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3)OUll of Jjfrlt~alfl11
1887 .
®rhcr nf
~t. ~nh1t (1Englf~fJ
On Friday, the 24th of Jane, 1887, AT
LONDON: IIARRISON AND SONS, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, Printers in Ordinary to Her Majes!!I.
JforD- ~lrior. H IS GRACE TilE DUll OF l\L\'~CHESTER, K.P. ~ai[irr
of <8.1glt.
The Right lIm!. LORD LEIGH. [~c
8il' JOII~ ~ 'T. GEORGE, K.U.B. H. 1. F . DALL.\.S, E, (1. General Sir II. C. B. D_\.CBE:"'EY, G.C.B.
pJ'es ident--Gcl1cral
Colonel F . DUXCA, '.lL. ~l. P . , R.A. :JIajor-G811eral \\ IIIT\\OH.TJI PORTER, R.E. The Right Rev. thc LOl'll Bi 'hop of T. ALR\.X " He,'. IIEXRY , VrrITE :Jr..\.. (Clwplcn'n-G'e71eml.) Hey. C. J. ~V.. RTYX. ~tCcldiGe Q)[ficcr;:.
(TT71O are e:r:-o(ficio JItJII~ers of tl~e COlll/cil.)
Chcl7lcellol'-G 'Hend ~ 'ir JOil:\" 'T. GEORGE, K .C.B. Sec1'eta?'y-8ir E. A. II. LECIDmL~E, Bart., LP., ~l.A ., F .. A. Receict'1'-Emn. FRE IIFlELD, l~. q., LL.D., F.S.A. Almoner-Uelleral the Vi count TE:JIPLETo\YX, G.GH . Rf'gistJ'a1'-Lieut.-Uolollel 1 OULD lIU~TER- , VESTOX, F . .A. Am,vulu71ce l)PpuJ'tmellt-Director: JOll~ FURLEY, ES(l ' Genealogiot- "'N. A~IIIURST T . A~IIlER 'T, E q., l\l.P., F. ' .A . Assi~taJd-.J.·J LlJ1one?>-Licut.-Colonel JAMES GILDE.~, P.). .A. Lib1'al·ian- Hcv. ,V. K. R . BEDFORD, l\I.A . A ssistant- 1'(''1'etw'y-~Icljor ir HERBERT C. PERROTT, Bart.
B anle1's-TlIE LONDON AND \YEST:Jn~STER BA~K, 41, Lothbury,
E .C,
Communications may be ac1c1rcsAe<1 to the Secretary of the Order of St . .J olm, St. J olm's Gatc, Clel'kelH'i-cll, Lonuon, E .C. A 2
Ql:yc @rher nf ~t. ~1Jlpt nf ~ern~aleln (QSllglt~~
REPORT 1BB7_ The Chapter of the Order of St. John communicates the following Report to the Gcneral Assembly :Thc following have been elected Members and Associates of the Order dm'ing the past year :.iJ s Chel.'Cllie1' of Jll ti<:e.-Capt. Lord ,Yilliam Cecil, Grenadier GU:lrcb.
As Chaplain. -The J3i hop of Ely . .iJ s Dame Chevalie?'e 0/ Jll. tic:e.-H. 1\1. The Queen of Denmark; Miss Emily Chn,l'lotte Palmer; lUiss Sybil Margaret Tyssen Amherst. As Dame ChevalidTe of Gl'ace .-~lrs. Elizabeth Pitt Draffen
(from Donat). As Cltevalie?'8 of GJ'Clce.- ir Edward H. ievekillg (from Honorary Associate); Frederick Arthur Heygate Lam bert, F.S.A.; General Sir George Hany Smitu ,Villis, R.C.B.; Sir Viu<:ent Hunter Barrington Kennett-Barrington (from Honorary Associate); l\Iajor Charles Robert 11-'letcher-Lutwidgc.
G As IIono:"a1"l! Associates.-Robert Bruce, M.R.C.S.;
MonE. Frederic de Martens; II Signor Colo11e11o Mcd. Inspcttori Dottor Felix Baroffio; l\J. Ie Colonel Frederic N athanicl ~ 'tnaff; Dr. ~1arinus 'Villiam Clement Gori; General Christian Albc.rt Fred. de Thomsen; John H enry Easterbrook. The following Members and Associates of the Order havo deceased during the past y ear:-VISCOUNTE 'S STRAN'GFORD, T. FARLEY LEITH, Q.C. (Knight of Justice), JA '. DYSONPERRIX (Donat.). Th e Ord er of St. John and the cause of philanthropy generally, have sustained a great loss by the d ath of VISCOUXTRSS STRANGFORD, which took place in March In ' t whilst on her voyage to Port aid for the purpose of orgall.izing and opening the ew E o pital for British "('amon ·w hlch bas b een erected there by subscriptioll, and in th e promotion of which she took a most active intere t. Since h er admission to the Order in 1 73th re i. hardly a single Hospitall er object of importallc e, whether in connect.ion with the Order, or otherwise, to ·which Lady trangford had not devoted her experience and her energy, making her. elf the very ueau ideal of a Dame CheT"alierc.
established a bond of sympathy with Bulgaria which will never be forgotten. In 1877, LADY STRANGFORD formed a fund for t.he r elief of the Turkish sick and wounded in the Turco-Russian war. In order to save the wounded from the delay and sufiering of removal, she went with her staff of nurses to the front, and there opened and maintained her h ospitals. It was in the cour '0 of thi war that LADY TRA:rGFORD wa~ taken prisoner by the Russians, and underwent hardships from which she never fully recoverec1. In lr 2 she went, by request of the St. J ohn Ambulance Association, to Cairo, and estabE hed and opened the Victoria H ospital for t.he reception and relief of the sick and wo Llnded. This Hospital was warmly a1 proved of by the Duke of Connaught) Lord ,Yale ley ana L ord Dufferin, and in it were received and nurscd ll1n.ny En o 'li,'h ufficcrs [mel, olc1icrs, who o'Ye th ir lives to the t end '1' care and, 'kilful nul' ill~ there obtained. lIcr Majesty t c)()k a deep interest in this Hospital, and, on LADY STR.\.XGl1'ORD'S return, confelTcd upon her th0 clil:!tinction of the Red Cro ... ) then recently in 'tituted. H cr In.. t effort-the visit to P ort Said-undertaken in order to fulfil a promi e, and to preyent di appointment, proved fu.tal to her.
She took a deep inter est in Hospital T l1rsing, and 'went through a course of training in one of the principal L ondon Hospitals in order to obtain a practical knowledgc of the subject. She greatly aided a Committee of the Order in thr:ir successful efforrs to draw public attention to the want of bctter nurses for the working classes at their o\vn h omes, and the establishment of the National Associution f(~r provi ding nUl'F;eR for the sick poor was the result.
For some weeks pa. t her h ealth had been cl'iously affected by OV(;r w ork, but she did not hesitate to leave h er home, trust,i11g that the change and 8ea air might recruit h er. he W tlS seize d with cerebral apopl xy during the voyage, and thus closed a life in which everything-money, h ealth, and energyhad been freely lavished in th e cau 'e of ,elf- acrifice and devotion to duty, of which she was so striking an example.
The Bulgarian Relief Fund of by her own efforts, and expended with tho assistance of Our conf7'ere afforded the recipients relief of
Mr. PERRINS was one of our Donats, and was attached to the W orcestershire Commandery, to the charitable work of which he was a liberal contributor) and he was a fre1uent attendant
nearly £30,000, raised under her own dircction Sir Vincent BarringtoD, incalculable value, ana
8 at the Commandery MeetiDgs. He was also a snbscriber to the .J erusalem Hospital, in the progress of which he took a great interest. The loyal a,nd dutiful Address to Her ~lajeoty congratulatillg her upon the 50th Annivorsary of bel' Accession has been engrossed alld illuminated by 1\11'. E. A. Harrison, IIera:lcuc Artist to the Chapter, aDd it is propm;ed that the 'eol'etary should, if possible, wait on H.R.H. The Duke of COllnaught, and ask His Royal Highness, after signing the Adllress himself, to be plensed to present it to Her l\Iajesty on behnlf of the Chapter. Th e A(lc1ress is as follo \VS :"TO HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY VICTORIA, QUEEN "OF GREAT BRITAII AND IRELAND, DEFENDER "OF THE FAITH.
" MA Y
" " " '"
VIE, the Prior and Brethren of the Sixth or English Lfll1gue of the Order of St. J ohll of Jerusalem in Chapt er as ·emblc<.l, desire to offer to your l\Iajesty our most respeotful and loyal oongratulations upon the oompletion of the Fiftieth year of ~, your Majesty's most happy and prosperous reign.
" Assooiated as we are in the perpetuation and fulfilment of "the Hospitaller funotions of our Anoient Fraternity, in a man.c ner most suitable to tho wants (If the present time, we gladly '" and gratefully aeknowledge the remarkable progress whioh '" has been made durillg your Majesty's reign in all matters .. ; relating to the more skilful and humane treatment of peroons ", injnreu in 'war, or by t.he various acoidents oocurring; in civil life. (C
"'N e are deeply sensib1e of the graoions approval of our "efforts from time to time in this direction wJlic:h has Leen "shewn by your :Majesty and your Royal Fr:tmily, as evinoed , by your Majesty having been a Donor to our funds, and by " the deep interest taken in our objects by several Members of
"your Royal Family, who have not only made themselves pro"ficient in the grout ambulance ,york of onr Association, but have " enrolle(l themsolves as Members of our Anciellt Fraternity, and ~c joinecl in promoting the beneficent projects of the Order ot " St. J uhn, the In,test of whioh has been the Establishment of a " IIc'spitalYor the treatment of diseases of the eyo at J orusR.lem, "tho lJirthplace of the Order, under the direot protection of "·llis Mnjosty the nltan, who has uoen a liberal Benefaotor to "tl1C Order, ancl with tl1e persollal assi tance of His Royal a II ighno. 'S The J l"illCe of ,Vales.
, ,V 0 beg to assnre your "Jbj e. ty of our clevoted loyalty to c. your Throne alld POI' 0]], as well aR of our anxious desire to "secnre a continuance of your Majesty's most gracious appre"eiati )11 of onr la bonrs for tho benefit of the sick poor, as well "as of the injured and. uffering of all classes of your MajesLy's " su bj ec ts.
" iSigne,l and ~ ealed on Lehalf of the Chapter " of ,,'t. J o11n, this 21 t day of J nne, 1887. " l\fAN'OIIE. TER,
the Order
Clwncello?'. Secreta'ry. 'IIFIELD, Receire7·."
A. II.
The Committ 'e appointed b t year by the Chapter for the purp()se of reyi, ing the tatutes with a REVI lOX view to approximating them more closely to those OF ,'rl.TUTES. 1_ B eLl'1'1W12 . k 0 f Brm)(.len burg, ha \ Te .completed o f tile their labours, and the Revi,ocl Statutes hay been printed, not ±<)l' iss1.1e at prosent, but flH' tho greatC'l' facility of peru al by TLR.II. the Prince of ,Vales, ,dlO hn,d expres cd a de iro to seo tltem, and to whom a oopy, with an explanatory memorandum clrawn up by 1he G nealogi t, l\lr. 1'y sell Amherst, anrl approved by tho Chapter, has been submitted. Pnoro.
The Char tel' desire'S to aoknowledge the great assi tanoe th 0 Y htl,vO reccivecl from JUr. Amherst, who not only uudertook
10 the laborious task of cumparing and condensing the StR.tutcs. but 1110St liberally bore thc expense of lithographing thc draft for the use of members of the Committee, and subsequently of tbe printing of the 8tatutes as approved by the Chapter. Copies of the rovised Statutes m:1y be seen by mombcr~ of the Order at the Chancery on R.ppiic(J,tion to tllO Assi ta.llt Secretary. Dm'ing the past year the medals of thc OreIm" hayc heen awarded to Poli(;e-constable Henry Bartholom ew, of the Metropolitan Police, who had beca strollgly r ecommended by Sir Charles ,Van:en, for hi gallantry in rescuing a woman from a position of great peril on tlle corner of a house in Dayies Street, Berkeley. quarc, and to James Millard and Hector Thompson, who, under circumstance::; of considerable personal risk, rescued two of their fello'.\workmen (one of \yhom died -hortly afterwanl ) from a g t. flu e at the Elswir;k Steel ,V orks of Sir \Villiam Ann trong &; Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Mitchell & Co.: the Order boing represented by Mr. Waynman Dixon. Police-constable Henry Ba.rtholomew's medd was presented at a meeting on February 10th, in the Theatre of the Royal United ervice III titntioll, ~Ir. John Furley pre i(ling; a number of J\Ictropolitau Polico cbsses of the St. John Arnbuhmce Asso(;iation receiving their certificat.es on the same occaSlOll .
The bronze medal has also ber.'ll conferred on A ctiJl~; Sergeant Ryan, of the Irish COllstabl1lc.try, who, in MOUlt t. Street, Mullingar, at the imminent risk of bis lifc, charge(l at and seized a runaway hurse, and, notwithstanding the efforts of the excited animal to release itself from his grllsr, succeeded in arresting its progress, though he was dragged between the shaft of the cart and the wall of an ac~joiniug building for a co:;sideralJlc distance. Had he relinqui. hec1 bif::> hold the consequences might have been most serious, as tb e street was fill ed ill a most unusual manner with peop~e, owing to some existing excitement. The magistrates of ]\,J ullingar strongly r ecommended the case of Ryan to the authorities for recognition) including promotion. The medals awarc1ed to James Millard and H ector Thompson were presonted on February 7th, at a public meeting, presided oy ~r by the Mayor of N ewcastle-on-Tyne, held in the Mechanics' I nstitute of the Elswick \\Torks of Sir William Armstrong,
The Almonerf) report that, finclin o . themselves with a balance of only £1] Gs. 7d. on St. John's Day, 1886, they determined to make another appeal to the :JIembers of the Order to enable them to contin11e the six: authorlsed diets. From that appeal they extract the following paragraphs:" The Almoners have been lem o' anxious to extend the work "to other hOI pitll.ls, a - well as to be in a position to relieve the " mitlly cases of ickness whidl arc continually being brought to " their notice in the di tribution of the eliet..:. " The calls upon members of the 0 rc1er are no doubt 111 a, ny, "but, howe,er ·w orthy their OhjCCtR, it must not be forgotten "that thc chief work of the Order has always been the relief " of suffering at it, own dOJr , and the fir t obligation mcum, bent on every member who joins the Orc1er should be its " alleviation. "Tho Almoners feel bound to specially point out the "present unsatisfactory po Ition of this department of the "Oreler, and must leave to its members a.nd their friend the "c1 r:i:-;ion as to wheth r the sy tom of diets is to be carried on " and ext ellll ec1, or cea.se altogether to exit:3t." Th e circlliar letter from which the above extracts are t[l ken was ac1elre 'sed to every member of the Order, and 1'0 ulteel in donation s to the value of £37 being received from thirteen mem bel'S, alld new annual sub criptions amounting to £ ~ ii'om eight members.
12 The response cannot) therefore, 1e considered satisfactory, but with a grant from the Kensington Branch of the St. John Amb:lllance Association, and a donation from Lord Egerton of Tatton which was paid in 1885, but which had been erroneously placed to the credit of another account, the Almoners have been enabled to continue the diets, and to bring forward a balance which, if the Annual Subscriptions are k ept up, may provide for the authorised number of diets for a few more years. The Chapter has also increased its annual grant from £34: to £50. The following table will show the number of patients relieved, number of diets issued, and cost of same during the year. A Balance Sheet and List of Donations and Subscriptions is also appended. Total Males. Females Patient,
QU:l1'ter endinci.
- --
Total Diets.
Cost per Di et.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -s.
Total COS".
£ s. (Z. 18 11 2
29th Sept.
o lIt
25th Dec.
15 1·.1,
o lOt
22 14
25th March 24th J une
-------- - 47
- -
- -
The Fimbury Dispensary=G7.
The St. John Ambulance A"80ciatiou (Kensington Branch) . . L ord Egerton of Tatton L ady Kensington 'rhe Finsbury Dispensar y
l1iss PakeIDlln Miss ,\Vrcn lloskyns . . Coloncl Carr . . Miss Kcm plcy J. ,\V. Alcock-Stawell, E3q . . . l1iss ITampt.on
10 5
0 5
0 0 0 0
0 0
5 0
5 0 0 2
1 0 1 0 o 10 0 o 10 0
1 10 1 1 1 1
0 0 0
1 1
0 0
0 0
o 10 o 10 o 10
1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 o 10 1 0
0 0 0 0
G 0 0 0 5 0
5 5 5 0
IIEET, 24TII JUNE, 1887. s.
7 2 0 6
Donation. s. (l.
20 0
Donation_ £ E, d.
0 0
Balance at Bank, 24th June, 1886 .. 11 6 Offertory , avoy Chapel, 2.l,Lh Jun e) 1886 16 19 ContribuLionfrom LheCbaptcr 50 0 Subscriptions and Donations 1 9 18
70 4 4
1 1
Number of Patients from Roya.l Free IIospital=31.
Annual Suhscription £ s. d.
Sir Brook Kn.y, Bart. General Sir John St. George Lady St. George l\Ii:;s J nne Wilson John ,\Yalkcr, Esq. ,. Mrs. A. TIm'ford Peal'.3on The Lord Leigh A. J. Pollock, Esq., M.D, l\lajor-General WhiLworth Porter . . Rev. O. ,\V. Holden (CollecLion) William Da,res Fre3hficld Esq. Li eut.-Colonel IT untcr 'V csLon EtbY!l.rd '\Yalford , Esq. C. L. M ctbuen, E q. R. Reynolds Rowc, Esq. }\:[ra. Rowe Stewart utheJ'}al1l1, Rq. Chorlcs 'hrimptol1, K'q. RUpCI·t . F. Dalla, Esq. Gcneral 'ir II. C. Daubcney, G.C.B. Lady Daubcl1ey }.frs. . L. l)n,kem::m . .
- - - - - - ---1,507
Annual Sul!scriptiun. £. s. d .
£ s. d. Diets for the year ended 231'd 75 4 4 June, 18 7 Serving Brother ., 10 0 0 Balance 24th June, 1887In hn.nds of St. Philip's l1ission 4 15 8 Bank 178 4 3 " " ----182 19 11 £268
TEMPELTO WN, Almone1', J Al1ES GI LDEA., Assistant-Almonel'.
14 Hanley Castle Commnndery
visit mado by Lacly Lec:bmm'o anll hillsolf to J 8rusalem, in Noy ember la.st :-
"That the ordiuary work of the Commandery has been "carried 011 as usual during the past twehre 1ll0ntI1s. The " following is the Diet Table for the year : -
"\Ve fonnJ the Hospital in excelh::nt order, and the work "done by ou r medjou.l offioer, Mr. Ogilvie, highly appreciated "not only by the patients themselves, but by the inhabitants of " J ol'usnJem genemlly, and by tho official representatives of the (: different Powers, by whom Mr. Ogilvie and his uxcellent wife "were evidejJtly held in great esteem.
'The Commander reports-
Return for Quarter ending
of the
Males. Females.
Total Diets.
Cost l,er Diet.
Cost to Di.pensary.
Co~t to C")lIllllllnllcry
---- ----
s. 0
s. d. 0 0
s. d.
1886 29th Sept.
25th Dec.
25th March
4 13
24th June
" " " "
'I "
" The funds of the Command<:ry lJavin g been recently in a more prosperous state, the ClJapter resolved to resume thlir subscription to the \\ est of England Sauatorium at \,\Testollsuper-Mare, in order to be ablo to send convalesoent patients cf the \V Ol'cester Dispensary to that Institution-an arrangem nt whioh in previous yoars has been procluctive of llluC'h lastilJg benefit.
" Tho lIon. Associate of tho Order, M18S Topping, who nuw " dispenses the Diets from St . .J Oh11'S nOll e, states that this ~'branch of tbe work has gone on c.lurillg the past year "satisfactorily, and that the oonvalescent' feol tho Die1s to "be of great help in time of their ,Yeabless. Miss 'TOppillg "also mentions that the assistance rendcTed by ~ crvmg " Brother Thomas Birch has been most valuable." The Medical Officc·rs of the W Ol'cester Dispensarv in their last Report, continue to speak in the higb~.st tenm, of tho value of the Diets supplieJ by the VlOl'cester Comman dery of the Order to the convalesoent patients under thejr chargo. v
Tho Seoretary has reported to the Chapter an account of a
"The Govornor of J orusalem, Raouf Pacha, the Orthodox. "Gre ·k Pa1riarcb, tho Armenian Pahiarch, and the Chief Rabbi "paid visits of ceromony to the Hospital during our stay, and "wero roceived by Lady LochmerA and myself, assistecl, in " most caRe.-, by the British onsu], and Chairman of the L ocal "Dommittclj, 1\1r. ~ oel Temple 1\1001'0. Tho PaeI)[\, continuo to take tho 'ame lively intorest in "the ITo, pitu] "'hi(;h ho has clone from tho iirst. The Orthodox "Groek Patl iar(;h ba: xpr 's,'ed his intention of contributing c. £:20, anJlually, the c:ust of maintaining a bed; [md the Jewish "CbiL·f 1b b oi pre. 'Ont~ll n, Icmorial in IIebr \\T before we left, "of 'which a fuc imiLe all(l translation is un the table) and which " e8pe ·ially record.' tho gratitulle of the .T e\\'i.~h popu1ation, "alld their c:onfillcllc in th nO. ence of allY proselytizing "intelltion , ' e
It 'hould be allclocl thttt a very cordial and unanimous vote of thanks haB beon a warded by the Chaptor to Ilis Boatitude tho Ortbodox Gr ek Pu,triarch of J erusalom for his generous offi I' to maintain, allllual1y, one bed at the Ophthallllic Hospital bolonging to tho Order-to which His Beatitude has also pre ... sentod hi portrait-and in other way evincod his interest.
A vote of thanks has beon similarly awarll d to Mr. J. H. Ogilvie, the Resiclellt I. urgoon in charge of tuo Ho pital, for biB very skilful and . uccossful a 11llinistration of the duties of his offico, and copies of thoso resolutions, proporly engrossed and scaled, haye bo n forwarded to Ilis Beatitudo and Mr. Ogilvie 1'0. pecti,Toly.
The following Report has been received from the Committee of the BRITISH OPHTllAE\IIO HOSPITAL : -
evelltually do still more to add to the high r ep utation of the Euglish Branch at home.
The Committee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital at J erusalem, in submitting its Fifth Annual Report, cannot but feel (;1, very justifiable pride, which w-ill assuredly be shared by all subscriber8 and supporters of the Institution, as well as by Members of the Order generally, in the exceedingly gratifying record of the past year's work.
The Report of l\lr. OGILVIE, the Resiuent Surgeon in charge~ just received, and the testimony of Sir Edmund and Lady Leehmcre and others, who lmve reeently visiteu. the Hospital, will, it is believed, proyo that these views arc n ot by any means too sallguine.
Gradually, but surely, the distrust or indifference with which such an Institution must at first have been received by those fOl· whose benefit it was chie£y promoted, has disappeared, ane] the ever increasing attend}lnce uf Pati ents from all parts of the Holy Land, and beyond-now numbered, even in those spa~'sely populated districts, by thousands annually-and t~e gratltucle which even the poorest evince f0r the benefits conferred, prove beyond dispute that its conception was as wise as it was llllmane, and indicate that at no distant date this Establishment of the English Brauch of the Order of St. John, will become one of the most beneficial and truly representative works with which the name of the Order has been, in modern times at least, associated. That its distal1(~e from the sphere of other humanitarian works, which command the sympathy and support of the charitable public, militates strongly against its receipt of the necessary funds cannot be denied, but it is hoped that time will do much to remove this difficulty, for each year a larger numbers of visitors is being attracted and interested by the vast amOL1l1t of good being done at the Hospital, and publicity must follow. Meantime the Committee cannot but feel that these facts should be an incentive to incre8sed exertion; that many hitherto ignorant of the amount of work done, or indifferent to its results, may be induced to take a warmer interest in such a merciful and successful movement; ancl that Members of the Order especially, will identify themselves more generally and closely with a work which bas already revived the a.nclent prestige of the Order on the scene of its foundation, and will, the Committee feels assured,
OGILVIE'S Report is as follows :_
(:Dnring the year pa t 3,012 new Patients have been treated " at the Di:-;peneary, and 12-1 have been admitted into the lIos"pit,.1. The toted number of Consultations has been 17, ').3:? r "heing an increase of ~,500 over last year. There have oeen "329 operations performed, great and small. The major opera(, tions include 35 fur extrclction of cataract, 37 for making a nmv N pupil to take the place of the original one, wmeh was cloaed,. "and 3 cases where it was necessary to excise the whole eye. "The result has been very satisfactory, a complete cure "havill g be 'n obtained i n 311 ca.~ esJ and in only five bas there I i beon no benefit whatever. "Ill 'Cru hiug Granulations,' the result hus been extremely " gratifYing. I adopteu this u w plan immediat ly after I read "tho llutice of it jn the Lancet. I have not had a siugle bad "resnlt, alla by its means ea es have bEen cured in six week; "which would have taken eighteen months or two years by the " olu methud. "The operation for in-gruwing eyelashes, which I havo called " , N e ,dIe and Tbrea(l ' in the list of operations, i , so far as I ., know, a new operation. It is the ontcume of a discu ion at " the M lieal ociety lately re-cl:ltabJished here. By means of "a neeelle and thl'ul.u cases arc now cured whieh othe nvi e "must have submitted to a paiuful eutting operntioll w'ith •• knife or scissors. " I thillk thc peop10 arc beginning to feel morc gn1.7efll1 L.r n
" what is done for them; several small presents of fruit anel ., vegetables have been sent to tho Hospital in the past year by " pationts 'who had benefitted by the treatment. One case ,yas " very touching-. A poor woman who had been blind for Oll1e " years was admitted for operation. She left tht~ Ho. pital <l ble ,: to see, but returned nfter a few days bringing with her [ L " CllCU11l ber. It was her mite, tho only uno she had, and it was " accepted in the same spirit in which it was given. Another " man, who had been operated upon for cataract., oamo back tho ,. other day with twenty eggs and a bundle of oniolls as hi. {, thank-offering.
witnessilJg and bearing of the amount of eye disease, and " learning how much is clone h ere, have been surprised that they had not heard of tlus Hospital in England, and all express " themselves with the groateRt cOllfidence ae to the results of a " serious appeal tu the Britif3h People. But, it is first of all the .( work of the Order of t. John of .J orusalem, whose chief pride " in England now is to livo pro 'I.1.t'ilitate lwminwn. This is pro" perly a work of that Order, for it is a work by which relief is " given to great nl1mberf3 of suffering human creatures-by " which e\'en sight is givon to the blind. It is an Iro pitaller " work, whi<.;h though not done to EDglishmeu, yet LCS seconrl to "nOlle f tlw great branchos of humanitarian work undertaken " by the EllgJiNh Di,ision of our great and famous Order.
,. It is now a well recognized fact ill Palestille that the " Hospital is doing good work; that it supp1ies a great and " much felt want in this land where eye disease is so prevalent " and so destructive. Its unsectarian character is now known " far beyond the boundaries of the Holy Lanel, and pOOl Ie of " every faith come long distances for ad,ico. "But, it is doing a work, it is exerting a far-reaching iufiuence for good, such as was probably never dreamod of by " its Founders. I was in the ancient Ramoth Gilead in January "last. This is a small Moslem town on the oth~r . ide of the " Jordan; there are, however, a few Christians in the place. " One of these told me a littlo a.necdote, 811O'w ing tho illfluonco " of our Institlltion. This man with a numb or of ~ro . lcms had c: been talking together, and one of thom gave it as hi.' opinion, " that Christjanity, surely, had a wonderful power ovor believ~rs "in it, when they were willing to send men and money to "establish such a place as this (mentioning by name our "Huspital) which is now acknowledged to exist only to do "good. It was mentioned especiR.lly for the non-interferenc~ " with their roligion, and for the breadth and liberality of spirit " shewn by such a. work. The Institution is, howevor, practi"cally unknown ill England, except to a few, and the work " done is not publicly heard of.
" Time after time tray ellers, who have come to soo it, after
" The period of my eugagl'lllont here i nearly at an end, Hand pm'hap' my cunncction ,yith this Hospital is about to " cea. e. I believe I lun~o done my part. I have done it as •. well c.lR I could n1l(ler the circum. tancef3, and I should like to " thiuk the work will continue to progn: '. ." The '10111111ittee believes that it ,yill be only interproting the ,vi 'hes of 'iuh cribor , and of the Or leI' generally, as well as €xpro .. ing its o,,·n feeling " ill here placing on record their high appreciation of Ir. Ogilvie s mo t succes ful prufe"ional work, as prillcipal Surgeon to tho Ho pital, and their gratitude for the caro and. kill bE:sto,yed by him UpOD the pai ients who placo thell1selyes in hi hands. It must be rememberod that Mr. Ogit,ie is not only the professional head of the Institution, but is also illllllec1i<'Ltely responsible for its general aclministratioll, and iR further the represontative of the Ordor itself in the City of it birth, and it is undoubtod that to his tact and zeal, and to the iufluenee which he thus exercises, as well a to his undoubted kill af3 an Ophthalmic Surgeon, the succoss of tho Ho pital is largely due. To him and Mrs. Ogilvie, to whom the Committeo is also indebtod for most valuable alld voluntary as i",tance and co-operation, its best thanks arc offered, and it is hoped that B
20 their .ioint services may long be retained, for the benefit of un Institution for which they have laboured so successfully. The r ecord of the year's work, as reported by Mr. Ogilvic details of which will be fully given in the R eport i sued to Subscribers, shows how marvellously diversified and intricate are the diseases of the eye, for the special treatment of which the Hospital was founded; and when it is remembered that to this long-suffering and afflicted people, who come in such ever increasing llum bel'S for relief, relief has almost invariably been given, n.nd their lives in consequence rendered brighter and more useful, and that at an individual cost which for the great blessing of restored or improved sight must appear ridiculous, those who have hitherto shared in the work have, indeed, causo for gratification. 1
It will not be uninteresting to know that a calculation Imsed upon Mr. Ogilvie's figures of the number of patient, and omexpenditure, shows that the annual aven1.ge cost of each patient, taken one with another, is considerably less than 58., each patient b eing seen several times; and, as stated, of these 124 have been received into th e Hospital, and lodged and feel .as well as professionally treated. The increase of work has rendered it necessary that ~fr. Ogilvie should have some skilled assistance, and the Committeo has accepted the offer of Dr. Robert ,Vinthrop Gillman, son of tho Ameriean Oonsul, to serve as ASRistant Surgeon for one year, without salary. Arrangements are also being c')nsidered for the appointment of a trained Nurse, and DispenE er, offices it is ,absolutely necessary to fill. Improved arrn.ngements have also been made for the regular meetings of the Local Oommittee at the Hospital. The Committee has had under oonsideration thu ReO'ulations. o for the Management cf the Hospital, and a revised code of Rules, approved by the Local Committee, and adopted at a Meeting of the General Committee held in Londun early in the'
year has been dn\,\yn up, and will it is hoped ensure the R.atisf~lctory conduct of the affairs of the Hospital. These Rules provide, amongst other matters, the gratuitous treatll1e~lt of all poor patients, while guarding, as far as may be, agmnst the abuse of the Oharity by those who are not indigent. Oopies of these Rul es were appended to the Report last iSSll cd. The numerous and in many cases successful appeals" hich have tbis year been made fur the support of home institutions cithp-r e ·tablished or projected, have rendered similar efforts o~ behalf of the British Ophthalmic Hospital less successful than would otherwise probably have been the case; but the 1eeting held in the Jerusalem Ohamber, by kind permission of the Dean of 'Vestminster, on March 30th last, and the Concert at Stafford Hou, e, on June 8th, by kind permi sion of His Grace the Duke f • lltherlund, have not only dnLwn especin.l attention to the liospi tal and its work, but have most opportuuely ben fitted it re, 'onrc s at a time 'whell our a~;ailable m aus were nearly exhatvted. The Meeting on March 30th, at the J erusalem Chamber when Colonel 8ir Charles' \Tarren presided, was not only wdl attended, but exceptionally well reported in the leadillg 11m\,. papers and. in the journals of the J em h Oommunity, and re. nltecl in several w elcome donations and new allnnal ·ubscriptions. The Le ·t thanks of the Committee are due to Sir Charles ,Vaneu for presiding, and to Lord Egertoll of Tatton, the Rev. Dr. Hermann Adler, Chief Rabbi of London, Colonel Duncan, U' Richard Temple, Mr. J. H. Puleston, :Mr. F. D. locatta, 1\11'. Brudenell Carter, Mr. Amherst, Sir E. Lechmere, and others who so eloquently addressed the meeting, and so warmly pleaded the cause of the Ho pital. Leaflets with extracts fr III the speeches made at this meeting may be had on application to the Honorary Secretary. The Co.ccert so very recently held at Stafford Hou e, anc1
which was honoUl'ed by the immediate patronage of their Royal Highnes es the Prince and Princess of vVale , lIer ~toyal Highness Princess Christian, Her Royal Highn ess ~he Pnnce s Mary Adelaide, Duchess of Teck, His Serene Hlghncs the Duke of Teck, and the Dames Chevalieres of the Order of St. John was promoted, as have been similar entertainments in previous years, by Lady L echmere, whose generol:s support and uncea 'ing zeal and illt~rest in all that appertams to the Hospital cannot be too gratefully acknowledged.
Land becomes moro widely mown, further substantial help may be forthcoming. A most gratifying and characteristic letter, adclressod by the Chief Rabbi of J erusalem to Sir E. L echmere, as representing the Committee of the Hospital, was presented during Sir E. Lechm're's recent visit, and fully evinces .the gratitude locally felt for the benefits conferred.
A vast amount of work, independent of cOllsiderable personal e:s:pense, is entailed in the promotion of all such meotings, and to Lady Lechmere, Mrs. FlU'ley, ~Irs. Tyssen Amherst, 1\lrcl. Brudenell Cartel', lUI's. Pitt Draffen, and oth rs who so killlUy cUld successfully co-opentted in thi8 generous object, which ha,' resulted in an addition of over £] 00 to the funds of the IIo..::'pital, the warmest thanks of the Committee are due.
It is al 0 propo ed to make a morc general appectl to the general public eLuring' next y aI', and it is hoped that a Meeting und l' influential patronage may be held in the City with this obj cd.
The Committee also begs very gratefully to acknowledge its indebt.edness to those ladies and gelltlemen who so kindly ga,Te their valuable artistic services on this occasion, and would especiu,lly beg to offer its best thanks to 1\1iss 1\1ary Davies, Mi 's Carlotta Elliot, 1\1iss Damian, 1\li, s lUarianne Eissler; the IIGll. Spencer Lyttelton) 1\11'. Iver 1\lcKrty, 1\lr. \V. II. Brereton, 1\11'. R alph Livings, Mr. Clifford IIarrison, .'ignor Tosti, 1\11'. A ..J. Caldicott, and1';Ir. Frederic Cliffe; also to Sir Arthur SnlliYctll who kindly assisted in the arrangoment of the concert; ::md to Messrs. Broac1wooc1 and Sons, who gratuitously supplied. ono of their finest concert grand pianofortes. An effort has been made, which it is hoped may provo eventually successful, to interest the leading members of the Jewish Community in the working of the IIospital. Lord l{othsehjld, Mr. F. D. Mocatta, 1\11'. Sebag Montefiore, Rev. Dr. Adler, Chief Rabbi, and others have already generollsly contributed to the funds, and it is hoped that whon the grcat rolief being afforded to their suffering co-religionists in tho Holy
Copie' of tlll ' letter in fac simile, with a translation veri£ecl by the Rev, 1'. Adler, Chief Rabbi of London, may be had for a trifling SUill, to coyer cost of printing, on application to the Secretary.
The ommittee are glad to report that through the genera ity of l\Ii. ,\ViI. 'on, a lady ,vho has aheady ub cribecI to the g noral fuud of the IIo 'pital, a Leginning ha' been made to secure a' 'pecial Ii uad" for the "Gor Ion Memorial ,ranI," alld the 'mil of £f)0 has been plac;ed to its credit with the ankers. * A furthc'r 'lUll of J~50 has 'ince al 0 be8n gi,-en for the same pm'po '0 uy Ir. J ohll .M. Cook, who has alreac1y lUO t lib era 11y sub cribed to the general fUlld. A Rimilal' dona tioll ' are received, it is proposed to capitalize the amOUlJ t , . . hieb will not be u ed as royenue, and thus m[\,l;:e an efiort to pel'lnt1ncntly secure the much-needed additional bed~ 101' in-patient '. The present Ca. h Balance at the Banken~ is barely £200, and heavy expenses have still to be met during' the current year. No change has happily to be record d in the con titution of the COlllmittee during tho past y<:ar, 'which it '\Yill be admittod hus becn one of steady progress as regtlrc.IH the work done. To one and all who ha vo so fur co-opcrated ill tho good
* Miss Wilson hilS since generollsly contl'ibuLcd ul10Lhcr
donution of £30,
work, satisfaction at the result of their labonrs must be eyen more gratifj-illg than the thanks ,,,hiuh are eminently their due; but the Committ.ee Rpeuially clesires to express once again, {)n behalf of the SlLbscribers, its best thanks to .Mr. Amherst for his continued liberality, as well as for his zealous and valuable <lisuharge of the duties of Treasurer; to ),11'. R. Brudenell Carter, not ou]y for his emillent and valuabl8 adviue as Honorary .consulting Surgeon, but also for equally valuable and able public advocacy of the Hospital, and for pecuniary help also; and to Mr. John M. Cook personally alike for his ,varm interest in the Hospital, and his continued liberal support, as wcll as for the valuable aiel rendered by his firm aDd as",istan ts, as the nnancial agents of the Committee at Jerusalem.
not only assure Mellluers of the Order and SuuscrilJers, that the British Ophthalmic Ho, pital is an objeut in every way worthy of continued alld incrcased support, b . . .1t that it may so commend itself to their favourable consideration as to induce them to make a much needcd effort to p]aee it on a fil'mc'l' financial basis. At present, with every effort that has been po~sible to the few who conshtnte it, principal ,npporterR, the i11come is inadequate to e\'en tbe exceediugly ccollomical expen(liture whidl hils been previou.ly referred to, and to maintain the nOF~pital ill it., present state even, further aLd YJgorons dfm·ts are imperatiye. Annual Subscriptions especially are urgently neerled.
The Central Committee desires also to express its best thanks to Mr. Noel Temple ~doOl'e, C. l.G .. lIer Britannic Majesty's Consul at Jerusalem, Chairman, and to the l\I em bel's .and Honorary Secretary of the Local Committee at J ern alem, for the valuable co-operation and assistance at all times afforded by them ill the local supervision and admiuistfation of the affairs ,of the Hospital.
'1'0 Sir Edmund and Lady Lechmere must always be due the warmest thanks of all friends of the IIospital. Their ·constant zeal ill its welfare, and their generous and contiuuollS contributions to its funds, as well as thl'ir unceasing attention to every detail of its working arc the surest guarantees for, as they haye been the chief factors in, its success. The Committee has also gratefully to acknowledge t.he -receipt of several useful and appropriate presents for the Bospjtal, including a supply of Rpectacles for the patients by 111's. Pitt Draffen, cocaine and an operating table by ir E. Lechmere, and a regular dispatch of English daily newspapers, 'pamphlets, etc., by Mr. H.. Reynolds Rowe. rr'he Committee, in conclusion, earnestly hopes that this brief Report of the work entrusted to its aclministration may
Tha.t thi, most ,1~cce ful and humane work is capabh~ of grc'a.tly extellcle(l u efulne._s, no one who know the Holy Land, or it, hiHtory can doubt; and while heartily and gratefully thanking ilIl ,yho lW,ye ,'0 far aidEd i'l it. establishment an(l maintenance, ihe COll1mitt e mo, t urg(lntly aud earnestly a.ppeal· to the b llevolcnt, anel e"pceially to .JIembel's of the Orcler, to help in securing the future well-being of the Hospital. For the Hospital Committee, ( ""igned)
Ilono1'Q]'Y SeC7'etm'y,
mce our last Annual A embly the t. J ollll's Gate (Clerkellwdl) Company, Limitecl, has been formed for the purpose ()f acquiring the freehold of ~ t. J Oh11'S Gate premises and the adjoilling house for the um of £11,6 "G, as fixecl by tbe arrangemellt made some years ago between the Cbaptcr and ir E. Lechmere; powers ha.ve also been taken for acquiring sufficient land for the additional [1 c:colllmocb tiOll roquirecl by the t. John Al1lbulance Association. The capital of the Company is £14,000 livin.cel into 1,400 sharcs of £10 each, and the Company can consist only of MembJJ's aDd Associates of the Order of t . John .
Of this amOUlJt shares to the extent of £1,500 have been taken by the Order of St. John, and of £2,000 by the St. John Ambulance Association; £'1,000, Gay Premiulll; £440 by Members and Associates of the Order, and £5,000 has been raised on mOL'tgage.
The Rooms in the portion of the Gate lately occupieu by Ml'. Gay will also bo ro-arrangoc1.
The Direui ors appojnted Ly the Shareholdcrs at their first Meeting are :-Sir E . LECHMERE, General 'YH1T,YOnTil PORTER, Mr. FURLEY, Mr. 'V. D. FRESHFIELD, Dr. EDWIN FRESHFIELD, ""With power to add to their number up to nine. Two to form a quorum. Sir H erbert P errott was requested to und ertak e the clutieR of Honorary Secretary to the Compauy, which he very kindly consented to llo. _Messrs. Fresbfields have, throughout the transactions "which haye resulted in the formation of tue Company, and in absolutely placing the property in the possession of Members of the Order. acted in the most lib eral manner as Honorary SoliGitors to the Com:t>any, as well as to the Order. T he Chapter desires to offer to them th eil' very .'i11cer e thanks for their skilful services, as well as for the gcnerosity with which they have declined any remun eration, and for the accommodation which they have afforded to the Com pallY by allowiug the Meetings of the Directors to t.lke place at their offices. Their acknowledgments are also dU8 to Mr. Robort Vigers (Donat) for hiB very effieient and gI'atuitous as. 'istance a.B Surveyor. A piece of land adj oining the East Tower, valued by Mr. Vigers at £1,200, has been pm'chased by the Company, and a building to receive the carriages and otber property of the St. John Ambulance Ass')ciation, more especially for tho Transport Corps, will be erected as soon as plans have been prepared.
The Directors of tho Company would be glad if Members and As 'ociates would help tbem to dispose of the remaining GOO shares, and hope that the hareholders will be satisfied with the propo. ed anangeIDcmt that the Dividends should uorumence as from St. J ohu's Da,y, 1887, and be paid y early on 01' about that day. The continued exLonf:>ion aud growing popularity of the St. John Ambulance A .. ociation, a' dotailed at length in it, appellc1ed eport, i.' a source of great gratification "LO tbe Chaptel'. In recogniLiun of tho ;50th .ll.nni,Tcrsary of IT er Majesty" Acee. siou to tho Throlle the Chapter de ire to take the opportunity of. ho"wing their appreciation of the .'orvice. of a certain number of tho Pro ic1enL' and Ihai1'1nen of 1entre of the Si. John Ambulance A sociation, m. . d of drawing still closer the ties which connect tho St. John . .l.mbulan ce Association with the Onl!3r, b., inviting them io join the Onlcr as Kuights of Grace, or in cn 'e of tho Clergy, as Chaplain. , on a diminished Foundation Fee. The fullowing e:spl'e ed their wi h to join the Order, and have accordingly been elected : G neral "ir GEORGE II. . 'YILLI " K.C.B., Pl'csillent, Portsmouth Centre; Sir VIXCE~T KE~)'''ETT BARRINGTO),T, Chairman Metropolitan entre; Major C. H. FLETCIIER LUTWIDGE, Bon. Secretary, rrunbridgo \V dis entre. The H.ECEIVER l' ports that the Accounts for the . 1 year ending 30th JUlle, 1H )7, "will be duly e:s.amlllec and audited. The cash babuce at this dato at the London and \¥ estminster Bank is - 3UD Os. d., from which "will have to be doducted the reni for the Gate to .Mid ummel' and some other small payments for sundrio . The annual rent proposed RE CEIYER.
to be paid by the Order to the Company owning the Gate is £100, and therefore there is due from the Order to the Company a proportionate part of this rent froUl the 25th March last.
The Librarian reports the followiug presentations to the Library during the past year : -
The Company owning the Gate, the "St. J obn's Gate (Clerkenwell) Company, Limited,» having been formed for furchasing these premises, it was resolved at a Meeting of the Chapter, held on the 14th December, 1886, that the invested Securities belonging to the Order should be sold, and such portion of the proceeds as might be necessary jnvested in the purchase of 150 shares of tbe Company, and the balance paid to the account of the Order, at the London and , Vestminster Bank, L othbury.
On the 28th J anuary, 1887, tht\ t:)ecurities werr. accordingly sold and realized, less expenses, the following amouuts, yiz.·£120 58. Bank of England Stock .• £200 Q,ueensland 4 pel' cent. Bonds .•
£550 London and Blaekwall RailWay} Consolidated Stock •• •• £260 London and Blackwall Rail \yay 4t per cent. Preference Stock ..
£ s. d. 337 G 0 18!J 10
1,023 11
The sum of £1,500 was invested in the purchase of 150 shares of the St. J obn's Gate (Clerkenwell) Company, Limited, and the balance paid to the Account of the Order, at the L ondon and Westminster Bank, as directed by the Chapter. The sum of £80 7s. balance of the proceeds of the investments remaining in the Lands of the RECEIVER should, if not Tequired for the expenses of the Order chargeable to Capital Account, be reinvested, and it will therefore be seen that the sum of £399 Os. 8el. must be reduced by this sum of £80 7s., and also by the proportionate part of the rent amI the other current payments.
The Life :mel Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury "The Knight of Ma.lta" Samariterbriefe, by Dr. Friedrich Esmarch .. Proceedings of the Sovereign Great Priory Knights Templar of Canada, 1886; anel Allocation, 1887
R. C. F. Dallas, E q. Rev. "YV. Bedford. Thc Author.
Bulletin International. Nos. 67, 68, 71 Des Sceaux des PrieUl's Anglais de l'Ol'dre de l'IIopit.l1 aux XUc et XU Ie Siccles. Note Complt~mentaire .. Les Sceaux des Archives de l'Ordre de S. Jean de Jerusalem n. :Malta. Finsbury Di l)en ary: 106lh A nnun.l Report, 1886 .. Soldiers and Sa.ilors' Families Association: Annual Report, 1 86 Massachusetts Emergency and Hygiene Association: Third Annual Report, 1 7 Report Royal Commis ion Coloniul and Indin,n Exhibition, 18 G Rapports des Membrrs elu Jury International des Recom· pense, Expo iLion U niv()r elle d'Anvers, 18 5 .• Flinner J ahresbericht des DcuL::!chen Samariter-\" ereins Zu Riel, 1886 Die Evacuation von Krankcn unll Yerwunrlctcn im Kriego. Von Dr. W. Leem1crtz .• Jahrbuch unel Knlendarium fill' 1 86-1887. \ficner Frriwillige Rctt.ungs Gesell chaft Eerste llulp bij ~poor-"egongelukken door. Dr. M. "YV. C. Gori
Colonel Mn.cLeoel Moore. Sir E. Lechmere. M. J. Del::Lville Le Roulx.
M. J. DelMille Le Roulx. Mr. R. Morelu:1d. Lt.-Col. Gildea. The Commit toe.
Mr. Furley. Mr. Furley.
Mr. Furley. Mr. Flll'ley. l'rIr. Furley.
Mr. Furle).
In conclusion, the Chapter cannot but hope that this memorable ye:1.r which has called forth so much loyal enthusiasm, and r vived so many recollections of the pa t, may afford to the Members of the Order an agreeable r etrospect. Like oth I' great charitable Institutions, the English Branch of the Order of St.. J o11n has made sati factory progress undE-r th8 happy influences which have made the reign of Qu~en Victoria so conspicuous, and it is a subject for hopeful expectatIon that encouraged as it has been by the approval and support of Her Majesty's Royal Family, a p eriod of still greater prosperity and usefulness it! in store for it~
Order of Stx John of Jerusalem (JEngIish
Order of Srx John of Jerusalem (SiJth or lEngIish ~angltc)+
TRU STEE S. T he Right H onourable LORD LEIGH. SiJ: EDMUKD A. R. LECIDlERE, Bart ., M.P. General Sir J OHX ST. GEORGE, K.C.B.
'TITUTED by the Chapter, 1 )74, as a reward for deeds of gallantry in saying life on land.
©rb£x 11'£
~t. ~Dgn (QSngUSIT
(~rcrlls H lent
~I\ n gne).
I give and bequeath to the Receiver for the time being of the English (Protestant) Language of t.he Order of St. John of J erusaleul. in England the sum of £ __________ to be applied, at the discretjon of the Chapter of the said Order, towards the charitable ol)jects of sueh Order, an(l I direct that the said sum shall be paicl, free of legacy duty, out of such part of my personal estate as may be legally bequeatllCd for charit able pu rposes.
Members and Associates are particularly requested to be good enough to notify any change of title or address without delay to the Assistant Secretary, The Chancery, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.
The Cross oj the O/·dBi'.
Tile Badge of lli e Order,
(Its points ancielltl!J s!Jmbolic oj the eight B ealilucles. )
(Tlte .'II, Jolin's Wort elltwil1ed
witlt commemorative ?'ibboll, )
bt. mnun J\mhnlan(£
@rrJer of ~t. jjofJn of jjet'u~alem (lEnnli~D lLanguage), JUNE
CLERK E NWELL (Within fl ve minules' wal} of
t. BaTtllOlomelO's IIospital, and of Parringdolt
Street ancl Aldersgale treet Sictlions, M etropolitan District Railway).
Q;ncutio.e cr Ollllllittcc,
ting exclu,iYely of Member and Associates of ibe Order.
{Chairman. 8m EDMUND .A.. II. LECIDfERE, B...I.RT., U.P., )1...1., l!' . . A.. ( ecretary, Order of i.John).
blrputu <r~airll\rn. COLONEL FR...I.NCI JOIIN FURLEY, E q.
.B., M.P., R.
., D.O.L., LL.D.
M.A.., LL.l\f.
I.,TONEL . BEALE, E Q., M.D., F.R. 'V. G. 1\LI.NLEY, ESQ., V .C. ( u)'O"eonl{ouEHT BRC'CB, ESQ., LRC. '. Geneml, late .Army .i\1erucal DcpurLment). RUPEIlT O. F. D.\LL...I. , .EQ. MAJOI{ J. '. DdLTo~, R~L NDFORD MOORE, E Q., 1\I.B., F.u.S. 'm Tno~L\s DWK-LdUDEH, BART. (Ilon. Brigade- 'urgeol1, late A..rrny GE~ER_\L lR II. O. B. D.\UDE",EY, G . . 13'1 Medical Department) . ROBERT F ...I.ltQUIURSON, E Q., U.D., M.P. ED;UU~D OWEN, ESQ., F.R.O.S . }>TlII,IP FHANK, E Q., M.D. HARFORD PE...I.RSON, E Q., M.A., EDWIN FRESIIllIELD, ESQ., LL.D., F . . A. B.C.L. (Receiver, Oreler of 'i. John). 1\1.AJOR 'm IIERBERT C. PERROTT, BaIt. \VILJ,I.J.M D...I.WES FRESliFIELD, ESQ., (A::;si tuni ecre lary,OI'c1erof t. John) . M.A.. MAJOH-(}E.T.WlIIT\\'ORTTl PORTER, R.E. LIEUT.-OOL. JAM ES Gn,DEA , F.S . .A..(AB~is- GENER L 'IR JOlIN ST. GEORGE, K.C .lL tnut Almoner, O1'l1('1' of 'i. John). (Chancellor, Order of t. John) . TUE RTGIIT Ilo~.TnEEdlnoF C:.lL soow. A. JU'J,IUS POLLOCK, ESQ., l\I.D. SIlt BROOK hAY, B...I.RT. R. REY~OLD ROWE, ESQ., F.".A. OOLONETJ 'IH. lIE~HY B. LOCIT, R.C.B. 'mEJ)W"ARD II. IEVEI{IKG,~l.D.,F. S . .A. . SIR 'InOMAS Lo TGMORE, .13. (Snr- OH.1RLES IIRD[P'l'ON, ESQ., M.D . geon-General, Army Medical Depart-'TEWAItT SUTlIERLAND, ESQ. ll1(,lli). GENEUAI, TIlE YISCOU T TEMPLETOWN, Sm WILLIAM 1\1 COOR:llAC, 1. ., G.O.B. (.JJmoner, Oreler of t. John) . F.R.C.S. LmUT. - 'OLO EL Go LD nU~TERROBgH.'r l\LIOLEAN-l\1AC1.. EAN, l C'Q. 'WESTON, F .S.A. (Registrar, Order of MA-Jolt G. E. WYNDTl _~l\I lAT,W!' . St. John).
,lllol;orar!l !:lindor of
JOlIN FURLEY, ESQ. (Director of Ambulance Department, Order of St. John). ([rrnl>urcrs.
MAJOR 'm HERBERT C. PERROTT, B.J.ltT. 21:iF.iistn nt ~rmtllr!! an'll ~tordmprr. GEonOE D. TUlU,BULL, ESQ. ;lijrll'll Q)[ficcs. ST. JOll '8 GATE, O.LlmKEJ: WELL, LONDON, E.U. l!.hmhrr~.
I ,ON nON AND W EST~n 'STER BANK, LUrITRD (ViTc -llllinster B ranch) , 1, St. J ames's 'qullre, Londou, S. \V .
00 N 'I'E N TS. --0-
Report-General .. R eport-Stores Department .. Report to Home Office (In pectol' of Mines) R eport of the Invalid Transport Oorps Statement of Receipts and Expenditure Summary of Detached Olasses
Page 7
41 40 4-11 57
APPENDIX A. Donations, Annual Subscriptions, &c., from July, 1886, to July, 1887 Subscribers Life Members Honorary Life Membel's Examining Staff •. Form of Testamentary B equest Formation of a Oentre D etached Classes Syllabus, "First Aid" Oourse Nursing Oourse (Women only) Subscription Form .• Medallion Rules-and Illustration of ..
62 70 72 73 76
79 81 83 87
89 90
APPENDIX B. Metropolitan Districts, Oountry and Foreign Oentres, Local Executive, and Names of Life and A.nnual Members The Order of SL. J ohn of Jerusalem (brief account of) . .
93 176
L prcsellting their r port of the progress of the Associa,tjon durillg the pn,. t hvelve months the Committee yentures to think the first duty i to offer for the gracious acceptance of Her Majesty the Queen, its loyal and respectful congratulations on this the fifti0th anllivcr. ary of Her Iajesty's beneficent and glorious reign. In these congratulations, which have been embodied in thc form of a loyal adche. s submitted for the gracious accC'pt<wee of the Que n al1l1 snbsequently prcsented by II.R.n. Princc. s n atricc, nll membcrs and pupils of tho Association, inc 'pC'ctive of race or 'reed or political bia,', will cordially join, Haul their pl'ofc'uncl anrl dutiful homage to a o,rercign who e 'w hole career has in. plred 1.1l1iyCl\ al admiration and affection 'will not be Ie selled by th .. fact that so much of the wonderful succes which ha, attelHlcll tho Cl,1'ec1' of the t. John Amlmlance As. oeiation to tho close of nearly the fir t lecade of itr-; 'xisten 'O, ha' beoll dUG to tho encouraging patronage and support receivcd from IIer Majesty her. elf, and from 0 many othcl' members of h l' royal anc1 illustrious hou. e. As a proof of thii) u 'Ct", it i~ 'ufficient to 1 oint out that the A.'socintion bas now n its book upwa.1'c1R of 270 admilli tl'ati\Te Centl'CR, and that its c rtifi<.;a.ted pnpils now number cOll 'ideraLly over 100,000 stutlonts of both sox Fl, aU of whom have pa.. 'sccl through the (, Fir. t Aid' com.. e, autl a larg prnportioll of tho female pupils the s eondarJ 01' " Tlll'sing" COU1'se in athlilioll, thus rcntlcrillg thom. elve.' yalllaLle ns~iHtn.llts ill tIw
houspholcl in cases of sickness, whell the precion time of the medical man is too frequently wasted, and his advice even ~tultified by the ignorance of those about the patient, as to the first and simplest duties that should be performed by the liurs e. N or has the work of instruction, all important as it is, alone engaged the attention of the Committee. The meaSUrE'S taken for still further educational dev elopment, the encoura,gement offered by subsequent re-examination after extend d intervals, to maintain the standard of once acquired proficiency, the initiation of schemes for securing permanence and lasting utility, such as the establishment of Local Ambulance Corps for Men, and Nursing Guilds (or Corps) for omen ; anc1 last, but not least, the creation of a special department at h eadquarters, an "Invalid Transport Corps' for the r emov;"LI of patients of all classes any distances at hom e or abroad, all t end to prove that the Committee has borne steadily in mind the necessity for renewed and continued effort, and that the movement the Order of St. John has had the good f ortune to originate, and to place, it is hop ed, on a sound audlasting basis, cannot be allowed to be anest ed in its onward course at any fixed or settled limit, but must ever keep pace with the requirements of an advancing age, seeking to find in its futur e, as it has alreac1y done in its short but prosp erous past, numerous fresh fields of usefulness, and again and again renew ed opportunities for the expansion of the very object of its being, the prevention of needless suffering, and the alleviation of hnman paill.
A great feature of the past year's work has been the succes, which has attended the establishment of Ambulance Stations at the Colonial and Indian and the Liverpool Exhibitions. A ppreciation of the usefuln es~ of these stations has been testified by the governing bodies in special letters of thank.', which the Royal Commissioners of the former have practically emphasised by a grant of One Hundred Guineas towards the expenses incuned. Full details will be found in the Appendix
and in the Rep ort of tl l:) Honorary l\Ianager, I\1r. Fmley, who in thi' as in the oth er departments 'w ith which h e is connected, co ntinues to display the same untiring devotion to the advanoemont of the Association's work. It is gratifying to the Committee to record that Mr. Furloy's servioe, in the can 'e of humanity have r ecently been further recognise d by the receipt of a diploma signed by H.R. II. Prinoe Ilenry of Prussia, the President, confel'l'in g on him Honorary ilI emborl::!hip of the Gcrman S((}]7,({1'ile1Te1'eill. The advantage of the transport branch, and the urgent need for its extension, wa amply testified to at a meeting of H ospital Phy. ician,' and nrgeol1s, preRidecl over by il' Ed ward Sievekil1 g, and hel(l on March 31 t, at St. J ohn'8 GatA, where lott er' ,yore not on ly read from Sir .James P aget. ir Spenccr \VellR, Dr. orman ~Ioore, lr. Pearce Gould, Dr. Lionel Bea]l;, I 'urgcou-G noral :Jlacleall, Mr. Anelre,,, Clark and other leading mel1lbr.rs of the profe sion, Xpl"<..' .. ing entire 8pproval anll R)'mpn.thy; but r esolution. supported by ir J. Risdon Bennett, ir Thomas Cnn'lfol'll, Sir 'Ym. 1\IacCormac, ~lr. E. Owen. l\Ir. H. Davy, HiI' James llanbnry, anc1 oth ers wore unanimou:-;ly paHsoc1, urging that yer}, effort shoulc1 be made to make known far and wide, the able w ork being done in a diredion where the general practition l' so often finds the re ources at hi~ (lispmm,l f<1,11 far short of that .'tandanl ,yhiuh tho comfort alld well-b ein g of the pati 'nt d umancl. The ac1dre s 'ddivorc<l by the Chairman and other Hpeakers, lmve been publi heel in pamphlet form appended to this report, copies being also supplied gratis on application to t. J ohn' , Uate. The clistillguiRhed service' of ~ ' ir Edward ievekill g , 011e of the most earll e't supp ort ers of the A o(;iatioll fr om it vcry initiation, have b een r cc:oglli. cel by the hapt er of the Orcl ' 1' or t. J oh11, by hi, e1e ·tioa as <1, Kllight of Gm ce. A r esolutioll haR eLlso b een pctssed by the hapter 'anct,ioJlill g the adm isRloH illt,o the Order, 011 'crtain e01Hlitillll., ill commel1lonLtion of tIll' .Jubilee Year, of <1, r 'W of' tIle Presic1e11ts ,mll Offieials of Ccntrm" l:
10 in appreciation of zealous services, and tLre0 of th~ mo::;t energetic workers of the Association, Sir Vincent Bal'l'lngton, General Sir George H. S. ,'lillis, K.C.B., and lUI'. C. R. Fletcher Lutwidge have availed themsel\-es of this privilege. At the end of June last year, but since the elate of the last report, H.R. H. Princess Beatrice, President of two Oentres, who was accompanied by H.R.H. Prince Henry of Battenberg, was graciously pleased to open a bazaar representing ~ ~IungaricLn market, beld at ,Villis' Rooms, in aid of the AssocmtlOn funds . The decorations of the market, and its novel and elegant features, excited urnversal admirR..tion, and the grateful thanks of the Committee are due to the stall-holders, to all thOEl,e who so liberally forwarded gifts of money and in kind, to the professional and amateur performers who so generously gave their services, anel, aLove all, to the energetic Honorary Secretaries, ::Mr. and 1\1rs. Crossland, whose indefatigable exertions have been inadequately recoguised by Honorary Life 1\1ember hip of the Association, the highest honor in the power of the Committee to bestow. After the payment of all expenses, the sum of £190 lOs. 10el. was paid over to the St. John Ambulance Association, and £83 17 s. Gel. to the British Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem, a rp,sult which cannot be considered unsatisfactory, inasmuch as the bazaar was held amidst all the disturbing and unforeseen influences of a general election. A large number of meetings for the inaugluation of new Centres, to open the Session, or for the presentation of certificates and medallions, have been held at home and abroac1. Of these the most noteworthy were that in July last, when ILH.II. Prince Albert Victor attended 8, meeting of the Polytechnic Classes, at the Y oung ~Ien's Christiall Il1stitute, Regent 8treet; and allother in the Rame month, when H .R.H. Princef:s Louise, Marchioness of Lorne, presented certificates at Carshalton. Similar interesting gatherings have taken place at the College for ,Vol'king ,i\To men, Fitzroy Street, and at Scotland Yard, for the 1\1etropolitan Police, the presentatiolls 1 eing made by
11 ViscounteF:;s \V oJseley, Colonel Duncan, lvIl'. Fmley, and ~ 'ir Charlel:l \ Vanell respectively; at the Jerusalem Centre, by the Presiclent, Raonf Pasha; at ::Melbourne and Arlelaide, Australia; and Lyttelton, New .zealand; and at Bombay, wheL'e addresses were delivered by Lord nud Lady Brassey, who are sparing no effol't at every place they touch at during their present voyage round the world in the " unbeam," to ad vocate and extend the ad vantages of the Amb111ance can e. Not the least ilnportu,llt a1130 of the many meetings, the enumerntion of which .'pnce al 'n forbids have been two held in LOIl(lon: one nt Pachlington, when Lord Lyttelton and Sir Vinceut Barrington advocated ancl succeeded in forming very successful cIa' 'es for Great ,Vest-ern Railway employes; and in April last, at the 1\1an.'ion IlO1l.'e, when the LOl'd 1\1ayor pre.8uted certificate and medallions to the City Police. The Committee have plea ur in reporting that, both at the home and colonial Centres, the ab olute nece sity that all police officers, of -whatever force or grade, should po 'es the Imowledge of llOw to renc1er "first aid," is fa t becoming daily more an(l mOre recoglli. 'ed by the varion cOll)orate and other bodies charged with their aclmiLli tration. The cIa ses held annually for the 1\1etropolitan Police, though nt henvy co t (notwithstanding the trifling graut from the Home Office) to head-quarter fund" haye be n referred to in previous report, the City Police ChL8ses, lately revived, have al 0 been among the first formed in London; but in the province the in truction of the County or Borough Police forms almo t the first ohject whieh attracts the attention of Local Committeos and Executive Officers. (0 well is this carried out that in at lea t one Centre (Oldham), all the Police Officers have attended cIa 'e, while at another (Stalybl'idge) the whole force have llone so twice . in exc lIeut example is set by Lanca ,hire to other parts of England, as the whole of the county COl1stabulctl'Y arc now nndergoing instrllction in "Detached Clas os,~' the Chief Oonstahl being cliredly in communication for this pm'po (' WiUl ,,'1. .John's GaLe.
are the foreign Centres fm' bchind ill the race. At Jerusalem class for the native poliee was held by Dr. Ogilvie, the surgeon of the Order's" British Ophthalmie Ho pital,,' at the expre s inst.ance of the Turkish Pasha; "while at Singapore, the local force is being instructed by the Committee, the Government paying two-thirds, and the Centre one-third, of the cost. .More interest has also of late been shown in, and greater success has attended the formation of classes for railway 1110n; :1, great obstacle being often the heavy and continnous nature of their duties, so that a Sunday is frequently the only day on which a class can meet. At some places it has long been no unusual circumstance for classes to be instructed and even examined in tbe intervals between the arrival ~tnd departure of trains, a sacrifice of the instructor's leisure for which no 'word, of prai, 'c can be too warm. But the perusal of a few pages only of an Ambulance report is enough to show the ulltiring energy anel devotion exhibited with scarcely an exception by all members of tbe medical profession who have been brought ill contact with its work; and with what large-hearted onthusia m they are ever r eady, at any personal sacrifice, to benefit a cauee t]lC:! guiding principle of "hich is identical with that which inspir s their own humane and noble calling. During the year now closillg new Centres llave be~u
1\1 nch greater care thttJ1 formerly IS now exercised in enrolling new Centres, tho establi.·hment of which is not sanctioned unless it seem, Irobable that the holding of a certain numb8r of classe' will be annually mn,intained. In pln,ces where local [1,1lCl other circumstuDces render this unlikely, increased ncourn,gemcmt is offered to the formation of "Detn,cherl Jass0s," a v ry large nlUnber of which have been held during the receut se'siol). It i.' gratifying to record in COllnexion ",'ith th " S clns,' s that whereas in former years lecturer had to be detailed from either London or some neighbouring prmrincial C( ntre, ol1lotime. at a great eli tance, the local medical mell llOW almost invRriaLly undertake the in::;truction, tlnlR aiforcling increased facility fur it, continuance to other cIa' 'e. ', and saying the cost of trHxelling expen es. JUany of the.'e clas e" both at home and abroad, have been held at educational aud tr~lilling e'tabli.'hmellt : one of the mo.t recent wa.' ill China, at the Kaiping Mines 80 mile from Tientsin. A t home not the lea t ncees .ful classes have heP'1l those in Lonclon in conllexion with the ,Vorking ~Ien s Club and Institute Union, and those for the Hoyal Artillery at ,Voolwich, ,,,hen 011e officer and 71 gunller,' all who presented themselves for e_"amination, received certificates. The regulations by which soldiers can now attend AmbulallC'e clas es held
periodically by "Val' Oifice order, in all garrison towns, and instructed by officers of the Army JUe<.lical Staff. an outcome of this gren,t work instituted by the Order of St. J ohn, has aiIonled an official and publie recognition of the practical ,,"ulue of the results of its labor, in whi·h the Committee may fairly take a legitimate pride. In the past tw lve months 15,751 (. Fir t Aid " Certificates, 1,~)G7 "Nursing" Certificn,te , and 2,447 Medallions have been awarded. rrhe large inerease in the issue of' First Aid" C 1'tificate::; over previous years, is very mark d. Of the 15 751 " ] irst Aid" CC'rtificates, 8,8G8 have been granterl to male, and 6,882 to fomale classes. The total number of medallion iRSU d tu date has reached a maximum of 7,572.
Invercargill (N ew Zealand). Wath-on-Dearne (uear Hotherham). King William's Town (Cape Coluny). Forest of Dean. Frome (Somerset). ,V olverhampton. Oldhill (near Duuley). Havant (Hants). Southam (near Hughy). Ormskirk (Lancar:;llll'e). Hochdale. Holyhead. 'V eclnesbury.
The higher educational attainments of the rio ing generation, the conviction yearly gaining ground that Ambulance work is a sober and serious study of real and vital importanco, not a fashionable amusement to be taken up and dropped at pleaslue. has gradually caused a more elevated standard of proficiency to be expected by examiners from pupils, and the Committee hopes that as time goes on this principle may be still further recognised, and superior efficienoy, e pecia,lly in the test for tho subsequent re-examination, be maintained, or perhapl:l even increased. The Committee has to express its obligation to :Thll'. Robert Bruce, recently elected one of its colleagues, for his nLle assistance as Honorary Secretary of the Handbook Revi. ion 8ub-Committee, and for other services. Owing to the largo increase in the number of classes in the Principality, the preparation and issue of a Welsh translation of hepbercrs Handbook had become a necessity. Con iderable portions of this valuaLle little manual have also been tranl:llated into Bm'mese for the use of the pupils at the Rangoon Centre. Owing to change of rosidence and other causes, the Association has lost the servicos of some of the most able and indefatigable of its honorary secretaries. Among those lllay be ineluded .Major J. C. Dalton, Gibraltar; Dr. A. Price, Isle (If 'Night; 1\1rs. Manley, Sydenham; 1\11'. V. K. Blackburn, Barnsley; Mr. A. T. Cocking, of Parkgate, near Rothcrham; and the Rev. Thomas Flayell, Christ Church, New Zealand. Gratitu le will always be due to these, as to so many others, for their zealous co-operation, and the Committee feols suro that the success which has followod their exertions, will have tended, not a little, to repay them for their labors of love. A word of regret must here be inserted [Lt the loss to the Association, by his departure for lIong Kong, of Mr. James Cantlie, whose services, both at the head-quarters of the Association, ancI to the various districts of the 1\1 etropolitan Centre, have been invaluaLlo.
Very mallY leeturcrs have this year bpon elected lIonorary Life Members of the Association, in acknowledgment of their gratuitous ser,·ices. The xtension of work in .0 many new c1i. 'triCt3 has also elltaileellHlll1erOUS additions to the examining Rtaif. The names of all the examiners arc this year published for the first time in the Appendix. a s]jght recognition of the scrnces of these gentlom ll, whose miuute attention to the conduct of examinations i, oft<:n vcry inadequately rcpaicl by the mot1erate honoriLriulll attached to their office . A Blue Book publi~hell ill the. pring recorcIl:l that ., altogethcr the lllllllLer of pel' 011S blkll ancI injul'ed all railways in thc United King-clam in th \ COurse of public traffic durillg the J'ear 18 G waH D3 killed and 3,5:3!) inj urecl, numb el'::; ,yhich cliffeI' 1JlLt litO \ ill the aggregate from -Lbe liHt of 1;-)85, which gave ~)57 killetl Hu(l H,4li7 WOlllHle(1. If io thcl-;e llUlllber. be adclecl 111e aCt;ill ' lltN whit;h OCCUlT '(Ion the prelllis(.'N, 1Jut which were not etn1.'etl 1)), the movcment of raihnly vehides, the total nnmber. arc illcreaHe<.l to ~) () O per. on.' killed, ancI 7 J07 injurccl." In the face of thcse illc1iHputaLle l:ltatiHtic it is gratifying to state tha t. t.he intcrest taken in Ambulance work by railway clllploye of all grade is not only maintained, but eYcn steadily gaining ground. A, already report cl, one of the most flouri 'rung railway corp wa cstabli::;he(l '0111e year sllH:e at one f the ol<.ler centrc '-Leic tel', a centre whi ch sets a o'ood example to many others in the steady perlllanence of its work, and ,,rhich ha. lately start.el1 ,t ,. Nursillg Corps;" out be~icles the isolatcd cL..L. 'ses helel at country station " many of the other larger towllS soom l' solvel1 to be nu ,vay outdonc. Of the may bl~ mcntionccl ono of the moro rccent c ntrs, Dcroy, wb '"'re thero is forlUecl a corps cOllllectoll with tho Canillge ancl 'Vag-on Departmcnt of the Iitllnud Hailway, which already has rcndcred valuable aill jn Loth sevcro and lllinol' casc . In London, amongst the most ::;uccessful railway cIn· e must be placecl, besides thoso at Paddington already rofe1'l'ecl to cla::; es for South " Testern Rnih\T<ty Guards and others held at'Ynterloo.
and two admirably instructed classes of Metropolitan Rail way employe. , meeting at Bakel' Street Station. The formation of St. John Ambulance Corps is not, however, limited to railway men. Corps for all cla.s es are now regularly formed at many Centres (the most recent has been one at King William's Town, South Africa), e pecially those jn the manufacturing districts, ::md amongst these, one of the most complet.e ill detail and arrangement is that at Northampton; while the in titution of "Nursing Corps," the member of which must be certificated pupils prepared to give their services in tending the sick poor or any others requiring their assistance, is constantly on the increase. The opportunity afforded by these means of rendering the knowledge both of "first aid" and nursing, of real and practical utility, cannot be too highly estimated and encoura.ged. The disastrous explosion which occurred on October 2nd last, at the Silkstone Pit, at 1essrs. Pope and Pear on' Colliery, Alt oft s , neal' ,Vakefield, and the valuable assistance rendered by the members of the Association's claRses to those of their injured comrades who had esell,ped instantalleons death, will be fresh in the memory of all residents in the Yorkshire mining districts. A few of the other similar striking cases where aid afforded by pupils has been advantageou, are recorded below. Such instances of what has been actually achieved afford the best proof of the utility of a knowleclge of " fin~t aid," and show conclusively the great and pressing need for the work of the St. J ohn Ambulance Associa,tion, especially illustrating how men cngaged in peaceful occupations go forth in the morning to their daily labours in robust health-some into mines in the dark recesses of the earth, Rome iuto mills and factories in the midst of dangerous machinery, some upon railways, and others into chemical works amongst deadly explosives, none knowing that before evenin g they may not he 1rollght home with mangled limbs and bodies.
~NOV e ;rllbB1'
12th, 1886 .
I h:we In.tely had occaRion to notice the n1ar](ed lmprovemem . , b· 1 · ~ IC 1 has tn.ken place lJ1 the condition in which n.ccidents of all In~lds are br011.gbt tv tlJis InstiLution. Quite recpntlya case of comp.lIcated commll1uted ira -ture of radius and ullla, tog-ether with Fnmple fractnr of ~he hUllleru, ~nd of one fibula, wa. lJronght up in the Ambulance belongmg to the tOWIl, anrl I found tLat f!"Om the careful and ac?urate way in which the. e injuries had heen tempomn·ZIj treated :h,e patIent had. b~en 8~\E'd much , ' ll fiering, alld shock to th~ nervous 'J stem. In thl, , and 1Il many otll r in, talJceS, tIle good work which the Ambulance O1i.'\" P8 are doing ha ' been very appareut. (ignecl)
OIL\RLES F. OOO:J1BE, :U.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., 110/l8e
lYote b,1f
11011. 'pc., I
hf,f/ie1d Centre.
, Tho injnri? had been aU nded to by In pector Bridgmall attached to Ueutral PolIce Office: ,'heffielcl.
Repo1'ted by olle of tlte E.1·Cl1llil1ers, Dr.
nf olltltport.
29th, 188G.
). P.O. 11 G7., George Cartmcll, report that whilst on duty in outhPI I t Road, Amscln.le about 0.20 I .m. the 23rrl i]) tallt I· '1.'1 , \ 1\1 T " , I . JOmas ~. ,~ '. C icod,. o~ Pre~ton J o~d, Ainsdale, Iron. ec. to the Con,.ell atl\T ASRo~lntlon, AlIl:sc!ale, was tall ing to P.C. when Mrs. Threlfall came up and said, ., I want to f'lpeak to yon, ,,)11'. McLeod." lie then left P.C. to ''peak to Mr . ThreHall, ,,,hell be stepped into an unprotected ~JeJJ,ar gnd. hole, ~l1d fell. Ile calk-d out" Oh! I have 1)J'okell my leg." .C. examllH'<1 Jl1m amI fOllltCl a COll1jluUJ1(l fracture of tIle ··1 t I ' tl n· . rIg 1 eg, 1C I)Ja or 1l:[l,1Il bone of the leg being fractured auollt the celltre. P.C. tholl mn lIlto the club-room which i::; c1o~e bv :1ttd o'ot nm ' S ' 1 J . .J' b ' some "\ papels am clollblec1 them to form RpIintR ",yhich POI 1 Aacl . I f 1 ] , p t.lCec on , ) SIC. e 0 t:;.e g . and bandaged aboyo ana bdow the fracture with l
18 pocket handkerchiefs and a woman' apron, some of which P.O. obtail:erl from the spectators. P.C . asked 0111e one to g'et a door or a])ythl~1g that be cOllld be carried 011; a ",yillllow hutter wa orollght, c\Dd with some a. si tance P.C. placf'd 11im on the shutter and carried 11im home. D;·. Charlick, of Birkdale, who had been sent for, arriYrd about 11.15 p .m . in company with Dr. Maule. Dr. Chadick examined the leg and aid, "\'i- c r::an't improve on Cartmell's work that I can see." I
and so well ,vas it performed that tlIe lady preferred being takell to lIer home at ,Vokillgham than going to the hORpital at Reading. I enclose a note they have received to-day from the lady's dangllter. I am plea~ed to say that 35 pllpil~ [-411CCe sflllly passed the eXUlll:nation on vVednes(lay bst. YOul'~
truly, ~.
J :Lnnary 10tb, 18 '7. l\JlDLAXD RAILWAY, LEICE TER
Ja71IlW'.'/ 7th, 1 87.
MAN INJURED NEAR IIU;UBERSTOXE ROAD STATfON.-On Dccember 23rd, W. Shelton, travelling from Brooksby to Leice ter, by 7.50 p.m. train express Peterboro', opened the door of the compartment in which he was riding when the train was rnnning at full peed before ani'i'ing at IIumberstone Road Station, and jumped from the carriage corning in contad with the bridge, anfl by some mean got under the train and was run o,er, both legs beillg nearly se,erec.1. ,Yheu tbe train stopped at ITumberstone Road Station, the gnard reported that he believed sorneOl]E' had been nm over, he and ignalLllan George Grecn (Railway Ambulance Member) therefore at once returned along the line and found Shelton. Green carefully stopped the main arterie. of each leg, and con,eyerl bim to the Infirmary, \\ here he li e progressing' fa,ourably.
FIR 'T ALD.-All interesting' CttA of" first aid" is reportecl ill the Cape }'fel'clIl'Y of December 11. The Local 'e<:retary of tile Killg \'iTillimu's TOWll Centr of the t. John Amlmlance A ociation, nh. A . J. Fuller, cut hilS wri . L with a chi. '01 from Ride to ide . J nst as Iw was losillg COllsriOll '11e8:4 from lOHs of Llood, 11iH :'-on, a ce rtificated pnpil, arri\'oc1, and an Rled the bleding by applying all extempOlised tourniquet to tho' Lrachial" artery, and baudagod up tIl halld in uch a manner, that on the arrival of Dr. ROH , t\yO hOUL'H afi cl'wan1., he Rtatecl he could not hayo clone lllore if 11, ball b en pI' .'c.nt him. df all the spot at tbo time. .Another certificated pupil at tho 'tune Celltre sncce"8fully ,ct a broken leg ill a coulltry di 'LriGt sev n mile. di t"l1lt from auy place where the s 'rvices of a nrgeoll could be obtained.
'{'lie Leicestcr Daily Po·t Jalluary 13th, 18 7.
'1'0 TilE EDITOR. Repo1'tecl b.lf an EJ:arniner, Mr. S. OSBORN, F.Re.'., Lwtll1'er tu L. and S. lV. R. Clas"es, Waterloo! 'tation. LO~DON AND SOlJTll\VE. TErm HAlLWAY,
GUARD" OFFICE, VV.!.TERLOO BRIDGE STATION, S.B., }.f((]'ch 22ml, 1887. ST. JOIl~ AMBULANCE ASSOCIATlON.-DEAR SIH,-'l\VO of yOUI' last ptlpils, Hy. Emmett and G. Sherlock, guards on this line, were yesterday brought illto contact 'w ith an accident to an aged lady WJ10 broke her knee-cap on alighting from the train at Reading; they at once procured bandag;? s alJd . plint, and were aLlo to renllcl' " first aid,"
ST. J 011 A:.'II13ULAN E .A ~ 6 IATlOX.- ir,-A we k, or tell days ago, a paragraph in your pap'1' sta.Led that a mall llalll cl beltoD, travelli!.lg from Brooksby to Leiceter, had unfortunately got out of the train whil proceeding at ordinary peed, anel, f<.l.lling again t a. bridge, was Ly sarno m lLllS thrown uuder th train. Both legtl were Rev<:'l'oly crn~lt el, amI 0 llearly overed that they were off llow me to upplelllellt thi ~ by a. before ho r ached the Infirmary. l'e<.:ilal of facts which have come to our kuo,vle.lge through the authol'itie~ at the IDfil'I11ary. The guard reported at llumber tOlle Road "tatioll he believed someone had beeu rUll over. IIe and a iglltllmall lIaJlled George Greell (who is a. member of the lla.ilway Amblllmlce Corps) went in search, and fOlllld the ]Joor fellow ill a dreadful plight. Green carefully stopp d tho maill arLery of both legs, amI cOllyeyed him to tho lu!irlllaI'Y, whelo lw ]lOW lies progre ' f:illg favourably . OIlC' D ~
more Ambn Iallco teaching- has been the llleans, human ly speaking, of saving the life of an injured pel' on. Mr. Sbelton is tIle father of ten children , and a working man . ]J e ·was coming to Lcicc ter to fetch a doctor for a sick neighbour. , \ e can easily imagine tlw state of suffering that would be caused in suc"h a case by bis untimely death. , Ye know Green shrinks from publici!-y, but ·WE' think a fact like this ought to be recorded . Many such deeds arc performed b'y Ambulance pupils that are lost sight of because no ODe tbink. it worth while to chronicle them. A grand total of good, that it is impossible to calculnte, is being made np daily . b it not strang tIlat, with our tali of earnest workers, we should, in a town Jike L iC('!8ter, have such a glorious work left year after y ar to languish for want of fund ? fj subscription of 5s. per annum constitutes member hip, and 100 uch would keep us goil1g gn:llldly. , Ye have now a cIa. s of polie men, another at the gasworks, Aylestone, for t11e men mployed tbera, and ' \'e h ope sbortly to b:we a cIa for the firem81l . , Ve hope tbis fresh proof of tbe utility of our work will bring us a little of that substaDtial sympatby we so IDnch l1C'ec1. Thanking you for your kindness and sympathy both past and pro. ent,
logs aClOSS t he rai l, ancl a bogie laden w ith failt:; paR.' dover llis 10wC'l' extremiLies, al mo t completely sevpring both limbR. '1'\,10 of the foremell, fcsRr:-; . M . Beveridge and M. IcKcllna, 'tuueuts of tI le Ambula])(.; e cla:3.~, forttlJlatcly happelJed to be on the spot, and immediate ly treated Hine. \Vith handkerchief, and scarves tlley lHtstily made tOll1'lliquets, alld illstaully arrestoc1 the blcediug. Th "y next, by llleans of some p :t1illgs, improvi"ed a streicher, aucl carried liille to hi lc)(lg'iug-s in Ij'ul'l1ace Road, in the proper manner, with h:s feet foremost, as illstt'llcted at the meetings of tlw class. On their way they 1Il t Dr. Urenu', who lta(l been . CJlt for. TIo examined TIine, and W:1,S , 0 ati~llGtI with the way tIle injured Ulan ha(1 been treated that he 'imply told tll0 bearer. to proceecl to the lodgiug::; of the pat iC'lJ t. Oil arri \'[\.1 Lhere OlllC mOl' \ AmlJulancc men gave help under tlll~ Fiupen-i 'ion of Dr. Cr('rar. lIiJle wa tboroughly ex.amined Ly Dr8. Urerar amI Ulark, who took orf t be fee!, and Pllt Ole touruiqu ts ullcler LlJ cloth ing. Him' wn:-; then ta1cc'll 011 the Rtretc.:hcr belongillg' to the .\.s:-;ociation to the sta l iOll, ,L1ld wn, r movell to the infirmary at Uarlisle, where hoih legs were aUlpntaiecl aborc tbe knee. Owing to tho ready and elIieienL way in ",hieh he wa, treated, and al 0 011 accr)tllli of the vigollr of the pat ieut, it is thonghL he will have no lliflicuHy ill r 'covering' frum tho '('riOLl op'ratioll whi'h he bas ulldergolle. The !Ilell who \\"<'I"e able to giye ·llr.t aicl" so ati . factorily Jlave noL yeL ptv:-;ed <1,1Iy eX<lluiJlatiol1; aud that tllCY were able to give a:-:;, istallee at a, time whell .' l1eh help WRS 'imply invahmble sp aks yolnmes [or tit •'to .John AlIlbulnllee As oeiatiun and for these two wOl'tby stllcleutt:;. E\-ery mall who it:; empl(lyed in a dallgerous calling Rhonlcl really join tIl ,~u das\-:e:-; . The TrOll UUlllpallY, it may be aid, arC' getting' a cOlllpleLe outfit ill the \yay of , trotciJenl, touruiquet. &e., wlliuil will IJe kepL in Olte of the outdoor uilieeR where they will a\\Yn,y . be avaibtllle .
I remain, yours ineerely,
J. II. BUCKLEY, One of the lIon. Secs.
D1'. TValkeT, of Cheste1jield, ?'ep01'ts JannaT!) 19th, ]
7 :-
:, I have just seen a very gocd example of the b nefit.' of Amblllance work. A man had fallen on the ice-CO'-0l' cl road ju. t outside the Che 1-erfielcl Railway 'tation, and sustailJed a very na. ty ob1ique fractl1l'e of both bones of ODe of his Jeg. . The statioll-ma tel' and other Ambulanco pupils applred restraining splillts, amI ent him illto tbe hospital comfortably . . I am quite satisfied tbat but for this the injury would have been cOllverted illtO a bacl compoLlnd fractul'C ."
F7'om The TVest Gumbel'Land Tim es, \Yecluesclay larch 16Lh, 1887.
SlIOCKI G ACCIDE:N"T AT M.ARYPORT. Boc,:lF: .- VALUABLE 1\ JD BY MEN.- On Saturday last, at the Muryport lrOlJ\.vol'ks, a Joung man namecl ITine, who is about 24 years of age, met witb a Rhocking acciclent. TIe was assisting- in stackillg some pig iron, and in a.tLt;mpting to jump on a passi ng truck. he slipped and fell "vith h!.· A
.\ '1' 'rU.E 10 ',' B \.Y
'VORK~ .
A ~IAN li'AT.\LLY BUl XIW .-'l'lIRlm OTHER niEl I~ YEHELY IXJUHED . -A sacl aecidel1t occurred 011 a1unlay aft 'moon aL the 1\1J s Bay Iron and teC'l \Yurk:3, \ VOll:illgloll, whiub c<.lLLsecl four of Lbe workmen to sustain s(wer lJUI'l1., fro])) which Olle of thelll aft 'l'ward clietl. The ac:<:ident occurred ibwlIglt the ullexpoded tilLiJlg- of one of the converter ' ill the 13 ':-;sCll1cr depari1l1 'nt. It ' e 11l that OIlO of tho cOllverLert:; was in a, lwriz( nLal p( li:)il iun, rcady for Loing LUl'Ile(1 up a soon aH tho llbsi ",at:; hl,on ur[ J . 1 COllY ri 1' . Tho forelUan g,L\'e all order to Ihe JIlan ill ektrg'e of the baLldleR wllich work the ltydnwlies. Tile order wa~ to " lowel' the ram," whell a workman llaJlled _\.udrc\\- 13l1l'lIs-'o it nppears from the c\ ilIenee- w ishing to
22 as~iBt the le'i'ennao, seized hold of one of the lmlldles, which 'va s, unfortunately, the wrong' one, and caused the converter to turn over. The COli equence was that about four tons of molten metal were p JUred out into the pit. The mehLI did not fall upon the men directly, but spla hed up from the bottom of the pit, bursting forth with explosive force in all direr-tions. Four men were burned. two of them, named Robert GUllning and John McCammon, severely. The two Jatter were com'eyed 10 the ellgine room, and the a:-';F;iF;tallce of tht:> Member" of the Ambulance Society connected with t11e works f1um::noneu . Mr. W . G. Bird ,oon ani \'ed from tll<' compally's offices, f ollowed by 11'. C. A. Bradbury and nIl'. T . Dank,. The poor fellow were stripped, and it wa found that the lower part.. of their bodie were terribly burned, the clothing being burned into the ile::-;b \vhilst the odom from the burned flesh was ickening'. "V{ith commendable zeal the Ambulance members prosecuted their laboun<, all the lOur injured persons being trAateLl by them . In the m~alltime Dr. M Kerrow 11~Lc1 been telephoned for, and soon arrived, and after seeing to the injuries, Gunning and l\IcCammon were tran port d uucler 1Ii care in tile A.mbulance cart to Workington Infirmary. It wa found tbat the iujnries of Gunning were so severe that hi life wa,s de paired of, and be died at the Il1fil'mary soon after admission. Ic(Jammon 0 far progrew'ing favourably, though ye, terday (Tue day) he was not con ielered to be out of danger.
March 30th, 1 87. ACCIDE:KT AT ,,\TEST ITARTLEPOOL.-Yesterday a ,yorkman in tbe employ of Messrs. Ir\ine, ",hipbuilder.3, named J aIm Oldman, residing in Adelaide Street, wbilRt working at a circular saw, had bi right hand sawn completely 0[[, and hi, arm sever ly injmed. Fortullat ly one of Dr. Gotll'ley's Ambulance Class student,' named Carrol "vas near, or in all probability the man would have bled to death. The injured man was removed to tllC ho pital, where Dr. Gourley foulld it nece, al'y to amputate the right arm.
From jJfoming Post, April 18th, 1887. ._T. JOllN AMBULANCE ASSOCfATWN. - A striking instance of the value of "first aiel ,. was recently afforded by the members of a Lallcashire Ambulance Class, tbe paLient being their own ..urgeonlecturer who, with his groom, was thrown out of hi s trap, the form I' sustaining a, comminuted and the latter a simple fructnre of the thigb,
hoth l)('ing found lyillg ill the road. 0111e of tbe pupils bound tlll'tn both 11P, and carried tlH'lll some two mi les into Birkchle, receiYing great credit from t be doctors for the way tllcy Imd pcrformed their work. A cOlltrast to tlli8 was the caBe of a policeman, ill 'urreYJ wuo recently slipl1eu on the frozen road and broke botb bOn8i' of one leg. The bystallders fir t pulled off his boot, tliell put it on again, and dragged, not carried, hill1 to the police, taboll. AHer tlJi r:J, applicatioll was made to St.. J Ollll'~ Gate for an ArnbubncA Class, a resident at Ba1l8tead, lUi ,. "C. Freeman, g 118ronsly defraying all the cxpenFies n,' a ".TnbilcG Gift-:'
J'/t f'
])!liiy Te1e(J I '(fjJ/t , .Jnly GUI, 18 7.
A FItlEND l~ ~Elm.-A cnrrof.;pOndellt writes: " j\ little boy, about four years of age, wItile playillg in a field at Ball tead to-clay (,July 4), kId hi, foot cut ali by a 1I1Owiug' machine. }\n"Lllllately, a lady naUled Freema n, 011 who" [arm tIl accident OCCUlT:1 ,"dlO bad attended Ambulalice Leetnr s i Illpro\'i 'ed a tOIll'lliquet ,,-ith a stOll amI balldkpJ'(:llid, and al'l'c:-;ted til) Llcedillg. .'Ile wa . llluch complimented by thu mcdical ill '11 ,yhen tlH')' aui\' d on the skill she had display d, as tlw)' tlJiuk her promptll 'ss ,Uy d tb cllilc.l' life."
NOl'th " tar, 24th :JIay 18 7.
,y LED GEl
, m,-To-day a woman (MrR. Lucas, of Cobden. treet) was cizccl with an attack of apoplexy in Parkgate. ' be wa a good deal excited ill L(;]' manlier, alld with h6r hail' hallg-ing' down pees ntecl the appearance of one labourillg under drillk. Police-co tl table Bu -kle (~o. 8(2) at ollce l'ecogni<:;ed the true l1atul' of the attack, carefully aud g ntly lifted her up, called a cab at Oll~e, and u, ... I ,\'as pn siug drew my U,LLOlltioll to the pOOl' woman. ITe ub qll IItly aw her borne, when I attellded her. This is anoLher ca"e of man,)' others indicu ' ing' the great utiliiy alJd public bOil ut eleri\Ted from the instrnction rccei\{~d 11l1eler the St. J Cohn ..All1blllan~e 1\ :"ocittiion. P lice-coll table Bllckle, I ullder talld, lla, lately take11 lesHoll in connectioll with tho brallch at DarlillgLoll, and it how t11,LL he ha not by any mcal! beOll an indiffereut pnpil. I have seen tho day when such a, ca~(' w01ild baye 1)0el1 v ry cliffeI' lltly tr ated by a policema,n-ns O1le of c'nI11k ('III1E'S8-
24 and witL a rouglllless which woulL1 have considerably ad led to the gravity of the ~U3e. I am gla.d to have the Oppol'tullity of recording Lhe excellent knowledge di 'played by the constable.-Yours truly,
GEO. l\IIUDLE.\II '::. Grange I{oad, Darlingtoll, May 231'c1.
ROYAL KE~T DISPENSARY, ROAD. .E., June 20th, 18< 7.
DEA.R Sm,-d case came under my care a hou~e surgeon to tIl above hospital, ·which I thilik you 'llOuld Imuw of, as it llOwed very plainly the value of the instruction gi yen by yonr A ,ociati on. About 12 days ago, at 2 in the morning, all elll rly [Hall wa bruugh t to the hospital on the Police Amlmlance. He wa ' uffering from a fracture of both tibia and. fibula, dne to either a kick or a fall. lie was found on the g'l'Ounli by Pulice P>ergeaut llaymall, 3:2 H. ·who, having satis6ed llim elf that there wa a fractul' , applied hi ' own ailLl. a comrade':::; tnlllcheolls as a temporary spliut, iL-illg tbem with three handkerdlief". This was skilfully aud well done, tLe 'e rg'eant Laying undergone a course of Ambulance in trw'tion. I was much plea ed with the measures takeu, as they undoubtedly prevented the fracture from becoming comprJUllll, w hiel1 woulll of course greatly have increased the s0verity and danger of the iujury. Yours truly, JIERBERT C. "\V. JONE ,~I.A, :i\LB., l OCo The Secretary of the St. J uhu's L\.rnbulauce As ocialic)l1.
E.x:tmGi ./1·om a lette7' J1'om Mn. VVYNNE U. S!!clen!wm Centre.
lIon. ) ec.
"\Vo111d you think it worth while to ill ,'ert iu thecomilJg Report the success of one of our thif::> J ear" pupils, Mr -'. ,\Vatkills, wife of a ydellham butcher who a few weelc after the Examination, in whicll L' gained t\, certificate, at an accident ill her LU:'3bauu' sLop, in \YLich a boy had a forearm artery completely severed, applied a t emporary tOllrniC]uet, allCl completely controlled the ha;mo rrhage till tIle doctor arrived. Unfortunately Lhe eloctor is now awtly for a F-lummer lwliday, or he would LtLY ,'cut yun a pro] er r l ,ort." 1
Th<.; Committee ha~ lately lUlC.l lUlller cOll.'illeration a t..:h(;l11e llbmitted "by ~Ir, ,YaYlllllan Dixon, Honorary ~ 'ecretary of the l\1illdlesLro'-on- 're vs
Centro, and
Major Hutton, for fm'th er de\-clopmellt ill the area of operatiollR, Lot.h "by tho p eriodiGi1l illHp c;c;tioll of localitie' where eelltre8 and
hi.l\To b een nt allY time
are now being forllled,
tmel, moreover, to initiate nn .A mbulance Cl uHtlc1e and ach"ocate and spread n"broad the knowlec1ge of the ...\.. .. 'ocintioll's aims ancl objects iuto
llistricts hitherto
pm'pu, e of thi'
chome the Uomilli ttee has
In the general xpre
ed its entire
COnClll'l'ellCe, the chicI' and in fact 0111y ob tacle being that if
PIOPor]y eHnicll on t, it necessitates an outby for working expen, es of a consillerable ,mn ·w hich might or might not b ultimately repaid.
If, howcy
morc of tho e who avail thel1l-
sel ves of the A 'sociation's cla~ses woulll re pOllll to the appeal DlNol{WLC
ITo 'PITAI. , LLA BERI JUlle 2<Jt1l, 1887.
SIR,- I have to state that a few days ago a lllan, named Heury Parry, met with au accident, which caused fracture of the leg. Mr. Bellis OiYell, oue of the Ambulance men of the LltlIlLt'ri~ Ueutre, had put up tile leg iu svlinrs, which savec.l tbe lUall lllUCh ~uffel'ing, as he was some miles distallce away from his horne. 1 ofLell lUeet with Ambulauce work very well dOlle by certiiicaled melllLers of t ho Llal liJel'is Ueutl'e. Yours, &c., Sergeant l1u"Vvlauds. '1'. nUallES, M.D. D EAR
so oHell urged for fUllll~, auLl, ill tead of beiug ' ati lied with the mere pnymellt of the actual cost of the cin
they them elyo
attellll, would bear in mind that a mall donation from a moiety only of those who oLtain eertifi des ·would ena,ble the benefit of the ill~iruction they have themsclve
profitoc1 by to be
extended among thOllSi.1llcl~ of tho e ·who e Llnily life i - pa~- eel in seenes of ofL-recunillg p(~ril the area of the .1.\, sociation's usefu lne's wauIc1 Le
1l01'l1l0usly Lllel'U1lSell.
III the hope of
recciving sueh snpport the Committee hn' saIl 'tioned the cxpellllitnl'e of
small amount a
a teutn tivu mcasure, and
2G though the great strike among tbe miners, referred to In
Surgeon- Major Hutton's notes herewith appended, has for the moment caused suspension of active llleasures, yet his rcmarks, based on his wiele experience as one of the
t earnest and
constantly employeu member' of the examining stafF,
tinnally travelling at great personal exertion, in aU ",ea ODS and all weather, in some of the lllO, t important colliery lU311ing and manufctcturing fields of labour,
cannot fail
a ttrnct the
attention the)" deser,e.
1. k~[BULA.
In the last Annual I~eport, at page 13, prominent meution was made of the recommendations of the Royal eommi sion on AcridrnLR in Mines, and cOl\sidering tlH~ importance of tllis "uoject, and the urgent need for practical action being taken as early as po ~ible to carry (Jut tIle e uggestion', the Committee deputed urgeon -MajuI IIutton to attend and add res a puulir, meeling in the County of Dl1rilam. Tllis was held at Bishop Auckland 011 .B'ebruary 12th, and was pre. ilIed over by the Bi bop of Durham, and attended by some of the leading mine owners and managers of collieries. Snrgeon-J\Jajor Hutton pointed out in his address how the recommendations of the Royal Commi ' ion could more effectual1J~ and more eGonollJically be cn.rI'i c1 out by tbe St. John Ambulance As ociation than by any Governmellt Department, and that the A.'sociation was prepared, with the snpport and aid ()f tIle royalty and mine owners, managers and men, to earry tbem ont effectually at once. Ullfortunately a strike of Jarge CliUle]). lOllS ha. l)r:'en going OD for some weeks past among the collieries in ortblImberland, alld this combined with considerable depresf'ioll in the c(lal trade has prev811ted any large development of Ollr work in the collierie. of tbe North of Englal\d. till, howe 1'01', during the past :vear much good work h~l.s been done in mauy milling and colliery districts, as in Middlesoro' and Cleveland, the '\ Vef;t Riding d YorkslJire, Deroy hire, lotting-hamshire, &c., &c. As showing tile necessity for Amoulance work in milling districts, 1be foll()willg taole and comments taken from the rcporL of the lJol'th }' orkshire and Cleveland .Mi llers' Association are useful :--
Brotton 1'rports 2 minor accidrnt 1;) kelton I hafL . Cmgs llull 27 nnc1 ] faLul . . :l1, Park .. Upleathum GO 20 Norm!Lnby alJell fat:11. . 01'll1c~by
LoEln . . . LUll1pse.v Huntdifl'e
18 10
ES[.Ol1 ..
Tutal rq)Urlcd
" ·1~
Gl D 4 10
2:3 1 5 3 1j 4 3
.. 1 fnlal.. ondl fa,tul. .
und 1 futal u,nd 2 fatal
1 240
and 1 fuLal. .
last 6 months.
20 50
115 18
2:3 1
nll(l Gfatal..
LimCSI 011 c Q IllllTie
N01'th kelton IJolll!llcres Lingtlnle IJilc1'lon Roosbeck Cllrlln How Ilnpewil.lh ChulOllcr
undl falal..
a against 18 minor
and 1 falal
, and 1 fatuI unel 1 fatal and 1 futal
2'l f)
allcll fulal. . and
43.1, and
and 1 fatal faLalla L6 monl h .
The total number uf accillentR reportc(l hI' the lla1f-year is 12 fatal and 42 minor-makillg' the total for the y ar 20 fatal and ~ minor. In ancl a.bout tho mill s 1,11 1'8 bave (incnding 3 ,,,ho died during G from iJljtlries r cei v d in 1 (.J) been 1 p rSOllS killed-an :w rage of one lif 10.'L for \' ry 370 perS(II1R employed. A will be ~l'en by r '[crenc to tlle a,"crag s ,,,hich follow, there hase ocon tbrcE' y<'n.r" whcll 1,11 proportion of live. IOf't to th p 1'. on employed,11a 1>een high r; but tll lllille w re working more regularly. During' 1<.' ~' (;, malJY of the 111 n hay ollly worked hyo-thirdH of their time and f'ome only ha.lf. It is ! II refore qnit ' fair to a. SU1l18 that 11ad the mine,1)ee11 working regl1larly, the faLal accicleuts wouJd 11a,"C becn incren, d hy nearly one-thinl. Taking all thillgs illto con ideration, l ' (; IJa" been a ycry fatal y aI', and w would take thi. opportuni ty of again urging Up011 onr meml) r tll il1lpC'rati~'e llece . iCy of exerci ing the hI' 'at t po .. iole caution in following tIl it· 11azanlou mploytll nt. That irOI1Htone milling in 'lev lanel i. at! ncl d by con, ideraule llangcr 10 the p'rsol1s empltJyed, i well known. But:l:'i \\'e . chl()ll1 h;w explosions of ga:'i, a.nd ll{'\' r snch lamenta.ble oc 'lllTllC 8 a sometim('1-' c1ellopnlat a olliory village, tl1 re are probably ,'ory fow who kllow that the continually 0(; 'lllTing accident ill our mincs l'I:uder tbe oc 'upation of a Clevpland miner ey 11 more hazarc1011 than a. collicr',. The following figuros ""ill ~h \\1, hmyc\'(:,r, thai this is .0:-
UNITED KINGDOM. _ _ _--..,.-_ _-...,._ _- , - _ _
? :;::.
~ o~ g ~
z"'~ -::1875 J 7G Ib77 187 Ib79 I bO
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~~6:~~~ 1,150 I'~~~ .
Totals ant! averages for 6,076,074 12 years.
~, ui
t rg ~~
5:lii,8.J5 51 t,532 404,391 475,329 476, 10 .J8.J,9;);3 495,477 flO:l ,9 7
I,\Yestl~l~~~.~a~~.r~~~;l. ~orth I CLEVELAr D DISTRICT, 10rksl11re exclusive
~..; I §.~ ~
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-:- --:76 771 78 7,8 95 595 t!3 6bO 56 t!5 212 220 ;i li.J5 IUO 2!J.J
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-:-- - : 2U 3~17 IG 61G ZI 40S 17 3fHJ Iii 477 18 .J..J;3 21 338 21 30L
;1 . ;:.~ 1_7:6;~~ _~~ ;~~ 'it! _
98, II:.!
Annual average number of per ons employed rer life lost, for 12 years : - United Kingdom 45+, outh Dlll bam, &c., ;'63, C] "pland 4~ l. The minor accid nts continue to be-both as regards numoor awl character-yery serious. TlJi::; Report, 11u\\ e,'er, is Iwt by allY meallS a complete record of tbe accidelJts which occur. No returns have oeen recei ved from Grosmout, South Skelton, ..Aylesoury, Rosedale Ea t, Grinkle, Kirkleatham or Lingdale, and LIle retuL'ilS from 'ome of the other mines are not nearly complete. Before concluding this Report we wish again to call tbe attelltion of the llelllbers to the (luestion of Ambulance. Mauy of tho e ,d10 CIuahfied to render" first aid" to tIle injured, in case of accidellt, ha\'e left the district, and "e think the time has arrived 'w hen an eITort should be made to establish ar.1uitional corps at every mine to increase the nU!Dber of those who have already been trained . rrllere is prooably never one working day during the whole year on which all accident does not occur. It is therefore of vital importance that an eamest attempt should be made to make Ambulance work a permallent institution in the district. Tbis IV ill nece, 'i3ita te funds bei Il g- raised oy some means, and I am instructE-d oy the Executive COLllmittee to ask the tDelllbers to seriously consider tue ad visalJility of each mall ill the district contributing threepence per year towarus this dc.'iraole olJject. No doubt the mine alLd royalty owners would contribule a like allloullt, and this would be sufficient to l11 struct one man in every ten every year. Tbc Executive Oomm~ttee heartily approves of this ,'uggeslion, and slrongly urges the men to adopt the plan. In tbe new Mines Regulatioll Bi\] ll1ere i:' a clau. c whicl) f:lays tlH\,t
stretchers and bandages must De kept in collieries. To lJave rco.1ly eIIicient Arnolllance reCIuir " not only proper applio llces, bnt a,1.'lo williJlg workcrs, ft11d it r(:F.tf'l w'ith the men themselves to make t11e mo\'ement thor011ghly emcient alld RllccesRflll. In a letter hom th General, 'ecretary of the Miners' Association, II'. l{obert Rowland, he f;ayR, " It is a grpat mercy that Ambulance work wn.s evor commenced in Cleveland. It has Jl0t only saved life, out lIn, al."o lessoned tho suffcring of those who have been injured, n,ncl facilit:lt c1 their recO\·cry; and tIm" by its reOex action, lessCJJCd the suffering which lJac1 to be endured hy their wives and famDies. The mornl good, though !lot so appn.rent, is, I am certn,iJl, not less real. for a person who is l11clllCpd to ] arn to reuder : 6rst aid' to n, suffering fl>llow I,orkman, 0,11(1 is called npeJl1 to n,ssist when an accident occurR caJlnot do so without baving llis beart ,oftencr1 and hi nooler feelil1gs arouRed amI himse~j'l)('illp; b >Ltor for it." The ~ c;'et<1ry of i he \V cst Riding of Y orkF;bire Miller,,' Permanent Reli 'f Fund Fri ndly ,'ocicty, II'. ,\Yilliam \"TaL on, scnds the follo,,·ing int reslillg· labl of accidentf', showing t11 ir location and orne yaluohle ]' lllork. '. He soy" . Of 1 ,000 miners ("orI,er, undergrollnd), members of tbe oriet.', 3.563, or n:'arly 011 in e,cry fi,e, were disabled hy acridcnt witbin tbe 12 months ending March 31Rt. 1i' 7. Tbe dnration of ,uth <-Ii- a1>1em nt on the a,erage ]>l'OYes to be about Olle month. Thi,~ per 'olltag of a 'ciclellt to nUl11her of p rsons employ el, whcn carried to the wbolo of the Inspection diRtrict, nam ly EaRt and ,\Y st York. bir and Lincolnshire, ,,·onlfl pro'\e a total of 10,000 injured pry l1r. Th ee are a1.'o 12,000 perRon employed ((uure (vol/Jld, ill conned iOll wit h tho pitR. TIle e do not RO generally conn 'ct them. 'eh-cR with the Relief oci ty as thoRe mployed bclo\\" do, so that there are J10 f;C'paroto :::;tatil,;t ics from " 'hich to gather tho tall~ of accicleni.., but tit JHl1l1bcr aJlnot be m11ch under 2,000 (if any) . Add tJl e 2,000 to the 10,000 and J 2,000 is the llgun . Tbe open field for tIle operations of [L , ocicty like tho t. John Ambulance A ociation is wiele and gr at, ill n. <..:olliery district Rpccin.lly. I n.TI1 glad to say I freCIll ntly h car of caRe, ' attcnded by those 'who 11o\'e recei\'ed instruction in' fir::;t aiel,' in 'w hich ml1ch suffering is al1eyiated . It iF; a granel thing when a fellow workman can pl'Oll1ptly, on the very pot in the bowels of the carth, ,top the flow of olood from a ,yound, or faRtcll 11p with romparatiyo ' kill a brokC'll limb, c ' . Kay, e'\l:'ll life i Raved ihnt w0111d otherwi~o 1 lost. Great progreR bas bcen made in Alllbulance work, many of tll oflkiah'l and miners O11Jlocted with Ollr collieries ]la 0 prollloted alld joilled cIa. sos, go cl resulting in o,ory way. '1'hero is a.1Ho improyom' nt, :1S it naturally follo\\' 1.hore bould uo, in lho matl r of cOllveyollco of tll injured, Doth as to leI', olln.l treaLnwl1t and th kind of 'Vehicle used. I sincerely hope the day i
:·H not far eli, tant when the recolllmoncla.tiollS of the Hnyal Commission all A(~cidellts ill Mines wit.h regard to this matter, 'hall be carried out. to the Ycry letlt'l'." Mr. F. X. Ellis l' ports .'e\'e1'a1 evel'e ca e. of accidents, such as broken bones, bleeding, u'C., and also mallY lCRser injuries that haye been carefully attended to by Ambulance mell~ at the IInckllall Cullieri 'fl, ncar X otting-ham . II'. 1 \VardeH, the a1) le l~ma("er of Tibshelf Colliory, DeruyRltire, Rays-" Dnring the year llUlllerou cases 'w here Members who have gaill d the Certificate of til> t. J obn Aruuulallce ARsociation have Leen of gr at . r'i'ice; in fad, at our own alld ott r collieries ca 'es are almo, t uf daily OCCUlT .1l1Gt..; either to a . mall or greater clegree." Me John L. IIcel! y, the Govel'llment IllR[JC'ctOL' of :Jlille' for ~orth \Yalc. , &c., alld -who has takell l1mdl intere::;t in the ,yurk, 'a),,' .. On mallY occa, inn.' tl1 e _\..llllJUlance mon ha,ye ueen (If mucli u. e in attrudillg to accidents ." The following TaLl 1 taken from tlle UcporL of the Jining' In p ctor.' may be rond witll illtpre:-;t:-
mO.1 1
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Tile followin,o' cOl11unri'Oll will haye groat illterost a sho,,-ing' the rdati\' c safely of the clJi [mining district LiYes L ost P<'1';-;OIL Employed I t' (i . Per Life Lo ,t. I orthulllLerla1ll1, LT. ~)38 5U ::-1outh Durbam, &c ... ;3 GG:! 34 :> Cle veInnd (Iron) 17 ~ . nnd E. Lancashire 101 314: Yurksllil'O .. 131 502 'DutIl \\~ales 150 ;)~) 1 East Scotland 5. 03 \\rest cotlalld .. 33 G3G Northulllberll1.11d occupi 's tlle 1Jlace of lli ghe't snJety, tested by the 1I1en employed , and also L stoll hy the outpL1t of coal per life lo , t . \\e do lloL give the whol of the eli trict" but the .:worage of t11088 gi ,-ell abo \'e, amI of tIl, Iidlalld distrid:-; omitted Was one life lo~t for e \'cry 545 persollS employed, '0 tL.H'l.t ~orthLllllberlaDd nud Durham arc each abuye the a verug , ill 'afely.
~ .\'FETY 0[;' Dlt>rnICT'.
Tho following Ta.Lle of ,. first aill" cnscs, killdly furllished by Unptaill NoLt Bowel', tho Chi'[ 10nslable ()f tho 1ity of Liyorpool , shows tho alllotlllt of .\ lllLulallce wurk llone ill OI,e year by tho City Police Pon:l' ; -
32 LIVEl11 100L POLICE FORCE. Return showing the 7WittUel' of "Fil'st Aid" Cases from 1st 31st Decembel', 1886.
sa) vices performed by tho police have brought them. '0 much in pleas aut touch with the public; that is all impOl'tallt fact, apart altogether from the prompt and efficiont a. sistftl1cO to the injured,"
Of these, 63 ca es "ere spccinll,'- commended by the IIospitul urgeolls for the skill shown by the Constable "ho rendered" first aid,"
The HOllomry Secretary of the Liverpool Centre, Lieut.-Colon 1 C, B, Paris, reports a great deal of good work has been done by the Pulice. In olle case wbere two constables were concerned, tbey "ere rewarded with the newly-eslablished Order of Merit, These two con tables, one of whom paseed in 1882, and the other in 1883 both heino' Medallioni ts of the Association " ere called to a man wbo had both'"'legs cut off ju t below the knees by a traiu; the unfortlll1,a te ma,n was bleeding profnsply, and they got some tilin rope, and WIth t~ 1r truncheons impro,ised effectual tourniquets to the femoral arterIes. The Read Con. table caused particular inquiry to be made rmd the report of the IIospital Surgeons WetS .0 satisfactory tha~ tl:e \\ atch Committee decorated them with the Chevron Badge, whIch IS only to be gi,en for exceptional services in the police duties , The Lancashire Co~nty Police Force have also been acti.ve in ombracing Al11b~lance work during the past yeai', Some time ago, on the recomll1 ncIatlOn of Lieut,-Colollel Moorsvm, the Finance Committee sanctioned a course of Ambulance instrllction, and Surgeon-"M ajor Hutton conducted a class of 35 Inspectors and Sergeant at the County BuildingEl, Pr: ton. Sin~e that time several cla'ses have been held at other places III the connty, the practical instruction proving most useful in many Gases of accident and injnry. Colonel Moorsom stated at an Ambula~1ce meeting at St. TIelen's, in December bst, referring to the terJ'lble life-boat disaster at Southport-" Only a fortnight ago, when the terrible ca.tast['ophe took place at Soutbport, the mOlll bel'S of the police were among the first to arri,e on the spot, and several of the constable holding Ambulance certificates for .'ome llours endeavoured to save wha.t sparks of life remaitled in the gRllant lifeboat men," The Ohief Constable fer NottiJigham, Mr. S, Stevens, reports 04. cases of aceident attended to by tIle police force-lO fracturos of 1he leg and 3 of tI1e thigh , TIe adds, " Permit me to add that durillg ~1Y experience as Uhief Constable, extending over ma.ny years, 110 .'pepIal
The work ha cOllLinned to progre s among our railway servant. and employe, and it only requires the countenance and the linancial support of the va1'iollS compallies to extend tue work everywhere throughout our raihvay ,YRtem, ~\.t .l ottingham, the Midland Railway locomotive men ba,e paid nllwh atLention to the in. truction; and at Northampton, both the Iidlnllli and London and l.Tol'th- ,Ye tern men have shown much i11te1'e. t in the work. M any cases ha,e been reported, SOllJe of a se,01' cbal'[l,cler, "Yiwre railway AmbulanGe men have done gooll . ervice in 1'Ollllerillg (first aid," and in the removal of tLe injured,
YLU)I ',
One mode of int::l' a. ing and extending u efnl Ambulance work i by mean of our public institntion' alld during the pa. t year the (( liarri Instituto" at Pr ston and the oeial Guild at Nottingbftm, hale held yery Hcce's[ll] clas8es. It i' hop a the work lllay largely in the future be xlollllecl by thi mem1.' , ...\.mbulance in"truction forming part of their]' gular cuniculum, Dr. 0, E. ,'1ll1U1c\,"orth the ft1)le Medical l1perilltend nt of the Royal Albert A8,Yluill at Lancaster, ill a pap r contributed to the' Journal of Mental Sciell(:e," alJ(1 WIIO 11ft , had the attolJdnnt... put through the conrse, cays: "That llmillg the tllree months which hale elapsed since the COul' 'e was given, tho Alllbulance men IH1.ye on two occa ions been signally uReful, a within a week of their examination they were called on to piek up amI carry to the illfirmary an attendant who had fallen 20 foot from a ladd~r ill tbo COUl' e of the fire-brigade drill and had sustained a callis fracture aml other injlll'ie ; and quite recently they have remlerNIlllost ll. cflll aid to a medical mail who was thrown o from his bo'io' But it is not 0 much in b whilst driviu b ' Inst the "\svlnm, J regard to thoi:3e groater cmcl'g oncics wbicb, IIOWOY r are bound to Occur pretty froquently in c0JlnccLiol1 with large esiabli "lunent , as in the daily routille of duty faJling to Lho lot of an asylum attendant, I venture to think that in our large a~ ylllms, if experience l"e\vhere accord \yith ours, til pains elevoted to thi objoct will bo fully appreciftLed by thc oIn<:cri", atlCl1clau18 and 11[11' C ."
the supervision of a Nursing Associate, and to a small payment. The duty of the Nursing Associate to whose care a case is intrusted will bo-1st.-To carry out cOIlRciclItiollSly the directions of the mew cal man iD attendance. 2nd.-To see the case daily, or as often as neces ary. 3rd.-To ad vise aDd a sist in the general sanitation of the sickroom; in the preparation of invalid diet; in tbe arrangement of tLe beel; in the making and application of poulticeR, fome1ltations, or surgical dressings; in taking temperature and notillg it on the chart when required; and iu prOCl1J'illg and 'npel'Yi 'illg the use of such nursing material as the caRe may demalld. TLe Corps docs not UlHlcl'take to supply meclic.::tl comforts (such as food, wine, &c.), and \\ ill not interfere with any case except at the request amI accordillg to the directions of the medical attendant. The A sociatc's are not ll('rmitted to interfere \vith the religious views of those wLom they attelld. The UorlJs is not at the outset prepared to undertake the nursing of infectious caf.;es, al though tLey hope ultimatc]y to be able to include tLis uranch of work.
The extension of ihese useful bodies of men has been satisfactory. At Yorthampton the force number no less than 108 members, and up to the late t l'eport stretchers and litters and Ambulance h.ampers have been placed for the use of the Corps at no less .than 16 different parts of the town-thu affording ready help at any tIme for the removal of the injured, and also for the ick. Dr. Arthur Jon~s, the II~n . Sec~etary of the Centre, has been very active in the promotlOn of thIS serVlCe on practical lines in Northampton. At Oldham several ca8es are reported "here the various Ambulance Corps in the town have done useful service. The different sections of the IIeavy \Voollen Di trict Oentre report several cases, some of them severe, such as compound fracture of the leg and scalp wounds, broken leg, wounded artery and fracture of the skull. South Shields reports," ,Ve have now got stretchers placed in five parts of the town. They are all in shops, where the OccLlpier has promised to hand them out night or day to anyone after an accident." AMBDLAKCE WORK IN CO:NNECTION WITIl L.ARGE FIRlIIS AND PUBLIC CmIPANIEs.
The Report would not be complete without special mention being made of the progres8 of the Ambulance mo'\'ement in the great Engineering, Ordnance, and Shipbuilding Works of Sir , Villiam G. Armstrong, Mitchell & Co., at Elswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne. IIere both masters and men have taken the greatest interest ill the work from the benefits that have arisen from its use in connection with accident , and it is much to be de8ired that all works of a similar nature should follow their example. NURSING WORK I N CONNECTION WITIl TilE WORK OF TilE ASSOCIATION.
Mention was made of the Nursing Corps in Oldham in last year's Report, and Dr. George Thomson, who organised it, reports very favourably on it. IIe has kindly fo[,warded the accompanying details, which show the lines upon which they are working. S t. John Ambulance NU1'sing C01PS, Oldham.
The ai.d of the Corps may be obtained by forwarding one of the orders enclosed, filled up and signed by the medical attendant, to the Superintendent, or to one of the Nursing A8sociates. The material belonging to the Corps may be obtained in t he same way, subject to
A JlUml)er of cases h::wc been reported during the paRt year where AmLulance men h::we clone good SC1Tice. \Yest IIartlepool sends a record of 47 ea e, -seYl'l'al of a se\Tere chamct r-such as fractured skull, leg, ribs, &c., alld ,,-olUlds of -various killds attelllied with bleelling. South hielLhl fin' ca, es, one of drowning effectually treated. Bed wortll report· case of "oulltlocl artery of forearm "ith dangerou bleeding effectually stopped by pad and beuding the elbow, aud also a case of seriou ' injury to the leg, "Lere the Lleeding "as arrested by pressure OIl the fomoral artery. Bmy reports four ca os, two of these broken legs . Clay Cross Jour case , t"o broken thighs and one broken leg. Southam two case ; in one the mun-a quarryman - was mo-ved on an impl'OviFled stretcher. '1'11e following are typical cases, the list of which might be increased, ad injinitulII. The Bal'nsley Independent, January 22nc1, 1887. Jon A::.\tBULANCE As 'OCUTIO AT MANYERS MAIN COLLIERY.The advantages to be derived frum being connected with tbe a.bove Associatioll are furtber illustrated by a ca 'e which ha recently occurred at MallYC1" Maiu Colliery. La t August a workman named IIenry Beasley, engaged at the colliery, had his leg broken Ly a fall of coal. ST.
3G The injured man was attended to in the pit by Mr . Uaseley and Mr. George Dunstan, members of the "\Yath Branch of the As ociation, '\vho after applying bandages to tue man's leg, conveyed him to the bottom of the shaft, a distance or nearly two mil s from tho RC81le of the accident. Iil a letter which Beasley ha now vTitten he thank the Manvers Main Colliery Company, and their esteemed mallager, Mr. Thomson, for the intereRt they have taken in the St. John Amlmlanco Association: and also Rta,tes that the thanks of all miners are due to the Members of the Association for the increa 'ed comfort :llld safety which they have assured to those uffering from accident. ACCIDEXT AT ,yATH ~Lu:x COLLIERY. - On MonCl.ay afternoon, hortly after five o'clock: as a collier named George Ulegg wa following his emplo:rment at the above colliery, a ma....,s of coal f II upon him and broke his leg. Many miners and colliery official. in this di tl'ict are members of the St. John Ambulance Af'lsociation, and in thi ca e some of them were able to render assiRtance before tbe man waf'l removed from the pit, proving the benefit of it by binding the injured leg up, thereby alleviating the sufferings that otherwi e the man would have had to undergo. After thi he was conveyed home and medical aid was procured. This good quality was exemplified a few days a go at a York hire coHiery. One of the men employed above ground accidentally fell into a h opper filled with wet slack, and wcnt under at once, just a if he had tumbled into a quicksand. There he remained, amI a quarter of an hour elapsed before tbe unfortunate fellow was dragg c1 ont of Ilis involuntary cold bath. ITe was, of course, quite in ensiLle, and to all appearance life seemed extinct. Luckily, however, some ll1ember of of the St. J obn Ambulance Society, ,vho were present formed a different opinion, and illstantly resorted to artificial respiration with complete success. In this instance, "a little learning" was \'ery far from being a dangerous tbillg", ither to its possessors or to the perRoll on whose recovery it was expended.
The N01,tlw'n Echo, October 16th, 1886. NEARLY SUFFOCATED AT A BLAST FURNACE. -A.l\I13ULANCE CORPS TO TIlE RESCUE.-Four men were upon a platform at tbe outside of one of Messrs . Downey & Co.'s furnaces at Lackenhy, filliJlg boles through which gas was eRcaping. About fom o'clock two of tho men found they were being overpowered by the gas, and thoy went by the ladder on to the top of the furnace . One of the remaining men found be could not walk . and lay down upon the platform; while tbe other
one Rtnck to his work until he bec;ame inflen 'ible and fell down. The men who went to tho top of the furnace gave the alarm, and Mr. ltlllicr on (manng r), the [llmaeo foreman, and foreman fitter ascended the fumace, and 'vellt to the aRsjRtallCe of the hn If-, uffocated men . They got to the platform, whiC'h wa at once lov'ored, and the meu taken into the fresh air, anrl arti6<.;ial respiration cOlllmellced. It wa' at least evell or eight minutes after the mon Le<.;allle ill ensible before anything ould be done to re, tore them. 1\11'. Anderson, a , isted by "\ Vm . oth ran and '1'ho . John. late pupils of Dr. 1\Iackinlay" cla 's in connection with the Hodcar Brallch of the t. John Ambulance Association, did their best to brillg them round. One man wa. rpstored in a few minutes, and wa a1)le to walk away. To the other-Thos. Harrison-artificial respiration had to be applied for at lea t half an hoUl' beforc he caIlle round. ThE do ·tor, who had b en sent for a soon as the accident bacl occurred, did not get to the "work until after Harrison wa ~ re tore 1. The lllen are now quite ref'ltored.
TIle . .YOJ ,th TTTale GII(lJ'(li'aJl, -ovembe1' 25th, 1
Ac IDEXT AT FOOTBALL MAT D.- The attack of Lhe home forwarch, becalllc Ycry fl'C(lucnt and tho back player. of the visitors had plenty of work to do. The game "Tn f'llopped ill con equence of Olle of the player falliJlg to the ground. It wa oon a. ce11ainecl, to the Horrowof all present. that 01le of the Y1.'1tor ' baclc player, ITildit h, who wa, doillA' , 0111e good work for hi team, had fractl1red hi leg by cOlllillg into yiolent contact with George Owen " Ol1e of the home fOl'warclH. Hildi tell wa carried 0(£ the field, and uutil medical a i t ance was procUl'ccl tIl illjlll'cd leg wa splint r cl by . ome of tbe memLer of ~'t. John Ambulan . ociety, ,dlO, fortunately for IIilditch, were pro ont.
The TVl'e.dwlIl AdL'(;J'tiser, Oc;tobe1' 11th, 1
fh. Jon A:lrBULAK E OcmTy.~ 1'ULELY 'EUVI E .-On ThUl\ da,y, while a married man naIll cl Edward J0118R, Ponkey, wa at work in the Vauxhall Colli cry, a 1uml of coal fell on his nakc(l forearm, rnpturing an artery. ITe Wlllllcl (louhtles, hnve l)led to death in a , hort tim Lut for th~ prompt ntteutioll of a fellow ,\yorkman named Enlnr ... ing Jone ,who Lelllg a momber of an Ambulance Glass, know the prop l' cour~ to tako, and a['~or he had HLop}Jcd Llie alarmillg" Dow of blood he wa joined by 1\[ere(11tl1 JOlleH, flremall, anc Iher pm 'tiC'al member of 111e t:!ociety w ho Landagod the ann ill a skilful manner, and the s ufferer was conveyed to to say that the m~Lll , tllOUO'h till w ak f the surface. , Yare bO'lad b rom 10 'S of b lood, is progresHilJg"' favourauly.
Tile Ba1'nsley Independent, April 2nd, 1 87.
NARROW ESCAPE AT CORTON ,YOOD COLLIERY.-On \VeclneRdflY afternoon, about four o'clock, a young mall named Montford Cbarlesworth, who is employed on tbe RlackwasbcJ's at the above colli ry, was pushing some, bck in a large bopper, when by some means 11 slipped in and disappeared in the hopper which was nearly full of wet 8lack. The persons worl-ing' with 11im called for assistance, Mr. Monison, tho cokebul'ller, getting all bands at work as speedily as possible, but it was not till after he had been immersed in the slack fifteen minutes that he was extricated, and it was fem'ed the worRt had happened. Mr. Bailes, the manager, with lr. Dod<1s, the engin er, and othen:;, rendered all the assistance possible, and as several members of the St. John Ambulance Association wero present, artificial means [or restoring respiration were resorted to, and after about hal£-an-llOur's bard work, tbeir efforts v:rere successful in bringing him round.
her to the Infirmary . She was taken there in a cart. The di::;tanco was about six miles. Dr. Goorge Berwick, of tbe N ewcastlo In6 rmal'Y, stated that the deceased was admitted alJout. G p.m. on the day of tbe accident . su[[enng from fractures of tho leg and arm. She had lost a. great' deal of blood, a,ud no 01 ration waH perfol'1lwd owing to her exhausted conditioll. The wounds were Lanclag d. She died [rom exlJa~lsLion and loss of blood. liad the deceased not been removed, and the IJlcedillg stoppecl, she migbt have lived. lie did Hot approve of a woman injured as deceased was, being n.l'iven in a cart six miles. Tbe Garone:' said there could be no doubt that the decca ed sbould not have been taken [rom bor home. Nothing, to him, seemed more onLrageous tban that a woman GG years of age, with a leg broken in two places, and an arm hroken as w('ll, sbouhl 1)0 carried a distance of ix. mil8s in a cart over a ruugh roa,cl. Th r coultl be no c10nbt that the deceased died from ex.hanst ion. The jury returned a verdict tn tbe eITect that tho decea~ecl died tbrougb IJ ing accident ally run over by waggons.
Contrast the former with tbe two following cases, wbere no " first aid" or l~mbulance service was rendered. The Committ e never publishes its annual report without a The Birmingham Daily Times, October 30th, 188G.
feeling of I' gret that o·w ing to limited space only brief mention
SAD DEATII OF A BUTCIIER.-A young man named StilTup, employed ~t Golborne, Lancashire, as a butcher's assistant, was cuLtilig up a cow III a public street this morning, when bis kllife slipp8d [rom the carcase and entering his leg severed an artery. TIe was immediately rellloved to a doctor's, but he quickly bled to death.
can he made of a few of tho. e numerous centres and clas es where valuable anc1 all important ,vorle is claily being canied Oll, thanks to the incld'n,bgnble a sil,tance given by those aule bands of workers, th ir local repre 'elltati ves,
of all profe '-
sions ancl oecupn,tions, who render such willing and effective cO-Dperation, and without who The Newcastle Cll1'onicle, March 28th, 1R87.
SAD ACCTDE ~TT AT SPRINGWELL.-On Sa,tnrclay night, an in!J.ucst was held before the city coroner (Mr. Theo. Hoyle) 011 tlte body of Margery Gibson, GG yea.rs o[ age, ·who met with an accident at Springwell Colliery, on Thursday last. ,Vil1iam Gilmon, an old mall, Atated that on Thu rsday last, tlle deceased, hit:; wife, and be were on the waggonway gathering coals. They were both trespassing. nis wife was about 100 yards in front of him. Two FletA of wagg011Fl, full and empty, were running-one up the line and the other down. For a momeut ~o took his eyes off his wife, and on looking again Ite saw a man pulling ber off the rails. ITe burried forward, and found that she had sustained a broken arm and a broken leg. Some men carried her home on a door, and Dr. Jackson attended to her. The doctor onlered
services the best efforts of the
head-quarter organil ation would be of no avail. The Committee can but hope that their colleague., at home and abroael, will rest cant nt with this expru't:;ion of gratitude for past sCl'Yiec peri'Ol'lllCel, ancl thnt the ASNociatioll may receivQ ill the future that which has be
eheerfully giv n jn the past,
unsparing and cOlltinu d dI'ort to aid thi
true m1 ion to
suffering humanity, the object of which is to save life and to lessen pain.
Ext1'Gct f1'Oll1 Rep07't to the 110me Ojjice by TrrollIAs BELL, ESQ., lIe1' l1IaJesty's InspectoT of J.Iines fOT the Dll1'ham Dist1'ict, dated 11lm'ch 31st, 1887. "In my last year's report I mentioned that many of the large " mine owners in thi ~ di trict had provided ambulance or stretchers at " their mines, for the purpose of conveying injured persons Irom the " illine to their homes or to the hospital, and appliances Ior bandaging. "I also recommend the institution of proper classes for the purpose of " instructing and trainiug men ready to render' First Aid' in ca es of "injmy, without which the above material so supplied would be "comparatively u eless. This has only to a small ext nt been carried " out. I am, however, hopeful that the exertions made by the " St. John Ambulance .As ociation, through their energetic llon. "Secretary, Mr. Waynman Dixon, of Iiddlesbrough, may be IJroductive "of much good being done during the present year. The ociety has "appointed Surgeon-Major Huttun, A.M.D., to make a special effort to " organise classes in every colliery village in the two northern counties, " so that at least one in every dozen or so of all the men employed at "our coJiieries will be qualified to render help in cases of accident. "A public meeting in support of thi movement wa held in the Edgar " Memorial Hall, at Bishop A uckland, on the 12th ultimo presided over " by the Lord Bi hop of Durham, when Surgeon-Major Hutton gaye an "instructive address on the objects and methods of instrnction to be " followed. The meeting was well attended. " I am glad to find that the Government have inserted in the Coal " l\Iines Bill, now before Parliament, a general rule making it compulsory " at mines, where over 50 persons are employed underground, to have "ambulances and appliances for bandaging, ready for u e at the mine "in case of accidents. I hope it may become law."
lengthy Heport of the f tore,' Department is unnecessary; the subjoinec1 li.. t of articles i uec1 during the year is quite sufficicnt to prove that tho demancl has been as fully maintained . . as III any prevlOUS year. A now carrying chair-couch, manufaciured by 11r. Ward, of 247, 1'ottonham Court Road, on the sugge. tion of 1\11'. FurIey, has been added to the app 1ianceFJ. T bis ,"chic] e can be used ei th er a a chnir or full length cOlicll, without the nece, ity of taking the occupant. from it. One of the e has boen u, 'ec1 by a lady ill a journey from ~ anyid..: -hiro to the l\Ioditerranean.
Li8t of
t01'es £ssllecl jt'olll July 31st, 1
G, to July 31st, 18 7.
llol'. e Ambulance CD.lTingc "Ashforu" LiLler, with India Rubber T)l'es., complete "'ith ' Lrctcltcl" (improved patlern patented) Ambulance Stretchcrs (" Farley" improvcd pnHern) ·w ith Telescopic Handles pare canvas coyers for Large Diagru,m (for Lccturcr' u c) Splints
10 1 26 106 6 32 262 206
28 226 22 26
{ Field . . .. E nUll'ch's Elastic Ambulance IIampcl's, fiLled complete, and with \Yatel'proof cover and strap Registers {CIa s Attendance and 'crtificutes (two to set) .• ell e Reports Book .. .. •• .. PlaiU Triangular .. .. .. .. .. ,. Roller Bandages l~ murell's 111u Lruled ., { Triangular (afler Esmareh, wilh printed Instruction l enelosed) ..
32 6, 32 4.<,433 20,8040
rShephel·d's (" First Aiel ") 00 grave's (Nursing) for advanced classes .. .. . lVlartin's " Questions and Answers upon Ambulancc Work" k B oo s Pyc's cc Elementary B annagmg J' . 1 D ressmg . " " . ane1 S urglCa
I Esmarch's cc First l Ohristian) • •
.. •• Pnncess
.Aid " (tmnsJated by H.R.n . .. .. .. P ocket" .Aide Memoire" in linen lined envelopes Small Anatomical Diagrams Ar m BadO"es Ice BaIls (Ri.i.del's) with line complete (for me in Ice Accident) .. P ocket Grapnels (useful to Oarsmen, Anglers, Fishermen and others) "Esmarch's" Tourniquet Brace R evised "System of Stretcher Exercises" (these are included III H,ll Shepherd's Hand-books now issued) •• •• Specimen Examination Papers .. Military Stretcbers Police Stretchers . . Wire Stretcher . . St. J ohn Litt.ers .• Special Hampers .• I nvalid Oarrying Ohair and Lounge . . Electros of the Badge Class Basket Medallions OalTying Ohair Oouch . . R uga with Air OushlOns attached
5,34.5 571
218 23 6 8,509 12,533 881 6 3 35
31 184 5 2 1 2 2 1
7 1 2,575 1 2
\ VREXIIA1\I. "Messrs. C. CAMMELL & CO,} L imited, SHEFFIELD. Do. Do. Do. Do. LEICESTER. CAIRO (for Princess of \Vales Branch of the National Aid Society). \V ALTON-ON-TIIE-IIILL L OOAL BOARD. SIIEFFIELD UNION. SHEFFIELD A~lBULANOE CORPS. BICESTER U:JIO~. C~UlB RIDGE hIPROVE:\1ENT CO)IMISSIOXERS. CALNE UXIO~.-The Gift of Lord Edmond Fitzmaurice.
1887. FOREST OF DEAN.-Presented b:- F. L . Lucas, Esq. LONDON (St. :Marylebone Union). TOXBRIDGE L OOAL BOARD. SKIPTO~
Jubilee Gift of John
C. IIolrlcr, Efiq. ROTIIERIIA:\L LIVERrOOL ROYAl, SOUTIIER~ IIOSPITAL.-Presented by Gilbert , V . )\10ss, E. q . LERDS.-A Jubilee Gift from the ,York-people of Leeds. SOUTILUIPTOX.-Together with two ,e Ashford" Litters,
List of places which ha'l.:e been supplied with Ho?'se .Amuulance Ca1,rriages designed by }Jr. Pm'ley. BRIGHOUSE. NORTHERN HOSPITAL, LIVERPOOL.
I VALID TRAN"SPORT CORPS, including one ca1'l'iage, the gift of Rupert C. F. Dallas, Esq. Messrs. LOGA~ & IIE:JL\UNGWAY, Railwnry COlltractors, MELTON MOWBRAY. ' iVELLINGTON, SOMERSET.-Pr esented by Subscrip tion. VvEST HARTLEPOOL. METROPOLITAN ASYLUMS B OARD. SWAXSEA.
" a Jubilee Gift from Mrs. Eyre Crabbe." TOTTE~IIA1\1 LOO~\'L BO_\'RD OF IIEALTII.
Th?'ee otheT cCt1'1'iu[Jes are now in COUl'se of C071st1'lldion .
INVALID TRANSPORT CORPS, Fo?' the Conveyance of Sick and .Injm'ed Patients (INFEOTIOUS OASES EXOEPTED) .
SIR EDWA.RD H. SIEVEKING, LD., F .S.A., Chairman. ROBERT BRUCE, Esq., M.R.O.S. RUPERT O. F. DALLA.S, Esq. LIEUT.-OOLONEL J A:UES GILDEA, F.S. A., NORMAN MOORE, Esq., :M.D. EU:UUND OWEN, Esq., F.R.O.S., Han. Consulting Surgeon. ,V.ALTER PEA.RCE, Esq., LD. MA.JOR SIR HERBERT C. PERROTT, Bart. J OHN FURLEY, Esq., Han. Secreta1'Y and lIIanagel', to whom nll commuDicaLions should be addressed, with the words" TraD port Oorps" in the upper left hand corner of envelope. D.:put)! .;supcrlntcnbcnt. MR.
W. J.
IN last year's Report reference was made to the Ambulance stations formed by the St . .J ohn Ambulance Association at the Indian and Colonial Exhibition and at the Internatiollal Exhibition at Liverpool. At the former 701 persons suffering from accident or sudden illness were treated, and of these 41 were taken to hospitals 01' to their own homes. At Liverpool 247 received" first aid," and 11 were conveyed to hospitals. At the latter exhibition great assistance was rendered by Colonel Paris, Honorary Sccretary of the Local Contre of thc Association, he having organized relief for evening duty. The following certificated pupils kindly gave useful and gratuitous help for this pill'pose :--Messrs. W. Harvie, James Jones, R. , i'\Tinter, T. Roberts, D. Roberts, J . Kelly, VV. ~lervor, A. Hart, G. Thornton, J . Hodgkinson, J . Larking, R. , Vigley, J. T. Domville. At the station in the Livcrpool }1~xhibition various articles for the relief of the sick and inj urecl were exhibited, for which a diploma of honour, hon concoU?'s, was awarded.
The Royal Commissiollers of the Indian and Colonial Exhibition also prescnted to the Association a medal and diploma, together with a lallation of one hunched guineas. Mr. Fill'lcy's reports with regard to these exhibitions are appended. A station is now established at the American Exhibition, \'irith a branch which is open at the ., ,Vild ,Vest" during the two daily performances. •'ince the 1st May 46 persons have been treatec1 and J have been removed to hORpitali:l. During the la t ycar the actual Transport work has greatly developed, and this i . hown, not. '0 much by the number of the aRCS, as by the importance of the journeys undertaken. A m etillg was held at t. J ohu s Gate in support of this department on the 31st ~Jarch la, t, 'when Sir Edward Sieveking, M.D., prc. i led. As a full report of this meeting i appended, and copies can be obtained by those who may be interested in the uLject, it would be uperfluous to repeat all the details in this p!u,ce. Briefly it lilay be t:'tted that between July 31st, 1 6, and July 31 t 1 7, 290 invalids have been removed from one place to another by the Corps, an increa e of 116 over the number conveyed in the previous year. The report, to ,'i hich reference has ju't been made, gives a list of the principal journey, but since the meeting ,'{as held invalids have been conveyed by the Corp' as follow, from :\Y cybl'idge to London
DOl'king ,,(by road), Margate ,,(2), Southampton " Kllebsworth to N ewcastle-on'ryne, Londou to Eastbourne (2) " Margate (2), Liverpool, ,. Cat ~rham, " Brentwood (byroad), " ., Bagshot (by road), Birmin gham, "
Londou to Folke tone (3), " Stroud (Gloucestcl'shire ), lIa lemere, " Ascot, " Sevenoaks " t. Leonard::;, " urbiton, " Brighton, Dorking (by road), Chislehur t (by " road),
also a journey from Coventry to .Munich, Mr. Brasier accompanying the invalid as far as Cologne, and then placing him in the sleeping compartment which conveyed him t o MUllid1. In regard to this journey the following very satisfactory letter has been received by :Mr. Furley:-
however, been much checked by the want of proper coach-houses and stables, a want which is to be removed before the winter. Perhaps the most important step whidl has been made in this department during the year has been in the direction of Am bulance Stations in the streets of the Metropoli~ on great public occasions, On the 9th November, 1886, the IIonorary Manager made a.n offer to the Cummissioner of the Metropolita.n Police to establish two stations on the occasion of the Lord 1\fayor's 8how, and these were placed at Bow Street and King Street Police Stations respectively. Although, fortunately, there was little need for their services, sufficient was done to prove the ad valltnge that such supplementary aid might be, and, therefore, some weeks previously to the celebration of Her Majesty's Jubilee the offer was repeated. On the 21st June three detacbments with carriages and needful appliances were placcd at Buckingham Palace, "\Yestminster Abbey and Spring Gardens. Sir Cbarles ,ValTen's appreciation of the ,York done is, perhaps, best shown by his allowiug the report made by the Chief Surgeon of the Metropolitan Police to appeal' in Orders. A copy is appended. 011 the 22nd of June, with the sanction of the Children's Jubilee Celebration Committee and with the co-operation of the Metropolitan Police an Ambulance Station was established in Ilyde Park in a marquee ",rithin the enclosure where 30000 childrell assembled. Mr. Owen, of St. Mary'S Hospital, and Dr. Lewis, of the Children's IIospita.l, Great Orlllond Street, assisted by four Sisters from the latter institution, kindly undertook the medical charge. 21 cases were treated, and one adult and three children were remo~T d from the ground in the ambulance carriage, of which there were t,yO on the ground. On the 2nd. July Sir Charles ,ValTen again accepted the services of the Corps for duty with the police in St. James's Park, on the occasion of the march pa t of "Volunteers in presence of I1.l\1. The Queen. One station was estnblished within the railings of Bllckillgham Palace, one at Storey's Gate, [wd one in the Mall. 14 cases ,Yl:re hL'ated.
29th June, 1~87.
Only a few hurried lines to tell you that, thanks chiefly to your care, I reached this place with such ease and comfort as I could scarcely have dreamt of. Far from injuring me, I thil.lk the joumey has done me absolute good. But I am sure that without your stTetcher the whole thing would have been a failure; a breakdown might have happened any and everywhere, as none of the ordinary descriptions of stretchers would ha,e been of the least use on board the boat, in the International sleeping cars, or any of tho liuos south of Cologne, and last on the road here and up the stairs iuto our lodging . In Munich again, where we rested over three days, I lay the greater part of the day, " by way of a treat," on the stretchor. },IT. Brasier was a most sa.ti factory tra,elling companion, and took a1l and every trouble off our Lands. ile proved Lims8lf full of resources, was never at a loss for anything, never asked ullllecessary questious, was always where wanted, and never in ono's way. \\Te were sorry we couldn't shake hands with him, but you hen-rd probn-bly that, the train from Cologne starting off without the ghost of a signal, he was nearly abducted a3ainst his win, aud had to jwnp off at some risk. I shall send off tbe two blocks he left behind this evelling by parcel post. Give him our kind remembrance, please. I am greatly ill your debt, that part of it-and it is the smallestwhich can be expressed in £ s. d. I shall be most happy to liquidate as soon as you will kindly let me know the sum total. If you happen to see Mackinnon you may tell him that his introducing you to me was as good a turn as he bas ever done me. Mrs. Btriedinger writes in kind regarns and best tbanks. Sincerely yours, J OIIN FURLEY, ESQ. (Signed) OTTO STRIEDIXGER. "Vith part of the proceeds of the Bazaar mentioned in the General Report an Ambulance Carriage of tLe same pattern as that which gained a gold medal at the International IIealth Exhibition, a set of single harness and a carrying chair-lounge have been purchased, and these have greatly added to the means of us efulness of the Corps. The pr(Jper development has,
On the 4th July, when H er Maj esty laid the foundation stone of the Imperial Institute, the Corps were again allowed the pri\ilegc to co-op erate with the police. Two stations were established: one opposite to the principal entrance in Exhibition Road, and the other within the park at Queen's Gate. 7 cases were treated, and three were conveyed from the grolmd. More recently, on July 15th, the Committee which organized the Jubil ee fete for 3,500 school children at Clapham availed themsel ves of our services, and we had the kind a. sistance of Mr. V\Testlake, Resident Medical Officer of the French Hospital, and two sisters from the same in titution. 15 cases were treated, and two of the more serious ones were conveyed to their homes in the Ambulance carriage. A "first aid" station was established during the IIorse Show at Olympia in May, and the services of the Corps were again lent for the Agricultural Hall during the week of the Military Tournament in June last. In addition to the services of the Staff of the Association, we are glad to acknowledge the willillg help given by the following certificated pupils of the Association :-1\1es 'rs. J. 'V. Knott, J. F. Rumball, Gordon, A. J. Chcxfield, G. Chillingworth, F. D. Mackenzie, C. Alan Palmer, A. 'Voodword, Travers, Farrow, G. "\Villiams, and Fowler. Such vohllltary aid as they have afforded is most valualJle, and the Honorary Manager hupes he may be able to reckon on their contiuued help as well as on that of other gelltlemen who may follow th~ir example in the future.
Tuesclap, Jal!J 5th, 1887 . J [JBTLEE OF ITER ::ThLUEbTY TIlE QUEEN.-A~IBULANCE SERYICE.-Tbe Oommi sioner has much satisfaction in IJllblisbin bo. tbe followioo. b report from the Ohief , urgeon:"
25th June, IS8 7.
"I ha\e great plea. nro ill being able to r port that t11e arnlllgements made for the Ambulance Service for the Royal Procession, although at so short a notice, worked admirably well. I have hearLl of no complaint; on the conLrary, the . ervices rendered are spoken of on ev ry ' ide in term. of t Ite highest praise. "The Ohief Con'Lable8 allel ,uperintendents of Divi ions aro llnanimol1' in Rpeaking in tho warmeRt term. of thv excellent work done by the Ambulance '. The position a ignocl to the . . tmbuhlllCCS were tho best that could have beon lected; but on the return of tho proce~sion by a different route, it was fOlmel neces. ary to move, ome Ambulances to position. where their en'ice, wero more urgently l' llnired. " '\\lith l' ganl to the a ~ ualtic. to whom as~iRLallce was rendered at the variou po ~ t., we probably nud rstate the lHlluiJer when '\\'8 Ray that fmm 500 to GOO were treated tlnriug the conr:-;\j of t111~ day. At fir t the IU\'llle~ , aelure se. , and nature of the ca cs treJ.ted ,yere taken ?l1t later th pre. sure of work at certain point Lec-aUle 0 great that It wa Jlot l'osRible to crmtinllO to note them, and it W:1" only po. ible to attelld Bllll treat them temporarily, and forwal'a thelll with the utmo. t de::;patch to the 11 arcst lto~pital or to their homes. "l-i'ul'tunately bllt few of the cn e treated were serious ill character, and the majority cOllsi8ted of ca-.;e of fainting, the 1'e nIt of crushing amongst large lll~lFi e. of people, a11(l I am glad to be ablo to . tate tha.t more than one life wa' saved uy the ill1m diate a i tallC'" rendered by the .A mbulallc , mo. tly WOIllen '\"ho had be n trampled 011 hy the crowd, tmd who were promptly succollrcd by the Ambulance .. "In ac1ditioll to the ca.ses of failltin o·, of whi c:l lllore than 000 \yer treated, the follo\ving cases requircd prompt at trJltion : -.. uw;trukc, or the effect of exposure to the SUIl' heaL, oyer 20 C:1 CS; lll:Lny ca.--;e,· of epilepsy, hysteria, and ev n of d<: liril1ll1 tremellS. Next' ill order, fractures of the leg, collar-bone allll arm, di . location :; of the honldl'l' joint, alld cuts and wouncl of the 11Um1s of mol'C or less .~ l'iol1l' character. 1
,: Amongst the more serious ca cs which required trcatment \ycre ca es of concus ion of the brain, crushes of the che t, a Iractur of the ba e of the skull, kicks from horses (four in number), lllcimlillg' a. fatal case of kid;;: from the hoI' e of a trooper. "OWillg to the efficiency of the arrangements tho ca. cs as they occurred were at once conveyed either to th ir homeH or tv the ho pital, as the nature of the case demanded. H It is intere ting to Dote that al GllOugh in no ·w ay was the arrangement of Ambulances obtruded upon the notice of tIl public, orders haying' been gi\ell to the men to keep thl'ir Htr tchers Oll the grOtUld, parallel to the lines of troop' anel politI' th ~ policc " . re so perfectly famJiar \yith the statiolls of the \mLulanccs that ally ca.sp occurring, e,en at a consid~ratle eli tante, was at once bronght to the
. \.~l~l)l~lauce work), wlw by tb 'ir smartlle!)S, promptnesR~ efficiency, ancl dm olloll to dut.,Y, renderc(l cOIVpiCLlOUS scrvice f['O rluolltly elicitino' the applan.·c of the pu"Ulic. 0
nearedt station of help. " I may in.tance that tho lior c ,\mlmlancc party detail tl for clnty at Buckingham Palace, recei,'ed withill ten minlltes of arrival at their allotted position a I'el'lous case of fradlll'8 of the leg, which occnrred ll10"!.'e tban R quarter-of-a,-mile aivay , "I cannot spea,k too highly of the e1ficiency, promptit nell' anel admirftble en'ices rcnrlered by tIle i'ariou!'; Ambulal1ce ;-) cti()lL-' placed at our dispo. al dnriug the day of th(' 21st JlIlle. "Cur e.pecial thanks are du to 2111'. John FLUley, of tho, t. J(lhn Ambulallce 11stlociation, \\'ho fUl'lli 'hed u, ,vith thr 0 Horse ~lm11l1lances, fully e!l'.1ippecl, and with a thorougbly trained porsollllL'I, and personally superintended tIJeir working during' the day. "To General GipjJ , commanding the IIome Di 'lrict, for kindly according permi ~ sion to the YolUllteer Medical Staff 10 1'PR, HIllIer Surgeon-Major Xorton, to place their l3en'ices at the c1ispoRnl of the "Police Authorities. ,( To the P .M ,O, Snrgeon-Gelleral H.eatle, aDd to tbe a1)]0 alld energetic Adjutant of the Corpfl. ,.'l1rgeon Lee Hall, _\...~ r. D" who kindly lent us the neccs ary equil_lllellt for our Police All1bulalll'es~ and to the officer. and men of the Corps for the YtLlualJle fie\'\'iccs relldel'ec1. "To Col. Edi8, of the Artists' Corps, \,,110 furlliRI1etl us with a completo Ambulance, ·whicb was stationed in the comL-,Yarc1 of Burlingroll IIGusf-l , 'I To the Divisional Surgeons of Police, Mr. Bond, Dr. F~t1T) HelL, Dr. Farr, jun" Dr. K emp, Dr, Seton Pattison, Dr. Percy .J akins t Dr Hamorton, Dr. Blackett, and Dr. Cooper, who at cOJ1sicIma"Ulo sacrifice, left their practices to snperintend t be work of t llO various P olice Ambulances, as also to the Memhers of the :Metropolitan "Police Force (many of them having previou. ly ser ved in the Army IloRpital Corps, and all of whom had received Certificates of efficiency in
" I h~L\'e 'also to acknowledo'e tile ervico' of tllO • 'e gen ' t l ernen W h 0 . 0 ' ly YOllr <1('~tre iY '['e ~taLi(Jlled at the various IJOst'l in tho At1 v . ' , ' Ii' '[' I' 1 tl10.J r D'l n. 'lOll , )e v 1Z, , 1)1 . . l. , 0 Dr • II • \V • G• 'II 1 . 1\1 1'. \V · , II. • .) . .1.\ ac cenzl, Battle ~ll. II. [ , IIl1.wklll~, of St. ThmnaH's Hospital, anel Dr. l\Iarsden Low' 1C.-{ genLiclllC'1l '" ['e ha,~t ily HLlllllllonod, [mel promptly and willulg'l \: rc:-;pulldetl to the call. J
" I 1m "e the 1l0lwur to remain, ". 'IH
" Your obedi nt servant, (~igned)
' ~l..
O. .JL\.c KELL\.n.
.. Tile C()lllllli:-;:-;ic)\\cl' ()f Police
" Of t IIp MdropoliK."
Tauulu?' fO'l'm of R egiste1'ed Cases of "Pi1'St A1'cZ" 1'encle1'ed uy pupils of t. J ohn Ambulance Association at the ColoniaL and Indian E,dtibitioll, South Kensington, 1 -'G :-
Decelllue1' 14th, 1 86 . I have the hOllor to pre eItt to you for tllO information of Bis HiJyal IIighness the President, ar.d the Members of thc Royal 'iommi6sion of the Oolonial and Indian Exltibition, the final and general report of the work doue :it the Ambulance Station, v;rllich, by permission . of IIifl Royal llighness, the t. John Ambulance ASRociation waR allowed to establish at 22, Old Lond on, for the use of the staff and employes of the Exbibition as well as of the visitors. This Station was opened on the 1st of May last, with Ir. B Ltys, late Staff-Sergeant of the Medical Staff Corps, as .... uperintendent, ~lr. II. Percy Potter, F .R.C. "., as Honorary urgeon, and myself aH IIonorary Manager and Director. Owing to the ill-health of Mr. Bettys he was rcplaced on tbe 2nd of June by Ir. Ad:1I11S, late 'e rgeant 'uedical Staff Corps, who acted as Superintendent until the clo c of the Station. On 92 evenin gs Mr. Adams was relieved by Mr. Brasier and Mr. Jackson, and be himself remained there on 71 evenings. After the Exhibition was closed on the J Oth November, you accepted my suggestiou that the station might be useful for the workmen engaged in dismantling the \'arious Court s, and it was kept open until the 21th of the same month. During the periud between May 10 th and ~ ovember 24th, 70 l persons were received at the Ambulance Station; of the e, 522 residc or were staj ing in the metropolis, and 179 came from the proYinccs; tH cases were r emoved to hosp:tals or private residences by mean. of the vehicles belong-ing to the Association. 'The tLc(:ompanying' tabulated st:ltement will afford illformatioll as to the nature of the cas~s, and should further detaib be req'lired, the report books kept at the Station can be placed at your disposal.
I ha\'e the honor to be ir~ Y our very obedient ,-,crvnnt, JOII~ FURLE7. Edward Cunliffe O\Hn, Esq., C.M.G.
Numbcr of en. es treated.
Di eaSCB or Injury.
.. ..
Burns & ealds
l ~iinor Ac('iucntf'
I1"d ..
Bolly and Limbs A('('il1cnt~,
I "~ pra1l1. .. )
\\' ollntle, &c.·) Frn .tnrcs Di oloentioDs
GrDcral Diseases
.. ..
IIem ophty is ..
IEmipe)" Drunkrnne~s
lD eatbs ..
Remoyed to St. George's Hospital, and died in 7 days.
(Electric hock
Number l'emoyed on Litter.
Accident outside Quec-n's Gal e entrance; romo.cd to 144, Queen's Gate, and died.
II. PEROY POTTE R, F.R. O.S., Honorary SurgeOti to tlte Station. JOII~
Honorar!! Manager and Direr-tor to tlle Siat1·on.
231'cl NOrell/Vel', 1
I do not think that there is any furtber neces~ity for keeping -open the Ambulance Station in " Olu London." In making this communicatioll, I am desired hy IIi ' Hoyal nighnes the Prince of ,Vales, Execnti\c President of tho Royal Commi sion for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, to reqne.'l tbat 'you -will be so good a to ex pres to the " ,'t. John Ambulallce Association the warm thanks of tho Royal Commi. 'sion for the Yl'l'Y ' great as, i"tance which they have rendered, not only to the public, bnt also to the employes, by tlleir presence bere. The thanks of the Royal Commi ion aro al '0 "pccially dn' to :yourself, for the great attention you have de,-oteel. and the tiJ:.!.le and trouble you have gi\en to tbe Ambulance. From the Reports which you haye been so good as to send in from time to time, the ad.\autage of haviug a well organized Ambulance within a largc Exhibition like the last, has been made \'ery evident. I am \'ery anxious to expre, 1', on LeLalf of tIle Boyal Commis ion, my thanks to the attendants who haye ~o aLly carried ont yom jnstructions. P ermit me, in conclusion , io ill[Olll1 you that medal and diploma.' will be forwarded to the St. John Ambulance ASRociation, and to .:yourself personally, in recogniti.on of tbe sen-ices rendered to the Exhibition.
I am, Sir, Yom obedieni SerYant, PllILIP CUKLIFFE-O\YEK
Q. ,
,'t. Jolll1 Ambulance Association, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.e.
Jal11{({1'Y 14th 1 .7.
I h:.w tho honor to lay b foro YOll, for tho ill formation of the ExC'cuti,- Coullcil of tIle Liverpool Intel'llatiollal Exbibition, the final [lnd g neral roport of the ,,-ork clone at the. tation, whi '11 the, t. John . \..mlllll ance . .\ 1;. ociatioll ,,-as permitted to e. tabliRh in tbe grounds of tllo Exhibition, for the usc of the .·taff and mploy(~" as ,,'ell as the gencral public. 11'. Elli, , lat e Scrg'eallt-:J[ajor of tll Medical 'taff Cmp., was appoilltecl aK upcrintondent of the Fir.,t Aiel" station, flnd he onU11 ])cet1 ,york on the 2Gth l\Iarch 'halJO'illg his gronnd a~ tho ,,;-arks progre~s ll. .\fter th opcuing' of the' ExlJibitiOIl in ~Iay, ho 111OH'll all th' ncc ssary Ambulance mat >rial iuto h,-o buts of the Jkccker ,y. t('111 ,,-lli<.:ll ,,-ero kindly lent io thi s Asp-oeiation by .Jfes81'S, Chris{()l'h and lJlllll<lck. of ('I)pclllwgen, an(l these little portable ho.'~pital · Wl're fOllnel to h(' admiral)ly adapted to the Pl1l'P'l c . Of t11i. ~tati(lll MI', Ellis l'''lliaiu II a" ,-'I1[lt'l'in i elHluli throughout tho ,,,h(}le pcriOlI of til Exhillili(}ll, and tIming' ."l01ll0 ,,- eks prior to the opf'lling, and after il had IJecll closed tn thc public. .i\Jr. F. T, Paul, V lUI,S,. kindly acted :'1"-: HOllorary 'nr,(l'col1) and I \\'as U I' llorary .M allngpr alld Dil' ('to!'. \\~ith the a i. ,talH·c of Cnlon'l Paris (Hollorary ~pcretar.r of the Li\'el'pool CClltl' of thiH Ass'lciation), 13 men, whos nameR arc llppcmletl, alltl ",110 llOltl c'l'iiiicatcs of competency to aclmillister 4C iirst aid," cam as YoltllltecrH amI ihc lHell relio\- d Mr. Ellis of th gl'C'at '1' part of the o\'cning' W()I'k. Durillg tIle p rind Let wecll tIl, ~()lll of Mar'l1 anrl Ule 1 tll of Toycml)or ~.J:l persons ,yere l'die\' II at t11i8 Alllbubnce station, and 11 wcrc rC:lllo\'ed to their 0"-11 hOlllos in norse .\mLuhlu cc 'arri:lgo or lin nel Li it 01'8 . I wonld 1) g to nckno",leugo t11' prompt and x clJellt a. si tonco given by thc Ambulant· attachcd to the TorU1Cl'll JIoKpital. which was ca.ll c1 on tbrce I' four occa ions, on each of 'w bich tIle carriage, fullyequipp c1 and accompalli d 1>y a '''urgeon, ,,-as on thc groullel in an almost incredibly short space of tim. The accompanying tabulated statemenL will afford illforma.tion a,;:; to tlle natnr of tho ca c~, alld sbonltl fLll'tber details be requirell, the Report Book.";, kept at th "tation, can be placed at your disposal. I hayo the bOIlor to be, iI', Your very obec1i.cnl
er\'[mt, PURLEY.
'The. eCl'etary, Liyerpool Iniernational .l£xl1ibition.
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STATEMENT of Receipts and Expenditure from 1st August, 188G, to 31st July, 1887. £
T.o Balance, I nvested in Consols, as per last account .. At London and Westminster Bank Petty Cu:!h, &c., as on July 31st, 1886
s. d.
2,500 0 0 1,121 11 11 388
3,625 Donations, Annual Snbsoriptiom, and Sundry Paymeuts 3,060 by Centres and Detached Classes 1,000 " Stores Department .. 57 " Dividpnds 57 » l\liscE'lIaneous (induding sale of Pamphlels, &c.)
s. d.
(Cr • £ s. d.
By Lecturers' tl.nd Examiners' F ees and Travellin~ Expenses 1,729 o 10 " Printing Books, Reports, Circular~, &c., and including Stationery 34:3 3 6 )) Chief Secretsry 300 0 0 Salaries Ilnd ,Vages 773 14 0 o 7 90 0 0 R ent .. 18 4 " Office Expenses (including Repairs, Housekeeper, X ewspapers, Gas, Fuel, &c.) .. 49 5 6 0 0 19 11 " Travelling and IncidcuLal Expenses (Executi,e Omcers) 71 12 7 159 15 2 " Postage, 'felegrams, and Uarriage of Small Pm'cels 19 10 13 9 2 " AdverLising .. 190 10 10 " Grant Lo Ambulance Corps s. d. £ " BalanceInvesLed in Consols (Stook £1,500) net l ,493 1 6 cost SL. J ohn's Gate Company, Limited 2,000 0 o At Loudon and Westminster Bank 583 5 G 4 19 G Petty Cash, &0. - - - - 4,081 6 6
£7,801 18 (Signed)
£7,801 18
W e have examined the above account with the books and { (Signed) Touchers produced, ll"ncl find (,he same oorr ect.
IIERBERT C. PERROTT, Chief S ecreta?·y .
} Chal·tel·ed Accountants, Auditors, 19, Coleman Street, E.C. 2nd September, 1887.
eft -I
SU.JI JI ARr of DETACIIED CLASSES (other than Cent reR) held during the year 1886- 7 (July, 188(), to J uly, 1887), not included in pr0viou Report.
Cla!;ses. Female.
1. t aid.
Abram Collirry .. },lnw1ck .. .Ll1l11esley .. _.\, hton-under-Lyne .1\.., ley and rrylde, ley 'alt Company Bac:up ., " Bamber Bridge Ballina loe .. Bansteacl Bal'llet Bath Heckenham Bcccles Bedford Herkhampstea.c1 Beyel'ley Bicleford Bolton Bradford Brighton Bl'oc1dey TIrornsgrove 13]'omley . . Buckhurst TIiIl Burghclerc Bury Cairo .. Call1uois Colliery . . Camden Road .. Caullock Chase Carlisle Carnarvon .. Chatham .. Chelsea . . Cheshunt Chesterfield Chorley (;hurch Stretton .. Clayton (Bradford) Carried forward
1 1 2 1
Nurs-. Mule.
lDg' I___R_id_. _il_lg~ 13 8 51 30
i 1=
1 I -
]3 11
:3G 12
2 1
2 1
1 1
33 16
20 1
1 1 1
10 :2:2 4.
1 1
::I 1
3 2
70 4D
30 1
:: I 2 1
17 15
1 1
3 -
1 1
.. 3G
I -b
- - - - - - - -- -- - - - _ - - - -_ _ _ 1 . - --
_ _
_ _ __
1W724 --
Brought forward. Cock rmonth Colonial (\)lleg Holl ,c;;ley Bay .. ('(jope:'"'' Ilill Cromer DarlilJgtOl1 . . j),lllCa'3tcr " 1)orking' Drillield Kl1ingEa:-;t D 'I' >lIam Earl'F; CUllJ'l
_ _ _ __
10 724: 248 '138 1 22 !)
1 1
1 1 1
21 10
1 1
1 1
Elswick C()llicl'y
33 4 IG
24.8 \:J8
1 1
2 1
1:2 20
1;.; 2-1
};3 20
• •
GuildIorcl . . Ihckuoy " IIag-g<>l'. tOile llalst ad . . Ham p. tead HalTington IIar",vicll .. ITa 'wull Colliery IIatc:ham " Ilavant .. Haverford west Hawarden .. Haydock .• IIebl.lllrJl Highgate :: IIinc1ley Green llitchiu Hull Ca rr ied forward
Uateshcac1-o11-Tync OrantlIam . . • R
~12 I
E':ef;ham . . .. H M . ,~. "Exmouth) Falmouth j,'archfun Fillchley Ut1UtOll
2~ I 22 27
G7 7G
Earl:-;jowll . . ]~Iswick \\Tmk:-l
Ell'. .
_ I
( ;a1'8to11
10 IG
:: I 1
1 1
c~el_"ti_fic_at_cs_.__ I Female. l~t ~urs- i'lIalc. 1st INursald. lI1g. aid. ing.
____ C_la_ssc_s_.___ l ___ 1
10 :21
22 20
1 1
22 :1.3
1 1
1 1
1-1 14 9 :21
1 1
3 1
"27 3-1
1 5
2 5
I ]
19 79
«-;;- 1 -130171il~80
Gl Cla~scs .
Cer tilit-a les.
Ma lc.
I;\ur . iug.
1st aiL!.
Cl!lsses .
}'cma:('. ;lIs le.
l ~t
- - - - - -.-
·. ·. . ·. · ·.
Brought fo !:'ward Infant 01'p11 a,11 Asylum, \Vanstea cl Inv erness ·. · J a lT')W .. ·. · · K ellley · · Kensington ·. . K et te rin g · , · Kh andwa (India) .. ·. Kirk by Lon,dale .. ·. ·. King IIemy'8 Road, N.IY. ·. KTl a resbo ro' ·. · ·. Lancasllire Constabul ary ·. Li scarcl · ·. ·. ·. Lit1lebo ro' .. ·. · Llanwyddyn · ·. LODg Oross ·. · Lo wer Clapton · . · ·. Manningllam (BI a liford) .. ·. 1\1arypor t .. · · ·. Mer e ·. Milford ITa ven · Milto n · Mission to Deep Sea Fish ermen .. Moat e · .. Mortimer · Ne w Oro s · · N ew Huckll all Oollier y · N ew Sou thgat e Neemu ch (India) .. .' ·. Newbury · N ewcastle-on-Tyne ·. Ne wpol.t · . · · Nig'hting fl.l e La l1 e .. ·. ~orthf1 ee t .. · Nunn ey · . · · · '. Oakham ·. .
·. ·.
. .
. .
·. ·. ·. . .
. .
·. ·. ·.
.. ·.
·. ·. . ·.
Os wal d tw i ~ tl e
Parks tone .. Pau (France ) P emit h . P eterboro' .. Peters 6eld .• Pl easley Preston
·. ·.
·. . ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. ·.
. .
·. ·.
·. ·. . ·. ·. ·. . ·. ·. ,
·. .. · .' ·.
.. ..
Oarri ed forward
·. ·. ·.
·. .
·. . . ·. ·. . ·. . . . · ·. ·. ·. ·.
·. .... ·. -
·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·.
·. ·. ·. ·.
·. ·.
·. ·. ·. ·. ·.
_ .
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 -
1 ]
15 10 12
2,J. R ;)
1 -
2 1
1 1
1 1
1 3
1 1
19 26 15 -
242-t 10
31 94
12 27
15 G
9 10
21 14 4
:2 0
1;) 12 33
1 1 1
1 1
0. '
1 1 1
·. 1 ·. 1 ·. - 1 ·. 1 ·. ·. ·. 2 ·. 4 -•
·. ·. ·. - 1 ·. ·. ·. 1 ·. - 2 ·. ·. 1 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·.
441 1 1
Female .
Ma le.
-- ------
Brought forward .Pur ton Rac1 tock Rawal Pindi (I ndia) Heading Redhill Hickman 'worth " n.dc11cw\lrt h ~ 'af£ron \ Y!llclen ,'t. .Tuhll','l Park St. K e oL'~ .. Scarborough Selby , heplt rd','l Bush .'bipl ' y
11 5
1st aiJ.
!\urs· lng.
19 1430 717 24 141 :JG I 17 12 1 2 22 15 3 G 1 1 28 1 173 1 47 -
79 1 -
XnrsiO h
Cer tificates.
19 1G 13 2 12 19 ]0 15 53
11 -
37 2041 \1232,519
1 1 1
.. I
7 1
1 1 1 2
8 8
1 1 1 1
12 17 17
1 2
19 -:1:3
,' idmonth ..
H) 1 -
Town Southencl · , ' tamfol'd · •'treat ll am .. · 'loke Newill gtOJ1. . :-;trlJUd · 'ntton SwalThfll1l . . rl 'e\\'ke. bury 'rho rllhw-)' .• 'j'iptOll 'rooting Gmvcney T row uric1ge T ru ro pper Toot illg \ Valme r .. "' \T alsall \ Yareh::ull .. ",Valerloo 'tati on .. 'Yec1 nesbu l'Y ' Vellingboro' ' Vellillg ton \ ¥cst lIam , Vest K en, in gton 'Vest Leig h .. ",Voymout h
. .
1 1
ome r~
12 21
1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 2
2 I G 18 1-:1: 16 13 -:1:0 2
2 3
23 U
IG 17 1G 37 -:1:2
Grano. Totals
:2 :>
- - -- -rrotals
21 ~()
1 1 1 2
25 2,-
1 1 1
i G 37 20-:1:1 1232 .j L0 ]3 1 10 1-:1: 1",) 17
•. 1-13 102
'-----y-_ _ 289
44 --..J
- - - - --~4. G3
1 GG 2,G14.
62 Cro."c1011 Ihrlinglo11 Derby Dovel' Dublin Dllmfl'il's ])lIndee
sums wiLh 'Thich the se,cral Ocntres and Olas~C" are here credited represent. the full amounts r ecei,ed as ub criptions, from which thc Centri.ll Fund c1arges for Expenses have to be deducted. In man!) cases tlie abscripl1'ons do not cover the disbursements, ancl in others 110 balallce ~s lift in favour of the Association.- ride StaLement of Receipts and ExpenditUl'e, page 57.
*** The
CENTRES. Lox DON- METROPOLITAN OENTRE. No. II. DISTRICT (per :JIr. W. J. Chl1l'eh Drasier) .. No. III. DISTRICT (per Sir V . B. Kennett-Barlington) No. V. DISTRICT (per }1r. O. J. Lambc Eame~) ~o. IX. DISTRI CT (per 1\Ir. A. C. Beasley) No. X. DISTRlCT (per Mr. Thatcber) .r o. XII. DISTRICT (per Mr. John Fisbcr) HO)I E OFFICE (on :lcco nut of Mctropolilun l)olice Clus!cs)
c 13 :20 ~
G 2
s. d. 0
G G 6 8
]7 :3
COC:"THY. Ashford Bangor Barnsley Barrow-in-Furness Belfast B erwick -on-Tlyeed Bexhill Birkdalc Birmingham .. Blackburn BlackheaLh .• B ourncmouth Bridport Burnley Btu,ton-on-Trent Oannes (Riviera) Oanterbury Oheltenham .. Olay Oross Colliery Oo,cntry
8 17 11 10 19 20 1 '
3 G
2 0
HUH 5 10 13 11 () 16 3 2
1;) 17 18 ]:3 8
0 (j
6 0
G G 0
7 11 0 25 0 0 2 10 0 1] 4 10 4 5 G 14,
G 10
J(bbl" Ylile EchillgtOIl Oolliel'Y Ji~ton College .. l't1,el' 11 :1111 ]?e. tinio<T l"olkl',tol1l' Forest of De:lll Frome Gibraltar Gloucl'sLe]' Guerllsey Halifa\. lJarlll'llOol Ihvnnl lIn" hlleuc1 IJe;)Yy 'W oollen Di"t rid Hul.,hea(l UllcIc1e]' field .. hle or Man ,. Isle \right. . Keighley Ke., "i('], Leamington Leeds Lcicpslel' Liverpool Lymillgtoll
Mal vel'll Manchester Marlow l\Iiddlesbro' and Oleycbnll MoniwcllrmouLh Newark New Zettlulld (Ohrist OllUl'ch TIml1Cll) N ew Zeuland (Nelson Branch) NorLh Wa10s Collierios .• Northampton .• Norwich NotLinghmll Oldham OlcllIill
£ s. d. 4 ".I, 0 ~6 ]S 1 20 2 ~
16 1
10 15 4 7 G 10 7 7 0 3 7 G 2 10 0 (i 2 B 13 G 0
.J 10 11 6 0 0 11 19 G 1 11 6 IG 11 0 S 0 G (j 0 1 G G 411 4 ~l 0 1 5 0 2~ 18 0 411 G 31 11 0 27 11 G ]6 0 0 )
7 13 G H 7 10 20 0 0 20 5 6 1 011 7 1 G .j. 18 G 5 ;) 0 30 12 3
711 31 1 ' 30
3 G ·1 0
5 17 0 5 £) £) 37 4 6 '13 011 15
27 18 4 H
G 7
Ormskirk Oxford Parkgate Portsmouth Potteries Reigate Richmond Rochdale Rotb erham St. H elens Se(1ton C'are w .. Se, enoaks Sheerness Sheffield Shre\\sbury South(1mpton .. Stalybridge Stockport Stourbridge Sunderbnd Sutton Ooldfield Swinton Sydenham Taunton Tibshelf Tonbridge Tunbridge W ells Wath-on-De(1rne W est Hartlepool W eston-super-Mare WhiLchurch W igan Wimborn e vYol,el'h(1mpton \Voolwich W Ol'cest el'
d. 8
8 17 6 760 18
8 9 G o 10 0 G 15 9 27 0 7 1 11 16 0 1 16 10 0 2 13
0 0
13 IG
0 55 9 9 550 220 15 13 G 12 0 8 6 50 1 11 () 8 00 10 13 9 o 10 0 4 10 8
G 10 0 20 16 7 9 L,L 14
6 G 0
54 0 4 96
3 13 G 4 14 6 11 2 0 4 10 G 10 2 -2
DETAOllED OLASSES. MALE. Abram Oolliery per "Mr. A. JIrI. H:1rt Accrington Mr. T . Milne .Alnwick .. " 1'Ihjor Hicks Ann esley Oolliel'y ,. Mr. H. L ceson Ashton-under-Lyne " MI'. W. IIugh es Hugh es .A stley ane} 'Iyldesley Ooal and Salt Comp(1ny" Mr. G. H. P C(1ce Bacup " Mr. A. Wright .• Ballinasloe " Lord Oluncarty .• Dr. TJ'imble Bamber Bridge " Miss Freem(1n •• Banstead .•
1 18 6 11 3 13
d. 6
0 0
G 7 6 216 1 11 6 3 11 0 2 10 0 210 550
£: s. d B ed f ord .. B Cl'khampsLead B olLon Do. B righton .. Brockley .. Bromley •• Burghclerc B ury Oambois Oolliery .. Oardiff Ohu,t,hum .. Ohe leI' Ohe terfielcl Ohorley Oolonial allege Oooper's IIill Dorking .. Eurl LOlrD .. En t Derchnm Elslyick Colliery .. Do. -W orks E\e~hnm .. II.:U .. '. ,. Exmuuth " Finchlcy .. Gain borough GtlnLOll Gal'ston Gar 1I00d llull Oulliery .. GntcshL'ud . • Do. Gl'LUlLham . . Gl'l1}8
Guihlford .. IInckne), .• Hableatl . • lilU'l'inglon Hu,ydock .. ILnnll'tlen . . IIebbul'll Colliery .. IIighbury . . IIighgate .. IIilllllcy Green Oulliery .. IIorwic:h IIull IlkesLon Ince I llyc'rlle'ss .. KcmlingLull K eLlel'il.g . .
pCI' Mr. J. W. Newton 1 14 0 JJ l\ Ir. R. II. Bookey 440 JJ 1'111'. E. M. GUJ'btang 2 ;) 0 " 1'IIr. T . 'horl'ock 5 0 " Dr. SLephens 3 13 G JJ 1'111'. Moil' 1 10 " Mr. '.1'. BennrLt .. 2 14 I:l JJ Rev . CUllon Portal 12 £) 8 JJ M r . II. Webb •. i:l D 3 " lUI'. R. M . Connell 1 17 0 JJ Dr. Griffiths 1 11 6 " Capt . .Mason 3 i:l 0 " Mr. L. II. Blomfield 1 17 0 J' Dr. , Yalker 326 ~lr . S. Morris . . 6 16 2 " Mr. J . Gill 4, 5 0 " Ur. T. II. Eagles D 12 3 JJ Mr. G. Ganlinel' ] 0 16 0 " Mr. T. Ormand .. 3 15 3 Mr. A. \\Y. Fur"tcl' o 13 G " ~Ir. R. S. ~\.ntlersoll 1 15 4, JJ Mr. J. J. ~Iule . . 3~ ID 0 Dr. II. E. Ua} !le:! 3 13 0 Oapt. BOLlrebicr . . 13 6 4 ~Ir . ' Ylllter Booth 930 ~Ir. J. :J1arsllltll .. 1 10 6 " Re,. II. P. Bainbridge .. 10 5 G " '01. Mc\\ burn .. 1 16 6 " ~Ir ....hlulllson .. 3 10 6 3 (j 0 " iIII'. J. J. GlI1'llet 114 () " :J1l'. Gco. Gill " ~1r . ..l. W. Wood 1 15 G " Mr. T. J C::iSOP 386 " Dr. RU::isell 11' 3 " :\11'. Port cr 330 " ~ll'. J . P. )Iurlar :2 12 3 " Mr. II. Burday .. 356 " Dr. HaYlltlru 9 4 G " Rev . n. Drcw .. 8 9 G " Mr. L . Dobin::iOll 330 ~lr. Barnard 1 17 0 220 " Dr. Ol'oIYdy " Mr. Geo. T. Taylor 3 1:3 0 " 1'111'. J . Ornnkshaw 3 13 0 5 !) 3 " 1'111'. J . , V. \ Vebslor " Mr. P . ~l. Oheslcl' 4 7 G ,,1'111'. . Oooboll ._ 1 11 6 1 ] 5 lL ,J 1'111'. ~L 1'IIcILll'lly " :JIit>s \\Yoodholl c ~ 17 (i J)
" :Jh. O. \\'.
()7 £ s. d. pel' :Mr. Marbw Ke ttermg .. " Chief Constable .. Lancashire Constabulary Dr. Ashcroft Littlebol'ough 1111'. T. Duncanson Llamvc1c1yn )) 1\11'. J. Ritson l\Iarypol t .. " 1\11'. C. A. Jupc .. 1\1ere " Mr. A. R. Fo tel' l\Iilford IIaven )) Mr. W. 1\1. YOllng New Cro s 1\11'. S. 'Watson .. New Hucknall Colliery "" 1\11'. C. D. }lcars Northlleet " Rey. C. J. B. crilCll Oakham .. }lr. T. Wilding .. o Ifaldtwi tIe Mr. C. H. Prichard Pau (France) 1\11'. J. S. Y eates Penrilh 1\11'. C. Leigh Pleasley 1\11'. . Richnrds .. Do. 1\Ir. W. IT. 1\Iorris Pontypool Ron.cl .. Rev. Godfrey ,Volfe P ortadawe 1\Ir. W. Gurdinel' P reston The Warden Radley College 1\Ir. Ashby Radstock .. Dr. Phillips R eacling .• l\Ir. IT. W. Ewen Redhill 1\Iiss Thomson .• Rhuabon ., 1\1rs. Hn lum Ripon " Dr. Bmc1ett Sellers Rochdale .. " Dr. Clarke Royal l\Iilitary College " 1\11'. W. E. Cree .. St. John's Park, Upper Hollolfay " 1\11'. J. Watts Sanc1bach .. " Dr. Beyerley Scarborough " 1\11'. J. T. CuUle Selby Rey. A. K. Ra1ll8ny Shepherd's Bush . . Mr. H. Arro,,'sll1ith Shilrlon 1\11'. W. Fry Shipley 1111'. Winterton .. Shipston-on-Stour 1\Ir. J. Swanson .. Somer's Town 1\h. Robert Langdon Southend .• Dr. Coates Streathn.m l\Ir. Deavin Stroud Mr. E. Stafford H0'Yl1l'cl ThornblU'y Rev. IT. Pelham tokes .. Wm·eham .. " Mr. W. II. Coney Wednesbury Mr. G. Arnold .. Wellingboro' 1\11'. J. W. Clift .. Wellington " Mr. T . Perkins W est Brom meh .. " Mr. Knowles W est Ham " Mr. E. Taylor Do. Leigh Colliery " 1\11'. IT. N. Wharton Widnes Rev . T. B Al'll1iLsLel.1cl Winmadeigh Working ::'lIen's Club and Institute Uuiun
3 7 0 24 10 0 7 0 0 400 154 393 400 256 3 10 10 370 10 3 0 1 17 0 4 0 0 10 8 0 1 14 G 2 0 0
0 9 6 6 6 0 0
11 19 3 8 3 10 3 13 311 1 1 2 0 G 13 52 10 3 5
2 13 3 10 4 2
GU 511 11 3 III 4 4 1 5 3 13 11 9 3 15 3 3 4 10 III 3 7 3 7 III 3 8 4 15 3 3
0 3 9 0 8 0 6 0
G 6 9 1 0 3 0 0 0 6 D
7 ()
0 G (j
FE.'IIALE. Allllcslcy ,. Do. Ashton-under-LYllC Ballinasloe Barllet Do. Bn.th Becdcs Beckenham Beyerley Bide ford Brighton Brockley Brolllley Bl'oll1sgrovc Camden Road Carlisle ChaLlutlll .. Che~hullt .. Chorley
Chureh Stl'dtoll .. Clayton (13ratlful'll) CockcrmouLh Cromcr DrifHelcl .. Earl's Court ElthrLlll Road Jtly E,esllltlll " Falmollth . . Fal'ch'llll .. li'illcldey .. Gallton G-uildf'ord . . lIaggcrston IIulllpstcacl Do. Inllrmlll'Y Do. llome JIo 'pital IIatcham .. IIavc1'fonl we at IIuwnnlen IIaydock •. IIighgate .. Do. Roac1 HinglHtIl1 .• 1I iLehin .. null Hungcrford Iufant Orphan _ltiyllllll, \Vall:.t eatl
.£ s. d. 5 4 0 G 17 9 1 5 6 5 5 0 17 J;) 1 I:') 7 G 7 0 0 11 2 .j, 31 7 0 3 G J, 8 D 0 3 13 6 4 D 0 2 1fj 2 3 10 6 5 6 8 o 10 6 7 0 0 13 1 0 Lj, 10 10 o 10 f:i -1 10 -j, (j 15 G 3 13 6 1) 15 o !J 10 o ::'IIi 's Croneher 13 3 G )[ajo1' Ferri •.1, 12 D )[r.;. Ch:lfy-Chnfy 7 1 o Mrs. Croker Fox 7 15 7 1ft's. Ramsay 10 0 o J.\Iiss ::'II. Bardsley D 7 6 ., Hoy. II. r. Bainbridgc . . 10 5 6 " Dr. TIus,.;cll 3 D \) Si::. tel' Ja uc Franeis 3 5 o Dr. Fl'l~eh,nd !) 10 (j Dr. Cook 3 3 o 1\[1' . Ebbeft ;3 3 o " .Jlr. R 'loke::; 3 6 4 " :Jlisti OWl'1l 10 4 o Rcv. II. Drew 8 0 6 Dr. ITapn1l'cl 3 7 \) Dr. Cro"cly D 4 3 Mr'. J!'. -'mith 9 :3 3 '1'110 Lady }Iary UUl'l'ic .. 0 8 D " .JIis Stny.l or 3 13 o " 1\[1'. \\Teb"tcr 5 9 3 Hel'. \V. C. Pun 1 3 !) " .JI1·. 01 C('ll 1 II 7 B ~
per Mrs. Berry " 1\Irs. P1'l1l1ce " :\1rs. \Yntel'holl:"e Lord Clnnearty .. Miss Wilde Miss A. E. Henwood Mrs. Sherwood .. Miss J. Coombe Mrs. Stephcns 1\11'. E. Oliver 1\Ir~. ROll'e Dr. Stephens 1\11'. Moir l\liss C. Do! t l\liss L.~cf)lt 1\1rs. IIickson Rev. O. K. IIohbs 'rhe lIon. Mrs. R. :Jlonek :Jlis E. Crocker -'Ir. S. Moni ' " Dr. O~burne '\Ir~. Dixon }Ir. J. \\T. Plummer Dr. Fl'nnol' Dr. Brand :Mrs. GOlfer
GU Inverness Jarrow Kenley Kettering King Hemy's Road, :N. Kirby Lonsdale Knal'esborongh Li-card L ong Oross Lo"er Clapton lIIu,unillgham Maryport .. Mere Milton Moate Mortimer .. New Oross New Southgate Ne"bmy Nen-port (Salop) . . Nightingale Lane :ruDney Oakham .. Oswalclt"istle Parkstone P au (Fru,nce) Penrith P eterb')ro' Petersfield Pleasley Do . Preston Purton Rickmansworth R ipon lloyal :Military Oollege Rugby Saddleworth Saffron Walden St. Neots .. Scarborough Selby Sbepherd's Bush . . Sbipley Sbipstou-ou-Stour Sidmouth .. Stoke Newington .. Sutton Swaffham .. Swal1sert ••
prr " "
" "
}l.Ir. J. Baines
" " " " " "
£ S. 611 'Mrs. 1\I ol'l'ison ., 1 1 1\11'. J. Lambert 25 1 }l.Jr . If. A. 'IYil Oil 2 4 Mr . O. ,Yo Lane 4 :21 Mi s Loc:keLt 7 10 Miss L . Harris ., The \ isconntcs ' Lascellcs 6 12 6 7 1\Irs. Wall 22- 12 Rev. A.. Bramwell Rev. - Ryan 1\11'. J. B. Baury lIIi sO . .A.. Jnpe Mrs. Hadland .. Miss Longworth Miss "Tylcl 1\Ir. W. :Jr. Young liE s . Giles RC'y. W. O. Parr ~Ii s D. Fisher .•
" Mr . Dough :Miss L. 'iV. rcacock " ~Il's. IIodge " Mr. T . Wilding " Dr. W. A. Griggs Mr. O. II. Pric:hard 1111'. J. S. Yeates " JHiss Oolman ~Ir . Gordon " ~Ir. O. Leigh " 1111'. S. Richurds " :JIr. T. R. Jolly " Mrs. 'Vyl{cham ~lm'Lin Miss 1\1. L. Oroft " frs. Haslam Dr. Olarlce Dr. Clement Duke Rev. W. G. Percival ~Iiss Bell " Mr. E. Olifton " Dr. BeT'erley " lILiss Swain " Rev . .A.. K. 1~nm5a'y " Mr. VV. Fry " 1111's. Simpson " Miss OUl'I'iug! on Miss .J eaJl'l'eson .. Mrs. Locke " :iH:rs. Bla,ke IIulllpfrey .. }lrs. Reid
o 4 6
o o 5 6 8 3
2 10 3 9 9
'\\'l'.\IIl Ollih
o o 3 G
3l U 2 5 9 1 3;) 2 17 2 3 3 4 7 2.1, 4
o 1
o o 9
1 17 3 128 0 10 8 8 11 8 4 111< 2 0 5 8 1, 1 10 7 2 0 10 10 1 3
Tllornbl1l'Y Tipton TooLing GrUyelH'Y Truro ,\Villmcl' .. '\Val snll Wareham Do. 'V(' L BJ'oll1\yil:h .. W c L 1\ cnRingl on
G 6
G 3 5 18
o o
9 9 3
o o 6
o o o G
G G 6 3 1
o o G
8 26 4 13 o 2 13 o
311 4 2
6 fi 6
11 3 11. ] 6 18 11,
19 5 G 3 18 o 1~
per Mrs. Orossman Jl 9 Mrs. ' Varing 3 5 ]HI' . Brock 3 9 ReT'. S. Grcgor), .. 15 0 ::\Irs. Ro s 4 3 l\Ii s ril'kpf1lrick 6 9 Rev. n. Pellutm " lokc 7 15 The Lady Selina DUlId .. 10 3 Jr. T. Perkins .. 8 14 Mrs. Burne .J Ol1r-; 0 3 :\[1'';. Peppin 1~ 15
3 G 0 9 0 0 0
7 3 ()
SUBSCRIBERS, 1886-1887.
(Reeei,ed n,L Oentral Office only, n,nd noL including Lhose received by Loea,l llouom1'y Secretaries of Centres.) A D onation oj Five Pounds and 11pwaJ'ds constitutes a Life lIIemuer. An Annual SnbsCl'iption of FiL'e Shillings alld 1tpwal'ds constitutes an Annual JJIembeJ' . An Asterisk (*) ignilles a.u Annual Subscription. *Abbott, 1\11'. O. E., M.R.C.S . P. L. * Addison, Mrs. P . L . *AJ.derson, l\Irs . * Allen, 1\Ir. John. ... A llna tt, 1\11's. Smtees., Ancell, ~Iis". ., .1.ppleby, 1\11'. F. H., F.R.C.S. *.1.tkinson, 1\1iss O. A . *Baker, 1\11'. G. *Barring::oll) ir Vincent Kennett*Beale, ~Irs. Lionel. *Bender, Rev. P . *Eeuecke, l\1iss A. 1\I. .. Bernard, 1\1iss E . i;Blaekmore, 1\1iss F. J. *]3owen, Surgeon-General R. *Bradford, Miss. *Bridges, :Miss P. n . *Brown, Rev. Joseph T. *Bl'owne, Miss Ursula , V . *Bruce, Miss J. D . *Bmt, Mr. G. *Oapel, Mr. Fra.u1c C. *Oapel, Mrs . F. O. *Oapel, 1\1rs. G . *Oarr-Dyer, Mrs. · Oeely, n1iss *01ancarty, Earl of. *Olarke, Mr8 . E. M. *01casby, 1\11'3 . *Ooate'!, Deputy Inspector GeneI' 11 1\ratthew, R .N. *Oolfox, Mrs. *Oooke, Miss E. A. *Oreu<.e, 1\Ir J. Robertson, F.R.C.S. *Dallas, the Ron. L ady. *Dallas, Mr. R. O. F.
*Addison, :Mr.
*Da.lla,!", :Mrs. R . O. F. *Duncs, Miss. *:'Danes, 1\J i s Charlotte. *De Vih'e, 1\11'. G. E. D . *Dixon, Miss W. A . *Dra.ITen, Mrs 'V. Pil t. *Dunbar, :Miss. Eccles, ?-11'. A. p11on" , 11[ D . *Edden, :JIr8 . M. *Ellis, ?-liss .A . nr. *Kml1s, 111'. P. J. *E,elegh, OapLa.in G. 0 ., R _L *E,clegh, Miss. *l~lycn, 1\11'. IIa.rI'Y WtllLer . '*' Finch, 1\liss J . *Giles, 1\I1's. W. B. *Gol'c1on, 1\1ujor-Genern1. *GreenhoI'ne, Miss. *Grcsley, 1\11'. W. Stukelcy. *Grubb, Lieut.-Colonel .A.., R.A. *Grubb, ~lrs. A. *Haig-Brown, Rev. D . *IIaig-BI'owu, 1\1rs. *Haig-B1'owu, Mr. Olarence. *IIaig-Browl1, 1\h. W. A. *IIaig-BI'own, 1\Iit;s. *IIaig-Brown, Miss II. S. *' .EIaig-Browu, 1\1iss A. ~f. *flaig-Brown, l\1iss F. A. *IIall, Dr. F. de Ha'illand . *Harcourt, 1\1itis 1\1. Vernon. *.IIarvcy, Misti O. J. *.IIaslam, Mrs. 1\I. ila.wkins, Mr. G. *IIawkins, 1\1"r. T. *IIe!lLheote-SlUith, Mrs. E . *IIicks, Dr. J. Braxt.on . *llourc, Sir O'Bryen, Bn.rL.
*Hoste, Ml'. G. II. *HongMon, fiss. *][owc, 1\fr. '1'. 'V. *Hutton, Sm'geon-1\1::tjor G. A., A.i\f.D. *" In :;\fcl11orinm." *.T 0111180n, Miss K. A. '''.r 01111 "on , Mr. O. 1\I. *Kar, Sil' Brook, Bart, *Laird, l\[i s Alice 1\1. *LuYC'l's, Mr. T. II . * LOI-ell, MI', "'all cr. *Lowl'Y, Licut.-GeneI'lll R. W., C,B. *MniLblHl, Mrs. Edward. * ..\Iarlin, Mr. J" F.R.C.S. *Mantle, Miss. *~la\y, 'on and Thompson, ]l.Ic Sl'~. *.JIc ElIllll, l\fr . E. * ~It- Ken z ic, 1\Jrs. *.Jlewblll'l1, :\Iiss E. *.JIl'ylwll, MI'. G. C. *:\fillll', 1\fl'. 'Y. *Mitchell, ~[rs. F. J. *~lool'l', ~li,~.
:Jll'. ,rlJ~hua. *Murris Mi:;s E. *:Jlu:;pmLl, Mis E. F. *,Nelson, Miss Anu:1U. II. *Obblll'll, ::'IIi . C. *Odell) Mr~. l\I. E. *Onle, Miss E. 1\1. *Parker, Mr. R. O. *l>111'1;.er, Dr. 'Y. Thol':lion. *1)cmlleLon, 1\[1'. D. Pculey Clnll'l'h OITer( )1',)', pCl'Rev. R. 'Y. Foulgl'l'.
*Perrott, Rev. F . D. Pel' house, ::\fi s. Phillips, 1\11'. A. *Pollock, 1\11'. E. ~I. *Prout, Mr. S. Gillespie. *PylU, i\I1'. ' V. F. *Q.uilter, :JIiss. *RuLLer, 1\11'. Robert. *Sand , l\Iis . ", 'nul, Dr. WingaLe. *Shaw, Dr. J ohu. '''Sidney, ~riss L . 1\1:. *3imonc1s, Mrs. Ellen .A. *3imp on, :JIrs. J . *Sin~lcton, Miss A . ll. *Skerritt, Miss. *:.:lkel'ritt, l\1iss Alice. *Smith, Mrs. E. lieatheoLe. *-'tillYcll, Irs. J. P . *Stirli11g, :JIr. J. A . *;'tricklancl, r~ac1y. *'ucklil1g, ::'III'S. E . ""Temple, ~Ii~ Oalherine. *Thompson, Mr. 'V. *Tripp, :Jlis F . E. " ruddy, l\Iajor. *' \<111el', ::\[1'. '1'. II., :li.R.C.S. *\Yard, Admiral J. R. ~'YhigllUm, JUi 8 E. *Whitharc1, ~rr. D. ::\1. *Willis, 1\Ir. II. S. *,y oods, :Jliss Jessie 1\1. *\Yootlon. 1'.1r. harlcs F. *\\-ray, Lieul.-Colonel. . WPl11C, l\lis~ L. G.
B..i :rK.
*Luclj 1\1. Augn La. Onslow. *Lally l\lcClllre. *lIll'ti. R. B. l\Iartin. *Mr. Arthur Jlwk80n. *lIfJ's. Sll~all Llllllley . *..\Ir. John Stirling. *Majol' J. II. Ro elcl'.
* I,ieut.-Gcncl'cll 11' O. P . Beauchamp , Ynlker, K.C.D. iF'ul'gcon-::\Iajol' F. B . B UKer. *1[1'. D. 1\1. Dawes. *~fr8. ROllley Lambert. *MJ' . F. 1\1. A. Burton. *~Ir . ' V. PitL Draffen.
Life }'[el7lbr>1's attached to Centres m'e not incllldr>d in list, bllt aTe slwlI'lI in A ppendi.l' B .
OF BATTENBERG. Aclnir, Uiss II. 1\1:. Amherst, Mr. W. Amhur t T., JI[ P. Argyll, The Very Rev, the ])enn of. A 11\l'el1, Mis J uJia A. Barton, :Mrs. Alfred. Barton, 1\1]'s. nope. Bahr, Smgeon -Major F. B. Eaker, 1\11' . F. B. B eddingtou, Mrs. Bolm, 1\11'. G., C.E. Bolckow, Mr. O. F. H. Bl'uk penr, 1\Ir. II. II:1yward. Br:1uston, 1\11' . J. G. Bra sey, The Lacl,r. Brassey, Mr. IIenry A., M.P, Britten, Oaptaiu, B. F., R.N. Bruce, Miss Oltribtina 1\1. A. Bury, Major. Bustros, Madame E. de. Oapel, Mr. Frank O. Capel, Mrs. G. Cavendish, Lord Edward . M.l'. Olnncal'ty, the Right TIon. th e Earl of Olarke Bl'ignc1e- urgeon A., M.D Coate, Deputy Inspe(;tor-General ~I., R.~. Orompton Co-opcrali,e Pl'ollc1cnt Society, Limited. Orookshank, 1\'[1'. II., F.R.C.S. Dallas, 1\11-. Rupert O. F. Dallon, 1\Iujor J. 0., R.A. ]lflubeney, General 'ii' II. O. B., G.c.n. De Ve ei, the \Tiseollnte's. Dixou, Mr, . Ray1ton. Dixon, 1\11'. \Y:1Yllmnn.
Druffen, 1\1,' . W. Pitt. Duncan, Oolonel Frul1riE', C.D., M.P., It-A, Egerton, Vice-Admiral the IIon.13., M.l'. El wick Work' Aeeident and Oompen~ntion Fund. Fdlo",. , :Mr. F. P., F.S.B., F.S.A, Figgins, 1\11'. Jamcs. Frunk, Dr. Philip. Franks, :'Ifr. Oha . W, Frc hGeld, 1'lfr. Edwin, LL.D., F.S.A , Furley, :MI'. F. \V. Gla ,g'ow, the Right IIon. thc Eurl of. Gold worthy, Colonel. IIeap, 1\[1'. Rnlph. Haron, 1\11'. \Y. E., L.R.C.P. H ani.on, Dr. O. TIcap, 1\Ir. Ralph, jun. J ervoise, Sir J c,'yoi~e larke, "Bart. J ervuise, 1\11'. S. Clarke. J ervoiso Miss '. G. Cbrke, I fly, Sir Brook, Burt. Kemb<Lll, Gencru'! il' Arnold B., h.c.n. R.C.:Ll.
T.Jeigh, The Lord. I.Jeney, Miss . Longmore, Surgeon General, irThomas, C.D.
Lucns, Mr. F. L. McClure, La(ly. 1'lhcLean, Mr. Robert Ml1eT)C'ftn. Manl(·y, ul'geon-Gcl1 1'a1 vV. G N., "1".0. Mftl1chester, His 0 mro 1he Duke of, K.P, MiLe1lCll, Mr. A.. O. MitellCll, 1\11'. JO]I11.
Newton, Ollptrrin ,J. VV. M. NngC'nt, Mrs. ArUl1lr. Orelt', Miss IC. 1\L Pen ,';1011, '\T1'5. A. lIadol'tl. Pclhn1l1, The Lord. Pl'rrott, l\I 1'$. R E. PltillipE\, Mr.A. Poore, 'rite Lndy Harriot. Re.\ 11("', ])r. Ond (St. Pl'te1'sbUl'g), Ruhl'1'Ls, Licllt. - O('llcml 'ir F. S.,
Bnl't., Y.c., G r.n . ROllgd t, M1'~, Hil'hnnl B. Howl', M,'. Richard RC}l101Ih, F . . A. St. \111 IllS, lhe Ri~lll Rl,v. lhl' 8isl'')jl of. , I. ltl'll"!,(l" Cl (,ll('ml ,'i,' J uhn, K.C.U. E-:alll'fon, MI'. Philip. , hal'p, [\11'. \Yill il1l11. ~"1'i"'plon, ])1'. 'ha1'le'. 8il'lcking, ,'i,' K n., l~ . . A, 'k(,l'l'ilt, 'ri~;; '. K
8lecL, Af,'. G. on'irk, F.R.C.S. SuthCl'l:tlHl, ] Li Gmec U,e Duke of, R.G, Swan, 1\11' . .Tohn G. Sweeting, Mis E. Taylor, llrgcOl1·Mnjo,', M.lILD. 'l'cl11pletown, Gelle,'al the Viscount, G . . n.
Tomkin, 1\Tr Alf,'ed 8.1''l'il\. Y neher, Mr. Franei , F.RC.S. Iy, Ur. Elhard, lILR.C.S. \Valkrr, Mr. Jo1m. \Yall nce, ,'i" Ril'hnrll, Bart., 1II. P. 'V('~lon, LicllL. - 001. Gould IInntC'l'- ,
F .s.
,-,'e"Lon, Ml'~. Gould IInnter-. \ViLllllnn, ".\[1'. Ohud!,q. ,Vhitkll'd, Ml'. 13. 1. \VJ' ,Hl1 11111l, l\Injol' G. O. Ynl'l'o", 1\11''1.
IE:\!BER,' ,
(Etl'c/('d ill )·eca.ljllit/Oll aj distill,fllI/slted sel'uice illjul'llterwg the a~jecls aj
tile Assaciatian.) A (h111R, 1\[1'. Matthew A., F.R.C . . Allin, . 'lll'gL'ol1 :13., M.n., A.'\Ln. AndrcII" '\11·. ,'\r.R.C . . All,il1;1011, }[1'. Hoberl, M.R.C. , Au(llnnd, }[". K, ",LRC.S. 13agllnll. :\[1'. \V. n ., L.ILC .P. 13aill, n". Baltlllill, l\ll'. F. 13. J., :1[.1!.C.8. DIl"l\l\\, \11'. '. A., ::'['It.C . . ]31'I1'i 0I1, ;\l,'. A. n ., II.It-C.B.1. Hi~g, ~llIfl' ,'lll'gcon G. 'herman. Bill~I"'111, 1\[, .. John J., J,.1t C.P. Bi,'I, 1\[". 01'0., "'1.11. Blackbllrl1, [\11'. J., :1f.R . . s. mO\am, 1\ fl' . •r. ,bUl'Y, F.R.C.S. Bll11l1er, 1\[". 'Y. P., ]1.ILl' P. B1.lthlllt1Il,1\[r. . '., )LLt.C.i'. H"itl ill, ])". J3I'oollll1l'ac1, Dr. O]ut~. H"own, D]'. J. lhoWI1, Lr. J. :M., Jl1.1t.c.S. l)ro\\'11 C', 1\[1'. Roherl, V.R.C . . r. nl'1lCC, 1\L,'. H.ouert, \Llt .C.S. B"yunt, 1\l,'. J. lJ" 1Il.R.(!.~.
Buck, 1\11'. J. Rundle, M.E.C.S. Ruck, Dr. \Y. R Burgrs" :'[1'. 'YIll. 1., :\I.R.C.S. Burton, 1\11'. ". n., V.R.C.S. Callilil', Mr. J., F.R.C.S. CHrlel', }[". P. II., F.R.C . . Cll~"OIl, :J[,'. Tlt<'ll(lol'e, LR.C.S. Chall'l"'':;, :'[1'. Edwc1., F.H.C.S. ltapmttn, 1\11'. J. M., ~LD. Ohnrle wod 11, 1\h. lJ., JlLR.C.S. IHlIl11<'1', l\[ 1' . . { \ lfretl, ",LILC . . Chrcst'wright, [1'. ,T. :F ., :\I.lt.C.S. 'ltild, ft'. hri,.;tophcr, ~l.lLC. Clnl'kl" 1\[ ". T., ~l H.C'.". !egg, }[1' . •T. lTngl1C', )l.R.C . S. Colelllun, MI'. \Y., :lLR.C.S. Co1cl.;tl'l',l'll, Jh. A. n., LD. CllSgl'tlH, Ih. E. 1\[l'DO\Ytll. ('!'L'ase. 1\1,· .•1. Huhl'l't~on, F.l1.C. Croslit'lll, :JIl' . •L K., l~.R.C.-P, I'o:-\.lnn<l, 1\[[" II. C"o""lund }\ll'~. \V . n, C''l'Spi, nl'. Alfl'l'(l J. 11. ])ilH'I', 1\11-. John , F.R.C.S.
'Y ..
74 Dandson, Mr. A., M.D. Davies, lVIr. Oharles D. Davies, Dr. E. Dickenson, Dr. A. Newton. Dicki-on, Mr. G . Cecil, :U.D. Dickson, Dr. John DLmbar. Dobic, Dr. William. Dolan, Mr. Thomas, F. R .C.S . Domville, l\Ir. E. J., L. R .C.P . Douglas, Mr. Claude, L.R.C .P. Dryden, Mr. Jas. IIunter, L.R . C.P . Dryland, l\1r. J. W., M .R.C . S . Dudley, Mr. F. S. Roberts, M.R.C., . Dllggan, ~Ir. Uotherwell, )I.R.C.S. Duke, Surgeon-Major W. A. Duncan, Cclonel F., C.B., M.P., R.A . Duncan, Dr. William. Dums, Dr. John. Eccles, :Mr. A. Symons, )I.B . Eden, Dr. R. Edger, Dr. R. Ellerton, Dr. John. Ellerton, Mr. J. F . H. Kmns, l\Ir. A. H" MR.C.S. Emns, Mr. O. J., M.R.C.S. :Evans, Mr. W. G., T,.R.C.P. Farmer, 1fr. S., )I.R.C.S . Farrer, Mr. Geo. Albert, MR.C.S. Fawsitt, :JIr. Thos., M.R,C.S. Fenton, Dr. Mark Anthony. Finlay, Surgeon-1Iajor 'v. Fitzgerald, Dr. O. Egerton. Fleming, Dr. A. J. Forsyth, Dr. Roht. Fort, Mr. Tbos., M.R.C.S. Franks, Dr. Kendal. Fryer, Mr. John, M.R.C . S. Furber, Mr. George H., M.R.C .S. Fudey, Mr. John. Gabb, 1\11'. C. Baker, M .R . C. S. Gardner, Surgeon R H ., M.B., A.)LD. Garrard, Mr. \V. A., M.R.C.S. Gascoigne, nIl'. W. E., L.R.C.S. GenLles, nIl'. T. L., L.R.C .P . Gibb, Dr. Gilclea, Lieut.-Col. James. Glen, 1\11'. John, M.B. Godwin, Smgeon-Major O. R. Y. Gourley, Dr. Samuel. Graham, Mr. Arthur R., :;'LB. Green, Mr. ,Villi am 'r., lI1.R.C.S.
Grove, Mr. 'Y. R, M.D . G,,-ynn, 'Mr. 0 ., :;'Ln. IIacon, Mr. W. E., L.R.C.P. Hamilton, Major Hans B. Hammond, Dr. Wm. IIann, Mr. H. F., L.R.C.P. IIaynes, Dr. Stanley L. IIedle)" J\1r. John, lILR.C.S . Hewclwn, Mr. Richard, M.R.C.S . IIicks, Mr. R., lILR.C.S. nolman, Mr. R., lILR.C.S. TIolmeE', JUl'. W. Reill, )LB. Ho"ard, Dr. Jas. F . nuc1son, Mr. n. E., M.R.C . . lIunt, Dr. RoberL. Inn es, Deputy Surgeon-Genera'! O. A., M.D.
Jackson, Deputy SlIl'gcon-Genel'al ir Robert W., KNT., C.B. Jay, Mr. Frederick FiLzherberl, L.R.C.P. Jones, Dr. A. II. Jones, ::\11-. Richard, L.R.C.P. Jones, Mr. Rowland, )I.R.C.S. Jones, 1\11'. Robert L., :II.U.C.S. Jones, Mr. ,Vest. J Olles, l\h. W. l\Iakrig, M.R.C.S. JlUl1eaUX, Mr. Benjamin, )I.R.C. Keilh, 1\11' . .Alexandcl' l£wing, M.B. Kelly, :J11'. R. Vandeleur, F.R.C.S. ReI', nIl'. H., P.R.C.S. Ketchen, Dr. William. Keys, Dr. O. ,V. Moore, lLM.D. Kilgarriif, ~1l'. M. J., 1'.R.C.S.1. King bW',r, Mr. G., M.D. Rnaggs, Dr. Sallluel T. Knott, 1'.11'. Oharlc5, lILR.C.P. Laurie, Dr. R. Le Oronier, Dr. lIard wicke. Lee, 1'111'. B. J., L.S.A. Lee, l\h. Edwin, J.f.R.C.S . Little, Mr. J., )LR.C.S. Loye, Mr. IIenry, M.B . Low, Dr. A. Bruce. Lloyd, Dr. E. J. McOarthy, Mr. Ju tin },fcO., M.R.C.S . McOullagh, 1\11'. John, M.R.C S.I. McQuaig, Dr. DLlncan. Mach.cnzie, Dr. J Uti. Mackinlay, Mr. James K 11., M.R.C.S . Marneila.ge, Mr. D., L.RC.P . ~[ah:olmson, 1)1'. J ohll A.
Marriott, MI'. O. yr., l\LR.C.S. Mu,niotL, Dr. O. D. Martin, Dr. J. ' V. Marl in, 1\[1'. J., F.R.C.S. 1\brlin, Ml'. J. 1. II., l\r.n.c.s. 1hsscr, Mr. n. O. P., L.RC.p. l\IaJnu,rd, D)'. J. Olark 011. Mel'rY"I.'at.licr, 1\11'. Jal11<.' , M.n.C.S. }\ferce]', Dr, 'V. Milligan, Mr. R. A., F.RC.P., )LR.C s. 1\1ills, Mr. R. J., M.n. Monckton, Dr. Da,id nenr)" F.n.c.s. UOOl'(" Dr. '. A. UOOI'f', Mr. II. Oecil, M.n.c. S. Moo1'e, SUl'g 'on-::\1njor Sandfol'cl, )LU. Nankin~ll, Dr. 11 cl'ber!. NC\\'111n11, Dr. ',,"illium. Nichobo11, "llrgeon-:\1njor n., \.~r.n. ~orl1l:1n, 1)]0. J. ,V. Norman, lUI' . ~L ,', )LR.C S. O'Con11cll, urgcon-:JIajor. Oliphant., Jk DJ'llc'e. Okcl1, :\[1'. GcOl'~C, "'Ln.c . . Orton, Mr. E. "'., J,.R.C.l'. 01'1011, :;)11'. John, )LU.C.S. 0:11lll'n, :Jfr. ,' ., 1'.1\.O.S. O:;ulInH',1\[I'. ' . .A. P., I •. n C,l'. OYend('11,1)r. Pa~e, Dr. Dnyid. 1)01in, ::\fl'. n. Yellnhlc", )1.13. 1':1r,on", Dr. Fl'UllCis Hl'nry Pnl'!riclgc Dr. 'r. Pnul, ?Ill'. F. r1'., r.ILC . . Pedley, Dr. '1'. F. PC[lrc." 1\[1'. P. A., "Ln. Perciyal, :\[1'. Geo. II., )Ln. 1'h<.'1p8, Mr. P1lil1ip. PhilllJ) , }Ir. G. A., M.R.C.~. Pike, Mr. 'V. HO.r~tOll, :.\I.R.C.S. Pilchcr, 1\11'. ,V. J., F.R.C.S. Pinek, 1\11'. O. n., ~. n. Platt, Mr. ,Yo H., L.R.C.P. ]'lomle.r, ])1' .•Tollll F. P01C, ])1'. Alexandcr. Poole), 1\11'. E. UIJ',ll'tl, L.n.c.S. r. Pope, Sllrgeon "'. 'Y., A.)J. n. )lotler, Mr. JI. l \' I'l'Y, l?n.C'.S. Priltt, D\,. J. Jhlln'l. PI'iee, MJ'. E. 0., )Ln. Pri!('llel I, J\h. HeIll'Y, "If.R C.R . PI'OS:;P]" 1\TI'. Phillip D.
Rands, Mr. St. J. 0., M.R.C.S. Rangoon, RL. Rev. the Bishop of, M. D. Rawling" 1\11' . .Ja.mes, l\I.R.C.S. Read, Mr. A.. ,V., :U.R.C.S . Reid. 1\11'. DUl1c:l.ll J., :;'LB . Rid, Mr. T. \Vhileh enil, F.R.C.P . Rice, Mr. "V. R., M.D. Rich, Mr. A.. 0., }LH.C.S. Ridley, 1\Ir. J. ,V., J".n.c.P. Roberts, ::\fl'. A.rthm, ;)LR.C.S. Roberts, 1\11'. Hugh Jone;:l, M.R.C.S. Robcrls, Dr. R. Lawlon. Robinson, Dr. A. n. Robinson, 1\11'. El'llcs L. R0binson, Mr. G., :lLR.C.S. Rowe, Dr. Thoma' 'lilith, Scholefield, Dr. G. E. ~ellcl's, JIr. R. Bllrdett, M.R.C.<l. Shaw, Mr. Ja .. , i\r.u. Slleaf, }1l'. O. A. ICrnest, M.n.c.p. Shuttleworth, Dr. G. E., M.ll.C.S. SiLldall, Dr. J. B. Simp on, DI'. J. Herbcrt. impson, 1\[1'. 'Y. ., )LlLC. • kne, Dr. Fl'llllCi' D..A. ,'talker, Mr. A.. ~r., "LB. 'loman, ::\Ir. . G., jun., L.R.C.P. mitl), 1\Ir. n. Hamlllond, M.R.C.S. Rmilh, MI'. J., JhR.C.P. Sqnance, Dr. '1. Cok. tillllfJrti, Mr. , \ilJinm Ackrill, M.n.C.S. teet, ~Ir. Gcorge CUl'rick, F.R.C.S. ~Ie"'nrt, :.\11'. U. A., "Ln., M.A.. I lonc, SU1'g"On-Jfiljor W. J. I 'lretton, l\Ir. Samuel, ~.ll.C.S. l"al1n, Dr. ~\.. I ',,·ete, Dr. IToracc. Syc1uc)'-Tl1I'llel', 1\Ir. A. . .M., M.R.C.S. RyJ11cs, Dr. E. ,y e~L Tampliu, Mr. Ohas. II., ~.R.C.S. Ta~lol', -:'1[1'. Ja,;., F.H.C. '. Tnylol', 1)1'. 8. Hamilton. Taylor, .Mr. 1'homns, ~I.R.C S. Tcmplclllan, l\fJ'. Gllas., M.B. Thoma", 1\fr. .Tohn, M.ll.C.S. 1'holll:;on, Dr. Oeo. Thomson, Dr. Jlllllf'S. Thomson, Dr. ,Yillitlln. TllOl'lltOll, ]\11'. Deren-LIll, M.R r. Thm'::;!hlll, Dr. 'I'. " ~. Tlll'llCI', ])1'. , Ylllialll.
77 T n mer, Thft'. II. GuntoD, M.R.C .S. Tumer, Staff Surgeon R obert, R .N. Turner, II'. Thoma. , :ll.R.C.S . Twi s, urgeon G. E., A.1lf.D. Tyrrell, :\11'. \Valter, ::II.R.C.S. T..r on, )11". 'IViLEam Jo ep11, M.D. Vincent, 1'.11-. II. B., M.R.C.S. Vores, Mr. Arthl1l', M.R.C.S . Waddy, M:l'. II. E., L R.C.P. Waldo, Dr. Freel. J . \ Valker, Mr. BemaI'd, 1I.R.C s. \ VaLker, Ur. Samuel, }lI-R.C s. \ Valli , Mr. Fred. 1'.1., M .R.C.S. Ward, :JIr. ::'II. A.., F.R.C.S.I. Ward, Dr. MarLindale. \'Vatson, Dr. J. C. \ Iatson, }11". A.. A., L.R.C.P. Watts, Mr. W . F., 1ILR.C. S. vVaugb, Mr. Alexl'., ::II.RC s.
W ebb, Dr. M . vVeekes, M:r. Francis II., M.R .C.S . \ Vheeler, Dr. \Yillinm Ireland. WhiLley,1\11" F. G. II., M.R.C .S. \ Vhyte, 1\11'. J. JUackie, lI1.A., M.B. \ Viekham, 1\11'. \Yaller, Klt.C.S. \ Yilkiuson, ]\,fl' . J. 0., ::II.R.C.S . Willi~ ; Mr. G. Oll'en, L.R.C.P . \'Villiams, Dr. N eyille, 111.13. Wilson, Dr. J. SeoLt. Wilson, 1'.[['. J . C., L.R.C.P. Wilson, Dr. A. C. \ ViIton, Mr. J. P., ::II.R.C.S. 'Yimberley, Dr. Co1ll'uc1 C. W ouds, FleeL • urgcol1 II. C., ::II.D" \ Iray, 1\11'. G, Bury, ::ILR.C.S. Young, Mr. A.., F.RC.S. Yule, Dr. R. M.
EX.A lINIXG . TAFF, Atkinson, D r . Echnrcl. Ba,is, Dr. A.. G. Anc1erson, Dr. J. Wallace, Burton, Mr. S. II., F.R.C.S. Appleby, Mr. F. II., M,R.C.S, Blackburn, Mr. J., M.RC. ,'. B ai n, Dr, D. B. Bal'ni h, Dr. B eatson, Dr. George. Coates, Deputylnspector-Gcnern.l M., R.N. Bryant, Mr. J. n., M.R.C.S. (Gibraltar). Crookshank, J\fr. II., F.R.C.S. (lCgypt). Bernard, }11". John, F.RC.S, Cantlie, ~lr. Jume ,F.R.C. '. (liong Kong). Bakel', Mr. F . B. Colquboun, Dr. II. ( . l.ll~(1'a.lia). Benton, Mr. SHDluel, F.R.C.S, Cal'lc5', Dr. A.. II. Barry, Surgeon-}Iajor 1). P. Cosgnne, Dr. 1\1cDo\l'el. B owen, Surgeon·Genera1. Cruicksbank, Dr. B. Buck, Dr. W, E. Corbin, Dr. T. \ V. Ball, Dr. C. B. Carey, Dr, F. E. (GueI'Il ey). Browne, Dr. Robert. CuiTe, SurgeOlI-:YLnjor (', 'V. D , C.ll. Benson, Dr. A.. II. Collingridge, Dr. \V. Barron, Dr. G . B. Clarke, Mt,. \ \. Bruce, F.R.C . . Boyd, Mr, Stanley, F.R.C.S . Cre l)l, Dr, A.. J, II. Branch, Dl'. "V. J. ( \Vest Indies). Chilels, Mr. Christopher, 111.13. Buck, Mr. J. Randle, li.n . C.S . Chapman, Dr. (XCIV Zcabucl) . Braithwaite, Mr. II:1l'l'ison, F.R.C.S, Charlesworth, SurgeolllI. (Gibraltar). Bl'uee, Dr. ' Villiam, Crease, Dr. J . Robertson. BLIck, Mr. Ernest. Campbell, Mr. P . M .D, Bl'owne, Dr. J . W. Chapman, Mr. J. Milne, 1ICB. Boor, Mr. Leonard, :'ILR.C.S. (Ncl\' Zcalanu). Collings, Mr. C, d' A.., 1II.11. (Guel'n"cy). BI'own, ~h. \ Y. n. CuJlier, Brigade-. 'lll'geoll }.1. Q
CarLo I', 1)' .\. I'cy l3., ;)Llt.C.S. Casson, :'1[1'. ,r. 1I. M.II.C.S . Oorbin, Jk T. 'V. (Sollth Australin). D:lrbishil'e, 1\£1'. '. D., ::11.13 . Day, Ill'. E. 0., M.li..C.S . Dlll1Hille, JUl'. E. J., L.R.C.P . Duke, 'lll'gcon-:'IIajol' A.. \V. (Glbmllar) , DUl'1lo, ))1' . John. D1'inklYlllel', Dr. II. DllYY, 1\(1'. H.. Duncilll, Dr. A.. JanlC:3, Dic](;;on, Mr. Cecil, ::11.13, EYe, ?II'. P. '1'., F.R.C.S. ]Ccrlcs, ThIr. A . )'moll~, ::II-n. E"ntt, .'U1'rreun-}Injor G. ,r. II. (Inelia). Ellginlon, }[t'. R. \V" ;)1.D. Etlli::1, ~[I'. IC. IIolbcrlon, F.lLC.S. Elli"to)" Mr. G. '., ,r. R. O. '. 'Eller!lll1, 1\[1'. J. T. II., :'IUt.C.S, Eng:l1', Dr. Hoberl. 1i~ llgc, 1)1'. A. Matlhe\l'son. J~ddolll'::;, Dr. \\'m, Jml'rton, l)t' . .Tu'm. F,v !l'c , Dl']mly •'ll1'gcon-Genl'l':tl, ::II.lJ, Frllllki:-;h, Dr. (Sc\\' Zcnlaml), Ii'ral1k, Dr, R. JTlemin !..';, ~[r. ~\.. J., M.D. Fngnl1, ~[I' ..J., P. H.C.S, Fo\., ~Ir. H. Daerc, :c',n.c.::l. Fol'~y( h, 1)1'. H. Flll'lldl, 'lll'geon-GellerillI~. ( 'annes). GollfrHY, ~11'. A. C., \LIl. (.]'er:;('y). Grl'atheall, }[1'. J. B. ('oullt Africa). Gibb, ])1'. Grunt, DI'. Ogilric. Grlllll, DI'. Garton, D1'. \V. Gibb, Mr. Williillll, r,.II.C.1'. Bacon, J)t' , (Yew ZmLlmH1) . IIlllllilloll, Dr., J.P., Kllpentln, onlh Au"Lmlin.. IIutton, t:)lll'gcon-}Injol', G. Hughes, Dr. T. lIul'1'i:.;, nt,. ,John (New 'oullt \,"uil';;). IIuch;oJ1, Dr. 11. E. Howe, II'. E. g. HllnLcl', lUI'. IC. J., T,.ILC.J'. J lall, 'lll'gCOIl Lce,.;. lfng.)tll'll, Mr. Hobert, lIf.n,c.s . I'All'OIl, Dl'. J. '1' . 1lIl1e:>, Depllty •'Ul'gellll-Gelle 'al C. _\..
I nnes, •'crgeon-Gellcl'al J . ..i. Kel' (HaIy, Florcnee) . Irving, Dr. (~elV Zea.lam1) , Jaek;on, \ 'il' R. \V., C.B., F.R.C .S. J olly, Dr. R. Jones, }Ir. Evan, )LIl.C'. ·. Kempe, }Ir. J. A., )I.H.C.S. Kilgal'l'iITc, MI'. M. J., lULC . i::l. Kelly, :'.11'. R. V., F.H.C.i::l. Kcys, .' lll'geon U. \\T., M.D. (GibralLur). King,Dr. Lentuinge, Sir .Tolm, C.B., F.R.C.S. Lodia.rd. Dr. II. A. L eahy, 111'., )I.R.C.S. L~w, Dr. R ubcrt:,. Lloyd, :JIr. ,J or(lan, F.R.C.i::l. Latimer, Mr. II. A., ::IULC.'. Low, Mr. Oharlei', c. B. (X ell' Zeu1and). Lees, :LlIr. \OVi11i<1111, ~.l~.C.S, Low, Dr. Oharles, Miller, Dr, ,J. W. l\[o(fal, Rey. DI'. l\1nc(101lgall, Dr. ,T. Moore, lIon. Brigade- 'urgCOll SamHul'cl. M eE " an, Dr. D. ~[arlll, }I1'. 'V. ~., F.B.C.S. Martin, Dr. J. ,Yo MarLin, Mr, E, F., ;)['U. l\lo1'gan, DJ'. C. \V. (XC\l" outh ' Vales). 1\1oore, Mr. II. C., '[.R.C.S . 1\IaC'phel'on, Dr. A . ~[(;L'al'thy, )11', Ju lin }IcCallLUll, }LlLC.S, .Mal'tlll, 1\[1', J., F.R.C.S, ~[c:; 'iter,
jIr. M. A.,
}f R.C. '.
1\Lt'yllllnl, Dr. J. 01:11'1.;:;011. 1\LthOll, Dt'. G .. L D. (X ow Ze'l1ancl). McFarland, BriglLclc- lll'geol1 Jj. E. ]\Ioore, DI'. ,T ohn. McN'.tll,Y, \ 'lll'geon-l\Injor Geo , (India). J'lLU'fll'!IH'Y, ,\[1'. R., L.R.C.I'. McKellul', ])1' . .Ll. O. 1\1e.l1w:lll, MI'. \V. C., }f.n. Glburll, }h'. C. n., ALn. l\[eleaHc, Dr. 1\1001'0, ] 1',
P. F.
urLon, ~[l'. \. . 'r., F.R.C. Nixon, Mr. P. \.leol'k, P.ll.C.S. Nei.ld, Dr. ,J. E. C;\lclbolll'llC) . .rTewsllolmc, ~[I'. \.l'Lhul', M.TLC.::!. icholsoll, Bl'ig:lt1e- ''Lu'geon E. NewJIl:tll,lh. \ V.
Nelson, Dr. Stanle.,. Tewton, Dr. R. Clark. Osborn, :JIr. Samurl, F.R.C.-·. Potter, 11r. II. Percy, F.R.C.S. Pye, 11r. "Walter, F.R.C ... Page, 1fr. II. 'iV., F.R.C.S. Pisani, Profcssor (:.\1alLa). Phillips, Mr. G. E., )I.R C.P. Price, Mr. ArlhUl', )f.R.C.S. Pole, Dr. Alexandel'. Pooley, 1fr. R. C. :JIason. L.R.C.S.I. Pol on, Dr. J. (Orange Frec 'tatc). Pratt, Dr. J . Dallas. Reid, :JIr. Duncan J., :\l.B. Ru sell, ::J1r. John, ~,r.B. Rutherfurd, Dr. IIclll'Y. Reid, 1'111'. T. Whitehc:1cl, F.R.C.P. Robinson, Dr. E. L. ( 'ucrnsey). Bosignol, Dr. A. Le. Robinson, Dr. A. H. Roberts, Dr. Lawtoll. Smith, 1Ir. Gerard, :\l.R.C.S. Sand with, Dr. F . 11. Steet, ~lr. G. Carrick, F.R.C.S. Stoker, Dr. "'iV. Thornley. Spencer, Dr. W. IIemy. Shaw, Dr. John. Siddall, Dr. J. B. Steavenson, Mr. "'iV. E., _LB. Simpson, 1Ir. W. S., :\l.n.C.s. Swete, Dr. IIol'ace. Simmonds, Mr. H. 1I., )LR.C.S. Scott, Dr. R. S. Stirling, Dr. Smith, 111'. H. Hammond, :\l.R.C.S. Stalker, Dr. A. :JI. Skae, Dr. Francis D. A. Squance, Dr. 'T. Coke. Swann, 1h. A., :lLU.C.S. 8mith, Dr. Henry.
•'toker, Dr. George. Seller, ::J11'. R. lhll'llett, )Lll.C.::l. Shaw, ]',lr. Thomas Bowc , L.R.C.P. Steele, Sm'geon-:JIajor W. H. (OibralL.lr). Sinclair Dr. Rubert. Tel11l)leman, }1r. Charles, :\I.B. Thomas, Dr. (X ew Zealand). Tholnp on, Dr. W. Tyrrell, ::J1r. Walter, 'LR.C. ' . Thunficld, Dr. T. "'iV. Turner, Dr. W. (Gibraltar). Turner, 'ul'geon-:\Iajor. ~ruckel', Dr. P. (Bcl'lllu<la). Tayler, 111'. F. T ., M.lt.C.P. Thornhill, Brigac1e-Surgeun::JL (0 ll! l'Il-C}). Tomlinson, Brigade-Surgeon E. Trimble, l'IIr. C. J., L.R.C.P . Thompson, :J1r. II., )r.n.c.S. V' orcs, ::JIr. Artll11l', ~r.R.C.S. Yan-Burcn, :JIr. E. C. lIaward, )I.ILC.S_ -'"VaLLie, Dr. C. T. 'Yhitehead, 1Ir. II., F.n.C.S. (India). Whitla, Brigade-Surgeon G. "'iVhcelp.r, Dr. "'iY. J. Ward, Mr. :J1 . .A., F.R.Co> Woo,ls, Dr. J . F . "'iVoods, Dr. II. C. "'iYater~, Dr. J . H. Ward, Dr. :J1artindll,le. -Willis, 111'. G. Owen, L.ILC'.l' . WIlton, ~11' ..J. P., )I.ll.(;.". -Waldo, Dr. F. J. Ward, Dr. J. L. "'iV. \Vade, Dr. A. B. "'iVebb, Dr. W. Watt, :JIr. "'iV. E., )r.n.C.s. "calker, 111'. Jame, _\I.H.C.S. "'iVil"on, Dr. J. coLt. Yule, Dr. Robert:J1.
II. LEClDmlm, B.mT., M.P., M..\...; F .. ' .. ~. JOII:-{ • ''I'. GEOHGE, K.U .B.
Ev.m;.' D _\.
G~~'mU,-L ;)Ilt
F O R~i
I give alld heq neath to the 'I reaurer of tho Ueutral Exeenti ve Committee for tLe time 11
the to
of the 't. J01m l\ muulance As.ociation
of £
----- - - - - - - - -
uo applied at tLe eli.':)cret iOll vf
the sai(l As. 'oeiatioll
Lhe Uelltral Executiye COllllllittee of
towards tho
pbilalltltrol~i (j
of . ucll
Associatioll, and I eliloct that the said sum -hall be paiel, free of
legacy du{.y, out of kuell part of my personal e.'LaLe as may 1)(.; legall y uoqllcatlleel for charitable ptlrposes.
FORlVIATION OF A CENTRE. IT is usual to hold an luaugmal PuLlic Meeting, presided oyer 1)y the :Mayor or othcr local digniLary, to explain the objects of t]le movem nt. 'r he sy tem adopted is thon as follows;(a .) The formation of an influential local Oommittee, with Ohairman, Tren.suror, amI IIonol'ary ,,-'ecretary. (b.) Tho formation of daRRcR (, o1>a1'ato) for persons of both sexes . (c .) The Recmillg tho sen"ices of a competent modicu.l g'entleman, who ,yilt undertake the duties of Lecturcr. (d.) The.[oJ'll1ation of n. Ln.c1ies' Committeo (when l'equi8ite). (e .) OLtaining tho UHC of ,1 ,'uitah]o room, RllCh as a Volunteor Drill Shed, choolroolll, or similar l)uilding, or in a private hou e, wher loctures can be c1eliYCl'ec1. (f.) The colledion of subRcl'iptions to defray local xpense ' , and to flll'lli~h contriLution, to heatl-c]tw,rters to carryon and extend tho ,york of t h Association . (y,) TIl cnrolling for enLry ill tho Rcgi tel' kept at the IIead Office8 the llames of (]lHllifled perHollR who wOlllc1 con nt in "\Yar time, when British troops al' ngagec1, to <.lF5si:::;t the ardor of ,'t. John in certain capaciti 'H, a list of which can Le obtained from tho Chief ecretary. FI A E,-Heceipt for local ub 'Cdptiull "ill bo given by the TroastlI'er 01' HOllorary e rctario.' of Centre from rec ipt book supplied by the Chief ecreta1'Y. All local expen 'es 'will be defray d by tho 'rl'easurers or ITonOl'al'Y :::iecretnl'iC'R of Oentre " out of snL.'TipLions recoived . 11. Balance, he t or tat 111 nt of receipt anc1 expenditure at ach Centro II') a1l11ually sent in to tIl . Chi f 'ecretal'Y, Hot later thall JUDe l;)th. rrbis must be . ignec1 and certified a correct, by the Chairmun, lIon. Secretary and 'Trea, urer, or if a Treasurer be not appointed, by one other fClllLel' of tho Local Committee. T
It is e:J.'pectecl that at the annual settlemellt of accounts in June, a slim lcill be ?'c?II/tted to St . John's Gate 4' sl((}lciellt aJiloulIt to coue?' the cost incu1'1'ed dll1'iJl[J the p,'eviolls twelue mUl/th' ill sendiJlg E;t'(llllillcl's (who w'e
paid one [J'linca each class e,l'UlIliJlcd, Clnd ji/,st-c[ass tJ'Ctrefling e:rpenses), and ll'
82 in supplying Certificates and printed matteI', as pel' accoullt ?'cndercd by tlte Chief SecTetaJ'Y, as lcelt as to assist in cll,/mying the w01'killg e,rpenses of the Association, and especially to Zeaue a Lct7'ge a balance as possible as a contribution towards the maintenance of tlte 'Work among poor Centres and Classes wlu'ch can contribute nothing in diminution of the cost they entail on the Central Fund. COURSE OF L"STRUCTION.-This consists of fi,e lectnr s, followed by nn Examination. The subjects taught are detailed in the Syllabus. The last hali-hour is deyoted to practical ,,'ork : such as the application of bandages and splints, restoration of the apparently drowncd, liftingthe injured, carrying on stretchers, &c" &c. The examiner is sent down by the Central Committee. A report is made by him, and certific2ctes of proficiellcy are a"arded to successful Candidates. Female pupils who have passed the preliminary examination are eligible for a Second or Nursing Course. l\IATERIAL REQUIRED. T hese Stores remain the property of the Centre, or Class, and are always available for local use (for future cla.sses, or in cases of accident ). Ambulance Stretchers (" Furley," improved pattern) JJarge Diagrams (for Lectmer's usc) .. ., Splints '" .. Tom'niquets (Esmarch's Elastic) . . Registers {ClaSs Attendance and Certificates-two to set Ca e Reports Book , . .. .. .. {Plain Triangular B d an ages Roller . . ..
each 42/0 sets 2010
3,u 1
sets G0 each 110 per 110z. 4.jrJ 2,0 The following Stores should be retailed to the Pupils at the prices here invoiced. Returns promptly made and in good condition will be allowed for. Bandages, Illnstrated alter Esmarc!l's, "ith prillted Instrllctions cnclo:;cc1, (post Sd. each) per doz. Shep:l~1'd'S (:b'irstAid) . Renwdand illustrated Books ethllOn . , .. .. .. ,. .. (po t Ill) each Cosgrave's eN Ul'sing) for achuneed classes . . (post 1/2) Pocket" Aide nIemoire" in linen-lined cJrvelopc.3 .. per Small Anatomical Diagrams " Specimen Examination Papel's (po [,0/·1) ea.ch
I/O 3/0
2/0 0/ 3 N oTE. -Single copies of any of the Books or Ban dages mentioned mny be had by post. All small orders should be prepaid to ensure pr'ompt attention.
An Ambulance llamper fitted complete, with waterproof cover and strap, and containillg the necessary appliances for rendering First Aid (price 3Gs. each); light-wheeled Litiers and ,"Vagons for cOlweyance of the iujUl'ec1, especially adapted for ll:':ie at Railway Stations a1ld in Mines, or at large ,Yarks and Factories, amI 811 cial Stretchers wiLh telescopic handles (to facilitate their being lowered to the pit's bottom, prico f)Os . each), although not includecl in the material necessary for a claEs, can also be had on application to tho IIol1orar'y Director of Store~.
1 TO .
olgA. .
ST. JOH N AMBU LANCE A S SOCIATION . DETACIIED .MALE (OR FE:JIALE) CLASSES. The e are cIa so,' formed in the, nlJUrb::l of London and in countr}' town and yillages, :mcl abroad, pending the estaLli 'hlllent of regnlar cenLre . Such cla ~es are under the immediate cOlltl'cl of the Central Execntiye Committ e, alld the amount due for tbe cost of the same honld Lo seut to the Chief Secretal), St. Jolm" Gate, Clerk nwell, Londoll .
.A lIIelilUl'WIr!UII/ .flieill[j a detail of tile e.t'jJellses will he fOlllld at page 86 .
It i::l ame.:-ltly lloped that whero the pupils are in a po 'itioll to afford it, a c1onatiou will be funnwlc 1 ill ac.1llitiun tu the expense, the A:-1l:';ociatioll ba Villg' m:my ca1l8 UPOIl it, limit d funds. J110re suuscTivers ([~ 'Ltje" alld .. Anllual" .11!clIlbel's (fre ol::;o espcGial/y needed. From h' 'll(y-fiyo to thirty i::; th Lest Illllllber fur n cla.s. It i Dot desirahle to have morc thaJl thirty or the illstruCtOl' caJlnot c1e\ote L.ufficicllt tim> to each pupil. III the case of a fell/ale class a small boy sholild be hired fUI' deJllolI,stl'utiun of bandafliH[j. The usual way to furm a Detnchctl Ula~' is fur the lady or gentleman uuclortakiug' to do so, io ol1e<..:t frolll t wonly-fivo to thirty names charge each pupil an ut rance fee .~ldlicicllt in alllouut to coyer the expen es, alld rcmit '11e(l1lO &c. to tIl hid ,,'ecretary ,yho ,yilllIelail a lecturer, amI in clue 'Olll'::;O an examiller, and arrange for supply of material lot.n .-III the case of cla~ tS lu/' c'ui/ul's, soldiers, polt'cemen, jZI'emen, 1'Clilwa!J empLoyc', ([ncZ Ollie/'s, wlio can oilly C(llol'd to j)({!/ a nominal entrallce fee, the valaNce of e:rpwces 1IlliSt be defl'Ct!Jed b!J meaJl8 of c:peciaZ sub:cl'Ij)tions 1'ai::;ed locally. Emplo!Jers of [abow' sltoulcl alll;wjs be asked to contrivllte fOIWI'ds the e.1pe7lses (If c/({ scs attended by their elllployc,. If it i l'oquil' d to sond a locturer all e_'cl\ptional distance from L011l1011 (aN for in,'tallce lw,cl to bo clone in the a'e of Lincoln), nn extm fee of two or three g-uin a would probably have to bo paid him . A local ?IIediGaZ p1'OctitiollCl' (dill.'! qllulljiul) J//(/!J lecture, pl'vl-'icled he culhe1'cd to the (lIIt/lOrised (~/Ji(;i({1 s!Jllabus (~/ the .1 '~ociutiul/ . Female lecl1l1'crs are not alluwed. .1\.. L nearly all the A sociation' , centres" and to mallY , Detached Cht'ses " local lll('c.1ical geuLielllcn yolnu t<1ri Iy lecturo got It t uituusly. F :2
81Detached classes wmally meet, in the case of women, in some lady's drawing-room; in the rase of men in a parish schoolroom, institution, or similar building. COZtTSe of InstTuction.- This consi ts of five lectures, with an interval of a week between each. Each lecture la ts about. two hours, the last half hour being devoted to practical work (bandaging, applicat ion of splints, &c.). The sixth week the examination takes placE'. iVo lecturer may examine Ms own
Examiners are always detailed by, and are alway paid feeR and expense'; through the Chief Secretary. LecturerR, ~f paid, should abo receive their remlmeration through the same medium. If an examiner were to accept payment through any other channel, the examination would be thereby cancelled. .At least a cleCt?' week's notice, ON TilE PRlNTED FOR'II SUPPLIED, stating p7'obable numbeT of candidates, should be git'en to the Chi~l SeC7'etal'Y of a convenient day, how', and place (a choice of two 01' thee days is pTeferable) fOT exomination, to prevent di appointment in ending down
an examiner. The only additional articles required [or the ,xamina.tioll are a supply of fool cap paper and ppnciis, or pens and ilik. Certificates are awarded to the succes"fnl candidates. Secretaries of Detached Classes are recommended to a.RCertaill during the course the full Ohri 'tian names of the pupils, a. they will probably thereby save them elves much trouble :=mcl correspondence when the extract from the examiner's report is forwarded for Yel'ification of spelling of names. Class attendance sheets can be obtained, if de ired, on apJ)licatiol1 ; also, for the information of lecturers and secretaries only, infoltrnctiol1s showing how the examiner will conduct the examination. (Paper Ref. .llfo. 80.)
J.l.B .-},iixecl classes of males and females are on no account pe7'7llittecl.
Lecturei::! on "nome Nursing and IIygiene" call be a.l'l':mged in a similar manner for women who have gone through tlw first course. It is usual, however, that the entrance fee should llGVer be less than half a guinea, as the minimum charge; and that the sum remitted for "incidental expenses" should not be less than five guineas. Only pupils holding the Preliminary Oertificate can ellter for the examination [or the Second OOUl'f'.e, for which vellum certificates are awarded. N.B.-Special Books are supplied for ul'sing Classes at Is. ea.ch} i)r by po,'L 1s. 2d.
A Pamphlet" Specimen E.caillination Pap81's," price 3cZ. each (by PORt 4d.), can be obtained hom the Ohief Secretary Ladies ltaldin!) "Firat Aifl" and" Nlfl'si,1!] Ce7·tijicrdes," can undel'go jn'actical inst1'llction ill DiL'll'ict J.VltJ'Jitl(J at obt((in ed/I'oln the CMe! Sec}'Ptal'!}.
Terms can be
In the case of "Detached Ob.S88S " held in Iuelia and the Oolonies, and elsewhere abroad, local arrangement can be made for the payn.:.ent of the Lectnrer and Examiner, without [orwal'dinp; their fees to St. John's Gate. Both lUU't be member' of the medical profe:.:; iun, ancl the btter should hold, if p03sil)le, ome official po.'ition military or ci"il. The Examillt-]" reports mllRt 1)8 ent to t, John's Gate, by the Loca.l e 'l'etaries (name. in full and correctly spclt} and on receipt of remitta.nce [or 'Incident:tl Ex:pen~es," ccrtifica.tes will be i:'<suec1. The official :-;ylla.l m:-; mu t of COUl'be bl~ adhered to, and Ola .'es examined as pet' Paper '0.
No. 58.
A rc Class" consists of 30 alld IInder. TltllS,ij tIle lIumbe!' of lwpils be ~ver 30, and not e~'ceed"lIg 60, the chai'ges are doubled; ove)' 60, allcl /lot cJ'ceedlllg 90, trebled, and so 011.
N.B.-The amount to be chm'gcel for entrance fee rnu t be regulated hy the sum total of the unclet'-mentioned expenses. In those cases /1,7"'11 a f ee (£5 5s. pfr
course of fire lfctlo-es) is paid to the lec~/lrei', flu:. ellh'anl'e f~e must be increased proportionatel!/. A fee will have to be pmd .for a lecturer det.ailed. from London or
elsewhere at a distance, and of course tl'ave1lll1g expemes.
Payments to be made to the Chief Secretary. 1. LECTURER'S FEE (pel' class) ~hen paid 2. EX,DfINER'S FEE (pel' class) 3. INCIDEYTAL EXPE~sEs.-Cost of Certiucates, Printing, Postage,
Payments to be made to the Honorary Director of Stores.
550 1 1 0
Stationery, &c., not less than220 For each Preliminary Class For each Nursing Class .. (A. reduced charge for" Incidental Expenses" is made to act l1al bona fide Classes for "orking people.) 4 . JJECTl:'RER'S AXD EXAMINER'S Fir t-Class Railway and Trn,elling} n.' [10' Expenses, including cab to and from Rail,,-ay tution in London ...1""0/1111 and else"here, and hotel bills (if any) •. .. .. .• 1'Clldere rl . K OTE.-The foregoing expenses '1\ ill be defrayed bJ the Chief 8('(;1'('tary out of the Cheque forwarded to him, as explained on page 83. :MATERTAL, Tiz.: P11y,iological Chart, Splints, Toumiqnel, Plain Triangular Bandages [CIIARGE FOR lURE OF, Fi1'st Aid clu,es only] N.B.-It is e!'sential that the Charts sllOuld be returned to St. Jolm's Gate, undamaged, as otherwie their full ,alue will have to be charged. In the case of :\Iale Classes, a Stretcher, ~hic·h (being alwa.'" u~eful in case of ace;i lent) mll t be purchased (unless already supplied) ,,-ill also be required, price.. If with telescopic handle, fOt, u'!e in mines, collieries, railway carriages,
~f. ~lJ~n ~lnhttlance ~~%atiati:1Jn.
£ s. d.
2 10
FIRS T LECTt"RE. A. Preliminary remarks, object of In 'truction. &c. B. A general outline of the tructure and FUllctions of the TIuman Body, including a brief uescri ption of the Bones, 'Mu des, Arteries, and Vcill '. The Functions of the Circulation, Re piratioll, and of the Nprw)us SYf'tCll1.
C. The triangular bandage and its application. .~ ECOSD
A.. The general llil'cctioll of the Main At terie indicatiog the points where the circulation lll:lY bo arrested by llig-ital pre sure, or by the application of a tOllrniql1 't. B. Tho clillerence bt;t,,-ccn ..lrtel'iul, Yellon. , awl Capillary Bleeding', am1 the yarions extemporary means of arre!:5ting' it. C. The triangular baudagc. TIIIHD LECTUHE.
IN ADDITION TO TIlE }\fA'{'ERr AL sent on hire referred to above, a Bllppl:r of the follo~ing articles (according to the number at teudmg the Clas1» will be forwarded Lo the lady or genlleman in charge "on sale (at tltepl'ices qtwtecl), or return." Thebe art ides can be accounted for separately from the expenses of the CJass mentioned in tbe preceding paragraph, and can be paicl for at the (,llel of 1he course, when Lhe Books, &'c., left unsold will be taken back, if undamaged : " Aids for Cases of Injuries or Sudden illness" (By tbe late Surgeon- EACII. :Major P. Shepherd, M.B.) 0 1 (l "Triangular Bandages, after Esrnllrch," illu b'ated by diagrams showing method of application (wdh printed instructions enctosed) 0 0 G Small Physiological ])iagrams 0 0 2 Card pocket "Aides 116moire " 0 0 3 "IIospitaller Work at St. JoJm's Gate in the XI.'Cth Century," by Colo11el F. Duncan, C.B., M.P., R.A., D.C.L. (Pamph.) .. 0 0 4 Specimen Examination Papers 0 0 3
A. The signs of Fracture, and first aid to be rendered in snch The application of splints, or other restraining apparatu . Treatment of spraills. tlccidellt~.
B. The trialJgular bandage. FOURTTI LECTURE.
A. First aiel to tbOKC uffering collap::::e from lllJnry, to tbo~e stunned, to 111e a.popledic, ineul'iated, epileptic, ftlintiug, amI to tllO,e bitten by rabid allimals. l3. The immediate treatmont of the app::t1' nily uro\Ylled, 01' otllenl'1 ~e sulIocatccl. U. Blll'llS, scalc1R. [mel poisons. \n.lat to llo when drc"s catches Ore.
INDEX No. 60.
A. The improvised method of lifting and carrying the sick or injured. B. Methods of lifting and carrying the sick or injured on tretchcrs. O. The conveyallce of snch by rail, or in country cn.rts. SYLLAB U S
FIFTII LEOTURE FOR FE11IALES ONLY. A. IIints on nursing- prepn.rn.tion of the room--the bod, how arranged- requisites for all emergencies tl'en,ted of in the foregoing lectures - Temperature of room-reading ordiuary n.nd bath thermometers. B. Preparing the patient for bed and placing him thereon in yarious cases. Administering food, drink, medicine-making and applyillg poultices of bread, linseed, mustard-fomentations andlotiollS. NOTE
The subject of poisons should be trea.ted in a general manner. The common poisons classified, and only their general symptoms and effect taught. With regard to the treatment, the first indication, TIz., how to get riel of the poison, iii the only one wbich can be safely practised by non-profc sLQnal pet"on . The administration of anticlotes is the medical man's dLlty. NOTE
LECTURE L-'l'IlE SIOK ROOM. ] ntroductory Remarks-Selection, preparn.tion and cleaning of room-Bed and bedcling-Fnrnishing-\Yarming and Ventilation. LECTURE n.-IN FEUTIO.L
There should be an interval of a week between each led nre. examination must attend at least fOID' out of the five lectures.
A cl1udiduJe for
Infectious n.nll non-illfections ca, es-Qnarantine of patient- llistory of a feyer ca e-Disinfee;tillg and cli.'infee;tants. LECTC'RE nI.-DET.UL
'GR .... Il G.
The uur e-Regulation of Yi"itors-Management of nul' e's own health-,Va. hing and (lre~t'\illg patient -B c1-making-Ohallging Flhe ts-Lifting helple patient - ick c1iet-Ac1milli tration of food, lllcdicilles, and stimnlallts. LECTURE IY.-DET.AIL. OF NUR
The last half·houl' of each lccture should be de,oted to practical work, such as the a.pplicatil)n of bandages und splints, lifting the wounded, and carrying on stretchers.
OlJservation of the . i 'k-l1igors - leep-Pain-Po ture- kin Appeti te-Vorniting-Oough-Expectoration-EITectf3 of remedies, erc. -Temperature takillg-Bath, -Bec1- ore -Delirillm-N'm ing sick chilllrell-,Yhat to prepare for Phy ician's ::mc1 :urgeoll' visit. LECT RE
Poultices-Fomentation - Blisters-Oilltment-Leeches-Paddin o0'_ splint. -Banc1agillg- Personal and family hygiene- hnn.gement of convale, c nts. Nixed CLasses of jJfen and TVolllen w'e on no aCCOllllt permitted.
N.B .-No pel'sons are alloltcd to elite?' f07' e,mmination in thee'e subject unless the!) /1al'e obtained the ccrtificate of "First Aiel to the lnjllTetl." The pupil mll't also hape attended at least four 01lt of the five Lect/{Te.~.
SPECIAL NUR 'ING IlAND-BOOI\:S, by E. IacDo'wcl Oo"graV"c, K,q., .ilI.n. (Lecturer and K-aminel to the A ociation), can be purchased ('11 application tl1 tllC IIol1o]'(1ry Director of toros, 'to Jolm'. Gate. P/'h'! 18.; b,lj Pust 1.. 2rl.
No. 62.
(Revised Regubtions, In.y, 1884.)
~ntbnlan cc ~SSlJCi~lttlJn.
~ ~ H
rn ~
Bno,\ZE -;\iEDALLIO,\ ' 1cifh ;:',Tall1es a7ld fle,r/z'steTecl iYulIIuer en(JTClved on back v.:ill be pTeselltect to thuse Pupils 1.dw become entitlecl to them 1.mcleT th e fullou;il1(J conditiolls : CERTIFICATED PUPIL
,,,110 lUlYe twice undergone re-examination,
1.cith un intf'J'm/ (exeepL as 8)) eifiell llelow as reganl." the Xnr8ing eOl1l'i'le e'(:tll1inatlOn) nf Jlot less than tlretl'e lIIonths betll'ef'1l each exam/llation, will be exempt. from allY [illther examination, and will be eligible
to reeci \'C a Mecbllion to 1) c'lJ'ried in the pocket, or worn a n.n ornament, but 7let'eJ' as (I riCIJOJ'(lt/O/l, alld to be u. ell w'h en necef'lsn.ry a a certilicn.te of 'ompetcllcy to re1lder \. first aid to th injured." Thw=!, a pupil who obtainod n, cerLificn.te in January, IS80, and ha~ been r '-examined in JaJluary, Itl81, and again in Janun.l'Y, 18 2, or later, ,yill be ligilJl for Rl1cil Medn,llion; of eonroSe provided he or ' he hn. ,in aeh illsta.nce, . atisfled Llle Bxamil1el'. Tho duration of illten Ta t ince th' pro \Tiou examination (or re-examination) i immaterial, provided it be /lot le.'s than t"Telve month, . neh re-examination may be made uy any McmLer of n. Loual ..\Iodieal taff, but only on tbe authori!')' of the Ihief 'ecret-ary, 01' Honorary Secrein.r,Y of the Centre, and will eOllRioSt of quostion, on tl: "l"irf't Aid" 'yllabuf'l, the all, \Vel' to ,yhich may prove thn.t the knowledge onco aequireLl ha not bCt'n forgotten.
TVomen who have 7Jrt ~serl the s('cnllcZ 01' .1VI/]· inr; COllrse e:ramination zcill be aLLowe(t to count this as a l'o-uxaminn.tion whenever tlte ame I/w!J hate been helcZ, but not when l'ec!.:olled ({ the jil/al 1'e-e'U17l1illation l.lnles tllere has been all illt e1'valo/ 1I0t less thall a .Ilem· • ince th e last pi (cedin(J 1'6e:emll/llatioJl . Tin's 1'e,r/1I1atioll is not l'et1·ospcctil'e.
At the FINAL Examination, Oandidates willoe reqllil'cll to pay the Local Secretaries a Fee of Two 'hilling'R each per~oll, for whieh a. Bronze i ec1nlliol1 will oe i ned, and no Medallion will be iF; 'uod from St. John's Gate un1e8 the application for the same (on the specified form) be accompallied by a remittance for that amount.
moon J\mhulan!£ J\BBoriafion.
Pupils entitled to receive Bronze Medallions, but c]C'cling' to hn,\-e Silver or Gold Medallions in tead, can do 0 by paying the following' prices, in addition to the above fee of Two Shillings : -
SII.J VER 55. 6d"
GOLD 485., each.
[ I ncluding the cost of engraving NAME and REGISTER
O. on back]
Cases 3s. GcZ. each extra. Recipients of Bronze Medallions who lllay de ire at any suo' eflllent period to obtain Silyer or Gold duplicates must pay the [ull price, -viz., 7s. 6d. or 50s. respectively.
If it be desired that the Medallion shonlcl be forwarded oy po. t, threepence, to cover registratioll and po, tage, Rbould be paid "\yith the above amount. Every application for Medallions must be made on a printed Form supplied for that purpo e, authenticated by the ,ignatur of the Honorary Secretary of the Centre, or Detached CIa, to which the pupil or pupils may belong, and addressed to the IIOXOTIARY DmECTOIl OF STORES, at the Central Office.
lJIembe~'s oj the Association are those who annually subscl'ibe Five SltillinJs alld upwards, or who [Jit'e donations of £5 and 1IjJWa/'ds to constitute themsfj[ves Life Members.
-=--- -....:::==:..--==
All ord rs for Medallio]ls must be prepaid, and to fncilitate numbering and engraving of names it is requested that, a, [<11' a possible, the l\Iedallions be ordered by IIonorary Secretaries periodically, in batches, and not singly at the option of individual pupils.
(Kcn8ill[/toll JJe1!Jl·a/.,'ia~ Chelsea,
Chail'Juan au(I '1'l'casurer. Lieut.-Colonel Jal1les Gildea, F.S.A.
Cprtificates of re-examined pupils should not be enc1ol'F!ec.1 either by the Examiners or IIollorary Secretaries, but 1'e-e,camillatioJl vOllche1'L, supplied from t . John's Gate, will be ,jgLH:~d and i'sued oy loc::ll IIonorary Secretaries, a in the cn. e o[ Certificatef-l. "VODCIIERS" will be is ued gmtis to certificated pupils who pass their fi1'st re-examillatioll.
ouchers" will !10t be g'l'anted for the N ul'sing examination, c.ountll1g as a re-ex n.J?1lOati on, or for tbe Recond (or final) I' -examinatIOn. ' Vheo torwarclll1g to t ..Jollll's Chte names of pupils who hav(~ been re-exammed by the Local Mediccd ,tar[ Local Secretal'ie,' should inva?'iably state whether for tbc fir,t or 8eCOl)'c1 time. By Order, IIERBERT U. PERHOTT, C"i~f
ST . .T onN's GATE, ULERKENWELT, F .C., .May bt, 188-1.
IJI'Clolidcnt. 'The RighL Hon. the Earl of Gla_gow.
lIonorary Secrctary. ( \' uean!,.) Life ;llcmbers.
Miss Julia Benyon. " Braby. Mrs. llal'gre:.l.Ycs Brown. Miss BurncLL.
" Craven. llon. lIenrieti tl. 'Vindsor-Cli yc. Mrs. B. L. Cohell. Mi ss DUllcombe. L.J.D. Admiral Sir E. Fanshawe, lLC.D. MI's. Fow lor. Mr. Cbarles GardinCl·. Mi s A.. St. John Onw. LicuL.-Col Jame,.; Gil~lca, F.S .•\ . Mrs. Jamcs G ildci.L.
'The Rev. tho llon. E. Cnrr-Glyn. 1\h. F. W. IIul'l'i . Mr. Ernest lIarL. 1\11' . Lloyd liard wicke. Ii"s lIumphro,rs. 1\11'. Leun. " 1\1ontagu. lUi" B. Loui 'a Par],c!'. " 1\la1'y L. l\H'kc~·. Irs. Streatfoild. Ln,cly r.rroln.\\'ny. Trevel,) un.
l\ll's. "\Yedd. MitiS Weld. "
'Yiltion .
Miss Wright Anderson. " Annan. " Pera Brett. 1\1rs. Arthur Blunt. Miss Oard,yell. Oreuze. G. Ohristie. Oolvin. O. E. Oourtney. F. OOLU'tney. Cox.. }Ir. .Olode. Miss F. Orosbie. Hon . Tberei:a Digby. Miss M. Dillon. Dix.on. " B. S. Egerron. M. Egerton. Fanshawe. Mrs. Gale. Miss Graham. Mrs. Davies Gilbert. Miss Green. J. Heron Goldsmid. Gooden. Guest. Hall. J. E. Hall. Hampton. Lady Beatrix Herbert. Miss Home. Mrs. Hubbard. Miss E. ITubbard. :Mrs. Inglis.
Uonorar'y Secretaries-continued.
~lembc l' s .
Mrs. JJyons. Miss Macintyre. " :McEuen. " :Mills. Mrs. l\1onro . Miss Moore. " E. F. 1\1uspratt. " Nathan. " O'Laugl,lin. O'Reilly. " Paine. 1\1rs. Lambert Rees. Miss Edith Reynolds. " St. A.ubyn. " Stace. " R. D. Graves Sawle. :Mrs. Seely. ~iss A. Seely. " E. Seely. " F. Seely. Mrs. Bisshopp-Sruith. Mi'ls J. Mmray Smith. " E. Murray Slllill. Mr. George G. T. Trehcrlle. Miss Twining. Hilda Grant Thorold.. J. A. Voelcker.
Miss D. Edwards. JUl'. J as. Foreman. " II. Forward. Ur~. Elizabeth Gent. Scr~cant-Major Gardiner, 3rd Batt. R. F. Mr . .d. J. IIalfOJ·d. " J. O. W. llarrison. " A. llorbert. " G. R. llllmphries. " J. \V. Knott. Mi s E. II. Lyne. Mrs. Marks. Mr. O. Montague. " G. Morlon.
Mr. O. Alan Pu.l::ucl'. Miss E. Parsons. Rev. ~rhos. Priestley. l\fr. Thos. Pultan. " R. J. altere. " "Talter G. Seoones. " John W. Sherwell. IJ J. Sexton Simonds (lH.F.B.) Miss l\Iary Simpson. 11'. GfO. Smith. Miss Ro e Stuc1c1on. JI Edith Temple. Mr. Thos. Whitley.
Life iUcmbcrs, OOl'porn,Lion of the City of London. Mr. Oonrad Bergman. Fi"hmonger' Oompany. The Baroness Burdett-Ooutts. Golc1amiths' Oompuny. l\Iajor-General Bryan Milman, O.B. Gt'ocer:;' Company. Messrs. J. and R. Morley. llu.bel'lln~hcr:;' O.)mpany. ~1r. El'nc't L. Olive. l\1orce1' " ompany. JI Edmund IIowley Palmer. i\[ct"chant. '1'I1,)'lors' Company. 110:;8ra. Prescott & Co. (Bankers). SJ-iuncr:;' Company. 1'11'. Sheriif Waterlow. " Surrey COlllmercial Docks Oompany. " Ech'arc1 Webh (British and " RI. lIon. \\T. UeAlthlU', M.P. Foreign \YIHLl'f) . l\Ir. Etlwd. L. Barnard. Miss Ford (lIigbgate).
The " " " " " "
" F. Wray. E. Wray. Webber. " We~tgarth. Mrs. Wilde. Mis Wilde. " II. F. Woodhouse.
No.2 DISTRIOT-METROPOLITAN OE.L TRE. ( O£ty and POTt of London, including I-lighgate.) Presitlent. Major-General H.R.II. the Duke of Oonn:mght, K.G. Chairman. \ Treasurcr. Sir V. B. Kennett-Barrington. 111'. F. W. Buxton. District Secretary. 111'. W. J. Ohurch Brasier (St. John's Gate, Olerkenwell, E.O.). II onol'ary Secretaries. Mrs. E. Ohignell. Mr. G. W. Anthony. Major J. ll. Oourtney Clarke. " E. L . Barnard. Mr. O. ll. Denny. " O. R. Brown. " John Denoon. Mi~s Emily G . Oalder. ReT. C. Dimsdale. II Oalthrop.
Auuual Jlcmucrs.
Ur. O. B. Bm'ne . " J. ll. Bone1. " S. ll. Olark. " Ohus. Ooombs. " Ohus.Oull. " ll. Forward. " Bateman llarcourt. Messrs. Hitchcock and Williams. lloare and 00. JUl'. llorace 'V. llolL. Miss Lacy. Mr. O. E. Penny. " P. B. Pol.
JUl'. E. ll. Rea. Miss J. Rusher. Mr. W . .d. Seaton. }'Iiss idney. Mr. 'Ym. Smart. " R. L. Spieer. Normau ']'ueker. " J. \Veo;ver. " IV. Whitlon. " Jus. Wild. " T. ll. Wilkins. Mi s G. \\ e::;(,ol1. :Uedical Staff.
Mr. 1'. E. Bowkett, M.RO.S. " :Ii'. Gonlon Bro" 11, l\I.R.C.S. " M. Drownileltl, l\f.R.O.S. Dl". \\'111. ColJingl·idge. Mr. A. S.lmon E('des, ]\f.B. " J. DUlJ(bs Grall!, )1.1:5.
l\[1'. Grcemyood, l\1.R. O. " W. J. l\[nckcllzie, l\f.B. " II. Pcr~y PottCI', F.R.O.S. " IT. Ralluciel's, l\r.R.O.S. " J. F. Woot1s, M.R.O.S.
No. 3 DISTRICT-METROPOLITAN CENTRE. (St. James's, },layfaiT, Jlycle Parle, S. W.) President. II.R. H. Princess Beatrice, Princess IIenry of BaLLenberg. ChaiI·man. Sir V. B. Kennctt- Barril,gton. Honorary Sccrctary. Tl'CaSurCl·. 1\[1'. vV. J. (Jhlll'ch B!,[L ie]', Mr. Summers Cocks. St. John' Gate, Clerkeuwell, E.C.
Mr. Armstrong. " J. W. Dukes. " .Tervis. " D. Macni ven. Miss F. Martin. Mr. R. Mitchell.
Honorary Sccrctaries of Classes. Miss Quilter. " :11. Simpsol1. Hon. Maude Stanley. 11'. J. E. K. Studd. Mrs. Holmes White. Life ;'Uembers.
SjJccial Subsel'ibCl'S to lIydc I-ar}{ Ambulanee Stations Fund. Miss De Burgh. Dr. Priestley. Mr. Horace Davey, Q.C. Mr. Geo. Robinson. " Robt. liUlTison. " D. eellar. " E. IIart. " Geo. SlLith. Lady Pollock. iUedlcal Statf'.
Mr. Cantlie, F.R.C.S. Dr. ahill. " Andrew Clarke.
(Charing C1'OSS,
001. E. II. Kennard. JUiss llingsmill. Marchioness of Lan downe Duche s of Leeds. 1\1iss Frances ::\Iarlin. A.. ~liles. Mr. SamuellIOl'ley. Lord Rear· 1\11'. Albert Sandem:1ll. " Fleetwood SUlldeman. ~fl's. G. G. Sunc1eman. Mr. A. L. Savoury. Countess of Soff on. Mr. II. J. Tritton.
A.nnual Jlembers. Mi s R. Mieholls. Lady K ennett-Barrington. llon. Mrs. Mostyn. Miss E. O. Bedford. MitiS F. G. OLto. " Bonsor. Parkin. II A. Bonsor. A. 1\1. Prothero. Mrs. Buckingham. " Quilter. Miss Buckingham. E. Robertson. Mrs. Oator. L. Roberlsoll. " A. Gillard. 1\J t'. J. G. Sandcmn.n. Major-General Sir H. Green, K.O.S.L, Miss Sidney. O.B. Mrs. Tomlin. Miss J. Harrington. Miss Tyzard. Mrs. V. Harvey. " vVestel'n. Mr. James J n.ckson. The Lord Wynforcl. General Sir Arnold Kemball, R.A., The Ln.c1y Wynfonl. KO.B., R.O.S.L His Grace Lhe Duke of ManchcsLer, K.P .
tremel, ChanceTY La,~e, g·G.)
Chairman. ~h. George TOUl'nay Biddulph.
Del)uty Chairman.
Mr. George James. Tl'ea urer and JIonorary Secretary. Mr. C. J. Lambe Eames (20, Cock pur treet, Cllaring Oross, S.W.).
Marchioness of Bath. The Lady Brassey. Lady E. Browne. Mr. W. L. B-Lli'dett-Coutts. P. J. Omosso. " W.Ooates. " F. L. Oook. Oountess Oowper. ]\[iss A. de Rothschild. Countess GranTIlle. Mr. L. Vernon Harcourt. Mrs. Q,uintin-Hogg. Oountess of Dchester. Mr. E. Kelso.
Mr. ymons Eccles, F.R.O.S. Dr. George 'Loker.
Life lUcmbel's .
Mr. F. W. AJington. l\1i Eccles.
Miss M. B. ITawihorne. Annual JlcmlJer. Mr. Gco. T. Biddulph.
ltleclical Staff-. :Mr. Arthur T. Norton, F. R.O. Mr. J. IIornsey Oasson, M.R.e .. , &c. " J. Edward quire, M.D. " Smith, M.D.
:t\ o. G DI TRICT-~IETROPOLITA.N CE~TRE. (BloomsbuJ'Y, g·G.) Mr. E. II. ~o .
lIonoral'Y Secretary. (3G, Queen qnare, \Y.C.).
(N01·th East LOllclon, CZupton, Stuke NewillfJtoll g·G. ) PrcSihlcnt. The Right Rev. Lhe Lord BI hop of Bedford. Treas urer aUll Houorary Sccretary. (Vn.callt.)
(Putney, TVancl 1l'01·th, anel neighboll1'llOod.) Jt reSiitlcn t.
(VrLt'nnL.) Chairman. Mr. Edward Ooventry. G
De !Hlty Chairluan.
1\11'. , wauston.
Mr. A. S. Michio.
No. 12 DISTRICT-METROPOLITAN CENTRE. (TViltesden and neiVltboul'lwod.)
Honorary Secretary. ]\fl'.
Arthur Drydcn (72, nigh Street, PuLney, S.W.). Life
The Right lIon. the [ad of Aberdeen. Mr. J. S. Longden.
R. O. F. Dallas.
]1 ('(Ii cal S ta tr. JUl'. Frec1k. IT. OarLer, F.R.O.S.
:Mr. W. G. Dickinson.
Presiden t.
Cllall'man. MI'. W. Lant Oarpenter, B.A., B.Sc.
De)lnty Chairman.
Jlouoral'Y Secretary.
MI'. J olm M. Grant.
Mr. John Fisher. (105, Chmch Road, Willesc1C'n, N. W.)
No. D DISTRICT- IETROPOLITAN CENTRE. (Kilbu1'n and lV01'th TVest London, g·c.) President au(l Cllairmau.
Lieut.-General R. W. Lowry, O.B.
Mr. Fmnci S. Long.
l'Icdical Statf'.
Mr. N. Aitkens Baber.
MI', S. IIamilton Taylor, B. A., C.M., M.D. " John Burns-Gibson, B . ., M.D. 1 " "V. Milner Burgess, M.R.O.S., L.S.A.
" Harrison BranLhwaite, F.R.O.S. " D. S. ,'kinner, M.D.
Del)uty Cllairluan.
Dr. II. W. Pla,tt. TFcasurcr and Jlouorary Secretary.
l"re'' 'itlent.
Mr. Arlhur O. Beasley.
Lord Abel clare.
Annual l'tlembel's.
Mr. II. O. Ohevallier. Lieut.-Gen. R. W. Lowry, O.B. Mr. S. Wolley.
Mr. O. B. Allen. " Berg. " A. O. Beasley.
Mr. J arne Lewis.
Major Powell.
JIonorary Secretary. }'h. Eyun JOJ:es.
( .... T O
lUetJieal S tatr.
Dr. R. R. IIardwieke.
Dr. H. W. Platt.
Honorary Secretary.
No. 10
l\f UjOl' W.
( .... T O
(Br ixton and neigltboU1·lwod.) President.
Rev. Jas. McOonnell lIussey, D.D.
Mr. O. R. I)ulmer-Morewood.
Mr. T. W. Townsend.
Ilonorary Secretaries.
Mr. J. Pogmore.
Mr. T. W. '] ow-nsend.
n onorary Secretary. h. lIolland Ro" bottom.
Mr. T. O. Thatcher.
'Vm. Par on8.
Mr. O. R. I almer·l'i1orewood.
( nTe. til/oreland.)
IJorc1 Lyttelton. (In abeyance. )
Chairman. (Vnefl,nt.)
lIollol'al'Y Secretary
Rev. H. B. Rawn ley.
a 2
ASIIFORD (KENT) CENTRE. Trcasurcr. Mr. W. F. B. Jemmett.
Chairman. Mr. J. Fm·ley.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. Geo. FUl·ley. Life
Chairman. Mr. IIenry Richardson. Depnty Chairman. Mr. W. F. Pilter.
Treasurer. Mr. James Hunter. Honorary Secretary. Mr. Robl. F. Spence.
Lord Hothfield.
Mrs. Blomfield. Mr. J. S. BUrl'a. Annual
Mr. J. S. Ea t.es. W. F. B. J emmett. Thos. Nottidge. " W. P. Pomfret, M.P. " G. A. Spain.
1il'. J. U. Bugler.
Major F. Cheesman. Mr. J. Creery. " W. Daniels. Sir E. C. D ering, Bart. Mr. Thos. Edwards. ~Iedical
Mr. W. II. Coke. " P. Phelps. " E. W. Thurston.
Statf'. Dr. Wilks. 1\11'. J. Cooper-Wilkinson.
ATilERSTO)l E CEN'fRE. La(ly Prcsident.
Mrs. Dugdale.
President. 'The Right lion. Lord Penrhyn. Trca urel'. Chairman. Mr. Thon. 'Veb lor. Col. the lion. W. E. achille West. Jlouorary Sccretary. Mr. Robert A. IIolt. Annual llIember . Mr. 1:dwl1l'cl Jone . The RighI, lIon. Lord Pemh,) n. " Macgregor. The Right, lIon. Lady Pcnrhyn. 'ydney Platt. Profe ' 01' Dobbie, M.A., D. c. " R. Iont.agu Pro::;ton. Mr. T. :E. IIarri " John Thomas, B.A. " R. A. lIoIt. ~ICtlical
Treasurer. Mr. C. A. Phillips.
Chairman. Mr. O. B. Lowe, J.P.
Dr. E. J. Lloyc1. l\I r. R. Lall,yford J one . " Richard Jones.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. J. II. Calladine. ~Iedical Statf'. Mr. Robert Mears, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., &c.
AYLESBURY CENTH,E. Prc itlcnt. His Grace the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, KC.S.I. lIonorary Sccretary. Mr. Lewis Poulton.
Treasurer. Major Goodall.
Mr. W. Chairman.
Chait'man. Mr. Thomas Hancock.
lore ·ident. pencer-Stu,nhope, J.P. DCI1Uty Cbairmcn.
Surgeon-Major Blackburn. Rev. \Y. 'Y. E:i.l'by, M.A., R.D.
Mr. Thos. 1\hrsden.
Trcasul'cr autl Honorary Sccretary. (Vacant.)
BABBINGTON CENTRE. I"rcshlent. Mr. C. H. Secly.
Staff. 1\11'. Rowland Jones. " E. Owen Prite.
11'. Churles lbl'vey: J.P. 1\11'. 'IN. Spcnccl'- 'I,anhope, J.P.
Mr. S. J. Cooprr. Trca urcr. Mr. S. W. Hancoe;k.
Honorary Secrctary. Mr. G. H. Vardy.
Surgeon-Major Blackburn. Mr. J. Flelcher HOl·nc.
lUcdical Staft'. :\11'. lIonry E:no"lc:>. Dr.Obrke.
102 B~\'RRO\Y-IN-F
13.1£AI l'Al{K UOLLIERY UJ£N'l'l{K
l"rc~iclcnt ,
lIonorat'Y Secretary. Mr. Bcnja.min II. Dodd.
11'. Elhtll'll 'Yadham, J.P. 'l'l'casurel'. Mr. liom.' ook, J.P. Honorary Sccretaric~. 'Tbe Ven . .A.l'chdC'tlcon rosso,:M 1\11'. Thos. Ll'n)'y. Life
."l'c!olhlcn1. Colonel LLlar\"
The BalTow liremnliLc
Aunual nClllbcrs. Barrow hip-Building Company. aptain Gr:l(h,ell. Ball Committee, Barrow Police. Mr. Councillor Onnandy. Barrow Amateur", ocalists and Dudley' ,,\V. Pdch, J.P. Band. chneider, J.P. MI'. Beasley. 1n:rol' of Barrol (J\1r. '1'o\\,u on,) Yen. Archdeacon Crosse, M.A. lUI'. 'Vadham, J.P. Mr. oak, J.P. lessl's. Waddingtouaud LongboUom. Captaiu FoIl. ~Iecllcal
Dr. J.
Chait'lIlan & lIollontry Secretary. \ Tho Rev. llownrd I empson.
The DuchC's of Bellfol·d. The 1nrdJiol1l'ss of TaTistoek.
1\11'. F. J. Cod,bum.
Colonel Sluart. Mr. Frederjek llowanl.
J"l'C!o.idcnt. 1\11'. II. VV. Yel'ebt, J.P. '1'I'easnrcr. Ur. J. 1I. AshloJl.
h. R. Edl1i::;Oll.
Ilonorary Secretat'Y.
. .J..ndl'r"oll.
11'. George Holland.
Mr. UcldUe Portal.
' J1'
Cllail'lllan. :Mr. 'Y ill. W. Portal.
I"n'!' hlCll t. Edward Porlcr 'o"Hn, IIl'r Majcl) '8 Lord-LieutcnanL for Co. Autrim. l: It ai l'luan.
'l'l'l'a!'urcr. MI'. F. Lazenby.
lIo11orary Sccretary.
lIono,'al'y Sccrctal'Y.
Mr. J. Gibson. (In abc) :111ce.)
Jl\U1C~ ~Ul' •. Lintll:!a~-,
M.A., :ll.D.
nt'dical statr.
l\k John Fagan, F .R . . . 1. n ..\.., ~l.D., tH.C. ".K 131 igUllc- 'ul'gcon F. R l\Irli'ariand, L.U .U.". & P., Eng. ])1' .
\'EX) CE~'l RK
R J. llarlallll, Burl., J.P.
,Y~tlIOll 131'l1Inl<',
I-residcnt. liis Grace Lho Duke of Clcyclnnd, K. G. ChaIt'man.
DCIJuty Chairman,
:Mr. Philip O. Papillon.
The H.ey.
Treasurer. 'Tbe Ver.r Rcy. E. R. Currie, Dean of Ballie.
Cbalrllu\u. 111'. Adam Durling, J.P.
. 'V. n .
Mr. VV'. A. Ruper.
IAfe ;Ucmbcrs.
Life lUemberlil.
1'11e Lady Bl'asscy.
'rhe Duke of l'le,elund, KO.
apl. IJnl1ke~~.
(i\ 0
1I01101'ary Sccrctary. Mr. I oberL 'YeddeU.
Treasurcr. Mr. VV. L. Mill r.
Uonorary Secretary.
:Mrs. " 'aLson .hk w.
Colonel D. Milne-nome.
lU('(lical Statl·.
MI'. JU11l0S l\l:lI'l\:1), L.H . . P . I~ Mr. U. 'o lller,13l'Jgntle • I'geon, :\lclhcul 'tafL
10J BEXilILL UENTRE. President. Colonel H. La.ne, J.P. lIonorary secretary. Mr. Edwin E. Wright.
Tl'easurel', Mr. amuel Scrivens.
Anuual lUembers. Mr. H. Arrowsmith. ., T. W . .A.shb.v, C.B. 1\fl'3. Ashby. }.fl'. E. O. Burbidge, B.A. R ev. L. S. Clarke. Lieutenant H. danler Clarke, Miss GalTett. Mrs. Gorringe. Colonel H. Lane, J.P. Mt·s. Lane.
Jesse Oliver. " S. Scrivens. :Mis Scriven . Rev. James impson. :Mr. F. Wallis, F.R.C. '. Ml'd. Wallis. JUl'. F. M. Walli", M.R.C. Mrs. F. 1. Wallis. Mr. E . E. Wright. ]1.11'.
lUeclical Staff. Mr. Frederic M. Wallis, M.R.C.S.E.
BIKGLEY OEXTRE. Honorary Secretary. Rev. G. Postlethwaite. (No return.)
PreSident. Mr. Charles Hilton Seely. Chairman. Mr. Wm. M. Lacey.
Trea urer. Mr. Geo. W. Chamb~rluill.
HOllorary Secretary. Mr. J obn Merriman. Life ~Iember. Mr. Charles Hilt.on eely.
BIllKDALE (LA TOA TIlRE) OENTRE. President. Mr. Oharles Joseph Weld-Blundell. Chairman. Rev. F. Smith. Treasurer and Jlonorary Secretary. Captain vV. II. Simmonds.
1\11'. J. II. Allan. " George Chamberlain . 'rhos. FiLLon. " S. Parsonage.
Annnal lUembers. Oaptain W. II. Simmonds. Rcv. F. Smith. Mr. O. J. vVeld-Blundell. ;U eclical Staff.
DJ·. F. Newsllam.
Dr. A ..T. Charlick.
BIH 1TN VITAM OENTRE. ]"reshlellt. The RighL lIon. Lord Leigh. 'l'rea urcr ancl Houoral'y Secretary. Chairnlan. Mr. G. Ring-Patten. Rev. Canon Wilkinson, D.D. Life IUember . The Right lIon. Lord Leigh. Mr. J. C. Holder. Mr. Arthur Albright, J.P. C. II. " G. B. Lloyd, J.P. " Richard Tangye, J.P. " George Cttc1burv. ]1.1(' I'. 'hullce, Bros. " John E. Wilson, J.P. " Anonymous." Annual :lIen'-bcrs. Mrs. G . II. Johnstone. Mr. W. M. Baker. Right Hon. L ord Leigh. Il J fLlI1C Booth. II'. P. IT. Levi. Rev. 'anon Bo\\lby, f.A. "JIr •. E. R. Lloyd. Ir . Broun. }1i~ Long. " Brown. R ev. E. R. l\Ia on, M.A.. Miss Brown (Leamin¥Lon). U1'8. G. S. Mathews. ]\[rs. Thomns ha e. Mi s Mayo. The 1\fi ~e hat Lock. ]\[1' . J. B. larke. " MoJIatt. 11' . King-PuLLen. lnl'k co n. Rev. R. 'V. Dale, D.n. " Powell. Mi s Prime. " R . Dcane, D.D. Roberts. Miss Dingley. Mr. Readin g. " Dobb. " J. W. "alamun . ~Ir . En1n . " Alston mith. Mi liarrold. Mi stock. Mr. Alfrec111ill, J.P. 1'111' . Thol11 on. " J. Sl1lchell Hopkin ', J.P. The ~fi es Hughes. Rev. Cunon \Yilkin on, D.D. Mr. . Hunt. }Ir' . " Tillrcd \YilliuUls. " Kel'dhaw. JIetlical Staff. Mr. Jordan Lloyd, M.B. 11'. J. II. Bl\.rLlett, M.B. W. S. Mann. " 'V. J. IlLrl{e. 'V. E. Parke . " VV. G. Cre \\"ell. OliYer Pemberton. " R . J. Dl'lli'y, B.A., M.D. " R. VV. Edgington, l.D. " F. Quick. " lIenr), ' bilito, M.B. " E. L. Freer. n \V111. Thomas, LB. " J. B. Goulel. " Thoma Thomp"on. " W. Ii'. lIaslam. YUll Vl' tl'nnt. " 1\ . F. lia\\ kins. " E. Yickel'sWhilby. » llougllLon.
Mr. R. MaeLea.n-MacLculI.
Miss :Marsland.
'l'reasurcl' and UOllorary Seeretal·Y.
Honorary Seeretarics.
Miss Madeley.
.:\1n,jOI' C. D. Dal'it' .
1\11'. R. B. BatLy. Life
UK~ 'l'RK
1h. R. Vandeleur Kelly, F.R.C.S.E.
Mr. W. J. Clarke, 1\1.R.C.8. Mrs. V:1l1delenr Kelly. Annual
Mrs. Ludlow. " Machin. " Madders. Miss l\fadcley. " Marsland. 1\11'. E. S. Hoore. Mrs. Roberts. 1\11'. Storey. " S. Taylor. M]'s. Wiley.
Mr. R. B. Batty. Mrs. Biddle. Mr. W. J. Clarke. Mrs. Clarke. " Cattell. Mr. Dennison. Mrs. Greener. " Rookham. " HughetT. Mellie. Lefebure.
BLAUKPOOL C ENTHE. Chairman. Mnjul'-Gencral R. J. Feildcll, M.P.
Secretary. Mr. Juhn Taylor.
(So r eLUlll.)
Chairman. Mr. J. A.. Longdcn. Del)uty Chairman. Dr. J. J. Bingham.
lUedical Staff.
Mr. W. II. SLevens.
lIonorary Secretary. ?!11'. P. ::,!lu c]lamp .
:Mr. W. J. Clarke, 1\LR.C . .
.:ncdleal Staft'".
Dr. J. J. Billghalll.
BISIIOP\,\' EARMOUTli CENTRE. J(onoral'Y Secreta)')'. Mr. H. Drinbyatcr, LD.
President. Mr. James Laing, J.P.
lUedical Staff.
Dr. Collie. " Drinkwater.
1'10 lion. \V. II. B. PorLman.
Dr. Martin.
ITreasurer and lIonol'ary Secretary.
Chairman. Re'\'. C. II. J!"yncs-OliuLou.
Life ~Iembcr. The llon. Lucy Ella Portman.
President. The Right lion. Viscount Orauborne, M.P.
DI·. BUl!ut.
1\11'. G. W. D!tIlicll.
Chairman. The Right Rev. Bishop Oramel'·l{.oberts, D.D. Treasurer and lIonorary Secretary. I"l·esldcnt. 'Tho RigllL Rc,\,. Bishop 'l'ufnell.
Mr. NaLhan A.. Smith. Life iUemlJcr,
'1'he Right lion. ViscounL OI':1nborne, M.P.
Mcdlcal Statf'.
Dr. William G. Oort. " Robert II unto
Dr. James M. 1I. MarLiu.
Treasurer. lUI's. TriLlion.
Rev. RoberL Biscoe 'l'l'iLlull. lIollol'al'y :Mi~s
1\11-. triL'klulld.
]08 Annual lUcmbcl's. Mrs. Mumford. Oolonel Norton. Mrs. aunders. Mr. teel. "Mrs. O. Stewart. 1\11'. Strickland. Bishop Tufnell. Mrs. Tufnell. R ev. R. B . Tritton. Oolonel Teesdu,le. Mr. Yarnell.
Colonel Blagrave. R ev. Dr. Oonder. Dr. R. N. Donet. Mn Fletcher. Miss F ulJagal'. O. Fullager. Baroness Grant. Mrs. J enkins. " Keats-Jackson. 1\11'. A. Lloyd. Mrs. Lloyd. Mr. L ong.
BRIDPORT CENTRE. Chairman. Mr. J. M. P. Montagu. Ilonorary Secretary. Mrs. Oolfox.
Treasurer. Mrs. Templer. Annual
Rev. Oanon Broadley. " L. Oarpenter. Mr. W. Oolfox. Irs. Oolfox. Mr. T. A. Oolfox. " A. ",V. II. DilmmerB.
. Mr. J. M. P. Montagu. Mrs. M onLagll. Rev. F. MauD sell. Mr. O. O. Nantes. Mi s uttill. Mrs. Templer.
~Ie(lical Staff. Dr. F. II. Ellerton.
BOORNEMOUTII CENTRE. Presillent. The Rev . The Lord Bishop of W inchester. Trea urer. J. G. Shepherd
Chairnlan. Oaptain Maxwell-Goad.
Pre. ident.
Honorary Secretary. Oolonel Tompson. Annual
JY.k-.A.-B.ass.e.tt.. ~ Rev. A. S. Bennett. Oaptain Elwes, J. P. M:r:-D. Embleton. Miss Ewbank Dr. W. . Falls. Mr. G. J. Fenwick. " W. D. Furley . Oaptain Maxwell-Goad. Mrs. Maxwell-Goad. Dr. H yla-Greves . Mrs. Kennaway. Bt'. Rei'sey. -
Mr. J. RinYan. Major Maum!ell. Ml'. W. ",V. Moore, J.P. --;,--e. J. Nixon. .Rru:. II.. Pear on . Mr. G. J. Piercy. Rev. O. B. 'cott, D.D. :YIias "M. G. B. St. J ohn. Admiral Sir James 'uliv<1n, K.O.B. Oolonel Tompson. Mrs. Tompson. lI,1r. O. E. Baring-Young, M.P. Oolonel Young. lUedical Staff.
MI', J. F . Dixon.
Dr. Douglas. Mr. Embleton . Dr. Falls. " Frazer. Mr. Gardner. Dr. Hyla-Gl'eves. Mr. Mahomecl.
Mr. Kinsey -Morgan. Runn. " T. B. ScoLt. " B. Scott. Dr. Snow. 1\11'. r.reuner. Dr. Roberts-Thom'3uu. " White.
Mr. R obert Farrer, f.R.O.P. A
Trea urer, Mr. IIemy Sugden.
t , taut Treasurer.
Mr. II. S. Stott.
llonol'al'Y Secretary.
Sir George Al'mytage, Bart. Mr. lIenry Jocelyn Barber. Bl'ighou8e Indu Lrial ociety. Messrs. liird, Dawson and lIardy.
Life iUember fl'. Richard Kershaw. " IIanson Ormerod, Sen. " Richard ugclen.
BRIG IJTON CENT RE. Chairman. The Rev. D an Winham. Honorary Secretary. Trea~urel'. Mr. Oharles J. mith . Captu.in ByLhesea. Life i'Iember. Colonel PenLon. (No r eturn.)
110 BRISTOL AND CLIFTON CENTRE. P resill cn t. His Graee the Duke of Beaufort, K.G.
Chairman. Treasurer and JIonorary Secl·etary. Sit' Sn,nf01'c1 Freeling, K .C.:.\f.G. Dr. W. II. Spencer. (No return.)
BROvV.l llILLS CE... TRE. Chairman, Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. Mr. John Croft. Life lIember. Captain Harrison.
1\11'. J . C. Maddener, M.D.
lUedical Staff'. Mr. J. S. Lettings, L.R.C .. E.
l\f eR81·S. Allsopp & Sons, Limited. Bass & Co ., LimiLeti.
Lifc IUembers . Lord Bm·ton. Hintllip.
Annual llember8. l\fcssr8. Allsopp & SOnA, Limited. LOI·d IIilldlip. The ilon. G. II. Allsopp. Messrs. Ind, COOP } & Co., Limitc>d. l\fr. IIumphrey G. A.nder on. Mr. Thos. F. Le",is. Messr3. Mann, Crossman & Co. " Churle n. Anty. Me 81' • Buss & Co., Limiled. Micllanc1 Rl1i.lway Co. BurLoll Brcwery Co., Limited. Mr. W . .H.ead. LOl·a Bm·ton. 1\1e'srs. Salt & Co. Lord 'al'l1arVOn (Bretby Colliery) Mr. \ V. C. Salt . Med 1'8. Charrington & Co. " J obn Tavener, J un . Mr. O. J. lay. .Me 1'9. Trllman & Co . Gilbert M. Day. Tru t e of laLe 1\11'. Peter Walker. l\fr. W. II. Worthington. " Sydnc>y Ever hed, JLP. Tbe l\Iayor, 1\[1'. Edward Wright. " J. '. Grinlil1g. II. IIenehcliffe. ] I ecIical S tafl'. :Mr. \VaILer George Lowe, 1IL. D.
BURNLEY (LANCASllIRE) CENTRE. Chairman. R t. H on. Sir U. J. Kay-Shuttleworth, Bart., M.P. Deputy Chairman . Mr. T. G. Sandy.
ITreasurer and Honorary Secretary. Mr. J. L . Ward, M.A.
Honorary Secretary, Ladies' Brancb. Mrs. J. L. Ward. Annual l'Iembers.
:Miss Coultate. 111-s. Giles. JUl'. G. Gill. " T. G. Sandy.
Sir U. J. Kay-Shuttleworth, Ba,rt., M .P. Mr. A. Strange. " J. L. Ward.
lUedical Staff. 1'111'. H. Briggs, M.D . Mr. J. Mackenzie, M.D. " J. Brown, M.D., F.R.C.S. L ond. " R. C. O'Meara. " J. MeL. Ferguson. " A. A. Watson.
BURTOI -ON-TRE IT CENTRE. Pl'eshlent. Mr. W. II. Wort.hington. Cbairman. Mr. George Lowe.
Delluty ChaIrman. Dr. W. G. Lowe, M.D.
Treasurer. Mr. Eel-wi.n A. Brown.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. H . G. Anderson.
Chairman. Caplain Tho3. Lambert.
DelHlty Chairman. The Dean of CanterbLu'Y'
Treasurer and lIonorary Secretary. Mr. F. W. Furley. Annual
The l\fal'qui Conyngham. Denn of Canterbul',t'. Mltyol' of Canterbury Prentice, Esq.) Mr. F. W. Fm·ley. " Geo. FUl·ley. " "V. Gillman. Surgeon-Major W . Ie Curtis. 1:1'. T. P. English. " Greft Icy. Dr. GogU1'ty. Mr. IIolLtum. Dr. Loclt8e. Mr. F. Pittock.
(.. " tmncl
Rev. John II. Hallett. Colonel W. II. Hor ley. Captain T. Lambert. Colonel R. P. Lamie, 1I.P Major O. J. Plumptt·e. Captain Phelips. olonel II. T. nnkey.
lUcdical Statl·. 11r. James Reid. T. W. I eid. " Brian Rigden. " George Rigden. adler. " Wacher.
(In abeyance.)
lJ 3
T,·cas urer au(l 1I0norary Secrctary. fr . Fl'anoi CarloI'. Lifc
T he Earl of Egmont. 'Mr. n . Cosmo Bonsor, M.P.
Dc.tnty Chairman. 'rho Rey. Lord Yidol' A , cymout', ~f.A.
Chairman . Mr. U , lIomewood 01'<1,,'foI'(1.
1"1"e lol j II Cll L Sir B I'ook Kay, Bllrf,
lIonorary Se crct'll'y of I"allie s' Brancb. Ml's. Jr llleltinson.
M r . II. IIo ll'ewooc1 Orawford.
1, lfe ~I e mb e r. l\Iiss lIemy.
Annual lUemuers . Ir. E. EsLric1ge. l\li IIorno.
M r. F l'llnei ' Oarler . l\Ir . J eremin,h Oolman .
Statf". II'. IIomy l\Ic ~ ioeC', L.R.C.P .
Mr. W alter GI'ipper , M ,B.
~Ic llllt e r ~ .
Mr. L. Dal'C'Il-Bro\\'ll. l\f r . G iIlil ltn. MI Gillilan .
l\[i ss If emy. 1l'.\.l'fhllJ'. EI'IlC' L 't. ,T ohn .
OllE ' 'l'Bll
."re",ldenL Uis G I'llce the })uke of '\Yest minster, K.G.
(In abeyance.)
('hairman. LieuL-Gencrul IngnlJ,
1I011orary Secretary. Mr. J. \ Viiliam Gifford.
Tren s urer. s M. llow on.
lI o nor:u·y Sec re ta r y. 1\1 IS' lIow Oil .
T.·eaSi urer. Mr. A. . I Yl'ke,
Chairman. Mr. G. T , Canning,
Jlonol'ary Scc,·etary. Ir, J . r. Oarr, M. D .
Mr. J ohn ·W alker.
1, lfe 1U CIII l, c ,·I'4. 1\1r. C. Bl'own. Mi ss L\l1C'8. 'lIlt' Right, l~cy. t he L ord Bitlhop of lh-. \ Yatel's. Che tel'.
(~ o
l'ctml1 .)
P.·e hlcnt. Sir Spencer l\ftlryon ' Vii on, B urL.
Cbairman. Oolonol GOI1I'Y, R.A.
Mr. FullagfLl'. Oolonel GC:1rY, R .A . L ieut. -Oolonel Grubb . Mr. Mu keLL.
Annual :U emucr . Rev. O. wainson. iI' . Mal'yoll-, Vilson, BurL. Mr. Al'Lhur K. W) Ii ~lcdicHl
l\:h . IIenry BoUrell.
Tt'ca urcr :uulllonorary Secretary. Mr. ArLitu l' K. Wyl ie.
Lord l£cl\\ ltl'd Uu,\'C'llclish, M.P.
ChaIrman. Mil) or (e.!' q/lir'lu).
Ir is 'W OI' llip Lho
CH ATIIAM OEN TRE. (Tn abeyance.)
'l' l'ea loi urc r aud lIouo.·aI'Y SCCt.ctan ,
Mr. U. J ~. J one , C.E.
. ,I fe lnc mu c r. Lord Ed\Hll'tl Cl1.H'llllitih, M .P.
Staff. Mr. II. L. Bel'n:1-Y .
1~I· elilid l'llt.
In cdl cal S tatf. Mr. J no. Bl uo LL.
1\11'. \ V. A. \ Yalkl'I'.
eln LE U un ' T CE . 'l'RE. (I ll abeyance.) II
Pl'esident. l'.Ir. John Jackson, J.P.
Chairlnall. ReT'. T. R. Evans.
Chairman. Mr. Geo. Howe.
Treasurcl·. Mr. Thos. Wilkinson.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. H. W. Greatorex.
Life ~Iembers. Clay Cross Company.
Annual lUembers. Mrs. Jackson. :Mr. G. Parker. " T. WOOnson.
Dr. A. Chawner. Mr. H. W. Greatorex. " G. Howe.
IUcdlcal Staff. Dr. L. H. Pegler.
Dr. Alfred Chawner.
Treasul'cr. Ilonorary Secretary. Mr. W. Linney. Mr. A. E. Tan ley. lIonorary Secrctary of Ladle ' Class. Mrs. Thomas. (No return.)
BR.\4 Ton (COVENTRY CENTRE). Chail'lnan. 1\11'. T. S. Whittem.
Tl'ea ure(·. Mr. G. Line>.
Honorary Secretarics. 1Ir. W. ",\illiamsun, and 1\Irs. T. . Whittem. (
(In abeyance.)
The lIon. J.
CORK CENTRE. President. Right Hon. The Earl of Bandon. Deputy Chairman. Sir Daniel V. O. Sullivan.
Chairman. The Mayor of Cork.
President. . Gathorne-Ilardy, M.P.
Chairman. Mr. R. Appach, J.P.
Tl'casurcr. 1\It-s. Webster.
IIOnOl'al'Y Sccrctary. Mi s C. eT'e. J~ife ~Icmbcr.
Lieut.-Colonel Loyd, J.P. Honorary Sccretaries. Colonel Lunhum and nIre. Allman.
Mr. T. G. Atkins, M.D. " J. Cotter, M.D. " W. Ashley Cummins, M.D.
iUedical Staff. 1\Ir. Chas. Harvey, M.D. " C. Y. Pearson, F.R.C.S. " ArthLlr Sandford, M.D.
Annual 111c mbcl' ' . Mr. R. Neve. 1\Ii 's Neve. " C. Neye. ir Charlo" Ollkdcy, Bud,. 1\11'. . O:1kc~, J.P. " J. A. I hilpott. The Rev. Dr. RCJ nel'.
Mr. R. Appach, J.P. Miss Appach. " G. Appuch. " M. Appn~h. Mr. G. French, J.P. Tlle lion. J. S. Ou,Lhol'llc-Ilal'cly, M.P. Mr. ",V. J. Neve. " G. Nevc.
President. Right Hon. The Earl of Denbigh. lIonorary Sccretaries. Mrs. S. L. Gulson and W. T. BroweLL.
Tl·easurcr. (Vacant.)
Life ~Iember. Mr. John Gulson. ~Iedical
Dr. Milner Moore, M.D.
Staff. Dr. Dunkley, M.D., F.R.C.P.E.
Dr. Thomas Joyce.
]·J·csiclent. Ilis Groce the Al'cltbishop of Canterbnry. Chall'Ulau. Mr. T. R. Edriclge>, J.P.
Treasurcr aJul HOnOrary . Secrctary. Dr. W .llter Ros er. (No return.)
117 110 ](edical Staff.
DARLINGTON CENTRE. Chairman. Mr. J. R. Fothergill, M.D., J.P. Deputy Cbairman. Mr. E. D. Walker, Mayor of Darlington.
Mr. W. B enthall, M.B. " F. Cassidi, M.D. " W. G. Copestake, M.R.C.S. Thos. Lawrie Gentles, L.R.C.P. (Lond.)
Honorary Secretary. Mr. R. M. Wilke!!.
Treasurer. Mr. J. P. Fry, B.A.
Mr. E. Green, L.R.C.P. (Lond.) " C. II. llough, M.R.O.S. " R. Laurie, M.B. " R. Volckman, M.R.C.S.
ltIedical Staff. Mr. J. R. Fothergill, M.D., J.P . Dr. Edw. Jackson. " Lewis East wood. Acting urgeon Geo. Middlemiss.
Honorary Secretary.
Lieut.-General Geo. T. Field (pro tem.).
DUBLIN CENTRE. Prc hlent. Mr. F. R. Davies, KJ.J.
DERBY CENTRE. Preshlcnt.
Sir H enry Wilmot, Bart., V.C., C.B.
Trea urer. Miss Cooper.
Mr. F. R. Davies.
Chairman. Ilonorary Secretary.
The Worshipful the Mayor.
Mr. J. Dallas Pralt, M.D., F.R.C.S.I.
Deputy Chairman. The ex-Mayor, C. Leech, Esq. Honorary Secretary. Mr. F. Casslc.1i, M.A., M.D.
Treasurer. Mi M. Darby.
Life ]Iembers.
Sir T. W. Evans, Bart. Henry Wilmot, Bart., V.C. Annual
Miss 'Rdith Bemrose. Mr. G. Bennett. " S. S. B ennett. Dr. Benthall. Mrs. Butler. Dr. Cassidi. Mrs. W . Clarke. Miss Clarke. Mr. W. Goodall Copestake, M.R.C.S. Mrs. G. V. Darby. Miss Darby. " M.Dal·by. " Downes. Mr. Walter Evans Dr. Gentles. Mr. C. P. George. Mrs. Harvey.
1\1rs. A. Percival Hcy"ood. " Hickman. Alderman Hobson. Mr. Chas. Holmes. Miss Hurt. Dr. Laurie. Alderman Leech. Longdon. Hon. :Mrs. de Montmorency. Mis3 Fanny Mozley. Mrs. Peat. Alderman Renals. T. Roe, Esq., M.P. Alderman Sir John Smith. Miss Walton. " Woodiwiss.
RAT1DHNES Dr. McCullagh.
Mr. wan. Dr. Tl1buteau.
FI~rzwILLIA..\I BRANcn. Dr. Barton. " CosgraT'e. " KiddIe. " McKay. " Pratt. Surgeon-General De Rcn1ZY, C.B.
Dr. Armstrong. Reane. King. lcDermott. "" \\~arren. " Wright.
DU IFIUE,'" CENTl{E. Pre'ident.
His Gmr o the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, R.T. Del)uty Chairman. Mr. Thomas Shortridge.
Cbait'man. herifI Hope.
Ilonorary Secretary. Mr. James mith.
TrCaSl.ll·er. l\fr Lauderdale M. Dinwiddie. Life
Mr. J. Gordon Brown. " Mark J. SLewurl, M.P.
:H:edical Staff. Dr. Rutherfurd. R. in~lair. talker. " Templeman . " }Iachie ~ hyte. ,,"at.-:on \'Iemy<;;,. .. Charles . Young.
A. nnual :Uemo er herilf lIope.
:Major Bo"den. :.\liss Brash. . Iedi cal Staff.
Hun er Dryden. L.RC.P. Edin. " .Anstruther David.-;on, ~I.B., C.~I.
}II'. ;T.
Dr. }L F. A.nder::on. Bain. " Peter OamlJbell. Dithon. Oecil Dieboll. Gibb. Grant.
D'GRILLll CE:\TRE. Chairman. The Dean of Durham. H on orary Secretary. E. J ep on, F.R.C ..
Trea,nr er. L. EJ"arde-.
Pre ·Went.
'fhe Right Hon. the Earl of Strathmore, Lord Lieutenant of ForfaI'"hire.
re urn.)
Pat ron e s of W o m en ' CIa. _e . . The Right Rnn. the Countess of -·trathmore.
Lieut. -Col
D epu ty Chairman . ill. J. E. A. Steggall, ..'l1.A.
ChairD1an. 1st Forfar R V.
T reasur er . Mr. Alex. impson.
Honorary Secretary. ~Iajor Rankin, l"t Forfar RT".
Chairnlan . Mr. ~harp. Honorary ecretary. :;}lr. Leonard J effery.
T rea nr e r . :Major 0 -en.
(:X 0 r 'urn.)
Annual JIemocr . ~Iiss
" "
Ella F. Anderson. Con tanee Bowe--Lyon. Isobel Baxter. Clara Baxter. Ro-a Baxter. Emily Brown. Edith Campbell. Isabella Campbell. Alice Chalmers. Edith E "jng. Jessie E"plen. Kate Fleming. Helen Finlay-on. Helen Greig. Jane Greig. Jane Grimond. K ellie Grimond. J. Alice Hamilton. Bella Hender~on. :x ellie Render-on. :.IlargareL H ender on. lIenrietta lIill. Selina Hush bery.
Jeannie Jolm.. tol1. ~Il'_ George E. Ridd. J1i~5 Constance E. Lui .. Emma R. Lui". ~Iaggie ~IcCulloeh.
:.IIary E. :.IIaitland. ~Iargaret . ~Iiller. :3Iary lIitchcll. Rannah Mori:5on. Mary L. :.IIacki... ou. Kate Munro. .A..nne :x elson. )11'. Robert ~icoll. ~Ii~s Fanny II. Ogilvy. " Eveline Ogil\'y. Kate Puttullo. Hilda 'hep1erd. Gertrude 'hephel'd. Oharlotte 'mall. Eliza J. Smith. Christina .1.. Wh:vte. }Iary Wabon ,\Yemy"
C h a irm a n.
Trea nrer.
Major Pearle .".
~h. "". :X. Rudge.
Jl on o rary ecret a ry. .fr. Go_'!!e Taylor. (:X 0 return.)
Chairman. Mr. . B. ITolland. ~II'.
Tre a 'i ur cr and Honorary Secretary. ~Ir. . Dayson .
Life :Uc m oer. O. B. ITolland. J.P. • -0 return.)
'E ~ TRE .
P rcs ident. Sir G. R. Sit"ell, Bart. Chairman. R ev. E . B. Esteourf, :'.I.A.
Treasurer and Jlonorary Secretary. Mr. Robert Dumbleton,
120 Annual
121 Life Members. Mr. George Tt·immer.
1\11'. George Misby. Sir G. R. Sitwell, Bart. Messrs. J. & G. Wells, Limited. Mr. J. H. Wells.
Rev. J. Clayton. Mr. Wm. Dust. Rev. E. B. Estcourt, M.A. :Mr~ West Jones. " Joseph Jervis.
ltledieal Staff. Dr. G. H. West Jones.
Mr. R. II. Oombe.
A.nnual lUembers. Dr. S. G. Slom!Ln. " S. G. loman, Jun. " lIerbert Sloman. Mr. A. H. Stevens. " James te,ens. Major \Valler. Lord Bishop of Winehe tel'.
Mr. J. F. La Trobe Bateman. Dr. Brodie. Rev. R. M. G. Browne. Mr. R. II. Oombe. Dr. IIayes. Rev. Oanon IIosLe. Mr. J. Pares.
lUellieal Staff'.
EDMONTON OENTRE. Dr. S. G. Sloman, Jun.
Dr. Herbert Sloman.
(In abeyance.)
F AVER 'IIAM OEI TRE. I"resillent. The Right lIon. Lord Harris.
Presillent. Right Hon. the Earl of Devon. Treasurer. Mr. William Cotton.
Chairman. Mr. Arthur Wyatt Edgell.
Chairman. Rev. B. . Wright.
Honorary Secretary.
Honorary Secretary.
Mr. Walter O. Stunt.
Major W. D. Naper.
Annual Jlelllbers.
(N 0 return.)
Chairman. Rev. E. Warre, D.D. Depnty Chairman. Major W. Durnford, 2nd Bucks R. V.
I Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. Oaptain P. T. Godsal, 2nd Bucks R. V.
Life iUembers. The Officer Oommanding 2nd Bucks J The Adjutant 2nd Bucks (Eton College) (Eton Oollege) Rifle Volunteers. Rifle Volunteers. IUedical Staff'. Surgeon Jam es W. Gooch, M.R.O.S.
F.ARNHAM OENTRE. President. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Winchester, D.D. Chairman. MI'. S. G. Sloman.
Trea urer. Mr. W. E. Rigden.
Treasurel' Mr. J. W. BLll"llillglllilll.
lIonol'ary Secl'etary. Mr. J ohn Lewis.
1\11'. T. C. Attwater. " J. A. Anderson. JI G. E. Boorman. " ELlwd. Bryant. . E. Clinch. " J. W. Oook. " R. Oooper. " 'Villiu1ll Orundell. " J. il. Ourling. Hev. II. E. Curtis. Mr . .E. S. Dawe . Rev. O. E. Donne. Mrs. T. B. Elvy. :Mr. II. Fielding. " Thos. Gillett. Mrs. F. F. Giraud. " O. L. Graham. Messrs. John Hall & Son. Lord IIarris. MC!lsrs. Hilton, Ander on, & 00. Mr. R J. llilton. Oaptilin Hooper. ~Icdlcal
Dr. J. 1. Bo. well.
Mr. II. IIordeI'n. John H orsforrl. " Fredk. John on. Nicholas Murton . Fredk. came. II FTedk. Neame, Jun. " Percy B . .J: eame. Miss 1\1ary N came. Rev. G. B. Reynal'dson. Irs. Rigden. :Mr. W. E. Rigden. 0' John Rigden. Miss 1\1. Rigden. Mr. R. \\Tatson mith. Walter C. tunt. J !Lmcs T as ell. Allan Tas ell. il. . TelL " R . .II. Tweddell. l\[essrs. R. & II. Whiting. Rev. B. S. ·W right. Staff.
Dr. W . A. Pl1illips.
FESTIN rOG OENTRE. Cllairman, Mr. Davies.
DCIJuty Chairman. Mr. Robert Roberts.
Treasurer, 1'111'. W. G . Cassano
Honorary Sccretary, Mr. John Owen.
Life lUcmber. Mr . .d. M. Dunlop, on behalf of the On,kley Middle and Upper Quarries Company (Limited). (No return.)
President. The Most IIonorable The Marquess of BuLb. Chairman. Cup Lain Alfred II. Tucker, J.P. nCIHlty- Chairman. Rev. Frederick ",V. Clarke, B.A.
Treasurer. Mr. IIugh MacMurtrie.
lIonorary Secretary. 1\11'. Alexander W. Moore.
FLEET\YOOD OENTRE. Presillent. Colonel the Right Hon. Sir F. A. Stanley, M.P. Honorary Secrctary. Mr. J. R. Sumner.
Treasurer. Mr. J. F. Marginson.
Annual J1lembers. 1\11'. T. Riley. " J. R. umner. " P. William .
Mr. J. D. Gibson. J. R. Gibson. " J. Pickering.
MedIcal Staff. Mr. E. C. A. Ra,ms,ey, L.R.C.P.
FOLKESTONE Chairman. Right Hon. the Earl of Glasgow.
Del)uty Chairman. MI'. W. J. Jea:fireson, M.A., J.P.
Honorary Sccretary. Treasurer. (Vacant). Mr. John Sherwood, 1\fayor. Life J1lembers. Mr. Alderman John Banks. Mr. Felix Joseph. J1ledical Statl'. I Dr. C. E. FitzGerald.
Dr. W. J. Tyson.
Life ;Uembcrs . "The Royal Somer eL" Lodge of Freema om, No. 873, Frome. The Sclwood erenaders. Annual Jlcmber~. .Mr. J. Rlily. 1\11'. II. 1\1ad1nrtrie. " W. Baily. " A. ",V. Moore. The Mnrqui:'\ of Bath. " E. Olive. Mr. F. Bemllo. " J. Parson. Rev. F. ",V. CliLrke. " T. Pearce. 1\11'. E. Cockey. " W. C. Peuny. " M. Cog well. Dr. J. ~I. Rattray. " E. II. Di('kenson, J.P. Mr. S. T. Rawlings. 'V. Dun can. Mrs. John heppard. 'V. G. Enms. Ir. R. R. Tanner • .A.. G. Hayman. " \\~. 'ronl,in . T. U. Holroyd . Ca111. A. II. Tucker. J. II. Knott. 1\[rs. Tuokrr. Mr . Le Gros. The R ev. Lhe lIon. A. F. A. Hallburyc, Tho Loyul True lJt.itoll" Lodge of Oclc1Tracy. Fellows.
:Mr. E. COL'kcy. \\~ .
" F.
Jledical Stan°. lUI'. J. Pal'~ons. Dl'. F. E. Pearse. " J. 1\1. Ru(,(,ray.
FOREST OF DEA.N OENTRE. Chairman. Mr. M. W. Colchester.
GLO OESTER UENTRE. Treasurer. Mr. J. Guise.
n eIJuty-Chairman. Mr. A. Thomas. lIonorary Secretary; Mr. F. L. Lucas.
C h airluan . Dr. \VillillU1 l{uLhorforc1 Ancrum. Trca~nl'cl'.
J1ledical Staff. Dr. Macartney. " Heave.
(Including Cirenceste1' and Slcindon .)
Dr. Buchanan. " Tl'otLer.
ReI'. II. ",V. Madely.
lIouorary Sceretary. 1111'. Gco. Sheffield Blakeway.
Cllairluan. The Worshipful tbe Mayor.
Mr. T. Riclmrdson, LP.
Treasurer and Honorary Secretal·Y. Major Wykeham Dickenson . ( TO return.)
Trea urcr and lIonorary Secretary. Mr. J olin Clarke. lUedi('al Statl'. Mr. J. Rutherford Morison, F.R.C .. Edin.
GREEN"\Vlun 'EI TRE. Presillcnt. Colonel F. Duncan, C.B., R.A. Chairman. Rev. D. Reith.
I-resident. Rev. CUllon Renaud.
Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. Mr. W. Watts. ( TO reLurn.)
Chairman. Mr. Alfred Chigwell.
Trea"urcr and J(onorary Secretary. Mi s J. A. higwell.
lUc(lIcal Staft'.
I Treasurer and Honorary Sccretal·Y·
Annual iUe mbel's. nIl' . Pigott.
Mrs. IIol1gkillson Snell.
G RIMSBY CENTRE. Chairman. JUl'. Edward Banister, J .P.
Deputy ChaIrman. JUl'. ll. C. Gibbs.
Dr. A.
LCWUJ't NOl'lllhll,
M.RC .. , L.R.C.P.
Mr. B. H. T"ight.
Life 'Uember. The Right Hon. the Earl of Yarborougb.
IIA '1'1 G
AND ST. LEONAHD'S CE~TRE. Chairman. (YaL'nni..)
Jlonorary Secretary. (Yacant.)
Trcasurcr. Prcsident. Major-General J. ll. :B"'. Elkington, C.B., Lieut.-Go\'ernor. Chairman. Sir Edgar MacOulloch, Bailiff.
Mr. W . J. aunt. A~sh'ltallt
\ Treasurer and Honorary Secrctary. Mr. Sausmarez Le Oocq.
Life lUember. Mr. Gnstu.\'u Y. Hill. (No return.)
lUelUcal Staff,
Mr. Francis E. Oarey, M.D., M.R.O.S., L.M., L.S.A. C. d' Auvergne Collings, M.B., M.R.O.S.
lIonol'ary Sccretary,
Mr. F. O. GauL
Mr. Ernest L. Robin on, L.R.C.P. lion. Brigade urgeon T. H. 'l'bornhill, M.B.
ITA "\YK lIEdD Chairman. The Rev. J. Allen.
IlALIFAX UE TRB. (N ow in proceo of reOl ganizaLion.)
ltledical Staff. ]\Jr.
G. P. Glay, M.RU.S. Eng.,
DCIHlty Chairman. Mr. W. II. neelis.
Jlonorary Secretary an(l Trea llrer. Mrs. W. ll. lIeelis.
)I ollorary Secretal'y, Mr. E. West Symes, M.D.
Mr. E. "Vest Svmcs, M .D. Tec1in., &c.
Rev. J. Allen. Mr. G. W. Goodison. Mrs. G. \V. GoodioOll.
Anllual lUClllbers. 1\1r. \V. II. IIeelis. Mrs. \V. II. lIeelis.
I-resident. (Vacaut.) Cltairman. 1\11'. Samuel Jubb, J.P.
Deputy Cltail'man. Mr. William IIowgate.
TJ·easurer. Mr. Ohaley Fox.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. Duke Fox. Life i'UcmlJcrs,
The Birstall Oo -operative Society. Mr. Ohaley Fox. " Rout. Gaelie.
HIRSTALL SECTION. ( 0 retul'D.) DEWSBURY SECTION. (No r eturn.) GOMEHSAL SECTIO~. (N 0 return.)
Mr. IIerbert Marriott. " William Presion . " S. H. Spedding. MIRFIELD SECTION. Messrs. James Armitage & Son . Bruce & ephew. The Oo-operative Society. M ei>srs. Garforth Brother. The Hopton Working Mcn's Cillb. Mr. Benjn. :nolrarlh. Messrs. W. & J. Milner. Midield Ooal 00. The Nab WOl'king Men's Olub. Mr. E. B. \vil ' on. The Rev. B. Wilson. Messrs. Henry ,Valker & Sons. IIenry Wheatlcy & SOl1S. Joshua H. Whcatley. Mrs. Ricbard Wheatley.
Dr. II. T. Broughton. " O. de J . Putel'son. LIY.ERSEDGE SECTION. Dr. Shives.
MIllFIELD SECTION. Dr. Fau'cloLlgh.
Dr. Beattie. " Fryer. H alli,,·cll. Lee. ,Vults.
Dr. Erskine Stuart. TIIORNnILL SECTION.
Dr. D;1yie .
Dr. Ma on.
I-reSident. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of IIereford.
II OUOl'al'y Secretary. Mi s Alla.y.
Aunual Jlembers. Mi~
ir R. LigMon. :Mr. Pulley.
Mr. Green. Jenner.
RAVENSTHORPE SECTION. Messrs. Day & Fox. Day, Nephew & Son. 111'. William IIowgnte. M es rs. Marshall, Kaye & :Marshall. The l1iTfield Ooal 00. Mr. T. R. Maddison. Messrs . Pickles, Smithson, &, Pickles. The Self-Help Oo-operalive ociety. Mr. P. O. Somers. " William Thackrah. " S. W. Tunnicli.ITe. " John Walker. STAINCLIFFE SECTION.
Dr. Aitkin . " Broughton. Brown. " Shirlcy. Swann.
Dr. Forsyth.
Annual Jlembers. BATLEY SECTION. The Batley Oo-operative Society. W orking :;\Ien's Club. " Messrs. Robt. Brearley & Sons. Mr. J ohn Blackburn (Old Mill). " WIlliam BCLtes. " Joseph Brearley (Purlwell). Messrs . J as. Oritchley & Sons. Mrs. Walter Oritchley. Mr. W . J. R. Fox. Mrs. Joseph J ubb Fox. Rev. Father Ohas. Gordon. Mr. J ohn Jubb, J.P. " John J. Jubb (Mayor). " Saml. J ubb, J.P. Mrs. SamI. Jubb. " J oseph Wm. Jubb. Mr. J. P. Middlebrook. Mrs. J 01m Stubley. Mr. Saxton. " Spencer. M essrs. M. Sheard & Sons. Mrs . Theo. Taylor.
ll1edical Staff.
(No return.) TnORNIIILL SECTION. (No return.)
(M~ ~ OIIE
Prcsident antI Cbairman. Dr. Alfreel Ohach\ick, M.D. Trca!!ul'er. lIonorary Sccretary. Mr. Clough Maden.
Mr. IIenry II. J. IIiLchon.
lUcdieal Staff.
Dr. Alfred Ohadwick, l\I.D.
I-resilIcnt. The R ight lIon. Earl Oowper, K.G. Chairlllall. Mr. Abel Smith, M.P.
Del)uty Chairman. Tho IIon. Baron Dimsdal<" M.P.
Trcasurel'. Mr. William Oozens.
lIo11orary Secretary.
Lieut.-Colonel Sydney William Bell. Life
His Excellency Spencer -VValpole, Lieutenant-Governor.
The Right Hon. Earl Cowper, K.G. lUedical Staff'.
Dr. William Odell. " Charles Edward Shelly.
Colonel Paul.
Mr. John A. Brown. lIonorary Secretary.
Dr. William Warrener.
Dr. ll. Stanley Nelson. lUedlcal Staff.
nOL YREAD OENTRE. Presillent and Chairman.
ll. Stanley Nelson, L.R.C.P.E.
Mr. J. A. Dearden, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. " Wm. Richardson, M.D., C.M. " David Roxburgh, 1\LB., C.M.
" Ernest Black, L.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.S.E.
Admiral Mackenzie. Deputy Chairman.
Trea nrcI'.
Dr. E. T. Hughes.
Mr. R. J. Edwards.
Mr. J. Lloyd Griffith.
Pre 'itlcnt,
ltlellical Staff.
Staff-SUl'geon Tumer, R.N.
I1\Ir. -VVilliam Richardson Rice, B. A., M.B.
The Right llon. the Earl or Eldon. Chairman.
Trea nrcI'.
Lieut. A. B. Mansell, R.N.
Mr. J . .A.nclrews.
Honorary Secretary.
Mr. G. G. Fisher.
1\11'. John Martin, F.R.C.S .E.
Rc,. II. J. Mason. Lifc iU cmbers.
Annual ltIembers.
Mrs. Allan. Mr. Wm. Brooke. " James Hu'st.
Jlollorary Secretary.
Miss N. Mallinson. Mr. J. Wigglesworth.
Mr. H. tilwell.
Mr. Geo. Bnrt, J.P. (
ltlellical Staff.
Mr. John Martin, F.R.C.S.E.
Mr. John Mackenzie, L.R.C.P. & S.E.
l»rc hlent.
IT ULL OENTRE. Chairman.
Rev. Canon McCormick.
ll.R.ll. Princess Christian.
Treasurer anll Honorary Secrctary.
C II airman.
Mr. ll. N. Babington.
The Mayor of Newport, 1. or \V.
o return.)
Tl'ca nrcI'.
Mr. J. F. lloddinott. Jlouorary Secrctary,
Mr. S. Wheeler.
Mr. R. Pinnock, J.P. Life ltlclllller.
The Lord Brassey, K.C.B. The Lady Bl'assey.
The Mayor. Chairman.
Dr. Durrant.
Treasurer anll Jlonorary Secretary.
Life ltIembcrs.
Mr. D. H. Booth. " G. S. Elliston.
Miss Coulcher.
I Mr. C. B. Skinner.
The Rt. llon. Vi 'count Eycrsley, G. C.B. Lady Ogltludcl'.
Annual ltlClllbcrs.
Mr. C. J. DIl hwood. CapLain Eveleg11, R.A. Miss E. A. Evelogh. Dr. Groves.
ltleillcal Staff:
Mr. G. S. Ellist.on.
Mr. Lohmnn. Mrs. Langton. Mr. ll. IorLimcr, J. P. " R. Pinllock, J.P. IUCllical Staff.
Mr. E. A.. Rich .
11'. G. A. Bnl'l'. I
Colonel Ph. Le Rossignol. Honol'ary Secretary,
DelHlty Chairman.
Rev. P. R.
Mr. John Brinton, M.P. Chairman.
Major Stevens.
;Uedical Staff.
Dr. H. I Je Cronier. II A. C. Godfray.
Dr. F. A. Hyne. " Le Rossignol.
DeIHlty Chairman.
Tho Mayor of Kidder.
Mr. E. J. Morton.
Trea urer. Mr . .A. Dow.
Honorary Secretary.
Mr. Daniel Mackay.
Dr. Thomson.
Life lllemlJers.
M1'. J ohn Brinton, :M.P.
Mr. Michael Tomkinson. (Xo rcturn.)
KEIGIILEY CK. TRE. Prcs illent.
M.:r. I saac ITolden, M.P., D.L. Chairman.
Th e Worshipful the Mayor.
Mr. J ohn Gledhill.
Rev. G. T. ITudson, M.A.. Chairman.
Honorary Sccretary.
Mr. Thos.
Mr. Arthur Robcrts.
Trea nrcI'.
arrington, M.Le.E., F .G.S.
iU edieal Staff-.
Mr. William Dobie, M.D. Edward Chaffer· , F.R.C.S.Eng. " Arthur Roberts, M.R.C.S.Eng. L.S.A. London.
Mr. F. E. ITudson.
Jlonorary Secretary.
Mr. F. IT. T etley, L.C.P.I '.E. " J . B. Berry, M.D. " F . Wilson, L.C.P . .E.
Mr. Edward oar. (N 0 return.)
I-res ilIent.
Colonel the Right llon. Lord tanle} of Preston, G.C.B.
(In abeyance.)
The R ev. unon Allen, D.D.
Dr. Robert Clark.
lIouorary Secretary.
Major Ech'ard W. tokes.
Life :UemlJers.
Mr. H. A. Spedding. Chairman.
Deputy Chairman.
Rev. H. D. R awnsley.
Mr. J os. liall.
Honorary Seeretal'Y.
Me srs. Storcy Brothers. Annual JlemlJers.
Rev. Canon lJlen, D.D . Mrs. FellJ:enside.
Miss E. M. A. B enn.
Mr. G. H ogartJl . Life lllemlJer.
Mr. Jas. Williamson, M.P., J.P., D.L. },Ii s liornby.
Jletiical Statl'.
Dr. W. Wingate Saul, M.D.
Dr. G. E.
huttleworth, M.D.
Mr. IT. A. Spedc.ling. Annual IUembel's.
Miss Benn. Mr. J. F. Crosthwaite. Miss Clark-Dawson. Rev. A. R. Goddard. R ev. J. N. lioare.
Mr. J. Hall. " E . J ar:kson. Dr. Knight. Rev. H. D. R awnsley. Dr. Slack. lUedical Staff.
Dr. C. Gore ·Ring.
Dr. A.. A. IT. Knight..
LE~l\II NG110N
CE~'I'RE .
P reSidcnt.
The Most lion. tho Marquis of ITcl'tford. Chairman.
R ev. Muze Grcgory. Treaslu·et'.
Mr. T. Thorne.
DCI)uty Chairman. Rov . .Arlhur ewill. lIonoraJ'Y Sccretary.
ul'geon-GcnerulJ. L. Ranking. I ~
132 Life
~I e mber ~.
Mrs. Yarrow.
Mr. William Evans. :11rs. ArthUl' Nugent.
Annual iU e mb er s . Mrs. Myatt. " Al'thm' Nugent. Mr. Arthlli' ~ugent. Mrs. Bernard Pigott. Mr. Pie!'ce. Lieut.-General RarIcli:fTe. urgeon-General J . L . Ranking. Captain RoopeI'. Miss Rooper. Mr. Sanderson. Mrs. anderson. " Seymom'. Major Stuart. Mr. T. Thorne . Dr. Tbmsfield.
Rev. G. H . Allfree. Mrs. Hans Blackwood. Miss Bright. Mrs.Ohild. Mr. Ferm Olark. Oolonel Dakeyne. Dr . W. Douglas. Mrs. Emmons. Miss Emmons. " Furneaux. Mrs. Fell. Rev. Maze Gregory. Mr. Harrison. Miss Kelsall. " H . Kl'lsall.
l'tledical Staff. Dr. Bernard Rice. " Arthur ,V. Tomkin.
Dr. Jay. Mr. J . R. J eaffreson.
Presh len t . Sir Andrew Fairbairn. D eputy Chairma n . Mr. Edward A tkill on, F. L.
Chait'man, The Mayor of Leeds.
Treas ure r s . Messrs. BeekeLt and 00. Honorary Secretar y. Mr. Walter Rowley, M.lnst.O.E. L ife
~Iemb e r s .
M eS8rs. J ohn Barran and Sons. Sir Andrew Fairbairn. lh. J ohn Hepper. " R. B enson Jowett. Sir Lionel M. Swinnerton Pilkington, Bart.
Mr. Briggs Priestley, M.P. Oharles Ryder. " Walter ROVlley. Geo. Austin Luddick. MeEsrs. Joshua Tetley and Son.
Annual l'tl emb ers. Messrs . Wm. Ackroyd and Bros. Sir Andrew Fairbairn, M.P . Mr. T. Olifford Allbutt, M.D. Mr. J. Favell. Miss Flamstead. Messrs. Ed. Baines and Sons. Mr. II. J . Fraser. Hy. Briggs, Son & 00., L d. Messrs. Goodall anci Suddick. Miss Brown (Westwood) . Mr. Rich. H umble. Mr. O. D. Olayton (Doncaster).
Annual III embers-continuecl. Messl·s. I uehbold and Beck. Mr. O]18.s. Ryder. Mr. R. Ben. on J owetL. The New Sharl ton Colliery Co., Limited. " J. O. Kayle. " Walter Rowley. " J. O. Malcolm. :11rs. Walter Rowley. Me 81'S. Mar hall and Snelgrove. Mr. F. R. Spark. Mrs. IorIey. JJ IIy. Stables. The 1\Iic1c1leton Eslate and Oolliery Co., " Ashley tables. LimiLed. " T. Pridgin Teale. Mes J'S . Pope and Pearson, LimiLec1. Messr . Joshua Tetlcy and Sons. Mr. Rich. Rcynold" , Lieut-Ool. Ward. Ui ·' Riehm'dson tRipon). ::\Ir. Edmn Woodhouse. ;'1 c dical Statf'.
Mr. Edward Atkinson. " F. E. ALkinson (~ettle). " R. BllLc (Ac1dillgham). " A. G. Barr, I.D. " J. B. Brereton (Gildersome). " W. n. Brown. " GOllfrey 'arler (Ilkley). " J. II. Carl' (hippax). " 'Y. . Ohadwick, M.D. " A. J. 'luyton. '. Dnw on (Rawdon). ,. J. Ed"'ard . " J. F1H\('elL (Ca. tleforcl). " "\V-. K. GiMing (Clllvcrley). '. P. Gibson ('Vcthcl'by).
1\11'. " ., " " " "
" " " " "
" Glni~Ler (Rothwell).
J. B. Hellier, M.D. G. II. IIigging . J. 1\1. IIoiling-worth. ,J. IIo,Yard (Normanton.) W. L. lIunLcr (Puclsey). J. Gardner IIolmes. R. T. Laird, LD. J . . Loe. \V. . Mackenzie (Normanton). J. :;\Ic~Ia tel' (Castleford). C. Richardson. F. Robin on. Edwin Roberts. T. miLh (Ilun let). E. O. tack ( tunningley). Ed. Ward.
. lIail'Lley.
LEICK'TER II IRE CENTRE. I"rCSidcnt. IIis Grace Lhe Duke of Rutland, K.G. JlonOl'ary S ccretary. Mr. T. F. Johnson, Jun.
Tl'ca Ul'er.
Mr. A. Pn.get.
Prc idcnt , Thc Mayor. Chairman. R ev . H. J. Fortescue.
Trca urcr. hlri1. 0hambers.
llonOl'al'y Sccretari.cs .
:!IoIiss ForLescue', Mis FuHngar und1\Ir. J. II. Buckley.
Miss M. L. Bl·ought.on. .Mrs. Buck. " G. H. Ellis. Miss Emily Ellis. R ev. H. J. Fortescue. Miss Fortescue.
f.life lUembers.
Lady Ki ng-lln,l l. Major Millicn,n . Mr. A. Paget. " W. Napier R eevc. " Swain. Mrs. W. Wright.
Chairman. Sir ArLbm llazlerigg, Bart.
(No rcturn.)
.Miss Addcrley. Mrs. Bryan. Miss Baines. " Bromley. Mr. Brice. Mrs. Bruin. !VIr. Buckley. Mrs. CatcbpooI. " Clements. Chambers. Charter. R. Charters. J'.1r. T. Coltman . Rev. L. Clayton. Mrs. Clayton. " Cooper. Curtis. " D ouglas. G. H. Ellis. Miss Emily Ellis. Mrs. Else. Rev. H. J. FOl'tescue. ]yIiss Fortescue. " Fullagar. " F. Fullagar. Gill. Green. Mr. W. R. Haney. " Hart. " Hewitt. :Mrs. C. Humber Lone. " H. Humberstone.
fiss M. Humberstonc . Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Jarvis. " Joyce. Miss 1. Kemp. Mrs. Kinton. Miss Leicester. " J. A. Mackennal. Mr. Maxfield. Rev. F. B. Meyer. Mrs. Mott. Miss N edham. M. Noble. " C. Paget. " A. M. Paul. Mr. Pickering. Mrs. Ransom. Mr. C. Robinson. Mrs. Robson. Miss E. S. Robinson. Mrs. W. T. Rowlett. Sharman. " Skillington. " S. Smith. .Miss E. :11. Stafford . Mr. W. Stanyon. Thc Watch Committee of L eicestcr. Mrs. W. II. Walker. M essrs. Whitmore & Co. Mi s Wheeler. Mrs. A. ·Wykes. " T. Wyk es.
(No return.)
Treasurer and Jlonorary Secretary, (Vacn,nt.)
LIfe IUe mber. Ettrl of Wilton.
lIonorary Secretary. Mr. Thomas Bell.
Jlonoral'Y Secretary.
Dr. J. D. llulme. (No rctm]1.)
------. ---------------
LE\VES CE TRE. Iionorary Secretary.
Captain ll. J . Broad. (No return.)
llledical Staff.
::'III'. Blakesley. " Bryan. " Douglas. " lliggs. Dr. Moore.
Dr. Neale. " Pope. ,'barma11. " Tompkins
LICIIFlELD CENTRE. Treasurer. Mr. ll. M. Morgan.
Jlonorary Secretary. (Vacant.)
lUedlcal Staff. 1\11'. llerbcrt !VI. Morgan, L.R.C.P., M.R. .S.
L culies' B ranch Live?'jJool School of Cookery, Colquitt StTeet Cent1·e.
Pre illcnt. Earl Granville, KG. Chairman. Mr. W. P errott.
Tl'eaSur('l'. Mr. St. John Tyston.
DelJuty Chairman. Rev. J. A. P anter.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. Benjamin Bott.
Chait·Ulan. Mrs. Rowland ·Williams.
Treasurer. Mr. A. T. Squarey.
lIonorary Sccretary. Miss Fanny L. Oalde!·.
tant lIonorary Secretaries. Mrs. Fairric and Miss E. J. Oalder.
~(edical Statf'. ]\11-. Damer IIarrisson.
DONNINGTON BRANCH (LILLESIIALL COLLIERIES CENTRE.) Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. Mr. Oharles Evans.
Chairman. Mr. Oharles Clement Walker.
LIVER1!OOL CEN TRE. President. The Earl of D erby, K.G. Chairman. Sir J ames A. Picton, J.P.
I Life
J. T. Nickels. Lieut.-Oolonel O. B. Paris. R. F. Steble. " Duke"of WestminBter, KG. The
Mr. Thos. Bartlett. " Edward Bibby, F .R.G.S. The L ord Brassey, KO.B. The Earl of Derby, K.G.
Annual ]\frs. Adamson. Mr. William Adamson. Miss Adams. Mr. T. Raffies Bulley. " Thos. A. Bushby. ,. W. Danger. " J. D uncan, jun. " E. Ehrensperger. Mrs. Fisk. Mr. A. Gibson. " Ohapple Gill. " H. Grayson. " O. Grayson. " W. D. Heyne. Thos. Holder. W. H olland. " W. G. Holland. " George Holt. " J ohn R tlgbes. Thos. Irvine. " T. H. I smay. " II. J evons. " O. W. J ones. " J. O. J ones. " Harry Langdon.
Vice-President. Thc lIon . W. W. Vivian.
Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. L ieut.-Oolonel O. B. Paris.
The :Misses Leicester. Mr. R. Leyland. T. W. Oakshott. W.Oulton. O. B. Paris. O. J. P aris. Mrs. C. J. Paris. Miss Paris. " O. E. Parry. Mr. John Patterson. " E. Pierpoint. " R. W. Preston. Mrs. M. Q,uinby. Mr. Alfred Read. " W. H. Shu-ley. " J. H. Simpson. :Miss M. H. tubbs. " R. O. Smitb . Mes rs. Smith, Edwards & 00. Mr. O. Tinling. Miss M. Tinling. " M. TurDloau. Mr. Horace Walker. Mrs. R. A. W obster. Mr. R. P. Wood.
Preshlent. Mr. G. W. Duff AssbcLon-SmiLh.
Chairman. Mr. John Dayic .
Deputy-Chah'man. Mr. Owen W. Jones.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. Thos. . Rowland.
11'. Thoma Edward. Lifc Mr. G. 'V . Duff A heLon- 'mill!. VV. A.. Darbisl1il'o. T. II. Dawkins. " John II. J one , M .R.O. '. " O. W. R a thbone.
Me' 1'-. R athbone Brothel" . Mr. J uhn R obinson. The lIon . W. 'V. Vivian. Mr. J . A WiJliams.
JIedical Statf'. N LJ."TLE BR NCII11'. Juhn Thomas, L.R.O .. , M.R.O.P. ]\fl'. J . II. J ones, LR.O. " II. J . Roberts, M .R.O.S. " William R owlands, M.D. " II. G. IIughcs, L.R.O. '., &c.
l're , idcllt. Lord Mo tyn.
Dr. James Nicol.
Deputy Chairman. II'. W . Bevan.
Trea ul·er. 1\11'. J . Acky Wcll .
II0110rary Secrctary. YacanL.
Chail'lUan .
. Le
~ eve
LYl\lI?\GTON CEXT I{E. President. Mr. V. F. Dent. Tl'easurel' . Henry Daniell, E q.
Chairman. Admiral Earle.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. Edward F. Ohinery, F.R.O.S.Edin. Annual ;llembers. Miss M. IIarding. Oolonel H erries. Mr. IIeseltine. " IIemy Spike. Tinker. Ward. Weldon. W. 1. ·Whitaker.
Mr. E. F. Ohinery. Mrs. E. F. Ohiuery. Oolonel Olinton. Mr. Orozier. " Hemy Daniell. " V. F. Dent. Admiral Earle. Miss Harding.
Mr. S. Bentlif. John Brennan. G. II. Doret. " T. P. Franklyn. " "YV. IIaynes. J. II. Hills. Messrs. J. and T. IIollingworth. Mr. Samuel Mercer. " W. F. fercer. Mrs. Millard.
Annual ;llembers. Mr. Smythe. Messrs. T. G. Stoneham & 'on. Mr. H. , torr. " II. Streatfield. " A. F. Style. " R. West. " J. P. II. Wood. Messrs . Wright & Pine. Wright & 'on. ~ledJcai
" " " " "
M. A. Adams, F.R.O.S. N. Bradley. J. Orawford, J.D. G. II. Furber. E. Grounrl, M.D. A. H. B. IIallo~yes.
Staff. Brigarle . nr~eon J. W. TIni eberg. Mr. J. E. lereclilh, }I.D. " D. IIemy l\fonckton, }LD. " J. F. PlomIey, M.D. " W. 'haw, M.B.
IALYERX CEXTRE. Chairman. Major II. \Vil on, 2nd ""Vol. BaLt. Worc0ter Reg!,.
Jlonorary SC('\'etary, apt. ,,v. Uttley.
President and Cilairman, Major IIincksman,
Deputy Chairman.
Dr. Fisher.
Mr. Samnal Taylor, L.D.S. Medical Staff.
Ea~o n.
Dr. A. O. IIolbeclte.
L\.~CnE. TER CENTRE. Chairman. Major W. O. Pooley.
Treasurer antI Honorary Secretary,
Dr. Fisher.
'!,'ll11ey lIaYlles.
Trealoiurer. Mr. J. ,V. )Iuclure, M.P.
Honorary Secretary. II', Benjamin Brown.
IUedlcal Staff. DI·. R. DacI'e Fox
Dr. A. l\I. Edge.
Dr. Thos. S. Rowe.
(Vacant.) Chairman. l\-fr. William Day.
Deputy Cltairman. Dr. D. IIenry Monckton.
Treasurer. Mr. Randall Mercer.
JloJloral'Y 8ecrctary. Mr. John H. Roberts.
Trca urer. Dr. Rowe.
Honorary Secretal'Y. Mr. Frederick tanley. Life
Oolonel Oecil Oragg. .Ii. Friend.
Life ;1lembers. Major Ross, M.P. Messrs. J . & T. Hollingworth .
Dr. Thos. Smith Rowe.
I ~Iedical
Dr. Thos. Smith Rowe. " WhiLe. Mr. W. Knight, Treves.
Mr. S. Stiles. Staff.
Mr. B. Thornton. Dr. tree[e (WestgaLc-ou- en).
]40 l\lARLO'V
l\lIDDLESBROUGIl AND OLEYELA D CENTRE. (Includin[j ,S'tockton B1·anclt.)
I-rcsidcnt. Mr. C. F. II. Bolckow, D .L.
Colonel Owen Peel W eth el'ed . Trea nrcI'.
Cbairman. Mr. CLarles Willman.
Mr. C. M. Foottit. lIonorary Sccretarie Miss E. B. Jackson. Mr. C. M. F oottit.
DelJuty Chairman. Mr. John G. 'wan. Trcasurcr.
11'. Eugene Wetlley. Life
Anllual JIcmbcrs. II'. R. II. Lunnon. " J o11n Mentor. " R. Van ittart eale. Mrs. P owell. O. P. WeLhered. II'. T. H . Wri ght. Geo. Ward.
L ord Curzon. Mr. Edwin Clark. Mrs. Ed win Cla!·k. Mr. C. M. Foottit. " A. Hutton. " George Jack on. l\iiss Elaanor B. J ackson.
IIOllorary Secretaries.
Colonel 0 wen Peel W cthered.
Mr. Thos. Somers Cocks.
lUcdical Staff. Mr. J. Astley Bloxam, F.R.C.S.E. Dr. J. D . Dick on. Surgeon·Major W. J. hone. Mr. F. T. J. Culhanc.
llAHSKE-BY-TIIE- EA CENTRE. Chairman. Mr. Arthur Pease.
Deputy Chairman. Ven. Archdeacon Y coman.
Treasurer. Mr. Wm. 1\1oore.
Jlonorary Sccrctary. Mr. W m . L apsley.
~Jedical Staff'. Mr. F. ELlwd. Streoten, l\1.R.C .. Eng., L.R.C .P ., L .M.
Lieut.-Oolonel P. R. Cresswell. Chairman, Mr. W. C. IIenry J amcs.
Trcasurcl'. Mr. W. R ees Tholllrrs.
Jlol1orary Sccrctary. Captain W. D. Rees L ewis. (No return.)
Mr. W aynmi1l1 Dixon. " F. IIel'berL Mardhall.
:\11'. R. Se} mour Ben on, Hon. • ec . 'tocHon Branch.
Life IUember s .
The Anc1ertlton Foundry Company, LimiLed. 1\lC8 1'8. hmol'c, Ben on, Pea e &, '0., LimiLed. l\ICStll' . Blair & Co., LimiLed. Bcll Brother, Limited. The Lady Bl·usey. Mr. . F. n. Bolckow. Mes l' . Bolckow, Vaughan, & 0., Limited. The Curgo Fleet Iron Company, Limited . Me 81'S. Cochra.ne & Co. Mr. Raylton Dixon. Tho Ea.]'l of
Mes r . Dorman, Long, & Co. The Mayor and COl'poraLioll of MidJlesbro·ugh. The North Ea tern Haih,ay Company. 'ir J o eph Pease nnd Partner, Limiled. ~leti 'r . .13. 'a.mueLon & Co. tevellson, Jaques, & Co. :\11'. J. T. ,Yhar(on. The 'vV' e L ::iloekton Iron Company Limited. Ie ' 1'8. ' Y. WhiLwell & Co. " Til 011 , Pea e, & Co . ZcLlnml.
Annual ;UClllbcr s .
Mr. J. W. Alexl1nclcl·. 11e 1'8. Allan & ou,;. 111'. R. II. AppleLon. " '1. IIugh Bell. " W. Bulmer. CapL. Burge ' ,R. . Mr. Waymnall Dix.on. " W. R . .Fawcelt. " J o eph IIal'obin. Me srs. IIeac1, 'VVri ght on & Co. Mr. Franklin IIilLon. " II. Kitching. " Angns Macphcrson. " F. II m'bert Lar hall. " C. II. Minchin. " J. M. Mcek. The Moor Iron and Steel Compllny, I LimiLed. Messrs. M. P earse & Co. Th c Counless
A. E. Pca"e. Beu.uillout Pea,;c. 1\11'. IIems Fell Pca 0, :'II.P. " J. . PcnnYlUall. ~Ies TS. HidHtrtl ' on, Duck & Co. lloge!' &, Co. The South Locklon Iron Compnny, Limited. ~rhc loehton ~Ialll'nblc IJ on Company, Limitcd. Ir. J. G . •'lYall. " II. A. Inln . Thc Tee Bridge Iron Company, Limiled. Messr . 'l'l!om on and Gilkc . The " -csL SLoeklon Iron Company, Limiled. 1\11'. Eugellc ,V eLher.
of Zcllanc1.
Medical Statf'.
Mr. Geo. ll. Anderson (Loftus). Sam!. Bateman. J ohn Ellerton . " - Fulton (Eston). J ohn Glen (South Bank). " J ohn Hedley. William Ketchen. " J as . Merryweather (Gai bro'). " F. Munro (Port Olarenee). " Duncan McOruaig. J. A. Maleolmson. Thos. Nixon. " Thos. Taylor (Brotton).
Mr. VV. Y. Veitch. J. W. Williams. SamI. 'Valker. STOCKTON BRANCll.
Mr. Geo. Andel' on. ., J. Hague Olegg. " H enry lIind. Thomas llorne. " ll. 1\1. llughes. W. Martin. T. R. Pearson . Thos. 'Vat on.
Pre ·hlent.
H is Glace the Duke of BeauforL, K.G. Chairman.
Delluty Chairman.
Mr. G. G. Griffin .
Ilonorary Secretary .
:Mr. H orace Bailey.
Del)uty Chairman.
Oapt. Burgess, R.N.
Mr. J. l\I. Meek, l\I.A.
Viseouut Newark. Chairlnan. MI'. ll. BrrmsLon, J.P.
Trea urer.
Mr. R. llodgkil1son.
IlOIlOl'al'y Sec[·etary.
'1'l'ea urer and Honorary Secretary.
fl'. Edwd. ll. Nicholson, J.P.
Mr. J. W. Alexander.
Maj0r Bakel'. 1\fr. Alexander Holmes. Oolonel Prothero.
l\Ir. F. II. Appleby.
Annual lUenlbers.
1\fr. Arthur Pryce. " J as. Rutherford. Miss Harriett Turner. lUedical Statf'.
J ames Maekinlay, 1\LRO. '.
Pre ident.
Sir R. A..
Mr. J ohn L. lledley. (H.M. Inspector of Mines.)
Sir H edworth Williamson, Bart.
unliife, BarL. Treasurer. 1\11'. vV. D. IIuawell.
Treas ul·er.
lIonoral'Y Secretary.
R ev. O. G. llopkinson, M.A.
Mr. William Branfoot.
Mr. John IIarrop.
Honorary Secretaries.
Mr. J. G. A.ddison.
Mr. T. R Blumer. Annual lUembers.
Mr. J . G. Aeldison. " T. R Blumer.
Mr. Wm. Branfoot. Dr. A. Bruce Low. Medical Staff.
Dr. Percy Blumer. P. A. Peareey. " H. S Robinson.
Annual lllember.
Muster J ohn O. Lawton Robertt'.
Dr. 'I'. O. Squanec. " J. O. Woou..
Dr. Eel. Davies (Wrexham). " David Edwards (Mold). " R. W. 'I'. Evans (vVl'exhl1m). )) Rhis. IIunL (Ruabon). )) Eyton Jones (Wl'exham). " Wm. Jones (Ruabon) .
Dr. John D . Lloyd (Ohirk). " R. V. Palin (Wrexhuill). )) Lawton Roberts (Ruabon) . )) Will. Roberts (PtlrLtilydelyn Mold). )) Llewellyn 'Villiams (Wrexham).
Mr. J. Sparrow. Chairman.
Mr. J. H. Spart·ow.
Mr. N. Millington.
DCllllty Chait·Ulan.
Sir Francis G. ~r. Boileau, Burt.
D),. B evcrley.
Jlonoral'Y Sccl·ctary.
1\11'. Hugh Barclay.
Mr. William Edward. iUcdical Staff.
IIft-. n. Back, M.B. Dr. Bevcrley. Mr. S. II. Burton, M.D. " T. W. 01'0 se. Sir Pctcr Eac1c, M.D. Dr. Metcalfe .
Mr. R. J. Mills, M.B. " '1'. W. Richard on. II "\Y . ..8.. Shaun, M.B. " D. O. Smith, M.D. " II. B. Vmccn!.
Mr. J. A. S. Bou,erie, J.P.
NOT'I'L\TGIIA?!I Chairman.
I"rcsitient aJui Cbail'lllan.
Rev. Dr. Saunderd.
Mr. Richard En6clc1.
Honorary Secretary.
Tl'ca. urcr anti Jlonorary Secretary.
Mr. W. H. Smith.
Dr . ..8.. H. Jones, IILR.O.P.
IIII'. Francis N. Ellis.
Mr. J. A. S. Bomeric, J.P. Annual
Mr . ..8.dmitt. Mrs. Barry. Mr. F. Bostock. " Brice. Rev. J. Brooke. Mr. E. M. Brown. Re,. W. Bury. Dr. Buszard. Rev. J. J. Oooper. Mr. F. Oordeux. Rev. J. Ounningham. Mr. R. Derby. Mrs. Dorman. Mr. T. P. Dorman. " E. Durham. " J. Ennson. Dr. J. J. Faulkner. Mr. W. H. Foster. R ev. '1'. Gasquoine. Mr. George.
1\11'. O. IIu,Hlon \\1tile (surgcon).
HerberL O"C11 Taylor, I1I.D.
Rev. R. B. JIull. Mr. W. Jeffrey. " W. Jones. Dr. Jones. Mr. II. I1Ianfield. Martin. o born. " Page. " P. P. Perry. R. Purssell. " P. Phipps IT. E. Raucbll. Rev. Dr. Sanders. Messrs. Smith Bros. Rev. F. S. Thornton. " E. . Tom'. Mr. R. Turner. ,I T. Tnrner. Rev. J. B. vYiekes. " R. A. WhiLe. Medical Staff.
Mr. W. E. Auillanu. " O. J. Evan". Dr . ..8.. H. Jones.
Mr. R. ..8.. Milligan. Geo. II. PercilUl. " St. J. O. Rands.
Ur. J.
. Dugdale, Q.O.
Dt'llUty ('hail'lllan.
Trca urcr.
Hcv. II. "\Y. Belluirs.
Mr. F. Warlol·.
Jlollol'al'Y Sccrctary.
IIII'. John II. Bland. ~(cdical
Dr. 'Villin,m Hammond.
Mr. Samuel R. Platt, J.P., D.L.
1\11'. Isaac Bnmfo;d.
lIonol'al'Y SCCl'ctal·Y.
Mr. G eorgr Lees.
IIII'. Whnrton Ogden. Lifc ltIc mbcl' .
The Right Hon. The Earl of Derby, K.G. Mr. Is ~lac Bamford. '1 he Eq uiLl1ble Co-operative SocieLy, LimiLed.
'.rhe Ind usLl'ial Oo·operative Soc let .' , LimiLed. Mr. Sunmol R. PIaU, J.P., D.L. "Jo . U. RaddilTe, J.P. JI.1i s S. Taylor. K
An nua l ltf c lllbcl's.
]I.1r. Whal·ton Ogden. " John RadcliIfe. Ur . Radcliffe. Mr. Wi.lliam Richardson. " J olm K. 'toney. " George Wainwright, J.P.
Rev. A. J. J. Caehemaille.
1fl·. Ja.mes 'Wild Olegg, J.P. " Edwal'd Ingham. Herbert Lees. " George Lees. " Samuel Ogden, J .P.
A nnua l Itrcml)er8~continued.
Mr. Tllomas Riding. " W. J. Riding. " C. Wainwright. Miss '\VlLreing. " F . vVhitmore. A. Whitmore.
Ml'. J. E. Woodrow. Miss E. T. n. Wilson. " n. Wood. Mrs. II. Wylie. Mr. ,\V. Wylie.
Mctlieal Staff.
:Mr. Charles Barry.
Dr. F. F. Moore.
Dr. J. G. Walsh.
OXFORD CEl. TRE. lI o n o.'ary Sccretary .
11'. '\V. L. Morgan, 1.
oRMSKIRK Chairm an.
lU ~ tllcal
Mr. John Hodgson, M.B. " James F. Howal"d, M.D. " W. A. tewart, ~f.B., M.A.. " George Thomson, "M.D. " JlLme Yate, :M.D.
Mr. Wm. Brooke, M .A., M.D. " Charles Broomhead, M.D. " James Corns, ~1:.D. " Thomas FawsiLt, M.R. .C. " 'I'homas Fort, M.R.S.C. " James Gardner, M.B.
Ladies' Branch.
P rc ... 1tlcnt.
Mrs. Liddell.
'Tl'Casurer aud H onorary Sccr ctary.
Mr. John
MOlTi Oll.
T ,' ea1il u rcr.
frs. fax Hiller.
The RigbL Hon. The Earl of Derby.
lIo nOJ'a r y Sccr etarIe s.
Mi s Acland and liss Mary Lightfoot.
Life ltlcmber.
ill c(lieal Staff".
Dr. Darbi hire.
Mr. J. O. ankey.
Annual ltl cmber . .
Ur. Henry Aldred. " E. C. Anderton. Mrs. E . Anderton. " G. Ascroft. " J. Ball. ~ir. J os. Bail. " G. C. BurgeRS. " Charles Barry, Sen. " Charles B1Lrry, Jun. Mi ·s E. Barry. " Jessie Barry. " Annie Barry. Mrs. E. M. Bell. Miss S. Brooks. " S. Crossley. Mrs. M. Drummond. Mr. J. S. Drummond. " R. de C. Edwards. " S. A. Garside. " Fred. Gardiner. Miss R. Garside. Mrs. A. Garside. Mr. W. A. Guest. "
E. TIiH.
" F . C. lIill. Mrs. F. C. IIill.
Uiss E. TIill. Mr . K Holme. ]1.11'. W. L. TIuLton. :Miss E. Hutton. Mrs. M. TIunl er. Mr. W. G. Idle. " R. Jervi . Mrs. I. Kennedy. " I. Kendrick. 1fiss Kershaw. Ur. TI. LaLham. Miss E. Mar den. Mrs. L. Morison. Mr. J. Morison. Miss E. Pa,lmer. ~1r. R Palmer. Mr. E. Park. Mr. VVrn. Parker. Mrs. T. A Pear on. Mi s L. ScowcrofL. " M. 'haw. Mr. W. J. Sharpe. " James Sepl1ton " R. L . Smith. Mi. s E. A. Thompson. Mr. D. Thomson.
P r c ... idcnt.
The RighL lIon. Ellrl Filz\\illiam, KG. Chait'm an.
T l'ca nr c r.
Mr. C. E. Rhodes.
Mr. Thoma Newbonlcl. II on orat'Y Secrctary.
Mr. R. E. Dickinson. A n nnal Jlcmbcr1il.
Mr. Thoma
iUcdieal Str.JI·.
fl'. Bernard Walker, M.R.C .. '. Eng., L . .A. " vVm. Jno. miLh, L.R. '.P., L.R. .. Edin., L.S.A. Jno. Francis Chec~wright, M.R.C .. Eng., L.R.C.P. Edin.
PERTII UE. THE. Chairman.
Hight H on. Viscount SLormoli{,.
T "cas ul'cr and lIonorary Sccre tary.
Mr. Geo. A. fackenzie.
o ]'el urn.)
1-18 PILSLEY OE)JTRE. lIonorary Sccretary. ~h. Samupl Godber.
Chairman alltl Tl·casurcr. :MI'. John TOllllinson.
(I 0 reLurn.)
PL YMOUTII CENTRE. Chairman. The Right Hon. the Earl of Mount Edgculllbe. Honorary Secretary. Mr. George I-tobt. llolOOl'ton.
Treasnrcr. Oapt. J olm Willi.illl Mills.
ITemy Le~\'l8. Oapt. T. Mills Richey, R.A. Mis A. Brnce Simson. 001. II. B. Tuson, O.B., A.D.O., R.M.A.. Mrs. Tuson. General Sir Geo. IT. S. Willis, R.O.B. Dr. Henry O. \Yooch, RN. II Edwal'tl J. 'Yulluee. \ Vatch Oommittee, Portsmouth Town Council.
lU cdical Staff.
1'.Ir. Charles P. Chilt1e, M.RC.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.Lond., B.A. " II. F. IIanD, L.R .P., M.RO ..
Annual lUembcr. Mr. Edward P eal'ne. Mcdical Statf'. Mr. Edward Holberton Edlin, F.R.O.S. Edin.,r..LR.C.S. Eng.
J\l111ua.l Men1bers.
Mrs. Ayloll. " A. M. Bl.)!h. 1\11'. J. Bousfield. " O. II. J. Oollings. " A. W. Oosser. Liout. ·General Oox, O.B. Mr. A. L . Emanuel. " G. O. Evclegh. Rev. E. P. Grunt. Captain Swinton C. IIollund, R~ . Mr. Etlwin Izod. Sir Williulll D. King.
Etlwin J. lluntel', L.F.P. & •. G.
Chairman. Rev. J. G. Trotter, M.A.
Deputy Chairman. R ev. A. G. Lowis.
Treasurer. Mr, Ohurles Eciward Stuart.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. Myllcs IIardwic1...
(No return)
L.B.O.P.E. ,
Ohnrles Knott, M.R.O.S.E1Jg., M.R.C.P.Ec1in. " W. R oyston Pike, }I.R.O.S., L .. .A. II IIenl'y O. 'Voods, M.D., Fleet Surgeon R.N.
Chairluan. Adam Clarke, 1\1.....1..
DCI)uty Chairman. JUl'. J. Frecnulll, jun.
TreasureI'. .:'Ill'. J. St. V. P urker·Jervi., J.P.
The North
Honorary Secretary. Mr. H. Sidney Rumscble.
Li fe iUembcl'S. tuJJ'orc1",hire Railway Company. (No return)
POLMO:NT, N.B., OEN'l'R.K Chairman. Mr. T. L. F , Livingstone.
Treasul'er and Honorary Sccretary. Mr. George Sn::itb.
Life Jlembcr. Mrs. Watts. JUellical Staff. Mr. W alter Wickham, l\1.R.O.S., L .. A.
Treasurer. Mr. II, Hayward Braksp0ill'. Life lUcmbcr, Mr. H. lIayward Brakspeul'.
..:\11'. R llicks, M.R.O.S.
llIcllieal Stait'. 1\11'. O. H, Tamplin, l\1.H.C. '.
I"residcnt. General Sir George H. S. Willis, KO.B. (Oommanding Sout.hern Dist ricL). Chairman. Th e Mayor Sir William D. Kin g.
Trea nrc .. and lIonorary Secl·ctary. Mr. Ed win Izod.
Chairman. l{ey. On,non Oazcnoye. Tl'cmHll'cr and lIonol'ar'y SeC'l'Ctarl. Mr. JltS D. 'enrle. (:\Ol'l'lUl'll.)
I"re idcnt. H.H. the Duke of Teck, G.O.B. 'l'rcasurcr. Chairlllan. Golonel Sparks. JUl". Tl:.omas Oa,e. lIonorary Sccretary. Mr. Augustus Bridger.
Mr. K. M. Power. Trcasurer and lIonorary Sccretary. R ev. Douglas Seaton. (No retmn.)
Life ~Ielllber . Mr. W. A. F. B ateman. Annual lUcmbers. Miss Murray. 1.1.1'. O. G. N airne. Lady Augu to, Onslow. Mrs. Rugge·Price. " R. A . Smith. Oolonel Sparks. Mrs. Sparks.
Miss Andre. Mr. A. Bridger. Hon. Harriet Brodrick. Mr. Thomas Oave. SiT J. W. Ellis, Bnrt. Lieut.·Ool. H. King. Mr. J. McOonnell. Mrs. Murray.
Jledical Staff. Dr. R oberts Law, M.D.
Mr. W. A. F. Bateman.
II.R.II. the Dub of Connanght, KG. ChaIrman. Lieut.·General D. Ander on. Treasurer. BrlgJde·Surgeon Alhed CIaI' e.
Honorary Sceretary. Lieut.-Colonel Dawes.
Bl'lgncli r-Su:rgeon .Alfred Chuke.
nrgcon·Major A.. W. Dule.
Chairman . J ames R. IIeape, Mayor. Treasurer. Mr. E. Morgan.
Deputy Chuirlllan. Mr. R. Hurst, J.P.
RUGELEY Chairman. Mr. E. C.hake.
ENTPE. Trea Ul'e l' and Honorary 8ecretary.. Ml'. Al'tluu' If. P l'att.
(No return.)
Jlonorary Secretary. Mr. James Wilkinson, Chief Constable. ~Iedical
Dr. " " "
P. B aillie. T. H. Hayle. W. J. H odgson. W. J. H. ]yhcgilray. H. C. March . W. Pinck.
Statf'. Dr. E. B . Pooley. R. B. Sellars. " W. II. Sharples. " W. SLamwell. Alexander W elsh.
RYE OE TRE. C hail' Jnall. lUx. F. Bellingham.
Tl'ea lH·Cl' .
1\11-. Vicller.
lIollol'ary Secretary. ,Vacant.) (No return.)
l{OTilERIIA M CEXTRE. Prcsitlent. Mr. George WilLon Chambel'b, J.1'. Tl'eas ul·er. R ey. J . Draper, l\T . A.
ClIah·lnan. R ev. J. N. Quirk, M.A.
Secretary. (VucanL.)
(X u reLlll·n.)
I" resilicnt. l\b. '1'ho:>. l~nir, J.P.
UonOl'ary Secret:tll'l )1r. J 0 1111 Allen. (No
l 'eLIlJ:l1 )
ST. HELEN'S (LANCASIlIHE) CENTRE. PresilIcnt. Major R. Pilkington, J.P.
DelJuty Chairman. Mr. J obn Fudey.
Mr. 1'.Iulton Lambarde.
Mr. II. A. Binney.
Mr. Edward Abel.
Tl'easurel' and lIonorary Secretary. 1\11'. David Reid.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. R. W. II. Thomas.
Life I+Iembers. Mr. John Furiey. The RigltL IIoll. Lord IIillingdolJ.
Life ~Iembel', Major Richard Pilkington.
(No return.)
CENTRE. TreaSUl'Cl'. Mr. Fred. W. Olark.
Mr. R. Berens.
lIonorary Secrctary, Mr. Henry Tyrer, JUI1.
(No return.)
SANDGATE UENTRE. Presidcnt. Tbe Right IIon. The Earl of OhichesLel'. Chairman, 1\11'. W. Oripps, J.P., F.S.A., l\I.A.
Tt'casurer and UOllOl'al'Y SCCl'ct~lI'Y· 1\laj')1' R. J. F} llmore.
Life Jlembel'S. The Right Hon. The Earl of Chichester.
Vi count Le w isll!1l11, ::"ILl'. 1\1r. 'Y. Tipping.
Major Lrwis, R.E. Mrs. Lewis. Admiral }Eller. Mr. JO:ieph 1\1oore. " J o~eph )J OOI'e, J Ull. " II. Oppenheim. " O. R. O. retle). l\Ir~. EeUey. " D. Reid. 1\1rs. D. Rei(l. }Ir. ~\.. n. Ril g. " F. Tooth. )Ii:;s TUl'Ilbull.
1\11'. J. :\1. Olabon. Mr3. J. 1. Claboll. Miss Oressy. 1\Ir. J. Dixon. l\Irs. J. Dixon. Mr. 'Y. O. Dodgson. 1\1rs. 'Y. O. Dodgson. l\Ir. 1\1. Warton Johnson . " II. Warren J OIlC' . )1r . II. 'Yal'l'en Jones. Mr. ::\L Lambal'lle. " J. '. Loyclt. l\Ir.. J. c. Lo,e( t. ~Ic((ical
Staff. 1\Ir. J. LUCll::; 'W orship, 1'II.KC.c. " A. Young, J1.R.O. '.
1\11' . .L\. J. Alliolt, M.D. " O. D. l\InrrioLt, )1 D. " 11. Thompson, 1'I1.R.O. '.
President. Lord N orthboul'ne .
Chairlnan, The Mayor.
1\11'. T. 111. JoLchaUl.
Rev. W. II. G. Mann, M.A.
lIonorary SeCl'etal'Y. Major W. Mate.
Tl'CaSlll'el' autl JIonol'ary Secretary. 1\h. John II. Burrows.
Life lUembcr. Lord r orth bourne.
Annual ;Ucmbers,
lIonorary Secl'ctary. Rev . F. G. J. RobinsolJ .
Rev. 'V. II. G. l\lnnn, .Jl.A. )[1'. l~. L. Pemberton. CJnptain Y. II. 'tallon, 1st K ..A .V.
1\Ir. E. "Y. Brightman. " R. II. BrighLman. " J. II. Burrows.
l-l'csiden t, Rev. John Lawson. Treasurcr. Mr. W. F. R. IIulton.
~I ctlical
1\11'. Chal'lc Anal, M.D. SlIl'geon-1\1ujo1' R. II. Gardner, M.D., A.l\J.J).
Staff. 'urgeoll 'Y. W. Pope, A.U.D. Mr. Jas. haw, ~1.13 . , .J!.
15 b
,' UE'l'LA D
H.R.IT. Princess BeaLrice, Princess Henry of BaLLenberg.
The Right lIon. the Earl of WbarndiJfc .
Chait'man o f CCll t l'C,
Ch a irm a n,
'l'rc a SIlI' cr,
The ITon. Jno. Chus. Dundas.
Major T. 11. Cameron .
lU1'. Emerson Bainbridge.
D Cllu ty C hait'null ..
'.rI' C~\S ltl' C 1" .
Mr. G. II. B. lilLY.
Mr. A. Cunningbam IIay.
Chai rJna n ,
1\11'. J . E.
lIonorary S ccrctary ,
A 'Si st a ll t Jl o l1 orary SccrctuJ'Y,
Mr. J ohn VV. Mal'Lin, M.D.
Mr. A . W. \Varnm·.
Jl ollOl' a t' y Scc t'ciar iCI'!. Ml'R.
G. ] r. 13. lItty.
Mr. Daniel Mitchell. L i fc 1UClI1lJC1".
L ife llf cm lJel's.
Mr. J . Bradley Firtli. " Mark Fil·Ln. Miss J essop.
Tbe Hon. Jno. Oharles Dundu
Mr. Keeling, M.J).
" E. 1. E. ' Yelhy. The Earl of Wharncliffe.
A nnual lll c m bers,
An Jlual iUcmlJC J'S .
Mr. John Bruce. " W. A. Brllce. Major tlll1Cl'Oll.
Mr. Anclw. JJlo. Gricrson. " G. II. B. lIay.
" ~I e di ca )
Miss AsleLt, Mr. E . Bainbridge. " Edwarcl Birks. " G. E. Branson. Me srs Cubley und Pr~ton. Mr. J . E. Culler. " W. F. Favell. R ev. H. A, FayelL Mr. J. Lewis }j'irl,lt. George Fnmklin. " P. F. IIoole. " IIerbert Hutton. Messrs. Thomas J owiLt and Mr. J ohn MUl'shall. Dr. Martin . Mr. W. A. Matthews. Mrs . Matthews.
Mis Mat tllCws. Mr. J. F. F. Parr. M~ IS. Pawson and Brailsford. Mr. Charles Peac:e. " J. W. Pye ,'miLh. " R. G. Pye mitll.
MI'. F. D. A. ,'ktLC, LJ).
" " " "
A. Ounningham lIay.
S t.aff,
Mr. R. MorLimer Ylllc, M.D.
" A. Polc, M.D.
.'llOEf3 PY.l E '.'
T I·c a"" u r er.
" J. G. ROllI; ley. C. II. Smith .
."I' CRidc n t.
. Pearl" R.A..
Mlljor A.
(Tn nheyunee.)
iIneon Snell. IIcmy Steel. Robert n\\in. T. E. Vickers. Oharles WfLrdlow. Alfred Wilson. Thoma , Vilt3on. II. J. -YVil 011,1\1 .p. \V. II. Willul1S .
SIIRE \V, BUH,Y CB .. TRE. Chah ' JlHIII .
lnjor·Gcncl'ul Col vile, C,B. lIollOl'ary SCC 1·Ct.:UY .
'l'l'e a Slll' CI'.
Major R. II. Colthcll.
Mr. G. 1\[, 'nIL I,ifc lUcm b CI'.
The Lady Bra ' ey. iU edica l S t alr.
Mr. W. W. Hanham. " C. F . Ooombe. ])1'. Garcliner.
" Gwynne. " Hunt. 111'. W. Dale James. " J . S. J ohm,Lc)]le. ])1'.
Kenny .
~1 ('tliC<l1
MI'. \V. Btldowes.
Dr. Martiv. " OWey. " Palmer. Mr. R. J. Pye S1lIi t II " George Robinson. Dr. ScoLi. 1\1r. O. 'haw. Dr. Snuddt' ll.
A. Jackson.
-'P L\.VEN 'E L 'rUE. Trca iil UI'CI' ,
( ' h a irman.
1\11-. J. B. De" IIlI!'li!.
1\h. J . Arthur
Jlnnnl'ar y SeC I'ctal'Y.
l. Ernest vVright.
Mr. H. Lockwood.
I , j fc in emb cr s,
a l'tLee LlIC J)ukc of DCVOII"llil'(', 1\.0.
I LOl'Llliothfield.
;ll('cli c' ,,' St a ff. [I'.
Hilt" 11L~t1e, 1\I.R.l' .R.
Honorary Sccretary. Mr. Arthur Cockshott.
SO UTIIAM 0 ENTRE. "l'c~iclcnt
and Chail'Ill:l11. Thomas Phillip Blyth.
(In abeyance.)
Ur. Arthur Turner.
1I0110J'ary Secretary.
1\11'. Alban W::Lc1more. Annual SOUTIIA.l\IPTO~
Cllairman. Slll'geon-Gener::L1 \V. O. Maclean, M.D .,O.B.
Treasurer and nonora~'y Sccretary, Mr. A.. W. Bram .
~Iembers ,
1\11'. Thomas Phillip Blylh. " John Griffin . Me3sr . Kaye ::Lnd 00.
Mr . M. ll. Sakin. " ArLhur Turnpr. ~lc(Ucal
Life ;llcmbcr.
1\11-. John llolme.. , 1\1 D.
Surgeon-General W. O. 1\Iac1enn, M .D., O.B.
1\11'. Walter LaLLey, M.D. 1\1r. David Rice, Surgeon, &e.
Mr. Edwin Jones.
" T. W. Trend, M.D. lUedical Staff,
1\11'. A. B. Wade, M.B.
,'TAfi'FORD 0E;{TRE. Pl'e"'hlcnt. The RighL llon. Lhe Earl of Lichfield. ehaiI'man. 'rhe Hayor of Stafford.
Tl'CaSUrcr ~IHI Honorar y Secrctary.
1\1a]ol' Freel. D.
(In abeyance.)
Rev . Johnson Baily, M .A . Chairman. :Mr. Andrew Legat, M. D., J.P.
Deputy Chait'uHl n. Mr. J. Robertson en'ae, F.R.O. '.E. Honorary Sccretary,
Treasurer. Mr. Edmund Brown.
Mr. Robert S. Bllc:kluncl.
.. TALEYBPIDGE OE_ 'rRE. Chail·nUlU. 1\[1'.1\1. Fentpffi, J.P. (1'I1ayol'). lIonol'al'Y Sccrctary an(1 Treasurcl'. ~1r.
F. J. HobC'rt -DulUey.
E. J. Rob ert -Duelley.
J[('(lical Staff.
Life Members, l\Ie~srs.
John Redhead & 00.
Annual ;llembers.
1\11'. "William Bluc:k, J.P. " W . H. B!'own. Messrs. Bruce and Smith. Ur. M. Oowan. Messrs. ll. S . Edwards and Sons. Edward, Sons and RoLinson . 1\11'. J. Eltis. " J. T. Eltrin gham . Rev. H. W. :Farrar, M.A. Mr. Robert Frazer. " George llannay. Messrs. Holt and Willitts.
The llartin Ooal CU1lJpauy. Dock OOlllPUllY. Messrs . l\tIomlee Bros. Mr. James Morton. " F. L. Pe::Ll'son. Messrs. J. Reac.1hC'acl amI 00. J. P. RenTloldson and 'OilS . Mt,. George Robson. Messr . Smith and Co. SOlltll Shields Gas Oompn.ny. Mr. J. Thornton. " John TUl'llbull. Middl~
iU edical Staff.
Mr. Andrew Legat, M.D., J.P.
1\[r. J. R oberLfon Orease, F.R.O. '.E.
Prcsident, Lord Egerlon of Tutton. Deputy Chairman. 001. IIoward.
ChairJuau. Ml'. James Leigh, J.P.
TI'caSU1'Cl' alHl JIouorary Sccrctary.
Mr. A. E. :Bel'l1s. Life Jlembers,
LOt,,, Egerton of Talton. MI'. J. A. Ball, l\I.n. " F. \V . Jordan, 1\LR.O. " Kenneth 1\Incle::Ln, LR.O.
1\11'. James Leigl1, lUcllical Sf aff. 1\11'. R. A. ]\.flll'rn.y, l\I.n. " Edwin Rt} 11cr, M.D.
lUcdi cal Staff.
I-resilient. 1\11'. Chas. Seely. Del)uty Chairman.
Chairnlall. )lr. S. C. Wardell.
Mr. Wm. Armstrong.
T l'casur er and Jlonorary Secretary.
Mr. T. D. Atkinson.
Dr. Bisshopp. Mr. J . Bulkley -F ootner, F.R.C.S. Dr . J ohnson. Mr. C. Lallmiman, F .R.C.S . " 11an ct' . A. J\farsaek. " B. Marsaek.
Dr. Pagot-Thurstan. " P::l.t'dingtou. " Ranking. Mr. B . Rix. Dr. Stamford . " C. Vise.
Life iUcmlJcr . 1\11'. Chas. Seely. Annual
~IClnbers .
Mr. G. IIubbard.
Mr. S. C. Wardell. ~Iedical
Trea s urcr.
Major- Genoral Sir George Bourehier,
1\11'. W. A. Stamford, M.R.C.S.
Colonel T . G . Gardiner.
K.C .B .
Honor ary Secretary.
T he Rev. L. l\1. D 'Orsey, J\f.il..
(No return. )
Mr. J . G. Talbot, M.P. T rca,"u re r .
Mr. Edward Plom'ighL
Rev. Theo. B. Ro"e, M.A.
(In abeyance.)
Jlonol'ary secr etary.
Mr. George Edwin Skinner, Annual
Rev. T. B. Ro\\'C', M.A. Mr. J. G. Talbot, M.P.
Mr. A. T . Beeehing. Mrs. A. T . Beecbing. Mr. Albert J . N ottidge, M.A. ~Iedical
Mr. Eyre levers, M.D.
Staff. 1\11'. A. O. Horner, M.R.C.S , L.R.C.P.
\V...'..RRINGTO~ OE ~T RE.
Prcs itlcnt.
T he Right lIon. Lord WinmaJ.'leigh . Chair·man. UI'. J. R. Piekmere.
Trea urer.
Mr. Wm . Sharp.
JIOllorary Sccretaric,".
Mr . W m . Sharp, and Mr . J. Burgess.
( o retlu'n. )
The Marquess of Abergavenny. Tl·easur er.
Honorary Secrctar y.
Mr. F. vYadham EICl's.
Major C. R. Fletcher Lutwidge. Life
Annual nembel's.
Mrs. Allnutt. " Cameron. " R. CrOilll)fon-Jones. Mr. F. VY. Curteis. " R. H. Cullins.
~Iember .
Mr. G. Fereday Smith. Mr. C. R. Fletcher Lut\,idge. " Fmnk McClean . Mrs. Frank SmttrL. " Stoddart-Douglas. Mr. W. il.. SmiLh.
Mr. ' YD). harp.
' idcnt.
Mr . F. R. Davies, K. J .J ., l\L R.I.A. Chairluan.
DCIHlty Chairman.
Sir Robert J . Paul, Bat t.
Dr. Ringrose Atkins, M. A., M.D.
Treas urcr.
Jlonoral'Y Secrctary.
Mrs. Ali..:o II. B utler.
Mrs. John Strangman. (No reb In .) L
,VATII-UPO~-DEARNE OENTRE. Preshlent alHI Chairman. Mr. Chus. Luther ~tanley. Treasurer and UOIlOl'ary Secretar)'. Mr. J. :r ewsome Baxter. Lifc iUcm bcr. }.II'. H. B. ITn,ns Hamilton. ]Icdlcal §tatf'. Mr. Patrick ~. Griffiths, L.R.C.P. I Mr. W. Makeig Jones, M.R.C.S., L.S.A~ L.R.C.S. Ec1l11.
WESTON-SUPER-MARE OENTRE. Presitlent. Rev. Prebendary Rowley. Tl'easurer anll lIonorary Secrctary. Mi s McAdam. iUedical Statf'. Mr. Robert Roxburgh, M.B. Mr. GeOl'ge G. Alford, M.B_ II George F. Rossiter, M.B. " Grame B. Fraser, M.B. II Edwn,rd A.. Martin, M.B. II Wickstced.
,VEDNE BURY OENTRE. Prcsidcnt. .Alderman R. \filliams (Mayor ofWednesbul'Y)· Chairman. Tl·casurer. 1lIr. Joseph Smith (Town Clerk). Mr. E. C. Rieh:ll'dson. Honorary Secrctaries. Mr. W. H . Coney and Mr. Edward Wilson. JU edical Staff'. Mr. E. T. Collins.
Pre Ident. Admiral the IIon. F. Egerton. Chairman. Colollel GcmIcl Noel Money, C.B.
Treasurer. Mr. G. Stapyltoll Barnes.
LIfe J'tJembcrs.
:Mi.!.' :\ lln~ Farr Roberts.
Mr. A.. R. Graham, M.D. Anllu:lI :Uember.
1\11'. Thomu ITa\\ kins.
,VELLINGTON (SALOP) OENTRE. Chairman. Mr. Thomas Groom. Honorary Secretary. Treasurer. Mr. J. ·Wesley Clift. Mr. Thomas Greene. Annual Member. Wellington Y.M.C.A. iU edlcal Staff. Mr. William Calwell, L.R.C.P., Mr. G. F. Johnson, M.n., C..:'IL ELlin. L.R.C.S. Edin.
\\-urr 'IIURUII Chail'luan. Major Lee.
( ALOP) OEXrnE. TreaSUrer aud Honorary Sccl·ctal·Y. Mr. T. T. Chubb.
Jledical Staff. 1\11'. C. II. Gwynn, M.B.
,VIn TEll. \. YEN OKNTRE. WEST HARTLEPOOL OENTRE. PresIdent and Chairluan. Lieut.,Colonel Cameron. Treasurer and Honorary Secretar),. Mr. James Holland. Life Mcmbers. Dr. Samuel Goul'ley, J.P. Mr. Henry Fawcus. Medical Staff'. Dr. Gourley, J.P.
(;bairluan. ]\fl'.
I'Anson, LD.
Treasurer and Honorary Sen·etaTY. / :Mr. J. L. Paitson.
,VIGAN OENTRE. President. The RigH Hon. the Earl of Crawford und Bu2carreB. Treasurer.
Honorary Secretary. (Vacant.)
:Mr. R. A. fl'!1rington.
vVELWYN OENTRE. Chairman. Colonel E. Smyth.
Treasurer and Honorary SecretarY· Rev. W. d' A. Croftoll.
Lifc J'tJember. The Right IIon. the EUul of Cra.wford and Balcarres.
(Xo return .) L
vVIRKS,YORTH CEl. TRE. Pre hlent. Mr. Albert F. IIurt.
Prcsitlent. The Re,. Canon Haygarth. Trca urcr. Mr. S. Rosser De.m.
Chairman. Webb, M.D., F.R.C.S.
HonOrary Sccretary. }Irs. l'hlll" tan Holland. (:Xo retmn.)
lUedical §taff. Mr. "Vcbb, M.D., J!.R.C.S.
BaLterblll"Y, Mrs. Crespi. Graham. " Lees.
Trcasurer and Honorary Secretary. :Majol'-General ::\Iaclt'an.
ChairJnan. (Vacant.)
Chairman. Lieut.-Colonel Thorneycroft.
Annual :Uembers. Major-General Maclcan. }l1's. Rayson. F. Tanner_ Wyke Smith. ~Iellical
M.l'. G. Batterbury, ~I.D.
Dr. Alfred Crespi. " G. W. Gl':l.ham, ?iLR.C.S.E.
Staff. :l\fr. J. W. Parkinson, Surgeon. Sydney Parkinson, urgeon . Wyke Smith, F.R. C.. E.
:: w.
Pre ident. H.R.H. Prince Christian. Trcasurer. Mr. R. R. Holmes, F.S.A.
Chairlnan. Rev. Canon Gee, D.D.
Honorary Secretary. R e,. R. Tahourdin, M.A.
(X 0 return.)
DCltUty ChaIrman. MI'. Theodore . Mander. Treasurer. Mr. James Forsyth.
Pre ldent an(l Chairman. Mr. William IIenry "Verdin, J.P. Treasurer. Honorary Secretary. Mr. E. Leigh (~Iayor of OVCl·). Mr. F. BeWey Cooke. Life Mr. John Tomlinson Brunner, M.P.
Mr. Joseph Evans, J.P.
lUe(lical Staff. Dr. George Okel1.
Honorary SeCl'c1a1·Y. Mr. Edward B. Thorne;croft. Annual :Ucmbel' .
Mr. G. Adam. " G. Arm trong. :, lioTalio Bre,iLt. " A. Briscoe. " J. E. Briscoe. " C. II. Crane. " E. Dixon. " G. Fardo. Right Hon. II. H. Fowler, I.P. Lieut.-Col. A. C. F. Gough. Mr. T. S. ITatton. Major IIuy. Mr. Alfred IIickman. " P. IIorsman. " T. Y. Jackson. Sir Rupert Kettle, Mayor. Dr. Malet.
Treasu rer and Honorary 8ecrctary. Miss Florence E. mith. Annua~ ;Uembcr. Irs. Wright.
II'. W. R. Lysaght. Dr. IIenry ~\Illlet. Mr. F. E. }Iunby. " C. T. :JI anclcl'. " T. S. Mander. " John Mar ton . Majo]' C. MuLthews. Sir John Morris, Kt. " C. A. N ewnJtam. Captain Pritchard. Mr. G. II. tanger. " A. C. Twentyman. " E. B. Thorneyeroft. " C. B. Wight-Boycott. " "Y. II. T. 'linter. J. G. Wright. Medical Staff.
11'. F. E. Manby, F.R.C.S. Mr. H. T. Winter, M.R.C ..
'VO...IB'VELL CEXTRE. Pre ident. Mr. W. Spencer Stanhope. Chail'nlan. Mr. Joseph MitcheD. Deputy Chairman. Tl'ca nrel'. ]\fl'. John Blackburn. Mr. John. Robinson.
lG6 )IOllOrary Sceretal'ies. Mr. W. Kingston. Mr. T. W. H. Mitchell. Anllual lUenlbers. Messrs. Lunshill, Colliery Co, Me3srs. Darfield, Main Colliery Co. Mitchell Main Colliery Co. Mr. H. Garland. W ~~bwell Mai~ Colliery Co. -" James Goody Mellieal Statf'. Dr. J. N. Millar.
'YOODFORD CENTRE. Honorary Sccretary. Mr. William Robert Fox.
Chairman. Rev. A. Hughes.
Annual jU cmbcrs. :M1'. Freel. Ames. Major W. C. Hill. Mt':3. AshLon. Mr. Walter IIolland. Major-Gcneral E. ALlay, C.B. " J. H. Hooper. l\Iiss ALlay. 111'.3. T. GarmstoDe llyde. " S. ALlay. Mi s Jeffery. Lieut.-Colonel R. B. Bellere, Sir E. A. IT. Lechmere, Bart., M.P. ~Il'. II. Bramwell. R 0V. ,V. II. Longhmst. Colonel G. L . Carmichacl. Lord LytteltoD. Major II. Corbett. Rcl. CiLDOD Melville. Mr. :Martin CurLIer. Mr. F. Parker. :Majo1: II. Winnington Domvile. ~[i ·s Roberts. lUrs. Winnington Dom,ile. ~rr . E. . Sanderson. " Elcl. Sir Richard Temple, Bart., G.C.S.T., TIe\'. ,V. Gardner. :M.P. :JIr. . IIayes. " IIenl'y F, Yernon, Bart. " IIenry Hill. M,·. W. B. WilliiLmson. " T. Rowley ilill, M.P. Mis W odehouse. ~(edical
Prcsidcnt. ~Ir.
(Yacant .)
Chairman. .culonel F. Duncan, C.B., :M.P., R..A. Honorary Secrctary. }.ir. W. :iiI. Bartlett.
Tt'ca urcr. (Yacant.)
" " " "
George E. IIyde. Horace, 'wcte, JU.D. A. Weir, }I.D. George ,V. C1'owe, LD. Stanler IIaync3, ::U.D. ,V. ,'Lrange, M.D.
Life Mcmbcrs. Colonel L. Y. Sn-u.ino, C.B., C.~I.G. Baron Henry de Worms, M.P.
~MT .
T. W. Boord, M.P. " G. Francif! Legg.
Major Sir Hcrbert C. Perrott, Burl. }Iiss Radcliff.
Colonel F. Duncan, C.B., M.P. Mrs. Hawkins. Miss A. K. Hollan-l.
\ ~(edical
Surgcon Major Godwin, A.nLD. Mr. W. Coleman, F.R.C.S.
Staff. Dr. E. Br)'ceson, M.A.
1\11'. II. G. Budd. " f.r. Randle Bnck. " R. eptimu Davenhill. William A. . Walsh. " Leonllrd J. Wildi ng.
,YORKINGTON CENTRE. aUll Cbail'lnan. Mr. C. J. Yalentine, J.P. DCl.uty Chait'man. Trea, nrcI'. l{c\'. J. J. Tbornley, M.A. Mr. J. Tickett. l're~ident
Jlonorary Secretary.
Mr. G. F. I ullude(s. ~Iellieal
Dr. Dudgcon .
WORCESTER OENTRE. President. Sir Richard Temple, Bart., G.C.S.L, C.I.E. Chairman. Major-General Atlay, C.B. Deputy Chairman. Mr. Walter IIolland. Honorary Secrctary. Major l:I. W. Domvile. Lifc lUember. Mr. Charles Wheeley Lea.
Mr. Robert Lode!', M.P. TreaSU1'cr. Colonel Billers.
Chair'ulan, Dr. J. Goldsmith.
Deputy Chait'man. Mr. E. F. ookscy.
'l'rca ltl'cr. Mr. ,V. F. FuJler.
Jlonol'al'Y Secretary. MI'. J. Burt.
(No l'ctnm .)
FOREIGN AND COLONIAL CENTRES. AUSTRALASIAN DISTRICT. Prcsident. His Grace thp. Duke of Ma!l.chester, K.1-'.
I"rcsldent. II.R.II. Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne. Cbairman. Lieut.-General T. L. J. Gallwey, R.E., Governor.
Deputy Chairman. The lIon. Josiah Rees, Chief Justice.
Trea urer and Honorary Secretary. Mr. George Simpson, Inspector of Schools.
Life Jlembcrs.
NEWCASTLE (NEW SOU'TII WALES) CEl. 'l'RE. Chairman. Mr. Chas. F. Stokes.
Trcasurcr. Mr. Matthew J. Dawson.
Honorary Secretary. Mr. Chas. M. Ranclaud.
The Lord Brassey.
The Lady Brassey.
Staff. Mr. Eldon Harvey, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. Park B. Tucker, M.D., L.R.C.S.E., and Sir J. Y. Simpson's CerWlcate on Diploma for 0 b tetl'ic. ~Icdlcal
BAKGALORE P[ADRA, ) ADELAI DE CE_ TRE. Prcsidcnt. His Excellency Sir Wm. C. F. Robinson, R.C.M.G. (Governor of South .d..usiralia.). Chairman. Hon. R. D. Ross, M.P., Spen.ker IIouse of Assembly. Treasurer. Mr. F. P. G. McCrae.
Prcsidcnt. Lieut.-General Sir Frederick S. Roberts, G.C.B., U.([:. , C.I.E. lIonorary Secrctary anti Tl'ea UI·er. Major Hughes IIalleit.
Deputy Chairman. Hon. 11. Salom, M.r~.C.
)Icdical Statf'. Deputy Surgeon-General Tarrant. (.I. 0 return.)
Honorary Secrctary. Mr. E. W. van Se.ndcn.
VIOTORIA OENTRE. President. His Excellency the Governor, Sir H. B. Loch, R.C.B. Vice- Presi dent. Sir W. J. Clarke, Bart. Vice Cbairman. Cbairman. Mr. Robert Robertson, M.R.C.S. Mr. W. Lloyd Tayler. Hanorary Sccretary. Commander C. B. Payne, R.N.
BALLARAT BRA :rOIL Chairman. The lIon. Henry Cuthbert.
I"rcsident. IIis Excellency the Governor. ChaJrman. Sir Frank outer, C.S.I. Trea urer. Mr. H. E . Astley.
(N 0 return.)
GIBRALTAR OE4 TRE. Prcsident. nis Excellency Geneml Sir John Miller Ac1ye, G.C.B., Governor. Vicc-I"rcsidents. Major General 1. 'W alker, V.C., C.B. Sir II. J. B. Burford-Hancock, Ohief Justice.
I Mr. James Ocldie (at present in England) .
Honorary Secretary. Mrs. Thornton. lUcdical Staff.
Dr. HolLhouse. » Morrison. " Ochiltrec.
Dr. Pinnock. " Salmon.
Honorary Sccretary. Mr. IIarolc1 R. King.
Chairman. Cl1ptain J. Child Purvis, R.N.
Trca urcl' and }(ollorarySecrctal'Y. Major Pillel1u, R.E.
Lifc Itlcmbcrs.
The Ll1dy Brassey.
Sir IIarry J. B. Bmford-llancock.
Sir Ja-cob Dil'k Barry.
llis Excellency Raouf Pasha.
Trcasurer and Honorary Sccretary. ~fr.
H erbert Tra.vers Tamplin.
Deputy Chairman.
Temple Moor"',
'l'reasurer. HO~ G KO~ G
Uajor-Geucral W. Gordon Oameron,
Xissim Belial'.
Honorary Sccretary.
Miss _\. P. Bcrgheim. 1\. Blll'l1e ..
Lady Leclullcre. Miss ngar. Julin, ::'If. Ungar.
1\11'. Edward W. Re<'y, Secretary, RN.
F. ' lark. Edmund Lc..:hmcrc, BarL., M.P.
Life IUcmbers.
Mr. Glamille harp.
Mrs. Amclia J nckson.
Trca nrer.
Mr. V. A. OECS!1r H!1wkiBs.
Ilonorary Secrctary. Mr. Geo. F. Jack ~ on.
J[('llical Staff.
Dr. Gillmae.
Dr. 0gih·ie.
iUCllieal Staff.
Duties performed voluntarily by Officers cf Mcdical D eparlmenLs Navy and ..ll'my.
The M!1yol' of Kimberley.
I"t·c"itlcnt. the
Jas. Hay. DClluty Chairman.
Honorary Secretary. ~Ir.
{lencral • ir.r. Linlorn i:Jlluon,
Echard ITosmer.
The l3ishop of Gibrultar. }[onorary Secrctary.
Rev. R. H. Bullock,
II. Gale.
ellior Chaplain.
(Xo rcturn.)
Mr. W. B. Ohalmerf', Ci,il Commissioner and R esident Magistratc. Chairman.
Mr. D. T. ITockly, Mayor. Tl'ca~urer
and Jlonorary Secretary.
IIi , Exccllency Lhe Oo,'c1'11or.
Mr. Andrew James Fuller.
Lttdy J cnois. Chairman.
IUedical Staff.
Ilis Wor hip the Mayor of OhrisL Church.
Mr. H. M. Chute, L.RC.P. Edin., M.R.C.S. Eng., L.M. " J. B. Cumming, M.B., O.M. " C. J. Egan, L .K.Q.C.P. Irel., M.RC.S. Eng. Surgeon-Major E. B. Hartley, L.RC.P. Edin., M.RC.S. Eng., L.M. lIfr. John I{oss, U.B., C. 1. Glasgow.
Honorary Sccretary.
Rcy. T. Fl:nell,
Chri t Ohmch. I~lfc
Mr. J. D. Tilney, T.iocomotr.e Supt. E.L. & Z. Ry. Treasurcr.
.Mr. H. B. Briscoe.
Hon. Secretary.
Mr. Jas. Ogilvie Paterson.
Trca nrcI'.
Mr. IT. S. E. Ilobclay, Chri-t Church.
Dr. ITacon. ~Iefllcal
Dr. Ander OU. Brittin. " Clayton. " Franki~h. " Gordon. " Guthric (two).
Dr. Hucon. " Irving. Moorhouse. " O,cndcl1. Thomas .
Dcputy Chairman. Mr. T. B. Bennett.
Chairman. Mr. J. Borrowman.
PresIdent. Lady Jervois. Treasurer. Mrs. Maxwell.
Honorary Secretary. The Yen. Archdeacon Slocker.
Treasurer. Mr. W. M. Hamilton.
lIonorary Secretary. Miss K. Brook. ~Jedical
Mrs. J. Macpherson. Mr. G. McCarter. Miss A. McCullock. " A. McGown. " M. n.fcGown. Mrs. A. Murphy. W. Porter. " W. Russell. " J. A. Scrutton. Mr. N. Scrutton. Mrs. H. A. Sharp. " E. M. Stocker. Mr. H. Stocker. Mrs. A. Storie. Miss A. Tarlton. Mr. J . Taylor. 1\1rs. F. W. Thompson. G. Tucker. " P. Walker. " T. vVatson. Miss hl. Waymouth.
Mr. R. J . Ackins. " R. Aitken. " H. J. Atkinson. Mrs. C. Basstian . " A. Bellamy. Mr. W. B ellworthy. " T. B. Bennett. " J. Borrowman. Miss G. Brodrick. Mrs. A. L. Closs. Miss C. Collins. Mr. F. Collins. Mrs. S. E. Cuthbertson. " C. Edmunds. " W. H. Y. Ha1l. Mr. W. M. Hamilton. Miss G. Hoc1gkimon. Mr. R. J. IIirsh. :Miss A. Ingram. " C. M. Kingsland. Mrs. T. M. Macdonald.
Dr. Cahill.
RIVIERA (CANNES) CENTRE. Treasurcr and Honorary Secretary. Lieut.-Colonel Cecil Webb Cragg. Llfc ~Icmber. Lieut.-Colonel Cecil Webb Cl'Ilgg.
NELSON (NEW ZEALAND) CENTRE. President and Chairman. Lieut.- Colonel Albert Pitt. Deputy- Chairman. Mr. Ohas. Hunter-Brown.
Treasurer. Mr. A. Emerson J\bbin.
lIonOl'ary Secretaries. Mrs. E. Macartney (Women's). Mr. A. Emerson Mabin (Men's). lUedlcal Statl'.
Dr. L. G. Boor. " Alfred Coleman. " A. J. L eggatt.
Dr. Jas. Hudson. " G. Hemy Crssey. " Benj. Locking.
Pre hlent. Fred. A. Welel, G.C. LG., Go,eruor Straits Settlements.
Chairman. F. Simon, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., L.D.S. (acting P.C.M.O. S.S.) TI'casurer an(l Secretary.
Mr. J. R. cl'A!meida. Life
Dr. C. Lowe.
Dr. ::\fahon. " Collins.
Jledical Staff.
Dr. J. O. Closs.
Cheang Jim nian. Khoo Oheng Tiong. IGm Ohing and Co. Kim Scng :1l1c1 00. Opium and Spirit Farmers.
Tan n urn noon. Tan Keng Oheow and 00. Wee Bin and Co. Whampoo. and Co.
Annual JUcnlbers. r. E. M. Alexander. Mrs. Braddock. Miss C. E. Brown. " J. M. Allinson. " n. d'Almeida. " E. O. BroWl1. 1\11'. G. S. Brown. " J. R. d' Almeich. Miss Baird. " C. B. Buckley. :Mr. F. W. BLLrker. " and Mrs. Burkinshaw. Mrs. BuLler. " A.. Barron. » and Mr~. Batten. Miss Oooke. " E. n. Bell. Ul'. G. Oopley. " J. W. Benskin. O. E. Orane. lion. J. \V. and 1\11'8. Bomer. II. A. Orane. 1\1rs. Bourchier. A.. OlU'rie. 1\11'. and Mrs. T. de M. Dl'l1ddell. !lnd 1\1rs. F. G. Da,iclson.
17:1: Annual Mcmbers-continued. Mr. E. J. N anson. Mrs. J. G. Davidson. " D. O. Noave. " J. F. Dickson. :Miss O. Nur. Mr. A. L. Donaldson. :Mr. G. P. OWOIl. " st. Y. B. Down. " M. O. Parker. Mrs. Drew. nIl's. Paterson. Mr. O. Dunlop. :Mr. F. G. Penney. " and ]'.lrs. Dunman. Mrs. O. Phillips. His H onor Ohief Justice T. T. Ford. Mr. D. G. Pre gr::t,e. }fl'. A. Y. Gahagan. Miss E. L. Rankin. " T. L. Gosling. Mr. J. F. Richards. Major W. R. Grey. Miss H. Riley. Mr. J. HafI'enden . Mrs. Robertson. ~liss E. Hogan. Miss F. Robertson. Mr. and :Mrs. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs . E. J. Robertson. Hon. E. E . Ise:nonger. W. II. Rose. Mr. F. E. Jago. " A.. J. Ross. J. P. Joaquim. " J. D. R oss, JUD. " M. O. Kirkpatrick. Dr. Rowell. N. S. Koluna.u. ]'.fr. J. S. Sansom. F. B. Lees. Dr. and ~Irs. Simon. and 11rs. W. R. Lei::.k. 11:1'. ancl "Mrs. St1ingel·. :Mrs. E. P. Lei"k. J . S. Stnrrock. D. W. Lo,eU. A. U. Sunch-am. D. M. Martia. " Syecl Mohamed al . '.l~O~. Hon. W. E. and :Mrs. hlax\yeh. and Mrs. Talbot. :Mr. O. F. McKie. W. P. Waddell. " J. McLennan. lion. R. G. Wallop. Archdn. 1'. Meredith. Ln.c1y Weld. Mr. and Mrs. Mere"we lther. Sir F. A.. Weld. Mrs. Meyer. Mr. N. B. We terhout. " James Miller. Mr. J as. Muir. Singapore Police FOl'cc-37 mcmbers at 1 dolhr each, paid by th c' :-:lrait ettlement Government.
WEST I NDIES CENTRE. NASSAU (BAlIA:\IAS) Bn.A:~;rcII. 1-l'e idcnt.
lIis Excellcncy Lhe Go"\"ornor. ChaIrman.
The lIon. W. Kirkwood, M.D.
Mr. J. A. Oulbert.
lIonorary Sccrctary.
Mr. A.. J. Thcmpson . LIfc JU cmber s .
The Lord Brassey. The Lady Brassey.
(Xo relurn.)
ST. KITTS (LEEWARD I"LJ..::-fD ) BRAXOlI. Pres Idcnt.
Sir Oharles Loes. Vlce - l~re~iclcnt.
Rl. Ro"\". O. J. Branch, D.D. Chairmnn.
The Hon. C. U. Eldridge.
Re,. II. R. lIalme, U .A ..
lIonorary Sccretary.
Dr. "YV. J. Branell. (No ret urn.)
Khoo Sir. Chye. Lee Keng Yam. Lim Kong ""Van aml Som. Ong Cho:!g Chew. Ong Kim (,heow . Seet Guan Swee. Soon Kny Oheng Kang an(1 C'C'. Soopramanian Ohilty, Y.Y. R. 'T'an Beng Wan. Wan Eng Kiut. Wer Kim Yam. Mcdical Staff.
Dr. Rowell. Robertson. Simon. " Mugliston.
Dr. Leask. " Galloway. Orean. Simon.
Pre ldent.
Chinc!'c A!!llual Mcmbers.
Ohan Kim Boon. Lee Keng Yan. Low T huan Locke. W ee Thiam Tew. Wuing Heum Pin. Khoo Boon Lim. Tchwee Ohan Fook. Wan Kim Toon . Chan Teck Tye. Kaderdysan Ohitty, Y.S. Khoo Geok Eng.
Sir Oharles O. Lees, K.O.:\I.G ~ Tbo lIon. W. Kirkwood, M.D~
Sir Sanford Frccling, K.O.M.G. Chairman.
Dcputy Chairman.
lIon. J. Scott Bushe, 0.11.G.
Dr. S. L. Orane. Honorary Secrctary ~ l\Ir. Geo. F. Busho.
Trca u.rer.
Capt. A.. "YV.
Tho Lady Brassey.
The Lord Brussey. (~o
No. 51.
177 1. Providing convalrscent patients of ho~pitals (without disLinction of creed) with such 1l01ll'i hing diets a a1'e ordered by the medical officcrs, so as to aiel their rct lIl'n, at Lhc earliest possible time, to the business of life and the support of tbeir fn,milic. 2. Tho in titution in England of what is now known as the for Aid to ick and Wounded in 'Var."
NaLional SocieLy
3. Tbe foundt1.Lion and mai1Jtenance of Cottage llospiLals and Convalescent llome . 4. Providing the means and opportunities for local training of nurses for the ~ick poor; a,nd fOLlnding what is now known as tbe M etro! olitan and aLional oeiet.y for training and upplying ueh lUll' es . 5. 'Ihc promotion of a 1ll0l'e inLi1l1aLe acquaintance wiLh the wants of the pOOl' ill time of bickne •.
1887 .
G. 'l'hc e tabli hmcnt of ambulance litters, for the conveyance of sick and injUl'ed perSOI1S in Lhe conicry and mining di tricts, und in all lnrge rail!;\'ay and other public departments ana in town., as a menus of pl'eYenting much aggraya1ion of human sulTering.
7. 'fLe n \yard of • ilYer and bronze medals, and certificate of honour, for special sen ice on lltlld in tll6 cuu.c of humanity. PRIOR to the capture of Jerusalem by the Crusadera A.D . 1009, two hospitals were founded therein by the Christians for male and female pilgrims. In 1113,. ~ope Paschal II formally sanctioned the establi hment of the ITospitallers as a l'ehglO ~s Order, and in 1118 they took an additional ,ow to bear arms in defence of theu' faith. Permn,nently established on a militn,I'Y basis the Order of St. J olm of Jernsalem achieved imperishable renown in "or whilst eyer cherishing the duty of alleviating sickness and suffering in pcace. It was divided into eight Langues or nationalities, viz., Provence, .A.uvergne, France, Italy, Arragon, England, G ermany and Castile. Introduced into England in 1101, the confraternity rapidly attaiued great power and influence, its head-quarters being at Clerkenwell. St. J oh.n's Gato led to its far-fameu. Priory, and the Sisters of the Order were established at Bucklands, in Somersetshire. The Order held its high position in this country until the year 1540, when it was despoiled, suppressed, and iLs property confiscated by Act of Parliament. In 1557 it was restored by Royal Charter, and many of its possessions were re-granted; only to be aauin confiscated within two yelll's by a second statute, which did 11ot, however~ enact its re-suppression . SLill, owing to the loss of its estates and tl:e withdrawal of its members to Malta-then the so,ereign seat of Lhe Order-l1; became extinct in England, although the Sixth or Engli h Langue continucd to be represented at the Chef-liett. Many fluctuations have marked the fortunes of an institution w11ich ~layed a prominent part in history, until the loss of Malta, in 1798; after wInch the dispersed divisions of the Order struggled to maiutain iudi,idual cxistence'. More than half-a-century ago fire of the seven then existing divisions of the Oreler decrced tbe revival in England of the English Langue, since which its Members have to the extent of their ability striven to carry out their duty as Hospitallers in the relief of sickness, distress, suffering and danger. The follo"ing are some of the objects which bave engnged the attention of the O rder in Englund:-
,. ':rhe init ialion and orgn,lIio.;ation, c1lll'ing the Turco- enian ,Yur, of the" Ea tern 'ick and W ounded Relief Funr1."
9. The" British Ophthalmic IIogpil al ut J eru alem" e tubli,;JlC'd in the IToly Oity under the managelllent of the 'haptel' for th e alle.iuLioll of Ow terrible ufferings cuused by di cn C"i of the cye and ignornnce of itt; lrcatment.
10. The iw.;Litution of the" st. J oltn Ambulance A , ociation" for instruction in the preliminl1ry tr<.'lltment of the Injul'ecl in Peace aud \Yol1nclet1 in ,Ym'. Although illitiatL'c1 lc. ' Ulan eight yefl,rs ago thi movement hu already attained yel'y great ucce s. Up\\ltl'cls oC 200 Local cntre hlne already been formed in important to\\'n and clistricL in all parts of the kingdom, and many othel'~ arc in COUl'se of fonnat ion. Among th e 1110re notahle clas'('. are tho e flll' Lhe in:;truclion of the lloyal Nayy; Ro.wl Militnry College, llndhur t; Guard ; Royal .AxLillery, and other Rcgiments; Metropolitan und ity Polic:c; County C011btabulnl'J; MC[I'opolitan 11nc1 Pro,incinl Fire Brigades; Roynl NllYal Artillery Yoluntecrs; the 'YlLl' Offiro; Ac1mimlLy; 011101' et liou e; and other Governmcnt ])epn,rtment ; The 'u"LoJl1s lIou", ; East alld \\Tcst India. Dock; urrey Coml11('rcinl Doeh; Yietol'ia. Dock; M rCUll tile Marine; Great NorLhern, London and North ,Vest ern, GJ'eat East<.'l'I1, 'outlt Ell tern, and oLher Ihil\Yny Companie ' ell1ployes, anel numerou public and pJ'imle in ' LiLuLions. Detach ed 'las cs ha1'e al 0 been beld, peneling the formation of Centres, at numerous other places. The ,york lla al -o extended to the Eat and \Vet Indic~, Cltnacla, 'hin!t, Australia, und ew Zcabnc1. In Frunce (the R iL'lera) lUany ucce sful cIa ses of both se~e haye been held ullder Lhe immedia.te up<.'l'Yicion of the Central Exeeutivo 0l11miLtee. Tn , Yule., Ru in" India, Burmah, and cl e,,,here, the lIand-book of the .As ocialion l1lts bcen translated into Lhc native language ; and on the Continent und in tho United fn,tes, work, on the lines laid down by the St. John Arnbulance Association, has be n actively and succes fully commenced. Interc ting episodes of recent work occurred in the e tubli hment of Centres at Malta, so long the principal stronghold of tbe Order of t. John; and at Jcrusalem, its birth-r lace •
17 TIel' Uujesty the Queen has been grlLciously pleased to make dOl1atior.~, cach of £25, to the Shetland Islands Centre, and to No. III District of ('11e Metropolitan Centre, of both of which H.R.II. Princess Beatrice is the President. T.R.II. the Duke of Eclinburgh, the Duke of Con naught" H.S.II. the Duke of Teek, and H.S.H. Prince Edwarcl of u.xe-Weimar, also hold the office of President at various eountry Centres. Certificates have more than once been presented to the Windsor clusse by II.R.H. Princess Christian, at Kensington ancl Richmond by II.R.II. the Duchess of Teek. Princes~ Cluistian had not only been awarded both Lhe Preliminary aDd Nursing Certific:ates after pussing the prescribed Examinal ions, but has translated from the German a C01.U'se of lectures by Professor Esmareh on "First Aid to the Injmed," copies of which can be obtained at St. J ohu's Gate. Important meetings to further the cau e have been held at home, on tIle Continent, in India, and the Colonies. Two of the~e deserve pa ~ing comment, the ODe held on February 15, 1881, at the Uansion Hou e, under the pre.idency of the Lord1\Iayor, when the ex.tension of Lhe mOl'ement and appeals for increased pecuniary support were forcibly advocated by many leading merchants, shipowner, anel employers of bbour in the metropoli ; the other on J une 30, 1 3, whcn the Lord Uayor presided at a crowdcd and enthusia tic meeting in the Guildhall, for the presentation of Certificates by n.R.H. the Duke of Connaught to the City and Port of London District classes . The Order of St. John has no connection whatever with any of the a sociations or fraternities, similar or not in name to its own, "hich have been formed for the promotion of charitable or o('herwise bene,olent pmposes, 1101' is it confined to allY Bect or party or to any religious denomination, but i thoroughly universal, embracing among its members and a. sociutes those who, in the spirit of our Divine Master, are willing to devote a portion of their time or their means to the help of the suffering anel the sick, anel to labom' earnesLly PRO TILITATE HO:lllNUM. ST .
~QC ~)rbcr
of £1.
of J'eru$aLcnr
~or'U ~rior. GRAOE TIlE DUKE OF l\IAXOIIE.'TER, K.P. ~'lififf
of Q3(1gfc.
The Right HOll. LORD LEIGli. ~QC ~onncir.
P7'e ide71~-:;-Gel: ral • ir .JOIDT T. GEORGE, K.C.B. 1he Rlght HC'L the Lord Bi hop of ST. ALR\'X.~. . , ( haplain- Geneml.) l\~aJor-Gel1ernl 'VDIT\,ORTli PORTER, R.E. (xcueral 'ir H. C. B. DAUBEXEY, G.C.B. H. . F. DI\LLA.', E q. Colon 1 F. DUXOA~, C.B., LP .. H.A. Hcy. IIEXRY \VlIITE, 1.A. ' Hey. C. J. l\L\'nTY~.
J 1l1le, 1887.
~)ffi CCt"%
,rho arc e,v-officio Members of the Council. ~lumcello?'-?Gl;ol'al 'il' J OliN
T. GEORGE, K.C.B. E. FA. II. LE IDIERE, Bart., M.P., M.A., F.S.A. J.leCeW(/J'- 1 DWL 1 RESIJ~IELD, Esq., LL.D., F. .A. A lm.one?'-G~llel'al the Vl 'COllilt l'ElIlPLETO\\N, G.C.B. RegLst?'Cl?·-Lleut.-Colon 1 OULD H U~TER- \YE TO~ F S A .It ?nuula?lce D epa?'tment-Director : J Olil Ii URI ~y·E Gen~alogi ·t -\V. AMHl!R'T 1'. A:JllER T, E q., LP., ~~.. A. A~ lda.nt-A lmone7·-Lleut.-Colonel JAME GILDEA, F.S.A. _':~b1.'a1 ·zan-::Rev . 'V. K. H. BEDFORD, M.A . .(l SS7.stant- eC1'eta1 'y-~:faj or Sir HERBERT C. PERROTT, Bart. r;C1·e.ta7'Y-E
Banlt:e?'s-Tbe London and \Vestminster Bllnk, 41, Lothbul'Y, E.C.
o .,
IiJices-St. John s Gate, Clel'kenwell, London, E.C.
~t. ~llrrn ~mhttlance ~5z11datilln.
E D W A l{ D IN
1 '87,
S IE V J~ l( I ~ G OHAIR.
J. R.
& 00., ~O, St. John Street Road, KG.
~t. ~arrn ~mhltlaltce ~BMciutian.
S I l{
ED "\V A R D L
1 ) 7,
20, 8t. J Ohll Street Road, E.C.
Reference Number Al.
" Firstaid, London."
For the Service of Sick and Injured Persons, (INFE01 1IOUS OASES EXOEPTED.)
SU B-COM M ITTEE. Sir E. H. Sieveking, M.D., LL.D., Chairman. Rupert C. F. Dallas, Esq. Lieut.-Colonel James Gildea, F.S.~. Norman Moore, Esq., M.D. Edward Owen, Esq., F.R.C.S., lion. COJ'tSlt.'ting Surgr!OJt. Major Sir Herbert C. Perrott, Bart. . John Furley, Esq., Hon. s,ecretary and. .Mlmage?:, to whom all comm~,l~ations should be addressed, wlth the addltion of Transport Corps, In the upper left hand corner of envelope. Deputy Superintenclen,tMr. W. J. OHU ROH BRA SIER.
ST. JOHN AMBULANOE ASSOOIATION. • RepO?·t of a meeting of hospital physicians ancl sW'geons, held at } ft. John's Gate, Olerkenwell, on Thw'scla!J, :ilst ~March, 1 87, "with a view to considering what meawres may be adopted fo intel·est. fh l! pu.blic in, ancl to p?'omote that bmnch of the wOl'k of' the St. ,John L1/J~7mlance Association which is connected with the Oonveyance of the Sicl~ of all classes."
.A Ho?'se Ambulance Oa ITiageIncluding all charge.s, from One ?-uine~ to C?ne ~uinea and a IIalf, for a removal witb.m the four-mlle radIUs of Ohanng Oross. A Two-wheeled A 1nbulance Litte?'. Oan be engaged for shor? di~tances in London, or for use III the country. Terms on applwatlOn. I n each case one utlenclant is sent. Extra a,ttendants from 1s. per hour each. Attendants can be engaged for the assistance of invalids, irrespective of the above means of conveyance, at the rate of 2s. 6d. per hour each.
Invalids of small means oan be conveyed at a reduced rate. Special terms and arrangements are also made for the removal of invalids both within the United Kingdom, and to or from
any p~rt of the Continent of Europe.
Payments to be made at the time of removal in exchange for a printed receipt. Gratuities to attendants strictly prohibited. Removals are made without responsibility, and in each case on the understandinO' that the patient is free from infectious disease. In all doubtful case~ the certificate of a doctor may be required. Chief OfficesST. JOHN'S GATE, OLERKEN WELL, LONDON, E.O.~ .
(Withinftve minute& walk of Jl'ardngdon. Street Statio II) .
Office HourI! from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., a.nd on Sa.turda.ys from 10 a.m. untill p.lll.
Sir EDWARD H. SIEVEKING, M.D., presided.
The following were present :-Sir J. Risdon Bennett (late President of the Royal Oollege of Physicians), Sir Edmund A. H. Lechmere, Bart., M.P. (Chairman St. John Ambulance Association), Sir Thomas Crawford, KC.B. ~Director-GeneraL Army Medical Department), Dr. R Farquharson, M.P., SIr James Hanbury, K.O.B. (P.M.O. Home District), Sir William Ma?Oormac (St. Thomas' IIospital), Surgeon-General Mackin!lon, O.B., MaJor Ualet, Miss Quilter, Miss Todd, Mr. John Furley (Deputy-Chairman St. John Ambulance Association), Dr. W. H. Platt, Dr. J. F. Woods, Dr. C. H. IIartt, Messrs. R. Davy, F. RO.S. (\iVestminster Hospita.l), Edmund Owen, F.RO.S. (St. Mary'S Hospital), R R Rowe, A. T, -orton, F.R.C.S. (St. Mary's Hospital), W. Pearce, Howard Collins (Hospital As~ociation), J. H. Bridges, J. F. Sykes, F. Brown, C. Palmer, SurgeonMaJor J. 'Vance, Sir Herbert Perrott, Bart. (Ohief Secretary St. John Ambulance Association), and others. Apologies for absence were received from the following :-Sir Spencer Wells, Bart., Dr. Norman Moore (St. Bartholomew's Hospital), SurgeonGeneral MacLean, Mr. Pearce Gould, Dr. Lionel Beale (KinO"s Oollege Hospital), Sir Brook Kay, Bart., Mr. Andrew Olark, Mr. JOhrl Orofton, General Sir Charles Daubeney, G.O.B., Dr. Montagu Murray, Mr. S. Day, D,r. Oollingridge, Dr. J. J. Pringle, Oolonel Gonld Hunter-"Weston, SIr 'VlCtor Houlton, G.O.M..G., Mr. Arthur Davies, Mr. H. M. Simmonds,
4 Colonel Gildea, _lr. R. O. F. Dallas, Major J. O. Dalton, General Whitworth Porter an ',~ Sir James Paget, Bart., who wrote ;-
1, Harewood Place, Hanover Square, W. DEAR MR. FURLEy,-I am sorry that, for the reasons I mentioned to you, I cannot attend the meeting on Thursday. If I could have done s~, I should certainly have said that I think such a method of trar;tsportmg invalids as yon have devised is of great value; and I have known mstances in which its utility has been tested and has proved to be beyond doubt. Very truly yours, JAMES PAGET.
Mr. Oantlie (Charing Oross Hospital) also wrote;-
14 Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, S.W. ,
March, 30th, 1887.
,,, l\"-~ FURLEY - I am sorry that it is impossible for me t~ be present D E~,- J 1 L l i . . , h 31 t' t I ho ld lIke to have at the meetinO' arranged for Thursday, t e s ms. s. u .' I been resent b to do or say something to advocate the obJect~ m VIew. may s~y I have been the means of your ambulance wagons bemg employ~d in over a dozen cases and all have reported most favourably on t e manner in which the work was done. Yours very truly, JAMES OANTLIE. THE OHAlRMAN introduced the subject of the Meet,ing as follows; . Gentlemen, in inviting you to attend in thi.s ancient do~i~ile to-day, It was desired that you should hear an explanation and deSCrIptIOn of what has been done in a very important matter. You are probably all aware that the Order of St. John established, some ten years a,go, an Ambulance De artment; it is known by an unfortunate ter:n, whlCh scarcely conv?ys a d~finite meaning; but it is now understood. m the s~nse of affordmg instruction as to the means of rendering first aId to tb e slCk and wounded and as to the proper mode or transporting invalids from one place to an?t~er. Just ten years since this instruction was commenced, and an ~SS?ClatlOn was formed under the name of the St. John AJ?bulan?e AssoClatlOn, and all who are acquainted with the wor~ done, admit that It has been a most valuable aid in the education of EnglIsh men and worr:e~. (Hear, hear.) It has spread an over the three Kingdoms of Great Bntam, ~nd the system is extending to the farthest confines of the world. The smc~rest form of flattery, we are told, is imitation, and that we have rec~lved on the Continent, especially in Germany: (A.ppla~se.) The work IS supported throughout by the medical professIOn; ha~ ~t not been so, I am afraid ~he undertakinO' must have failed, but the ortgmators ~f the work were kll1d enough to ~ccept advice on mat~ers of a purely medlcal .character, and the judgment which has been exercIsed haa b~en such as ~o mame everywhere the good feeling and aid of the medIcal profeSSIOn. (Applause.) I believe tbat was a very wise proceeding on. the part or the 1?romoters, because the medical profession had long deslre~ to do sometl~lllg of the kind and long before this Association had any eXlstcnce, had tried to work in this di~ection. But under the influence of a great Order no doubt muc.h more ready and general support w~s given, and th.e whole plan or work IS now recognised as very much more Important thallit would have been had a single individual taken it up. The Ambulance Department. may be regarded as the" child ,. of the Order. o~ St. J ?hn. I 1!0w beg to mtroduce to you the" grandchild." The work It 1S partlCularlymtended to recomn: en.d to your notice to-day may be kno~n to a. Eew, and I am perfectly certam It
only requires to be gener~lly known to the popUlation to be utilised to a m';lch larger extent than It ha~ been yet. It is, beyond question a good unmg, and one of those good thmgs that the medlcal profe ssion are ....-villincy to roster al:d to ,avail themselves oE; .their rec?gnit i.on will stamp it a8 '; valnable ad.Jnnct ~n the treatment of dlsease, whlCh wtll cJmmend itself to t~e, general pU,bllC. The Order of St. John may claim some little superVISIon over tLls "grandchild," but it is essentially the child oE one man, and that one man has such a rer.nark~ble ,faculty of hiding his light under a bushel, that tho e who know hlm thmk It only right to I'emove the bushel and let tbe light shine forth in a more brilliant manner. (Applause,) Th~ wOl'k this " grandchild " is intended to assist in is the removal and transport .of the si?k. It has nothing to ,do with what is called first aid, but IS essentwlly work connected wlth the conveyance of the sick of all clas3es Those of us who are practical phy sician" and surO'eons know ,that np to a fe:v year~ ago" it was an expensive and difficult matter to transfer patIents serIously Ill, 81th,er from surgical or m edical complaints, from one hou e to an?ther; and sttll more from one part oE the Kingdom to the other. But thlS bas now been rendered a matter of extreme ease and al 0 great eoonomy. I feel ~onfident that yon will agree with me, when you have heard more about It-that it is one of the thulO's that require only to be known in ordei~ to insure its acceptauce throngh;ut the country. (Apphl.l:se.) Mr. Furley IS the gentleman to whom I have alluded; it is ImpOSSIble to speak of the matter in hand without alluding to him. (:Applau~e.) You have .bo~n asked here, I admit, specially at my instigatl?n to lIsten to a de crJptlOn or the work from 1fr. Furley himself. You WIll hear from Mr. Furley al1 that it is e sential to know about his inventions, and the method or spl:eadmg tbis admirable work. 111'. Furley is the ollir person who has a rIght to speak on the ma.tter, and it is because I desne, you to :'egard him as a representative man, that I entreat your special attentlon to h~s remarks. To those wbo do not know Mr. Furley, I would recommend hlm as one or the most ingenious, persevering, laborious, unselfish men I k:IOW. (Applause.) His enormous experience, gained through five campaIgns, I believe, and great campaigns, in which he was exposed to every po sible danger, enables him to know more about the mo~e of tran p~rt of sick and wound ed people than any living man. l!e is not a medlcal man, but I think the least the Oollege of Physicians or S,urge?ns ought to do af ter all he bas d one for the medical profe sioD, is to give, hlm an ~onol'ary diploma, (Hear, hear,) Well, ladies and gentlemen, I t~ll1k that 1S all I need to say to you on the snbj ect, excepting to ask you to .ltsten to J\fr, Furley's rema.rk , and to add double or treble to anytltltl,g he mny s~y of himself, because he is so apt to slnr over his own m~l'lts that he mIght not tell yon:111 he ought to t ell. (Hear and Applause.) Wlth these few words I beg to introduce Mr. Fnrley. ~R. FURLEY, whowas received with applause, said-Sir Edward Sieveking. !tIdies, and gentlemen,-The kind words-the too kind words-with which Sir Edward ::jieveking has alluded to me have placed me to-day in a much more prominent po ition than I should have chosen for myself. He has told you how closely I am identified with thii:l particular branch of our work, and I am l~roud to admit it. Perhaps, he is J'ight in saying that I ought to gIve the hcts connected with this work. because there is n,obody else present w110 could do so from such intimat e personal expenence: I hope to be very brief, but at the same time to put before you some Interestmg facts connected with this undertaking, and in doing so I fear, I cannot avoid appearing som ewhat egotistical. Well, gentlemen, It may uot be known to some in this 1'0001 that since the SL John Ar;nbulance Association was fonnded, during the greater part of the tIme, I have held the position of Honorary Director of the Stores Departmellt. The other branch or wor s for which we
6 are specially met to-day is 80 closely conneoted with this Departmen.t that I cannot well separate them. I may tell you that in the early days of the Assooiation we used to purchase our stretohers from the Army Stores, at Woolwioh. But we found that these were not only too expensive for us, but too heavy. Then we adopted a Frenoh patt~rn, which was inexpensive, but too light and fragile. Tha~ led us to consIder how far we oould improve on the stretohers and mtroduoe ou,r own pattern. Well, we did 80, and since] 879 we have man~factured and Issued 1244 stretohers of our own pattern. Then we found It necessary to apply: wheels to the stretchers. Men were not aJways to be found oapable of carrying the stretohers properly, 9r the distance .might be too great. Therefore, we invented and adopted a wheeled ltt~er. Th.e St. John Ambulance Assooiation had not under its control that lItter whlCh belonged more partioularly to the Order of St. John, .and whi?h is known as the Neuss-Manley Litter. We introduced a htter whlCh takes our 0:v n stretoher, and that is a great advantage; the stretohers are made WIth plain or telescopio handles, and all of these are interohangable, and fit on the same two-wheeled hand carriaO'es. We had considerable encouragement from Sir Thomas Orawford a;d the Army Medical Department, and, indeed, from the commencement we have had the most generous support from the medical profession. (App lause.) We adapted our two-wheel litter to the regulation pattern stretcher of the Arm'y. Tha~ :would nO.t be of much use on the field, but it is of considerable use In the mIhtarystatlOns at home. We have also adapted it to the navy cot for the Admira.1ty-s~ that an invalid in a oot when a ship arrives,can be disembarked and ImmedIately put on one of these two-wheeled litters, and taken to the hospital. Of ~hese " Ashford" litters we have manufaotured and sold 282 ; of horse carnages up to the present time we have manufactured and sold, 32. It occasionally happened that people came here to borrow stretchers, and .this led us to think of keeping one always for the servic9 of the pnblw. Wb~n ~e applied the stretcher to an under-carriage with wheels, we fo~nd It s~.lll more useful for this purpose. We went on in this way for some tIme, uutil I felt the absolute necessity of having something to be drawn by a horse. The distances became too great for our men, I, thererore, had made a horse am bulance carriage, which I lent to the Association. I admit it was or rather a primitive description, compared with what we build now; but a little later, our friend, Oapt. Dallas, made us a handsomfl present of a horse carriage to take three stretchers, so we were fairly set up with material necessary for the transport of invalids. (Applause.) It must be distinctly understood that we cannot undertake to convey persons suffering from infectious diseases, and whenever a doubt arises on this subject, Wd ask for a medical certificate. From the first I was assisted by a man, who is s(;i11 in this building working for us, and whom I continue to regard as one of our most useful helpers, I refer to Mr. Jackson; but as he had charge of the stores he could not always be spared. Fortunately I was able to put ~y hand on a suitable man at Margate. I knew the interest he took 111 Ambulance work, having given instruction to him and others at Margate some years a,go, and thus gained a knowledge of his zeal and ability, and when I suggested to him that he should come here, he immediately cam~ ; and Mr. Brasier is still with us, every day making himself more u seful 111 this department. (AppJause.) Personally, I am very much indebted ~o those who sbew a willingness to help UB, and amongst them I WIll mention Mr. Knott, a volunteer, who is always ready to give us assistance. Originally, our intention was to confine this transport work rather to the poor, and to persons of sman means, but you, gentlemen, know better than I can tell you that the people who most require Buch assistance are not so much the poor, who generally remain where they faU ill, unless they are taken to the hospital, but the rich who, when invaliqed~ ar~ more disposed for change and petter ~ble to alforq it than the
7 poor. They have more inclinati~m to travel ; whe~her it is absolutely necessary or nO.t I do not pretend to Judge, but we are very glad the rich do COme to us,,£or It en~bles us to make our little organisation more self-supporting than It otherWIse. would be. No doubt I shall leave a great deal of ground uncovered on WhICh I ought to speak, but any question that gentlemen li~e to ~sk me afterwards I shall be happy to answer. (Hear, hear.) The dIfficultIes we h.ad to contend with arose chiefly from a cause common to many ?ther undertaklDgs-~amely., want of funds. With the best feelings towards It, the Oentral Oommlttee of the St. John Ambulance Association had no sum of money they could give to our small sub-committee to utilise for this branch of work. 'llhey ga:ve us every enc?uragement ~orally that they could, an~ later, when better ab.le to afford It, some peculllary assistanc~, hut had It not been that Oapta.m Dallas presented us with a horsecarna.ge, we shoul~ ha":,,e bee?- in an impecunious state long ago. This questIOn of funds IS stIll a dIfficulty, but it is not one that troubles us much. We know that if we ~ave the patronage of the medical profession we shall soon ~ake the InvalId Transport branch self-supporting without help fro,m outSIde. (Applause.) In 1885 another carriage was added to our l'ollmg-stock, thanks to the Oentral Oommittee of the Association' ~ third carriage has been put on the road quite recsntly, and I hop~ 111 ~he course of ~ few weeks to be able to say that this vehicle, fully egUlpped, and WIth our first set of harness, has been paid for out of the I;rofit ~rom the b~zaar held at Willis' Rooms last year. (Applause.) The Uommittee has gLven us every assistance with reO'ard to coach-houses and o I am happy to say a piece of land has been found adjoining this Gate: and I hope before the autumn we shall have O'ood coach-houses if not stables also upon it. (Ileal', hear.) I think, perhaps, themostintere'stinO' part of my duty to-day will be to give examples or such cases as wt have had also borne idea of the manner in which patients are removed. and as to th~ cost of. doing it, because that is a most important item, I have before me a very 111complete list ~f members of the medical profession who have asked us to. remove patIents ror ~h?m, but I may mention that amongst them are SIr James Paget, Lr WIllIam McOormac, Sir IIenry Ackland, Mr. Mack~IJar, Dr. Maclag~n, Mr. E. Owen, Dr. Holman (Reigate), Mr. Uantlie (Oharmg Oross Hospltal), Dr. Rowe (Margate), Dr. White (Margate), Mr. Thornton (Margate), Dr. Frank (Oannes), Dr. Aldridge (Southampton), Mr. Oarter (Chelmsford), Dr. Bloxam, IT. Eccles, Dr. J. F . Woods, and Dr. Fenton Jones. I am also happy to say we have ~ot o~ly carried patients for eloctors, but we have had several cases m WhICh doctors have shown their confidence ill us by askino us to carry them~elv~s when ill. Only the day berore yesterday w~ removed a doctor s WIfe to Dunstable. I have before me a list of all the cases. I do !10t propose to read it in extenso, but will quote some of the cases. One IS the case of a poor girl who was living at ReiO'ate. HavinO' said she w~)Uld rather be a month in London with her mothe~ than a year at Reigate wl.thout her, the doctor gave his consent to her beiRO' moved althouO'h- he saId flhe was in a most precarious state. We were tl1en quite new to the work, but two of us went down to Reigabe, takino a litter in the lugO'aO'e o vR.n.. We m.oved the girl. from her cottage in the covered litter, and p~t her lUtO a thtrd-class carnage-we generally find that stn,tion masters in such cases are willing to have a compartment reserved without charO'inO' as Lhey have a right to do, for four or six seats. Ou arriving in Lo~do~; we whe(z)led. the patient up to Devonshire Street, Portland Place, and plac~d her III bed on the third floor of R. house where her mother was lodglllg. ':(1he total charge, including the railway tickets fol' the girl, her mothe.r, and the men, was 3Us.-that was aU wo asked the lady who had kmdly undertak-en to pay. (Applause.) Then we had a case from London to Oroydon ; this was a poor person, anel we took her all the way by road to Oroydon for £2. rrhere was the case of a distinguished O
statesman who was brouO'ht from Oannes to London on one of OBI' stretchers arranged as a bed. Dr. Frank has one of the. "Ashio::d" litters :1t Oa.nnes and this was used from the house to the raIlway statlOn. '1'he patient was'then ramoved on the stretcher and put into t~e train. On his arrival at Oalais he was conveyed to the steamer, and carned from the steamer to the train at Dover; we met him at Oharing Oross Station with a horse ambulance carriaO'e. He was not even in his clothes, but remained all the way in bed, fr~m Oannes to his house in London. We .had a case from London to Maidstone in which the litter was used. The patIent was !;ufferinO' from a fractured leg, and the charge was 30s. In a case from MarO'ate to N flath, a carrying-chair was used throughout the journey. Later,;'e had the case of an officer in the Guards, .who had meb with a hunting accident, and whom we removed from Wmdsor to London. That time we had only an Ambub.nce wagon; now we have vehicles which cannot be dis tinguished from private omnibusses. Iu thiB particular case the wagon was u sed a~d the gent~ema~'s mother. accompanied him. We never, if we can h elp It, pu~ a p~tl?n~ 10 a carnage on a truck on account of the oscillation, espeCially If It IS at the end of a train where it O'enerally must be if we are not starting from a terminus. We prefer to p~t the patient in all ordinarl compartm~nt or .saloon, according to the wishes and means of the patIent. On thIS occaSlOn the waO'on was put on a truck which was placed, throu~h the influence of a dir~ctor in the middle of the train, and I must admit there was no serious oscillati~n; but if the truck had b~en at the eud of the train, I would not have taken the responsibility of leaving the invalid in the carriage upon it. We also had a case from Netley to London, a serious spinal case, which some gentlemen connected with the army, who are present, may remem.ber. An officer had been on his back at N etley for several monto s, and he was remnved to a house at Clapham. I sh')uld mention that, as far as possible, we make the stretcher a part of the carriage thaL it is put into. We never suspend the stretcher if the carriage has good springs. If a doctor is present and says it must be suspended, we follow his instruction and he is responsible; but from our own experience we never suspend the stretcher. I r emember when we were having our first h orse - ambulance carriage built for London, I t01d Sir Thomas Longmore about it, and he said, "Whatever yon do, make your stretcher as much as p ossible a part of the carriage," and we have always adhered to that rule. On this uccasion we bad a distinguish ed officer iu the carriage, and he said he thought he should prefer the stretcher to be suspended. I said, "All.cight," and h e saw it suspended. 1 knew wh3.t would follow. I had provided mys eH with plenty of rop l3, and the officer I refer to, having been in the n avy, fortunately knew how to use it. We h'1d not gone more than five miles befor e he said, (' We must alter this;" the smp ension. was done away with, the stretcber was fixed, and the pa.tient wa3 th ·m quite comfortable. (Hear, hear,) Another removal was from Portsmouth to London . We m et a ship on its arrival from Egypt and moved an officer, who had lost a leg, to Loudon. Our charge for going down to Portsm ou th, carriage and men in London, &c., was three guineas. (Applause,) Then there was a lady moved from Reigate to London by road. In this ca.se the doctor prefe rred we should not attemp t the rail. so we sent a carriage. horses, and m en by rail, drove to the house, an i moved this lady tJ Kensington. The cost in that case was ten guineas; the chief item of expense being the iournay by rail to Reigate. You cannot always judge from these fi g ures ex actly, b ecau"e sometimes people give a little more than they are asked to give. The lady in qucgtion was the sister of a member of the present Government, and the family behaved liberally to us. (Hear, hear.) Some months ago a lady wished to be taken to Oannes. I may mention that during the last month we assisted to move three invalids to the Riviera. In this partic 'l lar case I was not
quite ~ure how we could manage the journey comfortably, and I undertook to go as far as Oalais with the lady, who had to stay one night at the" Lord Warden," at Dover. She was removed in one carriaO'e via Waterloo StatiON, from Bournemouth to Dover and I went acro~8 the Ohannel with her and sa~ her settled in a cO~tpe-lit-toilette. The lady wanted very much to remam on her own stret sher, but we did not think she could do so, because the cabins are generally very small and the doors narrow. Wben we arrived at Dover, and I saw the cabin which had been engaged-for they vary in size-I telegraphed for one of our stretchers with telescopic handles, and I was able to diminish the width of it without disturbing the invalid,. and by that means get her through the door and on to the couch; Without that she could not have used her cabin. From the experience thus gained, I was confirmed in the belief that in future we could manage to take any invalids desirous of going to the South or bring them from the South. (Hear, hear.) Of course, we should not mind sending men to Oannes, Nice, or Mentone to take invalids or bring them back, but we do not consider that it is necessary to incur the expe?-se. because~ in going out, as soon as we get invalids to Boulogne or OaJa.ls t~ey rernam on one of our couches and go straight away to their des.tmatlOn, and there are doctors and plenty or persons who can give aSSIstance, and who know how our stretchers and litters are worked. At Oannes ,Dr. ~rank has one of our litters, and this he is always ready to lend to lllvahds. We had one case from London, via Holyhead and Dublin to Queenstown, which was a difficult one, and a trial to Mr. Brasier's ingenuity. A GENTIJmAN: Was that a case of injury? MR. FURLEY: No; a spinal case. A nobleman had to be removed to the ~eighbourhood of Oundle-a. case in which money was very little object; III fact, we went part of the way down by special train. In no case, no matter what might be the rank of the individual, should we incur greater expense than necessary. It was no t necessary fo1' us to send a horse-carriage to Oundle. if an omnibu that would take our stretcher could be found there. In this instance the family ha.d a large private omuibus in tbe e, tablishment, so that the case was mana.ged on our part for very little money. We took a poor patient from LOlldon to P embroke Dock, and a man of high social position from London to 'Ves tgate. The latLer was livillg in Belgrave Square. I saw the gentleman in his bed and I said ,: If you take my advice, yon will not have a saloon, but a second class carriage." A second is better than a first-class, because there are 110 obstructions on the seat of the former. 'Ve m oved him from London to Westgate, inclLlding railway fares and horse carriages in London and W estgatc, for seven guinea ', There was a removal from DalsLon to Brighton, and another, a boy, was moved from one of the royal keepers' lodges at Bagshot to London. We sent down ~ litter, and wheeled him two miles along the road to the railway station, and brought him to 'Va.terloo, and thence in a horseambulance carriage to the London Hospital. The inclusive charge for this removal was three guineas. I have referred to three invalids who were removed in "B'ebruary to the South of France. One was a gentleman, one a lady of title, alld one the wife of a gentleman known to a great many in this room. We bave a chair downstairs which I should like anyone interested in the subject to inspect, because it is the last thing I have introduced in the way of transport material. We found it necessary to have a carrying chair. In this chaIr (which was built, on my suggestion, by Mr. Ward. of Tottenbam Oourt Road), an invalid can be moved to the :ailway station, wbeeled d.own the platform and lifted into a carriage, and, If necessary, travel right across Europe iu it. Of course, one could not remain in a sittin~ position during the whole journey, but when required, the occupant can be gently lowered into a recumbent position, and the
chair can be used as a bed. I saw the lady I have just mentioned off from Victoria Station, under Mr. Brasier's charge; he accompanied her as far as Calais, and put her into a coupe-lit.ioiZeite-and she remained in that cbair till she arrived at ber hotel at Cannes. She says tbat without it she does not believe she would have got to Cannes at all. Of course, we are obliged to meet cases as they arise, and to adapt our material to cbanging circumstances. There was a case the other day of a nobleman (for obvious reasons I do not mention names) whom we removed from London to Brighton. He took my advice and bad a second· class compartment. The cost of the journey, from Albemarle Street to Brighton inclusive, was £3 lOs. 6d. That was a case in which the patient was not very sensitive to pain, and we did not hesitate to do as we had done before. We telegraphed to a job-master to meet us at the station with an omnibus, which we knew would take our appliances, and the nobleman went very comfortably in the way described. Had it been a more delicate case we must have sent down a carriage or a litter with India-rubber tyres, but wherever we can avoid that expense we do so, If invalids do not object to the litter, they can travel very comfortably upon it. One was recently sent to a gentleman, who insisted on going through Odord without the cover on it. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have mentioned some of the cases we have had, but they are only a few of a very long list. I have omitted to mention that when we began the work in September, 1883. between that date and December of the same year we had 11 cases; in 1884, we moved 78 cases; in 1885, 167 cases; in 1886, 219 cases; and in the first quarter of this year we have moved 45 cases, that is 17 more than we moved in the same period last year. (Applause.) Before I sit down, I should like to say one thing. Sometimes people make a mistake and imagine this to be an ambulance station, and that we are prepared to run out at a moment's notice. We do not pretend to do that at present. I only wish we were strong enough for th~ purpose. But we require and look for certain notice; at the same time if an accident happens and anyone applies to us, and we possibly can help without ~elay, we do it. Two days ago a telegram arrived from Dr. Eccles, of Kensmgton, for men and a stretcher, and he wrote yesterday a letter acknowledging the promptness with which the men arrived and the admirable way in which they handled his patient. (Applause.) They took a canvas cover, which I think is very important for street work. It conceals a patient from head to foot, and thus avoids that exposure to the gaze of the public, which is frequently annoying to an invalid and unpleasant to passers-by. I hope I have made myself intelligible on this matter. (Hear, hear.) We are a very small corps; there are only three or four of us, remember. We endeavour to meet all the invitations we receive from members of the medical profession to transport invalids, who require our assistance, and I think, considering bow small a body we are we may be a little proud of the amount of work that has been done. {Hear, hear.) But it rests with the medical profession to decide whether we shall be able to develop and extend our operations as we wish to do. I am sure it is the desire of the members of the Central Oommittee of the Association to belp us financially as far as they legitimately can Ido; but it is by the patronage of me~b~rs ?f the medical. profession at large that we hope soon to make our mstltutlOIJ. self-supportmg. We are often asked to assist in the removal of invalids ~or little and sometimes for nothing, and we always endeavour to me.et the Clrcumstances of those who apply to us. Whether our patrons be. nch or P?or, we always act as well as we possibly can, and as economlCally, whlCh I consider a very important point. (Applause.) SIR J. RISDON BENNETT moved: "Th!1t. the members of the medical profession now present are strongly "of opmlOn that a proper system for the transport oE invalids in London " and throughQut the country is very desirable."
SIR RISDON said :-The only reason for my intruding mysel£ upon this meeting is that you asked me to appear here, Mr. Obairman, and I was anxious to testify my appreciation of the Association's work in connection with these matters, and my conviction that it is of extreme importance that its opera.tions should be known throughout the country and especially by medical men. The resolution I propose does not want any laboured elucidation, for it simply affirms what everyone present is ready to state. (Hear, hear.) There cannot be two opinions on the subject. My only regret is that the appliances which are used by this Association, and which have been rererred to are not ,isible-shown to us in this room. There isjusL a single observation I should like to make, and that is, as to the propriety of making it available ror use in private houses-if this is not done already-for the purpose of moving sick persons from one floor to another. (Hear, hear.) Our London houses are very inconvenient to people not in strong health, though they may not be invalids, and I know or nothing to meet the requirements in this respect, except the very elaborate and expensive chairs which are only procured in the case of an extreme invalid, when it is absolutely necessary to move him or her. I am sure in a great many houses, people would be glad to have a cheap and conveuient stretcher, such as has been mentioned. (Hear, hear.) I need say no more. You have heard enongh to show you what is the character of the Institution, and what good it bas already done. (Applause.) SIR WILLI.i~1 MACCORllAC, in seconding the resolution, remarked: I am surp- this meeting will accept this resolution, which I have the pleasure or seconding. I think the account we have heard from Mr. Furley is most interesting. (Ileal', hear.) The greate t possible thanks are due to him for the good work he has done, and the account he has given us of its points to still grea,ter u efulness in the future. The work is of the greate~t interest. 'l'he n,mount of dama,ge clone to sick l1nd wounded persons by the want of efficient tran port is not to be calculated. In America they have developed a sy 'tem oE transport, but we have not attempted it in this country a,ny way, and I think this movement in connection with the St. John Ambulance Asso~iation will prove the germ of a still greater movement in tbe same direction in the future. 1£ adequa,te means for transporting the sick are placed at tbe di posal of physicians and surgeons by this Association, certaiIJly a great public and philanthropic act will have been accomplished. In the meantime we must all appreciate in the highest degree what Nr. Fudey has done, and I am sure no branch of the community will appreciate it more than the members of the medical profession. (Applause.) Therefore I have much pleasure in seconuing the resolution. The Ohairman put the resolution to the meeting and it was carried unauimously. SIR Tnmas CRA.WFORD, Director-General A.N.D., in moving the next resolution, said :-It is a matter of great gratification to me to be entrusted with a resolution, and to be able to sn,y in presence of this assembly wbat is being done, as weH as to allude to what has been done by this branch of the St. John Ambulance Association. 'Ve, in the army, appreciate perhaps more keenly than civilians do, the work that has to be done in the field. Whether in time of peace or war, we all know what the St. John Ambulance Association bas achIeved in putting the pnblic in possession of some knowledge of this very importaut subject; bm up to the time that Mr. Furley took up tho question of the Ambulance and its use in civil ~ire, the civil population or this country know very little of what was reqUIred on what we in military phrase, call "lines of communication"-that is the link between the place where one may be injured or rall sick and the place to which it is necessary in the interest of that person to be transported.
12 (Hear, hear.) I have watched with great interest what b~s been d~ne in this direction by the Association. I nave seen all the applIances designed and put into execution by Mr. Furley, and many ot?ers, ~t the Health Exhibition and other places. We have known the drfficultles ~hat are to be encountered in such labour, and it is to me a matter of s~rpnse .to fi~d that so many of our difficulties have been met by the applmnces III thIS house. (Applause.) Three of them appear on papers ~ bold.i n J?Y hand, and I do not think any of them caR be exceeded e~ther m lIghtness, comfort, efficiency, or cheapness. For all these we are III a great measure indebted to the ingenuity, the skill, and the persevel~ance of !dr. Furley himself. (Applause). In stating this I have only sald what IS perfe?tly well-known to many with regard to the appliances; but when we. consIder the success which has attended his attempt to adapt these applIances to cases that have heretofore been practically immovable we may congratulate this great Association in having had a hand iu doing so good .a~1d u.sefnl a work, and congratulate Mr. Furley on the past, and by antlClpa.tlOn, on future success which must be much greater than that already a?hleved,. as Boon as the public, and the medical profession, are made. acquamted wIth what he has done. (Applause). I am addressing an audience the weatel' part of whom can appreciate, as well as I can, the success whICh has attended the efforts I have alluded to, and it is hardly necessary for me to detain them by any arguments calculated to indu.ce ~hem. to accepu the resolution I am now going to propose. The resolutlOn IS thIs; " " " "
"That this meeting has confidence in the organisation for the car.ri~ge of invalids, which was initiated by the St, John Ambulance AssoClatlOn and pledges itself to use every endeavour to extend and develop the work of usefulness which has now been in operation for nearly four years."
The point at which we have arrived is to express a strong desire that the merit of this work should be published very extensively, and that the evidence adduced to-day will be published, so that the public may know how, when and where to avail themselves of the great advantages offered to them at St. John's Gate. When that has been done, we need have no doubt whatever of the success of the institution itself, nor of the rapid initiation of branches an over the country in connection with this grandson of the Association, rivalling in snccess the earlier branch, with the work of which we are all so familiar. (Applause.) DR. R. FARQUlJARSON, M.P., seconded the resolution. He !Said; I am sure if anyone present had any lack of confidellce in the inventions for the carriage of invalids it has been effectually removed by the c1ear and comprehensive description of Mr. Furley of the work in which he has been engaged, shewing the efficiency as well as economy with which he is able to move patients. I hope that his light may be induced to shine out more prominently than before. The question is what can be done to develop and extend this work. I do not know whether we could not do something in the way of West End meetings to popularize it. (Hear, hear.) Or if you were to take one of these carriages to Charing Cross with the great material we have, the eloquence of those interested i.n the Association, and the support of the medical profession should enable us to popularize it. I think the charities of the country are going to traverse a period of great trial. The word " Jubilee') passes through our minds, and we feel that this Jubilee movement will be detrimental to the charities of London. Violent efforts are being made-I do not mean to say they are not properly made-on behalf of the Imperial Institute and other things apart from the charities of London; and the charitable institutions will have to do all they can to promote their special objects of benevolence in the coming year. I hope means will be devised by which we shall be able to
13 popularize this movement by meetings in the West End of London and elsewhere. (Applause.) MR. R. DA.vY spoke as follows; I am glad to have had an opportunity of attending this meeting in order to testify to the really excellent work done by this Association; more particularly in its relationshin with Mr. John Furley. As a hospital surgeon, I have been brought into contact with a great deal of sickness, and I could not help being impressed, since 1875, with the great loss of life attendanb upon the want of proper communication between the patient's home and the hospital. We have not come here to advocate any special way of removing patients, but to affirm the broad principle that it is right and proper that the publie should be made cognizant of the advantage of this branch of the St. John Ambulance Association. There is one point on which I may be allowed to make a personal remark, and that is in reference to suspension. I have endeavoured as strictly as t possibly can to follow anything said against it, but my experience tells me that suspended parts are extremely free from being injured. That is aU I will sayan that point. In the event of an accident happening to us in the Loudon streets we have here an opporuunity of being conveyed either to our own houses or to a hospital. I think amongst the rich there has been a certain apathy in this matter, buL in reference to the poor, they are trained in the event of accident to commit themselves to the care of the police, and so are conveyed to the hospital. I t?ink it is n~cessary for this society to be known. W ~ see: advertIsements III the .medICal ~apers of all sorts of appliances for mvalIds, and.I ha.ve made 1~ my b?sm~ss to see everyone of them; but not one advertlsed m the medICal prmts IS :vort~y the name of an invalid carriage. If anyone wants to see an mvahd carriaae and requires a thorough knowledge of the subject, I strong1y recom~end him to pay a visit to 111'. John !urley, at St. John's Gate,.and see how be has fitted himself, so to speak, mto every corner of the subject. (Hear.) It has given me great pleasure to come here and have t~enty minutes' chat with Mr. John Furley, and see how he adapts hImself to the wants of the people in relation to transport. Mr. Chairman, I think you have done good service in br~giDg t~g~ther so many hospi~al physicians and suraeons. We, as hospItal adml111strators, are far behmd the times. 'rVe do ~ot ai ve that attention to Ambulance matters that we ought to. 'W ithout beinaoirreverent, I will point to one verse in St. Luke b~ar iug on this point. nl'hat ~ingle verse .c~ntains the sum total. of hospItal discipliue. When a certam man was lDJur~d, ~he good Sam,anta;-t went to him and bound up his wounds and pou:-ed III 011 .and gave hIm wme; t~en he set hi m on his own beast and took hlm to an mn and took care of hIm. N ow, there is not at present, except by means of this Association, a single means whereby patients can be conveyed comfortably and safely-upless they come to this Associatiou, or tmst themselves to the tende,r ~erCl~s of the ever-willing ca,b-(a lauglt)-a?d you h,ave done g.ood servICe m brmgin(y this matter before the prOfeSSlOl1. If, m concluslOn, I may venture to th~ow out a hint, I would strongly advise this Societ:y to a·dvertise in the medical papers-not week by week, but, .say, twelve tHl?-es per annum-so that this Society may not l?se touch Wlt~ the pro.fesslOn. (Hea~, hear.) N a people are so closely in mtercourse WIth the slCk, .and suffermg, and distressed, than the members of our own worthy professlOn. MR. EDl\IUND OWEI't, being invited by the Ch~irman. to sp~ak, said-I am extremely glad, sir, that you have taken the chaIr ~t thIS ~ee~m~ and that we have had this valuable address by Mr. Furley. ThIS AssoClatlOn IS n?t known as it ouaht to be' indeed I have constantly urged our modest fnend Mr. Furley to adverti~e more,' and I unde,rstan~ t,hat ~e is advertis~ng in ~he medical press-the advertisement bemg dlstmgUlshed .by the lIttl? whIte cross of St. John of Jerusalem. But I think a somethmg more might be
14 done by all of us to popularise the transport movemen t. on being put was carried unanimously.
Tho resolution
MR. FURLEY : Replying to a remark that hu.s fanen from Sir Risdon Bennett, I beg to sta.te that thero is a man with a stretcher outside, and he will be glad to show it to any la.dy or gentleI?an. ~n reference to the Jubilee funds, mentioned by Dr. Farquharson, It may mterest you to know that quite recently r have bee~ ask~d to have manul'actured fiv.e" J u~ilee Ambulance Oarl'iaO'es." One IS gomg to the Southern Hospltal, Llvorpool, and the othe~s are being built for .South:am'p~on, Birmingham and Finchley; these are to be paid for by pl'lvate mdlvlduals, ar;td presonted for the benefit of their respective towns. I have also recOlvod a letter asking if I will give a design and estiI?ate for an ambulance carriage, which is to be the Jubilee gift of worklllg men to the town of Loeds. (Hear, hear.) Sm EDMUND LECllMERE moved a vote of thanks to the Ohairman. He said-As Ohairman of the Oommittee of the St. John Ambulanoe Association, I have great gratification in seeing before us so distinguished a body of medical men, coming, as they have, to show their interest in this movement genern.lly, more especially with that department over which Mr. John Furley so ably presides. It is a pleasure to me for many reasons to be bere to-day. For one reason it enables mo to contribute to a recognition of the merits of Mr. Furley. I have admired for some years the extreme patience and perseverance and anxiety which he has displayed in prosecuting his studies and experiments for his tellow men. I cannot help thinking the time has nOw come when we should remove the bushel from the light which has been somewhat obscured, and it will be an excellent thing if, through the influence which you, Mr. Ohairman, and others possess, this work of his should be made better known throughout the meftropolis and the country. The medical profession have frequent opportunities of making such valuable aid better known among their patients, und I am sure Mr. FurIey will be delighted to supply to every medical man throughout England a. card stating the mode and terms by which it can be obtained. (Hear, hear.) I think that could be done at once, and I think it will be far better than any advertisement in papers. People are more likely to be led by the counsel of their medical attendants in a matter of this kind than by anything else. Speaking as a member of the Order of St. John, I may say it is with great pleasure we welcome this distinguished body here to-day. From my first experience of the Order, I have been most anxious that the medical profession should be identified with it. We have had the advantage for many years at our meetings of the presence of our Ohairman, as well as oE other members of his profession. By a law of the Association we have no business to trespass beyond certain limibs, and in all questions of doubt and difficulty we go to the medical profession. I move a most hearty and cordial vote of thanks to the Ohairman, not only for calling us together to-day and presiding, but, in the name of the Order of St. John, for his persistent efforts to help us in the work and the good advice he has always given us. (Applause.) Sm JA1l1ES HA.NBURY spoke as follows: I have great pleasure in seconding the resolution proposed by Sir E. Lechmere, and, in doing so, dosire to say that I am quite sure the public, and the medical profession particularly, are especially indebted to the Oha.irrnan ror calling this meeting together, because it will help, as has been said by previous . speakers, to popull1rise this movement throughout the country, and very few movements require popularising more than this rrransport Ambulance movement. (Hear, hear.) I was glad to hear allusion made to the excellent services of Mr. John Furley, not only in regard to this branch, but in the ambulanco
movement genomlly. I think Mr. John FLlrley may be regarded Hot only as the gmndf>Oll, but as the pn.l'Cllt, tho son, and gralldsou of this movem?nt. 110 ha~ been th~ head and feOltL ot this extension. I III ways entertalne~ th~ notLOn that It wOllld b3 to tho advantage of pupils if your ol'galUsaLLOtl and the Ambulanco Association amalgamated-Lhat tbe pupils of tho t.wo should co-oporu.to and work together. I hope this great moveme~lt Will extend througho~lt tho three kingdoms .. Thoro is no subject on whlch the people are m?re Ignot'n.nt, u,nd the osLabltSlhment of depots is a greu,t moans of Spreu,dlllg knowlodgo amongst UJom. With these few remarks I beg to socond the l'o.::lolution, and heartily to endorse the reo marks that have been mlldo. The motion having boen carriod, 1'1f~ OIlAIRlIIA.N sllid: I beg to thank you very much. I am dolighted Lhltt so mn.ny gontlemen havo tn,kon Lho trouble to como here. WiLh tho r<:;sllit of Lho mooting I am perfoctly satisfied, and I trust it will be fol~owou. by a grant and wholesome public develop mont of tho work we havo ill band. (Appilluse.)
St. lobn Bmbulance Rssociation. HORSE AMBULANCE CARRIAGES. Estimates, which vary from £40 t o £150, inclusive of all fittings, can be had on appli cation to the Hon . Director of Stores. For Li:;t of plr(ces supplied viele StoTes Report.
THE "A S H FOR 0" L I TT E R. Weight, compl0.te, \vith , tretcher and. Oover, 1 cwt. Price, complete, £11. \~Tith TeJescopic ITancl1 es to Stretcher, lOs. extra. To moet tho reqllirclI1(;l1iFl of Flmall towns and village. , the undeI'cal'rin.go of tbia Litter but:\ now b r>en [lcbptccl to :1 double purpose, and it C3J.1 be used not only with n ,trel cher, but al 'o with a bier thus obviating many incOJwC'lli el1cC's conllected with 111<' present system of conducting Funerals in rural Di;· tl'icts. Litter, with iutercha.ngeable Strdcher and Bier, complete, £ 13 13s.
"FURLEY" PATTERN STRETCHERS. Ordinary Folding Stretcher, weight 25t lbs. Do. with Tclescopic Dandles Military Stretcher, exact size of Army Regulation, Pattern, weight 27t lbs.
Police Stretcher,
very strong and provided with Straps
£2 2 0 2 10 0 2 5 0 3
At the Intel'1lational Uealth Exhibition, 188,1, n. Diploma of HOlluur was gi\'en to this As._ ociGiioll, and Two Gold Medals were awarded to Mr. John Furley for nor e Ambulance Oarriages, Litters, Stretchers, &c., designed by him; and at tho Illlernational Exhibition held at: Antwerp III 1885, a similar a.ward (the only OJle given for such exhibits) was mack 10 tho i\ sFocintioll for tho "Ashford" Littcr and for
All applications for particulars and all orders should be a.ddressed to the IIonorary Diroctor of Store , St. John Ambulance A sociation, St. John's Gate, Olerkenwell , E.O
$t. j-ohn Bmbtllance Bssociation.
Index No. 55.
- -- - - - -
THE POCKET GRAPNEL: (As imp'l'oved by Afaj01' Scott, Elon. Sec. of the Dover Centrev
Useful t o Skaters, Anglers, Oarsmen, Fishermen, and others, It has been twice proved practically Ilt
for saving Life.
Dover within the last few months in rescuing men from
lohn Bmbulance Bssociation.
In ad?ition to the H.andboo~s of the Association, Pupils will find the foll?,Wl?g of .great aSSIstance 111 acquiring the knowledge of how to render First Aid to the Injured."
Illustrated by diagrams ~howin~ method of application, with printed InstructIOns enclosed.
Price 6d. each.
Post free, 8d. eaclt.
F irst throw the wooden reel, retaining the hooks of the grapnel in your hand, but should tho person in peril sink, then throw the grapnel, retaining your hold of the line. if possible to hook the clothes,
A little practice is advisable.
Post fne, 3d. each.
The line, wh en not in use, should be kept dry. CARD
" A I DES'" M E MOl RE,"
Each has been tested up to 2 cwt.
P1'ice of Grapnel
2s. Bel.
Leather P ocket to hold ditto
28. Oct.
D itto
(Author of the Handbook,)
with st1'ap, to be wo?,n} 2 Gd across the bocty. . s. . (V?eight,
FIRST AID TO THE INJURED IN CASES OF SUDDEN EMERGENCY. Price-ill linen-lined em'elope, 3d. eaclz I' by post, 4tl. Or t"n Packets of one dozen, 3s. per Packet.
This apparatus may be purchased on application to
Surgeon-Malor P. SHEPHERD, A.MD.,
Tdhe above will be forwarded at once to any address on receipt of an or er addressed to the
St. John's Gate, (Jlerkenwdl, E.C.
St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.
Acc!~;-1ft en~re prompt attentiolt, and to minimize detailed entries in lite amount s~ aT ~~ ers sltould be accompanied by remit/ante for tIle necessaq , tncluutng postage.
No. 73.
Please keep for Reference. Index No. 56.
$t. lobn
st. 30bn Bnlbulance Hssociation.
Rmbuiartce Bssociation.
holding the First A id and Nursing Certificates of the St. John Ambulance Association who may be desirous of obtaining practical experience in District Nursing, can undergo a course of instruction at St. John's House, College Yard, Worcester, which is in connection with the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. LADIES
POCKET CERTIFICATESJ Folding In Two and Handsomely Bound in Morocco Oases.
The Term for Instruction would be eight weeks. The Fee, Five Guineas. Doard and Lodging, One Guinea per week. Pupils would be instructed how to wash and sponge patients, change linen, make beds, how to dress and prevent bed sores and attend generally to the persdbal comfort of the patient. Instruction would also be given in cleansing and dressing wounds, giving simple enemas, and how to apply certain utensils required in nursing the sick.
Price ONE SHILLING eac.h. By Post is. 1d
Sick Cooking" would also form part of the Instruction given.
Application to be made to Miss J. C. Topping, Lady Superintendent, St. J ohn'5 House, College Yard, Worcester. By Order,
Can be obtained by Certificated Pupils from the Chief Secretary on application through the Local Secretaries of Centres, or Detached Classes.
Cliiei Secretary. ST. JOlIN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL,
E. C.
Third Edition, in One Vol. orown Bvo, 476 pp., with Five Plates and Two Maps.
"The Oarriage and Removal of the Sick an d I njured, " By MR. J OIlN F URLEY, Deputy Chairman and Honorary Direct or
of Stor es of the St. J ohn Ambulance Association ; AND
"The Knights of Malta," BY
"The Ambulance Arrangements of the Metropolis during Epidemics," By SIR VINOENT B. KE~NETT-BARRINGTON, M.A., LL.M., Deputy Chairman of the St. John Ambubnce Association. Papers read at the St. John Ambulance Association Conference at the Internatioual Health Exhibition, J uly 21st, 1884. -SIR J AMES PAGET, Bart., F.R.S., in the Chair. . . ..LSO
" The urgent necessity for mak/ng Surgical provision for Railway Accidents." A Paper read by Baron DR. Mu TDY, of Vienna, Honorary Associate of the Order of St. J Ohll of J orllsalem (English Lallgungo), at the Royal United Service Institution) July 2!lth, 1 SJ..-Surgeon-Goneral T . LONG:JlORE, C.B., :ill the Chnir. Copies of tIle above can be obtained on application to-
The CHIEF SECRETAliY, S.J.A.A., St. John'8 Gate, Cler/{enwel/, LONDON, E.O.
Reference No. 82.
A VERY simple a.nd ingeni.ous contrivance, the invention of ITerI' RUdel, of Kiel, may now be seen at the Oentral Offices of the Association, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, price complete lOs. 6d. By its means life may be rea::1ily saved in ice accidents without any risk to the person employing it, and when the ice is not sufficiently strong to bear the huma.n weight.
It consists of a wooden ball to which a metal axle and a few yards of rope are attached, and this may be easily projected, even by women, to anyone in danger of clrownin~; ; or w her8 the piece of water is not too broad, it may be bowled from shore to shore, and the rope thus drawn across the surface and put within reach of the person in peril.
Jobn Bnlbulance
The authorised Text· books of the AF;socintion are
"Shepherd's" for the "First Aid" Course " Cosgrave 'S "+'.lor th e " Nurslng" . Oourse AND
Price, po st free, Is. 2d. each. ' An(l all Pupils for Exa.minatioll should provide themselves with theie manual .
CaIldidates may, however, also read with ad Vfl.llta.o·e H
The line, when not in use should. be kept dry.
Questions and Answers upon" First Aid to the Injured," P.S.-In o1'dering please asle for "Ice Balls."
Packing Cases 1s. extra.
St. lobn Bmbulance Bssociation. AMBULANCE HAMPER With lraterproof Oover and Strap complete. Especially adapted for use in Factories, Collieries, Mines, R ail· way Stations, Ship-building Yards and other large Works, and for Volunteer Corps, &c., as well as for Domestic use.
\ \T,
Exammer and Lectu"er fo St. John ..fmbulance A.ssociation, m,d HOll. Sec. to ShiffieZd Centre,
~~D J OH N '\L\' RT I N, F.R.C.. Eo ., Ol!' II UDDERSFI ELD, t. John .1molllaIL·e Association, and H on. Sec.
Exammer and Lecture)' to
lIudclc)'sflelcl Centre.
Price, po st fr ee, Is. Id. And Fupils deHiring further illstruction may study also
"FIRST AID TO THE INJURED" , FIVE AMBULANCE LECTURES By Du. l;'REDERICil E ;\IARCH, P roJessor oj Surgery at the Universit!/ oj Kiel, etc.
1 Set Splints. 1 Esmarch Tourniquet. 2 Sponges. 2 Packets Patent Lint. 4 Roller Bandages (wide and narrow). 4 Triangular Bandages.
B y II. R. II.
(& Certificated pupa oj tlLe St. Jolw A.mbul ..lIlce A.ssociati;n. )
Cotton Wool, Marine Lint, Patent Plaister, in Tin cases.
Price 2s., by pos t 2s. 2d. AlJd
Knife, Scissors, Thread, Needles, Pins, &c., &c.
" Elementary Bandaging and Surgical Dressing" By WALT ER PYE, F.R.C.S.
WEIG HT, complete, 6! lbs.
Width ... 7 iIh
Surgeon to St . Ma '!! " $ H aspl'{a; l L ec·tttl'er and E:r:amwer .' to the St'. J ohn A mhulance Association.
To be had on application to the H onorary Director of Stores,
D' . A~l th; above Handbooks can be obtained from the H onorary ll ee or 0 Stores, S.J .A. A., St. J ohn's Gate, Clerkel.lwell, London, E.C.
L ength ...
1 ft. 6 in.
D epth ...
5 in.
PRICE: £1 16s. ST.
Price 2s., by post 28. ld.
.A.L 0,
EX .A. MIN A. T ION Price 3d., by post 4d.
Please keep for Referencs, R ,EGISTJmrm TELEGR.APHTC
Reference Letter A.
"Firstaid, London. "
INVALID TRANSPORT CORPS, For the Conveyance of Sick and Injured Persons (INFEOTIOUS OASES EXOEPTED).
gnlr-<l1.ommitfet . .oil' E. H. Sieveking, M.D., Cltai'l'man. Robert Bruce, Esq., M.R.C.S. Rupert C. F. Dallas, Esq. Lieut.-Colonel James Gildea, F.S.A. Norman Moore, Esq., M.D. Edmund Owen, Esq., F.R.C.S., Han. ComuZtillg 8m·peon. Walter Pearce, Esq., M.D. Major Sir Herbert C. Perrott, Bart. John Furley, Esq., IIon. Secreta?'Y and Jlfanagcl', to ,,·bom all communications should be addressed, with the addition of "Transport Corps" in the upper left hand corner of envelope. DEPUTY SUPERINTEXDENT-
Includillg all charges, from One Guinea to One Guinea and a Half, for a removal within the four-mile radius of Charing Cross. A Two-1cheelecl Ambulance Litte1'Including' all charg'C's, lIalf-a-Guillea, within n. four-mile ra,dius of Oharing Cross. Outside i he four-mile radius, Remon:ds a,re subject to special arra,ngement. In eaclt case one attendant is sent.
E.l'li a attlndants ] s. per hour each.
Atteuuallts can be engaged for the assistance of invalids.it respective of the above means of conveyance, at the rate of 2s. Gel. per hour ea,ch. Invalids of small means can be conveyed at a reduced rate. Special terms and arnmgeml'llls are alt;o made for the removal of invalids, both within the United Kingdom and to or from any part of the Continent of Europe. Payments to be made at the time of removal in exchange for a printed receipt. Gratuities to attelidants strictly prohibited. Remoyals are made without responsibility, and in each case on the understallding that the patient is free hom infectious disease. In all doubtful cases the cerlifieate of a, doctor may be relluired. ClIIEF OFFICES-
ST. JOIIN'S GATE, OLERKl£NWELL, LONDO.L, E.C., (Wit//,infive minutes' w[1.,llc oj Fa1'l'ingdon Street Station). Office bours from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., and on Saturuays ['rom 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. At other hours, in c:a.se of emergency, personal application should be ronde to Mr. J AOJr80N, 8, SmiLh Stl'('et" no~well Roa.rl, E.C.
1bospicc of tl)c @rber of I I
St. JObll of 3ertlSalel11 ill JCllglal1(), at Jer118alcnl.
<?June 20tij.
lbospice of tbe $1.
30bn of 3erusalem in :at 3-erusalem.
J U N E 30th, 1887.
Qrommittcc. oj Lllembe1's ancl Associates oj the Oreler. liljainnult.
j.l:)onorarl:! QI:onzuWn£l Sur£lron.
m:rcasurct. Vl.
:M.P., F.S.A.
88, Brook Street, 1,\'. ~10nOtRrp ~cmtarJ2. JOLIN
H. EA. TRRBROOK, ESQ. Wilkinson Street, S. W.
<9fficpz. ST. JOH "I:> GATE, OLERKE~WELL,
00., 43,
J.Local Qrommittee at NO(':L TEMPLE MOORE, ESQ., O.M.G. .TOll);' 1\1. COOK, ESQ.
ross, .. W.
~1altorarli .%cmtnr~.
W. II. ~rzi1Jrnt
mOHornr!I ~zsiztf(nt ~ur£Ieon. DR. ROBERT W. GILLMAN.
UUllllllitteo of the Briti .. h Ophthallllie HosI ital at JCl'll!-4alc.:m in . llulllitting tboir :Fifth Annual Report, cannot 1mt feel a very justifiaule prido, which will as. llredly be .hnrecl uy all ub 'criller' anll Supporters of the Institution, a:-:; well as by lHemb'r8 of the Orelcr generally, in the exceeclincrly gruti(ying n~cor 1 of the pa:-:;t year's work. r\'ac1ually, but 'urely, the eli , tru.'t or inllitference with which such an Institution lllll. t at first have been rocei ved by those for who. e b nefit it was chiefiy promoted, ha. di.'appeare(l, anel the ever-increasing attenclul1ce of Patient from all part '. of the Holy Land, antl beyond-now numbered, even in tho e spar ely populatod district. , by thou. ands annually-ant] the gratitllde which eV'l1 the poorest evince for the benefits conferred, prove beyond di. pute that its conception was as wise as it was humane, and indicate that at no llistant clate thi E ,tabli hment of the Order of ·'t. John of JerLF'alelll in England, will become one of the most beneficial and truly repre entati vo works with which its name has been, in modern time' at least, associated. It canllot be denied that the distance of the Ho pital from the .. phere of other humalliturian work., which command the sympathy und support of the charitable publir., militatos strongly against its r ceipt of the neces. ary support, but it is hoped that tirne will do lllLlch to remove this difficulty, for o[1ch year a larger numbcr 0[' visitor.' i:-; beino' utLL'actc(1 uHcl illtel'e~ted b ' thc vast o alllOunt of good beiug donc at the Hospital, amI pul,lic.:iLy lllU:-;t follow.
5 Meantime, the Committee cannot but feel that these facts should be an incentive to increa::;ed exertion: that many hitherto ignorant of the amount of work done, or indifferent to its results, may be induced to take a warmer interest in such a merciful and successful movement, and that !Iembers of the Order especially will identify themselves more generally and closely with a work which has already revived the ancient prestige of the Order on the scene of its foundation, and will, the Oommittee feds assured, eventually do still more to add to the high reputation of the Order in this country. The Report of Dr. Ogilvie, the Resident Surgeon In charge, anel the testimony of Sir Edmund and Lady L echmere and others, who have recently visited the Ho pital, will, it is believed, prove that these views are not by any means too sanguine.
THE REPORT IS AS FOLLOWS :" During the year past 3012 new Patients have been treated at the Dispensary, and 12-:b have been admitted into the Ho, pital. The total number of Consultations has heen 17,052, being an increase of 3590 over last year. There have been 329 operations performed, great and small. The major operations incluele 35 for extraction of cataract, 37 for making a new pupil to take the place of the original one which was closed, 3 cases where it was necessary to excise the whole eye, etc. The result has been very satisfactory, a complete cure having been obtained in 311 cases, and in only five has there been no benefit whatever. In "Crushing Granulations," the result has been extremely gratifying. I adopted this new pJan immediately after I read the notice of it in the Lancet. I have not had a single bad result and by its means cases have been cured in six weeks, which would have taken eighteen months or two years by the old method. The operation for in-growing eyelashes, which I have called " Needle and Thread" in the list of operations, is, so far as I know, a new operation. It is the outcome of a discussion at the Medical Society lately re-established here. By l11.eans of a needle and thread cases are now cured which otherwise must have submitted to a painful cutting operation with knife or scissors. to feel more 0I)'ratcful for what I think the pcople arc 1J ocrinllillO' o 0
is done for them; several small presents of fruit and vegetables have been sent to tIle Hospital in the past year by patients who hael benenteel by the treatment. One case was very touching. A poor woman who had been blind for some years was admitted for operation. he left the Hospital able to see, but returned after a few day bringing with her a cucumber. It was her mite the only one she hall, and it was accepted in the same spirit i~ which it was given. Another man, who had been operated upon for cataract, came back the other day with twenty eO'()"s and a bunelle of onions as his thank-offerinO' 00 o· . It .is now a well recognized fact in Palestine that the Hospital IS domg good work; that it supplies a great and much felt want in this land where eye cli.' ease is f;0 prevalent and so destructive. Its unsectarian character is now known far beyond the boundaries of the Holy Land, and people of every faith come long dista,nces for advice. But, it is doing a work, it is exerting a far-reaching influence for gooel, such as was probably never dreamed of by its founders. I was in the ancient Ramoth Gilead in J anuarv la t. This is a small Mo 'l m town on the other side of the orclan; there are, however, a few hri ,tian. in the place. One of the. e told me a little anecdote, showing the influence of our Institution. This man with a number of Moslems had been tal kinO' toO'ether anel o 0 ' one of them gave it as his opinion, that Ohrsitianity, surely, had a wondel'ful power over believer in it, when they were willing to end men and money to e, tab1i h , uch a place a this (mentioning by name our flo.-pital) which is now acknowledgecl to exist only to do gooel. It wacl mentioned especially for the non-interference with their religion, anel for the hreaeHh ancl liberality of pirit shewn by such a work. The Institution i , hmvever, practically unknown in England, e~ 'cept to a few, anel tho work done is not publicly heard of. Time after time traYellers, who ha\Te come to see it, after witnessing anel hearing of the amount of eye di 'ea 'e, and learning how much is done here, have been surpl'i ed that they had not heard of thi!') Hospital in England,anel all expre 's thel1lsel ve with the b0'1' atest confillence as to the results of a erioLl a,ppeal to the British peoplo. But, it js fil' ,t of all tho work of the Order of St. John of ~ ~ I'USalelll, whose chief pl'iele in England llOW is to live' lJ1'o ut~lul("te liO?ni rnum.' This is properly a work of that Ordor, for it is a work l)y whieh relief i o[)'ivcn to bp'L'cat llLlLuLcr ' of 'uU:'rilJII' v 1"'
human creatures:-by which even "ight i~ given to the blind. It is an Hospitaller work, which though not done to Engli~hm c n ) yet, is second to none of the great branches of humanitarian work undertaken by the English Di vi ion of our great and famous Ord er. The perioLl of' my engagement here is nearly at an elld, and perhaps my connection with this Hospital is about to cease. I believe I have done my part. I have done it as well as I could under the circumstances, and I should like to think the "vork will continue to pl'ogress."*
JOH 1 :r
Abscess in Mastoid l!ortion of Temporal Bone .. . Cataract, Senile ... ....... .... .. .. . ... . .... ... . .. . " Traumatic ............. , .. ...... .... ... . .. . Conjunctivitis, Acute ................................ . Glauconla ............................................. . Iris, Prolapse of, after inj ury ...................... . Serpiginous Ulcer ... .... .. Iritis ............................................... . .... . J njury to eye from eX)Jlosion of gunpowder .... . Keratitis, Acute ...................................... .
Leuc~ll1a ~~~'~.~~~.::
1 2",
OPERATIONS, WITH RESULTS. AhFi.c.es.s in Mastoid Cells opcneu ................. .. Artdlcml eye, operation for ......................... .. Cataract,'cnile, Extraction 'of. .. ................ .... . " 'frau matic ...... . ............ , ............ .. Crushing GruJ1ulationH .............................. .
~~~i~r~~f .~:;~:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
T.~S~.'...... .'.'...... ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::: :.
Pterygium .. SLapbylollla Anterior ............................. .. Strabislllu" 'onvergent ... ........................ .. " Divergcnt ............... ............... .. Tonsils; Amputation of ............................... .. Trichiasi., clltting operation ..................... .. " :rcedle aml threa<l ..... . ............. . Tumours ill the Eyelills .......................... ..
5 5 2
27 8
311 2
ToLal .l?umurl' of Operations
8 7
2 6 3
3 5 1 1
Evclicls• Blrpharitis Chalazioll . ',)'HtH in Upper Lilh Lowcr ... • lye" ,\'alt 011 ~[lpcr Lid Lacrymal ApparatllsOhstruction or Kasal Duct LacrYlllal Au ·ces. Ophthalmia, CatalThal Urallulal'
" c. pannus N eonaLol'um ...
2 2
Purulent " Phlyctenular onj unctiviti::;, Chrollic
10 5 ~
n 10
211 578 231
n 3
tbis Report was in press Dr. Ogilvie terminated bi!; engagement with the LO~)3)~tee~ and after careful consideration and enquiry, yv. E. CANT, ESQ., M,D., F.RC.t:l. (Eng.), . . . '. &c., late of the Central Ear and Throat liOspltal, London, has becn appointed as llis suc~es~OI, and has already left for Jerusalem, where he will rclieve Dr. Ogilvie after outaining J~ \en~ered. necessary by.a reeent decree of the Turkish Govl'l'Illllent a ])i]Jlollia ['rom th~ Su~t~;:' Duncli at Constalltinople, authorizing him to practice in the d~lllinioIH; of n.M. 'l'he
in ~~Si~N:~las l~ac\ exte~si~e experience of the treatment of OphthalmiC diseases of all kinds, hoth . .t~. j,' c\ pllvate plactlce, and lias abo a thorough practical knowledge of Hospital adlllin~~ ~~n. ~I~rllllanagelllcllt. Mrs. CANT, abn, i:s all cxpericnced Hospital nul'l;c, fLllCl the Committee e ..e CI~ (onfrricllec that nl1rler the c'are ancl supervision of Dr. ancl Mrs. CANT tltc continued 'Success 01 the Hosjlltal \1 III IJC a~sllrell.
lOll U
* ~OTE.-Wbile
~;~~~~~~~~s :::::. :::::: :::::. ::: :::::::::.::::::::::::: ::::
5 2
Iridectomy for A rtificial Pupil ................... . " " Glaucoma ......................... .. ." " Prolapse of Iri .................. .. Il'llloLomy for Occlusion of Pupil ................ .. LCllgthelling of Eyclids ......................... .. Polypus ill Ear, ex(;ision of ......................... ..
124 -
In statu If no.
. ::::::::::::::: ..':::: Oblitcration of Pupil after Iritis .................... . Pannus ........... .. ..................................... . Pterygium '" ....................................... . R etinitis ............................................... .. Staphyloma Anterior ................................ . Ulcer on Cornea, Acute ..... ........................ . .. . " c. Hypopyon ............. .. " Serpiginous ................... , .. Total disorganisation of Eye ...................... .
Irrcgular Cornea
.. .
ECl'atitis, Acute
.. .
Chrouic .. . " Interstitia.l " Marginal Leucoma ... . .. J: e bula antl Haze ... Ptcrygium ... Sbphyloma Aut~riOl' Iritis, Acute Chronic
5 99 224 41
15 211
30 4~
37 5 -1
IriLis, Rllf'lIl1l:ttic ... " Gouty " ympathetic Irido-Oyr Ii tis Irido-Keratitis " " c . Hypopyon ... Occlusion of pupil ... ScleroticSclerotitis, Rheumatic LensDislocation into anterior cham bel' "posterior " Cataract, Nuclear ... Cortical Lamellar .. . Diabetic .. . Traumatic ChoroidChoroiditi!1 Choroidal Haemorrhage lietinaDetachment lletil1itis AlbnminUlica Syphilitica Optic N erve~ Atrophy Papillitis ... Keuralgia Vitreous H ulilourOpacities in Glaucoma, ubacute Chronic Entr()pion Ectropion Strabismus, Convergent Divergent InjuriesForeign bodies 011 the cornea Penetrating wounds of cornea Sclerotic Myopia Hypermetropia Pn·sbyopia Astigm atism Ulcers of CorneaAcute Chronic ... Phlyctenular Serpiginous Suppurating Anterior Synechia ... Posterior
Inflammntioll of Ext. Mentn,; l\l<lsioid Cells 'rylll]Htllum a ITowing of Exlemal Callul Polyplls ill Ear Tinllitus
71 00 :3 '2
6 G 4. 6 1
5 2
8 2 1-1
2 2
6 1 1
Abscess of Pn roLit!
3 1 8
Retro-phul'yngcnl Aphthons sore tltro,Li InllulI1ed Throat Laryngitis, Acnte Catarrhal (,hronic '" l?olliculal' Pseutlo-.:\[embranolls 07.(cna Ph.LlJllgiLis, Acute Chronic ... Follicular Siccn Rhinitis ... Septum Nasi, leer on :::loft Palate, Tnilamell Perfomteu r lcerated • moker', Sore Throat TOHsil Hypertrophy
5 6 4-
5 1
10 6
7 1 6
6 5 10 2] 12
10 3 5 3
Cases remaining in Hospital from last year (jast's adllliUd
Cases tli. chargeu
51 36 19
('ases remnining May 31st, 1 7 Average resilience of each patient in lIo. pita}
N umber of New Cases
122 78 ]2
21 ]8
N Hill her of Consultations Operations[a.ior I'll inol'
H 15 day .. 3012
17052 92 237
RELIGION OF THE PATIENTS. DISEASES OF THE EAR. Abscess in External Meatus ... Catanh, nOll-purulent, of Tympanum Cerumen in lIleatus Closure of Meatus... . .. Catarrh of Eustachian 'l'ube Obstrudi011 of Ellstacliian Til he
DispenS(! t'!J . J1 8 20 1
24 ]0
•Tows ............................. . lI Ioslem .... . .......... ... ... .. Greek and Armenian Latins .......................... . Protestant .... ..... ........... .
Hospital. 40
310 :30
The ~ommittee believe that th ey will be only interpreting the wishes of Sub.'cribers, and of the Onler generally, as vV 11 as expressing tbeir own feeling, in here placing on rcconl their high appreciation of Mr. Ogilvie's mo .. t successful professionfd work, as principal Surgeon to the IT ospital, :1nd their gratitmle for the care and skill bestowed by him upon the patients who place thomsel ves in his hands. It must be r emembered that Mr. Ogilvie is not only the professional hea(l of the Institution, but is also immelliat,eJy respon ible for its general ad mini tration, anll it is undou l)ted that to his tact anel zeal, and to the influence which he th llS exercises, as well as to hi · undoubted skill as an Ophthalmic Surgeon, tlJe SLlCGess of the Ho. pital is largely due, To him and to 11r8. Ogilvie to whom the Oommittee are al 0 indebted for most valuable and voluntary a sistance and co-operation their best thanks are offered. The record of the year's work, as reported by Mr. Ogilvie, shows how maryellously diver ifieu anu intricate are the diseases of the eye, for the special treatment of which the H ospital was founded; and when it is remembered that to this long-suffering and afflicted people, ,,,ho came in such ever increa ing numbers for relief, relief has almost invariably oe('n given, and their lives in con,'equence rendered brighter anll lllOre useful, and that at an individual co, t which fOl the gl' at !JleE'. ing of restored or improved sight must appeal' ridiculous, tho~e who have hitherto shared in the work have, inde el, cause for grati 6cation. It 'will not be uninteresting to know that a calculation ba. ell upon Mr. Ogilvie's tigures of the number of Patients, ancl our known expenditure, shows that the annual average CO.i t of each patient, taken one with another, is considerably 18S. than 5s.; each patient being seen several times; and, as statel1, of the,'e 1:Z b have been received into the Hospital, and lodged and ferl as well as professionally treated. The increase of work has renrlered it neces. ary that Mr. Ogilvie should have some skilled as;jistance, and the (ommittee accepte(l the offer of Dr. Robert W. Gillman, son of the Am erican Oonsul, to serve as Honorary Assistant Surgeon for one year. The Commitr,ee have had under consideration the RC'gulations for the Management of the Hospital, and a revise<l corl(' of Rn)cH, approved hy the Local Co 111 Illi ttec, and a(lopte<l at ,L 1\1 (,cti ng of
the Gonenll Committee held in London early in the year has ueon drawn up, and wlll it i~ hopell ClbUl'e the satisfactory conduct of the aHail'~ of the Huspital. These llule::l cnl:iure, amongst other llla.tters, the gratuitous treatment of aU ?JOOl' patients, while guarding, as far as ma.y ue, again. 't the abu"e of the 1hm'ity by those who are not indigent. Copies of these Rules were appencled to the Rc'port last lssued. The numerous alHl in many (;a~es successful appeali;; which have receutly been lllade for the sLlpport of home institutions, eitlwl' establi .. hed or projected, have rendered similar efforts on behalf of the Ll'itish Op11 thalllJic Hospital less sllccessful than 'w oull otherwise probably have boen the case, but the Meeting helfl in the J ernsalelll ~lHl,lll bel', l)y kinc1 permll), ion of the Dean of \Vestminster, on March ;30th last, and the oncert at • 'taffol'd HUllse, on June !Hh, by kill,l pel'llli .... iull of Hi!':! Grace the Duke 0(' 8utherland, haNe n()t only drawn e. pecial attention to the Hospital alld it,. , \\'01'1-, IJllt have Illost opportunely benefited it;') resources at a tillll' wh n our avail1:dJle means 'w ere nearly exhausted, The l\leeting 011 March 30th, at the Jerl1sal'lU Chall.lb'1', when Colonel Nil' Charle~ \Varrell pj'{~sidc<1, "vas not only well attended, 11l1t xcC'ptloually well l'cpol'tell in the leading ne\Y. papo1's awl ill Llle journals of the Je\\'ish COllllllunity, amI re:)ultl,tl ill f:)C'venLl Wl'leOIJl<'" donations and llOW annll111 subI'lcriptioll:) 1'110 lH;St thanks of the COlllmittee a.re duc to. 'ir Charlo' \\T l1lTen for PI' '1-5iding, awl to Lo]'(l Egerton of Tatton, the R ev. Dr, IICl'lllaJlll Adler, ell i ·f na.bl)i of Londoll, Colonel Duncan, 'ir ] iehal'cl Telllplc, M,P". 'ir J, I L Puleston, M,P" Mr, F. D. ~Iocatta, M l'. Brucl·nell Cartel', Mr. A lllher:-;t, • 'ir E. Leclul1cro, and others, who so eloql1ently a(lllre:-;~e{l the Meetin()', amI so warlllly pleaclell the caus uf the Hospital. Leaflets with extracts from th .lpeech's IW1.<le at tllis Meeting, may be hall on <1pplic~l,tioll to the ~ 'ecl'etary. The Conccrt beld at (tafJ'ol'll House, which was hOllouretl hy the imlllelliate patronage of their H.oyal llighne 'ses the Prince awl l)l'illc \'S of ,,\Yales, [fer Poyal Highness Princess (hl'lstian, ller noyal Highness the Princess Mary A<lel'1.ic1e, Duches of Tcek, IIi ' Illghncss the Duk of Teel', and the Dames Uhevaliercs of the Onler was promoted, as have been similar entertainments in previous yea.n-i, uy Lady L ochmere, ·whoHe generous support and unceasing zual an<l interest in all thn,t appel'La.ius to the Hospital Ct1nllot be too gratefullyacknowkdged .
A vast amount of \york, independent of consi(lel'allle personal expense, i. entailed in the promotion of all such ll1t'etings, and to Lady Lechmere, .Mrs. Furley, 1\lrs. Tys:3en Amherst, Mr.. Brudenell Carter, Mrs. Pitt Draffen, ancl otherR, who so kindly and successfully co-operated in this generous olJject, which has reRulted in an addition of over .£100 to the funus of tho Hospital, the warmest thanks of the Committee are due. The Committee also beg very gratefully to acknowledge their indebtedness to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly gave their valuable arti. tic services on this occasion, and would especially beg to offer their best thanks to 1\liss Mary Davie. , Miss Carlotta Elliot, Miss Damian, Miss Marianne Eissler; The lion. Spencer Lyttelt0n, 1\lr. Iver McKay, Mr. W. H. Brereton, 1\lr. Ralph Livings, Mr. Clifford Harrison, Signor Tosti, Mr. A. J. Caldicott, and Mr. Frederic Cliffe; also to Sir Arthur Sullivan who kindly assisteu in the arrangement of the Concert, ancl to Messrs. Broadwoocl and Sons, who gratuitously suppliecl one of their finest concert grand pianofortes. An effort has been made, which it is hoped may prove eventually successful, to interest the leading Members of the Jewish Community in the working of the Hospital. Lord Roth. chilcl, Mr. F. D. Moccatta, Mr. Sebag Montifiore, Rev. Dr. Adler, Chief Rabbi, and others have already generously cont.cibuted to the funds, amI it is hoped that when the great relief being affonlecl to their suffering co-religionists in the Holy Land becomes more widely known, further substantial help may be forthcoming. A most gratirying and characterjstic letter, adclre .. ed hy the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem to Sir E. Lechmere, as representing the Committee of the Hospital, was presented during Sir E. Lechmere's recent visit, and fully evinces the gratitude locally felt for the benefits conferred. Copies of this letter in fac-simile, with a tran.lation verifiefl by the Rev. Dr. Adler, Chief Rabbi of London, may Le had for a trifling sum to cover co:-;t of printing, on application to the Secretary. The. Committee are glad to report that through the generosity of Miss WilBon, a lady who has already subscribed to the general fund of the Hospital, a beginning has been made to Fil:Cnre a Special Fund" for the Gordon Memorial Ward," amI th e ~l1ln of £50 has been placed to its credit with our Bankers.*
As similar donations are recei ve(l, it if) proposed to capitalize the amount, which will not be used as revenue, anu thus make an effort, to permanently .. ecure the much-needed additional beds for In-patients. The present Cash Balance at the Bankers is barely £200, and heavy expenses have still to be met during the current year. No change has happily to be recorded in the constitutjon of the COlllmittee during the past year, which it will be admitted has been one of steady progre's a .. regards the work clone. To one anc.l all who ha ve so far co-operated in the good work, satisfaction at the result of their laLours ll1U~t be even more gratifying than the thank.' which are eminently their due; lJut the COlllmittee specially desire to expre. s once again, on behalf of the ub. cribert:l, their Lest thanks to ..Mr. Amherst for his continue(l liLerality, as well as for hil'3 zealou' discharge of the (lutiel'3 of Trca 'urer; to Mr. R. Bnulenell Cartel', not only for his eminent allll valuaLle acl.vice as Honorary Consulting • 'ul'geon, Lut also fur hi, public advocacy of the Hospital, anll for pecuniary help aI'o, an(l to 11'. John :J1. Cook, pel'.onnlly, alike for his warm interest in the Hospital, and his contillLlCu JilJeral ~upport, as well as for the valuable aiu renderell lJY hi.' firm and assistant', a8 the financial agents of the Committee at J el'usalcm. The eatral ommittee cleire al. 0 to express their best thanks to Mr. Noel Tel1Jple Moore, C.M.G., Chairman, an(l to the Member anll Honorary Secretary of the Local COlllmittee at Jerusalem, for tb e val uaule co-operation and a. si ·tance at all time affol'llcll by them in the local supcrvi~ion and administration of the afiairs of the Ho pitaJ. To Sir Edmund amI Lady Lechmere ll1U t always be due the wannest thanlrs of all frienlls of the lIo pitaI. Theil' constant zeal in its welfare, and their generous anll continuou. contributions to its fUll(.1S, as well as their unceasing attention to every detail of its \vorl ing are the surest guarantees for, a..~ they have been the chief fa.ctors in, its success. The COlllmittee have all->O gratefully to acknowledge the receipt of several useful and appropriate pre onts for the Hospital, inclueling a supply of spectac1es for the paticnts by Mrs. Pitt DrafIcn, cocaine, awl an operating table by Sir E. Lechmere, and a l'cgu lar tlispatch of English daily newspaper~, and palllphlet8, etc., Ly Mr. It RL'ynolLls Rowe.
* Further donations by Mr. John M. Uook, Miss Wilson and Sir E. Lechll1rre h:we since 1)(>en received, makillg a total sum of £250 for this special fuml, which has Leen invested in India 3 pel' cent. stock.
j \.
The C()lJIIJlilLcf.!, JJl c()llclusioll, (~ al'fll·stJy l)ope LJlat tlJis l>l'id JlC'port of tJlC: work entrusted to tl1(·ir adll1inistl'atirJTl may not ()Tl Jy aSSllr(~ 1\1 eJllhcrs of tlw Onl(~ ]' and • 'u l)sCl'ilJ(;l s, tlJa.t tIle British Ophtlml Jrlic Ho"pi tal i, ' an ordect m cvery W!1.y worLl)y of tl)(.!ir crmtinuerl and increased support, hut, tlJ!1.t it may so C:OIJllJH;nrl itself to th(·ir favollr!1.blc cCJDsicJcmtion as to inrlllCC th('1l1 to wake a much nc:c:rlerl dT'ort to placc it on a finncr financial basis. At prcs('nt, witll every eff())'L that ha ' l)ccm possil)lc to tlJO few wl]o constitute its principal supporters, tIle income ]s im~rl(;qllate to even the excec·dingly econolIlical ·xpenditure wIllcl] lIas l)er'n previously r ferred to, and to maintain the Hospital in its presc:nt state even, fllrtlJer and vigorous cfi()rts will lJf~ jmpc'rati v(~. Annual. 'ul)scriptions especially arc urgently needed. Tl]at this most l3uccC'ssful and ]l1lJOane work lS capal)le of greatly ·xtencled usefulness, no OlJe \\'JJO knows t]le IJ,)ly L~U1(l, or its }lif)tory, can dC)l] I)t; and wl)i Ie J]C'al'tijy and gl'atdll1ly tllanking all W]IO llavc so far aided lJl its (!stahli sl)1J1(!Tlt aJj(l maintenance, tllC 'oHlrnittec lllost llJ·gc·ntly alJfl ('Hrnr'stl'y appeal to the lJ(;nevoJc!llt, anrl espce;iaIJ)' to .McltJ1Jurs of t]l(' Ordcr, to lJQlp thew in ~ecuring tl1C future; \V .]]-lJeing of t]J(; HCJ')IJital. For t]H; \)lOJni ttcc, JOHN H. EASTERBROOK, firmr}/'a,.!! ,')'f!('rr:lIll'Y·
DoY/a{ ,ion8 Wtul A nnv,al S U.J)8C'f'Lp li 0 'II 8 ?rUiY
Treasurer, ille Honorary Secretary, file Bankers,
pOLrl Lo 111.e 0/'
(Fll" ,)
of ale OO(J11nillee,fl'oTn (U:/IOlli al:;o copies of flie A 'lI'fllJ((l RepO?·t8 may 7)e ol)lu. in,ea, unrl U!) whom eve?'!) 'in fOI'fl"uLio'n will t)e glwlly aJl07·r1erl. O/l,eq -a,e8 to be cTo,cs.c.;erl, "ftfes8Ts. G(ocl;,s) BicZd'ul[J/i CL11(l [1 0 .,"
43, Oli/Iring
ST ..J{JJf);'S GA'lE,
Brz'tislt Ophthalmic Ifospdal and Elospt'ce of the 0
1'0 Balance, 31st July, 1886. £433 3 9 1 9 7.1 45 10 11
Balance at Bank in London Petty Cash in hand " Balance due from Dr. Ogilvie
" Less Balance due to Messrs. Cook <: Sons T
4 0 4 22-:1: 10
Donations to 30th June, 1 87, as per Cash Book Annual Subscriptions . Proceeds of Concert at Stafford Honse (per Lad!) Lechmere) Balance due to Messrs. Cook and Sons to 30th Jane, 1887
J crusale771.
197 IG
2-:1:J 16
103 14:
. £18 18
7 1:3 10 11 1:3
9 8
It 11
Printing and tationery Drugs, Instruments, &e.
!5 10 22 13
alary to 30th ,Jnne, H:k7. 2UO
"\ rages (illtel'pn' ter, t:lol'van t , l 'rc.) £!5!5 14 107 0 o Housekeeping HepalI'. 4 15 3 Carriage 3 10 Fuel 5 1 Postage, Printing & ~lll1(hies (i G 11
;)G 13
" "
Printing and 'tcttionery Postn,ges n,nd I etty Expf'nses Clcricn,l Assistance <1.11(1 Audits Sprcial Appeal .
" "
----253 13
England, at
" " "
J crusaiem
of St. John oj
" "
" " "
272 10 3 20 0 0 - - - - 492 10
Mr. Kn,yat (Honorarium)
Furniture and cost of hiprncnt 214: 10 53
" DAL.\ CE at Bank in LOl1(lon 1)0.
due from Dr. Ogil vie
2G Less.
ASSETS-Capital Account.
7 7 15
GOUDON UEI\101UAL \VARD.-Special Account.
1, 11:2 13 2fjG 18 2 :2(i G 5
- - -" Live Stock
£c5G 14:
By Freehold Property at Jerusalem. " Furniture and Fittings per last accollllt " Do. a.(ldecl as auovo
DtLhnce <lne to Secrctary for Petty Ca.sh AccoLlnt .
*To D011H,LiollS to 30th JUllC, ISt)7 . £;')0
IBy BIllancc30th June, 0
1) 7
. £50
2. ' :3
1 (j
£l7U Hi --=
snUscl]1LC?lt DOllatiolls
see ]l(lge 26.
Examined and fOLllld corn~ct, CAPE AND DAU:LEIHII, Clwrt(I1"r'IJ // rmll?l/(wts,
KU)TERBlWOK, J[uIlUrlll'!! Sal'da I'!I.
1D A,w1lal
SLtbSCTij;tions. £ s. ct.
1Brftisb \l)pbtbalmlC 1bospftaI anb 1T)ospfce OF TIlE
~r b e r
of St. John of 5ernsalem in JEnglanb at 5ernsalcnt.
Annual Subscriptions and Donations. H.LM.
donation towanls cost of site £'1'.900.
Aclaml, :Mr. & Mrs. Aclanu, Sir Hel1l'y (given at Jerusalem) Adair, Miss H. M. Adler, Rev. Dr. H ermann, D.D. (C hief Rauui, Londoll) Akroyd, 1rs. Alcock. Miss St. Leger Allen, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. (per Dr. Ogilvie) AlLnatt, Mrs. RurteeRAllnatt, Miss Sm'teesAmherst, Miss Tyssen Amphlett, Rev. Martin Anurew, Mrs. (Coughton Hall, Alcester) Anson, The Rev, FredBl'ick (deceased,) Anonymous, (per Sir E. A. H. Lechmere, Bart., 1\1. P.) Baden, F., Esc}. Baker, Augm,tus, Esq. Balfour, Alex. , Escl. Bamfield, Rev . J. ' N. L., R. N. Barclay, Mr:::. Barnes, Rev. Pl'ebpndary Barrington-.F oote, 0aptaiu, R. A. Bate, B. , Esci' Baynes, :Jliss Beale, Lionel , Esq. , M. D. Beaufort, UOll. lIliss Bedford, '1'he Rev. W. K. R, M.A. Berkeley, HOD . 1111'S. Bernard, Miss Ellen Beyfus, Messrs. P . & S. Biddulph, G. T., Escl. B l unt, Miss (Collected by) Blunt, lIIil:.s
An7lual Subsc ri}ll iUlis. ;I.: s. d. 1 1 0
DnJlrrl i?lI~ .
.£ s.
3 3 1 0 1
0 1 0
0 0 ·1 0 0 10 1 0 5 5 1
1 10 0 0 10 :3 2 ]5
0 0 0
0 0
o 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2
Blunt, Miss Anne. ." .' Bollunu, Mr. T . J. 220 Bolland, 1\1rs. 22 0 Bunynge, Mrs. Boutflo\\'er, Archueacon Bowman, Sir ,\V. Bart., F.R.S. Braby, F., EsCl. Braliy, Miss Hmssey, Lauy (dcc~as~d) Brillll, General Sir Jas., B.A. Brinton, John, Esq . 0 Hrooke, Th e Rev . .T. Ingham Browne, Miss U. "\rade Bllruett-Coutts. '1'ho Baroness BUJ'Clett-Coutts, W. L. A. Bartlett, Et;(l. BunIon, Irs. Rowland Burnes, Mr . o 0 Burton, 1111'S . Blll'!Oll, 1111'S. (per R. Bl'ULlenell 0urter, Esq., F. R. C. S.) Durghclere Church, Orl'ertory at . BUl'Jlahy, l.fajor-General, M. P . (deceased) Bushell, Chri ,topher, E q. Bn tros, . de, Esq. (deceased) Bustros, "ThY adame de Butler, Hev. Canon Byron, The lIon . 1\lrs. and 1\1i8s Burnsitle Capel, F. C., Esq. 550 C,uter, C. Pom berton, Esq. Cartel', H. Bruuenell, Esq., F. n. C. '. 220 CasRu vetti, 1I1atlame CassaYetti, Mallame E. Alex. Chafy-Chafy, The Re v. "Y. 11. W. CharringLoll, E. ESfl. Child, Mis. Kate . 'Ialke, Sir Audrew, M.D. loth workers' Company, The Coght, Andrew, Escl. Coldwell, Major, (per) Compton, '1'he Very Hev. Loru Alwyno (Dean of Worcester) Cook, John 11., EStl' 10 0 0 Corbett, John, E::Hl" 111. P . 2 2 0 Coventry, The Rev. Gilbert Oree, Rev. E. D. . 5 0 Cros~c, Mrs. C. R. . Crossland, MI'::;. (in lieuofConcert at lIungariHn1l1arket Bazaar) Crossley, Lally 2 2 0 Cuffe, ]\ 1iss 1 0 Cull, Chas., Esq. 1 0 0 CnIl, Messrs. Chas. and SOil 10 6 Cuuliffe-Owen, Fritz, Esq.
0 4
0 0
4 3 5
0 0 0 6 0
1 2 6 0 10
£ s. d. 050 10 10 0 10 10 o 5 0 o 1 o 2 2 o 15 0 o 0 10 o 20 0 o 1 1 o 5 0 o 5 0 o 1 0 o ]0 0 o 10 0 o 10 0 o 4
1 0
o1 10 ]0 20 10
0 0 0 0 0
o o o o o o o o o
2 10 o 10 0 0 6 00 2 2
o 2 20 1 5
3 100 3 2
2 10
1 2 0 ]0 2 0 1
0 3 0 3 2 0 0
10 10
Snlisc)'ipiiuns. .I:: s. el, Laynrd, Rt. Hall. Sir Henry A l1stpn, G. C. B. Lea, ArchLleacon Lea, Mrs. Lecbmere, Sir E. A. H., Bart., M.P. (special). Do. do. Lecbmere, Lady do. (specicd) half-yearly Do. Do. do. (Collected. by) Do. do. (friend per) Lechmere, Captain o.nd Mrs. J. Lechmere, Miss K. Lefroy, General Sir J. H .. Lloyd, The Rev. Robert and ~Irs. Lloyd, Mrs. Frank Lock, Rev. W. Lumley, Mrs. S. Lucas. Mrs. Lyte, H. C. J\'f axwell, Esq. Lytton, The Earl of Mackinnon, P. Esq. (per Dr. Ogilive) Maclean, R. Maclean, Esq. (special yearly) :Malet, Major G. E. W:yndham Manley, Brigade Surgeon W., V.C. Martin, Mrs. Heathcote Martin, H. B., Esq., M.P. Martin, Samuel, Esq. (deceased) Martyn, Rev. Chas. .J. Mc ... alty, Surgeon Major C. Meredyth, Samuel, Esq. Mercer's Company, The J\Iewburn, Miss Emily .Mocatta, F. D., Esq. Moncrieff, :JUrs. Monk, The Misses. :Monk, Miss Jane E. (given at Jerusalem) .Montague, Samuel Esq., (}Jer Lady Kennett-Barrington). 1\1ontefiore, J. Sebag, Esq. 1\1ontefiore, Mrs. Moran t and Co., Messrs. Mordan, .Mrs. (per }Irs. Furley) Murray, "V., Esq. Murray, Rev. Francis Myriantheus, the Rev. the Archimandrite N eve, Miss C. Newton Abbott (St. J.A.A. Ladies' Class) per Mrs. Baker Noel, J., Esq. Okcden, Miss K. Parry Onslow, The Lady Augusta Order of ,'to John of Jerusalem in England
J)onal?'ons. i: s. d. 7 7 0 1 2
0 0
0 0
50 10 20
9 5 15 0 2
0 0
:2 2
0 1
4 0
0 0 0
20 21
0 0 0 0
7 0 0
3 0 0
:2 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 1 0 5 0 ] 0 10 10 0
n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 20
5 1 0
0 0
23 13 10 10 0 20 0 10 5 5 0 2 2 o 10 10 15 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0
1 1
G 0
3 3 1 0 1 10 21 0 50 0
4 0 0 0 U
,)'nulicrijJ( iUl/s.
Palmer, !III's. E. Howley Parisll, Miss IJcarsoll, Mrs. A. Harford. Peel, The lIon. Mrs. PelTios, ,J. Dyson, Es'1. (deceased) . Peters, ,V. I-I., 1':s'1. Phillips, Messrs. Pilcber, Mi ::; Piza, David M., Esq. Portal, Rev. G. R. Portal, W. W., E '1. Porter, Major-General Whitworth, R. E. Porter, 1\1rs Porter, R. d'C., E '1. R.E. (deceased) Price, -- Esq. (per Mrs. Burnes) . PYlll, I . Huthen, ES(l. (pel' Mrs. Surtees-Allllatt) l{atcliQ', Colonel Rathbone, " T., E::l(h M.P. Reigflte Centre, st. J.A.A. (per J. D .. earle, Es(d Reston, II., E (1. RhyLld Court Domestic Chapcl Alms-hox Fund (per E. Lechmere, Bart., M.P.) Hoberts, Mi 's l~ob(,l'ts, Miss (Collected by) Hooinson, Geo., Esq. Rodgett, 1\[rs. Elizabeth }{othscbihl, Lonl Rowe, H. HeYllolLl , E"{l' F. '.A. Rowe, Mrs. H. Reynoills Howe, 1Ili ' .\nn Rowley, Walter, Esq. Ru~hollt, The lIon. Miss t. George, Gencral Sir John, KC.13. 't. George, Lady St. John's Gate (Collected in bo~ at) 'assoo11, !lie. srs. David aULI COlllpany \:oocll, . G., ES(l' 'earle, }\liss •. M. 'c-oag, J os., ES(l' ",hadwell, Rc\'. A. '1. \Y., M.A., (Olrertory &c.) Shaull, G. V., Esq. (ColleclcLl by) harp, 'Y., Esq. Sheen, J., ES(l. Shrill1ptOll, C., Esq., M.D. Sieveking, ir E. II., M.D., F.S.A. Silber and Flcming, Messrs. Skerrilt, }\liss Charlotte K Smith, 1\11' . (Collected by) ,'lllillJ, Mrs. Salllllel
£ s.
o ]0
3 2
0 0
DOlluliuns. £,
3 1 5
0 0 5
5 4 1 4
1 0 0
1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1
5 5 1
0 0 0 5
o 10 1
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
ir 24 6 2 ~
0 0
0 0
5 2 20 10 5
9 4 0 0 0
0 0 0 o 10 1 1
6 10
0 0 1 10 10 0
5 3
2 17 2 5 0 10 10 2 2 5 0 1 1 0 20 0 2
1 1
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 Donations received at Jernsalem. (lVot included in above). ,£1
Chinnery, , Esq. Cruiekshanks, J . B., Esq. H ardie, Sir John . Lewis, Hayter, Esq. Me Kinnon, Peter, Esq. Munroe, A. B., Esq. SackvilIe, :Mrs. Sundry Patients at H ospital
0 0 200
2 2
0 8
0 0
Extract f rom an account of a recent visit made by Sir Edmund and Lady Lechmere to the Hospital. (Br'por/ed to th e Gellel'al AssemUly of the OnZer, St. John's Day, 1887.)
Gordon Memorial Wal'd. Special Dunations.
Cook, John ]H. ESIl. Leehmere, Sir E. B~,rt" :M.P. TenIon, .Miss 'Wilson, .Miss
£50 0 0 50 0 0 050 150 0 0
" \-Ve founel the Hospital in excellent Oreler, and the work done by our l\Iedical Officer, 111'. Ogilvie, highly appreciated not only 1y the patients them 'dYes, but by the inhabitants of Jerusalem generally, and by the ollicial representatives of the different Powers, 1y 'whom 1h. Ogilvie, and hi excellent wife were eviclently held in great c. teem." ce The Ooyc1'no1' of J el'll.'alem, Raouf Pacha, the Orthodox Grcck Patriarch, the Armenian Patriarch, and the Chief Rabbi paid visit of ceremony to the Ro. pital during our stay, and were rcceiyed by Lacly Lechmere and myself, a sisted, in most ca. es by the Briti h on 'ul and hairman of the Local Committee [r. Noel Tcmple 100re, C.M.G." "The Pacha continue, to take the Harne lively interest in the Ho. pital which he ha done from the fir t. The Orthodox Greek Patriarch has ex pre ed hi. intention of contributing £20 annually, the cost of maintaining a beel; and the J ewi h Chief RalJbi prcsonted a Memorial in Hebrew before we left, which specially l' cords the gratitude of the Jewish population, and their confidence in the absence of any proselytizing intention.' * It . houlLl be added that [\, very cordial and unanimous vote of thanks has l)een awarded by tbe Chapter of the Order to Hi Beatitucle the Orthodox Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem, for hi, gcnerous offer to maintain, annually, ono bed at the Hospitalto which His Beatitude ha. al. o presented hi portrait- and, in other ways, evinced llis intorost. * Fae-simile copies of ihis leiLer may be obtained [rom the Honorary A translation will be [oullll on the other siue,
~ranslatfon By the REV. HERMANN ADLER, D.D., Chief Rabbi,
of a LETTER (in fac-simile) addressed by the Chief Rabbi in Jerusalem to SIR E. A. H. LECHMERE, BART., M.P., Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee of the BRITISH OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL AT JERUSALEM, on the occasion of his visit to that City in October, 1886. JERUSALEM (May the Holy Oity be speedily reb uilt) the 2nd Hesvan 5646 A.WL (Co?Tesponding to Octobe?' lIth, 1886.) FROlll Zion and Jerusalem may the Lord send blessing and life to the Excellent Baronet, who pursueth virtue and loving kindness SIR EDMUND LECHlIIERE, the Lord protect him. We greatly rejoiced when we saw thee, honoured Sir, during thy visit to the mountain of Zion, for we know fun well all the k indness thou purposest doing to the in-dwellers of Jerusalem in opening for them an Eye Hospital and placing therein an experienced physician to heal the sufferings of the poor of Jerusalem. Our hearts are deeply moved with gratitude towards you honoured Sir for this good work which thou hast established, being prompted thereto solely by good-win without any reference to creed or form of faith, and without grieving the hearts of those who are stretched on the couch of suffering. N ever shall we forget this thy loving kindness. We have now heard that thou hast the intention to seek permission from our Sovereign the Sultan (May his glory increase) and to speak with the excellent Baroness Coutts with reference to the Water supply of the Holy City, so that the poor thereof may no more suffer t he pangs of thirst. What shall we say unto thee, honoured Sir, and how shall we thank thee fol' t his thy great goodness? Our tongue faileth us, adequately to express unto thee our feelings. Our prayer is offered up unto Heaven that He may recompense thy work sevenfold; that He may remember the benevolence thou exercisest towards the poor of t he H oly City, and t hat H e may bless thee and thy house for ever . Amen. This is the prayer of him who honoureth and esteemeth t hee.
Chief RaMi of Jerusalem.
No. 22,811. C. THE
N. L. 22,087. CO~IPANIE"
ACT,' , 1862
ST. JOHN'S GATE (CLERKENWELL) COMPANY, LIMITED. 1 t. The namc of the Company i the St. J ohn's Gate (Clcrken"\yell) Company, Limited. 2nd. The reO'i tered office of the Conlpany will be situate in England. 31'<.1. The object for which the Company 1 e tabli hed ure : (a) To purchase and acquire the freehold of, or any intere t in, the edifice or building, and the tavern or dwelling-house forminO" part thereof, known a St. John's Gate, ituatc in the pari hes of St. John' and St. J amcs', Clcrkenwell, in the County of ~1iddle ex, or either of them, and any land and houses or othcr prop rty adjacent thereto. ~) To construct edifices or building of any dcscription what oever upon any lands to be acquired by the Company, and to u e the amc for any objccts or purpo os which the Company may think fit, and to maintain, repair, uphold, enlarge, or altel' the same, and all other edifices and buildings, including St. John's Gate and its appurtenances, which they may acquire or construct. (0) To purchase and acquire thc A.dv01yson of or right of presentation to the Benefice of St. John's,
Clerkenwell, or any other right in, or to, or in connection with, the said Benefice and the Church of St. John's, Clerkenwell, and to become patrons thereof, and perform all the duties and exercise all the powers of such patrons. ( cl) To sell, exchange, lease, underlet, assign, and generally deal with all or any part of the real and personal estate and properties for the time being of the Company, on such term , for such purposes, and generally in such manner as the Conlpany may determine. (e) To borrow or raise money, with or without any mortgage or charge, on all or any part of the property of the Company, present and future, illcluding the unpaid or uncalled capital of the Company, or any part thereof, and to i ue debentures or debenture stock, with or without any such mortgage or charge. (f ) To enter into all contracts, agreements, and arrangements consequent on the above objects, or any of them, and for that purpose to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the aforesaid object of the Company. 4th. The liability of the members i limited. 5th. The capital of the Companyis Fourteen thousand pounds, divided into 1,400 shares of £ 10 each, "vith pOVirer, if so dptermined by the Company, to i sue all or any part of the capital for the time being unissued or any additional capital, with the right to any preferential or guaranteed dividend or other privilege, or subject to any postponement, restrictions, or conditions, and so that no shares of the Company shall be capable of being held by any person or persons other than a member or members, or an associate or associates, of the Order now known a s the Order of St. John of J erusalem (English Langue).
the several persons who e names and whose t acldresse are sub cribed, are desirous of beinD' formed into a Company, in pursuance of the Memor~ndum of Association, and we re pectively agree to take the number of shares in the capital of the Company set oppo ite our 1'e pective name . NAMES, A.DDRE·SE~, A.XD DE CRIPTIOX
EDMUND A. H . LECHMERE, Baronet, M.P., Rhydd Court, Hanley Ca tIe, W Ol'cester
"VILLIAM DAWES FRE HFIELD 5 Bank Buildings, London, Solici;or
JOHN T. GEORGE, K.C.B., General, 22 Cornwall Garden, .W.... '"
,YHIT\VORTH PORTER, Jl.f. Genl., 2 Cheni ton Gardens, Ken ington, W.
JOHN FURLEY, A, hford, Kent, J u tice of the P eace ..
EDTI"IN FRE HFIELD, 5 Bank Bnilding , London,
ROBERT VIGERS, 4 Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C., Land Sun-eyor ...
the 21st day of June 1
SIGNED by all the aboye partie in the 1)1' enc of me, J. E. STANFORD, 5 Bank Building", London.
St. John's Gate (Clerkenwell) Company, LIMITED.
REPORT, lYovemUei' 21, t, 1 87. THE Board of Directors have the sati faction to submit the following Report to the l'Shareholders :-
1'11 •'to John's Gate ( Clerl~cllwell) Company, Limited, was incorpo1'aLed ~3nl Junc, I t )0, f01' the purpoes namcd in the :Jlcll10nmtlulll of A. sociation, copic, of which have been i, ucel to each i\IcmLcr. In pursuance with the usnal cllstom the 'ub'cribers to the Memorandum of A. , ociation actell as Director 11ntil the General ~Iceting heIll on Odober ~1. t, 1~ G, 'whcn the following £i\Te
• 'harl;holc1ers were appointed Directol', allY two to f01'111 a quorum, with power to adLI to their number up to nine :'IR
E. A. H.
LE(,]DIEHE, B.\.H.T"
ltIR. \V. D.
DR. Emnx
Ic~. sl', '. ] l'eshficltl and \Yillialll. very kinllly acceptc(l otiice a.' Honorary • 'olicitors, Ml'. Hobert Yju·er. a Honorary Architect and Surveyor; and Sir Herbcrt Perrott as Honorary Secretary.
The following i.' a brief sllllllllary of thL' proceeding of the Boanl of Directors for the pa. t twelve months :-
Out of the 14<00 shares forming the capital of the Company, 79-:l! have been taken up by 1\le111bers of the Oreler, includi.ng 1:30 hares by the Chapter of the Orc1 l' of St. J obn, and 200 .,hares by the Committee of the St. John Ambulance A sociation. The Board have purchased from ir Edmund A. II. Lechmer , Bart., I.P., the freehold of t. John' Gate and the public house adjoining, but as the number of share" ta,l-en up llid not atlmit of the purchase money being paid in full, .£~OOO ha, been bOl'L'owed on morto'aae at ,H per cent. from the Rev. Canon Vernon I usgru,vc, b b and ir Edmund has allowed .£3000 of the purchase money to remain on mortgage at the same intere t, the ll10rtgag es kindly ret.urning ~ per cent to a Repair' Fund. The value of the property ha. been eon illerably increasell by the purcha. e, with the part aid of £1000 pai 1 by 1\11', Gay for his new lease, of a vacant piece of land arljoinin o' the Ea.' t Towel' from :Mr. Bryant for the sum of £1200. A mall . trip of thi land not required by the Company has been re- old for £1:)0 to Messr::3. Lovell and Christmas, and on the remainder a coachhouse and stable l'eqnired by the Ambulance A:sociation j ' in proces of erection. II'. Gay has vacated the premi, es In the East Towel', tIl various rooms in which havc been placed in a state of thorongh structural and tenantable repair: the Gate preml e 'will be lea >d to the Order of St. John anrl the ~ 'to John Ambulance A.'. ociation, the former paying a rent of £100, antI the laM l' of £225. This last, however, will not be chargeable until the new buildings are erected, when it is contemplated to ask for a slight increase of rent from the Ambulance Association on account of the increased and superior accommodation provided over what was originally intended, the Board reserving the right to let a portion of the
Order of St. John amI two-thirds to th~ Ambulance As. ociation. Mr. Gay will pay hi own rate and taxes. A call of £D per share wa.' made shortly after allotment, and aU th 'hare money has be n paid up in full,
It will thus be secn that th
nts to be paill by the Order of t. John, th Ambulance As.'ociation, and ..Mr. Gay (or other, ) will protluc an income of about £-:l!50 per annum, which after the paym nt of intere t to the mortgagee, and the discharge of present liabilitie. , will allow the D irccton~ to declare the proI'
111iscll divil1ellll of 3 p'r cent on the capital invested, which comlllenced from th 2 Hh June, 1 ' '7. A duly au litp.u ~ 'tatcl1lent of R eceipt: and E _-penditure, showing a~. ct. , liabilitie. , anll all lli:burs ment. , "\<vi11 be puLlished with this H 'port.
In conclusion the Dir ·ton, desir to oiler their grateful achl(n\'ledglllCnt ' to the IIollon1.l'Y ,,-' ulicitor, ', Me l' ' . .Fre hfield8 and ,Villi1.LIllS, to the IIonol'<1.l'Y Architect, Mr. Robcrt Yiger , to the Honorary A nditol', Mr. '. Fiteh KenlI, of \\ albl'ook, aml to the II onomr), • 'ecl' 'tary, 'ir Hcrbert Perrott, Bart., for their invaluable anll ·ntirely gratuitou: assi~tancc. to which the succe " which has attcntlcll the opera.tion: of the ompa,uy ha unlloubtetlly hcen to a 0'1' at cx.tent d II '. 1 T or can the Director" refrain from congratulating til Onlel' on the sub tantial progr ' which ha: lJccn made towanl' the attaillll1ent of an object which alllllelll b '1'8 must earllc.,tly hope to /:ice cal'l'lcll into effect. • 'igncd on Lchalf of the Board of Directors,
building elsewhere in the event of a rcfu. al. Rates, taxes, ancl other outgoings will be paid by the Company, the same being re-chargeu in the propOl'tioll of one-third to the
H OJlOH/llj
"'ccrda i'!/.
St. John's Gate (Clerkenwell) Company,
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Ix flU hll1itting thi Report to the Shareholders, the Directors have little to adll to the 'tatement made at the Ordinary General ).Iecting ill ove111 l)er lao ,to The coach-holl. e anll stables which \vere then in course of erection haye now been completed and rented by the Ambulance Departm nt of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. The Directors ha.ve the satisfaction to announce that they are in a position to recommend, subject to the approval of the Shareholder', the cleclal'ation of a. dividend of 3 0/0 Ie s Income Tax. A bal~nce , heet, duly audited, is appended. The audit of the accountfl has been again kindly undertaken gratuitou ly by 11'. U. Fitch Kemp, of the firm of Messrs. Fitch Kemp, Ford and Co., of \Valbrook, to whom a. well as to the Honorary Solicitors, Messrs. Freshfield and Williams, the best thanks of the Directors and Shareholders are again due.
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EO;'lIUND A. LECII:'I[[,rtE, RHtT., M.P., ~lA.JOIl-Gg, EftAI, \\'lIITWOltTU POltTEIL JOHN FUltJ,EY, EHQ. ETlWIN FllR:->Il1<'IELIl, EsQ.., LL. D., F.S.A., \YlLLrA~l DAwEH FltJl:HIlFIELD, ESQ., :M.A.
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To CAPITAL SUBSCRlBED." 806 Shares of £10 each, fully paid
£:3000 0 0 :2000 U 0 ----5000
197 1 Q 21 5 1065 0
0 6 0
" Sir E. A. H. Lechmere, Bart., M.P. " Rf\v. Canon Vernon Musgrn.ve "Messrs. ColIs and Co., Builders, Balance of New Buildings and Repairs " Repairs Fund " Premium for New L ease, Mr. Gay
~34 7
" St, John's Gate " Fixtures "Stamps on Conyeyance and Mortgages -
£ 11686 III
" ";ost of New Buildings and Repairs " Land adjoining ditto " Less 1 e-sold
0 7
0 6
6:b 15
_-- 1l 8G~ 1~00
0 0
Order of St. J ohn " Share of Rates anu. T axes " Cash at Bankers " H.evenue Account Balance
Andited and found correct, (Signed)
6 0
0 0 3 18 10 529 19 9 345 --£1:1:34,7 4 6
8, 'fValbrook, London, B.a. 23nl July, 1888.
897 19
FITCH KEMP, HOllora?'Y Audito?·.
REVENUE AUCOUNT-FROJJI 25th NOVE1l1BEE, 1887, TO 30th JUNE, I t)88. To INTEREST ON MORTGAGES" Six Months on £3000 at 41° / 0 less T ax to L ady Day " Six Months on £2000 at 410 /0 less Tax to Lady Day -
" Solicitors' Costs " Surveyors' Charges
£65 10
43 13
9 109
" Rates and Taxes " Printing " Fire Insurance
- £45 18
By Balance Nov. 25, 1887
8 19 11 ~ 6 6 5 17 0
" St. John Ambulance Association" 1 Qua,rter to Christmas ,,1 do. to Lady Day ,,1 do. to Midsummer "
17 3 96 19 32 15
5 6 6
Order of St. John of J ern salem half year to Lady Day " Of Mr. Gay half year to Midsummer, 1888 " Balance carried to Balance Sheet
2 10
22 10 22 10 62 10
0 0 0
107 10
49 10 0 - - - 207 3 £256
0 4
0 5
2 10
:Xc en 18t '. , mort en 1 S6 .
Le Buronnct Sir Edwal'd-GeorO'e-Lambert PERROTT, de Plnmsiead, Kent, ne Ie 10 mai 1811, fils de ir Ed\\"ard-Blindloss Perrott, 3 e Baronnet, it qui il aV'ait snccede, Ie 24 mai 1830 et de Louisa-Aug-u ta, Glle du colonel N. Bayly, membre du Padement anglaj~, leqnel etuit frere de Hanry, g e Baron Paget, le r comte d'Uxbridge et oncl e du feu Mar(]ui' de Angle y K. G., de cendait de rune de plu anciennes famille d'Angleterre dont l'origine r emonte au-dela du temp de la conquete normande, aux. a nci ens bretons. En eifet, nous Ii ons dans Ie P ee?'age and B aTonetage de l'eminent ecrivain heraldique augluis Debrett, que Edwal, Seigneu r de P enfro, epo u a Alfwyna, petite-tille de Alfred Ie Grand dont il eut \Villiam qui fut designe ou Ie nom de « de Perot» en rai on de son chateau d'Armorique. Son petit-til retourna en Angleterl'e avec Guillaume 1 er et fonda, Perrot, dans ]e comte de Somer et. Sir J. Perrott, IL B. ~lount,
Tablettes Biographiques 10
Sir Herbert- Charles
cinquieme baronnet, ne
Ie 26 octob r e 1849, qui lui uccede. Eleve au college d' Ipswich, Ie present baronnet a pa ~e se exarnens pour l'Ecole Royale militaire en 1866 et, pour une comrni'sion, en 1867. Il a occupe Ie poste d'enseigne dan Ie 21 e regiment des carabiniers volon taires du Kent (Ar enal oyal) et c t actuellement capitaine et major dans la milice u cornte est de Kent . II pron:l en outre un e large part aux travaux de l'ordre de Sl-J ean ct d'autre in ~titu tion philantropiques. 2 0 Evelyn-Ec1w;lrd PERROTT, ne Ie 8 octobre 1851, ancien o fficier de 12, Cour de l'Echiquiee, ous son parent, ir FitzRoy Kell y, Lo rd-Chief Baron.
Gueules, trois points or j SU1' un chef a1'gent U'YI demi -lion sorta'YIt, sable , aTm e de champ . CI)lIER : L ' ancien chaZJeau royal, aL~ - dessus un lion de AR)lES :
Bretagne coitre' en empere'/,w. SllPPORT S : A d1'oite un dragon gueules, dans la transparence de ses ailes deployees les anciennes m'mes de Bre tagne, e'cal'telees, gueules et 01', quatTe lions passant, gard ant, conl1'e-echangcs . DEVISE: Amo ut invenio. Paris, Juillet l S" j.
St. 3-ohn Ell11btllance 18rigabc.
THE 52
St. John Jlmbulanee Jl330eiatiofl. BEING THE AMBULANCE DEPART lENT OF
\rbe <Brant> ]prior\? of tbe
of the
1boapttaI of St. 30hn of 3eruaalctlt tn JEnglant>.
lIth April, 1889.
St. John JImbulanee Brigade. OBJECTS. The ol>ject of thi . organization are ;1. To ena.hle tho. e who hohl Certificates from the St. John Ambulance A sociation to have opportunities of meeting together for AmlJulance practice, and for the further development of the means of rendering ai 1 to the inj Llre J, so a ' to be the better able to conc ntrate their effort for the public ad vantage.
2. To still further develop that form of pll blic a . i tance which, with the. anction of the ommis ioner of Police for the Ietropolis, ha. ' been tried with succe on everal occa. ions; and to maintain in activity and reac1ine s a body of men qualified to act as a supplement to the Metropolitan and City Police for Ambulance purposes. 3. To have enrolled a highly trained body of Civilian willing to Le ph-wed at the diHposal of the Military Authoritie a a supplement to the Army :.Medical Staff, in ca e of necessity, either at home or abroad . 4. To give help to the existing Invalid Tran port Corps at St. John's Gate, and thus a ist in training men for the abovementioned purposes.
GENERAL REGULATIONS. 1. That all Ambulance Corps connected with the St. John
Ambulance Association shall be combined, and form the St. John Ambulance Brigade.
2. That each Corps shall be di tinguiRhed by its local name, and shall be governed by the Committee of the Local Centre, where a Centre exists.
"Fir. t Aid," and al 0 pay the sum of one • hilling half-yearly (on the 1st January and the 1 t July), to the General Fund, to assi t in defraying necessary expenses.
3. That the minimum strength of a Corps shall be eight members, exclusive of three officers, namely, a Surgeon, a Superintendent, and an Inspector of Material; and a~y Corps containing more than eight men, shall have in proportlon to Its strength, one or more Surgeons, a Chief Su~erintendent, ~nd an Inspector of Material, with extra Officers In the proportlOn of one Officer to every section of twelve men, who shall be known as 1st, 2nd,3rd and 4th Officers, and so on; except in cases where local requirements necessitate a different arrangement.
10. That each Corps shall work under the direction of the Committee of the Local Centre, (where such exists), and individuals on the Auxiliary list, under the orders of the Di.rector of the Department.
4. That one Surgeon, or more, shall be appointed to each Corps, who shall arrange with the Superintendent for periodical instruction and drills, and who shall have entire control in professional matters. 5. That the uniform shall be a black cap and peak with the badge of the Brigade in front, a black serge tunic an(~ trousers; the badge of the Association to be worn on the rlght arm; but the adoption of uniform shall be optional on the part of each Corps. 6. That no other badges shall be worn but those of the recognised pattern of the Brigade and Association as issued from St. John's Gate.
11. That the Committee of each Local Centre shall have power to make Rules for its own Corps, provided they be in accordance with the general Rules issued by the Central Committee of the St. John Ambulance Association, and provided such Rules shall be submitted to the Central Executive Committee at St. John's Gate for approval. Unless so sanctioned, the use of the recognized badge and titular de ignation cannot be authorized. 12. That the ambulance material of each Corps shall be vested in the Committee of the Local Centre; and, where no such Committee exi ts, in the Tru. tees of the St. John Ambulance Association, except where the Corps is connected with a Railway or other Company at whose cost such material has been provided. 13. That all members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade shall be ipso facto members of the St. John Ambulance Association.
7. That each member of the Brigade shall sign a Register, anu agree to conform to the Rules of the Brigade.
8. That no person shall join a Corps until he shall have obtained a Certificate in "First Aid" of the St. John Ambulance ASRociation, and that Membership shall cease unless he shall submit himself annually to the surgeon of the Corps for re-examination.
1. The Register shall contain the name,addres ,and qualifications of each member of the Corp, and shall be annually revised by the local Committee,or by some one deputed by the Central Committee, and any change shall be notified to the Director of the Ambulance Department in January of each year.
9. That where no local Corps exists, individuals shall be enrolled on an Auxiliary list, but their names shall only be kept on this list provided they send to the Director of the Ambulance Department (St. John's Gate), in the month of January every year, a Surgeon's Certificate that they are still qualified to give
2. The Register shall also contain the name, address and qualifications of any person who is willing to serve in British :M ilitary Hospitals or Ambulances, at home, or abroad, in case of war, on condition of repayment of actual personal e penses incurred while on such service.
7 6 3. The Register shall be in duplicate, one copy being preserved by the Local Oommittee, where such exists, and the other submitted annually to the Director of the Ambulance Department, at St. John's Gate. 4. The employes of any railway or other public company may be enrolled in a Oorps bearing the name of such company, but they shall conform to the rules of the Brigade. Any division of a Railway Corps may be attached for purposes of practice, &c., to a local Corps. 5. For small bodies of Ambulancers the exercises now in use are sufficient, but when the Corps is a large one, a simple form of military drill is necessary to a void confusion. (A form of drill will shortly be issued). 6. Female Nurses holding Certificates from some recognisell Hospital or Training School, may be enrolled, for service in time of war. 7. The fonowing Books shall be kept by the Secretary and Treasurer respectively, or in the case of a small Corps, by the Superintendent, viz., Muster Roll, Minute Book, Occurrence Book, and Cash Book. 8. The necessary funds shall be voted annually out of such money as may be at the disposal of the Local Oommittee of the Association. 9. The Books of the Corps shall be submitteu annually to the Local Committee of the Association, and any question in dispute shall be decided by the said Committee. 10. A list of Members and their respective addresses shall be kept at the dwelling house and place of business of each of such Members, as well as in such public and conspicuous positions as may be determined on. 11. The Members shall meet at least once in every two months at the time and place most convenient to them, and at any other time when summoned by the ~urgeon or Superintendent, for the purpose of Ambulance instruction and exercise.
12. On notice being received by a Member that the services of a detachment of the Corpfl are required, he shall at once report
hims If at the point indicated, first taking the necessary steps for the summoning of one or more of his colleagues. In the absence of' a Surgeon or Officer of the Corps, the senior member present ·will as Ullle command, and hould the services of a Surgeon be consil1ered neces, ary, he will take immediate steps to summon one, 01 at once have the patient conveyed to the nearest hospital or surgery. 13. Sbould any doctor desire to have a patient removed within a radius of five miles from the headquarters of tbe Corps, application mu. t be made to tbe Sup rintendent, wbo will make the nece sary arrangements. 14. It is not thought expedient tbat long journeys for invalids, involving perbaps changes of vehicle, sbould be undertaken by local Corp, except in conjunction witb tbe Invalid Transport orps who Headquarters are at St. John's Gate. This Corps has gained practical experience in conveying invalids by road, l'ail, and ,Yater during everal y aI'S, and it would not be right for any oth l' orp to take upon itseH ucb 1'e pon ibility in the name of the It. John Ambulance A sociation.
The jo?'egoing Regulations d?'Caun up by a Special Comrrnittee appointed by the Chapte?'-Gene1'al held on 12th Febnw/ry, 18 9, a?1CZ passed at the Cllapte?'- Gene?'al heZd on 9th A p?'il, 18 9, ha've been sanctioned and app?'orved by His Royal Highness The GTand Prior. 1 sS'LLed by Command,
11th April, 1889.
Chief Sec1·eta1·y, St. John A1nbulance Association.