Nursing Certifi.10.

cates uner passing the prescribed Examinations, but has translated from the German a course of lecture by Professol' Esmarch on "First Aid to the Injured," copies of which can bo obtained at St. John's Gale. Important Mcetin g~ to further tho cause have been held at home, on the Continent, in India, and Lhe Colonics. T\l'o of thoEe deserve pas5ing comment, the one lu'lcl on Februal'y 15, 1 81, at the Mansion IIouse, undcr the presidency of the Lord lnyor", hen the exten ion of the mo.e01ent and appeals for increased pecuniary support ,yere forcibly advocated by many leading merchant, shipowners, and oiliployer of lo.bour iu the Metropolis; the other on Jnne 30, ]8 3, when the Lord l\Iayor presided at a crowded and enthusiast ic M eeting in the GuildlJall, for Lhe pre -enta ti on of Certificates by II.R.II. the Duke of Connaught to the City and Port of London Di trict clas es . The Order of t. J o11n has no conncction whatever with any of the associations or fraternitics, l;ill1ilar or not in name io its own, which have been formed for the promotion of charitable or oLhcrwie belle,olent purposes, nor is it confined to any sect or party 01' to a.ny religious dcnomination, but is thoroughly universal, embracing among its members and a sociatcs Lho,e who, in tb e spirit of our Divine Masler, are willing to devotc a porLion of their time or their means to the help of tho su..ITering and the sick, and to labour earnestly PRO U TILIT.A 1.'lo: IlOMINU:ll.








~atb- Jf)ricrr. HIS GRAOE ",u ,'vILLIA:i\I DROGO, DUKE OF MANOHESTER, K.P. ~hli(iff

$t. 50bn Elntbulance Elssociation.

.of (llingfc. ,


<!tOlnntl11t'b tt oi~ nnltJ2'

Qt H%iIe.


LP., M.A., F. S .A.

METROPOLITAN AMBULANCE CORPS, For the Transport of Sick and Injured Patients, INFEOTIOUS



.iub,<!t ummfttl't.



P7'esident- General Su: J OH~ S T. GEORGE, K. C.B. The Ri ght H on ourable t he E arl of GLASGOW. The Ri g ht R ev. th e L ord Bish op of ST. ALBAN'S. ( Chap lain- Gene?·al.) Sir EDWARD G. L . P ERROTT, B art . G ener al Sir H. C. B. DAUBE),TEY, G.C.B. Captain R. C. F. D ALLAS. R ev . H ENRY \VRITE, :M.A.



'Nho are ex-officio Memb ers of the Council. Cl ello?' G en er al Sir J OHN S T. GKORGE, K.C.B. wncta?'y--Su " E . A . H . LECH"'.IERE, B art .. M.P., l\I.A., F.S.A. Secre R eceivo·-EDWIN FRESHFIELD, E sq., LL.D., V.P .~ .A . Almone?·-G en eral the Viscou nt 'l'E}l:LETO?, K. ~.B. R egist?'ar -Lieut.-Colon el ~OO LD Hm;T~R- '\ ESTO~ , F . .A. Ambulance D epa?'tment-Dlrect or: J OH~ F URLEY'J E sq. " F .S .A. Genea l oqtS· t - W . AM HURST T • A:JlHERST, E sq., M.l 1 B R 1 Assis ta.1~t-.A lmone?,-:JIaj or J AjIES GILDEA, 4t 1 att. oy a Vvarwi ck shiTe R egt. Libra?'ian-Rev. ,V. K. R. BEDFORD, M.A. Assistant- Secretary- Captain H. C. P ERROTT, 31'd B a tt. EaRt K ent R egt.

Banker s-Th e London and \N estminst er Bank, 41, Lothbury , E .C.

Communications may b e addressed to the S ecretary of ~he Order of St..John, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.

Captain Rupert C. F. Dallas, Chairman. Major James Gildea. Edmund Owen, E sq. , F .R.C.S., Hon. Consulting Surgeon. J ohn F urley, Esq., Hon. Secretary and Manager, to whom all communications should be addressed, with the addition of " Ambulance Corps" in the upper left hand corner of envelope.

Office :- St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C. ( Withillfive mz"lmfes walk of Farrillgdon Street Station. )

Horse Ambulance Carriages, Litters, Stretchers and Invalid Chairs may be engaged on the following conditions ;_

A Horse Ambulance CarriageCost (including all charges) one g uinea for a removal within the four miles radius of Charing Cross.

A Two-wheeled Ambula1/ce LiiterCost (including all charges) half-a-g uinea within the four mile radius of Charing Cross; outside that radius removals are subject to special arrangement.

I n each case one skilled attendant only is sent. E x tra Attel/dan!s Is. p er hour eac/z. Attendants can be engaged for the assistance of invalids, irrespective of the above means of conveyance, at the rate of 2S. 6d. per hour each. Invalids of small means will be conveyed at a reduced rate. Special terms and arrangements are also made for the removal of invalids by road, rail, or water, both within the United Kingdom and to any part of tl1e Continent of Europe. Payments to be made at the time of removal in exchange for a printed receipt. Gratuities to attendants strictly prohibited. Remova ls are marie without responsibility, and in each case on the understanJing that the patient is free from infectious disease. In all doubtful cases the certificate of a doctor may be required. O(Jice Hours f;-oltt

a.m. until 5.30 p.m., and on Sall/ria)'s from a.m. until 1.30 p.m. At other hours, in case of emergency, personal application should be \TI~de to Mr. J i\CKSO~, 291 Smith Street, Goswell Road, E,C. 10 ,30

10.3 0

Indel>. No. SQ. Index No. 55.


Jobn Htltbttla11ce Bssociation.

St. :Jobn Bmbltlance Bssociation.

CENTRAL OFFICES-ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, LONDONJ E.C. In addition to the Handbooks of the Association, Pupils will find the following of great assistance in acquiring the knowledge of how to render" First Aid to the Injured."



Illustrated by diagrams showing method of application, with printed instructions enclosed.

Price 6d. each.




Folding In Two and Handsomely Bound In Morocco Oases.

Post free, Bd. each.



Post free, 3d. each. POCKET


Sztrgeon-111ajor P. SHEPEIERD, A.M.D., (Author of the



P .r ice ONE SHILLING eaeh. By Post is. 1d.

FIRST AID TO THE INJURED IN CASES OF SUDDEN EMERGENCY. Price-ill li71eJl-lincd ClWelOPC:, 3d. each by post, 4d. Or 17l Packets of om dozm, 3s. per Packet. J'

The above will be forwarded at once to any address on receipt of an order addressed to the

CC'..l1 Le obtai.r.ed by Certificated Pupils [ro111 the Chief . ~ccretary on application thronglt tlie Local Secretaries

of Ccntres, or Detadtcd Classes.


St. John's Gate, Clerkenwel1, London,


N B.-To ensure prompt attelltion, alld to minimize ddailed entrie's ilZ the Accounts, all orders should be accomjJl&Jli~'d by J'emilttlllu: Jor tltt: Itt.:.'t:ssary alltctmt, iltclltdiJzg postage.

Please keep for Reference.


No. 73.

30bn ambulance tlssociation.

Index No. 54.

$t. 50hn Elmbulance Elssociation. REVISED




E I G::S:: T"Y - N" I N"" T:a::

LADIES holding the First A id and Nursing Certificates of the St. John Ambulance Association who may be desirous of obtaining practical experience in District Nursing, can undergo a course of instruction at St. John's House, College Yard, Worcester, which is in connection with the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. The Term for Instruction would be eight weeks. The Fee, Five Guineas.




Board and Lodging, One Guinea per week. Pupils would be instructed how to wash and sponge patients, change linen, make beds, how to dress and prevent bed sores and attend generally to the personal comfort of the patient. Instruction would also be given in cleansing and dressing wounds, giving simple enemas, and how to apply certain utensils required in nursing the sick.

St. John Ambulance Association Glasses, BY THE LATE

SURGEON-MAJOR P. SHEPHERD, M.B., Army lIIedical Dejartmmt, Honorary Associate St. Joh1z o.f Jerusalem.


o.f tIle Order o.f


18 79.)


"Sick Cooking" would also form part of the Instruction given. Application to be made to Miss J. C. Topping, Lady Superintendent, St. John's House, College Yard, Worcester.


BR ueE,

Member, Royal College o.f Surgeons, Leetun}' and Exam£ner to St. John Ambulance Association,


By Order,

JOHN H. EASTERBROOK, Assistant Secrttary, St. John Ambulance Association.

Chief &cretary.


E. C.

Application for copies to be made to the Local Honorary Secretaries of Centres, or to the HONORARY DIRECTOR' OF STORES, St. John Ambulance Association, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.c.



Is. ID.


No. 64.

NOW READY, Third Edition, in One Vol. crown Bvo, 476 pp., with

"Hints and Helps for Home Nursing and Hygiene."

Five Plates and Two Maps.









E. MACDOWEL COSGRAVE, B.A., M.D., CRB., L.R.C.S'!., Lecturer and Examiner to the Association.

"The Knights of Malta,"

PRICE Is., BY POST, Is. 2d. A..?plication for Copies to be made to the Honorary Director of S. J.A.A., ST. JOHN'S GA.TE, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, E.C.



Storc~ ,.

Order of 8t. John of Jerusalem in England,"



"The St. John Ambulance Association." BY



Assistant Almone1' of the Order.

SI1fPKtN, MARSHALL & CO., PRICE { Bound in Cloth, "

Is. Boards, Is. 6d.

By Post, Is. 2d. . " Is.8d.

To be obtained from the Honorary Director of Stores, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.; from MAJOR GILDEA., 20, Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, W.; or from any of the Local Honorary Secretaries cf the St. John Ambulance Association.






No. 66.

$t. Jobn Bmbulallce Bseociation. NOW READ Y.

Fcap. 8vo.

St. gohn Bmbulance Bssociation.





(A s impropecl by Jlfojo?' Scott, 11011,. Sec. of tlte noce?' Centre)



Useful to Skaters, Anglers, Oarsmen, Fishermen, and others,





for saving Life.

It has been twice proved practically at

Dover within the last few months in rescuing men from drowning.


(Li OerUficated Pupil oj the St. John Ambulance Association.)

PRICE 2s., BY POST 2s. 2d.

A pplication for Copies to be made to the HONORARY DIREOTOR OF STORES, S.J.A.A. ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, LONDON, E.C.

$t. lobn BnlbulatlCe Bssociation.

AMBULANCE HAMPER With lraterprooj COVC1' and Strap complete. Especially adapted for use in Factories, Collieries, Mines, Railway Stations, Ship-building Yards and other large Works, and for Volunteer Corps, &c., as well as for Domestic use.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE. First throw the wooden reel, retaining the hooks of tho grapnel in your hand, but should the person in peril sink, then throw the grapnel, retaining your hold of the line. if possible to hook the clothes.

1 Set Splints. 1 Field Tourniquet. 2 Sponges. 2 Packets Patent Lint. 4 Roller Bandages (wide and narrow). 4 Triangular Bandages.

A little practice is advisable.

The line. when not in use, should be kept dry.

Each has been tested up to 2 cwt.


Price of Grapnel


LeatAer Pocket to hold ditto

28. Ode




9. Gd. with 8irap, to be7. w01.n} ..s. 7 uody .. acr08S tie

(Weight, 6! ozs.)

Cotton Wool, Marine Lint, Patent Plaister, in Tin cases. Knife, Scissors, Thread, Needles, Pins, &c., &c.

WEIG HT, complete, 6! Ibs.


1 ft. 6 in.


5 in.

This apparatus may be purchased on application to THE HONORARY

Width ... 7 in,

PRICE: £1 16s.



St. .r ohn's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.


be had on application to the Honorary Director of Stores,




St. lobn Bmbulance Bssociation. ICE ACCIDENTS. A VERY simple and ingenious contrivance, the invention of Herr RUdel, of Kiel, may now be seen at the Central Offiues of the Association, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell. By its means life may be readily saved in ice accidents without any risk to the person employing it, and when the ice is not sufficiently strong to bear the human weight.

It consists of a wooden ball to which a metal axle and ti.

few yards of rope are attached, and this may be easily

proj ected, even by women, to anyone in danger of drowning; or where the piece of water is not too broad, it may be bowled from shore to shore, and the rope thus drawn across the surface and put within reach of the person in periL The line, when not in use, should be k ept dry. The Apparatus may be purcbased complete fOi' lOs. 6d. on application to



St. J ohll's Gate, Clerk en well, E.C.

P.S.-In orde'i'ing please ask for "Ice Balls." Casel Is. extra.


L/-/) r--------------~ ----- - - - - - -- , -


1bospice of tbe



$t. 3-01:'11 (lEllolieI) 1Lal1ot130e) at 3Cl'llOalcl1l.


T }I I R DAN N U i\. L

l{ E P 0 I~ T.

(L )



1bospice of tbe



St. 30bn (JBnglisb 1Langnage) at 3erusalenl.



.. -


- ~--






June 24th, 1885.


~p bt1)aI1l1ic 1bospital Bnb <Iboaptee of tbe




Jj icr~QI:fJ a i l'ma n.

A. H . L EcmmRE,


K\.R'l'., M.P., M . A . , F.S . A .

Qrommitfe e : S.

L ro:\,EL


III. D .,


F . Il . S .

T HQ;\IAS CHAPLI:\', ESQ . , M . D .


LA. , F.R.O.S.


H.B.,JI. Consul at JC1'lIsrrl"il1.



SIE,EKE\G, ESQ., :M. D ., F . S . A.

K. C. B.



, VAKE:llAN, ESQ. , M.A.

monol'rrl'!! QI:onsulti ng 'surrrrolt. R. BRUDE:\,ELL CARTER, ESQ., F. R. C. S . ~onorar~ ~cmt"ri rs.



{!;;rcilsurcr. W . .AJlIHURST T • .AJlIHERST, ESQ., M.P., F.S.A. ~55i5ta n t ~cmtrrr~ .






43, Oharing Cross, S . W.

lLowI Q:ommtitcc at ]rw£inTnn.



111onor<lt~ ~rmt!ItlI · H . .A . KAYAT , ESQ.


~ rsilJ rn t ~ ur g'fon.

Jonx Hnn:u;r: Ocrr I'IF.) E<;Q, , L.n.C .... Ellin.


HE Committee, in submitting their Third Annnal Report on . the working of the Bl'iti 'h Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerl1. a]e111, feel that while there are few very marked incidents to reconl in eonnection thC'l't'with during the year ] 881<-5, they have, nevertheless, the sati . .,faction of knowing that the Institu tion, un!lel' careful and eilieicnt superyj...,ioll, is steallily making for it:-:elf a nallle alld l'cpntn,tion fully justifying' the "iews and etiorts of its promoters, and) it is hopell, in a way to afford fjincere gl'c.1tifieation to all who have aided in its e talJlishment and devdopll1ent. The work of the Hospital, which vms temporarily interrupted ill cons '(iUCllCe of DR. ,y ~])l)ELL)~ departure, has been thoroughly re-organised by his Sllcce .. ~or, l\In. OGILYIE, awl renewcd ·with an ability and vigour ,yhich promise well for the future of the undertal:ing. l\In. OGlLYIE has alrcady performed, ,yith sncce" , seyeral difiicult amI delicate opel'atiollS, and his sCl'\'ices have been \yannly apprcciated by thc authorities of the various nation ali tie in J ern 'DJCll1 . The Oommittee havc rccci,Tccl with grcat satisfaction the tcc:;tilllony in his fayonr of the Gn'ek Patriarch (a copy of which will be found in the appendix, pa·rc 11), amI of Dn.. UH~\'PI,l.T, an Engli. '11 physician many :'cal'-\ resident in J ernsalcm . t nfortllllat('ly in ,Tunc a tllreatcnc!l illIlt,.ss of a sCl'iotl tn) necc~sitatell l\In. OOlLY1E P;1yind a hUlTicll yi-it to England fo r professional advice, but Lhc gra,'cr symptoms which) hall thcy incrcascll, w oultl have llcccssitatl'll a painful opemtion, subsided during t h e voyag , and. MH. OGlLYIE was soon enablcd to roturn in goorl h calth, and frcc from an.·iety. Arrangements were made for th(~ proP('l' tL'cabncnt of ont-paticnts during his absence.

In partial recoo'nition of services which it js hoped may long be at the dispos~l of the Committee, as 'well as ill wh~~ they consider a necessary and advi ablo recognition of the pmntlOn ~f their reopon ible officer in this di tallt branch of thoir humaIlltarian work, the Ohapter of the Order of St. John of J ol'usalem, have had much pIca. ure in electing :ThIR. OGILYIE an Honorary Associate of the Order, and a similar compliment has abo been paid to MRS. OGILYIE, to whose careful and eco.n~mic , upervision of the -work of the Hospital, usually appertalllJl1g to a matron, not a little of its success is due. The engagement of a proper nurse has now been [1uthori,zed, and it is hoped that in thi way "MRS. OGILYIE'S voluntary efforts may be lightened. It was announced in the previous Report that arrangoments would as soon as possible, be made for the reception of inpatien~s, and from a letter received from ~Ir. Ogilvie it will be seen how far this, and other general detaIls of the \vork ha\ c been attended with success. It should be mentionec1 that the treatment of di. eac:es uf tho ear has also been added to that of the more legitimate ophtllallllic affections as the two are often found to be co-exi. tent. Extract from Report of :MR. OGILVIE contained in lctter <late(l Jerusalem, June 6th, 1885. Th e dispensary was re-opened October 20tb, 1c8+, for the treatmcnt of out-door patients, and the hospital ,,,as oJ..lencd X ovember l.J:th fur the admi sion of in-patients. At the 31st May, 1, 17 ~ persons h~1."e he('n treated at the dispensary, and 43 baye been admitted into the honse. Of the whole number treated, +S4 haye been cured; 22,_ more 01' les. improved, and lS.J: are incurable. The prop0l'tion of incural)le is wry large, but this must be expected for some time yet, and it 'will most probably decrease in the future. Before this dispensal'Y was opened many persons with bad eyes never obtained any a(lvic~ for themselves, and others waited until improvement was hopeless before applying for But as time advances this will all be changed, iudeed alreacly it. there is improvement in this respect, and the advantages of comillg early for advice is now being impressed upon the people. Since the hospital was opened, our four beels have been constantly occupied, and mostly with cases requiring operation. Thirty-ninG major and several minor operations have been performed in the hospital, and mostly all have been successful. More beds are greatly needed however, as patients hav e frequently to be refused admission for diseases whi(;h

coulcl ouly be successfully treate<l in bospitul, and thus many poor people llave lost tbe best chancC:' of gettillg completely cured. Our patients belong to all the Yal'ions faiths which prevail here, and as we do not in any way illtel'f(~re with their religious opinions, all come freely to the di.pcnS81'Y and into thc hospital. The greatest uumber ha\'e been eW's anll aftcr thom lUahommec1ans and Greek Christians who al'e al)out equal.


Tlw fact that this hospital has lJecn opened is spread ing round, and already wc have patients coming from far distant places as Jaffa, (laza, Tihcrias and from the Desert beyond Jordan and the Deacl Sea. It is for these poor creatures that tbe \nnt of beels is mostly felt. Ther como gl'eat di tances, mostly with vo]'y sore eye., with little mOll r to 'uppOl't tlwll1sel \'OS, alHl as 0 few can be admitted many go a\yay again ht'fore thC'y arc lllu(;lt improved. I feel vcry confident that if we conlll gl't Hllother half-(lozcll hc(1,· the amonnt of good that might be done [or the e poor sllircrillg Cl'cature' \\'ould be incalcuhble JOIIX II. OGIL YIE. I')'llJ'ueon,

British Ophth({lmic IIuspi/aZ.

To cany out [111 [1t once the sng."·cstion.' of their profes ional officer i"i, nnfortunately, at prt,'''5ent not \yithin the po\ver of the iolllmittcc, who. l' desire to place tIlt' lIo"pital on a secure financial Imsi"i i~ llHH;h cllrtailcll by their vory limite(l funds. The cnsh halance in ham1 is no\y, ronndly, £:3.50, augmented at the present pcriod 1Jy tho speci[1l half-yearly subscriptions of £2.3 cacll, generonsly gllamnt eel l.JY Lally Lechmere and Mr. Alllho]' -t, to meet the incrca.-cc1 . tipend of the 1'0 'ident medical otliccr a' stakel in the proyious Report. f 'till, although much, \"ory lDlH.:h, is needed before the anxious respollsil Jilitic:::; borne lly tllU COlllmittee can be ::;en, 'ibly decrea ed, <.1, g'1 cat deal has 1)een llone lluring the pa,. ·t twelve month , to 1'e]](le1' tllC Hospital 1110re worthy of iLs place and pU1'pose a a l'epl'e:scntative wo1'1- of the Ordc1' which took its origin In the Holy Uity. cces:5(l,J'Y l' pairs ha\'e hoen carrioc1 out, and in mo t reo pocts the buildillg is now quite fittetl fo], it pm'po. e. .Fu1'lliLure fo1' tho resident o1licer's quarters, as well as for the wanl~, 11[1s ))oen provid ed-at a consille1'aLle outlay it is true, but lllllCh 1][11) been saved by the jlll1icioUI:) selection anc1 supervision of the llollomry Sccretary, .Mr. R. R. Rowo, kindly a sisted by JUrs. Howe, <.tud tho best tbankc; of the Committee are clue to both fur LIlis tl.llllllluch :-.illljJa,l· aud \-(tILlable hdp. "- T



_Many causes 11<1,\'e lllilitntecl ngnin:-;t specinl efforts bein~ m~fle during the pa t yenr to augment the funds of the InstItutIOn, but the Committee cannot omit to notice two l1leetings-the firflt promotecl by Latly Leeb mere, at 'YOl'CLster, in S8ptem bel' bst, 1'e 'ultino' in a substantinl clona,tion to the fnnlb; nncl the second a crowded and enthu ia'tic public meeting in the Jerusalem Ohamber, \Ve tlllinster, by kind penni,'sion of the Dean, on the 2Gth March last, under the presidency of Sir Au ten H. Ln,y<ln1, G.G.B., when the Chairman, Hobn,rt Pacha, Sir Richarcl Temple; o.8.I. (who kindly exhibited a collection of oil sketches malle by him in the Holy Land), :Mr. Mocattn, :Mr. Brmlenell em'ter, F.R.GS., Mrs. Finn and others, eloquently, and to an extent , uccessfully, pleaded the cause of the Hospital, and bore te timony to the necessity for its initiation ancl to the good it had effected _ A translation of the speech of Sir Henry Layard (a copy of which is appended) has, at the reque t of Hi Excellency the Turki. h Amba ador, 1\Iusun,l s Pacha, been forwarded to His :Majesty the Sultan, and also to the Governor of Jerusalem, Raouf Pacha, and have been most courteously acknowledgecl, (see appendix ).

the Bedouins from their bal yhood upwards have llIJV8r had any experience whatever of water in the way of washing themselves, ancl "we all knolV that even the ablutions which they are obligefl to perform several times a day, are frcfjllcntly performed with sanel instead of "with water. The e elirty ha.1)its fl'l'Cluently bring a1JOut ophthalmic disea ·es. Hemec1ies they havc none. In thc tents you generally find somo ,\-ise man or old WOlllan who pretends to cure the disease, but the rellledies they employ generally lta.ten it and often lead to the loss of sight. , 'omctimes, howevcr, these remedies are harmless, that is when thry cOllsist of charms which neither do much ha1'111 or very much gooc1. Otherwise they have Yel'y lit~l"l to help them against the attacks of this fatal di .. eas '. In the towns ophthalmia is e(lUaUy prevalent_ I see tbat Mr. 1\101)1'(', our Consul at .J -Il'lI.'alol11, says that at Gaza he found 50 pel' cellt. of the population. llfl'el'ing acutely from ophthalmia, a large lllllU1)er ]uL\-ing lost th'il' sight alLog'Jthor. I su pcet that the same thing exits in all the large towns uf ~Yl ia, particularly in the 80uth of f-h ria antI Palestine. The ne d of some hospital for ophthalmia e~e]l1. i\'ely was very gr('at. ~\.t.T erlt.,'alcm thore aro se, eral hospitals. I ])elie\-o that mo t of the nations that 11<wo a Con~lliate there have SOUle intitlltioll for t,ho 'it;k. ,Vhell I wa" at .Jerusalem five or six year '- ago I hatl Lhe atl \'anlagl' of guing on~r the English hospital there "'ith Dr. 'halllin, its Medical , ' lIperintemlcllt, and of haying an oppol'tnnit,) of seeing the ::Hllllir.1Ho arrangcments ",yhieh prC\ ailed thcl'l'. A large llUlllhcl' of naLi\·c.~ hatll'ccourse to that hospital, but the Dumh or of pe1"ons sl1!l'el'illg from cyc disea \ras so gl' at that the BC'ces. ity was felt of ba\'ing an e.. tal)lished hospital devoted to this disl'a c. ,rhen I wa ' at 'OIl tnntinoplo 1 had the honour of being Her l\lajesty's l' 'pre -'ntatii'c ther , and on more than 011e occa ion I spoke to the Sultan upon the snlljeet chid!y at t.he rc(!ue t of my friend 'ir EllmulHl Leelllrler '. Tlt 'ultan who is YC'ry jlltdligent anll ycry humallc, and a vcry benc\ 01 'llt man-amI I think I may u e these epithcts from n not inconsitlerable ncquai!ltance 'rith him amI knowledge of his pri rate character-the Sultan entcrcd Ycry \ya,rm]y into tho ~c11ellle. At that tillle til 'l'C was no ~ite at J el'USalClll which coulll be given to the ho.'pital--no site oyer whieh tho Sultan hall power. But the ~ 'tlltan offered a site, aed when I wcnt to JelU.::mlem I was authori"ed to enter into eOllllllunication ,,"itll Haouf Pacha, one of the best and most iut >lligcnt governors I haye met in the East, ",,-ho elllle~wourcd to find n site con \ cDient for the plll'pO e. \Ye went to many parLs of J e]'u~tlJl'lll Dut eoultl I1ml no site, and on my return to OOllstantinople I was obliged Lo tell him that there was no site of GoVel'l1111l'llt propert.y of "hieh tIle' Rultan could <li::;pose on 'rhich tho huspital cuuld l)e esLal)li::;lH~tl. ,\fter I hatl left Constantinoplc the

Speech by the Right Honourable SIR HENRY AUSTEN LA YARD, G.O.B" &c., (Chai.rman) at a Meeting in aiel of the BRITISH OPIITHAUnC HOSPITAL held at the Jerusalem Ohamber, \Vestmin, tel', "l\Iarch 2G, 1885. The OHAIRMAN said :-Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been somewhat une}.1.Jectedly called upon to preside o\·er this Meeting. I had hoped that my friend Sir HENRY ELLIOT would have takrn the chair. I am certain he would have fulfilled this duty far better, his knowledge of the East and his long acquaintance with Jerusalem would enable hin: to explain the object of the meeting far better than 1. However, I could not refuse, because I really believe that the objcct we havo in view is in every respect a good one. Like most travellers in the East, I have seen the very great want in the parts of Turkey and Syria, with which I am aequainted of some assistance to those suffering from ophthalmic diseases. In aU very hot climates these diseases are prevalent, particularly amongst the Arabs. I presume that it is ov,ring to the climate, from the great glare of the sun, and more than aDything else from their rather dirty habits. I am afraicl water is a scarce article amoDgst the AralJs, particularly the Bedouins. I suspect that most of

8 subject was again referred to, and I believe the Prince of ",Vales expressed his interest in the matLer) and the Sultan finding tboro was no site very generously gave money for the purpose-nearly £1,000 Turkish, eight-hundred and thirteen pounds English money. I gladly avail myself of this opportunity to express, not only on behalf of myself, but all those here present and the British public in general, our gratitude to the Sultan for this very noble gift, and I am glad to avail myself of this occasion to do so, as I know no man's character has been more misunderstood or misrepresented, and I think it is roally to the interest of t.his country (and these questions are not of light importance) that the Sultan's character should be known. That thi hospital was greatly wanted, all who have read this report will admit. \Yithin six months of its establishment it appears that no less than 1,592 I ersons were received, 6,318 went also for con ultation and assistance. At the end of the year there were no less than 2,5-:1:6 patients and 11,3-:1:3 attendances-that is to say within a few months. There is no report as far as I am aware of the returns for the last year. I don't know whether Sir Edmund Lechmere has it, but I have no doubt the increase has been proportionately great. This hows the great importance of this institution and how much it was needed. It is not only the people at Jerusalem who principally profit by it, but those from distant parts, even from Damascus, the East of the Jordan and all the towns of 'yria, attend either as patients or to consult the medical man who has the superintendence. This shows that the people of the country appreciate this assistance given to them. This is a proof that this institution is one which is unconnected with any religious object. If there had been any ulterior object -that is to say, if there had been any proselytising object you may depend upon it the natives of tbe country would not have gone there. But as it is we find in the report that not only Mussulmans, but Jews and Greeks, people of all denominations and classes have resorted to it. I think that those who have been ~he m~ans of ~stablishing this institution are quite wise in preventing It haVIng nothmg but a purely undenominational character-that is to say that all persons of all classes and all creeds can be admitted and re~eive assi, tance. Otherwise the thing would have been a dangerous thIng, and I should have been the very first to express an opinion unfavourable to it; but as it is I cannot but heartily congratulate tho 'e who have estab1i.3hed it upon the success which has attendeel their efforts, and I cannot too strongly recommend it to you. I think it bas been so well commenced that it would be really a misfortLllle if it were to fall through for want of encouragement. I cannot think that will be the case. I am quite certain there are those here to-day, as well as many otlwrs who will be glael to give their. u]Jport to an institution so

thoroughly useful in a humane point of view. The report also points out the civilising infiuence of the .A ssociation, a matter of no mean importance. ,Ve wis}) to giv~ the Arabs a11(l especially those wild tribes on the borders of Syl'in.-the wildest in the East- an idea of European civilisation, and especially that of Englishmen. I be1ieve an instituti0n of this kind to he acl111il'ilhly adapted to the purpose, and I therefore strongly reco 11 1111 e11 <1 it to your help and sympathy and as i tance, aml I hopo that those here l)resent will endeavour to enCfaCre w w t~1eir fl'if~ nds to support us. I will not detain you for any length of tnne, becn.use I know f i1' Richard Temple is going to give us all accoun t of hi experiences in Tmkey, and he will be able to tell you a great deal more than I can.






In responding to a vote of thanks, Sir A. H. LAYARD said :I beg to return my sincere thanks for tho honour you have done me. I hn.ve bad Ycry great plea nre in atten<ling to-clay. I am only guilty of one omission in my opening address to which I will take this opportllJlity of referring-the trihute I ought to have paid to you f ir Ellmulll1. I know ·" ,hat you have (lone and that it is owing to you tha.t thi:' noble work has heen carried through. During the time I was in ioll .tantinople I wt!. in freelllent communication with you, and as you know llitl my be .. t to assist the undertaking, but it is to you it owes its succoS ·. I b g n.gain to return my thanks for the honour JOu have clone me.

fr. F. D. 10 lATTA al 0 bore most valuable testimony to the utility of the ho pital, a.nd .'aill :"In a conntry where OphtlJalmia is so prcvalent the Hospital is of the highl'. t necessity, ana as th" disea e i one which is to a great extent preVl'nta1)1 the lessons of care and cleanliness there inculcated will not on}y t nd to cure the malmly hnt, in n. great clegree, to prevent its recurrence. .1\1oreove1' tbe ho pital being entirely whn.t it profe es to he, an in titntion for helping per ons suffering from disease and not a cloak for lroselyti ~m, i· worthy of th support of per ons of all creeds since it is equally for the bcnefit of all, whereas charitable institutions which join a scheme of conversion to their legitimate beneficent ellds are not honest in their scope, and 611i h by repelling all per ons sn.ve those of the Church of the prolllotl'l'. from its doors. "Th(:1'('fo1'o this especial lIospital can be safely rccoll1menc1eu to the support of pcr.·OllS of all denomillations, both on account of its intrin ic excellence, and of it~ froedom from all admi.-tnre of proselytising ~]el1l('nts."


10 The Committee are largely indebted to .NIH. R. BRUDENELL CARTER, the Honorary Consulting Surgeon, alike for much valuable professional advice, and for several handsome and costly contributions of most necessary articles for the equipment of the Hospital, including a complete set of len es for testing vision, some expen, iYe books, &c.) and a supply of the new and co, tly anC8sthetic " cocaine," by which the most delicate operations are rendered comparatively easy and painless. The Committee have also to acknowledge their special obligations to MH. JOHN 11. COOK (a Donat of the Order), not only for his handsome pecuniary contributions, but al. 0 for the great aid rendered to the Committee in permitting his agent at Jerusalem to act as the financial medium between them and the local Committee, and for the facilities offered for forwarding parcels to Jerusalem. Mr, Cook has also kindly promised to insert a special notice of the Hospital in the Guide Book furni,'hed to tourists, and to receive for the Ho pital any donations they mR-y be pleased to make. MR. A fRERST has also kindly presented to the Ho 'pital a British En, ign and a Turkish flag which are to be hoi t ed on~r the building on fete days, and the Committee have added a large flag with the full name of the Im;titution in white letters on a red ground, for general use. It is hoped that in this way the attention of travellers and others likely to take an interest in the Ho, pital may be attracted to the building, which it \yill be remembered lies some little distance outside the City walls, The Committee are likewise much indebted to the Pal estine Exploration Fund Committee for a valuable gift-a Portfolio of Maps of Palestine-which together with some Books and R eports of local use and interest, has been forwarded to the Hospital, and it is hoped may form the nucleus of a small library. The Hospital Garden has also been more carefully enclosed and reclaimed, and a selection of seeds from Messrs. Sutton having been forwarded by the Committee, it is now under cultivation and materially aids in supplying the Hospital Dietary with suitable vegetables and fruit. MR. CLARK (Mr. Cook's local agent), and 1IR. \VrsEMAN, who have already rendered good service to the Order in the acquisition of t he site, &c. have been elected as Donats of the Order of St. J ohn, and subject to the approval of the existing local Committee have been added to its numbers.

The [l,ccounts for the year ending June 2-:L have beell carefllJIy prepared, and, as on pl'evious occasions, professionally audited by Messr~ . Lovelock and \Vhiilin. The result, which it if) ho-ped will be satLsfactory, will be found in the Balance Sheet appended. The .C.ollllllittee feeling confident that th eir work so thoroughly and effiCIently begun, need~ only to be known to l'eceive a more liberal support from memlJClf:l of the Ordel' and their friends than it haH hitherto met with, venture to record the foregoing facts in the hope that allll1ay g nerously take part in the labours and effort hitherto confined to a feu·, ~ince all UlU,' t alike share in the gratification the progl'e,,' of thiH truly hospitaller work affords, and the allditionallllbtre it allc.1b to the fame of their noble and ancien tOnIer.

Donations and AnnLwl • uusc)'iptions muy be paieZ to the T, 'cu 'Lue r, the Bank )'8,01' to any JJJe?nuer oj the 001J1?nittee,j1'urJ1 ~1.)7LOm ul '0 copie.s of the A Jl Jllwl R cpud:s 'Inu!) ue outaineeZ, aneZ b!J 1.chom eveJ'!) ri njunnution 'Will ue gladl!) uj/unZecl. OheQuc<i to be CI'oi'J.':3ccl, (( llJeli '/'13. Cod", Biddulph aneZ 00.," +3, 011(11'ing 0'l'08S, S, TV. ST, JOllX'S GATE, iLEHKEXWELL, Jl.dy, 1 85.



froUl a lette!' 1'1'0111 his Be,:" tituJ.e the Patriarch of Jel'u::;aJclll, ' ykodemos, to Lady Lechmere, " ,Yith l'cganl to thc Ophthalmic Hospital we know that it is doing


very good work among thc pcople of J el'Ll alem and the country far and widc aroulltl, amI "\" ~ only wi ,It that the Almigh ty should sustain and inspirc its anthors to makc it ~ bcnefits evcrlasting. " \1'0 shoulll statc that Dr. Ogilvie has left good impl'esr'ions on us, and we believe on ev ry botly else tlnring his stay in J erl1salolll, owing to llis gClJtlemanly bclla\'ioul', all(l his high qualifi<:atioll in his profession, and. wo 11 op h' will &0011 lJe l)ad\. \\" i Lh Ll!:i. "

F1'07n " The J ewish Oh1'onicle." London: Friday, August 14, 1885,-5645. "JERUSALEM.-Our correspondent in Jerusalem sends us some particular with regard to the English Ophthalmic allLl Auricular Dispensary which has been stablished in tl~e Holy Oity. by .the El1~.lish section of the Onler of St. John. The Dlspensary, ,dllCh IS tbe gIft of the Bultan, stand on high ground ouUiicle the city walls. At present there are only four bed for in'patients, so that many applicant have often to be sent away for want of suiIicient accommodatiol1. The institution recei ,-es pati ents of all creeds and nationalities unconditionally; and, unlike some other meLlical establishments, no efforts are maLIc to tamper with the religious belief of tho~e persons I\'ho seek its aiLl. At the dispensary of th8 English Mi sion, for example, the sick who apply there are ref'l1seLI medical relief unless they accept at the same time the pernicions literature "which forms the stock-in-trade of the conyer ioni ·ts. At the Di pen ary of the OrLler of St. J ollll no such sy tem prcyaiL, with tho result that Jews anJ lahommeclans haye as much confidence in the establishment a Ohristians. It is attended by persons from all parts of the country the majority of them heing Jew. . "

Copy of a letter from His Excellency RAOUF PACHA, acknowle 19ing the receipt of a tran lation of Sir Henry Layal'd's, pccch at the Jerusalem Chamber. JERUSALE.)I, JULY nTH, lSS5. HOKOURABLE


I have had the honour of receiving from the hands of Dr. Ogilvie, the doctor of your Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem, the letter you kindly wrote me on the l!~~ of last May, ,,-ith the tran lation into French of a speech made by his Excellency ~ 'ir Henry Layal'd, at a meeting recently held on the subject of the said hospital. This kind letter, as ,Yell as Sir HE'nry Layard's speech, ha ' given me great pleasure. The allusion made to the munificence of hi Imp erial l\IajPsty the SLlltaTJ, my august master and sovereign, in graciously contributing to the foundation of yOUl' philanthropic institution, proving your grateful feelings towards hiw, shews a just and ,Yt'll-deseryed appreciation of the great qualities of heart and mind of his Imp erial Majesty, as well of his desire to do good. As to the mention in your kind letter, as al. 0 in Sir Henry Layard's speech, of my poor senices rendered to your hospital, selviccs inspired by the noble and humane aspirations of my august mao tel' and sovereign, I consider it as a proof of your kindly feelings towards myself. Sir Henry Layard's killd ,yords on this occa. ion touched me greatly. They are still more yalued by myself, as lJaving been lH'ollOunced before an illustrious audiellce, by an eminent person favoural)ly Imown in the East. May I beg you to accept the eXlJl'es iOll of lily .'illcpre gratitude, alld to believe in the interest which I always take iLl the welfare of your Ophthalmic Hospital, so useful to tllis cOllnt)'y. Accept, Honourable Sir, the assurance of my esteem and consideration. (Siuned) HAOUF. To the honoural)le Sir Edmund A. H. Lcchmere, Memher of tJle English Parliament, S('.cl'etaty of the Order of St. John, etc., London, St .•Tolm's Gate, Olerken well.



Brz'tzsh Ophtha171zz'c Hospz'tal and HosjJzce

0/ the

Order ojSt. J Oh11 ( E 11g-lz'sh La11g-uag-e) at Jerusalem. TO THE 30TH JU NE, 1 85.

STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE To Balances on the 30th June, 18 4:. £7 12 Dr. ,Vaddell " 4 0 Mr. Kayat

" "




0 0

11 12 392 13 92 17

Bank, London J erusalem


" "


6 9


- - - - 4:85 11


" "



DonatiolJs, year ending 30th June, 18 5 312 4 1 19+ 0 0 Annual Subscriptions - - - 506 Balance due to Mr. Ogilvie) per Mr. Kayat's account to 15th April, 1885 Hospital expenses for June, 1 85



9 19




Less paid on his account in London.






" "


SUNDRY RECEIPTSInterest allowed in J erusal em Cash paid at J erusalem, 16th April, I S'4


Sale of Stock-One Cow Sale of Hospital Produce

8 11


490 4 12


--2:5th April

Salary to 1k .T. \\~ac1( l (>lI, to ~Hth June, 18;' 4:




IG 1:"3

4. 6~)



,) -1

.) "






EXI'E:\:-'E:-i IN JEllL'".' \LElI[-

Mr. Ogilriu's , 'alary :nHl Travelling Expcmi '., to ;31 . t i\ Iar(;h, 1225 1,lG l'

amI general



xp l1ses of the

lIo. pice at J cI'l1salem, to 30th June,


Balance due to Mr. Kayat to 13th June, 1885


Drngs, In trul11ents, &c. Pl'in ting lllltl .' tatiol1cl'Y




1 Ii

1 \.5-




Printing ancl Btationcry . £39 13 1 Po~tag('s unu Petty Exp nses 19 £5 10 Uleri(;al A,:. istance ]2 0 0 Acc()nntal~t anJ Auditors F ees (~years) 10 10 0

Jnn: S.\..LEM (year ending 30th June,



10 19

EXl'l~NSTi S, Lmml\~ OFFl<'E-

" EXl'E~. ' ES



3 12

1 ) :)


1 7 8 ----

,. 4 19


" "

0 4

6 11 0 0

3 1

4 0 0 10


(Not accounted for in last statement.)


" 8 11


173 11 11 7 1~ 0 0 3 3

D<lbnce dn from Dr. ,YadL1 ell Difference in E. -dwnge



'.\PIT.\L EXrE~DITL'"nE-

Furniture ancl cost of Shipment Extra Freight on (10. at ,) ern alem

1 ;33 1:2

Balance at Bank in LOl1(lon Petty 'ash in hand in LOll(lon


+ 17

8 7



G 0 'j


399 13 £1,016 1

£1,01 6 18 10 ,V. AMHURBT T.


AMHERBT, T1" ectSW·C,·.

REYNOLDS RO\VE, B onorcwy Secreta!"y.

Audited and fourJd correct,


A ,'ET" .

By Freehokl Propl1rty at Jell! . alclll and Improvements thereto, p l' last acconnt " Furniture amI Fittingf:J, " Ditto adtled as nLove


laot [wconnt

7~ 1 1:38 10

H. vy·. S. ,VHIFFIN, HJ, Coleman Street, E. C.


1,'112 ] 3


212 12


0 3 £1,(525

11th },'o1:crttber', 1885.




II. EA TERBROOr, Assi ·tallt Sel'?·ctCl?,!/.


17 Annual



S t£b8C1' ipt ions. £ s. ct.

1bospitaI anb lbospicc


ORDER OF ST. JOHN (ENGLISH LANGUAGE) AT JERUSALEM. Annual Subscriptions and Donations. AmInal

Adair, Mics H. :M. Akroyd, Mrs. Allen, :Mrs. Allnatt, Mrs. S11l'teesAllnutt, Iiss urteesAmherst, :JIiss Tyssen Amphlett, Rev. Martin Andrew, j\Irs. (Coughton Hall, Alcestc!'). Anson, The Rev. Frederick Anonymous (per ir E. A. II. Lecb mere, Bart., .Jl. P.) Balfour, Alex., EslJ.. Bamfield, H,ev. J. W. L., H. X. Barclay, II'S. Barclay, Mrs. Barrington-Foote, Captain, H.. \. Bate, B., Esq., Baumgarten, Le General A. de (since decertSfJfl.) Baynes, Miss Beale, Lionel, Esq., M.D. Beaufort, Hon. Miss Bedford, The Rev. 'Y. K. R, 1\1..\ . Bernard, Miss Ellen Bidtlulph, G. 'r., Esq . Blunt, Miss (Collectell by ) Bolland, Mr. T. J. Bolland, Mrs. Bonynge, Mrs. Boutflower, Archdeacon Braby, F., Esq. Braby, Miss Brassey, Lady Bl'illd, General Sil Jas., R .\. Brinton, John, EsCJ.., M.P. Brooke, The Rev. J. Ingham Browne, Miss U. ,Yacle Burdett-Coutts, The Baroness T3unlett-Contts, ,v. L. A. Bartlett, ES'l'

Snbsf' !'iption. Donations. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 0 0

100 100 330

1 0 0 330 1 0 0 5



o 10

0 1 0 100 550 10 0 0 o 10 0





2 '2 o 10





2 2


0 0



o o



0 0


500 300

o 2









10 10 10 10

0 0







o 10

0 0







1 0 GOO 500


10 10



0 0 0 0

Burdon, Mrs. Roland BUJ'lles, Mrs. Burton, Mrs. BUl'ton, Mrs. (per R Brnclellell ('arb' l', 1 ~~ll " F l'{" C. t:l.) BUl'ghclcl'e Church, O!Tel'tol'Y at BUl'naby, Mnjor-General, M.P. (sillC'1' ell'cease(l ) Bushell, Christophel', Esq. Busk, 1111's. Josf'ph Bu iro , R. de, Esq. (sZ:ncl! deceased) BustroR, Mntlame lIe Butler, Hev. Canon Byron, The lIon. Mrs. and Miss Hum ide Capel, F. C., Esq. Cartel', Clla,'. P., E";(l' Cassavetti, l\Iallame Cassaveiti, ~[adat1le E. Alex. Ca sa,veLLi, Jolin, ElI' 'hury-Chafy, The Hev. 'W. lI. 'V . hanington, K ESI1' ChillI, Mi:-; Kale C'hrke, AIHlrew, E,"l., ~l.D. 'loth \\'orkcrs' 'om pany, The oght, Andre\\', Estl' Cohh\'cll, Mnjol', (lieI') COll1ptOll The Ycry Hev. Lord AIII)'lIc (])ei1u of Worcester) Cook, .John L, ES(L' 'onnt!')', The Hev. Gilbert Cro 'f', 1111':';. C. R Cufl'e, Miss Cull, j\[CSRI'S. Chas. and on Cunlifre-Oll'en, Fritz, E:-;!l' 'UlTcy, Hey. U, D. D. COllcert (Pl'oeceLls of) Dallus, ~ir Geo., Bart. Dall.t>:, The H Oll. Lady Dallas, Caplain Rupcrt '. F. Do do (SP(,c/IIZ) Dallas, illrs. R C. F. Davies, F. IL, Estl. Davics, Tlle Hcv. Hamilton Daubclley, ,elleral ir C. and Lady Day, W. A. E,'IL. Del1uigh, Couute. s of (fOI' 5 yeal't;) Dent, Mrs. J. Couche\'Domville, Miss Dorville, l\ tlmiral J. 'V. Drafren, Mrs. Pitt lJrake, Miss . TY]'\I'hitt .


Donations. £ s. cl.

10 0


0 0 '2


1 0 '200

010 10 0 0 10 0 0

o 20







0 0 (j 0 '2 10 0 10 0 0 500 2




o '2





0 0

0 0 0

o 10





'2 0 1 0 :3




:W 1 ;3



0 0

0 0

1 0 '200 '200




10 10 5




233 15


3 0 U '2



10 30

0 0 0 0 0




0 1 0






o '2


1 5





o 10


o 10


0 5




Drake, Mis O. Tynyhitt DUllCOmbl', nIi:;; (, :fiLA. D.," pel' Captain J. C. Dalton, lCA. Elll, Rev. Franci J . Elliot, nt. Iloll. Sir ITcm,)', G.C.R EmpE:ons, The i\Iiss E,'an , ' Ym., ESI1· Fellows, Fra1lk P ., Esq. Feuton, Mi. s, (sin('e deceased) Foley, The Lally Emily Fowler, J., Et>ll· "Friel1Ll," PI'l' Sir E. Lpchmel'c " FJ'iellll," pel' L:llly Lcchmcre " Frienu," per ::'Ill'. R. Brlldcllell-Cdrter (( Fl'ienu, A," pel' K S. Sanderson, Esq. :Flll'ley, J 01111, Esq. Flll'ley, nIl's. John Gal'lluer, G. '1'. r\gg, E q. GihbollS, The Rev. B. Gibraltar, The Bi bop of (3 years) Glasgow, Thc Earl of Godson, :?lII'. and :JIrs . •L F . Goldsmitl, Lady Louisa Goltlsmid, Sir Julian, BaIt. Gordon, R. G., E 'q. Gore-Ou eley, The Rev. Sir E., Dart. Greene, nIl's. Gresley, 'Y. Stukeley, ESll. Gurney, Mrs. Hus,eIJ, (pel' lUI'S. SUl'tecs-Alllwtt) . Halkener, E., Escl. Haines, Rev. H. Hayter Hallllel-PLillips, Mrs. Hanley Cabtle COIUluuudel'y-Onlcr of :::It. J oim HaITi on, Tho., ESI!. Haney, Miss C. J. Hartland, F. D. Dixoll, E~l!., ::'II. P . Harcourt, Egertoll Yemon, Esq. (sillce de(,Cllsed) . Hawkins, The Rev. ,V. D. L. Hayley, ~irs. BUl'I'eH Henty, Mr anLl Mrs. G eorgc IIill, T. Rowley, Esq., M.P., and Mrs. Hill Huod, Peter, ESfl., ::'I I. D. Hoop~l', J. H., Esrl. H Ol!kinson, lllrs. Howard, F., Esq., (pel' Mrs. S1ll'tees-AlluatL) HubLal'd, Hon . Mrs. Hubbard; 1\[iss C. H ubbard, Miss Ellell

Annu(tl SnbS(Tiptions. Donalions. £ s. cl. £ s. (z. 2 :3 0 :2 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 0 5 0 0 :2 2 0 1 0 .,u 0 0 :2 0 0 1 0 :2 0 () j 0 0 7-1 Hi 1 :2 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 u 5 0 0 1 1 0 j j 0 0 :2 :2 0 :25 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 10 C 0 10 10 0 0 :2 :2 0 1 () o 10 ti :20 0 0 1 1 () ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 :2 :2 0 5 0 0 0 ]0 0 .J j u 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 [i 0 0 10 0 0 ;) 0 0 20 0 0 1 1 0 2 '2 0 2 2 0 0 10 0 0

IIullhanl, .Mis:;; E. HUlltl'r, ni r'llal'll, KIL. lIulller, Mrs. IIllglies, Mrs. Kcnt Jallle;;, Rev. A. O. JOII!'!'ll, Lally Kaillcilsky, l\Iallalt1c de Kay, ~il' Brook, Halt. KCllllolt-Bill'l'illgioll, \T. n., ESI! .. E inglakc, .\11';;. Lalli helt, UI'O., ESI1' La 'lett, W., 1<:811. La\\,,'oll, ~ll's. Layanl, Ilt. HOll. ~il' lIelll'y Aull'lI, U.C.I3. Len ,\rchlleacon Lea, Ml's. Lcclulll're, ~ir E. A. 11., Dnl't., M.P. Do. llo. (Spccial) Lct:hlllore, Lally Do. llo. (S1)1'l'i l ll) half-yeadj' ])0. Llo. (Collcdell 11y) Do. Llo. (friollll pCI') LC(;\lJllel'o, Captain Lerroy, UCIIl'ral 8ir .J. n. Lloyd, The Rey. Hohcl't alHl ';\ i r '. Llo."ll, ~lrs. Frallk Loek, H,c\". W.


Anmt(tl S LtUScr iJiti ons. DOl/ations. £ s. d. £ s. cZ. ]

0 5 0



0 10 5




10 10 5 0 0 2

5 2

0 0 0 0 0


0 0


0 0 0


0 0 0 1 0 0 C 5 0 ] 1 0 2 0 0 50 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0






0 0

0 0


3 17 j 0 5 0






0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0

2 1


Lytc, II. C. .J['lxI\'eli, E q. LytLoll Till' Eal'l or 7IlacI,can. It ::'Ilad.Jl':III, E 'l· .JiaJel, M:ljul' C:. E. \\'yll!lhalll 7Ilarlill, ;\11'''; . llt:alltl'olu .JlarLill, H. U., Kq. , ill. 1>. 7Ilarlill, ~allll1l'i, Esq., (.~i/ll·e dcccasc(l) 111 art) II, HOI'. l'lln,.;. J. Meredy! h. .',lllllleJ, E.'IL' :\[or['c1';" ()olllp:lny, The MCII'hIU'II, illiss Emi.ly ::'IIocatta, F. D., ESI!. MOllcl'icfl', ::'III'S. ltl OII1-:, Tltc Missos. .Mlllltcfiol'c, il fl's. J\IUlT<lj', "'., Esq . lI i yriaIIUI('lIS, Tlw Hev. th An:Jlilll:tnl!rit, ::\'0\\[011 ,\blto[L U'-l. J.A.A. L:1lJiL'S' Inss) PCl' 1\[l's. 13:1ke1' Koel, ,I., Es(!. Okcllcu, Miss K. Parry

5 2

1 6 1


0 ;3

0 0

5 0 3 0

21 -1 :; 10 10 7



1 0



0 10

10 0 2 ~ 10 10 0 ., 'J 3 0


6 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0

21 20 Ann~wl


Ou low, The Lally Augusta Palmer, Geo., Esq. Pari 'h, 1111's. Pearson, l\Irs. A. Harford. Peel, The Hon. 1111'S. Peters, W. H., E q. Phillips, Messrs., Bro . amI Sons. Pilcher, 1I1iss. Portal, Rev. G. R. Porter, :JIajor-General , Yhit\,orth, R. K Porter, Mrs. Porter, R. d'C., E q., R. E . (since deceased) Pym, R. Ruthen, Esq., (pel' :JIrs. SUl'tees-.A llllutt) Ratcliff, Colonel Rathbone, W., Esq ., M. P. Reigate Centre, St. J.A . A. , (pel' J. D. Searle, Es(r.) Reston, H., Esq., . Rhydd Court Domestic Chapel Alms-box Funel (par 'il' E. Lechmere, Bart., 1. P. ) Roberts, Miss Roberts, 1lIiss (rollected by) Robinson, Geo., E q. Roclgett, Mrs. Elizaheth Rowe, R. Reynolds, EslJ.., F.S.A. Rowe, 1111'S. R. Reynolcls Rowe, The Rev . John Row, ~Iiss Ann Rowley, , Valter, Esq. Rushout, The HOll. Miss. St. George, General Sir J olm, K C. D. St. George, Lady . 'to John of Jemsalem, Order of (Engli:-;L LalJguage) St. JOhll'S Gate (Collected in box at) assoon , l\J essrs. David, and Company Scobell, S. G., EsC) . Searle, Miss S. M . Sebag, Jos., Esq. hadwell, Rev. A . T. W., ::\l.A. Shann, G. V ., Esq. (Collected by) Sharp, W., Esq. Shrimpton, C., Esq. , M.D. Sievekillg, E. H . , Esq., M.D., F.S.A. Skerritt, Miss Charlotte E. Smith, Mrs. (Collected by) Smith, Mrs. Samuel Smyth, Colonel E. Stawell, J. W . Alcock, Escl. Steet, G. Carrick, Esq . , F.R.U.S.

Annuctl nbscriptions. DOiltttions. £ S. d. £ s. d. ~


o 10

0 0

21 0 0 500 ;3

0 0



500 .)


o o

o 10 3
















300 500 ;:; 5 0 (l

o 10


o 14 -:1 0 '2 :l 0 200 ;:; 0 0 :2 0 0 In






o 10





o 6 10




6 0

0 0

500 ;:;n 0 0 1 10 0 10



o 050


500 '200 '2 17 0 '220 10 10 0 220 1 0



Stern, Baron de Stone, Miss Stonc, Hev. S. J . Story, J., ES(l' tub us, frs. Sumncr, Mrs. 'Ullll1er, Miss Suthcrland, Stcwart, E '(1. }'lleuhnm ( 't. John AmlJlllallCe Ccntrc) per :Miss H. J. ,Yalton Syrian Improvement Committee (pCI' it' Moses l'I1ontefiorc, Ihrt., 31111 H. 'Y. Frceland, Escl.) 'l'empletowll, General Tho Visconnt, 1\:.C. B. 'l'o\Yncl1tl, 1\1rs. Tuckcr, ?I[iss ,\'nll\1('11, A. H., E5Il" M. P. "\I~:lkel1laJl,

II. 0.,

Snbscriptions. Donations. £ s. d. £ s. CZ. 500


o 1 1 0 200


0 500 12 50

500 '2 0 0



o o o


,Valkc1', J\lrs. SCI' cm ,ralke!', J. ES'l. Walton, ~[is-; II. J. W:1l'll, II. A. II , ;,fajo1' ,rarren, Colollel Sit Charles, I\.('.;'J.(:., H.K "\I a1 l'ingtun. ;'1 iss. Wl'sL, \\'m. C., Esq., :;'1.]). \\T('stlllillstCI'. The Dub' or 1]\ ' 1' ,'il' K Leclllll('l'"




0 0

10 20

0 0 0








1 0 25 0 0 1 0


o :2

0 0 0 0

]5 1











\\Tpst( 11, nIl'S. Pluwden ,rl'sLoll, Lic1lt-('ul (ioulllIll1l't.,l' \\Tl'stoll, ~Irs. (:1I11111 JTnntN,\,ilnrton, Rt,\ . . :. ('. (()I]l'l'tllry, ,'(. .rolIn's 11:11) \\,iln1()t, ;'lrs. ,rlllllnt, illiss Wlllialll:oll, W. H., 1':s'I" IWOl'l'estl'l') '\,ingfie1\l-lligl,y, i:cII. 11ighy, Es,[. ('//1('1' 111,/·/,,,.,,,1



0 0

0 10




0 0

7 1:1 ~ :)






0 0







Wilsilcre, i\[l's. Wiholl, ,'it' !-\alllllcl WilsOll, ~Liss ,rilson, 111' . William ,\Tmlehouse, .T. , taIIIc)" EsC[. ,\'0011, Relr . •\1 uett \\'0011, Hev. r1'. W. (Proc('cd. of a Conccrt at Elllel'sRel(l) Worcestcr, The Hight Rev. The Lonl Dishop of W01'cestcr, Pl'o~eeds of Concert at (per Lady Lechmere) Worslcy, 'ir ,rilliam, Bart. Small Stllll ' ullllcl' 1 Os ..


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300 500 1-1 1-l


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Pel' Amhcrst, Do.

J1/('S8I'S .

Oocks, Bidclulph (liul 00.-

'Y. Allllnust r1'., Esq., M. P. llo.

(Specinl half-yearly)

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Annual S nbsc1·iptions. Donations. ;£ s. £ s. d. £l . Cree, Rev. E. D. Dalton, Major J. C., R. A. Du Bois, The Misses Ellis, Miss A. III. . eve, Miss C. Ormerod, Miss G. E. Palmer, Geo., Esq. Palmer, Lally ophia Perrins, J. Dyson, EslJ.. Perrin , Mrs. Riudell, Miss Sale, Rev. C. J . Strangfol'u, Viscountess Temple, ir R., Bart., G.C . . 1.

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R eceived since St. John' s Day, 1885. Baden, F ., Esq. Baker, Augustus Esq. Barclay, Honble., Mrs. Barnes, Rev. Prebendary ESllaile, Miss Lechmere, Captain anclllIrs. J. Lechmere, Miss K. IIIontagu, amuel, Esq. Stone, Mrs. H. Warrington, Miss .

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