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(t'r»1cvr ~ .~. J~~adt(u~fuuj" au- d ~of1~ _:._
tt£-cu ~c:lu:l Jr,,-july 19 0 [. --
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1fm1cw ~~I Ic!!3. ~
&c..JiA dic1ffi~~dJd f)"CL
ftu &dr
~be ~ranb IPrior~
of tl)c
of tbe
'l)ospitaI of St. 30bn of }crusnlcll1 in JEnglanb.
<Pranb }prior\? of tbe
of tbe
lbospitaI of $t. 30hn of 3erusalenl in
lLon'tlon : I HI TED BY Cll ARL\<: ' CULL A 12 & 15,
"ON , W. c.
Report of the
hapter-General, including (among other items)
ReI ort of Promotions, Admis ions, and Awards. Report of Librarian. R port of the \.1moner's D parbnent.
Report of the Receiver- neral with attached Balance ~ iheet and 1nc0111e and Expenditure Account to 30th ptember, 1900. t
Repol'L of the iOl11m iLtee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, J eru, ·alelll. P.U{'f
ReI art of th ) Amlmlance Depn.rtm nt of the Order, viz. :(({) of the 'entrnl Executive ~om.mittee of the . 'to .J o11n .rl.llbula,nce A sociation, and (u or 11 >'hief \ mmi ioner of the t. John mlmlance rigad.
Co?'rected to JJfarch 1st, 1901. ( As 1'ega1'ds this and the opposite page.)
m::be Qtbapter.
Ube (l3ranb {Prior}? of the ~rber of ,<!be 1T)ospftal of 5t. gohn of Jerusalem in JEnglanb.
T he Chapter consl ts of the Kni~hts of Jl1.'tice and Sub-Prelates, de jLwe}' certain E xecutive Offiecrs; the selected Members of vouneiJ; Lhe following
®Ulcialing The
ub-Dean of the OIlAPELS ROYAL,
~ob ercign
3ijeatJ antJ Watton of tbe ®ttJet . HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G. QhantJ Wtfor. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CORNWALL AND YORK , K.G. .$ub-t@ rior. Vacant. ~ ailiff
of !Egle.
m::be Qtounctl. Wt e~ ftJ ent.
lExecu tine ® ffir et~ . P1'elate-His Grace the Archbishop of YORK. ChancelloT-The Right Hon. Earl EGERTuX OF TATTON. Sec1'eta1'y-Geneml-Colonel ir HEHBEHT JEI{yLI,. RE., KC.M.G. ReceiveT-Gene'ral-EDwI FRESHFIELD, Esq., LL .D . Almone1'-The Rev. Canon DUCKWORTH, D. D . Registm1·-Lieut.-Colonel GOULD HUN'rEll -WESTON, F.S.A. Genealogist-The Hcv. ' Y. K. R BEDFOIW, M. A. Di1'ect01'-GcneTal of Oe1'emonies- Sir ALBfi:RT W. WOOD,', ICC. B., Ie.C.M.G. (Garter). LibTaT'i an- Lieut. -Colonel RICHAHD HOLBECIIE. Assistant Libm1'ian-EDwIK H . FRESHFfELD, Esq., M,A. Secl'eta1'y-Colonel "ir HERBERT C. PJ<:RROTT, Bart. Assistant SeCl'eta1'y-LOCKHAItT STOCKWELL, ESCl. Accountant,- WILLIAM R. EDwAnDs, EsC[. , A.C.A . ~ mbulam e lIlhpmtment.
(.~ t. j ohn ~ mbulil n ce ~ ss o cin ttO n).
Di1'ect01' and OhaiT1nan-The Right Ron . Viscollnt KNUTSFOItD, G.O.M.G. Assistant Di1'ect01' ctnclDeputy Ohai1'man-The Most Hon , the MARQUESS OF RUEADALBANE, Ie,G. Chief Secl'eta1'y-Colonel Sir H. O. PERRon', Bart. ~ri t isf:J ®p f:J tf:Jalmic m ospital
at Je rus alem.
Ohai1'man-The Right Ronble. Earl EGERTO T OF TAT'I'ON. Hon. Sec~'eta?'y-R GOFTON-SALMO D, Esq, Assistant Hon. Sec1'eta1'y f01' Scotland-A. A. GORDON, EsC[.
Selected Members of Council. Sir J ORN FURLEY. Colonel J . C. DALTON, B.A , Sir ANDREW FAIRBAIRN . Th e Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Sir J. N. D ICK, R.C. B., R N. Sir DYCE DUOKWORTH, M. D .
WILLIAM COLLfNGRIDGE, Esc!., M. D. Major-Ceneral Sir OWEN T. BUltNE, G.C. I. E., K.C. . I. Sir GEORGE Ir AYTER CnuBB, Bart. T he Righ t Hon, Viscount HAMPD1CN, G.O.M,G. T he Most Hon, '£h e Marquess of BREADALBANE, K.G.
~b aplain~,
The Rev. 'ir HORHADAILTr. ,'AVORY Bart., M.A. A
S!~ ~ epte~ entaiib e ~nigb t~ VINCJJ:~T
KENNETT-J3ARRINGTON, fiLA., LL .M. ROBERT BRUDE T I~LL OARTEn, Esq. , F .RC . Major-General .A 'TL1W TglutY. Colonel ir E. T. TllAl'KERAY, ICC,B" 1J.~., R E. Oolonel O. 'Y. B. Bow ilLICIt. 11'
of 0irace,
'it' W1LLfAM MAcComLAc, Bart" KC.V.O , F .RC.S. , ir RlCn AJ:tD DOUGLA~ Po lYELL, Bart., KO.V.O., M,D. Gelleral 'ir A. J. LYON FUEE~lA TLE ~.C.M.G., C.B. Bl)~rUND OWE,", ESCh F.RC. , EDWIN HANSON FIrE IIFIELD, E q., M.A.
The followin g are the Knights of Justice : 1I.R.H. The Duke of '.\~lllltnH.:p., K,G. H,R.H. Prince llltlSTU'> OF "lILE,'Wl(:' HOLHTE! -, K.U., '. '.13. 11. H. H. Prince OlL.\IU,gS OF Dlm~IAltK, G.O. B. H.H. Prince ALlll<:lll' OF I'CIlLl~~W]GHOLSTEw , .C. B. H . . 1I. The Duke ofTEUK, l{,O,Y,O. H. '. H. Prince Flt\':\TIS OF TECK. K. ,'1'.0., D., .0. Oaptain II . .', H. Prince Lou!. ' OF BATm.:TBEnG, R " G. '.J . The Right lIon. Lord Llmm. Lieut.- 01. 'l'ItlWI';, E ,L\.1IIE~ HOLLA. lJ, C. B. Major ir JOSEPH WALLIS O'Bl~YJi: Ilo.u{E, Bart. OliAULE: Pg:'[Rl.;Jn()~ CAltl'~~Jt, Esq, i1' JOllN ]i VIlLEY (lIolLOl'al'Y Bail~tj')· Lieut.-Ool. GOULD lIU~TI!;Jl- Wl,::;TON(IIonomry 001It1JUtlUlcl'). 'rhe Right lIoll. Lon1 TAN~Oj{E, G. '.M G. FRA::\'C Tl:; ROngHT D ,\. YIl~s, E '(I. ir BnooK. KAY, Bttrt. ir THO~[AS OIl'l'U DWK-LAUDElt, Bart. Major it' AltUllIllALD LAMB, Bart. General ir H ~~ Tn. y 'IlAltLE. BAIt S'l'ON DAUBE I~Y, G.C, B. (lIonornryOomm,andel'j Colonel ir HE ItI3EltT C. PmtllOTT, Bart. The Right lIon. Earl Fg l tllElt~. RUPlmT UAltAllOO FIlANUIS DALLA8, E (1 , GEORGE PALMElt, ESfl. Colonel JAM I';,' GlLD I,A, C. V. 0., '. B. T
IIgtntY J onN LOFTU:, E '(1. 'olonel BI,THEL ~L""Rl'I ~ DAWES. The Right Hon. Lord AMHEJlST OF HACKNJJ:Y. Lient.-General ,'ir OUARLES 'V.U1ItEN, H.E., 0.C,1I1.G" K. .B. 'olo ne! J UIE ' OJ];CIL D .\.LTOK, RA, Major A. YL~IElt GOULD HUNTER- \VE TON, R E. The Right HOll. Earl EGERTO~ OF TATTO • . Colocel The Right HOll. Lord WILLIAM 'EOIL, ill. V. O. EDWIN FRE, 'llFIELD, Esq., LL, D. His Grace The Duke or FIFE, IT, T. The Hight HOIl. Lord 13 lL\S EY, K. C.]3, The Right Hon. Viscount TE~lPLE1'OWN. The Right Hon. Earl A~1HEll T. The Right lIon. Lord HENNIKEll, The Right ROIl. Yi1'COllllt K, UT FORD, G. '. .JI.G, ( Honof'l(I'Y Commandcr). H.. MI.CLE.\.N 1ACLI1:.\.X, E q. AR'J'IlUR Fll \NCIS GREsILur LEVESON xOWER, Esq. Lient. - 01. F. A. lIEYG.\'U LAMBERT. 'olone! CUAltLEi:; , YvNDHAM fiIUl1RAY, .M,P. The Hight HOll , the Earl of RAXFURLY,
K.O,1I1.G. The Righ t lIon Lord ~ A TDlIURST, G. C, I. E. 'ir HgX1W ARTliUR HL \KE, G.C,M. G. 'uptain N \TIUNIEL GIWJtGF. PlllLIP . 'l'he Right HOll. til Earl oC MEATH. A. ~n~1 U JD F IL\ SER, E q. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN.
The following are the Sub-Prelates: The Lonl Bishop of E IN , The Lord. Hi, hop of SALIS13UJtY.
The Bishop
or UrBllALT \ It .
The following memorandum as to payments is issued for general information and guidance :11 Cheques, Postal Orders, and Post ffice O rders whatever should be crossecl 'La KDON .\.K)[
<Branb ]prior\? of the ~rber of the 1bospitaI of St. jobn of jcrusalelll in JEnglanb.
Foundations, Oblations, and renll ttanc s [or
epart111ent, and general funds of the Almoner's the Order, should be n1ade payable to the" rand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of J erusaJen1 in England," crossed as above. 3· Remittances for the mbulance Department should be made payable to the" t. J ohl1 mbulance Association," crossed as above. 4· Remittances for the J erusalen1 Hospital should be made payable to the cc British Ophthahnic Hospital, Jerusalem,' crossed as above. Bankers' Orders forwarded
(By order), EDWI
R ecez'ver- General.
19 00 . Ho. PITAI~ ()F ,'T . .JOUX OF .JIm S\LE:\I IX E .'OL ,\XD ha th plo,l 111' Lo l' purt l he funu wing promotion. in and [t(lmi ion. to t lw rc1 l' c1 m·j llg th \ pa. t y ',u·. Jl .. j{i/ iff"l (~l JU . ,tlrP. Al xancl l' Edumn(l Frn.. '1', E. q. [rolll 1~ niuht of CinlC'o ). A .' Ch(/jJluli/ ,'. Tho Y 11 raUl; ,Yil1ialll lIIacc1onal(l ,'in ·luir, D.D. , '-r~hdl'a('()n of L()n(lon. Tho Hight Ho\'. T11 . L()l'(l Bi. hop of ,';lli 1mr}. A8 ]( II iU1ds ld C; "((('(1. Licllt.-Cololl'l 'uthnl' Th()11las ,'lo£!:g'LL, R.A.lII.C. 1 nornl, til' ~\..l'lhL1r Lyon 1"1' 'mantI" I.B., L I.M. r. E(l111l1n<1 WOll, ES(h F.R. I.S. (ii'ollt HOll. ,Associat ). lolon 1 ,IiI' Charles E<lwanllIownrd Yin~ nL, r .. J. :I., UH., jLP. lolon 1 Hi<:hl1.l'Cl 1:11'n:1c Tlllplo, C.I.E. LicuL.- ' Iolon ,I Houort Ynncl lour K'11y, . . (from E. quir .). Cl1.pLt in U argo l£(lwitl'(l \Vickhalll-L o·g. Li ut.- '1 0 101101 E<l w:1l'Cl Turn 11, M .P. olano] L I'd ' lb.uLl ,John H n,milLon.
lf E
'IL\I'TEH-C {E ' EltAL OF TilE
Major Prince Christian Victor of Schle wig-Holstein, G.C.B., on 29th Oct., 1900. Captain ir Alfred J eph on, R .... . (Secretary-General of th Order). on 12th Sept., 1900. . J{nights of GTCwe.-Sir \Villiam \Vil on Hunter, K . . '.I., on 7th Feb., 1900. The Marque of Lothia,n, K.T., on 17th Jan., 1900. J. A. haw 'tewart, E g., on 25th May 1900. ' l\Iaj or-General E. Co\' . R E. J O'arne UU,. on 21 t Oct. , 1900. Sir \Yilliam Prie ·tle" , J' l\l.D ., "'I' 1\ . P ., on L " 11 th April, 1900. acly. of G/ ace.-Mr . Hume-Long, on 18th Dec. 1 '9 n E. q?YireS. . - The Hon. S'II' C":reOl'ge AIrey Kirkpatrick, K 'M . G on 12th Dec., 1 '99. ' . . 1. • . ,
J. \V. Alco.ck Stawell, E q., on 231'(1 F L. HlOO Suro'eon LICut . - O I l J . , .' Fon ster, 19th . b 0 one June, 1900. ' Hono?"a1'Y Se1 ving SisteT8.-ilIrs . E . R . 'V'll' \ I lams, on 31'(1 April, 1900. 'ister Gladys, on 15th Dec .. 1899. (Rey. Mothor-' uperior, All , aint.·' n
Hono'rCi?"y A '
Sisterhood, BOlllbay).
ssoc~ate8.-Slr J ames Paget, Bart., on 80th
Dec., 1899. Mi 's Shillingfleet, on 10th )T ov. 1899. ' :Miss Bridges, on 20th Dec., 1 99. ~Ir. Freel rick \Vright on
TV ' \. Achmd, BarL , K.C.B., on 16th Oct., 1900. A. 'ylTIOnS Eccles, Esq., l\I.B., on 22nd Oct., 1900. Lloyd Taylor, Esq., on ] 7Lh Aug 1900. .,
H enry
Th Duke of Tecl~ hael ue n a mellluer of Lhe Oreler for a con:-:;iel r:1ul numu l' of y ttl' 8 , an(l :1t variou, tim 8 hR.cl tak n DIne h inl re, in th prof' 'ellings of th' 11llmlanc Department, usually n.cc;ompanyi11g II '1' lilt Hoyal Highness, tbe Duches of' Te('k, n.t lltl' ,ting.' for lil' PI' 'sl'nln,tion of Sl. John Ambulance cerci tin1.L s all(1111 ,(bJliollS. His Hoyal llighn .. s the 1 nke of Sax Couurg Gotha, J)uke of Etlinlmrgh, l',({., ,\'as Pre.-ic1 nL or the Ashford "11 l'e of the 't. John . .\.mlmlan(' A 's()('in,Lion ancl '\"in' <l much int l' st in it 'weHnT '. Lorcl Loch was on ()f the ol(1est ll1elllLeL of th Oreler, haying Lo 'n ,Hllllitt·c1 as far lJ<lt'k t\S lh Y <1.1' Hi ':2. For many y ar' he h,l(l S'l'\' )tl on lh .. ( 'ouncil a. \\ ,11 n' on Lh ' 'lu1.pt 1' , <.ulcl al 0 o 011 th' ('oJllmitlt" of th ...\..lul1111n.nC) ] epartm nt, ha,in ' render ,(1 y ry cun,picuons s 'nTic 's to lh' ,'l. John \.m bulan' Asucintioll btl h al h()lll(' all(l nl )1'()tu1, "'p 'cinlly in th') Colonie) whel' ' lll(ll\; than one l'( 'lltr' uw"(l iLs initiation awl , ll(;Ce . s to 1
his ,lel \TO( ':\n-. ~Il'. H. R l'YWI1( b H()",e \nt · ,tll 01(1 lllclllllCr oi' th Urder, and <.1. reglllal' ,lLl"llcbn at. th' 1h'lpt 1', awl tlL Depmtm'lltal COllllniLl' " The clcath 0(' T)rin(;' Christian Yi 'Lor on nc-Liy . ryic ha:.' be 'n nniv'rsally bllll'llleel, anel th c1' pest sympathy i · clu from ttl lll 'ml> 1''' of th' I'd r to I-I.H.lL Prill c.'s 'lui ti<Ul, one 0[' the Lalli" of Jnsti , who 0 iuyaln<.1.hl 'upport alld inter '. t ill alll1l<1.tl '1's eonnpc eel with ch, reE f If th 'iek amI injurod in pOi1.Ce, ,\llc1 of tho \runnel (1 in Will', rtr' so \\'011 kno\\'n
antl witl 'l.Y (\,ppr 'c itttetl. Th) 1hapwr cl plo)"s to 1'0 'on1, wi l h ele pe .. t l'egrot, h lam'llLetl e1 a,lh of 'onl'l'l'l' C\lpt:1.in ~il' \.1i'rell'] opl1son, H.X., who held til ' important o[]jl" of ~o 'I' tnr,\r-U -'n 'rnl for Lhe la, t six yon,r,'. Sir AU]' 'll .1 ph:-:;(J1l's w ll-known kinl111 "'ss of h ,ut anel U11Yil.rying court sy In '1.ll thos with 'w hom h Wit brought in conLtwt hn.c1 bOT "1.thr nd ',treel him Lo tho In muor of the J Oreler, il.l1el his OT at i.nter st i.n it. pro 0 (lings, and hi, Z ~(llou enele:1voul's to promote its \\' U,ue uy v '1', r III 'an in hi power, will long canse his llit})l ' to U' held ill tLJ'j"cLionat regard:1 t1. tru~ <1.n(l worthy Hospi La11or. n.H.IT. tl)' U l'11.1111 Prior ,\T,L gnl.CiOllsly plo:1soc1 to Ct1.ll, \ a 'om1l1uni ation to be '1.cldro cl to
horse atta,ched to a, cm't which turned out from a ide street into a main thorougbfa,re crowded "'\vith people r eturning from viewing Barnum's Show. Lu t), who was hi1use1£ in the rank of n,o'un's .crew dra,gging a gun at the time, at great personal risk succeeded in stoppint.; the runa,way. HERBERT LrvIcK, late Sergea,nt, l\Iilitary Police,now Cn,retaker, Alder hot, (CeTtificate of H onov./l' CL'W(l?Yled). For grea,t courage and presence of mind displayed a,t Aldershot on ] 7th June, 1899, in re cuing a boy who was thrown under the wheel of a cn,rt into which a runawa,y luilitary wagon and pail' of'horses, without rider or driver, had dashed. Livicl~ at great personal risk ucceedecl in dragging the boy from a most perilous position. CORPORAL MrcHA.EL CHARLE HICK'EY, (Army R e rvist, Royal ,Vel h Fu iliers (CeTtificate of Ho noul' CLWCL1'CZecl). For very con picuou conduct di played on 11th 1\l ay, 1 99, in toppilig a 'pail' of runaway hoI' es, the driv r being thrown off his box, Corporal Hickey just ucceeded in stopping the hoI' es within a, fe w yards of a crowd of persons. On the sanle occasion the erVlCe medal awarded for conspicuous services to the AmiJulance Department wa al 0 pre ented to :VV AYNJ\L-\.X DIXON, Knight of Grace of the Ord r and Honorary Secretary of the l\IidcUe brough and leveland Centr . MAJOR C. R. FLETCHER L UTWIDGE, Knight of Grace of the Order, and Honorary 'ecretary of the Tunbridge ,Ven s Centre. ALTER ROWLEY, Knight of Grace of the Order and Honorary Secretary of the Leed Centre. STUART CRAWFORD ,VARDELL, Knight of Grace of the Order and D eputy-Commissioner of "To. V. District, 't, J ohn Ambulance Brigade. ,VILLIA1II ACKRILL 'TA1IIFORD, ~I.R.C, ., Honorary urO'eon of the Tibshe1£ Corps, 'to John Ambulance Brigade,
The Librarian reports that the following p1'esent:1tions to the Library have to be recorded:Schillerr's Fight with the D n(;g on. Presented by the Genealogis t.
Hist01'ie de jllalte, by J . Baudoin. Prescnted by the Genealogist. ITisitation of England wnrl Wales (Vols vj. and vii.) Present d by Colonel ::)ir H .
Perrott .
J-listoiTe (le8 Ol'rl}'(!8 lllilitai?'e, ou de, Chevcilier, (4 Vols. ) Present (1 by Li ut.- 'olonel B. J... orth. POJ'te)"", 1{?lights of llfGlltu.) (2 Vols.). Presented by Lieut.olonel B.
North. Li. t of 1 CiTish . R egisieJ's Ci?ul otheT rcs 'nt c1 by ,' ir H. C. P ClTott. 1
JIisto7'!I of illy nchil1 PI'
Genealogical W oTks,
J-hu'A'land Prio!'y, by Thos. Hugo.
s 'nLec1 by -:\laj or A. '. Yn,te.
Piclnl'e of the OlcZ P?'io,'y of
Pro ented by Dr.
flu ndu()ok to by th
'lui'ticw (incZ Ecrle,'ia'tic((,l ROTne.
nthor, Miss Tllkcr.
illilitu ri,> O;'(lini.c; JO/l(f?111 ital'um1 Hi to ria. Bn 1" L)~l.
H . Pantahane
Y()!JrI[Jf- 0/8t. PCiul, .J a '. l'mith Hh Edition, 1 O. 'Phe lVu J'(7en. PI' 'cnt (1 1)1' the Author, the :1- nealoo'ist. Recullection,> of .11/y Life, by • 'UI'Creon- :r nornl 'ir Joseph Fny1'c1', Ba1'L Pro. ente(l by 111'. Lockhart 'tock-well.
lV it 11
JleUl'I.wn'8 (Pul'cha.- (1. )
The f-lp cinl yc11n111 yot of thank ' in titl1tcd <t, . an aclulo"'\\~ l'end re(1 to the m bulance lo(lg111ent of con.'picllons S '1'Y1 . D ']Xl1'tlll 'lit by .Loc'l.l T~x (;IlLiyc Ofhcer ' and oth l' , has been a WetI'd c1 to : Dr. J . 0(1 1')' NylllO (Bristol ntr). :J[1' . . . . J. Trilllm l' (. 'to ,J lhn . . \'J llbulance Brio'a Ie). :JIr.1 cil \Y. 13ak l' " " " Mr .• 't phen 'H erbert Yily n (, 'to John Anlblllance Brigade). Ml'. Harri J ohn lIallatt (. 't. John nlblllance Bri ade). Jf r. Arthur :J1111warcl, 'hm' hwa1'(len of • 't. John' hurch, Ir. " TaIteI' I. l 'tunt (.B flY rshfl~l entre). Th British Oph thalmic IIo. pital at J ru alenl still continue its cu.r 'cr of O'rcat and ext nd d u dulness, and 'onl v ry interesting infornlation conne t d with its proO'rcs will be found
in th e report of the Hospital ' Comrnittee. By the kindness of an anonymous donor a sum of £1,000 ha recently been offered for the enlargement of the buildin o', a,nd although this entails a large increa e in the annual co t of maintenance, the 'hapter trusts that a considerable addition to the receipt in the subscription Ii t will enable it to meet this expenditure, and thereby afford the greatly needed relief to human suffering ntail d by the ravages of the frightful disea,se known a, ophthalmia,. The work of the Almoner's Department ha been continued on the u ual cale, and everal Inelllber includin ~ 'ir Dyce Duckworth :JI.D., nIl's. Pitt Draffen, "Jlrs. 'Vyndham Murray, and :Mr. S. Osborn, have forwarded ho. pital and oth I' letters. The period of three years for which the Executive Officers and selected members of the Council and Chapter, and of Departmental Committee. ,nominatedjby the Grand Prior, ha,ving expired, a renewed list of appointments ,ya anctioned by His Royal Righne dating from la t 't. John the Baptist's Da,y, and the name were duly communicated to memLeI'. in a circular letter signed by the 'ecretary-General. IncoLDe and Expenditure Accounts and Balance 'heet are attached thereto. The Recei,er- +eneral report th~lt the accounts ha"\e Leen duly audited as in pre,ious y arB by "Jle. srs. Lovelock, H . 'V. '. \Vhiffin 8: Dickin. on, Chartered Ace untant . He de ire to draw attention to the steadil~'-increa ina a,nnual cost of maintenance of the British Ophthalmic Ho pital, which is likely to cause anxiety in the futur unles. n,"1 ecia,l efiort i lllade to increa .. e the suLscription list.' The ev nts of the past yeR.r, especially in connexion with th continued de 'patch of contincrents LO ~ 'outh Africa, full particulars of which will lJe found in the reports of the AmLula,nce Department, afford a convincing and it i. hoped Cfra,tifyin(f proof to members that the work of the Order is being carri d on in the same humanitarian and benevolent spirit a ' of yore, while th deepest gratitu(le of the confreteS is due to all the nimn1) r. ' of the Brigade, n.'om the Chief Commissioner downwards, whose
1l11tiring exerLiolls, whoLh r ('oUIl t'cLod with tll(· home llIuhilization, or wi Lh tho artna,] (luty at the front , hn,\'(' reflect d credit on tho Ordor, a,nd h,V/O provocl inclisplltnuly the national importance 0[' j Ls servie S to 1,110 f-)tat'.
W i &
"'#" :w
q tf
3n fiD ctll Oria111 . \Vhilc th is n'porl is ill Lh) prinLer." lw,lI(ls, th ' wLLion u.n(l Lhe wod(l aL lal'ge Iln,v(' snstn.ilwd an ilTPpal'able los 1)y L1H' la1llenLC'(1 (l("tlh of Ht'l' :JI()~l C;nl( :io\l~ Uaje ty, QII(I(,l1 VicLol'i il" (.lw ~oyc)'cign Head awl Patron of the On1(·I'. n the 111onow of ~o (rr at a SotT()\\', eV{'ll the uLtCt'ltllCC oC "Ylll p.lthy is 111lshed, Lut tll· loyal ty ::wd d(>v()Lion of LIl mom1) '1" f the Orcl8r, Loth inelivi(lnally, H,nel ,,1.S a 'orpol'fttc 1)0(1y, prompt the 'xpre::,sion, bowever [('cule and innd qnate, of th d(' p ' ,t and most r sp IC tflll condolenc with His Hoyal Hicyllll s. the Grund Pnor, with Her I oynl HiglllH' " tho Prince. s of \Vale , and with all the Roya,l Fa,lllily, in their l)el'oaY III nt at the death of a ovoroign \\'hos(' lo<..,s will ben llnin·rs;lll.\' and wielely mourned, and w hos' gloriull. l'(Jign will holtl so high a plu.ce in Lh ' a,nnals of tho An(1·lo - ~ax.un nH.: ' for all time.* I
*The gracious message fr0111 Her Majesty to the Brigade, so short a time Her death, will be found quote,l at Page 2
Part III.
\tbe (Branb }Drior\? of tbe I l{COllIE
E XPE i'ii" D IT UR E.
£ 43
Salaries Rent, rates al1l1 taxes Prill ting, tationery allll ge neral ex penses Accountants' charge for preparation a lld a ud i t of accouuts
455 13 11 2 ' 9 19 10
0 0
EN DED 30th 8EPTEJlIIBER, 1900.
2 39 7 0 532 18 10 0
£ 774
6 0
9 0
10 19 1 1725
0 4
Ambulance D epartment-
Instl'uction and sale of Stores Lectlll'er '& Examiners' fees & expe n ses 341 4 pedal honorariulll and travelling expenses of Organizing C,)!nm issioncr 200 Sa.l<tl'ies 1364 Printing, stationery and general expenses 979 Ca.rriage and freight 232
Instruction and sale of stores(; I'OSS pro nt on sale of ~ tores . Donatiol1s and annual subscriptions l{cceipLs from dctacllC<1 classes celltres in rcspect of instruction
19 5 1 3 6 10 6192
Inva lid Tra nsport CorpsEx petlses of rem')vnl of patients, incluuing h orse Iiire, and travelling, aud incidentals . .a laries Printing, stationery and general expense Repairs, depreciation and renewals of carriages and appliances .
53 ! 76
£ 512i 17 171 9
7 0
. 4737
I n valid Tran s port Corps Fl'(''i rOl 1'l'lllOYlLi of patients
. 1722 15
1722 15
0 9 9 0 G 10
144 10 Jl 1302
6 St. John Ambulance BrigadeOUlICl!.ll ~lemorial FUlld Proportion of contributions applied ttJwardsmaintell lice of tatiolls .
248 1 5 270 0 0 2-13 9 1 300 15 8 145 6 4, 26 12
- - - - - 1235 2 0 90
Expenses at Jerusalem, including sala ry of Superintendent and As istant, wages, housekeeping, drugs, repairs, maintenance of fnrniture and fittings, and petty expenses . ' pecial Expencliture on New Room, Amount tramferred from pecial Funds as per contra , pecial Funds-Amount ~ran ferred all per contrlt
1086 11
British Ophthalmic Hospital at JerusalemExpenses at London Office, includiuO' o printiuO' 0' stationery, clerical assistance, advertising, and petty expenses
8 19 17
British Ophthalmi.c Hospital at JerusalemDonatiolls and aunual sub criptio11s Proceed:! of theatrical Vl l idcntls Lechmere Elldowmen t Fuud Extmor(11llary-Balan~8 of permanent elHlolI"ment • 188 Donation for special purpoe 3
633 14 2 10 5 11 49 i 0 0
,'peeial Fund -Amount lrallSfclTctl from special filmic; to meet expenditure Oll llew room )l(' r co II tra
191 0 0 60
0 0
60 0 0 191 0 0 1498 19
Almoner's D epartment -
T o Balance carried to Bala nce Sh eet
Ambulance Department-
NurRe's salary Diets Bandages, &c.
)lem bel s' oblatio ns FOHI1< laLio l1 s lll tcre ton in vestm ell ts J,cgacy l\l1 lO 11 lltR received for i miigll in , diplomas and lIIedals, arter <lc<l11Ctioll of paymcuts III 1'l'~I)ect t h ereof
SpeCial competitions
A CCU UJ.\ '1'
1E n oI a n~.
1bo£;pitaI ot $ t. 30hn of 3crnaaIenl in Central A dministration--
Central AdministrRtion-
St. John Ambulance BrlgadePuulic dnty and maintenance of tations Salary of Brigade Obief Superintendent Tra ve lling expenses Prilltiug, tationel'Y and general expenses Uniforms Repairs, depreciation, and renewals of carriages and appliances
of tbe
Almoner s Department-
49 ] 7 45 11
o -n
9 1
Suuscl'i ptions OfferLory, t. John's Day
13 16 6 5 15 7
96 2905
0 6 3 5
£14 ,63 0
5 6
£14 ,630 5 6
Ube (Brallt) ]prior\? of tbe
tl) 11)ospttal of $t. 30hn of 3erusalctll in J8nglanb. <
SEFTEJIBER, 1900. ----- -----
AS 'E'l'.'.
To Sundry Credito r s
By Cash
£ 2047 15 11
" Special FundsLethlllere EDllowment Fuml Bri tislt 0 llh tbalmic HOS]lital
£32 8 ~WOO
£ii1;) l:.!s. ~d. :2i p. c. Consols 7:20 'hares of {] 0 eadt ilt ,'t.
~Oll1pally ,
" Oapital A ccount30:104 16
1 10
,i12 ,Jolllt's
to ,' [, ,John's (fate ('''Illl,[\ny . Lilnitell £17li los. ;"111 Illdia;~ I'. c ~tuc k
0 0
£ ,)1I) 9 1 i
~ d.
J...'2077 ] 3".
R(lIk of Ellglalld
L( 'ch 11Iel'l
1 6~ 7000
1 ~ lJ(lu\l Tllell t
FUlid £Ht.i7 u . 3d. J IIdia 3~ p. c. ,'tllck
5 338 9 ] 9
" Sundry debtors less
7 1
.. Inve stmen t s (at Cost 2313
.As pel' last account C01TIlllulatioll of oblations receil'ed dming year ~uqllu ' of Income and EXPl"Dditure for year enued 30th Sl"ptpnlUel', 1900, as pel' Illcollle lmd ExpelHlitnre Account
At H,wk . Oil deposit J n llimd
0 0 4 0
0 0 " oJ
0 "
1" 74
r CSI' I'I'e
horses, and appliances
ambulance stores 011 halle!. alld 111 ll'i6
., Ins ignia, dIploma s, and medals
20J6 1111
" Freeho.d Property At ,I Cl'u><all' llI JII EJlgl;wd
14:i 1c 11 15 ]0 : 0 1-
2 ,51 19
3 4
" Flxtures and fittings in Lond on, and at Jerusalem .A l ,J 1' I,tl'i,dUli
3] :3
III L , IId ;)11
£37 751
£37,751 4 1
We hal'/' I'l:/'ltilincil tlie IlaIH1J('(' Shf'f'l <tllll 11lCOlllt' ~1It(1 EXIIPtlditnrt' ACl'ount "iLlI tlic bouks HIICI V(IUChl'J'" of tlte Ural1!l Priory 01 the Order of the Ho:,pital of ~t. J uh n oj J ('rnsaleltl in 11 :lIglaml. and lie herouy certifj the sallle to bt' correct. LOYELOCE, II. W. . \\'RIFFI T &. DICKIJ.- ' OX, 3, Fl'('ilcl'i ck's Pln ce, lh' A, LO,YE, DICKIS OX, F.e.A. Old ,JI' lIr,\', E. . i lli PebI'lLU1·Zt. 1901.
PAR T I I. Report of the Committee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital.
<Branb }prior\? of tbe
of the
1bospital of $t. Jobn of 3erusalenl in JEngIanb . ...: ,, 10--
...... ~
' ~
.::::: '.' -
--......, --:
....... J
::J ",
...-: ..:... ...... :>
,, ~
'"'?:... -!". ..::: ."
99, TO 30TlI
'" ':::
,.' ~
Eonbon: PRlJ: TED BY CHARLE' 12 &,
0 ... -,
HOUGlll'O:-< Sl'Rfi:E:T, STRA:-<D, \\'.C.
19 01 .
1bospitai, 3erusalem,
\!be (l;rallb lPrion? of the ®rber of the 1f)ospftaI or St. 3-olm of 3-erusalem ill JCllglallb.
Watton. HIS MAJESTY KI NG ED' VARD VII., K.G. (Sove1'eign Head and Pat?'on of the Orclc1). Qr01n lit fttee. I[ f] ai rma It . THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL EGERTON OF T ATTON.
lTice- Qri) a itlltalt.
R. BRUDENELL OARTEIl, ESQ., F . R.O . . (Hon. Oons1tlting Slt1·geon).
1J:)ospitaI, 3erllSaIenl,
IlJ{'LO"iGJ '\G TO
{t bc (l; ra llb lPrior}? of tb c Orlle r of th e lI)ospita[ of S t. 3-obll of 3-cl'lIsa lem 111 JE,lI g[all b,
the n
M. D., R.N.
for th
Ex<offiric: :1Members of Qrommittre. COLONEL SIR HIl:RBERT JEKYLL, R.E., K.O.M.G. (SeC?'eta1'v-Geneml of the OTde1'). EDWIN FRESHFIELD, ESQ., LL. D. (Receive1'-Geneml of the O?·deT).
'e with its illllroyec1 organization, and that sufferers whom it ha ..
n1al'~' 'UI uL
or l' '
its sph r at' op ration '. aLle to
'ntion, in th In. ,t Heport, that
' a.t ad \'Hntaue had L 'ell (leriyerl
th temporary lll1p10y-
Di?'ectm' and Chainnan, Am,lmlc£nce D epCt1·tment of tlte OTder }. COLONEL SIR HERRERT O. PJ.;RROTT, BART. (Sec1'eta1'y of the 01·de?').
E. OANT, ESQ., M.D., F.R.O.S.
sllpply hillt with th
smite assist(1n -e llLuin o ' tIl, carr sponding
We S
t rmin
el to
y ar ne.' L '11 ·uing. For this pUl'l a. 0, Dr. J 11y (11 point (1, and alTiv c1 in ,J '1'1J,'(1] JIl ady in th month of A · 'and consulting rOOlll was pruvill cl for hi . u 'ant report. with
\Vith our tw
Eo C.
were aLle to manag
(;onolllically than b ,foro.
On three
clays a week we uoth saw ont-pati nLs, I taking new and Dr. Jelly the aIel.
'gn,nl to the alT(1nO'elll ' Ht. as follow ' : -
consnltiuo' rOOlllS \\'
llllleh Letter and mol'
~anfters. Limited, Lothbnry,
y aT: an (1 tIl y tlwr ,for
] )1'.
GORDON, Esq., 1, Coates Gardens, Edinhlirgh.
London and Westminster Bank
lmsy period of tb
.%urgeolt to tbe 3!/ospitaI at jerusalem. 3!/ olt orarp -Smetarg. GOFTOX-SALMOND, ESQ., 72, Oheapsic1e, London, 'assistant 3!/onorar!l :t emtarg for '% collanb.
\mt, durin
perio(l of th
.A. . .A..
men of a s '(;onc1 .'nrg on, ns n... isLant to J)r.
fac ion to l' port that the us '[nIn 'ss o[ the Institution
The \)Jlllllitt" w
phtha11llic H()spi [1,1 :1t ·J rn .. alelll, h:1v aO'ain
L'lieY c1 and by thos' whos' Ii u rnlity h~ s furnished lhe llleans
,c.:harcl' 1 with the :1c1ministr:1tion f
'()ntinnn,lly mal'O appr ' -i:tlec1, alik' uy th
oJJlll1i tt
th efooc1 work \rhidl has L n effect c1 1,y its llleml.' has been
Briti 'h
continn s to incr
IIE Land n
On two other cln,y.· Dr. Jolly took l:tll the
out-patient, and one day was kept quite free for operation, except for any pecial cases. Operation ·were performed it u ual on thre day a week. \V c admitted on ' double days' up to 170, and on other days from 90 to 100 a befor. In conequence our nlllllb l' of attendances ha mounted up from the former twelve or thirteen thou and with one urgeon, to twentyone thou and ·with two surgeon for the econd half year. The increa e has been mainly due to the repeated attenda.nces of tOlyn folk, chiefly Jew : a the nlunb l' of n8l\- ca 'e , chiefly Arab and country fOlk, ,vas only 800 more than our previou highe. t number under one ul'geon. The in-patient and operation hewed no material increa e over tho e of former year, but the object for ,vhich the econcl 'urgeon was 'ent out was attained, ina 'much a ,ve had to refn e but few I a.tient. , notwithst<mdin o' that the ophthalmia. wa, fairly ,eyere thi,' year." The tatement above quoted hewing that there has Geen no material change in the number of in-patients or of operation, means that, as the accoillillodation available for in-patients has remained the ame, and as each ca 'e would require about the same period of re iclence a form 1'1)" no increa 'e of thi' highly important department of the work would be pos. iUe except by an increase of the number of bed ' in which in-patient could be placed. Dr. ant has for a long time de ired to build such an addition .to the Hospital as would place more bed at hi disposal, and the means of accompli. hing this de 'ir have now been provided by the munificence of Mr. Martineau, <L gentleman who has been made acquainted with the nece .. sitie' of the ca e, and who generously oftered a donation of £1 ,000 , which would cover the estimated cost of the required additions, on condition that the new ward should be furnished and occupied, and that the second surgeon should be made a permanent instead of only a temporary officer. The acceptance of the e condition',
on the recotmnendation of' the Committee, has been sanctioned by the Chapter of the Order, and the work will be put in hand with the least possible delay. For the cOllling year, however, the arrangement will be the ame as tho e of last year; and the COllllllittee 1001- forward to th rc-engagem nt of r. Jelly as a teml rary econd surg on, The Committee regr t to 'ny that their fear.' Ie t the financial po ition of the Hosl ita,l .'hould 'uft'er from the competition of the urO'ent claim' ari .. ing from the war have, toome eXLent, been l' a,l i ed: in .. lllllCh that th yare not at pI' nt aLle to annonnce a lmlanc on th cr dit ie1 of th il' account, C rgent endeavours are, however, being lltad to ll.leet the leficiency, and the Committe arn ly pI ad with all who read the e pao'o for such help a will allow the u 'ofulne 's of the harity to be not only maintain d, bu xt nd d. Tho Ho pital i not only a moan of rolievinuu gTeat and wide! clitfu ed . uff rin u ; it 11lU, al 0 b roO'ard cl a, an important agency in the production of kindly foelillO'S and O'rowing 'ylllpathy betwe n n OToat .J ewi hand l\Ioh'Lllll1we1an population, and tho 'e of cliff rent race'and different l' lio'ion, who brinO' \\rest I'll ,'cience to tho ai 1 of the afflicted, and who thus afford practi n.l vid nco of their recognition of ~.
tho brotherho c1 of allmankincl.
8 O PERA TIONs-contL?tued.
The following Stati tics have been Teceived jrtO?'n D?'. Cant.
SYNOPSIS OF SURGICAL STATISTICS, For year ending Michaelmas, 1900. UMiUARY. I n- P atients admitted. Ont-Patients-New Oases . " Total lUtendance Operations . Anresthetics administered
630 5, 422 19,329 1,256
IN-PATIENTS. Disea es of Lids and OonjunctivaDermoid cyst of Brow Epithelioma of Lid . Oicatricial Ectropion . . . Granulomaton Tumour of Palpebral Conjunctiva Symblepharon . . . . Pterygium . . Trichia i with Oonjullctival di ease Diseases of Oornea-Trichia is with Oonjunctival anu Oorneal di. ease . Superficial Keratitis with Organic Oonjunctival di ea e Trachomatou growth on Oornea. . . Ulcer of Ooruea . . Perforated Ulcer of Oornea . Adherent Oicatrix and Leucoma . Staphyloma and Staphylomatous Oicatrix Diseases of IrisPosterior Synechia Dis eases of L ensSenile Oataract Soft Oataract . . Secondary Oataractous iliem brane D is. ases of GlobeAcute Glaucoma Secondary .; Ohronic, . . . General, taphyloma AnteriOl Disorganised Globe . I njuriesLacerated Wound of Lid . Penetrating IV ound of Globe Foreign Sub tance in Globe
1 1 1 1 1 5
60 371
10 1 of 4
63 1 1
1 1
2 913
57 2 20
7 1 1 f)
6 2 1 1
43 3 52 14
15 1 1
51 1 7 12 3 1
12 1
Total 1256
1 9
2 5
6 5 1
8 2
63 0
OPERATIONS. On Lachrymal Apparatns. Operation for L achrymal Obstruction On L lds and OonjunctivaPlastic operation for restoring L ower LiJ. . " " laccrated -Wound of Lower L id
Removal of D ermoid Oyst of Brow " Epithelioma of L i d . . . " T umonr of Upper Lid and Oonjunctiva . Operation for T richiasis of pper LiJ after Snellen's metIlDtl, extended. . . . . Ditto ditto with Canthoplasty . Pana ' operation for Trichiasis of Lower Lid OpeIation after nellen for tliLLo. . Canthoplasty an{l PlasLic operation for Jitto Excii'lion of warty growth. of Oonjullctiva Operation for ym blepharon . , Retraction Operation for PLerygium TransplanLatioll operation for ditto On Cornea elorolic, al)d l1'i'Tattooing Leucoma. . . . Remo\'!.ll of Trachomatol1s growth on Cornea Extract ion of Foreign nhstance from 'del'otic. . . Purtlcente i of Anterior Ohamber; of Prolapse{l Iris, and Exci 'ion of Prolapse,l Irii:i ill Ulcer . . . . . Excision of Iris in Penetrating ,'{ouml of OOl'llt·1t . Iridectomy for Artificial Pnpil . . " " Aelherent Cicatrix and 'taphylolllll " " (Hau('olllll. " " Post,·riol'. yuechi:e . " " Prcl i minal')' in Oataract On LonsExtraction har,l Oatllract . Lineal' l'xtrac:tioll soft 'Iltllract -pe,llillg for ,'olutioll 0[' Cataract. . Di ·c i:.ion of Secondary 'ataractons jlembl'alll' ExtnH.:tioll of ditto " On Mu 'des TenotolllY for COl\\'Cl'gclI t • tr<l hi~mu Oll Glohe.l£xl'isiolJ of (,101Ie . ' Allsci ';;ion with COlljnnctin.l flap and nturc Inciing :'uppurating ilohe .
6 1 1
Disea eli of Lachr,)lual Apparatl1~ Ohstructiol1 of Lachrymal Duct Disease of Lid , and ConjullctiYIlSebaceous Cyst a'VllS of Lid Tumour of Lid Epithelioma of Lid . yphilitic Ulcer of' Lid Hordeolum . Meibomian 'y:;t CEdema of Lid ,\y OLllld of Lid . Lacerated Wound of Liel Blep h ari tis :Entropion, pasmol1ic Oicatricial • . " from Cvnjunctival D isease T
25 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 43
5 4 6.
oUT- P A'l'I ENT. ·-eontimwcl.
-continued. Va uclaI' T1l1l1011 r of Conj llncti va Traumatic ymblepharon Traulllatic Conjnnctivitis Foreign Body in Conjunctiva ymblepharon Pterygium Phlyctennlar Conjunctiviti Acute Ml1co- Pllt'Ulen t and Pllrblllen t Conj nllcti yitis Chronic COlljunctivitis Atrophy of Conjunctiva . Chronic Organic Conjunctivitis and Trachoma Tricllia i. \yith Chronic Conjunctival Di 'ea e Di ease of Comea and cleroticTrichia is with uperficial Keratiti. Organic ConjullctiYal Di ease and uperficial Kel'atiti Trachomaton Growth on Cornea Traumatic Keratitis , Foreign BOlly in Cornea Penetrating ,V ound of Cornea Phlyctenular Keratitis Acute Infected Keratitis Ulcer of Cornea . Perforated Ulcer of Oomea Nebula and Facet . , Leucoma and Cicatrix Adherent Leucoma and Cicatrix taphyloma of Oornea Di eases of Iris and Ciliary processesKerato-Iritis . Iritis , Posterior ynechire . lrido-Oyclitis , Traumatic Iritlo-Cyclitis uppura ti ve Oyclitis . Diseases of L ens and VitreousSenile Cataract Jl1Yf'nile " Tranmatic " . Anterior Capsular Cataract . econclary Oataractous Membrane A phakia after Extraction Di location of Lens . Opacities in Vitreons H remorl'hage into Vitreous Diseases of Ohorod and RetinaOhoroiditis ChOl'oido-Retinitis Retiuitis Retillitis Pigmentosa Hremol'l'hage illto R etina Detached Retina Glioma Anrestl1esia of Retina Diseases of Optic N erveOptic I euritis . Atrophy of Optic Nerve Amblyopia Qninine Am1lyopia Amaurosis
1 2 2 2 2
330 44
666 3 4.
777 1 ]
2 2
12 62 91 91 170 124 451
98 2
3 2 1
'Disea.ses of Ocular 1. erves ancl MusclesParalysis of ixth erve " both ixth Nerves trl1,l)isll1us Convergells " Divergens iDi CflSC: of the GlobeGlaucoma, Acute " Ohronic " econdnry " AU. olute GClleral , taphyloma Antcrior 8uppnmlivc Panophthalmitis Disorganised hrunken Globes Traumatic Panophthalmitis P~llPtmting ·Wound of Glohc FOl'eign Body in Glohe Rupturc of Globe Contusion of Globe . Epilhelioma il1yarling mobc AhsciRed Ulobe Allophthalmo ' aftcr Excision of Globe Diseases of OrhitEpitllelioTlJa inyading Orhit . Tliolilatolls Tumour ocellpying Orbit t~rrol'S or Rermrtioll awl ACCOlllllloclatiollIIyp ·nnetropia JI yopia A. tigmatislll, HypeI'm -tropic and ilIyopic Pre byopia AC'(,0l1l111otlati \'C A:theTl()pia Atropille Paral), i Pal'csi of Accommodation Hpa 'lll of Accolllmodation
1 1 20
1 4
19 3 16
17 2
40 2
3 3 1 2 1
3 4
1 ]
1 39 ::s~
17 6 1 ]
Total 173 1 2
12 10 20 1
9 1
21 9 2
(l;ran() ]prior}? of tbe
of tbe lbospttal of St. Jobn of 3-erusalent in JEnglan().
1JEI r.
INOOME. To Donations, pel' Summary . £173 6 Oollected in Scotland, per Mr. GonIon 140 12 In Jcrnsalem, pel' Dr. Oant 50 6 Sir J . Holder, Bart. (one-seventh) ] f) 0
" " "
9 9
" " "
8 0 £380 253
.A I1nn al Subscriptions
£633 14 2 49 4 4 108 f5 11
Dividends (Lechmere Endowment Fund) Proceeds of Th eatricals (per Mr. Gordon ) Extnwrdinary: Balance of Permanent Endowments Donations for special purposes, per Dr. Oant
Printing and Stationery ( London and Jerusalem) Postage and P etty Expenses Olerical Assistance Rent . Ad vertising
8 0
Salaries Housekceping . WagQs Repairs (including cost of New Room, £60 ) Drugs, In stru m cnts, and General Exp enscs Travdlillg Expcnses Maintenance of Furniture anu Fittings
" " " " "
Amount transferred from Speciul Funds to mcct Special Expenditure 011 n ew room, pel' contra Balance being D eficit
60 0 0 456 14 11
2 1
40 10 15 15 2 11
0 0 0
1146 11
£55 10
646 126 114 105 40 91 20
If; 11
19 18 3 ]7
4 12
4 2
8 8
1 3
TltA:-<;;Fl<:r. TO SpgOTA l , AorOUNTS-
EnrloWIllCII L~ . Special FUll tl s .
188 3
0 0 0
191 0,498 19
0 0
£1,498 19 ,Ve have examillell the books amI vonrhers of the Dritish Ophtlln.lmic IIo'lpital, Jcrusalcm, al1(1 certify that the above In come an(1 Expenditure Account for the year ended September 30th, 1900, is correct. This accollnt forlll'! p'1.rt of Lhc (}cl1cml I ncomc anl1 II:xpen(1itnl'C' Accollnt of the Urder of the Ho~pital of St. John of J erusalcm and is incorporated therein. (Signcd) LOVELO OK, II. W. S. WlIIFFIN, AND DICKINSON, F.O.A. 3, FREDEHICKS PLACE, OLD JEWRY, E.O. Per A. LOWES DICKINSON.
February, 1901.
ooooooootJj~tJj~~tJjrotJjroro~tJj~tJjtJj~~~~»» ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~. 0 a ~ P ~ P P ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ ;1 ::; r-o 8 c-t- en '"1 ::; :J .-: 8 !2 ~ ~ :: ;::.. ~ :; -= Oq c ;:::.. ~ ~ ~ ~ p., "'i:;j ..... (!) (t) I co I-"'! t:::;"'" rt" ~ ~ O"Q ~ I--' t't r;::::..... P ...... 6 ""-' c...,...o ~ u: .- r-' • • ~{FJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J-.-(ClQcn.... tj..:-" ~ ~ ci ~ ~(t) Sol ~ ~rr.~t--"'cr..: -= S -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :::::s(.",..001"""; t__ v-tr. ...... - _
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Annuol 81t/)Sc?'iJJt ions.
£ Clarke, Mrs. W. R Cook, F . H., Esq. Cotton, Chas., Esq., F.RC.P., M.R.C.S. Cordeaux, Mrs. Coulcher, Mi s Crease, J. Robertson, Esq. Dalton, Colonel J. C., RA. Dalton, Mrs. J. C. Dalton, :Miss Daubeney, General Sir H. C., G.C.B. Davies, F . R, Esq. Dick -Lauder, ir J. N., Bart. Dorville, Mr . Draffen, Mrs. Pitt. Dring, Irs. Duckworth, Sir Dyce, LD. Egerton of Tatton, The Earl EllistoD, G . . Esq. Ellis, Miss A. M. Evelegh, Miss E. A. Fletcher Lutwidge, Major C. R. Fraser, A. E., Esq. Furley, Lady (proceeds of Reading Society) F tu!ey, ir John Gascoigne, Colonel Trench Gain; W., Esq. Gregory, H. E., Esq. Gribble, jEss Hanis, Miss A. J. H emming, Mrs. W. Heygate Lambert, Lt .. Col. F. A. Hooper, J . H. Esq. Hutton , SlU'geon-:nIajor G. A. I ngram, The Hon. Mrs. lIleynell Kay, Sir Brook Bart. Kirk, Miss Knutsford, The Viscount, G.C.M.G. L echmare, Katharine, Lady L echmere, A . H., Esq. Leigh, The Lord Lightfoot, Miss L imerick, The Dowager Oountess of LloyJ, Miss C. Lloyd, Mrs. H. Loch, The Lord, G. C.B., G.C.M.G. Lowry, General R. W., C.B. Mackinnon, P., Esq,
s. d.
10 10 1 1 o 10 1 1 0 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
£ s. d. 0 5 0
2 3
0 1 5 1 2 0 2 5 10 2 3
1 5 1 2 5 2 0
2 1 1 0 1 10 0 5 0 5 0 4 1 10 2 0 0 0 0
1 1 5 1 0 5 5 2 5 20 4
o 2 1 2 2 I
fiO 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0
£ 1 0
McCausland, A. R, Esq .. life wbu l'l1 , Miss E. Milbul'll , Dr. H. C. o Moca Ha, F. D., Esq . Monk, Mi s J. R . 3 Mostyn, The Lord 3 Murray, Colonel C. Wyndham, M.P. 2 Newton, Major J. W. Mal's<lin, RA. 1 Nillnis, InspccLor-Gencral13.} M.D., RN. :2 Ogilvic, C. J. fiL, ES(l' Ottley, Licut.- '01. , RE., C.l. E. 2 Palmer, George, Esq. 1 " Parochial ';)lal'tllalauc " 1 Pcrrin. , . 'W. Dyson, E (1. 10 Perrott, Colollcl ir H. ., Bart. ~ Picker gill unliffe, Mrs. Powcll, ir R. Dougia , Bart. Rhyd(l 'ourt Impcl Alms Box, PCl' Kathcrine Lady Lcchmcre Roherts, ~riss Robin 011, E. L., ES(l' 1 Roche ·ter, The Ycry Rcv. thc_Dean or :2 'alc, :JIr '. 1 ,'a\'ory, Rev. il' BOl'l'odaile, Bart. 2
. B.
eel}" ll' 'harlcH, Bart. hore, Rcv. ClLllOll Teigulllolltll loan, R., ES(l' marl, F. L, Estl' myth, ololle! · '(Inanec, T. 'uke, ~l.D. · t. Gcorgc, Captain B . .T. · 'tOllc, Mrs 'rem pie, Thc RiClh t HOll. ir R, G.C. .!. Tholltp'ull, J. F., E~(l' Thoi'll, \\'. H. , E '(J. Thorne, Dr. Be7.!py Thome, Mr . . E. M. Topping, '\li~:; 'Valdc)" Tholll lt~, Esq .. F.R. Wa! tcrs, ~li s A. Walton, .\rajor II. E. n. WanI, J. LanglieI(l, E~(I' Wancll, Lt. -Gen. HiI' ·!ta.·. , H. E., n. '.M.G.} 1\:.C.I3. Watson, Colonel C. 11., R.l~., C.lII. G. ",Va tf;1l II , }\[I's.
WhiLLingtolJ, The ",YiIlialll., Mrs. 0
R pI'.
25 2 0 1
1 5 10
0 0 0
0 1 1 10 2
5 5 1 10 2 2
0 0 0,
0 0 0 0 0
5 5
1 0 1 2
0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1
;:; 0 1
1 1 2 1
0 3 0 2 0 1 0 2 0
1 1 0 10 1 1
£ s. d.
o 10 1 1 0 1 1
Donnlions .
1 2 1 2 :2
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 A nn1wl S1(bscriptions.
£ s. d. 3 2 0
Wilmot, l\Irs. E. . 'Wilson, J. Murray Yate, Lieut.-Colonel C. E., C.S .I. , C. M. G. Yate, Major A. C. Yate, l\Ir .
1 1 1
£ 253
1 0 0
0 0 0
o £173
List of Subscriptions and Donations received by A. A . Gordon, Esq., Assistant Honorary Secretary (for Scotland.) Ft'o7n 1st Janl£ary, to Sr-ptembel' 30th, 1900. A nllua.l S1(bscriptiollS.
£ s. d. A.W. " A Friend" . Aytonn, James, Esq. Beveridge, Henry, Esq., of Pitreavie Brown, Profe SOl' A. Crum, M .D., D .Sc. Bruce, Mrs. A. L. Burnett, ;'lrs. Campbell, nIr.:i . Cathcart, .John F., Esq. Colquhoun, Sir James, Bart. narien Press, Edinburgh Davies, iHrs. (Moffat) Ferguson, Professor John, LL. D. Foster, Mrs. J. E. Geikie, Sir Archibald, F.R.S., etc. Gordon, Mr. and ~Il" . A. A. Gordon, Mrs. '\V. E. Gray, Miss. Heywood, Mrs. Hoggan, J . \V., the late Major-General, C.B. Inman, William, Esq. Laidlay, Mrs. Langhorne, J., Esq. Langlallds, Miss E. (London ) Lyall, Mrs . Lyon, Urs .. Macfarlane, Walter, Esq., J.P. Macgillivray, William, Esq., per Mrs. Burnett Martin White, J., Esq., of Balruddery Maxwell, Miss M . . lIfc Vi tie, Robert, Esq.
0 2 6 0 0 o 10 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 10 6 o 10 5 o 10 6 1 1 0 1 10 6 1 0 0 2 2 0 o 10 6 0 5 0 o 10 6 1 0 0 o 10 0 1 0 0 o 10 0 0 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 3 3 0 0 0 1
£ s. d.
£ s. d. 5
Ann1Lal Subscriptions.
£ s. d. 1 0 0
nlilhLr, Ed ward, E q., of Rossie Miller, Alec. ,V. E q. Millpr, Irs. Robert nEller, l\Iiss Miller, Iiss E. P .. Milne, l\Irs. Moody- ' Ll1art, The R ev. Kenneth. Moray, The EIl'1 of .M uir, Prin cipal ir William, lCO .• '. 1., LL.D. Oli\'er-Ridllell, A., E ·cl. Punar, Sir Roh ert Reatllllan, Jame B., E SIl., B. ,'c. Bohel'l>;, Alex. F., Esq. Robert, T. J. ., E~(l' Ro 'e- Inn es, ~Irs . (Ellinhnrgh) mitli, illajor-G eneral E. D twilh.oll mith, Mrs. (gclinbnrgh) ,to rlllouth Da.rling, :'1rs. ( Etlillhnrgh ) --'tuart, ColonelJ. A. ~Ian, C.~LU. te\\'art, AncIrew, Kli· , cott, :'11". Er. kine Templeton, J. '., ES'l' Thom Oil, John , E.IJ-, ~I.D. , F.R. '. P.E. . T onic, R. Jal11e~on, Eli' Tl'a\'cl's, :\11' . Tl1l'1l1mll, ill 1'::;. U::;her, Robert , ESli. Walker, 1fi . (EtlinlJUrgh ) ,Yin . Lallley, lUiss . ,\Yingale, illni. (E,linhul'gh ) ,Yingate, ;'In;. (Gin 'go\\') Y,lle, Mi>;s A. F . .
£ s. d.
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 o 10 0 0 fi 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 10 0 0 1 1
o 10
o o
0 0 10 10
1 1
TotulrcceiYell by A. A. (i ol'll o1J, Esq., !tll(l l'c lllitt ecI to Boo C'rofton-. ulmoll!l, ESli' Amount collected from l·t Odohe!' to 31 t D ecember l ' 99, as pel' In.st report .
1 1
0 1
£73 16
66 16
£140 12
0 0 0 0 0 0
o 10 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 0
:2 2 1
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 .0 0 0 0 0 5 0
2 2 0
0 0 0
D onations received at J eru salem. Berry, R ev. C . .
Blyth. nIl . Cook" . 'talf, Me srs. Dyke, Miss
£ s. d. o 10 0 400 1 0 0 1 10 0
o 16
Ellis, F., Esq. . Holder, Lady . Hospita11l10ney Box "H. S. ", Pale tine N e,yton, 1I1iss, and Mis Leishman J ewton, 1iss E., and Ii Brownlow. Offertory, t. John's Day Sedgwiok, Rev. J. H. . Two Friends, pel' nIiRS Keightley \\T ay, 1\lrs. Wheeler, P. d'Erf, E q., Jr.
0) 0,
o 16 o 16 2 1
0 0 0
4 4 0 10 0 o 10
0 0,
Donations Collected in Scotland, per Mr. Gordon as pel' 1 9 -9 Report Collected in Jerusalem, pel' Dr. Cant . ir. J. Holder, Bart., one seventh of endowment
140 12 50 6 16 0
9 8 0
£3 0 u bscri pti on
£633 14
RT I I I. ---~-
..... .
Report of the Central Executive Committee
2 0
of the St. ] ohn A mbulance Association,
being the Anlbulance the Order.
Form of Bequest. I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for the time being of the Institution known by the name of THE BRITISH OPHTII.AL)IIC HOSPITAL, J ERUSALElII, belonging to the Grand Priory of the· Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, the. sum of .. .............................. ... . [free of duty] to be applied towards accomplishing the Charitable designs of the aid Institution. ~.B.-Land and :Jloney secured on Land can now be given to charitable.
u es under the conditions enacted by the" Charitable 1891, 54 & 55 Vic. c. 73."
ses Act
Department of
St. John BmbttIance Bssociation BEING THE .DII3UL,\NC'E DEPART.)lE T OF
<Pranb ]prior\? of tIJe ~rbcr of the lbospitaI of $t. John of JcruSaIC111 in lEnglantJ. l:Jai ran. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G., (Sovepeign Head and Patpon of the Opcter). Vrrslbcnt. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF CORNWALL AND YORK, K.G .,
(Grand P rior of the Order).
lLonbon: PRI TED BY Cll ARLE 12
&' IS,
Corrected to J.l1arch 1st, 1901. ( As regards this page.)
st. 30bn Bnlbulance Bssociation,
Page The Central Executive Committee of the t. J olm Ambulance Association ... The Ohapter of the Order of
(S ov ereign Head and Patron of t he Order).
t. John (with llames of Members of Council
and Executive Officers) ~
\tbe <Branb lDrior)2 ot tbe ~ rb e r ot tbe 1bospitaI ot St. Jobn ot 3-erusalem ill JEnglanb.
Report-Invalid Transport Corps Report-Stores Department ... Statement of Receipts and Expenditnre
HI. ' HOYAL lllGHNE '8 TilE DUKE OF COR~ WALL AND YORK K.G. (Grand Prior of the Order).
Qrenttal Executibe Qi:ommittce.
Oonsisting oxclusively of Members amI Associates of the Oreler.
nl irector of tbe %noulance Elcpnrtment anl:! <5:baitman of Qi:ommittee. The Right Hon. Vi count KNUTSFOIW, G.C.M.G.
<assistant nJirrctor anl:! DeputJ2 J.bnitman. APPEND I X A. Subscriptions and Donations to Head Office
from October, 1899, to 33
eptember, 1900
Life Members
Honorary Life Members Examining Staff
The Most Hon. the Marque s of
.. .
Subscription Form .. .
Form of Testamentary Bequest APPE TDIX B. Nominal Roll of Metropolitan District, Country and Foreign Centres
Local Reports APPENDIX D. Report of St. John Ambulance Brigade.
K. G.
ir VINCE~T KENNETT-BARltI'wTON, nr.A., LL.M. ir Jon FURLEY (Life Member CHIU, TOPRER CIIILDS, Esq., M.D. Honoris C'a~lsa). CIIART,ES J. TRIMBLE, Esq., L.RC.P. Colonel J. C. DALTON, RA. Colollel CLK\rENT MOLY~EUX ROYDS, The Right JIon. LOl'clBnAs'EY, K.O.B. M.P. LIeut.-Col. F. A. lIEYCATE LAMBEnT. EDMUND OWEN, Esq.; F.RC.S. The Rey. T. W. -WOOD. The Right Hon. Lord CLAUD Major-General A TLEY TERRY. I-LDIILTO~. Colonel Sir E. T. THACKERAY, Emn.T HA TSON FRE HFIELD, Esq., KC.B., 'D.CC., H.E. M.A. Sir JAMES N. DICK, K.C . B., RN. Lieut.-Colonel RICHARD HOLBECHE. Colonel C. BOWDLEJl. Major A. O. lATE. WALTER ROWLEY, E q.) M.I.C.E. ir EDWARD L. O'lIlALLEY. W. COLLINGRIDGE, Esq., M.D. Colonel GEORGE H. O'MALLEY Lieut.-General R. W. Lowr.y, C.B. (late RA.) Inspector-Gel1eral BELGRAYE NINNI., Deputy-Insp.-Gen. M. COATES, RN. M. D., R . urgeon-Major G. A. HUTTON Sl1l'g.-Gen. J. JAl>1E 0 r, C. B., M.D. (Orgnnizing r'ommi ionel'). J. ASTLEY BLOXAM, Esq., F.RC. Surgeon- £ajor-General JOlIN By COLE READE, C.B. JOIl:;\, F. WOOD', Es'l., M.D.
Ex-a ffido :@:1cmbers 251
Colonel ir HERBERT JEKYU, RE., K. .M.G. (SeC!'cta1'y-GcneTCll of the Order). Emvi FRESllFIELD, Esq., LL.D. (Receiver-General oj the Order.) The Right Hon. Earl EGERTo~ OF TATTO~ (Ohai7'man, British Ophthalmic Hospital).
CCbief 'scmtar!1. Colonel Sir HERBERT C. PERROTT, Bart. (Sec1'etary of the Order).
I!ccountn nt Ilnt! 'sto rcttccprr. WILLIAM R Em,vARDs, Esq., A. C.A. (ACCOltntcmt of the 01·de1-). meal:! ®Cficcs.
Corrected to lJIc~rch 1.,t, 1901. ( As rega1'Cls this and the opposite page.)
m::be Qrbapter.
lrl)e (l;ranb ]prior)? of tbe ®r~er of Ube 'ff)ospital of St. 50bn of 3-erllsalem in JEnglanb.
The Ohapter consists of the Knights of J ust ice and Sub- Prclatcs, de jLwe,' certain Executive Officers; the selectcd Members of Oouncil ; t he followin g
®mciaiing The Sub-Dean of the OUAPI<:LS ROYAL,
.solm:dgn ~cab' anb' WattOn of tbe ®tb'ct.
.J5 aiIiff of JEglc.
H I.
The Rev. Sir HOH.llADAIL1~ 'AVORY Bart., M.A., AND
' ir WlLLIAJI[ MAcOomuc, Bart., K.O.V, O., F.R O.S. . ir R WITARD DOUGLA. POWELL, Bart., ICO. V. O. , M.D. Gelleral ,'ir A . J . LYON FREEJI[ANTLE G. '.M.G., '.B . E[))ruND OWEX, Escl" F.RO.S. EDWIN HAN 'ON FRE. lIFIELD, Esq., M.A.
The following are the Knights of Justice:
P1'elate-His Grace the Archbishop of YORK. Ohancellor-The Rio-ht H on. Earl EGEHTIL" OF T_lTTON. Sec1'etcti'y-General-Colon el ir HERBERT JEEYLL, R.E., 1\:.0.1\1.0. Receivel'-Generctl-EDWIN "FRE. HFIELD, E q . , LL. D. Almone1'-The Rev. Oanon DUCKWORTH, D. D . Regist?·a1·-L ient.-Colonel GOULD HUNTEU-WE 'TON, F . . A. Genealogist - Th e Rev. ,V. K. R. BlwFonD, ]H. A. Director-Geneml of OeTClnonies-Sir ALBERT W. ,Voom:, 1\:.C. H., K;.O.l\LG. (Garter). L ibm1'ian- Lieut. -Oolonel RIcHAnD IIOLDEOIIE. Assistant Lib1'Ct1'icm-EDwIX H . FRE.'HFIELD, Esq., :fiLA. Sec1'eta1'y-Oolonel "ir HErtBERT O. PERHOTT, Bart. Assistctnt Secret(1.l'y-Lo CKHATIT , TOCKWELL, ES1l' Accmmtcmt-- \VILLIA;)I R. EDWAHDS, Eq_, A.O.A. ~mb u IlIltC c
(-St. Jf o ~lt ~ mbul'lncc ~ss o ciatlO1t). Di1'ectol' and Clwi1'1nan-The Right Hon. Viscollnt KNUT, FORD, G.O.1\1.G. • Assistcmt Di,'ect01' and Deputy C'hail'man- The 1'.10 t Hon. the MARQUE ' . OF BUEADAIoBA."E, h. G. Ohief Sec1'etary-Oolonel ir H. O. PERROTT, Bart.
UJ epartmcn t.
~r i tis f:J
®pf:J tbaImic JilospitaI at ]erusalrm.
Ohctinnctn-The Right Houble. Earl EGERTON OF TATTOX. Hon . SeC1'eta1'y-R GOFTON- .\L)lOXD, Esq. Assistant Hon . Sea eta1'y fo)' Scotland-A . A. GORDOX, E CL·
Selected Members of Council. Sir J OHN FUR:LEY. Oolonel J . O. DALTON, R.A. Sir ANDREW FAIRBAIRN. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Sir J. N. DICK, R .O. B. , R. N . Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D.
WILLIAM OOLLINGRrDGE, Esq., l\1. D. Iajor-Ceneral Sir OWEN T . BunNE, G.O.I. E., R.O . . 1. Sir GEORGE HA YTEB. OHUBB, Bart. The Right Hon. Viscount HAlIlPDl':::\" G.O.M.G. The l\ Iost Hon. The Marquess of BREADALBANE, R.G.
H.R.H. The Duke OfOAlIlDIUDGF., K.G. H.RH. Prince OrUllljTIAN OF'CHLE~WfG HOLSTE! r, K. G., G. . B. H.R .H. Prince OIl \.IlLEi-; OF Dlm;'lAllK, G. . B. H.H. Prince ALDElt'L' OF , CHLEIjWIGHOLIjTEL' , G.O.B. H . . H. The Dnke ofTEcK, K.O.Y.O. H .. H. Prince FU.\.l\l'I· OF TE K , E..O. \'.0., D.S.O. Captain H .. . H. Prince Lour. OF BATTEXBEUG, R N ., G.C.B. The Right Hon . Lord LEIGH. Lieut.-Co1. TnE \TE::\,EN .LDIE.' H OLLAND,O. B. Major it" JO.'EPII , V_\J,w:; O'BRYE::\' H OARE, Bart. CIIARLE' PE)!REItTO"'< CAlWEn, E 'q. ir J OHX FUltLEY (llolwJ'al'Y Bail~tn. Lieut.-Ool. GOUTJDIIUXTEll- WE "ToN(IIono1'Clry Oommandel'). The Right Hon . Lord 'TA'\ \lOrtE, G.C.1\1 G. FRANc rs RormnT DAYlE., E. q. ir BnOOK K.\Y, Bart. Sir THo;'[A. · NORTH Drcr- LAuDETI, Bart. Major ir AllOllilULO LAMB, Bart. General ir H F.NltY 'HARLE,'> BAI'NSTON DAUBE, BY, G. C. B. (lIono)'{{ J'Y Oommander) Colonel, ir HEnDEH r . PEIUWTT, Bart. The Right lIon. Earl FEIUmR'l. RUPERT CAHADOC FlUX 'lR DALLA. , E (1. GEORGE PADIElt, E ' q. Colonel J .DIE.' GILDEA, 0.1'.0., C.B.
H ENny JOliN LOFTU, , Esq. Oolonel BETHEL MARl'IN DAWES. The Right HOll . Lord AMHEn. T OF H ACKNEY. Lieut.-General il' OUARLE WARREN, R.E., G.O.M.G., K.O.B. 'olonel J A)IE,' OECIL DALTON, RA. Iajor A. YLlIlEn GOULD HUNTER- IVE TON, R E. The Right lIon. Earl EGERTOX OF TATTON. Oolo~el The Right Hon. Lord WILLIAM OECIL, 111.1'.0. EDWIC{ FRESIIFIELD, Est).. , LL. D. His Grace The Duke of FIFE, R . T. The High t IIOll. Lord BRAS EY, R. O. B. The Right Hon. Vi count TEMPLETowN. The Right Hon. Earl A)llIER T. The Right Hon. Lord HE.TNIKER . The Right HOll. Yi. count K~UT FORD, x.O.M.O. (Hono,'cU'y Oom,mancler ). R. M.\ cL1U. T~L\CL8AX, Esq. ARTHUR Fll ·\." I,' GRE. HA;)I LEVE 0 .' OWER, E q. Lieut.-Col. F . A. HEYGATE L AMBERT. oloncl CUA1!LE ' IY1' ' DHA;',r MURRAY, M.P. The Hight Hon. the Earl of RAXFURLY, K.C.:M.G. The Rigb t lIon Lord .. AJ.T DHURST, G. C. I. E. ir HrL- nY ARTHUR BL.\.KE, T.O.M. G. 'uptain i{.\TII \SIEL GEORGE PHILIPS. The Right Hon. thc Earl of IEATH. ~L EO)ruND FIlMiER, E q. The Right lIon. Lord MO ' TY
The following are the Sub-Prelates: The Lord Bishop of ELY. The Lord Bi hop of ALlIjDUllY.
The Dishop of ,IBllAL'L\ Il .
7 Full information as to the work of the St . .John Ambulance
. Association, and its Branches, c an be obtained on application to the Chief S e cretary, St . .John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London , E.C., by whom c opies of p r in ted p apers will be supplied in r e asonable numbers without ch a r g e. on Reference Numbers or Letters as follow b eing quote d.
F ormation of Centres
P amphlet 57B.
Formation of Olasses in connexion with Centres
P ampb. ~
F ormation of Detached Classes
Pamph. ~
Arm and other Ba dges .
Paper 74.
Invalid Tran port Oorps (Head-quarters)
Paper A.
St. John's House, Worcester (for practical instruction in District N ursing, &c.).
Paper 73.
Syllahus of Instruction-Junior Course
" "
" J)
lohn Rmbulance Bssociation REPORT
I899-I900 .
HE KNTRAL E.£ EC TIVE O}IMITTEE has the honour to submit the following report for the info1'111ation of H.R.H. the Prince of 'V\Tales and the Ihapter of the Order of the Ho pital of t. John of J oru 'almu in England. The 1110 t interestin o' feature of the year's proOTes continues to be the work of the it. John Anlbulance BriO'ade in outh Mricn" upplemonted by tho do I fttch of a contino'ent for erVlCe on board h ho pital .. hip .11Iaine in 'hina. The rno t important d vol pIllont ha 1e n the taking of preliminary 'tops for the formation , at the invitation of the War Office, of fi.v't, John Ambulance Brio'ado earer lompanie, with hoa I-quarter at Lon 1 n, I '" rtharnpLon, Bolton, hef£eld and Pre ton. The e COltlI anie ,yould, in ca e of mergency, be mo bIlizcc1 for l'vice with he field U1'1ny for hom lefence. Thi inclu ion of H, portion of th 't. John A.mbulunce Brio'ade hy the ecretury f tate for ,\V U1', with the ftnction f Her :JIaje ty' Governm nt, a u 'unit in Lho pennan nt defen iYe forces of the Empire, i ' not I s o'!'atifyin o ' Lhn,n th 'election of th contino'ent of the Brio'ude now on active sorvi 'e ut th eat of war. Of th vulue of th 0 contingent.. no OTeater proof can be adduced thun the fact tlu t "whilo at the hte of the In t report of the t.,J ohn lllbulance s 'ocintioll u little over 1,000 men had been d sputched tho nmnber now, 01' lately, in ou h fricu a.t the time of goinO' to pI' " ha' r ached a total of 1 9, exclusive of a druft r 50 orc1erlio l' qui iti ned b th olonial Office for speciul service "w ith tho 'nth lUricun on tabubry. It i mournful, howover, to record with the leepe t l' gret a. larg "'
First Aid Oourse
Paper 5 .
Home Nursing Course
Paper GO.
Hygiene Oour e
Cottage Nursing
Paper ~
Regulations for the cond uct of Examinations
Paper O.
Medallion and Re-examination Regulations
Paper 62.
Pocket Certificates
Paper 56.
General Regulations, St. John Ambulance Brigade .
Ref. Let.
Explanatory Instructions for Forming Ambulance and Nursing Di visiollS of the St. John Ambulance Brigade
Origin and Development of the St. John Ambulance Association
Pamph. ~
The Police and First Aid
Price Lists of all articles sold by the Stores Department, with par ticulars and esti mates for Horse Ambulance Carriages, Litters, Stretchers, &c., can also be obtained.
9 perc8ntn.0'0 of don.th from ontoric fov l' n.nd oth~r illnossos. The name n.nd m morie of thoso men, yictiru alike to cluL. and to their porformn.nco of 0110 of tho 1110 t sacrod pr copt of tho hristian lifo, 'will 1011 0 ' bo n hrin d in th harts f thoir comrn.de , while in bo'nttoful l' mombrn.nce a l)ecin.l mOllmn nt in their honour will bo orected by tho Chapter-Gon rn.l f tho Order, b T command of Hi Royn.l Highn s the Gnmel Prior, in t, John's Chur 11, Cl rken,,'ell, whoro ,0 mlLny of then1 ::ttL n led Divine rvico prior to ombn.rk::ttion, n.ncl whioh i built ovor the crypt of the Prior r Church of th old 1~ night· Ho pitn.ll rs, who noblo eryico and example « pro ntilitat h01Ui111.1111" th L. John Ambub,nce rigade orclerlie havo . 0 worthily follow d. The hapt l' of tho Oreler, wi Lh the n.nction of His Royal Righne the Prince of ,Yale, ha decidod to } re ont a pecial Inednl to the member of the Brio'[l.d who ha 0 ervoc1 in 'outh Africa, and tili. will also be i HU d to tho nearo t l' -'lations of tho e who have 0 nobly O'iven their liyo in tho eryic of their country. It would bo en y to multiply yidonc of th high nppr (;iation in which th work of the ho pital onlorli generally, inclnc.lin o· the St. John Ambulanco Brio'acle men, 11a. boon holel by the highest authoritio ) both military anel m clical, but limit~ f space forbid. The followino' xtract, how vel', from an artic] in tho Lancet of f 'eptember ' th, contribnteel by the well-lynown ,llrg on, :M:r. Ufrod Fripp, F,R. . " of the Imp'rial Y omlLnry lID pital, record in a few word n.n e -pre ion of opinion froJ II an 'xp rt which cannot fail to bo a,' oTatifyin o ' to the orderli , n,' it i, to the Committ cc I \Va.' \'el'Y o'lad iude d to see tha,t Dr, ('onan Doyle had he en , calling attention in h London lress to the a.r luous H.lHl da,ngcl'om; , nature of tb WOl+ done, (1,llcl clone cheerfully, tllJ'ougbout Lhis wa,r by " the hospital ol'derli fl ..A.mong aJl tbe bl'(l,\'(' clecdH and 11<1]'(l work dOll(' " by the variou,' bl'anche ' of the army during the 11:L8t ] 0 m011 Lhs 1 d , not b lieye that tLlly hody of men in Her ~rajestY 'H SPITi 'e has xcelled, ven if it ba,fl equalled, in bl'H,Yel'y ancll)luck and 'onLinuotlH, even monotonous lahoJ'iouflnes.', the behtLvioul' of th thousH,ncls of men , who have been employed in th hOflpita.ls. They have hC'e1l ca.lled upon " to do, in addition to a full d,,1.Y'.' work very day, a full night.'s work " every fourth 01' third or even (:l,t times of stl'efl~ every sC'(;ond niO'ht. ;' r:r: heir wO~'k has gon on month after m~nth qui tly (l.l1(~ U110StClltrLtlOus.ly vnthoutany of tbe glamour cLttachl11g to deeds wIn 'h eakb Lhe " publIe eye. :Many of them have eli d at theil' work, hut v 'ry f 'w indeed 'hav grumbled. Th service which they havel'endel' d to thcir eoul1try " has, indeed, in the fullest flense of the tel'm, b 11 flplendid," ,
'fhl.) 'Var 0 ll-i 0 has docidod that III 111 L 1',' of V oluntoer Corps who n,ro a.lso ll18mUOrS of th f't . .J ohn AlnLnlanco Brigade serving in f 'outh Africa lll(1,Y, for tho Cllrront Volnnto l' yoar, Lo returned as olli.ciont Inelnuors of tb Volllnt 01' \>l'PS to which they belong. Tho dospatch of tho additional contingonts has oi.ltailecl uncoasing lal)ollr nth sup rior oj-tic 1'8 of tho J ricrad ,to WhOlll th Lost thanh, of tho Orelor hn.v b 'on accorcl c1. Ch'at ful acknowl d(Tlll Ilts ar also duo to \ Tis 'OlUltOSS Knntsforcl ancl othol' ( b In,dios who hn.ve form d u. ( 'Oll) mi Lt 0, una l' th presi loncy of HoI' Hoyn.l Ilighn ,s Princ('s~ Clnistin.n, awl hn.v ' clospatched 110'ossari 'S [\.11(l olllforLs to th ' n,c( ive , rvi e (l tncluHonts. IliH Boyal lIigbn S,' tho Urall(l l)rior ha, ' alt roel 'olonel Bowen r" till, of" ~()lllllliHSion 1''' to ' Chid '011l1111ssionor." \Vith the GonLi11l1 (1 n,ssisLn,n' of LioLlt.- '01011 1 H. Holb cho, thc Liurnrin,n of th Orcl 1', nn(l 1)1' nil'. G. vV. Barn " larO'c ql1lLlltiLi('s 0[' mat )'in.] for Lll .it'k and 11"01111(1<.>(1, (;ontrilmtecl by the As .. oeiation ( lontr 'S anel Branches, awl!>y lh g n I'n.l public, h::w U' n rorwnnlcd to tlll' s 'at of' war, .JlOllCY '(mtributions, n.mollntmg ttl '7:-370, havl' ",Iso ue 11 I aid oyer to th' 'ntral British Hoel ('ross C lH1l\iLl', or which StUll OV l' [,1,000 -am from on ' e ntl'C Mitlel]l 'J)l'Olwh-un-Te s. ,
Tn its p 'ac
n,'" pcct, tho WOl+ of t.ho ,'t. .John Ambulanco .,' ~intion l'ontinu 'L HOllri .. h, nnll to 'x t nd. In th Hailway worM unabat (l vigour is showll, tlllcl ,om' of l ho Hnilway C ntro' l HL1ch as th (11' u.t \\T'slurll Hn.ihny anI th +reat Ea .. t rn Hailway, Huppli (1 1" Tllit, for tIl n,ctiyo rVlce conting' ' nt-so ~
Th Lomlnn n,nd f 'outh- \Y ,L '1'11 1 n.ilwn.y CenLr hn l' c ntly c10ciclcel to oft"r ,UlllUlLll) n. ynlll< Ll 'hall 110' ,hi ,ld ancl 'ilvor m (bI. for 'ompc Lition alllong l alllS h son from th") ambulanco clas us , nncl ~illliLl.r tok ns of t'n 'unnU.v!'elll nt 'ontinu to be it' roel Ly tIl London and N ol'th- \Y est rn Hnilwny, th London BrirrhtOll and South 10ast, eh' Tnrth-E<1.,'t I'll Hailway, the MicUmHl, n,nel othor I adin o' 1'<1.il way <.; mprmi ,', f 'in' the la t report now " 1 n,ilwn.y ontr s" h,\'yc bo n l'orlll'>cl f l' the Furnos, Ibilw< y 'I.n(l for th Midland.mel Ur t t orth I'll Joint COlll111i ttc • 1..
. 10
The final competition for the ilver chall nge shield, pre en ted by the A ociation, took place in lay at the Portman Rooms, the judges beino' Dr . R. J. Collie and G. H. Darwin. Out of the fifteen teams entered in the preliminary heats five were selected by the judge to try conclusion, the companios thns repr senteel being: The London and N orth-\Vestern (holder ), Great \Vestern, Great N or thorn, orth-Ea tern, and Cheshire Lines. The trials commenced at 12.30, and fini hed at 6 o'clock, the re nIt being a hard-ea,rned and well-deserved victory for the Great orthern team. The other teams were placed in the following order: Great \Vestern, North-Eastern, London and N orth-\Ve tern, and Cheshire Line, the number of marks gained being Great Northern, 373' Great \Vestern, 337; N orth-Ea tern, 328: London and N orth-'vVestern, 322 ; Cheshire Lines, 306. At the conclusion of the trials the challenge shield and prizes, together with badges of merit gained in the preliminary hats, were presented to the 'winners by the Countess of On low, in the unavoidable absence of the Marchioness of Breadalbane from indisposition. The prizes awarded were: First, fiye plated tea services, in addition to challenge shield; second, five ca os of plated spoons and forks; third, five lamps; fourth, five ca es of carvers; fifth, five biscuit boxes. Badges of merit were gained by the South-Eastern and Chatham, 1'Iletropolitan, Great Ea tern, and :Jlersey RailwFl,y tealllS. On the motion of Viscount Knutsford, a hearty vote of thanks WFl,S given to Lady On low. Lord talbridge also spoke, and paid a high tribute to the work done by the railwaymen in rendering first aid to the wounded. It is gratifying to record that at the lamentable accident which took place in June last at Slough, the services of the 'to John Ambulance n1en were alluded to in The Ti1nes of the I~th inst. in the following terms :A large proportion of the Great -Western Hailway staff at. 'lough :: po '~ss the ambul~~ce certificate, a~d va~uable as ista~ce waR rendered " by tne_I? to the m,J~]J:ed. On theu'. arl'lva~ at Pad~mgton they were " dealt ,nth by the 9-1 eat "e.-tern Railway Company s ambulance corps " at that tatlOn wIt~l. an ample sup~ly of s.tl'etchers and other appliances. The authontle. of • t. :JIal'Y s HospItal have spok n highly of :: ~h~ work done by the Great '~T.estern Hailway ambulance men, and the mJu~'ed have expressed gratItude for the treatment which they "receIved. The Great ,'{estern l1ailway Company have devot d special ,e
11 e attention to the am bulance work among their emptoy6s, and upwards of " 5,500 members of the staff possess the first aid certificate of the •'to
"John Ambulance i\.ssocia,tion. "
The Board of Tra Ie returns of accidents on railways in 1899 afford another proof of the necessity for such instruction. It is stated that during the year 14 pas engel's were killed and 693 injurod in accidents to trains, rolling stock, 01' permanent way. Nineteon railway serva,nts wor lrillod and 196 injured in accident Lo trains, rolling' sto 'k, or pormanent way. Including accident at level C1'O 'sino's, and to trospa. sers, including suicides, the total. [Lre 1,240 kill 1 an 1 7 , 10.1 inJ'ured 1179 . , a. aO'ainst b " killed and 6,:34<: injured in IH9 ). In addition to these, numbers of per ons ,y 1'0 injured by fallin o' oyer packaaes on platform, getting in and out of trains, the clo ino' of carriage doors, tlunbling while walkin o' along the line, &c. Including these accid nLs, th anmd t tal, ar , 1,34<0 killed and 19,1:'55 injured. Amongst tho Polico Eorc 'S ambulance instruction i well maintain d. In 1 99 ont of 700 momber of the ity of London Polico For e, G30 h ld certificale, and he same ay rao'e is shown in tho proyince" wh 'r , hOlyey 1', in not a few lar 'e town every po1it.: man is certit-icn,t d, ,,·hil luany hn:v medallion. Tho H 'ad 101l. tab]0 of Liyorpool, in hi roport on the Police E tabli hlllcnt of tbi t ity for HlOO, stat " AillBUL\X 'E ,\YolU\:.-Th 1'0 are . ix flll1y- quipp 1 Police Horso Al1llmLmc s . tation d a follow :-Royal Infirmary, " Royal ,'oulh rn 110 pital, . . rorth I'll Ho pital, 'tanley 0 'pital, e, enLl'al Fir • 'ta ion ([or nio'ht service) ' and Olel wan Police u ".'tation (for outlyinc,. cli:trlct ). 2,05G " ..I. UlllU l' of tnrns onL ... CI
F lltST
lx.remm :-
of 'oll.'tal)ll's, &c., holding certi6cat .. 1,673 " from th • 'to John Ambulance As 'o ialion 1,030 " Number of n,boyo holtlillg m cbllion N UlllU l' of a e of til' ,t aiel I' n(1crorl uy Police :" ArLifi i[Llr piration . . . ... . .. . .. 11 " Applying tourni.quet... sp l'111 t. , 155 " 336 " " bandag s " Ac1mini 'toring om tics " Othor fir 't aiel "1 1llnl>
Number of above in which the valuable service rendered was especially commended by the Doctors receiving the cases, 431. The classe h ld under the au pices of the l\lersey Ii ion for Seamen have again been largely attended. At the instance of the North of England Steam hip Owners' A ociation attention has been again called to the advantages ot first aid instruction for the mercantile marine, \,·hi h is at present only carried out on a limited cale, and a communication has been addre ed by th Chamber of hipping of the United Kingdom to the Board of Tra(le recolllmending the inclu ion of this subject in their exaJnination for certificate of proficiency. The obstacle appear to be, hOlyever, that the compul ory subjects an officer ha, to pa s in are already 0 llumeron ' that it is difficult to add to their nnmber, thouo'h the variou, organisations recogni e the benefit. It has been ,'ugge ted that a voluntary examination might be instituted, and the Board of Trade has promised to give the ubject it careful consideration. From a report from two of Her lIaje ty' In pectors of Factorie recently i sued as a Parliamentary paper, it 'would appear that in 1 99 in docks, in wharve , and quays, no Ie than 115 deR,ths and 4,591 non-fatal accidents were returned, an undeniable proof that the occupation of a dock labourer is one of the IDa t dano'erous of tho e that come within the scope of the Factory Acts, and one where a knowledge of ambulance ,vork . hould be continually urged. The Organising Commi lOner, 'm.o'eon-Major G. A. Huttoll, report ;-
" tndli<:, during the six months neling.J une :30th 1aNt W,LB aB foJlowB : :: rip d, q1:3; injured, 3,62;~, cLB eo~np<Ll'~d witb ~50 killed and 2,DG7 111JUl'ed III the eonesponc1mg pel'lod of the ])l'evlOUS yea,]" bing an "incl'ecLse of G:3 hlJed, and 6!3 injurc l. In addition to th~ accidents "<Lbove ('numerated tIl(' l'CLilway companiE'B have I'e ported eCLsualties in " which tIl moYement of vehid(,s waN not eoncel'nec1 and which were :' responNible fOl' ~1w deaths of ~f) per,'ons and injUl'Y td 6,011. Thus the 'total Hum be'l' of pen30JuLl acclclentl-l reporterl during tho six months " mnounte<l to G1:4 pen:!ons killed (l,ne1 f),(~G8 injured. It is gl'cLtifying to , be a,ble to rccon1 tb,Lt cLl~ th' larger l'mhn:LY com lJiLniei-i iLl" fully ali vo " to the v,duc mlCI neccssity of ~L, John AmbulancE' il1f:!tl'uction and " fUl'thel' tIle WOl+ in eYCl'y practiced wcLy. The Uenend :.\Ia,nagcr o'f the orth-E,1,i-ih'l'n Hailway COI1l11ml~T, :,\11. U. S. nibh, W110 leel tbe van in " c'ltablishing a H,1,ilway Centre of the ,A,·.'ociatioJl, infonm; me that , since the <Llllhulallee moy'ment was first commencecl on thc )l ol'th" En.. 'tel'll SySll'l1l in 188D, 1 1 H) llll'mber ' hcLVe I-lucceeded ill (raining " <:l'ltiii<:cLk'l, di'itL'ihulecl in tlw '\ <L1'ioul-l <lib-iet'l (1,8 follo,,'l :
"Although ambuh1,nce requirement,' for the ho ' pital~ in the) 'outh "African ,Val', which has lasted during the whole l)ast yec1,l', and is still " going on, has occupied a large share of the attention of th ~t,.J ohn " Ambulance Department, yet it has 11appily in no way inter£ r d with "the operations of the Association in all our peaceful indu. trie at "home. As Organising UOllllnis, ioner I have yi, ited) at Oll time and " another, the great mining, colliery and rail way districts, as well as " smaller industries, towns and viJlage.' and found the interest in our " work well maintained, and this is fortunate, for amid the clash of arms " and the wounded in battle, we must not fOl'get or neo'lect those who :: ~re mown do:vn in thousands eyery J~ear in ou~' mines, on our railways, m our factones, on our streets, and 111 a multItude of other way ,' , If "anything would Bhow the necessity for first aid and ambulance " in .. truction in peace industries, it is the Board of Tra(le turns of " accidents on railways. Altogether the number of pel· .. ons kill d and "injured on railways ill the United Kingdom in th course of public
Ditl'lingtoll Hull Tfartl epnol Ll'l'lls
1,120 1,0n 1
730 60;;
" The following i.' a SUllll1lm-y ()f the number uf cascs which have been " rel1ul't<,:cl ill \\ hic;h lin;t aiel ha.. bel'll l' 'llc1c1'ec1 in cas of aecident in the " v'Lriuu . . e1i'ltl'id.s clm'ill o' th L'Cl' )·eHr'l :-
r) rsTJ:I UT, Darlington
[rartlr>pool I [nil Li.wds
.lTclreastlt, , or].;:
1 fit
1 99
1, l:i
</ 07;;
" lL l1liL) 1)(' jlOllllt'd out t 1l1tt tIll' Ictl'gl'iucl'easl' ill tltl' lllllnber of (;ae. " tre,Ltl'cl in 1"!)" <Llld It-;Df) is not (ltll:' to an iUCl'l'ase ill tlw number uf " (1ccid(,llts occulTillg UI)()l1 tIll' linl' imel in the 'ihops, but is accounLed for "by thl' fiLd tlmL cL bl'ttl'l' s~ SL('111 uf l'('c()]'(lillg Ow cas('" in ",hi·h fil'st ., <Lid lms IX'('11 1'('lHll'l'ed 1ms h('l'n adopt(,(!. . . • 4 I atL('ndl'd ill thl' mrl,Y l'iLlt of .\ugust, as lnsp(,ctillg Oflicel', th "annual gatlwl'illg of the :'\[iddll'slmJl1gh aJl(l ('leyclalH1C't,lltl'l' in the " grounds OT (: llisbul'Ough Prio!',\' kindly 1<'ut h~- :.\[ r'l. l'lw.l1oncr. The "mell \\'('['(' hJ'()llght ill 'i}J!'cial tmill . . froIll tlw \ iU'iuu'l minl's in the , UlevdiLlld distl'ict. Xo l('ss than:H milles, il'Oll factories, and shipI' buildillg Yit]'(l" "'l'n'l' 'l)l·e'i(,llkel. Tlll'n' W{'l'e .-)."!J llH'll Hnd 11:3 wom n "holdi])()' Ow u'ltiii(,<Ltl' ()f tIH' ~t. ,John ;\1Il1 ula.nc( ~\"oci<ttiull <luI it " ma,\- he "t(1,l('<1 that both tlH'se 1IIl'llaucl \\omen ha\ e ah\<L,·s been mo, ' " useful in iil'sl iLid cmd llul'l-ling ill this busy cent!" of the OTcat iron ".lJlCI ul-lvl'Y· 4 '1'1WI'(' Wits ,L \ ('I'Y IiLrge gatl , 1 ' nllg 0 f .'llcc;tato!'s1:> hom the " 'UlTOUll(lilH!,' dist I'i ,t, ,Lwl in cLcldl'l'l-lsillg the men iLt tIll-' do .. e of the " in"vpdioJ1, 1 cl1lplm.-isl'd the f,Ld of tIle grca.t sen ie ' l' lldl'l'ccl to our
, ]5
14 , A ' ocia,tion th ,younded "tnd . ick in the 'outh Afric~tn W<L1', and ,tIFlO tha,t whilst th <.tttention of the counLl'Y bad been l;tl'g; 11 ,tbl'lo]'bed .by " the war, yet they het 1 not fOl'gotL n their duty to the ll1)ul'cd nnel l·k , in nnd ,,,round their o\yn door ' n home. . , I attended th ~\..nnual "Jleetin o' of the Bl'iti h "JIcdial Assoc.:iahon , from July 30th to Augu. t :31'd at Ip. wich, and. took yctl'L in a new , ection- X ayy, .Al'l1)~f a.nd Ambuhtllce.' The dl ' CUR 10nH wcI' . o~ <L~ , eminell tly pmcti al character ctnd ther W~ts ,tn e:-:: 'ellcn t e~ III bl L of ho pita.! tent aI~d oth l' <tlllbl~htnc nnel ficld ho:plta.l lllnt.el'l<Ll. 01:C " 'ubject of 0'1' atmterel'lt, and hkelJ~ to lead to. further d'-'\clopm nt 111 h " the fuhu'c, \Yn the upply of ho. plta.l ol'del'he for ':'ar H81·y~ce. , eminent surgeon. "JIr. Frederick Tl'eYcl:l, who ~ook P3:l't 111 the ehHcuHslOn, " aid 'The ho pital orderly wa an ,,,lmost Im1 oSFl~bl p 1'son- he had " to pitch tent. dig trenche. , nnd th n nurse comphcat. d caHCR. I t \Y~t. " 'almo tan impo ~ible po ition.' N ow, I hcwe always been taught lJl the Army e pecially in th field, t.he word. in~po .. ihle should ll<WP no 'place and I am fully per 'und d from nnmtUllat knowledge of our " ~ ' t. John Ambubnce'men ,,,11 o,"e1' th c.:ountl'Y, there i. an ex 'ellent "recruiting ground for ho I itc"l ord die. in tim of emergency, by mean of the. t. J olm Ambulance Brigade. Th el·yic.:cs rcndered by " the Brio-ade during th present ,yar fully cOlTobomtf',' 011H, hut much "may be °done .in futme yenr in ~in~e ?f peace in con:olicl'Lt.ing <Lnd "improying tIn pnrt of the ASSOCl<LtlOn work. In ,t ]' . nt etcldrcks , I O'a,e before the York "Jledical I 'oci ty, I .. aid I h p d fu tu l'e a.nan 0-:.>"m~nt 'w ould b made with th AL'my"Jl dical Departm nt fo), our. 't. , J olm A.l1lbul::t.nce men to receiYe . ome' practical in truetion in military , ho pital dutie in the military ho. pita!. of the yariou: garrison in Lhe " eli trict where the men re ide. I had arrallo'ed to attend th Al1llUal 'ongl'e 14 of t.ll Hoyalln.titut " of Public Health at Aberde n, but unfortunately the nwct ing ·l"t.'heel " with the Ip 'wich meeting of the Briti. 'h "Jledical \..s.·ocia,tion. A })<Lpel' , I had pr pared on ambulance work in pe~tC and We1,l' hlLd th erefor to " be read for me. In thi I a1 er I pointed out the infiu nce am1mlnnc "instruction mu. t alway' haye, e'p ei~tlly nl110ng skilled Mt.i 'anf; ancl " the innu trial cla e generally on the national health, aml also .-ho\\ ing "the 10 of time out of "Work, the disctbl ment and the fI'e·t on the " general health, often leading to premature aIel ao-e, and all t11 ' train of neryou di. order: engendered by acc.:ident, owd pointing nut, hy cns s, the beneficial re~mlt. of a ~o?d ambulance. and first aid ('1""\"lce w~th , regard to ,Yar. I enterecl mto the :-;en"lces rendercd to t.he ,\ at' , Department during the. outh African ,YaI' by the I 't. .T olm Am bulance , A ociation. I was glad to ob. elTe that the pctI er had heen noticed in " a • ydney paper, a I haye abyays ad yocatecl our illstnwtion as of th " greate t utility in our colonie. ,- indeed it is mo. t de:-;il'abJe t.h""t I.tnyone " going to the colonie. ' should undergo I ' . J aIm Ambulance instruction. "I haye in past years had con. iclerable colonial Xl 1'i('nce, which "teache. me that such knowledge is invaluable. , Turning now to fir. t aid and tran. port of . ick and wound d in ci yil "life in large towns, I read a IJapel' at the Ipswich 111 eting of the " Briti. h "Jledical A. sociation on this subject, ,vherein I laid it down that " the propel' authority to carry out an fticient ambulance :-;e1'\'ice in " large towns is the municipal authority, through the Police Fore. This "is well shown in the ambulance .. ervice for Liverpool, and al:o in " Birkenhead and BootIe. Captain N ott Bower, the Cbief Constable of " LiYerpool, . ays, ' the principle of OUl' Horse Ambulance syHtem is that " , the ambulance and all fittings and aI pliances- the horH s, harnes " " '&e., the drivers and attendants are all provided at th cost of th iity;
they heW ,t very cOJ11vlete ::;ign<Ll Hy:-;te11l all over t~1e city, with ca~ls '" for Fil'e BriO"<Lde, Pohce-Am(JIlL((l/ce, ~\:c., so tb l'~ IS nev"l'. delay m " 'o-etting the ·iLll Hent. There m'e HIX fully eqUlpped Pollee HoJ'. e " , AmbulCtll 'e:-;, c1,nd th numb l' of turlls-out in 1!)OO w 1'e 2,056.' In "Bootl " a r porL 1 }mve !'E' C ived states, 'for about 12 years past we " haye' had eL p rf ct syst 111 of nnlt aiel and transport for case. of " 'aceid nt· our mnbulance hnving all' ady conveyed £),157 patient ' " , from th scene of accident to tJw hospital or to their homes- the " , whole of this work has be n cctlTiecl on without n single mishap by the " , membel'H etnel horscs of the Fire Brigade. The members holding the " 'certificnL of the /')t . .John l\mhulancc As:-;ociation, and great credit is " 'du to Lhe m n of this forc and the police for th~ noble work they " 'hav done in this 'el'vice. Th Bid;:: nhead IIor:e Ambulance worked " 'by the mur~icipctl l~'ir Brigade has ~' ceiv d during th~ yea:r 431 , 'call:-;, illYolvlllO" a. (~IHtan~c of 1,:301 mIle.: or anayen~ge of 3 ~11e8.a , journey, and ~he ~upel'lnt ncleT?-t .-tate.· ~l~e £ir .. t aId work IS till " 'incl'ectsing owmg to the publIc l' ' cogmsmg the advantages of " 'obtaining the 'ervic s of th lIon; .A mbulance when accident · " 'occur.' All the 111 n in thi .. :-;el'vic hay l'eceiyed nl'.-t aid instruction, " and hold th cel'tifiCett of the f-'t. J olm Ambulance Al:lsoeiation. " AL ~ ortJmmpLoll the inyalicl transport l:lel'vice, as usual, has been " activ 1y cno'agecl throughout. the year 39 cases have been undertaken, ' " illvolyinO" journey: of 727 111118:-;. On th :':-;llbj 'et 'of Folice instruction in fir:t aid the ihi~f Constable " of Lan<.;,1,shil' 'olonel :Jlool'sol11, . ays, The more I 'ee of It the more " COllyin' ,cl I a.m of the advantages of teaching people, and e:pecially , 'Polic , how to (leal \\"itb etC 'idcnts and other illne.'. prior to tbe time " , a doctor c,tn be got. 1"\\ ish th'-' Police were, a ' they .. hould be one , 'Ol'getUisatioll, l'esponsibl. to 011 authorit~T, 'who c.oul~ ini t on all " 'goino- tlll'ough ,1,ncl k epmg up ambulance m .t-I'u ·bon. 'Tbe ihief iollstabl ett York r ports to me that th ambulance i. " horsed hy Lll munit'ipnl Fir Brigad horse ' in ca.'e· in the city or ( imm cliett ly adjoining clistrict:-;, 1 ut 'w ben tbe distanc exceed. two or " thr e milt':-;' out Lh , f1'i llcl .. of the patient oW requil' d to hire a hoI' 'e "for t.h(' purpose. In :-lome of th e cae ' elm'in a the pa. t year the patient:-; were brouO"ht from ,L cli.'tcmc of eight to t n mile ' from , Yod\:. EYC1,), ifol't has be " 11 used to promote the in, truction in our , m 1'c.:ctl;We Jl),1,rin€ and our t.mining .. hip '. The, ' team. 'hip Owner ' " As. oc.:i'1,tioll aL X ewcastl -on-Tyne :-;tate, The qu stion of ' hip ) " officer: undergoing (1. cOUJ".'e of am bulanc trainino- wa .. di 'cu .'ed at a " 'meeting in April, ] 900, and it w,":-; i1,gre cl t.o recommend the member " 'of Lhe AHSO 'iation to ,Mlopt such mea ' Ul' s a would induce their " 'ofti 'e1':-; to obL<tin th Imo\declge which would qualify them to deal (( 'with the simpler ca.' . of <.tceiclen , which are apt to ari e at ea, and " 'to g nerally acquir n knowl 'c1ge of first aid. '~I h~ye al 'o l-ept ~t watchf~ll ye o:"e1' p~'omo,ting ambul::t.nce in truc" hon III our Board and Eyemng ContllluatlOn , chool . 'In addition to t,tking p<Lrt at public meeting.' and gathering at " Middlesbrough nnd il ycland I was pre 'ent a.t the Royal Agricultural " I how at York Bah1ington Collierie.. , British "JI clieal As oeiation at "Ipswich, H.oyal Institutc of Public Health at Aberdeen, Barn ley, " Dukinfield, • 'm thwiek, York, and C+louce'3ter, I hay had innumerable " 'mall l' meetino-H, interviewH with all manner of official and eryants " in the variou:-; industrie , and a very lal'g correspondence, all of which "are essenti<1.1 and in. eparablc in our humane work, and there can be (( no doubt in a purely voluntm'y work like th t. John Ambulance
<, ,
" A socin,tion, the only ,,'ay to ma.inLa.in it.. [ficicntly, i. by conll11uoul') , mi ioning. .J[y ('arne. t effort bel,H b en clil'cctecl to maintain good " and kind feeling among. t 1:1,11 cIa SCH, ,1,nd to uphold nucl pres 'I.'Y' the , be t tradition' Ot the old and honoumble Order of , ' t. J o11n."
annual meeting at Auekland, when His Excellency the Governor, the Earl of Ranfurly, a Knight of Justice of the Order, presented certificates and medallions, the 10untess of Ranfurly performing the same daty later on at the \,iV ellington 1en tre; at Kingston, Jamaica, the Governor presiclin(F; and at Belize, British Honduras, Mrs. Newton, the wife of His Honour th Administrator presenting the awards. In Lhe Dominion of anada work has been maintain d, although somewhat sufiering from the aLsence of the Hon .• 'ecretary, J-lieut.- 1010nel +. '. Ryerson, as Oanadian Re 1 Cros.' 10111111issioner at the 'eat of war. Th iolllmittee think it w uld not Le out of place here to achlowleelo'e Lhe kind 'Iyork of ~Ii~s frepnway and other ladies, and the g n rons contribution.' of [l,]lllmlance material and comfort ' of all kiwIs for the .'1ck and wounded forwarded frOln Syclney, N('w South \\Tale '. I'll chairlllan of thi' centre, Lieut.- 1oloncl I. Vande leur Kelly, Knio·ht of Grace of the Order, nnel 01 her lllelllLer ' of its medical 'taft', hay L en serving with th) Force'S in , 'outh Africa. In I11(lia,'b.s.' ('.· have 1) en lllor fr (luent of late, and ,yith a view to th ir 'xten 'ion, :Jlnjor A. C. Yate, Indian ,'taft' 10rp , a 111 'm1)er of th' 1 lltral Ex.ecntiYe 1011mittee, ,dlO has already had xporien' of their formaLion in • 'illlln. and 1 ewhere, has been a.ppointed by IIi ' Roya.l Highn " the Prince of 'Yale, Grand Prior of the Order, Honorary Oro'ani in o' 'ommi sioner for that conntry. 10nsicleraLle intere .. t in the work of the Order ha becn al'ouf..cd in India l)y th, honour confon d by Her ~Iaje ty the (~u en, on th I' cOllllllendation of Hi Royal Highness the hanel Prior and Lhe Ch,lpter, at th in tance of the Indian Government, in l' 'cognition of th deyot d 'elTice of surgeons anclnur. e durino' thl plague epidemic, and it i hoped, with the 'o-or oration of the Yi<.:el'oy, to promote the doyelopment of ambuln,nce work to 'uch an extont that in duo cour'e corp and divisions of the • 'to .J ohn ..AmLulnnce Brigade may be formod, which would douLLlc be of imm n e utility in the frontier war', as well a in time of peace. Attention wa drawn to the importance of thi suLj ot in an able lecture delivered by Major Yato at the Royal nitod -'ervico In titution, the Chancellor of the Order, Earl Eo' rLon of Tatton, in the chair.
mong t tho meeting..., of the' ycar of special intcrst haye been tho e for pI' entation of c rLin ate and In dallion b:v lIor Royal Highne s Prince Louise, Duches of Arg, '11, at \\ t Hamp tead: at the College for \Vorhng \\T Olnen, }1'itzroy Lr t, when ~Ir . Ganett Ander on PI" cnted nul' ing certineal . : at Ips"'ich the ~Ll,yor pre iding; at Bri tol, whon th Lorcl Bishop of the Diocc e delivered an eloq nen t adche : at L ices t er, the pre entation boin o' made by L,l,dy arah 'ViI. on, OIl her return from outh AJrica; at "heffield, b the Lord Mayor ; n.t J)01l0']a " I Ie of Man by Hi' Excellency th Gov rnor, Lord H nni]- 1': at Potter pury, by the Duke of Grafton; and at Paclding-ton by tho Countess of Corle to Great 'Ve·t rn Railwayemp[0!Je8. Early in the year an intere tin o' competition wa h lcl at th unclee Centre, the prize being pre ented to th ucce sful tams Ly Lord Provo t Hunter: and mention 1111.1 t not be oyerloo1· II of the Naval and ~Iilitary Bazaar held in the lllnlller at lylllpin, for the benefit of utt'erers fr0111 the 'Inu, when Her Royal Highne ' Princess Christian, whose interest in ambulance work in war and peace is pro erbial, conferred honour on the 1. 'ociaLion by selling article at the t. John l.lll Lu lanc tall. At the colonial and foreign centre.' and branche ', fl.' at hom , nUlllerou meeting have been held, notably at B rllluda, for the presentation of pecial awards to the Local Hon. cretary, 1\1"1'. George impson, to the Hon. S. Brownlow Gray, C.1\I. ~., and to Sir Josiah Ree , the Chiof Justice (,\'ho unfortnnatcly elid not sur,ive till the date of the meeting): at Melbourne, in commemoration of the foundation of th Yictorifl.n C ·nLre iO'hteen years ago' at Adela.ide, when Hi' Excellency the ~ ovcrllor pre idec1 over the annual c1enlonstration, and tated that he had no doubt Parliament would aOTee Lo the vote of £50, which the Government intended to ask for, a 'a ub idy to the A ociation; at Perth, 'vV stern Au tralia, where by the kindness of the Administrator, a ball was held at Government House, and where certificates were presented at the Swan River Mechanics Institute by the Lord Bishop: at the New Z aland Centres, e pecially Lhe T
TH.\~sl't H'J'
OH.l's. -Th numh l' l'ellwv:"lR meld. dllring' Lh ~ p:lRL twelve mouCh 11=' 0 ,);~, an lnt'1'l'n 'C of n~ upon th e pr yiOll,' Y~al'. Th hl l'~es, cnrri:tg 'S :1lHl elpplie\llC 'S ell' in goo(l wOl'hng ol'dll' :mtl Ollllition. l\l:my 1'CC<.)l1\111 'lUI d 'ns<.'s h:l.\ t' b' ~n moy d. :l ' in p:lsL . 'C ell'S nt l'cdn' t1 l'S and g·mLnitow.;l '. As 1.1 ~1l:l1 Ch' hon'>es nnll C;ll'l'ielges hn \ 'l' been uscd in conn ct.ion \riLh Lhe prin 'ipnl pnhli dnt ie' lllHlel'tnl-cl1 b r No. I l)i st1'id Nt. lNY.\Un
John Ambubnc' lhignd ~. Thr~e i01'cig'u remoyals - viz., LllCent tn \V oolpit (81lil'olk); l :ll'is to L HHlou: Pet iL And lny~ (n :U' HOllcn) tn Be 'k nhnlll (1- ne): and iH't '-nin' onnt l' l'l m )' nls 11,lY<. l> ~l'n mad ~. . .\.mong· t th ~ nwl' impol't:mL mny be 111 ~l1tillll ~ tl 1\, hl 'S \ .B. to t1'e:ltham, \V:llt on-on- J nze to Oxi'lH'd, Urnnthn11l tn London, London to \Yoodh:lll "" p:" ( Lincolnshir), Filly (Yorks) :md Hll -ton: mthaml ton Lo lilnmll'lH'tl, Dol'S ,( nlUl N( cllllll H'C 10 \\ ntlingt n. 1\Lln l' 'm yaL fa]' long' tli '!ilnees by 1'0n(1 h:w' al 0 b '11 'ani d out. Tll1~ ~ T. P .\l' I:S ...:\.~tHPL.\ .TC'B STJ\ 'I'ltL 'I. Paul's 1a thedrnl).During· th past Lwcll- 111OnLh,' ~W~ l',l' \' h:1I ~ 1'( 'ell' 't1 t1' ,11Hlont lllahng':l gl':HHl total r ~/n8 'nscs t1' ~ nt (1 sine> th' ' taLion wa ' Op'11 (1. B sid. Lh ~ P ~l'll1:m nt al t J)clnnl on (luI,) during tho w el-, tll ~ 111 mh 1'S or 0 . ' \ DisLrll'! , ~t. ,Iohn \.mlmlan 0 Brig-ade ontinul' tl (10 (111 (y at Ihe stn Lion on ~u11d:\y , from ~.;~o to 8 p.m., abo on 111[\11), 0 Tn. ' iOllS wh n .'pecia] ryi '~s a1" III Itl. TUE " Dl' X .\X lE?lLOHL\L" \.:'ILHl' L \ . Tl'E ~T .\TlO_' (~t. Cle1l1 ' Ilts' an s, tnll(1),- \.t Lhis station ~ H) 'as'~ haye b ' ' ll lr ';l!e(l during th pasL. - aI', mnl:.ing· ,\ oTand toLl] 7..H) ' ases sin(' (h , Lation wa . Ol) n (..1. l o·hL duL. ' h,l: h ' n uml 'ftake]) throu 0cr}wllt Lho in' by momber of To. 1 \)istl'i' ,'t. John Amlmlnn ' Brigado. Tho i U 1'Li11 'at for (h ' pn 'L .'ess10n has Lc n :First \'id, Male.............. ... IS , L,)2 DiUu, l i ' mal ............... 8,. t.;~5 1.11'siu n·, Mal................. l , ~,.. (' Ditto, F male.............. "*',.402 lIygi no........................... .to lllaking a. gTand toL:"l to dn,t of !502,()00. 65,92 '" lllodnlli n havo L n j ,' ll ~ d to Mi 'ha lma " 1900. T
1111111111nn ' WOl'k hal b on l' cog-nised b. r 11 ' l' l:~j Ly Ih 011 'ln, on 1.11 l'U ' ()]1l1l1 ' ndn.Li n i 1L:H. 11. ,Ih Pril~ '. of \ al 's, Crawl Prior, and loh !hn.l Lor, by Lhe 10110\\ 111°' :l,cll1misJOl1,' Lo and 'l1l'ohn nl, in 111 ' Ore1 r : l'\' ll' S
CnrLl) r:m '
L ]{ /I iUhl8 (~l }'U ceo C 011 ral Nil' A . .J. L. To n Ii l' 1)1 1.nl,] , ,. l',., U.l'.?l1.U. I l~(llll\lllll Ow n, I~ q. , l". IU '.~ . C 010nl'1 ~i1' ll()\\'al'cl \ Tin' nt , K. ~. :'I1. '" ('. B., :'11.1'. I)i ' uL. - "ohm 'J H. \ ":mc1 1 Ul' K 11 r, F.H. '.S. Li ' nC.-Colon ,1 E. Tnrn 11, \1.1>. . IJol'd 1nlHlllamiltoll. hal'l Cn. wd (ll'. Lord Nttll b1'i <.l o' . The ~la]'qn 'ss of mthnmpLon. Li '111. - 010ll 1 \Yilli am \\ nUs. H. ,1. olli, Esq., ?l1.l). \Villiam Y ' l'llOll, E '(}, :\1.1'. ".S.
. . L Laclie,' (~f ~I·W'C. rl h Lady Kni ght1 of Fa,\\::;1 '. 11's. J. c. 1 alton. Th ~la,. 11io11 ss l f 1 l' ntlalban . lisH li( ch,11 ""nmpb 11 of Au 'hlllftnno ch. .M}' '. H ) d:. r
As E8qni}'c8. T. H. \r oo]sLon, E ' tl11. . i\lillHll'll, E 'q., ?l1.H. ~t"
lIo,/ul'ul'Y And l'CW 11 'll( 101' 'on. 1L. T. Fl'a 'yo , . ll. P:tl'lle.:.
c..1'L'l /lg
13 <.: k.
\Y. \\ hit ~. ,V. J 11. l)olltiu. J. ]~. Hodo', on. E '}U'ollc(l . . Is IloIlOl'a1'V As 'oc iaic'. It. D , 'lmus Bn ' , Esq., ?lute. Ueorg Ben L'on Esq., ?It. D.
Hlwh rown, E q. Frank H. Pop , E q. ~I.D. urO'eon :r n ra1 T. ::Jlaun ell, J. ::JIartin ollett, E q. 'Y. J. hurch Bra ier, E q. 'V. H. Morgan, E q.
~ ''fORE. '
] EP.l\RT~IE" ~'f.--~
'[l'!es for twelve months have
been :.B.
8 Ambulance Carriage. 50 "A.hforcl " Litter uuder-carriages (improved pattern). 19 Ambulance tretchers (" F1Wlcy" improved pattern).
Ditto " " "with Telescopic Handles. 1 Ditto " " "Military, 30 Ditto " " "Police. 92 'an vas 'over for Litters. 36 p3.re anvas Beds for Stretchers. 434 ets of large Diagrams (for Lecturer's u ·e). 5 4 'et of. plint 354 Elastic Tonruirluets. 37;:; Ambulance Hampers. 132 Ca e Report Books. 15,443 Plain Triangular Bandage '. 42,611 Illustrated Triangular Bandage ' (after Esmarch), 19,643 Roller Bandage'. 4 ,319 Poc-ket " Ai(les Memo ire " in linen lineLl envelopes. 17 , 562 • mall Anatomical Diagrams. L 1 Electrotypes. 26,560 Arm Badge_. 3. 90 'pecimclI Examination Papers, 4, 06~ Dt. Hey . '· Poi on anI. 93 Ha neS;lC . 216 Bal1(lag ' Holler :JIachines. 77 •'tatiollrry (lJoxe of). 233
pecial er,ice haye [\1 0 been l'ecoo'nized by th " Yellum Vote "to the followin o' : -
a,\rarc1 of
John Od ry yme , E q., ~r.D. ,Valter tunt, E q, (Fayer ·IUtlll). Mr. A. J. Trilllmer. ::JIr. ecil 'Y. Bakel'. ::JIl'. tephen Herbert YilY n. ::JIr. Harrie J. Hallatt. The foul' la t named receiyed the rnntrc1 III recognition of ervice connected 'with the illouilization of the con picuou outh African detachruent . 1
ervice medal· hale been a,\-arded to the f~llo'\\'in{J', n.nd were presented by H.R.H, the Prince of ,Vnlc,', at :JIadlJoruugh HOLl 'C, on July lIth :\\T aynlnan Dixon, Knio'ht of :h'i.LCC of the 01'(1 l' and Honorary . 'ecrctal'Y of thc jIic.lclle ' ln'olwh and 'leydand 'ontrc. :;Uajor C. R. Fletcher Lutwi 10'e, Kniuht of :h nc > of the Order . and Honorary ~ 'ecretary uf the TunlJridge \r ells Centre. ,Valter Rowley, Knio'ht f Grace of the Order and Honorary. 'ecretn.ry of the Leed 8ntr. Stuart 'rawford '\ ardell, Y night of Grace of thc Order and Deputy COllllni ioner of o. Y. Di tri(;t, St. John illllJulance Brjo'acle. ,Yillianl Ackrill ~ 'tarnforc1, M.Re. '., Honorary 'uru'con of the Tibshelf Corps, Sl. John Alllbulance Brigade. .I..
BOOK. 54,0::;1 -'hepher<l' "Fir -t AiJ to the Injured." H,l u:3 Cosgrave's <. Hint ' am! Help' for Home Xur. ing and Hygiene." 3,499 :Martill' "Que -tion and Answer upon Ambulance ,York." 912 .Jfartin's "(Jne.-tion anJ An weI" upon Nur~ing."
1:23 Pye' "Elementary BanLlaging and urgical ill'es ing." 101 E marcli's "First Aid to the Injured" (translated by H.R.H. Prince, Christian). 4::;9 yke .. ·" Home Hygiene." 2~ Drill :J1<11111u1. .
In conclu ion, the Director and Chairman and the Central Executive Committce de ire to again offer their cordial and most heart-felt be t acknowledO'lllent8 to the Medical taff, to the Executive Official and ommittees of Centres and Branche, to the hief ComIni'sioner and to the other Superior Officer, and to allrR.nk ' of the Brigade, by who e able and valued cooperation th y have been able, not only to continue theil'
22 humane work for the relief of sicknes nnd suffering in the ordinnry time of pence, but to cnrry out on n wider nnd nlOre extended cnle the mobilizntion of the ,"\'cLive service contino'enL which have rendered uch nobl ervi in ni 1 of the sicl~ nnd wounded in the ,n1.r now, it is to be fervently hop d, drnwin o' to ,1. clo e.
RepoTt on 'l·s
of alnbulancc ?ncitc}'ial, etc., jO)' the ick ancZ1.Uoundecl in outh Af,·ica. 1.te
E. .
1 t JwnLUL)'Y, 1901.
received only nrefully made and excellent articl s of clothing, senL by v'1.l'iou.· bodi.es-notaLly the 1eutres of the 'to John Al1lbnbnce As ocia,tion, whose goods were always of high classand by th se of the genernl puulic who followed the directions given III th circnlnrs losteel to th III from the Association, Ly <'ending th ir gifts nt 'tnted intervals, systell1c1.tically grouped and enUllleratecl. A rec >ipt carel, with the Chief 'ecretary's thnnks, was immeeliu,Lcly forwarded to ach donor, and a further letter of thanks w( s s nt by me, in his name, in nearly every instance. It wa' <1.1mo 't al wnys n c ssary to repack the good.'. Every article was eheckec1 nnel ent red as it wns rec iYed, and also when it wa.' repu. ·k 'cl. The toLal nll1Hber of packag . I' ceiv d from the g n ral public waf> :3,550. The b ok.' 11 (1 Ly 11 , to keep a record of the goods, were de jc)'n (1 by :Jlr. \V. Edward (the Accountant of the Association), and'el'g'ant-JIajor Robin. on, nnd '0 good wa ' the ystem, that we could Lmc cry article 'wiLh the greate ·t ease. "\ViLh r garrl to Lhe packing, special cases were ma Ie for the o·ooc1s. They had buckle-hinged lid, nnd were strengthened wiLh pnt 'nt \\ ire s curecl Ly staples, just ad of hoop-iron. The ca W'1' linud ,\ ith "'\\'at r-pl'oof cloth or paper, or \\-ith tin, and \\'e j1.Hlg d LbnL they lllig~t ue of con 'idel'aLle ~lse. in outh Afric,l. .Aucl L would mellt.lOll that some ca 'e of thl' pattern weI' 1'eLllrn cl ill goocl ('nndi tion to the warehou e in June last, whi.ch hacl dUll . 'l'Yi 'e in the l' c nt Ashanti campaio'n in 1896, [mel hacl he '11 cOllstantly in u since. Each t1.. was stencilled with <1, de. cription of the general chant 'ler of h content., a printed card being al'o added, and wa.' fully aclell' , ·cl to the 'om mi. ioner at ape Town or Dnri..>au, 'a11(l on each nd wa. print d the Red \0· and the \\'orcl : c. BriLi ·11 Hed \'0. ,'o<..;iety." The ea e w re nUll1bered con 'e 'utiI' 1y , and < nmnLer d li. t with full detail \\'a mailed with n 'h "hipm 'llt to the consio'nee, a copy of thi li twas at the sn,lllO timo forwarcled to the entral British Red Cro s ollllui tee. Frequently pnckage w re .' nt to our \\Tar hou e addre ed to private individual in 'outh Africa. Thi would lead to COlT 'ponclcnc in refer nce to th di posal of the article , and much xplanation a to our inability to take charo'e of til m. I founel it conveni nt to canyon the one pondence from t. John' . . Gnt . a, ther I conld av<til my elf of the advice of the bief ~ -'ecrotn.ry, to whom I l' ported chily. During the fir t few weeks th cone pond nce wa 0\' rwholming, nnd I wa very glad of the kind help of Mi s E. B. Jackson, Honorary ecretary of the Marlow Centre of the A sociation, who came up to London
I ha'\e the honour of ublllitting the following l' p rt of the material and comfort recei,ed and forward cl for th usc of the sick and ,,"ounded in outh Africa, frOln the 27th tob~r, 1899, to December, 1900. Under the regulations of the entral British Reel \'O.'S Committee the t. John Ambulance s 'ociaLion is al I oint cl to tmdertake the reception and forwardin o' of mat rial, an(l cni the 19th October, 1 )99, at. the l' que t of ir Herb rt errott, I took charge of the warehou , generou ly 1 nt hy Me ' l' . Barne and Co. (Limited), of attIc Brido'e Lane, Tooley 'treet. It fulfilled all requirement achnirably, being pacious alld airy. I also had the inlmense adyantao'e of bing aUl Lo con 'ult Mr. ,V. G. Barne , Junr., the ll1ana cr ing director, nt all timo.'. He had previou ly had experience in the 'ouelan, an 1 had be n associated with the working operntion of Lhe Briti. h R d ro .'S Society since 1880, consequently he was able to assist me in every case of difficulty. The aInbulance staff of the warehouse consi ted of myself, Sergeant-l\1ajor Robinson, of the 10rp of 10lillli sionaires, late of the Royal Engineers, Mr. Hitch (foreman to Me rs. Barnes and Co.), and a few of the finn's workmen. ergeant-Major Robinson andl\Ir. Hitch worked Rdrnirably and with z al. At £.Tst we were embarrassed by the great influx of articles, so numerous indeed, that we had considerable difficulty in coping with the work. Very many kind people of the poor l' classes sent their little gift, often with pathetic letters. hadually these small gifts arrived in fewer quantities, and later, we 1
daily, and who wrote from mornin o' till night for many day, and aloof .Mr. Ed ward , who often found tim to a i tIne. Not only had ,ve to an weI' enquirie fr 0111 upport r of our own ociation, but from all part of the nited 1 ingdom and frOln the Continent, came letter a king u to advi e the wriLers how to end comfort and clothin a to thi ho pital or that, or to yanon orp in the field; how to buy goods fro111 manufacturer , the be t material, etc., tc. Indoed, thi aave us a great deal of extra, work, and it wa diffi ult Lo convince people that we were unable to forward any articl to cOlllbn,tant troops in the field, or to ho. pitals other than Lho 0 under the dir cLi n of our ommi ioner m South frica. I would add that el'" ry letter a king advice ,"as an wor cl by nle, and circular and pattern were nt to everyone a. king for them, and I ventur to think that w may have been of s rvice to lllallY ho pitals and orp at the eat of war other than Lho e connected with the ociety. The averaae capacity of a ca e was 5 cubic feet. The date of the first shipment ,,'a the 27th October, 1 99, on s . O(wi",b?'ook Oa tle. From the 27th October, 1 99, to the nd of January, 1900, the good were consiO'n~d to olonel J. . Young, at 'ape Town, and ub equently to SIr John Furley, the ommi .. ioner of the Btiti h Red eros Soci ty in outh Africa. Al 0, o"\er 300 cases were sent to r. Chepmell, at Durban, and later to .Mr. T. Bonham-Carter. The numb l' of ca forwarded frOl11 fir t to last was 7,216, and the weight about 500 tons. In conclusion, I would draw att ntion to th great serVIces that Messrs. Barnes and Co. have gl'atuitQu ly render d. I hav~ the honour to be, Illy Lord, Your obedient servant, RI HARD HOLBEC E, Lieut.- olonel. To the Rjght Hon. Viscount K UT. FORD, G.Gl\f.G., Direc tor and Chairman, St. John Ambulance Association.
Fr III tho \'eol~ Red Cross 'ocioLy,] 11 cases of wines, brandy, and cigar ttes. From the 10lnmittoe for collecting butter in Denmark for 8no'li 11 soldier, in •'outh Africa, n behalf of H.R.H. the Pri~c ss of \ Val.' , 10,000 Lins of Danish butter. Amono'sL aLh'r donor whose gi fts deserve special mention were theufollowing :-The ~L l'chioness of \ Vaterford, the jlarquis of Breadalba.ll , r.G. , Lhe Duko of Abercorn, K. +., Viscount Dllncn,nnoll, Hon. \Valtor l{oLhsehild, 'olonel Gordon, 'olonel Hammen-lIe)" 1\Injor Macpher.'on, lountess of Gosford,. Countess of MOl\ y, Tho L<Ldy • 'La.ffonl, Vi.'counte ·s Galway, Iscountess Valentia., Yi.'collntes ' Ha.mprlon, Viscountess Frankfort de Iontll101'ency, Yi;-;counte.' ' KnuLsfonl, Hon. ~Ir '. DouO'las, Hon. nil' . Gelman, lIoll. ir.'. Lyon, Hon. ~Ir . 1Iacnaghton, Hon. ~Ir. Pelhm11, Hon. ~lr. H. Fitzherb rt J one, Hon. }lrs. Laurenco, Hon. ~rl'. A. Ec)'erton, Hon. ~Iisses Trefusis, Lady B mer, La.cly Bowl y, Lady Acla •'cott, Lady Egerton, Lady Gcorginn. Y-ornOll, ~Ii s Y nollys, 1\11'. . E. Pol -Carew, Mayoress of H~dclel'stiel(l , l\Iayoress of Ib I 011, l\In.yor of Leeds, Mayor of Birming'halll: r aLhrtrine, La(ly Lechmer ,Lady ,\V . Brooke, Lady lunt, La(l, - AerllC.' lll'lle, Lady Gwendoline ecil, Lady M. a hwood, Lady jI. Ie ~ 'ali.', Lady J)urancl, Lady 1'0 sley, Lady Duncla.·, La(ly Elli , Lc dy ~-Iickll1all, Lady Fowler, Lady Fn.irbail'n, La(ly Trea heel , La 1y Lmcl < y, Lady ~lal'y Ponsonby, Lady Grahalll, La(1y Hylton, Lady 'tainer, Lady Drummond Lady Grn.nt, Lady Lilforcl.
PECIAL GIFT . From H.R.H. the Princess of ,\Vales, four bales of woollen rug's and cases of letter packets with pencils, clothing, soaps, cold cream, perfumery, etc. From T.R.H. the Princess Margaret and Princess Patricia of Connaught, clothing made by their own hands. Fr?m th~ French Red Cross Society, two complete field hospItal eqUlpments for 200 men, in 58 large packages.
27 26
D espatch oj packages to SO~tth Afi·ica fi'o?n Nove?11Jbe1'1 t, 1899, to Dece?11Jber 31 t, 1900. Am bulance tretchel's Ango tura Bitters Bandages ... Bedding Bed Coyerlets Bed Pulleys Bed Re ts Blankets Books and Iagazines Brandy Butter Camp tools, Ohairs, Lounge Caps and H elmets Oarbolized Tow Carpeting ... Ohampagne Chest Protectors Chocolate ... Cholera Belts Christma Cards Oigarettes Cigars Olaret Clothing loudy Ammonia Oondy's Fluid Cooking Pans Crutches Cup Oovers ... Oushions Disinfectan ts D'Oyleys ... Dressing Gowns Drugs, lIIedicines, and Medicaments ... Dysentery Elixir Eau rie Cologne Fans Field Hospitals Field Lanterns Field Panniers Flags Flannel Fly Papers ... Games Hair Brushes Handkerchiefs H:wersacs .. Hoop Oradles Hospit!1.1 Utensil
Packages. 31 100 2
205 3 2 1 1
2 1 17 100 5 33 20 1 1
2 9 3 45 2 42 fl09
12 6 4 3 2
43 26 1 14
45 1
12 3 5 2 1 1 11
21 1 1
3-n {(Demorfa111.
Packages. 1 Im-alid Reading De ks 39 In,uk ets 260 Lime J nice Cordial ... 3 LinelJ (old) 1 :MeLlicatecl ,Vater Bottle 2318 ledical Oow forts 342 Min ora 1 \V a tel'S :Mosquito N etting 61 1\lulU er 12 ew 'papcr 45 ightilJga]e 4Night hi1't 3 Pail 6 Petal Dust .,. 9 Pillow Cases 353 PIllolI's 2 Pillows, Air 13 Pipes l)ortabl e Hut, Fittings, Bedding, 42 etc 63 Port " -inc .. 338 Pyjamas 5 Rug ' 3 alt 50 • alH: brnnnen 2 Imwl. 30 hirt 33 lippers 97 oap 91 Socks a lld tockings, woollen 50 'p'tl'kling aml1l' 1 pOllges 13 tatiollery ... 5 nndl'io.. .. .. urgical Instrument and Drcs iug weets Tea Tobacco TO\\'els U l1(ler Vests Walking Sticks ,Yater Beds Wbiskey ,Ville, Greek IV oollen Hosiery 1 Wraps TOTAL
thi' report is in the press, an event has occurrcd which has cast an unparalleled shadow of sorrow and mourning over the civilized wodl, the deFl.th of I-IJ£H. LA.TE LA 1EXTED MAJESTY QUEEN VlCTORL\.., the. 'overeio'n Head and Patron of the Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of • 't. John of J erusalern in VVHILE
England. Millions of per 'ons of all nationalities and lanO'uages and creeds who had neyer even seen, much less heard the voice of, that Gracious Lady, are now deploring the loss of One whose ympathy was always at the di posal of those, however humble, wheth l' H l' own ubjects or belongmo' to a foreign land, who were experiencing the agony of phy ical pain or the anguish of per onal bereavement; and the memory of a 'overeign \vho ha ' earn d for cr' If the undyin o. Llesio'nation of cc VICTORIA will be revered for all time. The lllGll1bers of the Or leI' of 't. John, and of its Anlbulance Department, have good I' a on to bear In mind the intere t taken on so l11any occaSlOns by Her late :JIaje ty ill the vanou.' branche of the Order' 'work. The remelllbranc of the in pection by the lat Queen of corps and divi ions SOlne year ago at ,Vind or, and the °TaclOUS message l' ceiv'c1 by the 'to John Ambulance Brigade from Her Majesty less than three week before her death,* will long remain c1eeply enOTayen on their heart, and will prove an incentiye to all the 11101nber , of every degree and grade, to spare no effort to further by every mean in their power the beneficent work-the relief of human suffering-so
* 1 'ee recent Brigade Ord r by the
hief Uommii:i ioner on n xt page.
29 deal' to the hem't of their beloved Monl1reh. The gratifying words of approyal recei yed on th Sl1me occasion from His l\laje ty the King, Her l\laje ty's 'ucce SOl' l1S ov reign Hel1d l1nd Pl1tl'on of the Order, will till further encourage the 111 mbers, both of the Order l1nd of the Ambulance Department, to prove them elves "worthy of serving under their illustrious Head l1nd Patron, and of proving thereby th ir devoted loyalty to His throne.
Th 7 "SERVICE MEDAL" c~wcwcl '/cl
the Or-rl e1' of
the IIospitc~t of St. J ohn of J eru 'alem in, England ancl it
D epcfJrtments.
B.O.40. Extract from a communication dated 6th .January, 1901, from the Private 1 ecl' tary to Her ~Iaje ty The Queen, the .'overeian Head and Patron of the Grand Priory of the Ordel' of the Ho. pital of ,'t. John of .T eru alem in Enala,nd to th ~Ial·que. of X Ol'thaml ton, Knight of race of the Order, on the occa.'ion of a complim ntary banquet giyen to the men belonging to the X o. 3 Di.-tl'ict of the 1 'to .J ohn Ambulance Brigade who had lately l'eturned from sen'ic in 1 'outh Africa: "The Queen has heard "w ith much sati~faction of th . callont "work done in 1 'outh Africa by member ' of the. 't . .J olm Ambulance Brigade." C
A similar communication dated the 12th January, 1901, wa' received from the Private 1 'ecretary to H.R.H. Th Prince of 'Yale, K.G., Grand Prior of the Order, to the following effect :cc Pray convey to the men of the 1 't. John Am bulance Bl'igade my warm congratulations on their return, and abov all on the cc splendid work which they p rfol'med in 'outh Africa. I f 1 cc proud to be at the head of . 0 distinguished a body of men. cc
The ouv rse of Lhi ' medal i ' a reproduction of a bu t at . H ouse execu t enJ b} I:..T IJ Prince Loui e, Duche s Burlmo'ton :-1. R .:-L of Argyll. ntil . pecial penni sion had been obtained for thi purpose from I-I.~I. Queen '\ ictorin, H.R.H. the ~uche s of Argyll, n,nc.l the President of the ROyl1l Ac<'tdemy, thIS bu thad
(I igned) ALBERT ED\YARD."
Chief C01nmissioner.
never even been photogrl1phec1 .
{tf)c (l;ranb lDrior\2 of tbe ~rbcr of tf)e 1boBPtt; of $t. 30bn of 3erllBalenl 1n JEnglanb. A IB~LANC DEPARTMENT Income and, Expend7t'lt1'e Account I TT decl 30th Sentemue?' 1900. the .I eaT en '1.' --------------------------------------------~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
By Instruction and Sale of storesLecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses
To Instruction and Sale of Stores£3414 1
Gro s profit on sale of stores Donations and annual suhscriptions
pecial honorarinm and travelling expenses of Organizing Commi sioner
0 0
136:1: 19
Printing, stationery and general expenses
979 1
Carriage and freight
Salaries .
respect of instruction
3 3
------ £10036
6 7
Invalid Transport Corps.-
Expenses of remoyal of patients, including horse
Printing, stationery and general expenses
6 10
Invalid Transport Corps-
Salaries •
£5127 17
Receipts froUl Detached Classes and Centres in
------ £6192
hire, travelling and incidental
1722 15
Fees for removal of patients 547
0 9
9 0
6 10
Repairs, 'depreciation, and rene"l)als of carriages 141 10 11
and appliance -
st. John Ambulance Brigade-
1722 15
St. John Ambulance BrigadeDuncan Memonal Fund-
Public duty and maintenance of stations
248 1
Brigade Chief Superintendent's salary
0 0
Balance of contribution
Travelling expenses
maintenance of station '
Printing, stationery and general expenses
300 15
applied towards
7 0
6 4
Repairs, depreciation, and renewals of carriages and appliances
26 12
6 1235
Special Competitions
Balance (being surplus
3023 11
01:: the year)
£11 ,843
8 8
We have examined the books and vouchers of the Ambulance Department of the Grand Prio ()f th 0 d ' . E I d d ertif that the above y.. . . d Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th September 1900 is correct. This ACCOlL • e r er of the HospItal of t. John of J e:u~alem m ng an , an c therein. ' , forms part of the General Income and ExpendIture Account of the Order, and IS mcol pOlate 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C. 7th Febrtlary, 1901.
Pel' A. LOWE
d't ~
St. lobn Bmbulance Bssoctatton. SUBSCRIBERS,
(Recei\'cd at; Central Office only, and not including those received by Local Honorary Secretarics of Centres).
A DOlUttiun oj Five Pmmds ancl up~rarcls constitlbtes a Life .Member. An Annual SlIuscri1)( iOIl of Five Sldllinys and ~tpluat'ds constitntes an AnmbaZ lJlembe1'. An Asterisk (*) sigllifics all Annual Sub crilier. AlcxalHlcl', illr:;. "* Anning, 1\1is!'! M. * Bakcr, Mr. G. Barraclough, Dr. II. ... Bll,th, Do" agcl' illarchioness of Bell Bro ., L<1. * Bellcckr, lIliss A . .M. ... Bensoll, Mr. R. A. "Bilsoll, 1111'. T. C. * Blackmore, :JUs ' F. J. ... BraMorll, i\li . s E. A, * B lUce, i\li.:;s Capel, Mr. Frank C. ... Carr-Dyer, l\I rs. ... Ceely, Miss * Chaplllan, i\lr . .f. * Coates, Deputy I nspector General latthc\v, It.N. Colfox, representa.ti ves of 1\11' . ... Cosens, Dr . .K N . . * Cox, 1\[iS8 F. Z. R. ... Davies, Miss * Davie , Miss Charlotte ... DixoIl, Miss W. A. )<
1 0 0 1
0 5 5 1
3 0 0 0 0 0
3 5 5 5 5 5 o 10 5 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 1 1
1 1
o 10 o 10 0 0 0
5 5 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
* Elli , Miss A. M. ... Evans, Mr. P. J. le- Evelegh, Miss * Farrar, Dr. R. A. ... Frank, Dr. Philip . I< Gordon, 1\11'. A. A. ... Greenborne, Miss * Haig-Browll, 1\1rs. Heath, Mrs. Cuthbert ... Hill, Rev. S. * Hoare, Major i1' O'Bryen, Bart. * Holdaway, M1'. E. H. ... Homer, R ev. H . H ospital Satnrday Fund * Ho te, Mrs. G. H .. ,.. " In Memoriam" J. H. P. * Kay, Sir Brook, Bart. ... Laird, Miss Alice 1\1. * Leach , 1\11'. C. C.. " LowTY, General R. \V., c . B. * Luby, Mrs. McK e1lar, Mr. C. D. ... Lt. ·Col. lYIcNalty, R .•.\.M., C.B.,
0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 10 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5
o 10 o 10 0 5 1
o 0 2
1 1 0 0 10 1
o 0 0. 1 0
5 5 1
0 5 5 0 0 10 5 5 0 5 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
34 * Maude, Miss Emily * Maw, Son and Thomp on, :Messrs. >I< Iaxwell, Mr. J. 1. * Mewburn, Mi s E. * Nelson, :Miss Anna L H. .r orth, Lt.-Col. B. N. Ogilvie, Capt. C. M. * Popplewell, Major H. F. Webb * Price, Miss N. * Roberts, Miss E. E. S. D. R. . D. * Sim, Major-Gen. E. ... Smith, Mr. W. H. PER
0 * now, Mr. R. L. Sympathizer with S.J.A.A. work 1 1 0 Taylor, 1111'. J. 1 1 0 0 5 0 >I< Taylor, Mr. W. J .. 0 5 0 * Terry, Iajol'-General Astley 5 0 0 * Thackeray, Col. Sil' E. T., K. C. D., '(3. Qt. 5 0 0 * Touch, M1'. J. E. ,Valker, Mrs. 1 1 0 o 5 0 * Walters, Miss 0 5 0 >I< Wightwick, irs. 25 0 0 * Wilson, Miss Annie 1 1 0 Yate, Lt.-Col.C.E., .. L,C.M.G. 050 5
* FraseI'I 1\'[1'. A. E. . * Hatchard, Mrs.
* Lam bert, 1'111' • Row ley
110 o 10 0 050 0 5 0 0 5 0 10 5 0 1 1 15 0 0 5 5 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 * Loveless, 1\Ir. W. K. 1 1 0 * Ma.ior, Mr. H. G. T. 2 2 0 * Priestley, Lady 2 0 0 * tillwell, 1\[rs. 0 10 0
* Draffen, 1\1rs. W. Pitt * Fowler, 1\'[rs.
110 1 1 0 220 200
Bognor Lymington .
1 0
0 0
Metropolitan, No.5 District Northampton
1 1 0 10 11 10
3 6 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 o 19 0 1 1 6 0 5 0 0 5 0
Addlestone . Belize Bowden Cambridge Cirencester Dalhousie Ditchling Gateshead
o 13 o 10
Hendon Liskeard Mickleham. Mostyn S. Austell Torquay W illough by.
o 15 0 2
5 2 15
8 0 0 0 0 0 0
DONATIONS TOWARDS MAL TENANCE OF STATIONS. Albion Cycling Club Christian Endeavour Assoc. Early Closing Association Gamage Cycling & Athletic Club German Cycling Club
o 10 3 17 0 8
o 17 o 10
0 5 6
0 6
Hairdressers' Athletic and Cycling Club Lady Wilbraham London Exhibitions, Ltd. Royal Agricultural SocIety
o 15 0 5 10 10 50 0
0 0 0 0
St. lohn Bmblllance Elssociation. LIFE MEMBERS. NOl'E.-l'hc Life Members ctUaclwcl to Centres ct?'e not inclucled in List. HElt MOST GRACIOU HER MAJESTY 'l'IlE QUEE
HER ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE' , BEATRICE, PRINCESS HENRY OF 13A rl'TE.r BERG. A.R. Adair, Miss H. L Amherst of IIackllry, the Rt. Hon. Lord Angl esey, Marclness of Argyll, Tb e Very Rev. the D ean of Bartoll, 1\lrs. AlLred Bartoll, 1\1rs. Ilope Baker, Mrs. F. B. Beddingtoll, Mrs. Bedford, Her Grace tIle Duche s of Bohn, iUr. G., G. E. Bolcko\\', :JIr. '. F. H. Brak pear, iiII'. II. IIayward Bl'anstoll , 1111'.'. J. G. Breacialhane, the ~Iar(lUC ',' of, K.G. Bl'eadalbanc, The Marchioness of Britten, Captain R. F , R.N. Bl'l1ce, Miss Cbristilla 1\1. A. Bush'o ', 1IIadallle de BlU'nes, :Jlrs. Esther . Byron, Mr. J. L. Campbell, Hev. Cland Campbell, 1111'. Hugh Capel, 1111'. Frank C. Cattell, Dr. G. Trcw Chichestel', thc Rt. Hon. the Earl of. Clarke, Lieut.-Col. A., M.D., R.A.M.C. Clive, the Lady Mary Wind or Coates, Deputy Inspector-Genera1 1lL,R. Cotton, :JI r. Charle Cresswell, Col. Pearson R. Crompton Co-operatiye Provident oc., Lt. Crookshank Pasha, H. E. Harry M., F.H.C. .
Dallas, Mr. Rupert C. F. Darwin, Dr. Geo. H., M.D., F.R.C.P. Dawson, Lieut.-Col. Dalton, Colonel J. C., R.A.
Daubeney, General Sir H. C. B'J G. C. B. Dawes, 1\11'. B. 1\1. Dixon, Lady Dixon, 1\Ir. ,Vaynman Draffen, Mrs. W. Pitt Ehn\'ick Works Accident and Com pen· sation Fund Fel'l'ahoschi, 1111'S. Figgins, 1\11'. James Frank, Dr. Philip Franks, 1\11'. Chas. ,V. Freshfield, 1\11'. Edwin, LL.D" F.S,A. Furley, 1\11'. F. W. Gooch, Mr. C. F. Gold \\'orthy, Major-General W. T., ;\1. P. Gordon, II'. A. A. Gregory, 1\Ir. Herbert E. IIare, 1\11'. . H. Harrison, Dr. C. Hatcbard, Mrs. Frank H eap, Mr. Ralph H eap, MI'. Ralph, junr. Hills-Johnes, General Sir J., 'itJ.Q1;., G.C.B. Hospital, aturday Fund Javal, Mr. P. Cremieu J el'voise, Mr. . Clarke Jervoise, Miss . G. Clarke Kay, U· Brook, Bart. Kemball, General Sir Arnold B., K.C.B., K. c. .1. Leigh, the Rt. H on. Lord Leney, Miss Longstaff, Mr. L1. \\' Mrs. Luby Luca, 11'. F. L . McClure, Lady McCorquodale & Co., Ltd., Messrs. McKellar, Mr. C. D.
36 Life Me mb e rs.
MacLean, Mr. Robert MacLean Sieveking, ir E. H. , F.'.A. Madan, Rev. Canon Skerritt, Mi C. E. Malden, Dr. F. J. teet, [I'. G. Carrick, F. R.C. Manley, mgeon-General'V. G. N., F.Qr. tirling, Mr. John Maxwell, Mr. J. ,V. wan, Mr. John G. litchell, Mr. A. C. weeting, Mis E. Mitchell, Mr. John Taylor, urgeon-Major, ~I.M. D. Ncve, Mrs. Everard S. Tomkin, 1\11'. Alfred avill 1: ewton, Major J. ,Yo N. 'T'ufnell, ~I.P. , Lieut.-Col. E. Ninni , Inspector-General B., R.N. Vachcl', 11'. Francis, F.H .. s. "orth, Lt.-Col. B. M. Waddy, 11'. II. Edwanl, )I.R c. "ugent, 11'. Arthur ,Valker, 1\1rs. Ogilvie, Cap~. C. M. 'Yeo ton, Lieut.-Col. Gould Hlluter-,F.s.A_ Orde, Mi E. M. 'Ye tOll, Mr . Gould Hun terPerrott, Mr. E . E. , Villiam", Colonel R. Phillips, Mr. A. Wilm an, 1\11'. Charle Prie tley, Lady Whithard, 11'. B. ?II. R eyher, Dr. Carl ( t. P etersburg) Wightwick, Ml' . Rivington, 1\11'. C. R. Woollcombe, Dr. Rohert Lloyd. LL.D., Roberts, Field }\lar hal the Rt. Hon. Lord, F.1. In st., F. s .. , M. R. I. A. G.C.B., J9'.CC. Wyndham, Major G. C. Rodgett, Mrs. Richard B. Yanow Mr . Ross, General Sir J., G.C.B. Yate, Major A. C. . D.R.S.D. Yate, Mrs. A. Sancton, Mr. Philip Yate. Lt.-CuI. C. E. , (' ..~.r., C.M.G. Sharp, Ur. William
HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS ( Elected hb recognition oj clistingnishecl sel'1'ices ilL furthering the objpcls 0/ the As ocia{irlJl.) Ahh ott,
ILl '. >;. ,
I,. H. C. 1'.1.
Abrah a m, :Mr. A. A., L. It,(· . H. J., &c. C.M. Adam, Mr. Basil of., )1. B., & ( Victoria). Alhtlll;;, fIir. n ., :ll.lt .C.I'., 1, • .1<'.1'.:., Gla·. Ada.ms, 1\11'. J., 1>t.B .. ('.)1., Etlin., L.~.A. Adam, Mr. nlatehew A..; F.n.C'.R . Aitk en, 1\11'. J. n. , :11.11. , ('.)1., Edin. Alderton, "OIl'.
Atkinson, Mr. F. E., L.R.C.I'., LOllll. :\f.R.O.:. Atkinson, ~[t'. Rohert, )1.n.t.H., L.>;.A. Atkinson, Ml'. Thoma. R. , :11.1>. , )f.1U'.-':.,
., M.ILC ... ,
' I
L.ILC .. l ,. Aldridge, Mr. 1: . Elliott, :11.13.: ( ' .M. , L. R.C.H., Eelin. Alexander, Mr . . R. )1.11. Allan,1\ll'. '. lIf., M . .\., Aher., M .D . , E(lin. All a.n, ~lr. \\Tl11 .. )1.13., L.:'II., Glas . Allin, Lt. · 01. 'I'. B., '.Ln., ILA.\f.C. '11' . ". 111., •\( • 1) • 1 A n d ersOl," AJl(lerson, i\ll'. George, )f.D. E" 'I D L011 (., 1 .•. '[ 13 . , JI r.:T . . v.,." " AtH1er 011 'I '1' ) 'C B., . ( ape J OW I1. · "II' J • "'\' 'I A ('l ' '[ D 11 eIson, 11 • \ ., "' . ., ]" a •• , ", . • A d r ' R ,\r ., 'l•• .I'• .C' T" " l' · . • . , ,.•. 1.. • • , A11 d elson, 1. . Lond. ( ew Zealand ). Ander, all, n11'. \\'m. tiding, )I.D., Gla.. , :II. B., C.:'II. Andrew, ~lr. F. 'V ., )LIU .H., L.R.C.P. Andrew', 1\Ir. ., )UL c.~. Andre\\' , MI'. 'Yilliam, )l.D. Angus, 11'. IIeIll'Y, ~LD., Abe1'., )I.B., c. )!. AUSOll, Ir. George E., )I.n., :B.C., am1>. Apthol'p, Mr. F. '1'., :lUU' .H.,
L. r-.A .
E., :If. }l.c.t;.; Anclland, 1\11'. T, . n. C.P., Lond. Austin, ~[r. John J., )l.D., :Il.( Ir., !lX.I. Averill,?Ilr. Cbarles, )LD.,Durh.,:lL13., B.;;: Bage, ~rr. Chas., ::ILD., :Jlelh.,
n.;; ,
(Yi ctoria). Bagnell, Mr. 'V. H. , L. n . t. P. E., Erlin .. L.:'IL Baildon, nIl'. F. J., )1.H., c.::If., Eelin. Bain, 1\lr. 'W illiam, ::II.D., Dlll'h. Baldwin,1\ll'. F. B. J.,:lf.H.C'.S, L.S .. \. Baldwin, :'lr. T. A., n.•\ .. Dub., )f.D., :'II.B.; L.r,.C' .. . T. Ball,ilir. .Johl1A.,::ILB.,Lonr1.,:I!.Il.C.". Bank, ~Ir. G., I,.R. '.P. E., T,.R.r.H. Barclay, .Mr. :Ym. Bowie, L.RG.P., r.. H.C ... , Edm. Barclay illr.'Y.:JL.L.H.'.l'.,TJ.R.C ... Barlow, Mr. Arthur E., ;\1. B., .)L HalT, ?Ill'. G. A., )LR. (' .~. , L.R.C.P .. L011 l1.
Barrow,~Ir.G.A.,)1.R'(' .... , lJ.R. lJ.l'., LOtll1. Barter, Ml'. '\., M.D., B.U.I., )l.CH.1I.A.O. Bates. nIl'. J. CLU'ling, )LR. C.. , L.R.C.l'., Lond. Bauchop, ilIr. 'Y. F., L.R.C. '. & P.K Beardmore, Mr. G. Ru ell, L.R.C.P., LourL , )LR. '.. . . Beasley, Ml'. Jame G., L.R.C.P., Er1m., L.F.P .S., Gla .
L.R. C.r. Arli(lge, Mr. John F., L.R.l·.H., L.n.V.r.E. Beaton , Mr. Frank, :lI.B., B.. Armstrong, Mr. Jo 'eph F., )1.]). Brux. Beatti e, Mr. H enry, junr., )LR.C. , ., Arnold, Mr. E. harle , :OLB., DUl'h., T,. r,.C.r., LOlld . L .. ' .SC., F.R.C.S., :lLn. C.l'. Beattie, nIl'. Robert, :l1.D., M.R. C. S. Arthur, Ml'. DaviJ, M.D., Gla:., :OLE. , Beaumont, Mr. Edgar, M.R. O.i:l ., L.R.C .. l'. C.M., D.P.lI . , CaOlb. Beckel', Mr. J. E. A. G., ~1.B., C.M., Edw., Aspinwall, Mr. J. F., LJl. C.f-i., l"R.C.1'. , LR.C.P., Lond. Lond . Beddoes, Mr. T. Pugh, B.A., Camb.; Atkinson, M1'. E., M. H . . . . , L . S.A. Call tab.
...., .)
Honorary Life Members.
BroughtoJl, ~Ir. H. T., M.It. '.>;. Bro\\,l1, Ur. li. Tenny on, M.B., C.iIl., Aher. Bro\\'n, nIl'. F. Gordon, :DI. n.c ... , L.M. Brown, Mr. G. A., 1I!.I:.l' ... , Eng., L.... A. Brow11, [1'. J., lIf.D. Brown, [1'. J., L.ll.C.s.I., T".n.C.p.I. Brown, Mr. J. :Jr., .F.ll.C'.S. £1'0\\11, .Mr. ,I'. P., L. It.t'.P., Edin., L.l1.C'.S., Edin. Browne, 11'. G.H.,T,.n.c.l'.,Edill.,L.M . Browne, Mr. Andrew, T".R.C.l'., Edill., L.M. Browne, ~Ir. II. Langley, F.H.C.S., Eclin., L.n.C.p., Edin. Browne, nIl'. Robert, lILn., Duu., F.H.C.R.I. Brownfield, ~Ir. H. M. ,r.Il.C ... , L.n. c.p .. Eclin. Bl'llce, l\lr. Hobert, lILn.C.S., n.r.H. Brunton, Ir. John, ,LB., Clf. B., Clas. Buchanan, [1'. Peter, lILB., C.lIL, Glas. Buchanan,)Ir. 'Walter, 1II.H.C. , ., T"S.A. Buck, Mr. C1a , Will" 'f. H.C.S. Buist, :JIr. R. C., '['A., t, And., {l.A., Calltab .. M.D., Etlill. ~J.n., 0 .;)1. Bull, Mr. William Hoo F.n.C.~., Etlin., Bollington.~Ir.J . D., L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.E. T" H.C.Y., Lond. Bolton, ~Il'. R. L., LJl.C.P. 8 ., LR.C. . Buncle, :JII'. A., lI1.B., .~J., E(lill. Burge, :MI'. R. E., ~r.J)., ;'1.CJI., B.A. Bone, :JIr. D. J. M., lILn., C.:)J., Edin. Boodle, Mr. George A. , ~1.n.c.,., n..U.r. L.F:.A., Lond. Burge, :JIr.\Ym.:JI.,M.n.c ... , L.".A. Boor, "Jlr., ~LD. Burnett, Mr. E. J., F.H.C". Bower,:Jlr.\\.G., lILR.C.R., L.TI.cP., Lond. Burton, :J[r. . H., F.n.C.~., ;'[.IJ., BO""Jllan, :JIr. R., L.n.C.p., L.n. C.S., Eclin . Lond. Bntler, II'. J. Kerr, M.D. Bradbury, :J1r. John, 'I.R.C.f'. Bradbury, Mr. J. B., L.S.A. Buxton, ~Ir. EchmrJ, lILD" .'t, Aud" BraJley, :Jlr. Dayid, :)f.D. H.U.1., filch. :!Ilon.C.p., Edin. Brayton, :J11'. J. G., L.n.c.p.E., L.R.C. '. Byrne, Mr. P. Jas., L.n.C.l'., L.H.U.ti., Brayton, ~Ir. Thos., L.11.C.P. Ed., L.R.C. '., Edin., J".F.P. S., (Has. Edin. Cable, Mr. John, L.ll.C.I)., Edill., L.'r., Bristow, :JIr. 'Y. M., ~I. n, C.. , L. F. P. S., Glas. L.lt.C.P., Edin. Caffyn, fill'. S. ~1., ?If.R.C.!';. Bristo\l'e, Mr. Herbert C., ;)LD., Lond., Calwell, Mr. ,Villiam, 'f.A.H.U.I., ~Ln. 'I.R.C.>;. Cantlie, ~Ir. J., liLA., Abel'. , F.R.C.S. Brittin, fill'. F. G. M., :!II.D. Carde,,", Mr. George A., ~LR.C. ' .E., L. ·,A. Brogden,Mr. J .E. , L.R.C.P., L.R.c.s.,Edin. Carleton, nIl'. John haw, L.R.C ... 1., Brook, Mr. H. Darville, M.R. C.>;., L.R.C.P.r. n.p.H. Carroll, Mr. Joseph, M.B., C,M" D.P.H. Broomhead, Mr. Oha;:;., M.D., Aber., M.B., Cartel' M1'. D'Arcy B., L.R,C.P., Eclin., C.~L M.R.C ..'. Bell, Mr. C. ,Yo J., lIloRC.R Bell, Mr. J. 'V. , B.)f., lII.:::. Bell, )11'. 'Ym., lILn.C.S., L."A. Rennett,)Ir.H.G. Heuder 'I.B.,e.ilL, Edin. Ben on, :J11'. A.. H., ,I. U, F.R.C.S.I. r d , II ~l r. R .j'"'I R ." '.'" . • • , L. . .\. BeresJor Bemays, Mr. H. L., M.n.C.>'., L.S.A. Benm, ~Ir. Tom ",Y. , lIf.n.C .. , I..H.C.P" Lnnd. 'bl'n T R . , .'f, .D. , ('. • '•or • B 1 n n~ ,"1'' 11' . <. Rigg, Mr. G. K. herman, lIt.U.C.S., F.n.c.R., Edin. Bingham, :J[1'. John J., lILD., t. And. Binnie, nIl' Alex. E., lI!.B. & CH.B., .l\Ielb. Bird, :J11'. Hem)" M.l:.e ... L.R.C.P., Lond. Bird, :J11'. ",Y., lILB., C.ilI. Bilt, 1IIr. Geo., lILB., Lond., 1I1.R.C.;;. · kb urn, 'I ". ~\ r. J . , M.Il.c' . ., Blac' Blair :JIr. Hobert, ,I,D., Ediu., lII.B., C.lIf. 'I1'. f"'1 Bl 00 nl fi e11 t , 1.\ u., LRCP . . . . Blo:s:am, :J[r. J. Atley, F.R.C. . Bhuner, 1111'. ",Y. P., F.R.C.S., Edin. Blythman, Mr. C. ., 1If.n.C.8.,
Cartel', 1111'. F. II., lIJ.D., F.1Lt'.~. Coombs, Mr. Carey, M.D., Lond . Honorary Carvell, MI'. John :Maclean; '1.1:.c.s., Cooper, M1'. H. Spencer, 'r.R.C.S.,L.lt.C.l'., Life Members. L. , .A. , Lolltl. Lond. Ua 'sau, 1\11'. Theoclol'c, "l.It.C.>;. Cornwall, 1\11'. yr. C., B.A. , Duh., ["-R.C.P., Chadwick, Mr. . M., liLA., Oxon, M.D. Edin . Charfers, l\Ir. Ecl\\'(l., F.H.C.s. Cosgrave, 11'. E. IcDowel, A.D., lII.D., Challinor, Mr. IIJr:Jlillan, ~J.ll.C.S . , Dub. Eng., L.lt. c.l'" LOllll. Courtney,1\1r. G. B., M.A., Camb., )I.D., Uhapman, Mr. J. :Dl., M.n. D.l'.lI. Charlesworth, 1\11'. H., i\J.H.C. ,'. Coutts, Mr. J. A., M.D., Abel'. , M.B., C.:\[. Chawner, 1111'. AUI' (1, i\1.U.C'.S. L. H. C, P., Cowcher, Mr. E. Roland, L. R. C. P., Lond. L.lL c ... Uheesewright, 1\1r.J.F., M.RC.S. Cox, Mr. A., J\T.B. Chetllutt, ~1r . .John, B.A., L.n.c.s., Coxwell, Mr. 'hades F. 'oLD., Camh. L.ll.C.l'., Ediu. Craig, Mr. Jas., ~LR.C.S., Eng., ,LB . , C.'l. Childe, Mr. '. P., F. R. ' . .. Crem, ilfr. Alexanrler, ~1. B., C.)L, A bel'. Childs, Mr. Chl'i. topher, )1, A., ~l, D. Gra.n, Mr. George, M. D., Aber., '1.B., C. 'of. Clark, Mr. Andrew, F.H.C . .'. Crall, Mr. James, :\1. B., C.lII. Clark, ·Mr. A. F. C., lIJ.B., (")1., Abel'. Urastel', 1\Ir. E. E., L.R.C.P., L.R.C . .,. , Clark, Mr. Geo., lIJ.B., c,,1. Edin. Clark, ~1r. :Dl. H., L.ll.C.P., Ellin. rease, ~Ir. J. Rob ert 'on, F. R. Co' ., Clarke, Mr. Albert Eo, ,Ln. '.... , Edin. L.. A., 'J.B., LOJ]cl. Crespi, Mr. Alfred J. H., 'I.R.C,P.r., Clarke, Mr. E. ",Yeame, n.:' ., EdilJ., 'LlL·. '. M.D., J\I.U., ('.,r. Cressey, nIl'. +. H. , L.R,f·.P., :\f.ll.C' .. ·. Cla.rke, MI'. Thomas F., J\J.H.C .... , Crew, ilir. Jno. , J\I.R.C ... , L.R.C.P., J,,, ·.A., Loud. Lond. Clarke, MI'. "T., 1\1. D. Crock!'r, Mr. J., M.ll.a.s., L.S.A. Clarke, Mr. W. J., lI1.1L ' ,S., L. ... A. Crocker, 1\11'. Meadmore, 'of. R. C. '., L. R. C. P., Clayton, }\fl'. 1'1.. J., L.R,'.P., Eclill., Lonel. L.R.C '., Edin, rOl:ker, Mr. J. Meadmore, 'l.ll.C.S., L.IU'.P., Lond . Clayton, Mr. J . . , lI['D., Edill. Clayton, .Mr. William 1\:., lIL})., Bl'llX. Cropley, MI'. H el11'Y, F.R.C .... , D. P.H. Clayton, MI'. William Mayne, i\J. L. L. Mid., Cros', Mr. A. J., ~1. B., C. J\L, Edin. L.R.C.S., Ire1. Cros field, Mr. A. K., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.F:., Clegg, Mr. Richal\l , ,r.n. , a.:'II., L.n.C.l'. Edin. Clements, Mr. R. ., L.B.I·.P., Eclin. Oros land, :JIr. 'Y. H. Close, Mr. J. , M.B. Crowther, :JIr. :Erne t E., L.R.C.P., Closs, Ir. J. 0 ., lI1.])., E(lin., 'LB., C.i\l. L.H.l· .•·., Eclin. Coldstream, Mr. A. R., 'I.D., Etlin., \I.B., Crump, Mr. T. G., B.A., (Camb.) L.R.C.P., C.M., F.R.U.S., Edin. J\I.B., B.C. Coleman, Mr, "'I'. lILB..C.S. CuITe, mgeon-General C. :JIcDonogh, C. B. Collie, Mr. R. J., M.D., Aber. , ,LB., C.:I[. Culhane, 11'. F. J. F., )LR.C.S. Collinette, Mr. Frank de Beauchamp, Darling, 11'. Steven on, J\L D. M.R.(!.S.E., L.R. '.1>. David on, Mr. A., M.D., F.R.C.P. Collinson, Mr. F. W., 101 C."., '1 DflVl'dso " B ., . n, l.\~1 r. '1'h omas A . , L.R. C.P.,L.R.(' .S. M.R. C.S . Davies, Mr. Charles D. , lILR.C.S., L.. A. Connor, Mr. Samuel, MD., R. r . T., J\T. D., Davies, ilIl'. David Ll. , J\f.B., Glas., CH.B. , Melb. L. It. C. P., Edin.
.,1;0 lIonora r y Life Members .
Dane, illr. E., M.D. DaYie , ~Ir. Hugh E., L.R.C.l'. , Lond., )1.1\. C.". Dayie . ilIl'. H. E. L.B. C.p . Lond. Dayic', iiII'. ielney, B..\., Oxon., :lCD. Da,if'" .:'Ill'. '\Ym. , lII.R. C.S . Dayi ,.iIlr. ArthnrR., ~.R. C .S. , L . ~.A. Da,y, :J.Ir. John, F.R.C.S. Daw 'olJ , MI'. C., L.R.C.P., \l.n.c. . l),l \\'SOll. ~ll'. F. " -. E .. L.ll.C.P., Edin., :11. ll. L' . •
Deam er, ~IJ'. Edin.
E ., L. R.C.P.,
Drage, Mr. Loycll, M.A., Oxon., M. n., ~l.u., B.CH. Drinkwater, Mr. H. , :.tf.n., Edill., )[,0., C. \f., :I[.n.c .. Dryden, MI'. Ja~ . Hunter, L.R . . P., ,,,n.v.s., Edin. Dl'yland, Mr. J. '\Y., ~Lll.C.S., T,.:-' !. Dudgeon, ~Ir. J. H epb11l'll, L.R.C.r., L.R.C.S., Edin. Duggan , Mr. Mother\\'cll, lILTI.C. ' ., L.1LC.P., ELliu. L.R.C ... Duk e, nrgeon- .:'Ilajo r " -. A. DUllcan, Mr. ,Yilliam, L.ll-C.l' .. E(lin.,
Deane, ilIr. John H. , L.R.C. ' ., Edin. L.ll.C.S., Eelin. Denn e, :\11'. T. Y. de, L.n. c .p.. Etlin., Dunkley , ilIr. ,Yo '\Y. , F.I1.a.l'. , E(lill., F. r:.G.S. :.t1. 11. C.I,:;. Denlli Oll, ~Ir. T. ., ~1.R. C .S., L.R.C.P., Dunl op, Mr. hultl,U11 H., \J.D. , \I. CH., LOlld . n.r.I. D e R enzi, .:'IIr. A. C., :lLn. C.8., L.,:.A. Dunn, nIl.'. D. ., oLD. D'Evelyn, ::\Ir. A. I cK eill , B.A.,Dnb.,M.D. Dumo, 1111'. J ohn , )CD. D eYeni::;h-.iIleul'e ·, lUr. A. L. , M.R. C. S. , Dumo, ~lr. L e lie, ::IL11. L.U.C.!'., L oml. DUl'lunt,illr.T A.,lILn.l'.s., L.n.l'.l'.,Lond. D evi, ::\11'. H. F:, L.n. c .p., ~.R . C . Dyer, )11'. H enry G., )I.D., Durh., Dicken"on, .:'Ill'. A. K ewton, )I.D. L.ll-C.l'., Edin., :.tl.l1.l.S. Dick en OIl, )11'. J. J. , lICR.C.. . Eadc') .:'III'. . 0. , L.n.c.p., L.n .C.S., Edin. Diekey, )lr . •LA.G. , :.tLD., nx.r. , L.R.l'.S.1. E agar, Mr. R .. :-!.D. Dick on .:'I[\'. G. Cecil, ~I. n., Edin. E cde , )[1'. A. ymon.)[. n. , '. ~( , 1\1 , '\'., Dick 011, l\Ir. John Dunbar, M.D .. ::If.CH.
Dickson, ilI1'. G.W.,:l1.A.,Edin.; ~I.B., C.)1. Dillon, .:'Ill'. L. Gerald. )1.D., lULl.. :.tL CH. , L.:'If. Dilton, .:'Ill'. T. J., L.R. c.s.Irel.L.n.c. p.Irel. Dimmock , Mr. A. F . , ~.D.,Durh., :l1.B.
)1.U.C.S. Eccle, ~[r. 'Y.
oltau, )1.l1.C.S., L. . A.
Eden, ~lr. R., :.tLn. Edtlowe, urg.-Ca.pt. A., :-L D., Edin., )1. B., C.:.tr. Edward, 11'. B. E. J., :--f.n., Edin., C.;\\. Ed,Yard , Mr. J. Hanl1n elton,~r. A.,Ca\)lb.
Di\in e, ::\Ir. John, lI1.B., C. :.t1., Gla . :'ILD. Dixon, :Jlr. J. F., )I.R. C. . Elder, Mr. ,V., ],.n.c.p . • :-i., Edill. , L.::I1. D obie. ::\11'. ,yill iam, :lLD. , t. And. , Ellerton, ilI1'. John , :\Ln., t . Antl., :'.1:.C.1'. L.n . c .l'., Lonel., :I!.H .C. , Dobson, Mr. A. , M.R. C.S., L.R .C.P., Ellerton, :r.rr. J. F. H . , )J.D., Brnx., L ond. L.R .C.P., L.:.t1. D odd, ~lr . P .Y ernon, ~.A . , ~r.D . , ~r.R. ·.s., Elliott, ~1r. 'Ym. Hamilton , :I['D. Elli on, :Ulr. E. H . , :.tLA., Camb., )1.R.l' .. , L.ll. C.P., Lond . D om,ille. :JIr. E. J., L. R.C.P., L ond., L.R.C.P. , L.S.A. :l1.n . c .l:>. Elli ton, illr. G. ., ~LR. C .. , L . . A. Dougla ,ilIr. Claude,F.R.c.s., E ng.,L.R.C.:P , Embleton, Ir.D. C., )1.D., Durh., M.R.l'. " Dove, .:'Ill'. Augustus C., M.D . , Durh., M,B., Embling, The H OD. \V. H., L.R.C.P. B.S. L ond., L. F.P.S. , Glas . Downes, :Dlr. ' Y., M.B., B.CH. , B.A..O. Ettles, Mr. ,V. J . McCulloch, M.D., Aher., M.B. , C.M. R. 1:. I.
Evans, Mr. A. II. , M. T .C.R .. L.S.A. Fox, 1\1r. Jno.Raymontl, :.tLn.,Melb. Fox, 1111'. 111. J., L.n. (' . 1'., 1_. ]1.. (.'. ., E (lit. l' Honorary Evan, Mr. C. J., M.ll.C.S., L.)L L ife Evan, MI'. K, \L\., :.tf.n., B.c' . , 1l.l' .1I. Frallkish , 1\11' " J D . , "M J) . , . t AIIIl ., M a m b ers . Evans, Mr. E. n., :.yI.ll.<' .S., L.R.C.l'., :.t!.H.('. .'. Edin. Frallkish, Mr. Thoma, M.D., (·.:.tl .. B. ' (' . Evan, fl'. O. C. p" ;\f.n., Dnrh., n.s. Frauks, JUl'. Kelldal, A.B ., Dnrh., \r.:v. Evan, .Mr. ,I'. G., F.R.( .s., L.Il.C.I'. FrascI, ll'. J. J., \I.It . . s. EvershC'll, nIl'. Arthur R. l<ielll, :.tLU. . H., FmcI', .1111'. John l' . , J.'~r . I':\.. c E l l(n. ' -I ,., L.R.C.l'. , L ond. fraser, Mr. ,Vm . D uncan, \l.B . , 0.)[., Ewart, :Mr. . Theodore, ]\[.D., AheI'" 'amb. M.B., '.:\I. Frecr, urgeon-:Uajor E. Luke Ewart, :Mr. J., )LD. l"ry~r, ~lr . .John, \I.E.C . . . , Ell I' 11. , L . .'.A. Fairhank, )11'. " -., )Ln. '.S., L.R ..\.. Fr\"er, ~Ir. 'Vm.}l' ., L• l',.l'.P., Ed'111., J Fairclough, ilIr. T. Butler, L.n.c. P., Edin., L. IL( .s., Edill. L.n.C . .'., Etlill, l<'nllrrton, )Ir. F. ,1'., 1\[.D., Dnrh. :.tl.B., Falkner, Mr. H. G., \I.ILL.:-i., L.lL . P. 1. B. . ' Farmer, )Ir. •. , )Ln.!.'.s., L.n.c.r., Edin. , Fulton , ilI1'.G.C. H C'1 G1a . ~ . . .' ., ~, D.P.lI. Flll1)cr, 1.11'. Gcorge H., \I.n.c.i>. Far(luhar 'on, illr. D. P. iIlaclal'en, )l.B.,C.:.tL Furler, ir Jolm F,ura1',1llr.R..AIl,'tl'llthcr.'II.A .. OXOll.,)l.D. 'abh, .:'Ill'. C. Bakcr, 'LIt. ' .... L.IU'.l'., Farrer, lIlr. Geo. Al1'ert, )I.1LC.S., Edill. ' L.S. \. Gabh, ",'Ill'. J. E., ~I.R.C ... , L.R. C.P., Faw'itt; )11'. Tho ., :'>!.R.C.!'; . , L.IU'.l'. Edin. Feuoulhct, Mr. E. ., L.n.C.p., L.R.C. s., Gafrnl'Y, ~Ir. C. Burke, F. R.C.s. , I rel. Edill., L.:I[. Gaudy, ~lr. ,\V., :If.R.C.s., L . '.A. Ft ntoll, )11'. :JIm k Antho11Y, \1. D. Gallc, .:'Ill'. Ed \Yard P. ., :.t! .R:C.s., Feuwick, )11'. Perci\'al '., ~I.n., L:)Jlll., L.R.a.p., Lond. :'>Ln.f'.s. Gardner, Mr. H. N., )l.TI., n.:.t!. (Gla). Fergu on, :JIr. J. .:'11., L.n.C .p., Erlill., Ganluer, .:'Ill'. H. Willoughby, )I.n. L.ILC."'" Erlin. ;o.nlner, urgeon R. H., \I.B., A.M.D. Finlay, Lt.-Col.. I..1:.C.l'. 1., c.:lf., 1l._\':lLa. Ganard, :JIr. 'Y. A., )I.R.C.·. Fisher, ~Ir. Th~ot1orc, )1. 0 .. Lond., :.t1. H . liarrctt, .:'II r. C. Dudley, ;\l.JL ('. P. Fi'her, ilIr. Thos., )1.ILC.s., L .. '.A. l~ar.on, .:'Ill'. J. HI' II R 0 ' , )1. n., c. :\[., Fitzgerald, )11'. . Egerton, :.tr. D . D. I'. n., Camb. Fitzltenn', Mr. Geor"e 'II GaI'S t aug, ~~l r. E . ...'I • 0" - . R' . • , ' " 1 . , )LD., r. Auel., L . ·._L, Lond. L.n.L.p. , Eclin. Flavell, Rey. Thoma: C'fa 'COlgne, . 'Ir. '\T J.l I ' . E . , L. R. C. s. Fleetwoorl, Mr. T. F., F.rt.C' .. ,Ire1. T . L ., L.n.c,p., LOllLl. , :rell tl S, 'I J.l r. Fleming, Mr. A. J .. ;lLD., 1l.r.I.,)I.GH. J.. FP Gl ' .. s., a. Fleming, 1111. H . H .. '.LD., Dull. Uettillg, Mr. John ., L.R.C ... , Ediu .. L.:I!. Fletcher, Flcet- 'ul'geon naiuhriO'ge, ~ihh, Mr. W ., L.n.c.p.E., L.R.C.s. R.N., :.tULC.S., EJin. Gibbon, :Mr. F. IV., L.ll-a.p., Edin., Forbes, .:'Ill'. N. H ay, F. n . C.. , Edin., L.\f., L.R.C.s. Gibb , Mr. A.. N. Godby,~.R.C.",L.R.L.l'., L.R.C.P.L. For yth, Mr. R oM. , \I.D.,Gla ., :l1.n., C.:l1. Loud. Fort, M1'. Tho., ~I.R.C.'., L.R.C.P., Gib on, Mr. C. P. , L.R.C.P., Edin. Edill. Gib on, Mr. J. H., )I.R.C .. , Edin. Fothergill, Mr. J. R., }f.D., t. And. , Gilbert on, ~Ir. Jame H enry, )I.R.C.S., L.R.C ... , Edin. L.R C.P., Lond.
Gildea Oolonel James, C.Y. O., C.B. Grogono, II'. ,Yo A., I.ll.a.s., L.n.( '.p., Gile ,':ThJr. P. Broome, F.R.C.S., Edin., Eclin. L.R.C.P., Edin. Grove, rr. W. R., B.A., Oamb., M.B., B.C., Gillon, Mr. G. Gore, M.D., Glas., M.B., ~r.lt.(, .. C.M., F.R.C ... , Edin. Guthrie, Mr. J., M:D.~ Glas., lIf.B ..' C.M. Gimlette, Ir.J.D.,M.R . . . ,L.R . . p.,Lond. Guttel'idge, Jr. WllklJls (Tasma~lltt). ,..irdler :Mr. G. T., L.n.C.p., L.R.('.~.,Edin. Gwynn, II'. ha. H., LD., Edm., lI1.B., Glen, :nrr. John, lit. D. C. lit. Goddard, :Mr. O. E., lILR.C.S., J.. ILC.P., Hadwen,:Ml'. ,Yo R, 1I1.D., t. And., Lond. M.H.C .. Hall, Lt.·Ool. Lees, R.A.M.a., lIt.ILC.S. Godfrey, M1'. A. E., M.H.C .. Hall, Mr. T. Gibson H., L.R.C.S., Godwin, nrgeon-JUajor O. R Y. Irel., L. R. C. P., Irel. (New Zealand). Goodman, :Mr. Thomas H., lILR.C .. , Hall, Mr. 'Ym., Ln., Brux., If.H.C.S., L.S.A. Gordon Mr. W. A., M.B., .lII., Edin. Edin. Goudie Mr. H., M.B., C.M., Edin. Halliday, Mr. F., M.R.C.. , I,.R.C.P. Gouider, Mr. F. ., lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Halliday, Mr. J. 'Y., M.R.C.S. Lond. Halliwell, Mr. R. N., M.R.C.S., L.. \. Gourley, urg.-Lt.-Ool. S., M.D., Glas., Halliwell, Mr. T. Oates, lILR.C.S., L.n.r.p., F.R.C.S. Lond. Graham, Mr. Arthm R, ~LA., C.lIL, Hallow, Mr. H. Pinnington, M.D., Eelin. Hamilton, Oolonel Hans B. H. Oam b ., lIL B. Graham, 1\1r. G. R M., L.R.C.P.I., L.M. Hammerton, Ir. J., M.D. Graham, Mr. G. 'Y., M.lt.C.I'., L.R.C.P. Hammond, fr. ,Ym. , lII.R .. .. , L.ll.C.P., Gram haw, iiII'. F. ., ~LD., t. And. Edin., L.lII. Granger, Mr. R F., L.R.C.P. & ., Edin. Hampton, 11'. A. G., M.D. Grant,:JIr.Dundas, ~LA., Edin., lII.D., 111.13. Hancock, Mr. H. Ru kin, ~Ln.C' ..'. Grant, Mr. G., lI1.B., C.:I1. Ham), lr. H. F., L.R.C.P, Edin., Grant, :nil'. Ogilvie, 1I1.B., C.M., Edin. ~l.R.C.S. Gray, ~1r. Alex., lIf.B., c.lI1., Gla . Hannah, Mr. ,Yo T., lILE., 41.111., D.l'.lI. Green, 111'. ,Yilliam T., lI1.R.C.S. Hardie, 1111'. R, 1I1.B., C.~!. Greenhalgh, Mr. A., ~1.R.C .. , L.R.C.p., Harding, lr. 'Y. , M.D. ~1.B., CH.B. H argreaye, 11'. 111. Kippax, M.D., Tla~., Greenhough, Mr. V. J., B. A. , Oam b., 1If. B. , ~1. D. C .~f. H arris, Mr. J. B., 111. D. 'Greenwood, :Jlr. A., lILR.C.S. Rani, Mr. ,Yo T., lILll.C. ' ., L..·.A. (Port Greenwood, 1111'. C. D., lI1.R.C.S. Elizabeth). 'Greenwood, Mr. O. S., M.R.C.S. Harrison , Ir. A. 'Y., M.D., Bl'Ux., Greves, ~Ir. E. H. , M.D., Edin., 111.13., C.lI1. lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Griffin; Mr. J., M.D. Harrison, Mr. E., liLA., Oamb., M.D. Griffin, Mr. 1., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Harrison, Mr. ,Yo A., M.D. Griffiths, :nIr. A. V., M.R.C.S., i,.S.A. Hartley, 1\11'. R N., M.D., M.r:.C ... Griffiths, Mr. Francis, M.B., C.M. Harvey, Mr. A., ~LB., ~L]t.C.S. Griffiths, Mr. John S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.p., Hatton, Mr. G. tokes, M.D., Durh., M.n., Lond. B.S. -Griffiths, Mr. P. Rhys, M.B., B.S., Lond. Haynes, hlr. ptanley L., M.D., Edin., Grimbley, Mr. R H., lILR.C.S., L.S.A. M.R.C ... Gripper, 111'. Walter, M.A., Oantab., H eald, Mr. G. H., lILR.C.S. M.R.C.S.E., M.B., D.P.R. Rearn, Mr. E. L e Fanu, M.B., Melb.
Heathcote, Mr. B. A., M. B., C.M., Abel'. Howell, Mr. H.. E., ~I.B., C.~J., Edin. Hebblethwaitc, Mr. 11., M.ILC.S. Howden, M1'. 1. D. Olark, M.D. Hedley, Mr. John, LD. Howlett, Mr. Edwin, F.lLC.S. Hellier, ltr. J. E., M.D., Lond., ~r.ll. , Hoyland, Mr. S. Stenton, ~LD. )Lll.('.S. Hudson, Mr., M.D. Hepburn, Mr. VV. A., :OLD., t. And., Hudson, Ml'. H. E., :OLR.C.S. F.F.P.S., Was. Hughes, Mr. D. Arthur, lILR.C.S ..., Hetley, Mr. Henry, M.D., Lond., :.r.B., L.ILC.P., Lonel. ~r.lt. ·.(·.E. Hughes, JUr. H. G., L.n.c.p.E. Hughes, :Mr. H. L. , F.RC.P.E. Hewetson, 1111'. Richard, M.R.C.S. Hewat, 11'. Ill., M.D., C. 1. (Oape Town). Hughes, Mr. H. Lewis, L.R.C.S, L.lLC.P.E., Hey, Mr. O. E. Iilnes, 1I.A., Oamb., L.lI[' lII.R.C .. '., L.R.C.P., Lond. Hughes, Mr. H. ~1., 1I1.B., ~I.Jt.c.s. Heygate, I1Ir. F. ., :or.lt.C.s., L.S.A. Hunt, i\1r. Robert, M.R.C.S., L.lt. C.P., Hickley, Mr. A. Mackenzie, 111. R. 0 .. . , Lond. L.U.C.P., Lonu. Hunter, Mr. E., L.R.C.P.E., L.1L Hicks, ;\11'. R, :OI.H.(J.,'. Hunter, Mr. \Y. L., M.D., D.P.H. Higgins, Mr. 'lJarhs H., lII.D. Husband, ])1r. J. 0., ~LD., ~.R.C.S., Hillaby, Mr. A., L.ll.C. P., Lond., lII.R.C... L.RC.P., Edin. Hindle, M1'. James, L.R.C.P., Edin., Hutchinson, Ir. F. Blade, lILn.c.s., Edin., L.IU'.P. , ELlin. L.R.U.S., Edin. Hi lop, ~rr. 'Y., M.D., M.ll.C.S. Hutchison, Mr. F. . T., lII.B., B.UH., B.A, Hodge , 1111'. ,\T., ~Lll.C.S., L.R.C.P., l evers, fr. Eyre, ~I.D., Dub. Lond. Illingworth; Mr. O. R, 1LR.C.·, Hougins, lILr. ,Yalter ,V., M.D., ll.. . Innes, Deputy- urgeon-GeueraIO. A., :M.D. Hoffman, Mr. J. :i\1., M.B., C.M. ( . Africa) In glis, Mr. David Wood, :OLD., Glas. Hogg, Mr. A. \\T., L.R.C.P., L.It.C .. , Edin. Ingli , IIII'. H. M., ~LB.,M.S. (1 ewZealand). Ireland, It'. Oharle J., lII.ll.C. S., L.A.S. Hogg, Mr. R H., lII.ll., ~l.R.C.S. Holden, Mr. Geo. II. R., ,LA., Oamb., M.D. Irvin, Mr. J. H., 1II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.I. Holman, :Mr. R, )I.H.C. '. Irving, Mr. J., M.D. Holmes, :Mr. 'Y. Reid , :M.D., Aber., ~r.E., Jack on, JUl'. E., ~LR.C.·. C.)1. Jack on, Mr. E. ., ~I. B., C.III., Edin. Holt, :Jlr. R. ., L.H.C.P., Edin., F.n.c.s., Jack on, Depnty- urgeon-General Sir Edin. Robert W., C.B. Holtom, :JIr. 0., 'LILC.S. James, IIII'. F. P. R, L.R.C.P.E. Holthouse, ~h. T. Le Gay, M.R.C.~. James, Mr. P., L.n.c.s. Honman, 1I1r. A., :OCR.C. '. Jannie, IIII'. R. 'Y., ~I..L, M.B., C.M., Edin. Hopkins, Mr. Thos., M.B., Cll.B., B.A. Jarvis, Mr. J. H. E., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. Horne, Mr. Geo., M.B., CH.B. (Victoria). ( ew Zealand.) Horne, 1I1r. J. Fletcher, ~r. D., St. And. Jay, Mr. Frederick Fitzherbert, lIL D. Horne, M1'. T., ~1.D. Jeffcoat, lr. F. H., B.A., ~LB. (New Zeal), Ho ain, 1111'S. Harriett ])1. M., L.R.C.P., Jenkin, ~Ir. J. J., L.ll. C.S., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.~., Eclin. Edin. Ho ier, Mr. O. H. ., F.n.C.S, Ire1. Jenning, nIr. E., :M.R.C .. , Eng., L.R.C.P. Howard, Mr. Heaton 0., lII.R.C.S. (New Zealand). Howard, Mr. Jvs., ~I.R.C.S. Johnson, Mr. John, ~I.D. (Victoria). Howard, 11r. J., L.K.Q.C.P. John on, lr. amuel, M.D. Howard, Mr. Jas. F., M.D. Johnson, Mr. Thomas, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
44 John ton, Mr. John, M.D., Edin. Jone, M1'. A. Lloyd, D.ll.II., antab ., ;lLR.L'.S.E. Jone , Mr. Benjamin, M.D., Durh. Jone ,Mr. D., ~LB., ;11.., 1.l~.L'. ' . Jones, Mr. D. Davie, :lLB., C.:ll. , Edin. Jones, Mr. D. M., M.D., Edin. Jone, Ur. Francis G. :ll.B. C.~I. Jones, Mr. G. C., M.D. Jone ,Mr. Herbert, D.P.H., Cam., L.R.C.S., Irel. Jones, Mr. H. D., L.ll.C.P., L.R-C .. ,Edin. Jone, II'. Hugh, :l1.B., C.;l1., Gla ., D.P.II. Jone , :Jlr. H. Glaclstone, L ._\., Lond. Jones, Mr. Jo eph, :l1. B. Cll.B., Yictori[L, L . . .\..
Jone , 1\Ir. J. Amallt, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Jones, Mr. Ree Rowland, ;lLR.C.S., L.R.C.P. & L.M., Eclin. Jone, II'. Richard, L.It.C.T'., :ll.H.C. ' . Jones, Mr. Robert L., :ll.R.C... Jone , 1'.Ir. Rowland, :lLR.C .. , I • . R.C.P. Jone . :Jlr. R. Nelon, ;ll.B..C .. , L.R.C.P., Lond. Jones, 1111'. T. Reginald, :ll.R.C. Jones, M1'. W. Makeig, :l1.D., Durh. Jone ,Mr. Richard, M.D. Jone, Ml'. ,Vest Johnson, Mr. amuel, :lLD. Joynson, illr. Geu. T.,L.F.l,., '.,Glas.,L.s.A. Jumeaux, Mr. Benjamin, :lLR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Bdin. Keith, ilI1'. Alexander Ewing, :l1.E. Kelly, nIl'. R Vandeleur, F.R.C .. , Edin., L.R.C.P., Edin. Kennedy, Mr. J. W. (New South ,Yales). Kennedy, lIir. ,V., F.R.C.S., 1rel. Ker, nIl'. H., F.R.C. '. Rerans, Mr.T. G., L.R.C ... I.,:ll.R.c.p.,1rel. Kerr, Mr. James, M.D., M.A., Cantab. Key, lIh. D. T. , ::11. R.U.S. R eys, Mr. C. W. Moore, "1.D., A.M.D. Kilcanolie, Mr., M.R.C.S.E. Kilgarriff, nIl'. M. J., F.R.C.S., Irel. Kilkelly, Lieut.-Colonel, M.D., R.A.j\I.C. King, Mr. F. Truby, :tiLE., C.M., Edin. King, JYIr.RT.,L.R.C.S.,L.R.s.c.,11'el.,L.:M.
King ombc, Mr. A. P .. M.ll. . S., L.S.A. Killgshmy, Mr. l~Lb\'Ul'tl, ;ll.ll., B.A.,Dub. King hUl'Y, 11'. G., :M .D. Kinnear, 1\11'. 'Y. , ;ll.B., C.:lI., Etlin. Kinsey-Morgan, nIl'. A., ;11.1)., Durh. Kneale, Mr. J. ., L.lt.C.l'., Edin. L.IU' .H., Edin. Knight, Mr. A. 0., .M.R. '.s., L.' A. Knight, nIl'. 'Y. J. R, :lI.D., l~.U.1. . Knott, Mr. hades, :'., Eella., :II. R, c., . Knott, iiII'. ,I'm., "\LD., Ellin. Ynowles, Mr. H., :I['D., DUl'h. Kny,-ett, ])Ir. H. Ferrel'S, 1.1·.U.I'., Edill., L.:\f. L[Lchlall, Mr. Geo. F., :lLn., D.S. Laing, 1\11'. Jam(:sT., :l1.11., C.lIf., Edin. Lamb, :Jlr. "T. II., :l1.R.C.S., ;lr.n. Lambert, M1'. F. ., :ll.H.C.S., L.lt.C.P., Lond. Lansdown, Mr. R. G. Poole, \LD., Durh. LantoUl', M1'. H. A. de, :l1.l.. L.S . Latimer, Mr. H. A., ~!.D" Durh. Laurie, 1\11'. Caspar R., "\1.D., Butfalo, :ll.lt.C .. , L.R.C.P., L.. _\.. Lauric, :JIr. R, M.D., Edlll. Layery, Mr. ,1. A. , L.ll.U.l'., Ec1in. Lavies, Mr. Harry, M.ll.C.s. Leary, MI'. Edward G., :1[,1). Lea h, :J11'. J. T., :lLB. Le Cronier, Mr. Hal'clwiek 1.. 1:.C.P., Lond., :ll.ll.( .. Lee, 1\11'. B. J., L.".A., LOlHl. Lee, .JIr. Edwin, ;lI.R.C .. . Lees, :JIr. 'Y., ::Ir.n.6.s .. L.lL\' Legat, Mr. Andrew, :lI.D., E,lin. Leitch, Mr. W. C., L.F.P."., Gla ... L emal'challd, M1'. A. ".,.., :lI.l~.O.S.E., L.R.C.P., Lond. Lennox, Mr. Da,Ticl, :l1.D., E(lin. Leslie, h .. R ,Yhytock, :ll.D., It. D.L L ewi , Mr. T. II., :len.c.s. Lilley, 1\11'. J. H., :lLD. Lillies, nIl'. Herbert, ::I1.R.C.s. Li tel', iiII'. Thoma D., ::II.D., Lond. Little, 1111'. J., :iII.D. Littlewood, Mr. Harry, F.lt.C. Lloyd, Ir. E. J., M.D., Abel'. -
45 Lock, II'. John G., "\LA., Camh., L.R.C.P., Mc al), Mr. A. A., M.n., C.]'L, Glas. ::If. R.C.S. .Me nlty, Lt. -Col. Geo. W., C.B., M.D., Lodge, II'. P. U., L.::IL, IJ.S.A. 'to And., It.A.:lI.C. Loe, Mr. J. .,:1[, H.C.S., L.S. \.. McJ. aught, 1\11'. Grace, ?l1.D. Long, :Jlr. ,V. J., :lr.n. nIcJ.Teal, }\Jr. James, ::ILll.C.S., L.r•. c.p. Love i1Ir. IIemy, B.A., \1.n., Durh. l1acneilage, Mr. D., L.l~.G.P., Edin., Lovely, l\lr. O. Newton, M.D., Durh. L.F.P.S., Glas. Mac:i\idcler, ~Ir. James, :11.8., C.M., Edin. Low, l\lr. A. Bruce, :1(.1)., Edin. LO"'son, MI'. U., :-f.B., ('.:11., Glas. illacldever, Mr. John C., :lLD. Lynam, ~ir. H. G., :lCR.C.S., :lL\.., :lLJ~. Mains, Mr. John H., L.r•. C.l'., Lond. Uc.Adam, "Jlr. Root., :ll.D. Ualeolm, 1\11'. Chas., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Ec1in. l'IcA(lam, Nr. Rohlll't Louis (Yictoria) :JlcAli-tcr Hewlings, 1\Ir. ,V. F., ]'LB., nIalpas, lIlr. J., M.P•. C.s ., L.R.C.P., '.:1[, (1'1. Z.). Lond. 1\IcAhlowie, ~Ir . .Alex. :Jr., :\('D. illanley, ~Ir. H., :;I(.A., Camb., C.M., l\Ie 'ancllish, nIl'. John G., L.n.c.l'.,Edin., n.e. L.It.C.S., (~ln.s. :JIann, ~Ir. Chas. F. Grant, B.:lI., M.S. l\IcCal' thy, :J[1'. .Iu ·tin 1\lcC., :l1.D. Mauners, :Jlr. 'Vm. Hy., ]'LB., c .::II. , GIas. IaCal'tllcy, ~lr. R, L.IU'.P., EJin. Manning, Mr. Leslie S., ::I1.E., C,:l1., Abel'. :Jlaeaulay, 1\11'. D. J., M. D., Bl'llx., Mantle, Ur. Alfred, :II. D., Dnrh. L.ll.C."., Edin., L.n.C.l'., Edin. llIUl'l'iott, :JIr. C. 'Y., :l1.D., t. And. ~IcCnllagh. :J11'. Joh11, L.n.C.'., Irel. Marriott, ;'11'. O. D., :ILl)., GIas. :JlcDoualrl, ;'11. eo. Druce. :lLD. :Jlar.'h, :Jlr. F., F.It.C.~ . 1\Iacllollahl, Mr . .Tames, :II. n., (.:lL, Etlin. 1\Iarsh, ;"11'. J. J., L.RC.P., L.ll.C ... , Edin. :JlcDlJngnll. :Jlr. Finlay, F.n.U.S.E., :Jlar'hall, :Mr. G., L.R.C.P. :Jlarshall, :J1l'. J. J. (Ie Zouche, L.R.C.S.I., L.Il.C.P. E. L.A.ll., Dub., L.:ll. il1cGaehcll, ..\11'. F. ,V. D., L.!'l.A., l .. F.l'.S., Gla~. llIal'tin, :Jh. C. ::\1., ::I1.D. :JIacg1'egol', ..\11'. Teo. Robt., :lLD. Martin, ilIr. Albert, :lLD. MeGl' 'gor, :Jll'. .T., ,LIt. '.<;., I..It-C.P. :JIm' tin, "\Ir. J., ;I['D., -' to And. MeJanet. ..\11'. F. ~1., :lL.E., c.:l1. , Glns. )'Iartin, :Jl1'. J. :Jr. H., ::I['D., Yict. :JIartill, :J11'. J. \Y., M.D. :J1cKcllzie. Dr .•\., :l1.D. )'Iack'lI zil, :Jh. Dum'au J., :lLD. :Jlartin, :JIr. . E., :lLD. :Jlackellzic, :Jlr. Ernest, :l1.D. :Jla S(:1', :Jlr. H. . P., L.R.C.P.E., 'I. H. C. S. :JlackpllZie, :Jlr. F. ,YallaCe,:lL B., C. ~r., Edill. :JlaekcllZil', l\Ir. .fa:;., :lLD. :JIatthe,Ys, ~Ir. C. E., )1.D., Oxon. ~Iuekellzic, ,,\11'. John, L. IU' .r., Ellin. 1\Iatthe,ys, :Jlr. Valentine, :lLll.C.S., ilIaekcllZil', Mr. 'Y. ,'., J"lt.L'.l'., L.lt.C.S., L.S.A . Edill. ..\Iay, :J1r. Thomas F. Mackie, :J11' . .T ohn, :II. D. :JIuynarcl, "JIr. J. lark on, :lLll. C. S. :Jlackiulay, :J[I' . .Tame:; R., ::II. ll.C.:-;. :Jlcars, :JIl'. F. C., :lI.D. Durh. :JlcE:.i:;aek, :Jlr. II. ,T., :11. D. :Jlel ville, :JIl'. .,:11. D. MacKnight, ),11'. Cha:'. C., :lLTI., UU .::I1. Mcrcer, :Jlr. ,·r ., :lLD. Glas. :J1crryweather, :J11'. Jame, :lLR.C.S., JJ. ' .A. McLarell. :JIr ..r. T., "\1. D., I..I:.C.P., &c. llIcLean, Mr. '. J. Ru ·sell. ::II. D., ELlin. )'Ietcalfp, :JIr. William, L. ·.A . :Jladean, ),11'. E. J., :lLTI., E(lin. :Jlickle, ),11'. A.dam F, G., :I['D., A.ber., lUl., :1[',. MacLeod, Mr. R A .. :If.D. (New Zealand). Mc..\Iaun , ..\Ir. L. trollg, )1.D. :JIidcllcmis, ?Ill'. G., ::I['D., Durh.
46 l\1ilburu, Ur. C. H., LB., M.S., Durh. N icol, Mr. James, M.D. !Ifill, Mr. Geo. ., :ur.n., Eclin. Nightingale, Mr. John, ",l.B., ('. 1\f. , Edill. 1I1mer, Mr. James, M.B. , C.M., Edin. Nixon, Mr. T. S., M.R.C .. Uilligan, Ir.R A., L.R.C.P., M.R.C. . :TobIe, 1111'. Saml. Clarke, M. R.C.S., Eng., Mill, 11'. R J ., LB ., C.M., Abel'. L.S.A. N ockolds, U1'. tephen, L. R.. 1'. E., Moberley,'Mr. . C. R., ::II. R. C. . 1\1 0dlin , Ur. I. Gibson, M.D. L.R. C. !I'[olteno, Ul'. V. G., B.A., M.B., B.C., Norman, 1\11'. A. ., M.n.C.S., L.R.C.P., (Cape Town.) Lond. Molyneux, Ur. R., ~1. n.c. s. X orman, Surgeon Burford llIonckton, JUI'. David Hemy, F.R.C .. E. N orman, JUr. J. E., M.n., M.R.C. '. Montague, JUl'. A. J . R. , ZlI.D. :Torman, Mr. J. 'Y. , M.D. Moore, Mr. C. A ., M.D. Norri, 1I1r. 'Ym. Perrin, ~I.B., U.B., Melb. !lIoore, Mr. R. Cecil, ::ILR.C.R. 1\loore,lIIr.Renry O. ,JlLB., Dublin(Yictoria) Northcote, JUr. A. B., M.D., Edin. Moore, Surgeon-Lt.-Col. and ford, lILB. Nuttall, 1\Ir. T. E., lI1.B. , C.1I[., EJin. MOOl'hou e, 1\11'. B. 111., ~I.B., C.M., Edin. O'Connell, mgeon D . Y., lIt.D. Morris, Mr. F. H., M.D. Odell , JUl'. W., F.R.C.S., JlL, I,.~ . •\. Morrison, Mr. William, lILD . (Yictoria). Ogilvie, Mr. J. R., L.H.C.S., Edin. Mortlock, Mr. R H" M.B., C.1\I., Edin. Okell, JUl'. George, 1\Ln.C.::;., L . . _\. Morton, ~1r. C. A., F.R.C .. , L.R.C.P., Oldbam, Mr. Hugb F., M.A., Dul,., ~r.D. Lond. Oliphant, .1Ir. Bruce, ::ILD., E(lin. },loss, Mr. 'Y. J . A., IILB. Oliver, MI'. Cbas. Pye, M. D., Lond. Moxham, MI'. 1\1. C., ::ILR.C.S. Oliver, 11'. F. R., L.R.c.r., Lnnt1. l\Iugliston, Mr. G. T. M.D., Abel'. O'l\!oore, Mr. H enry, ::I1.B., Dub. l\1ugliston, 1\Ir. T. C., M.R. C.S . O'Bielly, 1111'. Geo. J., L.lt.C.&.r. , )1.Il.C.P.I. Munro, 1\11'. F., ::II.B., C.::II., Glas. Ord, Mr. Frederic 'Ym., L. R.C.P., 1re1. Murdoch, JUl'. Jas. L.R.C.P., Eclin. O'R'o I 111 1' •F• , M.D. 1 rean, ~l Mmphy, MI'. W., ]lLB., ('.::11., Edin. Ormrod, JUr.Fray, L.R.C.P., Edin .. L.n.e.s., Murray, 1\11'. C. F. K, ::II.D. Edin. Murray, 1\Ir. Jame A. J., B.]\L, M . . ,Edin. Orton; Mr. E. ,r., L.R.C.P., Edin. L.;ll. Murray-Aynsley, 1111'. J. H., 1\I.R.C .. , Orton, fr. John. ::ILn.c.s. L.R. C.P. ( ew Zealand), Osborn, 1\11'. ., F.n.C.~. Myers, 1\11'. ,Yo ,y" ::ILB. , C.;l1., Glas. 0 burne, 1111'. . 1'1.. P., L.n.C.p .. Edill., N airn, 1\Ir. D. U., L.R.C. P., Edin., L. R. C.. , F. R. C.R., Edin. Edin. Ovenden, Mr. T{. H., 1I[' D. Nankivell, Mr. H erbert, ::ILD. O"'en, Mr. J. R. , L.R.C.P., Edin. N ason , Mr. E. Noel, B._\., Oamb.,::II.D .,&c. Owen, fr. R F., M.ll. Neethling, 1\1r.J. R., JlI.B., C.;\1. (S.Africa). Ozanne, MI'. F. N., :M.ll.U.S. , L.R.C.P., N evins, II'. Arthur E., F.R.C.S., Edin. Loud. Newby, Mr. Cbas. R., L.R. C.P., Lond., Page, MI'. David, :1f.D. F.R.C.S., Edin. Palin, lIlr. H. Venable., ::ILB., C. M .• Edin. Newman, :&1r. , Yilliam, M.D . Palmer, 1111'. C. ,'pencer, L.R.C.I'., Lond., N ewsham, 1\11'. Francis, III. R. C. S. ]lLn. C. s. Nicholls, 1\11'. H., ~I.B., 1\LR.C.S. Palmer, 1111'. F. Craddock, M.D., Brux. Nicholson, Brigade-Surgeon Lt. -Col. E., Palmer, 1111'. J as. C., ~r. B., L.n. C.. . , E(lin. A.M.S. Park, MI'. J .R S., L.ILC.S., L.n. ·.P. , Edin. Nicholson, Mr. J. Williams, ]lLR.C.S. P areer, 1 11K lI.lr. G., liLA., M.D. Nickson, 1\11'. Augustus, B. A., ]If. B. Parkes, II'. L. C., l\I. D., Lond.
Parkinson, M1'. has. J 05., M.13., Lond., Poole, MI'. A. H., T,.H.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edill. Honorary Life M.R.C.S. (Viet.). loole, Mr. S. 'V., M.D., Aher. Members Parueil, M1'. G. C., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Pooley, M:r. E. Burdett, L.R.C.S., Irel., Parsons, Mr. Francis Henry, ]\l.D., C.M., L.n.C.p., Edin. Pope, 11'. Chas., L. R.C.S.E. GIas. Parsons, Mr. Harry C., ]\l.R.C.S., L.ll.C'.P., Pope, M1'. Frank M., B,A., Camb ., ~LB., Lon r1 • M.R.C.P. Partridge, M1'. T., M.D. Pope, Major W. W., n . A.~LC. Paterson, Mr. C. E., M. D. Potter, Mr. Harry, J.LR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Patrick, Mr. S. A., M.R.C.S. Edin. Patterson, M1'. G. H. , M.R.C .. , L.n.C.p., Potter, Mr. H. Percy, M.D., Durh., Lond. F.R.C.S. Patterson, Mr. G. de Joucourt, B.A., Dub., Powell, Mr. L. L., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P" EJ.in. ~LB., M.R.C. . Pratt, Mr. J. Dallas, M.A., Dub., ~LD. Paul, Mr. F. T., F.R.C.S., T,.R.C.P., Lond. Pratt, II'. Reginald, M.D. , Lond. Payne, M1'. .Henry, ~L D., Eclin. Prenuergast, Mr. "\V.Dowling, M.D., M.A..O. Pearcey, '[1'. J. J. ,Valldles, L.R.C ... Prentice, Mr. Zechariah, \!.It.C . .. L.R. C.P., Eclill. Price, Mr. E. 0., ~I.D., Edin. Pearcy, Mr. P. A., M.B., C.M. , Erlin. Price, Mr. A. E., L.S.A., L.M.P•. C.P., Irel. Pearse, 1I1r. T. F., M.D., Brux. Prichard, Mr. R A ., :lLR.C ... Pedley, Mr. T. F". LD., Brux. Pritchard, Mr. J. J . G., ::I!'R.C.S. Peirce, Mr. Franci , ~1.D., Dub. Pritchett, Mr. H enry, ::II.R.C.S. Percival, :Mr. Geo. H., 1I1.B., Lond., Prout, Mr. William T., B.I1L, M.S. M.R.S.C'. Pro ser, itIr. Philip B . Pestell, M1'. Jas. H., L.n.c .s ., Edin. Prou/Hove, Mr. EJ.wd., ::11.13., C.;l1. Peters,Mr.James, L.R.C.P., Edin., L.R.C.·. Pulloll, Mr. G . . , M.D., Edin. Purchas, . Ir. A. C., ~I.R.C.S., 1\1.B., C.;I[' Edin. Petter, Mr. ,Valter, M.B., u. I., Edin. Pm'vi, MI'. J. P ., ::II.R.C. '., L.SA. Phelps, Mr. Philip, :ILlt.C.tl. , L.n.C.I'., Quick, Mr. Frank, M.R.C.S. Edin. Radfol'll, Mr. Wm. M.R.C .. '., L.R.C.P., Lond. Phillips, 1111'. . II., :ILlJ., Durh. Ramsden, Mr. H erbert, lIt.D., Lonu. Phillip, )11'. G. A. ::ILH. C. '., L. . A. Rand, :JIr. t. J. 0., ~LR.C . . Philp, 1111'. 'Ym., ::ILB., (·. :-L, Euin . Rangoon, Rt. R ev. the Bishop of, ::I1.D. Piers, Mr. C. E., 11[. B. ( 'ape T own). Rattray, Mr. J. ~1., IILB. Pike, Mr. W. Royston, :l1.1U'.S. Raw, 11'. ,V. E. . M., L.n. C.p., ::ILn.C. Pilcher, ~Ir. W. J., F.ll.(' . .·., Edin. Pim, nIl'. F. E. tIe Becho, L.R. , S., Irel. Rawlings, nIr. James, ::ILP•. C.S. L. ' .ii.. Rayner, 1.11'. Edwin, B. A., Lond ., ,\I.D. Finck, Mr. . H., ::ILB., C. M., Glas. Redman , Mr. ",V. E., ~I.R. C. ". , L. . A., Pinkerton, Mr. James, ::I['D., R.U. I. Lond. Pinnock , itlI'. RD., :ILD., GIa . Reid, Mr. D. Boswell, IILR.C. Pithie, Mr. A. Drimmi,~, L.P.. C.fJ ., Edin. R eid, 1I1r. Duncan J., ::If. B. Plant, 1I1r., M.D. R eid, Mr. T. Whitehead, ;If.D., t.Alld .,&c. Platt, 111'. ,Yo II., L.n.U. P. R enton, 1111'. G., ::II. D. Plomley,Mr. John F., ::II.U., Brux. Rhode, Mr. Thomas, ~I. D. Pochin, Mr. F. L., :lI.B., C.::IL., Eclin. Rhys, Mr. W. L., L.R.C.p., Lond. Pole, Mr. Alexallder, M.D., St. And. Pollard, Mr. Geo. II., lIt.D., Edin. Pollen, 1.11'. Henry, lIt.D., Du1).
C. S .
Rice, l'.Ir. I,Y. R, B.A., Dub., LU.
4) Ricl1 111'. A. ., ~I.R.C . . Richards, Mr. J. T., B . • C. , Edin.,:;.r.B. , .!ll. Riddell Mr ..T., l'ott,)l.A. ,Aber. i\LB.,C.)1. Ridley, :'\Ir. J. \Y., L.n.. c.p. Rigby, Mr. 'Val tel' C., lI1.13., ClI.D., Viet. Rigden,1\[r. Brian lII.R.I.i.R., L.S.A. Ringwood, ilIr. John, L. ILC.::;.1., L.R .C.l'.I. Robb. 1111'. J. B. K., M.A . , Abel'., M.D. Robert , 111'. Arthm, F.R.C., . Roberts, Mr. E. E., 1\I.R., )[. ' . Roherts, :JIr. Hugh Jone, M.R.C .. ,
t. Ledg(;'r, .M1'. R A., M.B., a.M ., Eclin. all, .Mr. E. 'V. H., lIl.R.C., . almon. 11". Harry R., M.n., cn.B., .Melb. anders, Ir. has., lII.R.C.R., M.B. 'allde)" ,1111'. Edward A. , !ILl!.. . il. an ome, 1111'. P. J., 1\£'R. . il . Scantleblll'Y, Mr. Geo. J., L. ET. L. MID., R.C.P., (Yietoria) . catliff, Mr. P. M., !ILl{. ' .1'. catterty, Mr. William, ,LA., Abcl'., !II.D. L.~.A. cble inger, 11'., 1\1. Jl. C.,'- . (Victoria). cholefielcl, iiII'. G. E., )I.D., Etlin. Rohert , :Jlr. R Lawton, lII. D., Loud. Hobert; Mr. Reg. J., :;I1.A.. , M.D., B.C. cott, nIl'. A. \Y. , ~1. It.C.R. Rohert -Dudley, 111'. F. J., )1.R.C.. , cott, i\Ir. " "'. Tocher, )f. A., :'Il. n. ,'.!lI. L.:-<.A. eccombe, 111'. . \\. , 'l.It. (',:->., L.n. C. r. , Lond. Robert on Ir.~.,)1. D. Robert on, 1il'. Robt., )I.R. C.S. elhy, Mr. Edmund 'V., )I.D. Robin on, 111'. A. H., )f.D. Seller, Mr. R Burdett, Lll.C.';. 1\1. B., C .1\1., Robin on, Mr. A. Hepwortb, ellcr, 1[1'. \\"'. H. 1. , M.n., .1\f., Edin. Eelin . ergeallt, :'\Ir. Edward, )1.1:.C .... , I,.n.c.r., Robin on, ilIr. El'llest L. , :'11. R. C. ., Lond. L. n. C. p. , Lond. hannan, iiII'. E. '\•. , L. ILl'.}'., I,. n. C.. ·., Ellin. Robin on, :JIr. G., )1.R.C.8 .. 1., .A. ha\y, ~Ir. Jas., )f.B., C.:'I!., Edin. haw, II'. T. ., ::ILB., C. '\L, Ec1in. Robinson, ilIr. H. .; 1\1. R. c.' . Rohin on, urgeon-Major JUark heaf, ~1r. . A. Erne t, )£. n. c . r., Edin. Rollin '011, illr . .R B., :;11. D. hearer, Mr. T. Pitcairn, L.ll.C.p., L 1 .c.s., Roche, :'\Ir. T. F., L.n.l'.p., Eclin., L.n.C.S., Edil!. ELlin. helly, 1111'. C. E., lII.D., Camh. Rogers, :Jlr. Bertram 1. , B.A., Oxon., )1.D. , hcphel'd, M1'. Thos. 'V., L.n.c .... , Edin. Roper, ~Ir. H erbert J., 1.l{.C .. ,L.R.C.p., hive., 111'. John, )I.D., Aher. Lond. hOlle, l1l'gcon-:'\lajor 'Y. J., :'If.n.c ... Rorie. :.\11'. D. , M.n., C.:'I1., Eclin. huttle\yorth, )11'. G. B., B ..\., Lond., )1.D. Roul. ton, :.\11'. William, 1\1. D., )1. C'B . , idclall, ~Ir. J. B. )1. D., A b r. )1.--\.0., R.U.I. imon, JUl'. M. F., )I.)., 'to Am1. Ronnel, Mr. John C., !ll.R.C.S., L.n.c.p., impson, 1111'. J. Herbert, )1.])., Allcr. Lond. impsoll, Mr. Jame E. , M.n. Rowe. :,\11'. Jose11h H., :lLB., C.:;'I. Abel'. impson, 1111'. 'Y. ., :'ILH.C.s., ~r.n . c.p., Rowe, .\11'. Thomas mith, )l.D. , Edin. Eelin. Ruddock, Mr. W. J ., lII.B., M.P.. C.. . Sinclair, Mr. A. MacGregor, 'Ln., Abel'. Huel, :JIr. P ., L.R.C.P., :;Il.n.c.. , Lond. kae, Mr. Franci D. A., )f.D. Rumboll, i\Ir. C. F., :;ILD., Durb. keleling, Mr. Henry , )f. B., B.C., B ..\.. Rumboll, JUl'. ydney, L. P..C.P. , F.R.C.S. Skinner, JUl'. D., )l.n., CH.:'IL , Abel'. Rn. sell, :.\11'. John, )I.A., M.B. , C.M. (Victoria). Rutherford, JUl'. R L., )I.D., R.U.I. Sloman, Mr. H., L.n.C.l'., Lond., :'Ir.l! ... ('. Ru ttle, i\Ir. Robert, L.:'II., L . ,' . Sloman, 1111'. . G., jUlll'., L.R.C.p. Lond., Ryan, l1r. 'V. H., )LR. C. l'., Irel. III. It. ('. S. t. George, :JIr. George, !II. D. Smeltoll, 1\11'. C. W., !II.lt.C.S., L.R.C,P.
mith, Mr. Eclwill C. M., 'r.R.C.S. ,'troyaI), Mr. F., ~I.R.C.~;., Eng., L.n.C.p., Honorary Life Smith, Mr. G. JaekRoll, L.R.C.R.I., Loncl. L.R.C.P., Ire1. ' tnart, Mr. J. A.Erskine,L.n.c.l'.,L.R.C.S., Members. Smith, Mr. II. IImllmOlH 1, j\1. R. C. R., Edin. L.R.C.P., Lonrl. ummel'S, :'\lr. John R., L.n.c.s. , Edin., mith, Mr. 1\1. Lomax, M.n.c.l:i., L.P•. C.P . L.R. ·.P. (New Zealand). 'ntherlanrl, ilIr. Chas. J., M.D. Smith, Mr. R. Bra(1 baw, L.lLC.i:i., Irel." utherland, ilIr. J. A., ~r.E., c.j\1., Ecliu. L.ll .. 1'., Edin. 'utton, Mr. H. G., )f. D. Smith, Mr. R illclail', F.Il.C.P.E., 'wann, Mr. A., ~I.D. L.R. '.H. , Edin. ,,"etc, Ur. Horace, )I.D., ,'to And.,_ Smith, Mr. Sll1l. Parson.', L. ILl'. P., L. n. C. . r. )1. It . .'. c. mith, Mr. trail'onl, )l.D. 'yme", :JIr. E. 'Vest, )LD., Erlin. Smith, :.\11'. T. Han '011, :'II.D., Durh. Tamplin, :'\Ir. Chas. H., )I.n.c.s. mith, :.\11'. 'V . .1., 1,.Il.C.P., L.lt.(·.S .. Edin. Tate :.\11'. ,'amuel, M.D. 'onth, Mr. F. D., :'II.lt.C'.:. Taylor, :.\11'. James, )I.D. SOLlthwell, :Mr. '. E., L.I~.I·.P., L.R.C'.<;., Taylor, ~lr. James, )r.B., B.cn. ELtin. Taylor, :.\11'. Jas., F.rt.C.S.E. 'panton, :Mr. 'V. Dnnllett, F.R.C.R. Taylor, 111'... Hamilton, )CD. pence, ill1'. 'Vm. Jas., L.n.I'.p., Edin., Taylor, iiII'. Thomas, )I.H. C.S.E. L.n. C.S. , Ellin. Taylor, :.\11". Tom R, )I.D. l'riggs, ~lr. E. lYens, )I. n., Lonu. Telllpleman, :.\11'. Cha ., )I. D., Edin. pong, :.\11'. Harry, n. \. ( XOll) L.S.A. TIl'lIHa., :.\11'. John, )1.n.c.s. pronlle, :,\11'. '1'. ,r., L.lt.C.s.I.. L.K.t~.1 .1'. Thomas, ilIr. 'Y., )1.D. quallcc, Mr. T. oke, )CD., Dnnclm. Thomson, :.\Ir. Barclay, ( \~ictoria) . quire, :.\tr. J. E., )f.V., LOBrl. Tholll·Oll. :.\[iss E. C., )l.B., C.)l., Edin., "tack, Mr. E. C., L.ll. '.1'.r., L.)f., F. I!.I .... , L.I!.I .. , L.ILt'.P. IreJ. Thom.on, :JIr. Geo., )1. D., Abel'. talker, ~Ir. A. :,\1., ,r. \.., Edill., )Ll!. Thomson, Mr. G., )1.B., C.)1., 'Ellin. Tholll.Oll, .\11'. James, :'I1.D. tamt'ord, :.\11'. \\~lll. Ackrill, )I.n.c .. ·. 'teele, :.\lr.\Y. E.:., )ULl . .'., L.ll.C.l'., Loud. TholllSOll, ~Ir. J. R :.\lenzie·, )I.n., CB.D., teet, :'\Ir. Georg' Cal'l'ick, F.I:.C.S. :.\Ielb. Yictoria). telfox, :.\11'. J. B, :\l.il.I,.S., Eng., L.S.A. Thom:ol1. :.\11'. :.\1. B., )Ln., ET. CB.)!. :'teuhoue, ilIr. 'Y. :'\1., ~1.1l. ~~e\\' ZealalHl) Thom,'oll, ir 'Yilliam, )I.D. "tephen, :.\[1'. \\'. A .. )f..\.., )£.13., (.:'11. Thol'lltOll, :.\11'. Bertram, )I.n.C.S.,L.R.C.r., •'te\\'art, ilIl'. F . .\[C H., L.n.G.s. LOl1(l. te\\"art, :.\11'. U. A., "lL n., ~I. A. Thnrsfield, :'\Ir. T. ""'., :'II. D. tirling, nIl'. D. II., :'11.])., Etlill. Til1-tone, :.\11'. H. Rogel'" )I.D. tirlillg, :.\11'. Rollcrt, )1. D. Tiulry, :'\Ir. T., :\1. D., Dnrh. 'tock\\-ell, 111'. F., ~L [I., LOllil. Topping, i.lr. J. P., )1.D., Gla . To\yn. elHl, .\11'. F. E., )I.D., )1. CR. , R.U.I. toker, :.\11'. G., )Lll. toney, :JIr. Percy n., )LR.S.C., L.n.c.l'., Trimble, ilIr. C. J., II.P.lI., L.n.c.p.E. Ediu. Trott, ,\11'. Dudley C., )I.B., F. R.C.S. tothanl, :i'Ilr. Jame.', )1.1:.C.5., L.S.A. Trotter, :'\Ir. Le lie D., \LD., Edin. tt'ctton, 1111'. J. Lionel, )l.l!. '.S.,L.I!.C.P .. Trotter, Mr. \\~. 0., )LR.C.~. LOIlll. TUll·talL :J1r. A . C., :'ILD., Edin., :'Il.n.,c.)I. trutton, ilIr. 'amuel, )I.R.C.S. Turner, .\11'. A. :,\1., )LIt.C.H. (",ycllley) trollg, Mr. R. G .. L.IU'.P., L.n.C.S., Tlll'uer, 'tall'- ul'geou Emata Edill., L. \1. TUl'ller, :.\11'. H. GUllton, )1.n.c .s., L.S .A. .
50 H onorary L ife M embers.
Turner. Dep.~In I'ec. Teneral Rouen, n._' . 'Yal b, _It. Darid, )1.1' .. Elin. Turner, ?lIr. Thoma, F.R.C. . \\ard, ~[r. J. P ..... ,.£.n.c ... L.R.c.r .. Lollll. Turner. }II'. \\'illiam. ~LD. \\'ard, )11'. ~r. A .. F.n.C ... Irel. Twiss, )Iaj or T. E .. 'R._·\":\['C . ,Yard. Mr. :.ilartlhlale .LD .. I' .. L Aber. Tyrrell: :.\11'. IYalter. ~I.R.C.~. \\'arren, Ir. "m., L. ET. L. )Ii 1.. K.~.C.P. Ty-on, :'\Ir. William Jo erh, ~.D .. Durll. Irel. 'Cnderhill, Mr. F. T., F.R.C .. E., L.R.C.P .. "-ar\\'ick, )11'. C.. teele, ~[. D. Edin. Warn-ick, )Ir. F. J .. :)['E .. Caut b. "Gnderhill: ~Ir. J. E., ~1.D. ,Yater,;;. ~lr. Jobn H., :'I.D .. lila::: ... I.E, LJppleby. )11'. J. T.,L.R.c.p.,Enin.,L.R.c... c .. !. Parr Elizabeth). Water -, )11'. J. L .. ~r.B . , .~!., Eilin. "G~ber. ~lr. '\illiam. )['D .. R.L'.I .. B.CH. "-at"oll: )11'. A.. A .. ;\LP.. C"':. ' alent1ne, )11'. ',illiam, L.R .C.p.: Edin., "Yat.:;oll. ~Ir. C. S .. ~I.D .. E,lin ... LB .. C .• I. L.R.C.~. "-at:::on. )11'. J. C .. ~I.D. ,ance, ~lr. \\'.J .. L.R.C.P., Edin., L.ll-C ..... "-at<;on, II'. IYm., ~r.I:.t . . Irel. \Yat.:;on. :.ill'. 1\. J.: ~L ~:.' ..... , )l.B., Ya - lli, ?llr. Jerome .. L.R. C.P., L.I:.C.~., Lond. EJin. 'Yattbew. Mr. Eel'llel't, )LD .. E f lin., :)1. B .. C.)I. ,-ernon, ~Ir. A.. Heygate F.l:.C ..';; .. I\-atr.:;: )11'. 'Y. F .. :)cu. . " . . L.':".A. L.R.C.P.. Lond. ' emon. ~[r. 1\., ~I.R.C . ';., L. R.C.P., ~'-aucrh. :.ih·. .Alexl'., )1.Il .. l . ) l .. GIll Edin. \\'ay.~lr. J. E. F .. ~I.l:.I'."' .. L.P. . . P.. L011 ,-incent: :Jlr. E. B., :)1.R.C.<: . "-ayland. :.ih. .1 .. ~I.B. Yiret, :Jlr. B. P., )l .B., Loud. , L.ILC.p., 'YeanI' ,Mr. G .. )f.r..c... , L.J:.C.P .. Lond. Lond., L... A. ,ores: ?lIr. Arthm. )f.R.C.::;. IYebu: :.iIr. Hy. L .. ~Ln.C.'. \\'aeber, ~Ir. Frank. M.R.C.S., L. .A. Webl. ·jll'. J. Ram,.ay: :)!.B .. CH.n. \\'acher, :.\11'. ~., F.R.C. '. , L.R.C.P. \\'ebb. ~Ir. Tho. L .. ~I.R.C.:::., L.R.C.P., Waddy, ~Ir. H. E., L.R.C.P., )1.R.C.... Lond. \\'ade, ?Ill'. A. Breedon, )l.B., C.)1., Edin., \\elJb, ~Ir. '\-m., )Lll" F.R.C.",. ~LR.C.' . L.S.A. \\'eb -ter. :.ilr.RiJley )1., ~1.1.. ..L.R.C.l'., Wakelam, ?llr. Edgar, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.:--., Edin., L.D.'>. Edin. Wedmore. ~Ir. E., )1.n . . ,... "\\ale, ~Ir. Geo., D.P.H. (Camb.). :)I.R.C.t'. "-eeke, )Ir. Fl'anci H., F.R.C.' "-e t,~Ir.LionelF .. L.l: . . l'.,~r. n. ..Lond. L.R.C.P., Lond. Waldo, ~lr. Fred J .. )['D., Camb ., ~r.B. lYe t, ~lr. R. )1.. ~I. R.C." .. L.R . . 1' .. L nd. Walker, ~l!-. A.. "-. H. , :)LD. , Brux., Weston, :.ill'. ,'. T. DUl'l,y. ~1.n.I'."'. L. R. C. P.: Lond. "-heeler: )Ir. "-illiaUl Irelanrl, )1. D. Walker, ~Ir. Bernard, )1.R.C ... L. "_'\" "-hite, Mr. E. A .. :)£.D., _1ber. Walker, )11'. Cyril H., B.A. , Camb., ,Yhite, ~lr. R "-.. L.R.C.l'. F.R.C.S. "-hire, :.ill'. William, )£.D. "\\alker, )11'. J. Pixton, )l.R. C. - ., L.~.c.l'., ,TIlite, )11. H., ~r.B. Lond. Wbite, ~ll'. R. R, )I.R.C.":. "\\alker. )11'. John W ., ~I.R . C.'·.,L.R,I' . I'., "Tbite. Mr. :\ellam F., )LR.e. ' .. L.J:.r:·.P. Lond. "-hit-ehead, M1. A.. ~L B. C. '~f., A. e1'. "\\aIker, )Ir. amuel, )1.R.C.s .. L . ~I. Whitham , :Jh. Robtr't, )I.B. Abel'. . "\\allaee, )11'. R S., L.F.P ... Glas., L.~.A. \\hitiey, :JIr. F. G. H., )1.R.C.'. "\\allis, )Ir. Fred )1., M. R.C .. ·., L.. A. Whitwell:}Ir.A.E .. L.R.C.S .. L.R.C. P. Ellin. W alpole· immons, :JIr. E., )l.D., Durh. W~hyte, ~Ir. J. )laekie, ~r.A., Edin., )LB.
Wilkin_on, :.ilr. Auburn. ~.D .. DlUb., "ood, ~1r. John. :)LD. Honorary Life )LB., B. . IYoorl )Ir. J. ., L.R.C.P. Members. Wilkin on. :.ilr. A. :.iI·Kenzie ~1.n. (Yie. ) Wood. ~1r. \Y. A .. :)J.D., B. Wilkin on. ~Ir. Jam 13., '1.D .. Edin. \Yoodcock, ~Ir. A. E.! L.R . . P.. L.I:.C.' .. Wilkinson, :.ill'. J. 'J )Ll:.C.": .. L.R.C.P.. E lin .. L.F.P .. , Gla . Lond. \Yoodcock. ~h. E. lie Carle. 'I.1:.C .. ; Will. ?lIr. \\m. J .. )1.]) .. ".'1. L.R.C.P .. Edin., L.F.P.s .. Tla .... William", ?Ill. ~-t:\ille. )l.A.; Cautah, )LB. \\oodbou ... e, :.iIr. E. R, )LB., B."'., Durh. William" }lr. R :\Iorris. ~I.B'l C.:\I. IYOO 1, ~Il'. J. F .. )1.D. William on, ~Ir. J. D .. :V.D. IYood. :.ill'. John E., L.R .. 1' .. L.I:.'.'. Wilk. :l1r. Teo .. )I.ll .. )I.C .. _LR.C.S. IYood ~, In_pector·Gentl'al E. C .. :)I.D., n.);., l.T.O. Willi , :.iIr. G. Oweu, L. F..C.P. Wil haw :.ill'. 'Y. lTre \'(mor. )1.D .. B.A. Woolley. :J1r. Talbot, )I.R.C ... Willoughby :.ill'. \Y. (T .. )['D., Loud .. "-ray. :.ilr. '. Bury, )['R.CS., L. .... A. D.P.H.. Cmb. I'-rencb. }Ir. E. :Jr.. F.R.' ..... Wil-on, :.ilr . .1. ' J ~I.D .. E,Iin .. ~LB .• c.~[. '\riuhr. _II'. J. C .. M..L. ~I.B .. B.C., Wilson. :.ilr. A.. :.ilarin:; ~['D., Durh .. )I.B., ·antab. B.S. Wyke ... mith. ~lr. F.n.c.. , Ediu .. Wil -on, :.ilr. J. ' .. I .1:. ' .P" I.. n ...' .. Ellill. L.r.. ~.P ., Edill. Wilson, :.ill'. J ..~, ltt. _LD., ,1a· .. )L1 ... Yoll lHl. :Jlr. J. H .. :)[. R.C ...... L.S.A.! C.:)l .. v.P.H .. Camb. Lond. Wilton, :.ill'. J. P., )Lr..".· .. L.. A. Young. ?Ill'. A. .. F.R.C. Wimberley. :.ill'. omad C.. )1.D. Young. ?Ill'. C.. )1.D. Wingl'a\e; )11'. Y. H. 'Yyatt, ~LJ.C ... _ ..... A. Youn". :.ill'. ?lIereditb _1.D .. Edin. :)1.B .. I\olfeudale, ~lr. Geo. A.., L.R.C.l.,L.I'.C.:-<., C'.)L, D.P.H. El1ill. Yule, )Ir. R. )1 .. M. D., ..lber., )I.B .. c.:)1.
TAFF. Abbott, .:Jll'. C. E .. )Lr..t.'. Alexander: )11'. T. ratOll, ~r.D. Allard, }lr. J. H., ~LIl. Allen, )11'. T. W. J .. ~Lll. c.,.:. AItbam. ~Ir. JUlI1e-. )L n. .Ander on, :Jlr. J. Wallace. :){, D. Andel'on, )Ir. Robert, :\r.n. Appleuy, )Ir. F. H., )I.lt.C ... Applebe, }lr. E. ~1., L.R.C.l'.: Edin., L . ~I.
Archer, }Ir. E. D., ~1.D. (.AJelaiLle) Arni on , )11'. " . D .. )1.D. A b, Lieut.~Col. R. '~ac.r, ILA.)I.C.
A. h.
}[r. ~L
T. Linlliilgton, L.R.C.P .. E lliu ..
n. L. .•
Atkin 'on. }Ir. E(l"ard. :\I.R.C.. E,lin. _\utllanJ, ~lr. 'Y. E. , )1. R. L. '. E .• L.R.C.I'. A\ydry , )11'. "-. R )1.B., Dnrh .. )1.n.L.S. Bain, )Ir. D. B .. M.D Baldwin, )Ir. F. B. Judge, )f.n.c.<: .. L.;-'.A. Ball. }Ir. C. B .. )1.D. Ballgay, :'-11'. Ricburll. ~. D. Barling. }Ir. ~L "., ~f.R.L. S . Bal'llarJ, :.ill'. J. E., ~I.D. ~Pa l'i ') Bal'lle . }1r. Edgar; )1. D.
52 Byrne, Ir. L. , F.R.C.S.I. Cable, nIr. John, L.R.C.l'. Barter, ,nIr. 'V. ~I.D. alrow, Mr. Thoma, M. u. c.... Bauchop [1'. Jame , ~r.B., C'.~[. Calwell, nIl'. 'WIll. , )). n . Beattie, Mr . R , )l. n . ampbell, 11'. P., M.B . Beat on, :Hr. George, M.D. Cantlie, Mr. Jame , F.R.I).:::. Beddoe, :Mr. T. P., ~Ln. CanIew, IIII'. G. A., :lI.R.C. '. , L.S.A. Bennett, ,Mr. '\T. H., L.ll.C. P.I. arey, nil'. Basil, ~l. J). Bennett,:Hl'. E. \Y. L.R.C.I'., arey, Mr. F. E., M. u. (Guern ey) )1. n. . s. Carleton, Mr. J. . , L. R.. S.l. Ben on, Mr. A. E. , ~r.D. Carr, .Mr. Th oma, :1[, D. Bentham, :;)11'. A.. 0., ~I.n . c . arter, Mr. D'Arcy B., ~f. n . . :::. Berkeley, :Hr., )1. n. Carhnight, Mr. E. II., :I!. n. Berry. Mr. W .. F.R.C .. Can'ell, 1111'. J. 1\1., "\!.It-c.S. Be1'an :;)Ir. R, L. n.c.p.I., D.P . H . Ca. an, 1\11'. T., ~I.ll.C.S. Bigg, Mr. G. herman, :lI.ILC.S., F.R. ' . Ca iJi, l\[r. F. R, :lLA .. )r. n. Blackburn, 1\Ir. J. , )1.11. c .. . Cattell, :illl'. G. Trew, :'Il.1). Blair, :\Ir. R, )t. D. Chall\yick. 1\Ir. A., :I!. j>. Blox.am, Mr. J. Atley, F. n . C. Uha(l\\'ick, l\f 1'. . 1\1. :11..\..,:11. n. Bone, Ur. D ouglas halmers, nIl'. George, :l1.ll. Boor, :\11'. L eonard, )1.R.C. ~ . , (New ha pman, 1111'., :'If. n. (?\ ew Zealano.) Zealallll) harles\\'o1'th, Lieut. -Col. H., n . A.:lLC. Bradley, :;)I.r. Da,id )L D. Che::.tllutt, :\lr. J., L.lLe.r., }}Iill., L.ll.C.S. Braith waite, :\11'. HaITi on, )1. D. Child ,:\Ir. 'hri:topher: :11.11. Branch, ilIr. '\T. J.. :\1. n . (,Ye t I ntlies) Brand, :\11'. A. T., :II. D. Clark, 1\11'. Andrew, F.n. '.". Clark, 1\11'. A. F. C., :11. B., C.:I[' Branthwaite, :\Ir. HalTi on, F.R. C.. Clark, 1\11'. F. "\\T., ~r.Il. C . .:., L.P•. C.P. Bremner, 1111'. A. :\1., L.R.C.P., Edin. Brook Mr. H. Dal'Yille, L. R. C. P.. Lond. Clark, illr. G., :M. B., C.:l1. Clarke, Mr. ,Yo Bruce, F.Il. c .. ,. )L R. C. S. C;:Jate, Deputy In 'pcctor-General :\1., Brook,lIIr. F . A. ., ~r.11.C. !l. X . , :\I.D., F.Il.C.';. Broomfield, :\11'., :\[. D. Broughton, :\11'. , ~I.TI.C.S. Collie, 'J1r. Rol)ert J. , :'Ir.n. Brown, ML A. Tennyson, :lI.D. Collicr, Lieut.-Col. II. C., R.A.:lLC. Brown, Mr. F . Goro.on, :If. R. C. Collingric1ge, Mr. ,I' .. )1.1). Brown, 1\[1'. J., L.R.C.P. , L.R.C .. 1. Collings, :\ll'. C. cl'A., :11.13. (Guernsey) Brown, Mr. . :\Iewbul'11, :II. D. ColC1Uhoul1, Mr. D . , "\[.1). (N' ew Zealand) Browne, Mr. Robert, :II. D. onnor, Mr., :II. IJ. BrO\"nfieId, nIl'. H. 1\1., ~I. It. c., . Connor, Mr. ,I'. G. , L. R. C.l'., Ire1. Bruce, i\Il'. Robert, :II. R. C. . Cook, :\11'. Alexander, :II. n. Cooper, )11'. G. ,Yhite, ~1.1:. C. I'. Bruce, :\11'. "\\Tilliam , :lr. D. Brummitt, :\11'. R , )r. n. (Adelaide) Cooper, Mr. H. .,)1. n. C. s" L. R. C. P. Buchanan, :\Ir. J., :If. D . COl'lJin, :JIr. T. W., \1. I). (. outh Australia) Bui~t, Mr. R C., :II. R. c.. . Co grave, Mr. E. )Ic.:Do\\'cL :II. D . Bull, ' nrgeon-:MaJ'or W. H., L.n.c.p. COlltts. ; .J.\'I1'. J • n., A ~ :I!.!l. Bullock, :\Ir. C., )I.1'•. c.s., L.R. C.P. Cran, 'Jll'. George :ILl). Burman, lr. F. J., )Ln.C. . Crea e, ;)11'. J. RolJert on, F.n . C... Burnett, )Ir. J. R , :'II.n. Cre pi, Mr. A. J. H., :I['}{.C.P.I., )I.n.c.s. Bmton, ~Ir . . H. , :lI.R.C. . . Cressy, I I'. G. J., L.lLC .P.r. Byles. :Mr. J. B., :lI.R.C.,., L.U.C.P., Lond. Cromie, :\Ir. John, L.ll.C.I'. & fl .
Examiners. Barr, Mr. A.. G.
M. D.
Edwards, Mr . .J. H ammel ton, :'1(. ll. Crook hank Pasha, H is Excellency, E xamin ers. Ellahy, 1\JiHs C. (Paris), ~L D. (Egypt) Ellcrtoll, 11'. J. F . H., )!.lJ . Cruickshank, IIII'. B. , l\l. 11. D ., Ellertoll, MI'. JOIlll 1II.1J. Cuffe, Surgeon .Major-G eueral C. Mc. Elliott, MI'. B. n., L.ILC'.l'., L.1LC.".1. C.B. El1i~tOll, nIl'. G. , ., :lr.n.c.s. Cureton, 1111'. E., :If. H.l'.J'. Evan .', 1\11'. A., M.A., :lI.B. , B.Cll. Cuthberc, i\lr. ",V. ,Yoocl, :lLn.C.H. Evan, Mr. Alfred, 111. B., ]\(. A. Daniel, Mr. A. D., M.D., If .J t.C' . R. Evans, 11'. D. n., :1[.1) . Darwellt, Mr. R II., L.IU'.l'. Evan " nl1'. E., ) 1. 1>. Darwin, IIIr. G. H., :'II. D . Evans, nIl'. Edward Beynon, :ll.D. Davies, Mr. D. Ll., M.D., L. lt.U.H. Evans, 1\J1'. F . :11.1) . Davy, Mr. R , F.R.C.l'. Da\\' on, nIl'. T. Moure, L.IU'.l' ., :I['H.C.S. Evatt, Lt.-Col. G. J. R., R ..\..)I.C. (lIong Kong) Demetria,di, Mr. L. , F. It. C. H. EYe, l\lr. F. ., F . n.C . ~ . De Nys cn, l\L1'. P. J., L.lU'.1'. Fairclough, Mr., :ILl). Dickey, l\I1'. A. A. G., .\1. Il. Farrar, :\11'. R. A. , :\LIl., ~f.A. (Oxon. ) ~ Dickin, MI'. E. P., I,.lt. '.1'. Fenoulh t, Ur. E. C. , L. ll.C.p ., Eelin. , Dick 011, :ilIr. Ceeil, "\I.ll. Dick on, Mr. G. ,\,., :11.13. L. n,C. ' . Dingwall, 1\11'. A., "\1. n. FieI([ell, il1r . • amI., :If. IJ. Dob on, :\11'.• L, :lI.Jt.C.;;., L.It-C.P. Fitz 'imoll , )[1'. J. B ., )1.D. DOlmille, nil'. E. J., L.ll.C.I'. Fleming, Mr. A. J., :lI.D. Donald, Mr. W. , "\1.B. Footllel, :\11' . .T. B., F.R.C .. . Forbe , :\11'. K. Hay, F.R.C.K. , Eo.in. Donalo. on, RUl',r.-:\lajo1' (Bermuo.a,) Douglas, Lt.-Col. C. :\1., It.A.:I['C., lJ.([. Forsyth, 1\11'. R, :lLD. Downe, :\1r. E .. )LII. Fo ·ter, 1\11'. Henry, )f.n.c ..• Drage, Mr. Lon·Il, :lI..\.., :11.1). Frallkih, 1\Ir., :lLD. (Xe\"\' Zealand) Drinkwater, )11'. 11., .\1.1). Franks, :\11'. 1\:., :lI.lJ . ('. Africa) Dryllen, Mr. J. IIuuter, )U). Frank J ::'11'. R, :If.D. DnfT, nu:. J ., \1.11. Freel', :\Ir. E. L" :If.n.c .. . Duke, Lt.-Col. ~\.. W., It.A.:lI.C. Fryer, :\11'. John, :lI.R.C.S D unhar, :\11'. Eliza W., :\l.I1. FUl'llell, urgeon-General E. (Canne') Duncan, ::'Ill'. A . .J ame., )U). Fy(j'e, Deputy mgeon-Gelleral, :lI.D. Duncan, ~11'. It. B., ~1.D. Galiard, 1\[1'. J. R, L K • .\. . Duncan, ::Jrr. ,Yillialll, L.n.C.p., L.R.C.S.E. Galletly, :\ll'. 'Y. G., ~r.B. Duncan, :\ll'. :lr.n. Galpin, Mr. Hichard, :lIoR.C.S., L. ·.A. Dunkley, 1\11'. W. 'Y., F. R.C.l'., Edin. Ganett, .MI'. C. D., )[.TI.c .... Dumo, :\lr. J., :1[, n. Garson, 1111'. J. G., ~f. D. Dutch, :\Ir. Hemy, "'Il.ll. Garton, Mr. 'Y. , M.D. Dyer, Mr. H. Geary, :\f.n. Gentle', 'J11'. T. L., L.R.C. I'. Eades, Mr. al1luel Oliver, L.R.C.P., Edin. Gihh, :\11'. 'W illiam, L.R.C.P., Ec1ilJ. Eagar, Mr. Robert, "\L.D. Gibbon, :\11'. F. ,V., L.R. C. ·. & L.R.C.l'., Eakins, l\I1'. J. W., :ll. D. Edin. Easby, nIl'. William, :ll n. Gibon, II'. E. Y., :It. n . Eavims, 1\11'. J. W., :'II.D. Gl·ll)el·t on , ';\[ .1.\ r. J . H ., L. R. C'. P., :lLR.C. E LlbQ'inton, Mr. R W., :\1.]). Gile , BI'I'crade b - ill'cre b on P . B ., '_ .1. R.C. S. Edlin, IIII'. E. Holberton, F.R. C.. . E. Gimlette, Ml'. Thos. H., :lLD.
54 Examiners. Godfrey, Mr. A. C., M.B. (Jersey)
H awkes, 11'. Coghill, L.U. • P., M. l{'.O.S. Goodman, Mr. Godfrey, L.R.C.P. H ayle, Mr. T. H., M.B. Gorham, 1\11'. Jame John, M.D. H elm, Mr. R. Dundas, M.D. Grant, Ml'. J. E. R., M.R.C. Hendel' on, 1\11'. J. H., M.D. (Adelaide) Hepburn, 11'. ,V. A., M.D. Grant, .Mr. Ogilvie, ;\I.B. Gray, Mr. A., M.B. Hey, Mr. Milne, 1.A., lILR.C.S., L.R.O.P. Gray, Jr. 'Y. ;\I.B., C.M. Hillaby, Ml'. A., L.R.C.P. G1'eathead, Ml'. J. B., M.B., C.M., M.R.C.S. Hinnel, Mr. J. S., B. A., Camb., IIl.D. ( outh Africa) Hodges, Mr. William, M.R.C.S. Greenwood, Ml'. Alfred, nr.D. Hofl'man, M:r. A. H., L.R.C.P.E. Greig, I ajor F. J., R.A.M. C. H ogg, II'. Walter D., M.D. (Paris) Greener, Mr. M. H., nr.B. Holden, 1\11'. J. ., I.D. F., M.R.C.S. Hood, 11'., ;\I.D. Grenfell, Ml'. Grier, Major H ., R.A.~I.C . Hopkins, Mr. T., ~I.D. Griffin, nIl'. Innes, M.R.C.S., L. .A. Howanl, Mr. A. D., M.D. Griffith, Profe or T. Wardrop, M.D. Howard, II'. Heaton C., M.R.C.. , L.R.C.P. Griffiths, 11'. J ohn, nr. R.C.S., L. R.C.P. Howe, 11'. E. R., L.R.C.!;. Griffith, Mr. P. Rhy , nr.R.C.S. Howie, 1\11'. Alexander, M.D. Grimbley, 11'. R. H., lILR.C.S. Hud on, Ml'. H. E., lII.D. Groom, Mr. Harry, lII.R.C.S. Hughes, Mr. Hugh Lewi , L.R.C.S. Gwillim, Mr. R. D. H., L.R.C.P., LR.C.S. Hunt, hlr. R., M. R.C. . Gwynn, 1\11'. Charles, ~I.D. Hunter, 1\11'. E. J., L.R.C. P., Edin. H all, Lt.-Col. Lee, R.A.nr. C. Hurry Mr. J. B., ::-I.D. Hall, Mr. William, ~I.D. Hutchinson, Ir. J., M.D. H alley, Mr. G., ~ . D. Hutton, Smgeon- Iajor G. A. H alli" ell, Mr. R. N., ~LR.C.S. l'Anso '}, Mr. ,Yelby, M.B., C.M. H alJows, :Mr. H. P., ~I.D. I nne, urgeon-General ir John ReI' H amilton, Mr. A. A., ;\I.D. (Adelaide) K.C.B., F.R.C.. . (Florence, Italy) H amilton, Mr. J. A. G., lII.D. (Kapunda I rving, 1\lr., M.D. ( ew Zealand) South Australia) Jackson, lr. Allan, ~I.D. Ham ilton, Mr. J. P., ~I.D . , (Kapunda) Jackson, 11'. C., L.R.C.P., Edil!. H amilton, lIIr. S., ~I.D . Jack on, 11'. E. ., lILB., C.elI. Hammond,1\1r.W. , L.R.C.p.,Edin., ::II.R.C .. Jackson, ir R. ,V., C.B., F. R.C ... I. Handfield-Jone, Mr. C. R., :.\I.R.C.. , Jalland, Mr. W. Hamilton, F. R.C.S. L.R.C.P. Jennillg, Mr. 'Vm. 1\1., I.R.C.S. Hannah, Mr. W. T., M.B. , C.M. Jepson, Ir. E., M.D. H arley, Mr. R. W., F.R.C. P. Jones, Mr. Evan, ::Il.D. Harper, Mr. H. C. , M.D. J ones, Mr. D. D., M.B., M.S. H &-rper, 1\1r. J. R., ~LR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Jones, Ir. Herbert, L. R.C.S.I. H arper, Mr. J . "V. , ~I.R.C.S. Jones, lr. Hugh, M.B. H arris, Major F. W., H..A.M. C. Jones, Mr. J. Arnallt, L.R.C.P. H arris, nrr. John, ::II.D. ( ew South Wales) Jones, 11'. O. C., ::II.B., L.R.C.P. Harr~s, Mr. S. C., ::II.D. Jones, 11'. T. 0., L.lt.C.P., ~I.n.c.s H arnson, Mr. D., F.R.C. '. Jone , Mr. W. Black, M.D. H arrison, Mr. H. L eeds, B.A. (Camb .), Jones, 1'.11'. W. Makeig, M.R.O.8. M.R.C.S. Jordun, Mr. F. 'Y., M.D. Harvey, 111'. Alfred, M.B., lILR.C.S. Kelly,Mr. R. Vandelem, F.R.C.s .(Sydney). H arvey, Mr. Eldon (Bermuda ) Kelly, 1'.11'. T. Gordon, M.D. H aven, 1\1r. C. G., nr.R.C.S. Keys, Smgeon C. ,V., M.D.
.55 • Kilkelly, Lieut.-Colonel C. R. , R. A.M.C. Manley, 11'11'. J. H. II.,~M.A. (Cantab .), LB.,lILR.O.S. Kinahan, Brigade- urgeoll J. King, Mr., VV. H., lIT.J). Mann, 11'. ,V. S., M.R_C.S. Kinnear, Mr. 'Wm., M.B. Manners, Mr. ,V. H., M.B. Knaggs, Mr. R. Lawford, M.D. Marier, Chas. G. D., L.n.c.s.I. Knowles, 11'. F. J., lII.R.C.S. March, M1'. II. 0. , M.D. Knox, Mr. C. F., M.J>. MarkhalU, Mr. W . , M. D. (Adelaide) Marsh,1\11'. J. H., M.lLC .. , J~ . R.C.P. Lapage, 1'.11'. C., lILll. Latimer, MI'. H . A., M.lt.C.S., M.D. Marsh, Mr.James J.) L.U.C.P.,L.R.C.S., Latter, Mr. Cecil, M . D. Edin. Lamie, 1\11'. Caspar R., lIr.It.C.S., L.R.C.P. Marshall, Mr. J. J. de Zour-he, L.R.C.S., Lawson, Mr. Geo. , ]ILl) Irel., L.A.H. Dub. Lawton, Mr. H. A., ;\L1>. MarLin, Mr. E. F., M.B. Leahy, 1'.11'. A., lILlt C.S. Martin, Mr. J., F.R.C.S . Lediard, 1\11'. II. A., ~[ . D. Martin, Mr. J. W., ~f.D . Lee, Mr. J .. lILR.C.S. 1'.1assie, Mr. T., M.n. Lees, 1'.11'. 'William, M.R. C.S. Matthews, Mr. T. G., ~l.D . Leslie, Mr. D. A., M.D. Matthews, 11'. Valentine, M. H..C. '. Leslie, Ml'. R. W., ::Il.D. Maynard, Mr. J. C., lILR.C.S., M.R.C.P. Lennox, 11'. David, 1I1.D. McCarthy, Mr. Justin McOullum, Ling, Mr. :'II. E., L R. C. S. M. R. C. . Littlewood, nIl'. H., F.R.C.S. McDonald, 1'.'11'. J., liLA., lILD. Littlewood, ~Ir. J . 0., ::If.R.C.S. McDonald, Mr. J., M.A., M.B., C.lII. Living tone, Dr. T., )L D. IcDongall, Mr. R., ::11. D. LloyJ, Mr. E. J., )l.lJ. McEwan, Mr. D., ~LD. Lloyd, Mr. Jordan, F.R.C.S. IcEwall, Mr. IV. C., M.B. Lock e, .i\1r. George, 1~ .ll. C .P., Edin., McFarland, Brigade- urgeon F. E. ~r.R . C. . McKellar, Mr. A. 0., )[. D. Long, 11r. Fred, LU.C. . . McNalty, Lieut.-Col. G., C.B., lII .D., Lorraine, Mr. R. B., M.n., C.:)f. R.A.lILC. Lovele s, Ir. Walter IL, L.U.C.P., Edin. Meal's ,.1.1 'Ir' • F • C. , ~r. B., ::II. R. C. s. Low, 1\11'. Charles, elLB. ( Jew Zealand) Melyille, Mr. ., ~L R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lowe, Mr. G. M., 1I1.D. Me iter, Mr. nr. A., lILR.C. Lowe, Mr. ,V. G., :'>LD. Metcalfe, Mr. R., lII. D. Low on, Mr. George, ~r.B. Middlemis , Mr. G., ::\LD. Macartney, Mr. R., L.R.C.P., Edin. Milbtun, Mr. C. H., ~r.B. Macgilvray, fr. ,V. J. II., L.n.c.p., Edin. Miller, Mr. J. W., ~I.D . MacKay, Mr. W. 1'.1., )l.B., &c. Milne, II'. Robert, LB. Mack~nzie, 1'.11'. Thoma, M.A., 1Il.D. Modlin, 11'. J. Gibson, ::II.D., L.S.A. Mackle, 1'.11'. John, M . n. Moffat, Rev. Dr., M.D. Mackness, Mr. G., M.D. Molloy, II'. T . . , lILD. Maclean, lIlr. Ewen J., M.D. Montagll, Mr. A. J. H., lILD. MacLeod, Mr. M. D.) L.R.C.S., Edin. Moore, Mr. F. F., ~LD. Macpherson, MI'. A., M.D. (Cape Town) Moore, MI'. H. C., M. R.C .. Macrobin, Lieut.-Col. Moore,1\11' M h . Milner , lIf .D. a on, Mr. G. A. D., ?lI.D. Moore, Hon. Brigade-Surgeon Sandford Malc.olm, M~'. E., M. ll. Iorgan, Mr. E. W., ::II.D. ( . S. Wales) Mallms, Major, r:..A.lILC. forgan, MI'. H. M., lII.R.C ..
• 56 illl, nl r. F. de Beeh, L. n .. 1'.1. Pisani, Profes or (Malta ) Pocbin, nil'. F. L ., :11.11. Pooley, :MI'. E. B., L. R.C ... Pooil'Y, :JIr. R. . :JIa,:;Oll, J.P., Idl.O. '.1. Pope, Mr. F. M., :.Ir.n. C.R. Moynihan, :JIr. B. G . .I... , F.n.c.S., :.1[, u. Porter :Jlr. A. E., )I.B., H.C. nil'. H. Perc"l.", F.n.c.s. ' r-'ott'l', U ye J 1 , 1i\I aJor, lCA.IIL C. Nance, Mr. H. C. , ~I.D. Poulton, ~Ir. H., )Ln. (ALlelaide) Pratt, Mr. J. Dallas, )1. II. K eild, Mr. J. E. :.\1.D. p l elbourne) Neilson, 1111'. H. J., )[. D. Price, Mr. Arthur, :.If. It. ' '. 8. _"el on, :JIr. tanley )L n. Purves. ~rr. A. cott, :.1[.11. Yewby, Mr. C. H., F.n.C.R. Ran '0 11 Mr. ,I'. E., )1.1:.0.:-:. K ew'man, ~Ir. W., :ll.D. Ratclilr- :raylard. :Jlr. J., L.n.C.l'. Yen- ham, ~Ir. F., :ll.R. C.S . Ra\\·nley. Capt. G. T. , H. \.:ll.l'. K ewton, :JIr. R. lark ,:lI. n. c.:-;. Reell, ~lr. Cash, :If. 11. Nicholson Brigade- urgeon E. Reitl, ~Ir. Dough ~\.., )[. n. Nixon, llr. F. Alcock, F.R.C.':l. r. Reid, :JIr. DUll can J., M. B. N orton, ::\11' . ..l. T. C.B .. F.R.C.:-;, R eid Mr. Edgar, :l1.1U'.::;., L.n .. 1'. . . Torton, Mr. G. EYeritt. :lLn. c.s. Reiu, Mr. T. 'Y., "l.n. Ky en, :JIr. P. J. de, "1.D. Resignol, ~lr. A. Le, :lI.Tl. "'I ,:.Ir . D . Revllold " :Jlr. R. J kl Oa-ey,~\r. Odell, :JIr. W., :.ICD. Rby. Mr. W. L., "LU.( .::;. O'Farrell, :JIr. Charles, L.ll.C,P ., L.R.C.::>.!, Hiee, :JIl'. ,I'. Richard on, ,,1. n. Okell, ~Ir. G., "LR.C. . Riddell, :JIr. J. eott,:.II. \. , )LB. Oldham, iiII'. H. F., :.11.11.· Rigden, Mr. Brian, :.ILn.c.:-:. Oli,er, :JIr. C Pye, :.ILD. Riley, :JIr. J . W., L.U.( .1'. Osborn, :JIr. amuel, F.U.O. ·. Robh, )11'. James, B. K., )J.D. O,Yen, Mr. E., F.R.C .S. Robert, )11'. Arthm. )J.D. Owen, :JIr. O. H. P .. :lLD. Rohert , )11'. Grilfith J., L.n.C.I' .. Edin~ Packer, :JIr. ,I'. H. , :.ILD. Rollert ,)11'. H. Jon c', :.Il.It, C.... Page, :JIr. H. 'Y. , :.ILD. Rohert, )Ir. La,rton , :.11.]1, Page, ::\11'. H. 'Y. , F.n. c.S. Robert -Dudley, :JIr. F. J . : )f.Il.C . . ·. ; Parry, Mr. L. A., :.ILD. L.~ ..L Partridge, ~Ir. ., :.ILB. Robinson, ~lr. A . Henry, )LlI. Partridge, :JIr. T., M.R.C.S. Robin on, Ml'. A. H epworth, ~l.)~. '.s. Paterson, lIIr., :.ILD. Rohin. on, 11'. E. L. , "l.D . ( ,uem ey) P atterson, Ir. G. deJ., L.R.C.P., M.R.C .. . Rohillson, llIr. H. ' ., :lL1I .C.S. Pearson, 1Ir. C. Y., :lLD. Robinsoll, Mr. ,r. , :.IU). Pen dIe bury, Mr. J. T., :.Ir.R. C. ~. Roper, nIl'. H. J . , :.ILR,C.S. Pennell, nIl'. H., :lLD. Rosignal, )11'. A. Le, :.11.]1. Perry, lIIr. C. M., )LR.C. ' ., L.R.C.P. Ross, Mr. Macleod, F.n.C .. . Peters, lr. A. J. A., L.R.C.P., L.R.C .. , Rounu, 11'. John Cornwall, M.n.c.'. Edin. Ru ell, Mr. John, :.11.1). Ruthelfol'd, 11'. Henry, :.ILn. Phillips, 1111'. C. H. , ~Ln.O.S. Ru ttle, Mr. R , M.D. Pickersgill , ::\11'. E. P. , :.ILR.C.S., L.R.C.P., St. Leger, Mr. R A., M.B., C.M. Edin. 'avory, Mr. H. , 1\[ • .1.., !II .B. B.C. Pilgr im, Ir. E. G., lILn., C.M.
Morgan, Mr. Llewellyn,
Examiners . .Morgan, Mr. 'Y. L., :ll. ~\'., :ll.R.C.R. Morris, Mr. T. H., "'LB . Morri, Capt. ,I'. A., :.ILB. , R.~.\. .M. C . Mortimer, :JIr. T. D. E. )1. n. Mo . op, ~Ir. A. li .. )Cll. '.13. D.l'.H.
57 Scales, Mr. M., [J. It. C. S., 1rel. Scatliff, Mr. P. M., M.R.O.S. cofield, ir. Harold, M. B. Scott, Mr. G. M., M.D. Scott, 11'. R. J. II., M. D. elby, Mr. E. W., M.D. Sellers, fr. R Burclett, M . R. o.s. Shaw, Mr. James, :II. D. Shaw, Mr. John, :l1.1l. Shaw, Mr. Thomas Bowes, L.R.O.P. helley, Mr. P. W. G., )1.]). Shelly, :Mr. C. E., r. D. Shepperd, 11'. II., :.II. D. hive, nil'. J., :.ILlJ. ,hone, nil'. ,V, J., '\LR.C.:--. Shuttleworth, 11'. G. E., )I.D. Siddall, M1'. J. B., )1. u. Simmonds, Mr. II. M., M.R.C.S. immons, 1111'. E. 'Y., M.D. Simp on, Ir. ,V. ., :.ILP•. O.S. Sinclair, nil'. Robert, :II. v . Skae, nIl'. Francis, )1. II. kip\vorth, Mr. II. , )LIt. .S., L.RO.P. I. Sleman, Capt. R. R, L.. _\. Smeddle, 11'. R. \Y., '\LB. mith, 1111'. '., M. R. c ... Smith, 11'. '. J., :.ILn.C.!'>. Smith, ilIr. G., M.D. mith, Mr. H., )L D. Smith, iiII'. H. Hammond, M.R.C.S. mith, Mr. J. W., )L B. mith, Mr. Montgomery, :.ILD. mith, )11'. R ., [JoIt.C.P., Edin. 'mith, Pl'ofe.'sor ,V. R., :.I[.D . Snell, ~1r. Syuney H., )f. D. Soutar, Mr. O. H., :II. B. (Australia). Spencer, Mr. W. Henry. :.I[.D. Sproulle, Mr. J. ,V., L.R.C.P.I., L.R. C.S.E. Squance, 11'. T. Coke, ~[.D. Squire, Ur. J. E., :II. )). Stalker, Mr. A. 1.. :ILl). Stanton, Mr, L.n.c.p. Stedman, Ir. H. , L.n . c . p. Steel, Mr. ,V. D. , M.D. Steele, Iajor W. H., n.A.M.C. Steet, Mr. G. Carrick, F.R.C.S. Stewart, M1'. Duncan, :.IL D. Stirling, Mr. D. H., M.D.
Stoker, Mr. George, M . n. Stoker, Mr. Vf. Thol'llh~y, ;\r.]). Stothard, Mr. J a m e~, :If. IU'.S . Stretton, Mr. J. Lionel, ~Ll1.C.!:i. 'tl11Tid~e, Mr. P. F., L.I{.C'.1'., Ellin . tULTock, Mr. J. F., M.B., C.;\1. Sutherland, Mr: .J. A., M. B. • utton, Mr. A. M., ;\1.11. wann, 11'. A., M.P.. C••• 'wayne, Mr. )j' . G. , :'LlJ. Swete, 11'. H orace, :lLD. winhoe, Mr. G. R , :.ILP•. C.S. , L.lt-V .l' . Yllle', 111'. E. ,Vest, ~r. D. Tayler, Mr. :F. T., )LILC.i':i. Taylor, :IIII'. L. A., M. R. c .. ·. Taylor, MI'. . Robinson, :.If. 0., F.lt .C.::;. Taylor, nIl'. Tom R , :lI.lJ. T aylor, urgeon-Lieut.-Col. William, M.D. T empleman, 11'. Charles, :.I1.B. T etley, Mr. F . H arrison, L.H.C.I'. , Edin . Th omas, Mr. A. Gan-od, :.II. D. Thomas, Ir., :.ILD. (New Zealand) Thomas, I r. D. E., :.I1.D. Thomas, Mr.ll.D., L.R.C.i'., L. H.C.P. , Edin. Thoma, Mr. E., L.n.c.p., Enin., L.R. C..'. Thomp:';on, Mr. E. C., M.D. Thomp on, Mr. J. H enry, L.ll. C. P.I. Thompson, 1'.11'. J. Hilton, :.ILn., lILS. Thomson, Mis Emily '., ;\f.B.C.M., Edin, Thomson, ir W . (late), P. R.C .S.I. Thom on, Mr. G., ~1.B. Thorn. on, 1'.11'. Gao ., :l1.D. Th ornhill, Brigade- urgeon M. (Guernsey) Thursfielcl, Ir. T. 'Y. : )Ln. T inley, Ir. T., :.ILD . Todd, Mr. Charles, M . H. C. . Todd , Mr. J., M.n.c.s. Todd -,Yhite, 11'. A. '1'., :.II.r:.C.S., L.n.c.p. Toll, 11'. J. T., :.ILR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Tomlin on, Brigade- urgeon E., M. D. Treharne, Mr. J. L., :l1.R.C. S. Trimble, Mr. C. J., L.R.C.P. Tritton, Mr. W. P., :.ILR. C.. ( atal) T rott, iT. Dudley :.r.D. ( Bermuda) Tunst all, Mr. A. C., M. D. Turner, urgeon-Major Turner, D ep. -Inspr. -Gen. Robert, R .N.
Turner, :Mr. W., M. D. (Gibraltar) ,Vhite, :Mr. C. H., 1.1. R.C.S. Tuxford, )11'. R., lIr.n.C.R., L.R.O.P. ·White, 11'. H enry, 1Il.t). Tyrrell, 1111'. ·W alter, LR.C. . , Vhitehead, :Major H. R., F.R.C.H.: n.A.lI1.O. Ty 011, nIl'. ,Yo J., 111. D. (Umzinto) Whyte, Mr. J. lackie, lIt.D. Veitch, 11'. W. G., L.n.O.p., Edin. ,Vild, 1\11'. H. ., '-f.R.C .. Vernon, nIl'. A.. Heygatc, F.R.C. . ,Vilkin on, Mr. J. B., lILD. Ve I'll on , Ml'. ,V., lIf.R.C.. , L.RO.P., Edill. Willcock, Mr. A. D., lI1.It.C. Vine, Mr. C. ., lICR. C.S., L.R.C.P, ·W illiam , ltlr., lILn.. S. ·Wade, Mr. A.. B., lILD. William, :M1'. K R., Waldo, 1\11'. F. J., lIf.D. William, 1\11'. J., lI!.D. "Talker, nIl'. Jame ,M.ll.C.S. ,Villiam , Mr. J. D., M.D. ,VaUace, Mr. Thoma, 1I1.D. " Tilliams, Mr. N., lII.R.C.R. Wallis MI'. K D., lIf. D. William, urgeon-Major ( yclncy) Walpole- immons, i\Ir. E., lILD. Willoughby, :Mr. W. G., lILD. Ward, II'. J. L. IV., lIf.D. Wilton, 1\b:. J. P., lI1.H.O .. ,Yard, 1\Ir. J. P. ., M.R.C. ,ViI on, 11'. J., lILn. Ward, Mr . .M., lI1.D. ,Yilson, Mr. J. cott,lIr.n Ward, ~b:. U. A.., F.R.C.S. 'Vingate- anI, Mr. ,V., lILR.C .. , L. . A. ,Vard, Mr. 1. C., lI1.D. ,Vinslow, II'. L. S. Forbe , lILR.C.P. Water, Mr. J. H., lILD. ,Vood, Mr. A. T., 1I1.11. 'Vaters, Mr. J. L., lII.D. Wood, IIII'. J. C. , L.R.C.P. Wat on, i\Ir. John, lI1.D. Woods, Mr. J. H., L. n.c.s.l. Watson, Mr. W111., F.H.C. .. 'Vood., Dep. In pec.-General H. C. , lILD., "Tatt, Mr. F., lILR.C. . c.Y.o., U.x. ,VeaveI', 1111'. G., lI1.R.C. ,Vood, II'. J. F., lILR.C.S., L. S.A. We1:fb, 1111'. J. K, lILB. ,Vooth-val'll, "urgeon-General G.P.ilL , lI~ .n. Webb, "JIr. T. L., lILR.C.S. F.n.c.s. ( ycwey) Webb, Major W. "ilfrid, M.D., I.M. Woollett,1I[r.. IV., ?lLn. Wedmore, Ur. Chas. E., liLA., Cantab, ,Vright, Jr. C. F. , lILn. lI1.B., ;U.R.C. . Wright, Mr. J. Cro ley, lIf.n. "Temyss, Ur., "LD.: Wykesmith, ~Ir. Walter, F.R.C.S "Theeler, 1111'. J., lI1.D. Young, 1111'. ilL, lILD. Whitby, Miss L .. L.R.C.P.E. Yule, 11'. Robert 1\1., lILD
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,St. 3-ohn Rmbulance
following i a ominal Roll of the Towns and Districts where" Oentres" have been formed since the St. John Ambulance Association was es ~ablishec1 in 1 77. The ~ames and addresses 0\ the Lo.cal E xecutIve Officers can be obtamed on application to the ChIef ecretary, t. John's ate, Olerkenwell, London. E.O.
gIve and bequeath to the
Oommittee for the time being of the
Central Executive t. John Ambulance
Association the sum of £
Metropolitan Centre.
to be applied, at the di cretion of the Oentral Executive
N o.1 D istrict (Kenington, 'ollth Kcnsincrton BromI)ton and 1I.T t' b' .1., 0 hng Hill , &c.) . •,
Committee of the said Association, towards the philanthropic
N o. 2 District (Oity and Port of London, including Bloomsbury, and Ea t London)
shall be paid, free of legacy duty, out of such part of my
N o.4 D istrict (Belgravia anu Ohe1 ea) N ::>. 5 D istrict (Oharing Oro~,
b'and, Ohancery Lane)
N o. 6 D istrict (Hammennith, Ohi wick and Fllibam)
personal estate as may be legally bequeathed for charitable purposes.
N o. 7 D istrict ( ~ orth-Ea.'~ Lonuon, lap ton, etc., no\\" lllc1uued 111 TO. II. Di trict) _ N o. 8 D istrict (Putney, Wand worth allU neigh bourhood) _ N o.9 D istrict (KiUHll'll, and North-\Yet London, etc.)
N o. 10 D istrict (Brixton, Kennington, Balbam, Olapham and neighbourhood)
N o. 11 D istrict ( outhwal'k and neighbourhood)
N o. 12 D istrict (Harle den). P olytechnic Centre (309, Regent 'treet)
" " "
" " "
" "
H ospital S atu rday Fund Centre (54, Gray's In n Road). W illesden Green and Cricklewood Centre
" "
l, 80
N o.3 D istrict ( t.Jallle. ', ,YlJitehall, Mayfair, Hyde Park, .W.)
objects of such A sociation, and I direct that the said sum
I 79
1 78 1878 1890 1880 1 1 ]
1 82 1 2 1 96 1 95 1 95 1 96
63 'Form ed 1L 1
Aberdare Centre Accrington Centre -
1 4
" "
Aldershot Centre
1 flO
Aldershot Camp Alfreton Centre
Amble£ide tWestmorelan.d ) Centre
Ashford (Kent) Centre Ash ton-under-Lyne Centre
" "
Atherstone Centre
Babbington Centre
Backworth Colliery Centre
" "
Banbury Centre Bangor Centre
Basingstoke Centre
Bath Centre
Bearpark Colliery Centre
Bedford Centre Beighton Centre
" "
Belfast Centre
Belgravian Centre
" ,.
Bingley Centre
Birchwood (Colliery ) Centre
Birkenhead Centre Birmingham Centre Birmingham Centre (Erdington Branch ) Blackburn Centre Blackheath Centre Blackpool Centre
" " "
" "
Bla.ckwell Colliery Centre
Bridport Centre
Brierfield Centre
1 91
Brighouse Centre
1 5
Brighton and Hove Centre
]8 3
Bristol and Clifton Centre
1 78
Brownhills Centre -
Burnley (L ancashire) Centre
Birkdale (Lancashire) Centre
Bradford Centre
Burton-on- Trent Centre Buxton Centre
Barrow.in-Furness Centre
Bexhill Centre
" "
Berwick-upon-Tweed Centre
Bolton and District Centre Bournemouth Centre
1 93
Barnsley Centre
. Battle (Sussex) Centre
Bognor Centre
1 95
Aylesbury Centre .
Blandford Centre
Cambrian R ailways Centre
Canterbury Centre -
Cardiff Centre
Cardiff Railway Company Centre
Carlisle Centre
Carshalton Centre -
1 81.1
Castle Eden Centre
Chard Centre
Charlton Centre
1 9
Chatham and District Centre
Cheltenham Centre
Forll'led 188() l!
" " "
" "
,, "
" "
" "
" " " "
" "
1 83
Chesterfield Centre
1 78
Chislehurst Centre
1 82
Clay Cross Centre -
Cleator District Centre
" ,.
Cleator Moor Centre
Colchester Centre -
1 5
Colne Centre
1 82
Coventry Centre
1 82
Coventry Centre (Bedworth Branch)
1 80 1 87 1 83 1
" " "
Centre -
1 82 1 90 1
3 1.
Chester Centre
1 3
1 79 1
1 98 1 78
1 99 1
1 4 1
1 92 1
18 1 1 78 1 78 1 78
6 1 1",79
1 90 18 3
" "
18 2 1
64 Coventry Branch (Wyken Branch)
65 Fo rm d 1 2
Cumberland Mines and Quarries Centre
Cranbrook Centre
Croydon Centre Dalton-in-Furness Centre
Darlaston Centre
Darlington Centre -
Deeside Centre Derby Centre
" "
1 79
1 1
1 92 1
1 c:l
Dublin Centre
Dudley Centre
Dukinfield Centre
Dundee Centre Durham Centre Eastbourne Centre
" "
-Great Eastern Railway . Great Southern and Western Railway of Ireland Great Western Railway Greenwich Centre Grimsby Centre
Dover Centre
Dumfries N.B. Centre
'G ravesend Centre •
1 93 1 93
Guernsey Centre Halifax Centre Harrogate Centre Hartlepool Centre Hastings and St. Leonard's Centre Havant Centre Hawkeshead Centre
Heavy Woollen District Cen tl'e
Hebden Bridge Centre
I" 3
Hereford Centre
East Grinstead Centre
Hertford Centre
Ebbw Vale Centre
Heywood (Manchester) Centre
Eckington Centre -
" "
Edmonton Centre Eton College Centre Exeter Centre Farnham Centre Faversham Centre Festiniog Centre Fleetwood Centre -
" "
" "
Folkestone Centre Forest of Dean Centre Furness Railway Centre Frome Centre Gloucester Centre Gloucestershire County Council Gosport, Alverstoke , aJld Fareham Granby
" "
1 90
Holyhead Centre
1 79
Ruddersfield Centre
1 79
Hull Centre -
1 7
Ilkeston Centre
Ipswich Centre
Isle of Man Centre
Isle of Purbeck Centre
1 2
Isle of Wight Centre
Jarrow Centre
Jersey Centre
Keighley Centre
Kendal Centre
Keswick Centre
" "
" " "
" " " "
Handsworth Centre
Forme(l 1882
Kettering Centre
1 99
Kidderminster Centre
1 99
Kiveton Park Colliery Centre
] 896 1898 189 6 1882 1881 ]8 2
1 95
" "
" " " " "
" " "
" " " I,
1 81 1
1880 1886 1 81
18 3
18 7 1
1 3
18 2 18 7 4.
1 8 1
3 5
18 4
" "
" " " "
1 93
1 79
P.S.A. Societies
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Centre Lancaster Centre
FOl'meu 1
Monmouth Centre
Lancashire and neighbouring Counties Feders.tion
Leamington (Warwi.ckshire ) Centre
L. D
Mountain Ash Centre
1 07
Nelson Centre
N ewark-on-Trent Centre
N e wcastle-upon-Tyne Centre
" .,
1 7
Nor th Bucks Centre
Leicester Centre
N orth Shields Centre
Nor th Wales Collieries Centre·
Lewes Centre Lichfield Centre Lilleshall Collieries Centre
Donnington Branch (Lilleshall Collieries Centr e Lincoln Centre Liverpool Centre Llanberis Centre Llandudno Centre
" " "
London and North·Western Railway
" )J
Nor th Bierley Centre
L 9
l .lt3
North-Eastern Railway Centre
N orthfieet Centre
Nor wich Centre
1 3
Nor wood and Sydenham Centre
Not tingham Ce ntr e
" .J
Or mskir k Centre
Lytham Centre
Otley Centre
Marlow Centre Marske-by-the-Sea Centre Melksham Cntree Merthyr-Tydvil Centre Mexborough Centre Middlesbrough and Cleveland Centre (including Stockton Branch)
1 7
Ou ndle Centre
1 7
Oxford Centre
Oxford Military College Centre
" " JJ
" " "
P a rk gate Centre
Penrhyn Quarries Centre P ershore Centre
Perth Centre
1 00
Midland and Great Northern Railways Joint Committee Millom Centre JJ
Milton Centre
1 91 1
1 93
Peterborough Centre
Polesworth Centre
Polmont, N.B., Centre
L , 4:
Polytechnic Centre
1 fl5
Plymouth Centre . 1900
Pilsley Centre
1 90
1 9
1 92
1 79
Padiham Centre
1 -
I" 3
Margate Centre
1 95
1" 5 ~li
Lymington Centre
Manchester Centre
1u,. 3
" .,
Malvern Centre
Oldhill Centre
Maidstone Centre
1 98
N orthampton Centre
1. DO
LDuth (Lincolnshire ) Centre
1 .1
Old ham Centre
F frwd Colliery Branch, N. Wales:Colliery Centre
1 91
Loughborough Centre
1 ,3
Nuneaton Centr e
lu 3
London and South-Western Railway
Leeds Centre
J '
6 Pontypool and District Centre Portsmouth Centre
69 F ormed 1892
1 1
Portsmouth Centre (Gosport Forton, and Alverstoke Division) Port Talbot Centre Potteries Centre Preston Centre
" "
1 91
Ramsgate Centre
Reading Centre
Reigate Centre
1 9 1
Slough Centre Smethwick Centre -
Southampton Centre
Southport Centre South Shields Centre Sowerby Bridge Centre Stafford Centre
1 93
Stalybridge Centre
1 79
Staveley Centre
Riddings Colliery Centre
Ripley Centre
1 91
Rochdale Centre
IS 6
Sunderland Centre
Rotherham Centre
1 4
Surbiton Centre
Ross (Herefordshire) Centre
Royal Military. College (Sandhurst) Centre Rugeley Centre Rye Centre St, Anne's-on-Sea Centre st, Helens (Lancashire) Centre St, l\'Iary Cray (Kent) Centre Saddleworth Centre Sandgate Centre Sandwich Centre
" " " " " "
" "
Seaton Carew Centre Sevenoaks Centre , Sheerness Centre Sheffield Centre Shetland Centre Shipley Centre Shoeburyness Centre Shrewsbury Centre
" " " " "
" "
Sittingbourne and Milton Centre Skipton-in- Craven Centre
1 3 1 3
1 4 1
Stourbridge Centre Streatham Centre
Sutton Coldfield Centre Swansea Csntre Swinton Centre Sydenham Centre Tamworth Centre
1 4
Taunton Centre
Tibshelf Centre
1 94 1 '0
Tonbridge Centr e Tunbridge Wells Centre -
Twickenham Centre
Ulverston Centre
Uttoxeter Centre
Wakefield Centre -
1 78
Waltham Abbey Centre -
Warrington Centre
1 96
Waterford Centre -
1 79
Wath-upon-Dearne Centre
1 79
Wednesbury Centre
Wellingborough Contre -
18 3
Wellington (Salop) Centre
Stockport Centre
1832 1900 1
1 87
Southam Centre
Richmond (Surrey) Centre
F Ol'I1lCu.
" " " " " "
" "
" " " "
" "
" " "
1883 1 83
1891 1878 1886 18 9
1 3 1
1 91 1 93 18 0 1
1 84 1 81
" "
" " " "
" "
" :,
1 ,9
1 79 1 81 1 91
1 9 1
1 79 1
1 7 18 1 81
70 Formed 1880
West Hal'tlepool Centre Welwyn Centre
West Bl'omwich Centre
weston-Super-Mare Centre
Weybridge Centre
Weymouth Centre Whitchurch (Salop) Centre Whitehaven Centre
" " "
Wigan Centre
Willington Quay and Walls end Centre
Wimbledon Centre Wimborne Centre
Windsor Centre
" "
Winsford Centre Wirksworth Centre Wolverhampton Centre
" -
Wolverton Centre
Wombwell Centre
Woodford Centre
Woolwich Centre Worcester Centre Workington Centre Worthing Centre
York Centre-
" " " " "
Formed 1889
Ceylon Centre
18 4
Formosa Centre
Gibraltar Centre
1 0
Graham's Town Centre
1 1
Halifax (Nova Scotia) Centre
Hong Kong Centre
18 4:
Jerusalem Centre -
Kimberley and De Beers (South Africa) Centre
King William's Town Centre
1 8
East London Branch .
" "
1 79
" " "
Queen's Town Branch
Malta Centre
Paris Centre-
Port Elizabeth Centre
Riviera (Cannes) Centre
1 84
Singapore (Straits Settlements) Centre
1 95
Vancouver (British Columbia) Centre
1 77
Adelaide, Glenelg, Mount Barker, Gawler)
1 7 1885
Brisbane Centre
1 2
Sydney, N. S. Wales, Centre
1 90
Tasmania (Launceston) Centre Victorian Centre
1R84 1885 1885 1885 1885 1891 1882 1889 1 89 1883 1885 1890
" " " "
1884 1889 19'0
18 9 1
(NEW ZEALAND.) Formed 1 97
New Zealand, Auckland Centre
.Bermuda Centre
1 3
Cape Town Centre
Adelaide, South Australia, Centre (Branches- Port
1 85
Canadian Centre
18 0
Bangalore (Madras) Centre
Borneo (Sandakan) Centre
] 883
1 85
Bombay Centre
" " " " "
West Australian Centre
Argentine Centre
" "
" "
" " "
Dunedin Centre Invercargill Centre Nelson Centre New Plymouth N~w
Zealand Centre (Christchurch)
Wellington Centre
" "
" "
" " "
1892 1 91 1 85 18 5 1899 1885 188 5
West Indies Centre. Nassau (Bahamas) Branch
St. Kitt's (Leeward Islands) Branch -
Trinidad (Port of Spain) Branch
1 3
Cape Colony (Cape Town) Centre.
British Bechuanaland (Vryburg)
East London
Graham's Town
" ,.
Heidelberg Kimberley
Malmesbury -
" ,-
Mossell Bay -
Orange River Colony (Bloemfontein)
" "
" " " ~
le93 I 94
(Kensington, etc.)
Formed 1 7 .
1 94
1 94
1 94
Transvaal (Johannesburg )
1 9-1
1 '9-1
Ma ta beleland (Buluwayo)
St. lobn Bmbulance Bssociation.
1 94
1 9-1
1 94 1 94 1 94 1 94
nIl' . F. 'Y. Harris Miss Humphreys Mrs. Lean Lady :JIontagu Mi s B. Louisa Parker Miss Mary L. Parker ~Il's. treatfeil<l The Dowager Lady Trelawny Lady Trevelyan Mi Weld Mi s Wil on Ron. Henrietta Windsor-Clive Mrs. Anthony ' YingflelLl.
Miss Mrs. Mis Miss
Braby Hargreave Brown Buruett Craven ~Irs. B. L. Cohen Colonel J. C, Dalton, It-A. Miss Duncombe Admiral ir E. G. Famhawe, G.C.B. Lady Fowler Miss A. St. John Gray Colonel Jame Gildea, ('. Y.o" C.B. The Rt. ReV'. the Lord Bishop of Peterborough
(City and Pm·t of London). Formeu. 18 O. Pl'cs hlcnt.
General H .R.H. the Duke of Conllaught and Strathearn,
R . G.
The The The The
The The T he
Th Thl:' The
Corpora ion l)f the ity of Lonllon Cutlel' ompally Fi"hmon!:er" Company Gohblllith' ompany bro"er< omp'l.uy Habenla, her' ompally :JIereer" Company }[prcbau Taylor": Company ,kinner< Company .~urrey ommerrial Dock: Compauy
~Ir. E,lward L . B:trnar 1
)Ir. COllrall Bfr~lllan The Barone .., Burrier -Coutt-
Colonel C. 'YY1Hlham 'J1urras, :'-[,1'. lonel Aubo;le u. Fife . ..\lajor-(irlHra I 13ry n ..\[ilman, ( . B. ..\\e"'r.;;. J . awl H . ..\10rle,· ..\11' . .Tohn ..\lor1r,Y • Dr. Edwin Fre,itfield, 1.1.. D. F . . A. )[1'. Eme't L. Oliy :JIr. EIlwlml Howley P Imer ~re".;~·..,. Pr,·..;cott ancl o. (Banker .. ) 1\1r. <'x-;"'horitf ,,\Yaterlow :JIr. E,h,anl 'Yebb (Briti hand Foreign ,\Yharf) )li"" Ford (Hi..!;h~ tel·
lilltlt:, ..\lartill.
..\11'.1.' ..J. Lambe E, me (~::. Ru\:kl y Road, W.)
..\11'. F. W .
H !J" 1 1 ('. P' t • B aYc'UXl !ei', (wO,L _Yfitting Hill, Regent': Park, Rege, I _'f et, OJ/VI 1 10-" 'eel, etc.) T •<'. "(17JU:~'
1T"""" '7 (II t.:lIlL1l,
Mr. Jamp.., Cantlie. F.R . . ~.
,M[ateJ. nt rtf J:r'c'pt alld
1 r .. ':'lltlyJaZr.
By Bahuce . J.
£:! I::!
1 0 -1 HI
BilIdull h Birkbeck E:-11 nina i.on . Prp,id('nt. Prin('t'~
El-pendilzi,. .
Eo!..p 1ulitm·e.
It ccipt. . .. "n\l'cription, )11'.
H. R. H .
~·thorne .
..\1i..,,; E('cle-
:M1'. Yalentin ,,\1 +-tht>w' )11'. J. E lwa- :.., ';;re, )!.D.
)L B. Hn
To Central Fund
ontl'ibutioll to o. Balance .
) Ir . Quintin Hogg Oounte._" of IIehe e1' Mr . James Jaek.,-on )lr . E .
0 2
-CO:: 11
T. BIDDGLPH. Prccidcnt cI: T'reas. C. .T. LA:'-IBE E_ULf>, H01I.. , ccrei.ai,!/. T.
:Jlr. 1. Yernon Harcourt
Beattie. PrillI' , .., Henry of Bat enberg. n.
;\Iarc hione', of Lall, 10Wllf' Ht>l' I,!'are the Due-he,' of L('eci:, Mi ., FI' llci .. ..\laTtill "\L, ,:\1.,
. lUel )101"ley
',:. C. ,\Yyudhanl..\lulTay, M.P. )11' . C . ,- .-udham Murray Lord He v "\li ~ A. lfe Rf)th·child _ Ir .... Leo old 'almon, ':'1.1'. Alber<; ;;;allflelllall .Ir. Flee woot! '::-andemall ..\11'. ~L L. a~-T Count '" "t ~ton
..\11'. H . .T. T ritton ~1r. Clarence 'Ya "on ;\Ir. Cuthbert 'Yill.:.
Col. E. H. hennard JIi - King,:;mill
(Xilburn and J.Yf/f It- Tre t Dmdon .) Formed 1- ~1. l'l't' " hlell t.
H.R.H. Prince" Loui,e. Duche_ ... of A.rf,ryll. ' i ce .l·l'( .. iti (' ut :lnel ( ·lJail'luan.
Lieut.-LTelleral R. W. Lowry:
Formed 1 7 v. Pre~ident an(I Tre01 ... urrr J1r . George T ournay Bi 1,lu11'h.
The "\li",,, s PIa t, : . ,Yeech Road, ,\Y. Hamr tead ~ . 'Y .
(Cluulilg Cro;;', • t(fllld, Clltll1tf5t'y L a",', etc.)
ll e eU ' 011
..\11'. T. J3[OI'tOll, ~1r. Ha1'dwicke. )1r. Maceyoy. .:JIr. Allen .
I.ift> J('lli lH' r'. Her ..\1aj"..;ty the ()n
:;\1archione'::, f Bath Lath- E. B1'owue )Ir. 'Peter Brotherhood :J1r. 'Y. L. Bunlett- "'ontt· :JIr. P . L. Chio-.;,o :Jlr. W. Coate., ~Ir. F . L. Cook Counte," ... Cowper Col. Aubone G . Fife
£-1 19 1 1
"tan-. }lr. ~- or\) , , 1 Browll . }Ir. Ho!:!er mith. ?Ill'. Fert,u"on. )11'. :Jlacuolluld Drown. >.
Chn j I·Ulan.
AN UAL REPORT. IX classes have been held during the year, two for Metropolitan Railway Employes, two Ladie ' fir t aid, and one .r Ul' ing, and one first aiel for t. Mark' . Church Luds Brigade. The anlluul public meeting WitS held in July, when the Pre lcl.c~lL, ILR.II. . L OUl, ' e Dllc11e ' ot ArO'yll crracioll.ly pre, ented the cerllfiClLte ' and 0' 0 Pnoces
The Rc\,. E. Gl'cellsill, M. A.
T'·Nlf. lll'C)·
Statement of Receipts a1id E,'-'Penditul'c from September, 1 99, to SelJtcmbcl', 1900. E:rpe71ditu1'e. Receipts. £11 1 4
T o Balance from 1 9 -99 : , ubscriptioll " tore sold " Class Fees
By , " " " "
Printing . Postage and Telegrams Examiner' Fees tore Ucneral Meeting Hepairing Litter Ola and I ncidental " Expenses . " Balance in hand
:l 13 11 10
15 19 ;3 2 o 12
SCCl·c tnry .
6 2
I of
Jlc<li c al :S taff.
No. of Women
who have received Certificates.
who haye completetl a conrse of in truction.
who ha\'e received Certificates.
who have completed a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Md. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Narsing.
1st Airl. I-Nursing.
SINCE FORMATION OF ENTRE. 10 306 I 17G I 207 INC);! 1ST OCTOBER, 1 99. 5 21 10 I 13
INo. of Ccrliflcatc d Pupils who ha\'e re!'ch'ed Medallions. Men.
Alderman Thoma \\'hittaker. ' ·lcc·l'rc:.idcn j ...
Mr. A. Appleby Mr. H. H. Bolton Mr. R. Briggs-Bury ~Ir. G. Bullough Mr. W. H aworth
Ml'. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mt'. Ur.
J. . Olayton, )LD . R. Olegg, M.l: c.s., L.u.c.P., Lond. J. Oowie, ~[. B., C. ~L M. J. Fox, L.n.c.s., L.ll.C.P. T . Fl'auki. h, ::'If. D., C.::'If. & n. '('. William Gec1clic, ~r.I1.
:ilIr. A. Greenhalgh, M.ll. C.S. , J,. R.C. P . , Lond . :JIr. T . E. Nuttall, ~I.B., C.M. Ml'. R. Ruttle, I,.R.C.S., L.R. C.P. :JIr. H. Worsley, M.n. C. M.
I Women
trect, Accrington.
Mrs. Alderman Whittaker. Mr. J. T . Kenyon. Miss Bessie WhiLta ker. Alrlerman Thos. Whittaker. Mr. O. J. Wl1ittaker. Miss Faonie Whi ttaker. Miss Grace Whittaker. Mr. L. Whittaker. Mr. F. Grafton. 1\11'. H. II. Bolton. Mr. A. K Ball, rcpresenting Howard and Bllllough, Ltd. Mr. G. E. Nnttall, representing F. ,'teiner & 00., Ltd . Mr. John Riley, reprcsenting thf' Accrington and Ohurch Oo-operative • ocieLy, Ltd.
o 19
LifC iU cmbcI'';; .
E xamined Il.llll founel correct. OHAHLl~ ' B. ALLEN, 11011 . .LIllClilo?·.
Oct. 14th, 1900.
o 6 o 11
26 12
1\11. Joseph Ogden, 157, Whullcy Eoad, Accringtoll.
AIel . F. ". H aywood nIl'. Spencer Ja,mcs 11'. H. ,v. Kearns Mr. G. IV . Jaca,lpinc 1\11'. J . E. Riley
TWEL'-E cIa ses have lJeen held cluring the ycar-five male first aill, three female first aid, t\\'o male lllll'ing, and bvo female nur;;ing. The work of the Association is much appreciated in the Di:;trict. Fir t aill has been rendered on numcrous occasions during the yaar hy ccrtificlte(l 1'er.'on (not including members of the Accrington Oorp , whose cases are reconlecl :srparately), amongst others being the following :-Flesh wound bal'k of righL hand ancl fractured fore-arm . Oertified by Dr. Gn,illeton, "Exceedingly well dressecl. The fracture was also very well treated ." Fmctnred collar bone; fractured femUl' ; di'locatious ; wouncls ; scalds, etc. It is to be noted that a COll irlcrahle number of case' where firt aid has been rendered are not reporte(l by persons who hold certifil'ate. Thi ' i probablyaccountecl for by the per OilS named not being gencrally in touch with the actual routine work of the Ol'ntre. The past year has been a record one as regards finance, the support of the public to the appeals heing vcry generous, enabling the Committee to make grants to the Oorps, to cope with the aLlditional expense of provic1ing volunteers for ho pital d uty in onth Africa. The transport of injmell and ick persons is provided for by the police of the District in conjunction with the members of the Ambulance Oorps.
Receipts. To Balance in hand . £17 ,. tore 30 "Clas Fee 17 " ub cl'iptionfl c' donations :204" lIIedallion Fce ' . 4" Balance due to 'frcn urCl' 13
Expenditm·e. By Grant to orps for 'Working cxpenscs . £72 " :.-rants to Corp ' -E'luipllll'uL Fund, including " outh African Yolul1tecrs' 101 cq nipmellt " Printing ~ " tntioncry .j " Mcdallions 7.) " 'torcs and la s Fee ' 14 " lIor iug Ambula.ncc Van " Ad vertising N cw Cta sos, &c. ~ " Carriage l)[,Parcel ' , Po lages, 3 and Incidental Expcnses
4 0 10 10 0 16 7 10 6 17 10
Honora ry 'cerda ry (( lid
o o 1<1
16 3 9 10 10 11 17 10 3 6
0 1
Xo of WOlllen
who ha\,fl
received Certificates.
who lla "e
who lla,'e received Certificate .
completed a course of intruction.
1st Ail!. I Nursing.
, XUI'Tug.
:\11. uf Cel'titicated. Pupils who ha\'e
received :til cdnllions.
ilIccUc ltl
lIlr.]f. 'troyan, L.RC. P . I,., M.lt.C.i'.
the last year thc Ucntre has to ueplol'e the loss of Mr. Richard Eve, one of its Vice·Presidents, who was from the first a Ycry warm supporter, and a liueral subscriber. The ,,'ol'k lIming the year has l,cen dOllC as cfIiclelltly as usual, many cases baving hCCIl 1110\'e(1 to the hospital. TIle 'o1lJlllittce wi:;h to express thcir high appreciation of the :;ervices rC11lIerecl 1y the lady 'ect'etal'ics, and hope they may continue their u:;ef1l1 work for another year.
R eceipts. £36 16 To Balance at Bank 9 f) Annual uu"oriptio1ls " Police Graut 1 ;) " Class Fecs .J ;; " ale of Book:, Balllla." ges, &c. 3 7 . 1 7 ale of MClIalliolls
B"pcnel ilure. By Examiner ' Feesandclonatioll to Ccn tral Fund £5 3 0 " :Matl'rials for Classe , Bltudages, &c. . 2 19 " l\Iellallion 2 7 6 Prillting, Ad vertising, " and Stationery. 3 6 6 1 12 6 Hire of Hoom " Models for CIa' e', \\Ta h· " ing, l'ostage, &c. 2 7 6 0 3 0 Il1sl1rallce " Bala.oce at Bank 39 411 " In hands of 'ecretary 0 2 6
0 0 :) ()
I 'YUiilell:'
I 51
I ' Dl£ OF
who have
PI·c ",id c nt.
Mr. II. T. Robert on.
a courae of instructlon. 1st Aid.
l ·icc-Pl·C.,id c ll t ..
Rev. .T. de Yerd Lcigh Mr. H . "Yells
who have received Certificates.
1 st Ai.\.
ot' Women
who have cOlllpleted a course of
who have rccei \'l~ d Ccrtilicate:;.
Nl1r"illg. ,lsL Aid. :
AXD ~o,
No. of Mcn
Formed 1 90 .
7 1
,A,udited a11<l l,ulallcc at Banker round correct, E. \Y. EAGLE,TOX. CLE:lIEXT HUIJll, HaiL. SCCJ'ctary.
November l'2th, 1 90.
, . C. E. Boyle. Major-General Hammersley
S taff.
Mr. J. n. Gibson, M.IU.' .H.E., L.l~.C.P.L. Mr. C. E. Paten,Oll, ~r.D.
Statemellt of B eccipts (flld E ,' penclit nre jar lhe yea,' Mcling S eplemuM 30th, 1900.
----------------------------------------No. of
lIliss Botwright, 89, Victoria Road.
I,;tcly Joo\eC l·('ta J· j (,S.
Mi s Reavell, "IV cllingtlll1 'trcet.
Youcher examined amI found correct, THo~L\, ~ PILKINGTOX, Hall. •.JlIditor. (Pa ed) EDWAHD GEEl\ . ILL, )LA. , Clwirman. I
MI'. C. Budel, 73, Grosvenor Road.
Mr. A. J . Andrews.
1I0JlOJ'1l1'Y S CCl·ctary.
Tr(' ll S UJ · (' l· .
Statement of Receipts aJul El'penditlli'e/ol' thc yea)' ending S eptembe)' 30th, 1900.
I i\nr~ing.
1st Aid. I Nnr~ing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. ~[en.
I Women
1 1
IN 'E 1~1' OCTuBEn, 1 99.
JUl'. W . T. R obertson
D e put y {'huil'lllUU.
Mr, J . May.
ASHFORD CENTRE. Formed 1 7 . )'l·C Si(lCllC.
Re-organized 1900. .
ir ,10hn Furley.
]'res i(i('u t.
IIil:> Worshil) the Mayor, Councillor W . L ord H othfield :illr. IV. P. Pomfret. Chairll.an.
Mr. Herbert 'Whiteley, 1111'. Herbert Knott.
11'. John Creery.
Rev. G. A . Pugh. Ml'. F. W . Bromley.
M. P.
T"caSllI'Cl'. llonOI'HrJ'
T,·ea SllrCl·.
Chai ,·Ul:lJl.
nIl'. IV, F. 13, J elllmett, SCCl'CC al'Y
Councillor A. 1)!11k
Coullcillor John Andrew.
J(OIlOJ':lry Scc J'c C;\I'Y .
Life :U c mbe l'
1111'. H, Burnage, North tI'eet, A hford . :.ucdical StaU-.
11'. J. Cooper Wilkinson, L. R.C.P.
i\II'. C. Atkin on, M.R. C. . , L. n.c.p. :Mr. W . H . Coke,~r.R.c. P . Lon., M.lt.C.S. Mr. E. Colville, F.R.C . . 1\[1'. C. Vernon, ~r. R. c .. , L. n . C. l'. Lon., D. P . H . Cnmb. Mr. C. A. Wickham, L. R. '.P. Edin ., L.R.C. p" L.F.r.S. GIn ,
Lon., M.R. C.. Mr. George , Yilk, M. B., !II.R.C. S"
£6 13
Mr. James Dunkerley, Da,isy Hank, OIJ.llam Road, Ahtoll-ulLllel'-Lyne.
Mr. M1'. :Jll'. M1'.
Fonnell 1 7 .
1 Pl·c.,i(le uC.
056 056
l Ye have examined the abo'"e Ac(:ount with Vouchers, and found the sanIC correct. J OII~ Fu ltLEY, Chairman .
II .
~I. P.
{ ·lJai!'llIau.
:\11'. G. Fowler, 1l0Jl Ol';\l'Y
Tl'c a.,urcr. ~lr.
~!.l.l '.E.
Sec l'c llll'Y (lVOlll Cll'., ( 'Ja.,.., c .,).
iHr . G. Fowlpr, .I. I
F. E.
' 1I 0 1101'lll'Y I
Basford Hall, Xo. of lIcn
i\Ir. 1Iil ton. ~lr. H ughes, Junt'. lilt. Mann. 1111'. Pearce. :Jlr. Talent,
Bleasdale. Bowman. Coms. Craw ha\\'.
013 o J5 3 106 o 3 0
£6 13
£1 15 10 1 1 3
IY::II. F. 13.
JJ C(li.cal Sta fT.
L . . A.
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, 1 99-1900. Receipt . E~t'j)enditw·e. T o Balance £0 19 7 By Examiner' fees. o 15 0 " tore Department " Subscriptions ') ale of .Jledallion o 15 0 "ICellti h EJpres Bill " Entrance Fee 1 11 0 " Kent E.atmine1· " " Books anu Bandage. 2 12 7 " Medallion " Printing (Headley, Bros.) " Harris " tamp " Balance in Bank " ea h in hand
11'. L. H ardy, {'P. 11'. Cosmo O. Bon or, M.P.
eely. SCCI·c tal'Y.
J. T. Walter, Baubington Collieries, N oUingham,
XO. ofWomen
'U('(lic nl ,' (a1l'. who have cOlllpleterl a COUl'se of iI, truction.
who have who have completed received a course of Certifica tes. instruction. 1st Aid. i Xursing. 1st Aiel. .\ursing. 1st Aid. ' Xursing.
who have received Certificates.
1st Aid.
N"o. of Certificated Pupils who hare receh'ed )IelialliOIlS.
I Nursing. Men . I Womcn.
16 9 123 1ST OOTOB:!1:11, 1899.
~Ir. ~Ir.
.Jlr. D. 1\1. ForlJe, ~I.D.
Mr, W. H. Hill,
::11. D.
H. J. XeiI. on, ::ILD, IY. "'cott, ::I1.D .
T][I;: Centre stilll'etain it" vitfLlitr aul popuhrity 11l this di, triet, and the clas es al") attended by 110 less numbers of caGllillate going in for their first time, nmerous cases of accident' luwe been atteIlllell to, amI members are often asked to and assist in the cOllveyance of the ick .
2 Statement of Receipts and E.1·pendittm:, 1899 to 1900.
Receipts. To ale of Book Bandage " 1'IIedall iOll S " " Donation " from the Bau" uington Ooal 00.
£1 15 1 13 3 11
0 0 3
::13 11
By Books and Bandages
Nil. 6 9
past year, the lIon. eeretary lu1.s to state that two first aid classes for women have
Iii 14 0 1
3 0
been held, for which 51 entered. Forty-seven presented themselves for examination,
£:30 10
held in conueetion with the students attel1cling the teehnical schoo l.
"ledalliolls . Lcetlll'er" fees " Examiner's feeR and " .H:xecu ti ve ex peuses Errand uoy
£30 10
and 46 were successful, and ohtailled their certificates. entered, and 13 sat for examination.
ChairJnan, FH,\NY E. EELY, l'rectSw·er. J. T. WALTER ' , Han. Secretary. G.ffiO. FOWIJER,
presel1ting the Seventh Annual Report of the ,\ork dOlle in the Oentre dlll'il1g the
One first aid class lIas been Twenty-seven
The entire nUllllJer satisfied the examiner, the
reOll1.ining 14. beillg under sixteen years of age, wcrc by the rules of the Association, debarred from the examination.
Two police oilicers presen ted themselves for tLeir
final examina.tion, and obtained their nledalliolls. No serious cases have oeelll'l'ed ill the distriet which called for the particular
service of the members, although the knowlcdge gaincll by the members have been Xo. of [en
No. of Women
who have who ha\'e who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a courseo! instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Ail!. I Nnrsing. 1st Aid I Nl1r~ih~.
frequently very useful, especia.lJy that of Charles I 'avin, who successfully stopped the
who have received. Certificates. 1st Aid
I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have re('ciYcd Medallions. Men. I \\\;m:eu:-
40 69 74 IXCE 1. T OCTOBER, 1 97.
bleeding in the case of the lml'sLing of a varicose vein. The H on. ScCt'eLary regrets to have to repol·t that in conse(llwnce of ill-health, I'il' Bernha.rd
amnelsoJ1, Blut., om' Pre i rlen t, has signified his desire not to be
The tlmuks of the Oentre are clue to I ir Bemard for his assistance and
support he gave to the Associatiou
its formation.
Mrs. Saul and ~Irs. Di1.y havc again rendered prai~eworthy aid in connection "'ith
the cIa ses for" omcn. Th e tha.nks of the Cellt1'e arc clue to Drs. Grillin, Beattie, and Oritchley, for theil' valuable and gratuituus ·crvices.
Statement of Reccipts Clnd ExpenditluejO,. the yecu ending Septell~ber, 1900.
Reccipt8. To Oash ill Buck::; and Oxon £1.) 10 Bank o 11 " Oash ill hand 5 ti " ~ale of " tol'e~, &c. 7 " Entran ce :Fees .
Formed 1 93 . Presid cnt antI (;hairn1311.
I By Hire of RoolUs for 9 11~
Rev. Oanon Porter. TI'ca nrcI'.
](onoJ'al'Y 8ccl'c tm·.) .
1111'. Sidney J . 'Mawle
iIII'. D. Preston, 33, lIIarlborough Road, Banbury.
" " " " " " " " " "
and CIa ' es £1 Ac1\'erti.ing 0 Boys for ('lass Practiccs 0 Calico fur Bandage ' 0 Hire of. 'kelcton . 0 L ecture Book 0 ireulars, ,'f A.nn. :JIecting 0 'tamps, Post Cards, ett:. 0 H ea.d-q uarler '- tore Ace. 5 " Incidental Expenes 5 Balance in Buck and Ox on Bank 15
:U c <lical Stall'.
:JIr. Griffi n
Mr. Beattie. Auditor.
1\1:1'. W . Newton.
Mr. Oritchley.
£29 16
C. F. Por. rEI:, Ohairman. 'YD . J . J\L\..WLE, TreasurCJ' . D. T)UEi:iTO:X, Bon. Secreta1'Y ·
4 & 17 0 11 0 0 10 ti
:2 6 7 0 3 11 4 :2 6
£29 16
4 I
No. of Men
Statement of .Receipts and
'No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
who hal'e complctcr! a course of instruction.
who have received Certificates.
1st Aid , Nursing.
1st Aid '_~ursil1g.
, Women;
1 6
14 1899. I 46
Mr. Edwarcl '\Yadham. Tl'c a . IIrer lllul S<,cl·et:u·y.
:J1r. Henry Cook, Mayor of Barrow, HOllOl'al'j" Scc t·ctar,r .
iU c dic al
Mr. Th oma Leary, 10, Keith treet, Barrow-in-Furne s.
the VUt?· 1899-1900.
No. of Women
who have who have completed received a course of Certificate. instruction. 1st Aid. , N'ul'sing. 1sL Aiel. , Nursing.
Expenclit~t1'e for'
t afr.
Mr. Alexander Rutherford, 1\1. B., C.:.\1., Edin.
Receipts. Expendil?.tre. . £3 Hi 6 By Pl'illting alHl tationery . £5 14 T Balance from last Acc. o Furness Ral'way 1 'o. 2 2 0 ewspaper Ad vertiflemel1ts . o 10 "" AllowaJlce for Ambulance "Kellner Partington Paper len';; atten(lanccs at FooL" Pulp Co. . . 1 1 0 I hall Ficlrl 3 5 Messrs. Little & Co. . 1 1 0 " Mr. Councillor Tl\ol11pso)) . 2 2 0 " Paid Lads attending as patients at classes, a11(1 " Barrow COoooperattve Assocarrying lllaterials to a11<1 " ciation. . . 1 1 0 frolll places of reel uiremen t, , Barrow Football 'lub . ' 12 1 -1 amI o~her persons assist, Me r. Walmsley & nllth 1 1 0 14 17 ance at exhijntions, ex" .r et proceeds of Concert 0 3 5 amillalions and football " Bank Interes t field 2 4 " " PeLty disbursements 0 9 Correspondence Account, " Postages and Deliverie " one year, 15 6 items . 3 3 " Paid for use of Town Hall when distributing Certificates o 10 " -Rent of Class Rooms, 11 evenings 2 1 " London Uentral Fees for Examiner. 6 7 of Lecturer's " Portion Honorarium 4 6 " Caretaker of :M aterials, 1 year 1 10 " Att ' lllll1l1t on Female Cla~s an!l general senices, 1 year '" 2 ecretary's OUice Expenses, 1 veal' 6 6 o 16 " Bala"nce <)
progress of this Centre is well marked. Commencing in 1 0 it has gradually gained in public estimation. In the large manufacturing works of the town very many workmen (hundreds annually) meet with bodily injury, and are ill tantly attended to by ambulance men (fellow employes) with cale and shU. Ambulance men attend the matches of the Barrow Football Club where they meet with a number of cases requiring prompt, skilful, fir t aid. The eli triuutiOl1 of certificates and medallions is an annual public ceremony ill thc Town Hall, the Mayor and Mayores. being present, combined \yith an exhibition of ambulance exercise., splinting, bandaging, artificial respiration, stretcher drill, etc., together \I ith lllll' ing exerei e by female members, bed-making, etc. There is a large Jmblic attendance allll the demonstrations are received \"ith frequent loud applan e. 11any member ' of the Centre exerted themselves in seeking subscriptions for the ambulance fund for sick aud wounded of the outh African War, and notwithstallJiug the numher and variety of public projeetf; in hand for relief purpo"es of a kindred natme, succeeden in raising nearly sixty pound. The current year's course of lecture and instruction, recently concluded, 1'e ulted in the granting of certificates to 32 men amI 6 women, pupils, new beginners; and 5 women for home sick nur ing. And for re-examination, 16 men aml 4 women rassed first year's re-examination; and 8 men and 8 women second year's Te-examination. THE
DecembeT 22ncl, 1900.
Audited awl found correct, .T. A. FCr..XE R. Bp,YAX
:5 7
3 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 5
6 11
} A.uditors.
No. of Men who ha,'e who have receiyeLl completed Certiticales. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. ,Nursing. 1st Aiel. , Nursing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - No. of Certificated who have who have Pupil who have completcd a received received. COlli. e of Certificates. Medallions. instruction. 1st Aid. , Nursing.
ht A=.::itl:.:.. ...:.!--=~:.:.yu=r:.=..:in~g'-. .:.-..M.:,.e_n_.--,-'_W_o_m_e_D.
30TH SEPTEMBER, 1899. I 6 I
6 11
11 6
The Committee have 1Jy an arrangement willl Ole Ll'lultee, paid ofr Lhe ontstamling debt and have takl'l1 over thc stolel'l, cOllsisting of olle h01'se amhulance and Hix stretchers, which IJelongl'cl to the oM B,1th Corp;; of the, t . John Amlllllance Brigade, part of the 11l0lley for thi;; purpoHr having hcen sprcially colleeterl hy tlw
Formed 1900.
\\Tyndham :Ml1rray,
Hon. eeretary. The best thallkl'l of the 'olllmitteearC' lIne to 1\11'. II. J. Vezey, of Long Acre, Bath, who has most kindly fittell tI,e hor:e alllhulalll'C' with ill(lia rubber tyres free of co t
to the Centre. Rev. E. Hamlley, )LA. Genernl ir John MeQucC'lJ, K.f'.ll. Rey. Preb . toke ,haw, '\1..\. Colonel II. .lH. kriuC', 'I. n. ,;\[ r. 1. '-' nm ion. Mr. "~. II. Yl11om;, )[.n., n.p.lT. Mr. B. U. 'Watt. (1'0\\,11 lerk of Bath). Ur. H. O. Wills. The Right Hon. K R. WOllehouse, )f.P.
Hi W 01', hip the Mnyor of Bath (:\11'. R. E. Diekiu Oll, )I.r.) The Right Hev. the Lord Bi hop of Bath aUll ,,~ell . 1111'. R. B. Cater. ~Ir. Chas. Coates, )[. n. General H. E. Coningham. Colonel T. Yaugh ton Dymock. Mr. E. T. D. Foxcroft, D.L .
Statement of licccilJ/S ancl E,1'lIcnc1itnu for .fletcipIs. To Subscription . . Life 111 em I1r1's (dOllS.)
"Amount collected " lIon. ccretary
. £12 14 10 5 l,y 3 5
yea I' ending ScptC?nbcr 29th, 1900.
R" l}Clld ilw·c. Dy Heael Office Account £0 10 ;) " UOl\ J el's AC'col1n t (old debt) . . 9 0 0 " Prilltillg allcl , tationel'Y 1 2 9 " P()Hta(re~ and lIon. , 'ee.' . eXlwllse. . o 17 10 " Balance at Bank 14 13 0
° 0 0
( 'hni1'llI:lll.
The Rey.
anon Quirk,
To Balance at Bank, £11 13s. Orl, D('IHl1 y { 'hnirJU:lll.
1\11'. E. A. Bag hawe,
Colonel H. F. Cluttel'hucJ-c.
)f. . \.
:r. QUTRK ,
HI. nn C'LITTTJ,:nnuuKE, Hon . T,'CaSUi'('1·. Flll.;J)K. 'PllAW;-;O:\, Han. Secretary. Audited and found correct thi· 16th Oct., 1DOO, I
1I01101':l1'Y ~ccrct:ll'Y (WOUl(,ll·"
( 'In .. ,,c'l).
FRlmK. \\T. PI:\CH,
October lOth, 1900.
::'IIis 1\[. Pedder. )[011 ora 1')' 1'iecl'cf:l1';r.
l\Ir. F. 'pra \Y. on,
13 road
tI'oot, TIa th .
FOlllletl 1
Life JlcJlll)('l"'.
::'Ill'. E. A. Bag hawe,
)h. Chas. Coates.
nIl'. G. E. Bloxnl11, Mr.
)1. D.,
)1.R.C ... , L.r:.C.I'. Elli: )1.J:.C.S., L.n. C.I'"
Pt'c .,id e lil.
Hr]' nrace thl' DlH'hl·S.' of Berlforcl.
1111'. J. :JI. Harper. )t.JL! ' .~. :Jll'. A. ~'. \'iTohllllaun. )r.D"
' ·i(·C-)·]'(·"id('Jll". )1.r:.C . .'"
L.ll.C. P.
ANN' AL REPOllT. STEPS ,yere taken eady in March to form this 'entre, aud a public llIeeting \YU: helll on the 23rd of the mouth, when it \ya deciderl that it "~as desirable that a Ccntre should he formed in Bath. The 1'0 'olution ;1n(l a list of the propos8(1 Omoers were forwarded to t. John'. Gate. amI on 21st April the necessary authority for the formation of the Centre wa received 1'1'0111 the Central Exeeuti"e COlllmittee. On the:2 tb of l\Iay an entertainment was helcl, ,,,hen Colollel ,Yynclhum 1IIl1l'ray, M. P., gave an adcire on the history and work of the Ol'ller of, t. J olm of J el'llsalem, and aftel'\\'ards distributed the certificates (14 N'ul'sing, and 21 fir. t 1till) which had been gained hy hvo classes (detached) \vhich had been held while the Centre was in course of formation.
nIl'. J. Coombs, Chainll({11. Col. J os ·el"n. Rev. Paul \\'yatt.
.\11'. BJayr1e.·. ::'Ill'. Chal'le Well.
J(OJlOl':tl';r S(,('l'('fal')
.11141 TI·C;\lo,ul'Cl'.
ilIl's. Alfred }laine, \\' !Jnrfedale, ,olliingtoll Road. Ufc JI('mh('I'''. ~il'
The Duche .. of Bedford Adeline. Dl1ehe" of BeMonl
Fre,lerick Howard,
work of thi year ha ' largely cl'utl'ell in a most succe ful Red Cross local organization, somo 1,000 articles haYing been (Ie patehetl to outh Africa. These include 200 of the Carrying beet trctchers, :224 of the Bedford Invalid jackets, no\\' so widely known ill other Centre. and Ho. pitals, etc., at home.
'rhe COlllmittee have by an al'l'allge mcmt wilh the trustee, paid off the outstanding debt aJl(l have taken over the slorm;, consisting or one 1101':'0 ambulance ancl six tl'ctche1', which helollgNl to Lhe olel Bath Corps 0(' thc ,t. John Amlmlance Brigade, part or the money for this purpose havillg hern specially collected by tJI(' H Oll. ecretary. The best thanks of the 'ollll11iLlee are lIne to Mr. II . .J. Vrzey, of Long Acre, Bath, \\'ho has most kinrlly fitted the horse amhulnncp wilh illdia rn1>her tyres free of cost to the Oentrc.
Formed 1900. I~r('"icl(,llf
Colonel O. , Yymlham Murray,
"Torship the
Mayor of Bath P I]'. R. E. Dickinson, ~r.r.) The Right Hov. the Lord Bi hop of Bath aUlI W ell . Mr. R. B. Cater. Mr. Chas. Coate" ;\Ln. General H. E. Coningham. Colonel T. Yaughton Dymock. iiII'. E. T. D. Foxcroft, D.L.
Rev. E. Handley, i\L.\ . Gl'llernl ir John McQueen, K . C.ll. Rey. Pl'cb. toke. haw, )1..\. olonel II. M. hine," n. Mr. 1. umsiol1. .fill'. 'Y. H. 1_5'111ons, 'Ln., n.l'.IT. :\I1'. B. H . Watt. (Toml lerk of Bath). :JIr. H. O. Wills. ThcRightHon . E. R. I'{ollehou.-e,)[.p.
S{atC?ncnt of BeceilJ{S anrl
Reccipts. . £12 14 To Subscriptions . 10 5 Lifc ~l embel'i:l (lIons.) "Amount collectc(l hy 3 5 " Hon. eCl'etary
The Rev. Canon Quirk,
E"'lJCILclitlb1'" f01'
o o
{!If' ycrl!' encZing Sf'ptt'7nber 29th, HlOO . E.ipelldilure. By Hearl O[fiC'c Account £0 10 ;j ,,(jolllel's Account (old dpht) . . 9 0 0 " Printillg auel ,tationery 1 2 9 " Postages and lIon .• ec.'s . cxpenses o 17 ]0 " Balance at Bank 14 13 0
To Balallce nt Ba11k, £11 ]3s. Od . D('PlltJ' ('hail'Jll:lJl.
:\11'. E. A. Bag 'ha'l'l'e,
TI·(';1>;Ul' Cl'.
Jnnx N. QUIRT{, Clwinnan. II ur-n CLl T'I'EJ:nrcKE, lIon. T,·eaSW·CJ· . FIlETlK. 'l'IlAW,;O:,\. Hon . Secretary. Aurlited and found correct this 16th Oct., 1900, FlumK. \\~. Pr.' (' IJ, Acco1lntant. Octobe)' 10th, 1900.
Coloncl H . F . Cll1ttcrbllckc.
1I0110I'al'Y Scc l'cf:ll':r (W01U ('U'" (,la <;, c . ).
?IlL ii I. Pedder. 1I0110J'al'.r i'I (,C l'et al':r.
Mr, F .• pm" on,
, Broad
treet, Bath.
Fonnell 1
Life Jlcmb('l''',
:Jll'. E. A. Bag ha,Ye,
ha . Coate.
:\Il'. J . :\1. Harpel', ;\[. It . <' .... :\11'. A. S. \\Tohlmtllln. )LD .. L.n. c.p.
J~ I·(' .,hlc llt.
He)' Uraee lhe Dn('llL's - of Bedford.
Jleclical :iit:! ff.
.fill'. G, E. Bloxam, ;\Ln.c.. ., L.n . c.p. nIl'. W . :JIc. D. ElJi . )I.n.c.~ .. L.R.C.l' .. )I.D . . Brnx. · .
, )1.
ARK U AL REPO nT. "YEP-- were taken early in i\1areh to for111 thi Centrc, and a public meeting "':t. helrl on the 23rd of the month, ",hen it was decide!l that it was desirable that a Centre should be formed in Bath . The 1'e -olution ancl a Est of the propose!l Oflicers were forwarded to t . Johu's Gate, alld on 21st April the necessary authority for the formation of the Centre was received fr0111 the Central Executi"e Committee . On the :2, th of :Bray an entertainment was held, ,,,hen Colonel \ \'yndha11l ?lInrray, }f.P. , gave an address on the history and work of the Ortler of. t. John of J eru,'alem, and afterwards clistTibuted the certificatcs (14 Knrsing, and 21 first aid) which hat! been gained by two classes (detached) which had IJeen held while the Centre ,,'as in course of for mation.
i (·(' ·I~I' C' .,icl (' nt
J. Coomhs, Olwil'lIl(( II. Col. J os -el\,n. Rev. Paul \ \'yatt.
:\11'. nlayrle . iiI I'. Chark Well .
Jlonol':lI'Y i'I(' ('I'(' tal'Y :uut TI·C;\"iUl·Cl'.
Alfred Paille, IYharfedalc. G01(lillgton Road . (,ire
)l(,lllh c l'~.
The DllChe" . of net1fonl Adeline. Dl1che." of BeMord
Fl'e/lerick Howard.
work of this year has large1) centred iu a most uece fnl Reel Cross local organizatioll, some 4,000 articles Illwing hecn dc patched to outh Africa. The e include 200 of the Carrying heet hetchers, 224 of the Bedford I nvalid jackets, now so widely known ill other Ceutres and HORpitals, etc ., at home.
Fir t aid and .£ Ul' ing CIa' e for women hn,vc been held in the borongh, all who attended (17), gained certificate, an(l 26 ont of the 27 for I ursing. In Lhe county, in the teyington CIa. ten men pa sed their re-examination, aIHl 7 ,Yomen gained lUll' ing certificate. At Clapham, a mixed class of men and boy was held, at which
FOJ'llJefl 1
19 out of 22 were ncce ful. Of the member of the ounty Police who atteudetl practice elasse, 10 ha"e obtained medallions, and eight re-examination YOl1chrl' . The Committee de ire to thank tIlE' Locnl Terhnical In truction ommitl e for it grant. and the free u~e of the Lecture Room, an,l aLo Mr. Haney ,nlrlsl1lith for hi ' gratuitou COUl' e of lecture during the winter. The I nvalid Appliances belonging to the en lre aJ e in con, tnnt demaml, over 50 ca es have heen remond to the Connty Ho piJal. or el e,.... hel'e. Two memher. of the 10ra1 divi ion of the t. ,Tohn Ambulance Drigat1e are 110'1" setTing \\'ith the Im perinI Yeomnl1l'Y Ho pi tal.
William Ewart, Bart. (; h a irUl lln .
E.rpen d it 111·C. By Examiner' Fee. an(l Ex. £11 pen e Lectmer .' Fee 10 " Incidental expen. e. l. " John's Gate) 3 , tores Book BalHlage, , etc. 9 0 Po tage (j Printing tationcry ", Boys a ~lodels for 2 hanuaging Hire and Expen e. of " "chool-room at lectme. 7 a nel cIa . e" launchy ille(lnllioll 1 " Brigalle ,\'ar Fund 1
Rcccipt . To ., " ., " " .' "
£0 4 1 Balance 0 15 0 Annual ub cl'iption 1 1 0 Donation Grant from Technical 5 0 0 I n tmctioll Committee 0 34 CIa from e . Fee 7 6 10 Sale of tore 1 0 0 'M edallion Collection at Public 'i \Ieeting 3 10 9 t. John Ambulance 1 2 6 Brigade Di vi :on
£J-± 0 D ue to Trea urer
2 9
-± .f
J(ollOl'ary: ,'c
] J(' clical
Jos ELY~ J
3 5 11 17
0 3 0 0
6 0 10
1 0 0
who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. Xursing. 1st Aid. I Xursillg. 1st Aid.
TUE Fourteenth Annual Report of Belfast Centre of t. John Ambulance As oeiation show that fifteen first aiel classe were helrl, and were attenrlcc1 by 354 pupils, of whom 213 entereel for examination; 173 ohtainrrl fir t aid certificate ; 27 re-examination voucher ; anrl 7 l1\erlallion,,;. Two conrses of lecture,; Oll "Home Nul' iog of the ick" were gi\rCD, auu wore nttf'lliler1 h' fifty women, making a total of 17 cIa es and 40,1 pupils. The following "entll'men vcry kindly g;n-e their services as lecturer' :-Dl':. Beggs, D 'JIlLHtll, Englidl, Fieldcn. Fleming, Grifliths, Rou ton, Le lie, :JIadlltosh , Husk, Taylor, Thomp'oll, Tenllant, and Williamson'; and the examiIlers were Drs. CallI-ell, Le 'lie , and Lient. -Col. :JIucFarltLnLl.
504 1 99. I 17
E,I'jJenclil 11 re.
£26 15 13 1 2
.) J
who have receivptl Certificate' .
I Xursing. ! 1st Aid.
Rcel ipts. To CIa s Fae tore " Balance from 1899
Xo. of Certificated Pupils who have recf'i,'ed ~leda)) iOlls.
I Nursing. Men .
Balance £H
253 33
156 10
£16 12 10 By Examiners' Fee. etc. 6 7 6 Inciden tal Expenses " tore Account 11 5 1 " Printing Account 1 8 7 " Expen e of ecretary " and Trea urer for Po tage, Carriage of parcel , 1 17 9 etc.
I Women.
721 LT 21
Han . Secretnl'Y (lnel TrWS1I1·C1'.
who ha\'E~ cOllll,letel\ a cour e of instruction.
:JIr. R. 'Y. Le Iie, M. D.
V.ICI'- PreSlurnts. ''']
Xo. of Women
Xo. of 1Ien
'( a fT.
t:ll'i cs .
COO:IIB., Chai1'man.
11 10
Mr. R. "'IV. Lc lie, )1.11., ' t. lJelier .. • trantltown,BeHast, alHlllli .. Black, Glen Ebor, trallcltowll, Belfast
Mrs. Magowan.
Mr. Calwell, M.D. Lieutenant-Colouel McFarlallll,
'harles E. Allan.
TJ'C:l . UI'Cl'.
Sta.te'J.lunt of Rcceipt and E J..]JCllditu1'c ji'om October, 1 99 to Octobl'J', 1900.
£-±O 11 0 14 £41
5 10
5 10
E. ALLAX, Chainnan. L. lAGOWAX, T1·eaSlIre1·. R. "'IV, LESLIE, Han, Secreta1·Y· CHAS.
9 1
o I '
Xo. of ]\leJl
No. of '''omen
Xo. of Men
who have
who l1:we
who haye
completed a conl"e of IIlstrnctioll.
rccciyed Certiticates.
. 1st L\ ill. . Nll1'sing. '" ursmg. 1 I ~, 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ail. 2~:21
who have
completed a course of instruction.
Certificates. 1st Ai.!.
INCE Fou:\L\ TlON OF CE;-I'l'JlT~ . I 1 99 I 10 0 I 1013 meE 1RT OC'I'omm, 1 99. :if! 27 99
I Nursing.
o. of CerLif1cated Pupils who have rce ived Medallion s. l CIl.
I Women.
completcd a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I ursing. lsi Aiel.
or ''''ol1Jen
who IIft\'l"
who have rccl' ivell CorLi Ii cates.
who have
cOlII]lle~c.l. a
4 5
Pupils wllo have received ~ l I II' "' Ct a Ions.
I Women.
19 ... ~TltE .
i 1:')9 rNng lwl' O( TO TJli: I:, 1899. I 171 51 I 96
No. of Certificated
i\ncsing. IsCAitl I Nur~ ' 1 len.
1st Aitl.
whf' ha\'e rC'cpiv'ed C t't ' l er I Ica es.
course of
• [,LJ~ FOll;\I , \ '1 [0'< OF
l'I'(,.,id(' nt.
harlc ' Hilton, eely,
Formed 189".
:Jll'. ,'hunt C. '\Yunlell.
]'l'cSi (lcnt •
The Right lIon. Yh:onnt Knntsfonl,
l , j f l' lI\ ' lIIl H' I''', , U'
:Uc dieal I'\(atf. :\LD., L.R.C.l'.,
Dyke,.: n()llsoll,
\1 .. \.,
n.; Et1ill.
'rHE Ccntre COil ti Il nc . to lIIake stea 1y and satisf'al'tol'Y progress. During thr; la t year two classc' have 1)('cn hdcl, (Inc fo], lllell, awl ,lllothl'l' 1'0], II"Omel1, both of "hieh "-erc well attelllleu. The eX:tlllillatiOlL· werc hel.l 011 L_Lh Decomuel', 1 90, by ul'gcon:'\Iajol Huttoll, who cOIIIl'lilllentl'll the llIL'IIIlJc]'s upon their skill all(l etJieiency. IIappily, thc ]last YL'ar lin ' }1I ' 01l .. illgnl:nly frec fmlll accident' of a erion' naturc, but, in a mining celltro like Birchwood, a Yery large llUllllJcl' of "light ~ccidellt' occur from tilllc to time, which without efiicil'llt lirt aill, lI1igllt dl'vel()]1 into scrion ease-', and the work LlollC lJy Illelllllcr:; of tllC rmtrc in thi re .. pect has becD iuyalnable. We are in the 1lap]I)' IHlsilillll of ahray. haying ambulancc men at haud when an accit1el1t occur '. iT e\\ cla. ses ,tre lJO\\' llLiug formed. l
StatCl/l,cnt of Rccciplii and E " lJCndillU ., July, 1900 . E.i'Pcnditui'c . Rcccipts. . £26 fi o By Dr . .i\lal'sh £6 13 :3 6 17 o 103 11 0 " LanIel' 2 1-1 :3 . , Hil'eCbail'· 1110 o " .'\ch·ertisem cn ts Ii " Bo~'s " Ileall Oflicc chargcs for Examillel" 13 0 " Do. for Iueic1ental EXI,cn es 3 13 6 " X Ul'sing Diyision . ;,; 0 0 " Balance in 11and 46 1 () ] 0 6
:J{r. Sluart C. \Yar(lc.ll.
.'\.l.~ _~l"'AL
cla es, ancl gayc the girls' club gratllitoll ly. _:UteI' paying all expen e , the accounts show a bahtncc Cledit of £lG 16s.
£111 16
Charles .eely, Bart.
IX cIa es have bcen held this season, three first aid 0111(1 two nursing for ladies, amI one firt aiel for a girl' club in LlIpn treet. Dr. lHal'h lectured for all the c
To I n band ., Clas Fees " unclI'ies
~e('J'(' tal·).
:JJI· . .101111 :Jl. D1t\'ies, Bil'l'];wootl Colli cries, Alfn.toll .
:Jlr. lIamilton natlin'.
:,\11'. Jallles :.\Iarsh,
'I' rl' a ",lll·(, )'.
:Jlr. J 01111 :JIerrilll<tll. IIOIlOI' al·.)
lIf . P.
~l c JUIH' l' S .
Captain Philip.
i ) ' 111 all.
:JIr. \\'111. Powiss.
S e Cl·('t IIl· Y ·
Lient. -Colonel E. Tnfnell, .J.6, Eaton ,'cpmre. Life
( '" a
G.C . j\LG.
II 01l01':l I'Y
'i(' C- .. J'(· ... icl(· u t.
£1l1 16
E xamincu and compared with youchers, and found cOl'l'ect, N ATH. GEO . PHILIPS, Captain. 1 th J uly, 1900. EnWAltD T UFNELL, Lieut. -Colonel, Hon . Sec.
Statement of Rc"pipts ((Iul E ,''jlclldilurc ful' lhc ycal'
Re," i1'ls. T o Balance in hlUlcl, , 'cpt. :30th, 1 99 " , ale of Book.' 'lUll 13alldagl" " ubscriptions
£1 10 11 076
;) £6 1
0 0
SCjltcmbcl' 30th, 1900 .
E ,,-ptllditure. By Examination EXllen es " Calil'o for Bandage· " Dalancp. in hltll<1
£3 13 o 2 3 2
6 3
£6 1
EXilmined awl fouuc1 correct.
October 31st, 1900 .
\ \'ILL1.\:\I POWISS, Clwirman . J OU. r :'\[EllllDL\.X, T,·caslli·cr .
J OllX M. DA YJEf<, H on Scaetcli'Y.
No. of Men
of Women
who have who have who have completed a receh'ed completed course of Certi fi ca te . a course of in truction. instruction. lsITid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ;\'ursing. 1st Aid. I N'ursing. ~
9 17
who 11:\\'e rect'i\'cd Certilieat.es. 1st Aid.
No. of Certificat.ed Pupils who have rereived Medallions.
I Women.
'fen .
[NCE FOH:lfATION OF CE"'Tm~. 60 1 IN(~E 1 T OC'l'oD1~n, 1<;00. 1 1 I I I
Prc ' iclc lll.
The Right HOll. the Lord Leigh. Jlol101'nry SC(,1'Cl n ry .
Mr. John Henry Roger,
Offi ce" .
12 , Oo]more TIow, Birmingham. Lirc
:.u c lub crl'l.
The Right Hon. the Lord Leigh illr. George Oadhnrv Me r. Ohance Brotbt:!l's U· John O. Hold er, Bart.
Mr. G. B. Lloyd t:lir Richard Tangye :.\11'. J oll1l E. ,Yil OIl. ;'Ic<lic n l S taff.
Mr. E. O. Bark, :.\1. n. C.. I1Ir. J . H . Blakeney, L. R.C.P. ilIr. T. A. Brown. )Ln. 1\11'. Augustus Olay, ~I.R.C.S. iiII'. W . .:'IIundy Cox, L.R.C.P. Mr. W . Do\\ning, L.R.C. r. itIr. J. F. Gummo,,", L.R.C.P. Mr. T. Barnard Gould, L.R.C.P. II'. D. Holme, :II. B . M1'. A. T. Hold worth, :ll.D. lIIr. J. J. Hues, )1. R.C .. ·. Ml'. G. H. Hart, L.R.C.P. .M r. J . Ooole Kneale, L.R.C. P. Mr. O. R. Le\yis, )I.n.
)11'. W. A. Loxton, F. n ... ,Ed. 1\1r. H. F. l\lackenzie, :l1.D. 1\11'. F. :Jlar"h, F.U. ' .~. 1\11'. J. T. J. illoni on, iI'. H.C. :Jlr. Jame Kea!. )1.11.C.S. 11[1'. Thomas e] on, :II. D. T
illr. 1\11'.
Ir. l\lr. Mr. M1'. 1\1r.
Kichol , :I(.]:.C.S. E. 'V. Par er, )I.ll. G. W. Po\Y01l, M.B. W. R. Reith, )f.I>. . J. Roberts, L.Jl.C.P. F. iY. UnJe1'hill, F.n. ·.s.,EI1. E. R. WhitcOlnhe. :len.c.li. J. H. White, F.R.C. ' . T.
Mr. ANNUAL HEPORT. THE Oommittee of the Local Oentre have plea nre in pre. enting the twentieth annual report and tatement of a,ccounts. The deficit on the year amount. to £9 13s. 2d., are ult which the Oommittee eonsicler highly satisfactory, inasmuch a. the snm of £37 17s. lld. has been expenLled on BriC/ade work. Included ill tl1', t' £ .. 0 IS a~ou~ 1S 29 IS . lld., the expense incurred in connection with the equipping of Brrmmg.ham ambulance men for the outh Africa.n , Val', fun pal'tirnlaJ's of which appear m the Acting Secretary's Report of the Birmingham Oity Diyisiol1
of the St. John Amhuln,nce 13rigarlc. The numlJer' of classes-viz., 21-is one in exces of thc nUlllber held in the previons season. Your Oommittee arc pleased to record that Lhe intercst in the work of the Oentre is satisfactorily maintained. It is to be regrettcd that none of those holding the St. John Ambulance certificate for first aid have proceeded to take the nm'iug course, men holuing the nursing certificate having obtaine(l hrtter positions ill the ambulanee department of the Army in South Africa. It is hoped that in the coming scason the usefulness and interrst of this course will he recogniseu and taken ad v(1,ntage of. The income from voluntary subscription ,' again shows a slight decrease as cOlH}Jared with last year. The OOlllmittee gmLefnlly acknowledge the receipt of a donation of £5 from the Hospital Saturday Fund. The thanks of thc Centre are most gratefully and cor(lia11y due to the medicalleeturen;, whose untirillg and gratuitous crforts from year to year make the Association thc success it is. Thc need for mr,1l at the front prorluccrl thc most cordial and enthn iastic respon e frOID all sections of am lmlanee workers in Birmillgham, and it is most gratifyillg to note that past llifference' on matter:> of organization were' sunk in thc common cndcavour, ~o fa.r, so \\ ell discharged, to 11a\-c the city IJrOperly repre 'cnted in the work of the amlmlance (lepartmel1t of the Army in South Africa. To tho e who have risked so Illllch for their fellow-men ill their patriotic endeavours to relieve suffering, it is felt that 110 mere thanks, however cordial, call ill any way mark the sense of gratitude aml pride tlleir action has in ·pired. From Her :Jlajesty the Queen down to the humhle .. t citizen of tlli great Empire, has come grateful recognition of the labolU's of tlw 't, John Ambulance Brigade, of which our men formed a considerable contingeut. The work of preparing the men for departure wa' undertaken by a bocly of workers, sl'lected for their ability to discharge the duties ,,'hich involved considel'al,le lallonr :mel time, \lith llluch enthusiasm and patience. The formation of the Birmingham Oity Diyisioll of the 'to JOhll.\llllJl1Iance Brigade, for the pnrposes ahoye mentioned, marks the first steps in an a1l1icalJle arrangement of difference existing at the time of last year's report, all(l it i confidently hoped that before long the e will be all rCIllo\'cc1, and that the whole amlJUlance force of the Oity will become unite,l under onll organization, with the motto, "Pro utilitale hr)1nitlwn."
Income and E,''lJCnlWll ('c Accollnt
the yeal' ending 30th J une, 1900. Cr.
E " 'jlcl!d it II ('c.
T o Head-quarters for Examiners' Fees, and Expensc:> aud 70 0 0 tores tationery, etc. 10 2 7 Printillrt ,." Lecture " OO11\'eyance of " illatel'ials, etc. 011 1 7 14 9 Po tage & Petty Payment · " Office Rent 31111 Expen 'e .. 15 0 0 " Birm'gham Brigacle of •'to " John Am bulance Bl'igaue: Expenses of Hi I'l1liugham Ambulallce:-Ien to 'outIl 29 7 11 African ,Va1' Repairs to Litter.. , ..LTew v 10 0 Tent, &c. £1-11
£77 2 13y Olass Fees 42 0 tore - ales Account " ubsc:riptions 5 3 " Ho 'pitall 'aturday Fund, " 5 0 hare of ,'keleton and Diagrams, " Hire of 1 1 1 6 Intere t on Depo it Ac .. " Balance, being exec of " Expenditure oyer In9 13 come
0 0 ti .J
lUcclital BAL.\"
llIl!1ry Debtors for
tore, etc. .. Lock of dorc' on haml . L10.Yll ·' Bank, Ourrent ac . . , Depo it ac. ash in hand
IIcatl-clual'ter for Examiner, ' Fees and Expensc, amI £70 o · 0 tores 3 14 0 u11!lry Oreditor Total Linuilities I ncomeandExpenditure, ,-iz.: Ul'111us, June
30th, 1 99
73 14
£161 19
Mr. J. ,V. Lax,
£7:; 16 7 0 flO 17 5~ 9 :2
o o o
17 7
1\11'. ,John 1\1. H.
Mr. J olm Barr, M.lI. Mr. David Dralllcy, l\l.ll. M1'. ,V. P. Coun 'cllo r , l\[. D.,
~Ia.rtil1 ,
F. It. C.l';.
~[. ICC.i'). L.R.C.l'., L.l:.('.fi., Ed.,
1\1r. A. F.
L. H.C.K. ,
L. R.C .I'., 1\[.£.
As ets.
D educt ExcC' of Expenditure OYel I ncome for year ended June 30th, 1900 .
Mr. 1\1arma(luke Banni~Lel',
30th Jmm, 1900.
A. A. P. Moffatt ,
L. ILC. 1'.
rinan, L. lL J' . S., U las. 1\11'. Riley Ounlille, ,\f.n. 1\11'. G. B. Elliott, I,.lU·.P. 1\11'. Hobt. Hunt, M. n.c ..'., L. D.C'.I'., Lond. Mr. Ellga,r R. Ivatts, \l.l:'C.:-:., L.IL.C.I'. Loud .
Mr. Philip Prebh]~, ~r.t:', I ' .~r., Ed. 1\11'. JaJlles '1'. T. Ramsd.Y, L. ll.( .P. L.ll.C. fi.,
J. H. A. ,'chade,
~I.ILL.. · .
Mr. William F. teele, )r.n. 111'. James 'Wheatley, ~LD . , ~l.ll.C.:-..
Statement of Receipts rind E,l'lJendituJ'e j1'OilL OctobCl' 1st, 1 99, to September 30th , 1900. j E'~~l)Cndit1(re. Receipts. 0 13 ---155
Examined and [ound corrl'ct R. A. Dll~,
"T. E.
T o Oash in 'ecl'ctary's hands , undry rcceipts for goods uncI pay III en t ' hy c;lass('s ubscriptiolls
~2 11
6 6
2 12
J HUll . .A IIditrl/·S.
AI1 L.UUl,
£4 16
By lIea(l-quarter' for goods, fces, e ' C . . £14 13 9 "Postage, carnage of parcel, &c. 3 9 ;j " Oash in , 'ecre tary's ham1 ' 12 0 0 £30
'J tJ
December 12th, 1900.
JIon. Secreta,'Y·
Octobe?' 4th, HIOO. I
A:I'D MEDALLION' No. of Women
No. of Men wh o Imve
who ha\'e
who lla\'e
COlll ) 'Ieted
received CeJ'tificate~.
COlll plel ed a course of
course of
Instruction. I Ntirsillg.
I::-;CE :FoIDU:rrOX OF
15 I Ixn:
No. of Certificated PUJliI' who h:ne 1'l"'ci\'t:11
Certi fic:lte . 1st .\ itl. . Nursing.
111 cdull iOIl';.
No. of Women
~I t'll
\\' (lJIlCU-:-
who haye
",110 113.\'e
completed a comse of in ·tructiou.
a course of instrnction . Idt Aid. [NurSing. 1st Aiel. j Nursing. 1st Aid.
R)i Tl:E.
who have
who have received Certificate.' .
A.l.-D 'ilmDALLIO~ '.
No. of Men
who lla\'e recei\'cd
),t Aid . jl\ul'sill!!. 1st Aid. j l\ursing. 1st Aid.
70 3
receh'ed Certi ficates.
1st Aid.
I Nlusing.
;::'1,\1. 1:: FUI~ .\L\TI(l:-; UF
, :3.;
49:3 ~I_-(g
hir ~6
g::-; II~E.
I Nursing.
:\0. of Certificated Pupils who h3.\'e receivcd Medallions.
3'17 19[). 17
Wom ell .
BOGNaR-aN-SEA CENTRE. Formed 1 "'<i .
l'l'(';.ic( ' J1t.
FOl'lllecl 1 ]~rc
Major-General O.
ic1 (,JlL
The Right Hon. Yi 'count Crnl1l>ol'llc, ~I.P. ClJail'ut:l.Jl.
Tl·C'a"l1r(' I·.
The Right R ev. Bishop Oramer-Robert , :d.D.
J[OllOl':1l',r 8('(']'('. arl'. Mr. James Ha,Yorth, 9, Exchange Street, Blackblll'll.
Life Ucm'bcl'''
T he Right H on. Vi COtuit Oranbol'lle,
Mr. J Oh11 Rllthel'for(l, ~r.l'.
n ....
lColls, n. A..
1'l·('a~Ul·t·l' and lIouHt'ary :-'I'cr('tar),. 1.'1... 'Y. 'tric:klanrl, '11, High trect, Boguor-on- ea.
REPORT. I )i addition to the n.-nal autUll111 <1IHl sllring cia. c in Bognor a womcn's nursing class ",a held at YalltOll. Jiueteen ga\'c in their namps; even only attcnded the examination (one for fillal , . All pas.c(l. Through not sending in application soon enough the Oounty Oouncil grant wa' nol obtninel1. out the difticulty wa got oyer by Dr . TiJ combe kilHlly oifering to give a men's com e free, which was 0 much aprl'eciateL1 that the class prc'ented him with a. hand OlUe ·wa.lnut moker's cabinet
DG the ame time he ccrtificntc wcre gi VCll. Fi ve of thc mil way siall' (Bognor anel Barnham) wcut to :New Cro~s to compete for the Anllual Challenge up gi\'cn by the L.B . . . R. ix: team compcted, allli the Bognor tcam \H're fifth, with 21 G marks, the fir L getting 247. Two fir t aicl classe (111en and wOlllcn ) l!n,YC becn started at Tlindon aUlI two at Yapton. The ::t1l11mlllllCe van ha. hccn to Chichestcr Infirmary four timc ; workhon e and a:,;ylulll once each. It is now housed hy the Urhan Di trict Conncil on their premises in ircn. treet.
To " " " " ., "
:Hr. Herbert Broa<1hent, Manchester &
JlOJloJ'al' Y , (' (')'(" Hr;r .
1\h . .Tames Briscor. Thr Illflllnary, BOltOll. ,U elli c al
Statcillent of Rcceipts and E.~pcllditllrc to adabel', 1900. Rl'ceipls. E"'lJcndit1l?'c. .1:1 ;; 3 Balance from 1 99 £7 9 3 I By , tore" purchll ed "lib criptioll 3 16 6 ., Holle'r Bn.mlnges o 3 6 3 13 o ,tore purcbn 'ed hy pupil 5 Ex [lenses of Ula Sl'S )[edallion' :2 1 0 ,. Expe]] es of A1111Iu~all(' e Yan ~ 1 10 Fee. frolll pu pils . 0 1 0 Merla llio]]s ~ 1 Hire of Diagntl1ls. &c. I ,. Hailway Fares o 1 (Yapton) 1 0 0 Fees ]micl to "oUllt}' Hire of ~tll1 bul<1nce Yan 2;) ti COil ncil . 0 1 0 0 4, !l " ,'La 111 }Is. &c. ,. .\dnrti 'illg Yan 1 11 (j " Anllual ,'UbSClil'tiull to ) ) p;lll CI ' ll ire 1 1 0 , PeLty Cab for lIon. ~(' c . 0 12 0 ,. Baltll1ce in Bank. -1 5 !J
elf) U
O. II.
14th X r"illoC!'. 1 900.
L "UE OF CERTIFJC.tTEt' No. of )Ien
-II 01 Ls
L-eB F01[)LUlUX I)F
"' I~(E
who have received Certificates. 1st Ai,l.
I Nursing.
:2:39 lsI Ot/ rullEn. 1899. 11 I
thc vca,' ended 'cptcinbu 30th, 1900. I
IBy Oa.JI-~[e'Iallioll ..
I 0 I G •I
,tcre. . Examiner's Fee., &c.
45 1:) 29 11
6 1
Audited and fonnd correct, JO:EPH MOLYSEArx\'Aud'( "
NO'I.:embc1· 1st, 1900.
I '0.
}'I'C... icl CJlt.
,Yilli,lIl1 Nichol. on.
' ,t OIS .
of ) len
No of Women
who have who have who have cOll1pleted a completed received course of a course of Certi fj cates. instruction. instruction. lat Aid. I Nw·sing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NlUsing.
Formerl 1 03. ~lr.
:\1. II.
}fl' . .T. lIilton TllOlllp '011, ;lLn. :Jlr. Jo.c:pll Thomley, }['D.
'Y. N'ICHUL:O_, President. .LulE. BRI~cOE, HOil. Sec(clm'y.
I Women.
lilt·. F. R. J\Ialh·tt, )1. D. Mr. H arry A. 11ul'phy, L.R.C.P . MI. Charle . .:'IIacfie, )U). 11[1. J. E. Pallton, ;lLn. nIl. George A. Patrick, L.n.r.p. .'mgroll Lieut.-Col. ]{olJert Patrick, )LD. .:'1[1. ,janlcs RolJinson, 'LD ,'Ul'gr'Ol1 Captain J. Edwin 'cowrroft,
No. of C.'rtificnted Pnl,ils who lla\'e receil' cI I :;I[l.'llalliuIIS.
CEo " filE.
Rcrrip{'. . £-1:; 15 To StOl es and. FI'es " Examincr's 21 6 Travelling Expf'nse ;) " In ciden tal Expcl1se: 1 " Medallion:
Xo. of Women
Wl10 ha\'e who have who have cOlllplete(1 a completed received conrse of a course of Certificates. in , tructiOIl . instruction. 1st Ald. SlU'sing.l1st Aid. ~ursTiJ'g: ]~t Aid. N1lI'silig.
StatC1nClI t of .rl ceo I! nts
pfajor-G( 111'1",1 ) 1',·[sidf'll t.
~ talr.
Mr. H. 'Y. Becsley, ~r.]). Mr. Walter II. i3ml-il, ,r.]). Mr. L ewis 131'0\1'11, L.ll.r.l'. Mr. J. 0c11unrl Clark, :\I.D., "\l.Jl.C.~. Mr. ThOl1las ~~\'a.IlS Flilcroft, L. H.C.I'. nrgeon Captain K M. Uarstang Mr. Alexander (:Jcll·Park, )f.B., C.)I. 111 r. Horace J cfTcl'il's, ~1. D., C. ~1. Mr. J. John . tllll, ~I.n. MI'. Alfrecl Kershaw, )1.1LC ' .f'. Ml'. R. D. :Jlot1ICrsole, ~r.D. 1111'. ,Yalter Morris, I..lloC'.P.
61 "
'oullty Bank, LeI., Bank of Bolton Brallch.
who ha\Te recei\'ed Certificates. 1st Aid.
I NW'sillg.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have reeeh'ed Medallions. WOillen.
, "j ce ·l')'('"icl (' llt ....
Mr. J. R. Earlow Col. the Hon. F. C. Bridgeman MI'. H. , hephercl Oro. s, )[. P. His Worship the layol' Mr. John Harwood Col. George H esketh
R ev . T. Boston ,John tOlle, :J [r. ,\\T. }1. ~[n gl'a~'e :'I I I'. Frallk Taylor ) 11'. J. P. Thoma on B c·v. Canoll Wood
1 1
1H1' Ol·ToDEr:., 1 99.
The Uayor of Bradford (Mr. , \TIIl . C. Lupton). l· i cc ·rrc s icl c llt .~.
lr. J ona 'Whitley 1\11'. ,v. Willi Wood
Mr. mith Feather Mr. Tho'. Prie tIer 11[1'. William Odd\, Mr. Wl1l. Ed. AyizroYll
II'. Tho .
eha i1'lIIa II.
!If 1'. \Y. Arllold Enmo;, Trca surcr au(l
S('c .·c ta 1'y.
the Brodford School Board E\'enillg COl,ti1l110tioll C1af:f'cR ; 191 students OWl' 16 Fl:lJS of acre connectec1 with thrse classes" ele exulllincd 1)y i110 official ('xalllil1(l s of the A. s:CiaLioll ; 170 WOI'O snccessflll in passing UIC' ('xalllillation, 10 of these paHsed~ the third or final re-examination, 01111 me1'ilcl1 the mcrlallion of the Association. The knowledge gai110d at theso classes .. hOl1lrl prove of i11calcn1ahlo value in home lifo, where. ickllf'SH and accirlel,ts are alw:,),!:; taking place. Throe 1nllll11'rd alld ninoty-three memhel's cOllnecled \\ itlt all the classes passed their examination, alld twonty-three the finul1'o-cxallliuation for tho me(lalliOlI. The COJ1lmittec ]'0('orr1s with satisfaction that the linn of Messrs. Geo. Arnlitage, Ltd., influgnratod a clasR for their employes, aJl(l to manifest their practical .'ympathy subscribod the fUllrlr; to carry Oll the \I·ork. The 'ixth AIllllla1 Competition for tho C'ha1lengr . hie1(1<;, :'i]ve1' Cups, anel ;,ledals took place, on I 'atul'llay, 14th July, at thr Emz)lo?jl~s Garden Party in Manningham Parle Dr. D'Arcy Cartcr ( hipley) anl1 Dr. . D. Garrett (De\y'hmy) kindly gave their services anel ()Iliciated ft.' jurlge... The" William Ec1wal'll Aykroyll" Challenge hield was won hy tilO City Poliee, wh!1st tlle~t. .Johu Corps A Division) a.lld a quad of men repl'esellLing 'al('m Chapel wpre p1acell .ecoJl~l and thil'(~ ~·c ·pec.tivel y . The Senior Compotition \\as a grl'lt sneces·. The .Julllor CompetItIOn o.LC1 not achieve the satisfactory re 'ults which were '0 confir1ell tly an tieipatecl. A s'l uad of fom stullents from the Dmclford illoor E\-elling Continuation Class were the only I
Mr. George Chippellllale, YictoritL Hou e, ,\'ellleyc1aJe RoaLl, Thornhl11'y Bradfortl. U c dical S Ca{f.
nIL J. H. :MeGee 1\[1'. II. l\Ieade Mr. J. :Jletcalfe, ~LD.
Mr. C. F. :J1. Althorpe, ~I.ll. Mr. F. . Barber 1111'. J. J. Bell nIl'. P. ~I. O'Brien .Mr. A . Browne Mr. II. G. Burnie lUI'. F. J . Butler Mr. J. Clawford, ~I.D. JIll'. W. Denby, ~r.B. Mr. 1\1. P. DUll more 1111'. A. Gray, ~LB. 11'. W. Hamleock :Mr. A. O. Hibbert nIl'. R. Honeybourne, M. D. Mr. 'Y. Hol'rock , ~LB. 1111'. J. Jack on, F.lt.C. iIII'. J. Kerr, :lLD. Mr. P. H. Li tel' :JI]'. Percy G. Lodge 1\11'. Sam. Lodge, JI1I'., ~r.D. Mr. Rol ert Lo;-e
:Jlr. :Jlr. iiII'. 1111'. 111'. 1\11'. Mr. l\Ir. .!Ill'. ~11'.
1\11'. :.'Ill'. Mr.
::.rr. ~rr.
W. :Jlitcholl, ~LB. G. A. :.'IloOl·head A. n. Munro P. 111. O'Brien. M. D. G. II. Oli"er W. J. Parkinson .A. C. F. Rabagliati, n. mith. Chas. tua]'t, ~L D. J,. 'Y. Taylor, ~1.B. Veale B. P. Yiret. ~r.n. . E. Waddington J. H. Wacl1lingtoll Ben. Wade Hy. White, ~1. B. J. '. 'Yright, )l.B.
:II. D.
T HIS Centre ha heen iu existence for 13 year, and the Committee in pre l'llting their Annual Report for the year ending 31 t Odobcl', 1900, have p1easUl'e in :tating that the work has been of an average charactor, and lliat the ambulance movement is nov;, firmly looteu in thi District. CIa . se . have lJeen helll at the BraMon1 Pl'ovi(lent Industrial tores, t he ~Iallchester Unity of Oddfello\\'" the Ancient Order of Fore.ters, :.'lIes 1'8. Geo. Armitage, Ltd., Congregational School, Eccleshill, Salem Cbapel, ticker Lalle; Iidlalll1 Rail way Goo(l8' Depot, piritual Progres ive .Free Church (females); anrl the We leyau School, Fl'izinghall (males and females). There \yere also, evon classes in COllnection \\'ith
competitors. At an open competition held at Keighley, on the 21st July, six lady members of the piritual Progre ·.'in~ Free bnreb, Bradford, wel'cuccessful in winning the fir t, second, and sppcial prize: awanlell for l1l'ofi.cienC'y in nursing. In order to encourage and stimulate Llllie to mailltain profieiellcy in nul' 'ing, the Bradford Committee hope to institute a compotitio1l for nursillg ill 1901. A number of c11lployers of labour haye provi,lod boxes containing ambulance appliances ill their mills or work. hops, a Uggf' ·te(1 in the Annual Report for 1899. Tho members of the ambulance section of the Post Ollice official have placed a box For tel' 11nare. From 1st January, 1900, tll 13th July, 1900, :2~ memher' of the Bradford Diyi ion of the I t. John Arnbulitnl:e Drigal1e \'olunteered forelTice as ho pita1 on1erlie "ith the Field Force in ,'outll Arl'ie,\. It is impof'sible to :peak in too laudatory terlll' of the valuable sen-ices renderer1 by Dr ..AnrIre\\' Bl'o\l"lle ill preparing the yolunteer for their duties as 110 'pital ol'llcrlie.'. The thanks of the Committee are lIue to tho e ,,-110 gcneroll. ly sub, crilJell towaru' the fnutl relluircd for the equipment of the Brigade Division, amI the arti:le· wlto gave their en'ice at the concert on 26th February, 1900. A Het profit of £,*0 }Is. 911. \nlS realised. The COllJmittee wi h to expre. s the great obligations they are under to tbe .\(ayol' nnu ;,layore s (~Ir. anc1 nIl' . 'Y. C. Lupton), nIl's. Keeling, :Jlrs. Claridge, ;,liss n1. Freelllan, Colonel H. A. Fo tel', Messrs. Brigg, .. Teul1lann, and Co., nnu citizcns of Bradforc1and Districtforpl'oYiding 11,745 garments, and other ueful and acceptablo pre ent for the sick allll wounded troops on activo ,·en'icc. The amount rai .. ed by the ::'1.t)' 01 , Fund for the Tran vaal War \\'as £15,500. The Committee fle ire to ackno\Ylt'tlge the indebte(lnc'i of the Centre for the :.;en·ices rendr::recl hy its Presi(lelli, tIle :.'Ilayor (:.\11'. 'Ym. C. Lupton, J.I'.), The Chairman (Mr. W . A. Evans, ,T.v.), tho IIoll. :JIe(lieal StaCY, the ecrotaries of the various classes, the local ]11'1'ss, the BraMon1 Provident In(ln'trial "ociety for the loan of a room for Brigade purposes, a11l1 all who ha"e ns 'i ·tell in other way.
] ' " Cll S Il"t' I'.
Statement oj Receipts and
To Balance in huml, "
tore 'old and Fee . " Bank I ntere t
'olonel W. II.
£79 1
By Carringe of tore . £.1 14 2 "Po lage, Telegrams, and MessClJO'er 3 0 1 "ecl'ctar)~\) expm;ses . 2 11 !i "Examiners' fees and tnwclling ex pen e . 19 10 " ' .J.l\'A., for iu{;illentuJ expru'es . . 7 10 0 " tores (books, bandages, ec., frolll Ceniml Oniee) 16 12 10 " Printing, Ad vel'tisillg and tutionel'Y . . -1 n 3 1 8 o " Expe11ses of Brigade " Incitlelltal Expenses o 3 " A 1lll11a 1 Com pe t ition 6 1 o " Excc .. iye charge, 13.n.00 o 4 o " lhlan cc in hand . 13 11 ( " en h in Secretary's hand ~ 0 o
£ 79 1
IljYi " ional Set l'(' 1:\I'j\' s.
Bristol West: 1\1iss M. Sanl1rlers. Bristol Jorth : 1\11'. W. U. Guhhin,
i\f. D .
Bristol East: Mr. ,\r. Erskine. Bristol South: l.Ir. J. W. Taylor,
;\L R. 0 . ,' ., L. R. c. P'.
ll e (tical li>ilaJr.
Mr. J. Ambrose, M.D.,
1\11'. C. Atchley, M.n.t '.S., ["H.C.P. Mr. C. W. J. J3l'a~her, ?lI.U.C.K., L.IL 1'111'. J. Paul Bu h, M.lt.('.S., L.H.A . 1\11'. A. Caxling, Mr. ·W. Danne,
Mr. J. Dobbyn,
L 13., 11. ('.
A.Il., L H.C . :;., L.lt.U . P . • M.D., ~r.l:.l·.S., L.n.C . I'.
1\1r. Theodore Fishel', '\LD., M . It.C.R. 1\1r. J. Fl1ller, F.U.(·.i'i., \J.l:.l'.p.,h el. !Ill'. E. B. Gal'la]J(l, ~[, n., c. '\1. Mr. John ,Gri(fith, M.n.f'.f.., L.IU' . l'. Mr. Wm. Brendon OllhLin, :lLD., '.II L 1\1r. H. Elwin H arris, ~1.J3.; F.J:.<': . S. Mr. A. N. H eron, Jo.l1. C.I'., Ird.
Examined and found conect ,y \ I TEll F'rllTlI, ~ l udUo1'. \\r. A. 1£,- \);'~, :11. D., Clwil'lIl((n. GEO. 1I11'1'1);'[l.'lLY, }Ioll. SI'CI'etm·!J.
N OI'I'mbci'. 1900.
teele, M.D., Jt-A.M. O.
JOY., ,-£.:10 4. 1 Class 6 19:3 o 15 0
1 99
1 9 ·9.
8. Jenkins, ?lr.It. C.S.; L.n. C.p . E. Long, M.lt.r .S., IdLC.P. P. ,V. McCrea" M.D., RUll. E. H. O. Pauli,IILR.C.S.,L.lt.C.P. lr. F. E. Peake, M.R. C. S., L Il.C.P. II'. ,\'. Pel'l'Y, :lLR'('.S.; L.l{.C.P.
1\11'. Mr. 1\11'. 1\11'.
1\11'. Mr. ,Mr. 1\11'.
B. 1\1. 11. Rogers, M. D., B.OH. F. II Rose, M . 1',.0.~., I,.H.C.P. J. D. , taple, :lI.U.C' . , ., L." . A . J. O.• 'ymes, M.D ., ;\f.1LC.,., D.P.JT.
1\11'. J. ,V. Taylor, ;\1.R.C . S. , L.R. C,P. 1\Ir E. II. ,Varner, M.D., C.M. 1\11'. O. , Vintle, M . R.C . " . , L.R.C.p. 11'. J. Young, ::\I.D . , C.M .
No. of Women
No. of CerLitlcated who haye who have who have who ha\'e Pupils who llftve Cl1JlIl'leted a eOllll,leted reeeh'eel reeciycd recui"ed COUI e of a coul"e of Certificates. Certificates. Medallions. in truction. instruction. 1st Aid. KUl'sing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NarsIllg-:- 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women.
S[X( 'E FOll"\IXl[O'
:2./ :2
:20 :'"'1::\( E
1."'1' Ol'l nlll,I:, Q')
U-l:? I :2 15
I 2:3()
I 21
l'l'C .,hlcul.
The Yery Rey. the Denll of Bl'i tol. Chairman.
1.1:1'. F . Ri chardson Cros , ::.r.n .,
1I01101·t1l'Y SC('l·elaI'Y. F.R.C . ..
1111'. Flauk H. Rose, )Lll.C,H., L.Jt.C.P., 13. "\Y cstfield Park, R elllallU.
THE General Committee of the Bristol Unwch of the. 'to John Ambulance Association are glad to he abh~ to report pl'ogrc s clnrillg the past e,' ,ion. Eighteen classes in all have been hel(1 (cxclusivc of the Evening 'ontiunation CIa ses at the Board School ) as follows :-Fir,'t aid, for men, foUl' clas 'es ; for women, ; Nursing, men, one elas, ; wom en, 5 ; incll1lling altogeLhel' 370 pupils. Result of exami nation ; Fir t ai(l , 57 men amI I womcn werc successful, while in nUl' ing, 1 men and 61 women gaiucd certilien.te. :Jlcdallion ' wcre olJiainerl by 1 men and I women. A numbcr of studcnts ,d'o cOlllplcted their comc, hut rlirl not take the medallion. From the E,'ening COlltiuuation CIa' l" in the Board chool 4:2 pupil. haye 'uecessfully pas,eu theil exalllillatiou~ in first aill, and 2'2 in nUl' ing. A clas of 30 memhers of the Police reccivcd ill~tl'uction in fil'~t aitl, and ;,15 of the number gaiueu their r.:crtilir.:aLes. Dl1I'illg the '- ession there ,,'cre three ca. e of men re cued from drowning wbo o\\'('t1 their lives to the per'i tent effort' of the fallowing certificated men of th e A Diyi 'ion of Police :-No '. 161, 162, 166, 167,7, 65, " 'ho perfol'metl al'tificia.l respi ra liou. Some members of the A 'ociation ",ho gained their certificate at the chool Board clas e have gone 011 amhulance selTice to outh Africa; and dmillg the proce ' ion of H er Majesty the Qu een throu~h this City iu the eally part of the e ion eight volunteer teams, in alltlitioll to the Bl'igaue, l'enelereu mo·t effective first aid in some 50 or 60 ca es at various point · along the route. The Annual Com petition for the Silver Cup, presentcd hy lilt. C. Beavi , at the Zoological Gardens, ,,'a not ~o successful this year, as ~everal team who hall inteuueu to compete were compeller! by various, and in each Cl~se llnavoiuable, ci rcumstances, almost at the last moment to withdraw. The Committee hope, however, next year to have a very gooel eli play.
The R.ight R.o\". the. Lord Hi hop of Bristol di Lribntcc1 Lhe certilil'lLtes and medallIons gamed dllnng the ession to the sucees ful call1lidate at the Y.M.C.A Hall , on 9th July. .
ANNUAL J:EPO Wi'. TLI m rcvivn,l in the wOl'k of the CenLl'e lUl ~ been m:1intained (luring the winter of
1 99·1900.
Eleven e1a~se~ h ave been held as uuuer : FE~I.\LE~.
l!'i)'s{ Air!. NI~J'sinrJ.
Statcm.:nt o( Receipts alld E.CpCi/(litll1'cfol' lltc !lew' cnding '29th Scptcmucl', 1900.
R eceipts.
5 6 67 13 0 0 5 0 0 13 12 i
1 10
By Pmcha c of Material. " Printing. ,,~tation~ry, Advertising: ami Po ·tnge. ' . " Fees to Lecturers . " I-Ieall'<lllltrtel's for J~xall1,. " Di Lto :;\ leclalliolls " ~liscella neOll:'>. . Balance in hallli
£7 10 2 1 17 '1 5 15 46 '2 3J 10 4 19
7 6 0 6
15 ]3 .J. £119 13
29th Scptemuei', 1900.
N'o. or Men
:-11:\l.E " }UI::~L\IIO' OF
.... I~CE lSI
No. of \Y omen
\rho haye who ha\'e who 1Ia\'e completed a completed receh'ed course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instrnction. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Aid. I Kursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
Burnley Holm e Rose Grove
To u h, cri ptiollS awl D OllS. "Fee Fir t Aiel Cla e :r ur 'iug " " "., E.e·Examinations ". , Book Hl1LilHaterial old " Medallion " Balance. 231'cl Oct., 1 99
2 ()
lst Aid.
I Nursing. -Men .. IWomrn.
!!l0 OCTOnl,;It, 1 -9n .
Ko.ofCeI'Lif1cated Pupils wllU have received MecLlllions.
1 1
0 0
1 1
Receipts (III,(Z E,''l)wdilw'C (1'0111
RJecipl '. To Balance in hawl tores solll
" "., "
Examination eXl'Ull.TS L oan of Diltgra lJIS ubscl'il'tiOllS
14 0 1 5 1 11
1 10
0 0 0
1 0
, OdOUCI', 1 '99, to 30th Septemuer', E,,'iJClUlillIj·e. £12 By Stores 1 ., .UiClhllion, 1 Exalllination I "pen, es " Don. to 13mT'ley Am bu· -ur'lIIg " lance and :3 Divi~iolJs .•. J.A.B. 'tatiollcry. Printing, and " 1 Adyertising. , Postage's, Caniage of " 1 Parcels, &c. 4 Balance in IHlud
1900. 4 10 5 0 0 6
T oted.
11 3 3 1 '1 One of the chsses was helll in connection with the collieries of the Executors of Colonel Hargl'caveR, all cxpell!:>rs 1Jelllg met 11y tIle J~xecntol's, a course which the Com· mittec would vCldure Lo think might he follo\\'ell by other large employers of labour. As a result of Lhe classes there has lJeen alldell to the roll of 1'crso11s who have receivecllirsL ai<l cerLilicn.teR 6 men ant! 5,1 womell, and 17 men a11(l :;4 women have also recei"ec1 1l1ll'sing crrlilicates, making a gmncl total for the Centre since its formation of % 1 men and 60 WOlllen w110 11a ve reeei ved first air! ~ertificates , alJu 17 men ttllrl :301 wolJlen certificate for 1IUl' ing. The number of ccrtificatcd pupils who have l'cC'ciYcd llIetlallions lIa' lim·n illere;tse<l l)y four mell (three of ,,,h0111 are l1Ielllher. of the 13lllllley Diyi. ion of thc' t. John Amhulan('e Brigade, and tllJ'ee women (t IYO heing 111e1llhe1's of the Bnrnll'y ITursillg Divi ·ion of the St. John Ambulance BrigtLlle), lJringing the total nt1lnl)er of lI1ellalliolls 1, sned through the Centrc to HI7 for 111<'n and 117 for \I·omen. ft(ttellw/~t of
who ha.ve rer.eived Certi fic.'l tes.
Fil'3t Aiel. Nlb?'sing . 1 2
J :2
Examined nUll fOUllll correct,
C.~IWl~nJ'; GILL,
Gl·L',L".\.XDY, Ulwinncw. A. L. (: .\.J:XETT. IIonoi'{/1'!J Secretary and Ti'casw'Cr',
Tno:'lJ,\s ]·l'c.,icl (' llC.
The Rt. Hon. Sir U. J . Ka)<'1l1lttlc\\'0J'th, Dart., Cha il'lu:ln.
:'ILl' .• P.!'.
5th OdobGI', 1900.
lIonCH':IIT S(,(Tdal'l :lIIcl Tl·('a.,111·Cl·,
:JIr. T, G. andy
A. L. C:,ll'JJctt,
1,10rk< ,'t., 13ul'llley. :tlc(lical ~rr. ~Ir.
J. Burns, L. r... < . P. J. W. Clegg, L . . A.
Mr. F. E . Crossley, ::II. B . ]',II'. T. G. Crump, ::Ir.r...c. , . , ::ILB. nrr. H. A. Dixon, :'I[.JLC.R. Mr. J. U. F ergnson, L. H. C.P. & s. :Hr. J. Gardner, :'II. B. 1\11'. J. H odgson, L.R. C.P. & S.
Mr. H. C. Hu1t,
L.ll-C.I'., F.B.I'.S. MI'. T. H olt, :'IT.n., 11.1'H. )[1'. J. Mack enzie, ::I1.ll. Mr. F. 'Y. Mal'scl ell , L. I:.C.l'. & ii. ~lr. J. C. Pemberton, L. lU'.l'. & :-;. 1\11'. G. . PUllOll, :\1. fl.
Mr. A. M .
inclair,::If. n. ~II'. R. l\1. Whitham, :'If.B.
No. of Mell
--who ba\'e COntpll'lctl
who have Tcct'ivc,l Certificates.
No. of Women
- -who have completed a course of in. Lrnctioll.
a conr'e or instrllr:rion 1st Aid. I NnrsiJlg. IsL Aid. I i\ursiJlg.1 lst.\ ill.
1074. 74
1st Aid. I Xnrsillg.
CEN'Tl1E. 644 I 297 I 55-1 IKCE lsI' OCTOBER, 1 99. :;4 62 I 56 I 17 I
'IXCE F()l~:lL\'TlOX OF .)
who han rer.eived Certificates.
No. of Certificated Pupils whu llaye recei\'ed ~red:lllions.
I Women.
Statement oj Accounts f01' the yea?' endil1(J ,'-,'eplember 30th, 1900, Re r eil'ls. To Balancps in ll<111d at 1st
Oct., ] 99, viz. At the SI1l'1Jielu and Rothel'ham Hall k £34, 7 5 10 I n hancls or Lhe H Oll. Sec. 3 Receipts from Clas'<C's . 10 16 6 " I-tecei ved fl'Olll Cand iclatps " JOI' Sil vel' ~Irdalliolls 1 13 0 in,teaci or Bronze 7 17 0 " Suhscriptions 014 6 " Bank IuLel'est
l'l'cs i(h' lI I.
Hi Grace the Dnke of Devon hire, (:h:1iI'UUl)l,
K. G.
Mr, H. A, Hnbbersty
Ur. Joseph Taylor. J[onoJ":1l'Y
8 C('l'(, 1lll'y
l!:.'penditv. re. By Pri 11 Ling, Advertising anel
" "
Mr, A. B. Chapman, A.l\r. I nst.c.E., Darwin Ayenue, Buxton.
III Nlic:1I
Mr. J. Braithwaite, )I.n. , B. . 1\11'. T, Buxton Flint, )I.R.C . . , L on.
is t :1/r.
,I'. T.
)Ln., C.11., D.r,II~
A, • 'CIfOb'fl~LI>,
25th Octuber, 1899,
the yeal' ending 30th eptem bel', 1900, the work of the local Centre, if not year,
e ion wa
being e(luaUy ati factory to
the local Committee, the honorary L ecturer, and the c<lll(lidate the1l1sehes. first aid course for men held at the commencement of the certificate ; 3 obtained youcher
III the
Xo. of ,"Yomen
Ko. of :Men who have who have l'ccei \'PI I cOlllpleted Certitil.:ntcs. a COUl's .. of in -t rndi on . 1st Aid, (\ur"il,g. lst Ald. ~lt1'silJ~
e ion 13 men obtained
for re-examination; awl 2 (lualifietl for tlle
In the first aid course for wom en 15 candidates ohtaineu
who llave COIlIj.]ct.. d a conr.e of iu!;trncl ion. l~t.\T.1
I 299 I
21-1 ,INCE
who have receiv,·d Certificates.
Xo. of Certificated Pupils who 11ave recri" ed Medall ions.
Nil r~illi!." - Is t A ill. I K I1I'si nl!. '
medallion of the A ,'ociation, both of these la £ being member of the Rural Di,tl'icL class of former year.
nnrsing cour e for women not being commenced as arlyas n ual, but t:le interet and aiu for both men and women--in the previous cour c
OF 163
I Wnmen.
IT OCTODEll, 1 '99 . If) 22 I 2:;
certificates, and in the nursing comse terminating in July last 1 candidates obtain >d certificates in that subject, and 5 candidates qualified for the medallion of the Association, the whole making a mnch more last year,
ati factory return than \Va
Th e ecretarial work of thc year has been considerably heayicr than u ual,
and although the annual subscriptions are not quite equal to what they have been in the past the financial po ition of the Centre is fairly good.
Five guineas were voted
by the Committee to the fund in aid of the sick and wOll11ded in the
outh Africall
,YaI', and was paid through the Celltral Orlice of the Association at St. John's Gate. Subjoined is the nsual tabular Statement of Certificates and MedaHions issued through this Centre,
practically prolonged to July, tlie
attendance was well maintained, and the examination in that ·ul.Jject-as also in fir, t
:l ( • Hono]'co'y Auditors. J ~ 0 . I :Lonl ~s )~, n. A. IIUBBICIU;'l'Y, Ohainnnn. JOSEPH T\YLOH, Tj·u,-s/.wer. ALllEltT B. HAP~lAN, Hon. Secretary.
quite equal to that carried ont in SOllie pa t e sion" has 1)een at lea ,t as. (tti factory a that of the pl'eviou
Examineu anu found correct,
L.n.c.p., I
Sundries . £3 011 DOlla LiolJ in aid of the ,'ick a ll(l Wonnclell ill theSontll Arrican \V ar-per Ccntral A~sociaLion in London 5 5 0 PaYlilents Lo Central Fund, viz.For I':xalll illation Charge:; . 5 7 6 Fot, 'Lorps I 'npplied 3 19 1 For M('dalllOlls 2 1 6 L ecturers' Fees 10 10 0 Balallces ill hanel, viz. At Shcmcl,l & Rotli erbam Bank 24 1 4: In hallds of H on. 'ec. 4 11 11
FOl'llJcd 1 9 . l'rc, itl('ut.
111'. A, C. Humphreys-Owen, UOIlOl':ll"y
Sec l'ctary .
Mr. J. D. Andl'ew, General MallHger's Office, Oswestry, H
lOG :llccliClIl
~ 1:\O·.
ellall· rWlll.
nIl'. 1111'. Mr. Mr.
,mg.-Lient. ol. R. dclaPoerBerc ford, ;\I.D. urg. -Capt. J . R. J . Raywood Mr. H ughe Mr. Bate,
Yaughan Owcn Thoma , Yilliam . ,riftiths.
Tr a -HI' r .
ANKUAL REPORT. I XCE the la t RepOlt cOll ' iderable progre ' ha beeu mado in the work of this Centre, cla ,e ha \-ing been held. at ,Yel bpool, Ne,,·towll, Moat L ane, Lbnidloe', Builth, :JIachynlleth, and Portmac1oc, the latter being an entirely ne" cIa . At the e cla e, 76 member haye been cxamined, allll certificate and mellallions obtained uy 6:2. Tho ' e of the :Jloat Lane and Llallidloe cla e' were pre. ented by 1111' . A. C. Humphrey -Owen. the " 'ife of the hairmall of the Company and Pre ident of the Centre, and pre. entation ' were a1. 0 made to the medical illiructors by Ir . Denni, , the wife of the General ~IaJ1agel'. Both ~Ir. Humphreys-Owen, }l .P .. and i'lir. Denni attendell and adche ' ed the men \,ith carnc t word of
_: A
: . B.A • . '. D. .R •• ' ., L. ' .A ..
_. H.,
_ . B. C.,::. L.
encouragement. A team from the Centre again entered for the Raihyay hallenge hil,ltl ompetition. They "ere un. ucce ' ful, but intend to try again next year when it is hoped they may be more fortunate. During the year fi1',t aid ha been rendered in a larue number of ca. e.. both ill connection \yith, and apart from, the ,yorkillg of the raihmy.
.ll.XD ~IEDJ..LLIO X '. ::So. or Won.en
Xo. of :lien
--------------------------1---1st Aid.
::S '!Ising.l t Aid.
I Xursing.
1 5 [~CE l:T OCTnBEll
1.. 99 .
The ~Iarchiolle' ConYllglnm . '\' jce-I>l'csi<lcnl s.
The Y ery R ev, the D ean of Canterbury
~Ir .
C. J . Plumptre.
I Wornen
- • c.:;.
A_-_- -AL RE OR T .
' .A.,
t which were rassed and which showoll a The Treasurer pre ented the accoun , 'd d t D' WhiLel1Cad . ')d A hart ,'ote of thanks was accOl e o ! . balance overdrawn of 2 . ~ . e y",,, l ' 1 1\[1' Z Pren tice for having . 1\1' B " n-RiO'den 11'. Frank ,, :.1C leI, ane .. . ' . 1. lla tl '1 d t 1\11' Evans for ha vinC' receIVetl the ladles Reld, gratuitously lectured to the pup~ s, an 0 1 . t. 1- . the laly students' amI Lhe . 1 d f ,the mterest he 1<1 <1 , en III , classe .m her ~ou e, an .0Ilth c. ct that they fully recognize the kind and yoluntary CommIttee de 11'e to reCOll e Ia 1 A • t" services of all those w 110 1Hwe \\"01-1-, ed for th ''lllterbury entre of t 1e .u.S OCla lOn during the pa t b,el ve month .
CARDIFF RAILWAY CENTRE. Formed 1 99. Prcs idcnt.
VicC-l>l'c. hl'ut.
Sir William Thomas Lewis, Bart.
Mr. James Hurman.
t 'hllil'Ju:ln.
Mr. James Hurman.
Mr. E. A. Hart. UonOl'al'Y
Statement of Receipts and E.l'pcnditllrefro1n Oct, 1st, 1 99, to Sept. 30th, 1900.
Supt. Herbert Evans, CarelifI' Hailway Co. 's Police.
Receipts. £12 15 10 5 7 0 3 10 5 19 10 -130
To Balance Oct. 1 t, 1899 Annual' ub cription II " Entrance Fees " ale of tore " :Medallions
£32 "
Special Appeal for the Red Cro \Var Fund . Balance overdrawn 30th ept., 1900
o l± o :2 £113
By Examiner' Fees and ~xpen es and Heao. 0 (fice £11 12 6 Oharge . 10 10 11 I nrcba e of tores "" Printing, Atl ' mg, . 3 1 8 verb et c. 430 " :Medallioll o 2 6 ,. Chequc Book £30 7 7 0 " E xpen e Red Cross Appeal Amount rCll1ittetl to the " Rell Cro ociety 75 13
10 2
-There is a debt due to the Association of £-1 Hand value £ O. d.
7 0 1
61l.) an d I'tock of "' tores in
Examined and found correct, THOI'. LA \fBEIlT, Chainnan. F. 'Y. Fr;nLEY, Treasuref'. C. E. REEVES (Lieut. -Col.), Hon. Secrc{ary.
Octobe1' 20th, 1900.
)leclicaL .· talt.
:Mr. Thomas ,Yallaee, )[. D.
ANNUAL REPORT. S1 TOE the formation of the Centre, l.t .:'I1ttreh, 1 99, 52 cases have been treated, and were as follows :-Leg and arm fracture', 17 ; scalp wound, 19 ; the remainder being severa cuts, sprains, aUtI brill es. In conveying awa.y the inj ured the ambulance carriage \\"as n etl. nille time ; 2 were cOl1\'eyed to the infirmary; 1::i to the hospital ship Hcwwclryad, th e remainder being a .. si ted to their home. The gl'eate t interest has always been btken in the Cardiff Railway COlllpany' Centre hy the Pre ident and Yiee-Pre 'iclcnt, evcr,}' facility ])cing given to the members to attend drill and render first aid to the iujuretl at once. The Uentre at pre'ent numbers 10 all told. At 22 places aroulld the docks, IJlillts, lint, bandage', stretchers, and every requisite is kept for imllleclitLte u e, the splint· amI baurlages ])eillg kept in hoxe, 0 that all material needed can be eal'l'ied with all speed to the place of accident. T\yo ambulance carriages, bl:lllkets, etc., are ke pt at con vcuien t place· on the docks aUlI work, the whole of the material bring nnder the care of the Drill Instructor, Sergeant Price. During the " 'inter mouth, pmctiee i held once a fortnight in the Ambulance Room erecte(l for that pmpo 'e, eyer,}' melllb l' of the Centre ba,ing to put in four drills per year by the expres. wish of the Pre ·ident.
- -who - -have - - - , - -who - have - ---11 No. of Certificated - - -- - - - - ; - - -- - - PuVils who hfl.ve who have who ?avv completed a received receiveu completed re~elve~ cours~ of Certificates. Meelalli ow:; a course of Certificates. \ instructIOn. instruction. . . . I N1il'sin . 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Ald. I NurSing. 1st Aid. g 1~CE
No. of Women
No. of Men
FO:U[ATIO_' OF ~52 I 166
,'!.i\CE 1ST 20 15
99. 13
No. of Men
who haye who hal"e who have completed a complete(] receh'ed COUl's!' of a course of Certificate . instructioll. instrlldinn. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aill. i Nursing.
No. of Women
1st Aid.
I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received ~re(L1l1ions.
I Women.
1 I~CE
who have re('eived Certificates.
1 99. 1
O. Formed 1881.
ir Brook Kay, Darl.
J" 'cs itlcn t. JfOllOl'al'Y
( 'Ita i 1'111:1 n.
His Grace the Duke of Westminstel'.
8c('l'cln'·~· .
Mr. G. A. Cm'del'.
l ' jcC·l·'·CS Id cnts •
.Lifc lUCJllbcl'.
The BiShop of Chcster.
The Mayor of Chester. Mr. R. A. Yel'hul'gh,
M1'. G. A. CardcI\'.
;Uc<lir:11 Stan'.
"jcc ·Chnil'luan.
M1'. Foljambe FOStCl 1\11'. C, Braille-Hartnell Mr. 1\I. l\lUlll'o.
Mr. H. Boyd Cardell' Mr. G. Arthur Cardew U1'. E. D ent Mr. E. T. , Yil on
The Dean of Chcstcr,
Tl·ca SlIl· Cl'.
Balance Sheet, lu, 9-1900,
Mr. W. L. Davie.'.
Receipts. By Balance, per Dr. Braine H artnell . . £1:2 Clas e per Dr. For tel' 11 :: " Dr. Dent :i 0, ., Dr. Grace Billing. 1 1 , ,. Mr. A. :r. Whecler " " R ev . G. 'Y. L. Cas 1 " " Mr. 'Y. Prc'ton 1 " tore 3 Medallions 2
Gate, Medallions i::2 12 o res and Fees 6 1 2 " D o. to "Do. tore and }'ces . £l\-) 11 7 Les uc(lucted. 1 0 0 1 11 7 Dr' Forstcr , Lecture ana ,, 7 7 0 Fees o 3 G " orman, awycr & Co. " tationel'Y, Po tagc's, 'aro 17 6 riage, &c. 3 Ii 11 " Balance in hand
7 0 12 ]2
6 0
C39 10
£39 10
) ,Chairmen of CuiJl1!11'tt ee. G. A. C.UlDE\I C. E. AnDOTT. Lot'ctl IIollo)'{o'Y Secretary. "
--------------~------~------~,-- ~
Xo. of 'Wolllen
Xo. of )Ien
who ha\'e who ha'\'e I ,rho hal'P' cOIllpleted a completed recei\'ed course of a COlU'se of C"ertijjcatt'~. instructiun. instru(;:ion,. I:--;--:-:.-;--~~=-:::- -:-;-....,.-;--;--;-=~::: 1st Aid. 1 ~ ursiug.11st Allt. i Xursing. 1st Aid. I Xnrsing. I
\\'hoha\'c rcceil'crl Certificates.
1st Ai(l. 1Nmsing.
ur Certiliealed Pupils who ha\'c reccil'cd )lcdall iOlls.
~lelJ. I"
A. Dickson.
JlOJloJ'al'Y Secl·ctary.
Mr. J. Duff,
5, Abbey
tre~t, Chester.
t. John'
7 0 12 6 19 0 6 0 6 10 7 10
209 99.
126 10
:n cc1 ital
Sf all',
Mr. W. Lees ~lr. :'Iann Mr. D. O. utton,
1\11'. Burges Mr. J. Giffen ~lr. G. IIarri '011
WE 11aye mnch pleaslll'c in l'cconlillg that a large number of the community has taken n,n active interest in ambulance work, awl that in con equrllce considerable progress lms Uel'll lllillic during the Jear. everai cla 'e haye been held on fir t aid and nursing. Thesc cIa 'Sl's wcre well attended, and a large number of the studellts presented th III 'el ve,' for cxamination, with th 1 rc nIt tllat the majority pa sed. The Nursing Diyision hrings a largc numLer o[ latHe togcther monthly for practical work. At thc 'e monthly llIeeting 'lpcturel-l are given by different lectnrers on special subjects, and we woulll take this opporLUI,ity of thanking the e gentlemen for thcir kindness in coming to lectnre, 0111C of wh011l come from a eli.tance. In the men's Divi ion, under the c0ll1l11l11l(l of thc Rev. A. E. Farrar, there ha of late been greater enthu ia ill, anel conseqnently thcrc has been greater ellicicncy in the work. On attu'uay, 2~nc1 eptem bel', the cOllll'etition for the Yerburgh Ambulance Medal and other prizes took place. ThIisti Br:'l.lbhaw WOll the lllCdal. The first prize in stretcher drill was secured by a team (;ompose<1 of ~Iessl's. F. Milton, J. 'Y. Dayie ,J. ,Yrightmall, and A. Ell 011 ; the second tcam consi.,tcu. of G. ·W .R. men from altney. W c houlel like to draw the attcntion of the cilizeJl to the con iderable expense incurred, and would make an earne t appeal for further funds to eIliciently carryon this humane and important 'York.
Statcment of Receipts and B[)'pe?lditu?'e lo?" the yea?' 1898·9\:!. tatemellt oj Rer.:eijJts and ErpcnditllJ'c fol' the ycal' ending 30th Septembel', 1900.
£7 2 To • t: b criptioll 10 5 Recei,ed for tore 0 13 for lIled<lllion ,." for Examination Fee. 3 0 " Balance due to Treasurer . 0
I" "
0 II
6 0 3
By B:1lance (lue to TrCiL urcl' 30.9.99 " 1 aid for Medallions " Postage aud Cal'l'ingo " AdYerti. ing and Printing ,,'t. John AlllbulflllCO 11 6 A soeiat ion Accounts ] 10 " Prize for Competition £21
To "
" " "
" "
Jovember ~l1d, 1898. . £4 5 8 Balance in hand . 4 11 0 Paymellts for loclu1'efl 0 11 0 Pald fot' books 0 3 11 P,lid for bauc1ages 0 2 6 1\1rs. Nasl1 ( 1l1Is. ) 1 0 0 Lord 111. II II ay, 1 n9 1\11' '. UliLh-l\laJTioLt, 1 99 0 5 0 0 10 0 .!\lr. J. Neve, 1 9 -9f) 1 0 0 Mr. Appach, 1 99 .
Examined and found correct, J. DODD::;, _A IIdilor. JOIl-" L. DAnBY, Chairman.
Hon. Seu-ctaI'Y.
'Y. L. D.\,,\·IE·, T,·caslll'cr.
who haye reeeh'ed Certificates.
-,,-_---,----,=----,-_ _,..--,-.,..,----,,=-_ _
1st Aid. , -"nring. L t Aid.
I Xursing.
Nursing. FOR)IAl'lO-" OF
Expenclitu're. ol'ember 2nd, 1898. By ()he(luO Book. . £0 2 . 'tokes for Bandages 0 2 "I, Dr. Joyc'e (lectures) 5 5 Hiro oj Hoom 0 14 " Mr. Johson (roports) 0 6 " IJ. Waters (l)ooks, etc. ) o 16 " Fees for Examination 2 7 " Boys 0 ] " Lin&cec1, Broad, otc. 0 0 " Jam 0 0 " Tptl, Examinor 0 1 " Bus 0 1 " ()hellli&t," Bandages 0 2 " Prill ting . . 0 3 " Balance in hand . 2 5 "
~o. of Certificated Pnl'il~ who IUl\'e
reeei\'cli lIIedallions.
111611:- I
1 90. 16
,,-ho have who ba\'e who have cOIll],leled a receiveJ completed course of Cert iIi cates. a conl'::ie of in -trlletioll. i nstructioll ht Aie\. i ~ur~ill;(. fst Aiel. INursillg.IIst 11..1,1. , }~"lirsill~.
who have receh'ed Certificates.
No. of Certificated Pupil who have received Meuallions.
1st AieL 1 Nursing. : Men.
I-"CE 1.''1' OCTunED, 1 89.
Lord ilIed \ray.
1'.·c"iclcllt. The Right Hon. the l!:al'l of Lon dale. JlollQl'ary Secrctary. ~lr.
T. 13. Job Oll, 13rooksdell, Cl'anbrook.
{ 'hait'lIIall.
Mr. William Leek.
1111'. John L. Hedley.
:Jlr. Arthur D. Nicholson.
iUc(lical Staff.
1'lIr. Joyce.
'I~( '" F()IDIA'!'IOX UB' CENnm.
)Iiss Bell.
No. of Women
No. of :Men
TI'cal! lire.'.
4 0 9 6 6 0 3 6 3
Auditod all(l found correct. J. D"cx::;To~-, CranlJrook .
8611 -----
Formed 1
1 4 0 0 3
who have receiveel Ccrtificates.
Odobe?' 13th, 1900.
Xo. of Men who haye completed a course of in truction.
'I ' I'Cas IIl'er. George I coular.
11 5
UOllOl'al'Y Sct'l'ctnl'.r.
nIl', William Leck,
Statement of Receipts and E :rpcnrlitzl1'c, 1899-1900. umberland.
UC(Ucal Staff.
Mr, Mr. Mr. ir. ir. MI'.
Briggs Calderwood heve Dudgeon IIarri Marley- a, II'. Routledge.
M1'. BraIthwaite Mr. Byers ~lr. Cn tIe Mr. lark 11[1'. Fletcher .Mr, Lace )11'. Proud
Receipts. Nov. 1 99. -£0 1 To Balance , 1900. Examination Expem;cs re" [uncled by00ul1ty 'ollllcil 20 16 " Hecci pts from 'lasses 5 1 Medallions 13 1 ' tore 2 Ii ubscripLions . l1hscriptioll' from Mille HG 10 amI Quarry 0 II II ni "
a 5 0
TH}: fifth e 'ion of thi A 'ociation 11<1' no\\' heen completell, and it 'ucce' throughout ha . been very gratifying to all concerned in it ol'gani alion. t 11\1cr it au pice' clas e haye bel'll hell1 at A patria, Broughton Moor, '1leator 111001', Dearham, Eglemont, Flimby, Frizillgtoll, ,reat Clifton, 111001' How. Morc'by, Pica, ROlyrah, iJdick. t. Bee, and \Yhitehan'll . Dnring the pa t "es,ion , 276 per anI' completed a COUl' e of in tructiOll in fiJ',t aid, and out of 256 who at for l'Xanlilla,tion, 2.n were llcce ful. Of thi latter 9;; l'ccci'-etl eertificatt'.', 0 obtuille{l re-examination voucher and the remaillin'" 66 ,yere am1l'detl mCllulliol1s. The Chairman in hi allllual report to Pariiallll.'l1 L 1'01' In t year, ba, thc following remark on ambulance :-" There is probably 110 cIa' in the commullity to \\'hom a "knolTledgeofambulaBce \lolk is of 0 llluch yulue a to mim'rs. Tll ir dnil:i "occupation i of nece"ity carried 011 in place and ulHler conditions which obl'ioutily . 'preclude the ad ,untagl' of immediate professional attel1llance. 1t theref01 C hecomc, "of the ut1110 t impol'tnnce tll<lt in every mine there should be amongst the 1I'0rkUH'1l "them eh'e . men who are capahle of affording 'killed n,sistnJJ('e at the ctiticni 'moment. To achieye thi ol,ject in that l),tJ'i of the district, the 'ullIhcl'hllll ".Jline ailLl QuatTie' Centre o,,-e its inception. I am ghtll to 1101t' that the (fA. ociation' work ha been recoguicll ill a puillic- piritcd and pradicalllJanncr hy '·theCumberlalll.lmineandC],uarry owners, \\'ho ha\'c ::;o far generou'ly 'uhserihed thc "fund - Bcee 'aryforthe ucce sfulde\'elopmcllt oftlle Centre' ol,cration:;. Th:ltthry "will be eqnallyready to nb crit.e towanl' theame lautlaLle ohjcet in fmu]'!', J Itaye "not the lightc t doubt.·' The actual re 'pol1::;e to the third appcal for fund ha .. bOl.'ll as anticil)atecl, 'i'ery ,ati factory. A'l1Jll of no loss than £11T> 11a heen contrilllltec1 by the mine and lluarry owner of ,Yet Cumberland. Oue mining COll1lluIIY" <[nota had yet to cOJ'ue in ; with this exception all II'ho had heen expeele(l to f;llh crihe hall done 0 all the pro HIla oose of output and number of persons elllployed, as llgge ted by the Committee. Thi enablc' the Committee after payillg all expcnse, including the sum of £72 to medical lectnrer~, to tart the 1)C\l' • 'es~ion "'ith the substantial balance of £~4 in hand. The relation .. exi'ting het\\' 'ell the 'entrc and the ,arion Di trict Technical Education Committee are of a ycry ati~factory character. and in ron eql1ence no difficulty ha beell experienccd ill olitaining the examination expenses of all the cIa 'es frollJ the Olluty Couucil. It is, ho\\'o,'er, to be regretted that the lattor body lIa not so far 'eOll its way to revert to tlll' forIller practice of allowing a grant of 5s. per student exalllined, in teat! of merely reflllJdillg the examination expen es.
Expencl it tbl'(! • ] 900. By. t . .fohn Ambulance AssociationExamination Ex}!enses £20 16 ~J 11 Medallions 10 3 Lores . 72 19 Me1ical Lectm'ers " A(1v('rLisP1l1en Ls, Printing, " 7 and 'Lationel'y -1 14 R ents " Postages, T e]rgl'ams , and " 3 13 :Ulp 'sen gel's 0 U Hllndl'ies " Bank Intel'esL ancl om" o !j mi .. sion
Total cxpcnditure nalallce in hank .
£170 1;;
2 0 0 9
1 11 13 10
£170 Iii
0 0
Exam ill 'd amI found conect, (igncd) "\\';\1. 1 'GlYWAN, Audita?'. JOIl:\' L. IIEDLEY, Ch(lirman, GE()JlGI~ UlULAH, Treasurei' WILLLD! LEC'K, ScU'ct(li'!/. 'ERT IFIC).. TI~' AND MED.ALLIOi\ '.
~ -0.
~o. or~ l en
who have rceei \'ed
who have
of 'Women
who han!
who have rec iYed Certifieate .
com pi cled a
completed eOlll'HC of Cert i Ii Cll Lcs. a courseol instrllction. instruction. nrsin~. 1st Aid I i\llr~in..:. 1st Aid. I i\ur 'jng. 1st l\ill.
1st Ai (i I i\urRing.
Xo. of Certificated Pupils who have recei\'ed Medallion:. }Ien.
10:33 "'1:\01: 1ST OCTnBE1:. 1 . 99.
Mr. J. R Fot hl'l'gill,
, h :(' ·J>l"C., .,icl<' llh.
Mr, E. D. ,Valker
Alderman Wilke. 'l' I'(,:l'iIlI'Cl'll1ul J(OUOl'll1'Y ~('(:rct
Mr. R. ~L Wilke', M . •\., D.C,L., Darlington.
I \Yomell.
116 .aff.
;llc cLical ]Hr.
Mr. JUl'. Mr. Mr.
Mr. F. G. :Martin lll'gcon-Major Geo. Middlemiss, ::'III'. '\T. . Park Mr. W. Petter.
Lewi Ea'twood J. R. Fothergill J . Blair Hartley Ed\\,. Jack on James Lawrence
A number of supC1'llumel'ary OlnCCl'S and men of our local rlivision of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, 33 in all, Yolunteel'eLl for amI proceedecl to the seat of war in South Africa. 'rYe are Lhallkful to say that though many of them have suffered from fever and the other rigol1l's of the campaign there harl been no fatality so far amongst them.
Statement of Receipts and E;))penditm'e fo?' the year- ending Sept. 29th, 1900. I
No. of Men
who ha\'e who lHt\'e com pleted receiYed a course of Certi fi ea tes. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st .Aid. Nursing.
No. of "ho llaye completed a comse of in tructiull.
1st .\ hI.
'Vomen who ha\'e received Certificate.
1st Aid.
I NI1I'~illg.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Mcdallions. ~Iel1.
I Women.
E.J·pendit~t?'e .
By Stores'in hand, Sept. 1 99 £4 '2 Printing, " Ad VPl'tisillg, 4 18 Ca hs, Calico, and Tiffany 3 11 " T elegrams amI Postage . " Brigade Acc. from General Acconnt (Donation to 60 0 Uniform Fuuu). " Examiner's Fees and In21 9 cidenta.l Expenses 6 7 tores Account "" ~l edallions 9 1 2 2 " ' ton's in hand, ept., 1900 22 11 " Call
To Balance Sept. 29th, 1 90 £62 6 ~~ 4 2 0 Stares in hand, ept., " " Bank I nterest, Dec 31st., 2 4 5 " 1 99 n bscri ptions an(1 Dous. 12 3 0 29 1 6 "" Fees 13 il 6 "Stores . 9 1 6 Metlallions ept., "Stores in hand, 2 2 0 " 1900 .
I",CE 1ST OCTOBEH, 1 99. 10
October 31st, 1900. 6.
·1 6
0 4 6 6 0 11~
Audited anLl founel correct, Oct. 30th, 1900, FRED. \Y. HUNT. (igneu) ~L'l.RGAnET DARBY, T7·easw·er.
JlOllOI'lll'J' SCCl'c' Hl'J'.
,;\1. Darby.
Dr. F. ('a ' i<li, :>1. ,\., 43, Trinity Terrace, Derby,
:::\0. of Women
No. of Men
.;\11'. Francis Ley.
who have completed a cour'e of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
wbo ba\'e cOlllplete(\ a course of iusLruetion.
who haye rel'eive(l Certi Ii cn Les.
who have received Certificate.
Fun 'lATIO~ OF _UCtliClll
:Mr. :nIl'. 1111'. 1111' . 1111'. lUI'. 1111'. 1'111'.
W. Benthall, )1.B. L. Brr Oil, :'If. B. F. Cas idi .A.. Cham bel'S W. G. Copestake, )I.1LC.S. C. Fletcher, )1. R. C. S. T. Laurie Gentle.", L.lLC.P., Lowl. R. 'V. Gentle, L.lL C. P.
ill!'. E. Green, L. !l.C.P., Loud. ~Ir. C. H. Hongll, )l.ll. c .. '. ~Ir. R. Laurie :JIr. R. illorrison ;\11'. Parry-Jones .M t'., im :JIr. J . .A. onthem, L.n.c.p., Lond.
L'CE 1sT 0 ,J
:::\ur ing.
1 99. 23
376 22
Pre . i(lent autI ( 'Ita il'lJI:1 ll.
Mr. F. R, Davie'. Tl'Ca;'Ul'cr
I Women,
I 563
Formed 1
.A. TNU.AL REPORT. lYE are plea ed to report that the pa t year ha beeu one of continned :lnd sub tantial progr~~s.' 10 clas es having lJe~n held, the membcrs of which oUtall1ecl HI certificates, compl:Sll1g 91 (male) first aId, 23 (female) first aid, and 27 1ll11' iug, 5 (male war orderhes) and 22 (female) certificate. In additi?n 37 males passed their first re-examination: anLl 4~ ll\ales and 20 females havlllg passed their second re-examination gained their medallions.
1st .Aid
1st Aid . :::\ursini.'
No. of Certificated Pupils who have reeei\'ed Medallions.
Miss Jencken, ~, Herbert Hoad,
436 42
lIonOl'lll'Y SCC t'N lUY ·
lloIl0J'al'Y S e (; I·claI'Y.
'J' J'c a S 1l1'C ('.
Mr. J. Dallas Pratt, M.D., F.R.C.S . , 25, Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin.
Mr ..J. ,'later, King. treet, DlllUey .
. Ward, Solicitor.
:l1t-IIj.·:., Stall.
iU c (lieal :0;111 n.
Mr. Barton Mr. Boyce Mr. Co graye ",ir R. Jack 011,
M1'. Dalla Pratt Mr. ' Yl'ight.
MI'. T . F. I liggs M1. T. Johnson 11'. 1. A. l'vlessitel' 1\11'. J. Howard ·Wilkinson
MI'. J. Biggam Mr. H. C. Brown 1\11'. A. E. Dawlo
1111'. :McDermott
Mr. H. Gri.fliths
ANN AI, REPORT. ANNUAL REPORT. THE work of the mn1mlance classe h ... been contin u ed to be carried out amongst t11e Royal Iri h COll ta1mlary, Du11lill letropolitall Police, Boys' Brigade, and Chmch Lad ' Brigade. latclnCllt of lieceipts al1d E,rpenditnl'c fOI' the yeai' eliding Srptcmber 30th, 1900.
ReCel]Jts. 1900. To Balance in hand.
E.l'pend ilu?'C. £37 16
1 9. By Balance 1900. Cash
£37 16
£37 16
FRANCE ' Romm.T D_\. \ IF.I';, P)'csident and J. DALL.\.· PrtATT, :l1.D., Han. Secretary. A:lIELI \. J E;;-CKE)<. TreaSll7'.IJI'.
who have received Certificate. 1st Aid. I
To Balance in , ee. 's hand.', :n Sept. 30th, lc99 . £2 " Donations to DC'ficit Acc. :3 3 0 "Olass Fees and ale of 15 11 3 Stores 4 7 11 " Balance from Corp. Acc. o 10 3 " Medallion
of Cel'tilicated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Women
By Amount ovel'c1rawn at Bank, 'cpt. 30th. 1 99 . £6 12 4 Remittance to Chief O(fice . 9 10 7 ", IJl'inting, A(l vertising, and 2 10 0 tatiolJeH . " Postage ancl Carriage . 0 1 ]o~ " Brigade Uniform Account. 2 0 0 1 1 0 " Gran t to Caretaker " Purchases of Store and sUllllry payments . 2 0 3 " Balance at Bank, Oct. 11 til, 1 7 7 1900
A. 'Y. IhuLEY.
.r. . LATEl~,
October 16th, 1000.
Formed 1893.
c:.:ha il'JU an.
'r. F.
H iggs.
li cc-I'I'e i<lc nt.
nIl'. Brooke Robin,'oll,
l 'i ce -{'hail·uwn.
Rev . A. Gray Maitland Vicar of Dudley. '
Local Hon. SCCi'cta1·Y.
A TD MEDALLION ::\0. of Women
Xo. of Mon
'Th e Right Hon. the Earl of Dudley.
Tnos. F. HIGW>, Oltaii·/IWll. , . ,'{ ..\ltD, T)'~(ls1Grer.
19 . . 9.
0 7!
Examined and found correct,
1 3700 1 1330 1 2990 1 IXCE 1ST OCTOBEH,
Statement of Receipts alld EoJ.'lJendilw·c from SeptembM' 30th, 1899, tv Odovcr 11th, 1900. Expenditw·e. Receipts.
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. & course of in truction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
the outbreak of the \V n.r in outll Africa. Nine men of Lhe Dudley Corps of the. '1,. J Ohll Amhulallcc Brigade, and also their HOll. urgeon volunteerec1 anrl were accepted for hospital duty with the forces. iuch useful work has been done, and three more lives have been saved by Dudley 11,en during thc year. The UorporatiOlI lltwe 1'ro\'i(lo<l a handsome Lec-ture Room, and head-quarters fot' the Centre in a new l)uildiug neal' the Central Fire. tation.
No. of Women
No. of Men
DURIN G the past year thrce classes have' been held, viz., one l1lell'S first aid, one men's nursing, and Ol\e womcn's llursing. The men's nursing class was iu.tituted 011
\\'ho lU1.Ye who ha\'e who have COIUl,leteu a receivcu cOlll111eted conrse of Certificates. a course of ilIstl'llction. in trurtion. 1st Aid. I Nursin~. 1st Aid. L'ursiug. 1st Aiu, I ~ursillg.
who haye received Certificate .
Xo. of Certificated Pupils who ha\'e received Medallions.
~Ul'sing. ~ren. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1st Aid.
FUlntATlUN OF CENTltE. 50 11 1 115 1 75 1 95 53 SINCE 1 "I' OCTOBElt, 1 99. 3 11 1 1 17 1_ ~
I Women.
357 28
12 12
2 0
1 ___
20 1
S tatement oj Receipts ancZ ExZ'endit1~1'e jfJr the year ending September 30th, 1900.
)·I·\'s icl·Cllt.
Mr. T. II.
irlebotto11l, M.P.
' ·il'C·I·I·('s itlcut !>.
Rev. Dr. R. Ja.mes 11'. \Y. J. Palkyn Mr. IIem}' I)ratt
1111'. C. H. Booth -:\11'. A. C. Boyd ~Ir. ",Vro. Cro'· ley ~Ir. J. \Y. iLirbottom
lIonOI'a I'Y SCCl'('t at·).
Trc a s llrc r.
Mr. J. Hyslop, Manchester and Liyerpool Dish-ict Banking Co., Ld.
1111'. In I'ph H. DeHnI, c1l001130[11'(1 Ofliecs,
lloll0rlll'Y .llltlitol'.,.
1111'. ,Yilliam
lIlr. Charle
Receipts. 1 99. To Balance in hand. of Trea . £13 15 1900. Total amonnt ]'Pceiverl for " half cost of MI>dallions 1 6 3 Dnkinfield Technical Com" mittee, Expen es of two Classes . 5 12 5 " Sale of Books, Technical Clas es . 0 4 6 "Sale of Book, Centre Cla s O l 3 "Students' Fees, Centre Cla s 2 ~ o " SubscriptionsJohn 'hallwicl-&Co.,Lcl. 1 1 o TuJor Accumulator Co., Limited 2 ~ o Bowker & Ball, Cotton 110 pinners MI'. .T. T. Ilolc1el'lle '1, Dyer, &c. o 10 6 D. Adam on & Co., Engineer 110 13 4 " l'rofi t on • ocial o 6 1 " Bank Intere. t £37 17
Expenditll1·(,. By the. t. John Ambulance A. socn. for Medallions, Exam. Expenses, and General to res, &c. £11 18 9 " Po tages and Sundries . 2 18 " Printing, ,'tationery, and Ad vertising Classes, &c. 507 " R pairs to Ambulance Cover o 3 6 " Acknowledgment to Caretaker . . . o 10 6 " D.e of Room for In struction Clas es ] 8 0 " Balan ce in Bank. 12 2 10 " Balance in hand of Hon. Secrebry 4 11 2
£37 17
.Mr. J. R.
A. E. Clarke JINlical
Mr. D. Booth Mr. A. E. Clark :;)1r. J. R. . Park
0 -5
Lifc Jlc mbcl's.
. Park.
t:\ {r.
Audited and found correct,
CII.\S. A. ...\\~ ILLLL\f
" 'I:\DELL }A d't
'fr']'H ~,
1l 1 01·S.
J. R. PAnK, Chairmrm. JO!';EPll H. BEARD, HOIl. sP",·f!tCl.1·Y.
?Ill'. J. :\[illel' iIII'. 7. Newton
Ai RUAL REPORT. :No. of Men
THE v,'Ork of the Centre has been fairly sustained during the year. The instruction classes have been well attended, anrl the re ult· of the examination . vCI·yati~radol'y. The Dnkiofield Corporation Technical COllllllittee contillue holdlllg ilI'o ill.'tnwtiun clas es recogni eJ by the Centre and the e are ncce fully att ellc1et1. A Di vi 'ioll of the Ambulance Brigade ha been fOl'llied during the year, ",hich "hon1,1 illcrear the usefulness of the Associa.tion in this District. The olllilliltep again tbnllk the H onorary 1edical talf, the Dukinfit:lc1 Town COlll1Cil, the HOllorary Audito!'.', Mr, H enry Shaw (for housing ambulance carriage, &c.), and the local press for their continued consideration and support.
XO. of Women
who have who have who have completer! a completerl receh'ed course of a course of Certificate;;. in~truction. instruction. 1st Aid.! Nursing: 1st Aid. ! Xnrsing. 1st Aid. ! Nursing.
I Xo. of Certiftrateti
who have receiYed Certificates. 1st Aid. ; Xursing.
Pupils who have rereiyt'd :Medallion .. \[en.
! 'Women
2 7
OrTOBER, 1 99. 19 I I 18
1 I
llC mombers of the Polico Forco, wh') had heen of signal seryice in aitendaware1ee1 to t .
Formed 1
The Right Hon . the Earl of tr[tthmol'e and Kinghorn, Lord Lieutenl1nt of Forfar hire. '"all'oJlCSl' of
" ' Olll('Il'S
The Right H on. The
( 'lalls('s.
ounte. of t l'athmore.
' ·ic('·rr('lIiel(,1I1 s .
ir'V. OgilvyDalglei h,Hart. of Errol 1\11'. J. ' V. :Thliller, M.D., Dumlae l\I1'. W. L. Boa c, Bil11'ock II'. A. cott, ewport 11'. J. Smart, Brechill ML Edward Cox, of Canlcan.
The Lord Provo t of Dundee The Ricrht Hon. Lord Kinuairrl ir R. A.. Ogilvy, Bart. of Inverqubarity The Chairman of Dumlee Royal I nfirmary l\Ir. J. C. mith, LL.D., heriff- ubstitute of Forrar hire Rcv. Colin Campbell, D. D.
( 'lin irJlt:lll.
Colonel J. Rankin. , ·jc(,·{'ha i l'JlI:1Jl.
Profes_or 1I0110l'lll'Y
:Jlr. David Don,
flnel ~ccl·clnry.
.A., 104, Commercial treet, Dundee.
ANKUAL REP ORT. THE Committee beg to report that uuring the past se. ion 22 cIa. es have been heM under the Dundee Centre. The total number of pnpil. who have recei"e(l a complete course of in truction on fir t aid to the inj ured and ick i 444 (:231 men aurl 213 women). In all 209 pupils have recei"ed fir t aill certillcates, and 42 bu\ e received the medallion of the A ociation. The total number of pupils who haw received instruction on fir t aid junior COUl' e is 79, of which 73 receive<l junior certificates. This modified l.!ourse of illStl netion is intended for cIa se such as Ba.nds of Hope, Boys' Brigades, Young :Jl en's Friendly 'ocieties, and other kin(lrerl bodies. T his is the fir t time in the hi tory of the Dundee Centro that junior cIa ses have been held. The total number of pnpils who haye recei~'cd in tmction 011 home nur ing and hygione is 144, of which 61 l!aye l'cceiI'Cd certificates. Again, as in former year., warm thank lllU t be renclerer1 to the doctors who hayc so kindly as isted us hy lecturing, examining e]a. es, and in other way.' ; al 0 to the gentlemen who have acted as secretarie. at the various sections ulldor the Dundee Cenh·e. T he Committee han much pleasnre in reporting that ill Xovember last they received fTom the Dundec T o,Yn Council the snm of £25, being amount voted hy t hem to the D undee Centre out of the L ocal T axation Gmnt, 1 98-9, in aiel of mnbulance work in the city. In his stati tical report for year ending 31st December, 1899, Captain Dewar, Chie f COllstable, reports that 176 first aid certificates had been
jug to inj med porsons. aptain Dowar also rcports that 89 aCClden ts hall occurred at the Dundeo IIal'hoUJ' during thc past 12 1lI0nths, and that 48 of those cases h~d l)e~n J ,1 hO]1101 lly Poli"e 011 harhour duty who had oresseu a lld olherwise ' . . bCOH hamed. m "11ce work. 'rhe Committee are much intlelltcd to Dr. M<Gllhvray for haVlng, am 1Hl1'" . . at tho ellLl of tho Session, uuder the auspicos of the Dundee Centre: dehvered a pubhc lecture 011 CI First Aid in Eyo Inj uries," ant! thoy have pleasure in reI~orting that the lectme provell in tC),C3ting a1ld instructi ve, an~1 was thoroughly appl'c~ut~ed by a l~rge · co • 'rIle 10ll1mittec acknowlcdbrre, w1th thanks: the subscnptlOJ1S l'ecClved aue1lOU dnriu cr the rcaI'; also the contrihutiolls received towards the General Funds of the Centr~l British Rerl 'ross Committee in aid of the sick and wounded in the outh African , Val'. The . eCOllel competition for the. ilvel' ClHlllenge 'hield, open to all meml)e1's who hold the first aid certifiClltc of the Asso ciation, anel wllo resilled in 'cotland, took place in the Drill Hall, on aturrIay, 14th Aplil last. Surgeoll-nlajo1' Lennox, of the 1st V.B .R.Il. , and Surgeou-Captain .'tiding (Perth ) of the 4th V.B.R.H., acted as judges. The competiti,'e work of each team was illustrative of n simple fracture of right thigh bOlle and compound fmct~ll'e of both bones of.left fore-arm, anrl the work was done 1110. t eillt'ienLly. The 11HlXIIJllllll numlJer of pomts was 100, anel the result . . 1~1 anr1'1 of the competiLioll was n ' follows: Team 'N:r o. 9, 90 pomt, , 1'1 vel' Ine Sl vel' baclcres; Team No, 5, J points, l)l'o11zC l)a.lges; Team No. 10, 0 POll1t ; Teams No ~ 3 amI 7, ellllal; Team Xo. 1 ; Teams No.6 and 2, erlual; Team Xo . 4; Team ~o. . Colonol R'll1kill, the Chairman, l'eminrlrd the meeting that t1le object of the competiti0lls Ivas for the purpose of stimulating and promoting an il~ teres~ in ambulan ce wOl'k in Dnllclee and n eighhourhood, :mel he thought that tIle Comm1ttee of the Dl111cle(> Centre might cOllgratulatl' themselves upon the admiralJle 'ucce s which ha'l h eell t1ttn.inecl. He then anllouncecl the results of the competition. Lonl Pl'O\'ost Huntel then pre enteel the. 'hide! and badgc ,anel airl that ho looked ,,,itlt con ·itlerablc intel'e.t upon tl](' 1I'01'k performerl that day. He stated thele was 110 douht that th e ,'t. Jollll Ambulauce As,ociation wa doing a plellllicl work throughout the ('ouutry, as \\'ell as in tlle colonie. of Australia, ~e\Y Zealand: and Canada. H e conclwlell by lnting that in hi' opinion it wa mo t important that an railway ClnjllOLIt!S, m emhers of the police fl1rce. an(l tho ' e employed in other a,ocations whcre accident.' \\'ere lik ely to oeeUl' ShO ll1(1 have a kllO\\ledge of a1l11J111ance work. Upon the motion or the Chairman, a l;ol'Clial ' -otr ~f thanks "a.s passed to the .iudges fol' tIle II',t,)' ill which they !Jarl .'0 succcssfully lhscharged theu arduolls ta k . Dr. tirling, of Pel·th, replierl nn behitlf of Dr. Lennox anu him elf. At a meeting of thc l~xecuti\'c llll-C01l1111ittee, hellIon 1st ilIay, 1900: the anuual report allll account.' were l'eau hy the ' ('crctcH.)". In Jl10\-ing the adoption of the report alld account., Colonel Rankin: the ChairmaJl. thank eLl the doctor ,yho had lectured during the 11(lst se. 'iOll; the Dundee TOIm Coullcil for £25 yoted by them out of the Local Taxatioll Grant, 1 9 -9; the Tru tees of the Drill Hall for the use of the Hall; TIll'. Peter hel r'f')r allllitillg the accounts; and 1111'. ,Yalter 111 'Gregor and 1111'. D. Fairful for kindly instructillg pupil. in stretchrr drill: etc. Professor teggall seconded the adoption of the rcport and account, ,Yllich II ere ullallimou ly approyed. T he Committee lleg to sulJmit for approval Balance heet and Statement of Reyenue ancl Expendit11l'e Account for period to 20th April, 1900.
Balance Sheet as (It .dlwil 20th, 1900.
Assets. • £14 25
T o Store • " undry Debtors . " Cash : I n Dundee aving , Bk. £112 ] 5 I n British Linen Co. Bank 21 9
6 0
8 134
4 11
Formed 1882.
By Locnl Taxation Grant, 1 \) ·99 . £25 " Sundry Creditors 8 " Dalallce beiug urplu at2 th April, 1 99 . £1401 10 2
Deduct-Deficit at 2 th April, 1900
0 0
() 0
l'rcs iclCJI t.
The Right Rev . thc Lord Bishop of Winchester. "i cc·l'rcs icl c nl .. .
:Mr. A. W. Chapman R ev. T . G. Gardincr Lieut. -Col. Marsden Mr. A . H. Stevens
5 11 I
5 11
5 11
Mr. S. G. Sloman, fJ.R.C .P., L ond., lII. H . c. S., Eng. Mr. C. Trimmer
'l'r ca s lll'(' I' •
llonol':1l'Y .' crrcl ary .
:Mr . W . R. Worsam .
Mr. A . "\Vinslaae, 115, East treet, Fal'llham, UlTey.
Revenue WId Expenditll1'c Account for period to April 20th, 1900. Receipts. T o E xamination Fee from £2-1 13 0 Ct cctions," &c. 25 H 0 " Class Fees 24 15 0 " ub cription 3 5 3 " I ntere t . Central Briti h Red Cro s Committee - Contribu0 61 1 tions . " Balance, being Deficit as 3 4 3 at 20th April, 1900 ---£143 9 G
E-rpencl it 117·e. £38 0 By Examination Fee 15 15 " ec'.'. Honorarium 1 9 -9 "Printing, Advertising, 17 9 tationery, &c. 3 10 " Ren t 0 f Lecture Rooms , 6 17 " Ii cellaneous " Central Briti h Red Cross Committee, Contribution remitted, Ie s 51 1 Expen es £143
J AllIES RAJ. 'K1·,
o o 3
o 6
No. of WOlllen
No. of Men
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a cOUl"e of Certi fi cates. instruction. instrnction. h t Aid. I NurSing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Niusillg. IXCE
4484 231
FOR)IATIO. I 3357 I 1NCE MAY, 213 I
who have receh'ccl Cel'tific'lie . . 1st AiLl.
OF CEXTlm, 17 I 1519 ] 99. 144 I 104
I N lll',3i uf;.
Nil. of Certificated P\ll'iJ~ who ha\'e recei I'cel :lledallilllls. ;'lit-II .
J tbnio?' CouTse.- Pupils who have completpd I:t comse of I nstruction received certificates
3 9
79 , 73.
Mr. Hugh F . Ealand, L.ll.C. P., L. n. . C . • . , Eclin . , L.S. A., Lond.
examined, found fully vouch ell, PETEll KEllll.
SI niT.
DA YID Dux, J'l'ca U7'e?', D undee, 23i'd Api'il, 1900.-The above Account and correct.
'Ic~li c a 1
Mr . • . G. loman, L.Il. r. P., Lond., lIL H.. ' . H.• Eng .
T ilE annual course of lecture. for Illen in fir. t aiel wa given during thc winter by Dr. . G. ancl H. loman, when there was a fair attelluance of new mem l)er. The re nIt of the examination was mo t 'lati .. factory, 28 preenting them 'elves, and all passing. Dr.'. T . loman also gave course' in fir t airl and nursing for ladies, tbe result of their examinations being that 1 pre ented them 'elv(' for fir t aid, and 16 passeu, anell0 for nursing, 9 of whom were ncces fuI. The number of cases treated by the members during the year wa 7'2, as again·t 7 for the previou year. The ambulance van ha. again been in graat demand, having conveyed -1l ca. es a di tance of 414 miles. In the early spring, " 'hen the 'ick and wounded from South Africa were arriving in large num bel'S at Alcler hot, Oll!' offer of a si tance \Ya accepted by the military aulhoritie during a temporalT cal'cityof uitable conveyances, and the am bu lance van" a' taken over by a quad of mem bel'S on two occa ion to remove the serious ca 'e from tlle .tatiol1 to the Camhrirlge Ho pital. I\e regret to have to recoru the death of OllI' life member, .JIr. R. H . Combe, \,ho ha been a generou supporter to the Centre. incc it formation. 'lYe also regret that wc have lo~t the service of one of our medical tafT-viz .. MI'. H erbert loman, he having left the neighhonrhood. Before hi departure he ,va. presented by the past and pre ent certifieaten memher ' with a silver ririt kettle, engraved with the badge of the A "ociation and an inscription in recognition of 1 year' valuable assi tance a HOI1(ll'<uy urgeoll In ·tructor to the cIa ·e. The certificate auu medallions were pre en teu to the mem bel'. on the ame evening by D r. H. Sloman, who, in thanking them for their present and good wi he ,expre eel the hope that the Farnham Centre might continue to pro ~ per as \l'ell in the future a it had clone in the past. T he latest addition to our llHltcrial i an air-heel for u. e with the stretcher in the amb ulance van, antI more boxes l-iCte(l for u e in schools and other parts of the t own or neigh hourhood .
127 FA VERSHAM CENTRE. Statement of Receipts and E:epcnditllTe
thc yca1' e?lding Jt~ne 30th, 1900. Formed 1
, £,') 11 To Contingency Fund Balance in hand, June " 30th,1 99 13 ub cription and Dona" tion 16 9 2 16 for Removal " Receipt 7 5 " Lecture Fcc 3 1 ale o[ Book, Badge., &c. ".. T hree ~ihe1' Medallion 0 15 0 1J " I nterest to Noy., 1 99
0 :!
. £13 By Removals 6 " Examination Fee 5 Ladies CIa es " tore' 5 " Prill Ling and tntiol1ery . 2 " Dona tiOl1 to \ \Tar :B'l1ud, 2 " ick am1 W ouuuetl 2 Do. L1o. 'Wiycsam1 Families 2 ,." Ail' B II anel Oov(>1' 2 Alteration , Repairs, &c. 2 " Rent of hell " Medallion. 1 " DOlll1 tions to chools for " 1 ,as and Firing. 0 roo tage am1 Bill Po til1g "., ix Nt'w Boxes for Material 0 Statioll,' . Railway to RefU11l1etl " Porters. 0 0 1\ ew Key [01' Shell 0 .," ,ra hing and ulHlries 0 In llrance
" " £ 1 12
3 7
1·J'cs iclcJI'.
The Right ll on . Lon] Harris.
10 0 10 0 1 10 1 :2 0 0 b 6 1 HI
7 6 7 6
2f1 2
C 1 ]2
\Y Olt~X~f, Ti'caS/lI'IJi',
]\fr, W . E. Higden.
Dr. Alexander, Gatefield House. I~avel'sham . lUNliclIl ~'a'T.
Mr. Sidney R. Alexander,
M1'. C. J. Evers, A
who have received Certificates.
1st Aid~~ursing. 1st aid.
I Kursing.
who have completed a . course. of In tructton.
Hall. Scc:rctal'y.
Receipts. To Balance from la t account £6 "Subseriptiolls . " Donations " Class Fees "Amount received for Books, &c. " Balance due to Treas. .
E""'Pcnditlln. 5
13 2 0 11 4 2
G 6
1st Aid.
INo. of Certificate' Pupil!! who !l:l \'C l'erei\',·,]
who 1I1\\'e recei veel Certific'lte" ' ):;.
I Kursing. 1st Aid. i ;\'nrsing.
1 99. 1st J uly-Yalue of tock in hand ., adlled " count Oi.
By Head Office for Fee anc] £2 15 I ncidental Expenses " Ae] vertising, Printing 3 1 Po. tages, anel tationery 4 1 " •'crvice rendered . 3 " ,lore. pnrcha eJ " Presentation to LectureL 21 0 4 0 :2 " ,'ullelrie··.
3 11 9 911
of Women
)f.D., C.1I!.
I30th 1900. J llne. £1 13 3 0 9
9 ""I :! 5
Yalne of sold
",. Los'
\'IT olllen
SrxcE 1. T OCTO BEll, 1 99. 20 11 I ];j
0 4
£5 13
0 6 i~
6 O~
£3 11 4.
9 5 5
" u ed up
" in hand
1 17 0 0
£i) 13
_-1 ccou nt.
lSo. of Men
Tnr Centre has now been in actiye operation foJ' seventeen years: and~'during the last year no fewer than 5 certificate' were gainell. Many members of the ,local fire brigade passell the course,' in fir"t aill anll in nl1l'sing. Two members o[ this Centre were attach ell to the Princess Christim1 train in 'onth Afrira, and were promoted to res pOll ible positions , .A. feature of the year's work lla, hee11 the nursing clas es f01'111l'l1 whil.·h were largely attended. T he Committee mu"h regrets the resignation of 1\11'. 'Y. O. tuut, \\'ho has acted as hon . secretary for eventeen years.
who have completed a. course of instruction.
11'. C. 1\1. Anuerson,
StatclnClLt of Reccipts ancl E"'Penditnrc {rom J uly 1st, 1 99; to June 30th, 1900.
1,0,1 \X, Uliail'lIwn of COii1111ittcc.
UOIIOl':tl'y !iic ('l'c 'nl'Y·
TrcaSllr Cl'.
£.50 Balance ill ballk Balance in hane1
-- -
4 "
I llave examined the above Acconnt., and the , roucher relating thereto, and finel them cOl'l'ect, J Wte 29th, 1900. FHA;\,];: Cno. OER.
12 I
who have completed a comse of instruction.
who have received Corti (kates.
who have who have received completed Certificate . a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. lst Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
1st Aid.
o. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Nursiug. -Mell.
I Women
who have completed a course of instruction.
who have who have rcc!'ived completed Certificates. a course of Instruction. bL Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NUl"!lillg. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
1 99.
Fo It?lU.'J' IUN OF 169 13,1
No. of Certificated Pupils who hlwe received \f erlallions .
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
I Women.
01<:NTJ: ~:.
No. of Women
No. of Men
No. of Women
No. of Men
!18 1 99.
FOl'Illec1 1 81.
J>.'c ' idcnt.
Pl'C. iclcllt :tJul ( 'bail·luan.
Trea s urer.
lIIr. A. G. Hayman.
R e\'. J. 'Yalker.
lilt'. J.
';)lr. F. Par on~, ~r.R.C.S. MI'. J. ~I. Rattray, ~1. D.
';)Ir. Albon eddol1,
L.ll.C. L.R.C.Ii.
L.IU'.l'., L.H.l·.:1.,
&c., V.P.lI., P c.~., Etlill. C. Ra\\'don WOOd, ~r. D., L.R.C.".,
Balance Sheet.
G. :'latty, 2, Ir elhe]'~ett R oad .
~ll'. G. Wayland .~llel'lll1l ::.\It·. J. R. Bild,y Mr. G. A. Doodle ::'\Il'. J. Oamphell
---7 1
. HAY~L\'X,
G. 'V. ,VILTSIIlHE, 'l'?·easlll'u. . T. RAWLINGS , lIon. Secretary.
a ff.
Mr. W. 'Y. Gro yenor ,;)11. W. R. HaLiwen ~\ll'. \\'. Hodge :'ll. A. E. Price. AXXL~\.L
By Expcu 'es of LectUl'es, &c. 1 " Examination Fees, to! e~, &c. 0 Dala11ce III Trea urer' . 0 " hand
.llc elkaJ
~[r. L.ll.C.P.
Receipts. To Balance brought fOl'ward from la t accoll n t . £0 17 ., Lecture Fees, and Books an,l Bandages old 4 10 0 15 Ll bscri ption 0 5 "" Donation
T. W. Wilsoll, D(>au's Walk. .l..,.,hlaul
:Ucflical l"lalf.
~l c J1l1,el' s.
The Royal omer et Lodge of } reema ons, Ko. 973, Frollle.
:JIr. Edwin Chill, ~I.D. ::.\1['. E. Oockey, ~I.U.C.o.;. Mr. A. W. Dalby, L.ILC.P., ~lr. G. Evans, L.ll.C.P., ,;)11'. W. Gardner.
Jlolwl'al'Y ~('CI'ClalT allel Tl·ca.,IU·U·.
T. Ra\\'lingti Oriel "ottage, Frome. Life
"jcc'Pl'e jelent.
G. W. 'Yilt hire.
1I0IlOI';\l'Y Secl'cl II I·Y. ~lr.
TUE Oommittee ha\'e plea!lllre in reportillg that the past year has been a succe sful oue, 10 classes having been hclcl- ix llHtle, two female fir t aiLl, two female nUl'. ing. It IS sati factor)' -to note th tt the \\'hole of the police force in the Glouf'e tel' Di h'ict are certificated ambulauce men. 111e Anllual '-'hielcl Oompetition, held in December. continues to be \'ery popular. At the la:t competition Dr. Yemon, being judge, the . Oatherine's waR the succe' ·ful team, the Police lJeincf econd, and the Corporation third . .A feature of the year has been the election of the President a Honorary A'sociate of the Order of t. John of Jel'l1. alem in Englall(l. The Oentre send two men to every football match, though, fortnnately. no \'ery seriollS accident happenell last season. The ecretary regrpts that, owing to 110 accollnts having been kept by his predecessor, he is unable to present a 'tatemellt this year .
No. of Women
of ;\1en
Ixo. of Certiflcale~
who have cOlJll'h·tcd a course of
wbo have rccpived Certificates.
who have COlllplete.l a coul'·e of illstJ mstnl,·t;OJ,. ht Aid. ~nrsillg. 1st ,li(t I .\"1J'sing: l~t Aid.
I W"!lI p n.
Ct!rtilicate ..
Xursillg. lIst Aid . . Nursing.
'1:-; E IsT O('T()nEl~,
Pupil' who IIf\Ve received
who ha\'e
In Farebam, ColOlle1 a1111 Mrs. :JIathias coller.terl £3 lOs. ill small smus for the ame purpose. Two Inembcr.· of the (josport Fire Brigade who were a1 0 TIlelLlbel5 of the Ambulance Brigade left to join the Al11oulal1r:e Corp' at the ~rat of war. In the Go port, Ah-cr-tokr' all t l Forton DiYiioD: thp alllollnt collecterl fOl' the llr))"c.e ambulance earriag p lta' been rai. ell to CIl, with a prolJlie of £;j. TIle COll1lJlitb'e i. an(,uine that the further. um of 'lU rrrluirprl to pnrchase a carriage with the latr: t o improvements, "'ill ue raisf'cl II,)' 'hri~tma. £l't was collected in :::rnall:ums 1JY )[1'. alter. of Go. port. III tIle Fareham Diyi, iOll, £10 was co11ecterl hy :J1r~. Phillil'" for th~ purchase of iurlia-ruhber tyres for the am1mlnllce carriage tatiolll~d tIl en'. i\llmerous in.-tanccs flf u ... eful a' i.-tance roudererl ill first airl han~ 1Jeen 1'1'l'o1'llr·rl. The fiuancial statcmellt show very sati ... fadol',)' crNlit balance', cf'lltral aurl divisional: a' the result of the fir"t year' work. The warmcst thank' of all arp rlne to the honorary _tafl' fOl' their ill \"a1 l1..Lbll ,,('rvicp,>.
S[atcmcllt oj n"ct>ipts awl
Fom vI 1 f10, '2 hecll a portioll "I' the POlblllouth
Yt·e ·,j(l r ill.
Teneral H.R.H. the Duke of '1)Iluaught a11l1 • trathearn, ' i ee ·J'I·e ,j(] (' nt.
In pector General of Hosl,ital: <lnl Flv,t . HC'Jlr.r '. '\roolb, ~r.n" ('.y.o., IL.-. Actil1~ HrJll. :-'l retar". (' iLa i
a II.
. ul) . and Donation ., Gu port &: Ah crtoke Diy'. 4:; Fa1'ebal11 Dil-. 11 10 Centre Fund :2 14
9 1
)[OllOl':tI',Y .. ec reta l'~ •
Yar-ant. ~lr. \,~. )L Clay, _\.ngles )J (' cLieal
)Ir. H. Dan-ille Brook. L.I:. r..r. )11'. E. J. Hunter L . R.'r.p. :J[r. J. hyffin; :\f. It . . '.: L.R.C.I'. &: L
Lond. AX~T.\.L
"' OJ' (' li: ('C ll('J'·
y Lodge. A.lycr tokl. ~Ia{f.
Dr. Dr. MI'. Dr.
0 0 1
)11'. E. J. HuutLl. Ln (.1'" F.I!. 1. P.R.
Tre a,uI'n' anc!
----£16 13 7
Ottley, n. ,'. Pram. It. _'. Prie.tJey, )r. n. H. C. Wouo.., 1: •• "..
C'. Y. O.
0_- tbe official approval fOl the fOl'luatioll of the Cl'lJtre bcing receil"ed,
gellC'ral meeting wa heM when rule. \yere al'p1'oYf'(l awl a . wtr elected: with r(,lIC! al H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught auJ tratheal'11, K,r. .. a- Life Pre ... iJellt, who hall ~IHciol1s1y accepted the office. The population rtf the Centre i· 4-1:4~~. with IlIO)," tllall 41, 1 acre.. It \\'a agreed to form Di\-i...,jrJl]S !If the Centre: 1. GOSl')lt . .Aln1'toke. anI Forton, with Lee-on-, olel1t ; 2. F11'tham: wi 11 Porche...,trl, hlillil'lc1, awl Wickham: and a 3rd for Titchfield-with- tnlJLin~ton, _lIould thr:: he willing to Jom. It wa~ e-tima~ed that l're.iou"ly, \\'Lile attachecl to the Port montl! I'lltre, about,eyenty c1a~se had been held, all(l tbat ~,:.JOO or more llUl,ib lJatl Ie I'il'ed in tructlon. During 1-9Sl· 1900 ten cIa. ses \\'ere hpid. "Gnfortllllately tIle cla:;.C':-. held at Cati field an I he.lfiehl were hrokell up 11ef01'e examination-in OIlC ca. e by the illnes of the lecturer, in the other lJy influenza. I n re~ponse to the circular inviting brJp for tltp .ick and v,ounrled at hc .. pat of war, ,vorking partie were held, rich and poor. curlin rf contrilmtioTls; ilII.:. E'"critt :Jlumby,)li Felix 'llIlth of Ah-er toke, and otllel ladie n.~de collectioll'; for the pnrcha e of material, and generally ul,er.ised; )11'. Clay took charge of packages.
., . ale of ,·tore: 15 17 " Balance of ('111. s rcepil'ts(.~o'port ~ .\.l\-ertoke Di .... s. 9 of fl Fareham Di \". ~ 3 i Lee-on-, olen t 0 10 11
13 19
3 10
"Collected ill the Farr,ham . and Tichfield Divi.iou" 1, Col. H. M. )latthew iii. Aill of the .: t. .T 0 I! 11 Ambulance BrigadeWar Fnnd
jo;' tIl(',
Vl'r!)" 1 !'-l9-90. E"'jJcntlit u,·c. I By Hf!lvl-quarter charg,·. EXilIlliner':; Fee Tnr Fi \"c Clas~r and Expeusc £7 l.'j'. 2(1. Hearl(lIlart£:I",' Fee fOI .ix CIa,"£:" £3 3'. (;fJSl,ol't ~ Al vcrstokc Divi ion ti 5 o 2U ti Farehal!' Diy. :2 0 Lee-( '1.-,' 0 ell t £10 1" 2 " Head-qual t '1'. fOl t01C-,(;o:-.l,ort ~ .\.1 \'f 1toke Divi,;ion 5 19 ~ Fal'f)llalll Diy. ~ :2 ~j Lep-I)n<olellt 0 5 7 Cel1tre 1 .J'J 0 16 10 fj :, Pril1 ti nj!, Ad \'erti.~il1~, and • t +-ionel', 7 14 :3 " PC';.t'lg • 1 4 10 un !rie::, 1 1;'j 0 , Plomotion of ()ual ter1y Practice ill Farel;aru Di,:. 1 1 6 " R >Illittan 'e tr ,t. Jolin A III blllance Bri;,('alle 'Yar flll1<l frol1l thp -F.arellam and Titcllfield Di,i:'ioll . 3 10 0
i:f'ccipt'. To Balance on . cpt. 30th, 1",!1£1Go port &: A' \'ertoke. £14 l:l 7 Lee-on-·'olrut. ~ 0 0
Tntl11 e"\penditure 4~ 14 Bala ucp in haud, ' cpt. 30th, 1900GO"PlJl't ~ .AI -f r,.,toke Di,". 16!'1 3 Fareham Diy. 4 13 .f L,.e-ou- . olent 0.f-1 C '11 tre Fund 4 7 9 :25 14 Total receipt
11 '. \\~ unD., ::H.\'lTHEW , Ho'!.
October 16th, 1900.
J. ,,~.
:Jl. ('U.l.
V.:e-Presidenl. S,'C,'
of :'lIen
Formed I 96 .
of Women
who have
Fu R~L\'TIOX OF 61 I 30
received ~1cdallions.
{ 'hail·lUau.
jlr. Geo.
Tl'ea ~ 111'(' 1'.
2111'. ,\Y lll . Fletcher.
JI 'd ical
Statemettt OJ R 'ct-ipts
l E.,-,pe,ulilll,'C for thc
£1 I~ 3 2 2 0 I H 0 1 ~ 11
To Book, etc.,o1cl " Examiuatioll Fee " :'leJalliou~ " tore ' for n 'e
£6 Hi
)Ir. Hy . Potter.
cnding Sept"illbet 30th, 1900.
E., pcwlitul·c. B,' ,'tores froll! :-it. John's v Gate. hooks, etc .. net ., :'leclallions "Exalllillatioll . . Cahill hanrl ., ,tore for u e
Cl I o I 101 ti I 14 0 o 0 9 I 11
£6 15 2
J. HEI:UERT. HOil. SeCtflury. GEO .• PE. CER, C'lwin(lcul. \\'. FLETt IIEIL TrI'(ISlIt'I'I· . 1.'. 'GE OF CERTI FIC.ATE.
)rl'. ~1 r. )11 . ) I r.
A. '. Ingle. C. .J ack~ on A. H. Langridge '. :J1aD sell .\11'. R. .J. :JEll . )11' . .J. E. )101. 'on )Ir. T. H. :J10xon )11'. C. P. O'Connor )11'. J. '. R. Richardson :Jll'. T. Ricbarrl. on Mr. R. .J. Roberts MI. J. F. Taylor )11. T. Taylor :JIr. A. ,\Y righ t.
:Mr. Ada I11S .illr. J. A bton .Mr. J . Becker .illr. Belding .illr. A. J. Boyu Mr. Beswick Mr. C. H. Conolly Mr. J. J. Dickin on Mr. W. Easby nIl'. G. Elli tion Mr. . Evans :.ll r. F. D. Grayson :ll1r. Harper ~lr. J. . Hinnell A~ ~ ... ~U AL
UOUOl'al',r 8e ·l'etal',f .
)Ir. J. Herbert. 3, Bel1nerley -'treet, Ilkc ton. ~r. R. c.. ·.. L. n. (. P., aUf1
:U c dical SlnfT.
Ca ptain \\" alker.
l·l' e ~jdeJl t.
, j ce·P I'e, idcut.
'cc]'('tary .
](0)1 Ol'al'Y ~lIl·g(' O)).
FOI'01Ctl I 9 .
':\lr. Dobson,
Mr. T . O. :J1eiu, Loco' Departnlent, ,.E. Ry., 'tratford, E.
The Right Hon. Lord Claud J. Hamilton.
37 hr OCruDEH, I 99. 61 30 I 37
)11'. E.
Pr (, 'lid Clll.
~o. of Curtilicatcd J'npil~ who hal'e
who bave received Certificates.
who bal'e who ha\'e COllll,luteti a received completed roul' 'P. of Cel'titicatc '. a COUl' 'e of in'trnction. instrnction. 1st Aid. I ~nrsing: 1st Aid. ; ~ursin;;, 1st Ai.l. i ~llr:;illg. 1st ,Aiel. I:\CE
ImpORT. THE work of this Centre during the year ]]a. been ueti\'C'ly calTi"d on, . IX cIa es ha\ingbeen held for ervant· of th e ~T.E. R. ompany. one of which wus held at a tation where no ambuln.nce cla" had previon Iy oer·n conductc.l. The latter fact indicate a continued intel'€' t in the movelllPllt which is very encoura~ri.llg. The Annual G.E.R. Competition was again a great. ucces,;, 14 teams competing. A G.E.R. team, eOll'iting of )ll's. 1':. ,A. BllITOW8, T. ,:\1 e(''; , H. Aldred, ,. Bate, and H. Bate, competed in the Illter~R:lilway COlJIpetition for the Challenge. hieJrl pre ented by the ,As.,ociation. and although ]Jot ucces"ful in ecuring it. wele awarded badge- of merit. It i:; \'err :ati factory to haye to record that 14 member. of the G.E.R. 'orp.·, who l'ceeiyed in ·trnction in cOllnection with the G.E.R. Ccntre, were elected for ._en·ice in , ollth Africa. It is with l'ecrret that the death of two of tbe -'e YlJll1nteer hl1 to be recorded; ':\le"'~rs. F. G. Ledcler al1(l C. Pegram hadng died frnm enteric fever. The llairman, Directors, aT!ll chief officer' of the Company continue to take great intere:t in the 'cutre, an/i by doing 0 assi t materially the good work which it is eloing. I ~'
AXD )IED.iLLIO ...-. '.
-Xo. of ~Ien
~o. o~
Women ~o.
who l,aYe
who have who have completed received a cour 'e of Certi Ii ca te '. in truchon. 1st Aid. I ~ursing. 1 t Aid.
course of in~truction.
Fo IDlA'l J 0:\ 34
~Iellallion ..
, I:\(,E bT OCTOBElt, I
Certificates. ht Aid. i
1st A.id.
of Certificated Pupil' who hal'e received
who have
cOUll'lete<i a
who bave
of leen
I ~o.
who have receive.l Certificate-.
I ~ursing. 1st Aid. I ~ursing. 1st Aid.
of Certificate Pupils wbo have rereind ~Iedallion. ~Ien.
,·D;G1.: .Ft'lDJ AT 1fJ:\ OF CL~ll:E.
59 132
of Women
who have completed a coure of in truction,
who have rel'eivecl Certificates.
completed a course of instrnction. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Aid.
IT OCTUDElt, I 99.
I Women
No. or Men
Formed 1 96. )'rcs illcnt.
H .R.H . thc Princo
Ch1'i ·tian.
who have who have who have completer\ a received completed course of Certin cates. a course of i.nstruction. insiructi on. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. lRt Aiel. I NUI'~ing.
S C{'l'Clal'Y·
H. Maunner, Pac1(lingLoll T erlllinu '. iUcclical !'O1 aIr.
.M1'. J. L. Atkin on Mr. C. J. Beunett Mr. Du Boulay Mr. Bri coe Mr. Bulgar Mr. 1\1c. D. L . ampbell 1\1r. W. H . lark Mr. Philips Conn .Mr. Cooper 1\11'. Corben 1\11'. W. J. Corrigan Mr. J . Kynaston Couch 1\11'. K . Cullillan :111'. J. E. H. Davie 1\1r. Ll. Davie Mr . . Da,is 1\11'. H. F. Ded :Mr. '1'. M. DOl1onUl :!\II'. 'Y. Edmon ton :!\II'. F. C. G. Ellelton Mr. E. Elliott 1\11'. O. C. P. E,-an 1\11'. R. D. Evan 1\11'. W. Fairbauk 1\11'. :JIark Farrant, J llnr. 1\11'. E. For yth Mr. L. A. Francis 1\11'. J . C. Free born 1\11'. H. Gl'iUlbly 1\11'. W. Hamlllonu 1\11'. A. H. Hardwick 1\11'. R. W . Haslett 1\11'. W. R. Hauwen 1\11'. J . Mc. Harrison 1111'. W . Hodges 1\11'. T. Hopkins :!\Ir. H. L . Hughes 1\11'. G. W . Hutchinson 1\11'. Jacob 1\11'. G. H . Johnson 1\11'. G. E. Jones 1'.[1'. J. Arnallt Jones 1\11'. T . O. Jones 1\11'. W. Kirkpatrick 1\11'. J . Lane 1\1r. H. A . Latimer
Mr. Fa", on Lee lr. J. H. Lilley 1111'. Limbrick J\lr. C. R. Lunn :Mr. Lytle II' ..A. G. McKenzie Ml'. 1\1a1 tin 1111'. H . Mason 1\11'. ' V. J. 1aS011 ]Hr. McDonald M1'. F. L. IiI hum 1\11'. Edwin Morton II'. J. W. Mulligan Mr. W. E. C. Murphy 1111'. Murrell 1\11'. F. E. Paton 1111'. Pegge 1\11'. . Pollard 1\11'. J 0 hua Po\\cll 1\11'. C. Price nIl'. W. E. Price nil'. D. A. Reiel :Jh. W. Ll. Bhys 1\11'. E. Rieharu' Mr. D . T . Riellanls 1\11'. P. A. Roden ~lr . E. P .• 'atcheIl l\Ir. G. C .• 'earle ~lr. H. C. 'harp Mr. 'Y. ,lli bury- harpc nIr. Walpole il111110n 1111'. J. \ \T. • lllith 1\11'. J. O. Sullivan 1111'. G. R. \\'inhoe 1\11'. ·W. Taylor ]\[1'. E. Thomas Mr. n. H. Thoma Mr. 'Y. L Th(l!l1a~ ~Ir. , Yo Yemon 11'. R. Wade 11'. E. H. ,Yarne\, i r. W . H Webbor Mr. W . M. , Vhitehouse Mr. E . Williams 111' E. R. Williams Mr. W . B. Winckworth
I • INn; I~T
who have rer;eived Certillcates. 1st Aid.
, It T HR.
Ko. of Certificated Pupils whu have received :M edallions.
I Nursing. Men. I Women.
OCTOBER, 189!).
GRIMSBY CENTRE. Formed 1 81 . )'rcs i(lc n1.
The Right
the Earl of Yarborollgh.
( 'haiJ'lIIan .
1\1r. E. Bannist"l'. TI'C H " UI'C I'
1\11'. J. Morley Denni , 45. Yictoria treet, qrimsby.
AN" JUAL RI£PORT. T ilE Committee have pleasure ill reporting that during the past year stearl,)' progre s has been mal Ie.
Street Ambldance Stations.-The fom stroet stretcher statio]] establU1ed in Ie!=! have been increased to six, hy the addition of two now ·tatiOll , each proyided with 4'1. military stretcher, waterproof ~hed, and army rug. Dmillg the year the appliances at five of the ix station, have beon n, eJ, 0111e of them 011 . eyoral occa ions, and on in pection at the close of the yeru were found in perfeet order. Bm'ongh Pulice.-Thirty of the Borough Police \Yere, at the cost of the ,ratch Oommittee, instructed ill first aitl by Dr. Bruce, two were ordered to outh Africa, and the remaining 2 completer! the comse of instruction, in which they were much ~ncouraged by Ohicf Constahle Fisher. In April they were exmnined, and, much to the credit of themseh'cs awl their instructor, all passed and recei,'ed certificate, . Another class of thirty police are recei\'ing instruction from Dl. BrucE', and are expected to be ready for examination early next year. Letter have been recei,-ed from the Borough Coronel' and from medical and other gentlemen, te tifying to the very excellent service in fir t ai(1 rendered by the polico ilH:e they recei ,ed in truction. COm./OTts for the, 'iele and TVollndcd.- Ill re ponse to a communication from t. John's Gate, the local hOll. 'ecretary, MI'. J. Morley Dennis, made an appeal for help, which resulted in his sending out to outh Africa over 1, ;:;00 articles for distribution by the Oentral British Reel Cro, s COJl1mittee, including helmets, caps, pipes, mufflers l1anclkerchie[s, ,,"oollen night shirts, day hilts, eu hioHs, packet of stationery, sock., stockulgsancl slippers j also two ca es of cam os.
] 37
~ lc' di C IlI
Statement oj Receipts and EX]Jenditw'cJor the yeM ending Scpternbe1' 30th, 1900. Rccdpt . ToBalance in hand on ept.30th 1 99 £12 5 " Contribution received dl1l'4 Ulg' the year o 15 " Bk.I utere t and allowance " S to res, etc .. supplied at cost 8 1 " Examination Fees, etc., at 1 H cost
Expendil1t1·e. By tore, etc. . £8 IS l' 1 ] 4 6. " Co. t of Examinations , Co t of Appliancp , for two additional Street AnillUlanre tatioll, Ie Jiscount allowed . 5 14 fl " Cost of Comfort contributed 1'1'0111 the funds of thi Cen tre to the Sick autl 'W ounded in the ou th African "\Var . 314 " Printing and other undry 017 Expenses. . " Balance reserved for Maintenance of Centre, and Rix: treet Am bulance, tations, a under:On Deposit at Lin coln Bank 5 o o In hann of Hon. eCl'eta lY 2 3 2
6 11 1 6
2 10
Mr. Francis E. Carey, ]\1.R.C.8., TJo]\[., L.~.A. Mr. C. ll'Auvel'gnc Collings, M.D., ]\T.lt.U.S. Mr. Ernest L. Robinson, [.. il. u. 1'., Lond.,
Rcceipts. To Class Fees " Balance clue Lo Treasurcr
1st Air!. I Nursing.
IXCE 1. T OCTOBE!:, 1 !)!).
£0 13
1 12
1 0
8 8 3
4 14 0 4
6 8
£1 3
'AUS:lIAltEZ LE CI)C{l, T" cas1l1'er and
7 5-
Hon. S ecretcl1'Y.
Examined and apI,roved, l.IARY
who have received Certiticate .
of Certificated Pupils who have rcc 'iveu Medallion .. Men.
I Women.
1 5
E xpenditu1·e. By I3fllan c{' due to Treasurer for last account . "PriJltiug, Advertising, Po"tages, &c.. . " IIir!' OI'l.{OOIllS, Caretaker, Oas. . . ., Boys as Morlel s . " Porterage . " Lo :fll Lcrtnrer and l\Ieclallioll E xam. " Head Olti('e, Lond. Tlire{' Examinatioll Fees 1\,1111 I nei{1en tal Expem:lps Plemiulll on £4 14s . 6d.
1 J
who have Wl10 haye who have cOlllpleted a rccph'ed completed cour, e of Ccrtiflcates. a course of in tl'uction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Xurtiing. 1st Aid I Nnn;ing. 1st Aiel. Xursing.
SeptBmber 14th , 1900.
N" o. of W olllen
of Men
of Becei{lts ((lid E.':penditw'e, 1899-90.
IIr)J]. Brigade-Surgeon T. II. Thornhill, M.B.
:!II. H. O. S.
2 10
Examincd, compared Iyith the Youchers, and found correct, C. Rr.;. HIW, A/Iditol'. E. BAx:n, TER, Chairman. J. l.IoflLRY DE'\x[', Hon. Secretary and Treasurcr. October 1 th, 1900.
S t a ,r.
No. of Men who have
Xo. of \Yolll en
who have recclved · Cer t llicatcs.
who 11al'e COlli pletell a c OlU I,leteu cuurtie of a cour'e 0 f instruction. illstructioll. 1st Aid. I NursfIig' 1st Aiel. : Nursing. lStA~~-ursini
who have rec!:iv~Ll Certificates. Xurtiillg.
,No. of Certificated Pupils who have receil·,·d MeuallioJls.
423 , IN CE
1 99.
Pl'c "ich'Jl' . ~Iajol'-General
a.ward (Lieut. -Governor).
su'T. G. Ca.rey (Dailiff ). Trca surer an(1 llonor<lry S('C I'c l aJ'y.
Mr. 3ausmarez L e Cocq, 11, Union 'treet, Guern . ey.
R e uscitated 1
Pl' c ~idcnt.
The Hon. T. A. Bras ey.
138 Statement of Receipts cmel Expendittwe, 1899-1903. Latly J>l'(';.itlcllj.
The Lady Idimt Bra 'l;ay,
Oolonel A. M. Brookfield The H an. Mrs. Egerton l\lr . H arkness Ml' . Sherer lUi.'s E. 1\1. Howe Lewis
Mr. W. Luca
had\\ ell had well 1\[r . Oharle Ebden MI' . Tubbs 1\11'8. ,y oOllrn Ire
1111' . Lu ca
Receipts. By Balance at Bank " ubscripLiollS . " RollingLon Branch, per Miss Lewis Olass F eos " Watch Oommittee, Police " Fees Sale of Me(lallioll' " Sale of Stores "" St. Leonard!> OyclillgOlub " S.E. & O. Railway
13 2
( 'lIa i l·luau.
Alderman Major-General, helCI'.
JI('tlkal :-ita fl'.
£34 19
nIl'. J. J eaJfreson 1\11'. F. 'W. 13. oulh Mr. A. Mo man J\ll'. A. A. R. Huckle MI'. F. F. Moore
Mr. O. E. Riggen .Mr, W. F. LO\'ell 1\Ir. George Locke Mr. Otho Travers Mr. F. B. Lewi
EJJpenditun. 'fo U eau OITice'tores and General Ex6 penses . £25 0 Mr. Lawrence, Association 0 0 Secretary o 17 6 6 " 11'. Compton, Bandages, 0 7 " Advertisements . 2 13 . 2 0 " Mr. Apel, Box 0 1 19 6 " Mr. Ticehnrst, Reports o 15 11 fi " 1\11'. Bones, plints 0 2 elite " Paid for Medallions 1 6 dne " Boy Models 1 Hi " Postage, Telegrams, &c .. o 15 " Oaretaker, Brassy In " stitute 011 o 12 Balance
3 3 16
£34 19
6 6 7 0
6 4 0 0
9 6 2 3
All.diterl and approved, W. P. HAnVEY. J. F. SHERER, Chai1'lnan. GEOltGE LuCKE, SeCl'etctJ'Y. Al~D
HOllorary Secretary.
:Jlr, George Locke, -17, 'Wellingto11 Square, Hasting.
Xo. of WOlll en
No. of 'Men
:JIr. Andrew Ml1l'ray.
who ha\'e completed a
instl'lH:tiol1. 1st Aid. I Nursing. bt
Ald. 1Nursing. 1st AiL!.
The Bra ey In stitute, Olaremont, IIa tiugs.
uOl I
whu ha\'e completed a ('ourse of i nstrnction.
who haY/1 reeei ved CertiticaLes.
1st Air!.
CENTIm. 52
Xn. of Certificated Pupils who have received ~Iedallions.
)Ien. I Women:
-CE IT OCT03Jm, 1 99.
report for the ession 1 99-90. show· that the intere t taken in the work ten(ls to an increase; a larger receipt from cIa s fee and two good railway cIa es afford in tances of this tendency. That 13 pupil!:. received instruction through the ,,'inter is, of COul' e, satisfactory, but that the per centage of those examined and pa 'ed is much higher is gratifying to teachers and Oommittee. Financially the po ition is about the same as last year. A change ill examiners through illne s hu increased considerably the cost of examinations. Thanks are again due to 1\11 E. Rowe Lewis, for a contribution of £2 from Hollington. an(l to the Watch Oommittee for a donation of £228. per ~Ir. F. O. Baker, Ohief Constable. An effort i' again to lIe made this win tel' in the direction of e tablishing a Division of the t, John Amb ulan ce Brigade, as it seems a pity that Hastings hould be behind A 'hford, Ohiehe tel', and Tunbridge ,YeUs, in not having at command such a useful contingent. The almost paternal solicitude of our Ohairman of Committee, the Deputy Mayor, Major-General berer, the kindnes. of the ladie of the Oommittee, the care of the Auditor, :Mr. W. P. Harvey, in auditing the accounts, again place the Centre nnder a deeper indebtedness.
who haye receiyerl Certificates.
3. l ic c - rre .. hlcllt.
,Mr. Uark Oldroyll,
:Jlr. J. L. Walker, De\\' bury.
Dewsbury. (,'llail·Juall.
Oaptain P. B. ,\Talkel', Thornhill L ees. Tl'CaSlu·cr.
Major Ohaley :Fox, Dewsbury.
llouoral'Y SCCl·ctary.
Mr. Duke Fox, Calder Bank 1\Iilh., Dewsbury.
S(·(·r C.:l I')' .
Gash Acconnt jor the
Mr. R. Gadic, 1!'ield Hill, Batley. Life
To Receipts, pel'
JU e lllbel'~ .
1\11'. Halliwell :Jlr. Laird
September 30th, 1900.
Payments. By Books, Bandages, and other Stores :£:34 3 fj " l\Ierlallions 4 15 6 6 J;) 0 " Annnal Report "Advertising. . o 15 6 " Postage, and Telegrams 258 " Cal'l'iage on 'tores . o 19 7 Caretakrr, Industrial Hall o 2 6 " SU1Hlries . . o 13 0 Secretary . . 16 0 0 " L011(lon ExaminatlOll Fees 21 9 10 " LOllcloll Incidental Charges 8 5 0 " Bank Oharges . . 139
10 A uditerl and founfl correct,
Decembcr 11th, 1900.
:£:97 CRALEY
Fox, Ti'eclsw·er. C-EOllGE LEE.
lUe tlic al 1'\.:\0'.
:nil'. Ha 11
8 10
Dewsbury Pioneer I ndusl.rial ociety, Limited 1\11'. 1Ilark Oldroyd, M. P. 11'. Duke Fox Capt.ain P. n. Walker Mr. ,eorgc Lee 11'. D. Bullock 1\lessr . Crawshaw u,11l1 ' Yarburton ~1r. Robert Swan Ballien Mr. C. B. Craw haw B"tlc,Y Co· operative ociety 1\11'. \\'. J. H. Fox, Batlcy 1\10::; l' . 1\1. heard & OllS, Batley 1\le rs. H. Brearley & 'OJ!', Batley 1\11'. J. W. Blackburn, Old Mill, Batley
lajor Chaley Fox nil'. Robert GaLlie Me 1'8. G. and J. Hnigh Mr. and 1\11' . Alfred Hill 1\11'. E . T. I ngham Mfljor Parker 1\Ir. IV". Preston Mr. S. H . pedding Lancashire and York hire Raihyay Co. Mr. Charles , Yheatley Bir tall Co·operative ociety, Ltl!. Heckmond"'ike Co· operative • ociety, Ld. Batley , Yorking 1\1 en , Club. 1\les I' . J. Critchley & on. 1\11'. B . , Yil OIl Mr. . J. hadwick 1\le 1'S. Wormald and Walker, Ltd. 1\11'. Ambrose Mr. Applegate Mr. Beattie ?III'. Bennett Mr. Bridgeman Mr. Broughton 1\11'. Broughton Ur. Brmyn 1\Ir. Clay 1\lr. Eley Mr. Fairclough 1\Ir. Field 1\11'. Fitton Mr. For. yth :Mr. Fryer !III'. Garrett
Rcceipts. ccLions
Jjecti' M(ling
Mr. Lee 1\11'. 1\1aso11 £1'. Mr. 1\11'. 1\£1'. l\lr.
l\I1'. 1\11'. l\lr. 1\ [ 1'.
1\11'. Mr .
Mr. 1\11'.
Mr. lUI'.
l\lilnc Patterson Prior Pritchard Rir11anl 'on Robert· jlroulle , ellars 'btL"tlmith • te\\'art 'tuart utherlullli '1'ho1111' on 'Y a tt.· 'Yood".
A NUAL REPORT. YOUR Committee re pectfully present· it e\'(mteellth Anuual Report. During the year twenty examinatious have been held. Tbe clas::;es have heen attended by 4tH> candidates, of whom 429 presented them elves for exalllillation. There \\'ere seven failures, hence 422 pas ed sati factorily. N e\l' cIa es were formed during the year at Denby Grange Collieries and De\\,sllUry Post Office; l;oth tbe e claes ha\'e been ,ery successful. For the present sea on new cla cs are 11cing formed at tIle Church House, Mirfield , HeckmoncIwike Colliery Co., Ltd., aud 'oothill Wood Colliery Co. , L td, Your Committee is plea'eel to be able to state that general intere. t still continue to be taken in t he St. John Ambulance A sociation, but at the same time the Jilloncial aid is not in proportion to the importance of the subject, hence seyeml sections are obliged to curtail the work which they undertcLke. About twenty men from various sections have qualifieel themselve for, and gonc out to South A frica, to act as Hosl,ital Orderlies dming the war.
No. or :tIJ en
Xo. of WUlllen
who ha\'e wllO 1111\'e who ba\'e completed a received completed cour'e of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ~ursing.
who have rereived Certificates.
1st Aid.
So. of Certificated Pupils who have received Meda llions.
I Nursing. Men. I Women.
27 ~
163 ~
I 26
I ~201
I ... T (JE :::;T O('TOnEI:,
1 90. 70
622 52
( 'hnil'lUau.
:JIl'. D. J.
'1'OS ley. Trca",m·cl'.
Mr. E. J. Cro ley.
::'Ill'. Geo. Hahergham. 1l01101':ll'Y Sccrc tary .
:J[r. Albert HinehliO'c, Heath Oottage, Hebden Britlge. Cragg amuel 111 th Vale-Mr. 1 .ll y 0 mroyd-Mr. Joah
Branch Secrct al'it.· ... Greell\\,oo,l. E a t \\'00 d -~\' I r. GT. H • Greell"·OOl1. ros ·laud. lIe d ical SI a If.
Mr. Russell Cairn Mr. Garnett G. Lawson.
:Jlr. J. H . Thomp on. ::'1[1'. "Willie Thomp 'on.
Oa h ACColmt fa I' th(' ijea,' enrling Sapl(nnbC!' 30th, 1900.
Mr. R. Gadie, Field. Hill, Batley. Life lUcmlJcl's.
lIe clical
Dewsbury Pioneer Illllllsirial oeiety, Limited Ml'. lark Oldroyd, M,l'. Mr. Duke Fox Captain P. B. Walker lHr. George Lee 1\[]'. B. Bullock },Ie S1' . Craw haw alld Warlmrtoll ::\11', Robert Swall Ralden Mr. C. B. Cmw haw Batley Co-operatiH"ociety Mr. ,r. J. R. Fox, Balley Me' r . lH. heard & ow." Batley Me' 1'8. H. Brearley & • 011., Butley Mr. J. ,V. Blacklnull, OltlMill, Batley
l\Iajor Ohaley Fox Mr. Robert GaLlie JUessrs. G. antl J. Haigh Mr. and 1111'S . Alfred Hill 1'llr. E. T. Ingham Major Parker JUl'. W. Preston JUr. S. H. pedding Lancashire and Yorkshire Raihyay Co. MI'. Charles ,Yheatley Birstall Oo-operative ociety, Ltd. Heckmondwike Co-operati ve • ociety, Ld. Batley Working 1\1en's Club. 1\1essrs. J. Critchley & OIlS. llIr. B. Wilson 1\11'. S. J. Chadwick 1\1e SI'S. ,Yormalds and ,Yalker, Ltd. Mr. Am brose 1\11'. Applegate Mr. Beattie Mr. Bennett 1\11'. Bridgc~man Mr. Broughton 1\11'. Broughton Mr. Brown Mr. Clay Mr. Eley Mr. Fairclough Mr. Field 1l1r. Fitton 1\11'. Forsyth :111'. Fryer Mr. Garrett ?Ill'. Hall 1\11'. Halliwell 111'. Laird
Receiptli. To Receipts, per
By Book', BancJagec, and other to res £31 >: nLeualliolls 4 " Annual Report 6 " Ad Yertisillg 0 " Postage and Telegrams 2 " Itl'l'iarre Oll tores 0 " Caretaker, Illclll trial lIall 0 " ,'ulllll'ies 0 " ,'ccretary 16 " London Examination Fees 21 " London Incidental Charges " Bank Uharge.· . 1
15 6 1;) 0 15 tj 5 19 7 2 6 13 0 0 0 9 10
5 0 3
ANNUAL REPORT. YOUH Committee respectfully presents its Se\'ellteenth Allllual Report.. Dl1l'ing the year twenty examinations have been held. The elas::;es have heen attended by 4.ll6 candidates, of whom 429 presented themselves for exalilillation. There were seven failures, hence 422 passed satisfactorily. New clas. es were formed dming the year at Denby Grange Collieries and DewslJUry Post Omee; hoLh these classes ha\'e been \'er,)' successful. For the llresent season new classes are being formed at tlle Church House, Mirfield, IIeckmondwike Oolliery 00., Ltd., awl 'oothill ,rooll Colliery Co., Ltd, Yom Oommittee is pleased to be able to statc that general interest still continues to be taken in the St. J olm Ambulance As.'ociation, but at the same time the Jillallcial aid is not in proportion to the importance of' the snbjPct, hence several sections arc obliged to cl1l'tail the work which they undertuke. About twenty men from various sections bave qualifiecl themselves 1'01') and gono out to South Africa, to act as IT ospital Orderlies dmillg the war.
J\utlitc,l alld fOUIl,l COl'l'cct,
DecembCi' 11th, IflOO, Mr. Lee IIII'. Masoll 1111'. Milne Mr. Patter~oll 1\11'. Prior Mr. Pritcbard Mr. Hichanl on Mr. Robert MI'. Jlrou11e Mr. , ellars MI'. '[Jaw Mr. Bmith :Ur. ,'tewal't Mr. Luart llIr. , utherlal1d nIl'. '1'ho 1111'50n .!'Ill'. Watts Mr. Woods.
:\0, lIt' WUI1l~1l
who han'
who ll:lye
who hayc
who have
completen a course of instrnct ion.
recpived Certiflcntcs.
completed a cour'c of instrnction.
rer.cived Certificate.
1st Aid,
I Nursing.
I 27
' 163~
Pupils whu hl1.Ytl
receh'eu Mc<lallions,
1st Aid. l~ursi.:..:.n£g.:...:.....:l:.::.s.:.t.::A:.::.i<::..:l....!....1:-l:..T.::u.:..:rrs·:..:..il...!lgc..:..~].::.st.:....A:.:......:id_,...!'_N_Tw_r_'s_iiu""g:....._M_e_D_.--,'_W_ou_l_en.
I '2:'w1
11 1
ti '2 '2
,'[ 'CE :~.;'[, OC'TOBEH,
HEBDEN BRIDGE CENTRE. Forllleci l ' 7. l"1'c ..,jch' lI i,
MI'. D . J. Crossley. 'f1· t'lhUl't'l',
Mr. E. J. Crossley.
~ll'. JlUIlOI'" I')
:-i('('1'(' i a 1') •
?Ill'. Alhert IIill<.;hlifl·L', IIeath 1~1':III(' h
Oragg Vale-Mr. -'amuel Greenwood. Mytholmroyu-nIr. J oah 'ros'luucl.
Geo. I-Iahergha,m.
'otLage, lIeh<1ell Bridge.
:-ic·(· I·c' i a l·j e" .
Easl\\ood-illr. ~.
Ueclil'al :-ii a if.
Mr. Russell Cl1,il'lls Mt·, Garnett G. L,Lwson,
i\ l l'. ,), H. Thompson. MI'. Willie Thompson.
ANNUAL REPORT. TIIE work of this Centre has Leen very active nuring · the [past year. There have been 9 classes held in fir t aid, at which 173 male and ;)4 females completed the course, and 150 males and 38 females obtained certificates. There ha"e also been two cIa e held in sick nursing, at which 3 fcmales completed the cour 'e, amI 35 obtained certificate. The Hebden Bridge Centre has every rea on to be proml of having sent out 33 members of the Brigade for ambulance duty in outh Africa. The ambulance carriage has again been vel'S u 'eful, having been u ed 24: times dlll'illg the year for the conveyance of injured and invalids, who ha.\"e in IIlOst case.' been attended to by members of the Association. rrhe thanks of the Centre are due to the H ebden Bridge U. D. School Board for generon 1y allowing the u e of schools free for lectmes and Brigade Drill. This opportunity is taken of thanking all those who have so generously contributed to the fuud (which now tands at .£96 2'. d.) for proyiding the members of the Brigade with uniforll1 ..
Statement of Rcceipts and E,t'penclitllre Receipts. To Cash from Nursing Insti£10 tution " Cash from Demonstration 24 Committee 1 " Collection . 1 " Donation ,. Class and Examination Fees 34 " Use of Ambulance Caniage 9 23 " ale of tOTes 0 " Suuclry Receipt " Cash from Clothing Fund. 10 Nursing Institution 6
18 0 14 1
12 14
3 2 17 12
5 0 9 0 6 0 6 6 4 1
., " " "
" " "
a11101111t cllle to Bank a.nd other:, les cash in hand at IIebclen Bri(lge C~ntre £9 4 tore purchased. . -17 4 4.3 4 U II if01'111 ]lurc1lased All) bu1ance Carriage H ol'sing 15 10 Postnge, Railway Farcs and 4 3 ,'unc1ric' 0 ~ Bank In tCI'Cflt 1 1 Printiug and, 'tationery Use of Hoom for Meetings o 10 en. h ill hand at IJ elJc1en o 18 Britlge 'entre
Jle dical Slalf.
Mr. Laird. Mr. Torror. nIl'. C. 'Yisken.
Mr. Hartley. Mr. Hunt. Mr. H. F. Jeffery.
JlI)IIQI':ll'Y Sctl'ctal'Y 11iUl '[,·ea.-urcr.
Abraham 'Yu.r1dington, 112, Pilsworth Road, Heywood.
Slatcmrnt uf Reccil}ls (( 1/(1 R'peJl(! itll/'e fol' 1900. Rcccljlts. E.fjJendilure. . £2 By, tore (. t. John' Gate)
To Balance " Member" Fees, Books an(l Bandage, Male Class . " ., FcmuJe Cla' "" ale of :\ledallioll .
0 9 0 1 8 0 8
£122 1fi ~
Cash in Bank Clothing Fa.
Dr. H. H. J. Hitchon.
4. 4].1
Alderman A. C. Ma(len (Mayor).
BS Balance, llrol1ght 1'o1"mnl from lao t year, being
£122 16
year cndiillj ,'eplcmbcl' 30th, 1900. E.t.:pcildilll J'(.
Formed 1 Pl'C Icl c nl.
£11 1.1
. £2 3 :l 10 " Examination Fee. , 1 1 0 " Illcidental Expen es 0 "Po ·tage, tationery, Telefl gram, Carriage, &c. . 0 17 " Allo\nlllce to Caretakers and o 16 Boy for Practice. o 7 " l1ed,l\]ion ec. and " Ca. It in Hon. Treasurer', haml' o
£11 15
5 '
o 9
o 5
,V \1lJ1I" GTo:\" , Hon. Sec. and T,'easul'er, II. II. J. III ['(' IIU", ('Iw iJ'll!a iI. ERT1FICATI':, AXD :\lEDALLIOX". A IJlt.I.l]'Dl
October 23l'll, 1900. 1 , UE OF
No. of Men
of WOlllen
So. of Certificated who have who have who ha\'e who haye Pupils who h:lYe completed received cOlllplete(l a receil'ell recei "eLl a conrse of Certificates. course of Medallion ' . Certificates. instrurtion. ill~tl'llctinll. 1st Aid. I Nurtiing. liit Aiel. t-llI'sillg. 1st Aid. Xnl'sillg. I lst Aid. I Nur:;ing. ,\[en. I Women ------~----~----~~~~
r~cg FOIl~L\TfO" OF CEYl'HE.
,Ve have examined the above account with thr books aUll \'ouchers relating
thereto, and beg to certify the same to lJe conceL RICIIARn CltABTltEE &
(ChCti'tP'l'fd Accountants), Auclit01'S.
Hebden Bridge,
1 HH. __1_9__~__~~~1~~____~~1~H~~___ (__ 14~_____ 'rX('E lSI'
No. of Women
Funllell 1
who have who have wIto have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. lbt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
500 173
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing.
SHam FOmlATION OF CENTItE. ~:28 I 5 189 SINCE 1ST OC'l'Ol3lGH, 99.
No. of Certillcated Pnpils who have received Medallion". ..,. Men.
I Women
'·n:,.; ille nl.
Tho Right
11 011.
the Lord lIlny()['.
' ·iC('·"I·(' "id .... I~.
Major·Gen eral 'il' Owen Burn e, Mr. II . .r . 1lall1 iito 11 Hoarc.
MI'. Wyatt Sargent.
IIlr. J allles Thorley.
( 'hail'IIJ.('Il .
MI'. E.
D{'lllll Y CIa:l il'1l1:lII.
r. K. K. t'.i'.
Ml'. R. 13. D. A!!1lLlld. ~l.
Tl·caSIII·el'. ]1.11'.
II. N. liall1iltoll IIol1l'c.
'\' icc']~I'c s itlcnl s .
Sccl·clary. Mr. A . R. Rundell, 54, Gray' I nB Road, W. C. UOIHH':tI'Y
Mr. Charle
Col. Haworth-Booth, D. L. Col. A. K. Dillh, V.D. Mr. J. T. Fil'll,lIlk, M.P. MI'. F. B. Cirotl'ia)l Col. H. IIol.aI'l, n.\ ., D . L . •'ir H. S, Kiug, K. c. LI'; . , ~r
iU('(lical Sla.f.
T . R. T aylor, ~f.n., n. C., F.R.C" . , :"R . C.P. bbott, L.B.C.P., L. H.. C. H. Mr. Reglllald I ngram,
•llUlHol' .~.
Mr . Edwin Laveraek Mr. F. R. Pease, D . L. Sir James Heckitt, Bart. • it' (:prard Smith, ICC. ~I.G. ~lr. Alderman herl.mrn, ~1.B . :Mr. '. H . Wil 011, ~r.p .
Me S1'S. W. H. Panllell & Co.
( ' hail' Juan.
Col. II. Fawcett Pll(lsey, Y. D.
Statement oj Receipts and E.i'jJcnditw·e from 9th Ja 1I1l((?'Y, 1900, to 7th JalU((fI'Y, 1901. R ecc'LjI .. ts. 'T H . I RJ'l)(mclit urc o
osplta' at .. FundDiv. (a) DonatlOlls 14 b):'II b" . 1 ( ~ em tIS ll) . • 9 (c) I~stalments for Uni101'I11S. . 20 (cl) Glantf\om tj/?hl1 I H . m u alice )ngade 4 " iner ospltal D' . .at. FunJ £\Ul' ~ o 1~IIslOnb:-' 1 i . em ers • u) . 1 P ,t . " aI -payments forremm'als 5 I nvalid Tralls lort C " 'First :d ' N OlpS ,,_ C1 a. an .r ursl11g as. es :(a) Fees of I emhers. 12 (b) Sale of Text Books, etr. . . 11 ales of Ambulance Boxes an(1 tores 11 » Grant from IIospit~l Satllr~ day Funcl . . 4
£] 39 J.UIES T noItLEY, HE~nY W . WWTEll
0 6
5 6 4
(rt ) G,eneral Expe1lse. .
(b) Uuif'ol'llls
" Ho.pitnl ~at. Fnn'd Nnr inrr Division:-
" Cn~tofReJllo\·al·l;y h1Yalili
6 10
3 0
Transport COrl)s 14 2 6 F'11 .S t all .l .' aml 'NT Ul'S1ll" 'lasses:b ( ' ", E xallllllers' Fcp &e li 11 0 (b) A t 13 I' " jlpam, U~, 00 {S, <XC'. 1 4 1 Allllllllallce 130xesnnll 'tores '1~ 1 10 " Pl'illtill![ alllI Po taerc 1 0 ~
\ V1' \'1 I' I
f .riudltors.
II. ).l. IT
0 1
') ' )'(':\'" 111'(')'.
By ][ospital,at.FlllllIDi~-
.\llCm TT, Chairman. \:\1 I LTO:-l-Ho,\HE, TreaSIl/'el' .
A fJFHED H ()nr~JtT Rl .:\ 1l1';LL, Hall. fJCCl'ctu/·y.
Arthur Eggintoll.
Lit'(' ,'\1('111\)(' 1' :0..
:\le. '1". Reckitt & Oll, Limited. ~lessr~. Blundell, pellce & Co., Ltd. :'11. J. French Tuomp ·OU.
Mrs. 'Walter Bailey Col. B. Hohilr t , It. \., 1U,. Col. Haworth-Booth. D.L. :.ll c clh':tl
)[1'. J. )IacXi(lll<:>r, :\1. u. :'11'. C. H. :'lilblll'll, :'II. B. ..Mi.'s :\1. O. ~lllrdo(;11, L.lL C. P. & s, ~lr. \\'. ~IUl'ray, )1. B. (lie Ie) 111'. II. Rllbiusoll, ~r. n. :'11'. A. Priest 'ha\\', ~I.n.G.", Mr. J. "GlIttel, )f.n.c. '. (Hellon) )11'. A. W. 'cott, :'Il.lLC.'. )11'. A. E [,ronlle,:'I[' R. C. 1'\. \\-ithel'll 'ea) :'[1'. A. W. tone, :'II.R.C.S. Ml'. J. "tothard, ~l.l:.l"". :'11'. W.'tel'henoD. :'Il.lt,c. ·. (Beverlpy) :'Ir. J. Leith \Ya\el's, :'Ir.n. lIlr. A1Llert \rilson, :'I1.1LC.S. ~Ir. W. T. Wray, :\I.I:.t.:.S.
Mr. A. Aikman, ~I. n. MI'. A. Anld, :'Il.H. ( 'llaiLh) Dr. J. Close Mr. D. II. Davy, :\I.R.('.~ . Mr. J. Divine, :\l.ll. Mr. H. G. l;'alkncr, L.1t.C.l'. & s. Dr. J. JO)'11or Fraser (Ues<;le) Dr. F. W. Fullcrton :lIlr. J. Feal'lllcy, :'I1.1:.C . S. (Goxhill) Dr. P.obert Gric\'e Dr. E. )1. JIdill\\'Ol'th Mr. A. E. IIart, B.A., ~I.D. Mr. E. Harrisoll, F.lt . ('.S. ~lr. S. R. Hcnso'II, .:Il.lU .s. M1'. J. llollillg\\'orth, :\1. R.C.s. Mr. E. II. IilmictL, Ii. u. c.s. Mr. A. H. Johnston, :'1[, R . C. H.
J(C)1101':n':\ .\llclU or".
~Iei; 'l'
II ollgsoll, IIa1Ti~ :'::.: Co., OIHll'tered ~'I..cC0l111ttlnts, lIull. UanIH· l' ....
who have completed a course of instructi(lll.
~Ic 'I'S.
or Men
Xu. of iVolilell
1st Air!. I Nursing, l sf Air]. I Nnl'sillg. 1st Aid I NlIr~il.g.
--'-vl- l O - h - n ' - ' e - - - - - - - - - - iXo. or Certificated cOlllpleted a who 11:1\'e Pupils who have course of rccei I·elt rcr~ei I'led i I1strnction. Certi fir-atcs. III etlall ions.
w110 have received Oer! ificatcs.
1st Airl
I Nnrsing.
JI~W Olllell.
Sr!\('E FOllM\TIOl' OF C I';'T l m.
110 I
I X("E 1ST
___5_4_____ 24.__~~3~\~__~2~2~1_
8 I 1,U O("l'OIlRH, 1,'fl9 .
amnel 'mith, Bro,;. & Co. Secl·('I:tl'i c . •
.Mr. C. H . ~IilbUl'Jl, :'ILll.,
Mr. Han)' Hall, BO\dnlley L ane, lInll.
15 , Alllnby Hoad, Hnll.
o f1i(' (' ... Tcmple Buildings, Bo\\lalley Lane, llnll. !'il O)·CIH'(·lH'l'.
2 I - --
Ml', , V. H . Englautl, 1 & 2,
(:1'0. \
enol' Bllihling , Carr Lane, Hull.
( 'ollc'dol'.
M r. 'Yo T. Atkinlion. ANNUAL HEPORT.
T\vE",,'l'Y-RJ~V lm elasse , 22 in li l'st aill , and 5 in llursi ng, lwve bee11 helll lIming the
HULL CENTRE . F ormecl 1882 .
R e- F ormcd 1888 .
Th e Most II onoural)le. t h e Marq nis of' H,ipon , (Lord II lglt Stcmm i Hull. )
K .G . ,
P. C.
past year in U ulJ. n nLl ne igh bomlJ ood, f)3 4 p upil..; 11" ve bec1l inslrlletcd, of whom 4.27 were exam ill cd, and 4.02 obtaiJH d ('el'li Jicn t e.. T his is the recorcl as far as this Cen tre i' CO llccl'lled . Th e F Ol1l'th AllllUal l 'h nll cllgc T rop h y Competition of thi Centre was _11 e11 . l lll_, eptembel', the tro ph y hcin g WOll by a detachment fro m the
Central Division Hu1l Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. On t h e same day a horse ambulance wagon was dedicated to public use, being the first ambulance of that nature eyer provided in Hull. It pl'ovi ion by this centre has been justified, as it was in use for tran porting an accident the next day. It 11a heen frequen tly used since.
ILKESTON CENTRE. Formed 1887. J'rcs id C ill.
Mr. I). 1\1. Chester.
Gash Account fo)' thc ycar cnding Scptcm,bcr 30th, 1900. RcclJipts.
Mr. T. \Y. mith, Oakwell Colliery, Ilkestoll.
To Balance in handBank . £231 Ca h 9 " Donations and Subscriptions 26 ale of tores, Medallions, " Pocket Certificate, Badges and Bandages . 32 " CIa s and Examination Fees 5 " Eut. Fee for Challenge Trophy Competition 1 " Dons.. Collcctions, &c. , for Public ApjJliance. Fd. 15 5 " Bank Interest
By Printing, Advertising, & 11 6 -t9 ta tionel'Y 12 31 " Postages 5 " ' tores purchased for use of Clas es, anel for 'ale, 7 6 illcluding Medallioll . 6 anll Badge 19 o "Lecturer's Fees . " Challenge Trophy Com16 O petitioll Expen 'es :2 " COIl1Jlli :ion on Colledion 15 o of " nbscription , &c. 1 " Pulllic Appliances Ace.U J.~ Applian ce, Repairs, 9 6aurl Expen es 8 " Balance. in banel33;; At Bank 5 Cash ;)
2 16
7 11 10 0 1
A NUAL REPORT. Dl"rmw the past year Olle fir. t aid class has been held. Certificates were afterwards presented to the. ucccs .. rul pupils l)y the Mayor, JIr. Chas. Mitchell, at the T own Hall. StatcmclLt oj R Cr.:CLptS (flul E,penditllrc, 1 99-1900.
4 11 1 14 6 1 12 0
-t4 11
Honn,'ON, ILUUtIS & Cu., C?wrtcnd Accoulltants. H. FAWCETT PUD:;gy, C'hainnalZ. HAnwi H.\'LL '\ H c' . MILBUDN fOiL.
of Men
0 3 1
9 7
£1 11
0 1
CRE 'TE I~ ,
10 \\,1
PI·csidcILt. Local HOIl. Sr'c.
received Certificate.
lst Aill.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have re ceived _ Medallio_ns.
I 1.Turiiing.
I'\ CE
] I
o (!C1·cturu:s.
Fun:'L\.TlCl_ - OF .11 ~O
b1' OCTOBEll, 1 99.
No. of Wom en
54 I 910 SINCE 1ST 34 I 167
610 1 99.
Formc\L 1 20 . rJ'l'..,itlt'nf.
The Worshipful the Mayor CJlt'. W. A . 'hurell111illl).
who ha\'e \1' 11011,"\'0· who have " received completed a completecl a COUl'lle of Ccrtifieates. . course.of instruction. . T • 1Il. ·trnct:on. 1st Aid. N llr~ing . 1st Aid. ;S ur~ll1g. 1st AlIl. 1;S U1·sing.
:No. 0(' Women
., tores "Examination fees " Postage, &c . " Balance ill hand .
of Men
Xo. of CCI'Liflcated who havc who have who have who have Pupils who have cOIJll'letel1 a completed received received recci I'eel course of a course of Certi fi cates. Certificates. 1IlcclallioJls. instruction. ins truction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. ht Air!. I NurSing. ?o len I WOlll en. ~2258
E,i'lJcnclitU7·c. By tationery, &c . .
P. ~I. T. "\\T.
\Ve . have audited the accounts for the year ended eptcll1ber 30th, 1900, anel certify that, in our opinion, the foregoing staLement is correct. \Ve ha \'e Ycrifi c(l the balance at the bankers.
Rcccipts. To Cash ill ham1 " Class Fecs " Stores soh!
Hull, Nov ember 30th, ]900.
C. II.
Mr. A. Dob on, :lr.n. c .. '. ~1r . H. Potter, M.P-.C . •'.
NOTE.-There are out tanding liabilitie of the 'entre alllounting to £217 7~. 2~d., and there are debts due to the Cell tre amounting to £ ,13 10s. 3(1., aud a stock of tores on hand for sale. There is also a quantity of Appliances Oll hand fol' public anu class pur}loses.
( Sign~d )
Jlc dic al
SCt' I·('t:lI·Y .
164 ChaiJ'lllall.
Bl'igaue SUl'geon Lt. -Col. G. ~ '" V.D"Y.M.S.
EIll' S to 1, 1
'J'1·ca";IU·C l· Hu(IUOllorHI'Y SCCl·c ta r y.
S ou1c11e1', Becl:hholme, I p ",ich.
E. H. Fison Fryer D. Ford Goddard, M. P. Hoyland , M.D. 1\11'. F. :r n rse Illes T·. Ransomes Sims & Jefferies Mr. E. I>. Ridley
Mr. Mr. 1\11'. Mr.
nIl'. Bartlet, LD. Mr. Berners 1\11'. F. T. Cobbold Mrs. Coulchel' Miss Coulchel' 1IIr. Eades nIl'. Elliston
Receipts. To The Mayor (W. A. Churchman) Donations . . " Gate M.olley and. Tickets. " ProbCframllles and Acl vts.
11 15 60 19
£ '2
F. E. 1\1., A.C.A.
Park Litte)' Ji'ulul. Expenditure.
E,l'jlCild iture. 0 6 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 1] 10
£65 11
£G5 11
By For Litter " ,'tretcher . " II ood., &c.
I certify the ltbovc statemcnt to Le corrcct. F. EnOATt l\tAYlII!;W, A.C.A., HaiL. Gno. S. ELLISTOX, Chainllan.
OLJ\' ]i;lt
K\lm '.
Local lIon. SeC1·Ct((J'!J.
6 0
F. E. 1'1., A.C.A. .Jl
1. UE OF
Chairman. C. COULCIfER, Local HrJ1l. 'ecretary.
lHl\'I~ receh'~1 [
,,110 ha \'e receivc·d Certificntes.
:\ Hrsilll-:.
Fo!t:-.l.\ 110:\
1;;1 ,,\ ill. I Nnrsing.
Pupils who have r .. c-eivt'd ~lectallion s.
111 en.
'1·.. TT llE.
3 5 i 301 I~( E lsI' OC"fllB E H, 1 00. 19 'J.7 30 -- - --
- - - - - - 1 1\0. of Cerlificated
\l'hn jl[lvc cnml'lt>lec[ a COlli SI' of instruction.
:\0. of Wom cll
No. of 1\[en
n.RII. The PriuceHs lui ·tiull. A~tclitor.
£10 10 2 10 1 4
l'I·C>i icl('ul.
VablC of goods for sale, £.1 16s. 7J.
./S'eptembel' 24th, 1900.
l~~...:.t_A_ir...:.I.....!I-=-:..:.:..:..:..::.:::::..:..::...:..:....:~.:.....:..::..:..:.;...:..:...:.~----.:l~st:..,:..:..:.:\ i,l
. £3 0 0 By Report · . . Hi 0 0 " Paid to Lecturers . 9 5 10 "Outfit, . Africa (2 mell) 4 12 0 " ,'tationel'Y . 3 16 " H.OOIllS, &c., for 'lasses " Grallts to 1st and 31'(1 Div. o 10 0 11 16 4~ " to res 7 10 10 " Exulllinations 5 0 " Medallions 1 13 2 " Puhlic IIIeetiug " Pail I from Balance tu Park 1 11 o LitleI' 1 5 6 " Advertisements o ~ [) ,: Balance ill hand
0 0
who have completed (l. course of instrnction.
fa)' the yea,' 1 99-]900. ~
£5 19 5 Hi
To Mr. F. urse II Dona LiOllS " Deficit
£6 9 20 0 12 17 1 1 1 1 0 5 13 :2 4 15 5
GIW. S. ELLrWI'OX, Chairman. S. OLIVF.lt E \DF.S. J. II. CUI'lWW, ll on. Secretcuy.
Mr. IIoylantl, ~l. D., Dur. Mr. "Yard, LD. 1\11'. \\T arner, M . D., Ur. "YoO\I, )LH.. C.H., IdLe.p.
Receipts. To Balance in hand. . " Grant from Town Conncil " Donation and 11 bs. " Mrs. Huut (subs.) "Mr. F. Turner (sub.) " DOMtion for 1st Div. " For Stores " For Ji.:xuminations " For ~Ied<lllions " Public Meeting
THE Town Council gave a grant of £20 for ambulance work, which cnahle(1 two firstr3.te cla. ses to be held-nursing for lllen and Jirst aiLl for women. Two other classes were al 0 held. The visit of the British lIIellical Association to Ipswich \\as memorable to am bu1ance people by the formation of a new section," ,W} , Army , anc1 Ambulance." The President was In pcctor-Gelleral Belgl'ayc ... innis, )J. n., 11. x .. and our Chairman was a Vice-Pre idbut. 'urgeon-~Injor Hutton read a most interesting paper on "Fir t Aid in Civil Life," and much interesting (liscu.'sion 011 ambulance work ensiled. The scdion was said to be a yery grc<),t !:lncces" Dr. Durrant, who has been our Chairman sillce 1 0, has been obliged to retire, anrl to him we tender warm thanks. ACCO~lnts
£15 17 66 10
Receipts. A
By Expense. " Balallce in hand
8 1
:ucclical 81 a.r.
1111'. Eades, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. . , Ed. :nIl'. Elli. ton, M. R. C. ., Eng. lUI'. Fryer, L.n.c.p. JUl'. Hossack, F . R.C . . . , Ed.
Fete fV1' U,1 ifm'?n
Li fc lUClll bcl's .
' -lcC-I'I'csicleu I.
The Lady I 'HLe1 Atherley. 'l ' I'('/lsn I· el·.
Mr. Hugh Wyeth.
· 150
Statement oj Receipts and Receipts.
llo11orary Sccl·ctal·jc s.
:Jlis E. A. Evelegh, A vondale ROlLu,
hide View, ewport.
A . IV. Drew, 'W 01verton,
llt'(lical Staff.
To'Balance at Bank, J Wagon Acc. £4. 18 2 General" 18 13 9 " ----£23 1111 nhs . to Wacron Acconnt, 19 6 9 Special Fllnd 57 1 6 Frolll Classes . 5 2 0 :: Sul)$.;riptioll ~o Centre 30 0 0 COllllty CounCil Granl
E.clJendit1.~re, 1899-1!l00. Expenclit1.~r·e .
I nsurance I By" Stationery, " "
I, "
lir. A. Banks, F.R.C.S . Mr. H . l.I. Barker, ;\1. D., L. R. C. P., 111. n. C.I'. 1111'. G. A. Barr, L . R.C . P. , M.lt.C . S. ,Mr. J . V. Blake, "l.B., B. ' . , M.ll.·.S., L.It. C.P.
IIII'. J. G. Breretull,
L.R.C.P. l.: L . lLC.i'i.J.,
L .M .
Mr. C. G. Brouie, F.lt.C . . , L. lLl'. 1'. Mr. J. Co\\'per, ;\I.B., C.l\1. Edin. Mr. H. W . EYl'en, M.R. C... , L . . A.
1111'. H. VV. Godfrey,
l\L n., C.M.,
lII.R. C.S.,
Mr. \\T. E. Green, lI1.n.u.s., L.I'.A. J. Grove,', B. A., 111. B. , T".lt.C.P. 1\11'. A. Holli', 111. D., C.M.,lIl.H.C. '. 1111'. , V. J . JolliJI'e, L.lLC.l'., )LR.C. ·. Mr. . N ockoltlt;, L.lL C.l'., L.R. c.I'>., 1\[1'.
" " "
L. ]\f.
JI,I 1'. L. Pre 'ton, l\I. n.,
B. Robinson,
" " "
B .. '.
:1I.Il.C.'i., L.ll.loP.
)[ r. C. J. Thompsoll, \I.IL ( . S., L.ll. C1'.
ANNUAL REPORT. Committee are glad to be ahle to report that there were 19 classls helti in varions parts of the i land Llming last "'inter, and again village ' have had dasses "'here either they ban not been held before or not for several year, and great intcre t has been shown. Clas~es ,,'ere held-uwlcr the gmnt of £30 lllacle uy the Technical Education Committee at Bembridge, \\Tellow, and Godshill, and tlte mcmbers who then gained their certificates hope to join the Ambul'l11ce Brigade . It has bCl'u fdt fOf a long timc that it was necessary that the ambulance wagonltouhl have india.rubber tyre, 0 that it could be used with greater comfort to the llaticnt', aud therefore a special fuud was raiseLl for the l'Ul'poe. The Comllli ttee are erlall to say that more than the required amount was giveu, alHl other very lleces'ary "oJ'k was therefore able to 1e done, and there i 110 uonbt tlHtt all who use the ,,,agon will feel grateful to those "ho helped the funLl. The wagon has lJcen usell 1;' times dUling the year from 31 t July, 1 99, to 31. t ,July, 1900. The President of the Centre, H. R. II. Prince s Chri tiall of 'chles\\'ig-Hol tein, graciously con:en ted to be presen t at an all1 bulance demonstration, au(l at the same time to present the certificates anel medallions gained 1),Y thencces 'ful lllCI11 bel'S. The Committee. by the kind permission of the Uovemol's of the 1. ,IT. College and the Head Mastel', the Rev. 'IV. G. 'Whittam, "'ere ah1e to arrange fo!' the meeting to be beld in the heautiful groundt; of the College at Ryde, on ~7th July, 1 99, and members from many parts of the island were present and took part. A larger uumber would haYe attended, bnt, owing to its being a very buy tilUe of the year, many were unable to leave their work. II. R. U. Princess Christian was pleased to express her satisfaction with the demonstration and the way in "'hicll the meetiug passed 0[. ,'everal mem bel'S of the Isle of Wight Corps of the Brigade have been sent Rt various times to South Africa, and some of thP,lll haye volunteered and been accepted for a second term of service. illany more were willing anel allxious to go, but for different reasons were not eligible. The thanks of t.he Committee are again gi ven to the lecturers, who so geuerously devote so lUuch tillle aud trou hIe to the classes, anu except for whom this useful wo rk could not be canieti on. Thanks are also due and offerecl to all those who take p art in helping, especially to the local Secretaries, who do so much in arranging the classes. THE
" "
Postages and Caniage . Printing and Advertising. Wagon AccountMr. J. Gwyel' (Bath Chair) . Mr. R. B . CheY0rton (rubber tyres and new shafts) . Heac 1 0 fRce • tores "Fee' & I ncidentals Balance Ryrle Demonstration Hire of Hall Chec~ ue Book Lecturers' Fee and Expenses Newport Diy. Balance of Allllmlance Expcl1 es noi recei,'ellfrom patients Oa:h at B:l.l1k, 'IYagon Accouut . (ielleral Account •
3 13 1 10
') 0
2 10
1::1 10 22 8 3:el 18
;J 16 0 020 021
1 19 1
0 3
(j 4 11 :21 11 9
£B5 19
B. PntKI., GlzctinJ1an. HU(TH'IYYln'lI, Trcasure?·.
Octobm' 5th, 1900. I
1 Han. SecI'etarics.
No. of Men
of Women
- - - - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - - ~o. of Certificated lin IHl\ C who have Fnpils wbo have wbo have who ha,"c cUlIll'let '<1 a received received completed reccived cuurse' of Certificates. Medallions. Certificates. im;tl'llctioll. a course of instruction. . . Men. Women. lst,Aid. I Nursing. l·t Airl. I Nursill .C!; . ""'iSt"Ai'l. Nursi~lIE.g:...._l~~~t..:A~i~d:....:..-'..::.N:..:u::r::..:'J.::ng~.~.:.:..:.=...-,-~,---_
lNI'E FOJl~r.\ 1'10::\ OF CT~KTItr~.
I li n 76...1 11'>'1' OCTO IlEJ:, 1 09.
'"l'('s iclcnl.
II'. John 13rigg,
IIl.l'., C.A .
' "icc-J"rcs icl cnl s.
.Alderman B . S. Brigg
Altlennan R. Edmol1l1so11.
14 11
15 3
Life l1lClIlbcl·:iI.
Mr . 'Yill. D obie, M . D . 1111'. E. Cha ffers, F . It . . ' .
II! 1'. W m. Scatterty,
IIII'. C. C. Bax tel' Tyrie,
M.A., M . D.
1I0JlOl':u'Y SN·!·('Ial·)' .
~r. B., ~L C.
MI', S. T.
oott, 16, Granville
Dr. J . Nicholson Dobie. lUedh'al Slalr.
II'. MI'. I t'. IIII'.
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. & course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid . I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NIiTsing.
lIouol'a)'Y "lIlClilol·.
:Mr. J. B. Berry IIII'. J. C, Crawford I1Ir. E. ( 'buffers 1\11'. 111. Dobie IIII'. J . . Dohie I1lr. H . . Dobie
No. of Men
W . III. Gabriel J . P . O'COllllell Wm . catterty
V . Fry IIII'. n. W il'Oll ~l r. C. C. Baxter Tyric.
1st Aid.
FOll:\[Al'JON OF
I 546 INCE
who have received Certificates.
! 469
1 99.
I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
.AI :XU.\ L REPOHT . .A'r the gelleralllleeting ill October, 1 99, it \\'as arranged that the llalance shouhl be ballded over to th e 1\ eigliley Di yisioll of tlle A11l1mlallce Brigade, th .. anlonll t lJciug £16 Is. 10d . During the year six cla -c and olle re-e:mminatioll, viz., olle tCl11 ale first aiJ, three l11ale fir t aid, two male 111ll';.ing, and Olle llla!c re-e. "U]lillatioll. Tl le male nursing classes are the first that have I)(:,<:n held in thi Ccutrc. TIll' ilIa} oress (:oIl' . H . C. Long ddn ) pre ented a large ' Ilvcr slileld to bc competell for (Juoh year. also medal fpr the three fir. t team , and medal for tile two fir t teulllS oftllc llmsi ng Divi"ion. The cOl1lpetition \\'as h eld in Yictol'ia Park 011 July 21t: ,t large unn /ber of people \vere pre!';ent to witne stile cOl11petilion, the judges \\ere Ih'. Little,,'oud of L eeds, Dr. Knowles of IIa~lilJgd en, cmu Dr. "\Yalker of IIaworth. Fourtecll t L'UILl,' and three llmsillg team competcd, the competitlOll \\'a ' OpL'I1 to all l1Jc1I1bers \\'lIn held first aid ccrtificates of the associalioll. T he winners of the shielll \Va!:> the hipley te I1n ; :ilIlc11ftllLl Hail\\'ay Keighley 2ll(1 ; allcl th e BraMunl Uity Police 3rt!, The Bradford Nursing Divisions carried away the mcdals.
l'l'csitlc nt aJlcl ( 'hail'Il1:ln.
Mr. J . T.
l' l'ca.., lIl·Ct·.
1\11'. W. F .
Statement of ReceiJJts and E ,J'J.JenditurfJ fur tli e yew' endiJlg SeptelllUCf' 291h, 1900. R eceipts. To " " "
Balance . Stores sold Cla s Feps Due to Treasurer
10 12
E.'pen rY illl (e. IIa I11 lei 1 o\'er to Keigllley
1 10 4 1
7 5
eil on .
lfOHOI':U') S(,CI'
Di viioll Awlllllancc ~ Brigade £16 1 10 0 8y ton·s 7 10 10 E xaminer!'; Fees ai)(l I ll" eidentals 0 n .'tallljls alld Statioller} 0 HI 6 " 111iss Ulangh refUllLle!l 0 5 0 "., Telegmlllh 0 1 (i A natom i,:al Dish 0 ]1 0 " Carriage Oll Goolls 0 7 :3 " Class Expenses 1 10 9 " Reni or R(lolllS 0 :) 0 " Cash ill Bank ~ 3 [. " Cash ill hand 0 1 3
IIII'. C. W. L ane, 'olieitor, Kettering.
Mcdical SI ad'.
IIil' • J . .Allison Mt'. G. W. Baker Mr. J, W. Drylaull Mr. L. W. Dryland Mr. H. Gibbon 1\11'. W. Lee
Mr. Jame l ore Mr. J Ohll l\Iore I I'. J. L . Price fr. J. J. Roughton II'. J . P . R oughton Jr. Van-Ve traui
C. C. I
N ovember 237'd, 1900.
B AXTER. T Yllm, l'reaSIl1·er. 'AMUEL T. SCOTT, I/ O?!. SecretclI'!j.
A udited amI fo nnd conecL,
J . NH'lI oL,' o
D OllI E.
SOUND work and steady progreso can be reported flom tbis entre. The markcd feature of the past year has been th e h earty way ill whicb both first aill and llursing have been taken up by women, and turned to practical account. L
Statement of Rece1pts and Erl;penditu1'e, 1900.
To Subscriptions . £48 17 0 By Balance due to Treasurer £21 11 9 4 9 7 " Dryland, J . , V., Fees for 4 " Sale of tores Cia e . " County Council Grant for 0., 22 9 0 " Rents 4 Classes 5 <> 7 3 0 " t. J ohnAm bulance Assoc. " Fees for Classes 1 f\ 0 Cla s Expellse . " Use of , Vagon 13 17 0 1 11 10 Stores " Balance due to Treasurer. 4 15 4 10 9 6 " Transport Expe:u es " Class EXl)enses, posting o 19 6 " Dl'Ugs and Appliances 8 4 7 3 2 0 " FUl'l1iture. " Eq ui pmell ts 3 :2 0 " Oollector's Commis ion 2 6 " Postage, &c. o 13 0 " Printing and. tationery 2 16 0 £ 5 15
,V. F. NEIL.
£ 5 15 0 ~,
Ko. of Men
Statement of Receipts cmd E,1;pendit1tJ'e, 1 99·1900. .£21 15 " Medals and Pockel Certifi· 1 2 cate' 10 14 " Charges to Classes. ~ 4 Stores in hand
6 6
A wlitor.
£38 17
J?O. of Men
No. of Certificated who lilt \'e Pupils who haye who have who have who have cOJUpleted a received receiYed completed received conrse of Certificates. Medallions. a course of Certificates. instruction. ins tructi Oil. -,:-;--:--:-;--;-;~--:--l 1st Aid. I Tursing~t Aii!. I Nursing. 1st Ail!. I Xnrsing. I·rAid .. ~Ui:s-_in~g-_._~_[e_n_.~1_W_o_m_e_n.
., [ CE FUH)tA'l'LO. ~ llF CE. ~TllE .
I 155 I
30 29 "IXCE 1ST OCTOmm, 1 99. :30
Boodill T. Leach.
Trca. lu·cr.
:Mr. W . H. Southern.
14th Octobe7', 1900.
Ko. or Women
Audited and fOlmd correct,
SINCE FOmL\TION OF CEXTRE. I 269 I 16-1 I 213 I mCE 1 T OCTOBER, 1899. 101 I fil I 83
. £0 17 5 . 19 0 4 " Purchase of 'tores and "Pocket Certiticat@s 1 2 fi Medals 7 1 10 " Examiners' Fees " Class Fees to Head·quarters 3 3 0 133 " Printing and Postages o 11 0 tores returned 5 17 9 " Balance in hanll "
7 By Balance duc to Treasl11'el'
Ko. of Certificated who havp. who have who have who have PUl'ib who have cOlllpleter! a completed received received received course of a course of Certificates. Certificates. l\l c(lallions. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ~ursing. 1st Aid. I Kursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursil1f(. },~ I Women.
Receipts. To Salc of Stores .
Examined anti found con'ect, (Signed) HENRY RABY, ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE.
THE opening of our work this year among lllen gave indication of considerable growth. However, several classes withdrew from the Centre before the time for examll1atioll, and are left with a strength just erlual to last year ill consequeuce. One women's class was wOl'keu. with very successful results, and we hope our societies will talc!' morc iuterest in this branch of our ·work.
Mr. J. E. Allell.
Mr. J. A. F. Aspinall,
)l.I.O.E., ?ll.ULE.
(General Map.ager L. & Y.R.).
Honorary 8CCl'c tHry.
Mr. F. A. Haworth, carc of Mec;srs. Dilworth & Son, Pall Mall Court, Manchestcr.
HOnOrHl'Y iSccl·Chn·y .
1\11'. R. II. Selbie, Chief TralTic Manager' . Office, :Dlanchester.
] 57
15 6 llIcdjcal StafT.
Mr. F . Nuttall , L.R.a .p., L.F.R.S. JUl'. 'V. H. Robinson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Ur. J. P . ",V alker,M.R.c.S. ,L.R.C.P. Mr. T. H. WestIuCl,co tt, F.R.C.S. Mr. G. . \ iVild, M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. Dr. ",V. T. Williams,)f.lt.c., ., L.S.A.
Mr. H . J . Bailey, l\IoB. Mr. B. J. Courtney, l\LB. Dr. R. D. Cran, l\I.R.C.S., L. R. C.P. Mr. A. E. Hindle, L.F. P.S., L. R.C.P. Mr. J. H . Jackson, l\I. H. Mr. J. John ton, l\1.B. 1I1r. A. W. Uu 'son, l\I. B.
ANNUAL REPORT. D URING the last year 12 classes have been held and completed under this Centre, and the practices of the various Corps have been carried on with regularity. During tbe year 1899 first aid was rendered by men trained under the Centre in 569 cases of accident mainly to other servants of the COml)any. The fir t competition for the Challenge bield among the Corps was beld in May la t, and the award was given to the Oldham team. Ten teams competed, anll the doctor who acted as judge complimented them in his report upon their general efliciency.
ANNUAL R EPORT. TilE cases attended during the past year have been rather below the average both as regards numbers and interest. Thirty-Live men and 28 women have obtained certificates in first aid and 20 women have passed the nursing examination. \Ve regret to report the death of Dr. John Todd, who for many years rendered valuable services as a member of the Medical Staff, also the retirement of Dr. T. Telford -Smi tho Statement of Receipts ancl Expenclitu,rejrom Oct. 231'd, 1899, to Oct. 31st, 1900.
By Balance at Bank, Oct. 23, £8 7 5 1899 . 25 IG 9 " Subscriptions, etc. 0 5 3 Bank Interest
To Ilemittances £25 19 11 Cherlue Book 0 2 1 " Balance at Bank, Oct. 31, " 1900 8 7 5
OctobtJ' 31st, 1900.
who have who have who have completed a. completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. lBt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I N1Using.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing. Men. I Women.
67 ~
SINCE I ,T OCTOBER, 1899. 255
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
INo. of Certificated Pupils who have rereived ~redallions.
I Nursing. ...r en.
I Women .
No. of Women
of Men
who have who have who have l'ompleted a received completed course of Certi fi cn tes. a counie of instruction. instructiun. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aill. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nun;ing.
5-102 I 5·12 '!NCE l'iT Ol'TOIlEll, 1 90. I 2, I 2
Formed 18 1. Prc i(lc nt.
The Right Hon. Lord Ashton.
l'ice·Prcshlc nt.
Fonne(l 1 78.
The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, G.C.B., etc.
)'l'(' ... hI Cll t.
TI·e a .·lil· Cl'.
Sir Andrew Fairbairn.
Mr. A. S. Barling, l\f. R. C. S. Honorary )S ccrc tary .
JlOIIOI·;t 1',\ ( 'ha it·\Iwn.
Major E dward W. Stokes, (~l1een Square House, Lancaster.
The Lord Mayor of Lpcd . ( ' hail'lIl:lll.
' ,iCc lU c mbc l'S.
Mr. A. Greg
ilII'. Edward Atkin. on, F.L. '.
Messrs. Storey Brothers & Co. JUe(lical 'tafT.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
No. of Women
No. of Men
£34 9
Audited and found correct, ALFllED W. V;THELOX, Hon. Auditor. EDWD. \V. TORE, Hon. Sec/·cleo·y. A .•. BAnLl G, T7'CCtSU1·U.
A. S. Barling, M. R. C. s. Charles Dean, F.R. C.S. Croft H elme, M.D., C.lII. Jos. H. I rvin, M.R. C.,· .
Mr. Edward Jackson, M.B. Mr. Hugh F. Oldham, M. D. Mr. W . W . Wingate-Saul, M.D.
SN·I·ctary .
" Talter Rowley,
'1f.I.e. E.,
Uonol'lll'Y Sccl'c tal'y to " ' Oll\ t'u's n e l);\I·t IIlt'lIt HlHl
Cla ~s c s for " ' omcn .
Mrs. "'' lalter Rowley, AllIeI' lIill, Meauwood, Leeds.
15 )
the forthcoming sessioll. Since the commencement of the war in South Africa the centro has sent out comforts for the sick and woundcd soldiers through the Red Cross ociety, as well as to the Rolcliel's and ailors IIomes at Southampton anc1 Portsmouth, &c. Up to the present time goods to the value ofahout £1,500 have been sent off, all of which have hecn contributed from val"iol1s parts of Yorkshire anc1 other counties. Thanks are again dne to Mr. P. C. Kirk, chartered accountant, Lccds, "ho has so kindly audite(l the book alld accounts for the past yea,r.
Banliel·.· .
Messrs. Reckett and Co., Leed·. O.fllccs.
20, Park Row, Leeds. Lifc lUcmbcl's.
Messrs. John Barran and ons lUes rs. Reckett and Co. Sir Andre\"\" Fairbairn Mr. John Hepper Mr. R. Ben Oll Jowett "ir LionelllI. Swinnerton-Pilkington, Bart.
Mr. Bl'lggs Priestley, l\I.1'. Mr. Walter Rowley Mrs. Walter Rowley Mr. Charles Ryder Mr. Geo. Austin uadick Me srs. J 0 hua Tetley and
StCttement of Receipts
1\11'. 1\11'. 1\11'. Mr. Mr. lIIr. :;)11'. It'. Mr. lUr. l\Ir. iiII'. Mr. Mr. :Mr. ~lr.
:Mr, nIl'. nIl'. Mr. Mr.
nIl'. nIl'. nIl'. nIl'. l\Ir, Mr. Mr.
Allen F. E. Atkinson Edward Atkinson Eldredge Blomfield G. Blomfield J. Bradhury J. E. Bris('oe J. W. :So Brown C. Buck E. Carter W. R. Clarke J. Clough Ba il Ewing J. Exley Ewing John Exley J. E. Gains C. . Greenwood T. Wardrop Griffith, F. W. Halliday R. Hann Hardcastle B. Grey Heald Geo. Ft. Heald B. A. Heathcote J. B. Hellier, ~Ln. G. Hepworth C. E. Hollings J. Howard
P(fyments, OctaveI' 31st, 1 99, to October 31st, 1900. E;)~pendit~t1'e.
Receipts. ons.
lUc(lical StatT.
Ir. J. H. Aitken
Mr. W. L. Hunter Mr. P. James MI'. J efrery :nIl'. E. 'Y. Kemp 1\11'. R. L. Knaggs Mr. H. Little\\'ootl Mr. J. . Loe :;)[1'. W. ". Mackellzie lIlr. J. G. l\IcCandlih illr. A . .JlcXab Mr. '. 1I100re. :lr.l). l\I1'. B. G. A. Moynihan Mr. J. Kightingale, ::II. H. lIlr. C. Olel fielcl iiII'. H. ,T. Roper MI'. ydney Humboll Mr. H. , hephertl Mr. . 'Y. meetOl1 Mr. H. Archl)old mith ?Ill'. mith iiII'. J. "'nell l\I1'. '. E. , outhwell nIt" II. pong Mr. 'Y\'. Thom}).ol1 Mr. F. W,uldingtoll :nIl'. J. O. Ward illl'. L. F. West Mr. II. C. W oorlcock Mr. l\IcGregor Young. ANNUAL REPOHT.
DURIXG the year 32 cla ses have been held in connection with the Cell tl'e COll 'isting of 17 first aid male clas. es, 3 fir t aid female classes, 2 nursing male classes, 4 nursing female classes, besides 6 re-examination in first aiel. A large num bel' of classes haye been hele1 amongst the l)olice force of the Ci.ty. Olle class at the Y.M.C.A. on first aid, and one on fiTst aiel, and one on llUl'sing at the Y.vV.C.A" the remainder being held amongst railway employes, colliery work people, and in connection with the various places of worship in the City. Besides the ahove mentianed classes about six new classes have already commenced in counection with
To Balance, 3lsLOcLobt'l', 1 99 £27 \) 9 13 Anllual u b cri ptiOllS " ubscri ption, Oom po.·i tion ;i2 10 " Receipt· from la ses for " Class Fee and tores 175 0
:£:'W·l 1:3
0 7
£53 13 0 By'tores purcha. eu Exallliller~' Fees and In" cidental Expen es paid to the Central Executive 11 ~6 '01l1mittee , 1111dry Di~bur ements, " and:' ecretary' ~ Tra veIl ill g Expense, etc., to 30th 12 6 6 June, 1900 . Allowance on Account of " Assistant 'ecretary from l:t July, 199, to 30th 50 0 0 June, 1900 '2 6 U Printing aUlI tationery " Balance " III hand £7 H 10 :2 11 6 III Dank 90 6 4
£264 13
Examine{l with the Youcllers awl account. an(l found correct. (,'ignc{l) J. O. KIlm:, Gl/(( rte ,'cel .A CCOl( I~l(( Ii t. EmL\.JtD Anax.ox, Clwiml(lll. ,Y.\LTEfi ROWLEY, HVII. Secretary.
JanuC!ry Hth, H101.
1::1 'UE uF Xo. ur lIIen whu have compleler]
Xo. uf WOlllen whn have ('oIllI'IPtcII n l'uursc of
wllo have rccl'i vcrl ()crtilicatcs.
a tout' 'c of
1l1struetiUI1. 1st Aid. Nursln£ lst Ai![
who ha\'e l'N'eivl'tl Certilit'nte ..
.' o. of Certificated Pupils \\'ho have receiYeu )lclinllion ' .
~'IXl'B F()It\! \I'IO:S UF Cgc\TIlE.
I .u
t~CE l~T
3 ;;
fH10 0
1 89.
their share in this SllCCCSS, and the Committce heartily tbank them for their hearty co-opJration and impOl'tt1ll L help. Acknowledgment sboulu also be made of the services of the (lifferent class secretal'ie upon whol11 falls a large amount of work, their ,villing and valuable help contributillg in no small measure to the success of the
Formed 1
PI·c 'idcllf.
T he Wor hipful the Mayor. Viee-Chait·Ulau.
Rev. Canon
LL.D .
'V ortley S.
Jloll()l'lny SeCL'cta l'Y.
I r. F. II. Turner, 2, Granby
Mr. T . Howard L loyd.
.,lss i s tallt SCCl'c t:lI'Y 1'01' " 'OUtc u'S Cla ssc)i\.
Miss Fnllagar, ] 4,
t. Peter's Road.
Miss Frances Armitage, ~LD., B. S. 1\11' . .A. E. Barlow, M.R.C.S., :!ILB., Eclill. Mr. Beresford, l\[. R. C. s. Mr. W. B. Berritlge, ~LR.C.S . Mr. Briggs. I,. n . C.p., Mr . .Astley Olarke, M . B . :Mr. J. ,V. CoUington, ;\LR.C ... , L.R.C.P. , Edin . Mr. E. R. Co\\'cher, L.n.C.p . , L.R.C . . Mr. G. H. Croft, l'I.R.C.8., L.R.C.P., Lond. Mr. H . Davies, l\I.D., l\LR.C.8. 1\11'. C. Douglas, F.R.C.S. 1\11'. ,V. L. Emmer on, l\I.R.C ... , L., . A. 1\1r. W . A. Griggs, L.n.C. p., Lond., l'LR.C.S .
Mr. R. Hancock, l\I. R.C . . 1\11'. L. K. RatTi on, B.A., ~I.n.,
l\I.R.C. S ,
Mr. H. T. Heginhotham, L.R.C.P. 1\11'. R. 'Wallace H emy, M. D. 1\11'. W. F. 1\IcAllister-Hewlillgs, 1'1. B. an(l C.l\[. 1\11'. James Hunter, :'II. D .
LlI'. -Capt. T. Gordon Kelly, )1.:\1.:-;.C., )L D. 1.11'. F. Lewitt, M.ll.C.B., )1.1l.C. P., Lona. 1\11'. A. L. McLeod, M.A .. :\L n., ('.M. Mr. J. H. eale, l'LB . , L'.M., \r.n.c. l'. Mr. J. Jr. TidLO]SOll, 1..'1.A., Lond. Mr. J. Peacock, l\1.B., n.H. 1\11'. Pemberton Peake, l\I.IU'.N., L.R.('.l'. 1\11'. Phillips, l\I.R.e.S., I.. n.c' . I'. 1\11'. F. Pope, l\I.B., Cantu,b. l\r.n.(·.N.,
M.Il.C.I'. Potter, l\LJt.C,,·. R. I ratt, ;\1. D., LontI., ~I. [~. c.s. T. P . hearer, L.n.C.l'., & s., Edin.
1\11'. 1\11'. A. kipton, M.n . . H. Mr. R. evestre, T".Il.G.P., :lLlLC.S. nrgeon-1\lajor Bradshaw Smith, . \.l\1.H. lIlr. F . . ' mith, l\LR.C.l'., L.ILC.p., Lond. 1\11'. 'penee, l\1. n. c. S. ]\[1'. '1:. T. Thomas, L.n.C.l'., M.H.C.S. 1\11'. J. ~\. Unitt, L.ll.C.l'., L.ILC.S. ~lr. J. E. 'Waite, l'Il.B., LOllll. nil'. :\Iil1mrne West, l\Llt.( ' .S., L.n.C.l'.
ANNUAL REPORT. TUE Committee, in presenti.ng their Twentieth A n nual Report, have pleasure ili recorrling Yery marked progress during the past yeal'. Twenty-two classes have heen held in the town and nine in the county. Eirrhteen men's classes and thirteen women's c:lasses have beeu instructed; 287 men were examined, 242 passed; 148 women were examined anr1 128 passed; making a total of 435 eXilmined, oh\hom 370 passed. For re-examination] 20 men presenterl thelllselves, ll? of wholl1 pas'3ecl, and 3:3 women, of whol11 30 passetl. These figures proved the continuer1 desire for ambulance knowledge a11(l the Oommittee feel gratified that L eicester still keeps in the forcmost rank of the ambulance world. Tltey gratefllll y acknowledge the great cleut owing to the medical men of the tOW Il and eOllllty for
classes. During the past year Dr. Pope, who has l)('cn connected with thc movement almost from its commencement, wa. cnrollerl hy command of II. M. the Queen, on the recommemlatioll of II. R.ll. the Prince of Wales and the Chapter of thc Order of ~t. John of Jernsf1.1em, IIollomry Associate of the Ol'Ller of 't. John of Jerusalem. The Oommittce beartily congratulates Dr . Pope on the honour conferre<l upon him, and wonlel. express their pleasure at this recognition of his long and v<.Lluable service' to the Oenir . Numerous cases of "Fir t Aid" l)y ccrtif'icat' holders have to bc recorded, lllany of which have l)een aHesLl'fl l)y the l1le<lical mCIl a' having been excellently treated . It is most sati~ract()ry to know that in all the chief factories and work'lhops, and about the pul)lie ~trl'ets, there Ilre pcrsons al)lc to render aid in case of accidents, and to alleviate sulI'erin r to the entire sati <faC'tioll of the patients and of tbe medical pi ofession. Instances iunumerahle might he q \loted where this knowledge has provecl of great service an<l comforl. The l 'omrnittee are pleased to report that a number of first aid havresacs Hllll othcl' !1pplin.nces have heen purchased by employers of labour ill the tOWll, to be kept r 'ally in the \\'orkshop~, &c. In view of the 'Vorkmell's Compensation Ad, LIt<' kno" lCllge al1<l ready Illeun of treating an acciJent may save heavy calls for COlllpcl1~atioJl ; the Committee beg to recommend a great exten 'ion of this plan. The COllllUilLee take thr opportunity of thnnking ~hs. Paine, llon. eeretary ofthe Bcdford Ccull'e, for hel' killllucss in eOmill" to Lrieester to rlemonstrate the new Rope Sheet tretchel', amI. oth!'!' appliances ill connection with the removal of 11e1p1e s patients. i\lr '. Paine'~ h'cLnrc was Ii,tene(l to with great pleasure and profit, und her practical "ork \IUS most instructive. The Satunlay Street Collection, which ha~ \Jecome un allllual event, wae ugain well supported, £31 2;;. lId. l)eing callectcel from all sources. After payment of neces ary expense', £~3 1 s. 211. was placed Lo tbe credit of the 'entre. 'pecial mention shoulil be marle of the IHtlldsoll1e donation handed over to the As. oeiation by Lhe ltlel1luer: of tlte Leicester Alllatenr ~[usic allll Dramatic, ociety. The Oommittec beg to thank them for their lillGrality. The be~t thanks arc due to the annual sub. crihers, and to all who have helped in anyway, aud given encouragement iu the greaL awl inereasillg allllmlance work carried on in tbe town and county. The Annua1 Ohalll'llge ,'ltielll ompctition took place at the old Town II all , on Thursday, .JulllHtry 2;,)th, 1900. Deputy I u,pector-General M. oat , \LD., R. X., officiated as j ndge. Four team. PlltrrPll, viz., the L.N. ,Yo Di\'i ·iOll , Town Diyi ion, Wheatsl1eaf Division, anel the , Yorking Men's Clul1 nlHl Institute Di"ision. After a comprehensive examination, Dr. 'oates gave hi' award as follow : Ist.-L. . W. Divisi.on with a total of 3+9 mark. 2n(1. - Town Di vi:ion .,. ., ., 3-17 " 3rll.-'Y hcalsheaf D i\rision » 31 283 ...tLh.-' Yorkillg Men's Club & I nsLituLe
The maximum number of marks obtainable wal:' 400. The 'hielc1 is h elll fOl' twelve months by the winners, the sum of £2 lOs. is grautecl by the Centl'f' to their D ivi ional Funds, and each member of the team rcceives a silver l11ctlallioll . A bronze medalliou i presented to each member of the second team. The Committee cannot close their report withom; a. specialrcfel'cnce to the really and loyalre pon e of ambulance men to the c;nll for volunteers in cOllnection with the outh African , Yar. Up to the end of June 1,521 qualified men had beou sellt on ervice by the t. John Ambulance Briga.de, to act as Hospita l a Ltellliants, ortlerlies, &c., anu of this number thc Leice leI' Centre was rcpl'csclltecl by no less than 41 member. Naturally placeJ in positioll.' of severe tria l, it is most gratifyill g to have to recorll nothing bnt the highest praise from both the lliellical starr and patients at the manner in which the trying untie have been perforlllcd by thc .. c men.
" " " " " " " " "
11 1
16 13 1
I 33:2
I Women.
966 156 loT Oc"r013rm, 1 99 . 92 157 I 46 I
656 36
37 ~
Formed 18 O.
l'I'(' s i~lCJll
0 9 0 0
0 10 19 0 .J 0 7 0 ~
6 0 0
0 0
S. J. ,',I.).1)]<;I:S, LL.D., Chair'l?wn 11. TUIiNEll, llun. S Cl'I'c {C1!'Y ,
I ~1:)3 I
\\TYI(J~H & ('0., Chartl'l'Nl A CI'Oli II t(l?l ts.
(Signed )
lst Aid. I Nurl;ing.
The Right lIon. the Earl of Derby, K.n. , etc. !) CIHlly Chairman.
{'Ita i1'Jll:ln.
0 ]0
Audited and fOlllHl corJ'ee:,
Annrurt B.
No. of Certificated I'upih who have received :\Iedallions.
By lIeucl-cluarters Account for Examination Fees C:ll II ead-qUlU'tcl' A<.:eOllnt " for tares 37 Local Exanlinatioll Fee 1 " Local ~lCCOlll1t for 'lorl's. 1 " Medallion::; for '11 iehl " ompetiLion :2 Prizes to WiDllt~n;oI hid(l ~ " Engraving "i1vcr P1u,tc " and hiehl 0 Prillting anel tatiollery . 14 " N eW:-i jla pel' All \·erti.'~ l1len L 0 " Postage and Tl'lcgralJl'5 . 5 " 111 eu a Iliom; 9 " 1l1lllries- arriage, POrLel'" age, &c. 1 InsllJ'anee of \\TagOlls 0 " Hire of OlU Town lIall " and Roollis (j .Jil' . Paine' . Lectl1l'e Ex" pe11se:-: Z Brigarle Expenses Alll!. " Inspection ,1 Ditto- -Attellllillg J!']UWCl " ,,'how, H]lorts , &" 2 Testi 1l10lIial to Sgt. Drill " I mltl'Uclol' 1 Maintenance alld Repair::; " of ,Vagons ') ecretarv',' Honorari lI111 • ~::> " Cash ill "t;ccreLary's hallds 1
1899 . £13 13 10 Sub cription and Dons . . 33 15 6 Divisional ubscriptions 7 2 3 Dons. from the Leicester Music and Amatenr Dramatic Society 10 0 0 44 Stores Sold . 5 Examination Fees 54 1 6 Medallions & 7 0 Collection at the Brigade I nspection 2 I e; 3 Collection at 1111'S. Paine's Lecture 2 13 0 Balance due to Treasurer. 1 9 2
1St Afl!.
who have rer cived Certificates.
SIN('E 1!~OP.;\lATrOX OF C«;~Tlm.
Expc ad it It ,·e.
'1'0 Balance in hanel, ...,ept. 30th,
who have cOlllpleted a (,OIlI'Sf) of instrucli0n.
who have who have rerl'i vcd completed Certificates. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I XUl'sing.
Treasul'er's Cash State?nrnt to September 30th, 1 9D. Receipts.
~o. 0('
No. of Men
Mr. Llewellyn Morgan ,
Mr. Frank Tobin.
~ (' (· l' c lal'y .
TI'c a " ul'(, l' auft 1I01l01'alT
II'. J. C. Ellison, 1, York Buildings, Dale 'treet. Lifc 'tIcm},)(' I· ....
Th e Earl of Derhy, K.G. Lord Brassey, K. ( '. B. 111'. Willialll A(llLltlson Mr. Thomas Bartlett Messrs. Balfour, "W illiam'on aJl(l Co. Mr. Edward Bibhy, F.ll.n.:-;. 'lh' ~li('a
1\[osrs. ,V 111. J o11n tOll and Co Mr. J. T . ickels .Ji etssr,'. Papayanlli and Co. Mr. A. 1\1. ~lllith ~Ir. Jame ' Liter.
t ~.. atl'.
1111'. l'[OOl'l', L.I!.C.P. Mr. Lll>\wllyn Morltan, ~ [ l'. N' evin , )1. n.
Mr. Bradsha\\, L.1U'.l'. 1111'. COl'llett, L.lt.C.I'. Mr. Carthew Da \'('y, )L D. 1\1.1'. Tho . M. Du\\,. 011, ;II. D. Mr. Richard Humphreys, M.n. MI'. Thos. R. JUdSOll, )T.D. 1\11'. Ww. MacVie, "J.D.
~[r. G. cott "llgclen, )LD. MI'. Tho'. 1\1. ,rill, F.n. c .. r. j\1 r. G. "W allace )LD. 1'11'. L. , Yood, )I.n.
TilE COlllmittee hrtyc much ph'<tsUl'c ill sLntillg lhitL during lhe pa t ye,ll' 20 fir ·t aid and 4 nursing cla ses have 11('('n hell1. The llUlllber of da "'o for \Yolllen hoth in first aid and 11l1l'sing are well lluintalncl1. During the yertr 169 mC1llbcrR of the City Police have gain ell certificates in Jil'sL aid (\\'hic;h make about 2 300 ince theformation of the ccntre); 225 have pa 'sell the fll'st re-examintl.tioll. amI ~.J.7 the
final. Numerou in tances have occurred in which the knowledge has proved to be of the greatest pos ible value. The classes ol'gani;>;ed by the Liverpool School of Cookery are in no way connected "with the Liverpool Centre of the Association. Particular of Clas es a follo"\\s-
'. ·rcs iclclI t.
Liverpool City Police Johnson Bros. Loth erlalld Technical Instruction Com . Huyton and Roby " " Y.M.C.A., Liverpool ,"'{oolton Liverpool Overhead Raihmy Gordon Hall t. Michael's Dingle No.2 St. ilus, Toxteth Morley Hill
lilen. 9 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mrs. Morrison. 1I0ll01':lI'Y Sccrctary.
Miss Fanny L. Calder. 1
Sccrct lU'ics.
Mrs. Dol plJin.
Mrs. Coghill,
1 2
ANNUAL REPORT. EXCELLENT cla ses 11:we attended during the past year, and the work of the t. John Ambulance Association seems to l)e increasingly appreciated by women workers
of all kimls.
Statel1umt of R eceipts ancZ B vpenclitui'e from October 1st, 1 99, to Octobu 1st, 1900.
£36 11 10 9 0 27 4 4 5 1 6
M. n.
Receipts. To Balance last Account " Sub5criptions Class Fees " Bank Interest
1\1rs. Rowland Williams.
Bcpenditure. By Office Expenses " L05s on Iedallions " Balance
£32 19 7 0 4. 6 45 1 7 £7
who have who hflve who have completed a recl'ived completed course of Certilicates. a cour e of instruction. Instruction. 1st Aiel. I i\ urti i ng. Is l Ait! I Nnrsing. 1st Aiel . Nursing.
Liverpool, Norember, 1900.
who have who have who have completed received received a cour e of Certificates. Certificates. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. rNlolrsillg.- 1st Aid. I Nursing.
I 7860
I Nursing.
ENTIlE. h 3 1 99 .
I Wumen.
1st Aid.
Men .
No. of Women who llave completed a course of instruction .
OF 94.
C'hairman. llon. Sec. and TreCts.
No. of Certificated Pupils who hElve received Medallions.
who have received Certificates.
Audited und found correct,
No. of Women
No. of Men
SINCE FOR~IATION OF CENTIlE. 1837 I 2384 I SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1 99. 163 I -1 I 148
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
Forme(l 1
.·I·(·"ich' ut.
H.R.H . Prince s Loui 'r, Duehes of Argyll.
I Women.
" 'icc-.·r " hlellC!I.
T echnical College of Domestic I 'cience, Colquitt Street.
Mrs. E. F. Chillery Mrs. Heseltine Mrs. C. Robinson Mr. F. H. C1'o;>;ier Rear·Admiral Earle Chah·lnall.
Rear-Admiral Earle. La(lics' lIono\'al'Y Sccl·ctal'Y.
Mrs. E. F. Chinery
Han. J. cott Iontagu, Colonel tirke 11'. Howard Ward II'. Ingham Whitaker.
fr. II. Pl'j'se H olloway. JlOlloral'Y
Colonel tirke (late 69th Rcgt. Ivy House, Lymillgton.
1 G7
lIcllical 8t:lO·.
Mr. R . Bruce, ~I.R.C . S . , .Mr. E. F. Chinery
L . S.A.
Formed 1 78. Lifc }lembcI'.
"Jlajol' F .... W. Cornwallis.
A JUAL REPORT. THE Ceutre has to. deplore the loss of their Treasurer, in the death, on 3rd 1I1arch, ~f Mr. Henry Damell. He had been hon. 'l'l'easnrel' of the Centre since its formation III 1 4. Two classes" first aid to the injnred "-one for men, one for womenwere. commenced early in l\Ia,rch-Lectl1l'er, Dr. Pithie. Inspector-(~eneral of Hospitals, Henry C. Woods, ~r.y. o., R._ ., examined both classes on 10th 1I1ay. Result: 23 women were examllled-:H passed; result: 22 men were examined20l)assed. On the 26th July the annnal general meeting wa held, th lIon. J. Scott .1lIontagu, ;)LP., in the chair. Lady Cecil cott l\lolltagu presented the medallions and certificates.
Statement oj Receipts and Receipts: To Cash at Capital & Counties Bank. . . £21 15 " Cash received for Books, Bandages, &c.. . 2 7 " Ditto for l\Iedallions 1 1:2 " Ditto (balance) Class and Examination Fees • 1 12 1 1 " .Mr. Bonham Carter) don.) " Subscriptions, 1899 . 12 2
7 1 (j
6 0 0
E~'.Pcnclit~t1·e JOT
"icc-('" a i J'Jllan.
( 'hail·luau.
:l'Ir. O. E. Hoar,
"J1ajo}' Haynes.
r n'a SIU·C I·.
RallllalJ 1Ilen·e}'.
:-'{'cl'{'1 aries.
jUt. C, ryp OliVl:I', ;\L1)., '.Yet Denc, Tonbridgr Ro,ul, :l'laidstolle.
?If 1'. E. Arthur Chaml,er, Albion Place, Mairb tUllC.
Mr. M. A. Allams, F.ltJ .~. Mr. Randall ~ I el'cer.
Mr. '. Pye Olin>r, ~1.]J. Mr. ,J. F. Plomley, ~r.D.
1 99.
Ea:pendilnl'c. By Petty Cash . . £4 0 0 " t. John Ambulance As.ociation, Book, Bandages, &r. . :2 1 :2 "Ditto Medallion. . 1 12 6 " Ditto Class ancl Examination Fl:es 3 15 4 "Ditto Al1l~ual DO;lation : 3 0 0 "Mr. Schl'eiher, "Brooch" 1 4 0 " Doman, Priutillg, &0. . 2 13 0 t. John Am bulan ee Association, dOll. to B,'iti h Red Cross Committed . . ~ 2 0 "Balance Capital and Counties Bank. 20 :2 8
Adam, ;\1. v. Mr. 111. A: A(lllllls.
'mg.-Capt. Barham. mg.-Colonel noyee, ;\1.]). Mr. E. Cironurl, ~!.l). Mr. A. H. B. IIallo\\'es.
:\[1' . .T. E. lIIeredith, ~!. I). .'mg.-Capt. C. Pye OliYcr, :'11' . .T. F, PJowley. ,Ln. Mr. II. F. -'-~. Pope. )11'. William. ba,,', )[,11.
£40 10 (Signed)
£40 10
EAItLE, n.:N., Ohai1'mcm of Oonw/,iltce. HENl',Y DANIELL, Trwsu?'cr. . R. F. STIRKE, (Col.), Bon. SeCt·ClMJj .
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
276 24
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
, SINCE l!'Ol{,MATIO OF 0ENTRE. 193 I 162 I 110 SINOE 1ST OCTOBER, 1899. 26 I I 14
I Nursing. 1
No. of Cel'tificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
'. Men. 41 5
AN :r AL REPORT. THE COlUmittee ]uwe much pleasure in stating that ;;ince the last Report issued in 1896, the work of the A;;.'oein,tion has been carriec] 011 in a very aetiye manller as i evidenced by the fact that during this perioel the number of certil1cates gained amonnts to 311. The lJc·t thanks of the Assoeiation are clue to Dr . C. Pye Oliver, R H. '.V. Johnston, R. T. Cae ar, J11]]., and V. X. Harcourt, for the care and attention they have devoled to the clas.·es. Among other cla 'es he1<1 a cour'e of instruction was given on unday aftel'1loons to rail\\ ay employes of the, '.E. and O. Ry. and ;'4 eerLiIicate' wore gmnted, many of them being gained by railway ofl-icials at village stations, a circumstallce whieh the Committee are glad to note, seeing that at these places-more or Ie. ' isolated-skilled a si tance i. often not available for some few homs. The Police of the Borough have recently undergone another comse of instruction, and ttrrangements arc in hand for instructing the Police of the county. The Centre ha' sustttined a sevcre loss in the suddeu death, at a comparatively early age, of it· inderatigable an,1 able ecretary, 1\1r.'laude IIamilton '.Vhite, who was appointed in 1 3 aud has sillce that time devoted a large amount of time to the intercsts of the, 'ociety. The Oommittee desire to place on record its appreciation of the valuable hplp he has rendercd them and of the heavy loss they have sustained. Mr. E. Arthur ball1bel', having kindly consented to act as Secretary, was 011 the nomination of the President, lajor Cornwalli, unanimously elected Joint·Hon. Secretary with Dr. C. Pye Oliver.
168 Stcltement of R eceipts and E,r,penditn?'e /01' the year enlling Septembc?' 29th, 1900, E;tjJenclitw·c. Receipts. To Balance in hand from 1 99 £6 4 !) By tores purchn ell from £2 4 ~ Heal1 Centre 3 6 6 Fees from Clas es 5 5 0 " .J: lll'sing Cour e Fee 14 0 1 ,: tore old Fees, Postages, 411 0 " Examiner' " ub cription. 6 9 7 &c. " Grant from . E. ~. C. Ry. 10 10 0 2 5 3 " Printing, &c. . . 1 5 0 " Hire of Room at Old Palace 1 10 6 " . Hlldry Expen es 7 5 10 " Balance in ham1 £~6
~ 11
W. II \YXES, Olwinnan. R\?\,DALL MEllC'Ell, Hon. Treasurer. C. PYE OLIYEll, '-Hon. ,'ecrclaries. E. AlaIH'It CILDlBER' J
5 7.
No. of Certiflcated Pupils who hav" received Medallions.
1st Aid I Nursing.
Men. I '""omeu.
5 11
who have received Certificates.
*R OTE. - TIIC estimatr(1 v<tlne of the num erOll S article scnt through the mer1in1l1 of this CClllre to the seat of war in outh Africa i .. C65. Exunrinerl :1.11(1 fnuw1 correct, ALFI:Ell BI~YO _-, 1'I'C((SIII'(,I'. Th;,\.T\)rrX Buo",x, F.c ..\.,lIoll. ,'co·elory. Octobel' lltlt, H100.
Xo. 01 WOlll en
No. of Men
£134 12
1 6· -----
No. of Women
of :Men
the year' ending Septe1nbe?' 29th, 1000.
£2] 0
23 I
Lecturer amI Examiners fee.' and. material . 'W orking Expenses, including cal'J'iagc of Goofl.', ·PC'. ta(fe~'! tationery, Printing, and Ae1vertisilJg. . b . ' Donation pel' London Executive in aiel of side awl woundcel in the South African War . . Material Plll'chased (colllfort , &c" [or Ambulallce n;'irf!lllc iJ~ South Africa). ' . . . .0 •
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Oertificates. I a courseol instruction. instruction. 1st Aid.. I Nursing. 1st A.id. I Nursing. 1st Aid I Nursiug.
Statement of E:Xl'enditLl1'e
---- -
X", "f Cl'l'titkaterl ,,'111) ha I'e wllO han) who have who have Pllpil: who ha\'e cmn!'I'leil a recl'il'ell completed rel'ci \'eel I'ecei \'ed ,'UllJ'se ot' Cel'titicates. a conrse of :,\1 cdallioll '. Certificate '. instrnctiuJ1. instruction. 1st Aid. i Nursing.,lst Aid. t Xnrsiug. 1st .liJ. Nnrsi'jJg~ 1st Aitl. i :S-nrsing. ,)1,' \\ 011 ... 11.
I~<...E FOl:~L\1 W"
:20 4
"IX E lsT OC,),OIlElt,
CE~ 1'1:1:..
. -u I
1 ~9,
I~J' e" i(l cJlI ,
John ,Yo l\Iaclure, Bart.,
Jlonora J'Y
Trc a SIU'CI' .
Captain A. Binyon
M.P .
Forllled 1 . 1.
~CC l' C I ary,
Mr. Benjamiu Brow)], 1·'.C.A., 17, Cooper Street, Manche tel'.
l·I·C-;ich' ul.
Mr. J. Astley Bloxalll, F.H.C.S.
JU c (Uc al S taIr,
Mr. S. Mewburn Brown, Mr. G. H. Danvin, M. D. Mr. R. Jessap Dearden
:iII . D.
Mr. W. J. He. lop Mr. R. S. Wallaee.
A UAL REPORT. D'GRING the year 28 classes have been held under the direction of this Centre (21 male and 7 female). Six were composed of members of the Pulice Forces of Manchester and Salford and the Manchester Fire Brigade; 11 in connection with the technical and other schools of this city aHd the districts around; 3 in associa· tion with clubs for mutual improvement; 5, the employees in important w0rks; 1 consisting of railway workmen; and 2, other classes.
Mr. F . O. '\ \' ethered. T I'ca . Ill·Ct· ,
lIIr. F. John F. Culhane.
IlOIlO I':ll'Y ~ CCl' l' I:lI ' ) ,
Mi ::; E. B. Jack '011, LOll ootl, Uoumc End, Bucks, Lifc lU('IlI})('\·,.,.
Colonel Owen Wetherell
111 1'. Aaron Williams.
Formed 1
Mr. Tho. G. icbolson, :M.B. Mr. H. C. Nicholls Brigade-Surg.Lt.-Col. W, J. Shone 1\11'. J. 'Y. o::;tone
M1'. J. Astley Bloxam Mr. F. J. F Culhane Mr. J. Dunbar Dick on Ir. F. Gibb. ir Francis Laking, ;\1. D .
P r Ci> leIt, nl.
1.11'. J. G. 'wan. _ltuUtor.
'l'rca'iu I'CI'.
Mr. C. W.
:\11'. J . .J. Burton.
A JNUAL REPORT. THREE first aid clas es have been held in variou part of the Centre-two for men and one for women-the lecturers being Dr. Gibhs, Mr. J. W. tOlle, and Dr. Dickson; more cIa ses are in course of formation to he h eld during the coming winter. Th e Centre has been represented at all principal ambulance meetings on allnece ary occasions. everal certificated pupils from the Centre are now in 'outh Afriea. Fireman Herbert mith is now doing exeellent work in Deelfonteiu a fir ·t-elass hospital orderly,yith the ambulance detachment of the Fire Brigade Union. During the pa t year more intere t has been revived in the Centre.
Balance Sheetf1'o1n Octobc1' 1 99, to October, 1900. Receipts. To Balance brought forward . £11 6 "Annual ubscri ptions 1 " Donation . 3 " Class Fees
1 0
E,)~pend itul·c.
6 By Examiner' :Fees . 0 " I ncidental Expen e 0 " tores for CIa ses 0 " Po tage and Carriage of
£2 1 4-
Decembe7' 17th, 1900.
ISSUE No. of Men
0 9
o 16
Parcel . " Printing and tationery. " Hile of Institute . " Cab Hire and Cla's Expeuses " Caretaker. . " Repairs to Stretch()rs " Balance in hand.
£2ll56 1
2 1
o 13
1 2
o 10 0
JOHN CULUANE, TJ'C((S1l1'Ci'. Audited and found correct, ALF1lED DAYIS, Junr.
No. of Women
No. of Certificated who have who have who have who have Pupil ' who have COIllIJleted a completed received received received course of a course of Certificates. Certificates. l\1edallions. instruction. instruction . 1st Aid. Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. Mell . I Women.
OF 102
15 3
131 I 92 SINCE 1 ''1' O CTOBER, 1899. 11 I I 6
F. H erber t Marshall.
A-,si"hlut SCCl'chu'Y :lIul ~11'.
jir. D. J. Wuod, " tockton.
Stc)l·cl{(~C p C J·.
R. T. jIiIner, R oyal Exchange, }Ii<lcllebl'ough . Ufe 'ICJllbt' (· s.
The J\larqui' of Londonderry, A.G. The :Marcl ui . of ZetLtllll, K. T. The AmIeI' ton Fanndry '0., Ld. Ashmore, Ben 011, Pease & Co., L d. Blair & Co., Ltl. Bell Brother ', L<1. C. F. H. Bolckow Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., Ld. Durham County Constabulary Cargo Fleet IrOll 0., Ltl. Carlton Iron 0 ., Le1. Cochranc &: Co. Durham Conntv COil tabulary ir Rayltun Di~oll ir Raylton Dixon &: '0., Ld. Dorman, Long &: Co., L(1. ir C. Fume IS, 'WelStgarth & Co., Ld.
--£21 15
llonOI':lI'Y !>iccrctal·ics.
:Mr. Waynmftll Dixon.
The }layor aud Corporation of :Jl i( Idle 'brough }Iorri 011 &. Co. The North-Eastern Hailway Co. North-Ea::;tel'll teeICo., Ll1. )I orth Hitling Con tabulary. :::lir .J o::;eph Pease & Partner, Ld. Rapller & un. ir B.'UllIUe! ·Oll & Co., LI1. , 'adler & Co., Ld. 'kinningrove IrOll Co .. L(1. Tee COller\,ancy COllllni::;~iollers Tees Bridge & Engineering Co., Ld. ,I'. II. A. 'Wharton "'IV. "'I\'hit\\,ell & Co. Wilsoll', I eae & Co.
:U c (Ucal Statf.
Mr. G. II. AllllcrlSolJ, ~1.D. 1111'. aml. Bateman, ;\I.D. 1\11'. E. Burnett, ~L B. :BIr. J. P. larke,)1. D. 1\1r. J. W. Ed\\'al'll', ~L B. 1\1r. John Ellertoll, 'LD. Mr. . Farmer, ~l. n. c.~ . Mr. G. C. II. Fulton, ~r. n. Mr. Geo. Fyfe, )I.D. 1\11'. John Glen, ;\LD. Mr. Jno. C. Glen, L.R.C.l'. &: '. Mr. R. E. Grainger, L.lt.U.l>. &s . Mr. John Hrdley , ;\1.D. Mr. l~. E. IIowe'll, )1.B., C.;\f. Mr. William Knott, ~r. D. 1\11'. J. B. Laverick, ;\LD. Mr. H. D. Leyick, ~1. D. Mr. Jas. Mac:kinlay, ;\1. It-C.S. 1\11'. W. Mackilllay, ;\LD. Mr. F. W. D. McGachen, L.F. P. Mr. Jas. Merryweather, M.R. C.S . Mr. S. H. Merryweather, M.R.C.S.
1111'. F. ilIumo!.!, ~LB. )11. }le "engel', )1. D. }lr. W.'baud, ~1.ll.L'.S. :Jll'. _1.ud. teele, L.1L1 ' .P. & S. :JLl'. Juo.'teele, L.R' ·.I'. & '. .Jl l'. "'IV. A. "tephen, )L\. . , )I.B. }ll'. 1. Tinley, ~r.D. ?lr. F. E. Town end, ~1.D. Mr. W. Y. Yeitch, L.l:.l'.l). jll'. Arthur 'V .hster, )L ILl'. s. Mr. J. W. William , ~['D. 1111'. amI. ,Yalker, )f. n. c. '. Mr. J. A. Blandford, ~L it. U. S. jll'. E. 1. Cowen, )Lll.C.S. 1111'. U. H. Douthwaite, ~1.R.C. S . 11'. Geo. Hogg, )1. B. :HI'. Thomas Horn e, ~l. D . 1.11'. II. lIL Hl1"h e , )['B. 1\11'. E. H. Hunton, )I.D. Mr. G. L. omervillc, ;\('B., C.M. Mr. Thos. "'IYatson, ;\1. D . Mr. Juo. Wilson, L.R. . 1). & ' .
AK JU AL l·{EPORT. THE year 1900 has been one of much more ac:tivity than for somc time pa t, for we have had 15 ne\\- men's classes and 8 wOIllen·s. The membership of 'Th ich numllerecl 515, of whom 407 completed thc cour e and took certificates, thus hrillging our grand total up to 5,759 certificated men anu women Rince the commencement of our centre 19 years ago, 2,17 of whom hold medallion. Thi centre ha raiscu hy puhlic uhscription the hand orne sum of over £1,000 for the fund in aid of the ick and wounded rai ed by the Head Office, t. John's Ga.te, to which the "'orkmen of this tli trict contributed a larg'e share. Our usual annual review wa held in Gui borough Abbey Grounds by the kind invitation of Mrs. Ohaloner, of Longhull , Guisborough. Th e assembled ambulance men and ,,"omen, to the number of 579 werc mo. t hospital,l.v entertained by the Ohaloner Tru tees, and they were inspected on the field hy Surgeon-Major Hutton, who expres ed hilll ell' highly satisfied with their amlmbllce exel'ci es. Oertificate and medallions w·ere presented by Mr.. Oharlton. of e tgatl', Guisborough. Our balanee-sheet sho,,' that ,,-e haye still a balance or oyer £100 to the good, thus leaying our initial capital undimillishetl a[tel' 19 year· work.
wbo !laye received Certificates.
1st Aid I Nur.. ing.
who ha\·c cOlllplcle(l a COUl'se of instruction.
who have who ha\'e completed receivell a course of Certitlcate~. instruction. 1st Aid. I ~ursillg. 1st Aid. , .\'ursillg.
NORTHAMPTON CENTRE. Formed 1 l'I'(' ~idCJl
6. t.
' ·ic e·"I·(-"jel c llt ~ .
.J[l'. F. Bllszard, :\1. D . , .JIl'. J. Cooper.
The Lady Kuigh tIe)" of Fa. \..-slc}, . No. of Meu
1st Aid I Xursing.
FOR"u:rrox OJ!' CEXTl~E. ~1.j I 112 200
The .JIo -t Hon. the .JIaI'Clllis of I SUE OF OERTIFICATE
of Certificated Pupil!> who have received Medallions.
No. of Women
F. R. C. P •
who have who bave who haye completed received completed a a course of Certificate. conrs~ of instruction. IIlstructlOn. ht Aid. , Nursing. 1st Aid. TXursing. 1st Aid. Narsing.
who ha\'e receind Certificates.
I .
Xo. of Certificated Pnpils who hnye
-=-,.-:-.,-:-....,--.,c=--:--I -
1st Aid. I Nursing.
.JIr. A. H. JUlle',
1\11'. W. H. "mith
SrXCE 31 472
407 I
OCTOBER, 1 99.
.J1r. W. D. Gih'OIl
The Right Hon. Vi COllnt Newark.
Mr. M 1'. :JIr. Mr. 111 ollr.
' ·icc ·President.
1\11-. E. H. Richolson . Treasurel·.
LU'c lUcmber.
Mrs. J. G. Brallstoll.
The ilIar/lllis of ~0l'tha111ptoll La(ly RobillSOll .lUI. O. C. Bel:ke The ~01'tha1llpton Rughy Foothall Club The ~Torthall1ptOIl Amateur Operatic 'ociet,)'
Ue' IIlJ.H-I·~.
:JIr. T. P. DOl'lllan :JIr. T . .JIaunillg :J[r. n. E Randall .\11'. O. E. Thorpe .JIr. 'Y. Bonner.
Ucdieal lSt aff.
111'. Robert Hodgkinson.
1, :JIerccr's Ro\\', Nm·thampton. Life
. cel'ct:n·ic.,.
Olli(' t' ~.
• 217
, l~ .. j~tant
:Jh, O. 1. Johll.'on
:JIr. H. '1'. Fracy Jlollor:n'Y
)I.D., :II.R.C. P.
HOllOI'ary !'i -{',·ci:II·Y.
Mr. E. Fairburn Milthorp, Oa"tle Oate, Newark-on-Trellt. Mc(lical St alI.
Mr. F . H. Appleby,
"f.n ..... '.E.
ANNUAL REPORT. AFTER a lapse of four years we are forming a men's class for fm;t aid, which promises to be very well attended indeed. We anticipate Ylle shall have UO to 70 at least.
'1'. \\ 'ail'll,
H. OhalllLc'rlaill I.. n. c. 1'. H. OroIJlc\', F. it. c. O. J. EVaJ~', ~L n.L.';. ' IV. Hanling, :'11.11., :'II.ll.C.l'. 1111'. H. Hu/lgson, 'l.B. J. K. IIytle, \1.11.C.S. Mr. A.n. Jones, :'If.v., \LIt.C, .P. ~I E 11 r. . }I'. JOlles ~f.ll.C.s., L.n.C.p. MAP 1'. • . Kingco1l11le, :'If. I:.C.".
Mr. 8. C. Lawrence, ;\f. H.L.:';. j[r DOL . ~ .:r. e\\'l',)1. It. c.:-;. Mr. A. Linnell, :U.H.C.S. .J[l'. J. R. LO\Yllde , L. H. C.P. :'I ' ~ [1'. Guy ~\Ianning, )1.1). )1r. n. A. Milligan, \L.D .. )1.n.c.::>.
11. Hyall,
. Castle Ashby Section. Chall'lnan- Th c .JIaJ'(l tti . of X o1'thampton. T,·C(tslll'el' and Hon. Secretll I'lJ-M 1'. H. G. criven.
'[r. D. tone, )I.13. /'.:'If. .J11'. J. Terry, l\I.ll.C. ' .
Daventry Section.
l"wcs/brcr-Mr. Thompson Forster, F.H.C. '. lIon. Secrctal'y-Mr. C. II. Roche.
Earl's Barton Section. Chuil'!Ilctn-Rev. R R Oohbolll.
174 T 1·eastWcr-l'.Ir. T. F . T horpe.
lIon. S ec1·eta1·y- Mr. F . W. A.ustin. Harlestone Section. Chai1'1nan-R ev. Canon B ury.
Hon. Secrcta1'!} ancl T reas1l1·c1·-l\Ir. J. FielJ end. Little Houghton Sec t io n . Ohai7'7nan-nir. C. myth. Hon . S ec1'cta1:Y ancl T TCaS'l.61·cr- 11'. D. D eacon. R oade Section. H on. SecTeta1'Y- I I'. h ouleI'. To"W"c ester Section. Ohai1'man- Mr. B. "\Yen tworth Verno n.
21 11
T1·easn1·c1·-~Ir .
11 16
Pau]ersper y Sub-Secti o n .
7 3
J . H anhury J eph soll . Hon. Secrctal'Y- n perilltenclent D. N Ol'llian.
Chairman-M r. A. L innell. H on . Sen'etary and T reaSlG1u-l'.Ir. J. T. Pilkington. ANN AL REPORT. I N prescnting thcir Fourteenth Annual R eport the OOlUmittee of this 't'lltre have t (} thank the ubscribers ami other for their eontiuu'd interest ant] sllppnrt, at lh o same t ime new subscl'ibers are urgently neellecl to fill up the gaps made by tlenth and removal, and to enable them to carryon awl extend the work (If the .\ SOeHltion. D uring the past year ~1 cla es haye heen instrurte<l in hrst ail] ,w!l ;; ill nursing, anJ great interest has been shown lly the pupils; 554 ]lupils enler('!l ; 49 ' attended; 417 'w ere examined and 370 passed; while 10J 1tledallion~ ha\'l' ll ee n earnecl. pecial thanks are tenderecl to Dr. A. H. Jon es, ~rr. '. J. E\ HilS, :Jil'. ' Y. H . Ohamberlain, 1111'. E. Francis J one, aUll 1\11'. D. 'tone for gratuitous c.:OUl'ses of lecture . A very large number of nr.'t aid cases have boen r eporteJ, many of thCll1 yory i mportant, and the care with which they wcre dealt reflects great cre!lit upon tlwl'il' concerned. Thc stock of material in tho Ooutl'e has lJeen \yell maintn.ined at!!l a ]1 e" · litter. etc., has been provided by , pecinl llb, cl'iption for Kingsley Park. Both ambulance "agons ha,e been oyerhaule<l anJ painteJ awl litte!l with new" I!lp,tl ., rubher tyre at a co t of o,-er £50. The I llvali!l Transport , 'enrice has b(,('11 actirely engaged; 59 ca, e ' haying been remove<l, invoh-ing jou1'lleys coycring /-27 lllill's. Upon the outbreak of th e ~ outh A frican war workiug-partie ' \\ere olgauj ,' cll, anJ upward of 1,400 garments and other comforts for the siek al1l1 ,,'oUlllled werc lllild e and despatched to the lIcau.-cluartcrs of' the, 't. John A1l11mlauce Assuciatinll. Th e thanks of this Oommittec are tClldel'e'(l to those hv1ies \I'ho so nobly \lol'kotl [or tllb cause. T he Oommittee are nIso gratil1ecl to record the fact that this ( 'elllre awl Oorps fl1rni. hed 30 AmlJulance Voluntecrs for onth Africa and one 1'0[' 'hina, all of ,yhom were unmarried men, allcl although .some haye heen iuyalicle<! bOIll(' \\'c are thankful to say that np to the clate of this RClIort no ease of fatal illness lla. oeculTl'd amongst them . atisfactory reports are to lUlllcl from Earl's Bartoll,' Towcester, and other section of the Oentre. The Oentre has groat canse for c.:ongratula.tion this year sillce it 11a.' been 1iolloLlred in the admission by lIer .JIajesty the Quecn, D11 the r('c9J1lmendaLioll of Ilis Ho,Yal H ighness the Prince of ~Yales, Gmnd Prior of t he Order of the IIospitl11 of 'i, .Jolin of Jerusalem i n England a11<l the 'hltpter, of i ts Presiclent the Mo;;t lIOll . tIle Marquis of "orthamptoll to be Knight of' Grac.:c, and. its Vice-PI' 'sidellt, L<Hly Knightley of Fawsley to bc Lally of Grace of the Oreler; while the disti ll ction of
95 2 17 11
o o
3 18 21 3 5
550 43 12 10 /
35 1
3 16
£477 H .1sscl . L iabilitic . To Bn.lunc(' at Ballk. £7'2 17 ,1 By Su IHlry c.:rcdi tors . ., Do ill H OIl. :-lees. halHls '" Hi 0 " Blliullce, Exccss of A set " SLOt!,;: of .J l atcl'ial al " ,~ Ll'etch '1' :-llaliolls, &c. 170 !) 11 Sundry De hlnnl 32 11 3 " uuscriptioll ' SilltC paid. ~5 11 ~
5 3 0 11
AUgtlst lOth , 1HOO.
AUlli tl'd with "ouellers amI found cot'rect, ( ~iglled ) (i. W. UOl1nl)~, .Llllcl/tol'. Al tT Il LT lt II. Jo)ms, Chrlif'lnall . II. ~fl I'n , 1'1'CClSlll'tl'. II,mlty T. FH.\'CY, LowZ Ilolt . cr:retaI'Y.
of ~ [ en
Xo. of Women
who have who have completed recei ved a cour "of Certificates. instrncti('Il. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Aill..1 l"ursi!lg:
who have ]lleted a . course. of IllstrnctlOn. ""TStAid T;\"'nr"~
who have received Certificate.
1st A it!
of Certificated Pupils who have recei ,'ed Medallions.
I Nursing. 1-~l el1. I WomelJ.
{)ompetitioll to the Hn,nslope (B) team. Owing to the following rule:~ \ ' That. in future competitions for the .... ilver Oballenge Cup, teams from town, havmg supenor {)pportuuitics for traillillg, hall be hand iea pped, with a view to encourage village teams to compete "-llcillg ellforee<1, the 'up was [l,warcled to the Ilallslope team, but thc two Wolverton team headed the li·t as regards the l1l11lLber of mark. Ten teams competed this year against four ill 1 UO. The Committee arc pleasecl to report thn,t the kllowledge gailled [l,t tl:c rcsl'e(·tivc cla!;ses, ha , in many cases, been of practical usc ill alleviating pain amI suffering.
73 mOE
1395 I -142 1015 1 T OCTOBEH, 1 99. 195 I 31 161
2 9
Stntemcnt of Bccelj)ls cuul E))penclitnl'c fo!' the yeaI' enclitlg SeptellLbe?' 30th, 1900. Receipts. To " " " " "
Bala.nce . Suhseliptioll' ChalleJlge Cup . ExalllilHLlion Expen,'c,,; ,'to res
,£1 ')
10 I,. 0 2
1 11
P)'(' "ic1('uC.
:Jlr. IV. II'. Carlilr,
Major Bo\yyer,
D.L. £Hl
F.l~.L' ...
Bl'igal1e.Surg. Lt.-Col. P. D. eile,.;, Y.JI.) F.ILC·.!;. ~o
Clla j 1'111 a 11. Bl'igade- nrgeon Lieut. -Colonel \Y. II. Bull, v. D., F. n. C. S, :l1Hl II t)110I'a IT
4 4
of Men
~ c ('t'(' 1 al'y .
who hnye who have who have ('UllIl'lutl'li a receive,l (;olll]>let"cl COllrse of Certi fic~. tes. a cllurse of instruction. i IIstrllctilll1. 1st -\id. I Nlll'SI'lIg. 1st Aid. I ~ur~ing. 1st Aiel. 1 Xnl'tiing.
)l('(lic al l<HaCr.
.£39 9 9 15
illr. S. O. H. Moberly, )LTI..C.:-; ., L H.l. P., Ea .. t Claydon, IYillslo\\,.
:111'. IV. Bl'aclbrook, )L]{.r.i';,., L.S.A, :\11'. P. L. Benson, 1I1.D. Bde.-Surg Lt.-Ool.W.II. I3ull,\-.D.,F.H..O.!' 1.11'. G. IV. Buxton, )1.11.C.fi. l\11'. G. H. De'Ath, )I.Jt.C.~. nrg~Lieut. C. L. Deyns, :I!.n.o.s. Bde-_ mg. Lt.-Col. P. 11. Giles, V.II., F.R.C·.f.;. 'mg.·Capt. F. J. Grindon,lILlLo.,. Mr. M. M. Hailey, L.n.C.I'. ~Ir. .J. O. Ilarvey, M.lt C.f;., L.ll.C.P. :\11'. Vincent Howard, )l.R.C.S. , L.ILC. P.
amI £30 16 2 "torcs 1 4 0 Challenge 'up ~ 1 11 " iI[cclalliolls . o 9 3 " 60 Local Annual Rcport' . 4 1 0 " llllChie1:l.
Brigade-fiul'g. Lt.-Col. W. II. Bull,
'.f l· c a ~ 'll· C l'
" Balance in hand .
' ·i c('·I'l'C:o.itl CIII " .
Mr. IV. A. Attenborough,
By Exam.
l\Il'. 1'. L . Kenni,'h, )LD. :\lr. C. II. :\liles. L.n.C.I'. :\11'. ,'. C. II . .:\lohedy, )l.H.C.~., L.n.C.l'
who have received Certificates. 1st Aiel. .
,'IXCE Fu It \1.\ I'lcV UF Cg"TltE. 1::i!) til l:n INCI-: IsT OCTO B I~lt, 1 9 5!l 11 .J.7
No. of Certificateu Pupil' who have re.'eivpd )lellallions. ,Iell.
. Women
Mr. I':. Nichohon, )1.rt.l·.;;., L.R.l' .P. l\ l r. F. Braine Hoekstro, lI!.Jt.C.S., 1,.1:'<'.1'.
::'Ill'. F, Robf.;on. )I.D. ?Ill'. W. U. Ruthel'fonl, L.n.c.r., I., It.C.H. .:\11'. II. T. 'Viekham, )f.j). ~
NORTH-EASTERN RAILWAY CENTRE. Fonlll'cl 1 9,) . I'a t 1·011 ....
The Uhainuall aml Dirt'dol'~
TH8 Committee record, with pleasure, the f<tet that the pa,,;t year has been Olle of great success. Classes have been beld in the following towns and villages of the Oentre :-Braclwell, Buckingham, CalvC:l'ton, Castlethol'pe, Hanslope, Loughton, Mal'sh-Gilholl, Maitlsmorcton, Stoke-Golcliugtoll, IVoolbtOll alld \\'olverton, and have been well attended at each place. This yClLl' the competition for the Siher Chalienge Cup took place at IIolne Cha,'e, Bletc hley, by invitaLion of Bl'igalleSurgeon Licut. -Oolonel P. B. Giles, V.D., F. It,C'.S. , and Wf\;; awarded, after a dose
Tal th-En .tel'll Haihmy Comp,wy.
1·1·('"i41.' 1I t.
:\11'. (:eorgl' '. Gibb. , ict'·I·'·.'"i4h'lLh.
The Ileall of all Departments of lhe Korth-Eastern Railway \.Jompull)'. t ·hail·luan.
},[l'. :F. Pellty, York.
Mr. Philip Burtt.
179 178 llonoI'll .. Y Gen c ral
1111', Geo. Jackson, P. , Vay
'('C l·Ct:lI'Y.
to res, North-Ea'torn Railway, York. Formed 18 4.
Di s tric t Sccrc tal·ic . .
Darlington Di h·ict-1I1r. ,. Ur. Hartlepool Hull " Mr. Leed " Mr. " 1\11'. "ewcastle York " 1111'.
J. '. Tinkl er, Thoruaby. T. H. OUlTY, Hartl epool. F. 'oate, II ull. J . Pa,rker, IT arrogate. \Y. Holling, Tyn e Dock. 'Y. II. Turn bull, York.
J·rc'l icl c ut.
lUccli cal S tan'.
11'. Mr. Mr. :JIr.
nIl'. nIl'. Mr. :JIr. 1111'. 1111'. 1111'. :Jlr. Mr. nIl'. :Jlr. nIl'.
ilil'. Mr.
Xo. of Men
R v. I . 0 . R . .co tt ,
Mr. Sy(lney
1ST OC'TOHElt, 1 99.
)lalkin, Huck Oliffe,
of Women
~lr. FreLlerick Greell, F.C .A., 'toke-on-Trent.
who ha\e who have who have PUl'ib who Iia,-e who have completed a COll1 pleted I'ccci ,cd received recei "ed conrse of a course of Certificates. Metlalliulls. Certificates. il1stl'llctiOlJ. instruction. 1_~_lt_A_i_d_ . .:....1_N_u_rs,-i--,ugc:..._1",s-.:... t . .::A.:. (.:...1. .i -,--,t-.:...U:.:.:I'...::.S-I,-CII~g.:..:. • ...::l:.::s.:...t-=A:.:.i'..:.:l.~i N U I'si JIg. ' 1Ht A id. I N 1I rsTil g. Mell. I W Olllen
Pellkhull \,icarage, 'toke·on-Tront. ~
lI o llol'ary _'-Hclit or.
So. or Cerlifiratetl
'l"'(' a..,lll'c r anel U Ol1 () l'al') Sec re tary .
Rev. 1. O. R. 'cott, :lLA. 111'. William -YY oor1all
( 'hail'lIl1111.
ANxe AL REPORT. DURIXG the rast year 37 cIa. e 11:1\'e beeJl fOlllled, anel in ad,litioll to those exnl1li1led for preliminary amI final examination' 130 pn. 'ed the fir.t re-exnminnti()l1. Th e Directors haye kindly placed 27 wheel litters at the mo.t illlportalit l,oillis oIl the ystem: and our ambulance stations ha\"e been kept fully efJuippeel. I>l1Iillg tIll' Far ending 31st December, 1 99, the lllember' reporter1 5,106 cnses. in which they !tall rendered first aid, making a total 'ill<:e the formation of the C'Cl1tl'l' of 13,tiGO. Durillg the pre'lale11Ce of a severe storm in March la ·t special firt aid \\!1lk wa. rellliered by our member at Brotton, whore all accident OCCUlTed to a traill. in COli 'C"luellcl' of the ·torm. With a view to the encouragemellt of fir .. t airl a sClies of l'OlllPelitiOIlS wn s again helli ill the \"arious districts of the Coltlpauy', systcm, aIHI prizes of the sa1l1e value as last year, amollnti1lg to over C:;O, tllltiJol'il,e(1 1I,)' the Direclors. DelllClu::;lrations were held a u. nal at variou ' places Oil the system. ISSUE OF
race the Duke of 'utherland.
Mr. D. H. Ooghill , :11. P. 111'. James Heath, M.P. ir Thos. all, Bart.
M r. J. Blair IIartley Mr. H . iiI. IT olt Mr. Hollingworth Mr. J. A. Hargreave. · illr. R. Jelferson ilk T. Kir opp :Jlr. A. I\T. :Jlorri:;oll :J[r. F. C. Mears :Jlr. W. B. M'lGl\.ay illl'. " -. Il. ilIallllers ill l'. Iilne .illr. J. O'Neil :J[1. E. P. Piekersgill .iiII' . .T. E. Phillip" ill r. Rell tOll :Jlr. n. S,lYllrre :Jlr.'alter .ilIr. J. 'tothaHl
A. Appleton 'Y. D. Ami on Baigell t R. T. Broml J. Buchanan Caldwell Crea e R. W . Darwent Doutlmaito R. Dagger Etche Fo tel' F. W. Gibbo11 J. Graham II. Gray A. RiUaby E. \Y. Kemp Noel Hood T. Ha\\'orth
- - - - - - - - -131
Ul' lIlht' I·.., .
His Grace the Duke of uthcrland. Her Grace the DndlC~ vi. 'utherland. The 1\ orth 'talrol'flshire Hail\l'uy Olll pall y.
)(('(H ea I :-it a If.
Mr. 1.Iagnu. Ar11el', :lL ll.l' .S. , L.ll.C.l'., Lond. lIIr. A. Aitken, )I.ll., C.:I[' Mr. . King Alcoek, :It.ll., Lom\. nil'. O. M. All{'ll, "\1. \., :11.3. C.:ll. 11'. J. Fred. l\rlidge, I..It-c.r., L,1:.l".S. Mr. Geo. :Jlc. M. Brown, :l1.R., & C.)L, ~(lin.
Mr. A. T. BUI'Y, L . U .C . l'., Etlin., )LH. C.". Mr. P. J. Byrne, L.U.C.l'., L.Il.c.:.'" nIl'. W. J. 'ov y, M.n.l'.s., L.ll.( '.P . nIl'. Jas. Oraig, 111.13., Edin., lIr.J~.C.S. Mr. Obas. F. Daly, :11.1>. Mr. '1'ho:>. Dixon, :l1.lC.C'.S., L.R.l' .I'., LODel. :Mr. IV. DOWJl , :It. B. Mr. Franci E. Fernie, )LIt-C.S., ]", H.C. P.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
) ... Y. Grinilh , i-I.ILC.I:l.L., L.ILl'.l'. A. Hall, lII.H.C.S. J. T. Hall, r,.1~. '.1'. , Loml., 1Il.lt. '.'. A. O. IIarkne s, L.R.C . l' .. L.lt-C. ' . G. tokes Hatton, :11.11., i-1.1-:1., 1I1.1U'. s. Mr. Ja . Hindle, L.n.c.p., L.l\.C.S., Ellin.
E. White Jones, :lI.13.: Cll. :II. John Ley, lIL\ .. :ll.D. E. :J1ackenzie, ~LD. .Ta .. H. MaguiJe, L. n..C.::U. ]1,11. J. Payne .illassingham, ~I.R.C. r ~ll1'creoll-:JlaJ'tlr 1 ·t s. ancl .\. '" ' Artillen' lIlr. A. lIl. ildJllowie, :l1.D., F.R . • Edill. illr. G. T. 1Il0ckett, :lJ.1t.("S. Lond. ]\11'. H. Xicholh,,~r. .\., :11.]). (C antab ). ~11' . .d. P,lrk, :If.I:l.C.S. ~lr. ·W . Partington, :lLB., C.:l1. Mr. C. H. Phillips. ~r.ll. ~Ir. W. Dowling Prendergast )I.D.,
:Jlr. :Jlr. :Jlr. :Jlr.
illr. 1.11'.
:11. _\.0., D.:';.
Bobin"on, LOllI\.
"'c . :I['l{.C.~.,
L. H. c.P. J. l{u::;pll, M.A .. :lr.n.
J. 'teele, I"I:.L'.l' .. 1..1'.C . . . , Edill. 11'. J. Y el'non, ~1. n., n.:'1. Loml. ~d.r. David F. ,Yalker, n.A .. :l1.D. .ill1'. II. La,llgley ,Yehb, :11. H.C.,.
Acco'Lmt No. l. --Oonnty Council A idecl Olasses. £2 13 4 By Balance ]n'ought fo1'\\ <11'(1 £'2 17 II To Class Fees 3 1 6 » tares a ull A l'plianc:cs :.3 12 10 Stores . . , 3 5 (j " Balance dne to '1'1'easurer . 23 19 0 » Printing and 'taiiollery 1 £j 0 » LeduJ'el's' E Xllellses " " Examiners ' Expen."es all (1 Fces 15 17 0 o IB '2 " Postages 1 10 .J " Mi '('eHaneou Expell 'es
i with plea nre that the Committee again is ue thei r annual report. The work tlli year ha been mo t satisfactory, nnLl the Committee de ire to place on reconl their appreciation of the labour of th~ hon. meuieal talr. The several lecturers who e services have been requisitioned (luring the, es ion have most willillgly llerformeLI their dutics, oftenti!lles at very con ideraLJle inC'ollvenielJce to themselves. The Committee tender to tho 'e ge ntlemen their \'cry llest thanks. IL must be acknowledged that North taffonl'hire o\\'e much to that large llllJuber of 11l'actitioner, who have '0 yery kindly placed their time and lll'ofessiooltl knowlt'llge at the :ervice of the Committee by undertaking to act as hon. lectur 'rs to the various {)lu e. IT
11Ieetiilgs.-On Monday, ~3rcl October, 1 99, the Xewca;;tle Borough ~Iagistrates had before them the meml,er of the Police Force \\ ho had recently ohtailled certificate . The Chail'lll,m (Alderman Ilea th ) macIe the distrihll tiOll, anu said that it was very gratifying to l~am from their Chief CUllstal,le that every man in the Borough Foree was HOW in },08,e iOll of thc Associatiou's certillcate 01' medallion. The dutie appertaining to the police \\'ere very important amI nUlllerous, and competency to render aid to illjured per:olls inc rea ed the valll~ of their clliciency a, memher of thc Police Force, and he \\'a, nrc hi ' colleague on the Bellch (:lIr. H. ~Io ley) joined with him in expres::.illg this 'entilllent. On ;jth "ovelllher,1 99, !II' . 'V. D. Phillipps Jistrilmteel mellallions ,lUd certificates to railway ,tudents at the Rounel H Oll 'e, 'toke-on-Trent. The eli trilmtiOll of certificaLes all!l llletlalliolls iu conuection with the amlJl11ance cla 'es at the Evening Continuation chool at Milton took place on Thurschy, 22ml F ebruary, at the Boy' chool, :.'IUHon, heforc a large a', embly. The chair was occupied by Mr. '1.'. Willett (Vice-Chairman of the Bur'lem School BoaHl), who wa, upl'orlerl hy Mr. '. ,V. M alkin, of Cheadle, and Dl. J. A, pinall, of ,'mall thome . Mr. W. Lowe (Class Secrctary) H'porLetl that all the 31 candidate preen teLl were ncce , ful. Mr. ~Ialkin said tbat he was plea 'ell to meet for the fir L tinle the :.'I[ilton members, as he had always recci\'ecluch good reports oftLe work that was heing dOlle. lIe then procer-deLl to rlistl'ibute lllPllalliollS, 10 re-examination voucIter . and 13 first ai<l certilicates. Afterwal'lls the chairman pre ented, on behalf of the cIa ·;;es. a magllificellt ,il vel' cntree dish to Dr. A'l'in nlJ, the hon. lectmer. amI a silver flower va, e to :.'Il l'. ,\V. Lowe, the class secretary. Both briefly re"powlec1. The Arehdeacon of Stoke-on-Trent presented certificates to the n~ell1bers uf the clergy class, at the Fenton Church Room, on Monday, ~lsL U ay, 1900. Olasses. - The results com pare most fa vOllra])ly wiLh last year. There is all increase of 53 in tbc 1111l1Jber of certificn.tcs issued. The Humher of clas 'es for this i':leflsion is ~3 as against 21 of last year. A new feature in tllis district has been the h olding of specialnursillg cIa es for Ulell, a' also a iirflt aid cla s fol' clergy, uucler the chairman 'llip of the Vellerable the Archdeacoll of 'toke-on-Trent. Han. /;"ecreta"ya,ul T,' p(tsw·ei .-The Committee are deeply sensible of what :.'Ill'. ydney W. Malkin continues to do. His ability, cOLlrtesy, anrl uJlweury exertions are most grate full y appreciated . It would be indeed difllcult to OVl."l'-e timate his services.
'fo " :: "
13 10
Account }Iolo. 2.-0enerCll Classes. ~ By EXfuuiller's Expense. , Fees, Balance brought forward £:25 19 &('. . . . £40 6 Class Fees . . ~2 1 Stores 45 ;:; '2 » 'tores 17 9 » Printing and, 'tatiollPry I '2 Medallion. G 7 6 " Mc(lallions 6 5 Subscriptions and DOllS. 16 17 o » Po'tage, 3 7 " Miscl'llallCOUS Expenses. [j 5 • Balance in lland of Tl'ea, 35 13
£116 II
tllo 11 O'!.J.
BctZClncC Slzeet, Seplcmber '20111. 1900. .Assets. Liabilities. By OutstalHling Accuunts aml To Estimated Amount of Ac£12 10 11 Yalne or 'tuck aml "tore,' count' outstamliJlg on hall(l . . -t47 3 " Balance 011 u11(ll')" Accounts due to Treas. :37 19 u~ "COUllty Council Grant for ,'ession . 22 0 " Balunce-As.'ets o\'e1' Lia1lili tie 54 6 l.', » 'a 'h in hand of Tn:asUl'el' . 35 13 £10-t ] 6
'YJ) 'BY
£104. 1 0
l\L\'LKIN, LV('(ll HOIl. SeCl'cta r!J (lnd TreasllrCl'.
Rock al~f!c, Oheaclle, Stajjs. Octobcr ~Oth, H100. Allowed and i<1nec1 at the Anllua,l .Jleelillg of the COlllmittee, hcltl at o Trent, this 20th day of October, 1900.
1.'UL1' C. R. COTT, C'lwiJ'lilUIl. I hereby certify that I have examinell the fOlegoing accounts, with thL books am! ,"ouchers, nllU find them in order anLl correct. FlamEI!ICK GEES, Churtered Accollntant. Victol'ict Ohambers, Stoke-on- Trent, October '2Gth, H)OO.
NORWICH CENTRE. Fonne(l 1 ) 't'cs iclClI t.
0. \· l ce ·l'J' c~ itl CIlI.
Sir F. G. l\I. Boileau, Bart.
11'. Bc\'erley.
'r1·CIl SlIl· Ct· 1\11(1 IItHLOt'al'Y ~('C l' c taI' Y .
R ev. F.
. Davies,
,'to Stephen's Vica.l'tlge, Norwich.
1 3
Statement oj Receipts and ExpencZitlb1'e ja)' the year encling SelJte1nbeT, 1900. E:lJpenclit~t1'e. R eceipts. £11 12 0 By Paid Head-quartersTo Olasse~ . Exawiner' anu F ee Stores 5 17 3 " Balance in hand " Trav ell ing expense 26 15 7 £6 3 9 " 'tore 6 14 1 " Incidental expenses 2 12 6 " Carriage of parcels, &c. 0 3 " Po tage and tationery o 19 6 " Balance in band. 27 6 9
4 10
G. M.
4 10
Chairman. F . C. D A "VIE!:', Treas. and H an. Secretary.
No. of }\1en
who have received Certi llcates.
No. of Certificate<l Pupils who have received Medallions.
1st Aitl. ! NlU'sing.
1 99. I 30
NORWOOD CENTRE. FOl'meu 1892. Pl'Cldc llt.
H. R. H. Princess Christian of ,'chleswig-Holstein. "lcc ·l'l'c:..lclcll t s .
Mr. G. W. Adams Mr. C. S. B elli L ord Ulick Browne L ady Ulick Browne Mr. E. Colegrave Mr. H. Gillman General Hales ]',11'. F . B etley, J1.D . Sir Vincent Kennett, BarrilLgtolL, ;\1. A. Rev. W. A. J\Iobedey :Mr. J. P . Murphy, Q.C. The Earl of Pembroke and Montgomcry (;ltalJ.'lUall.
Mr. C. E. Tritton, M.P.
1I01l0l'a J'y " CC1·ct:U·jcs.
Mrs. Edward olegl'ave, Bracebri(lge, Central lIill, 111". Notley
)1 ccUcal
Mr. Arnold, M.B. Mr. Austin, :\[. D. Mr. Curling Bates, JLlt. C. .'. MI'. Donglas, 111. D. 1111'. DUlleau, M.B. Mr. Aune:;ley E c:cle., :\I.D . Mr. Lacy, M. D. 1111'. Macleod, JI. D.
Ii, s Thurburn lis. Vil1iers.
orwoo(1. " tuff.
Mr. Poole, JLD. Mr. Rohinson, M.D . Mr. Rugg, ;\I.R.C.i'i . 11'. Swayne Mr. Vinney, :\LD. 111'. Wilkin on, Jr.}). :\Ir. W elby, M.D.
who haye who have who have cOJUpleted a completed received com'se of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nm·sing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
1 1107
'l' J'('1l 1> IIl·el·.
Mr. Oswald 1. ColE,grave, BracelJ1'iuge, Central Hill, Norwood.
The Countess of Pemhroke allll Montgomery 1\11'. Purcell Mr. G. Rait :JIrs. -Williamson Ramsay Rev. R. B. Ransford The Right Bon. C. rr. Ritchie, M.P. :J11'. R. Gofton-Salmonu Mr. E. Schenk L auy John Taylour. Sir W. Treloar L ady T reloar DCIUlly (;hail'JIIHn.
The R ev. John Ricc Byrne.
41 1
A TN AL REPORT. TIlE HOll. --'eeretarie' have tllC pIca 'nre to inform your Committee that the Xonvood uffering alike with many Centre continue to maintain it:; i1ol1l'i 'hing condition . other institutions through the COllllterac:tive influence of the war, ancl the variolls intere ts and calls of charities arising thereout, th e Centre bas not bee n able to continue the very markcd advancc which it ha~ made in preceding year' . Dming the pa t two year the llulll1,er of classe' h -1(1 totalled 31, and the pupils attendin g the all1e llum1Jered 71 " of whom 400 have gaillPd eerlificate aw l 57 medallion. Th e policy of gi\ illg frec cla '~es to the 1'<1il\\,<1y elilplo!Jes auu working men ha been attended witll lllo~t sucees.'ful re.ult " ,t1ll1 as an ill tance 39 of ouch mea \"ere selecteu fur the wOlk of the ,'t. .rohn Ambulancc Briga(1 in ,'onth Africa. Your CO lllmittee will l)c gratified to Ileal' that yom Centre wa electeu by th e Head OlJ-iee to fonn the 'to John ~'u n1Iuhtnec Brigacl War Fund for the collection of all(l despatching of comforts to the 1lIen 11 umbering 1700 ent to outh Africa on Brigade acti ve service, allu \\'ho wonlu utherwi -e have come uuder no other charitablE' fund. Th e Directors of tile Crystal Palace, with their unfailing ympathyand courte y for your Centre, placed a room at tht' l1i::lpO -al of yOUl' ,Yar Fund Committee for its operation', amI your Royal Pre!:iidcnt, n.R.Il. Prince ' Uhri tian, con-ented to act a, its Presidell t. Th e \\ 01'1' wa a great -uccc', a 1eport of which " 'ill be shortly sent to each 111embe1 of your Committee. Although the N ol'wooLl Di visioll of the ~ T l1l'ing Brigade of thc A ocitttion stand apart in its work frolll that or the ambulance \\'ork, it will intere t your ommittce to learn that the nurses wholly trained ill yom entre, continue to minister among the poor, whilst also attelllling tu the Crystal Palace Depot, and acting as nur es on all days when there are large gatherings of people ill London. The llemand for uch good works i ill excess of thc upply. and therefore it i hoped that there may be an accession of snell young ladie' \y11o may 1e interesteLl in the \york to the rank of the llursing si tel's.
It would lJe ill-fittillg to terminate this Report without reiterating the entre' most gratcful thanks to the mellieal stall' who for a period of eight years have unceasingly, unrcmunemteLl, and ungruLlgingly devoted their services in the instruction of the thousands of candidate \\'ho havc oncrht the knowleuve of fir t 'd b b a1 and nursing under the &gis of yO ul· Centre.
Statement oj Receipts ancl RCL¥; ipts. To Balance from la t year's account , ' £21 15 1 Annnal 11 bscription 2 o ,. CIa Fees , 70 19 o
£100 16
1 .-
E,t71Cnchtu're, 1 9g·1 gOO , EJ..'pcnclitnrc , By Po tage , . £0 "Ola s expen e', H ire of Rooms allCI Bey , U "Examiner's Fee anll 33 H ead OJJicc Expen es , " Balallce, Purchase, anu 'ale of 'tore 1 " l)l'iulillg, Aclytl:l, & -'tationery " Donation to H ead OIlice. 10 " Balance to next year's ace. 15
7 7 14
£100 16
10 0 0 10
'W e have examined the abol'e account, anu finu the same to 1JC correct, J. RICE BYn~E, Deputy C/wi-nllan. Y WLET COLI.;Gl~'-\"E, HOll, Secretal'Y, O';,YALD 1[, COLEGIU,YE, Trw /ltCI'.
who ha\'e completed a course of instructiun.
70 72
1st Airl. I Xursing.
fl 1 1670 I llo:. INCE 1:1' OUTOBEn, 1 99. 190 1 1 I 124. 15 \
1 11
F n:r,lJ, PJ'('sl£li'lIt.
HOll. S,'t' .
FI:.\. .·C' [.' ... -. ELLIs.
ti L?
310 5·1
1 11
K o. of Certif1cat~tl Pupils who have recei vell ,\Icdallions.
who h:iYe recei " ell Certi ficates.
who haye who ha\'e received comvleted Certificate. a cource of instrucLlon. 1st Aiel. ~ '!rsing. 1st Aid. I ~ursing. 1st Aid. I ;-\Ul'sing. IKCE
StCttC?nCllt of lteceilils awl E')'lJe}!(litll1"ejJ'oll/ Oc:loUCi'lsl, 1 99, to Scplcmbc,·30th, 1900. Rcceipts. E "'J!i' ilr1 itu)'('. To Charges to covel' em,t of Br Balauce clue tf) Treasurer. • Oct.] st, 1 f)9 . . Examinatiolls . £43 3 7 -£3 3 11 "Discount allo\\'C'Ll 011 "One .'C't of Dingram ' 'tore . 1 1 J hought from G.C.H. ( 'la<;s o 15 0 " ea hs for Examiner o 9 0 " Po .. tage, Telegl'nll1s: &r. o 9 ,,'ht"ll1' to • 'to John's Gate in 11aYl1lent of Account roJ' Examillatiolls and Illl'iclelltal Expense' 39 13 i )' Balance in hand 011
of' WOllien
Ko. of Men
A -UAL REPORT. A LARGR number of students atten(ling the , chool Board Evening C'llOols both at Nottingham aud at Arnold have attC'ndell eOllr,es of lecture 011 fir t airl aud Ulll'sing. Midland Railway mcn have aga,ill hpPIl acti\'e ill spcnring in tl'llctiOll in fir ,t aid, and a class of Great Oentral R:-tihmy men has also l)een hr1(1 at thr Xe" Ba.-ford. tation. Besides those who have ohtuincr1 ccrtili(;ates 77 persons ha"e passer1 their first re.examination, and 4.·1 their linal exalllinatioll.
No. of Men
No. of Women
who have who ha\'e who have completed a. completed recei,'cd course of a course of Certificates. instructiun. instrl1r'li nn. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nw·gillg. 1st .-\ ill. I Kll1 sillg. ~t"CI':
F\lI~~I \"I l!l .
fllt5 L'CE
1,, 7
hT 41
who haY9 rereived Certificates. 1st Aid.
of Certificated Pupils who ha\'e received ~Iedallion . :Men.
I Women.
\lo.~ l'l~E.
l ... n9.
n( 'TOIlEn,
M:r. Richard Enfield. Treasllrel'
l\1u1 J[OIlOl'HI'Y :Sect·cial·)'.
1Ir. Francis N. Ellis, T he Park, N ottinghaJll . ~Iedical
1\11'. J . F . Blurton, ~I.It.C , S , Mr. G. A. Ferra1JY, 111. H.C . S. Mr. Hervey :Francis, M . D . Mr. A. Fulton, lII.D . Mr. R. R. Giddings, lI1.n.c.s. Miss S. Gray, L . R . C. l' . , & 15 . Miss H euwood. Mr. B elis, ~[' R.c . s. M r. Jacobs, ~I.D.
.Forllled 1..: 4.
II'. II . T . Jone., M . ILC . K. Mr. Lauder, M. R. (' . ~. 1111'. H. J . Neilson, M . D . lr. W . H. 'ulith, M.D . Ml'. J oh n mith, lIt . R.C . ::; . Mr . H olmes T hompsou, 111. R , c.s. M r. W. T ibbles, 1If.l~ . C . ::;. 1111'. Williams, LJ t. c. s. Mr. Willies, lILlt . C . ..
)-.' (' 1- icl ('It (.
Mr. 'amuC'l RacIeliff ' Platt. "\ h ·('·J"l'C'..,ich' uj.
:Thll'. Isaac Bamford. Tt·l' Il Slll"l' I'.
:Mr. George Lees.
lIoJlOl·' :l1T IS t'cre! a •. ~ •
:Thll. George Tholll'on, "If. 11 .. 5, IImlder fleW Road. Ohlham.
1 6
Stc£tement of Receipts (tncl E'i'lJendittLre, 1899-1900. Receipts. Payments.
Lifc l'tIclllbcI·S.
lUr. Samuel Radcliffe Platt. Mr. Charle G. Jackson.
Mr. I saac Bamford. .Mr. John Walker Hague. lUc dical Sfaff.
lUI'. J. B. Boyd, ~LB. Mr. C. Broomhead, JlI.D. MI'. C. H. Buckley, M.R. C.S. .111'. W . Currie, M.B. .111'. Thos. Fawsitt, M.R.C. .111'. Thos. Fort, lII.R.C ... Mr. Robt. Gourlay, l\J.B. Mr. H. Greaves, M.R.C.S. Mr. IV. Hearn, L.R.C.P. Mr. John Hodg on, M.B. Mr. Jo eph Law, M.R.C. . Mr. John B. Lendrum, l\l.B.
J\Ir. Mr 1111'. .111' Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. 1\11'. Mr. Mr.
J. . MacGowan, M.D. \Vm. OliYer, l\I.B. F. Ra.dcliffe, 111. B. IV. A. tewart, M. B . A. G. Thomson, Ln . George Thom on, LD . F. Thorpe, M.n.c.s. W. H. Waddington, LB. E. \Vakelam, L. fl.C . . Jame B. Wilkinson, M.D. James Yates, M.D.
1899. By Balance in Bank 1900. " Class Fees au(l tores " Cash for Medallions " Bank I nterest
£18 14 105 11 7 15 0 9
£132 11
1900. 9 By Don. to· Oldham Corps £10 0 " Class Expenses. . o 13 6 » tationery and Postages. 2 12 6 » t. John Ambulance Asso7 ciation-Examiners' Fees and I ncidental Expenses 37 6 Do. Stores 40 7 Do. Medallions 7 15 " Balance in Bank . 33 16 4
£ 132 1]
YOUP. Committee have the pleasure to report that the pa t year bas been one of unprecedented activity in alllbulance work. Twenty-three cIa ses ba\'e been formed, and 4 5 certificates and 41 medallions have been i ·ueel. The thanks of the Ceutre are due to the lecturers-Drs. A. Thom 011, H. Greaves, \Yadtliugtoll, Fort, Hearne, Law, Lendrum, Boyd, \Yilkinson, and G. Thomson, all of whom have rendered gratuitous services. The demand for ambulance men to proceed to outh Africa has been largely rc::;ponsible for the increase in classes, and your ommittee are proud to put it on record that Oldham ha responded to the call for ambulance men wi(;h enthusiasm, having dispatched. the large number of 116 oflicers and men to the front. Your Committee desire to acknowledge with gratitude the great kindness of the Mayor of Oldham (111:1'. Alderman Hood ), who has done everything in his power to encourage ambulance work by per. onal1y attending and addressing the ambulance volunteers on theil' departure. The enthusiastic celles at these send-ofrs, when enormous crowds, cstimated at 30,000 on some occasions, turned out time after time to wi h the men God-spced, can never l)e forgotten 1JY anyone who witnessed them . On August 11th the review of the ollth-Ea t Lancashire County Corps took place in Oldham for the first time, and was witne 'sed by a very large assemblage, including the Mayor. Your Committee desire to thank the Misses Lees, of Weyneth Park, who generously gave a handsome Silver Challenge Cup for Police Competitions, which was appropriately wou by the Old.ham police. The whole of the first prizes were carried off by the Oldham Corps and NUl' ing Division, and were Yom Committee desire to presented to them by Mrs. Lees, of Weyneth Park . acknowledge with gl'atitude the free use of the Oldham Football Ground, gl'anted for this purpose by the Committee of the Club. First aiel has heen efficiently rendered on very many occasions by ambulance men and women, and the horse am1)ulance caniages, of which there are now four in the district, have 1Jeen very freely taken advantage of by the public. Your Committee are glad to announce that the 8uallgemcnts already in progress for next sesflion evidence no falling-off in ambulance work.
No. of Men
I 13
No. of Women
No. of Certificated Pupils who bave received Medallions.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing. Men. I Women.
mCE FOR;lL\.TIO.- OF CEXTRE. 44 20 I 376 I 567 mCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1 99. 44 61 I 6.> I 46
296 63
OTLEY CENTRE. Formed 1 l'rc 'i Wcnt .
Colonel W.
. Dawson, We ton Hall.
l ' i c c·l'rcs itl cuf 'l.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
who have who have who have completed a completed received cour e of a cour e of Certificates. in -truction. instruction. l~t Aid. I Nursing: 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nlif~illg.
6 6 6 1
Examined and fonnd correct, Tuo. . SCHOFIELD, LJ.1.tclitor. GEOIlGE TnO;\lSON, Hon. Sec,/·etarlj.
Decembe?' 7th, IPOO.
0 6 3
W. S. Dawson W. H. Daw on Albany Duncan T. A. Duncan
Mr. H . Dacre Mr. W. train urgeon-Major Mitchell Tl'ras II l'Cl'.
.111'. C.
lIOllOI·at·y 1'\cCt'c flll'ic
.111'. W. H. Edward, 71, Crow Lane, Otley. Miss Walker. iUNUcnl Staff.
W. E. Bennett, L.R.O.P.E.
Lifc Jlcmbcl·.
Col. W . C. Dawson.
1 '9
THE Committee again have pleasclre in reporting a uccessful year's "'o1'k, and tlley take this opportunity of extending their most grateful thanks to all tho e "ho have so kindly sent donations both in money and kinn, 01' have granted the free u e of rooms and places of meeting. The Horse Van has been of great use, having been out on ten OCC9. ions, and the Wheel Litter 11a al. 0 been of great service, haying been in use on eleven occasions. The Committee are al 0 gratified to announce that after careful consideration it was decided to have the interior of the van altered ane1 one side made into the form of a couch. This will enable patients utTering from heart rlisease, severe shock, and other complicated complaint. to ride in a more comfortable position, instead of lying down or sitting straight up a before, and will no doubt be very useful in such ca es. Two new Furley ~ tretchers of tIle latest pattern have heen purchased, and the Committee have in hand the que tion of l)ul'cha ing OUl e ambulance boxes and placing them in prominent po. ition in the to\yn. ,ixty-follr cases of first aid have been rend ered hy Member of this Centre during the pa t year.
FOl'llletl 1 79.
Henry AclamL
1I0JlO l'lU'y Sccrctary.
E. C. lIale Jessop,
L.I>'~'J 12, Beaumont
-No. of Men
No. of Women
who have who ha.ve who have cOlllpleted a rccl'iYed cO!llpleted cour~e of a cu ur ·e of Certifica.tes. iustrucliuu. lIIslml'! iOll . t Aid . I NlIr~illg. 1st Aid I Nursillg. lst Aid. I Nursiug.
who have received Certificates.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have receiveu Medallions.
1st Aid. I XurSillg.
I WUUleu,
r Statement oj Receipts ancl Expenclitw'e fo/' th e yeal' ending Octobe)' 31st, 1 99.
Receipts. To Balance in bank from 1 98£6 19 1899 6 6 " Per Demonstration 1 1 " Medallions " Wharfedale Agrieulhll'al 1 0 Society " Police v. Professions Cricket 13 0 Match 1 6 " F. Payne, Stretcher 1 14 " Class Fees o 12 " Sale of Bandages. 4 2 " Donations £36
E;t'lJClldit'll1'C. IBy" Examination ale of tores Fees
0 0
£6 16 1 15
0 0 0 0 8 6 9
0 4 0 7 6
, " Printing " ' nnc1ry cli. hnr. ement. , how. :2 ,,2 :Jlen Otley day at 4 .. . 6el. " Postage " Raihray Fare, Littcr to Lecus . " Ineiclentals " Balance in hand of Treas.
0 0 8
L! 7
6 3 4
, ' rXCE ] ST
OOTOlllD: , 1 99. I 14 I 27
Formed 1 l·J'c..,hltut.
''icc-Pl·c ' i<lcnt.
The Right Hon, Lor,l PClll'hyll, Peurhyu Uastlc.
E . ..i. YOllng, Tall-y-bryn, Bangor
( 'hairlllall.
Audited anel foun(l correct, J AS. H. R. REX'IYICK. C. E. CltAVEX. (Countcrsigned ) "\'T. H. EDW_\]1DS, llon. SeC1'ct(f)'Y,
Oct. 5th, 1900.
Mr. D. Pl'itchanl, nrYllller\\,cll, Bethe ·ua. Tl'C:lMlI'('l' •
lion. SCCl'ctm·,l.
LloYll, :rational I)1·ovl'ncl·al1)llI11~. ) •
'1 ., Morris, Bl'yllll wyd, ...1 1'. R'1C1laru Bethesda.
No, of Women
No. of Men
who have who have wh o have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid, I Nursing. 1st Aid, I Nursing. 1st Aid. I N1Using. ,'l1\Cr:;
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing. Men. I Women.
l\h. E. ~" ~Iills Roberts, :11. n., Pelll'liyu Quarry Ho pital. Mr. R. I ntchard Hobcrts, Jl1.lt.L'.:-; . , Be thesda. A JNU AL ImpORT. T HE cIa ses of the Ct· 1 1 . en Ie laye ( oue very good 1I'0rk dnriug the year. :Many ea es . of fil'stalc1havillcrheel1' ~ 1 en U81.et1"uy mcm b e1' , olle case belllg yery con picuou. A llla l1 l . at the qUarl'les had tliyiclecl the radial arlery, ",hen members of our Centre wcnt t o 11m and a1)1)lie 1 t ' . e a ourlllquet ane1 topped tho hcemorrhaO"e; the Joetor's remark 011 bCl11 b0" . 11• la.1, tl ley I I ' '" Wethe h case 1 lac savell the paticnt fr0111 criou, if not fatal results. ae an eXalllllJatlOll on 31st ~lnrch, 1900, at which 5 pupils were examined,
D Cllll' y -t:hait'lIIall anel Trca SIll'e l'.
and they all with the exception of one passed. , Ve had an entertainment to finish up the classes for the season, at which a number of the pupils gave illustrations of bandaging. Twenty-two certificates and 2] medallions that had been won during the 1 98-1 99 season were also pre ented. I
M)'. Geo. E. Couzens. 1I0nOl'fU'y Sccl· c lary .
fr. Freu J. Oowaru, The Woodlan(! , Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth.
No. of Women
No. of Men
who have who have who have completed a received completed cour e of Certificates, a course of in truction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. INCE FOR:lU..1'IOX CF
who have received Certi ficates. 1st Aid.
I Nursing.
rXCE 1::;1' OCToBEn, 1
o. of Certificate d Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
I Women.
1I CJllb c l·,,,.
l\Ir. A. C. Harm worth Gen. ir George H. Willi
The Ric,ht HOll. Evelyn Ashley GeneralH. R. H. the Dnke ofOonnaught,
Miss B. Gieve, Ohulmlcigh, Outram Road . Hiss K. Sangster, 2, Palmerston Road, outhsea.
A S)' i s ' all t Sccr c t ari c , •
lIoll. :.ll c (1i (' al . • alT.
Mr. Ly. tel' Oole- Bakel', n. A., )L D. Mr. L. K. Hackman, L. H. C. P., L. 1". A.
Mr. H. F.
Haml, L.R.C.l'., ~('H..C.i:).
1I1r. L. Hale. L. It. C.l'. M.1'. Ohas. KIlOtt, 'LlLC.P. Mr. M. AstOll Key, B,_\., ;\l.ll., n.r" Mr. J. 1\1alpaR, L.U.C.P., 1I1.1LC ..•
lr. J. McGregor, L.R.C.I'., F.R.C.S. ::\11'. J. Mulvaney, L.n.C.p. 11'. B. H. J\lUlllby, :lI.J)" D.p.rr. 1\[1' . . II. Newby, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.p. Mr. C. P. Ruel, L.ILl ' .P., :lLn.C. ~lr. J. H. F. Way. M.ILC. ,.
the last year thc Centr!' has losl ,1 vcry large pl'o portion of it memher and workers, by the formation of Gosport, Alvcl' ·ton, antI Fctreham into a eparate Oentre. otlVithstanc1ing t1lis, It still maintain it · high po itioll, al1Ll continue to do most excellent \l'ork. The I1Iayor, AI(lel'lllan 'cott Fo tel', .J.P ., kindly pre ided at the annual meclincr alld 1)lace(1 IIi ' lliuincr-room in the '1'o,,,n IIall at the llipo al 0' 0 of the membcr '. There wa a large gathcring of friends of the A sociation, amongst others, Lady Onlme 'eYlllour, \\'ife uf the N"aval 'Ollllllal1ller-in-Chief, who pre'ented the cel'tiflcates, &c., to the , llpccssfnl pupil ' : Lady Frederick ,we mli h , the Mayorcss and her (laughters, MI'. and 1Irs. H. R. Pilck, Mayor and ;\Iayorc's elect, the Treasurer, MI'. all(l J\lrs. Geo. E. Oonzc1l" e x- J\layor and i\IayOl'e " who con tinue to take a deep interest ill the elltle; Dr. '. Knott, the inllefatignble Chairman; members of the medical staff, the local hOIl. 'eel'etary, Mr. Fre!l J. owanl and assistants; Misses (lieye allll allgster, til Ohil'f onl"table, etc., etc. The number of classes l1el<1 during the year was eighl, and 1 9 pupils attended. In response to the appcal for ll10111'y 3,IHI girls f\)1' the Rell Oro'3s A ociation in aid of the sick, etc., in .south Africa, the tIl'ml)('r'l of the Oentre pioneered by the assistant secretaries, coUcctc!l the StUll of C;i~, beside medical comrorts, grocerie , clothes, etc. On the whole the Committce fee! grn,tifiell at the sten(ly progrcs ' that is being nuttle, [mel the co ntinne(l interest that is heing shown in the work hy the many friends of the muvel1len t. The (lemon tratioll by the pupils at the annual meeting reflected the greatest cre(lit upon their teachers, and al 0 proved how keenly they bad entered into the work. DURING
General H.R.H. the Duke of OOllllaught and
La d y l'l'c ,'i icl nt.
H.R.H. the Duche. of OOllnaught. "icc- Prcs j(lc ut s.
Admiral of the Fleet, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Clanwilliam, G.C.B., R.C.M.G, General ir G. H. . 'Willis, G. C.B. General "it' J. Davi', K.C.B. Admiral ir :lowell almon, v.c., G.C.B. Admiral i1' n1. Oulme-Seymom, Bal t., G. C.B. Lieut. -Gen. Sir Baker O. Russel1 , G.G.C .B . , lU ' .:lI. O. (Oommanding Southern District.) The 'Worshipful the Mayor of Portsmouth. La(l y "icc-l'I'C"l id
The Oountess of Olanwilliam Lady Davis Lady Salmon
' lJ' ), .
Lady Willis. Lady Russell
(~ haiJ'JlI:IIl.
Mr. Oharles Knott,
(Knight of Gracc).
Statcmcnt qf Ileaipts (Gnd E ,i'PCllditlll'C jo}' the
1 99-1900.
A NUAL REPORT. Six classes bave been h eld (Iming the session .
E xpenditu1'e.
Reccipts. . *£37 16 31 4 ~9 7 7 17
To Balance tores Account " 8 la l?ee " • ubscriptions "
7 3 9 6
£27 19
8'y ' tores Accou 11 t . and InciJental Cla " E. -pen e Ca. 11 in hand
49 12 10
... Excluding £5 ,1 . 5cl. and £3 7 s. 6cl. tran. ferl'{;,(l to Treasurers of Allllmlance Brigade and NUl iug Corps l'espec:ti vely. The above tatemeat doe not inchvle £32 collecteel and forwal'Lled to the Red Cro A sociation Funrl for aiel to the sick an(l wOlludeel in the outh Af1'icl111 war. Exalllined and foulld correct, F . E. AD _Dl~, Hon. Auditor.
Ealance Sheet, 1 \)9 -] 900. E ;;;pendit H 1·e.
Receipts. '}'o Ua~h Balance from Account. Sale of • to res " (}las. Fees
. £3 18 0 By Purchase of tores. 9 " Exal11inel" Fees and Ill 5 6 10 ~ ciclentals '.l 9 0 Prill Lillg. . 0 " (iratuities to hall keeper 1 2 0 " llifoJ'lllS, &c. , for private.' " t . J olm Ambulan ce Bdc. 7 19 1 011 actiYe 'ervice HClluil'illgAmbulanc:e Bal'l'ow " , heel 2 6 0 40 11 0 i3alance in hand
last . £42 3 2 0 1H
CrrAl:LE.' K -OTT, OhaiJ'iilan. GEOnGE EIl\\'IX CorZEXS, T1·caS/II'Cl'. FUlID. J. COWAlln, Loml HOIl. SCL'I'cta,·y.
£68 11 11
£(j3 11 11
Audited awl found eOl'l'cct tllil:i 15th day of D ecemher, 1900,
~ o.
of Women
who have who have who have completed a completed received COllrl;e of a course of Certificates. ill tl'UCtiOI1. instruction. 1st Aid. I N"ursing. 1st Aid. I ~ursillg. 1st Aiel. I XUl'sillg. • 1" l'I'; .F\l1 L~I A I'J 0:--
:2 :2
53 ,
16-19 ~Hl
N"o. of Cerlit1cated PUJliJ~ whu have I'ecci \'I::d ?ledalliOlls.
ht Ai,!.
I Women
- .)
,('OTT- \YU ITE,
Hon. Local) 'ee.
who have who have who have cOlllpleted a completed reecived comse of a course of Ccrti licates. ill truction. instJ'UC'tion. 1st Aid. I Nur~illi-:. lst Aie!. I lS'nrsilli-:. lst Ai-I. ' ~(\I'sillg. :-\l\LE lfolDI .\TlUN
3 1 'I "UE
Corro:\" F.1LO.1'., T,·caslll'er.
Y .\'1 LE. Chni1'lllan.
No. of Women
()F ( .c;\ rUE.
9 9
A. II.
who have rel!ei,·ed Certificates.
1:X C'E 1ST O( 'T(lDI<: l:,
lsT O(
TOBE1:, ~:2
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
who have receiyed Certificates. lsI,
I KUl'sing.
- Men.
I Women
1 99. I :20
I 11
. 1·I'('s id c lI'.
1111'. H. ·W eigall.
"icc-l·l·C".i 11 cu.s.
Rev. Canon H. Burtram,
Ca p tain L. W. Vaile.
T l'cas 111'(,1'. Mr. Charles Cotton , F . R.O .l'.
Formcd 1
Sccrc'al'). ~1r. A. II. t)c:ott- White, B. SC. , B.A., The Elms, Ra.lllsgate.
)'l'('s ilh'u I.
(Yacanl) .
Life UCmhel'.
1111'. Charles CottOl] , r.lt.O .l>.
( ' lIa il'lIta H.
;ned ical SI a fro
mg. -Oapt. J. Berry, )LlL c.s. }.II'. R. rr. Bow,len, iII.D. MI' . O. Cotton, F.R . C. P. Mr. G. B. CC.'llrtlley, lIL:;).
i1' John Whill aker Ellis. Bart. 1\[1'.
A. D. Griffith., M.n.
'J' 1'('aS 111'(']'.
. ,\Talter SU()tt,
1111'. O. II. 1\11'. R. C.
M.ll. Tamplin, M. R. O. S. Worsley, M.lt.O.S.
JlOllOl':Il'Y Seel'(":ll'iC
Mr. an(l M1' . A. Bridgcl', A HhLlcllC, 1\101111tAl'a.rat Btl., Riclllllond
Lifc n Clllbcl' .
Ur. J. Williamson,
Mr. ,V. Bateman,
U .D.
Formecl 1 91.
lUcclicnl Stnff.
1\11'. J . Williamson,
fr. Matthew Gardiner,
M. D.
Mr. F. Wright.
Receipts and Pctyments /1'0111 1 99 to 1900 .
E J.]Jencliiul'e.
Mr. Geo. Day
By Chief ecretary for Material £3 8 11 1900. " Dr. Gardiner (Lecturer's Fee) First Aiel Cour e . 5 5 o , , Wreath for H. H. The Duke of Teck, Pre iclent 110 " Hire of Room for las. e 110 " Books and Bandage' o 5 10 " Cards, Enyelopes, Postage. o 13 1 " }Iedallions o 19 0 " untlry small expenf.e fOl Clas o 10 2 " Dr. Uardiner- Lectnrer' Fees, 2 Cour. 'es 10 10 o " Chief Sec. for ~IateriuJ 2 1 " Aid to ick auel ,Yonnded in outlt Africa 3 o o " Hire of Room, R llr 'ing la s 33 ., Boy s. 6d. 2 1 6 " Bandage, Mell' COUl' c o 10 o " " :x llrsing CIa s . o 17 2 " Hon. ,'ec., Postage . (id.; Trea. urer's do. ] s. o 9 6 " Chief, 'ecretaryExaminer' Fees, G CIa ses 6 16 4 Iucitlental Expen es 3 3 o " Balance in hand I;') 1 2
'Y .
1\11'. Jas.
Mr. A. L. Wright.
1I01l0r:tJ'Y ~CC l' c tal' Y .
Trca : IlI·cr.
Mr. Frank Allfrey, Ripley, Derby
Mr. Funncl
Stat611wnt of B eccipts (GILd E,I'jJcnditu I'<?' for the yea)' ending Septembcr 29th, 1900. Rcceipts. . £1
To , ubscriptions
Expenclitl1'l'e. Bv Balance due to Treasurer, -
'ept. 29th, 1 99 Dutterley Co.-Rent of " Carriage Depot . Mr. La,yton-Amollut ex" pellclecl on aniage Clealliag, &c. " ,ccrttary-I 0 tage, &c. " Balance in hand.
Xo. of WOlllen
372 J899. I 16
6 1 o 10
0 2
A. J. TO"'L~ON
of len
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Xo. of Cert.ificated who have Pupils who have WIl e> have who havo who have cOlIll'lctecl It received receivell completed l'ccl'lvetl COlll'>:le of I 1I1ctlnllion'. Certi Ii cates. a course of CcrtilicaLe . instruction. instruction. _ 1st Aid. I Nursing. l~L Aid. I Nursing:,.Jst Aitl. I Xu,·s ing. 1st Ail]. I Nursing . J\L ell . I Women.
Xo. of Certificated who have who have who have who have PUjlils wllo have cOll1pleted a completed rcceived ref'eive d received COllrse of a course of Certificates. Certificates. Medallions. instruction. Instruction. -1st Aid. I Nurs ing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursillg. 1\lcn. I IV0 iileil:
... 11 el'; FOlUlATION OF CENTRE.
No. of Men
0 0
]'.UtKS, TI'CClSlll'C1·.
' ·icc·Chairmnn,
( 'hail'lllall.
Dr. Hooper.
Mr. Oharles Forrl
1 99.
1899. , £20 6 3 To Cash in hand 1900. " Subscriptions"Col. parks 0 5 0 0 5 0 Mrs. parks ]',[r. R. A . mith 0 5 0 Hon. S. Brodrick 0 10 0 1\11'. A. Bridger 0 5 0 " 26 Fees at lOs. 6d.; 1 at 7s. 6d . ; 4 at 5s.; 7 at 2s. 6d.; 4 Be-examination Fees at Is. 16 2 0 " Book and Bandages 3 4 0 " Medallions 0 19 0 " Boro' College, I leworth: Exam. Fees, 2 CIa ses 3 1 0 " 14 Fee at lOs. 6d.; 5 reduced at 4s. Nurs.Class 1 0 " Books, ursing Class 1 0 " Book, l en's Class 1 1 2 " P. O. . Bank I nt. 1 99 0 11 4
[131 Sr
29 Ot'TOBEll, 1 99.
Formed 1
l·l·c s iclt'ul.
olonel C. M. H.Oyll.,
196 ella iL'UHl u. Alderman J. R H eape,
JIetlicnl Stnff.
1\11'. Mr. Mr. 1\11'. Mr.
P. Baillie T. H. Rayle A. Jeffer 011 W. J. Kerr . Lord
M1'. T . .Melvin Mr. ,V. Mills ]1.11'. J. R odley Mr. R. Burdett- ellers Mr. J. P. 'W alker
o. of Women
who have received Certificates. 1st Aid. I NursinJ.;.
S1XCE FOHMATIOK OF OE~TltE. 17 I 644 2 2 I fi46 IXCE 1ST OCTOBTm; 1899. 17 I 6 I 31 I 54
Statement of n,cdpts ancZ E;r'11Cilcl itll1'C (0), thc yea?' ending SeptcmbcT 30th, 1900. E."Cpenclitw·e. Receipts. £2 7 6 I By Payment to •t. John To Rotherham Oorporation Ambula.llce Aociation £1 7 6 4 14 4 Ladies' Class . ditto 1 ~l 0 ditto " Midland Railway Olass2 10 0 ditto ditto ., Holmes . . 6 2 6 " 21 0 10 ditto Hi 6 " ditto Nursing Olass 11 12 3 " cCl'etary's tamps ancl " J. J. Street . 1 6 7 Oheqne Book 9 0 0 " " Phrenix Bessemcr Olass 31 1 Dalallce in hand 0 2 0 " Dr. Balthrill 0 9 0 " " Ba.nk interest 16 9 6 " Bala.nce from la.-t year C59 12
£:;fl 1:2
7 J OII~ GIBll..
No. of Women
Xo. or Men
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
I Women.
FOI~~[ \rIO_
No. of Certificated Pupil who haye received Medallion. Men.
I Wornell.
90 I 15 br OCTonrm, 1 99 . 20 I 1 HiO
who have recrh'ed Certificates.
SADDLEWORTH CENTRE. Formed 1 94. J>1.· csicl('u' •
"T. Buckley. TreasureI'.
{ 'ha i rilln II .
Ir. J. ,\Y. Haigh.
Police u perintelldellt Pros er. l'l'('sitlellt.
Mr. George Wilton OhamlJers,
J.l'., D.L.
1\11'. F. B. Judge Baldwin, Oawclor House, Rotherham
Mr. Albert ,Ya 'hillgtOll, The
Mr. J. W. Gibbs. Jlollorn)'Y SCCJ·el:u·y.
Examined and found correct,
\\'ho have who have who have compl eted a recei ved completed course of Oertificates. a course ot instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing.l lst Aid. I r\ursing. 1st Aid TNursiM~.
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
Mr. ,V. H. Rowthorn.
AJ.. NUAL REPORT. DURI TG the year eight classes have been held, a decretlse of foul' cIa ses compared with the previous year. Since the formation of the Oentre, fomteen ycar ago, 1,815 persons have received the certificate qualifying them for rendering first aid, aud 1 have received medallions; 23 women and 17 men have received nul' ing certificates. The mem bel'S of the Oorps have rendereu first aid on 225 occasions, and the police on 3 occasion. The horse ambulance was called out no Ie s than 184 time tIuring the year. With regard to the Oorps, 17 member ' proceeded to South Africa for service with the Royal Army )Iec1ical Department, and nine are still there. One member, Private DaviJ Applegate, of N'ewhey, unfortuuately contracted entp-ric fever at Bloemfontein, and died on 21st Junc last. Those who have retul'lled home do not appear to be any the worse for their aruuou duties under the conditions which obtained. It i expected that a new Division of the Rochdalc Oorp~ will shortly be formed at Xewhey.
No. of Men
1\"". F .B' Judae Baldwin. J.¥J..1. b
~Icd ieal
Mr. Oaml'bell, Uppermill Mr. Oho.111 bel'S, Dobcross Mr. Price, Greenfielll
(Inare, Uppel'll1ill.
St nil'. ~ll'.
H. Ramsden, Dobcro 11'. Roberts, Delph (: j [1'. ,Yakelam, ,Yuterhead
THE past year ha been notable for the great amount of intere. t taken in the outh African ,Val'. When ambulance men were asked to volunteer for active ervice in the campaign there was a ready response, and ix addleworth men were accepted. The e were Mr. G. Lee , :Mr. W. :Mellor, Mr. L. Brierley, Ml'. E. Wood, :Mr. II. Wood, and Mr. H. Hill. The fir t five a re still at the front. All were giyen a very hearty send-off, under the auspices of the Saddleworth Oentre, and carried with thl::m many tokens of goodwill from the friends they left behind. It is also pleasing to know that Dr. Harry Ramsden is at the front in the capacity of urgeou-Oaptain. On 16th June a u other successful Oycle parade was held, and the sum realized, £41 16s. 4~d., was eq ually divided between the adJleworth Oenh'e and the Indian F amin e Funrl. On 17th eptember an inlere ting event in the hape of a demonstration by the Oldham Am bulauce Oorps took place at U ppermill. uperintendellt Jon es was in command, and the display of practical am bnlance ,york wa watched by a large crowd of spectators. The Committee have to record with deep regret the death of Dr. ,Yo H. F. Ramsden, who gave such material assi tance when the Oentre was formed in 1894. The Committee gratefully acknowledge the services of the members of the medical staff, without whose assistance the valuable work; of the As ociation could not be carried on.
Nov. 7th, 1900.
7 11
of Women
who have who have who have who have COlllpleted a received received completed course of Certificates. Certificates. a COUl' e of ill truction. instruction. 1st .Aid. I Nursin~. l Rt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ai(l. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.
ISCE FORMATION OF CENTRE. 226 230 I 135 , INCE 1. T OCTOBEH, 1 99. 32 I 53 I 32
5 1l~ o 13 6 0 3 0 o 17 0 3 311
20 18
16 15 o 12 6 7
0 0 5
32 14 5 5
9 0 3t
7 11
T Women.
38 10
Fonneu 1 7 . )'rc",hlcn1.
The Right Honourable the Earl of Wh:nncliffe. , . i CC-I'J·Ci.itlcllt . .
The Right Hon. C.
tuart Wortley,
Q. C., 1Il.l'.
1\11'. Hime Mr. . Earnshaw Howell Mr. H. D. Lomas ~Ir. G. F. Lockwood Mr. William mith 1\11'. T. E. Vickers ir Alexr. Wilson, Bart. JlonoJ'f1)'Y cc)'chll'Y.
Tl'ca nrcI'.
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.
ir C. E. lIowaru Vincent, :'ILl'. ir E. A hmead Bartlett, :'II. P. "ir H. tephenson Mr. O. Belk Mr. J. E. Cntler
Statement oj Receipts and E.-epenclitnrejor the yecw 1 99-1Sl00. Receipts. Expenditure. By "undrie> To Balance in hand, October 25th, 1 99 £42 17 3 Oddrellows' Hall " ' tationery Olass receipts and dona" tions 36 19 4~ "" Printing Goods sold 4 4 2 tamp., &c. " Cycle Parade 41 1~ 4~ " R efunded to D elph Olass " Brass Band Oontest Oom. o 12 7 " ecretaries " tretcher sold 2 2 0 Inuian Famine Fund from " Prize Money returned . 0 2 6 " Cycle Parade " Medallions for Springhead 6 7 0 :Mes TS . J. W. oble and " Profit on D emonstration " 1 6 Sons for T" 0 Am1.m" lance Boxes Mechanics H all . "" Medallions for Springhead Printing, Stationery, " tores, &c. " Ramsden Memorial Fund Balanl'e in hand
No. of :Men
nIl'. John ,Yo Ial'tin ,
Bernard A. Firth . .l ss i.'l1 all t
~CCl'Cf :tl'\'t'.
1\11'. A. W. ,Yame)' Ie, York treet. Li fc )(('lubers.
The Right Hon. the Earl of ,Yhal'llcliffe [1' . Hamilton mith Mrs. T. H. Bingley teel, Peech & Tozer, Ld. John Brown & Co., Limited ir Henry tephen on Charles Oa1l1mell & Co ., Limited Yicker on & Maxim, Ld. Mr. J. Bradley Firth Mr. E. 1\1. E. W elby Mr. l\Iark Firth nIl'. O. Iacro , Vilsoll. Mr. J. H. Keeling, M.D. AN NU AL REPORT. I N presenting the eighteenth Annual Report, the ommittee are glad to be able to state that tluring the pa t year much good work has been done by the heffield Centre. Thirty classes have been held under the Centre (2 fir t aid, and 2 nursing), and in addition to the e the members of 33 cla es (23 fir t aid, and 10 nursing) held in connection with the chool Boa,rd Evening Oontinuation chools have had the benefit of examination by the official examiner of the As ociation . The total membership of these cla ses wa 35, a again t 726 in the previous year. At the examinations held on behalf of th e Oentral Executive, 577 tudents po. sed the first examination, 174 the first re-examination, and 65 the second or final re-examination. Th ese figures acl<led to those of previous years make a total of 10,067 passes
since the formation of the Centre. Successful classes have been held during the year at several of the large works in the di trict, aloin connection with the [icllanu and Great Central Railways. The Committee would again urge upon all employers of labour the desirability of encouraging the formation of first aid cIa es among t their men. I nstruction in first aid is now being given to additional members of the police force, also to a large number of men employed in cOllnection with the orporation Tramways. The Committee feel that in these ca es a knowledge of first aid is of the greatest importance. The Committee learn with much satisfaction that the City Council has recently purchaseLl an improved horse ambulance carriage to supplement the conveyances provided by the Centre some years ago. This matter ha bern referre(l to in the Annual Rel)ort of the Centre for 0111e years ]last, the Committee being :trongly of opinion that further ambulance carriages were nace sary to place the police in a position to deal effectively with such ca es of emergency as are continually aIi iug in a large ci ty . Reference ,,-as made at the last annual meeting of the Centre to the dcsirahility of forming a Corps or Division of the t. John Amhulance Brigade in hefliehl, and the Committee felt that such an organisation would bc of very great benefit in providillg opportunities for co-operation and regular practices amongst ambl11ance students. The matter was enthusiastically taken up by a Committec formed for the purpose, and a very successful Corp formed. In re 'ponse to a call from thc 'War 0 ffice for ambulance men to go out to 'outh Africa, no Ie, s than 41 mcmbcrs of the Sheffieltl Corps volunteered, and their services ha,e prove<1 of great value at the front. Th e Committee of the Centre heartily congratulate the promotcrs of the Corps UpOI1 the great succes,;; which has attended thE-ir efforts, and have had much pleasure in gi Villg a donation of £10 out of the fnnds at their eli po 'al to\Yanls the cCluipment of the Corps. The Committee desire to express their best thanks to the h ll. secretary (Dr. Martin), the lecturers, the class secretarics, anel all those ,yho havc hy their kind assistance hclped forward the work of the Centre. Statement oj Receipts ancZ Expenditw'e jar the yWJ' ending, 'eptembcl' 30th, 1900. Receipts. E,)Jpcndit llre. To Balance in Bank, October By Examination Fees anll 1st, 1899 . £15 6 Examiners' Expenses ,£:5·1 3 11 91 11 o "Assistant ecretal'y's " Class Fees ,10 0 0 24 7 6 " Suuscriptions . alary . 9 4 2 " l\leclallions " Stores . 3 J i'j . " Bank I nterest, (less Com" Printing and tationery. 7 7 0 mission) . o 13 1 " Po ·tages fi 3 3 3 18 6 " Aclvertising . 3 10 3 " IIire of Rooms 4 9 5 " Miscellaneous Expenses. " DOllation to Shcffield Am bulance Corps 10 0 0 9 7 Ij " Balance in Bank
I ' UE ~o.
of Men
l\IEDALLlON', '.
of Women
" 110 lla I'e who have who ba\'c cOlllj,letptl It rcc('il'ed cOlllpleted cotll':se >f Certifil'ates. a course of illstrl1ctiol1. instruction. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1tit Aid. I Xursillg. 1st .\i!l.
x o.
who leave received Certificate~.
Fo IDL\.TfU); of CEXTl:E. 099 U77 I 1633 1::-<('/, 1.'1' Or rom:r:, 1 99. 12;:; 17:s I 111
of Certificated Pupils who have receiYed ~Iedallion . ;\Iell.
I Women.
514 (j(j
:JIr. Cil'orge ( '. Wawl.
:JIr. .J. :JItdgley JIl' . .T. :::l. Rho,ll JII'. JIilL's Rlto,l,' . i\il' . .T. Rubl'lt :JIr. :J1ilr' o':\'llen :'11:'. T. TownselHl :JIl'. J. ,Yalll' :Jll' . .T. '3. Watts
:JII' .•E. Binlls Jil' ..J. ,\. Burton ~lr. Ell is Dl'l1ll\' County Alch'l'lIl'llll II. DUlln 1111. .\\'. II. Ellis 8il' Fort"sl'ul' Flalltll'lT, ~!. 1'. Mr. "\'111. Ilal'kel' ' '\ll'. F. HoI ~llL'S Mr. Percy II. Il1illg\\'ol'th ( ' hai ... llau.
:Jlr- l)'}"l'l'Y B. Cal'tl·l'. TI·(' :I "III·.' I ·.
MI'. J. 1. Davison, Br:l!lfol'tl (JIll B'lllk, Limite(l, · lllpley. nOllOt·al·)
l'ot· t'!·(' I" I· ., •
1\11'. D. F. Cirild,ill, :!l, nil kln,lIlls Road. ( ,j
:'Ill'. Geo. C. \Yawl.
f(' " .·IIIIIl· t·...
~hiplc\· Fri 'llll1y awl Trade '- ocietie~. i\l es:l's. Ro,>s, Wilk". [llllll'ral,tl'cl'
,1 :3
I have examined the Cash Account for the year eUIlct!. Sel)tembel' 30th, 1900, with the Bank Pass Book and Vouchers, and certify thc above t.o he a corred summary of such Cash Accoun t. GEO IWE F HAN KLIN, Chcwierecl Account(tnt, Oclobe?' 231'd, 1900. Shemclcl.
Mr. MI'. M.r. Mr. Mr.
IV. 1'. AinsworLh, 'Il. n. D'Arc)' B. Cartel', M. H.C.:';. '. ICames, !I!.1UJ.:;. W. H . IWis, lIl.lt.e.H. J. Emerson, 1.. It. ·.fl.
JLr. W. Foster, 'II. n. MI'. S. Graham. 'If.I:.C.S. 1\[1. J. J. Rnthel'fol'll. )l.D. i\ 11'. E. Tho1'llton , 'II. II. II
FOl'lne(l 18 6. l'I'('s id CII t.
DURI~G the year cIa ses have been held as u ual, and good work donc, all who pre ented themselves fOT examination pas ing i namely 21 in first aid, 4 th e fir t
re-examination, and 6 the nnalre-examination. At the rel]uest of Colonel'ir H. C. Perrott, Bart., on the outbreak of ,Varin outh Africa, \ye called a mecting of th e ladies of this neighbourhood, and organised working llarlies to collect funds and make up material to be despatched for the comfort of our sick and wOlluded. Th e appeal was most enthusia'tically responded to by people of all station. ill life, ri ch and poor alike. In all, these working parties collected about (;215 in mOlley ill addition to much material, and so enabled u to forward to St. John's Gale a cheq ue for £100, and over 2,000 articles of comfort. They al 0 as istecl us to ell nip three ambulance volllnteers, and despatch them to the front at a co t of £29 J . 10d. Onr sincere thanks are due to all tho e who either by donation of mon ey, gifts of suitable articles or material, or by their labours brought aLout tbis ucce .. ful issue.
Statement of Receipts and E xpend?'tuTe JUT the yca1' cnclecl Septcmber 30th, H100. Receipt:;. 'To Balance " DonationsShiple? Friendly and Traue ocieties . altaire Cycling Club Mr. LE. Binns Class Fees " Sale of Stores
£8 16 2 ]0 1 0 o 10 4 5
4 Dy Rent of Room
0 0 0 0 0
£21 12
Examination Fees " tores " Printing and Posting " tretehers and Repair.' " ecretal'Y Expenses, " Postage, &c. Balance in hand
CO Hi ti 1 13 10 ;3 Hj 1 1
0 0
9 0
0 7
£21 12
D'Aucy B. CARTEr., Ohairmall. JOB ' 1. DAYI ON, T1'Casnrcl'. D. F. GmBBIN, Secreta/·y.
The Earl of Lathom. " i e (. ·1' 1'(, ,, i d C' II t. The Lorll CnrzolJ, of Kedleston.
The Rev. C. T. Porter, D.D., LL.D. lIonOl·at· y ~ll. ,101m
~cC l' c lal' Y
II c d i e a 1
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.
F. J. Bn.ilelon,
1111'. T. H. yke ,L.R.C.P.,
:II. D., C.:lI.
IV. laule, :II. B., H. mnrthwaitc,
' .\1., :1[,
L.l :. C. '.
B., B.S.
A UAL REPORT. DURING the pa L y eal' five clu.sse ' hn.v e hecn hel(l with ati factory result. On the outbreak of the ,r,t) in oulh Africa , 'everalm emhers of the t. John Ambulan ce Brigade \\'ho hatl recei\ed their training in counection with this Centre, volunteered for actiye cl'viLC aL the front. Arthur Jlarsden, one of tho 'e who ,rent ont, unfortunately fell a victim to enteric leY cr at Bloemfontein, to the great regret vf all who kn e\\- him. 'OIllC article of clothing were. ent up to h ead-quarter from t hose cOllllectetl wiLh this Centrc, to h e despatched Lo the eat of war for th e sick a nd wounded. StrrtelltMt oj R eceipt8 emel E ,'1JC/lditllJ'e jor 1 99-1900. Receipts. E.-~:p c nditw·e . To Balance from la ' t account £3 3 By hief Oflice for ~ tores " Fees for Glasse 9 3 0 " Examiner' Fee, &c. ,. 'ale of 'tore 5 2 6 "Po ·tage, &c. " Balance in hand.
I 111
135 22
1st Aid
No. of Certificated Pupils who have Jeceived Medallions.
I Nursing. I Men. I WOlIleu.
OF CgNTH1~ •
, INCE 1ST OC'J'OBEH, 1899 . 21
who have received Certificates.
9 19 0 2 6 2
6 6
1'011 mn, Oha irman. E. \VILLETT, lIon. S ccreta?'yand Trcasw·u.
November 6th, 1900.
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a courseo! Oertificates. instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.' 1st Aid I Nursillg.
)I.R. C.S.
J1r. J. P. Thornton, M.D. 1111'. J. WiI lJaw, )f.B. Mr. J. Forrester Wood, )I.B.
C. T.
~ lafT.
H. J. Dailey,:l1. ILt'.S. A. E. 'OX,:l1. n. , c . ~l.
and l'r ea Slll·cr.
E. Willett, 3, Park Road,
N o. of Men
AI D MEDALLION. No. of Women
. who haye who have who have com pleted a completed reecived course of a course 0 f CCl'tilicates. illstructioll. in tl'Uction 1st Aid. I NUl' sing. 1st Aid. TNursing. 1st Aid. Il'i'nrsillg.
3 713
551 H
who have received Certificate . 1st Aid.
INCE FOIUllA'J'Io " UF E~TltE. 125 I lU5 I 3 tll CE lR'I' Ot ''!'OIII':I:, 1 99, , 12 I H I 10 -
No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallion'.
I Nnrsillg. Men. 57 1~
I Women.
Stalemeillof Receipts (b/ul E,I'2JCn{litul'e, Session 1899-1900.
R eceipts. To Cash Oll hancl-Trc:uml'er . £2 " " eeretnry . 0 Box of A11l1JulatlC'c Appli" ances 0 " Students' Fpes. ·1 " Text Book, D1mdages, and
Formed 1 90, l·~· es icl c u 1.
Councillor W. H. Gibson. Councillor F. Clay l\Ir. D. 1. la:r Ml'. T . Hoey Mr. , V. Haigh :Mr. J. . Raw, on MI'. R. Siduall
Mrs. Brov\'ll Mrs. Bate' JUrs. DtIDn :Mrs. Horner Canon Iven , Moo\.. Rev. G. . mith Alderman J. F. Clay Jf OUOI':t r y
" " " " " "
_\"I<\blallt Sec t'('1al'~,
Sec r e tary .
Mr. T. W. Richardson, 3, Monnt Street.
Sunuerland. Byron
'I'l'e a s 111'(,1',
ilIr. J. Han on, Halifax Joint tock Bank. .\lIdil01·,
MI'. T. Hoey, Hollins Mill Lalle. ANNUAL REPORT. Ix presenting the Anuual Report the Committee arc again plea eu to rl'corcl that a large amoun t of good work has beeu accompli 'hed dming the pa t year. The wurk of the Centre has progressed mo t favonrallly, illcrca 'ing interest ha ],c~lllllallife!"te(l, and the outlook for llext , e sion is velY encouraging. As mentioned in laRt year's lieport, the Committee havc erecte(l, allil :;nppliecl "'ith " First Aid" Applian ces (including 'treteher), three Street Alllbula,llee 'ascs, aCCl'.ti to which may be had day 01' night. Each member of the Police Force ill the town has been provided with a key. I n consideration of the generosity of Mrs. F. E. and II'. G. E. Rawson, or Thorpe, in giving a donation of olle pound each to our funcls, it was deeiued to supply a. box of "First Aid" Appliances for llse in Triangle anll district, to be kept at the house of P.C. Tattersall, Oak Hill. The Committee have clecided to spend the sum of £10 on Nursing Appliau('c' to lend out free of charge in the Jistrict. The Committee were appealed to by th e Red Cross Cowmittee, throngh the llCallquart.ers of the St. John Ambulance Association, for appliances io be usecl in nursill~ the wounded soldiers in the present South African war. ArrallgeJllcnts were being made to send some of the articles asked for, when " 'ol'd can,e that til' appeal hall been . 0 generonsly responded to that no more were needed, lmt tlmt fUlllls wer0 required to send out to the frollt the articles l1lade for the soldicrs. It was then decidell by the Committee to send a contrilmtiGll of three guineas ['or the purpose named. The Alllbulance Carriage has been used 23 times since 1 Et March, 1 99, :Jllcl 'tudents have rcndererl valuable assistallce ill thc removal of a(;ciclen t and invalid cascs. It becomes a pleasant dnty to revert with sincere gratitude to tlle coni illlwc1 clevotion of the Medical Staff, Dr. Brown an(l Dr. DUl1ll, who arc unceasil1g in l'cmleriJlg gratuitous services in inEtructillg Students, and without their valuable assistance the ceniucates of the past year could not 11::..vo l)ee11 gained.
EJ.:pencliture. By Expen es of Ann. Business 14 1l~ Meeting. " ,V. Ackroyd-Printing . 17 6 " 't.JolmAm1mlance A. 50ci14 0 atioll- 'tore " Ditto-:Jledalliolls Diagmm~ 2 0 10 "Ditto Exam. Expenses . Mrs. Kershaw's Medallion 0 :l 0 "Contribution ill Aid of the )1I's. Roberts 's " 0;) 6 ick and ,Voundec1 in the Councillor WillitLl1l utcliffe. o1lth African ,Val' for .lIlcclallioll . 0 0 " ,V. Haigh-Two Banners. Annual l'l1bscriptioJls 13 1 (j "Three 'treet Ambulance Donations. 3 4 6 Cae' and Fitting (inBank Intercst 0 11 1 elulling "tretchcr) " \\1.Ingl'am- tationel'Y,&c. "Calico, ,'heet', \Va 'hing, , ' tl'etcher Repairing, and unclrie. " W, II. Hall-Text Book . "J, Bl'iggs- U e of Cla's Room "Joint tock Bank-Use of slllall CIa s Room " J, Ban111e (Town Hall ) " Boy fOI Practice 5, ., CLeck Hook 1., Wm. Ie110r Board chool) 1 '. 6tl. . " Trall fened to uh-Comlllittee (Dr Brown and Dunn) to purdHlse Nnring Appliance " Po::,tag 's " 'a It in Bank ____ 1 Ill , ecretary" hand "
3 10
0 11 3 3 3 11
Auclitecl aud fOUllll
3 0
6 0
o 11
1 13
3 0
0 0
o l~
0 13 11
15 17 0 4
o 17 o 15
t'l'ct, April 6th, 1900. TlIO~U, ' IIoEY, A lldilo,·. RILIl .UtDSOX, H on. ccrclarlj . JOsEl'II H \.'\SO • (Joint tock Bank), Trca ·1IJ't;1'. (~ouncillor \\T. II. G rnSll~, Prcsi(lcnt . COl
THOll[·\;; \\T~r.
No. of len
No. of Women
who IH\\'0 who have who have cOlllpletell n, completed received Conrse or a cour~e of CCl'tifieates. instrnclion. instruction. 1st Aid. TNUl's-ing. 1st Ail!. I N1l1'sing. 1st Ail!. N loJ1'~ illg. ~INcr~ FOIl\l .\TfON
Pupils who have received
reeeiYt'd Certificates.
1st Ail!. I Nl1l'sing.
I Women.
119 I
INOE 1;;"[' O("I'OIBR,
INo. of Certificated "ho ha,"e
1 99.
li'ormed 18 3.
The Right Hon. the Vi count Cobham.
PJ't'!'OiclcJI I.
The Right Hon, the Earl Egerton of Tatton .
Mr. R . Deakin, )(OJlOI·:lI·.l
Mr. A. E. Ferns.
11'. Hedlcy • atehell, Hagley Road ,
Tr t':ISIlI·('J'.
t. Pctersgat e,
LiJ c )lcmbcl·s. ~h.
The Right Hon. the E arl Egerton of Tatton. Mr. A. H. kyc, D.L.
H enry Bell.
lr. A. E." Fel'l1"
llcclicnl S Ialf'.
Mr. W. R. Bale Mr. H. R. Bellamy Miss L. M. Blake ~fr. F. Cant M1'. J. B. Chadwick Mr. L. M. F. Chri tian Mr. G. H. Darwin Mr. H. J. Dickey Mr. J. J. Rent Fairclough
11', H. P. Ilderton Mr. F. 'Y. J ortlun Mr. J. Keay III I'. R A. J\Il1l'ray Mr. E. Rayn e r 1"L' 1'. J.'. . R ogers ~lr. B. G. ll1ceth .M r. T. Han son , mith ~1r. J. IV orthillgtOlL.
Statement oj Receipts and Raeipts. Balance . Fees for CIa sei;) Material solcl Medallions Bank I nterest
£7 6 7 10
4 0
to September 30th, 1900. EJ..pcnclilure.
By ledallions . "Cenlral omec for halt hare of Expense of Arl,itrators " Hire of Room for OI1lmil tee l eetingH. . " Pri 11 till g an cl 'ta tio n ery " Postages and. 'Il udrie ' . " B~1lallce in Bank
rendered first aid ill a most sati 'fl1ctnry manuer." StutrlHcn t of ll,:ccipfs lind E,r'j)ciUlitlu'c lor tlu' !feur elldin'.J r'pltli~br:r 30th 1900.
0 7 0 0 0 0 1
0 6
13y Balallce brought furward " ,'ubl:;cril'tiolls . " FceR from Clas:es.
El'peltellt II re. £li 17 5 1 ]0 3
7 4
A . E. FElt TH, GhairJ)/(//I. IIENRY BELT" l'reasU?·c'l'. Stockport, Decembe?', 1900.
Iloil. Sccretary.
1. • UE OF CEHTIFICATE.' A D MEDALLION.'. t-io. of Men
No. of Wom en
who have who have who have completed a completed rec eiveLl course of a course of Ccrtificates. illstruction. instruction. ht Aid-:jNursing. 1st Aid. I~rsillg. 1st Aie] I "(\ul'sing.
ht Aiel. I Nl1rsing.
£33 Hl
560 I lO G 393 1ST O CTOBEP" 1899.
Tn EXl'cn,'e' o( CIa Ses. -tG 0 'lo res o 13 Caretakers and Boy' 3 1 EX'lmi nt) lion ~' ee .. o 15 Uas at Corn Exchang' 1 0 Printing . 1 ]9 " Printing Allllual Report " Hrigulle Expen"eHuok ' 0 14 Priutilw Rule' 0 19 " Nursing DI'.'ision Expenscslllllil Hal1 alldCaretakel' 0 17 :;\lal'k and l ootly, for o 10 PO 'l Canis " Allllllal Mecting EXl'cllscs10 Ad "crt iseillents . Ua' aud 'n \'t"takcr at o '1'011'11 Hall for ecrctnl'y's EXPl'llSl'S " I'OSt<lg ', &c. 1 3 14 7 " ]hlanee ill ~lllllnlHl Bank
Ko. of Certificated Pupils who have rer,eived .J\l edallions.
who have rcceived CerU Ii cates.
Rccc ipt~.
H 1H
DURING the year the local COIllll1ittee ag11in rccei,'c<1 help in clefraying the cost of the clus es; the l'ban DlsLrict Oouncil killllly charged only for lhe ga u rel in the Corn Exchangl', anu thete wa~ no charge math· f:n' the 11 'e of thc Di.pensary. everal cases of fir't aid rendered to injuretl pcrsons (luring the past year, have been l'cpol'te'l ;-1. On OctolJer 1 th, 1 £,Hl, II . p, had both bone. of hi leg brokcn lluring a fuotball match at Ohlllall , CI'(\.(ll('),. Dr. IIardwieke certifie' thnt C C ~lr. Joseph UUlldell rendered cflieicnt fir. t aiel to the injnreel mun, by properly applying 'pliuts anll ballllages." 2. Ou April 7th, U)OO, IY. ~1. of ,Y ol1cscote, u ·tained a fmctul'e of hath hones of the leg. Pulice·col1stable~ Taylor aUll A hley ballllaged the leg anel took the l1mll to DI' lL1rt!\\'ich"s surgery. Dr. IIanllricke certifies that c, eflil'ient lirst aid was reJlelered" by the l' constahles. They afterward' removed the paLien t Lo thc hospita.l. 3. On .\ Ugllst 1 Hh, ,V. ,,'. of tourln'idge, fracturcel olle bonc of the leg. PlIiicc'collstahle '1'<1,ylo1, of Lye, hallllageu the limb, aUll J'cllloycd the lllall to Dr. II:trrlwieke's slIrgt'r,r. The dodor agilin ecrtifie to the" cllicirnt first aiel" of thi' eOllst lhll'. .1. In July, T. "\\T. of Lye, was injmed by u fall do\\'Il. tail". Dr. J. l\l e il\\'mith cerWie' that "Police-scI'CTennt Dank
J(OlJOI';1I'Y Secl·c' lnl'),.
Mr. Arthur Bl'igg ,36
Mr. Hemy Bell.
To " " " "
( 'hairlllall.
£33 19
I havc eXt1mined the vouchcrs with the book ' alld find the RlnLcment OCtOb~l' 16th, 1900.
to be <1,
COtTeeL aeCOllll
,Yo II .
.J. 6 9
o o 6 6 0 6
o 6 6
o. of Men
Xo. of Women
No. of Women
No. of )[['11
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.'-v-h-o-h-a-"-e---------- No. of Certificated who have who have who have Pnl'ils who hll.ye completed receh'ed completed a recei\'ed I' I't'i,ell a COlll' e of Certifi<:ll.te . i~o~~~~~~t?~I~. Certilicll.tes. Medalliolls. instruction. ltAid . ! "ursin". 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid .. Nursing. .Mell. Women. ~----~--~
who h:lve corn I "ete<l
Xo. of Certificated
wllo ha\'e
who have
who have received Certificates.
"()lIIl'ldel] a course of
a course of I Cel'ti Iicll.tes. instnH'lioll. lstAid. I :\lIl'sing.:.,!st AlIT. l\ursing.
Pupils who have received )le<ialliolls.
vllr~I'II" -_ _ l~.~~_~ t AI',I I _ N'ul·fing. ~lell Women •, ·'~o~· _ "~_ _ _. _ _ ____.
l-:::t Ai;l
1227 11
629 395 IXCE hrr OCTOBER, 1 99. 11 I 14
1-') {~
Fo n \1 .\']'10); of
'E 'TItE .
26 7
5 12
UI ;TOIlE It, 1 9\). ,10 21
STREA TRAM CENTRE. Formed 1 91. 'f I·(·;t ~ IlI·Cl'.
Illspe ctor-General Delgra\'e Xinni , )I.D., R . N . UOlI01·:U·.r ~C('l't· (III·Y.
Mrs. Ca\'e·Bro\\,lle-Ca ve, BUl'llagc, A~NUAL
treatham Commol!. ( 'hail'lIIall allc\
lIouo[·a)'.)' , ('er c lary.
TI·(·a~lIl'(·I· .
)[r .. 1. E. Dr;lulJle.
I~ presenting their Annnal Rcport the Committee regret that it ha ' )Jot 1)('011 po.'sihll·
to hold cIa e' fot men 0'Villg to lack of call1lidates. There Ita ve I 'CCll fi \'c cIa 's(:~ held for women, 70 of WhOUl have attclHleu a "course" of foul' lcctlll"l:. ; ~·l women have ohtained certificatcs in "Fil' t Aid " and 21 "olllen certificates ill .c IIolJl l) N nrsing" ; i'our women ohtaiued the medallion . Dr. Coate has kiJl(lIy lcctured, '"ithout fee, to two cla 'ses for women, lmt even lI'ith this llJatcrial assistallce tIll' expenses attendant on holding the clas 'es l1ave exceeded the receipts I,y ahout £:1 lOs. StaleJlwnt oj Receipts and E'~l}(!llclita re, 1 99·1900. Receipts. E "'l)uulit 1I re. 1 99. 1900, J Illle 30 . July 1 To Cash at Bank . £lfi 10 5 By Fees to Lecturer . £11 1900, June 30. " l'o:-,tage & Caniage 0 To .'ubsuriptiolls &. Donations 3 0 " Book, Staliollc!'y, PrintSale of &oks, etc. 3 (j illg aml Lihrary l\oLic:es 4 " Class fees 15 14 0 " Boys \'01' Hallflagitlg 1 " lYlcc1allioml 0 1 :3 6 " ExaIJliJl!'l's' Fees, olle sLill " Amount overpai.u by ll on . oWllIg 5 " .'ec. 0 ~ 3 II'dallir))JS 0 "" Hirc of Booms [LUU Caretakcrs :2 " Owing Lo II 011. , 'cc., .J lIlIe, 1 99 0 1:2 " Dalauce .
9 10
0 li 1~
') 1.
9 10
I have examine,l the aiJOvc 'tatell1l' ut of' Hece ipts amI EXl'enclitnl'c wiLh Lhe Hooks and Vouchers, an<l I find the same to IJC ill clu c accordance therewi Lh. IIgH.llEltT .JA UKSON,
IIono1'a1'V A ucWoJ'.
'I<'(\ic'al :0,1 a 11'.
.Jr\,. Y. HI) tlllnnn,
)lr. Fullerton, )l.D.
was hp!d (lming Fe1Jmnry of lhe present year, wilen 31 studcnt· attcndetl the lectlll'es, I,ut owing to .'en'ral of the llIen I!eing on night duty only n attclHled for exallliuatiun. The w!tol .. of WhOll1 passed sati~factol'Y amI olltained ec:'tiiicates.'el era! cast's in the (listl'id han l'eCeiVl'd 111"t aill treatment hy the CLA'l,
pupils which has lestifil'll thc yall1e of' alulmlallcc knowlc<lge.
St(llemell' u/ Rcceipt . cliul
EJ'j)clu 1it IlI'C
Ell warJ .JiOl·gaIL 17, Queen treet,
'1'0 Cash ill haUll " " " "
Uhts.' Fcc.', c C. . .MicUallll Hailway Balance a t Halik Bank Illtcrc<;t
jor lhe year 1900.
£0 4 :3 ]7 0 li (j
5 0 li fi 2
By , 'la tiollcry, Po 'htge , ..t\ <l \'c l'tiillg, &c. II en.d<[l1artcr , Ollice " 'harges ., ~h . Lm:as RCllt of' Ledure Room "., n allk lll terest Balance i.ll lJaJlll " in bank
£12 1
£0 16 ~
1 13
0 0 0
o 0 ,1 o 13
,J. K DI \'\IlBI.E , Ohainnan Ctncl TJ'ea~llJ'cr. Ell\\ ,\!:I! I Olt(1 ,\ x, IlUil. Secrelary.
Ko. of Men who have com pleted a cour e of instruction. l ~t
No. of Women
who have
who have receil'etl Certificates.
I Nursin~.
COIllP leteli
who have received Certificates.
course of instruction.
• I~ CE 1ST O CTOllJm, 1
PUp1 ' I s w Ito Ilave received Medallions.
Men. I Womeu.
fNOffi Fon)[ATlo\" OF
who hnve a " ,"110 ]lave completed course uf received instruction, CertHicates.
]lave receil'ed Ccrti[icates. W I10
re(\ci veu.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I XO . of Certillcated
No. of Certiflcated Pupils who hR.ve
I Nursing. 1st Aid. T"NlirsTlig. 1st Aill. I Nursing. Mell.
No. of Women
of Men
1-" (, l~
1 ST O ('TOBF:n,
3 1 99.
TIBSHELF CENTRE. Fonne(l 1 79. Formed 1 7 1')'(',iclcllC.
Mr. J. C. Talbot,
Prcs id{'uC.
ir Oharles eely, Bart.
'l'rca '!1I1·c r.
( 'hail'Jllllll.
Ur, Edward Plowrigbt.
The Rey. C. '. Tancock, D. n. ClJairuu\l.l and Tt·ea surer. 1111'. tuart O. Wardell.
JlOJlOl'al'Y )oI ('c r c cal·.} .
)lOll ()I' a I'~
Mr. Percy Ratcliff, Tibshelf, near Alfreton ,
~('(·I·('C;Il· ,r.
Mr. George Ellwin .'kinllel, RO' e Bank, Dr) 1[ill Park, T onbriclge.
Life ;U cmbCI· ...
Oolonel "- ir Chal'le, eely, Bart. 1111'. Stuart O. 'Varelell.
tamford, M.R.C,S.
Mr. F. :Jlarriott, L., . A .. LOllJ , A NUAL REPORT.
T.wo clas es have been belc1 during the year. A nursing olass for womell and first aId for the men, all were succes IuL with few exception.
Receipts. .
sab tied the examiner.
0 0
By.tores from St. John 's Gate " Examiners' Fees " I nei,lf'ntal expenses " Oash to H eael Oflice
£1 6 8 550 1 11 6 o 11 10
Examined anel found correct,
O. W AltDELL, Ohair man and T reasu1'e1'. R ATCLfFF, H on. S ecreta1·Y .
/'IulilllJ October 1 t, H)QO. E:1'1)clld itnn,
To Balance from 1 '99 accol1nt -£.) 1.-, 4 11 , , 'tores sold "Examination ex p Cll;>es repaid2 2 TOll bl'i,lfre , chool 1 15 Redla.nds A y lUlU 0 7 " Medallion . ~
llrcelj11 s.
E ,x:pcncliturc. £7 17 o1
l evers.
Two cIa rs have been heltl dl1l'ing tho year, one fot boy attending the T onbridge· Grammar .'choo1 , and one for ,,'om'll attenclants at the Rcellallll" L'riyate As '1nm, neal' Tonbrillge. At ihe R cdland': exumillatioll all the women passe(1, hut the boys attending the choul cla H were not so SUCCl" I'lll U ' unal, a -only 1H1lf of their 11U tU 111)1'
Eul(1l1ce Sheet fOI Statement of R eceipts and E xpenditu1'e, 1899-1900. To ubscription' " Books olel
iUc (lical SCaff.
J\ir. V{. A.
£11 11
3'., To IIe<1l1 ()
() ()
IliceEXlllllillution Fee' ,'tore ' Medal I ion S in I il)Jl ery, Po tu"e , &c. Balance ill hntlll
-1.::3 17 3 11 0 7 0 -) 3 U
ti ~
7 l)~
9~ \ II AnLl~::-; O. TA 'COCK, EDWARJ) PLC)WlllG I1 T, , JW1WE E. KIN,{EH,
Olwir.llail. T rw u}'(/'. 110)/, • ,H'I·clary.
21:3 k
No. of lIIen
Statement oj R.eceipts cmel E.l'1H!nclitll1'C, Septemb(JJ' 30th, 1900.
who have wbo haye who bave completed a comllleted received course of a course of Certificates. ill tl'l1etion. instrucLlon . Aid. N'1l'''ing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aill. I Nl1r~jng.
who have recei\'ed Certificates.
1st Aid. I Nursing.
of Certificated Pupils who have received nIedallions. Men.
33 INeE
130 1 '99 .
E ,cpenclitw·e.
Receipts. To Balance from 1. 9~
No. of Women
£7 U
12 6 5 17
1:2 5 11
0 1"
Annual "ub cnptlOlls ale of Mellallion,' 'tore:; " "Fcc " First AH. 1 Lecture:;, " , ,y omell K \1l'sing ,, " D~'na.tiou from Men's Glass " Nursing Exa.m illatioll, " Rnsthall Oredit Tote .," StLtmpS nnd Telegram "
£40 13
0 0 3
0 6
0 (j ~ 0 11 10 0 1 ~
O. 7 :2
£6 By nleLlalliolls ., Exall1illution expenses 5 7 Purchase of ,'tores " All \'crti~elUen b 2 0 " Town Hull Keeper, Gratuity 1 19 ., Wa.-hing Bandages and 0 19 .Jlaterials Boy' at! 1Iodel " Exam. &c. 0 17 " BnJalll·.c 14 1
Voucher' exumineu, aeCOU11 t . uwli tell a.llll fouBlI conee::, CIL\.IlLE:-;
Formed 1 79.
:s- u.
, ir Ec1mu!lll . Hardingc, Bart. Lord George Pratt , ir Davitl L. alomon', Dart.
Tl'ca SILl·cr.
" 'OUlen
"icc ·l'rt'",j(lclll s.
The nIarqui Camden Lord De L' I Ie and Dudl ey The Viscount Hardinge
The Marques ' of Abergavcnuy, 1\:.0.
UOIlOl'lny S('Cl'('1 :11'Y.
No. of )lcll
Mr. F. Waclham Elers.
F. 'Y.UHIA)l ELERs, l'}'easllrer. '. R. FLETl'IIl';lt Lu rWIlJGE, Hon, Sccrctw·y.
~Iajol' Lutwidge,
haudoll, Tunl)ridge Well. ·.
who hare completed a l:ourse or
who llano ['ollll'h'le,l n. eOlll'Sl' of ill:>trudioll.
\\'hll han~
J'(:<'l'iYe,l Certilicatt's.
1st Aid. I Klll-sillg. 1st .\io\
who have receiYe,l ·"rtilicates.
uf Certitic:ated Pupil - who ba \'e recei \-er! )Iedalliolls.
)leu. Women.
-~lIr~illg. -1st _\i,T. _::~~lI..:..:\'~.:..:.i::cIl~:.:,.~l:.::s.:.t-=A:.:.i'-=l._i.:...~.:...lI_r~_·l-,nb,,-"_ _ _ _ _ __
I, Cg
uF Cg:S-TltE.
1ST tlC'TI)REll, 1 99. ;3~
Jlc(li cal .' ta 'f.
nIl'. Mr. nIl'. Mr.
]',1r. Mr.
111'. Mr. Mr. Mr.
Mr. Mr.
Adeney Walter C. Aylward, i\r.n.c.~. Bisshopp F. Bisshopp W. Laird-Cox. i\1. n. C. 8 . C. R. CmIVl'ord, M.lLC. , . J. Bulkley Footner, F. R. CoO . N. Hay-Forbes, F.R.C.S . T. C. Guthrie, )1. n. C. Lammil11an, F.R.C.S. Llewellyn Perc,)' L ow
,:\11'. :M alden
Mr. Mall. cr 1111'. G. F. O1(lham Mr. Pal'llil1gton .JIr. Pel'kinR M r . Cl'anley1\I. PelTY, M.ll.C .. ·. 1111'. R anking Mr. D. Rix 1\11'. , talllford Ml'. E(lwin A. tarlillg ~Ir. C. Vi .. e.
WAKEFIELD CENTRE. Forlll'll 1 %. 1·1·(· ... ilh· ul.
ll is WOI' 'hi p tlle .:\layor ur ,r-tl.;:ch cld . l' l·t' ;h III·(·}·.
, i(·('·I·I'(,.,ilh'ul.
)11. T . .:\t. Bani
111'. '\'m. 'Voolll11'al1. 1l0U(II';II'~
'1 r. n. U "\' 11 \ . ] I 0 1)C J3 uut, 11, l~ill!....'. ,'treet, \\'akefielll. U('IIi('a l
.Jlr. Houlstullc ~b~i~tcd hy
Two classes-one fo)' women and olle for meu ill first aiel-have be(,11 held in Tunbridge Wells, and one for llursing for women, wllile . olle foJ' llllt'sing for women was hcld at Rn':lthall. Fil'st alltl fillal re-cx,tn Jinatiol1s IULVe been held, and five medallions have becn pl'csenteJ to women and twelve to men.
.:\11'. J. \\'. Walker. Mr. \,\illinlll"oll .
~ ll1iLh
A4T?\ AL I EPORT. Odoller " 1 POD the IK pres!'uh. nl! the anllual report f'or tl I t ' ).. l'.ll ' PIJ( 11'lltf 0 1st . OOlllmittee lln' l,h'a e(l to I'l'l'onl that g'OI,d \\'ork hll~ hL'l'lI tlolle. Classes fol' mell
21 5
214 and women in first aid, and for women in n Ul' ing b ave heen hel l wi th atisfactory result . The u ual classe at the Evening ontinuation chools were again held, and with great succe . T he cla s formell by the Trade men' A sociatioll again met, .aHd all were . uccessful who pre ented them elve for examination. A cla s \Va also held at the Y . L O.A. During the year 24 fir t aid certificate to men, 7'2 fir t aid certificate to women, 22 nul' ing certific,ltes to women, 7 medallioll to men, and 12 meJallion to ,yom en have been graIl ted, beside a number of re examillation certificate to both exe. . The balance· heet hows that starting with a halance in the bank of £4 17 . d., the work of the Oentre ha . been carried on , and there is still a small balance in hand of £1 68. d . The thallks of the Oommittee are due to the Oity Police for their donation from the crieket m a tch, 'ity Police v. Dew bury Police, " al 0 to the Mayor and Oorporation c. Oity Police cricket match. The " Milton" Ambulance Ohallenge hield wa ' won by the B t eam Oity Police, both the competing t eams belollging to that force. Lonl Milton ki11d ly gave m edals to both the winner and second team. The ommittee have again to acknowledge the service of the honorary medical taff for their great attention at the lIl11U el'OU lecture::; given to the pupils. The Oommittee regret that o'Ying to YariOllS cause) mainly perhap the , Yar, they have been unabl e to deal with the (l1lestion of t he formation of a Oorp or Divi ion of the , t. John Amblllallce Brigade.
i:)tatement of Receipts and ExpentlitzlJ'e to Receipts. T o Balance in Dank ubscl'iption " Entrance Fees for. hield " Oornpetit:on Oity Police Oricket J\1atch " Oity Oouucil and Police " Oricket Match En trance and Examination " Fee, and Stores 'old Medallions " Bank Intere t
17 0 lU
0 16 4 4
0 0
30th, HIOO. E;lpendituJ'c.
Srpt(' mv~ J'
By Books for boys CO Hi Ohurch I u titutioll , hire " of room 5 7 Oherlue Dook 0 ~ " Dr. Brown, hieltl " Oompe tition 1 2 Oarr, , W . Printillg ~ 1:1 " ,'.J.A.A. Fees amI, 'rmes 23 " Ad YCl'tising & Bill P08tiug 1 1 o ]0 .," Hile of Piano ~ 11 ' 'UlHlry Petty ExpcD ' C " :Jl edal1ioJ). 1 16 " Balance ill Ban k 1 6 ;
7 1 Hi 0 5
7 0
6 0
lIonorary Sccr c tal';)'.
Mr. Tom Tn. 'h, 10, Fitzwilliam Street, Wath-on-Deal'lle. AN'KU AL REPORT. Dult[. G the past y ear the work in this rlistrict ha been quiescent, chiefly because the r espon5ible workmen at the pl'incip<11 works havl' nearly an received instruction ill first aid. However, a very succe . . ful , if small, cIa of railway employ ees ha"e rccei\Teo a comse of lectures and huyc pa s d th e requi ite examination to entitle them t o receive certi Bca te8. IS UE OF OERTI FICATE
:£:40 17
- -
INo. of Certift cateJ
wll" have
who have reeeh'ed Certificates.
1st Aid. I XUl'sing.
Pupils wllo have received :Medallioll '.
~l e n.
I Worn en
2 4 1 1 ------
0 0
Forl1lecl 1
l·l'c" itlc ul.
Mr. Dayirl Dulle)" 6
1. II \luns, T l·easUrcl'.
R. " -. IIOPE Bu,T, H on. Secretary. I S. OE OF CE RTI F ICATE
who have who lJave CUJII1,l e t L'( 1 Il I't' l'eiveu completed cuur 'e uf Certilicates. a COUl'se of ilJstruction. instruction. lst Aid. I Nursillg. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NlIl'~illg.
0 6
G. H. ROBEllT. (Mayor), Pl·csident.
No. of Women
No. of Men
£40 17
. "\..
\ . i (' (' -1' I'C '" i cI (' II t /> .
Mr. Mr. Dt'. :Mr.
Wm. Brown F. A. Channing, W. W. Oln,rk, O. F. Gravely
01. Mr. Mr. Mr.
M.P. \.
Jack OU, Y . D.C . C.
J. D . Ke11ie IcOallum E. P. Moncktoll, M.P. J. R ennie Wilkin on
T 1'(' a s 1L1'(' ('.
Mr. Thoma E. Oravdy. NO.of:Mcn who have completed a course of I ustrud,ion. 1st Ai(!. I Knrsillg.
22 7 29
No. of Women
who have received Certi ficates. l~t
who have completed a course of instruction.
Aid. I Nu rsing. 1st Aid. I NUl'sillg.
nOli or'H·Y
who have reeeived Certificates. 1st Aid. I NUl'sing.
SINCE FOl'.MATION OF OENTHE. 406 I 1 ~7 31~ SINCE 1ST OCTOBEH, 1899. 79 I 26 I 72
TO. of Certifi cated Pupils who lta ve receiyeu Medallions.
... Men.
U01101'1l1'Y ,\, s i l-o tanl S (' Cl·(' tat·Y.
1\11'. T . II. H ilton,
I Wom en.
·n-1.l1e, W ellingboroncrh.
lUccli('al S lnfr•
MI'. W. E . AuLllalld , Lond.
SC(,l'('1 :H')'.
1\11'. W. E. Amll<1l1d, Oxford, tr"et, W ellingborough .
1\1 . R . o· . S . , L . I'•. C' . l' . ,
Mr. II. S. Bak er , M. [t.c.s ., L. n . O. P . Mr. n. Burland, M.R.O.S., L. R . C.P. , Lond. 1\1r. W. W . Clark, M.D. , Edin . Mr. J. Orew, 1Il.R.O. S., L. S. A.
11'. 1\Ir. 1\11'. 1\11'. 11'.
H . R olli, ) L D., Oalltab. I ack enzie, L. R . . P . , Edin . W . R ob b, 1If. n., Gla . \ V. a l1n d el's, M. R . C. • , L . • . A . W . J . W atson , M.n., L ond.
' Y.
217 JlC:UlqIlHl·. {' t·;,.
Church ... trcet, ,\'pllingborol1 Cf h. Forme(l 1
A"NNUAL ImpORT. TI'(':l-'Ul· (' l'.
TUE COlllmittee ha\'e every rea 'on to be \yell 'atisfied \yith the \\'ork of the A sociation during the past year. Fourteen claes of in truetion have l)'~ell hel(l. Of the e 10 were for men, 204 of whom pre 'ellterl thclllselve for cxallliuatioll. IH passing in first aiLl, anu 24 in Illll' ing. Four classes for womell \\'ere hellI, 92 tudent presenting themselves for exall1iuatioll, 4.0 passing in first aid, awl 3 in nur ing. The Brigadp. has been very materially strengthened hy a goo(l number of the above student having hecome member' of it, and a very grcat deal or useful \york ha been accomplished.
E.l '}Jcnditlue,
--£218 1 0
By tore' and Renewals
" Prill ting " Examiner Fees, ~t. John Gate .. Lecturer's Fee .. ulldrie. , Postage, Tele" grams, arriuge " Tran port EXI'ellsc . I " Division Expen es. " Brigade EXlleJl~es . I,. Anllual In."pection Insurance " Brigu(le Equipment ., L3alance c:arriecl [,orward
3 17
1 0
:U 17 11
:Jlr. R, Roxlmrgh :J(r ... \\'. mith ),11. G. Temple :J1r. J. ,Yallnce
aill das."c· ha\'e heen forme(l ulltlcr the
Eo; pCllditli I'e. By Balance to Trea mel'
£:1 0 0 10 0 1 Hl 6
Tn 'uhscril'tion.· ,. Di.-eOl11l t on book ., Sale or hooks, &c.
,. Bonk. ., Diagram
., Ba Jewec
i I1 hand
Au<litetl amI fonnd corrcct,
Assi ·tctilt Hon.
£0 1 1 -:1 0 6 0 -:1 0 11
0 0 6 :2
Tl1o\l.\.s E. G1t.\.YELY, TJ'{'((SIII't1', E. ArJlJ., L'n, IIot!. Sccl'clury.
aU:'pice~ ofY.:\I.("A. and Y.'Y.C.A.
S{rttllllcllt of n ccf/jlls (lnd E,IpenilitIlI'G, L99-HIOO.
Audited aml round correct, J. \\7, BELLA:\lY, A lid i/oI'.
Uctobcr 21st, 1900.
'" ,10 0 ;; .J
JI ('clital
5. Rai-£lan Circns, \\' estoll- 'llpl'l'-:J1are.
' ,
C:lptain Landi Philp, 7, Royal Tennee, \Y e·ton -, 'u pel'- :JIal'e.
:Mi. s McAdam,
:J[l'. G. F. Hositcr
I 7
16 10
Dr!'. H .. ' Ballance Drr. C. P. Crouch nIl. ". hrecn
Statement of Receipts and E:r-penrlitllJ'e fol' yeaI' endillg S'rptc1I!ba '29th. 1800.
To Balance from last year £16 9 -:1 ubscription . & Donations 46 4 6 " County Conncil Grant 3'2 17 0 " Technical I nstitute Grant 1::; 0 0 ",. Class Fee 5 6 ·1 9 5 5 ,. ~ale of tares 3 11 Received for Transports . "., County Erluipment Fund 3 '2 6 1 1:2 0 Gate Money at Inspcction "
Rev. Prebell(lary Aldridge.
September 24th, 1900.
\.RRY •
'ERT I FI 'AT 1<: ,
No. Wll0 have COlJllllcte.l a COUI'~e of illstl'detion.
who llaye who llaye who have recei ve(1 completed received CCl'ti Iil-aies. a course of Certificates. instruction. 5t Aid. I ::Sul'sing. lst Aid. I Nursing. ht Aid. I Nnrsing. I 1st Ai.]. I Nursing.
117 172
No. of ecrU ftcaten Pupils who ha\"e rceciyc. I ~l ellal1io liS.
81 "en: FOJt:\IATIO\' OF CJ<;:-; I I~E. ,7 49;~ 596 :.t16 • INUg 1:-;'1' Or'Tolll':!:, 18D!) . 24 45 I 17 I 10
ot Womell
I'" Olllen.
!ll cn.
:.!Ofi 2;;
~f !lIen
::So. of Women
- - - - - - - I XO . of Certiflcated
Puptls who ha\'e who have who have who have receiyell receiyeu l'c('ciycd cornl)1 . ~~~~ " I eLiallioll . Certilicates. CcrtilieaLe .. il COllr~c of iustl'Uctioll. Is t Ai.1 I 'ul'si ngi£:•..!....:l:::s~t.:.A~i~LI_I'--.:.:~.:.:.ti.:.:l';;:.:.:il:.:;lg:::.--=lI~l.:..el.:..l.~I_W_o_m_e_ll. 1st Aitl. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I :\ursing. 1 who hayc rOllll'h'tcll It course .)f i IlstructioTl.
1Nl'E For:?>1 \.[,10" OF
160 12
171 151 ,INCg 1ST OC'['OIlEll, 1 99 . :27 i
7 l'
21 )
j·l·cs id c nt.
H.R.E. Princess Ohri tian of
chle wig- H olstein.
<:11:\ il·Jllllll.
Formed 1
T I'c a IIl·c r.
Tbe Rt'v. Oallon R. Gee, D. D.
1.11'. W . Salldby
I't'es i fl(' 11 t. 1.1i tchell .
1l01l01'111'Y SC (TN:n·y .
.Mr. H. BLUtOll, 23, Groye Road, 'W ind or. ~l c (}i ~ al
S taff.
Mr. \Y. Fairbank . AN.!. U A L R E PORT. Mn. W. FAIRB.\NK comlncted five clas es in Wind or, EtoH and lough, 97 per on attended in all, 7 pa ed and 10 failed. Thi is the large't numuer of nccessful nlembers ever regi tered o H.R. H . Prince Chri tian intenclell givillg away the certificates, but owing to the death of Prince Chritiall Yictor the l'l'incess bas now eXlJre ed bel' wi h to uistrihute tllcm Oll her return frull Osborne. Certi flcated pupils of tile A ociation rendered excellent service at the raih, ay accidellt at Slough, on June 16th, for which ervice Mr. J . L. ,Yilkinson, General Manager of the Great ,Ve tern Railway, sent a cheque for five guineas as a donatioll, amI stated that the Directors very much appreciated. the valuahle a i tance rendered by the Centre. T he work done by the railway . t:l'\'unts at lough on tllat day alllply te tiRed to the value of the training thpy had received .
Mr. J. Blackunl'll Rev. R. B. Blakemy 1\1r. C. H. Elliott ili1'. A. R. Uarlallcl 1I1r. H. E. Gregory 1I1r. ·W. Gray Re,·. G. Hadnalll
1.11'. J. ,Y o HalIn ,haw MI'. R. W. Lockwood :\Ir. J . E. Mitchell .\1 1'. W. E. Ormerod Mr. W. ,Yasllington )lr. R. "'atkins T l'c'a' UI'Cl·.
:'Ill'. J Oh11 Ro1:ill on . II OIW I'a l'Y :\[1'. J. Gl'l'gOl'Y,
'orton \\'00(1
·(' cret a IT.
'o\lcl'ie, W o III 1)\\'cll, lieal' Barnsley.
U l' (li cn l S t a lf.
Mr. D. B. Foley.
.;\11'. Jame Foley .
Statement oj ReceiLJts (( nd E" pendilure. CEXTllE.
Receipts. To Balance in hand, 1 9 " Fees, Donations, &c.
E ,cpenciit1.l i·f',. . £12 9 34 13
By Expended ., Balance 111 hand
2 10
£23 12 ~3 10
Receipts. To Balance in hand, 1 98 " Fees: &c.
Expenclitu re. 9 6 11
3 6
By Expended Balance in hand .
£9 7 5 13
J:)lalclIlcllt oj Ret.:cipls (IIHl E,I'PUlditlll'c lol' lltc yeeti' cneli'l!! November "l2th, 1900. Rcccipls. E."pc!ld itlCl'e. To Balance ill Bank at eOlllBy Ca 11 due to ecretary at menCeJlll'llt of year . " Cash for tOll'S oM aJl(1 Me( lallions " '['icke ts 'old for Ten awl Concert " Ballk I llterest
12 13 o 16
3 0
,Ve certify thita,tement to lIe correct, \\TILLIA)[ AXDBY, Tre(tsll,.e~· . II. Eu IlTON, Hon. Secreta,.!!.
UEJ~, D. lJ.,
of Men
392 c~
Chairman. 'UE OF CERTlF I ('ATJ<:' A:\D :JIED~\' LLlON".
No. of i\l ell
who have received Certificates.
SINCE FUIDIATIO' OF CEI TIt!':. I 135 I I 120 I mCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1 99. 31 I 37 I I
J~o. ROl1l~!,;ox, Tl'ca 'ul'cr. GllEGORY, Hon. cCJ'ela,.y.
No. of WOlllen
1st .A id
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course ot Oert.ificates. instruction. instruction . i at Aid. I Nursing, 1st Aid. I l\urSillg. 1st Aid I Nursil.g.
T. W. H. :J11TLHELL. Prc'iilUlt.
COOllllenccmell t of year . 0 3 4 " Cell tral Fund . 11 6 10 " Ex pense Tea and Concert . 12 5 4 "Printing, Pu ·tage, and • umhie:; 3 l4 0 XOY. 12th, 1900. 16 11 9 " Balance in Ballk " JII ... eere tar),' . haml' 2 1 11
No. of Certificated Pupils who J,ave received Medallions.
I Nursing. Men. I Womell_ 201
who have \\ho l,aye who Imytl completed I'ct'ci\'etl c01l1pl'let! a a rOUl'se of Certificate cour'l' of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aicl. I Nl1l'sing' 1st Aid. Xt1l'3ing.
No.of Certificaild Pupils \\'btl baye received Medallions.
\\'ho h:1.\'e recl'jvcd Certificate. I
1st Aid, • ~11~illg.
I Women.
INl'E FOHlIlATlON OF 103 I 1.':i0
1] 9
INCE 1ST OCTODEl1, 1 99.
U l' lli c al S ' a Il'.
Ml'. A. adielc1 Cassidy, )I.D. (U . . A..) jIr. Dltgnall Clarke, L . R.C.P., :lLR.C.H • MI'. Aubrey J. C. Crawley, :If.B. ( yd.) jJ 1'. Frederick Ash well, \\. n., Ch.'\L (T~llin.)~ .:'III'. Allaster E. Cox, :'II.B. (E(lin.) jll'. F. H. Cox, :If. B. ( 'yr1.) MI'. Rolll'l't ,J. Alcol'1l, L.ll.C.S. (Irel.), :\11'. L. , '. Davidson, ;II. B., :I£. Oh., etc: L.ll.!'.I'. (1~(1i1l.) yllo) i\ll'. J osel'h F. Bartl,·.y, 'II. lJ., Ch. D. jlell!. ) r.Ir. Thomas .'tol'ie Dix 'Oll, )1. B. , etc. \11'. Kegi 1Jal,l l~owl\lnll, 'ILILl. s. lrel. jIl'. Panl lloclke, 'L ll., ell . .\1. (~y,llJey) ~[1. T. Adam Dil'k ~1. B. (Erlil1.) jll'. T. "". HI'O\\'ll, :lLn. plelll.) ~lr. Delli Doolan, L.lt.C . l'., L . ll-C .. ·. 1111'. Leslie F. 1\1lcklll'1I, L.Il.V.",., L. I:.C.!'. Ell. ) (Edill. ) .:'Ill'. ~ ..J. Duulop, -,Ln., (E(1.) &c. JII'. W. f-ligislllllllil Brown. -'1.I:.".S, ,:\11'. ('. A. E,I\\'ar1b, L. R.C.l'., L . R.C. S • .\[I'..T.1. n"l'.·tOIl. I.. IL(."<. (In'1,) jir. F. W. EI~llel', F. H. c .. ·. (Irel.) \il'. W. ,\.. II. 11111 kitt, 'ILL:', Cit. n., etc. jll'. \\-. L'E.trange E<l.1l1e., )LB., Ch. B. (Dull. ) (Dublin) ~1r. Harold Browlle, :'IL h.' . s., 1..1:. L. 1'. ;'11'. Leg"l' EI'::;o1l, L,n.C.l' . (Erl.) Mr. C. P. B. 'Illulle, 1..1:.1'.1'., .\1. n. ('.1'. Mr. 'WillinmC'larkl', \1.1:.' . . . :'II.D.'Cant;lu.) Jll'. T . Carson Fislwr, )I. D. (Dub.) ':\ll' .•\ UI'1I1 Fo.'tel', L.IL!'.l' .. :'11. It.C . •\11'. Cltarl,'s lJ. Carruth 'rs, [ H.e.S. ( Ire1.) jI1. .Tohn Brook jloore, to 1t.l.~. ~Irel), jll'. Bral.HIZf)1l X. t'.II'Hleut, 'LILl '.S. jIr. Sinl'lllir FilJ1 :t,Y, I.. 1:.1 ' s.,Io'. Il.I '.s.(Ire. ) jl1. Wilfri'L ,J. R . .I.Tiebc'll, :'II. D. (Dnb. ) jll'. Leo E. F. Xeill, :'II. B., Ch.)!. ::'Ill A11'n>d Fitzlllltl'i!'k, L.U.l'.l' .. Loll.C.S. ,:-iyllney ) (Edin . ) jlr. llal'\'ey Xickull, L.ll.C.p., L.R.C.t-:. j[l' . .Tohn B :l.,S (;rahalll, :'IL1l. (Il'l'l.) (Ellin.) JII'. W. H.. Ul'<lhalll, I.. H.".!'., [.. H.U.S. jII. Philip K. O'Brien, :lI.n.c.".,L.R.C . .P. (Edil!. JLI. W. J. O'Rcilly, :'I1.11.C..'., etc. )ll'. T .. \.rthl1l' Uril'\·c.s, L. 1:.1'.1' , '1.It.l'.S. jll'. Herhert H. 0'1'1', :'If. D. (Dulllill) )11'. A. :;\laithllll Gll',lden, :'II. II. (Lond.) jlL Lloyd D :),11'1')" L.n.l'. '. (Edin.) ~lt. G.. \. U()ill~. \1.1:.('."<. jll'. Cecil Pr,:--er, :'IJ.B., Gh . )f. yclne)'). Mr. jIad)ollal,l C:il L :'I!. fl. LllllLl.) ;'lr .•\.. A\lbrey Pal mcl', I..H.l'. P., (Lond.), \1r . .T. C. \\•. lIallidny, 'ILl\, ...\(lnry). :It. H.l'.S. JII. C\1!llll'1' II.ll'IleusLl!', ,I. D. (E\lin.) :'Ill'. Re'~~cr E. Roth, -'1.U.(.S. ~II'. T. ,r. IlellJ'.\', I.. n.l'.!'., L. n.l.S. E,lin.) \[ 1'. W ,\lter Eo notlt , L.n.l'.p., )Ln.C'.H . .:'III'. A. Jan'ie IIo()(l, \[. 11. ~ c: In .!.t. ) jll'. F J,i I' fu x l' liS:>, ~I. IL l."'. .:'Ill'. UOl's[il11, ,\[, B., 'h. n. (S'yll.) ':\It. ctll'cnce Hea!l, \!.I~.( '.~ ., L.n.c.p. MI'. Hi~~ill", \1. I). CIt.)[' 8,)'(1. ) j1r S. J. Ricl\aI'lL, :\1. B. ("y(llley) . ~lr. Johll Il anis, L.Il.L'.!'., I.. I:.!'.S. jll'. ,hmes Reiach, \£. n. (E!lin. ) .:'Ilbs .:\[a), lIaITi,,;, 1..1l.I'.I'., J..H.L.S. 'El1ill. , j[r. Willi,llll O. RoltillOIl. 1.. n .c.p., [ . n. (.. ;;. { ~~( 1. ) JII'. E. 'Illltlu'rt Hall, ~l. g. (Syll.) iiiI'. \\T. U. "ullllllillg -'mith, \Ln., c.)!. jll'. j1. O'Uol'lnan llll"hcs, ~I. n. 'yd.) (GIllS. ) :Jh. c. If. .'1I1ith Ozier~I,.1l ! . '., F.I:.C.S. :;"11. A. J. :-)Illith-Ycnty, L l1.C.t-: . (Irel.) (Irel. ) Ml. G. LI. W,tlton 'lilith, L.n.C . p., :JII'. E(Lmlllll1 R. Kavanagh, L. I:'C.S. ElL) l.. n.l '. s. (~:( Lin). MI'. H. Y;llUlelCUl' 1\:"l1y, [i'. I~.!'.~. (Ell.) jIl'. \Yilli alll E. 'Itl'Ollg, :I£. n.1 .s. MI'. A. Livil\!,(slollv Kerr, ~r. n. (E(1.) j[I'.l'lifwll ~tn1't,L.1L!' . 1'. L.U.C.S. (Ell.) Mr. l~. J. l\~'II'y, \f. 1:. (SYll.) I jIr. F. C. Stevellson, L.I :.I.':. s. (h'cl.) ':\Ir. ~ II h.Yllguoll, ,I. II. (Allt'nl). 1\ ll' 'fh ['.Spil' l''' Kil'kla1ll1, \1. n . &1' . (GIn'.) jll' . '. II. cott, ,1. n. (:\ l e1b.) jll'. 11 . U. II. I'lltt,:'I1. n.!.~ . , L.ll. C. P. Mr. Leslie: T. Lall1t"ock, '1[. D. (Ediu.) Mr . P. J. "e:dllll, 1:. 1 .1'., H.l' . ' . (Ire1.) ~II'. II. ,,'anderson LloYl1, :'If. r. L'. ". .\l l'. U. 1'. 'tlUl1ey, )I.ll. ("'Yll.) .Mr. Fmnk Li(lell>ll, ~L n., ek. (Ell.) JII'. Stratford Shl'hlon, )£.D., h.:I[,( yd). 1111'. W. F. 1:itl'111-ie1tl, :'11. n. ("Yll. ) ~ll'. R. Billllon tone', :lI.B., Ch. D. , &e. Mr. H any M. :'Ilas1;c)" L. Il,( ·.l'., 'LILt .s . j[l'. \Y'. If. T omlins, )LR.C.;;. L.R . C.P. MI'. Joseph Marshall , \Ln., Ch.B.( l)nh.) 1\11'. Di1,vlll Th omas, F. I:.!' H. 1\[1'. J. GillJCl't ~[(;l';:ay, 'II. II., 'h.l!. ple]l,. ) jll'. K 13 . Tl'ilHlnll, ~I.B. ( ~ydney). 1\11-. A. H. Mecke, ill. n. ( Dnb.) ;\11'. n. ""tunley Tl'l'sit1er, L.ll.C.P Mr. Frc<1cric.;k :\lil fol'll. )1 . n. (1II'ill.) \1. n. !' . ;;. 1\lr. F. O. Con llor, ~L B. (Ellin. ) :Mr. Pel'cyl\fonl'e \\Tood , [,. n.l'.l'.,;\I.I1.C.s. ;\ll'. 'V"lIt. '1'. ' henha11,;\L n., 'll. D. 1\11'. F. rbmilt oll Wri gley, L .n. C.' . (Ed. ) ( lell,.)
~1i'. G. IT AhhoLL, .\1. n., ell. \1. (.'yd.) . A. Alcol'l1, ~l. B., h. n. (DubJiu) ~ll'. Ri<.:lmnl Altilnr, .\[.1). n~diJl.)
Formed 1 90. l'[·cs ill ('JI' .
ir Frederick Darley,
Hi s W orship the The Hon. P. G. King, ~f. L. C. Profe ' 01' Ander 011 tuart. Dr. A.shbul'ton Thompson.
of '-y(lne\·. MI'. ElbllUlltl Fm,lJer,)' ' lnspe'dol' GCllel'al of Police. .:\11' . .T. A. H ogue. )l.I'.
ChairlUan of E:xc(' uth e
{ ' c)IllJni U ec.
Lieut.-Col. R. Vamleleur Kelly,
F.R.U . f-:i . ,
D CIlll' Y { ' hail·JU:I .. .
Lieut. · Colonel T .... Pal'l'ott, \'. D. Sec t·c" at·.}.
Trc a s urc t·. ~lis,
Mr. Frederick W aley.
A. Gl'cen way.
J[call Ofli cc :
21, Equitllble Buildi1lgs, George
tl'eet,' yuney.
222 A~ UAL REPORT. THE Executive Committee of the ". . ,Yo Centre of the t. John Am bnlallce Association have much pleasure in preseuting their T enth Annual Report to the memberil and subscriber. During the year much u eEul work has been done. Fonr prominent members of the Executive Committee, viz., Lieut.-Col. Yanueleur Kelly, Lieut.-Col. T. S. Parrott, Major Fiaschi, and Capt. Roth, were granteu leave of absence while on active selTice in outh Africa; the good wOlk done hy the member at tht: front i. widely known. ix or more of the A' ociatiop" lecturer ' left to join the N . . W. Army MeLlical Corp in outh Africa, and l1.any of the }101ive and other, who volunteered and were accepted by the military authorities, had recei ved their first aid training from the Association. The fact may be taken ns an illustration of the u cfulne s of thfl Ambulance Department of the Order in \\'ar time. It may al 0 be mentioned that over 1,5 00 men from the Head Office., t. J Oh11" Gate, London, have been on ambulance duty in ou th Africa. It i worthy of mention tbat Mis GreenwaY,1I1i ,,\Toolcott, and 1I1i sF. A. R ead, with the assistance of members and friencl5, ha'-e sent ixteen large ca:,es of hospital comfort. and u eful article to the front; a hort detailed Ii t i, ho\\ n and may prove of interest. Her Iajesty the Queen ha 11een graciou ly plea eu to auction the appointment of Lieut.-Col. Yandeleur Kelly, F.n.c.s. , ED., a. Knight of ,race of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of J erusal em in England, 10llr Com mittee presented 500 copies of urgeon-Major hepherd's" First AiJ" carLls allel 20 illn~ tL'ated triangular bandages with in truction to the mpmber of the Au,' traliall Bu~hmen' Contingent on their elepal-ture for actiye 'ervice in outh Afri ca. The member of the Colonial 'ugar Refining Company' orps made np a. u efnI hamper containing bandages (roller and trianguLu), lint, walltling, lIla tel', and many first aid requisites, and the same were gratefully acknowledged uy the Committee for the A.ustralian Bushmen's Contingent. We are glad to again report tlJat the Department of Pnblic I nstruction has been pleased to hn"e cIa ses formc ll at Fort Street, and at Hudstone Training College for Teacbel's, Dr. A. Aubrey Paliner at the pres en t time instructing about 5ixty sturlen ts ill training. The Acting P.:M. O. (Capt. Walton mith) reports that the T . • 'Y. Army Iedical Corps Heservi. t , fJrmed mainly from certificateu members of thi As. ociation, contiuue to ll1eet fOI stretcher and bearer drill. The R eservi,ts con i t of certificated me III bel' of the Association, and it is the intention of the military authorities to . trengthen the corps. The men are olothed in khaki uniforms. Practice classe are p:Jpulal' as a means of keeping me 111 hers together and enn.bling them to meet at least once a month to recei ve a lecture from a memlJel' of the medical profession, and to keep up their knowledge of the lll'actical instl'llctioll received whilst attending a course or lectures. Public meetings have been held in the City, suburbs, and country towns, for the pllrl)ose of IJresen tin oa awards , bCli Yin 0O'fir t aid demonstrations and forming new classes, and in every in sta.nce the attendance was good, and the object warmly supported. New classes have been opened at Ballina Bathurst, Lind field, UIllmer Hill , Wahroonga, Elizabeth Ray, Dundas, oLar (Gold 1I1ines), Granville, Gleu Innes, Tigh e's Hill, \Van-en, and Jormantoll (Queensland ), and branches are being organized at Grafton, POI t Iacquarie, N o\\'ra, allel other towns. Mr~. Danvers Power, who formed the Brokell Hill Branch some years ago, has been lllstrumental in forming classes at Co bar Gold Mines, where it is hoped th,at sume u~eflll work will Le done. Stretchers and" Lowl11oor" jackeb for use in 1l11l1es have Deen ord~red bv• their manaCler 0 •
228 The Annnal Pnhlic Meetillg was h el(l at the Protcstant :Hall on 25th N ovembel'. There was a large gathering, Hi s Excellency the Govel'Oor presi(lecl anrl presented merlallion an (I cerLillcates, the NewLown Hand played several scIcr'tions and the prorcerlings conclwlctl with a cl'11l011.,tration of nl'st aid hy the pupil., Dr. A. L. Kerr directing al1u 1>riefly expla.ining thc methorb. Th e Annnal Bu. ine ''! Meeting was belll at t. James ' lI all, 011 ~ 'Lh 'qJtember, lu99, when th e Cruncil was re-electecl for the year awl the Report and Balance-sheet was a(loptecl. lOur Committee de 'ire to telHler their he. t thank to Ir. F. G. ,Yaley, lIon. Tl'ea nrer, Mr. Wilfrill Docker, H Oll. Anclitol', ana to the merlical gentlemen who have so genprollsly given ~heir sC'ryire. in all(l aron])el 'ydney, and throughout the Coion,)', in the instruction of cla . es [1.I)cl for fnrtherillg thi u. p-ful and humane work in many other \yay., to thp Illdil' and gelltlemen wlto 11a,'e so willingly Ulldel'taken the duties of Hon, erl'L:hry, anel to whom the SHt'ce.'s of classes -is mainly due, UQ?I!furls l;f',zt to ,'I)utlt ..:lfl'i(·((. Tb e l'cretary of the A sociation ha' ul1llertflken a great deal of extra work reeeiving awl paeking artides of \\'eariug apparel and I1lfmy u.e ful comfort. for men at the front. Fiye large cases l1:1\'e l)('en ,e ut aelllre:. ecl to Ule 'hid COlllmi ioner, the British Rell ero.s 'ociety, C\lpe To\\ n, for eli tributioll. Our Army Xur iug ,'tall' \\'n !lot furlrotten , part' 'I: I)]' daillty l1c'rnssarie' "-ere ent by 1,1,li(,8 and enclo ed for theiL' use. ~ pace willl10t per111i l (1f a dpLailed aecount of the articles given, btl t at least 1.:'12 werc ent. Me SIS. T. Moore alHl on pr ,entcrl a very handsome and useful donation, yiz., a peramullla tor ('hail', huilt like a Yictoria Phlwton, troogly made anrlli"ht l'unnin cf with J'llllhC'1' b're wIlieh \H1 s~nt in Ko. 4 ca.e for OUt b.:">' J , soldier' in hnpita1 at 'ape Towll, tllC hallge of the A . nciation ,,'a~, paintecl on each si(l~ panel. 'I'll(' lil'st thank,.; of the COlllmittee and the recipient - of the,'e useful articles are clnC' to the lat1i!' an(l gcUtlC11lPll who ha,-e so ueneron ly contributed the comfor ts, To Me:srs. Dalgety al](\ '0. anrl their Captain, ;\Je :T. Birt and Co. and Messr". \Vhitehe!t(l, llnier, \dlD han' canipd all C:1 -e freight free, aUll without who. e genero. it)' th('~e nry Ilea,,}, package. coulcl not ha;'e heen eut. The following i. a digest of the varion articl~s from all :Oll1'ee whieh ha \' e beell packed an.-l despatche(l In C'a Pi' '1'0\\ n fl'0111 the oflicl' :-Olle ill\'alid ('aniage, 11:2 rilllean and other ca p~, 90 tins jam, 76 c'ake of tohacco, 63 pipc . cigarette. 54 lllUttiel'., 54 ti~s eonden, ell milk, 67 hal' o1'oap (toilet, 4 (lOZell roll('r h'llHlages. 57 bl'u Ill' (hall'. tooth, alHlllail , l){) lead pcncil., :H pncket-; lIote paper, 29 hair combs, 12 cn hioH , socks (5 1 pail' ). mittL'lls and cufr~ ~ :23 l'air;;},lO ll\'jama~, shirts alHl nightingalc ', 3!l cholera helt~. eau Lle cologne (11 lHltt\c ,), toil!'t powder (14 boxe. ), :240 tick of chocolate, 50 cup COVCl'il an(l a llUlllllC'r of pOl'ket handkerchiefs, tin biscuit, cocoa, etc corn nOll!' , hn!'ll,ital J'Cclui,>ite , ,1UtI ,ome hundred of PotteJ meat' , tOlJlftlC:' C" '"' books, magazines. periodicals, and IlL'\\,spapel's, COII(fv)'ts fu)' the ,N, S. TV. ~· l !'In!l }lIed ical CrHPS in S outh Africa. From the North yduey ilralJ clt of tile ,It. John Amhulal1ce A sociation eiO'htca,p were sent, the fll'st leaYing on 15th Dccelllllel, 189~, They \\'e1'e ac1tlre .0(1 to Dr. n. E. R oth, a.nll kin(lly for\\'3nl Cll to hi11l fro111 Cape Town hy 1I[r. Ilamilton Gatliff, an E~Hlnire of the O:'tler of t. John 0[' .Tern a.lcm at the ,1pe, by w11o 'e instrumentality they reached their (k .. tinalioll, Th e ca e contained the following articles :-15 i1al111 el nightingale:,;, 1 0 dozell bandage, roller and triangular (sterilized), 4 feather cu~hioll., 1 0 Ills, of l en in tin rani,ter, 7,000 envelope, 600 quires of 1I0Le paprr, pens, pell ci ls, uibs, hlotting paper, 12 pail' of knitted ock , 20 Bn,ll1da.va anel helm et capi'l, (llJalltiLy or olrllin l'l1 anli rag periodi ca.l , magazines,
and novels, finger stLLlls and gloves for surgicn.l II 'e, 3 dozen large tins of Calef10nian groats, dozen tins of a sorter1 jam, 6 L10zen as 'ortecl tal.Jle jelly S<llHires, 1 dozell a~ 'orted ell turd powders, 13~ cakes of soap (cntieura, siren, toilet, i\'ol',)', c1trl)olic, and nnlight), 6 pairs knitted slipper, mnmers and c11e t protector', packet:; tea, 6 tin coffee, 6 tins cocoa, 3 tin baking powder, tooth IJrL1she:. bail' l)l'ushe::;, com]"., razor I1nd sponges, 3 dozen tins tea taLloid 'J 3 dozen bottles of "forced march 'J tabloid , The 'ecretary wishes to thank all tirllls alld llonol' "'ho have so librntlly as'isten her, al 0 .J[e 51'S, Dalgety and Co" COl' forwarclillg ca 'e' free of eust, A letter ha been received from the 'Val' Ollice, !:itatillg that 'ix ca cs llad hcell reeeivcd a.nd the others were on their way to Bloeltlfontein, '01. 'Yilliallls !:ient hi' thank',
Statement oj ReIJeipts wul E.'-pMditl~/,(; f'(JI' the !Jl'lI r end illg Septelll bu 30ll!, IDOO, Receipts, E.1'J.}~Jld iture, To Bank Balance £119 15 3 l13y tatiollelT awl Prilltillg £4 1 Ij :3 Office E:q;elle' 1 7 " Cash in hand Li~ .::;0 :2 " Examinatioll Fee' ., 'ub criptions ami Dons. 0 10 12~ Hi 6 " Postages, Petty Ca hAec. ·:l.i 1!1 ,J " Clas Fees .1 :3.i ;j Examination Fees ti7 "Rent, Ga', ~c. " Books and tores H 10 Book:;; a])(l "tore 7~ 10 7 "" Bandages, &c, In 0 3 " Hauk BaJance 10~ :2 6 36 16 11 "" Cash in hand 1 1 " Bandaglls aud Lludries 0 07
'tock on haud as pel' list £16 tis . .id, Amlited allfl fOlIllfl cOl'l'ect, \\1 ILFIlE1J Df lCKER, C. A, A. . f ,(ftitui'. FHElJK. '''.\.LEY, Treasllre/'. J ,DIE.., )1 L IlL UhaifliUl/1. A, GllEE.:s\\-AY, Scc/'clar!!. ISSUE OF CEHTIFI CATEi' A:i{D ME DALLIO:i{,', Xo, of :lIen
No, 0; \Volllell
x o. of Cel'titica tell who llave who ha\'e WllO have who ha\'e PUl'ih wllfJ h,\\'tJ cOIUpletefl a completed received r<.>c('j\'ed receive<l course of a course of Certificates, Cel'ti ficates, )lctlallioll:;. illi:itructiull. instruction, 1st Aid. I Nursillg. 1st Air!, I Xmsing_ 1st Ail!. Xll"silli,:: bt Aifj-_-I-X-u-r-si-n-g-, - ~[ell. \\'01 1I eu
[NeE FOll;\rATH)~ OF
SJ:\n: HI
'g,"I'JU; ,
His Excellency ,'il' John MaddelJ, K.C.M,l}. PreSid e llt. ~ l l' ,
OCT{JJ)gll, 1 fl9.
Lloyu Tayle!':
~', 1t. I. Il.A,
( 'lIa i 1'lIIall.
'\11', Jallles Ell\\an1 XeilLl, 'rl'(' " " 111' ( ' 1'.
Mr. .T Olill Blyth, :-'(' ('I'('t"I ' ~ •
\\'illialll Hallliiton,
Ilead Olfh'f': J 1, 'clllorne ChallllJl'rs, )Ie11Journe,
L,lLI \' C1a I'kl'. LOI'(1 Bra", P\". Captaill \\,,'F.:-l. Jlallll, 'iiI' Jlnttltt'w n,l' II"" .\11. Wi!lialll Lcwi",
Jfr. II eury Gyle, Turner. llis Excellency the Earl of HopetOllll. JIr, Uliver Penfold .
.\.X 'C',\L It El'nltT. TnI': CIlUIll:ll of tIll' \,idoria CCllln' (It tlte st. John Amlml lICI' .A sociatioll now l"'f'sent tllcir ,'el"lltel'lltlt .\.1)1111<11 Lt'porl tu the IlleHlIJers amI sn1) 'criber " Durillg tllf' past ,Yeal llllle\t \1s" 1"11 I \I'ulk Jlas bf'l'll llolle. Tlte ouly change in the Council is flue til tlw ll'si.~llati'll! nl Knr~' flll-~Liljor ltol'l'rboll, owillg to hi: I' 'Illo'.'ul I"roHl the eity. Tltl' I'acalley 011 tlte CllllllCil Itas llot yet l,cen Hllcll 'IP, The COllllcil arc ple'le<l to n'l"lrt t II,Lt the Ill'tl'llctiol1 ,dJ'onlcL1 l1y till' .\.s 'ociation h<t lleen again n 'Sl1l11l'<l lly tIll' l'ulic<' 1) 'L'art Illellt, whiel!. LJwillg to l'etrCJlChml'llt, ha 1'111' :;ome years ]'('I-'n \li 'colltillllf'<l, ])Ill'ill~ tltl' l'~lSt y' al' a full cIas, wa" ff~l'llIL'd, uutler the ill~trllctifJll 01 \11', G. "\, .' "llil', 1".I:.l.!'" Ollt of which fifrcen were <l\\anlell ecrtificate' or <Illali!il.'atiflll to relltlel' fir, t ait! tll the injlll'eLl, .\.notlter course of 1ecturl's 1I,1s 1,t'L'1l flclil·,'n'tl I" lk "l'rillglltorl'L' to membcr of the :\Ictl'opolitan Fire llrigaLle dmill,!.( till' ,HotI', thus cllsurillg Lllal th 're arc aLways members of' the BrigaLle well al11e tfl anon1 first aid til lite illjlll'('d "llI'lll'allcLl UpOll to atteJUle;l,es of aCl'ident, An Asltl'onl lith l' and allllntlallco W:t:":;Oll are !';tatiolleLl aL E,lstem Hill. O\\'illg to the fl'c(lilency fI(' tlw nIls 011 the ~l<'lr()pfllit.tll Fin' Ul'igaLle, it hn' beell fOllnll necessary to have an ant1ntlHlll'l' \\;Ig'Oll I'rol'i(l(,(1. \'(1111' Coullcil hal'e llo\\-mall arrallgements, nll<l are Ita\'ill~ Oll\' l111ilt or the llLOst uital,le tYJl' fot' the purpose. YOUI' oUlleil 1lal-e lIt,ule :tl'ntllg<'llll'llts wiLh the lh ('l'llel' lJel'artlllcllt to sllpply Olle of their HlltlJulall('\'. wagolls 1'(11' the llSC of tltt' .\ll'll(1Llfllit<ln Fire Brig,Hle, for \\'11ieh oLligation the Coullcil lleg to tl'llder t1wil' ltlost gl'tltci'ul tltilliks to the Department. Th(' Ashford 1i UPI' place<l a L tlle It "ilf l sliLl illli of the )ldrllpolita n Firo Brigncle Boarf 1 has l'e<'11 great I)' <ll'prcl'iiLtt:<l, as evitlellcul1 lly lhe fact that it has 111~ell called ont <111<1 dispatcite<l Ol'el' :2UO tilllL:S t!llrillg lhe ]last ~ L'LLI', The Council \\'oul<l a.dmo\\l('<lge the l'aluaLle a 'si~blllce \\!tieh Chief Oflicl'r ~tcill lIlt, relldered in t.hb lIutttel'. The Atlhrol't!liltl'r, witlt tl'llilletl iLlh'wLwb, lila) llL' sllllllllLlllel1 hy any of the pl1ltlie hy telephone 01 otLt:I'\\'i';~, <tlllt sufferer.' 1'1'0111 allY ~l'l iotls aceitll'ut thus expcflitiously aIHl etl'eflllly rell1ove<l to their OW11 hOll1e: 01' lo thc lto'l]litil1. The Council hope that the l'ntcticc of plal'illg- illjl1l'cd ]len-lOllS ill m},,, whcll cUllVl'yillg them to the hospital or their hOllle!:; will Lc aLalHlolletl, \'on~' Coullcil :11'C gb(l Lo lloliel' the illL'l'cao.;illg appreciatioll of ambulance cIa 8(''1, which have lieI'll helt! ill ('OIlI1CeLioll \\'ith ]lulllie ane! pri\'ate schools, mechanic" illsLitutes, ~chool 0[' lllilll'S, teehuical cllILcgl's, the Au tmliau Xati\'es' A::;socifLtioll,
22G Young 1\1en's and Women's As ocia,tion" Girl' Friendly ocieties, and kin(lred as oeiations, which afford special facilities for organizing aud holding cIa es, and a1. 0 in connection with manufactllring companie', uch a the Deer P .... rk Explo~i\·e. Co., and the ugar Refining Co. The Coun('il ag lin lIe 'ire Lo impres on the Mini tel' of Education, the principals of school, and all educational institutions, Lhe illlportan ce of forming ell . e and havir..g their pllpils or members taught wha.t to do ill ea es of accidellt an 1 sudden illness uutil the aid of a medical man can be obtained. The ability to render first aid is undoubtedly one of the most important llt'anehe ' of education, Thp, Annual pecial Examination for valtutble prizes, heltl in the month of March each year, open to all who since the pl'eviou examination haye obtained" IIlllch credit" in any first aid examination, \\'a attended thi . ycar hy 41 m embers. This exn.ll1inn.tion acts as a stimulus to the acquirement of a more thorough knoldedge of how to render first aid to the inj med, a evidenced hy the high lwrccntage of marks obtained and the excellence of the practical work. chool ., abo\' all, a[rorcl the best opportunity, at the age when impression~ are mo t deeply malle, for learning what to do in ca es of accirlent; and af> au inducement the fee for those attending schools has been reduced to five shillings for a COUl'. e of lecture on first aill, ami a certificate is awarded on passing an examination. ix hundred amI bro pupils have been in, tructecl during thc y(;a1', of whom 37~ passed their examination for certificate., and 29 completed their COllrse. fOl' medallions. The total number of persons i.nstructed nol\' amount.· to 11,7:'>3, of " 'hom 6,725 hare succes fully passed their examiuations. During the year the meu:bers who have fully qualified them elve .. by pa 'ing their thinl examination in first aill to the injured have been i11l.;rea. d by:29, of whom 20 will he pre.sented with medallioll'l at the Annual Distribution by his E'(cellency ir John lIIncldcn, K.('.;\!.G., on 7th May, 1900. There have been IHld during the year 12 Illen's and 11 women's first aill classes, and 7 111ll'ding classes. Under the rules of the Victoria Centre, it is the duty of the members present to elect the Contlcil for the ensuillg year, ' Ba,lance Sheet.-The Annnal Statement of receipt· aULl eXl'enliture, duly audited is appended. to this report, and. show a balance of £H 9s. 6c1. to the crcdit of tile A sociation. Don~tions .-Th e Couucil tender thcir gl'iLtcful acknowleLlg/[lcnt for the subscriptions received during the past year, Special E..cc~mination.-The aunual exalllination [or prize of the valllr of £:i 58., £3 3s., and £1 Is" offered by the Oouncil, and open to all pupils \1110 have passed any first aid examination with" much crerlit" during the pl'eviou. twelvc months, " 'as held, by permission of His 'Worship the Mayor, in the supper-room of the Melbourne Town Hall, on Saturday, 31 .. t March, 1900. Forty-olle eandidates presented themsel ves, and were examined by Dr, Springthorpc an(l Ik ClIas. Bage, on whose report the Council awarded the first prize to :Jlr. Phillip C. Murray, B Lllaratt Railw'l.y Sub-Centre; the, econd prize to lIlis Charlotte Cl'elJhin, Ballaret Sub-Centre; the third prize to 1I1rs. Chas. Foster , of the Port Melbourne 'uL-Ccntre. Thanks to L ecture1's, H an. Secl'etc~l'ies, the Press, ancl other.s. -Til COllucil again desire to place on r ecord thcir continucd indeUtcdness to the medical gentlelllen who have so gE:llerously given thcir time ao(l labour to the illSLl'llction of classes in
227 which they have opened their columns when rcquested to make p~blic the roI1ic efforts and work of the Association, and to other numerous fnends who phil an th . . . hn.ve in many way h elped to further the interest. of the As oelatlon. Ashforcl Lillel's,-It i most desirable that the public shoulcl know where the As ociation's Ashford litter , so liberally pre, ented by Lady Clarke, are placed, ~nd that they llln.y be obtained gmtuitou, ly to convey the inj ured WIth the lea t. suITerll1.g 'tl to their homes 01' the ho pitals. Illustratcrl placards are postrd 111 public e1 ler . h h rtt places, and at hllilcliugs in course of erecti?u, illforming the pu1hc t. a t e"e, 1. er~ are stationeel at the foll()\\"ing places-nz.: The Town H~ll, "an. ton I tle;t , Police tatiolls in H.u;; ell trect, Little Bourke Lt'eet, h.111g trect, a:lll II e t I1I,~lbonrne; anel at thc Mfltropolitan Fire Brigacle tation, Eastern HIll. The Metropolitan Gas Co, a!. ') has an A 'Mol'll litter at it. We t ~Ielbolll'lle wOI:ks, and kindly places it at the> (li. posal of the public. The e placards may 1e .obtallled on application at 11, ... elLol'lle Ch,tmb ~rs. A.,hforel litter ' are much rerllllred for the suburb. a nd othel place .
Annual Demon tratioll, -Thr Annual Di.,tribution of the medallion aUll certificate awarded to thos o who pa>lil'el the 11"Ce':a1Y exall1in;ttion~ during the past year too:~ place in the 2IIelbo lll'lle Town Hall, on the evening of lIIonday, 7th May , 1.900. HI Excellency ir John Madden, Lieuten<lnt·Uo,·C I'llor, ma(le ·the pre, cntatlOns. The Ambulauc"e orp~, Ullllel' , urgeon-C.tptain Horne. formerl a guard of hon~nr to receiYe His E'\:cellcllcy. Owing to thp in (lispo ition of ~Ir. Lloyd Tayler, Pre l(lent, DI'. J. E. N ei l(l, Clta,irmall of the a,nUl ' il, prl3 i(lel1. The collection \\'11 made hy members of tit- ~Iilitia Ambulance Corps, HlI(1 amountcd to £16 2, Fir t aill to the injurcd was illn,tratecl by the pupil ' of thc A,,:ociatioll. and the following prize.. were alvardell-viz. : :JIen's competition, liest prizp, £5 50;. ;'ec o I1l1 prize, £212 ... 6d. The first prize \Va . a\\'<1.nlcd to the Ballarat R llil\\'ny '(lUlt(l; the .e~oUll prize ~,a~ awarded to the Flillller, treet Hailway H'luncL \\' omen' eompetltlOll, fi1"t pnze £2 2s., to :MI. has. Foster alill lIIrs. Goggin, of the Port Melbourne "ub·Centre ; second prize, £1 I s., to the ~Ii>lses Adal1l. an(l Burridge, of the Port Melbourne uh· Oentre. The ju(lge, of the competition wcre Dr. Chas. Bage, Dr. IY . A, Wood, and Dr. John Adam. Mr. elIas yke'3 kindly pre 'illed at the orga.n.
Receipts. To " " " " " "
Donation £45 1;) 6 tore, as per list 92 1 MeLlal1ioll 9 7 0 Badge. 2 1 0 Cla s Fees 16 16 11 Interest . . 4 :'i 3 Annual Demonstration, 189911 15 1 Balance forward
Melbourne and suburLs and throughout the colony; to the lad ie, aocl gcuLiemen wlto have so willingly undertaken the duties of hOI), seerctarie~, and to whom the snccPSS of the Sub·Centres have been mainly due; and to thc Pl'e,~s, for the courteous manoer in
£33.J. 74
2 3
5 7
5 2
By tore,; " Ml'L!nlliolls " Printing and ta.tionery "Exa1l1iner.' }iee , ,,~'ecretary
5 6 0 0 0
"Hent, ' ' 10 17 11 "Postn~es and Petty Ca h .[ 9 0 Int el'r ,t on Overdrart :: p cia,] Exam. £17 5 9 " Annual Demon·tratioll 2-! 1 6 3 --41 " Dnlanec.F ixell Depo it £1552'. d., lcss cheque not prc· L'll ted £5 0 lId. over· 44 9 6 draft £52 12 . 3d. £40 LLOYD
J 0 II 30th April, 1900.
£60 14 16 7 14 10 ;i2 10 150 0 13 0
T \.YLOH , President. ] LYTll, 1'?'e(( sn1'Cr,
Andi ted allcl found correct, . R. IYALT.A C1~, F.F.I.A" IIon. AlldltO?',
of course the certificates issued will be useful only within Lhe railway cl , as reo-rette f I f tl 't J ohn Ambulance o d 1C. . sphere, all Wl'11 no t carry the weighL 0 t lOse 0
Formed 1 92,
Associatio~l .
]'n j rOll.
Hi Excellency
il' Gerard, mith,
Pre"j(\e nt.
Hi Excellency ir A. O. On low, Kt., Admini h'ator for Government of ,Vest Australia. l 'ice l'l' e ·id cuts .
The Right R ev. Bishop Riley, C.E., amI the Ihght Rev. Bishop Gihney, H.C. H on orary Sec t·ctary .
.J1l' . .John '.V, Lynch, Brookman's ChallllJCrs, Barrack .l
~ i : tallt
trect, Perth.
}(ono l';lI'Y secr e tary.
)11'. Herbert .J(cKean. Tl'e a.
'lJcc,l(ll'tU rc . I il come (( II( I E "
IlI·C t·.
1I1ajor Campbell. A.NNUAL REPORT, I~
1 f ' t 'e -t in th c useful work of thc Association which has takcn place The reVlva 0 111 et s bI' and u-iYen that sympath y and support from the pl1 lC so very is sati 'factory, 0 loerether with thc loyal assistance from members, thc desiraule, in e\'e1'Y way 0 . liate pro peet i~ promising. . Ullme( l ' II vour 'ouneil cO]lCfratnlates yon npon the large nnmber of candIdates In COllC USlO ' J '" " 1 t l e imlll'oved . essful ill oxaminations during the past e ':lOn, anI upon 1 who Wel e succ . . ., y . C '1 Iso beers to . , ,1 of the As,oeiatlOn III tlllS Colony, om ounCl a 0 f 1 1 1 f ely l)ro::ll)ects. III gellcl a . l' ,1 stan' and I'PSllOllsible ofIiccrs or oya ane en ll' thank slllcerely yOUl lIlec lC,t . . I ' . ' . " 11clo1'ell so freelv in thc intere ·ts of the A OClahon, amI a so to honorary e1 \'lce. 1 e J . l' h t1 I . . 11 tl I' tl Press mo.uner III ley la, e c01'<11a y Ian \. Ie ' . uf the Colony for the UCllerous . . W . 11C . . blv Ul'ven lll'ominence to the work and obJect' of the A Ot'latlOll . lllvana J 0
submitting it report for 1 9-1900, your Council desires hriefly LO review the position of thi branch of the 't, John Amlmlaul:e Association. 'Whcn first forml' (l in thi Colon), in 1 9~, the greatest interest was evinced Ly the pulllil'. lllallY male and female clas es were held, and HUIll bel's of pupils gained certit-icates in both Perth and Freemantle. The movement was Yery popular indced fol' a year or tIYO, th cu olYing doubtless to the rush of prosperity and to .uu:e(l Llellt depression throughou t the Colony, public intere t waued or was diverted into other chanllels. The theu hOll. secrf't:1.ry resigned, the management hecame lax, and the work of the Association stood still till 1897, when a Slight revival occurred. From that time to ~L<ly, L9!l , five meetings of your Council were heM; ancl two lir t aiu cla 'ses insLrn<.:tell. In.J Lty, 1 99, however. yom' Coullcil filled vacancic' which had occulTed t.hereill. al'pllllltell a new hon. ecretary. and resol vod to m<tk(' a vigoron l'fl'ort to get the A 'sociatiun into working order once more. A large quantity of valuable stores had gone astray of IVhich no tmcc coulll ue got, and wi tIt some accounts unpaid, and \\'ith very little cash in hand the utmost e(:ol1o111Y was necessary. 11. Committee of influential ladies W.1S furmed; from l1ay 1 '99, to September 1 n99, your Council held 9 meetings, 3 bllies and ~ men\, cla 'se " including a la lies auvanced nUi'sing claRs were carried through succesfllUly il1 Perth, some of the lJL1Vilfl gaining exceptiollally Iligh marks. At One, a suu-ce ntre lJas l,een formed, 1111'. Anhur E. '.Vood, H on. ,'ecretll.ry, and two clll.sscs in 'truct.eLI, uut not yet examined . Another sulJ-cen tre has ueen forlned at Kalgoorlie, and the Uoulder, 1I1l'. E. H. 'with, H Oll. ecretary, a nd classes Me now in conrse of instruction, the movement being popular in hoth places. Your Council considering it very desiralJle, an(l indeed imperative thll.t Lotlt railway employee' and members of the Police Foree sllOul<lIJe illstructed in first aill to the injured, 1Jrought this subject uncl or the notice of the Premiar, who wal> good ,enough to grant a sum of £ 50 for instruction of the P olice. IT othing, hOIVov('r, hat> been dOlle itS yet by the Police authorities, while the railway depar Lment has startell an Ambulance Corps of its OW11 distinct from OUl' Association, which i to 1)0
for the
3 10
£19 lJaZallcf
J lI nc,
l)y Printing an(l 'tationery and Ad verti 'ing . " 'las: Expense " Pilstagcs and uilllries " Halance .
3 :1 5 12
2 13
Shect (It 30ll! J Ulie, 1900. E.l'lJC ncl it 11 fL.
Tn Balanl'e
G}/[lc(l 30th
E;;;pcndilll rc,
I ncome. To Balance 11l'ougltt forward. f ') Revenue from Olass F ee' 17 <lnd turet> ...
B ) ~lo1'es
per I neollle <lUll U 1:3 Expell(litnre Account " Liahilitiet> ill('urred hy }lreGl "ion' Council . . Liallilities year l'llllc(1 30llt 2 17 Junl' 11S
t:i (j 167 1
" la It at 13a.nk. " Del,it ba.lance "
£.10 Hl
. ash ill hal1cl
. 'OVE. THY. Deput!) Ohainl1(lIl. J Ou.:s N . LYXCH, Hon. cCI'ctnry. J. A. 'DlPllELL, 1','w IlI'U:,f. 1. L.\l'SLEY, lIon . Awl/toi'.
'ERTIFI ATli:~ AND MEDALLIO r ::\0. of Women
Xo. of Mt'n who have who lIave reel'ivetl completed Certificates. a course of instructiull. 1st .Aid. \ Nlll'sing.\lst Aid. \ Nnrsillg.
who have COllI pleled a ('onrsp, of instructiun.
IN l~
11 4
I Nl1I'slng. 1st
who have received Cenilicates . Ai d~
1ST Ol"I'OI)]!;H , 1 97.
go. of Certificated Pupils who have receil'ed Mcda 11 ion" Men.
I ,,",omell
Formed 1 92. l'rc id c nt. His Worshi p the Mayor, Mr. D. Goldie .
:J[r. J. J. Holland :JIr. King R ev . R. 'ommenille 1111'. ' . T. Twcntyllmn HE-v. F. " Tu,mer
{ 'h a ii:m:l It.
Mr. J . J. H oI Lllld. 'I' t'C H Ill· c r .
Mr. C. J . TUllk . A udito r .
T. Tweu tYlllan. ~cC t'c (al 'J' •
Rattray, 3, Mercantile Chambers, Life U e llJ lI c l'.
The Earl of O1a ·go w. ,ll C(1j C:I 1 1'\1 air.
311'. E. D, Aubin, .\LH. C, . (Edin.),L.R.C.P. .Mr. illr. :urI'.
.:nIl'. Mr. JIr. .1111'. Mr. '\Ir. "111'. Mr. Mr.
Lond. A. . Bl'cwis, )1. D. (Durh. ), )LR.C.S. (Edi)).), L,S,A. (L ond.) Patrick Callan, L. R.C.S . (Irel.), L..\I. & L.K " & 'l.C.P. (Irel.) J. L . Carolan, :.\L1LC.f:;. (Edi n. ) F . W. E. Dawsol1 ,L,H..c .P. (Edin .), ')L R. C. S. , L. S. A. (Lollll.) W. R. O. El'son, L.R.P. &~. (01as.) F. ~ . •. ~orbc~, )I.B., )1.8. (Allenl.) G. 'Ioussamt GIrdler, L.S.A. (Lond.), L.R.C. P. & L.n.c.r;. (Eclin.) K . :JlcKay Grant, )LD., C.:.\1. (Ont.) Thomas G. H. H all, L.ILC.S., L.M., & L.K. & 'l.C.P. (l1'e1. ) F. \Y. R. J. King, M.r•. c.s. L.R.C.p. (Lond.) A. Osborne Knight, L. s. A. (Lond. ), ,,\1 R.C. S. T. H op e L ewis, L.S.A. (Lond . ), M.R.C.S.
.:'III'. P. A. Linllsay, D.)I., M. S. EdiJl. ) :Jlr. G. dc Clive Lowe, L.lt.C.l'., & L.R.a .. . (Eelin.), L.F.P .. . (01a '.) .:'IIr. A. E. .Jlal'sack, L.lt.C.P. & L. R.C.S. ( EJia. ) Mr. W. U . Parkes, M.n. & .\1.S. (Erlin.) ill r. A. Cha11i11or Pu rehas, )L.lL C. S., B. i\f.,
)1. ••
JIr. F. M. Pl1rchas,
M.B., )1.H. (1~clin. )
Mr, ~I. W. C. Perceval, L. & L.~r., K. & 'l., C.1' ( IreI. ) :Jrr. J. C. Pabst, )[. D. , n. s . (Melh.) .JIr. E. Robertson, M.lt.C.I'., B.:\I., )1. , . , M. D. (Euin). 11'. E. E. RolJerts, B.:lf. , M.S. (Edin. ) :JIr. W. G. I 'eott, L.S.A. (Lond ). , )1. It. C.,' . (Eng.), M.1). Ur. E. W. harlllan, L.n.c.p. & L.ll.C.S. (Edi)). ) Mr. H. Walker, L.F.P. & G. (01as.) Mr. O. \Villiam s, L.ILC.P. (Eclin.), L.F.p . & G. (01as .)
' -i cC- Pl'cs id c lll s .
OF the St. John Amhu1.11we A~so(iation, Aueklaml Uentre, N.Z., read and adop ted at the eighth anllual meeting of the A.~so cia tion, helll at thc Drill H all, W ed ll c day, :lnd May, 1900. Hi s \\' orsllip the ~Iayur of Auckland (ilIr. D. Gold:e) occupicd the Chair, and waH .'npPol'tccl llY His Exec·llellcy the Govcrnor, the Earl uf Hanfuriy, COllllllallller Tnpprl', or II.nt. . f'uZrulcs, alld Mr. Hugh Bosca wen, hun.
.nIl'. llI. A. Olark iiiI'. Dawsl)n Rev. H. R. Dew bury R ev. Dr. Egan iIII'. Girdler Rev. ,V. E. Gillam
The Committec ill prescnting the cighth iLllllun,ll'Cport of thc Auckland Ocntrc of the t. John Amlmlall(,p AHHociation, h,l.\ e great pleasure in cO llgratulating the membel's un a mot sncec<.; .. rlll 'cason, thc hl'st hut Ollr sillce the foundation of the Centre. A· was anticipatecl, the nry intprt'·lillg adllre.'s gi\'en by His Exccllency the Governor at 8t. BClle(liet's lIall, in XO\'l'lllbcr, 1 9 , and the cxhibition of ambulance work gi\'cll 011 that ol;eaiol1, reslllted ill drawing the atteatioll of the public to the exeel\l'llt wurk or the As"ociatiou, alld ill inclueing mallY to aYail themselves of the op1 (lrLunity of gaillillg a kU()\\'II'c1gc or first aid, and nul' 'iug anrl h(lme hygieue, lly altelllliug the leelures giY'1l during last winter. The COlllmittee would take this opportuuity of t1ltluking His Excellency the Govel'llor amI the COlUltes.' nf Ranflllly fnr the gCllerou' 1ll<11111er in ,,-hich they haTe sacri6ced their leisure in h elping the goul1 \\ urk ur the' t. J ol1n Ambulance Association hoth III AucklalHl nlHI in lllallY other parts of the Colony. The following are the delail. of the yn,rious dasses. Thc fcmale central fir. t aid das to which Dr. Parke.· lectured, "a<.; ntteu(lcd by 43 ladics. of ,yhom 29 pa' ed in first aid, aud 4 pas.erl thr ::,ecollcl re-examination, \\hieh eutitle them to the lIledallion of the A 'soeiatioll . Therc \m~ lll.'n all llftcllloon clas for latlie , to w bieh Dr. de C]iYe Lowe lectUl'ml, which \Vas attelllied hy 3.i, of whom 22 pa sed ill fir:;t aid. Of the fcmal e cenll'ululIt'sillg classe!'l, that to which Dr. ParkL' lcctured, wa attencled 11,)' 3.l luclie', of whom J2 pas.ec1 the examination while that to which Dr. lIe Cliye Lowe lectul' d, wa atlended hy 2 ladie, of whom 14 pa ed the nul' ing examiuatioll. amI :2 gaillecJ. the medalliun. There were two ll1ale central cIa .", Dr. Ginller lectnred to thc fil'st, \I hich \Va attenr1ec1 by 13 ei \'i liall~, :3 lllcmllcl' of the :Jletlical. 'laff 01'P, and' of the Police Force. Of the·e Ij passed in first aill, <LillI 3 pas 'ed their first re-examination. Dr. harman lecturcd tl) the ~ecoud cIa 's, which \\'1.t.' attellllec1 by -± ciyiliallH, 1 llledi~al staff, 4. police, aud 4 gllllllL'r of thc permanent f01'ee. Eleven pas ed ill fil"t aid, and 1 the fhst l'c -examillltLioll. For the first ti1lle therl' \\'a a lllll'sing ela's for nll'l1 , of whol11 1 received the lectmes from Dr. r.IeDolVcl1, and 11 pa~sell thc examination . A first aiel nml a UUl'sillQ" cLtH' WlLS It ,hI Ht the t OllllC< \\' omen' Clll i ,tian A ociau 0 tiou, to Loth uf which Dr. Knight leclUl'l'l1. Thc former \,a' attended hy 26 pupil., of whom 19 pa~sed the examination. T" onty-o lle ladies attended thc llul"ing c~ass, of \\ hom] 2 ]J1t"ell. At l. P et er's Church also both 1irst ltiLl an d llllJ'sing ebs 'e \\ ere held, Dr. Aubin giving the ledurcs. Twenty-o ne ladies ltttcntled the fir t aid clas, and lJ ]Jassecl, only 16 attendcd the nursing lectures, of wh om 6 pa' 'ed the examination. At Mou))t All)el't, Dr. Gl'ltllt gave the first aid lectures to 12 ladies, o f whom 5 passed. ill first aill , and onc the , ecomll'e-exaJlliIHt t ion.
232 Dr. Robertoll gaye the first aid lecture, at the l\It. Ellen Fire Brigade 'tatioll to· 17 men, 13 of Iyhom pas ed. At the Drill Hall, Dr. King lectured 011 fir t aiel to 16 n0I1-c0111mi~siolled ollicn: and men belonging to the yolunteer eompani's. Only 10 11l'esl'lltp,1 thellhiell'l'. fnr examination, 9 of whom pas ed. Dr. F. :Mauricc PUl'chas ga,e the first aiel Ledures at Parnell tn 10 111l'U. III " 'hI III only 5 presente l themselve for examination, all of whom pas~L'll. The Committee would tender the sincere thallk~ of the Centl'l tn tll\' u110l'e-llallll'11 members of the honorary meLlical stall' for their y:.tlllahle seJ'Yices as LL'ct llJ'eJ''l. which are rendered quite gl'atuitou ly, also to Dr. All1lin, 1)<111'011. Uir,ll('r. d'Ullt, Knight, Lell'i , Lind ay, Lowe, ~IcDo\\'ell, Pahst, P,l1'ke:, Purcha. ~hill'1l1aJJ , allrl ,Yalker, for their e(lually valuable sen'ice as exall1iner·. Tbr C()l1l1l1i tl'C \\ Ire H'1'j' glad that the funll of the Centre ,,,ere in ,0 'utisfactol'Y a . tate thlt fill' thl' Jmt time they were able to giye the examincr the u. ual fl)es fOI their senicl''''. .-1s till're were 0 many pupil. to examine. it "oulll not hal-e heen rail' ttl a"l- the examiners to unuertake so 11111<:h "'ork witbontome ackno\\'ll dglllent rlf their valuable as istance. The Committee would express thcir grntiticlltiOl1, not oul~' that. t1 IllaJlY pupils ha,e attended the Lectures giyen under the auspices of the Cel1trl'. llut aho th,lt ill o many cases tho e who have pas'eel ill fir. t ail1. han' pro\'l'll iht~ir a1Jility l)y rendering a sistance which has mitigated the 'nfferillg of those II'ho 11<1I'p met ",ith accidents, and in Ollle cases haye been the mean, of .'aying life. A few of the more important ca. e may lIe mentionerl. ,nll'll t111' ratal tle(;illwt occurred on the railway line near nlount Eden ,'tation, )[J'. ,'. Frilh. wh o h,l' received. the medallion of the A sociation, 1'ro111ptly went tel t11e as i",hll1cL' IIf illr. McKillop, who received fatal injuries. ,Yith the help of S01l\e of thc' lJy,.,t,lIltlers he carried the patient to :MOHllt Eden. tation, anrl rli,l en'rythillg that coul,l po>,si 1,ly be done to mitigate his sufferings. "\\'hen Dr. Grant who had heell sent 1'01' aninll, he found that therE: was nothing left for him to do lmt to order thc )lalil'lIt' , rem oral to the hospital. 111'. Frith accompanied him thither. lIning all that eOll1d he dOllo to mitigate, ufferi1lg. Some time ago employees of the ga' company \\'ere altering t11e g,ls pipes ill Grafton Road, when one of them lJecame fl. phyxiatell. Hi· mate. lifb'tl hilll lIut of the l)ipe track in an unconscious state, hnt rli(l not know hOI\" to treat hill!. )[1'. A, H. Gilbert: a second year pupil of tlie A.':·oeiation, 11a11pe1lell to lIe passillg. Ill: went to the a sistance of the unconscious man, anll applying'Dr. yl I esler'. l1leth od, succeedeu in restoring respiration l)l'fore thc arrintl of thc (loctol', who 11(111 l)1'cII telephol1ed for. A boy at Chelsea going about Iyith lJarc [('d, trorl on a 111'0ken glass 1,oltle, camnng a fearful gash, which bled profusely. 1\11'. F. Huhble. a mel111,el IIf the Chr]sl'H Class, applied a tournilluet to the hoy':; leg, amI 1)Ot111(1 lip his font. lIe then brought him over to Au::klanc1, anJ took him to a (loctor. Another ca, e at Chelsea was that of a man who hall the lI1isfo1'tllllC til get his leg In·oken. Messrs, F. Hubble, J. P. Stodart, aJld,T, Harris, member of the Chel en Class, promptly r en(l cred first aill, applying spliuts and ballilages til the fraetnrell limb. They carefully brought the }Jatiellt across to Auuklanll, \"here 111' was mct by m embers of our Ambnlallce Brigade, who placeLl llim all the Asld'onl litt er. and removed him to the hospital. In another instance ellicie nt first aill was relldercll by Mr. E. V. l\liller, :dso a
member of the Chelsea Class. .A yonth cut his wrist hadly hy pushing his band through n, willelow. After an ineffectual attempt to stop the l,lecllillg 11,)' means of a tournillnet, Mr. )liller eJT'ecterl his pn1'[1o.'e by means of a pad ill the f'lbow joint, and a ba11llage to keep the arm bent. •' uch ca.es i1 those men tioned, show the pradical utility of the ill truction <riven, and the C011lmittee hope that mall)' ,,,ho have not yet done so, will attenrl the lectmes given l111l1e1' the au pice: of the Assoeiatioll, and so acquire the knowledge which will cnllhle them to 1'ClHlel' " First Aill to the Injured." Becripts ctacl P(lYlllCllls fIJi' the YCClr 1 99-90. Pa!JI/IeIItS.
EcceiLlt .
By Printing and Aehcrti.'ing,
£.:9 IS 10 101 .J li 7 -1 fj -17 ]0 ..,
To Balance ill Bank Cla" l<'ee.· )lcdal1 iOlls sold 13ooks, &c .. soleI Pustage. J'efuntleil Hefullli froJII ,'cl'l'etnI'Y • <lyings Hank Illtcr('st ,. Anllual ;' u bscl'i]lt inTI:; " Ml'llical tall' Corps ., Donation
" " ., " " "
Potage and Petty Ca 'h £2-1 19 9 " Lecture anll Examiuation Expen'e' .n ::.9 2 .. ~[!'dallions Bought. 7 0 0 ;,1 19 3 " Books. &c . Bought " ,'ecretal'Y'" alar), , , 30 0 0 .: Hire of't. James Hall for Allnual )Ieetillg 1 5 0 0 4: 6 Ilil' of Flag. 0 7 6 "" elas Fee Hefnnclerl 16 13 :2 ., Ba lall ce ill hand
0 0 0
0 :2
2 0
0 0 6
Assrls and Liuvit ilil's .1 sset '.
By Balance ill Ballk. ,," Bouks, &c .. in stock
31t JlclJ'rh, 1f100,
LirlViZltic , 2
1:3 11
:t: J iI
Examilled "ith hooks and ,"ouellers, aJl(1 found coneet. ..:IphZ 4th, H100. J, J, RO_\.GII . .·iud itol'. ,\\T1LLL-D[ R_\'1'nuy, • t'cntary. Tt.:);K, , Tl't'a8urel'.
C. J.
--:No, of Men
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certitlca tes. instruction. instruction. 1!Jt Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid.l ~ursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
SL'C" FlllDI ;")73
INo. of Certilicated Pupil' who have rerei\'t'u Medalli on '.
who have received Certi licates.
iSt Aid. I NUl'sing.
I Women
SI);CE 1ST AI'lllL, 1 99.
I :';3
--- -
91 l!
Pre ic1cnl.
Excellency the Governor of K ew Zealand. "iee·]>re si<leJll s .
Right Rev. Dr. Churchill Juliu 1\11'. Charle' L Olli son Rev. Dr. W. Morl ey HOll. J. T. Peacock Dr. ,V. Thoma.
His Honour 1\11'. Justice Denni ton R ev. Dr. Elm lie Right Rev. Dr. (i.rimes Mr. C. P. Hulbert Dr. Jame Irving Very Rev. Dean Jacob Cllairnlnu.
His ''lor hip the Mayor of Cllri tchurch. Secr e tary.
Tl'en lu·er. Capt. C. Garsia.
Mr. S. D. Barker, upreme Court Library Chri. tchurcll, I . Z. Life )lcmlJcJ's.
Mrs. R. Heaton Rho(les.
Mrs. l'llilsoll1 H on. J. T. Peacock. lIt'<lical SI afT.
Mr. Mr. 1\11'. Mr. 1\1r. 1\11'. 1\11'. 11r.
C. Morton Anderson, Chri tchl1l'ch R. W. Anderson H. C. Barclay, Wail1late " P. T. Bolger, Ashuurton F. G. M. Brittin, Christchurch G. . Clayton " Ja Cooke, Lincoln ~1. B. CJ'ui~kshank, ,Val 01 ate 1111'. A. C. D eRenzi, Christchurch lIlr. G. E. D eamer " Mr. W. Diamond Mr. W. Fitzhenry, Amberley " Mr. Graham Campbell, Uhristchurch Mr. 'V. H. Hargreaves, Akaroa .l'.lr. G. Hodges, Waimate Mr. J. Howard, Blackball Mr. H. Hunter, Ashbnrton Mr. E. P . S. Uane, Christchrist Mr. C. D. Greenwood " Mr. H. 111. I nglis, Darfield Mr. Jas. Irving, Christchurch Mr. W. Irving, " AN
1\Ir. J . H. . Jan'is, Ta.pier ~lr. E. J eonings, Christchurch Ml'. J . P. D. L eaby, Napier :Mr. L. S . Manning, Christchurch Mr. 1\11'. Mr. 1\11'. Mr.
A. F. J. Mickle " J. P. l\1illington , Greymonth B. 111. Moorhonse, Christchurch J. A. Murray, Kaiapoi D. :;)I. Nairn, Blenheim ill!'. A. J. Orchard, Christchurch Mr. 'Y. H. Ovenden " 2111'. J. '. Palmer " Mr. H. Compton Parsons, Kaiapoi Mr. F. :McBean I tewalt, Christchmeh Mr. H. T. Tllackel', Oh1'i tchul'ch Mr. VV. Thomas " Mr. A. 1ilne Thomson, Napier MI'. J. E. Trevor, Ashlmrton Mr. J . Harper Reid, Dennislon 1\11'. R. Vol ckman, R tUlgiora
OF the many CtLSes of first aid rendered by mem1)e1's of the Associa.tion the following is given as an important instance:-" 011 11th August, 1899, at Kaiapoi, Frederick B1ackwell, aged 16 years, was burrowing in a sand-hill, which collapsed and buried
him. Fortunately, the factory hand ' were passing in numbers to their dinners, and procuring nine pade ', after a search of 10 to 15 minutes discoveren his shove and finally his hand. T he body removed was de cl'ibed as bloated, of a pale lavender colour, slone cold, with moist pupib widely rhlated, mouth, no trils, and eyes filled with and, amI IJloocly froth about the lips. ergeant Simp on, of the Canterbury Company K.Z. Volunteer Medical tall' Corps, who has pasRed the fir t aid and nursing eXa1l1illations of the t. John Am1mlance Association, performed artificial respiration for some ti mEl, and eVell tua1ly re tored animation. The parents pre'ented hiJll "'ith a hanusome QuYenir ill commemoration of the event."-( igned) H. COJ\Il'l'ON PAUSO:\, , I ' urgeou. l\Ir. 1\1. F. 'Woodfielc1, ' cretal'yof the Ambnlance Club formed by the employees of the 'Working 1I1en' Oo-opprati,'e -' ociety, in cOllnection with this A sociation, reports a number of minor easeR of fir t aillrellClerecl during the year. The cluo has a tretcher alHl h3 m ]Jer tationed ill Manche tcr treet. L((kaia Railway Collision .-On thi occa ion ('J1arch, 1 99 when a large number of persons were sevcrely injurcd, a traille(l nUl' e, :;)1r . 'Y. Thompson, and lIlrs. S. I auuder::;, a certificatedme11l1)er of this Aociation, ,,-ho happened to be present, Wf're able to rende! great enicc . They a' isteu Dr. Cordner in attending to the wounded, anll then took charge of tho c who " 'e re .tit to be moyed in a railway carriage to hl'istchurch, and thence by am lmlancc to the ho pital. The N.Z. Vol II ntecl' Jledir.:aZ Sta.tf Corps has this year been organized by the Defence Oflice, and the cerlilicates of the I t. John Amhl1lance A. ociation are accepted as <}ualilication for emollllent. The Canterbury Company of the Corps number' 2,) men, mo -t of whom are mernber of this A ociation. They meet regularly for pra.:!tice and instruction hy urgcon-Captain' II. Compton Par ons and H. T. Thacker. They are prepared to "0 wherever their sen"ices are required in case of accidents, tnking with them their ,"ery complpte outfit. IILvalid TI'(/ Ilsport SCl'cicc.- A 'hfol'd Liltus.-Four of the e, wheeled and on delicate pring-;, each with a hamper of surgical requisite , arelationetl at the Police, Railway, and Fire Brigade Depots in Chri · t~hUl'ch, for the public bencfit in ca e of accident or ickne ·S. A hamper is abo placed at the Raceconr e in charge of the Canterbury Jockey Cluh. Au ambulance ·tretcher i also placed at the ~1erivale Parsonage. The Uhl'i ·tchurch \\T orking Men's Co-operatiye ociety, 2, .,1" and 6, Colol1110 "treet, has procmed and placed on their premi e an ambulance sh'etcher and hamper ill charge of :J1r. :J1. W. Woollfield, who holds the medallion of the A soclation . This i· for u e in ca e of accident in the vicinity. At umner :l'.Ir. Hayward (HOll. ecretary of the branch) and nIl'. E. R. Deacon collected suh ·criptioll., aud obtained a lland litter "ith ventilated coyer and appliance complete. This is .. tationeu at the shop of Ur. Phillip', fruiterer, wh ere also i III aced a contribution box for philanthropic vi itors. H01'se Atnbnlnncc. -Thifl i' capable of lJcing u ed for one or two patient at.3. time on tretc:her', with room for an attellllal1t in ide. It i fnl'l1i 'hed ,,,,itll india-rubber tyres ai:l wcll as spring, and may therefore he relied 011 to remove illyulids \",ith comparati vc comfort. This i now stn tioned at the Rink "" table, Glouce tel' treet, and may be cngaged 011 application to Mr. 'Y. Ha.yward, on the premi e.' ; it u e for infc'ctious cases is prohibitell. 1\11'. Hl1,yward i furni hell with a cale of charge which he j .. anthorized to collect 011 behalf of theA sociatioll. This year 100 patients l1ave been convcycd to the ho pital allu elsewhere by horse ambulancc, and in 1 cases the service has not been paid for. The litter service is pcrformed by members of the
236 237 Fire Brigade Corps. The S11m of £43 17 • Gd. has bel'D expended hy the A .. ociaLion ill paying for the men' time and hoI' e hire allll ill ' 11l'ance. Fee ' amounting to £67 1 s. 4c1. have been received by the A oeiation from thc per~on~ hellcl'itetl ,,'1;0 were able to lay. A Lowm oor jacket i.s placed at the Lytteltoll Rai.lway tation. It i~ an ath1<'hment to the strdcherto enable an injurell person to be brought up ill a perpcwlicl1lal po ition through a narrow openillg, ncll a' a mine-. haft or the holtl of a yt'~se1. Ntt1'sesj01' the War in Af1'iat.-In December, 1 '1:)9, your Committee nrgl'cl Oil the Government the aclYisahility of sending ambulance lJearel'~ and 11l1l'Se to till' front a ,ye11 as fighting men. Messrs, ,V. ,Vorthington, J. : Uartin, of I Jl \'elcargill , O. O'Neill of Waikonaiti, W. 1\lngridge, of Palmer ton N., F. ,Yo Borrell, of Gl'l'aldille, certificated members of the A' ociation, \\Tote yoluntecling as l,eal'ers, 1\1iss A" Bnlll den, of Christchurch, al 0 a ccrtificatcll mem1,er, \\'1'ote, yolullteering a nur e. But the Goyernment then declinerl to eml hearers 01' IJms 's. Sel eral trained ho pitalnUl'ses now voll1nteer~c1, and on 12th .lanuary ;\h . r~. E. RhuLles , repre enting the ,,-omen of the di trict, haying guaranteed the co, t of ~el1tlillg a staff of muses and a dre ser, the GoVel'l1111ent accepted the offer, At once Mesc1ame G. E. RhoLles and R. IIeaton-Rl~olle:; (life melJll)el' of th(, A sociation, started the N'ur p's Fund withnb 'criptions of £100 each,?Ill'. ... J), Barker, the Secretary. acting as Trea nrer. Dr. J, 0, Palmer (hon. life llIelllbel') eho e and equipped the unr es. 11'. . ' aUllllers, cditol' of the L,litlr1toil TOil e', gave valuable a i tance, e pecially in arranging fo], the nu]'i;c';' l'lcel,tion and employment in Africa. With the re ult that in eight llays' time ix traincll ho~pitnl nurses-viz., :;Hisses E. Peter (matron, G, H, Webster. G. LittlecoL A. Hiatt, 1\1. Brooke- 'mith, and G. Jeffreys, with ~lr. C. D. Pier,'oll, a cel'tillcntell chclIli~t and dresser, ailed from Lytteltoll for Capetown ill the ." Li,lcol,l'i,/I'c 011 20th January, :JIr, H. A. Turnbull, tbe agent for the ~teamer, hall made (;\'1'1), possible provision for their comfort clming the ,"oyaue. They 1\t'I'C:: }lro\'illell wi til a very complete outtit of surgical clres. iugs aml lelLllisite, . On the eye of tllcir departure the Premier's telegram arrived imillJatillg their attaehmelJt to tlll' Illljlerial service in Africa.
, '[((tcillelit of ,,1 sscts allcl Lirtbil itics. VAb'sds. Liabilities
Hor e Ambulance <tlldparc Tyre:; co' t price) 4· Wheeled Li ttel''';, 1 'trcteher a11l1 li Hampel' . . , keleton Book, Bandage", and Diagrams .
01:: 116
07 ~ 1114
3 U~3
OII1t[RTOl'HEll GAR:I.\, T,·c(tsllrer.
0" :'lI en
Xo. of WOlll en IIho 1Hl\'e (:oll1ple ted n
\I'liu lla\'e
recf ·irt·, l
0 7 11 17 0
0 0 0 0 li 0
7 10
Cll\1)'S e uf
C,'rti lit'll t<:".
instrllc lillll, Xlll':;ing.
l:;t ..li(t : Nursing,
FOIL\L\.TIO,\ ()F I!JO.j I L79 31 T
1 9
DECE:'I[ llEll,
"[·(' ~i«h' Il(.
IIis Honol .J1r. Jutiet' William',
M,A., LL.)l.
\ i ('C - "I' ('~ hh' n( ~,
The Right Hey. Bihop .Teyill D.ll. 1\11'. Johu Robert .. , (;,,)1,0, '
Rev . .lame Gibb
( 'ha iI·lllllll.
Colollel " Talc '.
Hi , IYor'hip the Mayo!'.
Jh'lI II I J -('hail·m c n.
Dr. 'W ill.
SC(' I·etnl',l' ;\1141 TI' e n;,IlI'cr
X 0, of Certificated Pupil' who haye recei\'ed Medallion ~ren.
I Women,
or ( ' enlre .
Mr, W. Livingstone', Royal Tel'race, Duncdin.
Audited and foulld correct, Christchur,c b, February 16th, 1900.
who ha\'9 r er-ei\"e,l Certi licate ,
FOl'lllCll L91.
3 ]0
1.. 10
Statement oj Receipts and E'pcnclillGJ'ejoi' thc yea,. cildinl} Deccmbcr 311, L"ng, E,I'pcndiLul·c. Receipts. To· Ba]i:tnce from 189 £2 16 9 By Printing allll Acl\'t'l'.ell tising , ubscriptions & Donations 36 4 0 " Material SoM ,Lj 33 11 1 :DIaterial purchased " Olass Fees " Cla.'s Expen es and Oare20 0 0 " taker's Fees " Nurse Register . 9 3 10 0 " Invalid 'Transport Fees 4 Examiners' Fees 7 67 1 " Cash for Medallions 7 7 14 0 " Medallions bought " Contribution to Fund from " Postage~ 4 . " " In valid Tran 'port, cn'it:e ·18 2 2 0 Tai Tapu Branch 5~ Ricearton BraJlch 1 1 0 " ,'eerctul'y's Sa.lary Geraldine Branch o 19 0 " ChecJut: " taltll's Ullll " Dank Charges , 0 Balance at Credit, },(,l " Dank Book :W ---t:201 £201 16 2
Ilon. ,\ .. «li I 01' •
.J I1'. W. A. Fa ,tier.
238 AN
iU etlical Staff.
Mr. John ,V. Anderson, M.B., C'.:.\I. Edin . Mr. Wm. Allan, M.B . , C.::II. EJin. Mr. L. E. Barnett, F.R.C.S., L.n.c.p. ' L on ., :.\LB., C.:I!. Ed In. Mr. W. Bro\\'n, M. A., ::ILB., C.::I1. Edin. "'rr. TIT 1\ \\. J . Ca tt an, :.\f.Il . , C.::1I . E Ll'In. Mr. Robt. Church, :lLB. and B.Cll. K ew Zealand. :111'. J. O. 010 ,M.D., C. ::I[' Edin. Mr. D. Colquhoun, M.D . , :'\LR.C.l:'. Lon. , M. R. C.S. Mr. G. A. Copland, M.D., New Zcalalld, M.R.C . . , L.n.c.p. Mr. B. E. De Lautour, lII.R.C... Mr. A. Douglas, liLA ., M.B., C.l\! . (Edin.) Mr. Jas. Fitzgerald, fiLE., C.:.\I. Edin. nIr. \\T. A . Fleming, M.B., C.:.\L Edin . Mr. R. Y. Fulton, :.\Ln., C.:I!. Eclin. 111'. A. J. Garland, lILR. r.s., L.ll.C.P., Edin . Mr. H. Harding, B.D. Cantab, M.n.C.S. Mr. W . Hislop, "I.E.C. B., New Zealand. Mr. T. Hocken, lII.R. C.S., F.L... 1\1r. R. Gordon Iacdonald, L.R.C.P. Edin., L.F . P . S, Gl asgow. MI'. T. G. McRellar, :lIoB., C.M. Edin. :nir. J. Macpherson, :II. B., C.:lL Edin.
Hi. Hon or :JIr. Justice W ill ia11l fl
:Mr. D. Oolquhoun, M.D., M. R.C.P. The Right Rev. the Bi shop of Dunedin
Sccretary. H. Thoma .
Presiclent. V en. Archdeacon Gould.
V ice~ P?'Csiclcn ts.
Mr. H. Grenfell.
.Miss M. Bruce
Committec of Lhe Ocntra in submitting a rcport for another year, has pleasure in reporting that the year's work has vecll very. ati factory. Thi Oentre has now attained its ten th allni versary, and (luring the past year the progless has been steady, 0 that the suC'ce:s of the Oentre may he con idered assured. At fir t there \\'ere tho'e \\'ho lookcrl on the movement as a ]lao :ing fall. That there i .. nothing of the nature of a fall ill the exi tellce of ,'t. J oh11 Ambulance As ociaLioll may bc gathcred from the work the A I)ciation is rloing not ill Otago, but all over the Briti h spcak ing world. A rcference to the following report of a . peech by Loru Ranfurly, a I(llight of Ju tice of the Order of t. John, will giye ome idea of the work clone hy the As ociation. luce meeting yon at lhe lit. l annual meeting the Oommittee haye held 1Il Dunedin, ill the eOlln try, and in Oal1HLl'l1 hranch, thirteen ela:;se for in truction in fir t aid, aml in n\ll'sing. 'J'he OOlllmittee would take thi' opportunity of plu.C'ing Oll record their obligation to the sC I'cml 111(,lli<.:al gl'lltlellH'll W}IO h!1.I'e condnct (1 the lectul'fs, and al 0 those who untlertook thc eejually anluow:; duty of cxallliller of the cIa se', and e pecial1y for the cheerful way in \1 llil:h Lhey aecetlecl to the 'oI1lIlJiLtee'· wish. 'J'he llutie of the lecturer anrl ex(tllliners cntail considerable tro1l1Jle and time, an(l the examiners of the country c:la'ses have often to tral'el c01l.'iclerable di tance. to condnct the exa1l1i nation .. The attemlanec aL the Dunedin cIa ses \\as :2:2-1. Therc were be 'ide a great lllany who were llisap}lointe(l in l10t gctting ticket'. The applieations [or member. hip were a in the last ycar, greater in numher than the Committee coulll undertake to proyidc for at the cIa' '(:' .. indeed, one of the da es, that conducted by Dr. 1Ilar hall i\Iacelonaltl, hall to be split into two, the dodor kindly ullliertaking to lecture to boLh. In the :lI[en'~ class WLTC a llltniber or mining student·, ",ho, lt is hardly necess ry to remind the melllher:, rel1l1ire to 1101l1 a t. John certificate before geLling their diploma. Therp. \I as abo he]ll a cln:. in conll'ctioll with the EnginCfll", to whit'h llrgeon·Major ,Yilllectl1l'l'll, and which was examined vy ?urgeon Lieut.Col. de LauLonr. THE
Ml'. R. McAdam, ::ILB. New Zealand, M.R.C .. Lon. MI'. ,V. J. Mullin, M.B., B.cn. Jew Zealand. Mr. J. A. Je\\'ell, B.~\.., :lLB., B.Ull. New Zealand. Mr. F. Og ton, 1II.D., Aberdeen lUI'. F. R. Riley, F.R.C.R., L.R.C.P., Lon. Mt'. 'Y. . ,V. Ruberts, :I['R.C.S. Mr. J . H. cott, :lJ.D. Ellin., :lLR.C ... F.Il.i<. E. Mr. ,V. M. mith, M.B .. n.cn. am. Mr. ,V. AI. ,tenhou e, :lI.D., C.:I!. Gla gow. Mr. ,Yo E. teven.,:lf. R.C .... , L.n.c.p. Lon. Mr.'Y. 'tewart,:lI.D.Glagow, L.n.c.p. Lo u., L.R.C.R. Edill. Mr. J a. utherland,::I1. B., C M. Edill. .1\11'. T . G. Trotter, :lLn. Edin. Mt'. J. T. Wait, L.R.C.f;., L.F.P.i<., Glasgo\\'. Mr. Jas. 'Vhitton,M.D.,Q.u .r.,L.n .l'.l'. Edin. :Jlr. W. J. Will, "LB., C.:lL Edin.
Life IUcmbcl' . •
CO?nmittee M esdames J. D. Grant and G. Hislop, lIIi s E. M cAnslin , 11e srs. W. W. Whyte. PAUlEItSTON OLASfiE . . -Mr. D. Rankin, Sec1·cta1·Y. W AIKOUAITI OLA. Es.-Mr. Thomas Pickup, Sec1·eta?·y. TAPANUI OLASSES.-!\1l'. D. Oolquhoun, Sec1'eta'ry. BALCLUTHA OLASSES .-Ml'. J. A. Harvey, Scm·clar!J. DUNBACK OLASsEs. -Mr. John Murray, Sec1'eta1·Y. KUROW OLASSES.-Mr. E. G. Hille, Sccreta1'Y.
Cl'lLChan a,nd
The Xur'ing '01'pS in conn 'ction with the Oentre continue. to do good \York. The mean it aflorcls those who han ucee' 'fully pa . ed a fir t aid or I1ll1' 'ing examina~ tion of keeping up their knowledge and pnwtiee i appl'eciated hy many, and thi' function of the cor p eaUllot hc too widcly known. The work tlone in thc llirection of affol'lling nnrsing Lo thof,e ill trouble wlto l'<tII110t proctll'e the ervice of a paill nurse, and who th('\1lscl\'es are not slIflieicllLly aU(luaintetl with the requircment of a icll:: bed, is of great henefit. ,uita1.J1c fooll for invu,li<l is provided, and the instructions of thc doctor, if onc be in attcndance, nre carricd ont. To Dr. Barnett, the hon. surgeon of the Ol'P, i' due thank for thc pain he lilt, taken in instructing the mell1hrr.'. The Men's Oorps also ,dfol'tb the opportullity of priwtice to those who have taken a COUl' e in nmbuJallce. Th ere nrc (;on!:ltanlly al:citlcnL' OCClllTiug in which the knowledge aCl1uirCll by the memhm'!:l is invaluahle, if only to ec that llO mi,tnkell treatment of thc suffcrer i applictl beforc Lhe arrival of the doctor. Dllll ellin and it· vicinity have fortunately not been visitcll by any grea,t ca lamity 'uch n a 'crions railway accirlcllt; but if c\"e1' snch an accident should OCClll', a llumh er of 1I1 en from the Oorps will be found ready to act Hlltl er the ill tl'uctioD of the lloctol'!:l. Th e Ollmarn Brau ch has startell a Oorps, tllld through the Jihelulity of Lhe peopl
240 of that city in providing funds have procured an Ashford wheelecllitter similar to the two cxcellent ones in Dunedin. The Committee is plea ell to be able to tatc that exce]Jt on tbe occa ion of thc l)J'ocuring these litters-the one for Oamarn and the two which have <lone con iderable ervice in Dunedin (or some years-they have been abla to proyirlc a large Dum bel' of ambulance appliances throughout the pl'o\'!nce without asking for allY monetary aiu from the public. O\'er £10 has becn spent iu this \\ ay clnri!Jg the year !Jow closed, The Oommittee is under obligations to the Oity Oouncil and Fire Brigadc for again giving the n e of the hall for the purpo e of conducting the mcn's da s; to the lIon. Auditor for auditing the 100ks ; and to the Pre. for it.· heal ty support in the good work of the .A.' ociatioll, A Ooncert in conLJection with thc Oalllaru Dranch of thc t, John Amlmlallce Brigadc was held at the Theatre Royal, Oamaru, Oil :March Hlth, anLl ,,'a a huge Sl1cce. Loru R'lnfnrly in the cour e of hi remark., ,lid: "In nothing diel he "take a greater interest than in the t. John Allll.mlallce Association. The A'sociatioll "had teen tartecl at an early clate-900 year.' ago. III Olle of two challlllers ill an "arch in London the fir t ,,'ork in conllcction ",ith thc t. John Amhlllallcchad l'een "clone, and to·clay, in that identical chanlber, onc entering the door "ouM li11c1 ,'il "Herbert Perrott watching the anangemen t, for anel d~spa tch of the alll huh lll:C store "for South Africa. He would probably be l1nalJle to "peak to or e"'11 sec a yi"itor on "account o( the \york that had fallen 011 thc Order ()willg to the war, It ",a~ cnriolls "that, as a ho l)ital cour e was the bcginning of thc A ociatioll, 0 it is slill of f,lIch "a, 'istance in 110 pital work; and ,,,hen there was an increa,ingnecessity for ll1Cllical "aid it wa to thi Order that the public tllrned, In nearlye,'ery town in Great "Britain Xursing AssoC'i.a.tiOllS and A3 ociations to aid the wOll11uellltaJ beell formcd, "and offered to llelp in the time of ncen. Hilt the Govcrnment IH1<l elcemNI it "necessary to organize into 011e complete Llepartment all thc e ol'ga,l1izatioll~ allll113.rl "bolmcl them togcther as the Red Ol'Q.'S , oc:iety undcr join t clirectioll wit 11.i oint fund s. "fhe t. John Ambulance Oreler had now 9,000 men and 2,000 llllt' cs ccrtificated a,' "capable of aiding the disa1led. III October an ordcr had bcen given to organize a "hospital train, and gentlemellieaving goorl )lOSiLiolls had gonc to the. eaf of ,,'aras "bearers, and ill allY capacity in which thcy could give aid. Halftlte stafr 011 the "Prince of 'Vales's ho. pital ship had been i>llpplierl hy the, 't, John 11.mhnlallcc. ,0 "complete were the arrangcllients at the hont that \l'hell Lord l\Jethuen "'it,' wOUllrle(l "he aid it was a pleasure to know how well the WOllllClpd were treated. Thc llIell ,,-ho "went out therc eliclnot remain in the ba 'e ho 'pitals, They had cXl'osell tllClllse!yes "to fire, for our enemies had not respected the termsof tlteGcl1cva OOllvcntion, an(l ",'ome of tllem had lost their livcs in tbe fiell1. 'rltcy llad brave J1len in the arlllY, "bnt there werc bravc men ill the medical staff too. lIe hopcd that the A 'sociaLiOll "that had fot' 900 years clone such good work wonld continue fot' hUlH.lretls of years to "rIo it, ancllllight it never lJe less flourishing and do less work than it ,,'as iO-llay "accomplishing, "
241 I 'lrttement oj Receipts awl E.''jJenrlitu1·e, 1 99. E,cpenrlitu1·e. Eccci}ds, . £37 17 8 ToC'a'h in Dank and Oll hand £5 19 7 13y Gencral J£xpenscs. ,. C b s , , , 3-1 9 7 o " Memll( r~' "ubs., Ihln!!llin 5(j 10 :3 " Appliancc and Main tell\}ranchcs 9 Hi " .,
" Exa1l1,'., Yolnllteers ~Iellallioll P<WIl1l'llt' ., "'llllclries. •
" lIcarlOCll tre for nledal1ions " Blliallce in Bank.
H) 17 li 0 o ---£116 1:3
12 1 3 19 5 0 42 2 10
£1-16 13
\\'. LI\'I~(;STCLr,
T1'eas., Dunedin Gelltrc,
I herehy certify tllitt I lilwe exam.illell the Ihlance heet, and haying c:ompare(~ ~t ,nth the honks amI ,"oucher,', ftnl1 It a tnlp. awl correct statement of the Oentle aCCOllll ts, W. A. F \STLE1:, HOil . .Auditor I~ ~o.
~ 0,
of :\1.;11 \\'1,0 ha\'c l'Vl"'i ,'ell Ccrti licates.
~nr,il\!::. i-;:( .\T.l
bL Aie!'
1st Aiel. I Nursing.
~1);l'E FIII:~LU 10.
Xo, of Certificated Pupils who have received )Iedallion .
who hn"c received Certi [icates.
"Ollr:-;c of
1st Aiel.
of 'Yomen
I Women,
I-; 1 99. Hi8
5 26 lOG~~~~~----~--~---95 I 50
P,·(' ).ich' ll I.
Hi" Wor hip lhe Mayo]', ::\11', K Docknill. '\ i(·(' ·J>,·c',icI Clll s .
)lr. J, B. Roy.
Mr. H. Brown
( ·... ail·ut:lJl of ",-('('uliY c . )11'. II. DCll1pey, ( 'hail'llllin or ll('411<:al SCalI'.
lIfr. F. B, IIutchin Oil, ~l. H,t'.S, K, 'J' ,.(,:\" 'U·C I'.
illr. H. '1'. Aim;\\'o1'th.
L.n., &
Q. l', 1'.
lIOll. Seca·Clary.
It'·. lilar), Oolli '
AXNTAL REPORT. Ix presenting the first Annual Heport of ihe 1 cw Plymouth entre the Executive are plea 'eel to . latc that good ucce~s ha 11 ttelHled tIle year's c!['ort. At thc Anllual Meeting, hcld 011 1I1ar(;h 30111, the 'cel'etary was a1l1e to report 121 succes ful calldillates for certi!icatcs and l1lctblliollS, ~ of II'hom were of thc "ew Plymouth classes and Frankly Road ,'u 1l-secLioll. a lll i :39 from thc clas e of thc iulallll town, Illglewoocl, tratfOt'lI, anLl ElLham. OJI J all unry 21th ll i Excellency the Governor ancl Lady Ranfllrly llOllOlll'ed New Plymouth with a pcciaJ visit for the pnrpo e of
242 presenting the certificate. and medallions in the Theatre Royal. In IIis Excellency's address he was pleased to say he hadneyer known a more uccessful first year's work in any centre. As part of the programme, after Lady Ranfnrly hacl graciously pre ented the certificates, the town m embers gave a stage pre entation of a street accident, and the Frankly ltoael member, a bu hm en, of a bu h accident from a fallen tree, which was most effective and in trllctive. Several cases of first aid rendereel by members are recoreled-notahly , one of a man who \Va seriously injured by a ga explo ion when a i ting in laying a street main. Fonr or five of our members, working neal', ba.d renderecl prompt and efficient first aid before the arrival of the doctor: who complimented them on their ·kill. Th e knowledge gained by m ember. ha al 0 been of incalculable yalne in the country districts, wh ere accidellt are 0 very frequent. The Commi ttee are al 'o plea ed to tate that owing to the enthu iasm of the tratford Local, ecre tary two cIa es have been organized at Toko, six miles from tratforc1, from wh ere a m eelical lectUl'cr attends to instruct some 26 t udent. N o examination. for thi year ha,'e yet heen held, and general re uIt are not expected to be 0 good a la t year, llwing partly to the far-reaching efi'ects of the, outIl African 'YiLr, ,Yhich ha 0 c1istractecl puhlic attention. The lecturers this year have been Dr . Hutchinson , :1l'Clelancl , H ome, and ,Valker for New Plymouth , anel Drs. Paget, Carbery, allnder, and Harri son for inlaml town. . Th e finance of tbe Ccntre are in a ati. factory tate. The Committee are gratified at the election as life member of Dr. Hutchil1ol1 , \\h o is still taking a very active intel'e t in the moveme nt, and ba s ju.:t conc1Ulled another COluse of lectures to a third veal' c1a .
To " " " )) ,,
Statement of R eceipts ancl E.cpendit1tl'e fOI' year ending lJIarch 21st, 190(\. E ;ependiturc. R eceipts. . £~9 13 1 Donations £5 2 6 By Goods Advertising, Printing, &c. 10 10 0 7 13 0 Class F ees 22 J 5 11 " ' ecretary, expense. opening ~ ale of Goods, &c. 0 5 0 " couJJtry clas , postagcs, ancl Loan of Charts, &c. stationery 3 19 11 Presentation Evening 15 3 9 Iedallio!1s olel • Charge for keeping Banking 5 6 " ACCOllut. 0 10 0 Expeme in connection with Governor's vi. it for Presentation of Certificate. 9 10 6 and Medallions 6 5 l\1 edallions 2 10 8 Balance
1·I·C;o,i(l c' llt.
IIi E xcellen cy the Right HOll. the Ead of Ranfl1rl.)', K.C.~LG., Governor of New Zealand. , ' j ct' ·I·l'e .,i el t' ut .. .
J. Johnston. Mr . Mrs. T. C. William .
His Lord 'hip the Bishop of 'Yellington. Hi Wors hip th t" layor ur W ellin gton . Major-General chaw. ( ' hail"lll:tll.
)11'. H. II. See( 1. UOll. \lIclit OI·.
'. P. ro"les,
TI·C'a.,ul'(' l· aue!
~ t' C· I · t'tar).
1I1r. ·W. B. Fisher, Oovemmellt 13llildings. :l1c' c1 it'a 1 :o.;t a fr.
nIl'. G. E. Ansoll, "Ln., B.t. (Canta1,.), 1>I.ILl'. s .
Mr. W. A. Chapple,
~f. 11..
D.P .lI.
1111'. 1\11'. Mr. Mr. 1111'. Mr. Mr. M1'. Mr.
T. Cahill, ~I. D. (IreI., Mell . ) H. T. Da,,,".oll, ~L P., l. ~[. (A1H.~t'( 1. ) C. 1\1. Dawson, ~!.Il., ('.~l. (Ahe1'<1.) ,I'. Fell, M.D . (OX011. ) w. K. Fyffe, \1. n., M. JU'.;; . D. GouH, L.H.C'.r. (Ec1in.) O. D. UC:'1lry, M.1L, J).l'. (Ca ll tab. ) II. R. Hath erley , L. It.c.p. (Edin. ) A. G. Harvey, ],.I~.C.l'. (LOlll1.)
)1 1'. D. P. J amC'. , F.R.C.;;. 1\1r. D. G. John.·on M.D., l).M. ( ,In g.) 1\1)'. A. Martiu , ~r.ll. ( Lnllll. ) 1\11'. A. '. :Jlilne, L.H.C.1'. (Edin. \ 11. J. :JI. Ma~ ol1, ~1.11., L.R.C.P. (ErlilJ . ) ~lr. II. Po1len, ~l. n. (Dub. )
J. Purdy, ~!.B., .~r. M)'. I r. D. P erry, ~1.ll.C'.::;.
)lr. ill. W. Ro " M. n., l'.M. ~Ir. G. R. -'aund el's, L.U.C.P. (LOlll1.) 1\11' . .J. Teare, J.P., 1>L n., ClI. U. 11'. 'Y. Young M.D. (Edin.)
No. of WOlllell
No. of Men
who have who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificater. a course of instruction. instruction. let Aid. I Nurs inp;. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
who have received Certi fi cates. 1st Aid. I Nursing.
No. of Certificated Pupils who h,we received Medallions.
I Men.
I Women.
AN" ... JUAL REPORT. entre lluring the pa~t sen on ha been vcr)' sali factory; there has been a marked increa:e in th e J\\lllllHlr of tu(lellb:l a' (;ompulc(l with previous year ', allll renewed illtere;;t in lh' lloing. o f the A.'socin.t ion gen 'rall T h,, ' been noticeable in every t1irection. In We1lingtoll Dr. Pllllcll lectnr II tn 30 men on first aid, and 16 passed Lhe examination l'omlllcte(l 1)), 1 r. Young. Dr. Jamc lectured to 36 111em1, r. of th. 'ivil' ' l'\'ice Corps allll Pelone Ka,'u] Artillery Volunteers, a.nd at the su1)se(lueut examination helll by Dr. Cahill, l ' pas:ed. Th e Commissioner uf Policc (1\1 r. J. B. Tun bridge,) arranged to ha, e all Police V Probationcrs and scven),l CO il tahles , 11llll1hel'in bo ' ill the aO'O're OJ 0 l1te 70 , inll'l1ctetl under the auspices of Lhe Association ill first l1i(l, mHl tlll'l'c eoUl' es 0[' lecture were giYCll by thc Police-Surgeon, Dr. Teare. Thesc m ell were cxaminell by 1)l'il. Chapple, Young, and MarLill, who certilletl tha.t 52 were cnlitil'tl to certifiCl1tes, 1111d. it is satisfactory to learn that seveml haw sneccssflllly applil't1 their lmowlellge for the benefit of snffercrs. Dr. T eare also lecttU't'tl Lo tt class or 15 1l0n-COlllJl1i, 'ioned Officers, and men of the pel'llHtn ' nl <1.rlilll'ry, 13 of' whom went UJI for examilll11ion under Dr. Young, and pa 8ed in the highe:L order of mcrit.
'l'UE work of the Wellington
244 The A.'hforcllitter located at the Hramlon treet Fire Brigade Station has been used sever:11 times during the past year for the transport of sick and accident ca e . Your Committee de ire to give l)l'ominence to the following extract from the N Gw Zealand Times of the 14th October, 1 99 :-" The di tres ing accident which befel the man Mulvaney in Willis treet ye tenlay afternoon, wonlu have aC]'ol'de(l any of the by tander , had they been pos es ed of cven an elementary training in first aid work, a splendid opportunity of doiug good ervice. nfortullately, 1l0lle of them appearerl to knoll" what should be done in sllc;h a ca e, with the 1'e ult that the man, ue pera tely inj ured a he wa, was allo\\'cd to remain lying Oll the ground , bleeding profnsely, for fnIly fiTe minutes before surgical a i tance could 1,e procured, Had anyone appliecl pre ure to the femoral artery of the injnrcd thigh, the fiow of blood would have been checkecl, and the chance of future reco,"e1'Y renueredmore probable, The member of the Police Force arc all ' uppo e(l to be acqullinteu with the qldiment of first aid, lHlt in this instance there \\flo no con table 011 the cene until after the doctor ha(l ani veLl. The incidell t serve to once l1lore demon trate ho\\' valuable such knrmlerlge i to e\"ery memher of the com· munity, a the necessity of putting it to practical u e may ari e at allY moment. Though the t. John Ambulance As!;'ociatiOIl has been doing capital l'l'vice for 0111e years pa t, it is ob"iou that much yet remain to be deme before the public is adequately instructed as how to act in uch an emergency as occurred yestcrday. ..it the inclncst Dr. Ewart said in evidence that if anyonc had been prese11t at lil'st who understood fir t aiel to the wounded, .Jl11lvalley might have been savcd by imple pl'eSSlU'e of the finger." One of il' John Furley's horse ambulance!;, for the C011\"cya11c;e of 'ick 01 injurcli pel'son has been ol'clet'ed from England, at a co t of about £130, tOWtll'll which ~1r. J. B. Gould, late, ecretarj', collectetl £109, meeting with kindly support from lllany students past and presmt, whil ·t merchant nrms, corporate bOllics, mellical men, and other, , also gave practical help ill thc 'hape of subscriptions. Your Committec confidcntly anticipate that a branch of the t. John Ambulance Brigade for m en, and a :Nl1l'sing Dil'ision fDr women will lJe established ill ,\T ellington during the ensuing year, to ena1,le member to meet together for amblllance practice, with a view to concentrating their efforts )71'0 l.tlilitate
Your Comm ittel' regret that OWlllg to hi.s removal Lo Auckland, tl.ley lta\"e 10, t the service' of thcir enl'rgetil.: Secretary, l\lr. J. B. Gould, who mil ~le :l1ccEl.e(lecl by 1\11'. 'Y. B. Fishel', Cor several years honorary sec retary of the Dun~llll1 Centre. In ('onclll iOll, yom COJllmittee strOllerl,)' rceomlllP11l1 all cxa1111l1ee' \dlO arc entitlell to certificates not to llcglect the pra.ctical \\'ork illn tratccl by lllcll11Jers of the meuieal profession, as by keeping up regllltlr or periodic practisc they not only. t~n(l. a better chance of ohtainin!j the AssoeiaLion's me c.Iullion at 'llbs~(l.l1ent re-exa1Ullla· tiOIlS, but they are nl.·o hetter (lu,tlilied to more sl~lifnlly treat all lllJUI'ell per 011 when called upon to act ill a,llY cmergency that lllay al'lse,
BalclIIl'r' Sheet/or'
endillU 31st OctOUCi', 1..:90:
E .''jJ(Jmlltlu'?'
To Balance 1'1'0111 pl'el'iolls year £:W 19 Dy Book, Hamper', &c., 7 Dons. and 'llhsl'ripti()llS . 117 ~ 1 Pnrch,~ '~d .. £22 11 ., UlaR:; Fec~ ,Yellington allci "Ache~tlslllg, Pnnbng. 29 4 7 V " Bl'<1udle'l 10" 'tatlolH'r &c .• , , 3.,.) , ) , of' 1 19 ti '. I, 0[' l' 101"c 33 1') ROll ts l · '1 elephone II b .. , ,1 e ) ( , , eX • • • E l't ]5 11 11 :' Examincrs' Fecs Prl'}H\ill . 3 3 0 ~lu;c;e~laI1c~ns 'Xllelll 1. me 330 , Refund Sec.' IIonorarium 10 0 0 "EXltlillnel'· Fees RepaId. " ,,:oIl'. ~llllld, • aJary au(l 50 0 Bomis . 160 15 7 ., Balance at Ballk . o 0 4, " 'ash ill IIanu
A url i ted all! 1 fOll ntl concct, Cll.\.RLE,' P. POWLE,', Auditor.
6th November, 1 9fl.
No. of 'tYumen
- - , - , - - - - - - No. of Certificated who have who have Pupils who have who have who have C01Jlpleted n received reecil'ed completed l'ccci vell eonrse of Certiticntes. [edallion . a course of Ccrtifieatcs. instrnction. instn1l'tioll. I cn. I WOri1eI1. 18t Ai!]' I ~lIrsillg. bt Ail!. ~1l1'sil1g. 1st Aid. I Nursing. }st AiJ. I Nursing.
'I' ~ Tl~E
hominwn. Your Committee beg to place 011 reconl it en'e of high appreciation of the support given to the As~ociatioll by His Excellency the Governor, Lord Rail fu rly, who h,lS been u1ll'emitting in his efforts to promote amblllanc· ,,:'n'k in New Zealand. '1'h(\ thanks of the COlllmittee are clue to members of the medical profe.'sion for the cheer. f111 amI 11nse1lish manner ill which they lmve forwarded the intcrests of the Association, Drs. Anson, Chapple, Cahill, IT. F. DawRon, C. lH. Dall' OIl, Fell, Fyffe, Hem)', IIatherly, Harvey, James, Johnston, 1Ilartin, . Iilne, nieLson, Pollen, Purdy, Peny, Ross, Saunders, Teare, and Young, havillg l,een cOllspic;llOUS in thi ·direction during the past year. Too 111 uch prai'e cannot bc given to Mr '. Yeates, Misses E. Da\'is, C. M. Il ector, S. IIitchcock, II. Stedman; Messrs. A. 'atterick, E. J. Jenkin, •'to Clair Jonnllax. ergeallt O'Donovan, G. J. Pettitt, II. Rcdmond, and F. H. Watts, for the assiLluons attention displaycd 11y thell1 for the good of the Association ",bile n,cting as honorary 1n'anch sccretaries, etc. A meed of praise is also due to Dr. Ewart and Miss Payne for al lowillg some of the nurses from the hospital to demonstrate the utility of 1Jaucl agillg, poulticc, anel bed-making in the presence of pupils, which was greatly appreciated.
I 356
11 L
ll'; DEl 'E:'IIIlE1:, 1 l1 (). ~Ot:
ARGENTINE CENTRE. Forlll (1 1 :'H7. 1·I·C ... i.I(' III .
lIoli. W. 1\ . C. na1'l'illgtoll. ( ' 11:1 il'lll:lH .
F. W. nneh.
J. S. Dillon.
i 40
246 UOllOl':ll','j'
Geo. Rankin,
('cl'c l a 1'.'1'.
C. H. ·Walker y Cia, Ditlue No. 3, Buenos Aires.
Formed 1
lU c clical S lalf.
II. R. H. Pri ncess Loui, e, )Iarchioness of Lorne.
A~ :\fUAL REPORT. Two dasse were held. during [the year 1 99-1900, one male and one female. In each case the lecturer and examiners gaye their el'vices free, as they have always done here. In "Feln'uary, 1900, owing to the extraordinary state of the atmo ph ere, there were an alarming number of cases of sun-stroke, and the re ources of the "Asistencia Publica" (the Government amhulance department) in' Buenos Aires were taxed to the uttermo t limit. The ~ervices of several certificated members of the 't, J obn Ambulance A. ociatioll and Argentine First Aid ociety ,yere gladly accepted, and one yonng gentleman who hold the certificate of hoth soci ties was even given charge of a ward after his fir t dlty' experience, and gave great sa tisfactioll.
' ·i ce·I'r(,"I id ('ut: .
His Excellency Lieut. -General George Digby Barker, C.13 ., Governor of Bermuda. Vi ce-Arlmiral ir Frederic: k BeMord, K. ('.13. {'hairlllau of ( 'OJlI1IlUt c(' .
His HOlloUl' T 1'(' :1 ., II1' l' l·
?Ill'. Gcorge
Dols .
Me sengers and postage~ CIa expen es Atl vcrti. 'em en ts Printing and stationery Draft to Chief ecretar)7, t. J,A,A" London, £4 13s. 3d., equal to
29 05
SUbSCTiptions, Active members Passive
5900 1000
Medallions sold Books sold Class fees
4050 65 10000
270 1960 600 1970
Colonel J amc eeil Daltoll , Captain 'Y. E. Meyer
)li· . .JIary Ann Tucker.
1: •.1..
MI'. Thomas M, Allan, 1I.D., 0.:lI. 1\11'. E. E. Brown, M.D. 1\11'. C. H. BllttCl' Iieltl, ?LD. Mr. John IV. 'anll, :lI.D. Mr. Eldon Harve.\', :lLIt,C.b., L.ILC.1'. .Mr. James R. Lr Touzel, :lLD,
38222 14115 50 20 Jon);" S. DILLON, T1'eClsw'CI', Audited lly F. 'Y. BACII, Ghainoan,
Jan, 1, 1900. To Balance in hand . Dec. 31. Annnal Snh-cription' " dlll'illg ycar ,. Ola s fees rceeind durillcr the year . .
3 11
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed received completed a a course 01 Certificates. course. of instruction. mstructlOn, 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Kur~ing. 1st Aid I Nursing.
who have received Certificates.
I .
1st AidTNursing.
1N"0. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.
Mr. Aggru Onterbridge, )LD, Mr. 'l'haddeus A. Outerbridge, :lLD. )[r. R. A. Packwood, :lLD. ?Ill', Ettorc arZana,:lL n. 11'. Dudley Trott, 1[,13., F.n,C.S. :Jlr. E. C, ·Wilkin on, :lI.D .
Statcment of neceipts alld E.,pend it II/'C for Y"(( J' cluliil[j 31.~t Decembcr, 1900.
Ca h in hand of Trea~urer 23502 bank, Ladies ul)" Committee 14720
50 20
and. 1I011ol' al'Y Scn· c lary .
Life .llc III l H' I·.,.
12598 6900
.U e cti c al S lafT.
Cash in baUl1 of Treasurer 15085 1st October, 1 99 Cash in bank, Ladies ub 14720 Committee
. Brownlow Gray,
imp.'oll, Hamilton, Bermuda.
Tl'eaSW'e1"S Statement for the yeM' ending 30th Septembe1', 1900. Receipts.
Vl'es id c llt.
1\11'. Herbert Pennell.
Mr. John O'Conor.
£36 GEOl1GE Examinecl and found concct. Ith Ji'eb1'tuwy, 1901.
E.I'llC ndit lue. Dec. 31, 1900. 0 By RClllittallces to 't. J obn's Gute for Litter, 'trctchers, toro, &c. . 0 ,. Exam i ners' fees . ') Freight hill for Litter, .... &c . ., PLtymell t· for Printing aIHl Au vcrti ing, 11 year - , Expcn e' " Trayelling tIming year of 'c<.:retal'Y and an Examincr "Incidental Expen 'es connected with la ' e , including Hent of Room, Payments [or lighting, &c., ec. " Po -Lage llnLI tationel'Y tIming yeur ., Balance in band. o[ rfrea urer ,)
3 1:Il1'1':'0~,
£22 1 10 330 1
039 1 11 £36
lion. Seaetctl'yaacl Tnaslll'el'.
J. H. TnrmNGIIAl\[,
1 3
249 ANNUAL REPORT. 'l'HE Report of the work and progress of the Centre incc th la t meeting in FebruarY,1900, howed that tllrce clas e -Olle nUl" ing and two fir.t uill-hn(l been successfully carried on during the pa t year, that a completely e(l:llpped alllbnlan~e litter on ,,-heels had been presentell to the Corporation of H,1l1111tOll, allc1 that III addition to the litter which is kept at the police. tation in Hamilton. th ere are abo for public 11 e three amhulance stretchers-one at ~he pol~ce t~tion't. George', Olle at the Flatts (Palmetto Grove), and one at the pohcc tatlOn, . Olller d.
who have who have who have c0l11111etecl a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instruction. lnstrnction. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. T Xllrsin g.
who ha\'e recei ,"eel Certificates.
1st Aid.
Xn. of Certificated, Pupils who han
I Xursing.
310 1. T
)[ en.
£13 14 PEltC1VAL CILUtLE8
Oc;tobcr 2;Zncl, 1900.
]'I·cs ic1 e nl. K.I.;\I. n.
, .icc' -J'l'('s ic1 c nl s .
His Honour Major-General Hallowe<;. The Archhishop of thc IV est Inrliei'. Riaht Rev. Cll:lrles COI'(lol1. Hon. C. B. .Mos~, C.D., C.;)f.n. (Chief 1Iedical Officer /. Lieut.-Col. Pinock (collllllamling R.I."!. ) Mr. E. F. 'W right (Inspector General of Police. ) Major Lees-Hall, ILA.:\f.C. The Worshi11ful l\Iayor of Kingston.
I'l'c),itlc nl .
1\11'. J olm 1'. Slllull.
Mr. Philip M. Bagg, ;)1.1:., (.M. 1\11'. James Ogilvie, F, It.L' .... E.
:Uajol' Geo. Scott, R.A . :\f.C. Mr. George Henderson, ;\1.D.
.d.:\lBEU, Tnasllrcr. OGIL\'IE, lIon. Secretary.
Xo. of Certificated \\'ho hay .. who havo \\'ho han) who have Pupils wllU have cOlllplete,l a cOlllpleted recci vcd recei\'eu recci\'ed COlli" 'e of a course of CertificuLes. Certilicatc8. Medallions. ill>; lrllctioll. instruction. 1st Aid. 1 r ursing. IsL Ait!. I XlIrsillg. 1st Ai,!. Kl1r8I1ig.~ l,;t Aiel. I NlIr:;ilig. ~Icll. Women.
Formed 1 99.
JlI cd il'a 1St a
C. .M.
ir Augustus Hemming,
Vicc -I'rc. itl c ut .
L. G. GUUCllY,Chainnan.
'" omell
No. of .Mcn
His Excellency
5 7 0 0 8 11
: 249 1 99.
£13 J.1
r~cejyerl )l ellalliuD~l
Statr.!IIumt of Receipts and Expeluliture. Rec;cipts. Expenditut'l~. To Contributions and By 'tores fron1 St. John's scriptiollS . £9 16 0 Gate . £5 " Class Fee and ale of " Books purcha 'cd 6 Books i3 1 6 " Balance in hand ;Z
N' o. of Wom en
No. of Men
and several other certifLcated members of the Association would have been prepareu to join a contingent; but the Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade replied by cablc, and snbsefJ.uently 1)y lctter, rcgretti ng that only mcmbers of the Brigade were aecepterl by the ,Val' OJllce. A 1ll0Veillent is 011 foot to formulate a Corps or Divisiou of the Brigaue iu the islanrl. The ofIicers aud COlllmittee tenuer their thanks to the medical geutlemen who have helu classes, and to the Militia and Mieo College authorities for the gratuitou use of their lectlU'e halls.
THTS brCLnch \\'as successfully inaugurated ill the month of KovE-ruber, 1 99, ~t a lJUblic meetillg, over which His Excellency the GO"cl'llor lJl'esi(lcd, awl ha. Sl:l.~e made steady progHlss. Classes have been held COlllllosed of lllelllbers of Lhc gel:u,d public and of militia, constabulary, aml fire brigade men. The knowledge gallled has been of great service, especially to the COll. t<11mlary men, who have on ~cve.l'al occasions rendered efficient airl to those suddellly ilJjl1l'ed 01' taken ill. All apphea~lOJ) was made by fifteen qualified candidates for service in the South African campaIgn
Judge Macdougall. .Mr. A. R Wilkie. Mr. C. O'Hiley. Mrs. Johu 1. Davidson. Lady MereLli tho 'I ' l'c a s IU'Cl'
Lt. -Col. .Mason. llOllOl':ll'Y
SCCI·Ct:u·y .
Mr. l!'. Fenton, 61, Charles Street
Lt. -001. Grasett . Lt.-Ool. 1\1ason. !lIn;. llclll'y amLhea. ilIrs. A. W. Ross. ,l l'Iis taut T r ca ' IlI'
t '.
Mr. C. A. IIodgetis. Lifc iUc mb c l'.
1\1rs. Henry Cam thea.
250 sc.:ttT.
Mr. Mr. II'. 1.11'. Mr. Mr. M1'. Mr. Mr. Mr. .Mr.
Roberts. Dickson. Garnett. Gordon. Greig. Hay . pragg. Bryans. Bemrose. Thorburn . H odgets . IIII'. Mcl\lerchy. 1111'. Davies.
Mr. Bingham. Mr. Henderson. 1111'. Wright Mr. heary. Mr. Fenton. .l\1r. Bruce. II'. Nathess. Mr. Grassett. 1111'. Ryersom. Mr. O'Rielley. .1\11'. Riordan. lUI'. Olarke. Mr. Copp . .!\II'. Myers.
A NUAL REPORT. SINCE the last general meeting of the Oentre on ovember 24th, 1 99, there have been held 4 first aid classes with 190 rupils, of whom 83 completed the t;ourse, and 68 passed; 2 home nursing classes with 40 pupils, of whom 37 completed the course, and 32 passed, and 1 first aid junior cla,'s with 17 pupil, of whom 16 COTIlpleted the course and pa sed the examination. Five medallions were obtained during the year. I SUE OF OERTI FICATE No. of Men
No. of Women
who have who have who have completed received completed a a course of Certificates. course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing' 1st Aid. I Nuraing.
r ll\1N UA L
who havc rcceivcd Certificates. 1st Aid.
:/lI en.
Superior Oilicer of the Brigade appointed lly II.R.II. the Grand Prior
Staff of the Districts
81 CE 24TH NOVEJl1DEH, 1899.
I Womcn
I 355 I 257 I
I NUrsing.
No.of CCl'tiU('aLul Pupils wll f) ha ve received M cdalliollti.
Chief COH'.missionor' . Report Deputy Commis ·jonel's' Reports: '2.) (
No. 1. District o. II. District
o. III. Di trict
1\0. IV. District
No. Y. District J o.
·10 .J.
VI. District
OolonialOorps 0.;
C01'7'ected to 111(U'ch 1 t, 1901.
of tbe :fJ3rigabe
Bppofnteb b}1 lb.1R.1f). the (Pranb
abief aOl1llllissioner. COLONEL C. ,V. B. BOWDLER, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of June, 1 9 . ~eNcaI
::; ::. :=',
t. .John of J erl1salem in England.
®fftccr in abief.
IR 'YILLTA I l\1ACCORMAC, BART., K.U.V.O., F.RU.S., Kni.ght of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. March, 1 96.
:IDepu t}2 aOllllll issioners, LIEUT. ·OOL. C. J. TRHIBLE, V.D., L.R.U.P., 5th Lanc. Vol. Art., Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. J ohl1 of J eru alem in England. Augn t, 1 95.
l\1R. S. C. \ VARDELL,
Staff of IDi5tricts. DISTRICT. No. I.
Total: One orps, with 3G Divisions and 8 .r ursing Divisions, 974: Officers and len, 135 "i'\ lHsing Officers and isters.
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of , t. John of J eru alem in England. Decem bel', 1 9 .
IrLBUR" LB., 2nd East Riding Vol. Art.,
E quire of the Order of the HospItal of t. John of Jerusalem in England. December, 1 9 . ~IR.
'V. VERNON, M.R.C .. ,
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J ern salem in England. July, 1c99.
:assistant COlllmissioners. MR. J. C. DERHAlH, Hon. ,erving Brother (If the Order of the Hospital of in England. April, 1 96.
t. John of Jerusalem
J\IR. T . H. 'VOOLSTO , E. quire of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. November, 1 96.
MR. F. D. MACKENZIE, E squire of the Order of the Ho. pital of ,'t. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1897.
MR. S.
Deputy Uommi.'sionCl' in Charye of District. L . PECTOR GR 'ERAL B. l:JrN IS, l.D., R.N.
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. August. 1 96.
Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. April, 1 98.
Metropolitan District. -Comprising the Metropolitan
Police area (parts of Essex, Kent, 1iddlesex, and Surrey).
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of , t. John of Jerusalem in England. Augu t, 1 9.).
District Chief furgeon A ssistant Domlni'sioner District Chicf SlljJCI'intendent District lIperintendent cCI'etary Di trid fllp Cl'inteJl(Zcl1t of ftores DistJ'ict -fujJuintelldelZt Treasllrer I
. O.'BORN, F.RC.S.
IR. .E. D.
i\IIL IV. H. MORGAN. MR. ,Yo H. ,VI J: Y. ~IR.
'. B. PIER.
Ddrict Supt. oj l'torcl) ('ujJemmne?'Lli'Y)
No. II. Southern and Western District. -Compri ing Berks, Bucks, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Kent,
part of Middlesex,
loucester, Hants, Hereford, Herts,
Oxforrl, Somerset, Surrey,
Sussex, \Vilt , Channel Islands, Isle of ''light, and
(Brecon, Cardigan) Carmarthen, Glamorgan, l\Iontgomery, Pembroke, Radnor). Total: 45 Divisions, 855 Officf'rs and Men, 144 Nursing Officers and Sisters.
Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital (If t. John of Jerusalem in England. November, 1898.
Deputy Commissione1' in ClwJ'ge of District
MR. 'V. VER JON, M.R.nS.
H on. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of St. J o11n of Jerusalem in England Decem bel', 1899.
Jerfgabe abief Superfntenbent. (With honorary rank as Assistant Commissioner.)
MR. W. J. C. BRASIER, Ron. Serving Brother of the Ord er of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1895.
outh 'Vales
A ssi 't££nt U07n7nissioner. MR. C, R. LAUlUE, M.R.C.S.
No. III. Central and Eastern District. -Comprising Bedford, Cambridge, Essex, H untingdon, Leicester, Norfolk, Northampton, R utland, Salop, Stafford, Suffolk, \Varwick, \Vorcester.
Report of the Chief Commi88ioner of the St. <?John Ambulance Brigade for the year 1899-1900.
Total: 8 Corps, 13 Divisions, 1546 Officers and Men, 163 Nursing Officers and Sisters.
Deputy Commissione7' in Cha7'ge of Dist7·ict. BRIGADE-SURGEON LIEUT.-COLONEL G. S. ELLISTON, V.D., M.P.C.S.
District Chief S~wgeon A;:;sistant Commissione7' Acting District Supt. Sec7'eta7'Y
]VIR. vV. E. AUDLAND, M.R.C.S. MR. T . H. ' VOOLSTON. Surg. Captain F. A. BROOK, M.D.
No. IV. North-Western District. -Compri ing Oheshire, Cumberland, Lancashire, , Vestmoreland, I sle of Man, .r orth \Vales (Anglesea, Denbigh, Carnarvon, Flint, l\lerioneth), and Ireland (Belfast). Total: 12 Corps, 35 Div isions, 24: ursing D ivisions, 29~O Officers and Men, 676 N ur"ing Officers and Sister.
Deputy Commissiotler in Cha1'ge of District: LIEUT.-COL. C. J. TRIMBLE, V.D., L.R.C.P. District Chief S~wgeon Assistant Comrnissione7' District Chief S~tpe7'intendent A cting District Supt. Sec. Dist7'ict Supe7'intenclent T7'easu7'e7' -
No. V. North-Eastern District. -Comprising Nottingham, and York (\Yest R iding).
DPI bY,.LincoJn,
Total: 6 Oorps, 23 Divisions, ] 4 ~ Officers and Men, 142 Iursing Officers and isters.
Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Dist'l'ict : MR~ S.
A ssistunt Commissioner -
No. Vr. -Comprising Durham, Northumberland, and York (East orth Ridings). rrotal: 1 Corps, 2 Divisions, 132 Officers and Men, 7 4. Nursing Officers and Sisters.
Deputy Commissione7' in Charge of Distl'icl. MAJOR C. II. l\humRN', l\T. B.
19th March, 1901. My LORD, I have the honour to submit my report on the Brigade for the year ending 30th September, 1900. As this report will not be published until very late in the current year, it has appeared advisable to bring it up to date in respect of matters of present interest. The most important event of the year has been the partial mobilization of the Brigade for active service in 'outh Africa. As the mode in which this was carried out has been fully described in my special report of the 2Qth 1ay bst, it is not necessary for me to do more than mention what assistance has been given to the Government since that date. Prior to the publication of that report, the Brigade had supplied in all 1313 men; since then 14 further contingents have been furnished, bringing the total number of men up to ] I regret to have to report that, up to the present date, the total number of deaths among the Brigade men employed in outh Africa has been 56. It is gratifying to be able to state that evr.ry call for assisLance that has been made by the \Yar Office has been fully and promptly met, and that most sati factory reports have been received from time to time a.s to the usefulness and exemplary conduct of the men on serVIce. In compliance with a request of the Military Authorities, steps are being taken to provide, for home defence only, five Bearer Companies of 5 men each, who, in case of mobilization of the Field Army for Home Defence, would enlist in the Royal rmy Iedical Oorps and be in all respects on the same footing as the men of the Bearer ompanies of that Corp, but each company would be officially distinguished as ,. No. earer Company ( t. J obu mbulanc~ Brigade)." The Colonial Office also has I cently applied for 50 men of the Brigade to be enlisted for 3 years in the onth African Constabulary. Although the work of supplying hospital orderlies for active service has been sufficient, and more than enough, to tax the energies of the officers of all ranks, the ordinary routine duties of the Brigade throu~h out the country have been performed with unabated zeal and wIth greatly increased fficiency, as testifi d in the personal reports of the Deputy Commissioners in charge of Districts. . Owing to the necessity of my constant presence at head quarters, It wa impossible for me to hold as many inspections of Corps ~n.d Divisions in th e provinces as I had intended, but I was able to VISIt several units in different parts of the country and was in each case thoroughly satisfied with t he state of efficiency to which t hey have attained.
256 , The usual ambulance station was furnished at the Royal Agricultural Society's show at York, from June 15th to June 24th, the staff being sent down from head quarters and the rest of the personnel (4 men and 2 nursing sisters daily) supplied by the Hull Corps. In compliance with the wish of the York Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association, three local ladies who hold first aid certificates were inviteu to assist the nursing sisters of the Brigade. The following local medical gentlemen very kindly undertook to at Lend the station daily in turn, and their services were most gratefully appreciated by the staff and members of the Brigade on duty:-Drs. Evelyn, Foster, Hood, Long, and Metcalfe. During the show, 77 cases of a more or less severe nature were attended to. In consequence of the pressure of work in connection with mobilization) it was found impracticable to hold a Brigade Conference during the past year, and for a similar reason the competitions for the Dewar Shield and Symons Eccles Cup were postponed. The recorded strength of the Brigade on the 30th September, 1000, was approximately 8738 Medical and Ambulance Officers and men, and ] 526 Nursing Officers and sisters, an increase of about 1940, as compared with the total at the same date in 1899. As many new Divisions have been formed since the close of the past official year, it may be assumed that at the present time the Brigade numbers several hundreds more than is shown in the District returns. During the past year the following promotions were sanctioned by H.R.H. the Grallu Prior :Captain C. H. Milburn, M.B., from Acting Deputy Commissioner, to be Deputy Commissioner, o. 6 District. W. Vernon, Esq., M.R.C.S., from Acting Deputy Commissioner, to be Deputy Commissioner, No. 2 District. As, in my special report on the mobilization of the Brigade, I bave endeavoured to bring to notice the most prominent services rendered by members of the Brigade of all ranks in the interests of the country, of the Order, and of the Brigade, in conneetion with the war in onth Africa, I will content myself with taking this opportunity of thanking the Superior Officers for their continued and increased devotion to their important routine duties, and for the assistance which they have always so readily given me in carrying out my own j and I would also assure the Order that at 110 time in the history of the Brigade have the Medical, Ambulance and Nursing Officers, and the members of all ranks as a whole, been so zealous as at present in the performance of their self-imposed duties, or so ready to fulfil the requirements of their voluntarily. accepted discipline. I enclose the reports of the Deputy Commissioners on their respective Districts. I have the bonollr to be, My Lord, Your Lordship's obedient servant,
Chief Commissione?'. To the Right Hon. Viscount KNUTSEORD, G,C.M.G., Director and Chairman of the Ambulance Depa?"tment, O. S.J.J.
No. 1. District . COhlPRI.'H\G THE METROP()LITA~
Deputy Commissioner-Inspector-General B. KIN", IS, M.D. District Chief SIl1·ycon-Ur. •'. O:-;BOl~N, F.R.C., . Assistant COlILrILissioILer-'Ml'. F. D. MA('KEKZIE. District Ohicf !:Jupe/'intcl!clent-Ur. W. H. MORGAN. District Snjlcrinlelldcnt Scel'f'lal'!) nIl'. '\\'. II. \\rI:\~Y. District Superintelldent of Stures ~lr.~. B. PIEJlS. Distrid Snl'CI'i,llcildCill 1','['(18/,,"'1'-111'. '\\ . R. ED\yAJ:D~.
R._- .
District Supcrinlctl(lcll1 of Stut'c' (. 'lIjiel'll1JiIle/,(lrv)-;"lr.
'O;"U[l.-' IONER.
IIEAD-Ql:.\. [{
''I'. JOIIX"
1st Odobr:l', 1900. Sm, The most important e"e11t of Lhe yt'ur tel'llJiuating 30th .'eptembcr, 1900, ha been the 'eledion an<hlespatch of ol'<lerlies to el've ,,·ith the Army ill outh Africa. The nUll,ber of mell .npplil·d for thi. pm po e from No. 1. Di trict 11a not reached a yery high percelltage, due in a mea. me to : 1. The ma,l1 arca cOllll'J'i-.etl ill the Dislrid. II. The good \l'age:-; earIJerl by the lllpmhers as a 1Ioc1y. Ill. The lllell selected heillg limik<l to the vOila fldclllember of the Bri(fade uttthe time the applicatioll was rpceiYl'tl froJll thl' authoritie~. recruiting for the front not being l'esortcll to in any casc. The work, 11o\\e\'er, tbl'o\\'n npon the DisLrict ,'btff ha' been out of an proportion to the numbers \\ho volunteerell, from the fol1O\\'ing causes, viz. : 1. From 7th I ovelllber last to catIy in ,July alllllen awaiting elllhal'kation were billeted. fell, and clot.hed at hea<l-quarters. II. They wcre maclc to aLtellll ledurcs. and in tructed in nm. ing duties, in which nhjed they \\cre examiucll aml eertillC:ltled. III. They \\'ere ill:;trnctcll an(l eXl'l'cise<l in COlllpany aml tr'etchel' drill. I V. They were 111a<le practically aC<luailltell with barrack life. pieket, and guard mounting. These Juties were almo. t l'n til'ely Ulllh'rtaken by Di 'trict Head-llnnrter, taff. Now as the llumLer of men who pa.-'ecl throngh our h<trrack" wa over 1,500, it "ill he readily uuder. tooll that the amonnt of work \'ohmhtl'ily t1IHlertaken l),}' tlH' Di trict taff was eI101'1110I1S, Mr. 1Il0rgttl1, Distri('t 'hier 8npel'illtcllliellt, practically li\ing at St. ,John', G,tte from ovemllcl' Lo .Tuly , allli as this olllcer ha,d hi:; regulur dutie in connection with the I nvalid Tnl.1l spol't Service to attend to llaily, thi. extra work was done .trLer offie h om., extell(lillg rar int o Lbc night, aml occasionally into the early morning. In n,rlditi OI1 1 I1M\' mention that the laborioll lluti e in connection with .the outfitting uwl issue of stores \\ ere ullLlel'takcll by the Di:trict Chief Supenntendent, a si. tecl by Mr. . H. -Pier, Di,tl'ict "llperin trndellt of. tore" und wer~ cttlTietl llut in a most exclllplnry manner. Employrd an da.y in his prii'ate clutIe , 1\11'. Pier devote(l his eveni ngs ttl1<l night to a' i ting in fitting ont the nnmeron. contin gents, :mtl h n.,l it net h('en for his COil tant. attendance, indefatigahle en ergy, aml keen hUHille in tinct and capac ity, a hrpuk-LlowJl might httve occulTed. I l~ave much pl ea urc likewise ill m enti oning npcrinte llll cnt 11 0L1g~on, uper~lltcnrl ellt Pontin , upel'l1ulllrntl'Y Omcer Vilven and IIfl 11ctt, and Lacl), 8npeT'111tenc1rnt Mrs. Bra sicr, the Nursing Ollicer ', aml OJl1C member' of the t. John 's Gate Nm:sing Division, n.ll or whom work d nninterruptcdly and cl1 eel'fnl1y at whatever (!utlCs they w ele called upon to p erform. I t~kc. thIS ?pportnnity or lllacillg on r0cord th e valuable er vice' renderrd by Dlstn ct CInef l1l'geon Oshorn . nnd IIOll. ul'geon , J. Brown und J. L L
25" Carvel. These Officers were either (laily or nightly occupied in giving instruction to the members of the various contingents between the arrival in Londou of the men and their departure for South Africa, and in holding examinations at the close of each cour e. For bu y profe$ ional men, such an expenditure of valuable time cannot be too highly appreciated. During the recent mobilization, 12 co~uses of lectures in nursing were arranged, and 14 examinatiolJs conducted; 690 canuidates attendeu, of whom 676 presented them elve for examination, the re 'ult being: Pas 'ed 62 , failed 48 . The following tatement will gi \'e the names of the medical officers of the District who in tl'uctecL the clas e and conduded the examination (in the latter they ,vere as isteel hy two members of tue St. John Am bulance Association Examining tafl'). It also shows the number of pupils lectured to and examined by each. N A)IE. LECTU RES. EXAlI! TN ATION . CO~~/·se~. iVa. PltL)ils. No. condl~ctecl. No. Pupils. Chief urgeon S. Osborn 5 150 Dr. J. :M. Carvell 4 396 2 51 Dr. J. Brown 3 1H 9 526 Dr. ~r. Coates"\ . J .A . .8... 2 ~ Dr. J. J. Marsh I Examining ""taff 1 17 12
Notwithstanding the heavy pressure of ,,"ork con elluent upon the mobilization of the Brigade, the work of the Di trict ha been cal'l'ieu out a heretofore in all respects. The general efticiency has been well maintained, and the record of puulic llnty compares most favourably with that performed in previou years. A larcre amount of public duty was performed in connection with the everal Patriotic °Cal'llivals promoted in variou parts of the l\l.etropulis on behalf of the vVar Fund. Duty wa performed daily during the holding of the Woman' Exhibition at Earl's Court, at t. Paul's Amlmlance tation each unrlay, and at the DUllean l\lemoritll Ambulance: 'tatioll .nightly. On ~5th June ( t. John' Day) a di play of amlmlance work was gIven before the members of tIle Order of t. John of J ern alern at the Charterhouse. ::'The competition for the Massey-Mainwaring Cup wa held at the Charterhon e OI~ 21st July, the team repre enting the King's Cms (G.N.R.) Division being the WInners. Three new Divisions have been formed:-Belgravia ur ing, Boro' of ,Vest IIam, ~wcl Causton's; but, on t~1e other hand, the following Divisions, owing to lack of mterest and c:ollsequent faIlure to carry out the regulations of the Bricrade and the tanding Orders of the Di trict, have been disbanded. vir.. : -:M idland R~ilway No. :2 and Oxford House. The Crystal PaJace District Ga Co. Divisioll, which was in abeyance for twelve month, has not Leen re-formed, and should therefore now be removed from the strength of the District. Thirty-eight D~vi ions have .u~en inspected, viz. :-twenty-eight by myself and ten by my ASSIstant Commlssloner, 1\[1'. F. D. Mackenzie ' and I take this opportunity of tllanking him for the able assistance which he'ha8 ·n.t all times b en ready to give me. Six Divisions were not inspected, owing to the du,tes fhed having to be postponed from various causes. Owing to the absence in South A~rica of the District Chief Surgeon, he was un fortuuately unable to take any part III the annual re-examination of the members of the Metropolitan qorp~; the following HOIl .• 'urge~ns, however, who kindly c~nductecl the re-exammatIODs, Drs. J esop, IYnyne, coam, :Main, Todd White, and GOl'don- Brown report most. favourably upon the efficiellcy of the Corps. The total nlllllller exal11111ed was: of Ambulallce Ofncers 29 nrsincr Officers 13 rank and file, 6).0,..aud nursing sisters 9J, making a gra~d totalOof 746. I~ the ambulance DIVISIOns 624 passed, and in the l1ursincr Divisions 106' in the former ~5, a~d in the latter only one failed t~ come up to the rerluisite stancl9.rc1. rr;he Supermtenclent of Stores, Mr. S. B. PIer, reports that all ambulance stores whlCh are the property of the D istrict, arc in good. order. The dutics of this department have been carried out by Superintendent Piers and the storemen in a most satisfactory manner. Sllperintende~lt Pontin, Cyclists' Division, assisted by First Class upernllmerary Dfficer S. H. Vllvel1, Second '2la.f-;s 'upernumerary OfIicer H. IIallatt, and Private
L. F. Hnymall, of tbe same Divisioll, have rendered great assi tame to the secretarial department of the District, voluntarily underLaking a consideraule portion of the dntie , which they havc carried ont n:08t satisfactorily. '1'he thanks of the Di5tl'ict are due Lo the Ma. tel' of the Chal'terhonse for so kindly granting the use of the grounds of the harterhouse for drill and competitions, a privilege which I trust may be extended to the District during the current year. In conclusion, I desire to cxprc::. my gleat appreciation of the willing and efficient manuel' in which the members of all ranks have carried out their respective dutie . I have the ],onom to be, ' iI', Yom obeclient Servant, BF.LGR.\."E
DCJ11Gty Commissioner, No.1 Dist;·ict. To The C0l11111is ioner, 'to John Amuu!n,llce Brigade.
:Members all duty:-- - I --Occa~iol1.
",,,, ;.., 0 :>" ....
'" 8 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _
2 2
6 6 6
16 Dec.
5 5
Mar. 14
15 22
24 29 April 10
13 13
t. Paul' Oathedral, The Ohurch Oongre s ThanksgiYing ervice .,. Guildhall Patriotic Meeting (•. African Orisis) t. Paul's Oathedral Festival ervic€ of the Guild of t. Luke Town Hall, ,Valthamstow, Guaru of Honour Ley ton and Leytonstone Lire Boat Demonstrations ... Ditto. Town Hall and on route Life Boat Fund Procession .. ... Waltham stow, Higham Hill BOll fire Boys' Fete.. . .. ... ... Vale of Health, Hamp tead Heath Bonfire Carni val ... ... .: Enfield Bonfire Boy' Annual Oarnival Lord Mayor'S Day ... ... ... St. Paul's Oathedral, London Ohurch Ohoir Assoc. Festiyal ... St. Paul's Oathedral, Special Evenincr Service, "Last J udgmen t" ..~ Albert Hall, Patriotic Ooncert in airl of Tran. vaal War FUlld ... ... Northampton Instihlte, Olerkenwell, Annual Oonversazione ... ... t. Paul's Oathedral, 1I1il. • erv. (0.1. V ) Ditto. ditto. Bromley: ;'outh of the Thames, Oross Oountry Ohampionship ... ... • t. Paul's Oathedral, Welsh Festival, Evening Service ... ... .,. Brixton Torch light Procession, Daily Telegraph ,Val' Fund .. ... Ditto. ditto . Woolwich & Blackl1cath, The Quecl;;~ Visit to Woolwich... ... Orystal Palare Grounds, • emi Oup Tie Football Match .. . .. Rotherhithe Town Hall, Fancy Dre;s Ball in aid of ,Val' Fund '" ... St. Paul's Oathedral, Passion Music Evening Service ... ... ..: Good Friday, Putney Oycle Track, Hair Dressers' Athletic Meeting Wood Green OycleTrack, " Gamage's Ra.ce Meeting
1 1
9 1
3 4
3 2
11 11
4. 4P
4 4
2 2
3 2 1
8 1
6 1
13 1
5 6
4 1
Gooel Friday, Tuf'nell
Park Baker AlIl1ualOharity ports T e- tn-l um (~l'oulllls, 13 " •'tamfonl IJ ill. Athletic ports 16 Eastcr i\I onda y) 13u tLer,;p:t Pn I'k 1 Blacklll'uth 16 " Bo:tall Heath ... 16 " Bro1l11(~y and Di:trict... 10 ;, Chillgf'l)rll 16 " ., , , Rising 8m1 " 16 " ., Jligh Beech 16 " IT UCkllC\' :D! itI''ihe,; 16 " 1J ,1111 pst!'lul Jlpath 16 " Prckha11l Rye ... 16 " \\'itl1s1ClHl l(~ lah 1 13,14,16 " \\T elh IIarp. IIl'lldoll 16 " ,Vemllley 1'111 k 1 Hi " \\'ol'11mooll 'C'rullbs .. 13 & 16 " ,\" oorl U r 'Cll Track, 16 " Ualllage's Haee Ml'ctg. 16 T'c-to-tI111l GroU111ls. " Stal1Jiord IJiU(Athlctic Sports) .. 21 Crystn.l Palace ~rollllds, Final Oup Ti ) Foothall i\1ateh .. May2&il We t Ibm, Torchlight Patriotic Procession ... I ... Review 1 of avn,l Briga1le ( Wl''it Enl]) 1 7 " " ( 'ity) 16 & 17 Forest Gate and 'tratfonl Torchlight Proees. ion ... ... ... .. 23 &24 Oamherwell, Dlll\\'ich ant1 Peckham TOlchlight Procc"si()J1 24 &25 St. Pancras Patriotic 'al'lli\'ltl June 4 ,Vhit-Mollday, Batter. ea I'Rrk 1 4 1 Blnckhealll " 4 Bostall IIeath ... " 4 1 Bronde}, lUl(l District ... " 4 hingfol'll " 4 " "RisingSull"& " Barki ng II orseP'<lc. 4 " " 11 igh Beech 4 1 " lapham 'ommon 4 " Hackney Marshes 4 1 " JIampsteall H eath 4 " Peckham Rye ... 4 1 " W anfl trn d Flu ts 4 " Welsh 11 !trp, UC'ndon .. . 4 " '''emhley Park .. . 4 " , Vor111wood Scrllhb .. 8 & 9 ShortJancls, Kent, Fancy F te and Military Toul'l111 111 en t .. . .. . Bro~.
1 1
3 13
1 3
Lj 7 :Ul
, 12
1 1 1
1 ]
10 9
:?6 '2 3
6 1
1900. April 13
5 1
1 1
3 1 1 1
5 21 9
3 :2
1 4
1 1
7 1
1 1
3 24
1 1
3 3
10 3 1 1-1 16 5 5 6 :H 6 14 4
7 3
262 MeU1IJCl'S
I'l bD
~c.> ..0 ""
Eo ~
H'~ §' en
Members on duty.
cl Ut;y.
~ai ~~ '"'V IS .~
.9 en
"'~ oS -
.. 0 0'"
19 & 20 20 20 23 25 to 30 27 & 28 27 & 2
27 & 28 30 30 30 July
4 5
5&6 6&7 11
12 12 12 14 to 18 18 1
18 & 19 21 22 24 &25
26 26 28 Aug.
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Ediswan and District Carnival for Reservists' ,Vives ... .. . .. ... . .. Hackney Carnival... Richmond Athletic Grouncl, Early Closing As oc. Sports .. . .. outh Wimbledon Carnival ... . .. Herne Hill Athletic Grounds, C. Sports ... ... ., ... Mildmay Club & Institute, Clubmen's Carnival... ... ... ... Jslington Patriotic Carnival ... . .. Harringay, Homsey and ,Yood Green Carnival . . . . . . . .. Ea. t End Carnival... ... .. . Clapham Com., Metro. Fire Brigade Revie,,' ... .. ... ... Wool wich, Royal Military Grounds, Patriotic Fete ... .. . .. Herne Hill, Printers' Charity ports .. . ... .. . Acton, Patriotic Carnival Poplar, PR.trioticTorchlight Procession Bow, Victoria Park & Poplar Carnival Fulham Carnival ... '" ... Wimbledon Horticultural and Cottage Garden Society's Exhibition ... Homsey, Crouch End and l\Iuswell Ilill Caruival ... ... . .. ... ... Royal Vi it to Ladywell Tottenham Carnival ... . .. Alexandra Palace, ,\Torld's Convention Christian Endeavour ... (daily) .. , Barnes and Mortlake Carnival Wimbledon Carnival... ... ... Southwal'k Park, Carnival III aid of funds for Widows and Orphans of oldiers and, ailors ... . .. Tee-to-tum Grounds, Mildmay Annual Sports ... ... ... . Old Kent Road, Trades' Procession .. . Marylebone Carnival ... ... .. . Barking, Children's School Treat .. . "y\T al thamstow Carnival & Horse Parade Wood Green Cycle Track, Albion C. C. Sports... ... ... .. . Bank Holiday, Battersea Park .. . " Blackheath... . .. " BostaIl H eath ... .., " Bromley... . .. " Chiogford ... . .. " " High Beech ... " , , " Rising Sun" " Clapham Common .. .
9 4 2 1
1 1 1
26 16
5 9 5
1 2
1 1
11 11
13 4 4 11
1 1
11 4
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1 1
.5E 20
5 2
5 J6
2 4
2 3
6 18
'00 ,...
'" '::l>' \>,'1:l
.-..., '" .~ ~
':'"i3 1;0
-1900 Aug. 6
CD t.> ;:J ~
- - - -1 - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1900 June 14
Bank HoliJay, Fl1lham Palace, West London TempenLnce Fete ... Hackney Marshes 6 " ... Hamp teac1 Heath 6 " Pec-kham Rye... . .. 6 " outhllelus Tem. Fete 6 ... " IV an .teacl Fla ts 6 " ,\'e1s11 Harp, Hendoll ... 6 " ... ,Vemhley Park 6 " ,Vormwo()(l crubbs ... 6 " An11 ual Outing Central 7 Chingforcl, ... ... ... ... Club ... ,V., Place, Langham Ha1l, Queen's 14& 15 .. , Zionist Ollgress . . . . .. ... Herne lIill, London Pre s ,'ports 18 18 lEah Beech Cycle Track, 'ycle Races . .. Sept. 4, High Barnet, B'unet Fair . . . 5&6 ... outhend-on· 'etL, Regatta ... 12 May 12 to Hackney Marilps, ricket ea~Oll ... Sept. 29 ... Victoria Park, 'ricket ea on May 5 to ,Yoman'.' ExhilJition, Earl's omt ... Oct. 10 ... Oct.l, '99 t. Paul's Am bl1lance tation to Sept. 30, 1900 Am bulance :\Iemorial Duncan do. ... ... ... .. tatioll
"" ~ as b '" oS '" 0
1 0 2
2 33 7 3 20 6 7 7
3 1 5 3
1 1
3 4
3 3 1
9 -
4 2 7
19 5
6 63
* On publicancl station llnty only, exclnsiye of cases attemled to by members llays.
17 9' 011
-".;::u: ~ rr.
of Division.
A§ 0
... ...
Di tl'ict Stat!' " .. Acton Division Barking Di vision ... . .. Bermoncl 'ey & Rotherhithe Diy. Boro' ,Vest H am Divi ion ... ... Bromley Division ... Bryanston " Cau ton's " Divi iOIl Children' Home .. Clarinco Divi ion ... Oycli t Divison ... Doulton Di vi ion ... .. . ... East Haw ... ... East London"" ... .. Enfield " ... ... Fulham ... .. Haggerston " ... ... Hampstead ", .. . .. . ., H arrow H ospital Satmday Fund Diy. King' Cro s (G.N.R.) " Ley ton & Leytonstone L. B. & S. C. R . (:N ew Cross) " " Merton & Wimbledon " North London Railway ') Jorwood " St. John 's Gate N o. 1 " No. 2 " t. "Mark's " SouthiHetropolitan Gas 00 , "" T ottenham&: H ampsteadJn. Ry. Toynbee H all " Walthamstow " W aterlow W embley & H a,rlesden ," Whiteley Barking Nursing Division " B elgravia Children's Home" Turs . Div. Ea t Ham Hospital, 'at. Fund " " Norwood ," t. John's Gate W embley , Wim bledon & Merton"
- ' tr. V. r.J:!
<l;:; 0
6 1
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 -
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 (1 ) 2 3 1 1 (1) (1 )
2 1
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
-. -
I --
16 1:2 9 16 13 32
1 10 37 29 15
52 40 4.3
20 50
2 1 2 1
Formed. I No. 19. 'tll .i\1etropolitanGaCo. Dec.5,1 95 20. Hamp tead January 31, 1 9 ~1. 13romley . April 24, 1896 22. Ho pital aturday FundJ lily 27, 1 96 ~3. - ol'\\'ood N ovem her 26, 1 96 2·1. Doulton . eptem bel' 30, 1 96 ~5. Tot tellham & H anl p tcar! Junction R:l.llway FelJl'ualy . 1 97 :J.6. Enficld . July 9, 1 97 '27. Acton )Iay 16, 1 98 2~. Hanow June 21, le98 ~!). '\Yaltbam tow. Jan. 5, 1 99 ~o. East Lomion . " 12, 1 99 :31. 'lal'l1ico March, 6, 1 99 3~ . Bennonclseyallrl Rothclhithe., 10,1 L 99 :3:3. ,\Yiliteley :JIay 4, 1 99 :35. Boro' of ,Yest Ham Dec. 14, 1 99 30. ,lllston Feh. 14, 1900
Dl\ 11'10\':-;.
1. Ohildren" Home. ~. t. John's Gate 3. vYemlJley 4. Barking 5. Norwood
Formed ..
Dec. 1. 1 no G. Jalllu\'ly~:3, h9:3 7. May 21, 1 (.1:3 1 ,93 ,9. JUlle 11. 1 90 I
Ho.pital atmday Fun(l July, 1 ,\\-iI1l1)letlonandMerton June 11,1 Ea.t l1alll :J[ay 4, 1 Belgravia Xov. 7, 1
96 9 99 99
23 -
.TUll e, 1 7 ~. Hacrger · t o n . Jul " 1 3. No~th London Railway April, 1 4. LeytOll amI Ley tOll. tone ,J uly, 1 5. Ohildren's Hom e December, 1 6. Oyclist MiLrch 7, 1 7. Toynl1ee lIall April, 1 Barking .Tan nary, 1 9. t. John's Gate 0.:2 Feb. 15, 1 10. t. Mark's March, 1 11. ,\V Gill bll'Y ancl lIarle (len illay 12, 1 1:2. Waterlo\\J llne. 1 13. King's ('1'0 s (G.K.R.) Oct. 1,1 1-1. Bl'yanston April, 1 15. Ea t Halll Alll'il ] 16. London, Brighton & onth Ooa. t Raihl'a) . July, 1 95 17. Mertoll & Wimbledon, ept. 14, l ' \lfi 1 . Fnlham 1\ ov. 13. 1 95 1. St. John's Gate :No.1
27 17 39 75 17
.!:3 31
- - - - - - - - - ._- - - - - - - - -
29 -
3 2
1~ I
14 :2l 15 25
<=: .-
'"...eo rr.: '"
1 1
. - ;>
~~ :u"-
..... OJ
5 1
1 1
;::l", rD'O
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1
• en ~~ '0.,..
~ '" ;::leo
91 .....
'"=l3 ';:: §
1 1 2
1 2 1 1 1
°5 -
~bJ) ::irD
t.= ~
2~ ct:5
'" '" -"vi f:.O .- '" ::> ~o
7 47
29 18 8 16
26 10 6
918 157
The honorary surgeons shown in parenthesis are counted in the corresponding am bulance Divisions.
[Foruml 16.5.9
'11).:-\ ' T \TIOX,
. 'V. JNC. Ry.
Honorary Surgeon .
H. J. Thoruton.
~I. R. c .. '.
Honorary S ecretary.
2nd Olass np. Off. L. ,V. Toller, Myra Hou 'e, ~5, .r ew~oll Avenne, Acton, 'Y . (Ill charge.) Ofliccl's 1. ,'up. Orl'. 1 . Pl'iyttte' 23. Total erfective :3;;. Increa: e since la, t report 1. Drills h eld 3. AYer(l,ge attendance 10. Ca e attendetlnot on puIllic duty 40. AllllUal re-examination, 2:2nd March. Memhe r pa~sed 10. Did not appear 12. 1\l edall iol1 11. elTice badges 2. Regulation umform worn. Material: 3 stretcher., am bllllllll'C ham pel'. and material. Divi iOl} supported hy North nnd outh , Vestel'll Junction Railway Oompany and by the members. '1'he Division ha made sati factory progre,'s, allll the drills have been well aitencl<:d. The 40 ca .es attended to by the members, whell not on public duty. have been J1I0l'e ?l' less sel'lous. The fil··t aid treatment receivecl the approval of the medlCal meu mto whose care the patients ultimately came. Dming the last three or foul' month' the ~1emb~l'S have been unable to take active part ill hrigade work o\\'iug to extra, (specIal) Tallway duty. This having been cOlllpleted, drill and practices will go on ~s l~SU~l. A l~rcre hall has been kindly lent for drill , &c. It is proposed that an InvltatlOll be gIven to the geneml public t o join the first aid classes, by this means it
is hopcd Lo largcly illcrease the me111hol'sIlip. Dnty 011 'plllJ.liC OCCI1SiOIIS, ~cLoll Patriotic CfLrllival and Lord lIIn.yor's nay. AIll1J\lIILIlCl', LatIOns: Aetoll, South Acton and Kcw Bridge. SLt'0Lchet' and lIHlLc'rial aL firsL twoHLaLiolls. .\1flLpl·inlOllly at last.
BOROUGH OF WEST HAM DIVISION. l FOl'lJlPcl 1 1.1~. ()!l J Honorary Surgeon.
In Charge.
A. K J\eIJlJ!:d), \I.IL(·.S.
To\V!'; II
Pte·. EIlllfl!"d .J. lJrc·\\". 8, Mayfic·lcl H(Hlr!
1. 02.]
Inspeclor of Stores.
Honorary Secrelary.
PlP. .... ,J. ( Ilalll !JCl'ii.
I'lc', ,J. C. TII!)IJlP~()II, :;0, lJl'IIf'lloll Rrmel . Plai-;lOIl", Eo
Honorary Surgeons .
F. Gihbclls, M.ILO.H., 11 . H. Pcrkiml, 1\1. 11.0.S.
J. Wells, LOlIglJridge Roa.!, 13arkillg, Essex.
1st Om cer. J llIll es C a I'lx: t l.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Secretary
2nd Olass ~l1p. Orf. John IN llel'.
2ncl Olass ,'Il]!. orr. .J .• 'iIIlIIlOllds, 9, 'n m hric]gr itoacl, J lal ki lIg.
Superintendent and Treasurer.
Officer? 1. ,'up. o fl". 2. Privates 12. TollLl effedive 1 S. Reserve memhers 1. Decrease hin('e Jast rc'port 1. Drills lIPId :32. A V!'l'agc attendaltce 4. 'ase8 aLLel\tlcd on jlnhlic c[lILy 4f1. 'a8('s flLLpllC]C'rI not 011 ll\lI~lic duty 300. Alll1l1al insjlc ·tiOIl, 20th April. ToLal Oil lJa!'<Lclp 10. AhSl'lIt With Ipave 2. \Vi thout leave 3. Annual re-eXflllliliaLlOlI , [jlh A]l1I1. 1011l11C'rs IHtsSf'c\ 11. l'.if'dalJiolls 12. ,'ervice lJaclges ] 1. nrsillg c'crLifiofLLes ] ,I. I pgl11atioll Illlifonn ,vorn. MaLerial: 2 tellts flllly Nll1ipppcl rOI ' 0jlell Spfl~:P dnly! a slrl'~('I.If:I'Fl, ~ ha vTesaes, 2 waLcr hottles, SpJill Ls, IJfllldagr.s, awl fi rsL :lIc1 llrCHSlllgH. \) l\'1~101i . upported locally. . . Tltc Division !la. ' a.tLclll1ecl for pllhllC duty tlpOl1 sCI'pr:Ll or.cnSIOIIS, :mtl ha~ rPJlcl Pl'c(l gooc1 service. The A1111JUlancf'., 'tati.)11 a~ ~1H' 1.3()rollg~1 l\Jarkei •.Solll}mrll'k, Iin s h~'nJl fOllllcil'ery llsefllllo 111a11Y patH'llts rpqu1I"lng 1lllllIccliatr. aLl'Jltloll, 200 en.sr·s ha YllIg 1leC' 11 irea Lec l.
Honorary Treasurer.
I'll'. Eo i\lc 'lIific,lcl.
Offic·PI'I. I'livall's 1:'. Tolal (·fi(·c:tiv!: 11i. AII'I:ng l' aLLc'lIchUI('1' 10. C.l C'!; :ltlf'lIc1c'cloll pllblic; dlll),2. Ca..,p~ attcllclc.d~ lIOt. .<J11 jlIlIJIIC dilly flO. Alllllwl 1'1' f'XIIII,jlllltioll, ,1111 Alllii. ~IPlld )I' l s pass(:d 1:,. Illflll(JL :1JJjj( 'ar I. ~II dalliol1s 10. ll i\'i~ioll sllpportc'" hy \'ulllillaly eOllLrillilLiollS illIIl 11J('IJlIJ{'rs' sIIIH:WI·iplioll:'. TIJC! lJivi ~if lli lia ' 1I11l Illadf' gI'C'aL jJ\'(Jgrc'ss dlll'ill" tli£' ,}'1'lIr, c)willg 10 lac·k of" /illll11C'i;r1 SIIi'PII!"l. Tlds is, Iicmpvc 'I', ill'prllvill" n alld IIII' lILIIJ.'lif'lcl UotlSf' UlJivC'!''iily ,'dUI'lfl(!IIL h.lls \"('ry I,<illdly Jd:lC:pd rl'C~" of' c'o>;l, UH·il' Inl'gt' Imll, I\l;d eO.III.III.lll('f' 1'111'111 ~I Ihc~ dl qllfl:al of 111(' JJiI'ISlfJII 10 ],c: IIsf'd as IIf'ad -' llIIHlc·l . Thc' J)l\'I~lOlJ IlIIs j1f!dol '~ lIC' d jllIl.Jw (lIlly al. tliC' /lCJlV alld nl'!lIJ1lpy ['1I1I'ir,1 ic' IJI'cwC's>;io lrs , t'yr·le Hjlorh, alld /1)0111:111 Ifl!ltc·llf's. "("\'c'l'/ll s(jlioll~ C'IISC'S lllll'" 1)('c'lI aLif'lr dpc! [r, lly 11J('IIr1IC'I':; ill UH·i r jll'iv:de '·IIj1I11·ily. J\lHIIY ('!lSI' IlIIvn \'<:PII ;dlc'l!tll'd II) Ilr 1111'111 hers Cbll:iug 1.lleil' 1'lIll'loY\JIf'lll ill t1.\!. 'J'llalll(,~ 11'011 WOlk!", WllUl . hllxl'o.; fJf 1~1'1;lillll ("'''' au Asllf()l'd IlIlc'l', alld II LI)\\"I!I(JOI' .J1lC'1·C'[ ill'l ·lalifJlll'(1. Vi'll\,; Ill'lcllG.
1I g,\I!.C
I· \ It II ,);
SI. 1.11\1,
Honorary SUI gcon. Superintend ent.
A. Salter,
F. G. ,\Vhitworlll , TI1I' :-)c:lt!fllllf'llL, Fa1'll('ollillC ,'trept, .J :tlIlILi('a ltd. H. K
1.'\ 1'; 111'1111'; ,
I. !lfi.l
111I!)\f 1."'\-
CCi.\I.I]fI., 1\ 1.1.
Superl n lendenl. ~. llawkill , 1':Lh( II" l'l Hl)ucl , I1I'CI\ 11 I".\", KCIlt.
,J. 11. rollalr" \1.]:.c ·... Hon . Surgeon and Treasurer.
I'Iai s t (1\\, E.
Inspeclor of Stores. ~lJd
p. 011'. • '. IIIIHIL
Honorary Secrelary
Honorary Secf'etary.
2nd OlasH Sllp. Orf. '1'. ,'allllclr'rs, Board, 'r:liool, \VCJhb dtrC'r·t, 11cI'1I10IIC1"lcy,
1st Ula, s Sllp. Ofr. II'. Fif'ld, fif, SlllIlllldlJlls ]{o;ld, BI'Ol11 Icy, KI 'I\!.
orl'.~. Slip. Ofr. 2. Pl'ivatc~s 2:1. Total CJm~ctlvc 2:~. Incl'!:ase sillee la!:!t report 4. lJrills 11(:](1 :~8. AVPloge al LeIIC1IL11C(\ 1r;'1. AlIl1ual illspection,22J1CI Jan·h. 'l'otfd 011 p:LJ'adc' 21. A hS!'lIL "ith lefLvc ii . . \\'i tllOut I~u ~r['. ~'. j\ 11 lIual re-examillatioll 2:1rcl J\Ju.rc:h. MC~ l!IhCJrs passecl 17. F'lliecl 1. SPIVJ(C lmclges 9. J{pglllaLioll (;lliflJnn WOl'll. Matc'rial::~ sLreLeIIC:r,'. Divisioll f;ll}l}lfl]'lccl I),)' 11 I f'lll UeI's. - The Division has lIHLd(~ cOllsideml)le progrc'ss dllrillg t1J(~ }last YC'fll·. A bazaar was helel, tlie· reslllt r!lIal)lillg Ule \)ivisiol1 lo jllIl'c:lwsc llllifo)'lllS for sonw fifLp£'lI IJlP.lllIJrr~. Therc has been fl. fail' illc!"cahe or Illcm\)"l'h rlllrillg LiJ!' jlasl yr'!Ll', alld Ilr~I)(: s I~I'(' c,lIielLainerl or olJi!Lillillg !"f'c·miU;. 1'1I1dir; duty was llllc1erLakl:l1 Oll Llic' (J('C'!ISI()II o[ till' local (';Jmivaloll I,cml Ma.yor's J);lY at Lllr~ lJlIlleall lC'lriorial, 'taLioll, alld 011 t!iP I()LUI'II o~ tile C.1. V. Scconcl Ola8s ~llpel"llUlllCl'ary Oflic'P!" SanllclC'!"s Was c;ullq,]llIiCJllb:c1 fOI cflir;ielli sel'viec rClIdc'red ill a c;afie of dl'OWllillg, tlle paLic:IIL hf'illg pvr:lIl I1!LIly rc:sto!"?d. ~1IJ!el"l1lllrlel'aI'Y OrTie'HI' Fowler has al~o 1J(;(;1I COIJlpliIIlCIIlr'd ro!" Ii i'! efJ'c'cLive llLlC'lILJOIl L!) u ca!:lC of fraC1111'C'.
(jflic·on;~. ~1Ii'. Ofr.:l. 1'l'imlC's :U. Tolal ·f!'t·dil·e "27. })C'I'!''':!. I' 'i111('1' lnst l'ojlOl't fl. I )rills hdd :JU. A vC'lage aLlC'lIrlulIc'C l~. 'ases :LtLclhll'.fl 011 }lllidic: dilly 1 I. Cases allplJeled lIot (Ill IJllhlil' dll( \" ~,t. .\lllllHt! Ill::ilJ('('lIOll, filii ,/Illy. 'I'olal 011 llamdf' I:'. All. 1'111 "ith If'Il\'!! 5. " ;i t},cl'lt II'al'e 7. AI1I1Un~ I'C' e~lll!lilJa.Li.()II, l!jlli J\lnn·h. \11 '11I!JC'I'l:i ]iflSSI'c! ~O. Ilid l1(Ji IIp[lc'a!' n. J\1c~chlh()IIS 11. ,'f·1'IIr'c·llltdgps 10 III IlIg c'cl'tific;alfs tU. ]{c·gulatioll lI11irOllJl WC)I'lI. ,\lnlnlal: (III(' Asld'on! littc·1' ill!! I (f'll's('ouie sll'debl"I' ('OIIl\lll'[P J lIIilil 1u'Y fltl'dc;lieI'8, :1 sllrgiral Ilfll'l'c'saC"s, alld wal!'1' bol II; •. , ~ tClIls fl.lul fljlpli:tllC'('S, l'ug" Ialllps, alld a c'ollljllf'l(' :lssorilllf'IIL of sl'lilils, .'Lldc·lIel's, de., fol' [Intdil'c. llil isioll f;UP]loI'L(:c\ l,y If)['IIIIICI'S alld voltlllll\l'Y SllllsCl'i]diollS '1'1 . J)" . . . l' . Il' . 1\ ISICI II lI:u; Illade stefuly jll'Ogl'l'ss fdLhollglt til(! 11Ic'lIil){'I'slIip has dl'c'I't':I.<;('d. ItIPc of thc' IIIC'lItiJPI'1:\ Wc·\'Cl HC'('cjllecl fol' dilLy ill .'011111 l\fri t'll. 1'1Ildic' dlltvlins hl!I'1I ~J"11J(ll'l'lakc'lI Oil thc: f(Jllo\l'i IIg oC'c:asi(JlIs, viz.: Lf)1'I1 Iayor':; ,hOl\ ,'olll h of lilt' 11l111('S 'I'(m~( . I'llP, I ,l. J' all I' s JIlll!l1 A 1 I1l1ll'(,,'lalwlI . \)tlll ' l'1L1l :\rl'lIInl'lfil . .. ,'Otll III'. Y '1, lallljJlOllS A I I1111l'(, ~tnLiol '1'1 1[111)\1 1" I .' I, IC WOIlHlll rS J'~x 1'1 II II't'lOll, I'~fLr I' /oj (JuurL 'alld Oll a 11 ll:tll II' o llnyf; III Ilrollilcy awl Lllo illllllc·diult' llc~ighboll:'hooJ.'
Insp ecto r of Stores .
2nd Clas "up. Off.
Hono ra ry Treas u rer.
Acting 2nd CIa up . Orf. F. W. ox, (in cllill'ge), 3, Leice tel' quarr, IV. C.
DnrinCf tIle past year the Division has ?Cell us fully and cOlltinuously employecl, 1 ving ~erfoJ'11lcd lluLy throughout the cncket 80a.'011 on Hackney ~l arshes. The I~'vices have h('on much appreci'1,Lcll, nearly 70 a~·cic1ents having bcen ~reatcd, and some seere of a sufficiently serious character to llec('ssltate removal to the mfirmary or to a ~octor's. It is also gratifying to. report that thl'ee members vol~mt~el'('d aud wcre acceptcd 1'01' service in outh Af~·IC~. Allhough the l~lembershlp. 1." sma~l, great interest i. taken in the work, and It I h01l('d that there Will be a consIderable mcrease next year.
Hon o rary S ecret ary.
2nd Class
up. OtT. A. J. Kemp, 10, Loftus Road,
CLARNICO DIVISION. [Fol'mcrl 6.3.99 .]
hephcrd's Bu h.
up. Off. 3. Privates 9. Total c(fective 12. Increase ince last report 2. Drill held 4.0. Anllual ill pectioll, 27th ,Inly. Total on para\le . Absent with leave 3. 'Without lean 1. Annual I'c-examinatioll, 20th April. Membcr pu sed 9. Failed 1. Did not appear 2. :i\Icualliolls Service badge K ur iug certificates 6. l~egulaiion uniform ,,"om. latcrial: 2 stretcher, 1 small hamper. Di"ision llpported by its lIJember . Little progre . ha been made thi year. Three HCW mem bel'S have been emoned. One I1lember proceeeled to. outll Africa. Duty 11a becn taken on Lord Mayor's Day, Bank Holiday, The Woman' Exhibition, Duncan Memorial Ambulance bltioll, t. PauJ's Am bulance tatiOll.
[Fol'med 14.2.1900.]
111d CIa
HE_\n-el1; ,\I:TEI:~: H onorar~
A. G.
,r. n.C'.~. Honorary
CYCLIST DIVISION. [Formed 7.3.91.]
llI .... \.D-I!LUnml. : ~T. JOII_-'S GATE,
II. C. IIowtlnl,
up. Off. 1. Privates 15. Total effectivc 16. Reserye members 2. Drill. beld 26. Average attendances 10. a ·c· attendcd not on public duty 30. Medallions 2. N nniing certificates 1. .;)Iatel'ial: sn PJllies of splints and bandages, Division's property. Divi. ion supporte(l by ir Jo eph Causton and ons, and members' contributions. As this Division 'YU only formed ill February last thcre i !ittl to report, hut progress has been steady alld members have been regular in their attendance. The new military stretcher drill has already been lllU terell, and it i hoped hefore long to augment the. trength of the Divi ion. Although membcr. have at prcsent haclno opportunity of doing public duty, they have rendered good scrvice in tl'catinCf a variety of accident which have occurred in the factory. 0
CRILDHEN"'S H())1E, Bo:::;cmn. ROAD, Lo:::;])o',
Ho n o rary S urge on .
1s t Officer.
Ho n o rary S ecret ary.
1st Class Sup. Off. R. J. Hayes, 13, ,'eWCLrustolle Hoad, Victoria Park, K. E. Officers 2 . • 'up. Off. 1. Privates 11. Total effectiye 14. Drills held 27 . A verage attendance 5 '3. Cases attendeJ on puIJlic duty 2. Case, attended not public duty 2:26. Annual in. pectioll, 21st April. Total on Parade 7. ~bsent WIth leave 7. Annual re-examination, 21st April. Members pas ed 7. DId not appear 6. Medallions 9. Service badges 6. Nursiucf certificatcs 6. RegulatlOll nniform worn. Material: 2 stretchers, 2 havresacs 1 b water bottle. 1 box. Division sllpported by members subscriptions. '
Honorary Surgeons.
Pte. W. JerYi.
• urg.-Capt. A. C. Tunstall, M.D.
Ofilcers 2. Pri\'ates 9. Total ffective 1l. Dccrea. e silll'p last report 1. Drills lte]~l SO. . A ycrage a ttenc~al1ce 5. ~n~~lal re-examination, 1.t May. :JIem1,er.' pas. ell I. F.~lllell 3. ~I~dalhon 1. U1 mg certificates 1. Rrgulation uniform \\ Mil. :Jfatcl'lal: U fir t-ald hoxes, :2 stretcher, 1 wagon. Diyision supported 1JY M ssr,·. Cltu ke. Kickolhl anel Coom b , Ltd.
(In charge.)
B. Jenning', ill chargf>. Claruico Work, Hackney Wick, R.B.
PriYa.te . '. D. John ·ou. :J0r!, Yidoriu Park Road. ,outh Hackney.
Hon o r ary T reas u rer.
1s t Offi ce r.
S UI-geon.
'. IY.
Honorary S ecret ary a nd Inspec t or of Sto res. up. Otr. IY. T. Gal'worthy, 139, Clapham Road.
IYIeK ,Yom.;:s.
.s ,
.1. BrowlI,
L.n . . ... , r:.~.
Inspector of S tores
\\'. ,T. n . Ponlill, 33, "'othehy l{oad, Highll1llT, ~-.
ur. 011. H. J. Hallett.
Honorary S ecretary.
lass "up. Ofl. 8. II. Yih L1l. I~, l1ighhul'}' Hill. N.
Ollieel's 3. :Sup. Of 1'. ~. Priwltes U. Total etl'ectiye 19. Rescrve melIIhcl's~. Incn:asc sincc lao t rcport .,j. Drills held ~3. A ver~ge attendancc n·3. Annual illspeelioll, 13th .luly. Total OIl pamele H. All C~lt WIth leave 4.. ~\.lllll1al rl'-examinatioll, l:t :Jla\. ~Iemhcr. pas.'cti 13. D1Ll J?-ot appear 2. ~IcLlalliollS 12 . . 'el'vice hallges 7. ~~Ul"illg ccrtificate 8. RegulatlOll uniform worn. D i yisioll .·u Pl'Ol'tcel l.y its 1llom hcr. ' . . . . Thc Divisio11 .·IHl\\,S a sub~Lalltilll incrcase ill member 'In)), ltlld wellmamtallls Its hi~h state of efficiency. Fewer (hills ha\'c heen helll than in l~reviol~s yent", but the average attelHIalll'e is c011si(lera1']), higher. A largc amollnt ot publIc ~luty ha be~n unoertaken, the aH wlunl'e o[ lIlt'mbers 1lcillg' \'ery g?od 01: all o.cca'lOn. p~cIal attention has again becn paid to eyclillg mcc mcetlllg;:;, llll'llllllllg those at ,\ ood Green, Chellllsford, Richl1lo1111 alHl Putncy tracks. Duly ha' (1:10 heen regularly undertaken at Earl' Court Exhihition allll the DUllcan MClllonal and t. Paul s Ambulance. tat ions, as well as 011 lllallY sl,eeinl oeca. ion:.
DOUL TON DIVISION. [Fonncll 30.9.96.] llEAD-Ql'Al:TElt.·: DOULTUN"':-; I :::;::;'lTITTE, Ihcm
Hono ra ry Su r g e o n. R. i . Rcill, ;\LB.
271 Supernumerary Officer in Charge and Honorar-y Treasur-e r.
2nd Clas. Sup. OIr.
. N. Bulcraig, 42, Tregarvon Rd., Olapham ComnJon,
Honorary Secretary.
Pte. H . Dance, 109, Hubert Grove,
tockwell, .
. I \'.
Inspector of Stores .
Pte. H . T . \Vyatt.
Officer 1. up. Off. 1. Privates 12. Total effectivc 14. Decrea e since ~ast report 2. Drills held 50. Ayerage attendance 5. Oa es ~ttend~d on publIc duty 12. Cases attended not on public duty 15. Annual lllspectlOn, 6th July. Total on parade . Ab ent with leave 4. \\' ithout leave 2. Annual re-examination; 27th April. Memhe t pa sed 8. Failed 1. Did not appea~' 4. Medallions 5. . NUl' ing certificates 5. Regulation uniforlll WOl'll. Matenal: 1 b'etcher, 1 surglCal havresac, 5 ambulance boxes. Divj ion sUllportecl by members and hon. members. Public duty has been undertaken for the fir t time this year on Bank Holiday. · on ~b.pham Oommon. A large drill 11a11 has been placed at the disposal of the Diyision III the :r ew I n titute built by the Doulton family.
Honu rary Su r g eons .
R. J. Oollier,
L.R . C.P.
Su p eri nte nd e nt.
J. lUdCettrick,
1st Offi cer.
E. Hodgson, 83, eventh A"enue, lUanor ParI;:,
Aunual rc·examination, 23rd 'lay. Members passed 23 . Did not appeal' 2. Medallions 7. Sen-ice badges 3. U1'sing certificates 20. Regulation uniform ,,"om. Materil\l: 5 stretchers, 4 havresacs, water bottles, splints, bandages, etc. Division supported by members' suhscriptions. Dlll'incf the past year regular weekly drills have been heM at Headquarters. The attencla1~ce has been sati factory and woulll have averaged more but for the members on service in South Africa, who, though carrieu on the strength of the Division, were absent from drill the greater part of the year. The equil)mellt of the Division has had careful atteution. It is hoped that a further grant of uniforms will be made shortly, wh.en the Diyision will ?e in n, p~ itiOl.t .t~ l)Ut four sqnads on ~uty fully equipped WIth all necessary appha!1Ces . . 'lhc Plvls~on has been. on publIc duty 27 times uming the PAst yec\l' as agalllst lllne tllnes III the prevlOus year; but the number of case aLtended to, while Oll <luty, shows a decrease of 34, which is accounted for hy the aU'cnee on leaye of the 'uperintendent for two months, during which time the members were attached, wllile on uuty, to other Divisions. The effective. trellgth of the Divi 'iOll shows a dccreAse of nine, accounted for by the carrying out of the rule by which all members not attending elI'ills are rigourously excludell. A ne\\' class for first aid is now ueing fornwel , from which anum ber of recruit may he expectell. A change ha.' hcen made by the appointment of Dr. Bernard ~lyers as HOll. lll'geoll: which it is anticipated will bc of material benefit to the Division. The Di\"i . ion elesirc to put 011 reco:ncl it. appreciation of the service. of 'eJ'geant.Major IV. II. 'lllith, an(l to thank him for a. sistance rendered.
In s p ecto r o f Sto res
A. A . Atkin.
ENFIELD DIVISION. [Formed 9.7:97.]
J. Brickell.
IIr~A IH~u .\l~Tt_ l~S:
H. Distill,
T . H l1l't len. Ofiicers 4. up. Off. 1 Privates 31. Total effective 36. tln~'eal e since last. report 5. Drills held 4.5. A yerage attenchtnce 14. Cn 'es a ~n ee .~ot on pub~lC duty 40. Annua~ ill ,Pection, 14th July. Total 011 pnrac1e 1 . A?sent ,nth lea:e ID. Anl1l:alre-e:am111at~01l, 30th March. Uem bcrs passed 23. DId no~ app~ar 1. lUedallIons.l (. ~ervlCe badges 9. Nursing certificates 17. R~~l~atlOn umform worn. Matenal: htter anrl box first aid material, 2 stretchers. DlnslOn supported by its members. . The Divi ion S!i1l maintain.s it~ strength and efficiency. The feature of the yeaL' IS ~he volunteenng for serVICe 111 outh Africa of even 111 em bel'S of tlw Diyi iOIl whIlst one member 11a been called out with the Royal Euaiueel's. The member'h~ve respo.l1ded well to the c~lls for public <luty. The littel?has been re(lniitioned b) th~ pohce on several occa lOn~, some of the members geDPrally being called u])on to. assIst . . The East Ham CouncIl ha\"e generon ly built a place for the litter ill the FIre Station erected at Manor Park.
B Honorary Surgeon . . E. Myers, M.D.
[:B onned 12. 1. 99. ]
IY HITECHAPEL, E. Su p e ri nt e nd e nt.
P . Hayman, ,LOIlg Lane, Aldet'sgate 'treet, E. O.
Hono ra ry Sec retary and Inspector of Stores .
2nd Class Sup. Off.
RO .m
Honorary S urgeon and S uperin t endent.
Hono rary T rea s ure r .
Hambmger, 1 , Brownswoorl Park, Green Lanes, :r
. Officers 2. Sup. oIf. 3. Privates 25. Total efl'ective 30. Decrease SlOce l ~st report 9. Drills h eld 47 . Average attendance 23. Oases ~ttencle~ on pubhc duty 18. Oases attended not on public duty 36 Annual lllspecilon, 11th JUly. Total on parade 18. Ab ent with leave 5. W itllo~t leave'fl.
n., IIoUwhite
Ins p ector o f S to r es.
Pte. '. :;\L
Honorary S ecretary.
1 t 'las.
up. Oll'. II.
. 'IIardllLan, Woorlbreigh, onthb11l'Y Roau, Enueltl.
Officcr 1. up. orr. 2. Privates 16. Total en'cctive 19. Drill ' held 31. A"erage attendance 11. Cases attendetl on public duty 7. Oa e' attended not on public elnty 19. Allllual in pection,2nd July. Total on parade 13. Ahsent with le'ave 4. I\Titholl t le:lYe 1. Annual re-examination, 9th April. 'ervice hadge 10. Member pas.'cd 11. Did not appear 6. r,ledallions 12. Nnr ing certificate. . Regnlation uniform wom. Material: 1 litter, 2 tretcher., 2 havresac ,2 water bottles, splints, and ha1ll1age. Divi iOIl llpported hy member' snbscriptiOlls. The Division continue' in a highly sati .. factory state as far a elficiency i concerned, but the tationary condition of the membership i most disappointing. This ifl in a great met\ nre owing to Lhe actiol! of the Local Coltlmittee for Oounty Oouncil Technical Euucatioll . For flOllle reason" fir t aid" lectures have been era 'ed froll1 their syllabu. The. uhject wa 1110 L popular, lhe attendance for everal years pa·t mo t gratifying, and the am bnlance lectlll'es were attelllle<l almo t elltirely by the cla. of 11eople for wh0111 technic:11 ('(lncation wa primarily intenuetl. Owing to thi nnt.owarel circulllstance the 'ullply of l' emits for the Divi ion 11a ' practically cea. eel. A lItter has been purcha eel dnl'illg the year. It ha, heen used fre1llleutly at dnlL, and once for tlle cOlweyance of a patient to the local ho pit~l,l. An" improvi ed wagon" has heen constructed; it i ' a simp] contrivance whereby wagon ,~rill can be learnt , a11,l perfol'meu most satisfactorily ill the drill-room. It partIcularly attracted lavourable llotice at th~ aUllual in pection. The lIon. urgeon woul.d be very glad to show it to lllembers of other Divi 'iolls hould they care to commul1lcate with him on the snbjeet. It can he madc at vory triflin c, co t. Each member of this Division 110W k~ows the" Omcial Drill Manli~ l "thro~lghout. Three member went to outlt Africa, two of whom hayc returned safely. The third hus determined to stay thme permanently. I
272 FULHAM DIVISION, [Formed 13,11. 95.] HEAD'QUARTER:
Honol'ary S urgeon.
E. ·W. Lewi ,
Hono rary Secretary.
Pte. J. H. Young, 17, Kinlloul RLl., Hammcr miLh, ,Y. Omcer 1. Pl'i"tltes 10. Total frcctive 11. Decrease since last report 2. Dri11s hcld 40. Average atlelltlancc G. enscl:; attcnded on pnblic duty 6. Ca ( aUl-ncleu llOt Oil puulic duty 30, AUllllo.l re.examination, 3rd April Mcmbers pa,ed 7. Did not appear 3. 1\l<dalliom; 6, ervice badge 7. urSillg certificate 1. Regula lioJ] u Uil'Ol'lll \\0111. 1\1 a IO'in 1 : 2 stretchers, 1 havre ac and 1 water tottle. Diyi ·iOIl suppolll'li 1 y I\Iclllllers' ub criptiOll . This Divi ion continue to do good work in the ill1111edialc neiphbourh Lcl, nlld 31 public dutie have beell pcrfolmed , inc1mling F oothal11\latrhe' al C7UCl'1\ 'S 'Jub, ,Yoman's Exhibition, Earl's COlll't, Fullwl11 C'an1inl (t\\ice), Ballle. Dllli\al (o lJce), t, Paul's AmllUl ance tation :1nd Lord 1\Jayor' how, &l'. Tl e Divi~ioll is ~omewhat hamperet1 by the fact that the majority of the member ' bcillg cmploycd 011 tIle District Railway a full 11111 tel' cannot alway ' be obtained.
Honorary Surgeon .
H. Bird,
II. II. Ilett, 3, !llansfinhl ,'trcct, King land Road, X.E.
)I.R . O . ~ .
Pte, J. Will, n, Malvcl'll Ron,rl , Da,lston, N. E. OHiccrs 2. 'up. Off. 3. PriYates :3.,1. Total effectivc 39. Decrease since last report 4. Drill held 36. Average a tiellllam:c 9'1 :3. Ca~c. attended on public uuty 60. Ca es attel1derl nut 011 pul,lic dllty 44. Annual in pection, 7th July. Total on IJarade 22. Absent without leave 1~. AnJlual re-examinatiol1, 2-±th Al,ril. Member passed 3:2. Diti not appear G, !llctlal1iolls ao. Sel':'ice badges 12. JUl'Sillg certificate. 9. I egulalioll uniforlll ""0111. Ialerial: 1 htter, ~ stretcher., 1 havresac, fir&t aid cabinet, anel 4 water 110ttle8. th Division supported by mem bers' subscriptions. Thi Diyj, ioll has been doing , ome very good \\'01'k this year. Duty 1,ayil1" Il-ell ~erforn]~d at Lord 1l1ay?r's., 'how, .DuBcan .lHe~lIorial Amhulance: , 'tatioll (1 lliglils), ."t. ~a~~ s .t\muu!an?o , tatlOn. (tWIce), Cllll1gfon1 (thrce Bank Bolitll1YS), Wo)]]an '~ ExlllbltlOn, Earl s Court (1 tImes), Na,val Revje\\' allc1,'t. Jolm's Day. Foul' of' tll o members volunteereu for service in South Africa. Th· 111 mhcl', have lreated upwards of 100 cases during the year, five of ",llic11 had to IJe renloved to tl.e lJo~l,ital on litter.
[Fol'lliecl. 31.1.96.]
Honorary Surgeon .
E. Jes:101',
Eo 11. Evans, 32, Iligh ,'LrecL, Iiallll'stea(l.
)1.R.C . S.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Secretary,
I'te. C. Osborn.
W. G. Rogers, 4 , Gay Lon Hoal1, IIaUlp~leaJ.
Officer" 2.
[Formed 21.6.9 .]
Honorary Surgeon .
E. F. \\' .
W. T.
Oak Lodge, Harroll.
Hon . Secretary.
II. ,Yatkins, FCl'llLIalc, l\.i 111 herley ROtH1, lIano\\'.
Ollicel's 2. l'rimtes Ii). Total effective 17. 'uses alLemlcll 011 pulllic duty 15. Co., es Drills 11e](1 41. AYl'l'nge ntlelll1tlllC' '. aLtcndl.d 1\ol 011 pllhlie duL) 2~. AUllUll1 ill"l'eLLioll , 21st 'cpt. Tolal 011 ]lanllle 9. Absellt with le,LVc 5. Withollt IPttl'l'~. Alillual re,pxalllillatioll, 4th May. Mel1lber~ passl'll . Dill nut appeal'·. ~letlallioll" 11. H 'nic<' Irallgl'ti G. ~Tllrsil1g cCl'tifi('ates ;3, RegulaLion 11lllf'()1'1ll \rol'il. 1I1aLl'l'ial: 1 liltel', :2 ,trelc11el's, 3 havl'l's<lcS, :3 lIalel' bottles, rugs, lIlaei11toshe!' ell!. Di\'iiol1 slll'purtell by mcmhers' sn 1,s('l'i pt io 11 s. The [)il'l:-;inn is llDing a goo,l (1 ~al or qui,t n. ful work locally, 111any minor aecillellt:; l'L'eeiving cflil!icllt lrcatllleut ill firsl aid.
Honorary Secl'etary.
Inspector of Stores.
1 t CIa s up. Off. '1'. Atterbury.
Incrca,so since last roport 1:2. Drills held 33. Averago attendance 10. AUllual inspl'cti()ll, :31st July. Tolalol1 Imrallc ~O, AlI~CllL with l!'<we 5. WiLhouL Icave 5. AlllllH1l l'c·oalllinuLioll, ~nd lila,)'. 1\1 'Jill> r~ l'a~se(l 14. Di(l Jlot appoar 4. Mella]]iol1s 7. ~el'\'ico baliges 7. NIlI':-.ing (,CI ti fica tClS ~. R('gnlatioll 1l11ifrJlll1 WOl'l1. 1\la,tcl'i:tl: havl'l's;tc, waleI' ],uttlc. 2 ~trctellCl's. lJi\'isioll Sllppol'te(ll,y 111(1111)(,],8. :::: Sillce the last report Lhere has 1,CCII all ill('l't'asc ill the strellgth of il)(:l l)ivif;ion of tOll momlJ('r.'. III July the IIalllpsiea(l Divisioll /01'l1lCl! a guard of h()lIolll' to 11. H.II. The Dllchess of Argyle on LIIl' oC'casioll (II' her \isi~ tu the West IIalll]lstpacl Town Hall for Lhe rli~lrilJllliull ol'cf'rtificall's:tIl(IllIeilallioml. lI el' Hoyal fli ghlless l'xl'res~od her plea 'lue at hel' I'cc('l'lioll. 'fht' ))ivif;ioll f;ellt bevell mell In South A!l'ica, alld rcgrets the loss uf olle from entcric fn' 'rat \\Ty nlJl'rg. Th o Divisioll ioj waking stcacly progress.
1. Privates
Total effective 31.
HOSPITAL SATURDAY FUND DIVISION . [Forlllcd J7. 7. 96·1 1l1 :.\lH1UAJ:n;w.;: ,j 1,
(; II \ y ','
I '\X
lto .\ D,
W. U.
Honol'ary Surgeons .
'1'. H. Ta) 101',
H. lngrnm,
1\. Abhott, L.lt,l·,l'.
\1. I),
A. H. Hlllldcll '2!l, Itatltholle 1'lacC:', 0\ tmL! .' treeL, \\'.
Inspector of Stores . 2nd C'la~s 'up. OJL J. Ulllrtly.
Honorary Se cretary and Treasurer.
1st 'las.' ~lIp. Ofr. R. W. ll ell(lull, 5H, l{,egilltt ROrlll, Tollingloll Park , ~. Oflicel's 4. Sup. II'.~. Pl'ivales '20. Total etl'eeli\'e 3~. Ill cl'l'ase silll'e !.tsL L"IH)I·I,:? ])1'111s Iwld 13. A\'el'ag<' atlolldal1(;L' 17. Ca e' aLLclldr(l Ull l'llblil' duLy '2u;3. RelilUvals '. 'ase' aLlenrlctlnot 011 puhlic (luly 3·1. Allllual illSPl'clioll, 10Lh Jllly . Total 011 l'antdo 10. AI!i:;Ollt \lith leave 4. 'W ithout leavc 9. Allllual rC'l'Xtlllliliatioll, ;}I'd July. 1I1l'II11H'r' pa"sl'd 21. Dill 11 lit appeal' cl'vil!P badge,;·2. i'illl'sillg l"ltifi'lItc ' 17. Regltiation uniform Ied ldliulls 1:. . \\'01'1l. l\lalel'ia1 : '2 LOllt , 7 strl'lchll's, i hal l'e~lIt:s, 1 HlllhllhlIJce slatioll box, 4 waLrl'l'l'UDf' slt 'eL:" ,1 rugs, 0 II I'l'l'eOals, 30 \\ alL!' l,ottle::;, large -Lock ur bandage', Gtc. Dil'isioll supported hy .'ub.'I'l'il,tilllls Ilild dOllaliun '. The Di \'i~ioll 1m;; illcl'l' ;(s:~rl Slllre lasl n ' l ,ort. Publ ic dill Y ha ' beeu u1ll1 'rta keu at Rcgeut's I),tlk, aL Harllet Fair, al tltl' "\\' tlsh lIul'p," Il ellllol1, 011 HIll1k IIolidny , IlalllpslOlt(l ll eaLh I 011 tire Utt1'l1i\'ttl, tith Nu\'" 18~)n, 'L. Palll~ l'as Cal'lli\al, t. Bl'lllcH IllstituLe ' PlH'I S alld Luudoll Pre'sH 'plll'lS ttt lI eme Ill1l , at L. 1':1\11's Uallll' dml, I ~al'l'::; COllrt Exhihitioll, I ~akl'l' Brotllel"s Churity ~ports ,ll '!'llfllell Park, COVCll t Garden lWcl 'l'ilallie 1ds Portcrs, Lonuoll, 'alelloll iall allli 'Itt pLon Football Clubs,
27,KING 'S CROSS (G.N.R. ) DIVISION. [Fol'med 4. 10.93.J HEAD-QuAnTEHR: E.ING'~ OROS.· (G . N. R. 2 TATION. Honorary Surgeons .
R. ~Iain, ~1.D.
J. Bl'lluton,
1st Officer in c harge.
2nd Officer and Hon . Treas.
<3-. T . Oooper. Dist. Sltnt. Ofiice, K ill!!'S Cross (G .N. R.) ,5rc1
olr.'p. J.
M.B .
H . E. Hankin.
3 rd Offi c er a nd Honorary Secretary.
cbright, GOOdR Department, G.
wom. Uatel'ial: litter, 5 stretchers, 4 hcwres;1cs, 4 tents, 2 folding berlsteaus, 2 folding chairs, 24 w,l,~er buttles, 2 folding tables, fi blankets, 5 waterproof sheets. Di vision supported by Its members. . The Divi 'ion has made good progre . dUl'lug the past year. Public cluty ha' been perforJllell on 'Wanslca(l F lats on all l~al1k Holidays, the H on . urgeoll trrkingme(lical chal'Ue of the station on each OCCft-'lOn. Dnty has also been perfonlleu at DUllcan Mel:orial Amhnbnce ,'tation, 't. Paul's Amlmlallcc . tation, Woman's Exhihition, Earl's 0 Hut, Lonl Mayor's Day, the Ohristia.n Enrl eavour Oongres!O at Alexandra Palace and at the outhend-olh Ica Regatta. Thanks are due to Bul't. L. McKenzie auu tl;e police for their assistance 011 Hank H olidays.
.H . , Finsbury Parle
Insp ector of Store s .
2nd Clas Sup. Ofl'. A. Badcock. ?fficer 5. up. Off. 4. Privates -:Ie. Total effective 57. Decrease lIlce I~ t l'epor~ 12. D rills held 59. AYerage attelldanc 15. C attended on publlC uutY.,60. Ca e' atlended not 011 public duty 400. An:~~~l iu pec~ion, lrtll Jnly. I~tal .on parade 21. Ab ent with leaye 6. Without ]eaye 3u . Annual re -examlllaholls, 1 t May 22nd May 19th eJ t 26th' t 1I1elllbers pa 'ed 36. Failed 1. Dill not ~]Jpear ')0 'Medalli~n' " 46 ep. bad 0' , n N' t'1i t 2 I:> < ~. • ,e1'vlCe be. . 1 unilllg cer 1 ca <- ' . :tegulation uniform 'yom. Material' litter tretcl.ler, hane 'acs, etc. D ivision sUPllorteri by members' sub 'crillti~lls ami donatlOllS. s ion regrets to record the l'e 'iallation of Hilt 'I' A P~' t .' fThe l ' Vi I \i-. . L I 0 I . . • n,1Il e1111 con e(1u~nCe o I1S ea\'~ng . OIlL OIl. . T he wembers, ill rccouuition of' his valllalile 'ervwes preseutee! Lnm 'nth n: te hm~nia.l on 11is retirement FOlll' mem bel' volunteered Ulll! ~'ere accepted for actn'e enlce III outh Af.'rica. 'rhe ~Iussey Main \VarinlT Challentre ~~) .au,t! the ~l~alle.nge Cl~P presented for competition on the GreaL ITolthe~ll D' ~~\\.a) .by thell ,ofticers of t~e. qompal1Y have lJeen WOll for the third tilJ1e hy tIle Cllll.on, me~11bel~ of th~ Dl~lSI?n repre cllting the Great Korthel'll Railway ompal:y: wele succes ful III 'HnDlllg the Rail \\ ay Chullencre hield Olell fur cOlllpetltion among all the railways of Encrland and ' Vale 0 Tl D' .1. ] uDdertalen d t t tl Al 1 P b < • Ie IVI 1011 Itt.' 11)7 a Ie I i exanlra alace, Woman's Exhibition EaJ'l's Court ' D Illlcall Memonal Alllbulance !:ltatioll, 't. Paul' Cathedral Haml) I H . tl '1 on Lord Ma)'or' D 1 t tl I l' , Ul( ea 1, all< 18 111gton, IIarrinaay HOl'll,'ev fLlltl ,rond Greell ay, a so a Croue)I E Jj( l 'Iud Marylebon C . 1 T t] "" J , forl1lation 2,63' . e annva s. 0 a number of cases attellded sincl'
HR.UH1U ,\ltTEW::i: LIlUDIIlTIYE 'YOllKs, NEW Cnoss, ,'.E. Honorary Su r g e on .
J. :'II. e,tn'ell,
It.{ . '.
Superin t e nd en t , Hon . S ec. a n d Treasu rer.
E. W. Tl't1llgllltl', Distriet Lucoillotive 'Ul't., L. B. &
.C. Railway, New Oro .~,
. E.
In s p ec to r o f Store s .
1 t Cia.' .'up. 011. J. W. real"on.
olike!' .~. 'up. orr. 3. Pri\'atC' 40. Total eJrective 45. Re.-ervc membcrs 1. Iucl'ea:;einee last report f>. Drills helu 156. A "erage attendance 10. Cases attelllle!l Hot 011 public duty 203. Allnual inspection, th July. Total OIlIl<tJ'alle 17. Abseut with lea,\'c ~O. Withollt leave '2. Annual re-examiuation 11th 'Jlal'l:h. ;)lemlJ2!'· passeu 25. Did not appcar 12. 'JIc(laliioll' 25, en'ice ba(lges :H. Itegillatioll uuiform \\'orn. ~lateritll: ~ stretchers, 1 ha\'l'esac. Division supported hy cOllcert' <llll'ing the winLl'r 1lloutllS. The Divi 'ioll h:1S maintained its position vcry 'ali factol'ily lluring the year, and lllllCh useful work Ita' IWl'll llonc, :20:3 case" IHtnng been treated iu aclditioll to tho e on puhlic dut,)'. Five mellllicrs 0[' the Divi iOll Yoll1utecl'ed ['01' 'e1 viee in outh Africa, and arc ,'till adillg <1" hospibl orderlies at the front. The 1l1elllhl·r.3 are now atteurling a CO~!l'se of ulll'.iug lectll1'c , whicl1 it i .. hoped will add to the pl'oticiency of the Di,·isioll.
Honora ry Surge on .
A. Todd-White,
JI E\D-Q'C'.\1tTEUs : ~L\.l:;O~[C II.uT" ~ [EllTOX.
1\1 Re.,'.
J. J . Ollley, Acol'll Vilia, Fairlop Rd., LE-ytor;stone.
.:\1. K. llal'grea ye ,
1st Offi ce r .
Pte. ' Y. J. Boul(l,
)1. D .
Hono rary S ecret a ry.
A. F. Paddoll .
Pte. O.
2nd Offi c er.
Pte. B. Green .
Ins pector' o f Sto re s
Ho n orary Su rge on .
Sup e rintendent and Honorary Treasure r.
Inspecto r of Stores .
[Form ell U..0.95.]
W. G. Magnus. Honora ry Secreta ry.
2nd Cla. s up . Off. H. Mar·ton 5 , ,Ieilly Road, Ley tOll tone . '
. Officers 4. Sup. oit'. 3. Privates 37. Total effective 44 D rills hel(l 31 A· tt I . Illcrea.'e smce last re llort 6 tt I J 1 . ' . .. ve l age a enl auce 13 'af:;es ~ elll ~ .OD. pUJ.IIC duty 40 . Hel110vals 2. Cases atLended )Jot Oll JllIL li c ~l uty l~llua IllspcctlOn, 28tll Ju ly. T otal on parade 31. Allseot with leave 11 ' ;IVltlhOlll~t ]ca\'e ~. . AlInna l re-exam ination, 1st Ang. Me muel's 1)'1 'sed 39' .Ll el a lOns 19. ServH::e LaJeres 12 N'.' 't'fi . ". . '" . nrslIlg ccn llcates 3. RegulatlOll umform
n. D,lrkel' (in ulta.1'ge),
39, H anly Road, W imbledon.
Otlieel" 1. ,up. 0[1'. 2. Pl'inlie' 27 , Total clt'ectiye 30 . Incrca;;c sillee la.t report 5. Drill' held ;);). Axernge atteudance 10. CaE' ascs attelllictl not Oil public duty ,,0. Anllual attellde(l 011 public uuly 20. inspectioll, iill Al1g. Total on paradp 1;). Ah,put with leave 1.). J . nnmtl reexamillation, ] Uth II uly. l\l em bel'S pa sell ~3 . Did not appeal' 6. il l ellallioJl' .16 . Sen'ie' baclges 1~. Xursiug carlifieate:; 12. Regulation l111iC01']11 worll. ~l atel'l~l : 4 stretehel'R, 1 slll'gic,Ll havl' 'sac, 1 fiel d ll a111p 1', ~ improvi cd havre'nes, 1 sta,tlOll water hottle, s!Jeet·, pi ll ows, lllall];:ets, ell:. Di \' i 'lOll n ppol'ted hy m 'mber . The [ll'ogrC!-lS 0(' the Di \'isioll contilllle. vr.l'.\' satisfactory, au(l the rLcoJ'(ls '!lo \\, mLlch useful \\'01'];: ftccolllpl is h etl. T he Divisio n lllllc h rcgrets t!Jc ~o,s 'lll't . Cltas. Orchard, whn resignell ill order to proceed with the I ll1pel'lnl \ COlllalll'Y
Hospital to S0uth Africa. During the year public duty lla been performed at the Polytechnic, Manor Olub, and Ohurch 1n titute Football GrolllHb, the Wimbledon Flo\yer hmrand carnivals, and the .i\[anor Farm Garden Fete and port . The Di vision has also performed duty at the Lord iIlayor's how, Duncan iClllorial tatiOl1 t. Paul's Oathedral, the Woman' Exhibition at Earl' Oourt, Temperancc F"te at outhfield , and on Bank Holidays at Batter ea Park. One hundrcd and. ix cases have been treated by the members of the Divi ion in their priyate capacity. In connection with the latter, it should be recorded that PriYate F. Palmer c01ll'ageollsly dived into the RiYer WandIe clothed j nst as he hurriedly lef L hi. \YOI k, al1ll recovered an Ulsen ible would-be uicide. Artificial re piration \\'a ncc('f)sf'ully resorted to by other members of thc Division. Private F. Palmer's action lHeS 1)(>('11 recommcnded to the l{oyal H umane ociety. The new head-quarters of the Divi ion at tbe Masonic Hall is now completell. The genero ity of the Pre. ic1ellt, iIlr. John Innes, J.P., in gra;;ting the Divi iOll the use or the ha1lC1 .. omc huilding if) l'ecorc1cll with deep gratitude; also the con tillued eWorts of Dr. M. E:. Hargl ea \'e /or the ad vaucemen t of the Division. In eonclu 'ion, the Di \-i~ion 11eg to eX]ll'cs its heartfelt thanks to their patron and ·lIb.crihers, e'pecially Lord Hathl1lore, Mr. H. Cosmo BOil or, ColunelllIitchell, .Mr. Eric O. Ham bro, )1. P., ancl others, for the practical intere t and ympathy in the work of the Di vi iOIl.
of the London Brighton & South Ooast Rail\\'uy Company, who placed at the disposal of the Divisiod one of the waiting-rooms weekly for <lrilll'urpose. The funds of the Division are vcry low, and subscriptions are urgently required for completing t11e e(luiPJ1lent of the Di~ision. Among the ~ascs att~lllled to when not .on public duty was one of a mall f,Llllllg through t.be roo t of the. o.r,)'stal Pal~ce tatlO~1. lIe had to lIe extricated through :L :;mall skyhgllt afLer lCCClVlllg first aid, and tIll ' was dO.n e to the satisfaetioll of th(' lllelliel.l mCIl who had becn called.
6. 7,]
Hon o rary S urgeons.
R. M. CoItiu, F.rt.C.l'. .'mg-Captalll H. R. ,'leman.
J. F. ,Yooels, ~!.1l.C.l'. J. U. "Moorc, ~L.I:.U .l' . J. C. }{ouml, )I.lt.l'.!-i .
Su perinte nd ent a n d Ho n . T reas u rer.
,y, D. Li(hlcll, "Be<lUl<l," .Mus\\'cll A\'ellne, :Jlus\\'ell IIill, N. 1s t Officer.
NORTH LONDON RAILWAY DIVISION. [Formed 1. 4. 90.] HEAD-QUARTEHS: Bow ROAD WonK, E. Honorary Surge on .
J. J. Dickinson,
'Y. J.
In s p ector of S tores.
)1.1L c .
R Di&ney.
Ho n orary S ecret ary.
HYl'Ons, 33, lIlanegar Road, 'W hite Po t Lane, :Jlanor Park, E.
Officers 1. up. Off. 3. Privates 2-1. Total effecti\'e 2<-. Drills held 36. Average attendance '3. Ca. e!l attended on public duty 1. Ca.!'s attellded !lot 011 public ~luty 6. Anllual illpectioll, 1 tll JUly. Tolal 011 parade 11. Absent WIth le~ve 13. ,'hthollt leave 11. AlllllULlre-examination, 11th July. MClllhers pa~sed 11. Did not appear 13. 1\ie(1a11io11' 19 •'en'ice lJadges 9. Regulation umfol'ln WOl'll. Material: 1 litter, stretcher', and first aid boxe. Di vi 'ion supl'~rtec~ l~y. North London Railway Company, an!l iis members. Thl~ I?1:''1SlOn a~ u 'ual paraded for duty 011 Lord Mayor's Day in good llumbers. The DIvI.slOn receIved the thanks of the OOl11l11i tee of the Bow and Poplar Carll ivaI for pubhc. duty ,Performed Ol? 5th antI 6th July. During the va.!; year many members, llleludmg the upermtendent, accepterl service in outh Afriea.
NORWOOD DIVISION. [Formed 26 .11. 96.] HEAD-QUAP.TEl1.S:
Sup e rintendent .
E. R. Goodwin, 268, Friern Road, East D ulwich, . E.
Honorary S ec r e t ar y.
T. P. 11olmes . Ho norary S ecret ary.
Oflicel's 7. SliP' Olr. 5. Privates 3·1. Total eQ'ectin -Iti. Resen'e ll1embel' 1. hJcrca' since la .. t rl'\.lort 9. Drill: hcM 31. Average attenuancc ] o. 'ases attf'lIllecl HOt 011 publIC eluiy 110. A.lllllHll in l·ection, 15th Ana. aml lst Oct. Total 011 parade :"!O. AI! 'e llt with lea\e 19 ll.nnual re-exn'lIli~alion, 9th April. :JIl'lllhel's pa~se(l 21. Faileel~. Did not appear 15. Medallions 11. l'rviec bUllges 10. ;\ul"sing ccrtificate' 11. Regulation ullifonn WOrD. 1\1 a LCl'ial : 3 hal'l'eH<tes, 1 \\ater-bottle. Division 'uppurted hy-membn ' suosel'lption . The Di\'i;;iull has tahll part in all dnLie .. llmillg the pn ·t year, be ide;; doillrt·.~eve ral special 'ervil'lJ duiic;; 11 i '. Pau!'::; Cathed raJ. •'ome ofthl' lllelll hcr assistell at the Royal Acrricl11111ntl Sho\\ at York in JUlle. 1\lcllllw)'s are still doing duty in .'ollth Afrlea. R~crtlitilJ" has continned to lIe atis/actor,)'. Ninety 0[' the ca. e. attended hy illLliviJual 1IIcmbl'r.' "hen Hoi on pulllie dnt.>: were put ul' by Priyutc Ealey, principally at th iltidlanll Hailway Goods' StatwlI. t. Pallt;ra~, wherc a Hospital 'atUl'elay FUlld ambulullcC box is kept ulJ(ler thc cltnrge of the .... uperintelldcnt.
ST. JOHN 'S GATE , No . 2 DIVISION . [Forlllcd 15.2.93.] IIEAD-QUAltTElts :
Honorary S u r geo n .
Pte. "\\T. J. Ohanning, 10 , Allerley Road, Anerley, S. K
Officer 1. Snp. Off. 1. PrivaLes 16. T otal efl'ective 1 . Drills held ~2. Annual iDs]Jection, 25th July. Total 011 parade . Ah ent with leave 5. WIt?OUt lea,ve 5. Annual re-examination, 11th April. l\lf'l1lhers pass.ed 10. Dlll not appear 8. Medallions 11. Service bt.llge,> 1. Kursi!!g certdleates 3. Regulation uniform worn. Material : 3 stretchers, 3 havresaes, 2 water l~o~t~es, tent, etc. Division supportcd by members' sub ·criptlOlls. T he DIvl~lon ha. dODe the usual duties at the open spaces 011 Ballk IJ olidays, also duty at Earl'R Court, Oivi l ,'ervice Stores ports thc Dlll wich T oreldiuht Procession, the Semi-Final and Final Oup Tie li'ootbal1 Matelle' at the Ory~tal 15'a1a('e, alJd tho footb~ll matches he ld by , Yest Norwood Olub. The inspectio n of thf' DiviHion was helli In the goods' yard of the L ow L evel. 'tation, Crystal Palace, by killli permission
Ins p ect or of Sto res.
2nrl'up. Ofr. E. P. Phillips.
ht Claf! Sup. Ofl'. J. T . 'IJ meller, 5, Loddige' Road, ilackney.
L. lla\\kcH,
Hono rary S ecret ary.
Su peri nte nd e nt,
G. Ohillingworth, 27, ... pital Norton]) olgate, E.
Ill. n.
lin are,
1 ·t Olas up . 011'. J. Lowc, 43, Elmore "treet, Oanoulllll'Y, IT.
OUicer' 2. 'up. Olf. 5. Privtttes 70. Total elrectivc 17, Increase 'inee last report 20. DrilLs held 3. A\'erage atL 11l1aIH.:e 25. Cu e attended on pllulic duty 50. ases ttiLelldc(1110L 011 public uuLy over 100. Anllual inspection, h;L Aug. T otal on J:H1mde 4:2. Ab-,e1l t; \\,1 th leave 5. W iihout leaye 30. Annual l'e-examinaLiolls, 11th April, 19ih 'epL., ~6Lh ept. l elllber p~t.'sed 46. "'ervice badge' 15. N ul'sing Failed 1. Did not appet11' 30. 1\i edaJliolls 22. DiyisiOIl sUPllortl:Ll by Illembel's' certificates 18. RegLllatioll uni forUl \\'Ol'll. subscriptions.
27 ) Although many non-effective li1embcrs have been weeded ou~, the Division shows an increa e since la t report, heing largely recruited from the Mtldmay Park Classes. The reputation of the Division has been maintained, the following dutie havincl been ptlrformeJ during the year, vi:>:., ,Voman's Exhibition, Earl's COl1l't, t . Pau]'~ and Duncan Memorial Ambulance tatiou Fire BrigaJe R eview, Ramp tead Heath, l\Iildmay Club Carnival, I lington Carnival, . Central Club Children' Outing, l\lildmay ports, tam ford Hill Gronnds, R eceptlOn of the Crew of H. M. . Powerful, Lordl\Iayor' how, and Alexandra Park, all \ypH attended. Over 100 case were treated in the neighbourhood of I slington and Stoke NelYillgton by member not on !lublic duty, th6 litter from 1Hildmay Club being used for hospital cases on lifteen occasion . Eight mem bel's voluuteered for ervice in onth Africa.
al1ll)ulanee station, cOlltaining a litter and the necessary cquipmen1, permitted within the works and six ambulance boxes are distributed at various points, which are very useful. The aunual display was not h rld this year. The Division had the honoUl and privilege of send~ n g scven men to outh Africa (the COI?pany kind~y assisting their families ill thCIr ahsPllce), aud, although some were laid low by swkness, 110 de.1ths fortunately, have becn recorded . SpOI ts are still beld in the Recreation GrouIlcl attached to the works, and mllch u eful work has l,een undertaken on the several occasions by th~ amhulance 111embe1's. The large percentage of men absent from the annual inspection i .. explained by the fact that as the \york of tlIe Company is of a contiuuons naturr a full mllster at one time is impossible. Duty ha~ ·been uIldertaken iu respollsc to the everal calls from Head-quarters.
.r . E. ll E.\D-QU.\.I1TEIlS:
Superintendent and Hono rary Treasurer.
Nr. PAUL'~ CnUJtCll ROtJ:'lf, HAlmI~GAY
H. Mlll'my,
Honorary S ecretary and Inspector of Stores.
Officers 1. Privates 17. Total efl'ectiye 1 . R e erve member 1. D rills held 4.8. Average atteniance 25 . Ca, es attended Oll public dnty 53. Ca e attended uot on public duty 35. Annual re-examillatioll, 2url April. :Members pa ed Failed 2. Did Il 0t appeal' 1. I\Je(lalliolls 4. ervice Bac]ae 3. Knr, ing certificates 2. Hegulation ulliform \I·om. Material: 2 hane acs, 2 stretchers, I water hottle, 1 ambulance box, ve ted in ul't. \Y. J. Horton. Division supporter! by mem bel'" The case treated on public duty \I'as in conjunction \I'ith the HaggenJtol1 Divi ion. Duty at Victoria Park "as carried out during the cricket eason, 53 ca e were treated, half of which were taken to hospital.
Hono rary Surgeon.
A. A. Wartl, :'II.R. C. ,· .
[Formed 5.12.95.]
Sup erintendent.
J . C. Line ', 93, "Yest End Lane, W. Hamp tead, N. W
Inspector of Sto res,
Honorary S ecretary.
Pte. G. Gro., e.
2nd Cla sup. o if. W. J. Godden, 90, Naylor Road, Peckham, '.E.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 32. Total effective 35. Reserve member 1. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 37. Average .attendancc 10, Cases atteuded on public duty 48. Oases attcnderl not OIl public duty 90. Anuual inspection, 9th July. Total 011 parade 16. Absent with leave 19. Annual re-examination, 19th March. Members pas, ed 22. Did not appear 12. Medallions 26. Service badges 21. :rursing certificates 15. R egulation uniform worn. Material: 4 stretchers, 4 water bottles. Division supported by the Company and the members. The continuerl practical encouragement kindly given by the Directors and officials of the South Metropolitan Gas Company is again gratefully acknowledged by the officeI' , and members ot the Division. Interest in all mattcl'S pertaining to ambulance work is strongly maintained, and a day rarel y passes when some use of the knowledge gained is not called for. The Company still prescnts silver medallions to those members gaining them, and the late Superilltendent, Mr. J. Ad olphus Harrison, of Newcastle-on -Tyne, has again kindly ofl'ered prizes for com petition. Therc is a street
Hono rary S urgeon .
J. Horton, 50, Beale Roa,1, North Bow, E.
W. A . Gray, 5 . Rothbury Road, Victoria Park.
It. c. 1'.
Honorary S ecretary. :,lncl Clas' up. orr. E. teven,',
Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. Ii. Hollingworth.
7, Yale Road, ll alTingay Park, N. (In Charge.) OfJicer 1. ,'u p. olr.~. Pl'ivat e' 1 Total effective 21. Decrease siuee last rcport 2. Drills hel{l 14. Average attewlaur.e 7. Ca.·s attended not 011 publit: c1n ty :22. AUllual re-examination, 26th A pril. ~l ell1l)p1' passed 16. Di,l llOt appcar ,1. )ledallion ' 13. 'en'ice hadges 13. negnlation uniform WOI'll, )Iaterial: stretcher, iJunl'sac, aJ~d \later l'ottle, splil1t·, Lamlage., etc. Divi 'iOll suppnrte(l l)y geneml public. The Division has llltU1e Itwourahle progress .. ince last report. Taking illto consideration the nature of the memh{'1's' l'lJlplo,Yll1ent, the clrill' haye heen fairly v,l'll atteudeu. Public.: duty has becn pcrforllled upon the follolYing occaions: Lord Mayor's Day, Hampstead IIeath on eaell 13alll- Iioli(lay, amI at Tottenhum Carniyal on 12th July; ali-lo at :::It. Paul's allllllllancctatioll, Duucan Memorial ambulance station, and Earl's Court li:xhil,itin n. The mend,ers also attended a c11l11'ch parade OIl the occasion of Lhe opening of the '1. .I\larLill' ne\\' chureb, Edlllonton, on 19th :'Iay. The Division deeply regrct- to have to record thc {leath of olle of it· members, Pril'ate 'Y. lcments, who {lied of £el'er at Bloemfonteill, ",'outh Africa, on ::!3rcl ::'lIay, "hilst 011 activc i-lcJ'\'ice.
[Fol'med 4.1 91.}
HEAJJ-Q1JAllTJo;lt~: TOYNllEg HALL, ,YlIIrEClUPEL, E. Honorary Surgeon .
B. Jones,
1st Offi cer.
II. L. Jones.
Sup erintenden t .
E. J. Kimhel', -15, Ellll\1 ell Road , Brockley,
2nd Offi cer.
J. A.
. ColelWtll.
Insp . of Sto res.
la s
up. Off.
'Y. II.
Hono rary S ecretary.
Pte, J. G. Thomp on, 130, Kensington A\'enne, Ell. t Ham. . Officers -1 . Sup. orr. 3. Privatcs -17 . Total effective 51. e Increase 'll1ce last report 9. Drills held 42. Average attendance 16,35. ~ttcnde? 011 public Juty 79. Ca c' attenled not all puhlic duty 30 . AUIlual lIlSpectlOl1, 4th July. T otal on parade 3. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 7. Annual rp,-examinlLtion, 16th 1I1ay. Memhers pa ' eel 3~. Did not appear 21. Medallions 22 . ervice badges 21. Ul'sing certilieate 16. Regulation
2 0
2 1
l\Ia,terial; 4 ~~r~L?heJ's, 4. hane, acs, 4 wat~l' bott~es,. 1 surgeon's DIVISlOll supported by memberi:l sub :cnptlOll . The work of the Division during the pa t year has sho\\"n steady llllprovement, and the Divi ion may fairly be aid to be in a ound eonc~itioll . ~he 1ll~l11 bership has steadily inerea e1, and the. member, t.nke <"\, keen ~nterest III theIl', work. The Division i;; well repre entedm the war III outh Afnca, one up. Olhccr aud five privates being engaged in the various general ho pital throughouL that country. Six other melll bel's volunteered, and of these two were accepted, bu t were prevented from aoin a by cau e quite beyond their control. Of the ix member at pre. cut on activebserrice fiye have signed on [or a further period, in spite of attack o[ enteric fever and rheumatism. The amount of public (luty undertaken by the Divisioll increases yearly, but the members ha"e been (Inite equal to the extI~a work, and have cheerfully performed their share of the duty at the Dnncan Memonal and t. Paul's ambulance stations, and at the Earl's Court Exhillition, also at Bostal IIeath on Bank Holid ay, and on .... ariou treet dntie throughout the year. O\\"ing to tIle marriaae and consequent removal to 'Yales in January of the lIon . •'l1rgeoll , Dr. \y~ Black Jone , the Divi 'ion 11a heen deprived of hi valnable services, but if any evidence were wantina o[ the recognition o[ the Hon. urgcon's elJ"orts for the instruction of the Diyisi;n, it \\a shown hy the pre entation to Dr. JOlle of a hand ome oak writing-de k, a uitahle recognition of sterling elTice . The Mill,,'all section, und r econc1 Ofncer Coleman i still making good progres. The attendance is good, and the outlook for the ection is promising.
ca, e, bandage, splints, etc.
Honorary S urgeon,
H. T. Challi ,
M. D,
TnEET, \\TALTIl_Dl.'TO\\'.
1st Officer.
Inspector of Stor-es
'Y. H. Welch.
Pte. A. Cirecn\\ay.
Honorary Secretary.
Pte. F. W.
te\'en, 114, IIigh
treet, Waltham ,to\\'o
Officcrs 2. Private 24 . Total efIective 26. Drills held 32, Average attellJance 14. Oases attended not on pul,lic duty 34 . .Annual inspection, 12th July. Total on parade 15. Ah 'ent with lcave 10. .Annual re-examination, 19th July. Member, passed 12. Failcd 1. Did ]lot appear 11. :Medallions 9. • ervice badge 1. Nursing certificate 3. Regulation uni I'orlll worn. Material: litter, stretcher, ambulance hox, and havresac. Division .'upported by mem bcrs' contributions. This Di vision ha made good progre ., and attendance at drills has heen satisfactory, the ground. of the Board chool haying been placed at the di:posal of thc Division for drill pnrposes. Puhlic duty ha. lleen perfor11lerl 011 all Bank lIolielays at Chingford and on varions 0cca iOlls at the Duncan Memorial alllbnbllce station, anLl ,Yomall's Exhibition, Earl's Court. Therc is good pro pect that tlte strcngth of the Division:will l)e largely augmented in tIle ncar future .
[Formed 6.93.J
Inspector of Stores.
Pte. '. H arpcr. Honorary S ecretary and Treasurer.
Pte. W. T. Dabhs, 6, Cornwall Road, South Hackney, E. Officers 1.
Privates 23.
Total effective 2-1.
WEMBLEY AND HARLESDEN DIVISION . [Formed 12.5.93.] III~,\D'!i1J,\.lUr.I:, . THE
'Ul '( I], CILDlllEl:, 'Y E~IllLEY.
Honorary Surgeon .
A. PaulL l\ylc('ot!', Welllhley. Honorary Treasurers. 1[(1 dcsdl It
IJ'CII1UI!!J Sectioil. :\11. S. (;alti)Clt (!tall. mCIll.).
:r.tl. . II. JOllC (hOll. mem.).
Ollicers~. .~llp. on. 1. Priyates :30. Total el[ecti\'e ;3:3. Re.cI"\,c mcmbcr 1. Increase 'incc last rt']lOrt 1. Drills hel!l weekly. Annual inspection 30th JllUC. Total 011 pal'alh> 13. Ausent \rilh leave 15. Alluuttl re,cx:alllill~tiollS, 9th ~la,)' amI 3rtl No\'. .MellllJers pa::;scd .~t5. Did not appeal: :2. :Meclalliolli:l 1:1. .IT nrslllg cert iliCil te.. u. Ucgula llOli ullliorm worn. . Malenal: :l liUer.'. 7 slrct.t.:hers, \) ha\Tcsacs, wutl't' lJOlllcs, basket of stores: ~ Iltter hed. Dil"i, iOIl ::In]l[lorlet! by local sul,seriptiull. , .. .. . '1'0 the first ettllior YOllluteer' for duLy III 'ollLh Alnea, LOur llltnnbel' (Pnvate tlluley ) Be '11'\' B(lcrcollih 'lUll Tal1aliPld J·llllr. rCi:l]lollllcd and \\ erL' ae!~epted (the ",' 0 , (. la t-lllllllec1left Ell"ll1l1tl within t wenLy,four !to II n; after acceptance). allll 'nbsequently foUl" more \\"cut o~t (Privates lI awkilli:l, Tantl'lllllS, Co (fg::;, and Doe). Of. the e Beesley was ill \'alilletl hOllle, THutl'll]]1 returned aftL'r 'ix mouth· dnty, Doe L1:etl of dYHenteryat Litdyi:llllith (much regr'Ltetl by,ltis ~()1ll1\t'les), the other arc hl! .011 active scn'iee. liiri:lt :tid clasi:lcs \\'ere orgulIl'cd III the latter pnrt of 1 99, whu.:h resultcd ill 10 llew lllcmlJcl's joining the ])ivi'ion, lilli, l~llrortunatcly, er,:cral.!t?r.tly afterwards removcd from tit, locality, owing to cltallgn of elllpJoJOTlUcnt. ~h e l?l\'~SlO,ll aaaiu re~1(lel'e(1 crood service at the Southcrn OOllntic' r1ros ouu(ry h oClatlOll nfectilJg, one p~tiellt having to he detained all llight nnder the charge 01 upt. Paull, aud 'ccone! Cla's . O. Parsons. Dnty Wtl ' al 0 ullLlcrtakcll at the local w
Superi ntendent.
'V. T. Hustwaytc, 7, Spurstowe Road, Hackney,
Decrease since last report 11. Drills llehl 45. Averagc attendance 2. Cases attenued Oll public duty 12. Cases attenc1ecl not on public duty 390 . Annual . , ction 2 Lh July. Total on pttrac1c Hi. Ahsent with leave 5. Without t~l~~: 4. ;\'111111111 re-examination, 3rc1 May .. 1\I('ml)~~'s passec~ 22. Did ~ot app~ar ~. l\Ielal1ions 13. •'ervice ba~lgf's 4. N ul'smg ccrtlficate~ 10. RegulatlOlt umform 'rn Materitd: 1 litLer, 4 stretchers, IHwresa,cs, 4 water uottles, 1Jlall kcts, etc. ~~vi;ioll supported by 1\1essrs. ,\Tat~rlow and SOllS, Ltcl., and members: subseripti?ns. This Divi ·ioll is f0l"111eel excln 'l\'e~y of the ell1ploj'~es enga~erl III the van.Ol~s departments or Messrs. \Vaterlo,," and 011S, L~t1., ::1l1(1! OWlDg to theU' el~ll>loyJllent, It 1. not alway~ po:sil)lc for ll~emhers to turn ont 10.1' p:l1Jhc (Iuty, or to.aYall them elve.s of regular attellllancc at ,Inll. Altbongh .the ~)lVli:l101l h.as marle httle ,Progress smce the last report, awl , unfortunatcly, agalll faded to satlsfy the Inspectlllg Offic~r at the anllual il1specti~n, h('l~l 011, ~ tli ~uly, th;;,)' hav.c .attended 40Ll c~r,cs of aCCl~lellt and sll(lden illlJcss, lllclut~lllg fl\,c scnous cases j'erll1l~'Ulp remo;'al ,by htter to h?s~Jl.tal, al](1 ha\'e perfol'lllcd publIc ~luty at the Lo;(l ~layor s how, hurl s C~urt ExlulntlOll, St Paul's amhlliance sLittlOll, an(l on l.>]ackheath on Bank HolJdays. At the beginning of the yea I scvCrUllllell1hc~';; YOlullt~ere(~ for scrvice i?- oyth Africa" but were unlble to pas the lleec sary lllcchcal exanllllutlOn as to phySIcal fitness. A sll vermounted umbrella \\'a!< prese11 ted to Dr. Engclbach as a murk of thc members' appreciation 0(' thc lednre::; anel in"tlllctioll given during the preccding year. ~our team entered 1'01' thc compctition for the hand 'o])]e Dcpartmental hallcnge 'Iueld, presenteu to the Di'.'i~ion l,y J[l'. Davi~l ,'. \\Taterl7\\:- The teams reprcscnted Finsbnry :Marke~, Ih11 ~t~'eet,. Appol!] b'eet, aIHl.' bnyer Strect Work. The competition COllslstetl of dnl1 ",!th dosed slyp~eh.er.' lust uul tr.catr~lcnt of w~unded, conveyance to ~elll ]lorar~ 1toslllta~; aull. l~r~el:,tra v?cc. ex:allllllatlOll, t~le Flllsbury 1I1arket team hClIlg the "'lllllers. lhe DIVISIOn IS agttlllllltlebtec1 to the. chool Board [or Lonlon for thcir continuell kintlll~s in granting the use of thc Scrutton tI'eet c huo!. Fins1III ry. for drill purposc .
2 2 car?ival il~ connection with the fund for the widows and orphans of the olcliers ou actlve ernce. On 29th Maya vcry succe sful social aatheJilJ a \\'as h eld at th Court H?u c, Harlesden, under the prcsidency of Ass{'tant-Co~mi ioner F. n~ Mackel1zl~, ~ppOl·ted J?y fill'. J. L. Ch~Pl~H\'J1, J.p:,. the Chairman of the , YenJbley Urban Dl tnct CouncIl, \\'hen AssocIatIon certificate " 'cre pre en led by 11r '. Cha11rnan. Ambulance StatiOl~s. -H~r]esden Lane, Il eal' the Royal Oak publi c- hou se, litteJ. ~retcher: and first md apphances ; Carlyon Cottage', Alferton, tn.tellers, nl1l1 filstaId ~pphance ; 1, CanterbLU'Y Terrace, udbury, Jitter, h 'etchcr, and first aid applIances. All the above available at all hour .
[Formed -1.5.99.J
39, Y,~E 'TDOUllNE GnOYE, 'Y.
Honorary Su r g e on a nd Sup e r int e n den t .
E. J. Macl ean, M.D., G1, Li1l(1 en Garden, 'IT. In specto r o f Stores.
Ho n . S ecret a ry and Treasurer.
Pte. R. R. Corlett.
[Formc(l 7.11.1 99.J
~, ELIZAnI~TII I;lTItJi:ET, ,'.
Honorary Surgeon . J,.l~ . ( .P.
J. J. Marsh,
Lady Inspector of Stores .
Lady Superintendent.
Lady Kenndt-l3arrillgtoll
Vi::;COl1ntt'ss Falkland, 76, Eaton, '(lunl'e,
H.IY. Lady Treasurer.
Lady Secre tary.
Lady laud B. Wilhrall<llll, Hon. C. Car). ~6, Lower Bloane StrC(.t, '. ,\\T. OlIieers 2. Nl1l'sillg Sisters 17. Total efrective -19. Praetices held 20. Average attelldllllCc 12. Case~ attende(l Oll pnlllic duty 22. Cascs attelllll'rlnot 011 pl1blic duly ,. ~Ie(1alliolls 17. Regulation uniform "·0J'll. Material: 1 amhulance hampel', 1 box of stores, 1 amlmla11ce bell teut, and Hag. Div:' ion upportc(l II)' allllllal sllhseriplioJl~. The Division was ollly fOl'lllC,l in :N'o\'eIllIJcl', 1 99, therefnre th('re is little to report, it is howcy!'!' ]Iope(l that muc-h l,rogl'l'ss will be made ill the r;ol1ling y'~ar. At Briglltoll an appa.rently l1ro\\,11 crl ('hilrl was rpsllTitated after arlit1cial respiration had becn peri'orllle(l for nearly tWIl hours hy The ~Iarchiones ' Uaf'sn. de ~ailJ.
Pte. :B~. l\UflggS, 39, ,Y c tboUl'ne Grove, W
Officer 1. Privates 23. Total effective 24. In crease in ce la t report 10: Drills h el u 32. Cases attended on pl1 blic duty 7. Cases attended not OIl publIc dnty 3-1. Allllnal re-examination, LIth ;\\ ar('l1. Members. pas ed 23. l'lIedallions 3. Re~ulati o n u1Jiform worn. Material: stretch c:r, and nrglCal han-esac, water bottle, Spllllt , bandage, etc . Diyiion ~llpporte(l b\' Mes rs. William Whitel ey, Ltu. • The Division has increa eu ince last report. Duty \\'a unuerta];ell at t Il e Ki ldare port.s and the Woman 's E.xhibitioll, 1<:ar1'1; Comt. A. dcmo)) tratiol1, hehl ill the Paddmgt?11 Baths, ~reatly lllcreased the e11thl1sia m in the Hon se, tJle firm Ila"in C1 ?ff'erl3u pnz~s allU (lJspJayeLl great intere t in tIle ,,'ol'k of tlle Divi. ion. The Di\' i)ooio~ IS well eqmpped with material, and has a room specially provided oy th e Dircctors for the u. e of members and f01' ·to ra i:'t' ae
[Formerl 1..12.90. J
Honorary Surgeon.
.\. C.
'l"lII~t,t1I, ~r.
Lady Sup erinten d ents.
)liss E. '. Goor1ill, Chilllrell\ lIome H ospilal, B0I111ol' B.d., E.
;\Iis ' B. BOlll'ke, . Yictoria Park Hoad.
1st Nursing Officer and Lad y S ecretary.
Miss E. R. Homke, 38, Yiduri,\ Park Roal1. J.E. 2nd Nurs. Offi cer and Lady Treasurer.
Mr .. E. Bl'll1llliug.
[Formed 93.J
T o\\' •, llALL, BAI',KI~(;.
La dy S uperin t en d e n t .
ilIr... J. ,VeIls, Longbridge Rouse, L Oll glJridge R oad, Barking. 1st Nurs in g Offi cer a nd La dy S ec r et ary.
~Irs . G. Clarke, 201, Rippl e R oad, Barking. La dy Insp ector o f Stores and T rea sur e~
~I. Seabrook.
. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 9. Total efrective 11. Iu crease smce l~st report 2. Practices held 14. Average attenclance 7. ases a~~endell on .. pubhc duty 30. Case~ at~endecl Ii0t on ]JUblic duty 110. Caset; pI~vately nUl. ed 30. An.m.al r e-exa,mlnatlOll, 5th April. MemlJel's pa s. ed 10. Did n~ . ~ppear 1. MedallIons 9. ervice badges 4. R egulation uniforlll \lorn. DlVlSlOll s upported by m embcrs. The Division has made steady progress. M mb ers have attend ed all duti es they ha:e been called .upon to p erform, am1 11ave been of llJuch service locnlly mallY ve)') senons cases havmg b een attended to. '
Ollicl'rs .J. Kmsillg sisters ~n. Total efl'ective 3-1. ReCITe JIIl'11l1Jer 1. Decrease Sillel' last rqlOl't 5. P1'<1ctices held :2.. Aycrage attenU:lllCe 17· ~. 'a::;es attell(ll'rl 1lol Ull pulllic Juty 1,-132. Cases privately lIl1rSOll 1,'161. AUlIual inspectiun, Gth .TUllO. Total 011 parade 30. Abont with leaye 3. Allilualrc-('xamill<l.tioll, 5th JUlIC. :'Ilcmbel's pas 'ed 30. Dill not nppear 3. Mellnlliolls ~g. 'cl'\'i<:e lJadgcs:21. H,cgnlntioll nllif'ol'Jl1 \vOl'll. M aterial: ~ complete nlU',~il1g stabioll e(jUipmcllts. Division snpportcd hy members' uhscl'iptions. The Divisioll has llolle tluty Oil 51 oceasiOlls tll1l'illg the year, viz.: The Meeting of Patriotic 'ilizcns; The NIH a I I ~l'igad(' Inspcl'tion; Tit Royal Yi ,it to Le'wi 'bam; Lord ~la.rol' ~ Day; The Christian EIHll'tlYOUl COllvention; The Fire Briga,le In peetion; Patriotic Cal'llivul at Hri lOll; Festinll of the Chl11'ch Choir '; The Woman's ~~xhibitiLlll at )£,.1'1's Oll1't; H.lJ(lon Bank Holidays. A.t tile .11gge 'bon of Lally ~l1Jle\'illtcllllel1t, .!\lis. l3lye UOl11'ke, 11 \\'o l'king party was orgnni ed 011 October 17th, which l'csultetl ill 1:20 gal'ment heillg made and despatched through difl'erent channels to i:lollt h Afril'a for the U '0 of the sick and WOlllltlCll. The balance of the money collected, ~4 ·1 58. 3cI., was fo\'wardcd to the Central British RNl Cros' COUlmittee, through the Chicf ,'ecretary. Filrc guineas was ' uh 'eq nelltly S(,11t in in response to an appeal froIll Col. K Tufnell, lI on. ec.'t. J ..A.B. W ar Fum1, foJ' ~lte mcmbers at thc front. Useful work is still carried 011 in nursing the poor, and III attentling weekly at mCllieal llli 'sioHS. The 1111111be1' of ca es. fir t nill allll llul'sing, l'l'l)l)l' tell , is grcatly in excess of In. ,t year.
F. J . McK ettrick,
c n OOL"
P.u m:,
p, R. W all i ,
L . S. A .
La dy Secreta ry.
Lady Superintendent.
1\1rs. N . H arrop, 3 , , Yynuham Hoad, Upton Park.
. Randall, 71, Carlyle Road, ~Ianor Park.
Lady Inspector of Sto,-e s .
Mrs. Eaton . Officer 3 . N ur iug si tel's 1 . T otal cffective 21. I ncrea e since la t report . Pmctice, hel(l 47. Avcrage aUc lHInnce 12. Ca es attenueu not on puulic dnty 36. Annual insl'cdioll, 14th July. Total on pnraele 16. Ab eut with 1ea,'e 4. Aunua11'e-examinatinu, 30th March. ~Ielllhers [la, secl 11. Failed 1. Medallions ~. Regulation uniform "01':1. ~latcrial: .. plin t , halHlagl's, ba in. feeding cup, etc. Di\'i ionupporterl hy member. '_ T his Divi ion has still steadily increa cel ill lluml,crs. 36 caSL'S haye receivcd treatment, in addition to tho e ou public duty.
Officers 3. [ nrSillg sisters Hi. Total effective 19. Decrease since last report 2. Practices held 3D . Average altenuallcc very good. Cases attended on pnhlic {luty ~(j . Oases attelldedllot on public duty 130. Cases privlttely nursed 5. Anuultl inspection, Hh July . T otal on panule 8. Ausent with leave . Annual re-ox:Llllination, Hit April. Mellluers pa .. secl 12. Did not appear -1. l\Il'llalliuns 15. 'cnice lJ<ulges 0. Regulation uniform worn. ~[aterial : stretehel', llcce.'sary metlirlllcs, splint:-;, uandages, dbinfectants, ointment, etc. Divisi')u supporteLl 11y melllhers. The Divi.ion has uutlt'rtaken duty almost llaily rlmillg the pa·t year at the Crystal Palace, awl on several ocrasiolls of l'llUlic duty ill London. Tbe local doctors are lIlost gw.tefnl for the ,'alnal.](· help they receive from tIle nl11'sing sisters amongst the sick poor. The nnr:;ing :-;isli'rs have the grcat advantage of recei\'ing advanced lectures from :;cvcral of thc local IllclIic!tl stall'.
ST, JOHN 'S GATE NURSING DIVISION. [Fonned 23.1. 93 .] HEAn 11U.I.I:TEIl. . , T. JOH~'
Ho n ora ,-y S urge o n.
.T. Canllie,
F.Il.C. '.
Lad y S u p erint e nd e nt .
:'lIn:. W. J. C. Urn il'l, 14, C];uelllont Road, Highgate, ~- ,
Honora ry Su r g eons .
R. I ngrum,
C. Abbott, 1. 1: . C.l' .
I..S .•\.
La dy Sup erinte nd e nt.
lIliss J . C.
79, GorC' Hoarl, Yictoria Park, ... -. E.
1st Nursing Office r , La dy S ecret ary a nd Treas u rer.
Miss E. :.\Iann, 79, Gore Roa(1, Yictoria Palk,
2nd Nursing Office r a nd La dy In s p ector of Stores.
1st Nurs. O ffice ,', S ec. an d Lad y Treas
2nd Nurs. Officer an d L i dy Ins p . o f Sto r es
:;\Irs . .I, C. Lilll<;, pa, Wesl EUlI LaIH, _T . \\'.
E. Dank;.
. Officers 6. NUl' 'ing sisters . Total cfrectiye 14. , D ecrease ince la t report 3. Practice, held Hi. Cases attended 011 puhlic duty 94. Cases attended not on pnhlic duty 61. Cases privately nursed ] o. AIIllu.al inspection, 7th J llly. ~otal on parade 11. Alll1u~1 re-eXall1il~a ti?ll, 7th A p1'11. Members pas eel 8. DId not appear 2. Meelalhons 10. ,enlCe badges 6. Regulation uniform worn, Division supporterl by members. The Division ha marle progress durillg tIte ypal', and the illterest of tho 1l1(J1l11JCI':; is well maintained. PulJlic lluty was uuclm-taken O~l Lord l\l ayor's Day 011 IIalllp:-;te~(l Heath, at St. Paul's Cathedral, II. S.P. ports, ,,\ elsh Harp, Jl cJl(loll, Bal'llet FtUl', Alexandra Palace, Return of the Naval Brigade, Regent's Park, aucl , Volllan's Exhi1ition, Earl's Comt.
~Ir:;; .
Ollie,,!'., 4. N'm"ill~ .iters ~Ii. Total elfeeti,·c 30. Increa,l' sinl't' last report 1. Pra~tices heltl iu. .dverage attendance 12, Ca es privately nnred ~oo. _\ullual iU.'l'ectiuu, 11th July. Total on para,Ie ::n. Annual re-exaluillatioll, ;JOth .JLlY. .Jlell11Jers I'lls:;c(1 ;2P. ~Ie,lallioll' 20. "'en'ice badge::; H . Hegnlatioll ll1lirurlll ,,"01'11. Division snpportl',l hy members' subscription '. The lIlcllll'ers uf this DiYisiou haYI' ntteulle(l more rl'gulnrly than in any previous year, uwill,!.{ to (he llul'ailil1g ki1\l!lIc:-;s aUll attention of the hOIl. surgeon, Dr. Cautlie. The Di"isiuu again (le .. ire" ttl tll<lllk the memuel'::> of the Onler of "t. John for tho 10a1l or tile library I'()J' thdr lll'dings. District hOllle nursing ha' been unLlertakcn l,y ma1lY nlt'lllUer.. or the Di\ i.ioll, amI nltwh pulJlic duty hati been perforlllcd. The Di\'j"il11l has also kcpt up cllC "'orkillg meeting:; for makll1g mmll dothill!.{, whil'h i'i di'itrilmtl'll lo the }lOOl' resitling in the ';icinity of :'It. John's Gate: O\,(,l' ~OO gal'lIlL'llt.· were gi"en away at 'hristllla" last "'ith gift, of mOlley. l'ah.. fruit, ~"., killllly sl1l'l'lic,l lly fril'llfl of the lllemhers . 'Two Ambulance Divisioll, • T'I. I ~t. ,101111's L;ate, HIlII :-inuth )letropolitall Ga' Co. also hel jJ in this gO(lll work 1'y gi ,-iug lilt 111 bolllC snhscriptiolls, for whit'll thc nursing sisters ttl'£'! cxtl'ellldy tfratefuL Pulllie dllty perforllle(l-"roman'· Exhihition, Earl' Court; Bllllk ltolida " -IInllll'ste~lIl lll'nllt, 'Wor111wood Serubhs, Peckhum Rye, Blackheatb; ,'t. Paul' .. Uatltelhal (,,{'yell ti11lc:-;) ; Patriotic Conccrt Albert Hall) ; Brixtoll Cal'lli\'al, Urixtoll ; l)atl'iotic F, te, \\'oolwich ; Lot'll :.\IayOl"· Day.
Honorary Surgeon .
F, G.
M.A. ; M.B ,
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Miss R. Hun t.
[Formed 11. 6. 911.1
S. E.
H E_\D-Ql \l:lLl:s: KrLFloIE, \\TmlDLEY,
Honorar y Su r g e on, )1. D.
, E. (,u(hlnnl.
Lady Superintendent and Treasurer.
La dy Sup e rintend e nt.
Mrs . V . Colegrave, Bracrh ridgc, Norwood,
nI l's. A. Paull, l\:ylecote, "Yemblcy.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.
Miss M. Vill ic rs, Glenmahra, Norwood.
Lady Insp e ctor of Stores and Treasurer.
ill rs. Buss R o,mo), Ill', \\' emIlIe)'.
2 6 287 Officers 3, Nursing sisters 10, 'I'otal effective 13, Increase since la t report 5, Practices heInl6, Average attendance 6, Annual inspection, 30th June. Total on parade 9, All ent with ]e,a ve 4, Annual re-examinations, 9th May and 19th Oct. Members pas, eel 12, DId not appeal' 1. J\IedaUions 6, enrice badges 3, Regulation uniform WOl'll. Material: mIl' ing basket, containing requisites for public duty, and also stores for private nursing. Divi ion upported by members, , , , " DUl'inO' the past year the membershIp has mcreased, fiv e new mem bel's bavll1g Jomed, all of wl~om hayo shown themselves anxious to respond to all calls for pul1lic duty. Pri,ate cases have been nursed, and much good work lIas been clone by seyeral members of the Diyi ion. One case worth mentioning is that of an old lady, over eiO'bty years of aO'e, whose arm was so successfully massaged after recovering frolll fr~3ture that she beventnally regained tbe use of it. On receiving, at the end of last year, the appeal from head quarter for the formation of workin~ p~lties for making garments for the soldiers in outh Af):ica, the member of the DIn IOn at once set to Iyork, and within a fortnight made or collected and ent oil' 260 article of clothingviz., 27 pyjama suits, 61 shirts, dre sing-gowns, 10 waistcoats, 31 pairs of socks, 69 pairs of slippers, 1 muffier, and 3 dozen pillow ca es, the surplus money being sent to the Cenh'al British Red Cros Committees' 'Yar Fund.
t. John's Gate, Clerk en well
Ambulance 'Yagons, Litters, etc.
.-'t. Paul's
tretcher, H amper, etc.
___T_l_li_s s!a!~o~.' opeu from !1 a,lll. to 0 p.:!l_l._ _ _--!!_ _ _"---_ _ DUllcan ;\lem ol'ial Altlbnlan(;c 'talion, 'I. Clelllcut Dane,' Oltnrch, ., trallll .
Asltfol'll Litter,
La dy Superi ntendent.
:I\1rs. J\1. M. Timpson, Hope Cottage, Morden Road, Merton.
Lad y S ecretary.
--This .tation b ollcn from 9 n.llI. to li p.J1l., and from 7 till ,11 p.m.
General Post Ollicc .
This'latioll is antilable at all hour-;. ----Lurlgate Hill Railway , latioll Box containing 'tretcher and Fir t Aid .:\ 1'l'lin uces.
M. D.
Mr . 111. J. Darker, 39, Hanly Road, 'Yimbleclon.
b'etcher, Hamper,
Box containillg'tretcher and First AiLl Al11'liullces,
Hono rary Su r g e on .
ill. K. Hargreaves,
This statiol1 is available at all honrs.
D ist rict.
/I, \',lilalJlc at all houl' '.
Officers 2. "ursiDg isters 6. Total effective . Decrease siDce last report 2. Practices held 29. Average attendance G. Cases attended not on public duty 34. Cases privately nUl'sed 20. Annual in.'pection, 7th Aug. Total on parade 5. Absent with leave 2. Annual re-examination, 29th May. Members passed . Medallions . Regulation uniform \Yorn. Material: ambulance hamper, bandages, splints, etc. Division supported by m embers ancl voluntary contributions. The Division has undertaken public duty on Lord Uayor' Day, at the Woman's Exhibition, Earl's Court, ·on the return of the Naval Brig[Llle, and 011 varian occasions at local carnivals and sports, also on Bank Holidays. Thirty-fom ca"es of first aid have receive,d treatment, and the services of the nursing sisters hav e been accepted in twenty cases of illness requiring constant attendance.
u·-I-'t.l'nll~ra: l~l:s~ger ~tiOJ-l-.- , - Ashfo-l-'l-l-L-i-tt-e-'l'-,-e-t-c.This 'tatiOIl is a,yailahle at all hours.
Dryanston ,\\rOl'king~rell~-'-' t I Clul l , Lissoll Ol'o\'e, ,\Y. '. I tre c leI'
1I 10.
I . tretcher awl First Aid
This tatioll is ayailnhlc at all hours.
BOl'ough of Hackncy Hu,ggcl'stoll
-ll-H -ampm..
statioll is anlilahle from 10 a.m. to 1:2.30 a.m.
41, Clal'clIlout Road, Highgate
1 all(
-1-At;hfOl'(1 Litter, Appliance.'.
tl'etehel' aUL1 First Aid
This station is lwn ilahle at all hour,'. Hyd e Park Oorncl' .
A. MOl'll Litter, etc.
This statioll is ayuilablc at all hourI;. 11.
The Win chester Hall, Hotel taLles, Highgate Hill
Litter and Fir t Aid Apl)liancc·.
This stlttioll i" ,wlLila!>le at all hours. 1')
6, Queen's Pamc1e, Hill .
.i\l nswell
LiLtl'r allL1 Fir t Aic11\ ppliall ce~ .
'l'hi' station is availahle at all hour .
- -----------------------------District.
6 and 7, Bora' Market, S.E.
tretcher and mall Hamper, elc.
This o;tation is anilahle dming lJusilless
outh Metropolitan Gas Works, Canal Bril1ge entrance, Old Kent Road, .E.
A h[on1 Litter Appliances.
I Brolldeslmry
tatioll, .i\1ctl'OIJolitan H.all wa y__________---,;-
?7. \ ,Yest Hampstead tatioll, Metropolitan Railway. ~wis
Cottage, tatioll, Metl'opolit:1l1 Railway
This station is ayailahle at all hours.
The Childrcn's Home, Bonner Road, E.
Litter, tretchel' , and First Aid Dre .·ing', Antidotes, "" ollrisl1JllCll to;, &0.
This tation is 111lller the conh'ol of the authorities of the Home ayailable at all hours. 16.
tation Yard, Lom1ollL K orth,Yestern Railway, el1lhley
LitteAr, l' tretcher, and PP lal1ce,'. I'tlis station is available at all hours.
The Lodge, Wembley Park
1, Canterbury Terrace, bury
Fil':;t Ai(l
This station i. aVJilahle at all hour •.
19. l_c_a_l_'lY_O_n__c_o_t_ta_g_e_S_,_A~l~p~el~t~o~n~~~-=~t_re,t,c_h_el~'_a~ll,(l~F_ji_r_st__A_i_(l_A_l_ll_)l_i_a_ll_Cl_'' _.___ Thi. station is !lyailahle at all hour:;.
The Victoria Ha.ll, Harrow.
AshforrI Litter, ,-'tretchel', etc'.
This tatioll is aYailallle f'ml1l 9 no III to 11 P III 21.
Harlesden Lane, near Royal Oak
A. Morel Litter, ,'betcher, &c.
This station is available at all hams. 22.
Toynbee Hall. Street, E.
,'tretchel's and First Aiel Apl'linllC('s, I T his station is ayailahlr frolll 9 a.m. to 11 p .m.
Kilburn P rovid en t Medical I nsti.tute, 1, Greville Rond, KillJtun
Ahford Litter, Stretcher, &c.
Saxby and Farmer's ignal Works, Canterhury Road, Kilburn
St . .Tohn Amhnlancc Litter.
----Queen's Park tatiOll (L. and N .W.R.), Kilburn .
Hill hirhll1l1 Huall, 1'<111elo,'e to ,y c1f'orrl's Dairy
, b·ctcher.
, 'trelcber
The last eight "tatioll.' \Yere c,lal)li"hec1 aJll1 are kept np by the TO. 9 District Metropolitan Centre of the • t. John Ambulance ~bsociation, the Committee of wllich isue a wry handy littlC' 11ll1p of t1le Di tricthewing the tatiOl1 ,.
Litter. h'etcher, Appliances.
'trctcher an(I First Aitl Appliances.
This station is ayailahle at all
1 .
No. II.- Southern and Western District. D(~l/{t!J COII~missioilf}'-"Mr,
YErt~Ox, )r.n.c.~.
Llsr OF COI~I'.· AXD
dos/strmt COillmisio'/Ci'-l.Ir. O. R. L.\UlUE, :-'f.U.C.R. Disi/'Iet Ohief 'lIjJl'l'inlclldwt-J. . GI: TFFT l JI'4. )1. n. c. s.
Distt'ict Sllj1U'illtCi/(lull Sccl'etat'tJ-\\'. J.
Divisiol1s. Ashforr1 1'0\\,11 Div. Tuubri(lge Well.' Diy. Oxforl1 Oinsion Nc\\'port (1. of W. Corps) DiL GllIldfoI'C1 Didsioll. Dath '1'011'11 Dil', .A YI e~ IJlll'y ,, 01'
31st October, HlOO. tR, I have the plea 'llre to report til:1t dl1l'ing the year enlling 30th 'cptl'1l11Iel', there ha becn a marked improyement both in the c1i~ciplll1e awl eal'lll'stlll'SS oj' till' Officers al1llllJen ill tili:; distl'ict. due I helie,'e ill a I,(reat llleaSUI'e to the 'lillJldl1s of patl'ioti m giYen to the nation at large by the 1'I'ceil war, and an iU(;l'easell kno\\'led"c of the great "alne of amlilliaut:e \\'ork in gelleral. b There has been a cOllsiderable ebange or nllicer.· in man." or the DiyisiollH, with the result that mateJ'ial iJlIjJl'ovelllent 11a» beell lllmle; twc1 we 11n\'e IlO\\' a ll\on' enthnsia tic cla s of ollirel's \\'ho will, 1 reel ~nre, hy their ellcl'udie Hu,lelt'. sacrificing (;xalllple inflli"e into tlleir 1111-'11 a 10Yl' of the w,;rk upon ,l'Itieh Lill'Y have entered, ~J~d. \\'ill, I tl'llst. h~ye lJ? hesitation ill disllIissing inefJieicnts. The lI~a.iOlity of the DIVlslOns ha,'c lllatenally lDcreased iJi llullllwl's aH \\'\,,11 a' ellieicllcl', alld I huye no donbt that the comillg year Iyill pr,,"e a lllOle fertile olle than the jl(l. t. I feelure tlJUt the f'iLl to 11I('n ,,1' the Brigade lJilI'ill,r SPl'\'cd tleir countr)' ill :-;o\1th Africa "ill do. ~lllll·.lt to raise t}le l~rig<1flc' in the f' yesC1 0.1' lhe gPllcritl pllldit'. It i' a ourcc of gratificatlOll ~l!at tIns Dlstriet Iras ill('J'eHsed ill the lllllilbcl' of Ui,·isinn..; thl' follo\y~llg ha ~'itlg been font.led since 30 th '-'el.tclILbpl'. It'9!): \\'(., 'tOJI'SIl J1cr.~Lne, Bednllllster (llI(;orliorated WIth th\-} Olty of Bristol). Ebl)\V Vale, \\'1'0::\<111 (l. of W. OOl'l's), AhlJllrtoll, ~a\ltlglo, Eastl,ollJ'l1P (L.B. and .C. Ry.), I!:H"t and Wef>1 OO\H'S (I. of W. OOl'P ,~~lltJej', and Playdell. 1'11'0 only have I)('ell sinlt'k ofl' tlrl' strength for illl'fIil'ieuej', "iz., the Oityof' GlOll(;Cstel' awl Oyste1'll1OIlth j)il'I,~iotls, both O~) ~C.COUllt of l,ack ofclltllU-;iasm on thl' part of the .'llperilltell(l nts. ~1'lrJ'al new. Dl\'~SlO!J,' are ~ll the, COllI' 'e or fnl'matiou at yarious pla('c.', all tIll' Illl'lIthers hav,tn:g sIgn!fie(l.tbetr 'rilil:r{!lles· to eonfurlll thoro'lglIly to tlrc rulcs alld regulations. 'CIllforw ~s IJClllg morc llJ~l\~el'sally WOl'll, tl,c ouly tlr:1.\\'llack to its ad0l'tillll huillg the great dlfficult,ll of olJtallllll" the Hcce 'sal'\' fluids' ·· b . , llOln:V('l' tllerc IS a 0(f1'Olll'IJ" n l 1etenmnatlOll Oll t 1e part ofmClIIY DivisiOll'i to pl'Ol'lll'e it hy H0111" llleaJls. The l:epo.rt. I l~ave l'ece~vpd from l1Iy Assistant COlllJlIlS-ioller, Dr. O. Laul'ic, awl frOIll plstnct Olnef SUl'et'l1lt(,llrleJ?t, Dr. ,r .. Griflitl,s, "II tllc vUlious Divisions t1wy have lIIspected for me, a.re of a lllghly ,'al1sfcLctor), uI1c1 C'ncollragi1lg llatlll'f', alld I hal'e evcry reason to be pr0nc1 of the work ppl'f'01'1IIell1'oth by lhe IJfIic('l's ,llJd melt ill the district. In conclnsinn I wi!>h to tellCler my sine-ere tlmllks to my Assistullt.OOllllllissioller Di~tl'i<:t Ohier upel'intelldent, HOll .• 'll'geollS, •'nl'(,l'ill'len(ll'llts, 'Ilid .AlIIhlllal1e~ Olneers. for. the "(,IT ?,hle alill prompt JllalllU>1' ill whi(,h they l'elJdel'l,d me snch valnal)le assIstance wlnle the war lIa,., l)('Pll in jll'ogrpss. I lllnst especially th,tllk thos,e lUen who so gallal~tly respolldell to ti,e call 0[' (lnty, an(l gave tltcil' y<tlnable serVIces on behalf of thcu' QlH'ell aucl cnullll'\'. I have the hOllOlll' to Ill:, •'iI', YOUI' 0 heel iell t •'I'rvan t, '\\T. VFIll\O~, Acti/~(j Depnty OV?I1l1tissionel', ,No. If. District, St.J.A.B. To the Oommissioller, St. John Amlmlance Brigade.
Fa\'er~ha\ll" Ral1l~gate
Datc when Conned. April L 1 June], 1 Jan . .J, 1 Fcl), 19,] $10 l.Iar. 3. 1 ~10 .11llH' 17, l.,;!)0 .l.la 1'. ·1, I 9 1 .\pril::i, 1 01
Dil'. . Apl'iU' ,1 !)] PortslIl(lu th COI'P,' (Lawl. port Dil'. Jnly 1, 1 0~ Ohiehc tel' Diyisio11 April2L.lc:93 Pderstiel,L " .Tulle 11,1 n3 HeJ'lle Ihy " O(;l. II, ] 03 Hedrnth " Oet. 1 " 1,~)3 Readillg " O"c. 1 :3, ] 93 WestgaLe.oll·.'eil " . '\In1. :20, 1 0.'i RYIln tI. of'\\,. Corps) Dil. ~Lty " 1 n,) Yelltll0r I. of' W. Corps) Di I'isioll. . '\lny:2 L 1 !),; Newtoll .\.lll)('Jl" . Od. ~0, 1 0~ Mill Bay ((1. W. Hy.) Di,'. Feb. ~3, L9() Donghlnll,lIl1dcl',lllcall Dil'.~layl:3.1,!H) Ross,ull· Wn ilivisioll ~I,l\: 11. 1 ')0li Onterhal\l DiYisioll )[a, 1 1 9ti Duvcl'" Oet. I 9G
Oorps Divisions, Bristol (Oity of) Div. Dowlais " Balh (Mill. Ry.) Div. , Hal1l!>gate Oorps, ,'.E.R. Di 1·ISioll. RUlli gate Corps, Police .. Dil'isioll Billstl',uL (I. ofW. Oorps) Di\'isioll BI',YllIll:lI\,], Di"isioll Liphook Di"isioll. 'lll'isL(·ltnn;h " ( ;"od rich " \\' estoll,supcl'.:i\Iare Diy. Berllltinstel'Divit;ion Ebb", Yale \\'l'oxa11 (I. of W. Corp.' D1I'isiou Ash lllll'ioll 1 'rail Lyglo Eastbolll'llC IL. D. & , . O. railll'ay DiyistOu) EasL l'owes (I. of W. ('oqls Division . Xntley " West Co\\'es (I. of W. 'Ol'}ls) Divi'ion PlaytIell Di vi iOll 01'
Date \\ hen formed. Fell. 20, 1 97 'cpt. 14,1 97 Oct. I, 1897 A pI. 26, 1 9
ApI. :26, 1 98 ,July Oct. 15,1 Jail. I, 1 Mar. 20, 1 Mut'. :l2, 1
el't. "37,1 99 Oct. 10, 1,,99 Noy, 1, 1,,99 Jan. I:'. 1900 '\lay 1, 1900 ~Iay 5, 1900
May 17, 1900 JUlle 11,1900 July 7, 1900 1\ ng. 3, HIOO
cpt. :2", H100
, Rnmsgatc (Hal1lsgate C01')ls) Division . . . Oct. 29, EgO Portsmonth t l'ot'tsllluulh COI'Jls) D[\'isioll. ,Aug. I, 1 95 .... toll." ' ll'lltrul'd Dil'isiolt )1<11'. ~5, 1 9G
'Yuh-erton Di\'i. ion J'\1l1gval1 " Rend illg
Ap1. 16 1 96 Feb. :2 , I 99 :Dlnl'. :20, l.j99
~11lr ""~
' ..J
~ Q) :.......~
t= .~"C ;" ~. , '0 "t:l I" C ct5-- ..0<= [/1'" C) ~ ~
If. ,!. '"
~ f g .;: ~ .,., ~~ . <= .:::. ~.~ .~.~ ..,..<:; I" .:: t '" ~ ~'O o 'r .... <> 0 - <= ... c.0§ "' ... -- ::l'" :5...:>'"- 031"'aJ:::I:::w'" q::.. §", ~~ rn ~ o 0 o 0 ':JJ
~.~ ~ YJ
, .. Di trict taff A h burton Division .. Ashford " .. , Ayle bury " ... Bath Oity ... Bath :l lIid. Ry. " " .. , Bedmin tel' " Div. BOL1gh tOll-under-Blean Bri tol (Oity of) Divi ion . , ' BryDl1la\H " ... Catel'ham " ... Chiche tel' "., Christchurch ." ... Dover " ... Do\rJai Eastboul'1le(L.B. & ". 0.) Di,. Ebbw Yale Diyi sion ... Faver ham ... -J ... Goodrich " Guildford .. ' " ... H erne Bay I sle of Wight Corps" ... Bill. tead Division ... Ea t Co\\'c .. " KeWllort ... " Ryde ... " Yentnor ... We t Co\Yes ... .," Wroxall ... " Lipbook ... Hill Bay (G. W. R. ) " " N cll1tyglo ... " Newton Abbot .. " Nutl ey " Oxford .. " *Petersfield ... " Playden ... Portsmouth Corps " ... Portsmouth Division ... " NursiDg Di,. ... Ramsgate Corps ... Town Division .. , " Police ... " " ... • .~j.R. " :rnrsing " ... " " Reading ... " Recll'utll .. , " *Ross-on- ,Yye .. " T unbridge Wells ... " Westgate-on-Sea ... '\V estou-super-Mare " ... "
NURSTNGDIV. NOT INC'ORPS. Ludgvan Division '" Reading " ... Stony Stratford Div. ... ' Yolverton ..
To tal
1 1
-11 -
- - -1- 1 -
1 I 1
1 -
1 -
-=[-; ~
., -
.) _.)
'J _.)
1 1
1 1 -
I -
:3 1]
:2 2J 17 -
1 -
1 ]
1 -- 6
I 31
1 -
Total effective 14.
Drills hell1 19. A\enlgf' attellclallc'e RC fTulatioll cap ant! ll;tllge \Yom by 1 OJficer all!l 1:2 mell. :;\Iatel'ia1: 1 stl'ttrhrr, set of sl'lillt., etc .. vestell in the Ofticer~. DiYision supporte(l hy l11eml'el's' ~illbseriptiolls aml g!:'uel'al J1nhlic. The Divisicill lla ' Illalle gooll l'rogn'ss ill stl'ett'lll!1' Ihill and ballll;tgillg, allil is 110W sulticielltly l'lliriel1t to ask for puiJlic Slll'I'O],t. III orller to enEst thi, a l'ul)lic denJOJlstratioll is to hc gil'( II OJ] Xm·. !llll, at which tIle ne\\·toll ) .. l)lHlt Divisioll will as.-ist. Tlll' lIlemhers sllo\\' great luthusins11l ill tbe ,,'ork .
C. .J1. AlUII"Ull.
[Forme<l ·1 .1.78].,
1st Office r and Inspector' of Stores
Superintendent .
£. J. Bo\\le;-;.
G. )1. .Jlathel'. :33, IIJ.1'tlillgl' RlIall 1\8111'01'11, Kl'Jll.
Oflicel's 3.
.j 7
Prinlies 12.
Honorary Treasur'er.
'Y. " 'cullalil.
AshJord, E.l'nl.
J. H. '\'llb.
Honorar' y Secretary ,
1 Hl 7 3;1 ~
~ ]
1 1 1 -
1 1 -
Inspector of Stores.
Lambshead, GJa,llll1lal' • 'chou], .\shburtOll.
,V. H. 'l'olllsdt, G ,Cha.rt T errate,
-1~4 ] '24
1.": 1 I :1'-, -
-- -- -
1'-, --
1 :2 lc - 1 - ' _1}4 -
-- -
2 - -
treet, A.'hhurton
Honor'ar'y Sur·geon.
W. T . Butchers, Ea't
OlIieer:; 2.
]P Hi -
I -
- -
1 -
=-- I ~ 1
-- -
11- -
~ I 1~
1 -
] [) .,-
;3 3:2 :2 U 1 12 -
1 -
fl·- - -
Hon orary S ecr'etary,
1 ];') - 1
Acting Super in tendent.
Hon . Surgeon.
10 20 -
[Formed 5.10001·
:n -
:2 .2 -
.9 m ;... :::
1 1 -
-- 1, -
1 1 1 1 -
I> .;:;
- 10 1 -- 1 -- - Ic ~ ](j 1 1 1 , 1 1 :~ III -- 1 1 -,1 - -
]. , -
1 -
-11 1 I 1 ] -
1 1 1 -
... ... en aJOO E!t ...,'"til
"g +='.cq
_. -
1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
g If.
' '00~ .;
~ ~ c..: ~ ~ ~ ~ [f1~ EfB ZfB :::'-' "'IE <= ~ >, 80
11- -
• .... ~..f,j~oQ)a;Q.;;...IQ),......,t.::
SI<j : :
.~~ i
]9 19 35
:3 52 Sfi:rI27
Th e figures (m ItalIcs) for DIvisions which have made no return uro taken from the annual report for 1898-9. * No report for tl1l' l ast 3 years.
Private::. ~l.
Total efl'ediye 24.
Increase siu(;(' last report 1 hon . sur(Yl'on awl 14 memhel'.. Remoyals Ca e attenlle.d not Oil publil! llllty 10, AlJ71l1al illspcctioll allLl eXC1mlllatioll. 2ll!1 '" ept. :Meual1.lOu· 6. Material: 1 littcr, 2 stretcher:; smull hamper, etc., vested in Comllutt~e,.o~' Divisioll . . Di\'isioIJ supJlulleLl by . nhs~"il'liol1 . . , The Dn lSlOll has lllll'lllg the j' '.U' hel'll l'('-0rg<llllZl'd, 101- llH'lllhcrs lw.\-l1lg heen elll'?l1ecl, awl milch lll()l'LJ in'trrl','t a 1111 ellergy displayed h)- all tlw memher ' . It IS hoperl tbat still lIIore may joill, al10ther da. s of ill t1 netio]] heillg in l~rogres. Y('ry. stttisful'tol'Y work Iln~ 11l'l'1I nrcolllpli lIel1 <luring th e year, . Heral severe case, havlllg heclI attclItlNl to, 01JC or \\'llil'h was that of a 1,1(1, who \\'as thrown from her horse. the hor,'(' aftl'nYtH(ls rollillg OIl her. Sh e \\,a' r!:'lllo,~,l to the hospital, aDl~ the melllhel" who pCl'rorn1ell the flul) \" ere highly COllllllelllled fo]' th e 'Iny in wlll?h the work ",as ca1'l'ieL1 out. A cOlllpl,te l'L'POl't i~ 110t 1'0. sible, fre h oflicer haVIng heen appointed lluring the year.
[Fol'J)1'\l 3.] Pl.]
IIEAD'QUAI:TEItS: PASHIFLOIt \ OorLum, Y[(' TOnL\. STl1.tmT, AYLE~nl'ln..
Honorary Surgeon .
T. D. Panott, lIf.lt.('.R.,
treet, Aylc bury.
2U-l, Superintendent.
Honorary Secretary.
J. F. R oche, Pas ifiora Cottage, Victoria Street, Aylesbury.
J. F. Roche, jun., P£1 si El ora CottaO'e Victoria treet, Aylesbury. t>,
1st Officer.
Honorary Treasurer.
C. Budd.
J. 'Williams, Bucks awl Oxon Bank,
A.yle bury. Officers 3. Privates 10. Total effective 13. Arm badg~ only \~·orn.. Uaterial: 1 small tent, vested in Aylesbury Di\'i ion. I ncrea ed lll~erest IS belllg taken in the work of. the Divi 'ion, ,1,l1l1 there is every prospect of an mcrea c of members. Th c room Intherto lcnt by the Bucks County Council for drill pnrpo. es have not lately beeu ayailahle, bnt the lllitlltV'el' of the Ayle bury Printing \Yorks has kindly offered the use of a room. "
necessary to amputate the foo.t, as it was so ?,atlly c.l'LI~hec1. This I?iYisi?l1 has not attended any public llu ty dUl'lug the year. I he p1'1n01pal case'; of fll'st aId rendered ~l'e: Fracture of thigh 1.' !'ractlll'C of l<'ft raclim; a~ld uilla 1, fracture of ankle 1, all being simple fractures; ll1JUl'Y Lo chest 2, head 3, fIngers 4, facc 1.
'( '!TOOLS.
Honorary Surgeon .
F. Ii:. Peakc,
JlI.Jt.U.S .
In spector of Stores .
II. 'Y. Froude.
A.. Froude, Rn.kigh Uoa(l, Ashton Gat!'.
Honorary Surgeon .
Superi n tendent.
'Yohlmanll,:\1. D.
pmw 'ou,
, Broad, 'trcl't, Dath
1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.
A. B . Moore, 16, Pulteney Garden"
Oflicers:2, 'up. o fl'. 1. Pl'i\'atl's 16. Total efl'ective 19, Drills helll 31. Averagc attclI!lallce 10. R plllovab:2. Ca es atteUllell not On public duty l~. Anllual illS]lC('~iol1, .1~1: 'l'l'l. Total on paradc 19. M,cL1alliol1s 4. Nlll'sina certiticate' 2. HeglllntlOll lllllfullil worll by 1 Of tIcer, 1 up. OIl. and 4 men. l\Iateridi: 3 stretchers, splillts,. haltllagl's, dc., \\ater IJottle, haYl'c.5acs, ·tc . Divi -ion snpportell hy mellllH'rs' allll ollt:-;i(le suhscriptiolls. Thi~ Division was forllled all 19th ct., InOO, awl has been working (luietly during the eleven months of ils ('xistencc. au tlll' occasion or it· nl'st in pection, the Deputy OomUli siOllcr ex prcs.ell lli IllC Ir ph·accl wit 11 tlil' pj'ugrc's made by the members in drill and practice. It is hope(llllll'ing the lIext year Lo be able to lH'o\'ide uniform for eyeral men in alltlitioll to tIle fonl' already ill uniforlll. I
BATH CITY (SOMERSET) DIVISION . lFol'l1w17.1.1£)00J.
Officer, 3. Privatcs 20. Total cffective 23. Drills held 9. Av erage attendance L. Remunds .J. Case attendc!l Hot Oll public (lnty 1. ::.\Iedallioll 3. Rcgulation uniform wom hy ~ Ollit:ers. .Jhtcrial: 1 hoI' e ambulance, 6 'tretcher , and 1 llleditille clic t, .. estell ill thl' Committee of the B~th 9~n.tre. D.i'"i ion supportcd lJY 'nll ·cription·. Thl Dln'lOlI, willch ,,-a re-I'orlllecl in thc latter part of ;\I,l,Y £111(1 rcgisterf'tl in July, proceeded to COU11l1PllCe " -ark at OllCC, ninc lhills IUl\'inc' l)cen lipid dlll'in Cf the thrce months of its exi, tence. It is a matter of ~O!JgratulaLigll tllat tl)(~ DiYisio~1 has been ahle to 'cnel out olle of its member, to .'onth Africa. Thc mCllIh!.!r.' \ycre seen on parade uy the D eputy Commisionel' \rh en the Divi , ion waf! re-furlllc(l, anLl he expre>isecl hilil el f \'ery \\'ell satisfied with wliat he had seen,
BEDFORD DIVISION. [Formed 1. 6. 97 .J (X 0 report l'cc:ci \'(,l1.)
Hon . Surgeon . H, C. IIeathcote, M.B., 1st Offi cer.
R. J. 'Yooclward.
F , G. 'Yar\\ ick, 12, Thc Circus, Dath. Inspector of Stores.
Pte . T. Eallles, Pte. J. GilllJons. 3, Hopemead Duil<lillgS, Twerton, Bath.
HI 10:\[,
1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
~l. IL e.S .
Honorary Sec re ta r y.
W. Branchelt. IL 'las up. 011'. C. 'Y. mitb, High St., Boughtoll, Favcrshalll. SLoeker's Hill, Boughton, ncar FaYCl'slw,m. Inspector of Stores.
A. '1'. Uastle,
Pte .
Officers 3. 'up. Off. 1. Privates 15. T otal efl'eciive HI . Increase since last report 3. Drill held 21-. AYe rage aiten(lance Remo,'als 6. Case' attended not. on pnlllie (luty Hi. Anllual illspectioll, 23rd ept. Total 011 parade 10. Ah ent With leaye 9. Annual l'e-cxaminaLioll, 231'd Sept. J\1embel'~ passe(~ 10. Diclnot appeal' 9. Mcc1alliolls 7. Material: 3 sLrctc'hers, 1 case of first aIel allpl~a.l1ces, 1 lla vresac, 1 box, COll tainillg l.Jaudages, splin ts, etc., vested in M. R.. Co,. P.I VISIon s~lpported 1JY ::.\1. R. 00. awl memlJers' suhscril'tiollS. T.lus Dl vls~on cont~nLles to make stcadyanrl satisfactory progress, the members taklllg much lllterest III ttle drills and c xel'cises. One mem 1Jc1' of the Di vision was in N O;:. last presen~ed with a Silver 1\lcdal by the Directors of the J\J.lt. 00. for men.torons .first. al~ rcnel.ered to a man who had fallen between the platrorm and a mOVIng tram, IllS foot belllg run over. After being taken to the hospital, it was fonnd I
Mrss lOX
Honorary Surgeon.
B \'fH. Superintend ent.
Hon . S ec. and Treas .
DIVISION. [Formcd 4.5.%.J
Il.EAIJ-l~L\J: nws: TIlL OLD
BATH (MID. RY.) DIVISION. [FOl'lllecl1.10 . 97,J IIE.\'D-QUAltTEIl~: ~I.IL
~ KENT )
J. A. Curling.
Honorary Treasurer.
211LI las t:)up. 00'. B. Ralph.
01liccrs 3. 'up. 011'.:J . Printtes '27. T otal ell'cctive 3~. Increase ::;iucc last report 5. Drill ' held 3:3 . Anmge attendallce 15'9. aes attended not (JI) public uuly 2:i. Annnal rc-examination. 2nd April. Iemberpas:ed 30. Diu not appear~, Medallions 13. • 't'rvite 1J<l,dgcs 4. Hcgulation uniform '~'orn ?y 2 Ollieel'i>, ~ up. oIf. tlllcl 21 !lien. 1\laLcrial: 4. treLchcl", watcr bottle, lll'.St. ~lcl box, complete outfit of splints, hallllagcs, etc., ye ted ill COlllmittee of the DlVlSlOll. Division supportcd by pulJlic suhseriplions. ~be Division has marll' gooel progr S' rlmill g the ycal', the attendance at drills being Iltllte up to the avenl,ge. Pulllic duty li as hecll uutl ertaken on threc occa ions. Althougl: no cases werc treated, the pre 'cnce of the (1 nalls wa much apprcciated by the publIc. A. course'of lllll'sing lecture' for men is 011 the point of tOmllleneing.
. 296
Hono,'ary Surgeon.
·W. Dligh, 2nd Officer.
1st Offi cer.
A. Dumhleton.
IY. H. Reed. Honorary Secretary.
R. Parker, 3-1, Belmont Road, 13i hopston, Bristol. Honorary Treasurer.
Inspecto r of Stores .
up. 01f. F. W. Brice.
H. Reell.
OtEeer' J. Sup. Off. 3. Privates 32. Total efrective :39. Increase since la t report H. Drill, held 40. A ,'erage attel1clance :2,1. Cn es attended on public duty U. Removal :20. Ca::;es atteuc1eLlllut Oll puhlic duty 1:30. Annual in pection, 27th Sept. Total 011 paralIc 29. Ah:ent \lith leayc 9. Anllual re-examination, 27th ~ept. Memher' passed 29. Did not appear 9. .l\Iedalliolls 25. Kursing certificate :21. Regulation unifoJ'llI ",om by -1 Ofticel'~, :3 , up. Off. and 20 men. )laterial: A 'hfordlitte]' amI cl , tretche:]'s, hanesac, .pJillt. and hantl age " vestl;'d in t. John Ambulance Brigade. Dil'ision supportl'c1 hy till' public. The progress maue the past year has 11een exceptionally gOI)(l. The strength of the Division has increased, aml 21 of the lllelll1H'rs haye (1 ualified ill 1111l'.'ing. The Di,ision ha turned out on evera 1 pu hlic oecasiolls, and \\'a~ 011 (lu ty on :\Ial'ekillg Day, by the sllecial reque t of the Lord )layol of 13ri,tol, il'lierhel't J.bhlllun: who las taken a great iutel'c ·t ill the wOlk of the Diyisioll: aml is now onl~ ()f it, hOllolary member. . The distribution of the Lord :Jlayor' fund for the sick amI II'oulHl~d soldiers hus been entrn ted to this Diyision. awl o"cr 300 ca::;l'S of relief hall been attended. up to the end of 'eptemhec. )11". Griffith, the ,,,ife of the lIon. urgeon, ha ''1orked verv hard on llehalf of the Di yision in this matte)', and the Jle,t thank of the members"are aceorrleu to her. One of the featl1l'es of the year was the visit of Her )lost Graeioll )la.ie ty the Queen, when the members of the Bl'iga,le turned out in strong nnmbers under the commanu of' the Deputy Conl1ui, .'ioller, who ohtained special as:istance from Oxforll and el e\\ here. Too much cannot hI' saill of the indefatigable way in which the Ron. lll'geon has "'orkerl on hehalf of the Diyisiol1, and it i entirely due to his tirele s energy that the Division tamls in such a good condition to.day.
[Formell 13.9.9 .]
H_. . LL
Honorary Surgeon .
Su perl ntendent.
G. H. Browne, )J.n.c.5., Bl'ynma\\l:.
R. P. Adams, King treet, Brynmawr.
Honorary Secretary.
Ins pecto r of Sto res.
Up. Off. ,. T. Bearll, X orth '\Yestern Railway Terrace, BrY])l11al\'r.
A.'IlIJUL \~(j~
W. IJhillips.
[Formed 18.5.96.]
Superintendent and Hon . Sec.
Honorary Surgeon
Grifiith,)1. n. . s.
J. Phillip, Gordon Lodgf. neyll Park, Bristol.
[Formell1 90.]
A, J. Hiley, 28, Land 'treet, Croydon.
()lIice)'s~. .'up. Olr. 1. P)'ivat~. 1~. Total effective 15. Drills held 1~. Average attelldallel' 10. Ca 'es attended on public rluty ~. Removals 7. Cases nttenrIclllloL on l'nbliC' duty l!l. ,ervice bandages 10. I egnlation uniform \"'ll'll hy 1 Onlcl'r, 1 Sup. OfL, nIHl 11 mell. Muterial: 1 litter, 2 stretch!'!'s, lifting board, 2 banes,tefl, :.l water l,ottle., e~c., ve"ted ill 'to John Anlhlllnuue .Assoeialioll. Divi~ioll ,::;nl'portell hy local snh'cn1,crs. 'rhe Divisio1l ccnliJJt1l,s to do useful work. altllOugh tbe lluruhcl' of cn c. treated only sliCfhtly excecll., that 01' la.-t yeal·. The sl'rvices of a memher ,yere of great u. e to a lIH~l \\:110 \l'lS 1,lillllerl in hoth eyl's 1,), C[lIil'kliulc. and wlIo lmt 1'01' the pre 'e11(;e of the iirst.ailler \V,)j]!tl bayc hall to wait 1110)'(' than an hom he1'ol'e he coulll get to the hospital. 011 allotbl'r OCC:lSinll.tltn·e ~lIe~llll(;)'s, \I'itb stretchel's.a~Hl hane. ac, attended a cnse two 111 ill'S all'ny, aml al'l11'ell \\'lllllll half-all-hour of reeclvlIlg the .U1l11110nS, but unfcl'tunatch' they '1'I')'e till) late to hc of allY ,enice. The Division has clolle useful work on beh;t!f o(the Centml British R"ll " 1'1). S Olllll1ittee, collecting antI 1'01'wal'dil1g £50 9 '. :211., allll a I'ery valna 11leasortUH'llt of gifts ill kim1. TlI'omem bl'l'sof tbeDiyision ,,'ent out to SOHth Afl'iea with the l'ol'tla1ll1 IIII,pi.tal, (lue of whom, liarry J. Rore!', died 011 :;(,1'I'iel'. To l,el'jlctllntl' his lllPlllOl'Y tIle Dil'ision huye clecilled to erect an .Ambulance statioll at ('pper Catel'halll. and are no\\" receiving (IOllations to,yarc1 that objcet. The 11nilcling !lUll l'IJuil'!l1CllL will cost ahout £100, amI nearly £55 has already l'Cl'IlIlh'erihcIl.
CHRISTCHURCH HAMPSHIRE DIVISION. [Fonllell :W.:3. 99.] lh,.\fl-Qv.u:rLI:s:
c. E",( 11.\. (,1',"
Honora,'y Su'·geon.
Superintendent, Hon, Sec and Hon. Treasurer.
W. E.
Uastle Strcet, Christchmeh. Inspector of Stores.
1st 0 ffi cer. • \.
('1'0\1 t III~r.
Clark .
Uflic!'rs '2. Plinltes ~O. Total eli'ective ~3. Increase .. in('e last report ]0. Drills helll ·10. .\.veragc attemlauee 10'05. Ca'es attelllh'(l Ull ]Julllit.: dnty~. Ca-es attelltll'tlllot 011 lJu1dic duty. Allllual inspection, 10th nIay. Total 011 panllie 1, .\hSl·llt Iyilh leave:2. lYithout leave 2. Anllual re-examillatiOlI, IGth Jun. )lcmliel's l'a~sell :W. )le(la11ion ~htelial : 2 Fmley stretchers, splints, hallllages, l'te., \'ested in Divisional Committee. Divi'ion SUPP0l'tr,tl uy .'uhscl'ipliollS. , The granting of the use of the Town Hall 1'0), lh'ill. llY the Towll Council, free, is much aPl'recialell. 'l'11C C()Ulll'il htWl' also hall prinlell a list of the mcmber. of the Divi ion, and placerl it in the municipal l,uilllings. The llame of PriYate Squire, who has hOC11 011 .. el'vice in South Africil, has been placed on the records of the Council. The llll'mhel'. are carrying (Ill the \\'ork \lith great enthu iasm.
Honorary Treasurer.
B. Thomas. Officers. 2. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 12. Total effective lG. Reserve members 3. Decrease since lao t report 1. Drills held 25. Average attendance 7. Removals 3. Cases attended not on pU1Jlic duty 6. Anuual reexamination, Nov. 1899. :Membcrs passed 2. l\Iedalliolls . Nursing Certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 'u p. Ofr., anrl 4. men. Material : Stretcher and ambulance hasket, vcsted in Committee.
DOVER (KENT) DIVISION. [ForlHcll11.97.] Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent. J. D. O. Howden, M.D., 6, Cambridge Termee,
Honorary Secretary.
IV. Brett, 3, Glen Grove, Folkestone Roull, Dover.
Private G. rlntes.
G. French.
Officer 1. Pri yates 24. Total efrecti ye 25. Decrea e incelast report 3. Drills held 46 . Average .atte!ldance fi:., Remonl . . 1. Ca e attended not on public duty 3. An~ual re-exanlluat~on, • 0\. 1\1 el11 bel'. pa sed 22. Did uot appear 2.. Medal!loll 12. lIIater~a~:. tlcil:hel', . pl1l.t , lJandage , etc., vested in the Pre IJent ot local centre. Dn'lslOll snpporte(l b) th e member. Durin Cf the year there ha been a light decrea e in number owillg to 1lll'III1 1ers leavinO' the tOWIl but another cIa s in first aiel ha ' been 11e1<1 which \\llll'l'ohnh!y lll'iug the n~mber up'dminO' the next yeal. Great interest is taken ill the 1'I'adil'l S, the ilJcentiYe being a Jnr bo\,,] preseuted for competition anllually n111011g 11Il'11I1Ier' of the Division, to be held for twelve month by the " 'illlling team. Tbl'l'e eaSl , ha,e been attended to by member, when Dot 011 (l uty. .A sljlHul 01 llIell has 11l'l ll pl'ovirled for yarlOUS sports during the year. Two or the 1lleJll belS YO lUll t l'l'red 101' • outh Africa, and ,yere accepted.
1 J. fl. f\i .~
DOWLAIS (GLAMORGANSHIRE ) DIVISION. [Fonnc,l HEAD-QUAltTEm;: Do,,'L,us ,'l HnOL C. Pricc, 4, Blaen Dowlai , DowIais.
L.R.C. P.
Honora l' y Surgeon
, . H . ,\.1 'Xal1rll'l,
Il 2nd Offi cer
Su pe r int e ndent a nd Hon . Se c
1s t Offi c er.
(. E. 'lilleh, 3, 'to Ann " Hoarl, F, Yl'r:ltalll
.\.. 1' .• ·hl1'\\"IO(1.
In s p ec tor o f Sto r es. A. E . 'uc.
Ollic'l' rs 1. Pri'\ ltl's ~:-J. Tntal plledlVI ~fl. Hcsel'v(' IIl l' mill'l 1. Drill lleltl 1:3. .\ \'. \'Il ,~I ' atll'llIlaul'I' },-,., RI'llIu\'als ti. ases attl'llI]Cllllot oIl I,u],li" dUly ~ . AllIlll,t1 re I Xllllillatioll. ~ III .Jnnc. Ml'llloel. · rassl'cl ~. ~lr' llalli()lls l~. ~11'\'il't· hnrlgl' ll' .-llr~iIJ!!; L'I 'ltilil'ate . 115 Regulation ulliiill'lll 1\'01'Jl hy 1 Ollil'cl' aud :2 111l' 1I. :'Ilatlllll: 1 \\ ltl'cle 1 littt'l'. , ,ll"l·tr'l!Ch, ;) haskeb. \'estell. ill till' UIlil'I 'I'''. I lj\' j"illl\ SUl'l"lrt·r! ll}' IJlcmll1'r .. uh l'l'Il'tioll. Tlte :1I110llllt 01 work rlolle I,), lilt l>ivi.ioll dlllillg tltt · past 'y1';l1' i , ati fuct!)I'Y. Two of the 1Il1'1I1hel''> \'tlIUII!I'l'l'ecl for neti,,!' 1'1'\'il'( in' outh AII·iea-viz., PriYat('s lIillk~ :llnl Ellis. al1rl bolll outaillL'lL rl' pIlIlsil!lI' !lIlitiolh UI"'11 tltl' Priltcl·. . " l'hritw.n Ho 'pita! Trail!. Tlte l )i\'isioll is grl'atly ill,hlltl'll tu tit > CIJllIl111ttl'P of tlt e \\Tork, 11lL'1l ' Clull fIll' tltl' ('ontillul'(l \I"l' or ih hall a , h all . lill,u·tch.
J. E\ ·11IS.
I FOl'llled
G. Davi(' .....
treet. Dowlai
Hon S urgeo n .
Officeri:i 3. Private 19. Total effective 22. I ncrease since last report 7. Drills heM 2 . Average attulHlamc !I. Ca"l'::; attended not 011 public duty 4. Annual lnS]lectioll, 11th Aug. Total Oil lHu·allL· 10. Absellt with leave 9. 'Without leave 3. Allllual re-ex:nnination, 26th, '('pt. 1\1 t'11111('1' passecl13. Did not appeal' 9. Iccla.lJiol1s l\nrsillg certificate 1. HI'gllla!ioJl uniform worn lJy 5 JIlen. Material: llaJ1clages and splinb, ve'tell ill lJiyj 'joll, Division snpported hy memllers' subseriptiOlIS. The Divisio11 has made progress during the yrar. It i ' h01'(,ll shortly to ,Qet uniform for the member . It i intenclecl to ('all a me tiug oj' towllS}JC'Ol,ll' at aJllady clate to explain t o them the objects of the B)'igalle, anrl, if 1'0:;. ihle, to get them to become members of a working committee, Five melllllel's of the Divi ion \'Ol11lltlL' J'I'c1 anrl \\'ere accepted for service in outh Africa during the year.
Su peri nte n den t an d 1st O fficer
\' \\lIll
\l.l:.l' ...
( ,\. etil1~ ), Thll Uld J.{11' LI)l·Y, ' \"I'I,,1t Ijiehullc. 111 "'.
Ho n . S ec., In spec tor ' of St o ,'es, a nd Hon . T reas .
PJ'ebeltd,lI',) .'e,ltOIt, (:ootlt lelt \,il'amgl', Un"s. 1l1'n ,ronhltu'I·.
RI'\' .
Ollie!'I',..,:2. Pri\at,' 1!3. Tiltal dl'ePli\'e I:,. SiUCl' las,l n'pIlIt:i. Urilb ltl'lrl 1 I. .\. \'cragl' tlrt(,lll1allCe i .~, I:eltltl\',lb 1, M ·{lal.1lOll 1. ~~n !l'P I':l,lgl 1. l\ latl·rial. 1 strl'tl'lll'l', 1 !tamper uf relplisit es 1'01 fi.l"t al~l, YC, telllll the Fll', l Olhepl' allll 11 011. ;-'l'~rl'lill'\' . Di\'i iUlI ~llpt'(ll'terl h\' s1I1ali sub. cn pt iOlls. . ' l11(, I'~a .. l'
" '01:", 'lIE " s
Honora ry T reas u rer,
Honorary Secre tary,
A. Luca , 12, Cllarlotte
II E ,\I I'QuA I~1 "1:S:
1st Offlce l'
Su p e r inte nd e nt .
Honora ry Surgeon .
H . L. Hughes,
FAVERSHAM (KENT DIVISION. [Fol'med 5.;,.91.]
Hono r a r y T reas ure r'.
Inspector of Stores.
UJ£AIHIl ,\ltTE lt,,: il l ls"lU~
Lujor F. H. H.ussell,
Superintendent and Hon . Treas.
J . G. Price, IJolice 'tation, ElJbw Vale.
1',\1, 1-'
1st O fficer
S ll p e rr nt e nd e n t. \l, Il.
~IL' l't'o \\
Honorary Surgeon .
J. \V. Davie,',
LI', \
1.11.1\:.100. '] Honorary Su rge on .
[ForI1l<.!l13. ;U 10.]
:'I I \\'illwlIl"Oll, I lL'lll , J ~I'Slllll [{Il. , Uuiblfonl.
,I. \\
Lam bert.
Ho n S ec., T reas u re,' a nd In spector' of St o,'es . 1st Officer and Hon. S ec.
O. G. Davies, I da P Iaee, ElIl)\\ Yilt,.
Officers 3. Sup. OJr. 2. P rivates 25 . Total efrective 30. Aug. T otal Oll pa1'<[cl u '27 . Regl1];t Reserve llie m bel'S 30. Annual inspec:tioD, tiOll uni form worn by 3 Officers and 3 me ll. Divisioll su pported hy melJdWl S snuscri ptions.
BoughtulI, ,'llledll'()I'l,
!{oaLl, l;nildtorll.
OIlit:et'H;L .'lI p. 011.:2. l'l'j\',lle" :2.-,. 'flltal t·Il'I'dil'l' ;W. . Deerease SlIl('p last repurt:.!. Drilb held 11. \ \l'l'l1glJ alletlrlalll'l' !), '.ISl'S ~tell!l~tl UII plllll~c ll uLy~. HCJll()ntls .-,11. L'a~l's llt.tllllk:l \lot 011 I' ublil' dllt,) 4. 'rnnlla . rC-eXa ltllllali()ll, ~'-Ith Oct. ,\1 L'1I11Il ' r~ Il(\S"l'd 11. Did \lilt 1II'!H,'U I' \ . l ' l'LLulhUIl!-l ' 'I' . , I).. l{,egll 1·It t lUll lInlOl'l1l \I'llI'll ll)' :.! :-\ul' 011. and tl~ 111'11. .'l atl' nul: \
11Or8e amblliance coach, 4 Ashford litters, carrying chairs, first aid hampers , vested in the Hon. lll'geon amI Superintendent. Division supported by subscriptions and donations. Since the la t report a fully-equi.pped horse am lmlance coach ha been purchased by public snb'cl'iption. even members have heen fitted ont with the cOl1l1)lete regulation ullifor:11, and five more \Yill shortly be upplied with the same. Football and cricket matches, Bank Holillay sports, hoI' e. how , etc. , have b en attended " 'ith the coach, \Yhich ha, heen of sernce in everal case . Ca es of sickness and accident have been moved to the County Ho pital and Nursing I nstitutcs, and eventl cases have been moved long eli. tances by the coach on pa engel' train . The Division enjoys the confidence and recommendation of all the local medical men, and the acqui iLion of the coach and placing mrn in uniform ha considerably added to the intere t in the ,,·ork. This i very much due to the Commissionrr's vi it abont a year ago. The urgeo)), Dr. Russell, has been indefatigable in the delivering of first aid and nursing lectures, and he has devoted con iderable time to training the member in fir t aid. The total co t of the full equipment of the Divi. ion will be about £160, to'i'i'ards '\\hich a sum of about £100 has already been contributed.
BINSTEAD DIVISION (I. W . CORPS .) [Formed 7.7.98.] lIE .\D-QUAH.'I'EllS: DIlILL HALL,
Hono rary Surgeon.
A. Banks,
F.Il. c.
Honorary S ecretary.
YY. Read, Wellwoocl Lodge, Dill tead.
Pte. W. A. Beale,
Offieer'~. Privllte' 10. Total effective 12. Increase in(;c la't report:2. Drill' hcld 12. Average attendance 8. Annual re-examination, 25th '-'cpt. Members ]lass cd 10. Did not apl)ear 1. Material: 1 stretcher, . plint ·, etc., vested in the Village. Di\'i ion npported IJy members and friends. The Division has made stea(ly pl'ogre 's (luring the past year.
[Formed 11.10.93.J
Honorary Surgeon.
E. C. F enoulhet,
1st Officer.
S uperintendent and Hon . S ec.
J. F.
helley, 70, :JIortimer
t., Heme Bay.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. Greenland.
H. A. Va se.
Officers 2. . up. Off. 2. Pri,-ates 1. Total effedive 22. Increase since la t report 6. Drills held 37. A verage attendance 9. Cases attended on public duty 1. Removals 13. Ca es attended not on public duty 4l. Medallion 3. ~ en -ice lladges 2. X ursing certificate. 8. Regulation uniforlll worll by 1 Officer, 2 up. Oft'. anel17men. Divi 'ionsupported. byvoluntalysulJscriptions. This Division is doing gooel work, the total number of ca es (including reJuovals) for the paf't year being 55. Five melllbers of the Division volunteered and were accepted for service in 'outh Africa, aucl have all r eturneel. A bell tent has been purchased for use ,,-hen required (on Imblic duty) for an ambulance station. The Division has been on public cluty twice dmillg the twehe months, hcsicles which severalmembprs attend the football matches and other local "ports, and have on several occasions rendered fi rst aid. The 111 em bel' al'o turn ont for c1u ty at all fire!!, and their services have ofteu been Tequirecl.
ISLE OF WIGHT CORPS. Ch ief Supe rin t endent.
V. J. Blake.
:\1. B.,
Elsinore, IT en tnor.
[Formed 15.6.99.J Acting Supt. Secretary.
[Formed 2.90J.
Honorary Surgeon .
C. J. Th::lI11 p on, HEAD-Q"GATITETI. · :
chool House, Binstead.
:\I.I~.C ..".
F. Peach,
5, Hearn treet, ITe";port, I."\Y.
Honorary Secretary.
Honorary Treasurer.
J. W. Gibbs, 1 fl, Chapel 'treet, F. Piullo.ek. cwport: 1. 'IV. Ollicers 3. up. If.:2. Private ' 16. Total effecti\'e 2l. Deereasesiuce 1<t:,t report '. Drillshelc113. A.\'erugeattenuancc10. Removals 27. Cases attcnded not on puulic (luty n. Annual inpection, 20th Cl)t. Total on 1lal'ade 10. Abscnt with leave 10. AUllual re-examination, ~ th ept. Members passed 10. Faill'u 4. Did not appeal' 6. :Jleclallion' :Jlaterial: ambulance wagon, litter, chair, 2 tl'etchel', I!) havrc 'acs, 2 hampers, vesterl in Isle of 'IVight Centre, ,'to John .l.... mbulallce . \ 'sociatioll. Divi'ion '1111ported by member' subscription.'. The amlmlallce wagon was titte<l with ruuhcr tyre' in Kov. Ia t, also with pole anrl bar for a pail' of 11or.. e::;, as this \\as [oulld to hp npee::; 'ary, owing to the long jomneys which often have to be undcrlakeJI ill remol'ing injured and invaliu patients from an part.' of the i"land to the UOUllty IIo:pital at Hyde. The wagon has been used rluring the year ~4 timc, , covering ,t distancc of H 1 mile. The following are some of the en es: Compol11111 fracture' 5, ::;iml'lc fmcture 2, eyere bul'll' 2, for surgical operation 5. The remailliug patients ,,'ere ill\-ali(ls remol'ec1 for medical treat.mcnt or cllallge of re,i(lellcc. Furty-olle case' of fir t aid have been rendered, several beillg ~erious one;;, and three , o\\'ing to their se,'erity, proved fatal. The wheeled littcr has been used three timcs, 1'01' accidents occurring in the street. '1'he members turJl nut promptly when called upon. J. R. Hayle.
-'- T
RYDE (I. W .) DIVISION. [Formed .5.95.J (N 0 report received.)
G. H. Conley, Fairlawll, Ventnor.
The Isle of Wight Corps has dming the past year been incl'easetl in llum1)ers uythe enrolment and registration of \Vroxall, Cowes, and East Cowes Divisions, and strenuous efforts have IJeen made to get the Corps into propel' working o1'(ler. Twelve men have been sent from the Corps to 'outh Africa on active service, and four of these have re-engagec1 for a further period of service.
Honorary Surgeon.
W. n. Godfrey,
302 Superint e ndent, Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.
G. H. Corney, Fairlawn, Ventnor. 2. Sup. Off. 3. Privates 16. Total effective 21. Drills.held 3.. Average attendan ce . Cases attended not on public duty 19. AnnualmspectIOn, 20th ept. Total on parade 9. Absent "ith leaye 4. 'Without leave 7. Annual re-examination, 27th "ept. Members passed 11. Did not aPl?ear 9. Medallions 14. Service badges 2. ursing certificatcs 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 up. Off. and 3 men. Material: 5 stretchers, 4 ul'gical havresac , 1 sm~~ ~mbulan.c~ l,Ja ket, 4 regulation water bottle, and rug, ve tcd in Committee of DlvlslOn. DIVIsIOn u]Jported by subscriptions from member::; and from gcneral public. Th e Division has made fair progress dmingthe year. A llursing class for men ,ras arran~ed . by the Divi ion. Thirteen members were successful in llassing the exammatlOn. Four new tretchers, 4 urgical haver acs, and 4 Regulation water bottles have been purcha ed during tha year. Four member of this Division volunteered for, and were accepted for active service, three of whom have re-ell cr(1 cred for a second six month' service. As all these men went out in the earlicl? c~n tingents, full Brigade uniform wa provided in each ca e. The Division ha.s don e good and useful work in rendering fir t aid, &c., during the past b\ehe month:. O.ffil~ers
Increase since In,st report 8. Drills held 24. Average attendance 15. Cases attelllled on puhlic duty 3. Cases lLttellded not on public uuty 38. Annnal inspection, 12th Aug. Totftl on parade 16. Absent with leave . Without leave 6. Annual l'C'-exa1l1inatiol1s, 4th Feb. Mem hers passed 28. Did not appeal' 2. :Dledalliolls 13. ~ervice badges :3. Regulation ulliform worn hy 2 Olficei's, 1 I'up. Off. ,Lnu 5 men. Ma.tel'ial: 2 carriages, 3 litters, and 1 box, 1 water lJOttle, 2 havresacs, vested in G. 'Y. H. Di "iSlOIl supported 1ly G. ,V. R. and members' subscriptions. The Di vision has made teady progress during the past year. Eigh t of the members volunteel'ecl [or Rel'vice in 'onth Africa, allel were accepterl, one of whom, Private F. Robertson, (lierl of enteric fever at ()llekalon July 17th. In him the Division 10.t a very promising and acti ve mem her. 0 f the 3 cases attended not on public duty, two were cases of (lrmming, ftll<l in both illstances artificial respiration l'roved successful. On August Bauk Holiday eight meml)ers appeared in full uniform for the first time awl atrendCll the Foresters' fete, where their service were much appreciated.
NEWTON ABBOT (DEVON ) DIVISION. [Fonnel129.10.95.J Honorary Surgeon.
R. II. Grimhly,
H EAD-QU.UlTEIlR: ,YnoxALL, I :LE OF \\71011'1'.
Honorary S ecretary and Inspector of Sto res.
Honorary Treasurer
P. Jenkin, Wroxall, I.W.
Total on Melllhe~
(N 0 report received.)
MILL BAY (G. W. Ry.) (DEVON ) DIVISION. [Fonnell Hono rary Surgeon .
H. W. Webber,
Superintendent and Hon. Sec.
J. A. !loLL, 9, ,Vest lIoe TelTa(;e, Plymouth.
1st Offi cer.
2nd Offi cer.
G. P. Roblil!.
J. IIatc:b.
Officers 4.
Sup. Off. 1.
Inspector of Stores.
M]'. T. H. Gibbo11;; (hon.
Total effective 40.
II. 'ro ,,;1l1an.
H. Knight.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
W. Holda\\ay.
Officers 1. Privates 15. Total effective 16. Drills held 17. Av~rage attendar:ce 9. Annual inspection, 20tll April. parade 7. Absent WIth leave 9. Annual re-examination, 20th'ept. passedll ~ Did not appear 5. Medallions 7.
J. Harwood.
W. H. White, 1. 'aml'helhille, Tor'luuy Roall, l-e'" tOll Ahbot.
A. A. Red tone.
II. M.
Jewell, 111, En -t I'trect, ~ T ewtoll Abbut. Honorary Secretary.
2nd Officer.
1st Officer.
WROXALL DIVISION (I.W. CORPS ). [Formed 9.1.1900.J
;\1. IU ·. ' .
OffIcers 4. up. 011'. 1. Privates M. Total effective 29. Drill. 44.. Average ;1,tlel1l1ance 17. Removals 3. Ca es attellllecl 110t on public lll1ty :2. Annual iuspeetioll, 1 ':>th l\.Ug. Total Oil parade 2-1. Absent with leaye 4. Annual re-l'xalllinatioll, 1 th Aug. Member::; p 'ell ~3. Did not appear 4. Medallion,' 13. Nur:ing Cerlificatl'>; 1. . Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 up. OIL and ~3 men. Material: 1 litter, ,j ca"e , each containiuO" 1 tl'eteher 1 rug, plilltS. b,tutiage, cotton wool, lint, etc., yetetl in Local COllllnittee. Divi io~ supporte(l hy voluntary uh:cl'iptiolls. The Di ~i'jion i::; in good " 'orkillg OIlIer, and very a tis factory progl'e s ha been made dnnng the past year. 011e case of remo\'aL 1,y titretehel', of a patient with a severely fl'aetl~recl knee, it distance of 1 ~ lllile~ to ho pibll under the superintemlence of three me(hcal gentlemen, deserves recording, as also tIoe ' a ease of fil"t aid r~ndered by. the I'uperin telluent of the 1)i vi::;ion to a Ulan ,\ ho 10 t four Dnger' throngh Ius hand ?elllg cill1ght ill a crushing lIHwhi ll C. Two of hi fellow \\'ork111011 tood by not k.nowlIlg what to do, but the 'uperintenclent, on arrival, at ouce ane teu the bleedmg awl took the patient to tIll' ho,tlital, where the doctor cOll1melHled him for the valuable service 11, hall relldered. hall it not ueen for uch prompt a' i tance, the man wonld prohably IHLYe hlel.l to clettllt. Assi tance of minor importance by oth.er J~etl1 bel'S 111 ust not be o\'cl'looke(l, al111 ea-:h and all are ouly too eagcr to do that w1uch IS expected of them. !lo. Llilal Salunlay was the only ocea ·ioll the Divi'ion W,lLR called ou~ for pllblie duty. The I lOll. 'urgeon gave a course of nUl"ing lecture (tot' men) clul'lng the past year, and the ~3 men of the Division who attended and pre~ente(l tl.lell1 'eI ve' [or examination 'uccessfl111y pas, ell. Fir·t aill lecture being agam sancboned for the coming wi 1I tl'r, it is to he hopellrecl'uits may b ' forthcoming Two. of. the members volllUleerl'(l ror active service, amI n t the present time are servlllg 1Il 'outh Africa.. TIle work of the 1I0ll. Surgeon is highly appreciated by the members.
[Formed 7. 7. 1900.J
Ho n o ra ry Surgeo n.
Hono ra ry Surge on .
G. M . Syuenham,
kin ncr,
1s t Offi ce r .
Ho n o rary S ecreta r y.
F. J. Candler (acting. )
Act ing 1st Offi cer a nd Hon. S ec.
T. Shoeb1'idge, T he Hall, "ut.lcy, Uckfielcl us ex. Officers 2. Pri-vates 12. Total effective 14. D ivis ion snpported by subscription.
Pte. E. )loo1'e, Ro.'e Villa, I rlen.
Ofllec1's 1. Privatcs U . Tolal cIl'ective 16. Medallion 1. Matcrial: stretchcr, HUl'gical haYrcsac, splints, amI bandages vested in local Committee. Division snppul'tc(l hy 10c<11 cOllt1ilJllti01l8. The Divisioll haying only reccutly lwen fol'Uw(l. the Annual Inspection has not yet been hoW. There j', however, CVCI'Y 1'1'0,;pcct of satisfactory rcsults, and the membership will no doubt l)c increaseLll1lll'ing t.he y'al'.
OLNEY (BUCKS) DIVISION. [Formed 6.12.9-1.J (N 0 report reed "eel. )
OXFORD DIVISION. [Formed 5.1. 9.
CORPS . [ll'ol'med 1.11.92.]
Reformed fl .]
Honora ry Surge o n, ,sr.
T . Turrell,
Sup erin t enden t .
T, E. Foort, 50, Thol'llc1ill'e Road, Oxforu,
1st Offi ce r a n d Hon , S ec,
In spector of St ores.
F . D earIe, Foxcombe Hill, Oxford.
J. Cantwell.
Officers 3. up. Off. 2. Pri vatcs 1 . Total effective 23. I ncrease since last report 12. Drills held 35. A Yel'age attendance U. 'as!':') attended on public uuty 29 . Cases attended not on public duty 27. ~\.llnnal inspection, 31st Aug. Total onl'aracle 14. Absent with leaye 3. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 25th May. Member pa sed 17. Did not appcar 1. Medallions 10. 'ervice badges 3. Regulation uniform \yom hy 1 Ofli<:er, ~ tiU}!. OIL and 6 men . 1l1aterial : 1 'wheel litter, 6 htwl'f' ·acs. splints, Landngt'.. statioll equipment box, etc., vested in the Officers of the Divi'ion. Division. upportell lly members' and public subscription '. The Division has had a very succe. sfnl year. ,Although thcre 1a.' been a decl'eae in the actual member hip, thc efliciency of the Divi 'ion has not uffel'ed, owillCf tu the persistent manncr in which the Officer:; and men llayc attended thc <lrill' amI practices. Five more men have been put ill uniform :1u(1 a ne\\" tretcher procured, tha money for the purchase of same having 1Jecn o1Jtaiued by hohJing (l, IhllJllnagc Sale, to \Yhich the citizens of Oxford gayc very generous assistance. The Di\'isioll has turnecl out on scveral occasions for public duty, such as sports, c-ycle ra(;e', fet!'s, concerts, fairs, agricultural show, Lifeboat, aturclay, <weI on 16th N' ovemlJer, 1 99, the Superintendent, Sup. Off. J . Cantwell, and byo IJl'ivates journeyed to Bristol to assist on the occasion of' H er Majesty the Queeu's visit to opcn the Convalescent H ome. Early in the year a drill was helel at the L.N W.R. tation, which proyed u great success, and was very instructive, and the thanks of the Divisioll aJ'c due to the station master for the use of the station and for the inteJ'cst he ho\\'ed in the work. A very successful field drill was held in J uue, the mem her.' turnillg ont in strolJg force . T wo fir~t aid classes \\'ere helcl. but vcry few recruits were obtained from them, and a considerable amount of money was 10 ·t in promoting them. The Division has sent out four men for scrvice in South Africa, all of whom, with oue exceptioll, have signed on for a second six months .
PETERS FIELD (HANTS ) DIVISION. [Formed 14.6. 93. J (N 0 report received.)
RAMSGATE (KENT) CORPS , [Forllled 1 .6.99.J C hief Su peri ntendent.
G. B. U01ll'lnc,Y,
S u peri ntendent S ecretary.
lIon. Major A. H. ·'cott-'While, The Elm·.
Augu:;ta Rua(l,
()lliCI'l'S ~.
The C01pS has not yet complete(1 it.. organizati()lI. The mo. t important e\'e?t in the past year has lJeen thp re-orgallizatilllJ of the Towu Di\'i:;ioll 011 a tl1'1Jll'r La.'l· anu with a larcrely in(;rPttsCll lJJelJll)el'~hil" The whole 'orp, paraded 011 4th ept., at South\\'ooJ lions!:, lIy the kinr1 jnl-italioll of Lady Rosp Wcicrall. Prc'ellt on parade: Omcers 7, Sup. Olf. l, NUl' 'iug ~I ·ters 11. l'riyatc 33, Rccl'llit~ ~O ; 10tal G.i. Ea~'h Division in tUJ'll "lwe a :;hol't Jelllollstralioll in a manner sat) 'Iaetory to the hlef Superintendellt. "011 the same occasioll Lady (:llilrlfoni presented certificate., medallioll';, etc., to thos!' llll'llllJCl'. enlitled tl1 tliPlll. Fi\'e pl'ivatp:;, ,til of the TOWIl Dirisioll, have scrvc(l ill ,'outh Afriea ;1:; hospital o1'l1erlie:, while the P()lice Diviioll has sent some of its lllcmJlel': u,; comhat:lllls. Owing to th organization of the 0]'P' being incolllplelc, it wus, 011 cllll.'ultati()l1 \\'ith tbl' Deputy COll11l1i· 'ioner, rleemell advisable to 1'0SlPOliC the allll11<11 inspeetioll ulltillhe early part of lhe year, and in future to haye iL cOlllluctell at that tillJe.
BOllOl(:n PnLrCE 'TATION'.
Sup eri nt e n de nt.
W. B. Jones, Chief COll ·tahle' Oll1ce, Ram gate. Ho no rary S ecre tary.
II. H. Thornton, UhiefColJ.tahle'. Ollice. Ram gate. Officcr 1. Sup. orr. 7. l)l'i\llte.· 3:3 . Total e{l'ccti \'c H . Increa esince lastl'cport 2. Drills held '. A \'emge atLelldance I. ('ase' attellLlell Oll public duly 3. l{tmo\'ul .. H. Anllual re-C'xamination, 10th May. l\lemhers passed 6. Did llOt appcal' 1. l\lc(!nlliomi lL. ~lntcl'ial: 1 littcr ve~t('d in Ram~gate Oo\pOratiol~. Diviflioll 'upporLc(1 by R,llll:>gate 'ol'l'oratioll. . ~he ser~lCcs l'enclel'c(llJy the D ivisioll have becll to pel' on \\'h~ ~laye met WIth aCCIdents 1ll the strccts alllLviuillity of thc haruol1l'. 1 Jl 9 ca~(" the 1!lJnr d have been removed on t h c litter to the l ocal itO 'pital 01' thcir home '.
[Formc(l ~ .4.91.
R e-formetl 3.7. 00].
Hon . Surgeon and Su perinte nd e nt .
.\. D. Griffith.,
)J.D .• 11,
Albert Road, Ramsgate.
1st Officer an d Honorary S ecret ary.
Conconi, Artillery Road, Ram gate.
Oflicers 2. Sup. OIf. 1. Privates 19. Total effective 22 . Increase ince la t rcport 15. Drills helel 1. Average atteu(lance 16. a. e attended on public duty 2. Removal H. Oa e attended not 011 1mblic cluty Ii. Annual inspedion, L th Oct. Total on 11aracle 6. A1J cut ,,,i th len ve 1. Medallion 5. ervicc hatlges 5. Regulation uniform ,yarn by 1 Off. and 11 men. lIT ate rial : 1 litter, 2 tl'etcher, ye ted in Local 'ollll1littee of the A ociation. Divi ion upponecl. by voluntary contribution.. About the commencement of the year thi .. Divi.·ion '\"as oi.1Jandctl, andhortly afterwards re-organized. There 11a\'e bcen four paradc for public rluty-viz., for the carnival' at Ram gate, Minster. and Broarl·tairs. and for the regatta at Ham."gate. A demon tration of ambulance drill \\'a' givtll in connection with the allllllal prize di tribution (uy Lady Guildforc1) by four squad. Five memhers of tlll' Divi.ion hase erved in outh Africa during the war. Twenty-nine recruits are anxious to join after paRsing the necessary examination. The auove detail coulprise the work done by the old Divi ion to April, 1900, and uy tIle new Di\'ision since July, 1900.
[Formed :26.L9 ~ .]
Ho n . S ecretary.
A. VV. Cox, Rl'aesirlc, Belmunt Roatl, Ralllsgatc. Sup. Off.~. PriYa.te 11. Total eO'ectivc 1:3. Decrease sillce last l'eport 2. Drills heltl ~4. Average attendance 6. Cases attended on pllblic rluty~ . Ca. es attenrl dllot on pub lit; duty 3. :JIatel'ial vestell in . E. R. Co. Di vi. ion .'upl'orted hy . E. R. Co.
The Division has (lonc uscful work (l uring the past year. Although there is a 'licrht decrease in numhers, a far greater aJ1101111 t. of useful work has hcen accomplisher1. Tl~ Di vision has now 1 ,'l1perin temlell t, 2 0 mcprs, 1 Sup. Olr., and privatcfl in uniform, thro\1gh the gcnerosityof tIle towllsfolk anrlof the Local Oentre. The Division has ueell \\"ell rcprcsl'nte(l in the, 'outh African \Val', eight nlen serving in the yarion~ hospitals. In nd(litioll to the. e two of the members are I>erving at the front with the Home OOlllltie Brigadc Bearer Uompally . The Divi. ion is gt'Pn.tly indebted to Dr. Bolden for the eon!,'e of llllrsing lectures that he gave during the past scason.
[Formed 10.93.]
CLUn. Su perintendent.
Honorary Su rge on .
F. Hitchcn;.:,
R. J. Parl>ons, :'!6.
\1.1 •.
t., Redrnth.
Honorary S ecret ary.
2nd O fficer.
E. T. Hamilton. Devon & orll\\"all Bank. Redrnth.
II. :-.lalJl 1er ..
Honorary T reas u rer.
Inspector of St ores.
II. Kinsman.
:Mr. J. Wickett.
OHil'ers;. Rup. orr. 1. Privatcs 17. 'l'otal effective 21. Increase sim'c last rcport 1. Drills llelLl ;:;0. A\'eragc atlemlance 9'3. Cae attended on pul.1ic dnly 3. H'llloval;; 1. Case' attellllec1 ll(1t Oll public duty 7. Aunual ill 'pedioll, :2!Jth 'cpt. Total OJ, par<Hle H. .Absent with lca\'e ti. 'Without lea\'e~. Allllua.l }"(LP-x:llllination, :2Htll .'cpt. Meml)cl's pa. e(l H. DiLlllOt appear . Me(lallions 4. .'cniC'c hadgt'· . .,. ~nrsillg ccrtificates 4. Regulation Huifonn '''0l'l1 by 1 Oflieer, 1 'up. Ofr. and 15 mell. Material: 1 litter, ~ stretcher, 2 tIre 'illg ca~e', kill, water lJottle, "ede(l in tlle Ollie 'r' und CUlllmittec. Divi 'ion 1l1'porteJ by lllemhcrs' and pnulic subscripti()ll . ,. ,The Divisiull ('onlinnes to make ,;utisfacLol'Y pl'ogres , awl \"Cry n eful fir t aid work has bcen (lolle hy lI1cmlJcl's.
[FormeLl ]4. <1.96.]
();o rcport rcccivc(l). READING (BERKSHIRE) DIVISION. HEAD-</.uAltTETI.:
[Formed 13.12.93.]
Bo \.TIn
Ho n o rary Su rgeo n .
. 11. FoJ"lJcs,
E. SuIt.
1st O fficer.
2nd Offi ce r , Hon . S ecret ary a nd Ho n . T reas u re r .
Ins pecto r o f Stores.
'1'. Lestel·.
A. G. ,'mitlt, 39, Vastern Bd., Reac1illg.
Major C. H. F. Lutwirlge, ~ha,llLlol1, Tunbridge ' \Tells.
1st Offi cer.
R. J. Rogers, 191, ,'outhampton St., Reading.
G. , V. Wren.
Officers 4. 'up. Off. 2. Privates 1/. Total effective 53. Decrease since last report 10. Drills ltelu 30. A "prage atLenrlancc 22. Cases attended on lJublic du~y 4. Rem.ovals 4. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Annual illspectioll, 1st, 'ept. Total 011 paraele 11. Absellt wilh leave 2;;. Without leave 13. AlIlJUall'e-exa.mination, 20th !:icpt. Members passed 23. l<'.ti leu 2. Diu nut appear 27. l\l e(lallions 30. KUl'sinCl ce ltifieate ~H . Reaulatioll uniform \Yom hy 3 Officcrs, 1 Sup. Ofl". anu men. 1I aterial: 1 litte r, (5 stretc hers, 1 surgical havresac, 4 havre 'aes, 3 water uotUes lJalldaues vestell in L ocal Ue utre S.J.A.A. D1Visioll supported lJy members' snbscl~iptions ~JJ;1 Local Centrc. '
Su peri nt e n den t an d Hon. S ec.
Ho n orary Su rgeon.
G. H. R. IIoll1en, )1.A. , M.D. Supe r inten d e nt.
TUNBRIDGE WELLS (KENT ) DIVISION . [Fol'lneLl loti.l llE_\D-(~l: un Ell:-;: Tow' II \LL.
Ins pector o f St o r es.
Hono rary T reas u r e r.
C. Porton.
Omce]'!:; 3. Sup. OIl'. 3. Plinltcs 11. Total ell'eeti \'e 1/. 'a 'e;; atteJ1(letl Oll puhlic duty 12. Remoyals 19. Cae attended not on jluhlic duty~. .Jle(lallinms I,"). Regulation uniform worn by 1 Ofncel', 3 up . Ofr. and 11 l1lell. Material: litt,1' ;;treicl1el' amI basket, ycsteLl in the Divi'ion . Di vi~i~n supported by volullhU'y CO;} trilm tiOll~. . . , Dlll'1llg the y'at' lhe Di\'isio ll has e<tnicll out 10 rcmoval , ull(ler the tllrectlOll of local nrge(llls. 11 mhers altemlctl the Ath lelic port on , Vhit-Mow lay, ·1th June, on the Nevil c: l"Oull{l , wh en th ere were L11ree eases, one of w hit.:h W[tS taken to ho. pital. Most of' the Division Wcre present at the ..;\ griclllLma,l tiho\\', on the 19th [1U 1 20th July, when thcre werc uine cases r tl'liring attclltion. Drill~ helll 3.
[Formed 29 . 3. 95.]
Honora ry Su rge on .
A . F.
S uperintendent, Hon . S ec. and Hon . Tre asure r .
1. Vel1ii;, 16, Station R oad, , Ve tgate-on- 'ca. Office)' 2. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 2·:1.. Total cll'eetil'e :t I ncrease since last report 15. D)'ill held 1 . Averagl:! attenaalll;e . HC11loyal'] 1. Ca es attended not on p ublic lluty 1 . Medallion 10. Regulation uniform wurn uy:t O£?ce rs, 2 Sup. Otr. , and 16 men . l a,terial: litter, tretchcrs. splint:, etc., vested III the Committee of t h e D iyi ion. DiYlsion supported by yoluntary contributions. The Division has made gooa progres' during the pa t yeal'. A. course of fir ·t aid lectures was organized IJy the Committee, which resulted in the acces;ioll of tbirtcen ne" members. T Iro lllel1ll)ers of the Diri"ion YolullteercLl for ho:pital orderly Juty in outh Africa on the outbreak of the war, Privatc C. G. Ro s, amI. ergeHlll 'IV. E. Lanchber),. At the end of his fir t ix months of service the latter volullteerecl for a second tcrm, and contracterl enteric ,,·hil ·t on the home"'ard passage, and di ed at N e~l.ey Hospital on 15th July. His remains were IJl'ough t to W c tg,lte, allll, the mihtary authorities having given their cOllsent, he \'i'a~ acconled a pn IJlic fUlleral and full military honours. His comrade:' of the ·W estgate-on- en. Divisiun acl ed as beB:J'el's, ayd he lias followed hy over 40 men in amlmlance Ullifol'lll, rcpresentatrves bemg pre. ent from the H emc Bay, Favel'sham, a11Ll l:alllsgate DiYi.iolls, the Westgate and Margatc companies of the Ea t Kent R.Y., aeeollll'ltnied Ily th~ band of the l\Iargate company. The , Ye ·tgaie, Bil'clliugton, awl .Margatc Firc Bngades, and a detachment of the Coastgnanl ' also followed. The .crvice::: of the member haye been of considerable n. e to the puLlic on mallY occa. iOll . in relldcl'ilW first aid during the pa t 12 months. All the principal footlJall allll hUl'key llIateh ~~ hav~ been attended hy sorue of the members, hut there ha becu 110 eltll for their . ervICe~. T he D ivision also took duty on the occasion of the Ill'occssiollS to eelelmlte the relIef of L adysmith and :Jlafeking, both o[ whieh pas cd oU' without all} accident.
L .
Honora ry Surge on.
G. H . Temple,
Sup eri nt e nd en t a nd Hon . S ec.
F. L. Philp, 7. Ruyal Teln1.Ce,
,\, estoll- u pel'- i\f a rp.. Officers 2.
Pnvates 17.
Total elfectiv· 19.
, I llcreas~ since la~t repurt~. AnlllJal illspcction, l.t Oct. Total 011 paradc ]0. A.)sent ,?th lea '.'e ~. MedallIons 4. Ma terial : :3 . tretchel's. Diyisioll Sll ppol'tcd by
lliembers subscnptlOlls.
T . Mudge,
liss H. 1\1. Bahr, Tredorll'in, Towerl nl1.ck, Pt>llZiUlCC.
Lad y S e c r et a ry .
Lady Inspector of Stores.
O. KlIott,
'Ln. C.l'.
PE .\ [llltuKE
[Formed 1.
La dy Su peri n te n dent. ~ l is ' Kathleen
'ang. tel'. 2, Pallnerston Re1.. ~' outh ea.
1st Nu rsi n g O ffice r , Lad y S ecreta,' y an d T reas u rer.
Mi 's BC'sie GricI e, 7, Outram HoaLl,
outh ea.
Onicer:> 3. Rnrsing ~' i.'ten; ~9. Total effective 3:2. Increase sincc last report 13. l'racticl'. held 20. A\'e rage attendance 16. Ca 'e' attended 011 public duLy :1. '<1.se. attl'lldeflllut !lJ1 public Lluty 10. Ca. e8 privately nursed l~. Allllllal l'l'-examiuatioll, ~ltlt ~\.ng. :JIelllllel's passe(l Hi. Did not appear 13. Medalliulls ~(j. ,'er"ice I,u<lges .. I cgnlation unitorm '10m by:2 Olticel' , and 16 nursing sisters. ~Illtcrial: hmHlage:, ·plinb, 1 steamer kettlc, :2 fef·dill"-cup ., 2 'Jed-pan, 2 hot-\later tillS, fuot r es t, lilankct., sheet.'. lint, oil.·, cotton \YooL disin[e.ct~nts, lin ·ecd nlcal, "este<l ill tlte Divbioll. Divisiollupportecl by member ·' subscnptlOns. A fair amount of good work lit).· bee:] accolllplished. The memLrrs Cyillef' interl'::;t and e~rnestness ill the <1111bulall('e can 'f', awl there is promise of future usefulne . Fortlllghtly practi(;cs are helfl ill lir ·t (lid awl llursing. The nUl'illg si·ter h<1\'e attendeLl1:t eases, payinglOO yisits. The lllellical mcn attelHlillg thc:-e ca.·e· have expressed their entire sati ·factioll wi th thc \l'ork (1011<; hy the llursi;lg istcr '. £3.1 ,"as collected by the nursing sislpl' fur the Central Britisb Hed 'ros' COlllmittee, and II large quautitv <rum e.' , amI tobacco wa,.; colleeied , l)acke<l ,J of u~eflll duthin" t"'o' llooks ~ n and .forwar~led to hCful-flllarter' 1,)' the Lally, ' ul'el'intendent and Jil'st OHiceI'. At the mspeCtloll of thc 3nllIallt· Ynlunteers l the lluke (lr COllllllU ... ht's) Hl' ... iment on 15th Sept., at Leigh Park, the Lafly llplJrilltellllel1t un(l nl1l'sing sist '1" ~ttclldillg, nl1de~' the supcl'visioJl of 'lll'geoll-:J rajor C. Knott, \Yere l'laeeLl on duty in the field hOSPlt~l, anll ~e\'eral cases \\ere attellrlecl to. The hospital was yisitE'l1 ill the come of the lllsl'ectlOl1 lJY Colonel ' v. H. Uubl'rley, the 1nSl'ceting Odieer nnel Colonel rhe RO,n. H. G. L. Crieltton, c011lll1anfling the POl'bl1louth Yolullteer Drigmk Doth Officers expressecl their approval of the hospita.l e<l1lipmellt.
Hono ra ry Surgeon .
C. Cotton,
[Formed :29.10.90.]
TEL ' u N(( ',\ L ,-'L'IlOOL.
Lady Sup e r int e nd e nt a nd La dy Inspect or' o f Sto res .
F. n. C. l' .
:Miss E. L. Du(lIc),.
ilIiss A. W . Bakel', Tredorw in. T oweclnack , P ellzance. '
Hono ra ry Surgeon .
La dy S uper inte nd e nt.
) !. P•. C. S.
nIl' '. A . otton (luare, R .l lll'gate.
1st Nu rsing Offi ce r and Lady S e cretary. T reasure r .
Officers 2.
[Formed:t.:t . 09.]
Honorary S urgeon .
Practices hel<1. 1 . Average attendance 1. Oases attrnc1ed not on pu1Jlic duty 7. Cases privately nursed 6. Annual inspeclion, 12th June. Total on parade 5. Absent with leave 1 . ·W ithout leave 1. Annual re-cxamillation, 8] st March. Members pa sed 5. Did not a,ppeal' 2. 1\I eclalliolls 7. Cap, apron, and IJaaue worn by 1 Officer amI 6 DUl"' ing si~tel's. ~Iate)'ial: small ambulance hampel', bandage rollin Cf machine, books, ve~Led in the C'olll1hittee of Division. Division supporLed IJy members' suh Cl'iptions amI oeeasiol1fll glall ts from the local T eelll1ical Ill.tl'l1ction Committee of the Cornwall Oouuty 'otl1l(;il. The memhers still continue to take great interest in the work. The ('xitence of the Division has becollle morc widely Imowll, and 1l1cmlJcl's are often a.ked for advice and assistance.
vV. K. Bak er. N ursill g si;:;te rs 6. T otal cffecti ve
Mrs. F . W. H ind s, 57, Qucen't. , R ,U11 gate. Officers 3.
NUl' 'i.u g 'i,tel's 19.-
T ol lll effective :2~.
31 0 .. Increase ince la t report 10. Practice hcld 16. Average attenclanee 7. Oa l'S })rivately nnrsed 24. Kumber of vi it 1141. Annual insl)ection and re-examination 1)0 tponed till next pring, by order of the Del)uty Oommissioner. Medallion H. 'ervice badges -±. Material: macintosh sheets, hot Yl'ater bottles, bronchitis kettle8, wheelers, enema, feeding-cup, air-cnshion , air-bed, blanket, sheets, pillow-slip::;. ul1llerclothing, bath-chair, pinal conch, carrying chair, chair bedsteau, etc., vested in the local Oommittee. Divi ion upported by subscription '. The Ram gate XUI' ing Divi ion has attenuecl 2-1 ca es aud made 1141 vi its during its tenth year of work, mostly alllong t the very poor of the to\Yll, and the e ervices and the loan of article from the store., have always been gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. On 4th ept. a uemonstration wa held in the ground of outhwoocl House, when the Oonnte s of Guilclford pre ente(l the medallions and certificate to those who had sl1ccessfully pas eel their examinations.
Honorary Su rgeon.
Miss F. Armitage.
Lady Superintendent.
Lady S ecretary.
::\11". A. Ohard, t. J\Iary's Butts, Reading.
Mrs. H. M. P. IIallllllonrl , Leighton, London Road, Reading.
Lady Inspector of Stores. )Ii,
Lady Treasurer.
s E. Gilhert.
1111", F, Dowson,
Officers 2. Xursing i tel's 19. Total effcctive 21. } Decrea e since last report 5. Practices 1 . A vemge attendance 11. Oases attended 011 pnblicduty3. Oases attended not onpnblicduty 10. Oil, esprivatelynnr eu3. Annual in pec-tion, 1st ept. Total on paraue 9. .i \. bsent with leave 10. Meualliolls . ervice badges 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 nursiug sister. Material: roller bandage machine, bandages, splint., meuical havresac, vested in the Oommittee of "Nursing Division. Divisio~ upporte I by members' sub, cription . rr: h e 'uperintenden t with a nursing sister has 011 two occasions attemleu public duty _VIZ., the. unc1ay chool outing amI United Temperance Fete.
Lady Superintendent.
1st Nurs . Off., Lad y S ec. and Treas.
Mrs. W. II. Bull, St. 0 \Valu 's House, tony Stratford.
Mrs. J. A. Reev', Woodland, Old trati'oru, 'tony Stratford.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
1.1rs. Perrin, Stony. 'tratf'onl. . Officers 2. ~ursillg si tel's 19. T0tal effective 21. pecr-ea 'C Sll1ce last report 1. Practices held 9. Average attendance 14 5' Oases IH'lvately mused 13. Medallions 14. ::lervice badges 22. Oap, apl'Ull, and badge worn by 3 Officers and 19 nursing sisters. ~laLerial: a lJOx coutailliucr various nursin& appliil:nces. ~ivis~o~ :'3u]lported hy a small annual subscriptiou. 0 Tl~e lll~pectlOn of tlllS Dl VISlOU was unavoidably postponcd until the spring. The nlll'Slllg sisters have IJeen called upon to assist ill nursillg iu several cases during the year.
WOLVERTON (BUCKS) NURSING DIVISION. [Fol'llll'd 16...1..96.] HEAD-Q uAl'.Tlm.·: ,VOL\ EltT()S.
Honorary Surgeon.
Brigade 'urgeoll Lieut. -001. Bull, Lady Sup erintendent.
1\1rs. F. ,Veuher, 43, 'Windsor Street, ,Vol verton, Buck '.
Y. 1>., F .1'.. C. S. E.
Lady Secretary.
Miss E. F. Ringe, 1, Victoria Terrace, \\T olverton, Bucks.
Oflircrs 2. .r:rursincr si tel'S 33. Total effective 35. 'l 11. AYeracre battellliall(;l' H. Oa e' privately I~Ul'Se~. ::l0. Practices hcl ~ 0 0 ' 1 03 l Medallions 30. 0 apron and ha~ge worll by:2 flicers am u' 11 ur:ll1g Sl er. Material: Splil1ts~]J'books,' an cl wmdcrs. Division supported hy mall yearly subscriptions. f 1 d' tl . . . The Th numher of llursill" sisters Hho\v:> a decrea.'c 0 t nee Ul'll1g l~ J (:[11.. 1 , . ~ attendance also ~ 10\\'er than la.-t ycal', tIne to the amount .of , lckncs ' ear y ~,el~oe " Twenty ca es Ita vu 1leell attended 1ly members. DUl'lllg the m?uth of ~~ t e 1ye9i\'91. the members of the Division eoni.rilmtcd upwr. nls of 100 artIcle ' of .n ov., , 1 ,1 ' , tl A r clothing for the siek an!l WOUIll ell III • Oll 1 l'lca.
3 13
No. IlL- Central and Eastern District. .J)eptLty C01nmissione~'-Brigade- urgeon Licut. -Colonel G.
Medical Corps, :Lnc1 it is gratifying to know that suuse(luently many of them rose to offices of trll~t, snch as \\'ardmasLer, scrgeant, etc. I havc not given any tahular statement in this repol'\' of the number of men fUl'Ilisbed from each Corps 01' Division as there is every pro pect that 1110rc GOll till gents will lJe called for, and it is better t~ wait for the eJid of the war 1)c£o1'e completillg the total. I lJeg to enclose A~i taut omJJJi~sioller 'Wool ton'· Report on the variolls illspectioll.' he has cOIl(~ncted llming ~he yeur.. l\1r: thanks a~'e especially due to him for the great alllOUJl t o( hel p he ha: glvell llle 1Il tIllS large D1. trict and for the zeal antllllltirillg energy be at all times (lisplays in Driga(le work. ' I ha,'c the honoUl' to 1)e, 'iI', YonI' 0 bedien t .en-ant, . ELLr."ro~-,
Dist1'ict Ohief Sw·yeon-lIr. ,V. E.
Assistcmt Commissione1·-1'IIr. T. H. 'YOOLSTON. Acting Dist1'ict Sltpe1'intenclent SCcTetcuy- nrgeon Captain F. A. BnooJ{ ,
Klli!Jht of G"ace, O,'£ier oj the Hospital of St. John of Jef'ttsalem. Delliity Oo;n'itissioner, -,-Yo. lII. Dist,.ict. To the CUJIlmis:,ioller, .'t. John Amlmlance Brigatle.
'ORl>' Al.TD DIVI ION '.
20th (;ctober, 1900.
Ka.llle or Corps or Dlvi,,;ion.
I have the honour to ubmit the follolying as my Annual Report for Xo. III. District for the year ending 30th September, 1900. There has been decided 11l'ogress in the strength and eJliciency of the varion, Corps and Divisions in the Central and Eastern District during the past year. The carrying out the general regulations ha nece itated the weetling-out of many nonefficients, but, on the other hand, a larger number aud better cla s of recrnits have been attracted to the ranks of the Brigade. Among t the new Divi ions formed tluring the year ure four for nur ing, yiz. :-Rothwell, Littl e Houghton, and Leighton Buzzartl, whilc new ambulance Divisions have been formell, or are in course of formation, at Xorthampton, Leicester, :Kettering, Ipswich, Birmingham, Ashuy-de-la-Zoucb, Dunstable, Grays, and Willoughby. It is with much satisfaction I have to report the formation of the Birmingham City Diyision. It has already done good senice by 'cntling representative~ in the drafts for senice in outh Africa, and I ltave every reason to believe th<\t during the ensuing year a strong Corps will he formed in connection with the Brigade. 'lith the help of Assistant Commissioner ,Voolston and Chief urgeon.A ndland, t1le annual inspections were carried out in a sati ,factory manner throughout the District. The reports showed a higher standanl of efliciency both a regards first aid work and the transport of sick and injured. The annual in pectiolls of the K orthampton and ,Yellingborough Corps, which ahmys partake more of the character of ceremonial review's, passed oIT in the usual successful manner. These inspections took place early in September, ancl, favomed ,yith fine weather, the field mOYelllents were witnessed by large and influential gatherings. Special interest was giyen to the proceedings by several Supernumerary Officers and men being on parade who had just returned from active service in South Africa. The feature in this year's report has been the molJilization of i11e Brigade for service in 'outh Africa. The patriotic manner in which the memhers of the Brigade came forward at a time of national emergency to supplement the regular Army medical staff has excited the admiration of the military and other authorities. The subject has been so fully and ably dealt with in your report to the Director of the Ambulance Department of the Orrlcr that I need not further refer to it except to thank all ranks in o. III. District for the help ancl support they gave me in times of emergency. Without the assistance and loyal co-operation of the Assistant Commissioner, Chief Superintendents, Honorary Surgeons, antI Secret~ries throughout the District, it ,,"onld have lJeen impossible to have olJtained the vanous contingents and despatched them to IIeac1-(luarters in the limited time allowed. I feel naturally proud that upwards of 200 Oilicers and men should have been tlrawn from the District under my charge to supplement the ranks of the Royal Army
A 'hby-c1e-h-Zonch Divisioll De~borongh Ui vi ~ioll Dudley Curp~ Dl1l1stablc Vi vi il)ll Felix::;tO\re ., Grays " Hallatoll " HandsIYorth [['n(l tlmethwick COl ps (Tallgyes Di vi, iOll) .. ... Haverhill Divi'iol1 I ps\\'ich Corps IrollhriL1ge ,. Ketterillg " Leicestcr " . .0. Leiglttoll Duzzan1 Di"i~ioll }[ad e1ey D i visioll ... :lllalL1ull " ." .. Market Harborough Di,i,ioll Medl)ol11'lIe Division .,. N orthamptoll Corps .. N uneaton Divi 'ion (X o. 1) " Railwa.y Diy. (Xo. 2) Onndle Division ... Shrewsbury" _.. W ~11ingborongh Corps WIlloughby Division Ipswich Nursincr Divi ion Ironbrid(t6 b K etterillg b " " " Leicester L'l " NurSing " Diyi ... mg lton Duzzard ion Northampton ,. " Ringstead , hrewsbl1l'y " " Stourbl'id <re "
,,; i5 06'0 1=:;.. :::l .r.:
1 1 1
I' , :::Q~
.:> :oJ ,"" -;::~
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1') 6 6 31
tj .1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
.~ ~
O rt!tlll'n 13
:2 ~ tj
2 9 13
23 :23 97 73
:20 .") 1 Xo return, 1 3 1 :23 16
1 :2
:2 1 H
36 22 13 . 73 :23 17 11
10 ~37
return 1 7 ~
5 1 3
--- --- --- ---
;(j i
1 1
1 1
1 3 J:T
~ ~~ --0) ~~~
26 37 33 33 Hi
17 29 29
--- ---
3 1:)
Honorary: S urgeon.
A. On:heard
,For1l1ed l:U.] lJOO.1
COlllllliLlI'i3 hope 10 ollhill 1I11i('Ol'lll fIJI all Il I~W lI H'llIbel's l'al'ly in 190]. A Ilo[r:II'I))tIIY case of' Jil'st air! I\a 1'(~ lI d('J'(~d l o n. r1 mYIIIH II ('lrJp llJy(,, 1 IIY t. h l; ,\ Iid lallll H:Li l way Cf). 011 ~Otll .] Illy. whn hall bl~lm kil·kl·ll IJY :L It ol ,p. alii I WH!i slIIfl'rlllg ('rolll COltI lllillntr'll fracturc of' tlte rigllL leg, wilh sl'VC'l'e IJI,·,.clilJg. I<'il'fll !Ii,lwas l'I'IIII':l'I;d by rOlll' 11J(~IIJlJl)r ; llt(~ IlIallll(']' ill wllil:1t Litis (':lSf' wa>i ,l calL wil li 1'1~1·l'i\'f·d !.lit; higltl!st l'f'ai'ie frol/l ]) !'. (:ilJl){JlJioi. Tltf; lIJall was 1'1:IIH)VC'll tf) LI·ir·I·:;t(:I' TllfilllJiLl'y \l1111(·\, the eal'e of all alJJI)ulaIJ(,I' ll1all.
Sup ed nlen d en l an d Hon. T ' eas u "e ,'
, Eo Haxter, H, \I ;lrkl'1 HII'I'!'I,
A>ihIJy-c!e h-%OIIt'II. Inspec l or o ( S l ores.
1st O fficer.
'1'. II eaJtelJ.
Ho n ora ,·y S c r e l a , y.
A . .1. BlIxll'J', \1, ,\ JIlI ",'I. SI 1'(',,1, A:-;IIIly.de la %11111'/1.
U. A. SllliLl!.
OJliccr>i 0. SUlI. on: 1. PI'ivat('>i 17. Tlltnl,·fl,·diVl' 2 1. J)l'ilb llel<i lli. Avcl'ag" allt'lJ(lal!t:lJ ]~. Ca~,·,> ;!lll'lIt/",\ Oil Illlhlll' d1lty ~. HutiovaJ:.; G. en:,e:, 'LltelJ(I,'ll 1)oL Oil pllldH: duly 4. Ml'dldlioll'; H. ,\ Inlel'iill: 1 tl'eLcllel', 1 littH IJOX or Jil'~t aid a1'I'II.II](·,''';, alJd 11<11111'1.'1', \'I'i'il"d ill LlII' 1(I('al COlllmittee. J>iVi ..,jOII >illlJPolted IJY 1111'1111",),,; itlId 1'1IlJli,' :,ul'i'i!·rl]lti{)II~. The J)i\'ii()IlIJa~ IJla!ll' fair jJl'ogn':i:O; dUlillg llll' past )"<11', :,ix III'\\' IIII'lIIIIl'r::;jllilIillg in the I'arly part ul' tIll' ye;ll', wallillg a 11)lnl ,In'lIg11, lit' 1lIl'llty, 111111' 111111 al~1) o\)taiuell till' St.J.A.A. IllI'tiallioJl. Tlil' IlI'ad''llllll'II'I'" \I Ilieli \II I'll IIIJlailll,d la~1 ),';11' havl' IJ('ell :,uIJ~La)jLially ilJI]Il'ovcd, it 1It'\I JiUI" IJI'illg I'll!. 111, .IlIcllH'lIl,h,· ... ],(Juglll 1'01' I III' mw uj' <.:la:'''il·:;, I'te. A pullli,' :;ltl,!:>t)'ipIIUII IIi'it Iln'i 111'1'11 0l"'"ed, wllielI IlIulIglIt. ill IIII' l>iltisfadol')" <1111otlllL oj' :t:] fi, a,wi \I Ili,·h iL i:, IlOped "Ill Ill' 11 ~1J1l1'('1' 1If' 1"'111111111')11. alJl111al int:ollll' to till' ])ivi~il)ll. OIl J8LII .JlIly tlI,' 1)111>iHIIl WILH OIl dill) III Ih" uUllual Flol\l·l' Show Ill'l't', w llt·)j n hlJy 1II'u],:,' IIi..; I"g, a,lld \\';I~ 1t'llIlIl I,d III 11111 CotLaw' lJ usIJita.i IJlI L111! liLLt!I'. 011 lill, AII~. al Lilt' AIllIlIal Spo!'ts tIll' Din'iltJII \\W; agaiu uU dilly. ThIll lillIe;l 1';lS" ul' I'm 'lul'l' 11(' holll ! highs lIali tll'lltl,t! all,] Ih!~ pati"uL l'I'IJI()ved tlJ COLtage JJ IJ'ipital. 011 filII U,'I., 1. !I!), II \IO lllilll Hllfll'lillg flllill f'ractlllelt tldgll Wil" l'ellllJVel1 I'rollI III I IlIIlJII Ily it '';'111,ltl of' 1111' IJ:vi i011 UIJ thlllill"I' tl) tlIp ',)Ullgl 1 II) pita!' 011 ~lJ!l April, l!lOU, iI IHJ) ;o;ulJ"'l'illg f'1't111l f'l'nl'i.lll,d Ihigh wa l'elllovl,,1 fl'lJlJl !tis l'Ollle tu tl" Cottagl. Jl ui'i l,ital. ()ll 1;-;1. J'llll),. it Slflliid 01' 1111 lJivi:;ioll was SllIIJIIIIIIJI·d to n·IIJIJVI· a IJI.lll slllll'l'ilIg f'IIJIII di:,;I'l1'atl',J hi" III II,,·:-;talilllij I Ill' lLlU 11 agcl' 0[' LlI e ['ull i1'I'y (\I' II I'}'I' llll' al·l·i t/ I'll t 0' 1:1l1l",J) l'Ollgl'll I Itin 1,'cI II", 1111'1, oIl I III' 1'1'1J1l1l)t IIliUlI1I'! ill wltit:lt tlll'Y hacl UIISIII'I'I"l tIll' <'all.
ll E.\JJ-Ill'\ll'J )'.lIS:
oIITIJ<' I'.I.LII \1"""
,!<'III 'IIIl'd I !).~.I !l(j()
II AI.f., I h.HIJllltIlI IHI.
Hono l'al y SUI·geon.
ls l 0m e l·.
11 (,iIJlflll;;, .\I.H.
\\ . H. UI'(·111I1'I1.
I FOIlJ!I'c\ 28. n. 9~. ]
HOllO ,·;.H·Y
r r,'ol'lIlf'c1 9. ~.!)7. J
Su 1'{~1'0f1.
Chief Supe l'in l endent.
.J. SbLLI'I', hJllg SLlI'f'l, l)llI\lPY.
,J. WilhlJf,ll, "1.lt.I'.f>. SUpl' 1 inlp.l1denl.
ls l Offi ce l .
A. 'J'. JJaW'IJII II lJ1d l 'j' J{IJad, lJIJdl'lY.
W. K JI :l1i1:l11cl.
()lIi(ll'r:; I. Sill'. OJI. I. I'riV:dl'8 :W. Total .. 111·plivl' :5!i. i 111'1' last 11'1)1111 I ;~. J>ri II" 111·1,] ~(j. A VI'I :Igl' al Lf'lldallt'!l Hi. Ca. I' alb·ll.]"d fHI l'llldif: dilly l~. j{PIJlIIVlIls:l. (;n t) aUelld",] 111)1 IJJI l'ulJlie (111\>.' ] 7. Alllllwl ill pI'1'1 il)l!, ~~lld "f·)lt. '1 nlllloJl plnllel,· J •• \1,. I'IIL willi I,·ltvl' 10. \\'ltllOllt lI'av(lt!. AJI II 11111 J'I!"'X:IlllilJllliflll, 11111 AI,I·il. .\IPlltlll'I'S pi!:' I'll 17. .\ II·tirdliow; 17. Tnl illg ,'I Ilili"all" J~. H"gllialiull !lJliJi'l'lll \H)I'II IJY j Oml'I'/'S, 1 SlIp. OIl. :~lJ(1 Ui well. .\Ial, ,j:d: J Il'd.el"'!'!;,!l IHI I'gil'll I hal''''. :lI'S (<: wlll'I'I",] lil LI'I'>;, IwlulIglllg to tit, COl pfll 'atioll, al'f :lVlLilltbl'l 1")1' lIIC II 1\ of' tl,I' 11lI'lltlH'1 )-VI'SLl',[ ill Lite lJudhy (J'·lIlrrl. (JOI'I' SllPI"Jlll'd Ily 11I1'lIdJ"I" IIhsl·I '1)d,i l!lIS. ~ 'I'h,. ]>'JI;",. JJi\'i:,iIJII, 1IIIIIdll'l'ilJg tlIitf .,.igIIL ollil'Pl's alld 111I'1J, ;111' iJl>;tl'l1rll'tl [in fil'8L aid, all l"lldillg l'Il'Lili,·at"s. :llId '111I1t' Imvc· ulJlailll'c\ tlH'il' IIl1'c1allilJlli'i, but 111l'Y I!l'IllloL ill<'llIIl, d ill till' I'Ilfl'golllg }'I lUll l as I h"I'I' is il dillie-lilly ill gellillg I'eglllal' :1ttl'JlIJaJlI'll all'lal'lil·(·H. A (;i!,lllt ( 'III l]f; JIll 1"'1'11 forllll~li :1IIe1 1Ij11 illLI'n·:;t t\lto\VJl I,), till Y')lIl1, III till' 1I'I'lllJ'l Illd ,]IIII'i II:IS 1"'Pll goud. AVl'ragll aLL!'lldalltH thirty.liv". A ('y,.li L ...·I,I·lio" 1111 al'l) 1"."11 fUI'lIlI·d alld Ihl )'t'gulaliuIl llIlifollll ad ' )I'II'" by till' IIII'JrdIlI'H at. lh"il f)\\'ll Ilxl"'II~I·. ']'lIt· I':u'ly pal't. of' lhl' yl':1l': lI'a, . a bllSY 1)111; fol' till' IllIi""J:' jll I:()II I'IJ'It'IlI'I\ IJr Ill!' war. '1'111' I all 1;,1" VUIUIIll'I'I':'; .IIJI' Itllspital duty iII Suull! Alri<':! \\,11 1'I'''pIJII<ild III Ily llI" JJ OII. ,'lll-gt'lJll :tilt! 111111' IJlf'llt!",J"; six LI,,, JlII'11 an' lill I)I! duty, 1\\0 I,ave bl'CII iIlvali,!"d 11111111', awl o til' wllll :t,,,i [I·d ill tit" JOI'lJlatiol1 or LllI' 'fJI P' di,·d of' l'lllpl'i,', III Onlllgl' H.il'(·!' C:lllIl'. IW'/'I';j>;C
Hono l a l'y Sec l e la l y
'J' \\r. IlluIJI'1' I I 1,1111'1'11 HI 1'1'['1, Up IlIllullgh. Ollil·I'IH~. HllfJ, ()II I. 1',ivIlI,'i'i a>-;. '1'olill 1'11'1'!'lil'l' I I. j)rillf; 1II,Ifi !ll. AVI'I '<Lgt' all!'IIt/nIH'I' ;JIJ. (.IHI'!> ,tlll'I" II'd 1111 1'1I1"i(' dill)
(';,;;1':; aU'lIl],." Jlol 011 pllblil' dllty 17. Alllillit] IlIb]II·I'l.loII, :,WtlI HI' ld, 'I'ollli OJl Iwmd" a;:l. AI'~lld I\illt l'·itl'" t. \\'111111111 11'1111' ;J. )\lIll1lnlll'.I""IIIiIIJllillll, !JIIt Ol·t. .\IIII,]Jlltl l'iJ l'cI U. J\ 1,·dllllillll ;\. lillglIialill1l 1I1111'1I1'1I1 1101 11 loy I 0111('1'1, 1 ~I:I' 011 :tlld J() IIII' ll. J\lllll·tial: HIII·te-JIII' i1111]II!1l1ll1"'],1I l,all"il~l'~ illlt/sillilitti, VI";!I'" ill IIII' I'JI'alC;lIll1ll1illll'. IJili."Iilllllill}l'IIIIII"clll) 11I11'llbll\Sl'I'll'lllIlIH: 011 1!1111 11".1,., I!lOO, iI 11I1'l'lillg 11f' till' Ill'I';\'OI'II' )\1111111111111'1' ('01'1'1i \11I~ !'Illl,d ('Ilid SII]II':'illl( I~"I'III, (I'. :1'•. r~ 11'111 I' ',o J !\~',LII'I'illt-', 1"'llIg 1111'''' 111, 1'111 I III' IIlIII'"i'in III' fl:IIIIIJlg till' (.Ol]'!> 11111101 l ilVI!>11I11 oj 1111' Illlglldl', HI L"I'II 11 1I·lItllI'lli.llll'llI ll'l l. (hi !JI ll I\l JlI'I'II 1'lil'lIt,' A. Wllill' Vollllltl·(·l'I'" rill' HI'I vil'I' III HOllt11 Arl'll'iI, 11 1,,1 WIIS 11I'('('ldl,d IIIlIl'onli Willi 1'1l1'l'11f1~I'd 1'01' LII'I'lvl' 1111 III),' I' Id' LIII' Ilrigiltll' 1111 ;; Ibl .J III , illIti till'
.Ii.] 900.'
[ J;'ol'lIll'd
J )11.':-; I AIII.I'\ Honorar y S ur g
In Ch a t·ge.
0 11 .
A. IJ. 11 Ilgl,t''i, \I.Il.
l si.. SI1)1. 01'1'. \\. C. Wood, Can],.11 Ruad, Dllllsi alJle.
In s p ~ lor o f S l or s.
J' le. U. Hlc'alll. OfllC(:I' 1.
Hu \, . O l r~.
Ho no r a l'y S c ,-e l a r·y.
Cialll hl t', 38n,
I'l'iVll t"H Jfi,
'lIlll'eli Htl'eet,
J) llll~laldl'.
T utal (' lI l'divl~ ] 8.
Drills held 7. Avernge attendance 12. Removal 1. Ca es attenrl ed not on public duty 1. Annual inspection, 4th July. Total on palac1e 1. l ethtllil,lls 1. Nursing certificatp 1. lIlai el ial : 1 tretcher, 1 surgical 11a vre ac, vesteLl in Town Council anll Committee. Divi. ion snpportetl hy subscription. .. The Divi ion ha matle fair p!'ogre '3. One ca e relllovec1 on liLter by train to Luton Bute Hospital. Two public demonstriltions attended.
T . JOlIN'
[Formed 30.10.99.] II RnOl\I, FRLIXSTOWE.
Hono/-ary Surgeon a nd Superintendent.
Slll'g. -Captain F. A. Brook,
t. Helen, Felixiowe.
Honorary Secretary and Hon . Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores.
T . Bullock, Or\\'ell Road, Felixsto\\'e.
.A. T. Bl'owes, 01'\ye11 Road.
Officer 1. Privates 1:. Tolal effe<;tive 16. Drills held 14. Average attendance 12. Cascs attt'l1c1ed not on pUlllic dnty 2. Annual inspection, 21st l\Iay. Total on parade 15. Ah ellt with leave 1. ~~llllual re-examination; 23l'd Apt'll. Member' pa ' e.l 15. Hegulatiou uniforlll wom by 1 Officer. Material: stretcher, surgical havre nc, vestetl in COl1lmittee. Dn-isi on supported by members' u bscriptions. The Division has maCle excellent progress since its start. The Deputy C01l1missioner expressed his satisfaC!tion at the smal'tlless with "hich the stl'etelrer drill wa done at hi annual iuspeetion. It is hope(l to put four men illto the 13ri cr a(le uniform during next year. b
G. T.
II \NlJ:wonTII.
report recei \-ell, )
TANGYES DIVISION. [Forme(l 1, \)j.] llE \]J-tlUAlt1hU,>: T.\.
"IETliWIl' K.
T. Yid\.eiY, 7(l, Gt. ArLhm 'lllethwiek. ~L
Honorary Treasurer.
A. Richard ', 11, ;'larket'treet. 'Illeth\\'ick. I
A. Harris.
Ofli cel'::; 1. • 'up. Olt'.~. Privates 23. Total effective 29. Drills .held :i0. A\ crage attl!llclallCc U. Removals ·13. Ca .. e · ·tttendecl not on pubhc tIn t:y l:W3. AUlIllal ill. peetioll, :?6th .Augn t . Total on parade 19. Ab::;ellt WIth leave 1. 'Without lean ti. Anuual re-eXtLlllination, 21 ,t April. . :r.lelll~J.ers pu. sed 1. Failed 1. Dill not ·tppear 7. Meuallions 3. RegulatlO~ umlonD worn lJY 1 Oflicol', ~ up. 011'. and 17 111en. Material: 13 boxe', fully e ~l1lppe(l, 1 >;tretclters , veste!l ill Tallgye'l:i Ltll. Division supported by Tallgye s amI the member'. .I~ .is gratifymg to 1lote that dmillg the F,n' ell(lillg 30th Sept., 1900, this DIVISIon has made steady progle~s ill firl:it aid work, not ollly ill tho works, but ill the homes :lnLl streets, antI that it has (Hlllo(l to its numbers by the addition of eveuThree of the Illl'mhcrs, Me )'s. Robinson, Trllslove, and teen llew memhers. Rogers, have beeu):iel'villg in outll Africa, the first two still being there.
H. Shaw, HallatoD. Honorary Secretary.
Pte. F. Hawko, HallatolJ,
Uppingharu .
2nd Offi cer.
Hono/'ary S ecretary.
[Fol'lllecllL2 . 9,.. ]
HEAD-QUAJlTEW:i: "TllE BEj~WIGK Ar:?lrf: , "
Inspector of Stores .
\ ~0
[Formed 1895.]
• l' \TIO.- RO "\lJ,
1st Offi cer. Sutton.
mith,:2, Hanl prIen Road, Gray .
'. lIE . -Wl( K, "
Officers 2. Privates Total eITective 10. Drills held:8. Average attendance -±. Cases attcllIlerl on puhlic: duty]. Case' attended ?ot on public duty 9. :Jledallions 1. illatelill: 1 strelchcr, 1 \lute\'bottle, ::;plmts, and bandages, ve. terl in the Divi::;ioll U(JllIllJittce. Divi5ion ::;upportec1 Ly 111 em uers. Thi Di lision, which was fonner1 in J llile last amI l'eui ·tered 011 13th .J uly is th e resultofafirstaic1class held in connection with the"'(;rays 1Ilen's P.",.A.,'ill th e earll part of the year. The Divi 'ion has lJeen on l'u\)lic duty 011 jjve oocasioni:i c1ul'lllg the summer anel, althon~h no important service has l)een l'oll<lered, its att~lldan.ce has b.cen warll1ly avpreciated 1)), the orgalll,'ers 0[' tlle various f'des, ote. ~ first aU.I ?l~ss IS .to be held clurillg the comiug winter anti it is hopecl that recruits for the Divl lOll WIll be obtained therefrom.
IIEAu-QuAIt 1r:1:~:
J. F. Atkin:;,
G. C. , ,Idler.
Hono rary Surg e on.
Honorary Surgeon. ,I. l..(,, ' .
Inspector of Sto res and Hon . Sec.
W. T. HcJloy,
Oflicer:; 2. Privates 13. Total effective ]5 . Drills.held 4~. A~era~e atten~1a.llC'e 7' 1. Cases attellrletl not on public duty . Annual ~n~p.ectlOJl, ~;Jtll cpt. Total on panule 12. Absent with leave 2. Annual re-eX~nllllatlOn, 19th ~Iar<;h. ?lemhers passed 12. Hegulation uuiform worn 1ly 1 OLI1cer al1l1 13 men. Malenal: :2 strt:tdlers, bamlaO'cs vesterl in Committee Division supportcd by voluntary contribntions. t> , • The memuc.rship remn.in~ the :;,une-attp~lclallce ancl discipline good, and all have tal~en an actl ve lllteres~ l.n the \\'ork .. 'I \\'0 mcm \Jer , 'ujJerintendent haw and Pl:lvate F. . Hawk;), lelt 101' the front III outh Africa. nperintendcnt Sbaw is still there and has lJeen promote(l to sprgrant. T. S. Hawkc returned after six months' work. The mcmbers of the Di vision ha.ve rendercd valuable 'ervices in the village.
1st Offi cer.
Honorary Surgeon.
Pte. J. H.
Pte. G. Clarke.
[Fol'Jlwl 13.7.1900. J
HEAD-Ql'-\.ltTEll. : COXGllEG .\T1 ox .\L • 'CIIOIlL,
A. F. Blake,
Honorary Treasurer.
[FOl'lllCtl 20.4.99. ] T llEET, HAVElUIILL.
Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent.
J'. II. Goodman, M.I~.C.~., 39, High trcet, Haverhill.
318 Inspector o f Stores .
1s t Offi ce r , Ho n. S ec. a nd Ho n . T reas.
R. Potter, 122, Withersfi eld Road,
Haverhill. Officers i. Sup. Off. 2. Private 2:2. T otal effective :26. Increase since la t report 3. Drill held 42. Average ~tteJldtl.Jlce H. Cases attended on public uuty 4. Ca e attended not ?11 publIc, duty. 10. Annual inspection , 27th Oct. Total on parade 1. Ab ent WIth leave 5 .. ·WIthout leave ~. Annual re.examination, 13th Sept. Member pa sed 19. Dl(l not appear (. Medallions 6. NursinO" certificate 10. Material: -1 stretcher, 4 havresacs, 3 water-bottles, blankets, flag, splints, etc., vested in Comn~itte~ of Division. Division supported by members' sub,criptions, voluutary contnbuhon , ancl grant from Technical Inst. Committee. The Division is making good progiess in m embership and eiliciellcy. Courses of first aid and nursin Ct lectures were giv en Juring the year by the Hon. nrgeon, and brouO"ht several ne,,? members. Drill s have been frequent and well attended. The annu~l inspection wa a great ucces~. First aid duty has. Leen performed by t1~e members both publicly and privately, and has been effiCIently rendered. Pubhc duty wa~ taken at the Hayerhill :A-~I~leti? l:orts and .at principal local foo~ball matches dminO" the season. The DIVISIOll IS till grea.tly mdebteu to :JIr. A. J. Impson and the ~emhers of the chool Board for the ffee u e of their ground for drill, etc.' The Diyision purl'o e going into uniform at an early date.
[Fornled 1900.J
Superintendent Secretary.
C hief S uperintendent.
,Yo Keeble, 46, Upper Orwell Street, Ipswich.
Ho norary S ecretary a n d Treasu r er.
ofl'. G. ,Yo D ayies.
J. H. Cucko\\'.:21, pring RO:lll, I P wich.
. J. Butcher, 109, Alan Road, Ipswich. Officers ~. up. Off 1. Privates 15. T otal effective 18. Decrease stnce last report~. Drills held 1. Average attendance 10. Cases attende(l not on publie rluty 4. Annnal re-examination, 5th June. Members passed 11. Did not appen.r 4. Merlallion. 1l. .r ursing certificates 5. RegUlation uniform by 1 Officer, 1 , up. ofl'. and 10 men. Material: tretcher ', ambulance box, bandages, splints, etc., ve terl in the ocial ettlement Executive. Division supported hy its O\YI1 members.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. F. C.
'Y. ,I'.
Inspector of Stores.
1st Officer.
I p:WIClI.
S uperintendent .
F. II.
G. C. Bllllo(·k.
t . John' R(l., Ipswich. Honorary Secretary.
CO~lllan. 4~,
D. R. Brown, Ringham Hoad., Ips\vich
Oflicers~. .'np. orl". 2. Privates 16. Total effective 20: Decre .. e since In. ·t report 7. DI'ills held 22 . Average attendance 17. Removals 6. Cases attentle<lllot 011 publi c duty 4. Anllual re-examination, 23rcl May. Members passeJ 13. Did not appear 7. :\Icda11ioll' 11. ur ing certificate 7. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 Oflicer, 1 up. Off. and 9 men. Material: 1 litter, 2 . tretchers, splints, amI case, ve tell in the Committ e. Divi ion snpported hy the members . Th e Diyi.·ioll ha· made ati·factory progre , and will shortly increase in number . .
IPSWICH. ORW ELL WORKS (No.5 ) DIVISION. [Formed 13.10.98.J IPSWICH 1st DIVISION . [Formed 13.7.93.]
HEAD-QU _\RTEI:S: OllWELL ,VUltKs, lP,'WH 'l].
Honorary Surgeon .
F. F. "Yard,
Honorary Surgeon .
S. O. Eades,
Inspector of Stores .
1st Officer.
Up. Off. G.
F. H. Gooderham.
Officers 2. up. Off. 1. Privates 15. Total effective 1 Drills held 11. Average attend:-t11ce 11. Annual inspection, 17 tll Oct. Total 011 parade 12. A1Jsent with l eave 7. Annual re-examination, 17th Od. llIemh.l'l"s passed 12. Did not appear 7. Medallions 19. Nursing certificates 11. HegulatlOll uniform worn by 1 Sup. Oft'. and 1 man. :\1aterial: 1 litter com pl ete, 2 stretcllers, 3 tin boxes of material, also 1 hamper, vested in local Centre. Divi sion Ul'pol'ted by own contributions allcl clonations.
IPSWICH POLICE DIVISION. [Formed 10.96.] (N 0 report re::ei ved. )
Honorary Su rge o n .
Vl. F . Fry er,
[Form ed :WA .9
I pf-)WIOlI.
S uperi n tendent.
G. Curtis, 149, Bis!..lOl"s Hill.
11 . '. Jefferies,
t. H elen's Lodge, Ipswich .
1st Offi ce r .
2nd Off. and Hon . Sec.
Inspector of Stores .
J. Paw.ey.
A . EUi., Bernard 'ottage, Upper Cavenc1i h b ·ect.
G. W. Bone.
Officer, 4. 'up. o fl". 1 Primte 31. Total elj'ecLi\'e 36. Decrea e 'ince last r 'port:!. Drill helu 1. Average attendance 15. Cases .attencl~d on pnl)lic duty 1. ea e atteJld d not on public duty 21. Annual mspe~tlol~, 25th 'E'pt. Totnl on pn.rade ~5. Ab ent with leave 6. Annual r eexal1lJ:laLlOll, 20th J nly. :Mem bers pa sed Hi. Medallion 12. ursing certificates 2. Matena~ :1 ~tretchers, cnpboard 0[" lirst aid a pplian ce· in all principal department, vested 11l Messrs. Ran ·omes, ims, and J e!l"cl"i , Ltt!., by whom the Divi ion is su ppQl·ted. Th e Di~Tis ion ha met once a fortnight for drill and practice, first aid has been renderellm twenty-one case, bnt there ha been no erion accident in the works. 'Fhe Di:isioll ha. decrea ed two, but good work 11a been clone. All are about to go mto umform.
Honorary Surgeon . H. , • Hoyland, M. D.
[Formed 1.6.99.]
Superi nt e nd e n t a nd Hon . S ec.
'. Hudson , 50, Lacey f:trect, Ipswich.
321 •
Insp e cto r o f Stor-es.
SUI). Off. Fuller. Officers 1. tip. Off'. 1. Privates 20. Total eO'ective 22. Drills held 20. .Axerage attendance 13. Remonl] 1. Ca e attencleo. not on public duty 9. Annual re-examinatiou, Octoher. Memher pa scd 9. Dielllot appear 2. Medallions 2. N nr ing certificates 3. RegulrLtion uniforlll worn hy 1 Officer, 1 up. Off. ano. 6 men. Material: b'etcher, bandage, plint', etc, yestec1 in Committee of Divi ion, Diyi ion upportccl hy COll tributions of mem her The Divi ion is 'lowly making progres .
[Forme,1 :20.3.96.]
, lltly too laie, as the skull '.... as bal11y fnlCtnred and blood ",.as con:ing O~lt but a?~p~~~~e allrlll10nLh ; a :-'(1" ad of the Jarkfielrl Division was IllmJe,ha~ely III of tea 1~l1CC a'n<1 (fave him most can·fnl and tencler trE'atmeut aDd geutle calTlag~ o.n atS ~~~\chel' for t~'o nliles oj' >;0 10 his !Iollle. ~Ie is nolV 11eal'ly ~,pcovel~ll, al d It .IS In another lll~tancr" the (Illef a x Jef'tecl 110 seri(lns brain 1J'ouhle \\ III n·l~JallJ. ; 1 " t clellt in tile ahsellcl~ of a lllCflIcn,l man, was reeluestell to at~Pllcl to a l1pellll 1"11 l'la r 1 l'l"'eivecl :,e\'eJ'(~ il1J'lll'if's ,' a hroken thidl awl cxtcllSIYe 'calp waO'onel' \\ 110 ,~ . f . It f n o I') t a h1'1l1 thrce lllilps from heacl qt1'1rtel's. A tel' .llC·C'p,ssa1:Y a ..eD" ~o WOUIt( S, a < , ~ 'a~ 1)I'(f·1.IIizecl out of lite fal'lll lah()ul'cJ's and the mall '-, as ca, eln1ly call1Cll 1 "~ sl)lIactwo 0' . th e tram ' l-en to the a bout miles to •the l1eal'e~t raihn1j' stat. LOll , put In all, 1 t a~ County Hospital wlJell lie did ,,',·ll. . . 1 ]\Jost IIf thc htl:"C \\'Illks I'oulid ]JUvP 'opt up am~llllallce Itavl'esaes o~· halllJI~ls, an.r stretcher S(111ad>;; tIll' :-.ho\\'s the. work of the ])ngacle 1S of til "", U{o'I'II~.101'111 1 III onl )Pl'S ,' . , 1 I 11 I' 11 I' c1 n ul .'hl'Opshll'e Vo l111teel'S ( a Ie c ·e ay an f uII y appl'C'I"Li c, c ll • rrltc Ineal COllIIJan), , • J\C) ' r ' the shalll tight, a,," thc l'orps i'lll'lli, IJl:'ll It C'ulltlllgcnt to act as a )oal'01' 011Ipan), ea uaIty li~t wm; Il0t a hea,'Y Olle,
Inn:;\' Bmn(:E.
Ch ief Su rgeon. rf,
L. 'WelJb,
Ch ief Su peri nt e nd en t .
Su peri n ten d e nt T reas u rer'.
J . W. White,
T. Cooke, :JIllCh '\Velllock,
T he Bank,
Iron Bridge.
[FOlmerl :Z0.3.9o.]
1'111, ,'Ill ~\Jm,
IltOX Bl:TJ)Cm.
Honorary S urgeon.
C hief S urgeon.
'1'. L. \\'elth,
G. L. Proctor,
1st Officer.
Su perin tendent.
Officers 19, Sup. Off. 21. Privates 110, Total eD'cctive 131. I ncrease since last report 21. Drill held 35. Aycrage attendallC'e 94. Ca:t.s attended on public duty 40. Removals 10. Cases attcnclcllnot on pulllic duty 23.J.. Annual inspection, 1st May. Total on parade 100. Ab. eut with leayc 1~. ,\'itllont leave 19. Annual re-examination, 1st May. Members pased 7!1. Did lIOt appear 11. Uedalliol1s 59. ervire badge n. N Ul', in~ certificatcs :2:Z. Rl'gul::ttioll uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 Sup. Off. and L, men. laterial : 1 littcr, 1 Bath chair, 1 hospital tent, 2 hospital beds, and eqnipmellt for tent, stretcliers, Ilnvresae, vested in the Iron Bridge Corp'. Corp' supported by snbscriptions nUll County CouDcil, This CorpR has increased in memher hip and effjciency during tlle }ln~t year; til'lll parades and drills were commenced in the 5U11111le[' alld "ere failly \\ell attended. The gl'eat thing, however, was the sending of sc"er[ll contingellhi to 1-;outll Africa, numbering altogether, two Supel'l1umeralies alld ten mcn ; one ,uJl. Ofr. all11 tlll ee men serving for twelve months. Several othcr mcmbers were calleel up "'itlt the Shropshire Militia aml the Volunteer Resene COlllpany, anLl one ha :afely retunli.d after going through the campaign with Eitcheller', Horse, so that thc Corp: has been well represented both in the fighting line alIeI military ltoslli Lal work. The nursing officers and sistel's have not been al)le to take active service ahroad, but their services have been most active at home. They llava collcctecl about £30 in cash and over a ton of clothing, cigars, tol>acco, pipes, magazilJcs, etc,; making something like fifty set of sleeping snits anu conntless other articles, in resjlonse to an appeal from the Central BJitish Red C1'o>'s Committee, on behalf of the sick and wounded. The sum of £50 was aJ.o ('oUecied anel subscribed by the memberR of the Corps to jlay the expenscs of tIl(' COl1tillgt'nts sent South. Major A. C. Yate (Esf1uire of the Order of ,'t. Joll11 of Jern:alelll), very killllly gave two lectures on the history and wOJ'k of the Order, ",ith t1le Right lIon. Lord Forester in the cLair at Broseley, and Col. J. A. Anstice, v.n., D.L., at ~1ac1eley, the proceeds being divided between the Corps and the Red ero s CODlmittee. Many cases of first aid reported during the year mCl'it sllE:cial l1lelltioll, as lives were undoubtedly savec1 by prompt and careful attention, To nlentioll two : A lllall fell wit h his head between the rollers n a grinding mill; the machine was stopped,
W. ~ -icholas.
H. J. Jatl)(·s, illadelp)' Womb, Iron Brlllgl'.
H onorary S ecretary.
Inspector of Stores.
\\'. Phillip., ,"atcrloo ~trl'et, Iron Bridge.
1. Ilaugh.
Olticcrs ·1. .'up. OIl', 1. Prinlt'· ~. Total efl'.. ctiYe 33. Increase Silll'l· last rep'>lt 11. 1)ri11s bel,l ;3.i. AY,'ragl' attcnLlallce .:21. Ca~ es attended OIl ]lllhlie dllt,' ;30. l{l!Jllll\'al~ 0. Cases altendcel Ilyt Oil l'lIhlle d~l,ty DO. Allllual ill~jleClilJll, :2.Jt1t ,J lIl.", TOlal Oll parnell! ~l. Abscnt wltll lea, e. 4. \\ lthollt leave 7, ,\llllllalrc,c'\illllillaliOlI, ])el'., 1~!.l9. ~lcllt1)l)rs pas 'l·d ~:2, D1I1. llOt al.'!'ear 2. ~le(lalli'llls o. Hll \'iee l'ad~I's 1:!. TUl':,illg cerl1licatl" H. Hcgulaholl ulllJorm worn by 1 Ollker, 1 'up. OIL, aW.l 0. I1ICl!. Material: littel', stretl'hcrs, havl'e.~ac, etc. Vi vision sUP1,urll'll by !:IU h!:l[;\'l ptlOIiS.
[Formed 20.1. 9S,] OIlOUL
H onorary S urgeo n . 1-.
F. Ecl\ml'lh:,
I n C harge.
ht Class
up, Off. T. K PhilpolL, High
Inspecto r of St ores.
S. Heal'n.
trect, Macle]cy, ... alop. Honorary S ecretar·y.
A. J. ll Ulllphril'H, Jal'ktichl, R.. 0., hrllp~hire.
OfficC:!rs 1. Sup. 0 11'. 1. Privates 13. Total ell'ecLivc 15. I llCl'ease smce 1 31 Ht'IllOYal 3. . 1asL report. 1. D n'11 S 1Ie 1l . A\rCl'nge u",. "~ttcndancl:1 H,
Cases attended not O~l public duty 52. Annual inspection, April. Total 011 parade ~3. ~bsent wIthout leave 4.. Annual fe-examination, ApriL :Members passed 13. DHlnot appe~r 4. MedallIons . Regulation uniform worn by 1 Sup. O~. and 5 men .. ~~atenal; 2 stretchers, havl'esac, bandages, etc., vested in Iron Bndge Corp. . DIVISlOl1 supported by members' subscriptions and others.
Officers 8. Sup. Off. 9. Privates 102. T otal effective 119. Increase since last report 1. Case attendrd on public duty 39. Annual inspection, 29th cpt. Toted on parade 69 . Absent with leave 15. Meuallions 51. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Oflicers, Sup. Off. und 41 men . 'Material; stretcher, ambulance boxes 2 wbeeled litters. Division supported by subscription. DU~'ill" the past yea,r the Heall-(luarters Division ha.:i not been able to keep up it strencrthbowil1cr to the ina:,ility to secure an OlliL:er to take charge. Thi!:! difficulty is 'O~ll likel/' to be overcome, when the Division will be thoroughly reorcranizcd. Another difficulty has been the want ot head-(l uarters; after reing six m~nths without D.uy head-rllHl.rters a .'uitable room in the centre of the town has been procUl'ell whi~h ha~ ~lrea(ly proved a hoon ~o many. The country.Divisions are keepillg up theu' eJhclCllcy, l~lany of them Slllce 1st Oct., 1900, ~avlllg added considerably to their number. 'I he new ambulance \\'agon has proved It 'elf to be a great boon to il~e comlllunity of Kettering,. but owing to t?e. ~ead-ql~arters Divi~ion being WIthout a transport Offiecr tlul'lng the pa!:!t year It l' 1mpos::nble to act any propcr retul'll of the work (lone in thi' branch. The be t thanks of the Corps arc due to tlte mellical olncel's for the un til'iug energy d.i 'played by them to make the various Di "i ion' thoroughly eflicien t. The Corp' has en t fifteen men to outh Africa, two of tIle number returning for the second. time, and this has been the means of bringing many recrlli t~.
[Formed 20.3.96.]
Honora ry Surgeon.
T. L. Webb,
M.R.C . .
Super in t endent.
H. 'V. Thomas, Yew Tree House, lIIac1eley, alop. Officers 2. Privates 1 . Total e[ective 20. Increa e ince las~ teport 8. Drills held 21. Average attendance 12 Ca::.es attenued not on ~:)Ubl~c duty 25. Annual iuspection, Dec., 1 99. Total on parade 19 . .Annua~ re-exammatl?n, Dec. 1 99. UeI~1bers ]Jassed 19. Did not appear l. Medall~ons 9. . ervlce badges ,9'. . ~Iatenal; stretehers, ha'Tesac, splints, etc., 1 DIvIsIOn supported by sn bscriptiol1s. vested In Iron Bndge Corps.
[Formed 10.93.]
port receiyed.)
Honorary Surgeon.
F. J. Hart,
[Formeu 9.9
M.D .
F.:J. Danks, Bull Ring, Much Wenloek.
1st Officer .
Honorary Surgeon .
upt. T. Cooke.
G. 'V.
. 0 ilicers 3 . Privates 14. T otal eil'ecti ve 17. Inclea e ll1ce last reJ:lort 1.0' Drills held 13. A vcrage &.ttelldancc 12. Remoyall. Ca os attended n?t on pubbc .duty 2·1. Annual ~'e-eXal1lillation, ~lay. Members passed 6: . ~\ledalhoDs 6. erVIce badges 6. Matenal; stretcher, splint·, balldacres, etc. DlvlslOns supported by subscriptions and County Council. b
F. Barlow.
up. OJr.~. Private' In. Total effective 23. Ollieen; 2. Drills held 1. Average attendance 10. Anllual in ·peetion. 29th cpt. T otal on parade 13. Ahsent '"itll leave Ii. Allllual l'e-examination, 24th Aug. Member' passed Hl. Dill nnt appear 1. Medallinlls 1!). X ursillg certificat p 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Othccl'. ~ np. Ofl'. a1](1 1\-) 111cn 'JIaterial; 3 stretcher.-, 1 \\'heel littel'. Division !;nppol'tcll l,y puhlic .1Ihscriptiun .
KINETON DIVISION. [Formed 2.95.J (N 0 report received.)
IIE \]J -QUAltTER' ; \Y OHK1N(~ lIIE~ 's I NSTITlTE, RusnTO~. Honorary Surgeon .
Ch ief Surgeon.
1I.R.C. S.
Ch ief Superint endent.
F·iT. Trenery, Ranelagh Rd., WellinglJoro'. Superinten dent S ecretary.
C. IV. Lane, George Street Kettering.
II. Gibboll',
Hon . Surgeon.
L. 'vV. Drylanc1,
[Formed 3.4.97. ]
L . R. C. P.
Insp . of Stores.
1st. Class Sup. Off. W. Wilmot.
Su peri ntendent.
Inspector of Stores .
J. Cruickshank, Rl1shclen Hall Kettel'ill o· Cr
A. Dam foru. '
Honorary Secretary. Honorary Treasurer.
W. F. Neilson.
J. Hinc, Midland Cottages, Hm;hllcll , KetLering.
Hono/-a ry Treasurer
A. H. Bone.
324: Honorary Surgeons .
Officer 2. Privates 14. Total eO'cctiye 16. Decrease, ince la~t report 1. Drills beld 20. Average attendance 9. a 'es attended not on public nut)' 21. AnnlHtl in pectioll, 20th el)t. Total ou parade 6. Aheut "'ith leaye 9. Anllualre -examination, 17th Feb. Lemhers pn,-.c(l ] i). Medallion 15. Regulation I1nifor111 WOl't1 hy 1 .Olli.t:er a.ud 0 men. nlat'ria~: 1 wheeled litter, 4 treteher, bandage, 1 ct of plll1L, 2 thagram , etc" vest ,c1 111 the uperintenden t. . There i no lack of interest in ambulance \I-ork at Rushton, the mellll)prR holdlllg too-ethel' well and alway I'eady to remler a . si tance when leqllircll. ,'ince last report SO\11e of' the mel1lbers are el1lploy~cl nt.a tl.istalJce from RnshLolI, and th~refure find a difficulty in atten(lillg drill ', which WIll m a gr at mea 'ure account Iflr the slightly rellucetl avelage. . , Of the t\yeoty-one ca. e attended, .:;ollle wpre senOll ; espcc lally those cau 'cd by falls from bicycie , bllt a.ll have beell trpHtetl Ilcces~rnlly. ..")._ The member tendel' Incere thank to the PI'" Ident, :JIr. PlCkerlllg I hIpps, of Rushton Hall, for kindly allowing the famon t.rillll~ular 10llge to_ he ol'l' ned Oil. the occa ion of the annual Horticultural bow, III aid of the funCls on Ilt'half o[ the Di,ision.
[Formc(1 U.90.}
Honol-ary SUl-geon.
J. \Y. Gainer.
Inspectol- of Stores ,
Acting Sup erintendent.
Re\,. ,y,
II. Cockyallc.
Dennett, Twy,,"ell Rector,)', Thrap ton.
L. J\:. Ihl'ri 011; B.A .. i\r.n.C.R. R. 'eycstl'e, i\1. ,\., \1.1). S. F. milh, l\1.11.G.H. E. R. OOl1cher,
T. P. Shcarer, L.I!.O.l'. T. N. Thollias. ~I.Jl.( ' .S. H" Ilallt:ock, ~l.n.C.H.
L.n.C. 1'.
ChIef Superintendent.
J. L.
Kin,~ .
Superintendent Secretary.
F. H. TUl'nel',
.iI , Chats\lorth ,'heet. Superintendent of Stores .
J. G. 110bhs.
~, Granl),)' Stl'ce t.
Good progress lias becll llIade hy the 'orp.· tlllrillg the pll·t year, aJlllllo Ics5 than 40 member;; lin v he!'11 aCl'l'pll'<1 for sl~rvi('e H.' hospital orderlies ill, 'unth Africa. After the Jir:-;t t:Olltiligellt (If six llll'll Iw(l len a dilJil'ulty arosc with n~.pcct to the providing of spcl'ial ('I(lth~l:g. H'(1uil('(1 I,)" the anthoritie fOl. those \'o!ulltecl illg. It is, ho\\'c\·cr. wry gl'UtllYlllg to kl!oW lhat a .. SOOIl as tin ' \las made knowll among the' to\l'Jlspeople, th.·y (luickly (',llll!:' jlll'\\,Hnl to thc <1<; ·i.. tallce of the Corp ', and the Mayorcss (jill'S. \\,i1ldlc.\ ) also lJlost g('1Il'rnnsly tool- tIl(' matter into her own lWllds, allll, nssi~t,·(1 hy a llUlllilel' 0(' ItHlil's, \'1' 1')' killdly promise(l to lully e'111ip cYer}, man \l'ho shonld \'ollllilepl'. Ouc of the Illclllh{'rs, Pri\'ate Frallci .. n. 'oo]!l'r: 0(' thc \\' heatsheaf Diviioll, clied at Blocm[,!)]]tein or cuteric ['enl' .in.L a. he bad complcte(l hi· time of 'l'\'i('e, and wa, to ha\'e lel't fo]' EllglanJ (In the Il.lY h{' wa. huried. On _'tll1clay mOllling, ~~lld .Tnly, a lllclllorial »l'ITi('c was lIl'ld at till' 'larcH,loll Park '()llgregatiollul Cbnrch. The 1111'1111,('\'s (If thc 'Ol'p.:. to tIll' nUlll1wr o/' O\'CI' 100 Ollie(']'s alHllllen, paraded ill the .Jlarkpt PIac(' aIHI lII:lrcll('ll tll 'lll'elHloll Palk , lllldl'r lhe cOlllmand of the Ohief ,'up~rilitellllclll. 'I'll(> .·(, lTi('l' ,,-a;; "ery illljll'CS, in'. anel a mo.t appropriatl' a(lllrl'ss \las dl'lil'l' :('(l 1,,)' thl' ]la. till'. the Hcy. II. E. Brirrlcy. A to thc gelleral \\'o]'k ol thc ('(lrp». :-;tl'ady pI'O~l"'S ha .. Ilcell mude. A ",ellfurnishcd hospital tellt has 11('('11 addl'll to the cquipment, uIHI hu.' 11eell fOUlH1 mo t usefnl all several oCl':lsiolls dlll iug the Slllllllll'l'. The important (llle~tioll lI e'1(I-quarters. so IIlnch llceded, Ita. not heell neglectell, allLl it is hopc(1 hefore long to bp alde lo rl'port tile estal,lishllwllt of ccntl'lll HeUllquarters worthy of the to\\'n. The combinc(1 drill,., held <lUling tlll' slllllllll'I' have he('n a grcat success, heing higltly appreciated by thc lll{,lllhl'rs of thl' diJlcl'l'IlL Di\'i:-;iolls. COllllUllllicatioll (hills for the Ollicc!'s havc also 1,,'(,11 111'1d, alH1 \\'e\'e \\'ell at tCllIll'd. Jll t'onl1cl'liol\ with the dri11s just refcrre,l to, very valuahle ,1Ilfl allie assistalll'l' was gin'll by ~upcrinte1ll1ellt penceI' allli <'co1\(1 OJIil'l'l' .Jlatthe\y". Public (luty lIu.' hccll lllllLL'rlakpn by tIll' I1lCIlJlll'rS of the l'or]!s on the Ol:eaiOll of tlle visit of l\ll' . .Tof;('ph Challlberlain, ~I.I' .. at tlle Floral Hall; the Hed, -White, and Blue Bazaar ill the Salll(' l11lildillg ; ll)(, Alllai!'ur Athldie ::-;poJ'ts ; Lil'choat \ltnnlay Demollstrati on, on w11il:11 ()l'l'USiOll oycr 100 1:1l'l1 \\'(:,re Oll ,1ut\', bolh on tbc linc of route awl also in the Pl'o('C.SiOll ; t h' Fosse Footllall Club Sport : Agli('ultural hoI\' (2 days), at \lhich a. (Ictachnll'llt of eight llUl'sillg ::;i.tel's ",a" on duLy; Inlirmary , ports (nursing sistcl's 011 Iluty); a lal'gl' gurdl'll fete l3 days) at J\nighton-at ~othlcy Temple; the AIJhey PHrk Flo\ler 'hoI\' ( ~ days), a detachmcnt 0(' nuring sIsters on duty also. T1: e allllunl inspection of llie 'O\[>s and lTmsillg Division tnok plnce all T11l11's(!ay e\-enmg, 19th .T uly, 11)00. hy kiwl ]l{,l'llli:-;sinll of I Ill' '(llllllliltel' lIf the Lcicc·tel' Hugby.Football ':u1>, 011 theil' magnililA'nt grllllll(ls 011 Lhe J.yletOlIl' Hoad. the Inspectlllg Ollieel' Ileing Distrid 'bicf Hlll'gl'OlI E. ~\ll(llallll. The g~1ll'ral attendance of lIlcllllwn, wa \'t'ry ~O'l'alir\'inJr laruely tlw[. at all,)' ])rc\'ion . • • t"" n . CXCl'l'l1illu ~ Ill . pe~tlO]). Tl!e llUIll1)('l' Oll parade \ras 170 OIIil:L'l's HlIll 1I11'll, am1 3~ NUl'sillg Offit:Cl" and slste!'s, l11ctkillg a loln.! of ~O~. Aftel' tlll' illspedioll or tht' linc ' , hospital tent awl l'(lUlpment, Lhe 111('11, under the cOllllllund 0(' the l'liief'upt'rintelHlent, "ere ]>ut throngh a couJ'se of (hill ,rollo\\'('(1 bv n demonstration of rollcr-bnJl(luo'iuC'l' by ' . 1 b b t1 le l1ursmg sisters uuder Lady SnpcrinLclHl('nt 1\1is ~l. Joblc.
Honora ry Treasurer.
G. ,'I{. Bl'O\\'ll. Officer 2. up. Otf. 1. Pri,-ates 10. Total efi'ective 13. Drills beld 24. A ,'erage attendance . Ca. es attclltled Ilot on pllblic elu t,) ~-L .Annual inspection 20th Oct. Total 011 parade 9. ALsent \\'ith Ipnvc;3. A Jl1ll1al re-examination, 20th Oct. nIem1wl's pass(,d 9. Ditlllot appeal' 3. Medal1ioll.~ G. erviee ba(l!1es 7. Reo-ulation worn 11'-' 1 ,'U}). Orf. a]J(1 9 mcn. ~lalel'ial:I o , . uniforlll , . r stretcher and box, helonging to Division; splints, &e., IJelollgillg to Corps, yc.tcr in Committee. Divisioll SUl'pOl'tecl by vohllltar), subscriptions. The year has been marke(l by no slwcial /'I'atnres, but there ha~ been n re.~II1al'ity in drill and an interest in the work of the Brigade ",hii'll is pleasant to ChI'Ollid(', all!l "'hich has for its 1'e ults a reaLlilless on the paJ'l of the men to cO]le \I'ith i111Y emergency tbat their work in irollstone (luany or fuJ'tlC1ce may brillg thel1l i:ltO contact ·with. The fact that most of the 111ell arc I1w,lTied, has alone 11l'evPllte(1 them from taking part ill the \york of thc Brigade abroad. Th e grcat ob::;Laele to II crea. ed efficiency is the want of a 'uperintendent or first Officer.
Chi ef Surgeon .
F . l\I. Pope,
B .. \., ~r.l.l.
326 The hoI' e and hand ambulances are in good working order. The horse ambulance was out 170 time for accident and invalid transport, again·t 123 for the 11revious year. The horse ambulance .was u cd for the following. ca'~ : Fractured thigh 5, fractured leg 10, fractured. nb 1, fractmed skull ], pOlsolllng-blood 1, poisoning-carbolic 1, dislocations-ankle 1, dislocation-hip 1, concu iou 1, crushed body 1, cut throat 1, general injurie 4, removal 142; total 170. !land ambulance were u ed for the following cases :-Fractured thigh 2, fracturecl leg , fractured knll 1, fractured collar bone 1. eli location-hip 1, sprained knee 1, concns ion 1, cut throat 2, fits ,general injuries 19, surluen death 2, removals 3, attempted , l1icide 1 ; total 50.
Officers 3. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 27. Total effective 31. ot on public duty 10. Drills helcl 18. Oases attended on public duty 5. Annual inspection, 19th July. Total on parade 24. .Absent with leave 6. Medallions 3.
Honorary Surgeon . hearer, L. It.C.P.
T. P.
Honorary Secretary.
Sup erint endent.
Honorary Secretary.
W. Ely, Oentral Fire Station, Leicester.
F . Law, Oentral Fire Leice ter.
Officer 1. Privates 25. Total effective 26. Drills held 10. Average attendance 6. R emoval 14. Annual in pection, 19th July. Total on l)arade 13. Absent with leave 11. Iedallion 3. Material; horse w'agon, 3 stretchers.
D. Salmon, East Park Road, North Evington.
\Y. York, Marshall 'tr'eet, Leicester.
)LR.C.S .
1st Offi cer.
Honorary Secretary.
B. Kellett.
T. r:r. '1 !tomas,
~r.ll. c.
1st Offi cer.
Superi ntendent. OLUB,
Honorary Surgeon .
T. N. Thoma,
Iorri , 31, Carl Howe 'teet, Leicester.
Officer ' 2. up. oif. 1. Privates 9. Total effective 12. Drills held . Average att~ndatJce 9. Total on parade 2. Ab ent without leave 9. AllIllml re-examination, :Wth cpt. Members pa sed 10. Did not appear 1. Medallionl. filateria.l': tretchers, plints, bandages. Division supported by memLer .
IIEAIH1l AllThH!-l:
~r organ,
45, ,Yinc1ennel'e treet, Leicester.
Officers 3. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 31. Total effective 35. Drills held 22. Average attendance 20. Total 011 narade 23 . AL ent with leave 8. 'Without leave 4. Annual re·examination, 12th Mai. Member passell . Dill not appear 3. Iedallions 11. Nursing certificatcs 2. Division supported by members .
L. C. Watkins.
F. G. Bl'ise, East Park Road LeicesLer. Honora ry Secretary.
C. Mycock, 1\:erhy l\1 uxloe,
I nspector of Stores.
'Y. True.
Lcice tel'.
Offiecrs :3. 'np. Off.~. Privates l:i. Totn.l efl'ecti\'e 20. . Drills held 20. AYl~l'age altcmlance Hi. Ca 'es attelllleLl .not on publIc duty 4. Anuual in pection, ept. Total 011 parade O. A~ cnt wIth le~vc 13. ~nll~al re-examination, 2J th March. :JIem her po. "cd U. DId not appeal' I. lIletlalhon . 3.
. R.
[Formed 12.5.1900. ]
Honorary Surgeon .
S. F. Smith,
F.R.C.H .
1st Officer.
:B'. H. Ward.
Honorary Surgeon .
M.A., M.D.
1st Officer.
Su peri ntendent. RUOL, ClllJItCH
'nmET, LEI eE "fER.
Su peri ntendent.
L. Hall, 19, Beaumont Rd., L eicester. Honorary Secretary.
A. Gamble, 5, Spencp.l' Street, Leicester.
[Formecl 11. 2.]
B. Green, 50, Bakewell "'treet, Leicester.
tran ks.
Hono rary Secretary.
2nd Officer.
R. Hibucl't.
.F. W.
mith, 42, Merc Roa,el , Leicester.
Inspector of Stores . T. Hatlield.
32 O[ficers 4. up. orr. 1. Private 32. Total effective 37. Re elTe member 1. I ncrease 'ince la t report 4. Drill s hcld 21. Cases attended on public duty~. R emovals 4. Cases attendCll ]lot 0)) ~ublic duty 11. i\nuual in pection, 19th July. T otal on paralle 17. Absent \nth leave ] O. 'Ylthont leave 9. Aunual re-examination. 19th 'ept. Memuers P;tsscli 26. Did lJot appear 10. X ur ing certificates 4. Regulation uniform \VOl'll uY :2 Olficer , 1 Sup. Off. and 6 men. Material::2 tretcher nnd box of . plint. and ualldages. Diyisioll up]Jorted by clivi iOllal subscriptiolls.
1st Offi cer.
Sup er intendent.
Inspector of Stores.
W. CaLliu.
Freelllan, W elfol'll Place, Leicl' -tel'.
T. L. Tilley.
Honorary S ecretary.
Honorary Treas u rer.
P. C. 'tocks, 24, WilsOll Street, Leicestcr.
T. H. Jackson.
Ollicers :3. "ujI. Oll'. 1. Privates 9. Total effective 13. 'ases attclHl ccl 011 jlublic; duty ·1. Case,' attenrlerl !lot on l'uulir. Drills held :l;'5 duty 4. Ann\lal iuspectioll, 18th ,July. T oLal Oil paradc 10. A1sent with leave 1. Wllhout le(1,1'c 1. Medalliolls 1.
Hono l-ary Su rgeo n .
J. Hunter,
)I.A., )1.1) .
Sup erin tend en t .
1st Offi cer and Hon. Sec .
F.~ pencer, 211, Welford Road,
L'"nrlifE, LEIGIlTO~
Honorary Surgeon .
kinner, 1, Leupold RonAl, Clareu(lon Park, Leice tel'.
2nd Officer.
[Formed 2:l. 2. ()
'\T. II. . "lnarc·,
Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.
R. Matthews.
.r. II.
Officers 4. Privates 22. Total eil'ecti ve 26. Drill held 30. Cases attended not on public duty 56. AUllual inspection, 19th July. Total on parade 22. Ab eut with leaye 2. "Without leavc G. AUllnal re-examination, March . lIIem bel' ' l1a8. eel 24 . Did not appear 6. 111 PI lalliolls 20. Regulation uniform \VOl'll by 1 Officer amI :2 mell. illaterial: 1 8tretcller, :2 roped sheets, bandages, etc. Division upported hy Co-operative Wholesale 'ocicty.
LeighLoll Buzz,u,1.
Ofli!'ers~. Pl'ivatrs :l9. Tolal ell't!ctive 31. Increase 'illCC la.l ['('port 7. Drill,' Iwlcl 20. Average attendance 12. Ca<;es attendce! 011 [luldie dnt.y 1. R'11II\\'al: 1. C;I.'C" attendcd !lot 011 public dnty 4. Annual insjll'<.:tiou, :titlt Sel't. Total 011 parall~ 13. All 'eut with leaye 10. \\'iLhout leave , . l\lIll11al l'e·t'xaillillatioll, ~;'jth ,"'cpt, lIIelJlhers passed 21. Did llot appeal' 0. ~Ietlalliom; . Rcgulatiull Ullif'Ol'lll \\'()l'll by 1 OlIiccr and 10 men. l\laterinJ: 3 stl'pkher'i. ell.lTying sheet, ha\Tcs1tc, '"ldillt·, aIllI balldages. Divisioll sllJlportecl hy Leigli (Oil Hllzz1tl'll Tecllllica I Ollllllll it tee aUll memllel'S of Diyi 'iou. The year has lleen 01](' of steady progrcss in ellicil'lwy .
[Formed 1 90.J HEAD-r~UAJtTEJlS:
Honorary Surgeon.
T. P. 'hearer,
L.1Lv . P.
Sup erintendent.
1st Officer.
Z. Langham, 47, Oedar Road, L eicester, 2nd Officer and Hon. S ec.
H. T. Taylor, 20, Earl Howe St.,
J . ChalJlllan.
4th Offi cer.
J. F . Timson. J, B. Moore. Officers 6. Sup. Off. 7, Privates 3. Total dI'ec:tive 96. Drills held 30 . Average attendanc:e 40. Cascs attended llot on puIJlic duty 31. A.nnual inspection, 19th July. T otal on paraele 69. Absent with l(·u ve 8. Annual re-examination, 20th :Sept. MelllUel'S pas 'ed 50. Failed 1. Regulation ulJiform worn by) Oftl;::ers, 1 'up. Off. ancl 2 lUell. .\Iaterial: 3 stretchers, splints; banclages, etc. Division supported hy nlem bel'S.
Honorary Surge on .
H. R. IIalwock, M,lt. c. b .
"I It I" ~I I- ~IIIHL\l,
T. L, \\r l ,],]"
H. Breward. Inspector of Stores.
Ixs rITUTE, :i\L\nELEY.
Honol'a l-y Surgeon.
3rd Officer.
[Forme!l :30.11.91.]
Honorary S ecretal'Y.
J, O. J. Rasl'ass, ~Ltclelcy, ,'ltl'opsltil'!'.
BRow"" l\Iallcle).
hrop hire.
Inspector of Stores.
J. W. melcher. Ollieer:; 2. • ujl. Oll'.:t, Pri\'aLes 36. Tohll elTecti,'c 40. Increase sillcc last report:JJ. DrilL- hel,i 10. A\'erage attellliance 16. Removal 3. CaseH attendell not on puhlic rluly :30 to '10. Medallions 1;;. lIIfLtel'ial: 6 stl:etcbel's, 1 litter. :1 hoxes uf splillts, dc., \'('.'tcll in l'ommittee anel plll'cha eel 1y pnvat~ fUIlIls . Division 'uppOl'te<111Y lllenllll'r' :lllli "olliery Compauy, DUl'lng the year 1 lIe\\' strcteh'r.' havc hecn purchasell. The members luwc treated !.Jetwelcll 30 aUt[ ·10 cascs cOllllectl'tl cnLire ly with the colliery. The attendance of thc Division has l)eell \' 'l'Y low o\\'ill" to the ttlJlOUllt of IJight work wllieh has fallen to the lot 0 (' mall,}' of the IllCl:luers, ~LIllI to the fact tlHtt 0111e ha\'e 311 [ereel and arc slllI'cl'ing from in j mil'S .
Dill not a~)LJcal' 5:';. J\1(:{lalliollS 232. Servico lJadge. 46. Hegnlatioll uniforlll worn l)y ~ OIlice:'s, 1 ,up. Olr. and 104 JUe~. Material: 2 .ru bber- t~l'ecl wagons, 9 Ash fOl'lllt~tel's, 61 Furle~ stretl'?ers, aU11 62 eq uipments, elther valise or h.ullper, vested III .th~ COlllllilttee of tIle Northampton Centre. Corps snPl?orLed. hy.,"olt11ltary sub cnptlOlls.,. ) The Corps consists of the followlIlg IhvlSlOllS :-IIead Quarters, Cychst:;, LOl'ongh Constabulary, L. and N. :\1. Rail,"'ay C? (No.1), L. and N. ,IV. R:~i.l"ay Co. (Xo. 2), N orth:LlIl pLon Fire Bngalle, Earb I)art Oll, P,~nlel'spnry, l.,oade hlJlg>'thorpe, Far Cotton, Bii:,worth, pratton .BIo.nl.toll, !lanhngsLOl)lC! Llt!lr Houghton, ,toke Bl'uemc KUL"sley Park, Great Bllllllg, Cogenhoe, )l'lxworth, DavenLr)', EctOlI, Bl'adtiE;l~l. KiJingunry. (it'eat l'rogr s. lJOth ill number and efiiciellcy 11a' l,Jeen made. I ' ••• Both t:)up. Ofliccrs an~l meJ~lbel's. of the Cyclli';~ ~~VISlOli have ?·PIHler.erl most valuable 'el'l'ic:e by aLtelHlll1g linUs of the County DlvIslons, such drIlls lJemg well malntaine{l awl aLLellllecl throughout the Corps. The large and co.;tly llIaterial ha. been well IWliniained hoth in to\\'n and country, and the llumerous litter ancl stretcher statiolls regularly illspeC'tell. The Transport ~ervicl' boih at l!eail-(11wrtel's awl Earls Harton bl'eu a(lllliralJly conduclell. fully the average 1ll1fll he)' of cases lH'illg removed, all SUCees fully and with great satisfaeti?1l to t~lC pa~ienb allll tIle llle{licni sLall. . . . The allJl\H1l III'"pec:tlon 01 tllC Corp mls 1lel.l hy the kllltl pel'lLl1SSlO11 /Jf .T. C n o1'e1', ES(l' J.t'. 011 the large lawn at Delapl'e Park, \\'here upwHrds of ~oo Ollieer" and men 'wcre 'pamtlp(l, inclucling a 1'el\ who hacl he en illYttlidetl hOllle fronl ,'outh Africa. The Couuty Police (20 strong), the Borough 'olls Labulary ( . trollg), ancl the Northampton Fire B!'ig~llle (20 strOll g), f'oI'IIH~{1 a YOl'y illtel'Pstillg n~HI efliciellt eOlltinuelll. The inspcetillg Ollicer was tIl(' Depllty-COllUllissionel' Lieut.-Col. G. . Kllistoll, who Iva ' accompanied l)y tbe Mal'!flli:' ofXorthalllptoll, HOll, Pl'e.i(l('n t of the l\OItill111lpLoll Centro or the 't. ,Iullll A1IIbulallce As 'oeiation. Both the inspecting Ollic!'!' {ldlO was .lssistell lly A.>,isiallt-ColJlllli;.,sion~rT. H. Wool:t.onl: anu the noble Pl'l'i(leut cxpre 'ed theltlseh,s well plpasel] ,nth tIll' cOllchboll and illcl'easecl eflil'l{'IIl'Y nf the 001'1''", aJ1\1 c,dlc(l attention to the ftH't tbat thirty of the best lllen hal'e heel1 u'll!1 are servillg in ,'outh Africa. .Lifter tIle in '· IH'ctinn under the CO III IlHllH I of Chief Superintpllllent Pl'lY, Wl're nHtl'chefl to the 1learlC),narter at the orthallllltoll r;(lucral Illfirmary, \\'l!eIH'c they proeeerle(l to the Ueorge Hutel. One hundred and ~cwIlLy-livc 1l1ell sat llOWll to lliuller, the President, the ~la\'(lllis of Nortllalllptoll }ll'l'siding. The Corps lIas attended with Llle ~rayol' aL 'hnrch 1.1I!1 OhHpel Paralle , aLo at the weekI\' fuothall llIaiche» lJOLh 011 tIl!' l'onnL\' (;roull(l awl Franklill Gardclls, N01'Lhalll)')Lon Alllalclll' Athletie .'pnrt,', thl' Agl'ietlllul'Ul'ltoll, XOI'emlJCr Municipal Elediolls. illaf'l'king \·I{·hraLioll'" Bicycle Parall 'S. etc .. de. A 11 'L1!flsllllle tpstilllollial was accorded by the pulllic at .... JanH's',. to Prinlte J. T. Ste\'eIlS(1n, !'Ol' s('l'\'iees l'e11l1p.l'ell for oyer thirty-six cOllsecutil'e hours in a ca e of atll'IIIJl!l,(1 >'nicidl', rcsnltin!.!; ill the savillg of the paticnt'li life. An iutl'l'Csting f'eatl1l'c of llw wI)rk of the Ol'}lS ha' l)cen the expelb'nt ".'ork rellllcn'(l l)y thL' IJursillg Dil'iKioll , a(, head-quarter, Enr};; Barton, ,!luI Llt~1L HOllgl!ton. Thl' Chic!' 'llperilltCJIIll'lIL ll.lHI Lady ,'upCl'intellllelll han 1)('e11 uu"dy clIgagp(] (luring the tllelVC 1I10nths in sccmillg tlte sen'ice' of awl prol'ldillg outfih fol' \"olullteers 1'01' ontI! Africa. aUll eYe!'\, call fol' the latter ha, heen promptly l'espoll(le ci Lo. . . ., 1 304. f
Honorary Surgeon .
T. A. Durrant,
Sup erintendent.
G. Green, 52, High t., Iarket Harl)orough
Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.
Inspector of Sto res .
2nd Olass up. Off. ""Y. Tooth. pring field treet, Market Harborough.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. 3. Privates 22. Total effective 27. In crease since last report 10. Drill held 49 . Average attemlallcc 27. Cases attende~ on pu?lic ~uty 1. Removals 29. Oases attended not on public duty 37 . AnnualmspectlOn, fth ,June. Total on parad e 21. Absent with l erwo 5. Annual re-ex.amination, 29th Se}!t. Me~llb ers pa ed 20. Did not apl)ear 6. Medallions . ServIce badges 5. Nursmg certIficates 4. Regulation uniform ',0I'll uy 1 Officer, 3 up. Off. and 19. J?l~n. Material: 1 litter, ;) stretcher; 4. et of . plints, bandages, ece. DIn Ion supportell by members' suhscriptioll and pU1Jlic donation. The 'work of the Division during the past twelve months IJa been satisfactorY . The services of the Division have becn frequcntly required both in cu e of uccidellt and for removal.
Honorary Surgeon .
D. Duke, M. It.c.S. Su perintendent.
Hon . S ec. and Treasurer.
T. Skeffington, MedboUl'ne, larket Harborough.
D. R. H. U. her, l\Ic(luourne, Market H arborough.
Officers 2. Privates 13. Total effective 15. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 12. Average attendance 11. Remoyals l. Cases attended not. on public duty 3. Annual inspection, 25th ept. Total on parade 9. Absent WIth leave 5. Annuall'e-examinatioll, 20th Dec., ] 99. Members passed 15. Medallions 1. "m'sing certificates 2. Material: h'etchel' hane ae, vested in the Division. Division supported by ubscription. '
Ch ief Surgeon .
A. H. Jones,
Ch ief Superintend en t .
J. Perry, 54, ,Yaterloo, Northampton. Hon . S ecretary.
2nd Off. H. ,Vilkinsol1,
Sup erintendent of Stores.
O. F, Olney.
Honorary Treasu rer
II. T. Fracy.
Officers 29. Sup. Off. 16. Privates 373. Total effective 3 . Oases attended on public duty 67. Removals I ncrease since last report 82, 68. Oas'3s attended not on public dnty 400. Annual inspection, 8th Sept. T otal on l)arade 220. Absent with leave 65. Without leave 103. Annual re-examination, 16th, 13th, 20th, 27th March, and 7th April. Members-
Faileu 1.
JN~~:ill ce~-tllicates 58.
R. A . Milligan, M. n.C. ·C. J . E vans, M.n.c.s. H. Cropley, F . R.C . .
Surgeons .
T. Cairns, L.R. C. P. E. F. JOlle , M.R.C. ~ . D. tOile, M.B.
Officers l. Sup. Off. 1. Priva.tes 18. Total effective 20. Decrease since last rcport 7. Drills h~ld 2,1. Annual inspection, 8t~ S~pt. T talon paraue 4. Absent with leave 1. 'WIthout leave 14.. Annual re-exammatlOD, 3~st Mll.rch. Members passed Did not appear. 10. l\l eclallions 9. Re{?ulation uniform worn by 1 Sup. ~ff. and ~ ~1eD. Iatenal: 1 stretcher and eqUIpment. Division supported by publIc ubscnptlOns.
IV. H. Reeves, 4, Ca tilian Terrace,
J. R. Lownds,
H. Wilkin on, Rutland Terrace, Northampton.
F. C. Gardner. Officer 4. up. Off. 14. Private 130. Total eO'ective 116. Reserve member 14. Increase since la t report 30. Drill heM 4.5. Average attendance 29. Case attendeu on public uuty 62. RemovaL:; 64. Cases attended not on public duty 400. Annual illspectiolJ, th ept. Total on paradc 72. Ab ent with leave 5. Annual re,exalllination, 6th, 13th. 20th, and 27th .March, al1(l 7th April. Member passed 76. Did not appeal' 54.. .Meuallion 5. erviee badges 35. nr:;ing certificates 44. Regnlation uniform wom by -1 Oflicers, 14 up. Off. and 62 men. Material: 1 ambulance wagon, etc., ye ted in local Centre .J.A.A Divi ion supported by public ub cription.'. The Division ha made great progres dmillg the. past year. Thc a11l1l1ul~llce carriage has been thoroughly overhauJt·cl, am} pneumatic tyres rcplaccd by 22 lIlch soliu rubuer tyres, which prove very ati factory. A new litter stH tion lIa' alo been added, and several new 'tretchers. The drills of thc Division lleltl. wt'ekly at the I nfirmary have heen well-attende(l, and show a helter average than in previon years. The feature of the year has ueen the sending out of voluuteer for active service in South Africa, two first-class Sup. Ofl'., 1 second-da.s 'up., and 11 Privates having been sent. Two have unfOl'tullatcly been invalitleu home, suffr'l'ing from enteric fever, but they are no,Y in gootl. health. The others have. been doing goud work. Another feature has bcen the splendid work ot the tran port service, \\ hich stands out very prominently in the distriet. Meni1Jers have ueell 011 publi c uuty elUting the year at the Athletic Club ports, Infirmary ports, Agricultural "how, IVeekly Footba1l1'llatches (both for As ociation and Rngby team ), and on al~ the different occasions their service were well appreciated uy the (liUerent COlllll1lttee' and public generally. The Divisi9n at the invitation 01' the Mayor ha Oil everal occa ions accompanied him a.nd the officials and members of the orporation to ehl1l'ch and chapel. T he Division also played a prominent part iu the dcmon 'tmtion to celebrate the relief of Mafeking. Thauks are (lne to Lauy uperintellclent Perry, and the Nursing Division, for their kind help in equipping Voluntcers for South Africa.
L. H. C.P.
Hono rary S ecretary.
In Ch arge.
Pte. R. G. Martin , Brix\\'orth, lll'. I orLhall1 pton.
3rd Offi cer.
Hono rary Su rgeon.
2nd Offi cer and Honorary Secre t ary.
1st Officer.
J. W.· Beale.
J. Bu:;well, Berry Bank Cottage, Bl'ixworth.
Olfieer 1. Privates 1,. Total efl'ective 19. Drill helll 10. .\ nnnal in!;pection, th ept. Total on pa,rade 4. Absent with leave 15. nlerlallioll!; .). ~laterial: 1 tretchel' and equ ipment. Division supported uy pnlllic suh criptioll. 'l'wo members have served in "outh Africa.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. Terry,
In Charge.
Pte. II. J. Line, A hworth t., Daventry.
'I. R.C. '.
Inspector of Stores.
Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.
:B. Dailey.
W. J. OhO\\'l1, 'hmch '\Valk, Daventry.
OfIicer 1. lip. fl'. l. Privatc!; 15. Total elrectiYe 17. DeCl'ca'c sillce last report~. Drills held 13. Ayerage attendance 4.~g . Cases attended not 011 public dnty 3. Annual inspection, LIt -'cpt. Total on paralle Ab ent with le,tVe 9. Ann Lllli re-eXamill<l.Lion, ~ith J nne. Members pa 'cd 6. Medallion l. l\Iaterial: 1 Fmley !:itl"teller and ambulance material. Divi ion supported by membcrs' !;ub.eriptioll '. This Divi iOll, 011C of the olde't in tLe Corps, has now been rc u itD-ted.
In charge ,
1st Class Sup. Off. F. Ekins.
T. F. Thorpe, Earl ' Barton .
1st Offi cer.
Insp ector of Stores.
J. Abbott.
O. W. Braufonl. Hon . S ec. and Treasurer.
F. 'vV. Au 'tin, Avondale Terrace, Earl. Barton.
Honorary Surgeon .
H. H odgson,
LFormed 3.
Hono rary Surgeon .
. O. Lawrence, [Formed 26.3 .97.J
[Formed 2.6.99 .]
[Formed ~.4.1900.
Honorary Secretary.
OOlcenl 3. Sup. Off. 4. Pt'iVtttcs 14.. Total effective 2l. Decrease since last report 1. Drills 11ehl 52. Average atte11l1ance 12. Cases attended on pLl blic lluty~. Removals 13. Oases cttte11l1 d not on public duty 35.
33 4 Annual inspection, th cpt. Total on parade 14. Absent ,vith leave' 0. , Vithont leave 3. Annual re-examinatlOll, 29th ]Harc1,. Members passed 1. Did not appear 2. Medallions 16. Service badges 11. J ursing certificate 14., Regulation uniform ,yorn by 2 Ofiicers, 4. Sup. Off. and 11 men . Material: wagon, litter 3 stretchers, 1 doz. hnVTe ac .4 complete sets of wooden splint. Divi ion upported by local subscription ' Although thi Report hows a deCI·ea. e of one 11le'1l1ber, t~l~ Diyision is in reality much stronger than a year ago. Four new members have JOll1Cll, antI the ,,"eeuingout of inactive men has hau a good effect. Dl1l'ing the year rubber tyres have been put on the "'agon at a cost of £15, nearly the whole of which anlOunt wa raised by a concert held for this }mrpo e. Four men of the Division yolunteered for active selTice in outh Africa, all of whom were accepted . The Division i strongly upportell by the inhabitant of the village finanl~ially, and ,,,ith good will.
vV'. H. In charge.
Onicer 1. ,up. Off. 3. Privates 29. Total effective 33. Decrease since last r 'port 1. Annual inspection, th ept. Total on parade 3. Absent withont leave 2l3. Material: 1 tele,'('opic ~tl'etcher and one box of ambulance material. Division supporteu oy puhlic sub.'criptions.
D. G. Lewis,
:ua(ll 4. Did not lliYi~i c n
[Fol'Jnerl ~ .5.1900.]
('lIUOL, Klf;LI:SGBUllY.
Hono rary Surgeon.
F . C. 'Y. Hounsell, In c harge.
2nd Class Sup. Off. J . Butler, 45, Stanley Rd., ' t. James' Elld, N orthamptoll.
A. Thomp. Oil, High'treet, :'Ifolllton.
Omcer 1. np. Ofl'. 1. Privates 1. Tobl effecti,-e :W. Decrcase iuce last rcport 4. Annual in 'l'eetiol1, ,. th :Sept. Totn.l on parade 6. Absent with leave 11. Allllllal rc-e\.aminttlioll, ~1th March. :J[emlJer pas ecl15. l\Iedallioll 1. Material: uau(lages aUlI splint, YC. tell in IT ortbampton Centre. Division supported 1)y public uu.'cripLioIls. One of the members wa accepLcd for scn icc ill 'outh Africa.
Hono rary S ecretary.
2nd Class np. o fl'. A. Rollinson 61, hakespeare Ro,ul. r orthamptoll.
Privates 13. Total effective 13. Dri~ls held 6. .Annual in. ]Jec~ion, th cpt. Total on IHuade 3. Allsent with leave I.O . . Medallion 1. :JIatenal: 1 stretcher. Division supported lJY voluntary subscnptlODs.
11.1:.(' . .'.
In charge.
Honorary S ecretary.
Pte. C. P. 13i hop, Gt. Billing,
Hono rary S ecretary.
D. Deacon, Little Houghton, nr. ortl1am pton.
Hono rary Surgeon.
hamherlain, L.Il-C.r.
1st Class 'up. Off. A. O. Mae'klles .
Pte. G. ,V. Langley, Ector., nr. Northampton.
cnooL, LIrrr,E HOUGHTON.
Honorary Surgeon.
Honorary S ecretary.
HEAIl-QUAltrEI:.-; : TlIl<;, enOOL, :JIOULTO.'.
Officer 1. Privates 7. Total effective L. Decrea e since last report 1. Annual inspection, th Sept. Total 011 Absent with leave 3. AnnJ1al re-examination. April. :MelUher' p~"sf'c1 7. appear 1. Meuallion 6. Material: 1 Furley stretcher and e'luil'nJcnt. supported by public .ub 'criptions.
B.A., lILH.C . .'.
TUE .'C11001,
[·Formcd 1.3.93.J
Ho norary Surgeon.
.Ll. Linnell, \I.ILU. Superintendent and Hon. Sec.
Inspector of Stores.
J. T. Pilkington, Thc chool liou. e, Panl,t"sbury.
H. 'Yatsoll.
Ofliucl"S 2. Privates 17. Total cffecti\"c 19. Decrcas~ 'iIlG' last rcport 5. Anllual ill 'pection, th ept. Total on parade 1. Absent. WIth leave 1.' Annual re-cxamillatioll, 3t"d April. Memb'l' pa ed 9. M~d.a~hollS . l\Iatenal: stretc:hcr, plints, etc., vested in Northampton Oentre. DIVlSlOll Suppol"ted oy pulllicllhscriptioll. Threc members arc serving in outh Africa as hospital orc1erlie .
Honorary S ecreta ry .
C. J. Ballaster, Kislillglmry, Northampton.
. Officer 1. Sup. OfT'. 1. Privates 16. Total effective 18. Dnlls h.el~ Annual illspection, 8th Sept. Total on parade 7. Absent with leave 9. DIVlslOn Suppol'teu oy public snbscriptions.
[Formed 26.11.98.J
Ho norary Su rgeon.
J. K. Hyde,
[Formc(11 95.j
Honorary Surge on .
W. II. Ryan,
Sup eri nt e nd e nt and Hon . S ec.
J. Kirk, Eli worth Cro ing, Eli worth.
336 Officer 2. Privates 5. Total effective 7. Decrease since la t report 1. Annual in pection, th ept. Total on parade 3. Absent with leave 3. Annual re-examinatiou, 31 t filarch . nlember passed 6. Medallions 7. Material: b'etcher and equipment, ye ted in Northampton entre. Division upported by public sub criptions.
TOKE BnUEltNE. In C harge.
Honorary S urge o n. H. Hodgson, LB.
1. t la 43, Bl1l'n
Honorary S ecretary.
I1p. OJi'. F. Ekill ': treet, J'orlhnmploll.
IIE \.Il-lJI
Inspector of S tol·es.
G. H. Bass, toke Bruerlle, nr. Towce tel'.
J. 'Wooc1",an1. Total effective 13.
Officer 1. up. Off. 1. Private 11. Decrease since la t report 1. Drills held 46. AYerage attendance 10. Anllual in pection, th ept. lotal on parade 6. Absent with leu\'e 7. Annual reexamination, 29th larch. Member pa ed 10. nIedalliol1 13. nlatcJ'ial: Fnrley stretcher, surgical haYTe ac, and 2 Yali, e5. with balldages ancl splints, Yl' ted in Northampton Centre. Divi ion supported by public ub criptions.
[Formed c.5.97.J
(,IIOO]'S, COTON ROAD. l.:rLT~E.\'TOX. Superintendent & Hon . Sec
Honorary S urgeon.
E. Peacock,
omccl'S 2. PrivaLt's 17. Total efl'ective In. Drills hel(l 6. ases alL 1Il1ellllot all pnulic' duty 1. Anllual impection, 16th .'cpt. Total 011 paratlc 10. Allsent with ItlLVc"2 filccla.llioJlf' 8. Sen'ice lJadges 10. ;\Iatcrial: -1 sLrt'lehel's, 1 ulllllulancc box, 1 ltillbulaJlce han'll!>!'. waterproof Iweb, plints, ancl b<lwlagt's, vestp.tl ill tlte> L.~. W.R o. DiYl'ion .nppOl'il·cl1IY IllCllIl)PJ". Sin'c:o the in:tngnmliOll of this Di\'isiol1 it Ita clolle tcudy work. In t'onncction with the COlllJl<lIly'S 'hallc·lIge. 'hi!'l,l. a tt'alll frlllil the .tation took part ill the Distriet Competition ( I.,. & T. "'.R) lll·ltl ill ;\lal'ch last, all,l \\'it awarded 'Cl'onu plate.
A. J. E. Randle, Edwarcl ,'tlt'et, Nuneaton.
111, R. C. .
1st Officer & Hon. Treasurer.
Inspector of Stores
H. U. Lewis.
J. Ling\\'oou.
Officer 3. up. Off. 3. Pl'ii'ate 22. Total effective :l . Increase since last report 7. DrilL held 3. Anrage attenclanc 17. Removals 31. Cases attendeu IVlt on public duty 32. Annual ill pection, 15th Sept. Total on parade 26. Absent without leave 2. Anl1ual re-examination, 21st Sept. Members passed 21. Did not appeal' 7. Medallion' 13. enice badges 12. Nursing certifi~ates 7. Regulation uniform "'orn hy 1 Officer, 2 Sup. Off, and 19 :nen. Material: 1 Ashford lit tel , 4. b'etcher, 1 alllllulallce ba.'ket, 1 ambulance box, ] Lowmoor jacket, etc., yested in Committee of the Divi ion. Division snpported by members and private donations. During tbE past year the Division has made atisfactory progress, and the work has been well maintained in all its branches. ;A-pplicatiol1 has been made to the Urban District Council for head-quarters and dnll room. The members attended the annual Church Parade of the United Friendly Societies.
\ It rEI:';: 1"11:1"
BHll .. \IH
. Honorary Treasurer.
E. )1. Iln1'n',)".
III •'tred, Glludl,'
H. Knigll L .1.- ulth .' tl'el't, Onllrllt', 1- orlhalll pt Oil 'ih ire.
1st Officer, Hon Sec , and Inspector of Stores .
J lIay!".
n .]
Honorary Surgeon .
C.• '. UllOtt
~ .~.
Omell'S a. :-;\11' (lll'."2. pl'i\',~l' 11. Tulal elli'cti\,e Hl. Drills hel,l ~l. A\'cI'lge ntlelld:llll'" 1.i. ('asps attend,',l on publi!' (lnty 2 Removal1. AUIllial ill'ippl'lioll, 1.1111 S'·pl. '\'Ill,d Oil 1l.l1'.1.(le 11. A1J'(~llt ",ith lea\'e~. \\'ithol\lll';\\"e:l. AlIlluall,' c'xltlnill'ltiol1. l:lth ;-i,·pt. Memlwl's pass',l1-±. Di I not appeal' .i J. Tllr.'ill~ l'l'l'tifitiltt· 1. Hc!!;nlalioll l111i/'ornl \\'01'1\ hy ~ Ottil"I' , ~ ,'up. 011'. itlll113 lllell. ~l.ll'·l'ial· littl';', <1 slrptehns, :2 hunqwr., ~ \\:atl'l'·lloltlc', 1 ht'll tcnt, de., \'!','ll',l ill 'Ollllllittl',! "Illr '. Divi'ion .upportL'll hy YOlLllltary con tl'iull t ion.'.
11 g,\IHil
AIl'1 EI:;;:
('Ill III II SIlt""!',
n .. J
\\'t· Lll\;(;l1ul:nn:lI.
Chief Sur·geon .
'l.lt.( .s.
Honorary Surgeons ,
W. W. 'lark, \1. JI. II. 11olli'i, '\1. ll. W. J. \\Ta tsOll , )1. B. .r. Crew, L.IU'. I'.
If. BUl'lallll, L. It. '.1'. W.l:obb,I.H.!'.l'. \\' . .:\lueKclll.il', 1.. lU·. 1'. n. Baker. I. n. !'.1'. C hiet Superintendent.
T. 11. lIiltoll, :-iollll·I\'ilh·, \\' 'l1illgborongh. LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY CO. (NUNEATON N o.2 ) DIVISION. [Formed 12.8.1900.J HEAD-QUARTETtS: L.N . W. RAILWAY STATION,
Su peri ntendents.
C. Nieholsoll.
A.. O. Groollle.
A. Joseph , L.It, C' . 'i. A. Nightingale, 3, Glebe Road, Nuneaton. Hono ra ry S ecret a ry.
W. Meddows, 109, Wheat. treet, Nuneaton.
In spec t or o f Stores .
J. F. Taylor. Hon orary T reas u rer.
W. Lock.
T. Ii:. Gm\,ele.\
1st Officel's .
Honorary S urgeon . 1st Officer.
Supt. Treasurer.
J. II. lliggins. A. On \'P. .I. Prlry. T.
Oflicl'l's 1. up. o I!'. 11. [>l'i\<1ll's ~:37. La!ly "lljlcl'int 'ndl'llts ~. L"l(ly Sccl'clarit's 2. IT UI'Sll1g Sistl'l'H ~H. Total' Ireetiyc 30:2. Increase fiO. antI liLtel's 67.
Ollicers and mell \\l:t1l'illg unifol'lll.
Hell1oYlLl, by hor::;e alllbulance
Casel:! o(!it;in.l)y report d /1' Leing LroaLed by the -'OI'}I'- number 'll 36~, but this cl es not Illlyt1ll11g hkc repres(,nt the sum toLal, as u large 1ll11llbrl' arc attended and ne\'e1'
;)3 ) reported. T he a1111ual inspection ml held on 1st ept. by D eputy-Com mi ssioner Briga!le Surgcon Lieut. -Colonel G. . Blli ton. 'rotal on parade 17 2, i11clnclill" head-quarters amI Hin g tead Nursing Divisions. b After the mn.rch pa~t a very ,-aried lwograllll1le 'wa aone tbrouah and a numb"l' 1 "'lSi . b 0, , ~ · o f qnestlon. \,ere put to t 1e LI cers and men heanng 011 the practica,l clemon tratiom; they ~lad gl\'en, the Deputy-Collllllissioner expre ing hin:self a highly plea cd with the hIgh tandard of gene1:al efficiency d i played. I n re POI1 e to the a ppenl for meu to act a IIospital Orderlies in outh Africa, o:'er 100 volullteer.etl aml of the e -16 1)[1 se,l the te t, anel were acceptcd, some for SIX month, ome for a Yl'ar, all(lotl,el' until the end of the 'Yar. Thc' men ha\'e gi,en of t heir best. allli the Corps has to mourn the loss of five bravc comrades who haye all fallen "i?tin~s t~ enteric fe\'cr. Th e fallillg 0[1' in number at the inspection ancl annual exalllmatIon IS due very lar u ely to the ab ence of lllen " 'ho haye "Olle on actiye service. 0 b T~le attendance a~ (~I'~ll 11a been good, there is a decided improvcment ill the effiCIency of eve ry DIVI Ion of the ~or[l., amI it will be seen from the following li st of store that they are \"ell eqUlppecl: 1 hoI' 'e ambulance ",hcel litters littell complete, 3 iLH'alid ~chairs, II~o pital, il bell teut',;iO tret~her, 39 hampers and ~edlcal hanesac , !"1-± regulatlOll water bottlt's, au!l a large re<;erve of every descriptIOll of. tore' for any emergency that may arise. The Oorp. cons i rs of ~he followillg Di ;'i8iolls :- TIt·ad Quarters, IIigha III FelTcr,;, Rushclen Fllle,lon, IrthllIlgborough. Wollash)ll. Bozeat, an.tI. Irche.. ter. Three uew Kursillg Di\'isio~ls are being formetl, all!l it is 1\1 0 hoped a11l1 expeete,l that. by another year pl'actH:ally every Offi cer aUll Illall in the Corps will h:1\'e obtamell tIle Xnl' ing Certificate. An effort is being madc in each Diyision for the formation of clas es :olely for young and acti \'e men who are prcparell to join the Brigade.
Ofl1cer 1. 'up. orr. 1. Privates 13. Total erfective 15. Drills held 34. Average attendance 19. Cases attcndell lJO~ on public duty U. AUllual inspection, 1st 'ept. 'l'ota,l Oil parade 1.0' Ahsent wIth l,eav~ 4. AnDual l'e.examinatio n , April. Members passed l;~. lJlClnot appeal' 1. . erVlCe badges 10. Regulation uuiforlll worn by 1 Sup . .Of!. and .JlJen. Ma,tenal.: ~ stre~c}?~rs, 2 havresacs, :2 \l"ater-1JoLtle~, :2 set,; plints, vcsted III Local CommIttee. DIVlSlO11 supported. by public ,;uhscriptions.
FINEDON (WELLINGBOROUGH CORPS . [Fonued 5.5 . 96.J Honorary S ecretary.
HOAora,'y Surgeon .
11. Bmlanll,
J. Llll:a ', Fiuellon, \V ellingborough.
Ofl'. 1. ~up. OIl'. 1. PriYatc. Hi. Total elfective 1 . Drills held 17. .l\.\· cnt"e atteilliallce '. , Allllllal illspectioll, 1st ,'cpt. Total. on parade 1{j. .Ab 'Gilt wlthle Ive 1. H,egul~Ltioll lllli,rol'lll .worn uy ~~ l.nell. Matenal: 1 litter, 3 :stretch!'r', 3 ha, ]'e,;<1,c', YL~ .. tetllll lucal CUllllmllee. DIV1:S101I supported by public sub~criptioll '.
11 E_\.U-l~tT All! FHS:
Hono" a,-y Surgeon.
[F orlll eel -1 .1 IHJ. J HE.-\D-Ql'AIlTP.W, :
J. Crell,
L. 1U'.p.
1st Officer and
Superintendent, Hon . S ec. and Hon. Treas.
J. W, Iliggins, Thc'qlHtre, ll ighalll Ferren.,.
Sup erintendent.
C. XiCbOISOl1. Honorary S ecretary.
Honorary Treas urer.
1stCl:lSi; U\'. OIl'. K C. mithers, 3:J. High ,'t., We11ingl,ol'ough.
T. E. Gravele.).
Officers . Sup. Off. 5. Privates 52 . Total clrec·tive (is. H.e e1'\'e 1l1:1111Jer.' / . In crease since last report 11. Drills heltl 31. A\'erar;e ~ttelll.lB:llce ~(. ,Removals 52. Cases attended lIOt on pulllie duty 15. A1Inual 1J1Spectl?ll,.1 st I el)~ .. Total on parade ,17. Ab 'ent with leave 1. Without leave 8. A~lsent ltl ol1th Afnca 4. Aunualle-exalJ1inatioll , ~9th Aug. Melllbcrs pas';Cl149. DIcl lJO~ appe~I' 7. Mellallions 25. Service baclges 35 . ursing t:erLili.eatcs ~2. RegulatlOll Ill.nform WOI'll by fi Officer',!i np. OIl'. awl 36 mell. Material: horse am bulance, lItter, 2 iu valicl Bath chairs, 23 stretcher., 5 halll [IC1'S a1ld boxes, 10 l~a:Te acs, 30 ·,\'~ter-hottl.e ? .12 sets of splint!;, hospital tent, bell tellts, yc,;ted in Officels and COl1lnllttee. DIV1SlOIl supportecl lJY public subscriptiolls.
Inspector of Stores ,
A. 0. Groome.
OJliccn; 3. I 'uII. OJI. 1. Pri\'ates :j~. Total e!J'ectiye 30. Decreasc siu(;e last report 3. Drills heltl ~4.. A \'erage altellllallce H. Ca e attended Oll pllblie lllty 1. 1'CIlIO\'(1[,; 3. Case,; attclllied noL on public duty 40. Annual inspection, 1st ccpt. Totill Oll paralIc 13. Ahscut 23. Annual re-examination, ~ tll Aug. illeJlllJen; l'<lsscJ IH. DiduoL appear Hi. Medallion. ' 13. Sen'ice bildges 13. Tursing certitit.:ales 7. Regulation UlIilm'lli ,,"am by 2 Othcer , 1 .s1lp. 011'. and ~1 1l1l'1l. Malerial: stretcher, havl'esa(;s, 1 bell tent , etc., yctecl ill a local COlllluiltce. Divisioll supported by public nb ·cripliolls. A public tea ",as held in lhe Bcdc HOllse in December, to wark the departure of three men for t:)outh _\ ('!'lea a larcre COllljlitlly oein a present, and ince theu eYelllllen in all have hecl! sell L out. ' .Eacl~ Illall i,; }lrovitleti' with a sll~all. ou t~i t. ~'or IiI' -t . aid cascs which i!i fOUllll to he lIIost useful, null every lllClllUel' of tlll Dn'lslon pl'on<1es his own uniforlll.
Honorary Surgeo n.
F. Bennett,
:\1. H.C. S.
Honorary Secre tary and Treasurer.
Allen ,
Bozeat, vVellillgborougb.
II E.\'D'l~l,ARrElt ' :
Honorary Surgeo n.
W. H,o ub,
L . U.l '. I'.
'l'llllOLS, l11TIILI~GllOltO GH.
Hon . S ec. and Treasurer.
J. Brown, IrLhlin gboro ugh, Ili g ham Ferrel' , Wellingborong h.
Officer 1. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 15. Total effective IS. R eserve members 5. D ecrease since la t report 2 . Drills held 3S. Average attendance 8 '6 . Cases attended on public duty 20. Rem<Aral 1. Cases aLtenclerl not on public duty 15. Annual inspection, 1 t ept. Total on parade Ab ent with leave 4. 'Without leave 5. Allnual re-examination, 25th June. Members pas ed 12. Failed 1. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions ~5. ur ing certificates 5. Regulation unirorm worn by 2 Sup. Off. and 14 men. late rial : 1 wheeled litter, 4 stretchers, 4 medical havresac , 4 watcr bottles, 3 sets splints, 1 i.nvalid carring!', and various stores. Di,rision supported by pub lie uh~cri)Jtions.
[Formed 4.1 900J.
HEAD-QUARTEll:'l: 'WgLLI TGBO ltOeGH CORPS. Honorary Surgeon.
J. G. Burge s, L.S.A.L.
S. E. Baxter,
:\LlL. . • .
Hono rary Secretary.
Pte. E. '. J onea, 'Yol1astoll. " . n . Off. 2. Private '2. Total effective 3~1. . Officel 1. . ~ Drills held 44. Average attenclance 1 (. Removals 3. Incrcase SlllC~ lasLI epol t 1 . T t. 1 l'uarle 16 Absent with leav 2. Ann ual: Allnual inspectIOn, 1st Sept. "I 0 ,1 ,all ,1' 'ed 19 . Did not al'lWl.r 9. Medallions 9. 231'<1 Au a l' em 1)el i; }la. s . 1\1 t . 1 . " re-eXanllna"lOl1, 0'. 'f '0 '11 by') . 1 1 14 ReuulatlOll Ulli 01'111 \I I . ~ llI) . Ofr. an<l 1:3 mell. .1.\ a ena : ServJCe )ac ge' l' IlP . 3 tretchel's :~ 111 llical havreRacs. 3 water bottle, 4 sets 1 bher tyrell \V lee 1 tl el, , . 1 . f ru l' t . 1)(11 l ' Ua Division supported by publIc u) cnp Ion. af sp III '3, ,1 ,,'
Honorary S ecretary.
Pte. C. Green, Farnsdi 11 Road, Irchester.
Officer 1. Private. 17. Total p!fective 1 Drills held 21. Average attendance H. Anllual in pectioll, 1st 'cpt. Total all parade 12. Absent with leave 5. 'Without leaye 1. Reglliation uniform \\'01'11 by 2 men. Material: wheeled litter, 2 tretchers, 2 medical havresacs, 2 water bottles, 2 sets splints. Di vision supported by public u uscriptiolls. I
l:r \TIIlX ,\L
Honorary Su rgeon.
Supt., ':ion. S ec., and Insp. of Stores.
W. Mackenzie, L.R.C.P.
L. Perry, Ring tead, Thrap -tOllf' .
Officers 2. up. Off. 1. Privates 17. Total effective 20. Drills held 20. Average attendance 10. Cases attended on public rillty 5. Cases attended not on public duty 19. Annual inspection, 1st ept. Total on parade 17. Ausent with leave 3. Annual re-examiuation, 2 th Aug. Mcml 'ers pas~ed 17. Failed 1. Did not appear 2. Meualliolls 14. ervice hadges 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 up. Off. and 11 Illen. Material: 2 stretchers, 2 medical havresacs, 2 water bottles, 2 set splint. Division. upporteu by public sub criptions.
Bno ·ELEY.
Honorary Surgeons .
G. D. Collins, M.1LC .. ·.
'V. Dyson , M.D. Lady Secretary.
Lady Superintendent.
Mrs. J. Jane, The Linden, Broseley.
[Formed 20.:3.%].
[Formed 6.99.]
:r.Ii s H. C. POLt ' , The Bank HouRC',
[Formed 2.4.96.J
Oflieen; 3 Tur. illg i!-lters 13. Total effccti,"e Hi. h1" c'l t 30 Practice held 1 . An:'raO'f' attel111alll'(' 1:2. Case attended not~n'p.u lC n Y. lIioll. 'ervice Dadge 1. Dl\"1 IOn SUppOl t et 'es prin le Iy UUl'. e( 110 . o~lerla, 1.' by sub criptiolls.
[Formed 10.91.]
1st Nu rsing Officer.
Lady Superintendent.
:r.Es L. Hem ·worth.
Ii · M.
oulcher, Becchho1me, Woollbrillge Bel., Ip'wieh. Lady Secretary.
Mrs. A. IIume, Mel(lrulll, Tuu<lenham Road, Ip '\Vich.
H. S. Baker, L.R.C.P.
[Forme rI30.1.9 ti.]
A. Cave, J" eneburst, Rusllden.
1st Offi cer.
T. Swindall.
Omcer 2. Nursing Ristcrs 26. Total e!l'ec~ive ~ . . . . I· ·t 'elort 3• PractICe held H. Average Re erve member 6. Iucrea. e smee as 1 ) U. 1 24 Did not S attendance 12. Annuall'e-examin.ation, 1.1Lh :r.~aY·l Mem ~"~st:~l in' the Local appear 1. ledal! ions 2. Matenal: P~lll Ls, .~11(. age, e c., Centre. Diyisioll upporteu by 1l1Cll1her ' Ull 'C llp,tlOl1. b" ut to toke Park Drills and lectures hay been .,,"ell atLende~l. FIve l1J.em <:1. we there wele no for a unc1ay "chool Festival, WIth other.::! ~[ the. Ip WIC~ CapI p '1- butC accidents. everal have rendcred Jirst aIel 111 hn t hUlch at" et .
Honorary Secretary.
J. C. Wright, Rushden. Officers 3. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 47. Total effective 52. Increase since last report 12. Drills held 4S. Average att(~lldance 19. Cases attended not on puulic duty 80. Annllal inspection, 1Sl Sept. Tola1 all parade 29. Absent 21. Annual re-examination, 18th Dec. M~ll1bel's passeu 27. Did not appear 24. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Olficers, 2 Sup. Off. and :29 n:en.
[Formed 20.3.96.]
Honorary Surgeon.
T. L. W 'bb, M.R.U.S.
3 13 Lady Superintendent
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.
1\1rs, ~l. H . 'White, T he Bank, I ron Bridge .
Mi s L . W adlow.
Lady Inspector of Stores .
Mrs. N . Andrew. Officers 3. Kl1l'ing i ·ter 4. . T otal efrcctive 7. Practice ' held 1 . Averaae attendance 7. Ca. es attenrled on public duty 10. Cases attended not on public ~luty 25. Case pt'i vately nursed 6. Auuua.l ins pection, 24th July. Total all parade 7. Annual re-exami nation, Dcc., 1 99. lIIembers passed 7. ~I edall ion. 7. Set'vice Bac1~es 7. R egulation. uniform worn by 1 O~lic c t' and 4 nursing istet's. Material : ho p ltal bed , t~l~t . eqUlpment, bath chaIr, S'ph~lts, bandages, etc.: vested in Iron Bridge Corp . D IVISIon su pport d by sub cnptlOns and County Conncil.
Ollicors fi. Ul'sing Sisters 33. Total effective 3 . I ncrease sillce last re port 10. Drills held 2~. Average uttelHlallee 30. Cases attended on p uI)lic duty 7. Cnsc.' aLtended not on puIJ1ic duty 13. Annual inspecti?n, .19th Jlll¥. Total all para(le 35 . AJ:>seut ,vith leave 3. Anuual re-exammatlOn, 15th 1<e1>., 3J'(1 11a 1'(: h , amI 4th Apl'll. lembel':-; pas 'ed 36. Did not appeal' l. l\Iedalliolls 3:2. Rcgnla LiOll Ullifol'lll worn hy 4 Officer ' and .33 nursiu<f sisters. Division supported IJY I>ivlsiolH1.1 . ubscriptiolls and CClltre. Men~ber ' 0[' the Klll'sillg Diyision were 011 1'uhlic c]uty at the Agri c ultural how, the Infirmary ports. the A bboy Park 1"lo"cl 'how, allLl. took clJt.l'ge oj a .tation at the Saturday Collection. Tln'ee ll1ellllJrr:> have gi\'en ill.'trnclioll ill IlandacrilJfT to classes. No 1'ecor(] has been kept of Lhe llIinor fir'lL aiel amI llursill'f case '. DU~;lla Auanst awl Septemlll'r, ill the ah 'l!tH.:c of thc District 11urses their summe~' holiday, help '\'as willingly re l}(]ererl ill two Dish-iets. Font' 1('ctures \\'ere criven to the sisters dming the winter, which \\'l'J'e well attellcle(l unLlmuch appreciat~d.
[Formed 21. 11. 9, .] H EAD-Q1J'AltTElt ' :
IIE.\D-Ql AIl'[Efts:
'Y. II. 'rInnt't',
Honorary Surge on . \,~ .
J. Lady Super intend e nt.
::\Irs. E. R. L ane. George Kettering.
1st Nurs ing Offi ce r , La dy S e c . and Tre a surer.
lIIrs. E. J. Barlo\\-, Headlands Avenue , Kettering.
Officers 3. Nnr. ing "i ·ter, 33. Totnl effective 36. Drill held 1. AYerage atten(]ance 9. Cases attended all puIllic (lnty 5. Cases attended not on public Juty 10. Annual in IJectioll, 29th Sept. Total on parad e 1~. Absent with leave 12. 'Without leave 9. ~I edal1ions 19. Regulatioll ulJi form worn by 1 Offieer and 5 nursing sisters. Diyi ion supported hy voluntary con tri bu tion . . T he Division shows pr ogre sand euihu.'iaslll ill ambulance work. The numbers have increased considerahly. There have been five ca es of l'emoml of patient·, including two of "Tomen hy amlmhllce carriage to the Kettering General H ospital; one of a lad taken hy train to LOJlcloll. and the l'e11lainillg tw o, a woman, who \ya twice attended to, at the London Ophthalmic IIo' l4ital. A nursing sister, hy performing artificial respiration, unrloul,tellly, saved the life of .a little child "ho lll1.d fallell into a large tuh of water. Others have I,ecn . uccessfnl ill attending to minor accirlents to thl' 11an(]8 alltl head .
H anison,
B. A., )Ln.
1st Nursing Office r .
.11iss M.
E. }'Insson.
1\1 iss E. E. Green, 6. Mal ket SrI nare, Leighton Duu nt'll. '
Hon orary S urgeon
\1. 1:. L.S.
Lady Supe l'i nt e nde nt.
La d y S ecret ary.
Miss S. II. , rall, Th! Willo\\" , Park Strl'et, Mallc·lcy, • 'alo)l.
Mis ' F. Yate, l'hl' Yi(;~uagc, ::\la(le1e,\'. ::ialop.
OJlil!l!l'::;~. l.Tl1t'~illg 'isLer/; G. Total el\ectiye I. Decrense 'ince last rcport 1. l)l<tl'liet's ht'hl 19. ~\. \'craue nttewlance 5. Ca e atte~J(] ed ,not Oll pUblic duly Li. 'ase~ 1'l'i lately Ullt' 'cIl1. '" _l lllJllal ill~pectioll, 4th Api'll. 'l?tal on pa~'alle 7. Ab.'cnt \\itlwllt IcaVl' -1. .:\Iedallinns 0. 'crvicl' Badgc ' 6.. :I\~atenal: H ospItal he d , !>l'lints, lI<tlJ(luges, ctc., 'e 'tell in Ir Oll Bridge Corp. DiVISIOIl supportecl uj' 1I1C1111,ers' sul,scripLio1ls.
[F ormed 1886,]
E. Adcock.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Lady Sec. and Treasurer.
Miss M . .J oh uson.
Mies A. A . Poll a rd, I vauh oe, Ki lJgh ton P ark R oad.
[FoJ'J1lt'd 1.6.99.]
Ih~.\1l-(1l AltTltHH : P ,\I:rsll R UO \ I, .i\IucH \\~EXLl)( ·K. Hono rary Surge on .
A. G. Mad\:(,]tzie,
3rd Nursing Office r .
Mrs .
L.ll.I . 1'.
::\Iiss ~I. NolJle, 50, L ower H as tings St., Leicester.
Miss M. J. H ocl ges .
La dy S u p erin t endent
Lady Su perintendent.
2nd Nurs ing Offi c er .
Ollicers~. N'nrsing .istcl'.' 16. Total effeetiye 1 . Anuual in pecti()l1. 27th 'E'Jlt. Tnt':.l Oll parad e U. .Ah~ e llt with le,'HTe 4. Division st1[lpul'b.:rl II,}' 11Il!llil'el's.
Honorary Su r geon .
1\E\\ HALL b::;Tl'ITTE, Ll:.IGHTO:\
Ho no rar y Su rgeo n .
[Fonned 4.7.1900.1
La dy Sup e rint e nd e nt.
111 1'S. C. L . Dank, ::;c1lOul Hon. e, lIIuch ')' enlock.
Ofli.cers~. .r llt'Sill g "'i. tCI'S 15. Total etl'ccti\'c 17 . Average attel1cl<1ll ec 11. 'Itses attelllleu not on 1'11ul.ic dnty :25. D~ses l'l'lvately llUl'sed ~O. AUllua l rc-ex<tlll iI1<tt ioJJ, ~lltl May. M e m bers pnssell 12. ld ll~t appeal' 4. l\l echtlliolls 9. D ivision su pported uynh:cl'iptiollS a n d County COUllCll. •
e Pl'<1ctJ?e'l held 9.
Officer 1. Nursing isters 19. T otal effective 20. Absent with Drills heldS. Annllal in pection , tl~ 'ep~. T ?tal on parad.e leave 11. Recrnlation uniform WOl'll by I nur, mg SI tcrs . 1l'Latenal : bandages and splints. Div~inn supported by public lllJscriptions.
Honorary Surge on .
A . H. Jones, 11. D. Lady Sup e r int e ndent.
La dy S ec. a nd I nsp e ctor of Sto res.
nIl' . R. Perry, 44. Waterloo.
[Formed 5. 95.J
nIl' . :1\1. Reeves, 4, Castilian Terrace.
Officer 2. .r ursing Si tel's 12. Total effective 14. Decrease since la. t report 7. Drills held 29. Avcrage attendal1ce 14. Ca.-cs attended on public duty 2. Cases attended not on public duty 13. Oa e~ privately nul' ed 2. Annual inspection, th ept. Total on parade 10. A?sen t wIth leave 3. Annual re-examination, 27th June. Member passed 14. DId not appear 6. Medallions 13. Regulation uniform ,yom by 1 Officer and 6 nur ing si ten;. D ivi ion supported by member . " . The .rTur ina Division has been formed one year and. 1 progre ' 'l1lg very satIsfactory . Fortnightly drill are held, at which the attendance is \\ell maintain ed. even of the member wear the complete uniform, others intending soon to do so. During the year nurses haye been called to tran 'port ~ut.\' three times hy the Ofii cer in charae. They have also been on duty at the Agncultm'al how awl Infirmary Sports,Obesided rendering fir t ai~ ~n. several caf.;e. The nur ing sisters at. thc Em:ls Barton and Little Houghton DIVISlOll havc re1ldered very \,o,luahle aSSI tallcc III their private capacity by nursing patients lluriug an outbreak of typhoid fey er ill both villages.
IIE.\.D-QUARTEllS: S1'. ALKlIlO::m','
UllOOLROOM,. HREWf.;BURY. La dy Su peri nt e nd e nt .
Hon o r ary Surge on .
Surgeon-Major E. Cureton,
Mi 's C. E. IIllghe,', Brookland ', M eole Brace, , ltrewsbnry.
Offi.::cr ' ~. Nlll3iIlg isler:> 17. Total efTective 19. Drills helJ :34. A veragc attendance 9. Case' attended on pl1Llic Ullty 36. Ca es attended not ou puLlic duly U. ..(\.nllwtl inspection 6th ept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 4. Without leave:3. AUJlual re-examination, 17th July and 14 th cpt. MClll bcrs passt'll 1~ . Diel not a ppcar 3. Medallions 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer aud I lllJn;ing sister'). Divi ion upporteu by members' su hscri ptinns. The Division ha: mal]e ·teady progress during the year, practice have been well attended . and mnch ([uid u.'eful wo~k ha beel~ done. A teut wa pl:ovided, a usual, at the -'hropshil'e Agricultural 110\\', IIortl.cllltural how, all:] PolIce port, but 110 serioll ' accidents occlIrred. Out(loor pradH:es were beld. (ll1rmg the ummel', two taking place at the re:iclenc 'S of ~he [lOll .• 'ul'geon anel anoth.er. I.nedical officer, and their hospitality was lI1uch ap]lrecHLtell by the members. The DIVISIon has ll~ered a great loss in the death of Dr. Chamley, \\'11o:e lecture were much apprecIated by all.
[Formed 5.99.J HEAD-QUAP:I'Ens: NOhTHA1IPTOX. Honora ry Su r g e on .
S. C. Lawrence,
La dy S ecret a ry.
)1.11. ( .s.
Miss '. Brawll, Wel1ingllorough Rd., Earls Barton.
Officer 1. Nursing -' i tel' 16. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 16. .A. verage atteudance H. Oases attended not on public duty 3. Ca es lll'ivately nUl' 'ed 30. Annual inspection, 8th ,ept. Total on parade Absen t with leave A.nnual r~-exalllination, ~~Jld March . Members pas, ed 15. Diu Dot appear 2. l\ledalltons 14. Matenal: bandages, splints, etc. Division supported IJ5' loeal .'ub. criptions. . 'The interest in this Division is well maintainel1 . Owing to an outllreak of typhOId in the village the member were caned upon for a large amount of night wO!'k, whieh was promptly responded. to . One member has now becn sent to a NurSlllg H ome in Essex, to be trained for district n11l'sing. Mrs. B!liley, the former L~dy Superintendent, has, to the regret of all, left Earls Barton and so has hall to reSIgn hel office.
W . H. Chamberlain, L. R.C.P.
Lady Secretary,
Miss A. . 1't1. Clark e, L ittle H oughton, nr. N orth amp ton .
CIl1JW' lI 'Tlll';l;;']', \\TELLIlSGnOllUUGII. Honorary S urgeon.
Lady S uperin t enden t .
nEss M. E. W oolstoll, High W ellingbul'ollgh.
)1. H.
La d y S ecret ary.
1\1}':.•J. Hcygate, The Elms,
Officers~. Nursillg sisters H). Total effective 21. Decrease since la'L report D rills helll 13 Average atten(lance 17. Oa e privately nl1l'setl 57. Auuual inspl'c:tion, 1st ept. Total on paraL1e 5. Absent with leave U. Without leayc 7. 1\ Jlllual re-e\:amillatiol1, lOth Oct. Members passelllO. Did not appeal' 11. l\ledallions 14.. Regnlatiolluuiform worn by 1 Utlicel'. .Material: 3 water beds, 1:5 cllshiollS, 2 n~g pillow', 3 aller' cradlr', 4 be~ll'ests 2 bell tables, 1 pair cl'lltches, ;3 steam keeLle', 10 ~xpectorators, U feedll1g cups, 6 bed ve,' cis, : iultaler, ~ chair beds, 3 hot water tm .. 1 leg rest, 1 hot:: air apparatus for air or vapour bath. Divi ion upported by vollllltary contributions. ,Following the preeedent of fo n ner years a series of lectures were given during the WlJ1ter' months on <> .Q:encral nlll'sillfr stretche r thi ll , a nd. he t leatmc n t of l)erso11 f b' [f S11 el'l11g rom poison. Th ere was an averaue atten(lance of ixteen at t hese lecture. The nursing sisters have visiteu live cases ~nd paid fifty-one visits.
No . I V .- N orth Western District .
Honorary S urgeon .
,V. Iackenzie, Lady S uperintendent.
Mis " Thitney, Catherine Hou e King 'ley Park, Torthampton.'
Lady S ecretary.
l\I1' . Knight, Hingstead, Tbrap tOll.
Officer 2. Nursing sister 11. Total e1fective 13. Decrease illce las~ report 1. Drills l1Clu 1. A'>'emgL' :1tielluance 10. Cases attended not 011 publIc duty 40. Case. pl'iYately nUl'fietl 60. Annnal illspecti~ll' 1st ept. Total on parade 11. ~\.b ent with leave 2. Annual re-exHmination' ~ th, Aug. Members. pa .ed ] 2. Medalliolls 12. Regnlation u nifol'lll "'om h ~ 2 Officer and 19.nur 109 slster . .Material: 9 bronchitis kettlcs, 2 hE'll-palls f('edill~r cnp, ,:'at~r cnsillon, large first aId box fully equipped. Division SUPl)~rt e(l 1 ~ ub enptlOll . I) T~e Divi i.on ~till keeps np its good repntatioll, and doe much good \\'ork: ill nursmg the !Ck III the VIllage under the HOll. Divi ional nrgeon.
Deputl/ Comm.issioner-:-Lieut.- 0101le1 C. J. TRDfB~E, Y.D., L.R.C.l'., 5th Lancashire Volunteer Artlllery, Louth IIonfle, Bamber Bnuge, near Pre.-tOll. District Chip! Snr(jcon.-Mr. G. Tnoi\[so::-" 1\[. D., 5, Hucldersfielfl Roall, Olllham. Assistcwt Oommissioner-illr. J. C. DEltll A:\[, Chief COil table, Blackpool, Lallcasllir!'. District Chief SU]Jcl'intenrlrnl,-Mr. L. 'VIIIT'L\.KER, SunnY5irle. AccringtolL Lancashire. Dzslrict SUill. 'rcJ'etrlJ'y-Mr. A.. L. G \.nNET'!, Yorke. 'tl' et, Burnley. District SIIJl. TJ'c((Slu·l'r-Uapt. (~. R. CItO. FIELD, ,ValtoH Lea" ,Yarrington, Lancashire.
Lot:TU IIousj.;, BAi\fBEIt BI:IDGE, neal' PUE>;roN.
20th Janll(("'!J, HlOl. Sm, I HOW l)(:g to hand you my Annl1:11 Report on No. IV. District for the :rear rlllling 30th SqltellllJer, 1 noo. The periOll emhracerl by this statel11ent has heen Olle of great actiyity and ,lc\-elopment, originate,1 u11(1 stilllul:ttl'cl ]IY the \\'ar with the ;'outh Afrirull Hepuhlics. The presrnt strength of til Distric t IlllCler my dUlrge is as follows :-;;/ Corps and Di,·i iOlls, tl1gether ",ith :2~ rllll'Sillg Di"isiolls. rOlllpn.'ing 2, ~UO Allllmlnllce Oflicer and mell, \"jth li/6 Xl1l'ing Olliecn; <tllll sisters. IndlHling thl' District Stall'. r arrive at a toLal ;3,(iO~ of illlmnks . The correct strcngth of .lTO. IV. District for the preceding year was ~,t)JO. I can therel'ore with lIlu(·h ·ati. faction point to the sllhstuntial increase 01' !'lti:.... I have to ref'onl Divi. iOllal fUl'lllatiolls at the after-namecllocalities: Jlanche tel' (Post Ollicu), U lverstoll, B:1.l'row-ill-Fnl'lless, Hnllcom, I1aYerigg (l\lillom). Blackburn. :lIauclll,.:ter ,w(l SiLlConl, Dnkinlielil, IIo,lb,LlTo\\' OIillom), Leigh. ,Yhalley Oi,-ision has heell rc-instatell, two new Di\'i~iolls ha\'I' he 'tl arlned to the Boltoll nrps, awl a N ursil1g Division Connell at AHkam-iu- FUl'llesH. IT e],llen Bric1g Am hnlance and nrsing Divisions have been transferred to .rTo. Y. Di trict, the rc\\'e Di\'ision coming oyer to me, being situated in the COHllly 0[' he tel'. I regret 1.11:11. Amhlet;i(le all(1 the Blac]"pnol (Polil'e) Divi ion together with the RealI awl \\'itln efi i\uring Divisions ha"I' coase(l to exist. The t1 'lail of ills)l!'C'tion c1uty was c,trrie(l nuL as follo\\s: by my elf at Abram Colliery, Belfast, BOltOll, Ha zel Grove, Kendal, Keswick, Newtowll, Penrith, Preston, Reddish, WhalPy Bridge; hy Assistant.- 'oJl1ll1ll;sioncl' Derham ,It lor cumbe, S~uthpo]'t, Blac:kpool, WinsCoI'L1, Dalton -in-Fumess, Warrington and <';he. tel' ; h,)' DIstrict Chief SU]I<,rintemlent \\Thittnkel' at Ohlham, lan chester (Post Ollice) R?yton, Bnrnl<'y, Etlcnlleltl, Ra\\'tenstall, IIcywoo<1, \\Talton,le-dale, lI a ' lillgdeu BU'kenheacl, Rishton and Bacnpiand by District-. nprrilltelltlent- ecretal'Y ,al'llettat UIY~rstol1, Accrillgtoll, Brierfiel'I, Bal'l'owford, IIn.plon, Rl'ad, olne, li'onlri(lcyl' Padlham, Radclifre, X elson, Tottington r ochc1ale. and C1e\\'e. ,Vh ere [ll1'sil.g Divisions xist ill the same tOWll 01' locality as Ambulance Divisions, 01' are attached to. qo~'ps, these units are in pectetl in conjunction with their 1'e 'pectivc COl '1) or DIvIsIon .. In the case oC some new formations I did not deem an ill. pectiOll11eCe ary. In.a few mstances amongst the older Divisions, inspections were lIOt carried out, OW~llgtO vn.rious cause. It. should be ollselTcc1 by t:i1 Ofllcel's in command of tho,e UllltS ~hat failme to have their men inspeeteu. may be the means of uaning 'ome tleservlllg lllall from hi. service medal. Y
34<8 The large allntlal parades of the North-East Lancashire County Corps and, outhEast Lancashire County Corp ,yere held as usual, that of tlle former at Bolton on 30th Jur!e, UlOO, wbell YOll as Chief COJllmissioncr of the Brigade c<11'1'i(>ll ont the in pection, and \Yere good enough to express your sati~ractiolJ with all yc.n 'all'. 405 Ambulance Officers and men, together with 204 NUl'siIlg Oflicel" alIt! si"tel's paraded, giving a total of 609. A i -tant-Comllii '"iOller Derham was ill COllIIIlLlIIll of the para ck I had the honour to Uhlllit a . pecial report to you ('ollcel'l:illg this inspection , dated 16th Augu, t, 1900. I boulc11ike to ay bo\" inllehled all ranks are to the .J[ayor of Dolton (Alderman cowcroft, )1.Jl., J.P. ), for hi llcurty welcome anllla\"i :t ho pitality. Oll at1ll'flay, lIth Augn t at Oldham, I insl'ectec1 the outh-En ·t Lunca shire Corps. The parade ate howecl 2 3. Of these 17 (j were A III bulance Ollicl'l's <llIcl men, and 107 Nursing Officers and si tel's. I lI'as quite satisfied with all I saw. Great trides are heing made by all Corps allll Divisioll ' ill thi part 01 Lancg,sllire, the adoption of the regulation Brigade uniforlll bcillg \'ery general. On tllis o( casion I had the plea ure of welcoming home s011le men or the Oldhalll Corps who hacl just l'eturnell from South Africa. I forwarded for your inrormation a dt!l ,tiled talelll cnt of this parade, healing date 22nd Augu ·t, 1900. I h ere heg to reeol'll Illy gratitnt1e to the .JIa.ror of Oldham for all hi killllne, anel assislance exte lided to tile Oldham Corp. Di trict Chief uperintendellt \Yilittak er wa. in COl1llllflncl, wilh Chief • uperintendent Jones, Oldham Oorp , in charge of the Nul' ing Di\'isioll·. The Rochdale Oorps provided the neCe sary ambulance detail ' ('(11' duLy dmillg th e meeting of the Royal Lancashire Agricultural ocil'ty at tilat t01l'11 in August. I ,,'oulcl like to acknowledgc the services of Chiet ~ll]'gr'Oll cilers, and the otJWI' hOll. surgeons, together with Chief uperintenclt'll t l3arry, alld the Alllliulallcc awl Nursing Officers \yho were daily in attellllunce. r inslleetecl the stal ion allel presented a report to the ociety, giving an account of the fil" t aicl \lork performed . I ,yonldlike to draw special attention to the plendit! and prompt service Icy th e> Belfast Division on the occasion of the lamentable colli iOll bttwcen two stealllel'S III BeHa, t L ough. uperintenclent mith i to be cnllgratnLcted (In the first ,wl and transport en rice performed hy hi men . and also on n l't·cord placed 011 tllc lllinut es of the Roynl Victoria Hospital. A full account of this .'er':ice 'rill he fOllJ1(l ill th e report of the Belfast Division. No. I V. District Annnal Conference wa held a t ~Iol'ecam be. An extrclliely large 11umber of Officers 'I'a pre. ent, ancl a very plea.'a ll t lind illstl'llctl\'e gatherill u resulted. Very marked kindness and hospitulity was extended to all ]lre 'ellt llY t11~ Officers and 111 embers of the lIIorecambe Ambulallce and I Ill' illg Divisiolls, und er the supervision of Hon. Surgeon Oldham, ~I. D., aUll 811pel'inteuclent H argl'eavt's. The Nelon Corps ha. ecnred cOllllllodious and ::;nitaule heachlual'tCl' at a cost of some £2,000. I have to record the appointmcnt of Chief, nrgeon G. Thomson, ;\I.D., of the Oldham Corps to be District Chief, urgeon . The St. John Ambulance Brigade to many thouSall(ls of the pOJ,ulatioll of England ~vas an unkuown organization until the war ill 'outh Africa gave us an opportumty of demonstrating our patriotism and u efulness. I t is now f"irly well kno\\n that the Brigade has supplied some 1, 00 to 1,900 men to the Goyel'lIl1wllt and other private hodies for hospital-o lderly and bearer-com pany SelTlC'e 111 South Africa. Nowofthisnumber, ~o . I V . D i;,tricthashHd the hOllCllll' of' conLl'ilJlltiJlg (up-to-date) 785 men. , Vith few exceptions, each CO]' I s and D ivision ulJIh-]' llIy command has sent willingly its cluota. Exclucliug new fonnatiollS, I alll COl'lJ'ct :\'~en .I .say that one man in.three (1 in 3), has l)pen or is "erv1Jlg i ll Souill AII'jca. It 1S l~lVIchons and l?erhaps a lIttle dangerous to specially melltion <Iny particular UJI its whlCh have contnbutccl largely to the mobilization or the Brigaclc' in rl is dishict, but ~ am sur~ I shall be pardoned wIlen I St1Y that the Ol dham awl Boltoll Corps provlcled cOllslderably over 100 nlen each. I have t(l lleplol'e the clt'ath . of tWc'lve men who lost their lives ch iefly 1'1'0111 enteric fever lLcqui red in the di.'cllal'ge 0(' their noble duty in So uth Africa. As one cOlll lected with t he Brigade sillce its ince ption, I record t he generous l'espon.se of i~s members to t h e cal b lf cluty with t h e greatest pride. Espec'ia ll y am 1 fSratlnecl WIth the res:l1ts a.ttaillf' cl in No. I V. D istrict; I sin cerely t l u~t t Il(' pnl llic WIll not forget the serVICe renc1cl'pd to t h eir Queeu and country by th e meili bers of
349 I e St John Amhu lan ce Hrirra,de. I have he rc to Lemler my grateful tha,nks to the tRl S· l'll'aeons 11l1Cril1tellfl~llts, and OfJicprs of Corps and D ivisions, for their selfon. b' .. 1 . 1 '1'Iza t'IOn 111 . l\T I V• I)tne sand untInng (evotlOn to t lIe work 0 f mO)l 1"10. .'fice 1)l'oIll sacll , ' 1 bl'd f t1 District. 0 words of mine are a( equate to convey a l'easona e 1 ea 0 Ie rea d y assistance given me by t lH'se gentlemen. ,. . . , I ohtainell through the kinclllCs' of the CommIttee pre Id~ng . over Lord Derby s County of Lancaster E(l~li~H?lent Fund, a .sllm of £660 to be (\lstT~butetl all1oJlg~t t~e Lan ea hire Corps ancl DIVISlO11S who fllrlllshed men for erVlCe III South Afnca III )l'oporlion to the Dumher of Vol lll} teers accepted. . . . I Thronghout this district at all .Illlportallt gathenngs ~herer~cCldents are h~e~y .to occur, alllbnbnce parties arc flll'Jll hed ~y the nearest umt. Ihe num.ber of 111JUl'leS attended to umply justifies the ~ecessIty of the presence. of our Bl'lgade men a?cl nursing sisters, together with theil' tra:lspOl't wagon anll htt~rs. It woul.rl be qmte impossible in a short report ueh as th.I.', ~o clea~ sel~arat~ly WIth ~hese d~ltle~. Uy District , 'npt. Trea mer, Cnptalll G. R. (.1'0 field, IS on actlve serVlCe III outh Africa, ill eommunel of the :lllanchester Company I. Y. . . I tru, t during the COll1Jl1g year to be able to arrange for a DI tnet Camp of In struction. In conr:lnsioll I Lle ire to incerely thank my Di trict taff for the able help extended to me 'ill the performance of the routine duty throughout the year, and. at the same time I would beer to hring the 'el'\'ic '.' 0 f the e gentlemen to your notIce . I have specially to reconl ~IIY obligations to my Distl'i~t 'upt . . ecreta.I'Y, Mr. Garnett, for the larue alllount of cleric-al ,york performecl hy 111m. TIll constitutes my report r-> • for th e ambulance year encllllg the 30th eptemher, 1900. I have the honour to be, 'ir, Yom obedient "ervant, C'lL\HLE ' J. TllDmLE, DejJlCty COl/lin issioilCl', Ku. IV. District,
St. John .rlmbl/lance Briua,zr. J\JliUhl of Grace of the Oi'Chr of the Hospital of ,_'to Joh n of JCt'llSal CIil in EllgZa lid. To the COllll1li!>sioncr, , t. .Tollll A1ll1illlancc nl'igadc .
LANCA, ' LIflm
001U'S .\1']) Dl \' ISIONS PARAlJlNn AT OLIJlL\'~I,
Ambulance Oorps ancl Divisions.
N nrsing Divisions.
AT OLDllAM, ON 11TH AUGUFlT, 1000.
22nd A IIljllst, H100. SIR, I beg to report that on the 11 th inst. I carried out the annual imqH'ction or the outh-East Lauca hire County Corp at Oldham. The follo\\ing orps aBel Divisions were on parade under the command of Di~trict 'hief' ,'llprrintcndenL Whittaker, \\'ith uperintellclent Joncs (Oldham Corp) in charge of the l\ursin ,( Divisions, and District Superintendent e"!' 'Lary Gal'llett, actillg as adjutant, viz.~ Oldham, Rochdale, Bacup, Bury, Roy ton, and Raclclifl'e. Nmsing Division wrn' represented by OILlham, Bury, H.ochdalc, aucl Bacllp. The Parade tate indicated the presence of li lIon. I urgeoos, 3 'u]ll'rilltrlHlents 13 Ambulance Oflicers, amI 154 up. Officer,', antI rank and li.le, total 176, lJl'ill<rill'~ with them 3 ambulance wagom.;, and 1(j stretchers, l\ur. iug OfIicers and , i~tel~ numheredl0i. The total strength nearly (louhle(l the numher lH'cselltell to llle for inspection last year. Most of the units haye adopted tlle HrigarJe uniforlll, and I am cogni7.ant of tile fact that there is a wille. preacl llebirr un tIle parL of ,'Upel'illtelldents anrl OUi.cers in charge of Corps and. Divisions, to place tlLC lIIell ulHlcr their command in the uniform of the Brigalle as soon as po il,lc. Aftl'r all in 'pe.:-tion ol' the pa~ade, a n:arch past in column of fours ,wa performed, and a displ lty of bandagmg \Va gIven. Afterwards a uppof'ed raIlway sllIash snpplie,l the men with numerous patients snfl'erillg from Llifl'erent injuries, who having rel'eivccl lirst aid attention ,,'ere carriecl past the. alnting ha e, I \\,<1 greatly pleasell \\'itlt all I ~a\\. general improvement marking each item on the pl'C)Ul'all:m e. I alll decidedly of opinion that ubstantial progress is being effected in all ranks of tit!' ,'onth'EasL Lancashire Oounty '01'1'. Through th.e kinclne ', ami generosity of the Mis,'C's L l'C:'s, wll? have l!reSence~1 ,a ,very ha:l(lson~e SlIver 9hallellge 'up for Poliee COlllpditiom;, an mcerestll1g exlllbltIOu of l11'st ald was ginn l,y the member or the Oldhalll , Mancheste r, Blackpool, and Bootle force . . The Prizes were given uy the judges as follows: 1st (the Misses Lees Cnp for Police) 01(1ha111 ; 2nd-Bootle : 3nl nlackllool. The undermentioned awards were also made : Ambulancf:' Corps and Divisions. l .. t { up) Oldham; 2nd-Dacllp; 3['(1Rochdale. N'ursing Divisions. 1. t-Oldham ; 2l1fl-Rochdale. The prizes ,,'ere ]}resented by :Ml's, Lees, who ex pre sC'll the interest amI sYlllpatln she felt in Bl'j~a<l e Ambulance ,York. ' , I have specially to thank the :Mayor of Oldham for the great as.'istancp he has gIven to the Oldham Oorps, and ~l 0 fOl the hospitality ('x tended to me aIllI the rC'st of the Officers of the Conn ty Corps. . I ,,'as pleased to see five me)) just returned fl'onl ollth A frica all lookin u VPI), well. One had IJeCll iuvalicled, and the other fom "ere 111(' 11 ,,:ho llad Ilel'rol'll1('~1 their contract with 1]le 'War Office, A schedule attached, . hows tIle mllster of (,:1ch Oorps, Divisioll, aJl(1 Nursillg Division. I have the hono111' to be, Sir, Your olJctIient el'vaJlt, 'JTAIUJE. J, TI:1MllLE,
Deputv ComrnissioncT, No. IV. T o the Oommissioner, St. J ohu Am bnlance Brigade.
])i~trict, Sf,
Nlltl1 ber on
Corps or Division.
J. A.lJ.
AucwsT, 1900.
12 2 1 1
10:3 2]
1 OhIltam 2 Rochdale 3 Bacl1p
1 Bl11'Y
I Number Parade.
1 Oldham 2 Bacup 3 4
Rochdale Bury
18 16
10 0
fi Roy ton
6 Rauclifl'e
0.' 'l'lII~
ISSI'EU'l'WN ol!'
OIrt'II-E\'ST L ,\.'\CA."UIltE
30TH .J U.'E, 1900.
B \.;\IJ3l<: lt BnIDGE,
,'E Ut PItE, TOX. 16th Augllst, HIOO.
I have tllC hOllour to 'llbmit a rrport 0[' the R evie\\' and Inspection of the North-East Lan ca~' hire 'Ollllty Corps held at Bolton, on 30th June, 1900. Prior to thl~ in'lH'eiioll a. "(Illa(l COlllpetition was he1~ in t., George's ehoob, the gelltlellll'll whu [tt;tell a . .iudge~ iu the sevcral 'CChOllS lJelllg a: follow : SlllULll COlllpctiLinlt I'm men . - B,l'igl\lle,-'~ll,rgeoll Licut.-Col. Bull, Y.D., F,lt.C ~'j a?J Sllrgeoll Capt. Brooks. NUl'::nng DIVlSlOlls.-Drs. McLeod and Buchan. Iohce COO1peLitiull.- jlajo)' ,1. ChestnuLt, antI!?r. JO:ll1stou. . , Much illLel'c l wa~ centred ill Lite Pl)hee Ll~t, allLi s me excellent ltrst alll work was ]lresentetl to the judge ' , I wa glad to we~col1le, a " l1~all of th' Dublin MetropoliLan Poliee, and I a.J1l intlehtetl to the 'lllCr Ollice~' ot thaL (o,r.::e 1.01' the presence of his mell, whieh I It)lprecint(,ll. A new feature 1Il th~ n~ll'Slllg lIst wa the illtrollllctioll uf lIl1l'Sillg a~ n ~ul'ject, together WIth appheatlOn, of roller banua(res. Tltp jtHlueo; a\\'al'lled the prizes II follows :-)lell :-Flrst (Cup) Accril~rton' Heeo'nel, b Bl ,tekl)ool' Third Preston, N ur,;illg : -Fir>;t ( Blackponl Ladies b~hiel{l) nanO\\ fonl; ~eC();lCl. Bla~'kpool; Third, Pre 'to n. Police :-Fir ,t (Leonard Molloy 'up) ;)lanch'ster 'ity; \;COllll. Bootle ,; Thir,l, \lestull, The B,e"ie w Prizes Wl'rc aw,Ll'Ill'll thu': Men :-Fu"t, Accl'lngton; "econJ, Oldha.m; Third, l3Iaekpoo1. Nl1l'sing Divi'ions :-First, Bal'l'o\\'forcl; ecoud, Pl'estol1 ; Thinl, 'ollJl:~. . You, I 'iI', cOllcluded the in 'paction, uncl I IULll tIte advantage or accompanymg you during this part uf yOlll' day'::; work. T!le p,u·~tlle \I'll ~l1ldcl' the c?n,uuand ?f Assistallt-Uollllllissioner Derha.m, \\'ilh Di 'trwt "Iller upcnntcmlent \\ 11lttaker III cha rge of the Ill'sing Divi. ion ' . After an ill, peetiOl? of the line, the Corp' ll:arched past in column of four', the Nursing Division ' leachllg the parade, ,BallllagllIg was then illustmLcfl, but heavy rain coming on, Lhe renuli1l(l~el' of,the revww progl:amme lulIl to be allillHloned. The parade state showeel 4.0;) Ofhcer ,and Jllel~ WIth -:10 stretchers 1 litter and 3 hOl"e amllulance WtlC'on, lepl'eSentmg 11 or}>' an(l Di \'isiolls ': anel '20 .r Ul', ing 0 flicers and ·i,' tel's . bTheso ligures gi \'0 ~1. total of ~09 of' all mnks. I was Illuch gmtificd to g'1.Lhel' from YOUl' remark \\'llllsL addres mg thc County Corps, th,tt you wore ';li1.ti licd with all YO\l hUll een, anel I trLlst yom words will tilllulaLe both Orticers a nd milk and llle to further (forts towards impl'ovem 'nt. Personally I can noticc yenr l'L[t?r yem' the gl'ea~est improvement in all gralles, The Brigade uni form is now ('xten lVely '1.doptel1, 1Il fact c:'ery Officer ~nd man was t;nlTecLly dressetl; the u niforms are llH1.de of better matenal' and fit
352 well; marching and othcr drill are pcrformed with more confidcnce, and eOllSl'quently with greater preci iOIl. In fact thc ,,-hole parade was mo t encouraging to me as the D el)uty-Oommissioner ill charge of the di ·tricL The mu tel' \Hl.S url'dital)le considering the fact that No. IV. Di hict ha' on acti\'(' service ill lIuth Afri:!a as ho pital orderlies ome\\'11cre about 630 mCIl. I cannot pass frol11 thill portion of my r eport \\'ithol1t refelTing to the excellent Lo\\' amI eflicieot Ullllmlall('e wOlk performed by the 205.nnr ing 01licers an(1 i tel's. Thcir lIIarching amI (!rill werc most praiseworthy. Ko d epartment of the Brigade orgUllit.::atiOll exJt.i hiv,; greater energy, or performs more useful work, than is recol'llccl to the credit of our J1ll"'ing Sisters. ~ must note ~hat somc of the Police, 'luads parad cd for ilJspeciioll, n111011g;;L tlWIIl bemg the DulJlm and l\lanchester men , and. those of the Lall cashire C'01l11Ly. Blackpool, Preston, and BootIe forces. The e various 'e(,Liulls pre"elltell a fillc. ,'olclier-Jike body of mcn . I am sure their. e\'eral Ohief COllstablcs lI1ust feel \'Cry proud o[the111. Let me say how delighted I \\'ac to see the, e mell prcsent. I would particularly wish to COIlYOY 111, thanks to tIle ::\1 a \'0 1' of Holton (Alderman Scowcroft, M. D., J .1'. ), for ~ll l;is helpful kinrllie. ill' flll'thl'li llg th e mtere ts of the review, anu also to the generollS hospitality extended to tIl!' Oml'er8 of the North-East Lama hire Oount" Corp,' by ellt(:'rtaillillU' llll'lll at llimlcr, tn which some fifty sat down. . , <:> My thanks are al 0 (lue to thc chairman. oftieiab, all(lulelllller, of lhl" OOllllllittl'C who had the management anu orgalllzillg of tIle revielv. IlaLl not the aftclllooll been so wet, a most interesting display of first aid \\'ork " 'onl(l haw llCCll )lre!;l'll(ed to the people who were kind enough to attel1l1 the (lemollstration. Scb~d~l.es are attached to thi Report gi ving the names a.utl strellgt It of t hc Col') I~ and DlvlslOns on parade. I haye the hononr to be, 11. Your ohec1ient, ernl1lt, DCPllty-COIil?JlissioIlCl',
To the Oommis ioner, t. John Ambulan ce Brigade.
l' AIt \DfN'G
BOI; [,O .', 30TIT
An! bulance Oorps and Di visions. ~ umlJer
Corps or Division.
1 outhport 2 Walton-IeDale 3 Bril'rfield 4 Padiham 5 Ivlorecam be Ii Prestoll 7 Bolton Bal'1101dswick ~l Telson 10 Accl'illgton 11 R ead 12 Oldham 13 Blackpool 14 Barrowford
on Paracle.
, Stretchers.
----14 24
2 :2 3
72 9 49 ~6
13 405
--'1 Oldham ~
1 2 4 1 9 4. 2 40
AlII lJulallees.
2 3
.J u. 'E, 1 noo.
Nm,ing Divisiolls.
lLI.HI.ES J. Tl:I'IIlLE, Nn. IV. Dist,·id. St. J. A. H.
HCU'l'ollfo]'(1 3 BUl'lll ~y 4 A(,l~)'illgton 5 P<1clihalll 6 Bla rkpool 7 \\T,.ltoll-Ie- Dal e < Pr('ston 9 ('olne
-- --82 1 :~ 2,
30 7
Ohesllire-Bi rkellheau Co 1'1':;, Chl'sler, Crewe, DUllkiuJield, II at.::cl Groye, .' ewtoll ll , HlIIWOI'll, I\' JI,Liey Bridge al](} Will.fonl Divisions. OUIII berluJl(l-l r:tverigg, IloIIl 1<11'1'011', K e~\\i!'k ali(I PClll'iLh Di visi01lS. LaJlca!:i hirc Corps-Accl'illgLull, Bolton, J J aslillgrlcn, K eboll, Old ham, ~ Prcston, Hal\tcll:;tall, ROI·lIdalc aUll \\'arrilJglolI Corps. L 'lIIr.ashirc Di l'isiOIl!:i-A bram Co]] iel',)', AI lli llgtOll, Askalll-ill- Ftll'llhS, !) Barll p, n,llTO\\,-lll-I"ul'lll'!:i!:i, Blad~lll1rn, Bla('kpool, 13l'i IiiI'll!, Burnlcy. 13m,)', 'litlt('\'()c, Col11o, Da]toll-ill-FlIl'IIPtiS, ErleldiPl ll, Foulrirlge, llaptoll , lJl'j'II ()od, Leigh, .iliallcllPster Post Ofliee, l\lanclJe!:it,'r allel ~;tlrr>rd. "l()l'el'alltlll~, Pallihnlll, ]{cull'lill'(', Reatl, R(·r}rlislJ, Iven;tulI, Walton-IeRishLolI, H.oyton, •'onthporL, Tottingtoll: dalc, Wlutl!cj' Division. Wl'stillorelall!l l\r'n\l;d l)i"j~ion. Irelanl l Bel fasl ])i \' itiion. LI T 01" UORP.' A~'D DI\'I~IO ... T.' LT ORDER OF 'EXIORITY. A)[llll._\ ,·C L l'fll:l'~ \ .1 ) DIY1. W_-". FOl'lllcd. Formed. H cywnor l Divisiol1 :1 .I\lIIl·, 1: :3 ~1J\li1l]lOl't Di,·j 'iUll Jan., 1 ~7 Ifj .Jall., 1 ~)7 " "rC-f01'111(:',110 .1111., l ~ D I l'hl'stl'r " :30 Jan., 1 !li' ,rillsfol'll" 1 ~Lt,), Fllull'illge " Askam- ill- FUl'lles!; . Di \'. ,ralton-Ie-Dalc Dil'. 1.'') .Iall ., 1 Fcb., 1"'~7 2'> Feh .. 1,9 7 ,\ H1'l'il1gtOll Corp' Unrroll'fon! nil'. 2P Dcc., 1 ' 7 :; Ap1., 1 \17 Pre 'tOIl Corps ~.; .Tail., l L ~ L ,Yh al!'}, Bridge Di I'. Cnllll' Dil'isinll }.; :JIa,), 1 ~, lla.'lillgdoJl 'orp5 1" Jlay, 1 ~-l'b()l1 l'UI'P, Ott., 1 .T unc. 1 Hn II'tenstall " 1.; ::\lay, mack-pool, Diy. Birkc-llllCild Curp. 13 "l'pt., 1 :n ,lune, 1 Brierlield Di\'isiun ~l pl.. 1 !l Hn(1t:l!lle Di,'iioll 17 ... -0\'., 1 PatlihalJl ,. ~n ~ ' 111- •• 1 Rishtoll " j\!'ll<lal 10 ::\lal'., 1 Bl.II'llley" .1tall'. 1 Al'L'I'ingt.1I11 Uorps _ 01 .. 1 nul t(lll Corp· " ~1 ~\.p1.. 1 T l I\, to\\,ll l)j I·jsiou :'Hl :Jhy. 1 IJ aptoll Ilil'isjoll :Jlal'l.: h: Daltun-in-Fl.1l'llc 'S Diy. 30 _'0\,., CliLhemc" 31.AI,]., 1 ,~1l (jth Jail .. Bell'al:lt " •'t'llt., 1, \l~ A11I'H11l 'oIlier}' " :2'11'11 Jan .. Ha cl.I )1 " Dc!' .. 1 \12 nl:ll1c11eslel' (P. 0. ) " ~7th May. 1900 RIll'llClaio" 10,11\1\'.1"~):1 l ' II'l' 1'8tol1 1t1t .Tnl'-. 1900 H.oylol1 " ~:2 .r,II;., 1 "\l[ B:uTow-ill-Fl.lrness "" Pellrith I')~ ~,-p \ I" ] III :nth .111h. }f100 H 1II]('1l1'1l , . 7th Aug:. 11100 Kesll'il'k " :21 J lilli', 1 \l[ lIanrigg illillom) ., RI'rl,li"b 10 AP \ 1" l"Qnlh Al1~ .. 1900 ,. .. ) nIaek lI1I I'll " ?II UlIl'lwstCl anll alford Cl'!'we " ~:2 April. 1 '"'\1.) Head ,. 2.j~I:1\.1"\1;1 nil'i , lOIl ' 15th Al.1~" 1flOO BI1I,\, \11,' , 1 '.1;; Dnkillli!'ld Di,'. 4th ~ept., 1900 • " .i. :-,. , Tottin~tol1" :2 SL'pt., 1 ,,!l;) IInc\llarrolY ( ~li11nm ) Edclllielc1" 1:2 F, h, 1 % 19th l'I't.. 1900 Di I il:lioll l\lorecambp" 1 }\,ll.,lL\Hi IPth SL'Pt.. 1900 Lcig 11 lli vitiioll lhy,l'l Ul'Ov(' 1 ')l')1 <.! I ., 1 .,I.l()· Whall ey Di\'. (re-in tal ell) " Oldham 'Ol'PS 1 Oct.. 1, nG 27th "cpl., IPOO Adlingtoll Dil isioll ~(j Od ; 1 \Hi OJ
1I Oltlhnm Dil'isinn Bal'l'oll'fo]'(l " K elsoll 19:;
Ul'sing Officers .)
... And 1 litter.
Parlihall1 Bul'IJ ler Olithm:oe
Roy tOil
" "
Acr'l.'il1f{tol1 " Rocllllall' ,." l)restoll
l<' lll'llll'll. }.) . '('pt., 1 "8;1 2J ])l'l'. , 1.. ,", ' 1.-) Oct., IS, \) \10 1 l\ Ia,\ , 10 l h'c .. 18m .T lIlJ l' lSn;3 2:1 Od., 1 ~\);l 10 l ay, 1!'\1 1 i\lny. 1 ~\11 ~'-I .11111., 1, \1.-1 ~.I ~Inl' .. 1 "\1,-) ]
Tot tinglon Di "i.-ion
1;' 01'111 eo. :2 Sl'pt . 1. \1.)
11 :-;l'Jlt. . 18\l.1 1".) X lH'. , 1 "\15 nInckpool ]) (,l' . , 1, % lT aplllll " ;iO tra.l., Isn7 ]I'ou]ri(lltl' b " Di I'i ion -1 l~"~ ~ ... IS07 \\'a !tOil-Ie-Dale _\ pl.. 1 '9" Bacll ]> " 1 ApI.. }, 90 l\{on'camhc " 13 lIlay, ] \10 nl'lCast " ~l ept. , 1 'il9 lZl',mid.. ~:3 illa,\',1900 "\ sk;llll-in FlIlll CSS" nil'. Bury
" "
.A13",'l'RAOl' OF OORPS Ambulance.
'" C~ '"'" '"tn .....~~'"'"" eo ..., W. " 0·-'"i;; .....",00:::: .~ ....
Xallles o!' Corps alld Divisions.
0" 0 ....
1 1 4 1 1 1 7 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Totn.l ...
I ~eswick '" L eigh ... '" j)Ian chcster P .O. ... ,. & Salford Iorecamhe ... N elsoll .. ... 1 :NT ell'tow n ... ... oIllhaUl ... ... P atliham ... P enrith ... '" P reston ... ... 1 R aucliffe ... -' " R a II'tenstall ... R ead ... ... R eddish ... '" Rishton .., ... R oclidale ... ... 1 R oyton ... '" R,uncorn ... .. outhport ... ... T ottingtou ... ... U Iverston '" '\lV alton-Ie-Dale ... "I \ arrington ... 1 "I:\Thaley Bridge .. W halley ... ... lViusfol'd .. '"
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 2 3 1 1 4 1
:0:ol If.!
Abram Colliery .. , .Accrinf{ton ... .AdJington .. . .. .A kam-in-Furne s Bacup ., ... Barl'owford Barrow -in -Furness Bel fa t ... ... Birkenhead ... Blackburn ... ... Blackpool ... . .. Bolton .. , '" Brierfield ... ... Burnley ... ... B ury ... .. Ohe tel' ... ... litheroe ... ... Col11e ... ... Crel\'e ... ... D alton-in-Furness D nkiGfield ... ... Etlenlield ... ... F oull'idge ... ... H aptoll ... ... H asliugJen ... R averigg ... ... R azel Grove ... H eywood .. ... H od ba rrow ... ... K endal .. ...
'" ~'" ~ t:2'"'"
1 2 1
2 -
1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 :2 1 1
1 -
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I -
2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 4 :2
2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4
* 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 4.7
1 :2 :2 :2 1
13 !i7 21 29 31 :2. 32 ]6 50
1 1 -
9:1 14
-- 5~ 3 !i1 7 :205 2 2 4 36 :2 3 59 ~ 4:2 4 2 1 :36 - I 36 '27 2 :23
1 1 3
7 1 1 2 -
1 -
G 1
6 1 3
2 3 1 1
3!:J 107 1 26 31, 27 23 49 179 :)6 57 219 3.) H 43 65
36 4.0 3 31 :4L 11 16 69 :25 31,
3[' 29
1 3 1 1 (j
1:3 :210
1 4.r, 1 1 :30 3 11 :201 231 1 :33 11 1 30 4-1 1 14 17 1 20 25 11 II) 1 57 59 1 :29 37 ]9 ~l 24 ~I) 1 ~3 ~5 :32 34 2 56 6:2 4 51 6 2 21 27 10 12 1 22 27
.... 0 0" ~ ~o
'" ::..
.... :;.-; '"
1 1 1
1 -
1 1
1:3 li3
(il; 1:3
1 1
1 -
1 -
:!J 1:)
15 -
1 - 1 2 1 - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -5 7 1:30 60 67 104 :lfi472920 4. 20 13 630 676
* The sallle Orricer holds hoth po 'itiollS_ SrATE~mNT. -Depu~y . Comm.issionel', 1; District Chief 'urgeon, 1; Assistant Com ~~lsslOner, 1 ; Dlsnct Ohlef Supt., 1; District l'l1pt. ecretal'Y, 1; District Supel.ll1tp.n?~n.t Treasurer, 1 ; Total Ambulance Oorps and Divisions 2920; Total Nurslllg D1V1SlOllS, 676.
Total, 3602.
ACCRINGTON CORPS, LANCASHI RE . [Forme l1 11.11.90.]
, 6
1st Officer. G. "IV. GillJey .
Ofllccrs :3. I 'up. Off. 4. Privates 3:2. Total effective 39. Illcl'ease since last report 6. Drills llel<1 ~2. Average attcnda.llce 30. Cases attended not Oll public' duty l!i. Anll1lal inspection, 21st July, 1900. Total on parade 2. ~\.nnua.l R.e-examination, :lflth August, 1900. lIIemhel's pas,;ell 3... Medallions ~. Regulatioll uniform worn Ity 3 Officers, 4. , up. Oflicers, and 32 men. Material: ;l,lllbuln.ll(;I' caniage. 3 :tretdler.-, splints, hanlln.ge·, &c., ve ted in Abram Coal Company. Diviioll llpportell financially hy the Company.
Su peri nte nd e nt a nd Hon. Sec. A. M. Hart, Hindley Gl' 'Cll, near ,\Yigan.
'\Vw -\"'.
Inspector of S tores . Sup. Of 1'. T. Aldred.
Honorary Surgeon. R. Olegg, )[. fl.
- I- - -
-1 1 1 1
Honorary S urgeon . T. Brayton, L.ll. c. P.
[Forllle(1 5.1.00.
37 40 29 I 31
17 5
13 45
1 1
1 1
1 1
I -30
..:i ->"
'0'" ",->"
40 21 57 .) .) :25 73 77 :25 30 (j 101
<e ~
1 1 1 1 1
.... rn
!s oS
...,en ''"" '0 ;.-,'"
1 3 1
=:0 -<l1
1 1 1 1 10 1 1
1 -
~'" :ol'"
1 1 1
.<:; ...,
S uperintendent. J. Oglle1J, 1;;9, Whalley Road, .Acerillgtoll.
2nd Officer and Inspector of S tores. 'I\'. II. Bullock.
.ACCllIX(n'ON. 1st Officer and Hon. Sec J. 'penccr, 154, Watcr treet, Accringtoll . 3rd OffIcer. A. II. Barne'.
OJlicel'.~:i. Illl:r~aseiJl('e last
"np. Ofr. 7. Privatc' 9fi. Total effective 107. rcport 37. Drill' !:ellll14.. ..\V'clage atteuclan~e 47. Relllo\'als 6J. 'ases attellded not 011 public duty O. Allllual ill 'pectioll, :;l th July. Total 011 panule 7tL ,Aj,;;CUL with leave ~\1. Without lean: 2. Anunal re-exalllillatioll, 'ept. 17th, 1 'lit Hlth. Me1llber' pa .-cu 93. Did not apJ;!ea l' 13. ,j[edallioIlS 4 l. I 'cl'vicc bitdges 34. .I. ~ U1',;iug OorLi Iic:tl Le' 3. .Regulation u1llfonn WOI'll Ly 5 Oflit;ers, 7 I 'up. Ufjiucr.·, 95 men. Malerial: hor'e ambulance carriage, litter, 14 tn'etboxes. :2statioJlPllll<L\'l'eac , ~6 -tretcher, surgicalbavre 'ne , 4 \Ya.ter LotLles, :2 iee In1.1ls, hathdwir, lte(lermlle', erutche', lJumlRge', &c.,c'c. :Jiaterial ve tell ill the Celltre CULIlmittet'. '0rt.s financially 'upported IJY graul' from Local Centre COlllmittee anll special donatiulls from public. . ProgreHs of Corps elllilJClltly satisfactory. Thirty men have ·cn-ed Or are 'crving lD. _ ?llth Africa. 'I he Corp has ntll'lllled three Re\'iew' or Dcmonstration, Wllllllllg the N. E. Lallen..hire Ooullty Corp' Challell~c Cup ill quad (;olllpetition anu the filst fie1tl prize at 1301tolJ, two filL prizes in paraJ e' at .l.Tclson and Baroohl 'wick, ailil SL)cOl~(l pri;.c in sqnall comp.,tiLion at th~ ~(LtLer place. Delegates from Man che te:', DoltolJ, l)hLekhul'1l, ancl oLber l)laccs have Vl.·ltCll tIt Corp hcml-llllarters to a 'Certalll llleth~lls?f lIlanagclIlent, c e. The visit· ~trc t.tken as complimcntary to tbe orp' orgalllzatlOn. The l:<tscs n.ttended to illdllllel1 :2:2 frn.L:ture 17 woulll1.- anLl various otlter iujul'ie:;. One Cu.s', viz., the ·c\'t'r<1.l1t:p ur the rau;nl and nlllar arteries, was so satisf'nctori ly trcated as to be certifieu 11y Lh doctur called to the en e to have savell the patient's life.
Hon o ral'y S urgeon. W. G. Rigby, ;\L D.
Superintendent and Hon . Tr"easurer".
1st Offic e r .
S. IIoldin g, 66, Cemetery Roau, Adlington.
J. Daile}'.
BARROWFORD DIVISION, LANCASHIRE. [Fol'lllC'cl 29.12.87. ] lIE \D·llUARTlms: B.\lUlOWFOltD
Insp ector of Stor"es.
up. 01F. E. Clan haw. Officer 3. up. 011'. 1. Pri\'atcl'14. Total cfJ'edi"e ] Drills held 25. AYcrage attendance Hi. nIcda lliollfi 6. Regulation uniform worn by:2 Offi cers, 1 up. 01licer. aUll 14 l11e11. l\Jalerial: 2 stretchel't;, 1 hamper. Division financially supported by YOlulltary subscriptions.
Hono rary Surgeon,
B. Pooley,
T.. n.
[Ful'lJlPll 1.:2.fl7.]
Dl·!x·Full .·Es. ,
1st Officer.
c. 1'.
C. Carr, Police. 'tation, A.kam·ill·FllJJless.
Honorary Surgeon .
F. de B. Pim, L.Il.I
Sup erintendent and Hon . S ec.
T. 131'0\\,11, 17, GislJUl'llP Roarl, Black Barro" ford, nr, .l.~elon. Honorary Treasurer.
'Yo Renshaw. Ornccr:'! 2. PJ'i\'utes 2::1. Total elfectin 27. Increase ~illce last report 3. Drills Iteld 3:3. Av(']'age attellliallce 19. Ca 'es attended nol Oil I'll bl ic d 11 t.)' 20. Alln llul inspeclion, 20th Allgll.·t. Total on panule 16. Absent witll It'al'e . AhSf'llt without le<1I'c 3. Allllual re.examination, 2 th ~la.rch. :JILllrlwrs l'a:"st'rl 1O. TJill I!l)t a 1'1H'1l1' :Jf edallion. · 1 :1. 1\ nr.ing certificate ' !l. Reglllatioll l111if'ul"Ill \\'01'11 1,,)' :3 Oflicel'.':i alH1 16 mClI. :Jlaterial: 5 stretcher, -l appliallc(' lroxe '. :2 water 1,ottlc., hanllages. &C. COI'P,· finallcially supported hy the 1Ill'llil rer". Sati.factory progless has l'(,(,ll llladt'. The eases atb'nrlecl iucl11l]ul fl'aetllre t dislocations and cOllcussion of' the 1Jraill. Eight lI1ell haye .'el'Yed in 'outll Africa.
Hono rary S ec r-etary. and Inspector of Stores .
A.. ,Yilum an, 36, Officer 1.
Ilallr, 'tl'l'et, AskuUl·ill.li'lUllCSS.
up. Of I'. 1.
l)rivates 2,1.
Total efrec.:tiyr, 26.
No report ha' been received, hut an effort is I)eing made to re·forlll th(, Dirisioll. Honorary Surgeon .
D, II.
H EAD ' QUAlnEns : IV. B. Barclay, L.U.C.P.
p, \\. Ld"hlllan.
CHOOL BOAHD OFFICES, IhcT;P. Superintendent.
E. Don'nillg, Police 'tutiOl], Bacup, Lancs.
3rd Officer and Insp . of Stores.
Hon . Sec.
Inspectorof Stores..
1st Offi cer.
Hon . Treasurer.
J. A.
Officers 4. .'up. Off. 2 Privates 2. Total efrertive 34. I ncrease since lao t report, 12. Drills heM 51. Average attellrlan(:e. ]9. Oas~s attended on pn1)1ic duty 7. Rp,ll10val.· 12. Cases . attCllrled lloton l'u1,IIc duty, 91. Annual inspection, ~5tll June. T otal on l'arar1r. ] 9. Abst-lrt with leave 13. Ab. el?t without leave 2. Anllual l'e·exanJiuatiOll 11)Lh August. Members l'U%cd 25. ~Id u.ot al)p~ar . Medallio ns 16 ,ervice h,{llges 11. NUl'sillg certificates ~.8 .. R;g~a;;i bon ulllform worll hy 4 Officers 2, 'ull. Ufficers awl 21 lllCll. lIIarellal. 10 .~ " D .. f'111 allClully. 1Joxes, 3 littcrs, 4 Fudey stretchers, splillts, ualll1age" &c. '.VlSlOTi supported lJY voluntary su bscriptiolJs. . r Th e Divi ion cOlltilllles to make progrcss. }t'irst airl has ~JCen re])clerecll.n ,m~Jl) ])arts of the COlllJtl'Y ancl the cases induclr.<1 frar't UI'C'S dislocatlOtlfi, ,,'oI1I1l18, hts, c., d' '1'1 II all the treatment lwinff hicfhly cOllrlJlemlel1 1»), tile doctors calle 111. .16 I' . b " . . . 1 I .. ' . tl IS. . I OIlW S urgeon h as conducteu dasse both III fll'st HI< all! llnl Slllg, all 1~ excellent work for the Br icracl e. 'ick cookilJ g lectures havc also Ileell glve 1 tIl) lIh:s. Salm,oll: .Five mell. h~\'e heen sent to Sout.!l Africa .. A squ:1(1atl~~~:e( TI~: Fnendly I oCletIes' al1l] 'ncket Cluh "l>Ol'tf, aitC'lHlm cases 111 uoLh Il1staJlC , . t · . . , a D IVISIOU was fl,wal'ded hrst prize fol' tlle' slIJb artest tUI'll ont~t l a r.em ollstratloll " tl.East Rawtenstall, and sccured the secO llr] pri ze at the Allllllal RevlPl\' of the SOll 1 "t' ~an cashire Connty Corps. As the r esnlt uf a delllOllstration am] ambulance compe 1han on 28th July, e77 was adder] to the flllH]S ,
' .
Hon . S ecretary
Hon . Treasurer".
Pte. J. Craig. Ptc. H. D. :JIUIILgollicry, Pte. C. Jackson. 3E, Egertoll Buildings, J.lano\Y·iu·FuJ'JlL'SS.
W. G, La II IlJel't.
N. Woodholl, e. 'up, OIl'. W. BrO\\'ll, Pte. 25J, Todmorden ROllr], Bacup, Lanca hire.
J . :J[cLarty, 160, Hams<1Lll 'hut, BalTo,,··in- Fumes,:-. 1st Officer".
BACUP DIVISION, LANCASHIRE. [Fol'llled 12.!U.] Honorary Surgeon .
S uperintendent.
Oflicers 3. Privates 20. Total e!rectil'e :33 . Drill: hel11 18. AI'crage attl'ndanl'c 1:3. Cases att"llllell on public duty l ' Rcmoyal. 2. ~Ielialliolis J. ;)i<ltel'ial: ~ }'nrley . tletcllcrs, :2mgical hayer .. ac·, rug , SI'~lIlts, ba~lflag('s, &c., 1'l'.'tCI] ill the ])ivisioll. I>il'i ·ioll iillalll'hlly slll'l'ortert hy pu1JIJc subsCl'lptioll~. This is a Hell' formation whiuh gil'e promise of l,eillg \'Cry , ucces8ful.
HEAD·QUAm El!s: CHIEF FIIm • '·n.rru., I3ELF.\.ST. Honorary Surgeon.
J. Taylor,
. Superintendent and Honor"ary S ecretary. G. Sll11th, Chief Fire ,'tation, l'hichl'slel' "treet, Belfa.t. Incr . Officers 2. Privates n. Total ef reclil'l' .J}) . 1 702 ea~ Slllce .Iast l'~pol'L 7. Cases aLLt' IH1l,t l Oil puhlil: duty 1, 36 . HClllol'ab 6: l\1' 1, ll~nnal llI~pectl() ll , ~2 lltl August. Tol al all pni'aile 13. Ahsent with. lean, • ec 1,t Ion 1. F llcmall · .s Ulli.!.ol'm allt ] l'eglllatlOll . t . I 3 alllb al'lll 11<l1 ] gl'S art' \I·Ol'l1. .'[ 1 ,l l'1'I,l ; COI')lOI~t~~~~ wagons autl 8 stretc hers. llil'ision financially ' upl'0rteLl by Iklfn't
35 )
On 21. t July 'pecial orvice were rcntlered with the amlllllanee \\'ngous. A call was recelyed frow the H n,rbotlr Polico by telephone at 4.47 p. 111., a l1(l tho "Loudonderry" from Whittle treet Station, at once attended. A second call was received from I e r. G. and J. Burns at 4.49 p.m., and tho" ymons" fro111 head-quarters was forthwith despatched. On a 'certain in cr that an accident ha,cl oecmrecl on a pa senger teamer the "All en" ambulance \Va ue 'pa tched from head-quarters at 5. 4. p.m. Pati;nts were r~moved a follows : -Lontlonderry (3 joul'lleY!l) , 11; Yll10ns (3 JOUl'~eys), In ; A~len (1 Journe~), 4; total, 3?. Th e uperintelldellt received many expres lOn of gratltude from [nenu' of the lllJurod and [rom Mess!' . G. and J. Burns. Th e following re olution wa pa eel ata meeting of the Mellical and UJ'erical Staff o.f the Royal ~o pital :-" Resolved that the taf!' expre's thoir appreciatign of the kill and care \nth which the members of the Bolfast Fire Bl'ierade attended to the ufferer from thc recent steamboat colli ion in Belfast L ough." 0
Drills h eld 6. Average attendance. ?~·6. Medallions 11. Material: 1 Furley stretcher and 1 surgical havresac. DlvlsIon supported by members' subscriptions and public donations. ' . . During the two months of the Division's existence much ~llne has heen occupIed III . atl'on H ead ()u'1I'ters been secured, and no:lOO boards have orcraUlZ. , .have .. db ' been . fixed in" conspicious pal:t. of the town gl\'lllg weekly orr10rs. Fun . s are omg raI ed for equipment and umform.
Honorary Surgeon .
OUAltING Onoss,
R. Jones, )r.l~. c.... R. T. King, L.K.Q.C.P. 'V. MacAfee, )L.D. M. McAulay, JIf. D . B. F. P. McDonald, M.D. F. E. Jewington, M.lt.U.S. F. Peirce, '\l.D . J. Pinkerton, )1. D. H. R. Preece, L.n.c.p.
2nd Officer and Hon . Sec.
G. Gnsling, T. Donnelly, 6, Ohureh 'ambriuge Road, Dlackpool. Blackpool.
)L\., M. D.
Olticers:3. ,'up. Orf. 3. Privates 51. Total effective 57. Increase since lao t report ~.!. Drill hel(1 66. A verag.e attendance 1. Annyal inspection. 29th June. Total OIl para.de :H. Ab~ent WIth leaye ~6 . Ab.. ent WIthout leave 6. He-examination. 11th .Tuly. ~Iemhers 1'a. erl20. Dlrlnot appear 36. Medallions 5. urSillg certificates ~ 9.. RegUlation uniform wom by all rank. Divi iOIl uppol'tecl lly lllPllllJOrs' ·nb~Cl'lptlOIlS. ~__ Considerablc progress has been IIl11.tle. Out of a total. tI:ength. of ~ {. mel: 2, l:a,'e served or are sel'YilJ{f in ~()lIth Africa, amI h\O 011 the hoslntal slup Jlalilc, 111 Cluna. At the N.E. Lanc'l.~lire County Corps Review the Di\i ion again receiycrl ~he econ~ lll'ize ill the quad (;ollllietition, and the third jlrizc in tl; revie\\'. Groat~l' mtere t I manife t ed in the work tha.n formerly. As tho re 'ult ot a.conr.~e of nurslllg leetm:e , 19 men no\\' hold the lltll'!ling cert.ilicatc. The outlook I hnght. aml e,erythmg points to a most succc8s('ul future.
Honorary Surgeons
'Y. Bell, )1. H. C. 1" . H. A. Bredin, ::-1.D. E. IV. Brien, :\r. D. 1\1. Bristow, )1. P•. C. 1" . 'Y. O. Cornwall, B.A. , L.R.C.P. H. L. Finny, L . R.C.P . ,'iT. R. J. Garson, ::-r.B. T. Green, :\1. R . C. '. C. R. Riggin, )1.D. F. Johnson, ::-1.B.
L. :II1011oy,
[Formed 15.5.9
C hief Superintendent.
H. C. V. Bielby, 67, Lonl ,'treet, Liyerpool. Divisional Superintendents.
No. 1. Di yision 2. " 3. "
" 4.
" " "
W. G. Dobie. F A. L ee. J. G. MilL. Vacant. Yacaut.
1st Offi ce r .
No. 6. Di vi 'ion 7.
" " 9. " 10. "
C. R. Hunlillg. G. F. Toogood. G. PrOUdJl1UD. \ 'acant. J. F. , tark.
" "
BOLTON CORPS . rFormed HEAD-Q1:AltTIm. :
Pte. J. William:, Prior 'treet, Birkenhead.
Otticer 31.
Privates 14".
Chief Superintendent.
OfIicers 4.
1st O fficer and Hon . Sec.
A. Wild, lll, Livesey Branch Road, Livesey, Blackburn. Inspector of Stores.
Pte. J. Privates 52.
2nd Officer.
J. IIa lam.
Total effective 56.
Barnes .
J. T. Ronghh·y, 5L, Amsworth Lane, Bolton.
Inspector of Stores .
Honorary Treasurer
Sup. Off. J. Hanly.
up. OR'. ,Yo Ru ' hton.
Gn.EAT L EVElt Dln, ION.
DAUDUILL Drn Ic..~'.
1st Officer.
1st Officer.
S. Walkuen.
J. Darncotte.
Honorary Surgeon .
W. T rick ·tt .
:\L D.
Honorar-y Secretar-y.
B. Elliott, L .l~. ('.P .
2nd Officer and Hon. Treas u rer.
J . John, tOll,
:-'1. D.
re~ei veel.
J. L eeming, 3, Sudell Cross, Blackbul'll.
L. A. Dohson.
Honorary Surgeo n s .
J. H. Thompson,
1st Offi ce r.
T otal effective 179.
K 0 report b as been
F. Lomax, 49, Da"cllport
Honorary Secretary.
. A. U. Bielby.
Oflicerl> 7. Sup. 0(1'. 7. PriYatcs 205. T otal eirecti"e 219. Increase since last rrport 43. Drill. held 46. A verag attendaJ:cc 36. He~llo~al 1. Al:~ual in.p£:ction, 2 ('11 .July. T olal Oll p<tl'l1.rlc 47. Abselltw.llh lelW?(lll ou~h Afnca) no. Ab 'ent wiLhout leavo 5. Medallions 39. J: lll' lllg corilticate 13. Regulation uniform WOl'll hy 7 Ollic rs, 7 ~llp. OmCeI" and 13 men. Ma,lcria~: ambulance station, 7 street uoxes. trclcbers, urgical ha,)"o ac , t;'C., yo'ted 111 Trustees. Oorp snpported b)r pnhlic subscription.
:3G 1
The Corp has made remarkable progre . 11 0 mOll are on clu ty in ou th Africa, and 3 on the hospital ship Maine. A splendid am bulance . tation hm; been presented to the Corps, and fixell up at t . Matthew's chools at a cost of .£~5. The Bolton Co-operative ociety have al 0 pre entetl a large street amlmlal1cc hox, aud another has been fixe,l at tllf' cntrance to the Foothall and Athletic GrouJl(l.·. Severalronte marche have taken place. The e[luipment will be increased. About £10 \I'ol'th of Good wa forwarded to the Bligalle \\'ar Fund. The Corps ha. lost a y<:,ryenthl1 .. i~,tic member throuO'h the death ofPrinlte S. II. Birhl'istlc, \\'ho lliell 0[' eutericfevcl' in outh AIl·ica. The Corp attended a memoria,} service, and the ullveilillg of a 11l'a~s tablet to hi memory at the place of ,Yors11ip with ,,,hich he hal1lollg beeJ1 cOlluedetl.
i stretchers, 11 street llOxes, each (;(llILaining 1 stretchcr 1 &l1r a iral haYl'csac, ancl ambulallc.e lIlaterial, \'CsLe;l ill L1.Je .Divi~iul1. Division 'Sul'po~'ted by voluntary contrihutrons allcll1H'l1lIJCl'o.; snhscl';pllOllS. Eleven J1)cn lHt\'e hecll 01' are SPITing in , outll Africa. The Divi .. ioll mourns the loss of oue of its \n·jg],test alld most PIJeI'WLir lllC'llllJCrs ill the pcr.'o]) of Private IV. II. Tho1'1lhcr, \l'h? ~1:cel1l11iJed to. an aLlack of cnteric fevcr in ,'outh Africa. The metllbers of the DIVISI01l, along wIth those of the BUl'1lley Nursiurr Divi ion attended a memoriai 'c J'viec at tit, chn]'cil of which he was a memuel'. 0 ,
HlnD-Qu \)l'l'EHS:
[Fonned 9. 9.J
Honorary Surgeon .
T. CaIro,,",
IY. Bird,
J. Hoyle,
::II. D.
i) 1,
J. '. Wilsoll,
'L 11.1'.1".
Sup erintendent.
R. Anderton, 71, Halifax Roa(l, Brierfield,
1st Offi cer and Ho no,-ary Secretal'Y.
J. Bate. , 76, Halifax Road, Bl'iedleh1, mar f3urnlcy,
Honorary Treasure,".
Inspector of Sto res.
up. Off. W.
• up. 011'. W. Wehst er.
Officer. 5. up. Off. 2. Priyates 2, . Total effective 35. Increa e . i11ce lao t rf::]lort G. Dli1l.' held '12. Avcrage uUl'llllallee H)·i..'. Removals 6. Ca es attended not on pulJlic duty 32. Alll111al inspec!ioll, 6th AuO'ust. Total on paracle 23. AJ.sent ,,,ith lean: 9. Absent witliout leave 3. b Annual re-examination, 26th ,cpt. l\lemhers 1'n.',('[l 21. Dill not appear 11. ;'Iedal1ions 11. ,'ervi(' badges 0. Reglll~tioll uniform ,10m hy 2 Officers 2 up Officers and 2 m('n. Matcrial: 1 litter, 4 streh'hers, ~ surgil'al havres;c . . 1 medicine chest, hot-water boWe, ail' berl, Llank,ts, . jllillt., &c:., \'Pstccl in the com!11ittee of the Brierfield Centre. Division supported hy 11l1hlit· sul1sel'iptiollS. The DiYlsion has regain cd a healthy C'onclitiol1. TIle seco1)(l pl'i7.e was won at a demom:tration at N e1. OD, on 231'(1 J nne. ,ix mCll ale on active service in South .Africa.
1st Officer.
2nd Offi cer.
I nspector of Stores.
J. E. Peel, 7, Elli.e;; Street, Bur,n ley.
J. T , 'layton.
Pte . .J. IIaliltead.
Honorary S ecretary.
Pte. R. J. Hewes, 40, Rectory Road, Burnley.
Honorary Treasurer.
PtC. W. Crawshaw.
Officers 4. up. Off. 4. Privates :36. Total effcctive 44. , Incrr.ase since last report 7. Drills held ,n. Average attpJ1llancc 14. Hemovals 5. Cases attended. Hot on puhlic duty 14. Annual inspectioll, 2 ih August. Total on lJarade 27. AIJsel1t with leave 10. Absent without leave 7. AJlllual Te-examination, 25th Sept. M embers passed 22. Did not appear 2] (including 10 in South Africa) . Medalliolls 14. INursillg certj(icate~ 17. ReguJation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 4 Sup. OfIiccrs and 36 men. Matenal: 4. litters,
1st O fficer.
T. Dm·hall,
T. Ol'rell.
'he ,ham Rd., Bury, Lane,.
Hon . Sec.
Inspector of Stores.
Ptl'. F. Dick. -o n, ,186, Wal11le]'sley Road, Bury.
,'np. OIL .J. J. IIopkillson.
Hon . Treasurer.
J. Cox.
Ollieers 8. ,'l1jl. orr.~. Private' :3,'. Tot~l effective 43. Increase sillel' las! report 1:3. Drills hpill 10. A\'pl'age attencla11ce 1l. Cases attended on public dnty 3. Cases att"lllleci not 011 ]lul,lie duty 15·1. Annual re-exalllination 1st Nov. MemiJers passell 1 G. Di(l not appeal' :.W. Medallions 6. el'vic~ badge; 8. ~ H,eg nlatioll uniforlll \Yom by :3 OllieC'rs, 2 up. Officer, and 12 men . Miltenal: ,J "lretehl·rs, alii I ~:3. l;oxl's I.itt:d with first aitl appliance. Divi ion supported by l11elllhel''' awl publI(; ·llbcnptlOlls.
YOLTT -'] FoEll
[Formed 16.1.87.J
D n I LL H
Hon. Surgeons.
G. Hanison,
I,. It.C. l'.
J. R. Ambler, J.
L. r..C.P.
Yen111all, ~[.D.
Superintendent and Ho n. Sec.
F. W. ?lIarillier.
Inspector of Stores . PIP.
II ttoll, M. B.
1st Officer .
Rev. A. E. F'Hrer, Clllinty AsylulIl, Chl'stel'.
Honorary Treasurer.
Honorary Surgeon.
Superintendent .
'Ir.IU ' .S.
Hono ra ry Surgeons.
I. . Olllel'l'.' O. Prlmtcs .iH. Total efl'ecti\'e 65. att nCICll se smee last rcport -19. Drills lltlll 40. Average attcllllance ,'.170. Ca es AI ended ~lOton jlUl,]1C lnty 10. Anllual inspection, 15th ~ept. Total 011 parade 31. D t~etlt 11'lth leavc 37. Annnal re-exltlllination, 2!1th cpt. Members pa' d 57. IT~~otal'.[l~~l~r l~. ~[ec~(Ll.ii~n, ~ 7. ?~visi~~l .·upported hy: lo.cal centre. . . lCle,u;c III the DIVISIOII from 16 to 6:) IS 1110 t (rra.tlfv1llCf ancI there 1 O'reater enthllQI3.Sm I l' 0 J ro' 0 ' '1' " , a.lll l'Pgll al'lLy among t thc lllCI11\ler!'l. It is hopcd to haye the member 11111 ormed. short! 'T Il' 1 1 . 'Ltt I l ' Y·.I.' 0 pl! I IC ( 11 ty In bcen undertaken but III ,o rne of the case \'1' et't,e,( "'holl 11Ut on puhli· (Inty, the first ni'l rellll(,l'e~l wa ' the mean ofsayiuO' 1\IVO S'jllH(l<; hnye outaiued priz('s, awl onc member took ecollli l)lace for th~ Yl e1e:b l1I'g 1 111 edal.
Honorary Su rge on .
J. J. Fra.'er,
M.lt.O ....
[Formed 24.4.91.J
Superintend e nt.
II. Daw on, 40, Well Terrace, Clitheroe.
363 Inspector' of Sto res.
1st Officer.
n p.
W . Hn hton.
0 (1'.
'\T. II. 'IV ilson.
Honora ry T reasur'er.
Honora r y S e cret a ry.
Ho n o rary S ecret ary
1st O ffi ce r .
I teo J. R Gamcl'.
up. Oir. J. Hargrcave , 29, Salford, Clitheroe.
O[]icer 3. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 42. Total elleetiyc 47. I ncrease ince la t report 14. Drills held 99. Avcrage attendance 17 '5. First aid rendered in a large number of instance by mem bcrs when not Oll public duty. Allnual inspection, 27th June. Tobl on parade 15. Ab ent with leave 14. Without leave 2. Annual re,cxamination, 2~nd "ov. Membcr' passcd 2. Did not appear 3. Medallions 16. Nursing certificates 23. Hegulation uniforlll "'orn by all mIlks. Material: 1 litter, 6 streLcher., :2 \rall boxes, 1 tent, splints, baudage , &c., &c. Division supported by public subscriptions. The pa t year has been a memorahlc one. Six men haye crvclI ill , 'onth Africa, their departme \Va made the occa ion for enthusiastic demom.;tmtioll Oll the part of the Division amI al 0 on the part of the tmrn people, thou and, 0[' "h01l1 lined the streets on each occa ion. A gloom was ca t oycr the town in Junc, when news eame that Pri,ate G. 'Y. Alder had died of enteric fe\'cr, and agaiu in July "hcll the tleath of Private T. , \Tindle from t11e same disea'c ,,'a reported. A large numher of cases ha ve been dealt with including fractured shlll, severe case of bUl'llillg, u,lHl minor ll1,luries. Thc annual calUI) was held at laic1bul'D, and was nry Stwccs fnl. A sum of £15 \Va. collccted at a grand llarac1e on 29th l:ieptember.
In s p ect orof S tores .
Pte. J. G. Barber, Park Yiew, \Y cston Rl)atl, Crewe.
W. H. Gawthorne.
Pte. J . .Jervis.
Hon o r ary T reasurer.
1\11'. F. H. 'oke (hon. mem.) Omcer 3. ,'up. olr. 1 Pri\-ate. :36. Total effective 40. Increase since last report 6. Drill' hd(l 20. Averagc attendance 16. Case attended on public duty 23. H,cmo\"als 6. Cases attcnrlcd noton public duty 194. :Jledalliolls . AJlnual inspcction, lOth Oct. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 2. With, out leave 22. .M edall ions 13. Regulation uniform worn by 2 0 (Beers, 1 up. Officer and 24 men. Matcrial: -! stretchers, cmergency bag, &c., &c. Division supported by aunual concert amI public subscriptions. The Divi ion i ' lllaking steady progrcss. On 16th June a squad, by invitation, attenrled the Crewe Memorial Cottage IIo. pital Fete. where four case were ucce sfully treated. 011 21st Jnly a 8(1ua<1 al 0 attendeel the Cycling lnb, port ·, wben unfortunately three severe ease occurred, inchllling a rractured pine, the patiellt being treated and e01lveye(1 to the 110. pital hy the. (luall. who receive( L pecial nJentioll from the urgeon, A S(111Ucl \ya also on duty at tlle Crewe Rstates Agricultural Show, "'hcn one ca e was treated.
COLNE DIVISION, LANCASHRE. [Fonnc(l 15.;;. ,.,.J
ELsO .-
Hono r ary S urgeon .
F. F. For tel'. ;\l.r.. c .. HEAD-QUAllTETIS:
TllEET, Cor,NR.
Ho n orary S urgeons.
A. A . G. Dickey, :'Ir.n.
"-. K LoYCtt, I..J:.('.I'.
2nd O ff,cer. E. . ('ott,
0, Dai~y ~trl'el, Col Ill' . Ho n . S ec.
In sp. of Stores.
Sup. Off. B. Titherington, 4, Henry
np. OIl'. E. Baldwin.
b'eet, Oolne.
Ho n orary Treasurer. ~lr.
J. L. ,Vil<1man, J. P. (hon. mem . ).
up.Ofr. 4. Privates 2. Total clrcctivc 36. Officers 4. I ncrea. e since last report 2. Drills held 30. Average atl endance 1<1 '6-1. 34 removals \yere effecteJ. hy am lJulance carriage, and 6 by litter. [is eas<'s rcrJuiring first aid werp attended to . Annual illspection, 1st Sept. T otal on parad e 1~. Absent with leave 20 (15 in South Africa). Ahsent without leave 2. Meualliolls 11. Service badges] 6. Nursing certificates 21. Hegulation unirol'l1l worn hy 4 OLlicers, 4 Sup. Officers and 20 men. Matcrial: 1 hol'. e alllhulaucc carriagc, ~ litters, 4 tretchers, &c., &c. Division supportcd by public subscriptions. The cases attended to included 1 comminuted fracture, 1 artcl'Y severed, 1 severe hnrning case, and minor injuries. The Division has s 11 t 19 mell to the war in, outh Africa.
Honorary Surgeon .
A. Greenwood,
M . D.
1st Officer.
J. H. H. Grigg. 29, A hworth
Superinte nd e nt,
F . H. Oldham, 64, Brooklyn Street, Crewe.
Ho norary S ecret ary. ~IaI'ket Dalto!l-ill-Furne~ .
Pte. R. Blake, 99,
Dalton-in-Fumes .
OIliceI' 2. Private ' 36. Total efrective 3 . In crease since last report 13. Drill' hcW 54. Average attendance H·I. Ca e attenued noL on public duly 15. A lll1ual ill pection, 14th J ul)". Total on parade 20. Absent with leave 5. "Without lea\" 11. Annual re,examination, 13th October. Members passell 2. Dill not appear 9. Part regulation uniform ,,'O l'll hy 1 Ollicer and 20 men, viz., cap, badge., belt· a11<1 pouche. Material: 4 Furley 'tretcher , splint·, &c. Thc Di vision u pportell by dOlllttion . Great progress ha ' I)Ce11 marIe. The Divi ion hacl carcely been formed when a call was made for ll1en for outIl Af:'ica, awl six men out of 11 who voluuteereJ. were accepted. In 'eptember the Division took part at a competition at In:r ton, and werc sueces ful ill winlling the Fume ':-; Challt:nge Ot:p and a Furlc), tretchel'.
Hon . S ec r'etary.
Pte. R. Pickup, Hill
re t, Dukinfitlu.
ToLal strength 31. a order and no officer ha \e This Division beine: a new one 11a not baot \nto workin b <.> ' a t present been appointcll.
Honorary Surge on .
H. G. Deans,
M.A., III. D.
Sup e r'i ntend e nt.
1st Offi cer
. Ashworth, I nvell Y u,lc, Edenficld, Bury.
II. A. Garnett.
3G:I: Hon . Se c. and Insp ector of Stores .
Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. G. Pickup.
E. Graham.
up. Ofr'. IV. Ha lam, Irwell Vale, Edenfield, neal' B-.u'y.
Hon . Su rgeon.
.A.. A. G. Dickey,
Sup erintendent and Hon . Sec.
M. D.
PtE:. J. T.
Honorary Surgeon.
J . .T. Anderson,
IY. Jack on, 1, Bankfield R oad,
Ha\Tcrigg, Millom. Inspecto r of Sto res.
Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.
Pte. J. H. Wilson.
Pte. J. N orthlllOl'c. 7 J, }I ain Street. Huvp.rigg. l\1illnm. '
OlIi ce l'~ 2. Sup. OQ'. 2. Pl'inlte 21. T otal effective :25. Dril1s heltl 11. A Yl'ragp attenrlall(,c ~ . The Division, which i a new formation, is supported financially hy tlte lIo(lbal'1'ow Milliner 'ompany, amI ffreat intcrest in the work is evinced hy all ranks. 0 0
[Formed 3.91.]
Honorary Surgeon.
J. G. Jones.
Olficers 10. up. Ofr:l. Privatc~ 57. Total effective 6\l. Increase sincc last report 33. Drills held 65. Average attendance 1£)'35. Total Cases attended not Oll puhlic (lnty 13. Annual inspection, 3rd Oct. 011 parade ~9. AlJ.·Cllt with lea\'e :l3. ,Yithont 1e,1ve 10. Annual re-cxamination, 221111 Oct. Memhers passed 41. Dill not a.ppeal' 20 (11 in 'outh Africa). :Medallions c. Nursing eerti ficates 1. Regulation ulli form WOl'll by 3 Officer, 2 l1p. Off., anrl fiB mell. l'Ilaterial: 11or:;e ambulance car, litter, 4 street boxei>, str0tchers, bandagcs, splint.-, &c. Corps supporterl hy public subscriptions. Considerahle progl'c ·s is reported. The Uorps re'ponrled well in furnishing Volunteer. for orderly (luty in 'outll ~Hrica, seventeen meu proceeding to the front. r ew ll ead-quarters have heen securell. This proycs of much advantage to tbe Corp .. Three prizes hayc heell ohtniuetl at mriou' competitions. Public (luty has been undertaken at the Agricultural :'how. Routc marches and field drills have taken place.
IIEAD-r~u \ItTI<l:S:
Officers 2. Privates 9. Total eITective 11. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 23. Average attendance 7 '5. Removal s 1. Cases attended not on pu blic duty 8. MetlalJion 4. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and men. Division supported by subscriptions. lIIaterial: 1 whcellittel', 2 tretchers, 1 hamper, pliuts and bandages. Th~ Division is not in a good condition:) Ulight be lie ired. Foul' mcmbcrs have been ill outh Africa, and with their retum hetter times are lookell for.
Up. 011'. IV. Grernwood.
Inspector of Store
F. J. Ireland, Greenfield Locks, Colne, Lancs.
W. Halstea<l, 14: Warner 'treet, Haslillgden. Inspector of Stores.
Officer 3. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 23. Total effective 2 . Decrea e sinre la t report 3. Drills held 52. A yerage attendance 17. Removals 1. Ca es attended not 011 public duty 2. Annual inspection, 11th ept. 'rotalon parade 19. Ah ellt without leave 5. Anuualre-examination, 31st July. Members pas ed 1. Did not appear H. Medallion.' 10. ursing certifH~ates 1~. Reuulatioll uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 up. Ofr, and 23 men. Material: 11ittrr 3 stl~tchers and 6 wall boxes. Divi ion supportell by memhcrs and puhlic snhscliptiolls. ' Much progre s has been made. A surgical havresac and water bottle have been presented to the Divi~ion by the members oC the Cricket Club. iue men have been on active service in South Africa, one of ,,,hom died at lIIaritzburg, on 31 t Jnly.
1st Offi cer, Honorary S ecretary and Honorary Treasurer.
IIAPTo,\. Superintendent.
J. Browll, 35, 13l'idgefield 'b'eet,
Jlaptoll, near Burnley.
HEAD-QU_\llTEU>, :
Inspector of Stores .
Hon . Sec.
up. Off. T. Carter, 2, Water Harton.
Pte. IV. Bl'o\\"ll.
Officers 2, Sup. Off. 1. PrivatI" 13. Total cO'er'Live 16. ,Drills helel ~l. AnJl~al in pectiol1, :l th August. Toeal 011 parade 8. Absent WIth leave 3. Absent \\lthout leave 5. Medalliolls 5. H.egui;ltioll tluiform \VOJ'll by 1 Officer, 1 Sup. 011'., and 13 men. Material: 1 litter, 4 stretcbers, 1 surgical havresac, 2 ambulance bags, 2 water boWes. Division supported by concerts aud public subscriptions.
1,\. TlITTF, II \/"E1. GnovE, '{n.
1st Officer.
\\'. l\la.rslaml, 305, LO)1(loll ROll(l. lInlL'l Groye, lIl'nr Stockport.
J. Johnson.
Honorary Surgeon .
W. H.
[Fol'med 1.9.96.]
TOllllin~oll, F. U. C.!--:.
Inspector of Stores.
Honorary Secretary.
Pte. W. Smith, 223, Loltlloll Uoall, II,lZcl Grove, neal' i::lt()ckpol't.
'up. 011'. J. D. Davenport.
Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. J. C. O]rl11al11 .
[Formed 1 .5.97.]
Chi ef Surgeon and Chi ef Superintendent.
J. Broomheael, 111. D.,
Road, IIaslilJ gden.
Honorary Surgeons.
W. Aspinall,
L.n.c.p. D.1i. Kllowles, lIr.l{.C.S.
J. A. Harrison,
J. B. Stewart,
liLA., M.ll.
J. A. Harrison, W. J. Stott, M.D.
. OIJiCCl'S 3. ,"'up. Off. 2. Pl'inttc 29. Total efrectiy(' :3<1. Increase smcc last repol't 10. Drills helll 37. Average a.tteurlllJlCe :2 '26. Cae ' attended.on pul~lic duty 1. Hemoval G. \a~c~ attellllecl not on public duLy ]2. A?nual lUsp'chon, th cpt. Total on paralIc 24.. Ab eDt with lcan 5. Ab ent WIthout leavc.5 (4 in Sonth Africa). Annual re-examinatiou, 9th January. nL ember ~assed 23. Dld not (l.ppear 1. Mcdallions 13. Brigade uniform \\om 11y 2 Ofllcers, Sup. OIL, and 13 men. 1I1a.tel'ial: liller, 5 trctchel', 1 hampel', 1 llox, 5 trcet wall c.ases, splints and bandagc', vested in Ollicel'. Division Uppol'tpd by public. uonatlODs, concerts, &c.
366 Great progre has bRen made. N ew and more commodi?us head-<luarters have been secured. All cases attended to by mcmbers have l'ecel"ved approvttl from the medical men called in. Five street boxe have been erected in various localities.
lFormed 5.6.83; Re-formed 16.1.941 TATrO',
Sup erintendent.
Honorary SUI-geon. 1st Offi cer.
Honorary S ec. and Treasurer.
Pte. S. Fenton, 91, I eel T erracc, Peel Lane, Heywood.
J. T. Ashworth.
Inspector of Stores.
had wick.
Officers 3. NUp. Off. 1. Privates 31. Total effective 3;;. Increase ince la t report 18. Drills h eld 35. Average attemlancc 11. Cases attended not on public duty 20 . Annual inspectioll. 25th ept. rr:ota1. 011 parade 19. Absent with leave 4. Absent without lcave 12. Annual re-exanu llatlOn, 2nd ov. Members pa sed 20. Did not appeal' 15. Material ::2 stretchers and 9 street boxes. Division supported by public sub criptions.
. Fortl, 8-1, Albert
Hudson, L.R.C.P.
[Formed 17.~.00.1
11 fJLO)[. b'eet, Millom.
HonOI-a ry Secretary and Treasu rer.
Inspector of Stores.
Pte. J. Burns.
ORO,'TIIW.I.LTE PAltl.'Il R001I.
J. R. BUl'lleLt,
~r. D.
G. Hogarth, Cragvuc, Ambl eside Rd. , Keswick.
2nd Officer.
1st Offi cer.
Hon . Sec. and Inspector of Stores.
J. L Cutts.
J. Ganlillcl'.
up. Olr. P. . Todd, 2:2, :JIain trert, Ke wick. Ofliccrs 4. up. orr. 1. Private 16. Total effeetiye 21. Drill hehl 3 L Average attendance 11. Removals 5. Ca es attended not on public duty 7. Annual inspection, 30th August. Total 011 parade 13. Absent with leave o. Absl'llt without leave 2. Annual re·examination, 25th CpL. and 9th Oct. Members pa . 'ell 15. Did net ttppear 5. Medallions Li. en'ice badge' 9. 1 ur ing certificates 13. Regulation uniform W01'l1 hy 4 Officers, 1 'up. Off. and 14 men. Material: 1 ,\ 'lh fo I'll litter, :2 trLtclterR, 1 surgic.;al havre ac, ] emergency bag, bandages, spli'its, (lrc.;. Diyisiull supported by member' ubscription and donation. The work or thc Divi 'ioll has progrc ell steadily. It has been decided to add a further upply of emerge ncy bag. 0[' hoxes to the equipment of the Divi ion. The Division contributed three of the earIie t \TolLmteel" for (luty in , outh Africa; b.....o are still erving, un l the Di \'ision regret· to h11 ve to reeonl the death of the other, Private Joseph Heywood, whil·t erving with the .r o. 7 jeneral lIo pita!.
Superintend ent.
Hono rary Surgeon.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. T. H ardman, 22, Wild trcet, H eywood.
KESWICK DIVISION, CUMBERLAND. [Formerl 2"1.6.94.J II~ .l.o-Qu
H. H. J. Hitcholl, M.n..C.
about one-half of the Divi 'iOll went iuto ca.mp at Brackenber Moor. As uJ..>wards of 40 00 men were in camp there was plenty of work in the hospital, and much valuable e~perience was gained. The Divi ion had an ambulance station at the 'YYestmoreland A(fricultural ,'how on 20th ept. o
PtC. J. Cox, 1 , W ellington Street, MilloUl.
HE ,~D ·Q.UAI:TEn.
Omccrs 2. Privates 27. Total eO'ect,ive 29. Drills held~3. Averaae attendance 19. Medallions 10. Material: 4. tretchurs, 4 havresac, 4 water bottle, &e., vested in the Hodbarrow illillillg CompallY· Division supported by the Hodbarrow Mining Company.
: LEwrr.
Honorary Surgeon.
J. Jones,
1~.9 . 00].
'II. n.
A. H. Haywanl, 121, Railway Road, Leigh.
1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
J. 'Yo Collier.
A. BootIe. Honorary Secretary.
ROAD, KENDAL. Superintendent.
Honorary Surgeon .
W. B. Cockill,
[Formed 10.3.99].
'V. Hanison, 2, Ash Mettdows, Kimdttl.
Honorary Sec retary and Honorary Treasurer.
up. Off. O. W. Heslop, Wildman Street, Kendal.
up. orr. II. Page, 273, Firs Lane, Leigh. Officer 4. ,up. Off. 3. Privates 50. Total eITectiye 57. . 1IIedall:0~1~:31. ~ervice hadge 1. Di\'i 'iO ll npported by member' sub criptions. The DlVl."lOlI havlllg been q lllt C recently formed, there i nothing 'pecial to report except that promise of three ambulance boxes in different parts of the town have been recei vel1.
Inspector of Stores.
W. Banks.
Officers 2. ,up. Of1'. 6. Privates 32. Total effective .J.O. . Increase since Jast repurt 15. Drills. h eld 47. Average ~ttellll~nce 171. R emovals 3. Cases attended not on publtc duty 17. Annual lllspectlOl:, 30th August. Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 18. All 11 ual. l'e-eXamllllt~l?ll~ 2 th Sept. Members passed 25. Did not appeal' 13. Med:tlho.ll s 9. .r UlS.Do certificate. 26. R egulation unifol'm WOl'll by 1 Officer, 6 up. Ofl. antI 26 men. Material: field ambulance station, 6 stretchers, surgical havresa,cs, water bottlc~, &c., &c., vested in the Committee of th e Division. Division suppor~etl hy membels aud honorary members' subscriptions. The Division has made strikina progress. It has contrih uted 6 sergeants and 10 l1:C11 fo r South Africa must ofwhol11 ~i aned on for a seco nd period, and, with tl1e exccptlnou of Private Ion, \~ho died of enteri~ at Spl'ingfontein, no loss of life has occnr)'e~. y arrangeme nt with the Deputy-Commissioner and the Colonel of the Border Regllncnt,
MACCLESFIELD DIVISION, CHESHIRE. [Ju t formerl.J Hono rary Surgeon.
1st Offi cer.
J . H. Uar 'h, lIr.n.c.s.
R. B. Hall. Holly Bank, Higher Hurt! 'tield,
bccle field.
1st Offi cer.
M.R.C ...
R. C. Done. !l.l'ver treet, ConatoJ1, Manche ter.
Inspector- of Stores .
[Formetl 10. 8.]
Pte. C. McBride. Honorary Secretary.
Blanthorn, Hi, Molyneux treet, Pte. R. cot 'OlL Manchester, S. E. Officers 2. PriYates 23. Total eO'eutive :21). Drills held 36. A verage attendance 1. a e attended not 011 puhlie A?nual inspectioll, 15th July. Total on panhlc 6. Ahsellt with lcave Hi. wIthout lea:ve 4: Aunualre-.examinatioll,16th cpt 1\10111oers pn setl12. appear (belllg mouth A.lnca) 12. l\IednlJiolls,:I.. laterial: haHc.ae , chest, st~'e~cJlers, &c: Di vi':lion upported hy its llIe11l1JCl's The DlVlslon fUl'mshed hrelve lllell for service ill 'outh A.frica. Pte.
Honorary Treasur'er-.
Chi ef Surgeon,
J. B. K. Robb, duty 6. Ahsent Did not medical
T.\.T!Il;:.;r, ALBE1:T. 'lltEET, .r.L\~I ' IIESTEI:.
Hon orary Surgeons.
. Wallace,
J. :Millcr,
R. Peacock, Chief COll tn.hlc, r.lanclJl'stel'. 1st Offi cer and Ho n, S ec.
Inspector of Stor-es.
J. Mawrey, 23, Bin·1t Lane, Longsight,
, up. Ofl'.
Manchester. . . Officers 4. Sup. 0([. 1. Pri\'ates 10. Total l'O'ectivl' 7 ~. . ThIs beulg a recently-formed Division, t~lC work of Ol'gll11izing has uccupied tl1l3 tune of the members, and there i nothillg spccial to report.
[Forme(] 1 .:Ul().]
:11.,\., :If.D.
Honorary Surgeons .
A. P. Millar, M. D. 'Y. G. Little, '\1. \., H. W. DUll, M. n.
C. ;'1. ~ritchell, ~1.1>. R. II. '\\'acp, M.B.
,V. Jackson, ;\r.1). A. Finella),. M. n.
T. l\1urphy,
Superintendent Secretary.
Chief Superintendent.
A. H. Brown, Forest Street, Nelson, Lancs.
1. Hacking, 21, Rn.glan St., Nel.'oll_
3rd Officer.
W. Whitham.
T. "Yalkel.
Superintendent Treasurer.
C. Thornto1l. OmCCr~ H. :-5 Up. Ofr. 1. Privates () Total rfI'ertjye 10l. Decrease since lusL l'l'}lOrt 77. Drills held 36. A yeragp. ~ttel1da~lCe 31. Alll111al 111 'l"'ctl~ll, ] tIl Removals 57. Oai;e~ alll!IHIt't1 not Oll public duty 1 l. eptembel'. Total all 11;ll'11l1e 40. A bSl'n t "ithout lea v~ ii 1. nledalhol?.' 49. Nl1l'sing certiiicates ~. Hegulatioll nnilo]'ln \\01'11 by iJ Omeer, 1 'up. Ull., ~lld 4G men. 1\lttLeria,l: 1 Ulllltllia 111:(' ealTiage. 1 1i ttel', 11 Flll'i!'y 'itretehrr, 2 snr~cal havresacs, :2 water hottles. 7 <Ll'l'lialle'u llUxe:> ill mill, and work hops. The public authorities (1wl tlw l'uulic gClwrally sho\\' great illt,el'rst and s.rll~l'athy wiLh the Corps, as Iras dellloll trlltell hy tile great Tracie' DCJl10llstratlO11 on 23rclJune, from whieh the Corps rel:eiYed :t()0 toward' it. funel'. The local. Centre COll1mittee have ptll'chasl'(llaud and prellJis s for all Clmhulanl"e lecture alllI dnll hall, and the memhers u[' the 'lIrl's an' busy l1lnkillg armllgCl1lel~b; 1'01' a lal'~~ bazaar to raise Cl,400, the l·shllatc(ll!o·L. Thl! l!all for !IICll tu sel'l'e 111 .'outh .Ail'lea rl'sul.ted in 27 men hcillg scnt ont. The all1Unlallel' c"rringe COlltil1~le' to be of great :;er\'lce, and the boxes in thl' mills all(1 work 'hups al'l' llIuch apprecIated.
ALBEIlT HALL, .l\lornwAlIlllr~.
Honorary Surgeon and Treasurer.
H. F . . OldhalJ1,
::ILA., ::ILn.
Hon . Secretary.
Pte. T. Wardle, 21, Clarendon Street, Morec:aml)e.
Superintendent and Hon . Sec .
II. IIargrea\'e:>, All'erL Hall, j\] orcc[tlllbe.
Inspecto r of Stores.
Pte. E.
II. Parker.
Officers~. Sup. Off. 3. Privates ~5. Total effectivc 30. Increase since . last rcport 5. Drills held 44. Average attendallce Hi. Oasesattendc~ on pu?llC duty 4. Hemovals 42. 'ases attellllcd not on public duty 6'2. AnnuallUspectlOn, 12th May. Total 011 parade U. AOfient with leave 10. Without leave ,2." Aunnal . re-exalllinati~n, ] 9tl~ July. Jl.iellll)crs passed H. Dill ]lot appea~ 1;). Medallions 8. NurslDg certlfieates 18. , Regnlation uniforlll \\'01'11 by 2 Officers, 3 Sup. 0([., and 25 men. Material: ambulance carriage, 1 litter, 2 . s~r~tclters, ~ havresa.cs, 1 water lJottlc, 1 street hox, splints, lJtlllc1ages, &c. D IVISlOn snpport~d by snbscriptions. . Great pr~~ress 1S reported. A sllccessful camp was helll at I3o\\,lless-oll-,Villc!ermere lU June. 1he .All1lual Conferellce of the JJistri et was held at Morecambe Oil 22n~ Sept., whICh proved to be the lllO.t successful e\'e1' helll, hOBpitality b~illg offered by the mcmbers ~o thc. delegates over-llight, of which a hug' 1l1ll11ber n.valled thems~lves, .and on the follow~ng day (. unday) a llIOst successful Ohurch paradc was held, lU wlueh o~er?O Supel'lnt~lldents and Omcet's took parL. Elcv('11 Jllen were aceep~ed fOl',serrvlCe 111 South Afnca.' one of "'holll, Private Errillgtoll, sl1ccllmbcd to fmtenc fevel. rhe ambula1lce carnage has travelled upwards of 650 miles.
1st Offrcer in Charge,
Hon. Surgeon and Hon . TreaSU1"er
A. ,nlitehcad,
L . ILU.l'.
[Forml'd ~fl. 5. 9P.]
'Y. lL Dowuham, Clarelllont, Buxton Rd., l\e\\ town, m. 'tockport.
Honor-ary Secretary
Pte. J. W. Wright, Woollsi(le Cottrlgcs, Ke\\'lo\\'n, Hcar tl toe k [lort.
Insp ector- of Stor-es.
. GOOll"in.
Otncel's 2. 'up, Orl'. 1. Privatcs 13. Total etTcctive 111. Increase sim'c last report 1. Drills held fi:2. A \'l'rage attemlancc 3~·1. ,1 e attende(l on publie lluly 1. Rel1lo\'ab 1. ase' nlll'lll!cll IlOl 011 puuiJc Ilnt)' 11 A~l1lml inspection, th 'cpt. Total Oil parade 11. Ahse~lt with leave~. .\b 'e~t 'I'lthol1t leave 3. Anllual l'e-exltlllinatirm, 12th Api'll. Member. passed o. 1\1t:llalliolls 7. laterial: 1 stl'cLdlCI' llnd 1 llmllUlunee hamper. J)i"i'ioll supported uy memhel'~ and public s1.lb:>el'iplioll:>. The Di visiun is maki ng stl>ady progress. Hevera 1 seriolls case haye heen a ltendC'll to on a new railway ill coursc of eOIl~trucLioll ['or tllL1 l\lidlnllll RllhnlY, Ono man was furnished 1'01' s'l'y ic:e ill onLh Af'riea. Thc 1IIombers l1<wO attcllllcd 'l'reml demonstrations ill ai(l 0[' Lhe fund 1'01' the henclit of the \\'iYes lllHlc:hilL1rl'n of oitliels callud upon active sl'rviec.
Chief Superintendent.
T. Fort, M.l{.C,~.,
.J. B. Lendrum, )f. D.
1st Offi cer.
ellers (Equitable Di,·.).
J. . Jones, 16, Greenacres treet, Oldham.
A. G. P. Thol11 on, )f. n .
1st Offi ce r.
1st Officer.
J. T. Ward ( Horsedge St. Div.).
1st Offi cer.
T. Hall (IIal'tforcl Div. ).
Honorary Secrl;! tary.
1st Off. \Y. O. Aulton, 134, Pitt Oldham.
Hon . Surgeons.
J. B. "Wilkinson, )f.D.
J. . Forre't (P. '. A. Div.).
Inspector of Stores.
Officers 4 Sup. Off. 4. Privates 30. Total effective 38.. I ncrease 27. Cr ' 1 011 publIc duty 1. Removal' D1'1 1 s 1Je11( 49' . . i lA. Vel'l1b e attendance 23. Cases attended . . 30tl A Ttl 1 o ses attendeduot on pnhlic d nty 7. Allllual ~lJSp~ctlOn, 1. ug. 0 a 01 1. /. 30 \hsent with leave 6. Annual J'e-exmmnatlOll on Vat:lOus ~ates. All para e .~ ')(1S- ed Medallion. 7. NUI'sing certificates 3. RegulatIOn umform worn men1bOefIiL I . 4 . tIl) Off awl 27 men. Material: 3 tretchel's, 2 havl'esacs, hampel', by 3 leers, ." . . t' · t b lel'la"s &c Division Slll)lJOrLell by publtc subsenp IOns. sp1III s al ' b e , . . . f i ' 1 - . , f, th bl'c hich The 'Division has received very cOllslc1eralJle naUCIa SUpp01 t 10l~j . e pu I, W • ' ~t.lon(r with the enthusiasm n.rOLl eel by thc call fO.r men for serVICe In S~~~h Af';lCa, o t [ the great increase ill memhers and etlutplllent. Four membCls nave i)een accoUltl. sor.. 1'11 SOllth Africa anel have returned home. Public duty was taken on ac Ive el VIce. , ., . T t B' 1 tl sian of the l\lafekilJu Helir[ DemonstratIOl1, lIhtary ournamen, lCYC e ~n m~~h~~: GallL, [l,ud ,'WiJ11!l1ilfg 'lub 'ports. Th e Division also paraded at Gl'ey~tol1e Olstle when certificates were delivered by Lady Mal) 1 Rowar:.1, who tn.kes a l:vell interest in the Division. An amlmlance tation ha lJeen e. tablIshed at t. Andlew s Parish Room .
Ofricer 10. 'up. Off. 6. Private' 210. Total effcctive 226. Increase ince la ,t report 127. Drill' helJ. 50. Average attendance .16. Aunual inspection, 7th June. Total on parade 94. Annual re-eX!l.millatioll, 7th June and 1 tll JUly. Memher pa ed 113. Dicluot appelLl', 7-2 ill outh Africa, 10 excu ed and 27 recruits. ?Icdallion 39. ervice bages 30. Nul' ing certificatp .:iR. Regulation uniform worn by 6 Offi-:ers, 6 'up. Oilil'er., anl1 160 men. Material::2 wooden shelters for litters, 5 litters, 4 stretcher;;, 7 havre ac ,1 urgicl1l hamper, 1 water bottle, 6 ,yall boxes, 1 marquee, 1 flag, splin ts, baullage.', &c., ve ted i 11 Oorp Oommittee. The Corps supported by men's subscriptions. ati factory progress ha been mac1e. T\\'o additional wall 110xes ha ve l,een l,laccd in convenient po itions in the town, and many in workshop. The 001')ls has ;responded admirably to the call for Volunteer for outh Africa, havillg sent ant 12 .
l:I1!,!,g VOLUNTE,"I~
II. 1.
Honorary Su rgeon and Superintendent.
G. Grallt,
1st Offi cer.
up. Off. E. J. 'pencer, 4, Regent 'l'errac:l', l\uliilam.
Ofticers 2. up. Off'. 1. Privates 45. Total effcctive1 . In crea e .ince last report :H. Removal 12. Aunual in 'pec:tiul1, 1Ll! 'ept. Total OD parade 25. Absent with leave 1. Absent WitllOllt lea\'e 19 (11 in SonLh Africa). Medallion NUl'ing cf!'liticates 14. Regulatioll uuiCorm worn l,y 1 Officer, 1 up. oIf. . alJd 45 l1Ien. Material: 1 am blllance carriage, 1 litter, <1 slrctc:hers, 1 JlampCl', 5 lJags, &c. Dlvision supported by pulJlie sub ·cl'iptions.
Honorary Surgeons .
J. H . Biden, L.n.C'. P.
J. Althum, M.B.
1st Officer.
H . II. Bolton. Honorary Secretary.
Pte. B. W. Love.ioy,27, Wordsworth St., Penrith.
RED ,:.
"J'., PRE "TO~.
Honol-ary Surgeons .
P. Fro. 'er, ~l.D., Leyland.
II 0 PilkilJCftOIl, :'Il.l:.C.H. R' C.' Iho~\l1~ V. ILl'. H. ti. 1'. Tay 1111, 'II. ll. F. W. Collim;oll, )1. n.
J. R IIole1en, )l. n. A. D. 1\1ooney, )1. D. T. IT. L. Derhall:, )!.ll. Supt. and Supt Secretary.
F. L. n. LiLtle, late !l.A. Chief' COllstahle, Preston.
A. Howard, 21, Grafton. treet, Pre'tol1.
1st Officer.
2nd Offi cer.
3rd Officer.
G. RalTisOll.
T. F. r eWJ1H111.
J. Dl1l'hGLlIl.
,J. ,Yard.
Hono rary Secretary.
.1\1. • andel'..
",u II ILl!'
(' lIers, :'If. B.
Ch ief Surgeon .
Chief Superintendent.
[Formed 2j.1.
4th Offi cer.
1'0mll1eho1me. Hon. Treasurer.
Honorary Secretary.
upl. OfT. E.
Up. Off. J. WOOt! .
Oflicel's 16. 'up. Ofr. 11. Privates -201. Total efrcdiYe :3:31. ~ Increase sillce la.t report 66. Dri 11 hpl!l 40. Average at tem1auc:c I .... .. ase attended Oil public duty 12. HelllOvals 131. llSl'S atte.nc1ed HOt ol~.yuhhcTdl~tJ 170. Annual inspection, 2 th JUlle. ~otal 0111.,al'aI1e llti.Ab er;t "1~101.lea'~~9. Without lea.ve:)1. Annual re-examinlttIon on vanous dates. l\ledalholl ,v en Ice Badges 30. Nmsing Oertificate O. B.egula~ion uniEorm ,,"om?y 7. Ofticel'~, 7 u~). Olf. , and 80 men. Mn,Lerial: 2 ambulance C[l,l'l'H1gcs, 2/ boxes, 3 httel , 14 sitetchCl , &e., &c. Division. upporte(l by public subscription and concert . The Corps is c1ivLelecl in to th following d.i vi iOl~H.: . (1) heau-quarters; ~~). t. Ignatius 'chool Division; (3) Borough L ohce DI\'lSlO~l! (4) Leyl.<llllt 1.on. Good work continue to be done owing to the handy po Ihou of the hI' t aId boxe . Two new boxes have been ecnred and have already proved of great u 'eflllne s. T
L. Robertson, 5, Castle Gate, Pel1l'ith. inspector of Stores.
Pte. Lester. Honorary Treasurer.
l\Ir. Melville (ho ll. llle111.)
[Formed 21.6.9 .] RADCLIFFE.
Honorary Surgeons.
J. Holmes, M.D.
T. Hartley, 1I1.B. W. JuLLall,
11. W. B. M.B.
lI1.lI.C. ' .
372 Superinte ndent.
1st Offl ce l'.
S. L owe, 67, Elton St., nUl'Y, L ancashire.
J . Lil1l1say.
2nd Offi ce r .
Hono rary S ecret al'Y.
T. Makin.
Ul)' Off. J. McLachlan, 99, Blackburn treet, H,adclifi'c. Hon orary T reasurer.
Bowker (hon. mem.).
Officers 7. Sup. Off. 1. Private ' 33. Total cfi'rctive .n. I ncrease since last report 3. Drills held 54.. Annual io pectiol1, 13th. ept. Total on parade 15. A1Jsent with leave (men in outll Al'lica ) 1~. , \Tilh rHlt leal'e ]5, [aterial : 2 Meda1lions 1'2. Rpgulation uniform worn by 1 Ollicer allll 0 mCll stretchers and 7 wall hoxes. DiviiolJ supported hy puhlic suhscriptiolls. Tbe work of the Divi ion i ' stl'adily ill1pl'O"in~. dl'ilb :1Jl il 1l'I,tl11'ei-l lleillg uetter attellded, Twelve men "'ellt out to onth Africa a ho ' I,ilal orderlies, six of \\'hol11 have returned. The Division ha 10 t a gooll frienrl ill Dr. :-3dlpl's who harl taken the greate t interest ill the Divi ion 'inee it· fonna,tion, he having 1)('e11 called as a Barrister-at-law and left the town.
[Fonnc<l (j.!)7.]
Honorary S urgeons,
E. Bromhall,
J. A. Coutt" J. T. Fiulay,
~I.n.c .. M.D,
0, E R BlIcknill,
T. H. Gee R. lUi th,
E. L. '0 III PSiOll, ,)1. n. A. A,. Ell\\'<l1'!l. ', .\I.ll,!
,A. Conti.', )I.n. ,)1.
nk~auglIt , ~l.B.
Officers 12. Sup. Off. 1. Privates 30. Total eifecti\re 43, Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 102. Average attcllclance21. Removals 4. Oases attellc1edllot 011 P1uhliC Ll u t y 5~tl Atllltlual insl'p2ecti~ln, 118l,~11 Se1l)3t. 1~otal. on arade 21. Absent wit11 eave l l ,WI IOU eave . 1\ e( a 11011 . • ur lUg ~ertificate 1. Matcrial: 3 litter ', 9 stretchers, 9 larg~ and 1~ s:uall 'treet boxes ntaillill(! first aid appliances. Oorps snpported by publlC sub cnptlOlls. co The Ra~vtellstall Division has lJecome 'x tinct OWll1g to lack of i~ltelest among the members. The other Diyisions maintaill their strellgth, and have IlTlproved. 'even lUen have gone for service in South Africa.
J. G. Jane:;,
M. D.
Honorary S ecretary.
S uperintendent,
Honorary Surgeon.
Pte. R. ,"aue, Buckshaw Terrace, Head, near Black bum.
G. Burrell, Toll I\al', 'illlou:otone.
Inspector of S tores.
Ho norary Treasurer.
Pte. L. IIargea vel:>.
Pte. W. ,Yilkinson.
U[ficcl"~. ~'up. Otr. 1. Private ' l1. Total effeptive 17, In crease since last rl'port ..1. Drill>; IlPhl ~O. Average attendance 10. Oases attended not on public duty .-1. Annual illspedion, :~7th Aug. Total on pa;'ade ~. Absent \Iith leave L. Allllual re-ex:ll11inatioll, :2 th ept. ~lemuers pn ', ed LI. Dld not appear l. }letlalliolls]~, ,'en'ice hHlges 0. Regulation uniform ,,"om LX 1 Officer, 1.'up. 011'., and] 1 men. .Jlaterial: 3 stretcher. 1 ~yall box! 4.. 'urglCal hanesacs, rug.~, &c. Vi "iioll ,u Pl'ortell by mcm ],eri-l ~lld pu hllc u j,:;cnptlOn.
~l. n,
S upt. Treasurer.
J, A. Gregory. IIE .... D-cgJAltTBll;;:
IIt)ULlb\\-UllT H "'C HOOr. ·, REDDI ,lI .
Ho n orary S urgeons.
T. II. Smith,
E. W.
S uperintendent and Honorary Secretary. CIIOOL, Ul:A'''l-:jlUW-BOOTll.
W. Rollills, :26,
trel't, COl ton RI1., RClllli 'h, Dear
tockport, Lane.
\ tl'ength 11.
1st Officer,
Honorary Treasurer.
S u peri ntendent.
W. Young.
'up. 01r. J. Hall.
F. OOlllP, tOll, Laburnum Cottage, Crawshaw-Booth.
Sup. Ull'. 1. Privates :20. Total eifective :21. .r 0 report has ],OC11 receivl'd,
Hon orary S ecret ary.
Ins p ector of S tores.
Pte. W . Bell.
Pte ..J. II. Pickup.
RISHTON DIVISION LANCASHIRE. [Formed 11.11.9 ' ,] Ho norary S urgeon.
S uperintendent.
W. Ain'worth, I ', Harwood Boad, Rishton, neal' Blaekburn.
'tl'engLh 19, Sup eri nt e nd ent .
T"Jl, ('. 1'.
lingsby, Police, 'tation, '\Vaterfoot, nr. M alle-hes tel' , Honorary S ec r e t ary.
Pte. J, Ashwolth, 5, West ,Tiew, Boomfield, Waterpool.
Inspector of S tores
InspectO I- of S tores.
Pte. J . .Jlal'i-lLllll.
Hon o rary T reas u rer.
Pte. E. Seh ofiel c1.
mcers 2. Pri "ates 1 1. Tnlttl l'IrecLive 16. Deerea l' 1. ~ Drills held 20. Aycmge atte1llln,llce 9. AllllUlt\ ill p'ctiOll, 14th ,lunc. 'Iotalon parade 4. AbsCllt wiLh lettvc 13. AmlUlll rCl'xamillatioll, 1 til Oct. Members passed 8. Diclllot appeal' 7. Me(la1liolls 3. Regulation llllifonn \Yom by 2 0 nieers
and 7 'men. Material: 4 stretchers, 5 surgicaJ havresacs, 3 tr'eet boxes. Division npported by public subsrriptions. The Division ha not made any progress during the year, the rcason being the ab ence of 11 men in outh Africa as hospital onlerlies. First aid and nursing classes have been held.
Supe rinten dent.
1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.
J. Stansfield, 24, Queen Street, Hoy ton.
D. tansfield, 51, Dogford Road, Roy ton. Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. E.
Chief Surgeon .
R. B.
~r. H. C . ••
Honorary Surgeons .
J. :Mel vin,
J. Rodley, M. It.u.S.
J. P. ,Yalker,
Ch ief Sup erintendent.
Officers 7. "'up. Off. 1. Privates 29. Total effective 37. Increase 9. Drills held 46 , Averaue attendance 12. Cases attended on public (Iuty 2. Removals 6. Case attend~d not on puLlic cl,niy 63. Annual inspection, 22~d .t\ug, Total on parade 16, AbsenL with leave 10. ,VlthouLleave 11. Annual re-exaUllnatlOlI, 15th Aug, Members pas crl 21. D~cl not appcal' 11. Me~lallions . Reg~llation uniform worn by ~ Ofliccrs, 1 up. Oil. , and 12 11.1e11. Matenal: 1 whee~e~ ~ltter, 3 stretchers, 6 ambulanee WfL11, hoxes, ~ce ball, splmts, handages, &c. DlYl lOn upported by 1l1eJllb~rs and ,Ilu hhc donaLlOlls. , , . The Division 1;i l1(m III a very 11ealthy cOlldltlOl1, great progres' both numencally and financially havin rr becn made. • ix 111c11111or' havc gone out to outll Africa, one of whom, PriYate O. Thomley, fell at the l'0't of duty at ,Yynberg on th Aug.
L. Barry, Chief Constable, TOWI1 Hall, Rochdale. 1st Officer.
2nd Offi cer
3rd Offi cer and Hon . Sec.
J. T. Garner.
Tho. Hartley.
J. D. Howarth, 5, Regent St., Rochdale.
4th Officer.
5th Offi cer.
. Rees.
up. Off. C. II. Catanach
Officers 10, up. Off. 1. Privates 69. Total effective O. Decl'ease 9. Drills held 46. Average attenda.nce 30. Cases attended on puhlic duty 15. Removals 184. Cases attended 1l0t on }Ill blic J uty 31. AUll ual inspection, 24th ept. Total on parade 45. Absent with leave 10, Ausent without leave 14. Annual re-examination, 31st July, Member' passed 47. Did lIot a.ppear 2l. Nursing certificates 19. Regulation unifol'm WOnt by Officcl'., 1 IIp. Off" and 45 men. Material: 6 wheeled litters, 6 stretchenl, and 30 wall boxes, vested in the Rochdale Centre, ,J.A.A. Corps 'uppol'ted hy public andlllemuers' suhscriptions. atisfactory progress has been made, A new Division i contemplated for lIilnrow and ewney District. Tbe Annual District COllfrl'enee for 1 99 ,,'as heIcl at Rochdale on 2 th Oct. In response to the call for ho.'pitnl,ordel'lies for service in South Africa, the Corp' furnishe(l 17 men, one of whom (Privatc D. J. Apl,legate) unfortunately contracted enteric fever a.nd died at BlocllIfontein, on 21st .Tun e. The Corps h~d members on duty at the Royal Lancashire Agt'i('ultmal 'ociety's. how, anrl the qlllef and Hon. ,'urgcons wel'e in attendance officially, Thc cases tr aterl were of a slIght nature only. Messrs, Thoma and OllS, cheJlli,tfi, supplied drugs free of cost. At the Annual Heview of the S. E. Lan cashirc County 'orps at Oldham, Oll 11 th Aug., the Corps succeeded in winning third prize.
STRRm'1', ROYTON. W. L. HaJl, L.S.A. M.B,
'Y. Gregory, Brook Terrace, Haltoll Road, RUllcorn.
Privatc 19. Total effectiye 21. Medallions , Thi Division having bee11 formp.clquitc recently, there is nothing of. pecial interest to report.
Honorary Surgeon . II.
J. Tatter all,
'murthwaite, )1.B,
24, Hall
trcct, SOll th port
Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. W Wycherley, 30, Ashley Roatl, "'outhport. Ofllcers~. Privates 21. Total ell'ecti\', 26. Increase ince last report 7. Drill::; buIll 3·1. Average attendance 1. Annual inspection, 25th June. 1'otal on paralIc 17. Absent with leaye 5. Anllual reexamination, :2 th Sept. M'mber pa sed 15. Did not appeal' 10. Medallion " 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 OfJicel' and 15 mcn. Material: 3 tretcher', 1 ul'glCal havresac, splints, &c. Divi::;ion uppol'tell by mcmbers and public ubscription '. The Division has IlllLde taatly progress, the members evincinO' greater intere t in the work. l!'0l11' members have lJeen 'ent ont fot' duty ill 'onth Africa.
[Formed t3,:3.01.J
Honorary SUI"geon .
Honorary Surgeons ,
R. Young l M.D. E. II. Townsend,
Ollicer' 2.
W. L, Bentley, L.S.A. R W. Pickering, L.S , A
Honorary Se cretary
Superintendent ,
J. F. Edwards, 35, • Lallley ,"treet,
Honorary Surgeon.
F. McDougall,
urg. Melvin.
In s p ector of Stores.
Honorary Treasurer.
E. A. Gouldcll,
Superinte nd ent.
' Y. A. Downham,
Buxton Hoad , Total clfecti\'c 26.
ew Mills.
376 [Formed 2.9.95. J.
Honol-a ry Surgeon .
A. H.
Sup erintendent.
Hono rary S ecretary.
lasser, 241, Bury Roa(l, Tottington, near Bury.
Inspector of Stores and Honorary Treasurer.
Pte. J. Lomax.
Pte. L. Grinrocl.
Olficers 2. ,UI). Off. 1. Private 28. Total effectivc 26. Increa e ince la t report 13. Drills hel'l 47 . Average attcndall(,(, 12. Cases attended 011 public duty 5. Remoyal 3. Ca. es attemled not on puhlic duty 123. Annual in pection, 20th '('pt. Total on parad'3 16. Ab 'e nt with 1c<1,\'c . Without l eave 2. Annnal re-examination, 21st cpt. Member pa ecl19. DirllJot appeal' 6. M edallion 16. NUl'singcertificate 4. Regulatiml uniform \Yom hy 1 Officer, 1 'up, Off. and 14 mcn. :Material: 7 wall hox e, 1 litter, &c. Di"i ion supportecl by members subscription and public contribution ,
Honorary Treasurer.
Honorary S ecretary.
Sup. orr. A. Il owarth, Lostock lIall, Cllerden GreeLJ, ncar Prc ' ton.
PtC. F. H al'woocl.
Officers 4. • up. Orf. 2 . . Privates 56. Total effective 62. _ helcl 23 . Average attellclance 2::1. Cases I nCI'ease sillcc last rel)()rt 20. Dnlls 1. . 2- h' t Ttl 1 2attended not on public duly 7. , Allnaa ll1S'ICCtl~111, l' 'lIt. l'll) ,; JO a . OIl pa:t~ e to .
Absent with lewc 3. Abseil t \\'1 Lhon t le"I\'e 3-1. .\ e( a Ions I" Ul'Slllg r:cr I ca eB 8. Regulation uuiform \lol'll.lly 4- Olh c('.r:-;, :2:'111". Olf. alJ(l::?.men, Matcrial: 1 litter 4 stretchers and 3 sllrglcal hampers, vested III the Dn lSlOll. Division suppOl-te~l hy enterLaillll1ents, &c. . . ' Progress bas beell llIa(le. Th, SUi'~l'llI~r.llclc:nt. 1 Ofhcer, amI men Were on duty at the Brimlle Annnal B.accs. An eflort lS lrelllg lllade to form a ectiol1 at , Valton
[Formecl 25,2.97.J
lIBAD-(/I'.\.l:JEHS: TIlT... G':'I,\.\Sllnl, \"1{AIlItT~GTO_ ' ,
Chief Surgeon .
J. Carter,
[Former121 ....,.00,J
J. G. Gornall,
Inspector of Stores.
Pte. J. Alderson,
Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.
Pte. J.
. ,Yitbam, 47,
~Iark ct ,'t., Ulverstol1.
01Jiccrs 2. Privates 32. Total effective 31. Drill heM 10. Average attendancc 2·1. Anhual in 'pcction, 16th.Tuly. Totaloll varade :24. All ent with leave 10. Annual rc-examination, ] th Oc't. illembel's pas ed '21. Did not appear 12. ~Icdallions 16. Matcrial: 4 strctchcrs, bandages and splints. Division supported by puhlic snl).'criptions. Considering tbat the Division has llarl 11111 foul' Illonths' history, thc progress made has been highly gnttifying. A. litter has lleell purcha.'ec1 by the Urban District Oouncil allcl another by the r orth Lonsclalc han awl ,'teel Company, lwtlt of which are available for thc 11 e of the Division. fourtecn ca, e8, four of' 'omc importance, have been recCJrded, showing that the mcmhers have heen rNtdy and ahlr to re))cler fir t aiel. ,pace, however, will not ad mit of rletails of more than two. An cxplosion occurred at Blackbeck Gunl'owtler \Yorks, when twn mcn were killc(l outright, and two others fatally bUl'lIt. InfCJrmation was rccei vccl at 12.30. A wagonette lJearing stretcher., &c., set nlf at once. The litter with six men fnl10wed by thr 1.20 train. One of the illjnrcd wa, rcmoved to his home in tllc near village, and the other was conveyed to the Ulvcrston Oottage Hospital, a (listancc of sevE.1l miles. A hlacksmith was cut in the bend of the elhow, senring a large vein [rom which hloo(l flowed at a great rate. The casc l'ecluirecl and rcceivcrl imme(liate and prompt attcntion.
J1. E. Bowcl',
. J. Parker,
Baltll'Y, 1~;j. 'hurch \ \' al'l'ington.
Oapt. W. ·W arillg, Latchford liou'- c, Latcbford, Warrington.
2nd Officer and Hon Secretary.
T. J. HuI 'e,
1st Officer.
Superintend e nt.
Chief Superintendent.
,.'aliuury, treeL Wanillgtoll,
H. T. Williams,
3rd Officer.
F. T aylor.
Olliecrs 10. ,'U}!. Ofr, ·1. Privall" ~ ,1. 'l'otal effective 6 Increase SiIIC(' ]a. t rcpol't ~4. \)I'ills hl,I,] 37 . A\,~l'agc ::J.I:endance ]7 .. Ca:'e attemlecl 011 pnLlie llllLy U. Oases llLiI'IHll,(luot 011 )'uhlw llnt,y 8]. .. l\ nnua.llll.spe~ tioll, 11th Aug. Total 011 paradc 3~. AII'cllt wlth lea\'.c b. '\\ lthout lea,e I,. Anll nal l'e-e\:alll ilia tinll, !) Lh N 0\. ~lclll her' pa·';e(110. Dltl n.ot aplIe.a,r 13. .M etlalliolls 22. ,'ervlee ha,lge' !l. XnrSiIH! tl'rlifk..ttC's ~~. UlgnlatlOll Ulllfol'I~l worn, hy 5 Offieers,l Sup. ()II'. 'alld 1.') llICll. iliaL"l'ial: 7 stretcher::; a.lId it 'll~allbty of hl'-t aid applia1Jces \'et(~(l ill tire Utll'pS. COl ps snpported by j1nllllC donatio)] ' . , The OOl'pS has l']'(l\'ided fill' th(~ wal' ill Sont.h AI~l'ica,;; ..'uPCl'llu IlI(>l'ary O~tic er' and eight men, OlIC of' ",bolll ( Pl'i\'ate .T. \\'. Malklll) dletl at \\ ooclsto~k HospItal. . The Oorps has becll l'eprc'sl'lIterll'egpl;tl'ly at 1I1c Walrington Foothall Ftelcl, ~l1ll relllle!'ed ye17 clfc('tivc sen'icC', which has Ilcell )' "'ogllize(l hy the Foothall (~tllll ~l1Ittee lllakl~g a suhstilut-iallloll.llion to the ["11mb. Thc '\n'ps attended on the OLca:SlUll o[ deposltillg the> colon l's 0[' the :htl :-.onth L:lllcashirp ]{eginlt'llt in the l'alish Cltlll'ch. It al '0 hall a para(le ill ail l of tIll' funcls {'or the \\'i\'e, allil f'alililips of' l'e cn'ists ol'!lel'ec1 to t1w front. It al-;o oht,lilH'l l it prize I'llI' the he t. deC()!'!Ltl'(~ \'chide, al'l'a~lgccl as a ~"ie~tl Hospital, ill connection wi Ih a llelllOl1stl'n.tioll in aid o( the Local InJll'lual'y. absfactory prl'gresl> generally has bCCll IlHHle.
[Formecl 15.1.87,J
Hono rary Surgeon .
R. lllilh,
H. J, ~Iacklill, Lightlnll'ne Roa.d, Ulverstoll.
J)1. E,
)!. B.
Honorary Surgeons .
Honorary Su rgeon.
.J. AdnIl1H,
WHALEY BRIDGE DIVISION, CHESHIRE. [Formed .'),4,97.J 11 ]1;AD-QUAJ~'l'IW": l\T EI'IIA"" H:S'
L.ll. C'.S.
Honorary SUI'geons .
Sup erintendent.
T. Higginson, District Oouncil Offices, C' tation Rd., B amber Bridge, ncar Prcston, 1st Officer.
2nd Offi cer.
J, Scholes.
O. Wilding.
lI, AllaH,
aud J. Irall,
Superi ntendent.
1st Offi cer.
J. Shellllerclinc, 1, MarkeL Place,
VY. J othell.
B l1XtOll, Del' llysh irc.
Lady Insp ector of Stores .
Honorary S e cre t a ry.
Pte. H . A. King, Furnes
Vale, via Stockport. Honorary Trea surer.
Inspector of Stores .
Officers 2. 11l'sing sisters 30. Total effective 32. Increase since host report 14. Drills held {3. A verage attendance 1 • Annual inspection, 2 th July. Total on Cases attendcd ]Jot on public duty parade 25. J\ l)sent with lca ve 6. \\Tithou t lea I'C 2. Annual re-examination 17th May. l'l1emhers passed. 2. Did not appear 4. Medallions 16. ,t'rvice~ badges 2. Regulation uniform \\'orn by 2 OlliC:Cl" anrl 30 nursiuu sister . Material: water pillo:v, water b.ottle, hronchiti kettl~s,..thermollleters, first airl hampprs, box of al~p~l~llces, l~hll is, amI lmlllJ.age~. Dl Vl '1011 supported by local subscriptions, Th e DIVISIOn cOllt~ll11eS to make . a~Is[a.ctory progres. Good work is being d.one, and the home II ursl1lg by Dlelll bel'S 1. ' mnch appreeiatccl by the ick poor. Two uursingsisters werc on duty at the Agricultnral Rho\\' on Jnne '23rd.
,up. Ofr. J. Howarth.
up. Off. J. H. Widdup.
. E. Barnes.
4 S u. om cers. P Off. ')~. PI'I' vate 21. Total effective 27. I ncrease since last report . Drill held 61. Average attendance '2 '14.. Aunual inspection, th ept. Total on parade 11: Absent with l?ave 1. :1. Annual reexaminatioll. All member pas ed. Medalltons 12. RegnlatlOll nmform worn by Z Officers 2 Sup. Off. and 12 men . Material: 3 Furley tretcher, 1 hamper, 1 urgical havresa~, 1 water bottle, 1 army bell tent, 8 first aid boxe ,&c. Division supported by public subscription.
W. P. Counsellor,
[Formeu 23.5.00.]
Inspec to r o f S tores
1s t O ffi cer.
Ho n. Su rge on .
F. :Mowle, tatioll, Whalley.
Ptc. D. BLOoks.
HEAD 'QU ARl'El:'-:
N .\'l'!o:\AL' '('IIOOL, "\SKA~I'IN - FuRXE
Ho nora ry Su rgeon. Hon . S ecret ary.
E. B. PrwIt,y ,
Pte. W. Jackson, Bramley Meade, ·Whalley.
I, .H . . 1'.
La d y Su p t. a nd S ecre tary.
Officers 2. Privates 10. Total eil'ective ] 2. Medallions 6. Regnlation uniform worn by 1 Oflker and. 10 mell. Division su pported by public su bscription . . The Division has applied for rein tatemellt in the Bngad.e. Thi::; has been grallted, much to the satisfaction of the meml'(>r~.
Mr. . '. 1. , Va lto 11 , Cliffe
ottagt', A. kam-in-Furnes .
Officers 2. Nursing , ister' 12. Total effective 14. Drills held 6.. :\:crage attclltl.tl1eC 1l. :JfetlaIlion:l1. Regulation uniform ,"'orn, by 1 Officer. Dn'lslOll snpporterl by yoluntary . lllJ criphon
IIEAD-QuAllTI~ns :
Sup eri nte n den t , Ho n . S ec. a n a Hon. Treasurer.
Ho n o rary Surge on . B . H. , Voodyatt, L.n.C.p.
C. Heathcote,
Ways Green, Win sroJ'cl.
1st Offi cer.
2 nd Officer.
Ins pect or of Stores.
F. B,ates.
W. 1. Bucld y.
,up. Off. A. H. Court.
Officers 4. 1.11). Off. 1. Private ~L Total effective 27. I llcrea.se since last report 12. Drm · heM 47. Avernge attendallce 11. Removals 16. Cases attended not on puLlic duty 74. Annual in. pec.:tion, 11.th !uly. Total OIl parilde 22. Absent'withleave 6. ,Vithout]ea\,e 1. Annual re-eXaJ1lllHltlOlI , 20t Sept. Members pa sed 20 . . Dirl not appear o. Medallions 12. "ervice Lat~gcs 7 . . Regn.la. tion uniform worn 1Jy 3 Officers, 1 ,up. Off., and] 7 men. Matenill: Lltte.r ~~th stretcher, 6 Furley tretchers, 10 surgical havresac.:s, 4 emergellcy hags, kc. DIVISlOU supported by Urban Di. trict Council and puhlic suI). criptiollS. The D ivision feels the want of a larue dri11 )'00111 and a model'll ambulance wagon. Serious cases ha'le to be conveyed long distances Oil the wheel .litter or al~ ambulance wagon has to be il1lprovi eel. A .tu,tion was fitted up aL tbe FIrst AUlll1i1 Fete of the W insford Frienelly Societies, and a sCluacl (\1nder the nperintenrlcnt) was ill attendanee all day. Only one Cdse was treated. Two memoers volunteered for sen'ice in outh Africa and were accepted .
Honorary Su r geon. A . Greenha lgh, M.P•. C. S.
Ho no ra ry Surgeo n.
Lady Superinte nd e nt.
Miss M. E. Fletcher, 310, BlacklJUl'll Road, Accrington .
,V. B. Barclay,
L. H. '.1'.
[Formed 4.9
Lad y Sup e r inte nd en t .
lIfr ·. M. E. La\\:, 2, A hclifl'e, Bacup.
1st Nu rsi n g Officer a n d Lad y S ecret ar y.
nIi" F. A. BirJ, Fore ·t lIon e, Bacnp. . Ofli<-els 3. nrsillg sisters {3. Total effecti,e 4.6. ncrease Slllce last report 20. Drills held 37. Averacre attendance 16. Ca e ~;~111~ed not"on public duty 3l. Case~ privately nursetf12. Annual in pection, 1 une. Iotal on pan\,{lc 32. .A.b eut with lelll'e ' . AnJlual re-examination 6th f ept. Members 1111s>ed 27. Did not appear 1. Medallion 22. Realllatioll' uui. or \Vor~ by 2 Ollicers and '2 nursing sistcr . Material: ho pital bed;tcall air bed ~nl( e?"l~IOnS, bedding, bandages, splints, &c. Di vi ion llpportcd by v~lllntary u lllcnptIOns. " cookll1CI lcctures haye been delivered b The M·. Division S I . is mI' a nng s t cac 1y progre . lCk . Yth ISS a mon (a former menloer), which it is felt " 'ill result ill increa ed efficiency ~{o e workS' of the member . It is mainly owing to the untirina eD'orts of the norary urge on that it is possible to report an illc.:rea e. b I
[Form ell 22.12.
Honorary Surge on . L. ll. C. P .
F. dc B. Pim,
Lady Superintendent.
M iss R. A . Preston, ,\Toodbine, Barrow ford , near N elson. Al
3 r,
~ Lady Treasurer.
Lady Insp ector of Stores.
La dy Secretary.
l\I r . E. mith. Ii s • Booth. Miss E. Hatton 1, hurch t ., Barro'" ford . Officers 2. ursin g tel's 15 . T otal en'ecti v e 17. D ecrease Sil1(;e la t report 21. Practices held 46. Averflge attendance 13. Cases attended not on public duty 32. a, e privately nursed . Annual in pection, 25th Aug. Total on parad e 9. Absent without leav e . l\Iedallion Regulation uniform W0l'l1 hy 2 Officer anc115 nursing iter. Iaterial: 4 amhulance boxes, water bottle, bandage ,&c. Di vi. ion upported by lllem bel' . In this Divi ion atisractory progress has been made. At the Annual R eview of the i o1'th-Ea t Lanca. hire County Corps a squad succeeded for the fourth time in winning the Challenge Shield and the first prize.
[Formed 1.fl9.]
HEAD-(!UAnTER. : PHOY1,,"C1AL BAl'K Homm,
1st Nurs ing Officer and Lady S ecretary.
MISS M. Jones, 103,
hakes1'eal'e T errace, Albion Street, Burnley.
Lady Inspector of Stores.
Lady Treasurer.
Mrs. M. A. Pounel .
Mrs. Aldersley.
. Officers 3. nr in~ sistf'l',' 37. Total effective 40. In crease SlUce la t 11' l'P]lOl't held atteD(l ance. 27 F'lrstal'd 1 21. Dnll .. . 49 . Averaae 'r cases at t ~n dec I on PU,) lC ( llty 3. Fu·,'t aId ca cs attended not on ubI' d t y ~3 Cases pnva.lely nul' eel ]0. Annual imlI)ection 28th All(f T t I P lC. u D· . 6 ~1T'tl tl ' n' 0 a on pma(l e 33 Ab sen t 'VI~'tl I 1D'l eave . t II I IOU eave ] 2. An1lual re-examl'llatl'o 92 d A . , n, ~ n ug. 11\1 em b ers. passed 3 o. H no. n]lpear 4. Medallions 1 C) Re'"Cf llIatl'oll'f . .'~' um orm worn b y 2 om cers am&1 3 nUl'fnng ,'lsten;, Iatel'lll.l·. 2 water bl)ttles , C)~ all" cus h'Ions sp l'mts J D'" ball(lages.' . ? IVISlO11 supported hy subscriptions. " The DIn. lOll !la. made gooll proO'l'ess Two fir t pl'I'ze8 fOI' b t l t o· , e s anc smar es t t urn. on t a.t 1T ra(1e, Drnemoll trabons have been secuI'eel . . . ' . The D'IVlSlOn a tt en d ecI t h Hosplta ports 0 !Clally, and renderecl fir ,t n.id in three. imple cases.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. Taylor) )[. n.
lH 1's. M. Fulton, Lal1rel Bank, "\Voodvale Park, BelfaRt. Officer 2. Practices held 18. and roller bandage .
Lady Secretary .
Lady Sup erin t endent.
.i\Iiss ~L Black, Glen Ehor. BeIra t.
Honora r y Surgeon .
ur iug Sisters] 8. Total err 'cti ve 20. Decrease 16. Aver:Hre attendance 9. ::\ledallions 16. Mat erial: triangular Divi ion supported lJY memher . sub cription
T. CaIro,,",
M.lt. C.S.
L. Molloy, M.A., )LD. Lady Superinte nd ent and Lady S ecretary.
:Mrs. Y. M. O1'm e, Marshall Gatc, Claremont Park, B1ackpool. Officer 2. NUl'ing isters 55. Total eO'ectiye 57. In crea. e 22. Drills 11eld 54. Average attendance 19. 1\ot on public duty 14. Ca es privn.tely nursed 10. Annual ilJspection, 5th July. Total on parale 42. All ent with leave 14. Annual re-examination, 5th July. Members 1'a ed 42. Did not n.ppeur]1. Medallions 41. Regulation uniform worn by ~ Offi cers am1 4,> nursing sisters. Material: 2 sUlgical havresac , bandages, 'plint, ilDel 17 ambulance wall boxes, Division supported by members' sulJ cription . On the 30th June the Division attended tlle .E. Lancashire County Corp Annual R eview, and was awarded the seconel prize in the sC]uacl competition. A stre~t -collection was made in August by the Lady Superintendent anel 32 nursing sisters m aid of the funds of the Victoria Hospital, when £170 wa realized, heillg an increase of £45 on last year's collection. In .Januar)' a distrihution took place to 35 )loor -children of 546 articles of clothing, a. compared with 1 4 articles last year. The Di vision is maintained in a state of thorough efficiency.
J, Gardner,
. A. Brennand.
. Olliccrs 3. NUl' ing 'isters 29. Total effecti\Te 32 Incretatse 11111ce la.'t r~p()] t G. Drill held 41. Av crage attendan'ce 1 Fir t aI'd cases a I .eneet t'0111111b11c duty 5 . iN 0 t on pllu 1lC .1 ' ] 'M. . ' nUl' eu 26 A (llty ea es pl'lvately 1 nl1u~3lJ1, ~ec lOllI' 4th Au~. ~otal 0 11 parade 1 Absent with leave 3. ,Yithout eave . nnna re-exallllllallOl1, 1 t ov Ielllber lIas e· 1 1;; D'd t ]6 lIIed 11' 16 R l' . ' c U v. 1 no appear sisters. :1a~~~~'11'·b 1 egn a~lOll ul1l~orm WOl'll in. J:~l't by 2 Officers and 29 nursing public sub criJltiol~ . el, betlLll1lg, 1,!rI1t., (·C. DIVISIOll ll]1porteJ by member and C
Honorary Surgeon .
Lad y Inspector of Stores.
. A. Lomax.
[Formecl 13.11.95.]
J ames. treet, Bury. '
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Treasurer.
Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary. ~Irs. H. Howarth C) ~,
[Formed 11.9.95.J
[Formcd 6.93.]
Lad y Superi ntend ent.
Miss M. A. Stevens, 66, Osborne T errace, Blll'nl ey
be;~l~o~Vi~ioll i ll1~king good pl'ogre,'. have
On two occa ions two nUl' in!Y i tel' have that of a torn thumL,Owhich might
beeJ-t~~e~~,;~\; 11~I~s;~fll~~~ll\~~~~lli~(Tne ca, e was o·
CLITHEROE NURSING DIVISION, LANCASHIRE. [Formed 23.1 0.93.] HEAD-(~U .\llTI~ l l:;: TIm To\yx llALL, ULITHE110E. Honorary Surgeon .
J. J. Eraer, Lady Sup eri ntendent.
Mi. 1\1. M. Parker 119, Lowel Uale, Ulith~roe.
Lady S ecretary.
Mi K. A. A pden, 4,1, E'lhton T errace, lithe roe.
DecI'ease' 0 (fic·er. 2. NUl' iug sister 1. Total effective 20. 1'. t rel)olt 3 , mee cases attellcle 1 't .. D 1'1'11 S 1Ie 11 ( 39. A I'crage attendance - . Fir t aid l10 puhhc duty 21. Anllual ill'lll'ctioll 7th June T otal on })ararle 14 . At b sen ton. W I th 1 1 VlT' I , . c Sept. l1ember passed 11 eave. . It lout ~eave 4. ~llulHt.ll'e-examillation, 11th woru by 1 om .,. 1 " Dld.not appeal' /. MedallIon ' . Regulation uniform Di vision SnpI)ol't~d 1U,1l( 21: nUl' mg Isters. Material: bandages, plint &c )y 111el1l )elS ancl public ub 'cl'iptiol1s, ', .
[Formed 1.5.90.]
Honorary Surgeons .
vV. E. Lovett,
A . A. G. Dickey, M.D.
Honorary Surgeon . J,. lU'.l'.
J. R. Burnett,
1. Robinson, 31, Prillc.:ess
treet, Colne.
Miss 1\1. Gatpy, 4, Eskin Street, Keswick.
t., Colll~.
Lady Secretary, Lady Inspector of Stores and Lady Treasurer.
Mi's A. Aclamson, Mark et. (lm1l'e, Keswick.
Lady Insp . of Stores.
1st Nursing Officer.
1st Nu rsing Off. and La dy Secretary.
Lady Superintendent.
:Jhs. E. Taylor, 9, Duke
Officers 4. NUl' inO' sisters 26. Total effcctivc 30 . Decrease since last report 15. Dlills held 39. Ayeragc attend~llce 11. )Tirst aid cases attended on public duty 1. Cases attend cd not on pubhc dL1t~ 2;). Cases )rivately nursed 11. Anllual in pectioll, Is~. ept. Total 011 parade 23. , A1Js?nt ~vithout leave 12. Iedallions 9. Brigade Ul1lJorm worn by 4 O~c:e~'R and 20 llUfslllg pisters. Material vcsted in local Committee and Trustee. DIV!. 1011 npporied by su blic subscriptions.
Officers 2. NursiJlg Sisters . Total effective 10. Decrease since lad report 3. Drills held 22. A verage attendance 6. Annual inspection, 30th Aug. Total on parade 4. Ab!'lent with leave 5. Without leave 1. Annnal re-pxaminatioll, 9th, 23rd Oct., and 27th Nov. Ielllbers pas~ed 9. Medallions 6. Division support d by voluntary suhscriptions.
LYTHAM NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 6.3.01.] Hon. Surgeon.
A. }'I. Ga.
DUKINFIELD NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 9.'1.01.J Lady Secretary.
Hon . Surgeon .
·F. R.
. Park,
Mis' M. Hollingworth, 274, Stamford treet, Dukillfielrl.
Lady Superintendent.
Oil, L.r...f'.P.
Lady S ecretary.
1\[rs. ]\I. F .. Johnsoll, En., t Beach, Lythalll.
Lady Tre asurer.
l\Ii, s ]\L J. Mills, .J , Wesley trect.
l\li s
. Wilson.
Honorary Surgeon .
A. A. G. Dickey, :\Ln. Lady Secre tary.
Miss Webster, Town Gate, Foulridge, near Colne.
Lady Sup erintendent.
Lady Treasurer.
Miss E. Banks .
J. G. Jones,
M . B.
. d 6 Officers 2. Nursin u sistcrs 5. Total cffective 7. o l'lI1sJ..>cc t'lOll, 28Ll1 A."g. Total 011 l,allL e . ,MeclalD ecrease since last report 2. AnTIlla Annual re-examination 25th Oct. Members passed 4. DId :lOt ~l']Jear 2 . . t :al' · 3 ReO'ulation t~niform worn by 1 Olliccr :J.nd 5 lllll'Smg sistcrs. Ma. etl! . 1Ions. 0 . , . . t 11 11 ' c suhsCl'IL' Ions surgical havresac, bandages, and splmts. D1VISlOll suppo r Cl Jy PU) 1 ' and con certs.
Lady Super intendent.
Mr. . Taylor, 19, ,Y eo t Elld Road, Morecambe.
Lady Secretary.
. E. Lee', 131, Eu"toll HOfHl, Morecandle.
Olfic('l's 2. Nul' 'ing sistcrll 13. Total effectiye 15. Decrease sinc(' lasL report 1. Drills hcld 40. Average attendance 7. First aid cases attended not 011 public duty Ua:e: privately uur pel 4. Annual inspection, 12th May. Total 011 parade . Ab put without leave 5. Annnal re-examination, 16!h July. l\lPll1berll passell 5. Did not appeal' 9. Merlalliolls 13. Regulation lllllfonn WOI'll. hy 3 Olfie'rs and 10 nursing sillters, Material: roller bandage machine. bandages, splints, &c. Divi:ion sL1[lportell by ,"olunlary contribution. Amon~ the casc attcnded to have hCCl! fraetlll'es, apparently drol"\'ned, anll among tl~of;e. pl'lvately l1l1l'sc(l, cancer, hroncllitis, pneulllonia, &c. In cOJl'eqnence of the Dlstnct Cunference, it i' boped that a slimnlu' will be givcn to the work.
Miss E. Buttel', 8, Uastle Strect, Hapton, Ileal' Burnley.
.\r. ,\. ,
[Form e c] 12.96.]
Lady Supt. and Se cre tary.
Honorary S urgeon.
H. F. Oldham,
Mrs. R. Richmond, Hole-in-the-,Yall Inn. Foulriclge, neal' Colnc, Lancs.
ursing sisters 17. Total effectivp. 1 q. Officers 2. Increase since last rcport 2. Drills held 24. Average attendancc 10'7. Cases attended not on puulic duty 4. Annual inspection, 1st cpt. Total on, parade 14; Absent with leave 1. Medallions] 3. Regulation uniform worn by ~ Oflicers ~l1d 10 nursing si tel's. Division supported by letting or Amhulance Hall and puhllC fillbscriptions.
IIJ1;'\n-QUAnTEl ~S:
Honorary Surgeons.
K: Robb,
. Fmc11ay.
M.A., M.D. A. P. Millar, )I.Il. :M.B. R. II. , Yacc, ;\1.13. U.
Lady Sup erin tend e nt.
Miss l'.l. Dean, 20, Bakel'hon.~e Rd. , Nelson. Officers] O.
W. Jackson, ;\I.D. C. M.lIIitchcll, M.D. )1.I1. T. fmphy , L. R.C.p.
W. DUll,
1st Nursing Offi cer and Lady Secretary.
Lills M. 43, Rail'\'ay
!],rrington, tl'cet, Nelson.
1 lusing Ilister' ti3. Total effective 73. Dccl'eaF-C 'i nce In, t repol t 33.
3 4
J. McN aught,
LFormed 30.1.01.]
3rd Nursing Offi cer.
Mrs .•\. E. GOt dOll.
Lady Sup erintendent.
Mis F. Fieldcn, 75, Burnley Rotul , l1l'. Manchester.
Lady Secretary.
A . .A. H owarth, Brookland Mill eml, NCl\'cburch, 111'. Mancbester. [i S
T otal elrective 17.
Ofliccrs 5. Nuring sistels ::!. Total effecti\'e 7. Incrcase since last rcport 22. Drills helrl 51. A H.-rage attE'ndallCe 40. Cases attended notonpublic lluty 2:2. AUllual iu,'pcctioll, ULh Jl~ly . . Total?1l parade 37. Absent with leave 24. ,Yithont leavc Hl. AllIlUall'e-eXallllnatlOJ1, Apnl. ~lemb ers passed 62. Failed 9. Did not appeal' 9. lIlellalliom; 42. He.(ulatioll uuifa:'m \\'01'11 by 4 OOicel's amI 76 llUl'sing sisLer!;. Material: ],ecl and beclstE'ad, bedding, lincn chest, surgical havrcsac, &0. Diyi::;ioll .'uppol'tc,l by 1I1cll1bcl's al!(l Corp.. [tlJl~ls. . TIl e Di\'isioJ1 cOJltiuues to tlo good and useful \\'ork, and fiuds thc llU1'smg necessanes of great help in snpplolllentillg distl'icllll\l'ses' work.
R _\'DCLIFFE 8lIlEE'l',
Honorary Su rgeon.
J. B. Wilkinsou ,
Miss .A. Doran.
JUr . n. Thomsoll, :J, Hmldcl'srreld R(1., Oldhaill. 2nd Nurs ing Officer.
Lady S ecretary.
Mrs. Jones. 63,
!II iss Moore, H.ll., Oldham.
Officers 4. Nur ing 'ister::; 6;3, Total erfcc·tivc li7. Decrease since last rcport 19. Fifty dl'i lls 11a \'e 1,prn belll. A \'(,I'ngp a ttclldallce 25. T he annl1al inspectioll \\'as held in Jnly. .\ t thl' aJlllllul )'c-l'x;lllliliaLion .i3 nUl'iug sisters presented themselves [or examination. All passcd. Thirtccn failed to appear for examination. Medall ions are helll1l}' ;37 si.ter', . '('nil'I' haligl" 1.y ~J. All ranks wear the Brigade uniform. Material: balllla'gc of all sorts, l\all 'l' bClls, pillows, bed re 'ta, and a variety of nUl' 'illg rCIIllisiL es.
Honorary Surgeon .
J. G. Jones,
:It. B.
L \XE, P \'llIII.UL
II .\LL. l{oCliDALE.
Honorary Surgeons.
J. P. \\'alker,
R. B. ,'ellcrs, 'LILl'.S. J. Meh 'ill, :l1.J).
Lady Sup erin t ende nt.
J. Radley.
, 1st Nursing Offi cer.
Mrs. Louisa Y. KCllYOll, 9 , Hare Street, H.ochdale.
)I.H . C ....
Lady Secretary.
ill is . .A.
J. Ashforth.
3, Gl'allc1illge
'imp '011, t., Rochrlale.
Ollieers li. Xllrsillg sisters ~.-;. Tutal elrective 31. Decreaso sincl' last rl'pUlt Drills Ill'lel :37. A \ erago attendance 20. Ca.'e atte11llcIl OIl public.; duty . .l-ot 011 public dilly 13. Annual inspection. 21th :S~pt. Total Oll paralIc :22. Ah.-l'nt "ith leavc 1. ,\'ithout leal'e J. Anllual re-exallllllatiOll. 1 th July :lllll til Aug. ,\lomuel's passe(l 2:-.. .\Iec1al1ion: ~6. Regulation uniforlll worn uy ;3 U1liCCI'!:l ancl 20 lllll'sillg .isler". Division .11pportcd 1)y the Lo~al Centro, alHl JlnLlic HlICl llIo1llhers sllhsl'l'il'tioll". v" , The DivlSlOll i' ill a satisfadnl'y cUll(litioIl: the deorease bcing mainly due to removals. It is lL SOIll'Cl' of great satisf',ldioll lo kno\\' that three of the melllber' haye secured appoilltillcllts as pr()/'essiumd lIursc:;. The Di\'isioll attenrlell the .K LLI1cashirc UounLy Uor['s 1 e"ie\\', winlling the secolld IHize. Tltr(~e large parcel' of clothing (shirts, caps, sucks, .te.), \\'erc sent to 'outh Africa. Two OJlicer a~lLl 16 sisters wero Oil duty at till' }{oyal Lallcasllirc Agricultural, hm\, at "hic'h llllple cases were altendcll to. The Ilull. 'llrgcoll' have contributetl largely to the ucce" of thc Divisioll 11,)' the cxcellcllt; lectures lhoy have giycn.
: COTTll~
Honorary Su/'geo n .
W. L. Beutlcy,
Lady Superintendent.
nEss S. Kcrshaw, 13, Charles "'t., Roy ton.
01liccrs 2. KUI'sing ~istcn; 11. ToLal ell'ecti\'u 16. Inereasc sincr last rcpurt 2. Drills hcld 37. A yeragc attendance 4. a C' attend.ed not 011 public tlut) So. Cast's privately n\ll'sell 16. A.llnnal illspection, 22ml Aug. Total on parade Il. Ah;enL without lea\e 7. Anuual rc-cxall1illatiou, 15th Aug. Members pa sed n. Dillllot appeal' O. .!\lal rial :.... plints, bandage, &c. Dh'i-ion supported by mellluol's and pnulic stlbscl'il'tiull~.
PARli-in C unWlI • 'C H OOL, PHI~ST()".
Honorary Surgeon .
Lady Supe rintendent and Lady Secretary.
F. W. Collillson, l\LB.
Mrs. A. H oward, :24, Grafton St],pet, Preston.
1st Nurs . Off. and Lady Insp. of Stores.
Miss Parker.
Lady Sup erin tendent and Lady S ecl'etary
Miss L. GI'PgsOIl, Cragg',' YilIa, l'adihalll.
OIIicel'~ 2. l1l'sing , isLcrs 11. Total offecti 1'0 13. Decrea e since last report. Dlills held 1:2. AYelage altell(lallcr 7. Anllual inspection, 4th 'ept. Total on parade 10. A1lsent with lea\ e~. 'Vi th~uL le~vl' 1. Medallions 5. Regulatioll uniform is \VUI'll by 1 0 mcol' and 11 II Ill'SllIg SISt.PI'S. Material: splints, bed and berlding. Di \'ision ilU I'lltllterl by allllual tUII'11 collectJoll.
Lady Superintend ent
~r. D.
1st Nursing Officer.
[Fol'llH'cl 1:).9. J.]
1IlAl lKKl'
2nd Nurs . Off. and Lady Treas. ~Il's.
A, Hanson .
Honora l' y Surgeon .
[Formed :2.9.95.] 'E AR
13t' HY.
38 7
3 6 Lady Secretary.
Lady Superintendent.
Miss .1\1. Roon ey, 19, , Vell Bank St., Tottingtoll ,
M iss E. B ru nskill, W ell Bank, T ottington, 111'. Bnry.
Officer 2. NUt'iug ister' 14. Total eO'ective 16. Drill h eld 10. Average attendancc . Cases attenc1eu not on public duty 20. Oases privately nursed 10. Annual inspection , 20th ept. Total on parade 11. Abse nt with Ica lTe 2. Without leave 2. Annual re-exanliuation, 24th cpt. Members passed 15. Medallions 1l. Division suppo rted by m emuer ub cription s.
No. V.- N orth-Eastern District.
R . O. Bowmau,
fl CjJlLly
C07ILmissiollCF-l.Ir. 8. C. \V ARDETJL.
.rissistanl COliwdssiOi/C/'-nll'.
. 'Y.
Honora ry S u r geon .
T. Sharl}les,
c. i'.
La dy Su peri nten d e n t .
1s t Nu rsing Office r .
nIl's. L. Hamsay, 150, Tewhall Lane, Preston.
r.1iss E. H olgate.
A. Mather.
Lady T reasure r .
Mis Butler.
Officers 4. Rursing sisters 39 . T otal efl'ectiyE' .J3. Drills held 24. Average attendance 2:2. }'il'st aid ('ases atteJlclcd not on pll blie duty 13. Oase. privately uUl'sed 7. Anllual iusl'oeli()ll, 27tL ept. Tolal on parade 27. Ausent without leave 15. Annuall'e-eXallliJlatioll , l~th JI11.1. .l\1l'llll,ers passed -3:4 D id not appear 10. Medallions 3~. ~laterial: mackintosh sheclillgs, ail' cu hiolls, bronchitis kettle. &0. Regulation uuifol'lt1 WOl'll by 1 OlIicer aud ,11 lllll'sillg sisters. D ivision supjlorted by memhel's suhsc]'iption~. Thil:! Di viioll reports sati -factory progress, bolh al:! ll'garJs intele '1, uf mcm bel'S and .attendances at drills .
D EltBYRIIIItE. OctObC1', 1900.
2 nd Nu rsi n g Offic er.
La dy S ecretary.
Miss 1\. Oalvert, Dar\\'en Bank, \\'alton-I e-dale, La dy Inspecto r of Stores .
H omm,
I.' llgrlell , L.S.A.
La dy S u p eri nte n den t .
Lad y S ecretary.
:Jl rs. Fiehlillg, 1;), Bl1l'1lley Road, N e\\'chul'ch.
MissA. A. I Ia\\'orill, Broadlallds, l\Iile Enel, Npwchurch.
I have the honolll' to submit 111y report \"hich again h.o\~-~ a ati factory illerease in Brigade \\'ork dnring the year. PII' Oorps or DIVIsIOn. have beeH. hiplcy, lIcar Le ,ds. llnll other. are III com.e ot formed at I hellielcl, D enahy, forJ1lation at l\bnsfiel.l. Bal'llsley, olltton-in-A..· htield, \\Tirk .. worth, Hurlders~eld, Halifax, tanl1ingley, neal' Leelh;, HollJ('<.:k, orth Leecl',. anu l\laccles~eld. I have al '0 pleasure in reporling that tile Rule' amI RcgulatlOns of the Bngaue are hetter carried on t than tb ey were. ..' Hebden Bri<ltle DiviHion 11aH heen tmnsfcner! ro nw DJ. tnet (lUrlllg the year, am! I look i'ol'warel lJeing ahle to maintain goo,l Di"i~ioll in t.hat tOW!l: . ~t i most gl'iltifying to lIe able to stale tllat 1he <.:all for volu l~teer' ~n 1.11Y D1StJ'1C.~. was 0 1'l'ac1ily 1'e ponded to, nearly 400 IHL\'ing becn (lccepletllo]' ser\'lce III I outh Alnca, and many morc lJeing still availahle if required. I regret to 'uy that sevcral orps and Divisions in n;" District ]Ia"e fa iled to sE'ml in their Anlllla~ H.eport, though 1'epeatellly allpli~l! for. Mo l of the Corps aml Di"isiou<; ill 11l>' Du,tnct ha.Ye.l11-'cn illSpecteu during till' year, and my thanks are due tn my A lst'lllt COlllm~ 'sl.oner, nil'. r.lalkin, for his valuable services, !lot only ill this re pect but also for takmg, a full share of the large amount of extra " 'ork (·ntaileu hy the frt:ql1ent call jo], volunteers for the war. Brjgaue Ulliform i · heing gradually adopted, ~llt <l' the expeuse of this (T'llrrallv fallse'm the illlli"itlllalllH'lllher it will b 'ome tUlle before it is general. ImuHt ,{gain illll're."s Oll all mel11bers the ill1port~lllce of ?l.)tailliJ!g nursi ng certifieat s and the lIlore g('llcral formation of Nurl:llng DIY] 1011: 111 COllllectio n with Oo rp.. I a1l1 sony ]lot Lo have harl a beLl.er ]'esjlolls~ to the ~all.r0l' ,:olulltecrs for Lhe llelV Bear!']' U01l1 panics, hut ill 111)' Distnc.t the rarlms of :2~) lull,,' from 'helfield ."hut.· out many iJ11portant unit" from whlCh voluntecr coul<l be elmwll . I append a li,.,t of Corps amI Divi sioll . I have the honour to Ill', iI', Your obedie n t sen'ant,
O. \I ltDELl., Kniyht vf Gr(w' of th ~ Ordu' of ~t . ~u711/, Dep uty UUlltmis ioncr 1\'v. V. Dlslncl. To the C0111111i sioner, t. John AtnbllltLl1 Ce Brigad e.
. \
Derhysh ire-Tioshelf Cor ps, Birchwood COL ps, Derhy Divi ·iOll "\Vesthouse :r' . Di vision,. Heanor Di vision, I lkeston Di vi~ioll, Bei pel' Di visiun, ottmghamslure- Babbmgton Corp, Welbcck Division, Eastwood Divi 'iOll . . }\Tork op Division, Digby Di\'ision. ' Llllcolu llll'e-Lmcoin Divi ion, ({aill.· borough Divi iOIl. STtaJfol'l~ hire- North ,"'tarrol'd Corp'", Milton Di\'ision, Tunstall Di\'isioll. 10rksl11l'e, West Ritliug-Doneaster Divi 'iou, Gl'imslly Divisiou, Bradford Di \"i iOI1, Bamoldswick Division, De\\'soury Di visio]] 1I wldel"1i~ll~ . Dlvis~on, Keighley Division, Arlllky auel Wortley D1VllOIl, }lew Famlcy Di\"i::>ioll, Morley DiyislellJ BmelfOl'll M.o~r. Division, Deua.hy Division, Eurby DivisiOJ{, I-lhefl1elei D:,,:s:on, He oden Bl'llige Corp>', Halifax 1)i vision, Shipley Dlvl~lOn.
2 §~ ~;:::::~
--, ;: ~;:: (3
Dewsbury Coq',~ Digby Divi iOll Donca tel' Divi:ion Eastwood " Halifax " Reanor " Hebden Brirlge Ilkeston " Keighley Corps Leeds Di"i. ioll Lincoln " ., ... Mil ton New Farnley., '" North, 't>) (fore1 Corps I 'herfieltl " ... Shipley (Leeds) Div ... . Tibshelf Corps .. . Tunstall Division Welbeck ., "\Vorksop "
I·~. f1: or.
~ ~OlG:'::. c.1
ci ~
~.& l~ ~ iE~ I~E~ ~ ~~ ]~~~ ~~ ]! .~ { ~ j £: S ;: C ~ ~ S 5
Name of Curps all'\ Divi:ioll.
No. V. District, taU' ... Arm ley allLI ~\\' ortley Di v. (Leeds) Bahbington Corps.. .. Barnolclswick Division Delper " ... Birchwo<?d COI'l'S Bradford, A Di\'iioll Denauy Diyisil)ll Derby"
- 7.5
;j ..... ~
:2 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 ]
1 1
I ]
A. A. 1IlcXalJ, \1.1l., Arlllley,
F. \\'. Halliday L.Jl.l'.P., Wortley.
Superintendent and Hon. S ec.
Inspector of S tores.
G. Armitage, Elil'sllll're IIolt 'e, -'tauuiugley Road,
Pte. L. ~.rke.
1 ·1
9,'j flO
I 77
. I -
:2 8
(j0 :.J..; :20 11 100 :200
:.J. 1~
4 -
;3 -
'J 1
3 -I
T L~II'L1l
50 30 -
38 12
2 2
II \ LL, \\T E.
RO_\D, ,
Oflicl'r:; :3. up. orr. :3. Pl'ivall~s 3. Total effecti" ,9, Drills helel ,15. Ca 'es attendeel 011 pllblie 30. Ca.ses attend ell not 011 pulllie duty 200. Anllual im;l'l'ctioll, 10th :-Sept. Total on parade 29. A.bent with leave 11. Wil!tout leave 3. "lllllual re-examination, 1st Jan., 1901. 1I1elllbcr ' pas.c,d 2. }leclull iOllS :2;). 'ervicc hallgl':; ii, Regulation U11 i forlll ",om hy 1 officer, 3 up. Ofr. allli 13 mell. 1la,te rial: 1 litter, ·1 tretcher-, 2~ oo\'e·. can taillillg am huhtnl'e 1ll't tcrial, \'es lell i tl ollit:ers of' Di visioll. Di ,·i 'ionupportl'Li hy voluntary SUb~l'l'il'tilJll '. i3ince .last report thc <1rill has illll'ro\'cli very mlll:h, and more men ba\'c hi en pl~cecl 111 u ni [01'111. '1'\\'0 more regula Lion s trctehcl's ha ye been pU1'(;11a ·(·tl 1 htte~', ~ tellt:;, FifLy-three 111rll have ]'PCll sellL III ")outh Africa. The :ubseriptillu have lllcreasell as follo\\" :-glltl of' 1 !lb, lOs. ; CUll of 1 '99, £ lz 13.. ; cnu of 1900, £111 :2s. 9(1 ; the last seaSOll staiterll.:30 J;3 '. 7 .~11. in (lebt, allel elllsed £16 lOs .. Gel . in haml. Yalue of' store>,', cLe., at uate,nlti 0< (l. Further ortieb for more umfol'm:; and twelve ttlidiLional ·tretellt']'· 11<\\11' ucell placed.
\ "l'g
U It,'ING DIYI .·IO ':>.
Babbington Ba.rnoldswick Bradford Hebden Bridge H udrlersfielc1 Keighley .. . .. . N cw Farnley Tibshelf and Birchwood
Upper Arml"y.
Honorary SUI-geons.
[Forltle{l -1.·1.9:2.]
1 !l(j
L9!) L.:99 1 99
74 (j·i 17
1 ~I-l 1 "fl;j 1.%
1 9z 1~\j J
:2 ·1
!31 1
4 1
:2 1:2
BraMord ~Ioor Division. Wei beck Division . Annley & Wodley Diy. (Lccd) Ea:;t\\,ooll Division IIudd ersfid(1 Divi:;ioll Barnohls\\'iek " Derby "" De\\'sbnry
1 1 :.J. 1
100 Ul -
1, 1
1 1 1 1 1 -
Lincoln Division Keighley " Gaillsborol1gh" "\Vorksop " IIeudell Bridge Corps " TUl'sillg Div. X ew Fal'1lley Division . Morll'y Division I 'hcmelcl Corps . Digby , Halifax . Bahllillgtoll Nursing Di, ision Heallor Di vi 'on " Ear},y " Il kC'. tOil " 11('1 pel' D('1I<tll), " " ,'hipl!:'y
" »
1 7
Tibshclf Corps . Birchwood " . Tibshelf and Birchwood Nursing Dlvi~ioll Babbiugton Corp:; Doncaster Di vi. ,ion N ol'th Staf]'ol'll Oorps Bradford A Division
19 - ]9 15 18
[Formed 29.6. 9.] Ti'lUI<: n HILL.
Honora ry Su rge on ,
II . J. Jeil::;Oll, Ch ief Sup e rinte nd e nt.
G. ll'owlel', Basford H all. oLLingham.
M . D.
Sup e l-int e nd e nt S ec r eta ry.
J . T. Waters, Dn,bhinglon Oollierie , Nottingham.
390 Supt. of Stores.
1st Office r .
G. O. Fowler.
O. O'Oallaghan .
2 n d Offi cer.
S. Kirk.
3rd Offi c er.
4th Offi c er.
Hon . T reas u rer.
S. RtalT.
IV. Olements.
MI". F. E. Seely.
up. OIr. 9. Privates 1~4. Total cffective 141. Drill hel(l Hi. A.verage attendance 96. Remo\'als 67. Oa ~ attended not on ]J~lbhc duty <:1.62. MedallIon 126. Regulation aniform worn ~y I Officer, 2 up. Ott. and 6 ~(ln. 1\Iatcri~l: 2 ambulance wagons, 2 ambulance lItters, s~'etchers, eTC., ve ted III the Babbmgton Ooal Co. Oorp supported by the Babbmgton OORl 00. ~The Tl?embers of this Oor12s have during the season met regulftrly for drill and ~nstructlOn, and keep uI? theIr ambulallce l~nowlcdge also in attellding to the illjUl'cd lTl a thorough and 'prac~lCal manner. Dunng the year 462 case of injury have bern at~ende~ t~, ?f wluch 61 had to be removed by ,-an or other carriage, amI two cases of pn.vate ll1dlvldual~ have becn remove(l by van, with member in attendance. The umfol'U:s hay~ dUrIng the year been altered to conform a nearly a: pos. ihle to the l'egulatlOn umform. .
F I ncrease SlUce last report .9.
[Formed 21.3.95 .]
(No report received. )
Honorary S urgeon.
R. A. Johmtoll,
2nd, up. Off. J . J . Houghton.
[Formed 1
8. ]
IIEAD-(~UAltTEllH: TilE I::\STITUTE, So~rEIwoTE.· , ALFltETU~.
Chief Surgeon.
O. D. Robson, 1st Officer.
VY. Diamoml.
:;1[. \ . ,
C hief Sup eri nt e nd e nt.
Sup erin te n de nt .
S. O. Wardell, Doe Hill House, Alfretoll.
W . Powis. Ho no rary T reas u rer.
Hon . S ec. and Insp. of Sto r es.
'up. on' J. 111. D!l\'ie', Bil'ehwoou Colliery, Alfrcton.
Mr. J. Merrimau (hon. mem.)
Officer' 4. up. 011'. 6. Privates 74. Total e!fective <:I.. Increase since lafit l'eporc 4. Drill ' held 33. Av erage attendance .45. Oas~s attended Oil public: lluty 3. Remo,-als:2. Oa 'es attended n.ot 011 publIc d~l.ty 30. Annua.l illspection, ~3l'tl J unc. Total on parade 7.. A usent wlth leave 4. 1\ ~thout leavc 2. .t\ nnual re-examinntion, 1 tll D ec: . , 1 99. .Jlcmhers passed O. Dlll not appear 4. Medallions 51. 'en'ice ua(lgcs 10. ~ 11l:~ing. certi~cate: 1: Material: 1 ambulun;:e carriag(:'. 7 .tn.' Lehen;, 4 boxes, cOlltaJl1l1lg lust aId al)pl!ance·. Oorp' snpportcd by pulJlic Sll bscl'iptiol1s.
[Formed 1.10. In.]
Hon. S urgeon and Ac t ing S uperin t en d ent.
Supe r inte nd e nt.
In s p ecto r o f S t ore s .
[Formed 4.. 99.]
HEAD-QuARTJ);Rs: MIDLA~D R ,\I [,wxl' , TATIO~,
R. W. lHap]J, AllJert Street, Belper.
vel' likely that they will shortly he sU12pliec1. Ow!ng to the increa e in numbers amI th/(fooc1 percentage of attendance at c1nll <1. ll~W unll·room b?came necessary, 1l:nc1 the · o. Relr F. A. Frieod ha,; l)laccd at our dl posal the atIonal cbools, wInch are V!Cal,' , . 1\1' M 1 1\J· .l in every way suitable for o.u~· w~l'k ~nd ~l'lIl. el'gealJt-J.' aJor oreton, . ort 1 J.',lU. Vol. Bligacle, remains l1nhnng III Ius ~f1orts to make every 1?1em 1~r eIRClen~. 'I \va Officers, foul' Sup. 011'. nnd fourteen prIvate have been put III umform dunng the year.
Hon o r ary S ecretary.
up. Ofr. T. M. Jones, Quel'n , trect, 13elper. Ho n o rary T reasurer.
Pte. W. .Jlcado\\s.
Officers 2. Sup. Off. 4. Privatcs 22. Total eIfectin 2 Inerease since J.ast report 5. Drills held 4 . Avcrage attendancc 66. Case '?-ttend~d on ,l!ubhc duty 3. Cases attended not on public duty ] 1. Annual InspectIon, 16th May .. Total on parade 17. Annual re-examination, 5th April. ~le~bers p~ssed. ,23 . DIU not appeal' 4.. M e(~allions 4. Regubtioll uniform worn oy _- O~ceIS, 4 up. Otr and 14 men: J\Iatcnal: 6 stretchers, 2. urgic:al havresacs, '2 "atel-bottle., vested III the CommIttee oC the Division. Division snpported hy memb~rs' and hon. membcrs' subscriptions. ,DurIng ~he year great progress has been marle in both drill and. alllbnlance work. ~.a~~n d.nll has also been tak~n, the lllen evincing a great interest in it. The J?I VIslon 10 Fe? ru 1l:r J: ~ttended WIth the Y olun teel'S a un ited (·h m ob parade, when the five :men o~ tIll. DIvlslO.n together " 'ith the volunteers for . enrice " 'ith the 1 t Dprby R~pment III South Afnca were present. One memher, J. T. Browllc, died in outh Alnca, three others have arrived b?l1le, and olle is shortly expected . Two stretchers have 1leen added to the stores dnrwg the year. "evera.l route marches have bren held, the men of t~le Der~y Division joining in. The men 01' the Derby Division kept the gro u n~ at thc: lllspcctlOn of this Division, and the men of this Divi:ioll retlUn ed ~he cO~lphmel1t at. I?e.rby. Special montion must lJe marle of Mr. G. H. trutt, who have £60 to the DlvlslOnal funds, besides taking a great interest i ll thc detail work, an~ t~ Mrs. ~ . .A: Johnsto n, wife o.t' oU I}Ion~,Sul'geon, who lly an amateur theat~·icl.Ll pelformance fUlJ11sheu the funds Wlth £25. l en men are without uniform, but It IS
A. Bro\\'1Ie,
Ho norary S ecret ary (pro. t e m .)
J. H. Bowles, H)2, Spring Hill
treet, Braclford.
Oflicers 1. ' up. OIl'. 2. Pl'imtes 61. Total etfective 06,; . In crease since last report 40. Drills h cltl10. Avcrage attendance :2;). R egulatron ulliform worn by 1 Omcer, 2 up. OU. alld 20 men. Corps upporteu by 13raLlfClnl Centrc. The Corps has made l'rogl'C' . . .:\.. 8(1l1<1l1 of ,14 me!l. under the Hon.. llrgeon atten,led on Whit l\lon(lay and Tue 'day at the 1\ est Hldmg Gal<1. £01' publIc (~u.ty ; two 01' three case' of minor importance were tr atell. At the annnal compptltlOlI, under the Bradford OenLrc, a "(lLH~l of thc 13 Divi 'ion (Police) carrie,l oIl' the hielcl and Cups, the A Divi iOll taki)}~ 'iher medals. Twenty-two 111). Olr. amI men volunte()rcll for d nty in South Afric:::., and were acccpted. BRADFORD CORPS (D DIVISION ). (
report recei vell.)
[Formed 3.99.]
[Formed. 1890.]
'1'g;I[Pl'~ ltA",CE HALL,
Honora ry Surgeon .
B . P. Hallows,
~l. D.
Do OA ·TEl:.
392 Honorary Tre asurer.
Inspecto r of Sto r es .
H . Bal d win.
G. Greenwood. Hon . S e c r eta ry .
H. J. Greenwood, 5, Highfield Rd. , Donca tel' . Officer 1. up. Ofr. 2. Private. O. Total effectiv!' 3. Drill held 52. Averagc attendancc 47. a cs attended on puhlic duty 35. Cases attended not on pnhlic duty 273. Annual inspection, ] 6th July. nledalJions 11. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 4 Officcrs, ~ Sup. OJr. and 43 men. Corp up ported hy memhcr&' subscriptions. During the year the Corps has made satisfactory l)logres , and ha. don e crood ',"ork. The total number of cases attenoell c1nring the year has bceu 30 . M,rhe Yorkshire Agricultural Society's Annual how Wfl held at Donca ·tCl', 1 th, 19th, and 20th July. An ambulance station was erccted by the Society, con tainincr four rooms, furnished ,,,ith bed and every requisite for the trcatmcnt of ca es of ~dden illnes or injury. Two officers. three privates, and four nursing istct's frol11 the Hull Corp~ attended, in addition to which the Donca tel' Division supplied nineteen officers and men, the whole taff uuder the medical charge of Dr. lIallo\\'.. :rineteen case were attended to, none being of a criou natl1l'c. The Division also attended Tickhill. F lower Show and Gala, "IV ben eleven case were attenclecl, three I)eing of a ,ery enous nature.
1st Offi ce r a nd Hon . S ecret a ry .
Sup e rint e nd e nt.
W. Walker, GiltlJl'ook, N ott ...
Rowley, Trueman Ki mlJerley, N otts.
Ho norary Treas u re r .
Ins p ector o f St o r e s .
J. Lyson.
. Walker.
Officers 3. Sup. Ofr. 5. Privates.J. Total effective 56. Drills held 23. Average attendance 1. Removals 3. Medallions 16. Regulation uuiform worn by 3 Oflie{:rs, f) np. Ofr. and 4 men. Material: 2 '3tretchcrs, and bandages, splin ts, &c., vested ill COnlmi ttee. Di "i.'ion supported by su bscriptions. The Divi ' ion was formcr] in June, 1900, and up to !:ieptendJer the 'mcmbcrs continned to increase, which explains avrruge atten(lance. The a sistance rendered by the Division privately h<1S hccn satisfactory, hut not having a l'E:gi tel' no record has been kcpt. This will he rectified ill future. A nursing class for the members of the Division has been held. Divine ervice is attended once a month.
[Formed 25.1.99.] DEllBY.
Hon . Su r g e o n a nd Hon . Trea s .
F. Cas ieli,
(N 0 report reeei vell. )
Su pe r in t endent.
H. G. Ley, Dcruy.
:M.D .
1st Offi ce r .
A. 11. Kiel·ton.
2nd Offi ce r .
3rd Officer.
A. G. "W right.
F. 'Yalli .
Honorary Becret a ry.
In s p ector o f St ores.
C. Layzell, 64, StocklJrook treet, Deruy.
'. Pope.
Officcrs 5. Sup. Off. 2. Privates 95. Total efl'ective 102. . lucre.ase since last report 2. Drills held 31. Average attendallce 32'1. Annual lllspectlOll, 21st Aug. Total on parade 45. Absent with leave 41. Without leave 16. iliedallious 50. ursing cel'tifiratcs 7. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officer, 2 ~~~. Off. al~d.. 3 men . Material: 12 stretchers, splints, water-hottles, ve ted ill D1VlSlOll .. .:r~lVlSlon ~upported by members' . ubRcriptions aud public subscriptions .. The DlvlslOn contll:l1eS to :rnake steady progrc " and has a large increase in Its nU~l1ber of member.. slUce l~st rep01't. It has .'ent 32 lI1emlJers, indudin{! J!onrth Oftic~r \Var~, on actlv~ serVlCe. The Division has had no calls ujlon it for duty on publIc OCCaSlOJ1S, but Its members have renr1cl'ecl fir. t ai.d on many oeca. ions, over 100 cases lJeingl'eported, and l 'llird OIJicel' 'Vallis l'eceivincf a aold medal from the Midland Railway C0. for hi' services at their works. The Divi~io; had an artel'l1oon's drill 'with the Derbyshire Volunteer Bearer Co. on 12th lay, !LllCI a route lDareh to Breaclsall on 16th June, and to Belpel' 22nd July, when some usefnl \\'ork was done.
EASTWOOD DIVISION. [Formed 23 . 6.9-1.]
[Forl11 cd 19. 6.1900.]
Honorary Surge on.
D. M. T aylor, M. A., B.A .
Honorary S urgeon.
D. 1\1. Forl1e ,
S uperi nt enden t .
1st Offi cer.
E. Lillllley,
F.IU. i'l .
W. D. HOllgkin 'olL
T11C Grange, EastwoOll, .J otts. 2nd O fficer.
3rd Officer.
J. Holmes.
J. Wilkin ·on.
Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.
Sup. Off. A. H. Mea.kin, Plumtree Cottagr, Queen t., East wooel,
In s p ecto r of Sto res.
F. Lunl1. :r otts.
. (}ffi cers -1. up. 01r. 5. Prinlte 55. Total c[rective 6-1. In crease smce last repod l~ Drills held 00 . Annual inspection, 21 t July. Total on l>ara:l~ 59 .. Ah 'e nL 'lith leave .1. Annual re -ex amination, ~9th "'ept. Member pa~ ed U/ . Dl(~ not appea.r 3. Medallion ' ~9. H.egnlation uniform WOI'll by 3 Ofh c:ers. Matena]:.J. HLl'clchol's 111ints uandaU'e vestt·cl in COlllmitte!' Me 'TS Bal'ler, \ W alkcl', and Co. Division " ' " support cd by "member ', and Me r. Barbel',. Walker, and Co., &c. The .w.ol:k done !JY tho Division during Lhc pa t year ha ' been mo t ncee ' fnl. T!le D1VllOll was lIlspcctetl 11y Dcpnty COlllmissioner . C. ' Yardell, who poke very hlgbly of the work. MI'. Lindley ha kil1l1h' llroyiclecl foUl' l'ecrulation 'tretcher . After the reYlew, . '1 I, J T1 I. ~e ltl.ol1luers worc olltcrtaillcd Lo tea by 11'. band Mr '. Lindley. l~ anlluaI1'?-exal1l1l1atlOll wa held on Sa Lql'llay 29th epL., when iho members wero ~~,\n.entertal~led by the lIon. Surgeon, Dr. Forbes, at the Hall. The fund of the W 1\SlOU are 111 a vCl'y h nlthy state. thank to the kindnes' of Messrs . Barbel', a eer, and Co, MI'. E. Lindlcy, J . P . , and the gcneral public.
KEIGHLEY CORPS, [Formcd 17.3 . 97 .] 1rEAD-(~U AltTERS: LA WKIIOJJ~tE
Honorary Surgeon .
Privates 26 . Total ffective 26. Drill.ll held 15." A~81'age 3.ttendance 5~ :j ' . Oa 'e~ attentleu not on public duty H. l\Iedalhons 12. ::ServICe badges 1, HeglllatlOll umform worn by 1 man. Material. 4 stretche.r·, 2 bampe~'s, 4 bottle ' .4 hoxcs ~x~~ in strects, whcelcrllittcr, <tnt! amllll~ lance car~'l~g.e, vested III the .C ommlttee. Dlvls~on SnP1Jortecl by pulll ic Sll bscriptiOlls. T~e DIVI lOU ha~ ma~e fan'ly g.ood progress. ~l1lce its affiliation O~I 22nrl May la t. PrevlOlls to that. tlllle It had eXIsted unoffiCIally ~or ten year, SIX of which were under the snperu~te?d~ncy of the .prop? ed Sl1penlltendent. Much rcmains to be done as.regards ~ISClplll:IC, &c". whlCl~ tlme and pcr. everance alone can accomillish. Great dIfficulty IS expenencetlll1 gettlllg the members to regularly attend drill ' aIH] also in oUtainiug financial support from the public, and as the rc 'ult of Lhe latt~r<the members are not as yet in posse siol! of uniforms, but trust to he so cre lOIl<r. ThouClh many case h~v~ ueen attended ~o indivi.clually by mE'mb~rs, few ha\'e bce~1 ofliciaOy reported, but It 1 hopt>d that thIS also WIll soon be rel1lecllecl. eeing, howcvcr that the official life of the Division is bnt four month ,the progres has becn comparatively good, and.n~w that we have an excellent placc to urill in, namely, thc local Artill ery bar.racks, It IS hoped that much greater progress will be made, aml it muc:h more satlsfactory report sent at the end of thc next season .
~.5. L !).]
Ho n orary S urgeons.
R. Cairn ',
L.R. C.P.
and J . II. Thompson,
Supt. and Hon. S ec .
M,A ., M,D.
C hief Sup eri n te n den t.
1s t O ffice r a nd Hon . S ec . and Treas .
Capt. H. A. iIl:;t,rrin'r, Glen (~hyll, Keighley.
G. Darwin, 26, Redclifre t., Keighley ,
Insp ector of Stores .
J. Hodgson. Ofllccrs 9. • lip, Oll'. 5, Pl'ivat<~s 64. Total effective 7 . Decrease sinec b't report 11. ases attelltiell on puhl ic Iln ty 2. Ca'le.' attended not Oil pllblie UULY 65, Anllual in pectiun, ht "pt. Tutal on paradc H, Ab ent with leave 10. Without lcave ~1. Medalliuns 19. Nl11'sing certificate 3. Realllation l1liiforJl1 worn by 1 . np. Ofr. and 4 men, Mate!'ial: 2 large street boxes, 12°stretchers, 9 havre. acs, extra pJints, lHtllllagc, &c., ve::;tccl in Comruittee of officers. Division upporte(l hynh.-criptioll' from employer of labour allll general pnblic. The Corps has made very sati"raetory j1rogre:~. It is llivided into foUl' Divi ionsRa,ilway, Town, Haworth (village), anel ~lIr ing. Town and Haworth Divisions have materially illcl'easecl thcir numbers cllll"lng the year, UlHl have each had a malc llursinCf dass with satisfactory re, nlt. . ThreA mcmbe!" have- gone on ambulance serviceo to • onth Afrien,. The Corps is well a'. istecl by ubcription, and the ofTieer hope to shorLly llc ,thle to pnrchasL' more unifor1l1s. The Railway Divi 'ion i showil1ct sign of rencwec\ lteliyity, [tllll it is hopell that el'l~ long this Divi iOll will actain b~ a prm,perous one. Thc melllller" are amongst the most efliciellt, Imt their di"li cnlty i' to ccnrc drills \\'hell allc<lll aLtelltl, as Jme are on night Ilnty and orne all thy, aIH1, again, they are eonstantly open lo rcmoval or promotion cl ewhcre by th e Railway Co.
J. H. Ho rsfall, 4, Balllloral , b'ert, II helen Bridge. 1st Office r .
L. l\I.
Inspect or of Stores.
J. Stansfield.
utclifI'e .
Officers ,1. PrivaLes 6 . Total effectiye 72. Drills held 20. .Average attendancr 7. Hemovals H. Casps attcnded not on pl:blic dnty 1. Annual inspection. 7th Od., ] fl9. T otal on l'lLr<Hle 7. Absent WIthout leave 65. Annual re-examination, Feb., 1 99. Members pass cd 12. Did not appcar 60. i\Iaterial: 1 horse amhulance ca.rriage, <I 'tretchcrs, 1 alllhlllall ee basht, splints, and bandages, vestell in Hehclen Bridge Centre. Divi'lion supported by Hebden Bri(lge District Nnr ing InstituLion.
LEYS DIVISION. [Furmed 1 96.] I
n report n'eci ved.)
LINCOLN ADULT SCHOOL DIVISION, [Fonnell 21.1. ~li,] Honorary S urgeon and Treasurer.
F. '. Lamhcrt,
~l. 9. 9
(No report rcccived.)
HUDDERSFIELD DIVISION. [Formed 1 94 . ] (No repor treeeivecl,)
(N 0 report recei veu.)
~LJ~ . I ' .:';,
Supel-intendent and Ho n orary S ec ,-etary.
In sp ecto r of S tores.
K. R. Dl>iglttOll, 51, Ras'll Laue, Lincolil.
G. W. Bell.
OflicP!" 2. up. Oft'. 1. Prinlli's 25. Total efrcctive '2 . Increase sillce la t !'eport 13 . Drill ' hcld J2. Averag~ ntLendunee 1'2. ea e attended Oil public dnty ID. Cases attended llOt 011 publlc duty 10. Anl1nal ,reexamination, 13 Lh Hept., H100. Mem hel" passed '23. Medallion 10. Rl'gulatlOll uuiform \VUl'll by 2 Oflic'rs 1 up Oll'. and 21 mell. Material: 3 tl'ctcher, 3 havresacs, 1 Hag, 3 \\uLer-h'olLle. Vi,iioll upporteLl hy public ::.ub cl'iptioll. The Division ha' illlpl'OI'ed eLlllsiclembly in Brignlle \l"olk ince la~t anllual rel~ort. Subscriptions have be 'II raised to jlut all Lhc lllell in 1I11lfo]"'11, wlliL:h is a de~ldeu advantage wh,)II 011 public llnLy . The Division tUl'llcll ontror public duty ten tIme, t on lllell iJeing on duty each nighL 1'01' a week at the fair, ami lIinc lllell LI:l'llJll out for the Relic I of Mafekillg DemOIlt:itralioll. The 1)i"i1011 ha takeu part III e\'era.l demoll. tration:o, inclnlling the Bm.. Band contc'l anti Tempentnee Fer!.'. \\ Ilell they
gave a display "How the 'Wounded are treated on the Battle Field," before 17000 pectatol'. 'l'he Division al 0 took part in the Hailway el'vants' Parade at'the Cath~dral. Th e D\vision also sent one First-class Sup. orr. and three privates to the W ar III South Africa. ·F. H. Harrison, E <1., again pJaced hi beautiful "rounds at the di posal of the Division for the summer months, for which the 111e111 be~s desire to express their gratitnde.
[Formed 11.5.99.]
2nd Officer.
J. Wadsworth.
O. F. 'Yalgatc. Honorary Treasurer.
T. W. H ' jl\\-orth. Officer 2. Printes 11. Total effective 13. De(;rease since last report 7. Dl'illt; h ell1 12. A"erage attcnclanl:c 12. Annual Te-examination. 6th Jan. Member pas .. ed 13. Medallions 3. 1\Ul' ing certilicates 4. Material: 6 am bnlance boxes, containing all n eces ary materials, tretchel', vested in the Division. 0i vision 'U PP0rted by ' U bscl'iptioll .
1st Offi cer and Honorary Secretary.
R. Bagnall. Oflicer 1. Sup . orr. 3. Privates 30. Total effective 34. Drills held 10. Avel-age attendance 10. Removals 1. Annual inspection, 5th Nov. Total on paral1e 32. Ab ent with leave 1. Mednllions 31. Regulation uniform worn IJY 1 Offirer, 3 up. Off. anll 2-1 meu. Material: litters and stretchers, vested in Jorth tafford hire Railway Co. Division supported by "orth 'taffordshire Hailway 00. The Division is progre sing anr1 eight a!lclitional uniforms have been purchased, making the total of uniformed members brent)'- even . Kine members volunteered for service in outh Africa. On 3rtl '('pt., at Cockshott iding, toke-on- Trent, two enaines coll i(l ed, cau iug one of thelli to tum over, the tireman unfortunately sn~taining fractured bones. H e wa' attende(l to by members of the Division and subserlUelltly conveyed. to the Infirmary.
Hon . Surgeon.
J. Ru ell,
Ch ief Su rgeon and Superintendent.
Sup erintendent.
V. F . Arlidge, L. It.c. P . , Olic:)]1a, Stoke-on-Trent.
T. "IV. Boardman, Town Hall, Bur lem "taff.
Honorary Surgeons.
G. S. Hatton,
J. Rnksell, :'If.A., M.D . H. M. Moffatt, L.lLC.S.
O. II. Phillills,
Omcers 12. Sup . Off. 8. Pri,'ate 100. Total elreetive 120. Anllual inspection, 5th, 17th, and 18th, ov., 1 99. Kl1l'sing certificates :2-1. ~Iaterial: Jitters, stretchers, havre ac , water-bottle', 'l'Jints, bandage: , &c., vested in the several Divisions. Divisions are snpportell by concerts and ,'ubscriptioll . T he above Corps sent twenty-two men for service in South Africa, auout twelve have returueJ, ooe died of enteric fever, the remainder are still on I';eryi(;e. everal accid~nts of various degrees of severity have been attended to by mall)' members of the dliferellt Divi sions with Sllccess. The list of these accidents is tol be fonnu in the Divisional reports. During the two da,ys' fete at Hanley an average attendance of ten meu was kept up, though this year there were no cases needing aUendance. The ll1en in complete uniform nllmh~r about lifty. Th e dilliculty of geUillg uniform ill the Corps is greatly owillg to there not being any ub cription list llor any fund. to draw from. Th e men get up concerts now awl again, and so get together a fe\\' pounds yearly. The Divisions are scattered, and cannot be got together at samo time; especially this is the case with the railway men, unly a few at a Lime can be spared froUl their respective duties. Several accidents have been removetl from the railway station on wheeled litter bel. nging to the Railway Co. to the In firmary, ancl Olle case requiring removal wa effected by ])len of the Railway Division with tJle Company's wheeled litter at MOl'hay, neal' Ashbourne, which meant a three-mile march. The men were uuder command of First Officer Barrnall and letter was received from the medical man in attendance, say ing t hat th~ wO:'k was very well dOlle. We lack support in this district, and if we har1 the lll oll ey to obtain th e full eq nipmen t for each Division our nllm hers woulel increase, and far more \\'ork could be done.
Olneer 1. ,up. Off. 1. Private 30. Total effective 32. Inerea e iuce last leport 6. Drills h ele1 13. Average attendance 9~4 ' Oa es attended on public duty 7. Annual inspection, 1 th Nov. , 10 99. Totalonparade . Absence with leave 11. Medallion 13. Regulation uni101'ID 1yorn by 1 Officer, 1 Sup. Off. and 13 men. Material: 1 A hford litter complete, 2 Furley stretcher, 1 smgical haYresac, 1 large water-bottle, ve ted in the Division. Din ion upported by annual concerts, &c.
[Forlllecl 14.1. 94. ] 0 report re(;ei veLl.)
J. Oartledge.
Insp ector of Stores.
Hon . Secretary.
:r. l~owl
Rey. W. Barrett.
GRINDON DIVISION (NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS. ) [Form eel 705.95. ( J 0 report recei veel . )
[Formetll1 .2 .93 .]
( :r 0
report l'ecei v ed. )
G. P. Hyslop. st Officer
2nd Office r.
J . Whaling.
J . Brown.
3 r d Offi ce r.
[Formed 1. 95 . J
(N 0 report received. )
Hon. S ecret ary.
O. J. Bromley.
[Formed ] 2. 5.93.]
D. B. Cartel',
H. Oliver.
1st Offi ce r . T. Allen, 31, 'ali~hnl'y
:1l.1t.C., .
2nd Officer.
J. T. Green.
t., Shipley.
Honorary S.e c retary.
Inspector of Stores .
21l(1 Cla 's up. Off. J . H . Potter, Fern Bank, Baildon, hi pley.
I ie. II. Oarr.
MJ LTO::-:.
Honora ry Treasure r .
Honorary S urge o n.
J. Fon1. Hon orary S ecretary and T reasurer.
'Yo Lowe, Boy' School, Milton,
Honorary Surge on .
Hon . S ecret a ry.
Sup e r inte nd e nt.
W. C. Allardice,
SHIPLEY DIVISION. [Formed 10.1. 99.]
Drills held 32. AYel'::Jge attE:l1dance 12. CaFes (ttiellllell IJOt OJ) l'uldic (july 6. Annual examination, 27th March. Members lHls'ed 21. Medallions 7. Nmsing certificates 1. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 11 me]). Material: strctcher, splints, vested in the Hon. 8ee. Division supported llr local ubscriptio]}s. Two men volunteered and were accepted for service in onth Africa. Elevl:ll of the men are now in uniform.
J. I nee.
Officers 4. up . Ofr. 3. Private' 30. Total errective 37. Dl'lll held 36. Average attendallce 15~~. Ca es attended on public duty 1. Removals 1. Ca'cs attended uot 011 public duty 10. Annual in pection, 21 t Nov. Total Oll parade 2. Ab 'ent with leave 9. Medallion 23. Regulation uniform worn by 2 01£ce1'8, 3 'up. Ofr. and 22 mell. lIIateri,tl: 7 tl'etcher,] urgical lUiVre ac, 1 water-bottle, 1 box, YO ted in "hipley Centre, .J.A .A. Di"i ion sUPllorted by voluntary contribution. The Division has maLl e great progre s tIming thi' (their fir t) year. 'Ih~ m.embers h::we 01tainecl uniform. by volunt.uy clollations from gentlemen of the dlstnct and sulJscription cards worked by member. 01 the Divi ion. The Di\'i ion WOI1 the Ambulance Ohallenge hield (open competition) at Eeighley on n t July, fourteen teams competlllg. The Divi 'ion attencled the, 'hipley Friendly and Tracle ocieties' 'e veral light ca e allel olle seriol1 ca e (cycli t everely Gala ports, July 7th. illjlll'ed) received treatment. Three volulltccr \\"ere e(luipped by the Division for service in. outh Africa. F)r t Oflicer 11. Alllellhite i till in outh Africa, Olleman was invnJidecl home, and one died at Pil)doll'lJ from enteric fever, Hth June.
[Formcd 4.6.96.] IIEAD-QUA1~TEHS: HIGH
Division in charge of a
llpernUmeraIY Officer.
up. orr. 2. Privates 20. Total dI'ective 23. I ncrease since last report 10. Drills beld 24 . Average alifllda llee 10. Cases attended not on pu1lic duty 6. AlllJUal illspeciioll, 1 ill ov., 1 H9. Total Oll parade 11. Absent with leave 2. Medallions 9. Nursing certificates 1. Hegulatioll uniform Irom hy 2 Sup. Off. and mell: Material: 1 litter, 3 stretchers, 1 ltavresac, 1 'water-bottle, vested in the Division. Division supported hy Cllll'I'laillJllents promoted annually. . The Divisioll is progressing. and the ll~C1lJ bel'S have several t illleR perfo),lJIed public duty. The Division supplied four mel11hers for r>crviee ill t;onth Africa, O))P, of whom !lied at JO~1l.tnner>bu rg .
WATERHOUSES DIVISION. [Formed 14.1.9-:1..J (No report receiyed.)
[ li'onned 14.3.94.J
(1\ 0 report received.)
[Formecl 1
[Forllled 29.4.97.J
,Yo A. Stamford,
)I. R . C. , .
Honorary Surgeons. Marriott, ::-f.l!. '.S.
urgeoll-Majol' G.
Supt. and Hon. Sec.
Chief Sup erintendent and Hon . Treas.
P. Ra tcli rr e, Tibshelf,
S . C. Wardell, Doe Hill Hon e, nr. Alfrcton.
Al freton.
Hon. Surgeon and Sup erintendent.
1st Offi cer.
A. J. II . .J1011ta~ue, :'11.1>., 3':;, Potter Street, ,Vol'ksop, K ottS.
H. Davy.
2nd Offi cer and Hon . Sec .
Inspector of Stores .
211(1 Class. 'up. OtT. T. E. Da"y.
W. Gl'eatorex, 66, Bridge Street, \Vol'ksop. Honorary Treasurer.
1st Offi cer.
2nd Officer.
3rd Officer.
4th Officer
W. H. Sankey.
George Lee.
J. Davi .
G. Hawsoll.
Insp ector of Stores .
up. Ofr. J. Dit\ is. Officers 6. ,np. Off. Prinltes 119. Total efTective 1:33. I ncrease ince last report 6. Drills helel ':;2. Ayerage aitellllanl:l? ()ti. 'asC's attended on public Juty 3. Hemovals 30. ascs aitemleJ lJoi (.III llulJlie duty 70. Annual inspectiOlI, lOth Aug. Total on para(le 110. Ahseut \Iith lenH' ~3. AlIllual re-examination, Aug. 17th and 23rcl. 1\Jelll bel'S passeel ] 33. l\Iedall iOll '110. en-ire badges 40. Nursing certiJicate 10. Rt·gnlatioll uuiforlll \Yom hy 1 O(Jiccr. 1\Llteri ul: 1 umbu.lance.wagoll, ~ litter, stret~h~I:S, () rl11l1ltlLI1Jee lloxes, splints, llilll!l[1gc , etc., \'estelllll Chief Supenntenuellt. DIVISIOll Ullpol'tetl I,.)' pulllic i>111Is(,l'i[ltio1J~ . The member, I)f the Corps h[1\-e heeu most attelltin to their "-eekh- (hills, ,illll have attendeel on public duty at the local JlOI1"C.' r .'ho\\'., sport.. de., ttl"ILl lW."e I arl many cases to attend io. A comse of llursillg Il:t:tul'e ' is now g(Jill~ on, alld \Iell attendeel by the members of the Co!'p. SOllle Jlletnue)'s of the Curps are HIll fist daily required to attend to first airl casf'. of . 0011e killd, all(l have also 11,Hll1lilll\' casl's of transport to different hospitals entrnsted to them. The Curps hasellt el"""l'1I (I t its members to South Africa, seven of \\'llom are .·till at the flont, 1'0\11' l!ln'ing returned.
WELBECK DIVISION. [Forlllcll 3. 3. fl
Honorary Surgeon. III.
Superintendent and Honorary S ecreta ry.
E. G. Hallllyn, ,YellJec-k, Worksop, XoLts. 1st Officer and Hon. Treasurer.
C. J. AlleLson.
up. orr.
OfJIcers 3. ISnjl. Off.:J. Pri\-ales 36. Total elff'ctive 41. Increase since .In ·t report:21. Drills heIr] 1. Average attendance 24 . Cn es ltttenel e~ 011 pu~lH' dnty I,' RelllO\-als 13. Ca.-cs attel1l1ed not on public tluty 30. AnnuallllspectlOn, 29th, cpt. Total on parnell' 36. Ab,'ent with leave '. ."\nllllal re-examination, ~l'L Aug. illc1l11'ers passed 3U. Dill not appear . Medallions 13. Servic e harlges (). K l1l'Sillg certificate..1. Rerrula lion uniform \Yom 1)\ 3 OmeeI'S ' t'I - , ;)r. SOIl' ,up. ., all( 1 3() mell. ~ l atenal: (j tl'f'tebcr:-, 1 litler, 1 lluvre.-acs, 8 water" boW es,. 2 pill';lI\,s, 4 rllgs, 2 waterproof sheets, 1 lamp, 1 Jl<\g, etc., vested ill Local 0011l1111ttce 01 tbe 't. .J Ollli Am btl lance A. ~ociatioJ1. Di ri:-;ion snpported hy the Officers awl hy suh.-crijltiOlIS. The progross of ihe DivisiJlll <luring the pa:t year has been mo.-t marked, (lue, lil:s t~:r, to the \\<\1' in Snnth Africa, an·I,'eeol1<1ly. to the extreme popularity of thc Dm sI~ll , no less tlti111 l\\'ellty-four reL'l'llits haying joinc,l during the last .-ix month, an(l eIght lllOll waiting to join as , nOll as they ha'-e olltainecl the first- aiu certificate. Tit!' prillcipal incident dl1l'ilJ lr tlt(> tln·l\·emollth 1m' been the e'luiI)l)iIICT am1 se lle1"lllg ont ~I olle First .Class .11]1.'" olr. allll eight I'riYate to outh Africa.<0 All th e umlerclollllllg \\':1S l'rondt'(l hy puhlic sllhs(>liptiOIl, amI all tl1eartide:, 11larkeLl a.nd pack ed by Mrs. Uell'll. :;\iontagne. ~lall'lial arlded dmillg the year-three ~trete h e rs, t\l'O ha\'l'psacs, SIX \\'ater-llOltles, Llro I'll"S. 'l'hree I'I'(>sh station ha"e ueen alld e(l. The Diyisioll has sll]lplu'd all ctlllhUlall~~ sta.tion 011 four oeca~iolls -at rhe Easter lI~lll1(lay ,'portH, \\'hit Monlll.)' Sport., Friendly ocictic " Gala, and the ~~ulllhc l' ,Ag;'lcnltmal Sho\\ . Olle case hil,' 1'(,Cll renlOYed, llmler the sllpel'Yi:,ioll of ijl.l'st Ol,h,ee r II .. ))a\')' , 1'1'0111 \York. (Ill, to the .Il'sSOP Hospital. hellield (seventeen 111;les), hlt ccnlllt1C's 11.:' I'illl am1 two hy l'oill1. On llitlh'cpt. an accident oCl:Ul'l'l'd in "\\ at Oil Roa(~, ;11](1 it htter al](l ·trctdler \\'ilh all appliance \I'Ll.' 011 the, pnt lIncler th e ch~rge 01 Sup. OIL E. ~ayy wilh a .. quad of lIIell within ii,e minutcs of the call. rh e l?I'Ompt '.m.}' III \dlll:h the '(lUllri tUl'lled ont \l'a c(1ll1menterl on by the local press 1Il PllloglstlC te1'11IH. Thrl:e C'lses 1ll1Ye been removed to tlltl ,York OJ) ynion Intirlllar~' ,. L\\'? to t~le "'.(,rk!;ojl Yict~l.rii1 IIo:pitfil. The extra work that ,h<1' a!lell to the SIl,:1 e 01 t!te ~U]lerlntl'lHlel1l, l'll'st Olheer II. navy, Illlll ,'ecollI1 Olherr II. Greatol'ex, 11l C,(1Ill' at the annna.l insl,C'ction, \'-ith the exceptlO1l of lhose on <1c,tive sel'viec in !:)ollLh Africa.
'Yo T. Crall fo)"cl,
1st Class
2nd Officer.
3rd Offi ce r .
W. Kitchell.
W. II. ,'tanton.
4th OfTI cer.
In spector of Stol"es.
H. Evans.
l!'. Malt hy.
BABBINGTON NURSING DIVISION. [Formel] 191)0.] Honol-ary Surgeons.
Officers 6. ,'up. Off. 5. Privates 50. Total effective 61. Ill crease , incc last report 27 . Drills 11Cltl 50. A "erage attenclaJl(:c 30. I{,elllo vals 10. Cases attended not 011 puulic dnty 11. Al1lllHtl re-exalllillatiou, 131h Sept. ThJeual~ions 23. Regulation uniform \VOl'll IJY 5 Oflicer , 5 Sup. Of1'. and U men. Matenal: 1 ambulance wagon, 7 strcLcbl:l's, 3 hanl)1er8, 1 slll'gicalltavrcsac, 3 \\'ater bottl~s, 2. hall!lage shoots, with splints, etc. Division sUP1JOrted by mellluCl'S and con tnbu hons. This Division has inereasecl in me1l11Jcrs cOl1si(lel'ahly. Drills ha.ve heen Ile1cl weekly, and been fairly attended. No in, pection was o l'llel'ed. Up to 30lh Sept. twenty-one members havc proceecletl 011 serv ice to 'outh Africa.
II. J. Neilson, Lady Superintendent.
,1\1rs. 1\1. J. Fowler, Baslol'd Hall, Tottingham.
W. Scott,
1st Nursing Off. and Lady Secretary.
'Iii I'
Mrs. E. W altel", (lttnges, imler II ill.
D Of11cers 3. NUl' ing 'islel's ::k. Totall'fl'cct.iye 41. 1\1 leell1'~ase 'inee l[1st report 5. Prllctices 111'111 , Avemcre a.ttl'lHlance 32. "1 a 11 llt1l"ll1O' . ' 1 l'eqnun .. t C. Di,-isiOJ1 CI tl el n12 lOllS b ' 38 . 1\\'l[el'l' ,. ,.: llIa ter1(L snpportc d 1ly 10 >a bll1gl (Ill Coal Co. <0
402 The members have met regularly dlll'ing the year for practice and drill, and al 0 attended lecturtls given by the Hon. urgeon. The ambulance knowledge po esseLl by the nursing sisters have been practically and frequ ently put to the test in attending to persons suffering from accidents r ecei ved at the neighhouring collieries of which 462 ca es have been recorded, and in a majority of cases attended to hy the mu' ing si -tel's.
[Formed 1.9 .] HOOL.
Honorary Surgeon. L. H.C.P.
R. Cairn, Lady Superintendent.
Lady S ec retary.
1111'. 1. Peuro e, Hussell Place, Miss S. H. , Viddup, 1, Edward ...:treet, H ebJell Bridge. Hebden Bridge. Nursing Officer 1. Nur.·illg i tel' Total effective 9. Drill. h eld 21. Average attendance 6. Ca es attended not on public duty 2. Annual in~pection, 7th Oct., 1 99. Total on parade 6. Absent with lel1Ve 3. Annual re-examination, Feb., 1 99. 11 e111hers pas ed 9. laterial.: splints, bandages, etc., vcsted in HehJcn Bri<lge Centre. Division supported. by Hebden Briuge and District Nl1l'sing In titution.
[Formed 3.1900.]
Honorary Surgeon .
H. V eale,
L . '.A.
Lady Superintendent. ~lrS.
Lady Inspector of Stores .
Miss E. W oodht'ad.
A. Wadsworth, 6, Forge Row, New Farnley.
Lady Secretary and Treasurer.
:Jliss E. Stead, 20, ' chool Clo e,
ew Fawley.
[flcers 2. ursing sisters ] 5. Total effecti ,'e 17. Drills held 12. Average attendance H. Ca. es attended llot 011 public duty 2. [embers ]las eel 19. Ffliled 1. Material: .A.nullal rc-examination, Jan., 1900. bandage.,>, vesteu ill the Division. Di vision su pportcd by 511 bscripLions. T
NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 21.3.95.] No report received.)
[Formed 168 .]
Honorary Surgeons .
W. A. Stamf(l~'d, : Il.n.c. s.
J. Robson, 1I1.n.(·.H. Surgeon-Major Hutton.
F. MalTiott,
Lady Superinte nd en t and Treasurer.
lIIrS . .. C. Wardell, Doc Hill House, Alheton.
1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.
Miss Smith . 3rd Nursing Officer.
Miss JOlles.
2nd Nursing Officer.
Miss Sampson. Lady Inspector of Stores.
Mrs. J. Ward.
OfJicer. 4. ursing Sisters 30. Tota l effective 34. Pr,lctices held 26. Average aLtelldance 12. Oases attencleu on pul)lic duty 6. {lases attendeJ not on public tlnty 20. Ca es privately nursed 30. Annual inspection. lOth Aug. Total on paraue 30. Ahsent with leave 4. Annual reexamination, 17th Aug. Members pds.-;ed 34. Medallion 16. Service badges 6. Regulation nniform worn by 4 OJli cers and 30 nursing I:listers. Material: splints, banJages, 4 boxefl, wsteu in the Lady uperintencient. Division . upported by public subscriptions. The cases treatell pri vately are numerous occurring almost daily, and nursing sisters baye been on public Juty ou two occasions. The Division has met regularly for urills ·during the year, and another first aid cla.s i now going on. Great intelest is taken in the work.
No . V 1. District.
C, II. MILm;n:\, .M.n.
30th Odobct', 1900.
the work done by the members was very el'eclitaule, and gave proJl1ise of . atisfaetory development. The lIon. Surgeon and t~H> Superinten<lellt both hav~ the interests ~f the Division at heart, and I aJll ,angume of much good wOlk bemg done. TIlls Division has contrilll1ted iLs CJ.uota of volunteers for hospital .duty in South Afric(~ . It is pe1'missihle to he p,rolHl ?f the fact th.at though. lowe t 1ll strength. of an th~i:i District still its proportion of \'olullteers, I» ('c01l<1 lllghe t- namely, one 11l four, tlllS proportion on ly bei11 rr ext:e >cleel lly J o. 4 Dis trid. I am please!l to r~port t!le for:n~t~ioll of thc Eafltern Divisioll, Hull Corp., /1.llrl of the South Hhiellls NurSlllg ))1"ISI0n, I regret I am unable to nota furth er extension of the BriCfallc in Lhi'i DisLrict. .L ~ u11I('rons interviews and a iargr amount of corresponde7lCe has taken place with gcntlemen in different parts of 1h e District ,,,iLlt a view to the formatioll ot' llCW Di\isiollS, but so far no elrecti\'e re IlIt has yet' been obtninell. I l~1l1, 110\\'e\'e1', in hopcs tll<tt .as an ontcome or ]Jill ,lie· attention uesto\Y~d 011 the Bngacle 11.1 reaSOll of thc fiplelHltd re 'ponse to thc call 011 its memher. for fiervice in ,'oull' Ar:'iC'Ol, SOlII(' l'(·al inl111'cssion will haye hr(,11 1111111(' on the pulJlic mimi which will Ildll the (Hhancclllent of the griga.rle in tbe l1ilrE:rC'llt parts of tIli isola tell District. I have the honour to llc, iI', Yom obedient ervant,
, IR,
I have the honollr to report on the work of this District for the ycar CUlling 30th Septemuer, 1900. On 8th ~Iay I made a joint inspcction of the Lo\\' Fell Divisioll allel the Fellin" N'ursing Division. Unfortunately the evcning tnrl.illg out YCl'ywd, the l'J'Ocel'dillg~ ~n.d to. take }11aee in the Schoolroom, and, cOllseql1e11tly, the UI'COlllllludatilill \\'.1' lllsuffielellt for the inspcction of two Vi,isioll ' at the S,llJIP tillie. E\'ell with thl dray,back, I was \yell plea 'eel with the \\'ol'k Ilonc uy the lil'st-1HllllC!1 Di\'isioll, Th e mel.nbe1's In:e ent {~5 in number (lid tl1eil' first nid ,\,ork slIlartlyaml Ileatly, and thell' lllarehmg auel stretcher drill W<1 ' gontl aml smart cvcn th01l"'h it bad to be carried on in crampcII IJuarters. This result coul!l only 'I c duc tn thc dose allll enthuijia tic attentioll to tlte Division which had evidellily llecn gi"ell lly the lIoll. Smgeon, tllC SUl'criutendent and his Olliecr". I al '0 illsjleetpd thc I.ooh, 1111U. found them carefully and well kept. TCll luellllH.!J's of the Felling ... Tnl'Sillg Lli\'i~ioll ",ere prrsent and. I had reason to belicvc that lllore would havr aLt'llde.l hnll it not ueen for the iuc1elllcIlt weather. Theil' " 'ol'k, flo' rar as I \Ya~ alJle to ]'ud"e, Ullller the . . " ad \'erse cm.mnlstallces, was fairly well dOllr. Tllis lJi\' i~inll has a largc >ilo~k of nursing material, whieh is in frcfluent u . c in its Di~lrictJ and evidently >iiltisfyillg a want. On the following clay I had the pleasUl'c of fiecillg the above Divisinns take street duty, 011 what I belien ifi the lirst time in I\l!\n;astle. Thc occasion wa" thc vI~it of T.R.H. ~he Duke and Duchess of COllllangltt, to Ol'ell a lIe\\' public lmilJing. nIr. Harnsoll, "ho was ill charge, placed his men corrcctly, and aeeorlliug to his subserll1cllt report to me they I'clfol'lIlCII th >i1' duties satisfactorily. On 2~th June t.he~e two Divisions llall all acti\'e cXl'criellce of l'ulilil: llnty, when the Pnl1ee ami Pnncess of Wale" laill the fOllndation ;;LOlle of Lhe II l'W Royal Il1lirma~'y at ~ewe~stle. I o.ppeud hcrewith the report of ,' l1 l'el'illtcndclIt IIarriHoll, ~he SeUlor O[fic~r III charge, togcther with letters rceei vccl. 011 13 th 8eptcllllJC'1' I lllspeeterl the Hull Corps. There were prescllt-C~lltl'al 31 Jl1l'llllirrs, Wcstern Division 9 members, Nursing Division :51 lllember.', a total of 71, awl the CLief SU)JeriHtendent and 'ulJeriutendent Secretary. The fir,;t aill (IJal1t1aging, l':dclllporisccl ~ournillllets, etc.,) was, as usual, well 110ne. There is, hO\\'pvc r, rOOI1l for illlprovement, as regards pllllctn~lity, s~113rLlless in falling ill, anr1 fll1ickness ill SOl11~ of the stretcher work. On tIllS occaSJOll, I cn.l1ed out ('ach of tbe alllulllancc, nUl'Slllg, :w.,l supernumerary officers to 110 work IJefore me awl I have reason to )wlieYc, tbnt tIllS hacl a s~t~sract~ry effect, I shall carry ollL tllis (;Olll'se at all future inspectio ll .. I ,,,as ~attsfied WIth thc work of the Nursing Division. This UOl')ls has clone efficIent pu l)hc dl1ty, amongst other occasioml, at tllc Royal Agricultural ,'oeiety's ,'hoI\' at York, at the Yorkshire Agricn Itmal ,'ocicty's ~how at DOllcaster, and at the t\ lIullal Octoher Hull Fair. Fnrther particulars 111:e givCll ill the detailcrl reports.. . On 19th SeptellllJer I inspccted the Witlll'1'l1sea Di\ isioll. there bCln g eJght members pre ent. COllsic1ering the short time this Divi.ioll hns heell ill l'XistellC'e,
CtJmllll'~)ioIlCt', .1.',10.
C. II. ~lILm;r.~, V 1. Distt'ict, S.J, A. B.
To the COlllmissiOllel', 'to John AIlllllllanel Brigade.
AB.'TIU ''1' OF CO 1:1) , .\.XV DIYI ·' IOX. '.
No. 1'1. Di.tl'ict linll 001'pS ... Oen tral Di "i8ion 'Yestern " Nursing " Gatesllead Fell. Diy. Felling Ul' ing "
1 1
il 21
1* 1
1 1
-- -- -- -- -1 1 1
Actillg }?il'i-\t O!1iCl'r.
1 1 - - - - - - --- -
7 100
1= 11:. 2 I
16 tjQ,
Honorary Surgeon .
' Y. H . Davi ,
lIr.R . C. .
1st Offi ce r and Inspecto r of Store ,
J. A.. H arrison, altwel1 Vale H ouse, Low Fell.
T. F. Fo ter.
Honora ry Secretary.
Honora ry Treasu rer.
John Kirk, 2, Prilllro e Place, L ow Fell.
O. J . Young.
OtIicers 3. Sup. Off. 1. Private 31. Total effective 35. I ncrease since last report 13. Drills held 43. Avel';lge attendallce 10'3. Cases attended on puhlie duty about 200 . Oases attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, th May. Total on parade 24. Ab eut with leave 7. Without leave 2, Annnal. re·examination, ~rd Ap.ril. Members passed, 14. Did not appeal' . Medallions 23 . ReglllatlOn umform ,,'Ol'll by 1 Ofllcer. Material: 1 Furley stretcher, 1 ambulance hamper, ve.'ted in trll teps-viz., the uperintendent and 1\11'. W. H. Parkin on . Division urrorteu hy member' ub. criptions and proceec1S of an ann ual concel't. T he condition of this Division j decidedly satisfactory, both as to llumbers and work done . TIl: increase i due princi~ally to a illlHtll first aid cIa s joining en bloc and to the acceSSlOn of several member,' III the hopes of beillg enL out to South Africa. Pri,'ate E. 'Wilson volunteered lind joined the Portland Ho,pital, ill which he \\'011 the Lally Bentinck rrize for the most anitaxy warLl. Two others, Privates W. Clark and G. Haselden, are now serving in South Africa. I n all eight llame' were ubmitted a~ .volunteers. ine members pam(led for street lluty Oll the occasion of the Vi it of tho Duke of Oonnallght to "ewcastle. Only one slight case wa reported. On the occasion of the vi. it of the Prince of 'Wales H m.en took duty. :Tine of these were on street duty amI five were, at the recluest 0[' the chool Boart! detailed for duty -at the children's stand. Ten cases were attenden ill the street, o;le man receiving uch injury as to necessitate his removfll to the infirmary. At the children's stand th?re was a more serious state of afrairs. An epitlemie of fainting am ong the chilLlren kept the men and 10 III em bel'S of the Felling HI' 'ing Division busy. Upwards of 200 ca es of fainting occurred . The Division received the thanks of the l\Iayor ( it' Riley Lord) for their services on this occas10n.
J. L. Waters,
and men of the DOonc[\' tel' Division in charge of 'upt. -Secretary Kl'anse, relld eren first aid ill 20 cases. Dr. lIa:llows, Hon: ' lll'geon of the ~0I?-caste r Divi~~on, who '~'as in medical charge of the .stab.on, st~tes 111 a letter tb the ClllefSupt.:- T.IIe IIUI'RlIlg ~isters \rere neat and tidy In then WOl k, and showed the greatest klllcln cs to 'the patients. YoUI' mell partieulal'~Y pleasrcl me, their J~1ilital'Y bearing a~~cl tli. ?ipline ,rere excellent, a11l1 th,ey are 1Il overy way a Cre(~it t~ yon.r COl'!'. Major nIanahan eeretal'Y of the t. A. ., has also cxpressed Ius sab factIOn wIth the "ery effici~nt J~annel' in whieh the ambulance "'ork '\'as performed at the Doncaster. hoW', Th e thanks of all ranks are duo auc1 tpudered to the lIon . urgeons of the Corps. \,,'ho, in allditioll to their nsual duties, gave their time .to ~'\1I'ther ill tn~ct and n~etlically examine those mem bel' who vo lnnteel'ccl for serVice l1l outh Afnca; to the Officers of the "ur ing Division, and to Mrs. Milburn, for collecting ancl proYirlin,a the clothing allel extra comfort' for the Yolnnteers; anll to Oouncillor James C~;ke, c. A., for au(1iting the 'or p~ aeeono ts.
ClI()OL, PAltK • TltERT.
S uperin t endent.
Honorar y S urgeon .
H. J. Falkller, L.It.C'.l'. c'
J. H. 'Wingate, li7, Fountain Ro[ul, Hnl!.
Inspector of S tores.
Honorary Secretary.
. np. Off. II. lloggartll.
up. 011'. F. 'W ilson, ~, rictoria Avenlle, Perry treet Unll.
75 illem hen;. There has he en an ayerarre attendance of '27 a.t the drill. ltm1 practice', ,'ixteen members of thi~ Division ~hl1\'l' been accl'l'Lell for, and haye done duty iu . 'outh Africa. The Secoud Anllual UOlllpetition of' Lhe Diyi ·ioll was held 011 .April 5th. 'rhe Sil vel' Chn,llellge '[ roph)' of the Hull 'entre was again ,,'Oll by the Xn. I t1 etachIllent of this Division.
1If. Hopper, 63, Coltman Street.
Sup e rint e nd e nt S ec r et a ry.
E. F. Krause, 17, Grosvenor Street. Officers 12. Sup. Off. 6. Privates 119. Nursing Off. 4. Nursing Sisters 7l. 'l'otal effective 212 . Material: amhu~ance wagon, wheeled litter 12 street ambulance boxes and other useful material ve:'ited ill Hull Centre, St.J.A.A.. Division supported bye~llcerts, etc. The 9~r.ps contlilUcs to maintain it. proficiency and to prove its usefuln ess. A new D.lvls~on has recently been formed in the east of the city, and as it has en~hllsla tlC ~[ficel's and a splendid drill hall, it shoulrlrapidly increase its mcmber· shIp and effiClency. Dlll'ing the year several Church Parades have been held, on H OSIJital Sl~nrlay, a~d o~ three other occasions p;ior to some of' the members leaving to do hospItal serVice 1)1 outh Afl'ica. By permis ion of the ComnlissiOllcr, 4 NursilJg Officers, 1 Nu rsing Sister, 1 SUperllUmCral'Y Officer, and 6 Pl'ivates, were Wlt~l a ,detachm.ent of the Metropoli tan Corps on (luty at the R oyal Agricultural oClety s . how III York fro~1 ~ 6th to 22nd J nne. By the kiu d permission of Mr. \Yardell, the Deputy-CommlsslOner of O. V. District, the Co)'ps was allowed to take
C'llOUL, PAllK "T1:EEl'.
Ho norary S urge o ns
Ch ief Sup e r inte nd e nt.
?II. B ,
[Fol'meu 1.2. 6.]
[Formed 1.2. 6.]
Hono rary Surgeon .
dlty at the Yorkshire A cr rieultl1l'al Society's Show at Doncast€l' frolll 17th to ::!lst
J~ly when 1 Nursin a Officer, 2 Nursing 'isters, antI 4 rallk anel file from the COl'pS,
lioht. GrieYe, 111. D.
?lI.Jt. C. S.
Lady S uperin t ende nt.
L. 1:.( '.1'.
& '.
1st Nursing O ff. and Hon. Treasurer.
.1\11' • \Y. Hare.
ilIrB. Edwin Lll.verack, ;l20, Aulaby Rd., lIull. 2nd Off. and Hon. S ecreta r y,
. lIIurdock,
3 rd Nurs ing Off. and Insp ector of StOI'es.
UI' . E. F. Krans!?, 17, Grosvenor ,"t. , Hull.
Mrs. Il . Holme.
71 ~ l eJl)ber '. This Di"i:'iull has hclll 28 Il1c ctintr~ (lmin(r the year with an a\'el'ag~ uttellL1allce u,f '27 1I.ltmbel's. \\' hell Lhe al'pe,tl rUI~:\cl p \\'a~ i 'snell hy Ll' \m l:J.·al Bri ti:h Ret! Cl'O,~ OOllllllltLee, a mu,,;t gPlleronH rt'sjlon~ e \\'a::; llH1.dc lo,·n lly. all(1 a II ol:klllg party ot lllelllber8 of thi ' Di\'i .. ioll lias forilled Lu make np till' Illat crittlrccel\'ed. Usefnl \\'o~'k in 1111.1', ing the sil'k \1,)01' ,'olllillUL'" to be carrietllinl. the \\nrk l,eillg Llone Ulh1er . tnct Illcdl\:al stlpervisiun. ~lany lIursing applitLllces 11,1\'e ueen lent, nnd ha\'e 111'oV e(1 of great bl'lIelil. .
Honora r y Su rge on .
A. H. Johuston,
J. lIIeade,
A. arter, :2, Etty Grovc, Gordon treet, lInl!.
J. O. Vaughau, -1, Mayfield trcet, Hull.
EASTERN DIVISION. [Forllleu 1 .7.19001· MER as. RECKITT'
CLEm\:. ,
DI~nw Hoo~r, DA~:-';O~l
Honora r y S urge on .
J. Divine, Sup e rintend e nt a nd Hon. Treasu rer.
D. C. i\l orri on, H.I'lL Prison, Hnll.
M . B.
Hon . S ecret ary.
up. orr. A. H, Hawke, Fel'llley House, :\lonill treet, Hull.
:23 ill en; bel'S.
A. E.
I::-<STITl' TE.
Sup e r inte nd e nt.
Honorary Surge on. L. ll.C.P.
R. H. L eary, The to res, 'Yithel'llsea. 1st Offi ce r a nd Ho n. S ec.
L. n . C.1'.,
Felling L odge.
La dy Sup e r inte nd e nt, S e cre t a ry , and Treasure r.
ilIrs. F . A . Douglas, 96, Grosvellor Road, J esmond, ~ e'Ycastle. 1st Nurs1ng Offi ce r a nd La dy In s p ector of Stores .
'27 1\1enl bel'S. This Divisiou has held its meetings fortnigl.ltly, and thC'. members have made themselves efficient. Dmiug the present war III outh Afnca, 9 of the members volunteered for ho pital duty, and it i gratifying to know that have [dready safely Teturned.
H E_\.D-QUAltTER:-';:
Hono r a r y Surgeon .
;\f.1l.C.S .
Hon . S ec r et ary.
Su p eri nte nd e nt.
[Formed 6. 3.99 . J
issol1.·, Hull Road, ,Yithernsea.
Insp ector o f Stores .
Honora ry Treasurer.
G. W . ,mith.
W. Mason.
Officers 3. Privates 20. Total ell'ective 23. Inc1'E:ase since last report 3. Drills held 20 . Average attendance 9. Removals 1. Oases attended not on pnhlic duty 9. Annual ill 'l'ectioll, 19th SeP.t. .Total o~ parade 8. Ab. ent with leave 9. , Vilhout leavc 5. Annual re-cx:anllnat~oll, 2~tl A p1'11. Members passe(l 8. Did not appeal' 11. Medallions 6. N Ul'Slllg certlficat.est Reerulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 4 mell. Iatel'ial : 1 stretcher, sphn s', ba~dages, vested in the Officers of the Division . Divisioll supported by member subscriptions and special donations . . . bel'S T he Division has made considerable progress durmg the past year. FlVe memo d volunteered, alld were acceptcd for service in ,'onth Africa, th~'ee of whon! obJalU 11Ul'sinoer certificates before del)arture. These members \\'ere fitted. out ollly a 1 wIth R nt sets of lmderclothing by lady members of fir. t aid classes (wrl fneur S. ece '1 request was made t o t h e N. E. R. Co. for a stretch er for t he ,Yithern~ea Ral wa~ Station, an d this r equest h as k indly been ac:cell ed to . A nUlll ber of minor cases 0 first aid have heen at tended to hy members.
Mrs. E . Telford. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 10. Total effective 12. Pra'c tice heM 15. Average attendance 10. Cases Decrease since last report 3. attclLdetl on puhlic duty ~OO. Ca 'es attendcll not on puLlic duty 3. Ca es privately nm ed 17. Annual in. pection, 8th May. Total on parade 10. Ab ent "'illl l03ave 6. Anuual re examination, th ~l,l,y. Members pa sed 10. Diclnot appear 6. Me(lalliolls 7. lIIaterial: Amhulance hamper, ho pital lIed, water hed, inhalers, bronchitis kettles, hot water ll<lgs and bottles, 6 men's and women's bags (;ontaining nightllresses, IlCets, pillow ca e, and towels, lint, etc. ilIaterial vested Division supported financially by members' in the members of the divi ion. tiubscriptions and. ocinl evening arranged ill the ",iuter. The Divi 'ion has Jone some excellcnt private nursing, pneumonia being very preyalent. Number of cases attenclerl 17, number of visits paid 200, llLUllber of llursing requisites lent out 42. Thc decrease of members is principally Llue to removals. We find our meJlll1erS, \\'ho are school teachcrs, are doing excellent work in fir t aid among t the children. The principal evcnt of the year in Xe"'castle wh en the Divi 'iOll were Oll puhlic duty, were :-(1) The visit of T.R.H. the Duke and Duche of COllnaught, to open the new prcmise of the Y. M. C. A., on 9th May' the nursiug station wa in l3lacket treet, Presbyterian Hall, ju~t oppo ite the builL~ings, there were foul' nurses in attendance from 9.30 a. m. to 5 p. m . , with hospItal beu, ambulance hamper and re torative·. N'oca e. (2) Tbevi itofT.R.H. the Prince <lUll Princess of , Vales and PrincC'. s Yictoria, to lay the foundation stone of the llew Royal Illfirmary on the Leaze, Te\\'castle, OIl 20th June, in re pon e to an. appeal from the Ne\\'cas tle Nchoo1 BoaI'll, for JlUl"e to take care of the 10,000 clll ldren from the diffel'cn t schools. The Divj inn had nine nurses in attendance from 1?~0 a.m. until aJter the cleparture of the royal train about ;j p.m. It was extremely ddlteult to keep an accuratc account of numher of cn e , hut there mu t have bcen oyer 200 of fainting children and one adult. The lIon. nrgeon wa not in attendance, l.mt the services of the eloctor in attendance at the royal tand \\' re obtained for the fiye wor t cases, throe children had to be 'ent home in cab, but there have been no fatal results. At the rear of the larue tancl erected for the chilul'en " 'cre two vell tents, proYic~ecl for thp 11 e of the nl1~sing ~isteIS. The en'ice of nUl" ing iter allLl Lady uperllltendent have bcen gratcfully acknowledged by ir Riley, Lonl Mayor, 1\11'. W. H. PluUlmer, Chairman to the Nell'ca ·tle chool 13oard, auu thc parents of the children .
NEW ZEALAND. DUNEDIN CORPS. [Formed 1 92. ] Hon . Surgeon .
J. O. Closs,
Sup erintendent.
G. Barclay,
101, Canongute Street, DlllJedin. 1st Officer.
2nd Officer.
3rd Offi cer
A. Mitchell.
W. G. North.
J. 'Yood.
Inspector of Stores.
H. P. Bryant.
Hon . Secretary.
A. McKenzie, 153, Princes treet. Dunedlll.
The year just concluded has been a very succe sful one so far as the \york of the Corps is concerned, "'hile the numerical strength remain' about the 'ame as at the end of the previow; year. Th e efliciency of the memuers mu. t be cOll~itlerrd as being in a much better state, early ill the y~ar a number of tho~(' who harl not heen attending the llIeetiugs and practice with regularity were rell1 0ved from th e 1'011, and their places have since IJcen taken by lI e\\' members. The monthly practiccs have been held regularly,alld the attl'ndancc ofmemhel',' has 1JeeJ1 atisfactory. Tlil' \york carried out included stretcher drill, bandaging practice (both triangular alld IOller), first aid treatment. lifting and carrying of the ,,'ounder1, etc. The out.rloor practices held during the summer mOJlth have al 0 heen \lell attended, and a considerable amount of useful work has been gOIlE: through. Durillg the year seyeral public functions ha\'e occU1'j'er~ at which the l11t'lllllel'S of thc C01'}I;; hav(' heen ready to gi ,Te their services. Among these \\'ere the dellartl1l'e from Dtlllrdill of the Fourth ew Zealand Contingent for South Africa, the c1cJUonstJ'atiolls in conlH'etion with the relief of L adysmith and Mafeking and the entry into Prctoria, and the arrival of the returned troopers fro111 I outh Africa. Fortullately no accic1cllts of allY consequence occurred. A supply of haversacs for outdoor ,,"ork is no1\' und er orrler, antl will be received shortly. The Corp" is indebted to the City Conncil foJ' t he use of the hall at the Centre File Brigadc tatioll for the holding of mcctings, ete., and the members have to acknowledge the tllliform courtc, y of the captain aJ)tlllH'llIhers of the DllDedin City Fire Brigadc.
[Fo~'med 189:').]
Honorary Surgeon.
Dr. Barnett. Superintendent.
HO l'orary Secretary.
Honorar y Treasurer,
iiiI'. Robb.
hiiss O. K Burton.
1\1 i"s II ooper.
(N 0 report has been l'ecei ved. )
BORN 2nd JULY, 1822. DIED 10th MARCH, 1899.
Hadzor Churchyard, 14th March, 1899.
i\. :Memol'ial Service for Sir Douglas Galton was held at his p:l.rish church, St. Peter's, Eaton Square, on Thursday, the 16th of :U arch. It was conelllcted by the Vicar, anel an aeldress was m:.ule by the Dean of Gloucester. The Burial Service was nsed, except tho,:,e parts which are said when bodies are lo\\cred into the ground. The service was rendered. beauti .. fully by the Ohoir; the 90th Psalm being most impressive. Aftcr the Lesson, the hymn" L ead, ICindly Light," was sUllg; most appropriately for one who was aboye all things a eeker aftcr God. The Dean developed this thought in his 'Ad ... dress, showing how Sir Dougla ,in all his work, had two cmls before him; to widell our notions of God through scientific kuO\ylcdge and discovery; 0 to apply cience as to make human live healthier and happier. The result of such a life has been to increase our higher knowledge, and to diminish humall suffering. :B ew mcn had 0 many different lines 01 sphcres of work as ir Douglas Galton. till fewer haye been t.lckllowledged as authorities in so many and yarion directions, Ilis work was recognised by tho e who e acknowledgment is best worth having' by specialists, who can judge; by those who beneHted practically through it. These formcd a large congregcltion of mourner. The numel'OU Societies, in which Sir Douglas had been a leading member, were repr~sented; and there were present many humble fri ntl3 and fello\ workers. To the e must be added troops of friends, made during an official life of ncarly half a century, und attracted by a ingular charm of manner. Only thosv who kllow can peak of his unfailing and innumerable acts of h >lp and kindness. At the conclusion of the cl'vice, the hymn, "Nearer my God to Thee" wa.s sung; !l11U Chopin's Funeral ~farch wal'J playe(1. T
I remember reading once how a great Preacher apologised for speaking Sunday after Sunday of death and eternity, for making it the perpetual burden of his discourse. " He could not help its monotony." He said he would "cease the strain when men were holy enough to hail the death that opens the pathway to eternity, but not till then. Still, monotonous though the theme be, when a well-known, well-loved name has vanished from the earth, when that which once liveLl and breathed, the impersonation of restless energy and noble striving has been borne away to be entombed in the sepulchre of history, the heart of the mo t careless is arrested, t.he mi ion of death seems to come direct from Heaven, and that decease, which is only the fulfilment of Nature's convenient law, startles us as something strange, it seems to be the immecliate interference of God I" Weare met to-clay (Brothers) to pay a last tribute of love and respect to one who for many, many year has been a prominent figure in the public life of our England. 'Ve can scarcely believe he has been taken from us. nut yesterday his bright, sunny presence was with us-inspiring his fellow-men to noble and generous work for their neighbours; yet \VC surely dare not grieve overmuch that our Brother bas pa sed into the open vision of God, for a long life of strength an(l generally successful effort lay behind him when the summon. came. In reviewing the last fifty years, perhaps the brightest page of our" i land story" are filled with the record of the successful efforts of earnest men to make life for their fel1o\y-men brighter, more healthy, less marred with disease and sickness. It is a quiet work it is true, and makes less noise in the world than the deeds of the successful soldier or sailor,--than the book of the romancist, or the poem of the song man. It is a quiet work less known and honoured than the acts of the
successful politician and statesman. But th?u?h such a work be less acknowledged, less loudly applauded, It IS perhaps more blessed, certainly more enduring; and one of the chief places 'n this little band of God's true heroes who have helped unnum~ered men and women to lead brighter, healthier lives was filled by Douglas Galton,. w.hose loss we sorrow for wit~ an unfeigned sorrow to-day. Tlus IS, and can be, no panegync of our dead friend; no one would venture upon this in these sacred walls; hut it is a glad thought for u who mourn him to call to mind his ceaseless, generous, self-forgetting work, remembering how the soldier has good cause to bless his memory; how the pOOl' in our great cities lead lives happier, healthier, thanks to his unwearied toil and forethought. No one perhaps in this ad company gathered here to-day, has better cause than he who now with stammering tongue and tear-filled voice addre e yon, to speak in reverent, loving terms of that great. soul now wi th his :Ma tel', whom he served so long, so faithfully, so unweariedly.
It is nearly forty years ago when on the threshold of life I was thrown with him and enjoyed the rare fortune of a great teacher's inspiring example. He taught me much, the beauty of a work-filled life, a life lived to h Ip others, to do good to others, 'laborarc est orare' \Va the motto he pre sed home to me by his example, nor was it alone in earnest, restless work he taught me the best way to make life beautiful and happy. The enemies of Religion, of purity and of all things lovely and of good report, are too ready to cast a stone at what they hate and dread, by recklessly assvrting that the friends of Holy Religion and of God arc rarely to be found among les ames d'elite among u. The contrary i the ea e. The noblest and most loyal servants of God and His Uhri t are found among our Statesmen, our great Lawyers, in the ranks of our bravest, our most distillgui hed sailor, soldiers, among our leading men of scienee-our dear friend who has just fallen asleep was a conspicuous instance here. There were two sides to that white soul. In public he was ever the restless, tirele ~
.6 ooeker after the sCCl'ds of that science, which daily finds out new methods of making life brighter and more tolerable to the d'wellers in great Cities. In pri\rate, he was the holy and humble man of God, who knows too well our littleness and weakness, who seeks and finds the source of strength and confidence in the everlasting arms outstretched beneath him. True friend-chivalrous helper of the "Neak and suffering, of all who needed help-unwearied, restless seeker after the higher knowledge which benefits others, true toiler for God-we must not mourn him as those who have no hope, for our friend is with his 1\1apter, with our God and His Christ for ever. Yes, it is well with him. There were present: Relations-~rr. and ~Irs. Leonaru Cunliffe (Daughter), ~hjOl' and Mrs. Trench Gascoigne (Daughter), ~Ir. and ~1iss Fenzi, Rev. Arthur Galton amI the 1\Iisscs Galton, Mr. Francis Galton, F.R.S., The Hon. Lady Kicholson and Family, The Hon. Mrs. Bonham-Carter and Family, ~1iss Nicholson, Captain and Mrs. Lyell, :Miss IIelen NicholsOI1, Sir IIenry and The Hon. Lady Le J\iarchant, Sir Kenelm and '.rhe lIon. Lady Digby, The Hon. Frederick Strutt. Also, ttfr. and ~1r . Charles Romillr.
Personal Friends.-Earl Fortescue, ~Ir. 'Vhite VV allis , Sir Henry Trueman ,y ood, Lord Suffield, Sir Frederick Abel, Dr. Dewar, Sir Frederick Godson, 1,11'. Shaw-Lefevre and Lady Constance Shaw-Lefevre, }'fr. Haycs Fisher, ~Ir. 'Villis Bund, Sir ,Villiam Priestley, Professor Bonney, :\fr. Carey Fo ter, Professor Schafer, Profes or 'V. II. Corfield, ~fr. Griffiths, Lorti ~lo11k well, The Earl of DOlloughmorc, ir Reginald Uipps, Sir Edward alld Lady Carbutt, Sir J olm and Lady 'Volfe Barry, lIon. Victor Baring, Baron and Baroness Deichmann, Countess of Cathcart, Countess of Dunmore, Lady 11ildred lVfl1l'ray, Lady Simeon, ir .Tohn "Villiams, ir Charl es Hartley, The lIon. 1\11's. Ed wards, Surgeon-General 1-farston, 1fr. J. 0 borne mith, 1f1'. Edgar 'Vorthington~ :Miss Veale, 11r. Frederick, Sir Joshua Fitch, ~Ir. and ~frs. Lynch, Mrs.
Ed,Yards, ~Mrs. Twiss, Mr. Innes, and Mr. J. Price. personal attendan ts.
Amba.ssadors.-J:lpanese niinister, Swedish !I/I inister, Servian Minlster.
Rep'reselllatircs 0/ the :a~)'al Socic~y, Ho)~al In ~ituyol1, 'War Office, Briti;,h AsSOCW.tlOl1, ImperIal InstItute, Sa11ltary Institute, Geological Society, Society of Arts, 1Iechanical EnCTineers, :M etropo]itan Asylums Board, Gordon Boys' Home, Th~ Chadwick Tru.· r, The Institution of Civil Engineers, 'Vol'ccstel'shire County Council, orcestcrshire Health Societ.y, SOllth- West Polytecllllic, Ulli\'crsity College IIospitnI, U nivcrsity Oollege, Princess Helena Col.lege,. W omen'~ Insti~ute, Royal Drawing 'ociety, London Ul1lVerslty Exte~ lOn ?OCIet~-, Royal Stati!"tical ocidy, and of many other publtc Loches.
The whole of the larcl"e church was filled.
- --
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Queen, Defender of the Faith. m::a all to WhOlll these Presents shall come, Greeting. .berea~ Our well-beloved Son, His Royal Highness The Prince of 'Vales, on behalf of the Prior and Brethren of the Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, has presented to Us their humble Petition, signed on their behalf by Our well-beloved Son, His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught and Strathearno, a Knight of Justice of the said Order or Fraternity, setting forth:
That for lllore than fifty years, and therefore during the whole of Our Reign, they and their predecessors h.ave been united together as an Order or Fraternity for the plupose of performing hospitaller and other eharitable work. That the chief work which they have accomplished has been the establishment of the ~t. John Ambulance Association, to which \Ve have been pleased to accord Our patronage and support, and that the Order or Fraternity has founded the British Ophthulmic I-Iospital at Jerusalem of which Our aforesaid well-beloved Son, His Royal Highness The Prinee of ,Vales, is Patron. That His Grace The Duke of Manche 'ter is the present Prior or Grand Prior of the Order or Fraternity. That Our nJoresaid well-belovell Son, His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught and Strathearne is a Knight of Justice of the said Order or Fraternity. That Our llluch-hLlilOnted Son, His R;yal Highness The Duke of Albany, was also a Knight of Justice of the said Order or Fraternity. That amongst the Ladies of Justice are enrolled the names of Our well-beloved Daughter-in-Law, Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales; Our 'well-beloved Daughter, Her Royal Highness The Princess Helena (Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein) ;
Our well-beloved Daughter, Her Royal Highness The Princess Louise (Marchioness of Lorne) ; Our well-beloved Daughter, Her Royal Highness The Princess Beatrice (Princess Henry of Battenberg) ; Our well-beloved Daughter-in-Law, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Albany; Her Royal Highness The Princess Mary Adelaide (Duchess of Teck); Her Majesty The Queen of Denmark; Her Majesty The Queen of Sweden and Norway; Her Royal Highness The Reigning Grand Duchess of Baden; And that amongst the Members and Associates of the Order or Fraternity are a large Body of Our most Loyal and Faithful Subjects, many of them being of high rank and distinction, and the Petitioners most humbly prayed that \Ye might graciously be pleased to grant to them Our Royal Oharter of Incorporation for the purpose of constitu ting them and their Successors a Oorporate Body, with a perpetual succession to enable them the more effectually to carryon and conduct the hospitaller and other charitable work of the said Order or Fraternity.
fl}obJ knobJ
~e that We, having taken the premises into Our
consideration, and being desirous of promoting, as far as in Us lies, the success of the work of the said Order or Fraternity, of Our special grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, by these presents, Do grant, constitute, declare, and appoint as follows (that is to say) : 1.
jfO! the purposes hereinafter set forth and all other the
purposes of this Our Oharter, We do hereby constitute His Royal Highness Prince Arthur Willialn Patrick Albert, Duke of Oonnaught and Strathearne, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, &c., &c., &c.; His Highness The Duke of Teck, Knight Grand Oross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, &c., &c., &c. ; The Most Noble William Drogo, Duke of Manchester, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick,
&c., &c., &c., the Existing Prior or Grand Prior of the said Order or Fraternity; The Most Honourable John Henry de la Poer Beresford, Marquess of Waterford, Knight of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, &c., &c., &c. ; The Most Honourable Henry Francis, Marquess oonyngh am. The Right Honourable George Frederick, Earl of Glasgow; The Right Honourable Sewallis Edward, Earl Ferrers ; General The Right Honourable George Frederick, Viscount Templetown, Knight Grand Oross of the illost Honourable Order of the Bath; The Right Reverend Thomas Legh, Lord Bishop of St. Albans; The Right Reverend Lord Alwyn Oompton, Lord Bishop of Ely; The Right Honourable William Henry, Baron Leigh, LL.D. ; The Right Honourable Wilbraham, Baron Egerton ofTatton; Sir Edmund Anthony Harley Lechmere, Baronet, M.P.; General Sir Henry Oharles Barnston Daubeney, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath', General Sir John St. George, Knight Oommander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath; Colonel Francis Duncan, Oompanion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, LL.D., M.P.; Major-General Whitworth Porter; Colonel Gould Hunter-Weston' John Furley, EsquiTe ; William Amhurst Tyssen Amherst, Esquire, l\1..P. ; Edwin Freshfield, Esquire, LL.D.; and all persons who are at the date of this Our Charter enrolled as Members of the said Order or Fraternity in the Roll of the Melubers thereof in the custody of the Secretary of the said Order or Fraternity and are of any of the grades of Members hereinafter specified, and all persons who shall for the time being, in pursuance of and in accordance with these Presents, be Members of the Order hereby created one Body Politic and Oorporate by the name and style of "The Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital " of St. John of J erUSal8111 In England,"
and We do grant that by the said name and style the said persons shall have perpetual succession, and that they shall have a Common Seal with power to break, alter, and renew the same, and We do further grant that the said Body Politic and Corporate may, by and in the said name and style, sue, implead, and answer, and be sued, impleaded, and answered in all Courts whatsoever, whether of Law or Equity, and be competent to do all other acts, matters, and things incidental or appertaining to a Body Oorporate and to enjoy all rights and privileges lawfully appertaining to bodies politic and corporate. 2.
mEte Do hereby grant to the said
Body Politic (hereinafter called the Order) Our licence to purchase, acquire, take, and hold in mortmain, notwithstanding the Statutes of Mortmain, in perpetuity or otherwise, any lands, tenements, and hereditaments not exceeding in the whole in annual value the sum of ten thousand pounds by the year, such value to be assessed at the annual value of such lands, tenements, and hereditaments at the respective dates when the same shall be purchased, acquired, or taken by the Order.
the purposes of the Order to be those declared and set forth in the Statutes set forth in t,he Schedule to this Our Charter. that the said Statutes shall be the Statutes of the Order, subject as hereinafter mentioned, And we declare and ordain that the said Statutes numbered 1, 2,3, and 4, declaring the style of the Order, and that Weare the head and Patron thereof, and the grades of members and the objects and purposes of the Order and the general qualification of members thereof, shall not be altered otherwise than by Our further Charter in that behalf; but that the others of the said Statutes may be altered and amended by a Chapter-General of the Order, with the personal consent of the Grand Prior (if he be present, or otherwise with his consent in writing), and the approval m writing of Our Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.
Declare and ordain that the existing Members of
the said Order or Fraternity, enroUeCl. as aforesaid, shall retain as nearly as may be the same respecLive rank and grade in the Order hereby incorporated as they have in the said Order or Fraternity at the date of this Our Charter without any new election, admission, or other ceremony or condition, as if they had respectively been elected, appointed, and admitted under and in accordance with the said Statutes, and that the existing Prior or Grand Prior of the said Order or Fraternity shall be the Grand Prior of the said Order until the Eve of St. John next following the date of this Our Oharter.
CAn'}) We do declare and ordain that on the Eve of St. John next following the date of this Our Charter the existing Prior or Grand Prior of the said Order or Fraternity ~hall cease to hold offic~ as Grand Prior of the OrdeI' hereby mcorporated, and that ill case of a vacancy in the office of Grand Prior between the date of this Our Charter and the said Eve. of t. John a Grand Prior may be elected by an Extraordmary hapter-General to hold office until the sn.id Eve of t. John, n.nd that on the same Eve of t. John Our aforesaid well-beloved Son, r-lis Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, ~hall become the Grand Prior, and that every future Grand Pnor shall be elected by the Chapter-General, subject to the approval of the Sovereign.
mie Do declare
mie Declare and ordain
Ohapter-General of the Order shall have the power of making, rescinding, and amending Regubtion or Bye-laws of the Order, which shall be valid and binding upon all the Members of the Order, provided, however, that such Bye-laws be not repugnant to the provisions of this Our Oharter nor contrary to the laws of the Realm. Provided also that no Regulation or Bye-law shall be made, rescinded, or amended, except with the consent of the Grand Prior, given in person or by writing. ~be
Regulations or Bye-laws of the Order may be made for all or n.ny of the following purposes, 01' with respect to any
of the matters following, viz: (a) Regulations with respect to carrying into effect the objects and purposes expressed in this Our Charter. (b) The management and disposition of the property, funds, and resources of the Order. (0) For prescribing the mode in which the Chapter-General or other Meetings of the Order, or of any grades or Commanderies thereof, are to conduct and transact their duties and business. (d) For prescribing the mode and tilTIe of summoning and holding General, Annual, Special and other Meetings of the Members of the Order, and the conduct and transaction of business at such Meetings. (e) The election, reception, and removal of Members including the causes for which removals may be made, and the disqualifications of Members. (f) The appointment, remuneration, and conditions of office or service of officers and servants of the Order. ( g) The appointment and powers of Committees of Members of the Order, and the conduct of business by such Committees. (h) The preparation and keeping and auditing of' the Accounts of the Order, and the custody of the funds and moveable property of the Order. (i) Generally for the conduct, regulation, control and management of the property and affairs of the Order.
l! t is here by reserved unto Us, and Our Heirs and Successors, by Supplemental Charter to add to, mTIend, or repeal the provisions of this our Charter or any of them, and to substitute new provisions for any of the provisions of the Charter, provided that such Supplemental Charter shall have been submitted to the Members of the Order in such manner as may be provided by the Bye-laws for a period of six months at the least, and shall be accepted and approved by a majority in number of the Members of the Order present, at a Meeting specially summoned for the purpose, and the Bye-laws shall contain the regulations necessary for this purpose.
CQIht ~(htbnlt. -1.
The Grand Priory of England shall be the Head of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and shall be styled in all acts, proceedings, and pleadings by the name of "The Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital or " St. John of Jerusalem in England." Her :Majesty The Queen is the Sovereign Head and Patron of the Grand Priory. The Grand Priory (hereinafter cfl.lled the Order) shall include the following grades of :MeIl1bers, nmnely: a Grand Prior, a Sub-Prior, a titular Bailiff of Egle, Honorary .Bailiffs, Commanders, Honorary Commanders, Knights of Justice, Ladies of Justice, Chaplains, K.nights of Grace, Ladies of Grace, Esquires, Serving Brother and Sisters. The grades of such M01nbers as are not Briti h Subjects by birth or naturalisation are honorary only. To the above grades there may be associated (but not as 1\1embers) Honorary Associates and Donats.
The Objects and purposes of the Order are: I. Generally the encouragement and prOlTIotion of all works of humanity and eharity in the relief of sickness, distress, suffering, and dangel', without distinction of race, class, or creed, and the extension of the great principle of the Order, Pro Utilitate Hominum." II. Aiding the sick poor, as by providing the convalescent out-patients of public Hospitals and Dispensaries with diets prescribed by the Medical Officers, and visiting them at theu' homes during the period of sickness, the foundation and maintenance of Cottage Hospitals and Convalescent I-IOlnes and Training Establishments for Nurses to attend the sick poor. (e
III. The promotion of a more intimate acquaintance with the wants of the poor in time of sickness, and the supplying such information as may usefully aid the proper authorities in the prosecution of measures for the improvement of the localities and houses inhabited by the poor.
IV. Aid to the sick and wounded in war, and the promotion of such permanent organisation during time of peace as may be at once available upon the OCCUlTence of any necessity for active exertion. V. The award of medals and badges or certificates of honour for special services in the cause of humanity, especially for saving life at imminent personal risk. VI. The maintenance of the St. John Ambulance Association, the objects of which are: (a) The instruction of persons in rendering first aid in case of accidents or sudden illness, and in the transport of the sick and injured; (b) The instruction of persons in the elementary principles and practice of nursing and hygiene, especially of a sick room; (c) The manufacture and distribution, by sale or presentation, of ambulance material, and the formation of ambulance depots in or near mines, factories, and other centres of industry and traffic; (d) The organisation of ambulance corps, invalid transport corps, and nursing corps ; (e) And generally the promotion of instruction and carrying out works for the relief of suffering of the sick and injured in peace and war, irrespectively of race, class, or creed. VII. The formation of provincial associations or organisations m furtherance of the general objects of the Order.
VIII. The maintenance of the British Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem for the treatment of diseases of the eye, the ear, and the throat, irrespectively of race, class, or creed.
All Members of the Order must profess the Christian Faith and be in the social P?sition required for the respective grades: Every Honorary ASSOCIate must profess the Christian Faith and have fulfilled the requirements of the Statutes.
All candidates, except Royal and other exalted personages, recoillIuended for admission to the Order or for enrolment as Honorary Associates, must, in the first inst~nce be selected by ballot of the Chapter-General, and one dissentient in .four e~clud~s; such ~andidatos being proposed by two KnIghts of JustICe (except ill the case of the admission of an Esquire, when p~'oposed. by o~e Knight is sufficient) at one Ohapt.er, and theIr selectIOn bemg taken at the Chapter next followlllg. But no person so selected can be admitted to the Order, or be enrolled as an I-Ionorary Associate, unless his or her name has been approved and sanctioned by the SovereiO'n after having been duly submitted for such approval and sanctio~ ?y the Grand Pri~r. All lllelllbers recomrnended for promotion III the Order, havmg been proposed by two Knights of Justice at one Ohapter, and their election being taken at the Chapter next follo~g, are elected by ballot of the Chapter-General, and one dIssentient in four excludes. But no Member so recommended can be promoted in the Order, unless his or her name h~s been approved and sanctioned by the Sovereign, after haVIng been duly submitted for such approval and sanction by the Grand Prior.
Foundation dues and annual oblations devoted to the hospitaller objects of the Order are payable by 1I181ubers other t~an Mem~ers of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom, who, WIth certam other exalted personages, are specially exempted from the payment of foundation dues, as follows:
Foundation as Esquire £5 Annual oblation as Esquire £2 Foundation as Lady of Grace £15 If the wife, sister, or daughter of a Knight of Grace £3 Annual oblation as Lady of Grace. £2 FOlmdation as Knig'ht of Grace £20 Annual oblation as Knight of Grace £3 On promotion as Lady of Justice . £5 If the wife, sister,or daughter of a Knight ofJ ustice £2 Annual oblation as Lady of Justice £3 FOlmdation as Chaplain £15 Annual oblation as Chaplain £2 On promotion as Knight of Justice £10 Annual oblation as Knight of Justice £5 On promotion to Oommander (to the Funds of £10 his Commandery) Annual oblation to the same, in addition to oblation to the Order as Knight of Justice £5 On promotion to Bailiff £20 Annual oblation, which is in addition to the £5 oblation as Knight of Justice £10 Annual oblation of the Grand Prior The annual oblations, which are due on the 1st of January in each year, may be commuted by such payments as shall be fixed by the Regulations and Bye-laws.
vacant Executive Offices, and nominates those who are to become Members of the Council, and those Mem bers and Honorary Associates who are to form the Departmental Committees; but he is not bound ill1111ediately upon a vacancy occurring to fill up any particular post. It nlaY be kept vacant for such time as he may consider desirable. The Grand Prior submits, at his discretion, for the approval and sanction of the Sovereign, the naInes of such persons as shall have been selected, by the Chapter-General, for membership of, or promotion in the Order, or for enrolment as Honorary Associates. The period for which all the members of the Chapter, Council and Departmental Committees are to serve (except the Knights of Justice, the Prelate and the Sub-Prelates on the Chapter) is to be three years, subject to re-appointment, and the same rule is to apply to the Executive Offices.
/I /I
/I /I
The Sub-Prior is to act as the Deputy of the ' Grand Prior. His duties and position shall be defined in the Regulations or Bye-laws.
The Chapter-General consists of The Grand-Prior; the Sub-Prior; the Titular Bailiff of Egle; the Honorary Bailifts; the Commanders; the Honorary COlllmanders; the Knights of' Justice; the Prelate; the Sub-Prelates; the Members of the Council; the Officiating Chaplains; Knights of Grace appointed from time to time by the Grand Prior, but so that the number of such Knights of Grace never exceeds ten, each being appointed to serve for a term of three years and then to retire, but to be eligible for re-appointment; and Esquires, appointed from tilne to time by the Grand Prior, but so that the number of such Esquires never exceeds six, each being appointed to serve for a term of three years and then to retire, but to be eligible for re-appointment. The Chapter-General is convened by the Grand Prior. Five Members, of whom one at least must be a Knight of Justice, form a quorum. Every Member has a vote, but voting by proxy, or by voting papers is not permitted. The Grand Prior, or in his absence the Sub-Prior or in the absence of both, the Chancellor, or in the absence of all three.,
7. 8.
The Grand Prior is the first and principal Knight of the Order. The Grand Prior is elected by t.he Chapter-General out ot the Knights of Justice, on the Eve of St. John the Baptist's Day, and holds office so long as he continues to be a Member of the Order, or until resignation. Subject to the provisions of these Statutes, the Grand Prior exercises the whole Government of the Order, nominates the Sub-Prior, the Titular Bailiff of Egle, the Honorary Bailiffs, the Commanders and the Honorary Commanders, all of whom must be of the degree of Knight of Justice, receives the Knights according to the stipulations detailed hereafter, makes such selections from the Members of' the Order, being of or above the degree of Knight of' Grace, as he may deem desirable, to fill the
the senior Knight of Justice present, shall preside. The President has a second or casting vote. Honorary Knights of Justice may attend the Ohapter-General, but have no part or vote in the proceedings. The Ohapter-General assembles quarterly, upon twenty-one days' previous notice, at St. John's Gate, or such other place as the Grand Prior may from time to time for any special reason appoint. The Grand Prior may at any time specially convene the Ohapter-General, and will specially convene it on the requisition of seven of its Members, or in pursuance of a Resolution of the Oouncil containing a requisition to that effect, such requisition in either case to contain a statement of the propositions or particular matter to be submitted to the Ohapter-General. The notice specially convening the special Chapter-General must set forth the propositions or particular matter to be submitted to the Chapter-General, and may, with the approval of the Grand Prior, be a seven days' notice only. At special Ohapters no business shall be transacted, other than such as is specified in the notice. The Ohapter-General is always opened and closed with prayer, and is to be held according to ancien t usage, provided, nevertheless, that no Form of Prayer shall be used which is inconsistent with the forms of worship of the Ohurches of England and Scotland as by law established. The Ohapter-General has to examine and to settle the lists of members who are aspiring to becon1e Knights of Justice, and to examine and pass the accounts of the Treasury of the Order. The Ohapter-General forms the Oourt of Honour, and has power to make Bye-laws from time to time for the regulation of its proceedings. No resolution passed by the Ohapter-General or Act thereof, save as heretofore mentioned, is valid without the assent, either personally or in writing, of the Grand Prior. During the intervals of regular meetings the Ohapter-General delegates its powers (excepting the election, removal, and promotion of members and the final decision of awards of medals) to the Council; but the acts of the Oouncil, on the more important questions, are not valid unless confirmed by the
17 Chapter-General, to which it is directly responsible for all its proceedings; it being ~evertheless un~erst~od that the Oouncil is to deal with all ordmary matters of busIness, and that only the more important questions are to be referred to the Ohapter. The reports of the proceedings of the Council are however to be briefly made to the Ohapter at its Ineetings for confirmation; the object being that, while the governing power is reserved to the Chapter, to avoid delay and simplify work, the Oouncil, which meets more frequently is, except in special cases, to act promptly. No Member can vote in the Councilor Ohapter-General who is in arrear with his annual oblations, or who is in receipt of a salary for work done for the Order or its Departments. All Members attending the Chapter-General must wear the insignia of their respective grades as hereinafter defined. 12. The Council consists of the Grand Prior, the Sub-Prior l the Executive Officers of the Order, the Oommanders of existing Commanderies, the Ohairman of the British Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem, provided he be of, or above, the grade of Knight of Grace, and such femb ers of the grades of Knight of Justice, Knight of Grace and E quire, as may have been nomina.ted to serve thereon by the Gra.nd Prior, the number of such nominated 1\Iembers not to exceed at any time fifteen. Five Members of t.he Oouncil, one of whom IrlUSt be of, or above, the grade of Knight of Grace, sha.ll form a quorum. The Council meeLs nlOnthly (except in the months of August and September), and at such other times as the Grand Prior, Sub-Prior, or Chancellor lnay deell1 necessary, seven days' notice being given to the Members, except in cases of emergency, when three days' notice shall be deemed sufficient. The Grand Prior, and in his absence the Sub-Prior, is "ex-officio" President of the Oouncil: in their absence the Chancellor, and in the absence of the Grand Prior, the Sub-Prior and the Ohancellor, the Senior Knight present, presides. The President or presiding Knight has a second or casting vote. Members of the Oouncil not holding Executive Offices are to be nominated from the grades of Knight of Justice, Knight of Grace and Esquire.
The Executive Officers of the Order are the Prelate, the Chancellor, the Secretary-General, the Receiver-General, the Almoner, the Genealogist, the Director-General of Ceremonies, the Director of the Ambulance Department, the Librarian, and those holding such other Executive Offices as may hereafter be created by the Regulations or Bye-laws. The Executive Officers are selected by the Grand Prior. Their term of office (excepting that of the Prelate which is during the pleasure of the Grand Prior) is three years, subject to re-appointment. They must be M:embers of the Order, of or above the Grade of Knight of Grace, and their respective duties and positions shall be defined by the Regulations or Bye-laws. A Secretary to the Order shall be appointed by the Grand Prior. He must be a Member or Honorary Associate of the Order. His duties and position shall be defined in the Regulations or Bye-laws. The Grand Prior may also appoint to any of the Executive Offices Assistant Officers, who must be Members or Honorary Associates of the Order, and their respective duties and position, and the style of theil' Offices, shall be clearly defined in the Regulations or Bye-laws.
A General Assembly of all Members and Honorary Associates of the Order shall be held annualiy, on St. John Baptist's Day, unless that day should fall on a Sunday, in which case it shall be held on the following day, and on such other occasions as the Chapter-General may, with the consent of the Grand Prior, deem advisable.
The Commanderies now existing will be continued when and so long as there are sufficient :Members attached thereto to fulfil the required duties. It is competent (with the consent of the Grand Prior) for four or more Members of the Order, of whom at least two must be Knights of Justice, to form themselves into a new Commandery with a Provincial Chapter attached to it, under the presidency of one of their number, being a Knight of Justice nominated by the Grand Prior. Such new Commandery may revive and bear and use the name and
style of a Commandery which may ha~e formerly existed at or near the same site under the Grand Pnory of England. The Commanders and the other members of the Provincial Chapters shall exercise supervIsIOn .over the. ch~ritable institutions and other hospitaller work In connectIOn WIth the Order within their respective provinces; shall collect the funds for th~se purposes, and for the Order genera~y; sha~l ~ubrr:it the . provincial accounts and shall report on then. admm:stratIOn to the Grand Prior. They have to recommend for appomtment by the Grand Prior the Serving Brothers and Sisters, also the Executive Officers required for the provincial administration. They have to present for nomination the Officers, Chaplains, &c., of the hospitals and other institutions, and such persons as. they may think, in consideration. of aid ~iv~n to the local charItable work administered by theu PrOVIncIal Chapter, should be enrolled as Honorary Associates of the Order, unless i,t be otherwise. provided at their establishment or in the Provincial Statutes. The Commanders must be residents within their respective Commanderies. All Commanders of existing Conlmanderies n,re ex-officio Members of the Council. The place of meeting of Conllnanderies must be sanctioned by the Chapter-General. The proceedings of Olnmn,nc1eries shall be subject. t~ all Statutes, Regulations and Bye-ln,ws, precedents n,nc1 pnnCIples of the Order, but n, oU1Jllundery Illay hn,ve special regulations for its own guidn,nce provided the san1e be approved by the Chapter-General. All Members of Commanderies Inust pay their annual dues to the Order in addition to any payments imposed by the Commandery. A Commandery Iliay recollllllend Candicbtes for admission to the Order. The Commander shall mn,ke such written Reports of the proceedings of his Comnlandery as the Chapter-Genern,l shall from time to time require. 16. Knights of Justice may be nominated by the Grand Prior, as Honorary Commanders and Honorary Bailiffs.
The Provincial Statutes must be submitted for examination and sanction to the Chapter-General, and must be approved by the Grand Prior, before they can be put in force. The number of Knights of Justice is unlimited. They continue to be Knights of Justice although promoted to any higher grade. It shall be competent for the Grand Prior and ChapterGeneral, with the approval and sanction of the Sovereign, to invite any.descendant of Her said Majesty the Queen, or the Sovereign, or President, or Head of the Executive Government of any State, or any other Member of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom or of any other State, to become a Knight of Justice, and upon the acceptance of such invitation he shall thereupon be enrolled as such, and shall be exempt from the payment of foundation dues. Every other Candidate for the grade of Knight of Justice must be a Knight of Grace of the Order, and must show proof that the coat of arms he bears has been duly recorded to him in the Office of Arms, either in England, Scotland, or Ireland, or that he is paternally descended from a family whose Arms are already recorded in either of the above Offices, and he must also show such genealogical proof of descent and use of Armorial bearings by his Ancestors as shall be defined by the Regulations or Bye-laws. But no Member can be enrolled as a Knight of Justice unless he has during his Membership of the Order discharged all his dues and annual oblations, and has a~eady p~id into the Exchequer of the Order the fees due upon hIS elevatIOn to the grade of Knight of Justice. Whoever may, in the opinion of the Grand Prior, have had an expectancy under the old constitutions of the Order, may, without further proceedings, ask for his reception as a Knight of Justice.
The reception of Knights of Justice takes place, as a r~le, up?n the Eve of St. John the Baptist's Day, in accordance wIth a hst made by the Grand Prior in Chapter-General, and at such other times as may be expedient. 23. The Knights who are thus to be received are to be admitted by the Grand Prior (or his Deputy), in the Assembly of
the Chapter-General, according to the observances customary in olden times, and this reception is generally to take place at St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell. Knights of Justice who have been duly received lnay bear the Arms of the Order, viz. : "Gules," a cross "argent" embellished alternately in each of the principal angles, with a lion guardant and a unicorn, both passant cc or," as a chief on their Coat of Arms. 24.
All candidates for admission who are in Holy Orders must enter the class of Chaplains. They are eligible to serve on the Council and to hold Executive offices.
One of the Chaplains of Episcopa.l rank shall be nominated by the Grand Prior to the Executive Office of Prelate, and shall, ex-officio, have the right of sitting and voting both in Council and Chapter. The term of his appointment shall be during the Grand Prior's pleasure, and his special duties shall be defined by the Regulations or Bye-laws. Such Chaplains as are of Episcopal rank, other than the Prelates, are styled Sub-Prelates, and have precedence over other Chaplains. They are entitled to attend the Chapters-General and, unless Honorary Members only, to take part and vote in the proceedings. Any special duties devolving upon them shall be defined in the Regulations or Bye-laws. Two Chaplains are appointed from time to time by the Grand Prior for officiating at Chapters. Their term of office is three years, subject to re-appointment, during which term they may sit and vote in Chapter. Their duties shall be defined in the Regulations or Bye-laws.
Anyone of good social position, or who, by reason of marked services to the Order, or in the furtherance of its objects, may be considered worthy of admission, is eligible for the grade of a Knight of Grace, provided he professes the Christian Faith, and carries out the objects of the Order in his life and conduct. He can serve on the Council or as an Executive Officer.
27. 28.
The number of Knights of Grace is unlimited. The Grand Prior (or his Deputy) admits the Knights of Grace, but they do not receive the accolade. They are affiliated
to the Order, and may be promoted to the grade of Knights of Justice if duly qualified. 29.
Knights of Grace who may desire to become Knights of Justice must seek the promotion through the Chapter-General.
The Provincial Chapters may recommend to the Chapter-General, for reception as Knights of Justice, Knights of Grace belonging to their respective Commanderies.
It shall be competent for the Grand Prior and Chapter-General, with the approval and sanction of the Sovereign, to invite any lady being a Descendant of Her said Majesty The Queen, or any other Lady being a Member of the Royal Family of the United Kingdom or a Queen Regnant or Queen Consort, or any Lady being a Member of the Royal Family of any other State, to become a Lady of Justice, and upon the acceptance of such invitation such Lady shall thereupon be enrolled as such, and shall be exempt from the payment of foundation dues.
No other Lady can be elected a Lady of Justice without having been previously enrolled as a Lady of Grace, nor until she has shown proof that the Coat of Arms she bears has been duly recorded to her in the Office of Arms either in England, Scotland, or' Ireland, or that she is paternally descended from a family whose arms are already recorded in either of the above offices, and she must also show such genealogical proof of descent and use of armorial bearings by her ancestors, as shall be defined by the Regulations or Bye-laws. .But no Member can be enrolled as a Lady of Justice unless she has, during her Membership of the Order, discharged all her dues and annual oblations, and has already paid into the Exchequer of the Order the fees due upon her elevation to the grade of Lady of Justice. All Ladies of Justice duly enrolled rnay augment their Coat of Arms in the same manner as Knights of Justice. Ladies possessing such qualifications as are required for the grade of a Knight of Grace may in a similar manner be elected as Ladies of Grace.
The Ladies (two at least of whom must be Ladies of 34. J llstice) have the power to constitute themselves into a Ch~pter under the direction of the Chapter-Genera~, and to appoInt a . ident who must be a Lady of JustIce. They may also Ples , h . 'd draw up such Rules n,nd Bye-laws for t elr gUI ance as they may deem necessary, subject to the approval. ~f the Chapter-GeneraL Their duties should be to VISIt the convalescents relieved by the alms of the Order, and to rep~rt from time to time to the Chapter-GenerR.I, and to aSSIst generally in the hospitaller work. 35.
.Any Knight of Justice may nominate .a Cah~didsate for admission to the class of Esquires on becomrng IS ponsor on the following points: That he is a C~ristian, of good education, eminent for virtue and morals, and rn an honol:rable position in life. He has no v.ote, a~d c~~ onl~ hold an ~ssIstant Office; but, if otherwise qualified, IS elIgIble for promotIOn to a higher grade. He is elected by the Ch.aptel~-General, and admitted by the Grand Prior; but each KnIght IS to have o?ly two accepted Esquu'es of his nomination on the ~oll as Es~uues at anyone tilDe. That in addition to the ~squIres nO~l1nated by the Knights of Justice, the CouncIl may, WIth the consent of the Grand Prior, nOlninate fit and proper persons as Candidates for adulission to the Grade of Esquire, without limitation of number.
Serving Brothers and Sisters of the Order are chosen from amongst persons professing the Christian Faith, w~o fron: a spirit of charity, devote themselves to the care of . the slCk, and direct their activity and energies to the hospItals and establishments of the Order. They will be nominated by the Grand Prior on the recommendation of the Chapter-General; or, in the case of those attached to Provincial COllllllancleries, on the recommendation of the Provincial Chapters.
Persons eminently distinguished for philanthropy, Ol~ w~o have especially devoted their exertions or professional Sl~Ill In aid of the objects of the Order, or have ta] ~en an actIve or prominent part in the establishment and development of the
hospitaller works of the Order, may, although not members, be elected for enrolment as Honorary Associates. They can hold Assistant Executive Offices, and are eligible to serve on, or be attached to, the Committees of the Foundations or Departments of the Order. The Honorary Associates whose names are entered on the roll of Honorary Associates kept in the custody of the Secretary of the Order shall continue to be Honorary Associates without any further elec tion. 38.
All the Members and the Honorary Associates of the Order are under the government and control of the Order.
Every Member, on election or promotion, and every Honorary Associate, on election, and on complying with the requirements of the Statutes, will receive a diploma under the Seal of the Order.
Donats are persons who, from an appreciation of the works of the Order, have contributed to its funds. They are not enrolled, nor do they receive any diploma, nor are they entitled to any badge belonging to the Order, but a List of them will be preserved.
The Mantles of the Grand Prior and Members entitled to attend the Chapter-General must be black, having on the left side the white cross of eight points, known and hereinafter referred to and described as ee The Maltese Cross," embellished in the same manner as the badge hereinafter described. The Mantles of the Esquires entitled to attend Chapter, shall be black, having on the left side, on a black shield, bordered with sil vel', a representation of the Badge of theu' Grade. The Mantle of the Secretary of the Order, during his term of Office, shall be distinguished by the Badge being placed upon two pens, saltire-wise, gold. The forms and patterns of, and the materials for, the mantles, linings, and crosses shall be defined and depicted by and in the Regulations or Bye-laws. The mantles will be worn on such occasions as the Grand Prior may from time to time direct,
The badge of the Grand Prior shall be the Maltese Cross 42. of white enamel set in Gold, embellished alternately at each of the principal angles with a lion guardant and a unicorn, both passant, gold, and is worn around . the neck sus~ended fran: a black watered riband or from a cham; and the saId Grand Pnor, shall wear the aforesaid badge, surn10unted by the Imperial Crown, as represented and depicted in the Regulations and Bye-laws. Provided, nevertheless, that in the event of his resignation he shall be entitled to continue to wear the said badge, so surmounted, so long as he continues to be a Member of the Order. The Badge of the Sub-Prior shall be a silnilar cross suspended from a representation in gold of the Coronet of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, The Grand Prior. The Titular Bailiff of Egle, Honorary Bailiffs, Commanders, Honorary Commanders, and Knights of J ustice wea~ a similar badge in like manner, but not surmounted by the Imperial Crown. The Grand Prior and Iembers of each of the above five grades may wear on the left side of the breast a star, consisting of the Maltese Cross, with embellishment as aforesaid, of white enamel, set in gold. The cross of linen, with the aforesaid embellishment embroidered in gold, nmy be worn instead of the star; that of the Grand Prior, Ti tular Bailiff of Egle, and Honorary Bailiffs figured on a sopra-veste of black silk in front of the breast; that of the Commanders, Honorary Commanders, and Knights of Justice on the left breast. In future all Knights of Grace of the Order may wear a Badge or Lar consisting of the eight pointed Cross of the Order of white enamel set in silver, or of silver, and embellished in silver, on the left breast, of such size and material as Lhe Chapter-General may determine and define in the Bye-laws and Regulations. The badge of a Chaplain is similar to that of a Knight of Justice. The Chaplains of the Order may wear the Badge appertaining to their Grade suspended from a black watered silk riband around the neck, of such length and width as the Chapter-General shall determine and define in the Bye-laws and Regulations.
The badge of those Ohaplains who hold the dignity of Bishop or Archbishop shall be the same pend!:mt from a representation of a Mitre of their respective Episcopal rank. The badge of a Lady of Justice is similar in form to that of a Knight of Justice, and is worn on the left shoulder, attached to a black watered riband tied in a bow; but that of Her Royal Highness The Princess of vVales shall be surmounted by the Imperial CrowD in a simiJ ar manner to that of the Grand Prior. The badge of a Knight of Grace is the Maltese Oross, of white enamel, set in silver and embellished as aforesaid, but in silver, suspended from a black watered riband around the neck. The badge of a Lady of Grace is similar ill fonn to that of a Knight of Grace, and is worn on the left shoulder, attached to a black watered riband tied in a bow. The badge of an Esquire is similar to that of a Knight of Grace, but is worn on the left breast and suspended from a black watered riband. Serving Brothers and Sisters wear the above badge on the arm embroidered or stamped in silver, and in such n1anner as shall be defined by the Regulations or Bye-laws. That those Serving Brothers and Sisters whose services are voluntary, or shall be considered by The Grand Prior and Chapter-General to merit such distinction may, in lieu of the badge now worn on the arm, wear the following badge, namely:-A circular Medallion consisting of the Maltese Oross of white enamel, embellished in silver on a black ground, the whole mounted in silver:- to be worn by Serving Brothers on the left breast, suspended from a black watered riband :-By the Serving Sisters on the left shoulder, suspended from a black watered riband in the form of a rosette or bow, as the Ohapter, with the consent of the Grand Prior, may determine. The above badges to be described and depicted in the Regulations or Bye-laws, and to be worn on all occasions in like manner as those worn by the Members of the other Grades of the Order. Honorary members wear the badges of their respective grades. The badge of an Honorary Associate is the Maltese Oross embellished as aforesaid, but all of silver. The men wear it on the left breast suspended from a black watered riband. The
ladios wear it on the left shoulder attached to a black watered riband tied in a bow. The sizes of the badges, stars, and cross of the Grand Prior, Sub-Prior, and Members and Honorary Associates, and the width and materials of the ribands, and the material and design of the chain of the Grand Prior, shall be described and depicted in the Regulations or Bye-laws. The above badges 111ay be worn on all occasions, whether connected with the cerelllonies of the Order or otherwise, by Members and Honorary Associates, as long as their nallles are on the Roll of the Order, in the manner and form prescribed for the various grl1des: provided, nevertheless, that the election to any of the above grades in the Order, or the privileges derived therefrom of weanng any of the badges appertaining or belonging thereto, shall not be de med 01' construed to confer any rank, style, title, dignity, or appellation or social precedence whatsoever. Those certi6cr~ted pupils of the 'to John Ambulance Association, who have been duly instructed in First Aid" and" Nursing," under the regulations of the Ambulance Departnlent of the Order, and have been regularly and properly enrolled in a recognised corps of the St. John Alllbulance Brigade, shall be allowed to wel1r, on duty, a distinctive uniform, consisting for the men, of 11 black tunic, black trouser', and black pel1ked Cl1P, with leather belts; 1111 to wel1r the Badge of the Ambulance Department of the Order, in such manner l1S may be hereafter defined by the ReO'ull1tions or Bye-laws. . The uniforms of the Officer to be further disting'uished by slIver embroidered t. John's wort pl1ttern lace. The uniforms, as approved by the Grand Prior, to be further described in detail in the Regulations and Bye-laws. The certificated isters attached to the Alubulance Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, to wel1r an uniform dress of black serge, with the Bl1dge of the Ambulance Department of the Order on the right arnl; a black cIol1k with the same badge thereon and black bonnets. . The dress of the Sisters, as oilicially l1pproved, to be deseribed III detail in the Regulations and Bye-laws. A complete and detailed list of 1111 Oorps of the Brigade shall be kept at the Head-quarters of each Corps, and full returns of C(
:111 the Corps sha,11 be furnishcd ha,lf-yc[Lrly, n.L Midsummcr a.ncl Christmas, to the Secretary of the Order, at the Ch[Lncery, St. John's G[Lte.
person to whom a medal has been awarded shall by his or her conduct become unworthy of it, his or her name may be erased by the Chapter-General from the Regis.ter of those upon whom the medal of the Order has been conferred, and he or she shall thereupon cease to be entitled to wear it.
The Seal of the Order shall have engraved thereon the Maltese Cross, surmounted by an Escutcheon of the Arms of the Order as heretofore described, thc whole surrounded by the legend, the words of which may either be in full or abbreviated, "Sigillum Magni Prioratus Ordinis Hospitalis SancLi J ohannis " Jerusalem in Anglia." The Chancellor has chargc of thc Seal of the Order. \Vhen necessary for the due despa,tch of business, he may depute the care of it to the Secretary or the Registrar, provided th[Lt the permission of the Chapter be previously obtained. The Mottoes of the "Pro Utili tate Hominum."
Ordcr shall be
Fide" ,
The Maltese Cross, with embellishment as afores[Lid, may be used as a device by the Departments of the Order in such manner only as the Chapter-General Inay fronl time to time direct.
The medal of the Order is given for gallantry in saving life on land, and consists of a circular mcdallion, either of silver or of bronze, of such size as the Chapter-General frOlll tinle to time determines, on the obverse of each of which is the Maltese Cross, with the aforesaid embellishment, surrounded by the inscription, " For service in the cause of Humanity "; and on the reverse, a sprig of the plant St. John's wort, with which are entwined scrolls bearing the names" England" and" Jerusalem," and surrounded by the inscription" Awarded Ly the Gr[Lnd Priory of the Order of "the Hospital of St. John of J erusn1em in England." The medal is suspended from a black watered ribbon of such material and width as the Chapter-General determines. The medal shall only be awarded to those who in a conspicuous act of gallantry, have endangered their own lives. The medal is to be worn by men on the right Lreast, by ladies in such manner as may be defined by the Regulations or Bye-laws. The award of medals is made Ly the Chapter-General. If auy
The St. ,John Ambulance Association and the British 47. Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem are foundations o~ th~ Order and under its entire control; but the charge thereof IS gIven to special Committee.s appointed ~y the Grand Prior, which Committees are dIrectly responSIble to the Chapter-General. The regulations as to the management of these foundations, and selection, if necessary, of persons other than Members or Associates of thc Order to be attached thereto, are made by the Grand Prior, and may be altered from time to time. j
Every Member and Honorary Associate must, on reception or admission, make the following declaration: "I solemnly declare"That I will ever be faithful and obedient to the Order " 0 far as i. consistent with my duty to my " Sovereign and country, doing everything in " my power to contribute to its glory, prosperity "and utility ; that I will combat everything " prejudicial to its well-being' that I 'willnever " act contrary to its dignity, but that I will " conduct nlyse1£ alw[LYs as [L good Christian, " [Lnd a nlan [woman] of honour."
Every Member on admission, or as soon after as possible, the HOlllaO'e Roll of each cgTade, and conlmunicate to must siO'n b b the Registrar such p[Lrticulars of his public services, ec., as it may be desirable to record in the Roll of MeITtbers.
All precedence within each class in the Order is, except for members of thc ROYl1l Fl1mily, or except as the Chapter-General with the consent of the Grand Prior, may otherwise resolve, regulated by scniority of admission to each cbss. The Grand Prior and Chapter-Generl11 shall hrwe the full power of calling in question the conduct of any Membcr '~ho is. removable under these Statutes, or of any Honorary AssoCll1te of
the Order, and if a Chapter specially summoned for the purpose, after hearing or giving to such Member or Honorary Associate the opportunity of being heard in such manner as the special Chapter think just or as the Chapter-General may direct, shall have considered the conduct of such Member or Honorary Associate as a viola.tion of the Statutes of the Order, or as derogatory to the honour of such Member or Honorary Associate, the Chapter-General, on receiving the report of such special Chapter, with the personal consent of the Grand Prior, if he be present, or, if not, with his consent in .writing, may cause the name of such Member or Honorary Associate to be erased from the Roll of the Order' and the Chapter-General shall in such cases be the sole judge as to whether the conduct or behaviour has been such as to require renloval from the Order. The Chapter-General, with the consent of the Gmnd Prior as aforesaid, shall have power to restore the :Member or Honorary Associate who may have been so removed if circumstances render it just and expedient so to do.
In mttne%% whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made patent.
Ourself at Westminster the
Fourteenth day of May in the fifty-first year of Our Reign.
unller tbe @UUn'% %ign :£!tanttaL ~uir
Ro al United Service Institution PUBLISHED
Editor - Captain H. GARBETT, R.N. (Retired).
Vol. XLIV.-15th OCTOBER. 1900.-No. 272. 1',\(;&
I. - THE SIR GEORGE CHESNEY GOLD MEDAL. " 11.- THE KNIGHTS HOSPITALLERS AND AMBULANCE WORK IN WAR. By Major A. C. Yate, 29th (The Duke of Connaught's Own) Regiment of Bombay Infantry (2nd Baluch B attali on) .,. " III. - FROM ENSLIN TO BLOEMFONTEIN WITH THE 6th DIVISION. By Major J . E. Caunter, L ancashire Fusiliers , D.A.A.G., 6 th Division ... " IV.-RUSSIA'S PROGRESS IN EAST ASIA. By C arl Schultz, Nava l Senior Lieutenant, Jun e, 1900. Translated from the " Marine Rundschau " of August-Septem ber, 1900 " V. - THE NAVY UNDER CROMWELL : ITS STRENGTH AND COST, 1654. Contributed by Charles Dalton, Esq. (Editor of English Army Lists and Commission Registers, 1661-1714) ... By Captain G. F. King-Hall, " VI. - NEW NAVAL TACTICAL GAM E. R.N. .. . " VII. - Naval Notes "VIII.- Military Notes
" IX. -- LETTE R TO THE EDITOR :-- " How to Popularise our Army" " X. - Naval and Military Calendar for September ... " XI. - Contents of Foreign Journals for September " XII. - Notices of Books
J J. KELIIlER .\~n
& CO., 9!l. VICTl.)RIA ~ TREET, S.W., KING \\' n . LL\'" STREET,
IIOI)(~ES. I· IG(.IS & CO.,
1181 1187 1191 1206 1220 1222 1223 1228
PRESIDENT. Fidll.;'Il:trshal ILR.II. The DUKE O~' CAMBRIDGE, KG . &c,
VICE-PRESI DENTS, .\dmiml Rt. Hun. i1' J. C. 1>,\ LRYMPLE JlA Y narl., K.C.B, n.C.L., .l!',R,S. Genentl Sil' .l!'. C. A. S'1'EPJ) E~ 'ON, G.C.B., Const.ahle of the 'rower . •I.dmiml il' ERAS)I[US OMlIlANNEY, C.B., I"L.]l., ],'.It,S. Geneml Lord C IlE LMS],'ORJ), (;.c.n. •\ ,lmiml ir E. G, J<'ANSILA WE, G.O n. .A ,1 lllil'lLl lI. BOYS. ~'jcl,l . ]lla,,·hal Sir ,J. L[N'rOR~ ,I. SlM)I[O~::;, ".C.H., H.C.lIl n., R J<;, Lieut.·Colonel T. H, BAYLIS (Q.C,), h~t\! l~th ]I(iddlesex V.H..G,
CHAIRMAN, Admiral Rt, HU ll , ::iii' J, G, DALRYMPLE 11.1.'1, B,ut., KC,H" U,(). L., t'.R,::;.
VICE-CHAIRMAN. Ueneral Lord C11EL]I[S.l!'ORlJ, u.() ..r;,
MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. Major w A'STHLTU~I< · 'l'IJOll~O~, 1;'.S . .I." Itoyal Horse Guard. ]\[ajor?'. W. B.\H~ARJ)I~TOS, ~liddlc ex Regiment, p.S.C" D.A . .\.G. for Military intelligence. l'aptain U .. n. Prince Lor IS OF B,\TTESUEHG, R.K., (l.c.n, Asst, Director of Kayal Intelligence, A. D. C. t~ Lhe Queen. Colonel S, G. nll(l), I t;'l l i,ldlesex Yo!. ll .C Licut ·l'ulollCI J. II. BOR, C.lILG., It j\[,A., A . ..\.t{. '<te l ing, Royal Marines. ,\dmiral Sir N . BO\\UES 'S" ITII, K.C,B. L'oIl11l.w.11l1er " "", ~-'. CA)U) l t~"',:, C.B , Hoyal i\aral H.esc1"\,c. l'olonel '1'. S. C,HE, lilt Yo1. Dn. l1itrul'shire Regiment. Sir G. H. CIll liB, Bart., late Captain 4th \'01. Bn. Easl Surrey Regiment. Ilrigatlier·General ,I. lJ.\\'5, F.S. A" 3rd Bn. Queen's, A,D.C. to the Queen. ~lajor·General Hon. li. F. EATU". :Ilajor·(;enerai G. 1<'. GL ros, C01llmanLling 4th Infilnlr) Brigade, .I.l<ler.hot. Colonel Lonsdale A. HALE, late RE. Colonel Sir W. A. BA'L'E HA'"LTOS, K.C.lILG., C.B., Lothians and Berwi ekshire Yeoruanry Cavalry.
urgeon·G enernl J. ,I UI>.~US, III \) L BU' Ueneml Arruy l\[edical Service, nJn . Su~g' e Ittcelthor Queen, ou 0 . , JlI'lJor·Oeneml 'il' J. ]0'. i\[,nuu: K.u D It \ Commallllif1g Woolwich lJiRtri'ct ,., ", P,I, C., Licut ·t:eneral Lord ~[ETIILt:N lCL',\'.U., I'.B. C.M t' ltl',u·· .l til1l1ral -'II' (:"""\1) II. 1:. ;\1111 !\C'Ml''i . mirnl ~IlJlel'intcndent uf Xa\'a \ Hl'SC;'\"'H.· . I, 11· 1,1euL.· 'olon.e~ . Lord It.\OI_AN, Royal ~[OllwouLI I" RK(!'LIlltla). 18 11 Ie .\ ,lllliral i JUI'ci L'II'''!.>;' T. M, 1), SC'OTT K V D VUlli' ('hief, PlY1llouth. ' .'" ,'111' ~[ajl,)r-(~eneral J I~. S,"Jo:HLHiV. Colonel .K 1\'. lJ. \\'.''''',l. C,B., .\rIllY Ser\'il'~ l'urp•. SLr W, ll. " ' H In ,h.G.J.S., LL.O., J<'.lt,S., .\sist;Jllt LUll troller, and lJirecwr of KitYllI Construction 'ceJ'e/ctf y. Li~llt. Culvn,,1 R liOLDEN, 5th Dn, Worcesl er.h ir, Hegi. ruent. EditoJ' and Liul'UJ'WIL. Captain li. G'RHETT, RN. (retired), AS8i8tant Editor alld LL/)(((I' ill II , Major C. n, WI'LL\" I:Lte 1st Dn, South :5l1lll'urtl.hirt Regitllent,
The undermenlioned can become members by intimating their wish to the Secretary, and either forwarding to him lheir subscription, or giving him a IVritten aulhority on their bankers or agents for its payments: -Commissioned oO-icers of the Royal Navy, Regular Army Royal :\larine , l\Iilitia, Indian an d Colonial 'aval and ;\Iilitary Forces, Yeomanry, Royal Naval Re erve, and Volunteer Corps, as published in the Official Navy and Army Li -t . together \\'iLh retired officers of Lhe same whose names are rclained in lhe (\'avy or Army Lists, ami l\a\al Cadet and Cadet of the Royal l\Iilitary Academy, " 'oolwich, and Royal l\Iilitary College, Sandburst, on the recommendalion of their commanding officel·s. Officers of Cadet Battalions and Officers retired from th e vanous Service~ enumerated abo\'e whose names do not appear in the N'avy or Army Lists, are eligible for eleclion by ballot on the re co mmendation, on personal knowledge, of two members of the Institution. The terms of subscription are :AnnuaL £1 Is. Od, enlrance; and £1 Is. Od . annual, payable on the 1st January each year. Life. £15, payable in one sum. Life, £15 15s., payable in three inslal1l1enls of Five Guineas each; the first on joining the Instilution, the other' on the bt Janu ary of each of lhe succeeding- two years, l\l.:!mbers joining- after the 1st October in any year are not called upon [or any sllbscription lhe following- year, An extra payment of Ten Shillings entiLles a member in the United Kingdom to the loan of Four Volumes at a time from the Library for a period of twelve months from the dale of the subscription, \Vhen a member desires to pay his subscription through his banker or agent, he should send to the Secretary a written authority as follows: To (Banker or Agents) , ' On receipt of this order please pay to Secretary, Royal United Service InstItutIOn, or order, my subscription to thal Inslitution (according to the terms above), Name in (ull , Rank, Ship, or Regiment. Address to which Journals and other communications should be sellt, Tbe name of any member who fails to pay his annual subscription for lwo years is removed from lhe Lisl of Members, but lhe member may be re·admiUed as a new mem ber on the usual terms, Members of the United Service Inslitulion of India on leave to the Unil~d Kingdom, and officers of the Colonial Naval and Mililary Forces who are tempora~dy 11,1 this country on duty, can become temporary members, and make use of the InslitutlO11 on payment of Five Shillings per six months, , , The Institution contains the best profes ional Library in the United Kl11 g d?I1l an excellent collection of Maps and Chal-ts; Reading and Smoking Rooms prOVIded with the leading ,papers, p,eriodic~ls, and writing materials, and where tea and coffee,
c. TATE,
291iz (Til e Duke 0/ COllllazwht's Own ) R egz'7Jltl2t
of Bombal ' ht/anll), 2JJd Ba/lIclz Ballab'oll)_ 1<rida), May 4th, 1\)00,
TATToN, Chancellor of tIle Orc1('r of the Ho pital of St. Tohn of Jerusalem in England, in the Chair.
1. I IIA VE to tell \\'hat on' Ordn of Knighthood, more anci nt than the Orders of the Garter or the Gold n Fleece, has done-firstly, to protect Christendom from the :\Tahomcelans; and s( conell}" to prOlnote philan· thropy in the widest sense of tht..: word, When in the first half of the , eventh century l\Iahomedanism began its career of conque:t, Christianity had spread from its tarting-point in Jel'llsalrm, not only through Europe, but over A, ia :\Iinor, yria, Egypt, North .\frica, and Ab) ssillia, anel into J\rabia, It had established itself in Cl'ntral Asia, if not in 'hina, l\Ierv in thc fifth century wa the scat of a Ncstorian and in thc fourtl'L'nth century of a Greck archbishopric. In the n;nrteenth century thl Ruo.;sian rc-' tablished therc thc faith which Arabs and Tartars had <;\\'('pt ,l'\';)y, ,amarb.nd also, I believe, was at one +imc tlw ,eat of a Chri:,;ti,lll bi<;hopric, In Per ia the prie thood of the Zoroastrian rdigion, famIliar to us as thc :\Tagi, set thcm c1H'S teaclfastl), against the introcluction of. hrio.;ti,lT1ity, so that when the armies of Islam overran Persia, they found comparati\'dy fl'" Christians thcre_ 1'\ ow it mLlst not be supposed tlla t t 1)(' :'.Iahol1H'elans, though it ,,'a b) the sword that tl1PY spread the tlllL'ts or their faith, tn:-atl'd the Christians at first with lllcrci\css scverity, 1L :-.lwuld be borne in mind that both Christianity and Judaism were" ell known in ,\rahia, that ?lTahomed him:-.elf wa't brought into familiar contact \\ itb the111 , that the Arabs and the J e\\, claimrd descen t from 01H' anct..:'ttor, the Patriarch l\braham, and that the l\Iaholl1l'cLlIl faith rccogni cs l\dam, Noah, .\b raham, .:.'IIo. e', and Chri::-.t as the greates t of God's prophcts, prior to l\Iahomcd himself. Thus Christianity and I.'lam had a gr at deal in com111on, and t11is partly explains why, [or mol' than thr c centuries aft r the ri e o[ I lam, the Christians in J erusa1cm werc treated with more than toleration. The second reason was that the tran 'it tracl' bet ween thc Ea t and Europe 3 u 2
11 00
b rought much treasure in to the 1\10 lem coffers. When in A.D. 6:37 thc Saracens defeated the armies of the Byzantine Empire in S) lid and P alestine, and ] erusalem fo und it elf forced to surrender, the Christian P atriarch Sophronius went o ut in person (by prior agreement ) to meet the Caliph Omar, and the 1\ro roue into the H oly City iue by side. The Caliph granted to the Christians the frec ex'rci e of their reliot> iun • tl1 e possession of their churche , and the rights of pilgrimage, SUbjL'Ct (0 a light tax. Charlemagne early in the ni lth century exchanged emb,lssles with Harun-ar-ra hid, and with that Caliph's consent l'slabhshed at ] erusalem a ho pice f~ r pilgrims. When, however, the Fatimide dynasty of Egypt conquered yna at the end of the tenth century, the position of the residents and pilgrims became Ie s fil\'ourable. The pilgrim trafIi c in those days between Europe and the Holy Lanu was no doubt a somce of pI cUlliary profit to ,merchant and hipOlyners, especially to those of the Il ali,l11 ports, :\1ere gam, howeyer, wa , let us hope, a 'econuary con icll'ralion. It wa' rather religious zeal that prompted some merchant. of Amalfl (a maritime port situated ju t outh of 1\ aples) to found at ] erualem, in tIll; fiJ"t qu,uler of th~ eleventh century, with the permission of the Caliph of Egypt, an estabh hment for the reception of Chritian pirgrims, called in the Latin of that time" hospitium," whence the word" hospice." It was dedicated to St. .] ohn In this establishment the l)ilrrrims \\'L'rl' I 'oc1(rCll . the Almoner. u t), and, If sIck, cared for. The utility and con, equent popularitr of the institution was such that it soon attracted pecuniary upport, n ot ~nl} from the pilgrims themselves, but also from piou donor ' in all parts of Christendom . Large numbers of volunteers J'oined in assistin p , th· "ood u " work which it was doing. \"ith evcr-increasil1 c,- funds 111 e111\wr , aJ1d ,\ ork, some deflnite organisation soon became nece.·ary. frum thi organisation rose the Order of the Knights of t.] ohn of Jcrus,lkm. In 1065 the barbarous eljuk Turks overran Palesbnc. The Christians suffered terribly; and all Christendom was profoundly mO\'L·d by the new of the atrocities that were committed. Towarcls the clo. e of tIll Ct ntury Peter the H ermit traversed all Europe preaching a Crusade. In response to this call, sanctioned by the Pope, thou. ands from all parh \>( gan (0 flock across Europe and Asia l\linor 7'ld Byzantium toward ,; tLt! Holy Land. Four great horde of so-called crusadcrs , num berin ucr t1wir tens or even hundreds of thousands, composed of men and "omen and even children, were destroyed, two in Hungary: onc in Asia :\Iinor, and one in Bulgaria. After this, in A . D . 1096, the first Crusade \\ as orgamsed. The It aders of it bear names familiar to most of us: Goclfrey of Bouillon, ]' obert, brother of 'Yilliam the Conqueror, Raymond of Toulollse, P obL'rt of Flanders, Bohemoncl, and Tancred. This host consisted of n ot lrss than six hundred thousand persons, exclusive of priests and ,,-omen. However, I am treating here not of the Crusades, but of their influence on thl Order of St. ] ohn. After the capture of ] erusalem in 1099, many of the woullllecl soldiers were tended in the Amalfi IIospital of . t. ] ohn . The leali ns of the Crusade conferred endowments on the hospital, ancl many of thl' Crusaders sought permission to join the ranks of its fraternity . Its Il edel, Peter n~'
Gerard, now proposed that the fraternity should be for med into a regularly constituted religious body, bound by vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity, and subject to t he j urisdic tion of t h e P atriarch of ] erusalem . This being approved, eac h member was invested by the Patriarch with a black robe bearing 011 its breast the eight-pointed white cross, now known as the 7IIaltese Cross . This became the recognised mantle of the Order, as the white mantle with red cross became that of the Templars, and the "hite mantle 'with the black cross that of the Teutonic knights . The knights of St. John, when arrayed for battle, wore over their armour a red surcoat with a plain white cross. All three Orders fought to protect Jerllsaltm fro m the l\Iahomeclans. The Order of t.] ohn was the firs t in5titutl:'cl, being formally sanctioned by a bull of Pope Paschal II. in 1113. Up to the death of Peter Gerard in 1118 the Order remained a monastic and rL'lig<ullS one; hut under his succc, sor in the rna tership, Raymond clll Pu.". the mona. tic knights took a fre h oath to protect pilgrim on the roacls from th' sea to the Iloly City. This oath 'was soon aften,-ards extcIlJrcl into onc which pkclge cl th'l11 to defend the Holy 'c pulchre to the la .. t drop of their blood. anel to mak(' " 'ar upon the folIo" l'rs of Islam wh en'vcr thl')' might meet them, At this tinll', ')r perhaps earlier, ~t. J o hn th e Baptist was adopted as patron aint. Of the three Knig-hU\' Orders institutec\ in thL' e\t;"L'nth and t\\'<'lfth centuries for tl1e defe nce ~f I ~rusalem against hlam, that of . 1. ] ol1n is the one" Ilich was first fOl1nd~d, ,,-hich renclerLlI by far the grealL'<;t service<; to 'hristendom, and which at the present clay. \\ hel1 military orders arc ll() longer needed or recognised, cloc· a gTL'at philanthropic mnk in maintenance of it motto Pro lIt/hlalt 1701/l/1 It m. The OnIt'r of th' Tlmplars ,ras founded in 1119, and suppressed by a Papdl Bull in l:n~, tIll' bulk of it · prop rtyand enciom11cnts, \\ hicil were l'llOrmOllS, bl'l11g transferred to the Order of ,t. Tohn. The T cmplar'i '''ere from first to last a militarr Orc! ' r. Th~ Order of Teutoni~ Kl1Jghh . on the othl'f hand, had it, drigin in a hospital founded ~t .\.cre III 1100 b~ some nwrchanls of Bn'men and Li.i.bcck, and modelled I t. elf 011 the nI~l',s formulated by the Knight IIospitaller of t.] ohn. It belame' a 1l1liItan Order in 110H, and after ih expul ion from the H oly Land by thL' S,lr,lcl'ns about \.1). 1200, elevoted ilelf dunn o' the ' 0 . tImtll'nth and famte 'nlh cl'llturies, to the forcible COl1\'cr ion to Christianity of th e Prussi,tns, Lithuanians, and Poles. It ,,-a practically sUI~pressl'd by ~ \lpokon in 1800. An Autrian branch , till exists, and mallltal11S an organisation for thL' care f the \"ot.lllcled in war. I have allowL'd 111) self for the mom'nt to anticipate the scqUl'nce of events, and must no\\ rdurn to til, foundation in A . D . 1090 of what is known . t Il ' lead ' rs of the 1<~,Irst l . rllsade. . (as the "L',l t'III IT' \'ll1gc1om "1uy \~Ith the mainlenanc' of that short-IiH'd and prL'carious monarclw, the hIstory of the t,,·o Orc1ers of the Hospitallers and Templnrs is clo ely b~~l~clllP. _ The), were its tronge t b ulwarks . I nticl'd, ih ~y were, though pC.Jicc.tly I~lclepcncknt, its standing army. In 11 7u, ,\ h n during the mlI1ontj . r ol B-t11 ( l \\"1Il 1\' ., lr. '\.lllg 0 f' ] 'rusalem , a Regent was need ~ d, he wa nOl11matccl b) tIw Grand ::'II astcrs of t he t" 0 Orcl('r ~ . The excellence of
11 02
their organisation and discipline made them , as troops, far superior to the bulk of the crusading forces. About 11 50 ,Ye find Louis VII. of France regulating his whole army on the model of the Templars. The kings, princes, and noble's of Europc had endowed these Orders with great wealth. The Pope himself wa their Spiritual Head. They held landed property in and drew revenues from every country in Europe, Their Grand Prior anJ CommanJers represented them at every Court. They were the outward and visible ign in Palestinc of that religious zeal • which flOm time to time sent hundreds of thousands of Crusaders, led by the greatest monarchs of Europe, to protect the scene of the lHrth and martyrdom of Christ from the followcrs of Iahomed. Despite, hOWl'\'Cr, all their efforts, Salah-uel-din (, aladin \ ultan of Egypt, a sdf-made man of Kurdish race, won Jerusalem back from them in 11 '7, They were then forced to seek some other stronghold as a base of operations. Ther selected Acre, which had al 0 fallen to ,'alaJin in 11 '7. To thL'ir aij came Frederick Barbaro::; a, Emperor of Germany, Richard Cc.eur-cll'-Lion of England, and Philip Augustus of France at the head of tht Third Crusade. After a siege of t\\-enty-three months, .\.cre, de pitl' tIll L,""orts of aladin to save it, capitulated. It i' said that 10U,000 Crllsad 'r.; lost their lives during thc siege. Acre no\\' became the centre of ~lll' two Orders, to each of whom a separate ponion of the cih' was allotted. They strengthened its fortifications, the Templar ' also building' ~o miles further south on the coa t the stronghold known as Athljt, or Pi:g ims' Castle, the vast ruins of which exist to thi . day. .A t Acre, at the end of the twelfth century, they were joined, as has been already related, br the Order of the T eutonic Knight, It is no place here to l'lltl:r in>o the rivalries and intrigucs that ,et the Latin King, the Knightly Ordl s, and the leaders of the Cru ades at variance with one another. Sunicc it to say that they were at \'arianc~, e\'en to the extent of intriguillg not only with th eir arch-foe, aladin, who was at least a chivalrous soldier and a brave and honourable man, but with such clubiou~ allies a'i the" .\ssa sins" of the" Old :.\Ian of the :.\Iountain." \\There such jealousy and anill10sity existed, success was impo'sible. It is curiolls in thesl' dar~ to rl'<..d that, after the victories of our Richard the Lion-hcarte'cl OVCl' the gallant Saladin, it was proposed, as a basis of the treaty of peace, tllat Picllard'-i sister, the ex-Queen of icily, should marry aifuddin, Saladin's brothL:l', and that only the opposition of the Christian priests prevented aCt ('ptanet' of the proposal. (:.\Iarriage between Christians and Moslems is of very old date. About A.D. 730 the ::'IIoslem Governor of Cenlagne married Lampegie, the daughter of Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, and cntL'r('cl into an alliance with him . Vz'de Amir Ali's" History of the Saracens," p. 147" It does not, however, seem likely that even such an alliance as that would have brought lasting peace to Christian and l\I uslim in the H oly Land, Frederick II. of Germany, though under ban of ex-communication by the Pope, did, indeed, win back Jerusalem in 1228 at the' head of the Fifth Crusade, and crowned himself King (the last Christian K1I1g) of Jerusale m ; but in 1244 a savage horde from Kbiva in Central Asia overran Syria, and occupied the Holy City, The ne\\'s of thi s incited Louis IX. of France (, aint Louis) to embark on tbe Sixth Crusade.
(The old CllplI,.;'il/ .1lol/((s/('r)' lalldslip
7.i'I1S rtlrricd a7('ay 711 'l!lId DCn'lI/ber, 781)9.)
j<'''rtl'l'~S or thl' Knights 11''"l'iI.:11I.'rs ill H~Till, lakl'l) frum the Kurt!, l~y t.he J.'l'lInkR ,,1t01l1 Ihl' \'c'I\1' II:!::, nn.1 rel,"ilt ill I:!O:' \ l'l'l'1'<'sentntlOl1 lIf It· :lS I'~RIOl'P,l ":IIg'I':tvi;lP: fl'om .. ;\ l ll1ll1l11cntH of I he Architecture lIf the {)I'USllllcl's in Syria," Ity l t:, Hoy ,
11 03
It was a failure . Th e last or evenLh Crusade was led after th c death of t. Louis, by our King Ed ward I. (then Prince Edward ), a good soldier and capable general. His high reputation gathered rou nd him all who ·were willing to fight for The Cros. He failed, how ever, to achieve anything of importance, and finally returned to England about 1271, the last of the Cru aders. Acre, Antioch, l\Iargat, and Tripoli "'ere then still in the hands of the three Knightly Orders, and for twenty years were stubbornly defended by th em. But true as they were individually to their vow to wage undying "'ar against lhc infidel, and staunchly as they would land by each other in de fence of the common cause, their union of strength "'as sapped by the rivalry and ill-will that existed between the three Order. The Templars were inimical to Frederick II. of Germany, the last Latin ring, and vented th eir hatred for him on the Teutonic Knights. These tIl() appear to have driven out of Acre. Half a century or more of ranconr and j ea lousy between th e t,,·o great Order~, the Hospilalkrs and the Templar, broke out in 1243 and 1250 in open war betweell them. In 1260 the Order of the Templars is said to ha\'e numbert cl 20,000 Knight alone (not all, by any means, howL:\'cr in th e I Ioly Land) ; and as the Hospitallers are aid to have been victoriou in th' encounter of 1259, "'e must infer that their strength and number ,,·ere not inferior to those of the Templars. Despite th eir long and deadly feud, however, these two Orders were bound by mutual agreement not to receive ejected member of the rival Order, and the Templar cut off in battle or defeat from all hope of rejoining hi · mrn ranks might rally to the White Cross of St. John, or z'z'ce ·z'ersa. \Yhatever their faults, and they seem to have been many (the charges which in 131~ were the pretext for the suppression of the Templar are very grave indeed ), their courage, their gallantry, and their elevotion to the cluty to which they had avowed themselves, are beyoncl reproach. They never quailed before the enemy, nor clid they ever seek to save their lives at the cost of tlwir faith. The higher grade of both Orders were at once Knights and ':\l onks, and realised each in his own person the highest icleal of the meclli.."e\,al ages -that of dauntless chivalry and stainless devotion. They waged war single-, or, we should perhaps say, clouble-handed, against all the forces of Islam. By 1290 ::\Iargat, Antioch, and Tripoli had all fall en before the overwhelming numbers and power of the . 'aracens. In 12\)1 Acre fell, afLer a long siege and desperate resistance, before the arms of the Caliph of Egypt. The few Hospitallers and Templars who escaped retreated to their ships under cover of the arrows of their archers, and set sail for Cypru. The Order of the Templars ccased to exist in 1:31 2. The Teutonic Knights betook themselves to Germany, there to coerce to Christianity the heathen of Prussia, Poland, ancl Lithuania. The Knights of St. John alone remained to oppose the whole power of Islam in the Mediterranean.
II. There is sufficient proof that the Arabs, when they obtaineclm the seventh century after Christ a footing on the seaboard of the Mediterranean, were competent seamen and navigators. Sprung from the same Semitic
r~lan rl PlaJl~ in
Plan IIf I hI
\l Aml.1'
of Ithndt'''. - Hl~dll('l'll JH('· '~' lIIi',. flf un(' of llw In.r~u fIt,· ... ·aintel" P.y. Itrll nt" IItS tit' Ilit'rll~;I~el~)t. h) \\1111 ,'uPJlC'Iplalc tigUl'l':":t. Lyous, l-Li'\. (LllnalY of
BUDRl ~l, OR "ST . PETER l1F T il E FREED . "
(Fortress of Ill(' A-'II:~lzls (II/. Ihe coast of .Isia J1/1110!' opposite Rhodes, alld a refllge jill' [,scaped Christiall prisullers alld S/tl'i'CS ill Ilze ljllz celllll!,)I. )
stock as the Phc:enicians, and possessing a seaboard extending from Suez round to the mouth of the Shat-el- rab, they seem to have ri\'ztlled in Indian and East-African seas the maritime enterprise of Tyre and Sidon in the l\Iediterranean and Atlantic. Sayad Amir Ali claims for the Arabs the invention of the mariner's compass, and states that they voyaged to all parts of the ,,'orld in que t of knowledge and in the pursuit of commerce. ir Thomas Holdich thinks that the Arab were the fir t astronomers and earliest navigators, and that Vasco d e Gama not improbably was guided by Arab pilots to the shores of India (in 149 ). It is stated by Sayad Amir Ali that the Arab fleets on the .:\Iediterranean about A.D. G50 were strong enough to dri\'e the Byzantine fleets into the H ellespont, and to invade and reduce the islands of the Greek Archipelago. l\Iahomedan pirates as ,,'ell as aracen fleets infested the .:\Iediterranean. Europe, therefore, during the Crusades had to contend with a power sirang- on the sea as well a by land. After the Knight · Hospitallers withd rL w from Acre to Limasol in Cyprus in 1291, they turned their attention to the creation of a powerful fleet. This done, they attacked Rhod es, and in 1310 won it from it.' Saracen inhabitants. In 1312 all thc posse 'ions of the Knights Templars i\'ere transferred to them by the Pope. This greatiy swelled their finances and consequently their power. In or about A.D. 1330 the Order was divided into eigl1t la IIglteS ~ literall y lan guagl s, in other words, national corps ' -Provence, AU\'Crgnc, France', Italy, \.ragon, England, Germany, and Ca ,tile. I At this time the Order is said to havc possessed 2',000 manon,2 in the different countries of Europl'. Each langue embraced one or more grand priories, each of which again comprised a number of commanderies. 3 The title of Grand Master is 'iaiel to ha\c 1 Castile and Portugal, properly speaking. This eighth lallgll e \Va:;, to be accurate, not created till 1-161. The Anglo-Bavarian lallgue wa'> found ed in 1782. 2 A manor in those days meant" the extent of land that could be tilled by one yoke of oxen."
3 These commrtnderie erved as offices for the administration of tIle lands and other sources of revenue, a places of retirement for ick and aged brethren, and as centres for the reception of recruits. In spring and !>ulllmer of every year (up to 1291, ",'hen the Hospitaller withdrew frOJ1l the Holy Land), respectively, took place the passagium Jfartis and the passagiulil Salld i J01Wllllis, from Europe to Palestine, when the newly-admitted knights left the commanderies or preceptories of the \Vest, taking with them hired foot soldiers, armed pilgrims, and contributions of money. (Vide Addison's" Templars," p. 107.) \t the Anniver ary Meeting of the Order on 23th June last, the Rev. T. \V. Wo od drew a most apt parallel between the manner in which in the old days the he adquarters of the Order, in Syria, Rhodes, or l\Ialla, called on each priory and commandery in Europe for it quota of recrllits when danger threatened, or some warlike enterprise was about to be undertaken, and the mannel- in which in 180!)-1900, every District Corps and Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade had, in answer to the call from the headquarters of the Grand Priol-y of England at St. John's Grtte, sent its conlingent of trained ambulance men to complde the detachments required for service wilh thc R.A.l\I.C. in South Africa. Tliirt een such detachments have in the last nine months atte nded service in St. John 'S Church, prior to their departure. Just so we can imagine, in the old days, tlie knig.hts and servants-at-arms would attend service in the Old Priory Church, before setting out for the Mediterranean.
been confcrrrd on the head of the Order by Pope Clement IV. about 1205. The Order consisted of knights,l chaplains, and serving brothers, some of these last being fighting squires who followed the knights to war, Tht; privileges and immunities enjoyed by the Order mad it in a great measure independent of the regal, ecclesiastical, and legal powers of the countries of Europ,' in \\'hich its pos.'essions lay. At tlw same time, policy obliged its representatives to conciliate those PO\n.~r'i. The statutes of the Order strictly enjoine d absol ute abstention from international wars and politics. The breihn~n, howc\'er, could not ah\ ays Tc"ist the temptation of striking a bIoII for thl' side " ' ith which they sym patbised, notably in the long feud bet,,'eell Engla nel and . 'coUand, and tlltlt in the ~Icditerranean between Venice and Genoa. Christian refuge(,s from all part · or tlH' ~Ieditcrranean were encouragecl to settle at Rhl)cll'S. the: to\\'n :l.llcl port wen' "trang-Iy fortified, agriculturc improved. anel thl' ned augmct1iL'cl. In thi ... . mall island the Knight · of the Orell'r of St. John Iwld their o\\'n for mon ' than two ccnturie!::t again·t the whole power of Jslam. ( T't'de Appl'ndix 1. In 1314 they seized and forti6 ed Smyrna 011 the mainland and hdd it till the hordes of the great d8vastator Timur-i-Lang " Lunerlal1L' ) c1rn\'I' them out of it in 1401. They then Lapt urL'd, and very strongly fOrldled. Budrum on the mainland. Here they kept dog" "pecially trained to find ane! aid e. caping Chri ·tiall slaves, jU':it as tht' St. Bernard dogs of to-day are trained to find and aid people lost in the sno\\'. In 11.")0 the Turks captured Constantinople. .\.s th(~ ~Lthnnll'dan pOWl'!" spread, till' poition of the IIospit?.llf'rs gTl'\\' m o re dillicult and clangL'rous. ..till th c!, held on, strengthl'ning their f()rtiflcation , striking at tlll·ir enemy as opportunity offered. and an'aiLing the .:;il'gl" which thl'} knc\r must come. It came in I
1 A good picture of a knighl of thc Order in its carly day · is difficult Lo find. That by Jostl\mman in "CIeri totiu'> Pomanre Eccle ... icc" is simply grotesque; that by Hollar in Dug-dale '" ":'lIt nasticon" appCM., fanc:ful. There are in the Cappella San Giovanni (the Brtpti'it) in the 'athcdral at iena. three fre.,coe., by Pintu ricchio, represenLing Alberto .\rringhi eri, a knig-ht of Rhode ... , who in hi ... later year'i \\'as administrator of the work ... of Siena ~athedral. These frescoe were l~,'ecutcd by Pinturicchio at the ordt'l" and expcnse of Albedo Arring-hieri, ancl arc understood to be likene.:;ses of him One repre..,ents him as a young knight in annour, wcaring the n.:d surcoat, with ih pb.in white cross on the breast, over hi'> coat of mail. "\no thel' d 'picl<; him as a much older man wearing the black mantle with the eight-pointed cro';'> . fhere is e\'ery reason Lo suppOSe that these pictures were painted from the life, and arc, in point of dress, accurate. In this ame chapel of St. John the Bapti ... t at ~ iena, acconling to "Murray'.., Guide to Central Italy," is " the BaptisL' right arm pre..,ented by Pius II. in 1-1:6-1:." This statement is at variance with the account publi..,hed shortly afler the iege of Rhode ... in 1480 by \Villial1l Caour.,in. \ 'ICC- 'ham'ellor of the Order. He state.., t~at the right hand of John the Baptist was tran.,ferred from ,\ntio 'h to Cons tantll1opl e, and in l43:3 fell into the hands of thL' ullan Iuhamad II., \\'ben be captured the capital of th e Byzantine Empire. IIis son Bayazid pre ' entecl it ~o\Val"ds the encl of the fifteenth century to the knights of Rhodes. It r mainecl In possession of the Order at Rhodes, ami sub.sequ 'nLly at Malta till 179 , when Napoleon captured Valctta. tl-i pr ed by him of its golden and jewelled ca ' ket, it t. Petcr -burg, was c~nveyecl, with othc," pl-eciolls I-elico.;, by the knight'> to wh ere It now I..,.
Ol{K IN \\'\R.
,\:\lI11JL \!\"CI'. ,,"OIU.. IN WAR..
1480 when from 70,000 to 100,000 (re ports vary) Turks lancled with ' 'I' J1(' I bombards o! . hug'(' ca II I)[l' all( I cOlJ1menct'tl operatIOns. O'uns tlJ1( . . o crtl of the I fospiLallcr garnson IS unknown, but can scarcely have st re11 0 1 10 000 and was pro)iL) I I 1y I ('ss. '1'1 lC 'J' ur Ios ' J1 genera 1 was a excce(Ie(I " . ' . ' . . . I' Grct,k of tIll' Impl'nal !annl) u! Pall'ologll S. Several tnutorous renc oac (; , . " 01" "TIl'l '1. Germ ,lll kno\ll1 ;t'i .\[a<;tcr CJl'orgc assIsted the 1 urks. It IS rce~:; (' ( , G . factory Lo kno\1 tllat :'Ilastcr G('orgc was hangTd, and 1.\\ 0 of illl' s atl . I f(';~t "(lS~ more 7'!freo: conGreeks killed; and Lh~lt t Ill' gl'Jll'ra,1 a f t('rl '11S ((' demned to the ho\r~tnng, though Il,nally I(.,t off \\ .1 til cxll~. A port1On of the line of defences rampart and dlt ' h, \\ Ith hastlOl1S at ll1teryals., on tIl(' land side, and t\ro walled 11l()ks and thn'L' to\\l'rs on the sea SICk J was assi cr l1eel to each of Ll1e eight 1(1I1~{f(S. After a sev('t'(' hombardment, the ~rstassau1t of the Turks was (kli\'('[cd on tIll' to\\('1' of SL. ITicholas from the eLl side. Fifty galleys landl'cl a lar:;l' bod) of soldiers, "ho tried to carry the to\\'er by c'icalatk. TIll'y Wl'n' l'L'p~lbl'.d after several hours' fiO'htin(Y. The second assaul L ('omrnl'nced at ITIldI1lgbt on 10th June, also U o~ the tower of St. l'\icholas ancl its 1110Il'. It was intended to be a surprise, but an accident get\ l' tlw bl'sicgcd a cl ul' to the project of th e besicO'cr. The result \\ as that th ' attack was rl'pubecl with heavy loss to the T~lrks. The third assaulL was cldiYl'rcd 011 ~7th July after a hea,'y bombardment. Tl11' Turks act Ll,tl 1.\ carri(~d the bn'tlch, occupied the ramparts, and by lad(kr ' c1I':-ocencll't\ into the strel'ls. Thl' Grand l'IIaster d'Aubusson him elf. at tIll' 11l'ad or a body of knights and men-at-arm'i, drove them out again. TilL' (;rand ~rastl'f [(' l,ivL'cl fi\'l~ "ouncls. Finall \ the Turk were replll 'cd at l" cry point. Br this time their loss had amounted to 9,000 klllc-d alld :~(),OOO wounded. Their spirit was broken, and the report of the appw;tch of n:infol'ccl11l'nls for the garrion clecided I'
~1,l)" ,
ALBERTO A,RRJ;\'GUIERI, KA'JGHT l1F RlIl)[)I~S, 1:\ .\R'll1L R.
(From tlie Fresco
Pllltllricrliio in Siena Ca/licdrill.)
RHODES, 1,'01 BL.\('I{ l\L\:-;TLE.
(From tlze Fresco by Pillturicchio ill Siella C{/thedral.)
them to rai 'e the siegl'. The second siege ,,,as c(J11(luckd in pL'rSnll by the, ultan Suleiman the l\Iagnificent. Ill' arriVl'd in Rho~ks on ~(ilh June 1,)~2, with 100,000 soldier' and GO,OOO 1,1IlOun'r:-- for eng'inl'L'ring' ,,·ork. Th' garrison numbered only 4,000. All lltl' a-,saults "vrL' n'plllsL'd up to the end of September. The, 'tdlan was greatly di'icouragcd. How cyer, internal disaffection and tlw want of prtWIsi()l1 brought about thcurrcnder which the Turks could not c~'cl. Europe, mon.':{)\'L'l', Sl'L'ms to ha\'e made no effort to aiel the knights. TIll' Grand "\Llstn, rIsk Adam, found himself obliged to sign a capitulation, and un 1st J ,l11u:lry, 1;)~:{, the knights withdrew with all the honour'i of "\lr Lo Cn:lL'. Whcll llll' new' of the e\'acuation of Rhodes l'eaChl't\ tlIe Emperor Charll 'i \~., King- of , pain, and Emperor of Germany, he remarked," :\olhing in lill' "orld has been morC' nobly lost than Rhodes." lIe, with the appro\'al of the Pope, in 1530, gave to the Order the i 'land'i of Malta and Gow and the fortres of Tripoli on the north coa'it of . \.Crica. :\IalLa had been delivered from the African corsairs by the N orm,tn'i in the c1l'\'cnth L'cntur), and then passed under the so\'ereignL) of Charle'i V. The Knights of t. John held it a a free fief, acknowledging the Empcror's uzcr,linty b) the homage of a falcon to be presentecl to him annuall \'. The\~ had their own mint army and fleet, anel their own accrL'dited ambassadors at all the Court: of oJ
Lcttcrs [rom crowned heads (~xist addresscd to the Orclu- as a Europ? _ ])rinccly powcr. \VhaL ill!' knigllLs dicl at Rhodes thcy soverelO'n OT " ' . °d at l\Ialta. They ronght Ll1C' lurklsh squadrons and l\Ioonsh rcpeate I I n 1~'). ' I t I1C C'xpec1"ItlOn aga.lI~st . 'orsairs whcr vcr the), 111('111('111. ,).).) 111(')' )0111('( C • Trinoli, like myrna, was, from the first, a pre'canous POSS('SslOn. Tums..turhsh corSillr . Dragut captnr('( l'It 111 . 1-D.)-1 - I] t las 1)c{!n t h e tT . , . The O'rca;'" o'ood °fortune of the Ordcr almost alwa) s to have at Its lwac1m tIme of l \catest danger a Grand :\Iast{'r. com pL'tcn t t.o t:ommancl. John de ,la Valettc fValcua take. it.s name [rom him) was a wOI:l.h) succcsso.r of cl Aubusson 11'Islc Adam, who were Grancll\'Iastl'l's clunng thL' two slegcs of Rhodes. ~~ 18th May, 1565, the Turkish fleet. hov(' .in s~g'ht, ~~cl what is spoken "one of the 1110st memowble SIeges m IllS tory commenced. It of as . ' des])erate strlltyO'lc, wl11ch tC'rmmatecl only on 8t.h , elJtember, after was 1:)0 the death of 25,000 Turkish warriors. It is a dl'fencG that may almost rank with that of Gibralt.ar by Gennal Eliott (1/7D-82 Hanyone ever writ.es the history of the" Dccisi\ e ::'IIaritime , ieges of the \Vorld," the defence of Acre, Rhodes, and ::\falta b) the Knights of . 't. Jolm will surely be given a place in it. The gratitude of ~hristendom showed itself, after the repulse, in present-; of money whlch \venL to meet the cost of building the new town of Valetta, to which object evcry Priory and Comm<lndery of the Order contributed it.· quotum. In four years. /.e., by 1570, Valett.a, \\,1,) buill and fortified. It contain t.he great hospital of the Order about ;)00 feet in J ·ngt.h without a central support, said to be the JargL'st. room in Europe}, still occupied as a military hospital. The Urder ontinuecl for 'ome time after this siege to be a powerful buhLlrk agaimt I lam ;2 hut after the defeat of the Turks at Vienna in 1G8:3 by John Sobil";ki, t.he ::'Ifo.lems cea cd to be a standing menace to C hrist.endom. It is <lhout this lime that the Knights of ::'IIalta joined t11e Republic of \ Tenicc. in attacking the Turks in the illorea and ~ '( g-ropont. TJlL'ir combined force were successful in .:\Iorea, but. ,>ufTl'rcd a scriou-.; cll'fcat in i\ cgropont, and finally had to abandon this l'fTort to frel Greece from ::'IIns ulman rule . The decay of the Turki~h power soullclcd t.he ckalh-knell of the Order '1
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I After the succes"ful i.,.,uc of the ~ieg-e of :\Ialta in 1::565, La \'alette was uffered a Cardinal'o.; hat. He dl~clint;d it, though d ·"\ubuo.;on, afler the iege of Rhodes of 14:80, had acceptcd it. Knights of the Ordel- of St. John not unfrequently rose to high ecclco.;iastical dignity. The Hi.,hop of :\Ialta wa>; selected from among the member" of the OJ-der. J lllio de' :'IIcclici wa promoted by his uncle, Pope Leo X., from a Knig-ht of ~l. John to be Bi.,hop of \Yorce ter, and Archbishop of Narbonne and Florence, and finally became Pope Clement \'11. \ 'on Kollonitsch, Bishop of :\custadt and defender of \'ienna again.,t the Turks in 16 3, had also been a Knight of thc OJ'der. \'ipcran, the IZnight who wrote an interesting account in Latin of the sieg-e of 1.')6,)-in which he (Ook part-became a Bishop. 2 A good account, attra('ti\l~ly written. of the life of the Knights in the seventeenth century. will be found in .• The ,\d\·cnture-.; of Count George r\lbert of Erbach," a true tory, tl'anslated from the German of Emil Kraus by H.R.H. Beatrice, Prince Henry of Battenberg. (John :'Ilurray, 1 90.) The description ?f an i~vestiture of Knights in t he Church of t. John at :'IIalta is especially mterestlng.
111 3
'l 'tar)! po wer. ILs utility decreased, anel in th' eighteenth century as a 1111 1 ' , 'of disorg'anisatiol1 and conc;equcnt weakJwss began to show the sIgns 'c , 'e" and when, at the end of the ('I g-htcenth century, danger t11e111se l\ v, c ~,' , . ' the Order from } rance, nelther Granel ::\Iaster nor Knwhts led threa t el . , . ' D n' - trace of that spmt of colwslOn and courage \\ hich had showe d ca ) " , borne them through seven centUrIes of conflIct wIth the ::\Ioslems . It was the French Revolution of 1780 that dealt the final blow to its strength. The Directory. in 1792 ,decr~ed the abolition of the Order and the fo rfeiture of Its POSSCSSlOl1') Jl1 France . The Grand l\Iaster de R ohan (of the highest nobility of France) died in 1707, and was succeeded by one F erclinand Hompesch, a man who proved himself quite uneq ual to the stress of the times. H e surrende red almost witho ut an effor t to Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798, and withd rew to Trieste. After this the lands posscsscd by the Order in the various countries seem to have been confiscated. Those in England had long before been taken from the Order by Henry VIII. anel Queen Elizabeth. trange to say, afte r the fall of Ho::npesch, a number of Knights \\ ho took refuge in Russia elected as Grand ::\[aster the' E.mpe ror Paul, a monarch of unsound mind (he \ras murdered in 180 1 and tlw tcmpora I head of the Grce k Ch urch, whieh for centuries had lH'en estranged fro m the Urder and its head. Tl1f' election was never legalised. ::\Iaha has no\\' passed away from the Y night: Hospitallers; but the monuments of their rulc there, the palace, two great hospitalc;, the auberO'e: of the eight lang-ues, the library, and the Cathedral Church of 't. John \rill endure for centuries, and the history of their war again. t Islam will be told as long a the present era of civilisation lasts.
III. Of the se\'cral branchcs of the Order which to this day ex] t 111 Europe, I shall speJk here only of the English, th' rcvival of which was fo rmally decreed in 1 27. The Brandenburg" Johanniter" Order i· dirC:'ctly deri\'ecl from the German lal/gue', ils Grand ::\Ia'ter, Prince Albert of Prussia, being also a Knight of the English branch. Both branches de\'ote themselves to hospital and ambulance work in peace and war. With changed times, manners, and relig-inn the old military constitution could not be resuscitaled. The English lal/glft' has in this c ntury resumed thosc d uties \I'hieh in the clc\'Cnth century callcd the Orde r into being, viz., works of charit,\ and philanthropy. I n its original tatc a a vol untary confraternity, it \ '(1. introduced into England about _.\. . D. 11 00, and located at Clerkcl1\rcll, on the northern outsbrt. of th Citr of D London,l In thc early I)art of the fourleenth centurr_ this EnO'li-h br~nch appears to have attained the :tatu of an English corporation under the style of "The Order of the Hospital of t. J ohn of J ern a lem in England." T he Grand Prior rankcd 'with th first barons of the r a im. HOSPITAL OF TIrE KI\IGI1T~ AT l\lALTA, AS SEEN TO-DAY. 1 Mr. Round , writi ng in Arc1LCeologia fo r 1 99, a ddu ces e vid e nce to sh o w tha t the Order of th e H ospitall e rs was not ettl e d at Cl erk e nw ell ti ll the reign of King Stephen. -
. es ta hl'shm ent at ClrrkcJ1well was a large and .important one, covering I. 'd When II ellry VnI. quarrellc'd wILll the Pope he approa \VI care". . ' , , , , I the revenues of the Order, of II lucll Ill' declared hnnself head. In P natecQueen l\lary re-estab I'IS 1lee1 t l I 'IS h ane1 I ns . I1 pnones, '. . 1553 leEng an d 111 -7 ' corl)orated them by Royal Chart'r under their old style and 15D lfi ueen Elizabeth on h " er accessIOn agam d'ISS0 I veel t h e 0 rder anel Q name. 'r o-cIay, a I most ]11'dd en a'I'ay amI'd the con fi sCcatecl thei r property, , ' . 'd 'cl thorouuhfares north of , t. Bartholom '\\' sand ,mlthficld, may crOll 0 " , l\W remnants of the old Grand Pnory, VIZ ., the mall1 entrance bc scen the '11 ' d St, Jol1l1's Gate and Llw crypt of the olel Chure 11 of t. J ohn, one ca the e olc1est existing blt~ , 0 f eccIl'Slastlca ' . I masonry In . I .on.(I on. B etwe~n of the date of the suppressIOn of Ule Order by Queen ElIzabeth and Its rcvival, these buildings \\' ere absolutely neglected, and, like the fine olel Norman Church of SL Bartholomew the Great, used for any secular purpo e. St. J ohn'S ,Gate was 1:)~ years ago the place ofbusi~ess of Ca\'c, a wcll-known printer and publIsher, a contemporary of Dr. , amue l Johnson, who frequently hacl occasion to \'i:-iit him there. Howevcr, the revival of th e Order in 1R2i was ere long followed by the rescue of these buildings from the umrnrthy lIS('S to which th('), had been clegraded. Over the crYfJ t had been erect 'cl in the eightt'cnth cenlur) a moclern church, in \rhich noll', annually on ,'t. J()hn's Day, the mcmbcrs of the Order meet for Dil'inc Sen'icc, ( T'ide Appendix I r. ,'t JolIn's Gate is the Chapter H ou.·e and the centre of the gn'at \\'ork that the Order carrie. on. Any visitors are rcadily admitted anel "ho\1 n thc' [(,I ics of the Ortier kept there. The Homage Roll contains a scries of signatures, from tl1at of lIer :\1ajesty the Queen downwards, which, in point of Ino<ll'rn inll'rc~t at lca<;t, cannot casily be rivalled. On Llw gr(Jund floor is tbl' "turt· dcparlnwnt of the Ambulance Association, \I'hich o",es much of its success and efficiency to , ir John Furler. Half a century of Hospitaller and charitablE' \\'ork, culminating in 187i in the formation of tll(' , t. John Am buJance As.'ociation, \\'on in 1888 [or th e Order a nc\ ' Royal Charler of Incorporation under its ori<rinal name and style. At the same time Her Maje. ty Queen Victoria \Va. pleased to become th' o\'crl'icrn Hcad and Patron of the Order, the Prince of Wal es was nominated Grancl Prior, and all or rn o t of the Princes and Princesses of the Royal Family of Great Britain were enroll ed as Knights and Ladies. I shoulcl here mention that i. ter of thc Ord cr existed from ,1 \Try early period, possibly in the cleyenth, certainly in the L\rc!fth century. \\'on1l'n and nursing haye ahray ' been associated. Early in tlw fourtl'l'n I h Cl'ntury the, islers Jiyed at Buckland in Som crsetshire, and remained there till] ,):to, To-day the Ladies look after and yisit the sick and cOJl\'a lc"l'l'nh to "hom the Order OTant. relief. Th e Princes and Princesses of the Blood Roral arc not mere nominal but \\'o rkinQ' members of the Orcler. :\1a11\: of them includin(T the Princess of Wale s and th' Duke or Connrtlwht the n , llave been thrOlwh 0 "First Aid" Class and obtained a certificate of efficiency. To thl' Princcss Christian we are indeoted for (t oo'ooel tran~lation ~f Profes o r von Esmarch's "First Aid" lectures, a little oook only econd to Surgeon-Major Shepherd' handbook, the Yade-l\Iecum of 'the St. John HIS
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Ambulance Association . Of that handbook G50,000 copies have been . d Suro' on-Major Slwph'rd was no mer lecture-room professor lSSue . 0 • A' II e :vas J0 '11 >(1 at I sa~dula m . Zululand of thc principles of Fm;t . I(1" . on 22nd January, 1870, whIle aUemptmg to save the hf~ of a wounded . ldier. H c is one of whom the R.A. 1. . may b> proud. :;0 Among the numerous philanthropic movemcnts in which the Order . I'ntcI'csted itsGlf since 1827, I may mention the relief of convalescents . . , .. I1as [rom the great hospItals and murmancs of the Ul1lted Kll1gdom, the )l'omotion of coLLage hospitab in country districts, the maintenance of ~I11bLllanCc stations at central points, the institution of the Victoria Hospital at Cairo, and of a nl1~s~ng home for ~he sick !)oor in London, the foundation in 18H2 of the J3ntish OphthalmIC HospItal at J erusalem, and the annual award of medals and diplomas for gallantry in . aving life by land. The ultan of Turkey himself. pr 'eDted the ?,round o~ \vhich the Hospital now stands at J erusalem; Ju:t as, nearly nme centunes ago, the Caliph of Baghdad gave the Amalfi merchants a . ite for their Hospice of St. John. In 1898 the H ospital relieved (i,350 patients, of \\'hom 600 were in-patients, ancl1,3:30 underwcnt opcrations. The cos t of maintaining it that year "'as £950 on 1),-mone), m.:11 spent and ,yell worked for. For 1899 the figures are :-In-patients, 4,UG; out-patients, c1,03G; operations, 1,033; expenditure, £ 1,4.7.). The awards for gallantry are pn.:s(; nted (;\'(;r), ) car by the Prince of Wales at illarlborough H ouse, in the pr 'sence of the Chapter of the Order. I have noticed on several occasion ' that soldiers of H er Majesty's Army \rere among the rccipi ' nts. This year 1899 ) a bombardier of the Royal ArLillery recci\'ed the Sih'e r Medal, and a .oldier of an infantry regiment one of th e othn decorations. Th y an.: worn on .he right breast. The "'o rk which the Order carrico on in timc of peace, it extends al 0 to the 'ick and wounckel in war-both to our 0" n troops and to tho 'c of other ci\'ili ed Po\n.~ rs.1 During the Franco-German ,Yar it initiated an organisation for the relid of both combatanl:-., which ha ' 'ince become knO\rl1 as "The N'ational ocid\' for Aid to ick and \Younded in ,Yar" ' or more briefly" The Reel Cros. ocid)'''; and during the Ru so- ervian War" The Eastcrn ,Yar Sick and \Vounded Relief Fund." Th e existence of the South African Centre of th l. John Ambulance A ociation proved most opportune "when the Trans\'aal \Var broke out. Through that centre and on behalf of the ,Var 0 ffice the As 'ociation has supplied, and is still supplying, a large quantitrof ambulance tore for the use of our force there. It ha furth ermore sent 'out about 1,500 men of the t. John Ambulance (C
(Frolll a Photograph by Colonel TT'J IIdhalll-JI/{rmy, JI.P)
1 When I gave this lecture in Edinburgh in Iarch (1900), General E. F. Chapman, R.A., Commanding the Force in Scolland, who took the chair, related how at Pardubitz in 1866, during the Allstro-Pru ,ian "Tar, he found himself stranded one evening without food or shelter. To his relief, as darkness drew on, a voice hailed him in his mother-tongue and offered him a home for the night. ~his "good Samaritan" proved to be a t. John Ambulance man, and the mght-shelter the ambulance. On his return to England Captain (as he then was) Chapman, mindful of this help in the hour of need,ought admi ' sion to the Order of St. John ot J eru 'alem in England, and obtained it.
Brigad for duty with our hospitals, and for the aid of the wounded I ' I 1'1 ' b ' . 1 . 1 al1C 'lC z. 11S num cr IS sale to consLltut' a Jout one-fourth of the eUL' subordinate Hospital taff in South Africa. At the coml11enc 'l11ent lr~ 1 99 "The C 'ntral British Red Cross Committee" was established at t1~e War Ollice, \"iLh II.R,IL the Princess of \Vales as Honorary Presicl' t ~ll bringing that about the Order of , l. John of ~l'rusakm was lar,~(~\: lDst,rumel~tal. The \'<llue to the Army and the ~atlon of th(' \\'ork clone dunng t111S \\'ar under the control of that COlTIll1ltkl' is very great. The , t. John Ambulance Association i:-, only one, though the greatest, of the pri\'ate ambulance societies of the Empin" and \\ hen I mention that it maintains nearly 300 centres in all parts o[ the \\ arId (in the larO'c town,: of the Empir' containing 10,000 inhabitants or more ), besid~s fOl'lmng annually hundreds of "ddach 'ci classes" ; that it has awardee! half a million ccrtificat's of efficiency; that it carries on its \\'ork on all the raih\'ays in the U nitecl Kin (rclom and in the chief mininO' manufacturing, and other industrial c 'ntres; that it helps to ecluca~~ the Police and Volunteers in a kno\r1eclge of "First Aiel"; and that the t. John Ambulance Brigade ~ 1l,000 strong) has a detachment or detachments pre ent at all larg' gatherings and d--'monstration, ,_' that will, perhap" gi\'e some conception of what the resources of that As ociation and what the united re:ources of all the ambulance a ' ociation' in Great and Greater Britain are, Tlw Im alid Tran 'port of the ~t. John Ambulance Association ha:-" ~inLl~ 18t)3, COI1\'l;\,ed about 20,000 sick persons to all parh of Great Britain and th L: Contin~nt. At the Duke of York' , ,\'edding alone 1,500 caSl'S wcre dealt with b) the t.. John Am?ulancc Brigacl ". HO\" many occurrec1 at Her :'IIajesty's DIamond JubIlee I know not. The" hok strelloth of the Bri<radc in U u London \\'as at " 'ork that day, If anY()1lL' ChO(l"L'S to \ isit Sl. John's Cate, they will find there regi:-,tered 'ome of the mall \ cases in which liCe has been sayed by pupils of the As 'ociation. One 'of tl1e most remarkable is this :-" In October, 1 92, a man ,,'as picked up by a boat apparently drowned, and sO 'ure \"as the boatman that he ,\'as cle<tling \"ith a corpe, that he tm\'l'd the man throuo'h the ,,'akr to a yacht. The 0\\ ncr of the yacht at once took him a horl:, and a medical ~1an pronoullcl'd lifc to be extinct. Howcyer, t\\'o sanguin ' men resorted to arti(lcial re"piration, and ~fter two hours animation began to return. T1w man was then placed III bed and carefully attended to, and on the following cla), reco\'erecl consciousness, and is now in good health," In estimating the \'alul: of the ,,"ork done by the Order of ,"'t. John of Jerusalem, we mu t give clu(~ weight to the merit of the initiatiH'. When, in O ctober, 18G3, the first Red Cro 's Conference \Va ' held at Geneya, to frame an International Convention for the beLLer care of the wounded in war, that Order was one of the six pri\'ale philanthropic institutions ",hich sent a representative to attend it. For thirty y '<us before that the Order in En gland had been quietly carrying out the philanthropic anel Hospitaller wo rk, to which it had decided to devote itself. In this it was simply rev~ving the earliest traditions of the Order in the Holy Land-traditions whIch had been maintained both at Rhodes ancl l\Ialta as the statute.'
' 1 0\\' Sir Jol1n Furlc)', \\'110 llCLS since won for himself thr J Or cl C1 s 1 ' ' f o t,le, f bcin rr the firsL CLuthority in England on ambulance work, distlll ctlOl1, ,0 ow the Chief Commissiorwr of ilw Central Red Crmis ne! who IS n ' I ". ' } a , 'South Africa was m til(' l'ar y SIxties Just com1l1g to t H~ (;on1l11lttee 111 ' , , . ' > 'nest \\'orkt'r in thc cause. Smce then he has won expenence [rontasaneal, " F" ,.' " 1 R" ' ,11 C'uhst Austro- PruSSl,lI1, -< r,tn( o-Prus. lan, dnc usso. the D al1lS, ( . , , ' ' 111 'I ", No medical lT1an In the kll1gdom has had that experience. Turkls 1 wars. , f "ace (lc)'ain his life has been gJ\'ell to the stucly and construc, In tImes 0 p,-,' , ( 1:> ' , ' , , [llbulance transport and materIal, from the sunplest strctclwr Lo tlOI1 a al " I I)' ('I " II '1 the latest chfj-d'a;ltwe of Ins cle~lgn, t l~, rlllceIs~s lrlstIa[n IOSp]lt;t , ' I brief])2 iL ill peace' or Jl1 war, SIr John " urIc)' has or t Ie a~L TI a111. n and more , ' L11e WIC '1 e fi e ld 0 [ bC('n s<.;cond to none as a \\'or k'cr 111 forty year S c , , " , " Fir 'l Aid" and ambulance work; and to hlll1, m a gre~t measure, lS due the fact that our 110spital and ambulance arrangements m the, present r tlnn an)' that the ,,"orlel has seen up to elate. As mother war are bette ' , ' branches of military organisatIOn, so also 111 that of amhulance, we ha,\'e t during this Tr<lns\'aal War how great the r sources of the Emplre Iearn Under the British 'entral Red C'ross C" 0111l11lttee are no\\' wor k' ~mg are. B ' h R C C' the St. John Ambulance Aso.;ociation and , rIgadC', t e e d ~o. ~ 'Joclety, the Army I ursing Rescrn',J the St. ..-\.ndr 'W s Ambulance AssoclaLlOn, anel a number of pri\'ate bodies. Tn illu"tralc ylis I cannot do beLter t~lan refer to Lord Wantag'~'s lelter 111 the TlIna of 10 th :'Iarch last, \\'Inch, after speaking or the' ilwaluahlc assi"tancl' rendered by the ,'outh African Centre, the Canadian Red Cro"o.; . \.ssociation, the Ne\\' ,'oulh \\ ale~ and other Australasian ambulance corp", gi\ c~ the follo\ring li t of Hoo.;pitaller units ",hich ar' now working in ~uuth .Hrica llnliL-r the ord'rs of the Central Committee and uncler the peLonal sllpcn'ision o[ ,ir Jol1n ..I
Furley:1. Z. 3. 4. 5. 6,
The" Princess o[ \Yales" IIospital-ship. The Princess Christian IIospital-train, The Portland Hospital. The Irish IIospital Lord heagh's . The Imperial Yeomanry and Base Field IIospitab. The American sl'ction of a field ho'>pital J r. Yan Alen' . ' . 7. The Langman IIospital. 8. The Princes:' Chri~tian Hospital plr. l\Ioseley's , 9. The Scotti:-,h South African Hospital Lord Pro\'ost of Edinburgh, 10, Th e coltish. 'ational Reel Cro,"," Ho~pilal St. Andrew's Amhulance A:-'sociation , . 11. The Wel 11 IIospital. 12. The, outhampton .A mhulance Corps which i .. doing duty in onc of the military hoo.;pitals , Lord Wantage further mentioned in that letter the interesting fact that the fir st supplies put into Kimberley after its relief ,,"ere one hundred and four cases of comforts sent out through the l. John Ambulance 1
Five hundred nurse of lhi Re, erve arc working in
oulh Africa.
As ociatioll. Th firsL train to cro s the nt'\\" Tug-ela bridgc was th Princess Chri tian Hospital Train. In his cyi<..knc before the War Funcl~ Enquiry at the end of ::\Iarch or arly in pril, Lord 'Vantage bore further te timony to the utility of that Central ommittcC', of which hc is the chairman. Th(:; idea of forming such a committt' > germinated, I am told fort" ,'ears ago in the mind of , ir John Furky, hut il only l)ore fruit id Tan~l~rr, Vflfl, jLl t in time for the Trans\'aal \Yar. The neecls of the pre ent \\'ar ha\'(:, made both nalion and \Var Office thankful for the mag'nificent "amhulance reserve "-i r I may so term them-which the fore ighl of a fc,,' alld the generosity and 'ntcrprisc of lh e many have bcen able to senel out to aiel our sick and \r ound 'd. ( 1 ride Appcncli:l Ill. ) Th e miseric ' of the Cri'11ean \Yar cia nol appear lo hay' fully aroused our militan' administration. ( Tldt' ppl'ndix I\T. ) It is truc that in 1 59 there ~\'as founded at \\'ool\yich that "Herbert IIospital," which IIer :\Iajcsty visited last :\Iarch an I " 'it h \\ hieb the honoured names of idner Herbert, Florence :\ightingale, and Douglas Galton are associated. , rid, 'Appendix ". ') But more was need 'd than mere ho pitals at home. ,'olrerino, in \rh ich battle alone the number of the killed and \rounded exceed those of our troop ' in , Olllh .\Jrica up to daLe ~ 10th April ), warned the French and Austrian ' in particular, and Europe in general, of the inadequacy of the then existing hospital and ambulance arrangements in the field. ,till, eemingly, Europe would not have movcd had not three or four earnest S,riss gentlemen taken the initiative. Their appeal to Europe re llited in the nm\' celebrated Gene\'a COlwention. The rcd cross, under \yhich ambulances and ho pitals now \york, i .. thl' re\'crsc, 0 to speak, of the arms of the> ,_\riss Confederation; that i.;, a rcd cross on a \\ llite ground, in place of a ,\,hite cross on a red ground. Th<..' \\'hill' eros. on the brea t or the red surcoat \ya5 ,n-HI1 in ballll' by tl1l' Knights or 1. John of J eru.salem from the t\\,drth to thl' eightl'enth centul ie . . Allhough thl' Sl. John Am bubnc{' Association dol''''' such grand \I'ork in the United Kingdom and in the Coll)nies, it has, curiou.-ly l'nough, e:tablished little or no 1"ooLholJ in India. Chancing to spent! Lhi ' la l hot weather at Dalhousie, I bethought my df that I might just try and start a " Fir ,t Aid" cla ·S. I can only say no\\' that I am ycry glad that I did try. Both the classe that ,,'ere formed, the one for ladies, the other for officers and N .C .O.'s, were well attended. I a m deeply indcbted to the medical officers there, especially to Lieut.-Colon el T. :\I. Corker, R.A.:\I.C.,l for the aid that they gaye me. Alm ost all \\'ho attended the classe.· successfully passed the examination. \Vhen I saw ho,,' Dalhousie had re ponded to my appeal, I looked upon that as a proof that the want of the'e cla se \ras generally felt in India. It is a country " 'here \,'ar, slzt'ka1', polo, and other ports, and the accidenLs of everyday life, afford ample scope for utilising "First Aid" knmdedge. For the eelucation of the Army, British and Nati\'e, in rendering" First Aiel," ample provision appears 1 The" Corker 1 et" for the removal of the wounded from the firing line in savage warfare, or indeed from the battle,field in any warfare, wa de cribed by me in my lecture in January last on "Sixty Years of Frontier Warfare." (Vide JOUR 'AL for March, 1900.)
mad e by regulation, j>ro7 1f/Cr! those regulatzo71S are earned have b een . , " C '" . ' , rever the Central Bnhsh R ed Cross omrm Uce extends Its h If 0111 , 0' , I ' t h at It . \\,1'11 . I di'l as I am informed on th e most sun~ aut 10nty sphere to n c " . ~ I '. " " I' k h' . . t l1ave matenal to ,,'o r1\' upon. t IS se ll~us to t 11n 1 at clt do It mus , 1 . .h }' .' t if the Indian Army \\"i.lS 111\'ol\'e( 111 war ,ni an <,uropl'an thls mom en , ' . . 'lbsolutelY no l)nvate Ambulance, RC':-,en'(' to alCl the power, tl1e rc I'" < .; Arm Medical ,en·iccs. In 1807 pl,ague, fam 111 l', and \i ar :-'0 O\"l'r.Y I tl1c medical rl'SOUrC('S of, InciJa that, 'ven \\ hen all stra1l1C( ' ka\'(: \\ as stopped, help hac! still to be ubtcllTIl'd from Engla,nd. ReahsC'" 1,1at the '11 ,,"ould bel if \\'e an overs tr a .hael 100,000 m 'n 111 the fielcl ag'all1st < .coe I 1'11 C casuallI's would be t ' nfolcl thos ' of am' mere' c l' . ~. , . ..; E; nrop ean frontier fighting. In the: large Europ ean Cl\'lhan populatIOn :-,ay a quarter of a million, and in the: Volunteers, 30,000 strong, \ 'e haye: the material from which to c1 '\'e!op a po\YC'rful reserve for ambulance "ork in \\,ar-proyicled the internal state: of the country allo\\"s the~11 to )roceecl on scn-icc . About O,000 of the . e Volunteer ' are ral!\,'ay !'lIlplQ.J1fs, a class of men to \\'~10m " ~irsL Aid" k~mdc~ge is of :vecial Ise. As ream'ds the means of 111structlOn, we han: 111 Incha a ,'ery large 1 n 'Il" body of medical men and 'romen, ce:rtainly able al1(~ probably " 'I l11g to promote the cause of amblllaI~ce knmd~(~ge. It 1, abo\'e all, the services of these qualified nwclrcal practltwner that the Order of ._t. John requir 's, and \\ llich it is mo')t prom pt to rccogni. e and rc:" ard. Al1\~one who giycs four cts of lecture: is elected an Honorary Life l\I~mber of the :t. John Ambulance A:sociation. Tho e ,d10 render pecial sen'ices are appointed Honorary A. ~ociates of the Order of St. John . To starL a clas..., i..., a simple thing. Anyone, 'ho ha. the cause at heart can perform the eluties of local en tary, \"hich consist in making all the preli1l1inar y arrangements, conducting corre, pondcnce, collectinothe fee:-., etc, The lecturcr musl be a diplomaed medical o practitioner; the examiner likewi:-.c, A hcpherd's :M anual ' Is. and an E. march Bandage ( 4~d. cUe required [or each student. A set of diagram ' (15 .) are nece 'sary, but are. as a rule, obtainable from any ho:pital or di:pen ar)". An application to the chief secretary, at t. John' . Gate, made by the local ecretary, obtain' from England within two month ' all the material, instructions, and printed forms that are needful for conducting a class. Fees are regulated according to the expenses, which are divided equally among t the . tudents, l\lale and female cia es mu ·t be separate. The course con. i t of fi\'e lecture , each about an hour in length, concluding with half-an-hour's practical in tmction in ap plying bandages and plint, topping hremorrhage, etc. Then the examination takes place, It may be both written and oral, or oral only. A li ' t of tho e ,,,ho pass is forwarded to t. John" Gate, and, in due course, a certificate of efficiency is sent to each suc ce sful examinee. l\Iy belief i ~ that, whenever thi. moyement has taken firm hold in India, the t. John Ambulance Association ",ill establi h a ce ntre, probably in Bombay, whence stores can be i ·sued. Thi will greatly expedite bu ine s. A few years ago a centre did exi t at Bombay, and did excellent work, imparting instruction not only to the ecl ucated clas 'e' , but abo to the police. 1
I do not intend here Lo speak at length on the exLcn:ion of "F' N ' . '111 'L ructlOJ1 , A I'd " an d" 1 Lo t llC naLI' ves. If European .' lr . t , , urslllg dre Ignorant, natl\'e5 are much more so, I heard lately of an ayah appl 'j 0' ink Lo an ollic~r's scalded child, The child died. I have seen a n~tt:~ \r~?1an ~pplpng an, 110\'.'" , sauce to her burnt hahy, This" ork of enllghtc11lng the natives 01 the humbler classes can b e best done by tl " 0 ur me d Ical ' le m1SSlOn5, mcn and \\ome n ha\'l~ access to the higher. and more ad\'anced classes of nati\'cs , Th e pol icc should all he trained, As \rard orderlies, str ,tchcr-bearers (see Append ix VI. ), and hospital servants nati\'es are indispensable in this climate. No hospital corps could do wiLh~ out ~hel11, TIl l11~inL 'na~lce 01~ an tll11b,ulance Lr~n,sport or bearer corps is a llS eful work, to which l1'1Ll\'e chlCfs, deSirous of cllcilng the Imperial Government, might be ilwited to devote their attention and resources, As far as my knowledge goes, hoth the Volunteers, the Poli c , and the mis, ions ,,'o uld readily adopt "Fir t Aid" in truction, l\J) ontention that mis ion can, if they choose, take up :l.ll1bulance instruction i ' endorsed by what the, t. Aidan :\[ission at Piete rmaritzburg has recentl\' done in aid of ,_ir Red\'er ' Buller's army in I atal. To educate to hum~nise, and to ci\'ilise are the main practical issues of Chri~lian missionary labour. Humanity is the main-spring of " Fir~L Aiel," It is not onl\, that it fits a man to aid his neighbour when in pain or in danger 01' life, buL it cultiYare ' in him philanthropic '~ ntimenls, to \\'hich th e native of India i strikingly callous, N"inety-nine out of one hundred of th em are of the type that passes by on the other . . ide, or that expend . . its liuit' enerOT in D, I U e 1ess clatter. "First Aid" instruction mig'ht act as a corrective to thi ' . If it progres 'e' among native, ye rnacular translation ' of the handbook will be needful. These the mission can, and, I think, \,"ould, readily make. In Great Britain the SL. Toh n •\m bulance Association finds its best fi eld in the great manura(.: t~ll'ing, mining, and ind ustrial centre. In Au~tralia it is doing the same work, During the la t quarter of a century mining and manufacturing industries ha\'e made great progress in India, and nowh 're more than in Bomba\'. 'Vhercyer machinery i ' at work accident are ine\'itable. Owners of 'factories and mines should be the first to encourage ambulance in. truction. There are few of us \\"ho would not dl) all in our power to save human life. It is \'e ry distressing in the hour of need to feel ourselves incompetent. A cour~e or t\\'o l)f "First Aid" lectures removes that incomp etency. A little knowledge prevents us doing the wfong thing. That i ' the point-not to make the injury or disea'ie \\'or e , To apply a temporary splint, to stop serious loss of bloo d, to restore animation, to minimi e the effect of poisons, burns, scalds, frostbite, etc.-these are the simple things that "First Aid' instruction teache, This is no case in .which a little knowledge is an e\'il. It is just that liLLIe knowledge whlch may 'a\'e the :ufferer from further injun'. Carekss handling and wrong remedies do mi schief that the medical· man cannot undo. The ai~l "of the St. John Ambulance Association i'i, by populari 'ing "First AId knowledge, and b)' the services of the trained Ambulance Brio'ade, D to reduce the risks of that mi schief to a minimum.
Finally, a word or two about" Hygiene." \Ve need in Indiano further 'd lce than our daily experience-our knowledg of the ways of nati\'es, eVI eI , . of our own kitch ens, of .r~ll w~)~ refreshment rooms WIt~ their un palatable food and drink, of n1l~I11ClpalLtles, ?f cheap soda factone ', of a thousand and one ways in which .uncleanlllless and ~nwholesomeness are cont' ually in India forced palllfully on our aUenLlon-to prove that whatever :~n be don e to promote" Hygiene," home or public, is a gain. aptain Woodruff, of the D ... Army :'I1edical . ervice, demon:trated, hy examples taken from the. pan ish-American 'iVar of 1808, the effects on troops in war-time of the neglect of hygiene. In India, as we know well, fourfifths of the casualties of \\'ar are clue, not to steel and bullets, but to bad rood and ex posure, "Hygien "is the third subjcct on whi ch Lhe St. Tohn Ambulance Association gives classes of instruction, and nowhere in i-Ier l\Iaje ·ty's dominions is that instruction more needed than in Ind ia. The present war in , outh Africa has b .... en so far marked by the comparatively mall numb er of casualties from disease pure and si mple , as well a: by the unusually large percentage of reco\"eries from wound, 1m proved hygiene, improved ambulance and hospital arrangements, the pro\'ision by Government of the mo. t skilled surgical aid, and the assistance rendered by the. t. John Ambulance Association and Brigade, the Red Cro s Society and th e Nursing Reserve, have all conLributed to thi ' result. l\loreover, this unity of co-operation would not havc been attained, had the British Central Red Cro s Committee not bee n reach' to takE; in it hand the reins of control. 25/h
P .. -A da) or t,,'o after thi!' paper \\ a:::. finally re\'ised for publication, a letter from I\Ir. Burdett-Coutl'> in the T/JllIS drew the public attention to IIospital management in . 'outh l\.frica . It is not the sphere of thi paper to discus the pros and con of the que Lion rai ed by :\1r. BurdcttCouLts. One thing. till remains certain, viz., that th e sick and wounded in this war have been bett cr cared for than in any pre\"ious campaign undertaken by Briti~h troops. At the same time, the fact that, despite the effort of the GO\'ernment and or the military and medical authorities, and despite the invaluable a si:::.tance rendered b\ the Central R ed Cro. s Committee there is still 0 mu ch room for impr;vement only emphasise my contention that a strong and efficient ambulance re 'er\"e is imperatively needed in India, to aid and supplement the ,"' taff and resource of the Army :'IIedical , en'ice in time of war. The material is there from which this reserve can be created. All that is \ranted is the initiating and organising power.
. d guments are given in detail in the "Revur Suisse de N umi sV1CWS an ' 18(''') 1'h ose w110 are 1'L . " ar 2mc Ann ~c, 2mc Ll. vrau;on, ;; n eres t C'Cl'In mat1que, 1 TJ J f h' h M L de this subject can consult that wor.(. . l ee fiso u IOn LW 1C .' a l' . ' _ that I'erl is an alJbrevlaLIOn 0 erlo, a ow L atm wore, suO'O'ests 1::, I' 'f h' " an d t h e 00 , "ne-fourth" and akin to t Ile J'~ng l'h IS . ' art lllg meamng 0 ' , . 1 d L " 'ertel " (COil t. Ducangc's "CIossary of Medla;va an ow './ . .' . German VI ." 71 ferlo ). This solution c1 ·x's not carry conVIctIOn WIth L3.tm s,· .' d ,. h' . . 1 tt . "I L de himself IS dIsposed to a ITIlt 111 t IS very mterestmg c er, It ' as,', a , 1 ddressed bv him to 1VI 'ssrs , Spmk and C 0 . , 0 f P'1ccad'll 1 )', an d recent)' a J . " · dl communicated by them to me. ThIS letter I WlIl quote 111 most Ion y extcnso : Geneve, Ie 22 lIfaz', 1900. -'J.
DIX 1.
The fir. t erious Turki h attack on th Knights at Rhode was made in 1315. It \\'a repulsed with th e aid of Amadeus V" COllnt of . avoy. Sir :\Iount tuart Grant DufT in his Diary (Vol. 1., 1886-8, p. 213) remarks :-" Bought at a moneychanger's an Italian coin to verify the statement which I found in an account of Rhode, the other day, in Murray's Handbook for the :\[editerranean, that the pr'sent Italian coinage bears the word fed, said to be the initials of the four word given as a motto to a Prince of Savoy \\'ho had distinguished himself ag'ainst the Turks, by the Grand l\Iaster of the Order of St. John-Fodt'ludo Ejlts RilOduIIt TL'llltd." The ,,'ord firf (repeated three times ) is now borne on the rim of the Italian sih'cr coinage; and the fact that it is so borne shows that the pre ent reigning family in Italy, which is clescended from the ancient Hou e of Savoy, accept ' as tr uc the tradition that the right to bear that word on it · c9inag8 \\'a an honorary distinction co nferrcd on that HOllse . e\'eral explanation - of the origin of thi word fi rI have been given; but the most probable one is that which tate that the Grand :\Ia 'Ler of thE' Knight H o pitaller at Rhodes conferrc:cl it on Amadeus Y., Count of Sa\'oy, to be bome as a device or moLlo on hi'i arms, in r('cognition of the timely help which he gave the Knight, in 131.5, ,,,hen their position at Rh odt's \\'as as yet insecure. Th e Order of . t. John of Jerusalem, when located at Rh odes anu :\1alta, \Va'" recognised and addressed as a " overeign" Order, and the Grand :\1asLer, as head of the Ortl er, had the right to confer such distinctions, just a~ he had the right to coin money, and to maintain amba. sadors or envoys at the \'ariou CourL.· of Europv. General \\ hitworth Porter, in his "Hi. tory of the Knights of :\Ialta" ( Vol. 1., p. 208, first edition ), accepts thi explanation a: correct, although in hi second editio n ( p. 136 ) he adds a note to the effect that many writers have disputed its accuracy. Domenico Promi , \\'ho is regarded as a v"ry reliable authority, in "Moneti dei R eali di Savoia," 1841 (Vol. 1., p. 75), thu. pronounces his opinion: - " :\Iolti eli nostri storici dicono che l' anno sussequente (1315) andasse in Levante in aiuto ai cavalieri di Rhoch stretti dai turchi; che facesse sciogliere l' assedio, e i ndi prendesse la croce bianca in campo ro sso, divisa di que' cavaliere, ed il motto ferl, inLerpretato ForHlztdo Ejlts Rhodulll T ellZtti. l\Ia questo fatto riguardato dai critici come favoloso, che la sc udo della croce era gia usato, come avanti abbiamo deHo, d el conte Pi etro e dallo stesso Amadeo nel 1287 (v. (Sigilli di Principi di avoia,' p. 131 ), ed il motto ferl non si conobbe prima di Amadeo Vl." The modern writer who has discussed this question mo"t exhaustively is 1\1. A. Lade, Vice-President of the Swiss Numismatic Society. His
1. Les premieres mon naies q ui porte~ t fir! so~t Ies quarts anonY,mes dont il est question dans la broch~rc l~ue J~ vous,a: envoyee. Prom,Is et les auteurs qui l'ont suivi les aLLnbucllent a la penode comtale clu regn~ d'AmeJee VIII; 5i on Jes fait r monter plu. haut, en les donnant a ~cI ~o V I , comme 'je l' ai fait et commc cela est accepte . par . les A.me, e~ numismate. italicns (['li s'occupcnt dl'S choses de: la . avole~ 11 )' a s nchronism e entre la premiere app:uition dr firl sur les monnalCS et sa /r'esen ce sur Ies insign '5 de l'ordre tIu co llier ~a tuellement appele Annonciade) , foncl~ en 13()0, d quelqu' .
2. Quant la signification d ji 1'1, j' en a1 parle tout au long dans Ja dite brochure. La question n'e:t pas encore resolue. (:e qui est certain, c'est qu'il faut renoncer l'explication Forlz'iztdo Ejlts Rhodltl7~ Ten ut't, ainsi qu'a Foedere e! R elz'g/one Tenemur, etc.; personne parmI celles dont I'opinion comptc n'y croit plus. Quant celle de Grote, tin~e de l'Encid e, personne n'y a jamais cru. On ne pe ut balancer qu'entre l'explication que j'ai elonnce: abreviation ferlo quart (analo~ue de jartlzz'ng), d enomination dc la m?nnaie ou ~lle a ~aru ,cl'a?ord, pn:e pour une devise et devenuc par la sUlte une deVIse, et 1 exphcatl.oll d?nnee pour la premiere [ois par S nebier: ferl, 8 me personne du ll1guher du present de l'indicatif du \'crb e fiITe ; fed, il pJrte; Ie complement direct est cntcel7l, la croix (ou sa croix) , non ecrit, mais represente par un dessin sur ['autre face. Aprc) que' j'ai ell proPJs6 de faire de ferl I'abreviation de firlo, on m'a fait deuX objeclions (j'avais, du rcste, solicite les contradictions) ele valeur in6gale:
a. On m' a diL qu'il n'ctait d'usagc, au m'Jyen age, de uscnre sur Ie monnaie leur denomination. C'e t nai, mais ceia n'e t pas ,an ' excmple; cela se fai ait en France cL en . a\'oie,
b. On m'a dit, d'autre part, que c:,i firl avait ete la denomination de la monnaie, on ne co:nprendrait par pourqlloi Ies prince d'Achaie, branche cadeltc de la mai on de . :l\'oie qui imitaient Ie plus possible les types de la bran che principak, n'aurai "nt pas mi ce mot sur leur numeraire et 5e . e raient contentes de mcltrc un autre mot, de tine a servir de trompe-l'ceil pour Ie public illettr~, mais n e constituant pas un empietement sur les droits du suzerain dont Ie mot feri e tait, parait-il, la propriete heraIdique. '
Cette ob]' eclion est trcs forle. .Sans me faire' abanclonner rna manicre de voir, ellc m'a rendu lrcs hesilant entre l'hypothcsc SCllebier et la miennc. Tout bi n con iclere, je penchc donc actudlement plut6t pOur l'explication de mon illustrc compatriote, d'autant plus qu'on m'a siO"nale un ca analoo'uc mai complete par un de in; lcs chevaliers de St. °rean ele Jerusalem ont mi ur ccrtaines dc leurs monnaies: lJfaglllts "'fl~t"s/er hospt"lahs et sanclt" sePIt/crt" Ht"ents(71em. Or, ur de. SC.3aux de plomb d<)nt les dimensions ne permettent pas unc lcgcnde aussi longue, OI~ trouve: haspz"falt's H/erusalelll et Ie de. sin elL! aint epulchre. Enfin pour tout dire, et c'e,;t ma dernicre opinion (si Senebier a raison, je croi que Lade n'a pas tort), il e~t forl po sible que, sur le3 quarts ou il a 6te mis pour la prcmiere fois, fcr! ait eu une double ,ignification; il e t fort po sible que Ie Comte Verd, \'enant de fonder l'ordre du collier a\'ec la devi 'e fir! complete p:n Ie croix d'or 0'1 d'arg\~nt dore qui 'y trouvent, ait eu l'idf~e de mcttre ce mot sur la monnaie nouvelle qu'il venait de creer, ou il servait cl. la fois de d vise L't d~ designation de la piece. En effet, Amecle VI refort1n Ie monnayase de Savoie qui etait dan. I~ plus grand d ~:3arroi dcpui., longtemps, et encore pendant une grande partie de son regne. En tout ca , il est certain qu'on ne peuL pas croire it. la tradition generalement admi.' c autrefois que Amedee V, de retour d'une expedition it. Rhode en aurait rapporte l'ecu de gL!cule ' avec la croix d'argcnt et la de\"i e fir!; l'ccu it. la croix blanchc e t c\ hcaucoup anterieur, puisqu'il remonte a Pierre II, et firl est de beaucoup postcricllr. 3. Quant au tombeau dont vous me parlez, je ne sais pas au il s troU\'e. Je me sOllvien d'avoir lu quelqlle part quelque chose de semblable. Ce n'cst P1S, en tout cas, a Hautccombe: j'ai etudie l'autre soir en detail Ie magnifique album que Ch;:).r\es Albert a consacre a la description de cette abbaye, remise a ncuf et embel1ie par son predeces P.ur, Charle Felix, et dont nou,> avons ~'r. l'Athenee un exemplaire, don de :\Iarie-Chri tine, veU\'c de ce elernier; mai je n'y ai rien trouve de semblablc. rai co:nme lIne \'agu--' idee qu'il s'agit dL! tombeau de Philibert II, enterrc dans l'l'glise de Brou, a Bourg-en Bresse; mais je n'en suis rien moins que sur, et je n'ai pas de documents sous la main pour tirer cela au clair. A. LADE. The pith of the objections of 1esQieur Promi an i Lade is that the white cro. s was borne on the . avo)' COiJl1ge conqiderab..ly before 1315, and that "Fert" is not founel on the Savvy' coinao-c until the reiO"n of a 0 Amadeus Y1. (1343-1383 ), or, as Promis thinks, till the rt'ign of Amacleu.; YlII. (the first Duke of Savoy, about 1416-34 ). It shoulll be noted that the early Savoy coins bear no date or name, and consequently they cannot be attributed with certainty to a particular date or rf:'ign. IIence it is impossible or difficult to say in whaL year or under what reign the word " Fert" was first stamped on a Savoy coin. The author of " Anecdotes of Chivalry and Heraldry" (\iVorcester, 1795 ) says, on the contrary:-ccThe letters 'Fert' had long before (1315) been een on the collar of a dog,
. 1 as fiaurec1 on the tomb of one of the' kings of Sardinia, who hac! wh1C 1 We O . " . · d I nO" before the rehef of Rhodc's by AmadcLls. The same \\'nter dlC 0 tJ • 1 l ' L J states :-" The crosS certalllly )ecame 11S Amadeu: V. anns from some . tance which an ancestor of Amadeus had gl ven them Lthe H osaSS1S . 1 pitallers]." Hen: w hav~ ~ wnter, ane one who. agrees wi~h l\Iessrs. Promis and Lade in c!ecllDll1g to accc~t Lhe SolutIon "Fort1tudo Ejus Rhodum Tenuit," making sLatem ents whIch tend Lo show that the lIouse of Savoy Llsed the dcvice " Fert" ear.lier than the reigns of Amacleus VI. or VII!., and the whiLe cross e'arll(~ r than 1315. This latter fact is ac1miLLed by all writer:3, and there is no apparent reason why the Counts of Savoy should not have earnec1 this clistinction as early as thc reign of Amacleus IlL, who joined the Crusac1e to the IIoly Land in 1147, and died at Nicosia, in Cyprus, in 1148. Other princes of that House were also, doub:less, Crusac1ers. If this right to wear thc Cross on their shield was conferred on the Counts of .avoy prior lo 1316, then the a ,lclition ot the mfJtto cc Fert" in commemoration of the assistanCe rendered by Ama leu. V. in that year, becom es doubly appropriate. It signifie.·, as 1\1. Senebier sugge ts, the device" Fert crue-em," and it spells the initial letters of a sentence, "Fortitudo Ejus Rhoclum Tenuit," which records the goocl work done by Amad e us V. in 131.). 1\1. Lade, in paragraph 3 of his lellcr, seeks to c]ucic1ak the statement in "Anecdotes of Chivalry" that the word" Fert" hac! been seen on the tomb of a prince of , a\'o)" prior to 131·). The Abbey of Hautccombe was founded by Amadeu:-. III., who c!ie d at Tico,>ia in 1147. It \\'as for centuries the burial place of the princes of the reigning clyna tyof a\'o)'; but it was plundered and its 1l10nUml'nts destroycd by the French Revolutionists in the last ccntur). Other memlwrs of the IIouse of , avo), were buried in the church of BroLl. It i. possibk Lhat a close examination of the monuments at Haut 'combe and Brou might dicit information thlt would settle thi3 question of "Fcrt." Meantime it seems at least fair to say that it. a ociation with the Ord<'r of . L. John of ] eru alem ha,' not been disproved; and that if, after all, it be but a legend, it is a beautiful legend, harmonising \, ilb Llw chivalric and religious piriL of the crusading age. J.
PRWI' \ ' 1\ T CLE RKEN""E LL.
Thc original church of the Order of St. John at Clerkenwell is considered to have been built about 1175, and c ·.m secrated in March, 11 5, by ~I('[aclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, then on a \"isit to England. lIe, dUring the same visit, con ecralL'd the Temple in London, the church of the Knights Templar, anc1 one of the four round churches in England. The other three are at Cambridge, orthampton, and Maplestead. The crypt of the Church of ." L. John, which still exists, is considered to be of an earlier date than the original church. Over the crypt \Va the c~1ancel, .while the nave stood where the open square ( t. J olm's) now lS. ThIS church was destroyed by \Vat Tyler' mob, rebuilt by
the Grand ,Pr~or, ir ~homas DoclVra, a1ld again pu~lcd down and used for bmldtng matenal by the Prot cLor omerset 111 1549. How far Hollar's print (dated 1(61 ) ac urate I)' r presents the buildinO's of ir Thoma DOC\\Ta'S Priory is open to qu'stion. Of the earlier Ch~lrch no description or pi 't ure or plan ha come down to us. By the excavations commenced in l\Iay last at the west end of the crypt and present church the plinth and ba e of the original "'all have been laid b:tre. The masonry is perfect. The portion of the wall laid b:ue appears to be the segment of a circle, and the inference is that the na\'C! of the first church of the Hospilall ers, like that of the Templars, wa circular. That such was the ca e is practically certain. The Ord er of the Hospitallers was ev n more closely a sociated with the scene of our 'aviour s life and suffcrings than that of thc Templars, and would b8 just as like ly to take the church of the Holy cpulchre at Jeru, alem as a model for the church of the Granel Priory at Clerken\\,E'11 as the T empla rs for theirs near Fleet treeL The round church of Liltle l\Iaplest.ead is thought to have been erected by thc Hospitallers in or soon aftcr 11 6, in \\'hich year the manor of Li ttl e ~raple . tead was granted by Juliana cl'Oisnel to that Order, and be came the , eat of one of it commanderies. ( l-/de Wallen' "Round Church of Littl e ~rapl e tead," p. 126. ) No connection, it seems, can be established between the round church of t. epulchre's at orthampton and either the T emplar or Hospitallers. Rumour " 'o uld have it that t. ep ulchre' s at Cambridge (attributed to the reign of Henry 1. ) was founded by th e Templars; but the best known archc:eological writers of Cambridge do not support this vicw. Conybeare, in his " History of Cambridgeshire," p. 110, trcating of "The Round Church of the Holy Sepulchre," has the following note :-" Charter as. 73 and 76 of the Ramsey Chartulary ( Vol. 1., p. 145, /LD. 1114-1130) grant to Ralph cum Barba of Camb. and other of the Fraternity of th e Holy Sepulchre the cemetery of St. George and the land adjacent to build them a min ter in honor of God and of the Holy .~(:'p ulchr e," Who " 'ere this "Fraternity of the Holy .'epulchre"? C IT.E.-The" Hist. Ramsiensis" i repeated in the Lib er Elicnsis.) I am ind ebted to lVIr. H. \\. Fincham, the churc hward en of t. John' S, Clerkenwcll, for the following de cripLion of th e crypt and churches of the Grand Priory of thc Order at C lcrkc\lwcl l, :1nd account of the result of the excavations in :\Ia)" 1 ~OO : " The crypt beneath the original choi r consists of a navc of five bays, together with transepts at the extreme ast end and north and south aisles; the three \\'esternmost bays of the nave are early 1\ orman, built probably bctween the years 10'0 and 1090. Small, round arched windows occur on both sides of each bay, and a stonc bench against the walls surruunds the whole of this earlier work. The two eastern bays of the na\ e, together with the transep ts and south aisle, have deeply moulded pointed arches springing from triple-clustc re d columns of transitional character. The south aisle extends two bays eastward from the transept. All that now remains of the north aisle c;:onsists of two
rs with plain barrel vaulting, open ing by a doorway from 1 be nail C1am Sl th trans e pt. Thc wcsternmost of thesc two chambers appears to the nor . bas t I1e remalllS 'f ' d ow WIt . h an a an east \\'lQ a chapel as It have forme d , ' 1 on either SIde. aum br) . " The principal dim('nslO~s of thc cr~pt a~e as follows :,-Thc total h f the nave is G2 fcet 2 1I1chcs, and Its WIdth 16 feet 3 lI1ches; the lengt a lenO'th of the transept is 51 feet 2 inches, and its width 11 fect extreme 0 • " h s· the heiO'ht from thc Ooor to th(' ccntre of th e arches 1S 4 lI1C e , 0 12 feet. "The choir of th e church-now thc Parish Church of . t. J ohn, Clerkenwell- still shows thc o ri g inal cast ancl south walls, with windO\vs which were put in by Prior Docwra about 1500. Between the pews can be seen th e bases of the col umn s of th c church, which ,ras con ecrated b Heraclius in 1185. Thc west wall i ' that built by Prior Thoma" ire ham, when Quecn ~rary reconstitut " d tlw Priory after the nave had been destroyed by L0rd Protector, omerspl. "Present excavations outside the west end of the choir have disclosed the base and plinth of a wall which forms upon plan a portion of a circle having a diameter of about 48 fect (j inches, Th e diameter of tJ1C Temple church i. 58 feet, and that of Little ~raplestead 29 feet 6 inches. These churches were built and consccrated about the ~ame time a~ that of. t. John. From the appea rance of thi" wall, there can be little douht that the original nave of the Priory Church wa a round church, <1 that of the T emple Church is at the present time. The nnsonry is in a perfect state of presen'ation, the tooling of the stone surface being almo. t as clean as when it \Va' cut "ome years before the con ecration in 11c'5, The mason's mark
~ is perfectly di"tincL.
f; r course of masonry
consist of a chamfered plinth IIp)l1 \\'hich the original floor linc i" still apparent, Built upon the ruin: of tlli circ ular wall wcre found ma es of rubble masonry of a later date, but with no worked tone ' to aid in fixing its period, It i probable that the round church stood ulltil the attack upon the Priory by \\Tat T.\ ler in 1:300, when much of the Priory was destroyed by fire, causing the same to burn for the pace of seven day::, after.' C
"This necessitatcd a ncw church, and the na\'e was rebuilt in the prevailing fashion of the time. The arrangemc nt of the original chu rch of the Priory appear:; to ha\'(~ b ee n a circular nave, with a long choir of four bay:; raised .j feet () inche<, abo\'c the Ooor of the nave, ancl connected with it by a broad Oight of step 5. Beneath the choir, and covering the same area, \Va th e crypt, entered by a mall door and by a flight of steps 7 feet \) illches in height, on the north side of the steps leading from the nav e into the choir. The jambs of this door and the fragments of th e circular walls of the na\'c will be preserved intact, and exposed to view for the future." At the conclusion of the anni\'ersary service of the Order of .'t. J o11n on 25th June la,'t, the R ev. T. \V. \Yo Jd , rector of t. John" Church, VOL. XLIV.
Cler kerm-ell , showed the members of the Order the result, up to date,. of the recen t excavations.and ' resl:arches, and. rcad to them a paper deallOg IS one of great lOterest, both from an archCEO. h tl11's subJ'ect , wInch. Wit ' . . . J nel hi torical POlOt of VICW. Further research 15 to be made under loglca a . 'ces of Dr. Ed win Frcshfield, and when that is completed we the aus pl " , . ope to learn much about the ongmal Church and Pnory of St. h may . b I· . which has for some centunes een ost to new. ] ohn, APPE DIX III. SO~[E RECENT
LFRKI-::-;" ' ELL, ,\5 SEEN TO-D,\Y.
SrR \\' rLLIA~1
(As it
It has been stated by reliable authoritie. -notably by . 'ir \Villiam ·McCormac and l'Ir. Trevcs, and also by . ir Howard Vincent in the June number of the R. U.S.I. J OURXAL p. 611 )-that the llospital and ambulance <1.rranO'ements in the. 'outh African \Var are better than they have ever been befor;. In suc h acampaign there has been ample scope for inventive genius, and, as might be expected, several new invcntiolls and experiments have been made. The :'IIounted Field Hospital, manned and equipped by the Volunteer Army ::'IIedical Corp,; of ' I think ) :'IIanchester, CIa go,,", and Bradford, is the first Mounted Field Hospital ever sent into the field. It is well suited for work with mounted troops. Promptitude and rapidity in rend ering" Fir t Aid" to the wounded have been marked features in this campaign, and to that end several ne\v invention' tend; notably, the ~Ianders' Flying Hospital and Flying Ambulance Cars. Th e ordinary ambulance carriage i· as cumb rous and slow of motion a is the regulation doolie in India. :'IIr. Horace .:'IIanders, F.R.C. ., who is serving in South Africa as the medical officer of the 12th Battalion of the Imperial Yeomanry, designed two lighter \'ehic1e~, and :'ITessrs. \V. C. \Vind over, Turrill & Sons, of Lon g Acrf' and. outh Audley . treet, built them after his designs. I am indebted to this firm for my information and [or photographs of the cars. The Flying Ho pital Car i built to carry eight slightly wounded men, each man bing strapped in, in a itting position. The seats were at first mad e to face outwards, as in an Iri -h car. In the nevr' est pattern they are made to fa ce inward". The interior is fitted with all " First Aid" appliances. The companion to this is the Flying Ambulance Car, which carries six men strapped on stretchers. It has no" First Aid" appliances. Both these vehicles move at a gallop between the cene of action and the dressing-stations or fi eld hospitals. They can accompany mounted troops in action. The Dat'(J' Grap/lle of 21 t April had ont or t\\'o illustrations of these cars at ,,"ork in the field. They may be looked upon as a development of the Am bulanc Tonga whi ch has, for at least some year past, been in use with th e Army in India. These are now and have for ome time past been used with cavalry on field day and at manceuvres, and during the Tirah Ex pedition were u ed to convey sick and wounded men from the front to the base. It stand to rea on that severe case5 should only be removed in t hem in an emergency or for short distances. 3'1'2
It is stated that . twcnty of these Ambulance T. ongas, twelve hrg'e .1 ' (\I'It) stretchers, . and elght small wlthout .tretchcr, wlth fifty horses and 11a rness and qUlpmcn.t cOl1:plctc, \I' re ent In Feb:uary la~t from alclltta to South Africa for serVIce WIth our troops there, bCll1g a gIft to thc Army fro :n a loyal and generou~ Parsec gentleman., \Vith the \'ery larg boely of mounted troops (cavalry, lllfantry, and artIllery) that we ha\'c in the field i outh Africa, uch a gift would b e a welcome and timely on '. The nam~ of the donor ( unkuown to me) merits to be associatecl wiLh those of the many others who, under the Red Cro s Committee, have done so much for the welfare and comfort of our ,,'olll1d 'cl and sick in , outh Africa.
I will \'enture to quote here olle of the many te ·timonics that have heen borne to illt' gooll and noble \\'ork d one in .'outh Africa by the men of the R.A, :\I.c. and the. t. John Ambul,lllcc Brigade. It is an extract from a letter by Rev. H. J. Rose, ... enior Chaplain to the 1 e\\' .outh \Yale contingent, dated Orange Ri\'er, 29th ~rarch, 1900, and quoted in th Tt'mt!s of 140th :.vIa)' :-" I have just receivt:d from the British Cros~ Society a con. ~gnment o~ books~ games, elc., \\,hich I am now di tributing among the patlenl . of tl1ls ho pital. ' . . I am not sur~ that the work of the hospital orderly is sufficiently appreciatcd, I have seen and known orderlit:s in the ho ,'pi Lal who han litvrally laid dO\m their li\'es for their brethren. They havc worked night ancl day, ,,'ith only snatche. of re t. cheerfully and thoroughly doing their trying and oft 'n loathsome work; then they ha\'e caught the fever in the \\'ay it can be caught. We have had many of these men laid up in ho-;pital, both R.A.~I.C. and ._t. John of Jerusalem men ince I ha \'~ been here-bet ween four or five vi'eek -four of them ha\'l~ died in hospital of enteric fl~\'er. Wehould like their fello\\' countrymen to fcel that these men ha\'e died for Queen and country, that they have ~hO\\,ll no common example of self-sacrifice and heroism, that such exploih as thL'irs-performed under no tress of excitement again t an im'i:-.;ible, ~ubtle, and tcrrible foe-may well rank with the mo . t brilliant exploit:> for \\'hich their comrades have b2cn distinguisheel at the front." . ir \Vill iam :\IcCormac, Pre iclent of the Royal College of Surgeon~, speaking at a public dinner on the 1 th June, ' tated that' Up to the 9th of June there were in .'outh Africa 475 orficers of the R.A.l\I.C" and 380 civil surgeons-in all 55 doctor:-.. Th re \\-ere al '0 6uG female nur es and 5,668 male nurse (z'.e ., hospital orderlic. I. " Of the hospital orderlies about 4,000 only belong to the R, .::'II.C. The rcmainder, together with a very large proportion of the female nurses, \\'e re .ent out by the Red Cross Committee. Thu~ nearly half the doctors a nd one-third of the nurses and orderlies employed in South Africa have been provided from private sources. To provide this aid was unquestionably the duty of the Empire; but these facts and figure prove how dependent the Army -:\'lec.lical Service is, in time of war, on aid from civilian surgeons and pri\'ate ambulance and hospitaller societies. The pro\'ision of this aid on thi liberal scale is one of the new and best features of this \\ elf .
In the Standard of the same datp (18th June / ' ir John Furley Lore 'L 's to "The dail)' and continuous assistanc . which has been rencterE'd WI nes ' b\' Jadies, 'rh o have for a 101~g ~cn?d elevoted illCir kind energ il's to , ckinO' and sorting and cllstnbutll1g the tons of clothing and comunpa .:> c • . ' forts \rh ich have passed through th cIr hand s [or the SIck and wounded. Of this help I may he allowcd to ex~ress an opinion, a-; it has so materially contributed to any ;;uccess whIch I and my colleagues have: had in the impossibl e cluties we have endeavoured to rul fil." It is perhaps to be cxpecteclthaL the greaL and good philanthro~ic 'rork, of which ~riss Florence :\ightingale \"as th e pion('er, may occasionally suffer [rom an excess of zeal, or from the advent on the ,cene of work of prrsons unqualifled to be of l' al usc:. Sir John Furley, ho\\-e \'er, has shown that in \\'ar tlwre is ample work even for those \\'h o are nnt experts in nursing . \Yilling hands and hearts can ahray make them eh'es useful. On 2Gth June, I met one of the en'ice ~rembers of Parliament. He spoke to me about the convalescent home [or soldiers supported by his constitu ency, and added "I could not but notice how unanimous the sick and wounded soldiers were in their praist, of the St. John Ambulance orderlies." APPE l DIX IV. A~ml.-LI\,XCE \YORK IN '",,TAR.
Probably fe,\' per. ons reali~c how comparati\'elr mod ern a thing is the system atic collection andkillccl treatment of the victim of war. It is true that surgeons and doctors accompanied the anllie of ancient Greece on active servic , hut the first idca of an ambulance train proper would appear to have originated \\ ith the Roman, for not only were the Roman legion provided \\ ith doctor. ancl even bearer , bu1.. they had a sort of mobile ho~pital, called the ,,\Taletudinarium," whose' 'pecial mission it was to minister lo the need of the wounded after the fashion of the field ho pitals of to-da\'. _ \\Tlth the decay, of clas ic civili ation r hmrever, all ' uch refinement':> vanished and w re ·peedily _ foraotten' .:> , in fact, it was not until the close of the ixteenth century that military hospital arrangement were revived by the French, who, indeed, to their everlasting honour, ha v' been the pioneers of the ci viIi ed worlel in this respect. In 1590, during the sieg of Orlean ' , . uIl), ordered the e rection of camp ho pitals for the re 'c ption of hi. wounded. Up till then the majority of the wouncled wer either carried to the rear by their comrade, or left to lie expo 'cel to all ri k, and unheeded until after the fighting had ceased. \Varriors of con equenc ,rere, it i true, somewhat ?etter off, for the 'e as a rul included a urgcon, in personal attendance, In their suite; but the rank and file may be said to have been left to die where they had fallen. Richelieu further developed the work of his predecessor, organi ing military hospitals on a large cale, and placing them under the control of a military medical admini trator.
The exampll thus s ~t by the Frcn ' h Armies was grac1ually imitated elsewhere, so that by the nu f the scv ntel nth century the institution of military hospitals among besieging forces, or troops that rcnlained more or less ,tationary, had been permanentl), adoptcd. During the Marlborough campaigns, the Fr - nch again gave proof of their humane anxiety to alleviate the horrors of war, anu there th n appeared, for the first time in hislorr, heavy four-wheeled 'wagon on the battle-field itself, wh o e sol' duty it was· to collect the wounded, and remove them to the rear with all po sible de -patch. The 'e were the first ambulances, in the modern sens' of the v,Jo rd, and each contained a detachment of noncombatant, to carry out their laudable obje t. For a perio(l of close on one hundrecl and fifty years followin g their inccption, h0wever, the French wa. the only Army to make use of them. The ncxt forward move in the merciful direction occurred at the commencement of the Dettingen Campaign of 1743, and thi time the credit re t , with an Engli 'hman. Sir J ohn Pringle, phy ician to th e Earl of ,tair, ommanding the British forc e on the Con tin nt, induced th Earl to propose to the French commander, the Duc de oailles, that military ho ' pital on either side should be regard ed as neutral, and be mutuallr protected. The Duc assented, and this humane practice \\"a obse rv ed throughout the campaign, and ub eq uently became the universal custom in European wars. In the year 1792, a young surgeon, named Larrey, joinecl th Army of the North, and in its early battles ,,·a - much impre, sed by the fact that, excellent as we re these new arran o-ements, they we re on a totally inadequate scale, Accordingly, he in his turn set about improving the sy te m in vogue, inventing a more suitable pattern of mobile ambulanc" and attaching a complete field ho 'pital to each di \'ision. During the Peninsular \Var the want of a trained ambulancl' corps and of properly constructed sick transport carriage., each of whi ch the French Armies po e sed, formed a theme of constant complaint. For th e former, oldiers from the ranks were sub tituted-a double cvil , as they were un, uitecl for the w o rk, while their employment lcs ened the fighting strength . F or the latter, commis ariat wagon , or the agricultural cart of the country in which the troops werc operating, were ~mployed. It was not from want of attention bein called to the subject, as th e writing of Sir J. :'\I'Grigor :'I-Iillington and other Peninsular surgeons testi fy. Millington, indeed, publish d a very complete scheme of an ambulance establishment hortly after the war was co ncluded. There is rea on for believing that had the operations of the British troops on the Continent been continued, omc plan of thi kind woulll have been introduced. As it was, after 1815 nothing wa done for our army hospitals in the fi e ld, and th e war that our troop 'w ere engaged in in India, China, ' outh Africa, etc., did not lead to improvements like those in progress in Continental Armies, ince th climate, state of the country, and conditions of labour all n ecessitated special arrangements unsuited for meeting th e circumstances of European warfare. Thus, when the Crimean War broke out th e English Army was still " 'ithout an ambulance corps or an establishme nt of matend, whe r eas the Fre nch Army was,
, ,,' kin'",.." \len, rull\• ('quiplwd in both respects, and had , nl1vcly ~[lL<1 " . compel 'r than 1\.S " t 0 it ,' ) ' \lrl'I' rian ('x[lt'[]('n('('s, ll1trotluced an alternatlve ,.., morcove, I t cilort of \\ oundt'd Ily till' aiel of cacolets and mul~ I ct for t)(' ran " , >, , , !Del 10 TI G 'rnn1<'nt Il<lsti I)' ralsl'd all ambulance corps of mlhtary I'Lt ' rs 1(' Jove I f bl d ., It:, ," I t Lhi<; faill'd from till' hahits ilnt em ee c constltutlOn nc1S , )U "1' ' d t 0 tJlC PenslO ' , It ;1' ' ul'c(,I'dcd hy a C'(lrp". () i' elV llans, unuse fthe tncn . \I , S " , , ,. " k ' f'l 1 o "I't' ., lift- and an\' f()rm ()j dl'>clpltnc, whIch 11 eWlse al C( . usLoll1S ot 1111 1 ell,) . .. "1 k. c ,' h " 1· 'll1el \I()undt'd had tn 1)(' l ,I rrll'el by saIlors III 1ammoc 5, FlI1all)·, t C SlC \. , " . , ' , h ' t·, J '[lort \\ ' lIYOIlS illld In ami>ul,uH lS borro\-\ed from t e , ordJl1ary 1III 'i , " " . ' In 0 LI' haltk-fil 'l d it'wl r hand'illl!'ll \\ ere' alone avaI labl e to carry French. n II h ' I ,1 ('nI1H'llk'i' hilL i()r 1()1l!.~' then wc re no strctc ers ,('way theIr \\fOUn l. l I ,e '. ,. r • forlhcoming to cud 111'111 III tl1!'11 II 01 k" . 1 ' II '1· Intl 1)('('11 llw Fn'lIl'h h()spltal arrangements III t w AeImlra ) t' ",> , , . ' , tl ' ' ,t'lI1 uLtl'rl\' hm\.;:(' d()\nl dUring t1w war In Italy lTI 1859, Cnnll'<l, It S.I , ( . , , , ,t til' !'tr lT (' l1umlwr of twop'" t'mplo.\ ed, whIch entirely overtaxed OIVlI1g 0 C, n - , (" ' . ' , '. d ,,' ,. tlw Ilnrrnr..; o[ . ULl'rLnO II hl( h lTISpll C an e}e-wltne 5, resourccs., It \""..,.e t" . , . • , ,111 tIe I pe ' I.sO , n of , '1[. , '\[0\, nil'r of the ~\\ i:-.'i 1\('puhllC, \nth matenal for hIS ' . ' , ,, ' that rcsultl'd in til l' (}CIW\'(l ( onvl'IILJon of 1 64. Great ImproveagitatIOn c ' " • ments w erc mack in tIl<' (''1UI»m,f'nL ot amhulan:'es by the Amencans in LhL: Ci\'il War, parLil'lllarly (rom .\Ian'll, 1Rb4, when an Act was " I I) ' CunnTcss fixing' a Iil-finitl' and 'iing1e s)'. tern of ambulan ce l,aSScl) ,-. ' T ' ' . h' , arrancrellll'nls for all th(' ;l rl11ll'S nt tl)[' U11ll<·t! ,tales at t at tIme 111 the field. Thl'''( ' :-;,1111l' ('xl'('lknt principk-; wcre adoptcd by the Germans and lIsl'll h,\ thl'ln \lith grl'aL SlllT('!"S in the war of 1870. The)' IHO\'cd supl'rior Ln tIl<' Frl'nch. ()\\'in~ to th e circum tance that th e German l11Cd il"t! :-.t.lff PI)'i'i(''';sL'd ('()m pI I'll' autonomy, a system which the French acloJ>lL'd ",hen r--orgall i. . ing their forces after the str uo-o-I(~. This brings us d()\\'l1 t( I tI](' l'ommenccment of mod e rn amh~llance org-anisaLion, the 'illll'iL'ljuL'nL t'\'ulution of which, t o keep pace with the o-ro \\ 'th in national armamenLs, it \\ uult! b impossible to touch tJ upon in this paper, ~unlce Ln ;-;a)" that it n()\\ rcprc enis a vast, comp 1catect , and hi,rhh·-trainecl admini tration, enLnl'ted with the control of the tJ, numerous temporar,\ e. tal>li'ihment instituted close to an army in the field , for the collecti(lll, tre<llnwnt, and discharge, or return to duty, of -ick and wounded.-TIII' (//001', ~lst ~fan'h, 1\)00. C
The H erbert Hospital, which Her :'\Iajc.'ty has ju,' t (in :'\Iarc h ) visited, ha.d it. origin in tIll' Barrack anti IIospitaI Impro\' ement Committee of 1858. This committce rep orted that the Garrison Ho pital at 'Woolwich wa , over-crowded, 520 patients being in the building at th c time of inspection, whereas it only contaim'd accommodation for 304. In the rear 1859, when Lord H cr bl' rt, then :,\11'. ,idnC'Y H e rb ert, came into office a :'ecretary of State for War, till' numbL'r ·uf the sick amounted to 579, and
11 36
it \\"as ncce~sary to put up marquel's in the grounds for the aCCO mm od t iOll of those that the hospita l could not contain. After m uch con id ,ation it was found impossible (0 COI1\ crt the existing building into a 0-el~ hospital accordina- to modern principks of construction, Lord I-l e~~o t herefore decitkd to n\'l~ rt th old building into a barrack , and (0 cr e~t a ne w hospital, elL-signed upon the principle:" laid down by the Barraccc~ and Hopital Impro\'cment Cl)mmittel'. This work \\'a:" ntru:ted t ir Doug-Ia::; then Captain '\ Galton, .\ "si::;tant Cnder-~e relarr of t to ' ' ' ae for \ \ ar, \\'ho dl'slgned all the plan::; and arranged eYer,\ de tail of tl ho.pital. The plans w 're examined by Lord IIerbert, and sub mitted;e }\Iiss X ightingalc, ", hose practical expl'ricncc \\'as of the greatcs~ assi:tance, The Barrack and H ospital I mprovement Commit! ' , claimed to hare embodied in ir Dougla:" Galton 's design for thl: COllst ruction of the H erbert H o -pital all the be::;t points in the bl'!'( existing militar:' hospitals both at home and abro :Id . I n tlw H erbert Hospital for the first time provision was mack for GSO patient::;. the bui lding being di\'idet! into eparate pa \ 'ilion~, l'llCh no larger than a rcgimcntL! hospital, and each combininrr a ll the anitary tllh'antage.- of a _mall r 'gimental hO ' 1>ita1. I n this buildin~ L ord H erlwrt, ,' ir D oug-las Galton, and :\Ii!'s i\ightintrale ,,"ere able t~ illu trat(:' and carry out their vie ws on hygiene and on all sanitan' im pro vements, and the res ult of their work, afkr nearly thirty reaL, ha' sh own ho w \\'i -e their clecision - \rere, ,ir Doua-la· Gallon's improvement in the . anitary condition. of the lifc of the oldier, founded a. they were upon cientific principles, haye not only b een evidenced by the decrease of m ortality in harrack.:; and ho-;pitals in England and her Colonie, but in t h e dimini:hecl mortal it.' of her oldiers in the field. A strong proof of th e truth of this ha been giH'n l1l()rL: than oncl.: by the report from o uth Africa, \\ hich ha\'(; d,,'elt upon thc alt e r ' d condition of the soldier an d of h is health and hi: hahits \\ hil ' t on acti\'e :'cn-ice, a, compared wit h the Crin1L'an " 'ar, (l\\ ing to the rl ' ~'lllalions introduced and enforced by the ~-\ rmy ,.·anitary Department. It i '\'ith almo-;t pathetic inlt.'!'l·-,t that wc mark that the Queen is now for the first time to vi:"it the Herbert H o p ital, \"hich was conn ected with thr e p ersuns \\'hl) were linked toa-ether not only_ in the w import an t work of the sanitar,\ imp rm'C'mc n t f the Arm y, but with ti e of trong frien d"hi p. Lmd H erbert ha long ince pa sed away, and this month mark the fir!'t a n niversary of the d eath of ir Douglas Galton , the de~igner of the hospital: :\I i X ightingale i the only rem aining link , and he is too ill tn be pre -ent at a function for which th ey had all ardently longed. It had been t he earnest \\ i h, e peciaJl}' of ir D o ug las Galton ancl of h i cousi n , :\Ii s .:'\igh tingale, t hat they should h ave th e im'aluab le sanct ion and th e glorio u:-> halo of a vi;-;it fro m Her Majesty to cro wn th eir \\'o rk,-T/I/Il.~, :\I arc h , 1900.
, KXIGH1 .
H OS ]' ! '
\ LLE]{S ·\-"0 A:\IHL' j \ -"
E "' ORI" I~ w ·\ R.
11 37
T HE hJl'ORl \ J. CE OF GOOD, '[ RETCllEI'-BEARER:-; .
We want in I ndia a body of hospital bear rs who can be r 'lied ~m -h in dano-e r, At present, when break out, extra cloo!Jeto be taune v ' . • 'g K aha rs) arc enhstec1 from an\ \\her . \ \ hat sllch men arc bea rer - (aI Ii " , ' -110wn b)' the way 111 WhICh th y deserted our lck ancl wounded wort Il IS _ ' . ey m arcli on the 11th December, I, n/ . Bntl~h officer!' . h B '1 Vall 111 L e art t , ' rs had then io take up the SIck and ,,'olll1ded abandoned by an d so lei Ie ( , these" sweeping of the ba~a~," amI carry them on ll1to camp to 'a\'e -. fro m the me rcilcs Afne11. If we had reSl'Y\'e corp - of stretchert I1em , .' "l'llCli in peace-tinw Iw natl\'e c l' llC f . , or mlS"iIOn ,or b y an\' bearers, tr . t bod)' o r a ociation thesl' corps \\'ould have: a prIde, cohe lOn, pn va e ' . ' ' . l'Ile and csprd de corps, ttlat would make them taunch to t heu . . ' ' dISCl P I , , and a really "aluable a sl'iian ' C to the .\.rm)' :'I Ie(hcal , ernce, whIch t dU', '1",en-Ice . 't o e of \\'ar finds itclf vcr)' short-hanelt'd. T be I mpena 111 1m . ' Transport Co rps of the Jaipur ~tate is th' type (~t 'r h~t .an Im penal service ambu lance corp might be made by a ny natl\"C chIe! unde r c?m etent O"ui dance. D uring the famine of the pa t nine m o nt h the Jalp ur p b . 1. ,T. Corps has been used a an ambulance corps to b' nng lI1to t h ere l"f le. centre. the diseased, emaciated, and weakly \'ictim of the fa m ine . ThIS i a further proof of the \'alu~ of the m aintellance o f s uc h o r p 111 native States fo r use in an)' em ergency.l
In th e P t'O II t'tI' JIat'1 for 27 th April, HlOO, appea r the follo wing editorial paragraph, which entirely bears out \\'hat I have repre en te d :" Repeated refere nc s have been made in the Pres to the corps of stretcher- bearer ' employed in South Africa. T he se m en are la rgely nati ve of th is co untry India 1 as untrained to amb ulance as, for instance the fi eld ho pital A'17har of the I ndian Army; and yet they appear to ha\'e been of th e ut mo, t "alue in the tran:"port of wo u nded . I n a recen t description of the retire ment and ' I' ith dra\\'al of the wounded fro m pearman's-Hill to F re re, :'IIr. Trel'es, onl.: of th ro n ul ti ng s urge ons with th e forces, report th at a co n voy of 150 wounded we re carrie d a di ta nce of 25 mil es by hand on str etch e rs. The e we re n o t m il d cases; in fact, h e says, ' all ; f th em woul d be desc ribed a seriou s.' H e goe on to compare this, than which' n o mo re pe rfect way of carr) ina- th e wo un de cl exist -, ' with the jolting a mbula nce wago n, whi c h in ome ca ses has proved to b e literally fataL Th e id ea of carryi n g wound d o n fiel d - tretchers is n o t unknown in India . Every bat talion a n d even ' regim e nt of cavalry is supplied with them, but in -trictly limited numb e.~s, and no pro vi io n , o ther than the empl oyment of fightin g men , is mad e for carrying them. Our 1 The Maharajah of Gwalior has just given twenty lakhs of rupees to fit out and maintain a hospital- hip for duty with the expedition to China. This will doubtless prove to be the fir t of ma ny !>imilar generou and philanthropic acts in ai d of am bulance 'work by the native chiefs of India.
experience of this war has sho\\'n what cawalties may be expected in a . must b e 0 b' I . I ny modern engagement; and It VlOUS t lat 111 ndia the existinO' ambulance arrangements are lamentably deficient in point of quantity. large number of Kahars are maintained in peace, and hundreds more are wept in from the bazar as each field hospital is mobilised; but after all a field hospital can only carry twenty lying clown cases in a many doolies' a small enough allowance for a regiment, to say nothing of half .. brigade: To carry these twenty cumbrous and unsati factory machines at least six bearers each are required, with a good surplus in reserve. It would be equally simple and far more satisfactory if corps of stretcher-bearers or the IIl1c!et' of such corp, ,,'er maintained and trained in peace - tim~ in big station" and the units expanded indefinitely in time of war." Thi candid and unbiassed testimony from one of the foremost journals in India gives some idea of the defective condition of the ambulance sen'ice and equipment of the Army in India. The rc!medies . , however suggested by the PlOllar by no means meet th case. Nor is the statement that the Natal Ambulance Volunteer were perfectly " untrained" correct. --. ome were certainly trained at the . 'to Aidan's l\fi sion at Pietermaritzburg. To the abo\'e let me add the testimony of the Tt'7Ilcs oj'Illdt'a (weekly edition of June 16th, pp. 2 and 14). From a long article on the" Indian Ambulance Corps in 1 atal" I will make one brief quotation : "Full three weeks were thu passed , in ir Redvers Buller's camp ) in almost continuous work emptying one ho pital after another, chiefly the stationary hospital. During the time five journeys were made to Frere, the men three times carrying the wounded the whole di tance of 25 mile in a single day. It was freely remarked, each time the 'lightfooted elastic-stepped' bearers covered the whole di tance of 25 miles with their charge under a trying sun and over a difficult road, that they alone could perform the feat; 100 mile - in five days may be accounted fairly good walking for a man unburdened with any weight but that of his own carcase and clothes. \Vhen wounded have to be carried on stretchers fo r nearly half that distance, and the greater portion of the remainder is trave rsed by men laden with heavy kit, such marching, I think, will be acknowledged as very creditable work. . uch is the feat lately performed by the I ndian Ambulance Corps, and one that any body of men may be proud of."
I .
This shows what ad m irable material for ambulance work we have ready to our hand in India. I t remains for the dominant race there to train and use it. Be it noted, too, that the atal Indian Ambulance Corps was a Volunteer corps in every sense of the word" Volunteer."
of the ~ rb e r of the lbospital of $t. 30hn of 3erusalenl in JEnglanb.
[be <Sranb
1Pr io r~
st June,
E. C.
Sir and Confrere,
I beg to advise you that the arrangenlents for celebrating the AN UAL FE TIYAL of the
Order on
Monday, 24th Jun e in st ant , (being the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Bapti t), at which all Members and Associates of the Order can be present, are as follow, and your attendanc
occa IOn is cordially
SERVICES will take
place in St. John's Pari h Church, Clerken well, being the remains of the Choir of the ancient Priory Church of the Order. H oly Communion Matins (shortened) with Sernlon
at 10.45 a.m. "
11.3 0
Preacher-THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD B ISHOP SALISBURY, one of the Sub-Prelates of the Order.
It is hopod that a many ]\10111bol's and Associates as po ible \rill attend tho Son·i e.
will be deyoted to the charitable object . . of the Ordor.
I t is confidently hoped that, with the View of . easl·ng the intero,'t in tho Ordor and its work, as nlany Incr c • Members and Honorary Assooiato, as can do so ,vill make a point of attending the Cel"OlllOnio. of the day.
The Nave of the N onnall Crypt undol' St. John's Church having now been re tored for I arochial purposes, can be in pected by ]\1em bel's after the Services.
All communications and enquir>ies should be addr>essed to THE SECRETARY, ORDER OF ST. JOHN, THE CHANCERY, ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, LOND ON, E.C.
By kind penni "ion of the ]\Ia, tor of the Charterhouse, light refre hment " ,yill be provided at one o'clock in one of the rOOUl GENERAL A
in that building, ,vhere al
El\lBLY will be held at 1.45 o'clock.
an d it is ear>nestly r>equested that in order> to facilitate the ar>r>angements, r>eplies should be for>war>dcd to him as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully,
On account of the largely increa ed attendance of ]\1en1bers and A ociate at tho Gonoral A ombly, there is, at pre ent, not sufficient ac 'ollHllodation at St. J olm's Gate for the purposes of the ~leeting. Knights of Justice and Knight of Grace attending the
A , 'KUBLY ,yill wear the Cro,
suspended fron1 the riband aroulld the neck· the other 1\1en1bers, and the Honorary A. sociate,,, will wear the Badges of their respective grades. At the conclusion of the General A
embly there
will be a short den10nstration by 11en1ber
of the
Metropolitan Corps of the St. Joh n A mbulance Brigade.
IJ atizb,
~t. jJobn' z
Fund subscribed bJI Ladies oj the Order of St. john
0/ jerusalem
in England fo r the Parish House.
This fund wa,s commenced fi \ e years ago, to pay for Nurse's Rooms in St. John's Parish, the Order providing for the salCLry of the Nurse. The Rooms are situC1teu in the Parish House, O'\nd it is hopell that in time, the amount sul,fi<.:ribed hy the Ladie'i will 1)(~ tlllflicient to defray the whole of the rent, of the House, thus relieving the Hector of T. W. Wood, M.A., \\ ho ic; a Chaplain of responsilJility of ha\'illg to provide the
and other expenses the PariRh, the Rev. the Order, of th(:' sum, about £110,
required for this purposE'. Since the beginning of the war in 'uuth Afl'iclt, when Xurse Green went out to the Cape, a temporary nur 'e hCLS been employed j but H.R. H. Prince .. s Christian hac; recently 1'e<':0111mended a permanent nUl'se fOI" the post, who will shortly join for work in the Pari,·h. The following amounts ha\' e heen <.:olleded and handecl over t() the Rey. T. ,\V. '\Vood . i~l<.:e the fund was started in 1 96:
lst YEAH, :HLh " 2,ld " 31'd" "
" ;, "
1 " UG - 2-Hh Jmm, 1 ' 97, £ .10.
1 ' 97-" 1 9 -"
" "
1 99-" 1900-"
" "
1 9 , £41
1899, £ 70. 1900, £60. 1901, £73.
A statement of the n,ecount . uf the Pari ,'b House Fund fOl' t Ill" year is annexed. \
( Lad!)
43, Thurloe 'quare, ,'.'-iV. St. J ohn Baptist's Day, 1901..
0/ (Jracp
'VAT o~ of the 0/'(ZP1)..
a ttendance
H ou e, at
will I
1.45 a.m.
G having
and taken his place, the Presentation of the Medals,
&c., will be made , The Recipients of the A ward s will also be in attendance,
in the following
TIlE CrIA CELLOR, in each instance, will announce the name of the recipient of the A ward, who will then
(a) Awards for saving life or attempting to save life : -
advance in the order indicated, and take a position before HIS MAJ E
case, a brief statement of the service for which the
award has been made.
' will
then hand the A ward , on a cushion, to THE KING,
recipient, who will bow and retire.
:L\1 JESTY will
pre, ent
(b) Awards
At to
conclu lOn THE
Ambulance Department:WILLIA~
Seere tal)'- General.
THE Members of the Chapter invited to attend the presentation of medals and certificates of honour on Wednesday, 17th July,
90 I, will arrive
at the front entrance of Marlborough House at 11.45 a.m., punctually. The Members are requested to appear MORNI G DRE . .
-( frock coat)-with the Rosette
Button instead of the full insi crnia of the Order. Any Members or Associates commanded to attend who do not wear the Rosette Button or Rosette are to wear the miniature (if any) of th eir grade.
Members or Associates who are
to receive the Service l\1edal and who belon o to
requested to appear in uniform wearing the full insignia of their grade. By command,
DiNc.'or- Central oj Ceremollies. Ju(v
12//1, I9 0I .
'[be (l3ranb IPrtor2 of tf)e
of tbe 1J)ospital of
St. Jobn of Jernsalem in JEnglanb.
awarded by the Chapter-General, for acts of gallantry In
saving life on land, for presentation by
T\\,l t LV[~
1901 ,
' 00 ..
for great gallantry ancl presence of mind di played at Hope Lodge, Cretingham, on 3rcl ugust, 1900, in a courageous endeavour to rescue a man named Charles Iann, who was overcome by foul gases at the bottom of a w 11, forty-eight feet deep. The men at the top having refused to go down, 'Miss Pritty clambered through the frame-work, and got into the bucket, and was let down. he reached the man, gave him brandy, and attempted to revive him, but as there was no second rope available, she was obliged to leave him .
CORPORAL THOMAS MULCAHY, (late Ist Batt. Royal Irish Regiment, I2, Barrack Street, \Vaterford), BRONZE MEDAL AVVARDEU
for very courageous conduct and presence of mind displayed in rescuing Mrs. Eliza Hearne, of Ballyporeen, Co. Tipperary, at Goff's Crossing, Tramore Railway Line, on the 3rd June, I900. Mrs. Hearne was apparently attempting to commit suicide, thus rendering her rescue all the more difficult, when Corporal J\lulcahy running down an adjoining field, and jumping on to the rails, snatched the woman therefrom as a train was rushing up.
(Railway Constable, 30, Victoria Street,
for great gallantry and presence of mind displayed at Lurgan Railway Station, on the 30th July, 1900, in rescuing Mrs. J\'[acartney at a level crossing. The woman was under the influence of drink , and had crossed from the down to the up platform. She was observed to be on the line and the down express rushing on her. \ Vatson rushed before the engine, seized the woman, and dragged her over across the rail. So close was the shave that vVatson v. as grazed by the engine, and he and the woman were throlVn down between it and the gate closing the level crossing from the road. BENJAMIN FRANCIS, (Sheffield), BRONZE MEDAL AVVARDED
for very conspicuous conduct displayed at the Victoria Vinegar Brewery, Sheffield, on 8th November, I900, in a plucky attempt to rescue a boy named Aldham, and a man named Woo key, who had been set to clean a large vinegar vat, and had been overcome by the fumes of carbonic acid gas. The employes and police ambulance not having effected a rescue, Francis volunteered to descend the vat, and by means of a rope was lowered to the bottom, a distance of 19 ft. He succeeded in reaching Wookey, but a.3 he proceeded to put a rope round the body became unconscious, W'iS pulled up, and remained in this state for one and a half hours, after which he rendered assistance to the Fire Brigade staff in getting the bodies out.
for courageous conduct in endeavouring to stop a runaway horse and cab at Ipswich, on the 9 th February, 1901. The horse shied at the corner of St. John's Road, and bolted, jerking the driver from his box. IIines, who was off d~ty, rccoanising the great danger, as the horse was makmg for ba crowded thoroughfare, made a dash for the reins and in checking the pace the wheels of the cab skidded and a shaft struck him on the left shoulder, causing a Still clutching the reins, he was dragged very severe bruise. alonab almost under the horse's feet, and sustained a severe blow on his head. His gallant efforts undoubtedly proved the means of saving life, and he is still (June 22nd), only able to do light duty, owing to his injuries.
HARRY LUSH, (Horse Driver, Southampton), JOHN GRIST, (Ganger, Southampton), WILLIAM MOODY, (Labourer, Southampton), ALBERT EDWARD JOHN ADAMS, (IIorse Driver, Southampton), THOMAS SMITH, (Bricklayer, Southampton), CERTIFICATES OF HONOUR AVV ARDED
for very courageous conduct displayed at the Corporation vVharf, Southampton, on the 6th of July, 1900. By the removal of a connecting pipe from a sewer reservoir, ewage sludge and carbonic acid gas were admitted into a chamber 13 ft. below the floor, in which three labourers, II. Godding, \V. Williamson, and \Villiam C. J\1ussell were working. The gas and sludge overpowered these men. James Shopliw d , John Grist, Thomas Smith, and \Villiam J\loocly immedfately ran forward and descended into the chamber to the rescue, but were themselves overcome by the deadly ga~. Harry Lush and A. E. J. Adams then descended into the pit with ropes, and succeeded in dra\\ ing out these men, as \\ ell as \V. \Villiamson and 'vV. C. Mussell, and the bodie' of II. Godding and J. Shopland.
ROBERT COOK, (IIorsekeeper, 252, High Street, Plum tead), CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR AVVARDED
for "ery courageous conduct displayed at Bostall Hill, Plumstead, on the 5th June, 1900 . A.n ambulance wagon, while descending a steep hill, ran on to the horse, owing to the breaking of the breeching strap. The horse ran away, the driver losing control of it. Robert Cook caught the runaway by the head and was dragged along hanging to it until he stopped the animal, which fell, and thre\V Cook on the ground. Had he been shaken off he would have been run over by the ambulance carriage, which vvas at the time conveying a nurse with a diphtheria patient.
for very courageous conduct displayed at Farringdon Street Station, Metropolitan RaIlway, on the 24th December, I900, in rescuing two drunken men who had fallen from the platform on to the metals, an overdue train being momentarily expected. The two men had a firm grasp of each other. \Vatkins, however, wrenched them apart, seized one, lifted him up to the platform, and then went for the other, but in doing so slipped and fell. He, however, sprang up, grasped the other man, and succeeded in dragging him in a place of safety. vVatkins himself was pulled up in an exhausted condition, having received injuries to both his legs just as the train came in, and ""as for some time an out-patient at the St. Bartholomew's Hospital.
After deducting payment of the interest on the loan of £2400 from the St. ,John Ambulance Association there will be sufficient balance to justify the payment of a clividend of 2~ per cent. (Income tax to Le paicl by the Oompany). The best thanks of the shareholclers are clue to the Honorary Auditor, ~Ir. C. Fitch KClnp, F.e.A., of 36, \Yalbrook, E.e., ancl to the Honorary olicitors, l\Iessrs. Fre 'hfielcls, New Bank Buildings, 31, Olel. Jewry, E.O. ) 'ignecl on bf'lulU
fhp BO(lI'r7
of Di,'ectol', ,
•..•••••••••••..•.....•......•........•.......•............. .......••..•.. THE
to the Ambulance Department will WILLIA
also be presented to:-
HE RY MORGAI , Honorary Associate of the Order, Chief Superintendent of the Metropolitan Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. RICHARD BURDETT-SELLERS, Honorary Associate of the Order, M.R.C.S., Chief Surgeon, Rochdale Corps, St. John Am bulance Brigade. MARSHdL HOPPER, Honorary Serving Brother of the Order, Chief Superintendent of the Hull Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Mrs. PRISCILLA LAVERACK, Honorary Serving -Sister of the Order, Hull J ursing Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Mrs. MARY J A E HARE, First Nursing Officer, II ull Nursing Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. ROBERT SLATER, Private, Hull Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. CHARLES HE RY MILBURN, M.D., Esquire of the Order, Deputy Commissioner No. VI. District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. GEORGE THOMSO.l., M.D., Honorary Associate of the Order, Chief Surgeon, Oldham Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. BENJAMIN SELLARS, First Officer, Oldham Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. 1
St. Juhn'::; (rule ,
Ule1,J,'ellll'ell, LIi/ululI, E.C. 1st ALlYu 'f, 1U01.
JUNE, 1901.
To CAPITAL Sl'BSCnIl3ED£1H121 0 6 PrRCB \SE OF Pr.OPI.;ltTY . .' . 12 5 Shares of £10 c[Lch fully paitl 6121 2]0 £12850 0 OOS'l' o~' NEW BUfl .D[N(;~ to 30th JllIlP, 1<;96 " RIi.PATRS Fl!. D lOGO 0 0 , . . 96 I~ LAKfl ADJOINING. " RESTOllATION F1:ND . ' . 350 1 RgNT DUE from the Lf'~sec of ~hc JCl'llsnh'lll " LOAN- t. JolIn Allllmlance Assnciution, Tavern for half-year to ClmsLllll1s, 1901, . Stores Departnlent £2400 0 0 4fl 10 0 payable ill ad V:1I1ce .• • Olle year's interest to 30th June, less Tax 68 5 0 OArrat London and Westlllll1stCl' Bl1l1k ,C3fl~ (j ] 0 2468 ~ ill hand 0 9 1 " PRE)[lUJ\f, NEW LEASE Jfl~ 1:' II ' ---1065 0 " "
" "
Executors of 1I11-S C. A. ·W ren IIo!:;kYllS payable in ad\'aneeDue frOIll the Lcsse~ of the Jcmsulem Taveru, for half-year to Christmas, 1901 TIKvENUE ACCOUl'T, Balance
49 10 2659 j
£19,540 9
C19, 51 0
In acconlance with the provIsIons of the COlllpallics Act, 1900, I my rcquireillents as Auditor have l,cl'1l C'ollll'liell with, alltl 1 report to thc 11a1'e1101llel's that I ha\'e audited the auo\'c Balance heet with and \Tonchel' , anc! ill Illy opinion slwll lhlilllce SlLl'cl is pl'Opel Iy <llmlll up so as to exhibit a tl'lle and COlTcct "iclV 01' the sLate of the ' asshowil by the Books 01 the UllI1lpnlly. C. FIITll Kr:\II', F. ' .• \. 36, If a1 brook, London, E. C. 22i1/i July, 1901.
To "
~CE AT CIlImn OF HEYEN lTE A('cou :->'1', at 30th JUlie, 1900 . . . Dil'idcnd 2,\ p.c. free of Income TtLX Oil 1285 Sharps pail! 10th Septelll her, 1flOO .
On Loan of £2400 at 3 p e. from t. John Am bulance Association, . tores Departmell t
" B ,\LANCE, cal'l'ied to Balance. 'heet
£68 5 £:2. 16 6 0 8 1 7 17 6 1 8 3 3 7 4
11000, to 30th JUNE', 1901.
1;') 11
0 L~,:317
10 11
15 11 2659 j
Order of St. John of Jpl'llsalcll1 half-year ,to Ohristmas, 1900 . '. . I d!tto. to IIlidsllllnnCI', 1901. . . ditto. Lessee or Jel'llsalem Tavel'll ha.ll'year to Christmas, 1900, payable ill advance . i ditto. h'alf- yeal: to l\licl. . Slllllmel'1901 Uf) 10 0 Less on~ ycar'~ Pl'Opc~ty 'j'lt \' ·1 19 0
]66 5 1!55 10 l!.l 10
·1 1 11
0 ;j
$t. jo()n's <.Sate (<!Icrflenwcll) <!Olnpan\?, 'i!i1nitcb. (Incorporated 23rd June, I886.) DIRECTORS: (CIwirJJlI'tJJ) ROBERT BRUDENELL CARTER. ESQ., F. R.C.S. EO\\'I:-1 FRESHFIEl.D, ESQ, LL.D., F . . A. \VILL1A~1 DA\YES FRE!jH~'IELD, ESQ., M.A. '\-{AJOR G. E. WYNDHA~1 MALFT. THE RE\'. PAUL W. \\'YATT. EDWIN HANSON FRESHFIELU, ESQ., l\I.A.
R<l{istered Offices: ST.
REPORT READ A~D ADOPTED AT THE 'HAREHOLDERt; ORDINARY GEXERAL MEETING HELD ON 1ST AUGUST, 1901. have nothing to report wi th rospect to the Company during the pa t year, except that tbe new buildings connected with the extension of the premi os at St. John's Gate, on land belonging to the Order, haye been commenced. Thi, extension ha' necessitated pnllin o. clowll the cottage, or tenement, which formed part of the Company's property, but the erection of the new building wiIl entail no expense to the shareholders, whose property 'will, on the contrary, have its value enhanced. The accounts and books of the COlllpallY ha\' been duly audited by 1\11'. C. Fitch Kernp, F.C.A., and certified as correct. The cash to the credit of the Company at the Bank amounts to £392 68. 10d., and the rent for the cc J ernsalem Tavern" for the current half year is outstanding. THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR.'
m6ulance ork~
In Illdia .
MAJOR A. C. Y ATE, HmOIiTlY OrgalllsillE[ COllllllissioner /01' India o/lIle Associalioll.
Iltalclltta: THACKER, SPINK & CO.
t. fohn Ambulance
AM BULANCE WORK IN INDIA. I.-THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION AND BRIGADE . To France must be awarded the credit of taking the lead in lessen~ot that English military surgeons
ing loss of life and suffcring in war.
were blind or cal lOlls, but the Go\,ernment and public opinion were slow to move.
After the Peninsular \\'ar Sir
~lcGrigor :\Iillington and other
surgeons callcd attention to this subject, but all era of peace set in and nothing was done. CALCUTTA: J'RIl\TED BY THACKER, SPIN".
what happened
the Crimea..
It taught
three, if not morc, gencrations of Englishmen to reverence the name of &
Florence Nightingale.
Crimea, not much was donc.
the trucst canonisation.
Still after the
Thc battle of Solferino in 1859, aroused all
Europe, thanks to 1\1. Dunant, to thc terrible and uncalled-for sufferings of the woundecl
,cnC\'a Confercnce mct in 1863, and the
Geneva Convention was adopted b)'
Europcan States in • ugust, [86..j..
The other States acceded some yea rs later.
During the American War
of 1860-65 the United States Sanitary Commission, for which women as well as men worked, did much to alleviatc the hardships and sufferings of the Federal troops.
This work had no connection with the Geneva move-
ment. It was prompted simply by the trials and miseries of war.
It was
about this time that the Order of St. John of Jerusalem took the first practical step towards
Department has
become farnous.
Colonel Duncan,
for which its Ambulance
Surgeon-General Sir Thomas Surgcon-~Iajor (no\\' Surgeon-
General) Manley, v.C., and Mr. (now Sir John) Furle) \\ ere the moving spirits. The first-named attended thc Gene\a Congress of 186..j., and the
last-named the International Red Cross Conferences at Berlin in 1869, and Brussels in 1874.
In 1866 the Order of St. John equipped and sent a small
Ambulance to the Austro-Prussian War.
General (then Captain) E. F,
Chapman met it soon after the battle of Koniggratz and was thankful to get a night's shelter with it. initiators of the
187 0
the Order of S . John were the
ational Society for Aid to the Sick and Wounded in war,
which did so much for both French and Germans.
At the conclusion
3 )
turne d Out up to date about . 6,000 stre tchers and litters and 100 horse vehicles. Every article turned out at this factory is uniform and of the most approved pattern and best workmanship.
Both litter and carriage
are made to receive the st ret chel', so that, as a fact, a patient may be moved half-round the world, if need be, without being taken off the stretcher, As time went on the system of instruction was improve(l and extended
of the Franco-German \Var 1\1r. John Furley and others of the Order of
until it became what it now is.
St. John urged that the establishment formed should not be disbanded,
Trade, it was introduced into the Mercantile ;"larine.
but maintained on a permanent basis.
over the British Empire,
shortsightedness, vetoed.
This, however, was, with singular
In 1872 the Order of St. John established
Ambulance stations with litters (obtained from Berlin) and other
Aid n material at Burslem and \Volverhampton, certain public bodies and private individuals undertaking to superintend the management and defray expenses.
The Metropolitan Police, shortly afterwards, took these litters
into use.
I t now became the custom at the annual general assemblies of
certificate, and
In 1883, with the consent of the Board of
It now extends all
about half-a-million persons hold the
the medallion of the Association.
The Samariter-
rerein of GermJ.ny was founded on the lines of the St. ] ohn Ambulance Association. In 188-1- the Transport Corps of the . ssociation was instituted at St. John's G.lte,
This Corps has co nveyell llP to date about
in some cases to or frol11 distant parts of the Continent.
.\t the same time
the Order to read papers and discuss ql1estions bearing on the transport of,
it became the Cllsto m to sel1l: partic.> of men trelined in rendering first aid
and aid to, the injured,
to attend all great gat herings.
In 1876 the Order of St. John initiated the Eastern
In the Jubilee Year of 1807 the A sociation
\Var Sick and \Vounded Relief Fund which was subsequently merged in
rendered most useful public service in th is way, and has continued to do
the British
so erer 51l1Ce.
ational Society for Aid to Sick and \Vounded in war.
In 1877 the St. John Ambulance Association came into existence, and ' 1le d a t WI ' h. its first centre was esta bl IS 00 WIC in
Others promptly followed
London, Southampton, 'Worcester, the Derbyshire and Notti ngham
Collienes, &c.
187 8 "First Aid " instruction was adopted by the
, Sh ep h er d' s Handbook came out in Surgeon-Major ' f 't have been sold, 1879, From six to seven hundred tbousan d copIes 0 I It has again, very recently, been revised. The author was killed at
Metropolitan Police,
d ' 'l't Isandula, while trying to save a soller s I e, a few m onths after he had , , 1 I to the ASSoclacompleted the little Manual whIch has been of suc 1 va ue , tion. About this time also was establtshed at S t. J 0 h n ' s Gate, which had Ar A b lance Stores. The now been restored to the Order, a D epot lor m u , K I 0 started. It has Ambulance Carriage factory at Ashford 111 ent was as
In the meantime Ambulan ce and 0: ur::;il~g Corps and J)i\ ISlons, trained on this system, IMel been grol\'ll1g up
various parts of the countr)".
These were now all united in the St. John Ambulan ce Brigade \\'I th its Head-quarters at St. John's Gate. sent 1,800 men to aid the R. A,
It is this Grigade which has recently 1. C. in South Africa.
Divisions would abo ha\'e cOlltributcd their quota, had tlte Army
' ursing
Reserve been unable to meet the demand . On the qlh of May, 1888, Her l\lajesty Queen Victoria granted to the Order a new Royal Charter under their old name and style of "The Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England." The Ambulance Institution, From
of that Order then became a
ational it has now become Imperial.
The experiences
( 5 )
( 4 ) of the South African ' Var have proved the great value to the Nation of
of Lord Wantage, and with the advice and help of the Princess Christian,
the agencies and . resources controlled by the Central British Red Cross Committee. Similar agencies and resources exist in India, but are as yet
Lord Knutsford, Sir John FurJey and others, has done so much for our sick and wounded soldiers in South Africa.
unorganised and uncontrolled.
Victoria thought of the work done by the St. John Ambulance Brigade let
\Vhat her late Majesty Queen
her gracious telegram to the Marquess of Northampton, Knight of Grace of
the Order and President of the Northampton Centre, sent just ten days (on
Till very recently (January, 1899) it was not expected that the St. John
heard with much satisfaction of the excellent work done in South African
12th January) before her deeply-lamented death, say :-" The Queen has
Ambula nce Association would do work outside the United Kingdom in aid
Hospitals by the St. John Ambulance Drigade.
of the Army Medical Services.
In July 1890, Viscount Wolseley, as
County of Northampton in having furnished so large a contingent for this
St. John Ambulance men at \\'oollaston
voluntary service of mercy and asks you to convey to those whom the
Park near Birmingham, and thus addressed them :-" Th is Ambulance
town of Northampton and county are entertaining on their return home
Corps will, I feel sure, b e of the greatest service to the Army in the event
the expression of her appreciation of the devotion to duty which has
of any trouble occurring in this country.
been evinced by them and by all other portions of the Brigade."
Adjutant-General, inspected
The small Corps we have belong-
She congratulates the
The King
ing to the Army would not be able to do the work, and we should look to you
(then Prince of \Vales) sent a telegram couched in similar terms, adding:
to help the Army, knowing that you would do it well and cordially and
I am proud to be at the head of so distinguished a body of men."
It is evident from
Writing ever. as late as October, 1897, Sir John Fnrley did not venture
this that Lord \Volseley, highly as he valued them, had no idea tben of
to anti cipate the employment of St. John Ambulance men in war abroad; for
using the St. John Ambulance men out of Great Britain,
on p.
render the assistance from a national point of \'iew,"
Lord Roberts
of his brochure on "The Origin and Development of the St.
also has for long been a staunch ad vocate of the work of the St. John
John Ambulance Association," he merely expresses a hope that from the
Ambulance Association.
At Sydenham
ranks of the Brigade "in case of necessity, a valuable reserve may be
No one hns
drawn for ~ervice at home stations in the place of men of the Army
He is a "Life 1\Tetnber" of it.
some years ago, be spoke of its work as a "sacred duly."
realised better than he durin g the last 18 months how much the devotion
Medical Corps sent abroad."
of the St. John Ambulance Bri gade to that
has done for
South Africa, that never again will the British Army take the field unaided
One thousand eight hundred St. John Ambulance men have
by this Association and its Brigade. The latter is now subsidised by the \Var
our Army.
Seventy or more have sacrificed
Office to keep up five bearer companies ready for active service abroad ,
I n the last few months three or four drafts aggregatil~g about
This is but a small demand on the resources of the Brigade at Home,
served, or are still serving, in South Africa. their lives.
"sacred duty
\Ve know now, from what has happened in
400 men have been sent out at the special request of Lords Roberts and
which in 1899 \Vas 11,000 strong and has since been rapidly increasing.
T he War Office early in 1899, accepted the advice of influential
To give some idea of the work done in time of peace, the St. John
Members of the Red Cross Society and the St. J Ohl1 Ambulance Association,
Ambulance Brigade rescued and attended to 1,550 injured persons on the
and formed that British Central Red Cross Committee which, under the Honorary Presidency of the (then) Princess of Wales and the Chairmanship
occasion of the Duke of York's wedding, and about 1,50:) on the occasion of her late Majesty's Diamond Jubilee. In the year 1898, which was marked
( 6
( 7 )
by no great public function or ceremony, the numher of cases treated by
Medical Services.
the Metropolitan Corps, when employed on public duty, was 1,744.
On" C.
Societies are so included, but such is not de (acto the case .
O.lY the MetrJpolitan Corps of the Brigade established 28 stations
At present the solution of the difficulty is to constitute these
along the route, e :n?loying over 3')') orderlies and nurses of the BriO'ade
Societies, under definite regulations, an integral part of the
1. V."
0 '
a ld tended I,r:q caseS-SJme of a very seriolls nature.
The same work
It is matter of common belief that these
Army Medical Service in time of War.
This is practically
is nolV being done on a smaller scale in every city and town of import.
what has been done by us during the South African
ance in the British Isles and the Colonies.
Neutral Ambulances ought to conform to a similar system.
The St. Andrew's Ambulance
Association was founded in Scotland on the lines of that of St.
(2) More clearly defined privileges and immunities must be laid
In its Report of the QLleen's funeral procession The Times remarks;"The work of the St.
Ambulance Association was considerable.
down for those who aid the sick and wounded in \Var. (3)
The use of the Red Cross nag and badge must be limited by
Elaborate arrangements had been made, stations being provided at various
the strictest rules, and the infringement of these rules must be
points along the route.
subjected to severe penalties .
Some hundreds of cases were treated ."
That the Red Cross should be llsed as a trade-mark and advertis ement,
and as a badge by unauthorised Associations, and that it should serve as a
It appears that the Geneva Convention needs revision. Tent;ttil'e me:1sures to tbis end were tried in 1868 (Gene\'a) and in 1874 (Drus eL),
cloak for all the dishonourable devices of War, are abuses that only the strictest International and National legislation can check.
and at the Peace Conference at the Hague in 1899 the \\ish was unanimous.
When a Dutch doctor was found by Lord Roberts killed in action,
ly e .' pressed that steps might shortly be taken for the assembly of a Special
with the Red Cross badge on his arm, a rine in his hand, and a half-empty
Conference to revise that Convention.
bandolier over his sholllder
International Conferences of the
Red Cross and other Aid Societies have taken place from time to time since 1867, the last being at Paris in August, 1900 .
it is surely time
International law
'Vhen the Genera
Convention was agreed to in 1864 unofficial AiJ Societies were almost non· existent.
Their widespread importance to-day renclers it essential that any
futlll'e In terna tional Con ven tion should officiall y recognise their status in time of War.
During the late \Var in South Africa most undoubted and
flagrant infractions of the principles and spirit of the Convention of J86~ have taken place.
1\1 oreover, the "ery meaning of some of the clauses
of that Convention
now matter of International dispute.
In June, 1897, the attack at !\Taizar, in the Tochl Valley, on a small British force took place.
Every British Officer was at once either killecl or
wounded, including the i\IeuicalOfficer, Captain Cassidy.
Captain Browne,
That a Con·
R.A. (son of the late Genet'll Sir James Browne, well known as Quarter-
ference to amend the Convention will shortly be hell seems highly probable
Master-General, and A. G . G for Baluchistan), had the brachial artery
and the chief points to be considered will be ;_
(I) The inclusion of Red Cross and Voluntary Aid Societies in the provisions of th e
Convention, as
well as
He was allowed to bleed to death. I wrote to Colonel
The incident struck me
C. Dalton, R.A., a member of the Central
Committee of the St. Jl)hn Ambulance Association , and asked for full instructions regarding the concIllcl of " First Aid"
lasses, and at the same
8 )
time wrote to Colonel Scott, R A.M.C., P.M.O., at Quetta, anJ. Lieutenant_
Publi c attentio n, however, was at this time engaged rather in the sensa-
Colonel A. Dane, I .M.S., Administrative Medical Officer in Central I ncI'ta, for their advice. In the cold weather of 18 9 6 at Sehore General Sir Geo. White
tional events of the South African War than in the rational inferences to
inspected the Bhopal Battalion, and saw and commended the results of
question as to publish a fairly full and comprehensive report of my lecture
Colonel Dane's" First Aid " instruction.
I therefore felt I could turn to 110
at the Royal United Service Institution, and on September 1st to find space
In August, 18 97, the preliminaries having been
in his columns for a letter in which I urged the extension to India of a
better source for advice.
arranged, our Medical Officer, Capt. Gibbs,!. M.S., consented to let the bandsmen of the Regiment attend once a week at the Hospital for a lesson
be drawn from it.
work which had done so much for Great Britain and her Colonies and for the British Army.
ote on the subject for the Journal of the
United Service Institution of India, and advocated that this instruction should be extended to all Native Regime nts.
The Council of the United
(Vide appendix.)
Being appointed in July 1900 a Member of the Central E xecutive
in "First Aid." This" instruction" was continued for three or four months. At the close of it I wrote a short
The Editor of Tile T£mes so far interested himself in the
Committee of the St. John Ambulance As:ociation, I submitted to the Chief Secretary proposals for establishing in India the work of the Association.
In September I received a le tter from the Chief Secretary, inviting
Service Institution invited further communications on the subject; but,
me to accept the appointment of Ilonorary Organising Commissioner
nothing of importance was contributed.
for India, subject to the approval of the Chapter-General and of H. R. H. the
In June 1898 I was appointed an Esquire of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; and in 1899, on my return to India, I, with the assistance of
Grand Prior of the Order.
I accepted the offer provided that I was allowed
by the Government of I ndia to undertake the work. \Vhen in due course this
Lady Morton and Colonels Graves and Greenfield and others, was instru-
appointment had been confirmed, Viscount Knutsford, the Chairman of the
mental in sta rting two classes at Dalhousie-one for Ladies, the other for
Committee of the St. J Ohl1 Ambulance Associatiun, addressed the Secretary
Officers and
of State for India on the subject.
Non-Commissioned Officers.
Both were
successful. The
Before leaving England I was iluthori-
Lecturer was Lieut.-Col. Corker, while Colonel M iller, Major Burnside, and
tatively informed that the project was favour:tbly viewed at the India Office.
Capt. Fairrie, all of the R.A.M.C., conducted the examination s.
Among those from whom I recei ved assurances of interest and approval, and
It was while at Dalhousie that the idea took shape in my mind that the
in some cases of support, I may mention Generals Sir Henry Brackenbury
system of the St. John Ambulance Association ought to be extended to
(RedCro 5s Commissioner during the Franco-German \Var of 1870-71), and
India, as it had been to all the great Colonies of the Empire.
Sir John Arclagh, Sir Steuart Bayley, Sir Seymour King and H. H. the
I consulted
the Chief Secretary, St. John Ambulance Association, on the subject. His
Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda.
opinion was that the opportune moment had not arrived.
The South African
monthly meeting of the
Central Executive Committee of the St. John
Going home at the end of 1899 I gave a series
Ambulance Association,
War hastened its arrival.
On the 17th January I attended the usual
received my final instructions from Lord
of lectures on the History of the Knights Hospitalle r and the need of an
Knutsford ancI Sir Herbert Perrott.
Ambulance Organisation in India, at Bath, Paignton, Edinburgh, Glasgow,
Earl Roberts a brief letter, asking for his support.
Shrewsbury, &c" and finally at the Royal United Service Institution. The
which he is noted, he -thoug h extremely o ccupied-sent me, on 24th
Order of St. John of Jerusalem gave me their cordial support in this
January, a reply which I found entirely satisfactory.
work,the Chair being usually taken by some prominent Member of the
the way as far as lay in my power for what I trust may become a great
[st January I ventured to send With that kindness for
Having thus paved
work and one beneficial to India, I started to catch the P. & O. Persia ilt
it will co-operate with Gover n me n t in th e work o f relie f.
1\larsei ll es on the 26th of January, my pe:-iod of leave havin ba ", "'Xp'I'lecI. I venture to p lace on re cord the above facts, but I ne\'ertheless bear in
wi ll work, under the management of a Ce n t ra l I ndian Red Cross Committee analogous to that of the Central British Committee at the War O ffice, in
mind that many have worked before me in this cause, and that others are
co-operation with the Army
now either working for it "r ready to do so.
Wounded; and, as required by the present terms of the Geneva Conven-
Foremost among the pioneers
of Ambulance work in In dia rank Surgeon-Ceneral l\Ianley,
Hendley, 1. l\1.S ., and the late 1\1r. Harold King of Bombay.
I n time o f war it
Iedical Se rvices for the aid of the Sick and
tion, its persoJlJzel and establishment will be attached to, and serve un der, the Army l\ledical Department in the Field.
NB.- The Association and the Brigade are two entirely distinc t bodies. The Association educates, supplies material, and conducts th e transport
Ca) The dissemination
"First Aid,"
i.e., the
preliminary treatment of the sick and injured, pendil1g the doctOJJs arrival.
(b ) Lectures on Home
ursing and Hygiene.
hampers, splints, bandages, &c.) for use in case of accident.
and injured .
the l\1edical Sen'ices of the Army.
might further organise Ambulance Transport Corps, Stretcher-bearer Com-
tiJlle, is tllelr prcpamlt'oll for the men of the S.
I '2,000
strong) relieves
accident and injury in any form in time of peace, and in time of war assists
organises" First Aid" and " Tursing" Corps and Divisio n s, and d etails
panics,annalso,perhaps, Companies of\Vard Orderlies_ Tlzis'lUork, in peace-
Cd) The development of Transport Corps for the removal of the sick
The St. John Ambulance Brigade at Home
rlmi lIilllS
Home, as it will be
oj the
This last duly, I lIlay add, is one
<i'O} 1..' {~/
ilIul Rrir;ade
and it is this preparation tbat has enabled
,JIa}! ~[[t.'JJlCJlt.- The Central Executive Committee will be establish-
ed at Simla.
There will be Provincial and District Committees at Calcutta,
~Iac1ras, 13ombay, Lahore, Lucknow or _\llababad, Hangoon or Mandalay,
\[ount A.btl or Ajmer, Poona, Jabal ur, Seconderabad, Dangalorc, Quetta, Peshawar, Rawal Pindl, &c ., \,;'· c., and in all the importclnt
V. - PROPOSED LINES OF ORGANISATION IN INDIA. The tentative plan which I ha\e formulatecl in my mind is this :-
Orgmzisatioll.-Similar to that of the St. John Ambulance Asso-
ciation in the British Isles and Colonies, with such modifications or developments as are suited to India .
A. A. to recently acquit themselves so well in war.
which take the work up.
The Brigade
parties to attend all great gatherings where accident may occur. I n India it
(c) T he deposit in appropriate localities of material (such as stretchers,
of the sick or injured from place to place for long distances.
The Indian Section or Branch will be
entirely self-supporting, as are the Home and Colonial ones .
It will be
l\linor Committees will manage each Centre of
the Association and Di\·jsion of the Brigade. District Centre
The" II eavy \Voollen
in England is a good sample of the organisation adopted
at Home, andl11ay be lIsed as a general guide for organisation in Ind ia.
3- Siores.-Dombay appears to be the best place for the Ce nt ral Store Depot.
The establishmen t of Provincial Depots can be conside~'ed
later. At present, at any rate, all stores must be supplied from t he
subject to the general control of the Central Executive Committee at
Head-quarters of the Order.
St. John'S Gate; otherwise it \\ ill be self-governing.
made in India, ancl thus help Indian industries.
It will work, under
ati\-e States
Later on, doubtless, mos t of them could be T he text-books and all
the cegis of the Government, for the education and weal of all classes,
printed matter will have to be translated into vari ous dia lects.
in time of peace.
probably, the Missions can be of assistance .
I n time of internal distress, such as Plague or Famine,
In this,
4· hmds.- T he financial principle of the St. John Ambulance Ass o. ciation is that each unit finds its own funds . All Provincial Branches and
The sphere of work of the St. John Ambu lance Association and
Brigade in India will probably comprise
Local Centres of the Association are self-supporting, as also are all Corps
(a) The Railways and the Police.
and Divisions of the Brigade.
E ach has its own Treasurer and Bankers.
The Volunteers, notably the Railway Volunteers.
A Reserve or Central Fund will, however, have to be formed at Head-
All Municipalities, and some Native Associations.
quarters, where, if the work takes root in India, a paid clerical establish-
All Mining, Manufacturing, and Industrial Centres.
ment wIll be indispensable, as also a store establishment in Bombay.
Cantonments and Stations, Civil and Military.
Some sections of the work may have to be subsidised, at least at first
(f) Medical YIissions and Dispensaries.
travelling and
work are
expenses that can be at once
foreseen. 5
(;;) The Stales of Native Chiefs and the Imperial Service Troops.
(It) The Marine Services.
Gojec! and rVork. - To train Europeans and Natives in First
Aid, Nursing and Hygiene, to supply Ambulance material, to establish
Universities, Colleges and Schools
India Army Regulations, Vol. II, lay down a specified course of
Ambulance stations in towns and industrial centres, to be ready at all
"First Aid" and"
times to attend cases of accident and injury, to attend all great gatherings
Native troops. Il may, however, be founJ convenient at times to
of people and relieve the Jl1jured pending the doctor's arrival, and convey
let officers and men attend the St. John Ambulance Association
them,7.vitizout furllter injury, to the nearest Hospital or to their homes, to
classes, should they be going on at a suitable place and season,
form Transport Corps and Ambulance Companies, and to give aid in time
notably in the hills during the hot weather.
of \Nar, Famine, and any other emergency or visitation.
provide useful, rational and interesting occupation.
T he assistance of all
ledical Officers and Practitioners is indis-
Lady-doctors have a special sphere of usefulness in this work
in India.
The Order of St. J olm of Jerusalem is ever ready and prompt
ursing" Instruction
European and
These classes
Notes. (a)
No body of men can carry out Ambulance aid more efficiently than the Police, ancl on occasions the Fire Brigclde, under
to recognise the services rendered to it by the Medical and Nursing
?llunicipal control.
professions, as Bombay, Poona and other places in India have experienced
Liverpool, Birkenhead, \Volverhampton, Halifax, York, \Velling-
on several occasions in the last few years.
The Order further endeavours,
or will endeavour, to repay the debt it owes to the Medical profession by its services in time of National distress and \Var. Medical
Men and Ladies are needed as
and Honorary Surgeons. Medical Staff.
L ecturers, Examiners,
Eac11 Cent re and Division requires its own
boro', &c.
This system prevails Jl1 London,
ew York,
The Ambulance stations work in connection with the
local Hospitals and are connected with them by telephone. (b) Ambulance trains must play an important part in all future warfare.
It will be a great assistance if all or most railway men are trained either in first aId or nursing, or both.
The continual
The Native Medical Faculty of I ndia is now, especially . . bl 'actitioners who in the great cities, a numerous body, compnsmg a e pi . ' their fello wcan do much to disseminate Ambulance Jl1structlOl1 among
The great Railway Termini, centres and workshops, such as
countrym en.
Towns will be the natural centres of Ambulance instruction and
accidents that OCcur on railways also demand this tl aining.
Allahabad, Delhi, Lahore, Jabalpur, Jamalpur and the Presidency
organisation on Rai lways.
The principal Railways in Great
( IS ')
Britain annually co mpete for an Am bulan ce Challenge Trophy.
sent to Sir Redvers Duller a contingent of trained Ambulance
I hope to see the Railways of India do the same ere long.
men, apparently natives of India.
(c) The National
Indian Association
in Bombay and Ahmedabad
have commenced Ambulance Instructio n.
In addition to the usual work of the St. John Ambulance Association and Brigade, Native Chiefs mi g ht organise : -
Mrs. Kazim Husain
(L. R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edin.), has during the last few years
(I ) COlllpanies of Stretcher-bearers.
held several classes under the St. John Am bulan ce Association
Transport Corps of animals trained and equipped for Ambulance Work, with vehicles attached.
at Allahabad.
Cd) By minimisin g the results of injuries the St. John Ambulance
(3) Hospital Corps or Companies, drilled and train ed in Hospital
Asso ciation lessens the period of enforced idleness of an artisan
and Ambulance \Vork.
or labourer, and thus saves hi s family from loss and distress
(4) Transport Corps attachable
and his Sick Club from expense.
It also reduces the compensa·
Hospitals is all-important.
The mobility of
The New South \Vales ant! Iri sh
tion which employers must pay to their injured workmen.
Hospitals in South Africa surpassecl all others in utility and
These considerations have, however, only a partial application in
independence, because they had their own transport :l.nd cOllld
India, at least at present.
go anywhere on the shortest notice.
The formation of
ative Trade·unions
and Vlorking-men's Clubs are probably a mere question of time.
(e) Under proper organisation members of one
The good 1V0rk done in
the late Famine by the Jaipur and other Imperi ci l Service
"Ambulance" or
Transport Corps
\\I .1 S
the subject of special remark by the
" Nursing" Division of the Brigade would, on transfer to a new
Viceroy in his Address to his Council on the Famine.
station, be transferred to the strength of the Distri ct or "Divi·
Report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Ho pitals in
It z's the 7.vant of this
South Africa dwells specially on the hindrances that ;11'0 e
orJ;anisaHo1Z that lzas hz'tlurto jJ1'acHcally nullified all the results
from Field and Fixed IIospitals not being adequately supplied
years of dz'scon1zected and ul1Systematised Ambulance
with transport, and s tron g ly advocates the augmentation of
sion" of his or her new destination
instruction in India .
In disciplined communities, such as the
bearer ambulances.
Railways, Volunteers, and Police, and in great industrial estab·
Vide Tre\'es ' (( T a le of a
Field Hospital."
floating communities of Indian stations it should be supplied
(:') Public (to my knowledge, Eton and Shrewsbury) and, doubt-
by control from the Provincial or Head.quarter Centre in Ind ia
less, other schools at Home
of the St. John Ambulance Brigade.
have first-aid instruct ion .
believe it would be found a mos t valua~le fa ctor in the StateAmbulance
aided education of I ndia.
instruction is at once a moral and practi cal education, that
. . more conso n ant with the young natives of both sexes to habIts . . and hygiene . principles of humamty than t 110se wl' 11C h at present )' naritzburg The St. Aidan's Mission at I Jeten
I ndeed it has, I am informed,
been in some measure introduced into the curriculum of the
may tend to raise the level of the native standard of philanthropy, . touch one WIt . h t 11e 0 th' bring all races more 111 el, and train the
chqracterise them.
Tatal Volunteer Ambul \J1ce Corps,
untrained as it was, was invaluable.
lishments a central governing for ce exists, but in the small
(f) The work of Missions is largely one of education.
University of Calcutta
8. "7jlllenr:e.- The influence of Ambulance \Vork is beneficial to any race
.' . 1I1culcates sympathy and hL1m ~ll1ity .
, 01 It
character ought to be most salutary.
Its influence on the Native
Distinctions of faith and caste are
apt to warp and nlrrow the sympathies.
) The spirit that prompts" First
Aid" ignores distinctions of faith and caste. St. John tended Jerusalem.
The Knights Hospitaller of
10hammedans as well as Chri stians in their Hospital at
The legend runs that S::tlah-ud-din (Saladin) himself visited the
Hospital in disguise to see if the reports of Hospitaller charity were true. He came away satisfied that they were, and when he took Jerusalem in
1189 he allowerl the Hospital of St. J 01111 to stay there undisturbed for
more than a year until the sick and wounded were all cured, and the
SIR,-One of the mainstays, we may even say the mainstay, of the
Hospital with its equipment and personnel could be 4wn veniently moved.
, 1y "l\Iedical Corps in South Africa has been the wi se measure Roya I AIn which the War Office adopted, in sending out from 400 to 500 civilian in utilizin cr to the full the splendid _resources and material a nd b surgeOllS,
Ambulance \Vork is admirably calculated to draw all races and religions together.
The Order of St. John of Jeru salem carries out its charitable
and philanthropic work without regard to race or religion.
In its eyes
men are human beings, not the votaries of any particular creed.
perhaps, is a stronger argument in favour of Ambulance Organisation in India than the fact that at this moment a number of classes of instruction are be~ng formed or conducted, the one quite independently of the other, in far-separated parts of Ind ia, to wit ;(r) By the Branches of the
placed at its disposal by the British Central Red Cross Committee, \\ hich, indeed, has now become an integral part of the War Offi ce.
A minor, but
none the less valuable, aid to our Army l\1ecli cal Department bas been found in the ambulance services of the Colonies.
Thanks to all thi s, the
sick and wounded of our Arm)' of :qo,ooo men ha\'e been spared nlany trials and sufferings "'hich otllen\ise mllst ha\'e fallen to their lot.
ational In dian Association in Bombay
and Ahmedabad. (2) By the Y. M. C. A. and Y. \V. C. A. in Calcutta and l\Iadras.
Our great depende ncy, India, has an arm)' of Volunteer, antl
or morc, may at any moment be cal led llpon to take the field, while
Imperial Sen'ice troops.
J 50,000
Of these,
(3) Bya Lady-doctor at Allahabad.
the remaind er, left to garrison I nelia, will equally require medical attend-
(4) At Simla.
ance. India at )his moment possesses no ambulance resen'e whatever.
These classes are all being carried Ollt on the St. J olm Ambulance
Let South African experiences tell ",bat will be the lot of the sick and
Colonel Hendley, In spector-General of Civil Hospitals in Bengal,
wounded of our Indian Army in a pos_ ible "'ar with a European Power,
is having a simplified form of the St. John Ambulance Association course
and in regi pns where country and climate and conditions of life are even
taucrht to the Police and on the Railways of Bengal. b
I have mentioned
here just the few cases that have come to my knowledge.
there are many more.
Knif{lzt oj C'race,
Member 11 the Cen" at
Executive Committee, S J. A A., and Honorary
Organising Colltmissio?1er for India,
9th March, 1901 .
It may be argued that, in the event
of war, Volunteer ambulance corps, hospitals, and hospital trains ,,'ould be at once orga"nized. Such impromptu productions \\'ould not be on~,half as
more unfavourable than on the veldt.
useful as ",ell-regulated establishments "'hich had learned order and method and gaincd experience by some years of training in peace time. It is precisel y those 30 years of training and experience, since the clays, in 18 0 7 '71, when the oreIer of St. John of Jerusalem initiated the National Society for the Aid of the Sick and \\ ounded in \Var, and when
ir John
the cause of ambulance in France, lhat
in places sllch as Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Simla, Poona, Ootacamund,
has now enabled the British Central Red Cross Committee to give the
Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Quetta, Meerut, Delhi, &c., where a more
country an ambulance reserve equivalent to about one-third of the entire
or less considerable number of civilian English people (or, to use the local
medical establishment of the Army in South Africa.
term, Europeans) reside.
Furley worked for ten months
So impressed has
enlightened natives, ladies and
Professor Chiene, the chief surgeon of the Edinburgh Hospital, been by
gentlemen, are begi nning to take an interest in ambulance work.
what he has himself seen in South Africa that he has (in a private letter)
Maharajah of Gwalior has given a ship for China.
recorded his opinion thus : "The Corps of Civil Surgeons, Army Reserve nurses, and orderlies
munificent sum to fit out a hospital
NatIve Chiefs possess special facilities for organizing
ambulance transport corps,
The medical
missionaries, who reside
of the St. John and St. Andrew's Ambulance Association s must not be
many Native States, are the very men to give ambulance instruction.
disbanced after the war
knowledge of first aid, nursing, and hygiene is calculated to produce a
An Imperial 1\Iedical Reserve must be
formed to sen'e Her l\Iajesty in future wars.
I \\'ou ld aim at a corps of
3,000, com posed as follows:- 1,000 doctors (ph ysicians and surgeons), 1,000 nurses, 1,000 orderlies. as a duty.
To belong to it \\ould be an honour as \\'ell
\\' e must join all these three elements, common to every hospital,
to g ether under a Royal corps.
If Her Gracious 1\1 (l jes ty will only say the
word it ,,·ill be done, and well done, too. "-ScolslIIall, August 21st, 1900. That is what ,,'e want in India-some one, some person of mark and
good effect on the native character
I t is a means to an end that the
missionary who aims at the education and reform of the native should certainly util ize.
The Government of India does not avail itself of
Hindus and Mussulmans in ordinary Volunteer corps, will, do so in Volunteer ambulance corps.
It ought to, and
In time of war some thousands
of trained animals and trained stretcher-bearers are required for the removal of the sick and wounded from the field of battle to the dressinO' b stations and field-hospitals, and thence to the base,
A good ambulance
efforts haxe been made at Bombay, Simla, Dangalore, Jaipur, Dalhousie,
system would provide these animals and bearers.
atal sent from r,soo
and doubtless many other places, to establish ambulance instruction and
to 2,000 bearers to Sir Redvers Buller at Colenso.
will, to say the \\'ord, to give the 1I1itiati\'e.
For t,,'enty years now isolated
found the nucleus of an arnbulance corps.
There it has ended. Work
Such is the field, such some of the possibilities for ambulance work in
dependent on the energy of one or t\\'o individuals, whose senices may at
India. Its moral influence on the nati ve cannot fail to be for good.
any time be di\'erted else\\ here, cannot acquire permanence.
practical utility in peace and war is undeniable.
stable influence and system is needed.
Some more
That influence must be sought
of that in South Africa.
We have the evidences
The success of ambulance work in England is
among those who ha\'e authority, and that system must be introduced by
largely due to the support, sympathy, and energy of members of our
those who possess power and command adequate resources.
Royal Family, nobility and ge ntry,
There is in
It is earnestly to be hoped that the
India a very wide field for ambulance work and for th e formation of an
same support, sympathy, and energy may ere long widen the sphere of
efficient Ambulance Reserve, which in time of peace will devote itself to the
its influence and embrace India.
relief of plague, pestilence, famine, sickness, and every form of accident, and in time of war will aid the sick and wounded.
Thi s wide field includes, or
might include, all Government schools and colleges, municipalities, the police
As I bring this letter to a close, The Times of Monday (A.ugust 20th) has reached me, and in it I find the following telegram from Simla, daten August 19th :-
and the Volunteers, manufacturing and mining centres, the States of Natil'e
"0 WIng . to the great demands of the hospitals in connexion with the
Chiefs, and the numerous missions, as well as centres and corps maintained
China force , I't'IS pro b a bl e t h at all officers of the JndJan " MedIcal Service on
It is proposed to offer tempora ry employment
leave home will be recalled.
to retired officers in the same service.
Every effort will be made Lo
equip the hospitals thoroughly, as the autumn is an unh ealthy season in North China.
The possibility of the plague revivin g in India durin g the
cold weather renders the strengthening of the medical service a matter of urgency." This meJ.sure field.
necessitated when barely
\Vhat will happen when
are put in th e
or more are mo bi lized for service
is self-evident. I am your obedient servant,
Stall Corps.
2Ist Aug ust, 19°°. N.B. --It is a noteworthy fact that, as Th e T imes correspondent at Tokio recently reported, the mushroom civilization of J a pan has Cross Society with
a Red
members and s ubs c rib e rs, an d an annual income
of two million yen ( = about
£200, 000).
Durin g th e operations in North
China in 19°° this Society placed two ho s pital- ships a t the disposal of the allies.
(9th March I901. )