[be \Branb ]prior\? of tbe
of tbe
1bospital of $t. 30bn of 3crusalellt in JEnglanb.
11onbon : PRINTED 12 AND
Report of the Chapter-General. including (amon a other items) Report of Promotion ) A lllli ions, and Awards. Report of Librarian. Report of the Almoner's Department. Report of the Receiver-General 'with attached Balance Sheet and Inc01ne and Expenditure Account to 30th September, 1 9 .
Report of the C01nmittee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem.
Report of the Ambulance Department of the Order, viz. :(a) of the Central Executive Comnlittee of the St. John Ambubnce As ociation, and (b) of the Commissioner of the t. John Ambulance Brigade.
Ube (J;ranb {prtor}] of tbe ®rber of \tbe 1bospttal of St. Jobn of JeruSale111 tn JEnglanb,
The Ohapter consists of the Knights of Justice, :cle y'uTe)' certain Executive Officers; the selected Members of Council; the following
®Cffdating (JtfJaplatnf:S,
S obereign ~eab anb Watron of tfJe ®rbcr. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. ~nm'tl
'Qrue Qthaptu.
The SlIb· Dean of the C ffAP ELS ROYAL,
The Very Rev. the Dean of ROCHESTF.R, AND
~f:S t\cprcf:SC1ttatibc ~nigfJtf:S of 5race,
Sir VINOENT KENNETT-BARRIl GTON. ROBERT BnUDENELL CARTER, Esq., F.R O. The Right Han. The Earl of MEATH . Major·General ASTLEY TERRY. Colonel Sir E. T. TIIACKERAY, K. C. B., 'B'. (fl;., R. E.
Oolonel C. \1'. R. BOWDLER. Captain Count GLEICREN (Grenadier Guards). !ajor-General ir OWEN T. BURNE, G.O.I.E., KC.S.I. ir GEOr-GE I-L\.YTER UffUBB. ir \V ILLLUI l\L\.cOoJnu.c, Bart., F. R O. .
The following are the Knights of J ustice: H.R.H. The Reigning Duke of 'AXE Oom:no AND GOTilA (Duke of Etlinbnrgh), K.G. H.R.H. The Duke of C,UIBUIDGF., IT. G. H.R.H. Prince OmUSTIAX OF 'CULESWIGHOLSTEIN, K. G., G. C. B. H.R.H. Prince OlI.UtLEs OF DEN~L\ItK. R.H. The Duke of TECK, G.C.B. (iiollo1'al'lJ
'Qrbe Qtottn cU. Wrcf:Stbcnt. HI. ROYAL HIGH -E.
TH E DUKE OF YonK, I r. . ~ G. (Sub-PriM').
P1'elate-His Grace the ArchlJi hop of Yom\:. Ohancellor-The Right Hon. Earl EGEI{T0~ OF TATTO~. Sec1'eta1'y-Geneml-Captain Sir ALFnED JEPIISON, R N. Receiver-General-EDwIX FRE .. HFIELD, Esq., LL.D. Almoner-The Rev. Canon DC:CK',ORTIl, D.D. . L'leu t .- Colonel GOULD HUNTEn- \VESTON, F. S. A. Reg1,st1'a1'-
Ge~1ec~logist -RoBERl' MACLE.AN M~cLEAN,
rODS h.C. Boo KC,M.G, (Garter).
Di1'ector-Gcne1'C~l of O{l1'eilwnws-Sll' ALBERT \\. \\ 0
Libra1'ian-The Rev. W. K. R BEDFOHD, M. A. Assistctnt Lib1'a1'ian-EDwIN H. FHESHFIELD, Esq. Sec1'etan/-Colonel "ir HEllBEnT C. PJmltOTT, B'1rt. . SeC1'ct(J.1·Y- Th eon. H G,-E. BALD HExxIKEn-MAJOn. Assistant "" AccOttntant-- WILLIAM B. EDwAnDs, Esq., A.C.A.
~ mbulanre
(.~t. Sf ol1n %nbula:ntc ~llllociatlo1t). , 1 G . h II V' nnt KNUTSFORD, G.O.~ .. Di1'ector and Ohai1'l1Utn-The RIg t 1 So.~. H IOCopERnOTT Bart. Ohief Secretct1'V-Colone 11 . • ,
:rn qrarttncnt.
~ritillD ®pDtbalmic ~ospital at Sfcrusalcm. . h t H on bl e. Earl EGERTON Ohai1'1ncm-The RIg "' .' OF E TATTON. Hon. Sec1'etary-R GOFTON-SALlIlO D, sq.
Selected Mem bers of Council. s·, J N DICK , f G The Right Hon. Lord LO CIT, G. C. B., G. C.1\.. 11.. . SIr JOHN FURLEY. Lieut.-Gen. Sir CIIARLES WARnEN, RE. ) G.C.M.G., K.C.B. . GEORGE TXT . G.C. B . General S1l' yy ILLIS, Sir ANDREW FAIRBAIRN. The Lord MOSTYN.
R.C.B., 'R MR.:N· D.
Sir DYCE DUCKWOR1,' r D. . C INGIUDGE Esq., ~. Ml' ~nLIAM OLSL ItLA~D G.O.M.G., .' Sll' TrroMAs UTIlE , F A BE-rrAN Esq. 1 RANOIS . v , t . E BIRKBECK Bar. 11' 1 D'YARD , I
HEXUY OFFLEY \\TAKE:\I.<L·, Esq., M.A. Oolonel J A:'J ER GILDEA, C. B. HESRY JOlIN LOFTUS, ES~l' REYXOLD~ ROWE, E q. ir E. VICfOH L. HOt'LTON, G.O.:J1.G Oolonel BETHEL l\LUlTIN DAWE·. The Right HOll. Lotd A?lIHERST OF HAOKNEY. 8ail~ff). Lieut. -Ueneral ~ir CUAltLE~ 'YAHREN, R.E., H.H.PrinceOHIlfSTfAN VICTOr. OF "CIlLES WIGG.O.:JL T., K.O.B. HOLSTEIN. Colonel J DIES OECIL D.I.LTOS, RA. H.H. Prince ALBERT OF SClIL E~WlG- H OL 'TErN. :Jlajor AYL~lEH GOULD HFNTEH- \VE TON, R. E. R.S.ff. Prince ADOLPHUS OF TECK . The Right HOll. Earl EGERTo. OF TATTO • H.S.H. Prince FRA:-ICIS OF TE CK . Coloeel The Right lIon. Lord WILLIAM CECIL. Captain R.S.II. Prince Lours OF BATTENEDWIN Fr.EslIFmLD, Esq., LL. D. BERG, R.N., G.O.B. Hi Grace Th~ Duke of FIFE, K. T. The Right Han. Lord L£<:IGII. The High t lIOll. Lord BIL\S'EY, K. C. B. Lieut.·Co\. TREVENEN JAMES HOLLAND, O. B. ~ir FIt VCIS GEOIWE :JL\'X~INGILDI BOILEA U, Major ir JOSEPH WALLIR O'B nYE~ Eo UtE, Bart. Bart. The Right Hon. Yi 'count TE?lIPLETOWN. The Right Han. Lord LOCH, G. O. B., ;. O. ~f. G. The Right HOll. Earl A~IJn:n 'T. C~ARLES PEMREHTON O.unrm, E ''1. The Rirrht Hon. Lonl HgNNIKEn. S~r JOHN FURLEY (Hon01'al'Y Commancler). The Right lIoll. Yi~count KNUT FORD, Lleut.·Col. GOIJLD IIuNTEn- WE 'TO (iionomi'lJ G. . M.G. OommanclC1') . R :JI \.CLE.\.X :llIAcLIJ:AN, E {l . The Right Han. Lord STANMORE, G. '.1\1 G. Gencm] il' GEOIWE \YILLIS, G. C. B. F~ANOIS RO BERT DA VIES, Esq. AltTHUR Fll \NCls GBEf4lI.u.r LEYE ON Bart S·SIr BROOK KAY, . GOWER, Eqg. ~rTHOMAS NORTlI DICK-LAUDER, Bart. Maj or F. A. H EYGATE LAMBERT . aJor Sir ARClIIBALD LAMB Bart. Oolonel CU.\ItLES \Vn,DIIAlII IUn HAY, M.P. General S', H ' D U ENny OIlARLE. BARNSTO Th e Hight Hon. the Earl of RANFURLY, OOlo:UBE~EY, G. O. B. (IInno1'Ct1'Y Oommancle1') K.C.M.G. The ~l SIr HERBERT C. PERROTT, Bal t. The Right Hall Lord SANDIIURST, G. O.I.E. RIght Ron. Earl FERRERS. RUPERT OAR ir IIENllY AUTlIUlt BL.\KE, G.C.M.G. F G ADOO ~RANO[S DALLAS, Esq. Capt,l,ill ir ALFllED JEl'HSON, RN. EORGE PALMER, Esq. 'aptn,in N.\'TIL\NIEL GEOllGE PUILIPS.
The following memorandum as to payments is issued for general information and guidance :I.
{the (Branb ~rior\? of the ~rber of the boapital of St. 30hn of 3erusalem in JEnglan~.
All Cheques, Postal Orders, and Post Office
Orders whatever should be crossed (( Lo \VESTl\IIN TER
REP 0 R T.
r8g8. 2.
Foundations, Oblations, and reu1ittances for
the Almoner's Departu1ent, and general funds of the Order, should be made payable to the (( Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. J ohn of J erusa]em in England," at the above Bank.
pleasure to report the followin a promotions in and admissions to the Order durin o' the pa t year.
As Knight.· of Ju ·lice. IJord andhur t, 1.I.E. Sir Henry Arthnr Blake, G. .M.o. Captain 'il' AUI' cl J I h on, R.N. Captain :r athaniel Georae Philip . j.
3. Remittances for the Ambulance Department should be made payable to the " St. John Ambulance Association," at the above Bank. 4. Remittances for the J erusalelTI Hospital should be made
the (( British Ophthalmic
Hospital, J erusalem, ') at the above Bank. Bankers' Orders forwarded on application. (By order), EDWIN FRESHFIELD,
R ece£ver- General.
As Ladies of Jt~. tice (H on07'W'Y ). Her Maj e ty the Queen of the Hellene . H.R.H. the uches of 'parta. H.R.H. Prin c :Marie l\Iadeline of Greece. As ChaplcLin. The Right Rev. ,Villimn tcven Perry, Bishop of Iowa. As Knights of Grace. Sir Richard Doug-la. Powell, Bart., M.D. William Hamerton J alland, Esq., F.R. . '. Surgeon l.ajor-Gen ral ,Villi am Roe Hooper, o.S.1. John George wan, E q. Ephraim l\IacDowel 0 grave, E q., :M.D. Captain William Charle 'Voollett. Colonel John Ale ander l\1an-Stuart, 0. l\I. G. General ir Richard Harrison, K.o.B.
As Laclies of Grace. Clementina, Lady Liliord. Kathleen, nIl's. Upton Prior. Henrietta Charlotte, Mrs. Tarleton. Alice Harriet, Lady Hunt. Elizabeth, Lady Loch. Caroline, Mrs. Shaen. As
Lieut.-Colonel John Bayne MR.cLean. Lieut.-Colonel William Brio'gs Allin, R.A.M.C. Louisa Jane, )1rs. Herbert Campbell. Archibald Alexander Geo. Dickey, Esq., M.D. John Brown, Esq., L.R.U.P. Captain Fred Tobia \Vohb. Charles J allle Sutherland, E q., M.D. Mark vVhitwill, E q. ,\Vlll. Henry Irvin 'eller, E q., M.R. Colonel J. Lane N otter, M.D., R.A.M. Colonol H enry ilIart n Moor om. l\Irs. Alfred Pain . Goo. Trew Cat toll, E q., M.D. Froll. ,\Vlll. Orc1, E. 'q., L.R. 1.P. Tho Rov. Thomas Bowman "tephen, on, D.D., LL.D. Surgeon-Gcnoru,l \Vlll. Taylor, C.B., R. A.M.e. HClll'lotta, il1i, , ,\Y c1gwood.
Captain John \Villiam N ott Bower. Hamilton Gatliff, Esq. Lieut.- olonel Arthur Campbell Yate. Captain Gerald Thomas Rawn ley, R.A.M.C. Archibald Alexander Gordon, Esq.
As Honorary Serving B?"othe?'s. Mr. Augustus Montague Hart. 1\11'. John Henry Burrows. Mr. James Page. As Honorary Serving Siste?'.. The Rev. :M other 'uperiore s 't. Catherine. The Rev. ~Iother Superioress St. John. The Rev. Mother Superioress Theodorine. Mabel, 1'Irs. Allen. Agnes Mary, Mrs. Mumby Honoria Kenney. Frances D. McAlister. Elizabeth Carson. Grace Simpson. Elizabeth Doyle. Flora Fitzmaurice. Margaret ~'IcMunn. M'aTY impson. May Talbot. Sarah Caldwell. Kate 11. Kinsella. Miss Julia Campling Mann. As Honorary Associates. Surgeon Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Fred WilliaJl1 Borden, M.D. Thomas Goorge Roddick, Esq., M.D.
The aLoyo-montioned Honorary 'i tel", viz.HOlloria Kenn 'j', Frances D, ilI'Ali tor, Elizn,ueth Cal' 'on, Grn,co ~imp on, Elizabeth Doyle, Flora .B itzmaurico , ~Inrgn.rot Meill unn, ~Ial'Y :::;imp 011, May Talbot, Sarah Cald woll, Kato :fi1. Kin ella, are 'nurses Lolonstino. at the tim to the Citv of Dublin :NUl' ino' I J b nstltution, and Woro rOCOlllJllOllClocl for onrolm nt in recoo'ni tion of very conspicuous and dovotod concluct in tho nlOnth of Jlme 1897, during all outLr ak of virulont typhu foyer on tho I land of Innisken. on tt, very wild and barr n part of the \\'e t coa t of Ireland. u')
The City of Dublin Nursing Institution was n.ppli d to by the P001' Law A th " . N U ontles to sOlld 1WO nurses to the Island and t
urses Kenny and F. D. McAlister illunodiately left Dublin,' IV nt
10 by train to Ballina, and thence by car to Belruullet (45 miles), They then crossed by open boat to the Island of Inniskea,lyin!1 in the open Atlantic. They found the inhabitants living in hut~ which had neither doors or windows. In son18 of these hovels there were four or five cases of typhus fever, and sheep, pigs,and fowls occupied the same buildings with the patients, None of the patients had any change of clothes, and there was not upon the island any building suitable for the reception either of sick persons or of the nurses. The nurses ,yho first went to the i land had to cook both for the patients and for themselves, to wash their own clothes, and to do everything tha t was po ible under the circulllstances for the patients also. The food was scanty, and of very bad quality, There were no beds, and when the nurses had done a hard day's work in all the filth and misery prevailing among the people they werc often unable to cook any food for their own use, and had to go without food. They had at one time forty-eight cases of typhus to nUl' e in the separate huts, and had to visit all these pat18nts two 01' three times a day. They made no com plain t, bu t worked Oll un til they both broke down, and both took typhus fever from thosc whom they were attending, , While in fever, each with a telnperature of over 103 clegs. F"lt was necessary to relllO'le them from the island in an open b~at, and for six hours they were at sea. They were wet through WIth the spray which washed over the boat, and finally they were brought to a very poor hospital at Belmullet, where they remained in great danger for several weeks, and ultimately when convalescent returned to Dublin. Three rnore nurses were sent down by the City of Dublin Nursing Institution, two to take their places upon the island and one to nurse them at Belmul1et. Both the nurses Carson and oyle who were sent out to Inniskea worked there until they also took the fever, and of two nurses, McMunn and Fitzn1aurice, who were sent to replace them, Nurse Fitzmaurice also took the fever, so that out of eight nur~es . Jor sent down five got the fever, and of these three wel e considerable periods in danger of their lives.
11 The hardship, dirt, want of food and necessaries were beyond description, and the devotion of the nurses beyond praise. Among the difficulties which they had to contend with was the fact that fllthough some of the lllen could speak a little English, none of tho women upon th i land could speak or understand any language but Gaelic. O,yin o' to their care there was uut one death during the epidemic, though a very large numhcr of the cases were very senons. The names of' thcse ladj s were urought to the notice of Her Royal Highne s the Prin c '.. of \\Tnlc' by the iountc of Arran, the wife of the Lord Lieutenn,nt of the ounty Mayo, and were referred to the Chapter l)y (ljrection of H,R.H. the Grand Prior, the petition asking that . Ol1le recognition wight be conferred upon them being ignc(l Ly the Counle s Caclogan. Her Highness Princess Ec1Wfl,l'Cl of • 'axe-,Veima]', the Lord hanc 1101' of Ireland, the Archbishop of Dubljn, tIl ' Primate of .tUl Ireland, the Lord Chief Baron, Fieltl-jIar. hal Lord Hohert , Y.C., and other. The badges w rc prc.'ent c1 by tho ounte.' Cadogan, wife ot the Lord Lientenant, at a special llleetiwy h 1d at the Yicereo'al Lodge, the Chaptcr being l' pre 'entcd hy Mr. F. R. Dn,yie , one of the senior Knio'hts of .Tu1:>Lice. The folIo win 0' laclie ' : The Hey. jIother St. atherine (Superioress of the Cony nL oC ,J e u and .JIary, Bombay), The Rev. Mother St. John (. 'l1pcriore1:> of th Conyent of .T sus and Mary, ParcH, 130m bay), The e\'. jIoth l' St. Theodorine (Superioress St. J 0 'eph's COllyent of th Daughter of the ros Bandra) and J.\Iabel, :JIr. \.ll'n ( iivil Plague Ho pital, Karachi), w~re enrolled as H onontry ,'rvinO' 'i ,ter. at the instance of the VIceroy of Indi,t, after COITe ponllence with Lord George Hamilton, Secretary of ~ tnte Cor India, to who "e notice the names were brought by th Vi O1'oy at the in tance of a lllember of the Order, his Excellency Lord 'andhur t, Governor of B.o~bay: and it was decided to recognise in this 'way their yery clistlllguishoc1, and without extl'O' bo' ' ration heroic conduct durin!?' 0 ' 'h t e terrible plague epidem.ic in variou parts of India. The Ohapter think that the m embers genernJly will agree ~hat the conduct of these nurses, both in Ireland and in India IS as worthy of recognition as that of any other of tho e \")
12 -ilistinguished for acts of philanthropy and humanity whose names have adorned the Roll of the Order. While this report was in press the names of other ladies, and of officers in the Indian Medical taif, who have rendered sinular conspicuous services during the plague outbreak, have been submitted by the India Office for recognition, the distinction cenferred upon them being published in the list of New Year's Honours, J anuary 1st, 1899. Their na1nes are :-
Enrolled as H O?W1"ary Associates: Captain John Lloyd Thomas Jones, I.M.S. Captain ,Villi am Ernest Jennings, I. l\I. k 1 • Captain Arthur Fredk. 'Vm. King, I.nI. . Lieutenant William James Niblock, I.11.8. En1"olled as H O?W1"a1'Y Serving Si, tel' .: Miss Lilian 11. Robinson (Bolllbay). Mis Maud B. Kendal (B01llbay). Miss Jane Eleanor \Vheatley (Poona). ~Iiss Emma Ann Mol s (Poona). Miss Jessie E . B. Hitchman ( 'holapur). Miss l\Iarion Hale (Cutch). Miss Harriett Jane Horne (Karachi). Sister Heriberta (Karachi). Annie, Mrs. Dyson ( 'urat). The Order has to lament the loss by death of the followin a :Members and Associates. The Right Honble. the Earl of' J.Jathom, G.O.B., enrolled a Knight of Justice, 18th July, 1888, died on the 19th November, 1898. The loss of the Chancellor will be a deeply deplored by the confreres of the Order as it has by those numerouS friends who had the privilege of his personal acquaintance. Lord ~athoD1 occupied the office of Ohancellor from 1894 clown to the tIme of his decease, and was never backwanl in furthering the best interests of the Order to the utmost extent in his power. The Right Honble. the Earl of Winchil ea and N ottingha~ enrolled as Knight of Justice, 3rd June, 1891, died on the 7til September, 1898. Lord Winchilsea was a member of the Coun~. for three years, and during that time, as during the whole of J~ membership, took much interest in th e work of the Ordel.
13 Her Majesty the Queen of' Denmark, nrolled as Honorary Lady of Justice, 19th April, 18 7, died on the 30th "eptember, 1898. The respectful sympathy of the Orel I' with H.H.H. the Grand Prior and with H.R.H. the Princ s of "Vale ' at this family bereavement has been 'uitably expressed by the hapter and acknowledged by Their I o)'al Hio'hne ses. The Rev. J01n \ Voodward, LL.D., enrolled as haplain, 2nd June, 1868, died on the 4th J un : 189 : and The Right Rey. Dr. 'hade Todel QuintaI'd, Bishop of Tennessee, cnrolled a' Honorary harlain, uth :F ebruary, 1 G , died on the 15th Mar -h, 189 '. Both the i 'hor of Tenne ee and the Rev. J. \Vooel ward 'were almost the olde·t on the li t of Chaplains, and both took the cleel e ·t inter st in it work and progres in connection with more th,m one of it , Department '. Although :JIr. ,Yooclwarel's re 'icl 1le in 'cotland prevented hi taking an actiYe pel' 'onnl pad in th) < fi:'lir of the Order, yet like the Bi hop of Tenne. ,dlO rarely failed to visit t. John's Gate whcn in England, h e 1- 'pL np long and well-maintain d carre pondence 'rith t.he ExecnLive Ofhcers. The Right Hey. Dr. ,Villiftllls Hteven Perry, Bi hop of Iowa, enrolled as Honornry hnplain, 22nd Fellruary, 1 ' 98, died on the 13th May, 189R. Althongh a junior member he took the most lively intere't in th ft:!t',Lir' of the Oreler, and would doubtless Lut for hi, ' untim 1y tleath have been one of it be tknown Chaplain. Sir John S. Goldie Taubman, enrolled a Knight. of Grace 22ncl Juno, 1889, died on the 9th 'N oyel11ber, 189 '. ~he nlost Honble. ehe Manlue . of Anglesey, enrolled a Kl1lght of Gra.ce, 9th Auo'ust 1894 died on the 13th October 18 98. ' , ,
Dr. Louis Appia., enroll el as Honorary A ciate, 22nd ~ebruary, 1881, died on 1st March, 1 )9 '. A di tingui hed onorary Associa.te, whose nalne i \yell known on the ontinent has passed a.wa.y in Dr. Appia, whose enrolment da.t as far: b~~k as 1881, when his nallle waH placed on the Roll in recog~tlOn of his serviee' on b ha.H of the sick n,nd wounded in "war ill connexion with the Cony ntion of Geneva. lliWEH . 12th' . 1. a.con, L.H.C.P., enrolled a.s lIonorary A OCltLte, . DMarch, l895, died on the 20th September, 189 '. The d ath of l' Ha . . c con IS very deeply clep] ored by the Central Exeeu ti YO
14 Committee of the Anlbulance Department. One of the pioneers of the work of the Order in New Zealand, he was enrolled as an Honorary A ociate in recognition of hi very distinguished efforts in the furtherance of ambulanco work in that colony, where his loss will long be felt by more than one entre with which his name had been most intimately connected. The following awards for gallantry in ayin o' life on land, have been made since the last publication of the Annual Report, and were presented by H.R,H. the Prince of 'Vale, Grand Prior, at :Marlborough House, on Friday, 8th July, 1898. Police Constable 'V ILLIAM BE~NETT (of the Binnino'ham Police (Hilve?' J.1Jeclal a~ua?'Clecl). For gr at gallantry and pre ence of mind displayed on 13th June, 1897, in l' scuing three men from a cellar belonging to a tavern in Lawley tre t, Birmingham. The men were discovered lying unconscious from the efiects of the poisonous gas generated by beer in the proccs. of .fer~enta. tion. Constable Bennett, after haying ucceeded m brmgmg the men out of the celiaI', resorted to artificial respiration, and brought the men round before the arrival of the doctor, who stated that but for Consta ble Bennett's pronlpt and courageou action the lives of the three nlen would have be n lost. Beilllett was himself very much exhausted by his exertions in the poisonous atmosphere. HENRY ROWE, Warrington (B?'onze lJIedal ({w((nZecl.) For very courageous conduct displayed on 24th July, 189~, in topping a runaway horse attached to a driverle cab, as It \Ya. on the point of dashing into a proqe ion of children, blocke~l Jl1 a narrow thoroughfare, known as 'ankey Streot, \Yarl'lugtoll. Rowe pulled the horse down and fell beneath it, sustaining seve~'e internal injuries. Had it not been for Rowe's prompt and herOIC action the horse would have plunged right into that part of the procession then crossing Sankey 'treet, and loss oflife lllusthave ensued owing to the crowded state of the thoroughfare. THo~As W HI :rcup, Superintendent, West Riding ionstauulary, couducl . Pontefract (Bronze Medal awardecl). For conspICUOUS . and presence of mind displayed on 15th July, 1897, in rescUlllg ~ won: an who ~ad sli~ped down :lnd:r ~ho footbo~rcl ofT: meommg excurSIOn tram at Baghill StatIOn, Pontefract.
15 Superintendent threw himsolf down on the platform, and at great personal risk held the woman oloar of the rail till the train stopped. He was severely bruised by the passino' train. Police Con table AnTHuR J A"JIE ' 'COTCRER, Reading Borough Police (Bl'Unze J.1Ieclal Ci'uJarcledj. For oourageou conduct eli played on 21st S ptemuer, 1897, in stopping a runaway horse attached to a cart which was procoeding alonO' Great Knollys Street, Reac1ing, th str et b in 0' crow led with people proceeding to the Fail' Grouncl. But for Police on taulo' 'cotcher' heroic conduct in stopping the progre. s of the runaway horse eriou injuries amI projm1Jle 10 ' , of lif 'would have resulted. 'cotcher was him elf knock d do'wn, and one of the wheel' of tho cart pas ed over his thio'h, which neco.' itated his layinO' up for two 01' three week. '. SID~EY \TocKI JGS, P rt l' in th:> 111r loy of the Great 'Ve tern Railway, at ,r e.tbourn Pm+ ,'tation (B?'onze 11Ieclal a'LL'w'clecl). For conspicllon o· ..tllantry and pre 'ence of Inind eli played on 9th 'eptemLer, ] )97, in re. cuin o' at iUllnin nt per 'onnl risk a man namec1 Charlos J. Broughton who had tao'gered acro s the down main line platfonn in front of an adyancino' train 'which wa rapidly approaching ,y tb urne Park 'tation. Yocking jumped on the line ancl oIlly ju ,t mana o' d to pull the man clear when the eng-in· ,ras bu t n, f w f t [1'0111 th lll. THo~Lis 'IV [LLIAM LEW [S, Port r in the employ of the London, Chatham, and Doyel' Rail'way, 'hortland tation (Bronze 111 clal awci'i'cled). For coura o' 0118 onduct and presence of mind displayed on 2ncl February, 1 97, in re cuing a man named Dudley, 'tanton ~aul, who, whilst walkino' along' hortland Station plaUor111, overbalanc d hinl ell' and fell on tho rail ju t as a train wa" ra} idly approaehinO'. Lewis who \\'as on the opposite plu.tforlll, without a mom nt's h 'itation and at great personall'isk jumped on to the rails and pulled nIl'. aul out of danger. Eyo witnes e fully to tify to the f<lct th, t but for Lewis's prompt and gn,llant act, 1\1l', Saul mu t haye 10 t hi life. The follOWing rOCOJ1lm ndations of th hap tel' for award a stated, have been approved by lI,R.H. tho Grand Prior, and the presentations will be luade in clue ourse at :l \Iarlborough ouse on a dato Lo be fi~red by Hi ' Royal Highness. ROBERT
17 16 (Silver
awarcled). For v ry couraO'eou condn ,t displayed on the 22nd eptember, 189(;, at ~ treatham Hill Railway 'tatioll, when he sa,v a man throw him elf acros the rails in front of an
advancing train. l\Ir. BaInber iUllll cliat ly jumped down on to the line and forcibly dragged the Ulan into the six-foot way just in time to save his life. BENJAMI TURXER, Surveyor's 'lerk, Hayling. (B1'onze Medal awa?"decl). For con picuou. gallantry di played on 22ml August, 189 , in stopping a runa,vay hoI', e and cart near South Hayling Railway Station, the hoI' e having no bit in his mouth. FRAi\K Ru~, 'ELL, Cannan, outh HaylinO" (BI'(ft/;.J) JlJedol c6wa?"decl). For conspicuous gallantry di play (1 on 22il(1 Augu t, 1898, at 'outh Hayling Railway 'tation, in 11 1 aYOllring to stop the runaway horse, afterward' 'allO"h t by JUl'. Turner, aLo,e referred to. Russell sustained s riou' injuries in his attempt to stop the runaway. FREDERICK LEGGETT, Hot 1 boots, ag d sixteen year, , Ipswich (B?"onze 111ecZal aWfiTClecl). For gr at gallantry am1 presellce of mind display cl onL5th June, 1 '98, at Ipswich. LCffg'ctt climbed Into a cart attached to a runaway pony, whieh 11'.! stopped by Ineans of the reins, a lady who was alone in th cart ,rhell the pony bolted, was reulOved from it in a fainting condition. VVRIGHT WOOD, Mason, Halifax (l-h01IZJ' 1I1((l(ll (I'lamled) For very courageous conduct displayed on 24th ,J uI) , ] ~08, 1I'ho ran after and jumped into a cart attach d to a nlll:1\\ ay hoI' e, and jumped off carrying a child of thrc y aI'S old, \\ bum he tbu rescued from a v ry dangerou situation in th ycllidc. CLEME:XT H. BI'U ,'lEIl, Railway Porter, • 'ilYcrtowll (B1'M1Ze Medal awaTded). For vcry courageous conduct an(l presence of luind displayed on 5th July, 1898, in rcscujng a WOlllHn ~vbohad jumped on to the line thirty yards in front of a ligllt engme l:unning through the station at the tillie, the eDginc only JU t clearing him as he passed. I En. EST PEIRCE, Railway Guard, Woolwich (B~'orJlze 1l1ed~,~ recoTi?/rnended). For very courageous conduct c11spIa.yccl on 3 May, 1898, in saving the life of a WOlllan who was lying on tl:e rails six yards frOln the Jnouth of a tunn 1, from which a traJn . upon the meta1s on w h'lCh s h I ymg ' runnmg e was eUler·g·ed. I (itt the mOlD en t
of the rescue.
The Librarian reports that the following presentations to the Library of the Order hay to 0 recorded:VaTim~8 Pa"'r&jJhlr>.t.<;, from the Rev. W. K. R. Bedford. Anmwl Repol't to ~ fenuLe of Un iVPT"ily of lJJaltc6, from the Rev. ,V. K. R Bedforcl. He1'aldJ'y of W(('}'wich-,·hi?'p., from the Rev. W . I . R. edford. J01Ll'nal of tI,P R.I.B.A., by the R.I.B.A. J1!emo'l'ials of Sl. Ja?T/J):-;'.' Palace, from the Author, the SubDean of tbe Chap Is Roynl l'lciVul mu7 Jlhli Lu I'!J F?l.Iul8 (f nd In.litutions, from the Author, Colon 1 rild 'r\" '. B. Hi. to/'y (~l the 1 oyarJP (~f ATutl,u?'inp. E?'CI/n,r.; o??d Sa?'(d~ Cheeve'/', to tlip I.·lrf?1d nf .J/1I7Ia, from th Rey. r. ,Vi eley. lhwva Uuidu (fUn (fon I'P/'.·u:irme Ituli(l?lC1.. lnr;le"e lI£olie e. Law Lf'tteJ'8 PutenL (lncZ oi/tf']' P(fjJ("i'. i J1 I'el((tion to tlU'Constitution of titt'. OOllne?! of JfalLu, awl i?in(ll1CeS nf llIalta, from ~ 'ir Victor IIoulton, u .. ?\l.G.
Caval ie'I'(' fl'a llIall i u P I'pti, from Lll H 'Y. ,V. K. . BeeHOl'd. i1!emoi I'e dell inf'l it () 0 I,d i If (' .[t'./ ' u. 'nl i/J1i tlf n 0 l'.J'. 'si . . tent i nelle Isole di 11/0 lL (I, from t 11 ' H 'Y. \ \T. K. 11. Bedford. Count 1J lUCI't of EI'Z)(fC!t, Crom UH.' H y. ,V. K. n. Declfonl. Lilu,',r;i('ul S('?'VlC(,8 (~l (duf'e'iJ Eli:({Uf'Lit, in.clurlinu P/'ayel'L for Delivery of lJlrilta [)'(JII/- tllr' TII?'h-S, frollt the Huy. ,V. K. R. Beclfonl.
HO'W(ll'cl',r.; AtC()16nt n.f PI'i80n uyul liosjlito!.') in E~~l'ope, from A. A. Gordon, ]~sq. Scotti.," Review, Jnly, 1('OH, fro])) A. \.. Gurdon, E, <1. VI. Confel'ellc(' Societe el() 1(( O)'oi.!' Rrnl[)e, oy Sir ,John Fnrley. Maitland's 11'y of L() J) cl()?1, from (he Hey. W. K. R. Bedfol'a.
Jenl,,8nlem ExploTecl, from A. A. Gordon, E q. Tho Spocinl Vellum voLe of thanks instituL d a nIl acknowledgltlCnt of cOllf)picuolls survices rend l' cl to th ~ St. John Ambulance Association by .Locn'! executiye Ollie rs and )thers has been a.wa.rd.ed to
Dr. Ohades R. Dickson ( annclia,n lentr). Miss Margaret Morton ( J O. X. DiBtrieL MeL.
18 Elizabeth :Mary, Mrs. Brewer (Hull). 1\11'. J\lax Clark, A.R.I.B.A. (London). 1\11'. Arthur 1\1. Croucher eN ew Zealand Eruma, 1\Irs. A. J. Fairrie (Liverpool). Mr. George Mackenzie (Perth entre).
The visit of the German Enlperor to Jerusalem. in the autumn appeared to the Chapter a favolU"~Lle 0ppOl:tunity f?r sOll:e of its members to be in attendance, In case HIS Inlpenal MUJesty should express a wi h to vi it the British ?phthahnic Hospital there. His Royal Higlme the Grand Pnor therefore deputed the followino'illembers: '\ i count Telllpletown, formerly Almoner, Captain \1' Alfred J eph on, R. {, ~'ccretar~-~ neral of ~he Order, Colonel Chas. ,Vyndham :Murray, M.P., h.. nIghts of JustIce, and 1\11'. John 'l:ason Cook, Knight of Grace, to represent the Order. The. 'ecretary-General having been unfortunately taken seriously ilIon the way, obtained leave from H.R.H. the Grand Prior for another Knio'ht of Justice, 1\Ir. A. F. G. Leve on Gower, b . t to take his place: the deputation remained ,onl~ tUllG. ~ Jerusalem, ill case the German Emperor hould flee fit to VISIt the Hospital, which however the pre sure of other engn,cJ'elllent prevented. .. . The members on their return had the gratIficatIOn of JllnJnng a most favourable report, both to the ollunittee of the IIospi.tal and to the hapter, of the very satisfactory condition in "whlCh they found the Hospital and Lore testinlony to the able and zealous services of Loth Dr. and l\Irs. Cant, who haye don~ so much to promote its development and welfare. A detailed report of the year's work at the Hospital will be founel attac~cd as usual, and the Chapter takes this opportunity of congratulatllg Earl Egerton of Tatton and the Hospital Conll~itt~e t~t the success which has attended this ilnportant ll1stltlltlOn, a foundation of the Order. H.R . H. the Grand Prior has nominated the hairman of the Hospital, Earl Eo-erton of Tatton, to the office of ChfLllcello r, vacant by the lamented death of the Earl of Lathom .
. The Almoner reports that the serVlCe, of. Nurse 1T I UtI1 M .' Green, who was appointed District Nurse about a year a3'0 III
succession to Miss West, are very greatly appreciated and valned in St. John's Parish. The thanks of the Onl I' are due to ir Dyce Duckworth, ~I.D., Mrs. Pitt Draffen, and Irs. \Vyndham 1\1urray, for JllOSt u.'eful gifts of letters of admittanee for various Hospitals and DIspensaries. The issue of Diets of nourishing food to convalescGnts by the Almon r's Department is continued with tho sallC beneficial re 'nILs as hi therto. Full reports ii'onl the Com III i Clee of tho A III Lulance Depnrtment on tho work of both the ,'t. ,John Ambulance A. sociation and the 't. John AmLulan e Brio'ado are annexed, and aftord gratifying proof of eh ontinued exten 'ion amI utility of tho 'e important branches of the Onl r's ,york. The Chapter cnllllot refrain hom takino' adYanLncre of lhi ' opportunity of oft'erino' its best congratulations in whjell iL is a sured th CUn/I'e','e,') will cordially join, to ono to whom the AmLu1anee D pmtment i 0 immensely indebted, ~ir John Furley, upon WhOIll Her l\faje ty ha been graciou 'ly plea d to confer the dignity of Knio'hthood in recoc"nition of hi onspicuou, l'yice in aitl of th' ick and wounded in war, and of the i 'k and injured ill peace, extendillo' over a period of nearly forty year. The hapt I' hope' :'i iI' John Furley may 10110' bo Speu'etl t enjoy thi' honour, and to continue his yn,luable ervice to the Order. The Chapter ha to expre' it refTet at 10 ing the aHe and zealous co-operation of olono1. 'ir -i'. T. Tha +eray, K.C.B., Y.C., as Commissioner of the 't. John AmLulan e [to aftonl the Chapter satisfaction to l' port that II.R.H. the )'rand Prior has nominated 010no1 . Bowcllor n ir E. Thackeray' su~cessor in this appointment. Other appointment to the Bng-ade as Deputy and Assistant Commissioner will be found in the Ambulance Report. 1
The Accounts of the Order, audited as u ual by nIc rs. Lovelock, Whifiin, and Dicl~inson, nre fnlly et forth in the Income and Expenditure Account and Balanee heet attached hereto. In conclusion, the Chn,pter offers its congratulations to the confreres on the continued progre s of the Onler and of it variou Departments, and on the increasing- developmont in 0 numy areas of usofulness which tend a much to the public advt1ntao'e a to the relief of suffering hUUlanity.
n:be <Branb
of tbe
EXPENDITURE. Central Administration£432 1 Salaries 451 14 Rent, Rates and Taxe~ 249 16 Printing, Stationery and Office Expenses. Accountants' Charges for Preparation and Audit 126 0 of Accounts . Cost of Insignia, Diplomas and Medals, after de70 1 duction of amount received in respect thereof Initial outlay 011 proposed IIIagaziue, sillce abandoned 165 19 Ambulance Depar tment Instl'uction and Sa le of St oresLecturers' & Examiner~' Fees & Expenses -£:3327 Sper;ial Honorarium and Travelling Expenses of Organizing Ovm missioner :200 Salaries 131 Printing, Stationery and Office Expenses 10~3 Oarriage and Freight 217
0 17 14 17
Central AdministrationMembers' Oblations Foundations Interest on Illve tments Special Dono. t ion .
8 2 9
9 8 £1495 H
- - - £17 38 18
Receipts from Detached 'la, ses and Centres in respect of I nstruclion
Invalid Transpo r t CorpsFces for Rcmoval of Patients
To Balance carried to Balance Sheet
4 10 0
St. Joh n Ambula nce BrigadeDUllcan ~I cmorial F uncl-Pl'Opor lion of Contrilllltions applied towards maintenance of tations
6 4
8 9
2 0
7 10 7 1041 6
564 14
8803 6 10 British Opht halmic Hospital at JerusalemDonations allll Anll ual Su b~criptioll s . Receipts from Patie nts D' . .. ' lVideutls (Lechmere EllLlowment Fund) .
511 1 4 0 49 13
6 0 0
950 17 1
Almoner's DepartmentSubscriptions
75 0 0 65 4 0 1 9 3
78 10
2 2 142 19 11
. 1473
Almoner's DepartmentNurse's Salary Diets . Bandages, &c Stationery
864 13
261 14 11 270 0 0 151 19 6 289 7 \) 177 9 0
British Ophthalmic Hospital at JerusalemExpenses of London Oilice, including Printing, Stationery, Olerical Assistance, Advertising, and Petty Expenses . E xpenses at Jerusalem, including Salary of Superintendent, "Vages, H ousekeeping, Drugs, Repairs, Travelling and P etty Expenses Maint enance and D epr eciation of F urniture and Fittings
£4 049
o 10
Ambulance DepartmentInstruction and Sa le of StoresDonations and Annual
- - - - 1363 3
Special Competitions
£ 700 14 0 254 0 0 308 4 3 47 6 0 0
Invalid Tra nspor t Cor psExpeuses of Removal of Patients, induding Horse-hire, and Travelling, aud 574 3 I ncidentals 2 0 6~3 alaries . Printing, Stationery and Office Expenses 100 11 8 Repairs, Depreciation and Renewals of 65 6 5 Oarriages and Appliances .
58 11
Gross Profit on Sale of to res
St. John Ambulan ce Br igadePublic Duty and IIIain tenance of tations Salaries Tra velling and I neiden tal Ex peuse~ Printing, Stationery and Oiliee EXl)enses. Uniforms Repau.'s, Depreciation, and Renewals of Carriages tmd Appliances
I of $t. job" of 3erusalem in J8ngIanb.
--141 18 9 1332 5 6
£ 12724 2 1
£12,724 2
\tbe CBranb
~rior\? of tbe ~t'b~r
of $t. 30bn of 3eruaa[enl in JBnglanb.
Sundry Creditors
[1238 16 11
CashAt Bank
On Deposit
Special FundsL echmere Endowment FundBalance as per last account Subscriptions received during the year Duncan Memorial Fund
£1 59 ] 3
9 0
8 0 £3742
:2 51 19
Investments at Cos t -
15 {> 0 - - - - £1 71 18 222 18
£51312s. 9u. 2~ p.c. Consolidated tock £10 Shares in t. J Oh11'S GaLe Co., Limiled Loan, t. Johu's Gate CorupaJJ)', Limited £1764 6s. 5tl. Inuia 3 p. c. ::-;tock . £1651 14s. 8d. Bank of Ellgl:1lld Lock
7 2097 17 1
Capital AccountAs per last account Oblations commuted Snrplus of I ncome over Expemliture for the year ended 30th eptember, 1898, as per I ncome and Expenditure Account
£3242 500
27135 20
3 0
Lechmere Enclowmcnt Fund£14679 . 3u. India 3~ p.c. "tock
3 0
512 7100 2'00 1 62 5500
1 0 0 4 0
2 0 0 3 0
Sundry Debtors
5 5 - - - 28487 8 8
Stores, &c., on hand and i n u seCarriages, [Jorses, Allllmlanec Stores, alld A11pli(lllces ] 962 6 10 Insignia, Diplomas, and Mecbls . 165 17 9
Freehold Pl'opertyJern alem London
Fixtures and Fittings in London and Jerusalem_ Jer usalel1l London
l-EHi 1010 .J
313 110
0 0
3 4
0 0 423
£ 31 ,824 --;::::; 2 B
0 0
£31 ,824 2
'tl We have examillcd the Balance lleeL amI I ncome aud Expcnditl1ro Account the B 1 1 all( Vouchcrs of t h e Grand Priory of t he Orde r of thc n o pital of St. John ofoo.(S J e. 1 . E . lusa em III ~ngland: au Ll we certI fy the same to be correct. \\'1 1
1~ LOVELOCK, H. W. S. , VIl IFF I & D I K I N ... ON, "Ooleman Street, E.C. , CHARTERED ACCOU'TANTS, 9th Jan'ua1'Y, 1899. A lulit01·S.
By Subscriptions, Donati.ons and Bank Interest, to September, 1897
To Cost of Fitting up St. Clement Danes Station£108 13 11 1896-7 . 123 10 0 1897-8 .
£232 To Transfer to General Income and Expenditure Account towards maintenance of St. Clement Danes Station 1897-8
To Balance, carried to Balance Sheet
£533 13
£533 13
3 11
78 10
222 18
£533 ] 3
'"d 0
"""1 r-t-
0 I-+)
a ~.
~0 ;- .
() 0
~ r-j
>0 ....... r-t-
'"1 ....... r-t....... (fl
Ube <liranb !prior\? of the
~ rb e r
of tbe
lbospitaI of St. John of JeruSaICt11 in JEnglanb.
30T H SEPTEl\1BER, r897,
EPTE IBER, r898.
1Lon'tlon ; PRINTED BY 12 &
II01.TGIlTll l
·TlL-\.ND, \\'.l'.
:fBritisb ~pbtbalmic 1()ospital, 3erusalem, BELONGING TO
~be a;ran~
lDrfor}2 of tbe ®r~er of tbe 1boapftal of St. Jobn of Jerusa(em in JEnglan~. Watron.
HIS ROYAL HIGH ESS THE PRI CE OF WALES, (G'rand Pr'i01' oj the OTder').
1Brttisb ~pbtbaItTItc 1bospttal, 3erusalelTI,
m:be (Jt{ran'l:1 WriorQ of iDC ®r'l:1rr of tDc 1t105pital of .%t. lloDn
1:Jicc-Qtb airmrm.
£If ]cttl5nlcllt in QCnglan'l:1.
(IIon01'aTY aons'L~lting Surgeon)
QLtcasurcr. EDWI
Comlllitte , charg d with tho adlllini'tration of THEtheLondon British Ophthalmic Ho pital at J ru. alem, haye the
M. A.
j)lf(cmbers of Qtommittee. (Secr'elar'y-GeneTal oj the Oreter). (Receiver'-GeneTal of the 01·der).
(Dir'ectoT and Chai1'1nan, A rnb'Ldance Depa1·tn/,ent of the 01' COLONEL SIR HERREItT C. PEItROTT, BART. (Secreta1'Y of the Or·cler). ~urgeott
to tbe
at .3fetusalem.
W, E. CANT, ESQ., M.D., F.R . C.S.
~ onota rp R
72, Cheapside, London, E.C. ~ssistant ~OnOtRrp ~cctetatJ!
~ cotIantr.
A. A. GORDON, E sq.,
1, Coates Gardens, Edinburgh . ~anlters.
London and Westminster Bank, Limited, Lothbnry, KC. .
d ) f/I' •
satisfaction to roport, this yef\,r, that n. son e of the importance of the Charity, and of th 0'1' atno of tho work ,vhich it accomplishos, is mcron. 'ina boLh alllono' the 1)1 mbor of the Order and [\.lllong tho g nera1 I ublic, no doubt as a re nIt of increased facilities of acce s to th Holy ]..1 all 1, [md of the number of tonri ts now l' onino' thero ,dlO are naturally interested in ob orvi11 0 ' th position and PI' g'ro of an English Institution (lovoted to tho pr~y ntion and reli f of ome of tho direst forms of human sufterinO'. As ono re 'nIt f the chang , the deficit in the pooial incomo of the Ho 'piLal, roquiring to be made up from the gonoral funds of tho Order is I 'by £90 than it was in the year nelino' on the, Oth of ~opt 111be1',] 97. The work of the y aI', a cOlnpared with that of it . predecessor, has been almo t tationH.ry; mainly from the cau e that it is as much as Dr. ant alono can by any po sibility accomplish. Comparing 1896-7 with 1 97 -tl, the n.pplicants for admission Wore 1,182 in the In.tter n. again t 1.124 in the form r : the in-patients admitte 1 (in si.L' lllonth ) were 59 ' as against 569; the new ont-patient 4,4 1 as against 4,640: the attendances on out-pationts 12,0 0 as aO'ainst 12, 1: th operations (in six months) 1 )~ 30 as aO'ain't 1,277; and the administrations of chloroi'orlll (in six month) 683 as aO'ain t 65(). The increase of work whioh markod the yen.r ending in 1 07 Was ~ufficient to bring into pl'OlHinonco tho inn.bility of the HospItal to cope with tho requiroment of tho population of the city and of the sUlTounding country, n.nd rendored it
necessary to make arrangements which, in their practical effect, had an unfortunate but unavoidable tendency to xcluc1e the latter. The doors were opened early on the . Illorn~ng of, e.ach out-patient day, and were closed a oon a patlCnts III sUffi.Clent number to afford full occupation for the day ha~ boon aC~1l11ttecl, I t was therefore nece ary for applicants to arnve. early lll. order to have any chance of being treated; and, as they.found tl1ls out, they came earlier and earlier, until n. crowd . of ton a.ssemblecl during the night., and filled the wn.iting-roolll WIth a rush. as soon a the door were open. For uch nocturnal a, emblmg, the residents in the city hn.d many advantages over country people who often from renlOte villages: and hence the In.tter were gradually driven out, and deprived of the Leneiits of the char~ty by the former, who were lllostly lllem~ers . ~f the, JeWl h community. A certain anlOunt of v ry lntelbg'lblc chscontent wa in this manner produced: and the attOl~d~n~e of the fellaheen Lecame in a corresponding degree dllllllllshefl and discouritged. , The practice of the Hospital, hith rto, has been to reCelVe out-patients on three days of th ·week, an~l to devote. the. oth~l' three to operation, upon th illll1at s; all SIX days h[\,ymg m.thls way Leen fully occupied: Lut it. is felt by th Con,I1l:~t~ee that the state of things above lescnLec1 ought llOt to Lo ~l1fteled to continue and that the time ha.s come when tho fr~quellt representati~n, made by Dr. Can t as to t~e 11 c,essj ty fo:' fU,l'tl?el' assistance can no longer be put ~\,,'lde for (;onsldClatlOll at a Dlore convenient season. T11e OlllHll. tt ee 1las therefored recommended to the Chap tor, and tho Uhaptor has been plea e . . t 0 [' an hSSIS \ ,, ' ,t'11t (11)'O'eOn b)T II'hose to . [LnctlOn, t h e appOlntl1len <I IJ b '. .. f 01' seomO' help Dr, Cant will be aLle to ma.1(0 prOVIsIon , h out· pationts daily, and for setting aside threo days for ~h? !e11ahee11, and thre for the resic1en ts in J erusa] ell!. This docIsl~n WflS l:Ott . after , .. : 1 WIth WIlle arrived at untIl the eXplratlOn 0£. th 0 pelloe . report professes , . IlllpOl . ,tance '1 a. )l)earccl to thIS to doal' lJut Its justify its Leing Jnentioned without further d~br The 1 . t 0 d ,L Assistant Surgeon has not yet Lue n appOln u t It IS" hopec 1,' . . . 1en ce of JlIS that the next report WIll contam amp1e OVIC I
usefulness. It should Le lllenLionod that Dr.
. cl the more ant has reCOlve
appropria.te title of «. \uo'eon " to the Hospital, instead of that of "Resident 1\1 dical Officer," by which he was previously de igna.tccl, The chml o' xpr s 'e , 11lOre accurately than the original title, the actual nature f his worl~ and his re 'ponsibilitics, n.nd is in accordance with usao'e in this country. In recognition of his servicos Dr. 1ant has boen re-appointed for anothcr five year ' at an incren,sed salary. Tho C01llll1itt 0 havo La III ntion with the deop st rcoTot the death of Jr. J. M. 100k, fol' many yet 1" their colleague, and \\'ho not only took th gl' atest intere ·t in th welfare of the hospita.l, Lut who at 0 r nd'l' c1 important p r80nal and iinancial a,'sisLanr'c ill its d v lopmonL The COlllmittee also d \ 'ir t record th valua.ble a istance whichhn.s been afforc1 c1 tholll by l\1r. ordon, who yolunteered to obtain subscriptions for tIl Ho 'pital in ~ 'cotland, and ·who, for that purposc, wa appoint ~cl As 'i ' tant Honorary ~ 'ecretary for that division of tho Kingdom. II , has l'emittetl urns amounting to C127 1:3 '. 11 d., and prolllis's to c: ntinue hi ' kindly n.cti ','i t y. Althollgll not f<tlling within th actual tinaucial year III ntion must be lll:tclo of th r 'eipt of an anonymou ' donation of £200 from J, .i\1, who a1 '0 g 11 rOll'ly ent £100 Lo Dr. Uant to be utilized for the illl1Uecli<l,Lo l'etluirem nt of tho ho 'pi tal Thi o'ift has como a.t a most OPPOl'LUllO mOlllont, and \\'ill Le d "ot d to defraying the cost for one y ar of the Assi ,tant Nlll'!J'eon. iiI' John C. Holder, Bart., whon at J ru al m, handed to Dr, a.nt a cheque for .£112, for th mn,illtenn,nce of a b d for 'even year in appreciation of the work that was b inn' lone. Tho COlllmittee ttrll stIy hop that the 0 o· n rou. o'ift ma.y be imiLa.ted by other c1onors, [l,nl thoy would 'pe inlly plead for reguln.r n.nnunl ubscription.
The following Statistics have been ?'eceivecl fro?n Dr. CCint.
SYNOPSIS OF SURGICAL STATISTICS, For year ending lV1ichaelmas, 1898. Applicants for admission In -pa tien ts adllli tted Out-Patients-l' e\y Cases " Attendance Operations . Anl:esthetics administered
598 4,481 12,0 0 1, 330 68;3
IN-PATIENTS. Disea es of Lids and ConjunctivaPtosis . Cicatricial Ectropion Pterygium . '. '. Trichiasis and Conjunctival disease Granulomatou,' Tumour of Lid Sarcomatous Tumour of Lilt . Melanotic Sarcoma of Conjunctiva and Lid " Cen-ical gland 'isease' of Cornea,Yound of Cornea Ulcer Perforating Ulcer . ProIa pEe of Iris in Ulcer Leucoma amI Cicatrix Adherent Leucoma and Cicatrix StaphylolJla .. .. .. . ' Superticial Keratitis WIt? C~nJun.c~lval disease Trich iasis with uperfiClal E erabtls Granulomatous growth on Cornea Diseases of IrisPosterior Synechia Diseases of LensSenile Cataract Traumn.tic Cataract Secondary Cataractous membrane Dislocation of Lens . Disease. of ~luscles of GlobeCon vergeu t tra bism us Diseases of LacrYlllal ApparatusObstruction of Lacrymal Duct Diseases of GlobeGlaucoma, Acute " Sub-acute " Chronic "Secondary . General A nterior taphyloma Disorganised Globe
2 3 1
42 1 1 1 1
1 1 4 2 2
78 13 3 364 1
39 1 9
Diseases of Lids and Conjunctiva. Plastic operation for Cicatricial EctropIOn Grafting for ditto
1 1 3 2
1 1 917
98 1 30 16 3 1 3 1 4
87 21 20 1 43 1 10 12 5 8
1 5 2
3 1 1
Total 1330
Panas' operation for Ptosis . Removal of Vascular Wart of Lid " ebaceous Cyst of Lid " Granulomatous growth of Conjuncti va " arcomatous tumour of Conjunctiva and Lid " Melanotic 'arcomatous tUlllour of Lid . Sne1len's operation (extended) for Trichiasis of UplJer Lid " " with Canthopbsty ditto ,Varlomont's operations for Trichiasis of Uppcr Lid Operation after Snellen for 'l'richia. is of Lower Lilt Canthoplastyaml Plastic op ration for Jitto Pana~' operation for Ji tto . Operation for Sym blepharon . Operation for Pterygium Diseases of COI'llcaRemoval of granulomatous growth Tattooing for Lencoma Paracentesis of Cicatrix, etc., in nlccr Diseases of IrisIridectomy for Artificial Pupil " in adherent ClCatrix and tapbyloma " in Glaucoma " in di location of opaque lens Diseases of LsnsExtraction of enile Catarart Operation for olution of Cataract . Discis. ion of ecol:Hlary Opaque 1tIembrane Diseases of Muscle ,Tenotomy for tra bi 'mu . Mu cular and ap ular At!\'ancement for tlitto Diseases of Lachrymal Apparatu I Operation for Lachrymal O],strnction Diseases of GlobeIuci iug Glolle in Panophthalmiti. . Abscis.'ion of Globe with Conjullctiva.l flap Secondary Operation after All ci ,ion Excision of Globe. . . Extirpation of Orbital TUllJour aUlI Globe Remo\'al of econdal'y arcomatons Cervical Gland
Diseases of Lids and Conjn ncti yaInflammation of Lid Blepharitis Meibomian Cyst Sebaceous Cy t Vascular ,V art Lupus Epithelioma . Sarcomatous Tumour o[ Lill Ectropion, cicatricial . . , ". from Conjunctival Diseasc EntropIOll, . pasmodic . . " from Conjunctival Disease " Senile " Ptosis ~f Cerebral Origin . Deformity of Lid [rom Cicatrix . . Rym blepharon . . . . Granulomatous growths of Palpcbral ConjunctiYlL
2 63 4 ':I
1 1
1 1
5 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 1
10 Melanotic Sarcoma of Conjunctiva and Lid Pterygium Pingnecula. . Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis . Acute Purulent and :M:uco-Purulent Conjunctivitis Chronic ditto Chronic Organic Conjunctivitis . ConJunctivitis with TJ.·ichiasis Hypertrophy of Conjunctiva Atrophy of Conjunctiva Diseases of CorneaSuperficial Keratitis . with Trichiasis .. Phlyctenli'lar Kerstitis . . Acute Keratitis from Acute Ophthalmia Ulcer Perforating Ulcer Kebula Leucoma and Cicatrix Adherent Leucoma and Cicatrix Staphyloma . Conical Cornea Granulomatous growth on Cornea Diseases of Scleroticclerotitis Diseases of IrisKerato- Iritis . Iritis Posterior ynechia Prolapsed Iris ilJ. Ulcer Hremol'l'hage into anterior chamber Diseases of LensCataract. Senile "
' Juvenile
" Lamellar . " Anterior Capsular . Secondary Cataractous membrane Dislocation of Lens . .A pilakia after Extraction of Cataract Diseases of VitreousOpacities ill Vitreous Diseases of Choroi'lColoboma of Choroid Atrophy of Choroid . Choroiditis Senile Central Choroiditis Diseases of RetinaChoroido-Retinitis " " Disseminata Retinitis Pigmentosa N euro-Retinitis CEdema of Retina Anresthesia of Retina Detachment of Rt>tina Diseases of Optic N erveOptic Neuritis Atro11by of Optic Nerve Amblyopia from Tobacco " Amaurosis . . Diseases of Orbital Muscles and N ervesStralJismus, Convergent Divergent "
15 1
57 243 213 437 27 1
31 712 696 8
57 90 138 107 154 422 77 1
7 19 4 1
155 2 1
12 13 3 9
Paralysis of rrhir~ Nerve Atropine ParalysIs Asthenopia (general) Diseases of G10beGlaucoma,' Acute Chronic " Secondary. " Absolute Buphthalmos. General Anterior taphyloma PaJlophthallnitis Disorganised Globe Sarcoma of Globe Abscised Globe Anophthalmos after Exci ion Diseases of Lacrymal Apparatu ,Inflammation of Lacrymal ac Ob:-;tructioll of Lacrymal duct Disease of Ol'bitHaliguant Tumour Errors cJ Refraction and AccommodationHypermetropia lIIyopia Astigma tis1ll Presbyopia Asthenopia (Acconulloda Li ve) pa. m of Accommodation Injuries and traumatic a!J'ectionsforeign body in COlljunctiva Tralllll<1 tic UOllj uncti vitis Burn of Conjullctiva and Cornea by E 'cha.rotic }'ut'cign hody in Cornea Traumatic Ulccr or Corn a . P(;t'fomting Wound of Cornea Traulliatic <':atn,ract Contusion of Globe Oontused Wound of mobe Penetrating 'Wound of Globe Rupture of Globe . Foreign substance in Globe Tral1matic Ell tro pion Traumatic lJtosis Unclassed Cases
2 1 1
6 27 4 5 ~
34 2 4 4
23 1
DO ·10
21 H 4:
1 1 1 1 :2 1 9 :2 1 fi
1 1 1 1 ~
17 9 1
12 2
:fJ3tfttsb ®pbtbalmfc 1bospitaI, Jerusalem, BELONGING TO
r-I>OOO r-I >0 r-I
r-I >0 0 > 0 ~CQCQr-I
a;t:an ~
tPrforl? of tbe ®rber of tbe 1bospital of 5t. Jobn of Jerusalem in JEnglanb.
List of Subscpiptions and Donations received from 1st Oetober, 1897, to 30th September, 1898.
£. s.
CQ r-I
r-I r-I >0
m<D .... 00 CQ
Y. ,
\ \
\ \
Acland, II. Dyke, E q. Amherst, The Earl Amherst of lIackney, The Lonl Anderson, J. A., E~(l' Anglesey, The lute ~lar'l nis of Anonymous" Ucklield " " per BetH k Arkwright, E., ES'J. Barker, Major ,T. n. Barry, ' ir F. Tress, Bart., )1. P. Bartholomew, U. W., E~q. Bedfonl, The ])l1che~s of . Benson, Lieut. Gol. (l\lilitary ociety of Ireland) Berners, C. 11., Escl. Bevan, F. A., I~S(l' Bidd111ph, G. T., EsC(. Bowdler, Colonel G. W. B. Bower, Oaptain.T. 'IV. Nott Bridges, Miss 1'. II. Brinton, John, K;q. Burgoyne Burbi\lges and Co., Mt' :;1':;. BUl'Ile, jlaj.-Gen. Sir Owen T., K. C. '. 1., C. 1. E. Burne, The Lady Agnes Burnes, Mrs. . Bustros, Madame de Bythesea, Mr8. . Campbell, lIcI'bert, :Mrs, Capel, F. C., Esrl. Carlebach, MrH. (per Dr. Juttell ) (Jan· Dyer, !III'S. . Carrington and Co., l\Iessl:s. Cal'l'ingtoll, The lIOll. Sir J . W., O.M. G. Cartel', R. Brudcnell, Esq., F.R.C . . Oartel', O. Pemberton, ES(l' Cal'vallo , C. N., E"sq. (CollectlOll . per Dr. OuLLell) Oattell, Miss Trew CauIfel'ld ,MISS . Sophia F. A. . Ohaplin 1'. ES'h M. D.
(I. fi 0
£ s. d.
110 5
o 10
0 6
500 0
o 10 ]
200 2 2 0 110 1 1 0
500 2 ~ 0 500 550 2
o ~
5 2
0 0
110 2 :J. 1
2 0 0
0 0 0
600 200
o 10 3
0 0
100 2 2 0
110 100 110
110 3 12 0 4
S1~I)sCl' ipt io /lS.
S1l0SCI'ipt ions. Donatioll!.
s. d.
Collection at Gailey Ohurch per Rev. O. M. Holden Collection at S. \Vilfrid's, N orthenden, per Rev. Canon Whittington Cotton, Chas., Esq., F.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Clerke, Urs. W. E. Cook, J ohn M., Esq. Coulcher, Miss Cull and Son, :Messrs. Cuthbert, Miss Dalton, Colonel J. C., R.A. Dalton, :Miss Daubeney, General Sir H., G.C.B. Davies, F. R., Esq., M.R.I.A. Dick-Lauder, Sir J. N., Bart. Dorville, 1\1rs. Draffen, Mrs. Pitt. Dring, Mrs. Du Bois, The Misses Duckworth, Sir Dyce, M.D. Duncombe, Miss Eo Egerton of Tatton , The Earl Elliston, G. S. Esq. Ellis, riss A. M. Evans, Mrs. Hilditch Evelegh, Miss E. A. Frank, The Lady Agnes Fraser, A. E., Esq. Friend, Donation from a Fry, Albert, Escl .. Fnrley, Lady (proceeds of Reading Society) Gordon, A. A. , Esq. Gort, The Viscount Gregory, H. E., Esq. Gribble, Miss Hare, Sholto H., Esq. Hare, C. E., Esq. Harris, H enry. Esq. Harris, Miss A. J. Heelis, Mrs. Hemming, Mrs. W. Heygate Lambert, Major F. A. Hooper, J. H., Esq. Hoskyns, Miss A. D. Wren Hubbard, The Hon. Alioe Hutton, Surgeon-Major, G. A. Jephson, Capt. Sir Alfred, R.N.
£ s. d. 2 3 11 :l
14 9
0 0 50
10 1 1
0 0 1 0 1 0
2 1 1
2 0 1 0 0 0
1 o0 1 1
0 0 0 1 10 2 ~ 0
0 1 0 0 5 5 0 2 :2 0 n ;. 0 2
o ]0 3
2 20 o 10 0 5 o0
0 0 50
o0 1 1 0
1 3 :4
o 1 1
1 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 10 6 1 0 1 0
1 1 1 5 1
1 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 2 0
o 10 2
5 5 0
Ingram, The Hon. 1\1rs. l'IIeyne11 . Kay, Sir Brook Burt.,. . Knutsford, The Viscouut, G.C.M.G. Lawrence, Sir Trcvor, Bart. Lechmare, Katharinc, Lady Do. Oollection Lechmere, Anthony H., Esq. Leigh, Lord, The . Limerick, The Dowager Countess of Lindsay, Miss Maud Lloyd, Miss C. Lloyd, nIl's. II. Loch, '1'he Lord, G.C.B., G.C.M.G. Lopes, The Rt. Hon. ir Massey, Bart LO\\7Y, General, C.13. Lyttleton, The HOIl. Mrs. Alfred ~Iackintosh, A. 111., Esq, Marten~, Dr. Alfl'eu ~lewburn, Miss E. attell) ~Icycr, nIiss, (Collection, per Dr. ~Iilb\lrn, Dr. II. C. ;uocatta, F. D., Esq. ~Ionk, Miss ~Iostyn, The Lord Murray, Colonel J. Wyndham, M.P. Newton, Major J. W. Marsdin, lLA.. Korth, Colonel B. N. Ottley, Lieut.-Col. R.E., C.I.E. Palmer, George, E, q. Pembroke, 'rhe Countess Dowager of )lenins, C. '\T. Dyson, E (1. Perrott, Oolonel Sir n. C., Bart. Pinckney, Rev. W. . Pollak. Miss (pCI' Dl'. Cattell) Powell, MiRs J lllia . . . RhydtlCol1l'tChapcl Alms Box, per Lady Lechmere Roberts, Mis s . . . . . llobertsol1, Miss Robinson, E. L., EsC!.: : Rochester, The Vcry Rev. tho -De;Lll 0 f Howe, R. ReYllohls, Esq.. • Samuel, Dennis E., Esq. • ,and with ) F. M.) Esq .,l\I. D S . I avory, Rev. Sir Borrodaile Bart. SchW', Mrs. (pCI' Dr. Cattell) . Seely, Sir Charles, Hart. .
s. CZ.
5 5 5
0 5 5 0
2 1 2
2 1 2
0 0 0
1 2
0 0 0
0 0 0
o 10
3 3 2 1
0 0 0 0
0 1 3 0 10 10 ~ 2
0 0 0 0 0
3 2
:2 1
1 5 1 2
0 0 1 2
0 0 0 0
£ s. d.
0 0 0
1 1 5
0 0 5
0 0 0
5 12
1 1 1 2 1
:2 0 0 10 :2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
16 Ann1wl S1tbscril1tions.
Shore, Rev. Canon Teignmonth Sloan, R., Esq. Smart, F. G., Esq. Smyth, Colonel St. George, Captain B . J . Strams, Miss (Collection per Dr. Cattell) Sutherland, YV. Stewart, Esq . Temple, Th e Right Hon. Sir R., G.C. S. !. Thorne, Dr. Bezley Thorne, Mrs. E. M. Topping, 1'IIibS Wakley, Thos., Esq. , F.R.C.S., H. 0., Esq. Walters, Miss A . Walton, Major H. E. B. Ward, J. L a ngfi eld, Esq. Warren, Lt.-Gen. Sir Chas. , R.E., G.C.M.G., K,(;.B. Watson, Colonpl C. 1'11., R. E., C.M. G. Wilmot, Mrs. E. . Williams, 1'I1rs. Wilson, J. Murray, Esq. Yate, Lieut.-Colonel C. E., C.S . I., C.1'I1.G. Yeo. Mrs.
£ s. d. 2 0 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 o 10 0 1 1 0
List of Contributions re c eive d by A. A. Gordon, Esq., Donations. £ s. d.
o 1 3 5 1
0 0 1 10 1 3 0 1
Aitchison, .lame ', Esq. Anonymous . Anstruther, Sir Ralph, Bart. Aytonn, Jam es, Esq. Barkhouse, Mrs. Berry, G. A., ESfh 1'11.13., F.R.C .•. Beveridge, lIcury, Esq., of Pitreavie Brown, Professor A. Crulll, M.D., D. c. Bruce, Mrs. l\. L. Callender, :Jlrs.
0 0 0
6 0 0
1 1 1 2 2
1 1 1 2 2
1 0
0 0 0
0 5
Donations r eceive d a t J erusalem. Alford, Rev. B . H . Bishop Blyth's Fund Do. Offertory, St. John's Day Frientl, A., J erusalem Harper, The Lady Emily Hospitl'l1 Money Box Hov,arel of Glossop, The Lady Keighley, Miss. D o. Friend. Kelk, Rev. A . H. Peard, Miss Frances H. Staff of Messrs. Cook alltl Sons Wheeler, P. C. D 'Erf, Esq., Junr.
£ s. d. 5 0 0 16 o 0 5 8 1 0 0 8 1 2 0 2 2 5 0 o 16 2 0 o 15 0 o 10 0
Lechmere M emor ial Fund. Brinton, John, Esq. Draffen , Mrs. Pitt
£0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
"A Frienel" .
4 4 3 1 1
Assista nt Honor a r y S ecret a ry for Scotland. After the closing oj the FiMtncial Y en)' 30th Septembel', 1898, up to 31st Decembe1', 1 98.
£10 0 5 fi
Cathcart, G. F., Esq. Colquhoun, 'ir James, Bart. Com mOll , John ., Es(!. (don .) Cowan, Sir Johu, Bart., of Beeslack. Cox, Robert, Es( h 1'11. P. Cranston, Robert, Esq.
1 1
Foster, Mrs. . Fra er, ~Jrs. Langlands Geikie, Sir Archibald, F. R. ., etc. Gordon, Mrs. A. A. Gordon, Mrs. W. E, Gordon, lIIrs. C. H. Heywood, Mrs.
0 I)
o 1
o .
Hoggan, J. \V., Major-General, C. B., and another Inman, William, Esq. . . . JeRi'ey, David, Esq.. Laidlay, Mrs. . Lyall, Mrs. . Lyon, Mrs. . Lyon, John, Esq. . . Macfarlane, 'Walter, E q. , J.P. Mackenzie, R. J., ESfJ., 1\1. A. Mackenzie, 11 iss Maule, R., Esq. Maxwell, Miss M. My' '. c Itie, Robert Esq Millar, Edward 'E' . f R . . Miller, Mrs. (Ab 'dt!·, 0) OSSle Mill . or een . . el, Mrs. Robert ~IJller, Miss . Miller, Miss Elise Milne, Mrs. Uarried forwartl
1 0 1 1 0
5 5 2 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 5
5 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 10 1 10 0 10 0 2 1 0 11)
o 10 0 5 0 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 o 10 1 1 1 1 o 10 1 0 o 10 o 10 o 10
0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
]8 Brought furward Moil', John, Esq., F.RO.P.E. Moray, The Earl of . Muir, Principal Sir William, R.O.S.I., LL.D. Pennefather, R P., Lieut. -001. Pnllar, Sir Robert Rainy, The Very Rev. Principal R, D.D. (don.) Readmall, James B., Esq., B. c. Richardson, Mrs. Riddell, A. Oliver, Esq. Roberts, A. F., Esq. (don.) Roberts, T. G. S., E q. Sandeman, The Rev. R J., D.D. Sanderson, Arthur, Esq. Smith, F . .Nepean, Major-General (don.) Smith, Major-General E. David&on tuart, Oolonel J. A. Man, O. M. G. (don.) (A nnnc£l Sld)scription £11 .) Stewart, George, Esq. Stewart, Andrew, Esq. Scott, The Very Rev. Arch., D.D. Scott, Mrs. Erskine . Templeton, J. S., Esq, Thomson, John, Esq., .ll1.D., F.R.O.P.E. (don.) Torrie, R Jamei;on, Esq. Travers, Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. Usher, Robert, Esq. (llon. ) Walker, Miss (Edinburgh) Winstanley, Miss ,Vingate, D. Oarlilc, Esq., (don.) Wingate, Mrs. M. R. ,Yingate, Mrs. Whyte, The Rev. Alex., D.D. Wilkinson, A., Esq .. Younger, William, Esq. Y nle, Miss A. F.
£32 3 o 10 2 0 5 0 1 0 5 0 0 5 o 10 o5 10 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 o 10 1 1 o 10 0 1 1 0
10 0 o 10
I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for the time being of
1 0
the Institu60n known by the name of THE BRITI H OPHTHALMIC
o :2 0
Total received by A. A. Gordon, Esq., and remitt ed to R. Gofton-Salmond, Esq.
.JERUSALEM, b Ion ing to the
rand Priory of the
1 0 0 2 0 0
o ~
Order of the Ho pital of
J hn of J eru alem in England, the
:2 2
sum of.. ..................................... [free of duty] to be applied
1 1 0
3 0 1 0
towards accompli hing
'haritable de ign
of the said
Institu tion.
o0 1 0 2 2 1
£98 0 0
A.dd proceeds of Lecture on the Order and its work, delivered in Edinburgh on 12th Decernbcl', 1 9
Form of Bequest.
29 13 11
£127 13 11
. .B.-Land and Mon Y 't'cured on Land can now be given to charitable uses under the conclitiom; nacted by th " haritable U es Act 1891, 54 & 55 Vic. e. 73."
Report of the Central Executive Committee of the St. John Ambulance Association, being the Ambulance Department of the Order.
$t 3·ohn Bmbttlance Bssociation, nEI TG THE ~L\Il3UL ,~ N 'E DEPAR1\ \JI<.:NT Oli'
<Branb 1Prior~ of the (l)rber of the 1bospitaI of St. 30hn of 3eru5alenl in lEngIanb. ~Ot:C~ibCltt
lLllll bolt : PRI TED BY O IJ.A.RLI~ 12 & 15,
nOUOIlTON :;TlU,; gT,
St. 30hn :thnblllance :association,
(l;rant> lPrior}2 of the @rt>er of tbe 1bospitaf of 5t. John of Jerusalem in JEnglant>. lJtesitcnt.
Page . COillml'ttee of the •'t . J olm Ambulance Association ... The Central Executlve
'The Ohal)ter 0 f tb ~ 0 r d e~'of t . John (with llames of Members of Council and Executlve Officers) Report-General
... 16
Report-Stores Del)artment ...
l\1Clll bcl'
and As ociates of the Order.
mJircctot of trye • mbulanec Department Rnt Qrf)ainnan of :Jiommittrc. The Right
Yisconnt K~UT8FOltn, G.C.M.G.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure
il' \TrxcENT Kg_-XETT-B.1.I1HI,\C;TOX, M.A., LL.M.
APPE "D IX A. u bscriptions and Donations to Head Office September, 1898
CCcniwT Enrutibc (COI11ll1ittrc. Consisting cxclu ivcly of
Report-Invalid Transport Corps
(Grand Prior of the Order ).
from October, 1 97, to
Life Members
Honorary Life Members
Examining Staff
Form of Testamentary Bequest
Subscription Form ... APPENDIX B. Nominal Roll of Metropolitan District, Country and Foreign Centres
The Right HOll. Lord LOCH, :.o.n., G.O.M.G. ir JOlIN FUItLEY (Life MCIlJ bcr Honoris CallSa). Colonel J .\MES G r LDEA, . B. R. REYNOLDS HOWE, Esq., }l. 1. C. E. Colonel J. C. DALTON, R.A. The Right Hon. Lord BILVSEY, K . . B. ROBERT ~1AcLF,AN MACLEAN, E '(I, The Rev. T. W. 'YOOD. Major F. A. IIgYG.\.TE LAMBEItT. Major·General ASTLEY T[mllY. Colonel Sir E. T. TUACKEIU Y RE., K.O,B., U.Qr:. Sil'JAMEs N. DICK, KC.B., R. Colonel O. BOWDLEIt.
Major G. E. W. MALE·I. ''{ALTER ROWLEY, E ·ll., M. I O. E. \'{. OLLIXGRIDGE, E~ll., M.D. Licut. - iencml R. W. Lowny, O.B. I1lspector-Ucn. 13. NlxNm, M.D., R.N". Clurg-eon-Gen. J. J.D1ESO~T, C. B. llHL TOPIIEn 'llnDS, E q., M.D. HARLES J. TnrMBLE, Escl" L.R.C.P. ir EDWAHD L. 0' I \LLEY. I~DWIN HA TKO - FUE IIFlELD, E q. •'mg. -Licut. - oloncl J. . FORnE TER. EDMuKD OWE_-, E q .. F.R.O . . Deputy-lll pcctor-Gell. M. OATES, R. N. J. ATLEY BLOx.ur, Esq., F.R.C. JOIlX F. "WOODS, Esq., M.D.
Ex-offiCIO £f(cmbers of (Committee.
APPE D IX C. 61 Local R eports
Oaptain Sir ALFHED JEPII.'O T, R.N., Secretary-Genel'al oj the Ordel'. EDWIN FRE'IIFIELD, ES(l, , LL.D., Receiver-General oj the Orde?·. The Right Hon. Earl EGERTON OF TATTON, Ohairman
B1'l'tish Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem.
QtfJicf Srcrctrcr!).
231 R eport of St. John Ambulance Brigade.
Colonel Sir HERBERT
. PERROTT, Bart. ( Secretary of the Order).
<!ecountnnt !lnlJ 'storcJ\cqJrt. WILLIAM R. EDWARD, Esq., A.C.A. (AcCOltntant oj the Ordel).
31.1 fnlJ ® {fiers. ST. JOllN'S GATl~: CLERKE 'WEIJL, L o 'DO , E . C.
Ube C3ranb }prior)? of tbe ~rb er of -n:r)e 1J)ospttaI of St. 50bn of 5erusalent ilt JEnglanb. .$O'bereign ~eab anb $lairO'n O'f ine ®rbcr. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN. 0itanb $ltiO'r.
m:be Qthapter. The Ohapter consists of the Knights of Justice, de selected Members of Council; the following
The Sub·Dean of the CIIAPEL. ROYAL,
The Very Rev. the Dean of ROCHESTER, AND
~~ l\cptc~cntnUbc 'irtnignt~ O[
Sir VINOENT KENNETT-BARRINGTON. ROBERT BRUDENELL CAltTElt, EsC!., F. R. C. The Right Hon. The Earl of ~IE, \TII. Major· General ASTLEY TEltHY. Colonel Sir E. T. TII.\.UKERAY, K. C. 13.,
F. Qi;., R. E.
m:b e Qtoundl.
Prelate-His Grace the Archbishop of Yomc ChancellO?'-The Right Hon. Earl EGEllT0X OF T ATTON. Secretcwy-Geneml-Captain Sir ALFRED JEPIlSON, R Receiver-Gene1'al-EDWIN FRE. HFIELD, Esq., LL.D. Al1noner'-The Rev. Canon D UCKWORTII, D.D. Registm1·-Lieut. -Colonel GOULD H u 'TEl~- WESTON, F. S.A. Genealogist -RoBERT MACLEAN MACLEAN, Esq. DirectO?'-General of Oenmonies-Sir ALBlmT W. 'WOODS, R C. H., KO.M.G. (Garter). Libmrian-The Rev. W. K. R BEDFORD, i\I. A. Assistant Lib1'a7-ian-EDWIN H. FRESHFIELD, EsC!. Secretary-Colonel Sir HERBERT C. PERROTT, B':Lrt. Assistant Secret(1,1'y-The llon. GERALD IIE T TIKEU-MAJOl{. Accountant--WILLIAM R. EDWARD., Esq. , A.C.A.
<!mbulance :mlell'artment.
CSt. 3rohn <!mbulance <t{ssociation).
Di7'ector and Ohairman-The Right Hon. Viscount RNUTSFORD, G.O.M.G. Ohief Secretary-Colonel Sir H. C. PERltOTT, Bart.
3Btitisl) ®ll'Dtbalmic j!,lospitaI at ]'erusalcm. Ohai1'man-The Right Honble. Earl EGERTON OF TATTON. Hon . Sec7'etary-R GOFTON -SALMOND, Esq.
Selected Members of Council. The Right Hon. Lord LocIl, G.C.B ., G. C. M. G. Sir JOHN FURLEY. Lieut.-Gen. Sir CHARLES WARREN, RE.} G.C.M.G., R .C.B. General Sir GEORGE WILLIS, G.C.B. Sir ANDREW FAIRBAIRN. The Lord MOSTYN.
Colollel C. ,Yo B. BOWDLER. Captain Count GLEICDE~ (Grenadier Guards). Ma.jor-General ir OWEN T. BUI: TE, G.C. I.E. , K.C . . 1. , ir GEOnGE IL\YTEIt UII1JBB. it \YILLLU,[ l.I \.cCOlm.\U, Burt., F.R.C.S.
The foll owing are the Knights of Justice: H.R.H. The Reigning Duke of ,'AXP. COBUItG
certain Executive Officers; the
®fficiating (GnapIa[m),
j1G?'e J'
GOTIIA (Duke of Ellinburgh), K.G. H.R.H. The Duke of C"Dfl3ltID(1J'~, K. . R,RH. Prince OJ[lUHTL\X UF '-\CHLE""-WAND
K.8., G. '.13.
B,RH. Prince On \IlLE~ OF D I' X:I[ \ IlK. R,H. The Duke of TEGK, G. C. B. (IIO'IO"(lJ'!J 8ail~tf).
B,H. PrillCeALIJEllrOF c'ULESWIG-IIoLHTEL'. H,S.H. Prince ADOLPHUS 01<' TE( 'K. H.S.H. Prince FH.\.'\UIH 01<' TE{,K. Captain II. R. II. Prince LouIs OF B,\'1''1' I:NBERG, R. ., G.C.B. The Right Iloll. Lord LgInu. Lieut.·Ool. TllBI'E om, ,J,DIEb IIoLLAxv, C. n. MajorSir JOREPII W.\'LLI~ O'BltYEX J 10 um, Bart. The Right lIon. L01'(l LOCH,G.C. B.,n.C.M.G. O,UARLES PElIrllEJtTON CA I!TEJt, Esq. S~r JonN FURL1W (lIonOl'al'V Commander). Lieut.·Col. GOULD II UNTE fl- IV EHTO N( IIonom?'V Oommmulc1') . Th eR'Ight Hon. Lord STAN'>lORE, G. '.U G. F,RANOIS ROllRln' DAVIES, EsC!. Sn BRoOJ~ KAY Bart S' , . tTFiOMAS NOlnll DICK-LAUDER Bart. [aJor Sir AnCIlIllALD LAMB Bart: General S·· R ' l! ENlty CUARLES BAHNSTO D AUBENEY, G O. B. (!Imw1'a1'!J Oommande1') 1 CoIonel Sir II TheR' EIlBJ~ltT C. PIn-mOTT, BaIt. Ight Hon. Earl FEIUtERi-;. RUPERT OAR T,1 GE ADoa J! llANOIS DALLAS, Esq. ORGE PALMER, Esq.
WAKE:lIAX, E [1-> M.A. GrLDI':A, C.B. IIwmv JOll~ LOFTUH, Escl. Rl('ILU\D REYXOLll. ROWE, E "1, , ir E. VIcTon L. HOVLTOX, G. '.:JLG olouel Ill;;THl~L 1 \HTI~ DAWES. The Right 1-1011. LOllI A;\[lIEllST OF HAOK~-EY. Lie\lt.-(~ellcral,'i\' 'll\ULE:' ,Y.\.RREX, R.E., (;.C . .\LG., 1\.<-,.13. 'olond J A)H;~ CJo;('Il. DALTOS, RA. Major A YL~lElt GOULD II u;:.< rEn- 'YESTO.', R E. The Right HOll. Earl EGEnTo~ OF 'rATTON. ColOl~el The Right Ilon. Lonl WILLIAM CECIL. E])WfS FI:W'ilIFlELIl, ES(h LL. D. Hi · Grace The Duke of FIFE, 1\. T. The High t lIon. Lord Bn ,\SSEY, K C. B. Rir FJU.•'LI:-; GELlIWE l\L\X:-UXC,ILDI BOILEAU, Bart. The Right lIoll. YiSCOUllt TE\!PLETOWN. The Right lIOll. Earl A\lUEltST. The Right lIon. LOI'(l lI K'~xmEr. . Th e Right lI Oll. ViS(,Ollut ENVT. FORD, 'olo11el
R. l\I\.eLI'; \X ~L\cL(c.\x, 1£8([. Ciellcrnl 'il' GYWIWE ,VILLI~ , ~. C. D. A IlI'UUr.. l!'n,·\:--cIS GREHII.D[ LEYE. Oi Gowfm, Esq. Maj or F. A. lIgYGAT I, LA;\[BERT. olonel IIAHLl;;H 'WYNDHAM Ium:AY, M.P. The Hight lIon. the Earl of RA TFURLY, K.C.M.G. The Righ t non orc1 SA n I1UnST, G. C. 1. E. ir HEXllY ARTITUH BL.\KE, G.C.M.G. Captain Hir ALFHED JEl'IlSOi , RN. 'apt!1in J.\'l'IT .\N tEL c: mORClE PIIILrP .
Full information as to the work of the St. John Ambulance Associat ion , and its Br anches, can be obtained on application t o the Chief Secr etary, St . John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C. , by whom copies of printed papers will be supplied in reasonable numbers without charge, on Refer ence Nurn bers or Letters as follow being quoted. Reference. Pamphlet 57B.
Formation of Centres .
Formation of Classe in connexion with Centres Pamphlet
Paper 74.
Invalid Transport Corps (Head-quarters)
Paper A.
St. John's House, Worcester (for practical instruction in District Nursing, &c.).
Paper 73.
Syllabus of Instruction-Junior Course
Paper 40.
First Aid Course
Nursing Course " " Hygiene Course " " Regulations for the cond uct of Examinations
Paper 58. Paper 60. Paper 85. Paper 80. ~.
Medallion and Re-examination Regulations .
Paper 62.
Pocket Certificates General Regulations, St. John Ambulance Brigade .
Paper 56. Ref. Let. ~1898
Explanatory Instructions for Forming Ambulance and Nursing Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade
Pamph. H~1898
Price Lists of all articles sold by the Stores Department, with particulars and estimates for Horse Ambulance Oarriages, Litters, Stretchers, &c., can also be obtained.
RE PORT FOR r897 -98.
g 1898.
Arm and other Badges .
301111 Rmbtlla11ce Bssociation.
has the lleasllre to report a continued record £' proO"re and activity. While this report wa.' in pro.' the announcement wa. lllade amongst the .T ew <1,1"8 cli!-;tribll tion of Hon U1'" that Her hlaje ty the Oueen, the ~'ov l' ign Head and atron of the Order, hnll been graciously llC't ocl to confor th 1i tinction of Knio'hthoocl on Mr. John 8\1l'10y, forlll rly Director of the Ambulance Depmtlll nt, Honon ry Director of ~ 'tore, and Deputy -Chairman of th ). 't. John Amlmlan e 1~ S 0 iation (the Ambulnnco Departlll nt of th' Order), of 'which he was one of the original founel 1'. . The servico' of 'ir John Furley, one of the 0lele t Knight of Ju tice in the Ordor, an 1 a life memb r-honori' ca·u (2-of the Centra'! Executive 1 0111m i Lto ,as a Commi 'ioner [or ~ick and Wounded in War c1urin o ' fivc campaign t nd hi equally z alous labours in timo of pence for n n,1'1y forty y tu'S in the promotion of what i.' known a th H.ed ro ' InOY mont hav render d his rcputn.tion Europoan, whilo the invalul1,ble timulu 'ivon to the Ambulance D pal'tmont by hi oxperi n c, I cially in conncxion with the inv ntion anI manufactur of material, can never be too highly ,timn.t d. This recognition of 'ir John Furlcy" life work has, thorefor , afforded tho utnlO t ati fa tion to his confl'eres in tho Ordor, a w II as amon o' t fiJI tho 0, both o~ the Oontinont and at hom, who havo be n a 0 iated ,yith hun in tho fnl'thel'anco of a gr at national and humani tarian EXEC'C"TI \ rE
work which had received scant public attention before the institution of the Convention of Geneva. The extended period for which Colonel ir Edward Thackeray, R.E., K.C.B., IT. Qt., had consented to remain in office having expiTed, H.R.H. the Prince of ,Yales has appointed Colonel C. BowdleI' to the office of Commissioner, the vacancy in No. I. District thereby caused being filled up by the nomination of Inspector-General Belgrave Ninnis, R.N., M.D., as DeputyCommissioner. His Royal Highness has also nominated Assistant-Oommissioner Chas. H. Milburn, M.B, a Acting Deputy-Commi sioner for a new No. VI District, and 1\11'. Hamilton Gatliff' as an Assistant-Comlllis ioner. On Sir Ed·w ard Thackeray's retirement from office, the Committee desires once more to bear testimony to the able and efficient services rendered by hin1 during his tenure of the appointment of Commissioner. The increase and extension of the Brigade during the years he has been in cOlllmand afford the best proof of 1i untiring energy, and his nanle ,,,ill ever be held in grateful remenlbrance for his zealou devotion to its interests during a period of transition, the ontcOll1e of which has yet to be fully understood to be properly appreciated. The experience gained by Colon 1 BowcUer as D eputy-Comluissioner for No. I District has enabled hilll to grasp fully the bearings of many important que tions, which ari e almost daily in connexion with the practical working of so important an organisation, and this has been fully exemplified by the admirably revised edition of the Brigade Regulations, drawn up under his careful supervision, with the assistance of the Deputy-Commissioners, approved by the Central Executive Committee, and sanctioned by H.R.H. the President. These regulations have been compiled with a due reg-n,rd to the maintenance of a high, and yet not excessive, standard of efficiency, while every precaution has been taken not to unduly interfere with the eonvenienee of those who have undertaken, by the very fact of membership, to perform on occasion important public duties for the benefit of the community at large. Not less useful than the revised re<Yulations will be found an "Explanatory Pamphlet" for the information of centres and
classes contempbting the formation of corps and divisions. This has [1lso oeen written oy the Commissioner, whose report on the work of the Brigade during the past year will be found in Appendix D. This report, necessarily condense I, may appear but a bare and statistical record; but, read between the lines, it bears ample witne s to invaluable service to suffering humanity rendered by oilicers and member of all ranks, often at great personal s[1cl'itice, but full), appr ciated ~Ll1cl gratefully recogni ed at its meotin o" by the 1hnpter-General of the Order. It lllay 1)e mentioned that n, miniature of th JulJilee lIedal, granted by HoI' M:Lje 'Ly the Queen to tho 'e members who were on duty in the street of London on .Jubilee Day, 18U7, has been sanctioned, and can b obt:Linecl, by tho e entitled to it, through the propel' channel. The c1 sign for the" l'rvic 1\1 dal" has now been n,PPl'OV 'd by 1I.11.1I. the Prill 'e of \\T ale. , and the TIl' ·t awltr(l havo lH;en lllade to ~ir ,j u11n Ii-' url ')', ,'ir Herbert Perrott, Briga<lc Chief Nnperintenc1 nL 'Y . .]. -~. Brcl~' ier. 'hief-, 'lug-eon 'amllel OSLUI'll, F.RC'.S., Chicf- 'nperint ndent .J o11n Hani on Buckley, 811pel'int ' 11(1 llt-. 'e(,l'ctal'), Frank H, Turner, alHl :'uperintendent Edward H. (load ,\-ill. Among the interesLing 111 Lings of the year have been tho e at the Win<lsol' AlbcrL [ns ti tu t , nud at the Hopi tal for ,Yomen, Soho Sqlln,l'e, nt llOth of which H.n.H. Princes Chri 'tian presente(l certificate. anc1 medallions: the ame duty bein o' perforllled at the Deeside ~ ntre (Brn,emHr), und aL Go :port, by H.R.H. Princ;css Hl'l11')' of Hattenl)er<Y. The Dir ctor and o.~ai~~nan, Yi')(;ount r nut, ford, and the Depnty-Chainnan, Sll' "\ meent Bal'l'ing'to11, have aLt 1lcled mun)' 11l ting,:Lt one of which, held at Accrinoton, the btter ,ya pI' sented with a key for. the opening 0(' :L new bl1illing, c1eyoted to ambulance ,York, built by tho 1\l<1,yor at fI, cosL of .Ci,OOO, [l,ndlet to Lhe loc:al corp on nominn,l terms. Sl1l11 0(' .L1,200 ha al 0 recently been pre ented by Mr. Ed ward an for the erection of a imibr bUilding at Colne, the gooc1 exmuple set by Lnnca hire in this ~'espect Leing well worthy 0 f imi tn, Lion eJ wh re e pecially ~, the wealthy manu('actllring town of Y orkF>hire a11(l the Ildbncls. An important review of tbe N orLh-Ea t L:Lnc,1. hire cOorps a.nd divi,ions took plac in the umm 1', aL which the rdel' Was represented by, amonO'st other, th Inrque of
Breadalbane, K.G.; and efficient service was rendered by several members and nursing sister, who went on duty during the camp of the National Fire Brigade Union at Blenheim Park. But occasions of this kind are so numerous that it is only possible, from limits of space, to refer to the record in the Brigade report. The annual competitions open to the Brigade, and the contest for the Silver Challenge Shield, presen te 1 to the Railways of England and 'Va.les as a memorial of the Jubilee year, took place at the Portman Rooms, the following sUllllllary being reported : "In the Brigade Competitions Surgeon-Captain Rawnsley, A.M.S.) "and Surgeon-Oaptain Harper, V.M.S.C., were the judges. Four teams " of five men each competed (the Metropolitan Corps being represented "by East Ham Division 1; the Southern and ,Yestern district by the ",Yestgate-on-Sea Division; the Eastern and Oentral district by ",Yellingborough Corps, Headquarters Division No.2; and the North· " Western District by Preston Corps Central Division). In the H.ailway "Competition the judges were Mr. ,Villiam Collingridge, ]}I.~., and "Mr. James Cantlie, F.R.C.S. Five team8 (selected out of Sixteen) "of five men each competed-the Great Eastern Railway (who re~eived " the Silver Ohallenge Shield last year), the Great orthern RaIlway, "the Great Western Rail way, the N orth-Eastern Rail way, and the "Liverpool Overhead Railway, each sending a team. In both com· "petitions there were the same tests, viz., rescuing five persons from H a burning house and resuscitating them by Sylvester's method, " surgically treating a man suffering from certain injuries, and a:l oral and " practical examination in the treatment of specific injuries. Y~sco~l1tess "Knutsford, who was accompanied by Viscount Knutsford, chs~rlbuted " later in the day the following awards to the successful compe~Itors :"Brigade Competition: Silver Challenge Shield. and first prIze (~on· "sisting of five canteens of plate and cutlery), won by the Wellt~g· "borough Oorps team; Silver Challenge Cup, and second PrIZ~ " (consisting of five cases of carvers), won by the East Ham team."third prize (five striking clocks), won by the Preston team j and "the fourth prize (five cruet stands), won by the Westgat~.on.Sea "team. In the Railway Competition, the Silver Challenge ShIeld a~d "first prize (consisting of five marble striking docks), was :1ga(~n "awarded to tbe Great Eastern Railway team, viz., G. Keary I~ "command of the team), W. Magnus, J. Peck, R. Stiff, and S. Ashtof' "the second prize (fi ve cabinets of household tools) was won by t~e "Great Northern Railway team; the third prize (five. brass lamps)"bl~ "the N orth-Eastern Rail way team; the fourth prIze (five mal. "clocks), by the Great Western Rail way team' and the fifth pnze ) "(five casE'S of carvers), by the Liverpool Overhead Ral'1 way teaID .
11 "Badges of merit were also gained by the members of the London "Ohatham, and ~over Railway, London and North "\Yestern Railway; "and London, BrIghton, and South Coast Railway tp,ams."
The snccess of the system of "Railway entres," initiated a few yea,rs ago, and adopted by the leading 10lllpanies, has been very gratifying to the '1ommittee. The answer of nIl'. Hitchie to an enquiry in the House of COIDlllons last July, that the number of railwn.y servant. kill d in 1 94 wa 473' in 1895 , 430: in Ie 96, -:b-:b4: an 1 in 1807, ,'501; n.nd the returns in the Parliamentary Blue-Look of the accidents-e pecially in shuntin a operations-in the la t-nn.mecl year, proye the ab olute necessit}~ both for tho benefit of the trn.y lling public, and for the well-beillg of the mon, of n, knmdedae of how to render fir t aid. Some n,clmirn,ble remark on thi h ead were made in a leadina article in tho Tim.£~ of J nne Hh la .. t, pointin o. out the excellel1~ results which havo follow (1 the ffo1't of th Onler in this direction ; and it i ati 'En,dory to ob e1'Y th ncouragement given by the 10lllpanie th 111 'c!Yc ', a', for in tance, aft l' the recent accident at L ylallfl, n al' Pre ton, \"h 11 the Lanca hire and Yorkshire Rai.lway C lllpn.ny prcsented ilYe1' medal to the members of the rio·<."de who had been of ervice, antI ag'ain n.fter the ,Yellillguorongh disa't 1', wh 11 the Director of th; Midland Railway fOl'wanlCLI n. clOll<.1.tion .£:20 to th local Corp, which had renc1el'cfl the ]))0 ,t prompt awl eficctive aid.
The Organi ing 10mmi ionel', 'urgeon-.Maj or Hutton, report
DI~'TRICT '.-It is gratifying to state that
,,~m. ula?ce .wor~ m the iron milling and colliery districts everywhere " amtams Its mterest. In August last I inspected 548 men and ± "M.?;en who had qualified in -fi rst aid and home llursino- in the
"HI dlesboro' and Cleveland district. The inspection took ~lace at "Y ll\to n. Hall, the residence of ir Joseph Pease Bart. in North "h or {ShIre. The pa.rade was organised by Mr. 'Yay'n m an Dixon who as eVer b " , :' J. Pea een a.ctlve m oU! work.. At the c1o~e of the inspection ir "Oh . se, who IS a Jarge Iron mme alld collIery OWller, as well as "a aIrman of the North Eastern Railway Company, said' it had been "a!~e~t pleasure to see them there. Their exertions on behalf of "wI' ~ ance work. rendered less dangerous in their effects the accidents "hr lIe hoccurred m the dangerous trades of the district, because they "D~t~g t {rom}Jt and sympathetic and valuable aid to the injured. e ors lad told him that the patients they received now suffering
12 " from accidents were brought to them in a be~ter c?ndition, and many "were saved even from decdh by the excellent way 'Ln wh~ch the patients were " given first aid. He was especially pleased to see the ladies who were " taking an interest in nursing and first aid. ' "Another gathering which I attended WI1,S at Basford. The men " belonged to the Nottingham Oollieries of ~ir Oharles Seely, Bart.; and "Oolonel Sir Herbert Perrott, Bart., the Ohlef Secretary of the St. John "Ambulance Association, was the inspecting officer, who said 'that " during his career he had had the advantage of witnessing many such " parades as that, but on no occasion had he been more satisfied than " he had been that afternoon. He emphasised the importance' of men " acquiring ambulance training, and acknowledged on behalf of the St. " John Ambulance Oommittee, the services of the m edical gentlemen "associated with the work, especially referring to Dr. Neilson, the "instructor of the men.' " The competition of the men employed by Messrs. Bell Brothers, in "their extensive collieries in the OOllnty of Durham was held in the "Town Hall, at Durham, on January 15th. This is now an annual " gathering for the Silk Banner. 'There was a considerable gathering of "the men, and the drill was exceedingly well done, and the compebition "very keen, the winning team only being v ery few marks in advance. "I found as judge it required great care and vigilance during the " various drills, so as to be fair in the award. "POLICE.-The police all over the country continue to take great "interest in ambulance work. Recently (February) I drilled 75 men "of the South Shields Borough, and River Tyne Police in the. volu~teer "artillery drill hall at South Shields, who showed an mtelhgent "aptitude for the work, many members of this force had rendered " excellen t service in afr'ordin 0' first aid to in i ured and sick persons. "The Lancashire Oounty Police number 1 G28 men and 1270 of th~se " hold St. John Ambulance Certificates. Oolonel Moorso111, the Oluef " Oonstable, reports to me that ambulance work is encouraged in the " force, its great use being shown on many occasions." "HORSE A~IBULA TOE SERVICE.-The horse ambulance service. in " various parts of the country has done a greed:' amount of g~ocl se~'vlce. "In Birkenheacl tIle ambulance waO'on is kept at the .FIre Brigade " station, and the' SuperinteJldent repo~ts 'the Fire Brigade has l'eceiv~cl "in 1898, 390 calls, all of which have been responded to, and.1ci "addition, 32 cases were attended at the sLatioll. The time occur:l "journeying has been 266 hours and 42 minutes, or an average 0 . "minutes and 2 secon(ls per journey; the distance travelled belD,g " 1,165 miles, or an average of 2-1%- miles per journey. This work l~ (( still increasing owing to the pu blic recognising the advantages l~ "obtaining the services of the horse ambulances. The 390 ca J "included injuries of various kinds, 63 being fractures of the legs an " arms. The cases carried numbered altogether 435, the discrep~ncfs "bet""een the number of calls and the number of cases attencle , "accounted for by the fact that in several instances more thba~ Ol~: " patient was attended to under the same call. The horse am u an
13 "at t,be Jorthern Hospital at Liverpool, was out 949 times, and was "of the greatest use in cases of severe accidents. In smaller towns "like Wcllingborough, orthampton, York, and in country districts "like the Isle of "Wight, the horse ambulances continue to do a vast "amount of good work, which is highly appreciated, both by the public "and the profession, proving in the most forcible way that the "work of the 't. John Ambulance A sociation is a national life brigade "on land, as the Royal National Life Boat Institution is a life brigade "by the sea.' " AMBULANCE 'YORK TO EAME .-" Every effort ha been made by "me during the past year to make the work known to seamen. "Recently I examined classes at the 'eamen's Institute at Middle boro"on-Tees, and al 0 on board th training ship Wellesley, on the Tyne, "a noble in'titution for th training ot' bo) s for the sea, capable of "accommodating some 300 juv nile inmate, and founded SGme 30 "years ago by J ames Hall, E q., J,P" of Tynemo uth. In the TVorlcl of "Waters, the journal of the Missions to 'eamen, for January, it is "stated-' thanks to the encouragement given by the Trinity House, "many lightshipme n bave qualified themselves in rendering first aid to "theinjllred, 0 as to be awarded ambulance certificate. It is a real "work of lllercy to thu qualify oneself for helping a shipmate in "difficulties.' " RAILWAY Al\IDULA CE.-" The work on railway has been well "maintained during the past year. The North Eastern Rail way "Oompany alone, since the formation of their entre in 1 95, ha\'ing "passed 2,050 men, G03 of whom have qualified after pa sing two "re-examination ~ for the medallion. 'oon they will have no le ~s than "170 fully equipped ambulance stations over their system. According "to the last available return, the number of railway servants who met "with their cleath ill a sinO'le y ar was 5-17 to sav nothinO' of 7 14 " h ;-:, ' J b , W 0 were 11101' or less seriously injured. The majority of these ca es "occur during shuntil1g and coupling operation, as is shown by the "fact that one in every tw Iv shunters is injured dUl'inO' the twelve ;: ~ont~ls, while in regard to brakesmen and goods gual'ds,Othe propor"tlO n IS one in fifteen. Oonsiderable discussion has been goi!:1 g on "about the, heavy loss of life and serious non-fa,tal accitl nts that take placeon rmlwaysamonbO' this classof s rvants and the Local Government "B oare1recently sent ont an official (1\11'. Hopwood) ' to inquire into the cc system pUl'su eJ. in America an 1 allada. onsiderable progress has ,,~een made with automatic coupling in America, with the 1'C ult that in CC' 97, there were 219 less m n killed, and 4,99-1 less men injured than "Il~ 1893. In Canada the rail way companies were so impresseJ. with the "a vdaputages of the system that bothon the Grand Trunkand th Oanadian " an 1 a?l'fi c.Rvailways these couplings were employed wholesale without ,,~ny eglslatlOn to enforce it. The railway companies in the United King;, o~a~'edOllbtless fully ali ve to their own in terests and that of their men~ an Will do all they can to effect improvements that will not only Ie sen C(
14 "accidents, but also considerably reduce eXl?ense in working, It must "however be rE::mem bered that whatever IS done, casualties amon " railway servants in the perfo:mance of their duties must continue t~ "occur, and hence the necessIty for a good ambulance service easily "available over the whole railway system of the country " '
" HOllIE HYGIENE.-The course of instruction in Home Hygiene has "engaged my attention, and I have endeavoured to make it known every"where, In a paper I read, as delegate from the St_ John Ambulance " ~ssociation, atthe ~ongress~ftheSanitar~ Institu,te held at Birmingham " m September I saId, 'by thIS course of mstructlOn on Home Hygiene " it is hoped to establish classes on similar lines to the first aid and "nursing classes, so as to diffuse a practical knowledge of sanitary "science and the laws of health, which will enable those acquiring it to "keep their bodies and homes in a healthy condition, thereby tending " to check the occurrence and spread of disease, It is hoped to carry "the classes not only into our large cities and towns, but also what is "most desirable, into our villages and among our rural population " generally, ·W ithin the last few years local government in Counties "has entered on new lines, and we now have County Councils, and "District and Parish Councils, and it is thought that by means of " instruction in Home Hygiene, a better knowledge of sanitary matters "will be diffused both among these public bodies, and the rural "population, In the discussion that is now going on about the treat" ment of consumption and other tuberculous diseases, there can be no " doubt that this instruction will be of good service, The Times in a "leading article of N ovem ber 17th, 189 , said, the control of tuber" culosis in all its forms will be more effectually brought about by the " exercise of proper care in our households than in anything else-light " - ventilation - drainage - water supply, &c" &c, It is precis~ly " this knowledge the St, John Ambulance Association is enc1eavounng "to effect by its course of instruction in Home Hygiene, and ~he "Association looks confidently forward by its wide and extenSIVe "organization all over the country to spread the system of Ho:n e " Hygiene far and wide to every village in the Kingdom, and to brlllg "the knowledge of its utility and its application within the rang~ of the (( whole community, By this means also we shall doubtless assls~ C?ll" siderably the efforts that are being made by the Nation al A')socI,atJOll "for the prevention of consumption and other forms of tuberculosIs."
In March, 189 , notice was drawn by an old member of the Examining I 'taft' and member of the Committee to the fi~ld of usefulness which lay open to the Association in calling public attention, through the agency of its InanuaJs and classes, t.o the steps which Inight be tak.en for the prevention n,nd exterll1-
nation of consmnption and other forms of tuberculous disea e and of typhoid fovel'. The suggestions suLmitted by the nlCmber refel'1'ecl to-Dr, C. Ihilds-w re considered by a Medical 'ubCommittee, n,nd, havin rr been approved, hav b en i sued in pamphlet forlll alrea ly in lllany thou ands, and it is intended to include one ill future in every copy of the nursing course textbook. The wiele publio i\'ttention which ha.' recently been attracted to this important suLject, n,nd the int l' 't taken in it by H.R.H. the Prince of 'Val .. , who pre ided oyer a llleetina of eminent medical 111 11, h lel (\'t lIarlLoroncr h House, to advocate steps for the o'cnel'al adoption of 11'eYentitive measures, rend r it satisfactory to the OlIllUitt \, to ha\e Le 11 able to a si t, in howevel' small n, c1e cJ'ree, n, lllovelllen L for the alleviation of so terri11e it s('ol11'ge. The rccognition of Sir .J ohn Fnrl 'y'o servic s on,lls to I' III lllurance n. n a ll] - that 0(' th L.t l lam ntecl olonel Ii l'anci Duncan, C.R, :\1.1'. -whioh will nl way be a \ 'ociaLe 1 ,,·ith his by tho.'e who 1'011101nL l' tIl , ini tintion and 'stnLlishment of the t. .John AllllJulnllce . A. 'su 'intion, which owed. 0 Illuch to 1010nel Duncan's inspirin o . eloquen " and d yoted ex l'tion. It i O'ratifying to th e COllllllitt e to l' 'pent that after un xp 'L d difticulties and delays, for which it is not l'e8pOn illle, it ha, 1) n fortunn,te in securing for the "J) K '.\ ~ MEMO IUAL STATlO ~ throllD'h the . ' kindnes ' nn(1 sympathy of the H dol', the Hev. J. H, l)ennington, ~I.A.,-olle of t.h 1110 t ligiblc . it. s in London, in Lhe churchyard of I't. UIOlll cnt Dane ', ~ 'Lntncl, wh l' , Ly (b.y, n,n (,?nz)lo!Je of the A ociatlOn is pOrllli.l,n nLIyon cluty, and night w 1'1 - i Yohmtal'ily undertaken 1y mem 1)ors of tIl Brigade. The .Ll1tion i, a ",ery handsomc stnwtur , painted whit, l'eli ved Ly bln,]- lin , ~ell worthy ot' the honour d na111e it Leal'S, n,nd its )'a78012 cl'eire III one of the most crowded th l' urrhfare of th I tl'opoli has ~ee~ ah'cady more than am ply j ustifie 1, e 'I ecin11y dm'ina the roplCal hcn,t of the last SUllllll r in a lllann l' that mu t be solacing to the family of one who'loved the Order 0 well, and w~oso J~ss ,is still 0 deeply dCIIOl'ecl. ,The s~lllllar station at 'T . .P UL'::;, l'ectecl by the liberality of DI. Edwlll Freshfield, has Leen not less U' ful than in former years" D' h U1'll1g t e twelve months J02 cases have been treated, maklllg a total of 2,296 sincc it wn,s opened. T
16 The same satisfactory reports continue to be received from St. John's House at ,V Ol'cester, where certificated pupils are permitted to go through a course of District Nursing, and the (( Fourteenth Annual Report" has lately been received from the Richmond Nursing Guild, which is associated 'with the local centre, though not connected with the Brigade, and which performs ~very useful and beneficent work among the sick poor, there being a large increase this year in the number of cases visited. THE IKV ALID TRAXSPORT CORP. '.-The work of thi department continue to make good proo-res , the numbcr of l'el1lo"al made during the past year beinD' 59, a against 710 in the previous year-an increase of 149 ca e. The horse , carriages, and wagons have again been used in connexion with the principal public duties undertaken by the Metropolitan orp', St. John Ambulance Brigade. A large numuer of recommended ca es have, as in past years, been renloved at reduced fees and gratuitously. Amongst the most ilnportant remoYfils carried out may be mentioned the following, viz.: London to Oswe try, Plymouth, Stone (neal' Stafford), Great Yannouth, Kirkheaton (Huddersfield), Belfast, Torquay, and Tayport ; Halesworth (Suffolk) to vVeymouth; and Tintagel (Cornwall) to Bexhill-on-Sea, vVork in the Canadian Dorninion, in the Australian find other Colonies, and e pecially in I ew Zealand, where the GoYe1'llor, the Earl of Ranfurly, a Knight of .J u. tice in the Order, is indefatigable in visiting Centres and opening Branches, continues to flourish, although a serious loss has b en ustained H,t Christchurch by the lalnented death of Dr. W. E. Hacon, Honorary Associate of the Order. In 'outh Africa, at the fifth annual general Ineeting of the Association of Mine Managers, in the Chamber of Mines , Johannesburg', the resident, Mr. J. H. Johns, made the following very practical remarks, whi h are worthy . of attention from not a few mine managers nearer home:"I am glau to be able to state that greater interest than formerly is being " taken bythewhite employes on our mines in lectures given bythele.ct~IJI; " of the St. John Ambulance Association on c First Aid to the IDJuI.e . " It is a matter of great importance that every white man on .our mJD~S " should be able to give first aid to the injured, more especIally a~!u " the mines, every miner bas a number of natives in his charge, an IS, " in a great measure, held responsible for their safety by the Govern·
17 "ment. A very elementary knowledge of how to render first aid is "often sl:fficient to ~ave a man's life, especially if he be inj ured in a c, deep mine some dIstance frum the shaft, or is in a position from "which he cannot be quickly extricated. Every member of the asso"ciation should consider it a duty he owes to those in his employ to "foster the growing interest in this subject." ~Ir. Johns' remarks
are emphasised by the following paragraph in the Johan ne uw/or; Stmnlarcl of July th:"A serious accitlent, which fortunately up to the time of writinO' has "been un~ttend~cl witrr loss of life, took place at No. 1 Shalt, De "Beers Mine, tillS afternoon (June 7th). As a caO'e containinO' twenty "mtives was descending the shaft, the engine-drivoer owinO' toO some at " present unexplain ed cause, lost control of it, and it' fell t~':> the bottom " with tremendous force, the impact severely injurinO' all the occupants " of the cage. First aid to the wounded was immecUately rendered by "men belonging to the , t. John Ambulance Association and as :: rapidly as possible t~l~ natives were conveyed to the surf~ce, where many medlcal practttlOn 1'S were waiting to attend them. Several "had to have limbs amputated."
Many similar ca e.. are recor 1 1 in the local reports, both of the Association n,nc1 Brio'n,de, in the Appen Ii e ; and on several occasions Intely the Royal Humane 'ociety has granted handsome testimonials to certificn.t d I npils f the t. John Ambulance Association, who, on w ll-anthenticatec1 evidence , have saved life by mea.ns of artificial respiration. The Sessional is ue of certIficate ha been:Fir t Aid, 1ale ............... 19,742 ,635 Ditto, F male ............ Nursing, 1ale .............. 2-:b6 itto, Female............ 4,153 Hygiene ........................ 51 making a grand total to date of 4 4,951.
5-t,799 medallions have been i sued to 1ichaelmas, 1898. STORES
DEPARl'ME T.-Principal sales for the year : -
4 Ambulance CaniaO'es. 50 "Ashford" Littel'°nnder-cal'l'iarres (improved pattol'll) 224 A b '0 <. m ulance Stretchers (" Ft£1'lcy " iml)1'Oved 11attcrn)
120· 72 DItto Ditto
" "
Ditto " 97 Canvas Covers for Litters. 19 Hoods and Aprons for Litters.
" "
"wi~]~ Telescoplc Hn.udles. u 11t ary. ".J.u.I "Police. B
18 35 535 707 2 410 149 62 10,265 41,126 15,446 7,080 14, 3 3 65 19,381 3,864 4,775
Spare Canvas Dells for Stretchers. Sets of large Diagram ' (for Lecturer's use). Sets of Splints Field Tourniquets. Elastic TOlUniquets. Ambulance Hampers. Case Report Books. Plain Triangular Bandages. Illustrated Triangular Bandages (after Esmarch). Roller Bandages. Pocket" Aides Memoire" in linen lined envelopes. Small Anatomical Diagrams. Electrotypes. Arm Bauges. Specimen Examination Paper. Dr. Hey's Poison Cards. BOOKS. 49,942 Shepherd's" First Aiel to the Injured.". ." 1 0 484 CosQ'rave's "Hints anLl Helps for Home N urslDg and Hyglene. o W 1 " 3' 508 :Martin's" Questions and Answers upon Ambulance 01':;:. , 644 Martin's" Questions and Answers upon Nnr~il1g." 148 Pye's "Elementary Banuaging and urgical dressing." 1 9 Esmarch's "First Aid to the Injured" (tran lated by H.R.II. Princess Christian) . 1,033 Drill :Mannali':. 47 Havresacs. 187 Bandage Roller :ilfachines. 113 Stationery (boxes of).
The services of distinguished ltmlmlance workors hltvo l'ecently been recognised by Her :M ajesty the Queen, on the recommendation of H.R.H. the Prince of '\Vales (Grand Prior), ana the Chapter, by the following admissions to the Order:AsKnight. . of Grewe. ,\Nm. Hammerton J alland, Esq., F.R.C.S. John Geo. Swan, Esq. Ephraim MacDowel Cosgnwe, Esq., M.D.
As Honor'aT,!) A.',ociates. The Honble. F. W. Borden. Surgeon-Lieut.-Colonel T. R. Hoddick. Lieut.-Colonel J. Bayno MacLean. Lieut.-Colonel W. B. Allin, RA.M.C. A. A. G. Dickey, Esq., M.D. John Brown, Esq., L.RC.P. Captain F. T. Webb.
19 O. J. Snthcrlm1d, Esq., ~r. n. 'V. H. Irvin ollors, Es'l., l\1.R.C .. '. Oolonel J. L. :N ott~r, M.D., R.A.~I.C. On,ptain H. M. :.\1001' ·om. Mr . A1£r c1 Pltin . G. Trew CEtttll, Escl-, ~r.D. F. 'V. Orel, E 'q., L.Re. p. Rev. T. B .• itophonson, D.D., LL.D.
As IIol1()}'u)'!) '1p I'ving Bl'othet's. Mr. A. l\f. Hart. Ur. ,John H. I urrow . . Mr. James Page.
As IIuilol'(l1'i}
Mrs. 111 umb),. Miss,J. "'1. l\Imln. Special SCITic , hayc a1. 0 hoen rocognis d Ly the :1ward of "Vellum Votes" to the following :_
Dr. Charlo.
Diekson ( rtn:1(lian ontre ). Miss 1\1. lIIol'ton (;.J () L/-. Di. tri t, Met. en tre). Mrs. Elizn,b th M. Brower (Hull). Max ClarJ-o, l'.;.'q., .\.H.l.lL\. (T.Jondon). Arthur .JI. Crouch 1', Eo q. (IllYorc:1l'(rill, )1".2.) Mrs. A. ,J. Fail'l'io (Li" rpool). Oeo. ~J ackenzio, Escl. (P l'th, N.B.) The facts ])Jontionoel in a reIort of thi. natur, rebtino' to an institution with .'0 Tnftny l'tunificEttions a the 111bulance Department of the Order of' 't. ,John, mUlot, without undue length, refor to l1lEtny su Lj ect. which, nev rthelo ,Etl' almo t of absorbing iutor st. If puLlic evidonco ·WOl'O n odod to provo th~ utility of tho t..J o11n Ambulance A ociEttion, and its e tlmaLion by puLlic bodie " it would bo 'uffici nt to point to the referenco to its work in tho oincin,l odo of H.M.' Ednc:1tion ~epartment, to its numerous classos hold in conno~-ion with the Come.Office, the London chool Board, the County Etnd Di trict ounclIs, tbe Evening ContinuEttion chools the County Constabulary ancI Boroug'll olice v , the MorcEtntile 'Marino , 01' ~ven to
20 incidents such as the permission recently granted by the Prison Commissioners for Warders to wear the Association's badge, or to the questions asked by insurance offices, with a view to the liability caused by the 'Vorlunen's Compensation Act, as to the provision at the works for rendering such aid. Such a list nlight be alnlost incle£nitely extended, but enough has been detailed to prove the reality, not less than the utility, of the Ambulance Department's work, one which aims not at going beyond its legitimate limit, but has for its only object the relief of human suffering, pending the aid of professional skill. But the success of the St. John Ambulance Association, great as it has been, and greater still as it i hoped it will be, would have been as no thing but for the cheerful and willing co-operation of hundreds? or rather of thousands, of ready colleagues, medical and lay, who have spared no labour, often at pecuniary sacrifice, to advance the interests of a movement actuated by such true philanthropy, and to all of these, ancl especially to the members of the medical profession, the best and deepest gratitude of the old Hospitaller Order will be ever due.
of tbe @rber of tbe
$1. john of Jerusalenl in JEnglanb. PARTM EN T,
Income and E[!;penditu?'e
. encletl30th Septembe1', 1898. INCOME .
Instruction and Sale of Stores-
Instruction and Sale of StoresLecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses
Gross profit on sale of stores . £3327 11
Special Honorarium and Travelling Expenses of Organizing Commissioner 200
4 10
Receipts from Centres and Detached
1318 Ii
Printing, stationery and office expenses
1023 14
217 17
Classes in respect of instruction
£60 8
o 10
- - - £ 864 13
Invalid Transport Corps-
Invalid Transport Corps.-
Expenses of remo\'al of patients, including horse hire, and travelling and incidentals
3 8
Printing, stationery and office expenses
100 11
Repairs, depreciation, and renewals of carriages and appliances
8 1
Donations and ann ual subscriptions
0 0
Carriage and freight
. £4.049
Fees for removal of patients
5 1363
3 9
2 7
St. John Ambulance BrigadeSt. John Ambulance Brigade
Public duty and maintenance of stations 261 14 11 Salaries
Travelling expenses
151 19
Office and inciuental expenses
58 11
Duncan Memonal FUllllProportion of contribution applied towards maintenance of stations
Repairs, depreciation, and renewals of carriages and appliances
/ 1209
Special Competitions .
1612 19 6
fthe Grand We have examined the books and vouchers of the Ambulance Depal't~nen~ ~ ct Th~ Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended September 30th last IS COlle . therein.
3rd J anuary, 1899,
7 10416
78 10
£10,416 6 4
142 19 11
Balance (being surplus on the year)
78 10
6 4
of the Has .t 1 f a 0 St. J olm of J erm;alem III England, and certify that the above ela Income and EXl)enoiture Account of t1le Order, and is incorporated
~rt of the Gen
, .
$1. lobn Bmbulance Bssociation. SUBSCRIBERS,
1897- 1898.
(Received at Central Office only, and not including tho e received by Local IIOllOrul'Y ecretaries of Centre ).
A Donation of Five Pounds and lljJu:an!s constitutes a Life Jl1cmbcr. An Annual Suoscription of Five Shillings antl upwards constitutes a/~ Annnal AIemlJe1·. An Asterisk (*) sigllifie all Annual uuscriber. Anglesey, Marquess of Andoyer Technical EducatlOn Committee Bell, Bros., Limited * Benecke, Miss A. :;\1. * Blackmore, liss :F. J . * Bradford, Miss E. A . * Bridges, Miss P. II. * Capel, Mr. Frank C. * CalT-Dyer, Mrs. Cattell, Dr. G. Trew * Ceely, Miss . . Chestnut, Dl·. J., a11<.1 3 other' * Coates, Deputy I nspector General Matthew, R . . * Colfax, Mrs. Cooper, 1\1rs. D. . Cox, :Miss F. Z. R. Cuthbert Miss *Danes, . Miss ' . *DaVies, Miss Charlotte * Dixon, Miss W. A. .
*Durham College of Science Edden, Mrs. M..
o o
* Ellis, Mi .. A. :JI. Evan, 1\11'. P. J .
* EI,t'lcgh,
3 5
* E,'elegh, :JIi ' s * Frank, Dr. Philip.
5 fi 3 5 0
* Greellhol'lle, :Jli s
o o o o 3 0
1 1 1
o o o
1 1 1
5 0 5 5 5
5 0 0 110 o 5 0 500 110 o 10 0
o 10
GonIon, 1\11'. A. A.
10 10 0 5 1
Captain G. C.,
GrrgolY, Ml'. II. E. * IIaig-Browll, Rev . Dr. * IIaig-Brown, Irs. Hare, MI'. . II. * Hoarc, 1\1ajor ir O'Bryen, Bart. * Holdaway, :JIr. E. H. Hom er, R ev. H. Hospital lltnnlay Fund ... Hoste, ]\[1'. G. II .. * "In Memoria.m" J. II. P. Javal, Mr. P. ' * Kay, ir Brook, Bart. * Laird, Miss Alice M. * Leach, Mr. C. C. * Lowry, General R. 'V. , C. B. * Luby, 1\1rs.
500 1
o o
0 5 5
0 0 6
0 0 0 6 500 o 5 0 o 5 0 100 o 5 0 500 c
o 10 o 10
26 £2 2 Macleod, Dr. 11. H. 0 5 McNalty, Bgde. Surgeon, C.B. 0 5 * Maude, Miss Emily * Maw, Son and Thompson, 1 1 Iessrs. 1 1 * Maxwell, Mr. J. 0 5 Mewbl1rn, Miss E. 1 0 * Meynell, ]J 1'. G. C. 0 5 * :i'.fuspratt, Miss E. F. 0 5 * r elson, 1I1iss Anna M. H. :Torth, Lt.-Col. B. N . 5 5 * Popplewell, Major H. F. 1 1 Webb
* Mr. A. E. Fraser
2 2 0 o 10 2
* Mrs. Hatchard * Mrs. Rowley Lambert
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
* Price, Miss N . Roherts, Miss E. E. Taylor, Mr. R. * Terry, Major-General Astley * Thackeray, Col. ir E. '1'., R.E., R.C.B., F.Qt. Tosswill, 11'. R. G. D. * Touch, Mr. J. K ,Vales, Mr., M.A .. * Walters, Miss Wightwick, 1\Irs. Yate, Major A. C.. Yate, Mrs.
* Lady Priestley
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
£0 5 0 5 1 0 0 5
0 0 0 0
0 1
6 0 0
0 0
o 10 3 3 1
1 5 0 5 0 5 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
* 1111'S. W. Pitt Draffen
5 5 0
* Mrs. Fowler * r-.Irs. Stillwell Mr. YY. K. Loveless
1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 1
o 17 6 10 10 0 10 16 2
DONATIONS PER DETACIIED CLASSES. Andover Belmont Bow Road Braintree Bridge of Dee Budleigb Salterton Carmarthen . Carnarvon Chester Square
1 1 0 2
Clevedou 9 Cresswell 9 s. s. "Gothic" 6 Presteign 2 Risborough 7 South Norwood Polytechnic 6 Tralpe 3 Wellington, (Salop) .
o 18 o 10 2 211
o 17 1 17
1 1 0 1 1 0 1 18 6 1 1 0 0 8 0 1 ] 0 0 6 6 1 4 2
DONATI ONS TOWARDS MAl :TTENANCE OF STATIONS. Anonymous . Bodega Co. Cock, Mrs. L . Essex Cycling & Athletic Club Gamage Cycling Club Hamilton, Mr. J . M.
o 10 1 1 0
1 2
0 0 0 0 0 6
King, Mrs. London Exhibition , Limited Royal Agricultural Society . Royal Military Tournament. Spiers anu Pond, Limited Yorkshire Agricultural Society
5 0 5 0
Metropolitan, No. 5 District Norwood Sevenoaks
l obn Bmbulance
NOTE.-The Life }Jlembe1's attached to Centres Ct1'e not included in List.
DONATIONS PER CELTRES. Farnham Hawkshead Lymington
2 0 0 49 17 6 50 0 0 15 0 0 5 5 0 10 1 2
Dawson, Lieut.-Col. Adair, Miss H. 1\1. Dalton, Colonel J. C., R.A. Amherst of Hackney, the Rt. Hon. Lord Danheney, General 'ir H. C. E., G.C.B. Anglesey, Marclue s of Dawe., Mr. B. M. Argyll, The Yery Rev. the Dean of Dixon, Lady Barton, Mrs. Alfred DL"XOll, 1\11'. I\'aYllman Barton, :o1rs. Hope Draffen, Irs. W. Pitt Baker, Surgeoll-lIIajor F. B. Elswick Works Accident and OompenBaker, :JIrs. F. B. sation Fund Beddington, :JIl's. FerrallOschi, 1\1rs. Bedforu, Her Grace the Dllche s of Figgin , Mr. Jame Bohn, :JIr. G., c. E. Frank, Dr. Philip Bolckow, :JIr. C. F. H. J! ranks, .JIr. Cha . 'Y. Brak pear, :JIr. II. Hayward :V'reshtie1cl, Mr. Edwin, LL.D., F.S . .A. Branston, Mrs. J. G. Furley, Mr. F. IY. Breadalbane, the :\Iarq ness of, K. G. Gooch, Mr. C. F. Britten, Captain R. F., R.N. Gold 'worthy, l\Iajor-General T., M.P. Bruce, Miss Christilla 111. A. ~ordon, Mr. A. A. Bury, nIajor Gregory, 1I[r. H erbert E. Bustro , Madame de Hacon, :JIr. 'Y. K, L.R.C.P. Burnes, Mrs. Ether Hare, Mr. . H. Byron, Mr. J. L. Rani on, Dr. C. Oampbell, Hev. Olaud IIatchanl, Mrs. Frank Oampbell, 1I1rs. Hn[fh IIeap, 1\Ir. Ralph Oapel, Mr. Frank C~ IIeap, 1\11'. Ralph, junr. Oattell, Dr. G. Trew IIiUs-J ohues, General Sir J. Ohichester, the Ht. Hon. the Earl of. IIo pital , ahl1'uay Fund ~l~rke, Lieut.- Col. A., M.D., R.A.:Il.C. Javnl, 11'. P . Cremieu live, the Lady Mary ,Yilld or J ervoise, ir J ervoise Clarke, Bart. Ooates, Deputy In pcctor-Gellcrall\1.,R. J ervoise, Mr . . Clarke Ootton, Jlr. Charles J ervoise, Mi~ ' . U. Clarke Oresswell, Col. Pearsoll R. Kay, ir Brook, Bart. Orompton Oo-operativcProvident ociety, !Cemball, Gcneral ir Arnold B., R . C.B., Limited KC.S.l. Orookshank Pasha, H. E. Harry 1\1:., Leigh, tIle Rt. II on. Loru
Dallas, nIl'. Rupert C. F. DarWin, Dr . Geo . H ., M. D., F.R. O. P.
Lewey, 1\1iss Longstaff, Mr. Ll. W. Luby, 1\1rs.
·28 ~l r. F . L . L ucas, ~1 McClure, Lady McCorquodale & 00., Ltd., Messrs. :MacLean, ~1r. Robert MacLean Madan, Rev. Oauon Malden, Dr. F. J. Manley, Smgeon-General W. G. N., :rU[:. :M.axwell, Mr. J. W. Mitchell, Mr. A. O. Mitchell, M1'. John Neve, Mrs. Everard S. Newton, Major J. W . L North, Major B. M. Nugent, 1111'S. Arthur Orde, Miss E . M. Perro tt,.1.1'1 r. E . E . 'lli 1\11' • .1:1.. A Ph IpS, Priestley, Lady Reyher, Dr. Oarl (St. Petersburg) , .- 0 • R . · ~ t on, 1\1.1'. R Ivrng Roberts, General the Rt. Hon. Lord,
G.C.B. ,
'D. <C.
Rodgett, Mrs. Richard B. Rowe, Mr. Richard Reynolds, F.S.A. Sancton, ~lr. Philip Sharp, Mr. William
Sievelung, Sir E. H., F.S.A. ~ Skerritt, Mi s O. E. Steet, Mr. G. Oarrick, F.R.C.S. Stirling, Mr. John Sunderland, His Grace the Duke of, K.G. Swan, Mr. John G. Sweeting, Miss E. . Taylor, Surgeon-MaJor, M:M.D. Tomkins, Mr. Alfred SavIll Tufnell, Lieut. -001. E. Vacher, Mr. Francis, F.R.C.S. 'Waddy, Mr. H. Edward, M.R.C.S. Weston, Lieut.-Oolouel Gould H1UlterF. . A . Weston, :Mrs. Gould HunterWilliam , Oolonel R. ,Yilman, Mr. Oharles Whithard, Mr. B. M. Wighbvick, 1rs. 'Iuoollcombe, Dr. Robert Lloyd, LL.D., IV F.r. l nst., F.... , llLR.LA. Wyndham, Major G. O. Yarrow, Mrs. late, Major A. O. Yate, frs. A. O. Yate, 1ajur o. E.
HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS ( Elected in recognition oj distinguishecl se1'vices in jU1'the1'ing the objects oj the Association.)
Anurew, Mr. F. ,V., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Abbott, Mr. O. E., llLR.C.S., Eng., &c. Andrews, Ir. S., M.H.C.S. Abrahams, D. A. A. Andrews, Dr. 'William Adam, Mr. Basil J . , M.B., & CH.M. Anson, Dr. George E. (Victoria) . Arlidge, Mr. John F., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Adams, Mr. H., M.R.C.S. Armstrong, Dr. Joseph F. Adams, Mr. J., :lYLB., C.M., Edin. Arnold, Mr. E. Oharles, M.B., F.R.C.S., Adams, Mr. Matthew A., F.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. Aitken, Mr. J. R., lYLB., C.M. Alderton, Mr. H. 0 ., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.L. Arthur, Dr. Daviu Atkinson, Mr. E., M.H.C.S., L.S.A. Aldridge, Mr. N. Elliott, M.B. , C.M. Atkinson, Mr. F . E., L.R.C.P., I1LR.C.S, Alexander, Dr. S. R. Allan, Mr. O. 1., M . B. Atkinson, M1'. Robert, M.R.C.S. SA Allan, Mr. Wm., M.B., C.M., Edin. Atkinson, Mr. Thomas R., I1LR.O.S., L.• Allin, Surgeon-Major W. B., M.B., A.M.D. Audland, Ml'. vr. E., M.R.C.S. Anderson, Dr. O. M. Austin, Dr. John J. Anderson, Dr. G. E. C., (Oape Town). Averill, Dr. Oharles. .' ) lh (VlCtOl'la. Anderson,. Dr. J. W. Bage, Dr. Chas ., M.D., M e. Anderson, Mr. R. W., M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., Bagnall, Mr. W. H., L.R.C.P. (New Zealand). Baildon, Mr. F. J., M.B.
29 Bain, Dr. Baldwin) Mr. F. B. J., M.R.C.S, Baldwin, Dr. T. A. Ball, Mr. John A., M.B., M.R.C... , Eng. Banks, Mr. G., L.R.C.P., L.R. C.• Barclay, Mr. W. M., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Barlow, 1\11'. Arthur E., M.I{.C. '., Eng. Barr, Mr. G. A., IILR.C.£' Barrow,1\1r. G. A., lILR.C. '. Barter, Dr. W. Bates,1.1r. J. Curling, IILR.C.S., L.R.C.P Bauchop, Mr. W. F., 1. Jl. c.~. & P. Beardmore, Mr. G. Russell, L.R.C.p.
Bristow, Mr. W. M., M.R.C.S. Brittin, Dr. F. G. 111. Brogden, Mr. J . E. , L.R.C.p. Brook Darville, Mr., M.lLC ... , Eng. &c. Broomhead, Dr. Oha". Broughton, Mr. R. T., M.R.C.S., Eng. &c. Brown, Mr. A. T., M.B., C.M. BrolVn, 1\11'. A. Tenny'>on, 111. B., C. M. Brown, 1I1r. F. Gordon, Ln.c.s. Brown, MI'. ~. A., ;l1.H.C.R., Eng. BrOWl), Dr. J. Brown, 1\11'. J., L.n.c.H.E., &c. Brown, Mr. J. M., M.lLC. '. ~Ln.O.S. Brown,1I1r. 'Y. P., L.H.C'.l-'., &c., &c. Beasley, nIl'. James G., L.R. C.l'. Browne, }'Ir. Audrew, L.H.C . .I:'.E. Beaton, Mr. Frank, ~I. B., B. H. Browne, :JIr. H. Langley. F.R C.. Beaumont, Mr. Edgar, M.R.C ..·., JJ.R .C.l'. Bro",le, 1\11'. Rohert, F.ll.C.S.I. Becker, J\I1'. J. E. A. G., ~1.B., C.lII. Brownfield, Mr. II. M. 111. H.C.S., L.R.C.P. Beddoe, fr. T. Pugh, )I.B., Can tab. , &c. Bruce, 1\11'. Hohert, ;lI.R.C.S. Bell, Mr. O. W. J., ;lLRC.H Brunton, Dr. JO'hn Rell, Mr. J. W. ; n.M., ;If-H. Bryne, Mr. P. Ja -., L.R.C.P., L.R.C .. , Ed. Bell, llIr. ''{m., )I.R.C .. " L . . . A. Buchanan, II'. Peter, ;lLB. Beuson, Mr. A. R., F.n. ·.H .I. Buchanan, Mr. Walter, ;lI-R.C.. Bernay, Mr. H. L., ;lr.n.c. '. Buck, 11'. Oha . '\'m., "\r.R.C .. E. Beresford, Mr. R, III.R.U .. . , &c. Buist, :JIr. R ., M.n., ;lLA. Bibbings, Mr. J. R, )f.B., C.:'I1. Bull, Mr. William R., F.R.C .. , Ed. Big!!, taO'-SnrI!COIl G. 'herman 13tl11cle, .1.~[ ,v ~ 1 1'. A . , '[ _, .n., C' __ ,,1., L'i!:C. Bingham, Mr . .T ohn J., L.ll. '.1' . Bl1l'gefl. Dr. R E. Binnie, MI' Alex. B., :'I1.B. & 'II.B., Melb. Burge., 1111'. 'William M., ;l1.l1.C. Bird, Dr. Hem\". Bur t Oll, 'I 1\ 1'. . II ., P. n.c. '. Bird, Mr. IV., :'II.D. }~)uxton, .d'[ J'. El1wal'u, L.n.c.p., :\1.R.C.S., But, Mr. Geo., )1. 13 . &c. BlackblU'll, }'ll'. J., III. R. C. 0 a)II C, 11~I r. J 0 1lll, L.ILC.P. Blair, Dr. l{obcrt 0 a ff,'ill, I111 'I I r. . . 1 . , 1II. R. C. Po., Eng. Bloomfield, Mr. G., L.R.C.P., &c. (Victoria). Bloxam, Mr. J. Astley, F. R. C. . Oal \l'ell, Dr. William Blumer, MI'. W. P., F.R.C.r. 0 au tl'18, ~I.ll'. ,.- J ., F. R. C. s. ~lY~hmall, Mr. O. ., M.n.c.S. anlcw, MI'. George A., LIt.C .. E., L.S.A. BO~lington, MI'. J. D., 10. R. C.. , L.R. C. P., &c. Oarletoll, [1'. John haw, L. R.C .. r. O B tOll, Mr. R. L., L.n.c.p., L.U.C.S., &c. Oarroll, II'. Jo 'eph, ~L B., .;11., D.P.II. one, Mr. D. J. 1\L, IILB. Oar tel', nIl'. D'Arcy B., M.Re.:>., Eng. B001' Dr B ' . arter, Mr. F. II., F.R.C.S. ower, Mr. W. G., M.R.C.S. L Tl leOt1ore, i\L R. C. '. a SOl1, .ll'. B 01 lat1wick, ~I r. 0 . M., M.A., IlL li. t' . ' . Bowman, Mr. R, L.KC.p. l'adbUl'y,1I1r. J. E., L.S.A. 01 Hi fl'er , 1'I 1 1'. Ell (W(I., F.RC .. BI'a.1uley, Dr. David Mr. S. IcUillcill, IILH.C.s. hallillol', Bl'ayton Mr J G B ' ' . ., L.n.c . p., L . H.. C.S. Ohalnnan, nil'. J. M., 1I1.B. I'ayton, Mr. Thos., L.IL c. P., &c. }lar1eswor tl1, ~l'I1'. II ., 111. R. C. S.
30 Cross, Mr. A. J., M.B. Chawner, Mr. Alfred, lILR.C.S. Crossfield, Mr. A. K., L.R.C.P. Cheesewright, :M:r. J. F., lILR.C.S. Crossland, Mr. W. H. Childe, Mr. C. P., F.R.C.S. Crespi, Dr. Alfred J. H. Childs, Dr. Christopher Crump, Mr. T. G., B.A.,(Camb.)L.R.O.P.,&c, Clark, Mr. Andrew, F.R.C.. Cuffe, l1~'geon-Colonel C. McDonogh, C,B, Clark, :MI'. A. F. C., IILB., C.M. Culhane, Mr. F. J. F., M.R.C.S. Clark, Mr. M. R, L.n.c.p.E., &c. Darling, Dr. Stevenson Clarke, Mr. Albert E., lILR. C.S., Eng., Davidson, Mr. A., lILB. L.S.A. Davidson, Dr. Thomas A. Clarke, Dr. E. ,Yearne Davies, II'. Charles D., lILR.C.S., L.A. Clarke, Mr. Geo., lIl.B . Davie, Mr. David Ll., lILB. Clarke, :Mr. Thomas F ., II1.R. C.S., Eng., Davies, Dr. E. L.S.A., Lond., &c. Davies, :LIIr. Hugh E., L.R.C.P., Lon. Clarke, Dr. W. Davies, :ilIr. H. E., L. R:C.P., Lon. Clarke, Mr. W. J., J\LR.C. Davies, Dl:. idney Clayton, Mr. A. J., L.n.o.p., L.R.C,S. Davies, Mr. 'Ym. R. Dambrill, M.R.C.S. Clayton, Mr. J. S., :lLB. Clayton, Mr. William Mayne, M.L.L. Mid. Davies, Mr. 'Vm., O. " Davis, Mr. Arthur R, lILR.O.S. R.C.S . , Ire1. (Victoria). Davy, :LIIr. John, F.R.C.S. Clemen ts , Mr. R N., L. R. C.P. E. Dawson, nIl'. C., L.R.O.P., 'LIt.C.S., &c. Close, :LIll'. J., lILB. Dawson , Mr. F . ,I'. E., L.R.C.P., ~['R.C.S. Closs, Dr. J. 0., (New Zealand~. D eamer, Mr. G. E., L.n.C.p., L.R.C .. Coldstream, Dr. A. R Deane, :LIll'. John H., L.n.O.S.E., &c. Coleman, 1111'. W. W., lII.R.O.S. Denne , Mr. '1'. Y. de, L.R. . P. Collie, Dr. R J. de Beauchamp, Dennison, Ir. T. S., :lI.R.O.S.E. Collinette, 1'111'. Frank D e R enzi, 1111'. A. C., M.ll.C.S. ~LR.('.S.E ., L.R.O.P. Deven i.. h-~Ieares, Mr. A. L., M.ll.C.S, Collison, :fiIr. F . ,V. , M . B., C. M. , D'Evelyn, Ml'. A . McNeill, M.B. IILR.O.. .
Connor, Dr. amuel, lILA.O.R., I ret , MD . , :LIIelb. (Victoria). Coombs, Dr. Carey Cooper, till'. H. pencer, :lLR.C.S. C • , L.Po, . 0 • P • .1lli'. T"lT IV. Corn,va11, 1\r.. Cosgrave, Dr. E. McDowel C our t ney, D r. G . B . (")ou tt s, D r. J . A . Oox, Mr. A., "LB. Coxwell, Dr. Charles F . "vralg, . 1\1 R•0. • s , Eng • .ll r . Jas . ., 1I[ r • Cran, 11'. Alexander. 1I1.B. Uran, Dr. George Craster, :LIll'. E. E., L.n.c.p. Crease, Ur. J. Ro1Jertson, F.n.o .s . Cressey, Mr. G. J., L.Jt.l'.P., &c. Crew, :LI11'. Jno., III. H.C .S. ~ 1\1 J III l' C S L S A roc 1'1', 1. ' r. ., ., . . . , ., . . k C 1\1 H FIt " co Crop1ey, 1.' 1'. enry, . . v . ,~.
Devi , .Mr. H. F., L.ll.C.P., M.lLC.S. Dickenson, Dr. A . 1\ewtoll Dickenson, Mr. J. J., lICR.O.S. Dickey, Dr. A. A. G. Dickson,lIr. G. Cecil, M.B. Dickson, Dr. John Dunbar Dickson, 11'. G. ,1'., lI1.B. Dillon, Dr. L. Gerald. & Dilton, 1'111'. T. J., L.ILU.8.I.,L.R.C.P.L, 'c, DimlUock, Dr. A. :1". Dixon, Mr. J. F., :lLH.0.8. DoLie, Dr. ,Yilliam DOll1ville, Mr. E. J., L.R.C.P. Douglas, Ml'. Claudc,' Dove, Dr. Augustus C. Downes, Mr. M.B . Drage, Dr. Lovell, M.A. Dl'inkwater, Dr. H. Dryden, 1'.11'. 1 Jas. Hunter, L.n.c.P.
Dryland, 1'lfr. J. W., lII.R.O.S. Ferguson, 1111'. J. M., L.R.O.P. Dudgeon, 1'111'. J. He}Jburn, L.R.C.P., Finlay, Surgeon-Major W. L,R.C,S. Fisher, D r . Theodore Duggan, Mr. l\fotherwell, lII.R.O.S. Fi her, Mr. Thos., J\I.R. O.S. Duke, Surgeon-Major W. A. Fitzgerald, Dr. C. Egerton Duncan, Dr, William Flavell, Rev. Thomas Dunkley, Mr. W. W., F.R. O.P. Fleetwood, Mr. T. F., L.R.o.s., Irel. (Vict.) Dunlop, Dr. H. Fleming, Dr. A. J . Dunn, Dr. D. S. :Fleming, Dr. H. H. (Victoria). DUrllo, Dr. J ohu Fletcher, Fleet- mgeon W. Bain brigge, DlU'no, Mr. Leslie, :II. B. R. N. Durrant, Mr. T. A., J\Ln.c. s . Forbes, Mr. N, Hay, lIf.R. C.. , Eng. Dyer, Dr. Henry G. Forsyth, Dr. Robt . .A. Eades, Mr. S. 0., L. R.C . P., L.R.C. " Ed. Forsyth, Dr. R Adam Eagar, Dr. R. Fort, Mr. Thos., )1.R.C.S. Eccles, :Mr. A. ymou, :lLB. Fothergill, Dr. J. R Eccles, Mr. W. oltan, M.ll. O.S., L.. A . Fox,:ilIr. Jno.Raymonu, M.B.,l\1elb. (Vict.) Eden, Dr. R. Fox, 1\11'. 1. J., L.n.('.p., L.R.C.S. Eddowes, Sllrg-Liellt. A., M. D. }<'ranki h, Dr. J. D. Edwnnls, Mr. B. E. J., )I.B., C.)1. }<'rallks, Dr. K ondal Edwards, Dr. J. Hammerton Fra or, :Jll'. J. J .. lILR.O ... Elder, il11'. W., hH.C.P. & ~., Eclill. Frasor, Mr. John T., M.Il.C. '.E., &c. EUerton, Dr. John Fra 'er, :JIr. ,I'm. DUllca n, )LB., 0.:\1 .. Ellerton, Dr. J. F. H. ambo Elliott, Dr. Will. Hamilton Frcer, urgeon·Major E. Leeke Ellison, Mr. E. II., )['R.C.. , L.R.O.P., Fryer, Mr. John, :lLlt.C.S.E., L.S.A. L.S.A. }<'ryer, Mr. 'Ym. F., L. ILl'.P., &c. Elliston, Mr. G. ., M.ILC.S. Fullerton, Dr. F. W. Embleton, Mr. D. C., :II. Il. c., . }<'UltOll, 1\11'. T . • II., 1'11. B. Embling, 111'. II. A.: )I.R.O.P. (Victoria), Fl1lhor, Mr. George H., I.R.C. EttJes, Dr. W. :JIcOulloch :Burley, Mr. John Evans, Mr. A. II., M. n.O.,'. 11 I, .r1\1r. C. B a 1~or, )[. R.C.S. . xa) Evans, Mr. O. J., l\f. It. c., . Ga bl.u, J1\1 ' r. J . E ., M.ll . . . Eo, L.ll.O.P. Evans, Mr, E., 111.,\.., )LB., &c. Gafrney, 1\11'. Burke, L.F.R.C.. , Irel. Evans, Mr. E. B., )J.Jl.c.s., Eng. (Victoria). Evans, Dr. O. C. 1'). G an d. y, J.I1\1r. 'V , ., M. ll. O.:::;., L.:::;. A. Evans, Mr. W. G., L.n.o. p. G arc1ner, 1\;\1 1'. H . .r., l\l. B., C. lIf. (Gl as ) . Ewart, Dr. O. Theodore Gardner, Dr. H. Willoughby Ewart, Dr. J. G al'llner, urgeon R. H., M.B., A.lII.D. F GTal'ran, 1 I r. ·HT Fau'bank, Mr. 'V., J\Ln. . S. l l . A ., lIf.R.C .. Fa:~clough, Mr. T. Butler, L. R.v., Ed. Garson, Mr. J. Hill Ross, M.B., C.J\I. , Ed. Fa ner, Mr. R. G., M. n . O.. , L.RC.P.I. Gar tang, Mr. E. M., lI1.R.U.S. GascOlgne, . 1\1 E ., L. R. O.. . 1 \ r. 'I1T II. Farmer ' Mr . S., },LR.O. . . Farqllharsoll,Mr.D.p.1'.Iaclaren, I.B.,O.M. Gentles, Mr. T. L. , L.R.O.P. arrer F . , Mr. Goo. Albert, lILR.O. . netting, Mr. John ., L.R.O ... , &c. aWsltt, Mr. Thos., lILlt.C.S. Gibb, Dr. Fenoulhet, Mr. E. C., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Gibbons, Mr. F. V{., L.R.O.P.E.
Fent~~~1.D ,
}, r. {ark Anthony
Gibbs, Mr. A. N. GOllby, l\LR.O .. , L.R.C.l:'. Gibson, Mr. C. P., L.R. C.l'. '
32 Gibson, 1\1:1'. J. H., M.H.C.S.E. Hall, Dr. vVm. Gilbertson, 1111'. James Henry, M.H.C.S. Halliday, Mr. F., lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Gildea, Oolonel James Halliwell , Mr. R. N., l\I.R.C.S., Eng. Giles, JUl'. P. Broome, A.A, Oxon. H alliwell, 1\11'. T., ?If.H.C.S. Hallows, Dr. II. Pennington F.R.C.S., L.R.C.l'., &C. 'U 111 G. Gore, M.B. Hamilton, Oolonel Hans B. H. J.l r. GIon, · I tt 1\1 T D C Hammerton, Dr. J. G1m e e, J.l r. . ., M.R .. · dl 1\1 G T & Hammond, Dr. 'Vm. Gll' er, 1'. . ., L.S.A., TC.. Glen, Mr. John, l\1.D. Hampton, Dr. A. G. Goddard, nil'. O. E., lILR.C.S., Eng. Ham), II'. H. F., L.R.C.p . Godwin, Surgeon-Major 0_ R. Y. Hannah, fl'. W. T., M.B. Godfrey, Mr. A. E., lILR.C.S. Hardie, 1\11'. R., l\1.B. Gordon, Mr. 'Y. A., lII.B., C.M. Harding, Ml'. 'Y., M.n. Goudie, 1\1:1'. H., lILB., C.lII. Harris, Dr. J. B. Goulder, Mr. F. S., M.R.C ... , L.R.C.p. Harris, Mr. ,V. T., lIf.n.C.S., L.S.A. (Port Gourley,Surg. -Lt.-Ool. V. A., lIf.D. ,F. H.C.S. Elizabeth). Graham, Mr. Al'thm R., lILB. Harrison, Mr, A. VV., l\LR. C.S. Graham, Mr. G. R. 1\1., L. & L. Mid. Harrison, 1111'. E., F.R.C. K.Q,.C.P., Ire1. (Victoria). Harrison, Dr. W. A.. Graham, Mr. G. ,V., lIf.R.C.S.E. Hartley, Mr. R. 1 ., M.B., lIr.r..C.S. Gramshaw, Dr. F. S. Harvey, 1\11'. A., lILB., lIf.Jt. C.S. Grangtl r , Mr. R. E., L.R.C.P. & s. Hatton, Dr. G. Stokes Grant, Dr. Dundas, liLA. Haynes, Dr. Stanley L. Grant, 1\11'. G., LB. Healu, ilIr. G. H., lI1.1t.C.8. , Eng., &c. -H_ 0 '1' [ B H earn, lIIl'. E. Le Fann, ]II. B., Melb. Gran t , llli'. gl VIe, l\. . Gray, nIr. Alex., M.n. Heathcote, Mr. B. A., lILB .. C.lI[' Green, nIl'. William T., M.R.C.S. Hebblethwaite, Mr. H., l\I.ll.C.S., &c, Greenhalgh, Mr. A., M.R.O.S., L.P•. C.P., &c. Hedley, Dr. John Greenwood, 1\11'. A., M.R.C.S. Hellier, Dr. J. B. Greenwood, Mr. C. D., l\f.R. C.S., &c. Hepburn, Dr. 'W. A. Greenwood, 1\11'. C. S., lIf. R. C. s. Hetley, Dr. H enry Greves, Dr. E. H. Hewetsou, Mr. Richard, !If.r•. c.S. Griffin; Dr. J. (Port Elizabeth) Bewit, 11'. M., M.B., C. I. (Oape Town). 'ffi "I J nes '[ l' C SIS A Hey, Mr. O. E. Milnes, M.A., M.R.C.R., 1' 1 n,..l r, al ,., , •. . . . , ,. . . G L. R.C.p., &c. Griffiths, 1\11'. A. V., M,H.C.S. Griffiths, Mr. Francis, M.B., O.M. Heygate, Mr. F. N., l\1.11.C.S. Griffiths, M1'. Juhn S., lILR.C.S., L.R.C.l:'. Rickley, Mr. A. Mackenzie, M.R.O.S.E., Griffiths, Mr. P. Rhys, l\1.R.C.S. L.B.. C.l:'.E. Gripper, Ml'. Waltt'r, M. I-LC.S.E., M.B. Hicks, MI'. R., M.R.U.S. Grogono, Mr. W. D., M.R.C.S. Higgins, Dr. Oharles H. Grove, Dr. W. R. Hilla by, 1\1:1'. A., I,. l~. O. P., lII. R. C. s. Guthrie, Dr. J. Hindle, Mr. James, L.R.C.P., L.R.C .. Gutteridge, 1\1:r. Wilkills (Tasmania). Hodges, Mr. W., l\f.ll.U.8., Eng., &c. , Gwynn, 1\1:1'. 0., M.B. Hoffman, 1\1:1'. J. M., M.B., 0.l\1. (S. Afnca) Hacon, M1'. W. E., L.R.O.P. Hogg, Mr. A. ,V., L.ll.C.P. Hadwen, Dr. W. R. Hogg, 1\1:1'. R. H., l\L 13., lII.ll.C.S., Eng. Hall, Surgeon-Major Lees Holden, Dr. Geo. H. R. H~l1, Mr. T. Gibbon H., L.R.C.S.I. (New Holman, Mr. R., M.R.C.S. Zealand ), Holmes, Dr. W. Reid
33 Holt, Mr. R. 0., L.R.C.P. Jones, Mr. D., M.B., :.'I['S. Holtorn, :tlIr. 0., l\['R.C.S., Eng. Jones, Mr. D. Davies, :.'If.B. Holthouse, 1\11'. T. Le Gay, l\LR.C.~., Eng. Jones, Dr. D. M'. Honman, Mr. A., lI[' It. C. '. Eng. (Victoria) Jones, 1111'. Francis G., :.'II. B., C.:lI. Hopkins, I1Ir. Tho ., M.B., Bell. JOlles, Dr. G. C. Horne, Mr. Geo., M.B., ET. Cll.B. (Victoria) Jones, 1111'. Herbert, D.P.II., Cam. Horne, :fiIr. J. Fletcher, J!'.lLC.S. Jones, Mr. H. D., L.ll.C.P., L.R.C.S., Eng. Horne, Dr. T. Jones, Mr. Hugh, M.B., C.:lI., Glasgow Howard, Mr. Heaton 0., lIf. R. C. . Jones, Mr. Joseph, :lI.ll., Ch. B. Howard, nIl'. ,J., L.K.Q.C. I'., &c. Jones, Mr. J. AmalU, l\f.H.C ... E., L.R.C.P. Howard, Dr. Jas. F . Jones, 1111'. Richard,'.P. Hudson, Dr. Jones, .1Ir. Robert L., :lLR.C.S. Hudson, .JIr. H. E., lII.U.C. '. Jones, ilIr. Rowlal1(l, l\I.R.C ... . Hughes, Mr. D. Arthlll', ::II.R.l".S. .E. Jones, 1111'. H. Nelsoll, ::ILR.C.S.E.~ Hughes, ;\11'. H. G., L.ILC.P. L.n.c.p., Lond. Hughes, ;\11'. H. Lewis, F.R. ·.K, L.ILC.P., Jones, Mr. T. Reginalll, ::ILR.C .. L.S.A. Jones, Mr. W . .JIakeig, l\I.R.C. Hughes, I1Ir. Ii. L., F.l1. o. r. J one, Dr. Richart! Hughe, :J1r. H. M., :.'If.n. Jone , 1111'. ,Vest Hunt, Dr. Robert Johnson, Dr. amuel Hunter, Mr. K, L.n.C.I'. Joyn Oll, :Thlr. Geu. T.,L.F.P.s.,Glas.,L.s.A. Huuter, Dr. ,r. L. Jumeaux, ~Ir. Benjamin, :lLR.C . . Husbanrl, )11'. .T. C., '\1. It. C. H., Eng., Keith, Mr. Alexalluer Ewing, ::II. B. L.R , C,l'. , E(lill. Kelly, 1I1r. R Vanueleur, F. R.C.S. Illingworth, )11'. C. R, lILn.C.H. Kenuedy, M1'. J. W. (Xew outh Wales). Innes, Deputy- 'nrgeon-GencrnI0. A., ::I1.D. Kennedy, 1\11'. Vl., L.R.C.S.I. Inglis,;\I1'. H.1\l., ~f.B, ,::11.15. (New Zealand). Ker, 1\11'. H., F.1t-C.S. Irv~n, MI'. J. H., \f.n.c.s.,'.I. Kel'l1lJs, Mr. T. }., L.R.C.S. Il'Vlng, Dr. J. Kerr, Dr. James, M.A., Cantab. Jackson, 1\[1'. E., .\Ln .. s. Key, 1\11'. D. T. :II. H.C.S., &c. Jackson, ;\11'. Eo '., ;\!.B., C.lI1. Key, Dr. C. W . .:J100re, A.lII.D. Jackson, Depnty-S llrgeoll-GClJeral 11' Kilranolic, )lr., lII. H. ,s. E. Kilaarrifl' J Robert W.. C.B. b , -ilIl' , - , 1'1 1l. J . , F• l',. C' ' " I • ames, ~lr. P., I..I:.C.I>., &e. Kilkellv, ..:urbaeon-Oantnin lI[.... A • '1 S J ' J - , - ' - .-". , •' . " ann.le, Mr. R. W., :\l.A., :lLn., C.:lL, Ecliu. King, 1\11'. .F. Truby, lILn. Jams, Mr. J. II. E., lI1.11.C ... , M.ll.C.p. King, Mr. R T., L.n.C .. . J (New Zealand.) Kiugcombe, nIr. A. P., l\I.R.O .. . ay, Dr. Frederick :Fitzherbert King bl11'Y, Dr. Edward ~effc~at, Mr. F. H., B.A., IILB. ( ew Zeal). Kingsbmy, Mr. G., lILB. enk:"s, MI'. J. J., L.ILO.!;., L.H.C.l'. Kinnear, Mr. 'V. , lIf.B. Jenlllncrs 1\Ir• E. , 1l\[ .I-t. c .~., ' E ng., L.R.C.l'. IT' I . b' 'dll ey-1I orgall, Mr. A., :.'ILR.O. ' . (Ne\\' Zealand) Kneale, Mr. J. ·' L.n.c.I'., L. :F.P .. , &e. Johnson MI' J I (V' t .) h.ll!aht Mr . A . 0 ., T"', K \ Loud . , &c. Johnson , D· . S' 01ll 1 lC ona . .0' . ., , I ,tmue l\.ll1 aht, Dr. ,V. J. R. Johnsoli , 1I1r. T I L.R.C.P. T b Knott, rr. hades, r.n.c.p. lomas,, Johnston , Dr . J Oun 1. 1\.110tt, Dr. ,V111. Jones, Dr. A II ~ . , 1\.llowlcs, 1\11'. H., L.R.C.l'. Jones lvlr A I1 d Jones'D.' . : o~ , D.p.n., Oantab. Knyvett, Mr. H. Ferrel'S L.R.C.P. , 1. BellJall1l1l Laing. 1\11'. James T., l\[ B., B. ' T
34 Lamb, Mr. W. H., M. R.C . S. Lam bert, 1\1r. F. S., l\I, R. C.S., Eng. Lansdown, Dr. R. G. Poole Lantour, Mr. H. A. de. M. R . C,S. (N.Z, ) Laurie, Dr. R Laurie, Mr. Caspar R., M. R, C. S., Eng., L.R. C.P., L . S. A .
Mackinlay, Mr. James R, LR.C.s. MacKnight, Mr. Chas. C., l\I.B.,ET.,CH,i\!, Glas. (Victoria). Uaclean, Mr. E. J., M. B. MacLcod, Dr. R A. (New Zealand) Uacneilage, Mr. D., L.R. C.P. Mac1\idder, Mr. James, ~1.B., C.M Madderer, Dr. John C. MalcolU1, Mr. Chas., L. R.C.P. ,Malpas, Ir, J., ~1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Manley, Mr. H., M.R.C " , Manners, ~lr, 'Vm. Hy., :If.B,, C.M, Manning, Mr. Leslie S., ~I. B. Mantle, Dr. Alfred Mal'l'iott, Mr. C. \\T" :lLR,C.S. :JIarriott, Dr, O. D. Marsh, Mr. F" F.R.C.R. Marsh, !Ill'. J. J., L.R.C. P., L.l~,C.S, Marshall, Mr, G" L , R.C,P, Marl>hall, lUr. J. J. de Zouche, L.R,C,S,!., L,A ,n. , Dub. Martin, Dr. C. M. Martin, Dr, Albert Martin, Mr. J., F.R.C.S. :lIIartin, 1\11'. J. :Jr. H., :.'II.H,O.S. Martin, Dr. J. ,y, Martin, Mr. . E., M.ll.C.S. Mas, ur, Mr. II. C. p" L.n.C,p. Matthews, 11', C. E., L,R.(',P., )LR,C, , Matthe\ys, Mr. Valentine, lILn.(',S. May, Ur. Thomas F. Maynanl,Dr. J. Clark on MCAdam, Dr. Robt. lIcAldowie, Dr. Alex. M. McCarthy, 11'. Justin McC" ?>f.R.("S, McCullagh. Mr. John, L.R.C.S,I, McDonald, Dr. Geo. Bmce McDougall, Mr, Finley, F, H"C,S,E., L.R,C,P. 1\lcGachen, Mr. F. ,V. D., L.S.A l\1cGregor, 1\11'. J.,,C.S., I,.R,C,P, McJanet, Mr. F . M" M.B" C.M" Glas, McKenzie, Dr. A. McKisack, Dr. H. J . McLarell, Mr. J. T., M.B., &c, McLean , Dr. C. J. Russell McNalty, Lt. -Ool. Geo. W., lILD, Balllg"
Lavies, Mr. Harry, ~LR.O.S . , Eng, Leary, Dr. Edward G, Leash, Mr. J. T" l\I. B. Le Cronier, Dr. Hardwicke Lee, n1r. B. J., L.S.A. Lee, Mr. Edwin, M. R.C.S.E . Lee~, Mr. IV., ~1.R,C.S. Legat, Dr. Andrew Leitch, 11'. 'Y. C" L.F, p , s. Lemarchaud, Mr. A. ,y" :.'II. Ie. c, s. E., L. R C.P " Lond. Lennox, Dr. David Leslie, D~·. R Whytock LeWIS, Mr. T, H., L, .A" &c. LidiaI'd, Mr. S. R, ~I.R.C.S, Lilley, Mr, J. H., i\I.B., ~LR.C . S. Lillies, 1111'. Herbert, ~LR.C.S" Eng. (Viet. ) Lister, Dr. Thomas D. Little, Mr. J " M.R.C. S. Littlewood, fl'. Harry, 111. [{,c.s,' L.R.C.P. Lloyd, Dr, E. J. Lodge, Mr. P. G., L.M. , L.S. Loe, 1\11'. J, S" 1ILIt.C.S. Long, nIl'. W. J., 1ILB. &c. Love, 111'. Henry, M. B . Lovely, nIl'. C. Kewton, ~LB" B. S. Low, Dr. A. Bruce -Lo\yson, Mr. G" ~I.B., c .)[. Lynam, Mr. H.. G., lILR.C.S . McAdam, Dr. Robert Louis (Victoria) Macartney, Mr. R, L.R.C.P. Macaulay, Mr. D. J., L.R.C.P.B;. , L . U.C.S . E . Macdonald, Mr. James, M.n., C. lI1. , Ed. Macgregor, Dr, Geo. Robt. Mackenzie, Dr. Duncan J. Mackenzie, Dr. Ernest :Mackenzie, Mr. F . Wallace, M. B. Mackcnzie, Dr. Jas. Mackenzie, Mr. John, L.n.c.p.E. C,B. Mackenzie, Mr. "V. S., I..R, C.p., M.H.. C.P. McNaught, Dr. Grace. McNcal, Mr. James, M.KC. S., Mackie, Dr. Jobn
Mears, lir. F. 0., M,R.C. S., M.B. Nicholson, Mr. J. ,Villiams, M.R.C.S.E. Melville, Mr. S., M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P. Jickson, ~11'. Augnstus, B.A., M.B. Mercer, Dr. ,V. Nicol, Dr. James Merryweathcr, Mr. James, M.R.C.S. L\':on, 1111'. T. S" M.R.C.S. Metcalfe, Mr. William, L.,'.A . , &c. oble, Mr. Sam!. Clarke, M.R.C.S., Eng., Middlemiss, Mr. G., L , R.C . P. L.S.A. Milburn, 111'. C. H., ~I.B. Nockolcls, 1\11'. tephen, L.R.C.P., L.R.C,S., Mill, Mr. Geo. S" lII. D" C, M. &11. }lilligan, 1I1r. R. A., L, R.C.P., M.ll.C.S . Norman, Mr. A. S., M.R.C.S. Mills, Mr, R. J., M, B , ~ orman, Surgeon Burford Modlin, Dr. J. Gibson, M.D. Jorman, Dr. J. 'Y. Mober/ey, Mr. S. C. H., 1ILR,C. S., Eng. Norris, Ur. 'Ym. Perrin, :l1.B., ET., CH.B . Molteno, nIl'. v. G., B.A., )1.B, , )LC., :JIelb. (Cape TOWIl.) N ol'thcote, !Ill'. A. B., M. B. Molyneux, nil', H" )LR,C. . Nuttall, lIlr. T. E., M.B., C.M Moncktoll, Dr. David IIenry, F.R,C.. . O'Connell, urgeon D. V.,·M.D. 1I10ntague, Dr. A, J. H. Odell, lIlr. \V., F.Jt.O . .. E. Moore, Dr, C, A. Ogilvie, Dr. J. H. Moore, :111'. H. Cecil, Okell, ~11'. George, M,l1.C." Moore,Mr,IIenryO.,)LD"Dl1blin("ictoria) Oldham, Dr. Hugh F. Moore, Surgeon-lIlajor anclrord, 1II.B. Oliphant, Dr. Bruce Moorbou e, Dr, B. M. Oli vel', Dr. Cbas, Pye Morris, Dr, F. H. Oliver, Mr. F, H" L.n.C . . , Lond., &e. MO\'l'ison, Dr. Willil1l1l (Yictoria). 0'1I100re, Mr. Henry, i\I.B., Dub. (New Mortlock, Mr. R. II., )I.B. outh ,Yales). Morton, ~l\', C. A" I<'.It.C.S . O'Bielly, Mr. Geo. J., L,RC . . J. Moss, 1111'. \Y. J, A., ::'I.B. Orel, Mr. Frederic ,Ym., L.RC.P., Irel. &c. Moxham, Ml', 1\1. C" ::'1. n, '.S" Eng, &c. O'Riol'clan, Dr, F. Mugliston, Dr. G, T, 'Y. Ol'mroc1, 1\11'. Fra:r, L,R.C.P. Mugliston, nil'. T. C., )['R, .s. Orton, !Ill'. E. 'Y., L.n,c.p. Munro,1\II'. F" )Ln. Orton, ~Ir. John, )I.R.C.·. Murdock, 1111'. Ja ., L.ILC.P., Edin. 0 bol'll, Mr. " F.RC .... Murphy, MI'. W., 1ICB 0 bUl'lle, 1111'. C. A. P., L.R.C.P. Murray, Dr. C, F. K. OYenden, Dr, 'Y. II. Murray-Aynsley, Mr. J, H.,M,R.C. '., Eng" O\\'en, 1\11'. J. II" L.R.C.P. L,R.C.p, (Ncw Zealand). Owen, Dr. R F . Myers, Ur, W, ¥y" ~LB , Ozanue, :Mr. F. N., :L\I,R.O.S. Nairn, MI'. D, M., IJ.ILC.P., L.n.c.s. Page, Dr. David Nankivell, Dr. lIel'llcrt Palin, Mr. H. Venables, )1. n . Nason, MI'. E. Noel, :.'>1.ll., Ca.l1tab, Palmer, Mr. C. pencer, L,R.C.P" Lond" 1I.R.C,S. E. )1.11. c,~ . , Eng. Neethling, MI', J, H" lI1.B.,C . lIL( . Africa) Palmer, Dr, F. Craddock. N ' eVlIlS, MI', Arthur E., F.R.C, . E . Palmer, II'. Jas. C., )1.B .. L.RC . . , ELlin. ~ewby, MI', Chas. H., L.R.C . P . Parker, Mr. G., liLA., lILR.C •. P arIze, D 1'. L • C• NeIYIllan, Dr. Willi'all1 \,~wsham, Ml'. Franc:is, M.R . C.S. Parkinson, :Mr. Cha . Jo ., M.R.C. . (Viet). .I[cholls, Mr. II hI B Nich· ,"" Pal'llell, 1\'[1'. G. ., i\LR . C, . olson, Bngadc-SUl'geon E., A.M.D. Parsons, Dr. Francis H enry
36 Partridge, ,Dr. T . Prichard Mr. R. A.,, Eng., &c. Paterson, Dr. O. E. J .P. Patrick, II'. S. A., M.R.C.S. Pritchard, Mr. J. J. Q., M.R.C ... Patterson, JUl'. Q. H., M. R.C. Pritchett, II'. Henry, ~LR.C.S. Patterson, JUl'. G. de J oncourt, B. A... Prosser, 11'. Philip B . M.B. Proudlove, Mr. Euwd. , M.D., Abel'. Paul, nIr . .F . T., F. Il. C.S. Pull on, JUl'. G. S ., :M.B. Payne, Dr. Henry Purchas, Mr. A. 0., :M.ll.C.S., Eng. Purvis, Mr. J. P., ~LR.C.S. P ear cey, Ur. J. J. Wandlass, L.R. C.S . P earcy, JUl'. P. A., lILB. Quick, JUl'. Frank, :M.R.C.S. Pearse, Dr. T. F . Radford, JUr. Wm. M.ll.C.S., Eng., Pedley, Dr. T. F . L. R. C.P., Lond. Peirce, Dr. Francis Rands, Ir. St. J. 0. , :M.R.C.S. P eirs, Ir. O. E., :M. B . (Oape Town ). Rangoon, Rt. R ev. the Bishop of, M.D. Percival, ~Ir. Geo. H., ?LB. Rattray, JUl'. J. M., M.B. Pestell, JUl'. J as. H., L.R.C.S.B. (Victoria). Rawlings, Mr. James, C.S. P et ers, Mr. James, L. R.C.P.E., L.R. C" .E. Retlman, Mr. \V. E., :M.B-c.s., Eng., Petter, Ur. Walter, M.B ., ?I.S. , Edin. L.S.A. , Lon. Phelps, Mr. Philip, ?'LR.C.S. Reiu, JUl'. D. Boswell, lILR.C.s. ,Eog. (Vic.) Phillips, JUr. O. H., M. n. c. . Reid, JUl'. Duncan J .. :M. B. Phillips, JUl'. G. A., M.Il.C.S. Reid, ~Ir. T. Whitehead, F.Il.C.l'. Philp, JUr. \Ym. , ?I.B. R enton, Dr. G. Pike, Mr. W. Royston, M.R.C.S. Rhode, Dr. Thomas Pilcher, JUl'. W. J., F.R.C.R. Rhys, Mr. ,\V. L., L.n.c. P., Lonu., Pim, 1\11'. F . E. de B., L.R.C.S.l lII.R.C.S., Eng. Pinck, Ur. O. H., ~f.B . Rice, Dr. \V. R. Pinkerton, Dr. James Ricll, JUr. A. O. M.n..C.S. Pinnock, Dr. R. D. (Vi'3toria). Richards, Mr. J . T., lIr.n. Pithie, Mr. A. Drimmini e, L.R.C.n.E. Riddell, i\Ir. .J. Scott, C.lIL, ilLB., M.A. Plant, Dr. Ridley, JUl'. J. W., L.R.C.P. Platt, II'. W. H., L.R. C. P. Rigby, Ur. W alter 0., lILB., ClI.B. (\'iet.) Plomley, Dr. John F . Rigden, Mr. Brian, M.A .. lILn.C.S., &c. Pochin, Mr. F. L., M. B., C.M. Rillgwood, JUI'. John, L.ll-C.S.I., &c. Pole, Dr. Alexander Robb, Dr. J . B. K. Pollard, Mr. Geo. H., M.B. Roberts, Mr. Arthur, M.R. C.S. Pollen, Dr. Henry Roberts, Ml'. E. E., ~LB., ?lr.s., &c. Poole, Dr. S. W. Roherts, Mr. Hugh Jones, M.R.C.S. Pooley, Mr. E. Burdett, L. R.C.S.I. Roberts, Dr. R. Lawton Pope, Mr. Ohas., L.R. C.S.E. Roberts-Dudley, M1'. F . J., M.R.C.S. Pope,Mr. Frank J\I.,M.R.C. S., lII.B. ,Oantab. Robertson, Dr. E. Pope, Surgeon \V. W., A.M.D. Robertson, Mr. Robt.,M.R. C.S., Eng.(Vic.) Potter, Mr. Harry, lLR.C. S. Robinson, Dr. A. H. Potter, Ur. H. Percy, F.R.C.S. Robinson, Mr. Ernest L. Powell, Mr. L L., M.R. C.S. Robinson, Mr. G., M.R.C.S. Pratt, Dr. J. Dallas Robinson, M1'. H. S., M.R.C.R. Pratt, Dr. Reginald Robinson, Surgeon-Major Mark Prendergast, Dr. W. D owling Robinson, Dr. R. B. Price, Mr. E. 0., M.B. Roche, Mr. T. F., L.Jt.U. I'., Ed., L.R.C. S., Price, Mr. A. E., 1.,. S. A . , &c. Ed.
37 Rogers, Dr. Bertram M. Sloman, Mr. H., L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S. Roper, Mr. IIerhert J., M.R. C.S.E., Sloman, 1\1r. S. G., junr., L.R.C.P. L.R.C.P., LOll. Smith, Mr. G. Jackson, L.R.C.S.I. Rorie, Mr. D., M.B., Ediu ., &c. Smith, Mr. H. Hammond, ilLR.C.S. Round, :1111'. John 0., .... , L.R.G. P. Smith, Mr. M. Lomax, lII.R.C.S., Eng.~ Rowe, Mr. Joseph H., M.B., C.lIt. Abel'. L.R.C.P. (New Zealand) . Smith, Mr. R. Bradshaw, L.R.C.S.E. Rowe, Dr. Thomas mith Ruddock, Mr. W. J., M.B., M.R. C.S. , Eng. mith, Mr. R. S., L.n.O.p.E., F.R.C.P.E. Rurnboll, Dr. O. F . mith, Mr. R. Sinclair, F.R.C.P.E. , RUlllboll, Mr. Sydney, L.R.C.P., M.r:..c.... L.R.C.S.E. Russell, ~Ir. John, M.A., M.B. mith, .1\11'. Sml. Parson, ]\[. H.C.S. Rutherford, Dr. R. L. mith, Dr. trafford Ruttle, II'. Robert L. M., L.H. Smith, Mr. T. Hansoll, L.R. C.P., L.R. C.S. Ryan, nIl'. W. II., lII.R.C.r.T. mith, Mr. ,\Y. J., L.R.C.P. St. George, Dr. George 'outh, ~Ir. F. W. E., )I.H.C.8., Eng. St. Ledger, 1111'. R. A., lILB., C.)1., Eclin. panton, 1\1r. \\T. Dlmnett, F.R.C .. . Sail, :nIl'. E. ,\Y. II., )[.1t.('... . pence, Mr. \VI11. Ja ., L.It-C.P.E. Salmon, Mr. Harry R., ilLB., ET. crr.B., pong,.1\11'. Harry, B.A. (Oxon) L. ' .E.. Melb. (Yictoria). quauce, Dr. T. Ooke 'anders, Mr. Clia ., lIr.n.c ... . , lILn. qnire, Dr. J. E. San orne, Mr. P. J., lit. H.C.... Stack, :t.Ir. E . I., L.ll.C.l'.I. Seantlebury, Mr. Geo. J., L. ET. L. )IID., talker, Mr. A. M., lII.D. R.C.P., &c. (Yietoria). tamfortl, 1\11'. ';nUiam Ackrill, M.R.C. ScatlilY, :011'. P. )1., lILR.C.H. teele, t.Ir. "Y. h., M.H.C . . , L.R.C.P. &c. Scatterty, Dr. '\,illiam teet, l.Ir. George Carrick, F.R.C. '. chlesinger, Mr., n.E.,)I.ll. C.H. (Yictoria) . I telfox, :t.1r. J. E., )LR.(.S., &c. Scholefield, Dr. G. E. tenhouse, Dr. 'Y. M. (1\ ow Zealand). Sellers, Mr. R. Burdett, M.Il.C.:>. tewal't, Mr. F. Me 13., L. U.C.S. Seller, Mr. W. H. J., M.ll. tewart, 111'. . A., lICB., ~1.A. Sergeant, nIl'. Ellward, ilULC.H. Stirling, Dl·. D. II. Sharman, Ur. E. \\'. , L. H.C.P., &c. tirling, Dr. Rohert Shaw, ~lr. Jus., ~r.B. Lockwell, Dr. F. Shaw, :nIl'. T. S., lII.B. toker, Dr. G. Sheaf, nIl'. C. A. El'IlC·t, lII.R.C.P. toney, Mr. Percy B., ilLll.C.H. Shearer, Dr. T. Pitcairn tothanl, l.Ir. James, lIL n. c. s. Shelly, Dr. C. E. tTC Lt 011, 11 'I r. J . L'lone, 1 M. ll.C.!:'. Shives, Dr. John Lrctton, [1'. amuel, 111.11. C.. . Shone, Surgeon-Major 'IV. J. trong, 1lr. il. G. t royall,1\ 11 1'. F . , l\LJl.C.t;., rc. Shuttleworth, Dr. Siddall, Dr. J. B. tHaI' t , 11\1 1 r. J . A . E I' I' ~llle, L. ll .C.P. Si.mlllolls , Dr. E. W'111)01e III r. JOl1 n I'~., T•. I' ,. L I ' C n. , U1111ne 1',s ,1\ r. SlDlOll, Mr. M. F., M.l .c.s. Sutherland, Dr. Oha· . J. Simpson, Dr. J. Hel·1·el·t 1"'1 \ , )('P., C.::I[' u U LlleI' Ianc, II r. J .1:... S~mpson, Mr. W. S., i\Ln.C." . uttOl1, Dr. II. G. SlDclail', Mr. A. MacGregor, ilL D., Abel'. ",anll, Dr. A . She, Dr. Francis D. A . Swete, Dr. IIorace SkI I' 1\11'. Henry, M. n. , n. c., n. A. , &c. Symes, Dr. E. , Vest S ~ (mg, klDne~., 1\11'. D., M.13., ET. .H. M., Aher. Tamplin, 1\11'. has. II., M.R.C.·. (Vlctoria). Tate, Dr. amuel L' . , L ...... "
L ••
38 Taylor, Dr. James Taylor, Mr. James, LB. , B.CH. Taylor, Mr. Jas., F.R.C. . Taylor, Dr. S. Hamilton Taylor, Mr. Thomas, M.R. C.S. Taylor, Dr. Tom R T empleman, Mr. Chas., :r.LB. Thomas, Mr. John, M.R.C.S. Thomas, Dr. W. Thomson, Dr. Barclay (Victoria). Thomson, Miss E. C., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Ed., &c. Thomson, Dr. Geo. Thomson, M1'. G., M.B., C.M. Thomson, Dr. James Thomson, Mr. J. R Menzies, M.B., CH.B. Melb. (Yictoria). Thomson, Mr. 1'11. B., M.B., ET. CH.M. Thomson, Dr. William Thornton, Mr. Bertram, M.R.C.S. Thursfield, Dr. T. W. Tillstone, Dr. H. Rogers Tinley, Dr. T. Topping, :Mr. J . P., LB., C.::Il., Glas. Townsend, Dr. F. E . Trimble, lVIr. C. J., L.R.C.P. Trott, Mr. Dudley C., M.B. , F.R.C.S. Trotter, Dr. Leslie B. Trotter, 1'111'. W.O., M.R.C.S. Tunstall, Dr. A. C. TUTner, Mr. A. M., M.R.C.S. (Sydney) TUTner, Staff-Surgeon Emata Turner, 1'I1r. H. Gunton, M.R.C.S Turner, Fleet-Surgeon Robert, R.N. TUTner, Mr. Thomas, M.R.C.S. Turner, Dr. 'William Twiss, Surgeon G. E., A.M.D. Tyrrell, Mr. 'Walter, lILR.C.S. Tyson, Mr. William Joseph, M.B. Underhill, Mr. F. T., F. R.C .S. , L.R.C . P. Eng. Underhill, Dr. J. E. Uppleby, Mr. J. G., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Port Elizabeth). Usher, Dr. William Valentine, Mr. William, L.R. C.P. Vance, Mr. W. J., L.R.C.P. Vassalli, Mr. Jerome S., L.R.C.P. Vernon, Mr. A. Heygate, M.R.C.S.
Vernon, Mr. 'V., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Vincent, 1\11'. H. B . , M.R.C.S. Viret, Mr. B . P ., M.B., Lond. Vores, Mr. ArthUT, M.R.O.S. ,Vacher, 1'tfr. Frank, M.R.C.S. ,Vach er, 1't:1r. ., F. R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Waddy, Mr. H. E., L.R.C.P. Wade, Mr. A. Breedon, M.B., M.R,O.s., L.S.A. Wale, 1Ifr. Geo" D.P.H. (Camb.), Jl1.R,O.S., L,R.C.P. Waldo, Dr. Fred J. Walker, Dr. A. 'V. H. ,Yalker, 1'111'. Bernard, M.R.O.S. Walker, fl'. Cyril H., M.B., ?I.R.C.S. Walker, Mr, J. Pixton, M.R.C.S. Walker, 1'I1r. amuel, M.R.C.S. ,Vall ace, Mr. R S., L.S.A. ,Vallis, 1\11'. Fred 111., ",I.R.O.S. Walsh, 1Ifr. David, L.R.C.P. Ward, 11[1'. J. P. ., M.R.C.S., Eng. Ward, l'tIr. 111. A., F.R. C.S.I. \Yard, Dr. Martindale Warren, 1\11'. Wm., L. ET. L. :Mid., K.Q.C.P" Irel. (Victoria) . Warwick, Dr. C. teele Warwick,1'tir. F. J., M.B. Waters, Mr. J. L., lI1.B. \Yatson, 1\11'. A. A., lIl.R.C.S. \Y atson, Dr. C. S. ,Yatson, Dr. J. C. ,Yatson, Mr. \Vm., l\l.R.C.S., Eng. Watson, 1'I1r. VV. J., JlI.R.C.S. Watthews, 1'111'. H erbert, lIl.B., C.M., Edin. 'Watts, It'. W. F ., l\I.R.C.S.E., L.S.A. Waugh, Mr. Alexr., lII.H.C.ti. 'Wayland, Mr. A., lII.B. Weaver, Mr. W. G., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.S.A. Webb, Mr. Hy. L., lIl.R.C.S.E. Webb, Mr. Thos. L. , lIl.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Webb, Dr. Wm., F.R.C.S. Weuster, 1'111'. Ridley M., M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., L.Fl. A. Wedmore, 1'tir. E., M.R.C.S. Weekes, Mr. Francis H., lILR.C.S. Weston, Mr. S. T. Darby, M.R.C.S., Eng, Wheeler, Dr. William Ireland White, Dr. E. A .
White, Mr. R. W., L.R.C.P. White, Dr. William White, Mr. W. H" M.B. White, Mr. R. R, l\I.R.C.S. , &c. 'Whitehead, Mr. A., M.B., C.M., Aber. (N(1w Zealand) Whitham, :Ml'. Robert, M.B. Abel'. Whitiey, Ml'. F. G. H., M.R.C.S. Whitwell, Mr . .A. H., L.R.C .. , L.R.C.P.,&c. Whyte, lYIr. J. Mackie, M. A. M. B. Wilkinson, Dr. Auburn Wilkinson, Mr. A. McKenzie, lII.B. (Vic.) Wilkinson, Dr. James B. Wilkinson, 1111'. J. C., 111. R. C. s. Will, :Mr. Wm. J., )L13., c.:'>!. Williams, Dr. Neyille, :'>LB. Williamson, Dr. J. D. Wilks, Mr. Geo., :'>1.13., l\LR.C.S. Willis, Mr. G. Owen, L.R.C.P. Wilson, Dr. A. C. Wilson, Dr . .A. lIIarius Wilson, Mr. J. C., L.ll-C.,·. Wilson, Dr. J. cott Wilton, Mr. J. P., )L:r..C .. . Wimberley, Dr. Conrad C.
WingTave: Mr. V. H. Wyatt, M.R.C .S. Wolfendale, Mr. Geo. A., L.R.C.P., &c. Wood, Dr. John 'Wood, Mr. J. C., L.R.C.P, 'Wooa, 1\11'. 'V. A., M.B., et., crr. &c. 'Woodcock, Mr. A. E., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. Woodcock, 1'111'. H. de Carle, M.R.C.S., Eng., &c. ,Voodhouse, Mr. E. R, M. B., C.:'>I. Woods, Dr. J. F. Woods, Fleet mgeon H. C., 1II.D., R.N. Woolley, 1'111'. Talbot, 1II.R.C.S., Eng., (Vic.) ,Yray, Mr. G. Bury, M.R.C.S. 'Wrench, Mr. E. M., F.R.C.S. 'Wright, 11'. J. C., liLA., )I.B., Cantab., &0. ,Vykesmith, Mr. W., F.R.C.S.E. Yollancl, Mr. J. H., M.ll.C.S., Eng., L.S.A., Lond. Young, nIl'. A.: F. R. C. . Young, Dr. C. Young, Mr. Meredith, M. D., C.:'>I. Yule, Dr. R M.
EXA lINI G Abbott, JIr. C. E., M. R. c... Alexander, Dr. G. Paton Allen, Mr. T. W. J., lI!.n.c.s., Eng., &c. Altham, Dr. James Anderson, Dl'. J. Wallace Anderson, Dr. Robert Appleby, ~Ir. F. II., M.n.C.S Archer, Dr. E. L. (Aclelu.ille) Arnison, Dr. W. Ash, Lieut. -Cl)!. R. Vacy, It. A.lI!. c . Atkinson, Dr. Edwanl Aucllanu, Mr.W.E., LILC.S.E., L.R.C.l'.L. Bain, Dr. D. B.
Ball, Dr. O. B. Bangay, Dr. Richahl
Barnard, Dr. J. H. (Paris) Barile:>, Dr. Edgar Barrs, Dr. A. G. Ba.rter, Dr. Beatson, Dr. George Beddoes, 1\[1'. T. P., 111.13., &c. Benson, Dr. A. II. Bcutham, Ml'. A. 0., lILR.C. Berkeley, Dr. Berry, Mr. W., . Bigg, Dr. G. herma.n Black, Ml'. Ernest Blackburn, Mr. J., lILILC.S. Blair, Dr. R, Bloxam, 11'. J. Atley, F.IL .s.
40 Bone, Ur. D ouglas Boor, 1\11'. Leonard, M.R.C.S., (New Zealand) Bourke, Lieut-Ce>l. Ulick, R.A. M. C. Bradley, Dr. David Branch, Dr. W . J . (West I ndies) Brand, Dr. A. T. Branthwaite, 1\11'. Harrison, F.R.C.S. Brooks, Mr. F. A ., M.R. O.S. Broughton, Dr. Brown, D r. A. Tennyson Brown, Mr. J., L.R.C.P., L.R .C.S. I. Brown, Dr. S. M. Broomfield, Dr. Browne, Dr. Robert Brownfield, 1\1r. H. M. M.R.C.S. , Eng. &c. Bruce, lIIr. Robert, lILR. C.::;. Bruce, Dr. William Brummitt, Dr . R (Adelaide) Buchanan, Dr. J. Buist, Ur. R C., l\LR. C.S. Bull, Surgeon-Major W. H . Bullock, 1\11'. C. , lILR. O.S., L.R.C.P. Burman, Mr. F. J., ?lLR.C.S., Eng., &c. Burnett, Dr. J . R Bmton, 1\Ir. S. H., M.R.C.S. Byles, 1I1r. J. B., lILR.O.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Byrne, Ur. L., F.RC.P. Cable, 1'.11'. John, L.R.C.P. Calrow, 1\11'. Thomas, M.R. C.S. Calwell, Dr. Wm. Campbell, 1\11'. P., M.B. Cantlie, 1\Ir. James, F.R.O .S. Cardew, :fiIr. G. A ., M.R. C.S., Eng. , L.S.A. Carey, Dr. Basil Carey, Dr. F . E . (Guernsey ) Carr, D r. Thomas Carter, Mr. D'Arey B., IILR. O.S. Carvell, Dr . J . M. Cassan, Mr. T., M.R. C.S. Cassidi, Dr. F. R, liLA. Cattell, Dr. G. T rew Chadwick, Dr. A. Chadwick, Dr. C. M., liLA. Chalmers, Mr. George, M.B. Chapman, Dr. (New Zealand) Chapman, Mr. J . Milne, M.B. · Charlesworth, Major H. , R. A.:M:. c. (India )
Chestnutt, Mr. J., L.RO.P., L.R.e .. . Childs, Dr. Christopher Clark, Dr. Andrew Clark, Mr. A. F. C., M.B.C.M. Clark, Mr. F. VV., M.R.C.S., L.RO.P. Clark, Ir. G., M.B. Clarke, Lt. -Col. Alfred, M.D., R.A.M.C. Clarke, Mr. ,V. Bruce, F.R.O.S. Coates, Deputy I n 'pactor-General M., R.K ., M.D. Collie, Dr. Robert J . Oollier, Lieut. -Col. H. C., R.A.M.O. Collingriclge, Dr. W. Collings, 11'. C. d'A., ~LB. (Guernsey) Colquhoun, Dr. D. (New Zealand) Connor, Mr. ,V. G., L.R.O.P.I., &c. Cook, Ur. Alexander, M.B. Cooper, Dr. G. White Cooper, 1111'. H . S., M.R.C.S., Lond.,L.R.C.P. Corbin, Dr. T . W . (South Australia) Cosgrave, Dr. E. 1\1cDowel Coutts, Dr. J. A. Cran, Dr. George Crease, Dr. J. Robertson Crespi, II'. A. J. H., M.R.C.P., ~I.n.c.s., Eng. , &c. Cressy, 1\11'. G. J., L.n.c.p.I. Crookshank " Pasha His Excellency.. Dr. (Egypt) Cruickshank, Dr. B. Cuire, Lieut.-Col. C. Me. D., n.A.~I.C. Cureton, Ur. E., ~LR.C.P. Cuthbert, :Mr. \\T . ,Vood, lILR.O.S., Eng. Daniel, 1\11'. A. D., M.B., F.H.O ... D arwen t ,m.l'. 1\"R . IT ::t., L.R.O.P. Darwin, Ur. G. H., III. D. D aVles, . M r. D . L1., M.B., L..... R 0 S D avy, Mr. R., F.R.C. p. Demetriadi, Mr. L., F.R.C. S. De Nyssen, Dr. P. J. Dickey, Dr. A. A . G. D lC ' k son, .luI'. 1\,,- CeCl, '1 M.B. D'c] 1\""-, G W 1 {son, lYLe. . ., M. B• Domville, Mr. E. J . , L.R.C.P. Do nald ,.m.r. 1\"- W ., M.B. Dona,1dson , Surg.-Major (Bermuda) D ouglas, Lieut.-Col. , O.M., R.A.M.C. JJ.Ql:. D ownes, Dr. E.
41 Drage, Dr. Lovell, liLA.. Fryer, Mr. John, l\1.R.O.S. Drinkwater, Dr. H. Furnell, Surgeon-General E. t Cannes) Dryden, Dr. J. Hunter FylI'e, Deputy Surgeon-Ganeral, M.D. Duff, Dr. J. Gallard, Dr. J. R Duke, Surgeon-Lt. Col. A. M. Galletly, Mr. \Y. G., l\1.B. (P.M.a. Ceylon) Galpin, 11'. Hichard, ~1.R.O. S., L.S.A. Dunbar, Dr. Eliza W . Garson, Dr. J. G. Duncan, Dr. A. James Garton, Dr. "IV. Duncan, Mr. William, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.E. Gentles, Dr. T. L., L.R.C.P., &c. Duncan, Mr. W., ?lLD. Gibb , Dr. DUllckley, Dr. W. W. Gibb, Mr. \Yilliam, L.R.O.P. Dumo, Dr. Gibbon, :fiIr. F. W., L.R . C.S. & L.R.C.P., Dutch, Dr. Henry Eilin. Dyer, Dr. H. Geary i-ibson, Dr. E. Y. Eades, MI'. Samuel Oliver, L.R. C.I'., Edill. Gilbert on, Mr. J. H., L.R.O.P., ~LR.C.S . Eagar, Dr. Robert Giles, Bl'igade- urgeon P. B . , 1I1.R.C.S. Eavims, Dr. J. W. Gimlette, Dr. '1'hos. H . Easby, Dr. \Villiam Godfrey, II'. A. C., M.B. (Jersey) Eccles, :MI'. A. Symons, M.B., C.M., &c. Gorham, Dr. James John Edginton, Dr. R. W. Grant, Dr. J . G. R. Edlin, :Mr. E. Holberton, F. R.C .. . Grant, Dr. Ogilvie Edwards, Dr. J. Hammerton Grant, Dr. \Y. J. Ellaby, Dr. C. (Paris) Gray, Mr. A., ~I.B . Ellerton, Dr. J. F. H. Greathead, :nIr. J. B., ~LB., C.lIL, lILR.C.S.E. Ellerton, Dr. J oh11 ( ou th Africa) Elliston, :Mr. G. S., ~1.R.C . S . Greener, Mr. 1\1. H ., M.B. Evans, Mr. A., liLA., M.B., B. Ch. Grenfell, Mr. F., lILlLC. Evans, Mr. Alfred, M.B., )I.A. Grier, Uajor H ., It.A.M.e. Evans, Dr. E. GrilHn, Mr. lune , i\f.R.C .. . , L.'.A. Evans. Dr. Edward Beynon Grillith, Profe or T. \Yardrop, ~LD. Evans, Dr. F. W. Griffiths, Dr. J ohl1 Evatt, Lt.-Col. G. J. H., R.A.M . C. Grilftth , .:'IIr. P. Rhys, lILR. O.. (Hong Kong) Gwynn, Dr. Charles Ev.e, Mr. F. S., F.R.C.S. Hagyard, .:'111'. Robert, M. R.O .S. Fan'clough, Dr. IIall, Major Lee, RA . 1.C. Farrar, Dr. R. A., M.A. (Oxon. ) Hall, Dr. ,Yilliam Fuwssett, Surg.-Lieut. Halliwell, Dr. R F~nou1het, Mr. E. C., L.R.O.P., L. R.C.S. Hallows, Dr. H . P . Fielden, Dr. Saml. Hamilton, Dr. A. A . (Adelaide) ~leming, Dr. A. J. IIamiltoJ1, Dr. J. A . G. (Kapunda, South ootner, Mr ..J. B., F.R.O.S. Australia) Forbes, Mr. N. Hay, F.R . C.S. Hamilton, Dr. . Forrester' urgeon Lt .- Co1.J. S . , F. R.C.S .E. fI amnlODC,.l1 I 1\1 r. T\T I . , L. U.C.P., lIL11.0.S. Forsyth Dr R H 1 1\1' F ' . . anna 1, .l1 1. \\T. T ., M.B. , C.M. H arI ey . .ll 1\1 r. l{ . W ., F.R.C. P. Foster,.111'' Hel1l'y , M .R.O.S.
/anktsh, Dr. (New Zealand ) uks, Dr. R. (S. Africa)
treel', Mr. E. L
' ., lI1.R.C.S.
IIarper, Harper, H arpel, ' .
Dr. H . C.
:Mr. J . R, lILR. C.S. , L. H. C. P. 11\1[ 1.. J . ""IT IY ., lI1.R. O.S.E.
42 Harris, Dr. John (New South ,Vales) Harris, Dr. S. O. Harrison, Mr. D., F.R.C.S. Harrison, Mr. H. L eeds, B.A. (Oamb.), M. R. C. S., Eng., &c. Harvey, Dr. Alfred Harvey, Dr. Eldon (Bermuda) Ravell, Mr. O. G., M.R.C ... , Eng. Hayle, Mr. T. H. , M.B. Helm, Dr. R. Dundas H enderson, Dr. J. H. (Adelaide) Hepburn, Dr. A. Hey, 1\11'. Milnes, M.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Hillaby, Dr. A. Hodges, 1'.11'. William, lI['R.C.S. Hoffman, Mr. A. H., L.R.C.P. Hogg, Dr. Walter D. (Paris) Holden, Dr. F. S. Hood, Dr. Howard, Mr. H eaton 0., lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Howe, ~ir. E. R. , L.R.C.S. Howie, Dr. Alexander Hudson, Dr. H. E. Hughes, 1111'. Hugh Lewis, L.R.C.S. Hunt, ~1r. R., JlLR.C.S. Hlmter, Mr. E. J., L.R.C.P.E. Hmry, Dr. J. B. Hutchinson, Dr. J. Hutton, Surgeon-Major G. A. I'Anson, nIr. 'Welby, lILB., C.M. Innes, Surgeon-General Sir John Ker, R.C.B., F.R.C.S. (Florence, Italy) Irving, Dr. (New Zealand) Jackson, Dr. Allan Jackson, Dr. O. Jackson, :nlr. E. S., LB., C.M. Jackson, Sir R., C.B., F.R.C.S. Jalland, Mr. W. Hamerton, F.R.O.S. Jennings, ~1r. 'Vm. M., M.R.C.S. Jepson, Dr. E. Johnston, Dr. L. K. Jolly, Dr. R. J ones, Dr. Al'thm H. Jones, Dr. ;Evan Jones, 1'.11'. D. D., M.B., ]\[.s. J ones, Dr. Herbert J ones, Dr. Hugh. Jones, J. Amallt J ones, Dr. O. O.
Jones, Dr. W. Black Jones, Mr. ,V. Makeig, M.R.U.S.E. Kelly, 1111'. R. Vandeleur, F.R.O.S.(Sydney) Kelly, Dr. T. Gordon Reys, Surgeon O. "VIT., Jl1.D. Kilkelly, Major O. R., R.A.M.O. (Gibraltar) Kinahan, Brigade-Smgeon J. King, Dr. Kinnear, 1111'. 'Vm., lILB. Knowles, 1111'. F. J., lI1.R.O.S. Knox, Dr. O. F. Lapage, Dr. O. Latimer, Mr. H. A., lI1.R.C.S., )l.D. Latter, Dr. Oecil Lamie, Dr. Oaspar R. Lawson, Dr. Geo. Lawton , Dr. H. A. L eahy, Mr. A., lI1.R C.S. Ledial'd, Dr. H. A. Lee, Dr. J. Lees, lIIr. ,Villiam, Jl1.R.C.S. Leslie, Dr. D. A. L ennox, Dr. David Ling, 1I1r. E., JlLR.C ..·., Eng. Littlewood, :nIT. H., F.R.C.S. Littlewoou,1I1r. J. 0., JI['R.C.S., &c. Livingstone, Dr. T. Lloyd., Dr. E. J. Lloyd, Mr. Jordan, F.R.C.S. Long, 1111'. Fred, 111. R. C. s. Loveless, Mr. ,Val tel' K., L.U.C.P. L o,,,, 1111'. Oharles, M.B. (New Zealand) Lowe, Dr. G. U. L o,Ye, Dr. ,V. G. Low ~on, Dr. George Macartney, 1111'. R., L.R.C.P. 1I1acgilvray, Ur. W. J. H., L.R.C.P. Mackenzie, Dr. Thomas, M.A. Mackie, Dr. John Maclean, Dr. Ewen J. MacLeod, Dr., .M.D. Mackness, Dr. 1I1acpherson, Dr. A. (Cape Town) Macrohill, Lient.-Ool. 1I1ahon, Dr. G. A. D. Malcolm, Dr. O. ) "1 .1.\ au I ey, 1'1' .1.\ 1. J . II . II ., . M.A. (Cantab" M.B" M.R.C.fl. Mann, 1I1r. VV. S., M.R.O.S., Eng.
Marier, Ohas. G. D., L.R.C.S.I. N elson, Dr. Stanley j)Iarch, Dr. H. C. Newsham, Mr. F., lIf.R.C.S. Markham, Dr. W. (Adelaide) Newton, Dr. R. Olark Uarsh, Dr. James J. Nicholson, Brigade-Surgeon E. Marshall, Mr. J. J. de Zouche, L.R.O.S.I. Nixon, II'. F. Alcock, F.R.O.S.I. & L.A.H. Dub. Jorton, Mr. A. T., C.B., F.R.C.S. MarLin, !lIr. E. F., 1II. B. Norton, 1111'. J. Everitt, M. R. r .. , Eng., &c~ Martin, Mr. J., F.R.O.S. Nyssen, Dr. P. J. de Martin, Dr. J. W. Oakley, Dr. Matthews, 1111'. Valentine, M,R.O.S, Odell, Dr. W. Maynard, Dr. J. Clarkson O'Farrell, 11'. Charles, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. McCarthy, Mr. Justin McOulluill,lILR.C.S. Okell, l\.Ir. G., M.R.C.S. McDonald, Dr., ;'l.A., M.D. Oliver, Dr. O. Pye McDonald, ill!'. J., )I.A., M.B., C.M. Osborn, iIII'. amnel, F. R.C.S. McDougall, Dr. R. Owen, ilIr. E., F.n.C. ~fcE\\'an, Dr. D. Owen, Dr. O. H. P. McEwan, illr. W.O., lILB. Packer, Dr. 'Y. H. McFarland, Brigade- urgeon F. E. Page, Dr. H. M. McKellar, Dr. A. O. Page, Mr. H. ,V. , F.Il.C.S. McLean, Dr. Allan Partridge, ~lr. ., l\I.B. McNalty, Lieut.-Col. G., C.B., M.D., Partridge, Mr. T., )LRC. R.A.)r.C.
Mears, Dr. F. C. Melrille, Mr .•. , )['H.C .. , L.RC.P. Mes iter, :JIr. ill. A., M. R. O. Metcalfe, Dr. Middlemis., Dr. G. Milbnrn, Mr. C. H., ~r.B. Miller, Dr. J. W. Milne, Mr. Rohert, 111. B. Modlin, Dr. J. GiLson, ~I.D., L.S.A. ~Ioffat, Rev. Dr. hlolloy, Dr. It. . Moore, Dr. F. F. Moore, Mr. II. C., M.R.C. Moore, Dr. :JIilner Moore, Hon. Brigade-Slll'geon Sandford Morgan, Dr. C. W. (New South Wales) Morgan, nIl'. II. M., lIf.R.C.S. Morgan, Dr. Llewellyn Morgan, MI'. W. L., liLA., M.R.O.S. Morris, Mr. T. H l\f B &c
11 .
orns, Capt. 'V. A., M.B., R.A.M.C. Mortimer, Dr. T. D. E.
~lossop ' HI' . A. G., M.RC.S., D.p.rr. M /les, Major, H.A.M.O. Nance, Dr. H. C. Neild D· J E . ' t. . . (Melbourne) Nellso11, Dr. II. S.
Paterson, Dr. Pearson, Dr. '. Y. Pe oclle bury, MI'. J. T., )[, R.C.S., &c. Pennell, Dr. II. Peny, Dr. 0 111. Peters, Mr. A. J. A., L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S., Edin., &c. &c. Phillips, Mr. O. E., )I.R.C.S. Pickersgill, Dr. E. P. Pim, MI'. F. de Beck, L.R.C.l'.!. Pi ani, Profes or (:Jlalta) Pochin, Dr. F. L. Pole, Dr. Alexander Pol Oil, Dr. J. (Orange Free tate) Pooley, 1111'. E. B., L. R. C. s. Pooley, M1'. R. O. 1I1a Oil, J.P., L.R.O.S.I. Pope, Mr. F. M., lII.R.O .. Potter, Mr. E. I ercy, F.R.C. ' . Poultoll, Dr. B. (Adelaide) Pratt, Dr. J. Dallas Price, Mr. Arthur, lILR.C .. Purves, Dr. A. cott Ranson, 1111'. ,V. E., M.R.O.S.E. Ratcliff-Gaylard, Dr. J., L.R.C.I'. Rawnsley, Oapt. G. T., It.A.M.C. Reed , Dr. Cash Reid, Dr. Douglas A. Reid, 1111'. Duncan J., M.B. E
44 Reid, Dr. Edgar Reid, Dr. T. W. Re ignol, Dr. A. Le Reynold , Dr. R Rbys, :Mr. W. L. , ~I.R. C.S ., &c. Rice, Dr. W. Richardson Riddell, 11'. J. Scott, LA. , llf.B. Rigden, Mr. Brian, M. R. C. S., Eng. Robb, Dr. James, B. K. Roberts, Dr. ArLhnr Roberts, Dr. Griffiths J. Roberts, Mr. H. Jones, M.R. C. S. Roberts, Dr. Lawton Roberts-DUlUey, Mr. F. J. , M.R.C.S., L.S.A..
Robinson, Dr. A. Henry Robin on, Dr. A. H epworth Robinson, Dr. E. L. (Guernsey) Robinson, ]'trr. H. S., M.R.C.S., &c. RobinsOli, Dr. ,V. Roper, Mr. H. J., I.R.C.S. Rosignal, Dr. A. Le Ro s, Mr. Macleod, F.R. C.• Round, Mr. John Cornwall, M.R.C . • . Russell, Dr. John Rutherford, Dr. Henry Ruttle, Dr. R St. Leger, lr. R A., M.B., C. M. Scatliff, :Mr. P. M., M.R.C.S. Scofield, Mr. Harold, M. D. Scott, Dr. R J. H. Sellers, Mr. R Burdett, llLR. C.S. Shaw, Dr. John Shaw: 1111'. Thomas Bowes, L.R.C. P. Shelly; Dr. C. E. Sbepperd, Dr. H. Shives, Dr. J. Sbone, Dr. W. J. Shuttleworth, Dr. G. E. Siddall, Dr. J. B. Simmonds, :Mr. H. 111., M.R.C.S. , Eng. Simpson, Mr. ,V. S., M.R.C.S. Sinclall:, Dr. Robert Skae, Dr. Francis Skipworth, Mr. H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.I. Sleman, Mr. R R, L.S.A. Smeddle, Mr. R W., M.B. Smith, Mr. C., M.R.C.S. Smith, Mr. O. J., M.E.C.S.
Smith, Dr. G. mith, Dr. H. Smith, Mr. H. Hammond, llLR.C.S. Smith, fr. J. ,V., ~LB., &c. Smith, Dr. lontgomery (Bermuda) Smith, Mr. R S., L. R.C.P. nell, Dr. ydney H. Soutar, lr. O. H., M. ll. (Australia). Spencer, Dr. ,V. Henry Squance, Dr. T. Ooke quire, Dr. J. E . Stalker, Dr. A. 1. tanton, Dr . teel, Dr. W. D. Steele, lajor 'Y. H., n.A.~I.l:. Steet, Mr. G. Oarrick, F.R. C.S. Stewart, Dr. Duncan tirling, Dr. D. H. Stoker, Dr. George Stoker, Dr. ,V. Thornley tothard, Mr. J ames, ... Stretton, Mr. J. Lionel, M. R.C.::;. turridge, Dr. P. F. turrock, Mr. J. F., M.B., C.:\[. , &c., &c. Sutberland, II'. J. A., ~I.ll. Sutton, Dr. A. M. Swann, Ir. A., M.R.a.>. wayne, Dr. F. x. Swete, Dr. Horace , winhoe, Mr. G. R , M.R.C.S., L.R.a.p. Symes, Dr. E. W est Tayler, F. T., ~LH . C . S.E. T aylor, 1111'. L. A., 11[, R. c ... Taylor, Dr. . Robinson, F.1LC.S. Taylor, Dr. Tom R Taylor, Surgeon-Lieut.-Ool. William, M.D. Templeman, Mr. OhaTles, M.B. T etley, Dr. F. Harrison Thomas, Dr. A. GaJTod T homas, Dr. (New Zealand) Thom as, Dr. D. E. Thomas, Mr. R. D., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., &c. Thom(1s, Mr. W. E., L.R.a.p., L.R.a.s. Thomson, Dr. Geo. Thompson, Dr. E. O. Thompson, Dr. J. Henry Thompson, Mr. J. Hilton, M.B., M.S. Thomson, Dr. W., p . R.a.S.I. Thomson, Mr. G. , M.B.
Thornhill, Brigade-Surgeon :M. (Guernsey) W ebb, Mr. J. E., M.B. Thursfield, Dr. T. W. "W ebb, Mr. T. L., M.R.C.::;., &c. Tinley, Dr. T. W ebb, Oaptain W., It.A.M. a. Todd, .Mr. Oharles, M.R.C.S. ,Vemys, Dr. Todd, Mr. J., lIf.R.a.s . Wheeler, Dr. W. J. Toll, .Mr. J. T., M.R.C .•. , L.R.a.p. Whitby, Miss L., L. R. C.P . , &c. Tomlinson, Brigade-Surgeon E., M. D. 'I hit, Mr. . II., M.n..C •• Treharne, j)Ir. J. L., M.E.C. .. White, Dr. H enry' Trimble, Mr. O. J., L.R . . P. Whitehead, MajorlI. R., F .R. C. S.,R.A.M. C. Trittoll, Mr. W. P., lII.R.C . S. (Natal) Whyte, Dr. J. l ackie Trott, Dr. Dudley (Bermuda) Wild, :J1r. II. ., ill. R. C. . Tun tall, Dr. A. O. ,Yilkin 011, Dr. J. B. Turner, urgcon- Iajor Willcocks, Mr. A. D., ilI.ll.t'. '. TlU'ner, Dr. W. (Gihraltar) Will'mm , ~~I 1'., ~I.]l.. .1'., Ejng., &c. Tyrrell, ~1r. "W alter, M.R.C.S. Williams, Dr. E. R. Tyson, Dr. W. J. (Umzinto) Williams, Dr. J. Van Buren, Dr. ,Yilli n.m , Mr . .r ., )I.R.C. Vernon, .MI'. A... II eygate, F.R.C. Williams, urg on-Major (Sydney) Vernon, Dr. ,V. \\T'll 1 oug 11b -y, D r. 'Y. x. Vines, Dr. O. . " Tilton, Mr. J. P., ilL-KG. Wade, Dr. A. B. ,Yilson, Dr. J. Waldo, Dl. F. J. Wihon, Dr. J. cott Walker, :.\11'. Jallle , M.R.C.S. "Willgate-"aul, 1111'. 'Y., M.R.C.S., L .S.A. Wallace, Dr. Thomas. ,Yin low, 1111'. L. . Forbes, M.R.C.P. Wallis, Dr. E. D. Wood, Dr. J. F. Walpole- illlmolls, Dr. E. ,Yood , Dep. In pector-General, M. D. Ward, Dr. J. L. W. , VOOt, 1 D r. A . T . Ward, .ill!'. J. P. ,'., lI1.R.C'. , Yooclwanl, urgeon-General G.l'.M. Ward, Mr. M. A., F.R. C.S. ( ydney) Ward, Dr. M. O. W oollett, Dr. . W. Waters, Dr. J. H. ",\T . 1It, D r. O. F. , l'lg Waters, Dr. J. L. Wright, Dr. J. Cro sley Watson, Dr. John \\7 yke mith, ?Ill'. Walter, }<'. R. C.S. Wat on, Dr. "\Ym. Y Otlllg, Dr. 1. "Watts, Mr. W. F., M.RC.S. Weaver, 1111'. W. G., lI1.R.C ...
Yule, Dr. RoberL 111.
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<!J:bc Q5-nmb Wrun:g of tbe <!ih:bcr of tbe 1t.!o.$pital of 'sl. .3Jo'bn of .3Jctu.$aTcm in Englanl:J. :fprrsl1ient. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G.,
"Fil'staid, London."
(Grand Prior of the Order). Director of the Ambulance Department, and Chairman of Committee THE RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT KNUTSFORD, G.O.M.G. Deputy Chairman:
OOLO~EL SIR HERBERT O. " Annual Subscription or Donation.
I he?'e'W~t . h enclose £
Accountant and Storekeeper: WILLIAM R. EDWARDS, ESQ., A.O.1\..
to the St. John Ambulance Association) being excltfJsive of entTance fees (if any) for admission to classes eithe?' p?'eli?ninary " 1;~eas,~ ~~~ or "Miss."
Usual Signature (t
Date_ Permanent Address- NOTE.-Life Members and Annual Subscribers of One Guinea (and upwards) are entitled to receive (post paid) a copy of the Annual Report of the St. John Ambulance Association.
48 Abel'dare Centre
Formed 1 81
Accl'ington Centre Aldershot Centre
Aldershot Camp
Alfreton Centre Ambleside (Westmoreland) Centre
St. 3-ohn Bmbulance
Ashford (Kent) Centre Ashton-under- Lyne Centre
Backworth Colliery Centre Bangor Centre Barnsley Centre
No. 3 District (St. James's, Whitehall, Mayfair, Hyde Park, S. W.) No. 4 District (Belgl'avia and Ohelsea)
" "
No.5 District (Oharing Cross, Strand, Ohancery Lane) No. 6 District (Hammersmith, Chi&wick and Fulham)
No . 7 District (North-East London, Clapton, etc., now included in No. II. District) No. 8 District (Putney, Wandsworth and neighbourhood) No.9 District (Kilburn, and North-West London, etc.)
No. 10 District (Brixtou, Kennington, Balham, Streatham, Olapham and neighbourhood) No. 11 District (Southwark and neighbourhood)
No . 12 District (Harlesden). Polytechnic Centre (309, Regent Street)
" "
" " "
Hospital Saturday Fund Centre (54, Gray's Inn Road). Willesden Green and Cricklewoou Centre
Beighton Centre
Belfast Centre
Belgravian Centre
" ,.
Berwick-upon- Tweed Centre
BexhiU Centre
" "
1881 1881
" "
Bingley Centre Birchwood (Colliery) Centre Birkdale (Lancashire ) Centre Birmingham Centre
Birmingham Centre (Erdington Branch)
Blackburn Centre _
Dlackheath Centre
Blackpool Centre
Blackwell Colliery Centre
" "
" " "
" "
1 93 1
1 79 1
1 0 1
1'9 1
3 3
1 7 :3
Birkenhead Centre
" "
1 7
Bedford Centre
1 94
Bearpark Colliery Centre
1 7
" "
Formed 18'18
" "
" "
Battle (Sussex) Centre
No.2 District (Oity and Port of London, including Bloomsbury, and East London)
Banbury Centre
Basingstoke Centre No . 1 District (Kensington, South Kensington, Brompton, and N otting Hill, &c.)
" "
Barrow-in-Furness Centre M etropolitan Centre .
Babbington Centre
THE following is a Nominal Roll of the Towns and Districts where" Oentres " have been formed since the St. John Ambulance Association was established in 1877. The names and addresses of the Local Executive Officers can be obtained on application to the Ohief Secretary, St. John's Gate, Olerkenwell, London. E.C
1 95
Aylesbury Centre -
1 91
Atherstone Centre
" " "
0 0
1 5 Iei
50 lllandford Centre Bognor Centre
Formed 1880
{Jumberland Mines and Quarries Centre
Cranbrook Centre -
Croydon Centre
1 80
Dalton-in-Furness Centre
1 87
.Darlaston Centre
1 3
Darlington Cent r e -
.Brierfield Centre
• 1 95
llrighouse Centre
18 2
Derby Centre
Dover Centre
18 0
Dublin Centre
18 3
Dudley Centre
Dukinfield Centre
Dumfries N.B. Centre
llolton and District Centre llournemouth Centre .Bradford Centre Bridport Centre
llrighton and Hove Centre .Bristol and Clifton Centre .Brownhills Centre -
" "
" " "
Burley (Lancashire ) Centre Burton-on-Trent Centre Buxton Centre Cambrian Railways Centre Ca nterbur y Centre Cardiff Centr e Carlisle Centre Carshalton Centre
" " " " "
18 9
1898 1889
East Grinstead Centr e
1 81
Ebbw Vale Centre
1 19
Chard Centre
Charlt on Centre Chatham and Distr ict Centre Cheltenham Centre Chester Centre Chesterfield Centre Chislehurst Centre Clay Cross Centre Cleator District Centre Cleator Moor Centre Colchester Centre Colne Centre Cork Centre Coventry Centre Coventry Centre (Bedworth Branch) Coventry Branch (Wyken B ranch)
" " " "
" " "
" " "
" "
" "
Durham Centre Eastbourne Centre
Castle Eden Centre
Dundee Centre
Eckington Centre Edmonton Centre Eton College Centre
Exeter Centre
1 92
Farnham Centre
Faversham Centre
Festiniog Centre
Fleetwood Centre
1878 1878
FOlkestone Centre Forest of Dean Centre
Frome Centre
1 88
Gloucester Centre
1879 1890 1883 1882 1882 1882
Gravesend Centre Great Ea s~e ~ . rn RaIlway Great So th u ern and Western Railway of Ireland Great Wes t ern RaIlway . _ Greenwich Centre _
" " " "
Deeside ,Centre
1 79
18 2
Formed 1895
" "
" " "
" " " "
" " ,:
" " " "
" " " "
" "
" "
187 9 1887 1888 1880 1892 1886 1881 1 81 1893 1893 1885 1884 18 0 1 83 1 84
1 3 1 90
1 79
17 1 82
1 3 1
1 2 1
18 6 1 6 1
96 1898 1 96 1 82
53 Formed 181
Grimsby Centre Guernsey Centre
Leeds Centre
18 2
Leicester Centre
Halifax Centre
" "
Lewes Centre
Handsworth and Smethwick Centre -
1 95
Lichneld Centre
Harrogate Centre -
Lilleshall Collieries Centre
Hartlepool Centre -
Donnington Branch (Lilleshall Collieries Centrel -
Hastings and St. Leonard's Centre
Lincoln Centre
Havant Centre
18 6
Liverpool Centre
Hawkeshead Centre
1 81
Llanberis Centre
1 3
Llandudno Centre
Eeavy Woollen District Centre
Hebden Bridge Centre
Hereford Centre
Hertford Centre
" " "
Heywood (Manchester) Centre Holyhead Centre Huddersfield Centre
Hull Centre -
" "
Ilkeston Centre Ipswich Centre
Isle of Man Centre
Isle of Purbeck Centre
Isle of Wight Centre
Jarrow Centre
Jersey Centre
Keighley Centre
Kendal Centre
Keswick Centre
Kettering Centre
Kidderminster Centre
" "
Kiveton Park Colliery Centre
1887 1 0
1 83
Lancaster Centre
Leamington (Warwi.ckshire) Centre
1 81
18 1
1 93
" " "
1880 1
1 3
1 97
1 91
1 90 1
Lytham Centre
Maidstone Cen tre
1 8
Malvern Centre
1 88
1 80 1885 1 83 J
Manchester Centre Margate Centre Marlow Centre Marske-by-the-Sea Centre Melksham Centre _
1 88
Merthyr-Tydvil Centre
18 4
Mexborough Centre
18 3
Middlesbrough and Cleveland Centre (including
Stockton Branch)
Millom Centre
Milton Centre
1 81
1 79
" "
18 3
Lymington Centre
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Centre
" "
" ,.
Lancashire and neighbouring Counties Federa.tion P.S.A. Societies
Louth (Lincolnshire) Centre
1 0
London and North- Western Railway Loughborough Centre
1 78
1881 1881
Monmouth Centre Mountain Ash Centre
1 7
1 7
1 7
" " " " " " "
1 90
Ie; 1
Nelson Centre
Newark-on-Trent Centre
" .,
Newcastle-upon_Tyne Centre
North Shields Centre North Wales Collieries Centre
" "
54 Ffrwd Colliery Branch, N. Wales Colliery Centre Northampton Centre North Bierley Centre North Bucks
Formeu 1883
1889 "
North-Eastern Railway Centre Northfieet Centre Norwich Centre Norwood and Sydenham Centre Nottingham Centre Nuneaton Centre Oldham Centre Oldhill Centre
1886 1898 1895
" " " "
" " ~
1893 1892 1883 13S4 1891
Ormskirk Centre
Otley Centre
" "
Oundle Centre Oxford Centre Oxford Military College Centre Padiham Centre Parkgate Centre Penrhyn Quarries Centre Pershore Centre Perth Centre Peterborough Centre Pilsley Centre Plymouth Centre Polesworth Centre Polmont, N.B., Centre Pontypool and District Centre Portsmouth Centre
" "
" " " ,;
" " " " " " "
1895 1879 1879 1890 1885 1889 1888 1882 1893 18 1 1882 1883 1884 1892 1881
Portsmouth Centre (Gosport, Forton, and Alverstoke Division) Port Talbot Centre Potteries Centre Preston Centre Ramsgate Centre
" " " " "
Reading Centre
FormeJ. 1893
Reigate Centre Richmond (Surrey) Centre
Riddings Colliery Centre Ripley Centre Rotherham Centre
1891 1886 1884 1880
" " "
Royal Military College (Sandhurst) Centre Rugeley Centre Rye Centre -
1883 1 83 1884
St, Anne's-on-Sea Centre
St, Helens (Lancashire) Cantre
1 84
St, l'Ylal'y Cray (Kent) Centre
1 83
Saddle worth Centre
1 94
Sandgate Centre
" " " " "
Sandwich Centre Seaton Carew Centre Sevenoaks Centre Sheerness Centre Sheffield Centre
" "
Shetland Centre Shipley Centre Shoeburyness Centre Shrewsbury Centre Sittingbourne and Milton Centre
" " "
Skipton-in-Craven Centre
Slough Centre
Southampton Centre
Southam Centre
" "
SOWerby Bridge Centre
Stafford Centre
StalYbridge Centre
Ross (Herefordshire) Centre
South Shields Centre
" ,.
Rochdale Centre
Southport Centre
" " "
1 0 1
18 2 1 78
18 2 1 78
1 96 1 79
1 79 1
1883 1
1 7 1
1 91
1 78 18 6
Willington Quay and Walls end Centre
Formed 1
Staveley Centre Stockport Centre
Wimbledon Centre
Stourbridge Centre
" " " "
Sunderland Centre Surbiton Centre Sutton Coldfield Centre Swansea C6ntre
1 91
Windsor Centre
1 93
Winsford Centre
Swinton Centre
" "
Sydenham Centre Tamworth Centre Taunton Centre Tibshelf Centre Tonbridge Centre
1 1
Worcester Centre
" "
Workington Centre
1 9
Worthing Centre
Ulverston Centre
" " "
" " "
Warrington Centre Waterford Centre Wath-upon-Dearne Centre
Wellingborough Centre
W elwyn Centre
West Bromwich Centre Weston-Super-Mare Centre Weybridge Centre Weymouth Centre
" "
York Centre -
1 i9
1 ...,0
1 5 1
1 90
Bangalore (Madras) Centre Bermuda Centre Bombay Centre 18 0 18 4
Canadian Centre Cape Town Centre
" " " "
CeYlon Centre
Formosa Centre
Gibraltar Centre
1 5
1 6
18 9
191 4
Graham's Town Centre
Whitchurch (Salop ) Centre
lIalifax (Nova Scotia) Centre
Whitehaven Centre
lIong Kong Centre
Jerusalem Centre
Wigan Centre
Borneo (Sandakan ) Centre
Ie 9
Wellington (Salop ) Centre West Hartlepool Centre
1 91
" " "
Wednesbury Centre
Woolwich Centre
Twickenham Centre
Waltham Abbey Centre
Woodford Centre
" "
1 1
" " "
Wombwell Centre
1 i9
Wakefield Centre
Wolverton Centre
Tunbridge Wells Centre -
Uttoxeter Centre
) .
Wirksworth Centre
Wolverhampton Centre
1 79
Wimborne Centre -
Streatham Centre
Formed 1
" " " " "
1 5 1 3 1 ,,3
1 7 1 95
1 91
9 3
1 92 It
58 Kimberley and De Beers (South Africa) Centre
}i'ormed 1885
King William's Town Centre .
" "
East London Branch
" "
Queen's Town Branch
Malta Centre Paris Centre· Port Elizabeth Centre Riviera (Cannes) Centre Singapore (Straits Settlements) Centre Vancouver (British Columbia) Centre
" " " " "
1 85 1885 1891 1882 18 9
Sydney, N. S. Wales, Centre Tasmania (Launceston) Centre . Victorian Centre
East London Graham's Town
Heidelberg -
" "
1 5
Matabeleland (Buluwayo)
Mossell Bay -
1 94
Orange Free States (Bloemfontein)
Oudtshoorn Paarl -
" "
" JJ
New Zealand Centre (Christchurch) . Wellington Centre
1 90
" " "
Nassau (Bahamas) Branch
St. Kitt's (Leeward Islands) Branch .
" .,
1 ~94
1894 1894
" "
18 9
1 90
Transvaal (Johannes burg )
1 94
1 9
1 94
1 94
18 3
1 94
1 91 1885 1885 1885 1885
West Indies Centre.
Trinidad (Port of Spain) Branch
Nelson Centre
Invercargill Centre
Dunedin Centre
Malmes bury -
West Australian Centre
Auckland Centre
Adelaide, South Australia, Centre (Branches- Port Brisbane Centre
British Bechuanaland (Vryburg)
Adelaide, Glenelg, Mount Barker. Gawler)
Cape Colony (Cape Town) Centre.
1883 1884 1883 F
(Kensington, etc.) Formed 1 7 . Lifc )[c m})c l'S.
Miss Braby Mrs. Hargreaves Brown Miss BUl'llett Mi s Craven Mrs. B. L. Cohen Colonel J. C. Dalton, It-A. Miss Duncombe Admiral il' E. G. Famhawe, G.C.B. Lady Fowler Miss A. St. John Gray Colonel James Gildea, C.B., F.S.A. The Rt. Hev. the Loru Bishop of
MI' . F. "\Y. Harris Mi Humphrey ' 1\11' . Lean
Lady ~Ioutagu ':\[i s B. Louisa Parker l\1i. Mary L. Parker Mr. trcatfeild The Dowager Lady Trelawny Lady Treyelyan l'Ili s "\Yelcl Miss "W ilson
Hon. IIcl1l'ietta Windsor-Olive Irs. Anthony 'Yingfield.
(City (mcl Port of London). 'Formed 18 O.
""l'e ·idcnt.
General H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn,
R.G. G
Life lUembCl's.
Oolon el O. Wyndham Murray MP Oolonel Aubone G. Fife " Major-General Bryau Milman, C,B, 1\1e r . J . and R. Morley Mr, John 100'ley Dr. Edwin Freshfield, F,S.A, Mr. Erne t L. Olive Mr. Edward Howley Palmer Me srs. Prescott and Co. (Bankers) Mr. ex-Sheriff Waterlow 1111'. Edward ,Vehb (British and Foreign ,Yharf) Miss Ford (Highgate).
The Oorporation of the Oity of London The Outlers' Oompany The Fishmongers' Oompany The Gold mith ' Oompany The Grocers' Oompany The Haberdashers' Oompany Th e Mercers' Oompany The Merchant Taylors' Oompany The Skinner' Oompany Th e Smrey Oommercial Docks Oompany :Mr. Edward L. Barnard 1.11'. Oonrad Bergman The Baroness Burdett-Ooutts -------
- - --- -
Mr. Charles Martin. U01l01'1ll'Y Sccretary.
Mr. O. J. Lambe Eames (28, Rockley Road, W.) Li f e M embcr •
Ur. F. W. .Alington Miss Eccles ~U('I1i('nl,
Formed 1880,
Mr. James Can tlie,
F. n. c.
Statement oj Receipts (flul E .lpenclitU,.e, 1 97-189 . Receipts. By Balance " Sn bscri ptiOll, 1111'. G. T. Biddlllph . Birkbeck Examination
Pre, ide nt.
Dr. Valentine Matthews Dr. J. Edward quire, :II.D.
(St. Janws's, TVhitehall, ]Jllayfair, Hyde Park) Pclcldi.agtOll, Baysu;atcT, Nnlting Hill, Regent's Parle, Regent St?'eet, Oxford Street, etc.)
Miss M. B. Hawthorne.
£1 15 1 f)
0 2
0 6
E;)'penditure. To Central Fund Donation to ditto " 'ecretary, l)etty expens~ " (2 year) . Balance.
H. R. H. Princess Beatrice, Princess IIenry of Battellberg.
o 17
6 6
0 6 1 12
0 2
£7 1
Life iUcmbcrlo.
G. T. BIDDULPII, President & T,.~as. C. J. LAMBE E.\'~IE , Hon. Secreta?·y.
Her Majesty the Qucen. lIer Grace the Duchess of Leeds Miss Francis :Martin Mis.' A. Miles Mr. amnel 100'ley Col. O. ,Vync1halll Murray, M,P, Mrs. C. WynLlham Murray L orel Heay Iiss A. Je Rothschild Mrs. Leopold, 'almouR Mr. Albert ancleman Mr. Fleetwood am1eman 1\11'. A. L . ,'avory Oountess of cfton Mr. H. J. Tritton Mr. 013.rcnce Watson IIis (hace the Duke of West· minster, IC G. 1111'. Cuthbert Wills.
Marchioness of Bath L ady E. Browne 1\11'. Peter Brotherhood IHr. W. L. Burdett-Coutts Mr. P. L. Ohiosso Mr. W . Ooates Mr. F. L. Oook Countess Cowper 001. Aubone G. Fife Oountess Granville Mr. L. Vernon Harcourt Mrs. Quintin Hogg OOlmtess of Ilchester Mr. James Jackson Mr. K Kelso Col. E. H. Kennard Miss Kingsmill Marchioness of Lansdowne
(Kilburn and lludh- TVest London.) Formed 1 81.
H.R.H. The Princes Loui e, }.larchiones · of Lorne. ",'i cc·PrCSi(l cn l
Chait· mall.
Lieut.-General R. W. Lowry, C.B. Honorllry Sec l·c.arics :nul Tl'caS1l1'el', •
The Misses Platt, 8, Weech Road, W. Hampstead, N.W.
)(ollOl'al'Y _lucH.or.
( Charing C1'OSS, Strand, Chancery Lcme, etc. )
Mr. C. B. Allen.
Formed 1878.
Presi(lcnt :uul Tl'cas Ill·el·.
Mr. George Tournay Biddulph.
ANNUAL REPORT. year. A ladies' first aid and nul' inO' courso and thre e JumOl . ' . classes-two for young . men and one for gn·ls. . 0 Including the rYE Classes have been held during th
junior classes, 17 men and 12 women Lave received certificates. Seven women have qnalifiecl for the final medallion. The late Hon. Secretary, Miss Morton, resigned her post in January last, and the Misses Platt were appointed in her stead. There has been a revival of the work amongst the Railway employes. Two classes have been held on days in alternate weeks, since August, for members of the Metropolitan Railway service.
(Balham, Bctttel'sea, B1'ixton, Clapham, 1{ennington, Lambeth, Tooting and Neighbo~b1'hood.) ]'"1'0 j<lOllt.
H,R.H. the Princess Frederi\!a of Hanover, Baroness von Pawel Rammingen. Statement of Receipts ar,d E xpendittt7'e f1'om Septembe1', 1897, to Septombs1', 1898. , -j ce·]'"l'O i<lon t .
Receipts. To Balance from 1896-97 " Class Fees " SubscriptionsGen eral Lom'y . " Stores sold
Expend it1tre. 5:1 By Class Expenses. £7 4 3 "Annual Meeting . " Central Fund Accounttores £4 1 11 o 10 6 Examiners' Fees 3 9 0 387 7 10 11 1 17 O~ " Postage. . . 1 3 5! " Printing and Stationery o 15 1 " Ad vel'tisements. o 14 0 " Repairing Litter
£26 0 10 17
Tl' ea~ u r l'
£40 16 6!
a n(I JlollOral'Y oCl'c tal'Y.
JI (liea l ·taff.
Mr. J. Brown, L.R.C .. , L.ll,C.p.
nIl'. L. S. Uc:lIanus,
THE work of the Ditrict contiuue to make very sati factory progre. The members of the Medical tall' are conlially thankcd for their hearty co-operation. StCtteme/~t
oj Receipts cliul E..epcnrlitltre to
Reee ipts.
To Sundry Creditors
" Balance of Income over Expenditure
8 11
who have who have r eceived completed Certificates. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aiel.
I Nursing.
who have received Certificates1st Aid.
SI£ CE FORMATION OF CEl: TRE. 275 I 157 I 190
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 9 I 10 I 4
30th, 1 98.
E;cpcnclihtTe. By Oash at Bank . " unc1ry Debtors.
1 2 9 6
£1 32
£33 10
,VILLLDI H. MORGAN, Han. Secretary.
No. of Women who have completed a course of in struction.
£33 10
)1. D,
Examined and found correct. CIIARLES B. ALLE , Han. Attdilor,
William H. :JIorglll, 39, Alderbrook Road, Balham Hill, ' . ....,y,
19 4 9 21 11 91
Balance £40 16
ir Vincent Keunett-Barrington,
I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I Wome n.
No. of Men
No. of Women
No. of Certificated who have who have who have Pupils who have who have completed a Completed received received received of course .a course of Certificates. Certificates. :Meelallions. lDstruction. instruction. Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Ntu'sing. Men. I Women.
99 3
Completed the Course of I nstruction-Junior Males, 27; Junior Females, 13. Gained Certificates-Junior Males, 14; Junior Females, 5. _
1279 279
81 TCE FOR lATION OF CENTRE. 625 I 142 I 477
S1 TCE 1ST OOTOBER, 1897. 119 I 45 I 105
Statsment of Receipts and Expencliture/or the year encling September 30th, 1898.
Formed 1884.
Alderman Thomas Whittaker.
"ice'PI'C i(Icnt • ~1r.
.M r.
Mr. Mr. Mr.
A. Appleby H. H. Bolton R. Briggs-Bury G. Bullough W. Haworth
Mr. JUl'. l'IIr. 1\11'. l'IIr.
To Balance brought forward October 1st, 1 97 SubscriIJtiollR & donations "" Stores sold . . Oredit-old badges returned " to St. J ohll' Gate . "Balance fro III Oricket Match, May 1 th, 189 . "Ohurch Di trict Oouncil Jubilee Fuml, equipping two Street Boxes " Bank ill terest " Class Fees
17 71 4 35 6
6 6
0 o 4 2 10 12 6 H
F. N. Haywood penceI' James H. ,V. Kearns G. W. Macalpine J. E. Riley
The Rev. E. Greensill,
M. A.
Expenclitu1·e. 3 By Grants, Accrington Corps £1 " Loss. Expenditure over income-opcning New Headquarters, May 21st, 6 13 1 9 o 8 " Plumbing and Ghzing . " lIeadfJ.ual'ters for 8tores 55 17 and Olass Fees. o 10 " Advertising 3 8 " Printing " Furniture - new Drill 12 10 Room . 1 7 " tationery 0 1 " MeJallions 19 8 " Ueneral tore o 15 " Sundries 8 4 " 'treet Boxes, Repair, &c. " Fuel, light amI water to 3 16 June 30th 1 9 0 4 " Fire In Ul'ance . " Rent of Drill lIall, &c., 22 10 to eptember 30th, 1 9 1 15 " Horing Ambulance Van 2 17 " Po. tage, carriage, &0. .
e150 16
Mr. J osaph Ogden, 157, Whalley Road, Accrington.
10 6 6.
2 j ~
1 10 3 J 0
0 0 1 7~
159 Balance clue to Trea urer Trca IU'CI' an(I I1onorlll'Y Secretary .
o o
£150 16
J. OGDEN, Hono1'a?'Y Secl'cta7'y Clnd TreaS1l7'CI'. Offi ce :
Bridge Street, Accrington.
Audited and found correct, T. PILKINGTO.-, Hon. rhlditor.
lUcdieal Staff.
M1'. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
J. S. Olayton, M.D. R. Olegg, :hLB. , C.M. J. Oowie, M.B., C. M. M. J. Fox, L.R. C. S., L. R. C. P. William Geddie, M.D.
Mr. A. Greenhalgh, M.R.c.s.,Eng., I,. R. C. P., Lond. M1'. T. E. .r uttaU, M.B., C.M. Mr. R. Ruttle, L.n.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. H. \Vousley, M.B.• C.M. Mr. T. Frankish, M.B.
- completed a Course of
SEVEN classes have been held during the year-six in first aid and one in nursing. N cgotiations have been in progress with the Technical Instruction Oommittee of the Accrington Town Oouncil, with a view to grants being given to classes in accordance with the arrangements generally in force throughout the country, but up to the present without success.
No. of 1\[en
Who have
No. of Women who I lave comple teu a COllrs e of instl'llC·tiOD.
who have receiveu Certificates.
IN' - :;-
-:-:....,...,......,...,N~--I A~. ursiJl~.
1st Aid
1st Aid.
I XllI'sing. 1st Aid. I Nnrsin~.
who IUlYe received Certificates.
No. of Certificated Pupil who have receiveu )Ledallions. :Men.
I Women.
OCTO.13]!; 11, 1897. 103 I 20 I 67
!NOE hiT
Formed 1890. l~l· C.
id cnt.
Mr. W. T . Robertson. l 'i cc·Prcsidc nt •
Mr. R. Eve Major·General Hammersley (;hairmall.
D eputy (;hah·mau.
who ha\'e
Trc a SUl·cr.
)(Ollorar y Sccl·clary.
Mr. C. Budd, 73: Grosvenor Road . l 1 e(lic al
Ur. J. H . Gibson, ~r.R. C .S.E., L.n.c.p.L. lIIr. C. E. Paterson, M.D.
lIIr. F. 'troyan, L.R.C.P.L.,
who have received Certificates.
1st Aid.
No.of Certificat!.d Pupils who have received ~J edallions.
I Nursing.
I Women.
IxeE 1,'1' OCTOBEH, 1 97. ]0 16
Statement oj R eceipts and E~l'pcnclit~L?'e /01' the yea?' ending Septe7nbe'l' 30th, 1898. Receipts. E;cpenditure. To Balance at Bank £19 0 10 By Examiners'l'eesa11ddonation " I n Secretary's hands 0 14 3~ to Central Fund . £3 14 0 " Annual Subscriptions 9 15 0 " Materials for Classes, 2 10 11 1 4 0 Balldages, &c. " Donations 3 17 0 " County Council Grant 9 11 0 "Medallions 1 12 6 " Police Grant 1 10 0 "Hire of Room " Board of Guardians for "Printing, Advertising, 4 2 0 Removing Patients 0 17 6 and Stationery. " Class Fees 2 18 6 "Postage, washing baJJ1 9 8 " t;ale of Books, Bandadages &c. . o1 0 ges, &c. 2 17 4 "Cheques o3 0 " Medallions 2 19 0 "Fire I nsurance 33 2 9 " Balance at Bank o 14 H " I n hands of Secretary
who have completed a course of
S taff.
ANNUAL REPORT. THE Aldershot Centre has again done a very satisfactory year's work. The financial position is strong, there being a balance in hand of oyer £33; it is hoped that the Centre may shortly be in a positiou to purchase a horsc aml.mlance, the need for which is constantly felt, now that the hospital is taking in patients almost daily. It is also well known to the Committee that a horse ambulance would be not infrequently used for conveyance of patients in easy circumstances, and who woulll willingly pay for the use of it. The County Council grant for the year amounts to £9 lIs., and in addition there is a special grant of £1 lOs. , for instruction of police constables in first aid. The Committee wish to express their sense of the great loss the Centre has sustained through the death of two of their members-Mr. Hickley, who has been a subscriber and supporter from the very commencement; and the Rev. Ellis Hewett, who worked for the Centre as he did for everything el e that seemed to him for the benefit of the town .
Xo. of Women
who have r ecei ved Certificates.
Mr. J . May.
Mr. A. J. Andrews, Capital and Counties Bank.
Oclobe1' 19th, 1898 .
No. of Men
completed a course of instmction. iTl~t.l'uction. 1st Aid. I Nursing_ 1st AieL I Nursing- 1Ht Airl. I NUr3ing.
Rev. J. de Verd Lcigh Mr. H. Wells
11'. W. T. Robertson
£51 7 5t
Audited and balance at Bankers found correct, E. W. EAGLESTON. CLEMENT BUDD, H on. Secretary.
H.R.H. The Duk e of a.xe-Coburg a.nd Gotha,
&c., &c.
Vi Cc·)'l'Cs i cle nts.
iiII'. W. P. Pomfret.
Lord Rothfield Lord Gerard
C lla i l'Ju:m.
ir .T Oh11 Furley.
1' )'ca s lll'Cl'.
Mr. 'Y . .F. 13. J emmett.
lIo1101'al'Y S(,Cl'CtHI'Y
Mr. B. H. Headley, High
treet, Ashford .
JUc(U CIll S taff.
111'. W BOok Ml' E'o' . e,M.R. C.P. Lon ., M. lt.C.S. Mr' J 'R olvlllc, F.R.C.S.
Mr:E'vv ' r~Iitchison, L. R. C.P., lIf. n.c.s.
. . I hurston, L.R.C .P. L on., LR.C.S.
Mr. J . Cooper Wilkinson , L. R. C. P. L on., M . It. C.S. Mr. George 'W ilks, M. n., C.S., L.S.A.
70 Statement of Receipts and
1897-189 .
La(lies' IlOIlOI'llry SCCl·Ct:ll'Y.
E xpenditn?'e.
Receipts. £2 14 To Balance 1 0 Subscriptions. . " Ladies' Olass Entrance F ees 3 10 " Men's 1 17 " " ale of Medallions " 4 17 " 3 1 Books " Badges . " 0 8 . " " Old Litter H ouse " " to Mr. J . Morton 1 0
8 0 0 0 6 0 0 0
By Examiner's fees . " Stores Department Medallions "" K entish Exp"es8 Bill
£3 2 4 0 0 0 1
Kent Examine?'
7 4 7 5 10 9 8 4 18
6 0 3 6 2
" De Ath's " Printing " " H arris, for cleaning Litter tation o 12 0 Two set of Expenses for " Ola and. washing bandages o 18 0 " Boys for Olass experiments 0 3 0 tamps o 10 0 "" Oarriage on Reports 0 1 4 ~ 4 0 Balance in Bank " Oa h in hand o 14 8
" ""
£ 18
8 2
We have examined the above Accounts with Vouc11ers, and. found tho same correct. J onN FURLEY, Ohai1'7nan. ,Vl\!. F. B. JEl\DrETT, Han. TreasufI'cr. I SSUE
Mr. J. T. Walters, Babbington Oollieries, Nottingham.
Mrs G. Fowler, .
Basford Hall, Nottingham.
)(('(lical Staff.
Mr. D. M. Forbes, ~r. D. Mr. W. H. Hill, 11. D.
~Ir. H. J. N eilson , Mr. W. "cott, M . D.
Statement of Reccipts and E1'l1cnditllJ'e, 1 97 to 1 9 . Receipts.
who have who have who have com lJleted a received completed course of Certificates. '1 course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. l Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursiug.
378 21
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
311 21
N"o. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nursing. 55
Men .
SI "CE 1. T OCTOBEll, 1897. 16 17 I
To Sale of Book Bandages " " Medallion " "" Donation from the Bahbington Coal Co.
I Women.
E.l')Jl.-ildit ll1·C. £0 10 o 12 3 1 12 11
0 IDy 1 andage 6 ' " ~IetlallioJl 9 Examiner's fee. and " E xecu tive expenc 1 4
6 10
£17 12
FOWLEll, Ohainnan, E. EELY, Treasli rer. J . T. 'WALTERS, Bon. Sccretcl1'Y·
10 UE OF
ERT1FICATE Xo. of Wom on
who have who havu who IW.I'e co mpleted COIIll'luletl a received acOurse of ('OUI'Sfl of Certificate. ins truction. instruction. iSrAfd. I Xursing. 1st Aid. I Nmsing. 1st Ail!. I Nursin.~.
Formed 1878.
1\1.1'. Oharles H. Seely, M. P . 'rrcasIlJ"CI'.
I •
No. of l ell
:Mr. G. Fowler, M.Le.E.
£1 3 9 19
DURING the year se\'era1 male classes (first aill) have been heM, at which 143 attended. The presentation of Oertificate , &c.: by ~Ir . W. B. Ran om, was held on July 20th, 1 9 . The ea 'es of fir -t aiu rendered i' not oflirially recorded, but in thi . neighbourhood alone orer 450 caSt')s of injury have occurred (luring the 1a t twelve month., and been treated by first aid men. ~ UI1lCrOllS clt:>e' have been heard of away from home, where fir t aid has been rendererl 11y it members, \"ho are almost naily adding to the teo timony of the goocl work innuguratctl hy the As ociation.
Mr. F. E. Seely.
-:1.1 I I OIG 1fiT
OF 30
wh o have received Certi ficntes. ht Aid.
I Nursing.
N" o. of Corti ficated Pupils wh o have received Medalli on' . M,m.
I 291
OCTonrm, 1 97 .
No. of Women
Formed 1893. who have who havfl who have completed a received completed course of Certificates_ a course of in~tl'llction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Air!. I Nursing. 1st AiL!. I Nursing.
Prc i(lcnt.
Sir Bernard Samuelson, Bart.
1st Aid.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nt1l'~ing.
(:lw j rlla an.
R ev. Father O. J. Bowers.
who have received Certificates.
I Women.
1111'. Daniel Preston,
lIIr. E. J. Orosby.
Office: Town Hall, Banbury.
1111'. W. B.
Formed 18 2.
e\vton. l~rc"iI1Cllt.
Dr. Raye.
Dr. Beattie Dr. Griffin
The Rev. E. H. Dyke,
ANN U AL REPORT. SINCE the formation of the Oentre in 1 93, 116 mcn have completeJ a course of instTuction in first aid, and 99 obtained their 'ertificate ; 132 females have com· pleted a COLlrse of instruction in first aid, 102 obtained their Oertificatesj 105 haye completed a course of instruction in nlll'sing, and 74 passed the examination; 19 have pas ed their final examination, an(l ohtained their medallions. On several occasions the knowledge obtained at the lectures has been of great practical use. The ambulance carriage, ,,-hich is kept at the Police tation at the Town Hall, has proved to be very useful on se,eral occasions, and is at the service of anyone who should unfortunately require it. The thanks of the Oentre are due to Dr. Griffin, for his valuable services as lecturer, also to Mrs. au1, who so ably assisted the doctor in bringing the class to so successful an issue.
By Balance from last year's Aecount £13 15 10 1 10 8 " Stores sold 3 11 " Entrance Fees
£18 17
To Oalico for Bandages " Advertising Postage, stamps, &c. " Headquarter's Account " Balance in Bank .
£0 1 0 6 0 1 2 18 15 10
0 0 6 3 9
£18 17 6
O. J. BOWEN, Chair·man. EV'NIN J. OltOSBY, Han. T?·easw·el·. D. PRESTOK, lIon. Secretary.
Uonol'al'Y ~('Cl'('f ari e • Mr. Thoma Leary, 10, Keith treet, Barrow. )( <Ileal
Ur. Alexander Ruth erford,
:\f. B.,
C.!\I., Edin.
AN UAL REIORT. progress of this Oentre is \Yell marked. Commencing in 1 0, it has gl'ad~all'y gained ill pnblic e timation, llumber of members, and exten ive practical applicatIOn. In the large manufactnring works of the town-iron and steel smelting and converting, ship builUillg and naval armament con truction, ilax and jute and paper pulp manufactories, foundries, team corn mill l)etl'oleulll storacre oil works ti b ' . _ ' 0 , , m er depots, stelLll1s111p compallle, coast and foreign hipping, &c.,-\'ery many workmen (hundreds annually) llLeet with houily injnrie, and are instantly attended to by a.lllbulance men (fellow employes), alleviating pain and anxiety with good effect, and happily averting liahility to aggl'a\'ation of injury or fatal consequences through skilled and systematically-taught helper comincy promptly THE
Statement of Receipts ctnd Expenclit~t1'e for' the yea?' e?uling October', 1898. Receipts.
Tl'c as n I'C 1'. Ul'. H enry Oook.
~1r. Eciwal'll 'Yaclham.
Arrangements having been made with the Barro\\' Football Olub for the attendance of an ambulo.nce lllun at the matches, tout duty hi! been ctlnied out with completeeveral acciclellts havc happene(l, which although not very erious, required an:e~ate.. attelltio~ ~nd syste:natic ~1pp:icatioll, for IJl'evcnting extension of injury P CHllng alleVIatIOn of pam. TlllS tunely precaution of the football Oommittee ensures an " d Y Injure person, without d elay beinu taken in charge of the ambulance party, where he will meet with comfort and cluiet treatment of iUJ"tll'ies and speedy conve " a . yance to hom<1, smgery, ho pital, or return to play. A full set of ambulance PlPltlances are kept in the football pavilion, such as surgieal basket, lint, bandages l' Pas e1' a 'd ' sp ll1ts, tourniqnet, rugs, stretcht'l's, &c. Records of the numerous cel ents and '1' , al lIlg persons, attended to by ambulance men in workshops, are only
74 alluded to, not detailed, in the local reports; but such occurrences in public places are fully particularized. An Annual Meeting is held in the Town Hall [or the Jistribution of certificates and medallions by the President. His worship the Mayor and the Mayoress of the Borough are generally present on this mo t intercsting occasion. The ceremony of presentation is followed by a demon tration of ambulance excrcises, comprising a group of burnt or scalded workmen, bringing into play the excellent system of triangular bandaging. Also a group representing a railway accident, when splints, tOlU'I'iquets, bandages, stretchers, poles, mg hammocks, and band lifting are fully illustrated. Examples of stretcher drill are also gone through. A numher of females also exhibit pre5entable portions of the nursing class exercises, such as bed-making, changing sheets over and under belpless patients, also waterproof draw sheets; lifting from one bed to another by hand and poles; application of bed cage, bed re ts, &c. The important proccss of artificial respiration (little understood by the public at large) in cases of suffocation, are also illustrated on a large number of patients apparently drowned. The exhibition is lllways received with frequent loud applausc, and is calculated to keep the object and advantages of the Association well Lefore the public. A Ladies' (detached) Class, instructed by Dr. .Allan Rutherford, has lately concluded the examination. A Works' (detached) Class, undcr the instrudioll of Dr. D. Anderson, for the large Ship: Building Company, Messrs. Vickers, Sons & Maxim, have recently opened the course of St. J olm lectures. Statement oj Receipts and E[I'jJenclitw'e for the yect1·, 1S97 -S. Receipts. EQ;]Jenditure. To Balance from previous By Printing and stationery. £5 1 3 £2 S 4 " cwspaper adycrtiscll1ents o 3 6 Account 2 14 6 " Contributed by" Rent 1 18 7 Rev. E. H. Dykes 1 0 0 "Corre. Jlondcnce . Barrow H rematite Steel " Gencntl ervicesCo. 2 2 0 Lads acting a' patients, Messrs. ,Valmsley and & a. sistants; attendants; Smith 1 1 0 caretakers of materials; Partington attemlallt 011 female Kellner, Paper Pulp Co. 1 1 0 classes & general assist6 6 6 2 2 0 ance Furness Railway Co. " Special, ervicesBarrow Co-operative Associati on . 2 0 0 Ant lJulance men on duty Sir Chas. Cayzer, M.P. 1 1 0 at football field & sports, " Net Proceeds of Ambulance to Le recouped by proOoncert. 23 IS 10 mised contributions of 5 15 0 " Bank Interest 0 1 11 respective committees . " London Centra' Exam ination-Examiner's fees & 416 0 incidental expenses . " Materials at classes and o13 10 accidel1ts o36 " Petty Disbursements " Office ExpensesExecutive Committee's 6 6 0 Secretary (one year) 2 17 5 " Balance . £,36 16 1 £36 16 1 ~
Audited and found correct, December, 1S9S.
J. H. HUDDART,} Auditors. W. BENSON,
who have who have who have cOl1ll'leted a received completed COlll'se of Certitj cn tes. a cow'se of illst.ruction. instruction. 1st Aid. , NW·tiing. 11st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. , Kursing.
who have received Certificates .
1st Aid. , Xursing.
.. . I
K o. of Certificated Pupils who have received ~Iedallions .
I Women.
1S3 OCTOllEH, 1897. I I 13
94 10
Formecl1S80. l~l'<'i'I iel ent.
Her Grace the Dllche
of Bedford.
' "h·c·Pre. iel 11t •
Dr. J. Coombs, Ohaimutn.
Mr. Blaydes. The Rev. Paul Wyatt.
Col. Josselyn.
Trca'!UI'Cl' :nul Jlollol';n'y Secretary.
Mrs. Alfred Paine, ,Yharfedale, Golclington Road. LU'c )le1l1\1cr.' ,
The Duchess of Bedford
Adeline, Duchcss of Bedford
ir Frederick Howard.
ANNUAL ImpORT. ~H~ prineipa: work for thc year luI..' been a llursing class [or women , of whom 21 ok the CertIficate, and the attendance in Bedford of 33 of the County Policemen for lect~ll'es uncl practice classe , with the following crratifyin cr re ult :-crained th~ medalhon Coun t y, 3 B orong11 Pohce, . b . . . ' ')0 ~ andb 3 members of theb Brio-ude DlVislOn' 1'0 e " . t' l ' . , - Xalllll1a 1011 vouc leI', 2 pohce constables, 3 members of the bFire Bngade and 11 mcn, including those from the yj.llage of tagsden. The whole of the County Police class pas etl the exami1lation [or first aid CWe ~ave again to tlmnk the Technical I n trnction Com~ittee of the Beds. County n°,uncIl for ct grant of money, the free 11 e of their lecture room for the clas es, and l. Hal11ll1crton Ed wards, [or his COUl' c of free lectures. ~~le Committee desire to record their eOlltinned high appreciation of the valuable selV1Ccs rendered b Y tllen . me . 1eCutlgable • H onorary Secretary, l\h . Alfred Paine which th eyarem hI .I ne p cased to know have Leen recognised by the Chapter-General ' by her 01110 ment I ' ' Je. .as I onorary ASSOCIate of the Order of the H ospital of t . John of lusalem III Englund.
76 Statement of Receipts and Expendit1we j1'0?n Octobe1', 1897, to October, 1898. Expenditure. R eceipts. £10 3 T o Balance. " Two Grants from the Tech. Ed. O'ttee. of the Beds. 10 0 Oounty Oouncil o 10 " Annual Subscriptions 0 5 " Donahon . . 14 15 " Fees from Men's Classes . " Fees from IV omen's Olasses 11 6 " Sale of Books, Bandages, 8 19 &c. 2 12 " Medallions
7 0 0 0 6 6 9 0
By Examiners' Fees and Ex, penses £7 11 3 L ecturers' Fees 10 10 0 " In cidental expenses (St. " John's Gate) 2 12 6 Stores, Books, Bandages, etc. 9 911 " Postage 0 8 6 " Printing, Stationery 5 3 8 " Oarriage of Goods 0 4 3 " Boys as Models for " bandaging 2 18 0 Hire and Expenses of " School-room at lectures, classe , laundry, etc. 5 15 0 2 12 0 l edallions " Equipment of Brigade, " Ambulance and lUsing 7 2 10 Divisions. 4 311 Balance
£58 11 10
£58 11 10
J A~1E OOO~IBS. Chairman. FRED Jo, SELYN (Lieut.-Ool.), Vicc-President, ELEANOR PAINE, H on. SecTeta1'y ctntl Treasurer, I SSUE
No. of Men
of Women
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursing.
No. of Certificate who have received Certin ca tes. 1st Aid
Pupils who have received :Medallions.
](onol'a..), SecI'ctari c .
.&Irs. Magowan.
Miss Black, Glen Ellor, StranJtown, Belfa t, ancl Dr. F. Howanl Sinclair ,.. P , 16, akenham Place, Belfa t. JIcdical Staff.
Dr. Calwcll Dr. J . .A. Lillilsay
Brigade-Surgeon McFarland.
IN pre enting the thirteenth aunual report the Oommittee beg to record that a large amount of good work has bcen accomplished during the year, ano. ntluable Ilid renderecl hy first aid and nm ing pupils. It will he scen that the total number of cIa es beld was 11, atteneled hy 27;) pu pilti, of whom 1 entered for examination, and 76 receiyed ccrtificate. For women there wa oneeries of fil"t aid lectureS. Two "Home Hygiene" classes \I'ere held, and were attended by 35 pupil, of \I'hom 8 were examined, and 7 received certificate. The follo,ring memher of the :M edical prof 'ion very kindly actcd as lecturer : Drs. Allams, Agnew, Darling, D,wi<1sou, Fulton, Le lie, :J[acFadden, James Taylor, Wadsworth, \\~illiam.'on and ·WiIHOll. During the year euding June 30th, 1 9 , the firemen who are members of the t. John Ambulauce Brigade responded to 1,630 call. The follo\l'ing were among the case' :-Wolluds, ~57; 'ull'ocation, 7; internal injuries, 6 . clilocations, 27 ; brui e , 212; sprain., 34; COllCUS 'ions, 19; fractures, 107; epileptic attack, 67 ; poisoning, 61 ; tlrowuinU', 36. It will be 'een that the work dOlle by the ambulance wagon has been greater than in (Uly Ill' viou' year, the number of calls exceeding last year's by 350. It is this year propo ed to form a .r ursing Di "ision in connrction "'ith the Brigade; the memliers con::;ist of latlies who have r ceived fir t aid and nur ing certificates. They meet once a month for practice, anel agree to visit auy poor ca es unable to obtain other ntu'sing.
I Nursing. Men. I Women, 220 21
Statement oj Receipt and E,"pcnditul'e, 1 9 . Receipts. E.1,)lcnclitw·c.
To Class Fees £19 19 3 By Examiners' Fee. etc. . £7 "Stores . 3 7 1 6~ "Incidcntal Expen e " Sir W. QUlLrtu E,,'urt 2 " tore Account (donation to Jursing 3 " Extra store Brigade) o 10 0 " Medallion s 5 " Medallions . 5116 3 " Printing account I, Balance from 1897 3 4: 10 " Adverti ing 2nd Ambulance 1 " Expen es of ecretary and Treasurer for Car1 riage, Postage, etc. £~
Formecl 1886. Balance l~l'es j(lent.
13 6 5 11
3 13
0 6 4 0 6 3 6
11 10
16 11
7 10 £36
2~ 1~
Sir William Q. Ewart, Bart. ChaiJ.'JlIan.
Mr. 0, O. Oonnor.
F. E. MC]ARLAND, A.M.D. (Brigade Surgeon), DCPltty Chai1'1nan. L. :t.lAGOWAN, Hon01'a1'y T 1·casurC1'. F. HOWARD SINOLAIR, M.D., H onora1'y Scc1·etary. H
No. of Women
1\0. of Men
No. of Certificated who have who have who have who have Pupils who have completed a received received completed received course of Certificates. Certificates. a course of Medallions. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women.
1916 69
1080 39
SINOE 1ST OOTOBER, 1897. 11 I 70 I 7
l'rc 'icl ent.
The Right Hon. the Lord Leigh. t 'ba irJllllll.
i\1r. J . Courtenay Lord.
Uonorll I'Y Secr e tary .
}'lr. John Henry Roger, A.C.A. Offices .
12 , Colmore How, Birmingham.
Life ll c mb cr '.
The Right Hon. the Lord Leigh
Formed 1881.
:nIl'. Arthur Alhright lLr. George Cadbury Mes rs. Chance Brothrlr
Captain F. nI. Norman, R.N.
JI N U('nl Staff.
Mr. E. O. Bark, )LR.C ..'. )11'. J. H. Blakcney, L.R.O.l'. ~Ir. T. A. Brown, )I.B.
Mr. W. L. Miller (Messrs. Barclay and Co.'s Bank), Berwick-upon-Tweed.
Ur. Augustus Clay, :lI.R.O.I'.
)11'. W. Mundy Cox, L. R. O. P. ~Ir. G. F. Crooke, LD. 111'. W. Dowuil1g, L. R. C. P. Mr. T. Bamanl Gould, L.R.O.p.
Honorary Sccr e tal·Y.
I ILieut. -Col. Weddell, 1st Vol. Batt. N . F., Avenue House, Berwick-vpon-Th·eed.
Mr. J. F. Unmmow, L. H. C. p. 111'. G. H. Hart, L.It.C.p. )Ir. D. Holmes, )1.13. ~lr. A. T. IIoldsworth, :M. D. ~lr. J. J. Hnes, )LU.C ..
Life lU ember s.
Bon. Mrs. Askew Robertson.
Col. D. Milne Hom e. U eclical Staff.
1\1r. W. Y. Grant, "LB. Surgeon-Captain Mu,ckay, M.D. I SSUE
No. of Men
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
ir John Holder, Bart. }'lr. G. B. Lloyd , ir Richanl Tangye :J11'. John E. ,\Yil on.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nnrsing. Men. I WOlDen. 10
:J11'. }'Ir. }'lr. :Jlr. }'Ir. :J11'. }'lr. }'1r. :J11'. Mr. Mr. :JIr. }'11'.
J. Coole Kneale, L.U.O.l'. O. R. Lewis, )1.B. R. F. ':Mackellzie, )LD. F. :J1arsh, F.l~.C.S. J. T. J . l\lorri on, F.R.C.I'. J ame J eal, )I. R. O. . rrhomas N el on, :M. D. H. G. I ichols, )[. H. O. E. W. Parey, )1. D. G. W. Powell, :lI.B. " . J . Robert, L.R.C.P. F. 'W. Unilerhill, F.R.C.S., E,l. E. B. Whitcombe, :M.R.C ..
AI I U~\' L ImpORT. Ix presenting the Eighteenth Annual Report your Committee record with pleasure the atisfactol'Y pl'ogrc s the work of the entre continues to make. The accounts shew a surplus on the year's working o[ £19 6 . 7d. During the year twenty classes have been held-but only three in connection with manu[actorie , and your Committee again de ire to urge upon all employer' of labour the great advantages which would arise [rom their mcn receiving tuition in n.mbulance work. Three Ulore wheeled litters have beelllllu,ced at the dispo 0.1 of the City authorities at a co t ?f £36 to the Loeal Centre. T he fourth competition [or the Challenge hield 1'e ulted III a profit of £10 lOs. 2d. T he Committee gmtefully acknowledge the receipt of a donation of £5 [rom the IIospital aturcla,y Fund and a donation of a likc amount from the Charity Sports Committec. The L ocal Centre has had much pleasure in ha:il1~ the ~pportunity of lllu,king fLU acknowledgmcnt of their apprecin.tion of L ord LeIgh s contmued interest in the Association by voluntary contributions from the ~lembers to the Golden W edding F Ulld.
80 Income and Expenditwre
Br:penditw·e. Ry Printing, Stationery, etc. £11 , I Lectures, Conveyance of o Materials, etc . . Postacres & Petty Payments 3 " Heal'qnarters for Examiners' " Fees, and E xpenses and 65 Stores Office Rent and Expenses 15 "" Birmingham Corps, Stores, 27 Materials, &c.. Balance, being Excess of " Income over Expenditure 19
for the yea?' ending 30th 2
16 10 311 0 0 18
0 0 2
Income. T o Class Fees £70 9 0 Stores - Sales Account 42 18 3 " Subscriptions . . 7 12 0 " Hospital Saturday Fund, " Share of . 5 0 0 Charity Sports D onation 5 0 0 " Profit on Challenge Shield " Competition . 10 10 2 Medallions, Badges, &c. o 19 3
Formecl 1885.
]-rcs hlcnt. The R ight Ron. Viscount Cranl.Jorne, )1.P. Cllail'lUlln.
Tl' usurcr. Mr. Euwal'd Wheatcroft.
The Right Rev. Bishop Cramer-Robdrts, D.D.
JlOUOJ':lt·y Sccr c tary.
1111'. James Haworth, Exchange Flags, Blackburn.
Lile )[c mb CI·S.
The Right Hon. Viscount Cranborne, ~1.l'.
nil'. John Rutherford, )1.P.
11('(lie a 1 Staff.
£14-2 8 8
Liabilities. By H ead-quarters for Examiners' Fees and Expenses and Stores £65 " Sundry Creditors. 2
---Total Liabilities 67 I ncomeandExpenuiture, viz.: Surplus, June 30th, 1 97 147 Add Surplus of I ncome over Expenditure for year ended June 30th, 1 9 19 6 7
£234 13
bIr. .Marm:vIuke Bannister, )1. n. c... , Eng., L.R.e.p., M.B., Lond. MI'. John Barr, )1.ll. Mr. David Bradley, M. D. ~lr. W. P. (;ounsellor, ~1. D., )1. R.· .. '. , Eng. MI'. A. F. Crinan, L.R.C.p., L.lLC.S., Ell., L.F.p.S., CHas. MI'. Riley Cuuliffe, 1\[. B. MI'. G. B. Elliott, L.R.C.P. 111'. Rout. Hunt, )1.R. C. ' . , Eng., L.R.e.p., Lond.
£234 13 0
October 25th, 1898 .
who have received Certifica tes. 1st Aid.
No.of Certificat~ d Pupils wbohave received Medallions.
I N ursing. l'iren. I WomeD
17 8
5604 II 142
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
L.R.!.'.p. Philip Prebhle, M.B., c.)!., Ed. James T. T. Ramsay, L.RC.P. & L.lL C. '" E(l. J. II. A. ahade, )['R.C. -'., Eng. "\Yilliam F. teele, )LB. James Wheatley )['D .. )LR.C. '., Eng.
9 .
F ORMATION OF CE~Tn.E. 630 15 74fi I 301 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 8 73 I 52 I 60
279 46
420 159
No. oo,fen
0 0 9 9l 7 1~
CERT I FICATE . No. of Women
o have who have com pIe ted received acourse of Certi fica tes. instruction. ~ . I Nursing. ]st Aid. I Nursing.
Outstanding account, 7 . 9u. JA . H.A WORTII, Hon . SeCi'CtCt7·Y. EDWARD ' YnE.ATCROFT, Hon. Ti'eaSltrer.
No . of Women
who have who have who have completed received completed a Certificates . a com'se of com'se of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NurSing' 1st Aid. I Nuraing.
65 21
111'. A. A. P. Moffatt,
Statement of Receipts (mel Expenclitlll'e from Octobc)' 1st, 1 97, to Scptembe,· 30th, 1 .&ceipts. E.iJpc)uliture . To Oash in Rank £46 2 6 By Headquarter for good', " Oash in Treasurer's hands 0 6 9k fees, c'C. £29 2 " 'undry receipts for good 10 0 7 Po tage, carriage of " Bank interest. . " parcels, printing, &c. 0 11 0 3 10 " . undry snu criptions and .Expense of Brigades at " payments by classes 32 19 3 Hoyal Lanca 'Ime Agricultural how . 5 10 Ca 'h in Bank 4 15 " a h in Treasurer" hands " Cu h in , eCl'ctary's band 20 156
October 31st, 1898
No. of Men
)1. D.,
R. A. DRY, } Hon. A1lditoJ's. THO)[AS NELSON,
John :JI. H. ::Uartin, F. n. C.s., Eng.
Examined and fOlmd correct,
who lJa\'e cOlllpleted a course of instruction. 1st Aid I Nursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st .Aid I KllrSing.
SINCE FOltllIATION OF CENTHE. j 45 0 I 209 I 302 S INCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1 97. I 23 I I 10
No. of Certificated Pupil. who have received 1Il edallions. lIlen.
I Women .
Formed 1
FormecI 1
P I'e i{l cnt.
Major-General O. C.
J'l'e~i (l clt t.
R.A. •
The i\layor of Bradford \:\11'. W. E. Aykroyd.)
T l'CaS1U'el' a n cI Ilon ol'a l'Y SCCl'c t a l·Y.
Mr. A.
trickland, 21, High
nce· l:>l'c. ·hlcllb.
treet, Bognor-on- ea.
AIr. mith Fcnther A
THE work of the Cen tre i still going on steadily, two first aid cIa se' being held yearly (one male and one female). The ambulance van has been out eight time during the year (once without payment). The horse ha been mo. t rea onably upplied and consequently a balance is in hand. The ubscl'iption have increased lightly this year. The coastguard men and policemen, who ,,'en' pupils of thi Centre, have found the instruction most serviceable on several occasion '.
Mr. Wm. Odd.r ('hai 1·luau.
JII' Will. Gi k hrist Blll'liie,
£6 14 4 5 4 8 3 16 1 0 1 8
2 6 4
6 0 0
E.)pendilll reo By Purchase of tore "tationery and tamps "" Printing . . Hire of Horse for Vall " Looking after Van . " Panelling Badges on Van " Fees paid to County " Council " AdyertisingVan. Annual SubSCliption to " Head Centre Balance in Bank.
£3 1 g 0 5 ti o 12 6 3 10 0 o 10 6 0 6 6 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 9 16 9
£21 12 6
No. of Women
who have received Certifica tes.
who have completed a course of instruction .
who have received Certificates.
who have completed a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
227 12
179 12
nIl'. C. F. Althorpe illr. F. Althorpe ~Ir. F. Barbcl'
'am. LoLlge,
Mr. Beaton,
Mr, Ur, Mr, Mr.
No. of CertificlIted Pupils who have received Medallions
I Men. 21
~h. Mr,
I Wo men.
?III'. Kennedy Jame herr, :lLD. Mr. J. H. Li -tel' MI'. Percy G. LOllge illr. amuel Lodge, Jur., Mr. Rohert Loye :oIr. J. H. :'\lcGee Mr. II. Meade Mr. J. Metcalfe, :lLD. Mr. O'Brien. :11. D. Mr. G. H. Oliver M1'. .\. Rahagliati, :lI.D, Mr. eha. tlla.I't lr. B. p, Yiret, :lLB. Mr. C. E. Waddington Mr. D. H. Waduington Mr. Henry White, :l1.B. iiII'.
:If. D.
Mr, J, II. Bell, :lLD. Mr. Ralph Bere -foru illr, A. Browne
No. of Men
JI C(lical
O. C. NICOLL (Major-General, R.A.), bcsiclent. I SSUE
~1. It. C. S.
nIl' George Chippendale. Yictori", Ilonc, ,Yenleydale RoaJ, Thornbury 13 nul 1'0 I'll.
£21 12
" ico ·t'lln i r lJlall.
T l'eaS Ul'Cl' :l1ul llolloJ'nl'Y 8CCl'c t al·Y.
Statement of Receipts and E .('jJenditll1·e to October, 189 . Receipts. To Balance from 1897 Subscription " tores sold " Hire of Ambulance Van " Hire of Diagrams. " Fees for Class
:.\11' . .Jolla Whitley ,Yo ,rill1- Wood )11'. Thos . ., peight.
Thos. Pri e ·tley
W. G. Burnie F. G. Butler J, Clawford, )LD. Walter Denby, :lLB. G. H. DoM G. Hanucock A. O. Hibbert Rd. Honcybourne, M.D. 'IV. Horrocks, M.D., F.R.C.,'. J. Jackson, F.lLC.S.
M.D ..
DURING the year 24 cIa es ha,e been held, 617 member of whIch succe sfnlly passed their examinations; in addition to the e, 67 received mf'dallion . The numbers are much larger than have b 'en previously recorded since the Centre \Va founded in 1887. The progress and pre, ent position, a well as the u efnl work ierfor~ed under the auspices of thi Centre may be considered very en couragillg. . n a city like Bradford where a large proportion of the inhabitants con i t of labollr~ng classes, subJect to the ri ks of accidents, the establishment of the Cen tre h8 eeu appreciated.
84 The Committee ha pleasure in stating that 180 mem bel's of the City Police Force have received certificate; H2 of which hold second grade certificates. and 42 of these were examined a third time and earned the Medallion of the Association, which were presen ted by the City , \ atch Committee, at the hands of Councillor J. E. Moorhouse. The in truetion the police have received has greatly increased their usefulness, and in many in tauees prevented unnecessary suffering. The following is a ynopsis of the cases in ,,,hieh they have rendered first aid during the year: - Wounds 14, fracture 12, bleeding 8, poisoning 2, dislocation 1, burn 1, banging 1, cut throat 1, making a total of 40, and 1~0 since January, 1 96. One case calls for special notice. On 5th February, acting Sergeant Dempsey and P. C. Edwarrls were informed that Kate Belsbaw bad been hit on the head with a coal rake, and that blood ,,-as streaming profusely from the "·Olllld. Thc constables rendered fir t aid, and were informed hy Dr. mith that if it had not been for the aid rendered by the police officers the woman would have hIed to death. The Committee (lesil'e to place on reco1'd their highe t appreciation fo~' the devotion and un tiring zeal .. howl1 by Mr. C. J. Paul (late Chief Con. table) in the work generally, and to express regret at losing his valuable ervices. Xursiug lectures h!we been commenced in cOllnection with the Bratlford chool 130ard. Although these lectures are not officially cOllnected with the Centre, the Committee note their formation with satisfaction. A commend· able feature of the year's ,york is that illstruccioll ill first aiel aUll nursing appear in the chool Board syllabus in connectioll with the Evening Contiuuation , cheme for 189 -9 . By this means the principles of first aid have been taught to a number of persons who otllerwise would have remained in ignorance of them. Three hundred and . eventy-two student:; satisfied the examiners, and twenty-four succeedeu in passing the first re-examination in March 1 9 . The Committee note with satisfaction the formation of a second class for the G. P. Office employees. By the l,ermissioll of the Employees Committee of the Joint Hospital Fund, the 4th annual Competition for the challenge shield amI medals was held at the garden party on Satnruay, July 16th; the Judges were Dr. Sutherland (Olecklleaton), and Dr. J os. lIarrison (BmdfoI'll), the latter officiateu for Dr. J. Crossley Wright, Halifax, who was unavoidably absent. A sCluad of -1 stuuents from Lorne treet Boaru Evening Continuation Class was awarded first prize, and the Branford Cor]Js second. At an open ambulance competition held at Halifax 011 October 29th, the Bradford City Police and the Bradford Division (A Division) were awarded first and second ]Jrize~ . The services of Dr. Ralph Beresford, Dr. James Kerr anu Dr. B. P. Viret have been recognized by their election as lIon. Life Iembers of the t. John Am lJUlance Association. The Committee h ave to express their heart y thanks to the Deputy-Mayor, (Coun· cillor T . Speight, J.P .) n'Iedical Instructors, members of the 10 squads who entered the competition, t he representatives of the local press for bringing uefoJ'e the public details of work done by our members, and all wh o h ave gratuitously helped in this good and noble work.
Statement oj Receipts ancl
1897 -8.
Receipts. Expendit1.l?·e. By Carriage of tores To Balance in hanu , Sept., £9 0 ~ " Postage 1897 . " ecretary's expense Stores sold a.nd Class 114 6 11~ " Examiners' fees and " Fees . o 10 6 trav-elliug expenses " Donations 0 94 " , ..LA.A., for incidental " Interest . expenses " Books, diagram, etc. . " Printing, Advertising and 'ta tionery " Expenses of Brigade " I ncidental Expen es " Fattorini and '011 " J uhilee Fund " Ihlance in hand
0 2 12 2 6
6 9~
12 7 37 10
3 16 8~ 12 0 2 0 6 6 6 0 0 1 1 0 9 3 10~
£ 124-
Examined nnrl fonJlel correct, Plm('Y J. LOIlOI':, Awlilol'. GEO. IlIPl'E"'lHLE, lIon. Sec/·ctary.
1. ,'UE OF
No. of Men
of Women
who have who have who c01l1pleterl a completed received eonrsc of a course of Certifica.tes. inslruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st A ill. I NilrSiilg . 1st Ai,!. I Nnrsing.
who have received Certillcales. 1st Aid.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nursing.' 1\[en.
I Women .
2236 1
11922 1
561 1
1 463
1 192 1
'TOnER, 1 97.
1 13
BRISTOL CENTRE. Forme(l 18 O. l'I'CSld c ll' •
His Grace th e Du ke of Beaufort, (JlIall·JlUlll.
Mr. B. 111 . Rogers,
) r. D.
K . G.
1 67
1\11'. H. C. James. Clcrl{.
1\11'. J. O. Syme ,
11, Richmond Hill, Clifton.
DiYis ionll I Sccl'<' ll1ric .
North Bri -tol : Mr, C. 'Y. J. Brasher. South Bristol: Mr. W. H. Uowell.
W est Bristol: Miss M. Saunders. East Bristol: Mr. W. Erskine.
)INHcal !-itnff.
Mr. JUl'. JUI'. JUl'. Mr. Mr. Mr. MI'. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. nIl'.
H. W. Wind sor Aubery, M.R.C. i';. C. ,V. J . Bra her, L.R.C.P., 2ILR.C. J. Paul Bush, :III.R.C.S., L . . .d.. H. F. Devi , L.R.C. P., :IILR. C.S . J. Dobbyn, )f.R.C.S., L.n. C.p. F. Dymoke, M. R.C.S., L.n.C.r . Theodore Fisher, M.D . , M.ll.C.S. J. Freeman, M.n.C., ., L.n.C.p. A. N. Goelb,)' Gibbs, L.R.C.P., 21I.P•. C.S . John S. Griffiths, L . R . C.P., ClLn.c . &. W. B. T. Gubbin, M. D . , C.)!. H. Elwin Harris, :III.B.; F. H. C.S. A. N. H eron, L.R.C.P.I. R. G. Poole Lansdown, M.D., M.R.C.S.
1\11'. 1\11'. Mr. 1\11'.
Mr. 1\11'. Mr. Mr.
Mr. II'. 11'. Mr. Mr. Mr.
J. . Mather, M.B., C.:\L P. W. 1\lcOrea, 21LD.,, ,Yilliam Murray, )[. B., G.)[' G. T . Myle , :IILn.O.S., L,U.C.P. E. II. C. Pauli, L.R.C.P.,M.R.O .. F. E. Peake, M.R.C.S., L R.C.P. B. M. Rogers, :11[, D., B. ClIo J. Odery Symes, M.D., D.I'.H. J. , V. Taylor, L.R.C.l'., M.R.C.S. C. H. 'Walker, M.B., M.ll.C.S. Edward H. ,Varner, M.D., C.~!. E. Cecil Willi:l1ns, M. n. C. ,Yintle, CI!.n.C.S. , L.ll.C.P. J. Young, ~r.D., C.M.
ANI UAL REPORT. BETWEEN October 1897 and October 189 , 21 first aid classes were heM, viz: 12 foJ' men and 9 for women. On examinatiou of these classes, III men and 89 women received certificates. Five nursing clas es were held and 36 women were awardell certificates; eight boys and ten girl obtai.ned certificates for the junior course; 35 men and 3 women passed the re-examination in 1ir t aid, and 60 men and 9 women pas ed their final examination for medallions. In all about 550 persons attended the classes, and to tllis number must he added 690 persons who attended the Evening Continuo ation Classes of the Bristol chool Board. Only a very small percentage of the School Board pupils presented themselves for examination, 32 males and 29 females being successful. It is hoped that th e arrallgements for the coming session will permit of a very much larger entry from the School Board. The President of the Centre, His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, distribnted the certificates and medallions at a largely attended meeting held at the Y.M. C.A. Hall, on June Utb, 1898. The increased attendance at the classes held hy the T ecbnical Education Com· mittee, the tiystematic training by the Oity Police, and th e adoption of the St. John Ambulance course by the School Board Evening Continuation Classes, bear witness to the revival of interest in ambulance work during the past session. Another new feature of 1897-98 was the stretcher competition helJ at the Zoological Gardens, on Saturday, July 2nd. For this Oompetition a Silver Challenge Cup has been presented to the Centre by Ml'. O. Beavis, and silver and Bl'on~e Medallions were offered to the members of the first and second teams. Mr. Hall S squad, of the N etham Chemical ,Vorks, took the first prize, whilst the second was awarded to the B squad of the Bristol Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade.
The Duke and Duchess of Beaufort, His ,VOl' hip the Mayor of Bristol, and the Commi siOller and Deputy Commissioners of the , Vestel'll District, were present at the Oompetition. Fir t aiel has been rellllered on many occasions by pupils of the Bristol Centre during the past year. nil'. J 0 eph George Bennett has treated some two dozen emergencie in Bedminster during the lao t two sessions, and certificates from medical men te tify to the "alne of his attentions. Fir~t aiel has also been rendered on five occasions by members of the Uri tol Fire Brigade whilst on duty. In recognition of their senice.' to the Association the late Clerk and. Treasurer (Major Clayton and Mr. H. C. Barf'tow) havc I'e:pcctively been appointeel H onorary Associates of the Onler of t. John of Jern ale111 ill EnglalHl and presented with the special Yellul1l Vote of Thanks from the Chapter of the Ol'ller.
Statcmcnt of Receipts and E.t'jJ r ll£Zitlli'e, 1 97-9 E;I.'PCIlcZ illll'e. Receipts. l13y Purchase of Books and To Balance in hand, 30lh eptembel', 1 97 . -1.:4 5 5 5~ 10 11 9 Sub 'criptiollS & Donation. j7 15 0 :: Fees, First Aid CIa .. eti 1 6 ti "Fees, -ul'sing Cll~. seR. 19 6 0 " Fees fol' He-exa,lllllHttlOJ1 ~1 3 7 "Book. ami ~I3,terial . solcl 11 17 G " Medallions 0 9 11 " lii cellallcons
£17 14 Material' 7 2 Pri 11 ting. " tatiOlll'l'Y, Allvertising, " 8 6 Po.'tage 44. 13 Pll,ymellts to L ecturers. " 1ICll(llllltll'ter for Exam" inations 4.3 11 Ditto, for ?IIedallioIls " 1Iliscellaneous 6 " 13alance in hanel
7 4~
6 4.
iglled) IIExR¥ A. FIt LTCIS, Auditor. J_DIES, Hall. Tl·cas1l7·cl'.
C. H.
Scpte1nbc)' 30th, 198.
Xu. of Women
of )[en
- - - - - - - - - - I N o. of Certificnted
\\ho have who have who have co III [lldol\ a completed received coul',;e of a course 01 Certificates. i nsLrudioll. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I t\ursing. ht Ail\ I Nlll'~iM(. INCE RE-Fomu.T!oN OF
I 1285 I
SIN E 1~'L'
who have recei ved. Certificates.
Pupil wllo ha\'e recei yed ~Iedallions.
1st l\ ill I Xnrsillg.
9. 196
Men. I Women.
377 305 762 I O CTOBEH , 1 97. 60 9 I 62 ~--~~--~~----~--I 9 36 790
---------BURNLEY CENTRE. Forme<l 1
l"rcs 141cuC.
The Rt. Hon. Sir U. J. Kay- hnttl eworth, Bart.,
8 Cbail'Juun.
9 J(onoral'Y Secre tary a n(1 Tl'cnslu'el', Mr. J . L. WarJ, :M. A. (for 1897) Mr. A . L. Garnett (for h98), '
Mr, T , G, Sandy
Yorke t., Burnley. Jledieal Sf all'.
ilIr. Mr. ::'Ill'. Mr. ~Ir .
Mr, Ur, Mr. ~Ir.
J . Browli, F.R.C.S., L.R.C. . , )I.D. J . BlU'ns, L.R.C.P. F. E. ros ley, 1II.B. T. G. Crump, 1ILR. C.S., M.B. H . A . Dixon, 1ILR.C.S. J . 1lI. Ferguson, L.R.C.P. & s. J. Hodgson, L.R.C.P. & s. R. C. Holt, L.R.C.P., F.R.C.. J . Mackenzie, ){. D.
Mr. A. H . Uackie, :M.B. Ur, F . W. I arsdell, L,n.C.p. & s. ~Ir. J. J. W. Pearcey, L.R.C.p. & s. Mr. E . Proudlove, :M.B. Ir. G. . Pullon, :M.D. Mr. A. U . Sinclair, j\I.B. Mr. J . . , Yarrack, :M.D. 1'lIt'. A. A . , Vat on, L.R.C.P. & s. Ur, R. 1lI. ,Vhitham, 1II.B.
ANNUAL REPOHT , DURING the past year there seems to have beeu a falling off in the intere t taken in ambulance \\'ork, as regard the enrolment of new pupil, and the maintellance of the Corp ; this result has been foreshadowed in previou reports. It is a matter for regret that the well-intentioned efforts of the chool Board hould have had an unfortunate effect upon the efficiency of so important a body as the local ambulance Corps . Four classes have been held during the year: a nursing cIa 's, taken by Dr. \\Tarrack; women'. first aid, in tructecl by Dr. Proudlove, who also tnok a men's class; and a first aid class at Holme, under Dr. Mackie. There has been no reo examination. I
Pre s ident.
Hi Grace the Dnke of De ~'Oll hire, (,ha h'luan.
Mr. Joseph Taylor. )JOllOl'ary SeCI'ClnI'Y.
Mr. Albert B. Ohapman, A.M.Inst.c.E., 2, Delro\\' Terrace, Darwin AYCllUe, Buxton. J(eclical SI a II'.
1IIr. ,r, T. Hannah,
6 ,
£13 4 6
To Saleable Stores £1 o 0 " Arrears . 1 6 (j Examined and found correct, TH01lIAS GUI~A~ SAl DY, Ohainnan. GEORGE GILL, Au,ditor. . J . LANGFmLD ' YARD, IIon01'a';'Y 8ec1'ctary and TrcasUll'cr. I SSUE OF CERTI FICATES , No. of :Men
1897. To Balauce (Oct. 22ud) viz.At hellield and Rotherham Bu.n k£33 0 6 In hands of the IRon. ecrotal'Y. 0 14 2 9. £33 11 II Receipts for Medallions 0 19 1I Receipts from ,Yomen's Classe~
No, of Women
who have completed a course of instruction.
who have who havp. completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st A id. I Nursing. 1st did. I Nursi ng , 1st Aid.
who have received Certificates.
I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nll1'sing. SINCE F ORMATION OF CENTRE. 61 3 I 273 232 523 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 18 I 24 I 15 18
No. of Certificate Pupils who have receilred :MedIlJlions.
Receipts . froUl . Men's Classes . Subscriptions Bank Interest less Commi ion '
D. P. n.
Octabcl' 10th, 1898.
the !leal' ending Septcmba 301h, 1 9u. E ."pcndilure. 1
By F1:l'inting and AtlYerti ing
611 6 15
'-1 6
o 15
6 0
e to Lecturer for t,,'o ourse " '-' lationcry and Po ' tage, , ' ulll1rie. . " P~yments to entraI Fund,
£2 10
o o o
£55 16
Men. I Women
'If. D.'. ~l.,
A~KUAL REPORT. DURIXG tho yea.r ending eptembcr 30lh, 1 9 . the local Centre ha carried through tbeusual number of cour es of Lecture, electing Peak Dale for thc locality for the District clas , which ""1 Iyell attended and re ulted ncce fully. It is sati factory to note that, though <1 feIY IHlpils did not cntcr for examination, all who did so succeeded in-meeting the re(1 Uil'emell t , of the examiner, anLl, as will be seen from the tabular tu.tement appl'l1llL'll, lhc e' ion resulLe(1 in 10 women and 1 men securing certificate for ellieicllcy in iirst aid; 11 women pa ' ed ill the ick Nursing Oourse ; amI 5 men l)a ed a first re-examillation ; and 3 ,,'omen and 5 men qualified [or the nledallion of the A-;:ociation. The financial po ition of the 'entre i. till atisfactory, though thc balance in band is not quite so large a at the COIl1l1lCnCemcllt of the year. The incollle from class fee has slightly increa eel allCI onc nel\' .'ub 'c riber ha heen 3.lldecl to the Ii ,t . butrepairs are still Deces ary to the -trctchel', of tll entre, 0 that further ad vance' in revenue are yet required to maintain the Centre in a strong and 1l0urishing condition.
K. G.
Tre ll sure r.
Mr. H. A. Hubbersty.
8tatcmcnt oj Receipts and E.'l.:l)Clldilllrc £13
10 10
o o
10 0 1
Y1Z . : -
tores supplied Examintl,tion Charges . Medallions " Balance" viz. :At "'he fli ehl & Rotherbam Bunk . I n hands of Honorary ecretary
3 14
6 19
1 12
o o 011
£55 16
E xamined and found correct, A. OU01!'IELD, } rr . . J '0 . R OBW 0 , ll0l10rar'Y .d1Ld1t07·S. II. A. IIUBBERSTY, Ohair·man. J OSEPII TAYLon, Han . Trca sw ·er. ALBERT B. CHAPMAN, H an . Sccrcta?·y .
of Men
No. of Men
:N o. of Women
I~o. of Certificated
who have who have Pupils who have who have who have completed a received received received completed course of Certificates. Medallions. Certificates. a COUl'se of in truction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. ] st I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. ' Men. I Women.
278 23
SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRE. 177 I 138 103 SINCE 1."r OCTOBER, 1897. 15 I 18 I 10
73 11
wbo have who have who hal'e completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. !Nursing. 1st Aid. I NUl·sing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
who have rereivecl Certificates. ] st Aid.
I Nursin~.
~ o.
of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I Women.
11 INCE 1."1'
CAMBRIAN RAIL WAYS CENTRE. CANTERBURY CENTRE. FOrl1Jed 1898. Formed 1878. Prcshlcut. l')' c~ j() ('11 t.
lr. J. F. Buckley .
The Marchiones Conyngham. 1l01l0r nry Sccr c tnry . l j (' ·Pl'c."idc nl s .
nIl'. J. D. andre,Y, Oswestry.
'I r. C. J . PI umptre.
The Very Rev. the Dean of Canterbury
:ttIc (U c nl S taff.
Dr. R. de la Poer Beresford Dr. Griffiths Dr. Hughes
Dr. Vaughan Owen Dr. Thomas Dr. ,Yilliams.
C h ~, it·nwn.
Captain Lambert. Tl'Cllsul'cr.
AN UAL REPORT. THIS Centre was formally registered 011 March 30th, 1898, since which date three classes for servants of the Cambrian Railways have completed a course of instruction, es viz., at Oswestry, W elshpool and MacllYll11eth, and it is hoped that othel'clus will be formed during the ensuing winter. Several members of the Oompany's Swff have also undergone instruction ill classes at Ellesmere, Brecon, Aberdovey, Dolgelley and Barmouth, not formed exclusively for Company's servants. In these cases the Company have defrayed entrance fees and other expenses. The Chairman of the Company, Mr. J. F. Buckley, who is President of the Oentie, and the other Directors, and }'1.r. C. 8. Denniss, the General Manager, have taken great interest in t"!:e work, and the latter presiues (Iirectly over the Oswestry Class. Members of the Classes have on varioos occasions been called upon for amu~laJlc~ help, but there have, fortunately, been no serious accidents since the formatlOu 0 the Centre. d A team from Oswestry entered for tIle Railway Challenge Shield for tho 'fsecoJ~In time, and once more defeated the Rhymney Team, but fn,iled to secure a pOSllOU the first five teams. They, however, express their intention to try again.
lIr. F. W. Furley.
~~jor H. J. Barratt, R.A.M.C. I.
:a. A. Gocrarty
Mr. J. Greasl~y Dr. W. S. Patterson ~t F. T. Pittocl( r. Z. Prentice Mr. O. Preston
11011 0)'a I'y SC(,l'ctnl'Y.
Lient. -Col. Reeves, Melrose, London Hoad, Canterbmy.
IIII'. Dr. M1'. Mr. Mr. Mr. ~lr.
James Reiu. T. Irhitelleacl Reid. Brian Rigden George Higden W. Pugin Thol'llton F. W ueher 'iclney Wachel'.
THE AN UAL REPORT. annual meeting of th C . 19th Octob ' ' . e OD1nuttee was held at 11.45 a.m. on Welll1 esday the their pleas e,I, lIn the npper hall, Eastbl'i<lge IIospitnJ. The Committee expl'~ssecl . 1noness . ConYllgham has kindly accepted the oJlice of PreSident Ule f tlt lat the Male father. 0 Ie Canterbury Centre ill succession to the late Marquess and hi
l(ouorluy Secr e tary.
The Secretary reports the stretchers, litters and other property of the Centre to be in good order, and correct in quantity. The Treasurer produced the accounts, which show a balance credit of £11 19s. 11d. The Committee heartily tha.nk the members of the Medical Staff who have given lectures, for the care and trouble they have taken with the classes.
Ur. C. Braine-Hartnell, 6, Bagshill Terrace. Life lU ember.
Ur. G. Arthur Cardew.
State!})wnt of Receipts and Expendittt7'e f1'07/1, Oct, 1st, 1897, to Sept, 30th, 1898, To " " " II II
Ur. H. Boyd Cardew, lILR.C. '. Ur, G. Arthur Cardew, lII. n. c. s.
ExpendittLre. Receipts, By Examiners' Fees and Ex£17 10 10 Balance, Oct. 1st, 1897 penses and Head Office 5 17 0 Annual Subscriptions Charges . . 3 3 6 Class Subscriptions I I Purchase of Stores 3 18 4 Sale of Stores 2 17 6 "Printing, Postage, and Medallions . . Ad vertising Donations (per Major B. 1 1 0 " Class Expenses . N, North) " Medallions . " Repairs to Wheeled Litter and Putting Rubber on Wheels . " Balance, Sept. 30th, 1898 £34
£9 3 8 2 17 0
2 1 5 1 15 2 2 17 6 3 13 6 11 19 11 £34 8 2
;lI c clic a l S ta ff
Examined and found correct, F. W. FURLEY, Hon. Treasurer. CHARLES E. REEVE (Lieut. -001.), Hon. Secretary.
Statement of Receipts and E.1'1Jenditw·e, 1897. Rf'ceipts. E.. . l' To Balance from 1 96 £2 10 6 By lZxaminel's' <l~n( lture' d Class Fees 1-'" ees an " St . I 12 6 I nClc1en tal Expenses £17 2 6 " Oles 6 15 6 l l ' tore 6 5 0 " Postage, Cabs a~d Pett~ Expen<liturc • o 15 0 " Balance . 2 16 0
£26 1
o. of Women
who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid . I Nursing. 1st Aid.
I Nursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
£26 1
I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who bave received Medallionfl. Men.
I Women. 34
108 7
O ~1~1~__~8~L-~8~~_7~~~1~4~~~1~3~1L-~1~2~~1~~--~--
No. of lIIen
who have who have who have completed received completed a a Course of CertiLicate . course of _instru ction. instl'Uction. st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NurSing' 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing.
Sr CE FORJI[ATIO OF CE TRE. I 1016 I 549 I 582 SINCE 1. T OCTOBER, 1897. 5 I 27 I 41
Formed 1879.
Formed 1881.
PI'CS ld c llt.
Sir Brook Kay, Bart .
BnOOK KAY, Presideilt. C. BU_\.IXE-IIARTNELL, Bon. Treasurer and Secretary.
who have completed a course of instruction.
Dr. Renton. II'. E. T. 'Wilson, or.B., Oxon, F.R.C.P.
A NUAL REPORT. THERE is nothing out .of the . the . usual to l'ellort this yeal' . TIl e severa1 c1asse lU town and country dlstncts, and those for the Oount Y P 0 l'lce, h ave b een "ell atten dtl d•
12th Octobe?', 1898.
Ko. of Men
H ili Grace the Duke of Westminster,
No.of Certificated Pupils wbohave received 1I1edallions. lIIen.
I Women.
K. G. I
"ice ·Pl'esi(lents.
The Bishop of Ohester.
of Chester.
Mr. R. A. Yerburgh, M. P . t.:hniI·Junn.
Mr. George A. Dickson. Honorary Secl·etnry.
Tl'cn snrer.
' V.
Dr. D uff, 5, Abbey Street, Chester.
L. Davies.
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. ~Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NurSing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
IKCE RE-FoRMATIO lUedical Staff.
Dr. Burges Mr. J . Giffen II'. G. Harrison Mr. T. Hopkins,
No. of Women
Vice· Chairma n .
The Dean of Chester . .
No. of Men
Mr. W . Lees Dr. Mann :Mr. R. Wright.
1>1. B.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aiel.
I NurSing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Women.
INCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. ! 106 I ...l I 55
ANNUAL REPORT. THE citizens of Ohester 11ave taken more or less interest in ambulance work since the formation of the Oentre. During the year ending September 30th, 1898, the influence of the Association has somewhat spread, if we may judge by the greater number of those who have taken rart ill the work. On first aid, 11 classes were conducted, which were attended by 216 students; and of those 185 presented themselves for examination, 127 passed, and 58 were rejected. 'There "ere two courses of lectures on nursing, Olie comse at Saltney and the other at Boughton, 48 ladies attended these lectures; of these, 35 presented themselves for examination, of whom 22 passed, and 13 were rejected . Statement of R eceipts and ExpendittLTe for the yea?' ending 30th September, 1898. E xpendit'u1·e. Receipts. By Balance due to Treasurer . £3 17 4 9 £2 13 To Received for Stores . Obse1'veT Account"Subscription from the 014 0 . . 5 0 0 " Advertising Duke of ,Vestminster . Stamps for Circulars (asking o 10 0 " " Ditto, M1'. Morden Regg 0 2 6 for Subscriptions) o 13 2 " Received for tores . 2 0 0 Ditto. Ditto. II " Subscription from Mr. 1 11 1 Ditto. Ditto. 1 1 0 Geo. Dickson . . 7 6 0 1 0 0 "" Addressing Circulars " Ditto, Dean of Ohester . Giles Griffiths, for 2 5 0 " Received for Stores . 1 3 0 " Printing " Subscription from Mr. O. 1 8 6 Medallions 0 5 0 R. Jones . 0 7 6 " Advertising " Examination Fees (Asylum) 4 3 3 " CMoniclc for Ambulance St. John 0 11 0 " Received for Stores 32 7 1 o 15 0 " Account . o 18 0 " ,; " . Oarriage and Postage 1 18 0 II Exam. Fees (Miss Ohurton) 7 7 0 " " Received for Stores . 2 2 0 " E xam. Fees (Eaton H all) 3 12 0 " Received for Stores 0 7 0 "II Subscription '} " from Mr. 1 1 0 Gardner . o 12 6 l ' Received for Stores . 8 10 8 II Balance due to Treasurer
£ 44
September' 30th, 1898.
£44 7 4
J OIIN L. DARBY, Chairman. J. DUFF, H on. S ecretary. W . L. DAVIES , H on. Treasurer.
The Earl of Lonsdale. (.'bairJJJflU. ~[r.Johll
D eput y
L. Hedley.
Mr. William Leck. Mr. Arthur D. icholson. Trea s urer.
1'I1r. George • coular. lIonorul'Y . cCl·e tary . jUl'.
William Leck, Cleator Moor, Cumberland. .uc(Ucal Stuff.
Dr. Braithwaite Dr. Briaga Dr. By~·s Dr. Oalderwood Dr.Olark Dr. Dudgeon
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Fletcher Harris Lace Mowat Proud Routledge.
AI NUAL REPORT. bI with progress the' 0 f am u an~e work, amongst the persons employed in connectiou Durin th mmes an~ quarnes of Oumberland, continues to be very satisfactor E g e past seSSlOll classes have been held at Aspatria Olc t ' M D y. grcmont Flimb F . . ' a or 001', earham Whiteh' y, nzmgton, Great Clifton, Moor Row Rowrah S'dd- k' . aven and vVyndham' Row. " 1 1C, With the ob' t f ' . Competit' Jec 0 stll1lUlatlDg interest in the work, the .Oommittee organized THE
~gPteli:~~:~ongst the classes comlH'isecl in the Oentre.
A fter a series of Y cQnte&t &,. t he final competition took place at a lal'£e ~ and succ~ssfu 1
96 public meeting, at Whitehaven, at which his Worship, the Mayor, presided. 11 keen contest ensued for premier honours, which were finally secured by the repre. sentatives of the Siddick Class. The other teams in the final, vi;>;.: Flimby, Egremont and Aspatria, aU exhibited a high and encomaging standard of excellence. Handsome gold badges, with suitable inscription, were provided by the Committee, and presented to the members of the winning team by Mrs. Bain, of Moresby Hall. With reference to finance, the response of the mine-owners has been most generou§, A suggested P?'O rata subscription list, based on output and number of persons employed, was issued to the mine-owners, and, with two or three unimportant The deficit of the previous year is exceptions, every firm furnished its q nota. thereby wiped off, and the forthcoming season opens with a credit balance.
1»J'c. hlent.
lIfr. J. H.. Fothergill,
Alderman Wilkes.
Trea tU'cr a11(1 U Ollorllry Secretary.
o 1l
Mr. R. ~I. Wilke, M.A., B.C.L., Darlington. lUcclicnl
15 6 13 0
19 2 0 0
10 0 1 7 13 0
Dr. F. G. Martin urgeon-Major Geo. Middlemiss, )I.D. Dr. 'Y. N. Park Dr. 'Y. Petter.
Statement oj Receipts ancl E ,rpenclit1bre to 31st December, 1897. Receipts.
Jan. 1, 1897.
" Ot ass fees and stores to Dec. 31st., 1897
W~r. MCGOWAN, } Audito'l's. G. S. WILSON, JOHN L. HEDLEY, Chai1·man. GEORGE SCOULAR, T1·eaStWer. WILLIAM LECK, Sec1·eta1·Y· OF
who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid.
who have received Certificates.
No. of Men No. of Certificated pupilS who bave received Medallions.
eXIJense. from Feb. 23rc1 1 97 t D ' 0 ec. 30th, 1897 £31 17 "Balance ill hand • 7 18
£39 15
£39 15
who have who havc who bave completed completed a received course of ,8 COUrse of Ccrtificates. Instruction. instrucLion. Aid. I Nursin~ 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. "
I WOlDen I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Meu.
(Signed) II. STEWART, A uclitor. RrcIIAHD M. ,VILKES, Treasurer and Hon. 8eC?'eta1·Y.
No. of Women who have completed a course of instruction.
£9 10
Expenclit1t1·e. y, stores, anu
Audited and founll C01'l'ect,
r o. of Men
To Balance in band.
Examined and found correct,
DI'. Lewis East.wooll DI'. J. R. Fothergill Dr. J. Blair Hartley Dr. Edw. Jackson Dr. James Lam'ence
16 4 3 6
£151 13 0
November 10th, 1898.
M.D .
"icc.Prc l<lcnt . ~[r.
To Snbscriptions from Mine I By Bank Balance £140 128 74 and Quarry Owners . £102 18 o "Bank Interest ---£15 " R eceipts from County I By St. John Ambulance CouncilAssociatiollExamination Expenses. 16 14 4 I Stores . 20 2 3 " Receipts from ClassesExam. Expenses 22 0 6 Medallions 15 2 6 Medallions 21 12 9 Stores 16 18 2 63 32 C 8 34 " Doctors (11) . 6 " Printing and Stationery 3 I " Ad vertisemeu Ls 14 " Competition Expenses 5 " Rents " Postages, Telegrams and 4 Messengers 2 " Local Class Expenses 1 " Balance
Formed 1880.
Mr. David Richardson E. D. Walker
Statement of Receipts [mel Expendittbre, 1897-8. Expenditu1'e. Receipts.
£151 13
579 4
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
SI CE FOR lATIO OF CENTHE. 10 I 150 74 I 145
SINOE 1ST OOTOBER, 1897. 12 I I 12
I Nursing. 74
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I Women.
22 12
.98 I SSUE
DERBY CENTRE. Formed 1886.
JIonOl'al'Y Secretm·y.
Tl'eaSUl'el' •
Dr. F. Cassidi, :1Il.A. Trinity Terrace, Derby.
Miss M. Darby.
Uc(lical Staff.
1111'. 1\1r. Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
No. of Women
who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
Mr. Francis Ley.
who have completed a course of instruction.
1st Aid
who have received Certificates.
I Nursing.
1st Aid
I 1556 I
SIXCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1397. 13 I 60 I 46 I
1\1r. Mr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mr.
T. Harkness, M. B. O. H. Hough, M.R.O,!;. R. Laurie R. Morrison Sims J. A. Southern, L.R.C.r. (Lond.) Mr. Lister Wright, M.R.C.S.
W . Benthall, M.B. L. Bryson, M.B. F. Oassidi A. Ohambers W . G. Oopestake, M.R.C.S. O. Fletcher, M.R.C.S. T. Laurie Gentles, L.R.C.P. (Lond.) R. W. Gentles, L.R.C.P. E. Green, L. R.C.P. (Lond.)
No. of Men
.President. -
TNursing. 303
No. of Celtificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I Women.
362 33
DUBLIN CENTRE. Formeu 18 1. Pre. i<lcnt IIn(l ChalrIuan.
AN U AL REPORT. WE are pleased to report that the past year has been a busy and successful one, 13 classes having been held and the following certificates, etc., gained. Certificatesno (male) first aid, 46 (female) first aid, 13 (male) nursing. Re-examinations-65 males and 2 females. Medallions- 32 males and 8 females. The most notable feature of our year has heen the initiation of male nursing lectures in our Centre, a class having been formed at the Midland Railway Loco. Works, and 13 members having gainec1 their certificates. Our thanks are again due to our honorary lecturers, secretaries and others for their invaluctble and hearty h elp.
Statement of Receipts and Expendit1Lre from September 29th, 1897, September 29th, 1898. Expendit1~re. Receipts. By Stores in hand, Sept., To Balance in hand, Sept. 1897 £29 12 8~ 1897 Medallions " Stores in hand, Sept. 5 8 0 " Advertising, Bandages, 1897 ,-, -Medallions 6 13 0 " Printing, Postage, etc .. Stores from London . 42 15 2 Fees " Stores sold 20 7 6 " Examiners' Fees, and 13 ]8 6 " Incidental Expenses "" Subscriptions " Oash in hand, Sept., Dec. " Bank Interest to 1 0 3 1898 31st, 1897 6 3 6 tores In hand, Sept., 11 Stores in hand, Sept. 1898 " 1898 £125 18
Octobe1' 6th, 1898.
AudIted and found correct, F. W. HUNT, Auditor. MARGARET DARBY, Hon.
£5 8 0 6 13 0 9 3 6 12 11 3
28 10 0 57 9 4!
6 3 6
n =-=
£125 18
11'. F. R. Davie . Trca. nrer anel JlOJlOl'Hl'Y Storekeepcr.
Miss J eucken, 2, Herbert Road,
Honorary SceI·clary.
Mr. J. Dallas Pratt,
F.R.C.S., 25, Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin. lUcdiclll
Dr. Barton
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Dr. Boyce Dr. Cosgrave Sir R. J acksou , C.B. A NUAL
McOullagh McDermott Dallas Pratt Wright.
THE past year has been marked by considerable l)rogress in ambulance work. Arrangements have been made hy the Ohief Oommis ioner of the Dublin Metropolitan Police, and the Inspector-General of the RoJ'al Irish OOllstabular\T that ALL r 't J' ecrtu s to these forces shall go throuc,h a cour e of instruction iu fir t aid, a the form . I::> , ens ],200 strong and the latter about 11,000, this will make a large addition to tlle number of holders of first ail1 certificates. RAvery interesting ceremony, in connectioll \vith the Order, ,,,as held at the Viceegal LOdge, Phcenix Pa,rk, in August, whell her Excellency the Countes Oadogan presented the Insignia of the Grado of Honorary Servincr ister which had been granted by n'18 R.oya I II'Ighuess the ~ralld lrior, and the I::> Ohapter, of the Order, to 11 nurses of the City of Dublin ur ina Institution, for tl:eir courageoll cOlltlnct (p1'0 VCl' " ~ ~ t ttate HO?n'/,nwn) III the typhus fcvor epidemic 011 the Island of Inlli kea,
,,-here they had to contend, not only wi th the disease, but with want of food, dirt, and man y other privations. T he H onor was granted by the Chapter on a petition forwarded to them by the President and Secretary of the Dublin Centre. T he ceremony was attended by 400 people. The origin and work of the Order ims explained by the Secretary; the work of the nurses, and the hardships they went through, by the R ight Hon. L ord Justice Fitz-Gibbon. After the presentation his Excellency, the Lord- Lieutenant, expressed, in strong terms, the pleasure it gave him and Lady Cadogan to preside at such a meeting.
Statement of Receipts and
'1'Jce·PrcSidcuts .
Mr. Brooke Robinson, M.P. Chait·man.
"icc ·Chai!·JJl:lu.
Dr. T. F. Higgs
Rev. A. Gray Maitland, Vicar of Dudley.
llonoral'Y Sccr c tal·Y.
Mr. S. Ward, Solicitor.
Mr. J. Slater, King Street, Dudley.
;Ucdlcnl Staff.
Receipts. £17 I S
To Balance in hand
By Carriage of Parcels, Postage, etc. London Bill " Curwen's Bill
£5 4 3 12 14 2
" Balance in hand £17 IS
£0 1 6 4 12 3 o 10 6
Dr. J. Biggam Dr. H. C. Brown Dr. F. . Goulder Dr. E. Hawkins Dr. T. F. Higgs
£17 18 5
EDITH A. JENCKEN, TTeasw'e?' and Storekeeper. J . DALLAS PRATT, ~r.D., F_lt.C . . , Han. Secretary. FRANCIS ROBRllT DAYlES, President and Chairman.
Septembe?' 14th, 1 9S .
Dr. T . Johnson nl. 1l. lessiter Dr. A. P. 111. Powell Dr. T. Rhodes 1)1'. J. H . Wilkinson. 1)1'.
DURING the past year two fir, t aid clas es for men have been held; 40 names entered, 31 completed a COUl' e of in truCtiOll, and 2 obtained certificates. Reexaminations have been held, and nine men holding certificates have received medallions. A number of cases have been reported in which fir t aid has been usefully employed, some of the co, es being removed to the ho pital on the wheeled litters.
Statement of Receipts and E-rpenditnre from Jall1tal'Y 1st, 1 9 ,to September 30th, 1 9S. ~o.
No. of Men
of Women
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
who have who have who have who have completed a completed received received course of a course of Certificates. Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st .Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
1344 40
1020 35
SINCE FORMATION OF C'ENTHE. I 3510 I 129 I 2601 SINCE 1ST OOTOBER, 1897. 30 I 20 I 25
1126 19
M,m. I Women.
To Balance at Bank, 31st December, I 97 . " ill Secretary's hands . " Class Fees (2 classes) " Medallions " Sale of Books, St~res, etc:
By Gra.nt to Oaretaker for £
2 3 406 2 3 6 3 13 4~
PI'CS idcuj.
The Right Hon. the Earl of Dudley.
o 14
o 13 0 1 o 16
Exarome . d and found correct , October 31st, 1898.
Formed 1893.
1 97 Postage and Carriage " tores Purchased " Medallions, pel' Lief " Oltiee Bill posting "" Ad \'erti ing
"" Two Brigade Uniforms . " Printing Account " Balance at Bank, ept. 30th, 1898 Dall1.nce in ecretary's " hands . £1
'&T11 ore are ~ceounts
0 0 2 6
0 1 3 4 4 13
6 3 3 0 2
3 19
2 19 ll~
Trros. FRED. lIIGGS, Ohairman.
TnaSI6?·e1·. Local Han. Sec.
due to Chief Office for stores, examination of classes, a?\auloulltmg to £5. 15s. Id., which reduces tho balance in hand , b ut tl1ere 00 ts and stores m stock to Lhe value of £2 in addition to stretchers d~ela<Yra ' , ,:, ms, & c., f or class and Brigade usc .
lUe<1ical Stall'.
No. of Men
who have who hav~ who have completed a received completed course of Certifi cates . a conrse of in struction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid . I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
~ o.
of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nmsing.
I W{)men:
DUNDEE CENTRE. Formed 1884. PI'esid en t.
Th e Right Hon. The Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne, Lord Lieutenant of Forfarshire. PatJ:ouess of 'Vomeu's Classe.
The Right Hon. The Countess of Strathmorc. Vice-Pre idents.
The Lord Provost of Dundee The Right Hon. Lord Kinnairrl Sir R. H.A. Ogilvy, Bart. of Inverquharity The Chairman of Dtmdee Royal I nfirmary Mr. J. O. Smith, LL.D., Sheriff-Substitute of Forfarsbire R ev. Colin Campbell, D.D.
Sir W. Ogilvy Dalgleish, Bart. of Errol Mr. J. W. Miller, M.D. Mr. W . L. Boase Mr. A. Scott Mr. J. Smart 1\11'. Ed ward Cox, of Cardean.
Colonel J. Rankin. Vice-Cbairman.
Professor Steggall,
M.A . ,
Cantab. University College.
JJonorary Treasurer autl Secretary.
Mr. David Don, C.A., 104, Commercial Street, Dundee.
Mr. David Beattie Bain, M. D. , C. M., Edin. MI'. R. C. Buist, M.D. Mr. Alex. Campbell, M.D. . Mr. £etir Campbell, ~r.B . , L. R. C. s., Edm. M1'. A. F. Chisholm Clark, ~I. B., C. M. Ur. A. James Duncan, M.D. Mr. D. M. Greig, M.D., C.M., F.R.C.S.E.
Mr. G. Halley, M.D., O.M . Mr. Robt. Johnston, III. B., O. M. Mr. William Rinnen,r, Ill. B., C. M. Mr. David Lennox, M.D.
Mr. 111'. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
111'. Mr. Mr. Mr. M1'.
George Lowson, M. B., C.M. D . MacEwan, M.D. T. W. H. MacLeod, M.D. Charles llIoon, M.D. D. Steel Moon, L.R.C.P., S.E. George A. Pirie, M.D. Robt. Sinclair, M.D. Alex. lIf. Stalker, M.D. Charles T empleman, ~f.D. , D.SC. J. Mackie Whyte, !lLB . Charles Stcwart Y oung, ~r. R . o. S. E.
A NUAL REPORT. THE Committee beg to report that during the pa t ession fourteen Classes haye been beld under the" Dundee Centre." The total number of pupils who have rcceived a complete course of instruction on "First Aid to the Injured and ick" is 400 (1940 men and 296 ,yomen). In all 211 pupils bave received first aid certificate ; and nine have received the medallion of the Association. Tbe total number of pupils who have received in truction on " H ome Nursing and Hygiene" i 51, of which 2 have received certificates. As in former years, the Committee lllU t again expre their appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the mem bcrs of the medical profe sion in conducting the classes gratuitously; 0.1 0 to tho e gentlemen who have acted a secretarie at the various" Seetionl:l" uncleI' the "Dundec entre." The Committee have much pleasure in rcporting that in October last they received from the Dundee Town Council the um of £25, being the amount voted by them to the" Dundee Centre" out of the" Local Taxation Trant," 1L 96-97, in aid ofambulallce work in the city. The Oommittee are gratified to lcarn from Chief Constable Dewar's tatistical Returns, for the year cnding 31 t December, 1 97, that out of 6 accidents which occurred to workmen while engaged at the harbonr, 42 ea es had been successfully treated by members of thc police force, who had received instruction in ambulance work. The Committee note with great sati faction that Her lost Gracious :Majesty the Queen, Sovereigll Head a,nd Patron of the Ordcr of The Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in Englanrl, has he 'n plcased to sanction the promotion of Colonel Rankin from Honorary As ociatc to hc Knight of Grace of the Order; al 0 the appointment of Dr. Kinnear to be all H onorary A soeiate of thc Oreler. In addition to the classes beforc mcntioned, the oDlmittee uuderstand that there have been several" Detached las es " held in thc acljacen t counties, howing that a knowledge of ambulance WOl k is being widely l)l'ead throughout cotland. The Committee heg to ubmit for approval balance-sheet and statement of revenue anu expenditure acconnt for period to 5th May, 1 98. At the Annual :M.eeting of the Exccutivc Snb-Committee hcld on 24th May, 189 , the annual report and accounts werc read by the ecretary. Jn moving tho adoption oft.he report and accounts, C010ncl Rankin, the Chairman, thankcd the doctor for theU' ~ervices during the past ,ession ; also thc Dundee Town Council for their peC~lllary grant. Dr. Kinnear seconded the adoption of the report and accou~ t , whIch were unalllmous . 1y approved.
Balance Sheet as at .May 5th, 1898 .
Assets. . £10 0 0 To Stores . 446 " Sundry Debtors " Cash: In Dtmdee Savings' Bank £164 8 2 Less-Due to 403 Treasurer 160 7 11
Liabilities. By Local Taxation Grant, 1896-97 . £25 0 0 " Balance being Surplus at 15th ~lay, 1897 . £172 15 8 Ded'l.lct-Deficit a.t 5th 1ay, 1898 23 3 3 149 12 5
£174 12 5
£174 12
Formed 1879. Vicc·Pre. I<lent.
Rev. E. Warre,
D. D.,
Quarter Jllaster and Hon. Captain W. Dernford, 4th(Eton Collego)Vol. Batt. Oxfordshire Light Infantry.
Head Master,
Eton College. H on or a r y
SeCl'c t a r y .
Major W. J. Myers, Acting Adjutant, 4th (Eton College) Y.B., Oxfordsbire Ligbt Infantry, Eton College, Wind 01'. J.ifc iUcm bcl's.
The Officer Commanding 4th (Eton Colle~e) V.B. Oxfordshire Light Infantry. The Adjutant 4th (Eton College) Y.B. Oxfonlsbire Light Infantry.
Revenue a?ul Expendit1we Accannt fa?' pC1'iacl to lJIay 5th, 1898. Receipts. To Examination Fees from £15 15 " Scctions," &c. 18 16 Class Fees " Subscription-J. Scott & " Sons 1 0 314 Interest . " Miscellaneous 1 4 "" Balance, being Deficit 23 3 £63 13
0 6 0 3 1 3
ExpC1ulitu?·e. By Examination Fees £24 12 6 ec's. Honorarium 1896-7 21 0 0 Ad vertising, "" Printing, tationery, &c. 14 10 7 3 10 0 " Rent of Lecture Rooms.
PETER KERR, A'I.£ditor.
S1... CE 397
1st Aid.
SINCE MAY, 1897. I 296 I 51 I
Formetl 1 82.
I Nursing. Men. I WOlDen.
l'I'c iclcllt.
The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Winchester.
N'o. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
who have received Certificates.
SINCE FORMATION OF CENTltE. 2110 I 2876 I 620 I 1292 95
1st .\ill
Pupils who have receivell llIedullions.
No. of Women
who have who have COlUl!leted a received completed course of 'l, course of Certificates. il.struction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
No. of Certificated
who have received Certificates.
- -who have
who have who have who have com pleted a completed received course of Certificates. a course ot instrllction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid TNllrsin~.
£63 13
4th (Etou College) Yol. Batt. Oxford hire Light Infantry.
Xo. orMen
Dundee, 12th. lJIay, 1898.-1 have to day examined the above accounts and relative vouchers, and found them correct.
Surgeon-Captain E. S. Norris,
JAMES RA -KIN, Col., Chai1·man. DAVID DON, Han. T1·easllrer.
llc(U cal S ln W.
~!r. .A.. W. Chapman ~r. R. R. Combo Lieut.,Col. Marsden
Mr. A. H. Steven~ Mr. C. Trimmer
I Women.
107 Honorary Secr etary.
Trea surer.
Mr. A. Winslaae, 115, East Street, Farnham Surrey. '
Mr. W. R. Worsam.
No. of :Men
No. of Women
who have j who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I i'ursing. ht Aid. TNllrsing.
Life lUember.
Mr. R. H. Combe.
lUe (Ucal Staff.
Mr. Herbert Sloman, L.R.C.P., Lond ., M.R.C.S" Eng.
1\1:r. S. G. Sloman, L. R.C.P., Lond., lII. R. O. S., Eng.
who have received Certificates.
1st Aid.
I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. 1tfen.
I Women.
SI'CE 1 T OCTOBER, 1897.
ANNUAL REPORT. THE usual course of lectures for men, in first aid, was givnn during the winter by Drs. S. G. and H . Sloman, when the attendance of new members was rather a small one. At the examination, held in Febrnary, by urgeon Lieut. -Col. H. Grier, A.M.S., FarnbQrough, 12 presented themselves, and all passed, viz., 5 for their first, 3 for re-examination, and 4 their final for the medallion. This now brings the total of men who have attended a complete course of lectures to 193; 147 having gained certificates and 73 having obtained medallions since the formation of the 'Centre; or a total, including ladies, of 220 certificates and 82 medallions. The members still continue to render good assistance, both in cases of aociuent and in the removal of invalids. The ambulance van is constantly in use, having been out 19 times dl~ring the year, covering a distance of 167 miles; 46 cases having been reported during the ycar.
Formed 1 83. l'l' C,", Itleut.
The Right Bon. Lord Harris. ( :lt n h·JIIIlJI.
Rev. B.
. 'Yright.
Tl'CnSlll'Cl' •
J[OJLornl'Y Sccr e tury .
lh. W. E. Rigden.
Mr. "Talter C. tunt, LorendeQ, Faversham.
Statement of Receipts and Expe'/'ldit~t?'e fa?' the year ending J~tne 30th, 1898. Expenditu,re. Receipts. £5 9 6 £ 16 18 10 By Removals To Contingency Fund 4 16 7 Alterations to Van Balance in hand, June 9~ 214 " " 30th, 1897 Printing and Stationery 7 5 1~ C 0 " 2 Donation to Headquarters " Subscriptions and Dona2 0 0 18 5 6 " Rent of hed tions " Donation to Schools for 6 11 0 " Receipts for Removals 1 1 0 " Gas and Firing . . Lecture Fees fl.nd Members' o 10 2 " Subscriptions Postage and Bill Posting 1 18 0 0 8 0 o 17 7 " Medallions Sale of Books, etc. 7 3 0 " " I nterest to Nov. , 1897 Stores 0 5 9 0 5 0 " I nsurance 0 2 6 " Sundries ~,
" " £52
1 9~
£19 14 9!
Balance in Bank Balance in hand
27 1 2 5 5 10
£52 1 9! = ~
S. G. SWMAN, Chairman of CO?n'mittee . . WILLIAM R . W01tSAM, Han. Treaswr er . ALBERT WINFlLADE, Han. Secret(kry.
llNU cal St a ff.
Mr. Sidney R. Ale~ander, M.D.: 1\1r. C. 1\1. Ander on, M.D., C.M. hI.R.C ..·., L.S.A. M . D..C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. C. J. Evers, M.D., JlLR.C.. , L.S.A.
ANNUAL REPORT. THE Committee in reviewing the work of this Centre for the past year are glad to be ~h.le to note that their efI'orts to impart instruction in rendering fir t aid to the lllJ.ured have met with considerable success, the number that have joined classes bemg almost the 6'1'eatest since the formation of the Centre. Two classes have been form~d, and 60 attended the full course of lectures, and a third is now being held in UUrslllg and hygiene. Certificates will be presented at the annual meeting to 45 Who were able to make full attendance and pass the examination in first aid, and to ~ ~thel's the luedallion of the Association, given to certificate holders who have been Wlce re-examined at intervals of 12 months , will be handed. The thanks of the Committee are due and respectfully offered to the Medical . ~cel's, all of whom d uring the year have given practical evidence of the ;terest they take and the kind help they are at all times willinO' to render the entre; also to the supporters for their pecuniary aid, the subscri;tion-list having
108 been fully maintained, and some increase made; whilst thc Town Council, through their Technical Education Committee, have not lost sight of this useful object for a portion of the funds at their disposal, ancl which has so materially lessened the dread of straitened means that was felt a few years since. Superintendent of the Faversham Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, Mr. C. E. Clinch, has reported favourably on its connition. The Town Hall has been again graciously allowed for the purpose of the lectures by the Mayor, and also Messrs. Tassell's offices for the business meetings; for both the Committee are greatly obliged. CLASS. THE Secretary, Mr. C. W. Smith, reports that during the past year no lectures have been given, but re-examinations have been held, at which 16 certificated members obtained the medallion of the Association, and 3 the re-examination voucher, the other members either not being eligible, having recently joined, or having been re-examined elsewhere; and that, as regards the Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, the monthly meetings of the members have been held regularly throughout the year for transaction of business and practice, under the direction of the Hon. Surgeon, and have been weH attended, Dr. Scatchard being invariably present and taking great interest in the work. In addition to these meetings on the first Monday in the months, thcre has also been stretcher drill on the third Mondays. In.d pril the annual examination was held. The Division now consists of 28 members, 5 of whom have joined during the past year. BOUGHTON DETACHED
No. of JlIen
Xo. of WOJr.en
who have I who have who have COlllplctc(l a received completed coul'~e of Certificate". a course of instruction. instrnction. 1st Aid. I Nurtiillg. 1st Aid. Nursing. 1sL Aiel. I Nursing.
who have received Certificates.
1st Aid.
I Nursing.
I Women.
SINCE l"T JULY, 1 97. 31 I I 25
Xo. of Certificated Pupil who have received Medallions.
ir Jamc
ampbpll, Bart.
Statement oj Receipts and Expenditnre (1'om July 1st, 1897, to June 30th, 1898. Receipts. To Balance from last account £11 12 " Subscriptions 1 Donations 3 Class Fees " Amount received for Books, 2 &c., sold " Technical Education Com10 mittee Town Council ))
10 O~ By Head Office for Fees and Incidental Expenses . £2 14 15 0 )) Mr. Clinch, Superintendent 1 0 1 5 1'e Diamond Jubilee 3 0 " Advertising, Printing and 7 18 16 4 tationery 3 8 " Service rendered. 3 6 0 0 " Stores " Presentations, Lecturers. 10 10 12 3 Balance . ))
£1 3
7 11 6
£4 13 11
Chairlltnll. 8~
0 0 0
Mr. M. W. Colchestcr-Wemy s
1898. 30th June. -Value of Stock sold Value of Stock in hand By Balance.
Mr. J. 'Y. Guise. UOIlOl'lll'Y
0 Ii
£4 13 11
Mr. F. L. Lucas, Mornington House, J ewnham, Gloucestershire.
UOUot'ary 'ecl'e tal'ic
£2 16 4
('I'el ade
MI'. J. McA yoy, Rl1spidge
Cinderfol'd:-Mr. C. A. J. Hale
1 17 5~
Mr. Arnolll Thoma Mr. F. J. Pro\is Tl'CaSlll·Cl·.
£41 5 4~
Colonel Davie
:UIr. Hl1s.'dl J. Kerr Mr. Arnold Thomas
I have examined the above Accounts, and the Vouchers relating thereto, and have found them correct, FRANK CROSOER. June 27th, 1898. Stock Account. 1897. 1st July.-Value of Stock in hand . Value of Stock added.
Alr. F. Brain Ur. M. W. Colchester-Wemy s ir T. H. Crall ley J3oevey, Bart.
of nt'auche •
Coleford :-1111'. F. T. Taylor Life lUeJUbel's .
Dr. Buchanan Dr. Carleton MI'. Russell J. Kerr Airs. Lionel Lucas
Mr. F. L. Lucas Dr. Mac;1,rtuey Dr. Le lie B. Trotter
U c <lical Staff.
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY CENTRE. Dr. Macartney Dr. Mills Dr. Trotter
Buchanan Carleton Halpin Lunn
Formed 1896. ]~l· cs i<l cnt.
Lord Claud J. Hamilton. ](OJlOl'al'Y SCCl'c t:ll'y .
Mr. A. J. Hill, Loco' Department, G.E. Ry., Stratford, E .
A NUAL REPORT . DURING the year a first re-examination of male pupils has been kindly held by Dr. Carleton at Newnham; three entered and gained vouchers. At the encl, preparations were in progress for a female class and male first and final re-examinations at Ruardean. Of the ambulance wagons, that at Coleford has not been required, but the one at Cinderford has been used three times. ~f the stretchers, those at Coleford, Drybrook, Futterill, Littledean, Lydbrook, 11ltcheldean, Ruardean and Westbury-an-Severn have not been required, and those at Cinderford have only been used with the wagon; but that at Blakeney has been used twice, that at N ewnham three times, and that at Parkend once. Thanks for valuable services are tendered to the Medical Staff, to the Hon. Sees. of Branches and to the Hon. Custodians of the Stretchers. Staternent of Receipts ancl Expenclit~~re, 1897-8. Receipts. To Balance brought forward.
By Local Reports " Repairs . . . Carriage of Material and " Stores " Postages . . . Balance carried forward .
£0 19 10
£0 10 0 o0 9
o o o
1 11 5 5 1 9
£0 19 10
£0 19 ]0
11. \V. COLCllESTER-\VEl'l1YSS, Chairman. J . W. GUISE, Hon. T?·east~1·er. FREDR. L. LUCAS, Hon. Secreta?·y. Examined and found correct, ARNOLD THOMAS. October 28th, 1898.
lU c clicnl
Honora1'y Surgeon to Ccntrc.-1IIr. L. Parkes, ~r.D. Divisional Hono"a1'y SU1·geons.
Dr. J. Ashton Dr. J. Becker Dr. Belding Dr. Beswick Dr. A. J. Boyu Dr. C. H. Conolly Dr. J. J. Dickinson Dr. W. Easby Dr. G. Elliston Dr. S. Evans Dr. J. S. HinneH Dr. A. O. Ingle
Dr. C. Jack on Dr. A. H. Langridge Dr. C. Mansell Dr. R. J. 1il] Dr. J . E. 1'1101 011 Dr. T. H. Moxon Dr. C. P. O'Collnor Dr. T. Richardson Dr. R. J. Roberts Dr. Taylor Dr. T. ,Vingrave Dr. A. 'Yright.
AI. NUAL REPORT. Tm: work of this Centre during the year ha been actively carried on, 10 classes haVlng been heM for servant. of the G. E. R. Co., foul' of which wl're at tations where no ambulance class had pl'eviou ly been cond ncted. The latter fact is very encouraging, as a sign that the movement is not ouly flourishina "here branches of the G.E.R. Centre exi -ted, but is also taking in new ground. b The annual G.E.R.. competition was again a great uccess, 21 teams comreting. !he standard of prevIOUS years' work was fully maintained, anli its quality may be Judged by the fact that the winning team, Liverpool treet, again won the Railway Challenge Shield presented by the As ociation, the competition for which was held at the Portman Rooms on 12th May, 1 98. The team consi ted of the followina b ~embers: Messrs. Ashton, Keary, Magnus, Peck, and tilr. The chairman dll'ectors, and chief officers of the company continue to take crreat interest ill th~ Centre, and bY so C1omg . aSSIst " matenally the good work which it b is doing. IS UE
No. of Men
~ taff.
No. of Women
who have who have who have who have completed a received received completed course of Certificates. Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I
No. of Certificated Pupils ,~ho have receIve d Medallio DS. Men.
7 ~2~ 6 3~1____~1~1~9~ 6 ~1____~~5~1~----~~3--~--~-----~
of Women
Ko. of Certificated who have who hal'e who have who have Pupils who have completed completed a received l'ereived received coul'se of a CtOUI'S~ of Certificates. Certificate. Medallions. IDs ruction. instruction. ~ I Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NUI'sin~. Men. '-------::...! ursmg. ,1st I Women.
38 I
:87 I
~ 129 I I 4 ------~--~--~--~--~--~~~---
Formed 1896.
No. of Men
No. of Women
H.R.H. the Princess Christian. Sccrctary.
who have who have who have completed receiverl completed a a course of Certificates. course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I NUI£ing. 1st Aid. I NlU'sing' 1st Aid. I Nursing.
11:11'. W. H. Maunder, Paddington Terminus.
Dr. J. Lane Dr. H. A. Latimer Dr. Fawson Lee Dr. J. H. Lilley Dr. C. R. Lunn Dr. A. G. UcKenzie Dr. Martin Dr. W. J . .Mason Dr. F. L. Milburn Dr. J. W. llIlllligan Dr. W. E. C. Murphy Dr. Murrell Dr. C. Pollard Dr. Joshua Powell Dr. . Price Dr. W. E. Price Dr. D. A. Reid Dr. W. Ll. Rhys Dr. E. Richards Dr. W. T. Riehards Dr. P . A. Roden Dr. E. P. Satchell Dr. G. C. Searle Dr. H. C. Sharp Dr. W. Salisbl1l'Y harpe Dr. Walpole immons Dr. J. W. lllith Dr. J. O. Sullivan Dr. G. R. Swinhoe Dr. W. Taylor Dr. E. Thomas Dr. W. L. Thomas Dr. W. Vernon Dr. R. Wade Dr. E. H . Warner Dr. W. M. Whitehouse Dr. E. R. Williams Dr. W. B. Winckworth
ANNUAL REPORT. of UPWARDS of 50 classes have been formed during the year. A t earn, composed C't of members of the G. W. R. Co.'s Staff, at Birmingha.m (Snow Hill), won the 1 Ym. . be1' 5th , 1. n an open co Birmingham Fifty Guinea Ch~llenge ShIeld, on D ecem petition.
1st Aid.
No.ofCertiflcatt;d Pupils wbl)have received Medallions.
I Nursing. Men. I Women.
iUeflical Statr.
Dr. J. L. Atkinson Dr. C. J . Bennett Dr. Dl1 Boulay Dr. Briscoe Dr. Mc. D. L. Campbell Dr. W. H. Clark Dr. Corben Dr. W . J. Corrigan Dr. J. Kynaston Couch Dr. N. Cullinan Dr. J . E. H. Davies Dr. Ll. Davies Dr. S. Davis Dr. H. F. Devis Dr. '1'. M. Donovan Dr. F. C. G. Ellel'ton Dr. E. Elliott Dr. O. C. P. Evans Dr. R. D. Evans Dr. W. Fairballk Dr. Mark Farrant, Jm. Dr. E. Forsyth Dr. L. A. Francis Dr. J. C. Freeborn Dr. W. Hammond Dr. A. H. Hardwick Dr. R. W. Has1ett Dr. W. R. Hadwen Dr. J. Mc. Harrison Dr. W. Hod ges Dr. T. Hopkins Dr. H. L. Hughes Dr. G. W. Hutchinson Dr. Jacob Dr. G. H. Johnson Dr. G. E. Jones Dr. J. Arn allt Jones Dr. T. O. Jon es Dr. W. Kirkpatrick
who have received Certificates.
GRIMSBY CENTRE. Formed 1881.
The Right lIon. the Earl of Yarborough (Life Member). Chail'lUan .
Mr. E. Bannister. Trcn . 111'('1' a luI JlollOral',}' Secrctary.
Mr. J. Morley Dennis. A
A YEAR ago, when the present ecretary was appointed, tbi Centre was without a single allnual subscriber, it pos e cd no tretcher, and was not only without funds, but was in debt to the lIead Ollice in London. At the instigation of the President, the Earl of Yarborough-who, with hi family, has doue 0 much for tho ch;1rities of this town and surrounding districtan attempt was made to infui:le uew life into the Centre, amI to render it a effective as possible in case of necd. It was at once seen that nothing could be done without funds, and as many people will give dOlllttions who will not give annual subscriptions, it was uecidecl to appeal for donations uuring the first year, a it ,vas thought by so doing a larger amonnt would be raised. Thu at the close of the year we have p~easure iu reporting that the deht due to the Head Office bas been honourably discharged, four street stretcher station have been e tablishecl, each provided with a military stretcher, waterproof sll et, and army rng, which appliances were prOvided with stretcher bearers, and were at the Grimsby Town -'tation of the Great Oentral Railway some eight minutes after the Barnetby railway accident was reported to tit is Cen tre. After consnltation with the Chairman of the Hospital Board (Ur. C. F . Carter), the Ohief Oonstable of the borough (Mr. H. Pickersgill), "nperilltendent tennett,
114 of the Oounty Police, and Superintendent W ebster, uf the Dock Police, the Secretary h as effected arrangements by which all will co-operate in assisting th e Oentre in preserving the stretchers to their proper usc. As the three officers mentioned eontrol amongst them more than 100 police, they will be able to render valuable assistance. At each station a hook is proviJed, which must be signed when the stretcher is applied for, and is again signed Oll its return. Placards are being printed describing the position of the stretcher stations, and arrangements have been made for t he e to be posted throughout the town, and copies sent to the foul' police stations and the three railway stations within the borough, also to each of the ambulance stations and the borough and dock fire stations. It is hoped that shortly arrangements will be made for training the borough and county police in first aid, and although the amonnt raiseu was not as much as was anticipated, yet a substantial amount has been reserved for main· tenance of the Oentre and appliances until permanent subscriptions can be secured. The thanks of the Oentre are tendered to all "whose names are mentioned as rendering aid, and also to Mr. J. Freuch Thompson and Dr. O. H. Milburn, Hon. Sees. of the Hull Oentre, the Hull and Grimsby Bill Posting 00., and Messrs. W. H. Jackson and 00., Grimsby, who have kiudly promised to make no charge for po~ting the notices, as well as to the subscribers and all who have in any way rondered assi& tance.
No. of Men
No. of Women
~ o. of Certificated who have who haye who have who have Pupils who have cOIllIJleted a completed received receiYecl received course of Certificates. a course of Certit.icates. Medallions. instruction. instrnction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Airl. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. iHen. I Women.
7 5 0
7 11
E Jpencliture. By Payment of old account due to Head Office in £3 6 10 London. " Rl1ilway fares and food for detachment of Hull Ambulance Corps at Grimsby 1 9 6 May Fair 2 10 10 " Printing & other expenses "Oost of foUl' military stretchers, four waterproof sheets, foUl' Army rugs, and four enamelled ll'on Am bulance station plates (less discount allowed) . 12 6 4 " Examiner's Fee and ~x penses, and Head Office 2 0 6 charges . . . " Balance reserved for maintenance of Oentre and appliances, as under;On deposit at Lincoln Bank. £11 6 4 I n hands of o 7 7 Hon. Sec. 11 13 11
1 97.
l'l'cs hl c ul.
Lieut. -General
. devenson (Lieut. -Governor). Chllil'lUIlJl.
Mr. T. G. Oarey (Bailiff ). Trc a s ure r :nul IfOllOl':ll'Y Sccr Ci:lI'Y.
Mr. Sausmarez Le 00C(1, 11, Union treet, Guern ey. IU c di('al SiaO'.
Mr. Francis E. Oarey, r.LR.C.S., L.M., . A. Mr. C. d'Auvergne Oolling , :\I.D., :\1. It. U. R. Mr. Ernest L. Robinson, M. R.C.S., Eng.
L. R.C.p.,
Hon. Brigade- urgeon T. H. Thornhill, ::u. B.
Lond. ,
Statement of Receipts and E"''JJenclitu1'C, 1 97-9 . Receipts. Expenditlt?'c. o a ance 111 hand from 1 96By Prilltincr ALlvertisincr &c £1 6 £<) 13 0' 0" C!1897 F . "~ , , P or terao-e o 5 10 " as ees received 11 11 " Boy asoMoclel: . 2 10 0 " H.OOID and Oaretakers 2111 "l\Iiscel)aneou . 028 " Local Examiners. . 120 " H ad. Otlice, Lond. A/c., Examiner's Fees, I ncid.ental Expenses, Local Report 5 5 9 " Exchange 000
£33 7 11
£ 14 fi
Examined, compared with Vouchers, and founu correct, O. RUSIIBY, A1.tditor. E. BA 'NISTER, Chairman. J . MORLEY DENNIS, H on. Secretary and Treasurer,
Statement oj R eceipts and Expendit~t1'c jor the yeai' ending Septem,ber 30th, 1H98. R eceipts. To Special Appeal (donation. received from over 50 persons) . . £31 I I Olass Fees 2
8eptembc/' 9th, 1898 .
£12 14 10
Balance in hand .
1 10
AU:,;:\[AH.EZ L E OOOQ, T"caSltrC?' and IIon. Scc?·etary.
Examined and approved,
Septc?nbc?' 14th, 1898 .
G ,
6 -1
or Men
Ko. of Women
who have who have who have completed a received completed conr e of Certificaies. a conrse of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel I NUl·sing.
who have received Certificates.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
1st Aid rNnrsing.
:Men. I Worneu:
"Fox, Dewsbury."
SIr CE 1ST OCTOBEn, 1 97. 35 I
124 Formed 1
5 Pres hlcut.
Mr. Mark Oldroyd, ~I.r., Dewsbury.
( ']JaiJ'Jnall.
Captain P . Gcncral lIouoraJ'y
Formed 1880.
~Iajor Chaley Fox,
TI'C:l . II I·Cl·.
Geueral Jlonol'ary
cer e tary.
M1'. Duke Fox, De\ysbmy.
PI'csi(leut au(1 Cbail'luau. (; ('Ilc l'al JlOllOl'IlI'y .l ss is tnut Sccrctary .
Rev. Edw. W. Oak.
lr. George Leo, 3, Caltler :lrove, D ew bury . ",'i co·PI'esid eut au(1 D eput y CllaiI·nlau. SCC tions, with ~iaDlC anti ,l(ldl'es 01' each Secrctary.
Mr. W. Hopes Heelis. Tre a tU'el' aud 1I0uoI'al'Y Secretary .
Mrs. W . Hopes Heelis, Highfield, Ontgate, Ambleside.
I SSUE No. of Men
No. of Women who have completed a course of instruction.
who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction . 1st Aid. I Nurs ing. 1st Aid. I NurSing. 1st Aid. I NllJ'sing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aiel . I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I 29 I 74 48 23 I 13 11 I __ ~~--~~--~~~~--~-----63
Batley .. . Mr. Robcrt Gadie, Field Hill, Batley. Batley Carr... ... It'. Gcorge Bowden, 43, ,\Tarwick Road, Batley Carr. Birstall & Gomersal 1111'. J. G. Otldy, IIutldcl' field Road, Bir tall, near Leeds. Cleckheaton '.. Miss lIalmshaw, 11, Prospect Terrace, Cleckheaton, and . .Mr. Bcnjamin S . Curtis, Jubilee Building, Iool'bottom, Cleckheaton. C ngglestone ... Mr. Erllc.'t Johnson, Cl'igglestone Coal Company, Limited, near 'Wakefield. DewsblU'Y '" . T hornc', 33, Wellington R oad, Dewsbury, and Mr. Mrs. Brooke, 3, Cl'ackcnctlge Laue, Dewsbury. DCWsbury Moor (Vacant) . Reckmondwike Mr. T homas ' Y. Crowther, Church View, H eckmolldwike. Rorbury Mr. J . 1<:. Raisbeck, Cross Park Street, Borbury, near W ak e. field . Liversedcre Mr. IIal'l'Y IIalmshaw, Ramsden treet, L iversedge. Mil'field b M r. Marshall M . Milncr, Mapplewell Cottage, Mirfield . Ravensth ori)~ ~ 1 1'. Jml1c Illingworth, Queen Street. Stainclilfe Mr. Eph raim Il irst, Staincli!]'e, D ewsbury. Shaw Cross ' " ]\fl'. Erlwanl I saac, 'Wainwrigh t H on e, haw Cro s, Dewsbmy. Thornhill ... Mr. H cnry H a lstead, 77, Edge Lane, l ' h ornhill, D ewsburyand Miss L ouisa H ampshirc, Ravens H ouse, 'l'hornhill . Thorn hill Lees Captain P. B. 'W alker, L ees H ou se, T hornhill L ees, D ewsbury.
Life l'tIcmbcI·s .
Mr. Robert Swan Balden Mr. B . Bullock :Mr. S . J. Chadwick 1111'. C. B. Crawshaw Messrs. Crawshaw and Warburton Major Chaley Fox Mr. Duke Fox Mr. Robert GaLlie Messrs. G. and J. Haigh Mr. and Mrs. AUrell Hill Mr. E. T. Ingham Mr. George Lee Mr. Mark Oldroyd, lII.P. Major Parker Mr. W. Preston
Mr. S. H. Spedding Captain P. B. Walker Mr. Charles Wheatley Mr. B . Wilson Messrs. W ormalds and Walker Limited ' Birstall Co-operative Society Li.mited ' Dewsbury Pioneer Industrial Society, Limited Heckmoudwike Co-operative Society, Limited Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company.
IU e <lic lll StHff.
Dr. Applegate Dr. Beattie Dr. Bennett Dr. Bridgeman Dr. Broughton Dr. Broughton Dr. Brown Dr. Brown Dr. Clay Dr. Fairclough Dr. Field Dr. Fitton Dr. Forsyth Dr. Fryer Dr. Garrett Dr. Han Dr. Halliwell
Dr. Lee Dr. Mason Dr. mne Dr. Patterson Dr. Prior Dr. Pritchard Dr. Hichal'llson Dr. Roberts Dr. Sellars Dr. proulle Dr. tewart Dr. Stuart Dr. utl1erland Dr. Tho111pson Dr. Watts Dr. ''loous .
General Cash Account oj the Committee fo'l' the year encZing September 30th, 1898. Receipts. .t:J
<i en
Section. Batley Batley Oarr Bir tall Cleckbeaton Crigglestone Dewsbury De\\'sbnry .Moor Gomersal Heckmolld wike Horbury Liversedge Mirfield Ravenstborpe Stainclift'e hal\' Cross Thornhill Thornhill Lees
en ....
1 1
to to E ::l
c: ';n
'00 ;... :::l
cO >:t:;
c;.; 1
>:t:; r~'
£5 17 4 3 4 11
9 £1 0
Examiner's Fees and General Expenses .
6 £5 9 2 £] 2 10 5 1 16 5 *19 011
3 12 10
5 13 6 12 1 11 t30 19 11
o 13
6 17 0 3
2 10
6 0
3 12
o 19
3 12
Books, Bandages, :r.redallions.
o 13
10 17 2 13
1 0 £34 9 11 £9 18 6 £30 5 10 £ 9 15 9
* Including Ambulance Litter, £13 Is. 6el.
R. Police Cricket Match £2.
ANNUAL REPORT. DURING the year 16 classes have been held, 205 member of which successfuJly passed their examinations. Both the County and Borough Police continue to avail themselves of these classes, and every member " 'I\S entitled to a certificate on the date the last examination was held. Thc instruction the Pol icc have received has greatly increased their usefulness, and there are many well-authenti cated cases of great and unnecessary sufferings being :prevented by their intelligent aid. The Committee note with pleasure the large pcrcontage who l)l'esent themselves for examination, thus shewing that all ranks a:ppreciate tIle advice tendere<l to them by the General Secretary, viz. : That one way of shewing their ap:preciation of the doctors' unselfish and generous kindness in giving the lectures is to persistently present themselves for examination until they have earned the certificates aud medallion of the Society. d It is important to report that the Ravensthorpe Section has again comme~ced with a successful class, after some years of inertness. The horse ambulance provl~e , surgical two years ago has been in constant use for acciclents and for r emovlDg cases to the Leeds I nfirmary and other instiLutions. q'he thanks of the Committee are again tendered to the Medical Staff for their continued support and assistance.
Paymcnts. BoOks, Bandages, Charts etc
, . . One A b 1 l[ d ll~ 11 ance Litter for Batley Carr . n e a lOllS Postage L ' Cal'I'I'a"6'e an d 'llnc1" nes ..
ocal ~e.ports for year 1897 , Advkel'tlslllg (General Meetina) , Ban Interest D 5 b • Caretak . I j e?, s. 5d., June, 15 . R e!, ~(lllstnal Hall . , T ~·examlllatlOn
lJUndon E, . . " Londo I x~mlllatlOn Fees and Expenses n nCldental Expenses. .
TotctZ. £29 13
3 1
6 6 0
9 1 2 13 6 11 o 12 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 7 10
5 6 0 6 0
£ 9 15
This Account· 1 . lUac e out as If all the Sections were fully paitl up but there IS (lice 0 £3414s. 10ct owing as per Summary. '
still a lJala
CRALEY :B OX, T1'rJaSU1'er.
121 llonOl'ary Sccrctary.
£55 0 11
Actual Cash received from Sections.. .... . Balance due from the following SectIOns for ExamlllatIOn Fees and General Expenses-
£4 1
3 0 6
Exam. Fees.
Batley Batley Oarr Oleckbeaton Dewsbury . Li versedge . Shaw Oross
1 19 10
Mr. Albert Hinchliffe, Eebelen Bridge.
£5 5 4 9 5 3
£5 9 2 1 16 5 3 12 10 9111 3 12 9 3 12 9
9 2 19 5 19 0 1 11 12 7 12 9
ccr c t:u·ies .
Hebden Bridge-Mr. J. H. H oI' fall. Mytholmroyd-l1r. J oah Orossland.
Ea b,yood-Mr. James Lord.
JUc dical Staff.
34 14 10 £89 15 9
Dr. Russell Cairns Dr. A. F. Thomas
Dr. H. H. Thomas Dr. J. H. Thompson.
Audited and found correct,
J. W.
Janu,ary 2nd, 1899. The total issue of certi'fi cat es, l'e-examl'natl'on vouchers, and medallions since formation of this Oentre are : 1898. Totals. 1897. Number who have attended a complete course of instruction since Formation of Oentre, 1873 97 1776 July, 1883 Men ~100 147 1953 Women Number who have received Oertificates since Formation of CentreMen . Men ( url:iing) Women . Women (Nursing) Medallions issuecl : Men Women. . Re-examination Vouchers, Men ancl Women
1521 14 1011
84 13 104 43
426 2 6 1218
44 3
289 1292
MARK OLDROYD, P?'csiclent . . PERurv AL B. ,'{ ALKER, ChaM·man. DUKE
} Gen. non. Sees.
THE work of the Oentre during the year enuing 30th eptember, 1 98, has been satisfactory. Thrrc classe~ in fil'l:it aid (one for females antI t\\-O for male) have been conducted by members of the Medical 8taft', Dr. Ru sell Cairns and Dr. Thomp on, and two batches of stuuents for final and first re-examination have been examined by the former medical gentlemen.
At the annual meeting of the Oommittee the resignation of the Trea urer (Mr. Herbert Ring) and the ecretary ( 11'. Theo. Bates) were received anel accepted, and acordial vote of thanks was given to them for their enrices inc the formation of the Oentre in 1887. The Ohairman tatecl that they, alonO' with Dr. Bradley, were chiefly instrumental in inaugurating the ambulance movement in Hebden BriJge.
1115 572
Statement oj Receipts ancl Expenditure for ycct?' endirLg September 30, 1 98. Receipts.
1897. To Cash, Nursing In titution £34 5 0 1898. " Medallions 6 15 0 " Re.examinatio;l fees 0 3 0 " Cash (Suhscriptions, &~.) 4 6 10 2 13 6 " " " 0 6 3 "" Error " in Bala~ce (last ~/c) 0 1 0 " Balance • . 19 11 2
Expenditu?"C. 1 97. By Balance £3-1 5 0 1 9 . Medallions 6 15 0 " 11 01' illg Ambulance 13 15 0 "" I rin Ling. . 2 2 3 Repair to Oarriage . 4 6 5 "" Ohefl ue Book and Oharges 0 2 6 Bank Interest 0 3 10 " tore 014 1 " Examiners' Fees. 5 4 2 " S cretary" Expenses o 13 6
October 29th, 1898.
Mr. D. J. Crossley. Chab·luan.
Mr. E. J . Orossley.
Mr. Arthur Crabtree.
We have examined the above tatemellt of Receipts and Payments with the Vouchers and Bankers' Pass Book and certifv the same to be in accordance therewith. ' J Rebden Bridge,
l'l'cs iclcn t.
(ChartcreclAecottntants), Auditors.
D. J.
President. T?·eaSU?·e1·. lIon. &e1·eta?'Y.
122 I SSUE
CERTIFICAT ES. iUcdlca! Staff. No. of Women
No. of Men
who have completed a course of instruction.
who have received Certificates.
who have received Certificates.
who have completed a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. hit Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 11 I 11
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I Women.
bIro A. Aikman, M.B. Mr. A. Auld, M. B. 'Dr. J. Clo e Mr. T. Cameron, M.B. llr. D. II. Davy, )LR.C ... 'MI'. T. S. Dennison, )1. H. C.I>. fbII'. H. G. Falkncr, L.R.C.I'. & S. *Dr. J. Joynor Fraser 'Dr. F. IV. Fullerton MI'. J. Fearnley, lI1.H.C .. . , L.R.C.P. Dr. Robert Grieve 'Mr. E. Harrison, F.R. C.S. fill'. A. E. Hart, B.A., ~LB. filr. J. Hollingworth, :.\1. R. c .. . llr. E. H. Howlett, F. R. C. S. fill'. A. H. Johnston, )1.R.C.S.
*Mr. J. ]I,1acNidder, M.B. *111'. C. II. Milburn, lI1.B. Miss Iurdoch, L.RC.P. & s. Mr. H. Robinson, M.B. Dr. F. J. awdon 1\11'. A . Priest 'ha,\', lI1.R.C.S. Mr. J. outter, lILR.C.S. Mr. A . W. Scott, lILR.C .. Mr. A. E. Sproulle, M.R.C.S. 1111'. A. 'V. Stone, lII. R. C. S. *1111'. J. Stotha,rd, 1\1.1l.C.S. II'. 'V: tephenson, )LR.C.S. *Mr. J. Leith ,Yater, M.B. lUI'. ..Ii Ibert W il on, ::\1. R. C. s. Mr. W. T. Wray, :lI.R.C.S.
HULL CENTRE. * Elected Hon. Life Mem bel'S of the Association. Re-Formed 1888.
Formed 1882. PI·csifl cnt.
The Most Honourable the Marquis of Ripon, K.G., P.C. (Lord High Steward of Hull.)
' -i CC·PI·csl(lcn L •
Mr. Edwin Laverack Mr. F. R. Pease, D. L. Sir James Reckitt, Bart. Mr. Alderman Sherburn, ~I.B. ir Gerard Smith, K.O.lI1.G. Mr. C. H . Wilson, M.P.
Col. Haworth-Booth, D.L. Col. A. K. Dibb, V.D. Mr. J. T. Firbank, M. P. Mr. F. B. Grotrian Col. B . Hobart, R.A., D.L. Sir H. S. King, K. C.I.E., M. P . Chao ·ma n.
llon ol'a r y Tl·caSlu·cr.
Col. H. Fawcett Pudsey, V.D.
1111'. Arthur Egginton.
Mr. C. H . Milburn, M.B., 158, Anlaby Road,
H 1l
12, Parliament Street, Hull.
Life lUembcr . •
Col B H obart, R.A., D.L ... d Mrs. Walter BaIley Me~srs·. Reckitt & Sons, LUUlte . Col. Haworth-Booth, D.L. . . Messrs. Blundell, Spence & Co ., LImIte~. Collector.
Mr. W . T. Atkinson.
Otasses.-Eighteen CIa es, 15 ill first aid and 3 in nursing, have been held during the patlt year ill Hull and neighbourhood, at which 330 pupils have been instructed, of whom 2 0 were examined and 269 ohtaiued Certificate. Lincoln County Oouncil.-The Lincoln onnty Council have again made grants to Covel' the rxpcllses of two clas es in connection with this Centre, which have been held at Barton. On the recommendation of the Committee, Mrs. R. C. Brewer (who recently retired from the'ecretary hip of the ursing Division of the IIull Corp) was awarded a special Vellum Vote of Thanks by the Association for her services both to the Association and Brigade, and a l)1'e entation of the ame was made to b el' by Mrs. Barnard on the occasion of the excursion of the Hull Corps to outh Cave Oastle.
llonol'UI'y Sccr ct al·ies.
Mr. J . French Thompson, 12, Parliament Street, Hull.
Neecl jo?' IJm'se Ambttlance TVagon.-The occurrence of several severe accidents on the extreme outskirts of the city, notably that at the Works of Messr . Major & Co., Limited, in December, 1897, once more brings up very forcibly the urgent need which exists for a horse ambulance wacron, for the prompt and easy conveyauce of the injured, either to the I nfirmary o~ their homes. Hull is a long way behind other places in this respect, such cities and towns as Bnry, Heywood, Dewsbury, Leeds, Shoffield, Birmingham, Preston, Accrington l Brighouse, etc. , etc., all being well provided with ambulance wagons.
con&fJract 1 . !?'o?n .A. nn~lal Repo?·t oj Chief Oonstable to the TV atch Oommittee :-" I n c llslOn, I am pleased tv state that, with the exception of about 25 men, the Whole of the members of the Force have passed and received certificates from the
St. John Ambulance Association in ' first aid to the injured. ' "
124 125
Cash Account f01' the pe1'iocl of Eleven ,Months ending Septembe?' 30th, 1898. Receipts. £2 11 T o Balances in hand " Donations and Subscrip23 4 tions " Sale of Stores, Uedallions, Pocket Oertificates and 109 6 Badges . " Donations, &c., to Public 2 7 Appliances Fund " Olass and Examination 6 5 Feei:' " Entrance Fees, Ohallenge 1 5 Trophy Oompetition o 12 " Bank Interest
£207 13
By Printing, Advertising, & Stationery . . £21 13 " Postages, &c. . 4 17 " Stores purchased for sale including Medallions &' Badges 118 14 " tores for use of Olasses 0 15 Oentral Om cefo)' Examiners' Fees, Travelling and Incidental E xpense 33 4 " L ecturers' Fees and Class Expenses 15 9 " Royal Infirmary for use of rooms 2 2 " Victoria H ospital for use 2 2 of rooms " pring Bank Orphanage o 10 for boys as patients " Port of Hull Society for o 10 hoys a1> pati ents " Ohallenge Trophy Oom1 4 petition f edals . " Commission 011 Oollection 1 3 of ubscriptions 5 6 " Balances in hand
8! 1~
n "
o 5
FOl'llled 18 7.
.!\II'. P. M. Ohester. JlO1l0rlll'Y
0 0 6
DlVlslOn. Mr. Ohurch Bra leI' attenuccl , a.nd a CODlllll't tee \ lorme l' d 1uut . . notlung further has been done at present. '
Statement oj RccCljJts aild El'penclitllre, 1 97-8.
To Cash ill hand " Stores sold
Receipts. .
£207 13 3~
l\I1'. H. Potter,
A. ~~ETIN'G was helcl at th~ hospital in May to encleavonr to form an Ambulance
3 9
netti e:ll Staff.
Mr. T. W. Smith, Oak well Oolliery, IlkeStOll .
9 1
o ny
tore . " Postages, etc. " Balallce in hand
£1 15
£0 10 3
o 13
£2 10
P. M. CIIEsTEn, President. T. W. :'\II Til , Local Hon. Sec.
NOTE.-There are outstanding liabilities of the Association amounting to £412s. 7d., amI there are debts due to the Association and a stock of Stores on hand for sale, valued at £20 12s, 9~d. Th ere is also a quantity of Appliances on hand for public and class purposes.
Hull, March 6th, 1899. We have audited the accounts for the eleven months enued September 30th, 1898, and certify that, in our opinion, the foregoing statement is correct. (Signed) HODGSON, HARRIS & 00., ChaTtered Accmtntants. H. FAWCETT PUDSEY, Chairmcm. ARTHUR EGGINTON, Hon. T?·easurer. J. FRENCH Tn OMPSON, } Hon. Secretaries. C. H. MILBURN, ISSUE
who have completed a course of instruction.
who have who have r eceived completed Certificates. '1 course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NuJ'Sill g.
I 148 I
who have received Certificates. 1s t Aid.
who have wllo have who have completed cOIlIl'lctecl a J'ccpivcd a COllrse of ('ourso of Certificates. _instruction. instruction. lstAid I Nursin-;;' 1S,t A'l I N. lll'sitlg. bt Aid. I Nnrsillg. 1(. . - '
Xo. of Women
who have J'creived Certificates. 1st Aid.
SINCE FOltM \.TION OF OENTIlE. fil I 30 51
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nll\'sing.
I Women.
No. of Women
No. of Men
No. of Men
31ST OCTOBER, 1897. 104 I 47 I 79
I Nursing. 251
No. of Certificated Pupils who IIav received Medallions.
Men.T 218
Formed 1
The IV o1'ship1'ul the Mayor. 30
Dr. Durrant.
allel l[onOl'lIl'Y SCCl·Ct:U·y.
Miss Ooulcber, 13eechholme, I pswieh. L
126 I
~leIDbe)' s .
Mr. Eades
Ml'. Berners Mr. F. T. Oobbold Mrs. Ooulc:her }1iss Ooulcher
MI'. Fryer Mr. D. Ford Goddard, M.P.
who have completed a course or in truction. 1st Aiel. I ~llrsing
Uedlcal Staff.
lHl'. Hossack, F.R.C .S., Ed. 1111'. Hoylanu, M.D. Ur. Ward, M.D . MI'. 'iYarner, M . D . L. R.C. P.
who have received Certificatefl.
who ha\'e completc(l a course of il1llil'lH'tion. lst-AiCl I Nnrsillg.-
1 st
I 549
who have received Certificates.
TIlE. 363
o. of Certificated
Pupils who have
received Medallions.
I Women,
Aiel I Nursing.
INCE 1. T OCTOBER, 1 97. 33 I 30 I 22
of Women
1\11'. Elli. ton
Mr. Eades, L.RC.P. , L.R. C.S., Ed. Mr. Elliston, M . R. C. s., Eng. llfr. Fryer, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Ed., L.A R . , D ublin Mr. Wood, M.R. C. S.,
ANNUAL REPORT. ONLY four classes have been held this year, as most of the energy of the Cenhe has been expended on more fully working the I pswich Oorps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. A competition was held here, for the first time, for which 40 men entered. Those who attended the annual meeting saw some of the work being elone, and the prizes were distributed by 001. Sir Herbert Perrott, who also gave the certificates and medallions (93) gained during the year. Sir Herbert gave a very interesting address, and he was influentially supported on the platform. There have been many cases of first aid rendered, but no conspicuous case, except one of belladonna poisoning, in which Hon. Surgeon Eades telephoned for help from his men. The patient recovered, but only for a time. T here have been sevcral very satisfactory removals of patients, and the litters have been in frequent use.
PI·c ... iclcul.
n.R. J1. Princc ' hristian. \ i('c- "I·csidcut.
The Lady I 'aLel Athe1'ley Tl·caSlu·cr.
11'. Hugh Wy th. 1IOllOI':lI'Y Sccl·('lal'ic".
Statement of Receipts and Expenditu?'e, 1897-98. R eceipts. . £10 7 T o Balance in hand . To London £8 10 9 Exams. To Oentre £2 9s. 6el. 4 2 " Public Meeting 2 0 Medallions "" For Goods, etc. 8 19 814 " Specialelons. for litters 2 0 for diagrams " " " for social " settlement " " 1 0 " Donations and subscriptions 10 15 Balance (deficit) . 4 9
ExpenditUl'e. 10 6 2~
6 0 6 0 0 0 7
£62 18 1~ To Value of Stores in hand
I pswich, Septembe1' 10th, 1898.
By Reports . To London £8 " Exams'ToOentre£310s.7d " Public Mceting . " Medallions . . " Storcs (including diagrams) Litters . . . "" Social settlement Stationery "" Inciden tal expenses
E. A. Evelegh, near Newport
£2 10 0
0 7
11 1 6 4. 2 0 13 18 23 3 1 0 2 6 0 4.
0 6 7 1l~ 0 0 6
£62 18 lk
£3 8 0 I certify the above Account to be correct. F. EDGAR MAYllEW, A.C.A. GEO. S. ELLISTON, Ohairman. W ALTON TURNER. MAl~Y O. OOULCllER,
Local lIon. Secretary.
Mr. A. Banks, F.R.C.. . ~rr.
~L 1)., L. n. C.l'., M. n. c. H. Mr.G.A. Barr, L. IL . P., "l.R. ' . S. ~[r.J.13enson - Cookc, L.ll. C.P., L. It. '. H., T,.l\L
H. 1\1. Barkcr,
llr.J.G. Breretun, L.R.C.l'.T ..
Mr. G. Gordon Brodie F. r.. . R.,
L.IL (' .1'.,
Eng. 111'. J. Cowper, M.B., Ch. M. Ec1ill. 111. H. W. Ewen, lILlt.C.S. , L.S.A.
~Ir. A. 'iV. Drcw,
Rookwood, N' e"·port.
Mr. 'iV. E. Green, ~L H.C.S., L.. A. MI'. J. Gro\'es. n.A., M. B. , L. R.C.P., &c. lIlr. ~\. Hollis, ;I!. n., c.~r., ~1. n. c .. , &c . 1111'. 'i\T . .J . .J ollifl'e, L. R. . P., ~I.l{ . C. S. :;\[1'. ' . Lewi., ~LB., C.~ L 1111'. . ~ ockohls, L. R. C. P., L. R. C.. , I,.j\L, &c. Mr. L. Preston, M.n., B.S. Mr. . B. Robin on, ~r.n . c .. , L.R.C.P. M!'. O. J. ThoJ1lp. on, ~Ln. c.s., L. R. c.p.
ANI UAL REPORT. Committee arc again plea ell to report that, although there havc not been quite so many cbs es this last wintcr ;tS ill 1 96-7, theH'is no falling ofr of interest shown in ambulance work in the I s]and, a8 will be seen by the number of members Who have attended the lccturcs. There llave been 21 classes held, being 10 for women, 10 for men, and 1 for B ys' 13l'igatlc. There were 158 members of these classes, of whom 308 entcred for eXltmillation, 2 8 bcing successful, a,l1d of this number 50 gained their medallions. TII n;
12 I ,'UE OF The T echnical Education Committee of the County Council again madc a grant to the Centre of £30 for village cb 8es . Thcse cla8ses W re heW at 13instead , Brighstone, and Chale, and more cIa es could have been arranged in other viIla.ges if the grant werc largcr. The ambulance waggoll ha been in usc much more frequcntly-oll an avcrac'e <once a mont.h-and as it usefulne and cOllvenience is more kllO\\n and appreci. ated it is found that more applications nre being made from the l1ista.l1 t pn.rts of the Island , and great satis faction is always expres. ed with thc kindne's and care shewn by the members who are on duty. The be t thanks of thc Committec are duc and are \Yannly gi\'en to those doctors who so genel'ously continue to give their services gratuitously in this useful ',ork, and in this way the COlllmittee arc cllahlec1 to armnge for many more clas es than conlel othcrwise l'c clone. The locnl clas sccretaries arc also entitled to the thanks of the Committee, a much \\'ork fall on them, anti thcy give much time and energy in arranging the cIa es. It ,,~as not fOli.nd po ible to arrange for auy lurge meeting or dem onstratlOll this year, but smaller olles have been held at vurious town. at the distribution of certificates and medallioll$.
No. o f Men
No. of W omen
-who have cOlllpleted
a course of instl'l1ctioll. lstAio. I Nursillg. 1st
1\ ill.
T o Balance at BallkViT aggoll ACCOUll t General Account " Carisbrooke CastlcDemollstration " From Classes " Subscriptiolls to Centre. " County Coullcil Grallt .
£9 12 6 7 1 4 16 4
7 10
5 Ii)
o o
By I llsurance £0 5 () 21 12 10 " Ileacl OIli ee Storcs " Ileacl Olliee FccR aull Jll culclltals ~l 19 9 " Carishl'ooke Ca:;1l0 8 13 9 Dc III ollstratioll o 15 6 " Printing and Aclverlisillg " StaLiollcry, Postage aJJ(1 o ]5 11 Cal'l'iage " \r uggoll 8helter2 6 10 ]\ 11'. Alclcl'slade 2 7 6 . 11'. Pt'ach " Ll'cLIlI'C 1':;' Fees allcl Ex16 0 0 pe1lses . " (~rall t to Carisbl'ooke o 10 0 ]) ivisio lJ . 1 0 0 " Gra1Jt to n oys' Brigade. o 11 0 " (;rattt to Clln le Division " Cash at BallkJ 18 2 W ag~on Account 0 8 19 Gellcral
£116 16 J1
£116 16 ]]
who llaVG re(;eivcd CerLificatCl!.
rccei\'ed lIlcclallions.
I Women.
10 5~
6 9
I NCE 1wl' O CTonER,
I DO I -- -
1897. I 55
--- - I 42
IJ'orlllcd 1
Jr. Jno. Brigg,
Wro. Dobie,
M.P . , C.A.
Alderman R. Etlmolll1. on.
l\L n.
catterty, ~r.A., M.D.
'l' t'CIl"Ul'C I'.
IlOllorlll'Y l'i"''''I·cCal'Y.
Dr. C. C. Baxtcr TYl'ie
. D obie.
Dr. J. B. Borry Dr. J. U. Crawford Dr. Wlll. Dobie Dr. J. N. Dobie Dr. II. S. Dobio
cott, 16, ,ranville treet.
Dr. J.
. T.
SC a'T.
Dr. Wm. r. ,ahriel Dr. J. P. 0' ollneil Dr. ,I'm. caLLorty Dr. . '. Baxter '1'Y1'ie.
AN UAr... REPOR.T. THIs yefl.r thore luLVc bcon 3 first aielltllel 1 llursing clas. Th , Hum]) 'I' of pupils i asshown below. 'I'll Kcig hll'J Iuclus tl'iltl Co- p craLiyo ocioty pl'etlclltocl to the Bl'Igade £7 to h!LVO !L h ox pl!wed ill Ih towll, wilh sL1'ctch I' !Lud all l'l'qui1' mcnts, ~o render ftrst aid ill Cttse of accidcnts; tho box is pllLcoli ILL H opo Mill ('o utlJ treet). Tho Mayor (Aldo1'm!Lu C. Foulds) prosented. snonlcler-sLmllS, &c. , for six I
CUAltJ.1':R IC. PI NNOCK, Ohai1·man. HUGn 'VYr~'l' II , 11011 . J'l'easnJ'(J1·. E. A. EVgLIWJJ, 1 lIon. ALFRED -YVILI, rAM DltKW,
Aldermnll B. S. Brigg Capt. II. A. ~ltll't'iner
Receipts and E.I·LJrntlilu?'C, 1 96-7 . E.rpewZitw·c.
~o. of Certificate Pupil~ who have
I ./I. nrsing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NnrsYllg.
lecturer after 10 year' work, during which time he ha. giyen 30 comses of lectures in N eWl)ort and the surrounding village. The Committee "ere at a loss for a lecturer when he kindly conseutell to fill the posit.ion, awl thus enabl C'el litem to continue and extend this excellent and n. efnl work, aud their thallks aIHl those of the members of his 30 classes arc 011'erell to him. of
d who have cOlllplete!l a course of insLrucLiOIl.
who have received Certi lieateR .
It was with much r egret that the Committee reccivecl Dr. BalT's rC'sigllfl.tioll as
Statement Receipts.
130 stretchers, which have been made by the members under the superintendence of Supt. Noble.
Mr. Jos. Hall.
R ev. W. S . Unwin, M.A.
.Statement of Receipts and ExpenditU1'ejrom Octobe?' 1st, 1897, to Septemb(J1' 30th, 1898. Expendilu1'e. Receipts. By Balance une to Treasurer £0 11 4 To Donations and Colleco 12 6 " Coal and wood. . £29 9 11 " " " " "
tions Members' Subscriptions . Rent of Room Class Fees Stores sold Due to Treasurer .
3 15
1 16 11 2 9 12 3 10
0 0 1 1
Tt·c ll. lU'Cl'.
:Mr. T. R . Hayes. llonol'al'Y Secre tary.
" S ta tionery, Ad vertisemen ts 3 7 1 and Postage . 18 7 8 " Rates and Rent . 1 2 6 " Gas . 4 9 5 " Sundries for general use. 2 3 0 , , otice boxes 1 0 3 " CIa s expenses 2 10 6 " Curators. " Painting and cleaning 2 7 0 rooms . 2 1 0 " Fonldridge Competition. 6 18 6 " Examiners' fees 13 14 7 " Stores
Mr. G. Hogarth, Amble ide Road , Keswick. AudHor.
Mr. P.
Dr. BUI'nett,
E (lll r .,
lILD., C.M.,
lILR.C.S., Eng., I..R.C.P., Lond.
£59 5 4
llN U cal ' tatr.
. Todd, Main
continues to grow ill fn'"our. and. _ progIess. Four classe (3 men' a.nd 1 f~l' . to make steady and ati factory Burnett, and 1 cIa s (for men) bv D' ~I" la~lC ) have been conducted by Dr. class also meet monthl)' for PI' to, 1. J' ~ tC~lell, of Cockermouth. The women's f d f ac lce. all It IS hOI)ed ~T . orme a tel' the comin e, seSSI'OII D"B ' a r, ursmg Division may be . b ' r urnett:M l' I Off III the work, and is untirin cy in his cIl·' ' t . ' J. e( lca lCer, evince' great interest b 01 to make the mem bel'S efficient. THE . Centre
Audited and found correct, J. ICHOLSON DOBIE. C. C. BAXTER TYRIE, Tnasgrer. AlItL. T. SCOTT, Han. Secretary.
who have who have who have complete r \ a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing' 1st Aid. I Nur;;ing.
Statement oj Receipts ((nd E:t-PClldz'tul'e, 1897"98 .
No. of Women
No. of Men
who bave rccriYcrl Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
SINCE FORMATION OF CE 'TRE. I 546 230 I 315 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 58 I 30 I 58
Xo.of Certifica\u\ Pupils wbohnve received Medallions. Men.
44 24
To Receipts.
Formed 188 4. Prcsltlcnt.
R ev. Dan on R awnsley, M.A. , R ural D ean.
. £20
J) E
. Expenditure. xpentlltlU'e . " Balance . »)'
£17 12 6 2 12 2
Examined and founel correct,
( 'igurcl)
who have Completed ,a course of instrUction
-who have rc?civcd Certificates.
. TODD, Audita?·.
CER'l'Il?IC1iTES N"o. of Women
who have completed n COlU'se of instruction.
~ . . Nur~mg. 1st Aid . I N ursmg. lStAilf:
I NurSing.
who have receiyecl Certilicates. 1st Aie\. I NurSing.
INo. of Certificate d Pupils who have receil'eu lIledalllons . .Meu.
I Women.
38 SINCE 1ST OOTOBER, 1897. ---~~____~I__~21~1____ll~1~0~____-L~~ 5 I
Formed 1893 . Pl'csi<lcnt anlI <:1tnll·llIlUt.
:::;[0 .
No. of Certificated who have who have who have who have Pupils who have completed a received completed received received course of Certificates. a course of Certificates. .Medallions. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Ml1n. I Women.
Mr. J. T. StockblU'n, Chairman of Urban Council. Tt'ca SUJ'Cl' •
Mr. W. F. Neilson, Stamfurd S. & B. Bank, Kettering. Honorary Sccrc tary.
Mr. C. W . Lane,
olicitor, Kettering.
l'tlc (licnl Staif.
lIfr. Mr. Mr. Ur. Mr. Mr.
Mr. James 1\1ore II'. John More Mr. J . L . Price :Mr. J. J. Roughton lIl'. J . P . Roughtun Mr. Van-Vestraut.
J. Allison G. W. Bak er J . W. Dryland L. W . Dryland H. Gibbons W. Lee
£168 11
1897. I 48
Formed 18 1.
The Right Ron. Lord Ashton. ' "l cc-I'res icle ut.
The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, G.C.B., etc. £19 19 6 39 10 5 32 10 0
TI'CII SIt t·c)'.
Mr. A. S. Barling,
25 13 8 12 13 6 11 9 6 1 3 10
M. R . C.
Honorary Sccr c tary .
I1Iajor Edward W .
tokes, Fairfield House, Lancaster. Life iU cmb cr s .
13 16 8 3 0 0 6 17 3 2 1 0 0 5 0
£168 11 2
AN UAL REPORT. OUR positIon in the town of Kettering has been well maintained during the past year, anu new classes have been carried on, with most satisfactory results, in the rapidly growing places in the neighbourhood, notably in Rothwell and Rushton. NlU'sing clas~es have for the first time been held, and a tusing Division is in COlU'se of formation . Further and interesting details will be found in the report as to the Ambulance Corps.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditm'e, 1898. Expenditu1'e. Receipts. £13 2 6 By St. J olm's GateTo Balance in hand . Examination Fces 41 811 Subscriptions Stores " D onations to Equipment " " Equipments FundBandages, splints, drugs 1 1 0 Rifle Club for Horse Litter " and apparatus . 0 3 0 Whist Club " Class Expenses . Ri.fle Band Mutual" Ai.d " Printing amI Stationery " Society . 0 5 6 " Transport Corps Dance at Rockingham 8 10 3 " HoI' e hire, Cup Com" Road School petition expenses and at 9 13 2 Concert Victoria Hall opening of new HOSlJital " Men's Subscriptions (per Rent . . . " Sergeant Savage) 214 6 " Secrctary's Expenses and 31 3 3 Sale of Stores " Sundries " E xaminers' Fees (per Collector's Commission. 13 4 6 " Secretaries of Classes) " Collecting B00k 32 9 0 County Council Grants " " Bank I nterest 0 8 0 " Balance due to Treasurer 14 7 7
of Women
Mr. A. Greg
Messrs. Storey Brothers & Co. l'tICfUcnl S tnff.
~r. A. S. Barling, M. R. C. s. froCharles Dean, M.R . C.S.
Mr. Croft Helme, M.R. C.S . Jos. H. Irvin, M.B.C.S. r. Edward Jackson, M . B .
Mr. Mr. 1\11'. Mr.
Hugh F. Oldham, M.D . W, W. Wingate- aul, M . D . Telford Telford-Sm i th, M . D . John Todd, M.R.C.S.
Outstanding liabilities£3 0 0 R ent . 15 0 0 Other accounts about E xamined an d found correct,
H. W.
Certified by
W. F.
Hon. Audito?'.
Hon. T1·eas~t1'e1·.
T ANNUAL R E PORT. ThHE work of th e Cen t re h as progres ed. on the usual lines during the past year.
ere has b e1 e . t h e number of n ursing certificates gained, and also in th anl 'lUcrease lU n he number of medallions. All of the bo rough police force and the fire brigade . fi rst al. 'd P ohce ' Cle rk nllth . Ro\V old certific . at es III h as been awarded t he R oy al umane Soclet' . f fi y s cer 1 cat e on vellum fo r saving the life of a child by performing
artificial respiration. With the object of retaining the knowledge gained, many of the classes in the district meet occasionally for drill. I n addition to the work of the Oe-;;tre, several School Board night classes:are being instructed in first aid.
Statement oj Receipts and Expe1ldit~L1'e j1'0711 Octo be?: 30th, 1897, to Octobe7' 31st, 1898. R eceipts. By Balance at Bankers, October 29th, 1897 " Subscription s, etc., to October 29th, 1898 Bank I nterest "
Octobe1' 31st, 1898.
£9 11 10 4
828 19
1 8 9 15 15 2 9 13 4
£31 1 7
No. of Women
No. of Certificated who 1IIlve who have who have who have Pupils wllO have a cOlllpleted received. completed receivec[ received conrse of Certificates. a courseo! Certificates. Medallions. in ·truction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aie\. I ·lU'~il1g. _1st Aid I Nllr!;~ 1 1st Aid I Nursing. Men. I Womeu.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
Xo. of :Men
:roo of Women
wh o have who have who have completed a rcceived completed course of Certificates. a com'se of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
£4 4 4
Audited and found correct, ALFRED ,Yo WHELOX, Hon. Auditor. EnwD. ,V. STOKES, Major, Hon. Sec. A. S. BARLING, Trcasu1'e?" ISSUE
No. of Men
5 2
21 0
Expenditu1'e. To Stores, October, 1 98 Local Bills "" Examination Expenses Balance in Bank
ANNU AL REPORT. DURING the past year 29 classes have been held under this Oentre, and a number of others are at the present time in course of instruction. During 1897 first aid was rendered by men trained under this Oentre in 203 cases of accident, and in many instances the doctors, aftenvards called in, highly commended the work done. Five Corps have been formed and provided with materials and appliances necessary for practice. In addition to the men enumerated in the table there are about 600 others in the service of the Oompany who obtained Oertificates prior to the formation of the Oentre.
I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I 573
27 ~ IXCE
614 I
1ST OCTOBER, 1897.
I Women. 38
LEEDS CENTRE. 32 Formed 1 7 • l·rc., hIcu' .
ir Amlrcll' Fail'bai1'll.
Formed 1897.
Th e Lord JIayor of Leeds.
Mr. J. H. Stafford, (General Manager L . & Y.R.).
Mr. Edward Atkinson, F.L.
( 'h airm llu.
HOnOl'llJ'Y 8cc:r c tal·Y.
Mr. R. H. Selbie, General Manager's Office, Manch ester.
JlOIlOl'lI l'Y Sccrc tary.
Mr. '\Vu.ltcr Rowley,
M . L e .E.,
lUcdical Staff.
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. D r. Dr.
Oairns Clayton Oollings Orosland Edwards J ohm;ton Laurie Macleay Musson
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Payne Percival haw Sutherland Thorp Tom kys Waddington Walker Westmacott
llonOl'al'Y Sccl'clm'Y ' 0 " ' Oll l eu 'S J)Cl)ll l'lI11 Cllt ancI Clnssc
101' " 'OUlen .
Mrs. Walter Rowl ey, AlLler Hill, Meanwood, Leed . Ullul(c )'s .
Messrs. Heckett and 00., Leeus. OOiccs .
20, Pa.rk RolV, Leeds.
136 Life
Messrs. John Barran and Sons Messrs. Reckett and Co. Sir Andrew Fairbairn IIII'. John Hepper :JIr. R. Bensoll Jowett ,sir Lionel lIf. Swinnerton-Pilkington, Bart.
~I e mb el's .
Mr. Briggs Priestley, M.P. Mr. Walter Rowley Mrs. ·Walter Rowley Mr. Charles Ryder 1\Ir. Geo. Austin Suddick Messrs. Joshua Tetley and Sons.
0/ Receipts and Payments,
Octobe1' 31st, 1897, to October 31st, 1898.
Receipts. To Balance31stOctober,1897 £15 13 0 17 15 0 Annual Subscriptions 5 0_0 " Special Donation . " Receipts from Classes for " Class Fees and to res . 195 8 8
Mr . .J. H. Aitken
Mr. Edward Atkinson :Mr. Eldredge Blomfield 111'. G. Blomfield 1\11'. J . Bradbury .:Mr. J. E. Bris('oe Mr. J . W . :1" . Brown Mr. C. W . Buck Mr. E . Carter 1\11'. C. :M. Chadwick, M . D . 1'.1r. W. R. Clarke nIl'. J . Clough 1'11.1'. Basil Ewing nil'. J . Exley Ewing :MI'. John Exley 1\11'. J . E. Gains Mr. C. S. Greenwood 1'.11'. T . Wardrop Griffith, M . D. 11'. F. W. Halliday Mr. R. Hann Mr. B. Grey Heald Mr. Geo. H . Heald 1111'. B . A. Heathcote Mr. J. B. Hellier, M.D . Mr. G. Hepworth 1'.11'. C. E. Hollings
6 6
Expenses, etc., to 30th June, 1898 . . 17 1 4 " Allowance on Account of Assistant ecretary from 1st July, 1897, to 30th June, 1 98 . . 50 0 0 5 7 6 " Printing and Stationery " Balance, 31 tOct., 1898.In hand. £9 19 9 At Bankers 6 13 2 - - - 16 1211
iUe(li eal Staff.
IIII'. Allen nIl'. F. E. Atkinson
Expenditure. By Stores purchased . £88 " Examiners' Fees and Incidental Expenses paid to the Central Executive Committee . . 56 "Sundry Disbursements,
Mr. J. Howard Mr. W . L. Hunter IIII'. P. James II'. JeffeTy 1\11'. E. "\'17. Kemp 1\11'. R. L. Knaggs Mr. H. Littlewood :Mr. J:S. Loe M1'. W: S. Mackenzie MI'. J. G. McCandlish Ml'. S. Moore, M.D. 1\11'. B. G. A. Moynihan 1r. C. Oldfield IIII'. H. J. Roper 1111'. Sydney Humboll 1111'. H. Shepherd IIII'. C. W . Smeeton Mr. H. Archbold Smith MI'. mith 1\11'. J . nell Mr. '. E. Southwell ~lr . H . Spong 1\1r. W. Thompson 1\11'. F. ·Waddington Mr. J . O. Ward 1\11'. L. F. ,Vest Mr. H. C. Woodcock Mr. IcGregor Young.
DURING thc year 32 classes have been held in connection with this Centre, consist· iug of 18 first aid male classes, 9 first aiel female clas, es, and 5 female nursing classes. This shews an increase on the number of classes as compared with the previous year, of 8. A large number of classes have been held amongst the police force of the city, the men to the number of 187 having this year received first aid certificates, and one class at the Y.M.C.A., abo one on nursing at the Y.W.C.A., the remaining ones being held amongst railway employes, colliery workpeople, and in connection with the various places of worship in the city. Besides the abo~e. mentioned classes, about 16 new classes have al!'eady commenced in connection wIth the forthcoming session. Thanks are again due to Mr. J. C. Kirk, chartered accountant, Leeds, who has so kindly audited the books and accolmts for the past year.
£233 16
Examined with the Voucher and accounts, and found correct. (igned) J . C. KIRK, Charte?'ed Accountant, A'ttditor. EDWARD ATRIX '0 , Chairman . Leeds, 'WALTER ROWLEY, Bon. Sec?'etary. December 19th, 1898.
No. of Men
who bave Who have who havil completed a completed received cour~e of a course of Certitlcates. in trllction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NurSing. 1st AiJ. TNursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
INCE FORMATIO OF CE TRE. 10 I 2543 I 867 I 1567
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 200 I ] 08 I 117
Th e Worship ful the Mayor.
INo. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I NUl·sing.
I Women.
138 Chairman.
Vice - Chait·mall.
The Rev. Oanon Sanders, LL.D.
Dr. Davies.
TrCll s urcr.
lIo1101'nl'y Secretary.
T. R oward Lloyd.
F. R. Turner, 2, Granby Street.
A.ssi taut Sccretary for 'Vomcn'
Miss Fl1llagar, 14, St. Peter's Road.
Life lUembcrs .
.Miss l'.f. L. Broughton Mrs. Buck Mrs. G. H. Ellis Miss Emily Ellis Miss Fortescue The Rev. H. J. Forte cue, :!II.A.
Lady King Rall Mr. A. Paget The Oouutess of Stamford and ,Varrington Mr. Edward 'Wood Mrs. W. Wright JIedical Staff.
1'111'. Mr. .Mr. 111'. Mr.
A. E. Barlow, lILR.C.S., lILB., Edin. W. B. Berridge, M.R.C.S. ,etc. Briggs, L. R.C.P., etc. Astley Clarke, M. B. J. W. Oollington, lILR.C.S., Eng., L.R.a.p., Edin. Mr. E. R. Oowcher, L.R.C.P. Mr. G. R . Orofts, M.R.C.S., Eng.,L.R.C.P., Lond. 1'I1r. R. Davies, M.D ., M. R.C.S. llfr. O. Douglas, F.R.C.S., etc. Mr. W. L. Emmerson, }LR.C.S., L.S.A. Mr. W. A. Griggs, L.R.C.P., Lond., M. R. C. s., Eng. Mr. H . T. Reginbotharu, L. R.C.P. Mr. R. Wallace Henry, M.D. 1'111'. W. F. McAllister-Rewlings, III. B. & C.M. 1\'[1'. James RunteI', M.D. Surgeon-Oapt. T. Gordon Kelly, M.M.fl.C., M.D .
Mr. F. Lewitt, :!II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Mr. A. L. McLeod, M.A., M.B., C.11. Mr. J. H. Neale, M.B., C.lIf., M.R.C.P. Mr. J. B. icholson, I •. S.A., Land. .Mr. J. Peacock, M.B., B.S. Mr. Pemberton Peake, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. Phillips, M. R.C.S., L.R.C.P. 1.11'. F. Pope, :!II.B., Oantab. M. R.C.S., M.R.C.P. Mr. Potter, M.R.C.S., etc. 1\'[1'. R. Pratt, :!II.D., Lond., M.R.C .• Mr. T. P. Shearer, L.R.C.P., & s., Edin. Mr. A. Skipton, M.R. C.S., etc. Smgeon-Major Bradshaw Smith, A.M.n. M1'. Spence, :M.R.C.S. Mr. T. . Thomas, L.Jt.C.P., M.R.C.S. Mr. J. A. Unitt, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Mr. Milbourne West, lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P.
ANNUAL REPORT. SUCCESSFUL as the work of this Oentre has been from its inauguration, 18 years ago, it loses none of its vigour as time rolls on. The work of the past year has fully maintained the reputation that the Leicester Oentre has earned. A very large proportion of the classes-both men's and women's-have been held in the town. The Oommittee regrets that the Oounty Oouncil still withhold their grant from the village classes. Sufficient importallce cannot be placcd upon the necessity of ambulance teaching in remote places, where, perhaps, the services of a surgeon may not readily be secured.
During the year 21 classes have been held-ll men's" first aid," 7 women's" first aid," 2 womcn's "nursing," and one men's" nursing." Compared with last year, this shews an increase of 2 classes, with an aggregate of 336 passes, against 280 last year. This must be regarded as a satisractory session's work . . The re-examillations were mnch bctter attendeJ than in previous years. 121 men presentecl themselves, 118 of whom pa secl ; 25 women werc re-examined, 24 satisfying the examiners. I n comparison with last year this shows an increase of 34. pecialillelltion shoulll be malle of the high standard of efficiency shewn by the majority of those who werc re-cxaminell. This is ill a great measure due to the careful manner in which they had becn coached uy the Divisional Officers. The Leice tel' chool Board were, we helieve, the first in the country to take up ambnlance work in connection with their eveniug continuation cla ses. As an experiment they were eminently ucce ful, and fully ju tified the venture of the Boarel. Great interest wa mallife ted by the youth:, and the percentage of passes was quite up to the a "erage. lYe are gh1.l1 to learn that the 'chool Board have arrangeu for c:lasses to be helll during the forthcoming winter. The enthusiasm which met the first venture Uglll" well fot' the sncce s of the new clas ·es. Too llluch empha is cannot he placed on thc importance of railway employe being instructed in the principles of "fir t aid." It i with much plea nre we notice that a vcry succe ful cIa.. has hecn held in connection "ith the L. and X.W. Railway 00., and that <1, Diyi ion has been fOlmecl in connection with the Leice tel' Corp. The best thanks of the Oommittee hould be tend red to thc Ohief Oon. table '.\[1'. T. 'Y. Lumlcy) for the unvarying coudc'y and con ideration we receive at his hands. The majority of thc members of the Borough Police are certificated men, and are freqnently called upon to render as i tance in the case of treet accidents, alld some notable cases where" fir t ai(l" has been skilfully rendered have been reported. It would hardly be fail' to pass oyer the SCI vice rendered hy the Fire Brigade, under Superintendent Ely. As will be seen from the Tran port II perintendent's report, the memher, of whom 26 arc certificated men, have rellllercd the cause splendid service, the horse ambulance, which is stationed at the Fire tation, having been requisitioned no Ie's than 83 times. The annual Imblic meeting of the 'entre \\'a helll at the Temperance RaIl on Monday, 4th Octohcr, 1 97. The layor prcsided, anel was supported by ir John Rolleston, a number of ladic, and membcr::; of the medical prorcs ion. The Mayor, in moving the adoption of the report, congratulated the A ociation on the amount of uscful work they hall clone, and expre sed hi gratitude to the members of the Brigade for the service they had rendered on Yariol! occn ions. it' John Rolleston eulogised the work that was being done by the Society all over the COlliltry. For their great servicl's they were entitled to the thank of the \\'hole community, and he was glad to be there and to be allowcd to eX]lres::l appreciation of their efforts. Lady Rolleston presen ted the ccrtificate and medal to the winners of the Shield Oompetition. The seventh anllual competition ror the Ohallenge hiclcl took place at the. Old rrown nall on Tncsdn,y, September 27th. Dr. oates, of Londou officlated as judge. The Town Division and the Borough of Leice tel' Worki1lg ~[~n's Club and Institute Divi ion were the only team wh o entered ror thc competition. After a thorough test, Dr. Coates gave his dccision as follows: --First,
Town Division (shield and silver medals), 335 marks; second, Working Men's Club Division, 318 marks. The maximnm nnmber of marks was 360. The Town Division the distinction of having won the Shield two years consecntively. The names of the winning team are :-Messrs. Stranks, Hibbert, Wilson, F. Smith, and Hatfield. Unfortunately, the efforts of the Committee at the" Saturday Collection" were not crowned with the same degree of success as on the previous occasion. A combi· nation of circumstances, which we hope to avoid in future, caused the receipts to fall £5 below last year. I n a meaSlUe to compensate for this, we are grateful to the members of the "Amateur Dramatic Society" for their kindness in handing over to us the sum of £4, a share of their cbarity performance at the Opera House. We cannot let the opportunity go by without again expressing our gratitude to the members of the medical profession for thc ready manner in which they are at all times willing to place their services at our disposa1. For many years Mr. Wykes has gratuitously audited the accounts of the Association . To him we wish to tender our best tJllanks for past and present services. Statement of Receipts and E xpenclitLlre to Septe7nber 30th, 1898.
6 0 8 0 8 9 6 4
£4 4 6 By Medallions 3 6 8 " Stationery and Stamps 011 0 Slmdries 0 3 3 "" Oarriage 1 15 6 Oollector's Commission " Expenses at Annual Meeting 7 18 0 " " Saturday Oollection 4 15 10 " Maintenance and Rbpair 11 17 1 of ,Yagons 614 6 " Printing. . . Head-quarters Account for " Stores 64 1 10 10 10 0 Lect urer's Fees 3 5 8 " tores 3 7 3 "" Medals for Oompetition 4 16 0 Hire of Old Town Hall 25 0 0 "" l:;ecretary's Honorariun: 0 2 ]0 Balance due to Bank " Cheque Book 0 2 6
£152 12
£152 12 5
Examined and fonnd correct, ARTTIUR B. ,\TYKES, Chartered Accotmtant. I SSUE
No. orMen
No. of Women who have completed a course of instruction.
who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st .Aid. I Nursing. ] st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid
Prc hlcnt.
The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, R.G., etc. D eputy CltaiI·m nn.
:nTr. Llewellyn Morgan,
:Mr. Frank Tobin.
who have received Certificates.
No. of Certifica ted Pupils who have received :MedallioDs,
en. I Nursing. 1St Aid I Nursing. Men, I Wom SINCE FORMATION OF CENTIm. 407 461 582 51 11923 I 878 1 1316 1 2899 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 2 35 1 24 11 43 1 93 I 197 1 1 127 I
M. D.
T t'cn 11re l' a nd Jlo llornry Secr e tm·y.
Mr. J. C. Ellison, 1, York Buildings, Dale
Life ) ( m ber"! .
lessr . Wm. Johnston and 00.
The Earl of Derby, K. G., etc. The Duke of lYe tmin tel', K.G. Lord Bras ey, R.C.B. Ur. William Adamson nil'. Thomas Bartlett Messrs. BalfoUl', 'WilLiamson amI 00. Mr. Edward Bibby, F.R.G ..
Mr. J. T. Nickels .Mes rs. Papayanni aud 00. Li eut.-Col. R. F. teble Mr, A. M. mith Mr. Jam es Lister.
) I c(lica l St aff.
Dr. Barlow Dr. Bradshaw ~lr, Edward l3uxton, )I.R.C. '. Dr. Crozier Ur. CartIlew Dayey, M.D. biro Thos. M. Daw on, ~LD. lir. A. Wycliffc Fisher, ~r. R. C. '. ~lr. Hicharc1 Humphreys M.D. Mr. Tilos. H.. Judson, !\I.D. Mr. 'YlI1. MacVic, M.D. Dr. Nicol McOw ly
Dr. McLelland Dr. :JIills Dr. Moore [1'. Ll e\\"el1yn Morgan, M.D. Dr . .r evins i\Ir. H enry Y. Pitts, ~I.R.C.S. Mr. A. Macleod R oss, F.R.C.S. Mr. G. cott ugden, M.D . Mr. Thos. M. Wills, F.R.C.S.I. Dr. Wood II'. Thos. F. Young, L.R.C.P.
TaE Committee have much plea me ill stating that during the last year :35 first aid and 1 nursing clas. es have been held. Total classes held Ii'om October Lt, 1 '97, to eptember,1 9 :-Liverpool Oity Police 21, Seltmen 5, various ,women 2, total 36. illce forma ~ion of Centre upwarus of 2,040 Oity Police recei n?d instrnction.
Statement of Receipts a1ul E.,;pencliture from September 30th, 1897, to eptcmoe1' 30th, 1 9 . E,lpe1ulitll7·e.
Formed 1880.
Receipts. To Subscriptions and Dona£35 3 tions 7 17 Divisional Subscriptions. " Oollection at Annual " Meeting 6 1 21 1 " Saturday collection 33 14 " Stores sold 42 2 Examination Fees " Medallions 4 4 " Balance due to Bank 2 7
To Balance last Account " SlliJ&criptions " Clas Fees " Bank Interest
1.:55 0 9 42 15 1 15
Liverpool, OctobeT, 1 98.
7 0 0
By " " "
Po tage, ~ · C . Diagram , &c. 0 nice Expen es Ba.lance .
8 16 32 18 64 16 £10
Audited and found correct, FHANK TOBI. , Chai1'7nan. J . O. ELLISON, Hon. Sec. and T1'eas .
0 6 3
7 4
Formed 1884. No. of Women
No. of Men
No. of Certificated who have whohaye who have who have Pupils who have completed a received received received completed course of Certificates. Certificates. a course of Medallions. instructi on. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women.
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897 . 20 I I 17
II. R. II. Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne. "ice-I're. ldent s .
SINCE F ORMATION OF OENTRE . • I 7289 I I 2115 1605
The late Dr. Braxton Hicks, F.R.S.
Mrs. O. Robin on Mrs. L. W . 'hedden Colonel tirke 1\Ir. Howard ,'Tard Mr. I ngham Whitaker.
Mrs. E. F. Ohinery Mr. F. H. Orozier Rear-Admiral Earle Hon. J. Scott Montagu, M. P . Mrs. Heseltine
Chah ·m an.
Trca Slu·er.
1\11'. H. Daniell.
Rear-Admiral Earle. LIY ERPOOL SOHOOL OF OOOKERY BRANOH. Ladies' Honor ary Sccre fary.
Formed 1878.
lIonol'al'Y Secr e tary .
Mrs. Lewis Shedden.
Oolonel "tirke (late 69th Regt.) Ivy House, Lymington.
Office :
Lifc Jl c Jllbcr.
"School of Oookery," Oolquitt Street Technical College of Domestic Science.
lIesel tine.
Lady Presi(lent.
Mr. R. Bruee Mr. E. F. Ohincry
Mrs. Rowland Williams. Honorary Secr e tary.
Miss Fanny L. Calder.
A first aid class (men) was held at outh BadJe ley in N oyember, 1 97, Lecturer, Dr. Pithie. An eX!1mination was held on 3rd February, 1 28, Examiner Dr. R. Bruce, 13 were examineu, and pa seu . Two fir t aid classe (mcn and women) were commenced in March, 1 9, Lecturer, Dr. Pithie. JJeputy Iuspector Gen. Woods, R.N., heM examination ou 10th and lIth .:'tIay; 33 were examined, 30 passed. On 15th September, the annual General Meeting took place, Admiral Earle in the Chair; Mrs. IIe eltine pre ented the certificates and meuallions.
HonorUI'Y Assi s tnnt SecI·e tades .
Mrs. R. Parker.
Miss E . J. Calder. :U e(lical Stntf.
Mr. Darner Harrisson, F.R.C.S.E. I SSUE No. of Men
Statement oj Receipts (mel Expenditlwc j07' 1 ' 97. E.rpenclitlwe. Receipts.
By Balance in hanu, 31st
No. of Women
who have who have who have comllleted a completed received COUl'se of ";I, COUl'se of Certificates. instruction. instruction . 1st Aid, I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
fr. A. D. Pithie.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
SINUE FORMATION OF OENTRE. 621 I 1330 I 853 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 43 I 39 I 35
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
December, 1896 . £21 "Subscriptions, 1897 13 " Cash receiveu for books, bandages, &c. 10 " Donations . 1
8 3
4 6
1 5
9 0
I Nursing. Men. 1Women 446
£ 45 18
To Stores (books, bandages, &c. from Central Office) . Fees paid to CentralOfTIce " Donation to Oentral " Office, for 1 97 " Petty Oash Balance at Bank, 31st " December, 1897 .
7 14
5 3
0 0
0 0
3 14
18 19 11 £45 18
H AMILTO EARLE, R. N. , Chait'man oj Committee. TIE RY DANIELL, T?·cas1~1·e? .. R. F. ST IRKE, (001.), Ii on, Scm·cta?·y.
No. of :Men
who have completed a course of instruction .
who have who have received completed Certificates. a COluse of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid.
No. of Certificated Pupils who bave received Medallions.
I Nltrsing. 1st I Nursing.
143 24
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 17 I I 12
No. of Men
who have received Certificates.
69 _._
I Women.
No. of Women
who who have re('eived completed a course of Certificates. instrncti on. 1st Aid. I Nursing. ] st Aid. I Nmsing.
who have completed a. course of instruction. 1st Aft!
No. of Certificated Pupil. who have received :Medallions.
who have received Certi fj cates.
I Nnrsing.
1st Aid I Nursing.
I Women.
1t::T OCTOBER, 1 97. 1:3] 9 I 96
Formed 1881. l'rcsitlcnt.
Formed 1880.
Mr. Johu Astley Bloxam, F.R.C.S. Prcsident.
, .j{'e·l'l'e .~idc1lt.
Major W. O. Pooley.
Mr. Frank O. 'Yethered. Tl'caS lu'cl'.
Honorary Sccretary.
Mr. F. John F. Culhane, Sir J. W. Maclme, Bart., M.P .
Mi s E. B. Jackson, pl'ingside, Bourne End, Bucks.
Mr. Benjamin Brown, F.e.A., 17, Cooper Street, Manchester.
Lifc ;UcmbcI'S.
Colonel Oweu Peel Wethered Mr. Thos. Somers Cocks
:Uedical Staff'.
Dr. S. Mewbul'n Brown Dr. G. H. Darwin Dr. R. J essap Dearden
Dr. W. J . Heslop Dr. R. S. Wallace.
lleclical Stalf.
Statement of Expenditu1'e for the yea'r ending S eptembm' 29th, 1898.
Lectmers and Examiners fees and material . Working Expenses, ~ncluding calTiafS~ of Goods, Postages, Stationery, Printmg, and Advertlsmg . . . Donation to Restoration Fund, St. John's Church Crypt
£114 18
58 19 4 2 2 0
£175 19 5
Audited and found correct , W. O. POOLEY, President. BENJAMIN BROWN, C.A., Hon. Secretary. October 6th, 1898.
lr. Aaron Williams.
111'. J. Mr, F, Mr. J. MI'. F.
Astley Bloxam, F.R.C.S. J. F. Culhane, M.R.C.S. Dunbar Dickson, M . D. G. Gibbs, M.lLC. ' .
ir Francis Laking, M.D. MI'. Tho'. ichoboll, M.D. Brigacle- nrg.Lt.-Col. W. J. Shone. JUl'. J. 'Y. ;Stone, L. .. . A.
AN UAL REPORT, IN presenting the 17th annual report of the larl ow eutre the Committee is pleased to record that during the l'ast year 2 fir t aid clas:-;es han heen held (male and female); 26 call(lidates aLtellded the cIa scs, 14 prescnted themselves for examination, auli 12 obtained the certifieate; 10 members also came up for .nnal eXamination, and, with one exception, satisficd the pxaminer, and received the medallion of the Association. A Committee was hcld in
ovemhcr last to fill the vacant secretaryship, which
Was accepted conditiollally by the late Secretary, :Miss E . B. J aeksoll. N
146 I n several cases valuable firs t aid help has beeu given by certificated pupils, -especially in one case of a fractured thigh, which met with much approval from the surgeon attending the case.
lIonoral'Y SCCl'el:u·j cs.
Mr. WaYlllllan Dixon.
II'. F. Herbert Marshall.
Expenditzwc. £10 17 11 To Medallions 7 14 0 " Boj's for Classes . 2 4 6 " Postage .
£1 3 6
" t.ores " Examiner's F ees . " ] I eadC}Ual ters Incidental Expenses II R epai r:l to tretl' hers " Carriage of tores, &c. and SUDdl'les II Cab Hire II Printing. " Caretaker . " In titute for use of room " Cash in hand
7 0
1 3 0 2 18 11 2 18 6
1 1 0 1 1 0
o ]2 o 10 o 13 o 10
0 0
1 1 0 6 6 7
UfC Jllcmb('l's.
The ~In,l'qnis of Londonderry, LG. The Marquis of Zetlaud. The Auelcrston Fonndry Co., Lel. Ashmore, Bensoll, Pease & Co., Ld. Blair & 00., Ltl. BelJ Brothel'S, Let C. F. H. Bolckow Bolckow, Vaughan & Co . , L<1. Durham Ooullty (Jon tab111ary Cargo fleet IrOll Co., Ld. Carl tOil IrOll Co., Ld. Clay Lan e 11'011 Co. Cochrane & Co. Durham COUll ty Constabulary ir RarIton Dixon Sir Ra),]toll Dixon & Co., Ld.
illr. G. H. Anderson, (Signed)
Examined and fou11l1 correct, ALFnED DAVIS, JU ... TR . J . ATLEY BLOXAnI, President. OF
who have who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ai<i. I Nursing.
1st .Aid.
1ST 11
who have received Certificates.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. ~M en.
I Women
OF CENTn~~ .
1897 .
Ur. John CHl'Il, M.D. ( 'outh Dank). 1111'. Juo. O. Well, L. n. c. 1'. &s. ( '. Bank). Mr. R. E. Gminger, L.l!.C.l'.& ·. (Whitby)
I Nursil1~. bt Aiel. ! Nursing.
P. Clul'kc,
111'. G. C. II . .l!'ulton, Ur. Gco. Fyfe, :\1. n.
"0. of Women
who have completed a course of instructIOn.
(Loftu ').
\Y. E«l\I'Ul'lb, ':\1. B. ~Ir. John Ellertoll, ~r.D. 1lr. S. Furmer . .\1. H.C . H. (Marske).
No. of Men
M. D.
amI. Bah'IIlUll, M.D. E. Bllruett, ~r. D. ( 111 thuru).
~rr. J. ~Ir. J.
Novembe'r 17th, 1898. ISSUE
Dorman, Long & Co., Lel. Fume 's, \ \T estgarth &, Co. rrhe :illayol' ,mel Corporation of Iorrison & Go . The orth-Eastel'l1 Railway Co. North-Eastem 'teel Co., Ld. North Hiding Con talmhlry. ir J 0 'eph Pease & Partncr ', Ld. 'ir B. allluelson r Co. , Lel. Sadlcr & Co . , L<1. hnn iugrove IrOll Co., Ld. T ees COil 'e rvallCY COlllmis ioners J. T. \Yharton W. II. A. Wharton W. Whitwell & Co. \YilsolJ', Pcase ,& Co.
:Ueclicnl Sta.r.
£20 6 5
Mr. D. J. Wood, Stockton.
.l s i"tant Sccl'clal'Y a ltd SlOl·cliceper. Mr. B . T. Milner, Royal Exchange, lidtllesurough.
Statement of Receipts and E xpenditure {1'om Octobm' 1st, 1 97 , to Scptmnbe1' 30th, 1898. Receipts. By Balance in hand II Annual Subscriptions ! " Entrance Fees, &c.
Mr. John TLpclloy, )[. n. 111'. H. Eo Howell, 'l.B., C.:'I!. ~Ir. Willia 1 Jl !\.llott, )1. D. Mr. J. B. L:l.\'erick, :\Ul, C'taithes). i\Jr. Ja . lIIltekilllay, (Heclcar). Mr. W. Maekinlay, :'Il.l). ~lr. F. W. D. lIlcGacheu, L.F.l'. (Brotton) ~lr. Jas. MClT.YweaLhcr, '. R. (Gnisbl'o') Mr. S. II. Mo1'l'Y lVoath er, i\1. It. c. H. ~c: 111::;uro') Mr. F. Munroe, 1\[. J3. (Port Clarence). Mr.lIessenger, M.D. (GuisbJ'o').
Mr. W. hanel,:'If. R. c.. (Guisbro'). Mi elc1leshrongh .Jlr. And. teele, L. R. C' . P. & s. ('olltb Bank). .Mr. Jno. ,'teole L.IU':.P. &s. ( outh Bank). 1IIr. W.A. teplten, )1.-\., ,LB. (Loftu ) ~lt'. T. Tinley, i\!. n. (,,'hitby). Mr. F. E. Towll 'end, )l.D. (Eston). 1111'. W. Y. \Teitch, L.I:.C.P. MI'. Arthm Web tor, lIf.lLU . .' . .Jr\,. J. W. \rilliams, lIf.D. MI'. amI. \\~alkel', :\1. It. c.s. TOCKTlI'\" Bn \'\"CII. Mr. J. A. mauMonl, M.ILC.S. Ir. E. 1. owen,:\f. I~. u. '. 1\11'. G. II. Douthwa,ite, M.R.C.S. l'IIr. Gco. Hogg, 111. U. 1\11'. Thomas Home, ~I.D. Mr. II. l\I. Huglto', ;\1. U. lit!'. E. H. Huntoll, )LD. 1\11'. G. L. omerville,?lf. B., C. M . }\fl'. Tho . . \YablOn, lIf. D. 11'. Jno. \Yil on, L.n .c .l'. & .
MIDDLESBROUGH AND CLEVELAND CENTRE. Formed 1881. Pl'cs i<lcnt. Mr. J. G. Swan. TreaSUl·el·.
Mr. C. W. Sheppard.
YOUR Committee have the ple,1 'nre to report that a fair average alllount of work has
been done dUl'iDg the past ycar, notwithstanding the unfortunate epidemic of smallpox iu 1IIiddlesbro' last Spring, which interrupted our classe seriously. The cla~ses formed and examined have numbored 12, as com pared with 17 la t year, which was exceptionally large.
Mr. J. J. Burton.
These oomprised 345 members, of whom 310 qualified by attending the full course of lectures, 272 wore examined, and the same number pas ell and obtained certificates. The grand total for the seventeen years the Centre has been in exi tence
thus amounts to 255 classes, with a membership of about 7,650, of whom 6,277 have attended a full course, 5,176 have taken ccrtificates, and 2,000 obtainecl medallions by their three years' qualification. During the year 166 candidates have been reo examined for the first time, and 85 for the second. We are very pleased to have to rcport that the . E. Raihyay Centre, which sprung out of our Centre aud was formel1 only two years ago , have now 2,050 railway servants who have taken certificates, and 170 stations fully equipped with
1I:fr. E. H. Tl'C:I . 1U·('I'.
lIonol':lI'Y SCCl'etal'Y.
Mr. Robert Hodgkinson.
~rr. E. Fairburn Milthorp
Castle Gate, N e\Vark-~n- Trent.
ambulance material. Fortunately during the year past there have been no exceptionally serious accidents calling for prominent services, but by this time there must be hundreds of men who owe the preservation of their lives or limbs to timely first aid. Besides which the humanizing and eveu Ch1'i tianizing iniluence on the graduatecl pupils themselves have been of untold value.
Life 11(,lIIbc(·.
Mrs. J. G. Branston. ,U cdi{'al S'aO-.
Statement of Receipts and Expenclitn1'e, f01' year encling September 30~h, 1898. Receipts. E.rpenditu7'C. To Balance brought from 1897 . £106 2 0 " Subscriptions received 5 19 6 " Class Fees l'ecvd. £83 13 7 Less Amount iucluded in previous year's Accounts 6 15 6 ----76 18 1
£188 19
By ''lorking Expensestalllp~, Stationery, £1 0 1 7 Printing, &c. Tmvelliug, Carriage and 3 2 3 POl'terage . Hire of Office, Halls and 12 1 11 Rooms 2 2 9 umlrie. SenicesAssistant Secretary and 5 13 3 others Examin er's Fees and 32 6 6 Incidentals StoresOonsumed by Classes and 14 4 6 Depreciation 109 6 10 Balance carried forward
H. Appleby,
~I.R . C . •. . E.
.A T1JU.\L REPORT. to the filet that the Doctol' h ' 1 , . ., .. baring 110 time for lectures we havens} )lecll eXltl,l, bns! tlns last twelve month, , 1 M 110 C a. ses lllce my 1 t · ·t qnent1y the l'et1ll'1l remains precisely the same. as 1 epol , conseOWING
Xo. of )ft'n
who have completed a course of
Xo. of iVoll1en
who luw8 reel'i'°C'<l Certificates.
1st Aiel• TINul'Slll~. .-- 1s tAHl. ·
I ~• ursill"o·
who have ('(jIll'Sf'
illstructioll. 1st Air!.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received :Medallions.
who hayc received Certi licates.
cOlilpleted a
1st Aid.
I Nursing.
Balance Sheet (as at) Septembc1', 1898. Liabilities. Assets. Balance Capital as at September 30th, 1897 _ £106 Add Balance of P. and L. Account, 1898 . 3
~rr. F.
£188 19 7
In ational Provincial Bank Cash in hand Stores in Stock .
£83 10 8 7 10 8 18 5 6
4 10 £109 6 10
6 1-0 Audited andIfound correct,
J. J.
MCIIl'ch, 1899.
NORTHAMPTON CENTR& Auditor. Formed 1
PrC.' lid(,lIt.
The Most Hon. the Ma]'(1 nis of N orthamptol1.
FOl'med 1884. Pl'cSj(lcnt.
The Right Hon. Viscount Newark, M.P.
Mr, F B
. uszarcl, M.D., F.R. C.P.
l 'jcC·I·j'('sjd{'1I (s.
Sir M. Philip Manneld.
Harlestone Section.
C'hai1·man-Rev. Canon Bury. Treastw'er' and Hon. Secreta7·y-Mr. J. Fieldsend.
Mr. A. H. Jones, M.D., M.R.C. P .
R oade Section.
1\11'. H. T. Fracy
1\11'. W. H. Smith
Hon . Secretary-Mr. Sbouler.
Bonoral'y A Sistant SeCI'ctal'Y·
To'VVcester Section,
Mr. C. L. Johnson
Ohairman-Mr. R. ,Yo ,"'{atkms, F.R.C.S. Treasw·el·-Mr. J. Hanbury Jepbson. Hon. Sccretary- uperintendent D . Norman.
1, :llIercer's Row, Northampton .
Pau1erspery Sub-Section. C'haiJ'lIlrrn-}'lr. A. Linnell.
Ltfe nClubcrs.
The Marquis of Nortbampton Lady Robinson Sir U. Philip 1I1anfield Mr. C. C. Becke The Northampton Rugby Football Club
AN "UAL REPORT. Uommittee arc plea eu to report the continued pl'ogre of the w"Ol'k in this Oentre. Three large cIa es of lllell have been instrueteu iu first aiu at the Infirmary, antI thank. are tenderc{l to Dr. Cropley and Dr. Dickin for their gratuitous services as lecturer. Fir·t aiel cjns es for lllen have also been held at Pitsfol'd and Ureell's Norton, awl for womcn at Pits ford, t. J ame ' End, N orthampton, Green's Norton, au (I Towcestpr, and a 1I'0men's nursing class at Pitsford, while a new departure in this (lirectioll has been the illstl'l1ction of t\\"O classes of girls resident at the N orlhalllptoll ' hirc chool of Dome tic Economy at Dallington with gratifying result', 52 girl ohtainiug the junior fir t aid certificate. There have heen 30 ca es of first nicll'epol'ted during the year, including many of a serious nature. The stock of material has been well maintained, auditional stretchers, ambuhnce hamperg, and havl'esacs haye been pnrcha cd, and the hoI' e ambulance wagon has beeu l'efltted with new Dunlop pneumatic tyre at considerable expense.
Ucclical Staff.
Mr. T. Cairns, L. R.C.P. Mr. H. C. Coleman, M.R.C. S. Mr. H. Cropley, F . R . C.S. Mr, C. J. Evans, lILR.C.S. Mr. IV. Harding, lI1.B., lILR. C.P. Mr. J. K. Hyde, 111. R. C. S. nIl'. A. H . Jones, lI1.D., lILR.C.P. "111'. E. F . Jones, l\LR. C.S.
T1·casllJ'cl'-[Vacant]. Hon. SerretaJ'y-Mr. J. T. Pilkington.
Mr. T. P. Dorman Mr. T. Manning iIII'. H. E. Randall Ur. C. E. Thorpe Mr. W. Bonner.
1\11'. A. P. Kingcom11 e, !II.n.o.. Mr. S. C. Lawrence, ]I['R.O.S. 1\11'. A. LinneH, M.R. O.S. Mr. Guy Manning M.D. Mr. R. A. :Milligan, ~r. R.C.S. Mr. W. n. Ryan, M.Q.C.P.I: :J1r. H. tedman, M.D., Orne., P.
Castle Ashby Section. Chair'man-Thc Marquis of Northampton. Tr'easurer and Hon. Secretar·y-Mr. R. G. Scriven.
Daventry Section. President of C'ommittee-Lady Knightley. Treasurer·-Mr. Thompson Forster, F.R.C.S. Hon. Secretaries-1>,'lr. C. H. Roche and Miss Eagleton.
Earl's Barton Section. C'hair·man-Rev. R. R. Cobbold. Treasu1·er-Mr. F. rl'. Thorpe. Hon. Sec1·etary-1j1r. Lloyd Austin.
The annual grand parade, fo110\\'el1 by an intere ting meeting, was held at the OOl'll Exchange on 18th September, 1 97, anel was a great ncce . A loyal address on behalf of the N orthamptoll Cl3utre and Corps, was fonvarcled to Her Majesty the Queen on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee, and \YaS graciously acknowledged.
A highly successful and largely-attended meeting was held at the Town lInll on 14th February, when the Mayor (Coullcillor W. P. Hannen) pre ided, and the High S~erifr of the Oouuty (Mr. I ickering Phipps) presented, Oll behalf of the Queen, VIctorian Jubilee Meuals to those mombers of the Northamptonshire Corps who Were on duty in the streets of LOl1{lon on Jubilee Day. At the same time the eX·Mayoress (Mrs. H. E. Randall) presen ted the members who \\'ero on duty in Northampton with a handsome certificato of thanks, printeu in gold and coJour , a asouvenir. These were the gift of the ex-llIuyor (Alderman II. E. Rnlluall).
S taternent of Receipts and Expenditw'e f01' the yea?' ending .May 31st, 1898. E xpenditU1·c. Receipts. By Expenses of Grand Parade Tv Balance at Bank (Special and Public Meeting £28 13 9 Fund) 88 0 3 " Attendants, Clerk and ., Do. General Fund Commission 3 6 10~ " Do. in Hon. Sec. 's hands 35 9 0 " Printing and Stationery " Subscriptions (1897) of Cent,re 33 19 0 " " (1898) o 15 6 " Class Stores Don ations 54 17 0 " L ecturel's'and Examiners' " County Council Grant Fees and Expenses with 10 5 0 " Class Fees IJ:riuental Expenses . 20 5 4.~ " " Stores " Sundry Expenses of Centre 4 17 5 " Medallion s 2 3 0 " Brigade Stores, Material. " Brigade Subscriptions . Uniforms 28 16 6 " " Stores, Material. and" Badges" Uniforms " " Badges " 12 ~ 5 " Printing and Stationery and of Corp 42 11 10 ,. Transport Fees " Tran port Expenses Grand " Admission to " nllllry Expenses of Corps 0116 P arade . , Repairs to ,Vagon and 022 " Postage repaid Material 1 6 6 " Bank I nterest " 1\1 etlallions " Balance at Bank ( pecial Fund) " " (General Fund) Balance in Hon. Sec. 's hands £368
o o
£331 16
8 1 9
80 15 7 3 18 0 41 6 2
111'. \Y. A.. Al tell borough, Major Bowyer
[Jo TJo:\I.
Mr. W. W. Carliles
40 0 1 10 1 8
Liabilities. Sundry Creditors Balance-Excess of A.ssets
Sccl'c t:U'y. V.D., F. R. C. '.
11 12 Tl'caSUl'cr aHel lfonol':U'Y .ls'!hitallt Scel·ctary.
4 17 0
Mr. Jame
17 1 6 73 6 6
U cadllu:u·t 'rs.
8 17 0
• tOlly ,'traLfonl, Buck. J(ecli c'al Stall'.
£46 19 9 284 16 3
9 3
Mr. P. ,\.. Bensoll, ~I.n. Bde.- mg. Licut.-Uol. W. II. Bllll,F.H.C.S. Mr. G. W. Buxton, :\L It. r . H. Mr. U. !-T. De'ALIt, :\I.ILC.S. Smg·LlCUt. O. L. Deyn;;, ~r.1l . 0.H.
mg. · Lieut. F. J. Grindon, l\I. R. 0 .... Mr. M. 1\1. H ailey, L.n.C . I'. Mr. T. L. Kellnish, M. n. Mr. C. H. Mile. , L. n. C.P. Ir. H. T. 'Wickham, )I.D.
£331 16 0 ('Olll11lH t ee.
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of CertiIi ca tes. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
~r.P .
Briga,le- urgeon Lieut.- olonel W. H. Bull,
StUIIY Stra{fonl Section.
:Mr. P. R. Rooke, C.A.
:Jll' . .r. A. Rce,'e. Mr. "Y. G. Hemmings.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
SINOE FORM ATION OF CENTP.E. 16 871 I 280 602 SINOE 1ST OOTOBlnn, 1897.
Col.· ergt.
TVolv(,1'tolt Sedioll .
1'heRev. W. L. Harnett,
M . .\..
Capt. H. M. Williams.
No. of Women
No. of Men
:nIl'. W. W. Carlile, M.P. JUl'. T. Taylor, c. A.
12 14 0
l 'lcc-I"l'csicIClJ ts .
21 12 0
AHTllUlt H. JO~ES, Chainnan. W. B. SlIIITJT, lIon. T1·easurer. HIWIW T. FltAOY, Local Han. Secretary.
The Lord Addington, \'.D. (Colonel Commanding 1st Bucks·~R. V.)
5 11 0 20 18 8
Audited and found correct, ,VI LLIAM HUGllEI:l, Audit01'.
PJ'cshl cnt.
£368 9
£90 8 Balance at Bank 8 17 " in Hon. Sec. 's hands 193 0 Stock on hand 36 7 Sundry Debtors 3 3 Subsl.:riptions in Arrear
Formed 1898.
£7 15 11
I Nursing. 189
No. of Certificatcd Pupils who bal received MeclaUions. -Men.
I~e n.
514 13
T he Rev. J . ALba.wc·,
'tm(foI'Cl Section. Capt. W. Levi.
G. Fellow.
/ I'CII fly )I.A.
Mr. J.
Browl~ .
JJllci.'i'l Iyhrtln Sectioll .
MI'. lIol1rl!.
1[1'. M. 1\1. Ha.ilcy,
__ 11_8~____~__8_5~1____~__1_4_2~1__2_1~1__1_0_1----_14- ----------
Olnry Section. 1111'. L. Cooper.
The Rev. G. Soamcs.
Mr. J . Appleton.
n. H.
Capt. H ooker.
1'-lc1cport- Pa(fllctl Section. L. flo e . p .
Mr. H. T. Wickham, U.D.
Mr. A. Chantlel'.
154 The R ev. W. F . Arm::;trong.
Winslow Section. The Hon. Oecil Freemantle.
Mr. T. L. Kennisb,
Mr. F. Pent-yo
TI· c aSIII'CI'.
1\1)'. P. Burtt.
THIS Centre was formed only in thc summer of 1898, and therefore has but little to r eport. One femftle class was held at vVolverton, where 25 women completed a course of instruction in first aid, and 22 receiv~d certificates; 22 other women
IIOJlOl'lll'Y S('(· I ·(·Y .
.;\lr. Gco. Jackson, P. ,Yay ,'torps, North-Eastern Railway, York.
received medallions.
Statement of Receipts and E xpenditure fo?' the year ending S eptembe1' 30th, 1898. Receipts. To Subscriptions " Fees for Stores " Class Fees
By St. John's Gate-
0 3 3
£5 18 1 6 2 18
torcs Exam. and Class Fees " Postages, Printing anu tationery Bahnce in hand. 11'01'
" £10
'Y. ,V.
£1 7 10 2 18 3 1 011 4 15 6 ---£10 2 6
Oh air'u' an. lIon. l'rensw'c1'.
W. 11. BULL, Hon. SeLntary.
October 11th, 1898. I SSUE
No. of Men
WIIOII ave who have who have C01l11 ,le tet! a rccC'ived completed COl1rse of Certificates. a course of inSLl'lIct.i on. instruction. 1st Aid. I.Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. lsi Aill. I SINCR 1 .·T OC'I'ODlm,
- - - - - - No. of Certificated who llavc Pupils who have rccei wcl receil'ed Certificates. :1Ilcc1allions.
1897. I 22
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
W. D. Arnison Willialll Baigcnt R. E. Browll
J''OIl S .
The Chairman and Directors of thc North-Eastcm Railway Company.
Harkn css Hil\\'Ort h J. Hollingwortlt Dr. Hunton
Dr. Jefierson Dr. J. R. Krith !Jr. G. W. J\(,I11P Dr. Kendrick Dr. M. ,\. KPllllY Dr. B. Mackay
A "NUAL REPORT. DURTxr: the past ,V,'nr :10 110\\- cbss!'s Ila \'l' 11I'l'1l fOl'llll'll. a.JJel in a<1rlition to the firrures glVl'1 ~ r· . I'l\ItJlllLl.\' ' . all[l 'tltla I I'Xal1llll:ttloIlS, .. ." ' . 01 piC· 310 l1Jemhers passcd thc first Ir-~Xalllll\atlOll. 170 :tllll'lllalll:C stltiollS are 11011' fnlly (,'luiI'pl'll "ilh tile llCCl':> 'a l'Y articles for " (.Irs t aIC, . 1 alll I (lJI'lllg I . 19' , 1'C' III1Cl1ll.~ the 12 lllonth::; cUllillg :31st Dccemher, 7, Oll! 11\elll],CI'S attellded and repol'lell to thl'ir ,lass t'l'J'etaries ~.151 casc . A series. 0 r,COllljlCLI I . t' ' . and we were lOJJ~ l lIl.Vl' tltrnlll ht'en 11('](1 011 t]IC sy'tcm Sllccess!'ll . .. I . to , . 1 III gUlltlllg ltc thin1 prize ill tht' :\falioll ..l CllIlIpetitioll.
1. 'S LJ E
Thc Heads of all Departments of thc North-Eastern Railway Company.
who have
()JW.Tl FICA'fE, .
IN .. '
No. o( WOlllon
WIlD lin vo recciveu Ccrtificates ' ..
._ r Il1HllIg. 1st AI! I.
No. of MCIl
COllipletell .a coul'se of _ InsLructioll.
1st Mit
ViCC·.·,·Cflid c llt .
J. D. Mad\:ay
MacDowall i\Ieam W. A. l\lctcalfe F. ilTulll'o O. Teil! Xightingalc E. P. Pickersgile Pollald Rankin C. ::>altcr Dr. Hchlllitz Dr. ,'illl}lSOll Dr. -'mall Dr. It W. E;mcrldlc Dr. ,'lllith Dr ..J. " tatlull cl Dr. Thalli PSOll Dr. Thompson Dr. 1\" lltl'n;Oll Dr. ,"plclt Dr . .T. P. Wigll tman Dr. If. Williams.
John Fergus Fyfu F. IV. <:ibhon W. nmy W. E. If ,nker
l\Ir. Gcorge S. Ojbb.
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. JJr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
A. Cox R. 11. D,tl'wcnt David Dimmod:
who have cUllIplete!l a COlli'S\) of instruc·tiOll.
- - 1-Nnrsing. IH{ Aid. S1
who Ilavc rcceived Corti H('ates.
I NurHing.
1st Aid. I NUJ'sin~.
"I ell.
603 SINCE IN,\, OO'J'Olll>:H, I
! 2050
No. of Certificaied Pupils who have received 111 etlallions .
97. ~51
I Wom cn .
Be-organized 1 88 .
Prc. iflc nf.
His Grace the Duke of utherland. Y icc -I·.l·CS id c llf s .
Mr. James HeaLh, M.l'. Rev. 1. C. R. Scott, ~l.A. 1'.11'. ,Villialll Woo(lnll, "LP.
1I1r. J . T. Arlillge, M.D., F.n.C.p., Lond. 1I1r. D. H . Coghill, :M.p. 1111'. J oseph Gimson ( 'lwiruUlu.
Rev. 1. C. R.
M. A.
1'I'ca Slll'CI' :nul ](Ollo r:ll"Y Scn·c t a r y .
Mr. , ydney W. Malkin, Rock Cliffe, Che<1l11e, 1I0110 1"a)'),
A IHl it m ·.
1\1r. Freclerick Geeu, F.c.:.A., ...'toke-on-Trent. Lifc ::tIc III bcrs. His Grace tile Duke of uthcl"lal1d . Her Grace the Dnche<i.' of Snth 'I'lan(l. The orth Stafrol'rbbire Hail\\"ay COlllpany.
,ucllical Sfa'f _
1111'. . John 'Oll, LD. Mr. 1IIagnus Adler, lI1.1'..C.S., Eng. 1\1r. E. White J Olles, 1I1.11 .• Ch. ~L L.R.C.P., Lond. Mr. John Leys, M.n. IIII'. A. Aitken, ]II.B., C.~I. Mr. E. Mackenzie, )r. D. :Mr. S. King Alcock, lII. B., Lond. lr. Jas . II. Maguire, L. H.C.~.I .. &0. :Mr. C. :;\1. Allan, ;\1. B., C.M. ~1r . J. Payne Ma. singham, :lI.R.C,S., Mr. J. Frell. ArliLlge, L.R.c.r., L. I:.C.S. 'urgoon-l\lajor 1st S. aml S.V. Mr. Geo. Mc. M. BrowD, M.B., & C.M., Foehn. Artillery 1111'. A. M. McAhlowie, )l.D., F.R.R. Mr. A . T. Bury, L. r. c.p., Edin., M. ll.C.S., Eelin. Eng. Mr. G. rr. Mockett, )I. U.C'.K. Land., 1IIr. P . J. Byrne, L.R.C.P., I,.H .C.S. Mr. 'IV. J . Covey, JlL R.C.S., L.R.C.P. &c. 1\11'. II. Nicholls, 111. n. (Can tab}. Mr. Jas. Craig, JlI.B., Ellill., M.n..C . S., Bng. 11r. A. Parkes, 1II. !l.C.H. nIl". Chas. F. Daly, M. D. 1111'. ,V , Partingtoll, )1.1l., C."1. Mr. Tho::;. Dixoll, 1II.R.('." . , Rng., L.R.C.l'., MI'. C. II. Phillips, \LJl. Lond. M1'. ,V. Dowling Pl'cll(lel'gast, M. n., Mr. 'V. Downes, 111. B. 1If. Ch.; ;\I.A.O., Il.H. Sc. Mr. C. 8. Ell wanls, L. R. C. s. lIir. 1 ernard Hohin'lon, M.R.C.S., Mr. Francis E. Fernie, M. 1'.. C. s., Eng .. Eng., L.n.C.l'. , Lond. F. R. C. P. Mr. A. V. Griffiths, 1If.R.C.8.L., L.R. C.p. Mr. J . RussrU, M.n. Mr. J. Steele, I..n.C.I'., & L.R.D.S., ~1r. A. Hall. 111.11.. C. s . Eng. Mr. J. T. IIall, r,.n.C.l' . , Lond.,M.n.o.s. Ellill . Mr. J. Vernoll, »Ln., n.H. Lond. Mr. A. C. Harkness, L. ILC.p., L.1LC.'l. :MI'. Davi(l F. Walker, ;\1.11. Mr. G. Stokes IIatton, 111. n., M.S., 1If. It. . '. :Mr. II. Lallgley Webl), ;o,r.ILC.R. Mr. Jas. Hindle, L.RC.p. , & I,. lLC.S., Edin. ANNUAL ImpORT. TIlE Committee have pleasure in presenting their report for the seRsion ended r Michaelmas, 1898, and they vellt11l'e to thi.nk that Sllccess of a gratifying charnet.o has atten(led their efforts to set the St. John Ambulance causo upon 11 suhstantlal basis in N crth Staffordshire. The honorary medimll staff of the Ccntre remains almost the same. The only
name withdrawn from the li~t is that of 111'. lIenry Morris, who has left the neighbOllrhooJ. Very appreciati ve anel hearty thanks are offered by the Committee to theil' able and kindly medical HLa,ll' ror their voluntary services. The Committee luwe to thank His Wor~hip the Mayor of 'toke (1\11'. Councillor Geeu, J.P.) for again kindly acting as hOllOntryauditor. His Worship the Mayor of Hrmlcy in cli:tribllLing certificates and meLlallions to the Borough Police Force 111('11 tione<l tha.t a case had been bronght before the Court in which, but ror tho as ista,llce renderetl by the 0 fIieers, very serious consequences might have emmetl. The Chief COlls(n,hle IJoro ie::>timolJY Lo Lhe very greataclvantage of a knowlcclge or first aiel to his mell . The Teehllica,l Illstruction oTlllniUee of lhe 'taffordshire County Council have aC1am renewed their grant in aiel of rural classes. o The COllllllittee cannot allow this 'taielllellt of what has been attempted Juring the past year to be publishCll without some brief mention of As i taut ommissioner Sytlney W. Malkin" long flllel ahle services a' lIon .• 'ecrctary. In addition to his exertions in ol'gaui<iing Brallchc<i .wel arranging clasos, the lIon. ecretary has also accolllplished the cliflicult task of lllltllaging tlle 111l11nCeS of the Oentre. In spite of lllall)' c1ifliClllties and (liseolll'agemen ts, am Imlnnce work thrives [Lml grows. So long as ihis Centro is suppol'iell hy sneh willillg and highly-qualilied office-hearers as Assi tant COll11lli~sionel' Malkin a,llI1 those who co-operutc with him, a teally spreading of :1111hulauco kuowledge llllty 1)' eonficlelltly expectecl. And this knowlcdgc, II'hich is not theordical only, hut in nIl cases mo. t practica.l anLl ready to be applied :Lt allY TllOlllt'ut, oll'l'rs promisc tha.l, even as it spreads, pain shall ],e lessened, heal th pre~ervcc1, lives 'n \. <I, and homes kept happy ill \)oth town and country districts of .l orth ,'lttll'ol'llshirc. To all "ho are, in any capacity, working with thenl towan1s thi<i end the 'ommittec tl'llller theil' deep and heartfelt thaH ks. Balance Sheet, September '29th, l\). A sscts. Liabililirs. By Out ' tanding Accounts and To Estimated AlIlOllllt of AcValue of 'tock ancl to res couuts outstulJclillg . C'21 If; u 011 hallcl . . £43 10 " Bnlance clue to Tren.;;lll'Cr" a"h in huml or Treasurero. ] Accollnt £3 9 ti~ I r o. '2 -'.. ecollll t £5 53:} "3,, 143 ,,9 " 0 11 6 ,,1 " 0 1~ 1 5 19 "fi ., 3 1'2 0 " G 5 10 ti ,,8 " 7 n 10 ,,10 " 11710~ - - - 23 16 1 11 Ullifol'1llS l\ecollnt, o. 9 0 1-1 6 "Balunce- Assets over 3 3 10:l Liabilities
1.:4 n ] 0
£49 10
R ., ynNEY 1\ I.\\, I' lN, Lo('al ]Ion. Scc1'ctary anel Trcasll1'cr. Lock Cl~Oc, Clwatllr, Sl({./l's. Odobe/' '2·1th, 1 9 . I horeby certify thl1t I have cxalllillell the' foregoing accot1n Ls, "ith the books find vouchers, and Jln(l them in orelcr allll correct. V. FIU~lmT:ICK ,1m , Chm'/cl'cIZ Aceo1tntallt. ~cto7'ia Ohambc1'S, Slokc-on- T1'Cl/t, Odobc!' '28tli, 189 . TAllowc(.l ~llcl signed at the AlllllltLl Meeting of the Committee, llCld at Stoke-on ront, tlllS 29th day of Octoher, 1 n . (Signell), I NGLIS C. R. SCOTT, Chai1'1nan.
159 V icc·l'rcs itlcuts.
NORWICH CENTRE. Mr. G. W. Adams 111'. O. fl. Belli Major A. W. Biggs Lord Ulick Browne Lady Ulick Browne Rev. J. Oakley Coles 111'. G. W. Denton 111'. H. Gillman General Hales ~ll'. F. Hetley, M.D. Sir Vincent Kennett-Barrington,
Formed 1886.
PI'csi<lent and Cbnirmnn.
Sir F . G. M. Boileau, Bart. Trc a sUI'cI' l11ul 1I0110I':1I'Y Scc)·ctnry.
Hev. W . A. 11ober1ey Mr. J. P . Murphy, Q. C. The Earl of Pemuroke and Montgomery The Oountess of Pembroke and Mon tgomery Mr. G. Rait Rev. R. B. Ransford The Right Hon. O. T. Ritchie, M.P. Ml'. R. Gofton-Salmond Lady John Taylour. M.A.
Rev. F . O. Davies, St. Stephen'l:; Vicarage, Norwich. D c puty C hairman.
Chail'lU ll ll.
Statement oj Receipts and Expendit1t1'e fo?' the year ending Septembe1', 1898. Receipts.
18 o 16 25 16
Olasses Stores Balance in hand
E ;r.;penditlwe. Repaid Miss Denny. Fee to Dr. Gallard . 8tores Fees travelling expenses, etc. Postage . Carriage of Parcels. Local Am bulance Oorps Balan ce in hand
0 6 5
£1 1 1 tl
111'. O. E. Tritton, 6 0 1 0 0 5
F . O.
G. M.
Mr. Edward Colegrave, Brncebri<1ge, 'entral Hill,
9 6 23 13 4 £34 10 11
£34 10 11
Tl·C:lII UrCl·.
5 2
o 14 o 5 o 4
The Rev. John Rice Byrne.
M .P.
l(onOr:ll'y Se ·t·c taries .
1Irs. Edward Colegrave, Braceuri(lge, Central IIill, Norwood. Mrs. Nicltol1s
:illr, . Totly Mi.s Thurburn nIi . Yilliers.
BOILEAU, Cltainnan. Trects. and Hon. Secretary.
)( c (li c nl Staff.
No. or :Men
No. of Women
who have who have who have cOlllpleterl a compl eted received cour~e of a cour~e of Certificates. instruction. instrllction. 1st Aid. I Nursing . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. SINCE] 81' OC1'OBEll,
who have rer'eive(l Certificates. I
1st Aid.
I Nursing.
1897. I 17
NORWOOD CENTRE. Formed 1892. )"I'cs itlcn t.
H . R. H . Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein.
:\0. of Certificated Pupils who have received Merlullions.
Dr. Arnold Dr. Austin Dr. Curling Bates Dr. Douglas Dr. DUllcan Dr. Annesley Eccles Dr. Macleod
Dr. Poole Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Robinson Rugg "vayue Umney Dr. \rilkillson
I Women.
Oommittee have the plcasure to state that steady progress continues to be the feature of this Oentre's work . It must )lot be forgotten that this pl'ogl'e s is in the main llue to the energies of the Medical 'tlt[i', whose disinterestec1labours are cheerflllly placed at the Oentre's disposal, and to all of whom your Oommittee are deeply grateful. YOUR
The Ohairman and Directors of the Orystal Palace ODce again most generously placed the concert-room at your dispo al on the 22nd ovember last, and throngh the kind and courteoll'> assistance of their Manager, 1I1r. H . Gillman, every facility was accorded to the reception of yom Royal President on the occasion of the d is b'iblltion of certificates and medallions, numbering 334. During the past scssion 26 classes have been h Id, and about 400 medallions and certificates have been gained. The finances still maintain their satisfa ctory character.
State?nent of Receipts and Expend1tw'e, 1897-8 . Receipts. 1897 -8, Sept. 14. By Balance from last year's Account . . £50 9 9 " Medallions. 3 8 0 " Candidates' fees at Classes 71 15 10 . 15 :l 4 " Sale of Stores " Annual Subscribers 13 14 6 " Cash received from working men for entrance to Crystal Palace at Presentation of Certificates. 0 6 0 " Fines 0 2 6
in c «lic al Stalf.
E~'Cpendit~t?·e .
1897 -8, Oct. -Sept. To Medallions . . " Postage, Telegrams, Cartage; and hire of boys . " Printing & Auvertisements " Expenses of Classes and room hiring . " Admission of working men to Crystal Palace, on distribution of Certificates . " Messrs. Bertram for teas, on occasion of the visit ot II. R. II. PrincessChri. tian " Examination Fees " Purchase of 'tores . " Donation to Central Office " Balance to next year's account .
£154 18 11
£8 17 6
4 7 11 13 10 C 11 0 5
o 10 7 31 18 ]0
5 17 8 10
0 0 6 6 0
JIr.H. Bal'l'aclongb, ~r.B . , C.M. Mr. H. E. Belcbel', ~r.ll. c. s. llr. J. F. Dlurton, M.R.C .. . )[r. W. II. Coates, ~l. H. C. s. lli. A. G. Coullly. M.B . )[r. H. B. Cox, M.ll. C. 8 . l[r. O. R. Dayid. on, ;\L D. lIr. II. Bymn Ellertoll, ~r. R. C.8 . Mr. A. H. Guss, Jdt. C.l'. MI'. R. R. Giddings. M. ILC ... l[iss S. Gray, L.R.C.I'., & s. Ur. J. P. Gray, F.H.C.S. Mr. R. ,\V. Herrie1-, M. B. l[r. W. ]] tlllter, )!. D. MI'. H. '1'. ,10nes, :M. H. . •. )[r. J. T. Knight, 1>1. n. c... llr. William Lumh, M.H.C.8. lli. :HcTavi:;h, :\I.ll. c. S.
MI'. Alan Muir, ~l.B . Mr. II. J. cilson, M.D. ~Il'. G. E. Powcr, M.R.C.S. 1'111'. T. Davies Pryce, M. R. C. s. Mr. Frank Rothern, M.D. Mr. Scott, M.ILC . S. 1\h. J. mith, ;\f.B. 1\1.1'. Enoch Suel1, :F.R.C.S. :!\II'. ,V. talford, M. D . 1\11'. D. tell house, L.R.C.P. IIII'. ~uthcrlaI1l1. M R.C.S. 1\[1'. H . O. Taylor, )I.D . l\Ir. ,\~. Ti011cs, M.ll.C.S . 1\11'. John TraveIl, M. D. 1\[1'. E. R. P. Watkins, :\I.R.C ... 1\[1'. Jamcs ,Yatsoll, ?lLn.c.s. 11'. Wm. Winuley, F.ILC.S.
48 12 1
£154 18 11
Ai "'UAL REPORT. OF those II'ho ha.Yc received in truction in H1's1, aid, 15 are members of a Cycle Club, 22 are lttteucL\llts at the County Asylum. anu 40 are Rl.i1way men. • ixty-nine men have passed first 1'c-cxamination .
Vle have examined the above account, and we find the same correct, J. RICE BY1~NE, Deputy Ohainnan. VIOLET COLEGnA YE, llon. Secreta/·Y. EDWAIlD COLEGRAYE, Hon. Treasure?'.
Statement uf lteceipts a/ld E"'jJenditll1'C from October 1st, 1 97, to September 30th, 189 .
who have who have who have com pleted a completed received course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NUl'sing.
752 115
No. of Women
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
who have received Certiflcates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing.
Balance brought forward Fees receiYe(l from Classes Ditto Discoun t all Stores Balance owing to Tl'~asUl'er :
£0 11 9 0 8 17 2 ·1 10 1
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. I 178 I 127 I 126
I Women. £31 12
Receipts. No. of Men
£0 12 o 10
Po tage anu Tc1cgl'alllS ahs, etc. Ca 11 to Central Fund on account of Examination expenses Ditto
4 7 4 10
£31 12
7 6
FR 'CIS . ELLIS, Local Hon. Sccreta?·y. RICII . ENFIELD, President.
No. of Men
who have
NOTTINGHAM CENTRE. Formed 1881. President.
Mr. R ichard Enfield . TI'casurcr nUll R01l01'lll'Y Secrctary.
Mr. Francis N. Ellis, Sou t h R oad, The Parle
who have received Cel'tillca.tes.
ompleteu a COurse of in struction. ~ id. I Nursing. 1st Aid.
r o. of Women who have completed a course of instruction.
who received Cel'tiflcates.
I Nursing. 1st Ait!. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 31 I I 29
No. of Certificated Pupil who have received Medallions. Men.
I Women.
396 22
Statement oj Receipts ancl Pc£yments ji'om Septem,be1' 30th, 1897, to October 24th, 1898 .
Receipts. 1897. By Balance in Bank 1898. " Class ~ees and tores " Medallions " Bank In tercst
Forme<1 1884. Prcs ide nt.
1\11'. Samucl RadcliITe Platt.
5 11
84 10 o 12 o 5
Mr. I saac Bamford. U OIlOI'UI'Y SCCt·clary.
Tr('asn rcr.
1111'. George Thomson,
1\11'. George Lees.
0 5
Payments. 1898. Dy Salary (P. Taylor) £2 10 " Donation to Corps 20 0 . " Class Expenses. 2 2 " tationery and Postages. o 17 " Demonstration Expenses. 2 10 " t. Jol1ll AllluulanceAssociation-Examiller's Fees and Incidental Expenses 28 8 tores. . Do. 38 7 Do. Medallions o 12 " Balance in Bank. 6 5
£101 13
11. D.,
0 0 6
6 5 7 6 0 ~
£101 13
5, HuudersfieldHontl, Oldham. Examined,
Life UembcI·s .
1\11'. Samuel RadclifI'e Platt. Mr. Charles G. Jackson.
1\11'. I saac Bamford. 1\11'. John Walker Hague.
C. Broomhead, )1. D. C. H. Buckley, M.ll.C.S. Thomas Fawsitt, M.ll.C ... Thomas Fort, ::II.R.C. '. Robert Gourlay, ::If.B. R. Henry, ALB. John Hodgson, II1.B. J . S. Macgowan, )I.D. William Oliver, M.B.
lUedicu l Staff.
1\11'. 1\11'. Mr. 1\11'. Mr. 1\11'. 1\11'. 1\11'. Mr.
Novcrnbcl' 2nd, 1 9 .
No. of Men
1\11'. A.
1111' 1111'. Mr. Mr. 1\11'. lIIr. Mr. 1\11'.
pearing, L. F. P. S. ,V. A. te\YUrt,)1. B. A. G. Thomson, 11. B. George Thomson, )1.D. F. Thorpe, ) "W illia1l1 H. Waddington, M.B. E. ,Vakelam, L.n.c.s. James B. Wilkinson, M.D. James Yates, M.D.
ANNU AL REPORT. AT the couclusion of the 14th year of the Oldham Uentl'e your Committee are able to report the most active and successful year's work since its foundation. 17 classes have been carrie<1 through, and 336 certificates have been gained. The lectures have been delivered by Drs. Buckley, Hearn, Iacgowan, Parker, Oliver, Radcliffe, Spearing, A. G. Thomson, Geo. '1'hol11son, TOIllkys, Wilkinson, and Wakelam . On 231'<1 July a public demoustration was held in the Drill Hall. 11 large number of the public assembled, and many private residents supported. the President on the platform. Over 200 certificates were presented by Mrs. S. R. Platt, and the Officers, men, and nursing sisters of the Oldham Corps gave a most effective display of ambulance work, which was evidently enjoyed and appreciated by the large audience. . First aid has been rendered throughout the year in cases too numerons to detail. The year has also been distinguished by the gift of a horse ambulance to t~e borough by Mr. Alderman Bolton, and by the Corporation undertaking to house It, horse it, and man it at the Central Fire Station. It has been largely used, anu t~e promptitude and efficiency of the service has been much appreciated uy the publiC and. repeatedly commended by the press. Six classes are already in progress .fol' t~: ensuing year, and a class on Horne Hygicne is in course of formation, to wInch t Medical Officer of Health (Dr. W ilkinson) has kindly offered his services as lecturer.
or Women
No. of Certificated who havl' who ha\"c who hayc Pupils who haye who have cOlllpletcli a compleL,'d received received recci\"cd cour,.;c of a course of Ccrtificates. Certificates. Medallion . in:;tl'llCLion. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursillg. 1st Aid. 1 Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women.
[NCE FOlDIA TIO. OF CEXTHE. 472 704 I 2-11
SINCg 1ST OCTOBER, 1 97. 164 I 75 I 122
OUNDLE AND DISTRICT CENTRE. Formed 1895. Pl·CS iclc llt.
The Right HOll. Lonl Lilford. VJCC·l·I·csidc lll s .
M. Eumonds eIght lIon. the Earl of Carysfort Mr. W. II. Evans Rev. F. G. Hod a on Rev. G. W. llu~ting[ord Mr. W. Lenton
Ml'. C. F . IcKee Rev . C. W. , Yhistlel' 1\11'. F. IV. anderson Mr. J. H. Smith Mr. II. Wickham.
117 6
TI'ca m·cr.
Mr. E. M. H arvey.
Mr. E. P. Uonckton, M.P.
Charles Knott,
M. R. C. p,
llonOI'al'Y SCCl'ctal'Y.
DCPlljy.Clwh·lIlau, au(I Chairnlau GOSI10l't Divis ion.
Mr. J. Hayes, North Street, Onndle.
Deputy-Inspector-General II. O. Woods, R.X., )I.V.O .
lUC(licnl Staff.
Deputy-Chairman ("' orl;:ing ( 'onl1JlHt e).
l\lr. E. Somerset.
Mr. O. N. Elliott
. R. Oollings, R.N . ~ecretal'Y.
LO('al JlOllorary
Lieut.-Colollcl de ali., Royal Naval Orduance D epot, Portsmouth. ~o.
who have completed a course of instruction.
who have received Certificates.
who have who have received completed Certificates. a courseo! instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I NUl'sin~.
1st Aid
I NUl'sing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
1\11'. 1\1. J. Coward, 8-1, St. Thomas Di'\ 'l'!iounl lIollol':tl',} Sl't'I'('jal')',
I Women.
The Rev. F. B. :f. Korman Lee,
jo Local lIoJltu':U',} Secrctary.
:nul ,U\,cl'.,tok e .
haplain to the :B orce', The Holt, Al verstoke.
JlOIlOI':ll')' IoIC<:1'C(II1'.)',
Mrs. Ramsay, l'"very House, Fareham .
I Li ft'
The Right IlOll. EveJyn Ash ley General H. R. II. the Duke of COil naught,
Mr. A. O. IIarmsworth Gen. ir George H. Willis,
G.O .D.
lIoll. Uedical, Staff.
PORTSMOUTH CENTRE. Formed 1881. Presidcnt.
General H.R.H. the Duke of Oonnaught and Strathearn, K.G. La(ly Prcsident.
R. R. H. the Duchess of Conn aught.
Mr. Darville Brook, L.R.C.P.,
n.r.lI. Mr. C. P. ChiMe, F. n. c. s. Mr. Lyster Oole-Baker ~r. D. ~Ir. J. \\!. Compton, )I.D . , CUlL Mr. W. J. Essery, M.ll.C.S.; )I.B. Mr. H. F. IIann, L.R.C.P. Mr. E. J. Hunter, L.R.C.P. Ur. J. E. II. Kelso 111'. J, KyfIin, L . .. A. J. Malpas, J".R. C.P ., !II.R.C.S. ~fr. J. McGregor, I".R.C .P" F.R. C.S. ~ir. F . .Morley, lIf. R. C..'., L. ' . A.
G. F . Morley, )I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. J. ~lulvauey, L.R. C.P. C. II. Newby, F.R.C. '., L.R.C.P. A . Pern E. ,Yillmer Phillips, )I.R.C. L.R. C.P. 1\11'. . P. Ruel, L.R.G.P., M.R.C.S. 1111'. E. W. n. all, :M.R. C•• 1\I1'. II. A, heppard, )I.R.C.S., L.S.A., G.A. Dep. -Iu"p. -Gen. R. TU1'l1er, R.N. II'. J. H. F. Way, nUt.C. S. ~Ir. 'Weston. R.A., L.R.C .P. ;\11'.
?iiI'. Ml'. 1\11'. 1\11'.
Admiral of the Fleet, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Clanwilliam, G. C. D., K. C.M. G. General Sir G. H. S. Willis, G.C.B., General Sir J. Davis, K. C. B., Lieut. -Governor of Portsmouth. Admiral Sir Nowell Salmon, v.c., G. C.B., Oommander-in·Chief The Worshipful the Mayor of Portsmouth.
The Oountess of Clanwilliam Lady Davis
Lady Salmon Lady Willis.
THE Centre continues to make steady progress. Fourteen classes were held and a.t~endeLl hy about 350 people. Major Cfl'cig, R.A.M.C., acted as judge in the competlt.IOllS , and though the entries were comparatively few (owing doubtless to there ~JelUg no prizes besides the trophies ), the competition was severe, all being so well up In their IVork. Ladies carried oIT t h o general eflioiol1cy trophy. Miss E. Ringer won four of the trophies, viz., nursing, meuallionist meclallionists of twelve months
166 standing, and N ursing Division. Supernumerary Officer Stoakes, of Landpol't, won the Brigade Drill Trophy. The certificates, medallions, and trophies, were presented at head-quarters on the lOth October by Mrs. Oouzens, the ex- Iayoress; the room was well filled. Addresses were given by the ex-Mayor, Miss ~ewby, the Ohief Oonstable, and Lieut.-Colonel de Salis. Of the 14 classes, 4 were held in the Gosport and Alverstoke Section, and 2 at Fareham. The Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusulem conferred the appoint. ment of Hon. Serving Sister on Mrs. Everitt-Mumby, Gosport. Her Royal Highness Princess Henry of Batten berg, presented the certificates, medallions, etc., to the Gosport and Alvel'stoke Section of the Oentre in the Thorngate Hall, Gosport, on the 20th August, after which a demonstration of First Aid was given in the adjoining field by certificate-holders and the deta.chment of the St. John Ambulance Oorps assisted by a detachment of the 3rcl D. of O. 's Volunteer Battalion Hants Regiment, a detachment of the Portsmouth Oorps, the amhulance wagon from Fareham. and a strong detachment of the Gosport Fire Brigade. The certificates of the Royal Yacht's class were presented on ooa.rd that ship by Princess Victoria of Schleswig Holstein, on the 18tl1 of August. Statement of Receipts and EJ'JJenclitu?'e jO?' the yea?' 1897 -8. Receipts. Expenditu7·e. £0 3 6 £2 3 1 By Magazine Account To Balance 13 5 5 o 9 10 "Stores Accollnt . " Acconnt 2£5 15 11 "Class and InciJental ,. Store Account 36 9 0 37 6 1 E). penses ., Class Fee . . 1 5 0 1 18 6 "Demonstration A~COUllt " Demonstration Account. 26 11 0 10 O· 6 "Cash Balance in hand . " Subscriptions
Examined and found correct, F. E. ADAM~, 1 llon. Auditors. W . FORTESCUE BARRATT, f E . J. DE SAT,IS, Lieut.-Col., Local lIon. SeCl'eta1·Y· Janua~'Y 28th, 1899. OHA1lLES KNOTT, Ohairman. Go 'PORT AND ALVERSTOK~ DIVISION. Statement oj PL8clJipts and E.''1Jen(lituJ'e jO?' the ye[~J' 1897-8. Receipts. E:t'jJenddu7·e. £9 16 6 To Balance on September 30th, By Purchase of 'tores 1 15 0 1897 . ' £13 19 4 "Printing " Subscriptions & Donations 4 17 6 "Cleaning and Repairing o8 6 " Sale of Stores. 4 7 9 Wheeled Lilter " Donation:Dep.- I nsp.-Gen. " Expcnses on the occasion H . O. Woods, R. N., being of the visit of II.R.ll. the amount of the T echPrinces8 Henry of Bat7 2 0 nical Grant by Hants tenlierg, August 20th. Oounty Oouncil to Lec"Expellses Portsmouth turel', First Aid Olass . 4 4 0 Oentre :'laimsagainsttheDivision " Balance of Class Receipts 8 15 1 " R eceived towards the purf01'1897- ,Examiner'sFees and Expenses £3 19 4chase of a Horse Amoulance Oarriage 7 4 6 Other Charges 3 12 6 7 11 10 " Sundries, Postage, &c. " Balance at the Bank
Decembe'r 8th, 1898.
No. of Men
7 2
16 7 2
£43 8 2
JAMES JOHNSTON , Colonel, Auditor. W . M. OLAY, llon. T reasU7·e1·.
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. , Nursing. 1st, Aid. , Nursing. 1st Aid. , Nursing.
who have received Certificates.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
1st Aid. ,Nursing.
, Women.
RAMSGATE CENTRE. Formed 1881. ]·res id ('nt.
II'. II. ,\ eigall. Vi ('c -l·rc" id cnts .
nev. Canon II. Bartram, Captain L. W. Vaile.
£77 13 11
£77 13 11
~L A.
Mr. K. W. Wilkie,
Mr. Charles COttOll,
UOUOl'ary :O;ccl'c tal'Y.
Mr. A. II. cott-White, B.Se., B.A., The Elm , Ram gate.
F. R . C. P.
Li fe :t[c lllbc r.
Mr. Oharles CoLton, F.R.C.p. U c clical Staff.
Surg. ·Capt. Berry, 1>1. R. C. S. 1111'. R. T. Bowden, M.D. Mr. C. Cotton, F. n.C.p. Mr. G. B. Oourtney, M. D.
Mr. O. Walter cott, ;\1.B.
1'IIr. O. ll. Tamplin, ~1. R. C. s. Mr. R. O. W O1'sley, M. R . C.
- -
TO. of l\I en
~o .
who have completed .a Course of
of 'Women
who have cOllll'let d a COllnw of instruction.
who have received Certificates
who haye received Certiflcntcs.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
~struction. . stAid, . . ,Nursing. 1st Aid. , Nursing. 1st Aid. , Nursing. '1.1en. 1st Ald. . Nu rSlll~. ,
278 39
Ii ORMAT TO OF OENTRE. I 304 I 290 182 SINCE l ~T OOTOBER, 1897. 31 I 23 I 18
60 3
Formed 1 82 .
Formed 1891.
H.H. The Duke of T eck,
}'l'CSiclcll t.
G. O.D.
Mr. F . Wright. ChnU·Illnll.
Sir J ohn Whit.taker Ellis, Bart.
l 'lcc·}>l'cshlcuts.
Mr. Charles Ford Mr. Geo. Day
)(onora I'Y Secr c 'm·les. :Mr. au(l ~Irs. A . Bridger,
Colonel Sparks.
Dr. Hooper.
Ashc1ene, nIount Ararat Road, Richmond. Chairmall. ~Ir.
Lirc ;U embcrioo. ~Ir
Mr. J. ·W illiam on,
F . R. C. S.
' ·ice·('hnirlllall.
A. L. Wright.
Mr. J as. Cl'osl'dey.
M. n.
Trcnsurcr. lU edical ShIfT.
lUr. M. Gardiner,
Mr. J. Williamson,
Mr. W.
JlollOl'ary secretary.
Mr. Frank Allfrey, Ripley, Derby.
Statement of Receipts and E.vpenditw·c, 1897-8. Receipts.
Statement of Receipts and E.cpenditure fo!' the yca,' ending September 29th, 189 .
E,i1Jendit llre.
£33 14 2 By Memorial Ul'OSS for H.R.H. To Balance in hand . £2 14 0 the Ducllc s of Teck 1 10 0 " Subscriptions " Chief ecretary for ilIaterial 1 1 3 " 22 Fees at lOs. 6d. ; one Dr. ,Yilliam Oll (Lecturer's 11 16 0 \ at 5s. " 5 5 0 Fee) I " 2 Fees at 2s. 6d. ; 8 for o 13 0 I " Chief Secretary for MeclalRe-examination at Is. o 12 0 lions " Received for 6 Medallions 1 1 0 0 12 0 " Hirc of Rooms for LecnU'es at 2s. ;2 0 " Expenses connected with 2 ), Sale of Books & Bandages 1 10 6 class " Chief I eCl'ctary1 6 0 Examiner's Fee o 10 6 I ncidental Expenses 0 0 9 " Postage . 36 6 2 Balance in hand ---7 2
Receipts. To Balance in hand, 29th, 1897
By Butterley
ROBT. ,\V. )'AHKS, Hon. Tl'eaS7G?·e7·. A. BRIDGEll, llon. Secreta?·y.
who have recl,ivcd Certificates.
who have complcted a course of instruction. )~tAirl. I Nnr~in('.
ll';t Airl.
o 8 o 10 o 1 o 8
3 3
5 5
No. of Women
who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of instruction. Airl. I Nursin!!.h~t Airl I Nnr!'ling'
No. of Men
C. LA WTO T, Chai!'man. 'IV. H. LowTRu " T,·eaSll?·e1·. FHA TK ALLFHEY, H an. Scc'retary.
£50 7 2
o.-Pent of Ambula.nce House . " II'. ,Yo alt- :rew Lock and Key to Ambulance Hou c, and fitting same . " Mr. C. Lawtoll-Cleaning Amblllance 'arriaae ~ ' " ]\1 1'. 1,. Allfrey, 'ecy., Postage, &c. " Balance in hand, eptembel' 29th, 1 98
352 J 897 . I 11
I Nursing.
No.of Cel'tificai6d Pnpils \Vhf) have received Medallions.
Men . I Wom~n.
No . of Mcn
No. of Women
-- who have
who have receiveti Certificates.
comlllctcd '.I Course of _instl'urtioll. ~id. I Nnl'sin g. 1st Aill.
who have completed a course ot' illhtrllction.
1st Ail!. I Nnrsing.
who have receiYcd Certificates. l~t
CE'TIm. 29
TO. of Cel'tificated Pupils who have receiveti l\letiallions.
I Women.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure jTom October 1st, 1897, to September 30th, 1898. R eceipts. £11 To Cash in hand 7 Value of Stores in hand " tares sold during the 19 " year. . . Fecsreceivf'd for Examiner's 25 " and Incidental expenses
ROCHDALE CENTRE. :Formed 1886.
13 15
£64 1-1
Colonel C. M. Royds, Trca
:nul Ilonol'ul'Y SecI·ctaI'Y.
The Chief Constable, (1111'. Leonard Barry),
Alderman J . R. Heape.
J. R.
Expendit7.Lre. By Stores purchased during the year. . • £20 11 9 "Examiner's Fees and travelliug expenses for 10 clas es . . 1111 8 " Ilead -q uarters Incidental charges . 5 5 o 011 o " Postage . "Grant to Ambulance Corps , 10 0 0 6 17 6 " Value of tores in hand, 9 17 10 " Cash in hand £64 14 IlEAP]';,
Chairman. Treasurer and Hon . Secreta1'Y,
LEo~AHD BAl1ltY,
14.10.98. )ledical Stu1I'.
Mr. P. Baillie, M.D . Mr. T. H . Hayle, 1\1. B. :Mr. A. Jefferson, M.D, M. R. C. s.
:lUI', W. J. Kerr,
1111'. S. Lord,
M.R.C . S.
; S.B . ,
M1'. :lUI'. Mr. Mr. Mr. 1111'.
T. Melvin, M.B. W. Mills, L.R.C.P., Ed. J. Rodley, M.R.C.S.E. R. Burdett 'ellers, M.R.C.S.E. W. II. Sharples, :M.R.C.S.E. J. P. Walker, M.R.C.S.E.
I SUE No.orMen
who ha\,(' eOllll'll"ic<l a
·Ul"hillg. 1st Aill. I Nursing.
who have receiyed Cerlilleatcs.
cuur";l' of i IlstruetiOIl.
Certilil;ate '.
who have reed ycll
who have completcd a course of
iSiTidl DURING the yea,r 10 classes have been formed- viz., 4 female and 5 male first aid, and 1 female nursing. The number presenting themselves for examination in first aid was 142, and 135 passed. The number of ladies presenting themselves for llUrsing examination was 21, and 20 passed. The snccess of thf' classes has been most marked, and the interest so far has shewn no signs of abating. It is to be regretted that more ladies have not joined the nursing class. The Committee of the Centre are pleased to find that severa] classes are being arranged for, and it is to be hoped that they may receive the support ihey so much deserve. The Medical Staff have been most indefatigaule in their continned efforts for the welfare of the work, their lectures being keenly appreciated by the students of the various classes. The police have attended 185 first aid cases during the year, and members of the Ambulance Corps 83 cases. The horse ambulance, which is under the control of the Chief Constable, and can be turned out in under 30 seconds by means of quick· bitching harness, has been called out 139 times, the street fire alarms being invariably used for the "call." The statement of receipts and expenditure is submitted berewith.
I Xursing.
IS g F011Jl[ATIO~ OF
I 1099 I
1st Aid.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have
3]2 364 I 1-15 • IX 'l~ lx'I' OUTODEH, 1 97. 91 I 21 I 92
125 20
SADDLEWORTH CENTRE. .Formcd. 1 94. l'l·csid c nt.
Ur. B . Bent.
Police Superintendent Prosser.
Mr. J. W. Ilaigh. 1I01l0l'IIl'Y SCCI·ctnt·y.
Mr. Albert Wa,s hingLon, The 1l11are, U ppermill. Dr. N. Caine
I Women.
e lla it'lua n.
reeei,cd Ieda'.Hons.
lUC(licnl Staff.
Dr. Herbert Ramsden Mr. E. , \Takelam
37 8
17 3
IT is gratifying to the Committee of the addlewol'th Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association to be aule to recoru a continuance of the success which has ever marked the work of the Association in thi district. T he Committee feel their great indebt~dne s to the medical gentlemen who have so kindly conducted the classes. Dr. Aspinwall has now removed to 1\1ar uen, but an excellent successor ha been found in Dr. Caine. The Committee regret having lost the el'Yices, through failing health, of ~Ir . B. Bent, .J. P . , of Dobcros , whose duties as President of the Centre have been so faithfully discharged. A practical manifestation of intere t in the work of the A sociation was witnessed on October 8th in the shape of a grand cycle parade, in which members of the Greenfield and Delph Cycle Cluus took a prominent part. Large crowus assemblell to watch the cycli ts pass by, and liberal contributions to the collecting-boxes were made. The result was a net profit of £37 11 . l~d., which llln has placed the finances of th'3 Association in a sOllnd position. Kumerou gifts in the shape of prizes and subscriptions have to be acknowledged. During the year two fir t aid competitions have been held. The Committee are pleased to know that the information gained at the respective Glasses has been of practical use in alleviating pain and suffering, and perhaps saving life. Only so recently as November 7th nil'. . Buckley, of Lee, ren(lere(l valuable first aitl in the case of a girl whose clothing had caught fire at ",Vater head, and Mr. Henry Schofield, the father, in a letter of thank', gives it as hi opinion that it was Mr. Buckley's prompt action v,hich saved his daughter's life.
No. of Men
No. of Women \
Xo. of Certificated who have who hllye who have Pupils who have who have complcted a rccpived received received completcd conrse of Ccrtificate . Certi fi cates. iHedallioDs. a COllrse of instrnction. instrncti on. ---I IstAid.' Nursing. 1st Aid. , Nursing.' 1st Aid. I Xlusing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. , Women.
IKCE hT OCTOBER, 1 96 . I 72 I 71
£86 1 8
lI EP,vK¥ CARTER, } Awlitol's. CliAllLES ByJtOM, CITARLES PROSSE ){, Ghairma7J, JAMES 'WILLIAM HAIGIT, TreaS~brel'. ALTIEH.T , VASII INGTON, Secretary.
"I'('",hlc ut.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditu1'e fo)' the yea?' ending October 31st, 1 9 ,
Lieut. -Col. R. Pilkington, Tl' c a ~ llr (' r
Receipts. To Balance in hand, December £6 14th, 1897 " Delph Co!npetition9 Gentlemen 2 " U pperhill Ladies' Class 2 " Delph Ladies' Class 0 " Goods sold by • ecretary . 0 " Springhead Classes 7 ,. Medallions for tudel1ts. " Uppermill Competition5 Ladies . 51 " Cycle Parade, October 8th
ilOil O I'll I'), ~
1I1r. R. W. H. Thomas, 16, Orlll kirk
E:t'l)e1uiitw·e. £0 16 3 By Stamps, Carriage, etc. 6 7 3 Gentlemen's Competition 9 8 1 1 0 "" Printing . o 18 0 Oudfello\Ys' Hall 12 6 10 2~ " Messrs. Broaduent13 10 " Requisites for Greenfielu 0 3 8 Box 9 9 1 9 10 Mr. Fryer-Greenfield Box 7 3 2 2 0 4 0 "" Duplir:'atol' 7 4 0 Medallions for tudents, 6 1 6 3 7 "" Ladies' Competition 13 19 9 Cycle Parade 10 10~ o 18 8 "" . . tationery, etc . . "Stores, etc.-St. John Amlmlance Association 11 12 J. W. Whitehead-Paint" ing Greenfield Ambulance 1 5 7 Box 2 1 32 Balalll'c in hand,
c r c tar), . h'ect, t, IIelen's.
Jlc clical S tntf.
llr, Edward Casey, M.B., C.M. Mr, Robert Jackson, ~r.B., C.M. llr, Fre(l. J. Knowle , iiI. R.C . ' "
L , R , .P.
Mr. John fasson, M.D. :\1r. Frank Pro, cr, M.B., C.M.
Statement of Receipts ancl Expenditure jor the yea?' ending November 30th, 1 9 . Expenclit lwe.
Receipts. 1897, ept, 30. To Ca h in Bank . £30 !lee, 28, " Bank I nterest to uate 0 1898, 'uUon Heath Class " (Goods) . 0 " Button Heath Clas ( ledalliol1s) 2 June 27, " Ban k III terest to date 0 Ravenhead Class " (Goocls) . o " ,'uttOll Heath Class (E.-am. Fees) 3
1 9 .
for £213 0 Medallion " IIcn.d-IlLHuters for 2 19 6 Examinn.tion Account Ileatl-q uartel'S for " 1 18 8 torcs Account eCl'etary's Postage " 0 6 6 Accollnt 30 811 Balance in Bank
16 11
Examined anu.. found correct, J OlIN HAMMILL, Gha?'lc1'ed Acco-untant. NfflJembe1' 30th, 1898.
No. of Men
who have who havp. who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
1117 46
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received :Medallions.
I Nmsing.
I 923 I
Formed 1878.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
The Right Honourable the Enrl of Wh:nDcliffe.
l\[en. I Women:-
"icc - Prc"idcu ts .
The Right Hon. C.
Dr. lIime 1\11'. S. J£arnshaw Howell .111'. H. D. Lomas Mr. G. F. Lockwood
tUUl't Wortley,
Q.C., )1.1'.
if C. E. HowarLl Vincent, )[,1' . ir E. Aslllnead Bartlett, ~r.P. ir H. Stppilenson }ir. C. 13el k Mt. J. E. Cntler
Mr. ,Yilliam mith Mr. T. E. Yickers ir Alexr. ,Yilson, Bart.
Formeu 1 82. ~r,
Rev. J. C. Elliott,
E. BainlJl'idge,
Jlonoral',l Secr c tary.
Dr. John W. Martin.
,\"'s i"tant
TI'casurcr an (I Ilonol'ary Sccl·c fary . Mr. John H. Bmro,,'s, 18, Broad,yay.
lUc<lical St:!n.
Mr. Charles Arrol,
7 13 3 3
" Sale of Goods " Uedallions
6 6
Goo(ls " Meuallions " Hire of Room, Bedding, " etc. " Postage, Carriage, Models, ete. Balance
£13 15 3 10 7 2 3 3 6
2 7 4 o 10 0
0 ~
J onN H. BUR1WW8, 1'7'I',aS1t1'er and Han. Secretary. J . C. ELL10TT, Chainnan. ISSUJ£ OF CERTIFICArrES. No. of Men
No. of Women
whu have who have who have who have completed a received completed received course of Certificates. a course of Certificates. instruetion. instruction . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. l Ist Aid. I Nursing.
SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRE. 162 I 63 I 110 SINOR 1ST OO'l'OBI'JR, 1897. 62 I 39 I 42
45 31
T. H. Billgley
3 4
.U.'JllbCl· .~.
The Right Iloll. the Earl of \\'hal'lldiJl'e :JIrs. IIamilton mith John Browu & Co., Lill1i teu ~teel, Peech & Tozer, LJ. Charle Camlllell & Co., Limit~d ir Henry tephen on Mr. J. Bradley Firth Yjckers, OIlS & Maxim, Ld. Mr. Mark Firth Mr. K 1. E. 'W clby Mr. J. H. Keeling, )L D. :JIl'. C. Mucro W il on.
Statement of Receipts and Erpenclitw'e, 1898. Receipts. I Expenditure. £22 11 0 By Examination Fees, etc. To Fees, Subscriptions, etc.
,\'amer, 1<;, York trect.
Mr. Julius Cresar, L.R.C.S.I.
M.D .
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallionu. Men.
I Women. 38
A 'J\'UAL lmpORT, Ix pre'lenting the 16th [LUUllal Report the COlllmittee are glatl to be able to tate that during the pa L year 111 ncb good ,york 1m' bCCl1 tlone uy the heffield Centre. 25 classe havc been held unller the Centre (23 1irst aid anu 2 llnr~ing), and, in addition to these, 27 cla,'c Jil'~t aill amI 6 nursing) in conncction with the chool Board Eveuing Continuation 'cb:>ols IHwe had the benefit of e.·amination by the official examiners of the Association. The total member 'hip of these cIa sos has been 606. At the examinations helJ on behalf of Lhe Central Executive 540 stuuents passed ~tisfactorily, 10 certificated memb!:r have al 0 passed the 1irst rc-examination, anu oilhe second re-examination, the latter having now obtained the medallion issucJ by the As oeiation . These fignre , alltlcd to those of preyiol1s yea:s, make a total of8,373 passes since thc formation of the Ceutre. 811c ces ful classes havc been beldtlurillO' the year at everal of the lar<Ye works in the district, anu also at the Midland l~ailway pa senger and goods sta~ions. The Committee would take this opportllni Ly of again impressing upon all employers of ~abon.l' the desirability of encouraging the formation or clas es among t their men. fhe lUstitution of the "vVorkmell's Compensation Act" makes it mOle essential than ever that every establishment having respon ibility under that Act should
have ambulance men and appliances at hand III order that First Aid may be promptly rendered. The ambulauce carriage and litters belonging to the Oentre continue to be largely used. The Oommittee regret that, owing to the limited funds at their disposal, they are not n.ble to add to the stock of conveyances, and they would respectfully suggest to the Oorporation Watch Oommittee the advisability of pruviding additional mealls for the transport of injured persons, including n. horse n.mhuhtuce carriage of a more modern type than the one now in use, and which was purchased by the Oentre 13 years ago. The Oommittee desire to express their best thanks to the Hon. Secretary (Dr. Martin), the lecturers, the class secretaries, and all those who have by their kind assistance helped forward the work of the Oeutre.
Statement 0/ Receipts and Expenditw'e /01' the year ending September 30th, 1898. Receipts.
To Balance in Bank, Octo bel' 1st, 1897 . " Olass Fees " Subscriptions . " Stores " Bank Interest, (less Oommission)
£7 4 82 11 25 19 14 3
8 0 0 5
o 14
---£130 12
By Examination Fees and Examiners' Expenses £50 19 0 " Assistant Secretary's Salary 40 0 0 leuallions 6 0 0 7 0 6 "" Printing and tationery. Postages 4 12 9 " Advertising 2 5 9 " Hire of Rooms 4 5 0 " Miscellaneous Expenses. 5 12 6 " Balance in Bank 9 16 7
SHIPLEY CENTRE. Formed 1 96.
Mr. George O. Waud.
llr. R. L. Armstrong 11r. .ill. Binlls 11r. J. A. Burton llr. gllis Den by Count.r Al(lerl1lall H. Dunn lir. W. H. Ellis ir Fortescue Flanllery, ~r. r. llr. Wm. Harker ~r. F. lIol ~lll'S Yr. H. .T. Mason
Mr. Mile Rhodes 11'. J. Roberts ~11'. ::\tilcs 'owdeu 1\[1'. W. ykes Mr. T. Townsend 1111'. J. Wade nIl'. J. . \Y n.tts
( 'hail'lnnn.
1\11'. D'Arc)' B. Cartel'. T I·CIlSUl'el'. 1\11'.
J. 1. Davi '011, Bw,dfol'(l Old Bank, Limited, hipley.
)(onoral'Y SC('l·e .ary .
£130 12
I1'. J. Midgley J. S. Hhodes
Ul'. D. F. Gril)lJiu, 16, Alexandra. Road. I have examined the Oash Account for the year ended September 30th, 1898, with the Bank Pass Book and Vouchers, and certify the above to be a correct summary of such Oash Account. GEORGE FRANKLIN, Gha'rte1'ecl ACColmtant, Octobe?' 20th, 1898. Sheffield.
ISSUE No. of Men
1 312
who h ave who have completed received a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. ]st Aid. I Nursing.
who have completed a course of instruction. 1st Ai.d I Nursing.
who have received Certificates.
SINCE FOJlMATION OF OE TP.E. I 1310 I 531 I 1017
SINCE 1ST OOTOBElt, 1897. 14.8 I 90 1 146
hipley Friendly and Trade Societies. :U c cll('nl SCaff.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
1st Aid I Nursing.
llr. Geo. C. '\Vaud.
llr. \Y. T. Ainsworth, M.n. llr. D'Arc)" B. Oarter, M.RC.S. llr. C. Eames llr. 'IV. II. Ellis, l\LIt. C.S. llr. J. Emerson, L.U.C.S.
No. of Women
Life .U c mbel's .
I Wome~
399 11256
1111'. Mr. 1\11'. 1\11'.
W. lTo. tel', ~1.B. . Graham J. J . Rutherford, l\I.D. E. Thornton, l\I.B.
work a t this Oentre still progres es. 0 successful have been our First Aid dasses fot lltell that we are arranging 1,0 holtl a similar class, and also a Sick 1: ursing class, for women, and in duc time hope to a N nrsing Division. A most enthUsiastic gn.thering of am bulancc men and tho e in sym! athy with our work was h~ld on 2nd February. The aftcr meeting was presided over by our 1I01l. Surgeon (Mr. ~Al'cy B. Oarler), and the medallions and certificates gaineJ during the year were lIldly prcscnted by Mrs. J. A. Burton to the successful men ,
Statement of Receipts and Expenclittt1'e for the yea?' endecl September 30th, 1898. Eapendittt1·e.
Receipts. 7 0 0 6 9 0 0
£1 8 2 1 7 13 3 7 6 6 0 6 o 16
To Balance Subscriptions " Donations " Class Fees " Sale of Stores " Medallions " J. S. Rhodes
By Rent of Rooms . Examination Fees . " Incidentals at Head Office " Stores " Medallions " Delegates " Printing. . " Grant to Division " Balance in hand
£3 15 0 1 5 6 o 10 6 10 4 11 0 6 0 1 1 0 1 1 6 1 15 1 ] 19 4
£21 18 10
£21 18 10
D'ARCY B. CARTER, Chairman. JOlIN 1. DAYI 'ON, TrCClS1.trer.
D. F. GRIllB! T, Secreta?·y.
Ko. of Certificated who have Pupils whu llave who have who have who have COlllj,leted a received rereived received completed course of j)f ednllions. Certificates. Certificates. a course of instruction. instrnction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. , 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. SINCR FORMATION OF CENTRE.
1[1'. F. J. 13fl.ildon, lIf. D., C.M. )fr. A. E. Cox, ~r. E., '.M. l[r. T. HalllllloDll Fishel', j\f. n. r. R. )[1'. Artllllr .Jones, L.n.c.l'., M.lL '.S. llr. "T. Maule, j\LB., C'. )r., L.l:.C.s.
ilIr. Stanley Melville, L. n.c.p., ~r.
n. c. s.
Mr. T. II. , ykes, JdL c. P . , 'JIr. J. P. Thornton, 1I.D. Mr. J. "Tilshaw, )f. B.
:II. n.c ....
A NrAL IU~PORT. ,EYEIUL classes have been helcl r1l1J'ing lhe year, witl! satisfa.ctory results. "Th e value of allllllllalltH' training has been shewJl on lUany occasion.', when first airl has been sLlcc('.'sfully gi "en ill cases of acl'illcut. II. R. II. the Prince of Wale. paill a risit to Southport on 1 tIt May, 011 which oPl:asioll 1'fluafh; of the St. John AJJ1bulance Brigade were 011 duty ill the stl'Cpt1', awl llifl goo,l .enice. The Committee deeply llpplore the fleath of the Earl ()r L:1thom, \\ ho hall heclI Prcsirlen t of the Centre since its fOI'1t1atioll, amI who had alway' taken great interest in the ,york locally a, lYell as ill the country at large . Thc UOllllUiLtel" grrutly regl'et that, owing to his removal from i:5onthport, the yalllablc .el'\'il'l'· of Dr. tanIcy Melville will be no longer availa.ble.
No. of Women
No. of Men
lJ ('(tical Staff.
To Balance froll1 last UCCOUl1 t II Fees for Clns,'es " 'ale of I'ltOl'c.' " Bank III tere t
£3 11 6
E'jlcnditluc. By "'hief Ofli(;c for Ex.amillers, ,'tore: and Incil1entab £11 9 0 Carriage of Parcels, Po t" age, etc. 0 :) 5 Allowance townnls forma" tion of "'t. John Ambulance Brigade Hlo\\'ick Div. 1 0 0 Balance in hUllcl 4 4 3
6 0 0 2
Statemcnt of Receipts (t/ul E,''l}('lIdilu/'(' jo)' 1 97- .
" £16 1
SOUTHPORT CENTRE. Formed 1887. PrcSidcnt.
(Vacant. )
£16 1
C. T. PORTEll, Ohairmall, E. '\YILLETT, llon. Sec1'ctary and T1·eaS7.We?'.
November 22nd, 1898.
No. of Men
o. of Women
wllo have \'ho have who hnve completed a ompletetl received conrse of COurse of Ccrtiflcatcs. instruction. struction. id. I Nursin~. 1st Aiel. I NurSing. lRt Aid. I NnrRing.
Vicc-Prc ·illcnt.
The Right Hon. Lord Curzon, of Redleston.
who have rcrciYed CertiLicates.
No. of Certificated rnpils who have r eceived Medallions.
1st Aiel. I Nnrsing.
l\r cn.
I Women_
The R ev. C. T. Porter, D.D., LL . D. '.frcasw·cr au(l llonor:ll'Y Sccrctnt·y.
Mr. John E. Willett, 31, Leyland Road, Southport.
M4 ~O
I 510
OF CE ''fRE.
1 T O CTomm, 1 97. 12
11 (~
180 SOUTH SHIELDS CENTRE. Formed 18 3. l>rcshlcnt.
Mr. J. C. Stevenson. ' "ice.PI·csi(1 Cll t s.
Mr. R. R eadhea.l Mr. J. ~L R ennoldson Dr. A. Robson Mr. Geo. Robson Rev. H. E. "'avage Dr. C. J. Sutherland.
Dr. J. R. Crease Supt. Farmer Dr. A. Legat Dr. J. ~1acdonald Mr. J. M. 1I100re Mr. John Readh ead
nonor:ll'Y Scc)·ctm·y, Lnflics' Classe .
Mrs. R. Walker-Hopper.
Mr. F. Thirlwell.
llonoral'Y SccI'etaric •
Mr. Robert Farmer.
Mr. James Page.
Corre. ponfling Sccretary antI Store Dcpal·imcllt. ~1r. Alfred Brown, Waverley Chambers.
llOJlOI'a)'y AutUtol'.
Statcment of Rcccipts ancZ E,}]jJcnditure j01' the ycm' 1 96-97.
Mr. W. J. Stout. lUc(Ucal . talf.
1111'. J. R. Crease, F.R.C.S.E. 1111'. H. Goudie, M. B., C.M., Ed.
Mr. C. J. Sutherland, and L.R. C.S.E.
t. And.
~1r. J. Macdonald, M.B . , C.M., Ed.
increased, so that this humane work may be still carried on successfully and increased. It is satisfactory to note that 67 members of the Borough and River Police force passed an examination this year in arubulfLnce work, and every member of the force is now qualified to render first aid, with the exception of a recruit squad, "ho are nolV being instructed . We learn that the police alone have treated over 90 cases during the year, rendering valuable first aid. The classes for seamen have been continued during the year, and a clas for Officers is now being conducted at the Marine School. Th e Volunteer Life Brigade continues its conlial co-operation, the Brigade House having been lent on several occasions for examinations. It is to be recorded with satisfaction th'tt Her :Majesty the Queen, on the recom. mendation of His Royal Hi~hness the Prince of Wale~, Grand Prior of the Order of t. John of J eru'lalem in England, and of the Chapter-General, has sanctioned the enrolment of Chas. J. utherland, :\Ln., a Hon. Associate of the Order, and of Jas. Page as Hon. Serving Brother of the Order, in recognition of their services in furthering the work of the Ambulance Department of the Order in this Centre and District. As in past years, no attempt has bC'en made to sclledule the many cases where invaluable help has been given and life saved by our students. The press gives a report of much of the work accompli heu, hut there are hundreus of accidents occurring eyery year in which suffering ha been relieved by first aid applied at the right time, but of which nothing i hearu out ide the circle immediately concerned. The goou work which is being tlone therefore encourages the Committee to continue their labours, and to hope for the continued support of all classes of the community.
ReCC7'ptS. To Subscriptions " Fees, etc. " Stores " Medallions " Balance due to Hon. Treasurer
£2 12 35 2 9 2 2 8
0 6 4 6
h t th ast ear has been one of the THE Committee record with pleasure the fact t a ep y 254 students have . 0 f th e Ccn tre 15 years aao. most successful since the fotmatlOn b d ith last year. passed through the classes, being an increase of 132 as comp~re w town who arc This is the largest increase in one year to the b.and of studen~s l~ o;rsudden illness. ready to render first aid to their neighbours ~n case of accldentu~ents necessarily It will be seen from the above tha.t t~e instructlOn of so . many The Committee entails a great amount of self-sacnficmg work by t~c MedlCal S: iate the kind and anel those who have passed through the classcs smct'rely apprec
valuable !:!ervices, gratuitously rendered, of these gentlem~n. sistance rendered by The Committee are grateful for the support and. financla~ as . defrayed by a th.e COrI)oration the expenses of two classes for artlzans bemg algam lee this appal" , echnical Educatlon . Comml'ttee. They would a so t a bel' may be nt from the T gra tunity to thank the present subscn'b ers, an d h 0 pe that the num
Expcnclitw·e. . . . £4 " Head Office-Examination Fees, &c. £23 tores, &c. 9 " " Medallions 2 " Rooms and CIa s " Rent of " Expense 6 " Honorarium to Corresponding ecretary 5 " Advertising ancl Prin ting 3 unclries. o " Postagfls, &c. o
I By Balance
£13 19
December 15th, 1898.
1 6
5 5 11 19
0 0
3 9
£55 10 10
£5 5 10 10
Liabilitics. To Accounts ontstanding . £5 10 " Amount due Hon. Treasurer 6 5 I, Surplus . 2 4-
By tores in
Asscts. toek .
• £13 19
6 2
£13 19
Examined and found correct, TliOllLAS A. BINKS, Bon. Auditol·. FRAJ'l'K Trrmr,wELL, H on . Trcas1l1·cr.
who have comnleGe.:! a course of
CERTIFICATES. :roo of Women
of Men
who have received Certificates.
INo. of Certificated who have Pupils who have received 1 received certificate.s.__ ~ledallions.
who have completed a course of instruction.
instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursing.
1419 220
1st Aiel
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1 97. 37 37 I I
I Nursing. Men. I Women
424 I 228 12
received a0course of instruction in nursing' and 97 receIve ' . d tl1e nursmg . . . certrficate Smce 1st ctoher, 1897, 4 men have received fi· t 'd" 'fi IS al mstructIOn, 3 obtained cer . tl cates, and 4 men medallions' women first . 'fi ,.. . " a l'd'ms t ructIOn 7 and 6 obtainedcerb' cates, and ( women medallions . wome . . ' . d t'fi t , n , nursmg lllstructron' 16 of which 15 obtarne cer 1 ca e3. ' Statement of Receipts and Expenditu1'e, Session 1897,98. Receipts. 1897. April 13-To Cash on hand. Profit on ocial " Student' Fces " and Books 1898. " J. Briggs (donation) ",V. Haigh " (mcdallion) C. IUl'F;land " (mcllallion) . Bank Interest.
£ 1
5 0 1
0 0
Formed ) 891.
E;cpenditw·e. 1897. 4 O~ Oct. By Ackroyd PrintinO' £0 10 0 1898. ~ 3 " St.J.A.A. Exam. 12 0 Fees 4 5 " Do. 1I1eliallions: 1 7 " J. Briggs (Rooms) 1 15 5 0 " W. II. lIall . 1 0 " Boys for Prar:tices 2 0 and uudrie 0 9 0 9 " PO!:ltage r, 6 " Oa 11 in hand 6 16 1 11
£16 12
•2 6 0
£16 12
0 ± 2~
Audited and found COlfect, Tno)L\s IIOEY, AuditaI'.
Rev. G. S. Smith. March 24th, 1 9 . Vicc.Prcs1tlcn1 s.
Mr. T. Hoey Mrs. Horner Canon Ivens 3'111'. J. S. Rawson Mr. Rowland Siddall.
Mrs. Bates Mrs. Brown Mr. F . Clay Mrs. Dunn Mr. W. H . Gibson Mr. W . Haigh T1·caSUI'('T.·.
Mr. T. W. Richardson, 3, Monnt Street
Mr. W. Sunderland.
No. of Men
No. of Women
NO ' of Certificated who have who h:n'e who have completed receil'eu cOlllllletecl a who h:we Pupils who have ,B course of Certificates. eOllrSC of received receiyed _ IDstructioll. instru(·tion. Certificates. Medallions. 1st Aid. I ... fJursing . 1st A'd :-- -1Ht -_ --:--;-.,.-;~=--~1 . I·" n urSlll~. .\._ Itt . I Nm'sin u _ lst . ' '''~;-; • o· _ .t\'i :1. _I ,T l.' UI'SIl~. I t l-en-.-~=--I Women.
Mr. J. Hanson. UOnOl'a1'Y SCC1·Ct:U-jc . •
,"INCE FOlt:lIATION OF ] 4. I 12.) I
134 'CR 1. T Ol'TOB'!:R, 1 97. 7 I 16' 6
-ncweal Staff.
Mr. W. P. Brown, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.s.Edin.
Mr. John Dunn, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. E•
STOCKPORT CENTRE. ANNUAL REPORT. DURING the s~ssion classes have been held for males, conducted by Dr. Dunn, and for females, in first aid and nursing, by Dr. Brown, and all students presented for examination acquitted themselves well. The ambulance carriage has been in use on many occasions for invalid and accident cases, and students have rendered valuabl~ assistance. Since the formation of the Centre 125 men have received a course 0 instruction, 120 men have received certificates, and 37 men received medallions; 184 women have received a course of first aid instruction, of which 134 have received certifi~ates, and 55 women have received medallions; 125 women have
Forme(l 1 83. l·1·cshl('1l1.
The Right lIou. the Earl Egerton of Tattoll. CIt:lh·IIl:1Il.
Mr. A. H.
1 ~5
TreaSlll'er and Honorary SecI'ctary,
Mr. A. E . Ferns, 51, St. Petersgate, StockpOl t.
Formed 1883.
Lite lllCJubers.
The Right Hon. the Earl Egerton of Tatton . Mr. A. H. Sykes.
The Right Hon. the Viscount Cobham. TI't'll IH'CI,' ,
Mr. R. Deakin,
illedical Staff.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
Mr. W. B. Bale Mr. H. R. Bellamy Miss L. M. Blake Mr. F. Cant ~fr. J. B. Chadwick Mr. L. M. F. Christian Mr. G. H. Darwin Mr. H. J. Dickey Mr. J. J. Rent Fairclough Mr. H. P. Ilderton
F. J. R. C.
W. Jordan Reay A. Murray Porter E. Rayner F. C. Rogers H. G. Smeeth T. Hamon mith J. Worthington.
o o o o 6 2
King Edward's School, Stourbridge.
1111'S. Deakin,
Sccre huy,
A UAL REPORT. interest bas becn i:lhewll in this di trict during the past year in the import..'tnt work of rendering immediate help to injured persons when proper medical aid is not at hand. The members of Dr. Collis's ladies' classes presented him with a clock, while II'. Arnold Thomson received from his class a smoker's cabinet in l'ecognitioL. of his services. Application was made to the Tec'l:nical Board for a grant towards defraying the expenses of cIa ses for working people. The application was favourably considered, and Dr. Darby has kindly unuertaken to begin a course of lectnres at the Lye to working women on 3nl ovember. The following cases of first aiu rendered to injured persons have been reported during the past year :-(1) On 4th May, J. T. ., of Lye, nstained a compound fracture of the left shoulder and a broken leg. Police ergeant Danks and other ambulance men applied the necessary splints and banuages before removing the injured man to thc hm;pital. Dr. Darby, of Lye, writes that" the attempt to render first aiel in this case was, in Illy opinion, very commendable." (2) On 2 th May, J. S., of Lye, had an epilcptic fit. Dr. Hardwicke certifies that P.C. George hlillicheap rendered efficient til"t aill in this ca e. (3) On 27th July, E. M., of Clent, broke her leg. P. C. Banks bandaged and applicLI splints. Dr. Lowe, of Clent, states" that P.C, Banks rendered first aiel to a case of fractured tibia in a most efficient manner." Thci:le ca es shcw the practica.l utility of knowmg "what to do till tho doctor comt:s." Detailed statistics of the year's classes are given below. RENEWED
Statement of Receipts and Expenclitw'e to Septembe1' 30th, 1898. Receipts. To Balance . • £11 3 1 1 " Donation 21 14 " Fees for Classes . 9 18 I I Materials sold 4 2 " l\Iedallions and Badges o 6 " Bank Interest
M. A.,
Expendittwe. £0 2 6 Cheque Book 6 3 5 Material bought. 5 18 6 Medallions and Badges Central Office for Examiner'!,; Fees and Incidental: Expenses " 13 13 8 200 II Clerk's Services . o 19 0 " Stationery . 1 7 9 " Postages anel Sundries 17 19 10 " Balance in Bank
By " " "
£48 4 8
Examined, with vouchers, and found correct,
W. CHALONER, Charte?'ed Acco~mtant. A. E. FERNS, L ocal Honorar'Y Secreta1'Y and Stockport, October 21st, 1898.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditu?'e fo!' the year encling Septen.ber 30th, 1898. ISSUE
By Balance brought forward No. of Men
No. of Women
No. of Certificated who have pupils who have who have who have who have completed a received coml'h·ted received received course of Medallions. a coun'e of Certi fj cates. Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I WODl~'
£22 1 " Fees from Olasses . ]5 7 " DUdley Oontre for Reports 1 5 " Subscriptions. . 4 18
939 84
SINCE Fo ftM:A TTON OF URNTHI£. 530 I 106 I 363 SINCE 1ST OOTOBRrt, 1897. 61 I 23 I 45
£43 12
7 To Printing and Advertising £3 4 6 I I Oentral Office for toros 7 7 7 14 0" " Extl,minations o I I Postage, etc. o 15 1 0 " Expen Oi:l of Olas e " Balance in .Midland Bank 23 10
£ ,13 12
;3 ;)
~ certify that I have examincel Lbc VOllchel's with the Hooks, and tinu the fore-
gOlllg ::Statelllent of Accounts COlTcct.
Old Bank, StollJ'bri(Zye,
Octover 6th,
,Yo II. 189~,
HUG.lIE ' .
I B6
187 Statement oj Receipts cmcl Expendit~we, 1897-8.
ISSUE No. of
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificate . instrnction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nurslng. ,1st Aid. ! Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
who have received Certificate . 1st Aiel.
I~o. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nursing.
I Women.
1897. £6 17 8 July 1 To Cash at Bank 1898. ubscriptions & " Donations 7 7 6 Sale of Books, etc. 3 3 10 " Class Fees 16 5 U " 1\J el1allions 0 15 0 "" Amount Overpaid by lIon . Sec. 0 15 3
1 98. By Fee (Dr. Biggar) . £5 " Postage & Carriage 0 tatiollery, Prin ting " & Li !nary Notices 1 " Washing & B111ldages 0 " Boys for Banclaging 1 Caretaker 0 " DOJlation to" Alms' Fund 2 Hire of Room, " Y.W.C . ..:\. 1 l\Ipclalliolls o "" Owing to HOll. , ee., JUliO 30th, 1 97 0 CherI ne Book 0 " Balauce 22
5 9
0 3
1 4 8 12
3 5 0 0
1 15
0 0
2 2 2
1 5
I have exa mincd tho I1hovo latclllL'ut or Heceipts and EXllenllituro with the Books and Vouchers, alHl I lind the sallle to be ill due aceoruance therewith.
JA ·KSO.-,
[fo?lOru/'!J Auditor,
Gfwrlc,'cd ACt'ounlallt,
u6, 'oleman h'eet, London, E. C.
li'ormed 1891. July 2'2nd, 1 fl . 'l'l·cn" U1·Cl'.
Inspector-General Belgraye Ninnis,
I . UE Ko. of Mon
I1~nOl':ll'Y ~cc r(' f :lJ' y .
Mrs. Cave-Browne-Cave, Burnage, Streatham Common.
who have cOlllpleted a course of instruction.
ITAid. ~ur~illg.
IN presenting their annual relJort the Committee are glad to find that more 1..l men and 13 women have
obtained certificates in First Aid, and 20 women certificates in Home Nursing.
Xo. of Women
l .. t Aid. I Xllrsillg.- 1st
Ai~. I
Tu rsing. 1st Aill. I
FOlt:lL\.TlOX OF CEXTHE, 2:23 30'* I 220 15
1 97 . 13
from one ladies' class being given to St. Anselm's Alms Fund at his request. Below will be found an abstract from the accounts.
Although the balance-sheet
and books to the extent of £ 10 9s. 7d. which it has been impossible to pay, owing to tbe illness of the late T reasurer. £ 11 128. 10d.
Formed 1 78.
The effective balance is therefore only
Subscriptions for 1898-9 are now duc, and. sh ould be paid to the
R on. Sec., Mrs. Cave, "Burnage," Streatham Common .
I Women .
_ - ' - -_ _-0.:...._ _ _--'-_ _--=..:'--_ _---...:..._ __
Coates lectured without fee to three of these classes, the surplus (two guineas)
shews a snr]!lus of £22 2s, 5d ., there are outstanding accounts for examiners' fees
Xo. of Certificated Pupils who haye receiYed Meelallion '.
who haye receiYnl CerLiticates.
,'f1> W'; IH'l'
COllll,lcil"[ a
general interest has been shewn in the work this year, 11 men and 53 wOlllen having attended the four classes which have been held.
who have rccpiYl:d Certificates.
ir Charles Seely, Bart.
110 I 20
46 2
189 Deputy Chairman.
Chairman and Treasurer.
Mr. T. Bertram Smith.
1\11'. Stuart C. Wardell.
Formed 1879.
lIonOI'ary Sccrctary. Mr. Percy Ratcliff, Tibshelf, near A1freton.
Mr. J. G. Talbot, M.P. iUcmbcr • Colonel Sir CharleS Seely, Bart. 1\1r. Stuart C. Wardell. Lire
The Rev. J oseph Wood, D. D.
lUedical Stuff. :il1r. T. G. Mathews, 1II.D., Ed.
1\1r. W. A. Stamford, l'lI.R.C.S.
Mr. Euward Plowrigbt. J(onorary
MI'. George Edwin kinner, Rose Bank, Dry Hill Park, Tonbridge.
ANNUAL REPORT. THIS Centre continues to make steady and satisfactory progress. Two classes have been held during the year, one for men, anu a nursing class for women, both of which were well attended. The certificates and medallions were presented by Lady Caernarvon. Being a mining district, accidents are of frequent OCClU'rence, and during the year several have been attenued to by ambulance men 011 the surface and in the pit, their work being much praised by the doctors of the neigbbourhood. A full report of the Ambulance and N tusing Corps is given by the Deputy Com· missioner of J O. 5 District.
lUeclical Staff.
Dr. Eyre l\3vers.
0/ Receipts cmel Expenditu,?'e /01' 1897-98.
To Balance forwaru . " " " "
£1 10
5 1
Class Fees Stores sold Medallions Stores sold
1 2
Statement of Receipts and Expenditu1'e, 1897-98. E xpenditU1'C.
R eceiptg. To Subscriptions 'l Books Sold
£11 1
0 6
0 0
By Stores f1'o111 St. J obn's £2 4 1 3
Gate l as per Account " Examiners' Fees " Printing, etc. . " Cash to H ead Office
10 16 1 18
3 6 0 3
Ohairman and T1'eastbrel"
PEltCY RATCLIFF, Hon. Secreta?·y.
No. of Men
IS U g
or Women
wllo have who have who have who have completerl a completed received received course of Certificates. a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NUfsinff' 1st Aid. I Nursing.
No . of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Wome o.
£10 15 10
Jo 'EPH 'YOOlJ, Chairman, EDWARD PLIJWRIGHT, Bon. T1·easunr. GEOnGE E. SKINNER, llon. &cretary.
Examined and foul1l1 correct,
£10 15 10
£12 6 0
3 2
Expenditure. 2 By Head-quarters for 'tores. £1 1 5 6" " for Medallions 2 2 0 6 I " :, for Examinao tion Expenses ~ 1 0 " Caretaker and bire of lecture room . 1 3 6 " Advertisements amI printing 0 8 0 " Hire of boys for bal1dagin& 0 6 0 ,, " beustead, etc. and sundries for Exam. 0 2 6 " Postage . 0 4 6 " Balance carried forward. 3 6 11
No. of Men
who have who have completed received a COUl'se of Certificates. _instruction. l~Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
OF CERTIFICATES. No. of Women who have completed a conrse of in'trnetioll.
ist A hI. I Nursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who bave received Medallions. Mell.
I Women.
Formed 1879 . P rcs i<l cut.
T he Marqu ess of Abergavenny,
~ o.
Vic e ·Prcsi cl ent . .
The Marquis Camden T he Viscount H ardinge
Trea surer .
Major Lutwidge, Shandon, Tunbridge Wells.
Mr. F . Waclham Elers.
744 55
Dr. Malden Mr. Manser M1'. G. F . Oldham Dr. Pardington Dr. P erkinR Mr. Cranley M . Perry, nLR. C.S. Dr. Ranking Mr. B. Rix Dr. Stamford Dr. Edwin A. Starling Dr. C. Vise.
" " " "
Statem ent oj Receipts and E xpenditu?'e, Septembe?' 30th, 1898. E xp enclitu?'e. R eceipts. £6 18 £15 3 0 By Medallions Balance from 1897 5 0 Stores 5 12 6 Annual Subscriptions o 10 " 6 Arm Badges 6 8 3 Ladies' Class (first aid) " Examination Fees 4 19 1 10 8 :Jl en's Class (first aid) . " " Travelling ancl I ncidental St. Peter's Boys' Brigade 2 2 Expenses 1 16 6 Examination . . 7 0 6 18 0 " Local Reports Sale of Medallions 0 9 Boys for Models . o 12 0 6 Ar m Badges " 511 0 "" Materials for Poultices, &c. 0 9 " Stores 1 0 . 6 4 6 " Ad verti ing L ectures R emovals Mr. A. K. BalJwin-Printing 1 18 "" Mr. II. Chambers-Gratuity 1 8 o 12 " M1'. J. Ascough-Repairs 2 15 1st Officer's Account o 18 " lIon. Treasurer's do. 17 8 " Balance .
£ 46 16
1st Air!
I ~(llrsing.
1st Aid
I Kur~ing.
I Women,
SIKCE FOIt"\f \1'IO::-r OF CENTRE. 6f).! I ~35 I 342 16
No. of Certificated Pupils who have r eceived Medallions.
OCTOBF.It, 1897 . I 8.
Formed 1 S 6. I're ici('ul.
9 0 3 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 6 0 8
£46 16 8
Vouch ers examined, accounts au dited an d found correct, CIIARLES S. W ICKEN nEN. F. WADliAM E LERS, Han. l'r·easWl'er. C. R. FLETCIIER L UTWIDGE, Han. Secretary.
who have r eceived Certificates.
Hi W orship the itlayor of W'l,kefield.
ANNUAL I~EPORT . FIRST aid classes for women and men have been h eld since the issue of the last annual report, with very satisfactory r esults in the examination. A junior first aid class for the St. Peter's Company of the Boys' Brigade was h eld, and several lads passed the examination and were awarded a certificate. First and final re-examinatiQns have been held, with satisrttctory results. Altogether 44 first aid certificates and 34 medallions have been presented.
To " " " "
w11011a\'e complet ed a course of insiruetion,
1'\ CE ] ,,'I'
:Uc(Ucul Staff.
Dr. Adeney Dr. Anderson Mr. Walter C. Ayl ward Dr. Bisshopp Dr. F . Bisshopp 1U1'. W . Laird-Cox, M:. R.C.S. Mr. J . Bulkley Footner, F.R. C. Mr. N . Hay-Forbes, F.R.C.S. Mr. C. Lammiman, F.R.C. S. Dr. Llewellyn Dr . Percy Low
who have who have r eceived complet ed Certiticates. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. ] s t I Nursing.
Sir Edmund S. Hardinge, Bart. Lonl George Pratt Sir David L. Salomons, Bart.
of Men
R . G.
Mr. T. )L Han'i ' . 11011 Ol':uy )ii('crct :ll'Y.
Mr. R. W . Hope Bunt, 11, King
Dr. Clayton
treet, \Yakefield.
Dr. Ronl tone
Dr. J. W. Walker.
As isted by Dr.
Dr. Williamson.
Ix presenting the Report for the yoar emling 1st October, 1898, the Committee are pleased to record that a large amount of good work has been accompli hed. The usual classes for men and women in first aid and a nursinO' class for women have been held. The Wakefield chool Board included ambul:nce instruction in the syllabus of the Evoning Continuation chools la t "'inter, and lectures ,yore given by the Ron. Medical Starr and examinations were held. I n addition 2 junior clas es were held, but these classes were not examinon . The balance-sheet shows t hat at the eloso of the financial year t h e Centre was in debt to the bank £5 9s. 5d . The Committee confidently appeal for assistance to en~ble them to spread the kn owl edge of first aid to th e injurcd. T he Challenge ShIeld, presented by L ord Milton , M. P . , was won by t h e W est Ricling Constabulary team .. Lord Milton again k indly gave silver modals to t h e win ning team. The CommIttee gratefully acknowledge the ser vices of t h e B on, Medical Stall' for their
gen erous h elp in instructing the classes, as well as t h e responsible task of r e-examination. Ambulance classes are in the Syllabus for t he Evening Con. tinuation Schools t his session.
Mr. Thomas E. Gravely. Jlonoral'Y Sccl'ctnl'Y.
Mr. W . E. Audland, Oxford o-tr'3et, \Vellingborough . S tate17wnt of R eceipts and Expendit~we to S epternber 29th, 1898. To " "
" "
Receipts. £ 1 19 Balance in h and . 6 10 Donations . Entran ce and Examination Fees, and Stores sold . 1 6 E ntrance F ees forOhalienge 1 19 Shield o 3 Bank Interest 5 9 Balance due to Bank
6 7
o 4 5
Expenditure. By Clayton H ospital Donation £2 2 0 "Ohurch Institution Rooms for Lectures 7 0 0 Professor Burgh Birch" Shield Examination 2 7 0 S.J.A.A. Stores, Fees, " and Medallions . 43 1 1 4 12 0 " Advertising o 13 0 " Bill Posting Bills and Stationery, &c. 3 8 10 :: Books for Boys (Models) . 1 17 0 o 7 6 " plints . " Sundry Petty Expenses, 2 0 0 Postages, &c. £67 8 5
lIoJlol'aJ'Y Ass is Callt Sccl·c tnry .
Mr. T. H . IIilton,
omerville. Wellingborough.
JU c clical Stnff.
ill'. W. E. Alulland, !\I.R.C.S., L.R.C. p., Lond. MI'. H. . Baker, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. H. Burland, M.ll.C.S., L.R.C. P., Lond. ~Il'. \Y. W. Olark, M.D., El1in. illr. J. Crew, M. R.C .• '., L . . A . ~Ir. Alec. Forsyth, L. R. C. P.
nfr. H. Hollis, M.D., Cantab. Mr. W. Mackenzie, L.R.C.P., Eilin . Mr. J. "'IV. Orr, M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., Edin. Mr. W. Robb, M. B. , GIas. Mr. \V. 'aunders, M.R.C.S., L.• . A. Mr. W . J. Watson, M.B., Lond.
U c ac!cl ul\l" cr •
Ohurch • trect, "'IY pllil1gborough. A .r UAL REPORT. Committee are plea ed to report that the ,york of thi Oentre is carried on with unabated i.nterest and 11 efulllC . During the year enriing 30th pptember, 1 98, 16 cIa es in first aid aud nurinl{ havtl heen held. 259 student completed the course of instruction, amI of thi. numbcr 207 were succes ful in passing their examination, 29 obtaining the medallion . The ycar has been quite a record one in regard to the number of accident and medical (transport) cu es attended and officially reportcd hy holders of first aid cel'tificates, the number beincr no Ie s than 418 . uch a number as this naturally Covers a very great variety of ca es, the transport connectcd with which represents no Ie s than 1,594 miles hy means of hor e ambulance ancl wheel litters. The Nursing As ociation has clone an immense amount of most valuable work among the sick and injured, which ha called forth high praise from tIle medical men of the Centre. TIrE
ALFRED W . STANFIELD, President. T . M . HARRIS, Han . T?·eaStl1·e?· . R. W. HOPE BUNT, Han. Secretary. Septernber 29th, 1898 . I SSUE OF OERTIFICATES. ~o .
No. of Men
of Women
who bave who have who have who have completed a received received completed course of Certificates. Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction . 1st Aid. I Nursinp;. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 58 65 I 16 I
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men. I Women.
WELLINGBOROUGH CENTRE. Formed 1888. Pl'cs1<lcnt.
Mr. David Duliey, C.A. VICC·Pl·csidcnts .
Mr . Mr. Dr. Mr.
W illiam Brown F . A. Ohanning, M.P. W . W . Olark, C.A. F . Gravely
Oolonel J ackson, V .D II Mr. T. D. Kellie McCa um Mr. E . P . Monckton, M.P. Mr. J . Rennic Wilkinson.
The necessity and advantage of having a large storc of fir t aid and nursing appliances of every description at our head-quarters ,,'a. well demonstrated in the case of the terrible wreck of the lanchester Expre here on Friday, 2nd eptember; 1898. Within ten minutes of receiving the call by telephone from the Midland tation, which is a mile away, the hoI' e ambulance, with a load of ten stretchers, medical hampers, and havrc acs, a large llpply of roller and triangular bandages, water-bottles, splints, and other necessary stores, with doctors, Officers, nurses, amI men of the Brigade, were on the scene re cuing and attending to the injured passengers. Unfortunately, 7 persons died, 35 were more or Ie severely injured, while a ~ood number suffcred rather badly from shock, nece itatillg some of our doctors, ofTlcers, mon, and nursing sistcrs remaining on duty all night and the greater part of next day. It is very gratifying to report that the appeal made by tl!e Oommittee to a very generous puhlic for further support in order to carryon the work has resulted in an increased subscription of £70. The Midland Railway Oom11any kindly sont £20 in aeknowledgment of serviccs rendered at tho accident above refcrrecl to.
Sccl'ctal'ic '.
Statement oj Receipts and Expenditu?YJ fo?' yea?' ending Septembe?'
Receipts. Expenditn1'e. T o Balance brought forward By Stores, Repairs, &c. . £80 from 1897 £11 7 2 Priniing, Advertising, &c. 15 Subscriptions & Donations 97 14 2 " Examiner's Fees. . 25 " County Council Grant 21 2 0 " Lecturer's Fees 8 " Class Fees 8 1 6 "" Sundries, Postage, Oarriage, " Sale of Stores 69 14 10 ctc. 4 12 3 8 Transport "" Transport 21 Police Football Match 0 2 2~ " Division's Expenses, Camp, "" To\"\n Football Oh~rity Oup 6 6 0 " I\izes, &c . . . 32 Midland Railway Ooy. 20 0 0 " Brigade Expenses 17 1 12 0 "" Jury Fees " Annual Inspection 5 J. Durrant towards new Insnrance 0 " Litter 1 0 0 "" Balance carried forward. 38
Miss McAdam, 5, Raglan Circus, Westoll-Super-lIal'e.
1898. 2 5 2 8
5 4 6 0
11 10 16 1 13 4 12 2 5 6\2 5 0 ] 4
.£249 3
Audited and found correct, JA.~[EH ,VILLIAl\1 BELLAlIIY, A~l.d/to1'. D. DULLEY, President. ,V. E. AUDLAND, Hon. Secl·etcwy. TrroMAs E. GRAVELY, T1·eaSmC?·. adobe?' 5th, 1898.
No. of Men
No. of Women
who have who have who bavp, completed a completed received cour8e of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruetion. 1st A id. I Nursing. 1st Aid . I Nursing. 1st Aid . I Nursing.
882 125
1st .Aid.
SINCE FORMATION OF CENTRE . 63 1 409 131 1 344
No. of Certificated Pupils wbobave received Medallions.
who have received Certi (kates.
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 10 1 63 1 82 1 49
I Nmsing. 125 27
7, Royal Terrace, Weston- uper-Mare. ~JcclicllI
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. ANNUAL
R. ,'. G. J.
Roxburgh W . Smith Temple Wallace
WE regret that, from various caue. , the Rey. Prebendary Rowley, who has been our President ever since the Oentre was formed, aml whose int~rest in it has Leen great, feels obliged to retire from the post. IIi succe~sor is not yet appointed. A. course of lectures on Home Hygiene was given by Dr. John Wallace early in the yeal', and four ladies gained cel'tiJicaies. Classes have also been held in first aid, and medallions and certificates presenteu, on the occasion of a recent demonstration. Statement oj Re.;eipts Rcceillts. To Per Classe and 'ale of Books a,nd Bandages . £15 13 " Axbri<lge Technical Etlucation OOlllmittee 5 0 " Ladies' Medallion. 1 10 " Demonstration and GymkhulJ.a . 22 2
51 1
Dr. H. . Ballance Dr. C. P. Crouch Dr. S. Grecn Dr. E. F. Martin Dr. G. F. Hossiter
Men. I Women.
C~ptain Lamh Phill),
£ 44
and El'penditu/'e, 1 ~97 -9 . E;rpenclitw·c. By Books and Bandage ·1 "Printing for la se " Lecturers' Fee . 0 ,Ladie ' Medallions 0 "Materials for Ola use " Attel1llallt 3 "Hire of CIa Rooms . " Demonstration and Gymkhana . . " H anded to Ambulance Bl'igade, half net proceeds of Demonstration and Gymkhana " Head Ottice Fee Balance in hand
£3 2 2 16 10 10 1 10 o 10 0 1 3 14
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 18
420 3 ]6
£ 44
Audited and found correct, Septembe7' 16th, ~898.
WESTON-SUPER-MARE CENTRE. F ormed 1880. Prcsi<lcnt.
Miss McAdam.
No. of lI1en
CERTI F IO ATE:-.. No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a Course of Cer tificates. instruction . instruction. st Aid. I Nursing. 1sL Aiel. I Nursing. 1st .Aid. I Nursing.
R ev, P reben dary Aldridge.
who havo received Certificates. 1st .Aid. I Nursing.
SINCE F ORMATION OF CE "TItE. 219 1 147 151 Sr cm 1ST OCTOBER, 1 97, I I
No. of Certificate Pupils who bave received Medallions. Men.
I Women
4 n
197 JUetlical Slatr.
Dr, D, B. Foley.
Dr. J awes Foley.
Formed 1882.
Statement oj Receipts and Expenditw'e .(('om J anuary 16th I 1898 t0 .LVovern 7\T be1' 4th, 1898
Sir Richard Glyn, Bart. Treasru'cr anel lIonoral'Y SeCl·et:u·y. Maj or-General Maclean, Rowlandf:i, Wimborne.
lUedical Staff. :Mr. G. W. Graham, llLR.C.S.E. 1I1r. C. W. Parkinson, N.R.C.S. Mr. Wykesmith, F.R.C,S.E.
1\11'. W. Auld, M.B . , O.M. Mr. G. Batterbury, M.D . Dr. A. Crespi ~lr. H. Fawcett,
Receipts. 1898. Jan. To Balance in bank Store old " Medallions sold " Tea tickets sold " To subscriptions-' " OOl'tomYoou workmen Darfield Main Bank Intere t " Nov. " Ca 11 due to 'ecretary
5 2 17 1 5 ]3 5
16 15 20 12
8 3 3
o 5 o lil
M.D .
9 0
No. of Men
who have received Certificates.
No. of Oertificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
1st Aid. I Nursing.
M Oll,
I Women.
24 I
No. of
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1stAid. CNursing.
.xu. of WUlu cn
who ha\'e who ha\'e who hay!) completed a completed n;ceiYed courHe of .R conrse of Certificates. instruction. Illstructioll. 1st Aid. I Xursill~. 1st Aid. I Nnrsin~. 1st AILl.ll.'{nrsing.
539 21
Formed 1885. President. Maj or Mitch ell. Treasurer. Mr. J ohn Robinson. Honorary Secretary. Mr. James Gregory, Cortonwood Colleries, Wombwell, near Barnsley.
who have received Certificates.
.xo. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
1st Aid. I Nursing. ---'-~T r e-n-.-1'-''='-on-1-en-. '
J. GllEGORY, Honomry Secretary.
T. 'Y. H. MITCHELL, President. J onx ROD1N 'ON, l 'rcasurel'.
ANNUAL REPORT. CLASSES have been held in the district, but not in connection with this Oentre, and no return made to the Centre. ISSUE
1 98. .Jan. By~ashduetoSecretary £0 16 8 " toref:i, . 1 4 10 " Medallions 1 5 0 " 'rea ancl Concert , 12 13 6 Printing,Postage,ttc. 3 1 9b ~ov.4.:: BalunceinBank 37 1 5~
1 97. 17
199 of pupils. The following is the record of work various Oentrcs 01' " detached" classes : Fredericton First aid Halifax ... " Montreal " \festmount " Toronto .. ,. Guelph .. , " Orillia " London (Oanada) " Vancouver
52 258
18 21 202
" "
5 525
" " "
30 55 68
20 13
Grand total
Established 1895.
" "
" " " " " "
52 258 95 106
727 26 50 68 68 1,450
As will he seen, only three Oentre -~Iontreal, ,Yestmoullt, and Toronto-haye been active during the year. Like all other human entel'pri::;e', amlmlanee \\"ork has its ebbs anclllows ; let us hope that lIext year will be a year of flood.
The Hon. Sir George Airey Kirkpatrick,
since the establishment of the
LL.D . , Q.C . P.C., R.C.M.G.
"Vice-Pre hlent. .
The Presidents of the Oentres in Oanada. 1\11'. Harry Oorby, M. P. (Belleville, Ontario) nIr. F . W. Evans, .J.P. (Westmount, Quebec) nIl'S. Eli~abeth Greene (Orillia, Ontario) Mr. Angus W. H ooper (Montreal, Quebec) Lieut.-Oolonel A. H. Macdonald, 1st Brigade, Oanadian Artillery (Guelph, Ontario)
Lieut. -General Montgomery Moore (Halifax, ova Scotia) II'. T. W. l: isbet (Brigade Secretary, Boys' Brigade in Oanada, Mr. J. . l: i ven, )1. D. (London, Ontario) Ilon. A. F. Randolph (Fredericton, cw Brunswick) Mr. John T. Small, Q.C. (Toronto, Ontario).
Formed 1 9 . Hon. Pl·csi(lcnt.
Prc i(lellt.
Dr. Digby.
:;)l1's. Hately. "iCC- Prc" hlcnts.
Mrs. Livingston.
1111's. J. H. Jones. TI'C:l "lI1' C)" .
:U eJUbers.
1I1r . James "\Yatt.
The ecretaries of the Oentres, and two others to be elected annually from eaell Oentre anu. Branch.
. CCl·clary.
Mrs . Oharles
General Secre tary .
Deputy-Surgeon-Gemral G. Sterling Ryerson, T oronto.
M.D. , M.L. A.,
60, Oollege Streel,
Assistant General Secrehu'y :tn(l TreaSUl·er.
No. of Men
No. of Women
- --
Lifc JIClul)crs .
Mr. W. R. Brock, Toronto Mrs. G. Sterling Ryerson, Toronto.
Receipts equalled Expenditure.
Dr. Oharles R. Dickson, 343, ' herbourne Street, Toronto.
Senator Gowan,
C. M. G.,
AN UAL REPORT. TIlE General Secretary for Oanada reports that, although the returns are llot as . . th number satisfactory as one might wish, still they shew a substantial lllcrease III e
'vho have who have who have completed received completed a .a Course of Certifjcates. course of tnstruction. instruction. st Aid. I Nursing: 1st Aid. I Nursing' 1st Aid. I Nuraing.
30 i
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing. Men. I Women.
No.of Certificatt;d Pupils who have received Medallions.
Formed 1897.
Mr. Angus W. Hooper.
"\'i ce·Prcsitlcnts.
Principal Peterson Mr. James Ross Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal.
Mr. O. M. Hays Sir William Hingston, M.D. ir ·William Van Horne :Mr. W. O. MacDonald
Statement of R eceipts and E xpendit!t7'e for the yea;' ending November 17th, 1898. Receipts. E x penclittwe. Dols. Oents. I Dols. Oents To Balance from previous By Printing and Stationery year . . 230 00 Account" 1\Iembersltip AccountD. Bentley & 00 .. 5 90 Foul' new subscribers 5 5 "Montreal tal'''. 3 20 " FeesO. Ashford 1 9 Nursing Olass and ale of :McLean Pub. 00. : 1 85 Books, per 1\11'. . Yates 59 60 Ohief Oanadian Oentre" Sale of Books & Baudages T ext Books 48 10 to estmo llut Branch 2;) 20 Fee for Oertificate~ 5 21 Victorin. Hitles Ambulance Professional el'vices" Corps, pel' urg. -Lieut. Dr. O. F Martin H. D. Yate~ . 10 00 L ecturer .' 30 00 Dr. G. P. Girdwood, Examiner . 20 00 j[od eb and J anitor 7 00 ulHlries" Postage . 1 41 Balance in Bank 205 15
Tr c u nrel·.
Lt.-Ool. J. B. Maclean.
,Yo HOOl'Ell, President. II. B. Y.\.TES, -:-L.D., Local Hon. Sccl'etary. AXGU'
Not'l'lIllifl' 191h, 1 9u. H on OI'uI'Y Secr c t ury .
1111'. H. B. Yates,
M. u.,
257, Peel Street. ~O.
Life l\( cm bcr s. ]',11'. H ector Mackenzie
}'1r. R. B. Angus
Mr. J. P. Scott Mr. H. Stikeman Mr. H. B. Yates,
Mr. H . S. Birkett, M .D. Mr. E. S. C1auston Mr. A. W. Hooper
who have COlllplctCll a COlU"se of instl'lll'tion.
1st Aid.
lIr lIlell
Xu. uf WUlllen
who Ilave recei vcd Certificates.
I Xnrsillji'·WAhl. I Xnrsillg 1st Aid.
52 I",CE br
Sir "\Villiam Hingston, M.D. Mr. O. F. Martin, M.D. 1\11'. J. G. Roddick, M.D. Mr. F. J. Shepherd, M.D.
Mr. G. E. Arm strong, M.D. Mr. H . S. Birkett, ~[.D. 111'. W. E. Deeks, M.D. Mr. G. P. Girdwood, M.D.
who have received
Xnrsing.; 1st Ail!.
I Xursing.
1 13 OCTOBlm, 1 97.
6 ti
TORONTO (ONTARIO ) CENTRE. Fo l'1ll ell 1 96 .
REPORT. 1·1·(·si~l c ll •.
AMBULANCE work has made but little progress in this Oentre during the past year. One Nmsing class for women, 17 of whom llave completed the course, hut only 6 took the examination, and were successful. A First Aid class was formed among the Am bulance Oorps of the Victoria Rilles of whom 14 passed th e examination. Renewed exertion will be made this year with a view of introducing the work among the police and fire forces, as well as the Ambulance Oorps of the several Militia regiments.
1111'. J ollll T. 'mall.
~il:S. lJ elll'y Ca\\ Lhra ~I S. John 1. Davidson
l 'icc ·I' I· C~ id c ll t s.
Uolo}.lel II.J. Urasett Jud J. fl' l\llJ g~Ullll, M . A., D . O.L., ge 11 '10llo ngall
I Women.
lU etlicnl Stnff.
of Certificated Pupils wh o have received nIedallions.
who have completed a COllrse ot' iustrnctiOIl.
Lien t. ·OOIOlll'l J ,1111(;,S lila 'o n Lally Meredith Dr. Olulrl s O'R eilly 1\1rs. Arthur W. Ros 1\11'. Dalliel R Wilkie.
completed the course, and all passed the examination. T en detached classes had ~reviously heen held, and 165 certificates 01 ability to render First Aiel had been lssned, so that now, out of a tote'].l force of 2;:;9 nlen ,~ssess 1 ') 1)0 . v cer ti1i ca t es. The tlurd annual meeting was held on 16th ovelUuer at 8 t "t W C . -1 IT 11 1 ' p. m., a .1.. • • Glllh .loa ,am was well a~tended. 16 certificates in ur ing and 5 medallions were to . . .prl'sentecl . . the pupIls l)y tbe Pretiident (11' . John T . S ma U) , preVIOUS dlstnimtIons havmg been hAld during the year. The special Vellum Yote of Thanks , award'd by H . R . II . th e p. 1'1nce 0 f "II.,.a1es and the Chapter, Lo Dr. Oharles R. Dickson ' "fOI' valuable and d'st' . h ed serVlces . . 1 mgms rendered 1Il furtherance of the philanthrOIJic worl-~ of the 0 l'u.le r, " was pre en t ec1 handsomely framed, by Ur. Daniel R. Wilkie. '
Q,. c.
Walter Barwick,
Honorary Secrct Ill·Y·
Dr. Charles R. Dick on, 296, A ssi s tallt TreaSlll'Cr :uul
berbourne Street.
Dr. O. A. Hodgetts, 11:19, College Street. Life Ucmller.
Mrs. Henry Cawthra.
Statement of Receipts and E'~'penditllJ'e fo1' the year ending Septembcr 30th, 1 9 .
Jledical Staff.
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
W. H. B. Aikin H. B. Anderson Allan M. Baines G. A. Bingham H . .A. Bruce W . F . Bryans E. Burt Ohas. Oarter Ohas. R. Dickson F . Fenton W. F. Gallow A. H . Garratt D . G. Gordon F. Le :JI. Grasett W . .T. Greig S. 1l1. Hay
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
O. A. Hodgetts J. H. Lowe D. O. :Jreyers "\V. attress O. O'Reilly G. A. Peters A. Primrose B. L. Hiordall G. '. RyeI' on O. heal'll B. penceI' E. ,Yo pragge J . Stenhollse J ame Thorlmrn Adam H. Wright.
3:15 ;r .
AN.l UAL REPORT. DURING the year 6 First Aid classes have been held, attended by 137 pupils, ofwho111 111 completed the course and 93 passed tbe examinations; 3 nursing classes, with 6-i pupils, of whom J completed and 34 pa ed; 1 junior Fir::;t Aid class, with 36 pupils, 13 complcted course, 13 passed; 1 medallion class of [) pupils, all of whom succeeded in obtaining the medallion; also a member of the G. T. Hailwaymen's First Aiel class, having l1assed two previous examinations in England, (lualifiecl for and obtained the medallion. If the previous work of the Oentre since organization ill February, 1896, be added, we hfLve a total of 3:2 clasties and 801 pupils, 6J6 having completed and 473 passed the examinations. These figures include ;3 junior First Aid classes of Boys' Brigade and 22 holders of the medallion. Two new and most pleasing features of the year's work may be lloted. Classes of instruction in First Aid for the employes of the Graud Trunk Rail \l'a.y ill this city have been held occasionally for the pa t six years hy the Chief Surgeon (Dr. B. L. Riordan). This year a class was held under the auspices of this Oentre at the G.T.B.Y.:itLC. A.; 22 pupils attended, 12 completed the course, anel 11 passecl. Detached classes in First Aid have been held among the members of the Toronto Police Force since 1891 by the Medical Officer in charge (Dr. E. W. Spragg e) a~cl hi assistants. This year, acting 011 a request from the Oentre, the police Comn1lS':lionel'S decided to act in co-operation with us. A class was held, 17 pupils all
E"pc neW U;'C.
Dols. Cents. Dol. Cent '. To Balance in hand . 103 91 By Hire of t. Georue's Hall 10 00 " Annllal , 'llb::;criptions to Printing, A(l\-erti:;ing & " Po.'tage, to date date 715 00 . 1 0 " Class ]<'ees for Ce~·tiftcaLe~ Box for SecrettLry's Papers 1 00 " L 'ctul'el'::;' Fees. Medalliolls, &c. . ' 175 25 . 75 00 " Examincr::;' Fees " Over tll'posit, Imperial 30 00 Bank, Feb. 9th, 1 9 0 16 I " Oertificates &: .\Icdallioll 16 51 " llpplies . . 40 90 " Conllui 'sion on collecting " 'ull ·criptioll·, 30 p.c .. 22 0 Bala.nce in hand 140 31
32 G
lh:E1:so. , pro ~L\lty A.
have exumined the above sta.tement and find it correet, and in accordance with he books of tlte As ociation, al '0 the balance in hand, and lind it agrees with the Bank pass-book.
Toronto, iYuL'clnbc1' 16th, 1 9 .
No. of Men who have
complct~(l .l COlll'sc of
Ko. ofWolllen
who have received Certificate'.
who have completed u course of illstrncLioll.
I ~ uIslng. ... 1st Ald. . - -I Nur~1I1g. ~ - --- :-=--:--1st Aid. I Nursing.
who have ret'ei ved Cerlifieates.
OOTOBER, 1897. 2 58 I 67
'0. of Certiticateu Pupils who lu\\'e
Medallion .
I Women:
Formed 1896. P.l'csi(ll'llf.
"icc·P.l'C idcnf .
Mr. F. W. Evans.
Mr . T homas Harling.
'l'rcas 1l1·Cl'.
Mr . J ames D ouglas, 76, T upper Street, MOllt r eal.
The 1I0ll_
Honorary SCCl·c tary.
ir Frederick Darley,
K.r.)['G .
Mr. James H arrison, Ohief Oonstable, Westmount. Jlc(llcal
Dr. F . W . Oampbell, Dean Medical Faculty's Oollege.. Mr. J ohn A. H utchinson, M.D .
Dr. Rollo Oampbell, 5th Royal Scots of Oanada. Mr. J. v"\'. Scaw, M . D.
The llon. P_ G. King, :lLL.C. His ,Yor!;llip the :JIayor of, yrlncy Professor Anderson 'tual't ~[r. Edmund. FosbeJ''y (I llspccLor-Ucneral Dr_ A. hllUl'torr Thompson of Police) Captain II ixon, n.l\. (Commandcr of Naval Force ). E'\.cl' llf h c ( 'ollulIiU cc.
Ai. NUAL REPORT. DR. JOHN A. H UTCHINSON has completed the free deli very of fom complete COlU'ses of lectures, and we hope is likely to receive the distinction of an honorary life mernhership of the Order, as arranged for on page 9 of Regulations, Reference The To\\'l1 Oouncil has continued to give free light and lecture rooms to the Society. T he cla. s fees were 1 ' 50 dol. and 1 dol. respectively for First Aid and Horne Nursing, &c. Several cases of useful service to injured per 011S have occurred, but particulars not kept. T he accounts, kept by :111'. J ames A, D ouglas, show the receipts just balance the expenditure of the year.
Rev. 'Y. L Cal'l'- 'mith Mr. Hanbl11T 1>llxie Mr. Wilire((Dlll:k21' Dr. Fiasl:hi The I lOll. .1. A. Hogue (Mini tel' for Public III -trtlction) Chait'm ll n of
:So. of lIten
1~_-CC "U\'c
Parrott, V.D. (Corps of Engineer ). )o\(.·cl' e la1'Y.
Mr. E. l\IacDonald_
X o. of Certificate d who have Pupils wlIo have wll0 have who have who have completed a received received received cOlll]Jleted course of Medallions. Certificates. Oertifi ca Les_ \ a course ot instruction_ instruction _ 1st Aid I Nursing. --Men. I Worne.::: 1st Aid_ I Nursing. 1st Aid. I t\ursing. 1st Aid T Nur~in~.
1)(.'IUlly ( :llllil'lIIll11.
Tl'ea "'lll'Cl·.
No. of WOlllCU
:1[, s.
( 'oJumHf c(.' ,
:nIr. R. Yallllcleur Kelly,
:lIlajor T . I S::;UE OF CEH.TI.FI CATE .
Dr. A. Jarvie IIoorl Dr. C. \Y. Ma.cCarthy Mr. Jamc. Muir Dl. Fairfax 1 o. s mg. -Capt. H. K Roth,
A. Grecll\ya.".
() mc(.~ :
12, Imperial Arcade, Pitt and Castlereagh
3) 13
SINCE 1ST OCrrOBRlt, 1897. 2:3 I 21 I 11
Li fc lllt'1I11)cl's.
Mr. Frank A. Boyce The Rt. Honourable LorLl Bra. sey, G_ c_ n. The Hight Honourable Lord Cur;'ingtoll, P.c., r..r·.)l.r:i.
l'he Honol1l'able Sir Fre(lcrick Da.rley, K. C'.;I!.r:.
Oaptain J. L. Fawkes Mr. Jaeob Garrard Mr. Alban Ge(' Dis Excellency the Governor thc Vi. ('onnt Hampden
Viscountcs IIampr1en ~lajor-Geueml E . T. II. Hutton, ('. B-, "\ .)). c.
T he Hononrable P. G. King, 1111'. corge MaiLlen, "'em. nptain J. Mergell Mr. G. Douglas J\litehio J'd rs. Renter K Roth Dr. ' Villia,1ll H.. Tomlinson !Ill'. O. R. Walsh .
:II. L. C.
206 Uc(lical S talI.
MI'. G. H. Abbott, M . D. , Oh.::\I. (Univ. Sydney) Mr. Robert J. Alcorn, L.R. C.S. (I rel.), L. R . C. P. (Edin.) Mr. S. A. Alcorn, M.B., Oh . B. (Dublin) JUl'. Thomas Primrose Anderson, ::\1.B. (Glasg. ) II'. Richard Arthur, ~r.lJ . (Edin.) .lllr. Frederick Ashwell, M.B., Oh.M. (Edin.) ]\[1'. Jo::;eph F . Bartley, 1Il .B., Oh.B . (Melb.) 1111'. J. L. Beeston, L. n. c. s. (!reI.) :Mr. Daglllar Berne, L.R.C.P. (Edin.), L.R.C.S., etc. (Ediu. ) Mr. Paul Boelke, ::\1. B. , Oh . ~L (Univ. Sydney) :MI'. Beginald Bowman, M.R. C.S. (Eng.) Mr. T. 'Y. Brown, M . B. (Melb. Univ.) 1111'. W. Sigisll1ulld Brown, ~I.n.c.s . IIII'. Leslie F . Bucknell, L. R.C.S., L.R.C. P. (Edin . ) 1'111'. W. A. H . Burkitt, M . B., Oh. B., etc. (Dub. ) Mr. A . Sarfield Oas~iuy, ::ILD . (U .S.A.) Mr. Oharles U. Oarruthers, L.R. C.S. (lrel.) ::\11'. Brabazon N . O'lsement, M. R. C.::;. (Eng. ) lIIl'. William T . Ohenhall, ::\1. n., Oh. B. (U niv . .;\lel b. ) 1\1r. Dagnall Clarke, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.::;. (Eng. ) :Mr. William Ularke, ::\LR.C.S. (Eng. ) 1'1]1'. O. P . Olu1.Jbe, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), 1LR.C.i'i. (Eng.) 1'Ilr. F . G. Oonnol', ::\LB. (Edin.) MI'. ,Allaster E. Oox, llL B. (Erlin. ) Ml'. A. J . Olarence Orawley, ::\Ln. (Syd.) 1\11'. L. S. Davidson, :ill. B., M. Oh., etc. (Syd . ) lIlr. T. Arlam Dick, ::\I.B . (Edin.) }1,11'. Thomas Storie Dixson, ::\I.B., etc. (Irel. ) 1\1[', Denis Doolan , L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S. (Edin . ) Mr. W. L 'E::;trallge Eames, M.B., Oh. n. (Dublin) 1\11'. O. A. E,ll'l'ards, L.R. C.P ., L.R.C .S. (Edin. ) Mr. F. W. Elsner, F.ll. C.S . (1re1.) 1\11'. L ege r Erson, M. D. l\lr. T . Oarrow Fisher, 1LD. 1',11'. Alfred Foster, L.R.C.l'. , M.ll.C.S . Mr. John Bass Graham, M.D. ( Irel.) 1\1r. T. Arthur Grieve , L.R.C.p (Lolld.) :ilLR. C.S. (Eng.) Mr. A. Maitland Gledden, M. D. (Lond.) 1\11'. G. A. Going, Mr. J. O. W. Halliday, M.B. (Sydney) . 1\11. Oooper Hardcastle, M. B. (Ed in . ) Ml'. John Harris, L. R. C. P ., L.H. C. s . (Edin. )
Miss May Harris, L.n..C.I'., L.R.C.S. (Edin. ) IIII'. T. {. ~enry, L.R. C.P., L.ILC.S.(Edin.) 1\11'. Ihggm::;, :ill. R J Oh. 11. (Syd.) Ur. A. Jarvie Hood, :ilI.n. (Glasg.) :Ml'. Horsfall, 1LB., Oh. B. (Syd.) ::llr. E(lll1und R. Kavanagh, L.R.C. S. (Edin. ) Mr. P . J. Kelly, :ilLn. (Syd.) 1\11'. R. Vandeleur Kelly, c.s.(Edin. ) Mr. A.Livingstone Kerr, L.ILO.S. (Eng.) IIII'. Thomas piers Kirkland, lItB. &c., (Glasg. ) IIII'. Leslie J . Lamrock, M.D. (Edin.) :Mr. H. anderson Lloyd, lILI'!.. c. s. (Eng.) 1'.11'. J osepll Marshall, M. n., Ch. B. (Dull.) 1111'. Harry:J1. .l\Iassey, L.n.c.p. (Lond.), ::\1.ll.t'.t:l. (Eng. ) lIlr. J. F. McAllister, )I.D. (Univ. Melh . ) Mr. A. H. lIreeke, M.D. (Dub. ) 1\11'. Frederick ~lilfol'll , M.D. (Heid.) .l\Ir. J o11n Brook 1\1oore, L. l~. c. s. (Ire1.) :Mr. Leo E. F. "eill, -:-Lll., C11.M. (Sydney) Mr. ,\\TillriJ. J. R. Nickson,)1. D. (Dnb.) 1\11'. Phi1li P R. 0' Brien, )1. ll. c. s. and L. R.C.P. iIII'. Heruert H. Orr, )I.B. (Dublin) n11'. Cecil Pursel', -:-l.n., Ch. :If. (Sydney) Mr. Lloyd D. Parry, L.1LC.S. (Edin.) Mr. Olarence Hcad, ~r.r..c.s., L.ILe.1'. Mr. S. J . Richards, M.B. (Univ. Sydney) nIl'. E. Fairfax Ross, lll.H.C'.I'. Mr. Reuter E. Roth, M.RC.S. (Eng.) ~Ir. Walter E. Roth, L.H.C.I'. (Lond .), )1.JLC.H.
ilIr. C harles H elll~y cott,)1. B. plelb.) .Jlr. II. G. H. Scott, )1. Il.C.S. (Eng.), L. I{'C.P. (Lond.) 1\11'. P. J . . 'exton, lU'.P., n . c.S. (Ire1.) Mr. G. H. WalLon Smith, L.n.C.p., J,.Il. c. H. (l~clin) .
Mr. W. G. O. Smith, 1I.n.c.llI. (Glasg.) Mr. G. P. StlLllley,
1'111'. F. C. Stevenson, (Irel.) Mr. 'William E. Strong, ]II. It. C. s. (Eng.) Mr. Clifton turt, L.ILe.l'., L.n.c.S. (Euin.) :tIT 1'. Da vill Thomas, F . IL C B. (Eng.) 1I1r. William II. 'J'omlins, lILR.C.S., 1,.11.. C.l'. (Lond.) Mr. G. Stanlcy 'l'residcr, L.n.c.p. (Lond . ), lII. R. ('. s. (Eng.) Mr. liichard B. Trin d all , M.B. (Sydney Ulliv. ) s Mr. Fnmcis "Vilson, L.R.C.P., L.R.C... &c. ( E d i ! ) . ) , l' Mr. Percy ~foore ,Vooel, L.R.V.· (Lond . ), (Eng.)
ANNUAL REPORT. Executive Oommittee of the N. S. W. OentTe of the St. John Ambulance Association are plcased to bc able to report the continued growth of ambulance work throughout the colony. Very important branches of the Association have been formed at such large works as the Australian Gas Light 00., thc Fresh Food and I ce 00., and Bakewell Bros.' Brick and Pottery 'Vorks. Large classes have oeen instructed and examined at the above-named new branches ,nth satisfactory results, and others are now III formation. The employees of th e Oolonial Sugar Oo.'s Works, Broadwater, recently formed a large class, resulting satisfa,ctorily. ~lore classes are to follow, and a "Practice Club" has heen formed . The Colonial ugar Co. 's employees, Pyrmont, the ydney Meat Preserving 00. 's employees, Au]ml'1l, and Mort's Dock employees, Balmain, continue to do excellent work, and daily show the practical utility of First AiLl in truction, by treating accidents not only in their own work hop, but also in adjacent localities, anrl frequently u. e their wh eeled litters to convey the injured outside their own works to the h081lital. Thanks are due to the managers of the c works for their generous co·operation. The Directors of the Australian Gas Light 00. are rendering valuable assistance to the !lml,ulance clas es. Th ey have just built a large ambulance room, fitted with First Aid appliances, includiug wh eeled litter of latest pattern and stretcher. The Fre h FoocllllHl Ice 00. 's Oorps can ttl 0 boa r; of an excellent room, lit by electric light, and set apart excln ively for ambulance instruction and practice. 'Th eyal 0 ha,eamplc appliances for rendering Fir t Aid, including a wheeled litter. A number of cases Itaye been succcsfl111y treated by members dming the year. FoUl' goo(l ela BPS were iUl:itructeu and examined at Brokeu IIill during the year, and a large and succe srul demonstration was given by the membe rs on the occasion of the presentation of certi1icate . The ecretclrY plI'. G. K. Beaumont), of the Central1lline, rcports that n cw cla~ses are now being fonn ell . One of the above-named classes cOllbisteu of miners only, whosc hours of duty made it dillicult for them to attend the consecutive lectures. A Practice Olub has been form ed by the certificatecl l11e111 bel'S, and First Aid ha been r endered in anum bel' of cases during the year. A largely-attended meeting Was held at Newcastle on 13th Augu t for the purpose of presenting a number of certificatcs, and a mo t intere tiug tlemon tration was given by the newly-certificated m em bel'S, 'who were ahly assisted by the miners and fire brigade classes. pecial credit is due -!;o Dr. Will iam Clarke, Mr. A. E. Ash, Mr. G. R. 'hort, and Mr. O. O. Saunders for the earnest mann er in which they have worked to bring about the formt1tion of this branch in so important a district. Lieut. -001. Rallclauu has for many years taken t1 keen illtere t in ambulance work, and the branch is fortunate in securing a continuance of this interest in his acceptancc of thc position of Pre itlent of the branch . 1'he Volunteer Medical Starf U01'pS Rcscrve, consisting of certificated members of the St. .Tohn Ambulance Association, has now a nominal roll of,n . A sc('tion is in course of formation at N ewcastle. The Oorps is clot hed in khaki drill uniform. Twenty-five of the Rescr ve pamd d for inspection by thc principal medical officer (Surgeon-Col. Williams ) on t'Ltmday, 3rd September. They wore put through stretcher and bearer drill, which the inspecting officer in his report tatos" thoy THE
208 carried out in a highly creditable manner," and were complimentell by the inspecting officer for their smart appcarance on parade, and for the efficiency shown in the "Various drill movements. A union has been formed consi ting of certificated ambulance pupil, the object being to hold occasional reunions for the purpose of instruction and flUther au van cement in the practical rendering of Fir t Aid, also to arrange for annual competitions. On January 19th a large gathering of residents of the Glebe was held in the local Town Hall, ,,,hen demonstrations were given by the brauch . The Mayor (Alderman Oarey) presided, and, after several addresses, Mr. Hogue, III. L.A., on behalf of the branch, formally handed o"Ver an Ashford litter to the Mayor. Votes of thanks were passed to Mrs. A. N. J onsen and Mrs. Boyd, to whom were due the credit of raising the subscriptions to purchase this litter. The litter is placed at the Rami Timber 00. 's works, Blackwattle, where there are a number of certificated members {including the manager), who are ever ready to render aid. Through the kindness of the Hon. J. . Brunker, stretchers have been forwarlled to the nIillmi miners, East Maitland Fire Brigade, and other classes. Viscountess Hampden has again been active in forwarding the work. A large class was formed by her at Government House in July. The examination "'as conducted by Surgeon-Ool. Williams on 9th August, when hc reported a satisfactory result. Viscountess Harnpden qualified for the medallion of the Association. Police Olasses (Metropolitan). -Three First Aiel cl::Lsses have been instrllcted this year; 51 memuers attended full course of lectures, and 34 gained certificates. The total number instructed since formation of Oentre now amounts to 250, of ",hom 186 hold certificates, and 2 have qualified for the medallion by pas'ing the third examination. Fifteen ,,,ell-attended public meetings have been held in the country and sublll'bs, and a large meeting was beld at the Y. LO.A. HalL Sydney, on April 27th. His Excellency Lord Hampden presided, and Viscountess Hampden pre~euted their badges, as Honorary Associates of the Order of t. John of J erusalcru, to :Majors T. S. Parrott anll Alfred Broughton, besides some medallions, and a number of certificates, including about 30 to the police. His ,Yorship the Mayor and Lady :Mayoress and bis Grace the Archbishop of ydney,rere al 0 preseJlt at the meeting. Members of our large Oorps have again assisted the Friendly ocieties andllospital Oollection, and are always ready to turn out in the cause of humanity. During the year the Oommittee, with a number of other gentlemen, waited on the Premier to urge the desirability of having the work of the Association recognised by the Government_ It was pointed out that the lIlachinery of the A.ssociation foJ' extending ambulance work was very complete, and, if only on economic grounds, it "\Vould be a distinct gain for the Government to utilise it. A deputation of the Oommittee also waited on his W orshi p the Mayor to ask for aid frol11 the CouDcil. It was suggested that the Oonncil might give to the Association the usc of rooms in the new Market Buildings for an office and transport station. There have been held during the year 25 men's First Aid classes, 17 women's, and 3 musing classes. Olasses are now under instruction with, approximately, 350 members. Ashford litters or stretchers are l)laced, and may be obtained gratuitously to convey the inj ured eith er to their homes or the hospital, at Imperial Arcade, P etersham Town Hall, Oolonial Sugar 00. 's Works (Pyrmont), Mort's Dock lBalm ain), Hoskins' Engineering Works (Hay Street), Sydney Meat Preserving Co.
209 (Auburn), Pyrmont Bridge, Y.M. O. A.. (Pitt Street), Fire Station (Paddington), and Kauri Timber 00. (Blackwattle). These litters and stretchers belong, in most instances, to our different Oorps, and arc placed at the disposal of the public. yduey, eptember, 1898.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditu1·e. Receipts. ExpeluUtu,re. To ubscriptions & Donations £52 14 0 By tationery & Printing £42 . 130 13 6 , Class Fees " Office Expeu e 7 :, Examination Fees o 4 0 " Examination Fees . 90 66 16 1 " Po. tage, Oarriage, Petty " Books and Stores 29 5 . . Oash, etc. . " Bandages 44 31 19 11 " Medallions and I lludrie " Rent and Gas . 31 " Books and'tores 5 'rota,] Receipt 391 18 2 Bank Balance, eptember Total Dishnrsements 371 24th, 1 '9 7 £4 11 6 cptembel'-Balance 1 0 3 Cash in hand Bank Pa. s Book £68 6 49 11 9 Oa h in hand 1 6 9 69
10 0 7 7
0 9
2 4
£Hl "Ambulance tores on haull (including Litter, "tretchel's and Diagrams) to value of about £2:2
4 11
E. K, Sydney, September, 1 98.
Audited and [ouml correct) "~ILFnED DOCKER, Hon. A uditoi'. E. l\IAcDoXALD, Hon. Trcaslt1'Ci". R. V ANDELEUR KELLY, 0lw.i1'1nan. A. GllEENWAY, Sccretct?·Y.
I No. of )fen
'ERTIFIOATE. No. of Women
No. of Certificated who have who have who have Pupils who have who have compl ted a completed received received received course of a Course of Certificates. Medallions. Certificates. in trnction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nnrsing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st .Aid. I NUl·sing. Men. I Women. Sr TOE FORMATIO OF OENTHE. 142 1776 3777 2736 YEAR E DI G 13TlI EPTEMBER, 1898. 473 I 2 17 375 311 I 30 I 2 3 I 32
ADELAIDE CENTRE. Formed 18 4. )",·cslclcllt.
His Excellency ir ThoJIll1.s .l!'owell Baxton, Bart.,
K . C.M. G.
Sir Samuel Davenport, K.O.lILG. 1I1.r. D. Murray. Hon. Sir E. T. Smith, K . C .~L G .
His Honor the Ohief Justice (Right Hon. S. J. Way) Hon. Dr. A. Oampbell, M.L.C. Sir John Colton, R . C. loG. ChairuHlll.
Mr. Frederick Wright, J .P. Deputy Chau'lllcll.
Mr. H. D. Gell, J . P.
I Mr. E. W. Van Senden. Mr. A. M. Simpson, J.P. Examiners.
Dr. Corbin
Dr. A. A. Hamilton.
Dr. Poulton. DOlloral'y SecI·ctal'Y.
Mr. James P. Roberts.
nir. Frederick Wright
Honorary Au(Utor.
Mr. Thomas Padman. Life lUembeI·S.
Mr. J. H. Angas, J.P. Lord Brassey Hon. Dr. Oampbell, M. L.C. Dr. Corbin
Dr. Dr. Mr. Mr.
R. St. Mark-Dawes Poulton E. W. Van Sanden A. M. Simpson, J.P.
lUe(li('al Stnfl'.
1\11'. Mr. lUI' Mr. niL
F. Allwork, L.S.A.
C A. Altmann, M.B., Melb. , etc. E. L. Archer, M. R. C.S., Eng. J. W. Astles, M.B. , Edin. L. W. Bickle, M.RC.S. , Edin., L.RC.P. , Lon. Mr. T. Borthwick, M.B., & Ch.M., Edin. Mr. Percival Bollen, 1>1.B., Toronto. - Mr. R. Brummitt, M.R.C.S., Eng. .Mr. A. Campbell, L. R. C. P., Edin., etc. Mr. J. A. Cockburn, M.D., Lon., M.R.C.S., Eng. 1\11'. T. W. Oorbin, 1>L1l.c.s., Eng. Mr. A. J. Davies, L.R.C.P. Edin., L.F.P.R. G. ~ Ur. R. St. M. Dawes, 1>1.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., Edin. 111:1'. J. H. G. Drummond, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L. M. M1'. W. W . Ewbank, M,R.C.S., Eng. l'IIr. W. Gibb, L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin. 1'lIr. Eugene McM. Glynn, M.D., L.M., L . R. C.S. 1. Mr. F. Goldsmith, M.B., & B.S., Adelaide Mr. A. A. Hamilton, M.B., Dublin, etc. Mr. J. A. G. Hamilton, M.B., Dublin Mr. J. H. Henderson, M. B., Glas. Mr. A. Henry, M.D., Edin. Mr. A. W. Hill, M.D., Brussels, &c. M1'. A.. A. L endon,M.D. , L on.,M.R. c.s. ,Eng. M1'. C. W. Lermitte, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Mr. R. McDougall, M.B ., Ch.M., M.J) . U1'. J. S. Mackintosh, M.D. , Edin., etc.
Mr. S. J. 1tlagarey, M.D., Melb. Mr. W. Markham, ~r.D., New York. Mr. J. Michie, M.B. , Melb. 1\1r. J. T. Mitchell, M.D., Aber., etc. Mr. A. )1. Morgan, :M.B., Oh.n. Mr. C. G. Drummond Morier, L.R.C.S., L.K., Q.C.P. M1'. E. W. Morris, M.H.. C.S., L.R.C.P. Mr. E. L. Pooler, M.D., & Oh.lI1. Dubl. Mr. T. "vV. Home Pophaw, M.R.C.S., Eng. , L.R.C.P , Eclin. Mr. B. Poulton, M . D., :U1elb.,, Eng. !lIr. C. "vV. Purves, L.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P., Edin. . Mr. R. S. Rogers, M.B., & Oh. M. EdlD. Mr. J. Shepley Part, lI1.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., Lon. Mr. W. Vernon Shone, M.E.C.S., L.H.C.P. Mr. C. H. J. Souter, M.B., &C.nI., Aber. Mr. E. M. Steven, M.B., Oh.nt. Mr. R. 8tewart, M.D., Melb. Mr. E. Teichelmann,L.K.O. G.P., S., F . 1~ . C.S.
Mr. C. E. T odd,M.R.c.s.,Eng., L.R.C.P., Lond. Mr. John Tressilian Toll, 1>I.R.C.S" J,.R. C. l' . Eug Mr. J. C. Verco, M.D.,Lon., F.R.a.p., . M1'. E. W. Way, M. B. ,Edin. ,~. R. a.S. ,Eul'g. Mr. H. H. Wigg,M .R.C.S., Eng.,L.ILO .. , Lon.
ANNUAL REPORT. TIlE review of the twelve months now closed, though by no means inspiring, yet shows some improvement upon the previous year's record. During the term ending 31st .March last there have been heltl four First Aid classes for men antl students, and three First Aid classes for women, and also one Nnrsingclass for wonten. Th e numhers who attended a full course were 204, of whom 165 passed the examiner, being iu each case an advance of 40 on last year. During the same period members from thirteen former classes were re-examined, and 56 passed. 'V; ay College has taken a leading place in preparing youths for future usefulness in clealing with accidents. Dr. Torr sent up 71 students for examination and all pa sed. It is to be hoped that other Coll~ges will follow this example. The fact that 1,350 pupils have passed their examinations and received certificate indicates that the ability to render First Aid is possessed by many lJersons now scattered tlLroughont this and the adjoining provinces. -While most people will admit the importance of po ses ing a knowledge of how to ueal with accitlent and render prompt aid in . uch case, it seems difficult to arou c any great intere t in ambulallce work. Ally gentleman possessing an acquaintcmce with the work of the As ociation, and having lei nre and fair ability for speaking, coultl render great R.ssistance to tile comnnmity hy visiting Literary Societies, Factories, Oluh, and similar gatherings, in CGnnection with which ambulance classes might be formed. '1'he customary audited annual financial statement is append tl.
Statem ent of Receipts and EJ,)Jenclillll'e for tlte yeaI' eilding J,j(tJ'ch 31st, 1 E.i'jJrncl illLre. Receipts. To Balance £15 -£165 16 6 By Examiners' .Fees 15 Lecturer ' Fee 43 16 " Class Fees " .Annual ;,icctillg and " Me<lallions. &c. 13 15 " Printing Hepol't 16 " Bank III terest 4 16 13 Medallions, &c. " Sunurics 011 6
15 15
0 0
0 5
6 9
48 111 19 7 13
1 5
" Ottice, pcretary, Telephone,
Hire of Rooms. Printing, Po tagc and. 'ulltlrie aving" Bank Deposit Ca. h ill hand and Bank
" £22
16 10
16 10
I have compared the above staLelUCllt with the books and yonchers produced, anel certify the same to be correct. TnOJlIA PADnUX, lIon. Audita?'. FREDERTOK '\YRIGll'l', TreaS1We?·. April'1.6th, 1898. J AJILE. P. ROBEn'!' , Han. Sccreta?·y. I S UE
No. of Men
No. of Women
- - , - - - - -- - + - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - - - - No. of Certificated: wlJo have COll1pleted a COurse of instruction.
who have recei ved Certificates.
who have completed a conr'e of instruction.
~ llrsill~: 1st Aid. I Nursin~ ... 1st A-ill. T SINOE
ul'sin.:.;gc.... ' _ ls_·t_Aid.
OF 228
INCE 31~T J\lAR il,
who have recoi vell Certificates.
Pupil' who have received Medallions .
I Nursing.
I Wom en
4.22 1 97. I 45
1 5
Formed 18 3.
His Excellency Lord Brasser,
K.C.B .
Mr. Lloyd Tayler,
F.R .L A.B .
Mr. John Sinclair Dr. W. Snowball Dr. J. ,Yo pringthorpe Mr. George Wrigley
Dr. James Ed. Neild, Ghai?'I1UL/L Mr. J. C. Anderson Dr. D. Astley Gresswell Dr. Thomas Hewlett Surg. Lieut.-Col. R. Robertson
Lifc 11lcmlu']'s .
His Excellency Sir H. B. Loch. ~~37
Lady Clarke (cost of estabhshmg SlX Litter Stationf.l, 18 8) Lord Brassey, R.C.B., 18 7 Captain 'Y. F. S. Mann, R.X., 1 9
Sir Matthew Davie, 1 89 Mr. ,Yilliam Lewis, "Stoneleigh" Beaufort, 1 9 Mr. Henry Gyle. Turner, 1 91 His Excellency the Earl of Hopetoun. 1 92.
:1l11'. John Blyth. Secl·ct:u·y.
Mr. William Hamilton. llcnd Officc.
41, Selborne Chambers, MelbOlune. ANNU AL REPORT. St J h Ambulance Association have . . THE Council of the VlCtona Co~tre of the '. 0 n . t the members and pleasure in presenting their FIfteenth Annual RepOl t 0 subscribers. d th this year of the late It is wilh deep regret that we have to recllrd the ea f p. 'dent since the President Sir William Clarke. Sir William filled the office 0'11.1es\0 further the ' f h A . tion He was ever Wl mg formation of this Centre 0 t e SSOCIa . 1 ble assistance in · rnany ways most va ua objects of the Association, an d. ren d ered m its advancement. .. il since its inception, was Mr. Lloyd Tayler, who has been ChaITm~n the Cou~c J E Neild, who was one unanimously elected President of the AssoClatlOn, and D. . . t tive interest in of the original members of Oouncil, and has always taken a r.n0s ac f the Council. . ly elected Ohall'man 0elected to fill the work of the Association, was unammous Smgeon Lieut.-Ool. Robertson and Mr. J. O. Anderson were vacancies.
The Council a"c IJ!eased to state that the intere. t in the philanthropic work of the Association is well maintained, olVing to the energy displayed lJY the Honorary Sec~ retaries and members in hringing its utility before the pul)lic It is hoped that the praiseworthy aim and objccls of the Association will hecome still more generally ullders~;ood and apprcciated. The Council desire to impre s on the Minister of Erlucation, the principals of schoo!', association ,and other institution, the importance of forllling classes, and hUNing them taught what to do ill case of accident and sudden illncs until the aid of a medical lllan call lJe obtained. The ability to render First Aid to the injured is uudoubtc(lly one of thc most impol'tn,nt hranches of education. The value of the instruction imparlecl continues to lJe recognised by Public anel Private .Schoo!<;, :JIecIHlnic-;' IIl ,titute.·, chool' of :JIiuc', Technical Oolleges, Australian KatiYcs' A 'sociatioll,', Young ~len's aud 'Yomen' Christiall .\.s oeiatiollS, the OOlllmercial Tra\'eller" ,\ S oeiatioll, ,Yorking Men's Oluhs and Colleges, Girls" Friendly oeietirs, Raihmy Erllploye ', and Fire Brigade., 'uch Association:; affording special facilities for organising amI holding ela '.'os. Oue of the most il1lportant steps takoll (lurillg the year lla lJoen thc securing of the co-operatioll of the l\letropolitan Firc Brigade BOHnl in obtaining for the public what is practically the nucleus of a puhlic alllhlllance en'ice. The Oouncil "'ould ackno\\'leclge the \'alual,]e assi.'tall(:e ",lJi('L hie1' 01l1cer tein ha' rendered in thi,' mutter, 1Lud \\'0ultl also thank the Iloll. the Po'tmaster Gelleral for the penni iOll given to aJlix 1I0tices to thc pnl>1ic Oll the lire-alarlll telegraph posts thronghout tho city. Th e Ifll'lIlber:; of the :Jlctropolitan Fire Brigurle han becll (lualiliell to render First Aid to the injured, and all ~\Shf(lJ'(1 LitleI' has been placetl at the Brigaue tation, Eastcm IIill. This litleI', \\'ith trained attendant·, may now be ullllllouetl by any of the public by telephollc or otherlYi.e, and sufferers from any erion .. accident thus expeditiously and carefully remond to thcir 0\\,11 homes or to the hospital. Alrcacly this pri \'ilege 1lll' lJl'cll fre!lllcutly used, and thcre can be little doubt that a great pul)lic want will he tLus satisfactorily met. ,Yith these pecinl faci1iti·~s tlms all'onled, the Oouncil 11 opes that the practice of placing injured persons in cab' ill cOllycyiug them to thc bo 'llital or their homcs " 'ill 1e abandoned. The Anullal Special Exalllination fol' yalllahle pl'izes, held in the month of March each year, open to all who since the Ill'cI'ions examination have ollta.illed "much credit" in any First ~licl examiua,tioll, "'a attended thi year lIy 2 members. Thi examination acts as a stimulus to the acquircment of a more thorough knowledge of how to 1'01u1e1' 1! irst Aiel to the injmetl, as cvidenced by the high pel'centage of marks obtained, and the excellcnce of the practical \York. S~hools above all afI'ord the hest opportunity, at the age WhCll imprpssion ' are lliost deeply maclc, for learning ",hat to clo in cn e' of accident; alld, as all inducement, the fee for thosc attending schools has been l'eclur.ed to fiye hilling for a course of lectures on First Aid, and a certificate is awnnled on pa ing all examination. The annexed compamti vc tatcment show that 617 pupils haye been instructed during the year, of whom 423 pa. sed their examinations for certificates, llnLl and 67 completed their course for medallions. l'he total llUlubl:r of persons instrnctcd now amoullts to 10,397, of whom 59.n have succcssfully passed their examillatiolls. During thc year the membcrs \\'ho fully llualified themsehes by passing their third. examination in First Aid to the inj ured IHl,Ye been increa'ed by 67,
214 medallions at the Annual Distribution by His of wh om 48 were presen ted "-ith " . Excellency Sir John Madden, Kt ., LL.D., on th e 25th, April . T ' . , 'm' 0' the year seyen Men sand 20 \\ omen s FU'st Aid 11 T h ere 1lave b een IIe ld d I b Jlasses, and. six Nursing classes. . . Under th e Rules of the Victoria Centre, It IS tbe duty of the m embers present to elect the Council for the ensuing year. . . Annllal Statement of ReceIpts and Expenditure, duly Ba l emce- Sh eet .- Th e 1:1. audited, is appended to this Report anu shows a balance of £107 19s. 4d. to the credit of the Association. . Donatwns. -TlIe CounCl'1 tender their grateful acknowledgment for the sub· scriptiollS r eceived during the past year. " . Olasses. - I n 01'deI' that certificated members may .be kept III touch With P1'act~ce . t'IOn. an d III . 01'del' to ktel) up the Imo\\'ledO'e acquued so as to be ready, to the ASSOCla 0 t A 'd' £Ii' tly the Council have requested all . Honorary. Sccretams · render F Irs 1:1.1 e Clen , 'sh a class for the practice of bandagmg, &c.. III each Sub· to en d eavour t 0 es t a bll . held monthly 01' c]uarterly, or at any lllterval, alHlm Centre. Tllese c1asses may be . . , '1 lay be most suitable for those wlshll1g to meet. 1 such pace 01 paceR as n P I The filst d. . ctice class has been orO'ani~ed by Miss M. G. Billing, Ron. Ser.., ra nan, an IS lin aId tb' mOIl the first Thursday ill each quarter, in the Prahran Town Hall. Ie at lee p. . , 1 . I' d. , ' Hon . Sec ., has established a practIce class, W lie Romsey - I ISS UY'I vv I son, . 1 IS un el ,:\"'nrdoch , and meets at the Iechanics' hstItute once a · ' t'Ion of DI' . .11'1. t b e d u'ec .l l t t . t in Sec1'etar'ies (n'e ?'equested to 7'epo'rt the c~cc~( eat anc rca, me~l . any cases ~rhe1'e cer·tificatecl membe1'S nncle?' First Aiel to the 1?1J~l?'al, j01' 1111bhcatwn 11L
the A.nmtal 7'eport each yea?'. . . , 11 lb . BonO'J'ary flIembeTs.-Dl'. ,Villiam 'Andrews, ,Velltngton Parade, East e OUlne, having gratuitously delivered four courses of l ectures, was elected an Honorary I ife Member and r egistered at St. J olm's Gate, London. .J HO nOTC£?'y ~'ec1'ela?'ies.-The following changes and appointments have taken(~PIla~e 1'C 1 H Sec Geelon cr Jl ens during the year, viz. :-Ararat-Sergeant J. UI'( y, on. f ' the b Gordon ~II' S Class)-Mr GeorO'e R. Ring, Hon. Sec., vice Alexander Pume , 0 • 0 . HIt p·t Melbourne-ll Technical College, resigned . Hawthorn-MIss ug 1S on. 01 •. .• 111' J. ~l. Kate Adams, Hon. Sec., and Mr. Charles W. Ho\Vlett~ Ho~ .• ec:: uce . n~d. Mmphy resigned. ,Varrnambool-Miss :JIolesworth, vue MI S. Fallan res1 g . '[ ' h b d at KorumblU'la, II IS, N ew Sub-Cent?'es.- ew Sub-Centres ave een opene, NI'll Mrs. Hi(!ks-Ball, Hon . Sec.; at Laucefield, Miss Holten, Ho~. S~~. iC~~la El:S~, Miss M'Leod, Hon. Sec. ; at Omeo, Rev. A . Gamble, Hon.,., Sec. '. at . n Sec ComS . Hatchell-Brown, "The Priory," Allll~ Road, ;:st .• KIlda, HOt' Oam')erdown, lllunications have been received with the vIew of formlllg elu.sses a , I . r t 'z _ Hop etoun N agam bie Portarlingtoll, Traralgon, and Sale. " . th f 11 ~1l1(f lac s, VI,. Your Council again earnestly give great prommence to e t 0 d d to (7ive b FIRs'r -That the instruction given by the Association is only 111. en c' . . . 'fi d d cal al d . s Ulade I'ell'ef withJ'udO'mellt and skill until the al'l'lval of duly quail e me 1 to> b h d ided p1'ogres , SF.CO~DLY . -That a.lthough they are encouraged y t e ec I t wards the as yet been ta {cln. 0 sses the Yet thev are conscious that only the first steps have . t' moncr t 1e rna , · d O'r>at eud they seek to attain, viz.-the Issemllla IOn a ,;:, t" iners the o , trarlesmen the artisan:;, the fi11'C b' nga d es, tlIe t·la mway employes . ' h'11eI ill'l'U tlnable , f th . f tlOn w lC 1 " em orma 11 . t instead of P nblic schools, anLl, indeed, among all classes, 0 . . . of life , to a eVla e, them, in the constantly recurrmg emergencIes
aggravating, human suffering, until the sufferer can be placed under medical care; and THIRD LY. -That this great and humane work cannot be. carried on and prosecuted to that extent and with that vigour which its importance demands, ,,'ithout solid and substantial pecuniary aid from those to whom its large and invaluable aims commend it; and to thcm they earnestly amI confidently appeal for continued and increased support.
Special Examination.-Tbe annual examination for prizes of the yalue of £5 5s.,
£3 3s., anti £1 Is., oJI'el'ed by the, and open to all pupils who have passed allY First 'liel examination with" much credit" durillg the previous twelve lllonths, was hell1 by pel'Dli ion of Ilis Worship the Mayor in the supper-room of tbe Melbourne Town Hall on atunlay, March 26th, 1 9 . Twenty-eight candidates presented themsel ves and were examiueu by Dr. E. Alau Mackay and Dr. R. Hobert 'on, 011 who, e report the onHcil a warded the first prize to Miss Kate AcJa:11s, of the Port JHdbourne uh-Ceutrc; the second prize to Mr. Robert II. Croll, of the Ea t ~Ielbourne Sub-Centre; the third prize to .lUi s Eli e Roycr, of the, t. Kilda ub·Ccntl'e.
Annwd De/il.Ql/sl,ratioll. --The ltllllua.l eli tl'ibution of the lI1eLlalliol1s and certificates awanled to those who po. ','eu the necessary examination rIuring the past year took placc at the .JIL'lholll'nc TOWIl lIalL which was crowded, on the evening of MOllclay, 2;;th Ap1'il. IIis Exccllency Sir John :Jla(lLlell, Kt., u.n., made the presentations. The Al1lbulallce 'orp~. ullcler , nrgeol1-Captaill Hornc, formed a guard or honour to receive Ilis Exccllency and La(ly :Jfa(lden 011 their arriyal. Lloyc! Ta}' leI', E~( l-> Prc.'iden I, pl'e.-idel1. Lady and .i\li .:; :JlaLldell, .i\Irs. Goe, and many lenclill~ citizens, werc Jlrr~ellt. TllC collection mlS made hy membtrs of the Jlilitia AlilhlllallCe Corp,', alH1 tlmotl1lled to £14 ~s, 9l1. Fir,.,t Ai(l to the injured was illustrated by the pupils of the As 'ociation, allel the following prizes were awarclcll, Yiz. :- -Mr.!1 's cOllIl'eLi Liou: Fi rst prize, £5 5fl. ; secoll(l prize, £2 12s. 6c1. The first prize \\,lS a\\'[ll'<l I' 11 to tlte East lIIelhoUl'lIe Iluacl, tllC secolill prize to the penceI' Street Hail"ay '(Juae!. ,''''omen's competition: Fir,·t prize, £:2 ~s., in :'Uiss Iary Johnston al\(l 1\1rs. ,Janc E. IImlt .nan, of the Prahl'nn !3nl>-L'elltre' second prize, £1 Is., to Miss Kate Adam alJd l'll's. Ue.':;ie (ioggin, of the Port .i\Ielhonrne ,_ubCentrc. Thc l'r,toratioll of the 1l1'pan'ntly drowned was illu:stratetl 1y foUl' pairs ofschoolboJ~' and the prize of ,tl ls. \lilS aW1tl'llecl to :Jla, tel'S "Tittoll allll Bull, of Albert Park, S.S The ju(lges of the cOl11petitions \rere Drs. Bage, Hencler 011, J. E. Neild, Surgeon-Capt. H orne, with llrgcoll Lieut.-Col. Robert on as ullipil'e, 111'. Charles ykes kindly pl'c:il1ecl at the organ. Thanks to LCc/,ll),P I'S, IIono/'l(J'Y 'ccI'claric8, the PI'CSS, ((lid othcl's. -The COllncil again desire to plltee on record Ih"ir continlled inclebtedneHs to tLe IIICChClll gClltlcmm who have so generouRly giYen their time :lndla,hour to the instruction of classe ill Melbourne anel ~mlllll'hs, aud thronghout th e ('olony; to the ladie and gentlemen \\'ho have' so \\'illincrly undertaken Lhe <luLie' of IlollomJ'lI• Secretary , and to ",h"111 b thesucCCHS, and even existence, of the ub-Centres, havc been mainly due; amI to thePrcss, for the courteous lIlalllH'l' ill wl1i('h they haye opened their column \I'hen reque terl to make pnblic the philanthropic efforts and \york of the J,s. oeiation, and to other numerous f'l'i euds, who havc in l1HtlIy \mys hcl peel to fnrtlter the interests of the Association.
AShj01'd Lilters.-It is most d esirabl e that the public should knoll' ",here thc ASSOCiation's Ashf'orcl Litters, so liht'rally prescnted by Lady larh, are placed, awl
21 6 that they may be obtained gratuitously to convey the injured with the least suffering either to their homes 01' the hospitals. Ashford Litters are much reqnirell for the suburbs and other lliaces. Illustrated placards are posted in public pbces, and at buildings in course of erection, informing the public that these litters are stationeJ at the following places, viz.-The Town Hall, wanston Street; Police Stations in Ru' ell Street, Little Bourke Street, King Street, and 'IV est l\Ielboul'llc; and one at the :i\Ietropolitall Fire Brigade Station, Eastern Hill. The l\Ietl'opolitan Gas Co. also has an .Ashford Litter at its West Melbournc works, and kilHlly places it at the disposal of the public. These placards may be outaintd on application at 41, Selbol'llc Chambers. MELBOURXE, 30th AP1'il, 1898. CA, E
OF FIR:T AID. (1 96-1 97). CHEwTox.-1I1iss Ro e Brown-Dr. 'I,'nolley rqlorb; that he was Sl'l1t fol' to c1ttend an (tcci<1ent in Chcwton, but no particular,; ."cnt. H e fonud that thc case ,,·as n comprmn(l comminuted fl'<lcture of tile right fel1lur, and that illj~s Rnsc Drown had lillt the case up in c\'ery particular so safely as to allow him to rctul'1l to Ca~tlemail1e for propel' appli::L1]ces, and go back lLt his lcisure to set thc leg propcrly. LILYDALE.-Mi s Supple, "The Pines," Y ering, stopped thr hleetlillg from a nasty gash in 1Ih'. T . AlIJis's leg, caused by a kick from a calf. :?Ill's. ~1'Cal1uUl also rendered First Aid in two instances, 1mt <1etail ' are not to han,1. In February la t, lIIr. Thomas.T. Howal'<1 Ivy was 011 his way, 11)' electric tram, from Hohart to 'amly Bay, when the Cill' was stoPJlPll hy a ) oung lally, II'ho anxiously incluired if anyone could restore an apparently uro\\,nell lIlan. Jlr. Try immediately proceeded to the 1leach, where a young man lay to all appearance drowned. He commrncecl the method fo)' restoring the (tpparently drowned allopt~d by Dr. Silvester, an,l taught in the curriculum of 111 e pupihi of om Association. After persevering for about twenty minutes, lie had the satisfaction of detecting signs of returning animation, and hy continuillg his efforts for another fifteen minutes, he succeeded in completely restoring the lll::Ln. Dr. Scott, of Hohart, who had been telegrapherl for, said that the man was now an right. ::\II'. Ivy, who thus saved the man's life, is not only one of Ollr hest certificated pupils, \\'bo has gained his medallion, but is one who has beeu decorated for liis seryiccs in the defence of his country by 1] cr la.jesty the Queen \\'i th a war m edal :111l1 clasp for Sebastop~l, and also hy the late Sultan of Turkey, witlt a war medal for sen-ices rendered 10 the Crimea, 1854-5-6, thus proving that, while lw can disti1Jguish llil11 elf for bravery as a soldier, he can als0 excel in the peaceful works of humanity. ROMSEY.-Miss "Wilson amI tho Misses O'Hara successfully treated a youth who was rlln over hy a racehorse, in March. lIe snstaine<1 sc\'ere shoek ; his l~ea,d was bLeeding, and lIe was partially uncollscious. Mrs. Camphell splintc,I a clnld S broken ann. Finding by the thermometer that a man was fevensh. with tem · perature at 102deg., sent him ofr to the KYlleton Hospital, and so probably saved his life. 1897-1898. lJ flL BEKDLGo.-Miss Davies dresseu the burns of a little chilrl very success y. Mrs. Orme stoppecl bleeding from a varicose vein and bandaged up the leg of.a neighbour. Miss Olive Bishop rendered First Aid to a boy who had broken hiS collar-bone, amI Dr. Penfold's comment WftS that it was ·well bandaged.
RATLWAY.-Alfred H enry Eakins rendered first aiel to James Wilkinson, injured in the LelbolU'ne Yard on 26th March, 1 98, and superintended his removal to the lIo pital. ST. KILDA.-1I1rs. Atherton helped the doctor to set the broken arm of her governess; also has beeu a1Jle to help the sick poor-moving them, mfLking bedsgoing into a rOOJ1l full of gas, sprains, &c. WYOIIEl' l~()OF.-Mrs. Tipping bandaged a man's head, " 'hich was injured by a yacht 1'1lllUillg into the pier at Sorrento, amI it i:-J prolJaule she averteu a more serious ending to the accident. Mi~s U'CauC' handaged a lady's arm, injureJ by heing IhroWll out of t1 buggy. }lETnoJ'ou'l'.\-' Fl[u~ BIUlL\.Ul': 'l'AI'IU'\, E.\f-ThJ::\ HILL.-The Ashford Litter placed at the l\Ietropolitan Firc Briga(le ,'talion, Eastern Hill, to he summoned in ca es of aecirlcnt, and attcmle(l hy traillC(l tiremen, has he<'ll calle(l out to the following accidents for the remoynl of tIl(> iu.iun:tL 10 the Hospital 01' other places : 17 til JlcU'ch. -A man fell oil' ,1 10l'ry ill Fliufler' ,-'b'ccl, the wheel pa~."ing over his leg; he "ftS attC'nllcll to, and rClllOVe(l to the Hospital. 1 tli NrtJ'ch.-A lllall lUHl llis JOlit cl'llshelI11Y the \\'hpcl of ,1 lorry passing over it ; he was attellllell to, amI relllo\'l~ll til t hp II ospital. 26th JIuI'ch.-Relllovcd a llHl1l to tile illdholll'lle Hospital from Victoria trect, suffering from concussion of the braiu, and llllCOllscious, IHWillg fallen from the cart. he was llliving. 30th 11fan:h .-(1as explo. ion at thl' Rtl\·;ttioll .\rllly Barrack.', Bourke 'trect. A man sevl'l'cly illjurell 011 his left si(le ,dIO\ e the hip was at ollce atleulled to, allll removel[ [0 the IIospit al. 21st April.-A man wu.- knockell (1011'11 by a tram in Elizahcth ~trcet; his face was illjul'l'll, awl shock to the Systllll. AltL'lllh·(l to amI takell hOlUe. 22ml ,,[pI'il. .\. Indy fell from ,t tralll-cal' ill 'nllius Stl'l'et, and was l'emovetl to the Hospital snrY'Cl'illg from COIIl'Ussioll of 1he uraill. 21th .1]il'il The All1hntlil ce tool, a mall sllfrel'iug from {its to the Hospital from the Sllellet'l' StrceL Railway I'tatioll. 26th .t!pI'il.-Tbo LiLh'r was uscll to ('OllYeY 11 man to the Hospital from the German harqul' "Freil1.L .:\IallJl, " at the South \\'harf. 9th .Jlct!/. ·A mall was crushed h)' (1 ""(JOllcal't pa. siug oyer his body, hut \\'Us dead when thl' Lilter arrived.
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111'. ~l. A. Clark Dr. F. W. E. Dawson
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Mr. J . .1. llollnnrl ,
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111'. E. D. Aubin, (LoJl(l. Mr. A. S.
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( LOllc1.)
Jlr. Thomas ,Yo Hl'll, lUL, ;\f.l'. (Ellin. ) J[r. Patril'k Callan, 1,.IL<'.H. Irel. ), 1,. ,\1., &; L.K. c' Q. l'.l'. (Irel. ) ~Ir. J. L. Cll\\ lan, )I.J:.C.S. (Eng. ) Mr. Fl'llk. W. E. Dawson L. H . l' . J'. (l~din.), (~ llg.), L.S.A. (Lollll.), cte. Jlr. F. C. 1'1. Forbes, JUt., M. H. (A uCI·L1.) Mr. W. R C. Ersol1, L.lL]>. & S. (Was.) 111'. i\. McE:. Grant, M. D., '.1I l. ~1r. G. ToussainL Girdler, L.Sd\. (Lond.), L.ll. C.I'. & L.ILl'.H . (E(lin.) '~Ir. 'l'holllas L+. II. H all, L.ll.U.S., L.:'I!. , & L.K. & Q.C.l'. (lrel.) 111'. F. B. Ilutchiu!>oll, lILH.. ' . S. E ., L.ll. & Q. r. r . (Irel.) ~rr. Fl'c(lk . W. R. J. Kin g, M.H. . R. (ElIg.), 1,.lt. O. P . (Lollu. ) 111'. A. Osbomc KlIight, I,.S. ". (LOllU. ), :\ C' . S.
Mr. n. B. Leash ltllJ , lIl.R.O.S. (E11[o .), 1 L.R.c.p. (~ll il1. ), J, . •. A. (L onu .) 11'. T. Hopc Lewis, L . S.A. (Lond. ),>. (Ellg.)
.1\11'. P. A. Lindsay, n.JlL, IlLS . (Edin.) nIl'. Artbur Emes!' illtusack, L.R. O.P., L. H . l.'. S. (I£tl in.) nIl'. ·W. W. C. McDowell, M . B. & M.'. (Edin. ) illr. Hugh II. illcClclaml, JlLR.O .. · . , L. ILl.I'. (Lond.) ~lr. W. H. Parkes, lILD. & JlLS. (Euin. ) ill1'. A. Challillor Purchas, :'It. ll. C. '. (Eng.), n.JlI., :'lUi, (I~tlill.) 1\11'. EJ'llC t Roilerton, c .. (Eng.), B.i\l., M.S., M.D. (Ed in.) :Mr. Elh\,o,ru Evan Robcrts, RIlL, III. S. (Eelin. ) Mr. WjlliulIl (lco. coLt, L . '.A. (Lond. ), 111. H.l' . ~. (l;:ng. ), M.D . (Onehunga) Mr. Euward William ha.nnan, LoR.C.P., L . l:.l'. s. ( I~tlill . ), etc. Mr. G. F. ' weets, ;\Lll. c' ~1l.S. ( ydney) lr. Gilbert T. mith, ?LH.O .•. E., L . . •\. (LoJld. ) 1\11'. lIellry ,,'aJker,L.1.<'.l'. r S. (Glas.) 1'.11'. Th011la O\\'Cll William s, 1,. R. C. P. (Ellill.), L . F. P. & . (Glas.) Mr. Erne LA. Wltl k er, JlLA., lIL13.,C.J\l.
I N presenting the Sixth Annual Report of the Auckland Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association, your Committce have much pleasure in informing the memhers that the la t was a very successful season . The central male cla s to "'hom Dr. Ginllor lectured, consi tcd of 23 members, of whom 12 passed in Aid, two passell their lirst re-exalliination, and one the final examination, as did olle other pupil who pas ed in First Aid two years ago. The central female class who also bad the benefit of Dr. Gir(ller's ability and experience as a lecturer, "as attended by 21 pupils, of whom 17 passed in First Aiel. The central nursing class received the lectures from Dr. Parkes. There were 20 pupils, of whom H passed the examination. TI\'o of those who l)asseci in nursing last year, presented themselves sucee, sfnlly for their final re-exan,inatioll, and are now entitled to the medallion of the Assor.iation. Aaain this season there "Tas an excellent class formed in connection with the rail· o way department. In compliance with the eal'ne~t request of the Illembers, Dr, Dawson "'as the lecturer. The ehss "'as attelluctl hy ~5 pupils, of WhOUl ouly 14 presented themselves for examination. Of those 7 passed in First Aiel, and 4 passed their first re·examination. In explana:ioll of the SllJa 11 number ,,110 IYent up for examination, it shoulcl he mentione{l that the railway oflicials are 1I0t always the governors of their own mo\'emen ts, ~o that it is oftell difficult and sometillles impos. sible for them to attelld the classes \I'it11 the regularity they would (ll'sil'e. The Committee were extremely sorry to heal' of the after a short ilhll'sS of \Y. H, Bishop, ,,-ho was the honorary secretary of the mil way class last year. During the past season ,ye ha\"e gone further afield than hitherto, as clusses have been held at New Plymouth under the allspices of thi'3 C~ntre. The lJIale class to \"hom Dr. Ernest ·Walker lectured, was attelldecl Ily 31 pupils, of whom ~O I,assed in First Aid, and one passed his first re-examination. Among the pn pils \Yere the cap· tain and a number of the members of the Ne\\' Plymouth l~ire Bdgadc. The Committee highly com melld tbe firemen ('or theil' wi dom, a11<1 wOlll(1 strongly advise members of the Aucklancl City and Suhurhan Fire Brigades to follow this gooll example. The ~ew Plymouth female clas to whom Dr. 1IIcLeland l ectured, consisted of no less than 50 members, of whom 27 passed in First .Aid. Your Comlllittee would take this opport:lllity of pointing ont the ilHLdvisahility of holding 'uclt In.rgn class:s, as it is. impossible for the lecturer to im part llractica.l i Ilstmction to so mally pupIls at once. In this case twplve lecture.; were given instead of five, 'lltailing a great cl~al of extra work on the lecturer, and tho. Committee feel assl1l'ed that ha.d the pupIls been formed into two classes, a larger percentage of passes woulLI IHLVe rcsulted. At nei.ther Hamilton nor Cambri,lge havc classes heen beld during the past year, but at the former town thret' memuers of the Nursing Class, who attended the previous year but were unalJle to be present Itt the examination, passeri in JIlusing. , At "\Vhanaasea a female class to whom Dr. Sweete lecturcd, consisted of 10 o , A'd members of whom one passed her final exalllination, alld seven passe(l in First I, At Te 'Aroba, a female class was formed an,l attended by 25 pupils, Dr, Gilbert Smith being the lecturer. The examination has not yet taken place. Your Committpe beg once more to tender the hearty thanks o[ the Centre to the members of the honorary medical staff [or thdr value(i services as lectl1rer~, also ~o Drs. Dawson, Killg, Roberton, Walker, lIall, Hutchinson, ancl Leatl1alll, for the~l: valuable services as examiners. While than king the hOllorary medical staIr for then
221 gooclness in givin~ s~ much time and attention gratuitously to carryon the exeellent work of the As oClatlOll, the Oommittee are glad to be ahle to announce that the ~p,~d Office il~ London has aeknowleclged the past sen-iccs of Drs. Dawson, Girdler, l\l1lgltt, Le~Vls, Purchas, Roberton, Roberts, and harman, by electing them HOllorary LIfe Members of the 't. John Ambulance As ocifLtion. The Committee ~vollld like to place on record their satisfaction that tbe past seRson ha re ultecl III a COil '1(leraule ad(lition to tlle 11l1m bel'S of OUl' very excellent honorary medical staIr. The Committee arc glad Lo 1)(' a1Jle to in forlll the mem bel'S that this Centre is no\y out o.f c1~'l~t: a faet \I'hieh relieves thelll of a good deal of anxiety. Three years ago the halnhtles of the 'entre werc Hcarly £60, and the antila1)le assets less than £l. XO\\' the liahilitiC's are only £:J 17.-;. ~<l., aud the ayailahle as ets are £13 Is. 5d., Rhowill~ a credit balanee of l.:n 4s. 3d. To enahle the COJlllllitl~e to attaill this l'e ult, the general pul11ie han llono wry little, as the total amount of suli,;criptiolls ancl donations dmillg the three yrars, ex('ln:i,'c of a 'UIll of .£,i given by His Excellency the Earl of Glasgow. ha, heen ill 1:-;., most of \\'hieh ha<; been giyen uy those \\"ho lle\"ote a great (leal of lillIe to C:llTyillg 011 the work of tho Centre. The COlllmitt?c w(lul(l snJunit that this i:-; llot right treatment on the part of the general pnhhc, ,,-ho n'np thc beIJ('IH (If the \\"(lrk of thr J\.~:-;ocia iOll. There nre somc hnmlrc(b ill AUl'klnll(l nll<l its sIIJmrhs ",ho han· hall till' henefit of instrnction in the c1aBse.s, 1l:](1 t~ll' 'lllIlJuittl'e think that they at auy ratl' sltoul(l ~ul'port the Centre by contnltutlllg ;),;. pCI' annum, \\hich is Ille snh'icriptiolJ of un honorary melllber. In OIlIer til kecp thosl' who han passe' 1 all the examinatiolls in tnuC'h with thr Associ,L" lion, an(l ~o that they llHlY ]H' h'ss Ii,tbll' to forget what thl'y ha\'e aheally lcarne(l, the COllllllittL'I' has dceidc{l th:tt all "h.) hare gain!',l tile As,'ociation's llleLlalJiun llIayattCll<l Ule classes Oll payllll'llt. of the anllual rCl of ;lS. III coul'!nsioJl, the COlllllJitcce "ou](l p.xll1cs' tlll"ir satisfaction with the steady progress of amlnll:lllC'C work ill Auckland. Already It llllllll ll'l' of applications have been Hcut ill frulIl thosp wi.hing to joiJl the cl \sses . TIll' Il'dUl'l'::; will be begun a Soon as sullicil'lIl llames are scnt ill to lIle secrl'tary.
, '[a[ement (1' Reccipts ({ (ICI E,I'pc/ul [tu,.,; fa,. tilL ]tI'CClp{ s.
To B:tlullce in Hallk . " (;lasi> Fel's Celltr:!l ~Ialc First .Aid " I<\'lllal e " ." ,?' llrsing Hallway} IJ'RL Aid . Re-examillalioll Fees " Cash 1'01' l\[edallions " Cel'tilicates, IIItlJliltolJ. " " \\" haJlgasea . " Postarre . " rcrl1lHl{'(l' " Donatioll (New PIYlllouth) " AUllnal Snhs(,l'iptiollS. " Books, &e., solei " Material 01(1
1 97 -9L.
R"/JI' (uli! Ilrc.
£0 13
12 ti I 17 (j 10] 0 0 '1 13 9 1 0 0 0 1 6 0 9 I 0 2 11 0 It' 10 2 2 0 3
22 2 1 l6
£64 13 10
By Printing alHl Alhertising, P,)::;tagc aIHl Pc tt, Cll' It £7 "Lf'{;tn~·e alld EX<llllinatioll Expenses ,,('ash ror Ml'dallioll ,,'I'ex t hO(1k~, &e., bough t "Material and .Appliallces (Pai{l to Ilea(l C,mtrc) "RClllittillg ditto "Secretary' , , alary " ,y1. 11111 . C . ll\... , Il'n'e 0 f H a 11 for .tlulllml ~lel'til1g "Ambulance Corp' expenses Balancc ill Bank
·1 0
7 6
o 10
10 0 20
1 1
0 12 3 0 1 16
6 0 0
£64 ]3 10
Examined, with book and voucher, and founel corrcet, J. J. ROAOH, Auditor. Mct,!) 13th, 1 98.
223 lUedlcnl Staff.
Lictbilities cmd Assets on 30th Ap?'il, ] 898 . L iabilities. T o Oash for lIledal1ions not yet remitted . . " Secretary's Salary to date
£0 10 6 368
Assets. By Balance at Bank " Books, &c., in stock
£1 16 0
11 5 5 £13 1 5
£3 ] 7 2 Oertified as cOl'l'ect,
J. J.
A Ltc/ito?'.
Nay 13th, 1898 .
Dr. O. Morton Anderson Dr. R. W . Auderson Dr. P. T. Bolger Dr. F. G. 1\1. Brittin Dr. Gra.ham Oampbell Dr. G. . Clayton Dr. A. C. DeRenzi Dr. G. E. Deamer Dr. W. Diamond Dr. P. C. Fenwick Dr. J. D. Frankish Dr. O. D. Greenwood Dr. W. E . lIn.con Dr. W. H. Hargreaves Dr. H. lJ Ull tel' Dr. H. 1\1. I nglis Dr. Jas. Irving Dr. E. JennilJCT Dr. J. II. . J an'is
D r. J. P. D . Leahy Dr. T. Leahy Dr. L . . lanning Dr. A. F . J. Iickle D r. B. 1\1. Moorhouse Dr. Jas. Murdoch D r. J. A . Murray Dr. D. 1\1. Nairn D r. W. J-I. OveDden Dr. J . C. Palmer Dr. H. Compton Parsons Dr. J . Harper Reid Dr. W . 1. 'penceI' Dr. F. McBean tewart Dr. G. B. w~et Dr. 'Y. Thomas Dr. N . G. Trotter Dr. A . Milne Thomson Dr. J. E. Trevor.
Pres iclcllt.
His Excellency the Go\'ernor of New Zealand.
Frr..RT AID REXDERED. (The following statement is corroborated by 1\11'. E. R. Deacon, late Mayor of umner. ) BARKEn, DEAR
"icc,Pl'cs hlcnf s .
His Worship the 1\1ayor of Ohristchurch His Honour Mr. Justice Denniston Rev. Dr. Elm lie Right Rev. Dr. Grimes Dr. W. E. Hacon Mr. O. P . Hulbert Dr. James Irving
Very Rev. Dean Jacohs Right Rev. Dr. Ohurchill Julius :J11'. Oharles Louisson Rev. W. lI10rley lIOll. J. 'r. Peacock Dr. ,V. Thomas.
Hi::; Worship the :Mayor of Ohristchurch.
SCCl·Ct.llJ·:!' .
Tl'Cll Slu·c r.
1111'. S. D . Barker,
. Supreme Oourt LIbrary, Ohristchurch, N.Z.
Oapt. O. Garsin..
"Life )lcmbc l's.
Dr. W . E. Hacon Mrs. Milsom
H on. J . T . Peacock.
I think you desire reports of any ervice rendered in ambulance work I have to report that Mr. Phillips of umner and myself took charge of 1\11'. Whittuker Hanop at the seriou tram accident at U111ner. After applying a tourniquet to the femoral artery, we removed him to a b'etcher, then into a tram carriage, and by ropes suspended him from the roof, 0 that "'itlt care shaking was avoided. Great praise is due to 1\11'. Ekins, the tram guard, for prompt action and arranging to scud at onc to the ho pital. Mr. , Yood, the tram manager, al 0 came to meet n and completed all arrallgement 0 expeditiou ly that from the time of the accident until we ,yere at the hospital gate, was only 35 minute, 25 of which were occupied in trayelling (di tance about mile'!). 111'. Harrol' in getting ofI' the tram while in motion had been dragged under and his right leg was nm over. It was am)!utated at once at tllC hospital, and he is progressing "cry favourably. Yours, &c., J "\lIIES M.\. RRI 'ER. N.B.-Mes l's. l\Iarriner and Phillip arc ccrtificated members of the t. J ohn Ambulance As ociation. BRA TOllES .
At Ashburton hranch (Mr . D . Grant, local H on. CCl'etary) at the end of 1896, six men were instructed in llursing, and fo m passed. "0 report of work during 1 97 has yet l)een recei vert At Kaiapoi branch ( {iss Lot tie Blackwell, local Hon. eCl'etary), 37 women were instructed in First Aiel , and 25 1 assod; 34 in Nmsing, and 20 pt_ sed . At Napier branch (Mr. J. II. Dean, local lIon. eCl'etluy), 19 men and 27 ,yomcn
224 attended lectl1l'es, of "'hom 1 passed in First Aid, 7 in J ursing, and -± for medallion. Three of the successful candidates are .Jlaori . From Sumner branch (Mr. Fox local Hon. Secretary), 8 women attended the Ohristchurch classes: 1 pas ed in Nursing, anci 7 for medallion. At ,Yaimate branch (Mr. G. V . Oochrane, local Hon. Secretary), 6 women were in trncted in First Aid, and 5 passed; 1 in.r ursing and 8 pas ed. Donation :-Oanterbury Jockey Club for 1 96-97, £6 6s . INVALID TRANSPOl1T SERVICE. ~ sh/orcl Littel's. -FoUl' of these, II' heeled n,nd on delicate springs, each with a hamper of ~Llrgical requisites, are stationed at the police, raihnlY, and fire brigade depots in Ohristchurch, for the public benefit in case of accident or sickne s. A hamper is also placed at the raeeeourse in chargt3 of the Oanterbury Jockey Olub. Au ambulance stretcher is also placed at the Ierivale pn,rsonage. The Ohristchurch 'Vorking :lIIen's Oo-operative ociety, 82, 4, and 6, Colombo Street, has procured and placed on their premises an ambulance tretcher and hamper in charge of nIl'. W. Woodfield, who holds the meLln,llion of the As. ociation. This is for use in case of accident in the vicinity. H01'se Al1~b~dance.-This is capable of being nsed for one or byo patients at a time, on stretcher, with room for an attendant inside. It is furnished " 'ith india· rubber tyres as well as springs, and may therefore be relicd 011 to remove invalids with com parati ve comfort. This is no,,- stationed at the Rink tahle, Gloucester Street, and may be engaged on application to ~Ir. W. Hayward, on the premi es. Its use for infectious cases i prohibited. ~lr. Hayward is furni hed with a scale of charges which he is authorised to co]]ect on behalf of the A sociatioll. This year patients have been conveyed to the hospital and elsewhere as foll ows :50 by horse ambulance, ani 2 by litter. In 9 horse ambulance cases tLe senice h,;s not been llaid for. The litter service is performed by members of the Fire Brigade Oorps. The sum of £16 18s. 6el. has been expenderl by the As ociatioll in ]la,ying for th e men's time and horse hire n,nd insurance. Fees amounting to £27 3s. 1cl. luw6 been received by the As ociation from the persons benefited who were able to pay. The LowIDoor Jacket presented by Dr. Hacon i' placed at the Lyttleton Railway Station. It is an attachment to the ~tretcher, to euaole an injureu person to be brought up in a perpendicular position through a narrow opening, sucb as a mineshaft or the hold of a vessel. NUHflE REGISTER. We have now twenty-seven profes ional nurscs on the register, qualified to serve in accouchement, medical, surgical, and mental cases. The nurses keep the Secre· tary posted as to their engagements, so that applicants can be furni hed without delay with the address of a nurse who is open for engagement. The, ecretary has received letters from persons who have made use of the Register, expressing satisfaction, and praising the usefulness of the institution.
The thanks of the Association are, afl usual, due to the Medical Staff for their generous help in the way of gratuitous lectures and instruction to classes, as well as the equally responsible and critical task of examining. The Lecturers were Drs. P. T. Bolger, Graham Oampbell, P. O. Fenwick, O. D. Greenwood, W . H . H argreaves, E. Jennings, and N. G. Trotter, at Ohristchurch; Drs. J. H. S. J arvis and A. Milne Thomson at Napier; Dr. J . A. Murray, at
Kaiapoi; and Drs. H. O. Barclay and M. 13. Oruick hank, at \Vainlate. ExaminersDrs. R. ,V. Anderson, G. E. Deamer, and ,Yo Thomas, at Ohristchurch; Dr. P. H. D. Leahy, at Napier; Dr. H . O. Parsons, at Kaiapoi ; and Dr. G. Hodges, at 'Vaimate.
Statement 0/ Receipts ancl E.rpenclitul'ejo)· the year encliilg Decembe?' 31st, 1897. Receipts.
To BIlJ ,Lllce from 1896 " " " " " " "
. £25 15 0 Subscriptions & Donations 3 17 0 22 13 11 Material 'old 15 5 0 Class Fees 5 5 0 NUl' 'e Register Invalid 'Trausport Fee' 27 3 1 1 0 Oash for Medallion . Oontribution to Fund from In vercargill Oen tre, £2 2 . ; Napier Branch, £1 1 S. ; Kaiapoi 13nmch £612s. 6d. 9 15 6
£152 1;)
E.)penclitw·e. By Printing and Advertising . . " Material purchased "Ola Expenses and Oaretaker' Fees . " Examiners' Fees " .JledalliollS bought " ,tatiollery " Po tarres " In val~l Transpo'rt ervice "Secretary's Salary " Balance nt 'redit, per Bn.nk Book
£9 16 27 18 4
8 8 1 o 13 3 5 16 18 52 0
6 0 0 0 0 6 0
20 11
£152 15
OrIlt['·TOl'nEH GARt;L\, Han. T7·casurer. AUlliteLl amI fouud correct, OLLIymn Bl{o ., .duclitors. Chri t churcb, Februar!J 17th, 1 98.
I S Ul!.: OF OERTIFICATE . Xo. of Men
No. of "'ho ba\'e completed a course of instmcLiOll.
who have who have completed received a COlU'se of Certi fi cates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ~ ursing.
"Women who ltaye
lst Aid. I Nursing. 1st AiL!. I Nursing. OENTRE. 506 1244 I 702 I 859 31 T DE E:\lBEH, 1 96. 64, 100 I 101 I 72
Xo. of Certificated Pupils who baye received Medallions. Men.
I Women
WELLINGTON CENTRE. The annual public meeting was held at the Gallery of Fine Arts on Monday, 13th July, when mecIl1llicns and eerti iicfLtes, won the previous winier, were 11l'esented by the Ooun tess of Glasgow. A praetical demonstration of ambulance work was given by male student, which was llluch appreciated, The Ashford litter ordel'ell Oll behalf of the HarlJOur Boai'll (luly arrived. This, together with the litter at the Fir!' Brigade ;'tation, ha!-; been}re(juently u 'eel. Your Committee cOllsiller that the time \Iill SOOll ani ve for a horse amhulance to he at the service of the public. This will cost allont £110. The Oommittee gratefully aulmowle(lge donations from the Gear Mea t 00. and from the ·W ellington Woollen Co. towards the co, t of an fl.lllllulallce litter to be stationed at P etone . It is proposed to transfer a pare one frol11 'IV cllington at once. The Oommittee wish to record their appreciation of the services rendered by the various medical men 'who acteu as lecturers and examiners for the ,'al'ions classes. They feel that such valuahle services, ungrudgingly given are worthy of the highest llraise. The Committee wi h al 0 to record a perial vote of thanks to Mr. H. H. SEed, who acted as lIon. Secretary to the men's branch for so long a time. A number of aCCIdent cases have been succes fully treated by members during the year, notably one by Mr. Jenkins, lInll. ('cretary, at Petone, and another one by the Station-master at the ·Wellington and Mall3.watu Railway tation. Your Oommittee urge that neh ca es may be fully reporteu to the ecretary, in order that they may be recorded.
Formed ] 8 5. Pres ide nt.
His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Ranfnrly ,
K. C.;\I. G.
Vi ce·I'l·e!!Ihlcnts .
Mrs. T. O. Williams.
Mrs. O. J . Johnston. Chalrnlall.
Major-General Shaw. Hon. Alulitol'.
Mr. O.
Tl'c a s lll'cr and Sccr e tary ,
111r. L. H , B. Wilson, 1, Grey Street. 1)
"ccrc tury (WOlnen's Cl:ll!s). Tl'ea sul'e l' un d Bon. i:3
Miss O. M. Hector. Trea s urer and Bon. Secr e tary (lIen 's Class).
Mr. O. J. Jenkins. ANNUAL REPORT. THE Oommittee have to report that four First Aid classes were hel~ last wi~ter, and these were attended by 121 students. In Wellington Dr. Marhn lectUl~d to ~6 men' 24 of these were examined by Dr. Oollins, 16 of whom passed,. 4 bClllg fhst ear' 4 second yea,r, and 8 third year students. A men's Home Nursmg class waos for the firRt time, under Dr. Grieg, and was attended by 13 students, 8 f t d nts whom were examined by Dr. Collins, and all were successful. T he Petone men's First Aid class was exceptionally well attende~, 34 s u e l' fuAt. . t'lOn, a11 bemg. success attendin , 21 of whom presented themselves for examllla '
HiSl~P again acted as lecturer, and
Dr. Purdy conducted the examll1atlOll. Dr the Petone First Aid lectures for men ~he stu~ent~ prescll1ted Hislop with a token of their e~teem and appreciation of hlS serVlCes III the Slape 0 five volumes of Sir Walter Scott's works. 1 . Dr Two women's classes were held in Wellington. The afternoon class, .une .er 1~ S att ended by 20 students. 16 presented themRelves for exammation,. Y oung, wa d The evenmg heincr successful. 11 were first year students, aud 1 secon year. . d and 12 class: under Dr. Ohapple, was attended by 28 students. 15 were . exallli;~,o Home passed 10 being first year stndents, one second, and one thIr~ D Youn a Nursi~g classes for women were also held . The aftern~on .class, un e~vho~ passed: was attended by 25 students. 13 attended for examlllabon, 12 of 14 attended T he evening cbss, uuder Dr. Ohapple, was attended by 30 students. . er for the .1 D r. A n son again acted as exanll for examination, 10 of whom passeu. , nFI.rst Aid . ft 1 ing A women s of who)1l First Aid and H ome N urslllg classes, a ernoon ~ll( even. . d all class was also held at Petone , under Dr. HIslop; 7 were examllle , passed the eXll.miner (Dr. Purdy),
th~ termination of
In conclu, ion, the Oommittee would expres their l)lea nrc at the increase in the number of students this year, and ihey \,ould again urge all members to induce as many as possible to take the mean of attainillcr a knowledge which will always be useful to them, anu. in a young country like this may be the means of saving valuable lives. Statement nj R eceipts and E ,t'pcnditnr'c jor the year cnding Jnne 30th, 1 97. R eccipts. '1'0 Balance, 1895-96 " ullscri ptions Donations .," Olass Fees " alc of Books, L · C. " :Medalliolls . " RefUl1l1 of Freight and Duty. . " Refund Oost of Litter " BalancePetolle Men's Class omeu's "
£50 9 1 6 11 0 3 3 0 4 10 0 5 11 0 2 9 0 8 5 23 15
6 9
2 18
9 6
E.t'jJCllditll/·e. By Cu tom Duty
"" Ad vl,rtisillg ' tationery " ' talllp "" Petty a h & undries Litters " Medallion " ecretary " Balance at Bank C37 19 " Sl111Pl'C ented " L f'hCljUe . 1 8
" £151 16
10 6 ~
2 3 37 ~
10 3 6
36 10 0 3
9 6
£151 16
Cash in hanel
611 0 1 7 0 011 0 0 5 7 0 0 0
Audited and found correct, Wellington, A~tg1tst 26th, 1 97 .
Book, &c ., lor . ale 15 1 10 " ,\ttendallce at Lect ure 3 16 6 " Materials foJ' Lecture 1 7 5 " Rent of ROOlllS for Lectures 13 13 0 " Printillg e Typewriting.
OIIARLES P. POWLES, F . I.A. N.Z. LE WIS H, B. WlLSO , TrCaSll?'e1·. T
228 ltIJ~ N' S
Formed 18 3. StatC1nent of Receipts and Expenditure for the yea?' ending Receipts. T o 34 Olass Fees at 2 .6d. Sale of Books, Bandages, " and Oharts Three Medallions at 3s.
0 0
1 17 0 9
J lb1W
30th, 1897.
Bl'lJenditure. By Rent of Hall " Boys for Models. " Eveniny Post " Petone Clwonicle . Oalico for Bandages " Carriage on Goods "" Stamps Is. 2d., Tacks 2d., O!1alk 3d., Candles 8d. " Box for Ambulance Goods P!l.itl ecretary (Oentral) " for Iedallions " Balance to Secretary
£6 11
Prcs htcut.
H.R. H . Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lorne. £1 8 011 0 6 0 6 0 1 0 2
0 0 0 0 6 0
"i c'(' -PI'(,'1 icl(' nl ~ .
His Excellency Lieut. -Gencral George Dighy Barker, c. n., Governor of Bermuda. Vice- Admiral ir J olm :Fishel', K. c. n. Chairman o f COJJlmHt cc.
Oolonel James Cecil Dalton, n. A.
0 2 3 0 6 6 0 9 0 2 18 9
Trcll . nr('l' ancl Jloll or a r y Secr e tnry .
1I1r. George Simp on, Hamilton, Bermurla. Lift·
Colonel J arne Oecil Daltoll, Captain W. E. leyer
~l e lllb e r8 .
J\Ii s Mary Ann Tucker.
R. A.
£6 11 0 Ucclical Stall'.
Statement of Receipts and E~l]Jeil clittm; f07' the year ending June 30th, 1897. Receipts. To Olass Fees Sale of Books, Bandages, " and Oharts. .
£2 12 0
E.rpCllclitnl'c. By Hire of Room & Cartage Ad vertisen) en ts "" Boy as Mouel tationery and tamps "" Oalico for Bandages Balance in hand.
6 0
o 13 o 10
6 0 0 5 8 0 3 O~
0 3 6!
TAXCR M. HEcTon, non. Secretary. MARY LADDEX, Audit07·.
Petone, J uly 12th, 1897.
No. of Men
who have WllO have who havc completed received cOI1l)ll~ted a Certifi cates. COUl se of a course of instruction. !l1strucLlon. l~t Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Aid. I N~m;ing-:-
who have received CerLi ficates .
I .
No. of Certificated Pupils who hnve received Medallions.
l"St Ai(1. I Nursing. ]\[en. I Women.
328 I 227 I 169 I 125 * (No record before January, 1890. )
n. . s.
Dudley Trott, M. B., F.R.C. Mr. K C. \YilkinsoD, )I.D.
A UAL REPORT. work was revived at this Oentre in .l.Tovember, 1 97, and since the last Report from this Centre, in April lust, two l" ursing and two First Aid classes for women llave been successfully tanght and examined. othing was done during the hot months, but two First Aid classes for women are now in session . A~1BULA _'CE
Statement of Receipts and E.r:puulit!tl"e. E.rpendilurc. Income. By Remittance to t. J obu's 1898. £]0 0 Gate To Balance in hand. £46 o 2 0 2 " Premiums 011 ditto . " Annual llbscription 0 £) 0 7 7 " Examiner's Fee to date. " Payment for ilver nleuallion , 0 7 6 "Freight bills, duty on 1 12 13anLls, etc. " Fees from Classes held between April & Decemher 17 5 0 "Tnl,yelling Expenses, 2 18 Secretary and Examiners " EXl)C11SC' cOllnected with lasse. Lighting, 6 3 prfparillg rooms, etc. " II i re or Room for Public 011 Meeting . 0 4 " Ro 11 er for Bandages o 14 " Po ·tage . " Balance in ha.nd Dec, 16th 34. 5
£63 18
£63 1
0 6
0 0 0 9 0 6 3 2 2
Examined and found correct,
SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1894. 103
£3 1 9
~rr. Thaddeus A. Outerbridge, M.D • ,\1 r. H.. A. Packwood, M. D. Mr. EUore Sarzana, M, D . ~Ir. E. O. Montgomery Smith,
Mr. Thomas M. Allan, )LD., C.M. .?!ir. E. E. Brown M.D . Mr. C. H. Butterfield, r. D. Mr. John ,Yo Oann, )1.D. Mr, Eldon Harvey, )LR.C. '., JdLC.P. :Mr. James R. Le Touzel, )1. D. Mr. Agg~us Ol1terbridge, )I.D.
GEORGE (Signed ) December 16th, 1898.
and Hon~ Sccreta7·Y· A1lditor.
230 I SSUE
No. of Men
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certifi cates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel.. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. ! Nursing.
FORMATIO OF OENTRE. I 169 I 39 I 137 SI TOE 1ST OCTOBER, 1897. 39 I 112 141 I
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I Women
1 1
St. 30bn
Ellnbll [a llee 1J3rigabe.
Pre. i(lellt.
Hon. W . A. O. Barrington.
A.cti1lg PreS id e nt.
Mr. Edward Thornton. Tre a surer.
Mr. J . R. Stratford Fox. lIonol':u'Y s e cretary .
Mr. George Rankin, 2,415 Calle Cram er, Belgrano, Buenos Ayres.
T S.
lUc (lic al Stuff.
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Miss Oecilia Grierson J . B alahan G. Mackern J . O'Oonnor I SSUE
, who have who have received completed a course of Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
who have completed a course of instruction . 1st Aid
I Nursing.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid
SINCE FOJtMATION OF CENTRE. 111 I 37 50 SINCE 1ST OOTOllEn, 189 7. 11 I 18 I 4
Superior Orficers of the Brigallc appointed by II.R.H. thc Grand Prior
Staff of the Districts
Oommissioner's Report
Deputy Commi sioners' Reports, and Reports from Di tricts ;-
No. of Women
No. of Men
H . Pennell 1\1. J. Petty E. Graham Pilgrim P. Shadbolt.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nursing. -Men. 22
I Wom~. 4
o. 1. District
o. II. l)istrict
No. III. Di. trict ...
No. I V. Di trict ...
No. V. District
Colonial Corps
Superior :appotttte~
of tbe :f13rigabe,
b}1 tbe
Staff of IDi5tricts .
aommissioner. OOLONEL O. B. BOWDLER,
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St . .T ohn of Jerusalem in England. June, 1 98. .
.MeNeaI ~meer in abief. SIR vVILLlAM MACOORl\IAC, BART., F.RU.S., Kni.ght of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J eru alem in England. March, 1 96 .
JDeput)? aOlllmfSSiOners, MAJOR O. J. TRIMBLE, L.R.C.P., 5th Lanc. Vol. Art., Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1 95.
Knight of Grace of the Order of t.he Ho pital of t. John of J eru alem in England. August, 1895.
MR. O. E. MILNES HEY, M.A., M.R. . ., Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. ovem her, 1895.
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. August. 1896.
f.D., RN.
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. December, 1898.
OAPTAIN O. H. MILBURN, M.B., 2nd East Riding Vol. Art.
Hon. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of J erusalom in England. December, 189 .
:Bssistant aOl11missioners. MR. J. O. D:ERHAM, Hon. Serving Brother 0f the Order of the ITospital of • t. John of Jerusalem in England . April, 1 96 .
MR. T. H. , VOOLSTO , Ron. Serving Brother of the Order of the Ho pital of St. John of J ern salem in England. December, 1 96.
MR. F. D . MACKENZIE, Esquire of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusalem in EnglRncl. August, 1897.
1R. SYDNEY , V. MALKIN, Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of 't. John of J erllsalem in England. April, 1 98. MR. W. VER ON, M.RO.S., . d Hon. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of St. J olm of Jerusalem 111 Engl an . ovember, 1898.
MR. HAMILTON GATLIFF, Esquire of the Order of the H ospital 0f St. John of Jerusalem in England. November, 1898.
:fSrigabe abief Superintenbent. (With Honorary rank as Assistant Commissioner.)
MR. W. J. OHURCH BRASIER, Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the H ospital of St. John of J el'llsalem in England. August, 1896.
No. !. Metropolitan District. -Oomprising the 1etropolitan Oorps with the following Divisions:cton, Barking, Bromley, Bryanston, Children's Home, yclists, oulton, East Ham, Enfield, Fulham, Haggerston, Hampstead, Harrow, Hospital aturday Fund, King's Cross (0 .N.R.), Ley ton and Leytonstone, London, Brighton, and outh Coast Railway (New Oross), Merton und ,Vimblcdon, Iidland Railway (~o. 3), orth LondouRailway(Bow), Oxford House, t. John's Gate (:ros. 1 and ~ Division), onth fetropolitan ras Oompany, t. Mark' , Toyn bee Hall, Tottenham and Hampstead Junction Railway, 'Yaterlow, , V mbley and Harl e clen. Nlll'si?lg Divisiolls :-Barking, hildren 's llome, IIo pital aturday Fund, :r orwood, t. John's ate an 1 'V nlbley, 'Wimbledon and Merton. Total: Ou orp, with :30 Divi. ions and 7 ur ing Divisions, 7 Officers and 1 n. 157 Nur ing Officers and ist rs. T
Deput!J Commissioner in Chargc of Ddrict. lIN.'PECTOR ~EL ERAL BEL mAYE NI 'NI', ~LD., I . . , JUtS been nominatod Deputy Oommi ion er from 9th December ] 98.] Chief I furf/con MR. •'AMlTEL O. BOR F.RO. A 'sis/lInt Commissioner IR. F. D. 1\1 \. KENZIE. Chicf nperintendellt Mn. \Y. II. I\lORGA upcrintemlcnt ~c(,l'eta)'!/ lR. \\T. II. \VI1 Iy. 'lIjJerintemlent of tores 1\In.. B. PIER. I f llpcr intelldent T1'eaSII)'er IR. 'Y. R. EDWARD .O.A.
Supt. of 'tares (uPCl'llllntC1'rll'!J)
II.. A. J . TnULl\IEH.
No. II. Southern and Westepn District. - O1tthe'J'71, compri ing Ashford, ylesbury, Bath, Bedford, Boughton, nstl thorpe,Oaterham, Chichester, Oranl eigh, Dover, Farnham, Fav rsham, Gnildford, Herne Bay, Horley, Newport (1. of \V.), Olney, Oxfor I, Petersfiell, Ports· mouth, Ramsgate, Reading, R dhill, Tun brjdg ,"V ells, ,Vestgate-on- ea. Western: comprisin g itton, al'di.ff, Pedruth, and others. Total: One Oorps, 44 Divisions, . 1 Officers and M 11, 140 J ursmg Officers and Sisters.
Deput!J Commi simwr in Charge of Di t1·ict. MR. o. E. MIL ES H EY, 1.A., M.RO . . Chief SU?'geon BRIGADE URGEON LIEUT.-COL. ' V. H. Assistant Com111Jissioner Superintendent Secretlt?·y
BULL, V.D., F.R. . S. MR. "V. VER 0 ,M.RO.S. II . J. NORFOLK.
234 No. III. Central and Eastern I?istrict:-Centml comprising Birmingham, Handsworth and SmethwIck,. ~~lCester, N ?rthampton Oorps ' Market Harborough, Shrewsbury DIvIsIOns; "\Velhngborougb Ohelm~ford Orewe Dudley, Hallaton, Ironbridge, Kettering, Nuneaton; Oundle' Leicester ~nd \Vellingborough Nursing Divisions. Eastern, comprising Ipswich, Maldon D ivisions; Ipswich Nursing Division and others. Total: 9 Oorps, 9 Divisions, 2841 Officers and Men, 289 Nursing Officers and Sisters.
Deputy Commiss'ione1- in Cha1-ge of Dist1-ict. BRIGADE-SURGEON LIEUT.-OOLONEL G. H. ELLISTON, V.D., M.R.O.S.
Chief SU1'geon A:Jsistant Commissioner -
No. IV. North-Western District.-Comprising Accrington, Birkenhead, Hebden Bridge, Nelson, Oldham, Preston, Rawtenstall, Rochdale and vVarrington Corps; Barrowford, Burnley, Bacup, Blackpool, Colne, Ohester, Clitheroe, Foulridge, Haslingden, Belfast, Keswick, Morecam be, Padiham, Penrith, Edenfield, Roy ton, "\Valton-Ie-Dale, Winsford Divisions; and others. Total: 11 Corps, 34 Divisions, 2126 Officers and 1\1en, 854 Nursing Officers and Sisters.
Deputy Commissioner in Cha1'ge of Dist1'ict : MAJOR C. J. TRIMBLE, V.D., L.R.C.P.
Chief S'l"rgeon Assistant Commissioner Chief Superintendent S'l"perintendent Treasurer
DR. MR. MR. fR.
No. V. Nort h-E a s t e r n Distric t.-Comprising Babbington, Bradford, Barnoldswick, Hull, North Staffordshire, and Tibshelf Oorps ; Armley and "\Vortley, Gateshead, and Lincoln, Birchwood, Darley Dale, Doncaster, Eastwood, New Sharlston, VI elbeck, Westhou~e~,. and Worksop Divisions; Tibshelf, Babbington, and Hull Nursing DIvIsIons, and others. Total: 5 Oorps, 25 Divisions, ] 315 Officers and Men, 195 Nursing Officers and Sisters.
Deputy Commissioner in Cha1-ge of District: MR. S. C. WARDELL. Assistant Commissioner MR. SIDNEY Vv. MALKIN. [No. VI. -To comprise the Divisions and Corps in the cO',ln.ties Northumberland and Durham, and the East and North RIdmg Yorkshire, the West Riding remaining in No. V. District.
o~ 0
A cting Deputy Commissione1-. CAPT.
C. H.
The formation of this District will date from 9th December, 1898.J
Report of the Commissioner of the St. eJohn Ambulance Brigade for t he year 1898. HEAD-QUARTERS:
ST. JOIl " GATE. CLERKE JIVELL, E.C. 4th lVovembeT, 1 98. ~ly LORD,-I have the honour to submit the followiug report on the Brigade, the command of which I a umed on the 11 th July last. The most important event in connedion with the Brigade during the past year was the retirement of the late Commissioner, Colonel Sir Edward T. Thackeray, K.C.B., Y. '., which took plac on -'to John's Day. The services rend~red to the Brigade by my praclecessor are so well known and so thoroughly appreciated, not only by the Officers and members of the Brigade who h:1(l the honour and pleasure of serving under him, but by your Lordship and the members of the Oentral Execntive Committee, that it i unnecessary for me to attempt to enumerate them, but I should fail in my duty to the Brigade were I to omit to place on record the uniyersal e teem in which he was held by all rank, and the erreat r Hrret that was fel t hy all when he relinquished the commallu. The fourth onference of the lllem b 1'S of the Brigade was held at Blackpool, on the 17th J LlIle, 1 9. -' ixty-two m mber were present, as compared. with in 1 95, DO in 1 DG and 75 in 1 ~97. The Mayor of Blackpool, 1\11'. l\1atber, J.P., was (Fooel enough to place the Town Hall at the disposal of the Conference, and, after he had opened the proceedings by welcoming the memb rs to the town, the chair mlS taken by DeputyCommis. ioner :JIajor C. J. Trimble, Y.D. Fifteen resolutions and amendments were proposed and discus. ed . neady all of "which related to matters which had aIr ady been decided at heau-quarters. The onerous duties of Honorary 8ecretary to the onference omm~ttee were undertaken ano. a~ly performed by npt. ecrctary 'V. H. \VlDny (No.1 Distlict), and to him and to the members of the Committee much of the success of the Conference is due. A Oamp of Instruction was held from the:2 th lay to the 4:th June, at Easton N eston Park, Towcester, by kind permissi n of ir Thomas Hesketh, Bart. Brigade- :-1 urgeon Lieut.-Col. Elli ton, V.D. DeputyCommissioner (N o. 3 District), was in command. The weather throughout the meetinO' was wet , but the members nnder canvas <:) contrived to put in some useful drill and exercises. 11 mbers ~rom the followina' Corps and Divisions attended the camp :-~1etropohtan, Kettering, b orthamptoll, vVellingborough, and orth Staffordshire Corps; Winsford Division, &c. Nursing sisters from the Metropolitan and Wellingborough Corps also visited the camp during the week. I append a report from the Officer in command of the Camp.
The Ambulance Station at the Royal Agricultural Show, which was held at Four Oaks, Birmingham, from the 17th to the 25th June was in charge of the Brigade Ohief Supt., wholwas assisted by Supt. Go~dwin and four other mem bers of the Metropolitan Oorps, and by four members of the Handsworth and Smethwick Oorps. Mrs. Brasier and Mrs. Gent, the Lady Supt. and Inspector of Stores of the St. John's Gate Nursin a Division, were also present and rendered valuable assistance, especiall~ in the case of a member of the Bodega Oompany's staff, who was take~ seriously ill during the meeting. The efforts of these ladies 'were gratefully acknowledged by the Directors of the Oompany, who forwarded a donation to the funds of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The station was visited by H.R.H. the Grand Prior, who expressed his are at satisfaction with the complete character of all details. Drs. M~rtin, Young, and Bennett, the ~edical offic~rs on duty, were subsequently presented to H.R.H. Dunng the meetlllg 48 cases were treated. This was the first time that an ambulance wago n has been sent down from head-quarters, and it proved to be a valuable accessory, as the hospital was nine miles distant from the show ground. The Ambulance Station at the Yorkshire Agricultural Society's meeting, which was held at Leeds, from the 20th to the 22nd July, was also in charge of the Brigade Ohief Supt., who was assisted by Supt. Goodwin and Lady Supt. Mrs. Brasier (of the Metropolitan Oorps), Mrs. Rowley (of Leeds), and three members of the Armley and ,Vortley Division. Two constables holding first aid certificates were placed on duty at the station through the kindness of Oaptain ~Vebb, the Ohief Oonstable. The preliminary arrangements were carned out by the Secretary of th e Y.A. ociety, who was assisted by Mr. \Valter Rowley, Hon. Sec. of the Leeds Oentre of the St. John Ambulance A?sociatioll. The medical arrangements were made by Dr. E. A. Atklllson, on whom they reflected the greatest credit· and medical duty during the week was undertaken by Drs. B~'own, McGregor, Mackenzie, Trevelyan, Waite, and -vy oodcock. The station was. visit~d by the Lord Mayor of Leeds, who expressed his great satisfactIOn With the arrangements. Thirty cases, of a more or less serious character, were treated. At a Oamp of Instruction in connection with the ational Fire Brigades Union, which was held in Blenheim Park from the 20th to .the 24th Aug~st, an ambulance station was fo;med by Brigade Ohlef Supt. BraSIer, who is also Ohief Supt. of the Ambulance Departme~t of the Union. A temporary hospital was also arranged in a house kmdly lent for the purpose, where the Nursing Officers and four uther members of the St. John's Gate ursina Division volunteered their services. Hon. Surgeon Becker (of Oolch~ster) was in llledical charge, and Su:pt. of Stores Trimmer (of the Metropolitan Oorps) act~d as camp supermtendent of stores. During the five days seventY-SIX cases were treated, two of the more serious ones being nursed in the temporary hospital. The final competitions for the "Dewar" Shield and "Symons Eccles" Oup were held at the Portman Rooms Baker Street W. on 12th May, it having been arranged that the winn'ing team shOl.;ld t~ke the Shield,
and the next.i~ order of merit sho~11d ~e ~warded the Oup. Preliminary competitIOns· were arranged In DIstrIcts 1" 3 and 4. , in order to se1ect repres~ntatlve teams for the final, and resulted in the selection of the follOWIng :-East H~m .(N 0 .. 1 District), Wellingborough (No.3) P:e~t?n (No.4); No.5 DIstrIct dId not compete, and Westgate-on-Sea DIVISIOn (No.2) secured a bye. At th~ final competition, Oaptain Rawnsley., R.A.M.C., and Surgeun-Oaptalll Harper, V.M.S.O., kindly acted a~ Judges, and placed the teams in the following order of merit: - Wellmgborough, East Ham, Preston, "Westgate-on-Sea. In their Report they state that the work of all the teams was excellent but make. sper,ial mention of the \Vellin 0aborouah and East Ham me~ as 0 showmg great perfect.ion in all their work, .and proving that they had been mo~~ carefully drIll en and thoroughly lllstructed in all branch of first ald. . Several rerr:arkable instances of the value of the Brigade organization lD cases of aCCIdents on a large scale have been r eported during the past year, but the most conspicuous is the rail way accident which occurred at ,V ~ll in gbo rough in 'ptem ber, and I would particularly invite attentIOn to the full report of the a.dmirable work clone by the vYellingborough Oorps on that occasion, which will be founel attached to the Report of the Deputy-Oommi sion er of o. 3 District. O\~ing to my still having charge of o. 1 District, pending the appomtment of a Deputy- ommi sioner, I have only been able to make tile follow ing inspections of provincial Oorpa and Divisions. Being ~n the nei~hbourhood of Bury on the 1 6th July, I took the opportUl:lty of beIng present at the inspection of the onth-East Lancaslllre 'ounty Oorps by Deputy-Oommissioner Trimble, a detailed account of which is appende(l to his Iteport on No.4 District. There lVere present on parade 127 Offic r and men, and 63 Jursing Officers and SIsters. I was much pI ased with their appearance and work. On the 10th September I was pr sent at an am bulance demonstration at Sheffield, at which 39 Ollie rand m nand 2 J ursina Officers and sisters of various Oorps and Divisions of .r o. 5 Di trict were on parade, together with some 300 persons holdin a first aid certificates 'III any way connected with the Brigade. b Wh 0 were not The whole were unde~ the charge of Deputy-Oommissioner \Vardell, and were inspected by LIeut.-Colonel W. L. Gubbins, R.A.M:.C. The stretcher drill and ambulance practice carried out by tIle members of the BriO'ade present were ve~y satisfactory, and the inspecting officer express~d his great approbatIOn of the work don , both by the men and nursin a sisters of the Brigade; the arr.angemen ts for the work carried out by theblatter, in a larg~ tent fitted With cots and nursing appliances, meeting with his s~ecial approval. In a report on the demonstration made by LIeut.-Col. Gubbins to the Dir ctor-General , Army Medical ervice , a, copy of which was courteously forwarded to me by direction of the Secretary of State for War, the inspectin a officer states that "the ban~aging, lifting, and transport of patients from stretchers to cots was admIrably carried out; some of the supposed injuries, such as intestinal wounds and fracture of the spine, being put up and transported in a lUanner that would have reflected credit on any metropolitan hospital." Cl
On the 21st September I inspected the Leicester Corps. 90 Officers and men were on parade. The Brigade drill has not yet been adopted by this Corps, although it was formed as far back as 1882; and only five Officers and eleven men wear uniform. The Association stretcher exercises and demonstrations of bandaging were very well done, and it is greatly to be hoped that this exceptionally fine body of men will in course of time, be able to adopt the regulation uniform, will acquir~ the elements of military drill, and will make themselves as efficient as members of the Brigade as they now are as holders of the Association certificate. It having comb to my knowledge that there are in many parts of the ~ountry so-called Corps and Divisions of the Brigade which have, apparently, not been formed with permission from head-quarters, some that have adopted an urganization totally at variance with the regulation system, and many others that have neglected for some years to make any annual report, or acknowl edge any connection with the Brigade except in name, I have taken steps to the condition of those organizations, and I regret to have to report that my enquiries have brought to light a great deal of irregularity as regards the constitution of many Corps and Divisions; and, in many instances, an utter want of knowledge of the objects of the Brigade, as distinguished from the Association, and of the duties devolving upon its members. I am, however, glad to be able to state that, in the majority of cases-thanks to the assistance of the Deputy and Assistant-Commissioners-the organizations referred to have shown every desire to ~onform to the regulations, now that they have been made acquainted with them; anll I have every reason to hope that before long all the Corps and Divisions included in the Brigade will be similarly organized, and work on the same lines in every respect. The irregularities above alluded to may be traced to several causes, chief among which are the meagreness of the General Regulations of the Brigade hitherto in force, the want of definite instructions for forming new Divisions, a general tendency to confuse the work of the Brigade with that of the Association, the baneful effect in many cases of a close connection between Divisions and Corps of the Brigade and local centres of the Association, and the want of system in keeping up the records of the Brigade at head-quarters and in controlling the appointment of officers and others. . The General Regulations have now been thoroughly revised, and~ If adhered to, will ensure the uniformity of discipline and control whIch are essential to the well being of so large ana widely ramified an organization as the Brigade now is. A pamphlet containing detailed explanations of the objects of the Brigade and the points in which it differs from the Association, and giving clear directions for the steps to be taken by persons who wish to form Divisions) has been issued. The connection of Corps and Divisions of the Brigade with local centres of the Association was undoubtedly of great value w~en the Brigade was in its infancy, and several excellent Corps are stIll connected to some extent, at any rate so far as regards financial assistance,
with local centres; but, in many cases, the dual control thus fostered has been the cause of much trouble, and I do not propose in future to sanction the formation of any Divisions which will not be entirely under Brigade control. New forms for recording the organization of the various Corps and Divisions have been introduced, and when these shall have been filled in, and a system of periodically reporting all changes in the membership of Divisions fully established, there will be a complete record of the personnel of every unit hoth at Brigade and District head-quarters. With the object of stimulating esp?'it de C01PS, as well as of ensuring an accurate register of duly-appointed Officers, I am engaged. in compiling a Brigade List, showing the rank and date of appointment of every Officer of the Brigade, and I propose to publish this annually at a price sufficient to cover the expense of printing. I may state that the returns that have be n called for in connection with this Brigade List reveal almost incredible irregularity as regards the appointment of Officers. 'W ithin a very recent period Officers appear frequently to have been appointed by the committees of local centres of the Association, many have appoin ted themselves, and in one or two Divisions the practice has prevailed of the members electing the officers annually, in all cases without any referenc wbatev r to head-quarters. These returns, moreover, as well as forms recently introduced in order to facilitate the preparatiou of the Aunua.l Reports of the Oorps and Divisions, betray the fact that Officers and. upernumerary Officers have been appointed in total disregard of the proportions laid down in the Regulations, and various titl, have been assumed) such as captain, lieutenant, . tafI'-sergeant rgeant) and corporal, which have never been authorized in the Brigad . As the mode hitherto adopted for notifying Brigade Orders and the appointment and retirement of Officers has been Ull atisfactory, I propose to issue such orders as affect the Brigade generally in printed serial form every six months, or as occasion may arise, and the appointment and retirement of Officers will be notified in a similar manner in Brigade Circulars. I would particularly invit attention to the fact that the Officers of the Metropolitan Corp, from th Ohief nperintencIent downwards, for the ?rst time underwent a special re-examination in first ai 1 (and in n~rsIng, in the case of those holding nursing certificates). I am convll1ced that this is a most important step in advance, and I confidently hope that the Commissioner's Report for 1 99 will show that every ambulance and nursing Officer in the Brigade has had the opportunity of comp}ying with one of the most important provisions of the General RegulatlOns and has taken advantage of it. . Tl~e. subject of the voluntary employment of members of the Brigade ~n mll~tary hospitals and elsewhere, in time of war or other necessity rnyolvmg mobilization of the forces, has been under my serious considerat~on for some time past, ancl I hope shortly to be able to report that t~rs most ~mportant, bllt hitherto entirely neglected, part of the work o the .Bngade has been provided for. ~onslderable delay has occurred in the rendering of this Report OWIng to the inaccuracy of most of the returns rendered by Oorps and
240 Di visions of the BriO'ade. In previous years no uniform form of annual report has been al'opted, and I found it necessary t.o issue t~ each Corps and Division :1 printed form of rep~rt accoJ?pamed by plam and precise directions for filling it in. N otwlthstandmg ~hese precautions, which were intended to facilitate the work of supermtendents and to reduce correspondence to a minimum, the Deputy-Commissioners report that they have had very great difficulty in g~tting the returJ?-s filled in correctly. I do not anticipate ~hat there ~Ill be so much dI~culty or delay in future years, as the mam cause ~f It has ?een the dIscovery, due to the precise information called for.m the vano?-s forms of re~ort above referred to of irreO'ularities and mlsunderstandmgs of regulatIOns b . I n any case, I venture to which I believe ' will rarely bappen agam. think that any inconvenience that may unfortunately have been caused by delay in the rendering of this .Report i.s .more ~han compensated by the beneficial effect of the searchmg enqUlI"leS which the Deputy-Commissioners have been ~ood enough to make into the organization of many of the outlying Divisions in their respective d~stricts. . . The Brigade units number 26 Corps (some of whIch are sub-divided into Divisions and include Nursing Divisions), and 114 independent Ambulance Di~isions, together with 12 independent NUlsing Divisions. The recorded strength of the Brigade on the 30~h Septemb~r, ~8~B, was 9 537 and included 1 Commissioner, 1 MedIcal Officenll-Cluef, 4 Dep~ty-Commissioners, ~ District Chie~ S?rgeons, 6 Assist~~t-Com missioners, 1 Brigade Ohlef Supt., 8 DistrIct Staff, 31 ~ Ulnef. and Honorary Surgeons, 419 Ambulance Officers, B7 Nursmg Officers, 7,146 men, ~and 1,54:2 nursing sisters. These numb~rs, however, do not include several Divisions which have failed to furmsh returns. During the year the following appointments have been made by H.R.H. the Grand Prior. Colonel C. Bowdler, Oommissioner. . . Mr. Synney W. Malkin, Assistant-Commissio.ner, No. !5 Dlstnct. In conclusion, I take this opportunity of tenderIng my best thanks ~o the Medical Officer-in-Ohief, Sir William IacCormac, Bart., for hIS care and promptness in endorsing the selection of ~onor~ry. surgeoDs appointed during the yea.r, and to the Deputy-OommissIOners .of Districts :-Dr. Hey, Brigade-Surgeon Lieut.-Col. Elliston, YD., Major Trimble, V.D., and Mr. Wardell, for their valuable assistance and cooperation; and especially for the care with which they have endeavou~e~ to ensure the accuracy of the Ann ual Reports of the Corps and Dmsions in their respective Districts. It is my duty also to report that ~he Assistant-Commissioners continue to do valuable work in tbeir:respective Districts, that the Brigade Ohief Superintendent renders me every assistance, and that, generally, the officers and other memb6rs of the Brigade are earnestly endeavouring to fulfil their voluntarily-undertaken duties to the best of their ability. I beg to submit the reports of the Deputy-Commissioners on their respecti ve Districts. I have the hOD our to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's obedient servant,
To the Right Hon. Viscount KNUTSFORD, G.C.M.G., Director and Chairman of the Ambulance Depw·tment, O.S.J.J.
Deputy OO1n?nissionel'-(Vacant) . Disti'Eet Chief SZl?'geon-MI' . •'. O:-;nOltN, F.n.c.s. Assistant COinI/1issioner-nIr. F. D. MACKENZIE. District Ohip! Sllpel'intendent-Ml'. W. II. l\lOI~GAN. Distrid Sllpcrintc/zdwt Scc'·'>/((I'y-Mr. 'Y. n. ,VINNY. District Supcrintcndcnt of SflOI·cs-Mr. '. B. PIEns. District Snjlcrintcndent 1'I'C((SIiI'I>I·-~Ir. 'IV. R. EDWARDS,
A.C.A .
Di8trict SupcrintcnclclZt <1 Storcs (SUjlcl'iwiI1cra1'y)-nIr. A. J. TRDDIEll.
3rd j\'oL"eillbcr, 1 9 . My LOIlD, -;-1,,!' the llOllOlll' Lo sllumiL the following report 011 Ko. 1 Di.-trict, the e~ar~e of wlneh I have retainerl pentlillg the appointment of Inspector- Teneral B. NI~llllS, )I.ll., H. X., a Deputy-Collllllis'iOller. DunlJ~ .the. past ~'ear great progress has been malle 1,y the :JIetropolitan Oorps. The (Juah~eaholl. of. the am1mlau(;(J Onken; amI. upernnmerary Ofncers who have been a,l'l)Ollltell dUl'lug the Fal.' were fully teste<l before their nppointmeot, and ~he eLIt.clency of those already 1Il the 'orps 11<1 heen ascertained at the Di\'isional ln~p.e?tlOlls. The results of the allllual re-ex'l.miuations of ambulallce and nursinO' DmslOlls are. Ill0:t s~tisfactory, anLl, for Lhe Iirst time, the Ollicers have llnuel~ gone re·exallllllatlOll III fir t aill at :;pecial examinations, thus setting an admirable example ~o all under their eharge. Inspecbo!ls alld attendance at meetings in the IH'ovinces have prevented my per onally lllspecting aU the Divisions of the Corps. EiO'hteen Divi ions weTe :nspected by me, 7 by As istant- 'omllli 'ioner Mackenzie, ~nd 4 hy Ohief uper~tencle,nt .Morgan. The few remaining Divisions were unable to fix a day for IllspectlOll before the date of this reporl. I ",oulJ especially thank the Ohief urgeoll of the l1istrid, nIr. am. Osborn, F.R.C .. ·..' for the. uufailing support he !Jas given me, for hi pre ence on occasions of pllbhc duty III Loudon, and for the zeal with which he has regulated, and, in many cases per."ollally conducLe<l, the allllual re-examination. Jl,l y incere thanks ~ud those 0[' the entire Oorp' are also due to the members of the Medical Board or the. year, who, in addition to their routine duties in connection with their respective Divisions, have eowlueted the anuual re-exnminations of Divisions ~ud the special eXal!l~natiol1s of Oilicel". . The results of the re-examination te tify o the zeal aull unbrlllg encr"y of the IlOll. macon of Divisions who tlevote so 111I1 C11 L'lllLC nn J ' . n abIlity to ~the \\'ork of illstrnction in fir t aid . , f am grea.tly indebted to the .Assistant-Conllni sioner, l\1r. F. D. Mackenzie, 01 l1n(~el'taklJlg charge of nearly all the public parades of the orps, and for ~ond.n?bng .thorough inspectioll." of some of the Divi ion which 1 have been unable o VI~lt tlns year. .fhlef Sup2rintcndent Morgan hns carrie(l out hi. very al'lluou, and often ~x 1~~ll1ely clelieatt', duties to my entiro sali faction, and I thank him 1110 t heartily or. Ie zealous a sistance he has nngrut1gilluly uiven me throuahout the three years ll\11'111 cr wh' 1 I b b S b '. Ie I ave 1lad charge of ~tho Di t'I trict.t> a dl1per~ntentlent- ecretary ,Villny has undertaken the is ue of all orps orders 11 notlCes, thus relieving the Ohief upcrin tenclen t of lUuch hard work.
Superintendent of Stores Piers has not ?n!:r kept. the Oo:'ps stores in admirable order, but has attended nearly all the DlvlslO~al lllspectlO?S, anu thus acquired a practical knowlcdge of the state of the matenal at the dlsposal of the Corps. Special acknowledgment is due to those mem be~'s who act as Oorps storemen, Supernumerary Officers Dunne and Beeton, and Pnv:ates Ealey, Pepper and 11artin, who have not only attended at head-quarters to lswe and receIve Corps stores lent to Divisions, but, under Mr. Piers' able superintendence, have kept the stores in good condition, and. personally repairer1 the material. I rearet that the labours of Superintendent Treasurer Edwards have as yet been slight,"\ut I hope that before long thc appeal which it is proposed to make to the public for financial assistance will result in increased work in his department. I have the honour to be, :My Lord, Your obedient servant, O. BOWDTJER, OOlnmissioner. The Right Hon . VISCOU~T KNUTSFOltD, G. C.:M.G. Ohainnctn and Director of the Alnbltlance De]Jw·tlll ent, O.S.J.J.
JOliN'S GATE, OLEnKENWELL. 1st October, 1898.
I have the honour to report upon the medical efficiency of the Metropolitan Oorps, as shewn by the re-examinations, anel I n,m pleased to state that it is well maintained. The re-examinations were conducted by a ~Iedical Board, consisting of Drs. Binelley, Hargreaves, Ha\ykes, Gidlp.y-Uoore, Brown, and Canell. On account of the number of these re-examinations, extending over a district em bracing the whole of the Metropolitan Police area, it was found necessary to inerease that Board by two additional members, and even then the work entailed upon each individual member was very great. I beg to offer to my colleagues my sincere tlw,nks for their kind assistance. The continued devotion of tIle Hon. urgeons to the maintenance of the technical efliciency of their respective Divisions calls for the wannest tha~ks. An organization, whose mison cl'et1'e is suIlicient surgical knowledge to render first aid when called upon, would fail in it., object if the technical instruction of its memo bers were not considered of paramount importance. . I am pleased to report that the Officers of the Oorps, both ambulance anrlnUl'smg, voluntarily presentpd themselves for re-examination. By so doing ~he~ acted decidedly in the iute:'est of the Corps, and shewetl their desire to mamtam that efficiency which we all see to be so important. I hOlle this re-examination of. Officers will continue, a I feel sure that the fact of their having proved their effiCIency to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners will have an excellent effect in strengthen· ing the conficlence in them of those who are uuder their command. . It is important to impress the fact that our Ambulance Stations arc mtended for first aid only, and are not to 11e nsee1 as hospitals, snrgel'ies, or Free and open dispensaries. With the gradual increase in the Humber of' our statIons, an.d considering the benefits which the general public find they derive from them, thiS should be borne in mind and guarded against. . In the multiplying of Ambulance Stations and the equipment of a body of tr~lDed men, such as the Metropolitan Corps now possesses, the St. John Ambulance Bugade is paving the way to the formation of a complete Ambulance Service for London, which will cOJ?e sooner or later, and of which th~ exi~ting ~)ody. fOl'l~lS a? exc~lle~! nucleus. It IS to be hoped that further extenslOn WIth tIns ohJect In VleW WJll undertaken. r have the honour to be, Sir, Your ohedient servant, SAMUEL OSBOltN, F.H.O.S, Ch'i ef Su?'ge01b. To the Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade.
HEAD-QUARTEll , ST. JOlI~'S GATE, OLERKENWELL. 14th N ovember, 1898.
SIR,I have the. ho~our to. report that during the year I have, by your orders, held the. ~o~lowlllg lllspectlO.lls, at which I have fully tested the general efficienc of the DlVlsJOns, as ~lso the ll1dividllal efficiency of the Officers and members. y O~ 23rd July. r lllspect~d the T?ynbee Hall Division, including the Millwall Se~tlOn .. Th~ ~r~ll was carned out WIth the smartness and correctness which charactense thIS DIV; lOn, and both O~CeT's anrl ul)ernnmerary Officers proved their cOlDpetenee. rhe turn-o~lt was In every ''lay most satisfactory. On the 3rcl eptember r lllspected the South :aretropolitan Gas Oompany Division an~ I have to rellort most favo~rably on the martness of the turn·out. r had th~ UllIformed men. and t~e l'eCrUlts taken sf.'parately, the former through division st~etcher, aI~d litter dnl\ and the latter throug~ division and !:ltJ.'etcher drill, thi~ belDg as far as the rbcIUlts bad gone at the tIme. The movements throughout were as COlTf'Ctly executed a could pos ibly be desired. On the lOth eptember.r in&pected the ",Vaterlol\' Division. Th e turn-out was very good, all the men. belllg \l'ell equipped ilud looking smart. This Divi ion is compo er~ of such matenal as should allow of its becomina one of the best in the Metropohtan Oorps. b I uncleI' tand t~at many of the members have of their o\vn accord attended Ject.ures on first ~llcl at Toynbee Hall, which is most creditable and shews their deme to carry out all their uutie well. ' OJ~ the. :2?~h October, I il1s]Jecte~ .t1.w t. John's Ga to O. 2 Division, the CyclIst DlVIl;lOll, and the Doulton DIVl lOn. All three of the e Divisions presented a .very smart appearance, and performed their marching, diyision, and stretcher drill '11th great accmacy. On the 31st October r illspectell the, t. John's Gate :ro. 1 Division. The whole of the work done by this Divi ion was highly satisfactory . The turn-out was excellent, all the men except the recruit bein a fully equipped with rolled greatcoats water· bottles, haversacs, and gaiter. 0 , Considering the clifncllity that this Divi . ion ha., \yith some other, to cope with in cons~quence of the ab .olut.ely iuade(ll~ate space for drill at head-quarters, it i most creditable that they talll . ueh n 111gh state of proficiency. C~n the same date I offi~iall'y inspected the stores he longing to the Metropolitan OIpS. I. found all matel'lal 1Il fir 't-rate order, fair weal' and tear excepted, and, rhmembcnn g the great amount of extra work which at certain time is thrown upon ~/s d:pal't:n~nt, r consider that the thanks of the whole Oorps are due to upt. Stores PlOr , as also to those who work so well as voluntary storemen nnder him. I have the hononr to be, iI', Your ohedient i;el'Van t, F. DoxA!.D l\fACKEXZIE, Esquire oj th(' 01'de1' of St. John of Jerusalem T As istant Oommissioncr No, 1 District. ' o the Commis ioner, t. J oh11 Ambulance Brigade.
JOIIN' GATE, OLEl1KEXWELL, E. O. Noz-ember 30th, 189 .
m : have the honour to submit the following Report upon the Ambulance Depart~l~ of ~he Oorps d urillg the past year. menJ~e ldr~ll ancI general efficiency l?a.v~ oeell well maintained, and marked improvesh las been shewn by 80me DI VISIOllS. Th e attendance at the divisional drills d\\~ws, on the w)lOle, ~ very fail' . . The attendance on occasion of public Yt has matertn.lly lllcreasell, and the Corp wa thus enabled to send detachmensto two adtl·t' 1 II oldays, I' IlOna1 open spaces 011 Ban;: the number of temporary
244 ambulance stations formed on each of the three. Bank Holidays heing: Easter Monday, 16; Whit Monday, 17 ; ~ugust Bank H?hday, 18. , The number of cases attended to compares favourably wlth that shewn ~ll last year s Repol:t. Duty has been performed at the a.mbulance statJon at the InternatlOnal Universal Exhibition, Earl's Oourt, for. a p~nod of. 25 weeks, an O~cer, or Super?umerary Officer, 2 privates, and 2 nursmg slsters bemg on duty fTom I to 11 p.m. dally. The station was also visited by an honorary surgeon at tated mtervals throughout each day. Night duty from 7 to 11 p.m. l1as been uDdertaken at the" Duncan" Memorial Ambulance Station St. Olement Danes Ohurch, Strand, from 11th lIlay to date, and will ba continued ~n Officer or Supernumerary Officer and two privates being present nightly, Sunday ~xcepted . Sunday duty at St. Paul's Ambulance Station has been performed as usual. . . .. Great praise is due to all ranks for the 'yilhng way m whlCh t~ey have vol~Illtee~'ed for all duties, especially those above mentlOned, and for the effiClent manner III which they have at all ti'nes carried them out.. ." The competition for the" 1:assey Mamwanng qU1? .took place on 8th pecember, 1897, and resulted in a victory for the East Ham Dlvlslon for the secon~ hme. On January 29th the Jubilee M~dals awarded. to the members of tIllS Oorps were presented individually by the RIght Hon. VIscount Knutsford, G.C.1LG., at a special parade held at the Hugh lIlyudelton Schools, Olel'keuwell, when 436 of all ranks WEre on parade. . , A competition was held on 28th Apnl to d~Cld~ the ~eam t? represe~t the Corp~ in the Brigade Oompetition for the" Dewar' hield, wIth WhIrlh was mcorpo~ated that for the" Symons-Eccles" Ohallenge Oup. Th:. succes~ful team w~s furmshed by the East Ham Division. In the final competition thIS team obtamod second place and became the holders of the latter trophy. On'15th May the members of the Oorps, to the num bel' of 270, attended Divine Service at St. Clement Danes Ohurch, Strand, when the sermon was preacbed by the Rev. J. J. H. S. Pennington. A detachment, consisting principally of members of the Cyclist Division, attended the annual Oamp of Instruction. A much larger n~m bel' '~'ould no doubt haye taken part but for the fact that the camp w~s held durmg 'Whitsun week, when the services of all available members are reqmred for tlw open spaces duty performed by the Oorps. On St. John's Day (24th June) a display of ambulance work was given befo~'e the members of the Order of the Hospital of Rt. John of Jerusalem in England III the grounds of the Chal'terhouse ; 110 of all ranks were on parade. A march out and combined drill took place on 16th July, the strength on parade being 86 of all ranks. This was not very sati factory. Officers and Supernmner~ry Officers in charge of Divisions should encourage the members of their resp~ctive Divisions to attend these special parades, as they afford the o~lly opportU1l1ty of acquiring a general 1:lniformity of drill. The drill was helel 111 the grounds of HoDoway Oollege, by kind permi sion of the Pl'incip9.l. . The annual inspection of the Corps ,,,,as held on 20th August m the grounds of Holloway Oollege. The number on parade would no doubt h~1Ve been greater had not the inspection been held so late in the year, wheu a very large number of members are away for their holidays. . T wenty-nine Divisions have been inspected, the parade states bemg, on the whole, very satisfactory, and 30 Divisions have been re-examined. .h Nine special lectures have been given by the Hon . Surgeons of the Oorps, WhlC were greatly appreciated . . Three new Divisions have been formed-viz ., Acton, Harrow, and Wlmbledo~ and Merton and other Divisions are in course of formation. The Oheshunt an Waltham O;oss Division, owing to loss in membership, is now in abeyance. . I have conducted 5 examinations for ambulance Officers, and 22 for Supernumerary Officers during the period under review. The strength of the Oorps is well maintai ned. I have the honour to be, Sir, Yom obedient servant, WILLIAM H . MORGAN,
Ohief Superintendent.
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Nov. 5
Football Duty-OtLletlonian Park ant! Olapton, ea on 1<:97-98 ... ... Polytechnic Football Ground, Merton Manor Club ... " " ... Ohurch Institute " " arnival, " " Guy Fawkes DayHamptead Heath ... ... .. Guy Fawkes Oarnival, Enl1elJ ... Lord Mayor's Day ... ... ... London Ohurch Choir Union Festival, St. Paul's Cathedral ... ... pecittl 'ervice, ' t. Paul's Oathedral '
1 30 189 . Feb. 19 2~
April 5 8
9 11
Uay 26 & 27 28 30
To the Oommissioner, St. J olm Ambulance Brigade.
1 1
1 9
13 16 195
16 5
4 7
.-d OJ
~ C)
.., (.Q
--128 15 3 11
2 22
2 4
9 5
1 1
Oouutie'3 Cross Oountry Ohampionship Meeting .. ... Concert [111d Ball, IIollJorn Town Hall I ,Yelsh Festiyal el'vice, 't. Paul' OatheLlral .. ... ... .. . 'recial ervice, "'t. Punl'. Oathedral Athletic Meeting, 'Wood Green .. Good Frida,y, Puhlic Duty,Yol'm\\'ood cl'ubb " Wansteau Flats .. Puhlic" Duty, Wan teacl17Jats .. Easter lIIonday, Public DlltyBatt l'sea Park ... " Bln,ckheath ... .. " Bromley 'ommou ... " Ohingforu '" ... " Ohingfol'cl, " Rising " un" '" ... Fat'll borough .. " Hackney larshes ... " Hamp.· tead Heath ... " (2 station.) Peckham Rye ... " (2 stations) Stamford Hill ... " Wansteat! .Flats ... " Welsh IT al'p, IIendon. " Wembley Park ... " Vvormwood crubbs " Meeting, Gas , Vorks, Old Athletic Kent Road ... .,. ... . .. Lyiny-iu-State, late Rt. Hon . W . E . G ndstone (attendance each day) .. Funeral, late Rt. Hon. , V. E. Gladstone Whit-Monday, Public D ntyBattersea Park .. . " Blnckheath .. . ... " Bromley Oommon .. "I, Chingford ... . ..
1 -
1 -
J -
2 2
1 1 1 1
2 6
1 1 1
1 2
1 10
6 63
3 16
1 3 3
3 -
21 5 28
6 5
5 25
7 4
5 35
9 37
6 5
2 1
1 4
12 5
18 15
18 5 4 11
2 11
2 4
8 14 2
246 lIIembers on duty. ~
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1898. May 30
Bank Holiday, Public DutyChingford, I I Rising " Sun" Hackney lIlarshes ... " Hampstead Reath ... " (2 stations) ... Peckham Rye " SouthelJd, Kent ... " ... Stamford Hill " ... Wanstead Flats " Welsh Harp, Hendon " ... W em bley Park " Wimbledon .. ... " 'Wormwood Scrubbs May18to Royal " Military Tonrnament (daily .. . afternoon attendance) ... J une 4 evening " " Meeting, Gas" Works, Old 4 Athletic ... Kent Road ... ... ... ... ... 8 Wimbledon Carnival ... ... 9 Athletic lI1eeting, Stau:ford Hill Wood Green ... 11 ... 11 Lifeboat"Parade, Beckenhalll .. ... 15 Athletic Carnival, Acton July 2 Laying Foundation Stone, Deptford Trust House, by H. R. H. the Princ.e .. of Wales ... .. ... 2 Fire Brigade Review, Victoria Park ... ... 6 Review, Church Lads' Brigadc Wimbledon Flower Show and Sports 14 Athletic Meeting, Wembley Park ... 16 Essex County Sports, Chelmsford ... 16 Military Tournament, Tottenbam ... ... 21 Cycle lI1eeting, Stamford Hill Barking ... ... 22 ... 23 Hospital" Sports, Little nford 23 Mili tary Cycle Tonrnament, Wood Green ... ... .. . ... Aug. 1 Bank Holiday, Public DutyAlexandra Palace ... " Battersea Park ... " Blackheath ... ... ", Bostal Woods ... Bromley (Kent) ... " (2 stations) Chingford ... ... " Chingford I I Rising " Sun" Hackn ey Marshes ... " Hampstead Heath ... " (2 stl'Ltions) Peckham Rye ... " .. , Stamford Hill " Wan stead Flats ... " Welsh Harp, Hendon " Wembley Park '"
1 1 1
1 1 1
5 4 22 12 5 3 5
3 2 8 12,., ,
1 1
2 3
1 1
14 35 16 4
1 1
6 3
1 2
8 8 23 14.
2 2
}5 3
4 11
6 6
2 2
2 3
13 5 3
3 1 2
2 2
5 3 3 2
5 12 1 2
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1898. Aug. 1
2I=l '::: >,Ol
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10 2 38
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Members on duty.
Bank Holiday, Public Duty" Wim bledon .. ... Wormwood Scru bbs " Parade, Barking ... 27 Lifeboat ... 29 Excursion " on of Phcenix," outhend ... ... ... . .. ... Sept. 5· 7 Barnet Fair, Barnet ... ... 15 Police ports, tam ford Hill ... ... Oct. 1, '97 St. Paul's Ambul'l.nce tation .. to Sept. 30, '98 do. ,Vinchester Hall Hotel Station .. Feb.21 to " Duncan" Iemorial Am lmlance Sept. 30 tation '" May 7 to International Universal Exhi~ition ::: Oct. 29 oct.l, '87 Crystal Palace Ambulance tation ... to Sept. 30, '98 June6to Cricket eason duty, Yictoria Park .. Sept. 26 June 11 Alexandra Palace ... ... ... to Nov. 5 July23to Cricket Season duty, Regent's Park ... Sept. 30 ,
1 1
1 1 1
2 1
5 10 4
1 2
6 5 1
1 4
6 12 8 18 1 200
136 356
* On public and station duty only, exclusive of ca es attended to by members on off days.
24 9 L IST OF
'""' >'0
~·tC Hen
Name of Corps and Divisions.
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.. , I etropolitan Corps ... ... ... A cton Division ... arking Division ... B " Nursing Division ... ... Bromley ". ... B ryanston . ?' C hildren's Home DIVISIon ... .. . Nursing do . " ... Cyclist " ... D oulton " ... E ast Hall " ... E nfield " ... F ulham " .. . B aggerston " ... H amp<;tead " ... H ano\,.. " Div. H ospital Saturday Fund Jursing do. " K ing's Cross (G. N . R.) " L eyton & Leytonstone " L . B. &S.C. li. (.L ewCross) " 111: erton & Wimbledon " M idland Railway o. 2 ">: N orth London R ailway N orwood " N orwood Nursing " xford H ouse 0 " S t . J ohu's Gate N o. 1 " 2 No. " Nursing " " " S t . "Mark's " S outhMetropolitan Gas Co , "" T ottenham &; HampsteadJ n . Ry. T oynbee H all " W atellow W embley & H arlesden "" W embley N ursing " W imbledon & Merton N urs. ..". ... R eserve .. . T otal
1 -
1 -
- I-I
-, -
I -
1 (No 7 1 1 (No 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 -
1 1
It -
45 16 15
3 1
60 25 38 24 16 35 21
DeCe!11 her, 1290 Jalluary ~3. ] ,,!'l:3 .i\Iay ~J, ] ~'3
lIospital atul'llay Fund ,Yimhletloll alHlllIertoll
1 93
-8 8
-709 140
[Formv(l 16.5.9.] .T \'TIO,' .
II. J. 'l'h Ol'JltOll ,
. S tt hed to two ... Supernumerary Officer III CharfSe. t ITonorary nrgeon a ac. ttached. divisions . ::: Acting. ~ Three Su penntendents and 1 Ambulance Oillem un; D puty § Insp. Genl. Belgr ave N innis, M .D. , R.N . , will take over the rost 0 e Commissioner from the 8th D ecember, 1898. . d 7 N . Divisions, T otal Str ength: One Corps WIth 30 Ambul ance an ':IrslDr> 1 140 788 Officers and Men, 7 L ady Superintendents, 10 L ady Secretancs, etc., ane Nursing Sist ers.
.&. W.,} , c.Ry.
:'I1.ll.I'.S .
Ho no rary S ec ,'etary.
I nspect o,' of S t o res .
2nd Class up. orr. L. W. Tollcr. 11yra House, 25, c\\ton Avenul', Aeton, 'IV. (In charge.)
Pte. W.
harp .
'up. 01r. 1. Pl'iyate' 32. Total cfrectivl' 2:3. Avcrage attendance at drill U. ,tsl's attell(led Oll public duty 4. Case attelluetl not on public duty 9. Meclallion , 3.'l'tTice ballgrs 2. Recrulation uniform worn. 1Iaterial : 2 stretchers, 1 sUl'~ical ho.yre 'ac, &c. Ambulance ~tation : Acton, outh A.cton, amI Kew Bridge, with .'tore,. Divi ion upported hy subscription of members. This being the first year of formation there i steady progress i. being made.
Fonned. June 11 , 1 96 July, 1 96 June I'l, 1 9
Honorary S urgeo n.
DI \"I. IO'\S.
HEAD-Q1:AllTEW-i : A( ' nIX
Formcd. Ea t Ham A11ril, 1895 London, Brighton & outh Coa t Railway . July, 1895 Merton & 'IVimbledon ept. 14, 1 95 Fulham . N ovem ber, 1 95 , tho Metropolitan Gas Co. Dec. 5, 1 95 Hampsteacl January 31, 1 96 Brolll.ley . April 24, 1896 I~o pital atul'c1ay Fund July 27, 1896 £\or,,-oocl . November 26 1 96 eptem b el' 30: 1 96 Dou1ton . Tottenham & IIalllp;;tead Junction Raihvay February: 1 Enfield . July, 9, 1 Acton )Iav 16, 1 Hano\v .JUlIe 21, 1
DIVr.·IONf> .
Fonnrd. Ohilclren's llome St. John's Gate Wemhley Barking
38 15* 46 20 28 2
Fonnc(Z. St. John's Gate No . 1 June, 1 7 Haggerston .July, 1 L9 Midland Railway April, 1 90 North London Railway "" Ley ton and Ley tons tone .T uly, 1890 Ohildren's Home. December, 1 00 Oyclist . :March 7, 1 91 Toynbee H all Alll'il, 1 91 Barking . January, 1,, 92 St. John's Gate :roo 2 F'brn<ll'Y, 1 93 St. Mark's • ,Iarch, 1893 Wsmbley and Harlesden :;\Iay U, 1 93 Waterlow June, 1 03 King's Cross (G.K.R.) Octoher, 1,93 Bryan ton .A pril, 1 01 Oxfor<1 Hou e May, 1 91 '';T ]1SIXIl
61 -
22 -
- - - - - - - - - - - -- -1
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35 13* 13 -18 10* 19 16
It -
retu l' n) 1 retu rn) 1 1 2 1 1 1 3
23*' 14
3 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 (No retu 1 1 1 1 1 J:t 1 2
1" -
1 1
- -- -
c "E<dO >.2 ~ .s.,.... "0"" t.s ., H ~
nothing of importance to report;
Honora ry' Surgeon .
F . Gibbell, S uper intendent.
1st Offi ce r.
J . Wells, Longbriuge R oad, Barking.
J . Garbett.
nLll.C.R .
Insp ector of Sto" es .
2nd Clas Sup. 0[. J. \Yeller.
~5 1
Hono rary S ec r et ary.
2nd Class Sup. Officer J. Simmonds, 9, Cambridge Road, Barking. Officeri:' 3. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 12. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 3. Drills beld 32. Average attendance 7. Cases attended on public duty 40. Cases attended not on pu~lic duty 290. Annual inspection, 1st Oct. Total on parade 14. Absent wIth l e~ve 2. Annual re-examination, 22nd Oct. Passed 12. Dic'l. not appear 4. MedallIons 15. Service badges 11. Nursing certificates 13. Regulation uniform ,,-orn. Material: tent fully equipped for open space duty, 3 stretchers, 2 havresacs a!ld 2 water bottles, splints bandages, &c. Division supported by members' subscriptlOns and local sUPllOrt. The Division has attended open space duty on several occasions. Although there has been a slight decrease in the number of members, owing to removals, the interest in the work is well maintained, and the eft'orts of the Division have heen commended by the medical men of the town. No fetes or large gatherings of people are held locally without members of the Divi ion being invited to attend for ambulance duty. The ambulance tation at the Borough :Market, London (in charge of the superintendent) ,ms found very useful during the hot "'eath er, the number of caseE; treated rather exceeds that of la t year.
Hon orary Treasurer.
Inspector of S tores.
Acting 2nd Class up. Off. Fred. W. Cox, 3, Leicester Bq uare, \V. C. (In charge).
2nd Class Sup. Off. Staines.
Honorary S ecretary.
2nd Class Sup. Off. A. J. Kemp, 43, Balcomb e treet, Dorset Square. N. \V.
. up. Ofl. 2. Privates 11. Total effective 13. . Incr~ase SInce h t rellort G. Drills held 43. Average attendance 4. Annual mspectlOn, 14th Oct. Total on pal'f1,ue 10. Absent with leave 1. ,Yithout leave l)assecl 11 . D'd 111 - 11'2. Annual re-examination . , 1 th Nov. , 1 no t appear 2 e<lu .. lOns 7. ervlce badge' 6. ~1ll' ing certificateS 3. Regulation uniform worn' lIIateuul: 2 stretchers and 1 small hamper. Division SUI'l)orted by subscri))tions' of members. .A fair amount of public duty ha been performeLi durin" the past year
pl:OW~SS l~lacle. has !lot been so goud a could be desirec1,b as llllfortunatei th! DlVISlOn IS w~thout an honorary surgeon and snperintendent. The ill bY' h'
has, howeveJ', lllcreascd.
T. LURE' ,
Honorary S urgeon and Acting S uperintendent. H. Yolland, M.R. C.S ., 53, Bromley Common, Kent.
Honorary Surgeon.
mg. -Capt. A. C. Tunstall,
Honorary Treasurer.
2ud Class, up. Off. S. Bush.
In sp ector of S tores.
em el
M. D.
1s t Officer. F.C .. ' ,
2nd Cla, s Sup. Off. \Yilli am Cooling.
2nd Officer.
\V. Sharman,
J. G. Linnell.
Ho norary S ecretary.
Honorary Secretary.
2nd Class up. Off. F. Field, 55, Southlands Road, Bromley.
2ml Class up. OJr. R. J. Hayes, 13, 'ewaru tone 1ioacl, Yi ctoria Park, K.E.
Officers 1. up. Off. 5. Privates 30. Total effective 36. Decrease since last report 3. Drills helu 4. Average attendance 24. Cases attended on public duty 26. Removals 14. Cases attended llOt 011 public duty 39. Annual inspection, 20th Oct. Total on parade 2. Allsent wii.h lea\'e 2. Without leave 6. Annual re-examination, 13th Oct. Members passecl 25. Did not ap~eal' 11. Medallions 11. Kursing certificates 10. Regulation uniform ,,-om. 1lIatenal: litter, 4 stretchers, 3 havresacs, 3 water bottles, 2 tents, 2 hurricane lamps, &c. Division supported by voluntary contributions. During the past year the Division has paraded for public duty 22 ~imes. On 6th July the Divisioll paraded for duty at Beckenham on the occaSlOll of tbe inspection of the Church Lads' Brigade, by General Lord Chelmsfor~, who afterwards expressed a wish to inspect the men and their equipment, it bemg ~he first time he had seen a Division of the St. J obn Am brilance Brigade 011 llUbhc dl~ty., His Lordship highly complimented the men on their smartness. Unuer the ausplce~ of the Division six classes in first aid and nursing have been helu, attended by: students, of ,,,hom 69 attended for examinfttion and 66 passed. The Terhflllcaf Education Committee of the Bromley Urban District Council granted a ce 0 20 gLlineRs to 1\1r. Y olland, hon . surgeon of the Division to conduct four .class~, which fee the hon. surgeon handed over to the funds of the Division. Dnn~g t ~ year two n.e,:, :nilitary ~tret?l:e~'s and foUl' bu~les have been added to t.he eqUlpme~f of the DIVlSlOn. The DlVlSlon has sustamed a great loss by the decease f Superintendent Lucke, whose untiring energy contributed so much. .t~ ~he succe~t~l' ambulance work in the neighbourhood. The members of the DIVISIon, ~oge the with Chief Superintendent Morgan, attended Mr. Lucke's funeral, wheelIng remains to St. Luke's Cemetery where the interment took place.
. Officer 3. ,up. Ofr. 1. Privates 12. Total efl'ccti\'C:' 16 DrIlls h~lcl 23. Ayerage attellll!tllce 7. Cu e attenllecl on pub'lic duty 35. ~el~lOvals -. Case att~J1ded !lot 011 pub~ic duty 250. Anuual in pection, 25~11 ~ulle. To~al on pan;de 11. Absent WIth leave~ . Annual re·examination, b d 1 un.e and ()t~ Dec. 1. ~s~e(l 13. Dill not appeal' 2. :Medallioll H. ervice :. ges 6. urslllg cel'tlticaLes l~. Hegl1lation uniforlll worn. Material: 2 S letchcrs, 2 havre ac , 1 watcr bottle. Diyisiol1 supported by member. 'h Th e Division h~s been doing stel1l1y and contiul1ol1. \\'ork dm'ill cr the year It as been ?n publIc duty 011 ~5 occa 'ioll.', Dnd some of Lhe llIemb~' atteuded every pOSSIble occasion. on
Ho norary S urgeons.
H. C. Howa.rd,
111. R. C' .•. ,
and J.
Superi nt e nd e nt .
n.!'., ~1. H.(~.S.
I nspector of St ores .
6 W. J. H. Pontin, , The Broadway, IIighbury Park, N.
2nd Cln
H. J. Hallatt.
Honora ry S ecret a ry an d T reas u rer.
1st Class Snp.
. H. Vilven, 72, Highbury Hill, IIighblll'Y, N .
252 Officers 3. up. Off. 2. Privates 16. Total effective 21. Reserve members 1. Increase 'ince last report 2. Drills held 55. Average attendance 10. Annual inspection, 29th Oct. T.otal. on parade 10. Ab ent with leave 10. "\Vithout leave 1. Annual re-examma.tlOn,21st ept. and 15th Nov. Members passed 11 . Did not appear . Med~l~i?ns 11. Service badges 5. Nursing certificate 6. Regulation umform worn. DIvISIon upported by members. The proaress of the Division continues to be satisfactory, and shows an increase of members ~ver any previous year. The Divi ion has been called upon to perform a considerahle amount of public duty, and the attendance of members on every occasion has been well maintained. As hitherto, considerable attention has been given to the cycle-race meetings, and a good attendance has been mailltaill~d at Wood Green Cycle Track, and Chel~lsforu Ann~lal ports. On the Hohdays the Division brouaht their cycles mto operahon amI kept up a sy tem of com· munication betwee~ thc varion stations aroul1ll London.
Th~ Division hfl. made gre~t pl'ogl'es~ clnring the year, hoth in efficiency and membersl1Jp. For the seco11(l year 1Il succeSSlOll a teml1 from the Division has carried off the "~~~ssey, 1\IaiIm;~ring" 9,hall~Jlge 'll\l: and al,~o the second prize in the brigade COlllpetltlOn lor the De~\'ar . l11elr[ auel . Eccles ~Ut) . In each competition a second team entered, anli grunerl, s~c?llli place m the prelmllnary rouud . . The drills have been well attelllle!l, alld the D1 \'181On has al wa.y. becn l'epresell,terl on public duty. Dnty has also been uudertaken 11y llIell! bel' . at sports, &c., held 1ll the immerliate neiClh boUl'hood: The Division .now possess a.n an.lhulance station fitted up with alltir t aid applIances, Ashford htter, &c. The pohce have found the litter valuable in cases of accillents, they haviug lleen instruclell to use it when re<luiJ'e(1.
ENFIELD DIVISION. [Formed 9.7.97.] CE('IL
Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent (Acting).
H. Di'tin,
Inspector of Stores .
Sup er num erary Offi cer in Ch arge.
2nd Class Sup. Off. Pte. J. Leech, 327,
Insp ector of Stores.
t. James' Rd., Old Kent, Rd., S.E.
la s "up. o fl'. E. G. Davies.
Honorary Secretary.
. K. Bulcraig, 4.~, Tregarvou Rd., Clapham COll1lI.on, N. Side.
Hono rary S ecret ary.
IIolt\\'hite IIou e, Enfielrl.
Pte. II. Rathbone.
Sup. Off. 1 Privates 9. Total effective 10. Increase since la t report 1. Drills held 50. Average attendance 5. Cases attend ed on public duty 15. Cases attelllied not on .public duty 90. Annual inspection, 29th Oct. Total on parade Ah.-ent WIth leaye.~. Alllll~al re· examination, lOth ept., 20th Oct., and lSth Kov. :M ember passe!1 .9: D1d not appear 1. 21Iedallion 1. Kursing certiticfLtes Z. Hegulab01: ~l1:11form worn. Material: 1 stretcher, 1 havresac, and 5 alLlbulance boxes. D1v1SIon Sllpporte(l by member and general public. Five ambulance boxes have 1;een placed H,t different parts of Messrs. DUllltOll & Co'~. ,yorks, with which some good work has been done. The Division has bl'en on pubhc duty on 10 occa ions.
Honorary Treasurer.
1st Olass Sup. o fl'. H. '. Hardman, 1\11'. L. Ashton (hon. mem.). Woorlbreiglt, 'onth1.>ury I{oall, Enliehl. Oillcl'r 1. Sup. Of!'.~. Private .. 14. Total efl'ective 17. Decrease since las~ report 2. Drills hel(1 31. Average attendance 12. Cases attellc1ellnot 011 1.lUbl~c llut)' 2~. Annual inspection, 3nl Oct. Total on parade 16. Allnua~ J'e·('xallllllatlOll. 11th aml 1 th Jnly. Uemuel" pa ed 14. Failed 2. MedalllOJJs 2. uuiform \yom. :Ma~erial: ~ suetclter, 4 set plints, bandage, etc. Dl V1:';10 II Rll pporteJ by members nb 'cription . This 1m.' dccrea tl :lightJ), in sll'entrth ince the la t rel10rt , but it ' Division 1 ... to> effi Cleucy l~S therehy illcreaserl.. The Divi'ion is now thoroughly familiar with stretcher 111'111, a.lUl an extemporLscI1 ",aUOll has been con tructed which enables wagoll-drill to be coU!lucterl in the drill h~ll. Half th division i now in uniform but owi~Jg to the distance from tmn1 very little llUhlic tint}' ha 1een possible: Some of the Cll'es at~e!ldecl to privately were erion, and included broken legs (two case ,), hrokel1 th1gh, broken collar-bone, and a ball machinery accident. Another stretcher has been l'Ul(;ha~ea (hIring tbe year. rll'he hon. surgeon contiuues to take the 1110 t actin interest in the work of the Divisioll, and his efforts 11aye been ably .. ecouued by the SUpel'lllllllentry 0111ce1' .
FULHAM DIVISION. [Formecll1. 95.] (N 0 repolt recel,·ecl.)
Honorary Surgeon,
R. J. CoHier,
Sup erinten d en t .
Inspector of Stores,
E. 1Ioc1gson, 8, Brandon Terrace, Ilford, E.
Pte. J. Brickell.
Honorary S ecretary.
Honora ry Treas urer.
Pte. F. Cosburn, Carlyle Road, Manor Park, E.
Pte T . Hunlen.
Orficers 2. up Orf. 1. Privates] 8. Total effective 21. R eserve members 2. I ncrease since last report 6. Dril1s held 45. Averag1 ua attendance 13. Removals 7. Cases attenrled not on ]Jublic duty 30. Ant inspection, 15th Oct. Total on parade 17 . Absent with leave 4-. ADn~lir reo examinat~on, th Oct and.8th De? Pas:ecl 12. Di.clnot.appear 9. Mcea .~~~~ 10. ServlCe hac1ges 5. Nursmg certificates I. RcgulatIon uUlform WOl'll. Mfiatc1 'd litter, 2 stretchers, 2 havre sacs, 1 water bottle, :2 bell tents, box of rs t al ap111iances. Division supported by subscriptions of members.
Honorary Surgeon.
II. BinI,
Sup erintendent and Hon . Treas .
~l. H.C . ~.
II . II. Dett,
3, Man 'fi'31tl treet, King land Hoad, N. E. 1st Offic er.
A. Gohling.
Insp ector of Sto res.
1st CIa
up. 01r. T. Atterbury.
Honorary Secretary.
2nd Class Sup. orr. F . J. Goodwill, 79, Albion Roarl, Dalstol1. I ,OfIlcers3., np. on. 3. Priva.tes 42. Total ell'ective 41:l. att 11CJ'ease smce last report 7. Drills held 70. A vel'age attemla.nce 40. Cases ended OIl public uuty "10 . Removttls 10. Cases attellcle!l not on public duty 15 .
Annual inspection, 24th Sept. Total on parade 25. Absent witho~lt leave 22. Annual re-examination, 3~st Aug. and Dec. ()t~. Mem?ers passed 22. Di~ not appear 25. Medallions 30. ServlCe badges 20 . Nursmg certificates 6. RegulatlOn uniform worn. Material: litt er, 2 stretchers, 2 havresacs, 3 water bottles, I ambulance case. Division supportEld by members and Club. The Division bas been well represented on public duty at Ohingford, Earl's Oourt St. Paul's, Fire Brigade Review, Lord Mayor's Day.. The DiviRion held th~ annual distribution of certificates on 2 th September ll1 the Hall of the Club. The Borough of H ackney 'Y orkmen's Olub is most cordially thank ed for the litter so kindly bought for the Division, also for an annual grant, which will materially help forward the ,,"ork. About 90 cases have been attended to in the Club and immediate neighbourhood, included in which are cases of drownillg and several fractures, some of wbich were, after treatment, re~oved .to the Metropolitan Hospital. Members have also treated several cases dUl'lng thelr employment.
This Division. is not y~t in working orcl~r . On. several occasions when sports, &c. have heen held III the neIghbourhood, vanous aCCldents have received attention from the mem hers.
[Formed 27.7.96.J W.O.
Honorary Surgeons .
T. R. Taylor,
T. D. Lister,
M.D .
Inspector of Stores.
A. R. Rundell, 29, Rathl)one Place, 'V.
2nd Class up. Off. J. Bundy.
Honorary Se creta ry and Treasurer.
1st Ola s
[Formed 31.1. 96.]
0111cers 3. 'up. Off. 3. Privates 19. Total effective 25. Tncrca e 'ince last report 3. Drill heIJ.n. Average attendance II. Cases ~ttelHl~d or: puhlic dllty 172. Oases attended not 011 1mblic duty 12. Annual 1I1spectlOn, otll Oct. Total 011 parade 17. Absent with leave 6. Annual reexamiuatioll, th Oct., 29tb "'OY., and th Dec. Member pas ed 16. Did not al~p~'a.r 7. Medallion 6. .N t~rsiJ1g certificates II. Regulation uniform worn. DIVlSlOll supported by SUhSCl'lptlOllS and donations.
. W.
Honorary Surgeon .
E. Jessop,
M. R. C . • •
Inspector of Stores .
Su peri ntend ent.
Pte. O. Osborn .
E. H. Evans, 32, High Street, Hampstead. Honorary Secretary.
2nd Olass Sup. Off. 'Y. G. Rogers, 48, Gayton Road, Hampstead.
Honorary Treasurer. H. Clark, J.P., (hon.
up. Off. H. Dawke., 131, 'tation Road, 'hurch End, Finchley, :N.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 15. Total effective 18. Increase since last report 3. Drills held 43. A verage attendance 9. Removals 6. Cases attcnded not on public dnty 28. Annual inspectioD, 1st Nov. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 8th and 29th Oct. Memb.ers passed 16. Did not appear 1. Medallions 8. NurSlllg certificates 2. Regul~tIon uniform worn. Material: stretcber, havresac, ,Yater bottle, bu,ndages, Spllllts, etc. Division supported by members and vohmtary subscriptions . The Division has not made much progress as regards numbers, llut most of the members have turned up very well for drill and public duty. In July a very interesting display took place in the garden of the Honorary 'frea urer, 1>11': HeDl'Y Clark, J.P., at Oannon Hall, Hampstead. There were competitions for pnzes and an imaainary explosion. The first aiders were at a supposed picnic when the alal:m was givOen, and splint') and bandages bad to be improvised from pi.eces of wo~d, bl~S of the table-cloth, &c. Viscount Knutsford, who presented the pnzes, spoke lD VelY high terms of the exhibition.
~'his Divi 'ioll ,ince tJIC la t report ha increased ill membership, e\'er}' member bemg fully e(lUlppcd. Duty ba' been undertaken at Rerrent' Park durin a the cricket alJ(l f'ootlmll season; at Bcll'llet Fair, 5th to 7th b '" eptem her a re~l1lu,r amlmlallcc statiuu hcing pitched, at \\Telh Harp, H enuon, on Banl~ Holidays, Hampstead Bonfire ami \'!"l , ,'t, Bride" and London I res Obarity ports at Wood Green, Top Hats verus Bonnet., barity Footuall .Match, London Caledonian and ~laptoll FootiJall :Field', U,llt] 011 all occn iOllS when public duty has been ordered from head(llHl1'ters. 12 case were tren,ted on the football field.
KING 'S CROSS (G.N.R. ) DIVISION. [Forrued 4.10.93.] HEAD-QL\ltTEHS:
[Formed 21.6.98.]
Honorary Surgeon .
E. F. W. Stiven,
Acting Superintendent.
W. T. Ball, Oak Lodge, Harrow.
Honorary Secretary.
Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. H. A. Watkins, Ferndale, Kimberley Road, H arrow.
Pte. A. Fillmore.
Officers 2. Pl'iYates 15. Total efrective 17. Material: litter, 2 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs. Division supported by subscriptions.
(G.N.R. )
Honorary Surgeo ns.
J. Bl'l1llton , 'enr.,
1'1..\., )I.D.
II. French,
R. Main,
Supt. and Honorary Sec r e tary.
T. A. Paillter, Ollief GooLls l'Ilanager' Department, King'::; Oross tatiol1,
1st Offi cer.
G. T. Oooper.
T .
2nd Officer and Hon . Treas .
H. E. Hankin.
3rd Officer.
E. A. Clear.
Inspector of Stores .
2nd Olas
up. 011'. A. Badcock.
Officers 7. up. on'. 5. PriYate 55. T otal effective 67 . . Iuerea e since last report 5. Drills held 58. Average attendance 25. Annual lllspeetion, 5th AUI!. Total on paraele 47. Absent with leave 20. Annual re-e~amination 25th ept. Menl bel'S passen 49. Did not appear I . Medallions 42. ~ervlCe badges 34-. tlrsing certificates 25 . Regulation uniform \VOl'll. Material: lItter, strctchers, havresacs, &c. Divi ion supported by memiJers' subscriptions . The year has been full of interest. Two very successful concerts have been held, one, on 27th November, I 97 at t he Oamden Athenrculll; the other, on the 12th ~1:al'ch, ]898, at King's Oross. On the 29th Ju,uuary, the Divi~ion formed the guard of onot~l' to the Right Hon. ViSCOllut Knutsfoi'll, G.C'. LG., when 43 Officers and men 0'£ ~hIS Division received the Jnbilec Medal for being on duty 011 Jubilee Day. A suntlar duty was performed on the occasion of the Brigade Ooncert, at the Holbor;n
To,vn Hall, on the 29th March, 1 9 '. Teams were entered for the 1\1~ssey Mainwaring Ohallenge Oup, the Dewar Shl~ld, ymons E~cl es .0Ul)' an~ the Rallway Shield Oompetitions, but, unfortunately, dId not succeed ll1 wmnmg ~lthe~" .111 the latter the Division was placed second . It w~', however, succes~full.ll wmnlllg the Ohall~nae Cup, presented for competition on the Great Northern Rallway, by the Officers °of the Oompany. Sper.ial duty has been taken at the Alexandra Pala.ce, Earl' Oourt, Military Tournament, Hampstead Heath, and also on the occa lOn of the funeral of the late liiaht Hon . ·W. E. Gladstone, and on Lord Mayor's Day. Many duties have also been r~rformed at King's Oross Stat~on, amongst, them being the transfer of crippled children, and the removal o~ Major-General. ~ rotter from his invalid carriage to the saloon; the General spoke ill most appreclahv e terll1~ of the careful way in which he was removed . Three classes have been held, t\~(l fi.l'st aid and one nursin a all the candidates who presented themselves for exanullatlOll bei~g successfnl in p~ssing; and the member, in recogn.ition o~ the ervices of .the Hon . uraeons who lectured to them, presented each \nth 8: s~h'er-nl(1ulltecl Clgar and eigar~tte-case. The Division wishes ~o recortl it apprecmhon of the valuable ssistance gi\Oen by the Grea t Northern Ralhvay Oompany.
Hono ra ry Su rge on. ~I. n. u. s.
Su pe r i nten d e nt.
J . T. Oan'ell,
E. 'Y. Trangmar. 61, J erninghalll Roarl, K e\y Cross.
In s p ecto r o f St ores.
Hono rary S ecret ary.
Pte. S. J . West.
1st Olns. up. OU·. J. R. Jordan. 154, nigh Road, Lee, Kent.
0111cers 2. 'up. Of I'. 4. Privates 34. Total elfl'ctive 40. Increa. e since la::;t report 11. Dl'ilt helll 2 \\"eekly. Average attendance fair. Cases attende<1 not on publie duty tiO. Annual inspection, 16th Oct. Total on parade 21. Ahspnt with leavc 19. Anllual re-examinatioll, 2nd Oct. illembers pa_sed 21. Did not nppear]f. :\Ieda.lIiolls l.J.. Service badges H. Regulation uniform wom. ,jtaterial: 4 . tretchers and hox containing large l1pply of first aid material. Divi iOll 'upporteu by annual concert. . The condition of the Division COll Linnes aLisfactory. During the year a large number or cases has heel! treatccl, inclucliug two of a scrious nature to the same person . An engine driyer hall his ann cl'U::Jhed almost to the shoulder and ,yas satisfactorily treated hy fI, private 0[" the Divi iou. .0111e mouth after the same man wa' run oyer by a loeolliolivc engine, anu had both leg ' se\'ered above the knce. A SnpCl'lllllllermy oflicer and threc privates snecc~flllly attended to anLl removed him to ho.-pital, \, here ht' rcco \-c red.
Ho n ora ry Surgeo n .
A. Torld-,Yhite,
M.R.C ...
MERTON AND WIMBLEDON DIVISION. Sup e r inte nd e nt a nd Honora ry Treas rer.
1st Office •.
J. J . Olley, Acol'll Villa, Fairlop Rd., Leytonstone.
A. F. Pa(l(loll.
Honorary S ecretary
Insp ecto r o f Stores.
Pte. T. Mees. 5,
Pte. H. Mar ton. elby Road, Leytollstone.
3. Privates 25. Total effective 2 . I ncrcase since last report 6. Drills held 30. Average attendance .14. Oas;s attended on public duty 66. Removals 6. Oases attended n?t on puhlIc duty 12. Annual inspection, 17th Sept. Total on parade 24. Absent WIth leave 5. A.llllual re-examination, 21st Sept. , 15th Oct., and 8th Dec. 1'IIem bel'S pa. sed 26. DIU ~ot appear 1. Medallions 18. Service badges 9. Nursing certificates 4. RegulatlOn uniform wl)rn. Material: litter, 4 stretchers, 2 foluing beds and 24 watc.r bottles, 2 folding chairs, 4 tents, 1 folding table, &c. Divis:on supported by OfIwel's and members. The Division has made fairl.v gootl progress during the past year, and 1Il0st of the ne\y members are experienced in ambulance work. The Division has attenrled to 66 cases when on public duty on , Vanstead Flats, six of which were removed .by litter; some to West Ham Hospital and two to London Hospital, the la,tter be1ll~ at a distance of five miles, The Division has had the advantagc of the pl' ese~ce 0 the Hon . Surgeon at the amlmlanee station on \\Tanstead Flats on an Bank llohtlays. The meml)ers have attended most readily on all occasions of public duty in London. T he Division attended Ohurch Parade at Barking u nder Superintendent J. Wells't~n Sunday 18th September. In earryiu(f out the dutics on vYanstearl Fbts, . e . 0 f Fr11Hng greatest, assistance has been given byI::l ,uperilltenden t L. Mc IT ",enzlC, " . Forest, and his officials, and also by Superintendent K. Quigley, K division ofpohce, and the men under him.
Hono r a ry S urgeon .
U. K. IIargreaYe ,
[Formccl 1-1.0.95.]
Sup eri nt endent a nd Hono rary S ecret a ry. I
OrclulTL1, 25, Quicks Road, Wimhledon.
Ins p ector o f Stores .
Honora ry T reas u rer.
Pte. T. Oavoll .
Pte. A. J. Kent.
up. Ofr. 2. Private 22. Total efl'ective 26. Officers 2. Inerea e since last report 6. Drills held 51. AYeragc atteudance 11. Oa e attended on public duty 45. Oase attended not 011 public tluty 47. Annual inspection, 27th Aug. ToLal 011 paradc 20. Absent with leave 6. Anllual reexamination, 8th, l~th, 16th ri. 1\1 mben:i pas ed ~5. Medallions 11. Nur ing Certificates 10. Regulation unirorm worn. Material : -{ stretchers, 1 'urgical havre ac, 1 field hamper, ~ improvise!l han 'sacs, anel sheet" blankets. etc. Division supported lJY honorary member. ' lLllLl mem bcrs' sub el'iptions. The report for the past year is exceedingly satisfactory. The Divi ion h11 done public duty on 50 occasion', illC111llillg the l'olyteclmic FootlJall Grounds, and ~Iallor Olub Football Gro und (every Saturday from October to 1'.larch), Ohu~'ch Institute Football Groulld, Plough Lane, 'Waud worth, .t: PW Wimbledon Cyelmg Club Sports, 1st Augnst, , Vimhledon Flower how antI 'ports, 6th July. ec., and all public (luties onlerecl by lIead-qlHLrtel's. The ea es attelHled to by member (~xclusive of OCCUl'l'ences 011 Oorps duty) include t he following: Fracture 5, dIslocations, 3, sprains, 14, wouuds, varioll, 4.7, i11S(,l1 ibility, 10, apparently drowned, 1 various 3 ' total 92 Ul(ts5'es for instruction in first aid and nursilJg have been held during tl1~ y~al' with V~l'Y slttisfaetory reslllts. The .111.01.1' first. ai Ll. class resulted in t h e acqui itioll of seveml ne\\' members to the D1VI~lOll, wln1·t 111 the nursing class oll ly one failure wa!> recorded . T he Division de ires to record its dEep sense of gratitude to thc Prcsic1el1 t, Mr. J . Innes J. P . , ror his con tinncd as 'i. tanc'c. nnel 1'01' his lllunificence in c!rering to provide the Division with headquarters, the
258 scheme for ,,-hich is at present under his consideration. Thanks are also due to the patrons and subscri~ers, t? the Hon. Surgeon for hi~ ~0!-ltinued ~eal, to Mr .. E. W. Pillington who has ill vanous ways rendered the DIvIsIOn consIderable assIstan:!e, and to many others.
Honorary Surgeon .
G. Warnes,
Honorary Secretary.
H. Leggctt, 181, Malden Road, Kentish Town, N. W. Officer 1. Privates 16. Total effective 17. Drills held 40. Average attendance 10. Medallions 2. R egulation uniform is worn. During the past year the drills and first aill practices have been kept up weekly, and the men have turned out for street duty when required. The members have treated a number of cases during the ycar. ~,o serious accidents happened and were conveyed to hospital, th e men being complimented by the surgeon upon the ,"my in which they had rendel'ed first aid. 2nd Class Sup. Off. W. H. Palmer has been presented ,yith a gold medal by the directors of the Midland Railway Company for rendering first aid in one of the above accidents. Dr. Warnes attended all the first aid practices dl11'ing the year.
Officers 1. Privates 2l. Total effective 22. Drills held 39. Average attenuance 11. Cases on public duty 12. Cases not on public duty 4. Annual inspection 211d November. On parade 12. Absellt with leave 2. Without lcave 8. Iedallions 12. ursing Certificates 2. Regulation uniform is worn. Material: stretcher, havresacs, &c. The following duty has been pcrformed :-At Crystal Palace, various occasions; at Earl's Court Exhibition, Sept. 21st, 23rd, 28th, and 30th, Oct. lOth and 12th; Visit of Sirclar to City; Lord ~Iayor's how; Civil Service Sports; Royal Agricnltural how, Sutton Cold fields, Birmi.ngham ; Yorkshire Agricultural Show, Leeds . The cases attended to when not on public duty werc as follows :-2 bicycle accidents; railway passcngcr's thumb crushed in railway carriage door; man knocked down on line, attended to and taken to Hospital, and patient sufferirig from varicose veins taken by train to ~uy's Hospital.
OXFORD HOUSE DIVISION. [Formed 5.94.1 ( IJ 0
Honorary Surgeon .
J. J. Dickinson,
T. Milbnrn, North London Railway, Bow Road ,Yorks, E.
Honorary Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
1st Class Sup. on. "IV. J. Hyrons, North London Ry. , Bow Rd. Works, E.
Pte. A. Sherborne.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. 3. Privates 32. Total effective 37. Increase since last report 1. Drills held 35. A verage attendance 12. Medallions 30. Sen'ice badges 16. Regulation uniform worn. Material: litter, 7 stretchers, and 27 boxes of material. Division supported by North London Railway Company, also by the members. The Division has not made the progress that could be desired. 20 members paraded for duty on Lord Mayor's Day, and duty has also been undertaken at Earl's Court on three occasions.
Su peri ntend ent.
Inspector of Stores .
E. R. Good win,
Pte. J. Fuller.
268, Fricrn Road, East Dulwich. t-lonorary Secretary.
Pte. F. Shan;nan. 174, Hamilton Road, W est Norwood.
lFormed 6. 7.J GATE, E.C.
ST. JOH~'i;
Honorary Surgeons.
A. Eccle , ~L B. J. F . \Voods, :lLD. J. G. :UIoore, M.It.C.P. 'mg. -Capt. R. R. Sup erin t enden t .
report received.)
J. C. Round, M.n.C. R. M. 'oflin, F.R. C. P. R. 11. Web tel', M. ll.C .•. leman, M.A. Insp ector of Stores .
W. D. LiLlllell, 1 t CIa Bequia, Uuswell Avenue, MUf.iwell Hill, N. 2nd (Jla s 8up.
R. Jackson.
Honorary S ecretary.
J. T. Churcher, 5, Lodtligc ' Roacl, Hackney, N.E.
OfJicers. up. Orl'. 4. Private 18. Total eJI'ective 30. Increase since la t report 6. Drill held 34. Average attendance 8. Cases attend eel on public duty 50. RelUovll,l 5. Cases attendeu not on public duty 77. Annual inspcction, 31st Oct. Total on parade 15. Ab ent with leave 7. Without leaye 1. Annual rc-examination, 24th Oct. Pas cd 1. Diu not appear 5. Medallions 12. ervice badges . luring ccrtificate 10. Regulation uniform worn. Material: ~ havrcsacs, 1 water bottle, q l1n.ntity of bandages. Division supported by the memhers. The Divi i.on ha'3 progressed more during the past year than it has done for some few years previously. The members of thi Division have, by their rules, to purcha e their own uniforms. The whole of the members have also purchased overcoats and ,rater-bottles, so that they arc now in all respects independent of the issue of the e articles from the Corps stores. Tho Di vi ion has been represented at every public duty during the past year, and has mann cd the Blackhcath lation on each Bank Holiday. It has also furnish ed, in its turn, detachments for the standing duties at St. Paul's Cathedral, Earl's Court Exhibition, St. Clement Danes' tation, and the Military Tournament. Evcry attu'day afternoon dming the football season one or two men have been on duty at Tufnel1 Park grounds. A 2nd cIa s up. Officer and one man assistcd the Brigade Chief Supt. at tho Royal Agricultural Society's Show at FoUl' Oaks last June. The large number of ('ases attended by members when not on public duty is accounted for by the Supt. and Pte. Ealey being engaged in business where a large number of men are engageJ in railway work, wine and beer bottling, &c. Pte. Ealey during the past year has attended 42 cases, all more or less serious. A section, consisting of a Sup. Officer and 14 men, members of the Postal Institute, Erlgware Road, is now attached to the Division. This is the first body of Post Office employes who have seriously taken up ambulance work.
260 ST. JOHN'S GATE No.2 DIVISION . [Formed 2. 93.] HEAD-QUARTERS:
J. Bremner,
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Surgeon.
2nd Class Sup. Off. J. Dunne.
performed, especially on the bicycle track. An ambulance display \Vas given in the summer in these grounds to over SOO people, when a scaffolding was bnilt to illustrate the use of the Lowmoor jacket, and Mr. Frank Live ey encouraged the Division by his presence and addressed the members. Duty has been undertaken in response to the seyeral calls from head-quarters during the year.
Honorary Secretary.
1st Class Sup. Off. W. G. Sugg, 39, Holly Street, N.E. (In Charge.) Officer 1. Sup. Off. 6. Privates 54. Total 61. Decrease since last report 29. Drills held S2. Average attendance 12. Annual inspection, 29th Oct. Total on parade 35. Absent; without ~eave 25. Annual re-examination, 20th Oct., and 8th Dec. Members passed 30. Did not appear 30. Medallions 14. Service badges 15. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn. Division supported by members' ubscriptions. Owing to several causes, the number of members has decreased, but first aid classes have been held at various clubs-viz., Central, nlildmay, "etherlands, &c.and there are about 120 men "aiting to join the Divi ion as soon as the question of re-officering it is settled. The large number of drills is accounted for by their being held twice a week , on account of the number of members. The Division has responded to every call tor public duty, but no record of the cases attended to has been preserved in the Division. Ca es are so frequently treated hy members off duty that they have not hitherto been recorded .
[Formed 3. 93.]
(Ko report received.)
Honorary Surgeon .
II. Murray,
Inspector of Stores .
Pte. \Y. Young.
)1. H. C. S.
Honorary S ecretary.
Honorary Treasurer.
2nd CIa up. Olr. E. Levens, 7, Yale Roarl, Harringay Park, X. (In harge,)
Pte. F. Hollingsworth.
OtJicer 1. 'up. olr. 2. Priva1es 13. 'rotal eU'ectiye 16. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 50. Average attendance 8. Cases attended 110t 011 pulJlic duty 10. Annual inspection, 30th Oct. Total on parade 12, Ahsent with leave 3. Annual re-examination, 29th Oct. ancl th Dec. :Jlcmbers passed 15. Medallions 1. llegulalioll uniform worn. taterial: 3 stretchers and 3 am uulance tins. Di vi ion su pported Jly general public. The Division 11<1 made great prngre s during the pa t year. The whole of the memlJers have adopterl 111e Brigade uniform. B the kind permi ion of the Re'. B, Saunc1er: Lloyc1, the Dil'i 'ion hall hacl the u 'e of the St. Paul' pari h room, free, for (h·ill. Taking into consideration the nature of the men ' employment they have turned out cxrelleutly for public rluty, the clivi ion haying been represented by goou num hers on every ]Jll bEe occ.;asion. T
Superintend ent.
Honorary Surgeon .
F. L. Pochin,
[Formed 5.]2.95.]
J. O. Lin es, 39, Addison Hoad ol'th, W.
[Formed 4.1 91.]
Honorary Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
2nd Cla s, up. Off. J. T Homewood.
2nd Class Sup. Orf. W. J. Godden, ~O, Naylor Road, Peckll!tlll, S.E.
Honorary Treasurer.
Mr. C. W. Tanner (hon . mem .). Officers 2. Sup, Off. 3. Privates 35. Total effective 10. Increase since last report 13 Drills held 4S . Average attendance 13. Hemovals 16. Cases attendeel not on public duty SO. Annual in pection, 3rel Sept. Total 011 parade 22. Absent with leave 9. Without leave S. Annual re-examination, 2,lst Sept. and 21st Oct. Passed 24. Did not appeal' 15. Medallions 21. Nnrslllg certificates 13. Regulation uniform worn. Material: litter, 4 stretchers, 4 water hottles. Division supported by members and the Company. Thanks to the practical encouragement gi ven by the Directors and officials of the South Metropolitan Gas Company, this di vislon is steaclily increasing in llUlUbel:s. The company has kindly given over for the sole use of the members a large drill h all as head-quarters . and has been most generous ill the supply of stores ~nd equipment. To each lllem bel' who gains it the company presents a silver medalllO D, and it has offered a shield for competition amongst the cmployes, sevel'n.l of whom ho~d first aid certificates. There are six am bu lance boxes distributed over the work~ Ind the Old Rent Road, which are in constant usc, and the company has provicle within the works for a street ambulance station, which contains a litter and t]he n ecessary equipm ent. The late Snpt., Mr. Adolphus Harrison, of Neweast e, has generously offered prizes fOT competition amongst the memlJers. .' Sports are held regularly during the year in the recreation grounds wlthm the works, at which the Division always takes duty, and much useful work has beeD
Sup erin tende nt.
Honorary Surgeon .
W. B. Jones, 1st Officer.
II. L. Jones.
E. J. Kimher, 59, IIigh Htrcet, Whitecl1apel, E .
Insp . of Stores.
2nd Officer .
J. A.
. Coleman.
"up. Orf. W. H. Beeton,
Honora ry Secretary.
Pte, J. G. Thoml)SOll, 34, Lirrord Terrace, Kensin gto n Avenue, East Ram. OfIicers 4. up. orr. 2. Privates 44. Total efrective 50. Reservc member 1. Increase since last rcport 7. Drills held 4~. Average attendance ~l. a s attended 011 pn blic duty 14.2. Removal 3. Oa es attended D?t on puhlic.; duty 43. Annual insp ction, 23rcl July . Total on parade 30. Ab eut WIth leave 16. Annual re-examination, Sth Oct., ~ncl and 15th J ov. :Members pas~eu 37. Did not appear 12. Medallions 19. enrice badges 16. J ur il1g certificates 16. RCCTll1ation uniform worn. Material: 5 stretchers, 5 havresac , 4 water bottles, surgeon's case, bandages and general store. Division supported by members' subscriptions and sundry donations. The past year has been one of crood pro('ress, both as regards number of lllell1 bel'S and efficiency. Drills have been ~vcll att~lded, and the Division has always fouml m.en for public duty when call d upon to do so. Dr. Jones' lectures during the \Ilnte~ 1~1?ntlls were very much appreciated. Under 'his guidauce, the members of the DiVlSlOU paid a second visit to the Museum of the Royal ollege of urgeons on
262 26"th December, 1897, and his remarks on the different specimens were vcry attentively listened to. Duty was performed at Chingford on "Easter Monday and Whit Monday. A new station was opened at Bostal W oods on August Bank Holiday, and it is believed that the station will be found very useful when it is more widely known. The ~Iillwall Section, under 2nd Officer J. A. S. Coleman, still continues to make Cfood progress. Four of the members are now in uniform, and great interest is take~ in the work by the Section .
[Formed 6.93.]
HEAD-QUARTER. ; FI SBURY MARKET, E.C. Sup e r intend e nt and Insp ector of Stores.
S. T. Hipwell, 160, Grange Road, lIford, Essex. Honorary S ecretary and Treasure r.
1st Officer.
Pte. S. Y. aunders, 9, King t., Cheap ide, E.C.
W. Hustwayte.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 19. Total effective 22. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 36. Averagc attendance 12. Cases attended on public duty 21. Cases attended not on public duty. 518. Annual inspection, lOth Sept. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 2: 'WIth out leave 3. Annual re-examination, lOth and 21st Sept. Passed 17. DId not appl:ar 5. Medallions 15. Nursing certificates 14. Regulation unifOl:n~ .worn. Material; litter, 4 stretchers, 4 havresac8, and 4 water bottle. DIv lslOn supported by mem bers' su bscri ptions. Although the numerical strength of the Division has decreased slightly, circum· stances point to a probable tendency in the oppo ite direction, as at this date (October) two large classes are in progress, under the Chief Surgeon (Mr. Sam. Osborn), from which probably many recruits will be drawn. The Division is compos~d wholly of the employes of Waterlowand Sons, Limited, but first aid is !5iven III case of accidents happening in the immediate vicinity of any of the establIshments of the company, as well as in the works. The aggregate number attelld~d ~o during the year has been 518, exclusive of trivial case, such as foreign bodIes III the eye, splinters, &c. Last year's total was 387, and the previous year's 321. The Departmental Challenge Shield, presented by M.r. David . "\Yaterlow, was won this year by the Finsbury Market team. The competition took plac~ ~t tbe head· quarters of the 2nd Middlesex Artillery Volunteers (by the k.ind rer~lsslOn of Col. Pearson), the judge being Deputy Commissioner C. E. MIlnes Hey, M,A., lILR.C.S. The Division ia greatly indebted to the School Boarel for London for their continued kindness in allowing the free use of Scrutton Street school.ground for drill purposes.
Honorary Treasurers.
."VembZey Section. Mr. S. Gaubert (hon. mem.).
Hatlesden Section. Mr. S. H. Jones (h on. mem. ).
Officers 4. Sup. Off. 3. Privates 25. Total eITective 32. Drills held weekly. Average attendance 6. Decrease since last report 9. Removals 2. Annual inspection, 18th June. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 6. "\Yithout leave 5. Annual re-examination, 21st ept. and 8th Oct. ~Iembers passed 12. Did not appear 17. Medallions 6. Service badges 12. Nursing certificates 5. Regulation . uniform worn. Material; 2 litters, 7 stretchers, 9 bavresacs, 8 water bottles, basket of stores, &c. Division supporte(l by local su bscri ptiol1s. The decrease in membership is principally due to the Harrow ection having been formed into a separate Diyisiou. 'The Division has taken part in all public duties to which it has heen called during the year, including attendance at athletic meeting at Wembley Park. Last :;' ovem bel' Vi count Knut ford kindly spoke at a public meeting at Harlesden 011 behalf of tlle Division, and afterward. nhscriptions were collected and a permanent litter tation e tahli hed in Harle 'uen Lane, with the con ent of the Wille 'den Urban District OOllncil. Oil ThUl'tiuay, 23ru June, a very serious trap accident in Harrow Road necessitated one of the injured being con veyecl ill an uncon cious condition on the litter three miles to his home at lreenhill. The case was so serious that the doctor accompanied the detachment all the way. On Tue day, 27th eptemuer, a cab accidcnt occurred in Ealing Road. Acting on thc i::lstrnction of Dr. Goddard, three of the members of the Divi ion lifted the patient 011 the litter and conveyed him by rail to the University College Hospital. The lilter tation at Wemuley i now ituatell in the station yard of the London 1nd "orth ,"\Te tern Railway, the company having kindly allotted a pace of ground for the shell, at a nominal rental. A:HBUL.\.XCE
Harle den Lane, near the "Royal Oak" public· house-Litter: stretcher, and first aid appliances. tatioll Yard, London and Nonh "\Yo tern Raihyay, 'Vembley-Litter, stretcher, and first ait! appliances . The Louge, Wcmbley Park- tretcher and first ad <tppliallces. Carlyon oLtages, Alfreton- tretcber and fir. t aid appliance. 1, Canterbury Terrace, udbury-Litter, stretcher, and first aid appliances. (All the above a yailable at all hours.)
Lady Superintendent.
W. M. Burgess,
Wells, Longbridge Hon e, Longbl'idge Road, Barking. 1st Nursing Officer and Lady S ecret ary.
M.B.C.S. E.
A. Paull, Kylecote, Wembley. Inspector of Stores.
2nd Class Sup. Off. W. J . Parsons. Honorary Secretaries.
H a,rlesden Section. Pte. F. G. Nicholls.
larke, 201, Rippl e Road, Barking.
Lady Insp ector of Stores.
II'. M.
W embley Section. 2nd Class Sup. Off. W. S. Quilter.
Mrs. G.
Honorary Surgeons.
C. E. Goddard, lILR.C.S.E.
Lady Treasurer.
Mrs. Randall.
Officers 2. Ul' ing si tel's 6. Total efrectiYe S. . Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 20. Aycrage attendance 6. First ald cases attenueu 011 public duty 32. First aiel cn. es attended not on public duty 50. Calles privately nUl' ed 10. AllllUal inspection, 1st Oct. Total on parade 7. A.bsent with leave l. Annuttl r e-ex!1millation 2211d Oct. Pas ed 7. Did not appear 1. Medallions 6. I ervice badges 4. Regulation uniform worn. M[Lterial: lbed pans, wat~rproof sheet., bed craules, nursing b[Lgs fitteu, roller bandages, Jlankets, &c. Divi ion supported by members' subscriptions and 10c[L1 support.
Members of the Di,:,ision h ave attended open-space duty upon each occasion when called ~pon, and contlllue to do a lar~e amoun~ of work locally, at the invitation of th e resIdent doctors . The membershIp has shghtly decreased, but it is hoped th t ~t the conclusion. of the nursing classes this session there will be a further increa:e III the membershIp.
'l'bis Division has aga~D had a very busy yea~. It has taken part in public duty on no less tban 63 occa lOns, and as the effective strength of the Division is only l~, . t.hese figur~s shew that the m~mbers have .been very actively employed . DiV1s~onal meetlllgs are held on the first Saturday m each montb, and a bandaging pra.~tlse 011 th~ second W edllesday: .Some of t~le nursing ~istcrs are a1. 0 very busy dUl'lDg the wmter, both at As OClatlOn first aId and nU!'sm fr classes as isting in. bandage instruction. 0 ,
E. HE .I..D-QUAltTE1',S:
Honorary Surgeon .
F, G.
Lady Superintendents.
Miss B. Bourke, R8, Victoria Park Road, N.E.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady S ec retary.
Sister Dora Stephenson, Ohildren'l> Home, Bonner Road , E. 3rd Nurs . Office r Lady Sec. and Treasurer.
2nd Nurs. Officer.
Miss E. Bourke, 38, Victoria Park Road, N. E.
Sister A. Pendlebury.
Lady Superintendent.
Honorary Surgeon.
Surgeon-Oaptain A. O. Tunstall, M.D . Sister E. O. Goodin, Ohildren's H ome, Bonner Rd., E.
Officers 6. Nursing sisters 61. Total effective 67. Reserve member 1. ~n creas~ since last report 7. Practices held 22. Average attendance 28 .. Annuallllspecbon, 25th June. Total on parade 30. Absent with leave 15. 'Wlthout l eave 22. Annual re-examination, 25th June, 19th and 24th <?ct., and 5th ~ ov. Members passed 32. Failer'!. 9. Did not appear 25. Med~lhons 51. ServlCe badges 31. Regulation uuiform worn. Material : 2 nurslllg station equipments. Division supported hy memhers' subscriptions.
Mrs. V. Oolegra ve, Bracebl'idge,
)I.A . . :\1.B.
Lady S ecretary.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Miss M. V illier , Glen mab ra, Norwood.
Miss K. Hunt.
Officers 2. lll'sing sisters 16. Total efl'ective 18. First aid case attended Oll pnblic duty 99. First ai(l cases attended not on public duty ft. l'a es privately lHHsell 67. Annual inspection, 2nd ov. Annual re-examination, ~6th Oct. an<l 6lh Dec. M mhers pas ed 7. Failed 1. Did not appear 9. Medallions 16. • en'ice b,tdges 6. Regulation uniform worn. Material: ambulance station outfit. Diyi iOIl sl1pporte\l by members. The N orwood Diyi ion ha made great pl'ogre:'i during the 1ast year, and the service' of tllP nul' ing si tel'S are cOllstantly iu re(lne t hy the local medical men. There is IJl'uctically daily duty at the station ill the OTystal Palace.
This Division continues to make steady progress, both in numher of members and :vork undertaken by them. Members have attended on public duty on 66 OC?a~lOl1s. Some of th~ members continue to give their services at Medical MIsslOns, where th ey finn great scope for both firRt aid and nursing knowlpdge.
IIE .\D·QU.\nTEH ' :
[Formed 23.1.93.J
T, JOHl-('
Hon orary Su rgeon.
J. Cantlie,
Lady Superintendent. ~IrS.
Honorary Surgeons .
T. R. Taylor,
T. D. Lister,
Lady Superintendent.
Miss J. O. Mann, 106, ,ewanlstone Road, Victoria Park. 1st Nurs ing Officer, Lady Secretary a nd Treasurer.
Miss E. Mann, 106, Sewardstone Road, Victoria Park. 2nd Nursing Officl"r and Lad y Inspector of Stores.
Miss E. Danks. . Officers 5. Nursing sisters 10. Tutal effective 15. . Practices held 12. Average attendallce good. First aid cases attended on pu?hc duty 94. First aid cases attended not on puhlic duty 27 . Anuual iDSrect~oll, 5th Oct. Total on parade 8. Absent with leavc 5. Annual re-exammutlOn, 24th Oc~ and ?th Nov. Me~b~l:s lJassed 11. Did not appcJ.r 2. Medallion(15. Regulation umform worn. DIVISIon supported by subscription of members.
W. J. O. Bra 'ier, 44, Claremont Road, Highgate, K.
1st Nurs. Officer and Lady Sec. lI[t".
J. O. Lines.
2nd Nurs. Officer and Lady Insp. of Stores.
39, A(hlisLlll Road :r orth, "IV. Ollicel's 1. Nursing sisters 31. T otal elfl'ctive 35. Increase since last rel)()lt '2. I ractices held ~O. Avera"l' attendance 15. First .1 0 a1l cases attended not on pulJlic duty 110. Annnal in 'pectiol1, 5th Oct. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 7. \\'iLhoul leave 3. Anuual re-examination, 31'd .Sept., 19th 0 t . 1elllDel'S passell 25. Did not appear 9. Me(lallion 3'2. S~n::e ba{lges 20. Heglllatioll uuiform wom. Material: full nursing equipment. DIVISIOU supported by members' subscription . The progre s <luring the pa t year has heen stp.ady. Lectures have been given every f:ortnight hy the JI on.'ul'geon, \lhich have 11l'ClI \\"e11 attended and greatly apl? l'eCl a ted. Th e mcm bel'S of the Di vision have hith l'to been greatly 11umpered O~vlllg to the want of Ruilallle accolllmodation for their plUctices, hut, throngh the k~ndlless an<1 generosity of the lllembers of the Order, they have now the use of the LIbrary ltt I-lt. John'. ' Gate for thcir 1lI eeLin~ts . The Division has l'espomletl on all oc('asion to call s {'or pnblic duty in Lonuon, and detal'l11l1ellts have 11ee11 011 duty 011 all Dank 11 lidaY3 at Hampstead Heath, Blaekh("tLlt, P 'ckhalll Rye, and W ol'lllwood Scm lJilS. l\lel11 b '1" of the Di vision were also 011 duty at the Royal Agricultural how in Birmingham, at tllC Fire
26 7
26 6 , Brigade Camp in Blenheim Park, and at the yorkshire Agricultural Show in Leeds. Members have recorded 140 cases of first aId rend.ered, but many more have been . attended which have not been recorded. Sever~l of the. nursing s~sters are doing good work in their own districts. The wor~m~ meetmgs are still held by this Division, and upwards of 150 garments were dlstnbuted on 23rd December last to the poor of the district,
5th to the 10'tn September. I n aCliIiEion to lliese,loca puoTic <:hihesnr:Ve been performed at the Wimbledon Carnival, the Wimbledon and District Horticultural Show, -the Polytechnic Cycling aml Attrtlltic Spurts, -and' at-,YimlJhl'dnn C0I111110n on August Bank Iloliday. Fortnightly meetings have been helcl for instruction amI practical work, and with increa eel membership, of which there is every pro:pect, the Division intends ext nding it· cfforts anlOngst the sick poor or the locality, a large field of labour presenting itself in the district, especially during the- winter months.
HonQra ry Surg·e on .
C. E . Goddard,
1st Nu rsi ng Offi oer a nd La dy S ecreta r y.
Mrs. Alan Paull, "Kylecote," ,Yembley. (In charge.) 2 nd Nu rsi ng Officer a nd Lady Inspecto r of Stores .
Mrs. J. Buss.
Officers 3. Nursing sisters 8. Total effective 11. Decrease since last report 1 Annual inspection, 18th June. Total on parade 4. Absent with leave 6. Annual re-cxamination, 21st ept., 24th Oct., 6th Dec. Members passed 6. Did not appear 3. Medallions. ~. Ser~c~ badges 4 .. Regulation uniform worn. Material: nursing basket contammg req mSltes for 1mbhc ~lu~y, also good supply of stores for district nursing. Division supported by subscnptlOns of members and hon. members. Durincr the past veal' the calls for public duty have been wcll respol1tled to both in town and at Wenlbley Park on Bank Holidays. Owing to the efficiency of the parish llurse, there has not been so much need for district nur ing as formerly, although at Harrow some very.good work has been don~ by the member:; of the Division in their p~'ivate capacIty, some of the cases bel~g t~l~usuall:r sevcr.e, and including one of typhoid, two of cancer, and one of pentollltis. FIrst AId ~1as also been rendered in several cases in connection with the new Harrow and Ealmg Railway. A course of six lectures, given during the winter months by Dr. Squire .on "Personal and Domestic Hygiene," was well attended.
S t. J_U_h_n_'s___l"a_t_e_,_C"",l:-;-e..,ll_\:c_l_l'_v..,e1_1--:__
• t. Paul';;
This station is op 'U from \l a.1ll . to 0 p. m. D-uncan" :;\Iemorial .tl1l1~'---'------------:'
lance tntioll, 't. 'lement Danes' Church, Stl'allll.
This stalion i' open frolll 9 n.m. to ti p.llI., and from 7 tillll p.m. Box con tailling trelcher and AiLl" Appliances.
General Post OIilce .
Ludgate Hill Rn,ilway
La dy Supt.
La dy Insp . o f Sto res.
Mrs. M. M. Timpson, Hope Cottage, Morden Road, Merton.
Mrs. M. Cavell.
La dy S ecret a ry.
Mrs. M. J. Darker, 39, Hardy Road, Wimbledon. Practices 10. First Regulation kettle, &c.
La dy Treasurer.
Mrs. C. Houston.
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 8. Total effective 10. . held 7. Average attendance 6. . First aid cases attende.d on pnbh~ du~ aid cases attended not on pubhc duty 19. Cases pnvately.n.Ul sed . unirorm worn. Material: Hamper, bandages, spl~nts,. Sl'll'lt lamp, Division supported by members' and voluntary contnlJutlons.
This Division, registered in June last, has done much useful work in the f~ur months of its existence. The ntlrsing sisters have taken puhlic duty, uuder. ~o~ps orders, at Battersea Park on August Bank Holiday, and at Earl's Court ExhlbltlOll
Box containing tl'etcher and "First Aill" ~\ ppliallces. --------------------------~
6. .
M. D.
A yailable at all hoUl's.
Honora ry S urgeon.
This slalioll is available at all hOlll's.
M . K. Hargreaves,
.A shford Littel','tl'etcb er, Hamper.
't_._I_)a_l_1C_r_a_s_p_a_s_se_n~g~e.,_r~~~---:--~~A-.,-'1.,_l-f o_r~d_L~it~t_el_,,_e_t_c_._________________
available at all hoUl". I ------------------Bl'yu.uston 'Vol'king ~ I en's CIn]), Li. SOll Grove, W. .
treleher and small Hamper.
41, Claremont Road, Highgate
tretcher and "First Aid" Appliances.
This btation is available at all hours.
Borough of Hackney IIu.ggerston .
A hford Litter, Stretcher and "First Aid " Appliance.
This statioll is available at all hoUl's.
Hyde Park Corner .
Ashford Lit1 r, etc.
This station is t\\'ailablc at all hoUl's.
268 No.
District. "The Winchester Hall Hotel" Stables, Highgate Hill
269 No.1 24.
Litter and" First Aid" Applianees.
Saxby and Farmer's Signal "YVorks, Canterbury Road, Kilburn
St. John Ambulance Litter.
Tbl:; ::.tation i::; <Lvi11Iu,l,]e i1L all bours.
St. James's Vicarage, well Hill
Park Station (L. 25. \ Queen's N.W.R.), Kilburn .
Litter alld " First Aid" A ppliallces.
6 and 7, Boro' Market, S. E.
South MetropolitanGas 'Yorks, Canal Bridge entrance, Old Kent Road, S. E.
Ashford Litter Appliances.
This station is available at all hours.
This station is under the control of the authorities of thc Home and is available at all hours. 16.
Sta~V'on YardR, ~ollllonWu' N °brlch - I , estern all way,
em ey
This station
The Lodge, Wembley Park
Litter, Stretcher, and Appliances.
First Aid"
availabJe at all bours. Stretcher, and" First Aid" Appliances.
This station is available at all hours. 18.
Litter, Strctcher, and Appliances.
1, Canterbury Terrace, Sud-
e e First
This station is a vc1ilable at all hours. 19.
Stretcher and" First Aid" Appliances.
Carlyon Cottages, Alperton
This station is availaLle at all hours. 20.
The -V:ictoria Hall, Harrow.
Ashford Litter, Stretchcr, etc.
This station is available from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. 21.
Harlesden Lane, near Oak"
Ashrord Litter, Stretcher, &c.
This station is available at all hours. 22.
Toynbee Hall, Street, E.
Stretchers and" First Aid" .Appliances.
This station is available from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Kilburn Provident Medical Institute, 1, Greville R.oad, Kilburn
Brondesbury Station, Metropolitan Railway
West Hampstead Station, Metropolitan Rail way
Swiss Cottage tation, l\Ietropolitan Railway
Litter, Stretcllers, and e e First Aid" Dressings, Antidotes, ouri hllJeuts, &c.
The Children's Home, Bonner Road, E.
Stretcher and small Hamper, etc.
This station is available durmg ullsine::;s hOlll'S. 14.
.Ashf01'd Litter, Stretcher, &c.
Mark's Hill
112, Shirlanu Roa<l, Padllington, close to ,Velforu's Dairy
'rhe last eight stations \yere establi hed anu are kept up by the No.9 District Metropolitan Centre of the 'to John Ambulauce As 'ociation, the Committee of which issue a very handy little map of the District shewing the stations.
No . .IL- Southern and Western District. Dep~6ty Oommissione1'-llfl·. CHAS. E. MILNES HEY, M.A., M.R.O.S. lJistrict Ohief Sg;'geon--':'Brigade- urg. Lieut.-Col. W. H. BULL, V.D. F.R.C.S. Assistant OO?nmissione?'-Mr. W. VEP-NON, M.R.U.S. District S~6pt. SecretaTy-Mr. J . .r ORFOLK .
December, 1898.
SIR__ I ' have the houour to-submit to you the Annual ReIorts of the Ambulance and Nursing Divisions in the Disb.'ict under my control. From such returns as I have received, the Di trict strength is shown as follows:36 Ambulance Divisions, consisting of 117 Officers, 17 Su.pernumerary Officers, and 675 privates ~ (lho 6 l~msing Divisions, with a total membership of 9 Nursing Officers, and 125 J ursing isters. As however a considerable number of Divisions have failed to make any annual retur~, this d~es not represent the correct numbers, but shows only those that I ha ve received. A certain number of Divisions, that have appeared in former Reports, are not includecl in that of this year, I having ascertained that they have pl'actict\Uy cease~ to exist; their names are, therefore, removed from the list of Divisio:ls .i~ ~hls District. On the other hand, there has been an increase in the numher of DIVISIOns this year, owing to the formation of the following :-Leighton Buzzal'll, Ashford (S.E.R.) and District, Ramsgate (Police), Ramsgate ( .E.R.), Penzance, Brynmawr, Weston-super-Mare, Burnham (Somerset), also Olney Nursing Division. . Among the Divisions which have been inspected by me this year, I may m.ention Bristol, "which I visited on 2nd July. On this occa'ion I was accompamed .by Dr. Vernon, Assistant-Commissioner, the Inspection lJeing made at the conclus~on of an ambulance competition among ambulance llUpils in that City, at whlCh His Grace the Duke of Beaufort wa present. The e Divisions, although of recent formation, went through their work in a satisfactory manner. On 16th July, I inspected the Olney Division, when there was a good muster of all ranks on. p~rade. The work Llone wa of a very creditable character, the bandaging being dIstinctly good. The W 01 verton and Stony Stratford ursing Divisions were inspec~ed bJ:" I?~ at Wolverton, the parade state being as follows :-Stony tratford Nursmg DIVlSI?n, 3 officers, 14 nursing siRters; Wolverton Nursing Division, 2 officers, 14 nursmg sisters. These Kursing Divisions are in an excellent state of efficiency, and arc doi~g good work. The \Y 01 verton Ambulance Di vi 'ion has, I am in formed, ceased t~ eXist as a Division of the Brigade in this dish-ict, but is working under the auspICes of the local centre of the Association at Euston Station (L. & .VV.R. ) By your permission, the Brigade Chief 'uperintendent und ertook for me. the inspection of the Reading Division. I beg to submit to you his report theleoll, which shows a high state of efficiency in bandaging aud first aid work, although the division and stretcher drill was not as satisfactory as could be wished. Th The East Kent Divisions were this year inspected by me at Favers~am. e following Divisions were represented on parade :-13oughton: 1 supel'~nten~ell~' 1 2nd officer, 18 rank and file, 7 absent with leave; Faversham: 1 Sllpenntenc ell ,
16 rank and file, {) absent w~th leave; Herne Bay: 1 superintendent, 1 1st offi'cer, 4 rank and file, 6 absent WIthout leave, 2 absent with leave; Westgate-on-Sea: 1 superintendent, 1 1st class supernumerary, 1 2nd class supernumerary 12 rank and file, 1 absent with leave. ' The space available for drill purposes was, unfortunately, somewhat limited' ind~ed, m~1C.h. too small for mancet~vl'ing the .whole of this body of men. Th~ vanous DlvislOns were, therefore, mspected sl11g1y undel' their own Officers. I am pleased to be able to express my great satisfaction at the way the work was carried out, and the steady improvement shown. I wish in particular to mention the Westgate-an-Sea Division for the excellence of their drill. This, I think, is in a great measure clue to the continued instrllction of ergeant-Major Cornelius. The first aid work throughout was in every way satisfactory. I desire here to remark that, where it is possible to hold an Inspection of combined Divi. ions, I consider it of great rvice, tending as it does to promote a healthy rivalry among the LliJferellt Division' engageLl, and thus smartening up the men and generally improving the work. The great difficulty, of course, experienced by country Diyisiolls, is the expen e en tailed in bringing men any distance. The Ja t Divi 'ion in pectecl liy me was that of Caterham. The members are now all in uniform. The work hower1 a mn,rked and steady impro,-ement, especially in drill. Theyac<luitted them 'e1 ve in a satisi:'l.ctory manner. I in pected, at the same time, a new litter of the latest pattern, which has been presented to the Division by an anonymous donoL·. The I1pel'illtentlent also informs me that a piece of ground, situated in the centre of the tom), lUI' been acquireu, on which it is intended to erect an am bulance station. In my Report of last year, I hall occasion to call attention to the want of knowledge of Brigade Rule' n,nd Regulations clisplayer1 by the Officers and member' of many Diyi ions. During the year uncler review, [1 very great deal has been done throughout the Di ·trict to remedy thi tate of affair. To give one notable ill tance the Oxford Divi iOl1. Thi Division ha been in a state far from sati ·factory for 0111 time' hut, owing to the willinglle s di played on the part of the Officer and men to ltd 011 my r,ugge tiOIl, the Division has been practically re.forllled, and is now in a Yery 'ati factory condition. Drill are being regularly helJ, and it i propo ell at OI1L'e to plnce some of the men in nnifol'lll. The Oxford Oorporatioll, I under -tancl, are also giving practical help to the Division. To the zea,] !tI1<l energy displayed hy up rintenc1ent Foort, much of the credit for this imnrOVGJllellt i clue. Other Divisions in the Di trict have al 0 placed them elves on a correct h(~sis to properly carry out the RCh'11Iations. There till, however, re1llain ome few that require re-organizing. The chief dilliculty lLppear. to me to ari'Fl from confusing th~ eel' ted pupils of tllA Association ,vith properly onrolled members of the Bngade. I beg al. 0 to lay beforp you the Report of my A istant-Commi sioner, Dr. ,Villiam Vel'~on, whom I agH,in wish to thank for th(} vall1uble and careful help that he has at all tlmes rcndered me by taking charge of the we tern portion of the Di trict. It is with regret that I receivecl from him the anllOllncement of the udden death of Dr. Buchan, Hon. nrgeou to Lhe ltIill Ba,y (G.W.R. ) Divi ion, Plymouth, "one of our mosL energetic, able, and ha,rdwol'king Oificers, and who spared no pains in the advancement ot tho work generally." .In. closillg' this Rellort, the la t I hall make as Deputy-Commissioner to'lCt, I desire, Sir, to pbce on record my appreciation of the willing manner in wInch m.Y witlhes always been carri('c1 out by a.ll rank during the time I have h~c~ ~he honour to he in charge of the Di. trict. Wh erever my dutv ha taken me in Vlslbng the various Divisions, I have at all times met with 0 kind a reception, that duty has been made a pleasure; and I shall always retain a feeling of sincere regard for those \l'ho haye been so closely associated with me in the work. Among so large a.body of voluntary h elparit necessarily follows that some clifficu1tie nlllst, at hmes, arise; but I have always bee1l fortunate in hav,ing Ofl1cers andmcn to come forward, an(l, by their energy and good 'ense, enable me to nrmonnt and OVe1'C0111e all such difllculties. ,Vith so excellent a spirit animating all rauk ,there honld be a good fatnrc before the Di trict; this is my earnest hope n,uc1 wish, and I shall always be pleased to heal' of the future welfare of the District, anu. its con tinued progress.
With this \vish, I bid farewell to the Offioers, men, and musing sisters of the Southern and Western District. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, OHAS. E. MILNES HEY, Depltty -Com,missioner. To the Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade.
I have the honom to submit to you my report for the year ending September 30th, 1898. The alteration of the Brigad.e year ending Sept.ember 3.0th in· stead of October 31st, as in previous years, has .necessltated ml postpomng the m~pee· tions until late in Spring or early Summ~r, \Vlth two ex.ce'p~lOD~, namely at Bnstol, where you, in conjunction with myself, Inspected the DIVIsIon m July, and at Red· ruth, where I inspected the Divi"ion on October 13th. 'The men tUl'De~ u:p well and went throuah the drill indudin a stretcher, hand·seats, and resuSCltatlOn of the drowning, a~ter which tl;ere was a ~ompetition a.mongst ~he men for prizes kindly provided by their Hon. Surgeon, urge.on-Ca:ptalll Lawne, who takes tl~e greatest interest in the Division and to whom Its eXistence and success are entirely due. Eiaht of these men will' be in uniform within the year, as also will be six of the o Bristol men. The alteration ofthe inspection to the early part of the year has met with univer~a.l approval in the ·W estern District, as during four months of the summer very. few driLls can be held, owing to the various other employments of the n:en at that time. I am pleased to say that all the Divisions have maintained then strength, and many will increase during the winter, when new classes are to be h~ld ; al 0 .that the movement is now beginning to spread rapidly iu the West, and WIll take firm root now local prejudices are being overcome. . The Bath Division, I am sorry to rcport is moribund, as there are only SIX men. on the strength, four of whom are Officers . I thought ~t .my. duty to call ~h~ .attentlOn of the Commissioner to this state of afi'all's. My opllllOn 1S that the DIVISIOn o~ght to be disbandf:'d, the Officers appointments cancelled, the material at the vanouS stations withdrawn and the stations dosed. This will probably have the effect of impressing upon th~ people of Bath that the St. J olm Ambulance Brigade is of more value and Joes more good work than thbY at pres('nt realise. I have organized new Divisions at Penzance, Brynmawl', YVeston-s~per.Mare, and Burnham, in Somerset. New Divisions are also in course of formatlOn, I hope, at Exeter, St. Ives, Minehead, etc. I am much surprised that Wilts and Dorset have no Divisions, at least I have no official knowledge of their havin g any. . In conclusion, Sir, let me thank you for the courtesy you have always .dIsplayed, and for the very able and valeable advice you have always been ready toglve. lalso tender my hearty thanks to the various Hon. Surgeons and Officers lor the k~en interest they are taking in the work, and the assistance they are ever ready to gIve me. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, W. VERNON. .'
To the Deputy Commissioner, No.2 District.
Assistant-Commissioner, No.2 DMtnct.
BUCKS DIVISIONS Aylesbury KENT DIVISIONS ... " " Castlethorpe" " " " Olney " " "" Stony tratford " " HAMPSHIRE DIVISIONS Lyruington " " -. I sle of ,Yight " " " " " " PetersfielJ " " ... Portsmouth Corps " " " DIVISIONS " KENT .Ashford Town SURREY DIVISIO S " (S.E.H..) " " " " " (.E.R " " " " 'Yorks) " " W elle horo' " " " " Boughton " " "U SEX DIVISIONS " Cranbrook " " Dover " " " " Faversham
Herne Bay Ramsgate Town " Police " S.E.R evenoaks Tun bridge Wells VIrestgate-on-Sea Wye Catel'ham Valley Cranleigh Farnham Guildford Horley Redhill Brighton Works Chichester Littlehampton
Also the following :-Bedford, Oxford, Reading; and the Guernsey, Bedford Port mouth, Ramsgate, tony tl'atford, amI ,\ olverton ursing Divisions.
TERN DI TRICT. .Bath, Bedlinog, Bitton, Bristol (A.B. &0.), Oardiff, Dowlais, Gloucester A, ~htllaJl(1 and Somerset anu Dorset Railways Mill Bay (G. W. Ry.) Newton Abbot, Redrutb, Ross·on-"·ye. ' LIST OF 'OUP' AND DI\,! ION,' I ORDER. OF EXIOUITY. Oorp Date Corp Date or Di \'i8iol1s. w hen form d. or Divinion . ,,-hen formed. Seveuon.ks " May 1 79 We tgate-oll- ea Div. Iar. 29, 1895 Ashford Di vi ion . April 1, 1 79 astlethorpe " . Oct. 17, 1895 " H. :K R WorksDiv. Mill Bay (G-. W. Ry.) Diy. Feb. 23, 1896 1 Cranbrook" . April Boughton Diyision . .A p1. 13, 1896 1 Lymingtol1 Divi ion Feu. 1 6 Ross Apl. 14, 1896 'rull hl'i(lge \\ ells Di v. June 1, 1 6 Faversham "" ray 6, 1896 Oxford Jan. 1 9 Ca tel' ham" . Mayl , 1896 Isle of \right (Ne\~'port)' "\Yelleshoro (Ashford) Div. June 23,1896 Division . . . Feb. 19,] 90 Orallieigh Division ept. 1896 Guildford Division. Ma,rch, 1 90 Oct. 1 96 Dover " . Bath J \l11C 17, 1 90 Bristol (A B & C) Div. 20, 1 97 Feb. " Farnham Oct. 16, 1 90 ,V ye Di vision . Apl. 5, 1 97 " Ayle bury March, 1 91 Brighton ,Yorks Diy. May 20, 1897 " Ramsgate April, 1 91 Betllil10g Diyision . June 15, 1897 Portsulollth O~'rps '. N ov. 1, 1 92 Be<lfortl " . June 1 97 HOrley Division . Feb. 24,1 93 Littleham ptol1 Division. ept. 6, 1897 Ohichester ApI. 20, 1893 Do\\' lai " . ept. 14, 1897 Petersfiehl " June 14, 1 93 Midland & Somerset and Bitton " July 26, 1 93 Dorset Railways Diy. Oct. 1, 1 97 H: erne Bay " Oct. 11, ] 93 Gloucestershire A Div. . Oct. 27, 18~7 Redrllth " Oct. 1 , 1 93 Leighton Bnzzanl. . Feb. 22,· 1 98 Whitstable " Oct. 1 93 Ashford (S . E. R.) and Reading " Nov. 30, 1893 District .Mar. 1, 1898 Redhill " ept. 25, 1 94 Ramsgate (Police) . ApI. 26, 1 98 Oardiff " ov. 1 94 " (.E.R). Apl. 26, 1 98 Olney " Dec. 7, ]894 " NUllsnw DIVISIO S. Guernsey Division Jan. 28, 1887 Wolverton Apl. 16, 1896 " ~amsgate " . . Oct. 29, 1890 Portsmouth Nov. 1, 1892 " ~ tony Stratford Division Mar. 2G, 1 96 Bedford Oct. 1896 T
>" .... en
>, ~
.. ... .. .. ... ,
... .,
... ...
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
... ... ... " . -
- .- - -
... .. .
1 1 1
1 1
... ... -
-- -
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, ... -
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.. . Tot al
I1 II !
2 2 2
1 1
14. 14
1 2
2 1
I 4.81 I 191
Honorary S ec r e tary.
A. Bevan. Pte. J. F . Roche (Junr.), Passiflora Cottage, Victoria treet, Aylesbury.
Officer 4. Privates 9. Total effective 13. Decrea'e since last report . n cs attended on public duty 4. Annual re-examination, Dec. rem be!" passed 12. Medallions 6.
Honorary S urgeon.
W. ii, Easte, 1 1 1 1 1 1
St on y Stratford W olvert on Ram~gate
St. Sampson's (Guernsey) ,st. P eter's Por t-
) -) -) -)
}j' \ -
6 I~
23 21 10 63
J. Pike, Castlethorpe, Stony Stratford.
4 4
" Total -
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 . 1
Hon orary Secretary.
Pte. J . Luing, Castlethorpe, Stony Stratford.
3 \- I
Removals 1.
During tho pa t year some slight progress has been made by the members in stretcher drill, but owing to the want of funds, the Divi ion is unable to obtain the necessary appliances for drill, ctc. The Di vi 'ion has attenued all the football contests during tho past season, and also the sports on bank -holiday, when three cases were treateu. On Easter aturday the members wore in attendance on the football field, when one of the competitor ha(l both boneH of the leg broken . The injuries were attended to, a stretcher was borrowed, and the patient was carried to the infirmary, a di tallce of about one mile from the scellO of the accident.
2nd Offi cer.
Pte. J. Williams.
J . F . Roche. Pas iflora Cottage, Victoria treet, Aylesbury.
Honorary Treasurer.
19 15 8
C. Budd.
11 2
1st Officer.
M . R.C.S.
13 8 30
Honorary Surgeon .
G. T. Parrott,
17 15 8 15 31 32
- 1 1 2 -
1 1 -
2 -
2 -
1 ! ~9 J 30
4.1 891. J
11 5
33 24 12 13
-- -
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 -
1 -
1 -
2 -
1 1 1 1 1
-- 33 - 26 - 19 - - 25 22 - 28 - -
1 -
1 -
9 5
1 -
26 12
1 -
-- -
1 2
1 1 -
1 1 1
4 -
1 1
2 2
1 1
1 1 1
... .. . -
3 1 -
1 -
0 iW
.. ,
' en ",en
No. 2 District Staff... Aylesbury Division .. , Castlethorpe "" .. . ... Olney N ewport (1. of W. ) DlVJSlOn Ashford Town n ' (S.E.R. ) ". " , " \;Yorks " " Willesboro " Bough ton " Dover " Faversham " H erne Bay " Ramsgate Town " " P olice " " (S.E.R.) " Tunbridge Wells " W estgate-on-Sea " Caterham " Cranleigh " Guildford " Chichester " Bedford " Leighton Buzzard " Bedlinog " Oxford " *Bath " Reading " Dowlais " Bristol " Gloucester Mill Bay (G. W.R. ) " " Redruth " Ross-on -'VITye " Bitton " Redbill " N ewton Abbot
. 0;n en co.... en. >.g:aci ~ g -g f:' oS I': ~~ a~ I': .... .., .- 0 0 ",.- '" oS :... I': p.~ ,....,OJ 0 .-;;;<0 -co ~~+>Q)~g5~~ 0'" ::j'" P'" _ I': ~~ p.'O .olE Z'" ~.= .~ ~ 'iii ';:: .f: d 0"' ~ c:"" >,lE ....~ - - " , >, ai· OJO A ~~ ~ § ~a5' ~ Jl W.., '0 '" ...q2 0 '0 0 P.
• c.-.
" ".
* Und er Re-org~mi zation. . Wye . . , . £ 11 . . P rtsmouth Corps, , No reports, have been recelVed fro~ . t,he 0 owmg. - ~ t) Division, Harley (Kent) Division, Lymington (R ants) I?l~l~IOn, Cranhl'Oo,k(dl ell 'gan ) Division. (Surrey) Division, Farnham (Surrey) DIVISIOn, Brynm awl amo!
L . S. A.
1st Officer. ~.
2nd Officer.
W. Rainbow.
Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.
Pte. O. Nichols.
Officers 4. Privates 5. Total effective 9. held 5. Averagc attond anco 4. Cases attended not on lmhlic duty 3. Jlfedalhons 2. Material : improvisetl stretcber, splints and b::mtlages. Division Supported by subscriptions of members. 1
276 Since the form ation of the Division many members h.a~e left the village, and consequently the numbers h.ave decrea~ed. The remalUll1g few, however, seem anxious to continue the work lU the conung year.
[Formed 16.4.96.J
Honorary Surgeon.
Brigade-Surgeon Lieut.-Oolonel W. H. Bull,
Lady Superintendent.
[Formed 6.12.94.J
Honorary Surgeon.
F. J. Grin<1on,
G. Fellows, Dartmouth Road, Olney.
M.R . C.S.
1st Officer.
2nd Officer and Inspector of Stores.
L. Cooper.
F. W. Morgan.
O. Gibson, High Street, South Olney.
3rd Officer.
Honorary Treasurer.
4th Officer and Honorary Secretary.
R ev. J. P. Langley,
(hon. mem.)
Officers 6. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 45 . Total effective 53. R eserve membcrs 21. Drills hel<1 19. Average attendance 16. Oases attended on public duty 1. Removals 9. Oases attended 1l0~ on public duty 19. Annual tion 16th July. Total on parade 43. Absent WIth lra:,e 7 .. Annual re-exanllllatlOn 16th Jnly. Members passeJ 43. Medalli01~>; ~~. Matenal: htter, 5 Fl~r;ey str~~eh.ers, 3 ambulance bags, splints and bandages. Dl VISIOn supported by membCl s su hSCllptlOllS and voluntary contributions. Th e Di vision has made very satisfactory l)l'ogress during the year. Somc of the older members seem to have lost interest in the work and have fallen out, b~lt a new class was held which has more than made up the numbers. The wheeled htter has proved a great boon to the town and neighbourho~cl.. .. At the annual inspection by the Deputy.-OomnnsslOner, Mr. W'.. W. Cal hie and Mrs. Oarlile were present, and the latter kll1dly presellted the certIficates all\11l1ed~1. lions etained by the members in the past year. A new Furle! stretcher and three ambulan ce bags with complete outfit have been purchased dUrIng the year.
Honorary Surgeon .
Brigade-Surgeon Lieut.-Oolonel W. H. Bull, Lady Superintendent.
:Mrs. W. H. Bull. St. Oswald's House, Stony Stratford.
1st Nurs. Off. and Lady Sec.
Mrs. F. F . Webb er, 43 , ,Vil1llsor Street, 'Volverton.
V.D., F . R.C.S .
1\1iss E. F . Ainge, 156, Ohl11'uh Street, Wolverton.
Officers 3. Nursing sisters 21. Total effective 23. Decrease since last report 5. Practices held 10. Averarre attendance 13.7. Cases privately nursed 17. Annnal inspectio n, Oct. Total 011 °paratle 15. Absent with leave 8. Medallions 1. Reguilltion cap, apron and badge worn. Division supported hy a.nnual ub. criptions. The Wolverton 1: ursing Divisio n ha made ati factory progress during the 'year. One of the principal events of the year was the examination for medallions \"hen 19 were examined and 1 pas ed. '
Honorat·y Surgeon .
C. J. Thompson,
Superintenden t .
1st Officer.
II. L. Lawes,
)f.R.C .._.
Kingsn eld Villa', Honorary t:>ecretary.
Sup. Off. .r. W. Gihbs, 19, Chape l ,'t., Newport.
~ eWl1orL.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer .
up. Oft'. F. Peach.
up. Off. F. Pinnock.
Officer 3. Sup. orr. 3. Privates 26. Total effective 32. Increase since last report 7. Drills helu 12. Average attendance 18. OaseiJ attende(l on public (Iuty 2. Removals 20 . Oases attended not on public duty 10. Allnul1} in 'pection, 27th 'cpt. Total on par::tde 21. Absent with leave 7. Annual re-examinatioll 27th .'ept. l embers passel I ~4. Did not appeal' 7. Medallion 13_ Material: horse aml.m!allce, A hfon1 litter, stretcher, seuan chair, 2 hal1lpers, 21 satehel. Division upported by members' sub criplioIl S and I '}e of "Yight Centre. The \\'ork of the members of the Division has been of a very varied character in the By request of Dr. fIolrm eister, the l1perllltcnllcnt, with the assistallce of a Sup. Officer, removei the Queen's bailiff from Osborne lo Uuiv L" ity Oollege, LouelOll, it serious operation being necessary. The first outrioor rlemollstration took place in Augu t at Oll.risbrooke Oastle, and nearly all the Islaud Divi ions took part. At the concl usion 11. R H. Princess Victoria of Schleswig-lIol tein expl'e'sed her plea 'ure at the ability and interest displayed by those who had taken part in the demonstration. ~ellrlerillg of first aiel to injurer1 persons.
V.D . , F.R.C.S.
1st Nurs . Off. Lady S ec. and Treas.
Mrs. J. A. R eeve. Old Stratford, Stony Stratford.
Officers 3. N ursi~g sisters 23. Total effective 25. C . ,held 6. A verage a tt en d;'ll1ce 23 . with ases Increase since last report 1~. Pr~ctlces privately nursed 4. Annualmspecbon 16th Oct. Total 011 pa~'ade I. Absent .. leave 8. Medallions 13. Regulation uniform is worn: . ~latel'lal :a box cOlltalll~~;' bronchitis kettles, bed-pans, slippers, enemas, &c. DIVISIon :mpPol'ted by melllb subsel'iptiolls. During the year this Division has made steady progress, ten new ~embel's haviJl~ been enrolled making a total of 26. A m eeting is held on the evenll1g of the ecOJles Tuesday in alternate months when Brigade-Surgeon Lieut. -Colonel Bull, aut ret~S 1 . .mterebt, an d t h'IS IS . f0 11 owe d b\1J l)rac lCa the class upon some subJects' of nursl11g work, bed changing, bandaging, etc.
R. Hayles.
report rece! veel. )
279 [Form~d 14.6.93J
Honorary Secretary.
Honorary Treasurer
Pte. J. Taylor, 2, Richford Villa , Glallstone R oad, 'Irill eshoro'.
'(N 0 r eport received:)
PORTSMOUTH CORPS. [Formed 1.11.92.J (N o report received. )
Pte. J. Goldup.
Officer 4. PriYates 19. Total efT'ectiye 23. Drills held 11. Av erage attendance of members, 8i. Medallions 7. litter and stretcher, &c.
J. Grant, 1I1alCh St., Ashford.
[Formed 1.4.79.J
1st Off.
2nd Off. and Insp. of Stores.
J. Morton.
G. l'l1. Mather.
Honorary Surgeon .
Officers 3. Privates 12. T otal effective 15. . Drills h eld 12. Average attendan.ce.~. Cases attended not. o~ publIc duty 10. Material: litter and 2 stretchers. DIvISIOn supported by SUbSCrIptIOns.
1st Officer .
T. ('.
2nd Offi cer.
Inspector of Stores.
Pte. B. Ralph.
Pte. C. IV. 'Illith. Stocker's nill, Boughton, ncltr Fuversham.
[Formed 1.3.98.J
Rev. A. A. Newport. Boughton ot. , near Faver ham
W. Branchett.
Honorary Secretary.
'ro s Hoo)!.
Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. A. l' Castle.
Hon. Surgeon .
G. Wilks,
M . B.
1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
3rd Officer.
G. L ovell.
G. Heneker.
W. Dew.
Honorary Treasurer.
Honorary Secreta ry.
Pte. Goldsmith. Pte. A. Le Butt. 58 , Christ Church Road, Ashford, Kent. Offi cers 4 Privates 33. Total effective 37. Drills held 20. Average ' attendance 5. Removals 2. Ca~es attend ed nota OIl public duty 21. Medallions 6. . M.aterial: stretcher, splmts and bandaoes. Division supported by annual subscrIptlOns.
Oili ce n; 4. Pl'iYate ' 25. Total ett'ective 2~. Decrease (If mem bpI" 'ilH:e lu·t report 1. Drill held ~4. A , erage attenelance 12.6. Rrll10ntls 4. Case" attl'll!lcelllot 011 public duty 10. Anlluall'e-examination, 25th April. .JIemhers pass 'el 20. Di{l not appear 2. :Jlellallions 19. ~Iaterial: stretchers, splint:;, bantia!rps, cc. Division upportecl by member' subscriptions. During the yem' 16 mcm hers h11,\'e obbtined the medallion of the A sociation, and three of the re-examination vonelICrs. The monthly meetings of the Division have been well attend d. On the lir.:;t .JIollllay ill each month, the mertings have been for the transaction or bllsiue s, aml for practice HUller the direction of the Hon. Surgeon . tretcllCr amI {luad {lrill arc practi ed Oll the third IOUllays of each lllouth.
DOVER DIVISION. [Fol'metll1.97.]
HEAD -QUARTERS : NEW Tow~ , ASHFORD. Superinten~ent and Hon . Sec.
1st Officer.
W. Rowlands, Beaver Road, Ashford.
F. Solly.
Drills held 8. bandages, &c.
IIE.\.D-QU UtTElls: AS 'EMBLY ROll)[s.
Hon . Treasurer.
Honorary Surgeon and Superintenden t.
Pte. W. Smith,
L D. C. IIowden,
tIs Officers 2 Privates 26. Total effective Z8. . 1\<1' t " 1· litter 2 stl'e c 16t' , Average attendance 8. R emova1s 6 . J.\J.a ella . ,
Honorary Surgeon.
C. A. Wickham, L.R. C.P.
Sup e rintendent.
J. Maple, 9, Vicarage T enace, Willesboro
2nd Officer.
3rd Office r.
G. L ovell.
W. Cl a pson.
6, Camhridge 1'er., Dover.
1st Offi cer and Inspector of Stores .
G. French.
2nd Offi cer and Honorary S ecreta ry.
Honorary Treasurer.
W. Brett, 3, Ulcn Grove, Folkestolle Roall, Dover.
Pte. IY. T . Clare.
Offi cers 3. Privates 22. Total efrective 25. Drills held 45. A veragf' attel1dance 15. Cases attended not on public duty 4. A.nnual re-examination, ,luly. Mcmbers pas. ed 24. J!'ailetl 1. Medallions 3. Material: stretcher, etc. Divi iOll up ported by the member. During the year fair progress has been made both as to numbers and lh'ills attended . . Alllong the cases attended to thc principal were two of severe injnry to hand, one 11'~ctU1'e of the leg, autl 0110 injury to the foot. A squall ,,,u.s provided for the ~thletlC Sports ou Bank Holiday. In the event of stretchers being required hurnedly, there are severa] placed in difl'crent parts of the town by the authorities; they are uncleI' the control of the police, but always available for tho use of the members of the Division. .'-
28 1
FAVER SHAM DIVISION. [Formed 6. 5. 91.]
Honorary Surge on and Super' inte nd e nt Honorary Surgeo n.
S. R. Alexan der,
1st Officer.
Superintendent and Hon. S ec.
2nd Officer.
A . P. Sh erwoou.
C. E. Clinch,
Hon . Sec.
G. B. Courtney, M. D., Augusta Road, Hamsgate. Brett.
3, St. Ann's Road, Faversham . Officcrs 4. Privates 28 . T otal effective 32. Drills held 19. Average attendance 13 . qase~ attended not on public duty 38. .Annual in. pection, L t Dec. Annual re-cxal:umatl?n, 9th J uly . l\l ell~ bel'S passed: 9. TIid not appear J 3. Medall ions 20 . Regula.tlOll un.lf?l'.lli worn by 1 o(heer. 1Il~te~'lal: litter, 5 stretchers, and 2 ambulance hamper . DlvlslOn u ppol'ted by suh:cnptlOllS from 'members. During the l)ast year much good work has been done in. fir t aid by thi.s DiYisioll, numerous ca es having been treated, gaining the approhatlOl1 of the 1l.lC(hcal genUe· men under whose care they were eventually placed. Tlll:oug)l t~le kmclness of the -Committee of the Workmen's Cl11b , the large ha1l of that 1ll tltutlOnltas heel! granted free of charge for the purposes of urill! etc. Tl:ou~h an increa e of ll1clllhers canllot be reported, the intere t in the work IS wcll mamtalllell.
:JIajor A . H.
OHiccl'1. PriYates 3:3. Total eJI'ective 34. Case attended on PUlllic (luty 73 . RC.'lllOVal 11. Ucuallions 2. 1 litter, 2 strctcher . Division 0;11P1>or1Cll by Town Uoullcil
Material :
RAMSGATE SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY DIVISION. [Formed 26.4. 98.J Honora ry Surgeo n an d S uperin t enden t .
C. W.
Hon. S ecretary.
I., I amsgate.
eott, M.n. 102, IIigh
:Jla.ior A. II. ,·cott-White.
Oflicer 1. Pl'i\'atcs 21. Total cffective 2;,). Reserve member 2. Drill .. 111'1<1 3. Average attentlance 9. Ca e attended on public dnty '1. HeTl1oval., 3. :ases attClHlerlllot Olt }Iublic duty 2. :iHe<lallions 2. Material: stretcher, clll'l'yillg chair, splints, &c. Dinsioll supported byS.E.R. Uo. The Division was havo hel'll cnrolll'd. gato'tatioll, flouth turo of hoth lpg,;
forllll·r1 April 1 fl , with lIine privates, hut 'ince then fiftoen 1'1ll' (It'il]''; arc al jlre' 'Ht helll ill the good wal'ehou.'e, Ram Ea.-tcl'll Raihl':ly. Tltt' 'asps rcported incln(le hroken l'ih~, fracfructllre(l fClllur, fracturcd fibula, sevl'rely crn 'herl foot.
L. ll. C. P .
[For11ll'd ~9.10.90 J
Sup e r inte nd e nt a n d Ho n. S ec.
1st Offi cer.
J . F . helley, :Mortimer t., neme Bay.
II. A. Vasse.
Hon . Surgeon .
E . C. Fellhoulet,
n \.Y.
OJJ1eer: 3. up. orr. 2. Privates 11. T otal dlective 16: . Cases attended by members on and ofl' puhlic duty 4~. An.nual lllspectlO~l, 1st Deq':.Total on parade 7. Absent with leave 9. Rl'gulaholl ull~ forll1 ~VOl'l1 by. 2 OIL 2 SUjJ. Off. and men. Material: litter, stretchers and first :11(1 applIances. Division supported by public sub cl'iption anc1 concerts. ..... T he D ivi ion has attended about 40 cases (illC'luding trallsport) during lhe year. Some of the members arc on duty at all the footb~ll lllatche heM in the. t?WU, and. have on several occasiou rendered assistance wh ell players have hcell ~ll.ll1rec1,.!01 which the Division 11a received the thanks of' the Football Club OJUllllttee. !he same remarks apply to the Cycling Club aile! oth ers. A com. e ?f lectures has Just been given by the Honorn.ry Surgeon, and it is hoped that some of those who !.ttencled it will join the Division .
Honorary S u rgeon.
C. Cnttoll,
Lady S uperin tendent and Lady Inspector of S tores.
~Ir:-;. ~]lellcer
A. 'otton. '11 uare, B.amsgatt'. Lady T reasurer.
1st Nurs. O ffice r a n d Lady S ecre tary.
:till'S. F. W. Hind ', 51, Omen, 't., Ralllsgate.
Boy ton.
l1flicPl'S 3. Xmsing sistL·l'S 10. Tolal effective 13. In crcasc since last rcport~. Pmdlce., lll'l(l H. AYerage attcndance 7. Ca e' primtdy lIl1t'sc(l 31. :Jlelill11iolls ii. ,'ol'\'ic' baclge' 3. B.egnlatioll full uniform worn by 2 Ollicers. Inrloor unif'ol'lll hy all. .Jlatel'ial: hath -chair, carrying-chair, chairbed, ancl a large up}>l)' of all necessaries for the ::::ick-roolll. Diyi ion snpported by annnal snhscl'iptiollS.
. The Ramsrrttlc ursing Division has dono good servicc (lming the eighth year of c Its eXistellce. Tbirty-olle eases blLve bcen aLlclllloll, allll nl;i yisits muclc. Three of the 111l1'sillg sisters have left the 1,0\\ 11, Olle of them for hospilal training, aml it i worthy of Bole that foUl' of the lIll·mbcrs lU1YO loft the Divii:iioll to become professioual n 11 1'. Ofl.
Honorary Surgeon.
C. R. T amplin,
:i\1. R.O . . •
[Formed 28.4.91].
T ow T H ALL.
J. Math ew. 1, Qu een St. , Ramsgate.
TUNBRI DGE WELLS DIVISION, [Forl1\cd Ui. D.] Honora ry S ecretary.
Major A. II. scott-White. Th e Elrus, Ra.msgatc.
Officers 2. P rivat es 5. T otal effective 7. R emovals 12. Cases attended not on public duty 13. MedalliOl~s 4. . Se:'vic~ badges 5. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Offi ccr and 5 men . Matenal: httel aD str etch er. Division supported by Committee of Ramsgate Centr e.
HgAll-QU \
IlTgHfl : Tow
Supe "inte nd e nt and Hon . S e c.
1st Offi ce r .
2 nd Offi ce ,-.
l\l!1joJ' C. R F. Lutwi(1g', Shrmdol1, Tlluuritlgc W ells.
1'. L ester.
B. A. Fowler.
Honora,-y Trea sure r.
Pte. C. I orLon .
2 2
Officers 3. Privates 12. Total effective 15. attendance. 9.d Cases attended . b R eserve mem eIS 4. DI'ills held 6. Averaae h 2~ 1\1 1 11' on ublic dnty 19. Removals 33. Cases attended not on publIc l~ty (. II el a lOns PAR I,.. egu Ia t'Ion um'f01'm worn by 2 Officer and 12 men. l1atenal: stretchers, &c. Division supported by the local Centre.
he Division ha~ done uSAful work in the year, several ot the cases treated belllg. of a very senou~ character, snch as 1 compound fracture of leg with arterial bleedmg, 1 broken thIgh, 2 broken leg, 1 broken collar bone, 1 broken ribs, and 1 fractured skull, anc1 several ca. es of severe lacerated wounds. The prompt attendance .of foul' n~embers o.r th . Divi ion upon the man with the compound fracture of leg wIth artenal bleerlmg IS noteworthy, as they were on the spot within four minute of the ilccident. A there was DO doctor within a mile, the man would pos ihly have die~ but ~OI' the fir t ~itl treatmeut. Great praise was given by the doctors, who attnbute It solely owmg to the rirst aid he received, that the injured man did not lose hi leg. '- Thejprescntc.tion of Her Iaj c ·ty's Diamond J llbileeMedals, awarded to those members of the Division who did duty ill Loudon on Jubilee Day, was made on March 9th, hy Mrs. Cosmo Bonsol', wife of the member for the Parliamentary Division.
This Division continues to maintain its efficiency. A presentation of Jubilee Medals aranted by Her Majesty the Queen was made at the Town Hal.l, .. by His Wor~hip the 'Mayor, on the 4th April, when s~ven members of the DIVISI?ll . d th d 1 Th e DI'vision attended the Endge steeplechases, the WhItrecerve e me a . '" .,. H ' .·t tl . ' Monda Sorts, and the Agricultural Sho,,-: a garden Jete at an\ al on, Ie lesIA~ G. Bosca,,-en. EsC} .. l\I.P., an~ Ol1e at Bayham Abb,ey, the s~at o,f t~e dence 1\1 . C weI e called II arqms am d en, a t all of which the serVIce of the members f l' d "mto t' IeqmA sition. Accident' attended to have beer: gcnerally 0 an on ~nary CS~llP l~n. large number of removals have ~een carnell out under the charge of 10cL~1 slllgeons, many of them being done gratuItously.
Honorary Surgeon .
A. F.
Superintend ent.
I. Venis, 16, Stlltion Roa l l, 'iVestgate-on-Sea.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 13. Total effective 17. • Increase since last report 1. Drills held 27 . AY~rage a~iendallce 9. ~emovals 6 Cases attended not on puhlic duty 16. Annual 11lspect~on, 1 ~ pec. rotal on . , d . 1') Absent ,,-ith leave 4. ;'J eLlalliolls 6. RegulatlOn ul1ltor11l worn b~r 1 b~~e:, Sup. Off. and 11 men. il1aterial: A 'hlOl~d li~ter, 'tretcher and first aid appliances. Division supported by voluntary contnhutlOlls.
This Division has well maintained its pos~t~O~l during the p~st year. TheCart;l~~ SalvatoI' Litter formerly belonging to the DIVISlOl~ ha been ch. P?sed of, aUll, one , the latest pattern A hford litters, fitted with :Furley tele~coplC lHlIlclle, hood and al)1'011 has been purchased in its place, and has gIven very great sa~lsfac tion in use. of the cases attended, thre,e were removed to the Cot~aw II?Sl~Ita\.~~ Margate (nearly thl~ee miles) on t~lC. h~ter. .T~~ Deputy-COmll1IS lOnei lepo that this is a well-dnlled and well-dISCIplIned DIVIsIon.
1st Offi cer.
H. E. Pryke,
A. 'Y. Ba.tes.
Inspector of Stores.
Primrosc Cottage, Cranleigh , II.
up. Officer A. II.
Hono rary Secretary and Treasurer.
PriYate H.. B. IIall, The Hollies, 'rallleigh. Otticcr 2. up. 011'. 1. Private Decrea. e sillce last rcport 1. Drill: hel(l 6. Ca. es attended Bot all public duty 11. hnvresac. Divi. ion supported by the mem bel'
11. Total efi'ecti,'c 17 . A \'cragc attclluance 10. Removal 1. ;'leL1allion .
::\1aterial: stretcher,
[Jionued 16.10.90.]
( :r 0 report received.)
[Formed 5.4.97.]
(N 0 report recei ved. )
Honorary Surgeon .
Major F. R. Rll ~el1,
2nd Officer.
W . Bligh,
B. ·W. Wclls.
[Formed 18.5.96.]
Superintendent and Hon . Sec.
A. J. Riley, Groydon R(l., Catcrham Valley.
Officers 2. Privates 14. Total effective 16. . 31 Drills held 22. Average attendance 10. Cases attended not ~ll l'~lbhc ;,1t~~ov: AnlJua1 inspection 2nd Nov. Total on parade 14. Annualre-exammatlOl1, 2~t " 1 . , . Members passed 15. RegulatlOn un iform worn b y 1 orr" licel. an.d .11 . 111 en ~1) ]hatell(l· orted by 2 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, ~ water bottles, &c. DIVlsion sIP local subscriptions.
1. Williamson. Merl'ow Dene, Ep Olll Rd" Guil<lforcl.
1st Offi ce r .
II. l'ullinger.
Hon . Sec. and Treasurer
PtC. J. W. Lambert, 4.5, Church Rd., Guildford.
OfJi CCl'S 4. Private. 17. Total effedive :H. Removals 21. Ier1aUiolls 12. Material: Ashford litter, ambulance hn,mper, cauopY]Jcd, c'C'. Divi 'ioll 'uppol'te<l by mem oer . The mCll forming the Divisioll are employcd in places of business and frequcutly leave the town, but at the prescnt time there arc twcnty 1l1l'lllhers resident in GuildfoJ'l1. Therc have becn occasional gathering for practice both int100rs amI out of do~l's, an(l during the winter the members werc present at the first aill lectures delIvered by Dr. Russcll, and Look ]lnrt in helping lIC\\' membcrs in practical work. The borough police posses' an all! hulallce litter, and strcet and public accidents ~re takcn in 111111<1 by them. '1'he J)ivision work has eOllsisted allllo'L exclusively In moving paticnt to and from tho hospitul 11y desire of the medical lllen of the tOWll and neighbourhood.
HORLEY DIVISION. [Formed 24.2.93.J
(N 0 report received.)
(N 0 report received. )
REDHILL DIVISION. [Formed 25.9.94.]
Honorary Surgeo n .
J. H. Dempster, Superintendent.
2nd Officer.
Rev. 111. E. Vine.
Frank Goode.
M. R. C. s.,
Pte. J . Trevarthen, Farm School,~Rec1hill.
Officers 3. Privates 59 . Total effective 62 . Increase since last report 17. Division upported by Philanthrollic Society. A detachment has been present on ambulance duty at the school drills on an average twice a week. Several who have left the Division arc now serving in the Royal Army Medical Corps, and others haye joined other Diyi ions of the Brig.ade. F~rst a~d has been satisfactorily rendered by the memhers on sevenl occaSlODS. ~ll'st aId trainincr is found to be of special value to those of the members who enllgrate to Canadao South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. as they are pnabled to:be of use in dist~nt places \yhere medical aid is difficult to obtain.
Honorary Surgeon.
Honorary Secre tary.
[Formed 5.9.97.J
kcIding,::If. B.
Sup erintendent and Hon . Sec.,
Inspector of Stores .
H. H. Cooke, 1, Tavi tock 'trcct, Bedford.
amuel Dobson.
Olficel's 2. Privates . Total ea'ecti~'e 10. Drill- he~(l 13. Average atteIl(lallCe 5. Cases attende,l 011 public duty 7. RCIllOV<Lls 10. Casc attelltll'llllot on pllhlic lInty 5. AlllllHtl re-examination, 24th ~Iarr.h. illemlwr passc(l 7. Di(l not appear 2. Medallions 4. Material: litter, stretcl~cr,. luwresacs, wutcr holtl", amlm!ance bag. Divisiou supported by members sllb,;cn ptlOlls and transport tlonatiolls. All p:lhlic fetcs hal'C hel'll aU ncIcIl 11y t'nl or three members \rith Ashford litter. O,II,e .senol:s .case and s~vcral minOI' ~ases 1lt1\"e lleen attendc l. to. At the rcquest of Sc\ eta l lllClllCLLl mcu, slxtcelJ case' ot boUt sexcs, '01110 of "'J11ch \\'ere of an Ul'crellt all(l l!UlJgcro~l.- lllHurc, were lllovl'd to the hospital or el 'cwhere on Ashford litt~· or e;tlTYlllg chalr.
(N 0 report recei veLl. )
Honorary Surgeon .
J. II. Ellwtll'lls,
Lady Superi ntendent.
;\L.\ .. ;\L D.
F. Skaife,
M.R.C . S.
Lady Secre tary. ~li':is
Honorary Surgeon.
E. E.
Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treasu rer.
Sup. Officer L. A. Sillem.
Sup. Officer H. G. States.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 15. Total effective 19. Increase since last report z. Drills held 20. Average attemlancc 5.35. Cases attended on public duty 1. Removals I. Annual re-examination, 11th an rlllth March. Members passed 15. Did not appeal' 1. nIeclaJlions 8. ursing certiJicates 2. Material: Ashforulitter, telescopic handle stretch 1', 2 havrcsacs com plete, 2 water bottles, &c. Division supported by subscriptions of hon. anu effective members and occasional donations. In consequence of t1l e ambulance classes at the Technical School having been attended mainly l)y policemen, but few recruits were obtained last winter. Two former members, however, who had two years ago l)ee11 unable to attend the annual examination have rejoined the Division. The removals by litter includc two cases of broken leg, one of rheumatic gout, and one of enteric fever; all COll vcycd to tl.Ie Chichester Infirmary. Also two casesremovetl to the lailway statioll, and place(~ III the train. III one of thesc instances a S(luad travelled with the patient to Wortillng, where he was again moved hy litter to his home. The litter has also hecn used by the police for removing patients in an unconscious condition. A squad was on duty as usual at the Cycle Races on Whit-Monday, and at the .l!'riendly 'ocieties' Torchlight Procession on the 21st May.
Lady Inspector of Stores. ~Ir ' .. 'penecr.
Eo GuoLlm<lll. Oflice rs~ .
treet., t. Martin's House, Chichester.
Honorary Secretary.
Mr '. A. Paine, ,YharfcJalc, Gnhlingtoll Hoau, Bedford.
::1m -ing sister
Total ell'cctivc 65.
illaterial: beu-table , hell-rc.'ts, air-en 'hions, &{'. This Divi:ioll cOlltinue,' to llo good \I'orIe in thc district and much n i tance has been give]] to the three (listricL HU),St'S. Cher 1,000 llids have lleell lIi tri1.lUtcd to poor paticnts (lllll havc II >l'l1 gmtcfully n.pp)'ceilttell anLl aCkllOlylerlcrecI. By kind perllli~sioll of the Technical lnstrnctioll UOllllllitLl'C of the Be(UOl~lshire County Conncll, lcctl11't's 011 nu)'sing aJl(l hygipne 'Yl'l'l~ givell ill the chool of Cookery 1lY th e .lIoucl'ary ~llrgeOll aJl(I otlwnl. The practicc., both in lll'st aiel and nursing, contmne Lo he held in St. Petel"s 'chonlroolll .
U lTEItS : Tn [,; I EW IJ.\.LL, TlIE bl.' TlTUTE, LI~IGl1TOX BUZL\.RD.
Honorary Surgeon.
22.~ . 9 .J
Supt. and Hon. S ec.
J. H . Folmer, Leighton Buzzard.
Ol1l.cers 2. Privatl's 15. Tobtl effec tive 17. Drills h eld 9.. Case altCJHlell on public du Ly 5. '!tSL'S attended not on public cluty 4.. ~Lttel'lnl: str'tc hcrs, anu snr O'ical havl'esac. Divi ion supported 11y graut from Technical Education Co mmittcc~
Nine drills have been held between February anJ June 1898, and it is proposed to recommence drills at the close of two first aid clas e to be h eld in December 189 , and J anuary 1 99. 'Want of funds is a serious drawback to the success of the Division.
[Formed 30 .11. 93.]
Honorary Surgeon.
nrgeon-Capt. D. T. Key,
1st Officer.
R. J . Rogers.
191, Southampton St. , Reading. Honorary Treasurer.
2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.
A. G. Smith, 39, Vastern Rd., R eading.
Pte. T. P. Chard.
Officers 4. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 31. Total effective 36. Decrea e since last report 15. Drills held 21. Average atte11l1allCe 22. Cases attended on public duty 5. Removals 1. Ca es attended not on puhlic duty 94 . .Annual re-exal1lination, 19th May. Member pa eJ 21. Did not appear 13. :Medallions 20. ~ ursing certificates 24. Material: littcr, 3 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, 3 water uottles, 1 bell tent, &c. Divi iOll supported 1ly members' subscriptions. f"'The progress made by the Division during the 1'a t year ha be II very , atisfactory, although numerically it has shown a sl ight decrea, e; there is however hope -of increasing the numbers next year. The Diyision ha, been much hampel eJ in its work owing to not having permanent head-quarters, hut the Town Conneil ha,ye now granted the use of the supper-roolll at the To\\"n Hall. The DiYi~ioll has turned out on public duty on several occasions, including the visit of H.R.II. The Prin ce of 'Vales. Th e annual Church Parade ,,-as held in June, when ahout half the members attended. A course of lechu'es on nur ing \Ya gi\'en by the Bon. Surgeon, twentyfour members presente{l themselves for examination, and all were succe sflll in ()btaining their certificate.
OXFORD DIVISION. [Formed 5.1. 89.
Reformed 9 . ]
Honorary Surgeon.
E. C. H. Je sop, 12, Beaumont t. Oxford.
W. L . Morgan, )r.r:.C.S. 1st Offi ce r.
2nd Offi ce r .
3rd Officer.
4th Officer.
O. Cole.
J. Taylor.
T. E. Food.
C. II a1'1'is.
5th Offi ce r .
H. H . Carter.
Insp ector of Stores.
Sup. Officer C.
This Division has for SOlJ1e time been carrying on its work under difficulties, and will probably be reconstituted. When first forIlled the 1mb lie took a great interest in its wel,rare, an{l two very sllccessful concerts realised sufficient money to pTIchase an amhulance wagon, several stretchers, and other necessary appliances, so that it is well equipped. The ambulance wagon i· in con tant u e, and twenty-six cases have been removed in it to Lbe hospital or private houses, and after paying exren, es for standing and for horses, the profit 011 these removals has been devoted to paying off the debt, whidl has now 1leen reduced to half, and will it is hopell he soon wiped out. E\rery year strenuous efl'orLs have l)een made to form a lirst aid class, from which recruits might he ohta.ined. but with practically no restJon e. Only seven or eight men ha\re sigllifietl their willingness 1,0 go through the course, hut the fees payable to the .A. sociutiol1 are too heavy to allo\\' of running a cla s for such a small Dumber. l\Ieeting, have been heM regularly through the year, and the men are much more efficient in chill . c\'eral Jaclit's 11a ve (1 ualifleu for a nursing Divi 'ion, and it is allticipttted thut very shortly this will he formed.
BEDLINOG DIVISION. [Formed 15.6.97.] H[U.lJ-QU ..Un'EllS:
Hon. Su rgeon.
Superintendent and Hon. Sec.
1st Offi cer.
B'. T.'. IIutehi.on, )r.n.
.A.. J. England, 5,' ta tion Terrace, Belllinog.
T. Thomas .
Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. E. T. Owens. Olticel" 3. Private. 13. Total effective 16. hlcrC' ;;illC'c 1<1 t rcport 1. Drill- held 12. Average attelll1ance 10. Remo,'als 2. Ca:-;cs atLellcled l10t 011 public lluLy U. .Medallion· 1. Material: 2 tJ'etchers, splints and hmlrlng'. Division supported by <jualtl'l'ly ,ubscriptioll,. The Division has marle fair progrc'ss dllt'ing the pa t year. hut 11:1 been labouring untier a great (lj~a{lv;wtagc o\\iug to the colliers' trike ill thi Ji 'bict in conSCClllcllce of whieh the majority of melllher were eithur out of employment or hau to leave hO!lle to ",ork cbe\\l!ere, a]]c1 were thtrefore unable to attend the drill. The pl'ospeeis for the coming YCllr are very bright, as all see!]1 to take great intere t in th eYlO velllent. Some of thc member' have \\'on three prize' at various competitions dUl'lllg the year. Two patient ~eriom;\y injurcd w're cOll\'C'yecl from BeLllinog to the l\IerLh)'l' (leneral Hospital Oil stretchers, a, disitLl1l:e of about eight miles. Owing to ttll" altera tion of the Brigade year to tbc end of 'eptember, the in pection has ueen postpone(l until the early part of llCxt year.
Hon . Se c. and Hon. Treas.
Sup. OrI'. T. W. Booker, 11, Abbey Roal1, Oxford,
lll). Off. 2. Privates 32. Totalffcctive 4]. Officers 7. Drills held 12. Average attendance 81. Cases attellllcd 011 pulJlie duty 15. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Anllual re-examination, 7th July. Members passed 14. 1.1edallions 13. Material: litter,! stretchers, 1l<1\'re~a c, &e. Division supported lJY mem1.Jel's' subscriptions.
The Division has not been flourishing during the past yem', but [1,S it is. to. be reformed for futme work, lJetter results may 1e ex pected to follow . A 11l11lte~ number of drills has been lJeld at which the a,vera{.!e of a.ttendance only rcn.ched 82 per man. Th e Division was represented at the St. Giles' Fair, OdtlfeJ]ows' ProcesE'ion, and various Sports' Meetings, at which ten cases were successfully trellted,
DOWLAIS DIVISION. [Formed 13 . . 97.] 11J.:.\D-QU _\lrrElts:
Honorary Surgeon.
II. L. Hughcs,
L.lL C.l' .
DowLAn.; ,
1st Officer.
C. Price, ,T. Evans. 4, .J::r ew Houses, Dowlais Top, Dowlai .
Honorary S ecreta l·Y.
Pte. A. Lnca~, 1, Ganlell
tl'eet, Dowlais.
Honorary Treasurer.
Davic ' .
Ollicerci 3. Primtes . Total efl'L'ctive ] 1. Drills heh120. A\'('mge attclllllmce 6. Hemov"l .) Cn'(" uttemll'd not on puhlie duLy U. AnlllH1l re-examination, 10th ,luly. 1\1embe1' p,t;;, ell 7. Did not appear 3. l\1edallions 6. Division supported by memhers' subscript ion. r
Progress has been slow, owing to sevcral. meml'ers being rem,oved t;mporarily through the late colliery dispute.. A ca1"l~)an :n .th~ elllplo:y of the ~Treat ,\ estern aud Rhymney Railway, who had receIved senons lllJlules to hI . h ead, 1Il cOlls;ecluence of ' a thrown out of his waaaon was attendcd to by a medIcal gentleman, and after· bern o 00 ' l waym.en ' sam 1.m.I~nce wards removed from the scene of, accident to 111. h orne on t h e ral litter by a member of the Dowlais Division and a member of ~he Bcdllllog J?lVlSlO~l. A fiTeman in the employ of the Dowlais IrOll C~mpany had Ins leg cru shcd III a rallwavaccident. There was serious arterial blcedrng allli fracture. I;Ie was attcnded to by a member of the Dowlais. Division, anll ?,fterwards removed m the mcmuer's brake van from the scene of accIdent to DOlYlals.
gained sccond prize in the annual competition. The progress of the Division would be more satisfactory, and more intcrest would be taken in Brigade work, if it were pos ible for all members to adopt uniform.
[Formed 26.7.93.]
BITT01\" PAnnm ROO:lL
Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.
Capt. T. O. Ollis, Knight's Folly, Bitton, 1st Officer.
[Form ell 1.3.97.]
1st Officer.
A. Dmllbleton.
TI If,.
H. 'Y. Wiltshire,
J. S. Griffiths, M.R.r.S.
13, Orchard Street,
2nd Offi cer.
3rd Offi cer.
S. H. Leonard.
E. DUl1sCOJ11 oc.
Honorary Secretary.
Bri to1.
Insp ecto r of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.
Pte. S. Adams. 81, Easton Rd ., Bristol.
Pte. Brice.
Officcrs 5. Privates 30. Total elfective 35 . Drills held 25. Average attcndance .12. Cases attrnded . on pl~blic') duty 9. R emovals 1. Cases att('uded not 011 pulilw duty 51. AUllualmspectlOll, _llll,July. Total on parade 14. Al)sent ''lith leayC' 20. l\Iedallioll. 10. Divlsioll sUllportrcl by voluntary subscriptiolls. 'l'he Divisions still continue to do very userul work in the city. During the past year 51 cases havc been treated (some of which have. be~n s~rio:ls), an;~ llHtUY llave b~e~ taken to the patients homes, or sent to a puhh(; mst~tl1tlOn. Iwo teams "ele selected and sent to the Competition at the Zoo fOl: ~be Sllyer. ~h.allellge C~lP, No. 2 team won the Bronze :Medals. Aftcr the competItion the DIVISlOllS were l1lspecled by the Deputy-Commissioner and the Assist~nt-Comm~s,;ioDer, and thc mUll were thanked by the Mayor for their excellent servlcc on JubIlee Day.
Honorary Treasurer.
Ptc. A. Miller.
Pte. W. J. Batley.
up. Olr. 2. Privat s Total eifcctiYe 12. Officcr 2. Decrca e sincc la t rcport 1. Drill:; held Averagc atienclance 6'37. Ca es attendcd not on public JuLy 2. Medallions 8. Material: stretcher and ambulance hampcr. Divi~ioll uppol'te(1 by l1bscl'iption of membcr .
Honorary Surgeon .
Inspec tor of Stores.
W. SommclTille, J unr.
[Formed 25.10 .97.]
Sup eri ntendent.
J. Campbell, M.D .
W. E. R avC'nhill, :scm., Stroud Uoad, Gloucestcr.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon . S ec. and Treas.
Pte. W. Colwell Jones.
Pte. W. E. Ravenhill, junr., tl'ol1d l{oltd, Gloncester.
Officers 2. Privates L1. Total errcctive 13. D ecreasc since last rel)ort 1. Drills held 11. AveraCfe attendance 10. Cases . . .0 20 h S t Mcmbers attended not on public duty 11. A~mlml J'c-cxan~Jlltttloll,. L.. e~) : . . ,hers pass~d 12. Di(l notapp.eal' 2. :M.edal1~o~l.1. Matenal: Ashlol'cl.ltt.te". :l Stlct~ber : surglcal havresac, tOU1'llHlucts, &c. DIVISion supported by subscl'lpbollH of IIlCl Three permanent first a.iel stations havebcen estahlis11 ecI <1nring thc past yeal.', ~~z.,11 at the Guildhall, Baths, and Corporation Depot. A Learn frolll the u.bove DIVISI0
The Divi!;ion met for Ihill once a fortnight dlll'ing the months of October, OVCIll her, Dc.cember, ~~llcl J aUUltlT. The annual inspcction anJ rc-examination is po~tpon ;ll ullttl the pnng of 1lext year, aftfll' thc 1.ne1l11)('rs havc put in their winter dnlls. rhe most noteworthy case attcnclccl to dunner the year was a fractnre of the leg,in three p~a~es. rl~\\'o llll'mhers of the Division "~l'e oon on the scene, applied sl'hnts to thclllJlll'ed 11mb, an(ll't'mo\'cll thl' paLiellthystretcher to the Bri,tol Royal Infirmary. 1
MILL BAY (G. W. Ry.) DIVISION. HEAl)-~U,\ltTEIt:-;
[Form ell 1.2.96.J
: :JIILJ, R\y.
Sup erintendent and Hon . S ec.
J. A. Holt, 9, \\ est Hoe Tcrrace, Plymouth. 1st Offi cer.
2nd Offi cer.
W. G. HaITi"
G. P. Roblin.
In spector of Stores.
1111'. T. H. Gibbons (hon . mem . ).
OfHcers 3. P"ivatc 36. Total efl'ective 30. Drills held ;;0. Averrlge attcIHl<tnce 15 to 20. Cascs attcneled not 011 pnhli<dut)~ 53. Anuual in 'pection, loth Oct. Tutal 011 para(lc 20. Absent with leaye 10. Alluualre-examiu,ttion, 2111[ Feb. lemuel'S JlO se(l 13. Medallions 13. Material: 2 carriagcs, 3 litters and 0110 uox. Di\'isiol1 uppol'tell by U. W. Rly. The Division has malIc Pl'og,'css during the year. Ont of the 5:3 ca. es a,ttcllcle(l to b~ the member', several were of' a \'ory severc nature, c.y., both legs cut oli' by 1':.111\\"ay accident (hlCIllOlThogl' !trl't'stt'rl, rlml lifc 'avcd); fmcturcd leg anll l'rained ankle; sovcrc scald from boiling pitch.
trcot, Nc,don Abbot.
Honorary Surge on .
R. II. Gl'imbly, Superintendent.
W. Jewcll, 135, East J ewton
lII-R. C. S.
1st Offi cer.
trcct ,
W. Shephcn1.
2nd Officer.
.1. IIan\'ool1.
291 Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Secretary.
Pte. N. Skinner.
W. E. Osborn, 24, Beaumont Rd., Newton Abbot. Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. Herbert Knight. Officers 4.
Privates 18.
Total effective 22.
The work of the Division was suspended for a short time during the summer months, and is about to be re-startecl with the prospect of au increase in numbers. Since the last report some of the members have left the town. Meetings for drill and practice have been held once a fortnight during the winter and spring. D uring the past year the members have attended several minor cases, and one very serious one, that of a lad ru..'1 over at the railway station j he was conveyed by stretcher to the hospital, where it was found neces al'y to amputate both legs.
Drills held 11. Average attendance 7. Cases attended on public duty 3. Re. movals 1. Cases attended not on public duty 17. Members pas ed annual examina. tion 18. Failed 1. Did not appear 2. Matflrial: litter, 3 stretchers, band.ages, and other appliances. Division supported by subscribers and donors. In May last the Divi ion supplied six men on each of the three days at the show· yard of the Devon County Agricultural AssociatIon, and provided a wheeled litter and a coull Ie of stretchers. It has been decided to establish another ambulance station in the towu.
C. R. Laurie, i\L R. C. s., , Ye't End, R edl'uth.
Lady Sup erinten dent.
Honorary Surgeo n .
Mrs. L eale, Yale Honse, st. Sampson's.
OUicer 2, Xursing ister 4. Total effective 6. Reserve member 2. Cascs pl'iyately nurse(l6. illedallions 4.
1st Officer.
ST. PETER PORT NURSING DIVISION. [Formecl 2 .1.87.J Honorary Surgeon.
Honorary Secretary.
Mr, E. T. Hamilton (hon. mem.), Devon & Cormyall Bank, Reuruth,
. Robinson,
i\L D. 'ollings, La Yenhll'e, Guernsey.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
l\lr. J. ,Yickett (hon, mem.).
illi s Campbell.
Officer 2. Sup, Off.~, Privates 19. Total effective 23. I ncrease since last report 10. Drills helU 24, Average attenuauce 20. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 9. Annual inspection, 20th N OY. Total on parade 12. Annual re-examination 20th Nov. Members pa sed 12. Medallions 2. Material: litter, 2 stretchers, accident case, tent. Division supporteu by members' subscriptions and other SOlU'ces,
OfIlc:ers 2.
Since the first annual inspection of this Division on the 20th November, 1897, it has increased in num bel'S and efficiency. The cases attendeu to include cOlHulsion , broken leg, dislocation of ankle and fracture of tibia, hip injured by fall, extreme collapse from horse throwing and rolling upon its riuer (artificial respiration effectually employed), broken rib, badly scalued face and eyes. Seeing that the men are somewhat scattered, they have tumed up well to drill and take an intel'e<;t in the work. Funds are difficult to obtain, and are much wanted for putting the men ~n uniform. It is hoped that the Redl'uth Division will be able to put twelve JUell lJl uniform next year.
[Formed 14.4.96.]
Superintendent and Hon . Sec
C. J .
teele, Crofts, Ross.
Officers 2. Privates 15. Total effective 17. Decrease since last repo rt 4, Drills held 12. Average attendance 8. Cases attended not on public uuty 3. AUllual re-examinatioll, 14th Dec. Members passed 13. Did not appear 3. Material: stretcher, splints and banuage". Division supported by voluntary subscriptions.
Lady Superintendent. ~Ii
Honorary Treasurer.
Honorary Surgeo n.
ervice badges 5.
R. J, Parsons. E.
Inspector of Stores .
A. Cutfield,
H. Co. 1. T V.B.D.C.L.I., REDRUTH.
Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent.
Pte. H. Sanders.
ST. SAMPSON'S NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 1894 .J J . Leale,
Kur 'iug sisters 4.
Lady Treasu rer
Total efl'ective 6.
Division snpporteJ by sub 'cl'iption , . Thi::; Di vi 'ioIl 11(1. (:l1l'1'iecl out no work clurmg the past year
29 2
No. IlL- Central and Eastern District. .Dept,ty Commissione'l'-Brigade- urgeon Lieut.-Colonel G. Dist?'ict Chief Sw·geon-Mr. W. E. AUDLAKD, Assistant CO?n?nissione1·-Ur. T. H.
ELLrsTo~, Y.D.
M.R.C.S .
REPORT OF THE DEPUTY-COUUISSIOKER. 2, Mu:mu:\1 STREET, IPb'YICli. 15th October, 1898.
I hayc3 the honour to submit the follo\Ying as my Annual Report for No.3 District, for the year ending September 30th, 1 9 . The various Corps and Divisions in the district have made considerahIe progress during the past year. There is a falling oU' in the numerical strength of both ambulance and nursing Divisions, partly owing to the weeding out of non-ellicients, but on the other hand the Corps and Divisions in the di trice have never been in such an efficient state as at the present time. ew Divisions have been forIlled or are in course of formation at Hallaton, Ipswich, Rynochs, Leice tel', Madele)', and. Rothwell. Chelmsford remains in abeyance, owing to the engineering strike, and Rineton and King's Norton have ceaseu to exist. In January, the 1 jubilee medals conferred by Her Majesty on the Officers and men in No.3 Di trict, who were on duty in London on Jubilee Day, were forwarded to me for d.istribution. The 61 conferred on the members of the Iortlmmpton and Wellingborough Corps ,,-ere presenteu by the High 'heri[[' oftlte coullty at a public meeting held at the Town Hall, N ortharupton, 011 February 12th, ullder the presidency of the Mayor. The preselltatiolls at Dudley aJld Crewe were a.lso made at public meetings, all of which passed oll' with great eclat. The annual Brigacle Camp of Instruction was held. thi year by the kind permission of' ir Thos. Hesketh, Bart., at Easton N eston Park, TOlYcester. Deing in K o. 3 Dish'ict, the Camp was placed under my command, and I had the ad vantage of the valuable help of the following sta£f, Assistant-ColllUlissioner Woolston, Brigad.e Chief Superintendent Church-Brasier, and Messrs. Piers and Trimmer, Superintendent of tores, ~Ietropolitan Corps, to all of whom I am llIuch iudebted for helping to make the Camp a 'uccess, The number canvas from May 28th to June 1. twas 130 Ollicers and men, and for the rest of the week 60 of all ranks. The discipline and' conduct of all present" ere very satisfactory, llotwithstandillg ~wo very wet days and nights at the lJeginning of the week. A separate report haY1:llg been submitted, it is unnecessary to refer at length to the work carried out, wInch . was throughout the week of a practical and insLl'1lctive character. On 9th July, I held the annual inspection of the N orthalllpton Corps III the grounds of the Infirmary. Th e total strength of Ollicers alld. men on parade was 145, all being under the command of Chief Superintendent PelTY. The march past, division and stretcher drill were witnessed by the President (the 1\l arquis of NOl:thampton), the :Mayor, and a large and influential company. The feature of the r~vlCw was the transport work, in which the two-horse ambulance carriages, severa.l lItters and bicycle stretchers took part. After the inspection, the Marquis of N orLhampton presented the medallions gained by various members of the Corps, and. in an .add.ress expressed. himself as highly gratified with the progress made l)y the Corps smce he inspected. it two years ago. I n the evening tIte annual supper ,\'as held at the Grand Hotel , when about 140 Officers and men sat down, iucluding the Mayor, my staff, and several supjJorters of the Corps. . On Saturday, 20th August, I conducted the annual inspection of the WellIngborough Corps, on the Grammar School CriC'ket Ground .
Acco,n~panied by As, istant-Commissioner 'Woolston and Chief Surgeon Audland, I first VIsIted the head-quarters of the Corps aud examined the fine collection of r~5erve ambulance nHlt~ria~ stored. the~'e, and rcady for .use at any time of the day or mghL. T~1e, <?orps, wInch lIlcluded HIgham Feners: Hmg tead, and other outlying conntry DIVlslOn , marched Oll to the ground headed by the Town ilver Band, The total strength on parad.e num bered 157, including 18 nursing sister, and the hospital marque~ aud. ~~o, bell ten ts were, full~ erluipped for field use, After a march past, the varIOUS ell V1. lOllS were exerCIsed III stretcher and wagon drill, as well as band.aging and. first aiel work in the field, all of which \\'a well done, It was a team from the ,Yellioghorough head-(luarters Division that won the" Dewar" Challellge Shielcl in London, last May, The allllual in 'pection of Lhe Kettering Corps took place on lOth September, in the grounds ofRuslttnn Hall. There were on paratlc ] ~o Officer and men, and 19 nursing iHtel' , A great (leal of useful nIHl instructiYe work was got throuah, and after the revil' w, MIS, Pickering Phipjls lll'e 'ented the prizes, certificates, anltmed.allions gainerl during tlIe year_ The Om.cen; amI men were afterward entertained at tea in the Hall, a huil(lillg of great historic intere t, being formerly the eat of ir Tho, , Tresham, Lon1 Prior I)f the Order of ,'t. John in the year]:1:1 . On :.!1 -t eptem h<.:1' the allllUal inspection of the Leice ·ter Corp wa held in the Drill Hall, the inspecting Ollicer lleillg the COlllmissioner, Colonel Bowuler, accompanied by my 'elf amI Assistallt-Commi.'sioner ,YooI ton. The Corp was put through a, variety of 1l10vemeuts hy the Omcers, a11tl, after the in pection, the Commi. sioner add!'!' setl tit£' 111 ell , t'lubsequently, a cOllf'erp.ucp. of the 'euior Otticer of the Corp wa ' held hy CoIo11('l Bml'tller amI the tafl' of the di trict, ",hen the future work and orgallization were (liscusse(l. Thr terrilll!' aceiclcllt which occurred at the \Yellingborough Midland Railway Station, on the night of ~1Il1 , eplelllher, and the spleudicl \\'ork done by tbl' "Telling_ borough Corp' on that occa 'ion, arc the . uhject of a speciall'eport from Chief 'uperilllcntlcnt Hiltoll. Lord Klllltsfonl, the Chairman of the Central Executive ComIllittee, on 11ehal[, of the COllllllittee re(lUpstc(1 the 'Olllll1i::;::;iollcr to convey to the OJlicers, :J[l'llieal Omcel's. and othel' 111el11her' of the Wellinghorough Corp. their I'pry high apprcciatioll of t h(' plew1itl ,'cr\'ice remlerpcl. In comnlllllicating this to the COI'PS, the COlllllli',iollcr expl't's, eel the opinion of tl~e Committee that" the rnpidity with which the 1t1lllmlaliCc wOlk ",a~ C'()!l1l1lPllCel1, the completene::; of the al'l',l!lgements, ,u](1 the most satisfactory manncr in which the whole duty was carried ont, reflected the highe '1, creeli t 011 thc Wellillgborough Corps anll on the Brigade in goneral. " I lll'g to enclose Assistant- ommis,'ionel' ,Voolston's report, whirh I have the hOllom to snhmit to yoU!' 11oiiee, My thanks nrc, pecially tlue to him for the great amollnt or help he has given 1I1e in thi. large district, au(l flll' the zeal and untiring energy he at all timc (lisplaYi:i in Brigade work. I hu\'e the honour to he, ,'iI', Youl'obedient el'vant, (~EOlU,g
• ELLl.·To ~- ,
Knight of Grace, O,.deT of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, DCjJ11ty, COIll?nissione?' No.3 ])istrict, St John .,..[mbltlallce Brigade. To the COllllllis ioner, t. J oIlIl Am bulance Brigade.
'2f1th September, 1 9 .
Sm, I havo the hOllOur to report that I carried out the following in pectiolls tIming the past year, of which you have already received a detailed report:HalH1sworth orp and NUl'sillg Division , Ringstead Divisioll and Nursillg Division, Rushton Divi -ion, Cl'anrorcl Division, hl'ewsbl11'y Corps, nneaton Division; and the following Divisions of' N Ol'thnlllplollsItirc County COllstabulary :-K ol'thampton, Towcester, vVellillgboro', lJaventry, Kettering, OunLlle.
For the most part there has been a distinct advance, in equipment and di cipline, and a large amount of good ,,'ork is dOHl"). I have the honour to be, Your obedient Servant,
Commissioner of No.1 District, who was accompanied by Ohief Supt. Morgan, was present throughout the inspection. The movement con i·ted of a march past, division and stretcher drill, hand, seat drill, Jirst aid to injured in the Jield, and the lifting and canyi ng of 'ick amI wounded by improvil'ied methods. At the close the In"pecting Officer expl'e 'ed himself' satisfied with the proO'ress the BriO'ade had made dl;ring their stay hl Oamp. 0 0 In the afternoon the General In pection was held on thc lawn, " 'hen about 200 people were prc ent, but the movemen Ls were curtailed owing to the rain. Brigade Chief Supt. Bra ier and my elf conducted the first part of the competition for the Challenge Oup, consi ting of first aid and bandaging. Oolonel BowdleI' spent the day in Oamp, and in pected the lines, store tents, kitchens aULI other departmcnts. In the cvening 65 01licers amI mell of the Welliugborough an 1 Metropolitan Corps left the Oamp, and I handed over the comIlland to A, sistant-Commissioner Woolston. In taking leave I thallked Assi tant-OoIDmissiolJer 'W oolston and Brigade hicf ~lpt. Bra ier for the great a ;,istance 1 had received in making the Brigade Oamp a 'ucce s, anel pecial thanks are due to 1\1e 1'. A. J. Trimmer and S. B. Piers for the inderatigal1le lllanner in which they looked after the comfort of all rank, during rather tryiug weather. I have the bonour to be, iI', Your obedient ervan\;, Glwlln1<~ '. ELLISTOX, ncp ntll-COlll1nissionc1', No. 3 D~tl'ic:t, Ua /lip COlnmandant. To Col. ir E. T. Thackeray, K.C. n., Y.c., Commissioner.
Hon . Sel'l;ing Brother, Onle?' oj St. John oj Jcrnsalem. As istant-Comlltissione?', No. 3 District. To the Deputy-Oommissioner, No . 3 Dist!·ict.
lPsWIC'II. 6th Jun e, ] 890.
, I have the honour to report that on Saturday, 2 th May, 1 98, I proceeded to Easton N eston Park, Towcester, and took oyer the commall(l of the Brigade Oamp of Instrudiol1. The detachments were ordered to parade at ,Towcester l{ailway Station at 5.15 p.m . , when about 100 Officers and mcn tletrallled, and, nuder the command of Assistant-Oommissioner 'W oolston, marchI'\! illtO Oamp headed by the drum and fife bal1Ll of the Higham Ferrers Division of the Wellingborough Corps. , . , ,. The Oamp was held in Easton N estOJ~ Park by the kmd. pernnsslOn ?f Sil' Thomas H esketh, Bart., ,,-ho formally opened It at 5,45 p.m., \nth a fe\l' kmdly words of welcome. The site of the Oamp had been well cho eu and staked out lly 111'. A. J. Trimmer, Oamp Quartermaster, and 11'. . B. Piers, upt. of ~tores. The peadquarter's staff tents, stores, kit chens, meSs tents, canteen, and the tp.nts ~ll the officers' and men's lines, were pitched, well dressell alHiready for occupatlOn, III fact every preparation ha~l been lI1ade for the comfort and con vellictlce of both ollicers and men 1hat skill and forethought couM suggest. ." Brigade Ohief Superintendent Brasier joined the hearl-cluartel' stafllll tlle eyemng, and the sleeping in state that night was 123 officer and men. l~uarcl mounted, 9 p . m. Tattoo, 10 p.111. Light out, 11 p. m. Revt-ille was SOllllllccl at 6 o'cl~ck on Sunday 1ll0rninO' and the men were IJanLtled at 7 o'clock and put tlll'(\ngh a lew b' I 1)' . movements by Assistant-Oommissioner ,YoobtolJ. At 10 a.m. tIe >l"lgatI e agum fell in for church parade, and arter being inspected 11y the Callip OOllllllandant, marched to Towcester Church, where an appropriate sermon ",as pn~aeheu uy the Vicar. . The day remained fil1e, and in the afternoon ir T. Hesketh threw OjlCl: IllS gardens to the Brigade and their friends, a privilege which wafi lllllCh appreclllteu by a large number of people, and I an: pleased to report tha,t. the CUlllp "as distinguished throughout the day and lIlght by excellel~t l!phavlOur ~l1cl good concluct. DuriuO' the night a conSIderable amount or ralll fell, alld O"lllg t~ the wet state of the long grass, the early 1ll0l'l1ing drill at 7.15 was sOl1le'~hat illt('rfer~d with. By kind permission of Sir Thos. Hesketh, the 10.15 a.m. clnll w~s held 111 the courtyard of the Hall. This !llade aT: excellent p~l'a.<le grOl~lIc1, WIth ample shelter close bv in case of heavy ram. Ass} -tant COllllIllslOner \\ oolston put the Brigade through division and stretcher chill, the parade lastillg over .two hou:·s. Th e afternoon parade was a short one owing to tIle rain, and the Bngade OIlier Superintendent conducted the first part of the competition for the" Hawkins " ~1l]J. A heavy rain set in between tattoo and 11 p.m., whiC'h lafited through the l.nght, and by 6 a.111. the camping ground was fiootlecl, The breakfasts were late, OWll~g to the difficulty in lighting the kitchen fires, otherwise there wcre no cOlllplallltS. After breakfast the Oamp was insperted, and it was found that tlie tents liad kept the beds and blankets fairly dry. The wet.state of t.he ground insi.!c the ten~s .w~} overcome by the fr ee usc .of saw.-du?t, Whl~h contnb llted much to t~le , ill all ranks. The comllJandwg orucer s morl1lng and afternoon parades" ele hel the courtyard when some goorl practical work WHS !lot through. . , On Wednesday mOl'11ing a smart (h 'ill was gone~ through at t 11e en,r 1y. n.101']1111" t f parade, and at 11 a.m. the Brigade was drawn np on the lJeautiful lawn III frOll ~ the Hall, for the Oamp Commandant's inspection. Oolonel Bowdler, Depu Y
tith JUJu', 1 9
I have the honour to relJort that on your departl1l'e from the CamJl at Ea ton Ncston Park, 011 \\T ednesday evcuing, 1st June, I tonk over the com maud, ami that dUl'ilig the rell1aincler of the encam pm ent, Yiz., Thurstlay, Friday, and aturclay, we were favoured with tine weather. I cuclo e report. of the Orderly Officer for each clay. 'rhursday .- l 0 early morning parade was held. A fatigue parade wa held at 11 a.m ., when F lin e were struck. In tlle afternoon I gave penni sion for all \\'bo were not OIl llnty to atteutl th e 'Towceslel' Town port. At the reque t of th6 Sports' COlllmittee I 'ent a detachment on duty under the c har~f' of u perin telldeut Reeves a]]cl up. 0(1'. Gardiner. Mrs. Hawkin.·, the wife of the clonor of the Silver Oup for the be t all-rounel man in camp, presentell the cnp tn the winner, Bugler ,Yo li'ranci , of the Head-Qual tel's Di vi iOIl, Wellingborough Oorps. .F rillay.- TO early morning parade wa' lH'lcl, but the mell ,,'p r,· elllploypd putting all ill ord r. At 11 a.m . a fatjO'ue parade was ll e1d , ancl E lille ' ,yere trllck, a I thought it importaut to take a(fvalltagf' of the fine weather. Th e Camp Sports were helel in the afternoon. The following eve llts rame off :-100 Yard Race in heavy marching order; tretcher arryillg Compptition; tl'ikiug T ent Oompetition ; Three,legged Race; Jockey Ra,ce; Fireman' Lift. The Oyelist Oumpetilion, for a Oup kinctly prc en ted by )[rs, Ohurch Bra ier, al 0 came oIl', Dr. Kingcom be and myself ueillg judges. It was finally won by Private Jeffreys, Wellinghoro' Oorp ·. The usual concert and dance were heItl in the evening, followeu by a lantern parade. All were early at work tt'iking cam I' on Saturday morning', and by 5 p. m. the grouncl was clear. I alll pleased io report that 110 ca:o;e of misconduct, except oue of going out of Oamp in an untidy condition without belts, callie to my notice. Th~ Guard, Oallll) Police, cwd Orderly d L1 tics , "cre well performed, alld the lines kepL clean ancl free ['rom all liLter. 1 have the honour to he, iI', Your obcclipnt Pl'vant, T. I-l1c:\,IlY 'WO OL TON, Assistant-Commi sione?', No. 3 D7·. tTicl. To the Deputy-Commissioner, No.3 District. y
Head-quarters, -Welling borough Corps. 8th Septembel', 1898. SIR,
I beg to report as follows in reference to the accident which occurred at the :l\lidland Railwa.y tation here on Friday night last, 2nd Septemher, 1898. The train is due to pass this Station at about 8.12, anrl when near the centre of the down platform, it da.shed into a platform truck that had fallen on to the line. This caused the engine to foul the metals at the end of the rlatform, and, swinging to the left, it rushed with terrific force into a high embankment, where the train was wrecked, one of the carriages taking fire. Cycli t Rogers and Police Constable Powell were crossing the footbridge from the up platform at the time, and, rushing at once up to the wreck, set to work to rescue the injureu. Station Foreman nlorris, with great presence of mind, promptly ordered th e four stretchers and two boxes of ambulance appliances belonging to the Railway Company to be got out, and at .16 he telephoned for all the doctors and ambulance assistance it was pos ible to get, the message reaching our Headquarters at 8.20 Fortunately five of my men were there, and they at once got out the horse ambulance, filling it with 10 stretchers, 6 sets of splints, filleu water-bottles, 4 medical havresacs, 2 ambulance hamper, over 100 roller and triangular bandages, anu hurricane lamps. Meanwhile Supt. C. Nichol on and hoI' e arriveu, and driving at full gallop, picking up Dr. Watson on the way, they reached the Station, a mile distant, at 8.30 p.m. Drs. Audlanu and Hollis arl'iveu at .33 p.m., followed in rapid succession by Drs. Clark, Morris, Fryer and Saunders, anti myself with other men, with litter anu a furtber supply of havresacs, bandages, &c., which I took from om reserve stores. The work of rescue and temporary treatment of sufferers was set about with a will, and notwithstandillg the terrible nature of the injuries and truly awful surroundings, the wounded were removed in an incredibly short time to the waiting l'ooms for further and more complete examination and treatment. The news of the disaster soon spread, and not only brought a vast crowd on the scene, but also a large number of private carriages placed at our disposal for the removal of the less injured to homes that weru with the greatest kindness thrown open to receive them. Four somewhat serious cases were then sent on to Leicester in ()harge of four of my mell. Eight very seriou ones were seut on to Northampton Infirmary by pecial train in charge of Dr. Watson and 14 of my men, beds having previously been telephoned fo,'. Five cases were l1Ut up and weU cared for at the Station Master's house. Seventeen other cases, some of them very serious, were conveyed to private places of residence. This left us with Miss Clark, whose case was one of the worst and most pathetic, and from the very first appeared to be quite hopele s. Soon after midnight Dr. Audland gave me instructions for moving this case to the house of urse Kay (o~r district nurse), for whinh purpose I told off eight men to carry the stretcher, thIS being considered the only way possible under the circumstances, although the distance ,vas nearly half a mile. Subsequently I assisted Dr. Audland and Nurse Kay in removing the mangl~d leg at the knee, the patient being too collapsed to bear a formal amputation. MISS Clark died at 4.25 a. m. During the night Drs. Hollis and Audland visited other serious cases, and I remained on duty with five men all night reauy for any emergency that might arise. After treatment of all these cases, we had sufficient stores on the spot to treat as many more if necessary. Saturda.y, 31'0. September. Aoting on medical orders, we redressed nine case~ and despatched them to their homes at Leiuester by the 10 o'clock train. The remamd~r <Jf the day, up to the departure of the 10.16 p.m. train, was pretty well taken up III assisting friends and relations in tracing the de!'1d and injured . Sunday, 4th September. I arranged for the removal of Miss Clark's body to Leicester. lVIonday, 5th September. I saw lVIr. and Miss Lomas, of Derby, and Mrs. Gedge, of Leicester, off by the 10 o'clock train. I have also received instructions for the removal of lVIr. and Mrs. Hornabrook by the 12.13 train to Leicester on Saturday. The other case remaining h ere ~s that ~f the Rev. Gedge, Vicar of Aylestone, who is lying at Dr. Hollis's house WIth a velY
bad fracture of the right femur and several nast t I' doctor that this case cannot be removed for about a ~~ s. t IS thought by the III all we dealt with 35 cases of a more or less ,.n 1 . tt' . sl~hof thd~e regret to report terminated fatally. The remainde/~\lOi~sn~~\T ~~p' men, may recover. As you will well understand d' ~ erne. lca resulted in a great variety of injury, such as conc{ls:ionls~~t~~ of .t~IS I?agmttlde spine, limbs dreadfully crushed rO.m Ie 0 y, III ema. ll1Jul'les, wound , collapse, &e. A)l )enued is a lis * ofillcers, mell, and nu~'sll1g sisters who rendereu assi -tance ~moncrst wh' ~ of tho~1 fi uc the name of ChIef Supt. F. Trenery of the Kett .. ' cr C!OJ lC 1 you WI ve~'y grateful for the valuable help he gav~. I have Ol~~l~fre OlpS, to "'hom I am
~omp~fn~ fdact~:n'tes, illlj~U'~d.
~~dbl;~~t~~~l;e t~~~
~~~l~l~l~ra(\~t~~l t~f.~n l~pY lth; :as1t crowdI that was pres nt, al1cl~~~~r J:fs~f:;' ~~~o~~i~ B. , . ) e OJ e ong. am al very much mdebted to Ins lector 0
and the polrcemen under his command for the slJlendl'd a ,,'st th 1 I ca.n as' . ,. t I l l . .~I ance ey tl ' 1 ;Ule you,. 11', lat a . engaged ill this ad ancl trying work rose t~ l~ , l~ les conceptro~ o~ the dube devolYing upon them, ancl so assured that me,lsme of success whIch IS the true reward of duties faithfully performeu. I have the honour to remain ~ our obedient servant Tno~L\s H. H;LTON Ohiej Supt. Brigade- urgeon Lieut.- olonel G. . Elliston) V.D., Deputy OOJUmissioner "0. III. Di trict. 10" n
T" ':Phe roll shows 5 medical officers, 45 ambulauce officer' and men of 'l'ot'll mg borong h orp: 9 member of the ,Vellincrboroncrh Nursin a Divi ion the members of the Pohce. 0 0 0 , and
-ame of Corps or Division.
0: 0 0"
~~ ::J
Birtnincrham 01lelmsford :') Crewe Dudley Hallaton Handsworth ~~'d Sm~thwick' Ipswich ... '" ... Ironbriuge Kettering Leicester Maldon '" ... Market Harb~~~ugh ::. Northampton ... Nuneaton ... Oundle ShreWSbury ::: W. ellingborough Rmgstead
::l"'" .::>"''' ~'"
~~6 2
~ ~
......cD >,
... ",,,,,,, ",.,
HIl>t:::::: ::3::-'
5 1 21 6 6 5 22 3
38 61 17 341 84 94 139 26 21 28 209 36 20 65 243
to .
00 en en",
1 2 1 11 3 4
12 10 1 I
15 1 1 7 13
5 3 3 3 6
20 4 4
10 11
1 I 11
3 1 16
--- ---
] 21
27 33 29
29 9 21
Han , Surgeon.
Number of Number of cases lIIem bers. Treated.
J. H. Hawkins 26 D r . E . 0 . B ar k Belmont Row Birm'gham Fire Brigade Dr. lIIorr~son Ass. Supt. Teviotdale 55 Police Dr. MorrIson Insp. W. O. Jones 610 " Dr. Holdsworth . OentralStn.,Goods,1If.R. Dr. J. H. Blakeney B. H. Oartwnght 25 40 Ourzon Stn.,L.&N.W.R. Dr. W. A. Loxton J.;r TT' Ar]nold Hi hO'ate Dr. E. O. Anderson Iy. ay or 61 gknley, G. TIT R Dr. B. Pogson W . B. Hancock H oc 47 H. • F G'lb t King's H eath and Ryotts Dr. O. J. B. Johnson . 1 er 18 Lake Dr. G. Haddow J. G. Barrett Kynocbs (vYitton) Dr. O. R. Lewis 1 J. Duuley Lawley tl'eet, M.R. Dr. T. B. Gould 98 J. Lacon Nelson Street 13 J. White Severn St., 1st Day Sch1. Dr. W. D owning 43 Small Heath A. E. Wright Dr. '1'. A. Brown 18 W. Harris Snow Hill, G. W. R. Dr. Neal 50 A. Baker Sparkbill and Greet Dr. J. O. Kneale 35 Windsor St. Gas Works Dr. D. Holmes O. F . Duck 20
32 79 1 682 148 204 110 209 112 320 264. 593 374 85 60 128
Division, with 86 points out of a possible 100, Highgate Divisioll being second with 85, :Midland Railway Lawley Street (holders) third with 79. During the past twelve months the Police have borrowed tbe Brigade Ambulances on 85 occasions. There have been four transport cases attendeu to by tbe Fire Bri~ade Division. The General Ho pital Horse Ambulance bas been used three times, The Fire Alarm boxes have heen u eel on six occasions anu. patients conveyed to the Hospitals by members of the Fire Brigade Division. everal of the Police and Fire Brigade Divisions have been complimented by doctors and others, and awards made by the Watch Oommittee, Royal Humane 'ociety and the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, for special services renuered in cases of drowning and suffocation by gas, etc, The wheeled litters, the property of the Oorps, llOW number 12, three new ones baving been added to the stock since the last annual report. There arc 34 station in the Oity where first aid materials are to be obtained, and ambulances are available at the Birmingham ,V0rkltouse i Fire Brigade Station, King's Heath; and Severn tI'eet First Day choo1. The hoI' 'e ambulance belonging to the General Ho. pital ha also been placed by the Oommittee at the disposal of the Brigade in case of emergency, and the Fire Brigade wagonette is al 0 available. The adoption of the Brigade uniform is under consideration.
repcrt received.)
Ohai1'man-Alderman am. Edwards, J.P. z • TT' ~Ir . A . R . Tozer uperintendent Birmingham Fire Brigade. y ~ce- IUt~1'1na11r--n " . , Hon. Secreta1'y-Mr. J. R. Stamp, Tan-y-bwl ch,Ohester Rd., Erdingtoll, BIrmmgbam.
Hono rary Surgeon.
M. Young, The organization of the Birmingham Oorps differing from that of the ot~el: ~s~:'rd and Divisions of the Briaade tbe ordinary annual retnrns have not been Ullll 1 ,.., followmg , . d etm'1 Slave 1 b een com piled from the, t'annua to bead-qnartets, and the n for report of the Birmingham Local Oentre of the t. John Ambulance AssoCla 10 the year endinO' 30th June, 189 , . , t the The Oorps has made gJ'eat progress and rellder~d ?OnsplC.'lOuS serVICes a~es in public duriug the past year. Its l1um bel'S are steachly lUcreasmg and the tf e for which first aid has been reudered by i~s.D?-el1lbe\'s shew a large advanc~ ~n ll~~s the the year 1896-7, In that year the D.IVISlOl1S l1t:I11~~ered 16, th~ mem~{:O',s N~rton cases 2845 For the year undcr notlce the DIVISIons number 16, . b', d to having dr~pped out and Kynocbs having joined i. the men;,bers ha,v\;nc;e~s~o on 1 177 and the cases to 4 200 In this num bel' are lUcluded { 00 cases a en< e . f tile o~casion of the visit ~f T:R.H. Prince and Princess Ohri~tian at, thl~es~~~~dl~Y 0 the New General Hospital in July of last year, when the OOIpS was I~P f 'med by9 squads consisting of 9 wheeled litters .and 42 men. ~mo~g other wor { per 01 the Oorps during the year, the followmg may be notlced .-The ,0. U. Sport~ at Aston, July, 1897. . . The Sport and Play Sports at Aston (3 uays),. July, 1897. ~ rrhe Juvenile Foresters outing at the ReservolI', July, 189/ . 897 The Pearson's Fresh Air outing at Mr. Oadbury's (43 cases), July, 1 . The Birmingham Oharity Sports at Aston (14 ca es), Augusn, 1897. The Binaley Hall Exhibition, SeptemlJel', 1897. The Oni~n 'Fair, A:;ton, September, 1897, .. The Trades' Union D emonstration , September, 1897. The Bingley Hall Oattle Show, December, 1897 , rfhe Theatrical Oharity Sports, March, 1898. The Demonstration at Solihu11, !une, ,1898, " . k lace on 6th The Oompetition for the Sterlmg SlIver Ohallenge Slneld t~~ th~ Oity police December, 1897. The Shield was for the second time awarc.e d
[Formed 22.4.95.J
1st Offi cer.
W. II. Gawthorne.
F. H. Olu.ham, 64, Brooklyn treet, Ore we. Hon orary Secretary.
J. A. J enkil) , Hungerford Road, Orewe.
Hono rary Treasurer.
Mr. F. H. Ooke (hon. mem).
Officers 3. up. Ofr. 1. Private 34. Total efl'ective 3 . Iucrease since la t repolt 13. Drill held ~. Average attendance 14. Annu~l inspection, 10th ov. Total on parade 1 . Absent with leave 5, Annualre-examlnatiou, 31st Aug. :Members pa sed 16. Did not appear] 9. Medallion 7. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Omccrs, amI ~4 men. Material: 7 stretcher, 3 emergency bags, &c. Division supported by an an11ual concert and sub criptions. Oonsiderable progres has been made by thc Di vi ion. Public duty has heen undertakeu Oll 10 special oeca ions. On August 6th, 1 9 , by kind invitation of the Presiuent of the Division, The Right Hon. the Earl of Orel\'e, a . quad was on duty at Crewe Uall. Many of the distinguished gue til at Orel\'e Hall VI ited the ambulance station in wbich two ea es were treatecl. Ou 3rcl cptcmher 26 member took part ill the Lifeboat aturc1ay Proce ion and gave a public demonstration in first aid work. Various sport, fetes, etc., haye been attended and excellent work accomplished. Owing to the continued pressure of work in the London and North Western Railway Works the attendance at drill has been considerably reduced. The number of cases treated is very COIl iderable. The London and North Western Railway Oompany bas made admirable provisions in case of accident. Th e Company have a railway hospital situated close to the line of rails. Should au accident occur, the traffic is temporarily su. pended, au engine and coach (of which there is an unlimiteu supply) is obtained, tho injured are placed in the coach and the drivel' given a clear road to the hospital. 1st Officer Gawthorne, with Privates Olarke and Thompson and two outside
300 ambulance men were successful in gaining the medals and second position in the wh ole of the L dndon and North Western Railway Company for squad coml.Jetition. I n D ecember last Superintendent Oldham at considerable r isk stopped a runaway h orse in a crowded t10roughfare and consequently prevented a s~lious accident, and in the same week at great risk rescued an infant which, butfor hIS promptitude, would have been killed by another runaway horse. Various ambulance !:!tations have been formed, and an ambulance equipment "ill shortly be available at all hours at the Cre"e Station Post Office in ca e of accident away from the town. T he Chief Constable of Cheshire, Colonel Hammersley, "ho takes the greatest i nterest in ambulance ,york, has approved of Superintendent Oldham to chill the police monthly.
'1'. F . Higgs,
!II. R . C. S.
Hono r a r y Treas u rer.
Ch ief Superint e ndent .
[Formed 14. 2. 98. J
Honorary Surge on .
II. A . CrLlttwell, Supt. and Hon . S ec.
haw, Hallaton, Uppingham .
In s p ector of Stores.
Hon . Treasu re r.
Private G. T. Frisby .
Private G. Clarke.
O!licers 2. Privates 15. Total effective 17. Avcrage attendance 10. Cases attentleu not on ublic dut 15 l\Iatc~·lal:. 2 strctcher, 1 ambulance hamper, balHlages, &c. Divisio; su )ortZu b ~ eontnbutlOn from member' and gencral puulic, proceeds 1'1'0111 concerts, ~~. y
Dl'l~ls held 22.
.A. f!-,esh ~lass in .fir t aid is about to be commenced, amI it is anticipated that the DIVISlOll "'11.1 com;! t of ahuut 60.llIembers by the cnd of the year. I n A rillast a very nee lu I ConCCl·t \Va.s orgalllzed on behalf of the Di vi 'iOll the procee£' of which over £.:20 tIll' Stlll1 a J11) 'I l' h ave bamounted J to a sum of a lIttle . ' ,"ith 1 I U ance ajlp lances een pure lased, and expell 'es III conllection with the Division have been defrayed .
Hono ra ry Su rgeons.
T. Rhodes,
Mr. S . Ward (hon. mem.).
J. Slater, King Street, Dudley.
1st Offi ce r.
Sup eri nte nd e nt.
A. T. Dawson.
E. Hartland.
C hief Su rgeo n.
Dr. D. Westol1, antl ten Honorary
Hono rary S ecretary.
up. Off. G. H. Hartland .
nrgeon .
Chief S up t. , Ho n. S ec., a nd In sp. of St ores.
Honorary T reasurer.
H. Deck, ~'Henwick," 'tatioll lttl., IIa,ntlsworth.
Su p e r inten d e nt.
E. T. Awc1ry.
OIlieer ' 32. up. orr. 20. Pri,'ates:2 9. Total errective 3.n. Removal!:! 6. 'es attcmle.llllot on puhlic duty 1200. Annual in peetion Oct. Total 011 parad~ 200. .~lelIalhollS 30. Regulation uniform worn by 3 office;'s and 3 men . lIlatenal: 3 htters anll;3 tretchers. orps snpportell by sub criptiolls.
Police Chief Superintendent R. Speke. RAILWAY DIn. IO~ .
Supe r inten d e nt a n d Ho n . S ecret a r y.
C. F. Horn . Officers 7. Sup. Off. 2, Privates 52. Total effective 61. Reserve members 2. Declease since last report 9. Drills held 28. Average attendance 13. Cases attended on public Juty 5. Removals 4. Cases attenJed not on public duty 18. l\1edallions 22. Service badges 3. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 1 Sup. Off., and 10 men. Material: 5 stretchers, 1 street ambulance box, 1 surgical havresac, and the use of four litters belonging to the Corporatioll. Corps supported by suhscriptions. There llas been a slight decrea e in numbers during the past year ill conseq~lence of members removing to other districts, but it is eXllected that the standard wll~ be again raised by recruits from classes now beillg formed . Regular me~tl~gs for practice and instruction have been held in the Town Hall (by kinu permISSIon of the Mayor). During the winter months Hon. Surgeon Rhodes gave a c~urse of lectures on nursing, allu it is proposed to take up the subject again dunng tIle coming winter with a view to the men qualifying for llursing certificates .. Four cases were removed to hospital on the wheeled litters. On 16th March AssIstantCommissioner T . H. Woolston distributed Jubilee Medals to the 14 officer& and n men who attenJed for duty in L ondon at the Queen's J t1 bilee procession. several occasions a sectioll of men have marched out with t he local Rlfie Volunteers, for field duty, collecting and removing the woullded, &c. On August Bank H oliday a number of officers a nd privates attended the Cycle parade and Yeomanry sports, with h ospital tent, wheeled litter , &c. , but although nearly 20,000 persons were present only one case was reported .
A very la:ge llUlllher of case ill "'hieh eIlic:ient fir t aill ha been rendered uy mOI~lbers o( the Corjls ha\'e heell l'cl1orted, and much (Tood \\'ork has been dOlle Ym:lOlls Alllhulanc qOlllpetitiolls htwe been heltl, al1(l have ueen well attended: It .. ~ h,op('(l t!lut. dnyl~lg the. 11 ,xt :year, ihe 'OI'pS will get l1Iore into line with the Blloacl.e. There IS chflWlIlty l1l hlllllJlg a room whcle the whole of the llJembers can meet lor the purpo .. e of drill, eic. out at presellt the rent a ketl i more than the Corp can lIIallage to mise.
IPSWICH 1st DIVISION. [Formed 13.7. 93.J II IUu-QuAHnm>;: C ll m'1' CllllItCn MANSIO~.
Ho nor-ary Surgeo ns.
. O. Ealles. Supe rinte nd e nt.
1st Officer.
W. 1\:eehlc, 46, Orwell "treet, I pswich .
W. F. Fryer. F. II. Gooderham.
Insp ec t o r of Stores.
Honorary S ec r e t ary
Rup. orr. J. T. W oolls.
, up. Orl'. J. H. Cu(;kow,:21 ,! :lillF~ RoaJ, Ip wir.:1.
. Ofll ce rs 4.
S up. Ofr. 2. P ri vates 2·1. T otal effective 1.. D rill s ]leltl 15. Av rage tLttcndance a~tel Hle(l not on. pllhllC duty D. Annual illspeetioll, I th pc ade 23 . Absent With leave 1. Anll ua l re-exal1linatioll, 18th
Ca~ncr~a.e SillCC last n' porL
:30. 15. Hemovals a. J[ay. Total on May. Member
passed 23. Did not !Lpp~ar 4. Medallions 22. .l ursing certificates 12. Material: 1 litter, 2 stretcher, 1 hampel', 2 cases. Division Suppol'teo. by Local Centre and members' subscriptio\ls.
Officers 3. Nlll'sing sisters 30. Total effective 33. Reserve member 15. .Increase sin ce last report 1. Practices beld 7. Average attendance 26. Cases pnvately nursed 22. Annual inspection, 14th March. Total ?Il parade 18.. Ab~ellt with leave 4. Ahsent without leave, several owing to sudden es and mfectlOn. AI1~ll1al re-examinati~n, 14t? March. Members passed 16. Dlll ~lot ~ppear 14. M ~dalholls 33. RegulatlOn _umform worn hy 2 Officers and 2 uurSll1g Istel's. Iate~'lal: ba.I1<l~ges, books, sphnts, carrying chair, &c. Division supported by members subscnptIons.
The First Division has progressed steadily, the members showing a trifle mOre interest, probably owing to the competition that held... . The calls for removal have been few for a town of 61, 0.00 lllhabitant~, owmg to the 1ittle interest taken in the work by the general publIc. A new lItter has been presented to the Division by the Local Centre.
IPSWICH 2nd DIVISION (POLICE). [Formed 10.96.] HEAD'QUAHTRHS: T OWN HALL, I p WIeR. Superintendent.
1st Officer.
A. Hammond, Town Hall, I ps·wich.
This Divi .. ion has met for its usual lectures and practices. The lectures on ". IDea les aud scarlatill~;" "fir t aid i.n general;" and "small ailments," being gwen hy Mr. Fryer, Bngl1de urgeon Lleut. -Col. Elliston, and Dr. Hoyland. :Mrs. Paine, II~nora.ry ecretar~ of the l~eciford Centre, gave a practical demonstration of bandagmg, etc. There IS no defil1lte work for the nUl'siuO' Division as there is a Nurses' Home in I pswich, but the members do a good o.ea.lIH·ivately, 'and are ready to help, ",hen occasion arise, on public occasions.
B. Chenery.
Officers 2. Privates 24. Total effective 26. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 12. Average attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 8. Removals 20 . Annual in~pec~ion, 1 th May. Tutal on parade 10. Ahsent with leave 10., 1 .th 1l1ay. Me~11bel'S passed 10, afterwards appeared for re-examlllatlOn, . Me~a lholl erVlce badges 26. Material: 1 litter, 1 stretch?r, 1 hamper, rugs, splmts, bandages, &e. Division supported by the Watch CommIttee. The Watch Committee pays the expenses and supplies the material for the use of the Division. The cases of first airl rendered included fractures, fits, cuts, &e., and the litter has been in frequent use.
Su peri ntend ent.
W. W. Smithers,
Honorary S ecret ary.
1st Officer.
G. C. Bullock.
t . John's Rll., Ipswich. Inspector of Stores.
Sup. Off. S. E . Botwood, Sup. OU·. H. F. R. Pepper. :1IIaple House, St. John's, Ipswich .
Officers 3. Sup. Off. '2. Privates 22. T?tal eff~cti ve 2 . Drills held '22. Averaae attendance 17~. Aunual 111spectlOn, 1 th May. Total onlJarade 19. Absent with leave 6. Annual re-exa!ll!I~ation, 231'0. lay. lIIemhe:'~ passed:21. Material: litter, .,tretcher, and case. DIvlslOn supported Ly membels subscriptions. This Division has only been formed eleven months, but has made great p.rogress ill the time, the members having shown real interest in the work by atten~lIDg the drills and practices. At tbe prize competition beld in June at the ~\lbllC Hall, I pswich, before the Mayor, Col~mel. Herbert C. Pe.rrott, .Bart., an.<l otner Jll ~mhers of the Order, the team from thIS DlvlslOn won th e pnzes wIth the hIghest sCOte.
Chief Su rgeon.
T. L. ,Yebb, .
Honorary Surgeons.
A. G. Mackenzie, ?If. 11. C. P.
G. L. Procter,
)1. B.
O. Jacob 'on, :\f.R.C.S.
Chief Superintendent.
Superintendent Secretary.
J. W. White, The Bank, Ironlll·idge.
O. Franks, Madeley Road, lronbrid ge.
1st Officer.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. F. C. Hossack, F.R.C.S.
IRON BRIDGE CORPS. [Form eO. 20.3.96.]
H . W. Thomas.
2nd Officer.
Mar hall.
3rd Officer.
4th Officer.
F. J. Danks.
G. Bunnagar.
Officers 10. up. o IT. 4. Privates 80. Total eITective 94 . Re erve memher 20. In crease since la t report 2 . Drills held 12. Average ~ttlJIlll<l:ltce 61. Removal ' 2. Case attelHlell not 011 public duty 78. Annual II1SpectlOn, 17th March. Total 011 parade 56. AL ent with leave 1. ,Yitbout le!LVe 20. Annual re-eX~tmillation 15th Dec. Members pa sed 5. Failed 3. Did not appeal' 33. Medalliolls 30. laterial: litter, ix tretchers, amI havresacs. Corp supported by subscription of me:nbers ano. County COllncil. A Divi iOll has heen fOl'llleU ,tt Jackfield. The Corps ha obtained a litter by the aid of the County ouncil grant. No routine or special public duties have been performed, but many a III bulance services have been rCl1l1ered in the v<Lriou works 1'011110. l1y the memhers. In several cases the illjured have heen carried to their homes, distances over two mile, by stretcher sCiuads. In eptcllluer, a man employed at Uoalbrookdale, had his right arlll nearly severed, aboye the elbow, and several fingers of his left hancl cut 011' by a team crane; an ambulance squad was called together and dill ee everything that \\'a. lIeces ary," as reported by the urgeon to ~vholll they (,arried him, ano. acting upon his in trnctions, they drove to the alop lIlfirmary, a di tance of 12 miles upporting the stretcher on their knees to avoid the vibration of th e spri IlgS of the wagonette.
[Formed 10.94.]
1st Nurs . Officer.
Miss Coulcher, Beechholme, I pswich.
Miss Watson.
Lady Secretary.
Mrs. Pawsey, 1, Ivory Street, Ipswich.
Lady Treasu rers.
Mrs. Pawseyand Miss Miller.
Honorary Surgeons.
T . L. Webb,
M. rt.C . S.
THE SQUARE. Lady Superinte ndent.
Mrs. 111. H. White, The Bank, Ironbridge.
305 3rd Nurs. Officer.
2nd Lady Officer and Secretary.
1st N u rs . Offi cer.
:Miss F. L. E. Yate, The Vicarage, Madeley.
Miss S. H. Wall.
Miss L. Wadlow.
Officers 5. Nursing sisters 24. Total effecti~e 29. Reserve members 7. Decrease since last rel)ort 12: Pr?,chces held 12. Average attendance 17. Cases attended on public dnty 3. J!ll'st aI.d cases attellde~ not all public duty 52. Cases privately nurse~ 6. AnnualmspectlOl1, :5t~ De.c. .Total all parade 21. Absent with leave.5. WIthout leave 3. ~nnualIe-exam:~Ia~lOn, l?th Dec. Members l)asseJ 21. DId .n?t. appear . Medallions 2~., Matel.~al.. hospItal bed, waterproof sheets, &c. DIVIsIon supported by lliembeis SUbscllptlOns and County Council. The decrease in the strength of the Nursing Divisions is owing cl~iefly t.o melx:~ers havin a left the neiahbourhood, but a strong class of fir t alders lS waItmg to take the nursi:g course of lectures, and it is hO]Jed, next yea.l~ a much better report will be furnished. O~e s~ster has ?een to ~. John s Hon e, ,\ orcester, and is now doing good work as a dlstnct nUl' e In Ironbndge.
By the kindness of P. Phipps, Esq., J . P., the annual inspection was held in the grounds of Rushton Hall, in the presence of a large and influential gathering. 11r. and Mrs. Phipps kindly extended their hospitality both to Officers and men. The sincere thallks of th Corps are due to th e President, J. 'T. Stockburn, Esq., J.P. ; W. F. Nielsen Esq., Hon. Treasurer, and to the Hon. Surgeons. Squads of men, fully equipped with stretchers and materials, have ueen in attendance at football matches, sports, and fetes in Kettering and di trict. They have rendered valuable airl on several occasions, and letters of thanks have been l'eceive(~ .from the foot?all and oth~r committees. The Annual County Cup CompetItIon wa held III the Rockmgham Road Recreation Grounel, by kind permission of the Kettering Urban District Council, in Octoher last, and excited general in tere t in the tOWIl. Thc 19 memhers who \yere absent from I n pection without leave and who have not put in the required number of drills have heen struck oil' the roll.
LEICESTER CORPS. [Formed 14.11. 82.J HEAD-QU,\RTEIL': OLD TOWK HALL. Ch ief Su rgeon.
F. l\1. l)ope, B._'-,
(N 0 report received.)
Ch ief Superintendent.
J. II. Buckley, 70, Tower treet. Superintendent (Transport).
KETTERING CORPS. [Formed 10.93·1
J. G. l\Iohbs, 39, ;rafton trect. Towx DIn JO~. Han. nrgeon- McA. He\yling , 'l.n. 'llpt.-B. Green 50, Bakewell 'treet. 1st Oflicer- trank. . Hon. ec. - WilSOD, ouden ~treet.
J. W. Dryland,
Honorary Surgeons.
J. J . Roughton, M.R.C.S. L. W. Dryland, L.R.C.:. J. P. Roughton, L.R.C.P. J. A1lison, M.D. J. L. Pnce, !II.R.C.S. D. L ee, 1ILB. O. Van-Vestrant, L.R.C.P. II. Gibuons,lILB. Jas. More, M.D. G. 'vV. Baker, L.R.C.P. Jno. More, M.ILC.S. Chi ef Superintendent.
Sup erintendent.
1st Offi ce r.
F. T. Trenery, Wellingborongh.
J. Cruickshank, (Rushton Division).
F. Barlow. (Rothwell Division.)
Superintendent Secretary.
C. W. Lane, Kettering.
Superintendent of Stores.
T. A. Simpson,
Ho norary Treasurer.
1\11'. W. F. Neilson (hon. mem.).
Officers 17. Sup. Off. 10. Privates 112. Total elIective 139. Reserve mem hers 25. Increase since last, report 1. Drills helJ 89. Average attendance 39. Cases attended on public duty 46. Reinovais 20. Cases attende~ not on public duty 62. Annual inspection, lOth Sept. Total o.n para~l~ 110. Abse~ with leave 10. Without leave 19. l\Iedallion.s 23. ~eglllatlOn uOlforll~ wor:1 5 Officers, 9 Sup. OfL, and 37 m~n . Matenal: 4 htt~rs,. 14 stretchels, an ambulance boxes. Corps supported by voluntary subscnptlOns.
The weekly drills have been well atten~le(l, the men sh~wing illcreasl',d in~ere~ ~n the work. At the opening of the Kettermg General HospItal, the Corps (asslste d ~ 16 Officers and men from Wellincrbol'o') ]Jan1.dcc1 80 strong, under the COJl1l1ladl~ a '" J 1 . t t ' tl Ie. , lll'oeee mgs. Assistant-Comn~issi~ner -yV ools~on, an:l .too <:. a prolDmen ]Jar.lD ... thallks Th e movement IS still proaresSlng satIsfactonly 111 the sUlToundlllg dlRtl1c~S, " . D"IV1S10ns. . TIle mCl'easlllg o to the energies of the Officers in charge 0 f t h e vanons . b" demand for the ambulance l)oxes in factories proves that their usefulness lS Of~l!1g fully recognised by the manufacturers. :Under th~ able direction of Sup. eel' Beale, the Transport Service is well establIshed and In constant use.
GA::; DEP.\llT)rENT Dlvr.'ro_T. Hon. nrgeon-J. '1'. II. Davies, M.D. Supt. -11. E. Clayton, Aylestone Hoad. 1 t Officer-Bourne. Hon.Sec.-W. Lovell, t. Peter's Road. WORKEG MEN" COLLEGE DIYIiilON. HOl1.'urgeon-T. P. hearer L.U.C.P. & . . Supt.-J. L. King, 51, Chatsworth 'to 1st Oflicer-Z. Langham. 2nd Olliccl'-Chapman. 3rd Off and Hon. ec.- Wilkinson, 11, A1IJion Hill. ST. M.UlY', DIYUnoN. Hall. Surgeon-A. Clarke, 1\1. 13. Supt. -L. lIall, 5, Flora Dtreet. Han. Sec.-'Y. J. Arm trong, 30, Paton St., arboro' Road. LmCESTIUl. CYCLISTS' DIVIHfON. Han. Surgcon-J. Hunter, M.A., M.D. Supt.-Freeman, Well ord Place. non. Sec.-Griffiths, 74, Laurel Road. BORO' OF LEI CESTER WORn G MEN" CLUB AND I 'STITUT]~ DJ\'IBTON. Han. Surgeon-To I. hearer, I,.ll. C. P. &, .
Superintendent Secretary.
F. H. Turner, 2, Granhy treet. upt. -Z. Langham, 47 Cedar Rd. Hon. ec.- lorgan, 45, \\'inderrnere t. YSTON DIn. IO~. Hon. llrgeoll- .J. pellce,L.R.c.P.& upt.-W. Bent, yston. lIon. ee.-T. Bower, Syston. DE. FORD DIVliiION. Hon. Surgeon-To 'Y. G. Kelly, :\f.A., M.D. upt.-Jall1e Bennett, De 'forcl. Hon. ec.-G. Lawrence. FIlm BIUGADE DIY]' 10K. Hon. urgeon-A. E. Barlow, l\['B. Supt.- u[lt. Ely, .Fire tation. 1 t Officer and IIon. Sec. -J:!'. Law. iVnEATSHEAF DIVI'ION. Hon. urgeon-J. Hunter, lIl.A. , l\LD. Supt. - pencer, 211, ,Yelfonl H.oad. HOll. ec. -Skinner, Leopold Road.
L. and 'Y. RAILWAY DIVISION. lIon. Ul'geon -'1'. N. Thoma :\l. R. C. Supt.-F. G. Brise, Ea t Park Road. 1 t OfJicer- L. . Watkill s. Hon. ec.-Mycock, 2 ,Key thorpe t. T .
ORTII EVI 'GTON DlYISION. IT on. urgeon-T. P. hearer, L. R.C. P. &s. llpt.-D. almon, East Park Hoad. Hon. ec.-i\lorris, 50, Asfordby t.
Officers 32. up. Off. 11. Privates 225. Total effective 268. Drills held 15. Cases attenued on public duty 20. Removals 126. Cases attended not on public duty 50. Annual inspection, 21st Sept. Total on parade 90. Nursing certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 1 Sup. Off., and 10 men. ilIaterial: 1 horse ambulance, 10 litters, 8 stretchers, 2 invalid chairs. Corps supported by Divisional subscriptions.
artificial resrira~ion was applied for 20 minutes, and proved successful in restoring natural resplratlOn. Ptp . Brooks was assisted hy Thos. Flack, another ambulance ma~. ~he two men were awarded the Royal Humane Society's Certificate for savmg lIfe.
The past year has not been marked, like its predecessor, by anything of special interest. The Wheat Sheaf, North Evington, and London and orth-vVestern Railway Divisions are new formations; the last named supplied the winning team in the Railway Competition for this district, and secmed a high position in the General Competition at Crewe. The Town Divi iou and "Working Men's College Divisions have done good work at the various sports they have attended . Some serious injuries were attcnded to; the want of proper equipment was again felt. Tbe number of cases reported bears little proportion to the number attendeu to, as ouly some 50 cases are entered on the books. Several cases of broken arms, severe cuts, &c., are not entered. The character of cases attended to has beeu of the usual kind-scalp wounds, severe cuts, four broken arms, one broken leg, faill ting, epileptic fits, &c. The horse and hand ambulances are iu gOud working order, and are highly appreciated by the public. A new ambulauce litter, thoroughly e<luipped, has lately been added to those already in use.
1st N u rs . Off.
Lady Superintendent.
Honorary Surgeon .
:Miss Fullagar, St. Peter's Road.
2nd Nurs . Off.
3rd Nurs . Off.
4th Nurs . Off.
Miss Noble.
:Mrs. Adcock.
Miss Musson.
M.A., M.B.
C. Blatch, 12, Princes St., MaltIon.
1st Officer.
2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
C. Last.
C. Dibben, Maldon.
Sup. Officer J. Joslin.
Officers 4. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 16. Total effective 21. Decrease since last report 4. Cases attended on public duty 12. Medallions 14. Material: stretcher, splints, and bandages. Division supported by members and snbscribers.
f' Pte. George Brooks rendered first aid on 26th January, 1898, to William Meddler, of Purleigh, who was apparently drowned and lifeless.
G. Green, High t., Market Harborough.
1st Officer and Hon . Sec.
Inspector of Stores.
H. R. Maynard. The quare, Market H arborough.
, up. Officer W. Tooth.
Officer 3. up. OiI. 1. Privates 24 Total effective 28. Dlill. helcl16. .t\verarre attendance 13. R emoval 10. Annual inspection,:Oct. MedallIons 9.. .' ~ rvJ ce badge: 12. Material: 1 litter, 4 stretchers, basket, splints, b.andages. D1Y~SlOn 'upportetl by members' subscriptions and some few subscriptions from publIc. The Di"i ion has maintained it position durinG the year and much useful work has heen done. Th e ommittee of the Market Harbor~u (fh Di pensary have purcha cd a? ambulallce wagon, properly fitted with ~tretcher~ and the same has been placed 111 the hand of the Di"i ion for use at their discreti~n.
Hon . Secretary.
[Formed 14.2. 94.]
Honorary Surgeon.
Honorary Surgeon.
T. A. Durrant,
Mis E. F. Rogers, Maplehurst, touygate.
H. R. Brown,
Miss Hod ges.
Officers 6. Nursing sisters 61. During the past year 11 meetings for practice and classes, or lectures, have been held, and 165 attendances registered, giving an average of 15. Th e number of members on the books "as 57 ; of these 18 hav e left for various reasons, aud 21 new members have joined, raising the total for this year to 61 mem bel'S. Two lectmes were given by Dr. Lewitt, and iutere ting and belpful papers on special subjects, by a few of the older members of the division, have been read and discussed at the meetings. :; Twice in the year assisLance bas been called for during the ahsence of a district nurse. There has been no call for first aid work on public occasions since the autumn.
Dr. Sylvtlster's method of
Honorary Surgeons.
A. H. Jones, :M.D. R. A. Milligan, ~I.R. C .. ". O. J. Evan, )['R. O.S. H. Cropley, F.R.C . . . T. Cairn , L. n. c. P. E. F. JOlle . ~r.R.O . .
W. Harding, M. D. . C. Lawrence, M.R.O.S. J. K. H yde, ~1.R.O ... H. tea,dman, M.D. A. Linnell, . . W. H. Ryan, M.Q.C.P .r. A. P. Killgcombe, lILR.C.
H. Hodg on, ~r. B. J. R. Lowl1d , L.r...O.P.
Chief Superintendent.
Superintendent of Stores.
J. Perry, 54, ,Yaterloo, Northampton. 1st Offi cers.
J. 'Y. Beales. J . Abbott.
C. F. Olney.
Honorary Secretary.
Super intendent.
W. H. Reeve. Honorary Treasurer.
2nd C1. up. Off. H. Wilkinson, Mr . W. H. mith (holl. mem.). 32, Hazelwood Rd., orthampton.
Officers 20. up. Off. 11. Privates 209. Re. erve mell1 bel'S 30. Decl'rase in ce last report 90. Drills held 44. Average attendance 22. Ca. os attendell on public duty 55. Removal 63. Cases attended n~t on puhlic duty 308. Annual inspection, 9th July. Total on parade 145. Ab ent WIth leave 33. Without Irave 16. Annual re-examinations, 1 t , th, 15th, 22nd, 29th .Mar. Members passe<ll 7. Failed 3. Did not appear 33. Medallions 116. Nursmg certificate 12. Regulation uniform ,,"om by 7 Officers, 10 up. Off., and 83 !nel1. Material: 2 wagons, 4 litters, 54 depot each eqllipped with tretcber and vahse or hamper. Corps supported by public 1mb criptions. . The Corps bas made g l'cat progress, and the work has been well maintained in all Th e tran port service has been con tautly called upon , and the wo1'1has been of the most vR.lnable character. The Cycle ection and the up. Officers Its branches.
have done invaluable wo rk in visiting and helping the country Divisions. The averaere atlemlance at the weekly drills has satisfactoril y increased aud the latter have been ~arked by improvement in efficiency. J" ew havre acs , stretchers and am bulance hampers have been purcha ed, wb.ile the horse ambulance ha s been fi~ted ,y~th new Dunlop pneumatic tyre~ at conslderable ex.pense. At the annual ll1SpectlOn, the President the Most Honourable the Marql1ls of Northampton, "'a present, and the Deputy-c'ommissioner expressed himself as highly pleased with the work of the Corps. Th e presentation .of the .Jubilee :Medals was made hy the High Sheriff of the County at a ]Jubhc meetlllg held at the Town .Hall, Northampton, on Saturday, 12th Febmary, 1 98. The ex-Mayoress ~lso lundly pre ented to those members who undertook Juty in Northampton on Jubllee Day a handsome souvenir, consisting of a certificate expres'ing the tbanks of the :Mayor for the valuable services rendered on that occasion. Detachments of the Corps with their tents and appliances for rel1llering first aid have been on duty at all athletic sports held at the County Cricket Ground, football matches throuabout the season, at Franklin's Gardens, amI the National Cross County leeting at Hort?n. A letter ,,"as r.eceived .fro111 the secretary of the Salford Harriers thankmg the Corps for ltS serYlces on the latter occasion. Detachment also attended the Grafton Hnnt Steeplechases, the race committee generou ly acknowledging their service by the hand Jll1C donation of two guineas to the local fund at Towce tel'. . At tbe invitation of the Mayor of Northampton the Corps attended church wIth the Corporation on , nndav, 12th June. Other church parades were att('ud('d by the Corps at Kingsthorpe, Duston and St. James' End; !llso a chapel parade at Earl's Barton. The Fire Briaade havin a rejoined the Corps, Sl1perilltenrlellt Reeves, with the consent of the cbief Const~ble, has assiduously assisted to train the meUl bel'S of the Briaade for the necessary examination. In the recent Wellinerboro' railway accident, the Chief nperintenrIent, who happened to be on the spot at the time and wit?e~sed the catastrophe, rendered fi.rst aid as far as he was able. After the la t of the lllJured were conveyerl to the station he communicated to Northampton by telephone, and in 1'e811on e to the call Hon. Suraeons J olles, Milligan and Evans and others, besides some 30 ,·'up. Officers and men o(inclmlina firemen and l'lolice) were in rel1diness witll horse ambulance carriage and all tl~e litters on the arrival of the injuretl, to cOllvey them to the infirmary. Assistant-Commissioner 'Woolston received the injured. eight in nllmb~r, at the infirmary, where everything had been got in readiness on receipt of Ohlef Superintendent Perry's messagE;.
stntion in different parts of the district. The members have also undertaken a Transport Service, and have removed several cases to and from the Cottage Hospital.
Honorary Surgeon .
E. Peacock,
.M.R. C. S.
Superintendent & Ho n. Sec.
A. T. E. Randle, Coton Bd., Nllneaton.
1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
J. Ryan.
J. H. Longham.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. P. Miller.
Pte. H. U . Lewis .
Officers 4. Sup. Off. 3. Privates 29. Total effective 36. Drills held 28. Average attendance 13. Removals 6. Cases attended ~ot on public duty 17. .A nuual inspection, 27th Aug. Total on parade 27 Absent '~'lthollt l eave 8. Annual re-examination, 9th July. Members passerl 22. Mcdalh?llS 8. Material: Ashford litter, 4 regulation military stretchers, 1 Lowmoor Jaeket, bandages, splints, waterproof sheets and blankets, 1 ambulance basket complete. Division supported by the members. The Nuueaton Division is steadily increasing in numbers, and is doing excellent work, having established four stretcher stations with complete appliances at each
OUNDLE DIVISION. [Formed 28.2. !l8.J IIE_\D-QUAllTER.': FIlm
Hono rary Surgeon.
C. N. Elliott,
Su peri ntend ent.
H. Knight, North Street, Onndle.
1st Officer, Hon . S ec., and Insp ector of Stores.
J. IIaye , North
treet, Onndle.
2nd Offi cer.
Sup. 01f. A. Taney.
Oflicers 4. • up. Off. 1. Privates 15. Total effective 20 . Increase since. las~ report 2. Cases attended on puhlic rluty 2. Removals 4. Annnal re-eXaJlllnatlOll, 10th :Jlnrch. Mcmber. pa sed] O. Failed <) Did not appea~' 2. npgulatioll ll11iror~n. \~'0 l't1 hy 3 OfIicers, 1 up. Or[, and 13 men. Matenul: hLLer, tretcher, &c. Dl \'1SlOn supported 1)y ubscriptions and donations. The memhers of tIli ' Division continue to tal-e a errent interest in their work and several limes they have successfully rellc1erec11irst aid in minor cases. Four transPOl:t cn es have been taken ill hand duriug the year, and in each case very satisfactonly.
T . ALK~rOND' .·
Ho no rary Su rgeons.
W. Charnley, :\LD II. II. H. MacLeod, F .R. C.S. Snrg.- raj. E. Cureton (]st .A.V.), ~r.D. lU'g.-~la.i. F. K. Pigott (1st .R.V. ), H. W. Gardner, ~LD. J. D. Williams, :\l.B., B. SC.
J. Lytle,
i\1. D.
Chi ef Sup erintendent.
1st Offi cer.
2nd Offi cer.
Major . . outham, Elmhurst, hrew 'bul'Y.
J. Mansell.
O. Landon.
Honorary S ecret ary.
Ple. J. William, The Beehive, Kingsland,
In spector of Stores .
1 te. E. Vaughan. hrewsbury.
Honorary Treasurer.
11'. G. B. Lloyd (hon. mem.).
OIli cers 10. Privates 55 . Total efTective 65. Decrease since last report 6. Drills held 22. Average attcndance 12. Cases attended on public duty 2. Removals 1. Cases attelllieu not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, 18th August. Total on parade 2. Material: 1 wheeled litter, 3 strctchers, bandages, splill ts, 6 waterproof sheet, am blllaLlce satchels, &c. Corps SUpportcd by subscriptions. The work of the Division was practically uspendecl after the resignation of Captain \Yilliam -Freeman, until the appointment of the pre eut Chicf Superintendent, when active steps were taken to bring it into an emcient state, and arrangements were made enabling the Honomry lll'geons to deliver leetu res monthly to the member. The e have been very well attended, and have been most useful. Mor convenient rooms have also been secured for drill and lecture purposes, and drills have been regularly h eld Oll the last Friday in each month, SOllLe 0(' them in the field ill the town. These outdoor drills proved very pOlmlar with the members. :rhe Division rendered Eignal scrvice at the meeting of the Shropshire and 'Yest MIdland Agricultural Socicty, when during a "Victoria Cross" competition at the Show, one of the horses leaped the rails into the crowd, and several persons were
310 seriously injured. The prompt assistance rendered by the Hon~l'a!'y Surgeons, three being imrnediatel~ i?the ambulance tent, as well as the aptItude hown by the members of the DIvIsIOn were rno t marked. At the Fete of the hropshire Horticultural ociety, the Division \\'a in attendance as usual with a tent and three bed, with full equipment. Several ambulance clas~es are now being conducted in the town, and no doubt this \\ ill re ult in increa ing the number of members of the Division.
[Formed 9.1 8
Chief Surge on and Honorary S ecretary.
W. R. Audland, Oxford
treet, Wellingborough.
IIrc \1)-QF \ItTlms:
Chief Super intendent.
T. H. Hilton, ommerville, Wellingborough. Superintendents .
J . H. Higgins.
Honorary Surgeon.
Honorary Surgeons.
W. W . Clark, M.D. W . J . Watson, M.B. H. H. Hollis, M.ll. W. Sanders, M.R.C.R. J. Crew, L.R.C.P. H . Burland, L.R.C.P.
C. Nicholson.
Th e qorps ~\'as rel~rCselltc'l at the camp or instruction helll aL Easton .r c. ton Pal'k J by.the follOWIng Ollicers and :l1en : 1 chief surgeon, 1 chief supt., 1 snpt., 2 lir:t Officers, 10 supernymeml} Oflwers, aud 68 privates, total 3. A.t the allnn~J, Ill . p~dlOll the Dl'puty-COlllll1isf;iollCl' exprcssed himself a ueing thOIOU~hly ab. r.!Cd '~'Ilh thc work done hy the Corp'> ancl the lll'ocrrrss matle. The work ol the llurslllg 'lstcrs and the ltn pitn.1 eqni pllten t was spcciaJ~' eOll11l1enc1ed. A . eparat~ rcporL on the ~\'ork dOlle by the (~orpH 011 the oCl'asion of the accident at the .W~lllUgool'ou~h siatlOll 011 eptelllbcr 2nd is appended to the rcport ol'Deputyl'offinllSSlOnCr of No. 3 lli~trict.
J. W. Orr, L.R.C.P. \Y. Robb, L.R.C.P. 'V. Iachenzic, L.R.C.P. H. S. Baker, L. R.C.I'. A. Forsyth, M.D. J. G. Burgess, L.. A . 1st Officers .
A. O. Groome.
J. Perry.
Supt . Treasurer.
T. E. Graveley.
Officer 19. up. Off. 16. Privates 20 Total etfectiye 213. Reserve members 94. In crease sillce last report 60. Drill held 24. Average attendance 60. Removals 77. Cases attended 011 anel oIl' public duty 41. Annual inspection, 20th Aug. Total on parade 161. Absent with leave 40. 'Without lea.ve29. Annual re-examination, various dates. Members pa sed 131. Failed 1. Did not appear 76. Nursing certificates 63. Regulation uniform worn l!y 6 Oflicers, 16 Sup. Officers, and 115 men. Material: 1 ambulance van, 6 wheeled htters, 43 stretchers, 2 invaliel rl1bber-tyred transport chairs, 31 urgical havresaes, 2 flr ·t aid hampers, &c. Corps supported by the general public and COllnty ouncil grants. The Corps consists of Head-quarters Divisions, Higham Ferrel's, Ringstead, Rushden, Fineden, Wollaston, Irthlingboro' a1ld Bomeat Divi ions, which are all well equipped, and a great deal of practical work has been well dOllc. The Cou~ty Agricultural how was held at Rushden this year, and for three (lays the h~slHtal tent was fittecl up and manned night and day by men of the Rush(len allel HIgham Ferrel's Divisions in charge of Chief Supt. T. H. Hilton, a1ld First OfIicer Groome. Fortunately the weather was c001, and only nine eases required treatment. ~here is a decided improvement in the smartness and efIjciency of the men. WIlby, Irchester, and Harrow(len Divisions have not made as much progress as co~ld ue desired, but it is hopeu that before another year is out, they will be well cqUIppcd, and more thoroughly efficient. The Head-quarters Divisions show a slight falling oil' in numbers, accountcd for by removals and the fact that a number of men who made no eIl'ort to keep themselves efficient have been struck 0[I'. The work of the remainder has ueen the heaviest on recon1, and the most variecl in its charactcr. OfJi cers and men have been on duty at all football matches and outdoor public gatherings. Durill.g. the year the Head-quarters Division has given a good account of itsell' in com petltIOn s, the following trophies being won by them :-The " D ewar" Jubilee Shiel?, competecl orthamptonsllll'e. Coun.ty for by reprcsentatives from each district, a11(1 the Challenge Cup and Medals won for the third time in snccession; the thud pnze presented by Assistant-Commissioner T. II. Woolston, was won uy the Wollaston Division.
1. \VaLon,
[l'ol'll1ed 12.
Lady Superintendent.
'I. n.
.JIiss.JI. E. Wooblon, High 'I., 'Xellingborongh.
Lady S ecretary and Inspector of Stores,
.\Irs. ,J. llcygatl', Tlte Ellll~, \\' dlillghnrouglt.
Honorary Treasurer.
.'np. Treas. T. E. Gntl'ely.
Olliecn;~. Nursillg sistcrs 7. Total efJ'l'rti"e 9. 111c1'(,l1s(' since lasl n'polt 7. Practiccs helel 21. Aycrag., attendance 32. Ca e attclld ,Ion puhlic tlnt) 10. rl'i,'nlcly llllrSe(l ~ 7, Allllual inspe<.:tion :Wth Au". 'I:o!al Oll parade '27. ,\ nllunl n'-examination, May al)(l Dec. .JIcllIbc:r : pa. ",'d 31L j'all"fl 1. ])ill 110t 1ql(1ea1' i Medallioll.· :i7. •\·I'\'i('e hadues 1. Hl'gulatiol1 Hnifol'lll \rorn hy ] Ollir!'!', ntld :j !lursillg sistl'l", Matelial: 1<\rater heel. 6 water Cl1:;}~i~llS, :2 ring pillm\"s, and. It ~Ill;tlltity or other slllgical amI lllU' 'illg appliance ', IhvISIOII supported hy su!l:cnpllons.
Thc ,Ii. tricl n1ll'sC' for tltc \Yl'llingboroulfh ('!lin', althmwh worki]1O' ullflel' the 1)'" . P ::> cnn t 1'0 1 0 r 'I c 1C InSlOll, lR !lot a l1ll'lllhcl' of the Hrign(le. 'he is aidcd hill her work '; hen Il('c~ssary by the llUl'Hing, ",lto l~ayt· Yif;itcd 5·1 ea 'O~, alld ptlid 4.09 vi i,s. Scvcml 01 them rC'llclen't! 1110'[ crlJl'll'ut sel'Vlce on (he occasiOIl of the accident to the M:mchc tcr expl'O 'S at \Vcllinghurollgh 011 ,-'elitelllbcl' :211fl.
Dr. 1l1ckenzie.
Lady Superintendent. ~ll.
WhitllC'Y, Kingsley Park, orLhcunplon.
Lady Secretary.
.Mrs. Knight. I iugsteall, Tltrap. ton.
Olllcers~. Nlll'sing sisters 19. Total (·fl·ccLive ~l. Incrca 'c since h;;t I'cp~I'L 3. Practic(·s h 1(115. Average ntteudallce 1:'3. Cases a~ Lcnded on all~l 011 l'ublll:' duLy 30. Aunual i.llSJl~ctioll, ~Otll Aug. Total 011 pl1l' 1.). J\.bsl'nt WIth .l~a~c b. An II 11111 re-cxn~l\lllailOll, lay. Memoer' l'n~sed 10. lI1cflalllOns 11. DI VI 1011 Sll ppol'ted oy publIc eontributions.
This Division has done much useful and highly appreciatc(l work d1ll'illg the year.
No . IV .-N orth Western District. Depu.ty Commissioner-Major OHARLES J. TRIMBLE,
L.R.C.P., 5th Lancashire Volunteer Artillery, Louth House, Bamber Bridge, near Preston. Distr'ict Chief Stt1·geon-Mr. GEORGE GRANT, 111. n., Pacliham, Lancashire. Assist~nt C01nrn1·ssioner-Mr. JOH O. DERHAlII, Ohief Oonstable, Blackpool, Lancashll'e. District Chief Sttperintendent-Mr. LAWRE TCE WHITTAKER, SunnY5ide, Accringtoll, Lancashire. District Sttp. TreasU'l'er·-Mr. G. R. OROSFIELD, 'Walton Lea, Warrington, Lancashire. V.D . ,
REPORT OF THE DEPUTY OOMMISSIONER. LOUTH HOUSE, BAMBER BRIDGE, near PRESTON. 9th December, 1898. ' IR, I have the honour to present to you my Report on the No. 4. District for the year ending 30th September, 1898. At the close of the year I had under my charge 11 amhulance Oorps, and 34 ambu· Jance Divisions, with a total effective strength of 2126, ann 21 nursing Divisions, numbering 54 nursing Officers and sisters. I have to record a decrease of some 246 am bulance Officers and men. This is mainly due to the loss of 200 members in the Oldham Oorps through the withdrawal of the Police Force, who were formerly attached to this Oorps. If I am obliged to note a falling away amongst ambulance men, I am gratified to notify a substantial increase of 244 nursing Officers and nursing sisters, which practically leaves my command at last year's strength. The ambu· 1ance Divisions at Shaw and Sabden have ceased to exist, and new formations have been sanctioned at Radcliffe, Rawtenstall and Trawden. The Great Harwood Nursing Di-;-ision disappeared, but new nursing Divisions have sprung into existence at Bacup and Hebden Bridge. I have no doubt the mere &tringent and regular enforce· ment of Brigade Regulations, coupled with the genE'ral adoption of uniform, have hurried the retirement of timid membels from the Oorps and Divisions under my supcrvlslOn. These timid ones haVE: been supplemented l>y a few who could not bring themselves to obey Cirders. It would be utterly impossible to carryon the Ambu· lanr,e Brigade movement in No. 4 Digtrict, or elsewhere, if a healthy regard for discipline did not exist or pervade all ranks. Although I regret the loss of these first ai.ders, yet I cannot be blind to the fact that the loss is mitigated by compensating advantages. During the ycar to which this statement refers, I find that first aid has been rendered in 3651 instances ann 2050 cases of tranf:port by horse ambulance and litter performed. It is pleasant to state that, again and again, numerous memberg of the medical profession have expressed, both verbally and. in 'Writing, thei.r entire satisfaction at the manner in which first aid 11as been performed. and transport effected, and I am sure that ambulance men of all grades are deeply indebted to the profession for the kindly treatment received at their hands. Inspection duty has been undertaken as follows :I inspected the Accrington Oorps at their head-cl'larters on 19th February; one .surgeon, one ambulance Officer, six Supernumerary Officers and 35 privates paraded. The Brigade uniform was worn by all ranks. I was extremely weJl pleased with all I saw. The turn-out was smart in all respects. The excellence and suitable· ness of their new head-quarters must have a marked influence on the Corps. On 18th June, at Blackpool, I reviewed the North·East Lancashire Oounty Oorps, 11llder the command of Assistant-Oommissioner J. O. D erham. This parade was
a ttended by . . .' .. 14 . 001'11S an d D'IVlSlons musterina 340 f N Ulsmg DIn lOns, contributing 29711~lr"'ina Off{', 0 a~l ranks, together with 15 The ambulance Oorp and Divisions "th 0 celS ~nu sIsters; total strength 637 Th~ .arlopt~o~l .of the prescribed cap a~~l:on o~~f~~cep~ob~ wore the l:egulation uniform: nUlslllg Dl.vlslOn. All the Lady Su )el'inte an ack gOlVn IS 110W the rule in A steady Improvement is manifest in1 thi ~(f en~s b;ave the full nul'. ing uniform. honour, on behalf of 0 1 Distl'l'Ct of 1 0l~al1lZatlOl1, year by year. I had the Bre a d a 11 lane, K.G., as representin(f . ,the \ \O'd' ' e COllnn 0rf on tl11S . occaSlOll . the 1I1arCJuis of was much appreciated by all conc~l'J)ed 1 o~ ~ JOh~l. T~le visit of the Marquis cxpre ed his. unstinteu approval of ail h Ie ac of Ius havlDg seen the parade and canllot l'efralll from again expressin a m e t~awi_ gave tl.le greatest satisfaction. I l~lack~oo.l (Mr. Mather), The Oor[Jor~tio~ au~l1 Os, to . Ills Worship, the lI1ayor of UOml1U'SlOner J. 0 Derham "S Ob' f 0 t II llicms of thc Borouah Assistant tl 'u 1 . ' ,'" lC on a J e 111 1 D· L ,., , . lC al anr a 18tancc so freely given to m a k tl~· II I: eonard Iolloy, for all 011 the 12Lh J ulv the Pre rOll01ol" . I I e .Is gathenng a succes . "9 . . J '. lJ palac ee f or Inslle t' 8, llllrslIlg l'ter were pre'eut TIl' c lOU; ;) ambulance men and ~on~rary ,urgeons, all t"he 'Oorpsleoeffi~:I~l )el~~ ~lClhUdc(1 one Ohief Surgeon, three ~ urslllg OChcel' . . ,''It t e Lady Superintcndent and
, Ol? the 16th July, at Bury the outh E L . for lJIspection. The paraele Ill'n tercel six ~ "a1 t anCallll'e Oounty Oorp a embled 131), and four llul'sin(T Divisions ~I'l'tll 6-,' am ~nlau.ce OOl'pS and Divisions (strength I . an. . , TIIe knowletl"e .." llUrSlIl<f Sl ters I \\a -. satls . fi ed WIth . Gf lil'st aid . o· . what shows .sign' of steady .pro"res.~ each y:1~.pea(rl i~ ~)e ~good. Tllis county formati~n the Olltheroe Di \'i.'ion al~tl I II'a~ 011 tl . n I l UgllSt, I held the in pection of Tl '\' . ' ,., Ie same ( nty 'It l ' . 1 Ie I a.rl'lllgtOIl Oorp~ was seen 011 15th e It I . ' .\"~SWIC ~ on 13th eptember. l)cr, amI ill''lpecteLl the Ohest!'r Di"i io l' Clll l.~\ In Ited Ohe tel', 2Jth eptem· S>n 29th 'eptembcr the HeHn, t Diyi 'ilo: ~ng \I It 1 il. boys' cIa from altney. Bl'lga{le, Chichester . treet Belfat It.I aral:ed at t!~e .head.quarter of the Fire l degl'ee of eflicicllcy maintail;erl from' 'ear t ~lO~t gratllymg to find the same high tra.ll.'port 'cl",ic(; performed hy tl ), 0 } cal. The value of the ambulance anll excellent .service will he gletLllcll ~~~~l~l~~~~ c"m~llot be ovey-rated. ome idea of this cases receln:rl IiI' t aid treatment and tran~~c: that IIlll' the la, t year SOUle 1630 be proud of hi Fire I3ri"'111e a" b 1 lor t. lll'enntenllent Parker IDa)' well 0' ,8 ,ln1 n allce lnel1 ' O 11 30th Septcmber the Hurnl r In" Burnl~y. e) am nerfielrl Divisions "ere in pected at
) A '81. tant- ol11mis'ioner J. O. Derham had 11
bla~k[lool (Police Divi, ion) 11th :JI 'I .c a~oe. of the follolvlllg 'ct>
pr.ctions:Arlllllgtoll (DiYi ion) lOth ,eptel1lbe~' .:ll~ \; 1 U'1.}I.~lflcll (Corps) 13th Augn t; Ihzel Grove (Di\-isioll) 1st OctObCl" 1\Io'1'cc e (bell(D).ll~ ~e (Corp) 17th September' ',' O' ' 11 am e ln~lOll) tl 0 t b ' D . l:;tl'lCt Iller Snperintenllent 'Ylli 1-' ' . 1 coer. (D1I'ision) 20 th A 11 crn t. Ellcll fi' el(l (I)' .tta ~cl1 ~colld nctecl 1Il pection, at 'Yin ford "I ,t " ' ll'1.'1011) (th "ellten b .. F l ' 1 ... ; s ,pptcmher; \\~hale.r Brid(rc (DiYisiol1) .). I 1 el, ou l'lC gc (D1I'lslOn) .)th .October ; Bacn]) (Dh'isiollr6th October ._It 1 'I eptemhc.l': ~Hrnn'ortb (Divi ion) Aoy.t Ipo.rt (DIn. LOn) 11th Octoher. Bll'kellhcad and H,Hwtel1 tall Oorps a" Rccl(lish, Tra\yden,'hest'e~ ~tl~uS\\TI ~fJlll'lt'.F~ll,?e ~, Pelll'ith, RadcliHe, .la ey. IVll?n held no in pection parades. In sixoutofthcn inein tallc~s~f of.the Oorps or Division. In thc oLher thr llon'lll ~)PCtlOl1 tin .wa entirely the fanlt tillS duty. I havc now rather reluctantl r ~~ casets l;l",as found.llllpoS ib.le~o carry out to end. avoUl' to iWlpccL 001' lS alld Divi)' me 0 ~e concln l~n. that It I ' a mi take g tthenngs are held at Ion} d' t f .slons at lal ge competItIve reviews. The e and Divisions :Lttenclincr ana tl~e ~~~)ee~ls1eO~} ~l~.e h~acl'Tlalfters of the various Oorps would bc rtlilloU ; in f~~t it coultl ~lOL b tnlllr~lIlg t Ie n.ll strength of the e unit best men attend allu I'll a ~I' t e .mc. 1he re uIt IS that only a few of the D ' , ' , " ea many III tancc t l ' . . .. C ll~'lllg the ~OI:n~ng year I r~rpo e, with the aiel f Ie llbpec.~lOn IS sImply. n: farce. 01 ps and Dl VISlOl1 in the district und er m .0 my l.tuct tall', to Vl It each am persuaded that hy takin!T thi li f Yt?halge::t:t theil' own head-quarters. I brought to bear on mem bel'S ~ ellfor~~\fle~~ l~n ~o.nsldcmhly. 1110rc pre ure can be 0 SClVll1g the 13ngade Regulations as to attendance at inspcctions. III
~ would beg to draw your attention to th· . ( . 1 e lepO? t herewIth enclosed) of District Clll?f Superintendent '\\Thittaker. II' notIce. I also attach re 0 -t f . 0 ) ervatlOl1S ~l1d remarks are worthy of J1le by A slstant·Oommi sioner Derham relative to inspections cO~ldu~tedt;all ~ to B y mH. oth 1\11'. Derham and Mr. Whittaker
314 are satisfied with the improvements in all Corps and Divisions. There are yet velY many points requiring alteration and improvement. The irregular and poor attendance at annual inspections is the first matter which must be rectifieu in the near future, The following nnr ing Divisions were paraded for my inspection at Blackpool on 18th Jnne;Blackpool, Colne, Longridge, Nelson, Hapton, Padiham, Accrington, Burnley, Barrowford, Cliiheroe, ,),alton-Ie-Dale, Barnolds\yick, Foulridgc, Oldham. I sal\" the Preston Nursing Division at Preston, on 12th July, Assistant-Commissioner Derham inspected the Heuden Bridge Ul'ses on 17th eptember, and District Chief Superintendent Whittaker the Foulridge and Bacup ursing Divisions on 21st ~eptember ftnd 6th Octojlel' respectively, No ilJSpections of the after-named nursing Divisions weTe held :-Read, Roy ton and Tottington. Personally, I am aware that general progress is manifest on all sides, 1I1any Corps and Divisions are vastly superior to others, and my desire is to leyel up\\'arcls and so have throughout No, 4 District, as nearly as pos ible, a uniform standard of efficiency, r DUl'ing the year many interesting events happenE'(1 in the dishict. pace will not peTmit. of any lengthy Temarks on these point, uut I would like, briefly, to allude to some of the most important. On 5th February I attended at Padiham and handed over to the Patliham Division and the "tolyn of PaLliham a very handsome hoI' e ambulance wagon, There was a good muster of amhulance men and nursing si tel' , the forlller coming from ,Vhaney, Accrington, Hal)toll, Read and Parliham, and the latter reprcsenting Hapton, Read and Padiham, Colonel Sir Herbert Perrott, Bart., Chief ecretary, t . John Ambula.nce As~ociation, \'ery kindly came to Preston on 12th March and distribl~ted to the members of the Brigarie in this District Her Majesty's Jubilee Medal, conferred on the Officers and men who IYt"re on ambulauce 'treet duty 011 Jubilee Day, The parade was formed in the Guildhall, Preston, and ir Herbert Perrott inspected it and was good enough to express his approval of the smart appearance of all ranks. Afterwards the lIIayor of Preston, Alderman Dr. Dunn, opened the pro,'ep-dings, Sir Herbert Perrott gaye a most interesting address which was listened to by a large audience with marked attention and pleasure. IIe then presented the Jubilee merlals to some 134 Officers and men, The recipients hailed from Keswick, '\Vinsforrl, ,Valton-Ie-Dale, outhport, BarrolYfonI, Oolne, Accrington, N el on, Clitheroe, and Preston. To ir Herbert Perrott we all owe a debt of gratitude for his kindne s in coming amongst the Corps and Divisions in this District. After the presentation of lI1edals the Preston Corps entertained all the visitors in the Guildhall. On 2 tIt February a district conference Ivas heM at Warrington, at which I presided. There was a good attendance an(l many matters of interest WE're discussed. On the occasion of the visit of H. R. H . the Prince of Wales to Sonthport on 18th May, I placed 34 ambulance men and four nursing sisters 011 treet duty. Th e details were furnished. from Preston, Walton -Ie-Dale and Southport, The horse ambulance carriage belonging to the Preston Corps was sent down and pel'fOrlI~ed capital transport service. All the stations were connected by cyclists (Preston) With the horse ambulance station, so as to ensure the prompt arrival of the wagoll whon needed, A fair number of cases required first aiJ attention , I received on the 24th May, through .:\11'. Willett, the Honorary Secretary, outhport centre, a letter from the Mayor of Southport conveying his thanks to the am uulance Officers, men and nursing sisters who were on duty on I th lay. , The Annual Briga(le Conference was heM at Blackpool, on 17th .June, in the polIce Buildings, kine1ly lent for the occasion, His Worship the Mayor of Hhckpool, accomr>anied (to the great pleasure of all) by Mrs. Mather, first took the chair, amI after wel<:oming the clelegate,~ to Blackpool, opened the proceedings, and then vacat~d tIle chairwhich, in the abscnce of the Commissioner, I took as Renior Deputy-CollllllisSlOner. There was a large attendance. I am strollgly in favoUl' of an annun l conrel'ence. It allows us to come in tonch, the north with the south, and the east with the west, creating and strengthening the bol1Cls of am bula,llce brotherhood upon which onr entirely voluntary organization so much depends. The Mayor of Blackpool most hospitably entertained all the officers present at Conference at dinllcr in the most sumptuous manner.
The Royal Lanca hire Agricultural Societ h Id . Blackburn, on the 14th, 15th and 16th e Its annual meetins- at Witton Park, placecl a tent at my tlispo 'al to be d u y. The Secretary wIth great courtesy J0wett and ,'Yard, manufa~tuJ'ioO' c~e~tral1 aml:>ulance station; Messrs. Clayton s tent with all dres, iugs, ap}llia~ces and l~e~,I~ ll1S}1:ument makers, furnished th~ Honorary ecretary, Blackburll centre )rovid IClUCS lee of ?ost, and Mr, Howarth, I arranged fol' a s(luad of four am1Jlllal'}CI ed a. bed, ueddmg and other furniture, l two nul' 'iu . t ers t 0 be on duty ' 11 d ay. Tllese were drawn from \\T Ite men e,tC I anr D I g SI<; nine Clses wcrc dl'E'ssc(l and attenrlecl t a on- e-. a e, Preston and Clitberoe, In all illg hoI' e ambulance tran port to Blacf:b ol:e ?e~lg a fractul'ed collar-bone, llecessitat~ ~'eal' a perllla~ellt ambulance station ~Ymn Ll~l rll1ar~r, I have a prol~lise that next IJt1portant socIety will always havc a fir t aid ' ,C~l1 bnctec~, so tha~, ll1 fnture, this 1ll~1l and lllll'sing sisters, fro111 my comllland. t,LtlOn supplted uy Bngade ambulance fhe 3rc1 of .June was marked by the tel'l'ihl "1 ' Leylantl, on the Lanca ,hire UIILl \Tol'l' I " R e'llaJ \\'ay aCCIdent which occurred at . , .. s HI C :11 \\"1,\7 thr h -h' 1 ' W'tl l l ' . < ,J, oug \\ IC 1 some lost their l1 vcs, and many were in j med Corps, a~ld the W al to~-le-riale bi ~i~iolill ~llll't~ tu~le ,~he Ley land Division, Preston \\agon 11'0111 Pre ton wercl on t l ' oget lei \\lth the t\\'O hoI', e ambulance present, renderetl efl1cient first ai1J i;p~~, antI, i\lltlr the directions of the Surgeons spoke in the highest tenll. of l;rai' e of ~~lem:I::?a ~ell present without exception the t. John Ambulance BriO'ade ~ I I lees lend~recl by the, e lliembers of and York hire Railway COlJ~ Inn' t;l~tPtl~ase( \\"ere the Llll'ectors of the Lancashire with !1 'ilver meLIn.llioll to ~onJlle1l10rat:y l~n'~: e~lt,e~~ .:< of the alllbulance men donatIOn to\\'arcls the fund, of tl D'" t ell el \ Ices, allll furth er suhscribed a }lll.blicly pre ellteu at Prcston b,/eDI' 1~~,lO~~' c?l1:el' Th~se 11lec1allion were enllcc his interest iu allllmlullce 1\'01']-' 01 11, 1" kC,S." who IS always pleaseJ to l'l'por~ that the fil'ln of ~le,'sr. Cro~fiel~ai;tV-\/ ,~.m m the fortunate position to lIro~n,l eel to No, Di, trict a sih'er chul1eJ;r,o , . arlln<rtoll, Lanc ., lllo'i generou ly IetJtlOn, and Dr. )lo11oy of Bhckpool 1 oe 1~~ll~i(~' ~o CllCO~ll'age am hulance comcompetition Ulllon<r&t ihe r>olic'e force: ll1 ?a tJ' ~11l gl~'en a SlIver challenge cup for ~ratitude for theseO halHIsO);w ll'e:ents s b I!-S er Istnct. I can only.expres ' my 1 I, ' certain to ,tilllnlate 'lnJUlilall ce II'[,e a IY sa Yll1 0 thai nch j'lllpathetlC attention I . '" lJ( IVor k- n.mOll er t u n cOllcl USlOn, I ha.Yb to tcnder my warm t tl l' '" able and willing help alway, at my tlisposal~s Ian ~s to my Dl tnct taff for their I haye the honour to be ir 'i T ," JOur obethcnt servant,
To the Commi ioner ~t. John A111]1~llance Brigade.
Deputy Comm issioncl' lI~o. -± 'District St. John .A mbulance Brigadc. '
REPORT OF TIlE CHIEF UPEIUNTENDENT. SIR,h, t1~le hlo~onr to report ~lpon the ambulance work: of "0, -± Di trict }\1. IT 'elY mal {C( 1ll1111'OYelllellt IS sl ' . tl 1 '11' . ont of BriO'aue rou tine 1'1, . ,', lC",~l III Ie (1'1 , ~tl1d III the general carrying COI'])S and b , " , . . , 1 lofhC~i1,l D.llll Manual ha vlllg been no\\' adoI1ted bv all D n ISI011S, Ill('l ea c( umfornntuJ of 1 - 'k I" ,'- It 1 J which thi .. is carrietl out hew' 't f \01 1.1 I~SU .et ; yct the manner in to Ollicel's ancI npel'nl1memr/ ~I~~~~~s. 1 y or SOllle specwl lDstrnctioll to he giYen
,I .w.oul(] take this opportunity of drawinO' the n.ttention oC I)ITIcel's of (' d J) IVISI011, to the neces 't f 1" . • ,.., '. 'Ol'P an the confined s lace of ~l y 0 lequent Jleld ,clnlls III the summer month. for in is imp?ssible tJ attain ~l~~~:c~lt~~~~~~ arsl'~;;~i~~r~~~lt~l~r;~r most ot', our organizations, it J ' theDunner to\vI~'l the in pas t Y,e~~ ' t l1" am l lUlallce trtLnspol'L .ervice in connection with man of
tnl'~l~~ ~~~:\~~~cll~a c,,~~r::~ ~~~roug~:lr ~?\l~PI,)C(I,
efficiently and h1as been promptly s<'ileme whereb th < • 1 lele IS a great ack of flUY ol'c)'anized o Brigade are ne~d 'de m~l1 ,J1lI~r be got to~e~hcr pl'?mptly in case the enices of the e , sa), 111 1e event o( i1I'C mil way acciclcnt , etc., amI I would
recommend Officers in charge to arra~lge some scheme to t.his end, in accordance with the various conditions of the particular areas they hav~ III hand. Pursuant to your instructions, I took charge of the dnll ~t the .paralle of the .E. Lancs. County Corps at Blackpool on 1 tll J~ne f~r your, lD~pechon, ~~lt regret that, owing to circumstances of weather an~l flack .olf loom" he1e the pal dde took place, I was unable to carry out the work sahs acton y. . . I also paraded the S.E.. Lancs. County Corps fo:' your 1~specho~ at Bury on 16th July, comprising the Accnngton and Ro chdale COlPS, Bury, H~y"ood , ~loyton,.~lld J.'ottinaton Divisions. There were 142 Officers and men and 6f membels of nUlsmg Divisi~ns on parade, with 13 stretcher.s altd ~ne hor e am ~ulan~e wag.Ol~ .. . I have also carried out the annuallllspechons of the follolVlDg DIVISI?DS .-20th Au ust, Win ford; 17th eptember, Edenfield; 21st September, Foulndge; 2~th Sep~ember, Whaley Bridge; 5th October, Fu,l'llworth; 6th qctober, Bacup; 1 ftll October outhport. Detailed reports of these I enclo. c herewIth. I wOl{ld suggest that the attention of Ofticers should he called to . TO. 6 ~f t~le Standing Order, in view of the yery poor attendance at most of the ~n. pect~olls.I have held. It must be clearly lmderstooll that attendance at annual 111 pectlOn IS not optional. . J '1 At your instruction I paraded the men who werc on duty III London ?n UbI ee Day, at the Guilel Hall, Preston, on Saturday, the 5th nIarch, when Col. SIr H erbert C. Perrott. Bart., prese11 ted the Jubilee medals. . In April I paraded the Accrington Corps to take bearer comp~ny duly lD the Volunteer manceuvres at Ramsclough. Hon. Surgeon Clegg was III charge of the collectin a station and much useful work ,yas done. . .. I hav~ to th~nk the Officers in charge of Corps and Dn~u:non for the re~cly assistance they have given me, and for the "\\illing way in whIch they are carrylIlg out the ,york of the Briga(le. I havc the honour to be, Sir, lOur obedient servant, LAWRE~CE '\VUITTAKEr:.,
Chief Superintendent, Ko. 4 N. TV. Dist. To the Deputy Commissioner, Ko. 4 N. W. Dist.
Til JVNg;
Ot.;~TY COR]'';,
189 . July 231'cl, 1898.
I have the honour to report that on Satl1nla:y:, 18th June, ,1 9 , I i,nspecte~, at Raikes' H all, Blackpool, the North-East Laucaslme County Corps. 'Ihe COil S and Divisions on parade are sho,,,n in the appcndix. I regret that the tletachmcnts from Foulridge, Brierfield, Clithel'oe and Bllmley, fail ,d to lJarade, although these Corps and Divisions had signified their intention to do so. . Assistant-Colllmissioner J. C. Derham was in command of a parade nurubel'l?~F 340 men and 297 nursing sisters, total, 637 of all ranks. Acting ~long WI ~ Assistant-Commissioner Derham were Di strict Chief Superintendent ,Vlllttaker al 1C . . f tl 1e. .ran s Chief Superintendent Veevers. ,After I had made a careful lDspectIOll 0 . k and material the Corps marched TJast ir. sections of fours, the nlll:sing ehvIslO~~S leadin a . Th~ marching was good, but that of the llUl'sing sisters partIrularly sma\l' Some ~ost interesting applications of the triangular bandage followed, together WI 1 some very excellent first aid work. . ne I had the honour of welcoming to t his inslJection the MarC)l1ls of Breada~~~ of K.G., KnigM of Grace of the Orrler of St. John of J erusalem, who, as a mem )f tl the Order and at considerable inconvenience to himself, had come to see some 0 I ~c Brigade organizations existing in L ancasllire. His Lordship was kind eno~~ .0 say that he was much l)leased and impressed with all he saw. Many of the celS
from other Districts who were attending the Conference in Blackpool were also present at the inspection. I have. ~ad all active acquaintan?e with the Corps since its inception. Ample opportumhe: hav~ ?een at my diSP.O al to. ~na~le me to judge the progress made, and wIth tIllS It affords me no lIttle gratIficatIOn to express my entire satisfaction. ?fficer~ and men,. of all. ~orps and ,Divisions, now appear in the Brigade regu~a~IOn l1mform. TIllS conditIOll of affall's contrasts most favourably with that obtallllllg three or four years ago, when only very few formations had provided uniform. The appearance of the men was smart, their uniforms were clean and, with a few exceptions, ~vell put on. T?e g~neral discipline improves year by year. The appearance aud clnll of the nurSll1g S1 tel's, uuder the commaud of Su perintemleut Ogd en, of Accringtoll, were highly creditable. I am pleased to see that some of these la(~ie~ are now wearing the regulation gown. For some years pa t. the Lady upeI'llltenrlents and other officers have had the full Brigade nUl" 'iog uniform. Much credit is due to Mrs. Davies, of Clitheroe, and to Miss Fletcher, for tbe ~nterest they take in the Nursing Division of the K.E.L. Corps. Owing to the lllclemeut state of the weather the lJarncle had to lie held in the larae hall and with this limited space it was illlpOS ilJle to carry out the proaram~e of ~mbulance work intended. 0 mg. -Capt. leman, 20th (Arti ts') :JlillcU sex R. V., and Dr. T. R. Taylor, F. n. 0 .. '., aetp(t as judges in the men's com petition. Both these gentlemen report that the amlmlltllce work performed was evecything that could be desired. After a close contest, the IIlHttl 11rizes were awanlecl as follows :-lst. Blackpool (cup tuHllllcdab) ; :ZtJcL Preston (medals); 31'1I. Oldh,tlll (medals). '1'he "Revic\\-" prizes, 10[' the best and most efliciellt Corps or Divisions, fell tlltl. :-1 t. Olrlham ; 21ld. Bl.lCkpool; 3rcl. Accringtoll. Dr. Woodw)"att anel Captain BielLy perfol'lllCll th function of judges in the te ts betwel'll the llul'sillg si,;tcrs. TIHl sCluad eOllll'ptition gave the following re ult :_ 1st. Bal'l'owfol'lt (hiehl awl Illell.lls); 2nd. Accrillgtoll (medal"); 3rd. Blackpool (mcdals). Review prizes for llUl'sil1!; sister' :-1 ' L, Walton-Ic-Dale; 2nd. Pre tou. Owing tu the fact that the Brigade Conferellce lllet the day prior to this Review and Inspcction, it ga\'e U~ an opportunity of WClcollling a considerable number of our friellds frolll the llorth, south, east and \l'cst, to Blackpool. I here beg to expre s my sincere thtLlIks to the Mayor and Corporation of BJaekpool, for their heurty anLl liiJeral l'ceeption and treatment. To the .Jlayor and Mayoress our in<lebtec111CS is great, on accollut of their generolls ho 'pi Lalit)' extended onuch a lavish 'cale to the Oflicel'~ of the Brigade attendillg the Conference. I ,yonld espeeially bring under yom noLice the nallle of Dr. Leonard .Jlolloy, Chairman of l'ulllUlitlee. )lo \\'orrls ean cxpres:' the t1'ou111e taken hy Dr. Molloy to render the Review awl Inspcelioll a sncce:s. I would ala like to men bOll the names of the following gentlemen, as having rellllerell valuable 'en"ices in connection with the Iuspection :-Assistant-Collllilis. ianer J. O. Dl'rham, as 'hier Con table of Black]lnol; Mr. Bolton, \Tice-L'httirmtLll; Mr. S. wanton, lI nn . ecretary; Mr. H. Yeevel's, Ohief 'llprl'illicn<lent; Mr. N e\\'bouI1l1, 11011. Treasurer. Attached to this report are schedule etting forth the llallle and strength of Corps and Diyi 'iolls attenclillg this parade. I have the honour to be, , iI', You r 0 hed iell t se1'yan t, CIL\'RLI~:-; J. THDlllLE, Dcputy-Commissiow1', Xo. -i District, St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade. To the Commi ioner, St. John Ambulance Brigad e.
Nursing Divisions.
Ambulan ce Corps and Divisions. Corps or Dil'ision.
Kumber Stretchers. on Parade.
22 12 31 16 10 26 19 15 65 51 23 25 17
4: 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 9 5 3 1
Ambulance Officers and men 340.
1 -
Number on Parade.
Divi ion. -
Blackpool 2 Colne 3 Longridge ' eison 4 5 Hapton 6 Preston 7 Padiham 8 Accrillgton 9 Burnley 10 Barro\vfonl 11 Clitheroe ,Yalton-Ie-Dal e U 13 Baril 01 l]swiek 14 Fun1rirlge 15 Oldham I
1 Kelson 2 Hapton 3 Barnoldswick 4 Barrowford 5 Padiham 6 Read 7 Blackpool 8 Colne 9 LongTidge 10 Preston 11 Accrington 12 Oldham 13 Walton-Ie-Dale 1-1 Whalley
1 98.
1 Nursing sister 297.
-32 30 10 20 8 38 14. 23 15 13 20 33 14 19
render first aid to the ~nj.ured, a~d further to perform all necessary transport duties' Drs. Barc.lay a~d. 'Yllklllson kmdly officiated as judges in the competition, and w~~~ then', deCls~ons ~~~re anno.uuc~rl,. .d.ccrington men and nursing sisters had car[l~u o~f <111 three pnzes. ThIS dlstmctly proves the advantacre trained men and nursmg sls~ers have ~ver newly formed Divisions. I was much bgratified with all I ~aw at. dl~S Insp~ctlO n. The attenrlance of the public was good, showing an ll1ereasmg mterest m amLulance development. II'. J ames Kenyon, M. P., was good el~0':l~h to attend, ,and addressed some l~lost encouraging words to the Corps and DlvlSlons. He after wards rl~escnted the pnzes to th e fortunate winners. I feel very gl'atef~lllo lUr .. Kenyon for hIS support of ambulance work in South E ast Lancashire. I WIsh to b~·lt1g un~er yo.ur n,otice the llames of the following gentlemen, as having been most as lrlnons m tllel~' e!lorts to make this Illspectiou and Review a success :_ ~r. Calro\',', l3ury; Dr. Wlll~l1lson, Oldham; Dr. Barclay, Bacup; District Ohief Supt. Wh~ttaker (Commandlllg Pamcle); Mr. am . Fenton, Corps Hon. Sec. ; and Mr. Blrch~tll, Local Hon ... ec. (for Heview purposes). A scheuule IS appended, glnng the Corps and Divisions present, with the parade strength of each. I have the honour to be, iI', Your obedient servant, CUARLES J. TRDIELE,
Deputy Commissioner, No. 4 Dist1·ict.
To the Commissioner, St. J 01111 Ambulance Brigade.
lotal on l'aradc 637.
BURY 16TH JULY, 1898.
Ani bulance Corps anel Division .
31'Cl .lhlgust, 1898.
SIR, I have the honour to repoTt that on the 16th July I had the pleasure of inspecting the South East Lancashire County Corps at Bury. Although IlOt in your official capacity as Commissioner of the Brigad e, I may remark that the fa.ct of your being on th e field and witnessing the parade gave the greatest possihle gratification and satisfaction to all concerned. The County Corps, to which this report refers, is rluite in its infancy, this being the second occasion on which a review and inspection has been beld. District Chief Superintendent Whittaker was in command. After I had made. a close and careful inspection of men and ambulance material, a march past III sections of fours was executed, and after the Corps and Divisions h ad formed ~n the original alignment, applications of the triangular handage and otllel' first aHl "ork was gone through in a most creditable maImer. The Corps aDd Division s present l1re shown in the schedule attached, the total strength being 127 officers and men and 63 nursing sisters. Very smart the Nursing Divisions lookpd, llllt the ~ontrast between those who wore the uniform and the others wIlo had not a(IOl)tecl tIns dress was markerl. The nursing sisters execuied some very excellent balldaging and ambulance work, with whicb I must express my great satisfaction. Wh en I state that nnly four nursing sisters were present when I inspected at "3acnp l as~ yeal:, and that I now have to record a muster of 63, it is evident that interest m tlns branch of ambulance work is not lacking in South East Lancashire. As regards the men, no very serioLls effort has yet been macle, either by themselves or the lJUblic, to enable them to adopt the Brigade uniform. In adrlressing the parade after tbe inspec·tion, I endeavoured to impress on all present the importance of the wearing of uniform . Brigade ambulance service being so thoroughly Yoluntal:Y and freely extenued in each and every case of nepd, it really devolves on the publ~c to assist, in no niggardly way, the efforts of ambulance men, who, by thw attention to drill a,nd practices, strive to place at the disposal of our thickly P?p,ulated towns and villages a trained body of men always ready and always wlllmg to
Corps or Division.
um bel' on Parade.
-- -----
Accrington Bury Heywood Rochdale Tottington
ursing Divisions
Horse I ' tretchers. Ambulances.
21 21 31 14
1 1 4.
Ambulance Ollicers and men 127.
Accrington Bury Rochuale Hoy ton
Nursing sisters 63.
Number on Parade. 21 17 17 8 63
Total on parade 190.
Cumberland-Keswick and Penrith Divisions. Chesbire-Birkenhead Corps, Chester, Upton-by-Chester and Winsford Divisions. Lancashire Corps-Accrington, Barrowfcl'd, IJaslingcl.en, Nelson, OIJbam, Preston, Rawtenstall, Rochdale alid "Varrington Corps. Yorkshire-Hebden Bridge Corps. Lancashire Divisions-Adlington, Askham-in-Furness, Bacup, Blackpoo], Brierfield, Burnley, Bury, Clitheroe, Colne, Edenfield, Farnworth, Foulridge, Hapton, Hazel Grove, Heywood, Longridge, :L\lorecambe, Padiham, Radcliffe, Read, Reddish, Roy ton, Southport, Trawden, Tottington, Walton-Ie-dale, -Whaley Bridge, ·W halley. Ireland - Belfast Division. Total-ll Corps, 34 Divisions, strength 2,127.
Iformed . Heywood Division 5 J unc, 1 " " re-formed 16 Jan., 1 Winsfonl" 4 May, 1 Walton-Ie-Dale Div. 15 Jan., 1 BJackpool (Police) Div. 26 IT OV ., 1 12 Dec., 1 Barrowfonl Corps Preston Corps 25 J au., 1 Oolue Division 15 .May, 1 Oct., 1 Nelson Corps lIebdeu Bridge Corps 2 1\1;.y, 1 " 13 , cpt., 1 Birkcllhead Brierfield Divl ion I 'ept., 1 Padiham" 20 -ov., 1 Whalley" 23 Feb., 1 Burnley" JGnc,1 LIl 0 Accrington Corps {'" cn-., 1 90 Hapton Division March , 1 91 Clitheroe" 27 ApI., I , m Belfast" l'pt., 1 'n Bacu p " Dec., 1 d12 Rochdale " 10 July, 1, \"13 Longrillge" 1 .lau., 1 9,1 Roy ton " 22 Jall., Idl-! Penrith " 1~ Apl., 1 9,1 Keswick " 2-d. June, 1 9,1
Reddish Division Read " Bury " Tottington " Euennelcl " 110recambe Hazel Grove "" Oldham Corps Acllingtoll Division outhport II Che tel' " li'oulridcre " A 'kballl-in-]' urn s Div. Upton-by-Che tel' " "'arrington orp Whaley Bridge Diy. Ha;;]mgtlen Division Rawtenstall " Farnworth " Trawc!en " Blackpool (Civil) Div. Radc:lill'e
Formed. 10 Apl., 195 25 May, 1 95 Aug., 1 95 2 'ept., 1 95 12 Feb., 1 96 18 Feb., 1 96 1 'ept., 1 fl6 1 Oct.. 1 96 26 Oct.; 1 96 8 Jan., 1 97 16 Jan., 1 07 3 0 Jan., 1 ~ 7 1 }'eb., 1 07 1 Feb., 1 25 .Feb., 1 5 ApI., 1 1 11ay, 1 June, 1 97 4 Oct., l u 97 29 Mar" 1 ~) 15 .May, 1 9 21 June, 1 9
45 Corps and Division .
NURSING D I VISIONS, with strength of each.
Name. Accrington *Bacup Barrowford Blackpool Burnley Bury Clitheroe
Strength . 40 30 87 75 37 18 29
21 Divisions.
Name. Colne Foulri<lge Hapton *Hebdeu Bridge Longridge Nelson Oldham
Total strength 854.
Strength. 62 16 8 10 12 98 85
Padiham Preston Read Rochdale Roy ton Tottington WaltoD-le-Dale
ew formations.
25 120 5 23 13 16 45
Oldham Division BUJ'J'owfonl " Nelson " Oolne " Padiham " Burnley " Olitheroe " Royton Accrington " " Rochdale " Preston II Lougridge
ForJllecl. 15 8ept., 18 21 nct'., 1 c; If) Oct., 1 1 May, 1 10 ])ec., 1 .lunc. 1 23 Oct., 1 10 11ay, 1 1\lay, 1 25 Jan., 1 25 1\[a r .. 1 ApI., 1
DrnslO:\ . Formed. Read Divi ion 25 May, 1895 Tottillgton ~ cpt., 18% " Bury 11 ept.. L 95 II Blackpool 13 Kov., 1 'n5 " Hapton Dec., 1 no 30 Jan., 1 D7 Foulriclge "" W,.ltol1-1e-Dale Division -d. Feb., 1 n7 Hebuen Bridge 27 Jan., 1 " Bacllp Apr., 1
21 IJursing Divisions.
;322 ABS'l'RAOT OF OORPS Ambulance Corps and Divisions.
ui 0
rn 'Q)
§t:D ~5J
Ac crin~ton
1 2 1 1 1
... -
Adlington .. As kam -in -F urn ess Bacup .. ... Barrowford ... Belfast ... ... Birkenhead {POlice B lackpool Oivil Brierfield ... ... Burnley ... Bury .. Ohester ... ... Clitheroe ... ... Oolne ... ... Eo.enfield ... ... Farnworth .. ... F oulridge ... ... Hapton ... ... Haslingo.en ... Hazel Grove ... ebden Bridge ... Heywood .. ... Keswick ... ... Longridge '" ... Morecambe ... Nelsoll .. ... Oldham ... ... Padiham ... ... Penrith ... ... Preston ... '0' R adcliffe ... . .. Rawtenstall ... Read ... ... Reddish ... ... Rochdale ... ... R oy ton ... ... Southport ... ... Tottillgton .. . ... Trawd en ... ... Upton -by -Ohester ... Walton-le-Delle ... Warrington ... Whaley Bridge .. . Whalley ... Winsford ... ...
... ...
Total ...
.. .
*1 -
1 1 -
1 -
...,'" .9...
... '" !S <Ii c:.l
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19 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 7 1 2 1 1 1 1 8
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Nursing Divisions .
'..." t\l
E 0 Q)
E 0
130 39 113 15 26 89 23 16 17 12 25 42 120 28 25 19 -2126
~ P'1
73 20 27 67 82 20 177 57 39 29 50 33 19 27 34 22 28 10 13 85 21 66 21 22 2 13 152 99 3
- - --- --- --- --6
'" ...,''""
Names of Corps and Divisions.
:;:)bo c:.lo:l
... '"0.. ::l
40 30 87
1 1
1 1 -
75 37 18 29 62 -
1 1 -
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1 2
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1 1
--- ---
Honorary Surgeon .
R. Clegg,
M.R.C. S.
Su peri ntendent.
1st Officer and Hon . Sec.
J. Ogden, 157, Whalley Road, Accrington.
J. Spenl!er. 154, '\Yater Street. Accrington.
2nd Officer and Inspector of Stores.
W. II. Bullock.
98 85 25 120
23 13
... The sam e Officer holds hoth positions. STATElImNT.-Deputy Oommissioner, 1 ; District Ohief Surgeon, 1; Assista~t Oommissioner, 1; District Ohief Supt., 1 ; District Supt. Treasurer, 1 ; Ohlef Surgeons 6 ; Hon. Surgeons, 109 ; Ohief Supts., 7 ; Supts., 56 ; Ambulance, 63; Effective strength, 2,126; Lady Supts., 21; Nursing Officers, 14; Effectlve Nursing strength, 85 4.
Officer 4. up. Off. 6. Privates 63. Total effective 73. Increase ince last report 13. Drills helel 112. AYerage attendance 28. Oa es attended on public duty 4. Removals 2. Oa es attended not on public duty 21. Annual in 'pection, 19th Feb. Total on paraue 51. Absent with leave 20. '\Vithout leave 2. Annual re-examination, 30th ept. Members passed 45. Did not appeal' 27. Medallions 31. 'ervice badge 31. Regulation uuiform worn by 4 olIit.:crs , 6 up. Ofl'. and 5-1 Ulen. l\laterial: horse ambulance, wheeled litter, 16 street am bulance boxes, containing tl'etcher, rug, splints, fluids, &c., stationed in the town; stretchers,'urgieal havresac , "ater bottles, ice balls, &c. Oorps supported by puhlic nb criptioIlS. The Oorp 11a made atisfactory progress during the year. N e,Y premises con isting of la1'(1' drill hall, . tore-room, gcneral office, lavatories and van house were entered Ol~ at a rental of i 30 pCI' year ill Jan uary la t. These premi e were formally opened on 21st ~Iay by it' Vincent.K. Barriugton, who was accompanied by 'il' E. T. Thackeray, R.C.B., Y.C., Oommi sioner 'to John Ambulance Brigade auo. the District tn,ft" Oftieel', No.4 District. Unfortunately, the w t weather interfered with the demon tratioll which had been organized, at which the local Volunteer Artillery and Rilles, together with 'orps and Diyisions of the t. J obn Ambulance Drigacl e II ere pre~ell t. An alllblllance station was provided at the local Agricultural how, three cases heillrt treateu. Durin e! the month of April the Oorps took part in some tactical work perf;;'l'I11ecl by the locnl companies of the 2nd. V.B. East L~nca~hire. He!!iment, and carried out the tran '['ort of upposed casualtle from the Jightlllg hne to the firld hospital. 11011. 'nrgeoll Oleg~ x.llre cd his atisfaction with tl:e \\ olk done. The Corps ha attended the followll1g parade aUd. :-fo.ur Churl:h paralle" ; llres ntatioll of ambulance van to PaLhham DIVl lOU; opeumg of new drill hall ilt Foulriclc,c; BUl'l101ch;wick Division aunual demonstration, \\'here the Oorps cal'l'ieu oil' the third review prize and first squad prize; annual review orthEast Lane. Oounty orps, at Blackpool, where the third review prize ,:'a won; inspection of the onLh-East Lan cs. County Corps, when the three first pnzes were secured. It is propo ed during the coming winter to 'put the melll?er t.hro~gh. a systematic co urse of aynmastic imtructioll, thanks to the generosIty ot Dl tnct Ohief uperintendent "Whittaker, who provid s the neces aryapparatl1. Ten men of the Accrington Oorps l'e('eiv cl the Jubilee medal, at Preston, on 5th March, at the hand of Oolonel it' ilerbel't Perrott, Bart. Another street box ha be n eCluippeo. and fixed at HUll coat, and a regnlation smgical havresac l1as been plnced at the cricket field. Thanks are cine to. eVfl:al local mallufacturers for 11ift of calico for bandages, and to the HUllcoat Oolbery for makine, and providilta the street box for the village. The paying of rate~ 011 the drill lfall is felt as ~l unjust and harsh bnrdell ... The questioll of ~XPJl):ptioll.has been sent forward to head-quarters. The Oorps. vls1ted the new ho plLallll s,Pl'1ng, and wcnt through a COUl" e of unloading patlCuts. A squad took pHrt III the Dewar Shield Oompetition, held at Preston, and took s COULl place. A ll~W horse ambulance carriage obtained by a town's C011lmiltee, was handed over to tne Oorps in Decemher last, 'anel, up to the 30th eptembe r, 1 9 , has been l~ Sptl 2 time, coverincr an estimated distance of 2 0 miles. The removals were clmJly to Blackbllrn l1~firmary and the llew Victoria IIospitn,l, Accrington. The following is a list of some of the most serious case receiving first aid assistance at the hands of the Accringtou Oorps .
324 Fractures (skull 1, upper arm 1, forearm 1, fingers 3, thigh 1, leg 2), hremolThage 8, burns 2, fits 2, shock 1, internal injuries 1, apparently drowned 2. One of the latter cases was sucr.essfully treated by artificial respiration after one and-a-half hours' labour. The Oorps is worked on military lines, ana the discipline is satisfactory. The horsing of the ambulance van is done by a local livery stable proprietor who. has contracted to do the work a~ a g~ven. cha~'ge per journey, according to dIstance. The amount of cost for tIllS serVlce IS paId by fnends of those assisted, or, in poor cases, by the Oentre Oommittee.
W . O. Rigby, Su peri ntend ent.
S. Holding, 66, Oemetery Road, Adlington.
A. E. Iole,
1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
J. Bailey.
D. Thi tIeton. Honorary Secretary.
Inspector of Stores.
Up. Oil'. G. Pilkington, Anderton St., Adlington, Lancs.
Sup. Off. E. Oranshaw.
Officers 5. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 13. Total effectiye 20. Drills held 2. Average attendance 11. Oases attended not on puhlic duty 3. Annual inspection, lOth Sept. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 7. Annual re-examination, 2nd ept. Members passed 15. Did not appear 5. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 Sup. Off., and 10 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 1 ambulance hamper, 7 ambulance boxes, etc. Division snpported by public subscriptions. The Division has made rapid and most satisfactory progress during the past year. Ambulance boxes to the number of seven have been placed in various workshops. There is every prospect of a hright future before this small Division. It is doing capital work.
E. B. Pooley,
I.. R. C.l'.
1st Officer a nd Inspector of S tores.
Sup eri ntendent.
W. B. Barclay, L.R.C.P. 3rd Officer and
1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
W. E. Downing, J. Barrow. Police tation, Bacup, Lancs .
Insp . of Stores.
Hon. Sec.
J. Pickles. Hon . Treasurer.
N. Woodhouse. Sup. Off. W. Brown, Sup. Off. J. Bentham. 250, Todmorden Road, Bacup, Lancashire. Officers 5. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 60. Total effective 67. Increase since last L'eport 14. Drills held 17. .Average attendance 12. Oases ~ttendc.d on public du~y 1. Oa cs attended not on public duty 59. Annual lPSpectlOn, 6th Oct. 'Iotal on parade 12. Medallions 15. Material: 2 wheeled litters, 3 Furley b'etcher, splints, bandages, 12 wall boxes in different parts of the borough. Division supported by voluntary subscription. Ins~'uction ~as. been g~ven in first aid. with much success. Dr. Barclay takes great lllterest III III iructlOnal work, havmg lectured to several first aid classes and a nursing class. '
Su perintendent.
Inspector of Stores.
F. de B. Pim, L.ll.C.I'.
.A. Laycock, 17, Walton Street, Barrowford.
Sup. Off. R. Hodgson.
Honorary Secretary.
Honorary Treasurer.
up. ilicer G. Tllylor, 4, Bllck Peter t., Bllrrmyford.
Pte. J. Gawthorpe.
Officer 2. up. Off. 2. Privates 78. Total eil'ective 82. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 26. Average attendance 20. Oases attenderlnot on public duty 56. Annual inspection, 1 th June. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave~. Annual re-examination, 18th Dec. Members passed 25. Failed 2. Medallions 11. Sur ing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 2 o[ficers, 2 up. Oft. and 14 men. Material: 5 stretchers, 4 appliance boxes, water bottles, bandage, &c. Oorps supported by concerts and subscriptions. The Oorps seeUlS ill a healthy condition, 13 new members having gained their first aid certificates. Successes wele gained at Foulridge (first and second prize) and at Oolne, when the third prize wa secured. The Oorps attended the ... orth-East Lanes. Oounty Oorps Review, at Blackpool, on the 1 th June. Much valuable first aid work has been clone.
J. Lings, Police Station, Askam-in-Furness. Honorary Secretary.
Sup. Off. J. Robinson, 50, Duddon Road, Askam-in-Furness, Lancs. Officers 2. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 24. Total effectivA 27. Increase since last report 8. Drills held 12 . .Average attendance 4. Removals 3. Medallions 12. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. Material: litter, stretcher, splints and bandages. Division SUPl)Orted by the members. Slight progress has been made since last report. There has been an increase in the strength of the Division, but lack of funds constitutes a great drawback. Howeve~, after a struggle, sufficient money was got together to purchase a wheeled litter. AssIstant Oommissioner Derham had arranged to inspect the Division, but could not do so as the Officer in charge could not get the members together.
BELFAST DIVISION. [Formcd 9.92.] HEAD-QUARTER : OHIEF FIRE STATIO , BELFAST. Sup erintendent and Honorary S ecretary.
G. W. Parker, Ohief Fire
tation, Ohichester Street, Belfast.
Officers 1. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 18. Total eIIective 20. Decrease since last report 4. Oases attended on public duty 1630. Removals 15~6. Annual inspectlOn 29th September. Total on parade 20. Fire Brigade uniform with St. John .Ambulance Brigade badges. Material: 2 horse ambulance wagons, 12 stretchcrs, splints, bandages, &c. Division supported by Belfast Fire nepa.rtment.
· ·mcreaSID . oa ' 1643 calls were received , and The work IS . the Division ('(' b . responded d tot ble on 13 occasions to do so OWll1g to stall emg engage a ' 11 (b 1630 ca S emg una .' f 27 . t . '"'f41 1)0"11'S 51 minutes '~'d" shewlD~ an average 0 mll1U es Tl per fires) occupyll1<Y . ' f'rom thO returne to Its . statlOn. Ie Journey - e recel'pt of tlle call until the carriaae b '1 1 . distance h'avelled 'vas 4226~ miles, or an average. of 2~ IJ?-l <:'s per SIng e JO~1l'ney. wacron on actIve• serVlCAb has d'd been dconsIdered, · a a secon d amb"llance t h e p l acm L b . t 't but owing to the want of prope~' accommodatIon, It has een eCl e 0 awal the erection of a Divisional StatlOn at Ard?yne.. . . . . In a re ort to the Commissioner on thIS DIVISIon .the Deputy-CommlsSlOner, .P ..... t remar I{S : - "So far as general effiClency and usefulness Th are No. 4 D IS~l'IC, . concerned the Belfast Division is far ahead of anytlung I have yet hf een . ill' e b rs 'are firemen and certainly a smarter 0)' more thoroug y e Clen t :~:ll:nce oraanizatiod no town or city could possess, the staff being always rea~y by niaht and by °day to start at a second's notice on ambulance or transl)ort duty. '. The number of calls received between the hoUl's of 6 a.m. and 611.m., was 93~, and between the hours of 6 p. m. and 6 a. m., \ras 711. The following is a summary of the ca e~ attended to :-. _. _. .. ~ ~7 ff t'on 7 not reqmred 104 fractUle, uIJpeI exhemlhes 12, W ounds 2 [), U oca I , ...'. I . 2" 11 db' 6 ' dIS ocatIons (, sca ( Is all f rac t m'e 1ower ex t r e'tl'es m115 l , ill' ternalll1June . '. . ' 2 lUllS 49 scalp wounds 301, bruises 202, ?ther inJurle~ 1?0, sgrall1s. 34,. apoJ.1 exr ,c?n. cu~sions 19, private cases 30, epileptIc 67, fits, fallltlllg 19, pOlsoDlng 61, (IOwllmg 30. T otal 1630. L
[Formeu 13.9.89.)
Honorary Su rgeons
W . Bell,
R. J ones, ~I. n. C. s. R. T. King, L.R.Q.C.P. \V. lHacAfee, ~l.D.
M.R.C.fl. ~I. D.
H. A . Bredin, E. W . Brien,
M. McAulay, M.D. B. F. P. McDonald, lII.D. F. E. Newington, M.R.C.S. F. Peirce, M . D. J. Pinkerton, M. D. H. R. Preece, L. P•. C. p.
M . Bristow, 111 . R. C. fl . W. C. Cornwal1, B. A., L . R.C.P. H. L. Finny, L.R. C.P. W. R. J . Garson, M.B . T. Green, 111. R. C. S. C. B. Higgins, M.D . F. Johnson, lII.B.
Chief Superintend ent
H. V. C. Bielby, 67, Lord Street, Liverpool. Divisional Superintende nts.
No.1. Division 2. " " 3. " " 4. " " 9.
W . G. Dobie. F, A. Le e. J. G. Mills. Vacant. Vacant.
No. " " "
11. 12. 13. 15. 16.
" " "
" "
C. R. Harding. G. F. Toogood. G. Prouc1man. J . Quine. J. F. Stark.
1st Offi ce r .
Honorary Secreta ry.
S. A . M. Bielby.
Pte. J . Williams, Prior Street, Bil'kenhead.
Officers 29. Privates 148. Decrease since last report 4.' Cases attended 177 Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer . 5 litters, 37 stretcher::!, splints and bandages.
Total effective 177.
req11l1'lllg nrst aiel hav\.! l,een attended to dnring the past 12 months. The horseam bulance wagon II hich was prrsented by the Birkenheud Centre t. J oh II Ambulance AR.'oeiation, to the Corporation of Bil'l-rnheall, and which'is entirely worketl by the llIemh.en; of the Ccntral Fire tation Divi. ion of the Corp, has c1Plle e~c~ll.ellt work. 1?l~nlJg the past year 373 cases received fir. t aid treatment hy this DIVlSIOlI, and the 111,1 11r C'd penson!' (whE'n lleCE'SSflry ) were cOllveyed to the Birkenheael Hospital. By tl,is mealls 110 doubt a lIumber of live have been aved and sulJering Jllitigated. It is worth noting that the amhulance waaon in perf'OI"min cr the above-named duty tra,-elled 947 mile. b b
,'TATro _\
Honorary Surgeon .
T. W. Butcher,
1st Officer.
Ollicel'R 2. Irivate ;;5. Total elj"c,tive 57. Incrpa 'c .1IIee last l'l'POI1 ~. Drill, held 36. A vel'llge attendance 56. Ca e attellded on public dllty 127. Helllovals 10~. AUllual inspection, 2Hh ~lareh. Total on parade ;)ti. A1111l1!L1 re-examination, 11th J\JUl'l'l1. M 'lIIhen; passed 56. Regulation llnif'ol'ln WOI'II by 1 Oni! l't' anfl 19 ll1ell. ~latcrial: JledalliOlls 30. horsc Hmhulallce calTiagt', 2 litLers, I stretchers. hUlHlages, 'plint, &c. Division. snppol'tcd by orpomtiull.
It is a condition or the servic;e that each menllwr or l he foree Ilualitie 1'01' a til' t aid certifi('ate. A COllrse of' leuil11'es is delin'red l'Hch year dnnng tIll· "illtel' month. The 1 ti wall 110xes l'ef\'1'I'ed to ill In 't year" report are maintained and haH Lecll fOllnd 1110 I u,'l'ful. ,\,ithill thc pa~t 12 1lI0nth.' the Chief' UOll tahlr has receivcd mau)' <'vitlelll'CS from medical lIlen RIHI oth('rs of the glent value of thc fir.t aid l'l']Hll'rc!l hy ti,e }loliet'. Tht' following is un extract 1'1'0111 a lettcr adtlre sed to Lhe hid' Contabl , 011 l:Hh t'1,tcllIhcr, hy a Illcdieal Ulall :-" In tlll' early hours. of Frillay morning Oil!· of' yonI' COil tal,Ies probahly aved a llHtlI'S life hy the ' kilfnl upplieaiioll or a )lad n 1111 llawlnge to control hWIlIOl'J'hagp frolll a. wound ill the haSt' of the kllll. The hlceding lIas !'olllplct ·ly stopperl wlH'n I I'l'ache(l the case, but the man hall 10 tSlwh a large (llUtlltity or blo!)!l th"t be lI'as in It critical condition, and very little 1I10re lo~~ of blooll 1I'01litl hnve bern fatal. The ambulance wagon reached theplace with COlIllllCllflahle SjlC 'el, [111(1 your lllen were nlo l ('flrefnl all!l expert." Ulliforlll is always \\'()l'I1 ,,,hen 011 duty with the amhlllance wagon. Practice. are held weckly except during the 1II0nth of July, l\.Ugust aIIIl I:'ptemher. It is COlllpnls:>I'Y 011 each membcr or the force to be l))·cscnt. The police cOll\'eyed tiO ea c by amhulance wagon allll whreled litter to the hospital, and 12 other ' ,,,ere brought hy thc same meaDS to their hOllies, 10dgillgR, 01' rnilway station. Ji'il'st aitl rendered from 1st October, 1 97, to 30th eptem b r, 1 9 ;-_ li'mctu!'c of ('ollar-hono 1, fra cture of arm bone ' 4, fmctul'e oC hone of leg 17, fracture of rihs 1, fractul'e of'lower jtt\\' 1, !1.JIIl'utatioll (lilllhs tom oil) 3, dislocntioll ofjoiuts 3, prains 1, ,,"oullds, Cllts alH1 hllli es 2 , !1.l'L<:,l'ial blecding 1, YC110US hIeo,!ing 4, inle1'llal injuries and hlPC'ding 2, Ht of f1poplexy, rpilep j', fainting, hy tena 40 , concussion 6, apparcntly drowllcd 1, heart di en e 1, gUll hot II'Olllld IJ gn' poisoning 1, bums 2, rUjlt11l'e 1, injury to heac1 1, cal(ll, hoek 6. Total U7.
not on public duty 373. Medalhons Material: 1 horse ambl~lan.ce wagon, Corps supported by capItatIon fee.
The work of re-organizing the Corps is now almost completed, illthough th.e Chief Supt has Dot been able to hold any Corps or Divisional drills. nowevel~ ambulance' work has been carried on by the various Divisions. N umerOU8 case
L. Molloy,
::lTlmgT, BLAOKl'OOL.
1st Offi cer.
lII.A., M.D.
[Forllled 15.5.9
O. Go ling, ambridgc H,oad, Wackpool.
2nd Offi ce r'.
T. Donuelly.
328 Officers 3. Privates 36. Total effective 39. Drills held 12. Average attendance 21. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 1 'th June. Total on parade 20 . Absent with leave l. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 19 men. Division supported by annual su bscriptions. Drills and practices have been regularly held with the exception of the months ~omprising the Blackpool ea on, (July, Augn t and September) when only one meeting can possibly be arranged in each 1l1Onth. The squad drawn from this Division was fortunate in winning the silver challenge cup and medals at the North-East Lancs . County Corps review, on 18th June, and was also awarded the second prize for review order and smartness in general ambulance work.
~he Division s.eems to have run -lmrn COllfl'
Ow~ng to the reSIgnation of the late H
Honora ry Su r g eon . T. OalI'ow, ~r.R.C' • .
Y.M.O.A. Roo;\I.,
np. Olf. E. Allman.
1st Offi c er.
T. Birchall 51, Ohe ham Rd.; Bm:y, Lancs. Ho n. S ec.
T. Orrell. Hon . Treasu re r .
up. Off. J. H. Lomax. 12, Regent. t . ; Bury, Lane.
up Olf. T. Cox.
Omcer 3. 'up. olr ,1 PriV'lte 26 T ecrea e since la t report 20 . Drill " '). otal effective 33. atteodeu on public duty 11 ~\. 1 . heltI :,,3. A verage attendance 1 Oa es Ab~ellt with lea\'e . 'With~ut 1~1~~~'1. lllspectro~, 16th July. Total 011 pa'rade 17. splInts, IJ[Llluarres &c D '" < • Me(laliIOll 10. Iatel'ial . 12 wall b xes ' member.. 1:>' • IVlSlOll fluppol'ted 11y . ubscriptions from ll1e~lbers and °h on., D
Hono ra ry Surge ons ~r.B .
Sup erin t e nd e nt .
In s p e cto r o f Sto res.
W . Bird,
. S· ~dClably, but now has better prospects on . eClelary, material for a full report is not
J . . \Yilson,
L. R.C . S.
1s t Offi ce r .
Sup e rinte nd e nt.
W . Facer.
W. H owarth, 191, Every St. , Nelson, Lancs. Inspector of Stores.
Pte. YY. Howarth. Honora ry S ec r e t a ry.
Ho n ora ry Tre asure r .
Mr. A. Charles (hon. mem.) Mr. J. W. Midgely (hon. mem). Halifax Road, Brierfield, near Burnley, Lancs. Officers 5. Privates 24. Total eil'cctive 29 . Reserve members 11. Decrease since last report 25. Drills h eld 29. Average .attendance 17. Ca es attended not ou pubhc duty 35. Annual inspection, 30th September. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 9. RegulatIOn uuiform worn by 3 Officers and 23 men. Material : 1 litter, 4 stretchers, bandages, splints, &c. Division supported by public subsc:riptions. On account of bad trade, !Iloney has been very difficult to raise; hence the decrease in the membership of the Division . T he Head-quarters have bad to be relinquished through waut of funds. It has been decideu to hold practices and classes in a schoolroom during the present winter. It is h011ed with much confidence that in a short time the Division may be in a more prosperous condition. All the appliances are stationed in various parts of the town where they can be easily l'eached in case of accident.
Chief Superintendent.
J . Nicholson, 44, Trafalgar Street,
1st Officer.
2nd Office r .
G. Frankland.
W . Robinson.
Burnley, Lanes. 3rd Officer.
J. Peel.
. A healthy spirit perv(lclc. the or alli . convenient part. ' of the lJol'Otl(rltga Jati°ln · f T'~'el ve llew boxe have been fixed and .1:. _ morc arc ncarly ready n for llll \\'e l urm he 1 . 'tl 1 i ' ' , eli'" l ,'1 1 rst alu necessarie , i~ i\'elJ 1)ef'ore Oflic~~~llmtlon. The nec.essity of obtaining the Bngalle uniform l;lOlley h~ve been expl'IHlerl on am buL : au n~.en. Con IrIerable amounts of ~o-operabve ocicty, the Woollield C _ ~nt~e. mat.ellul, amI, thanks to the Bury lIla Ro ., 0 opela n e OClCty Colon 1 C ' E 'tn'k d om 0 perutivefl ARsoci!ttion Bury Felt II tt ;' . c '. . II 1 ~e, the Blowan Mr. C. W. lIolt, snJJlcieut fU;ld wcre fortt. el'~ °tCICty, the Rev. C. P. Ford lCOllllllg 0 meet expen es. III
Honorary Secreta ry.
Sup. Oil'. W . Shcppard, Rose Grove, Burnley, Lanes.
Officers 4. Sup. Off. 3. Privat es 43. Total effective 50. Decrease since last report 90. Drills held 20. Average attendancc 16. Cases :at ten ded not on public duty 20. Annual inspection, 30th Se-pt. Total .on pa~ade 16. Absent with leave 34. Medallions 30. Service badges 30. RegulatlOn umform worn by 4 Officers, 3 Sup. Off. and 43 men. Mat erial : 4 litt ers and 18 stl:etchers, also 11 ambulance boxes each containing stret ch er and ambulance rnat erial.
Hon . Surgeon .
G. Harrison,
VOLl'NTEl,"1: "" n
S uperin t e nd en t .
'W. Phillip., 7, IIoole lilt, 'he tel'.
Dl'IJ,L \.. H ALL,
In sp. of Stores an d Hon . Sec.
IJ. R . C.l' .
Pte. J. William on Brook treet, he~te;"
Ho n orary T reas u re r .
Pte. W. E. Da,yies. up Off 1 P .' . Oflieers 2. Decrca e since last report ' 50.' Drill: 1~ ates :)6. Tot~l effective 19. Tttelldcd on public un ty 5 Rem I 11eluAL. A ~el [Lgc atte11L1ance 1:5. Cases 1 otil on parade 14. Aose~t with fe:~: 5 . I ~1L~f·1 10 pectio.n,..24th elltcmoel'. Dca Centre. . e a lOllS 4. DIvlSlon npported by . The Cheste r Divi ion is vel' 0' d . Induce the men to atte I . Y yonn B , an , OWll1g to lack of funds it is difficult to lH 1Il any nnmbers 0 1 t A ' st. t h WI: c ers were on duty [Lt the Foresters' Hi~h On. F 1 ugn t three squads with ele attended to, u.nd a person suil'erillO' from I:> b' ~u t 1 eLe. Four cases of faintillg 011 a stretcher. b a 10 Cll eg \Va taken to the infirmary
Honorary Surgeon.
J. J. Fraser,
M. R . C. S.
F . Stark, Lowergate, Clitheroe.
330 Inspector of Stores.
1st Officer.
Pte. , Yo W ilkinson.
111. H. Dawson.
Honorary Treasure r .
Honora ry Sec retary.
up. Off. T . A . Davies.
up. Off. J . H argreaves, 29 , Salford, Clitheroe.
Officers 3. Sup. Off. 2. Private 22. T otal effective 27 . Decrease sincll last report 1. Drills held 50. Average attendance 14."" Cases attended on public duty 6. Removal 7. Anllual in pection, 31st Aug. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 6. Wit.hout leave 4. Medallions 11. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 SUI)' off. and 22 men lIIaterial: litter, 6 stretchers, 2 street boxes, splints, and oandages. Division supported lJY subscriptions from members and general public. The Division cannot record any real progress. In 1I1arch the Clithel'oe Fire Brigade sent an invitation asking for the attendance of some of the 111em1crs of the am bulauce Division at thes, so as to be prepared in case of accident to remler- first . This invitation was unanimously accepted. • 5th 1Ilarch. Eleven Officers and men attendetl for presentation of Jubilee medals at 30th Preston. May.
One Officer and three men took duty at Clitberoe Agricultural how. 16th July. One Officer, six men and two nursing sisters \Yere detailed by the Deputy-Commissioner for duty at the Royal Lancashire Agricultural bow at ,Vitton Park, Blackburn. 6th Augu t and four following days. One Officer amI nine men pent five uays under canva at the ambulance camp at laidburll through the kindness of Mr. W. King Wilkinson. A ca e of compound fracture of the thigh was removed by rail and litter from Clitheroe to Blackbnrn infirmary. The other case retmneu were taken from the scene of accident to their own homes. A large 11u1111er of cases luwe been trcated by individual members but not reported. To obviate this in th future, all members will be supplied with printed forills to r eport 011.
Honorary Surgeon .
H . G . D eans,
)LA., M.D.
W . Atkinson , 4 Stanl ey St. , Col ne. I nsp . of Sto res.
Sup. Off. E. Baldwin.
W. E. Lovett, L.n.C.P. 1st Offi ce r .
2nd Offi ce r .
C. caif'e .
E. Scott. Hon . Sec.
Mr. YY. D oyle,
)[.1'., (hon. mem.). Albert Road, Colne.
Honorary Treasurer.
M.r. J . L. W ildmar., .J.P . (hon . mem. ). Officers 5. Sup. Oft'. 5. Privates 24. Total effective 34 . D ecrease since last report 7. Drills held 55. A verage attendance 14.. Removals 40. Cases attendecl uot on )lu1J1ic (l uty 64. Annual i nspection, 18th June .. T?tal n on parade 19. Absent with leave 8. Wi tho ut leave 7. Anuual rc_exanunatlO , 4th August. Members passed 8. Medallions Service hadaes 16. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 5 Sup . Ofl'. allc1 20 men. Material ~ ambulance wagon, 2 4 stretche rs, 3 surgical h avresacs, &c. D ivision supported by annual subscnptlOns from members and the public. . •
Honora ry Treasurer.
Pte. G. Pickup.
I n ' Ofliccrs 3. Sup . Off. 1. p. l'lvates 1 Ttl crease SlUce last report 4. Drills held '* . 0 a efTective 22. 3. Cases attenu(;ld not on puhlic dut . 3. A veraf?e attendance 18. Removals on P3arall ~:d1. .Absent without leave / '*;1' lAllll.nualmspection, 17th Sept. Total y Omcer l ' Off . 1\ el a lOllS 14 R I ti . b boxes fi tted ' . tl ufiP, .' and 14 men. 1atel'ial' iitt ~gl~ a on umform worn l' \'\1 1 11' t aul requisites D'" . el, ~ tretchers 6 wall mcm Jer' and general public . . lVl 'lOll supported by subscripti~ns from ':\luch progre. has bccn made shown by thc public in tl'·· practices. rr he 1'e 'uIt of
t\~:~ ~yol'k, haye .deyotec1 TtlOl~
he member, cncouraaecl by the a time to
~'~~~ "'te public 1"" ..1, hes hec~, 'I~ZI~ 'l:;:~r'"'to"Yi
The di ciplin' is
o ) cune; ullliorlll it is expectell that s'ey' now l Htt most of the members hav~ year. The Divi. ivl1, as yet has nut a't d elal para<le . will take place clminO' next , (; e on any pnhltc occa ion. b·
Hono rary Su rg eons.
A. Kershaw, )(. D.
W. E. Bradley,
E. K La lett,
M. B .
J 1S~ Offi :er a nd Honora r y S ec r eta r y. . M ' Llptrott, 53, brrcliITe treet o es Gate, near Bolton, Lanes. '
Inspector of Stores.
Honora ry Treasure r.
Pte. A. C. Cox.
up. 011'. G. Byers.
r,. . Officer 5. lip. nClease lIlce last report
Honorary Surgeons .
A . A. G. D ickey, ~I.D.
. Ashworth. R. Pilling, treet, Edenfield, near Bury.
Inspector of Stores and H on . S e c
A. I1lgram, Church trc t Farnworth, near Bolton, La;lc .
1st Officer.
up. OfT. W . IIaslam, Irwell Vaie E denfield, near B',try. '
Sup e r int e nd e nt.
Superintendent. )
Ofr. 2. Pri\'atc 9.1 T . D 'll 1 11 . ~. otal effcctive 2 attended . duty 1.. Annual 1'1 S lC . Ab no t on pu b hc ill l ) 20.t·· AYe' ~ lage a t telldal1ce 12. Cases spl~e~t WIdth lcave 7. Withont leave 10 ~l~d Ift~' ~tl~ Oct. Total on parade 11 III san b:1mlage. Di vi 'ion Suppol'te~l by ll1e~n ~Ol~~, ( . b l\l!l'te,rial : 3 stretchers' D . el u cnptlOll '
insp~~~;~~ ~:s s~~:l~~~~\o~~~nths
the attcndance at drill was poor.
The result of the
0111<' mterestlllg paper on u1 some of the members. am u auce work havc bllen read hy D 1'. L a lett and
Hon S . u.rgeon .
A . A . G. DIckey,
T ow:\' -
,y. II . ].)1) cast1a 1e H ob Stones Farm, l1Cat~ COl ll C.
M . D,
' Insp e ctor of Stores. Jo
PtE:. J. T.
m ith .
Honorary Secretary.
S up. Off. F . J . Ireland, Wilso ll Street , Fo II 1·' ·1 , neal' Oolnc, L ancs . lJ uge
332 Officers 2. Sup. Off. 1. Privat es 7. Total effective 10. Reser ve members 2. D ecrea e since last report 5. Drills held 38 . Average attendance 8. Cases attended not on public duty 11. Annual inspection, 21st Sept. Total on parade 5. Ab ent without leave 4. Annual . re-examination, Medallions 9. Regulation nniform worn by 12th Feb. Members passed 11. 1 Officer, 1 up. Off. and 7 men. Material: litter, 1 stretcher, 1 surgical havresac, &c. Divi ion supported by public subscriptions. T he practices have been well attenued and interest shown in the work. The 11 cases of first aid included : 2 fractured ankle , 1 case of drowning, 2 fractured fingers, 1 apoplexy. Three removals to Burnley hOSl1itai were undertaken . The doctors' en dorsemcnts on the rendering of first aid in the above cases are very • atisfac tory. The new ambulance hall is nearly completed and will be opened very shortly. I n May la t a very successful demonstration was hdd. Eleven of the neighbouring Corps and Divisions attended. A squad competition took place, Dr. Broomhead kindly acting a the judge. A parade was afterwards fonned, and nrgeonCaptain ,Yatson, of Burnley, inspected the ranks .
J . G. Jones,
S. H . Knox, 19, Manchester Rd., Hapton, near Burnley.
Inspector of Stores .
Hon . S e c.
Ho n orar y Su rge on .
Sup e rinte nd en t .
Honorary Surge on.
. Officers 12. Privates 73. Total ff . D ecrease S111ce last report 6. D rills heM e e~trve 85. attended not on Imblic duty 6 A I ' ~4. AveIage attendance 21. Ca"es 25 Ab' . nuua ll1specbon 13tl A t " " '. ent WIthout leave 59. Medallions 1 N": 1 u~us . Iotal on parade umform worn by 4 Officer' and 22 '1 U~SlDg cert!ficates 10. Regulation boxes, 1 litter 7 stl'etcnel's an 1 b 1 men. C.rIatenal : ambulance carriaue 4 wal l ol'r-'s s uppor t ed b y sul)scriptions. 0 , , l anl ao-es .' . 0 • D I ills and practICes take p1ace each week Th . as yet been appea1ed to for sub criptions. The.ill: pe?~le of Haslm~den have not ceec1s of a collection macle 011 the oc· fl' YOlo t::>ave to the Corps the proporation. On this occasion the Corps tu~.~~~ctUOt~t 7 ll~ I0n ~IS~ to chnrch with the Cor.o ' I n Ma.rch £30 was made from a concert. Ten pounds accrued from a I'll! . 0 paralle. The clothing of so mall)' men in 1~' n~~~t~] l~celpts reo Ultl.ll~ from a bicycle ment. The hoI' e ambuhnce "'acrOI] 1 s I~ a very satisfactory achievepo itioll of the ('Ol'pS is 'all that t:oullla~) PI'~,'TllclcClC1edly useful. The financial !he Chief, upf'l'intrntlent will see that tl e '\1 let , ,allli l)l:ogr~ss ~s being made. III future. Ie alll1Ua l le-exalllluatlOll IS not neglected
Honora r y Treas urer.
W. H. Tomlinsoll ,
Although small in numbers this Division has performed a fail' amount of useful work. Some of tIle 24 accidents receivillg attention were of a evere nature, including : 2 dislocations, 1 concussion of lJrain, 1 severe scald, 1 crush bet"een railway wagons (this case had to be removed to hospital) ; and seYel'al cuts, sprains, and bruises. Practices are weekly. The uperintendent and men l)araded ~t Blackpool for inspection on 18th June. A scheme is Oll foot to pro\'ide a house ill which to keep the litter and stores. All the members hold the meuallion and are entitled to service ballges.
1st O ffi ce r.
W. Marslalld 305, Lomloll Road, Hn~el Groye ' near . toc I~porl.
J. John 'on.
Honorary S ecret ary.
up. Of!'. .5. D. Davenport.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. l. Privates 10. Total effectiYe 13. I ncrease since last report l. Drills held 25 . Average attenu:.l11ce Removals 1. Cases attended not on IJl1 bhc duty 2<01. . Amll1al inspection, 1 tIt June. Total on parade 11. Absent ,,-ith leave 1. :llIeclallions 12. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 Sup. Off. and 10 men. ::\Iaterial: litter, 3 stretchers, 2 amlJulance bags, ancl water bottles . Division snpported by concerts and public snbscriptions.
Sup eri nte nd e nt ,
In spector o f S tores.
Pte. E. Baron. Sup. Off. J. R. "Talker, Pte. W . Moorhouse. 63, Manchester Road, IIapton, near Burnley.
Up. Ofr. J. W. Daw on , Co-ol,erati \'e ... tI'eet, OOllul1erdial Road Hazel (+ro\'e, near ... tockport. '
.Oliicers 3. 'up. Orf. 2. PriYat s Hi. Total efl' ,. . . . 0- ectlve 21. I nclease Slllce 1ast report 3. Drills held 3 atlended on pub1ic {Iuty 1. Remo " J./. .. ' l~vela."e attendance 13. Ca es .Anuual il]Spectioll 1 t Oct ~l ases ttte~ldetl not on public duty 12. \\~ithout leave 3. All;llHll re_e~amil~at~ouoll l~aral e 10. Absent with leave 1. DlIl not appear~. Medo,Uioll 9 Re~lllntl'o' 1 (~l~l July. Jl ember pa etl 18. ' I 9 . b" 11 tlI11 orm Worn bv 'J Oill 2 Ofl . am men. Material: litter 2 1;"1 t. l ' J ~ eel'S, , U l ey . letc leI 1 h'lml)p.I· l' t np.1 · . . bane1ages. D I VI 'lOLL slllJl)Qrtetl by llUbll'c lloll',1 t'lOll , concerts, ,< J , P In anc &c.
. Great progress is reported. The public have not b' , . aHI and tmn 'port kllo\\'lc<1ge aCIJuiretl b the 1ll eel.l 10\\ ,to make u e of fin,t ~~lty were t~ll~lcnaken ullIlcr the supervi iO;l of' the ~Ill~~l T\\o en. e, of tran port Illce outallllllg uniform the Division h'l' ., le\ lca 11Ie,n attendlllg the ca es. (lemonstration was heM in July 11.1 . ' s IPalatled 101' publIc duty 3 times. A l II plOyel most Sllcce ful. 1
Chi ef Surgeon a nd Chi ef Superi nte nd e nt.
J . Broomhead,
M. B.
W . Aspinall, L . R . C. I'. D. M. Gill, ~r.B . J. A. H arrison, ~LD. J. A. H arrison, R. Knowles, M . ll.C.S. J . B. Stewart, liLA . , M. B. W . J. Stott M. D. S up e rintendent.
1st Officer.
R. O. Barnes.
E. Graham .
2nd Officer and Insp. of Stores.
H. Cowpe.
3rd Officer and Honorary Sec r etary.
H aisteaJ, 49, Grane R oad, H aslingdell .
Honorary Surgeons.
R. Oaims , r•. It . C' . I' .
Honorary Surgeons
:J1anchester Road, H aslingtIen.
~. 5.
Superinte nd e nt.
G. R. Ellis, 'P l'ind\\'ooll TCl'l'llce, I-Icbdeu Bridge.
J . II . T JlOmpson,
L.R.C . P .
1st Offi cer.
2n d Officer.
L. lIL Su tc1iJre.
G. Greenwood .
Inspector of Stores . Honorary Secretary H SOil' J ' ' . onorary Treasurer up. . . Stan he1u . . • up. orr. J. II. J lor fall , Snl). 01r. H. J",>-mg. . 4, B a1mora I St ., II rbdcll Bridge.
Officers.5. Sup. Off. 4. Privates 57. Total effective 66. Decrease since last report 6. Drills held 12. A verage attendance 30. Cases attended not on public duty 15. Annual inspection, 17tb Sept. Total on parade 15. Absent without leave 51. Material: 1 ambulance wagon , 5 stretchers, 1 hamper, splints and banuages. Corps supported by H ebden Bridge Dii:!tri ct ursing Institute. The Corps meets monthly for practice. On Saturday, 2nd atteuded Lifeboat Saturday Demonstration at Sowerby Bridge. ha,-e received first aid assistance :-Severely scalded 3, fractured scalp wounds 5, apoplexy 1, fractured ribs 1, fractured thigh 2.
[Formed 18.1.94.J
Honorary Surgeon .
G. Jukes,
July, 17 members The following cases skull 2, uog bite 1, Total 15.
L . n . c.p.
1st Offi cer.
R. Gill, cvel'll Street Loogriuge, neal' Presto~ .
T. Croasdale.
2nd Officer.
Inspector of Stores .
Honorary Secretary.
R. Thistleton.
Pte. W. Rhocles.
up. Off. J. Dobson, 12, Pitt Street, Longridge.
Ofticcrs 4. Sup. orf. 2. Privates 22. Total effective 28. Increa. e since last l'epo!·t 2. Drills heltl. 25. Average attendance 16. Cases attended not on public lluty 9. Aunual in pectioll, 1 th June. Total on parade 16. A.hsent with leave 12. ~egulation unifol1l1 worn by 1 Officer and 22 men. Material: 3 stretchers, pl11lts and banuages. Division supported by public ubscnptiolls. I
A. Wad dillgton , 112, Pilsworth Hou,u, Heywood.
M.R.C.S .
2nd . Offi cer.
Honorary Secretary.
J. T. Ashworth .
Pte. . Fenton, Peel Lane, HeywooJ.
1st Officer.
J. T. Hardman.
Honorary Surgeon.
H. H. HitchoD,
[Formed 5. 6.83; Re-formed 16.1.94]
Officers 4. Privates 17. Total effective 21. '" Decrease since last report 16. Drills held 32. Average attenuance 13. Annual inspection, 16th July. Total on parade 21. Annual re-examination, 23rd April. Mem bel'S passed ::!l. Diu not appear 16. Material: 2 stretchers, street boxes, splints and bandages. Divi ion supported by voluntary suhscriptions.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. R. Burnett, 1st Offi cer.
J. Gardiner.
:M . D.
G. Hogarth , Cragvue, Am bleside Rd., Keswick.
Honorary Surgeon and Treasurer.
H. F. Oldham,
1 .2.96.]
O. Howes, Eu ton Road, lIIorecambe, Lanc
1st Offi cer.
Inspector of Sto res.
Honorary Se cretary.
J. BrolVll.
PLe. J . .T. Yarley.
Pte. H. Hargreave . Albert Hall, l\lorecambe, Lu,ncs.
OIlicer 3. up. orr. 1 Private 9. Total e(feetive 13. Be 'en'e members . In crea 'n ince last report 2. Drills held 10. A \'eraae altell(lance 11. C::ases altemleu on puhlic duly 11. Removals 8. Annual inspectio~ , th, Oct. ~otal on paradc 1~. 1I1edallion 1. Regulation uniform ,yorn by 2 Officer.,;: 1 . lip. OJI. aIHl 9 mell . . . .laterial: litter, 2 stretcher, 1 snrgical havresac, sphuts, balldages, &e. Dl\'lSlOll sLll'porteJ by voluntary contributions. :rhe present organization is the remain of tIle olel Divi ion which trucraled for an
~xlstell~e for ollie year wiLhout a.ccompJi 'bing allY work. 'All mel1lbe~b were put 1I1.tO. l:lllf~rl1l, an~l a debt of £53 cleared oU', and now £10 remain in hand. The DIYl'lOll IS
thorough working order.
Hon . Sec. and Inspector of Stores .
Sup. ofl'. P. S. Todd, 22, ~lain Street, Keswick.
Offic:ers 3. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 17. Total effective 22. Increase since last report 5. Drills held 3fi . Average attendan~e 10. Rcmovals 5. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Annual inspection, 13th Sept. Total on paraJe 16, Absent with leave 5. Annual re-examination, lOth JUlle. Members passed 21. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 Sup . Off. and 14. men. Material : .Ashford litter, 2 stretchers, 1 havresac, water bottles, splints, bandages. Division supported by annual subscriptiolls. The practices have been well attended. The reconl-book shows that the Division has rendered service on twelve occasions. Members of the Division h ave also taken public duty freq '.lent1y. The moncy required to bey uniforms was ol>tained by. a sale of work, whICh was well attendcd alJd snpported, the result being a balallce III hand after paying all (lebts. On the whole mattcrs are showing signs of improvement, and a good feeling animates all ranks. Th e regular attendalJCC of the Hon. Surgeon at practices is most encouraging to the members.
[Formed 10. 8.J
Chief Surgeon.
J. B. K. Robb,
A. P. Millar, LD. , Yo G. Littlc, M. A., H. ,V. DUll, M.B.
liLA. , )1.D.
Honorary Surgeons. \V. Jackson, M.D. M. B.
A. Finellay, T. Murphy,
C. M. r-ritchell, LD. R. H, 'Vace, M.B .
L.n . c . p .
Ch ief Superintendent.
W. Bolton, 92, Every Street, Nelson. Lancs. 2nd Officer.
W. Witham.
1st Officer.
A. H. Brown.
3rd Officer.
Inspector of Stores .
R. Palmer.
S. Smith.
336 Honorary Treasurer.
Superintendent Secretary.
up. Off. C. Thornton,
I. Hacking, 21, Raglau Street, Nelson.
Officers 14. up. Off. 4. Privates 134. Total effective 1112. Decrease since la t re]Jort 5. Drills held 20. Averilge att~ndauc~ 40. Removals 6S. Cases attended not on public duty 44. Anuual mspecbon, .1 th ~une. Total on parade 22. Medallions 39. ursing cerbfica~es 11. RegulatlOn l~mform worn by 2 Officers, 4 up. Off. and 44 men. .Iatenal: al~lbula.nce carl'l~ge, 1 litter, 11 stretcher, 2 surgical havre sac , .0 appha~ce boxes III n,lI11s, lluantlty of first aid appliances. Corps supported by nnll collectIOns and concerts. The advance of ambulance work is in every respect satisfactory . Ou 23nl: ~uly a strong continoent ot mell and sixteen nursing s~sters paraded for ~ompetltlOn at Colne, in aid ~f the Cottage Hospital. :N ~lson ga~lled ~he s~cOJld lJl?7: e OIl parade, first prize men's competition, and fir~t pnze nUl'lllf? slste~'s cOlllpetltlOl1. On the ,I follomj'na at Bal'llold \yick the C01'l)S WOIl first pnze fnl helll "'olk and turn S a t me ay cup), "0 ' . ' 1 ff I ' 11le out (silver and the Nelson nursing si tel'S a~am carnct 0 t 1e Ii IS tpnz.c, financial po ition of the Corps is excellent. ConsHlerable expense has l;cen mcnrred in connection with the ambulance wagon, and all appeal l~ad to be 1.n'\l1e to the public. The collections in the mills and workshop~ have .1 nst b~en 1Ilni;l~ecl, ,and have amounted to over £39. Many classes are to be mstructec1l1ul'lllg the wllltel.
1st Officer.
J. S. Jones, 52, Brompton Strect, Oldham. 1st Officer.
1st Officer.
J. II. Whiteman (Horsedge St. Div.).
A. L. ,Yard (Hartford Div.).
J. 8. FOl'rest (P. . A. Div.).
Sup. Off. S. Carrington.
Pte. G. Taylor.
Honorary Secretary.
Pte. 111.
amlers, 121, Thompson Street, Padiham.
. OIlicers 2. Privates 36. Total effcctive 38. Dnlls helll 25. A "crage. attcndance H. Anllual insrection, lSth June. Total 011 par.adc 10. Abse?t \\'It? leave :2. Regulatioll uuiform \yorn by 2 Officers and 36 men ... ~Iatcnal: lIttcr, 4 strctehers, 4 surgical haVl'esacs, sl)lints and bandages. Dn'lsIOu 'ul'Portell hy public sllusc:riptions.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. Althalll,
J. '. Yates, 7, Devonshire St., Penrith.
B. 'lllers (ElluitalJle Div.).
1st Officer.
Inspector of Stores.
Inspector of Stores.
J. Hodgson.
Thc.r~ ~s diillculty in gctting the membcrs to attencl the rractices. Members of thc DIVISlOll attcmlcll the PCllriLh Gala aJlll'\\'illlJlling 'Iub ports. Tran port was performed for a patit'llt 1'1'0111 railway Rtatioll to a l1Ul'silJ!r institute. A ca e of fracture amI an apopletic: s~i;ml'(J I'ccci\'ccl fir. t aid care. 0
Chi ef Surgeon.
G. Thomson,
1st Officer.
J. Foster, Railway Road, Padiham, Lancs.
OIllccl'S 2. up. Ofr. 1. Privates. Total effective 11. Deer ase Rincc last rcport 3. Drills l1Chl 11. Average attenuance 4. Removals 2. Ca. cs attcnllccl not 011 puhlie dut\, 3. Medallion 1. .i'\ursing ccrtificate 1. Material: tr tchen;, . pEnts and hanJ~i(fes . Divi 'ion supported uy members aUll public subscripti(\ll~. 0
[ForllJed 2j.1. 8.]
Chief Surgeon .
W. H. I.
Secr~tary .
SUI), Off. S. n. HallJert, 16, South Hill Street, 01Jham.
Honorary Surgeons.
II. O. Pilkington, R. C. Brown,
Officers 6. Sup. Off. 6. Privates 87. Total eff ctive 99. Decrease since last revort 200, Drills held 32. Average ~ttendallce <) 36. A~J~~:~ attended on lJublic duty 5. Cases attended not on pubhc duLy 5.... I inspection, l Sth June. Total on parade 23. Absent with lelt:,e 71. .Re~n ation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 6 Sup. OIl'. and 20 men. Matenal : 5 ht~els, b6 stretchers, 3 surgical havl'esacs, &c. Corps supported by members and publIc sn scription. The Oldham Corps consists of four Divisions. Th ere has been a very lar~e f~lling off in the strength of the Corps, mainly owing to the transfer ofthc la.te. ClnefSul.)t., R Peaeock WllO was also the chief constable of Olllham. Owing 1,0 Iu s promotIOn al~d remov;l from Oldham, the IJorough police have been Wlthdra.w!) from t~le Corps, otherwise progre~s has been made. The Corps WOll first prize at the reVIew competition at Blackpool, and the third prize in the squad test. rl. Detachments of men attend all public gatherings, such as fo()Ll)~ll match~s f the like. A squad of men with stretchers, (ltc., took duty durlllg the VISI 0 Barnum and Bailey's show to Oldham.
P. Fraser, 1II.D., Leyland. J. B. Holden, M.ll.
lILll.C.S. F. H. C. s.
Chief Superintendent.
Super-intendent Secretary.
rajor F. L. n. Little, late It.A. Chief Constable, Preston.
A. Howard. 2-1, Grafton 'treet; Preston.
1st Officer.
J. Kelly.
G. Ha,l'ri 'on . 2nd Officer.
T. F. Jew III all.
3rd Officer.
J. Dnrham.
,y, Walme ley. Hon . Treas.
Sup. Off. J. Woods.
Ollicers 13. up, Of1'.7. Privates 110. Total effective 130. Decrease since Jast report 16. Drills h >1t! 4:2, A vemge attendance 34. Ca es attcnded on llUblic duLy] O. Removals 60. ases atLenued not 011 1mblic duty ISO. Annual inspection, l~th July. Total 011 pa.rade 5. Abser1t with letwe 13. Without leave 31. AUllual J'c-examinatiolls, 7th, octh, 14th aUlI 2 th 1\1arch. Members passed 61. Failed 7. Did not appeal' 11. Medallions 64. cl'vice ballges 10. Regulation uniforJll WOl'll by 6 Ollicel's, 5 Sup. 011. and 70 men. Material: 2
am bulance wagons, 3 litters, 15 stretchers, 1 surgical haVTesl1c, 15 surgical boxes, water bottles, &c. Corps supported by subscription and proceeds of annual concert. The Curps is divided into the following Divisions :-1. Head-quarters Division; 2. St. Ignatius cho01 Division; 3. Borough Police Division; 4. Leyland Division; 5. Lea Division. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, are in the borough of Preston; 3 and 4 are country Divisions. There are no divisional Officers, the head-quarters Officers taking charge. There is a slight deCl'ease in the number of efficients, owiug to the strict enforcement of Brigade regulations. 18th .May.- T wo Officers and eight privates ,vere on street duty at Southport on the occasion of the visit of H . R. H . the Prince 0 f Wales. 3rdJune.-Seventeen members of the Leyland Division renrlered valuable first aid at the Leyland railway disaster, for which scrvice the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Con:;pany awarded each man a silver medallion suitably engraved. 15th July. -O ne Officer and three men took ambulance duty at the Royal Lancashire Agricultural Show held at Blackburn. Most of the cases treated have occurred at the mills and workshops, and the surgeons afterwards attending the cases have complimented the men on their first aid work. At t he annual concert the larO"e public hall was crowded, and the profits realised £40. At several of the mills ~nd workshops, the employes have made voluntary collections on behalf of the Corps. The horse ambulance have been much used for the transport of invalids. Several of the persons using these carriages have subscribed to the funds as a testimony to the efficiency of this service. Squads of members have always been 011 duty at all sports, and other local events during the year. A chnrch parade was held on Sunday, 6th September. The parade state showed 6 Officers and 84 men, including a detachment of 22 from the Walton-Ie-Dale Division.
RAWTENSTALL CORPS, LANCASHIRE. [Formed 6.97.] Hon ora ry Su r g e ons .
E. Bromhall, C. S. J. A. Coutts, M.D. J . T . Finlay, L.U.C.P.
C. E. R. Buckllill, J, A. Coutts, M.B. T. H. Gee. ~I. B. R. mith, l\1.B,
Insp . of Store s .
Pte. A. Bolton.
E. L. Compston, ~I.B. A, A. Edwards, )I.D., J . .McNaught, )I.B.
L. i:l.A.
Ho n. S ec.
Hon . Treas.
Pte. F. ComlJston, 7, Laburnum Cottages, Pte . JAG . . regory. Crawshawbooth, Rawtenstall.
S u perintende nt.
1st O fficer.
Hon. S ec.
Insp. of S tore s .
.lIf. ·Whittaker.
W. Rae.
up. OIl'. Y. Rothwell.
Pte. A. Bolton.
CRAWSHAW-BOOTH DIVISION. (Sh'ength 35). Ih:.I.))-QuAUTErts: FIltE
Sup erinte n den t.
1st Officer .
Hono r ary S ecretary.
J. R. Tolmie.
"\r. Lord.
up. Off. W. H. Booth.
(trength 1 ).
IlEAD-QU.l..1tTElUl : Fll{/~ ·'T,~TlON, N"EwCIIURCH.
[Formed 21. 6. 98.]
Honora ry Surgeons.
A. Sellers, J . Holmes,
M .D. M.D .
T. Hartley, M.B. W . Nuttall, ]\f. B.
Superinte ndent.
S. L owe, 67 , Elton St., TIury, L ancashire.
H. W. B.
1st Officer.
J. E. Cutchley.
2nd Officer.
Inspector of Stores .
J . Lindsay.
Pte. T. Knight.
Honorary Secretary.
Honorary Treasurer.
Sup. Off. J. McLachlan, 99, Blackburn Street, Radcliffe.
Mr. W. Bowker (hon. mem. ).
S uperi nt e n dent.
Thf' Division was formed in J une, and may be said to have made fair progress. The District Council have very kindly granted the use of the tech nical 8chool as h ead-quarters free of charge.
up. Oil'. J.
OIlicers 1;i. Sup. 00'. 4. Privates 94. Total effecti,e 113. Removals :W. Material: 2 litter, 7 tretchcrs, 25 sIllall wall boxe fully C(luipped. Corps supported hy jlulJlic subscription. Over £100 1m ' beeu rai 'ed, and this money has beeu expenrled in placinO" Im'ere aud small ambulallcc boxes in couvenient situations. The t,,·o litten; ha~e be~u fl'eqnently used ill cOllveying injured per 011 to th e hospital. There are at pre eut 110 head-quarters at Rawten ·tall, but the Corporation have promi eu to fiud a suitable pluc '. The Cntw. hawbooth Di \'ision take a great intere t in the work and arc most proficient in thill aIhl bandaging. The ewchurch Division ha just heen formed. A special appeal is being made for funds to cOIllplete eCluipmeut, aud rurehase some uniforms. The organization of the Corp is not very sati factory, but this will be illlproved this winter.
Officers 8. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 29 . T otal eff«ctive 38. Drills heM 11. A verage attendance 20 . Cases attended not on public dutJ: 3. Regulation· uniform worn by 1 Officer. Material: 2 stretchers, 7 wall boxes, splInts and ba.ndages. Division supported by public subscriptions.
Honorary S ecretary.
ling by.
Honora ry Su r g e on .
J . G. Jones,
Ins p e ctor of Sto re s .
Sup e r int e n de nt.
. J . . Hindle, 7, Fort Street, Read, ncar Blackburn.
Honorary S ec r e t a ry.
Pte. R. , VI1clc, Buckshaw T errace, Read, near Black bum.
Pte. L. Hargea ves.
HOAo ra ry Treasure r.
Pte. W . ,Vilkinson.
Officers~ . Sup. Off. 1. Privates 12. T otal effective 15. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 13. A verage attendance 6. Annual inspection, 18th June. Total on parade Absent " 'ith leave 6. Medallions 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 Sup. Off. and 12 men. :M:aterial: 3 stretchers, 3 blankets, 4 smgical havl'esacs. Divi ion supported by entertainments and subscriptions. There is very little to report in connection with t~is Di vision. Great di fficulty is expel'ienced iu getting the members to attend practlCes.
T. H. Smith, L. R.C.P.
E . W . Spink, M.B.
Sup erintend e nt and Honorary S ecret a ry
W. Rollins, Hope Bank, ReJdish, near
tockport, Lancs.
1st Office r .
Honorary Treasu re r
'Vol. Young.
Sup. Off. J. Hall .
Officers 4. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 20. Total effective 26. Reserve members 5. D ecrease since last report 9. Drill held 40. Average attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 3. Removals 2. Case a.ttended not on public duty 30. Annual re-examination, 22ncl July. Members pao ed 4. Medallions 14. ervice b::tdges 13. ursing certificates 12. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 12 men. Material: litter, 2 stretchers, 8 ambulance boxes, 14 water bottles, &c. Division supported by subscriptions. The progress of the Division has been fairly satisfactory. The membership has decreased. The attendance at drills and parades has been mouerate. Public duty has been undertaken both in Manchester and tockport. Squads arc placed on duty at all local football matches, &c. At the Church Lads' Brigade ports, a boy met with a very severe accident; he was attended to by the HOll. Surgeon, ann then removed home, some seven miles distant. _, The fourteen members who wear uniform have paid for this out of their own pockets. The Division is wholly supported by public sub criptions and funus rai.ed by means of entertainments. Great credit is clue to the Hon. Surgeons for all the interest they take in the working of the Division . The expense of the present practice room is felt keenly.
Officers 12. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 76. Total effective 89 . Decrease since last report 12. Drills held 52. Average attendance 25 . Cases attended on public duty 12. . Removals 139. Annual inspection, 16th July. Total 011 parade 35. Ab 'eut wlth leave 6. 'Without leave 47. Annual re-examination, 9th anu. 12th July. Regulation ulliform worn by 6 Officers, 1 up. Off. Iaterial: ambulance carriage, t'i litters, 5 stretchers, 30 wallallli 45 men. boxes, &c. Corps supporteu. by members, Centre, and public subscriptions. ince the lailt report the Corp has to la111en t the death of 1\11'. C. Buck, their esteemed auu. ,energetic Chief' ·uperintendel1t. D~tachmen~s are alwaYl:i on duty at concrrt and football malches, and at all athletlc gathel'lngs. etc., in their o\\n towu, and have proved tlwl11selves invaluable in rendering fir t aid. The ambulance wagon i '. tationeu at t~lC helLll~lj llarters, Borough Fire Brigade, and is horsell by the Corporn.tlOn , who proYlde speClally arrallgerl harness for quick turning out. This can be accoll1pli hed under half-a-minute from receiving a call. This wa(ron has perforl11ell ulll'ing the year ome 1:';0 tranH}lort. The street fire telephgnes are !1yuilabl for cnlling 11Jl the ambulance \\·itgon . The Corps continues to flourish. The 'Whitworth Division continues it energetic work am] i hopeful of increa inU' in numbers. It is ]ll'0poSL'll to form a Divi ' ioll at 'astletoll. Thi locality will s~on po ses a hOl'~l' ambulance wagon. ompetition were attended at Bury and AecrinO'ton, and a second prize was gained on each ocea iOll. A syllabus offorty-one lectur~s JUtS been arranged for the winter sea Oil. I
ROYTON DIVISION, LANCASHIRE. [Formed rrl~ .\D-QU .\RTEIt.': L.~.A. Pie)(crillg, L.::;. \
W. L. Belltley, R.
2·1, Quc 'Jl'
Honorary S urgeons. R. Young, 'Ln.
Sup e r in t e nd en t .
E. II. TOWllSl'llll,
W. L. Hall, L., .A.
1s t Officer a nd Ho n o ra ry S ec r etary.
lallsn.l'l(l, 'lrelt, Hoy ton.
D. tall fielll, 51, Dogfol'll. Road, Roy tOll.
In spect or of Stores.
• np. OJlicer J.
~~.1.91.] .
Hono rary T reasu re r .
Pte. E. Morton.
. Buckley.
Ofliccl'S 7. up. l)ff. 3. Private 1. Total en'ective 2 . =_ Increase . ince last report 1. Drill held 32. Avemgp attendance 5. Ca e attended on puhlic duty ·13. Removals. Cases attendeclilot on public duty 51. Annual in pcctiOll, 13th Oct. Total 011 parade 11. Ab ent with leave 13. Medallion 4. Material: litter, 2 stretchers, 5 wall boxe , ice ball, &c. Divi ion supported by the mem uers. Dlll'ing'epLembcr the Divi ion ha, been completely re-organized, anu the future is looked forwaru to with much confidence. ' Yith the exception of a harp burst of tmining for the pUl'pO 'e of competing at the outh-East Lancashire County Corp Competition, the Division ha been extremely quiet.
Chief Surgeon.
R. B . Sellers, M.R. C.S. Honorary Surgeons.
J . Melvin, M.B. J. R odley, M.R.C., . T. H. H ayle, M.B. W. J. Kerr, M.D. A. J . Jefferson, M.D.
Chief Superintendent.
L . Barry, Chief Const able, T he Town H all, Rochdale. Superintendent.
1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
3rd Officer.
W. Ingham.
J. T. Garner.
T. H artley.
J. D. H owarth
4th Officer
J. Berry.
Honorary Secretary and Inspector of Stores.
Sup. Off. W. H eginb ot h am, 99 J Moss Street, R och c.ale.
Honorary Surgeon .
murth waite, M.B.
Supe rintendent.
J . Tattersall, 24, H all Stree t, Southport.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Secretary.
Sup. Oil'. J, F. Dunkl ey.
Pte. W . Wychn ley, 30, Ashley Road, outhpor t.
:342 Officers 2. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 13. Total effective 16. Cases attelllled Ol~ publi~ duty ~2. Drills held 30. Average attendance 8 to 10. Removals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 2. Annual ll1"pectlO~, 1.lth October. Total on parade 13. Absent with lea:-re 3.. Allllual re-exammatlOll , January and July. Members passed 15. HegulatlO.n umform ,vorn by 1 0fl?c~r.' 1 Sup. Off. and 13 men. l\!ate~'ial: stretcher, splmts and balldages. DIV1 1011 supported by voluntary contnbubons. The Division has made progress. Seven more men have been. supplied with the Brigade uniform. On the occasion of the visit of H. R. H . the Pr.lllce of "\Yales, the full strenoth of the Division paraded for street duty, together ,nth ambulance me.n and nurs'ina sisters from Preston and district. T he Preston Corps sent thf'u' ambulance '~'aaon which proved most u eful in removing home 4 caseH . Altogether some 14 cases ~'ec~ived first aid. A letter of thanks was received from the. Mayor of Southport tenderillg his obligations for the we1l performed am uulance serVICe.
R. Masser, 241, B my Road, Tottillgton, near Bury . Ho norary S ec r eta ry.
Inspector of Stores .
Pte. L. Grinrod.
Sup e r inten d e nt .
Honorary Surgeon .
A. H. Pool,
up. Oif. \'IT. "\YarUlll'tOIJ, 3, "\Val1ballk • t., Tottillgton, near Bmy.
Officers 2. up. Off. 1. Privates 14. Total effective 17. Increase since last report 13. Drills h eld 26. Average attendance. 12. Ca:es attendecl on public dnty 35. Removal 1. Ca es attended not. Oll publI c duty :>0. Annual inspection, 16th July T otal on parade 14. AI. ent ~I'lth leave 2. ~nnual re-examination, 10th Jul,Y, Members passed 16. l\1eda1hons 13. MatCl:Ull: 2 stretchers, 6 ,vall boxes, &c. Division SUl)pol'ted by members and llllUhc subscri p tions. Practices are held fortnightly. T wo surpl'i e cal1s were given with most a.tisfactory results, all thc members turning out with promptitude. Th e l1l111lher of cases attended to was 85, incl ueling fractures, buJ'l1s, scal(ls and wounds. Oil. scv~ral occasions the medical men afterwards complimcnted the lllcmlJers rend enng first aid on the efficiency of their services. The Divi. ion won the third prize in the CODlpetition held on 16th July at Bury.
Su pe ri nt e nd e nt.
Honorary Surge on.
G. Skeen, Inspector of Store s .
Pte. F . Bracewell.
~ . 3.98.].
T. H. "\Vatson, 4, Church Street, Trawdcn, neal' Golne. Hon . S e c.
Ho n. Treas ure r .
Pte. T. Hewlett, Pte. D . Birtwistle. Fairtield House, Trawden, near Colne.
Oilicers 2. Privates 10. Total effective 12. Drills held 7. Average attendance 9. Cases attfmded not on public duty 8. Medallion 1. ::'I1aterial: stretcher, bandages and splints. D ivision supported by mern bel'S ~nd llUblic. The Division has made moderate progress since its formation . A concert given ill April paid oil' all debts due and left a swall sum in hand. I t-is hoped soon to have head-quarters. Some few cases of first aid have had attention; one, a fracture of
the leg. Af ter receivina first aiel treatment the man was conveyed to Burnley H ospital. ew classes ha,-e been formed and the Division will be recruited therefro m.
UPTON-BY-CHESTER DIVISION, CHESHIRE. [Formed 1.2.97.] IIEAD-QUAllTEUS: UPTO~ SCHOOLS, UPTOK-By-CHESTER. Hono ra r y Surge on . \V. Lees, ~r. u . c., .
Sup e r inte nd e nt .
H. C. Dickson, Upton House, Chester.
Insp ec tor of Store s .
Honorary Secre tary.
ofl'. J. H . Dickson, Upton House, Chester.
up. Off. J. C. Thornton .
Officers ~. up. Off. 2. Privates 21. Total effective 25. Increa e ince la t report 7. Drills held 9. Average attendance 10. stretcher, bandage anLl splints.
.r.laterial :
The Diyi iOIl not made much progress during the year. A corporaljof the Royal Army MedIcal Corps was engaged to conduct drill, hut the atten(lance of lll?mb~l' not justif~ing thc e~penditUIe, the practice was discontinued. A special ellorL 1S to bc made 111 the comlllg season to promote the welfare of the Divi ion .
Ho n o rary S urg eo n .
harpIes, L. R. C.S. Sup erinte n de nt
T . Higginson, District Conucil Ollicei:i, 3tation RJ., Bamber Bridge, near Preston . 1st Offi cer.
2 nd Offi ce r .
C. Wilding.
Hono rary S ec r et ary.
Hono ra ry Treas u r er.
up . Olr. A. Howarth, Glenthorn, Ramber Bridge, near Pre ton.
Pte. F . Harwood.
Officers 4. up. OIl'. 2. Privates 36. Total effective 42. DeCl'ea e ince la t rep0rt 13. Drill h ld 25. Average attendance 23. Cases attended on puhlic lluty 1:3. Remonll" 3. Cases attended 1l0t 011 public duty 25. Annual inspectioll, 1 tIl June. Total on paro,ue 27. Absent with leave 9. "\\Tithout leave 3. Annual rc-cxamination, 2 th ept. Members pa ed 19. Did no t appear 22. Medallions 23 . Regulation nniform worn by 4 Ollicer,s, 2 up. Off. and 32 men. ~laterial: 2 litters, 3 tretchers, 3 surgical baskets, &c. Division snpporteJ hy su hscription of members and general public. Steady progress is manife t, and there is every pro pect of th , Division becoming stronger. The members were on duty at Southport on the occa ion of the visit of H .R.H. the Prince of W ales, 1 th l ay, 1 9 . Many cases of fainting and one of epilepsy received attcntion, and 3 pe rsons werc conveyed home in the amuulance wagon. On 2nd June, HOll. nrgeon harpIes and 7 men were in attendance after the railway accident at Leyland . T he following work wa done , as certified by the H on. Surgeon :-P. C. Geo. Dnmbell superintcuded t h e conveyance of several patient s from t h e scene of accident to t he railway station, attended to b leeding temporal artery and assi ted in fractured cases. Pte. Geo. Robin on carried out t h e 11 on . u l'geon 's instructions, conveyin g inj ured to station and proceeding 'with them to Prest'O n R oyal I nfirmary . . B2
Privates Alston, Wilding, Balmour, Simmonds, Coulthurst and S"'ift attended at the scene of the accident, to fractures, cases of hremorrhage, &c., conveying patients on stretchers to the railway station, and thence by train and ambulance wagons to Preston. For these services the L. and Y. Ry. Company gave a subscription of £5 to the Division, and presented each man with a silver medallion.
[Formed 5. 4.97. J EAD-QUARTER. : MECHANIC.' IN.·TITUTE TV , \ IIALLEY BRIDGE. Honorary S urgeons.
H. Allan,
and J. NaIl, M.R. C.s.
Su perintendent.
J. Shelmerdine, 1, Market Place Buxton, Derlly.·hire. '
[Formed 25.2.97.J
1st O fficer and Honorary S ecret ary.
W. Jodrell,Buxton Road, Whalley Bridge near Stockport. '
Inspec t or of S tores.
J. Adam.,
Ho n o rary Su rge ons .
J. G. Gornall, ?LA.,M.B.
R. Smith, ~r.R. C.S.
H. E. Bower,
Ch ief Su perinten den t .
Su p e ri ntende nt.
Capt. W. Waring, Latchford House, Latchford, VlTarrington.
J. G. Buckley.
S upt . of S t o res and Ho n. S ec.
:lL n.
. J. Parker,
Su p eri ntendent S ecretary.
, Up. Off. J. H. ,Vecluop. Honorary Tr'easurer. . up. OlT. J. Howarth. I . OJlieers 1. up. Off. 2 Privat 2') ucrea e smce last report 4 D;'ill es _~. Total effective 28. attended .on public duty 1. n~movals ~ held 01. Average attendance 12. Cases Annual m. pect~oll .. 21th ,'ept. Totai ' OJ Casc ' attended not on public duty 13. AI~nual re-eXamlJ1atlOl1, 3rd :Jl:ly. M b ~ paracle 1~. Ab ent \yithout leave 9. umform \Yorn hy 3 Olfi cel's, 2 u 1 em e.! l)U~ ell], . Meuallions . Reg ulation humpel', 6 boxes. &c. Divi.'ioll SUlll;~nOJ\ anll :' l,lllen. lI!at~rial: 2 stretchers 1 e Y l'uu lC :mbscnphons. '
[Vacant. J
WHALLEY DIVISION, LANCASHIRE. [Form ed 23.2.90. J 1st O fficer.
H. T. Williams. T . H. Hardy, 3, Gorsey Lane, 'V arrington.
2 n d Officer.
C. J . lanseur.
3rd Officer.
'Yo Edwards.
Officers 12. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 106. Total effective 120. Increase since last rcport 29. Drills h eld 52. A verage attendance 20. Cases attended not on public duty 150. Annual inspection, 15th Sel)t. Total on l)arade 30. Absent with leave 32. Without leave 5. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers, 2 Sup. Off. and 16 men. Material: 4 stretchers, 1 surgical havresac, 1 emergency bag, &c. Corps supported by membcrs and voluntary subscriptions, concerts, &c. Progress has beeu made in the "arrington Corps. There has been some loss of old members by reason of some haviDg to leave the borough, but the strength of the Corps has increased . iliany of the men have shown much more attcntion to drill and the average attendances are better. The Corps has sustained a great loss by the death of one of the Vice-Presidents, Mr. Thos. Morris, F.G.S., who never refused his help, financially or otherwise, to any cause which appealed to his philanthropic and sympathetic nature. The Corps has been generou ly assisted during the past year by many gentlemen, and especially by Sir Gilhert Greenhall. Bart., Councillor J . Crosfield, J .P., and family, and Mr. T. J. Down. It is indebted to Councillor J. Crosfield for the use of the schoolroom, free of rent, and he has also kindly paid for gas, &c. Supt. -Sec. Croslield has been extremely generous on mallY occasions in entertaining the Corps. Football matches and all public occasions are attended by a squad of men in chargc of an Officer. All the members of the Corps with thei.r wives and friends were invited to Cuerdon Hall, Thelwall, by Vice-President R. A. Naylor, on 21st July. About 160 availed themselves of Mr. Naylor's kindness . Demonstrations in ambulance work and drill were given. A scheme is on foot to hold a demonstration in November. The idea is to mobilize the Corps for a supposed railway accident on the railway embankment some two miles from Warrington . This will not only test the abilities of the men to turn out quickly with their equipment, but it will also bring the usefulncss of the movement prominently under pnblic notice. The second annual competition was held on t h e 24th March for the Diamond Jubilee Challenge Shield. The Chesh ire Lines Railway Engineering D epartment team won the trophy with 265 points gained out of a possible 300 .
H onorary Surgeon.
I\T. P. COUll ellor, 'r.D.
G. Turn er, Pendle Yiew Barrow ,'{halley, llear Blackburn. '
Inspector of Stores
H . ' on. Sec. Pte "I1T F' 11' P Honorary Treasurer. Pteo 'JI. Bl1't"ell. . II. Ie (1lJe. euclle 't Pt R Ill' l~l kl" e. . J. Thompson. al)dell, nl'. ,nl a lle~' J' . ) al.:· lUl'll.
0 llicers ~ Privates ')3 '1' t I iI . . ~. 0 a e echve 2,J. D:'Ills held ·)CJ l~.TCrn(Te · tt d' Memher 1'.assec19·. HeO'~t1atl·Oall· en .~Ilee 16. Annual g re-examination ')3rd Mat 'J st t 1 ;:, UlllJOrm worn bv 1 OflJeer alll1 21 men.' ~ Material· J. ~ re c leI'S, 2 wall boxe &:c D" .' J . . . ,c. . 1VISlOll upportetl hy public uhscription . . . The DIn lOn has not clon e badly lllU'in(T thE' ,. . bons have been collectecl and the 0 1 ye,L!. Durmg the summer ~uhscrip ') stretch 1 I ,< money las becn eX ]lend l ' th ,~ cr ,an( p al:illg am bnlance stands anel . 11 b ' . eL III . e purchase of Ie wall boxes arc l'laceu at Whalley 13 ..' _ 'I a B' o:es III convement ituations. . ' auo" aIll1 Illmgton.
WINSFORD DIVISION, CHESHIRE. [Formed 4.5. 6. J IIEAD'QUARTEH : WAYS GltEE~, ,VIX FORD. Ho n o rary S u r geons.
B. H., L.R.C.P. 1st Officer.
F . Bates.
S uperinten dent and Honorary S ecretary,
C. Heathcote, Ways Green, Win fOl'll. 2nd Officer.
Inspector of S tores.
W. J. Buckley
HI) . OIl'. n. A H . Court I OlJicers 4. up. OlT. 1. Privates 14 Ttl ' . . .0 a eDectIve 19. 1 llcrease sincc last Teport 5. Drills h eld 33 O. Cases attendeclnot on public dnty 69 A't age at~enclallce 9. Removals ~~tpara,cle 13. Absent with leave 2. Witholl~ll~~: IlJSpeetlon, 20th Aug. Total 8 h Sept.. Mcmhers passccl13. Dill not . ' ve 3. J\nllual re-examination ., RegulatlOn uniform worn by 2 Oflicers t~peal 5., MedallIon 8. crvice badO'e~ stletchers, 1 emergellcy box 4 e111er en' ('fu p . 0[1. a~ll 9 men. Material: littel~ 5 SUpported by Urban District Counclan~{I)~ltl~~ ;l1hlSll'~lCtc:l ha Hesacs, &c. DIvision Cl'l1) lOns.
346 . . cr secured the valuable services of Dr. has been fortunate m haVln~ t . ut promptly when summoned The IVISIO~tt as Hon. Surgeon . Men;tbeIs ulUc~rtail1 uUlllber of the men are B. H . . Woody. to conduct transport dU~Ies. A. ices I n others there is ample to aCCldenlt~1 old rompt in attending duties and pIta:t k o'ff since the annual inspecvery regu aT an P d two names have"been s IUC 'ovement an f . l'?om or ImpI ,. .' een established at \Vhitegate and a D' .'
tlO~~ additional penna~en~ tl~~~a~~J!~t~~nt~: o~her statio~~: t ~Le~O:l~ftafO~o~~~~ quaJ?-tity of new ~~~r~asa.;emoved from \ Vin.sford to m8:s c one from vVinsford to WIC . f' d A number of mem eIS" -lOffi g ate to Wms or . upt and 2nd cer. S the f . ch arge 0
t~~ile;c ~~d one
bW.l11t~~::en~!sent a~
from' Whiteth e Brigade camp, in
Honorary Surgeon .
.R. Olegg,
M . R.C. S.
Lady Su perintendent.
E . Fletcher '. 310, Blackburn Road, · "1 MISS 11. Accnngton .
. g Officer a nd La dy S ecretary.. 1s t NurSin
t~~~~ft~:~~N:~%':~i~~n;ual i~!~:~~dg;:t;:~~~~;;;;!~~~~~~O~~l~::"~
by 2 Officers and 38 nur~lI~g. SIS els. .ted by local subscriptIons. . . k ttl &c DIVIsIOn SUppOl . bronchItIs e es, . 1 d I'tel'S of the Accrmgton l' th lew lea -qua t' This nursing Division is now locatec l~rin: ~he year. At the annua1 in spec ~~~
~~~hd~' ~e~p':::~~~~~~:t~i.~;~:t~ 2':;~ta&o~io~fi~~::~S~!i~£~t~h!;~u!~;
squa . . , d I) At the mspec IOn , d effiClency was second pl'lze (s11v~I me jl~Y 16th, the first prize for smaIt~ess a~lswick, a second Oorps held at .Bmy o.n cr D'vision (a first aid hamper).. At arno undertaken by of home nursmg have been Tl Officers awarded to tlus muslllo 1 1 . d Numerous cases . d . cr the year 1e prize wasba ,so gfa~~~ Division in their private .capacity dU:'W"the nursing sister are the mem eiS 0 . 'f' of the Bngade, an a (nursin cr ) wear the entlf~ UUl OIm t' n of the bonnet and cloak. completely uniformed WIth the excep 10
BACUP NURSING DIVISION, LANCASHIRE. [Formed 4..98.] Hono ra ry S u rgeon .
W . B. Barclay,
L . P-.C. P .
Honorary Surgeon.
F. de
Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.
Miss R. A. Preston, 'Woodbine, Barrowford, near Nelson.
2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of S tores.
Miss O. Booth. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 85. Total effective 87. Increase since last report 10. Practice' l1eld 30. Average attenJance 18. First aid cases not on public duty 26. Ou e privately nursed 8. Annual inspe':!tion, 1 th June. Total on parade 13. Medallions 22. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. Divi ion uPl'orted 11y the members aud public subscription. A slight increa e in numbers is to be reconled. The interest shown by thennrsing sisters ba been wellmuintainec1. everal private cases were nursed on the understanding that this work was undertaken on the 1'e ponsibility of the nur ing sister attending. Ou many occasions calls were recei,ed to render first aid in case of accidents; the e were always responded to at once, and treated most satisfactorily. One Officer and twelve lltll'sillg sisters paraded for inspection at Blackpool on 18th June, and were succes 'ful for the thinl time in ca.rrying off the Ohallenge Shield and :Medals.
Miss A. E. Burgess, 3 , Addison Street ' Accnng on. . 38 Total effective 40. F' t Officers 2. N ursing s~sterhs ld' 18 A veracre attem1ance 23. 11'S . t 22 PractlCes e . 0 Ttl on parade 23.
BLACK POOL NURSING DIVISION, LANCASHIRE. [Formed 13.11.95.J Honorary Surgeon.
L. Molloy,
lI1.A., :\1.D.
Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.
Mrs. Y. ill. OrIlle, :?IIar 'hall Gate, Olaremont Park, Blackpool. Ofllcer.· 1. Kursing si tel' 74. Total eLt'ectiye 75. Practices ~leld ~4. A yerage attellllallce 42. Annual inspection, 1 th June. Total on parade 32. Absent with leave 24. ,Yith out lea,e 1. Medallions 10. Regulation nniform " 'om by 1 01licer and ,>5 nUl' 'ing ·i·ter . Material: one urgical havresac, &c. Divi ion snpported by lllemhers nb criptiolls. All members are yery enthusiastic in the work, anJ altogether the Divi ion is in a mo t ati facto!'y condition. Each nursing . istcl' is provided with a key for the ambulance wall boxes, and the Division i in po~ses ion of ample material for l'epleni hing tlle store in the e boxe. Ou the 27th August sixteen nursing sisters took charge of the IIo pital atlll'<lay collecting sheets, and were. on duty in the mo t inclement weather from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m., an(l collected £28 19s. 6d., which sum was credited to the fund , of the Blackpool Victoria Hospital. At the allnual review of the North-East Lancashire Oounty Oorps ou 18th June, this llmsing Division paraded 32 stl'ong, and won the third prize in the squad competition. Many cases received first aid attention at the ha.nd of the DiVision, and several ea es of sick ntH iug have been unclerta,kel1.
La dy Sup eri nte n dent.
Mrs. M. E. La \1' , 2, Ashcliffe, Bacup.
1s t Nursing Offi ce r . a n d La dy Sec r etary.
· F Bl'rd , Forest House, BacnI" MISS. . g SIS . t e1'28 . cases. not OfficeI'll 2. N urSlD s . T otal1 effective 18 30. First. aId h Id 15 Average attenc ance. Meclalho ns . New formation. PractIce~ e t' . 6th Oct. Total on parl\de 16. ' d t 1 Annual lllspec lOn, . bl .l~ . U YSUpp01 . ,t ec1 b y voluntary subscriptIons. on 6. puDIVISIOn
H . A. Dixon, :r.r.B.
Lady S upe r inte n den t .
Miss M. A. tevens, 4, Herbert Street, Burnley.
1s t Nu r s ing Office r a n d La dy S ecret ary.
Miss M. Jones, 103,
hakespeare Terrace Albioll Street, Burnley.
348 349 Lad y Inspector of Stores.
Lady Treasurer.
Mrs. M. A. Pound.
Miss F. r.I. Jump.
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 35. Total effecti-.e 37. Increase since last report 11. Practices held 35 . Average attendance 20. Fir t aid cases not on public duty 20. Annual inspection, 1 th June. Total on IJarade 15. Absent with leave 20. :Medallions 17. Regulation uniform '110m by 2 Officers and 35 nlU'sing sisters. Material: bed rests, air cushion, &c. Progress is reported during the past year. TwelYe new members haye been enrolled . '1'he Division is doing excellent ,york ill first aid, the ca es treatecl being fits, scalds, cuts, fractures, and prains. Some of the nUl'Sillg ister have uncleI" taken some cases of home nursing. The material in stock is lent out to all de erving cases, and is much appreciated.
CHOOL, Buny.
Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary .
Honorary Surgeon.
T. Calrow, M.ll,C.S.
lUI's. H. Howarth, Ingham treat, Bmy,
[Formed 1.5.90.J TREET, COLNE.
II - EAD-Q"C'A.I:TEl'fJ · 17 D ' ". , ERBY
Honorary SUrgeons .
A. A. G. Dickey, )I.D.
W E L . . ovett, L.R.C.P. 1st Nurs ing Off. and Lady Insp. of Stores.
Lady Superintendent.
Mis. FraukJaml, Grcen Rank, Colne.
Mrs. E. Taylor. Lady S ecretary.
:;\II' .
treet,one. C 1 J OIlicers· y . I .,' ~. ~,ur mCT sisters 60 Ttl . . nClea c sl.ncc last l'cllOrt o)!) 1) .,0 t' . 0 a effectIve 62. aid ca e t ~c. 1<1,C Ices hcld ')3 i '1 tl J ' no on puhlic dub' 10 Ca' , ~ l' ~ "crage attendance c), Fl'I'St 1 T otal 011 para J ' . I . u ne.' 1, 30 '1 ~es 111'1 . "'lte ' y lllllsel. Annual' -"Ok. , 2 Olliccl's allli 30 1" . l e . . ....1 e(lal110118 10. H.ecruJaf 'J' mspectlOn, ) 111 mg 1 tel',. Divi iOIl Stll1llol'ted b .1:>. b 1O~ :1ll1 orm Worn by ) u cnptlOn. Lamlless, 4, River
1st Nurs ing Offi cer.
Miss Emily Orrell.
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 16. Total effective 1 Decrease since la t report 3. Practices held 2G. A ,,"erage atteJ1l1ance 15. First aid cases not on public duty 20. Ca e privately nUl' ell 10. Annual inspection, 16th July. Total on 11al'&.c1e 16. Absent with leave 1. ,Yithout leave nil. Annual examination, 12th Oct. Members]Ja 'eel 14. Did not appear 3. Medallions 5. Division supported by members and public ubscl'iptiou
J. J. Fraser,
Lady Superintendent.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.
Miss M. 1. Parker, 119, Lowel Gate, Clitheroe.
Mrs, A. Davies, 18, Pimlico Road, Clitheroe.
Oflicers 2. Kursing sisters 27. '1'otal effective ~9. Increase since la t report 3. Practices held 45. Average attendance 15, First aid cases on pulJlic duty 3. Fir~t aid ca 'es lIOt 011 public duty 27. Annual inspection, 18th June. Total on parade 1 . Absent with leave 6. -Without leave ,1. Annual re·examination, 13th April. Members 1l8,ssetl :20. Did not appear . Medallions 28. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 18 nursing sisters. 1I1aterial: bandages, splints, plasters, lint, &e. Division upported ,by subscriptions by mcmhers and the pulJlic. Practices are held weekly. The r are fairly well attended. Most of the membol's have had the opportuni(y of attending somc accidents, and have proyed themselves extremely useful. One nUl'sing Oflkel' and onc nursing sister took duty at the Royal Lancashire Agricultural Show at Blackburn in July. A fractured collar bOlle received first aid treatment, and the patient was aftcrwards sent into the mackbl~rn Infirmary. Persons suffering frolU a fractured leg and concussion of thc bra~Jl, rcspectively, were conveyed on the litter to their own homcs. Other injmies WI~ICh received first aid ca.l'e includecl sllraincd ankles, cut temporal artery, fractmed nbs, crusbed thumbs, fractured lcg, sprained wrist, hrokcl1 finger, crushed foot, numeroUS cuts and bmnfi, bleeding from nose, fractured forc·arm, etc., etc.
Honorary Surgeon.
A. ~L G. Dickl'}',
Lady Superintendent
~Ir . J. RichYlOllll, Hole-in.the·-Wall Inn FoulrHlgc, near Colne, Lanc.
Lady Secretary.
Lady Treasurer.
Web Ll'l' 1'0\111 ,. t I' ' \.Ta e, J.' Oll ntlge, ncar Colue.
lUi ~ E. Barne ..
O/Jicers 1. N nr~i)] 0' si·t . 1 ~ T R eSl'rve 1l1Clllbel' 1 I . b :::; elS J. otaI cffective ] 6 . llerea 'c 1nce I t ' attendance 11 b'il'~' "l'll t as report 3. Practices hclel 3 . A veraO'e Ttl . .,,, u cascs no on 1mbI' 1 t, ') o a on parade 9. .i"-b cut with 1 , l~ l U J~' _Aullual in pectiOIl, 21st -'c ~leml~,el" I'a '.ed lti. Ht'glllatioll unifo~~ ~"o~.~ Anllua! re-examination, 12th J?~b: latellal: splIut, and lJu,llda!fcs D' ,. . by 1 oilicer anu 15 nUl' incr sisters AD' 'b' 1\ 1 IOn Supported by public snbscriptiono. . ew senous ca e' rccc·· 1 fi t . 1 saw these ill' .' '" n el aIr trcatment. Th~ l1le~lical lUen \\'ho afterwards fUl'llishetl. J UllCS expl eed theIr appronLl. TO pecwl h't of the e accidents is
HAPTON NURSING DIVISION, LANCASHIRE. [Formcd 12.96.J IlJ,:AD-(~u'\'uTEni"" ,"Ei:iLELL SCHOOL, II.\.PTON. Hono rary Surgeon. Lady Supt, and S ecretary. J. G. J oncs, ~I.lJ. '0
Mis E. Butter. , 8, Ca ' tle Strcet, IIapton, neal' BUl'llle~'. OUlcer' 1 .r .' . t _ J Decreasc sincc last report 4. ~~, ll~g; SIS ~I'f Total eIfectivc . ~aIsdes l1?t on public duty 14. . A laC lW~s e ll,26. Average ttttendunce 7. l?ir taid 11 E:' alhons;3 1:) . lllllllt 111 pectlOll 1 tlJ June Ttl P d Material.. " :.egulatrou uuifol'm wom by' 1 om . ' ~ a ou, Hr~ c . D' .' . CCI auLl / nUl'smg 1 tel's. surglCal havre 'ac &c sUbscription . ' . IVlSlOll supported by concerts and. public
1 The membcrship never exceeded 1') b t ' t1t\been llolle, alld is still 'beillCT att;~del\ ;s 1l.~~;' o,lllr, . Goo~l u efu~ fir t aid \\-ork l at fenJh e nllmbers \rill bf: inc~cascd th~s '~'i:~ ~eI~ enpl ~Yt' It IS conildcntly hoped ed . . 1,10 Ices are wcekly, and well
35 1
[Formed ~7.1. 98.J
1st Nursing Officer.
2nd Nursing Officer.
Miss A . Doran .
Mrs. Jones.
R. Cairns, L.R.C.P. Lady Superintendent.
Lady Secretary.
M1' . M. Penrose, JUiss . H. ,Viddup, Russell Place, H ebden Bridge. Hollins Place, Hebden Bridge. Officers 1. Nursin a sisters 9. Total effective 10. Practices held 9. Average attenJ~nce 6. ~l1nual !nspection, 17th Sept. . ~o.tal on parade 8. Absent lVitl~out leave .2. Mat.enal: spll!1ts and bandages. DlvlslOn supported by HebJen Bndge N UIsmg InstItute.
Lady Secretary.
Miss Moore, 63, Lansdown Rd., Oldham.
Officers 3. ursing sisters 82. Total effective 85. . Increase since last report 34. Practices held 23. A ,Terage attendance 34. First aId cases not on public duty 45. Ca es privately lUu'sed 14. Annual inspection, 18th June. Total on parade 22. Absent wIth leave 37. :Medallions 26 . Reaulation uniform worn by 3 Oilicers and 82 nursinO' sisters. Material: ,mter beel water pillows, 3 air pillows, 6 hed rest , hospit~l hed, &c. Division supported by subscriptions from public anti memhers.
This NUl'sil~g Divi iOll has during the past t\yelvc months been largely recruited from the nm. wg cla ses t~ught last .winter by IIon . 'l1rgeon Tomkys, and Chief ._ urgeoll Thorn on . PractIces and dnUs have been well attended. The Division is indebted to Irs. C. E. Lee, of \" erneth Park, for a gift of water pillows, air pillow&, auLl crutches, presente(l by hcr. These article ' are lent out at a nominal cbarO'e The O Ilu rsin g si t[fier_. takje turns of duty in visiting the ick, and seeing that the d'octor's ord ers are e Clent y carried out.
Ho no rary Su rgeon .
G. Jukes, Idl.C.P.
Lady Superintendent.
Lady Secretary.
nIiss lll. E. Rytling, 103, Pitt Street, Longridge.
Mi s S. Hanion, 24, Little Lane, Longridge.
Officers 1. Nursing sisters 11. Tot~l effect.ive 12. Practices held 12. Average attendance . Annualll~spectlOJ1, 1 th June .. Total on paradc 12. Annual re-examinatiOl.l, M!lrch. ]}Iembers. pas~er1 10. DId .no~ appear 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer al~cl 10 nu~' l~g sIsters. :J\Iatenal . splints and bandage. Division snpportecl by pubhc suuscnptlOlls.
J. B. K. Robb, M.A., M.D. A. P . Millar, ;)LD . W. Jackson, )LD. C.:JI. Mitchell, M.D. A. Findlay, )LB. R. H. ' 'lace, :lLB. H. W. Dun, :11.1\. T. Murphy, IJ.It.C.P. Lady Sup erintendent.
Miss M. Dean, 12C, Bakerhouse Rd., Nelson.
[Formed 10.12.91. ]
Lady Sup erintende nt and Lady Secretary.
Miss L. Gregson, Woodbine House, Padiham.
Ollicer 1. Nursing si -tel's 24 . Total elfecti\Oe 25. Re ern' memhers D. IllC'reaslJ !;illCC last report J 1. Practices held 30 . AYerage attelltlallcc 16. Fil't-it aiel ca e llOt 011 puhlic duty 2. Cascs privately nursecl 1. .dullual inspection, 1 th June. Total on para<le 14. Ab, ent with leave 11. :Jlerlal~iolJS ~O. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Ollicer and 24 nursing iter. 1I1a tcl'lal : be(l anLl othcr appliances. Di\rlsion supported by public subscription . . The P,t(liham Nnrsing Divisioll has made great progrcss. A new ambulance carnage has been pnrCklSc(l, and a new drill room occupied . All the member ' take great interest in the \\'Ol'k, and are striving to do their Le t to make ambulance work popular in thE' tOWll. A priYHte case was llUl' cd hy olle of the nur ing isters, alld she ohtained much credit for her assiduou serviccs.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.
Miss M. Carrington, 43, Railway Strcet, Nelson.
Officers 2. Nursing sisters 96 . Total effective 98. Increase "ince last report 4. Practices helll 20. A verage attendance 24. Annual inspection, 18th Jnne. Total.ou parade 20 . Regulation uniform worn lJY 2 Offic~r~ ~nd 42 nursing sisters. MaterIal: 1 bed, water bottles, lJandages, &c. DlvlSlOn supported by Mill collections, &c. ~ IThe elson NUl'sin a Division continues to make satisfactory progress. The strength has slightly il~creased since last year. Practices are held weekly.
Lady Superintendent.
G. Th omson :M.D.
Mrs. G. Thomson , 5, Huddcl'sfield Rd., Oldham.
Honorary Surgeon .
F. W. COllillSOll,
:II. n.
Lady Superintendent.
Mis I. Pratt, 23, Garden Walk, Preston.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.
Mrs. A. Howard, Grafton
traet, Preston.
2nd Nurs . Off. and Lady Insp. of Stores.
3rd Nurs . Off. and Lady Treas.
Miss Parker.
Mrs. A. Ranson.
OJlicers 5. .J: tusing sisters 115. Total effective 120 . . Increase since last report 4.8 . Practices held 44. AYerage attendance O. Fir t aId cases on public Juty 16. Fir t ai<1 cases not on public duty 15. Cases privately nurscd 23. Annual inspection, 12th JUly. Total on parade 79 . Absent with leaye 11. Without leave 25. Annual re-examination, 5th Al)ril. Memhers passed 120. Medal.lions 44.. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers and 5 nursing ister . . Matenal: bed and bedstead, bedding, linen chest, surgical havresac, ctc. Division sUpported by the m cm bel'S and the Corps Funds.
The nursing Division has steadily increase~ in both mem?ership and ~~c~ency, and continues to render practical aid to the slCk and su~ermg . The DlvlslOn IS subdivided into sections :-Beich Grane, strength 31 ; . Pansh Church Schools,. strength 53; Pemyortham, strength 14 j Scientific oClety, strength 17 j Officers, 5; Total 120. . Practices are monthly in each section . Attendances average two-tlll.rds of ~he strength. The Hon. Surgeon invariably atten~s and .by short and lllt~restwg lectures and other instructional methods succeeus 111 kcepmg up the entllllSla lU of the members. The Hon. Secretary and three nursing sisters took duty at Southport o~ lSth .nlay, and at Blackburn on .15th Jul,Y. The Officers and me~~e~'s hav~ palc~ 516 visits to the sick poor, and In wany m tances have.lent the Dlvlslon stoles, 01 provided the patients with suitable requisites. All tlus work has been performed under the supervision of medical men or district nurses. . The Division was represented at the Blackpool ReVIew on June 1 th, by :2. Office! s and 42 members, ancI won the sec~nd prize. The Ofli?ers and memb~rs a~slstccl. to entertain the visitors on the occaSlOn of the presentatlOn of Her .l'tIaJesty ~ Jubllee Medals at the Town Hall Preston on 5th March, 1898, by Colonel 11" H. C. Perrott, Bart. 'Ph ere is evel:y prospe~t of the Preston Nursing Division continning to perform useful work.
. Officers 1. NurSing sisters 12. Total effective 13. . Decr~ase Slllce last report 7. Practices held 4. Average attendance 6. Annual llls.pectlOn, ] 6th July., Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 5. Regulation Ul~.l~o~·m worn by 1 Oflicer and 12 llursing sisters. Material: splints, bandages, etc. DIVISIon supported by the members.
J. G. J ones,
~I. D.
Lady Superintendent.
Lady Secretary.
:nriss A. Shoesmith, Miss A. A. Blundell, Spring Terrace, Read, nr. Blackburn. traits Lane, Read, Dr. Blackburn. Officers 1. Nursing sister 4. Total effective 5. First aid cases not on public duty 7. l\rcdalli?~s.5. Regulation uniforn: w?rn 1)), 1 Officer. Material: splints, bandages, etc. DIvlslOn sup}Jortcd by subscnptlOIls.
HEAD-QUAltTER,': Towx HALL. Honorary Surgeon.
Miss H. Townend, 48, Taylor Street, Rochdale.
Officers 1. Nursing sisters 22. Total effective 23. ., Increase since last report 3. Practices held 30. Average att~ndanc~ 8. FIrst aId cases not on public ciuty S. Cases privately nursed 2. Annual mspectlOD, 16~h J~lly. Total on parade 15, Absent with leave 4. 'Without leave 2. Annual re-exalllm~tlOn, 13th July. Members passed 7. Failed 1. Medallions 7. R:egulation U~I~O.!'lD worn by 2 Officers, and 7 nursing sisters. l\1aterial: lJed, beddmg, etc. DlvlSlOn supported by the Centre and public. It cannot be s8,id that much progress has been made by this nursing Division durina the past year. A healthier spirit now prevails, and there are a good num~er of app'Iications for membership. A list is kept in thc parade room of those llur~lllg sisters who are willing to undertake private nursing duties, so as to reh~ye relatives, etc. This has been received with considerable favour by the nurrnng sisters,
Lady Superintendent.
Miss M. Holt, 25, Radcliffe St., Roy tOll.
Lady Superintendent.
Lady Secretary.
Miss :Jr. Roollcy, 19, Well Bank, TottillgtOlJ nr. Bury.
Mis F. Hani , ullny Bower, Tottington, nr. Bury,
Olliccrs 1. Tur ing sisters 15. Total effective 16. Decrease ince last report ·:I.. Practices held 25. A yeraae attenuance 6. First ai(l cases on ]lulllic uuty 17. First aitl cai:les not 011 pu1)lic ~l~ty 3. Ca e priyately nUl" ed -1. :Medallion ] 1. Divi ion supported hy memher' alllilmblic subscriptions. Inch good work has been accomplished in There is little of intprest to report. rendering fir·t aid, and a fel\' (;a~es ha\'e been nursecl privately. There ha been a decreae of lllembership, but it is hoped thut this will be rectified froUl new cIa se uncleI' instruction.
Lady Superintendent.
R. B. Sellers, :'II.R.C.S.
Honorary Surgeon .
For the pa~t year the Di:risio~ h~s practically done nothing. Practices have not been held, WIth.the exceptlOu of a ie\"\' to make up [01' the competition at Bury in J nly last. DlU"llIg the lai:lt month llh1tt~rs have been put on a better footing, anJ succe may be looked for.
L. R. C. S.
Lady Superintendent.
Lady Secretary.
liss L. ,"hi tchen,d, Louth House, Bambcr Brillge, nr. Preston.
l\li s X. Calvert, Darweu Bank, 111'. Pre ton.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Miss Rostron.
Lady Treasurer.
Miss Butler,
Oflicers 1. NUl" ing sisters 14. Total effective 45. Reserve m~mb rs 2. IllCl'C,l.SC siuee last report 19. Practices held :l9. AYerage attendance 30. First aill caHes not on public dnty 6. Ca es pri"Rtely nUl' ed 5. Annual in pection, luth J nne. Total on parauc 33. Absent \rith leaye U. Annual re-examin~tion, 2 th cpt. Members pas ed 37. Did not appear l\Ieclallioll 16. Regulation uniform worn uy oue 01licer and 3 nUl" ing sisters. Material: bronchitis kettle, ail' cushion, mackintosh sheeting, etc. Division supported by annnal subscril)tions from mcmhers and the public. Considemble progre s is reported. Thc member hip has inc rea ed in a most satisfactory way. Drills and practices have been well attended. Eyery one \Yith out exception takes grcat interest in the work, both in first aid and nursing. The residents in the town. hip thoroughly appreciatc I1.ny littlc help gi\"en by the nursing sisters. Two nUl' 'ing sisters werc on duty at the Royal Lanca hireAgricultmal Show at Blackburn in JUly last.
N-o V.- N orth-Eastern District. Dcpltty CO?nmissionc;·-Mr. . O. 'VARDELL. Assistant GO?nmissionc1' -Oapt. O. H. MILBURN, M.B. .dssistant Commissioner-nil'. YDNEY'Y. MALKI .
I have pleasure in again reporting a ::tti factory .i~c~·ea e in Brigatlo \~-ork in my district during tho year. everal new corps ~nd lIn'! 1O.n ha ,E' ~)een. iormetl, and, with fe\, exceptions, the older corps have carned on theu w_ork wIth mcreased interest and numbers and with extended usefulne .. s to the publIc. everal of the corps and divisions, I~entioned in my last report a being ill course of forntatio~, have now been formed, and are ill good working orde),. I regret, however, that. III one or two instfLnces, owing to a lack of public support, corps .have cea e(l to eXIst, not through lack of interest on the part of the members, but Imply for .t,he \\"allt of funds, and that in places where one \YonlJ expect them to be most pI ntllul. Fresh divisions have been formed at Eastwood and Ileanor, and I hope to he ahle to report, during next year, the formation of other at ~~tford, J.i'eathel: ~olle, Uttoxeter, Eckington, tapleford and Ilkeston, and I anticIpate that a(~d_Ihol1al energy will be shown at snch important plflcPs as Leeds, Bradford, l,n11lshy, Dew~111uj', Burton, Grantham and Darlington, to put the e divi ion ill good workin cr order. 1'lomcf good work was done by the Leeds members at the Yorkshire Agricultural Show, held there tbis year. A successful ambulance review, by kind permission of His Grace the Duke of Norfolk was held at the Fel,rm, heffield, in August, when upwards of 700 men (the majority of whom belonged to the Brigade) and 2-1 m~rsing. 'isters \\"er.e ,]'evie~\'ed hy Lieut. -Oolonel Gubbins, R. A. M. c., who expressed Inm ell much satlsfied \nth the efficiency of all present on parade. :fiIy thanks are due to Mr. ~lld :Mr. Batty, of heIlield (the latter gentleman acting as local secretary), for theIr kllld assistance; ancl to Mr. Ratcliff, Superintendent of the Tib helf 001']: (W!l~ .was general secretary), for making the day the success that it ~as. Th.e Ul'~lllg DIVI lOllS were specially commended for their excellent work by the lllspectmg ofllcer. The follo\\ing; is a list of those who took part in the Sheffield Heview : Hull Oorps . 18 Overseal 12 Welbeek * 72 Ilkestoll Division 20 Birchwood Oorps 75 H eanor Divi iOll 10 Tibshelf Oorp 120 Worksop Division 16 Whittington Monr and Westhouses Division 26 , heepbridge 10 Meadow Hall Ironw orks 15 Vickers and Sons 33 Oammell & 00. Spring Dept. 30 Brown and 00. 8 " " Oyclops'Vorks 15 Sheaf ,Yorks 20 Howell and 00., Limited 12 Midland Railway Goods 30 Midland Railway Passenger Firth and Sons, Limited 30 Department 20 24 Eastwood Division . -15 Oooke and 00., Limited Brown, Bayley and 00. 12 Boys' Brigade, beffield 38 Freeton 20 NURSING DIVISION S. Norton 10 Tibshelf and Birchwood 16 Hull . 8 * The above numbers include also members of first aid classes of the St. John Ambulance Association .
My thank ~re dne to my Assistant Oommi ioners-Oaptain Milburn of IIull and lr: lal~lll , of !1l'adle-fol' the elJicient manner in wh ieh they ha~'e carried o~~ .~bell· Llll.~I?S; theu ~eports ~re app nclecL ~ll the corps and divisions in my dIst\lCt, ~o fa!. a _l:n beell P?ssiule, h~t\-e be~ll I~l pected. during th,~ year, either hy lll'y elf ?l my a .1 tauts, nml seyeral lIlvestlgatlOn, of complaint have heen made \nth sa.tlsfactory result. Dyring the y~ar t_he Jubilee 111 dal ha heen pl'esl'nted to those taking part in the Juhlle_e Oelel.n·atlOll 1II_ London last year, and I am glaJ to l'elJort that thi recoO'nitioll of theIr sernc~s l~ns given the greate t sati 'faction to the recipients. b I \~'o~l~l agHllI Impress )II .Y?l~ thc impol.'lallce of giving OIl1CJ greater inducement n l~(l faCIlIty for corps aml l:lVl Ions ll,(loptlllg the Brigade uniforlll. The movement \\"Ill.not be complete or satl factory ulltil !l,ll are in the prescribecl uniforl1l. It incites CS}ll'lt. de COl]) , alHl makes the men take greater in tercst in their work. I would a~ .(~ }mpl'L:.. 011 all .corps the ill1pOr~allce, if not nece sity, of having a l1l1l'sing ll1\ uH~n: ~\ Ith?ut \I lll~h I. canllot cnll Hle1 them complete. I append a list of corps Hutl UI .... ISIOll!:l III my lh lnct. I have the honour to remain. YOUI' obedient ervant, TUAUT O. ,V,\nD ELL, Kllight oj G"acc oj the Ordcr and Deputy Commis ionc?' .Ko. 5 Dist1'ict. To the QOlllmi .. ioner, t. J )hn Ambulancc Brigade. HOCK
CL IFFE, OUE.\.DLE, l'OKE·O)' -THE::\T, October 31st, 1 98.
I hayo the hOllollr to report that ince my appointment I have made the fnllowing illspections : TVO?'k op 1)il'l ion WIlS in. pect6d Oil July 19th when there wa a full mn tel' of the division. 'rhl' drill was good, nnrl great crl'lli t i clue to Dr. MoutuO'ue and the ollicers !'~I' th~ progress lllU(le in their f-irst year. The bonks are neatly lLl1J accurately ]~ept. Ihe htter" stretchl'1's, hl'llTesacs, and other ' tore are ill pc;rfect order. • ~'v.c l:al of thc olhce~' ?-n(l mell are 011 tlw telcphone. and the allvantage to tho chvi 1011 and th p\lblIc lS yery great. During my yi it I learnt thn.t ome good work hall been clolle. lYc1bcek Did iOIl .-Oll the following tlay I inspected thi Divi ion which wa formed 011 itl! larch, 1..,9. lIiforlll is \VOl'll, thoucrh not in accordll~ce with the <Ire. s regulations. <> . ~h.e men were put squad and streicher drill, and, for 0 recently formed a (:1\ 1 lOll, showed a vcry fall' knowle(lge of their work. The drill-l'oom i i'itto(l \rith every po. sible.' appliall(,o, and the. tores are k"pt in excellent order. The am hulance vall has been USl'd six time during lhe y ar. Banwlclswick DivisiollS welt' in speeted on Augn. t 2ud 1 9. Th o ab entee werc one man IlIlcl two llU1'Ring sistcrs. The mon are well np to thoir work. Squacl and tl'etchl'r·drill was very O'ood indl'etl. 1'he 11m'. os wore particularly neat with spli nts Rnd bandages. Th e l~n.ll quarters arc well tl,claptell to the requirl'lllent of the division, and the tore and appl~ance are in gooll order. Th e bool.( and l'E'gi. tel'S arc neatly kept, aud a con Iderable number of cases (Ire reported 11l the occurrence-book, all of which are certifie(l aiisfactol',Y. 'With hut onc exception all the officer and men wrar the rcgllintioll uniform. 1 have also to rejlort the following yi it :Hanley iIortiClll/ Fatl'.-Oll July 6th and 7th, L.:fl , I paid l11'prise visits to th ambulallce lll'ad.qnartl'r, of the orth taO'ol'll hil't' 01'P at this show and 011 both occasions I foulld thc o01c('r ami lItell atL lltive to their duties and the rtlqni ite s tor~s lWei appliance at han cl. Upwllnl of 45 000 vi itors cd the gates. G1'inclon Divi ion.-On July 1 th, 1 98, I wenL to Gril1tlon and met, hyappointm ent, First Officer All en and lIon. CCl'etar Iycock , ,l,nd ilH)uired into a rcport
356 l'eceived from the Chief SUpel'illtendent of the .r orth taffordshire Corps, as to the decline of the division . I found the difficulties which the officers have to contend with are : (a) Mustering the men dming the spring and summer seasons, when the fanners keep their labourers so closely employed, and (b) Inability of the division to take a sufficient interest in, and grasp the details of, the official Drill Manual. I "ould venture to suggest: That the Chief uperintendent be asked to draw up a twelvemonth's programme; that the Diyisional Officers carry out snch programme in its entirety, reporting monthly their progress to the Chief Superintendent; that Ii best man competition be organized; and that the dlills be specially sanctioned as follows :-J anuary and February, fortnightly; March, April and :May, monthly; June, July and August, exempt; September, October, November and December, fortnigh tl y. The Officer, are interested in their work, and I feel sure that the division can be fully revived and placed 011 a sound basis, and prove a most valuable organization in the village and neighbourhood. Oauldon Lowe Division.-I visited Cauldon Lowe on August 20th. 1898, to enquire into a report of the Chief SUl)el'intendent of the North Staffordshire Corps. I had a lengthy discllssion with the Dinsional ecretary, and I would recommend the closing of the division and the return of stores and material. I would suggest that the members at present on the roll be invited to jOill the ,Yaterhouses Division. Wate1'houses Div~·sion .-I visited Waterhouses also on August 20th, 1 9 , for the same purpose. I find the Officers have difficulty in interesting the memhers, and that, in · view of the district being a purely agricultural one, it is ah olutely impossible for the men to attend drills regularly. I \Youlu recommencl that a list of dates be approved, similar to the one before mentioned for Gl'indon, and that the Chief Superintendent be asked to draw up their programme. I have the honour to be. ir, Your obedient servant, SYD:KEY W. MALKIN, Assistant Oomm,issione1', No. b District. To the Deputy Commissioner, ~ o. 5 District. 158, AKLABY ROAD, HULL,
OctobeT 31st, 1 9 . I beg to report that during the year I have inspected the following corps and divisions. On J tIDe 21st I inspected the Hull Corps. Too lllany members were absent, but the work was well done, the nursing division being particularly well up in their work. The work here is carried on with great energy. 01J Augl1~t 6th, I inspected the Huddersfielcl Corps. Here again the attendance on parade was smaIl, but the work was done in a thorough manner. This Corps also possesses a good nursing division and ambulance material. On September 24th I inspecteu the L?w Fell Division, at Gateshead-on-Tyne. This division is well org:1nized and carned on, the men going through their drill in a very creditable manner. I haye to report that I have also visited Leeds, Bradford and Gril11sby, and regret that in these important towns, where ambulance work is so much needed and would be of daily use, the work is very llluch disorganized. I hope soon to hear that some teps will be taken to have properly established uniformed divisions in these places. On July 30th I acted as judge at the Barnoldswick Annual Competition, and saw some excellent work. I also inspected the ambulance station at the Leeds Show, 011 July 22nd, which was admirably arranged by Mr. Rowley, and can only again express my regret that there is not a good corps in uniform at thi.s important busi.ness centre. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, SIR,
C. H.
D el'byshil'e-Tibs~le~f. Corps~ Birch wOO.d.G.Ol ps, Westhouses Di vision, WeI beck D~v~s~on, \i orksop D1vlslOn, Darley Dale Division Heanor D1vIslOn, Leys, Derby Division. ' orthumberland-Gateshead ]!'ell Division N.ottingh~1llshir~- Babhington Corps, Eastwood Division. Llllcolnsh~re.- LIncoln Division, Granthalll Division. S.,.ta[or~ h1re- orth Stafrordshire Corps. 1 orkshll'e- Al"lnl~y ,a~:l(l ~o~-tley Division, Barnoldswick Division, Bradford DIVlsIon, l'\..eIi?h.l~y Di visi~n, Ueavy ,Voollen District Division, D?~c~ster DlvIsIon, GnmslJY Division, Kew Sharleston Dn'lslOl1, Hull Corps, Hudder field Division, Pinxton Division. AB TRACT OF CORP
Name of Corps awl Division,
No. 5 District, tail' .. . Tib helf Corps .. . Birchwood " ., . Bahbin crton Hull 0 " '" Jew hrLl'le '{on Di vi';i'on Donca tel' ,. Grim by North 'tafIord Corp~' Bradford Division Welheck ., ::: Gateshead Fell Darley Dale :: Grantham " ** ,, Eastwood Bal'l1olc1swick Leys, Derby "" ,Vesthouses " Worksop "" . . . Heanor . .. Lincoln "... . .. Dewsbury (Heavy Woollon) ... IInd(lersiield " ... Pinxton Keighley:: ::: ::: Armley anll Wortley Division ...
. N UP,SI G DIVI IONS. TIhshelf and Birchwood Babbington ... Hull .. , Barn olds wick IIutldersfield
Assistant C'ommissione1', No. 5 District. To the Deputy Commissioner, No. 5 District.
-1- - _ _ _ _ I 1
1 1 1 1
===I= 1
1 7
1 -
4 -
1 -
2 3 -
1 -1 1 -
3 3 -
1 1 1 -
4 -
1 --
7 2 1 1 -
2 -
1 4 7 1 ,- --.: 1 1 1
1 1 2 1 -5 1 1 2 1 -2 I 1 2 1 -2 .~ 1 2 1 -1 -
===/= ===1=1 = 1
3 -
1 -
52 57 49 6 70 3 24 1 32 1 23 20 --
1 1 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ -
3 H3 26 32 2 35 14 2 16 -:1
32 -
22454 -
3 -
133 6 70 _ 9 III _ 5 95 _
-10 -
3 -
5:) _ 2-1 _
5 1 1 3 ------------ -
30 42 5 8 45
_._T_o~t: l:*;:-. :;D~I-:-~'~-an-C-:;-le-d:-'-0'-:~lD~6-,2. .1t~ 1:. .Ijl. . k-5. . !O~-S-l. . !l_;_:J ' ,I_t._3JI_5_3...L_9JI_5~1_1_13_211_8_3
358 LIST OF CORPS AND DIVISIONS Feb . 1st, Hull Corps .' . . Hull Nursing DWlSlon Feb. 1st, Tibshelf Corps . . . Birchwood " Tibshelf and Birchwood NursinG Division. Babbingt~n Corps . . . June 29th, New Sharleston DIVlslOn Doncaster " Grimsby " . North Stafford Corps Aug. 18th, Bradford Division Oct. 1st, W elbeck Division Darley Dale " .' Armley & Wortley DIV. April 4th, Leycett Division Feb. li th, Granth am "
1 1
6 6
1 1
i 8
1 88 1 9 ~~ 1 90
1 90 1 91 1 91 1 92 1892 1 93 1 93
359 IN
Eastwood Division June 23rd, 1894 Gateshead Fell Division D ec.] 7th, 1 ~~ Barnoldswick " JUar. 21st, 1 .0 Leys Derby Diyision. 1896 \\7esthouses " . Oct. 1st, 1 9~ Pinxton " . . 1 91 Lin coln " Jan. 2,..1st, 1897 KeiGhley " Mar. 11th, 1897 Wo~ksop" Ap1. 29th, 1897 H eavy W~ol.l~n District DlvlSlOn . ApI. 5th, 1898 Babbington Nursing ApI. 19th, 1898 Division ept. 21st, 1898 H eanol Di vis on . Whiston Division Waterhouses Division
Officers 4. Sup. Off. 3. Privatcs 26. Total effective 33, Decrease since last repolt 4. Drills held 15. Average attendance 20. Removals 7. Cases atteullPcl not OJ.I pulJlic duty 40. Annual inspection, 2nd Aug. Total on par:lue 32. Ab. ent WItll leave]. Allllual re-examination, 5th March. Membcrs passed 17. Did not ~ppea~' 14. R eg Ulation uniforlll worn by 4 Officers, 2 up. Off. aTlrl 21 men. i\]aienu.l: httel', J stretchers, 3 smgical havresacs. Diyision snpportell ily puillie suhscriptions. . During t~le past y.ear thl'. Divisioll has bccn fairly Successful at pnblic rlemonstratlOllS, SCClll'ltlg tIl!' fIrst pnze fol' the smartest chilled Division at Accrinrrtoll in January, ] () , ahlO lir. ( 11l'i%e at (Jollle rOl' the smartest Division ill ambulan~e "'ork Oil Lh(' 231'1] .rnly, 1 9c, awl the s('('onll prize foJ' SlllUld at the same competition. . Th e rcm~vals /'J'(!Dl Bal'llol(ls.wick ll< to lIe taken by train to Burnley Hospital, a (hstance 01 12 mIll'S, alltl tIllS (Inty 1S chc(,l'fully performed by the members. The Bal'lloldswic'k Urban District Oouncil ha: nllowe(l the Division the use of a larue room f?l' (hill jlurposes 1'r('e of chn,rge. This building, which was previously used ~s a hospItal, has becn a great help to the Di"ision. Th e :rursing Division has not beeu 'ucce rul as regards number', but otherwise they have rendered valuable sel'v~c in first aid. This willtpr it is JJO}lccl that the :rlnsing Division will be con lderably stl'cngtlll'lled. Tbe J: lll':::iing Division has 8 members.
Honorary Surgeons.
A. A. McNabJ
II E \D-Q UAllTEr..S:
F. W. Halliday, M.R. C.S.
M . B.
II. J .
G. Armitage, Park Road, Stanningley Road, Armley. Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
Private G. F. Sanderson.
Private E. Cheaney.
. 6 Offi ers 3 Privates ~4. Total effective 27. Drills held 6. Cases attended on pubh~ duty 1 . . c . ' Increase smce last report . 5. d 75 Medallions 12. N ursing certl~c~tes 1.0' Cases attenn.ed not on publtc uty ~i t . 1. 1 stretcher 16 boxes contammg first Be ulatiou uniform worn by 3 men. a ena. . . ' ailappliances. Division supported by subscnphons. .
.£ . 11 for attendance at the YollcThree of the members were put mto nm orn~ sl~ecli Yd on 'JOth 21st and 22nd .
y shire Agrictlltural Show (held at. Rouddha t~l~'e B~~g:'de Chief Superintendent, July) and were under the supermten cnce 0 'tt d th emselves this being their first knG an ~ndeavour to increase who ~omplimented them for the way t 1le y ac q Ul e appearance for public service. ~h.e . mem b ers are ma 1 0 the number of uniforms in the Dlvlslon,
H. C. Alderton, M.R. C.S. Superintendent.
1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
J. W. Thompson, 31, Church St., Barnoldswick.
G. Green.
G. Brown.
Honorary Sec-retary.
Sup. Off. T. Baxter, R ooke Street, Barnoldswick. Sup. Off. E. H. Baldwiu.
Honorary Surgeon .
Supt. and Hon . Sec.
Inspector of Stores.
[Formed 29.6.89.J
eilson, M.D.
Chi ef Sup erintendent. G. Fowler, l\f. J. '.l~.,
BasCOI'd Hall , Superintendent.
G. C. Fowler.
Superintendent Secretary.
J. 1'. 'Vaters, Babbingtol1 Collieries, :roLtingham.
ottingham. 1st Offi cer.
2nd Officer.
3rd Offi cer.
4th O fficer.
S. 8tarr.
F. Keeling.
S. Kirk. Hon . Treasurer.
Mr. F. E.
eely (hon. mem.)
Officer. up. Off. 9. Privates 111. Total effective 12 . Drills helcl 1 fl. Avrmge attendance 7,1. "\unw:t1 inspection, 30th JUly. Totalou parade lOr,. AUSCllt with leave 23. Re-exnlllillation held. :Members passed 128. Medallions 107. Rl'gnlation unifol'lll wom hy 4 0 Illcers; the men' uniform is not in Itceorc1ance with the Rc'glllatiollS. l\latel'iaJ: 2 vaus, numerous stretchers, litters, and ambulance haskets. Corps supported by the Babbington Coal Co. 1'}lC Corps unring tho season met once a weck for practice and drill. There has been no call for public duty, and no record has heen kept of first aid CI se attended to outside the sphere of the collierie. Durin g the year, oycr 4;;0 ca. e· of injury of a more or less se rions nature have heen attended to at the collierio , (l,nc1 scnt home or to the hospital by the ll10m bel'S of the COlPS, and all ea es repol ~ed have been treated and transported in a thorough and skilful manner.
Honorary Treasurer.
Sup. Off. T. Willan.
HOl1ora,' y Surgeon.
H. J. N eilsoll,
360 La dy Su peri nte nd e nt.
1111's. M. J. Fowler, Basford Hall, .J: ottingham.
1st Nursi ng Off. an d La d y S ecret ary.
Mrs. E. Walters, Babbinaton Collieries, ottingham.
(No report received.)
Officers 3.
Nursing sisters 42. Total effective 45. . :Medallions 29. 1I1aterial consists of apph:mce~, &c., class. Division supported by the Bab1.11ngton Decrease since last relJort 1. . neces ary for carrying on a nurslllg OoalOo.
EASTWOOD DIVISION. [Formed 23.6.91.] IIEAD-QUAltTERS: ~1ECIIA ICS' HALL. Honorary Surgeons.
S uperintendent.
D. M. Forbes, F.R. C.S., and W. Scott, M.ll.
O. D . Robson, M.A., 1st Offi ce r .
W. Diamond.
[Formed 1 88.J
Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.
C hief S uperintendent.
S uperintendent.
. O. Wardell, Doe Hill House, Alfreton.
W. Powis.
Ho n. S ec. an d In sp . of S tores .
E. Lindley, J.P. The Grange, Eastwood, N otts. Inspector of S tores.
Private A. II. feakin, Plumtree Cottage, Queen t., EasLwoo(l, Rotts.
Honorary T reasurer.
Sup. Off J. 111. Davies, 1\11'. J. Merriman (hon. mem.). Birchwood Oolliery, Alfreton.
. 4 Sup. Off. 6. Privates 70 . Total effective .0. Offi cers . 0 ases a tt en d et1 on.p ublic .duty9 'I' 5 S ReD ·'lls held 33 Averacre attendance 45. t III 3 C . ttend~d not on public duty 30. Allnual lllspeetlOn, t 1 ep. mova s '. ases a Ab t with leave 26 Re-examination, 21st Dec. :Members Totaldo~OPa~~~da~t~ns 45~e~ervice Badges 30. Uniform (not regulation) W01'1: by all F:~r;s. ~Iatel'ial: 1 ambulance carriage, 7 stretchers (Fu~'ley Tla~ter.n), 4 boxes containin a first aid appliances. Corps Sllpported 11y members subscnptlOns. Thi: Corps has made satisf~ctory progress during the year, drills being well attended, and much useful pll bhc work has heen done.
Private G. ·Walton.
omcers 3. Sup. Off. 3. Pl'imtes 14. Total effective 50. Reserve meJllber 2. lncrcu. e of effective members 20. Drill. held 40. Average attendance 30. 'a. es attended on puhlic duty 11. Removals 4. Ca es attended 1I0t on pulilic tlnty .:; 1. Annual insl,ection, 10th ept. Total on parade 40. Absent with le,we~. Without leave 8. nLerIalliolls 21. Uniform (not regulation) i' woro. Material: ~ :;t!'etchers, splints and llallllages. Diyision supported by members antI Mes. r:. Barber, 'Walker aml Co. The Division has malIc great lJl'Ogre's during the pa::;t year. Uniform was adopted in last DI·cPllliJer. During the year a successful annual tea antI picnic were helll, afler whieh the Divi .. ion was kindly iuyitetl to Lamb 010 e Hou 'e and was iw;pede<1, Mr '. Thos. Barher, Mr. Philip Barber amI family being pl'C'sent. Mo t of the memher are employed in Me · Ts. Barbel', 'Walker & Co.'s Oollierie , alHllhcir sen-ices are highly al'preciatetl by the Complluy. nil'. Lindley, the General "T' lage!'} takes great intere::;t in the Division and cloe eve~'ything that lies in his power to fOl'wartl its work. The Diyisiou meets eyery Tue day nigh t for drill. Divine ~el'\'ice is atteuded on the first unday moming in each month. During the ]a t year the members of a 10eal l!l'ass band have obtained thc certificate of tbe t. John Amhulance "lssociaLion, and the band is llOW attached to the Division. The Division atteud ed the AUllual Inspection at heffield.
Hon. Surgeon.
A. Browne, L.R.C.P. Honorary
tt 1I100rfield Lodue: Toller Lanc, Bradford. B .co, <> S up. Off. D. Officers 1. Sup. Off. 3. Privates 24 . Total effective 28. . 9 'll held 26 Average attendance 13. Cases attended on pU?hc. duty 13th' Dn s · bl' d t 31 Annual re-exammabon, Removals 2. Cases attenderlD~~t °o~ ~u ~~r ~1 y M:~dallions 10. 'ervice hadges 11. July . Member.s passed 6. 1 n oru PP' 3 orr and 14. men. Material: Regulation umform worn by 1 cer,. up. ., 5 stTetcheTs, valise, rugs, bandages and splmts. The Division paraded for special duty on Whit fonday and TUlJsday, aLS tl~e gl'eai W st Riding galas at Peel Park, when there were on parade, 1 lIon. Ludgeon 2 Su;erintendent 4 Supernumerary Officers, 14 men; 9 cases were trca e , an removed home ~r to hospital.
~N 0
report received.)
ALTWELL VALE lIou E, Low FELL. Honorary Surgeon.
S ecretary.
W. H. Davies, S u perintendent.
J. A. Harrison,
1st Officer and Inspector of Sto res.
J. F. Forster.
Saltwell Vale lIouse, Low Fell. Ho n orary S ecreta r y and T reasurer.
Sup. 0[. L. Dobin on, 2, 'prillglield Terrace, 1,0', Fell. Omcers 3. 'up. Off. 1. Privates 23. Total effective 27. Increase sincc last report 2. Drills held 21. A vemge attendance 13. Cases attended not on public uuty . Annual inspection, 21th ept. Total Oll parnue 19. Ab ent with lcavc 7. 'Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 25th March. Members passed 21. Did not ""ppear 3. Meclallions 18. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Oalcer. Material: 1 strctcher, 1 hamper. Division supported by member' subscriptions uncI ptOceeds of anllual concert. The thanks of the Division arc due to the Corporation of Gate hoad fol' the loan of an Ashford litter [or drill purposes. Two teams are now being instructed in the drill.
( a report received.)
(N 0 report received.)
HEANOR DIVISION. [Formed 21.9.98.J
HULL CORPS. [Formed 1.2.86.J
Ho n orary S urgeon .
W. H. Turton,
1s t Offi ce r .
Su perintende nt.
G. Daybell, Coun ty Constabulary, Ln.ngley M.ill.
C. Hoyland.
2nd Officer.
Honorary S ec r et ary.
Hono rary T r eas u re r .
J. \\ . Holmes.
Sup. Off. G. Wright, 59, Loscoe Road, Heanor.
Sup. Off. T . Mayfield.
The Division has made very satisfactory progress. A fund is beillg starteu \I ith a view to obtaining uniform. The class, previous to its being fOl'mell into ,t Di"iHion of the Brigade, attended at the Sheffield Review, lOth -'elltember, amI was imlpceLed by Lt.-Col. Gubbins, R . M.A.C., who complimented the members 011 their smartness and neatness in bandagillg work. As the rules of the Cor ]Is ,yere ollly rcceivc(l on the 21st Sept., there has Leen very little time to get the Division in working ordcr.
[Formed 5.4. 98·1
Hono rary Su rge on . M. D.
Su pe r inte nd e nts.
Capt. P . B. Walker, Lecs House, Dewsbury.
Ch ief Supt. M. B.
M. Hopper, 63, Colt man St., Hull.
Su pt. S ecre t ar y.
E. F. Krause, 17, 'ro::;venor t., Hull.
Su pt. of Stores a nd Treas u r er.
J. F . Thompson.
trength of Uorp::;-170 of a11ranks.
Officers 4. SUI). Off. 2. Privates 16. Total effective 22. Drills held 3. Averaae atteudance 13. Cases attended on public duty 1. Cases attended not on public ii'nty 2. Medallions o. Division supporteu by L:ontril.mtlOlJs of members and local sulJseriptions.
J. Price,
Ch ief Surge on .
Capt. C. II. Milbul'll,
E. Hemingway, Park Villa, Dewsbury.
1st Officer.
2 nd Officer.
H . H . Greenwood.
H. Allott.
:~e Corps JUt lJ\ittIu. rleeid~'1 pl'ogr~s~ ~lnJ'ing the past year, the members are more efhclcnt, and the Illeellllgs 01 the DIvlslOns, which were held weekly durina the whole of the year, lIere well attelllied. b . The ~1)~1ll hen, took llll.ty at the Pleasure Fail', 52 oflicc1's and men ancl 9 nmsiI'g 'lsters 1J('mg ou duly Ir~lJJ DLlt t~) 1 th OctalJer, when :Jot less than 41 cases were t1'e;~ted; 7 L:a::;es were sntnelClItl}' senans to rU'lnirc removal to the Infirmary 01' to the patI~ut'f:l hom?; the 'Latiolt, a 1'1'O}lerly 11001'cll amI well lighted hllildiuCT was Sl'??l::tl1! l'ruvilled uy the Corporatiull. 0' 1he Ill' t AlIllm1u.llee Chllrch l'ant(lc \\ 't::; helli 011 Hospital llllllay October 30th when not only ~hc ollicl'J's allrl members of the Corps took part, but the Amblllanc~ DcbLL:hmcnts ot ~he 211(1 E. Y. Art. Yol ., City Police, N. E. R. entre and Police ' a total of 200 ofheer and. mun, a~d 25 lllll'sillg i,tors. At,the Ambulanec ReYlew h~ld 1Il , heilield 011 lOth 'eptember, there were pre ent 3. oLlicers and 20 rank and hIe, together with 2 nursing officers and 6 nursing SIsters of the Corps. Ditty pel/armed by the members oj the 001·PS . Football cason, 1897-1 98 . Cases treated 75 Hull Fair ditto, October 9th to 18th 41 Polo Club ports . . . None. Friendly and TJ'ade'ocietics' ports . None. Ca 'es treated by the meltlhers not on duty 95 Removals to the Infirmary or La the patients' homes 13
In s p ecto r of Stores .
Hono ra ry S ecr etary.
Sup. Off. G. Gill, 25, Hanover Street, Dewsbury.
Sup. Off. O. Thomes.
CENTRAL DIVISION. [Formed 1.2.86.J
Hono ra ry T r eas u rer.
Hono ra ry Su rgeon .
Private S. H . Spedding. Officers 5. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 24.. Total effective 31. Drills held 14. Average attendance 8. Cases attended on puLlie duty 3. Ca:ses attended not on puLlic duty 6. Medallions 9. Nursing certificates 12. l'tiate.nal: 1 stretcher, 1 surgicR-l havresac, 1 Landage shoot, 7 havresacs, banuage::;, SplllltS, &c. Division supported by subscriptions. The Division has made great progress considering that it is the ~r~t. year. Attendance at drills has been very good. It is thl; inteution of the DIVl.SlOll to provide uniforms for the members dming the coming year. T hrough the loudness of the officers of the 1st V . B., K.O . Y .L .!. the Division has the use of a good room for drill purposes During the year the Division has taken part in the D e~vs?:uy, Morley, and Cleckheaton LifeLoat Demonstrations, and has given several exlubltlOlls of Brigade work.
J. L . , Vaters, Su perinte nd e nt.
J. H. Wingate, 67, FOlUltain Road, Hull.
M . B.
1st Offi ce r a nd T reasu rer.
J. O. Vaughan .
Hon . S ec.
Inspecto r o f Sto res.
21lLl Class Sup. 01r. F. Wilson , 2, Victoria Avenue, Perry treet, Hull.
2nd Class Sup. OlT. H. IIoggarth .
Officers 3. np. 011'. 5. Privates 95. Total effective 103. Drills !1Cld 3~ . Average attendance 32. Cases attcllLled lIOt on public duty 90. fa n ual l~lspectl O?, 21st, J nne. Alll:unl re-examination, 12th April. Medallions 22. N ursmg Cerl1fiea~cs 20 .. Regulatlon nniform \VOl'll by 2 OIIieers, 5 Sup. Ofliecrs, anu 25 mcn. l\1.atenal : 1 htter, 3 stretchers, 2 sUl'gical haVl'esacs. Division sup ported by lllemLor:;' ::;uusel'iptions.
364 The drills and lectures have been fairly \vell attended. There has been a slight increase in the membership and sp.veral iLeilieients have been strllck oif the books. The Annual Competitions for the Silver Challenge Trophy of the Hull Centre were h e1c1 16th July, 1898. T wo detachments from this Division competed, obtaining 2nd and 3rd places.
Honorary S urgeon.
. Lambert,
Honorary S ecretary.
HULL NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 1.2.86.J Honorary Su rgeon. 1s t Nurs . Off. and Lad y S ec.
lIfrs. Laverack, 220, Anlaby Road, H ull. 2nd Nurs Off. a nd Lady Insp. o f S t ores.
Mrs. Harbron, Gledhol t, Eldon lTrove,
This Di vision has lll<1.cle great progress since May last. been ullclertaken.
No public duty has yet
II ull.
3rd Nu rs. O ff. a n d Lady Treasurer.
Mrs. Hare.
Mrs. Krause.
Officers 5. Nursing sisters 58. TotaJ effecti vo 63. Practiees 29 . Average attendance 28. First aid cases not on public duty 5. Cases privately nursed 15. Annual inspection, 21st June. On parade 32. AllSent \\'ith leave 30. Annual re-examination, 17th May. Number of members who l)[Lssed 45. Medallions 28. Regulation uniform worll by 4 officers, an(l 1-:1: nun,lug sistC1S. Material: Air cushions, waterproof sheets and other nursing re{luit>itcs. Division supported by subscriptions of members and concert. The Division has this year been put In better working order by rellloving nOIlattendants from the muster roll, the drill, &c. About 100 visi.ts have been paid to the sick poor by members in their private capacity, these services having been gratefully acknowledged by both doctors and patients on several occasions.
K. R. Deightou, 51, Rasen Lane, Lincoln .
Officer. 1. Sup. Off. 4 . Privates 32. Total effective 37. UDecl'rease tsinc llal~t report 4. Dl' held 28. Average attendance 14. Cases a eHe.eel no 011 pu I 1(; duLy~. Meclalhons 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. MatennJ: 3 stretchers, 3 surglCal havre·aes. Divi ion sUJ..!ported by the public.
J . L . Waters, M.n. Lady Superinte ndent.
[ Formed 17.3.97.J
(.rT 0 report received.)
NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS. [Formed 1890.J C hief Su rge on and C hief Superi n tendent.
J. 1<'. Arlillgl', L.n.c.p.
C haplai n . cott, ~I.A. (hon. mem.).
The Rev. I. C. R.
The COl'P>l lllllllhel'H l~~ eflicient memLer., exclu iYe of officers a marked decrease elue to. l11clllhers 1I0~ attellding the rcquisite Humber of drills. 'A new Divi ion ha~ ]well formcd at ~1~lt()Jl,. ami 011~ will he formed at Fenton. Public duty V\'aS Pr~]'lor.l!lell on ~he lolloWlllg ncca. ~OllS: the., Cycliug port at Cobriclge, the Stoke \ lctona ~thletlC Sports, lhe J10rhcultl1l'u,1 ho", at Hanley Park, the talIordshire ~ouut.r 1-1 11 O\\', aL Burslcm. auLl the Alton Park Fetes. A church parade took place 111 .Apnl, 1 9 , at Pellkltull Church. There was a good muster. The Ii ire BriO'ade also attended. The I . '.R. Banel was in attendance. Ahout 60 men ;ear ~'egulatioll uniform. The annual dinner Look place at toke, in April, and was a success. The Tunstall, Bnrslcll1, Jeweastle, ., '. Railway, and Milton Divisions arc drillincr regularly and wcU. Eo
Sup e r inten d e nts.
Hon. Surgeon .
YV. Scatterby,
M. A., M. D.
Capt. H . A. Marriner, T. Allen and Glen Ghyle, Keighley.
1st Officers.
2nd Officer.
J. H arding. G. Darwin .
J. Woollard.
Honorary S e cret a ry.
Sup. Off. S. T. Scott, 16, Granville St., Keighley.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treas urer.
Sup . Off. J. Hodgson.
Sup. Oft C. C. B. Tyrie.
Officers 7. Sup. Off. 3. Privates 55 . Total eO'ective 65 . Drills held 43. Average attendance 30. Cases attended not on puLlic duty 25. Medallions 7. Material: 3 litters, 7 stretchers 1 ambulance bacr 1 street box complete. SupJ..!orted by public subscriptions. I 0'
Hono rary S urge o n.
J. F . Arliclgc,
IdLe. p.
(No report rcceived.)
1st Officer and Hon . S ec.
H. Bagnall, 7,
treet, Shelton.
Officers 2. up. Off. 3. IJrivatc 37. Total effcctiye 42. Drills helll 12. A\'l'mge attcnctLllcc 1 . ases attcnded on public duty 4. Remo\'als 4. 1I[pLlalliolls ~3. RegulaLion uniforlll WOl'll by 2 Officers, 3 up. Ofr., awl 1 lllen. Division supported by .S.RCy.
LEYS DIVISION. [Formed 1896.J
[Formed 23.6.95.]
T ow
Honora ry Surgeon . J. Russell, 111. A. , lIf. B.
364 The drills and lectures have been fairly well attended. There has been a slight increase in the membership and sp.veral i:r:.ellicients have been strl1ck oIl' the books. The Annual Competitions for the Silver Challenge Trophy of the Hull Centre were h eld 16th J uly, 1898. T wo detachments from this Division competed, obtaining 2nd and 3rd places.
Honorary S urgeon.
F. S. Lamllel't,
Honorary S ec r etary.
Honorary Surgeon . M.B.
1s t Nurs. Off. and La dy S ec.
Lady Superintend e nt.
Mrs. Laverack, 220, Anlaby Road, Hull. 2nd Nurs Off. a nd Lady Insp. o f S t o res.
Mrs. Harbron, Gledholt, Eldon Urove, IIull.
This Division has mallc great progrcss since Uay last. been undertaken.
No public duty has yet
3 r d Nu rs. O ff. a n d Lady Treasurer.
Mrs. Hare.
Mrs. Krause.
Officers 5. Nursing si tel'S 58. Total eIfective 63. Practices 29 . Average attendance 28 . First aid cases uot on puhli(; duty 5. Casus privately nursed 15. Annual inspection, 21st June. On parade 32. Allsellt with leave 30. Annual re-examination, 17th May. Number of mcmbcr. who 1Ja· scd 45. Medallions 28. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 40lficers, antI 11 llUl'bing sistelS. Material: Air cushions, waterproof sheets aud other nursing retlnibitcs. Division supported by subscriptions of members and concert. The Division has this year been pnt in hetter working order by r(;ll1oving nonattendants from the muster roll, improving the drill, &<.:. A1JOut 100 visits have been paid to the sick poor by members in their private capacity, these services having beeu gratefully acknowledged by both doctors and patients on several occasiolls.
K. R. Dcightou, 51, RaSCH L::me, Lincoln.
Ofliccl's 1. up. Off. 4. Privates 32. Total effective 37. <tDecl'l'easc sincc b1st report 4. Drills held 28. Average attenc1ance 14. Cases au em.ectnoL 011 puh ie duty~. Meclalliom; 7. Rrguln.tion uniform worn by 1 Officer. 1:atenal: 3 stretchers, 3 !:!urglCal havresacs. Division supported by the public.
HULL NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 1.2.86 .J J . L. Waters,
[Formed 17.3.97.J
(N 0 report recei veu.)
NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS. [Formed 1890.J C hief Su rgeo n and C hief Superinte n dent.
J. F. Arlillgp,
C haplai n.
The Rcv. T. C. R. Scott, M. A. (hon. mem.).
L. H. C. P.
The Corps llnmhel'R l~~ efIicient memhers, exclusi\'e of officers a marked decrease clne to. mcmhel's 1l0~ atLc]J(liug the 1'cq11i ite numuer of drills. 'A new Divi ion ha~ JlI'Cl~ iOJ'llH'd at ~l ~lt()ll, . aUli one will he formell at Fenton. Public duty was l~~rlol'J.l1e(l ()]l~lte iullo\\,lllg occasiolls: thc 'ycling Sports at Cobric1ge, the Stoke vlctona Athletw Spurts, the J lorticllltlll'al how, at Hanley Park, the talIordshire ~oUlltJ: I)hnw, at Hll1'slt'm, and the Alton Park Fetes. A church parade took place 1Il Apt'll, 1 9 , at POllkhull Church. Thoro was a good muster. The li'ire BriO'ade abo atLeudecl. The . \. R. Bauel was in aLtendance. Ahout 60 men ~'ear rp.gulntioll uniform. The annual dinncr took place at toke, ill April, and was a success. The TUll!:!tall, Dnrslem, elVcastle, N. H. Railway, ancl1l1ilton Di"visions are drillin cr regularly ant! wcll. 0 '0
Sup e r inte nd e nts.
Hon. Surgeon .
Ttv. Scatterby,
M.A. , M. D .
Capt. H . A. Marriner, T. Allen and Glen GL.yle, Keighley.
1st Officers.
2nd Officer.
J. H arding. G. Darwin.
J. Waollard.
Honorary Secre tary.
Sup. orr. S. T. Scott, 16, Granville St., Keighley.
Inspector of Stores.
orr. J.
r . Noble.
Honorary Treas urer.
orr. C.
C. B. T),r ie.
Officers 7. Sup. OIl'. 3. Privates 55 . Total efTective 65. Drills held 4.3. Average attendance 30. Cases attended not on puulic duty 25. Medallions 7. Material : 3 litters, 7 stretchers 1 ambulance bac, 1 strcet lJOX complete. Supported by public subscriptions. ) 0'
[Formed ~3.6.95.J
Hono rary Su rgeo n .
J. F . Arlidge,
1st Officer a nd Hon . S ec.
R. Baglla.ll, 7,
ewlancl treet,
OfliC'el's 2. up. orf. 3. Privates 37. TOtll.l effective 4.2. Drill. helc1 12. Average aLLendl111~C 1 . ..Ca 'es attended on public duty 4. Removals 4. l\lpdalliolls :J3 . ReguhLlOll UlllIol'lll WOl'll by ~ Officers 3 up. OfT., amll mcn. Division SUPllol'Leli by .S.RCy. '
BURSLEM DIVISION. [l!'ormed 18.8.93.] UEAD-QUAJtTEltS : T OWN H ALL.
LEYS DIVISION. [Formed 1896. J (N o report received. )
Honorary Surgeon .
,). Russell,
M. A. , M,n.
3G7 Honorary Secretary.
1st Officer, Hon . S ec. and Insp. of Stores
Private R. Greatbach, N ewport Lane, Burslem.
T. W. Boardman, Town Hall, Burslem.
Officers 2. Privates 13. Total effective 15. . Drills held 52. Average attendance 31 '4. Cases ?-tte?ded on puhhc duty 2. Cases attended not on public duty 11. Annualre-exaI?ll1ab?ll, 3rd Oct. Members passed 13. l\'l:edallions 5. Service ba~ges 4. RegulatlOn umform ,~r O!'I! by 1 Officer. and 13 men. Material: 2 stretchers, 1 havresac, 1 water bottle. DIVlSlOll supported by voluntary contributions.
Honorary Treasurer.
J. E. Hancock,
S. W. Malkin.
97, King William. 'treet, Tunstall.
. Officers 2. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 8. Total E:ffective 12. Dnlls held ~4. Average attendance 8. Re-examination, 3rd Oct. Members ~a sed 10. DIcl not appear .2. Medallions 7. Uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 up. Off., a~d 6 me~ ... Matenal: 2 Furley stretchers, 1 havresac, 1 water bottle, and 1 set splmts. DIVlslOn supported hy entprtailEneuts promoted annually.
CAULDON LOWE DIVISION. [Formcd 14.1.94-.] (
WATERHOUSES DIVISION. [Formed 14,1.9-1.]
report received .)
(1\ 0 rel)ort recei ,'erl. )
ETRURIA DIVISION. [Formed 17.1.96.] (N 0 report received.)
WHISTON DIVISION. [Formed 14.3.94.] ( TO l'I'POl't recei veel . )
GRIND ON DIVISION. [Formed 7.5.95.] (N 0 report received.)
Hono rary S u rgeon.
H. M. Moffatt,
[Formed 11.2.93.]
1 97.J
C. P. Hy.lop, Th Old Hn,H, Mac101cy
1st Offi cer.
2nd Officer.
3rd Officer.
Jos. Whaling.
Jas. Brown.
W. Meadows.
[Fllt'l11ell 1
Honorary S ecretary.
Honorary Surgeons.
,Yo A. Stamrord,
Sup. Off. O. J. Bromley, L eycett, NI'. Newcastle. Officers 5. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 12. T otal effective 18. Drills held 10. Average attendance 9. Medall.ions 9. Regulatiol1 uniforn! '."?rJl by 2 Officers, and 3 men. Material: stretcller, splmts, and ambulancc hag. DIVISlOll supJ.lorted by local donations.
'I. H. C. S.
T. G. ~[attllt~ws ,
Chief Superintendent.
C. Wanlrll, Doc Hill LIollse, 1st Officer.
'Y. II.
1111 key.
II. Hutton.
Supt. and Hon . Sec.
P. RLtclilfe, Tibshelf,
2nd Officer .
3rd Officer.
4th Officer
Ueorge Lee.
W. lIIngel'.
G. Ran on.
Inspector of Stores .
NEWCASTLE DIVISION. [Formed 12.5.93.]
Sup. Ofr. .J. D,wis.
(N 0 report receiveu.)
SHELTON IRON, STEEL AND COAL CO.'S DIVISION. [Formed (N 0 report received.)
Hon. Surg. and Superintendent.
C. S. Ed wards,
L. R . O. P.,
Greengates House, Tunstall.
10flicers 9. I)llp. 00'. 8. Pl'i,'ates 133. Total cfI'e ctive 150. Dl'ills held 40. Av('rage u.ttenclaul'e 100. en ('s n ttenclec1 on public duty 2. Rrmovals 11. Annnal insp('dion, 9th Sept.. Total 011 parade 140. Absent with leave 10. Anllual rl'-examillation, Dec. 1\lPlllbcl'l; pa sed 1;'0. Medallions 130. Service bauge ' 75. Regulation uniforlll WOl'll by all men. Material: 1 wagon, 4 stretchers, sheets, &c. Corps uJll10rtcd oy puhlic subscriptions. This Corps is lIlaintained ill thorongh working order, the atlcntlanc(' of officers and men being most satisfactory, amI illlanei,LI condition good. 'fhe members COllectively and inuivitl.nally havr done gooll Ron'icc lllll'ing the year, numerous IIrst aid cases ha,7jng been attended tb. The Corps \I'<lS inspected by Lt. -Col. Gubbins, 1t.1\1. A.C., Oil 9th September, who expressed himself well satislied wi th the men on l)arade, with their practical kllowledgl', and also \\'ith their smart appearance. D2
1st Officer.
W. Hardwick, Westhouses, Alfretoll.
Mr. J. W. Greasley.
2nd Officer and Hon . Treas.
Honorary Secretary.
F. II. ,'haw.
, up. Off. J. T. Bacou We ·thouses, Alfreton:
Lady Sup erin t e nd ent.
Mrs. S. C. Wardell, Doe Hill House, near A.11'1'eton. 3rd Nurs . Off.
2nd Nurs . Off. and Lady Treasurer.
1st N u rs. Off.
Miss Pow is ' .
.Miss Sampson.
Miss Jones.
5th Nurs. Off. and Lady Secretary.
4th Nurs. Off.
:Miss Smith Rock House, Tihshelf, ncar Al[retoll.
Mrs. Davis.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
~he Division
Inspector of Stores. ~up. OrL
F . .i\lalthy.
OfJicers 3. Sup. 011'. 1. Primtes 32. Total efl'ective ;36. Decrease since last report~. Drills hellI 20. Average attendance I:!. ltemov:ds 4. Cases attended not on llublic duty 11. Annua.l inspection, :Wth July. Total on pa:'ade ~-1. Absent with leave 2. 1ledalliolls 23. U uifol'lIl (not n'gu1n,tiou) worn uy 3 Ofli.cers, 1 Sup. Orf.. anel 3:2 mell. Material: am1,ulallcl' van, 1 stretchers, 3 ham pel's, 1 surgical havresaC', ~ bandage shoots, t\;.('. Division supported by members and puLlic contributions. Am1mlance work has lJeen carried on with cllthusiasl1l Juring the year, alld regu1ar drills have been held. A competition was held at We1bcck Abbey in Jl111Ual'Y la::;t, ,,,hen 'Prizes were given to those successful by His Grace the Duke of Portland. The result of the annual inspection was to iuduce the memhers to takc :nuch more interest i.n the official drill. :Members of the were ou duty at the Agricultural Show on August 2nd, and also at the Athletic Sports on August 4th, both events held at Welbeek. The Division att ..mded the Review held at Sheffield, on September lOth.
E. G. Leary,
YTr'1e Dt~eIVlSlOn . .~embers ha~g took part
WORKSOP DIVISION. [Fonnerl 29.4.97.] HK\D-QlTA[~TEn .. : 40, XE\\"l',\~TLF.-A VF,XTTE _ _ L ,
E. G. Hamlyn, Welbeek, Work:3011, Notts. 2nd Officer.
the. disposal of the Di\'isioll for drill (;rt,(':nlJr,r. large room has heen placed at engme, which went over hi~ foot taki~(~l Lo. e~. 11l[~n was kno.cked. down by an r was rendercd and he was afterwar~ls eom?'y~li tJollD ofl In:>I t?es. Fll'st aId .treatment L ( 0 er ly ntirmary by speClal engine.
Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.
W. Kitchell.
G. Crowson.
Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.
1st Officer.
_ A. J. H. 11ont:1.~ue, :\I.ll., 3<>, Potter ~ treet, ,Yol'ksup, ~ otts.
H. Davy.
O. J. Alletson.
haq made great TlrOCTre~~ dur'
slab'fac~orilY attelldl'rl each lllunthly I~'al"'tice all~lJrill e LIe Revle\\' heltI at 'helIiel<l on 10th s . .
WELBECK DIVISION. [Formed 7.3.98.]
1st Officer and Treasurer.
OLIicers 4. Sup Ofr') P " t 3~ T .. Re erve members 3. Drill~ heicI" 23 llVU, ~s "D. . otal efiecbve 4l. ll~t on public duty 7. Annual inspecti~n ~~\~aSe ~tte;danfe 29. Cases attended ,nth leave 21. Annnal re-examination 10tl Jl er>·U ota on parade 17. Absent appe?,r 14. ]\.le~l~lIions 18. Materi,Lls: 13 U~lt~eteh e~be~s passeJ 27. Did not npphanccs. DIvIsIOn SUl11)Orted uy tIl'e lUemucrs 1. ' er.s,. ~ boxes of ambulance su 1lSCl'LIltlOns.
Mrs. vVard. Officers 6. Kursing sisters 30. Total effective 36. Reserve memher :2.0. Practices held 12. Average attendance 26. First aid cases attended not on puhlic duty 20. Cases privately nul' cd 10. Annual inspection, 9th, 'el1t. Total 011 parade 22. Absent with leave H. ..lnnual re-examination, Dec. Membcl's passed ;3li. Iedallions 36. Uniform wo"n l)y all ranks. Material: splints, handages, oils, &c. Division supported by the members' ,ubscriptioll . Uuch useful work has been done by the nursing sisters this year. III a(Idition to attending numerous horne cases, they have been present to renuer first aid on the occasion of the Tibshelf Flower Show and Sports, anel attended tc six caHes dmillg the day, one of a serious nature for a cycle accident. They were present at the Sheffield Review and Annual Inspection hy Lt.-Col. nubbins, who expressed himself as much pleased with their work.
Inspector of Stores.
2nd Officer, Hon ., Sec. and Insp. of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
Greato!' x, 40, l\ewcastle A\elluc, ''{ol'ksop.
Private F. Hewitt.
D .'11 I 11 - Officers 3. Privatcs 11. ToLal elJ'ective 17 II S Ie I 2/. A vernc'c uttencl 'll C' <)0 U . Rrmovub .1. Uases attCl~Il'rl llot ~l I C ~: ases attelliletl on public duty 12. Total on pal'atll' 17. Annual .,_,. I ~uh1~c du:}: 11. _1.nnual inspection .Tuly. .i\lecIalliolls . Material. 1 littel~e ~X~ltl~~nt~ltIoll, 2 th ~une. Members passed 17. ,t t' D' . . . , .J , \( C lers 1 snrCtlCal haVl'e~"c 1 a b 1 . a lOll. IVISlOll sllllllO!'tcu Lv ()lli'" '. 1 b'l' 0.. ., .... , m n ance J C;Cl. all( 1lU lC S\l bscn phon::;. The Division has uHLfle excellent procrre ., D " has aC'luire,I 2 a(lditionul stretcLIe" n 1, ~") 'Irl1~g ~he past 1:2. months the Division ,LIltl 2 waterproof ~heets Th D· ~ s. a ]0 ~ III 0\\. S, 2 blankets, 1 hot water bottle, neea.siom; at tll(> I<'u"t'el' 1I1COIl}VlSIOS'U l't1S sllJljllted an ambulance sta.tion on two , ' " " .ll Ulty POI'S Ull 1 . t tl ,Yl 't liT 1 . evenJ.l aceitIents w('re tl'en.ted on both 0" > . l Ie . 11 ~ Ont tty Sports. has been removed froll1 ,Vorksop to th" ~1~,~;?~~Si R t'fSt ~f ulslocn,tlon. of the thigh by mil and ~ miles 1Iy road. In a seri~: . rr I ~ 1 ~o~ <I " III Irluary 7 ~lllles), 15 miles a stretcher Sl ua(l wit! 11 IS bllll~S 10 aCCH cnt 9 mIles m the country WOl'ksop, "'it~in lIlin1llt:s fl~~~e~la~y,.lwph~lres, 1nrnc(~ out and ~tal-tcd fron~ equip the Division {vith the pre::lCribeJeu~itro~'lll. rellllOUS eUorts are bemg made to
37 0
DUNEDIN CORPS. [Formed 1892.]
Hon. Surgeon.
Acting Superinte ndent.
Dr. Closs.
G. Barclay.
1st Officer.
2nd Offi cer.
3rd Officer.
A. Mitchell.
R. Fn,rrant.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon. Secretary.
H. P . Bryant.
J. E. Bone.
Number of Members (Dec. 31, 1897), 67. Increase 13. The attendance at the indoor practices has he en very satisfactory, averaging 30, and that at the outdoor drills, while not so good, has, when the many attractiolls of the summer months are considered, been :;atisfactory, giving an average of ~!). In regard to the outdoor drills a considcraLly increased interest has been manifcsted in this important branch of the ",'ork, and thc new members have bcen vcry lliligent and prompt to take advantage of the instruction given them. The indoor practices have been carried through most successfully. They have ueen elevoted to instruction in first aid and practical work by the members. At the request of Dr. Closs (the Honorary Surgflon) detachments attended on two or three evenings at thc University to instruct the members of the School of :Jlines ambulance class in strctcher and carrying drill. The annual inspection was held at Roslyn on March 11 th, 1897, wheu there was a. good muster of the Corps and those interested in our work. A large number of minor cases, and also more serious ones, have ha(l the necessary first aid rendered to them during the past year, but most members are too reticent to makc any formal report of what they have done. During the year the superintendent (}.'[r. Mearns) resigned, and it is intended at the Annual Meeting to fill the vacancy thus cause'l. Increasing interest i'> being The Corps is always reauy to remove patients. manifested by the public in the work ot the Oorps. Thanks are due to his Worship the Mayor for the use of the Firc Brigade Station for the monthly practices, and also to Captain Mitchell for his invariahlc courtesy to the members of the Corps.
DUNEDIN NURSING CORPS. [Formed 1895.] Honorary Surgeon.
Dr. Barnctt. Superintendent.
Honorary Secretary.
Honorary Treasurer.
Mrs. Robb.
Miss O. E. Burton.
Miss Hooper.
Number of Members (31st December, 1897) 29. The Corps has had a successful year's work. There have been eight regular and two extra meetings. The number on the roll is 29, and there has heen an avcrage attendance of 17. 'lhe Co:-ps has seen active service during the winter, clevcn cases having been nursed. During the year a number of circulars were sent out to the Christian Ministers, Doctors, &c., explaining the work undertaken by the Corps, and forms of application for those requiring help. A stock of lllusing materials has been purchased for use when attending cases.