O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1903

Page 1


~be <Dranb !Drior\? of tbe ~rber of tbe

1bospitnl of $t. 30hn of 3ernsaletll in JEnglntlb.

-- -






lLonbon : CIIAJ<LES CUI.I. Al\O SOl\, 12






--1--------------------------------_1 __


(Price 3s. each, post free).

"A Knight of St. John," BY

Rev. W. K. R. the Order.



:VI.A., Genealogist of

(Being letters from a Knight to his

nephew during the Sicge of :\Ialta (.:rc.) ANI>

The Souvenir Programme (containing a drawing by I1.P.11. Princess Henry of Battenber o ") sold at the Grand Entertainment

in aid of the Brilish Ophthalmic Hospilal Jerusalem,



I lis :\Iaje ty's Theatre, on July 5 th ,

I9 0 4, at which Their

Iajestics the Kiner and

Queen, and Their P oyal I I ighnes 'cs the Prince and Princess of \Vales were prcsent.

To be obtained from tile Saretm,)', ClwJlcery o/tlu Order, St. 101m's Gate, Cler!.:t!ll"uc!/, Londoll, E. C

The proceeds will be given to the British Ophthalmic Hospital Fund.


\tbe (Brallb !prior\2 of the


of tbe

lbospital of $t. 30bn of 3crusalelH in lEllglallb.


1Lon't/01t : PRINTED BY CHARLES CULL AND SON, 1 2 &-' 15, nOUGHT!)" STngl'~T , STllANlJ, w.c., AND








lJELGltAVIA, s . w.



Report of the Chapter-General, including (among other items) Report of Promotions, Admissions, and Awards. Report of Librarian. Report of the Almoner's Dopm'tment. Report of the Receiver-General with attached Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account to 30th September, 1903. PART II.

Report of the Committee of the Briti h Ophthalmic Hospital Jerusalem. PART III.

Report of the Ambulance Department of the Order Ir


(a,) of

the Central Executive Committee St. John Ambulance Association, and

(b) of

the Chief Commissioner of the Ambulance Brigade,

of the t. John

Corrected to A jJ?'il1 t, 1904. ( As 1'ega?'cls this and the opposite page).

The Ohapter consists of the Knights of Justice and Sub-Prelates, de 7lt?'e)' the Executive Officers; the selected Members of Oouncil; the followi1lg

Ul)e (pranb lPrior}? of tbe ®rber of Ube 1f)ospttal of St. Jol)n of Jerusalem in :lEno(anb.

®mcinUIt,U The Sub-Dean of the OUAPELS ROYAL, O.V.O., D.D.

The Hev. Sir BOHRADAIL1'; AVOIlY, 13a.1'0llct, M. A. A

GEORGE T. BIDDULPIl, Esq. :Major-General ASTLEY TElUty. Oolonel Sir E. T. 'l'IIAOKERAY, R.O.B., JJ. QI;., R E. Inspector-General B. NI TNIS, M.D., RN . Colonel O.:M. WATSON, O.B., O.1\LG., RE. Sir ARTHUR J. R TRENDELL, O.1\LG.


Bailiff of Egle. ROYAL HIGHNE



PTclate-His Grace the Archbishop of YORK. Chancell01'-The RiO'ht Hon. Earl EGERT0X OF TATTON. SecTeta1'y-Geneml-Colonel ir HERBERT JEKYLL, K. O.:M. G., R. E. Receive?'-Gene?'al-EDWI FRESHFIELD, E g., LL. D. Almoner-The Rev. Oanon DUCKWORTH, O. V.O., D.D. Regislm1'-Liellt.-Colonel GOULD HUNTElt-\YE 1'0 -, F . . A. Genealogist-The Hey. 'Y. K. R BEDFOllD, ~I. A. Di1'ect01' of thc Ambulancc Depa1'tlllcntG The :Most Hon. the MARQ,"UE S OF BRRADALBANE, Eo

rr ... _ A110~.


H.RH. Prince OIIRIsru. OF OIlLE::>WIGHOL TEIN, K.G., G.O.B. H.R.H. Prince OIIAULES OF DENMARK, G. O. B. H.H. Prinee ALBEltT OF onL~, WIGHOL TEIN, G.O.B., G.O.Y.O. H.S.R. The Duke of TECK, G.O. V.O. R.S.H. Prince FR.\.NUIS OF TECK, KO.Y.O., D.S.O. Oaptain H.S. H. Prince LoUI OF BATTENBERG, G.O.B., RN. The Right Hon. Lord. LEIGH. Lieut. -001. TUE \,E~EN .J Al\IE HOLLAND, O. B. Major Sir JOSEPH WALLI~ O'BltYEN 1l0.\.llE Baronet. OHARLES PEMBERTON CAHTER, Esq. Sir JOIIN FURLEY C. B. (Hono1'a1'!) Bailiff'). Lieut. -001. Go uLDII UNTElt- IV E;;TON(Hon07'aJ'!) OO?nmandlw). The Right Hon. Lord TA 'MORE, G.C.M G. FRANCIS ROBERT DAVIE , E ·q. Sir BROOK KAY, Baronet. Sir THOMAS NORI'll DICK-LAUDER, Bat'ollet. lI1:ajor Sir ARCUIDALD LAMB, Baronet. Colonel Sir HEllBERT O. PERItO'fT, Bt., O. B. The Right Hon. Earl FElUmu8. Oolonel Sir JAMES GILDEA, O.V.O., C.13. HENRY JOIIN LOFTU. , Esq. Oolonel BETHEL MARTIN DAWES. The Right Hon. Lotd AMHERST OF HAOKNEY. General Sir OHARLE, WARIlEN, G.O.M.G., K.O.B., RE. Oolonel JAMES OECIL DALTON, RA. Lt.-Oolonel AYLMER GOULD HUNTER-,VE TON D.S.O., R E. ' The Right HOll. Earl EGEltTON OF 'l'AT'l'ON. j

Chief Sec1'etc6?'Y of the Ambulance Department-Oolonel Sir HERBERT O. PERROTT, H t., O. B


lErccutibe ®ffice\'$.

Assistcwt Di?'ect01' oj the A ?nbl~lance DepaTtmentLieut. -Oolonel ir RICHARD OARX.\.C TE:\lPLE, Baronet, 0.1. E. Assistant Receit'e1'-EDwIN H. FRE HFIRLD, Esq., :M. A. Assistant Lib1'Ct1'ian-OvRIL DAY EXPORT, Esq. Assistant Sec?'etrl1'y-LoCKHAItl' STOCKWELL, Esrl' Accmmtant--"\VILLIAM B. EDWARD" Esq. , A.O.A. Hon. SeCl'ctc61'Y of the B"itish Ophthalmic Hospital, JC?'1Gsalc1I1,_ Major J. T. WOOLRV II PEnO'\· . . E. Assistant Hon. S ecrela?'V (fo?' Scotland) of the B1'itish Ophthalmic Hospital, JC1'usalclllA. A. GORDON, Esq.

m:be Qtouncil. The Oouncil cOllsists of the Sub-Prior, as President ex-officio, the Executive Officers, and the following

Selected Membe rs.

Sir JOHN FURLEY, O.B . Oolonel J. O. DALTON, B.A. The Right Hon. Viscount KNUTSFORD,G.O.M .G. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Sir J. N. DICK, K.O. B., R .

Oolonel O. ,V. BOlVDLER, O.B. Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, M. D . ,VILLIAM OOLLli"GlllOGE, Esq., M.D . Major-Ceneral Sir OWEN T. BunNE, G.O. I.E., R.C.S.I. Sir GEORGE HAYTER CHUBB, Baronet. The RiO'ht Hon. Lord OHEYLESl\10RE. b

of Qlimce,

ir RIClJAltD DOUGLAS POWELL, Baronet, KO.V.O., :M.D. Oolonel C. M. ROYDN, .R., M.P. EOl\lU TD OWEN, Esq., F.R.O . . Lieut. -001011 el ir l{WllAllD C. TEMPLE, Baronet, O. r. K ED\\, [ IIAN 'ON FRESIIFIELD, Esq., M.A.

The following are the Knights of Justice :

lExcCtltiue ®Cficer$.

LibmTian- Liellt-Colonel RICHARD HOLBEClIE. Sec1'eta1.y-Oolonel ir HERBERT O. PERIW'l''J', Baronet, C. B. Ohai1'mctn of the B?'itish Ophthalmic Hospital, J e?'l£salemThe Hight Hon. Earl EGERTON OF


~~ lL\£p t:C~ent.ntibe 1lt ltfgDt~

.%oucreign ~ra l:1 anb Watron of tbc ®t:l:1ct. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G. QJi t fl nb Wrior.


Qtb ll pl nin ~,

Oolouel The Right lIon. Lord WILLIAM OECIL, M.V.O. EDWIN FUESllFIELn, E~;rl., LL. D., ([JonOt((?'!) Commander). IIi' Grace The Duke of FIFIC, R.T. The High t lIon. Lord 13 llANSEY, K. O. 13. The Right Hon. Viscount TEMPLIl:TOWN. The Righ t Hon. Earl A:llIlEIL'T. The Right lIOll. Yif'COtlllt K",UT,'FOHD, G.O.M.G. (llollo)'((/,!) Eail(fJ'). R. 1 \CLl~A .- lIL\.cLIO:.\N, E. fJ. An'I'HUH Flt.\ 'CIN GHESIL\.;lI LEVE, ON GOWIUt, E 'g. Licut. -Col. F. A. 1I EYG,\TE LAMBEnT. 001. CHAItLES ,\TYNDIIA:lI MUltllAY,O.B.,M.P. '1'he Hight HOIl. the Earl of RANF'URLV, (t.C.1\LG. The Right HOll. Lord, .\.XDIIUW-iT, G.O . . I., G.C. 1. E. it' llI-;:\HY AltTLIUH BLAKE, T.O.1\LG. Captain N,\TlIANIEL ,l':QltCm PHILIP,'. Thc Right 1I0ll. Lhe EiLrl or lE.\.TII. 1\. El):'IWND Fn.\SEl1, Etiq. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Oolo11el ClIAllLES IIu);TEH. The 1I10st HOll. Lhe M.\ItQ,tES, OF BUICADALBANE, K.G. Bis 1r3ce the DUKI~ OF PnRTL.\ND, K.G., G.C.Y. O. Field.-Mar hal the Right Ron. the EAnL ROBI~ltT::>, KG., K.P., 1J.<!r., &c. HOBEIn' BIWDENELL OAItTEll, Esq., F. R. O. NOIU[AN IIAY FormES, E·q., F.R.O.S.(Edin.) Oolonel JOli ALEX_\ TDER l\IAN STUART, 0.13., C.lILG. 00101lel O. W. BOWDLER, O. B. T

The following are the Sub-Prelates:

The T Lord Bishop of EL"). he Lorn Bi hop of SALli-lBUltY.

The 13i::;hop in J Enus" [,]1;11[. The Bishop of BltITI,'H IIoNDrRA

The following memorandum as to payments is issued for general information and guidance :-


All Cheques, Postal Orders, and Post Office Orders whatever should be crossed " L ONDON AND WEST!I1INSTER BANK, L OTHBURY." 1.

Foundations, Oblations, and remittances for the Almoner's Department, and for the general funds of the Order, should be made payable to the "Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusa]em in England," crossed as above. 2.

3. Remittances for the Ambulance Department should be made payable to the « St. John Ambulance Association," crossed as above. 4. Remittances for the Jerusalem Hospital should be made payable to the "British Ophthalnlic Hospital, Jerusalem," crossed as above. Bankers' Orders forwarded on application. (By order), EDWIN FRESHFIELD, Recet'ver- General.

<Branb !prior\? of the

lbospiraI of St.




of tbe

3erusalell1 in JEnglant).

REPORT, 19 0 3.


THE ORDER OF TIlE HOSPITAL OF ST. JOlIN OF J ERUSALE~I I~ EXGLAXD presents the following report :-The Chapter conoTatulates the ID81nbers on the completion of the new Hall, and on its formal opening by H.R.H. the Prince of "Vales, Grand Prior of the Ordor, in July last. The Members cannot but 1e pleased that a suitable building is now erected for the ll1eetin o's of the Order, while the store and drill rooms for the use of the Ambulance Department will, it is hoped, extend and develop this most useful branch of the Order's work. The formal opening by His Royal Highness was followed by a Reception of the Knights of Justice, who had been promoted in the Order since the last RecepLion by His Majesty the King, when Grand Prior. Tho e attendin o' for this purpose were :Viscount Knutsford, G.e.M. t. (Honorary Commander). A. F. Gresham Leveson Gower, E q. Lieut.-Colonel F. A. Heygate Lambert. Colonel e. Wyndham Murray, C.B., M.P. Lord Sandhurst, G.e.S.I., G.C.I.E. Oaptain N. G. Philips. The Earl of Meath. Lord Mostyn. Oolonel Charles Hunter. The Marquis of Breadalbane, K.G. The Duke of Portland, K.G., G.e.V.O. R. Bruc1enell Oarter, Esq., F.R.e.S.

X orlllan Hay Forbe , E q., F.R. j.S., Edin. Colonel J. A. Man Stuart, C.B., o.:Jl.G. His Royal Highue \Ta gl'fwiou ly plea ed to expres .to .the Architect,1I1r. J. Old rid cott, his admiration of Lhe ne,,- buildin o', and of its di tinO'ui hino' feature, which ha\e ince been <:> n improved by the addition of emblazoned coats-of-arms on both the stone and wooden shield intended for thi purpo e. The Order is indebted to the As istant Librarian, :JIr. Cyril Da\enport, for the illumination of the wooden hields and to :J1r. cott GaLt)' (York Herald) for up81Ti ino' the embh1.zoning of tho e painted on the corbels. Twel\e of the hield in the lantern have been filled in mth coat of arms from Budrum by the liberality of the Chancellor, Lord Knutsford, and Dr. Fre hfield, but t"enty remain to be conlpleted, and it is hoped that the remainder may speedily be subscribed for. The cost of each Shield i £2. The 'follocing promotions in, and admis ions to the Order during the past year, are recorded:.ds Honorccty Baili.ll Vi count Knutsford, G.C.lI.G. (frolll Knight of Ju tice). .ds HonoTaTY Oommande1'. Edwin Fn~ hfield, E q., L.L.D. (from Knight of Justice). AsKn ig hts of Justice. Colonel John Alexander Man Stuart, C.B., o.M.G. (from Knight of Grace). Colonel C}"'l'il ,Yilliam Bowdler, C.B., OmJ1?nissioneT fO?' Special SeTvices, St. John A ?nbuZa,nce Brigade (from Knight of Grace). As L aclies of J ustice. Ethel Lucy, Lady P errott (from Lady of Grace). The Hon. Alicia :Jlargaret, Mrs. Evelyn Cecil (from Lady of Grace). :Jlaud Evelyn, nlarchioness of Lansdowne, V.A., o.r. (from Lady of Grace). As (JhapZain. The Bishop of British Honduras (Sub-Prelate). As Knights of Qr,'ace. Lieut.-General Sir William Gustavus Kicholson, K.C.B. Surgeon-Lieut.-Colonel :Matthew Baines, M.D. Reginald Harrison, Esq., F.R.C.S.

Flemin o' :Jlant andwith, E q., :Jl.D. -'ir Arthur Conan D yle D.L., M.D., C.~l.Edin. Lieut.- olonel Edmund :Jlonkhou e \ril on, .B., '. }l.G., D. .0., R.A.Jl. . John Gardiner Hamilton, E g., .H.Y.O. uro'eon-General Alfrell Keog"h, .B., :Jl.D., R.A.Jl. . ... r.([;., Lieut.- olonel,Yillinlll Bnbtie, '.:Jl. i., R ....\..~\1. Colonel GeorO'e Hunter O':Jlnlley, R.A. Alfred ~cott 'catt-Gatty, E q. (I"ui'!.: Huald). ir Frederic :JIitchell Hode)' on, r. i.:Jl.G. ..d L(lclie of Gmce. arah, Lady Pirbright. lIaxwell ::\largnret :JlacDol1g',l11, Mr . ,'cenlc . Ll an :JIm'garet, Dl1che of, 'o111cr et. There, a '11 ey Helen, ~larL:hione-' of Londonderry. As E."q u i I'e . Colonel Henry Lloyd H omll'll, .B. Captain lexnnc1er Penro e :JIUlTay. cot Lieu tennn t ~ ~ ichola :reorge DGl:\',ic k Lechlllere Gunrd ) Lieut.-Colonel hade Frederick 't. lair An truther ThoU) on, D. '.0. (2nd Life li-unrc1 " Cyril Da,enport, E q. (~:! .'Ii tunt Libl·((J·ian). John Richard Blake, E q. Lockhart "tockwell, E q. (...d.8 i ·t(lnt 6ci'ehn'y). As B )W)YlJ'Y 'e,'ving Bl'utllu\. Frederick -.. pra won. Lieut.-Colonel Alexander Crombie, .B., :JIB. John Cald ,,-en Lhthoff. E q., M.D. J 0 eph John Francis Corbett, E q. ,Villiam Keeble. John Henry Cucko\\"o Cnptain George Lane Mullin, M.A., 1I1.D, Au tmlian I






~lajor Alfred Edward Perkin, . '.0., :JLA., :JIB., Australian A.M .. Thomas 'torie Dixon, Esq., JIB., C.M.Edin. Henry Burton. Captain ,Villiam Hug-he.


William Harvey Reeves. James Bishop. , Villiam Henry Maunder. George Jackson. vViliiam Baker Fisher. George Lund. Frank Herbert Marshall William George Morant. Alan Paull. John Joseph Olley. As HonoTCwy SeTving Siste?'s. Florence Caroline, Mrs. Seymour Corkran. Alexfl.ndra laud, Miss Duff. Nurse Mary Joy. Ethel, Miss McCaul, R.R. C. Gwenclolen Kate, Miss Platt. Nora Gladys, Miss Platt. Elizabeth Kathleen, Miss Sang tel'. Amy Grace Riland, Miss Bedford. J essie, Miss King. Janet, Miss Speed. Catherine Swan, Mrs. Paull. As Hononwy Associates. Moses Cornwall, Esq. Colonel Alexander vVilliam Duke; l\I.D., R.A.M.C. John Martineau, Esq. Eleanor Blayney, lVII's. Ffl.rndon. Charles Pye Oliver, Esq., M.D. Edward Rowland Cowcher, Esq., L.R.C.P., L.R.e.S. Edward Cureton, Esq., M.D. James Malpas, Esq., lVI.R.e.S. Lieut.-Colonel Herbert Ellison Rhodes James, R.A.M.C. Lieut.-Colonel Bruce 'Morland Skinn.er, R.A.M.C. Lieut.-Colonel Berkeley Crosbie Quill, C.B. Lieut-Colonel James Mason. Captain Charles Alfred Hodgetts, M.D., A.M.S. of Canada. J ohn S. Griffiths, Esq., M.R.C.S. Annie Marion, ~1:rs . Haig Brown. Lieut.-Colonel George Wentworth Forbes.


Colonel William Christopher Dawson. J ames Ratcliff Gaylard, Esq., M.D. Robert Jones, Esq., M.D. Ogilvie Grant, Esq., 1\1 D. Hanbury Davies, Esq., B.A. Harry Hadlow Seed, Esq. Thomas Edward Bryors, Esq. John Macdonald, Esq., M.D. Henry Goudie, Esg.} l\LB. Maj 01' George Barclay. John Oldrid Scott, E q. The Order has to lament the 10 s by death of the followinoMembers fl.nd Associates ;1{nights of J g8tice.-Gonoral 'ir lienry Cbarlos Barn ton Danbenoy, G.e.B. (llono?'w'1j COIH?)Wnclel'j, on 17th J anuar)', 1903. Rupert ttradoc Francis Dallas, E q., on 20th August, 1903. Lady of J ustice.-Mis E-volyn Dunconlbe, 011 the 21. t Juno, 1903. Knights of GTace.- 'ir Vincent Hunter Barrington KOllllott-Bnrrinoton, L.L.l\I., 011 13th July, 1903. ,Villianl Dawes Freshfield, Esq., on 20th Ano'ust, 1903. Laclies of G?'C6ce.-Kathal'ino Francos, Yi countess Boyne, on 19 th l\lay, ] 903. Mrs. Rogor uIce, on 4th eptember, 1903. HOnOTa?'Y Serving B?'othe,'8.-l\Ir. Josoph T. Lambert, (claLe unknown). Captain J 0 eph IcArdle, 1.B.,R.A.l\I. 1., on 16th June, 1903. Hono?-a?'Y Se?'ving Si te?,.-l\1:rs. Lavernck, on 21 t N o-v., 1903. HonoTaTY Associates.-Quintin Hogg, Esq., on 17th Jan., 1903.


Noel Temple 1\1oore, Esq., C.M.G., reported in the Ti11MS, 8th May, 1903. Mark \iVhitwill, Esq., on 6th Aug., 1903. Colonel 'Villiam Briggs Allin, R.A.l\I.C., on 8th Sept., 1903. Sir Charles Daubeney was an old and valued member of the Order, and had served on the Council and on many of the Departmental Committees, notably of the Ambulance Department. He also at one time held office as Receiver-General, and his advice and co-operation were always held in high estimation by the Confreres. 1\1r. Rupert Dallas was formerly Treasurer of the St. John Ambulance Association, and in its early days, Honorary Secretary of one of its most important districts, to which he was a liberal benefactor. He also generously presented the cost of the first ambulance wagon used by the Order's Invalid Transport Corps, and rendered valuable assistance in the initiation and establish111ent of the movement. Sir Vincent Kennett-Barrington was enrolled as Honorary Associate in recognition of his services on behalf of the sick and wounded during the Franco-German war. He was subsequently promoted to Knight of Grace as an acknowledgment of his long and conspicuous services in the ambulance cause, both on the Continent and in Egypt, and in furtherance of the work of the St. John Ambulance Association, in which he held the office of Deputy Chairman up to the time of his death. ~ ir Vincent Barrington's genial and amiable characteristics, his deep interest in everything which concerned the relief of the sick and wounded in war, and in the amelioration of the condition of the working classes, had greatly endeared him to all those who knew him, and his loss as a long and active worker on the Order's Departmental Committees will be long and deeply mourned. ~Ir. VV. Dawes Freshfield. The Council has sustained a grievous loss by the lamented death of 1111'. W. Dawes Freshfield, who had ever taken the keenest interest in the affairs of the Order, and whose professional services as H onorary Solicitor were always at the disposal of the Executive Officers, when matters of great and often urgent importance required the most careful consideration. H is co-operation will be not least

remembered in connection with the framing of the Charter of Incorporation, the details of which required not less antiquarian knowledge than legal acumen. Mr. Joseph Lambert was long associated as Honorary 'ecretary of ambulance classes at Jarrow-on-lyne, which were both formed and maintained by his zeal nnd enterprise. ::Mrs. Laverack was Lady Su perin tenden t of the Nursing Division attached to the Hull Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Her interest in the ambulance work of the Order knew no bounds, and it was owing to her unsparing devotion and zealous self-sacrifice that the success of one of the best Nursing Divisions in the Brigade was assured. Mr. Mark \Vhitwill ,vas for many years a liberal snpporter of the local centre of the 't. John Alllbulance Association at Bristol. (See aclcZen elu n1 at page 20). The following are the awards for the year Diven for acts of gallantry in saving, or aLtelllpting to . aye, life on land, and werG presented to the recipients at 'to John's Gate, on Thnr day, the 9th of July, 1903, by H.R.H. the Prince of ,Yales, K.G., Grnnd Prior, after a meeting of the 1hapter-General, on t.he occa ion of the opening of the new buildings by Hi . Royal Highness.

(Queen's Hoc~)ital, Binl1 ingham). S1lveT llIedClZ A 'Wc~~'ded. FOl: great brnvery and couraO'e di played at Bromsgrove (ilIldland Rallway), on 3rd June, 190:3. A lUis ' Dvykin, wl~ile in the charge of Nurse Lind. ay, and while walking ~ear the ratlwaJ~' made a sudden ru h for an approaching traju, III front of whlCh sh.e threw her elf. Nurse Linct ay quickly fo~owe~ her, but was Just too late to prevent :Jli 's Deykin from bemg Inlled, and she herself was knocked dO\nl by the eno'ine nal~rowly esc~ping with her life, :.lnLl receiying severe injl~ries: which necessltated her remoyal to hospital on a w heele 1 litter. At the subsequent inquest on Miss Deykin the oroner's Jury warmly commended the highly cOllrageolls and determined ~anner in which Nurse Lindsay endeavoured to preserve the life of her patient. CHARLES T. ROWE, R.N. (1st Class Petty Ofricer and Torpedo Instructor of H.M.S. Latona.") Bronze lJIe(laZ A WCi?·dcd. For (. NUHSE






conspicuous bravery displayed at the shipyard of Messrs. Vickers, 80ns, and ~Iaxim at Barrow-in-Furness, on 12th February, 1903. An electric battery on board No.6 submarine, which was being charged with gasoline, exploded, injuring six m.en. Rowe was lowered into the submarine, and succeeded in getting out a man named Underwood, who was covered with the deb/t is of the hatches, battery cover, &c., and in so doing suffered badly from the fumes. A second explosion of less violence occurred after the man U ndenvood had been rescued. The danger was unknown, and submarine work being a new branch in ship construction, it is difficult to guage the risks; but that they are considerable is shown by the explosion on the English, French, and American submarines, the causes for which are not as yet at

attending market, his plucky action undoubtedly averting a dangerous and probably fatal accident.

all clear. GEORGE PETT, J OH~ TOXG, ERNEST GODDEN, and EDWIN HAR')I:ER (Labourers). B1"011Ze lJIeclals Awa1·decl. For great brayery displayed at Booth's Cement ,Yorks, Borstal, ncar Rochester, on 27th November, 1902. A man named Hermitage, overcome by poisonous fumes, had fa,llen into a lime kiln at which he was working, when another workman, named Bigg, went to bis help. An alarm being raised, George Pett and Henry Hill entered the kiln to get the two men out. Pett endeavoured to pull Hermitage up a ladder, but only just succeeded in reaching the surface, he himself being overcome by the fumes. John Tong and Ernest Godden then descended, and made a rope fast to Hermitage and Hill; but they also, overcome by the fumes , had to make for fresh air. Ed win Harmer then descended the kiln, and succeeded in making a rope fast round Bigg. Each ot the four rescuers reached the surface in a state of collapse, and their efforts to reach the deceased men, Hill, Hermitage, and Bigg, were 1110st highly commended by the Coroner at a subsequent inquest. :MB. jIrcHAEL CHARLES HICKEY (late Corporal, Royal Welsh Fusiliers). Ce1"tijicate of H onOUT A wanlecl. For very conspicuous conduct displayed at Wrexhanl, on 11th Ma.y, 1899, in stopping a pair of runaway horses attached to a mineral water van, the driver having been thrown off' his box. 1\1:1'. Hickey just succeeded in stopping the horses within a few yards of a crowd of persons who were assembled in a narrow street

JOHN EDW ARD ROBERTS (Rail way Porter). Outijicate of !101W1,f.,?' Awarclecl. For great bnwery displa.yed in endeavourmg ~o rescue a passenger from being run oyer at Penmaenpool ~tatlOn, on 14th May, 19~2. The passenger WitS crossing the hne, and though warned of the neal' a1J1Jro"el1 of' t." tl'''' • • '" ,.In, appareDtly heard. neIther ~he warnmgs nor the train, and was caught by the engll1e and lllst~ntl! killed. Robert: saw the danger, rushed .to the pa sencr~r In front of the train, and attempted to force hl~ back, but falled to do. so, ~le himself being struck 1y the eng.me and severely hurt, belllg Incapacitated from duty for some. tIme. The Coroner's jury specially cOllullendecl Roberts for hIS bravery. WILLIAM HE~TRY HEWITT ( uilder). Oel't~tic({te of lIO?Wltl' AWCi?Yle(l. For gallant conduct (li 'played at • 'un Hill, AIres fo rcl , Ha~ts, on 10th Octob.er, 190:... \.. well difl'q'er, nallled Benham wlnle at worl~ fell a dIstance f 12G feet dO\n1 a well, flnd aftel: 5 an unsuccessful attempt had been llwde to l'e"cl1 I' . lUll, 1:lewltt :vas let, ~~own, a:1d succee ~e~11n reaehin er the fallcn man, who wa m a ternbly lllJured conchtlOn, and :kil£ully roped him in such a way .that men ~bove were able to haul hi III Lo the snrface' ~,ewltt ~leanwlllle remaining Lelow, a.L imminent 1'i 1- to his own ~li~, :llltil the rescue '\Tas accompli.hed. Benhalll (lierl of hi 111J unes two days afterwards. •



On the sn,me occa, ion Ilis Royal Iljo'lllless presented the Service Medal, awarded for can 'piCLlOl1S SCITice' to the Ambulance Department, to :BRIGADE V SURGEO~-LIEUT 00 . G,EORGE. ~Drpsox ELLI. TOX, D i " - . LO);EL, C'" ~I.~.c. ., Kmght of (Trace of Lhe Order, Deputy o.milldlsslOner, No.3 District, 'L. John Ambubnce Bnga e. SUPER~UMERARY 8 UPERINTEI DENT OF TORES ALFHED J OIl ~ . THIMillER, Honorary • erving Bro ther of' the 0 d . t S J r 01, No . 1 D'IS t,· 11C, t. ohn Ambulance Brigade.


CHIEF SUPERINTENDEXT 'Vn..JLI.Al\~ HUGHES, Northampton Corps, St. John Ambulance Bngade. GE P HILLPOTT, N orthmnpton Corps, St. John PRIY ATE G;rEOR' Ambulance Brigade. ~ ,VILLIAM EDWARD AUDLA JD, DISTRICT CHIEY S UR GEO ~. , I' No III l\I.R.C.S., Honorary Assocmte o~ the Oide . . · : t St. John Ambulance Bngade. D IstllC, RER FRANK EDWARD DE DISTRICT SUPERI~TENDENT T REASU .' John BEEHO PBI, L.R.C.P.1., No. IV. DIstnct, St. Ambulance Brigade. SURGEO~ ALFRED CROUDSON Tux TALL, M.D., H ONORARY . f' h 0'1 . Children's F.R.C.S., Honorary ASSOCIate 0 t e l : 81, Home Division, St. John Ambulance Bngade. PRIVATE JA13EZ BRATT, ,Vinsford Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT TREASURER ,VILLIAl\I HUl\IPHRI ,VINXY, Honorary Serving Bl'oth.er of the Order, No. 1. District, St. J o11n Ambulance Bngade. . t en d en t 0 f Stores A . J . Trinuner, SupernUlnerary S upenn .. l' . b . ~Ollth frica was unable to reeelVe lIS OWlllO' to a sence In '-.; ... (, . med:l from the hands of H.R.H. the Grand Pnor. The special vellum vote of thanks instituted as an acknowledgment of conspicuous service to the Ambulance ~epartI~ent by Local Executive Officers and others, has been awalded to . Mr. Randalll\lercer (Maids tone Centre). . . . . Mrs. Virginia Ma.rgaret Orme (Blackpool Nursmg DIVISIOn). Mr. Frederick John Coward (Portsmouth Centre). Mr. Arthur E. Abbott (South African Centre). Mr. Samuel Aldred (South African Centr~), 11r. George Donington Barton (So~l~h Afncan Centre). 1\11'. John Arthur Gaunt (South Afncan Centre). Mr. Alexander Cruikshank (South African Centre). Mr. George B. Drew (South African ,Centre). Miss A. M. Benson, M.D, (Bonlbay Centre). Captain Ernest Edwin Waters, 1.M.S. (Andaman Islands).


Full reports fro111 the Committees of the Ambulance Department and of the British Ophthalmic Hospital at J erusalelTI are appended. The steady progress n.nd activity of the t. John Am bulance Association and of the t. John Am bulanee Bri t">crade, the continued extension of work both in India and in the British Dominions beyond Sen.s, afford ground for deep thankfulness, while t.he assistance given to the Naval and 1ilitary Services by the provision of recruits for the Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Ileserve, and [01' the permanent Army carer COlllpanies ( t. John Amlmlance Brigade), afl"ord aO'ain striking illustration of the patriotic and nn.tionn.l nature of the Order's operations. It is llluch to be lamented thn.t the scanty pecuniary support given from outside to the Hospitnj at J erusalell1 is again a suurce of deep anxiety, and thi is the lllore to be reoTetted b because the most satishwtor,Y reports arc received of the benefits conferred Ly the hospital on those sulI'erin o ' frOln one of the most dreadful scourges of the En 't, ·whi1e the zeal and self elevotion of the hOI'pital sLaff, and specially of Dr. and Irs. Cant, deserve as much gratitude as prni e. An entertainment under the immediaLe Pc.1.tronage of Theil' 1aje tic the King and Queen, and of Theil' RO J al IIi()'hnessos the Prince and Princess of Wales, and of other members of the Royal Family, \vill be held next season in aid of the Hospital fnnd. , The Receiver-General hn. to report that the account have been audited by 1\1e srs. Price, \ Vaterhou. e and Co., hartered Accountants, and the IncoJlle anel Expenditul'e Accounts and Balance Sheets arc prin ted at the end of the report. Tl~e figures call for no COJllment except on the reiterated defiCIt ~n ~he IIospi~al ac?ount, a deficit which can only be met by sacnficmg a portlOn of the OrclCI"s fund which ouo'ht to be b devoted to the extension of the Ivor}r or the Amlnllnnce epartment Loth at home and n,broa(1. The Almoner has to n.cknowlec1ge with grateful thanks renewe.d and greatly appreciated gifts of Ho piLal letters from 1\1rs. Pltt-DrafI'en, 8ir Dyce Duckworth, 1\[rs. , Vync1ham-l\]urray and Mr. S. Osborn, The new nurse in St. John's Pi.1.l'ish giYes every satis(,n,ction, and the hap tel' desires to again offer itfl



cordial thc.'mks to 1\1rs. C. 1\1. ,Vatson for her c.onlinuec1 kimlness in collectino' funds for the lllaintenance of St. John's Parish Honse and b the nurse's rooms. Since (in 1< 96) 1\1rs. \YaLson first O'aye her yalued assistance in this direction Lhe amonnt annually collected has been more than douuled, and 'w hen It IS recorded thn,t during the yen,r ending last St. John's Day Lhe nurse attended no less thn,n 167 cases, and pn,icl 2~76 ViSitS amongst the residents of one of the poorest a~(~ l1l0~L needy parishes in the leCropolis, the benefit of her 1111111 tmtl~ns cn,n be estimn,ted almost as llluch as it i, appreciated by the SICk and I:)


suffering under her charge. The Assistant Librarian report thftt the follO'wing presentations to the Librn,ry have to be recorded:-

Guide to the JJhl,Sell,?n of Ancient ilIon u 171ent13 of JllaUciJ. Presented by Hev. ,V. K. R. Bedford. Visitation of E'nglciJ'1ul and TVule, Yolo XI. Presented by Colonel Sir Herbert Perrott, Bt., C.B.

Two PhotogTCI.,phs of the Hospital cd J e?'nscden~.


by Colonel" n,tson, C.B., C.M.G. Fo'LW Photog?'aphs. Presented by 1\1r. H. ,V. Finchn,ill.

The A?"nwuTY of the 1(nights of St. J ohn of J el'usalem, JJialiciJ. (By G. J. Laking, l\1.V.O.).

Presented by Messrs Brn,dbury,

Agnew, and Co. Lette?"s ft01n the Holy Land (By Eliz. Butler).

Presented by

Mr. A. A. Gordon. JJlc~nual Training Tecwhe1'S 11andbook, 1903. Presented by The Association. The A ?'n~s of the Royal and P(~TlimnentaTy B L&I'U h:; oj' Scutlc~nd, 1897; ancl the A.1'lns of the Bw'onial Clnel Police BL~l'ghs of ScotlciJncl, 1903 (By John, Marquess of Bute, J. II. Stevenson, H. W. Lonsdale, n,nd J. R. N. :JIacphail. Presented by Mr. J. H. Stevenson (Unicorn Pursuivant). JJ1emoir of the Order of St. J ohn of J en&SaleTI1 (By R. Bigsby). Presented by Mr. A. A. Gordon.

Photog?'aph, Ohapel of the Precepto?"y of the ](niuhts of St. John, at Din?noTe. Facsi?nile of Eng,"aving in Fidclet/ Life of

Cardinal Wolsey, shewing the G?"(l,nd Prio?' sitting in the House of Lo?"cls. PresenLed uy ~ ~urg.-UapLain F. A. Brooks, M.D. Two Plwtographs of lhe New Bwilding at St. J ohn' Gate. Presented by 1\11'. H. 'V. Fineham. On Active Suvice 'with the I't. John .f1?nuulCince B?'igade. Presented l)y LieuL.-Colonel R. IIolueehe.

Photog?Ylph of the T01nb of f:Jil'


T) 'esham.


Hist01"y of 11(011pton OonTi Palace (By E. Law).


by Rev. ALhelsLan Corbet. by Viscount Knutsi'ord, +.u.l\I.U. HU'Ll,se JJIoltoc' an(l 1I1 sc,'iplioJ7.':: an(l T ·ni('. Presente(l by :Miss 8. F. A. I nll Hiel(1.


K ent's eU]J1·tul. Pl'esenLe(l by 1\11'. (;hu1'e11 Bl'n~i 1'. Photog"U,l)/i of .dan: ,'ketch ri the lio, p ice of 't. John.! (it Ac?'e. Presented by l\Iif:ls oulchc1'. The IllL&stJ'Ctt ions to CcW() lLl'si Il 's 8 ieg~ of Rhodes, plwtogTuph8. Presented by Mr. II. \V. Fincham. lliap of the Dontinion of Cunu(/((. Present t1 l)y ~anac1ian Government Office, EmiCl'm,tion DepftrLmenL.


of the llIet)'opolitu(1- Asylum. ,'! j.J')a)'d. resented by l\11'. J. Duncan ~Ians, 1101+ Lo the Board. Rep()1'ts of the OOl1tmissiolWI' of the Publi(' R ei'OI'CZ8, 1800-1 19. 2 vols. 1 vol. te:t't. 1 vul. fUG, 'illtilis. 1'e 'en Led by 1\11'. R. B. Repo/'t

Carter, F.R.C.S.

David GWTick .L1IeclolliuJl., in frcnne.

Presented by Mr. F. R.

Sprawsoll. In conclusion Lhe hn,pter ,yould urge n,11 members to give support. as [a~' n,s lies in their power to the deYelopmenL and furth~rance o£ the Order's phibnthr pie works, bem'jng in mind that 111 so doing they are not only earryin o. ont, eyen in the chn,ll~'ed n,:ld cl~allging SlUTOl11HlillgS of tbe Twent.ieLh '1 ntury, ~~e p~ous llltenLlOll~ ~f t~lCir Ii ounders, unL Lhn,t Lhey will Lhelll~v~s have the sn,tlsfactlOll of knowing' Lhat in the true BiGlicn,l SIJll'1 t the . . . . t : ~ me lllftmt~llllng, nO.t less uy example Lhft11 by precept, he ChIlstmll and Knightly 01'C1ll1allce-the relief of the sorrowful and aftiicted , irrcspect'lye 0 f po 1"1L1OS, 0 f llatlOnahty . . or of ereed.


POST SCRIPTUM. ,Vhile this Report was in press the Roll of Deceased Mcm bel's has been added to by the lamented death of three distinguished members :The Bishop of Gibraltar, on December 8th. Sir Edward Sieveking, on February 24th. Sir Albert

,v. Woods, on Jann£Lry 17th.

The Bishop of Gibraltar took a keen interest in the aftairs of the Order, especially in the sncce s of the British Ophth£Llmic Hospital Jerusalem, which is situated in the Diocese £Lncl of which he was one of the earliest supporters. ,Vhen in Eng-bnd his Lordship frequently attended the Committee meetings, [mel he rarely missed the General Assembly of the Order on 'to John's Day, when he preached the £Lnniversary sermon on several occaSlOns. Sir Edward Sieveking one of the original l\1embers of the Central Executive Committee of the St. John Ambulance Association, which owed much to the cordial support and encouragement given to it by a leading member of the :JIedical Profession of his professional eminence. For many years he seldom missed a meeting of the Committee, and as Uhairman of its Medical Sub-Committee, his £Ldvice in matters of dctail connected with the Association syllabus of instruction, and with the conduct of examinations, was invaluable. A deep debt of gratitude will always be due to his illemory for the foresjght which enabled him to give t.he Association that loyal co-oper£Ltion which added so much to its ultim£Lte and great success. Sir Albert W. Woods was appointed Director-General of Ceremonies at the time of the Incorporation. His heraldic and antiquarian erudition were of the utmost use to the Council, which greatly regrets the death of a Confrere always re£Ldy to afford it his invaluable assistance.

~hc <Brflllb lPrior\? of the @rber of the

lboBpttal of $t. 30bn of 3CrtlBalcll1 in JEnglanb.



INOOME. Oentral A dministrationMembcrs' oblatiol\s FOllllcll"LLiolltl DonaLiolls 0[' ;3;; , hares of LlIl' .'L. JOllll'S {late 00., Ltd. [ill 11 III teres t on i 1\ ve .., till c Jl Ls 12:3 1D GroHn,1 Rcnt

EXPEND ITURE. Ce n tral A dmin istrationSalaries Rent, rates and taxes Printing, stationelY amI general expenses Auuit fee Insignia and diplomas (10 s on supply) outll Africa War lHellals Special grants

£540 644

355 52 54 515 105



8 5 5 0 5 3

2 10 10 13 13 2 6


3 II

0 0 0


1 5 - - - - (jtii 10

2267 18 8 A mbulance DepartmentInstpuction and sale of StoresLecturers' and Examiners' expenses Salaries Printing, stationery and general expenses Oarriage and freight Expen es of Organizing CommiRsioner in India

]06 Ambulance DepartmentInstruction and sale of stopes-

3353 2 2 1542 0 5 803 16 4 4 ~55 10 50 0 0

Gross proO t on salc of storcs





120 7


Reccipts frolll tletachell classes [tnlI ,157 ,1 l() ccntres ill rcspcl't of instl'lwt iOll


Donation anll annual suhscriptiollS

600·1 9 3

130 3

St. John Ambulance BpigadePllu1ic duty and maintenance of stations Salary of Brigalle Obief Superintendent Tra,elling expenses Priutillg, stationery and general expenses Uniforms

] 21 285 290 412 176

Almoner's DepartmentNurse's salary Diet:; . Bandages, &e. To B a l anc e, being Surplus of I ncome over Expenditurc, carried to Oapital





4 671 1 0 117 10 2 801




1799 12 J1 6


0 13 11 7

0 11 2 0


Special competitions

B ritish Ophthalmic H ospital at J erusal ema Rxpenses at LOllLlon Office, inclndin oa IJrintin b' stationery, clerical assistance, amI petly expenses Expenses at Jerusalem, including salary of Superilltellllellt alld Assistant, ",-ages, housekeeping, drugs, repairs, maintenance of fnrniture and fitt.iugs, and petty exrenses

0] 7~

Invalid Transport CoppsFecs for rClllo\'ul of pa ti"n ts

Invalid Transport CorpsExpeuses of re111')\'al of patient ·, incluuing hOlse· 1lire, traYclling, aud inciuelltals Salaries Printing, stationery and general expenses Repairs, depreciation and renelvals of carriages and appliances

1285 18 10 133 8 0 British Ophthalmic Hospital at JerusalemD?I1.atiol1s and allllual suhscrilltiOll$ , DIVIdends (Lcchl1lere E1111oll'lllellt Fl1ll!l) . In tercst. . PaYl1lcnts by patients

30 711

r 1304 18

0 1335

75 0 0 46 2 7 1 2 7


Almoner's DepartmentSubscl'iptions . Offertory, St . .J ohn's Day

122 5 2 1249 16



£14,19815 4




U:he <5ranb


of the


of tbe

Iboapital of $t. Jobn of 3erusalcll1 in lEngIanb.



A. :-sET'.


" Spe c i a l FundsLcchmere Endowmcnt Fund British Ophthalmic Hospital " Building Flllld St. John's Gate, arlditiol1a-1 Buildings Fund

By Cash-

£1[; 0 Hi 11

To Sundr y Cr e d ito r s

At Ballk£1 74 1 332 0 1600 0 4000 0

GC11eral AceoullL Hospital Ac<'olll1 t


0 0 0

7 06 1

Commutation of oblatiolls l'eceivell during year . Surplus of In com e over Expcl1llitnre for ycar endcd 30th eptember 1903, as p el' I ncomc and Expenditure Account






1249 16


.: Investments (at Cost)£ii18 Us. gel. :2~ p. e. COll,'IIIs 761 Shares or £]0 e<l(·h ill ,'to .Jobll', Ciate COlli pall)" LillJil('ll Loa1l to ,'t, Juhn" Gale C"llIjlaIlY, Lilllilce1 £1764. 6'. 5<1. India 3 ]I. c. '!oek £2077 13'1. <l, B.l1lk or Ellglalld St:Jek Frcehold Property



31 16

Lu.:hlllerc Elldo\\'llJcll t FlIlld· -£]467 9-;. 3ll. 11lcliil 3~ p. e. SlOe k


" Sundry debtors AllllJlllalicc [)cparlll)Cll!, (jcneral ()l1lslanelillg,; JIOSpl ta 1



] 2 9 0

Ellglall!1 awl .lcrllal '111


" Ca pita l A cc ountAs pel' last account


Il>~, Resl) n~

iJ] :2

7100 ~100

6:2 7000 ...1l91 ]




" Fixtures and fittings in L ondon , and at JerusalemAt J erllsalcllI In Englau(l


:2J 15



:3il '



1 131 ] :3



0 0 0 0 ·1 3 0 0 1 0







:3 JOti Hi II 273 0 f) ;3 :3 11 ---

" Carriages, horses, ambulance stores and appliances 011 h,llJ!l. alld ill lJse , " Insignia, diplomas, medals and dies Oil hall.l " Freehold Property at Jerusalem As at 30th Sept., 190:2 Add Expcl1!litnre during! lr ' YClLl' lu clal'

£lti37 17


:!!)!'i3 ti~9

0 0

:2 17


626 2 4572 17

6 4

]9 10

£48 , 219 14



I')I CI lJ( l'IJJg


£48 , 219 14


0 0 6%

" B uildings, in Coul'se of cI'ecll'OJI, cost of sitcAs at 30th Septc111hcr, 1902 . Expenuitme uuring thc year lo date'


7 7 10 0

- - - - - :3;). 300 3%



W. e havc cxalOineJ Lhe 'b . .' ,t OVC' 1")) .l IaIlCC, 'I leeL <111(1 Ill()OIll C a.lld Expcn(lJture ACl'Olll1t With the b~oks and vouchers of the Gr,lIHl Priory of thc Order of thc Hospital of St. John ot Jcrusalcm in ILngland, anu we hercby certify Lhe s •• me to be conect. 3, F red erick s P lace , Olu Je wry, E.O. 30th Decelnbe1', 1903


AND ('0.

Report of the Committee of th e British Oph thalmic Hospi tal.




.....: ~ W

\the <Branb }Drior\? of the ®rber of the


lbospital of $ t. John of Jerusalenl in lEnglanb .





;.r..l ......,





E-< ~

~ (f)

0 ...... .....,

u ...... ,--,




...... ..... E-< ..... ..... Po..






...... E-< ......

-/ .....




1902, TO 30TH


..... ..... ~


:J ~








33 ,


19 0 3 .

, ~pbtba[n\lc


1bot:pt ~ ' tal , 3erusaletn,




of 5t. 50lm e ®t:~et ' of tlJe I 1bo9pttaI ~rtot}2 0 f tIJ ~


of 5erusalem




Watron. In~G EDvV ARD


VII., K.G.

(Sove'reign Head and Pat?'on ot the O?·de?·) .


([;olllmi ttee. "lJairman.



tTice-QtlJ a lt lll an . F . R . C. . (Hon. Consnlti~lg S1t?'geon). t!Lreasu r cr.

@plJ t lJaItnic 1J)oBpitaI, 3eru stllell1,


~be (l;rllnb lPrtor}? of tbe 0rber of tbe 1bospitnI of St. 50bn


of 5erusalem in JEnglmlb.



TIm Committee of l\Ianagement of the Briti h 0Ihthalmie

WATSON , C . B., C.M.G.


Hospital have pleasure in presentinO' thoir I'ixteenth Annual Report to the MelllJJerS and Associates of tho Order and to their genoral subscribers.






ELY, E , Q., C.M . G .





Ex.officio fl;1embcrs of Qtommittrr.



of the 01de?). C LONEL SIR HmRBERT JEKYLL, K .C. M • G., R . E . (Sec?'eta?'1}-Genera,l ) o " E LL D (Receiver-Geneml of the Ol'cle1' . EDWIN FRESHFIELD, i SQ., .• T E MARQUES!:; OF BREADALBANE, K. G. THE MOST HON. H. _.J Cha 'rona" A rnbttlance Depctl'trnent of tlte 01'de't'). ( DM'ect01' a'lou, t, '", COLONEL SIR HERRERT C • PERROTT " , BT. , C. B. (Sec1'etarv of the O?'cle?').

1!! anorng .%m:df(l'g. MAJOR J . T. WOOLRYCR PEROWNE,



W. R. EDWAr,Ds, Esq., A.C.A.

$utgeons to tbe ~ospitaI at ]erugalem. W E CANT ESQ., M . D., F.R.C.S. . 'B UTLER, ' ESQ THOMAS HARRISON ' ., MD ."

~ssistant ~ono r f(rJ:!


A. GORDON, Esq.,

MRCS. . , . , L.R.C.P.

$cmtarl1 fot ~cotI~nlJ .

1, Coates Gardens, Edmbul'gh. ~f(nhm;.

L ondon and Westminster Bank Limited, Lothhll1'Y, 1-:.C.

Dr. Haui, on Bntler, who:o appointment a Assi tant urgeon was recorded in last year's report Legau work in July, but as he was unable, for want of accolUJllocln.tion, to Lake up his re idonce at once in the Hospital, he did not Lake charge of In-patients a.nd beds until tho end of I 'epLe11l1)er, when the new house in the Hospital grounds was ready for oceupation. The lommittoe gladly express their further thanks to the o'ener011S but anonymous donor who, bosidos ptl.ying 1'01' the cost of tho extension of the Hospital itself, gave an ac1ditional ,'lllll 1,0 COY l' the eroction of an Assistant Sllrgeon's residonco. As onr roport COvors tho poriod Crom October 1st, 1902, to SeptemLer 30th, ] 90:3, it will Lo seen that in the year just past the Hospital wns still Leing worked by only ono I lu'o'oon for Inpatients. Tho new Buildings wero eOlllpletec1 and tho alterations and additions made in the old prelllise.' finished toward, tho end of 1902, and in tho, 'pring of Lbo present year ten new bods \\'8re openec1111aking a total of thirLy available for patienL '. \\Tith the cOllling 'pring when the busy season of the Hospital sets in, Dr. Cant hopes to have at his c1isposal n. further tell beds, making a total of forty, whose occupants will have the undivided attention of' our two skilled residont urgeon, As the new


building was designed to give forty-eight beds, the Committee call attention to the fact that the Hospital even then will not be working at its fullest capacity. They trust however, that a considerable increase of support from annual subscribers will enable In-patients to occupy the full number of beds, which the present inadequate funds do not permit. It will be noticed that the number of In-patients admitted during the year is slightly less than that of last year (662 as compared with 674) though as above stated there have been more beds in use during the latter part of it. This is due, according to Dr. Cant's evidence, to the severe epidemic of cholera and to the resulting quarantine throughout the country for three months, during which time travelling was entirely stopped and the supply of In-patients, which comes lnainly fronl the country districts, was thus broken off. The number of Out-patients on the other hand shews an increase of over three hundred. Testimony to the usefulness of our work has been given by many visitors to Jerusalem, and by Bishop Blyth who has again expressed himself warmly in its praise. The faille of the skill of its operations has not only been spread throughout Pa.lesLine, but has penetrated Central Asia as far as San1arcand. The Committee regret to have to report that the financial position of the Hospital gives them cause for serious anxiety. Though the Hospital is extending its work and the Con1lY1ittee incurring fresh but absolutely necessary responsibilities consequent on its expansion, the subscription list remains practically stationary. The slight improvement shewn this year is accounted for, not by fresh subscribers, but by the results achieved from two lectures given by Colonel C. M. "\Vatson, C.B., C.M.G., and to 1Ir. Isidore Spielmann, who has collected various sums amounting to £36, to whom the Committee here offer their sincere thanks. It is hoped that some greater interest in this important work of the Order will be shown generally by its members, and that they will rally round the Committee, and not allow the Hospital any longer to suffer from the want of funds, after the extension of its wards and buildings has been provided by private generosity. The Committee regret to report the death of the Bishop of


Gibraltar (Sandford), who took a lively interest in th H . 1 and attended the meetings of the Committee wh ~ h OSPlt~, England. enevOI e was In The ~ommittee have to roport with regret that Colonel C. M.. " atson has boen oOlllpollo(l by pressure of other work o to reSIgn I~T 1 1 d theHoffice ' of Actin ' Hon. ~ecretary < • :le las been succeee e as on. J .T YV 1· h P erowne 'h k ' ~ocrotary by J\laior J. • V 00 lyC ,1S,, t 1 0 Accountant. f l h an s are agam due to Mr. ,V. REel . wale d k o t e Order, for undertaking to collect subscril)tions the accounts. an eep Dece'lrl.-ber, 1903.

SURGICAL STATISTICS, For year ending Michaelmas, 1903. SU:MMARY.

In-Patients admitted. Out-Patients-New Oases "

Total Attendance

Operations Anresthetics administered

662 6,369

20,134 1,126 570







Uhe a;ran~ ~rior)2 of the ~r~er of the lbospital of St. 50hn of 3-erusalenl in JEnglan~. I NCOME A N D EXPE1VDIT URE ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1903. EXPENDITURE.



Donations and Annual Subscriptions£4~6

Received in London Collected in Scotland, per Mr. A. A. Gordon "

Jerusalem, per Dr. Cant

Sir J . H older, Bart. (one-seventh) .

Printing and Stationery (London an(l Jcrusalem)

15 10

66 10


Postage and

38 17



] ()



£14 10 ;3


7 [,

12 10


6 0 £3 0



Proceeds from Lectures, &c. Payments by Patients . Dividends (Lechmere Endowment Fund)




9 4

666 13

4 8




48 11



125 16

5 11


6 1

Repairs Drugs, I nstruments, and General Expenses








4 6

Travelling Expenses, including Maintenance

664 19 ]0

Balance, being deficit for thc year

Salaries (Drs. Cant, and. Butler)

1 16


I nterest

7 11

191 10

Allowance lI1aintenance of Furniture and Fittings



0 1

1304 18 £1335

5 11


5 11

,Ve have examined the above Income and Expenditure Account for the year cnded 30Lh September, 1903, with the books and vonr~hl::rs in London, and. with thtl returDs r eceived from Jerusalem, and. certify the same to be correct. This account forms parr; of the Gelleral Income and Expenditure Account of the Order of the Hospital of St. John ot Jerusalem in Englancl and is incorporated. therei.n. (Signed) PRICE, WATEHHOUSE & Co. 3,




30th D ecembc1', 1903.






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8 A


Subsc;l' il J /ions.

Cowan, Joseph, Esq. Dalton, Colonel J. C., R A. Dalton, Mrs. J. C. Dalton, Miss Dalton, Miss J\Iaria Dallbcney, General ir H. C. B., G. C. B. Dick-Lauder, Sir T. N., Bart. Dorville, 1\1rs. Draffen, Mrs. Pitt. Dring, Mrs. Duckworth, Sir Dyce, M. D. Egerton of Tatton, Th e Earl Elliston, Lieut.-Col. G. S. Ellis, Miss A. M. Evelegh, Miss E. A. Forbes, N. Hay, Esq ., F .R C.S. Edin. Fraser, A. E., Esq. Furley, Sir J o11n, C. B. Gregory, H. E., Esq. Gribble, Miss Hare, Mrs. lIT a l'l:us Harpt:l', J., Esq., M. D. Harrel, W. Y., Esq., 1\1.Y.O. Harrison, GeneralSil' R, G.C. B., C.M. G. Hemming, Mrs. W. Holbeche, Lieut. -Colonel R. Holden, Rev. O. M. Hooper, J. H. Esq. Hubbard, T he Hon. Alice Hughes, William, Esq. Hutton, Smgeon-1\1ajor G. A. I ngram, The Hon. 1\1rs. Meynell J ephson, L ady Kay, Sir Brook, Bart. King, Captain Arthur F. W. Kirk, Miss Knutsford, The Visconnt, G.C.M.G. L angman, J. L., E sq. L echmere, A. H., E sq. Lechmare, Katharine, Lady Ditto. Small sums collected L eigh, The Lord Lightfoot, Miss Limerick, The D owager Countess of Lloyd, Miss C. A. Lloyd, Mrs. H. Loch, The Lady

£ s.


o 10



0 0 0

:2 1 1

1 1

5 1 1 1 5 1 :2

5 :2



0 0 1 5 1 2 0 :2 5 10

"J. 3

1 3 1 5

1 5



5 0 1 1 1 2 :2 1 1 1 1






6 0 0 0 0 0




2 1

0 0 0



0 0 0 0 0 0 0

o 10 2 0 0



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 5 0 1 1 5 5 o 10 2 0 5 5 2 2 2 2 20 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

A 1tn1ta~

Donations. £, s. d.

5 2



7 4

Su/)scr illt ions.

Lo\\,ry, General R. W., C.B. LUlllley, L. C., Esq. Llltwiuge, Major C. R. Fletcher MacAlistilr, F., Esq. McAusland, A. C. , Esq. Mewbnl'll, 1\1 iss .l\Iilbul'll, C. H., Esq. , 1\I.B. Mills, H. Esq. Monk, l\Iiss J. R. Morgan, l\Iajor A. Hickman, D.S.O. Morgan, 1\1rs. A. IIickmun Mosely, A., Esq., C.1\1. G. Mostyll, The Lord Murray, Colonel C. W yntlham, C. B., M. P. Newton, Lieut.-Colonel J. W. 1\Iar~c1ill, R.A. Ninnis, In slJOctor-Gent'ra.l n., M.D., R.N. Ncstle, H cnri, EBq. Ottley, Colonel J. W., C. 1. E., R.. E. Penfold, The Mis. os Pen'ins, C. 'I\,. Dyson, Esq. Perrott, Colonel, ir 11. C., Bart., C.l). Phillips, Lient. -Colo11cl 1" 01', D.S.O. Pickel'sgill, E. P., E.rh M.R.C. '., L.R. '.1'. Ecliu. Powell, Miss J. A. Powell, Sir R. Dongla , Bart., K.C. V.O., :Jf.D. Priestly, Lady Randell, 1\1rs. E. Ree, Isiuor, ESfl' Robinson, E. L., Es(!. Rothscllild, 1\1e srs. 1\1. N . & Co. Rowsell, R(;v. II. Royds, Colonel, C.B., 1\1.P. St. George, Captain B. J .. Sale, Mrs. SallLlwith, F. 1\1., Esq., M.D. Savory, Hev. Sir Borraclaile, Dart., 1\1. A. Seely, Sir Charles, Bart. . Seligman Bros., Messrs. Shaw, Miss Alice SllOre, Rev. Canon Teitl'n1110nth ~r •A• b , 8inclair, Th e Ven. Archdeacon, D.D. Sloan, R. , Esq. Smart, F. G., ES'l. Smith, 1\11'8. 8. r. Smyth, Colonel E. Spielm.ann, I sidore, Esq.,






Hlelbert, S., ES1., £2 2s. Od.; A Fricnd, £5 5'. Oc1.;


s. d.


1 1 1 0 1 0

0 1 1 5 1

o 10

0 0 0 0 0 0 0




£ s. cl.



10 10 10 10

0 0

o 10


10 10 1 1

0 0

0 0


5 3



:2 :2 1 1 :2 :2 1 1 ~


10 10

:2 1 1 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



:2 1 1 fi



1 1 2

0 1

2 1 1 1 :2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

:2 1 1 1 ~




0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1

:2 ]

0 1 ]


5 1 1 10

0 0 0 0 0 0 0




10 AnmwZ S1~bscr(1)tinIlS


A Friend, £11s. Oel.; E. S. Franklin, Esq ., £2 :2s. Od . ; :r.Iontagl1, Silo ., Balt., £5 Os. Ou . ; Raphael, G. C. Esq., £10 Os. Od.; Spielmann, Isidore, Esq. £10 10 . OJ . • lluance, T . Coke, E"'(l., M. D. tone, Mrs. Tanlif, J olln R. , Esg. Temple, Colonel ir R. C., Bart., C. 1. E. Thome, W. Bezly, Esq., M.D. Thorne, Mrs. E. M. Topping, Miss Twemlow, Mrs. Vaughan -'\lorgan, Alderman 'Wakley, Thomas, E q., F.R.C.S. ,V alters, Miss A. Walton, Major H. E. B. ,Yard; J . Langfiehl, Esq. Warren, Lt.-Gen. Sir Ohas .. G.C. M.G., KC. B., R. E. Watsol1; Colonel C. ::'11., C. B., C.:M .G., R.E. Watson, Mrs. C. :III. ,Yilliams, Mrs. Woous, Inspect. Gen. H.C., C. V.O., C.B., R.N . ; ::'Ir.n. late, The Hon . Colollel C. Eo, C.8.I., 0.:\1.(: . Yate, Lieut.-Colonel A. C. "'late, Mrs. A. C.




List of Subscriptions and Donations received by A. A. Gordon, Esq.,

£ s. Il.

Assistant Honorary Secretary (for Scotla nd.) Froln 1st October, 1902, to S('pteiltbe1' 301h, 1903.

3G 1


0 0 AIIII.w!.l



o 10


1 1 0 110

o 10 l

G 1 0


220 330 1



50 1





110 2 1





1 3 G 110 100 100

o :CllO

7 10

Aytonn, James, Esq. Brown, Professor A. Crum, M.D., D .• c. Bruce, Mrs. A. L. Bal'1lett, Mrs. E. dc B. Beveridge, Henry, Esq., of Pitreavie Callender, Mrs. tanley Campbell, 1\11';;. Cathcart, John F., E (1. ColClUhol1Jl, Sir James, Bart. Darien Press, l~dil1 UUl gIl Darling, Mrs.; Stormonth Davies, Mrs. (Mofra.t) Fergnson, Professor John, LL. D. Foster, 1\1rs. ,T. E. (the late) Cordoll, Mr. alld Mrs. A. A. Gordon, 1111'S. W. E. Hanllay, 1.1rs. Heywood, i\lJ's. Lyall, 1111'''' Lyon, 1111'S. Macfarlane, Walter, Esg., J.P. fiJacgilli,Tray, William, E (J. lIfackenzie, J\J i;;s :\Iaxwell, Miss AI. Mr,Vitie, Rohel'l, K (1. ~lillar, E(ll1'f1I'c1, 1~::;Il., of Rossie Miller, Alec. "'., Ef:iC]. AI ille1', Mrs. Hohert ::'II ill er, 1I1iss A. Willgate Miller, MisR K P. l\[oody·Stnart, The Rev. J{enlleLIt l\loray, Anna, Conl1 tess of Muir, Sir William, I\.C.S. 1. , LL.D. Newton, Mrs. I). Gray Oliver· Riddell. \., Esl'J., ofCraigloC'hh>lrt Pcregrini, MJ's. Pullar, Sir Ro1it'J't Readmall, Ja1l1L'i'i 11., Esq. BolJel'ts, Alex. Jc'.. lesg.

~'I/ I)scl'ipt ions.


t s. d.

£ s. d.

0 2 0 ]0 ~ Z


1 1

1 0

0 0

0 0




G 0








0 0 0 10 0 1 ] 0 0 ] 0 Ii 0 10 Ii 1 10 /j ] 0 0 0 ]0

0 ]0

0 0 0 0 0 0





0 0

0 10 0 :i 0 0




0 0 0 0 0 O' fJ 0 0 0

0 10 1 ]0 0 :.!


0 10 1 0















0 0 0 0 0

12 A7mua~ S~l bsc1"l ptions.


Roberts, T. J . S., Esq. Rose· l nnes, Mrs. (Edinburgh). Smith, Major.General E. Davldson Smith, Mrs. (Edinbnrgh) . . Stuart Colonel J. A. Man, C.B., C.M.G . . ' Thomson, J oIm, E (1" M•D ., F. R. C. P. (Ed.) Tonie, R. Jame~on, Esq. Travers, Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. Usher, Robert, E~q. . Walker, Miss (Edinburgh) ,\Vhite, Martin J . , Esq., of Balruddery \Vinstanley, Miss . . Wingate, Jl.1rs. (Edinburgh)

o o 0 1 0 1 5 0 2 2 1 2 1

0 10 10 5 1 5 0 0 5 2 0 0

0 0





0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0

Form of Beq uest. I gn'o nn(l l)CJl1C'nLh

£ 59

£7 10

11 Ilt 0

Lhc '1'1' ' asnr r for th


lJOing of


tho Institlltioll kllO\\"Jl by the


or Trm

Bl{fTISJ[ ()PIr' I' I UL;\[IC

Donations l'eceived a t J erusa1em , per Dr. W . E. Cant. £1 0 5

Ohapman, E. M., E, q. Heilpern, Mrs. "H. S.," Palestine Hospital Money Box Keightley, Miss . . Offertory, St. George's Church, per Bishop Blyth Saumarez, H . W. de, Esq. Shoemaker Fund, per Dr. Merrill Smythe, Lady, per Mrs. Way Way, Mrs.

4 2 3 1 1 5 15

0 5 0 3 0 8 12 9 0 0

£38 17

0 0 0

6 0 0 0 0

On101' of tile Ho 'piud of

Loch Per The Lady. . . Wat~on Per Colonel C. M., C.B., C.M.G. Sale of Photographs of the H ospital


1 5 3

0 0 4






or.J 1'l1,'illelll in EnghlH1 tIl

SHm of ....................... .. .......... [Cr ) of cln t.r] to 1, tClIr:tl'<iS

lt UG Olllpli ,

hiug t It


(lcsigll,' of tho Sflid

Illstitnt ioll .


0 I)

~ T.B. Ln.lld ll SPS

a,llel ..\lolH\\(' 'Ll J'('d Oil '"it,nd

call !lOW

1)(, gi \' ('11 to ehllJ'it1lble

undel' th e (;()llditi.()Jls (,111~ct('d by Llll' " l'h111'itnhh'

' ''I!J I, ,J l & .i.-)

Proceeds from Lectures, &c.

, ' t . .John

ric. c. 1:3.'

I T (',-;

~\u.: l

II I. Report of the Central Executive Committee of the St. John Am bulance Association . b eing the t he Order.





St. 500n Bmbulance Bssocfatiol1 BEING THE AMDULJ.. NCE DEPARTME.l:~ T OF

~he <Dranb }prior\? of tbc ~rber of the lbospitaI

of St. 30hn of 3crnsnlcll1 in JEngInnb. lEllllrolt. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VI!., K.G.,

(Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order). ~rrslbCl1t. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G.,

(Gl'and Prior of the Order )'

========"- -





1!.,on'tlon : C HA RLES CULL AND SON, 12

&. IS,

33 ,





C/orrecierl to A ;JI, a

].<;1, 1 !) OJ.

(As regrud:; thi.') )Ju:;e;.

St. ,3obn tllllbulnncc ElsBocintion, G TIIF.

Page . f th e, 't . John Aml)ulance As-ociation .... The (,Jentral Execntive CommIttee 0 The Chapter of the Or d er 0 f 't . John (with names of ~lembers of CouncIl and Execntive Officers) Report-General

(Grand Priol' of the Ol'dcl'.)

.. ,


APPLTD I X A. Subscriptions and Donations t o Head Office September, 1903

(C£Iltra£ E XCClltibc (Committee.

COllsi ting (' {.~


'ely o. ~Il~lJiheJ allli \. ociate of tlle Order.

Dimtor of the jmbuhncc Dtp.Htmrnt ilnlJ 'hilltlnillt of '-Colllmittre. The ~\Io t; HIJI!. the .\111I'(ll1e of Bftp.AlI \I,/J .'-E, K.C. 'irssistant Dirrctor imb Druut.l1 (CU' irlllilll. LIeut.-Colonel ~'ir

from October, 1902, to


Life }fem bers


Drputp 'ryo1lnnnn.

-rajfJr-G.meral A~ 1 LEY T umy,

Examining Staff Subscription Form ...


Form of Testamentary Bequest

62 APPE_·D I X B. · t nc . t , Provindal, Colonial and Foreign D1..

63 APPE_'DI X C.

Local ReportR APPE ~TD I X

Report of St. John Ambulance Brigade.


TE.Ml'Ll-:, l~t., C,I.E.

. 'il' JOIl ' Fli HLEY, C. B., (Life ?II cIJlbcr of the Commit:ee IIonoria r:(~ I[,S(U. if{ rill bas. CfJlonel J. C. DAL'10.", ILL Goll)JlCl ( J.F.~IF. 'T • [OLY.'E 'x ROYD , The Rc\·. T. \\'. '''(lOll.







Statement of Rec(;ipts and ExpenditnrE:

Roll of Centres


rSovel'E:lgn Head and Patron of the Ordel'j .


~. aminal




Report-Invalid Transport Corps

Honorary Life



Cbe Gra ll l> IP riOr}2 of t be Orucr of t be 'fb Jspita[ of St. Jobll of Je ru sa (em III JE ll fj [all u,


C. B" ~r.1 '.

CUI' ill.r, W. - 'orr

BowF.n, Colonel C. W, gOWIILEH, ('. B. ... U1~C''>n,r: rW/al. il' \\'1l.1,I 11',\ YI.U({, W. COLT.I.-0W J)t;J~, E h i\f. [J. r.O.B., ,LJJ., 1\.II.P. (Vir ctor, ColoDr::1 .I. W. 01 J'l. .Y, U. I. E. (, /lcI'al Aim} ~Ieclic: l:cn'ice), Inspeet!JI-Gfneral l~. _'I.' 'I , ;\1.TJ., I Eli fl' 'I' O\\E.·, l~ q.. F.RC .. ·. R.• •. The I~wht Hon. Lord 01. TD Insp.,Gen. Sir FJ'EDEP..T!T _. IBm'TtY, 1I \ 11L/(i-'. K.C.B., (Vir- ·tor·(1p(J( J,d, .lcdiral The. fo t HOIl. the ~[rque~ of lJepartlll':nt,IRo 'al • -avy). ~ TOIlIII \'ll'lu.'. S. C. WARDELL, E (I. Licut.- _oloncl A. \·AIE. "ur~eon,GeI1 ..J. .JUIE (,.', C.I~., M.D. . il' \\'11,LJ \.1 nJ:.·.·EI·l' r.c. "J ., Surgeon-Ma,jol'.('cnel'al . ir .JOII.· By F,I~.C .. " Cou H.P'AJJ/~, 1\.0.1;. nEOI 'un II\! 1:10', E 'h 1.R . . . ,-·. G. S. ELLT Tv', E 'I" ?\I.1!.C.:·. Lieut.-f..olOIl·l E. _\1. WCT. 0.', C.B., CHJ{hT01'1!P:I~ "IfJLII , E;,q., M.D. C.~L'~., JJ . . 0., R.A ..\l.C. Surg~on-()elJf:I'al • il' J{i I,PII FAYHEI:, .:nrrr '011- :C'IICI' J .A. KE()(,H, J. B., ilI.D. Bt., K.C.S.I. LieUl.-Colonel W. BAIl'IIE, ().~1.(;., C'IIAf!LE"; .J. TI!D! BU:, E~(h O.?lI. G., •. I!:., n.A.~I.C. L.R.O.P. ;'il' J~fJ\vAI:1J L. 0',\1 \I ,}:'{. ,'urgeon-General ,'il' WI I,Ll A C R. CololJp] GEOf:GI:. H. 0 _\IALUW, R..A. HOOPEI!, KC.:'.1. [Jep.-la p"Gell. ~1.CU\'ll'.,~l.D.,R._·. J. A 1'1.1'.\' BJ.(JXA]'I, E Ij" F.ILO.:-. CJ.



Colol1(;] Sir H I':I!BEHT

Ex-officio members of <Committee. J EKY LL, K. C. ~1. G., R E. (S('I'", /fJ(;/, Gellc,·(tl of tht; O"dcr) .

. ETlWIJ:' FltF. IHII,LlJ, E~(l" LL.D. (J:"i'ricr;·.Octlend oj the O,'{ler) TheRlght HOIl. Earl EGEP..Tf)_· OF T ATTO~ '( C/trri"lIlfln, Bntl It OpldlwZlIlic IIospltal) . <Chief ~rcrc t arp. Colonr::l Sit, IJmw~In C. PU!nOTI, Bt., C.-B. (Sect'Ctcuy of the O;'der).

'!cco untilnt anlJ ~torcltrfpc r . R. EDWARDS, Esq., A. C.A. ( Act;ountrmtofthe Order). ®£ficcs. 81'. JOH."S GATF.; CLLltKL WELL, LO.'DO.-, E.O.



!3an!tcts. LOXDo." A.'J)

\YE.·'l}!L'STET~ BA_'K,

LI:Ifn.r:;J), Lotbumy, E.O.

COTTected to .A p?'il 1 ·t, 1904. ( As reganls this and the opposite page).

The Ohapter consists of the Knights of Jllstice a n<1 SUD-Prelates de iU1'e; the Executive Officers; the selected Members of Oouncil ; the following ,

ttf)e (Branb lPrior}? of tbe ~rber of 'Uf)e 1T)ospitaI of St. 501)n of 5erusale1l1 in JEnglanb.

@fficiaiiltg The Sub-Dean of the OUAl'ELS ROYAL, O.V.O., D.D.

Qtbllpr llfn~,

The Hev. Sir BOltRADAILl1: ,A"O'1Y U'aronet, M.A . , L' , AND

~o bcr d!J1t ~ ca b


Bailiff of EllIe. FIELD






@ru('et~ .

P1'()late- His Grace the Archbishop of YORK. Chancello1' -The Righ t Hon. Earl EGERTOX OF TATTON . Sec1'etary -Geneml-Colonel Sir HEnBEltT JEKYLL, R .O,IILG., R.E. Receive1'-Geneml-EDWIN FRESlIFIELD, Esq . , LL . D. Almoner-The Rev. Oanon DUCKWORTH, O. V.O., D.D. Registm1'-Lient.-Colollel GOULD HUNTElt-IVESTON, F.S.A. Genealogist-The Hey. W. K. R. BWFOTID, ~I. A. Di1'ect01' of the Ambulance D epctdmentThe Most Hon. the MARQUE S OF BTIEADALBANE, R.G. Libml'ian-Lient·Oolonel RICHARD ROLBECBE. SecntCt1'y-Oolonel "ir HERBERT O. PERROTT, Baronet, O. B. Ghcti1'1nctn of the British Ophthalmic Hospitctl, JenLsalemThe Hight Hon . Earl EGERTON OF TA'l"10N. Chief Sec1·eta1·y of the Ambulance Department-Oolonel Sir HERBERT O. PERROTT, Bt., O. B,

t;aS5~ff5tan t


®fficet~ .

Assistcmt Dil'ect01' oj the A 1I1,biLlance Depa1'tmentLieut. -Oolonel Sir RICHARD OARKAC TE)lPLE, Baronet, 0.1. E. AssistcLlIt Receivei'-EDWIN H. FRESHFIELD, Esq., M. A. Assistcmt Lib)'((1'icOL-OYHIL DAVE::;'POl'.T, Esq. Assista,nt SecrelrJ,1'y-LoCKHART STOCKWELL, ES(l' Accountant--,V1LLIAM R. EDWAP,DS, Esq., A,O,A. . Hon. Sec1'etCt1'Y of the British OphtlwZmic HospitcLl, Jenlsctle1nMajor J . T. WOOLl'.YCII PEROW~E, Assistant Hon. Secreta1'Y (fo1' Scotland) of the Bn'tish OZJhtlwl1l1ic Hospital, J C1'usalemA. . A. GORDON, Esq.


Qt OttllciL.

The Oouncii consists of the Sub-Prior, as President ex-officio, the Executive Officers, and the following

Selected Members .

Sir JOHN FURLEY, O.B. Oolonel J . O. DALTON, R.A. The Right Hon. Viscount KNUTSFORD,G.O,M: ,G. T he Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN . Sir J. N. D ICK, R .O. B., R.N.

Colonel O. W. BOWDLER, O.B . Sir DYOE DUCKWORTH, M. D. ,VILLIA)I COLLlNGRIDGE, Esq. , IlL D. Major-General Sir OWEN T . BURNE, G.O. I. E ., R .O.S. l. Sir GEORGE HAYTER OHUBB, Baronet. T he Right Hon. Lord OHEYLESlIWRE.

sa~ B£pr£S5CJttaUue 1.ttn (rrD L ~ O' f QIitnce , GEORGE T. BIDDULPll, Esq. Major-General ASTLEY TEltRY. Oolonel Sir E . T. TliACKEl'..AY, R.O.l3., JJ. (1;., R. E . Inspector-General B. N1NNIS, M.D., R.N. Oolonel O. M. WATSON, O.B., O,M. G., R.E. Sir ARTHUR J. R. THEN DELL, O.M. G.

Sir H~()IJAltD DOUGLA~ POWELL, Baronct, h.C;. \' .0., M.D. ~olollcl O. M. ROYD~, O.D., M.P. EDMUND OWEN, Esq. , F.R.O.S. Lieut.-Colonel Sir HIClI_UlD C, TE;\lPLE Baron et, C, I.E. ' E DWlN II .\N~ON FltESlIFIELD, ES(h l.A.

The follo wing are the Kn ights of Justice' H.R.H. Prince OHRI TIAN OF CIlLE,'WIG· HOLSTEIN K G GOB , . " .. . H.R.H. Prince OilARLE8 OF DEXMAr.l{ GOB H.H. Prince ALBERT OF 'CIILESWI~- ' . . HOLSTEIN GOB GO 'T 0 , ... , .. \ . . H.S.H.TheDnkeof'l'EcK GOVO H SH . ' . . . . . . . Pl'lnce FllANOIS OF TECK, K. O. Y. O. D.S.O. ' Oaptain H S r·T P " L ".::t. llllce OUlS OF 13A'l'TEX, BERG, G.O.B., R.N. The Right Hon. Lord LEIGH. L' t 0 1 '1' Ieu.- o. REVEXEX JA)lE HOLL \'ND 0 13 M' S' ~ ~ , .). aJoBr Ir Jo EPII IVALLL" O'BRYEN nO,UtE aronet OHARLES PE~rnEltTON O\I'TIm Esc Si,r JOllN FUllLEY, O. B. -(~0)~0':.Ct1'!J IBailitn. Lleut.-Ool. GOULDII UNTElt- WEsToN(llonorcti'/ Gommctncl(J?') , y The RiO'ht Hon L '<1 S' o • 01 lANMOIlE,G.C.I1IG. F,RANCIS ROBER'l' DA YIEil, ES(l. SIr BROOK RAY, Baronet. L Sir THOMAS NORTli D '. ICK- AUDEI1, Bal'ollct 1l,iaJ or Sll~ ARCHIB.\.LD LA)IB, BarolJct. . Colonel S H 11' EnllERl' O. PEI1l'OTT Pt 0 D " The Right Hon. Earl FERlt~l;fj. ' )" Oolonel SirJA~lE~ GILDEA O,V.O 0 B HENRY JOHN LOFTUS E ' " , J. ' , sq. Colonel BETHEL MARTIN DA ' , "ES. Th eIght R' Hon. LortlAl\llJEIl.'T OF HAC' GeneralSirOH' l,-NEY. ARLES N ARnEX G 0 111 G KO.B., RE. ' . . 1.'. T., Colonel JA:lIES OECIL DALTON R A Lt.·Oolonel AYL:lIEll GOULD II U'N·l']·· 1> ''IVE !. ,- l\ 'TON, D, S,0 ., R ,E. The Rierht HOIl E '1 l~ o • ftl .f'..JQEltTON OF 'l'ATTON. T




Oolol!cl Thc Ricrht II . " Oil. L01'11 WILLLDI OECl L 1\1 V 0

Eowr; F'



'HE,lIFlELD, E~lh LL, D., . (Ilono,'ary Oommander). Ills Grace The Du1' f F -, 1'1 1)' 1 II \eo IFE,h,'1. Ie \1" It on Lord l'R \ . T' l' 0 13 '1'11 R' ~l II . ~~ ~ i:, 1... • • "e I.n It Oll."\ Iscount 1E~lPL81'OWN. lhe Ibght 1I0ll. Earl A~IIIElhl'. Tl 1"rr1 " Ie ~lb\It llon. 'I!;COHnt h~UT8FOIlD, > b.:.M.G. (1lIJl/ol'(li'!J E£liltjl). h. ilIA( LE.\ - l\I \.cLI·· \X E A '. . ~ " " . (1· lllHUI' 1< I' \ '01' G1'I' I GO""l"l'" E'rq· , ~,l1.1.:I1 JEYESOX ", . . ~icnL.Col. l!. A. llEYG ,\Tg L .I.:ILDEIlT. ;~l~ ~:~~;:L1::S '\'1.-])]1.D1 I'll Um,,\'y, O. 13.,:;)1. p, .. ~ t ~1.011. the Earl of R.\XFUllLY, •




l;: c. ,:;)1. ("

1he hlgltt IIOIl, Lord, -L'DlIU]ts!, G C I ur'IE ' , ..., .~, , . ,il' H~ .All'l'IlUn llL.\KE, C.O,M.G. O,aptalll ?\ ITlIA.-lln, GEOHf;P, PHILIP,";. 11]{' 1 II Ie Ig It all. the Earl of ~IE.\''l'Ir. 1\. EIl1lL-ll Flt.\SEll, Ell· T he Wgllt lIon. Lord Mu 'TYX, CololJel Olf_\'llLES lIlTxnm. The 1l10st ]lolJ. thc ilLulQl'E,'lS uF D · ltEAlJ.l..LD.·\XJ<::, E, T. IIi C' (J D S ll'al:C 1C UKE OF POHTL.\.XD, K. G.,



Fiell1<\Ial"ltal thc Right HOIl. the E.\RL Runr,1:t's, KG" KP., r.le., &c. HOBEltT BllUD 8_ ELL C.\1l fEll, E'll-> F. n. O. S. N(ll"l \ II l''onBEs,Esq "F,RO, .(EIin) 0 ,_,.X\Y OIOllCl JOlI:-< ALEX,\ -DER :;)I.\.N TL\ll'I',' C, l'),' C.llI.G, Ooloncl 0, W. UO"'DLE R, C.B. T

Th e follO wing are t he Sub-Prelates :

The Lora Bishop of ELY The Lord B'l f . IS lOp 0 SALISnUltY.

rrhe Bishop ill JEUUS.\LElII. The Bishop of BmTISIl IIoNDrllA,'.


Full information as to the work of the St. John Ambulance

Association, and its Branches, can be obtained on application to the Chief Secretary, st. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C., by whom copies of printed papers will be supplied in reasonable numbers without charge, on Reference Numbers or Letters as follow being quoted.

Formation of Oentres

Reference. Pamphlet 57b.

Formation of Olasses in connexion with Centres

Pamph. ~

Formation of Detached Classes

Pamph. ~

Arm and other Ba dges .

Paper 74.

Invalid Transport Corps (Head-quarters)

Paper A.

St. John's House, "Vorce tel' (for practical instruction in District Nursing, &c.).

Paper 73.

Chelsea Infirmary, London, S.\V., for practical experience in Hospital Nursing, &c.

Paper 73a.

Syllabus of Instruction-Junior Oourse

Paper l;~O

St. lohn Bmbulance Bssocfatfo 1. REPORT



HE CENTRAL EXECUTIYE CO:\DIITTEE has tho honour to submit tho following roport for the information of H.R.H. the Prince of ,Vales and tho haptor of the Ord~r of tho Hospital of St. John of J eru <11elll in Englanc1. The Committee c1osiros to p1<1co on recorc1 its doop sense of tho loss sustainecl by the Alnbulanco Dopartment by the l'(;siunation of the Director and Chairman, Yi 'C0l1l1t Knut {orc1, t. 1.M.G., after holding offico for <1 period of nine years. Durin o' that time his Lordship had c1eyotec1 his bost onero'ies to eyerythin o. that tended to tho ac1yuncoment anc1 prog-res..., of both the St. John Ambulance A soci<1tion <1nd of the 'L. J o11n Alllbllbnce Brin'ade, and a deLt of gratituclo is owing to hinl for the yaluablo co-operation which on<1blec1 snch oIlcctive a, sistanco to bo rendered to the l\lilitary Authorities c1uring the Chin<1 and South African "'Val's. No detail ,ya' beneath 1.;orc1 l nnlsfol'd's care~ul <1ttontion, and many doYelopments miO'ht bo quoted, as for lllstance, the co-operation of tho Do<.ucl of EclucaLion and ot.her Government Departmonts, of County Council ' and of Corporate Bodies, proving tho value Lo the Order of his tenure of office. The Marquess of Dreadalbane, K.G., hilS succeeded Yi. count Knutsford as Director ancl Chairman and Lieut.-Colonel Si.r Richard Temple, Bart., GI.E., has Loe~l appointed A. i tunt Director ~ncl Deputy Clu"irman on tho appointment of :Mombers of CommIttee to serve [or tho next trionnial periocl. HiI' John Furley has been nomill<1teel by H.R.H. the Grand Prior to hold again his olel offico of Doputy Chairman. The death of Sir Vincent Kennott-Barrington, who hacl held the offico of Deputy Chairman, a,nel hael beon a, member of the


First Aiel Course

58 Paper 1901



" "


Home Nursing Oourse

Paper 1~~1


Hygiene Course

Paper 85. Paper ~

Cottage Nursing " " Regulations for the cond uct of Examinations

Paper 1~~~

Medallion and Re-examination Regulations

Paper l~r

Pocket Certificates

Paper 56.

General Regulations, St. John Ambulance Brigade .

Ref. Let.


Explanatory Instructions for Forming Ambulance and Nursing Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade



Origin and Development of the St. John Ambulance Association


The Police and First Aid

Pamph. ~

.Price ~ists of all ar~icles sold by the Stores Department, w.lth partIculars and estImates for Horse Ambulance Carriages, LItters, Stretchers, &c., can also be obtained.




Ambulance Department Committee for a great many years past, is deeply ltl,mented by the Committee, an~ i~ fact ~y all. those connected with the work of the AssoClatlOn. Su' VIncent Barrington's personal qualities, hi ser:ri?e in many ~a~1paigns as a Oommissioner and in other capaCltIes for the relIef of the sufferings of the sick and wounded in war, and the great intere .t which he always displayed in every beneficent and hUml1l11tarian movement affecting the welfare of the 'working classes, had greatly endeared him to his colleagues, who will long remember with affectionate regret a personality to whom all who were intimately acquainted invariably became greatly attached. The Committee has also to regret, although from. another cause the loss of the services of Colonel 0. Bowdler, C.B., as Chief Com~issioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. His ceaseless and self-devoted labours, especially during the South African and Chinese ,Val's, have at last unfortunately told upon his health and he has found it necessary to endeavour to recoup his streng~h by prolonged absence aLroad, entailing his placing his resignation in the hands of H.R.H. the Prince of 'Vales, who has appointed as his successor Inspector-General Be~gra.ve Ninnis, M.D., R.~., Deputy Commissioner of the No. 1. DIstnct of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. The services of Colonel BowdleI' as Chief Commissioner during a long and trying period in the history of the Brigade, the extension and development of which owes so much to his energy and enterprise, have been in-valuable, and will long be remembered with gratitude by those who have the best interests of the Ambulance Department at heart. The Committee considers itself fortunate that Colonel BowdleI' has been able to take over the appointment by His Royal Highness of Commissioner for Special Services, which can be carried on to a great extent Ly correspondence. This appointment includes the enrolment of members of the Brigade and others for service in the Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve, correspondence 'with the War Office with respect to the Brigade Bearer Companies, and correspondence with officers of the rapidly increasing units of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in the British Dominions beyond the Seas.

There can be no doubt that Colonel Bowdler will be able to render to the Order in this capacity not less valuable co-operation than he has done in the past. On receiving his resignation of the Chief Commissionership, H.R.H. the Grand Prior directed a letter to be written to Colonel BowdleI' expressing his estimation of his valuable serVICes. Conspicuous services in the furtherance of ambubuce work have been recognised by His l\1ajesty the King, on the recommend.ation of H.R.II. the Grand Prior and the Chapter-General, by the enrolment as I-fonorary Associates of:1\1rs. Farndoll, C. Pye Oliver, E q., M.D., E. Rowland Cowcher, Esq., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edward Cureton, Esq., M.D., J:l,mes l\Ialpas, Esq., M.R.C.S., Lieut.-Colonel James l\Iason, Captain Charlo, Alfred Hoclgetts, ~I.D., _L~I.S. of Canada, John S. Griffiths, Esq., 1\I.H.C.!::.., Colonel,y C. Dawson, James Ratcliff-Gaylarc1, Esq., ~1.D., Robert Jones, E, q., M.D., Ogilvie Grant, Esq., )I.D., Hanbury Davies, Esq., H. Hadlow Seed, E, q., T. E. Bryers, Esq., John Macdonald, E q., :Jr.n., Henry Goudie, Esq., lILR., Major George Barclay, and by the selection as Honorary Sorvin()' Brother' of:Frederick Spra,vson, ,Villiam Keeble, John Henry Cuckow, Captain G. Lane l\Iullins, ~r.A., ~LD., .Major Alfred Edward Perkins, D .• '.0., M.A., :Jl.n., Thomas S. Dixson, E 'q., 1\[.13. Henry Burton,


Captain ,Villi am Hughes, ,V. Harvey Ree,es, James Bi hop, ,V. H. Maunder, George Jackson, ,y' Baker Fisher, George Lund, F. Herbert Marshall, ,V. G. Morant, Alan Paull, and John J. Olley. As Honorary Serving Si tel' :-Miss Gwendolon Platt, :Jliss N ora Platt, Miss Elizabeth Kathleen Sangster, 1\1is J es ie King, Miss Janet Speed, Mrs. Alan Paull. The Special YelluJ1l Vote of Thanks has been awarded to Randall Mercer, Mrs. Virginia Margaret Orme, F. J. Coward, A. E. Abbott, A. Aldred, G. D. Barton, J. A. Gaunt, A. Cruikslumk, G. B. Drew, Miss A. nI. Benson, }I.D., and Captain E. E. '\Vaters, I.}I.S. Service :Medals haye been conferred upon the following :George S. Elliston, Esq., ~I.R.C.S., Alfred J. Trimmer, Captain ,y illiam Hughes, George Phillpott, ,y' E. Auelland, Esq., :.\1.R.C.S., F. de Beeho Pi1l1, Esq., L.RC.P. Ire1., A. C. Tunstall, Esq., ~I.D., J abez Bratt, ,\V. Humphris ~Vinny, and Amos Ho·ward. The following appointments to the St. John Ambulance Brigade have been made :Inspector-General Belgrave Ninnis, M.D., RX., as Chief Commissioner, vice Colonel C. ,V. BowdleI', c.n., appointed Commissioner for Special Services. John S. Griffiths, Esq., M.R.C.S., as Deputy Commissionor of No.2 District, vice Dr. Vernon, resignee.!. Surgeon-Major F. 'vV. Gibbon, L.RC.P., as Assistant Commissioner for No. 6 District.


Lieut.-Colonel E. Cureton, M.D., as Assistant Commissioner of the new No.7 DistricL; and Major George Barclay as Assistant Commissioner for New Zealand. The period coverod by this report has boen ono of contmued progress and activity. Iany important meetings have boen held, amongst the chief of ,vhich may be inclwleel the following :_ Presentation of South African medals to 1ll0lubors of the St. J oln Ambulance Brigado at Hull oy H.H.II. the Prince of Wales, Grand. Prior o~ Sho Oreler, ,rho. ,ra' accol~lpanjed l)y H.R.E. the Pnnces of \\ alo ; prosen tatIOn of cOl'LIiic:ates and lDeclallion~ by H.R.~l I)rinccss C!ll'i tinn at 'Yillcl.-or, and l)y H.R.H. Pr:llco 'S LOUIse, Duchess of Argyll, at LYlllillgton. Interestmg adell-ossos on the advantages of ambulance work in war, as woll as in peacc, wcre c1cliYered oy C(,llernl Sir Redvers Buller in the l Heaxy \\Tool1on ])istrict, and Ly :0J aj 01'General Hallam Parr, lOlllmancling the N orth-,Yeslern ])i trict at Kendal, and many other lllecLin~" of tho same ]-ind dUl'ill(): the year haye Loen hold for the purpose of unyoiling ll10111Ol'iar to membor of the Brigade who (lied 011 [tctiYe sOl'l'ice, and a]<.;o for the purpose of pre entinO' llleclals and cIa. p3 to suryiyilJC>' members of the 13rigade for their service.' in 'outh .Africa. J umerous ]~~eetjng ' for the prollloLion of the Auxiliary Royal Naval lCk Berth Re._ OlTe hal'O Leen held ill eapol't towns, when addresse.' h:1ye been cleliyerec1 by Jn l)('ctol'-Gen ral H. O. ,yooels - 0 f' tl le.lL \ ·oclatlOn " ,s E; xalllllling " . ' CDC . .' . .Y.~. , 1)L ,~'., StrJf, specmlly detmled by the Aclmiralty for this purpose. .The annual competition for tho ~ 'ilYer hallenge Shield and prIzes presented by Lho Order to the na.il,,-ay Companio' of England and ,Vales took place on May 13th at the POl'tmfln Rooms ... Tl~e Dewar ~'~ielc1 and the Rymon ' Eccle Cup comp~tltIOns op~n to ~l'lo'ade ullits took placo on the aUle occasIOn, th~ pl'lzes bomg presented at the conclusion by lIer 1 W 110 In . some acllllll'ablo . Grace Aclelme . ' Duch ess 0 f' J3 e(If01'(, remarks rei erred to the value of mnLubncG work alllC1l10' ,t railway ;~ployees, and to its II tility as instanced by tho sen-ices of the ngade on so many public occasions.

12 13

Detachments of five men each were present from the Mersey District Railway, the Cheshire Lines Committee Rail-way, the North Eastern Railway, the London & South ,Vestern Railway, and the Great Eastern Railway, these sections having beaten about twenty· five sections in their respective districts. The result of the Rail-way Competition was: 1. The Great Eastern (March), winning the Order's Silver Challenge Shield with 276 points. 2. North Eastern (Hull), 273 points, 3. Mersey (Liverpool), 201 points. 4, London & South ,Vestern (\Vimbledon), 259 points. 5. Cheshire LineE Committee (\Varrington), 253 points. The competitors belonging to the St. John Ambulance Brigade consi ted of winning detachments from the Cyclists, nJ etropolitan Corps, No. 1 District; the Ell Bay Division, No, 2 District; the ,Vellingborough Corps, No. 3 District; the Kendal Division, No. 4 District; and the Birchwood Corps, No. 5 District. In this competition the Cyclists, :Metropolitan Corps, ",Yon the Dewar Silver Shield with 266 points; the Kendal Corps came second with 229 points; the ,Vellingborough Corps third with 213 points; the Mill Bay Corps fourth with 161 points, and Birchwood Corps fifth with 141 points. Each team carried off a memento of the competition in the form of a carriage clock, or some other article. Votes of thanks from the Committee were unanimously passed to Dr. J. Ratcliff-Gaylard, Judge in the Railway competition, and to Drs. Heaton Howard and Abbott, Judges in the Brigade competitions. Great interest continues to be taken by the Directors of the leading Railway Companies in the extension of a1ubulance work. Colonel C. M. Royds, C.B., M. P., a member of the Central Executive Committee and a Director of the Great Central Railway, has presented a shield for competition annually on the railway in question. Lord Claud Hamilton, another member of the Central Executive Committee, presided at the annual competition at the Ley ton Town Hall for the Challenge Shield and other prizes presented by the Great EasLern Hailway. Similar competitions and meetings for the presentation of


certificates and medallions have been held on the London and North VV estern Railway, Lhe Cheshire Lines CommitLee, the North Eastern Railway, the Cambrian Rail ways, the London and South ,Vestern Railway, the Midland Hailway, and Lhe London Brighton & South Coast Railway. The importn,nce of ambulance instruction ~or rn,ilway-men is proved by the fact that during the year endmg December, 1903, n,ccording Lo the general report of the Board of Trn,de upon Lhe accidents that have occurred on the railways of the United Kingclom, ii-Olll accidenLs to trains, rolling stock, and permanent way 3-4, persons were killed and 919 injured' from other accident on railwa"s 679 I) [1.sseno'ers J b' trespassers, and others were killed and 2,207 injured: and of serVLI,nts of the companies 446 were killed and 3,659 injured during the year. Many Police meetings for Lhe presentation of awn,rds have been, helel, among the most int resLin o' being those n,L the ManslOn House to the City Police Furce, at the hands of the Lady Mayoress; at Brj tol, by the ihicf Ion taul . at Handsworth, by Captain Lhe Hon. U. A. Anson: at 'heftielel, by the Lord Mayor; at 11anche tel', by the Lord Mayor; anel at the Royal Arsenal, ,Vool wich, by Colonel 'ir Edmond BainbI'ido·e. At Birmingham, the ,Vatch olllmiLtee ha clociclecl, follo~rino' a 'prece:lOl~L elsewhere, with a "iew to encolu'an'ing the Ludy of Fust AIel m the Force, to pre 'ent me(lallion to those who ha,ye passed tho requisite nUln uer of examination . t

.f.. consiclemLle impetus has been given to Lhe work in Lhe

l\Imes, an~ 9uanies District, not a liLtle clue to the pap l' read by M,1. ,Vllham Leck, H .l\I. Inspec tor of 1\1 ine. , at the General l\feetmg, of .the , Torth of Englancl In. tituLe 01" Mining and ~~echa~lCal Engmeers at Kendal. Thi I\'a followed by a d~scusslOn, and one auspicious result ha ' been the formation of an ~lllbulance League, which has already held a number of ~lasses III the N orthe:'n Counties examined by the A ' ociation, 1h~ totl11 number of persons employed in mines and quarries c urmg the pa,st yem' was 9.52,711; of these 650936 r '1under 1 an d 1 74,667 n,bove ground, n,nd Lhere occulTed ' "" 01no 1 grOl1l1C, es~ than 1,~~1 separ~te fatal accidents in and about the mines an the quarrIes, causmg the loss of 1,172 lives.



8urgeon-JIajor G, A, HuLton, Honorary Organizing Conlmissioner, who for so illn,ny years has hn,cl the best interest of the A sociation at heart, reports :-

" they may possibly leal'll ill other dircction' It 11'1 b ' "Brit,isl~ railwa,y train \Va:::; about the safost ' phwe \~ 1~~n ,sald that a " statlstLCs would a.lmosL ,eem to beal' out this st, t l~ e 1t, ancl tho "1901, there were morc persons killed ftllcl iuj u~~edm,en , 1 ,n t1he yeal' " cycle tmili.c alolle in the streets of Lomlon th'111 , , l l l ve llC~l ar and :: th~ United Kingdom, , Whell thc yastllos~ tl~~ <t~~J:;lll'a:lhva,ys of raIl way system of thl.' countJ'y is cOllsidercd 1 CX1~y ?f t]le "membered that, aftcl' all, they are ill tho 11'1 ' rl am w l(~n lt lS 1'e:: agent, it is a mal'vel that fatal accidents ttl'~ l~')OS l~f, f(~lhbl~ human volumes for the capa,ble 1ll,U1ao'emen t of our 1"1'] 1 e, ,Lllel 1t speaks 1 :' "organization whieh pervadeC: ancl lhc 81'1 \\d~Yl sYi'5,t81:1, ~ho perfcct :: a~illlates the great army of 'railway sel'~'~n~.~ l~h \lS~l~)nl~e w::-ich ,0d seldom oceu "t l'~' s ' 11 a to lOct.) " dlsasters 11 " l' and \\' h< u , ,0 nluc the t" SellOUS l't f fti', 1 ,,1 cr 1 0 a cOllcerne on our reul \\'<tys, both dircct " "that on almo't aU our rail Wlt v S 0\"e1' tlle °ll~, 0 l Clct,' and ,'el'vant:::;, " ffi' t fi '1 .; , . em O'C om thel'e " "e cle!l ,1' t mc and mnbulance !'letTicc, uncler ti~ 't' J l · lS now an AssocmtLOn, to render hell) w11ene\'C1' "c(;l'(1e It e I , . 0111 Amoulnnce " It ' 'f' . 'u 1:::; occur lS gratl ymg to be ttble to rcport th' t -} 'I ' :: the colliery and mining districts Jm, bec~~ f~ ,1\ ~t an~b1.~l~nco work in the country, there i ' likely to bc ' " ,u~ llla1ll~<l,l1led all over " struction in first aiel in the 0'1'e'\'1 coS n~<:>n:<"ildelt )le, 1'cY1\'a1 of the ill~ t d :: the north, 'n~rough the ~d\'~eac;T othI~~ Fi3 ,of D~lr,hal1l and Inspector of Mmcs etnel others incluclin o' a \ OJt1dl ~a11l, 11.:;\1. " and manager', an AmbulctllCe' Le'\.o'ue l~'lc, \lUm ey 0 co hcry owners :: means a large numbel' of cla,'sei3 h~~e bce;;\t:~ll formed,) a~l(l by this " presented a handsome cha11 ngc , bicld t 1 1 t d, :;\Ir, Dam h(\.s al,o teams from the various clisi1'l'et' I i 01 ,)C compet~cl for annually by " nva '11'y may be kept up leaclin l" , , 11 L us ''" '\. y 1 t l ' 1 '.', ' ,lOpec1 a 1lcalthy o' to )TC't. , " part of our useful worlr ' 0 g , tel cfficlency 111 the l)mt:ticci1 "I D \., " ~ ecembel', last ~LDO:3) I g,WC:tll . \.dell'" , 'J wOlk at a meetlllo' of the "Tol,tll of J~ I cS1:-)I0 11 " t, , ohn l\.mlmlanc:e "111 l ' ~ ,0 ~" ~no' 1tlJ( nsLlt (., f '1' , , 11 ec 1amcal Engmcers ,tt R C\YC'lstle~o 0 T '1 u 0 _I llung and ,: n}ecessi~y of n 1:101'C e_ Lendccl kn:)\\'ledo~~o{W\ ,\~ ~e,lle I <1e~tlt wit.!1 the t 1e saVlng of hfe and the ,tlleyi,tt' 0, ,18 su ).1 et, \nth ,1. 'lew to :: the mines of DUl'hmn and the n~1't\~ll l?t~TI,\n(l !':iuHering throughoul the 1. Tol,tllel'll 1'0' . t" SetH LOp' I'c1, thai CI'C "/j colli J'V "Ithroughout ' '-' elll lCS \ L 1mH:C ' lecommemlecl that all younO' " wuuld . ,In c ''' hS, ~.\..muu cla::;.',.;

I~ my remarks in la!'\t year' Annual Report, I entered upon a somewhat " detailed account into accidents in our mining and colliery di tricts, " ctnd what had been done to lessen the injurie and 10 ' of life in these " great indu tries, and perhaps it may intel'est our Ambulance readers " to say something in detail about our railway , Of late years many , comparisons have been made on the working of the rail ways in "America, as compared with British Railways, Of course in such a " report as this the only que tion is that of accidents, and it is most " satisfactory, as showing the CCtre exerci 'ed by all responsible in the , management of our railways, that from all the reports received it will " be seen that the number killed and injured giye a '~ory large difference " in favour of this country, A compari 'on of the official return of the " Inter~State Commerce Commission with those of tbe British Board of " Trade gives the following re ults for 1901. " In the United Kingdom, one pa engel' killed in 8,681,414, " In the United States, one passenger killed in 2,129,382, " In the United K.ingdom, one passenger injured in 516,57l. , " In the ,United States, one pas engel' injured in 120,3 6, The AmerIcan reports show that during the year ended June 30th :: 1902-the c~sualtie t?, pa engel's and eu;ployes on duty were; ra:ssenger blled 303-111Jured 6,0 9, Employe on duty killed 2,516, lllJured 33,71l-Total pas engel' and employes killed 2'819-injured " 38'800, , Accidents in America from coupling or uncoupling car led to 143 " railway employes being killed, and 2,130 injured durinG' the same " period of twelve months, figure that scarcely supporl th~ arguments " advanced a few year ago fOl' the compul ory adoption in Great Britain ( of tbe automatic coupler now in general use in the United States, The " reports of the Inter~State Commerce Commissioners' Inspector shows " that out of 161,371 cases exan:lined by them in the twelve months ended " June 30th, 1902, the number in which one or more defects wm'e found " in the couplers was 12,718, which is eufficient reason aG'ainst the com~ " l(,ulsory enforcel?-ent of automatic coupler on British Railway Lines, " ~ furth~r noticeable feature of accHlents to employes on American "Ra1lways 1S th~ large number due to f~lling from, and getting on or off, cars and engllles, though the magmtude of the figures will be less " s~rprising perhaps to those who have seen how brakesmen e, pecially " Slt or walk about on the tops of the freight~cars while the trains are :: in mo~iC?n, The grand tota~ of the various employes killed and injured, " COl?pnslllg b,ra,kes,men, engll~er:nen, firemen, and other employes, under ~~llS head, ~e~ng k;llled 5:37 ; lllJured, 6,867, " The stat1s,tLCs glven above) relating o!lly to ca,sualties to passengers " and e?J-ployes on ~u~y ~esultlllg from rall way aC:Cldents, do not include " the kilhng or the lllJ urlllg of the general pubhc at leveJ crossings or « elsewhere, ,T~le total number of per80ns other than employes killed « w,as ~,488;, lfiJured 7,209" These ~gures show the danger of the 1evel" CIOSS1!lg still ,so commo~ m the Umted States, and also of the ordinary "Amencan ra1lway statLOns, where there are no footbridges and no ~~bways, and passengers have to cross the metals as best they can, In face of such melancholy lists of killed and wounded as those " re~erred to it would be a somewhat illogical procedure to bid English " ra1lway managenl to go to the United States for ideas, whatever lessons






;: should qunlify, and if i)os!':iiblelll]~~Y~lg thl!gl:~~C\: ,~Oll1g to the ,colonic' "Ambulance A:::;sociation '1c1clinn' ] " J c eel b lc,tte of the ~t, John on voluntary lines th'{l; by 0 t I<lt} ~ Ie work was much hetier dOll "D ,t ,< compu 'lOll or t11' ,} (1 " epal ment, There was 11, lm'n" , 1, lOug:- 11, .:;oO\'Cl'l1mcnt "managers, including se\'oral l1li71~ 'il;tenc ,tl1Ce of colhel',)' O\Yl1Cl'l-i and "f~llo\Ve~, In ~'eplying I 8<.tid it wa:::; n~J)~<':~,~~'s" (~~1do' a good discussion "dlSCUSSLOll, vVlth l'eg,tl'cl to M' Atl' , , 1d,Llff 1110 Lo ha,' lJeard tho remarks on c01TIlm]sion tllat 11. nn:::;~m 8, the GOY(,l'l1l11cnt 1nsl)ector's "bett' ' l . , < wasentll'lvOl)]) ' It 0 IL, 'If CI'lllg lt , wn.," " e1 c~rl'le( out on voluntary r ' n~, "1 ~)SC,( " was deslrable in the oXctlllinntio ~llCS,' ,1 \.(, t,' mm,'LOnary work- thn.t it 1hc " kula.nce Imowleclge sboulcl be il~J~l~l {{ manager certifieai s, am" 1 ve stretchen; at allminc but tl 8,' t \\ 1:'-8 nC?w the reguhtioll to " ,e t to the good sense of tlte 'l;WI in ,~~ l11S ~'~ctLOll ~n first aid was best " In} dearly profes"ionallife, ar{d latt~~l~; ~i o~n a lWlde expcl'ience, both "tl1a every confidence I rerllC111b 1l0ug 1 my ambuJanc:c wol'lr 1e early f' l' ,t V J'l7 able 'tdd ' 1 l' ... , "Ell' tt years 0 the Institute of j\[' , .; E " les, c e l\'el'eri in " ,10, ~ne of the most notable " .1l1ln~ :!'ngmee1's by 8il' Oeo1'O'o "b~lsid !umself, by force of cha~~~~~~:,~t~:dgl:le r~ of his time, who h~d "po~tI!-nlllgs of working in a pit to ~ B' c,apaclty, from the smalle't llOnasaMember ofParliamCl~t "G <t~~nel~y, p'lld a, prominent , I 11 em ge sald: Borulll the midst




16 " 'of the gl'eat population of miners, and associating and labouring with " 'them from my earliest days, I am fully cognisant of their sterling " 'qualities by which they are di tinguishcd, and that their industry, " , self-reliance, courage and skill are beyond prai e. I would entrust to " 'them duties the mo t difficult, and the most arduous, confident that " 'what men could do they would do j and in no other section of society '" hould I meet more thorough, con cientious, and resolute work.' " As an instance of what the miner has, very happily only occasionally, "to undergo, let me briefly relate an incident in an accident la,st " November (1903) in the Sacriston Pit, County of Durham-an inrueh " of water into the workings-a man who was rescued alive from the " pit after being in the mine for ninety-two lw'w's says, as oon as he "folmd that the ,,-ater was coming in, be prepared himself for any "emergency. He took the tub which he had been filling, and "which " was about three feet high, and gathered the loo~e coals about him in a " heap together near the timber which is pro,ided for each man to be " u ed when required for propping up the roof. He took se,-eral planks " and laid them from the top of the tub on to a heap of coals which he " had placed a few feet away. He then mounted on to the planks and " made himself as comfortable a possible under the circumstances, " knowing that a rescue pal·ty would soon be at ,,-ork. The structure " he had made raised him three or four feet from the ground. He was, " at the time of the inrush, working on higher ground than the other men " and the water, although it came into hi8 ";\"ol'king, did not rise a high " as the top of the tub at any time. He had a little foocl, 'which he , consumed on the fir. t day, and his lamp gave him light throughout " the day, but afterward he wa without light and food . Fortunately, " he had with him a bottle of fresh water, and u ing this \-ery sparingly, " he managed to make it last him, and when rescued he had still a little "left. He states that he kept up a repeated tapping against the sides " of the tub. After his lamp went out he lost all idea of time. " I continue to hear of good WOl·k done, in the tran port of sick and "wounded in civil life by the Horse Ambulances. At Ipswich, Northcc ampton, Isle of '\Vight, and other places, the removals haye been " numerous, and in seyeral cases covered long di. tances. In the City of " Liverpool, six fully equipped HoI' e Ambulance are attached to the "Police Station, and the calls upon them in] 902,had been 2,759 in number, " so that e,ery ambulance had been at least in daily requirement. In my " addre s at the :JEning In titute already mentioned, I aJluded to this " ubject as of importance to the City of X ewcastle-upon-Tyne and said, :( ( you al'e about to move your Royal Infirmary-admirably. ituated as " C it now i , in close proximity to your leading factories and works, and " C also the Central Railway Station-to a distance away on the Leazes. " ( An ambulance service, neces. ary as it is at all times, will be doubly " (needed when you ha,-e to move the injUl'ed to the new site. Let me " (recall to your remembrance the terrible catastrophe that occurred a few " (years ago at 'Walker Gate, when over one hundred were injured. In ( ( a letter I received from :JIr. Holliday, the then station master at the " , Central station, he said, (that the suffel'ers received prompt attention " (you will well understand, when I tell you that the explosion took " (place at 4.58 p.m. Twenty-four of the most severely injured received " (first aid and were placed in guards' vans, and we had them here at ( ( 5.35 p.m., and conveyed to the Royal Infirmary, close by, in a few (( ( minutes' As showing the importance of this subject, in the year "1890, the late :JIal'quis of Salisbury, then Pl'ime Minister, called £01' " reports from our representatives in all the foreign capitals, and in the " principal cities of the United States as to the means adopted in these


" various cities for t he ambulance transpol·t of . '1" . ( and these reports were presented t~ both II~~ Ian al~d mjure~l, "A?-gust, 1890, a.ud are well wOlth perusin o. ,:'3es 0 al'la?lent In " Rll'kenhead, and several other pla.ce::; havo b' . . f I~lCd th6n, LIVerpool, "Ambulance sel'vice under the mu~ici )'1,li~tgamze a re ular Ilon.:le " urgen.tly reco~llmend to all in authority \~ T ~!c. ~l ~vol~l, therefore " up tIllS questlOn, and place it on IJn-tcticall' a f e on- yne to take « sufferers from accident in this busy CC'lltl'e of ~neds tor the sake of the "I a tt enc1ed tl1e C'ongress of.th' . ' .t I In . us rv .J • "the 7th, 8th ancl9th July, and took fp~~~ ~·~h~l~ltut~. at .RraldfOl·d, .on "on Industrial IIygiono-a full I'C )01' f .e Ise?-sSlon l.ll L 10 sectlOn (( fcournal of the Sa.nitary Institute Jf J~n~lCl.l;h~~~.JlS pub~s!1ccl in the In. all other branche::; of am bulH.l1c \ r .i'· .' pagc .12. . "publIc bodie::;-like police, etc. etc _eI \ ~l {'. m connectlOl1 WIth oU!' ;: reports of work clone, and PJ'oo'{'e s )~lac1e con,~:nue ~o hem'. favourable I reach me of the exton 'ion of ~'t JOIll j" b 1]om tI~le to tllne paper8 "C1 . 1 .un u '1.11Ce In ,t· t' . omes-Au ,tl'~~li<1. and South Afl-ica and i ,'C'l IS 11~lC lOn In our fore we illay realIze tha.t tho wor]- is 11'1." ? 11 IS 1 J.lC 1:1., a,nd the1'o;; an~ d~~ng somothing to bridge o\~e;' th~~ 1::'~lfn clucatlO111d m(!uence, "whi.ch . yawn::; yet UllSpal1lled," and thel? " b tween clc~ss ~ncl c]a~s butmg m no s111<1,11 deO'ree to bC'll' ouL 1 C 1::;) no ~-1ouht It IS COl1tn;;:Lifeincluclingc1.11itsl~ower'of]o~-e of·wrH~t hu'1nu ~lC"l.s.taught ll.'that country is the l'iehest which' no JO.~ ~1 '1.1~cltlf a.clnlll'atlOll,' ewd that " (noble and happy human beings.''' UllS les Ie grcatcst number of


" °




classes have beell fonned [l t rJl1l'11Cmg ' · :tllCI other yanl . co Many cl' . nnecte WIth the ShippinO' inc1ustr}T Th~ f 11' c which is in 't I ' . b. . 0 o"Wll1g report, . t.' SCI ec . as typIcal of lll~llly constantly receivec1 is III BIBstmg as showll1 o ' ,,-h'lt 1 b I' ' at th 'v. ll~ .0' las con Cono 101' mallY yoars 1)[1.. t , B \ \ tl, \.er SlllIJ)-al'CI rt ' . . with th 11 k , l . ' ,n Important ll1clustl'Y connocted e we - ~1l0Wll EI "rIck " ... orks, N owcastlo-on-ri~}no. l


"f The . 1 Comillittee of the .lUubulan(;e 'or s ' .,' . t 1e work performed b _ t1 J p., 111 'pI esenhng th 11' report January 31st, haye plea l~re i~e.I:1c~1l J.cn; dUl'ln~ thc year ending on ~~ken place in the numhcr of C't ~t<,Lt:ng .t:.lttt a ft~l:ther redudion hn' ThE' members attcnded p( .1 eq Ulll11~ q uahhed fir ·t aie1. " the yard, and] casc of '1cci~ren<.:t cs of aselClcnt and -1 of lit within ?Frought ~o. Walker IIosl;ital in th~t ~ll:e :.' :t1helj ld f'lipway, which wa.· n additlOn anel a~ tIle . t f IP" ,1.) am Julance ya.n «( b ' c lJ . . reques of t1 ' 11-'1' '. hem. ers conducted the removal f 18. . ,1 ,Clf 10 pltal.authonLie " th ospltal on three o(;casions bvo Of ~t,tleI~S. rom t1~ell' homes to the ~~ .~wo occa8ions they mo,:ed cOl'}~se~ tfl~~ ~lng f. un da y s. Again, " I uary, each time on a f lunda . d m Ie 10~plta1 'wards to the y ~red fro111 one. ward to another. , an once at lllght a patient \Va.' f n no case dId any acc' d t " atal cases has not bee~l l:e~~'dld'o,~e f<Ltal. Thi. immunity from was us~d on two Occa io' e ~ll1ce 1 9? . 'nle 'ingl ton Chair d glfeatly faCIlItated the removal of the patIents. The total ns, Tmounted to 140-a cle~re~~~n~f er 0 cases assi~ted during the year l~~ gFand total . of cases a~sisted 7~y wIt.h the. pl'~yiou . year . "1 IS now 2 238. The i " Ie OlpS smce It::; mceptlOn in a most every ~ember of m~rb~d were dO~ a yaried nature, affecting y, an m all cases, whethel' slight C(











C( C(

C( C(


CftUPo' ?





f th C p were exerted to ensure the or serious, the best effo1rts. o. d °in . transport from the scene of " comfort and safety of t le 111J Ul e Ul bo Suro'ery 1 1. 0f " accident to theH o pI't a1 ' ac t ~ i of them being of the skul, Uli'tl fi 10'ers 2 of the latter bemg " There were 6 cases of " the rib, 1 of the leg, ~n . 3 old' II ~"\,ti;ns and 1 case in which ~ ' compound. There ",.ere 3 cases of fo~'~~rm fra~ture(l. There were 6 "the shoulder was dlslocated ~n~ in the electric power sub-station, "case of burn, 1 of them b em b 'nO' a damao'ed in ulator on one " when the electric~an wl~o was .repc\~~.t~ntj}v <pl~;ed his lef t hand .on " of the main sectlOn s,,~tche , lI?-~o. bad short circuit large (la, h whlCh " the other pole of ~he sWltcl caua~cide~t resulted in the loss of ~n eye 1 A consl' derable l)rOportlOn " severely ' burnt , tl hIS 1 face. of a fine no'er-enc. d f of "and two m 1e os 0 d d finO'ers head eyes, an ace. " the injurieF: treated were to the halIgOs a theO llo ti~es on which 'Mr. ' tobbs-w~s pre ent C?n a . ~ant in the rivet store-~Ir. "assistance was glven , and 11s5_ clas~s havino- been attended. by " Nelson-make a goo.d sec~n? ~. ~ , and brtiises, and the removal "him. The usu.al dres mg of ;n11~?\~ht!oes on daily in the rivet store, " of foreign bodle /rvci- tl:~beJteci ';etwe~n these two members d uri!lg "wa pretty eve~Tr il ISrl \he emem bel'S are ready and willing to assl~t " the pa t year. 1 ea. f he members by the nature of then' " whenever necessary, Cel'tam 0 t t .t than ;thers to render aid in " employment, .have mohe OPP?\r u~l~e~_~lr Kinnaird-a, sisted on 37 "case,~ of accIdent. T ~T' s;ore e Mr ' Urquart on 19 : and the " occasions j .Mr. George II' U.~ on . . u;lr - ')n 15. In addition to the "Vice-Captam-:JIr . .JaYles '.ci1tud e ,\Talker Ho pital the members H services rendered m t 1e .yar an. t: 'th the K ewda tIe Division "undertook public dbutr m aBs~~lad~o~nw;wo occa ions. The fir8t was "of the I t. .John Am u ~nce. lloa h Town ~Ioor A tretcher {' at the Tempera~ce FestIval l?- J l~nt on ')t o~clock till 9 o;clock on each " party with aPdphanfcethwafs tl~leaslen R~K~shments were provided by the " of the three ays 0 e es IV . " Briga.de authorities. . th t of the great political meeting in "The second occaSlOn was a R' ht Hon Joseph Chamberlain :: refreshments were " provided by the Conserva~lve AhSsoclatlbn.. t a suO'gestion to the " From last Annual lIeetm~, t .e men~ ers sen 't, rizes for a 'firm that in tead of contnbutmg £0 pell' alndnum t '?b1tPe th'1t sum . . . t th em bel'S theJ' s 10U con II u ~ " competltlOn among fell! . ' d that only those 111 em bel'S should :: least " announced .. This suggesLlOn wadS fav~tab~lh~~dv~~n~'inued weekly " ummer dnlls were commence on ay d F 'teen " ~ntil the end ' of .July with most satisfactory atte!b ~I?-ce\ ~0.ls the " members qualified to participate in t~e firm's con~n ,u :oli ~w?'urgeon­ " expenses of the pic-nic, and accompamed, b! Dr'1nn~~gBa~k ' IRoliday. « Instructor, they went to Hexham ?y hrake on. u~l Dinner and tea , The day was very fine and the outmg mos; enJoYli e. t I te 1"'luro-eon" were provided at the Abbey Hotel, Dr. i l'azer urs h a me1m b~rs at " Instructor of the Oorps, being present as the guest?f t ~ vhich the " each meal. After tea he expressed the s~prem.e satl~alt:(,~ ~vork had " day's intercourse with so many old aSSocIates ~n a;nl u:d reached "afforded him. The party left by brake at SIX 0 C oc , an " Walker after a pleasant drive, a~ ten o'clock. . .. ,therwise of " The Committee carefully consIdered the adVIsabIlIty or t e to " having a class of instruction towards the end of the year, u cam «





\n .


~~~g!aI)l?i~c?l~!l~~~:I~~~.' .T~~~em~g ~~penses ~nd

~h:l~:1~ ~~: b~i~~fi~e~ho h.idc~~~~~l~{~d a~

,twC?-third~ ~tet~~:~~d



" the conclusion that it would be beUer not to h,we <1, class until there " should be a better pl'Ospect of obtaining ~'e(;l'uits. "On behalf of the (;Ol'pS, the COmlllltLee hereby tender to MI'. "Stobbs a l'enewecl expl'es&ion of their [tppl'eciation of the interest " he continues to mrLllifest in tbe welfm'e of the COl'}m, awl of all his " ungrudging mId self-sacr!ficin~ laboul·s. to secu,re the ~1em b~rs) em~iency " at drill and in the handlmg of all applIances £01' dealmg WIth accldentf3 " either in vessels afloat 01' on the buiJding berths. "To the firm the Commit tee again tender theil' best thanks fol' "providing all necef3 ary renewa.ls of a,mbuJ:u~ce ·tC?res,. and for their " contribu,tion to the expenses of t.he Ba,nIe HolIelay pIc-lUe; whIch made " the function possiblr, and Wtts largely c?ncluci "e to its enjoymen t. " This graceful acknowledgment ~f the , r:'Tlce, of the (;Ol'p~, coupled al:; " it now is with the Annual :JIeetll1g te[t, m greatly apprecmted by the " members, and tend ' ve1'Y matel'ially to 'tinmlate their intere.'t in the " cause of 'first aid to the injured' in genera], and their attendance at " the Yard summer drills in particular."

It is gratif)'ing to stn.te thnt Iris Excellency the Viceroy has become Patron of the Indian Centres during his tenure of office. The Honornry Ol'gnni ing ommis ioner for India, Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Y nte, reports;I sent in my reportfor H.J02 I was fail'ly (;onfic1enl that the year " 1903 would see the Indian Oentral UOllul1ittee c ·tabli 'heel anel exerci. ing


" its fUllctions at Simla. The oppoltunities afforded me by the D Ihi Dur" bar for personal intcrview.' with thos> WllO ' , support I Heeded t ntlecl to " strengthen thif3 belief. Howevel'my cOllfid '11ee I\'a' misplae;ed. There " were those who thought that the iluD1monin ry of the 'ntral 'olllmittee " which I pl'opoBecl was premature. The nmttel' "was therefore allow d t.o " drop for the time being. However I see;Llrcd while at Delhi the SUI port " of several hiO'h oilicials who h,we all' acly in their yarious sphcres, either " helped the caUf3e of the I' t, John .,\]11 bulanec A .... o(;iation in Inelia, 01' at " least shown strong .. ympathy with and inLen t in it. 1 would mention "in particular Viscount Kitchener, (Jeneral ~ir Edmund Elle , and "Surgeon-Generals Rir T. Gallwey anel l'il' B. Franklin. Hi Hoyal " Highness the Duke of Connaught wa.· pleasecl to gnlllt me an intenie\\" " at Delhi on the 7th .January, and to allo\\' 111 to ,'ubmit a l' port of the "progress mttcle in India. He was plea' cl aho to con ent to be present " at the Annual General :JIeeLillg of the Bombay Centre. This took place " on the 24th Februc.try, and thanks to the (;ol'di[tl support of Lord and " Lady N orthcote and Ueneral Bir Hobert Low and th excellent <tl'range"ments made by !III-. George Lunel, fulfilled allreal:;olutble expectations. " The words which IIis Royal IIighnes' ~poke on that occasion reached H all parts of India through the Prc'>:';, and <..:ould hal'elly 11a\'e failed to ;: l;~ake their mark. I a~n sorry to say that Loru and Laclr N ol'th(;ote and SlI' Robert Low, havmg left Bombay, can no longer chrectlv help that " Centre, but I have reaS011 to be1ie'\~e th1tt Lord and Lady Lmningto11 " and General ~ ir Archibald Hunter will adequately fill their place. The "Bombay Centre continue' to be the st1'o11 0 'e t in India. It has pre" ~~nted. a challenge shield for competition amono' the police of Bombay. " Durmg the past year the Bombay f 'tore D pot has been tmll ferred " sole from Messrs. King, King and Co., who fo), mot' than two year ha ' held H L charge of it and managed it excellently, to the care of fro George und, Honorary Secretary of the Bombay Centre. On 13th Juno Me rs.


"Kino' Kino' and Co. sent in a statement of account showing that " £146'5 . 6d~had been remitted to t. J olm's Gate, and that tock to. the ., yalue of £94 had been handed over to Mr. Lund. Since then 1 beheve ., the sale of tores has been yery considerable, one railway alone having , ordered 520 copie of Cantlie's 'First .Aid.' Until the 1 t July both (. Karachi and Ahmedabad were worklllg under the Bombay Centre. "Ahmedabad till continue to do 0, but on 1 t July the Karachi Centre " was inauo'urated under the patronage of the Commi, sioner in indo " Since th:t date a fund of oyer Rs. 500 has been raised, and four 'first " aid' classes tarted, including one for about 50 emplo;v:cs of the J orth" We tern Railway. Of the five other well-estabhRherl C~ntres­ "Calcutta, l\Iadl'as, Baroda, Quetta and J abalpur-1 have receIVed .no " formal reports. Th~ most active 9.f ~hem appears to be J ab3:1pur, "whlCh " was founded by :JIaJor E. 1IcK. ,\'ilham~, R.A.N.C., seyen or eIght mont.hs " ao'o and which has already done con 'Plcuously good ,,,ork. The Clnef " C~~mis 'ioner of the Central Provinces i the Pre ident of it, and the " :JIaharaja Scindia of G,valior one of the Vice-Presidents. Of the Baroda " Centre 1 haye only to say that it is in the hands of the Chief Medical "Officer of that State, and that Dr. Dhanjibhoy Mehta haf) been " specially mentioned to me for the good work he ha, done both a a .' lecturer and as a translator of the manuals into Gujarati. " The retirement of Colonel Harvey-Kelly (followed by his udden and "much to be regretted death) has proved a ,erious loss to the .;\Iadras "Centre. Brigadier-General J. ixson, C.B., applied to me six months "ago for information, &c., to enable him to re-create the Dangalore " Centre; but, though 1 sent him all that was needful, 1 have heard " nothing furtber . " As regards the Calcutta Centre, the ill-health of ~Ir. H. B. Mason, " the late Hon. Secretary, ha proved a serious drawback; but now that "Dr. T. F . Pearse is again Hon. Secretary, I look forward to a recrud" escence of activity. Mr. H. B. :JIa on, some nine months ago, on the "occasion of a very painful and fatal accident caused by an electric "tram-car, showed great promptitude in appealing to the Calcutta " public to prevent the recurrence of this. He urged the Calcutta " Municipality to establi h ambulance stations. The re uIt was that " the Chairman of the ~Iunicipality, Colonel T. H. Hendley, lIIr, H. "B. Mason and others met to discuss the matter and frame a plan of "action. The re ult of the meeting ha , however, neyer been commu" nicated to me. I attach Colonel Hendley's report on first aid instruc" tion in the Bengal Police. In the PioneeT of 6th May, 1903, appeared "the following notice :-' All Police Inspector and Sub-Inspectors in " Calcutta have now to undergo a course of instruction in first aid to "wounded and ambulance work, and are required to attend lectures " at the Police Hospital twice a week." " COLONEL T. H . HENDLEY'S REPORT, ·· fth "The subject of first aid to the injured by traIDlDg Ambu 1ancs e " th e pol'lCe a t tb anas an d on ral'1wayand st e~m members of the Police0 Force. "boat lines has engaged Col. Hendley's attentIOn " for over 20 years past, and a papel' of hi::; advocating such training for " the native police and other similar bodies was read before the General "Assembly of the Knights of St. John in London as far back as 1883. " Recent cases of railway accident confirmed his belief that much unneces" sary suffering, and in some cases death, could be prevented, if the mem" bel'S of tbe police force were able to render temporary relief in such " cases, Accordingly, with the concurrence of the Inspector-General of " Police, a scheme was introduced into Bengal for the ambulance training

21 " of the Force in July, 1900, Training clas'3es have b d . " all he~d-qual·ters of districts, ::I.nd short a;ld ~impl~e~ op,~n~ neady " are gIven to Inspectol's Sub-Inspectors Head C OUli:> i:> 0 ectUl'es " intelligent const11bles, by the Civil lloi:>pital Ass' stonsL~blo .. , and even ;; Polic~ Hospital, under the superintenclence ot' tl~e aUf}ll ~h~l:ge of the eXal11111eS the men and granLs certifica.tes Colo 1 II 1111 Ulgeon who " (1, ?ourse of l~cture::; 20 yee11'S ago in lia' ')~lta,na n eI~C. e~7 gave such " fall' progress III Benga.l, which is cl uo to a}e co-o )~. t ~le pI oJ ~c~ IU1s made ;; ~nd the Dii:>~rictSup~r~ntelldentf> of Police. Thi r~ ao~,~~ gl;~L :Ul:~eons " sho,y that 111, 19~~ .3 -1.3 pe1'ROnS wero illi:>tructecl i~ the ' 1 .11: urgOOllS certIficates of cllimcllcy '3~2 all d J s!: )Joct an:l 164 " III . 1900 . I ] ' wm'e g'J'anLed , '10"11'11"; b' QV' I 'i I rO'>l)e; T ] 11 t 1e oarly IJal't of 1001 4})0 [ t Ie, "H '1 . . '. iJ u llspec or-Genc .. 1 CuHC f C' y,'1 osplta s also c:mIed 111 Illtroducing into BCllO"Ll tl ' h 1 1,1 0 . ~Vl " of the f 1 t. John Am bulance Associ,ttion a.1l1 b ' o. 10 ,Lm 1~1 ~mco tl'amll1g " ,vhich Lieut.-Coloncl Yate its Hon~],(.Ll'Y '(; 011 0 ,. t ~ho (;1\11 population, " in India, Efforts were aJ.~o ~n·l.de to f;t'-U't ~lnmlsllOnel', Ille waf> .organising "steamboatlines, and withsol11e'clco'l'c~of 'uc :c. ;;C,Ft 011 l'<tll,ways and ;; U?l11~?allies sh?,v that .their iliell c~re tau!ht CU'l~' u ' 1e rr°l't~ fr~1l1 these ale gIyen the lllstnwtIOns ncceSWl.lT to b l'e lcl se 0 tIC b'11Hlcl.ge and " cases of emergency, They h'l~'~' '11 '0 ' 1 .er Pl'Ol~)pt medical aiel in ;; ne~essal'y Jllccli~i~les and ap;Jli1.1l~ccs, sU111~~e(~~1~~1l: ell1~)lo'yees ;"ith Hallway authonLles haye open cl chs ' , ,. .'1.;> Clll Lengal f tate " the guards and ot.hor employees l'ecci~'~ ~tt. d.li,lere}nt cel~tres where "During ] 002 tho daf> 'e ' "}lO\\(1 f'"l .tl Ltllllng III t 18 ~ubJect. " . l' ' ,.., c 1 lcr pronTes ' -:) I' reCelYOC ll1~truction in th ubJ'cct "0"11'1 t '3"3!=> "., ,J-,JC, III Jl laYIng " tli . ' , n o ' ) S . ct· In 1 ()Ol t'fi t f e cleney WCl'e gran tecl to ] 51 .to"tim; t l(' l ' ( . . ell Ct1 c~ 0 " the In pectol'-lleneml of Ciyil cl{~' ". .J, 111 IDyl. At thc in 'tctll(;e of ;; In 'pector-(leneml of IJolice, in:-;tl'l~l~i~;~l':i~ ,,:l:(:..".lth the appl'~)Val of the duty at the (;ol'Ona.tioll D Llrb'1l' n, 1 \ (~~ gl\ en i.o the polIccmen on " vision of Uapt1tin ,V "\Y Uleme' .] ~ t D'1111 un1clelr th personal supel'" l't . 1 " S 1,1, r.~r.s ane. '11 other t] . b . " eq ua, 1 IS une el','toocl tha, t men \Y h - ",.. ' ( .1~ng, emg ~FefelTed for ~mployment. 0 po e scd the ccrtIhcate.' "'el'e " The followmg tabl 8ho\\'1) thc number f numb,~r who \\'cre granted certifi<:,1te~ of 'In ,? ~l:~n taught ancl the lotal lJumber of lIItHl recelyed ill'lrll!'lloll C ~~cn(!J'1900 372 . utal llulIliJer gral~~(l certificaLes. 1901 31'3 ];) I ID02 525 164 ].,)1







Ow t f Total] ,:2-to Total -±72 ]ll1g 0 requent absen(!e in Lhe Dish'iet mp et e the course and go up for cxamination.' ,'0111e mcn could lloL 19th .J.llm'c!L, 1903.




"AS t Quetta, I unc.1cl'l:;t<1ncl L}nL· " 1 engrosl:;ecl tbe time of [1,11 111ee1' .. l ' '"\ '81 Y un l~,~lLhy SU111mer , 0 ;; not b~ held. I most fully hOl~~~l ~ll,e~l tt]1<1t das~e ' of lll, 'truction could t' let ·10 pl'c:-;cnce of LOJ'{l Kitchellel' and 811' Hobert Lo\" 'tt t'lle " l d have acted asv c·an eil'ectiY?' mCCll1O' of th' C "wou e cn t re on :?stb .;\111.1'ch last " But apparently the rcsult h'1 ' b e stllllU~U' to g?od nnll useful work. the resolution of lI1l's ~l11itl' D CC!l pl'<1ctI~ally nil. J amJ informed that lec\ one belie · class throug}l. ;; Beyo~d that not}lil~g f seem~'3 t~lr.Cl~ " me:n t m one qual'tet' is howev ,~cL' Jeen COlle. A rcLrogradc lllo\'eIS more ~han six m~nths Sil~~' u~i1J~~~rJt~(~ ,~y pr~gl'ei:>S in allotl~er. l~e for mfol'lna,tion to enable l1im to f .J. ,c ~ragi1Yl' 1.11,:-;" applIed en re, and very recently I hec1l'd f . l' .0111: . 10. a lO1'C 01' Punjab tom lllll th,1t, \VI Lh Lh concurrence ((

""C it



22 "of the Lieut.-Go\'ernor (Sir Charles Rivaz) and the Inspector"General of police, 'first aid' instruction i being tarted in the , school at PhilIour for the training of all ranks of the Punjab Police. "Thi is very sound. :Major Rawns1ey, R.A.M.C., has been doing good " "ork in and near Ra"a1 Pindi for 'detached' c1as es; and he has a1 0 " been exerting himself to get the Punjab Centre formed. One sugges" tion of his I regard a distinctly practical-viz., that both English and " K ative oldiers who ha"e been through the military fir t aid course " hou1d be encouraged to pre ent themselves for examination for the "St. John Ambulance As ociation fir t aid certificate. I may also ., mention that I received a most interesting and instructive letter " from Dr. Lefl'oy, the Bishop of Lahore, about ambulance hygiene " instruction in mis ion schools. His lord hip favours it, but fears that " the Government Code for State-aided chools i an in urmountable "obstacle. It i on this subject that I trust to haye a talk with , :Jlr. H. vV'. Orange, the Director-General of Education, ·when he vi its " Karachi on th December. In a letter dated 23rd April, 190:3, the Chief " ecretary authorised me, on behalf of the Central Executi,e ommittee, "to addres the Government of India on the :subject of the intro:: duction. of first aid, home nursing, and home hygiene tea,ching in tate-aIded schools. This led to corre pondence ,yith 1\11'. Orange, "who has now been good enough to give me this opportunity of " speaking to him in person on the subject. "From Rangoon Dr. T . F. Pedley l'eports that male and female " c1asse. have been held, and that 26 men and women have qualified for " certificate . He add that, de pite obstaules, he hope, ere long to get :: the. Rangoon Centre d~finitely establi hed. Captain Cooke, the AdJutant, and ~urgeon-Lleutenant Gravely, the :JJedical Officer have o "commenced 'first aid' instruction in the 1 'urma Valley LiO'ht H~rse. "Recently, when :Jlajor-General Stratford Collins C.B. In, pector"General of Volunteers, inspected at I ecunderabad' a detachment of " the Hyderabad Volunteer Rifles, he was invited to inspect the ambu"lance section which had been trained under the St, John Ambulance :: A~sociation rules .and ex;amined and pa,.. ed by Lieut.-Colonel " GlID~ette, I.l\I.s., ReSIdency SUl'ge<:m at Hyd~rabad, Deccan. General Collins remarked on that occaSIOn that thIS was the fir.'t Volunteer :: ~mb~ance section that. had come before him, and he obviously "lIDphed tha:t .he hoped ~t. wO"';lld not be the la t. If the TIaihmy Challenge 0hle.ld competltlon 111 :JIarch next proves a success, it is , worth conslder111g "hether zeal for first aid instruction in the Vol un"te~rs should not be stimulated by the offer of a similar challenge " shIeld. " "I~ ~ une 1 recei:ed ~ letter from Lieut.-Colonel A. :JI. Crofts, C.I.E" ,,~otlfY111g ~hat ~IS HIghness the Maharajah Scindia was ready to ,,~ntI:oduce 111tO hIS . State ~he St: JOl:lll Am"?ulance system . I was ,,111Vlted to commurucate WIth HIs. HIghness s Private Secretary. I " recommend eel that some of the medIcal subordinates to His Highness's " eml?loy s~o~lld be sent to the J abalpur Centre for training under MaJor ·WIlhams. That has been done, but I ha,e had no further " report. " ." I ~ear. from C~ptain E. E. 'Ja~ers, at Port Blair, that the ambulance ,,~stlu~tIOn carned out by 1um 111 1902, under the auspices of Colonel "S11' RI~l~ard and Lady: Temple has been continued this year. The " auth?ntIes at Por~ Blall~ have a ~ery practical way of rewarding the " con~cts for prO~Clency 111 first aId and nursing. Those who gain the certificate are gIven from two to four months' remission of time for

" promotion to the next gra,cJe 'One . "first. a.id to, a. man who had bl'okenCCt·~lC~ :~lho ef['e~iively rendered " remISSIOn of tune.' lIS ug 1 l'eeelved 'one year's "The l\laJlual with"UI"lvCl(LpLCronII ~'110 ,I 1 "H ' of :First .Aid '.111 . ygIelle, (:ompl1ed Unlu aL P , ) . . OHler ul"slllgancl orne. H "Capta111 \ \ ate!':::! kindly sen t me cigII L ,o~ t JJliLll:' 18 an useful work. "have sent to the UellLl'CS where l' ( . ,O}l nl]l1e (;U1)1OS, somc uf whieh I "Aneel't' f' 1,GOO cOl.Jies of '11el ULTIH.1 v Ie oC'Ll ve'lllcWU 1ar. 1 Ion 0 <. " C.M.l::l"O , f I'-'Jurgeull-l\lc1]Ol' " . ~llCphel"(l's l. 1 ( Ll vl'am,latI 1\" 1 ' 011, bY J) 1'. A . J ukcs :: B.ornbay EcJueaLio.n :;oeiety'l:l 1.)1'es8. ll'u; Lrought by hIS plates for tbe IllusLmiions 'L11d Mi ", Ni 1]. 1. 1 . 1)c1n~lekcH' kllldly lCll t Zd " the proofs. WiLhoUL Lhc aid of tIl ' It ,. 1<1 1.a )-ud-clm Nakit <';Ol'l' <.;tcd "of w 1~Olll IS . 1,IlC .6 L'cJ'11,01' of tho cse 111, "\VU Ll .nt1iI \0 bO'e !1v'1,em en (t 1 le 'fonne!' :: experIenced greater diiliculty in g LLi~lc~J' ttt :>L\'~I,lsl'ln,tlOn), I .shoul! I have ~,dlted.. n Ie L.t 1 (. U tran:slaLlOll <.;orr ctly It has mv nun , eyeI' "1'11 " 0 rgamsmg ..becnCOlillnis:::!ioner i J " c'e I <';OlllIllCllCC fOl' Ind', . (I my work as Honora.I' ' thc support of, ullle< uJ'f " those iniluenticLl aHso<.;iatioll' "11([ lcl, " tb ., ~. UlacI "lC · \\ 11<';11 (1eYuLe Lhemsel ves to . e promotIOn of the soeial monl' " ll1habitants of Indic1 eiLllel~ 1<' LI1" ,Ule llll ell r 'dual rle\' clu IJl11ent of tIle "t,' 1 t k ' ) . D UpC<Lll 01' "0)'Lt"· II . . Ilec 0 eep 1ll to Udl \\'1 th 111e "' T "t' II IH 1. 1(' 1\ e.. "loI' . ,. V .1.'\ ,. IUlHL l'Lll \ , .li"L \ . e In llal'L1C ul c."I' 11 ISSlOnal'Y t1o<';lety the \' o Llller "\1' J, '1 .' . .L iSHo<';latlUl1, Lho Churdl " Yo '\T )' 0 11 CIl H Instl'L 1 \ " " d li ~lg . I om.cn s l.11u'isLin.n .1\ssol:inLiu 1 1 ' 1 .' I ..:.\.ssoemLI~)ll and bJ Ie a Cl J • .M \ e dOll' thlH both b l esslllg, eJ thcr by letLer 01' in' :: at the HCcLd-quarters in Londuu lhe :-.; many branches of c'wh uf tIle . ' I I' b;) III \ natIOns arid res:-;cd to tIle "of 'sympcLt ,I ' l' Sl)0118e ' . Tlllll IHHL, II")<L\.e met ,nth . a good de')'l letw all(l·. , III ,O l1l (;a8 'S \ ' t 1 ' c "" co -?p~nL t'1011. _I 'feel convillced tl1<.1,L if 'L~ '. \ ~ 1 O"eI~ull1cly pl'acli(;al " SOCIetIes \\oulcl take up amLu1an . , wo1'1' .; 1;) Ul all of th se powcrful would do. ,L gl'ent \\"01"1- o()lll f , I " ( JJ/ f/ mo/'e and tllOroughl \' 'llc "tl b t f \. 01 t lelll ·c h '8 1 f' l ' J 'v y }e, es·o llw,tcl'iLdfortlie,'t..Jol \. ,l.l:uH ~l'. uclm, Cl.lldpl'o\'ide III III Jll <L.11(;' hl'lga,de ". fI::lome SC"C11 111011tl1'' 11'1"e <,' now el' ,) l' <,' "m,~rmed1111e thaL the \mll'al EXCCll Li(~ll,sCil slJl~e tho 'hi·f I 'e(;retal'Y " a SlIver Challcnge :-';hiclcl fUl' C:01ll L" t' Comlllltt e had dec:ic1ed Lo oller " t~gethel' with L\\C11Ly guin as ill i~~i: ,I,()Il'l~1.I).ll~l~g th milways uf ludi,L, " han wa.s no en y llmtLcr' but '1.. f . . CS. I U ell1.'lllge for sudl a c:ompcLi"see,ms prob:1.bl? thcLL th' fil',t e(;OIl;L~ ,a~. C:<Lll,.l l1c1gc at this momcnt, it "through. If tIns bc so it wl'll be I, .1. lLlL110ll \\ III bc !:;lw(;e.'sfllllv (;H.rl'l·ecl R .A. 11 eLl" C \ ( ne l :\1' I.' .. " Ii .. L., H Ollomr), 1 'ccrela.!';), J 'd)'tll ~"c t 0 ~ H..lOl'.6. '\Ie K. Williams l " A onora1';), I 'cc:ret.ary HUlllba~: C:CI/l:. , c,\_j"e, and to .\11'. Ueol'g , " ugust 1 took "lth me .'Ill' 'L 1 . . len 1 \\ cnt to EllO'l'md . "s1tation" iLh flil' ful' the shield. '1' ,,~( <!P~" \7th :-;OIllC slighL modiii.ca.Liu;lLl~\ • .E'J]~~(h:·a.l'cls, It. \\ aH decided to "ao In L0l;luce ,1. l'<:llre:-;clltaLinn of ~\l'L:J1' l~ . \.ll1gt~n.,cll'Slgn. We agreed " lIls ,-!-sed lU the ,J nilmr Imllel'l' ,,1 L'nl'\"'] h<uql1l.L hm l:l ambulance ton 0."), i t aJor Dl ., <~ 1""\" ICC 'J' ran~l) ·t C' I behc\ctbat . n' , " ' .. lanpatHmsllLLIll i .. notf' T. ,', ~1 OlpS. " ~U~~Ol ~.ty on <Llllbulanc tl'<Ll1~ porL . l~~~l/ 1'111:\ ll~yown III England as an "Gall~e ll'~t llk inlnclia.. Whon as iLL tl~~) :>W~L]; :-;a.{'ym~.h~ ,stands " d Y oc me about hUll. COlT" . I, , En LllucLI"u'lhoma finally he 1)1'01'5 'uted me with '1.J~~SlIH ell~c beL\\ een u ' (;omlllcnccd "abh~:nbl1~ulcc (;<Ll·t <Lnd tOll'ra \\'l~id~ /U!ll ~f l)ilfutog~,,~phs, illu 'Lratill~ " t~ y, ~lS thoroughucs.', ~n~l hi 1- ' {t .. e Hu~llCJenL proof of hi~ J el" of l'egl'ct to me L1mt Major l>h::~~~\ ~l ,~~~ of hIt; su bjcd. L is ::1. " AJ.: . o~n .Ambulance JJao' but of Ll' I f1 <It It<\.1 dOCSllOi "ork under Lhe "wiNY IS Illvolv~(l in a Li war Lhl~S Sl' ~c sfrJ~ ~hat, if. cycr Lbe India.n 1 a we -eqUIp pod Ambula:n'<.;e Tnll<~ e ~ r; cLl})Ul' \\,111 com forward < HpOI vorp' to help the ~I clieal j






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lIel'be1~t l;el'~~:~ ~ "nlgn








Alt eu:~



:24 " er,ice, In the late eyere famine5 ~Iajor Dhanpat Rai organied a " larO'e amount of ambulance work. , ,. ,-'ince my return to India in _~ oyember I ha\e receI'-ed from ~Ir, , her ,. ~Iahomed 'of the Lahore. chool of Art a really e:s:celler).t de-;iqn for the :, Raihm,- 'hallenge. hield, It i-" howeyer, too late to u--e It, I ru:.n c, indebted for it to an application "hi9h I marle to ~.r r: :fercy Browll, . ll~ c, (::'eOl'O'e 'Yatt'. a::;-'i tanc at the IndIan Arts ExlubItIOn at .the D~lhI c, DUl'b~r, ~Ir,Pelc.r Brown invited ~Ir, ._her ~rahomec1 to.uhnut a desIgn, , and althouO'h it ha' come too late to be u~ed, I cannot but reconl my c. appreciation of it. In particular hi- ub titution of tbe Inc~ian Gocl c, 'Indur : for the fiO'ure of ~IercUlT truck me a' appropnate and , al'ti ·ticall)- ta"teful. .The Elk~gton vde' iO'n introduce' the tiu~r ; I con" , ider the god' Indur' far preterabl ; and only regret that the Idea came c. to my knowledge too late for u e. . '• , c, ~ 0 formal entrie~ haye yet been l'eCeIyed for t~e Illchan naIl~ay c; ChallenO'e ;_hield, but I under 'tand that the Ea t-Indian,., outh-Indlan, ,: Great Indian Penin 'ula, Bombay Baroda and Central Imha.,and Bengal(: ~aO'pur Railwa\~ intend to enter team, and I am hopetul that the . ~Iadra , ~ orth -,\Y e tern, and Oudh and llohilkhand rail" ,ay . may al 0 c: do o. The detail' or the competition haye been 01' are bemg arranged, " and there i, rea 'on to belieye that the re'ult "ill be eli tinctlyucce :"ful, The e railway' haye kindly con 'ented to grant free pa'e' on their (, line' to the competing team, . , . ,: If thi be 0, it "ill, I hope proye an addItIOnal ~rgumen~ ill ~a\our of .: establi hiner at ' imla that Indian Central ComIDlttee, whIch b needed :. for the proper contitution of our work in India. c, A. C. YATE, Lieut.-Colonel : HOi1Oi'ai'Y Of'guni,;lllg COIJIi'il' 'ion I' fOi' Illc!tCl. , .. hllL\_Cm, 30tk .:.Yoreilt~el', 1903. c,


"18th e:

D eceill~ei',


I, I had the plea ure on the 9th instant of a conyersation with ~Ir.

" H. W, OranO'e, the Director-General of Education in Incli::) regarding :: the introduction of in --truction in Fir t Aid. Home _~ ur'ing alld Home (: Hygiene in the College and, chool. of India. He showe~ a thorough c: intere -t in the ubject rum-elf undertook to, peak about It; a oppor" tunit~- offered, to tbe pl'oTIncial Director 01' P~blic In " tl'~lction and 0 (: the Head of College ~ . etc,; and named the Pollce and RaIlway school,,:, "the EnO'lneering Colleges. and certain a_:dum ' and ol'lJhana~e' a~ ,: institution' in which the .t. John _l.mbulance A - 'ociation . y 'tern ot " in truction could with advantage be introduced. It i' an i~11Jortallt c; point to have gained the UPP0l't of a high official specially commis 'ioned by His Excellency the Yicel'oy to reform the Educational ,y,t~m , of "India. He recommended that the. t. John Ambulance A -, OClatIOn " . hould be represented at the prO"\incial Educational Exhihitions, wlllc~ " are from time to time held. by exhibit· of ambulance materiaL and, It " pos ible; b~T demon ·trations·or'our methods of instruction and "-ork.. I :: hall bear thi suggestion in mind and act on it when I can do 0 Wlth " adyantaO'e, « The opinion of ~Ir, 'Y. BelL Director of Public In. truction in ~he " Punjab, i, thus expre. sed regarding tIle introduction of teaching o~ FIr .t " Aid, Home ~Ul'inO' al1d Home Hygiene in tbe ,'chooh of the PUl,lJab. I " quote from a letter just I'eceived from ~Ir. H. ,y, OI'ange, DIrectol'« General of Eclucation in India, (( After saying that he OIr. \V, Bell) was oppo 'ed to the introduction of " a text book of First Aid into schools, he added(C

.' C At the am,e ti,me Ie on on t1~e tr atl1~ent of accident::; and injuries ,.. would be u, etullll book on hYO'lene and 111 the ordinan- readinO' book " . or book-, on domestic economy tur girl; ,chool . Banrla'O'in 17 the means c, • of stoppinO' 9Ie~cling, ~li. ·tel:ing, cl'alill,<r with brui:e bu~ns~ and scald,', (. . treatment ot clL"locatlOn , tracture ' nake bite etc. mi 17 ht be dealt ... :\ith in ,-wIl)le Ie ~-';Oll', \re arc lluw IJrepal'ing ~ new 'eIie of books ... ror our school, and 1 houlel be glad to ee leoll of this kind intl'o.. 'dueeel.' I have no duubt that ~lr, Bell woull O'lauh- recci, e an offer .. of a ',j tanee in COmlJilin~ ·u<.;h 1, OIl. o. " I am no,,- \Hiting tv .Jlr, BelL awl I am £11-0 cun ultin o' two or three :. of my fellow-worker in India a tu how these le;;n5 are w be .. compiled. If, hU\\'e\'~r'l!ch a CumlJilatioll, of a Yel'y ~imIJl character, ;: c?ulcl ?e 'en,t to Imha WIth tIle authority uf the 1entral Executi'-e CO~Ittee,. It would be be ,t vt all. It appear., to me that it i. riO'ht .. ar: d III our mter '.t to pronde that fur which ther i a demand. .JIr, .. \\ . ~ell, ny doubt. cOl'l'ec:tl. - '-oice ' the rreneral opinion at eel ucator . in .. India, "hat he ay, agree ill general with what the Hi hop of . Lahore wrote to ~~, mne !llunth ago, 1 recumlllellde then that a .. ::>ill1ple manual ut .t 11' t Aid, Home . . ~ ur ill!!, and Horne H Y 17 iene be .. prepared u~lClel' the u1'der:, uf the l' lltral E: ecutiye 'urnmittee b,- a :: ' \lb-Colll!llltte~ c.Oll1 pu ~c! uf llPc!i 'al meu and utbel' well acq uain ted .. WIth lI?-clm, . It ,Coloud 1. ~, H 'ndley wuuld be 0 kind a COlbent to .,uper Tl e till bIt uI worl-~ It woultl I), uJ'e to b well done, .. 2, I h, ,YC alu ju .. t l'ecei\ ·d th I' port tut' l~Ju:~ uf tll Baro a c.: ntl'e :' annOUIJCll1!!.' that tuuryla:-, .e ot in tl'ucti Jll were held cluriu 17 th" year e; ~nd tha~ all th "tIl -: ~\' mbel'; HJ~::!, th. D,\\ an ,ahib vf th Bal'och " ' ~ate pI e .cnted <.; rtI1l~ate, to tlul'ty- L- liC tul ud nt ot fir [ ,C alel\ an.\l_ on beh~lr ot l~~:-, Hl~hlle th.Q (!aib ny ~all 1 dan h nOl'al'ium (. ut 1, _. -,)O.tO VI, l!hallJI-bhm ~I ·hta III l' >(;O~illtlOn ot the O'uod ..,,-ork (. ~one by 11~U1, It 1 wurth ~lOtll1g that one ui the ela e wa fuI' the ,,~hoolllll tree aud pupIls ut th . naroda Femal Training Culle~e,; c: • 3, I~ the ~n~?ry(~l't u,t ~ctubel', l!)Ua. I addl'e 'ed a l~tte1'-to .JIajor" Gen.ela,l J., . yatt,old. Cullms. C.B., Insl) ctor- (';' 11e1'<11 of \ Tulullteers in " I?-dla, lll\'1tlll~ lll_~ md awl co-operation in l>l'eatiillg til' t aid in trucc: tlO~ amu~O', thc,"\ ulullteer 'Ul'P " of lr,Hlia. (; '11eml 'ollill 'ady in c; ~ecembel ~rlche, eel tl:e fulluwmg CIrcular to (1)1'e umablv) all the ~, olunteer orlJ III Ineba. ~ ,: '''J~~E~ 'j'Il:},-[ h~ve b. e~ a ke 1 to brina' t ~-uur noticE' tha the t. c: : ' lll: m)u Clncc ._1. OelatIOn hn ve a branch in India. It i unnecec; C ~F t~Jl' ~le ,tv pnlll~ out th~ IlHlil J: .adY;~lltaO': ot <1 trninill .... in fir::,t c: ; ~(, 01 tha~ I~I :hE.'. l!1 tl'UctlOn ~1!llt()l'Jlllt.Y ot yt III i d irable. I ((' ould, th~l erol e, uO'I'-e, t that, ,It yc~u 11<1\ e not all' ady adopte(l .ome :: C 1Y tel~ of all~b,ula_nce 111 ·tru<.:t,IOll III ~·UUl' orps,. you 'vult! not du (; C ~~ttel. t~an ha\~ ~ our lllell tl'Umecl unciC' . l' theau [JI<.:e ui tlte. t. .Jo1m t C oonc, 1 1 _.1., \ '\' , the Or!fHl1l, 1110' , (( ; .lUt COl~Oc mtlOn . ., ' ,L leu.: ale" l~ arac~ll:. 1. c, f nfllls ~onel to tll As UClatIOn III IndIa, ancI b williuO' to O'i\'e any ill ormatIOn on the ubJ'ect " (I ' I · . ", ,~ llllg It ,mentio~ that the Yoluntecl', at home ha\'e adOI)ted thi-' SJ stem of Ill:tructI011. ,. C Your trull.. '(. ignec1) J., fRnl IJRD CO~LIX ' .JIajul'-General. c, The ~ ,. . . . JIl·llertfJl'-{.JUI I'cd o,f rolul1teu' //1 Jnd/f/,' "a be:-,ul! o_t tlll I,' that I ha\-e all' ady recelyed appli<.;ation trum cc st~l~l:~' ~.~ ~ ol,unte~r Corp ' a,'ki~1g "~hctttep' 'houl<l b taken to " all a) )1ic' ~ III ~1:s~aI,d, Til l'eqUll' cl lllful'll1cttion i" bcinO' gi"en to cc ChanI ant.' I fI1l . fa<.;~ endorse my pl'OpO al already mall that a enge f 11e ( and Pnze, should be om~red to be compct. d for in C'



" 1905 by the Volunteer Corp of India. If this wel~e done, it woul~, I "think en ure theit' working under our rules and III accordance wIth "our Ytem; alld this mu t obviou'ly be to the ad vantage of the "A ociation. "4. I have al 0 received a letter, dated 6th pecembel: 1903, from "Lieut.-Colonel G. H. D. Gimlette, C.LE. ~-{c 'l~ency urgeol~ and "Director of the :Jledical Department of HI' Hlghne s the :N IULlll " Go,-erment, in which he ays:..' . " 'I think that there i e\-el':Y pro pect of y tematlC mstructlOn. III " 'First Aid being tal'Led in Hi Highne s the Xizam' 11'l11Y, PolIce, " 'and ome of the 'chools, and I will do my best to ellcourage the " 'mo,-ement.'" .. . "In a letter received on the 17th Deeember, 1903, Dr. DhanJlbhm " Mehta Ul'O'eon to H.H. the Gaikwar of Baroda, ·wl'ites:" 'I h~ye r:cently i ued a fourth edition of my book on ambulance, , 'etc. In it I have made many change ' , a per Dr. Cantlie' book, e.g., " 'I hav-e added the remark on treatment of internal hmmorrhage, , (fracture of the houlder-blade and ternum, general sugge tion' about " ( the treatment of the uncon cious, and Howard' method of artificial " 'respiration. The. chapter OJ?- wounds, poi on , burns, and cald' have " 'been almo. t entlrely re-wntten. I have added three more cut, '" bringing the total up to eighty-three.' "The above indicates that work i going on well in the Baroda tate, " and is being kept up to date."

recent class included men who are Bunnans, the first of this race to have qualified for the St. John certificate. District nurses appointed in connection with ranches and Nursing Divisions continue to do y<tlllable service, especially at Richmond, Bedford, and Ramsgate, and thi good exmuple has been followed at the ,Vellington Centre, New Zealand. The Committee has to report with deep gratitude a legacy of £500, bequeathed by the late Miss K. A. Johnson, of Oloucest 1', who in the early days of the InOVe1l1Cnt had renderod valuable assistance to the Association in the formation of cIa sos for colliers and miners.

The Director and Chairman and the Central Executi"Ve Comnuttee feel that their best thanks are due to Colonel Yate for his indefatigable efforts to further the ambulance cause in the great Indian Empire. They desire to call attention to the admirable remarks of H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, quoted in full in the Appendix at pages 215-6. Ambulance work is well maintained ill the Australian and New Zealand Colonies, while many new classes have been formed in various parts of South Africa. At the Annual Meeting of the Cape Colony Centre in December last, l\lajor-General Sir E. Y. Brabant presided, and certificates were presented by His Excellency Sir ,Valter Hely-Hutchinson. A very full and interesting report is printed at pages 223-5. Classes held at Port Blair have been continued, and a very interesting address was delivered, and certificates presented by the,Chief Commissioner, Colonel Sir Richard Temple, Bart., C.I.E., now Assistant Director and Deputy Chairman, before leaving the Andaman Islands. At Rangoon, one of the earliest Centres formed abroad, a

The issue of Certificates for the past seSSIOn has been:First aid, mojo " female Nursing, male ... " female Hygiene

1 ,3].5 6,156

5 5 3,20;3


making a grn,nd total to date of 594,447. 84,062 medallions ha"Ve been i neel to 30th eptolllbor, 1903.

INVALID TRANSPORT CORP, '.-The rmlloyal made c1urino' the h past twelve months number 1,260, an increa e of '2 oyor the previous year, in adelit,ion to ,vhich 152 rOOlll to room l' 1ll0"Val' were made. One foreign, Lonelon to Pari, and 3 country journeys were carried out. Among t the lattor may be 111 ntioncd, \Veybric1ge to King don, near Yeoyil; YenLnor, LIe of ,right, to Berkhampsteac1; Ringwood, Lo Tnrnf'onl, noar Broxbourne; Darlington to London; N orwooel to Felix 'towe ; aio'nLon to Twickenham; London to Dublin' Yircu Ibrio-ht, 'alcom1)e, II~plepen, Burnley, Bournemouth (four time), N ottrno'ham, Lmcoln, and Milverton. Many long journeys by road ha,o al 0 been made. A large number of apI lication for rom oval at reduced rates and free have been received [mel re pondecl Lo. The h~rses and carriages have, as far as the Transport eryice permItted, been used in connection with the principal duties undertaken by the No, 1. District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. The


28 Hospital~~r

horses, carriages, and appliances, are in good working order and cond.ition. DUNCAN MEMORIAL AMBULA CE STATION, West I ndia Dock.The number of cases treated at this station during the past twelve months num.ber 393, making a total of 687 since it was opened in November, 1901. ST. P AUL'S A~IBULA~CE STATION.- A total of 483 persons (several requiring transport to hospital) received treatment at this station during the period under review. The grand total of cases treated now stands at 4,314. Members of No. 1 District St. John Ambulance Brigade are on duty at all the more important services held in the Cathedral, and also on Sundays as heretofore. The Report of the Chief Commissioner of the Brigade will be found in the Appendix. It furnishes renewed gratifying proof of the utility of the services of the Brigade on so many public and other occasions, often at no small self-sacrifice on the part of the members, and under conditions which have elicited warm expresslOns of appreciation from the Chapter-General of the Order.

In conclusion, the DiTector and Chairman and the Central Executive Committee desire to again offer their best acknowledgments to the Medical Staff and to the Executive of the Centres and Branches of the St. John Ambulance Association, and to the Honorary Surgeons, Officers, and men of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, without whose zealous co-operation the work of the Ambulance Department of the Order could not be carried on to an extent which has done credit to all concerned, and which has been in time of national emergency of the greatest utility to the State. In emphasising this expression of gratitude the Committee trusts it may in the future still rely upon the co-operation of every member both of the Association and of the Brigade, so that its operations may continue worthy of the best traditions of the old

Order, especiall.y as regards the developlnent of the AuxIliary Royal Naval SlCk Ber th Reserve, th e maintenance at full strength of the Brigade Bearer Conlpanies, the extension of Association Branches and Centres, and the formation of Brigade Units, both in the industrial and manufacturing districts, and in the British D ominions beyond the eas. f

U:he (Branb lDrior\? of the \D rber of tll( lboepftaI of $t. 30hn of 3ernealenl in JEnglanl), AMBULANC


Income an(Z Expendit1.we A ccount ~ the Year ended 30th Septembe1', 1903. INCOME.


To Instruction and Sale of Stores-

By Instruction and Sale of StoresLecturers' and Examiners' fees and expenses Salaries .

£3353 1542



0 5

Printing, stationery and general expenses

803 16


Carriage and freight

255 10


Expenses of Organizing Commissioner in India.


Gross profit on sale of stores Donations and annual subscriptions

respect of instruction

Printing, stationery and general expenses

4574 19

9 £9174

9 3



Invalid Transport Corps.Fees ror removal of patients

Expenses of remoyal of patients, including horse


7 7

0 0

Invalid Transport Corps-




Receipts from Dctached Classes alill Ccntres in

- - - £6004

hire, travelling and incidentals

£44.78 16

880 18





117 10







Repairs, depreciation, and renewals of carriages and appliances



1799 12 11

6 5

St. John Ambulance BrigadePublic duty and maintenance of stations




Brigade Chief Superintendent's salary




Travelling expenses

290 13 11

Printing, stationery and general expenses

412 11




7 0 1285 18 10

Special Competitions Balance


8 0


1 6

£11,539 10 6 We have exam~ned the books and vouchers of the Ambulance Department of the Gr~ndPrio~ Incor~le and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th September, 1903, is correct. This Accoun therell1. 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C. 30th December, 1903.

£11,539 10 6 of the Ol'cler f tl forms . 0 1e Hospital of St J J . palt of the General Income' al ~ l~ of Jru~alem 11l England, and certify that the above 1 ; xpen Iture ACCoullt of the Order, alJd is incorporated (SIGNED)





$t. Jobn Bnlblllaltce RssociatiOl1~ SUBSCRIBERS,

1902 - 1903.

(Received at Central Omce only, amlllot ineludilJg those recei"ctl by Local Honorary 'ecretaries or 'Clltres). A Donation of Fh'e Ponnds and upu:Clrds cOllsiitll/I'S (t Life "Icmbcr. An Ail1LuoT Sltbsci'iJ1tio/~ of Five Shillings (tlllllljlW(/J'{ls culls/illlies a/~ An!lual JllemUC1'. All A.terisk (*) sigllifies all Annual SnbscrilJer. Alexancler, Mrs.

* Benecke, Miss A. J\I. * Blackmore, Miss F. J. Blything, Mr. G.

* Bruce,






fi 0 Or,O

o ;j o ;,


0 0

Burton, Mrs. 1 1 Call'Ow, Miss E. H. o ;) 0 * Oapel, Ml'. Frank C. G :, 0 Oarr-Dyer, Mrs. o ;) 0 * Oeely, Miss o ;j 0 * Ooateil, Depnty IllspeeLol' General ::Jlatthcw, It.X. 1 0 * Oollings, lIIilSs::JI. B. o ., 0 * Davies, Miss o ., 0 * Davies, Miss Charlot te o :, 0 de Vernon, Oapt., the Man] uis 5 (I 0 * Dixon, Miss W. A. 0 :, 0 Durham Oollege of ciellce 1 1 0 Kltly, 11ft'. B. A. 0 :, 0 * Edelen, Mr. H. o G 0 * Ellis, Miss A. ::JI. o fj 0 Evans, MI'. P. J. o 10 0 * Evelegh, 1Ifiss o fj 0 Flower, iiiI'. Henry o :2 6 * Frank, Dr. Philip, 500 * GonIon, 1\11'. A. A. 110 Green home, i\1iss o ]0 0 * Haig-Brown, Mrs. o 5 0 Harvey Kelly, Col. 050 * Hoare, Major Sir O'Br,)'OlI, Bart. 100

* 1I1I11Il'l', ltey. n. * "III Memoriam" J.ll. P. ,. 1\ay, Sir Brook, Bart. l> Laird, ::JJiss Alic(! M. * Leach, .\11'. C. C. ... Lo\\'ry, General R. "T., '. n. McDona lel, ::Jlr. J .. * Lt. -Col. MeN a It,)", c. n. , l~.A ..\[,


1 0

o 5 o ;)


ta.rtin, Jliss F. * ~la.n(le, 1\1 i,,' Emily Max\I'ell, ~Ir. John May, Cui. W. All ll, ]:.A.:lf. "* MelllJlII"ll, Mi.'s E. * Kelsoll, liss Auua ::J1. II. orth, Lt. - '01. D. " '. B.

1 5

o '.

o o o o o

1 0 5 3 0

3 fj

o o

5 o

o o o o


5 5


o Lam,


o 10 o 5 o 5

~Jr. Harr'y



Parker, Rey. ,V. -, o 10 Pickel' gill, ~1r. E. P., :ll.l!. '., ., L. n. C.l'. 5 0 ) '. D. R. , . D. 500 ,. illlPSOII, MI'. J. o ;] 0 , lllith, Ml'. W. H. o 15 0 * 'tl'lcklulHl, ]\[1'. A. ,y. o 5 0 Taylor, ::Jrl'. J . A. o 10 0 * Terry, Iajor-General Atley 0 5 0 * Thackeray, Col. 'il E. T., K.O.13 .,


* TUl1ch, Mr. J. E. Tu ),o, Miss Yigers, MI'. R.

o 5 o 10 o 5 1




0 0 0


34 £1 11 6 110

II ales, Col. N. Y. A. * Wal tcrs, ::'IIiss

W cstbury , Mr. Claudc IVightwick, Mrs . .

$t. 501111 Elnlbtllance Bssociatio11.

£1 1 0 200


5 1 2

* Draffen, Mrs. W. Pitt Fowler, Mrs. " Fraser! Mr. A. E.






NOTE.-The Life lJIembm's attachecl to C'ent1'es Me not inclucled in this List. 2 2 2

* Hatclwl'Ll, Mrs. * Pricstley, Lady * Stillwell, 1\[rs.

5 0 1 0 2 0

0 0 2 0 0 0




DONATIONS PER ()E~TRES. 1 18 0 550

Tibshelf Wellington (New Zealaud) .

110 300 10 10 0

Bognor Lymington . Norwood

DONATIONS PER BRANOHES. Addlestone Cooper's Hill Fleetwood t. Austell . an Remo Scarborough

o 10

0 0 6 10 2 2 0 o 10 6 1 5 4 0 3 6

South Petherton Workington

o 10






7 7

DONATIONS TOWARDS :B1AINTENANOE OF STATIONS. Anonymous. Balham Oycling Club Chiswick Urhan District Oouncil Constitutional Olub Sports Committee Deutscher Radfahren Olub . Dorling, Mr. H. M. Early Closing Association Hairdressers' Athletic and Oycling Association

010 o 10 6 046 1 1 0 110 8 10 0 o 10 6

o 11


10 0 HOS1)ital Satul'llay Fund 73 10 London Exhibitions, Ltd. 100 0 London and India Docks 00. P addington Children's 10 10 Coronation F ete 50 0 Royal Agricultural Society £256



0 0 0 0

9 6

Adair, Miss H. 111. Amherst of Hackney, thc Lord Anglcsey, Marq 11 ess 0 f Argyll, The Very Rev. the Dcan of' Darton, Mrs. Alfrcd Barton, Mrs. Hope Bakcr, Mrs. F. D. Beddington, 1111'S. Bedford, Hcr Grace thc Dnchcss of Devau, Mr. T. 'IV. Deville, Mr. F. W. Balm, 1111'. G., c. E. Bolckow, Mr. O. F. H. Brakspear, Mr. H. Hay\\'arLl Drallston, 1111'S. J. G. Rreadalbane, the Mal'CFleSS of, 1<.G. Bl'cadalbune, the March ioness of Brittcn, Oaptain R. F., R.X. Brucc, :i\1is8 Christina 111. A. Bustros, Madame dc Burnes, 1.1rs. Esthcr . '. Byron, Mr. J. L. Campbell, Hcv. Cland Campbell, Mrs. IIngh Capel, Mr. Frank C. Cattell, Dr. G. Trcw Chichcstcl', the Ht. HOll. Lhc Earl of Clarke, Lieut.-Col. A., 1II.D., ILA.lII.C. Coates, Deputy In pector-General M., R. N. Cattail, Mr. Charlcs, F.Il.C. p. Cresswell, Col. Pcarson R. Crompton Oo-operative Provident Soc. Ltl. Crookshank Pasha, H. E. IIarry M., F.R.C.S.

Darwin, Mr. Geo. H., ::'ILD., Dawson, Lieut.-Ool. Dalton, Coloncl J. C., R. A. Dawes, Mr. B. 111.

F.R. C.P.

dc Ycmon, Capt. Dixon, Lally Dixoll, Mr. WaYlllllan DmlJ'ell, J\ll' '. W. Pitt El::mkk \r orks Accident and COlllpensation Fund Fcrrahoschi, Mrs. Figgins, Mr. J amcs :Filll1ClllOI'C, IlOll . .1'.11'. Justice l"irst Fruits (ller J. A. II.) l~rallk, DJ'. Pllilip Franks, Ml'. Cha:. IV. Fresh Ii eltl, 1\11'. Edwin, LL.D., F .. . A. Furley, Mr. F. II? Gooch, Mr. C. F. Oollls\\'ortlty, lIIajor-Gcllcral 'Y. T., ~r.I'_ Gonloll, iiII'. A. A. Gregory, Mr. Ilerbert E. Han', Mr. . H. Harrison, Dr. O. llntcharrl, :Mrs. Frallk Heap, )fr. Ralph Heap, )11'. Ralph, jUlll'. Hills-Jollll c, Gelleral ir J., D.~., c. '.n Hospital, alnl'llay Fund Hunter, Col. O. Hunt '!', }\fr::>., ofPlt'\.· Coell. Janl1, Mr. P. CI'CmiCll J el'yoi· ,Mr. . 1arkc JCn'oi.·c, Mi::>s . i. ClarKe 1\:11)" ir Brook, Han. Kemhall, cncral Sir Arllold H., K. C.I:. K.r.s.I. Leigh, the Lord LClley, Miss Longslalr, .1\11'. Ll. W. Luhy, ~lr . . Lucas, 1\11'. F. L. McOau land, Ui sA. C.

36 Ro s, Gencral Sir J., G.O.B. McClure, Lady S.D.R. .D. McCorquodale & Co., LtLl., Me5srs. Mr. l'hilip Sancton, McKellar, Mr. C. D. Sharp, Mr. 'William MacLean, !Ill'. Robert MacLean Singleto n, Mrs. E. Me Vicker, nIl'. C. G. Skerritt, Miss C. E. Madan, Rcv. Canon Steet, Mr. G. Carrick, F. R. C. s . Malden, Dr. F . J. Mr. John Stirling, aIartin, J'lli~s F . S\yeeting, Miss E. lIIax\\'ell, lir. J. W Taylor, Smgeon·1\Iajor, M.D. May, Col. W. Allan Tomkins, Mr. Alfred Savill Mitchell, 11'. A. C. 'T'ufnell, Lieut ·Col. E., M.l'., Mitchell, Mr. J obn Vacher, 1\11'. Francis, F.R.C.. 1I101yneux, Miss Waddy, 1\11'. H. Edward, 1LR.C.S. Iorcran Mrs. A. Hickman lI n , Walk er, Mrs. -eve, Mrs. Everard S. lYe ton, Lieut. ·CoL Gouid. Hunter·,F.s.A. "ewton, 1\Iajor J . IV. N. IYeston, Mrs. Gould Hunter · Kinnis, I nspector.General B., R.K. William, Colonel R. N orth, Lt. ·Col. B. nL, C.B. Wihnan, 1\11'. Charles Nugent, 1111'S . Arthur IVhithard, 1\11'. B. 1\1. Ogilvie, Capt. C, li. Wightwick, Mrs. Orde, :Jliss E. li. Woollcombe, Dr. Robert Lloyd, LL.D. Perrott, 1111'. E. E. Pickersgill, Mr. E. P., :M. ll .C.S., L.R.C.P. F.I.Inst. , F .. . s., ~I. R .I.A. Phillips, Mr. A. Wyndham, Major G. C. 1b "'1.\Tal'I'OW, nIl's. PoppelweII , "'I' .... aJor H . F . 'H\lTei Priestley, Lady "late, Li cut. ·CoL A. C. Reyher, Dr. Carl (St. Petersburg) Yate, Mrs. A. C. Rivington, Mr. C. R. Yate, CuI. C. E., C. S.I. , C.!ll.O. Roberts, FieldnIarshal the Earl, K. G., IT. ([,. Yatc, :Jlrs. C. E. Rodgett, :Mrs. Richard B.

37 HONORA.RY LIFE MEMBERS ( ElcctrJrl £n 1'ccognition oj clistillgnishc(l sen'ices in jlt1·tlzC!'illl) the objects oj the AssociaUon.) AbLott, Mr. C. Eo, M. R.C . S., Arthm, Mr. Davitl, M.I), Glas., ~Lil ., L.R.C.I'.I. c.:M. , D.I'.II., Call1b. Aspinwall,1\1r. J. 11'., ~1.1:.C.S., L.]LC.l'., Abraham, Mr. A. A ., L.lt.C'.S . r. Adam, Mr. Basil J., M.B. , & C.M . Lond . (Victoria) . Atkillsoll, lItl'. E., ;\l.f:.t.1-;., L .. '.A . Allam), Mr. H., M. 1LC.I'., L.F . l'.S., AtkiliflOll, Mr. F . K, 1,.f: l'.f· ., Lond. Gins. J\I.JLC.S. Adams, ,~\lr . J., :r.r.n., C.~L, ELliu ., L.S.A. AtkillSOll, 1111'. Rohcrt, )Ll:.U.I;., I"S.A . Adalllson, 1111'. James, ;ILl). Atkin 011, MI'. TlIolllus It., )[.f' . _ ~r.H.C . . , Adams, Mr. ~Il1tthcw A., F.n.O.s L.~.'\. Aitchison, Mr. Roc1el'id:, ;U . D. & Clf.n., Alldlall<l, )11'. \\'. E, )[,1: ( . s . ; flIelh . L. f:. ('.1'., LOIH1. Aitken, MI'. J. II. , )[,13., c.~r., Etlin. Austill, MI'. John A., :-1.11., -,,,I'l'I'. Aldt"rton, MI'. II. C., ~l.H.C.S., Al\.~lill, illr .. /ultll .T., ~1.11., \l.( ./1" T:.t:.I. L.lt.C.I'.L. AI'crill, ilil'. CIJUrJes, :-l.1) . ,DlldL,~r.ll., B .. .. Aldridge, 1111'. N. Elliott, )r.Il . ; c.)I., Bag", ;\fr. Cha,., :'I['Jl., )1ell,., ;ll.JJ., B.I;. L.Il.C.S., Etlin. ( "i ctl)l'Ia). Alexander, 1I1r. S. R., :r.[. n. 13agucll, )[1'. \Y. II., L.IL C.l'. E. " Ellill., L.:\1. Allan, MI'. C. ilL, ;I['A., Aller., ;lLD., Edill. Baildoll, )[1'. F. J., :'1[,1;., C . .\I., Ediu. Allan, aIr. Wm.; )1.13., l'.;lf., Gla . Baillie, MI'. Peter, :'Il.ll. Allen, Mr, William T. Doyle, :'ILn., D. CH. Baill, .\11'. Willialll, )1.]1., DllI'h. Alliu, Lt. ·Col. W. B., ;lLlJ., It. A. )L c. Rtllllrill, :\11'. F. B. J.,)I. H. ('. S , L. :-: .. \. Am lilel', MI'. J. Riehnrdsoll, '\Ll!. c. s., Bald Will, .i\ll'. T. A., II. .\., Dn U., ;If. D., L.ILC.P., Lond. ;11.11.; L. JU'.s. I. Anderson, Mr. C. 1\1., M. n. B a11 , Iill 1'. J 0 J11l ~\ ., ;II. n., ~1. n. 0.1-;. Anderson, :Jlr. George, ;ILl). Bank .. , :;\ll'. G., L.ILt.P.E. L.li.C.S. Anderson, ThIr. G. E. C., ;II. D., LOIl!l., ;II. n., Ban:lay, )11'. \'-n1. Ho\rie, 1" H. C.l'., B.S. (C,lpe To\rll) . ]'.I1.c.<;., Edin. Anderson, MI'. J. "T., M . •\., GIa'., ;lLn. Barclay, ;)11'. I\'. ~I.: L.lt.C.P., L.T:.c ... . Anderson, MI'. R. W., )f.ft.C . .. , L.n.c .l'., Barlow, ~lr. Arthur E., ;l1.13., t.)1. Lond. (~e\\' Zealallll). BarIle", Ml. ElIlct, :'ILl!. & ('.)1., .\ hcr. Al1derSOll, :Mr. IYm. tidillg, M.D . , GIas., Ba.lTOII·,:;\lr.G.A.,;lLI:.C ..... , L.J:.C.l'., LOlll1. M.B., C. :\[. Ba,rtcr, 1\11'. \\~. , ;I[.n., n.1.'.!., ;lr.ClL)I.A . O. AntheIV, Mr. F. IV. , ~[,lt.C.I>., L.U.C.I'. BaLcs, Mr. J. 'nrling, ~l.It.C.S., L.n.c .p., Lond. Andrews, :Mr. S., M.ll. C. s. Andrews, Mr. \\Tilliulll, ~!. D. Angus, Mr. Henry, M.D., Aber., Anners]ey, MI'. H . , M. D., &e.

;lI.D., 0 . .\1.

Alison, Mr. George E., :1[,])., B.C. , Camb. Apthorp, 1\11'. F. W., 111. 1:. C. 1-;., I..KC.I'.

Arl illgc, 111'. John F., L.ll.C.S., L. U.C.P. E.. Armstrong, 1111'. JOflcph F., M.D. Bl'llX. A, ld 1110 , 1\1['. E. Chal'1es, ~LI~., DUl'h. , L.S.Sc., F.R.C.s., M.R.C.I'.

Ballchop, 1\11'. \\~. F., L. It. 1' . 1-:. c' 1'. E. Deal'lIm ol'c, ?III'. G. R ll'.'C, II L.R.C.P., 1,OIl(1., M.H.C.S. Bca:;ley, 1\11'. Jame G., L.n.C.l'., Edin., L.F. 1'.1-;. , G1 u . Bc a 1I 1, 1~ 1 r. D anl . 1 L ., '\['1:.C.:> .. E'ng., L 1 L.n .l'.p., Ull(. Bcato n 1\11' li'rol1 1.- :'If D 1l c. ' . " , " ., ..~ . Ben,ttie, MI'. H enry, jnnr., 1II.R .C. 'J ],. I:.C.1'., LOllU.


38 Honorary Life Members.

Beattie, Mr. Robelt, :\I.D., M.r:.C. . Beaumont, ~Ir. Edgar, ~I.R.C.l:;., L.n.C.l'. Beckel', Mr. J. E. A. G., :\r.n., C.:\1., Edin., L. n.C.p., Lonel. Beddoe, :JIr. T. Pugh, n.A., Oamb., ~1.n., Oalltab. Bell, Mr. O. \Y. J., :\l.H.C.R. Rell, Ml'. J . W., lLI1., )1.:--. Bell, Ml'. \\Tm ., )I.H.C.l:l., L.S.A. Bennett,1Ir.H.G. IIclll1Lr,:\1.13. ,U . )1. , ELlill. Bennett, :Jlr. \\'111 . E ., L.n.c .p.,L.R. C.R.,E. Ben Oll :Jlr. ",1. H., :,1.,;, F.Il.C.S.I. Bere ford, :Jlr. R, )l.n.C.8., L. .. A. Beresford, Sl1l'g. Lt. (;01., R. Lle la Pocr,

Brayton, MI'. Th os., L.ll .. r. Ed., L.ll.C.S., Eelin. Brice, IIlr. Erne t, L.n.l'.r., L.n.c.R., c·C. Bri tow, Mr. IY . .1\1., ~Ln . C . s., L.ll.C. P., Edin. Bristol\'e, 111'. Hcrbert 0., :\1. D., Lond., ~I.ll.C.R.

Brittin, Mr. F. G. 11., ~I. D. Brog(len,l\Ir. J. 1<:. , L.JU':. 1'. , L.n.c . R.,ELlin. Brook, Mr. H. Darville, ;\1.1l.U.S., n.p.n. Droomhea<.1, Mr. Clta"., :\1.D., Ab(:r., M.n., C.M. Broughton, ~1r. H. '1'., :\[.]:.C.S. ~r.D. Drown, :J1r. A. Tenny Oll, )1.13., L'.:\!., Abel'. Bemay;;, :J1r. H. L., )1.R.C.R., 1..S.A. Brown, ~Ir . F. Gonlon, :\['ll.C.1'., L.~f. Bertrand, Ml'. E. de Lantoll1', )LI:.C.i':i. Brown, n11'. G. A., :\1.1:.l'.R., L.8 ..\. Beyan, Mr. Tom \\'., )f.ll .C.S., 01'0\\']1, nil'. J., :\r.D. Bro\\,ll, l'IIr. J., L.1l.l·. S. I., TJ. n. r.J'. L r..l1 .C. I'., Lrllltl. BrO\Yll, .1\11'. J . .1\1., F.JU·.S. Bihbillgs, :Jlr. J. IL, )1.13., C.)L 13ro\\u, nIl'. '.\T. P., L. H. C.l'. , Eelin., Bigg, MI'. G. K. Sherman, )1.11.C."" L. H.C.S., BlEn. F.R.C.S., Ellin. Bingham, )[1'. John J., )1.D., t. An,1. Bromle, 111'. G.H.,L.l:.C.l'.,Eclill .. L.~r. Binnie, :J1r. Alex. B., )1.13. & CH. n., l\Ielb. Bro\\'lle, Mr. An(li'e\\', L.ll.C.l'" Edin.,L.~r. Bird, :JIr. Henry, )I.J:.C.R., L.R.C.P., Browue, .1\11'. E. Langley, F.H.C.S , Belin., Lond . L.n .C.r. , Ediu. Bird, )11'. II., :\Ln., C.;\L Bro,,"ne, Mr. Robert, :\l.1l., Dull.; F.Il.C.R.I. Birt, :JIr. Geo., )f.13., Lond., :'I1.n.C.R. B)'o\Yllneld, Mr. E. M., ~I.Jl.l'.S., Blaekbul'l1, )11'. J., )1.n .0.8 . L.ll .C.l'., Eelin. Blair, 111'. Hobcrt, )f.D., Edin., )f.n., C.lIf. Bruce, .1\Ir. Hobert, lI1.ll.C.1'., Il.r.lI . Bloomfieh1, )Ir. G., L.ILC.P. Drllutin, )11'. James D., :\J.n., C'.:\f., Edin. Bloxam, )[1'. J. Astley, F.R.C.fl . Bruntoll, nIl'. John, ~r.B., (,ll.n., Clas. Blnmer, )Ir. 'Y. P., F.RC .S., Edin. Buchanan, Mr. Peter, ~1.13., C.~f., Gla~. Blytlllnan, :JIl'. C. ., ~1.lt.C . S . , Buchanan, :Jlr. \\'alter, ~1.11.C.i'., L .. · .•\. 1If.n., C.)I. Buck, Mr. elias. IYm., :'I1.1:.C.8. Bolger, )11'. P. T., L.Jl.c.:'l.,Irel., L.K.Q.C.P. Buiflt, l\Ir. R. C., ~LA., St. Am1., n A., Bollington. Ml'.J. D., L. R. c ... , L. R . C. P. E. Cantah., ~f.D., Ellin. Bolton, .1\Ir. R. L., L.H.C.p. 1':., L.r•. C.. . Bull, 1111'. IYilliam H., F.n.C.R., Ellin., L.R.C.P., L ond . Bone, nil'. D. J. )1., ~I.n., C.)1., Eelill . Boodle, :JIr. George A., :'II.1t.C.S., Buncle, nil'. A . , )1.1' . , C.:\f., Eelin. L.. ·. A., Lonel. Burges, Mr. R E., ~LD., :'If.C11., D. A., Boor, Mr., )r.D. ll. U.I. BmYer,:JIr.li'.G., ~LR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Burgess, Ml'.\iT m .lII., M.T:..C.S., L.S.A. Bowman, ~lr. R, L.R.C.p., LR.C .. . , Eelin. Burnctt, Mr. E. J ., F.Il.C.S. Box, nil'. Jolll1. :II. B., CH.n. BUl'l'illge, fill'. n. E., ~Ln., c.~ r. Bradbury, .1\Ir. John, :'I1.n.c.s. B11l'tOll, nil'. S. H., F.n.C.8., ~Ln. Bradbury, J\Jl'. J. B., L.. A . Butler, Mr. J . Kcrr, M.D . BraJley, MI'. David, )1.D. 1'..U. I. , Meh . Buxton, Mr. EthyarLl, M.D., St. And., Brayton, Mr. J. G., L.RC.P.E., L.R.C.S. ::'I1.1':.C.P., Edin.

ByrJ1c, 1\11'. P. Jas., L.ll.U.I'., L.n.c.~., Eelill., L.F.l'. '., GIns. Oablc, Mr. John, L.ll.C.l'. Bllin., L.lIL, L.F.l'.S., Glas. Oaffyu, J\11'. S . .M., ~I.ll.C.f;. Oairns, Mr. W. lUllrr:l.Y, :\[,13., u.\I., Edill. Oalll'e11, 1\11'. IVillialll, M.A.1t.U.I., :11.]) . Oampbell, l\Ir. John, ~r.D. Oam 11 bell, l\Ir. l\1<1,tthcw, :\r.13. , Cll . B. (N . Z. ). Oantlie, Mr. J., 1\1.A., Abcr., F.n.C.R. Cal'llolV, 111'. George A" 1\LlLC.1;.E., L.R.A. Oarlcton, nil'. John Shaw, L.ll.C.1;.I.,

Clu.rkc, 1I1l'. I\T. J., :\L1~.c.s., L.l'i .. \. Honorary OlaytolJ, 'ITl'. A. J., L. H. C.P., E(lin., Life Members. L. H.I.'.I'., EelilJ. Clayton, 1111'. J. 8., M.D., Belill. Clay tOll , 1\11'. \rillialll 1\:., ~f.D., Urux. Olaytoll, 1\1['. \\TillialllJlIa.rlle,L.I~.('.:-;.,Ird. Olegg, ?Ill'. H.iehal'll, )Lll., c.)I., [dU'.P. Olcmcnts, 111'. R T., L.ILl'.l'., Ec1ilJ. Cl clllcn t:-;, 1\11'. ,'<1,111 ul'l D., n. A., L.lt. ( '. i':i. , L. H.C' . !'., LOlJCl. Close, :Ur. J., :\r.ll. Closs, )11'. J. 0., ~r.D., Edin., )f.n., ('.)1. L.Re.p.I. Col<1strcal1l, ~lr . .A. IL, ~r.D., E(lin., )f.n., Ca.rnes, Mr. William, )Lll.U.S" Ellorf., (', .\1 "L'I',.(' . 1' . , 1'1' . . , ,'. '..lllJ. L.n.C.I'., Lond. Oolcman, ;)11'. II'. ,r., ~f.ll . C.R. Carroll, :J1r. Joseph, :\1.13., c.:'I1., n.p.II. Collic, ~lr. R. J .. )1.11., Allcr" )1.13., C.~I. Oarse, Mr. Dayicl E., :\f.D. Collinette, )It-. Frallk llc Beauchamp Oarter, l\Ir. F. H., )[.n., F.U.C.R. :'I['I:.('.i':i.E., L.l:. '.1'. Carvell, Mr. John Maclean, :'I1.1L c. R., Collinson, .1\11', I". 'iT I ., :\1. n., L. S.A., Lontl. :'II.l!.(·.S. Cassan, Mr. Theodore, 1\LU. c. s . Collis, ~lr. B(lgar, n.A.~f.n., D.l H. Oxon. Caunter, 1\1r. R. L., :'It. n., Urllx. COllllor, :Jlr. :'ull1ucl ,.:'II D " nol'. J., ~1. D. Chadwick, l\Ir. O. 1\1., liLA., OXOIl, :l1.D. (·lI. B., }ILl h. Chaffcrs, Mr. E(bn1., F.n.c.s. Cook, }Il'. l'crcinll R.. \UL n.R. Challinor, :JIl'. S. }lc}Iillan, )Llt. c. R., Coo11d).·, }[ 1'. Carey, )I. n., Lond. Eng., L.n.c.l'., Lond. Coo]ll'!', }]r. II. Pl'IlCCI', )I.l:.e.s.; 1,.1:.('.1'., Chapman, ~Ir. J. )1., )I. D. LOll!l. Chapple, .1'111'. W. A., ~r. D., (' ll. U. (.IT.Z.), COl'llll'all, Mr. \\'. C. IJ. \ Dull L I' (' l' nr.n.O,fl., D.l'.l1. (I.). Ellin. Charlcs\\'ol'th, nil'. II., :'ILn.C.R. Oosgl'<lI'C, .:'Ill'. Eo ':'\lcDo\\'cl, .\ .n., )I.D., Cha\\l1el', Mr. Alfred, ~r.ll.r·.~. I.. l'•. (J.P., Dul> . Lou,1. OOlll'tII cy , ::\lr. li. U., )r..\., 'amb., ~1.D , Chcescwright, 1\11'. J. F., ~I.Il.U.S. n.l'.I!. Cheetham, }lr. HulJcrt. ~r.13 .. CH.n. Contt -, )11'. J .•l.., )1.D., J.lbel'., :'Il.D., C.)f. Chestnutt, jlr. J 0111, I . J} ..\., L.n.C .. ·., Oo\yclll'l', .:.\11'. E. HolalHl, L.ll.C.I'. L.ll.C.l' .. Ellin. f..I:. C.S. Childe, Mr. C. P., F.lt.C. R. Cox, l\t 1' .•1.. ;\1. ll. Childs, Mr. Christophel', ;\I. A., :II. D. Coxwell, :J1l. 'ltn.rle;, Jc . .\[.1). , Cn.1ll 1l. Clark, Mr. Andrew, F.Il.C.H. Craig, }lr. Jas., )1.1:.('.S., :-'Ln., l'.:ll. Clark, Mr. A. F. 0., :\1. n., c. :\f., Auc!', Cran, )11'. Alcxall(h>1', ~l. n., c.)!., Abcr. Clark, Ur. Geo., :\1. n., C.:lr. ()r:11l, :J r1'. c: cor"p )1. II A he1' JI 13 0' C' ...'[ Clark, 111' . M• H., L.•. I' C. l' ., E l l'111. Oran, .:\11'. Jan1L' , )r.n., L.:'Ir. Clarke, nIl'. Albcrt E., :'II.J:.u.s., era.tCl', .:\[1'. K K, L.RC.!'., L.n.U. '., L.~ A., :lLn., Lond. Ellin. Clarke, Mr. E. camc , ]),,'c., E(1in., Orawshaw, ,:\11' . . , )r.n., cII.n . , ~r.H.C.S. M.D., "Ln., C.1I1. Orcasc, MI' . .1. Rohe1't,'oll, F.R.C.S., Edin, Clarkc, Mr. Thomas F., JUl. c.~ ., Orespi, MI'. Alfl'ctl J. E., :'II.ll.CP.r.' L.S.A., Lond. ::\l.ll..'.C. Clarke, Mr. W., M.D. Orossy, .1\11'. G. J., L.ll.c.r., J!.n.c .. ·. )




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... .





40 Honorary Life Members,

Cre", :Jlr. Jno.: ::Ir.n.c.s., L.n.C.p., Lond . D'E,elyn, iiII'. A. jlcX eill, B.A , Dnb .. ::II.D. Deyeni h-:Jleal'e', 1111'. A. L., r. n. c. 1' •• C\'itdJle.". j11'. Har\,.' G., ::If n., Edin. L. n . c. P., LOllll. Cl'ockPr, :JIr. J., ::I1.1:.C .• . , L." .A. De"i" :J1r. II. F . , L.l: .C.l'., )£. n.c.s. Crocker. jIr. James, ::II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Dickenson. :J1r. A. ?\ ewton. :'>1. D. Lond. ::II.R.C .. , Dicken 011, :JIr. J. J. ::If.}:.C.,. :Jlead more, Crot;ker. :JI\,. J. Dickey.:JIr . ..l.A .G., ::II.D .. Il.1: . r., L.R . ( .S . I. L.n.L'.p .. Lond . Cropley. jI1'. Hemy, F.TI.C.~ . , D.P.H. Dick on, :J1r. G. Cecil, )LD., blin . Dick. on: :JIr. John Dunbar, ~I.D.: n.lT.I., Cro ,:JIr. A.. J .. ::II.B., C.:'>£., Edin . Cros fiel(l; :Jlr . ..i. E., L.R-C.P., L.R .C., . , )LclJ. E,lin. Dick on, ilIr. G. '"r oo ~r.A . . Rdin .. "LB . . l'.:-I. Dillon, :J11'. L. Gerahl. ::I1.D.; J:.c. I. , ~!.cn., Cro sland. :Jlr. 'Y. H. Crow·ther. :JI\,. S1'l1e::.t E., L. R . C. P., L. ~1. L. t:. c. s., Edin. Dilton, :JIr. T . J., L. n. c. t, . Irel. TOo n. C. ]'. IreI Orump. :Jlr. T. G., B A .. (Camb.) L.R.C.P. , Dimmock. :JIr. A. F., ::If. DooDurh., ::I1.B. :-1.B., B.C. Di,ine, :JIr. John, ~LIl., C.~I .. Gla!". Cuffe, "lll'gcon-General C. :JlcDonogh, c. B. Dixon, :J1r. J . F .. ::I1.R.C.S. Culhane. )11'. F. J . F" ::I1.n.c . .' . Dobie, :\11'. H. omenille, I..n .c.p. &: ".E. Cnreton, :JI1'. E.l.. )I.D., &c . Dobie, )11'. J . X., ::II. A.::Ir.n, Cuscauen, j1r. (Jeo\,ge;L.n..c ... ,Ed.,&c. Doh on, 1111'. A., ::I1.n.c .. . , L.TI .c.P., Dand ... kar. jIr. Denanath, D. Xaik, L.::I1. Lond. &. " .. BOIn' "y-. Dodd, Licut .·Col.,J.R., n .A.::I!.c.,::ILD.,&:C. Darling, j1r. 2re'-ell on, )I.D. Dodd: :\11'. P.Yernon; ::ILL, ~I.D., ::11.1:.( s. David.::on. :JI1'. A.., ::ILD oo F.I:.C .P. LI:.C.P .. Lond. Da,idon. )Ir.l'homasA. .. L.R.C.p.,L.n.c .... Dom,ille. :Jlr E. J., L.n .C.p. , Lond., Da,ies, :J1r. Chal'le- D., ::ILR.C.S ., Loo .A. ::I1.n.c.". Da,ies, :JIr. David Ll., ::II.B., Gla., Dongla., :\11'. Cha . E., "\LD .. F.ll .C.'-·.F..:&c. L.n.c.p .. Edin. Donglas,Jlr.Clande, F.n.r.,;., L.n .c.l'. Da,ies. :JIr. E .. ::Il.D. DOl1gla ,ilIr. J . J ., ::II.D., Edil1. Da\'ies, :Jlr. Hngh E., L.n.C.p., Lond., DOle, :J1r. Augu tu C., :-J.D., Dnrhoo ::ILB., B.!'. ::II. R. c.,;. Do,yues, :J1r. 'Y., ~I.B., n.Cll., n.A.O. Da\'ies, :J1r. H. E.: L.n.c.p .. Lond . Da ,ie', :J1r. "idney, B. A., Oxon., ::II. D. R. r. 1. D.lvie. :J11'. T. L. Kenrick, ::Il.B.C.::II., Drage; ::Ill'. Lo,eli, ~1.A., Oxon., ::ILIl., ::Il.n., B.CH. E·lin. Drillk"ater, :\11'. H., ~J.D., E{lin ., ~I.I3., Davies; :Jlr. ,Ym.: ::I!. R.C.S . Davie, :JIr. ,Yilliam R ., ::II.B., CH.B. C.;I[., ::I1.11.C.8. Davis, :J1r. ArthurR., ::I1.R.C.. . , L.S.A. Dryden, :J11'. Ja . H unter, L.n.C.P., L.H.C. '., Eelin. Da;-y, :'11' John: F.R.C. '. Dawson, :J1r. C.; L.R .C.P., 'Ln..C.S. Drylaml, :Jl1'. J . W . , )I.n..C ... , L.:-L Da"son. _h. F. 'Y. E ., L.R.C.P., Edin ., Dmlgeou, J11'. J. Hepburn, L.n.C.l'., ::II.11.C.". L.ll.C.S., Edin . Deamer, :Jlr. G. E .. L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Edin . Duggan, }1r. :\10the1'"ell, ::ILR.C.S., Deane, :JIr. John H ., L.R.C.8., Ediu . L.IU':.P., E.lin . Denne, JIr. T. Y. de, L.R.C.P., ELlin., Duke, nrgeon-J1ajor '\T. A. ::IL1:.C.S. Duncan, ::Ill'. \\illiam, L. n.C.p., Eelin., D enni.~on, :J1r. T. S., ::IL1:.C.8., L.R.G.P., L.ll-C.S., Eelin. Lond. Dunkley, ~1r. \Y. \\., F.R.C.P. , Eelin., F.P•. G.S. De Renzi. :Jl1'. A. C., ::II.R.C.S., L.S.A.

Dunlop, ::Ill'.

hulllam R. , M.D., l.I. CH ., Fairbank, Mr. ' Y., )I.n .c.s., L.R.A . Honorary Life Fairclough, Mr. T. Bn tler L Rep Eel' 'I D ' . . . ., In., Members L.n.C .. , Eelin . Dunn, .J r. . .,:11. D. Dumo, ~Il'. John, :-LD. Falkner, Mr. H . G',':-'1 .H.C .. ·., L.n.C.p.I. Farmer, ::IIr. ., .:'>1 . n•. c'.8., L.R.C.P., Edin., Dumo, ::III'. Leslie, ::II. B. Dl1ITaut,1u.'.T A.,::ILR.C .. . , L.n.c.p.,Lond . n.l'.lI. Dyer, Mr. Henry G., ~I.D . , Durh., Fal'(lUhar Oil, Mr. D. P .lIIaclal'cn ""'[ B ., C.::II. L.R.C.P., Edin., :-L11.C. . Farrar, :\Ir. R . .Am;trutho1',)LA.,Oxon . ,~f.D. Dyson, ::Ill'. William, :lI.n. Farrer, ::Ill'. Geo . Albert , )I.n.c ..·., Eades, MI'. . 0., L.I:.C.P., L.1LC .. , Edin . L.., .A . Eagar, ::IIr. R., ::II.D. Fa,Ysitt, :JIr. Tho . . , ::ILn.C.!'1., L.n.C.p. Ecdes, ::III'. A. ymolls, ~LB., C.)I., Aber., .Fenn, :J11'. A. Gel' hOll! , .::II.B. .C.'f, . , L"'d'Ill. )Ln.C.'-'. Fenonlbct, :JIr. E. C., L.n. ~.I)., L.n.c.::;., Eccle~, j11'. 'Y. oltan, ::Ir.r..C.S., L. . A. . Edin., L.::If. Eddowes, ~urg.·Capt. A., ::ILn., EJill., Fentern, :\11'. P. heldon, ::II.D" Edio . ~I. B., C.:-I. Fenton, ::111'. :Jlark AntlIony, ::If'. n. Eden, ~Ir. n., :-r.D. Fenwick, .J11'. Pcrci\'al C '., 1f.B., 1 1 'I B E J )I. n.l'.:';. El wan " .J r. . . .,::II. n., Euin ., C.;lf. Edwarus, :JIr. J. Ha1ll1l1Crtoll,)I.A.,Calllb. Fel'gn on, ~Ir. J . M., L.n.e.p., Edin. ~I.D. I .. I'l" ,. oo., E1' (111. Elder, :\11'. W., L.n.C.I'. & .:., E,liu., L.)I. Ficlilill". :Jlr. Fredericl" ' , 'I ~. n .. El' (I n Ellerton, :J11'. John, ::ILD., t. And. , Finl!\\" Lt -Col Ln' . ::II. C • , • •l • • • l. P. 1., C. ~1. , n. A. L. n. C. P. Lond.: ::ILl~.l'.:-: . Fi hc!' :\11'. Thco(lol"' \ . Fi h -r' ~11' ' 1 ' 1 . C, _I. n., ::11. B. Ellerton, ~Ir. J. F. H. ,:lLD., UrnX' .. , ,~. 10,;" ::ILn. N." .. 1. .. .1. • . L.n.e.~., ~.~I. . ~~shcr. MI'. "'dhy E., ::I1.J:.·c.s., EllCf .. &c. EllIott, j11. "\I 111. HrlllllltOll ,::If.D htzrtcrall '1'I. 'E • . '" ( , .1 . "eltoll"\I D EllIs, :\11'. \rilliam jlcDonolwh :II D Drux FitlileOlT j11' /<. .::> ' \ ' • • • • O"", •• ';" • ~T~OI(re I )LI:.C.,;., Elli,oll, Mr. ArthUl',. )1 1:.c.S. ';;:l'" En" L ..~.: \. L Oll(. 1 " .: L.n.c.p., Lonu. Flaycll, nc,-. Thomas Elli 'on, ::III'. E. H., )1..1.., Camb., ~I. H•• "., Flcetwooll, :\11'. T. F., F.R. '.."., Irel. N Flemin 0' j11' • •\1. •J• , ::ILD., I '•..' T., ::ILC'II. L.n.c.p.,. L.~._L Elli~t ' " on, ::III. (T. ., ::ILl!.C.:-.: L." .•\.. FlcmilJf'. :\11'. H H \1 n D I~ E bl ~I D \ " . . , . . . , Hu. m :ton, ~ r. .C., ::II.n., Durh., ::11. 1:. C.":. Flctchcr, FlcLt-.:ur COil '" D" 1 .' EmblIn rr TIle IIo \\' H '" . ,un )llggO, l' C P I'"- - ., .1. \ I •. { .:'., E (111. l' L 0' ' 11.. ., L ..... 1. F. P. "., Gla . Forbes' ,~ItEttl onel., iII "\IT . . J I 11. :\I.A.1'. s('. ~J n C \[ PS,1. r. . J. :JlcCulloch, :l1.Jl., ALc!'., Forbes, ?lI1.:X IIa' ' - ',' .... ~I.B., C.~I. . ~,F.R.C."" Erhn., RX. 1.

I,.H.{ .P.L.

E\'ans, Mr. A. R., )1.1\.(.'., L.s ..\.. E ,ans, MI'. C. J., "1.ll." ... , T,,)I. E 1 ,ans, ~ r. E., )I.A., ::ILB., D.C., D. p.n. Evans, M1' . E . b ., ~~1 .n.c· l' . "., L.1l.C.1'., E ll11. 'I J Olll,::II.D. 1 'll~,l\r. E ~a

F or'yth, :\h·. Hobt., :lr.n., GltL·., ::II.n., C.M. Ffort, :Jh. Thos., )l.n.G. L l' C P Etlill. .., . .... , F ot1lCI'!!ill,;\1 J R " • I'. . .,:11 D ' . . ," t And .: E L. It.o.,· ., Ellin. I'ans, ::Ill'. O. O. P., ::ILD. Dnrh n' F ox, ~:\1 r. J 110. RaYlllond, )f. n., ::I1elb. Evans ::III' ,\' G ' .,. . Eve.' . . .) F.n.c.'., L.U.c.P. Fox, :JIl'. :\I. J., L.U.C.P L n c" El' Ishcd, j1r. Arthm R. Field, )r.n.c.s., Frankish :\11' J ., .•. "" (m. L.R.C.P., Lond. ) . . D., 1I.D., 'to And. E . ,t '1 ::If.R.C. '. \\ar, 1\ r. C. Theodore , •. :.r D. , AI,uCl'., F l' rau{Jsh, Mr. Thomas :lID C \1 'C. I1I.B., C.::II. < : - •• , . . . , B. Franks, iiII'. Kendal, A.B., Durh., ~r.D. Ewart illr J , . . , ~L D. F ra er, .J' I r . J . J., )1.11.C . . D


42 Honorary Life



Fra~er, ;'Ir. John T. , )r.n.c ..o.;., Elin.


Fraer, :\11'. I,m. Camb.

DUllcan, )r.B., c .)!.,

L.R.C.P., Eelln. Gillon, ::'111'. G. Gore,. )f.D., Gln~., :n.B.,

Gro';OIlO, }Ir. If, _1" :\1.1:.(. . . ,1,,1:. 1'.1'., H'Il'\'l'Y, Jll'. A" )1.n. )1.1:.r·... Honorary E<lin. Hatt oll, ;']r. c. ,~lokl';;, ~LD.; JJul'lI., )l.u., Life GroYl', }fl'. Ir.n., u. \., (·alll],., )I.B., n.c., 1).'<. Members

Freeborn, ;'lr. John C. R., )LA., L.R.C.P., Lond. '1' E J ke Fre!>r, urgeon'~l aJor - . JU' Fryer, :\lr. John, )r.ILG.~., L. .A. Fryer, ;'11'. Wm. F., L.n.c.p.. Edin" L.R.c'.~., Edin. Fuller, i\1r. Alfred L., )LR.C ... , Eng., &c. '11' F n T )1 D Durh ., •\1 • B., F U 11 er t on, ~l • ' II. , . . , B . 'I G C H C'1 Glas • F U1ton, ..J 1'. • • ., ••• , Furber; ::'III'. George H. , )J.R.C.S. Furley. ir John, C.B.

.)1., F . It.C.~., Etltn. Gimlette, :\11'. J. D. ,)1. R.C.: . , L. n,c'. P., LIJl1 t1. Girdler,. ::'Ilr. G. T. , L.n.c.p., L.n.C'.s.,E,lin.

Gntlirie, }Ir. J., :II.D., (;1<1;;., .\1.1)., C . .\1. I..IU'"., Erlill , &.c. Gllttel'idge, .Jlr. "'ilkill::; (Ta.llIallia), M.D., H ayne», ?Ill'. talllp.y L., )J.D.,

L.'.A . Gordon, :Mr. W. A., )LB., C.)1., Belin. Goudie, :JIr. H. , )LB., C.)L, E(lin. Goulder, ;'lr. F. '" )LR.C .... , L.n.G.p.,

Fyffe, 111'. "m. K., )I.D., B.C.,)LA ,Cant-ab. Ga1Jh, :\11'. C. Baker, )LR.C .. , L.R.C.p., Edin. Gahb, :\Ir. J. E., )I.R.C.~., L.n.C.p., Edin. Gaffney ;'Ir. C. Burke, F.R.C.S., I rel. Gandy, ':'!1r. "-., )f.n.c.:::., L.. "A. Gane, 11r. Edward P. ., )LR.C ... , L.R.C.P., L ond.

Lond. Graham, :Jlr. Arthur R., :'of.A., Co. I. , Cam b., )1. B. Graham, )11'. G. R. :Jr., L.R.C.P,I., L.)L Graham, illr. G. \\T., )1.R. C.S . , L.I:.G.P. Gram haw, illr. F. ., M.D., 'to And .. Granger, illr. R. F., L.R. C.P: & .. , Erlm. Grant,:JlI.Dundas. )LA., Edm., )f.D., .Ln.

Gardner. 111'. H. K. , )I.B., C.)f. (Gla ). GarJner: ~r. H. Willonghhy, )LD. Gardner:, urgeon R. H., "'LB., A.)I.D. Garrard, :\Ir. I",. A., .LR.C.S. Garrett, Mr. C. Dudley, )LR.C.P. Gar, on, ;'11'. J. Hill R os, , )LB" C.)f., D.P.H., Cam1J.

Grant, :\Ir. G., )J.B., r.)1. Grant, ;'II. ~-. ;,lcKaY,)L n.)I. '., 'Ontario). Grant, :JIr. Ogilvie, )I.B., C.)L, Elil .. Gray, ;'Ir. Alex " )I.B., c .)!., Glas. Green, ?lh-. H. :Jr., )LD. Green, ilIr. ',illiam T., )Ln.G.:-:. Greenl1algh, 111. A" )l.n,c,~., L.n.c.p.,

Garstang, ~lr. E. :Jr., )I.D., L.R.C.P., EUin,

)1.B., CH.B. Greenhough, Mr. Y. J., B.A., Cam1J., .LB.,


t. And.,

~lr . P. B~'oome, Y.n.c.s., Eelin.,


Glen, :\lr. John, )l.D. Goddard, :\11'. C. E., )l.D. " Godfrey, ::'IIr. A. E., ~f.R.C.. God\Dn, ' urgeon.:\IaJor C. R. 1. Goonman, :\11'. Thoma H., )LR.C . ... T

Gascoigne, l\lr. W. E., L. R. C. S. C. ~L Gann, :JIr. :\lcCallum, .I.B., CH.B. Green'Woorl, ?lIr. A., ~r.n . c ... . Gentle., :Jlr. T. L., L.R.C.p., Lond., Greenwood, ;'Ir. A. Young, )I.IJ., ~LCH., Edin. L.F.P.S., Gl a . . Gettings, :JIr. John "., L.R.C.S., Edin. ,L .. r. Green'Wood, :J1r. C. D., )LR.r:.:-;. Gibb, :JIr. W., L.n,c.p.E., L.R,C. . Greenwood, :JIr. C. , . , )LR.C.S. Gibbon, ;'Ir. F. W . , L.R.C.P., Edin., Greves, 11r. E. H., ~r.D., Edin., ~1.B., C.)1. L.)L, L.R.C.S. Griffin, ;'11'. J., )1.D. Gibbs, :Jlr. A. l.~. Godby,)LR.C.S. ,L.R.C.1'., Griffin, illr. 1., )l.R.C,S., L.S.A. Lond. Griffiths, ;'lr. A. Y., )L R.C.S., L.S.A. Gibbs-Smith, Mr. E. Gibbs, L.R. C.P .I., Griffiths, Mr. Franci., )LB., C.)f. D.P.H., &c, Griffiths, ;'11'. John ... , )r.n.c. :., L.R.C.P" Gibson, :Jlr. C. P., L.R.C.P., Bdin. Lond. Gibson, ;'lr. J. H., )f.R.C. . Griffiths, ?lIr. P. Rhys, ~r.B . , B.:., Lond. Gilbertson, :JIr. James H enry , )I.R.C ... , Grimhly, ;'lr. R. H., )LJ{.G. ' ., L.. A. L.R.C.P., Lond. Gripper, 111'. \\Talter, ~LA., Can tab. , Gildea, Colonel James, c.V.o., C.B. )I.R.C.S., Edin., )LB., D.P.H.

ITa.) l''', .?Ill'. II. Ir. ;'ICe.lUlI)', ~1. 1•. 1'.1'.,






M.1LG ...


Erlin., )J.D., Heald, ?Ill' . .T. II., ;\1.1:.('.~ . c. ~I. H eal'lJ, ?Ill'. I:. Le Fallll, ;\[. n" :\ll'! U. Hu(lwen: }II'. "". R., ~!.D., .'t. Awl. H ealllCote, ?Ill'. B. A.; ~f.ll" (' . .1., Ab '1'. '\f.l:.r,:. Il'JL1JI,·tliwaite, ~I]'. H., )I.Ju'. ... , Hall, Lt.·Col. Lees, 1: .. \,)1 I) " )UU'.:. Hedle.y, ?III' ..Jo]llJ, .J.D, Hall. )Ir. T. (;iUIJIl Jj" I.I'.C.S., Belli·!'; M!'. J. B., )r.D., .J.D., M.n. Ire!., L.n.r.p., Irel. (.-1 \ Z an<1,. Ji f'llly.l\1r . . TJaw Oll, .LB., B • . , -"l.A ., Hall, ~rl'. ,,'m., f.lJ., 13 I'll:. , r.l .r ..... , Cautah.

Gwynn, :\11', Chas.

.J.D .,

Edin. Halliday, :\11'. F., ~[.r. . G .... , LI:.C,P. Halliday, :Jlr ..J. ""., ;\1. H,r'.:. Hallill'ell, lHr. H. X., -"I. IU',:., r•. ' . .\. Halliwell, :\Ir. T. Oates, ~f.JU· . .. , L.J:,r',P., Lou r1. Hallows, .JIr. H. Piullingtoll, :I!. D" E1liu. Hamilton, Colon!:'1 Haw B. H. Hammerton, JIr. J., :\f.D. Hammond, .11'. Irlll., :1I.r. .IJ . . , L.lLC.P.: Erlin" J... r. HamIlton, )11'. A. C., :lI.D . Rm(oek, :\11'. H. Rn hn, r.J·.I·...... HaHIl, MI'. H. F., 1..1:.('. P, Elliu., .I.I! ...... Hal1l,ali, :\11'. IY. T., .. I.B., '.;1[ . , D, ]'. H. Harlhe, :\11'. R., . LB., ('.;\1. Hardin-" MI'. y;" ~LB.

HqlLul'll, Mr. \\- . .A., .LD., "'t. An(l., F. r. P. '.,


Helley, ~II'. H em)"

M.I:.~.C., E(lill, IIewat, MI'. :\1., )r.n.. . r. (Cal e Towll). He\\'e.t~oll, 2'111'. Rich r 1. )r. H,C . .

JIey: :\[]'

C. E. _lilnb,



C,mo ..

;\r.n.l .. , r.. r..~ , p., Lond. lIe) rr I ,~[I'. Y . • -., M.r:.C.~" JIp),',

\1.. \1 tllllr,

HicklC'y, )11'.

1. B.,


(. L


1. R.f'.


I . It· .1 . ( .1'., J.Ollu.

JIick, .?Ill'. H.. ,n.('." . IIi~rrili"', }ll'. (;harh H., .Ll. II illal-jy, Mr .•1..., L. J!. '.1' . , Lont!., . LIt. c..

II'111'0, 11

~I ~I'.

I.. H.C' . . ,

J am·,



}'• I'lll.

Har~reave, Ir . .?II. I\:ippax, .J.D., Gla·., Hi!, , '\II. AHJelt, Harmel', .rr. "'111 , Allan, L ..... A., LOlHl. Harris, Mr . .T. B., "LD .

M.n., ]\1.13.,

I.D., F.l!.C'.P.

Hi lop, ?Ill'. "~., .Ln., .I,H.C, Hodge, ~l!'. W., )1. R. t. ., L. I:.C .P., Loud.

Harris,?lIr. W. T., )r.ll.(! ..~ ., L . . A. (PortIIodciilJ, .\11'. Ir Her W., :.'>l.fJ., n ..... Elizabeth). H oli'lIlan, Mr . .]. )r., .f.l.l., G, oM. ':' •. Hrica) H~lTis·Li ton. :Jll'. Llt;wellyn, )LR.C.·., II 0,"", :JII'.,A, W., L.I:.C'.P .. I .I~.L. ., L.R.C.l'" L ond . Edill. Ha''l'i:'ol1,





~L . P.J'" ., J•. H ,r'. P.

R Harr~:,on, )fro E., ~r..A .. Caw!)., JITL"On, Jll'. S. H'Jp",

II~rt, :\It·. A. II.,


I. . I . 1 .1'. , )1.1:,(· .....

Rarri 'on, • [I. T. H. II ., L.R.C'. 1'., LIJl1ll, Harri'iIJI1, }h. IY. A.,

:'1. 1:. r' , '. ,

;\LJJ .


Bl'Ux., IIogg, ?Ill'. R. H., .n., ..r.n.c.:-. II Olen,. 1 1 \1 I'. 'co, II . R,.,.f. \.,

~f."' . ,


..H'lrtley i ~lr R. ~y., )1. ll., .\f. R JJ.


HolmalJ, :'Ill'. R, M.HJ:. . HolI11e ..., )11'. I\'. R i(l, .1.D" c .. r.


.\bor., "r.n.,

H ult, ?III'. It 0" 1.. 1:,('. P., E(1iIl., F.H.C ... Ellin. H ultholl.,:, 2'111'. T. Le Gay, .\1. fl.C . . H oltol!1, 2'111. 0 .. . Ln.G. ,

4:5 Honorary Life


Honman, Mr. A., M.R. O.S . Irving, Mr. ,Yilliam, III. R.C.S.E., &c. Hope, Mr. John L. A.., III.R.O.S., Eng.,&c. Jackson, :ThIr. E., III.R.O.S. Hopkins, Mr. Thos., M.B., CR.B., B.A. Jackson, Mr. E. S., 1>I.B., O.III., Edin. Horne, Mr. Geo., III. B. , OH. B. (Victoria). Jackson, D el nty- urgeon-Gelleral Sir Horne, Mr. George, M.D., Edin., &c. Robert ,V., O.B. Horne, Mr. J. Fletcher, III.D., St. And. James, Mr. AlfreJ, J., M.D . Horne, 1111'. T. , )I.D. James, 1111'. F. P. R., L.R.C.P., Edill. Rosain, Mrs. Harriett M. 111., L.R.C.P., James, Mr. P ., L.ll . C.S. L.R.C.i>., Edin. Jannie, Mr. R. III.A., III. B., C.III., Edin. Hosier, .Mr. C. H. S . , F.R.C.S, Ire1. Jarvis, Mr. J. H. E., M.n.C.s ., L.R.O.P. Hosking, Mr. Archer, III.B., orr. M., Edin. (New Zealand.) Hossack, Mr. J. F., F.R.O.S., Edin. Jay, Mr. "Frederick Fitzherbert, M.D. Howard, Mr. Heaton 0., III.R.O. Jeflcoat, 1111'. F. H., B.A., III.B. (New Zeal), Jenkins, Mr. J. J., L.R.C.S., L.H..c.p.,Edin. H oward, :Mr. J., L.K.Q.C.P. Howard, Mr. Jas., )I.n.c.s. Jennings, Mr. E., M.R.C .. , Eng., L.R.C.P. H oward, Mr. Jas. F., III.D . (New Zealand), Howden, Mr. 1. D. Olark, M. D. J ohnsoD, Mr. John, )I.D. (Victoria). Howell, Mr. R. E., )I.B., c .)I., Edin. Johnson, Mr. amnel, f.D. Howlett, Mr. Edwin, F.R.O.S. Johnson, Mr. Thom as, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Hoyland, Mr. S. Stenton, M.D. Johnston, Mr. John, )J.D., Edin . Hudson, Mr., JlLD. Jones, Mr. A. Lloyd, D.P.II., Cantab., Hudson, Mr. H. E., III.R.C.S. M.R.C .. E. Hughes, Mr. D. Arthur, M.R.C.S., Jones, Mr. Benjamin, M.D., Durh. L.R.C.P., L and. Jones, Mr. D., ltLD., )I.S., l\l.R.C. Hughes, Mr. H. G., L.R.C.P., Edin. Jones, Mr. D. Davie, )LD. Hughes, Mr. H. L. , F.R.O.P., Edin. Jane, :\11'. D. M., M.D., Edin. Hughes, Mr. H. Le\"\'is, L.R.C.S, L.U.C.P., Jones,:r.rr. Francis G., )I.n., c.)!. Edin., L.)L Jane', Mr. G. 0., l\!.D. Hughes, IIII'. H. M., III.B., M.R.C.S. Jones, 1111'. Herbert, D.p.rr., Cam., L.n.c.s., Hughes, II'. ,V. H., )LB., C.)I., B.SC. IreJ. Hunt, Mr. Robert, M.R.C.R., L.R.C.P., Jones, IIII'. H. D., L,n.C.p., L.l1.c.s.,Edin. L and . Jane, Mr. Hugh, )LB" C.)L, Glas., D.P.H. Hunter, :nIr, E., L.R.C.P.E., L.M. Jones, Mr. H. Gladstone, L.S.A., Land. Hunter, Mr. 'Y. L., )I.D., D.P.H. Jones, I1Ir. Joseph, )I.B., CH.B., Yictoriu, Husband, :nIr. J. 0., M.D., )LR.C.S., L.S.A. Jones, Mr. J. Arnallt, )I.n.C.R., L.n.c.p. ,. L.R.C.P., Edin. Hutchinson, Mr. F. Blade, III.n.c.s., L and . Edin., L.R.C.P., Ellin. Jones, IIII'. Rees Rowland, III.n.C.S., Hutchison,]I,1r. F. S. T., M.B., B.CR., B.A. L.P•. C.P. & L.M., Edin. levers, Mr. Eyre, M.D., Dub. Jones, Mr. Richard, L.n,c.p., i\Llt.C.S. Illingworth, Mr. O. R., III.R.C.S, Jones, Mr. Robert L., III.R.C.S. Innes, Deputy-Surgeon-GeneralO. A., III.D. Jones, Mr. Rowland, l\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. In glis, Mr. David ,Yood, III.D., Glas. Jones, Mr. R. Tel son , )LR.C.S., L.n.C.p., Inglis, Mr. H. M.,1II.B.,M.S . (NewZealand). Land. Ingram: Mr. J., L.R.C.S., & L.R.C.P.E.,&C. Jones, Mr. T. Reginald, 1If.R.C.S. Ire:and, Mr. Oharles J., )I.R.C.S., L.A.S. Jones, Mr. Richard, M.D. Irvlll, Mr. J. H., 1ILR. C.S., L.R.C.P., Jones, 111'. ,V. Makeig, III.D., Durh. Ire1. Jones, 1.111'. ,Vest Irving, Mr. J., M.D. Josellh , 111 0 P" Edin • lY r. Al an, L.n.C.R., L.R ..


Joynsoll, Mr. Geo. T.,L.F.l'.s.,Glas.,L.s.A. Jukes, Mr. Andrew, L.nc.S., Edin. Jumeaux, Mr. Benjamin, 1I1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin. Keith, Mr. Alexander Ewing, M.B . Keith, Mr. J. R., M.D., ('.)1. Kolly, Lieut.-Oolonel R. \ 'ant1elenr, C.B., F.R.C.S., Edin., L.ll.C.P., Ec1in. Rennedy, Mr. J. W. (New Sonth ,Vales).

1{ennedy,111'. W.,

F.n.C.S., 11'01.

Laurie, MI'. Oaspar H.., M.D., Buffalo, Honorary M.RC.S., L.R.C.p., L.S.A. Life Lauric, 111'. R., !\I . D., ELlin. Members. Lavcry, MI' . .1. A., L.ll-C.l'., Edin. Layics, MI'. Harry, M.R.C.l':l. Lawrence, MI'. H eury Oripps, 1>I.D., Durh. Lcary, Mr. Edward G. , 1>1.D. Loash, 111'. J. 1'., M.D. Le Cronier, Mr. IIal'd ,~, IC ' k , L. n.c.p.

Lond., l\I.ll.l!.~.


Kel', Mr. H., F.Il.C.S. L oc, Mr. B. J ., L.H.A., Land. Kerans, Mr.T. G., L.R.C.s.I.,M.n.c.r.,Irel. L ee, Mr. Edwin, M.H.C.S. L ccs, Mr. 'Y., l\J.R.C.S., L.....\.. Kerr, Mr. James, !\I.D., M.A., Oantau. Kerr, Mr. \\'m. J., )I.D., cn.D. L ogat, Mr. Al1llrew, )l.D., Edin. Key, Mr. D. T., )Ln..U.S. Leitch, MI'. W.O., 1,.1<'.1'.8., GIn. . K~ys, M~" C. 'Y. 1\1oore, M.D . , A.)I.D. Lcmarchanll, i'llI'. A. ,V., ~I.R.C ... , ELlin., KJlcanohe, Mr., )f.R.C.S.E. L.n.c.l'., LOlld. Kilgarriff, Mr. M. J., F.n.c . . . , Irel. LenlJox, lUI'. David, M.D., Ellin. Kilkelly, Lieut.-OolollCI, M.D., n.A.1I1.C. Leslie, 1\1r. H.. Whyiock, )I.D., nx.r. King, Mr. F. Trull)" M.D., C.)!., Ec1in. Le\\'i , .1\11'. T. II., )!.It.C'.S. ~~llg, Mr.R.T. L.R,C.s.,L.n.s.c.,Irel.,L.)[. L:",ys-Lnyd, MI'. En11l ; )Ln. ' ... ,Eng.,&c. Kmgcombe, Mr. A. P.: )1.11.C.S., L.S.A . Llllcy, MI'. J. II., M.D. Kingsbury, Mr. Edward, )1.D., n ..\., Dnh. Lillies, )11'. lIel'uert, )LH.C.i';. ~ingsbUl'Y, ~lr. G., )L D. Liter, :\11'. Tboma D.,)f. D., Lond. hll111ear, Mr. M.D., c.)I., Etlil1. Li.itlc, lUr. J., )f.1>. 1~~nsey-n~organ, MI'. A., :'II. n., Dnl'h. Liltlewoo(l, ~1r. Ilarry, F.ILC .... l1'kpatnck, 1111'. William, D,,\., ;\f. n. Llo)'ll, Mr. E. J., )1. D., A bel'. 1\])apl), & 1111' . .i\lontagn II., ~I.I:,c.s., Eng., Lock, nIl'. John G. ' ;\I.A. , 'amil ., T.. l', . C.P. ,




)!.1:.(' . ~.

Lodge, MI'. P. G., ]'.:'11., L.~ .. \. Lod\\'itloC/c, Ml'. C., )1. r:.c.s., L.I:.C.l'., Land. Loe, •111'. J. ., )!.ll.C.S., 1.. . • A. Long, 1\11. 'Y. J., )J.D. L ore,l 1 Al 1'.1 .Ull . 1.'T. , L.n .U.l'. , L011c1 ., ")I . l', ... C "~. Loyc, 1\11'. IIcm,}', !l.A., )r.n., Dnrh. Lovely, !Ill'. O. N'C\\'tOIl M.n. DUl'h L ow, MI'. A. Brllce, )I.D., ' Edin , . . Knyvett, Mr. H. Ferrel'S, L.n. c.p., Edill. Lawson, Mr. C:., )J.D., C.:I[., Glas. L. i\I. L),110,111, 1\1 1)\. G~., M.n.C' .. \f .\ '[ D .l\ 1'. ' - ... , -'. . L acey, M'l. All an R., L.U.C.l'.: Land. Mc .\dal1l, Mr. Robt., )f.D. Lachlan F , M.n., n.... L . ' Ml' . Geo . . i\[cAllam, Mr. Robert Louis (,Tictoria) umg , Mr. James T., M.D., C.M., Eilin. :i.\IcAldowic Mr Alex M \1 I) . ' . . . ', . .. L umb , M·l. ,y . II., M.lt.C.s., M.n. Mc.\hstel'lIe\\lill(fS 1111' ~'T F b , . \\. j., M.n., Lambe t M F C..~[ . (NT Z) . L 1',1 1'. i . S., )I.ll.C.R., L.n.c.p. ' ..... Kneale, Mr. J. 0., L.Il.G.r., Etlin. K . L.n. h c.s., Ec1in. mg t, Mr. A. 0., M.R.C.R., L.R.A . Knight, ~11'. W. H., L.n.c.I'., & ~., Edin. Knight, 1111'. W. J. R., M.D.) 1:. U .l. Knott, Mr . Oharles ,!\I.n.c.l'., E LIll l' ., i\IR K .. C.S. nott, Mr. Wm., M.n., Ellin. Knowles , 1111'. H .,.r. i\I] J., D'l III 1.


done. McCandlish, Mr. Johll G., T.1:.C'.1'.,El1in., ans own, Mr. R. G. Poole, M. D., Durh. L.H.C.S., 01 ~ as . L an t our, Mr. II. A. de, M. R. C. s . Latimer, Mr. H. A M D D '1 McOarthy, Mr. Justin MeO., ~r. D. ., . ., ll\ l. Macartn y, M1'. R., L. n. c. r., Edin. L

46 Honora ry Life Member s.

IIIcOlellantl, 1111'. H. A ., ~I.R . C.S . , Eng.,&c.1\1anley, III!'. H., M.A., Camb . , C.M., B. C. lIIacaulay, IIII'. D . J ., lII. D. , Brux ., I1Iann, Mr. Chas . F. Grant, B.lII., M.S. L.R.C.S., Ellin., L.n. C.p., Edin. Manll, nIl'. J . Bentley, 1\f.I1.C.:-I., Eng. IIIcCullagh. :JIr. John, L.n.C . . , I re1. :&1an11er, :\11'. 'Vm. By., ~J.B . , C.M., GIas. lIIanning, Mr. Le~lie S., M. B., C.M., Abel'. IIIcDonald, lUI'. Geo . Bruce, ~I. D. Macdonald, Mr. James, l\I.B., c.)!., EJin. Mantle, Mr. Alfred, U.D., Dlll'h . IIIcDougall, IIII'. Finlay, F. R.C. S.E., Marriott, IIII'. C. ' V., M.D., St. And. L. R.C . P.E. I1Iarriott, Mr. O. D., lILl) ., Glas . IIIcD owell, MI'. William C. W., U.B., M.S. Marsh, I1Ir. F., F.R.C.S. IIIcGachen, 1\11'. F . ' V. D ., L.S . A., L. F. r.S., I1Ial h, 1\11'. J . Hedley, lII.n . c. s. , L.R.C.T'., Glas. LOllll. Ma.cgregor, IIII'. Geo . Robt., lI!.D . Marsh, IIII'. J. J., L.R.c. r . , L.11 . C.S., Edin. McGregor, 1\11'. J . , )!. R. C. S., L. R. C.P. Marshall, 1\(1'. G . , L. 11. C. P. I1IcJanet, IIII'. F . 1\1., lI1.B ., C. lI!., Glas. l\Iarshall, urgcon-I1Iajor J. J . de Zouche, McKenzie, Dr. A., )f.D. L. RC.S . , Ire1., L.A.H., Dub ., L.lII. I1Iackenzie, iIII'. Duncan J ., M. D. I1Iartin, l'.II'. Al bert, ~I. D. Mackenzie, Mr. Ernest, IIr.D. I1Ial'tin, IIII'. C. 111., M. D. Mackenzie, Mr. F. 'Vallace,M. B., C.lII. ,Eclin. I1Iartin, Mr. J ., )LD ., St. Anti . lIIackenzie, 1\11'. Henry D .. M.D . I1Ial'tin, Mr. J. M . H ., :I!.D ., Vict . lIIackenzie, IIII'. Jas ., lII.D . I1Iartin, I1Ir. J. 'V., ~J.D . lIIackenzie, IIII'. John, L. P,.C.P. , Edin. I1Iartin, IIII'. S. E., M.D . I1Iackenzie, IIII'. W . S . , L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., I1Iasse:r, 1\11'. H. C. P ., L. R.C.P.E., Edin. )l.H.C.S. Mackie, illr. John, M.D . I1Iatthe,Ys, IIII'. C. E., M.D. , Oxon. Mackinlay, Mr . James R, lI1.R.C.S. Matthews, 1\11'. Yalentine, lII.R.C.S., L.S.A. I1IcKisack, lUr. H. J . , lII . D. l\Iay, Mr. Thomas F . lIIacKnight, I1Ir. Chas. C., l\LB., CR.lII. Maynard, 1\11'. J . Clarkson, lII.R. C.S. Glas. lIIears, IIII'. F . C., )1. D., Durh. McLaren, I1Ir. J. T . , lII.B., L.R . C.P. lIIehta, Dr., Dhanjibhai. IIIcLean, MI'. C. J. Russell, lII. D. , Edin. nI el ville, Mr. S., :II. D. lIIaclean, IIII'. E . J ., lII.B ., Edin . I1Ielnn, all'. James, M. D., & C. :l1. lIIaclin, :JL'. Thomas T . , :l1.D., Glas. Mcrcer, n11'. 'V. , lILD . IIIcLannahan; Mr. J . Gunn, L.R.C .. 1., &c. Merryweathcr, Mr. James, lI1.P,. C.S., L.S.A . MacLeod, 1111'. R A., lII.D. (New Zealand) . I1Ietcalfe, lUI' . 'Yilliam, L.S. A. I1Iickle, Ur. Adam F . G., lII.D., Aber. I1IcMauns, Mr. L . Strong, lII.D. McNab, IIII'. A. A., M. B., C.:M., Glas. B.:I!., M.S. McNulty, Lt.-Col. Geo . W., C.B., ~1.D., Middlemiss, 1111'. G. , :lLD . , Durh . St. An(l., R.A.lII.C. Milburn, IIII' . C. H., M.B., M.S., Durh. I1IcN aubO'ht, IIII' . Grace, III. D. 1111'11 ,n. 1111' G eo. S .,1\1.., D Ed'Ill. .ll McNeal, Mr. James, lII.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P. Miller, IIII'. James, M.B. , C.lI!., Eelin. Macneilage, Mr. D ., L. n.c.p . , Edin., J\Iilligan, nIl'. R A ., L. R.C . P., III.R.C.S. I1Iills, 1\11'. R J., lILB. , C.M ., Abel'. L. F.P .. , Olas. MacXidder, :Jll'. James, M.B ., C. M., Bdin. IIIills, IIII'. Wilton, L.R.C.P. , L. R.C.S., Etlin. McWilliams, IIII'. G, F . , lII.B ., ~LS . 1I1ills-Roberts, nIl'. E. A . , lIf.n.M.S. I1Elue, nIl'. Alex. C. , L.B.C.S. &P. , Eelin. lIIadde\'er, 1\ll'. John C. , )I.D. Mains, Mr. John H., L.R.C.P. , Lond . IIIoberley, Mr. S. C. H . , l\I.R. C.S . 1I1alcolm, IIII' . Chas., L. R.C. P., L.R.C.S., Modlin, IIII'. I. Gibson, M.D . Edin. IIIolteno, Ur. V . G., B. A., 1Il.B., B.C., (Ca}Je Town.) IIIalpas, 1111'. J., lILR.C.S., L. R.O. P. Lond.

47 Molyneux, IIII'. H., M . n. c. s. N ixon, Mr. rr. S ., lIL R. O. s. Honorary l\fonckton, IIIr. Davicl Henry, F. R.C.S. E. Noble, IIII'. Sam l. Clarke, lILr.. U.S., Eng. , Life Members. IIIontagne, IIII'. A. J. II ., 1I1.D. L.S.A. Mooney, Mr. Alex . P., n.A. (Hons . ), M.D. N ockolcls, IIII' . tephen. L.n.c.p.E., LILC .S. (Hons.) R.U.I. Norman, 1111'. A. S., lILn.u. s., L.n.c.p. , Moore, IIII'. C. A., III. D. L ond . N orman, Surgeon Burfol'll Moore, IIII'. H . Cecil, 111. R. C. H. Moore,lI1r.HenrjO.,JII.B.,Duulill(Victoria) Norman, Mr . J. E., lIl.D., M.R.C.S. Norman, 1111'. J . 'V . , M.D. Moore, Snrgeon-Lt.-Col. Sandronl, 1\Ln . Moorhouse, ..HI'. B. M ., 1\1.13., C.lIf., Ellin. NOl'l'is, 1I1r. ' Vm . renin, lII.B., CH.B . , Melb . Morison, IIII'. W. M., Physician anel Surgeon. Northcote, Mr. A . B., lII.D ., Eelin. Morris, IIII'. F. H., M.D . Nuttall, 1111'. T . E ., M.B., O.lI1., Edin . Morrison, IIII'. William, 11. D. (Victoria) . O'Connell, Surgeon D. Y., M. D . Mortlock, IIII'. R H., M.D., C.~f., Eelin. Odell, MI'. \V. , F. R.C.S ., liLA., L.S.l\. Morton, ~lr. C. A., F.R.C.S., L. n.c. p., Ogilvie, IIII'. J. 11., L.R.C ... , Eelin. Loud. Oke11, IIII'. George, M.n.C.H., LS._\. 1I10ss, IIII'. W. J. A., lILB. Olliham, IIII'. Hugh F., liLA., Dub., M. D. Moxham, lUI'. III. C., lIf.R.C.S. Oliphant, ~lr. Bruce, lIJ.D . , Edin. I1Iugliston, IIII'. G. '1'. W ., M.D . , Aber. Oliver, IIII'. Chas. Pye, M.D., LOllll. Oliver, Ur. F. H., L. n.c.p., LOlld. 1I1ugliston, 1111'. T. C., lII.H .C.S. Mull1'o, lUr. F., lII.B., C.lIL, Olas. O'1\loore, Mr. Henry, M. B., Dub. Murdoch, 1111'. Jas., L.n.C.p., Edin . Onl, Mr. Frederic 'Vm., L.n.c .l'., Irel. Mmphy, IIII'. IV., lII.B., C.\!., Eelin . O'Hielly, IIII'. Gco. J . , L.n.c .. ·.L, l'I1.ll .C.l'.r. O'Riordan , illr . F. , .u '1. D • Murray, IIII'. C. F. K., 1If. D. Murray, illl'. James A. J., D. l'II. , l'IL::l., Edin. Ol'mrod, Mr. Fr:.ty, L.RC.I'., Edin., L.ll.C.S., Murray,lI1r. John Ga,,·ler,L.n.c.l'.,L.lt.c.s. Edin. Edin. Murray-Aynsley, IIII'. J. II., M. n. c. " L.R.C.P. (New Zealand). 1I1y.ers, IIII'. W. 'V., M.B., c . :-'1., .las. NaIrn, 1\11'. D. ill., L. n. c. P., Etlill., L. n. c. S., Edin. Nankivell, IlL'. Herbert, ~!.D . Nason, 1\11'. E. Noel, D ••\., Camb.,M. D.,&C. Neave,.lI1r. Edward F. 111., :'lLD. Neethhng, IIIl'.J. B., M.D., C.lIL ( . Africa). Nevins, Mr. Arthur E., F. n.c.s . , Edin.

Orton, 1111'. E. 'Y., L.n.c.p., Ellin., L.l'Il. Orton, 1111'. J o11n lI[' It. C. S. Osborn,},II'. ., F.Il-C.S. Osbul'lle, Mr. C. A. P., L.n.c.l'., ELlin., F. n. O.~., Eelin. OYemlen, Mr. W. II., )1. D. Owen, Mr. J. II., L.ll.C. P., Etlill. O"'en, Mr. R. F., :II. TI . Ozanne, Mr. F. N., M.I1.C ... , L. n.c.l'., Lond. P agc, r1'. D UYH, '1 M.l!.

Newby, IIII'. Chas. n., L. n. C.l'., Lond . , Palin, IIII'. H. Venable', M. B., C. l\f., Edin. F.R.C.S. Palmer, IIII'. C. pencer, L.R.C.l'., Lond., Newman, IIlr. William, M.D . ~Ln.C.f;. Newsham, .;\11'. Francis, lI1.11.C .S. Nicholls. IIlr. H., lILn., lIf.n.c... Nicholson, Brigade- mgeon Lt.-Col. E, A.M.S. Nicholson, IIlr. J . \\Tilliams, 1I1.lt . c. s. Nickson, IIII'. Augnstus, B. A . ,1\[ . B. N icol, · I t' Mr. James, M.D . NIgl lllgale, Mr. J olm, III. D. , C l' '.1\r., E (111.

Palmer, fl'. F. Craddock. lIf.D ., Drux . Palmer, l\[1'. Jas . C., lI1.B., L. n.c.s . , Edill' Park, Mr. J.R ., L.n.c.R . , L.R.C.P., Edin. Parker, (I'. G., ]If. A. , lILD. Parkes, Mr. L. C. ,1\[. D . , Lond. ne ar;:es, 1 111 "'I\T .lI1'. I • IL, :lLB., IlL!';., Elll·]]. ' Parkinson, IIIr. Cha'. J os., lIf.B., IJonc., 1 1\l.n.c.~.


48 Parkinson, Ur. W. J ., i\I.R.C.S. , Eng. Pochin, Mr. F . L., M.B., C. M., Edin . Parnell, Mr. G. C., M.R.C.S. , L.S .A. Pole, 1111'. Alexandcr, i\LD., St. And . Parsons, Mr. Francis Henry, M.D. , C.M. , Pollard, Ml·. Gco. H ., i\I.D., Edin. Glas. Pollen, Mr. Henry, M.D., Dub . Parsons, !III'. Harry C. , i\I.R. C.S . , L.R.C. P. , Poole, Mr. A . H . , L.R.C.P., L.R. C.. , Ediu. Lonrl. Poole, Mr. S. W., M.D., Abel'. Parsons, Mr. Walter B., i\I.R. C.S., L.R.C.P. Pooley, Mr. E . Bmdett, L.R. C.. . , Irel. , Partridge, Mr. T., M.D. L.R. C.P., Edin. Paterson, Mr. C. E ., M.D. Pope, Mr. Chas., L.R.C.S.E. Patrick, 1'IIr. S. A., M.R.C.S . Pope, Mr. Frank 1'11., B.A., Camb. , M.B., Patterson, Mr. G. H., M.R.C.S., L.R. C.P., M.R.C.P. Lond. Pope. Major ,V. W . , r..A.i\I.C. Patterson, 1'111'. G. de Joncourt, B.A., Dub., Potter, Mr. Hal'l'y,~l.R.C . S . ,L.R.C.p.,Edin. M.B., III .R.C .S. Potter, 1'111'. H . Percy, ~I.D., Durh., Paul, 1'111'. F. T., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. F.R.C.S. Payne, 1'111'. Henry, M.D ., Edin . Powell, Mr. 1J. L., :nI.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin. Peach, 1'111'. C. 'V., M.B., M. . , Edin . Pratt, 1111'. J . Dallas, l\I.A., Dub., M.D. Peake, Mr. Frederick E., M.R. C.S., L.R.C.P. Pratt, Mr. Reginald, M.D., Lond . Pearcey, 1'111'. J . J . Wand less, L.R.C .S. Prendergast,1I1r. W . Dowling, M.D., ~I.A . O. L.R.C.P., Edin. Prentice, Mr. Zechariah, ]\f.R.C.S. Price, Mr. David, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Pearcy, Mr. P . A., M.B., C.M., Edin. Pearse, Mr. T. F., M.D., Brux., Price, Mr. E. 0., M.D, Eclin. F.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., Lond. Priee, Mr. A. E., L.S.iI., L.:lI.R.O.P. , 1rel. Pedley, 1111'. T. F. , M.D., Brux. Prichard, Mr. R. A. , M.R.C.S. Pritchard, 1'111'. J. J. G., l\LR.O.S. Peirce, Mr. Francis, M.D., Dub . Pennian, 1'111'. Mitchell, :nI.R.C.S., M.B. Pritchett, Mr. Henry, ~I.R.C.S . Percival, 1'111'. Geo. H., M. B. , Lond., Prosser, Mr. Philip B . M.R.S.O. Proudlove, Mr. Edwd., :nI.B., C.~I. Pestell, 1'111'. Jas. H ., L.R.O.S ., Edin. Prout, 1'111'. ,Villia111 '1' ., B.:nI., i\I.S. Peters, Mr. James, L.R.O.P., Edin.,L.R.C.S., Pullon, :DIr. G. S., M.D., Edin . Edin. Purchas, AII'. A . C., i\I.R.O.S., M.B., O.M. Petter, Mr. Walter, M.B., C.M. , Edin. Pludy, 1'I1r. James R., ~I.B., c.~I., Abel'. Phelps, 1'11:1'. Philip, l\I.R.c.s. , L.R.C.P. , Purvis, Mr. J . P., :\I.R. O. . . , L.S.A. Edin. Quick, 1'I1r. Frank, i\I.R.C.S. Phillips, 1'111'. C. H., M.D., Durh . Radford, 1'111'. Wm., ~I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Phillips, nIl'. G. A., l\f.R.C.S., L.S.A . Lond. Philp, ]',fr. ,Vl11., M.B., C.M., Edin. Ramsden, 1'111'. Herbert, M.D., Lond . Piers, Mr. C. E., M.B . (Cape Town). Rands, Mr. St. J . 0., i\I.R. C.S. Pike, 1'111'. W. Royston, 1I.R.C.S. Rangoon, Rt. Rev. the Bishop of, ~I.D . Pilcher, Mr. W. J., F.R.C.S ., Edin . Rattray, ]',fl'. J. M., M.B. Pilgrim, Mr. E. G., M.D., Edin. Raw, Mr. W . E. St. M. , L.r..C.P.,~I.R . C.S. Pim, Mr. F . E. de Beeho, L.R.C.S. , hel. Rawlings, Ur. James, ~I.R.C.S., L. S.A. Pinck, Mr. C. H., M.B. C.M., Glas. Rawnsley, 1'I1ajor G. T., R.A .M C., Pinkerton, Mr. James, 1\I. D., R. U . r. 111. R. C. s. Pinnock, ]',fl'. R. D., M.D., Glas. Rayner, :Mr. Edwin, B. A. , Lond., ~l.D. Pithie, 1'111'. A. Drimmie, L. R.C.S., Edin. Redman, Mr. W. E., 1\I.R.C. S. , L.S .A., Plant, Mr., M. D. Lond. Platt, Mr. W . H., L.R.C.P. Rees, Me. Edward D., ~I.R.C.S . , Plomley, Mr. John F ., M.D. , Brux. L.R.C. P. , Lond.

49 Reid, Mr. D . Boswell, l\LH. C. S. Rowe, Mr. Thomas Smith, M.D., Eclin. Reid, 1\11'. DUllcan J., lII.B. Ruddock, ]',fl'. 1,V. J., M.B., l\I.R. C.S. Reid, 1\11'. T. Whitehead, M.D.,St.And. Ruel, 1\11'. P., L.n.c.p., M.lt. C.S. Renton, 1\11'. G., M.D. Rllgg, 1\11'. G. L., 1\LR.C.S., &c. Rhode, 1\'[1'. Thomas, M.D. Rumboll, Mr. C. E., M.D . , Durh . L., L.R. C. P., Lond., Rumboll, Mr. Sydney, L.R.O.P., F.R.C.S. Rhys, 1'I1r. i\I.R.C.S. Rusk, Mr. John, M.B., n.cn. Rice, 1\11'. 1,Y. R, B. A., Dub., M.D. Russell, 1\Ir. John, M.A . , M.n., C.lII. Rich, 1\1:1'. A. C., ~I. R. C. s. Rllthcl'forLl, l'IIr. R. L . , M. D.. n. u. 1. Richards, 1\11'. J . T., B.I>C., Bclin.,M.B. ,C.l\1. RutUc, 1\11'. RolJert, JJ.l\f., L.·.·. Richardson, 1\11'. J. Nowell, M.D. Ryan, 1\1r. ' V. n., M.R.C.P . , Irel. RidLlell,1\Ir..T. Ei cott, )I.A.,Abcr.,)['B.,C. l\I. St. George, Mr. George, l\I.D. Ridl ey, Ur. J. W., L.n.c.p . St. L cc1ger, 1\[1'. R. A., M.B., c .:\I., Euin . Rigby, 1\11'. Waltcr C., )1.n., c H.n., Vict. Sall, 1111'. E. W. II., )Ln.O . .'. Rigd en, Mr. Brian, lILI!.C.S., L ... A . Salmon, 1\11'. Harry H.., 1\1. D., ClI. B., 1\Ielb. Ringwood, Mr. John, L.n.c.H.I., L.RO.P.I. antler, :JI1'. Cltas., ~LR.(' .. . , lIr.n. Robb, 1\11'. J. B. K., ~I. A., A1)er., l\I. D. , antlers, 1\11'. E!.l ward A. , )L n. c .. . Roberts, Mr. Arthur, F. H.C.S. , ansome, 1\11'. P. J., 1\Ln.C.S. Roberts, Mr. E. E., lII.R., i\L.. Scantlobul'Y, Mr. Gco. J., L. ET. JJ. i\IID., Roberts, 1\11'. Hugh Joncs, )1.n.c.s., It.C . l'., (Yietol'ia).



eul'l', 1\11'. Gcol'ge, ;II. D. , catliff, Mr. P. 1\1., M.le.C. cattel'ty, :JIr. \\Tilliam, )1. A., A bcl'., )f, D. chlcs illger, :JIr., i\LR.C .. ·. (Yictol'ia). L.S.A. cholelielll, 1111'. G. E., ~r.D., Edin. Robertson, Mr. E., )1. n. cott, :J1r. A. W., :II. H. C. s. Rohol'tson, 1\Ir. R obt., M.n.C.Ii. coU, 1\11'. '. 'Y., )1.D., L·. '1L, Edil1. Robinson, 1\Ir. A. H., l\I.D. cott; 1\11'. 'Yo Tochor, ~r.A., M.D., C.)1. Robinson, Mr. A. H opworth, i\LD., ('.)L, ec(;omhc, Mr. C. 'Y., '1f.H.C.f.:., L.n.c.p., Edin. Lond. Robinson, Ur. Ernest L., 1\r.n.c.s., cJhy, Mr. Edlllllllll W., ~r.D. L.R.C.P., Lond. 011 1", :JIr. R. Bnl'llott, 'I1.IC.C ... Robinson, Mr. G., )r.n.c.s., I,.S.A. cllcrs, 111'. II. 1., ~r.D., C.'1L, Edin. Robinson, Mr. H. S., )r.n.c.". 'crgcullt ]\11'. Ellwanl, ~r.n.c.·., L.n.c.l'., Robinson, Surgeon-Major :£'la1'k LOllel. Roberts, 1Ifr. R Lawton, )[. D., Loml. Roberts, Ur. Reg. J., liLA., JIf.n., n.c. Roberts-Dudley, Mr. F. J., l\I.n.c.S.


Rob~nson, 1\11'. 1\1. J., ~r.n., &c., ll.U . I. 'h,np, II'. ;\rthul' J., ~(.n., D... ! L ond . Robmsoll, 1\11'. R E., M.D. hal'Jl11tIJ,l\II'.E.'Y.,LIl.C.l'.,L.It. '.s.,Edin. Roche, ~Ir. T. F., L.R.C.P., Belin., L.n.c.s., Shaw, fr . .Tn . . , )1.n., c.~r., Edin. Ellm. ha\\', It'. T. ., l\l.n., c.:\1., ErlilJ. :odley, 1\11'. John, l\1.R.c.i-l. hcaf,1\ll'. '. A. Emest, )1. n.c.p., Edin. ogers, Mr. Bertram III., D. \., OXOll., )[, D. hearol', :JIr. T. Pitcairn, L. !to G. P., L n. c.. . , Roper, JIr. H,'roert J., M.lLC.S.,L.R.C. P., Edill. LOI1<1. -'lC I 11 y, Mr. C. Eo, i\I.D., CUlllh. Rorie,1\11'. D., M.B., c.:I!. , Ellin. hcphCl'rl, Mr. Thos. W., L.U . C.S., Erlin. Roul ston, 1'111'. William, M.D., 1\LCrr., hivc', :JIr. John, M.D., Aller. hone , muconIal'or 'V. . J , .'II' C• ••. R M.A.O., d ~ R.u.r. b ' • > • ,. on~, "~I'. John C., U. Lt. C. S., L.ll. C. P., I huLLlcworth, JIr. G. E., D. I.., LOllll., lII. D. ROlle . Sidllall, 1\11'. J. E. 'II. D., AboI'. owe, MI'. Joseph II., 1\Ln., 0.)1. Abel'. imon, HI'. M. F., M.D., t. Alld.

Honorary Life Members.


50 Honorary Life

Members .

Simpson, Mr. James H., ~1.D . Simp on, :JIr. ,Yo N., ::'1.H.C .;'., Eelin. Siuclair, 111'. A. MacGregor,


Stelfox, nIl'. J. B ., Jll.R.C.S., Eng., L.S.A. Stenhouse, Mr. W. M., lIl.D. ( ewZealand) tephen, MI'. ,V. A., M.A., lII.B., C.lII.

Stewart, Stewart, Skae, Mr. Francis D . n ., ~r. D. A Stewart, Skelding, nIl'. Henry, ::'1.B., B.C., n.. Skinner, Mr. D., M.B., CIL\L, Abel'. Stirling, .) . Stirling, ' t ona lC ~ )1. D.,




1\11'. F. 1\1c B ., L. R. C. S. 11'. U. A., lII.B., M.A. Mr. \Vm., M.D. Mr. D. H., M.D. , Edin. 1\11'. Robert, lII. D.

Skip,,\orth, Mr. Herbert, L. R.C .P. ,L.M.,&C. Stockwell, Mr. F., lII. D. •P . , Lond . , M.R.S .C. Stoker, Mr. G. , M.D . Sl oman,.ll~I1.' H ., L.R. C "I S G J'unr . ,L.R.C .P. Lond . , Stoney, 1\11'. Percy B., lIl.R.S. C., L. R.C.P., S1oman, .ll r. . . , Edin. M.R.C.S. Stothard, I1Ir. James, lILR.C.S., L.S.A. Smelton, Mr. C. ,V., lIl.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Stretton, 1\11'. J. Lionel, M. R. C.. , L. R. C. P., Smith, Mr. Edwin C. 11., lILR.C.S. Loud. Smith, 1\11'. G. Jackson, L.R.C.S .I. , , 1 Stretton, 1\11'. Samuel, lIl.R.C.S. L. R.C .P., I Ie. Smith, llIr. H. H ammond, M.R.C.S., Strong, Mr. R. G., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., L.R.C. P., L ond . Q 'th "II' Jos • ,11 ",1111 ,il. ll.,

III • n, ....... C"


Ena 0 "

Edin., L.lIi. L]If Stroyan, Mr. F . , lII.R.C .t1. , L.R.C.P., "

Smith, Clll'. M. L omax, lILR.C.S. , L.R.C.p. Lond. . Stuart Mr J A .Erskll1e, L.n.c.p.,L.R.C.R. (1\ ew Z eaI an d) . '. . . Smith, 1\11'. R. Bradshaw, L.R.C .S., Ire1., Edll1. . ' Summers, 1111'. John R., L. R.C.S., Edll1., L.R.C.P., Edlll. Smith, Mr. R. Sinclair, F.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.P. ' Sutherland,Mr. Chas. J., M.D. Ed L.R. C.S., lll . Smith, Mr. Sml.Parsons,L.R.C.P.,L.R.C.S.I. Sutherland, :Mr. J. A., lI1.E., C.:\1., Edin., Smith, Mr. Strafford, M.D. Sutton, :Mr. H. G., M.D. Smith, 1111'. T. Hanson, M.D., Durh. Swann, Mr. A ., III.D. Smith, 1\11'. ,V. J., L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Swayne, Mr. F. G., M.B., B.C. , liLA., South, 1\11'. F . W. B., 1II.R.C.S. Cantab . 1\1' C E L B C P L R C S Swete Mr. Horace, M.D.,St.And.,M .R.C.S. ' . S out h we11 , 1) 1. • . , .~ .. . , • • • ., Edin . Symes, Surg.- Maj. E. \\Test, M.D., Edll1. Spanton, Mr. W. Dunnett, F.R.C.S. Talbot~ Mr. Alfred G., lIl.B. , C.lII. "II' nTm Jas L R C P Edin Tamplm, Mr. Chas. H., M.P•. C.S. pence, 1) • I I . • , • • • • , • , S L.R.C.S., Edin. Tate, nIl'. Samuel, M. D. Spink, 1\11'. E. W., M.D., B.S. , Lond. Taylor, Mr. James, M.D. Spong, Mr. Harry, B.A. (Oxon) L.S.A . Taylor,1\1r. James, M.B., B.CH. Spri~gs, :Mr. E. Ivens, M.D., L ond. Taylor, Mr. Jas., F.~. C.S . E . Sproat, Mr. James H., M.B., lII.R.C.S. Taylor, Mr. S. Hamilton, M.D . Sproulle, Mr. A. E., M.R.C. S. Taylor, Mr. Thomas, lILR. C.S.E. Sproul1e, Mr. 'r. ,V., L.R.C.S.I., L.K.C.Q.P. T aylor, lilT. Tom R., M.D. Squance, nIr. T. Coke, lII.D. , Dunelm. Teare, Mr. John, M.B., Cll .B. ,.,. Squire, nIl'. J . E., M.D ., Lond. Templeman, Mr. Chas., M. D . , ];um. Stack,11r. E. C., L.R.C.P.r., L.M., F.R.C.S., Thomas, II'. John, :aLR.C.S. Irel. Thomas, Mr. W., M.D. 1\1 A 1\1 Ed' III D Thomson, Mr. Barclay, (Victoria). a er, il r . . 1) . , M . A., In., . . lk St Stamford, nIl'. Wm . Ackrill, M.R.O.S. Thomson, Miss E. C. , M.B., C.M ., Edin. Steele, nIr.'V . K., lILP•. O.S., L.R () P. L ond. L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Steet, Mr. George Carrick, F.R.O.S. T homson, Mr. Geo., M. D ., A1Jer.

Thomson, nIl'. G., M.B., O.M., Edin. Viret, Mr. B. P., M.B ., L ond., L.n .c.p., Honorary Thomson, IIII'. James, ;\1. D . LOl1 e1. Life Thomson, Mr. J. R. Menzies, M. B., CIJ.D., Yoisin, Mr. Ernest O. Bishop, lII.ILC.S., Members. Melb. (Yictoria). lIr.Jl.C.p. Thomson, Mr. :J1. 13., M.B., ET. CH.~r. Yores, 1\11'. Arthur, lIr.n.c.s. Th omson, Sir 'William, lIf.D. ,Vacher, 1\11'. lirallk, lIf.]l.C.S., L.S.A. Thornton, IIII'. Bertram, lI1.n.c .. ·.,L.n. c .r., , Vacher, MI'. ., F.r... (· .. ·., L.n.C.p. Lond. Waddy, 1111'. II. E., L.n.c.r., :\l.lt.c. S. Thnrsfield, Mr. T. "T., III.D. ,Valle, Mr. A. Breeuoll, M.D., ('. JlL , Euin., Tillstone, Mr. II. Rogers, iII . D. M.ll.C.S . , L.i; ..\. Tinley, Mr. T., M.D., Dnrh. " Takelam, MI'. Edgar, L. R.C.l'., L.U.C.S., 'ropping, ~lr. J. P., ~1. D., Glas. Ellill. TO\\'Dseml, 1111'. F. E., M.D., ~LCH., r...U .I. WalLlo, i'llI'. FreLIJ., "I.D., Camb., M.B . Trimble, Col. C. J., C.)r.G ., D.r.II., Wale, Mr. Ceo., D.p.lI. (CalJlb.), "r.n.c.s., L.n.c.p.E. L.r:.c.1'., Loud. Trott, Mr. Dudley C., ~1.B., F.!!.C .."_ " Talker, Mr. A. W., )r.A., ;lI.D., 0.;11. Trotter, 1111'. Le 'lie D., M . D., Ellin. " Talker, .JI:'. A. II., M.D., 13l'l1x., Trotter, Mr. Robert Maxwell, )1.J). L.)l.(,.1'., Lond. Trotter, Mr. ,1'.0., lII.ll.C .. ·. \\Talker, :l\lr.13cl'llanl, lI1.H.C.:-;., L.S.A. Troup, nIl'. George A., )f.D., c.:\f., D. & ll. \\Talker, i'lir. Cyril n., D . •L, Oamb., Tun. tall, Mr. A. C., \LD ,Edin., "r.n.,c.:lL F.n.c.s . Turner, Mr. A . .Jr., lII.1:.C.R. (ydney) I\Tall- u , Mr. IIemy, L.F.l'. & E. Turner, Mr. A. cott: L.]~.C.l'., lII.ll.C.s. "Talker, i'llI'. J. PixtoJ1, ~Lll.C.S., L.R.C.l'., Turner, tafl'- lll'f,COll Emata Lond. Turner, .JIr. H. GUlltOll, M. .r... C." ., L.S.A. ,Yalkel', i'lIr. John \\T., :lLH.C.s.,L.n.c.l'., TUl'ller, Dep.-IusI'CC. General Rol)crt, I:'X. Lond. Turner, Mr. Thoma.', F.n.C.. . " Talkcr, nIl'. alllllcl, lIr.n.c .... , L.l\f. Turner, lllr. ,rilliam, i\l.l>. 'fallnce. ::\[t'. R ., L.F.l'.~., Glas., L.S.A . Twiss, Maj or G. E., IL\."LC. " 'allis, .J[r. Fre(l.JL, lILll.C.i;., L.B.A. \\Talp ole-~illlIlJOlh, Mr. E., "LD., Durh. Tyne1l, Mr. Walter, )f.n.c.s. ~yson, Mr. ,Yilliam Joscph, lI1. 1)., Dml!. \\Ta1:;11 , iIII'. DUYiJ, ::'J.D., Ruin. Ul11ney, Mr. \Y., lII.n., LOllt1. ,Yard, .:\[1'. J. r. '.,)LU.C.:-;.,I.lLC.l'.,Lond. Underhill, ~Ir. F. T., F.n.c.H.E., L.n.c.p., ,Yanl, )[1'. :JL A., F.H. C.S., heL Edin. \\Tal'll, ;'1[1'. l\IaJtiudalc, )I.D., 0.::'1. , Abel Underhill, i'llI'. J. E., :'I!. D. T\T 1 11'I 1'. I\T . F' ,1 I ,t\\, ' IS IWI', L.I:. ' .1'., L Ollu ., UphallJ, nIl'. C. Haslitt, ;\Lll.C ... , &c. lI1.r...l.:'i., Ellg. Uppleby, Mr. J.G.,L.H.C.l·.,Eelin.,L.R.l'.S. ,Yancn, Mr. Wm., L. liT. L. MiLl., K.Q.C.l. (Port Elizabeth). hel. Usher,Mr. ,Yilliall1, i\l.D . , R.U.r., B. II. " Tan\ick, MI'. C. 'teelc, :11.1). Valentine, Mr . William, L.H.C.l'., Edin., \\Tarwick, MI'. F. J., lII.D, Can tab. L.n.c.S. ,Vaters, Ml'. John II., ::'I.D. , Glas., M.B " Vance, Mr. 'Y.J.,L.ILO.l'. , Edill., L.ll.C.". c.~r. Irel. \\Taters, l\Ir. J . L., lILB., '.)1., ELlill . Vassalli, nIl'. Jerome, ., L.n.c.p., L.U.C.S., \\TaLsoll, Ml'. A. A., lIr.n.c.s. Edin . \\Ta t 'O ll, "I H r .C .S . , ~I.D., 'D e,(l'lll., , :'Ir.B., C.M. Vernon, Mr. A. Heygate, F.It.C.S . , W atson, Mr. J. C., 1.1). L.R.C.P., Lond. \\Tatsoll , Mr. ,I'm., M. lLC.S. Vernon, MI'. 'Y., 1Lll.C.S., L. H.C.P., Eelin. Watson, Mr. ,Yo J., lILr:.C.S., l\J.D., Vincent, Mr. H. B., lI1. n . c. S. Lond.



52 W atthews, Mr. :r.I. B., c . :r.r.

H erbert,

M.D. ,

E llin. "W illiamson, Mr. J. D. , N.D. , Vil ks, Mr . Geo., M.B. , M. C., M.R.C.S.

,' atts, Mr. J ames A. , M.B., :r.I.n. c .s. Watts, Mr. , V. F ., i\f.R.C .. , L.S.A.

, Yillis, Mr. G. Owen, L.R.C.P. , Villoughby, Mr. , V. G. , M.D., L Olll1.,

D.P.II. , Camb. ' Vaugh, Ur. Alexr M.B., C.M. , Glas. , Vay, Mr . J. H . F . , ~I.R . C.s . ,L. n. c.p.,Lond. , Yi lshaw, Mr . ,V. Grosvenor, M.D. , B. A. , Yayland, Mr. A., :'Ir.n. , Vilson, Mr. A . C. , M.D. , Edin ., M.B . , C. M. W eaver, Mr. , V. G. , M.R.C.S., L.R. C.P. , , Vilson, nIl'. A. M arius, :r.I.D., D urh., M.B., L ond ., L. . A. B.. W ebb, Mr . Hy. L ., M.R.C.S. W ilson, Mr. J. C. , L.R.O.P. , L. n .c .s . , Edin. W ebb, Mr . J . Ramsay , M.B., CH.B. , Melb. , Vilson, Mr. J . Scott, M.D., Glas. , M.B., , Vebb, Ur. T hos . L., i\I.R .C.S., L.R. C.P., C.M., D.l'.H. , Camb. Lond. W ilton, Ur. J . P., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. "Wimberley, Ur. COlll'ad C. , M. D. Webb, Mr. , Ym ., M.D., F.R.C.S. , Vebber, :Ml'. H. \\. , :'I['S., i\LD. , L ond. , ,Yingrave,Mr.V .H.,Vyatt,M.R.C.S.,L .. . A. &c. , Yithers, Mr. Percy, M.B., B.S.,i\I.R.C.S . , Vebster, Mr. Ridley :M., M. n.c.s .,L.R. C.P. , Wolfendale, Mr. Geo. A . , L.R. C.P.,L.n..C.S. , Edin ., L.D.S. Edin . vVedmore, Mr . E ., M.R.C.S. , Vood, Ur. John, M.D. "Weekes, Ur. Francis H., F.R.C.S. , Yood, Ur. J . C., L. R. C.P. Wellby, Mr. Stanley, M.B.,Oxon . , )I.R.C.S . , Vood, Ur . , V. A. , :r.I.D. , B.S. West,hlr . LioneIF . ,~I.R . C . . ,L.n. c.p.,Lond . , Yoodcock, Mr. A . E., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. , Edin . , L.F. P. . , Glas . "West, nIr. R 111., M.n..C.S., L.R.C.P., L ond. Weston, Mr. S. T. Darby, M.Pe.C .S. Woodcock, Ur. H . de Carle, :1I.n. c.s . , Yheeler, Mr. "William Ireland, :'II.D . L.Pe .C.P., Edin., L.F.P .. , Glas . ,Vhite, Mr. E. A ., M. D., Abel'. , Voodhouse, 1111'. E. R, M. B., B.. . , Durh. , Yhite, Mr. Nenam F., III.r..C.S., L. R.C.P. ,Yoods, Mr . J. F . , M.D. White, nIl'. R . R., III.R .C.S. ' Yood., 1.11'. John B ., L.n.C.p., L.n . c .s . Woods, I nspector-General H . C., C.B., ViThite, lllr. R. W., L.H.C.P. , Vhite, IIII'. ,Villiam, :'II.D. C.Y.O. , M.D., R. White, ilIr. W . H ., M.B. , Voolley, Mr. Talbot, :r.I.R.C. . ,Yhitehead, Mr. A ., M.B., C.M. , Abel'. ,Yray, Ur. G. Bury, )I.n . c .s., L.S.A. Whitham, ~Ir . Robert, M.B. Abel'. "Wrench, Mr. E. M., F. R.C S. Whitley, Ur. F. G. H ., M.R.C.S. Wright, Mr. J . C. , liLA., 1II.B. , B.C., Can tab . " hitwell,ilIr. A. H., L. R.r.S. ,L.R. C.P. Edin . Whyte, Mr. J . lllackie, :r.LA., Edin . , M.B. Wykesmith, Mr . W., F.R. C.S. , Edin., Wilkinson, Mr. Auburn, M.D ., DUlb. , L.R.C. P., Edin . M.B., B.S. Yolland, Mr . J. fl., M.n. . C.S. , L.S.A., Wilkinson, Mr. A. nIcKenzie, M. B. (Vic. ) L ond. Wilkinson, ilIr. James B., M.D ., Edin . Young, Mr. A . , F.R.C.S. , Vilkinson, nIl'. J . C., M.R.C.S. , L.R.C .P., Young, Mr . C. , M.D . L ond. Young, Mr. nIeredith, M.D . , Edin., M.B., V,Till, Mr. Wm. J . , III.B. , C.:'II. C.:'II., D.P.II . , Villiams, Ur. E., L.H.C.P. , Lon., 1II.R. C.S., Young, ~Ir. William, :'II.D., C.M., Edin . , Yilliams, Mr. Neville, 1[ A., Cantab, IIIoB . Yule, Mr. R . M . , M.D., Aber., M.B., C.1IL Williams, Mr. R. l\Iorris, M . B., C.:'II. T .

EXAM.INING STAFF. B lair, Mr. R , ~L D. Blaxlan J , Mr. ,V., M. R. C.S., L.R.C.P . Bloxam, Mr. J. Astlry, F. R.C.S. Bone, Mr. D ouglas Boor, Mr. L eonard, M.R. C.S., ( Jew Zeal. ). Bowhay, Mr . A ., M.D . , I) . p . rr . Brad ley, Mr. Dayil1, 111. D. Braithwaite, ]Hr. H arrison, "LD . Branch, fill'. W . J., 1I1.D. (West I ndies) . L.III. Brand, lIlr. A.. T ., M . n . Appleby, Mr. F. H., lILR.C.S. Branthwaite, Mr. Harrison, F.R.C.S. Appleby, MI'. G. H. Y., M.D . Ble111nol', MI'. A. M., L.R.C. P., Edin. Archer, Mr. E. D., M.D . (Adelaide) . Brire, Mr. E., L.n. C.p., L. R.C.S. Arnison, Mr. W. D., M. D. Brook, 1111'. H . Danille, 1. R . O. P., Lond. Ash, Mr. T. ~innington, L.R. C.P., Ellin . , :'II.n.c ... lII.n.c.s . Brook,1\Ir. F. A ., lIL n..C.S . Atkinson, Mr. EclIYarc1, 1I1.1\.C. , Erlin. Bloomfie1cl, nIr., :'Il.n . Audlanu, Mr. 'Y. E., lI1.R.C.. ·. , Edin . , Bronghton, 11'., M.n.C .. ·. L.R.C.r. Broll'n, Mr. A. Tennyson, ~f. n . Awdry , 111'. ,V. R., :!I[,u. , Dl1l'h . , :'I1.n .c .. ·. Ihl)\\'ll, Mr . F. Gordoll, :'I[.n.('.8. Bro\\,11 , ),[1'. J., Ln..C'.!'., L.n. '.. I. Buin, 1\11'. D. n., lILD. Baldwin, Mr. F. 13 . .Judge, lILn.c ... , L.S.A. 131'o\\'n, ),[1'. S. )'[e,rhnrn, :'Ir.n . Ba.ll, ilIr. O. B., :'II. D. 131'0\\'110, ),[1'. Rohert, :'IL n. Brownlll'l(l, Mr. H. ~1., :'If.n.c.s. Bangay, ThII'. Richard, M.D. Darling, Mr. A. S., :'II. R. C.S. Brllce, ~[r. Rohert, M.R.C.i:>. Barnard, Mr. J. H., :-LD. (Pari.) Bruce, .:\fIo. William, :'ILl!. Eames, :Hr. Eclgar: M.D. Brummitt, ~[I' . R., :'If. n. (Aclelai(le) . Darrs, JIr. A. G., 1If. D. l'11"11allnll J ... , , ,.1'[1'. J .,:'II. Tl. Barter, iIII'. W., :'If. D . I"'Jill. "" t , 11 '1 1'. R . 0'.):'11. n. c... Bauchop, ::\11'. Jame., :'II.D., C.:'II. B\111, '\l1'gloll-Jln,jol' II., I,.n.C.r. Beattie, :\11'. R, :'ILn. 1'11110',1 '[ \ ) ..:~, ~I r . . , :'ILn.c .s., L. n.c.p. Beatson, Mr. George, C.B., :'If.D. Btll'lllan, Mr. F. J., 1If.R.C.S. Beddoes, 111'. T. P., M. n. 13 nl"1lO"tt , ~I'[ 1'. J . R .,:!If. D . Bennett, ll1r. ',Y. H., L.n.C.p., Irel. 13 llrOll, t '[ n II .,:!II. n.c.:'; . j\ 1'.,:). Bennett, Mr. C. II . W. , L.RC.l'., 13)IlSS, lUI'. JI. D., :'If.R.C'.:';. 11. It.c.:-;. Byles, Mr. J . 13., :'II.n.c.s., L.n.C.p. , Lond . Benson, IIII'. A. II., 1II. D. Byrne, ::'Ill'. L., l~.n.C.".r. Benson, 1\11'. H. T . , J,.R .C.P. CallIe, Mr. John, L.n.c.p. Dentham, Mr. A . 0., 1ILILC ... CaIro,,", ?III'. Thomas, :'II.ILC.S. Berkeley, Mr., ]I[.D. Calverley, ).[1'. E. .T. G., C.M.G., :'ILD. Berry, illr. W., F.JLC.S. Calwell, Mr. Wm., :'ILn. Bevan, Mr. R, L.R.C.P.r., D.p.H . Camphell, Mr. 1)., :'ILB. Bigg, Mr. G. Sherman, M.lt.C.S., F.R. C.. . C!1l1L1ic, 1\11'. James, F.n.C ... Black, I1IL'. L. P., M.n., L. n.c .s . Cm'dew, ]\[1'. G. A., lILll.C.S., L . ~.A . Blackburn, Mr. J ., M.R.C.S. Carey, MI'. nasil, :'If.D.

Abbott, Mr. C. E., :r.L n . C. . Alexander, Mr. G. Paton, M.D. Allan1, Mr. J . H., lILD. Allen, Mr. T . W. J . , M. R.C.S. Althalll, Mr. James, M. B. Anderson, Mr. J., M.ll . Andersoll, MI'. J . Walbce, M.D. Anderson, Mr. Robert, :r.Ll>. Applebe, Mr. E. A., L.R.C.l'., Eclin.,


54 Carey, Mr. F . E., ;lI.D. (Guel'llsey) Darwin, Mr. G. H., ;II. D. "Il' J S L R C I• Davies, Mr. D. Ll. ;lI.B., L.l:.C . /'; . ar eo, JJ • • . , • • • • t n 1 C Carnes, Mr. 'Y., ;II. ({.C . I-1., L.n.C.p. D avy , Mr. R., F.n.C.p. Can, 1\11'. Thomas, ;lI.D. Dawson, Mr. T. Moore, L.R.C.p.; ;ll.l1.C.S. Carb,right, 1111'. E . H., )I. D. Demetriadi, Mr. L., F.r:.C.,'. Carvell, Mr. J . :fiL, ;lI.R. C R. De 1 ),ssen, :fill'. P . J., L.n.c.p. Cassan, Mr. T., ;\f.R.C.S. De"ar, :fill'. T. F. CassiLli, Mr. F. R., M.A., )1.D. Dickey, 1I1r. A . A. G., :\I.D. Cattell, 1111'. G. Trew, M.D. Dickin, :Bk E . P . , L.R.C. I'. Chadwick, Mr. A ., ;II. D. Dickson, Mr. Cecil, n1. B. Chadwick, Mr. C. 111., M.A. , ;l1.D. Dingwall, Mr. A., ;\1.B. Chalmers, Mr. George, M.B. Dobson, Mr. A ., ;\I.R.C.S., L.ILC.p. Chal1man, :BIr., i\LD. (New Zealand) Domnlle, Mr. E. J., L.R.C.P Charlesworth, Lieut.-Col. H., r: . A.i\I.C. Donald, Mr. 'Y., )I.B. Chestnutt, Mr.J., L.r:.c.P., Eclin., L.R.C. S. Donaldson, urg.-Major (Bermuda) Childs, nIl'. Christopher, )I.D . D ouglas, Lt.-Col. C. i\I., F.Q;::., R.A .;l1. C. Clark, Mr. Andrew, F.R.C.S. Downes, 1111'. E., ;\I.D. Clark, Mr. A. F. C., i\I.B., C. )I. Drage, 11'. Lovell, ;lI.A., )I.D Clark, 111'. F. ,V., ;\J.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Drink\Yater, Mr. H., M.D. Clark, 1111'. G., nI.B . , C.)1. Dryden, Ml'. J. Hunter, )I.D. Clarke, Mr. ,V. Bruce, F.Il.C.S. Dnff, Ul'. J., ;\I.D. Coates, Deputy Inspector-General M., Duke, Col. A. ,V., n.A.i\I.C. ;\I.D., F.R.C.S. , R.~. Dunbar, :Blr. Eliza W., M.n . Collie, 1111'. Robert J., ;II. D. Duncan, :JIr. A . James, ;II. n. Collier, Lieut. -Col. H. C. , R.A.M.C. Duncan, 1111'. R. B., ;lI.D. Collingridge, Mr. ;lI.D. Duncan, 1111'. ,Yilliam, L.Re . p., L.R c.s., Collings, Mr. C. d'A., M.B. (Guernsey) Edin . Colquhoun, 1111'. D., M.D.' (New Zealand) Duncan, Mr. 'Y., M.B. Connor, Mr., ;lI.D. Dunkley, Mr. ,V. '01., F.R. C.P. , E(lin. Connor, Mr. W. G. , L.R.C.p., Irel. Dunn, :BIr. S. S. Cook, :fill'. Alcxanrlel', ;II. B . Dumo, :fill'. J., M. D. Cooper, Mr. G. ,Vhite, )I.r:.c.p, Dutch, 1111'. Henry, )I.D. Cooper, Mr. H. S., )I.RC ... ,L.R. C.p. Dy on, Mr. W., i\f.B. Corbin, :BIr. T. W.,)I.D. (South Australia) Eaeles, :Jlr. Samuel Oliver, L.R .C.l'., Edin. Cosgrave, Ml'. E. lIIcDowel, )1.D. Eagar, ilIr . Robert, )I.D. Coutts; Mr. J. A., i\I.D. Eakins, Mr. J . IV . , ;lLD. Cran. nIl' . George, ;II. D. Eavims, 1111'. J. W., )[. D. Crease, ~Ir. J . Robertson, F .R.C.S. EJgillton, Mr. R. 'N., i\I.D. Crespi, Mr. A. J. H ., M.R.C .P., Ire1., Edlin, Mr. E. Holberton, F.R.C.S., Edill. Edwards, Mr. J . Hammerton, ~f.D . M.R. C.S. Elder, II'. 111., M.B . Cl'essy, Mr. G. J., L. R.C.P., I rel. El1aby, llIi~s C. (Paris), )LD. Cromie, Mr. John, L.R.C.P. & S. Ellerton, illr. J . F . H . , ;\I.D. Crookshank Pasha, His Excellency, Ellerton, nIl'. John, )I.D . (Egypt) Elliott, 111'. B. G . , L.R.C.P., L.n.C.S., Ire1. Cruickshank, Mr. B., ;II. D. Cuffe, Surgeon General C. Mc. D., c. B. Elliston, :Blr. G. S., ;lI.R.C.S. Evans, Mr. A., M.A. , ;\I.B ., B. cn. Cnreton, 1111'. E., M.R.C.P. Evans, Mr. Alfred, IIf.B., ;\I . A. CJthbert, Mr. W. Wooel, M.R. C. S. Evans, MI'. D. G., ;\[, D . Daniel, !'III'. A. D, 1II.B . , F.n.c.s.


5f) Evans, 1111'. E., M.D. Gl'eenwoo(l, 11[1'. Alfred, M.D. Examiners. Evans, 11'[1'. Edward Beynon, M.D. Greig, Major F . J ., r..A.lIr.C . Grcener, Mr. 11. II., M.n. EI'alls, 1I1r. F . ,V., M.D. Evatt, Surgeon-Major-General G. J . II. Grenfell, Mr. ,V. F . , M. n. c .. ·. Eve, nfl'. F. S., F . R c .. ·. Grier, Major II., R.A .lII.C. Fairhank, Mr. 'Y., M.ll.C.R. Griffin, lII1'. Innes, .M.ll.C.S., L.R.A . Fairclough, 1111'., M.D. Gritnth, Professor T. ar c1rop, M.D. Griffiths, Mr. John, lILR. O.S ., L. n.c.p. Farrar, Mr. R A, M.D.,lII.A. (Oxon.) Fenol1lhet, 1111'. E. C. , L.n.C . p., Ec1in., Grimths, Mr. P . Rllys, ;\r.n.C'.s. Grimbly, 1111'. R. H., lIl.n.C.N . I"R.C.S. Fielden, 11'[1'. Sam1., lII. D. GrIT room, r. anY,IIf.ll.C .. '. G,IYI'11'1111, "T IY D . H ., L.ll.C.P., )I.n.c.S. Fitzsimons, Mr. J. E., lII.D . II 1'. \.. Fleming, 1111'. A. J., M. D. G:.-wynn, ."I 11 r. Cl lar1es, ~I. n. Footner, 1111' ..J. B., F.R.C.S. H a II , Lt .- CO. 1 L ees, r.. A. ;lI.C. Forbes, :Mr. J., lIl.B. II a 11 , "I "'I,T'll' .11 r. I 1 lam. ::\f.D. Forbes, }\fl'. N. Hay, F.n.c.s.) Edin. II a 11 ey, 11\1 r. G~., i\r.n. Forsyth, 1111'. R, lII.n. IT a11'lwe 11 ,.11"Ir. R . N . , )f.n.C.S. Frankish, Mr., M. D. ( J' ew Zealand) Hallows, Mr. n. P., M.D. Franks, :Mr. K., M. D. (S . Africa) H'l "I A A allll tOll, .111'. . ., M.D. (Aclelai(le) FI ann'Iton, I 1'. J. A G Franks, Mr. R, M.D. . . , ~I.D. (Kapumla Freer, 1111'. E. L., M.RC.S. tl \ l' . on 1 11.Ustl'a In) Fryer, 1\11'. John, M.n.C.R. II 'It "[ J n amI on,,L1 1'. . l.., l\f.D., (Kapunda) Furnell, Surgeon-General E. (Cannes) IIamilton, Mr. ., ~r. D. Ga1lard, Mr. J . R ., L B.A. II 1 i\I "'1,1' ammOll(,! 1'. I • L.ll.C'.l'.,Edin.,)I.l:.C ... Ga11 et1y, 11I r. 'Y. G., ;II B. II an(11'Ie 11 (- J ones, II"I r. C. H.., )f.I:'C.S., Galpin, Mr. Richard, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. L.n.c.p. Garrett, 1\11'. C. D., ~r.n.c .. ·. Hallnah, Mr. 'iT. T., )I.D., C.)1. Garson, Mr. J. G., ~I. n. Harl('}" Mr. H. W'., F.RC.P. Garton, 1\11'. ,V., M.D. Harpel', :Jlr. II. C., )r.n. Gentles, Mr. T. L., L.n.C.r. H arpel', }\fl'. J. ,V., ~I.R.C . .'l. Gibb, 1111'. William, L.n.c.p., Eclill. IIani., :JIajor F. 'Y., ILA.)I.C'. Gibbon, :Mr. F. W.) L.R.C.S. & L.n.C.p., IIani, ?III'. John,)I.D. (Pew onth"ale Edin. ITal'ri., :JIr. '. C., ;lr.n. Gibbs·Smith, Mr. E. G., L. n. C. r. I. IIanisOlI, iiII'. D., F.r:.C.". Gibson, Mr. E. Y., )r. D. Gilbertson, Mr. J. H., L .R.C. P., Hani 'on, Mr. II. Leer1 , B.A. (Cumb.), )f. n ..... . lILR.C.S. IIm'\'cy, .IIII' .•\lfrct1, ~r. n., )f. n. C.~. Giles, Brigade-Surgeon P. B., :ur. n.c ... Gimlette, JUl'. Thos. II., lIf. D. Harvey, MI'. Eldon (13erl11n11o.) ITavell, Mr. C. G., ~f. R.C.S. Godding, Mr. J., lILR.C.S., L.n.c.p. Godfrey, Ur. A. C., M.B. (Jersey) Hawkes, .MI'~. 10ghill, L.n.c.p., ~I.n.c.l-1. Goode, Mr. A., M. n. C. s . IIayIe, MI'. T. II., ~f. D. Goodman, Ur. Gorlfrey, L. R. C. P. Helm, MI'. R. Dumlas, ~I.n. Goo(lman, .Thfr. T. H., lI1. R. C. s. IIemlel'.oll, MI'. J. H., )Ln. (Adelaide) Gorham, Mr. James John, :lLD. Hepburn, :;\[1'. 'Y. A., )f. n. Grant, Mr. Ogilvie, ;\I.B. ITey, Mr. Milne., )I.A., ~r.R.C.R., L.n.C.p. Gray, Mr. A., M.B. IIil1ahy, iiII'. A., L. n. C. P. Gray, Mr. 'Y. M.B., C.lIf. IIinll ell, Mr. J. ,., B.A . , Camb. , ~LD. Greathead, 1111'. J. B., M.B., C.lIr.,lIf .R.C ... Hodges, MI'. William, M.R.C.S. (South Africa) IIoffman, 1\11'. A. II., L.R.C.P.E .




Hogg, 1111'. Walter D., :If.D. (Paris) Knapps, 1111'. M. H., M.B.C.S., L.R.C.P. Holden, Ur. J . ., ~I.D. Knowles, .Mr. F. J., M.R.C.S. Holt, 1\11'. H. 1\1., JlI.R.C . . Knox, ~Ir. C. F. , j\I.D. Holtom, 1\11'. C. J., lIU1.C.S. Lapage, Mr. C., M.D. Hood, 1111'., M.D. Latimer, Mr. H. A ., M. R.C.S., M.D . H opk ins, 1\11'. T ., ~I.D. La,urie, M1'. Caspar R., ~I.R.C.S., H 03egood,1\[r. . P., ::Il.R.C.S., L.R. C.P. L. R.C.P. H oward, 1111'. A. D. , M.D. Lawson, 1111'. Geo., M.D. H oward, 1111'. H eaton C., lI1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. L eahy, Mr. A., M.R C.S. Howe, Mr. E. R., L.R.C.B. L edial'll, 1111'. H. A., M.D. Howie, Mr. Alexander, M.D. L ee, Mr. J . , lILR.C. S. Hudson, Mr. H . E., ~I. D. Lees, Mr. ,Yilliam, lIL R. C. s . H ughes, Mr. Hugh L e" is, L. R. C. Lennox, Mr. D avid, :lI.D. Hunt, 1\11'. R, :lI.R.C.S. Leslie, Ml'. D. A., M.D. Hunter, Mr. E. J., L.R. C.P. , Edin. L eslie, 1\11'. R. ,V., M.D. Hurry, lUl'. J. B., ~LD . Letcher, .Mr. H. R., M . B. H utchinson, Mr. J., M.D. Lishman, 1111'. R N., M.D. Hutton, Surgeon-Major G. A. Littlewood, nIl'. H., F.R.C.S . I'Anson, nIl'. Welby, M.B., C. M. Littlewood, Mr. J. 0., lILR. C.S. I nnes, Surgeon-General Sir John Ker Lloyd, :JIl'. E. J., M.D. Lloyd, Ml'. Jordan, F.R.C.S. R.C.B ., F.R.C.S. (Florence, Italy) I rving, 1111'., :lCD. ( :rew Zealand) Locke, 1111'. George, L.R.C .P. , Edin., Jackson, 1111'. Allan, ::II.D. ::1I.n.c.s. Jackson, 1111'. C. , L. n.C. P., EdilJ. Long, 1111'. Fred, ;)LR.C.R. Jackson, Mr. E . S., ;)I.B., C.M. Lorraine, 1111'. R B., M.B., C.::I1. Jackson, SiT R. \Y., C.B., F.R.C.S., Irel. Loveless, 1111'. 'Walter K., L.n.c.r. , Edin. JaIland, M1'. W. Hamilton, F.R. C.S. Low, 1\11'. Charles, M.B. (New Zealand) Jennings, 1\11'. 'Ym. 1\1., lILR.C.S . L owe, 1\11'. G. J. R, ;)f,R.C.S ., L.R.C.P. Jones, 1\[1'. Evan, M.D. L owe, 1111'. G. 1\1., M.D. Jones, llIr. HerbeTt, L.R.C.S., Irel. L owe, nIl'. ,V. G., M.D. Jones, 1111'. Hugh, M.B. L ow~on, 1'.11'. George, M.B. Jones,1\1r. J. Amallt, L.R.C.P. Macartney, 1111'. R., L.R.C.P. , Edin. Jones, Mr. J. Owen, L.n.C.R., & L.R.C.P. 1I1acgilvray, Mr. J. H., L.R.C . P., Eclin. Jones, Mr. John R., L.r:.C.P. 1\1ackoty, 1111'. 1. D., ;)LB. Jones, 1\11'. O. C., :lI.B., L.R. C.P. MacKay, Mr. ,V. 111., M.B . Jones, Mr . T. 0., L.R.C.P., M. R.C.S. Mackenzie, Mr. Thomas, M. A., M.D. Jones, 1111'. W. Black, M.D. Mackness, 1\11'. G., M.D . Jones, 1\11'. W. 1\1akeig, M.D . MacLeod, Mr. 111. D. , L. R. C. s., Edin. Jordun, lUI'. F. W., ::II.D. Macpherson, Mr. A., M.D . (Cape T own) Joseph, 1\11'. Alan, L. n . c.... Macro bin , Lieut. -Col. Kelly, Lieut.-Col. R. Vandeleur, C.B., Mahon, iiII'. G. A. D. ) M.D . F.R.C.S. (Sydney). 1\1alcolm, Mr. E., M.D . Kelly, Captain T. Gordon, R.A.M.C. (;)I), M.D. MaIlins, Major, R.A.;)L C. Keys, Smgeon C. W., M.D. Manley, Mr. J. H. H., f liLA. (Cantab. ), Kilkelly, L ieut.-Colonel C. R., C.M. G., M.B. , lILR.C.S. R.A .M. C. llIann, Mr. W . S., M.R.C.S . King, 1\11'., ,V. H., M.D . 1\1anners, 1\11'. VlT. H., M.B. Kinnear, 1111'. Wm ., M.B . Marier, Chas. G. D., L.R.C.S. , I re1. Knaggs, 1\11'. R. Lawford, M.D. March, 1111'. H. C., M.D.


llfarkhalJ1, M1'. ,V. , M.D. (Adelaide) M ortimer, 1\11'. T. D. K, M.D. Marsh, Mr. J. H., lICR.C. S., L.R.C.P. M oyni han, 1\11'. n. G. A. , F.IL.C.S., lIl.B. Marsh, Mr.Jamcs J., L.R.C.P.,L.R.C.S., Mylcs, Major, R.A. lII.C. Edin . Nance, Mr. II. C., lI1. n . Marshall, Surgeon-Major J. J. de Zouche, Neild, 1111'. J. E., M.D. (McllJonrne) L.R.a.S., Irel., L.A.H. Dub. ~ eilsoll, Mr. II. J., M.D. MarLin, Mr. E. F., M.n. Nelson, MI'. Stanley, liLT> . Martin, Mr. J. W., M.D. N cwhy, 1\11'. C. II. , F.n.U.S. Massie, Mr. T., 1II .D. Newton, Mr. R. Clark, lIf.IL.C.R. Matthcws, MI'. S. P., lILn.c.s., L.R. C.P. icholson, Brigacle-Sl1J'gcon E. Matthews, 1\11'. T. G., M.D. Norton, 11'. A. T., (' . .D., F.ll.C.S. Matthe"lls, Mr. Va,lentine. M.R.C.S. N orton, !\II'. G. E,"eritt, lILJL n.. ·. Maynard, Mr. J. C., ~Lll.C . S . , lII.R.C.P. Nys. Cll, l\lr. P. J . ue, lIf. n. Oakley. Mr., M.D. McOarthy, Mr. J llstill McCullum, M.B.C.S. Odcll, MI'. F.n.c.R., lIf. n . McDonald, Mr. J., lIL\.., M.D . O'Farrell, Mr. Cha,rles, L.ILc.r.; L.n.c.s. Irel. McDonald, Mr. J., lIL\., lILD., C.lII. McEwan, Mr. D., lIl.D. 01tllw,ll1, Mr. II. F., :If.D. McEwan, MI'. 'Y. C., M. D. Oliver, 1\k C. Pye, lILn. McFarland, Brigadc-Surgeon F. E. Osborn, MI'. al1ll1cl, F.Il.C .. . McKellar, Mr. A. 0., 1II.D. Owen, Mr. E., F.ll.C.N. McNalty. Lieut.-Col. G., l'.n., :'II.n., Owen, .;\11'. O. R. P., \f.D. B.A.lILC. Packer, 1\11'. ,,'. H.: "\!. D. Mears, 1\11'. F. C., lI1. n., ::If. n. c. R. Page, II'. II. }\1., lIf.D. Melville, :JIr. S., :11.]:.('.:->., L.n.c.p. Pagc, :Mr. II. 'Y., F.r:.c.s. Mcssitcr, Mr. 1\1. it., Jl1.Il.(.S. Parker, iII!'. II. tx., r .n.c. P., F.r. .C.S. Metcalfe, 1\Ir. R., lII. D. Pany, Mr. L. A., :11.0. 1\Iidcllemiss, Mr. G., ::II. D. Partridge, Mr .•. , lIi. B . Milburn, MI'. C. H. ;)1. B. P(utl'idgc, 1\Ir. T., lII.n.c.,;. lIIill, Mr. G. S., lII.D Paterson, Mr., "\I.D. Miller, Mr. J. W., :'ILD. Patter on, l\I1. n. dc J . , L.n.C.r., Milligan, ~1r. R. A., M.D. :lI.Il. c .... Milne, Mr. Robert, lI! D. Pearson, 1\11'. . Y. M.D . Modlin, Mr. 1. Gihson, ;)f. D., L... A. Pcndlehmy, i'Ir ..r. T., lIr.R.C.S. Moffat, Rev. Dr., liT. D Pennell, Mr. II., lII.D . Moil', 1111'. J. N., lIL D. Perry, :JIr. C . .J1., lIr.ll.C.S., L.n.C.p. Molloy, Mr. G. S., M.D . Peters, l\I1'. A. J. A., L.1(.C.['., L.U.C.S., Montague, Mr. A. J. H., M.D. Eclin. Moore, 1\11'. F . F., M.D. Phelps, 1\11'. Philip,:\[.n.c.s.,L.n.c.r.,Eclin. Moore, llIr. H. C., lIf. R. C. s. Phillip'" 1\11'. '. II., lIl.1l.C ... 1I100re, Mr. Milner, M.D. Pick crsoCfi 11 , Mr. E. P ., .~r.r:. .C. . , L.n.c.p., 1I100re, Hon. Brigade-Surgeon Sandford Ec1in. Morgan, Mr. E. W., M.D. (N. S . Wales) Pilgrim, MI'. E. G., ::'ILn., C.:l1. Morgan, Mr. H. M., lILR.C.S . Pim, lllr. F. de Bcch, T,.n.C'.p.r. Morgan, Mr. Llewellyn, lI1. D Pisani, Professor (1\1alta,) Morg.an, ~ir. L., liLA., lII.B . C.S. Pochin, 1\ll'. F. L., lIr.n. Morns, Mr. S. G., M .D. Pooley, Mr. E. B., L.n.c.s. Morris, Mr. T. H., M.B. Pooley, 1\11'. R C . .i\Iason, J. P., L.n .c.s., Morris, Oapt. W. it., lI1."8., R.A.lILC. I rcl.




58 Porter, 1\11'. A . E., :\1. B., B.C. Potter, 11'. H . Percy, F.r-.C.S Poulton, 1\11'. B., M.D . (Adelaide) Po\yell, Mr. H. A., M.B. Pml'lle, Leslie, :\f. r-. c. s. Prance, 1\11'. G. H., M. D. Pratt, 1\11'. J. Dallas, M.D. Price, :Mr. Arthur, M.B.C.S. Purves, :Mr. A . Scott, i\I. D. Ranson, .I1Ir. ,V. E., M n.c H. Ratcliff-Gaylard, Mr. J., M.D. Ha\\llsley, Major G. T., n.A.i\I.C. Rayw"ood, Mr. J. R. 1., )I.R.C.S., L.R.C. P. Reed, Mr. Cash, lI1.D . Reill, Mr. Douglas A ., M. D. Reid, Mr. DuncanJ., i\I.B . Reid, Mr. Edgar, lIL R.C.S., I,.R.C.P Reid, 1\11'. T. W., :M.D. Re ignol, jUl'. A . Le, M.D . Reynolds, Mr. R., 1tI. R. C. s. Rbys, nIl'. W. L., M.R.C.S . Rice, nIl'. W . Richardson, lII. D. Riddell, :Mr. J . Scott, M.A., i\LB. Rigden, 11'. Brian, 111. B. C. s. Riley, Mr. J. W., L.R.C.P. Robb, :lIIr. James B. IL, )LD. Roberts, nIr. Arthtu', M.D. Roberts, Mr. Griffiths J . , L.R.C.P., Edin. Roberts, iiII'. H. Jones, lILR.C.S. Roberts, :Mr. Lawton, :\LD. Roberts-Dudley, nIl'. F. J., i\I.R.C.S. , L.S.A. Roberts, :Mr. R. J., )I.B. Robinson, iiII'. A. Henry, M.D. Ro binson, Mr. A. Hepworth, :\I.)t. C. s. Robinson, Mr. E. L., :\LD. (Guernsey) Robinson, 1Ir. H. S ., lILR.C.S . Robinsou, nIl'. W., )LD. Roper, Mr. H. J . , :M.R.C.S. Rosignal, Mr. 11.. Le, :\I.D. Round, ]}Ir. John Cornw'all, i\LR.C.S. Rowden, Hr. L. A., lILB. Russell, ::'III'. John, M.D. Rutherford, 1IIr. Henry, M.D. Ruttle, Mr. R., M.D. St. Leger, M1'. R. A., lIL B., C.M. Savory, Mr. H., :\LA., iII.B.B.C. Scales, Mr. 1{, L. p.. C. S., Irel. Scatliff, Ur. P. M., lILR.C.S. Scofield, Mr. Harold, l\L B.

Scott, 1\11'. R. J. H . , l\I. D. Selby, l\Ir. E. \Y., M.D. Sellers, Ur. R. Burdett, M. R. C. s. Sevestre, nIl'. R., M. D. Shaw, ::'IIr. Jame , l\LD. Shelley, 1\11'. P. W. G., :\I.D. hell.Y, :Mr. C. E., l\I.D. Shi,es, 1\11'. J., M. D. Shone, Ur. ,V. J., )r.n .c .s . Shuttleworth, M1'. G. E ., M.D. Siddall, 1\11'. J . B., :\1. D. Simpson, Ur. ,Yo S ., lII.n.c . .. Sinclair, 1\11'. Robert, :\I.D. Skae, Mr. Francis, :\1. D. Skip,,-orth, 111'. H.,i\LR.c.s.,L.R.c .p .lrel. Sleman, nlajor R. R., L.. . "" Smeddle, nIl'. R. 'Y., i\l.ll. Smith, Mr. C., M.R. C.S. Smith, Mr. C. J., l\I.R.C.S. Smith, :oIl'. G., i\I.D. Smith, Mr. H., lII.D. Smith, :Jlr. H. Hammond, lII.R.C. S. Smith, :Mr. J. W., :\1. n. Smith, Mr. ::'lontgomery, :\1. D. Smith, ::'IIr. R. S., L.R.C.P., Edin. Smith, Professor ,Yo R., i\I-D. Snell, M1'. Sydney H., i\1. D. Soutar, Mr. C. H., M.B. (Australia) . Spencer, M1'. W. Henry, i\I.D. Sproulle, Mr. J. 'Y., L.R.C. P., I re1., L.R.C .S., Edin. Squance, Mr. T. Coke, M.D . Square, :oIr. W. H., L.B.C.P., Ec1in., L. n.c.s., Edin. Squire, Mr . J. E., :\I.D. Stalker, Mr. A . 1\1., l\I. D. Stanton, Mr. L.R. C.P. Stedman, nIl' . H., L.R. C.P. Steel, Mr. W . D., M.D . Steele, Major W. H., B.A. M.C. Steet, nIl'. G. Carrick, F.P•. C.S. Stevenson, Mr. J. R. Stevenson; Lieut.-Col., R.i\LC. Stewart, Mr. Duncan, M.D . Stirling, Mr . D. H., )I.D. Stoker, Mr . George, C.lII. G., M. D. Stoker, Mr. Thornley, C.M ,G., i\1.D. Stothard, Mr . James, lILR.C.S. Stretton, Mr. J. Lionel, lILE . C.S. Sturridge, Mr. P. F., L.R.C.P., Edin.


tnrrock, Mr. J . F., lILB., C. i\J . ,Valkcr, 1\11'. Jamcs, M.R.C.S. SU therland, Mr. J. A., M. D. \\Talbec, Mr. Thomas, :'II. D. Sutton, Mr ..A. M., M.D. Wallis, 111'. E. D., l\1.D. wann, :all'. A., JlI.R.C.R. \Valpole-SilllmoJ15, Mr. E ., JlI.D. Swayne, Mr. F. G., M.n . '\Yunl, MI'. J. L. 'Y., )1.D. \\'anl, 1\11'. J. P. S., Jlr.n.c.,' . Swinhoe, Mr. G. R., Jl1.n.c.s., L.H.C.l'. Symes, :aIr. E. ,Yest, M.D . "'Val'll, ~ll'. 1\1., ~r.D. Tayler, Mr. J!'. T . , M. ll.C.S. ",Yard, Mr. M . C., M.D. Taylor, nil'. L. A., lII.11.C.S . '\Yatel's, 1\[1'. J. L., M.D. Taylor, Mr. S. Robinson, 1Il.D., l!'.l!.C.S. Watson, 1\11'. John, 1II.D. Taylor, Mr. Tom R., M.n. Weavcr, 1111'. \Y . G., :1l.R. C.S. Taylor, SUJ'geon-Lient. -CoI. William, JlLD. Webb, MI'. J. E., :\1. B. Templeman, Ml'. CharIeR, M.D . ,Yebb, Majol' W. 'Wilfred, M.D., LM.,·. Tetley, Ur. F. Harrison, L. n. C. r., Edin. \\T emy ·s, :'IIr., :'II. D. Whitby, l\Ji~' L., L.n.c.p., Edin . Thomas, nIl'. A. Gano(l, :'If.Jl. Wltitc, Mr. C. 11., Jl1.n.c .. Thomas, Mr., :'ILD . (Nc\\' Zealand) Thomas, nIl'. D. E., JlLD. Wllitc, :'IIr. Henry, )I.D. Thomas, Mr. n.D., L.n.(J.~., L.n.c . r ., Edin. Wltitcheatl MaJ' 01' H R F n C.1., n \. ..f1..' •" .l.U. C, Thomas, Mr. W. E., L.n.c.p., Edin., Whyte, Mr. J. Mackie, :'ILD. L.R.C. '. ,YIld, :Mr. II. ~I.n.c . s . Thompl'lon, Mr. E. C., )I.D. Wilkinson, :JIr. J. D., :\I.D. Thompson, 1111'. J. Henry, L.n.c.p., !reI. Williams, :'111'., :\LB.C .... Thompson, Mr. J. Hilton, ~1.B., i\1.S. "Williams, Mr. E. R., )1.n.c.s., L.n.C.p. Thomson, Miss Emily C., :1I.B.C.:lL, Etlin. William, 1111'. J. D., :'ILD. Thomson, Sir W. (latc), r.R.c,,".,Trel. \Yilliams, :'III' . .I. ., 'Ln.c .. ·. Thomson, 1111'. G., M. B. 'Yilliam<;, 111'gcon-:'IIajor ( ydney) Thomson, 1111'. Geo., :'ILD. Willoughby, Mr. W. G., ;\LD. Thornhill, Brigade-Surgeon M. (Guernsey) \riltoll, Mr. J. P., ~I.n.e .... \rilsnn, Mr. J., )LD. Thursfield, Mr. T. W., :\LD. Tideombe, Mr. F. S., :'II.n.c ... , L.B.C.P. ,rilsOll, Mr. J. ,-'eott, :If.D. Todd-White, 1111'. A. T., :'Ir.n.C.s., L.n.C P. 'Yiuck\\-orth, :JIr. ,\Y. D., ;\r.l~.C.," . Toll,h 111'. J. T., :\r.n.c ... , L.n.c.p. WilJl'ute-", anI , :'III'. W ., :\1 T '" - .R.C .S . , L.s ....... r~ arne, illr. J. L., :\f.R.O.S. \\Tillslow, :'III'. L. . Forbes, )I.R.C.P Tr~mble, Mr. C. J., c.:\1.G., L. R.C.P. Wooll, ;\II'. A. T., :'Il.D. Tnttoll, :Mr. W. P., lII.n.C.R. (Natal) \\Tooll, :'Il!. E. 'tallley, :'I1.n.c ... Trott, Mr. Dudley, :'II.n. (Bcrmuda) Woodcock, :'Ill'. H. de C., L.R.C.P. ~lllstal1, Mr. 11.. C., M.D. ,\\Toolhi, .!\II'. J. H., L.Il.C.S.I. Till'ner, Surgeon-Major Woorls Ill. ·l)ec. -General H 0 T D I , . ., C.B., nrner, ep.- nspr.-Gen. Robert, R.N. ('.1'.0., M.D . , n ... •. Tmner, Mr. ,V., i\I. D. (Gibraltar) '\T \ OOl1s, .\'Ir. J . F ., :\I.D. ,\~T 1 1"'urgcon-General G.p.:.r., ::-I.D., Tuxford,1I11'. R., :\r.n.c.s., L.R.C.P. II oor wan, Tyrrell, 1111'. Wn,lter, M.R.C.S. F.n.C ... ( yclney) ,



Ty~on, Mr. W.

J., JlLn. (Umzinto) VeItch,11r. W. G., L.n.C.r., Eelin . Vernon, 1111'. A. Heygate, F.R.C.S. Vernon 1111' W . ' . ., lII.R.O.S., L.n.c.p., Edm. . mes M· C S V ' 1. . ., 111. R. C. s., L. n. c. P, Wade , M·1. A . B ., M.D. Wade Mr 0 H . IV ld' . . ., L.R.C.P., lII.R.C.S . a 0, Mr. F. J., lII .D.



Wooelptt, .illr. D. H., L.n.c.s., L.n.c.p. "roollctt, Mr. . ,1'., )I.D. ,Yrirrht Mr C F :\1 D .0"'"


\Vl'!rtht l\ll'. J . Cross1c" i\I D b ) J' i . . Yolland 1\11' J H :\1" C S ' . . .,. d'. ". YOllllCf .ill!'.ill }I D 0' . ., . • Yule, Mr. Robert 1\1. )LD '





(PranD lPrior}2 of the ~rDer of the 'ITJospita[ Of 5t. Jobn of Jerusalem in JEnglmlD. ~~ atron



(Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order). ~~rcgi1Jcnt



(Grand Prior of the Ol'der ). Dil'ector of the Ambulance Department, and Chairman of Committee : THE MO ST lIO N. TIlE lVI All QUF.;SS OF BJtEADAJ,BANF.;, KG. Assistant Director and Deputy Chairman : Rr CTIAItD TEMPLE, 131'., Chief Secretary : OOLONEL 8m HERBEllT O. PERROTT, BT, O.

D eputy Chairman :

LmuT.-CoLONEL 8m

* Annual Suuscription or Donation.

I 7w'rew~i . 71., enclose £

C.I. E.



0.13., (Lifc Mcmber of the Committee, Hon01'is Oa1~s(1). Accountant and Storekeeper:



R. EmvARDS, ESQ., A.O.A.

?ny* " to the St, John A ?T/'bulance Association, lleing exclusive of entrance f ees (if any) for admission to classes


either p?'elin~ina?"y or advanced. Usual Signatu?'e (t t

Please state "Mr." "Mrs" or , e Miss."

)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -



P eT?nanent A cldTess _____ _ _ _ _____________________________ _ NOTE.-Life Members and Annual Subscribers of One Guinea (and upwards) are entitled to receive (post paid) a copy of the Annual Report of the St. John Ambulance Association.

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50hl1 Bl1lblllance Bssociatiol1.

METROPOLITAN DISTRICTS AND COUNTRY CENTRES. following is a Nominal Roll of the Towns and DistJ'jcts where Oentres " have been formed since the St. John Ambulance Association was establi hed in 1 77. The names and addresses of the Local Executive Officcrs can be obtained on application to the Ohief Secretary, St. John's Gn.to, Olcl'kenwell, London, E.c. THE


Metropolitan Centre. No.1 District (Kensington, South Kensington, Brompton, and N otting lIill, &c.) No.2 District (City and Port of London, iuclmlillg l3loo111s].ll1ry, and East London) No. 3 District (St. James's, ,Yhitehall, Mayfair, IIyde Park, . W.) No.4 District (Belgl'avia and Cltel'ea)

lapton, etc., now No. 7 District (North-East London, included. in No. II. District) No.8 District (Putney, ,VanLlsworth antlneighbonrhood) _ No.9 District (Kilburn, and North-West London, etc.)


No. 10 District (Drixton, Kennington, Balham, 'treatham, Clapham amI neighbourhood) _ No. 11 District (Southwark anLl neighbonrhood)


No. 12 Dis trict (Harlesclen). Polytechnic Centre (309, Regent treet)


Hospital Saturday Fund Centre (54, Gray'::; Inn Roall). Willesden Green and Cricklewoo d Centre Aberdare Centre

" "


No. 6 District (llammersmith, Chi~\\'iek and Fulbam)



" " " "


1 79

1 78 1 90 18 0 18 1 18 1 2


" " " " "





1 96 1 95 1


1 96 1 81

6b Accrington Centre Aldershot Centre

65 Forllled 1884



Aldershot Camp

1 95

Alfreton Centre


Ambleside (Westmoreland) Centre


Ashford (Kent) Centre Asbton-under-Lyne Centre Atherstone Centre

" "

Aylesbury Centre


Babbington Centre Backworth Colliery Centre Banbury Centre


" " "

Bangor Centre Barnsley Centre


Barrow·in-Furness Centre Basingstoke Centre Bath Centre


" "

Battle (Sussex) Centre Bearpark Colliery Centre Bedford Centre

" "

" "

Beighton Centre Belfast Centre

" "

Belgravian Centre Berwick-upon-Tweed Centre Bexhill Centre

" "

Bingley Centre Birchwood (Colliery) Centre Birkbeck Centre Birkdale (Lancashire) Centre Birkenhead Centre

" "

" " "

Birmingham Centre Birmingham Centre (Erdington Branch) Blackburn Centre Blackheath Centre Blackpool Centre


" " " " "

1878 1894 1885 ]883 1878 1884 1 93

:Blackwell Colliery Centre

Formecl 1882

Blandford Centre Bognor Centre :Bolton and District Centre

Brighouse Centre



:Burton-on-Trent Centre


" ,.

Buxton Centre


Cardiff Railway Company Centre

18 2 1890 18 0


Brownhills Centre -

Cardiff Centre

1 95


Bristol and Clifton Centre

1 81



Brighton and Hove Centre

Canterbury Centre -

188 7

" "

Brierfield Centre

C/?,mbrian Railways Centre

18 0


Bridport Centre




Bradford Centre


188 5


Bournemouth Centre

Burnley (Lancashire ) Centre

1 85

188 0


IS 3

18 3 1 79


" ,>

1 98



1 ,,9





Carlisle Centre


Carsbalton Centre


Castle Eden Centre


Chard Centre



Charlton Centre



Chatham and District Centre


Cheltenham Centre



Chester Centre



Chesterfield Centre


Chislehurst Centre

" "


Clay Cross Centre •


Oleator District Centre


Oleatol' Moor Centre


COlchester Centre


Colne Centre


Cork Centre _

]" 1







L7 1

" " " " ,>






10/9 1 90

Ie 3


66 Coventry Centre Coventry Centre (Bedworth Branch)

Formed 18 2

Coventry Branch (Wyken Branch)

" "

Cumberland Mines and Quarries Centre


Cranbrook . Centre

" "

Croydon Centre Dalton-in-Furness Centre


Darlaston Centre


Darlington Centre Deeside Centre

" "

Derby Centre


Dovel' Centre


Dublin Centre


Dudley Centre


Dukinfield Centre


Dumfries N.B. Centre Dundee Centre Durham Centre Eastbourne Centre East Grinstead Centre Ebbw Vale Centre

1 82

Granby Centre


Gravesend Centre


" " " "


Great Eastern Railway Centre

1 :2

Great Southern and Western Railway of Ireland Centre


Great Western Railway Centre

1 87

Greenwich Centre

18 8

Grimsby Centre

1 80

Guernsey Centre

1 86

H andsworth Centre

1 ,,1

Harrogate Centre


Hartlepool Centre


Hastings and St. Leonard's Centre

1 n4

Havant Centre Hawkeshead Centre Heavy Woollen District Centre

1 80

Hebden Bridge Centre


Hereford Centre

1884 1883

Hertford Centre Heywood (Manchester) Centre Holyhead Centre

Edmonton Centre -


Huddersfield Centre

Eton College Centre

1 79

Hull Centre -

1 ,8

Ilkeston Centre


Ipswich Centre

Exeter Centre Farnham Centre Faversham Centre

" "

" " "

Festiniog Centre


Fleetwood Centre .


Folkestone Centre -


Forest of Dean Centre


Furness Railway Centre


Frome Centre Gloucester Centre Gloucestershire County Council

" " "

1883 1883

Isle of Wight Centre


Janow Centre


Jersey Centre Kendal Centre

1881 1899

" "

" " "


" "


" " "


1899 1882 ]896 1898 1 96 1882 1881 18 2 1 1 1 95 81 1

" "


1 .80 1




1, -3 1


1 0 1 ,3 1


18 7 1 ± 1 .~

1 1 0 1



" " "

KeSWick Centre Kettering Centre





" "


Isle of Purbeck Centre

Keighley Centre



Isle of Man Centre


" "



Eckington Centre

" " " " " "

Halifax Centre

1 93

Formed 1899


1 82

18 5


Gosport, Alverstoke, and Fareham Centre

5 1" 1 ± 1 3 1 0 1 -1 1 93

69 Formccl

Kidderminster Centre Kiveton Park Colliery Centre


1881 1879

" "

Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Centre .

" " "

Lancaster Centre


Leamington (Warwickshire) Centre


Leeds Centre


Leicester Centre


Lewes Centre


Lichfield Centre


Lilleshall Collieries Centre


Donnington Branch (Lilleshall Collieries Centre) .


Lincoln Centre


Liverpool Centre


Llandudno Centre

" "

London and South-Western Railway Loughborough Centre Louth (Lincolnshire) Centre

Monmouth Centre

1 97

Mountain Ash Centre


1 90

1 81

Nelson Centre



1 1

Newark-on-Trent Centre

1 78

Newcastle-upon-Tyne Centre

1 0

North Bucks Centre

] 84-

North Shields Centre

1 3

North Wales Collieries Centre

1 1

Ffrwd Colliery Branch, N. Wales .Colliery Centre

1 80

North-Eastern Railway Centre

1 5

Northfleet Centre

1 3

Norwich Centre



90 1 84

Lymington Centre


Lytham Centre



Oldham Centre Oldhill Centre Ormskirk Centre Otley Centre


Malvern Centre


Manchester Centre




Oxford Military College Centre



Padiham Centre


Parkgate Centre


Penrhyn Quarries Centre


Pershore Centre


Perth Centre


Peterborough Centre

Margate Centre I~arlow



Marske-by-the-Sea Centre Melksham Centre .

" II

Metropolitan Rail way


Merthyr-Tydvil Centre


Mexborough Centre


Middlesbrough and Cleveland Centre (including Stockton Branch) Midland and Great Northern Railways JoiIl't Committee

Oundle Centre Oxford Centre

Pilsley Centre

" " "



Plymouth Centre


Polesworth Centre






18 6

" II

18 9


1 9':;

" "




1 4 "

" "

" " " 'J


" " 1

" "

" II




Nottingham Centre

Maidstone Centre .




1 '93

Norwood and Sydenham Centre Nuneaton Centre



Northampton Centre North Bierley Centre




1 93

1 97







Llanberis Centre London and North·Western Railway

Formcu. 18 8

Milton Centre

Lancashire and neighbouring Counties Federa,tion P.S.A. Societies

Millom Centre





1 93 1 ,1






70 Pol mont, N,B"


Polytechnic Centre

FOl'lncll 18 4


Pontypool and District Centre


Portsmouth Centre


1 95

Skipton-in Craven Centre


Slough Centre

1 1

Smethwick Centre -


Port Talbot CentrEl


Potteries Centre (Now North Staffordshire Centre )


Preston Centre


R a msgate Centre


Reading Centre

" "

Reigate Centre Richmond (Surrey) Centre Riddings Colliery Centre Ripley Centre Rochdale Centre


" " ' I

Rotherham Centre


Ross (Herefordshire) Centre


Royal Military College (Sandhurst) Centre

" "

Rugeley Centre Rye Centre St, Anne's-on-Sea Centre st, Helens (Lancashire) Centre St.


Cray (Kent) Centro

Saddleworth Centre Sandgate Centre Sand wich

Ce~ tre

Seaton Carew Centre Sevenoaks Centre Sheerness Centre Sheffield Centre Shetland Centre Shipley Centre Shoe buryness Centre Shrewsbury Centre

FOl'lllcrl 1887 " :,


Southampton Centre

Portsmouth Centre (Gosport, Forton, and Alverstoke Division)

Sittingbourne and Milton Centre

" " "



" " " " "

" " "

" "

1896 91 1



Southam Centre

" "

Southport Centre South Shields Centre

1 9

Sowerby Bridge Centre

I" 1

Stafford Centre

1 83

Stalybridge Centre

1 79

Staveley Centre


Stockport Centre

1 78

Stourbridge Centre

1 91

Streatham Centre


Sunderland Centre

1 84

SUl'biton Centre

1 ,-, 0

Sutton Coldfield Centre

I" 3

Swansea Centre

1 3

Swinton Centre

1 84

Sydenham Centre

1 84

Tamworth Centre

IS 4

Taunton Centre

1 3

Tibshelf Centre

1 94

Tonbridge Centre

1 SO

Tunbridge Wells Centre -


Twickenham Centre


Ulverston Centre

1 78

Uttoxeter Centre

18 2

Wakefield Centre


Waltham Abbey Centre


Warrington Centre


Waterford Centre


Wath-upon-Dearne Centre


Wednesbury Centre

" "


1900 1 ,,0

18,, 7 1 ,- 3

1 ,, 3 lIn


" " "

" "

" "

" "

" "

] 91 1-.9:j 1 ,,~ O

l ' ,, 3

1 ,, 3

L..; 0 L '4 1 ,1



" " " "


" "

1 9 1.. 79 1 81 1 91 L,,9 L 6

1 79

" " " "

1 '1 1 1 1 6 1 ,,7

72 Wellingborough Contre


Wellin g ton (Salop ) Centre West Hartlepool Centre Welwyn Centre

Formed 1888

" ., "

West Bromwich Centre



Weston-Super-Mare Centre


Weybridge Centre


Weymouth Centre


Whitchurch (Sa lop ) Centr e Whit ehaven Ce ntre

" "

W i g a n Cent re


Willington Quay and Wallsend Centre


Wimbled on Centre


W imborne Ce ntre


W indsor Ce ntr e

" "

Winsfo r d Centre


W irksw orth Cen tre


W olver hampton Centre


W olverton Centre


Wombwell Centre


Woo dford Centr e


Woolwich Centr e


Worcester Centr e -

" " "

Workin g ton Cent re Wort hing Centr e York Centr e -


Borneo (Sandakan) Centre

1881 1880

Halifax ( N ova Scotia) Centre


Hong K ong Centre

1 89

King William's Town Centre

Canadian Centre Cape Town Centre Ceylon Centre


" \I


" "

1 92 1884


1 80



East L ondon B ran ch




Queen's Town B ran ch

1 91

Malta Centre

1 84

Port Elizabeth Centre

1 0

Singapore (Straits Settlements) Centre

1 1

Vancouver (British Columbia) Centre

" " "

" " " "

1885 1885 1891 1 82 1889 18 5 1 90

1 88


1879 1


Adelaide, South Australia, Centre (Branches-Port Adelaide, Glenelg, Mount Barker, Gawler)

1 0 18 5

Brisbane Centre

1 4

Sydney, N. S. Wales, Centre

1 .f 1895 1885

Tasmania (Launceston CentreVictoria Centre West Australian Centre -

" " "

" " "

1884 ]899 1890 1 89 1 3 1 92

18 0 1 77 1878 18 5 1 82 1 90

Formed 1883




Grah am's Town Cen tre

British Dominions Beyond the Seas. Bermuda Centre

Gibra ltar Centre

1887 1895 1891 1889

NEW ZEALAND. New Zealand, Auckland Centre Christchurch Centre


" " "



" " "



Dunedin Centre Invercargill Centre Nelson Centre


New Plymouth Wellington Centre

" "

" " " "


1 92 1 51891 1

188':; 1 99 1




West Indies. Nassau (Bahamas) Branch St. Kitt's (Leeward Islands) Branch Trinidad (Port of Spain) Branch

" " " F

18 4 1 "3


74 South Africa. Forme

Eritish Bechuanaland (Vryburg)


1 91



East London Graham's Town "


" "

MosseU Bay Orange River Colony (Bloemfontein)


1 93


1 94 1 94:


1 94


1 94




1 94









Earoda Centre



formation) Earoda and Central India R al'1 w ay Centre (in proee s of


Calcutta Centre


Karachi Centre


Madras Centre

" II



1901 1901 1901


(CiIV (f}lll Purl



Forlllcll 1 . O. Field 1ILII'.hul II. R II. the Duke or ('Ollllallght nllcl "trathearn/ ., ife'





The Corporation of' the City ot Londoll

lo1. C. \\T J 11(1 hum )1 nrray, ('. 1:',)1. P. ColoIlL.l ,'il Aubone G. Fife 1IInjor-G"lltl al Bryan Mill11an, C. B. :\1e. sr.. J. and H. :\Iorley :\J 1' . .J ohn )101'1ey ])1'. E(lwin Freshliclc1, LL. D. F. s. A. :\11'. E1'IJC'st L. Oli \'C )LI', Edward Howley Palmer Me. ::;r::; . rreeott all"d Co. (Banker) )11'. cx-",'hcrifr Water low 1111'. E(bYUl\l "Yehb (Britbh and Foreiull \\TharC) )li~ ... Ford"(IIighgate).

The Fi.lunonger· ' 'ollll':1n,Y The Gohlslllith" olllpallY The Grocer" t1ll1pauy The Habenlushers' COlJlp:1ny

The ~lercer .. ' COlJll'<lIlY The :\[crchuni Taylor" 'OlllPUIlY The Skillller " Cllllll'all~' The Surrey COllllllCl'ciul Dock COlllpany

1\11'. Edward L. Bam:ml




Paris Centre Riviera (Cannes) Centre


Mr. Comad Bcrgman The Uarone. Blll'!lctt-Col1tt·

Silchar Centre (in process of formation)

Argentine Centre Formosa Centre Jerusalem Centre


l\Irs. F. W. lIalTi~

The Cutlcr ' Company


Sind Centre

Lady:tllontagll Miss B. Louisa Parkcr Mis' Mary L. Parker ThIn;. trcatfeil(l The Do\yager Lady Trela\YlJy Lady Trevelyan Miss Welu l\IiHS "YiIson Hon. Henrietta Wind 'or-Cliye il11'1;. Anthony Wingfield.

Mrs. n. L. Cohen Colonel J. O. Dalton, l:._\. General it'~. G. Fan~ha\l"e, Cl.c.:.D. Lady Fowlcr Miss A. t. Johu Gray Oolonel, it' Jamcs Giidea, c.Y.o., C. D. The Rt. Hey. the Lorr1 Hi hop of

1 ",5

Bangalore Centre -

Quetta Centre

!Iii .. Humphreys Mr~. Lean



Bombay Centre

~I C 1111)(']'".


Miss Braby Lady Hargreaves Drown Miss BUl'llett Miss Cra yell




Formel1 1878.

1 94


Paarl -

Transvaal (Johannesburg)

( Kensington, etc.)

1 04






Mas ern Matabeleland (Buluwayo)



1 94

Heidelbel'g Malmesbury -

St. JObll Bn1btllallce Bssociation.

1894 1 91


Cape Town Centre-


1897 1889 1885 1889 1883

(I -ft.

JUlJlClj's, TVhite!wll, J.1Ia,l;juil, 1I.IIde Purl, P(lcldiJlgtu , Bay'n'ater, .Nutting ilill, Rcqcllt's Pal'l, Jlegellt 'tl eet, Q,;jord Street, etc.)

Formed 1 11




Princess Beatrice, Princc 'Hclll'Y of Battcllocrg.



Life lUcm\)cl's.

H er Grace the Duchess of L eeds l\li s Francis Martin Miss A. Miles JUl'. Samuel Morley Col. C. "\Yyndham MUl'ray,c.n.,M.r. l\[r . C. "\YYlluham Murray The Lord H eay Mis A. dc Rothschild Mrs. Leopold Salmons Mr. Albert San[lcman Mr. Fleet \\'ood. Sal1lIemall Mr. A . L. Savory The Counte s of Scfton :Mr. H. J. Tritton Mr. Clarence "\Vat 'on Mr. Cuthbert "\Yills.

The Marchione of I3ath Lady E. Browne Mr. "\Y. L. Burdett-Coutts Mr. P. L. Chio 0 Mr. W. Coates Sir Frederick F. L. Cook, Bart. Countess Co"per Col. Sir Aubone G. Fifo The Counte s Granville JUl'. L. Vernon Harcourt Mrs. Quintin Hogg The Counte s of Ilchestor Ml'. James Jackson MI'. E. Kclso Col. E. H. Kennard JUiss King mill The Marchione s of Lansdo\yue

Funned 1881. "I'c'sidC-Il' •

Mr. II. IT. BOltOll, JUll\'. (·hail·man.

Hcy. E. GrcclIsill, TI'eHslll'('I'

1\1141 1I011.

iIlr. Joseph Ogrlcll, 157, 'Whalley Hoad, ACCl'illgtull.


A llluuluu<.:o Drill II all, null Bridgc, Accrillgtoll. Lifc )lcmJJcl'. .

Mrs, Thomas WhiLtakel'. MI'. F. F. Grafton. ~lis~ Whiltnker. Mr. C. J. Wllitlakel'. :\liss Gracc 'Whittaker. Mr. L. Whittakel'. illiss Janio "\rltittnker. 1111'. II. n. BolLoll. lIll'. A. E. Dall, ]'cl'resontillg Ho\\'unl n,11ll131111011 o h Ltd. Mr. ,J 011 n Rilcy, l'l'pI'cscn Lillg ihl' Accrinrrton ~n'tl Chnrch Co-operati YO I ocieL,)', Ltd. 0



(Balham, Battersea, Bl'ixton, Clapham, Kennington, Lambeth, Tooting, and neighbourhood.) Formed 1 82 . Pl'csi<lcnt.



I1Ir. Mr. I1Ir. Mr. Mr.

J . . Clay tOll, i'll.n, , F.n.(' .H" 1£<1. H.. Clcgg, ~l.ll.G.i'., [,.1:'<'.1'. :;\1. J. Fo_', L.U . C.,';., L.n . . 1'. T. Frallkish, .'LB., c . .'!. & 11.:-;,'. \\~illialn Uclldic, '\1. 11 .


Mr. A. Greenhalgh,


n, c.. ·.,

T.. R.e.l'.

Mr. T. E. Knttall, :\r.n., C.i'lI. .l\lr. It Hnttlc, r.. II.C.S" L.ll.C.l'. M]'. H. \\" ol'"lcy, :\l.ll., l..:\!.

H. R. H, the Princess Frederica, Baroness yon Pawel Rammingen. HOllOl'al'Y Secl'ctal'Y ancl


111'. William H, )Iorgan, 39, Alderul'ook Road, Balham Hill, London,

. W,

JIe<liC:l1 St :lJf.

Mr. John Brown, L.n.C.S., L.n.C.p. , Ire1.


Mr. L. S. l\Icl\Iann.', :\LD.

Statement oj Reccipts ((ncl E;;:penclitll1'e for the year cnding 3017~ Septcmbcr, 1903. RccciL't s. E;J'j)cn d It 1l i'C. To Balance from 1902 " Class Fee and ale of Stores

£31 10 21




£52 14



By Examiner' Fees, Incit1cntal Expen 'C anel Stores . ;(18 14 1 " tahollery, Postn,ge s , and Potlics 2 14 5 " Balance 31 5 10

Statement of j~c~( ipl (tll<l E''jICII(lillll'cjol' the YCLl/' ci/(li I &L,tclI!Ue,· 30th, 1903.

H, :\IORGA::-l', Hon. Secrctary (tlld Treasul'ei'.




of Men

,yliu llal'e completed a course of instl'llction.

who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of instructloD. 1st Aid. ~ l:I'sing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid.







" -'.\'l'IHP.\.l' j'OI:Y" 'x11I'" 'c:, the cOlllliliull or tlIi' Cuutre. new c:la " (; were held as u~nal dmillg the willter IIlUlllhs, wilh good rc.'ulls. The UOllllllittce han in hand a :"ChUUll of' st.ltiolling ,'urgical h:l\·cr. au; of ilnpro\'ed pattei'll ill will:; awl workshops of l11 district, t\\ l!llt,)' .~llch Llrlich· · llit\,c been allottee! lll1l'illg the year, lllllking sOltle ;)~ ill all. A(lditiollal illlere.t i,; oxhilJitecl ill tlti,; eli tl'ict o\\'inu to o the building of a lllnrrlliflccllt Jlll\\' tlrill .. borl lor Lhe .\.Cl.:r111,;to11 Corps of tbo St. John Alllllllialll'o Brigade, \\'hieh it is hupcll will be formally opcned early in the nc\\' YL'tH. A Uil%.Hlt' i::. II ing 'I'lrtllgel\ ill Oilier to rai. e the llece:,Ul'Y fund., alllounting to auout E~,OOO. The tm, t .C'~ of the late re peeted pre i lent, Aiderlllan Thomas Whittaker, .J.I'., hayc grallte(1 {;j00 to tb ' bllil<lillg ftlllll.

WOlilell who l,a I'll



I Nursing, 1st Ai(L

SINCE FOInIATIO::-l' OF CE~TI{E. 864 I 267 I 666 SIKCE 1ST OCTOBEH, 1902. 14 I 25 I 11

t Nursing.


Xo, 0[' Cerlif1cate d P111,ils 'I'ho ha\'(; rer'eiyed





Receipts. R.il C!l(1 il !l/'C, To Amount brought foI'\\'ul'l1 By Storc' aud Clas~ Fee' £;)6 12 from last ,1\!COllll t 31 ~ 7.1) "Pl'iutillg a1J(l Acl\'el'ti~illg . 9 " 'nhs(;riplion,' & dUlIaliom; H);; ~ cl~ "Unmt to Coqls. .120 0 " tores sold and 'In. .. s Fee' 21 1~ ~,,'ullcctor" COUlllli'sioll, pcr ~lr. T. ,-'troyan " Dall k ill tCl'cst 0 ;3 11 9 15 " Po~tage) and :"undl'y Illcidental K 'pell:'l'~ 3 15 " Balanec. . 52 10

I Women


40 N01;Clnbcl' 20th, 1903.





o 1 o o 1~

5 7~

J. OLi DEl', liolloJ'({ I'y SI'CI'claJ'Y ({nd Tl'Caslll·u. 'Vouchcrs examined amI ('ollud corrl'ct, ,J.\. \rEs DE.\.:\, '\ II -J Z' T. 1'ILKI'lGTO:\, J 011. - /I( Llors. (P,ls~cd) hDW.UtD GnEE-'.'II,L, Ulwiol!(w.




who have \ who have who have completed a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instrnctioll. instruction. 1st Aid. I NUfsing-ilst Aid. I ~nrsillg. 1st Aiel. I Nl1l'sillg.


who have recei ved Certificates. 1st Aitl.

No. of Certificated Pnpils who bave received )Iedallions.

I Nursing.

F01UfATION OF CE~TnE . 204 \ 371 65 \ 4 2 \ SINCE 1ST OCTOBEn, 1902. 35 20 \ 47


I Women.





171 16

who ha\'e who have who have completed a received completctl course of Certificates. a course of in~trncLiolJ. i Ilstrnction. 1st Aid. I Nursillg. 1st Air!. T~url)ing. lHt Ail\. I Xnl'sing.




No. of Womell

No. of Mell

No. of Women

Xo of ilIen










lst Aid.

OF CENTllE. 1~2 120 \ \ \ 1902. SINCg h'l' OCTODEU, 6 10 I \

- - - -----



.Formcu 1 7 .

T. Robert on.

ilOilOI'll ry


1\11'. A. J. Anclren' , Capital and Counties Bank, Alc1ershot.







Clla it·lll a u.

Sccrct ary.

1\11'. 'Y. F. D. J enllllett, The Bank, Ashford.

Mr. Johu Urcery.

JUl'. C. BmW,

UOllOl'al'Y ioi('Cl·ctal'Y.

73, Gros"e11or Roau, AluLl' llot. iiII'. G.

Jlc(licnl Staff.

Mr. C. E. Paterson, ~[. D. 1\11'. F. Dunlop, ~r.n., C.}]"., D.P.R. Mr. F. troyan, L. It. C. r. Lona., 1\11'. J. H. Gibson, L.R.C.l'., )['R.C ... :\r.n.c.S . Mr. W. Moyle O'Connor, )1.),., ~r.D. ANNUAL REPORT. D"C"RIXG the past year the members again havo clone vcry u efn1 "'ork in the COIlveyance of patients to Yal'ions hospitals and in renclering first aid ill many ca'es. Bnt it must be mentioned that too mueh of the \york falls on only a fow of the members, anu the Committee feel that it is most important for the carry ing on of the dnties in an efficient manner that a Brigade honlc1 bc formed. The Committee haye to record with regret the resignation of Dr. Dunlop, his lectures la t ,,-in tel' 'wcre well attended and mnch appreciated. Stcttement of Receipts Cln(l E:i'lJcnclitll1'e fOi' the yew' ending SepleiILbei' 30th, 1903. Receipts. E".penditul'e. To Balance at Bank £33 4 6 By Examiner ,'Feesand<1onatioll " Annual Subscriptions 7 6 0 to Central Fund . £3 18 0 2 0 0 "Material for Classes, (llan" Police Grant 4 1 2 2 14 0 dages, &c.) " Class F e e s . o f\ o " Sale of books, bandages, &c. 0 2 " Medallions . " For removal of pati,ent to " Hire of Rooms and tore3 3 6 Guy's Ho pital 0 19 3 keeper's salary . "Printing, AdYertising, 2 9 6 anel tationel'Y . . " In stl'Uctor for Classes, 1 11 3 Mollelfl, Postage, &c. o 4 o " Insurance and Che(111es " Removal of Patient to o 17 9 St. Thomas' Hospital 18 4. 29 " Balance at Bank 3 2 5 " In hands of Secretary


£49 11 11


U· .101m Furle)" C.D.

1\11'. J. 1\1ay.

Mr. W. T. Robertson.

I Women.


Dcputy ( 'llaiJ'lIl11ll.





Formed 1 90.


No . of Certificated Pupils who han

I ~lII·Sillg. ,[ell.



who have received Certificates.

£49 11 11

W. T. R ODERTSON, Ohair?nan . CLEMENT BUDD, Hon. Scc1·clCl1'Y· Vouchers examined and agreed <;\'ith entries in books, and balnnce found co rrect. G. H. R"C"~mALL . November 26th, 1903.

1. Mather, 33, Ila.nhnge Hoad, A.hfonl. Jh'(li('al

'Y. II. Coko,:-'Ln.c.r. Lond., )r.lt.C.~. Mr. E. Coh'i11o, F.n .. s. lilt'. J. H. )litchi'ol1, L.n.C.l'., )f.ll. '.".


~t:l fl'.

.Mr. C. Yernoll, )I.R.C .... , L.R.C.P. L011(1., D.I'.H. Camh. ilI1'. George Wilk', )1.B . , :\r.R . C.!'. L.S.A.

ANXUAL IlEFORT. DunL'G the yoar Ie ' \york has 1Ieen <lolle by the above Ccntre, but it is hoped that ch-;.'es mny he f01'111e(1 :-ltortly, au(l n:\'i\'C tho goo(l \york '0 10llg canied 011 in the to\\·U .•\l a lllceting hdtl in .July, ~ll'. 13ul'llag tendered his re 'igllation a secretary, "'hich \vas ac(;/,pLetl with regrct. )11'. G. M. ilLtLhel, ,'u11erintenelellt of the A hfon1 Towll Di\ i ,ion of thc 't. Juhn Allil,lditllce Brigatll', te1ll11ot'll'ily took o\'cr the Juties of Hon. ecretary. \' ery u:cful \york hn,; bccn cnrri II on by member' of the lln'iion in the removal of . ick patient.· to nllll frolll tlte Cottage IIo.pital ; al0 rClldl:ring fil st aid in many ca 0 of accideut , to the entirc snti faction of the medical 'tan'. StltlciHcnt of Rcccijds (( Illl E.I'llcnditllJ'c, 1902-1903. E.1'1Jenditlll'c. ReeL i[ll " £0 10 I By f(tamps To Ba.lance il.l n mk ,. 1 U 3 Ca ,It in hand " l'Illl(lalliolls " ub:criptions 3 ti 0 " Balance in Dllnk " ale of ~lel1allion 0 7 !) " 0 2 3 ", Catih ill hnllll " " 0 0 ~ Badges




£r' 1


~ 6 1 0 0 10 0 0 10 1 4 U 11

:CO 0

£5 I '

"Ye have examincl1 the allOYc account nll!l founel the same correct, JOIl" CnEEllY, OhaioJ!clIl. I','. F. B. JIDDmrl, Tr('{lsllI'Ci·. G. )1. lIL\TllEl:, HVIl. &u·ctu/'y.



81 Statement of Receipts and E;l;pend itI~}'e fO?' Vectl' enrling September 30th, Hl03 .


Receipts, Xo. or \YOIII CII

No, of Men

who have who hal'e who have com pleted a received completed COUlse of Certificates. a coursc of instrllction, instruction, 1st Aid, I Nursing, 1st Aid, I XUl'sing. 1st Aid, N.l1'sillg,




1st Aid,

I Nursillg.



No. of Certificated Pllpils who have J'cecived lIledallions.

who have receil'ed Cel'tilicates,





WOlllun .




To " " , , " " "

E,('jJcud it uJ'e, By Bank C'olllJlli~siOl1 £0 1 3 " I'Latiollcry, Printing, etc. ~ 11 O~ 6 5 " Atllblllancc lIlaterials, etc. 11 tJ'J 10 " Ex 1"'IIS08, 1'e 1\ III hlllanee ., 0 al)(llllll'siug divisjolls u 15 6 2l 1\lc(hlliolls U 5 15 6 " Bank Balance 0 ." 17 1~ 11 5 Cash in haml 0 3 4. " ---3 1 O~ £51 3 10~

Dalunce in Bunk £0 7 Balall(:c in band 0 5 Ba.ll kIll tcrcst. . 0 2 COJltrilJl1Lion~, Allilmlancc 1\lClll uet's' Bri 0"ade 3 1 l'loceeds or l'c\'iews, &0. 15 11 For :\IerlalliollS 5 ]8 21 18 For Am bnla.nee material £::;1




AllIL\IJ.\:\1 PAl:]' C'hainnroz. ,JIlIL A"DItE\\', '/'/'I;((SW'fl',




Hon. Secl'elm'v ,

Audited all,l COlllH1 l'orrect,

,y,\ LTEll LELs ,lull. \r~r. \\TALKEll T


Re-organizeu 1900,

Pl'ci(lcnt .

His Worship the ~layor, :\Ir, .T, B, Pownall. Cha il'lll1111.

Tl'en s n rCI'.

Mr. .\., Park.

:\Ir. Johu Andre,,'.



1 l't·. IU I DI S.

I%UE OF ClmTI F10;\'1'11,,' AXD ?lIEDALLIOR8, • -u,

ur ~lcll

.-u. U[\\'OIIlCIl

- - - --'-I-h-o-h-a-I."---------- Xo, ofCcl'iificated "·It,, l .. LI't.J ,,,Ito 11:\\'e ,,,lJo 1t:1.I'O Pupil:; wlto have J'I' eil'c'\ C,)J/l plct",\ a rcclli I'lIl rccei I'ed Cl)llllllL'letl cOllI'. c or CCI'II'lle nt ' '. a COllI'S' ut er 11'('Ica I cs, ill~lnl(.:tioll, •'CI] Ol\~," 111·011S. Illstrllctioll. 1st Aid. I .~lll'ill~. 1st .\~,~. I :\'ursill~ lsI ,\lll I .. 'urslT,g. ht ,\hl X'lr lll~. 1 )[ CIl. ,,"omelJ. ---'---Sl.·l g 1"UIl'l,\'I'lO_ ,n' CE.'l'llE, T


1 1

11 :->1

.j i

l'l~ b J'


Ol'lO Il I': It.

lIouorllI'Y Sccl'ctal·Y.

lIIr, Daniel Hall, Lynwood,



13 4


Mr, Walter Kewton. lIr. H. Payne.


JJcdiclll Staff.

:filr. Dleasdale. Mr, Bowman. Mr, Cheetham. 111', Corns, 1\11', Cral,shaw. Mr, Hamer. Mr. Hilton. Mr, W. H, Hughes, Junr,


mallshaw, Ashton-uuder-Lync ,

Life Jlcmbcl'S.

Mr. Bleasuale, Mr. W. H. Hughes, Juur.

30 1!10:!.

1111', ~lacpherson. iII l' , Mann. nIl'. 1I10r1'ison. Mr. Pearce, :\11', Price. Mr. 8mith, :\Jr, Talent. :JIr. Twomey.


'hades II. Sed)', ?lr. p. 'l'rc:l ~ 111·C'I'.


1111', G, Fowler,

~I.l. ',E,

:Ulr, F . .E. 5rely,

1I01l01':ll'y,'oi('('t'('fat'J (ll'ulJlt.'u'" ( '101 "(''') .

1lr.s. G, Fo\\'lpl', Basford Hall, R ollingham.

,\"hfallt :-ic(,l'ctaI'Y (ll'omcu', ('Ia..",c ). )11':;.

J. '1', ,r,tltcr-" Cinder Hill, Tot tingham .

11011 III'a I' . . i'\('c·I'('fal·}.

ANKUAL ImpORT. THIS Centre is still actiye and doing good service. The valuablc knowledge gained has many times been amply proverl by the rendering of fil'st aid boLh in the thoroughfares, factories, and workshops of our local surroundings.


J, T, 'YllltC1S, U,lbhillgtOll Collilnics, Kotlillghalll, .'tlc'clil·al

.l\ll', D, 11. Forhes, ~1. n. 11[', G, S, Fonhl', ~1.D.


Ml', W. II. lIllI,

~L D. :lI.D ,

Mr. II. J .... Tdloll,

82 A




D umxG the year the usual cla ses haye been held; women 's first aid class by D r . H ill, at ,,,hich 27 attenued; the Ne,Ycastle Class by D r, H ill, at which -18 attended, and the Cinder Hill Class, at which 19 candidates attended. .At the examination of the first aiel (llomen's) 26, and at the men's classes 70 candillates presented them elyes for examination, Surgoon-Major H utton being the examiner. T he classes are '\Iell attended, and the ambulance movement still retains its popularity; 391 case of injnry have been recorded and attended to, besilles sevcra'! serious cases attenllecl by members, of ,,,hich no reeord has been kept.

Statement of Reccipts anel E:t'jlcnclitul'c, 1902 to 1903 . E.~'Jiellcl itlll'e.

lleceipts, To Sale of Book " Bandages " D 011ation from the Dab" bington Coal Co.

£0 10 0 6

0 0

23 14


£0 14 6 5

By Bandages :;\Ieclallions " Examiner's fees and " Executive expen es Leetl1l'ers' fees

1 9

0 0

£2.,1 10


8 9


£2'* 10


8 6

GEO, FOWLETI, Olwi1'1nan, Fn.\KK E. EELY, T,'casll i'e 1'.

ANNUAL REPORT . T HE past year has been a very uneventful one, the Centre baving made less progress than in any year since its formation, one class only for men having been helfl during the year , Twelve canclillates prese11 tell themselves for their first aid certificates, 3 for lhst re-Axaminatioll, and 5 for their third 01' final examinations. or this number 10 only saLi. fied the examiner. It is to be hoped the interest in the ,rode of the Centre will not fLbate. Day by clay there seems to be a gro\\ing neerl for a. knowledge of' ambulance work to he 1I10re wic1ely known in Ballumy . At the present time there are several growing faetories and works ill the 1,0\\ n where n.eeidents of all kil1l1.' are liable to occur at any moment. As an instance of the necessity of the branch, the following cases which have oceurred during the past year may be brought to notice :-Percy Powell, working at the Britannia W OJ ks, receiving an injury to his finger from a machine. lhe finger was lacerate{l and the bone split. A 5ecoml ca e was that of Florence South, an employe at lIIessrs. Lucas and Co. 's factory, who sustain cl an injury by a sewing machine needle piereinrtcompletely through the finger and hreakingill the bone. The two piece.' of needle were remoyerl with forceps. Both the. c cases were treated 11y Mrs. Beattie, "'ho showed great skill in her prollll1t amI ,·nccc.'sfni treatment. The Centre is again grcatly in<Iebtell to Dr. Beattie, who is always willillg to rencler eyer)' nssistance in his power,

J. T. ,YAL1'Eus, Han . Secretary.


of lleccilJ{S

RI'/J!Jildill/j'cjoi' tlte ycc(J' endill[J Scptcltlbel'


E,t'jICll£l it I! i'~.





Xo. or WOlllen

Xo. of ;\1('n

who ]u\I'e who have who ]1(1.\·e who have cOlll}lleled a receivcd completed receil'ed ronl'SIl of Cel'liIicates. Certific(1.te- . a course of instruction. instruction. 1 st .Aid. I :Kl1l'sing. 1st Aid. I Xl1l'sillg. 1st A hI. I );'ul'sillg. 1st Aill. I N'ursing.

~o. of Cel'tiIi t·(1.icd PU]lil~ who 11:\ \'e

receil'e,l Medallions. -:M~n.


To Balance in Han 1-, l'l't.. H10:2 " Donntion Crom :\liss Brown, Astrop ale ot' Ston'. "" Entrancc Fees IlItel'e t on BanI- aecOllnt




·1 1 2 0


0 10 0





54 95 100 SI~CE 1 '1' OCTOBETI, 1902. 1 I I 17












[)y Ellgrayillg fishing rod for

" .,

.. " .,




30th, 1903.



Dr. Beattie Hoys 1'01' Class Practiees alltl Examination IIire of 1'00111 for I'ructice' [t1Hl ExallJill<1tion PI intillg, Postages, clC' . . lIend-qu'lricl's Exalllillation Fet's lhlallcl' in l':l1l k







0 0



2 1 d.... !1 13 10






II. ,y_\ T.KLI;Y, Ch(lil'1iIul!. E. II. Sr T I.EHS. TJ'w._·/uu.

,YII LI \:\

D. PIa "T()~, 11011. ScactuJ'Y.




Formed 1893.

• '0.



of \Yomen

Prcsicl cllt :Hul (.')an iI·Ul :lll.

Rev. Canon Porter. 1I0 Jl OI':l1'Y SCCl 'c f ary.


Mr. Ernest Sellers, Albert Street, Banbury.

Mr. D. Preston, 33, Marlborough Road, Banbury. :UCtliC:ll S':lJl'.

Mr. Beattie.

:J1r. Griffin .

who h:\\'c cOlllpleted a course of instrllction.



" 110 li(1. 1'('

\\'110 !t:\I'C

1'011l1,lc[, ,[ :1.

ret:l'i Yl'll Ccrli licates.

'on I'.

19 I




U 01l 0r:lI'Y A llc1 itOl·.

Mr. J. Picton, Prospect Road, Banbury.








o 'TIl!:I.:!:,


WllO linye recei\',l Ccrtilicntrs.



uf Ccrtitlcnllli

1'1 l'ils who lia \"e

recl'i I-eli )[l:llallioll~.


190~, '1



prompt, skilful aill. Distrilmtioll of ccrtificates and medallions is an annual puIJlic ceremony ill the Town lIall , the l\1ayor a11u Mayoress being present, comliined with an exhiliition of ambulance exercise!:l-splillting, lianclnging, artificial respiration, stretcher drill, &c., together with nUl'sing cxercises liy female members, bed makillCt, &c. Public attendance is large, and applause fl'e'l uent and hearty. 0 The Cl1l'rcnt year':> lectures allll clas"es resulted in CCI tificaiing 24 me11 and 21 women, Hew heginncrs, and 11 wOlllen for home llursing. There are cligilile fol' re-examina.tion 28 men and 18 womell-first year; all(l 19 mCIl allcl10 "'omen, seco~ld yelU'. Til e. alllbulance classes of Messrs. Vickers, flol1s & l\Iaxim keep highly efliclCur, an,l at YlCkersto\l'u, in the 13a,\'l'ow Oentre, is a mcn's class kept up by the Isle of 'Watn ey E. tate Co .



}·l'csitlcnt. Edward 'Wallham,

T l'ca urcr :llul Sccret ary. T he Archlleacon of Fumess . :Uc(Ucal Staff.

Honorary Secl'c'aI'Y· Mr. Th omas Leary, 10, K eith Street, BalTo\,-in-Fu rne s,

.1\11'. Allan Hntherford, :\I.B., c,:\I.,



Statement oj Receipts and ExpencZiture fo), the yeW' 1902-1903 ,



E;cpcnclitu i'e.

Receipts, To Balance from 1a t Acc, Oontributed by" llIer::srs. Little and 00, J. Tboml) on, Esq. The Kelluer Partington Paper Pulp 00, The Barrow Hno'll1atite SteelOo, l\Ie srs. Executors Caird & Co. Messrs. 'i\\llmsley and Smith The 1\1ayor of Barrow, 1111'. Conllcillor H eath The Barro,,' Co-opera ti ve Associatiou From Barrow Football Club for services A Football Gate ancl Mr. Huddlestone's contribution Net proceeds of Concert " Bank interest

1\'u. of \\'<llllCIl

£0 14


1 1

0 0

1 1 1





















1 15 0

o 10 7 1

£37 19

2 4

By Expel1. es at L ectures, Classes and Examinations,as Central's Fee , as lacls materials, i'aI'ious patieuts, selyices, Rent of Classrooms. " Expenses of puhlic distribution of Certi11cates anci demonsh'ation of practices, as nlaterial', services, rell t of room " • enices at Football Field as attendances, a ~i,;tance, l1la tel ials, to lie recouped by Football Club " Priu ti ng and stationery " Postages account " Petty eli bm ement " General services for one Caretaker, year as .Attendant ,Yoman' , CIa 's, Secretary's 0111ce I n,tructo r' s " Surgical 11 onorari U111 " Balance


\\'ho havc

COllllll ctul

rec~i \'l'(l ( 'erWicale:;.

a course of

who have

COll1ldde<l a c"lIr~(' of ill:;lrddlOli.

inslrllcLillll. 1st Aid. I Xnrsill,!:'

ree ·in'd


of Certifirated Plll'ii>; \\'110 Ita \'e




Is t A i d. I X t! rS_i1...::1go-'-,--n_'c_l_l.---...!I_\...;.Y_o:.:.lll~e.::.:lI. "r:SCE FUH)l.\II O,' OF CE."lRE,





I 1





, 1 '('J.: lSI' OGTOllEl!,



BATH CENTRE. Funned 1900. l·l'('~id('I1t.

'olollel 0, ,ry1Jf1lJ:lIII ~r1111'UY, ('.n., 7 17 2 5 1 15 0 3

6 fi 9 D('pu'.,'



5 1

0 9

0 5

£37 19


(:11 Cll, Lc'.I:.

T 1'(':1 ~ 111'('1'.

( ' hail'mall.

:\11'. E, J.. , I\ngshu,,'e, 10


( ·"ail'ln:lll.

Geneml .'ir .John ~1


'olon 1 1T. F , Clllttel'Olll'k,




11 0 II ora I')' )oI('('I'(":!!',}' (n")III('Il'~ ( ' ):I"~(' ).

~li ''l) L


UUIlOI':tI'.l' "('(','("al',\·.

)[1', F. ' [I'.

.Audited and found correct,

E, .\.

n Ig.-h:l\\'e,



Bridge .'treet, Bath.

Li fc ,11 ('ml)('I".


)f. , \,

'lws, Cuute.',

)1, D .

)1('c)j(':1 I ~. all'.

W, BE .."SOX


--------,------who ha\'c

wh o Ila\'O'





ANNUAL REPORT. PROGRESS of the Ccntre is well marked. Commencing in 1880, it has gradually gained ill public estimation , In the large manufact1ll'illg wo11;::s \Cry many workmen (hundreds annually), meet with bodily illjury, and are instautly attended to by ambulance men (fellow employes), with care and skill. .Amhulance men attend the matches of the Barrow Football Club, meeting with a number of cases re'luirillg

Mr. D. rL. 1'1 Beath, 1. 1!.<'.S., T..l!,''. p, ~l' l' "M1. ,y r. ',. :\ J oxall1, :\1.n,('.s" L.lt-C.I'. 11' . . • Ic.D, Ellis, :'II.I:.C .. ·., 1,,1:,('.1'., :\1.n" Brux,


LT ~1t'e!'ellting their l'CJh1rt for the !,;\st

~lr .•\. L . FllllC'r , •~(1' (' , ..... , T" J'.. (~ . I , :'Ill' .T :'II II1I'11r.1· r l' (' S . . '" , '" . t, . . , ~lt,. J. ,YiOlllore, )1.1).


[he COlllmittee an' please(l to state that dunllg the yc ..tr .J Hrt [till nnd ~ lllll'sillg ('lasses ha,e be,'n hel,l, which ]1[1\'C been attemle(1 by 173 pupil " of' wholll III a [rolHl('cl the Y<1l'i otls examiuations, 10 beiliU slIecessflll in ootaillillg either the c()l'tillcate or nll'flallioll of the A.-socialiol1, Thank~ y('tll'

'7 are mo t h eartily tendered to those medical mOD, viz., Drs. Beath, Ellis, Fuller , and Harper, who have so kindly placed their services at the disposal of the Centre, as the progre sand suece of the work is largely due to the time and. energy the various medical men give to it . The committee are also deeply grateful to tho e ladies and gentlemen, viz . , l\li se Farwcll, MacGregor, and nI. Pedder, and Messrs. Bryant and Ravesteyn, \yho haye 0 kindly undertaken the charge of the various classes. The committee are also plea ed to report that the ambulance vau has been eyen of greater service this year than la t, having been used on 41 occa ions, an increase of 15, and they beg to thank all tho e who haye readily undertaken the work ofl'emoyal. I n October last MI'. Langfield'Yard,M. A. , vel')' kindly distributed the certificn.tes gained to tbe Midland R tLilway employe', and in February a meeting was llClcl at \yhich General Sir John McQueen, R.C.B., presided, and was supported by Colonel 'Vynclham Murray, c.n., M.P. ("ho di tributed the certificates gained during the winter), Mrs. \Yynclham Murray, Dr. J. S. Griffith, the A istallt-COlllmis ioner of Ro . II. District, t. John Ambulance Brigade, and :Mr. Lallgfield Ward. In concluding their report, the Committee haye again to thank their Hon. Trea urer, Colonel F. H . Clutterbuck, v. D., amI the Hon. eCt'etar}, for their work d nring the past year, and they have also to thank all those who by their financial support haye enabled them to carryon their \york, and they earnestly hope that still further support will be granted them in the corning year.

Statement of Receipts and Receipts.

E.1~pen(litni'e fOi'


Fonnetl 1880. t>n's itl('lll.

Her Grace the Dnc:1H'ss of Bedford. lIollo l'al'Y Se n'c l a r y ;\11(1 Tr eas ure )'. ])II'S .

Alfred Paine, ,Vhal'fel1ale, Golt1iugton Road, Bedford, (,ire U e lllbe l'''''

The Dllclte.'s of Bet1ford Adeline, Duchess of Bedford

'ir Frerlel'ick Howard , ~ I c .lj c a l

Mt'. Ha.rvey Goldsmith,

Mr. C. Perram,




. R:CC1:}Jt,~. To Annual , n hsrrt pt lOllS " Fees tro111 (Ia 'c" " ale of tore.' , .JIc(b,llions

Da 1.11lce (lne to Trea';1ll'cr EO 11 "Examiner,.;' Fees antI Ex}l('u::.es. . . 3 1 " Incidcntal Expell. es ( 'to .101111':-; Gate). , o 10 ,. Po'tu"c 111)(1 Pl'intin" 011 " ,'tores . . 0 5 " Expell ·cs of praC'tice cl11:, r . :2 18 0 3 " Firc In'11rallc(' . " .:'Iletlallioll 1 4 ,: llalancc ill hnlH1 0 12

0 (j 17 0 0 (j 0 1 1 0



J. F . J.UIE,' rO(l~rn", ('/ia·7·mU11. Fm:]). .1 u. '1:1. y.',. ri 'C-F1'cs i rlcn f . F ~l.h_\,-,lj: I' \I.'E, Ifljll. • 'eel'c'rl,'11

)IcQuEEx, Chait'IHCI7I.



Trcasw'ci', Secretai'Y·

I.', 'UE OF


No of Men who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of instruction. ] st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Airl. I Nursing,

who haye cOILll,leted a COlU'se of in tructioll. 1st Aiel.

I Nursing.

lIa ye receiyed Certiftcates. ,,'110




121 SrXUE



lsT 60



Aid .. Xursing.



I Women.







OCTOBER, 1902.







3 9

0 0 :2 0

.Tn~. ELYX.





.-0. of :'.lcll

Xo. of Certificate d Pnpil who hal'e reccived Medallions.

11110 II 1(' who ha\'e \\ ho lIa I'e 11'110 lIn I"e COI1l')'~t d a complete([ 1'('( h'cd )'('ceil'cd r our.;!' of Catil cnte,<. a course of Curti'l ate ... ill:tl uCtiOll. instructioll. l;t Aid. I Xur~ilJg, lst Ai(l :\ rsill';. 1st .\i I. I .-ll'·~illg:.1 1. tAld. , -t1rsill~,



f() 17



Exam ined wi th "oucher.., a Jl( 1 a(,(;01111 t book: n nd r01111r1 c.orl'ect.



ttl 17



tl 10


Audited and found correct, Oct. 27th, 1903. EDW AnD

;II. D.

A. :r:YUAL rmrORT. Ix conseq ue~lce of the absence of the HOIl. ,'ecl'et<11'y no Hew clas 'es have been helel bllt, they WIll be re-organiseLl ill the lll'iwf. ' ix mell of th"'" ]~l'l aac1e D'IV1S10n . , ' . " J 'o gal~led t.helr ~lledalhollS~ WIth G of the borol1gh police, 6 hrigade men, aml 11 0 pohcemen illPlr le-exam1l1ation "ollchrr~. Se,'eral cases of valuable first aid have been reported, and the iunllil1 appliance,' belonging to the Oentre have been in constant dem.anel, also the sick tliet ginJl to the patients of the t1istrict nurses of tlle town has agrLlll provcd a great blessing to the POOl'.




Sl atr.

:lLD .

Sla[Ollcllt of Rcceipts and E,''jlCIU 1itu /'c to OClOVCi', 1903.

the yeai' ending ScptembcJ', 1903. E"pcnditui'c.

o By Hearl Office Account ,£2-1 ,', AlJ\'erti men t, Prill t:2 1 6 ing, etc . o 17 9 " Medallion 1114 :2 " Expenses of CIa es 62.0 " undry payments . " Hire of Hall for :JIeetillg 1 7 6 o 17 4 " Secretary's Postage 11 7 2 " Balance at Bank 1 14 7 " in hand

£2 9 10 To Balance at Bank -± 13 2 :' ., in hand 6 17 0 . , Subscription 23 1 0 " Fees from CIa. es (1901-2) 10 3 0 " 11 1 10 .. Stores sold 076 ., nIedallions o 19 8 Tickets for meeting


or Certificated Pllpils who ha\'e receil'ell :'.I etlallion'.



SI.'l'E FUl:;lL\ 1'111.- OF CE.'TnE.

13 j





• ISC'E 1ST OUTUBEJ:, 190~.






No. of' Men

Ii ormed 1 S6.

wltu hal'c who halo who llave eOlllpleLotl It compleLed r eceived COllr,H' of a COllrse of CerLillcaLes. i IIsLI'IiCtioll. instrllction. 1st Aid. I NUl'sing. 1st Aid. I NllI'~illg. hit Aid. NUl'si1lg.

l~l'c.~iclcllt .

Sir ,Vi 11 in 111 Ewart: TIal t. ( 'hail'lu:l1l.


Mr. Charles K Allan . UOllOr:ll'Y

Tl'cas 1I1'CI'.


!iIIcC)·C. :u·jcs.

1\1 iss Dlack, Glen Ebor, Eitralllltoll'n. MI'. R. W . Lc lie, )L n., • t. Heliers.

1\1rs. :JIago 1\[\ n.



No. of Womon who llav9 rer.eivcd Certi (1cates. lst Aid.

I Nl1rsing.

SINCE FORllfATION OF CEXTRE . 1520 I 16 I 2070 I 11 65 I 1072 SINOE 1ST OCTOBER, 1902. 41 23 I I 17



Ko. of Certificated Pupil~ who have recei ved Medallions.



I Women






Mr. J . J\IcIntosh, )f. n. Eleanor [lrOUll,)LD. Mr. J. Thomsoll, )L D. j\Ir. J. D. ,Yillialllsoll, )['TI. MI'. R. a t 011.

Colouel :JlcFar1::tnd, )1.D. 1111'. W. Calwell, :\[.D. Mr. R. W. Leslie, )f.n. Mr. N. Barnett, )1 D. 1111'. T. How ton, )[. n., )1. D.



Formed 1898. I're, hlclIl. T he R ight Hon. Visconnt KllUtsfol'tl, G.O.i\LG.

ANNUAL REPORT. DURING the l)[tst year 7 classes ,yere held, 5 of the c being for men ancl 2 for women. They were attended by 163 pupils, of who111 91 presflntecl themselv~s for examination, 58 obtained first ai(l certificate, 16 men received rC-CX[lmillutioll ,onchers, ancl14 obtained the medallion of th'3 A._so.:iation . On the ooca.-io11 of the King's visit to Belfa. t on July 27th, the amlnl1ance arrangcments ,"ere ill charge of Colonel John tone, and at his request several doctors and 135 ambulance volunteers gave their services. They rendered first aid in 65 cases, and thanks arc specially due to Dr. Williamson and 1.11'. Forth for the succesfnl arrangemcnts which they made. Dr. ,\Tood~, Inspector-General for the Admiralty, ,isitecl Belra t allll other towns in the North of Ireland in connection with the new volunteer brigude, "'hose services might be callell upon for ambnlanee work in ca, e of naval war, a1](l it i~ hoped many men holding certificates from St. John Ambulance Association will fOr\mrcl their names to the local hon. secretaries as willing to join.

TJ·ca.,Ul·CI'. Mr. H amilton }atliff.

lloll 0I'a)'y Scc l·c tnry .

Lient. -Colollcl E. Turnell )r.r. 46, Eatou • (luare, Londou,' . ,y Life

~rCIII~ C I· !'l .

Captain Philips.

Mr. liamilton ,o.tlilr. ;U c cllfaJ !-I tatl'.

Mr. James Mursh,

:'II.D., L.H.C.l'., L.J:.C.~.



DCTII.-G the year there ,ycrc 5 cIa..;. 1 I! •

l'S held· 2 first ait! ludic . 1 11Ul'iller ladie'" 1 " < : > • , men SIll' t aId; an (1 1 111('n' nUl'sing. Dl . Marsh craye his 'enices Ctratuitoll lr t t l ' l ' b b J Ie men s c as es. Therc IS a bulallcc credit of £26 lOs. d. after paying eXllen e..

Stat 'ment of Receipts and E.ipendituJ'c, 1903. E.1]Jeml it w·c.

Receipts. T o Class Fees " Stores . " :Medallions Balance d ne

£7 14 0 9 3 10 2 14 6 £19 12 10 9

4 0




£12 1 10 6 (:i 0 Examiners' Fees, etc. :3 3 0 Incillclltal Expeuse,.; 3 14 0 'tores account 2 14 6 Medallions 126 Prill ting . Expenses of Secretary antl Treas . for Carriage & Postnge 0 19 6

Dy Balance clue from 1902 " " " " " ')

£30 (Passed)

Outstanding acconnt £8 12s. 5d.

S , II.





lIon. Secretcuv· 1'reasUi'e1"




Statemcnt oj Reccipt::; {lJ1(l E.,'pendilure, 1903. Rcceipts. E.?pcndilllrc.

To Bala!lce 111 hund " Lach,es Clases " Men s Classcs

£3 19 23 7 3 5

0 6 0

I £65 11--6/

By Dr. Marsh (3 cln '~es) "Lokes ( tatiollCl') "Boy.· . "l~xallliner' fccs " ~talllpS " Hirc of room " Balallce in hunt!

0 0 4

£15 15 5 5 1 13 2 0 15 7 10 26 10

6 0 0 8

£65 11


Examined and compared with vonchers, and found correct, A. G. HOLL \.XD, Lieut.- olonel. E. TUFNELL, Lieut.-Colonel, Hon. StcrclClI'!J. G





No. of Women

No. of Men

who have who have who have completed a rcceived completed course of Certificates. a cour e of ill tructioll. instruction . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nurs ing. 1st Aid. I NUI~illg.






42 8

:No. of 1\[en

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

I Nursing.

SINCE F ORMATION OF CENTRE. I 226 9 I 377 I 154 SrxCE 1 T OCTOBEl1, 1902 . 29 I 13 I 15 9




I Women .

TO. of Women

wllO lia\'e who have wh o llave COlllplcted a completed r eceived COl11'se of a course of CertificaLes. instruction . instruction. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ~nrsing. 1st Aid . I Nnrlling.


']5 321



1st Aid.

I Nursing. Men.

I Women.





No. of CerLificated Pupilll who have rereived Medallions.

who have received CCl'Li Ii ca tes.


OF CI1:NTllE. I I 60 OCTOBlm, 1902.









1\Ir. Charles Hi1ton Seely,


Formcd 1900.

Trca SUl'CI'.


Mr, John Merriman ,

Mr. ' Vm. Powiss ,

)'l'C "icI CII l.

BOllOrary Sccl·clary .

?Ill'. Jam e' C. N. White,

Mr. John 1\1. Davies, Birchwood Col1iCl'ies, Alfl'eton. I. ife IUc llI b el' . .


Sir Charles Seely, Bart.

:U c d it'a l i'i (aff.

tuart C. Wardell.


Reginald J. Roberts,


:lr.n" n.c',

;lI c tU cal S taO'. 1I0lLorHI'.r !'icc·r cI HI'Y.

Mr. Oswald Dyke. Rob 'on, :lLA., :lLB., Edin .

A JNUAL REPORT. THE Centre continues to make steady progre s in a district which arIonl amplc cope for further extension of first aid work, being situated ahuost in the centre of the Derbyshire coaifields, and where, sad to say, there is dai1y need of using fir t aid knowledge for the alleviatior;. of suffering, and of saving life am1 limh. A men's class was held at the close of last year (1902): and at the examination held in December, 24 members presente:i themselYes before the examiner (Surgeon-Major Hutton), who afterwards complimented them upon their skill in attending to various supposed injuries, A large number of minor accidents in and around the collieries have been successfully treated during the year. A new class for men is now being

:.1 • •


who ha\'c cOl111'lctc<l .a course of



who hal'\! recoil'L'd CL!rtiliC'ltes...

1st Ald. ~ l:r~illg. 1st Aiel ' • .' " __ -'-..::..:...:::.:....::~:..:..:::~~.:....II...:~~Uhlll".


Who Iln\'c cOlllpletecl ;t \\'1111 hn \'() . . COllr,H! of rec.e!n'll IlIstnll't iOll. Certificates. . . -l~t ,\)(1. I. 'ursill" , ". ]st . AI'(-l. I" ., nrS111 "-


ST'\ Cl-: 1o'U1:,\I.\ 1'10:-;'


StCLtem,ent of Receipts CLM Expenditure for the yeCLT ending Septembei' 30th, 1903. Receipts. Expenditu re, £1 17 8 To Balance in hand, Oct. 1st, By Examination Expenses 1902 £6 14 " Saleof Books and Bandages 0 5 " Subscriptions 5 0

0 0 0

£11 19


N07,;ember 3i'cl, 1903 .

. ?If 1'. II. ,Yell.· E:tlllc. lf ' I3nkhcck Collegc, Bream ' Duil;lin 0 E C '

"Rent of School-room " chool cleaning "Balance in hand

o 10 6 050 9 5 10

£11 10

Examined and found correct, V1ILLIA:lI POWISS, Cha/,rman, JOHN MF..RRDIAN, TreaSU1'e1'. JOH~ M, DAYIES, Hon. SeCl'etar'y.


OF CE."rnE.


:0. of Certiflcated PupIls who ha\'e receh'ecl .'fcdallions


-;-;--,..--,--:lfen. I WOlllcn.

: (j 1 I 76 3 23 "r ('E 1sT 0("1'111)1::1:, 180:2. 13 ____~____~1_0__~__~__~3~3__ .~1~3~1_ I ____ 22 ~~~ 24 ______~~8__




BIRMINGHAM CENTRE, FormCll 1880. j'I'c"iclclI f .

The Right


the Lonl Leigh,


92 Income and EXl'enclittwe Aecom~t for the Vect?' ending 30th J ltne, 1903 . 1l01101'l\l')7 SCCl'Cl a r y .

Ur. John H enry Rogers,



lI o ll. A tulil 01'.


Mr. A. Short,

128, Col more Row, Birmingham.

A. '.A.

Lifc lUcm bcl's.

Sir J olm C. Holder, Bart. Sir Richard Tangye Mr. John E. 'Wilson

The Right Hon. the Lord Leigh Mr. George Cadhury Messrs. Ohance Brothers

EJ.:pcnclitu1·e. To Head-quarters for Examillers' Fees, anll Expenses and Stores £71 "Printing, latiollery, etc. 10 " Lectures, Conveyance of Materials, etc. . 0 " Postages and Petty Payments . 7 " Office Rent amI Expenses 15 " Balance, being xcess of Income over Expenditure for the year 18 £123

13 0




3 0

0 0






Income. By Class Fees . £68 1 0 " tores-Sales Account 49 3 8 "Subscriptions . . 3 12 0 " Skeleton and Diagrams Hire of . : 1 1 0 " Interest on Deposit Acc. 1 7 11

lU c (licn l S tn O'.

Mr. Mr. lir. Mr. Mr. Mr.

111'. Mr. Mr. Mr. JUl'. Mr. :Mr. Mr.

J. H. Blakeney, L.R.C.P. T. A. Brown, M.B. Augustus Clay, l\I . R.C . S. W. Mundy Cox, L.R.C.r. W . Downing, L.R. C.P. J. W. Ensor, L . n. c. P. W. B. Featherstone, M. D. W. J. Garbut, ~r.B . J. F. Gummm'i", L.R.C . P. T. Barnard Goul,J, L.R.C.P. D. Holmes, ~I. B. A. T. Holdsworth, M.D. G. H. Hart, L.R.C.P. J. Ooole Kneale, L. n. c. P.

Mr. O. R . Lewis, M.B. Mr. W. A. Loxton, F.R.C . . ,Ed. Mr. R. F. Mackenzie, M.D. Mr. J. T. J. Morrison, F. R.C.S. Mr. James Neale, M.R.C . . Mr. Thomas elson, M. D. Mr. E. W. Parsey, M.D.

Mr. G. W. PO,yp.l1, lII.B. W. R. Reith, ~r.D.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

S. J. Roberts, L.R.C.r. D. R. Rowlaud , ~I.D. E. B. Whitcom be, 11[, R. C. s. J. H. 'White, F.R.C.S. W. H. Whitehon e, M.D.


Head-quarter for Examiners' Fees and Expenses anel £71 13 Stores Tota 1 Liabilities 71 13 Illcomeanll Expenditure, viz.: Surplus J 11l1e30, '02 £95 9 4Add Exces.' 0(' Income oyer Expenditure for year cndcll30Lh June, 1903 1 15 9 114

A.NNUAL HEPORT. Committee have pleasure ill presenting the twenty-third annual report and statement of accounts, and are gratified to be able to announce that the ,york of the Centre continues steadily to progress and the sphere of its usefulness to increase. The year's working has resulted in a profit of £18 15s. 9d., leaving a surplus of £84 16s. 4d. after voting the sum of £29 8s. 8d. to the funds of the Birmingham Corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. .I. ineteen classes were held during the period under review, of whom 15 were male first aid, 3 female first aid, and 1 male nursing; 5 classes were held in connection with manufactories, and your committee are pleased to announce that the number of classes inaugurated by employers of labour continues to increase. The committee desire to call particular attention to the course of nursing lectures to men. The possession of this certificate carries with it advantages which everyone possessing a first aid certificate ought to avail himself of. In view of the success of the Birmingham corps it is desirable that a nnrsing division should be formed from amongst the ladies possessing first aid and nursing certificates, and this matter is now uuder consideration. The sum received from subscribers amounted to £3 12s. Od. The thanks of the Centre are again most cordially due to the medical lecturers, who so generously devote so much time and trouble to the classes, and without whose aid this useful work of the Association would cease to exist. The fund for the purchase of uniforms for the Birmingham corps of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, inaugurated by the chairman, Mr. Courtenay Lord amounts to £42 9s. 6d ., a portion of which has already been expended in assisting man in purchasing uniforms.




Less Amoun t voted to Birnlinghalll Corp, '.J.A.B.

7 7

£123 30th





Assets. un<1l'Y Debtors for tore', etc.£26 0 tock of tores on band • 16 13 Lloyd~' Bank, Current aec. 56 12 " Deposit acc. 57 3

6 8

5 4



29 16 £156

4 £156

fl 11

9 11

I have exa:l1ined the ahoye Balanc e heet wi ih the books and voncher' of the Birmingham Centre of the 'to John ,AmDlllnnce Association, anel in my opinion it i correctly drawn up so as to exhibit a tl'lle anll corr(ct view of the Centre" affairs as shown hy the book' of thc Oentre, and I hereby c~rtify that all my re1luirements a Auditor have been complied with. AnTJIL"R. IIonT (Chartered 11ccollutallt), 31st Jllly, 1903. lIon. Lhulito,' I VE OF CEW1'IFIOATES AND MEDALLION •. Xo. of WOlilen

Xo. of J\l clI who ha\'c completed a COUl' e of instructioll .

who hn\'e




who liil\'C r01l1]llct ,1 a coursl of i1lstructioll.

whohn\"e l'ereiYed Certilicntc: .

t-:-7""Ai(1'-. 1-=t\7_\-1I-'sl'-'n-g. Ald. I Nnrsil111' 1st Ai,I..LNnrsing, 1st :'~l. Xnrsing. -=l-s", r'\CE FOTl\[ \1'10_ OF CR ·THE. 78:39 323 44 6755 39 I 10 0 I 3 ,) I 9~3 SI~I')o, .T1-, '1', 1902. 2jf) 270 27 2-1 I 39 I 31 I

1. t


'\0. of Certificated Pupil' who have re('eh'ed l\Iedallion .


l\fcll. I iYomen









F ormed 18 5. F ormed 1893 .

Prc idcnj.

Mr. W. H. B. Fletcher, c. o.


TI'casurCl' fllltl J(onol':ll'Y SCCl·C':ll'Y.

Mr. W illiu.lll Nicholson .

Mr. A. W. Strick laml, 21, H igh Street, Bognor- ou - ca. 'J' l'cas III·CI'.

i11('(licnl Sj afT.


Mr . Oonway Oooke, Jlf. ILO.S., L.n .c.p. Mr. F . . Tideombe, M. B. C.H. , L.n.a.p., L.S.A.

Mr. H erbert Broadhellt, Manchester & Oounty Dank , Ld ., Bank of Dolton Dl'lllleh.

ANNUAL REPO RT. T HE two u ual classes (male and feruo.Ie) have been held-Au Lumn, 1902, and Spring, 1903-in Bognor, and 1 first aid class at , Valberton in J auuary, 1903. Although the candidates for examination were small in number, they all pa sed. Dr. Williams has been lecturing on home hygiene under the Oounty OOllllcil, but it is hoped to haye a first aid class formed ill February and a women's l1nrsing course in May. The van ho.s been out 13 timeH dl1l'ing the year-once to Worthing, taking up patient at Littlehampton. T he Oommittee, tIl inking it necessary that those who have passell examinations should have opportunitie of practical work, the IlOll. Secretary will endeayour to organisc practi ·cs lIming the ,\"inter.

Statement of Receipts and E.rpelldt'tlll'e to Scptembe1' 29lh, 1903. Receipts. E.ilJenditll1'c. To Balance from last year £1 15 0 By Annual Sub. cription " Subscriptions Donations "" Hire 0 f bIa terials " Uedallion " Hire of Van Fees from Classes "" Stores from Olasses


o 3 0 9 1 4

0 18 0 2 1 7 15

9 0 9 0 6 0 1


1 1 16 0 6 0 4 311 6 4 ... 1 I 0 2 1 15 1 6 5 2

" Ached ising Yan 'tationery "" lIIedallion tore "" HOl'l:le Hire Fces to OOllnty Oouncil " I nSllrance " 1100111, etc. " ewton, for lamps " 13alu.ncc at Bank



20th NO'l:ember, 1903.





0 9 9 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 4

Xo. or

Xo. of ::II('n




By 6 6






Fees, &c.£40 0 'tores 31 2 Meualliol1s . 6 1


1 0



1 0

TICHOI,SO,', Pl'esidcnt.

,LDrE--; DmlicoE,

llon. Secretary.

Audited ullcl fOHUel correct,






1.iOO 1<17


Xo. or \\' Olllell




K n:SIIA W O"llsOX,


\I'ho ha\'c who ha\'e who han' clllllpl ·tutl a )'('cci rut! cOllll'll'ted CUIJ1 sc or Cer' i licntcs. a conrse of illstrllcliull. illsirnctioll. WAhl. I .'nrsillg". 1sL A ill. Xurslng. TStAitl. I t\ HrsllIg.

1655 1








No. of


,railer Morris, I,. R.O.I'. Mr. F. R. Mallett, ;lLD . l\Ir. Cbarles Macfie, :II. D. Mr. J . E. Panton, l\I.D. Surgeon Lieut.-Col. Hobert Patrick, Mr. James Robinson, ;1[. D. .Mr. J. Hilton Thompson, M.D . Mr. Joseph Thomley, ;II. D.





M . D.



To Examiner's Fee: nlHl Tl'Uvolling Expcll es . £20 17 " I llci<lell tal EX}lcll.'cs 10 ~ , , tore. 31 ~ " Medallions (j 1



1\11'. R. D . Mothersole,

St(/{eliw,lt of Accolints for tlte yecl ,' emlecl Septcmbcr 20th, 1903.


SIKOE Fomu.TIoN OF OENTllR. I 376 I 115 I 306 SINCE 1ST C'l'O flfm , 1902. 37 I I 20


)(ctHcul 8 jafT.

Mr. R. ' Y. Dcc 'lcy, ~r. D . Mr. Walter II. Bmzil, )1. D. l\Ir. Lewis Brow!), L. It. 0 . 1'. 1\11'. ThOllln Emns Flitcl'oft, L. n.C.l'. Surgeoll-Lient.- '01. E. :\1. Go.rsLang ~Ir. Alexanclcr Glen-Park, M.ll., c.~[. lIIl'. Horacc J errel'ies, :l1.il., C. ~l. 1\11'. J. JollJlston, :ll.ll. Mr. Alfred J\ersita\l', :11.1: . 0 ....

October ht, 1003.

No. of Certificaled who have who have who have I'upils who have who have COllllticled a completed recI·ived reteived received eOllrsp. of a. course of Certificates. Medallions. Certificates. illstJ'lIctioll. instructioll . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I NlIrsing. lRt Ai!l. I N lJl"Sillg. lII~Yomen


Mr. Jo.mes Briscoe, The I nfirmary, Bolton .


Oompared with ,"onchers amI found correct, 'V.li. B. FLETCIIER, P)'csident.


Jlollol'ary . CCl'ctUI'Y.


who h:we recci vcd Certilicates. bt .\ill. IKnrsing.

UF CENTllE. L' l~ .FOIl:'-! \'1'10 6:i9 I 766 12 7'2 I xc' n; 1,'1' OC'TOIlElt, 1902. 61 0 I 75

No. of Certificated Pupil' \I'ho have received Medallion ..






I WOlllell.

IH 16




President, and share t he sorrow of his bereaved wife and family . I n Councillor W . J. Riley, our newly elected President, we have found one already most w;lling and capable to assist in the interests o[ the Association and Brigade. I n onler to stimulate the members to maintain and improve their efficiency, he has generously presented a silver cup to be competed [or by the members only. Mrs. Robert Tunstill has also kindly presented a silver rose bowl to the nursing division, for competition, in memory o[ her husband. These competitions are anticipated with much interest during the wiuter months. We take the opportunity of thanking the public [or the interest they have taken in the ambulance movement, an(l for their liberal support and sympathy.

Re·organised 1903 . PJ·csiclenf.

Mr. J . Roberts Tholll on,

M . D . , C.C .

n ollorary Secl'etaJ·Y. JUl'. G. E. Bri, lge ,

Honorary Trea s urcr.

Mr . 'V. T. Gale, Lloyds Bank Limited .

12 , OM Christchurch Road, Bo urnemouth. jU ediclll Stalf.

U r. Ur. Ur. MI'.

B. W. ankivell, M . D . W. S. Richardson , M . D . H . Simmon, "LB., B.R . A. Heygate Yernon, F. n .o.s. fr. H. Douglas , Yilson, ~r.B.,CH . B.

Miss Eleanor C. Bond, M . D. Mr. F. C. Bottomley, B. A. , :'\I.D. .Mr. William DavilLon, M.B . Ur. H . Forrester, ?I.B. }Ir . A. G. S. Uahomed, :-'LR. O. .

BRIERFIELD CENTRE. Formed 1895. l>j·cs J(lcllt.


'Y. J.



Il onorary Tl·ca SUl'cr.

1\11'. .A.. Y oxall.

A. . i s tnut Hon. Secrctllry.

:.:\11'. J. Bate, 76, H alifax Road, Brierfield.

Mr. S. I ngham, 17, Mas ey Brierfield.


Rcceipt. Balance in hal1(l £29 7 .Mill Collectiolls 4 0 Entrance Fel"s to Classes 3 0 Text Books old o 15 Public I ocinl 7 acrcd Concert . 7 15 Rcmoval of Paticnts o 15 " i)uu criptions 11 1 "Entrau(;c Fces Com· petitioll, TUllstill. llield 3 12 " ilIcmber ' Quarterly 'ull· ,'criptions 13 " ECluipmellt old to Mem · bcr!> 2 13 , Depo. it on Ulliform 1 5 "ca-';Oll Course of Lecturcs 8[) 9 " Balik In tcrc t o 6

To " " " " " "



o o 6

o 6

o 5


Mr. Will . Webste]'.

Honorary Se cretary .

S{cttement of Receipts ancl




o 6 6

Storck ccpcr.

M1'. Wm. Greenwood. lUc (lical Staff.

:LIlr. Willia,m Bird, "LB . Mr. J. Hoyle, ~I.R.C.B., L.R . C.P. Ur. J. S. ,Yilson, :\Ln . .ANN U.A.L REPORT. THE interest in our work still continues to be very spirited and encouraging. The efficiency of the members has been thoroughly maintained throughout tbe year. Squads from the Division have won three first prizes, one second and one third, including the .Agenta Cup and the Crossfield Shield. A squad [rom the nursing division won a third prize at the annnal revie\'\' competition at \\Taningtoll. Our second annual course of pnblic lectures was again very successful, for which we are indebted to the public for their hearty support. .A. new interest ha been created with the "Tunstill :Memorial Cballenge hield Competition." Much appreciation and our most sincere thanks are felt for the kind generosity of IIII'. H. TunstiJl, J . P., in presenting this valuable trophy to the Centre. We can only hope that it will encourage this noble work thronghout the di trict. The above presentation was made in commemoration of our late beloved President, Mr. Robert Tun till, C.O. , and also of his father, the late 1111'. , Yilliam TUl1still, J.P., who was also President for many years. It was an incident which touched the heart of every member who appreciated his kindness and we eeply regret the death of our

£167 19


fo?' the yew' cncling Beptembe?' 30th, 1903 .

I By


Members' Text Books Purchased " Postage "Review Expenses and 'ompetition Teams " ,Yages for Cleaning Rooms " Refund onl\lembers' Over· coats returning to stock " Rate " Coal an d Fu C'l "Expensesof acredConcert alHl Public ocial " Conservative Club Room. "Cost of Removal to Members " Coulton <c' Co., Printing " Hcpails at Headqnarters . " Delegates to Con fcrences " Material for Fir t Aid. " llifonll, Radge , &c. " Examincrs Fccs " En trance Fees to Com}l'tition " llb. to Lancashire County orps "Rent of Hcatl'luarter Room' " FUl'l1i hing o[ Room " ul, cription to District Fum1 " . ullllri cs " I11 Ca terer' shan d ' " Lecturc Expen es ea on's nurse " Balance 011 hand .

£1 2

5 3 0 2~ 1~

7 19 10 6


356 3 3

0 4




1 10

0 0

o 11 4 13 o 12

6 3



1 12 10 14 13 6~ 5 7 O~ 1 0 1




7 6



0 5

4 16

o 10 6 1 3 91 o 10 0 47 7 36 0



£167 19

COUll cilloI' 'Y. J. RILE1, Prcsident. A. YOX ..\LL, Glwit'liJ(tII. J . HATE,;. Hon. &crctary. ,V. ,YEJl,;TEH, HOIl. TJ'caSlt7't:r . I have eXllminecl thc aboye Ilccounts, and ccrtify them concct,

lJecembci' 11th, 1903.



~ o.




and donaLions. There is a satisfactory balance in hand, whereas the last report showed a deficit. There have Leen (exclusive of the evening continuation classes at the Boa.rd schools) 18 classes helll, as follows :-First aill for men , 10 classes , with H;2 pa.sses; first a.id for women, 3 classes, with 25 passes; nursing for women, 3 classes with 35 passes; 30 candidates have passed their first re-examination, and 25 have taken meclalliolls. The annual competition for the cups presented by l\Ir. C. K"Beavis, for certificate holders, and nIl's. qnil'e, for medallion holders, was held at the Zoological Gal'clens on J nlle 13th, nnder the patronage of the Lord Mayor of Bristol and Lady J\Iayoress, who prC'sented the cups to the winning teams. Eleven teams competell. Doth cups were won by teams from the Netham Ohemical ,Yorks. Mr. Paul Blish, 0.;\1.(;., Dr. Young, amI Dr. Leonard acted as judges.

r o. of Women

of Men

who have who have received completed Oert i ti ca tes. a COlli'se 01 instructi on. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.


3 fi9



who have completed a COllrse of instruction. ~t


wLo have received Certificates.

I Nursin~.

1st Aid

I Nursing.

SmCE 1ST OCl'Onm1, 1902. 8 I SINCE FOR)IATION OF OENTRE. 22 I 31) 38 21


INo. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions . Men.

8 22

I Women.

1 16

Statement of Ilca/pls cuul E'('1Jcnditw'cjol' tltc yca;' ending 29th Scptembel', 1903. R cceipls.

BRISTOL CENTRE. Formed 1889. l>rcsicleu t,

The Very Re,-. the Dean of Bristol. Cbn irlltnll,



t. John BUlToughs, 23, Bridge Street, Bl'i tol. Diyisioun l SCCl'ctnric'l,

Bristol West: 1\1iss]l.1. Saunders. Bristol North: ]l.liss Marion S. Lintoll,::ILD.

1\11'. D. A. Alexander, M. B. C. W. J. Bra her, ::ILR.C . . . , L.n.c.p.


1\11'. Mr.

1\1r. l'lIr. Mr.

J . Paul Bush, ::11. n. c .. , L.. A., C.::ILG. ,Yo Danne, A.B., L.R.C .. , L.n. C.p. G. Dobbyn, :lI.D., M.R.C.S., L.ll.C.p. Theodore Fishel', lII. D., :III. R. C., . J. Fuller, F.R .C.S., M.ll.C.p. I. E. B. Garland, lILB., C.M. D. S. Gerrish, :III.R.C.S., L.ll.C.l'. J. S. Griffiths, lII.R.C.S., L.P•. C.p. W . Brendon Gubbin, M.D. ) C.M. H. Elwin Harris, B.A., 1.LB .• F.R.C.S. A. Harvey, ::II.D.

Quarter's account " Dooks and }Iutcrials " Prin ti ng, Stationery, A(IYcl'ti 'ing &; Postages " L ect urers' Fees . " lIcael-quarter ' for Examinations, &c. " ilIiseellaneolls " Balance in hand


£8 10 10 14 17 0 G 12 31 10




32 10 2 4 4' 4


Al1<lit ecl awl fonnel eoncet, HE_'nT .A.

October 2//(1, 1903.

0 8 1

8 10


I Bristol East:

Mr. W. Erskinc. Bristol South: 1\11'. J. W. Taylor, lII.U.C.S., J,.n.c.p.


iUc.licnl iiitnff,

1\1r. 1\11'.

0 0 0 -1 0

1\11'. H. G. Kyle, B.A., ::IT.D., 31, We tblll'Y Roa(1, Dri&tol

111. D.

J[onornry Tl'cn

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

6 _Dy Deficit, last yeuI's Head

Jlonornry Sccrctary.

1\11'. J. Oder,)' ymes,

Mr. A.


To ubscriptiollS & Donations £;;3 12 " Fee .. First Aiel ' la cs . 63 1 " " Tnrsing Ola ses. 6 4 " " Re-exalll. . 1 5 " Book unel material' sold 1 11 " Misce1lalleon.' 0 1:2


Mr. J. J. S. Lucas, B.A. , ::I1.I!.C.S., L.R.C.p. l\Ir. J. . Mather, ::II.B., C.::I1. II'. J.C. Mac,Yatters, M.ILC .. ·.,L.n.C'.p. 1\11'. F. K Peake, M.lLC .. . , L.ll.C.p. Mr. A. ,Yo Peake, ::ILR.C.S., L.n.C.p :!III'. B. ]1.1. H. Rogers, M.D., n. H. ]1.[1'. .Frank H. Ro e, lII.ll .O.S . , 1, .n.C.l Mr. J. Odery Symes, M.D., M.Il.C.S D.l).H. ]1.11'. J. W. Taylor, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.r 1\11'. ,Yo K. ,Y ill!'; , M.B., n.c., ::Il.n.c. L.R.C.P. 1\11'. J. Young, ::ILD., C.lIL


r)1 ( Il

_'co. of '1Y Olllell

who hn\'c cOllll'lctc(1

who Ilrlye reed \'I.t!

whu Il a\"t~ cOlJlplelt'll n

n course of

Certilicat s.


instrnction. 1st Aid. J Xnr illl.!. ~it!.

eOIlI'.·I' uf

Pnpils who 11a"e reech'ed )I cclallioll .

• '1,,\<'/0: FtJll;\!.\ l'lO.- OF CEXl'J:E.


3593 200




::!.i 160

117 I 2~Lil I ] 267 I 110.) , r -rE b'l' OCTOflEI:, 1902. 27 __ L 0:3 I 7·1 I 43

ANKUAL REPORT. THE General Oommittee of the Bristol Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association have much pleasure in reporting a considerable increase in the number of classes held during the past session, the number being more than double tl1at of the previous year. The Hon. Treasurer's report sho,,'s a very satisfactory increase ill subscriptions

,'n. of Cl'rtificated

whn hn\' reet'i \'ell CeniPcatc,·.

BROWNHILLS Fonn ell 1 l :>I·(' ... iclcllt,


n. O.






347 4

CENTRE. 3. 1I01101';U')' I'iCCl'CI aJ')' ,

Mr. E. W . Cornell, Drown hills, near Walall.




who have who 11I1\'e who have completed a r e('eived completed cour e of Certificate. a com e of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ait!. I Nursing.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

(1'om 1st Octobe?', ] 902, to 30th Septembe1', 1903.


No. of Women

Xo of Men


Statement of Receipts and

I Nursing.

No. of Cortificated Pupils who haye received Medallions. Men.

I Women.

To " " " " "

Expenclitm·e .

Balance in hand Stores Modallions Examination expenses Sale of Diagrams Subscriptions



12 1 12 1 1

19 15 12 10 0

0 0 0 0 0 0

By Stores " Medallions " Examination expenses Prin ting, &c. . "" Postages, &c. " Halik charges B!11ance in hand







1902. 3



£12 6 10 1 15 0 11 10 6 1 0 6 o 18 10 0 1 0 6 5 4

£33 1


£ 33 18


Examined aml found correct,



TJtANGE, C'hainnan. iAltXEIT, IIonol'((TY Sec1'elal''!J


A. L.

28th Octobe)', 190:3, I


Prcsitlcn' .

huttle"'orth of Gawthorpe. lIonor a I'Y Sccrc. Ill'y a n (l T l'ca " ltl· Cl'.


Mr. A ,


who Ilaye

who Ila\'e



111'. Mr. 1\11'. Mr. Mr.

Mr. T. Holt,

lII.B" D.rI!. 111. B.

who ha\'e receivcd Ccrtilicates. ht .lilt


Xo. of Certificated Pupils who ha\'e r ecci\'cti ~I ellall ion.'. :lI!!I]'

I \Yllmen .

'IX [.; FOIt:'l(ATIO.- OF CE."fllE .

12-16 J. Burns, L.R.C.P . J . W. Olegg, L.S. A. F . E. Orossley, 111. B. T . G. Orump, M.R.C"S" :tILB. H. A. Dixon, lI['P•. C. • J . M . Ferguson, L.R.C.P. & s. J . Gardner, ~I.B. A , E. Hodges, L.n.C.p. J. Hodgson, L.R.C.P. & , . R. O. Holt, L.R.C. P., F . R.C.S.

\\ho Iiaye cOllll'letl',l a course of instruction.

a COlU'se of Certi licates. in:;truclion. 1st .lit!. • 'ursill~oIlst Aid.



Uc(lic al St aff.

Mr. Ur. Mr. Mr. l'IIr.


No. of Wom en

Mr. A, L . Gal'llett, 1, Yorke treet, BUl'llley.




Xo. of Men

Formed 18 3.

The Rt. Hon. Lord


ancl T,·easu,·e1·.




3-1 Sr.



773 I 401 067 1."1' 0 TOBEn, 1902.












165 5

1\11'. O. McRay,

Mr. J. 1\1aekenzie, M.D. 1\11'. F , ,V. 1\1arsden, L.n.C.r. & . . MI'. J. O. Pemberton, L.R.C.P. & S. 1\11'. G. . Pullon, M.D. 1\11'. A, M. inclair, M.B . Mr J . Spencer, lII.B . :nIl'. R. M, Whitham, :lLn.


1.. '9.

1·I'(' ... i4lcn'

IIi ' Grace the Dltkc of


lIonn),:lry {·ha il'llIall.

ANNUAL REPORT. executors of Oolonel Hargreaves ba ve continued their good work hy ha ving classes in fir&t aid for their employees at Bank Hall and Habergbam collieries. Cla es have also again been held in fir t aid and 11111' ing ~n connection with the amlmJauce and nursing divisions of the St. John Am lJUlance Brigade, and a new departure has been made in having a class in first aid which was organised by the mem hers of the Ebenezer P . S.A" and held in connection with that institution. The total l1l11nlJer of the classes for the year was 7, an increase of 1 on last year, \,.. hich were attended by 129 pupils; and of these 57 men obtained certificates in first aiel and 11 ill nursing, and 18 women gained certificates in first aid ancl14 in nursing. l\IedalliollS were earned by 6 men and 5 women, 4 of the laUer bcing as t.he result of the annual re·examination of the nursing division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade.


lloll01'al'Y Tl·ca",ll l'Cl'.

Mr. H. A. IInbber ty.

:nIl'. Joseph Taylor.


IIOJlOrlll'Y :-it'('rt" ary.

Mr. Louis


care of

.JIe~. ['s,



llCf} i('1\ 1

1\11'. J. Draitll\mitC', Mr. T. Duxton (Lon.)

:'If. n. Fliut, )I.H.C.S., L.r..\'.l'.


E"ans, Union Bunk, Buxton.




T. Haunah,



AKNUA.L REPORT, DURL'G the year ending teptem1Je~' 30th, 1£103, not only ha sati factory work been done ill connection with the usual connies of tho centre, but facilities haro been aITorc1ed for examination of candidate in th e branches of tho two raihmy c0111pa11ie


102 having stations in Buxton, and tbis somewhat inereases the pass llsLs for the session of last winter. Untler the hOIl . l ccturers, Drs. T. B. Flint and Braithwaite, first aid classes [or wom en ann m en rcspectively, " 'ere conducted and \yere fttirly attemled ; 9 women pre ent ed them elye for examination and 7 obtained certificates; 10 men ,yere examined, 7 obtaining preliminary fir t aid certilicate ; ~ pas ed. a first re-examination; and 1 qnalif1ed for the medallion. In the nUl' ing course for " 'omen, conducted by Dr. l"lillt, out of 17 'w ho attendell, 15 entered for examination, 8 obtaining nUl' ing certif1cates, and 7 qualified for the medttllion. The classes in connection with the railway branches were conducted by Lhe mcdieal officers of the companies, and at the London and North-Wcstern Railway examination 9 camlidates entered for the preliminary cour e, and all ,yere snceessflll ; and. at thc Midland Rail,,-ay 31 candidate' pre en ted themselves, of ,y hom 11 outailleL1 preliminary certificates; 9 obtained I'e-examination ,-oncll ers, :1I1d 7 qnalified for the medallion. It is to b e regretteL1 that th ere i a fnrther diminution of the annual suu cription ', and it i~ hoped another cffort will be made to increase them, and encomage n. continuance of the Centre.

CAMBRIAN RAILWAY CENTRE. Formed 189 . .-J'CS i(l c ul. ]\fl'.

A. C. Humphreys-OwlllJ, :\I.P. lIonoral'Y Sec!·c l a l'Y.

Mr. J. D. An clrew, General Manager 's Office, Oswestry 'taLion. ;ll c (li c al Sl u ff.

Snrg.-LieuL Col.R. d e Itt PoeI' Bere. forel, M. D . Mr. R. Jones- Evan Mr. W. H. rillith Mr. James

,'mg.-Capt. J. R. J. Raywood Mr. Thomas Mr. '.V. R. '.Yilliams.

Statement of Accounts fa?' the yeaI' ending Scptcmbe1' 301h, 1903. Receipts. E,lllCndilui'e. 1902. To Balance fro111 1a t tate11lentAt Sheffield and R other ham Bank . £12 In band of Ron. , ec. 3 " Proceeds of Men's CIa se 3 " ,'Tolnen',~ ~) "" R ecei ,'eu for MeL1allions 1 issued 5 "Annual ubscl'iption Sept" 1903. " Graut flom Tecllllical ErIncation Committee of D erbyshire County Coullcil 4 " Bank Iatere. t (les e0111l11is.) 0


11 10 10 ~ 1-1


4 1 15


0 11

0 3

1902. By Po tage, Stntionery, n.ncl £0 9 9 Carriage of Goods 3 4 o " Printing and Ad verti iug " Payment to Central A 'ociation, viz.576 For Examination Charge: 3 19 1J For, tOl'es 1 1 6 For Medallion' . t5ept. 30th, 1803. " Bala.nce ill band, viz. At Shefficld and Hothel':20 13 ham Bank • In l1a11(1. of Ron . • 'ec. . 1 11





Examine(l and roun(l correct, A. ClIOFIELll, "\ IT . r' 1 Z· '. J!'. COWLEY S~!ITH,f 1. 01101C11I _ /lello/s. II. A. IIeDlHm'TY. Cl/(lii'illa1!. J O~EPJT T .\ ¥LOll, 1'rc((sw·u. 26lh Oclobe1', 1903. ALDEI:T D. ClI .\P~lA~, lIull. ScCl'ctary. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES AND .\lIm~\LLIO~ •. No. of


Xo. of


who hu\'e who have rccei \'eel completed eerti lieates. a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. Nnrsing

I ~nl'sillg.

SrXcg FOR:\fATIOi\ 538 41


---- -




hure cOl11}1l('trd a c!)nr.~c of instrdttiOll. \\"110

bt Aill.


I,a\'c recl'il'ed CerLiflcates. \\"11<'

1st ,\ill.

CRC\''fJtE. I 18 28<l I 200 I ] G4 Sr~CE 1sT OCTonrm, 1902.





I Xll1'sillg.

1:\0. of Ccrtificated Pnpils who ha\'e reeeil'ccl 1Ilerlallions. J\I~ll.



L' COll e(luence of the difficulty in olJtaining Lhe scrvices of medical men as instructors, scyeml of the cIas 'es hafl to he suspended during this session, but it is hoped that they \\'ill 1'e nme operatioll' in the fOl'lhconling e ·sion . Th e Comp<.my's Challellge 'hiehl, pl'oyidetl by i.Irs. C. ,'. Denuiss au{l Mrs. J. Parry-Jone. wa, through the ki.ll(lncs~ of :1\11'. A. C. IIn1l1I'hrl'ys-Owr.n, the President of the Centre and Chairman of the Company, and :Ulrs. Humph reys-Owell, (;ompetel1 for at their befmtiflll n' 'idel1cL', Glall'eyel'l1, .Jfontgomel'Y 'lli('(', on the 23rd Oetob!;l', \\'hen the \\ hole of the amhulallell 111ell on the lille, tog-ethel' with their wins 01' female friellds, were g 'llerously cmtcl'tainc(l II)' the host and hostess. The competition \\'a a \' ery hell onp, re. nltillg in the. hil'lrl heing \\'011 by the Portmadoc leam, who seclll'l'(l 2·11 lllarks ant or a. po, .i!>I' :270. The ~hield wa afterwards pre ented to the willlling team hy i.fl','. Hnmphreys-Owen, to whom, u. well n,' :MI'. Humphrey O\\,l'1I, he:1l'ty thank: ,rerc O'iYL:1l fot' their kind support of ambnlance \York on this and)ll atllt'l' occn ·ioJ1 '.

I.'. Ug OF CERTIFICATE. AND .:\lEDALLWN '. Xo. of 'Women who have \\,!IU 11<\\ t: II'ho hal'\J cOlllplete!l n completell '1 l'c~ul\'~d course of n course of G rlilicate:. illStl'l1CtiOll. illstrnctioll. 1st Aid. t\ursillg lHt Aid. I t\U1'Sill~. --r,it "illl"=--~lll'sillg. • IXC'E









1st Aid


So. 01 Certificatetl Pupils who huYe recei\' ~ d

)Ietialliolls. Mell.



[jIG Sr~CE



FO]t;\L\'J'lll. ·

who hnl'e l'ecci\'cd Cerlilicatcs.

1:,;'1' Ocromm, 1902.



I '''omell,





Formed 1878.


No. of Men

Pl'csitlcn '.

No. of Women

The Marchiones Conyngh3.ll1. wbo have completed a course of

Chni l·nIHn.

Captain Lambert.


llo1l01'ary Sccrc'ary.


Colonel Helpman, The Manor House, St. Stephen's, Oantcl'l.ml'Y ·

1\11'. F. 'Y. Furley.

Lifc illcmbcl'. •

1111'. Z. Prentice, M.R.C.S. Mr. T. White~ead Reid, ~r.D., St. And., F. R.C.P., F.Llm.,L.R.C.P., Lond., ;\1.R.C ..' .

I Mr. BrianRigden,M.R.c.S.,L ..

A. ,


1st Aid.

I NUl'sing.

1st Aill.

:,)1. D.

JUl'. J. Greasley, M.R.C.S., L., .A., Lond. Mr. F. ' V. Pittoclc M.R .C.S. Mr. H. O. Preston,' M.R. C.. , L.R.C.p.Ed .


:2 0_--,-_ _5

Mr. James Reid , F.R.C ... Mr. George Rigden, M. n. c. s. Mr. F . ,Yacher, B.A. , M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Lond. Mr. H. ,Yacher, 111. B. Oantab, B. S.


7 17 4 2 5 8 0 12

0 6 0 0

£26 14


By Examiners' Fees anti Expenses and Heall Omce Oharges . . "Purchase of Stores "Printing, Ad vertising and • tationery . " Hepairs to Stretcher " Sundries " Medallions " Balance, 30th Sept., Hl03

£8 5 6 12

Examinell anel found. correct, Tno.·, LAMBERT, Chai?·1Iwn. F.


J. H.



HELPMAN (001.)

lIon. Sec?'etCt?·v,

I Nursing.


I WOlilcn.


CENTlm. 211 I H)7 137 1:21 70 hi!' O(,,[,OUEI!, IDO~. :!.2 I I ____ l!3 __~ ~__~__~4~__~2_



FOl'lued 1 99. J"1'C"W('u' •

it ,Yillinm Thoma::; Lewi', Burt. ( 'lIah·man.


Jtnn c,~



MI'. E. A. Hurt, 1I01l01';!)'J ioI


upt. D<lyid Davie::;, Carllill' HailmlY 00. 's Police, Canlifl'. '(('clicnl


.l\I1'. TholJ1aS ,\'alhce, AN"SU~\'L




T~I~.lllell1bers tid ' Centre l'ellllcl'l!(l Jirst aill to [j persons, a decrease of 39 on th~ yeal.·; 30 werc cOllycyed to the iufirllt'llT 13 to the hO -I't 1 ·1' "H l11" 1" 9 . t 1 I' ' , l! a s np amaas. I.' U\ to t lell' homo.', G-aftl!r l'ceeh'i n0ct first <al'(l - , "'el' e a bl e t 0 con t'lnne t Jal, h . a t ell'''.o~·:, ;fl'ttc:tlll'cs?~, 'eyere .cuts 14, .'eulp ,,-oUlHls ,dislocations~, feetcruhed anllother\\ll' entoll' ,. tl 10 I.ell1Ulllt . 1e1' seycre lDJury .. b' '.,. . , cnrdyl1JJUl'cd _ . ' fIufrer' 0 and llll~es :0 lhllcrcnt purt!; 01 thL hotly, whieh 1'e(luil'cd immediate fir t aid ill the ~pph~ntl~n. ~f cold \\~atel' ]l (18 and uan(lngul, the ambulance cuniage being brought mto le(lu~~ltlO_ll 16 tllllC to cOI~"ey aw~y thc injured. It is pleaing to record that kec]] llltel'E'st lit their work as they (I'd'l tlIe am b u" 1 "len 1the CentLe. takes the sume t ance mo, elllC11t "as hl't e. tabluihed here, and receiYes the rrreate t encouraaE' from thc Pre' 1 t ,. "'\T'll' Tl 0 < 0 men Sll ell, 11' ~ 1 lanI lOmas Lc\\'is, Bart., and the Yice-Ple ident Mr. Ja~es HU:'man, e~-e.rytlllllg. necessary ill tho matter of material under the c~re of SCloeant Oharles I nee, the lllstruutor, Leing kept at short di tances about the dock and• w01'l-s . t fiIrs t all . 1 can b e qmc . 1dy rendered. Practice i held one \. so tl 101 r·t· 1 st .' t . , e a 101 mg 1 llul'lll cr th o C \\ 111 eJ lJlouths. The Centre is self-supporting antI numbers 137 members. PIC\lOU::i

6 7

4 11 9 076 o 10 11 o 12 0 5 13 10 £26 14

1st Aid.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have recl)jved Medallions.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditw'e f"mil, Oct. 1st, 1902, to SCl't. 30th, 1903. Receipts. E ,I'lJc1lcliturc. £8 14


• ISCl~

Mr. ... iLlney Wacher, F.R .. s .

ANNUAL REPORT. TH E Oommittee has the pleasure to report that Sir George Collard, the Mayor of Oanterbury, made a public presentation of medallions and certificates at the Guildhall in August last, when a satisfactory report was submitted of thc pI' ogre s and maintenance of the work done at this Oentre, one of the oIde t connected "'ith the Association. Great regret is felt at tbe loss by death of the e tecmed VicePresident, Dean Farrar, wbo has been succeeded in this office by the Dean of Oanterbury, Dr. '\Tace. Five classes have been lwlJ during the past se sion, illStructCJ by Drs. T. Whitehead Reid, Brien Rigden, . R. Phillips, Z. Prentice, and H. Wacher, to whom the best thanks of the Oommittee haye been ofl'ered, as wcll as to the Board of the Kent and Oanterbury Hospital for the u, e of the hospital library to have lectures in. The Oommittee has the satisfaction to report that Colonel Helpmann has kindly consented to take over the duties of hon. secretary in the place onIr. W. H. Horslcy, resigned, and is gratified to report that it is hoped that Ilcfore very long a unit of the St. John Ambulance Brigade will be form ed in Canterlmry.

To Balance, Oct. 1st, 1902 " Annual Subscriptions and Donations " Entrance Fees " Sale of Stores " :l\1ec1allions

I Nursing. 1st Ai<l. I NurSing. , ,

who have received Certificates.

IXCB 11 UJll\lATro~ OF


;U erlicnl S.nff.

1'111'. H. A.. Gogarty, B.A.,

who have cOlllpleted a course of instruction.

",,110 have rCCI'il'ed Certificatcs.




106 I



No. of ]\fen

No . of Women

No. of Mcn



who have complcted a course of instruction.

who haye who have received completed Certificates. a COlll'se of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.


I Nursing.

1st Aid

who have rcceivcd CerWicates. 1st Aid

No. of Certificated Pupils who h ave rcccived :Medallions .

I Nursing. lIl en.

I Women ,

who llave completed a course of instruction. lRt Ail!.

No. of Women

Ivlio lial'c rcc('il'cd Certificntes.

I NllI'silig.

1st Aid.

I N\lI'Sillg~Ht Rr'~R





wlio IHlI'C cOll1pletecl a COllrse of instrdc;LiOIl.

13 I



462 ~







I N~ 1st Airl. I Nl1l'Hing.



I ,I


No. of Certificated Pilpill; who have recci ved Medallions.

wli0l,al'e recciver! Cel'Wieates .


I Women.



20:' 193 l ~T OC'TOllEn, 1902. n ·J I 11 I 51





]9 3

Fo rmed 1881 . l'j·cs hlcnt.


His Grace the D uke of ' Vestminster. ' ·icc-Chairman.


The Dean of Ohester.

Mr. George A. Dickson .

Tl'ca s 11 l'Cl'.

1I01l01'm'Y SeCl'c tmT.

l·r(,' i(f (' lIt.

!\fl'. .T. R. Foth ergill,

llIr. J . Duff, M. D., 5, Abbey trect, 011OS1e1'.

MI'. W. L. Davies, Beechwood House, Ohester.

Mr. Mann, 111. D. Mr. D. O. Sutton,



. £3 3 To Balance 16 7 " Received for Stores Examination. 16 14 ,. " Medallions 5 3




fo1' the yect?' ending 30th SeptembC1', 1903. E'J_'1Jenclitw·e . £17 5 5 6 By Storcs

5 0 0

"Examination Fees "Medallions . "AdYcrtising " Postages, &c. " Balance

7 11 DUFF, HOn01'a1'Y

o 17 o 9




Lewi Kl t wond.


~I r.

J. H. Fothl rgill. :1I.ll. E. .Tack ·n ll. .T. La\\TPll c,>, ~r. J'. F. U. Martill. I.', UE Xo , of \\' Ito h:\\'e



~r ell

.. -n. of Women who lin \'() cOlllplctcll a c'onrse of in:trnction.

wlio hal'e r ceil'eel ecrti Ii call'S,

cOlilpletcd a coursc o f illstructlOll.

:JI lIm(l.

,'urg. Lt. Col. G. :Jli'l(llcm i.', ~r.D. Mr. W. ~,Park . MI'. P earson. .M 1'. W. Pettcl'.

lst Ald. I '\ursin),:. 1st Ail! •,,~ J1..c~' t \'1 -.:.~~!....:..-..::..:.:=::..:.....:..:..::..:.:.:.:.:.......c....: .:.:1..:..:1.:'.·s~ln:!::g~ . ....:.~., II.

who have receiYed Certi (lcnle:;.

1'1.' "ursinI<.


Xo. of CLI'tificated Pupils who have re ceived Medallion .

-=-"..--~--Aid. I Xnrsillg'. Men. I Wom en

FO[l'\f_\TIIJ:\ ()F CEXTI:E. 7 fl2 I 1:2 ,'r,\CE 1:-;'1' O(rronr:n, 1902.

;'[, CE


I G%



I 40



I ]






DERBY CEN TRE. Formecl 1


l'I' C~i4 1 (, lIt

6. •

:1\11-. Francis Ley. £41


1\11'. Mr. .MI'. Mr. :'Ik

14 12 3 5 3 0

J OrIN L. DARBY (Dean of Ohester), Chai1'man.




.U('e1ic',,1 .... . a ll .

ANNUAL REPOl1T. DUHING the last few years, and notably during the ycar just rnded, the "'ork of this Oentre has shown a very gratifying increase, both in the numbcr of attendances at classes and the number of certificates obtained. Employer. {IRel others are req uested to take an active interest in ambulance work, and especially to encourage the young people under their care to aHend classes and to qualify [01 certificates. There are over 50 members belonging to the Ladies Nursing Divi 'ion. The members ofthis division meet monthly, at which meetings lectures and demonstrations on nursing have been given. First aid has been rendered by several members o[thc Division. T he competition for the Yerburgh Ambulance Medal took place dl1l'ing the year in the Town Hall. Mr. Pritchard was the winner of this coveted prize. There "'as also a competition for the medal given in memory o[ Mrs. Frank Lloyd. This medal was gained by Miss Ryecroft.

Statement of Receipts and Receipts.

;\1. n.

1I0llo l'a l''\' Sc(' r Cja lT a lHl TI·(,:l. <; l1 rcJ'.

J\1r. R l\f. ''''Ik(s,:-'I. \.,

lUcflical S taff.

Mr. J. Gifi'ell Mr. G. Harrison Mr. W . Lees



7 11

T I·ca .. ul' CI'.

Miss M. Dnrby

1I0n or a r y


Dr. F. f;a. · i<1i, ;\L\., Trinity Terrace, Derhy.



111 Cllic al sta.r.


Mr. E. Green, L. n.C.l'., Loml. lUI'. C. H. Hough, :M.l:.(· . ~. Mr. R. Laurie, ;)I.n. ~1r. R. :Jlorrisoll II'. Parry-Jones, M.n.

Mr . , Yo Benthall , M. B.

1111'. L . Bryson, ;)[, B.

1111'. F . Cassic1i, ;)[, D . Mr . A. Chambers 1111'. , Yo G. Copestake, ;)r.n.c.s. Mr. C. Fletcher, ;)1. n. C. S. 1\11'. T . Laurie Gcntles, L.ll.C. P., L om1. 1\11'. R. W . Gentles, L.TI .C.l'.

Formcd 1 81. r.'cs ld (' ut.

Ficlrl Marshal H.R.II. Thc Dukc of COllnaught, ICG. , 'h:c·I·.·('s id (' Jlt :l nel ( 'hail'lllan.

Mr. Rim, ;)I.D. ::\11'. J. A. Southern, L.ll.C.I'. Loml.

Mr. F. It Davics. T I'(':\SU l '(' 1'

A N NUAL REPORT. I T is a l)leasure to rcport that the past ycar has becu (lue of con tin nctl sati~factory certificates, \:) , 7 cla ses hayinO' o. been helLl, the metllber~ of whichgainec1135 ..., Proo-res comprising 70 (male) fir t aid, 44 (female) first aid, anll 21 (female) !luring celtiJicates, I n addition 5 m~les and 2 female pa sed their fir t examination, and J5 11iales a11(l 18 females, ba\ing passell their seconu re -examination, gained their medallion '. The local division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade continue~ to matc ~atisfactor'y progre s, and at the annual inspection on July 29th, 1903, wa~ yery highly COIllmended by the insllector, 1\11'. S , , Yo Malkin . S{(ttement of Receipts and Expenditure fol' tlte ycw· ending Sept. 30th, 1£103. E.rpcllcl illl),C.


£7 To Balance, ept., 1902 tores in baud, cpt. 1902 2 31 "" Fees 1-1 " Stores sold 7 " Medallion 7 " Subscriptions " Bank I ntere t, June 30, '03 0 " Stores in hand, Sept., 1903 3


14 4 18 6 19 5 8


0 6 0 0 6 11 0

13y "tores in hand, 'ept.1902 £2 1-1

0 ;, Ad nrtising, Bandagcs, 3 1~ 10~ and snndl'Y expenses " Examiner's Fees &; Expense: 11 Hi G tores acc. , St. John's Gate 10 <J 10 3 0 <J "" Illl:iden tal Expenses do. 3 7 (j " Postage and Telegrallls 7 G 0 " 1Icualliolls 0 tore in bana, Sept., 1903 3 "" Cash 30 3 G

II 011 0 l'Ill' Y


S('C l' Ct :II·Y.

1111'. J. Dalla~ Pratt, ;\f.n., F.n.c.s., 25, Lo\ycr Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin . :t1('llka l i"lta fr .

)11'. Darton

lIIr. :1IIcCllllagh

.\11'. Boyce ~Ir. Co 'grit YO ::;ir R. Jackson, c.n.

Mr. :JIc Dcrmott Mr. Dallas Pratt ~lr . Wright. AN"X AL


TI.m ,,:ork of the Centrc has l)cell carrietl on throughout tho year. The Royal In. h COllstabnlal',Y cla, .'cs have ceased for the present, as the strength of the force is to 1 e reducl (1, aurl in COll e(l11011Ce rl'cruiting has been (liscontinnecl for the time beillC:. It j,' gratifying to say that the firm of ::'I10ss1'5. Arthnr Guinnesfi and Co. (the largest in DnLliu) ha. taken up the \\"ork, and a class of30 mell has been started und it i;:: hopc(l tllllt others \\'ill follo\\" . '




£75 15

a u d JlO IIO l':IJ'Y foito l'c )e cCI1Cl'.

l\lifis Jenckcll, 2, II('rl)ert Roatl,



£75 15


Slatement of j.-ceCilJis ((nd E,''jICildillli'e fOl' the !.1m)' cII,dillg S"pl,'iIlbe i' 30th, 1903, lieceipts.

1903. To Draft ];alance

E ,rpclld iture.

£l(i 12 1G



1 0

1902, Hy Balance


IG 1


£1 6 :31 10

1 0

£32 16


en, It

Auditeu alld foullll correct,


KO'I:embc1' 2nd, 1903.



Fr.A .-(


who have received Certi fica tes. 1st Aid.

I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. Men.




2023 70

418 21

)f.l •. I .. \.,

,1 E.'('KE,',


Prcsident .


T,'I?(( 'W'CI',

556 45



X n. of cCI'uncater1 Pupils who have rcee i n;tl ;\[edallions.

\\'ho IHl\'e 1 ccci,' '(1

eel tilicatcs.




FOltMATIOX OF CE~TRE, 41 I 935 I 6~5 I 742 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1902. 2!) I 60 I 41

D,ym:', F.ll.C.,.,

• '0.

Ko. of Women

who Lave who have who have cou1pleted a completed received course of o course of Certificates. instruction . instructiou. l ~t Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I N(Hsing.


I:-;,-'VE OF CERTIFIOATI~' .(\XD illED.'l..LLION, .



.T. D.'LL.\<; 1'1: , '1''1', ;\1.I1., F.n.c.:-;., lIon.

FnAx(,Is LhY, P,'csidcnt. F. CAsSIDT, ;\f. D., HOi!. Secrclw·!J. MAltO.l..HET DA1.BY, 1','CClIi1lJ'cr.





I 3068 I I



8IXCE FOIDf.\TI0X OF E,\TllE. 3010 I 37GO I ]'2 0 ,L-Cl': 1ST O( 'TOIlIW, ] 802. :jO :)0 I 20

11 L


52 2



J(OIlOl'ary AluUtOI·.~ .


Mr. William Smith

Mr. O. A . Swinuells

Formeu 1893.

lU c tlic nl Stall'.

T he Hight H on . T he Earl of D udley, G. C. V.O . Cbail'JlWll.

DCIHl'y (.'baiI'JIlall.

Dr. T. F. Higgs.

R ev. A . Gray Maitland.

TI'ca s Ill·c r.


Mr. S. "Ward, \\'olverhal11pton, Dud ley. Lifc

SC Cl'C' a IT


1\1r. A. J . Slater, Grange Road, Dudley. UCIll b el'.

Mr. F. S. Goulder , 1II. l~.C. S . , LoU . C.P., Lond. lUc llical St a O".

1111'. Biggam. 1I1r. A . E. Dands. 1111'. J. F. Higgs , M . D . 1111'. 111. A. 1I1essiter. Mr. Powell.

:Mr. II. l1lith. :Mr. . Price. JUr. Py burn. 1\11'. Rhoues .

:Mr. J . H. Wilkimoll. A NNUAL REPORT.


OWIKG to continued illness of late S(;cretaI'Y, Mr. J. Slater, no cIa ses have L(;cn held during the last year; and, consequelltly, there are no accounts and no balance-sheet to be published. The rendel ing of first aid is of every-da), occurrence in this district, and only in ,ery extreme cases \Youlu a case be reporleu.


421 \



342 I


No. of Women

who have wno hal'e who have cOlJ1pleted n completed received COL1I'.;e of a course of Certificates. iJJstructiull. instruction. 1st Aid. IXursing, 1st Aid. I Nursillg, 1st Aiel. I Nursing.

Mr. J. Miller Mr. J. R. S . Palk ANI UAL REPORT. TilE Committee cannot report that much )lrogress is made in this district in ambula.nce work, Lho interest ill same being COllfined in small limits, and not reaching a sphere where most desiraLle aml in<lispensaLle. l 11stmrtioll classes hal e becn continuously inangurated since thc f01'mation of the Centre, and have bcen invariably sucucbsfnl. The local diyision of Lhe St. John Ambulance Brigade can record some advance, and have entered into competitions which will tend to improve their condition . The last report of the inspector was very encouraging. Acknowledgments are c1ur Lo Dr. Clarke for his unremitted services Oll behalf of both instruction classes anel for the geueraJ "elfare of the Ambulance Brigade, the Dnkinfield Borongh Town Council for the free URe of room for meotings, &c., the hon. auditors (Messrs. mith & windell), illr. II. haw, for hOllsing ambulallce carriage, and the local pIe ·s for brillging iuto prominence the proceedings of the Association. Stcttemcnt oj Receipts ((nd EJ'penclitw'e jfJi' the ycct/' encliJ!g Septemuer 30th, 1903.

Mr. D. Booth .Mr. A. K Clarke

l·l'(!sicl c ut.

No. of Certificateu Pupils wllo IHwe I't!ceil'ed Medallioll'.

who have re('eil'ed Cel'tillcates. 1 st Aiel. I Nursing.

SrXCE FOmIAl'IOX OF CEXTllE. 19 I 223 169 I 177



To Balance hrought fUl'\\'al'll -CI0 3 ;:; To ubscripLioll :Mr. O. KiscH-River and To\\'er ~lills Park Roa!l 2 0 0 " Cla.:s Fee., &c., Dukil1field Hall 'Itt ... · 3 0 0 " Half co t of ~lcdallions 0 lG 0 " Dank Intl'l'cs 0 3;:; " Examil1alion expcnse'Dukiu licltl Pulice AulhoriLie' . 0 1~ 6

I Women £16 11





By Examinatiun expcnses, Ashton P. S. A. 'ociety, proportionate cost for fin men ,,-'t, John Ambulance ASSOCll.: ~lcdallions " Do. tore " Do. Exam. exp . "Bank Commi:,sion " Priuting awl laLionery " lUIllry pay ments and po tages . . " U.'c of rooms at Dukinfie 1<1 Hall chool " Balance in halHl


OctOUCl' 29th, 1803.

o 1 6


7 o 0 o 15

7 6

o 12 o 1 o o 3



£16 14

J. R.




Jo. Ern H. 13JURD, llon. SCCI'ctary.

Formed 1893.

18, UE 01f CLmTlFIC,\TI':

AND ?IEDALLIO ----------~----------

Pl' csi llcn t.

CbaiI·m a ll.

l ·lce· Chail·lII:lll.

Mr. J. Pickl1Jl.

Tre a s lll'er.

)(on Ol'a I'Y Secl·cl ary . ~lr.

Joseph H. Deard, TO\\,11 Hall, Dukillficld.

Life lU embcl'S .

Mr. J . R. S. Park



His Worship the :il1ayor, Alderman II. Pratt.

Mr. A. E. Clarke Mr. J. M:illE:r


4 16




Mr. T. Hyslop, ]I,f ancliester and L iverpool District Banking Co., L tLl.


Audited and found correct, W. }IITII }Auditors . . A. '\\,I~DELL'


Mr. J . R. S. Park.

£0 12

who ha\'o cOll1pl ·t~c1 a course of


of WOlJ1en

- - - 1 - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - ::\0. of Certificated who lJaI'c who ha\'e PUl,il" who hal'e who haye C0ll11,lctcd a l'eeel"I'e"' rccci I'cd cour:;c of recl'i I'Nl u


1st Ai'l.l Xnrsillg.lst.\id.

. Curtificatc. . :lIedaJlions, i1lSt.I'UCtlOlI. Xmsillg. -l,t .\ill I XIlI_·~_iJ,-.:-::~,-_l_s~t_"\_it_l-,I_X_-_nl_·s_in-,-g,-,-:l_Ie_n-.-,-I_"_·o_l_ll_el_l. IXCl, 11'01~)L\Tl{lX OF







I::\CE 1ST











1902. 10





J 1~

11 3



].J'csi41 cn t.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn, L ord Li eutenant of :Fol'faJ'shire. l"atl'OJLCSS of " 'omcn's Cl:ISSC, .

The Right Hon. The Oountess of Strathmore. Chai l·JUan. "icc·f 'bail'man. Oolonel J. Rankin. Profe SOl' teggall, M.A., OLlntab. UOllOl':1l'Y TI'C:1SlLl'Cl'

Mr. David Don,

C. A "

allel Sccl'c lal'Y.

1 OJ, Oommercial treet, Dundee.

A3NUAL REPORT. TIrE Oommittee beg to report that during the past session 18 classes han been helu under the Dundee Oentre. The total number of pupils who have recei,'ed a complete course of instruction on first aid to the injured and sick is 222 (13 ll18n and 84 women). I n all 100 pupils haye reeei ,cd first aid certificates, and 29 ha ye received the medallion of the .Association. The total number of pupils "ho haye received instruction on first aid junior course, is 14 , of "'hich 69 have receiyecl the junior certificate. The total number of pupils who have received in'iructioll on home nUl'sin a ancI hyaiene is 40, of which 26 ha,"e recei'"ecl certificates. The 00l11miLtee '" 0 aaain desire to offer their cordial thanks to the doctors \\'ho haye so kindly assisLeu o them by lecturing, examining classes, and in other ways; also to those who ha,Te acted as secretaries of the various sections under the Dundee rentre, The Committee have pleasure in reporting that in January last they received from the Dundee To,,"n Council the sum of £25, being amount voted by them to the DUllllee centre out of the Local Taxation Grant, 1901-2, in aid of ambulance ,,'ork in the O1ty. The Oommittee are indebted to Dr. M 'Gillivray for baving delivered a public lecture in Dundee under the auspices of the Dundee Oentre on first aiel in eye injuries. Many tributes to the ambulance skill of members of the Association han been paid during the past year-notably two cases : 1. On .August 30th last William Duncan, 3 years old, Union-place, Loehee, ,,'as amusing himself by swinging on a rope attached to a stair railing. By some means or other the rope got round his neck, and he was suspended for S0111e time. He was suhsequently removed, apparently quite dead. Sergeant William :Jlac:kay auLl Oonstable George Peters, who were on duty in the vicinity, immediatcly commenced artificial reslJiration, which they continued for about half an hour, "'hen the child showed signs of life, and shortly afterwards recovered, 2. It was also due to the exertions of Oonstahle George Peters tLat 1111'S, Keenanwho was discovered in a honse near Union Place, Lochee, quite ullconscious from the effects of gas fumes-was restored to consciousness uy artificial mean . 1111'''' Keenan was the mother of the two children who succumbed to the poisonons effects of the gas fumes, and which well,known and sad occurrence took place on the 25th of December last-Ohristmas Day. Oaptain Dewar, Ohief Oonstable, in his aunual report for 1902, states that the ambulance vans \yere required on 454 occasions during the year. He a,lso states that 181 members of the police force hold the first aid certificate of our Association, amI have been of signal service, almo, t daily, in attending to inj med persons. The Committee would again urge all employers of labour to do what lies ill their power to

em'oulage their employees to attend the classes which are annually held under the auspices of the Dundee Oentre. They" ould also draw attention to the importance attached uy PI1r1iament to the necessity of ambulance instruction, for (( The Mines Regulation Act" compels ambulance mn-terial Lo ue kept in readiness for usc in case of accident; and "The Employers LialJility Act" imposes heavy penalty on employers when accidents occur from any neglect or precaution on their part. The fifth competition [01' the Ohallenge 11iel(l, epen Lo all members who holel the first aid certificate of the Association, and who reside in I 'cotland, took place in the Drill Hall 011 atunlay,l til April. Ten teams took part, No, 4 team bcing the winners. The prizes were presen te(l by Mrs. Geo. :Miller, Dr, Foggie receiving the Shield amitl great cheering. Pl'ofessor Stalker, in returning thanks to 1111's. l\Iiller for presenting the prizes, sai<l he had to congratulate very heartily the winning team . Before they r,oulcl have done so well they must have acquired much useful knowledge, an amount of usrfnl knowle<1ge which was so comlllon no\\' that it was not observed ho\\' much good it did . Indeed, ambulance teaching and training "'as now so "idespread that it c1iunot att1'O.ct attention to the extent that it shoultl. Ambulance training alle,iale(l much suffering and misery at a time of accident. Both in town and country it WLl almo -t impossihle to estimate, and impossihle to over-estimate, the snll'el'ing that had heell canse(l hy rough anll ready, though well meaning, handling, lmt llOW ihey li\'e<1 ill difJ'crcllt Limcs, awl thongh ambulance was not making ,'uch It siil' 110\\', it was doing in its o\\'n rluiet \Yay much good work and infinitely heth"!!' work than wlten it atlracterllllore attention. J]alllllcc Sheet (IS at ~lst Ap'il, 1903. Assct~, I Liabilities. Store £.1 5 6 Local Taxation Grant, 1901SUllcIn" De1ltol's 180~ . £25 0 0 26 1:1 0 Oa~h--'::" , undr\' Ol'echtol', 2 2 0 In Dl11ll1ce Hal'illgs nalaJ1~(,: lbllk ,101 1 1 mpl us hrough t 111 nI'i tish LinCH fOl'ward £130 15 10 Co. Hnllk ? 11 ul'plus at this lhtc 1 4 5 £130 1 0 132 0 3 Lcs' nillallcr (Inc to T1'0<1 "nrcr :2 In 3 127 1 9 £lii!) Err,-)! IIC






ad E"'jJC/lditui'c Account ("om 16th Al)dl, 1902, to 21st April, 1903.

Receipts. Examillation Fees Ola 'S Fees 'llh~el'il'tiolls





£lc 11


17 17 9 33 7 2 10





E."ull1illn tion Fees . £25 10 ,'cC:l'etury's Honorarium, 190]H102 21 0 Printillg, Adn~rtisiug.• t<1.ti011el'y, &e. 16 5 llrnt of Lecture Rooms 6 10 }[i .. cellulleous 1 16 By 13:t1anee, heing mplu, Cllr, riell to Dala lice heet 1 4

6 10



T1'C{{Sll rcr.


0 !)

0 2 5

6 10

T, 001., Ghain;w1l, Dundee, 27th April, 1903. - Examined and found correct. PETEll KERR, A udito,'. J,U[RR R\'N"KI



Life 1UClIIlJl'1...,.


who haye completed a course of

No. of Women

0 f lIIen WllO have received Certificates.

who haye cOIn pIe ted a course of ill trnction.

i n~~tru ction. I Nurs ing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ait!. I







Aid. I Nursing.

SnCJ£ Fo Ri\[ATION OF CE~ "IllE. I 3659 I 1103 I 1660 l:S- CE 1\1AY, 1902. 840 I 40 I 52


No. of Certificated Pupils who hav e received lIIedallions.

who have recei ved Certifi cates.


ht Aid.


The Offi cer Commanding, 211rl Bncks. (Elon College), R. V. C. The Adjull1n t, 2nd Buck s. (Eton College) R. V. C.

Surgeon-l\Lljor E.

I Women.





N orri ,

of JIl ell

2nd Bucks . (Eto n College) R. V.C.

Xo. of \Voillen


whn hUI'e who hal'c COllll,ldcli rel 'eil't"l a coursc of Cerlificates. illhtnwliol1. 1st Ai,\. I ~Ilrhill~. ht .\i,\, T~lll'sillg.








lUcclic'nl IStatT.

who IJal'c plcted a ('CJlll'se of illstrllclioll.

who have receil'cll Certificates.


bt Ai,l. I



lst Ai,\.

I XUl'siJJg.

No. of C;crlifica ted Pupils \\ho have rec'ci n~d ~Iedallioll';.


I Women.

I~l'E FUl~\U'l[O:-i UI<' CE~TJ~E .










Formell ] 79. Prcs iflcJlt.


Sir George R. Sitlyell, Bart.

Funncll 1 .2.

Trcasurer alul ](01l0l'ar:r Sccrctary.

J> I·C.,ic1(' III.

Mr. R. DumbletoD , The H ollie, Ecl,-ington. ~Icclicnl

Th e Righ t Re \'. lllC Lord Bishop of \\'inchc tel'.


1111'. G. H. ,Vest J ones. T .. ca~tll·CI·.


No. of ,Men

X o. of Cerli IlL-a led }'ujli)s I\'ho lla I'e recl'il' d lIIctlallioll~.


-1- \\~('l11eii





71 1902.









ETON COLLEGE CENTRE. F ormed 1879 . PI·Csidcnt.

Rev. E. Warre, D. D., IIead Master,

i\Ir. A. ,Yinslalie, 11 5, East tI'eet, Fal'llham. :U (' clka 1 St alf.

who hal'e who have who hal'e who !lave cOllljJleted a l'eceiYed completed receil'ed conI' 'Il of Certificates. a course of Certificates. instruction. in struction . 1st .A id. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Aid. I ;S-ursing. , 1st Aid. I Kursing.


](OHoral'Y SCC1'CI :l1'Y.

11r. W. R. WorsalIl.


Eton~College .

UOllOl':ll'Y Scnc tal'Y.

Captain G. A. J. Soltau Symon!.;, A(ljutaut, 2ncl Bucks (Eton College ) R. V.C. Eton CollegE', Windsor.


Mr. Hugh F. Ealallll, L.ll.C.p., L.lt.e.:4., Edin., L.. ·. . \., Lonll. .Mr. H. Hinl', L.ll.C.l'., Loud.,)1.n.G.~., Eng,

Mr. J. 1I n~sey, )1. D., lI[' R. U ,'. MI. S. G. lomun, L.ILe.p., Loud., lI1. It. C. S.

A~.J:-UAL HEPORT. Cenlre ha' made it lli"tillCt atl\-ullce during the past year, 5 courses on first aid ha\'illg lJcen gi\ CIl, illdl1llillg a jUlIior (·ourse-viz., the usual wiuter course in the town hy Drs. . G. 'lollJan allLl H. l<'. Ealund; Dntlshot Lea l1ml East tt'cet Board School (jn lJioJ'. 1.)' Dr. II. H illO; 1 llJale and 1 female course at Hale 1,y Drs. E:ll.tll<.l aml lIll~SCy !·e~l.ec li, ely, thc renlt of the examinatiolls ucing that 58 seniors preselltcLl tbelllsdns, and u2 were sucee sful-dz., 21 lirt c rlificate , 18 voucllcr!:!, and 10 lliedallioll . The 'cnicc of the mcm lJers of the Town Corps La\'o been in o(treat J'("llle:t ) ,C ca C llavin" he 4 for the 0 - en rcconlerl as a('ain~t 0 previous ycar. The allluulnllce \ an, as 11 'nal, was in greut demallLl, anel conn~ycd 37 cases a distance of 330 mile. , including cues to or from A:;cot 16 mile ; Frcnshnm-Guil<lfonl, 15 miles; 2 LJantl,er!ey, 11 miles; and IIa~lell1ere-Hincl ­ head, 12 miles. Patient wcre also remond to Ealing, t. Th0111as's and St. Bartholomew's Hospitals. The nll11ual distriLution of mellallions aml certificates gained at the town clnss took plnee at the uiunel' at the Bush THE


11 7

Hotel, presided over by Dr. EaJ[md, J1)mlY of the prin cipal 1'e idents in th e town ueing present. Dr. C. E . Tn,nner, wh o p1'opo ed the toa st of the eYCllillg, and the other doctors pre ent, alJ poke very highly of the voluntary \\'ork done by the members of the corps and of the grcat assistancc snch a corps r endcred to thc profes ion.

Statement of Receipts (tncZ E:l.penditll?·C fo')' thc year ending JU lIC 30th, 1903. Bl')Jcncl it n?·c. . £:20 By Removuls Examination Fees and 9 Expenses O~ " 5 torc' 9 " Pl'illting :2 2 G " Mcdallions " Rcnt of heel anLl Quit 2 Rent 0 " 1 " Stationery Cabinet 7 " Hepail's, Brake Blocks, etc. 1 DOllation to 'chools 1'01' 0 Gas and Firing . 1 0 " Po. tagc, Cbeques, etc. 1 6 0 0 ",. hl sura nce 0 Hllndries " Balance in Bank 29 " Balancc in hanrl 13



. £23 6 To Contingency Fund " Balance in hanel, Jun e 7 9 30th, 1902 25 1 " R eceipts for Hemovals " Subscriptions and Dona17 1 bons " Examination :Fee. , BriLllch 7 9 Classes , . Sale of Books, Bandage. , ;) 3 &c. 2 ~ " Sale of .i\Iedallions 1 14 " Lecture Fees 011 " Interest to NOIT., 1902 0 10 " Hire of Charts









5 0

14. 15 11

:5 6



6 1

0 3

1 0

0 0 fj 0 ;1 0 2 11 12 8:\ ~&



A~T~TUAL HEPORT. THE Ful'llcSS Hailway amhulance das;;es lu·lcl at UIVel'stoll, Harrow, lIIillolll aud :Moor Row (the lat tpr illulnding the staff cllIl'loytd 011 thc L oudon a.llcl North Westel'll awl li'ul'lle!:s J uint Line), have l)celJ 11'011 and lPgnlady attclllletl cll11'illg the past tcrllJ. Th c alllwtLl eOlllJletiliun fat' the DireeLol's' 'hulleuge Sllie1tl will 1)e held at the TO\\,l1 Hall, l.la.lTow-iu-Flll'lle.s, ill JUlllWlY, all wllieh oceasioll the certificates alltl medalliolls will be presC'utetl to thellecessflllnWlltl)ers.


or .Ifell

• '0 .

who liaye completcd

a cour. c of instruction. 1st Aill.

who have rereil'ell Certific:ates.

I ;:\ursing. 1st Aid. I Xur"ing.

r.ollll'letcIl a conr~"


instr uction . l~t

Aid. i



229 SI~CE




receiYell Certificates. 1st Aid. !



107 54 5 1ST OCl'ODEn, 1902. 19 I I ]3


~J ell


WUIll E-Ii.

OF CE.\"'l'llE,




0' 1 I

1:1:;1:, 1002.

----I -


.Fa rlllt:tl l' 1.



.l ... ~b(all( ~rr.)L


Formed 1902. ]·J'{'sicl('nt. K. G.

, OJ('c.(·hairlll an.

1Ill". Alfred Aslett.



:. ~[atty, :2, Il dhcl'"ett RoaL1, Gloucester. llt'.lit-al S.a ll'.

1\11'. G. \\'uyI.lIl1l .\.llel'UIll,

:>1. 1;., L.lt.l':.J.,

Rdin. 10


1I01l()1':U-Y )0\('('1'('. OIl') :11111 Tl'~a IIl'Ct'.

I "'01I1"n



jlr. T. W. Wil. ·UIl, 3'3, D eall " \\',tIk, Uloucl;;lll'.


~r (·II.

Itt-fonne,l 1000.

itl(·II. :11141 4·Jwil'II1 :tn. )11' .

Xo. of Certificated Pllpils \\'ho have rcceiycd



of Cel'tificat~u

PupIls who llaye rccci rcd :.\lellailiol1s.


1\11'. J. R Uibby,


\\'. \\T. Gro:'l'CllOr,



.:'ILlc. C. S., 1.. Il.U. I'. )[1'. \\T. R. Hadwen, :lL1)., .:'IL1:.('.:-;,

:lI.U., Etlill.

1111'. G. A. Huodle, )I.I:.C.S. Mr. J. Cttllll'l'cll, ~!.l)., :'ILILl.::i., L.n.C.I'. Mr. Dil\'is .:'ILlL, )r.I:.('.S.


Right Hon. Sil' John T, J-Iibbert, K. C.H,



• I. - 'E 1::;1'

CE~TllE .

His Gracc the Duke of Devonshire,

F()I::I!A'J'IIJ .-


)·I'(· ...

\l'hoh~\' e

or \\'Oll1ell

wit" ha\'l~ \\'lto Ilan! who l':ll'c \\ 110 llare (:01111.1"[,·,[ a ,:Ollll,lcl"d rel', il··il )'('ct'I\'f',l l'''lIr,r or a cOUI'S~ ot' L'erti lienles. ('t.:rtilicat~~. ill~t I'llel iUlI. ill"tl'lIetioll. Jst Aid. I :--\lI'"il1~. fSL AT.IT_·IlI'.,illg. -1st \icl , I :-;llr8iIlg~ ]~\i'_I._1 Nursil~.

No. of WOlllen who h,l\'e

!Ill'. J. W. IInc1SOli MI'. J. T. Williall1s


L SUE OF CERTIFICATJ~.' kKD l\lEDALLIO~, ' . 1'0. of Men

~ta lr.

ltl cd i ca l

Mr. n. o. Bowman 1\11'. II. '. Byers

liO '

Al Fr.nD n. ,TEYE~R, Ch(tii'1iwll. W. R. 'Y OHS.L\[, Treaslll'cr. A . \YI ~SL'\DR, Han. Sec retary.


1II1'. II. CurSOD, Genel'al .Thlttnagel"s OfJi uP, 13al'l'ow-in-Ful'llcss.

\Y. H. lIollge, :'ILll.C.:;, Ll:.C.I'., H.P.H., UUlltah. ~[l'. J. G. McLallnuhan, :l1.1LC. ' .


AXXC'.\.L HEl'OWr. DUltI.\"G tlte l'abt year 13 ulassl's La \'e ~)LCll bl'ld-viz., 8 male iirst aill, :2 female first aid, 3 female IHw;illg, which have uCell attended 1,), 13;] males nud 61 female' . 76 males aud 4 females llllS cd ill Jirst uill, and ;J~ felllales ill lllllsillg ; :25 males nud females gainetlllledlLlliollS; :J cases or lil'~t aid 1Jcillg Tellderell hayc beelll'CpOl'tell to the secretary. The all11l1al shiehl compctition was held at; the Public Baths ou Dec. ,1th, 1902

] I!)

118 Snraeon-Major Hutton acting as judge. Six teams compeieu, the Police being the "'in~ilJO" team with 490 points out of a po sible 500. They were closely fo:lowcu by the Co~poration, Midlallll Railway GuoLl Depot, Alingtoll, St .. Cathel'l.lle's, and Sherborne clas es. At an I ndustrial Exhiuition held at the ShIre lIallll1 l\I~rch, under the auspices of the County Council, displays of an:bnla~lce .,,·ork "ere gIVen, by Sl)ecial request, by members of some of thc c~asses Jll yns CIty, .a~lc1 prove c1.a r great attraction, and certainly helped to aronse l~lterest 111 tl:e W011, ... O~I , 'lllt Munday a strong detachment of men tr0m seyenu ot. the .cla ses 111 the CIty" ent to Cheltenham to take p:trt in the l)}'oces. ion in connectIon wIth the ~d~fello" s A.1\l..C. being held there. The Corporation Class were snccessfu~ in gUllllllg seconr'! yl'1ze with their decorated car, on which was a tableaux reprE'Sel}tll1g. the. Good Samall~an. On 1\1ay 20 the cE'rtifiuates and medallion gained at the examlllatlOns ",.ere publIcly presented at the Corn Exchange by the Mayor of Gloucester, 1\11'. E. Sidney Hartland and durinO" the elening some of the members of the classes gave an exhibition of thei7. work. The ,,,heel litter purchased by public subscriptioll. h~s proved to be most u eful, baing kept at the Central Police Station, whence It 1 always rear'!y for use at any hour. I S UE OF CERTIFICATES AND MEDALLIONS , 1'10. of 'Yolllen

No of Men

who lla\'e who have who l,five completed a completed rerei\'ed cour'e of a course of Certificates. instruction. instruction. ]st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I i\nrsing. 1st Aid. I Xursing.

who have re eeh'ed CerWleate '. 1st ,\'id. I Nursing.



356 SIi\CE

] 33


160 1.. 1' 16





I 110 1902. -1

Ko. of Certificated Pupils "'ho have received Medallions. Men.

1900. I 9 32

I Women.






Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught an (l Strathearn, TCO. ('hni .. ilia II .

SUI'geon·i\Iajor E. J. Hllnte!', A.:\r.n., L.TI.c.r., F.r..I.r.n. Trcasnrer ~tlHl JlollOrnl',}' Secrc'ary. Mr. W. 1\[, Clay, AIlglesey Lodge, All'el'stoke. J1etlical S.nff.

Surg. -Capt. H. Darville Brook, 1\1. n. c. s. 1\11'. H . M. Case Surgeon-Major E. J. nnnter, L.R.C.P. Mr. Pearn.

Mr. F. C. H. Mnggleton,


1\1. R. C. S .. L. R. C. P.

Inspector-General H. C. 'Woods, ('.n., c.v.o., K.ILP., M.D., R.N.

FAREIIAM (wi.th Porches tel', Rhed lieW, Wickham, and Titch field). ( 'hn il'Jllnu.

1\1rs. J. Ramsay.

)) CPll' y ( 'hai I·num.

Lieut. -Col. II. 1\1. Matthews. nOli Ol·:U·.Y Sccr e . ~1J· y .

1\1rs. Lenox Napier, Cutis/iell1, Fureham. Jlssis ' :l l1t

n Oli.

CCl'c ' :ll'Y.

Mr. J. IV. Dodge; West Street, Fareham.

Jl on Ol'Hl'Y T J'cn, 1/1'Cl'.

Capt. John Ramsay,

R.E., Yvery

Housc, Farehal1l.

AN JUAL REPORT. NJXE classes have been heltl in this CellLre dl1l'ing the ycar, including two naval classes held on hoanl n.M. . L. Yincent. At these cla. es -19 mcn and 72 women ha,'e receivell instruction 011 firsL aid nnrlnl1l' illg, and 21 othrrs have attended for re-examination. In connection with fin' cla. c.', grants amollnting to £18 9s. Od. have bcen rccoil'eel from the County Council. Fo\\'er ca. es than u ual of first aid renclcrccl on the pot hy inc1i\·idnal. han COllle to notice, but the ambulallCc carriage belonging to the Ccnire hal'e IJecn in frerjUel1t usc for the removal of sick and injured per'-011S, and the menll'crs of 11le brigade so employer! hare earned the acknowledgment both of l11e(licalll1cll and jlilticnts for the skill aIJd cure sho\m hy them. The allnual exhibition of amiJulance an[l Imr iug work ,ms helu on 18th July in thc Thorngate lIall, Go. port, in the prcsence of a largc llumlJer of spectator. The display of work gil'cn by lItll' 'ing tell 111 , 1'1'0111 Fan'ham ulld Gosport, ana uy ambulance teams of p,)liccl1lclI , fire hrigilcle IIlCIl, allel othcr., was llluch appreciated ancI apl,laucled. Thc hail'man of the CClltre, . urgeol'-:JIajor E. J. lIunter, anll the Yiee-Pre 'itlellt, Inspcctor·General 11. C. ,,'oolls, c.n., n.x., (,1'.0.) then 'poke of the objects of the A sociatioll and tlle work dOlle locally lly the Centre, after which the certiiicates nnd llIedallioll. ,rere eli triblltetl U)' Aclmiral Field, c.n., ",ho COllcluded wilh an excellent and eflecti\'(~ peech. On thi' occasion 73 certificate, 11 \'ouchers of re-examillation, un,] 11 medallions were awarded, beside 32 certificates sent on hoard II.:Th1. . Sf. Yincent f0r eli ·triblltiOll. The Committee regret to record the los uy cleath during the ycar of an actiye memher of the mellical starr Dr. James Priestley, of Lee-oll- olent. The following ea e, 'Thich occurred lately at Titchfield, in the Farelwlll Di, i ion of thi Centre, well illustrate the importance of first aid instruction. A child who had fallen into a mill stream wa brought out of the water, and life l,eing to all appearance extinct, was placed upon the bank, and no effort was made by those about to reyiYe it. Police·constable Davis, who has rccoived instruction in first aid, and holds the me<1allion of the A sociation, on learning ofLho accident, ran to the spot and at Ollee took necessary step for resllscitation, and by his eflorts the child 1'ccovere<1, anel wa restored to its parents. The magistrates at the Fareham Police Court took notice of the case, and Constable Davis was highly commended in court by the chairman.

121 120 lUtdicaJ Slalf.

Statement of Rect;z'pts and E,l'pcnditul'e fa? ' the yea?' 1902- 1903 . E~r,pcnditll),C .

Receipts. T o Subscriptions . £11 9 " Donation, by Dr. E. J . Hunter, being part of Coumy Council grant received as Lecturer's 3 0 fees . 9 7 " Sale of Stores 10 13 "Clas receipts "Grants from County IS 9 Council 0 19 " Other receipts £53 19 36 19

Balance, Oct. 1903

£90 18


0 4

12 17



15 11

5 1 2 3

5 6 6

£f>l 11


3 10

0 6

39 Balance Oct., 1903 Gosport & Alyer6 0 H stoke Div. 15 11 9 Fareham Div. 10 9 Contre Fund




CLAY, Tl'ectSU1'Cl'






Xo. of WOlllen

Xo. of :Men

",ho hal'e who haye who have completed n received comlJleted COllrse of a course of Certificates. illstruetion. instrucLlon . 1st Aid. N IU'sing. 1st Aid. I XurSillg. 1st Aiel. IN"nrsillg.

Xo. or Cerunca\!,1 Pupil: Il'ho hn n~ reecil'ed ~[eda II iOIlS

who hnve received Certi fica tes.

,york of thi . Centre durillg the yenl' has been actively caITic<l on, sixteen classes ha"ing he en 1ll'1(1 for ,en'ants or the G.E.n.. Compauy, three of which were held at stations "'11l're no ambulance clas es had previously becu conducted. The annual G. E. R. CUlli petition was agaill a succe::;s, twell ty· Jhe teallis competing, and the Challcnge Cnp. oiven 11,)' the Directols of the Company, was "'on by the March team, cnnsi .. tillg of Messr..;. E. C. Cottage, 1<'. '\T. Brnllllcll, \\T I1I . Goodley, 'f. E. Colson, ancl A. E. )[nrtlock, "'ho rcpl'(!';cutecl the Campau)" in the Railway Competition for the 'hallclIge .'hil'lt!lJl·cSf"ntecl 1,y the _\. .oeiation, antluccecllcc! in winning this highly jJrizl'll trophy, this making thc thirrl tilllc the ,"'1Iiclll has comc into the p",,"C.:-iOll or the ·h·ea t Eastern Rail way. The Chairman, Directors, and chief olliecrs of tit, Cll1l1l'illly cl)lltil1llo to acc:oltl their hearty support to, and great intere t ill, tit> CL'll t 1'('. and byo duilJg a". i.t lJIaterially the gOOl! work which thc Centre i:> <loing. TUE

HU:NTEL1, (JJwiJ'J)wll.

and acting

IS . U E OF 1st Aid. I Xur::;ing.









206 1'1'



Xu. "f



1902. I 55








I WOIllf'I ..



I I'. A. H . Langridge Mr. C. Low MI'. C. Mansell Mr. R. J. Mills Mr. J. E. Molson Mr. A. H. Moxon Mr. C. P. O'Connor 1\11'. J. C. R. Rieharc1 .. on 1\11'. 'f. Richardson 1\l r. J . H. ll1ith Mr. J. F. Taylor 111'. T. Taylor l\ll'. W. Tyson 1\11'. A. F. Wehh 1\11'. A . Wright. A NU AL ImpORT.

£90 IS


EnWL J . ' Y. 1\1.

Octobe1' 13th , 1903.

£11 10

By IIeeld-quarters Charges " Purcha e of Stores " Pail! to Lecturers " Printing . " All1Jt1al Demonstration " Postage and undl'ies


lUI'. Al1u illS J . Ashton .Mr. J. Beckel' Mr. Be(;kclt Mr. Belding ~rr. J. C. Collins :\11'. C. II. Conolly :\11'. J . J. Dickinsoll :\[1'. . O. Eade' IIII'. S. EVall. ~ lr . F. D. Grayson ~[l'. II. Groo111 :\JI'. K. Oil11son ;'Ill'. J. . Hiullen ~ll' . C. Jack. on



Xo. of Woruen



who h:l.\e COl II II t",1

who hnl'c I'eceil- II Co.:l'titil:atcs.

a COllrri P 01


whu I III I'e

whl> hn I'e

c')lJlpletcll a ,'OlU"1l of instl'l1cliull.

receil'c.1 .. Ccrtrlrcates.

1st Aid.

of Certificate,] PUl·j] . who hal'c received



~~t .-:.:,\.:. :itl:. :. -.:I:. . :.:. :.·.: .l I:. :.·s.:. :il:.5.lh!:. '.- =~:. :.[.:. :en.:. :.- -'I:. . :i\_'-=-o.: .!I -=-e~r~

81';' '1~ FllU~I.\T\(l::\ OF CEX J'l~E.

1 11


:263 I



,'I~l'!o: 1ST OUTII llE!: ,

190:2. R~

.) I ) "

Formed 1 96 . P resident .

The Lord Claud J. Hamilton.


llonOI':lI'Y Surgeou.

MI'. L . Parkes, :1ILD . ,

l 1 ! J.

1· 1'I ' .., i~ I (' 1I

H.lt. 11.




C11l'i"lia: .

~l'(·l·('/al·.l '

lIonOl'flry Secret a ry.

Mr. T . O. Mein, L oco' Department, G. E. Ry. , Stratford, E.

CelltJ'O ,'el'l'dlny, CClll'rnl ~lal\agcl"s Oflil:l', l\llldillgLoll Statioll.




.llctlienI Slafr. ~Ir. J. D. C. Allcn nIl'. S. AnLlrcws Mr. C. R. Ball Mr. C. R. Hi hop Ur. H. Du Boulay Mr. IY. T_ Briscoe Mr. F. J. Butt 1\11'. A. J. Campbell Mr. D. :Me. L. Campbell Mr. J. S. Carleton 1.lr. H. S. Challcnor .Mr. E . A. Chill Mr. R. W. Clark Mr. E. L. Collis Mr. W. Cooper Mr. C. Corben .Mr. W. J. Corrigan Mr. J. Kyna ton Couch Mr. N. Cullinan Mr. J. E. H. Davies Mr. S. Davis Mr. H. F. Devis Mr. '1'. M. Donovan Jl.Ir. W. R. Edmond nIl'. W Edmonston nIl'. F. C. G. Ellerton Mr. O. C. P. Evan Mr. R. D. Evans :llIr. W. Fairbank nIl'. Mark Farrant Mr. L. A. Francis Mr. J. C. Freeborn Mr. A. L. Fuller nIl'. F. '1'. Gourlay Mr. A . H. Grace :.lIr. R. H. Grimbly Mr. W. Hammond Mr. A. H. Hard\vick .Mr. R. W. Hasl ett nIl'. W. R. Hadwen Mr. W. Hodges 1111'. H. L. Hughes Mr. Jacob Mr. G. H. Johnson Mr. R. White Jones Mr. J. Arnallt Jones MI'. T. O. Jones Mr. P. J. Kingston Mr. W. Kirkpatrick iIII'. B. W. Lamb Mr. H. A. Latimer Mr. S. C. Legge ~Ir. W. W. L eigh Mr. J. H. Lilley Mr. O. E. B. Limrick lIr. O. R. LUlln )11'. J. Lytle

Mr. JI.ll'. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ml'.

A. H. Mal tin

H. Mason W. J. Mason

G. McDonald F. L. Mil burn E. A. Miln cr 1\11'. Edwin Morton Jl.Ir. J. W. Mulligan Mr. ,V. E. C. Murphy Mr. G. F. Mnrrell Mr. J as. N cal Mr. J. F. Neyillc Mr. J . 1\[, Owen Mr. F . E. Paton Ur. J. Pcarse 1\11'. E . Y. Pegge Mr. C. Pollard Mr. II. L. Portcou Jl.Ir. Joshua Powcll Mr. C. Price Ml'. D. A . Reid Mr. D. E. Richards illr. R. Rice 1\11'. D . T. Richard:; Mr. \Y. L. Rhys Mr. P. A. Roden Mr. W. C. Rowlands 1\11'. E. P . atchcll ::\[1'. G. C .• earlc MI'. II. C. 'harp Mr. W. Salisbury-, 'harpe Mr. E. Treyor llOrla1ll1 Mr. J. O. ullivan :Mr. T , D. Snllinm Mr. D. C. utton Mr. G. R. winhoe II'. W. Taylor 1\11'. E. Thomas Mr. If. H. Thomas 1\11'. IV. Ycruon 1\11'. R. Wade 1\11'. E. G. ,Vall s 1\11' . .r oel C. Ward 1\[1'. E. H. Warner Mr. H. W 'Webb er Mr. . T Darby We ton 1IIr. W ~L IVhitehon e Mr. H. H. White Mr. E. IYilliams Mr. E. R. Williams Mr R. H. William. Mr. J. H. Wilkinson Mr. S. Wilkinson Mr. W. B. ,Vinckworth 1\11'. R. G. Worger 1\11'. R. E. R. Yelf

No. of 111011

No. of Women

who have who have completed received a course of Cert.ificates. instrnction. 1st Aid. I Nurs ing. 1st Aiel. I NurHing.

who have completed a course of instruction. ~t

who have received Certificates.

Ai(!. I Nursing.






I Women.


I 4192


1st Aid. I NUrsing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.


lsI' O CTo13En, 1902.





GRIMSBY CENTRE. ]ormce1 1881. )·rc.,idcnt .

The Right H on . the Earl of Yarborough. ( 'hail·Ulall . ~h.

E. Bunni tel'.

Tl'ca"Ul'{'I' :tutl IItHIOl·:tI'Y SecI·ctlll'Y. )11'.

J. ~Iorlcy DClIlIi, 50, 'W clholme Road lYe t, Grim by. ANNUAL REPORT.

TilE COlllllJittco havc to report thal clul'In!; the past year a cour e of in truction in first aid huu becn giYen by Dl. imp:on, and attellded by men in the employ of the Great Central Rlilway Co. Elghteen cUlldillate' presented them elves for exami nation by Dr. J. Lei th IY atcls, or lIn 11 , [lnd of thee, cleven gained the first aid certilieate, one pn ·,.cel hi first re-cxfUllinatiOll, and four passed their second re-examination.

'latel/tr:n t vf l~('cciJits ((ttd E,t'j)Ctl!litl! t'cjU t' the yeat' Gilding St;plcmbCt' 30th, 1903. Bl',cclpts. E,l'penditlU'e. ToBalancc ill llil,utl anll Dank Oll By, 'tore', etc. . £5 12 ep/" 30th, 1902 .£U 11 0 II ~ledallions . o 10 ., Contriuution' und a]] 0 \\'I I Co -t of Examination 1 17 ances l'cceiyccl during the " 'undry Expcn e o 5 year . 1 D 10 I I Balancc a undertore', etc. . ;) 12 ~ On Depo it at Lin coln Bank 5 0 Medallion' , 0 10 0 III hanel of lIon .• ecretary 8 15 j

. Exam;,,,';on Fee ,etc.

£2: ': : I



0 6 3



a ti

Examincd, com pareu with the Youcher, and foun<1 corrcct,

. Rm-HlDY, Allclito1'. OctobCt' 29th, 1903.

E. BANNI.'TER, Chairman. ,J. 1<HlLEY DE)nns, lIon. Secretary and T,'ca








No. of 1IIen No. of Women

TO. of Men

who have COJlll'lctpd a COUl' e of


who have received Certificates .

who have who have received completed Certificates. a course of ill~trnclioll. instruction. 1st .A ill. I NUl'sing. 1st Aid. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ~ursjng .






139 1 21 1 65 SINCE I, T OCTOB"RH, 1902. 1

who have who have who have ('olllplete(l a completed received ('Olll'He of Cert.incate~. a course of ill~trl1ct.ioll. j Ilstruction. 1st. Aiel. f Nnrsing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aill. I NUl'sing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have l'ecoiYed Medal1 ions.


I Women.





No. of WOlllen


-- - - -

SI 1-17





I Nursing.

No. of Cert.ificated Pupils who have : reC'eived Medallions.

I Women.



1107 • IX( 'g

7 4


who have received Cert.i fi cates.

4ili 393 1 370 1s'l O(,TOBEll, 1902 . 8 1 23 ----



164 6



Formed 1881.

Forllleu 1


Resuscitated 1888.


Major-General B. B. D. Oampbell, c. Y. 0., C. B., (Lieut. -Governor).

l ' l ·c~ hl c nt.


Thc HOll. T. A. Brase)'.

Sir T. Godfrey Oarey. T I' CnUl'Cl·.

lIo n Orlll'Y SeCl·e t :tl·Y·

lUc(Ucal StOlfI'.

M:r. Francis E. Oarey, M.R.C.S., Mr. O. el' Auvergne Oollings,

:Mr. Ernest L. Robinson, L.It . c.P., Lond., :lLn.C.S. Han. Brigade-Surgcon T. II. Thornhill, M. B.

L.M., L . . A. 1II. D., :;\L n.,

M.A., l\I.R.C.,.

1111. 1111. 1111'. MI'. Mr.

O. E. Higgcn' A.. H. II. Hncke F, B. Lcwis Gcorge Locke W. F. Loyell

MI'. H. R. Man ell Mr, F. F. Moore Mr. A. Mos man Mr. F. ,V. B. ol1th Mr, Otho Trayer, 1I 0 1l 01'11l'Y

Statement of Receipts ancl E,~'penditlli'c, 1902-1903. E.'-'pendillirc. Receipts. B\' Balauce due TreaSlll'Cl 10 9 2 To Ladies Olass Fees " Men's do.. . " Balance due to Treasurer

3 4






, Atherti 'ement Boys as Models . " Hire of Room, etc. " Printing. . " Bandages and DiagralUs " Lectlll'ers' Fees " Medallion Exam. Fc e~ " Head Ollice, Lond.Examiner' Fee Incidental Expenses Premium on £9 1 s. Od. " Po:tage, etc.


St' 'r tar ,}'.

Mr. George Locke. 47, ,Ycllington 'Iuare, IIa tings. £0 19 1 ] ti

o o

1 6 1 ]5 9 o :l 6 1 15 6 2 0 o 3 3 o



1 11


9 0

9 6


o o £1


Examined and aPl,roved, . SAUSMAREZ LE OOCQ, IIon. A1Lcl~t (lr. JOIlX PE~FOLD, lIon. Scc?'eta?'Y' M:ARY B. OOLLI~G., 1'j·casu?'e'i'.

Se?Jternbe?' 3?'cl 1903.

'fhc Lady Idina Bras 'ey .

U ('clica J I!If afr.

:JIi' M. B. Oollings, La Y crumc, Gncl'llscy.

Rev. J. Penfold; Reppel Place, Guernsey.

L:ul y I'rcshl cnt.

II C:t cl·(lu :t J't Cl' '' :

The Bras ey In ·titnte, Claremont, Hasting.

TUE work of thc year lIa been fail'. The numbcrs of the pupils instructed and passed is omewhn.t smaller than those of la t ycar, but the intere t shown has been greater, for out of 94 presented for cxamination 92 passed. The clas es include 1 for police, 2 for mcn, 4. for latlie '. A rene"'ec1 grant from the Technical I nstruction Oommittce ha cnabled us to ol\'er greater facilities, to improve and establish two Brigades, men in fir t aid, women ill nul' ing, a matter for great satisfadion. The only matter for regret i· that more pel' OllS who not being able to afford skilled attendance thcmselvcs, fail to take l~t1vaJltage of the benefits of the instruction given at the lectures of the A' oeiation which alC to bc obtained at . uch little cost and trouble.



Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, 1902-1903. By Balance Subscriptions " Pupils fees " Technical Instruction I, Committee Holy Trinity CIa s " Store


J,ifc lUcmbcrs ,


Receipts. £11 15 2 6 16 0

3 0 0

20 0 1 16 7 15

0 6 0

By Stationery " Bill-posting " Annual Report " Repairs " AdYertising . " Attendants, Town Hall " Brassey Institute Hire of Room "" Stamps, Post Cards " Boys " Ambulance Brigade Lecturers " Head Office " Balance

" £59 12

£0 13 0 0 6 ;3 o 15 0 0 2 0 3 3 9 0 2 G o 13 6 o 10 6 2 4 0 2 5 0 5 0 0 12 12 0 18 0 3 13 5 0 £59 12



A.udited aNI approved, W. P. HAnYEY. R. ,V. MITCHELL, Ohainnan. GEOl1GE LOCKE, Sec?·e.taI'Y. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE' AND l\lEDALLIONS. Xo. of ~Ien

1\0. of Women


1\0. of Certificated who haye who have who have Pupil who have who have compJeted a compJeted received l'eceivecl received cour e of I a COlU'se ot Certificates. Certificates. Medallions. I instruction. instruction. I 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid I I'Il11'sing. I 1st Aicl I I'Iursing. Men. I WomelJ.

1358 40



SrXCE FORMATIOK OF CEXTRE. 11004 I 464 I 650 SI TCE 1ST OCTOBEl1, 1902. 49 3 I 39





Major Chaley Fox, Y.C'. 1\11'. Robert Gadie Mes.Ts. G. anll J. Haigh MI'. nIHl nIl's. Alfred lIill MI'. E. T. Ingham 1Ilnjol' Parkcl' Mr. ,V. PrcsLoll 1\[1'. S. II. SpCllclillg Lancashil'c al1(l York.-hire Railway Co. 1\11'. Chal'lcs Wheatley Bil'stall Co-opcratiye , ociet,)', LUl. IIcckmond\\'ike Co-opel'aiil'e . ociety, L(t Rl L1cy ,Yol'killg Mell's Cln h. ~I('ssl's. J. 'ritchIe,)" & •'om;. ?III'. B. ,ViI-oil MI' .•. . ,J. 'hadIYick l\Ie sl's. ,Yol'lllairls aJl(l "Talkcr, Li(l, )I('(lical

MI'. AllllJros' ~I t·. j\pplegatc Mr. Bcattie :'Ill'. Bel1l1dt )11'. Bridg"1/1iI1l ~ll'. BrongiItoll (IIecklllollCl\\'ikP) )11'. TClllly.'ull Bro\\'Jl )11'. Clay :'Ill'. Eler 1111'. }'ain:longh ?Ill'. Fiehl ?I li'. Fi tlo 11 j\[ 1'. Ji'un;yth 1111'. Fryer ~I

r. (:al'l'eU

)Ir. Jlall 1\11'. Ilalli\\'oll ~II'. Laird R II \'cll.lllOl'pe ~ll·.

Dewsbury Pioneer I udustl'ial Society, Limiteu 1\11'. 1\1ark Olclroyd, M.P. 1\11'. Duke Fox Major P. n. Walker 1\11'. George Lee MI'. D. Bullock Messrs. Urawshaw alJ(l Warlmrton ~1r. Robert Swall Halden 1\'11'. C. B. Crawshaw Butley Co-operative, 'ociety, Ltd. 1\11'. W. J. R. Fox, Batley 1\1esT . 1\1. heard & Sons, Ltd., Batley MCS.1'8. H. Brearley & • ons, Batley nil'. J. W. Blacklmrn, Old Mill, Batley

se a 0', 1\11'. MasoH 1\11'. 1\1ilne 1\11'. Moi I' M!'. PatLersolJ 1\11'. Prior l\[r. Pri tchanl MI'. Hicltul'llsoll 1\11'. Rohcrb 1\11'. Jlroulle 1\11' . .'ellal's MI'. Shaw Mr. ,'mith Mr . .'tewal't Mr. Luart 1\11'. ,ntlterlallll nIl'. Thollljl5011 .l\lr. 'Walt · ~Ir. Wooll ...

Lee AX.i.~UAL

HEAVY WOOLLEN DISTRICT CENTRE, Formed 18 3. Pl'e 'iclent,

Mr. Walter Critchley. ( 'bail'nHlll,

Major P. B. Walkcr. Treasu.rer, Mr. H. W. Vickers, Bank Manager, Laneashi.re & Yorkshire Bank, Ltd., D ewsbury .

][on OI':lJ'Y Sccretnl'Y, 1\11'. Duke Fox, Calder Bank Mills, Dewsbu1'Y·

Sccretary, 1111'. R. Gadie, Field Hill, Batley.

REPORT. DUnIXG the ye:1\' fonrtccll COlli' ·cs of lectures on first aid have been given-Yiz.~ 8 fot' Illen and 6 for \\'omen, al 0 three COUl' es of nUl'. ing lecture, 1 for men and 2 for IVOIllOI1. Th('sc 11<lve hc;m attel1(le(l by lGl Jrlen amI 199 women, of whom 131 men al1L117ti women pllSsclI the examinaLion. Re-ex(I,minatioll for yonchers (2nd year) all(l mCllallion ' were held along with first aid examination at the follo\'iing ectiolls :-DclI'. bllry fol' Itl nand 1I'01l1en, Batley for 11)(,11 and women, Bir.tal for men and \\"omel1 Uleekheatoll fO!' lllen and 1I'0men, aud Flo(;kton fol' men only i 6() men nud 12 womell Sllcces fully pa· ·ed the 'e examinations: 30 men awl 21 women reccivelllJ1edalliol1. The grand total for certificates and mellallion in the Hea"y ,Von!lell Di -trict Uculre i11ce the COllllllellcement of the Centre i 7,5 7. During the year the Dewshury 1.1001' Ullll IIorbttry eetion haye been revivcll, da. e ha\'illg hcen held at both placcs. ten,ely and eOlltinneLl progl'e, are till the watch\\'ol'd~ of the Uentl'e. In l\Ial'ch of thi . year Dat ley was v isiled by +ellcl'lll ir Red vel' Buller, '" ho delivered a lectnre 011 am bnlallce "'ork ill Lhe outl! African ,Yar, to a bont 2,000 mell and "'omen

] 28 in the Victoria H al l. He also presented 120 certificates and medallions to members of the Batley cIa se . Tile General received a most enthusiastic welcome. Major Fox, after 21 years' ervice as Treasmer, resigns the office, and M1'. H . U . Yickers, of the L ancashire and York hire Bank, Dewsblll'Y, has been appointed as his succes or. Most hearty thanks were tendered to Major Fox, not only for hi long 'c!'viccs as T reasurer, bnt also for the nry great interest that he has always hown in ambulallce 'York. T he Batley Division of the De\\sbury and District BligaJe haye been snccessful in procuring a splellllidly fit-up horse [1mbulance wagon for u e in the district of Batley under certain condition, which [1re most favourable to the inhabitants generally. Thanks are tendered to all the medical gentlenlell \yho han lecturell dlll'ing the year, and to all others who have assi ted in the good work.

Oa h Accoltnt/o)' the yea)' ending September 30th, 1903. Receipt '. Paymc1!t~. To Commi sion on Ashford Litter. . . £1 5 " Balance from last year 2 2 » Medallions 5 15 » Certificate 0 1 » Badge ,. 0 0 » Books, Bandages, and other Stores , . 32 0 " Adverti elUent in AUllual Report . 2 10 » Excess charges (Cleckheaton) 0 1 " Bank I nterest (June, 1£103) 0 1 » Examination Fees and General Expenses, e, timated, two cla 'e 5 0 "Examination Fees and General Expenses 33 17 £82 14 To ubscription- W. R. Police 2 2 Acconnts till dne from eetions: HOl'bury- tores 0 4 Del\' ul1l'y-}{e-exam. 0 5 £ 5


6 0 0 0 9 1 0 6 0 0


£5 15 7


]9 7 10 2 0 0 0 1



6 0 14 1 1 10 17 6 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 9 10 ~



0 0 0 0

:2 3 13 5 5

0 0







0 0 0



Ont;-,tanding: i\lil'fielll Knowle '\Vcsleyan £3 18 '. lld. A udited and found corn~ct with \,ouchers, &c., 22nd OctobC?', ] 903 . W. H. HA~SOC\. H,,'UE OF CERTIFICATE. AND MEDAL LION .

Xo. of Certificated Pupils who hnve received Medallions.

who ha\'e received Cerlificntes. 1st Aiel,

TI· C:HHH· Cl'.


1\11'. Cleo. IIaherghalll, 1 , Market Street, Hebden Bridge.

Mr. E . J . Cros~ley .

U OIIOI·al·.\ ·

Mr. Freel. Raw~on,

:Mr. Freel.

A...,,,bfallf )0\ (,(T Ct:ll'Y . Hodg~Oll, 19, Old Gate, IIebden Bridge.

H,.brlell Bridge--:'Ilt'. Da vitI penceI'. Mytbolll1roy(l-MI'. I\T. Ra\\-son.

En. twood-Mr. G. H. Green\\'ood, Cragg Yale-Mr. Samnel Grecnwood ,

'lc lli eal St aff.

Ml'. J. H. Thomp on. Mr. IV. Thompson.

1\11'. P. H llsell Cairn '.

IIII'. GameLt G. La\\', on.

A NUAL REPORT . THE Committec han much pleasure in presenling the annual report for the year 1902-3. During the ycal two cla se in fir, t aid have l)een held, one for females and one for male, at \\-hich 20 females anll 11 males completed the course, and 20 females and male rccei rcd certificate:. First rc-exallliuatioll , fcmales nil, males 3 ; final e .- amillation~ nil. Elcl'ell female' ha ye rel:ci \'eel medallion, males nil. One cIa s 11<lS becn held iu nul' 'ing, at which 1 female completed the COUl' e and 13 obtained eertificale . The COlllmittee again express their thanks to the medical ·taff and MCSSl". H. rallLrcc & 'Oll , the hOIl. auditor', for their re pective selTices ,oluntal'ily rendered, abo to the Hebden Bridge United Di ,tl'ict and Todmorden . chool Boanls for the frce u e of Thoolroollls for the pnrpo, e of holding lectures and examination. The ambulance carriage ha again en-eel the locality well, having been in u e fifteen time during thc yea.r. The Committee arc anxion' that the privilege' of attending both fir ,t aid alHlnUl';;ing clae ma.y ue lllore songht after by the general public, and that those \\'ho arc eligihle for re-examination lllay stri ~'e to obtain the requiremellts lleces al'j' to entitle them to a lllc(lailioll.

I Nnr~illg. Men, I Women.

To Cnsh in Tl'cnslll'cl"s hands, £0 0 5 Oct. 1st, l!W~ " ale of tore and CIa s Fees (leo'S snlHlry paymcnt at 'enlrc and Branche) . . 27 5 G 626 " U e of Alllbnlance Caniage , Oash dne to Ballk, ept. [i 10 10 30Lh, 1903 003 » BalIk I ntcrest









I 2504 I


1468 SINCE 1ST O CTOBER, 1902. 29 143 I 52 I 124 73 0

724 52

)<i(,('l'ct al·Y.

,Callllll'idge Street, HcLden Bridge .


Ko. of Women


1'),Cl'I i4i('1I f.

Mr. D. J . Crossley.

Statement 0/ Bcceipt' and E"pc/H?it/( rc (VI' year endillg September 30th, 1903.


I who have who have \1'110 llave com pie ted a completed receil-ed course of I instruction. a course of Certificates. instrnctioll. ] ,t Aid. I Nursing. llst Aid, I Nursing, 1st Aiel. I NHrsilig.

FOl'llle(l 1887 .

Ul':tnc h Sccr c tarics ,

By MeLlallion . "Dawson & Son, Printing Reports, &c . » London, ]01' tOle "London Exam. Charges » London Incidental EXl'en c" » eCl'ctary's Fee » to res from tock " pecial Certificate "Badge "Carriage to ection » Postnge and 'l'elrgram. " Caretaker, I udustrial Hall " :reI\' Register » Rail and other expel! 'c.' " ul1(iries . "Bank Charges, Dec. 1902 » Balance to next year


Ko. of Men


515 30

579 22




E,cpenditll1·e. By Balance clue to Bank,

Oct. 1 t, 1902 . . £ll 7 7 " HoI' 'illgAlllhulunceCarriagc 9 15 3 " Printing, tationelY, and 3 7 4 Ad"crti ing e of Co -operati,'e Hall » o 7 (3 for leeting o 10 o " Po tnge and Cheque Book " Examiner) Fecs and tore 13 10 II purchased » Cll h in Trea mer's hand, o o 10 30th ept., 1903 £3




130 ",tatcment oj Rcceipts and E;t'1)cnriitm'c/O?: Cloll/ing, (C:c., oj St. ~071n Amuulance Association fol' lite ycul' cn(Zwg 'JOth SC})tembc1', 1903 . Rcceipts. EXJ1cnditw·e. To Balance in Ban k, 1st Oct., By Balance due to Treasure!', 1902 . £5 7 9 1st Oct., 1903 £0 2 li " Bank Iute!'c t to 30th June 0 2 5 "CaKh ill Ba,nk, 30th Sept., 5 10 . , Cash due to Trcasllrer, 1903 30th, ept., 1903 0 2 6

£5 12





Xo. of Womcn

who have who llayc who ]l[WC cOllll'ieLetl a compleLe(] rcceh·otl eonrSf) or a course of' CerLificates. illstrnctioll . instructioll. 1st Aid. -, Nlln;ill~. tHt Aid. I Nnr~illg. lsL Aid. I-Nlll":iillg.

SI Neg 1

.£:5 12


, \'e have examined the above account. with Lllr books an~t ,"ouchers relatillg thereto, and hereby cerlify the same to ue 111 accordance there\\'ltb . . RICHARD CUABTREE & Soxs (Chartc)'ul Accountants), Alldltors. HeLden Bridge,

October 26th, 1903 . I S"U.J!: OF CEH,TIl?ICATES .liND .MEDALLION "






OF CENTRE . 183 126 I 158 1ST O('TOBEI:, 1902.




No. of CeI'L:fit-aLed. Pupils wh" Iia\'e rceciYl'd Mcdalli"ll ':.

who have received Cer!'i f1cates. 1st A ill. , Nnrsing.

FOI::lL\ nux OF CE,\TBE. 133 113 I 9 • rXCE hil' OCTOllEI!, 1902. L' ~O 20


, '" "lllcn.




I 60









:Mr. \\Tyatt ,'argcut.

T I·(·a.., IlI·C I·.

l\11'. II. N. Hamilton Hoare, iil, Gmy's Inn Road. L01ll1 011 , W.C. 1I0Il 0 I·;!I·.\ SI'c'J' t' f a 1',\ .

Mr. A.


Rllll(lell, ;i1, (~rn.y's


Road: LOllflon, \Y . '.

J II'llie :t I S t u ff .

1I 01l01'H l'.r , \



C hniJ·lIl all.

MI'. John FOl'lws, ;\1..\., B.SC., :'II.B.,C. 'I. MI'. Reginahl IUgl'<:llll , I,.K.A.



111 ell.

}fOJ'lllell 1 .89 . The High t lIoll . the Lorll Mayor.



J·)' c.., i c1 t·uf .

Xo. of Women

who have who ]lave who have compleLed a completed re"ei ved COlll'se of' Certincates. a com" e of instrllctioll. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. 1~llrsillg.

I Nlll'Slllg.

rcceil'ed Medallions.


Xo of :i\lell

1st Airl.

~o. of Ccrtificat.cd l'n]lil~ who have

I?OltM .\'J'ION



who have recci verI CertificateH.

)[1'. '1 . H. Taylor, ::I[.n., B.:C., F.l:.I ·.. ·., L.ll.C.l·. lulif 0 / ' ., •

:.'IIc. rs. W. If. 1'<11111('11 & Co. r\N TUAL REPORT.


2. ( 'Iln i l'JJl a n.

Pt·csiclc nf.

Alderman J. Hoyle playor).

Dr. H. H. J . IIitcll(lll. )1l c di('al S taff.

1'111'. Butterw'Ol'th.

lUI'. H. F. Jeffery. 1\11'. Laird.

Mr. Gedde .. Mr. Hartley. 1\11'. Huut.

Mr. C. 'Yi. ken. )(01101'nry Sccr c tal 'Y :lncl TI·c a Slu·c r.

1111'. Abraham , VaddingtoJl, 134,

ri!. worth Road,


Statement of Receipts and E"peJldillll'e /01' 1903. Receipts. E.)'penclitw·c. T o Balance from] 902 . . £8 1 4 By , tores £2 1 Examination Expenscs 4 J.1 " ' tamps, Cheque, &c. 0 ~ " Cash in lIon . Sec. and " Treasurer's halllls 1 3

£8 Octobm' 261 Il, 190:3.





H . H . J. lIITCIIOX, Chainnan. .LimtAlI Dl ' YADDIXGTOX,

Hon. Sec. anel T'I'easu1'l!1'.


0 6

4 4

TUE work of thc Cenlrc 1l1ts been carried on f;l1CCCSsflllly c1l1rillg the past year, foul' classes have l.1een held, viz., t\\'o first ai(l for mCll, one ntH 'iug for mell, amI Olle nursing for women. Thc AmlJlllance COlllJtlitlce or thc Ho pital atnrday Fund Centre havc placed foUl' ambulal1ce lillcl" {'or the u e of the puhlic ill the following place, : 1 at illark 131'0\\'11'. ,Yhal'f, ncar thc '1'o\\'el Brillge: 1 at K el'on's Dock, Roth rhithe; 1 at l\lillwall; audl at Waltham. to\\". The Centrc ha alo is ned on loan upward' of 100 ambulance boxes fully (:(luippec1 to ulJ cril)Cl" to lhe Ilo pilal ,'alul'llay Fund emplo)'cll in workshops, t'aetorie , and railway shuntillg allll goolls yards, in aud around London. The boxc .. arc placed ullller the charge or (llUtlilicll first aiclers. The llumber of Cl1'es Lrcatell during the lasL l\\'eIve mouth· amount to 6,250, and 323 seriou ca 'c were romoyerl to ho ·pilals. First aill cerWlcalc. alHl mc!lallion . \\ ere pre 'ented uy the Lady l\layore s at the 1\Iansioll House on, atllnlay, 25th April, 190:3. On lIth July, 190:3, there \\'a' a special mceting of lhe ontre held at :il, 1ray's lUll Road, 'Y. . Mr. ,l{yattSargent preside(l, amI the certificate for proficieney ill homc nUl' iug aud Jil'st aid were pre 'ented uy the Lady Agnes Bume. Then followed all intere ting e\-ent in connection with the Jl o pital u.tunlay Fund Di\'isioll of thc't. John Ambulallce Brigade, Snllel'illtcndent A. R. Rundell explained that in order to promote the efficiency of Lhe men competitions had becn unanged with three stretcher S(luat1s. The men haye been most 7.eo.lous amI persevering in their preJ1aratioIl, und 11:1.ve done


132 them elves and the Di visioll credit at the examination which wus conducted by Dr. John Forbes, anu the drill competition judged bv Brigade OhiefSupt. W. J . Church Brasier. L ady Agnes Burne then presented to each of the first team a gold pencil case, and to each of the second teulll a sil vel' 1l1utch box. In moving a vote of thanks to L ady Burne, the Ohairman dwelt upon the importance of first aid and nursing both in the home and places of busiuess. SUI erintenuent Rundell seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously . Sir Owen Burne responded on behalf of Lad.y Burne, and delivered an impressive address on the humane and benefieent work done by the Association. The Oommittee feel greatly indebted to Ma,jOl-General Sir Owen Burnc for the kindly interest he has taken in the work of the Centre, and also to Dr. John Forbes aUll Dr. Blagdon Richards for their services as hon. lecturers .

Statement oj R eceipts al1cl Pc!yments jar the year ended 11th January, 1904. Paym ents. R eceipts. By Ambulance DivisionTo Ambulance Divi ion£7 2 Stores 9 £5 Balance from 1902 9 0 General Expenses 0 17 13 Donations 5 19 Unirorms 9 2 0 Members' Subscriptions 1 2 Balance in hand Instalm ents for Uniforms 6 7 6 " N Ul'sing Di vision3 1 18 Grant from St. J. A.A .. 2 13 General Expenses " Nursing ])ivision" Charges for Removuls by o 13 10 Balance from 1902 In valiu Transport Oorps 11 5 1 10 0 Members' Subscriptions Ambulance CIa esBalance due to Hon. Trea '. 0 2 1 " Examiners' Fee, &c. 6 6 Refor Payment " Part 3 17 T ext Books, &c. movals by I nvalid 47 17 Ambulance Boxe 6 5 3 'rransport Oorps " tores for Amb. Boxes 50 19 " Ambulance CIa ses"" Li Lters and Equipment. ~3 7 10 0 0 Mem bl>rs' Fees . 3 3 Po~ tage, &c. 6 Q 8 Sale of T ext Books, &c. " Printing 1 19 Sale of Ambulance Boxes 13 12 0 " " Sale of Stores for Ambu" 3 9 3 lance BClxe Grant frol11 Hospital " 92 10 7 Saturday Fund £174 13

£114 13


ILKESTON CENTRE. Forllled 1887. l'I' CS i c1 (' 111.

1\11'. P. M . Chcster. lIonIU'IU'Y

Statement oj R eceipts (mel E;''lJcnclitIl1'e , 1902-1903.


1 ~t Aiel .

I N tll'si ng.

907 34


656 28



218 SIXCE 1ST 11 I







159 1902.





0 9 0 0 0 5 0




£6 ] 2


'UESTEH, P1·esiclent. S~!ITH, IIon. Sec.

No. of "'olllen

No. of Men \\'ho Ila\'e who haw reeci \'ed completcd Cerli liea tcs. a course of illSt1'llctioll. 1Sfiid. I ,'nr~i!ig. ht Ai.!. I :Kur~ill~.

who hn\'e rOllll'ldc.l a cunrs., or inslrllctioll. 1st Ai.\'

\\ho ha\'e receil'e.l Ccrtilicate>;.

I Nllf'illg. J::t Aid.

,L U8 F()Il::-L\TICI'\ 01" ;)1









51 190:2.

~eil-:- I \TOfue: I'J







Ko. of CertificatLd Pupils \\'ho hrtY( reel'i \'eel :J[cllallioll


1_ -(,J': 1::;']' OCTU nEH,

IPSWICH CENTRE . l·l'('..,idC')lf. " '01'

hipful the Mayor.

Dligallc 'urgeon Lt. -001. Elliston, V.D .. \


111'. Mr.

Mr. Mr.



7 3





I Women




Ko. of Certiflcated Pupils who have received Medallions . Men.

. £:2 3 0 1


P. l\1. T. ·W.

Th c



6 0 0

( hail·ulan.

who have received Certificates.

I Nursillg.

1903. l\lay 30. By 'tores ,'cpt. 24. Examincrs' Fees Postages " Cash in hanll


£6 12

0 2 9

No. of Women

who have WIlO ha\'e recei vell COlllpleted Certi Ii cates . a conrse of instrn ction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Ai el. I Nursing.1 1st Aid.

E;)J]Jenclit ll'i·e.

Receipts. To Balancc as per la,st account £0 19 1903. May 29 . Olass Fecs aml Stores 3 7 0 10 , ,Medallions Sept. 24. Examincrs' Fees 1 15


who have completed a COll!'.';e of instruction.

1111'. A. Dobson, ~r.Il.C.S. Mr. H. Pott er, l\I.ll.('.S.

mith, Oakwell Colliery, 11 keston.

\Y e have examined this account with the books and coun terfoi1s, and find them to agree. (igned) W. H. PANNELL & Co., Ohm'le1'ed A ccountants, 13, Basinghall treet, E. C. 5th llIa1'Ch, 1904. 'V YATT SARGENT, Ohainncm . A. R. RUNDELL, Han. Sec1·elaTY.

No . of Men

ncttieal Stall'.

SCCI·C. fir),.

1\11'. T . W.


:UCI1icnl Eudes, L.)t. ' .1'., L. R. C. s., El1in. Elliston, )I.H. '.S. Frycr, L. lt.C.l'. Gibb, ~r.]). lIossaek, F.R.C.H . , Edin.

lion ora l'Y Sec. anel '1'1' ('a "Ul'l'I'. l\li . Coulcher, Becdlltolnll', Ip ·",ieh. ~ta'r.





MI'. Pater'oll, M.D. :MI'. " Tarcl, )LD. Mr.


)LH.L'.!'., 1..1:,L.I' .

,. cm JJ C l'~.


)le'sl". Barclay & Co., La. Dr. Bartlet . )Irs. Bartlet )11'. Berner' )11'. Bunnell Burton )1['. W . .T. Catchpole \:J1ayor) )11'. J. D. CobboM )11'. F. T . obbold .l\1i Conlcher )11'. Eadcs :JIr. Elli. ton )11'. E. H. Fi 011 )1e 81". Jo.eph Fi on & Co., Ld . )Ie r . Footman Prettr & Co .. Ld. il1e r'. ,Yo Fra er & Co .. Ld ..


Fryer )11". Fo'l'll Goddard, ;I[.r . )11'. Ho ,ack Dr. Hoyland )1 iss M cI 1111 e' )lr. F. N" nr e )11'. oW. F. Paul 1\[e.'r . R. . & ,Yo F. Puul, Lt!. )le rs . Pretty &, • all, Ld . Me r .. Ra1l'ollll' ,Sim &Jen·erie~,Ld. Me::;::;r . Run ome & Rapie!', Lt! . Mr. E. P. Ridley .JIesfn". E. R. & F. Turner, Ld. Mr. F. Turner :JIr. D. Ottley Wolla ton

ARK AL REPORT. )In. :KEEBLE and :'II!'. Oncko\\', who for many year ha,e greatly helped the work of the Oentre, and e pecially the Han. ecretary, have been giYClI the ditinction of enrolment u Honorary erving Brother of the Order of the Hospitalof t. John of Jerusalem, an honour greatly appreciated by the Oentre. I p wich ha now an ambulance tation. The Han. ecretary \ya able to offer a piece of ground with a cottage and Ollle good "all . To the "all [i corrugated iron roof, etc., has been added and the re nIt i a good . ized hall and a lecture room with room fortornge. The room communicate by liding door !ll'cl. the lecture room, beill~ on a higher level, can be u cd a a platform . There i a1 a a llri1l o-round anll a coach· howe fOl' the ambulance carriage "hich can be qllickly hal' ed from liyery table close by. The Mayor opened the building on July 25th, with amost ympathetic peech. 11' Charles Dalrymple, Bart., one of the ~Iember for I ps\yich, aid he thought it was a good omen fOl future ucce s that the lie of the ground in terrace, aile above another, wa a like the old Home of the Knight of t. John at Malta . ·ta!Ciilcilt

ot Receipt



fol' thl]

Yc((J' Clldiil)

ReceiLJts. " Ola~ Fee ., Don . and 'no criptioll ,. :'1[1'. F . T . Oobbold ( ub.) " J11'. J . D. Oohbold " " Mr. , Y. . Cowell , lUes rs. W.Fra ers&Oo.,"L d. .. )Ir . Hunt ;, ?!Iessrs. Ran orne. and Rapier, Ld . " ::'IIr. F . Turner " Public :Meeting ,. tore , )Ieclallion , etc. ,: I n hand for carriage .. Uniform " D eficit



1 2 1 2 1

0 0 19 1 2 1 2


1 1 1 1 1 11 14 0 2 :J 2 2 18 16


By Olas e




-1 -1 8

13 6 5 10

0 0 6 5

0 0 9




" " "

" 5 "

. ..t.3-1 Report, ta tionery, etc. 11 orona tion Dn ty 5 Ea t Anglian Cup Com· petition -1 D e\mr • hield Competition 2 2 I n urance all(I repa irs 20 tares and Medallion Uniform (deficit£15 11. . 10d.; new, £2 2s. 9d. 17 0 Puhlic Meeting Caretaker's \\ ages (nine 6 weeks)

15 0



0 10 10 10 10

0 0 0


10 10 10 0

0 0




10 10

0 0

0 0

10 10

0 0

0 0

r, 5


0 0 0


.i ~OllS. LI1. 'Ie "rs. E. I .cF. Tnl'lll'l', Ll1. .I


0 0 0 0 0


1 10



0 0


0 0 0 1


T'-jsl' l ~

£ 7 9s. I d .




1 10


0 0 Li 1 1 10 .' 1 1 ~1 11 10 0 39[l 10


For hllilding.. (0. Berry)



1 [j

0 0 0 I ;1


1 10

Ell I"Tt1~,



'\',\I.II):\' T l I . I-lt.

'. e'l( rrrn:I~, Locol 1I0'!.,

'l-mTIFll'.\ TlV AXD

. ta,'y.


XII. of ~l"11

who haYe

l'Ollljll·t,·d conr~e




\\ It" Itn\ l' cOlllpldl',1 a ,'ollr" of illstr.!, tOIl.

wh" It.l\ P l'n' i \., ,I Cprt i lit-a t,·""

l~-\i~1. I :\'l\1'sillg: 1st Aid.

10:.?J £ 107

Hn (cs

" " "

JI \l:Y

:s msi II;! L'll~

1 10





·lceOllnL· to h: con C't. ('lgnNl) 1. «'P' \1: ?l1.\YIIEW, .\ .0,,\., Hon . . fu(/ito/',

ThillO farC'. 1)1\\ i 'h, Otll)uc/' '2[l1l, 1003.


3 9 2

Stores in hand- worth



I certify


Btj)c/ul d II i'I'. taliollcry, de., for appeal Ad \'erti:;cll1cnb Ill. nl'anco Tl'l"grapllic atldres .. Tdl'pholle Cllal" (:a' Compal1Y for filling.' 'hairs




R,1J\ -0 1Il e. and , :'Ill'''''!''';' Hallie!': Ld . . .J[r. F. T. 'ohl,o], l ,. Jfr . .r. D. 1)1111olll J[c::;"rs . .f n, eph Fi '011 nIlll Cn. , LI1. '[c,.:s]"s. Barclay &. '0., LIl . " 'les.Ts. Footmtln, Prelly all 1 \1., Lt!. ".Jlessr,.;. '\T. Frn-cr and Co., LI1. 'Ilis. :'I(d 11 lICS :: ;\Ie~srs. H. S. anll ,Yo F. Pillll &. ('0 . , Ld. " ;\ [1'. D. Ottley Wnlla,'(on ;\11' . \Y. .T. Catchpole ,JLlyor) ., "II'. Balllet ., .\ 11'. Elli"ttHl Jle.T". W. Pretty :lllll

" Jll'. F. Tnrllcr " . malh'!' 110llatiol1:; ,. Delicit


(: I'll. '-'.

0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0

" "


Scplc',IUCi' 30th, 1903.

E:r:PC/lditu ,·c.

To Grant from TaWil Council £20


'1',1 Tn homll frolll In ,t year " .Jle~"r;;. Ih I1~OlllCS. Ki illS and .r ell'cl'ic., Lt!.


}>,t \ it I.




Fnn'l.\ TIOX OF

71 ~["(,E



li:lfl ]:.;(' '1-


\\ It I' Itn\'e

\'' of L'l'rlillcalud Plipils who have

n'Cl i \'l'11 'ertillral,'s


1st .\ itl.


;11 , '11-


'L·l'I:E .

3:31 I ,1~5 O( 1'0111,n, 1002.











101 .')


l :3G

StCttement oj necc11Jts and Receipts.


H .R.H. The Prince.

To Balance at Bank, W ago n Ace. General " " From Olasses . » Suhscri ptiOllS to Oell tre " Oounty Council Grant


Ohri ·tian.

£0 1 11 3'1 5 9 24 18 3 fi 10 6 3·1 13 9

J(OJlOl'al'Y Trca s urcr.

Mr. Hugh \Yre Lh, T he Red H ouse, Newport. llonOl':n'Y SC('l' c t:ll·i c . •

1\11'. A . \ V. Dre\\-,

:Jliss E. A. Evelegh, Shide View, A \'ondale Roatl, Newport.

\V 01 verton,

J" ewport.


lUc cli cal St a ff.

A. Banks, F.R. C.S . JIr. R . )1. Barker, ~I.D., L.ll.C.P. , i\I.H . C.S. ~lr. V. J. Blake, ~1.B., B.S., lILn.C.S., L.ll.C.P. ::\Ie. R. Onnyngham BrO\,n,~LD . , B. S., Dllr. :J[r. O. G. Bl'Ollie, F.n.I'.S., L.n.c. p. :\11'. F . J. Oarter. ~Lll.C. :-;., L.ll.C.P., Lend. }lr. J. Oowper, ~I.B., C.:\1. Erlin . }Ir. H. \Y. E"en, ~Lll.C ... , T, . .. A. }1 r. . Fo. tel', L.l~. C.l'., L.ll. C. S . Edin.




Committee, in making their report, are glad to be able again to say that the interest in ambulance work is funy maintainell in the Island. There have lleen 1~ classe during the last season, being 5 for women, '2 first aid and 3 nursing, and 7 for men, 6 fir t aid and 1 nursing. There were 23~ members joined t11e classe::-, besides others \,ho entered for examination \yithout atte11l1ing the lecture' ; 149 members entered for examination, 143 of this number llciug uccessful, 40 of these gainillg their medallions. Bcsides thee 20 meml)ers of thc Ryde anll Billsteac1 Brigade Divisions al. 0 gained their medallion, having pas eu the nece~sary examinations and 11 passed 1 t re.examination. Three clas es were held nncler the Tec1111ical Etlucation Oommittee of the Oounty Oonncil, namely, at Black",ater, Brighstonc, and Gatcombe, anel great interest \yas s1l0",n and gooll IYork done. Several applications have already heetll'eceivecl for classe for next wiuter, and it is hopecl that a good many "ill be heltl. Several local meetings for the cli. trilJUtion of the certificates, etc., have been held in yarious parts of the Island, and thcse always help on the cause, as encouraging the members and making the \york more ,,"idely known. The ambulance "'agon belonging to the Centre and which is in the charge of the Newport Division of the Brigade has been out 21 times during the year ending June 30tll, covering a rlistance of 329 miles. The whee! litter has also been used 7 times. The Oommittee feel that the Centre are llIuch indebted to tl1C lecturers for taking so much interest in the \York, and especially to those who kindly 1'e]1(le[' their sPn'ices gratuitously. Besides these, the local Hon. Sees. and others who also giye so much time to the \York, are all offered the best thanks of the OommitLee.


SALTER, Ghai?·l/wn .

Hon. 1'1·easurcr. E. A. EYELEGU 1 ALFHED 'VII.LIA~[ DREW, f lion. Secrctan·es.

July 15th, 1903.

. Nockolds, L.RC.P., L.R. C... ,

: \Il'. '. P. Pollard, ~!'Jl.C.:-;., T"ll.r.p., "I. B., n. C., Oam h. )[1'. L. Pre ton, "LB., D.s. )[1'. C. J. Thomp on, )I.1l.C .... , L. n.C'.p. :\11'. H. O. Thorp, )J.D . , D.:-;., Camb.


~UGI! ,\ l"ETlT,


JJ. Jlr.


Expenditu1·e. By I nsurance £ 0 5 (). " H ead 0 ffice Stores 15 3 1 " ." Examination Fee~ 24 2 0 " StatlOnery and Postage 1 5 (j ' ) Local Expenses o 9 6 " L ecturers' Fees anu. Expenses . 20 14 6 " Subscriptions fron; Oentl'~ to Newport Division of t Ile Ambulance Brioadc ~ 2 0 " Oash at Bank '" . ,Vugon Account o 18 11 "General . 35 1 8


MI'. J. Grove, B . A., M. D. ,L.R.C.P. l'Ill'. A. Rollis,M.D " C.lIL,M.ll. C.S. 1\11'. W . J . Jolliffe, L. n . c.p., M. ll.C.S. ~1r .


E;cpendit~tre, I V02-1 903 .


No.of)fen who hnve complete(l a course of in" trl1ct!llI~..


Xo. of Women

who have recel "ed Cel'tilicattl· ",'


lstAlll.1 :t\U1S111g.htAul. I ~nrsil1g.



who ha"e cOll1pletell a cuur.'e of illstrllctiOIl.

,,:bo .have re?elved Certll!cates.

1st Aid INnr~

1 tAid TXursing.

:;\CE F01::\I.\TIO~








~l el1.



I 757 I


rXCE hI'

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallion.


_:i? _ I


46 406 255 172 1902. 'I 14 ~~~~5~4~~~6~ 21 ______

JERSEY CENTRE. Formed 1901. )'1'

Sid e llt.

Mr. E. O. B. Yoisin, M.ll. C.S. JlOllOl'nl'Y Tl'C:J '! 1l1'Cl' nllet

11'. rL F. Grellier, 3, Bontl



t. Reliers, J er er.


Mr. T. J. Aubin, "LD. MI. W . DUl'ct Aubin, "LB. 001. Rohert Batho, )[. D. 1111. P. B 1)el1 thf, )r. n. c. s. Mr. C . .A. Bois, L.n.C.I'. Mr. P. J . BraYll, L.)L MI'. J. O. P. Ohappni , D. )let. c. Mr. M. Ie Oroniel', lIf . n. c.:-;. Mr. A . Dunlop, M. D. Mr. E. Ie Geyt, lILH.C ...

MI'. A. O. Godfm}') )f. B. fr. H . Hicrain ' , lI[ •II• • l""" Mr. A . E. Hinrl F. R. C. MI'. E. Jarett, L.l:.C.l'. Mr. M. J. McOartan. Mr. A. Ie Ro ignol, ~r.D. Mr. E. H. C. ullivan, "Lll.C . S. Mr. , V. \V . Taunton, )LR.C.l'. Mr. E. O. B. , oisin, M.n. ' .1'. K



AN UAL REPORT. AT the close of the second year of it exi tence the Committee are pleased to be able to report satisfactory progress at this Oen tre. 1\yo courses of lectlU'es in first The Executive hope, howaid, and one in nursing have been eminently successful. ever, that a greater pcrcentage of those who attend the required number of lectures ,,-ill in future take up the examinations. To " " "

Statement jo)' the yea?' ending 30th August, 1903. Receipts. E.1;penclitu)'e. Balance in bank 1st ept., By Examiner's Fees 1902 . £2 12 1 " Stores . Ola s Fees 24 11 6 " Rental of Rall and hire ales of Stores 5 8 4 of Forms :lledallion 0 7 6 "Printing, adYel'tising, and postages " Model . " Presentation " Balance in hand £32 19

£4 14 6 6 13 10

3 10 5 1 0 o 414

6 8

o o i)

A. F. GRELLIER, Han. Sec. Clnd T1·eaSll1·e1·. (igned) E. O. B. YOr..L', Chrtinnan. Examined and found correct, (Signed) W. Ro:\'. -YWILL HALL,} A d't .. F. J. ArITER, ..(111 LOIS . ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE Ko. of lIIen






Xo. of CertiJicated ,,·!to 11a,'<:: whl' ha\'c Pupil' who have who have who have complete(l a recciyeu receiYetl received completed course of Certificate .. lIIedalliODS. Certificates. a course of in ·tructioll. iustruction. IIIel1. I Women. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Klll'sing. 1st Aid. I Xursillg. 1st Aid. I Xlll'sil1g. :;---c--:-:-~:-=,---:---


48 26



SIXCE FORMATIOX OF CEXTRE. I 72 I 30 I 40 SIXCE LT OCTO BEll, 1902. I 43 I 30 I 24

TWELVE courses of lecturcs for men, and six for women, have lieen delivered during the past year, with marked success. Thc reports to the Oommissioner of the Brigade deal with thc good work donc by thc Kcttering Oorps and Divisions, and by thc Nursing Divisions. It is, thcrefore, only llcces~ary to say heru that the ambulance movement sho\\'s hcalthy growth and vigour both in the town, and thronghout thc district, of Kettcring.

·trttement of Receipts and E"'jlellda!t?'e fOI' the VNt/' ending September' 30th, 1 D03. Receipts. E;'lJenditul'e. To Annuttl. 'uuscripliol1s, 1902, By 13alallce Due to Tl'ca nrer . £2 0 as pel' List . . £3 7 0 "Transport ExpelJscs (.'ec " Dons. and Oounty Council cOlltraGrants 6 9 0 ;10 16 Horse Hirc " ,'ale 0[' ,'tore:;Los::; of Timc 3 2 Ola 'ses 1 11 \) " 'tore· supplied to Clas.os ulldl'ics. . 2 4 0 ~cc contra) . 1 11 " Di ,-i 'ional Contribu Lions 1 ;) 6 " tores for Hcad-fluartns " Receipts from Chmch Division 17 17 Parade 1111 0 " ,'torckecpcr 3 0 "Repaymcnts of Transport " Printing awl tationet'y 5 16 Expcnscs . 17 10 :3 " Baud '-Anllual Inspcction , t. John's Gatc, Di::;count 1902, presentation of on tores . . .J ,1 7 ,yat' ~Ieda]" at R u"hton There i' abo an out tan,lHall, 1902 2 15 ing li;thility rIlle to 't. " Incillcntal Expellc', PotJohn': (~ate (inclll'J'C(l 3 0 age l etc. prior to 1901), of 1 13 I " Examiners' Fees £15 17". 10(1. " Ren t and Gas 5 6 " Balancc at Bflnk• tamford and palding 211 Bank . 1 ]2 Northanb; Union Bank. I

5 18

£32 19




0 6 1 9 9 0 4

0 5 6 0

5 4













Pa cd at aunualmecting; ] Oth X o\'cm bcr, 1903. JOll_- T. ,'ruCKBt'lL-, Ohairmail. CILl.JtLE~ \\~. L.L-E, Local lIOil. ScCl'etcll'Y. ExamilJed alltl found correct, 18th Odobel', ] 903. HE:\IlY RABY.

Pl'esi(Ient antI Chau·man.

Mr. J. T. Stock burn.


Honorary Trea urer.

:Mr. T. T. Hall, Stamford, Spalding, and Boston Bank. Honol'ary Secretary. Mr. C. W. Lane, olicitor, Kettering. Uedlcal Staff.

Mr. J. Allison Mr. G. 'Y. Baker Mr. J. W. Dryland Mr. L. W. Dryland hlr. H. Gibbons Mr. W. Lee Mr. James More

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

John More J. L. Price J. J. Roughton J. P. Roughton A. G. Tolputt Van-Vestraut


No. of Mell




l\.. :TD

_,\ll~D.A LLION ,'.

o. of WOlllen

Xo. of Certiticated who IHlre who Ilavc who have whl' Ila\'c Pupils who have cOlllpleted a cOlllllleted received recei "ed received course of a course of Cerlificate:. Celtificate . Medallion. illstrllctioll. instrnction. 1st Aid, I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Xursiug. 1st Aill. I Nursillg. , 1st Aid. I Nursing. Men. I Women.








Sr 'CE FORMATIOX OF OEXTRE. 7 499 I 308 37<1 INCE 1.1' OCTOBEH, 1902. 19 -13 I 33 I 28











Formed 1 97 .

Forllled 1881. )~l·C .

)'rc. ident.

Mr. John A. F. Aspinall, M.LC.E., M.r.)LE. (General Manager L. & Y.R.).


lloll01'al'Y SccI·claI'Y.

Mr. H. E. Mellor, Chief Tr(l,ffic Manager's Office, Uanch ester .

Major Edward 'IV. SLokc', Ellel Hall, Lancaster. I,ire llcmbcl'S.

]Ue<licnl Staff.


Mr. A. Greg


fill'. Mr. Mr. 111'.

W. J.

J' utter,

N. S. Pike,

M. B.

M. B., B . ..

G. R eid, M.B. R. K Rob€'rts , L.n.c.p., L.U.C.S. 11'. G. H. Scbole6eld, M. D. 1111'. F. H. 'Westmacott, F.R.C.S.

Xo. of ;\1en




who llllVe r.onlpleterl a cour~t! of instruction. 1st .A id.




who have receiverl Cel'tilicate .

1 1




N' O. of Certificated Pupils who have received Mellallioll .

1st Ai,\. !



I ' 'UE





fl [) (j

E,,-])cnclit //i'e. By Hemittances, ctc. Balance at Bank, Oct. " 31 ·t, 1903










Al1llitet1 and fonnd correct, ALFltEJ) 'Y. \YrrEL o~, Hon. Aliclito?'. Enw _\.ltD 'V. 'TOKE., lIon. SCCi·CfWi'!J. A .• '. BAltLI TG, Tf'I.:asllJ'cf'.



of Men



No. of Women

I WOlllen.

I 182



~ O.

2959 217

Mr. Hngh F. Oldham, :'LD., Mr. W. W. Wingate, aul, :'LD.

To Dalance in Dunk, Oct. 31st, 1902 -00 , ub criptioll , etc . 19 " Bank Int crest 0

Octobcl' 30th, 1903.

SINCE 1ST O CTOB\<~B., 1902.


Mr. Eflward Jackson, )I.B.

Stcdcmcnt of BeccLllts Clnd E ,'pcnd itllJ'c j"om Od. 31st, 1902, to Ocl . 31st, 1903.


Xo. of \Yomen


:Ucclical Staff.

II'. A. . Barling, JlL R.C.S. Mr. Charle ])eo,lI, F. 1t. C. S. , Ellill. Mr. Croft H clme, ~I.j)., C.M. IIII'. Jos. II. Irvin, 11[, H.C.S.

ANN AL REPORT. WOHK during thc pa ·t year IHl proccclied 011 the usual lines. The hor e ambulance continues to be of grcat service . TIIC balllllce iu the bank remains practically unaltercll.



who lIave who llave completed received a course of Certificates. instruction ] st Aid. I Xursing. 1st Ai<l. I Nursing.

Messrs. 'torey Brothers & Co.

11'. J. H. Naylor, M.R.C. '. , L.R.C.P.

T HE work of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Ceutre has beeu can-ied ou successfully during the past twelve months . The Corps which are in existence at various parts of the line, have held regular practices, aud tbe number has increased. D uring the year 5,034 cases of accident were reported ill which first aid was rendercd by men trained under this centre, mainly to servants of the Company. The fourth competition among the various Corps for the Challenge Shield was held in March last, and tbe hield was won by the tcam from the Locomotive Works at H ol'wich.



Mr. A . S. Barling, M.Il. C.S. , Lancaster.

HOllol'n)'J' Sccrctary.

Mr. ,Yo H. Bateman, M . B . Mr. J . Mandall Coate , M. D. Mr. J. Collier, F.R.C.S. Mr. A. III. Er kine, )LB. Mr. F. A Gill, M.B. Mr, D. H. Frascr, ~r.R.C , S . , L.R.C.P. ]Hr. J. M. H ermon, :'LD . Mr. A. Hodge, )!.R,C. '.

hlclI l.

Th e Right Hon. Lord Ashton.

who hal'c completed a course of instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

who have recei ved Certi licate, . l~t


I n addition to the above 106 men have passed the 1st re,examinalion during theyear ending September 30th, 1903.


10[)3 2

who have received Certificates.

.TO. of Certificated Pupil who have receil'ed Meuallion .

I Xnrsing. 1st Ail\. I Nursing. 1 1st AiLl. I Kursillg. 1 Men.

46 1061

who have cOllll,letpll a COUl' 's of in ·trucLion.


INCE FomIA'rrON OF CENTRE. 633 I I 6~6 [~CE Ix'!' OCTOBER, 1902. 3:2 I I 25

10:1. 6


I Women. 6~






Formed 1 7

DURIN G the year 35 classes hav e been h eld in connection with the Centre, consisting of 20 first aid male, and 6 first aid fel'nale, 3 nursing female and 6 re-examinations. Th e number of classes held and also the number of those who have outaineci certificates, has slightly diminisheLl as compared with last year. A large number of the police force h ave obtained certilicates and medaJlions . Classes have Leen held amongst the L eells City Tramways employes, Railway em ploy es, Colliery workpeoplc, and in conn cction " 'ith the variolls 1)laces of worship in the city. Thanks are again due to 1\11'. J . C. Kirk, G.A ., who has so kin{lly audited the books and accounts for the pasl year,


Mr. Erne t W. Beckett,


](OIlOI·ar.r ( ' hnil'lIwlI.

Th e Lord Mayor of L {~e<ls . ('hall·JUau.

:Mr. ELll\'arLl

Atkill~OIl, F.L.8 .


SCCI·ct a 1'),.

:Mr. ,Yalter Ro\dey,


r. C. E .,

F.I:i. A.

Uonol':u'J' Secretary to " 'omcn's DCl):ll'tlllcut :lIul ( ' Ia" ..,cs rOI' 1111',. 'W alter Ron'ley, Alder Hill, Meal1\\'ood, Lecd .


Statement of Reccipts (tnd PaY"tcILts, j..\'oveJllbu 1st, 1902, to October 31st, 1903. EJ'penditm·e.

Rcceiz)ts. T o Balance, 31stOctoucr, 190:2£65 1 Annnal n bscriptiollS aud " D OIl<tliollS II li R eceipts from Clases for " Class Fee' aml 'tores 20-1 11

n:lllliCl' •

:Me srs. B eckett and Co., Leell . Omc ei!! .

20, Park R ow, L eeds,

2 0 7~

Life lUcmbCI·s.

JUessrs. John Barran and Som; Messrs. Berkett and Co. Mr. Jolm H epper Mr. H. Ben on Jowett Sir Lionel U. Swinnerton-Pilkington, Bart.

1\11'. Bl'lggs Priestley,


IIlr. Walter 1' o\\'ley }\l n;. \\' alter Ro\\'ley lIll'. Ueo. Auiin ndc1ick Messrs. Joshua T c:tley and Sons.

Ue(lical Stall'.

Mr. H. J. Aitken 1111'. Ed,,-ard Atkinson Mr. C. W. Buck Mr . J. Buck 1111'. William Carne. 1111'. J. Clough Mr. Arthur E lli on Mr. Basil Ewin g Mr. Julius Frient! Mr. R obert Forsyth :Mr, T. Wardrop Griffith, :Mr. J. W. H aines J'lIr. F. W. Halliday "111'. R. G. H allll Mr. A. H. Hardcastle Mr. Constable H ayes Mr. R. Grey H eald Mr. Geo. H. Heald :Mr. J. B. H ellier, )1. D. Mr. W. L. Hunter :MI'. P. Jam es Mr, H. Johnson Mr. R. L, Knaggs Mr. H. Littlewood Mr. W. S. :Macken zie Mr. A. McNab Mr. B. G. A. Moynihan M1'. J. Nightingale


.lUI'. Jolin O' eill Mr. E. P. Pickersgill Mr. H. T. Prince 1111'. F . E.. Hider :M!'. H. J. Roper Mr. L. A. Ro\\den Mr. G. H. Rowe Mr. ydney RUlll holl MI'. Douglas 'eatoll, ;lr..u. :Mr. Geolge.M. 'harpe Inr. Robel t mailes Mr. C. W. Smeeton Mr. H. Arch bold mith }\fl'. W. . Spreut MI'. Joseph tewart III r. Hugh tevcnson




2 6





7 0



£2 0 18



Examincli with t:lC YOll(;hcrs allli account, and [OUIlLl correct. (.'igned) J. C. KIllE: & Co ., Ulw rtt.J'ect A Ccollntcmt. Enw AIlO .A TKI);HOX, Chairman. ,YALTER ROWLEY, H VII. Sec1·etary. L eeds, N oremoel' 3011t, 1903.

1. ,'UE OF

lIIr. C. H . ykes nIl'. John T aylor Mr. W. Thompson M1'. H enry T o,Yer'l Mr. E. F . Trevelyan Ml'. B. Wain man Mr. A. Weal', M.D. Mr. L. F. ,Vest Mr. S. H. Wood Mr. H. de C. W oodcock Mr. McGrego r Young.

By . tores purchased .£106 Exallliuen;' Fees and In" ci(leutal Expenses paiLl to Central .Executive Comlllittee 54 undry Disbursements, " anLl, 'ecretary'sTravelliug Expenses, etc., to 30th June, 1903 21 Allowance on Account " of A' 'i taut 'eel'etary 1st July, 1902, to 30th June, 1903 50 Printing anLl tationery 4 " Balanee" In hand £7 17 O~ I n Dank 37 3 8 45



l:\ o . of 'Yomen

of ::Ill'll

whn Iln\'e COllI} deled It conl'~e of instrnctioll. ht AiJ. I IS l\l'sing.


\"ho Iin\'e cUlllplell:lll n cOIH:e of

wllO hn\'c rccci \'cd Cerlificnte~.


~ltI'silig. ht .\ itl.

istA Ili.







I l:\ 1·II·sing.

who ha\'e recei"I'd Certificates. 1st A ill.

I ::-iursing.

;\ o. of eerU Iicatert Pnpils who hnyt! l'ecci \'t~tl ~r ellall ion". Mell.



41 IN Cg



3077 I 1091 I 2025 1 ST OCTOBER, 1902. 5 7 10n I I

734 56









T he Worshipful the nIayor. ' ·ice·{'hniI'llinll.


Mr, Wortley S. Lovell.

R ev . Canon Sanders, LL.D. Tl'ea tu·eI'.

JIollornry SCCl'c(nI'Y. ~Ir.

::bIro T , Howard Lloyd, D e l\Iontfort quare, Leicester.

Frank H . Tnrner, 2, Granby Street, L eioester .

Life Jle llllJ e I's . Mis~ Brougbton Mrs. Buck Miss Emily Ellis Mrs. G. H. Ellis T he Rev. H . J . Fortescue, M.A. Uiss Fortescue

Lady King Hall 11'. A. Paget The Counte s of tall1ford anll Warrington Mr. E tlward Wood Mrs. \Y. Yh'ight ;U e <lic nl S (ntT.

Mr. Anderson, L.R.C.P. , L.R.C .. Edin. Mi s Frances Armitage, )1. D., B. Mr. A tlett, :ll.RC.S., L.RC.P. Mr. Astbnry, :ll.I1.C .. , L.R.C.P. Mr. A. E. Barlow, III. R.C.S . , :lI.B, Edin . Mr. Beresford, M. R. C. S. Mr. Berridge, L.R.C.P. lIfr. Briggs, L.R.C.P. Mr. J. H. Blakesley, F.R.C.S. Mr. W . Crick, :31.R.C .. . M1'. Coleman, :lLlL C. . Mr. Astley Clarke, :ll.B. Mr. Colley- alter, L.R .C.P. Mr. Cogswell, :lI.r...C.S., L.R.C.P. Lond. M1'. Col1ington, M.R. C.,., L.R.C.P. Ediu. Mr. E. R. Co\'i'cher, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Ur. G. H. Crofts, M.RC.S., L. R. C.P. Mr. H. Davies, :II. D., III. R. C. '. 1111'. C. Douglas, F.r... C.S. 1111'. Davidson, L.F.P. & S.G. MI'. P . G. Garrett, )LR .C. S. Mr. Gunning, IILR.C.S. Mr. R. Hancock, III. R. C. s ., Edin. Mr. L. K. Harrison, B.A., I1LB. Mr. H . T . Heginbotham, L.R. C.P, Mr. ,Vallace Henry, M.D. Mr. W. F . MCAllister-Hewlings, :\I.B . and C. M. Mr. James Hunter, M.D . Mr. Harris, 1>L R. C. S.

:JIl'. Hutcbin on, :\1.R.C.8 :JIr. A. \\~. Jenkin, :l1.B., D .. . L onl!. llJ·g.-Capt. rr . G. Kelly, M.D. :Jlr. F. Le\\"itt, )1.R.C .. , Lonel . )Ir. A. L. ~[acLeod, liLA., M.B., C.:l1. ~Ir. Nuttall, )1.1:. c .. . Mr. J. H. :.cI ichol on, L... A., Lond. llIr. J. Peacock, M. n., B. . Mr. Pemberton Peake, III. R. C.. , L. R. C. P. :Jlr. Phillips, )1.R.('.S., L.R.C. I'. Mr. F. M . Pope, )LB . (Cantab.))Ln.C.R. , )Ln.C.p. )Ir. Potter, )LRC. , Mr. R. Pratt, II1.D ., Lond. )11'. T . P. 'hearer, L.R.C.P. , & s., Edin. )[1'. A . kipton, M.R.C .. . Mr. , hipworth, lI1.r...C.S. ~Ir. R. evestre, )1.D. ; L.R.C.P., :\1.R.C.S. ul'geon·Col. Bradshaw Smith Ml'. idebotham, )1.R.C.S., L.S.A . Mr. Sidney F. mith, M.R. C.S. ~Ir. pence,)1. R. c. S. ~Ir . T. N . Thoma., L. R.C.P., M.RC. S. Mr. J. A. Unitt, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. 1111'. J . E. ,Yaite, :ll.B., Lond . Mr. R. :JI. West, I11.R. C.S. , L.R. C. P. ~Ir. Wright, M.R.C.S . jIr. ,Yells, :l1.R. C.S. Mr. T. Nash ,Yilson, M. R. C. S. ltI1'. Young, :l1.R.C.S.

ANNUA L REPORT. I !'< presenting the Annnal Report the Committee are pleased to record that the "'ork of the past session has been characterised by great activity and earnestness in .ambulance work in both the town and county.

The number of classes in structed was exceptionally large, due in a measure to employers of labour and ma.nagement committee of public in titutions realising tbe advantages to be gain ell from their employees and members oUtaiuillg a knowledge of how to render first aid, and afl'ording facilitic for tbem doing 0 ; alo to the fact that the cIa'. cs held under the au pice.' of the County Coun(;il ha.\"e largely iuerea5ed in uu III bel'. Fifty-nine cIa 'cs ha\'e beeu in tl'ucted ill first ai(l and llur~ing , in the town and county, again·t fifty 11,'e chl es cxa minerl la~t year, a record in l,oint of numbers. Amongst these the Committec arc plca 'cd to report large and successful clas es of attendn,nts anel nurses of hc Borough A ylull1. T,yenty-(IYc mellluers of tbe Dorough police ohtainerl their certificates during tbe se sion, and it is flratifying to report that 201 mClIlber' of this force arc (lllalifiec1 to rendered fir:,t aid . 'The best th anks of the COlllmittee are conlially tcntIcrell to the Chief' Constable plr. T. 'Y. Lumley), for tbe willing help and conrtey innlri:1.bly receind at bi~ 1\(\11(L Cla' e in connection with tbe different railway compauie' han aho been helel, the men heing encouraged by tlleir Boa"d of Director to ,[tHtliry t1lem ehe . Thi is an important factor towar,l' incrcaing the lJuulic afety awl c:ol1lfol't. ,Yitlt pleasllrc allll gratification the COllllllittec ackno"'leclge the \York carried on hy tlle melll bel' . of the W ol'king Men' . Coll~ge. Y ear by year large clase in first aid audum 'ing, arc instrnctc(l ill connection \Yith the college aut! it· lJl'anche : and tbe good aJl(l unobtrll i"e \Y ork carried on 11y t1la institution in this llireetion cannot be Oytl'-c.til1latcll; thc Committec take the opportunity of thanking thee zealous yorker who arc. 0 lal'oel,\" rC.llolhihlc for the cxcellent re uIt· achic,·etl. n ' The Committee eonrrratulntc )1['. E. R. Cowchcl', )Ln.C.<;., of ,YigtoL1, on bis hl'iug allpointed an H Ollomry A sociate of the Ho~pital of the Order oft. John of Jeluo.:alem in Eughtllll, in re cognition of hi' long and faithful sen'ices to the Leiccstl l' 'cntre. In con e(lllCIlCC of the inerea ina work (I f thc 'entre it 'YU. thought de'il'flble to 11.llC'l1leut the stafl' of Local Examiners.. al1l1 ,\'ith the 'anc:tion of the authorities Dr. o Rohert L yc.irc 11.1 . beeu aa(lerl to the oflicial lit. The anuU'l1 ,hiel<1 'om petition to)]( place at the Drill Hall, the X ewarko (hy killLl pcr111i."ioll of the l'lonel Commandant), on 'atUl'c1ny, :2;ith July, 1903. For tho first time the public were adlllitte(l to witne·. the cxtllnination, allll the ,....1Iole proceeding. were fullowell with great interest. .As istant-Commisioner T. II. \roolton (Kortbulllpton) and Di.-trict 'hief .'mgeoll A. E. 11.ndlunc1 ("'dlinghol'o' , • t. John Ambulance Briga(l ', were the .i1ll1gc'l. 'The following \Ycre the a\\"ar<l : -,rinners of the hielll, \lith mOlley grant to\\"ul'lls their Didional fnnd, allll "lher ~I eclalJion or it equivalcnt in "alne to each mcmbel', L. & N."'. Railway Didion T eam with 1 77 mark ; ~llll, "'ig:;ton )1.1. Di,·i.-ioll, 1ll0liCY grant toward Diyi.,ional funds and Bronzc )[cllallion 01' c'lni"alent ill "aIm" 173 mark. The maximum llumber of 110illtS ohtainalJle in the examination was 21 ·1. ix other team: competed, ,·iz. : The "'heatsheaf, ,Yi b(r ton ~Ittana D:tr\\'ell Town, K arborough, and the Y. ~I. C. A. 0" ..... Division. A mo t euthu iastie and largely aitclHlell mecting was h eld at tbe King's Hall, Grand Hotel ) on ~Ia\'12th J , 1903 , in connection with the hallllillg ...... oycr to the winlling teams of the Competition hield and Prize. Thc opportunity \I'a also taken to present the outh African War Medal awarded, by command of Hb ~[ajesty the King, to those men of the t. John Ambulanec Brigade belollging to the Leice tel' Corp' who served with the base !lUU field ho pi tal during the outh j.fl'ican \Y'lr . u



14G His Worship the Mayor, Ald . , V. W. Vincent, J . P . , President of the Loicetltor Contre, OCCll pied the ohair, upported by mom hers of the Corporation and medical profession and other influentiul citizens. Tho proceedings throughout worc of a most enthusiastic ul1l1 enjoyable character, a ,yell-organised smoking eOllcr.rt rollowing the presentation. Special South African ,\Tarl\Ieclalshave been bestowed upon Dr. F. M. P ope, Chief· l1l'geon of the Leicester Corp, and Chief·Superintendcnt J . L . King, for the work Ilerfonned in mobilising the 51 men from Leioester for sen'ico during the late war . Tho mobili ation of such a large numbor of men natura.lly en1u,iled much anxiety and trouble, the meuals are an acknowledgment frolll IIULt1'qual'ters of the protllilt u,1ll1 efficient manner in \"hich the Lluties wero caniod out. The COlll' mittee sincerely congra.tulate both these gentlemon on their ,,,ell ea,l'llecl honoUl's. I n concluding the report the Committeo dosire to acknowledge with gratitl1l10 Lhe increased financial uppod roceived unring tho ]last year from tho inhabitant. of the to\\'n. The "atunlay treet and Factor)' Collection were vcry successful, alld the 11l1mber allLl amount of contributions received £l'0111 both sources proYed till further t he widespread sympathy and interflst taken in ambul<1llce work .

Ih'iucu{e Equipment Fund . Rcceilds. To Balance in Bank, ·cpt. 30,

E"~l)e'/ditu reo

1P02 . £'27 0 Cash in ecretl1.l'Y's hancl , " Scpt. 30th, 190:!. ;) 0 " l\loorp, Eady und )lnrcutt Goolle, Lbl. 0 Hi " Messl' . Bed1 amI Co.; D1ll'ton S trc, t 1 5 ", " Gruut hU1ll Centl'll Fund 'J ~ 10

By Furnishing Head·quarters £13 5 0 " nelts anLl Pouches , 7 \) 10 " J l avresacs 0 7 4 13;l.ndage Rollcrs 1 5 (i "" Blankets 0 10 6 " HlLl1L1agl's 0 8 0 1 5 6 " Ham pel's , " ,'tationelY Oase 1 1 0 " Oyclostyle 1 8 4 " Medical 'tore' o 13 7 " Cnl'l'iage and ' 1111l1ries 1 9 5 ., I lank DiliullCC 36 13 7


0 0 0 ;,

£G./ 17


En'Ul/ dc Ul1i!o/'m O'l/fit Account. Statement of Receipts and Expenditm'e fo)' the yea?' ending Septembe)' 30th, 1903. Receipts. Expenditw·l!. T o Subscriptions & Donations £43 3 0 By Dalance due to Tl'cas. £25 " Grant from Parks' Committee 1 16 0 cpt. 30, 1902 4 " torcs sold 67 0 " Examination Fees III 15 " Medallion 21 2 " atnrday treet Collection 2-1 H " Factory and ,I' orkshop Collection 6 11 " Bal:lllce llue to Treasurer, Sept. 30, 1903 11 12

£ 367 15

7 0 0 9

2 6


"Stores aCcoullt : Heall· lIlHtl'ters 59 1 -1 "Examination Account 90 6 10 "Hire of Roollls 3 15 0 " Cal'! iage . 0 H 3 " tOl'ekeepel' 1 ] 0 " :f}lellalliolls 21 :3 0 "Potage 9 [j 7 " Printing and Slationery 1 0 5 "Local to res 1 7 6 " lll1l11'ics 0 7 11 " SlJieltl Competition and Prizes 5 Eo 0 " Grallt to Competitors for Dewar bield o 10 o " "Royal Progre s " Expenses (London) . o " l\Ia,ill tenance and Repair of 'Wagons 4 15 6 o 2 6 " Cbeq\1e Book " Brigade Working Expenses 13 16 O~ 1 18 8 " Collector's COll1mis'ion 1 17 6 " AdYel'tising "Expenses treet & , York· shop Collection, uelivery and Collection of Boxes, Horse hire, etc, 15 13 8~ 111 " I nspection Expenses 20 0 0 " Secretary's Honorarium . "Chief lllJcrintendent's out of pocket expenses 5 0 0 " Grant to EC}uipment Fund 31 16 5 Unifor m Outfit " " Fund 31 16 5 £367 15




To Pl'oceccl~ of' ... lllol-· iug COlll'crt at Killg'~ Hall £HI 10 0 Les' Exp '11 'C . ;3 17 11

Dy ll ifol'll1s, Caps & Fittings £32 12 2 " Huhncc in Bank, ' 'cpt. 30th, 1003 22 13 10 T

£1.) ]:!.


(17 31 10

6 ;)

"Procec(l.' Pre.TIl· tation of shidcl alJ(111lukin~ COil·

at 'J\ill"" -. 11 a.ll I! 10 Less Expe1l"c l3 1 ~


.) <j


" Gran t from Cllll tre funt1


£15 to lJl! repaid by 20

111l.. 11




a' 11:lrL payment for



niforDls supplied.

Audited aud fOlll1l1 COlTl'('t,

\r Yl';:E~

November 20th, 1 D03.

I ~.TE

O.F CERTlli'IOATl-:' Ai\D i-IEDALLIO", '. ~o,

who hnyc cOlllplell'J

a course or instruction.

& Co" C'hartU'cd Accountants.

II ho luwe Cllllll'lded a cOlll'se of illstructioll.

hnve rc 'ci \"l·li Ccrt i lien t~s. 11'110


01 Women

1st \ 11\ T~l1l'Sil~'-


of Certificated Pupil:; ,,·!to have

who hal'e recei I'ed Certificates.

1st ,\id

I ~11I'

receil'cu Medallion . ing.


I "'omell.







26 3


1119 I 1 67 1902 . 63 I 160



I 459






1 6






who have

who llave reccil'cd Certi Iicate.'.

who har e COIlIj>lL'ted a course of

Formed 1880.

No. of Wom en

COlIl "Ieted

cOllr:;e 01 illstrllction.


l-I'CS ic1Cll f.

Ko. of Certificated Pupils who have received 111 edaJlions.

who hav~ rer,ei vet! Uerti [jcate~.


I Nursing: lRt Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Airl. I Nl1I'sillg. ] st Aid. I Nursiug. 1\l en . I Women I~C.v; Folt rATION OF CEN'TRE . I 8441 79 1 28·19 I 2185 11305 9528

1Rt Aid.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, K.G. ella il'Jlll1l1.



IIII'. Frauk Tobin.

243_ _ _-.:._192 _ _ _

O UTOllEll,

J_ }85


1902. 92 --,--_10_

_I_ _




Tl'caS1U'CI' anci Jlonol':ll'Y SCCl'cfnl'Y.

:Mr. J. C. Ellison, 1, York Building., Dale

treet, Liverpool.


Life J'tlcmllcl's.

The Earl of Derby, K . G. The Lord Bl'assey, K.C. B. 1111'. William Adamson Mr. Thomas Bartlett Mes rs . Balfour, ,Villiamsoll and 00. IIII'. Edward Bibby, F.R.G.S.

Fonmcl 1878 .

JHes rs. ' Ym . Johnston aud Co IIII'. James Lister. 1111'. J. '1'. Nickels I1Ie sr . Papayanni autl 00. iIII'. A. M. mith

1-I' c~ icl(~ lIL

Mrs. Howland Willi l1tns.


Mi's Fanny L. Calder, 49, Oaun iug treet, Liverpool.

C. Thorne.

Jleclicnl S tnff.

Mr. Bradshaw, L.R.C.P. W. l\[urray Oairris, hl . :B. Ur. Oornett, L.R.C.P. :Mr. Thos. III. Dawson, :II. D. IIII'. Richard Humphreys, lIf.n. 1\11'. J. R. Judson, :lI.D. Mr. III 0 ore, L. f{. C. P.

lIonOI'ary scc.·ctary.




Mr. Ll e"'ellyu :Jlorgau, :II. D. Mr. Nevins, ~I.D. Mr, G. cott ugc1en,:lI. D. Mr. G. Wallace ~r.B. Mr. Thos. M' ,\'~ill , F.U.C.S ., Irel. Mr. L. Wood, ?If. n.

_\ s ~ i

:Mis :\Iaetic CUllll,bdl, Prince

"f all t ,' CCJ'ctal'ics.

tate "treet, Princes Park, Liverpool.

:Hcdieal SCaff.

MI'. Arthur Kim 1110 ,\Yalker. A)\l:rUAL lmpORT.


TIlE two COUl"C of lecturcs, first aid HIHl 11Ul' 'ing, continue to be gi\'ell in the autumn aLII 'pring, and!ll' largely attcnlled by teacher in training. In the autumn of 190'2, Mr. D,wies Rani. on's other [lrofc~ 'ional dntie obliged him to resign the work after mttlly year' of valuable cn'ice, allll I'ccolumenJed ~Ir. Arthll1' ,Yalker as his snccessor. 1\11'. Arthur \\'alker' .. lecture have been much appreciatell and the cla s ha. done wcll.


TWEXTY -FIYE classes have been held, yiz., 15 male, 9 fellJale, and 1 nUl' illg.

Statement oj Receipts a1ul E:t]Jenclitni'ej'l'om 1st Oct., 1902, to 30th Sept., 1903. Receipts. To " " "

Balance last Account Subscriptions Class Fees I n terest

£.34 15 \} 4


63 19 4 16

9 0



E.iJpeilchtui'e. By Purchase of Material. oftice Expel1Ee:, includ" ing postage, etc. . Grant to Liverpool Divi" sion, S.J.A.B. for equipment Balance





45 13





of Women


1 10 60 11


£112 15



Audited and foullcl coned ,

7th J anua1"!J, 1904.


F. TOBIN', Clwil'?nan. J. O. l!:LLI:O::-;r, lIon. Secl'etm'Y ancl T,'eC/sw'u.

who ha\'c who Jta\'e who have who have cOlllplete(1 a received cOlllpleted rec -il'ed cO\ll'se of a course of Certiticates. ...,,-.,-C..,.C..,.'l'.,..li_1i,. . C: -;l\ instruction. iustruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. :\ursillg. -:l""s""t-:-.c\""il""1.-;-1:-;~-u-rs-:i-ng-. ht Aid. I Nur~ing.



of Certificated Pnpib who hal'e

receil'cLl !II ecla11 ion -.


I Women

IXCE FOlt:MATI0~ OF [::-;reg

OENTIm. 1:)39 1 1087 1 771 1ST OC'TOnEH, 1902. 45 1 "10 I 34



235 2





FonllCtl 1891.



."I·CS I c[(' .. '.


MI'. All)clt Brownc.

The Right Hon. Lord Mostyn.


TI'cas II I'eI'.



Jlonorary S('crc'lIry.

Mr. L. J . Co 11 Wlly, 110, nro. tyn_Street, Ll anc1udno . Lifc :Ue lllbcl'.

C. Le N' eve Forster. :U c<lical


nIl'. Jas. Craig


lUr. Tho. Daltoll 1111'. T. L . K. Dllxies

1\11'. T. Y. Lockhart·Mmc


Mr. H. BolLl ,Yilliam '

.ANNUAL REPOHT. OXE class has been held dnring the present year, viz, a men' first aiel cIa s which was formed in February last. The lectures w'ere giyen by Dr. Goocldy, and the examination took place on May 231'd, ,,'hen fourteen candidates pre ented themselve , and with one exception all passed, including bro who cntered for the first re·examination . This class \YaS Yery well attendeJ by the police, who took great interest in the instruction given ,

Statement of Receipts {tncl Erpenclit1l1'e f01' ycco' ending September 30th, ] 903. Receipts. E.l'lJenclitul'e. T o Class Fees (less 2s. refunded)£1 11 0 " tores sold . . 1 19 3 " Balance due to Secretary 0 18 11


By Examination " Stores bought " Certificate Register and Occurrence Book " Electro


2 0

£2 2


o o







3 6




OlZCtil'1Ita?t .

J, ADEY \YELL , Treasurer, L. J, COX"-AY, Hon. Secretary.


No. of '''omen

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a course of Certificates. instruction. insh-uction . 1st .Aid. I Nursing. 1st .Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.





w!to IIR\'e received Certificates. 1st Aiel. I Nursing.






No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions. l\Ien.

Mr. Phelps,

I Women.






L. ll.C . l' . , l\l.P..C'.H.

Mr. Pike, L.ll.C . l' . , l\LTl. C.S .

A UAL REPORT. THE annnal Illeeting 0(' the 't. Jolnl Amlllllancc _'l.ssoeialion (LonglJlJorough Centre), for the year ended, 'epLelllucr, HlO:3, was ltdcl at lhc IIend.qIVl.l'Lers, Frcdcrick Street, on Friday, 9th OdolJer, :'Ill'. Alhcrt l3rowllc, in the chair. The, 'ecretary submitLt·d the rcport which ::;ho\n:i a steady progres ' in tJw work of the AS50ciation. Three cla . es ill lit'. t a.id were held, two for Jllales a.n!] OIlC for fellJales , The male classes prol'cll yery successful. The 11 UlIl bel' ell tel'illg 110.: consiueralJly above tbe !lre"iolls ycar, ,)0 clJl'ollillg their ))8 me::; for instruction, These classes \\'erc helll ",ith tIle con· sent of the Loughborongh , CIOO] Dn:lJ'(1 in connection with the Evening School, nnd thc cIa sc::; earned a grallt from tIll;, lJoard 0[' Ednca~ion alnollnting to £78:;., and a flll'thel' gmut from the Uounty UOUlH;il of £9. The Govcrlllllcllt grant, nnd the fees paid lly the students, eOl'erell th' C:Qll'l1ses of working the clas. ps, and the whole of tbe COl1uly Uouncil grant lI'a ' paill illto the accollnt of the Association. The number prescntell for cxamination was 29, and ~ snece sfully passell. The nUlllber on the books or the fcma.le cIas ', held ill connection wilh the YO\1llg ,Yomen'::; Christian Association, aull concIncterl Ly Dr, Phol!,,, \I' a' 2J, of these U sat for examination alllll0 sucecs fully ]I:1S'>(:I1. Thcle \\'u , however, a deficit 011 the \\'orkillg of this class. It is a plea~illg Illlty to rCI'ert with sincere gmtitl1l1c to the continued devotion of the lIlctlical stall' (Dr.'. Phelps all(l Pike), anr] to the instructor, Mr. El'J1e 'L Uonk, who an' unceasing in l'ellllering their service.' ill instructing students . For the purpose of tLl'oll"in rr puldie iutercst allll sympathy for the continuance of this nollie work, a soiree was helll ill the TClllpcrance Hall ill Fchmul'Y la ·t, at which the Mayme 's (r.lr·. 'lifrord) pre. entCll the certificate to the successful students. Thew was n. loss, hOll'cl'cr, of £2 '. Ill. 011 the etJ'ol't. Dnring the year the suh. scription li~t has illcrcas '(1 from £.1 17s. (hI. to £11 lOs., aUIl the thanks of the A socia-tion arc elm: to all ",ho hrl\'e as i.tecl in its 'uPl'Ol't, Pllhlic Juty has been perfonl1c(1 on se ,"cral occasion. , and i n(l i I'il Ina] service ha been rendcred by certificate holders dming thc year.

Statem ent of Rec,' ijlls llrceijil '.

Yalue of stores unsold 10s. 2d.


J. 'V. POllsford, 43, Fearon Street,

:lle cli('nl S taff.

1\11'. J. Adcy Wells.



Mr. 'Y. Beyan,

en . Archdeacon Morgan.


JlOIlO I':\ I'Y Scc t·cta .. y.

:\11'. Charlcs Stewart Taylor.

Dcpu'Y ('hairlll:lU .



E.''l'CMlitll t'C fOi' the yea;' ending October, 1903. E.I'llcllll

it II/'C

To 13:tl<1111'e in h,\Jl(l £0 ;) 11 By FUl'lli.hing Ambulance Allllmlunce " Flll'1li:hillg Room Account. £7 13 0 Uoom . I 13 0 1 0 0 " Petty Ca'h Account " Male Class-Bnoks :3 0 'Iarke &- 011 0 10 6 " Female Class- h'c,; all!l 0 11 9 "" Pallett & Cn. ] 1 Books. ., EXjll'lhe::; of' ,'oiree 6 11 6 3 " Female Ula..,.' Exam. Fce. 0 11 0 " ,'to J oh 11 AnilllllauC'c As oC. II ' llh'cr: [It iOIl I Hl 6 (Head (Jl1ll.l'tel··) 5 19 0 " Donati()ll ~ 14 G " Cald \\'e 11 & Co., n nt of " A 1J1OUll t itt oirec 11 1" 2 A1111mlallce Room 10 0 0 11 10 " ' ale 01' 8tol'e~ " Balance in 1m!)!1 5 11 11 " COllnty Uouncil Tritll t 9 0 0







I hereby ccrtify that I have examined the abo l'e accounts, and linLl the same to be correct, f);tobei', 1903 . R. ,D o\\'LAXD, lIon. Auditor.

152 I



Xo. of WOlllen

Xo. of Men

who 1\(\I'e who have who have who have COlli pleled a received received completed cour r of Certificates. Certificates. a cour e of instruction. ill struction. 1st Aid. I Nursil1~. 1st -,-\iLl. I Xursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid . I Nursing.


357 ()


Statemen t oj ReceiJlls and EJ.'J,endillt?'c fo?' 1902 ,


INCE FO]\;\[ATIOI T OF 01;;Nnm. 1 2 191 I 64 ] 902. INCE 1ST OCTOBRI1, 19 I I 10

of el'tiflcated l'upils who have received :Mctlalliolls. 1I1;;;n.-r- IV 0 me 11~


T o Balallcc in hand, 31 t Dec., 1901 £2 " Snb cl'iptioll , ] 902 12 " Cash rccci \'cll fot' 100k, baudagr., fccs, etc. . 3 " Cush l'ccei ved 1'01' Me<lalliolls 0 "Hanl. COllllry OOllllcilGrall t for Lectlll'es . 9

B.?'}Jcnd it It?'C.


19 1


]0 H)

0 0



to res (hooks, lJ!Lll(lttges, etc., fro111 Oelltral Office), &c. , ,CD 1 11 I I Fcl's (paid to Oentr;l Oflice) 3 3 0 " 1\ 1 ~rllllliolls (Central Oflicr) 0 19 0 "lI1J'e of rooms, al1nual lllceti Ilg'. , 10 G " Donation to Oen1ral Office for 1902 3 0 0 I I Petty Cash , 4 0 0 , 1\f a1c-Prin Ling, ctc. ~ 13 6 , Lrcturcrs' Fee.. . 8., 8 0 I I Ford (lI'ickcrwhcelrrl chair) tJ 5 0 " Balance in ('apital allcl 'ol1]1tic~' Bank, 31 t Dec. 1902 ' 24. 6 11







l~l' es iclcnC

Lnclic • I1onOl'lll' Y SC(, I'CC;n')'.

lilt' . E. F. Ohiuery, Monmouth House, LymillgtC))1.

~o ,

whll 11:\\-e

c(lIn»11'I ('II 11 COllrsl'


or )[ ' II

XII, of \\'( )lIll' lI

wh ..

wh"ll ,\\'1,'


{' t,jYf' l l

Certilicnt es.

ill:trudiull. 1st Aill. li'\ur"i1w. " 1st .\1", I

Life lU c m bc l·.

Mr .

~11I-'11I". "

illst 1'111'11011. 1 t ,\1',1




2]2 S I. 'n: 1-1

JIC(lic al S tatl'.




EA.RLY in March two classes (nursing) "erecommencerl, lechner, Dr.A . D. Pithie. The examinations by In pector·GeneralH. O. ,Voods, c.v.o . , C.B.,R.X., wel'e held on19Lh and 20th May, 11 men "'ere examined, 8 passed, 21 women ",ele examined, 1 passed. A demonstration took place on 21st July, in Monmouth House groullus, which H .R.H . the Prince s Louise, Duchess of Argyll (President of the Oentre), was graciously pleased to attend. A first aid competition took place, in which seven teams took part, three of ,yhich came from Lymington. The first prize was taken by the BOl1l'l1emol1th Police Team, and the Town Detac'hment took the second prize. T here was al 0 a eli play of nursing practice in a well eCJuipped Hospital Tent pitched for the purpose. Her Royal Highness presented the certificates amI medallions earned during the past twelve month. , also the competition and nursing prizes,

who 11 1l 1'p.

Xn. nf Cel'tificlltpll Pupils who h:\\'e

recein'll Cl'rlilil"ltl's,

)1 cdall ion~.

,. . - 1'< t \ II . I. "llrsllIl!.



:\ Irs~.


1'1' C' /.;: I I: E.

:21 1

] ~~

o 'TlIllEIt, I

II'. F. Uatlll'iJl, M.B. Mr. A. D. Pithie, L.R.C.P,

Mr, R. Bruce, )I.R.C .. , L, . A. Mr. E. F. Ohinery, F.R.C .S,

lin\' (>

('nllll'letl' d n ,'oursl' of

" [:\ l E F,II:,\I ,\1 lU .

He. eltine.

Chairmall .



1. .. 'UE OF

Mr, H. Rax\\'orthy, Yical"s Hill Lodgc, Lymingtoll .

R ev, p , O'Collnell,

7 10

IT. H. \ """OHTIlY TI'{'((sltJ'I'J'. R F. " rJ IlKE, (?ale) !IOIl, Scrret(fI'Y.

J(/nll((/,Y ]sl, ] 003.

Trc a s llrc r.

( 'hnil'lltnu.

Oolonel F , J erranl, ,Yalhampton Yillas, Lymington .


P ,\'I'ltlCJ(

H,R .H, Prince s Louis!', Duchess of Argyll.

I1oILol'nr), Secl'c t:1l'Y.

7 10

I --- -






1 :;




1·1·('.~icl (, llC

0, •

The Yery Rt'\', thc Dettn of l\[anche tel', D.D. T 1'(' a" II 1'(-, 1'. Oaptain A. BillyOIl

leIr, G, II. Darwin, M.D, 1\11'. R. Je'sap Dearden


~ CC I' C C :Il'J'.

1\lr. Benjamin Browll, r.A., 11, Coarer treet, Manchester.

1\11'. W . .T. Heslop Mr . F . Westmn.eott.



ANNUAL ImpORT. DURING the year 25 classes have been held under the auspices of this Centre (Hi male and 9 female), 5 were composed of members of the l\Ianchester and Salfnrd police, 12 in connection with the technical and other schools. of the district, 4 in association with clubs for mutual impl'oYement, and 4 not classIfied . Statement of Expenditw'e to?' the yea?' ending Septembel' 29th, 1903 . £103 8 7 L ecturers' and Examiners fees ·alldmaterial ''lorking Expen e , including cal'l'ia~~ of Goods, Postages, 58 14 11 Stationery, Printing, and Ad vertlslllg . £·162



Examined and found correct, G. H. DARWIX, M . D., Ghai1'lnctn. ALFRED BINYON, Treasw·c1· . BE~J.\MIN BROWX, H on . Scc 1·etctl·Y·

October' 15th, 1903.

more classes being beld anu to appoint a new 1I 0ll. Secrctary. No spccial first aid cases have been notifi ed during the year. I n April last thc lalc lIon. Secretary receivetl the honolll' of enrolment as an HOllorary Associate of the Order of St. John of.J erllsalelll in Engla,nd. Statement of R eceipts and B;)'1Jenclitw'e, October, 1902·1903. R eceijlts. Expenclita1'e. To Annual Subscriptions £5 14 0 To Printing. . £0 2 " Class Fees 1 14 0 "Repairs to stretch ers o 17 2 4 " Stores "Postages , o 10 o 18 " Caretakers o 5 " Coal and Oil . " Balance due to Treasurer. o 17 " Balance in hand . 1 13



who haye who have who have completed a rcceiYed completed comse of Ccrtificates. a cour e of in tructiOll. instruction. 1st Aiel. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid . I NUI'sing.

1st Aid.

I Nursing.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallion .. Men.





2345 902. I IOU I 3'





I 123




XII. ,I Women



IJu lin \'e cOllll'ietc(l a ClIlIl'.-iC (If illslrllclilJl.






o o 0

0 0




6 7



I Women.



JnlI~ A-;TLEV BLOXA:lI, P,·csiclent. ELE.\NOU B. FAItNDON, (late) Hon.

29th Octobcl', 1903 .

wh o have received Certificate ..


Subscriptions in arrear. £1 11 Liabilities, say. 1 ]0

. No. of Men



wno ha\'c who li:l\'e \\ho ha\'e cOilIl'h,t£'ll recch'cd ]'(;('ei"cll a cOllrse 01 Certilicateil. Certificates. illstJ'llcl iOll. htAl(l. I Nursi'ii'g, 1st Aiel. I ~UI'~illg. 1:-;t. .\ili.XlII'sillg. 1 1st .\itl. I Nursing.


So. of Certificated Pupils whu have received Medallions.

I Women


L'CE Foml.\TIo:\ OF CENTllE .




1 GP












Formed 18 1.


l'l'cs hlent.

iJ'llI a II. l\1!,. D. Lang.

;\11'. Astley Bloxam, F.H . r. ....

](OJloral':r Sccr c t:ll'Y. Vacant.

T r ca s lLl'cr. :Mr. F. J Ohll F. Cnlhane.

Ilouora I'Y Sc(·rct:tI'Y.

Ml'. W. T. Lu\\\'ence, ::\lillow .

Life JUcmbCl's.

Colonel Owen P. Wethered


•U('(Ii('al i"lafr.

Mr. Aaron William s.

Mr. J. J.

llc(lieal Stafr.

Mr. J. Astley Bloxam Mr. Culhane Mr. J. Dunbar Dickson Mr. F . Gibbs Sir Francis Laking, :II. D.

1111'. Thos. G. Ticholsou Ur. Cecil H. Nicholls Briuacle-Smg. Lt. ·Col. J. 'IV, Shone J\Il'~J. W. Stone 1\11'. II. E. 'ValleI'.

ANNUAL REPORT. IN issuing the twenty·second rellOrt of \\'ork done at the :Marlow Centre the Oommittee regret that the year has passed without any fresh exalilinations baving been held; classes were arranged in various pal ts of the Cen tre but the interest was insufficient to maintain the work being carried out; classes ale, however, being now held in several parts of the Centre, and a meeling has been alTanged to provide for


Mr. J. W. Iludson.

Mr. P. B. toney. r.'.'UE OF CEH.'l'JFICATl!:,' AND MEDALLIO£{ .

.1....,.0. 0 r



ur ". o III en

--who 111\I'c c01l1pletell a



instrucLioll. lStAid. I Nursill::: . 1st Aid..



who have recei\'cd Cerlilicntes.




1,,110 llll\'e reeei "ell Certi fica tcs.

ill~ll'lIctiull .

I XurHillg. lsCAi(i. I NUI'::;ing. htAitl . I Nursillg.


SINCE FunM.\ 1l0~ OF CE TTIlE.



Sl"'CE hir



ilo Il:l\'c

(;ollll'lctcil a (,Olll'~'~ of







OCTUllEH, 1902. I '2:; I



of Certillcatcd }'ul'ils who have recei \'eel ~lcLlalliolls. ~lell.




157 Tt'C:lS IUCt·.


lIollol'a.·y SCCI·ctnI'Y.

1\11'. W. H. Smith

Mr. H. T. Fl'acy 1l0U01'IU'Y j\ ss istllJlj ,'CCI'Cj :\I·Y.

Formed 1884 .

MI'. W . D . Gibson

FJ'cs itlcnj.

oniCC!; .

1, Mercer's Row,

The Right Hon. Earl Manvel's. UouOI'n l'.r SCC}'cj n 1')'.

Tl'cn s lll'C}·.


Lirc ,U C ml)c I· .~.

Mr. E. Fairburll ilIilthorp, Balderton Old Hall, Newark.

Mr. Robert Hodgkinsou.


~IcJIl hc)'.


MI'. F . H. Appleby, M.n.c.s., Ed.

JUrs. J. G. Branston.

ANNUAL REPORT. A T examination was held in Uarch last when ten meu, connected with the :lI1idlanu Railway Company and Borough Police Force principally, passed to the sat.isfaction of the Examiner and received their medallions in due course. everal of our members have found the knowledge they have gained of very great use to them on many occasions during the year.

'fhe Uarq nis of N orthamptoll Lady Robinson The Northampton Rugby Football Clnb The Northampton Amateur Op~l'atie ocieLy Ur. C. C. Becke Mr. W. Bonner. Uc(lil:al

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. UI'. 1\Ir.

T. C(Lil'1lS, L.n.C·.l'. W . lI. Chamberlain, IJ.l!.U.l'. II. Oropley, F. It. U. ' . C. J. Evalls, ;\1. n. c . 'l . \V. IIanling, ~I.I3., ~[.lt.C.l'. P. ~. IlichcllS, If. 11.

Mr. II. IIodg.'Oll,


Mr. J. K. IIYlle,


~l. u. ;\f. R.C.~.

wllo have wllo have who have complcte<l a received completed course of Certificates. a course of instr,lction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

Mr. W. Ca. vc 1\1 r . J . Cooper 1\11'. '1'. P. DOI'llJall Messrs. Frail, Bros. Mr. T. Manning 1\11'. II. E. Randall 1\11'. O. E. Thorpe Mr. . B. Wilkinson. :-ita If.

i'lIl'. Harrics JOllC', l.I.ll.f'.S. Mr. A. r. Killgcumhe, M.ll.C.B. Ml·. ' . U. Lawrencc, l.1.u.c .. ·. Mr. A. Linnell, ~I.lt. c. s . 1I1r. H. A. i'lIilligan, ~I.D.: ~I.n.c . s . Mr. W. 11. Hyau, M.Q.C.l'.I. Mr. D .• 'tone, ~l.D., C.)1. Mr. J. Tc!'r)" )I.U. c .. ·.

Castle Ashby Section .

No. of Women

No. of Men


No. of CerLificated Pnpilti who have received Medallions.

who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

I Nursillg.


C1UtlrllWIL-Thc ~lal'(luis of XOl'thumplol1. TrC(ts1lt'CI' alLil HOIL. Sccrctllr!}-Ml'.

11. G.


Eal"l's Barton Section.

I Womeu.

Ohait·own-Rev. H. H. Ooubold. 1't·c{(l)/(t·cr-~11'.

W. G. Abbott. lIoll. Secrct(lt'y-':.Ill'. F. Line.















Harlestone Section.






10 HOIl.

OhairowIL-Ro\,. Ca.non Bury. Scc1'etctl'!) (tIul Tt'c(tsllI'ct·-Mr. J. Fielthicnu.

L ittle Houghton Section.

NORTHAMPTON CENTRE. Formed 1886. P}·cs idcut.

Tho Most Hon. the Marquis of Northampton. Chnil'JUan.

Mr. J. Ooopor

Cltctinn(tn-i.lr. C. lllyth. IIOil. Sccretur!) ({/ld 1'/'t·us/lt'Ct'-l\lr. D. Deacon.

R oade Section. HOIL Secl'etar!)-Mr . • bouleI'.

Tovvcester Section. Uhair,ll11n-.\I r. B. Wentworth \Tomon . T)'w,sltJ'c?·-Mr . J. IIa.llUl1l'Y Jephsoll. lIon. Seact({t'!)-"llpcrintoJJ!lellt D. ornlan.



Paulerspery Sub-Section. Ohairman-Mr. A. Linn ell.

HOll . Sec)'etm'yand TTllasw·cl·-}l,fr. J . T . Pilkington.

ANNUAL RErORT. TIm seventeen th year of the cxistencc of the N orthamptoll Oen tre has been one of steady progress in all departments; 9 classcs for men, 3 classes for women, and 2 for juniors in first aid, and 1 class for " 'omen in nursing have been held, 8 being in N orthampton, 1 each at Blislyorth, Brixworth, Helmdon, Earl's Barton, and "\Valgrave, and 2 at the cbool of DOlllestic Economy, Dallington; 276 certificatcs }lave been awardClI, while 26 men and 24 women have qualificd for mellallions. Tn connedion with the classes not ouly have \\'e to thank thc urgeons who devoted so much care to the Iyork of instrnctiol1, but in the majority of cases as·i lance of tIll' utJno t yalue IVa rendered by members of the Corp', hoth men and nur 'ing is tel's, who I,ere pre en t n in(th t after n iuh t to 0O'i \'C l1em on. tra tiolls in stretcher work and banuacrin(r and classes which hal'e had the bencfit of their assi 'tance have illYariahly o 0' receiyecl commendation from the examincrs. The chief amlmlauce gathering of the ye:11' took place in Northampton Guildhall, in November last, I"hen the large hall was filled with an enthl1'iastic compal1Y of ambulance Ofticer." men and nursing si tel's, together with thc ~Iayor anel elite uf thc town , UllLler the presidency of the )[0 t HOIl. the .JIanluis of Korthalllptoll, who, after dinner, in the comse of an eloflllPnt alhlre s wclcomed the ncwly appointt'd Chief Superintendent of the Oorps, Capt. \\~. Hughes, to his conllllaud, after I,hich his Lordship presented his handsome ilnr Challenge Cup aIlll prize' to the willners . At the anuual inspection of the Corps held in DtlJal're Park in July, thc special medals award cd by H. n. H. the Grand Prior a!Hl Chaptcr-General of thc Orel cl' of t. John, to thosc men 11':10 hall sen'ell in thc South Afric:lll hospitals lIn 'ing thc war, l-,ere prescnted by the HighShcrilfof theConnty. :JII'. J . Coopcr, J.T'. , Yicc-Pl'c.-illcnt and Chairman of this Centre. The X orth;lll1 pton .' i1 vel' Challengc Cup Wll' again competed for in the Oorn Exchange, on 'cl'tcmbpr 26th, "'hen it \\'a: 11'011 for a second timc by ergt. Lloyd's Hea,l-'I uarter's team, Earls Darton Lcing second, allil Bli worth third. T he I nvalid Transport Sen'icc lws hall a husy year, 10-1 cases haying bcen underta.ken, invohing journeys amounting ill thc nggregille to 1,059 miles, this ::;edion of the work gl'O\'\'s morc and more anlllolls, antI it is illllJO sible to o\'er-esLimate the ,"oluntary sen-ice rendered by those who dcyote so much time to it. The number of cases of first aid reported is 604, including 45 fractures awl dislocations, 40 cases wele attended on public duty l,y members of tbe Corps at football matchcs, etc. Of course, large llumbers of minor cases arc never reported. The Oommittee heartily congratulate Chief-.'l1pt. Hughes and Supt. Treasurcr Reeves upon theil' aclmission to the Orcler as Honorary ~crving Brothers, anrl Chif'fSnpt. Hughes allil Private E. Phillpott UpOll rcceiving the, 'ervicc :JIcdal of tho Oreler. The extension of the work of the Centre willnccessitate a special elrolt being made during the coming year to increase our list of annnal subscribers. \..J

Statement of Receipts CtncZ E.)'21enclit'l.t)·e fo)' the yea?' ending J 'l.me 30th, 1903. Rcceipts. Tv Balancc at Bank (Gcncral Fund) £82 Do. (Dinncr Fund) 5 " Do. in Hon. ec.' . ballels 1 " Annual 'ubscriptiolls '37 " DOllutions 2 " Sllccial Donation for " l )l'izcs, Mr. J. Cooper . 2 Proceccls of Concert, per " l\Ii.·s Leonie l\ln~ zyn 'ki 2 Oouuty awl Borough Con neil " ~mllts for Cia '-'cs 4·1 lass Fees 11 " 'torcs 31 " " lIlcllallion'i ti ";, Briga,le Sub 'criptiolls 3 torcs 16 :, " sport Fec' ,I' Tran " UJliforms and Badges 13 " Bank I nterest 2


E xpcnclitu)·e . By Expenses of Annual Inspedion £5 9 fi Balance of Dinncr F~lIJc1 10 3 14 O~ " to Corps Trcasurcr 5 ]7 0 Attcndants, Clerk an<l " Commission If) 6 9 Prillting and 'tatiollcry " of Centre 4 4 2 Ditto ditto of Corps 12 " 'tores for Classes 27 15 '"1 I :l " L ectnrers'alld Examiners' 3 0 " Fces and Expen 'es, with 47 I ncidental Expcnes 0 0 undry Expen 'es of Ccntre 4 4 7 Do. 3 0 " Corps 17 Do. " Mellallions f) 46 " Brigade 'tor s, Material 35 !) u Uniform 6 " " 22 3 7 " and Badges 38 G Tnmsport Expcnses " Expenses of Cllallenge " Cnp COlllpetition and 13 Prizes 52 Thlance in Dank " Ca.h in hanll 9 .)




] ,j










8 9



15 11 ]9 2 13 1 16 0 10


12 11 3 8


8 7



11 1~

£312 14 11

1 11

Liauilities . By ,'U1l1lry creditors . £ 11 11 l.~ "Balancc, cxces: of Assets 234 15 10~


To Ihl :lIll'c at 1hnk. " Cnll i 11 ll!lllcl " tock or Mnt'rial at ~trdclll'l' .'tatiom, &c. " ,'ullt1ry Debtors




1 il li 1 1l





AUllitL,tl lIith YOlH·hcrs and fOHllll correct, (. 'lg11C l) k \r. (.()Illlll),", ~l/l(litol'. JOH_- l'Olll'l'I:, C/lrrii'llWII. "\Y. IT. ,~)[ r r IT, TI'C{lSlli'C I'. III ' ),"HY

T. FJ:.\





",110 11'\ \'1'

cOllll'h ted a CClllrse lJf illstntl'lioll. 1st Aid. ! Xnrsill~.

\llio Ilaye n'eeil't:l] Cl'rctlicates.

l::tATtL ~rsTiC

who linn' c(lllll'll'l .1 :\ ('011 rSl l of


\I lio

ha \'0 reccil-ed


Xo. of Ct.rtiflcated Pupils wlio 11:1 \'6


Mctlallioll ' .


1-\['\lE 1"ul')[ \!'Il'_' OF l'E,\TWE.


2:3 :2

l u Ii


, IX( R :11sT

1"9 I


I uU I 1337 o 'TOilER. 190~.













] orl1l c(1 1898 .

F0rmcd 1895 .


) 11'. W. W. Ca.rli le,

1>a I I·OU S . ;\1.



(;11 a i 1·lllall.

131'igac.\c-'lll'gcon Lieut.-Coloncl W. H . Bull, V.D., F. H .

The Chairman and Directors of the Horth-Eastern Railway Company.


'>I·('s ici('lIt.

Mr. tirOl'gc Po. GilJb .

Trcas IIrc!' :lIul 1I01l01'al'Y Sccrel :1l'Y.

lUI'. S . C. II. Mobedy,

~r.H.C . S . ,

( 'lIa i 1·llllUI.

L. IU:. P. , W inslo \\-.

Jlc(lical )0;1:11".


;\ [ 1' .

~l r.

U r. Braubrook, M . n.U . i.:i., L.S. A. lUI'. P. L. Bensoll, ~I.D., D.l'.lI. I Bue.-Surg.Lt. -Col. W. II.13ull, Y.D . , F . H.C.:-i Mr. G. ,V. Buxton, ~I.n . l'.,·. Snrg -L ieut. C. L. Deyns, )r.n .c.s. Bde. - mg. Lt. -Col. P . II. Oile , V.D. , F.R. C.S. Snrg.·Capt. F. J . Grilldoll, ~f.l:'C . S. Ur. J . O. Harvey, ~r.n.c.s., L.ILC.P . Mr. P . Lake I-lope, M. ll . C. ... , L.n.C. l' .

Yillcent H o",a.rd, M.ll.C. S. L.n .c . p. U r. C. II. Uiles, L. n.C.l . ) 11'. . C. H. Moberly, ?If .R.C.S., L. n.c.p. 111 1'. ~ . Nicholsoll, :\1.H . C. 8 . , L. H. C. P . 1111'. ,V. G. Rutherford, L . ll.C . l'., L.n . C.S. Mr. II. '1'. Wickham, ~r.D .

;\fto. Geo ..Jaeb;oll, P. , Vay •'tol't'-keeper, N orth-Easrel'll Railway, York.

nhe I' i d

. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure/o)' lhe ?JUt/' encli,uj September 30th, 1903 . Receipts. Expelulitu/,c. To Balance £17 18 0 By Exam . Expenses £3 9 3 10 3 6 I I torc " Subscriptions Rxamillatioll Expenses 3 9 3 50 Local Annual Report .. o 15 11 "II tares 0 7 0 I I Medallions o 19 3 Mcdallions o 19 0 Sunuries . 15 9 10



£32 16 Odobe?' 8th, 1903. I SSU I ~








£32 16


No. of Women




SrI: . ((Iul Tl·r.aSW·e1' . OF CE H.TI FICATES AN D ME D AL L IO~8 .

who have who have who klve who have completed a completed re"ei veet receh'ed COllrse of a cow'se of Certificates. Certificates . instrn<:tioll. instruction. -1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nur~ing. 1st Aid. I Nllrsing. 1st Airl. I Nursing.



\iT. H. BULL. ChCtit'?IW?L SYDXEY C. H . ilI oBEHLY, H OI!.

No of Men

4 9


Ba.lance in hand .



of Certificated Pupils who have received Medalliol1R. :I[ ell.


24 SINCE 1ST OCTOBER, 1902, I I 24


1\11'. Pllili [l BnrLt.

F. Penty, York.

1I01l01':lI'Y (~(' IH' I'al S e CI·clary .

AKNUA L REPORT. DUnIc-lG the pa t year only olle first aid class ",as held in thl3 Centre and that was at Fen ny Stratford , One male nursing class was fLlso hclll at \Vol \'crton, which was well attended . The SiLYer Challeuge Cup Competilion took placc at t. 0 wa.ld's House, Stony tl'a.tford, by kinu invitation of Drigade- llrgcoll Lieut. -Culonel W . H . Bull, Y. D . , F. R.C.S . Five tCRms only entere(l and thc \i~olvel'ton junior team had the honom of eal'l'ying the C;u p off for thc second year in Sllcces iOIl. Newport Pagnell coming secol1lL


'l'l' c a"lIl· C I·.

I Women .

l'icCl·c tal·ics .

DarlinCftoll Di~trict-Mr . lIull ,,1\11'. Leed II Mr. )lillc1lcsbrough " Mr. Newcastle " l\ l r . York 11'.

n. Curry, Darlillgton. W. II. Bartle, Hull. A. W. Elliot, IItLlTogate. W . C. Johnson, l\liddlco;bl'ough . W. Holli11gs, Tyne Dock. H. U. Macpherson, York.


Jl c clital ,'Ialr.

::\11'. R. All(ll'r~O n ~\lr. O. L. A111'leton illr. P. A. A~lt 1\11'. Ahwin )11'. W. D. Al'lIisoll )11', W. Ihigcnt Mr . Beattie )11'. BIn n d liJl( 1 1IJ t' . H.. T. llr0\\'Il Mr. J. BuchlllllLll )11'. I'~. Burnet t MI'. F. J. 1hll'1 II all )11' . Clarkson )11'. l'altl\rell )11' . .T. ll . 'l'l'<lSC )11' . .T. D.lggclt ;'[1'. Kmllcy


lilt'. 11. Fawcett )[1'. D. L. Fi:hcr ~[1'. J. C. Frt'nch ::\It'. F. W. liihhllll ;'.11'. A . ,V. Uill'0Y ,II'. J. Gray )11'. W. (iLlY )11'. Gains Mr. (hllies .\[1'. T. Haworth )11'. '\T. L. Hickey l\fl'. A. IIillahy ?III'. N . ITootl

Mr. J. IIolli11gwOllh )11. n. M. lIol t )11'. Horsfall ..011'. W. J . J clleron iiII'. J. lL 1\1 itlt MI'. E. I\' . Erlllp MI' . .T. P. Lightloot ::\[1'. Lazellll), ill r. A. D . ..olncIntyre 1\11'. J. D. l\ l cl\ay ..o1r. W. B. l\ lal'l\ay Mr. J . .i\lae]\i11lay Mr. \\'. n . .i\lallllcrs 1\[1'. A. W . ;\Icb.:alfc ..oIl'. .T. T. Milne 1\[1'. ti. il1itchcll iiII'. A. I\'. ;,lonion Mr. O\\'ston :Mr. II. '. Penr~oll )11. R P. Pickel'sgill 1111'. n. I~ . Rohert 'o n 11'. L. A . Ro\\'(lcn Mr. G. Sa \'age ,j[r, R. W. ::-;Illcdclle 1\[1'. II .• 'mith illr. J. 'tolhtutl ..011'. ..\ . Wil.·oll Mr. C. E. Woodhoue ?Ill', Yeoman

Dun[~G the pnst ,.0 ion H cla 'C" !t,tYe been formed and in allditioll to the numbers given in the statelllent of thosc who havc po., cd the prcliminary and final cxamina, tiOIlS, 201 pas'3cll the first I'c-examination. Dnring the yenr cnrling Decembcr 31st, 1902, Lhc I1ICIllUel' rcpol't.eu 6,00:2 cases of first aid re11dere,l, making a total .'ince the formation of the Centre of 29,65·:1. C01llpetitions 11,1\-0 agn.in bee!1 held for



which the Directors offered £50 ill pri zcs. Tiro of the Company's medallions and six certificates for pecial Meritorions Fir·t Aid Service Iltwe been awarded to 111 ell at Leeds, Filey and York in connection with their treatll1ent of cases at these places.

ANNUAL ImpORT. IT is with pleasul'e that the Committee prese nt their Nineteen th AlJl1ual Report. DCLtth.-,\'e regret t o have to rccord the death of Mr. II. Langlcy 'Yeub, ~I.n . c . s., an honorary life mClJlucl', wh o had accel?tauly occupied the position of lIon. Lecturc!' to thc 'entrc. Nwnbc1·s.-Thc illtCICSt ill ambulallcc \\'ork uCtiongst the workillg classcs of tllis ncighlJolll'hooc1 scelllS lIOt 0111y to 1Je llJailltaillul, out to incrcase steadily. Th(} inlluenee of those previously iutel'estl'rl ill the work has affected others, and the operations of the ('elltre ycar lly J cal' IJecolllc more extensive. During the past session \\'0 havo bel'll ahle to orgalli:,e 1110re classes thall last year; they haye IJcen attelldeLl IJY morc stlldenL:;, amI a. largcr 1l11lllb('l' of theso have been snccessful in passing the va!'ious CXalllill<l Lioll.'. Fil'lit .·iill C((scs.-Aceiclcuh allil s1ll1tlt'n illnc. s ha\'e bc(']] e[fic:icntly dealt with by our .tudcnts in cases far too 11UIllerOllS to attcmpt to reconl. It is impossible to estimate the amollnt of ._ufJ'el il1" "hil'h has bec]) ellllell 01' pre\'cntecl by their kilJc1ly application of the kuo\\'lcllge Lhey 1111\'c gailltll at the classes . Grunt {rulIL COllllt!} CuuJ/cil.-The cOlltilluance of Lhe grant ],inclly made I,y the COllllty Cnundl i;; yaluul IJY Lhe COllllllittcc, 1iOt (July as an indisjlellsable aiel to the lJ1aintellallce of tIle \\'o],k, lmt also a weicollle proof of LllC COllllty COllllCil's appreciation of Llle satisfadory and lill. illl',s-hke cOllditioll of the afJ'airs of tl ~c Celltre. TII G .lfu1icul S(u,li.-The lIlcdical 111111 sllrgical 1,rac:LitioIlClS, \1'110 confll' ::;0 great a IJenefit (J1l thl' \\'hole l' Illlllllllity II}' acLiug a:; hOlloral'Y le ctlll'ers from tillle to tillie, arc u ... kc:d tJ accept the cOldi,tllilallks lIf tbe COllllllitb:)l'. U:(("S 'ec,l'daJ'l', . (11 1(1 TJ '01'1,'1]1'8- ,\'t' a1. 0 Iranllly thallk tho clas' seCl'ctnric:'. and lhoH' ",l.o hal'c a "':,i. ted thUll, 1'01' lhdr sl:rl'lcc.', torrethcr wiLh the lllany o\\,l1e\'.-; amI allllio]'iti . wh,) l.al'e gl,llltcllllie U'L' of roollis. Thc .t~llllil()l" the )lillULillg '~1'i1-, amI llie ,'torl'kcel'll' ore ogain offered many tlian];:". ::'Ill'. l:l']lll'll Ha~lIall Inn lUg n·. igll~(l oll.ee, )[1'. B. II. F. rcnn, of ;), (;ld e- trcl r. tll"c,upoll-Tlellt, 11<1' IJCL'1l ,l1'[>uillle(1 llOllOl'<ny storekeE'pcr to tl e CL'll trc. Th e IIol!OI'('i'Y }'" cI'elm 1 . - The Pller,:!,)" l'!ltil'llCe, and tact "'ith which )11' .. 'ylllll'Y \\-. Ma:l ill contillllls to fill the' po:;t lit' hOllOli1l'Y sceretary arc tl,UOI-e all praisl'. \\\ rHIl ollly oll'L'1' hilll !l11l'C lIlore !llll' JlII) t hcarty thauks. inee the dusillg 0[' the al:~Ollllb th' 1'(1110\1 illg alllOllllt:; bare llCl'll receil'ell :Th e P1'l'Si(lt' llt\. u1IsL'l'i1'tiuIl, £,1; :\I cs"rs. lIelll), \\"Ull'illgtoll lind ,'011, . uh'cril'tiol1, £1 Is., and the ':tafl'ol'll"hil'O CuullLy 'ollllPil granL, £30. These fi!.,rt,ll'cS "ill he inC'lullt'll ill the m·xt sL.ltellll'llt. ~lr:t'OI!Jlt ..;.Yo. ] .-C'O/l)lly COllll,il ~1iclcd Clus.('s. To G]',lllt~ £30 0 0 ey l!alallce l'I'Ollgltt for\\'ard £34 ] 3 6 " !'::>t01'l , . :n 1:3 7 ~ ,,~tlll'l·. . . ~2 11 0 " lJalallce canied f'ol'lyarcl. ;3;) ;3 1 j ., 1'I'illtillg allll 't,ltiollery 411 1 " .\cln·r[hillg 0 .) 0 1 1"<J 0 " Fire al1tl Light 1 8 0 " '.l rdakcrs, " EXtllllilll'r'::; Expellscs anll Fees 19 13 6 o1 6 " Postagrs . o 13 11 " Trn nlling EXllcllses 0 7 3 " Can iage of Pltreels. ., .i.\loLIels 0 2 0

I Xo. of


AND MEDALLIONS. Ko. of 'Yolllen


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INo . of CCl'til1cateLi who have completed a COlll'se of

W!lO ha\"e cOlllpletecl a course of instruction.

who have l'eeell'ell Certilicate.·.

in~tl'u cti()n.

1st Aid.

I :\'ursing.

1st Ald. 1l\U1'sillg. lIst Aid

who have rccei \fcll Cel'tilicates.

I Nursing.

J. t Aid

I Kursing.

Pupil~ who ha\'e l'ccci \fed

111 Llallions. ~ l ell.







1351 IXCE I, T OCTOllEP., 1902.



Be-organized 1888 .


His Grace the Duke of Sutherland,

K.G .

( 'hnit·Jllnu.

Re\·. 1. C. R. J(OllOI'a l·.r

~r..\ .


Secrci ary :ute1

'I'i'Cll ;;u),c), .

Mr. , yt1ne)' W . :JIalkin, Hock CliIl'e, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Tl'el1t. nOllOI'llr.}'



Si ol·diCCIHT.

i\I1'. 13. II. F. Fellu,

Me.-s1's. Geen a llLl Co. Life :llclII bcl's.

IIis Grace the Duke of Sutlierlaud, K.G. Her Grace the Dnche:;li of ~utherlalld. The ~ ol'th StalI'orllsllil'c Hailway COllJpauy.



Jleclica 1 Sin fT.

1\11'. Magnus ALlI er, )1. l~. C. S., L. It. C.P., Lond. IIII'. A. Aitken, ~I.n., C,~I. Mr. S. Ring Alcock, ~1. fl . , Lond. Mr. C. ill. Allen: ~I.A., ~l. n., C.~r. Mr. J. Fre,l. .\rhllge, L.R.C.l'., L.I:.C . .'. Mr. Geo. :JIe. )1. Bl'O\)]I, ~I.B., & c.~r., Rrlin. Mr. A. T. Blll'Y, L.n C.l'., E (lin., "JI,R.C. , . Mr. P. J. Byrne, L.n.C.p., I •. H.C.S. Mr. ,I'. J. Covey, ~I.n.t'.s., L . n.C.p . Mr. Jas. Craig, ~r.n., Ellin., ~1.l~.U . · . Mr. Chas. F. Daly, ~I. D. 1\11'. Tho,;. Dixon, ~I.n.r'.s . , L.R.C. P., Loud. Mr. 'Y. Downs, )1.n . M1'. Francis E. Fernie, :II. n. c.s., F.n .c. p. 111'. A. V. Griffiths, ~I.n.c.s.L., L.R.C.P. Mr. A. Hall, ~LIt.C. s . Mr. J. T . Hall, l •. n.c.p., Lond.,J\I.l1.c.s. Mr. A. C. Harkness, L.]{.C.P., L.R .C.· . M1'. G. Stokes Hatton, )I. n. M.S., lIL R. C.S.


iiII'. Ja·. Hindle, L.U.C.p., l"l1.C.S. Edin. Mr. E. White Jones, ~Ln. : Cll. ~r. )11'. John Ley', ~Ll., )1. D . iiII'. E . .i.\Iackenzie, ~r. D . 1111'. J. Payne )lassillgllam, ~I.P..('.S. Sll1'geon-)[ajor ht . awl ' . V. Artillery Mr. A. ill. :JlcAlLlollie, )r.D., F.n.". Ell in. iiII'. II. Xichol1s,)I.A., ~f.l). (Cantab). ::\11'. A. P<lrkes, )I.P..C.S. ;'11'. 'Y. Partington, ~r.n., C.~r. .i.\il'. C. H. Phillips, ~I.]I. :JIl'. W. DO\ding Prel1clergast, )Ln., ~1. eh., )f.A.O., II.". Sc. MI'. Bernard Houiuson, )1. Jl. C. S., L. n. c. P . , Lo])(1. lIT r. Russr.ll, ~r. A., M. B. Mr. J . Steele, L.n.c.T'., L.U.C.S. EJin . Mr. J. Vernon, ~r.n., B s., Lowl. 111'. David F. Walker, B.A., :lLB.



£ G lU


£ 6 16





Account No . 2.-Geueral Classes. No. of WOlllen

No.of Mcn

'I'o ., " " "

Balance brought fo r ward £5 0 15 2~ Class Fees 27 19 6 Stores 29 9 2 Medallions . . 11 15 10~ Subscriptions a nd Dons.1 1 0 Sir T h os. alt, Bart. o 10 6 R ev. 1. O. R. cott,M.A. o 10 6 ThIr. J. G. Fen n

£] 22


E xpenses, Exa.miners' . £18 7 Fee, &c . 15 9 Stores . 7 2 Printing and tationery 11 13 :Medallions 0 2 Fire I nsurance 1 14 Postages . . 2 14 T ravelling Expenses 1 0 Oarriage of Pa.rcels 0 2 N ewspapers, &c. 0 5 Boys as .Models 2 0 Rent 2 0 Caretak ers . 61 9 Balance carried forward

By " " " "


" " " " " " "



6 3 3 2L 0 0 2 4

71 0 0 0 6 1


who llave who have received compl ted Certificates. a course 0[' illstruction. ] st Aid. TNursing. 1st Aiel. I Nursing, IN E





£~ 10 £1:2



2 10

Nil. counts outstanding " Balance due to 'l'reasnrerNo . 1 Account 35 3 1~ 12 2 10 No.8 Account No. 10 Apcount 1 17 1 0~ " Balance-Assets oyer 76 12 4 L iabilities £125 16






]) e plll)' Chairman.

The Rev. J olm nice Byrne.

Mr. C. E. Tritton, M.P .

General EYan,

.D., 6,

Thhs. Edward Oolegnwe, I3ra.cebriLlge, Central Hill, l.T orwood. Mr. Totley.

Assets. By Outstanding Accounts and Valne of Stock and tore £34 on hand 30 " Oounty Oouncil Grant . " Oab in hand ofTl'ea urer61 l' o. 2 Account .


Yermont Road, Norwood.

Uou ()t'al'Y Secr e l nl'i e .

Mi. ·s Thurbl1l'll . Miss Yill iers.

:Uc clical i'italr.





o o



MI'. Arnohl, ~I. D. MI'. Au ,tin, ~l. H. Mr. Etlgar BeaullIont, L.n.C.p. )II', J. T. Cal'l'llthers, )f.n.C'. Mr. Curling Bal " , ~LIt . C . :-;. Mr. Dougln', \1. n. Mr. Dl1lleall, :\l. n. !Ilr. Anne,' ley Eccles, :\['D. MI'. Fergn '011, :\1. n.



Tl· (, lI ~ Ul' C l'.

Balance Sheet, Septembe!' 30th, 1903 . Liabilities.


( 'hnil'luau.

£1 17 10~

1'0 E stimated Amount of Ac-


II. R H. Prince. Christian of I chles\\'ig-Ilolstein.

By Balance brought forward . £1 17 10~

£1 17 1U-t

I Women .

Formed 189:2.

No. 10 .-Eqztiplnent Fund,' Nelccastle Division . I'





To Balance carried forward. £1 17 101

Aid. ! Nnrsing.

1ST OCTOBER, 1902.

1·1'(' ,



No. of Certificated Pnpils who have received Medallions.


By Balance brought forward £_1_2_ :L_1_0

:2 10

havc recei vee1 CerLilicates. 11'110

1st Aiel. I Nnrsing.


Acco1tnt No . 8-N. S . Corps (JeMl'Cll Account. 1'0 Balance carried forward .

WIlD Il!lVe r.olllpietee1 a conrse 0[' illstruction.

"'IY. MALKIN, Local Hon . Seci'eta1'Y ancl T r-eas1l?·e1'.

21st N01.:embe1·, 1903 . Allowed and Rigned at t11e Anllllal Meeting of the Committee, held at St0ke-ollT rent, this 5th day of December, 1903. bGLIS C. R . SCOTT, Chain/tctIL. \Ve hereby certify that we have examined the foregoing accounts, with the books and vouchers, anLl find them in oreler anLl eoneet. Victoria Ohambers, GEEN A. ' D 00. Chcwte1'ecl Accountants. Stoke-oll.'l'l ent . 5th December, 1903.

Ganely, :l1.1:.(,.S. , L. '-'. \.

Mr. Melville GreelJ, Mr. Lacy, :II. n .


Thll. Macleod, ~r. D. Mr. Michael, :\1. b. Mr. Payne, ;'['D.

Mr. 1)001, LD. Mr. Rohinson, . D. Mr. Rugg, ~r.ll.C.::;. Mr .• wayne, j\!.n.().~ . Mr. I cott Turner, l\l.n.c . Mr. Ull1lley, M,D. Mr. 'Welhy, M.D. Mr. "'IVilkin 'on, M . D . Mr. Yollallll, M.ll,C . '.

A JUAL DEPORT. THE Centre till eontillllc' ill a flouri hing conditioll, and the 1ll:'ighbol1l'hood has by no mean lost its intere t in the L. John Ambulance work. Clases a.re frequently held for both men and women, also froe classes for working men. The Nul' ing Division maintains its high slate or emciellcy, and gives great sati .. factioll to the doctors they work under. evernl serious ca es of first aill haye been attended to by the mellllJHS of 010 Di \'i~ioll ill the Crystal Palaee and district.

] 67



Statement oj RcceilJts and E:l'j'Cnclil1l?'e, 1902-1903. EJ.:penclilw·e.

Receipts. To Balance urought fro111 1901-2 account " Class Fees " Subscriptions " Stores

£21 ] 5 2 7 6 3 6 16 0 6 7 3

£0 10 0 1 12 11 7 11 7 9 14 4 1 17 0 fi1 0 1

By SUllLlries POl'tages " Class Expenses . . " Printing and tationery . " how Expenses . " Bulance curried forward

" £72


5 11

5 11

lYe the undersiCYlled, ha ve examined the abo"e account, and fiml t~le 'ame correct,

J. RICE Bnt J'-E, Deputy ChCtl1'Jnan.

, 0

Honomry Sec?·ctnry . H. 1\1. EYAXS (General ), Treasllrc?·.


[. ~o.



who hal'e

who have wh o hal'e l'eceh'e,l received COlUIJlcted Cel'ti flcates. Certilicates. a conl'oe of instrncLlon. 1st Aid. N l1l'sing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I ~ursillg. 1st Aid. I Nursing. SIXCE FOm.LATION OF CENTRE .



817 ~


at Receipts and

g'pcnclilw'e j1'om October 1st, 1902, to Septemue1' 30th, 1903. E xpcnclitw·e. To Balance brongll t forward £0 6 8 By Postage aml. 'tatiollcry . £0 12 o " Amount l eceived from " Cabs, &c. o 15 6 Clusses during the year 3£1 4 8 " Alllll1al Reports . o 7 7


" Discou II t allowed to res supplied




2035 : 1515 I 1166 SINCE 1ST O CTOBEn, 1902. 10 102 I 106 I 51 35




CEWI' IFI C'i\'I'1<:S

~O. of

I WOli ltU. 419

who llal'\~ l'Ollll'lcll'll

11110 IHI \"(~ ('{J1I11,floLt>d

II"ho 1I:1.I·c rcet'i \'l'(1 Cl'rli Iii-a Lt!.·.

a COllrSl' Il/"


1st ,\ltl. I





I Nmsillg. lst .\ i(l.

I 1e6S I




Nllrsillg. lst ,\ ill.





679 Ot''t'omm, :Hl I :20


Xo. of Ccrtillcatctl

recch'ed CertiliC(IL( s.

COIlI'SC> of

• 'TXC[~ FU[~;\L\TroX


wllo It:l\'e




of \\'OIIi CIl

- - 1 - - - - -



who hal'e rccci\'ed

;\r~(lall iOllS.

I Nursillg., 1I1ell.

I Womell .

CEc\TllE .















Formed 18 1.

\C .

l'rc. i(lcnt.

J' J'(· ... icl(· 11 f.

Mr. Richard Enfield. 'rl'casurCl' alul )[onoral'Y Secrctary.

Colollel W. C. Da",.oll, Wc

111'. Francis N . Ellis, The Park, Nottingham. jU cclical Staff.

Mr. L-ll1der, lII.n.e . S. 1\11'. F. R. 1\1utch, )1. n. 1\11'. E. W. Panl, M.Il.C.S. 1\11'. John Smith, )1.B. Mr. W. R. 'mith, )LD. 1\11'. J. Sutherlallu, :'>1.13 . Mr. H. O. Taylor, ::Il.lJ. 1\11'. Holmes Thompson, l\I. B. 1\11'. W. Tibbles, lI1.Il.C.S . 111.1'. Watkius, L.ILC.I'. Mr. J . ,Vatson, IIl . R . C. S. 1\11'. Williams, :'>1.Jt.C . S. 1\11'. Willies, l\Ul. c. S.



'l'J'('a~lll·(' l'.


1111'. J. F. Blurton, lILP'. C.S. Mr. ,V. H arrison Coates, :\1. n. c. s. 1\11'. Bruce Etlge, :\I.lLC.S . 1\11'. G. A. Ferrao,)', ~I. r•. c.s. 1\11'. Hervey Francis, M. D . 1111'. A. Fulton, :\LB . 1\11'. R. R. Giddings, lIi. n . e. s. Miss S. Gray, L.R.C.l'., & s . Miss H en wood, L. s. A. 1\11'. Heelis, ~I.R.C.S. 1\1r. J acob, M.P..C.S. 1\11'. Johnston, M.B. Mr. H. T. Jones, ~I.R.('.R.



:\1 JW.\LLlOX:1 .

\ .' T)








34 18 2 2 14 10


RrCH. E::-, !'IEL)), President. FIlAX('[S K. ELLr~. lIolL Sec.

No. of Ceriilicatel1 Pupils who ha \'c received



" Amoullt paid to.'t. Jo11I1'5 Gal e for Exallliuatioll cJurillg the year. " Balallec in hUlld .

3 16

No. 01 'V oillell

uf lIIen

wlio lla\'e compleled a course of instruction .






IT willlJCl secn from the figures given uelow that 373 pers011S llO.ve aLtcllt1eu full conrsC's o( lectures Oil first aid and 20 011 11l1l'sillg. Of these 117 \\'cre railway men, 58 were coalmincl's, 99 mcmLers of the eity police force, alJ(l aLont 0 members of School Board cbsses. Besidcs these, 107 have passed first re-exal11inatiolls, alld 63 oLtaill ed llledallions.

C. :'iduall, Bradl'orcl Old Dank . IIHIL!ll·:tJ',l'

S('('!'cf a !'j (''!.

:Mr. James Oli\'el', 3-1, OrellaI'll treet, Otley. Miss Walkcl', Markct Place, Otley. lUccUeal StOlfI.

1\11'. W. E. DeullrLt,


Life Jlc III\)Cl' ..,.


Col. W. C. DLnY 'Oll . 1\11'. W. E. Belluett, L.n.c.l'., Edin.

AcT JUAL REPOU'l'. TUE Committee have pleasure ill snllllliLf.illg their fifteenth anl1ual rcport which shows that ambulance \\'ork still continnes with unabatell interest, and they take this opportunity of thanking all those who have assibtcLl them dming the past year.


168 The horse van has Llone good, en 'ice havi ng becn i ll U e on 26 occa ion , 7 eases of acciuent and 19 ca os of transport, t h e van milcagc for t h e year being 4.95 . T he wheel litter has al 0 been in U5e on three occasions, 1 case of accident a nci 2 cases of tran port; mileage 50. And ill two cases or acciden t stretchers werc uscd. A Sllccessful concert was held in Decembel'last wbich realised a profit of £ 12, wh ich allioullt has sufficed to pay all charges of hoI' e hire and wheel litter fares . A male fir t aid cIa s has becn held during the year, itt which there were 16 cand idates, 1~ sat for their til' t examination, 2 for their fi rst re.examination , and 1 for the Hnal. A lallies' 11U!'. ing class has been held during the year at wh ich there were 15 candidates, 14 at for their examination and 6 1'01' the Jinal, all the candidates examined were sucee ·sfnl. Three teams entered the Com petilion [01' the W harredale T rophy, at ",hidl the Otley Police Team ,ycre successful ill gaining the secolld prize. Statemcilt oj E.cc6ipts cmel E.'Gpenditw·c jor the ycw' cncling Septembcr 30th, 1903. R eceipts. E.rpenditurtJ . £11 2 o . £2-! 1 6 Dr II0rse Hire To Balance 7 16 ~ 3 12 6 "lores ., Class Fee o 1 1 3 5 0 " Examination Fees " tore olll o 7 4 o 10 0 " II. Mounsey, Stationery ,. J. lIIarstoll, loan of tent o 7 7 " ]1. Crowe, calico, etc . . .. Suuscl'iptions from March 1 1 314 9 " Postage G11y11 " .Mis Annytage, blalJ kets ., Dona.tion from Capt.Daw1 0 and calico o o son for loan of tCllt o 10 3 " , Va,shillg blankets 3 2 20 ., Concert account 3 19 9 " Mechanics' Institute 3 9 o ., Horse & Yall Hire o 10 o " , rheel Litter Fares . , Donation from Otley o 12 (i " \rl'ight and Co., book::; o o 5 Charity Tm tees . " \ Y. A. Bull, renovating . , Donation from:lUi s 'Walker o 1 o wheel litter, etc, 1 9 Do. Otley Friendly " A . J. Bull, splints 0 6 o 3 3 o 'ocieties " ll onorariulll to Cmctaker 1 0 o 2 10 o .. , ocial E\'ening account " Van amI LiLter Attcmlant 0 10 o o 1 0 .. Agricultural Society o " Two wen at Sholl' 0 1 . Pal t proeee<1s of lectUl'e, o " 'J'ransfel'l'ed to OLley Diy. () 0 o o 10 pel' 1\liss Brown " En tr.lIlCe fees 0 5 o \Yhal'ftlale Aru bulance 0 -:I. o o 17 6 " ,Yickson's refund Trophy account I~ I " Pratt, Medical stores 3:2 v" " Artistes at COllcert 5 '7 o " Al'lites at Socia.l 1 :2 (j ",Vhilaker's piallo for o 7 (i ocial " ' Y. \ Valkel' amI om:, prin ting and ad vel'tising 0 11 4 " C. Walker do. 6 0 3 " F . Beny do. 0 4. () " Stil'k allLl Houinson lio. 0 3 o " McGuinness, bill·posting 0 4 6 o " J. Secl{el', refreshments 0 ,,'Y. Beaumont, ambu011 o lance box " E . Bennett and Sons, 040 lettering 1 19 9 " Sundries 13 12 10 " Balance forward

£ 73 16

£73 16


Audited and foun(l correct, JAil . II. R. R ENWICK.

No!;cmbei' 12th, 1902.






~ I ell

No. of Womell

who have who have wllo 11:\\'e cOIlll'iciel1 a COllll' ielel1 received COIIIHP. of a coursc or Certi Ii cntcil. il1!)Lrllclioll. illstrucLion. l~t Aid. TNursing: I st Aid. TNnrsCng. 1st Airl. 1 NI~l'sillg.


I S1.

I 38 I 191 OCTOmm, 1902. I 11 I


CE l ilT







No. of Certificated Pnpiis Wll0 have received Medallions .


l'rl ell.











Or, ]; OltMA "[ TON OF CENTltf1.: .

T '"



who have recciverl CorWlcates .


POLYTECHNIC CENTRE . Formed 1895. 1·I·c ), id c u' .

H is Graee thc Dnke of Fife, Ie . T.

<:11 a It·IlWH. MI'. J. E. K ,'LucId. 1I01l01·:tl'Y S t'Cl·C' IlJ'Y.

Ml'. I{ohert Mitchell, 'l'he Poly teellllic, Regent

treet, London, W .

'( 'cli e al Si a W.

1\Ir. Jamc'l ('alltlie, F.R.C . S. ~lEDALLIO


Xu. of Women

Xo. of Men

who have completed a cOUl'.'e or


1st Ail!.


"ho hay.' cn111)11e(I',1 a COl1r~c or illstl'llCtioll.

who have l'/'ceil'cc! ertilicale". •

Nnrsillg.l1st .\Tcl.


~ursillg. 1st \id











who have rccri I'cll Certificates.

1st Ail]








XUI'Sillg. '[ 1 '" ~~~~_e~n~.~~~,o~ln~e~li~.





I.'CI': hiT OCTOllEit,



No. of Certificated Pupils who haY6 recei vecl Medallion . .



1356 1902. If;6







PORTSMOUTH CENTRE. Formed 1 ,1. 1·)'c"id('llf.

Field Marshal H .R. H . the Duke of

ollnaught and

I,ael l' 1·1'(' ..,ich'ui.

n .R.II. the Duchcss of COllnaught. '-'lin iI·Jlllnl. mg . . Lt. Col. Charles Knott,

~I.n.c . P.

tratl1eal'll, K.O .

170 J)c})ufy.( ' h:1il·lJI:111




nIl'. Geo. E. Couzens, "Glen thorne," l~ingston Cre cent, PortsmouLh. 1I01lol'nl'Y SC('\·cfaI'Y·

~Ir. Fred. J. Coward, The "Toodla1Hls, Lll,burnnm Grove, Portsmouth. 1l01l01':1l'Y ,ls Sii'lallf SC('l'cfal'ic - .

Mi s B. Gieve, Ohulmleigh, Outram Road. :Hiss K. Sang tel', 2, Palmer ton Roall, Sonthsea. ](OllOl'n1'.l' Anclif or.

1'111'. C. L. ne ,Volff, 73, Laburnum Grove, "Portsmouth. Lifc rt(cllll.c1' . . Field Mar hal H.R. H . the Duke of Connallght, R.O . The Right Hon. Evelyn Ashley Ir. A. C. Harm worth )(Nli('nl S lnlr.

1\11'. Mr. 1'111'. l'I11'. 1'111'. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Lvster Cole-Baker, B.A., M.D. L: K. Hackman, L . n.C.p., L . S.A . H. F . Hann, L.R.C.P., :M.R . C.~ . Chas. Knott, ~LR.C.P. M. Aston Key, B.A., ;If.D., B.C. J . Malpas, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S . J. IcGregor, L.R.C.P., F.R.C. S. C. Mayhew, L.n.C.r., lIf.n.c.f'.

Mr. J. Inh'aney, L.n.c.p. Mr. n. H . Mumby, I.D., n.r.TI. Mr. C. F. Ney,by, F.R.C ... , L.R.C.P. Mr. C. P. Ruel, L.n.C.p., lIf.n.c.s. Mr. J. H. F. Way, lIf.R.C.S. II'. Montague ,'Tay, lIf.H.C . . , L.n.c.p. 1'111'. G. McGregor, lILR.C.S., IdLC.P.

A ""NUAL HEPOHT. NIXE classes have been held, attended by 16 pupils, ,,·hi.le 114 candidates passed for certificate in first aid and nursing, and 1 for medallions. incc the formation of the Centre, in 1 81, 4,6 :2 per ons haye received certificates in first ai.d and nursing, and 670 have pas ed the three examinations, entitling them to receive medallions. The financial statemelltshow that the receipts amounted to £8316s. 7d., and that on the 30th, eptem bel' there was a ba1ance in the bank of £38 Is. 2d. Th e annual presentation of medallions and certificates earned during the year took place in the Grand Jury Room of the Tmvn Hall on 22nd October, 1903, Alderman A. L. Emanuel, J.P., presi,Jing. Dr. Knott commented on the valuable work of the t. John Ambulance Association, which he de cribed as one of the grandest movements of the pre~ent day for the relief of suffering. Everyone of the police, thanks to the great interest taken in the matter by the Watch Commi.ttee and the Chie f Con table, went through training which rendered them capable of giving fir t aid . In addition, about 25 members of the Force had gone through an advanced course of stretcher and wagon drill (instruction that would prove most valuable in the event of any great catastrophe), and this reflected great crec1it npon them. Mrs. Emanuel then presented the certificates. The Challenge Trophy (foUl' clocks), presented by the Hon. Evelyn Ashley for general efficiency in first aid, was taken by :n1rs. Kiln, :n1i s Claxton, Iiss prent, and Ii 's Hunt; the Harmsworth Challenge Trophy was ,von outright by 011'8. Bi.gger; and the Willis Trophy for indivilll1al first aid was taken by ~1rs. Fulljame. In connection with the Nursing Division, the first prize, a clock, prcsented by the late ~1r. John B. Jackson, was presented to Mrs. Bigger, and the secon(l, a clock presented by lIIi 8 Gieve and ~Ijss Sangster, to Mrs. E. Harris, The services of Miss angster were recognised by the presentation of the diploma and medal of an Honorary ,erving ister. Al<1erman Emanuel observed that very fcw ladies had shown more zeal and clone more hard work than Miss Sangster (the Superintend.ent of the ursing Brigade), with whom was a:o.soeiated

her co-Hon. Secretary, Miss Gieve. On bchalf of the Mayor, he desirr.d to thank the two ladies and those ladies and gentlemen who had assisted, during his two years of office, whenever a demonstration had taken place in the town. Mrs. Emanuel handed a framed engraved Vellum Vote of Thanks from II.R.II. the Prince of Wales, Grand Prior, and the Chapter-General of the Order of St. John, to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. F . J. Coward. Allerman Emanur.l observed that he hoped that he would be spa,rell many years to occupy the position which he had held so well for the past five years. A vote of thank ' to the Mayor for the 11se of the 1'00111 was passed 011 the proposal of Ml'. Coward, ancl theu Lhe Chief Constable proposed a vote of thanks to Dr. Knott, observing that it was through the enthusiasm of the doctor that the police of Portsmouth stood almost at the top of the country with regard to the number of certificates they held. Out of :2:26 men, ~2-! were in possession of first aid certificates, and this, in a great measure, wa due to Dr. Knott. The Chief C'onstable also volunteered to give a prize, to go to the best ambulancc man ill the Force. Mr. Miller seconded the vote of thanks to Dr. Knott, observing that he was tleserving of the deepest gratitude. In acknowlcdging the complimcnt, Dr. Knott declared that the work was done splendidly, and expressed the hope that the Centre woulu enter for the shields offered for competition in London by the t . J ol1n Ambulance Association.

Statement of Reedpts ctllcl E.I.penclitu,·c fat' thc ycar, 1st Oct., 1902, to 30th Sept., 1903. ltccc ipts. To Balance I'roll1 In t yea!' " • tores ACCOUll t " Cla's Fee'





9 7





E.i'jJcnclitw·e. lJy • torc: Accoullt .

" "




£14 19 11

Class amI In<:itlental Expell 'es Balance in Lank, 30.9.03

15 1


6 2


Examined amI foulltl conect,

C. L. de 'YOLFF, llOil. Awlitoi'. In the ahove :;ta.tell1cut oj' expcnditnre for class, etc., expcn'c', an account of £9 12s. i. inclullcd for rent aud ga', for heatl-(lUal"ter room at 5, Pembroke Road.. The vulue of storl:S in haud i ' £10.

30th, 'GjllClitbCt', 1903.

ClIAllLEs 1\.:\(11 r, Clwinnan. (} EO. E. ClJUZEXS, 'l'rc£lsll rei'. FltEU. J. CU\L\Ull, lIon. ,'ec)'clcuy.

L' 'UE OF Cglt'l'lFWATE' A TD ~o.

No. of ?llell


of WOlllen

~o. of Certificated \VIIU ItU\'e who have Pupils who have who ltn.yC who lUL\'C l:ollll'lutcd a received received c01l\pleted rcc 'i yed cour 'e of Certificates. Medallions. a course of Certificates. instrnction. instruction. 1st Aid. I ~ urtiilliZ ht Ail\. I Knrsillg. ht Ail!. ~ursT»g. 1st Ail!. I Nursing. lIIen. I Women.





2S71 H

I 67 I

1 99 I 113 I 139;3 L'l'E 1ST OCT013IUl, 1902. _1- :iG 1 :3:) I 40








17 3

17 2 RAMS GATE CENTRE. F ormed 1881. J~I'cs idcll' •


H. W eigall, D.L. ](OllOl':U'Y

CIHlU'JUall all(l Trca surc}·.


L t . -Ool. P. Murray, Grove End, , t . Mildred's R otto, Ramsgate .

Mr. Charles Cotton, F. R.C. P. 42, Spence r Square . Lifc lUCllll)cr.

Mr . Ch arleR Cotton, F.R .C. P . iUcIUcal Staff.

Surg.-nlajor J . Berry, M.P'.C.S. Mr. T . R. Bowden, M.D. :Mr. C. Cotton, F.R .C.P. l\Ir. G. B. Courtney, hl.:;). l\Ir. G. Cro ,L.n.c.p .

Mr . Mr. l\Ir. Mr.

B. A . Nicol, F.R .C. R. Meredith Powell, LB., c.]\[. C. H. Tamplin, L. R.C.p . F. ,\YoodR, L.R. C.p .

ANNUAL REPORT. DURING the past year 6 classes have been held, 2 of which were for medallion candidates. and of the remaining, 3 were in first aid, and 1 in nursing. Of tho e held at th~ Technieal Schools, Dr . Tamplin took the first aid course for ladies, and Dr. Courtney that for men, whilst the nursing course was taken by Dr. Woods . This summer course in first aid has been given by Drs. J: icol Year, as last , a fortniO'htly t:> fl' 1 and Cotton to the t. Grorge's len's Association, some of the members 0 W 11C 1 have shown a very keen interest in the work, and great intelligence in the passing of the examination. The cIa ses were not so well attended as in former yrars, the total being, including last year's police class, 51 men and 45 women; of ,,,hom 15 men and 17 women received certifieates, and (including members of the Brigade) 27 men and 6 women received medallions. The annual competition for the East Kent Challenge Bowl and Decies Cup, took place at the Artillery Drill Hall, by the kiml permission of Captain Daniel, on T hursday, November 27th, 1902. For the Challenge Bowl six squads entered, one from Ashforcl Town Division, one from "Westgate-on- ea Division, two from Ramsgate Town Division) and two from Ramsgate Raihyay Division. The Challenge Bowl was won by No.1 Squad Ramsgate Town Divi ion; the second lllace being gained by Xo . 1 Squad Ramsgate Railway Division. The Decies Cup for the nursing competition ,vas carried off by Nursing 8i tel' Grummant; the second prize being won by Nursing, ister I ngram. AssistantCommissioner J . S. Griffiths, No. II. District, acted as judge, and expre sell himself highly pleased with the arrangements ma•.le for the competition, and saiu also that tbe work put in by the squads generally was a distinct advance upon that of the year before. A full report of the competition appeared in the local press; but this Committee would be failing in their duty if they did not put it upon record that tbe worthy President of the Centre and L ady Rose Weigall, entertained the Officers of the Brigade at dinner after the competition at Southwood House, bringing a very successful day to a close in a most hospitable manner, which was thoroughly appreciated by the members of the Brigade present. A very important extension of ambulance work in connection with the Centre was the establishment of a district nurse, by the nursing D ivision of the Ramsgato Corps of the Brigade, with the support and co·operation of the Vicars of t . Lawrence and the three district parishes. Nurse Green who took up her work in Novemuer , 1902, is a fully-trained hospital nurse with a previous experience i n district nursing,

hn.ying had two years in the pal'i:,h of St. John, Clerkel1,,"ell, and also for three yean; in the Army Nursing Reserve, during the South African War. Nurse Green has fuUmed every expectation, and supplemented lJY the members of the lll1l'sing Division the work lw.8 proceeded without n break since. A full report will be issued by the llursing Divi 'ioo, but it Illay be ment.ioned tbn.t during the ten months, 113 cases have been aUellde ll to, and 2,631 visiLs paid, of which 2,218 \\'ere by the district nurse alone. The schellie is managed by the oflicers of the Division, and a COl11mittee formed by tho Vicars of the four pal'ishes amI their collectors, each parish fiilding a sum of £:20 a year towards tbe salary of the 11m. e, and the Division finrling the ll1n.terial, llUl'l'ing req lli::;iles, &c. Towards this last iLem Lady Seagar Hunt, Lady of Grace, organized a 1110 t successflll COIlCCl'l ill May, 1903, which was heM at the Ramsgate Parish Hall, with the permission of the Vicar of Ralllsgate, by which after paying expenses, the snlll of £10 noa::; halldell oyer to the Di::;trict Korse Fund; £9 17s. 2d. to the Town Ambulance Division; a11(l £1 9s. 4rl. " 'as expended Ul'Oll ambulance material for the Railway Di\'i~ion . The work of the district nurse speaks for itself, but if it is to be llHl.intaiueel upon a propel' anll suecessful basis, some snch entertainment in its aiel mnst be got uJl each year. to the balance.sheet of the Centrc, inc:ltll1ing the eXpell::ieS of the East ·W lth rcaal'd n hOI1 t Am bulanee CO!11 petitioll, t hc trraSUl'cr has the pleasure to a.nnounce that the total bala11ce ill haml :<: shown by the b .. lan cc-sheet amounts to £JO 6s. 2d. The accounts uf th o (Jentl'l: ll<tve 1)een ltuciitell lJY Capblin Yaile, and a stparate lJalanee-sheet or L·tlly UUllt'· concert herewith appellLleLl, has Leen audited by Dr. Talllplin. The Centre 1ms to regrct the loss by death of one of their Yic(;Prc ·j!lcnts duri1l6 tho :Fat', ,"' ir Joseph I elJag MOlltefiol'e, who dllring the short time he was eOlllWctcd with the Cell tre, c:olltril)utecl gcnerously to the fUll(ls of the Am bulnnce Corps. Dr. C. \\'. ,\:ott, who llid such gooel work as lIoll. nrgeon and 'uperilltenJent to the H.llil\\'ay Dl\'i iOll since 18%, has ueen ohliged La resign his appointments owing to llis remo\'ul fr<.llll the tOWIJ. Oll!' U,),.;t thank' arc due to him. His place in the Oorp: has IJccn t,tkCll hy D1'. Cro . , \\'ho llll been clcde 1 to the medic:ll stall' of the Oell trc.

Ea lclill;C , '/tcet, 1902-1908. E .l.'j)(;'nditl!rc.

Rca il'ts.

'1'0 Ca"h Jhlance from last

" "

" "

£;33 U AC(;OUll t 17 13 Class Fel's a11l1 Exams. Adlllissiolls at Co III peti. :; ~ tiOIl all tl 'Ij uads 1 1 Tea at COlllpetitioIl . lIon. 'ec., l'eUy Cash, Slolcs, ~ledullioll::;, &c . 5 1


ti li

0 0

By Potages Tnl'lll:r for Prizes " Exs. of' COl1lpetition " Dr. ~lifliths EM . " Pl'illliug " Chcclne Dook . . " 11011. S~e., PeUy Ca~h, " t\ tores, ' 'ta1l1 p', &c. IIea{l -q nartel'::; acconnt, " 'tore.;, Exams., &c. Balance ill lJ,tllk " Cash ill hUUll





£0 -.J 5 :2 11 0 :2 j 11 2 U 6 1 16 G 0 :2 6 :1


0 39 17 0 9 £62 13


AUllitecl allll fOl1l1tl con'eel this 1 lh day of, eptelllUel', 1903.

C. J1.

'l'A~ll'LIX .

L . \\.

YAILE, ricc·President . CJI.\l:I~m; OUTrox, l'J'C(u,lll'eJ' and



1 1~



174 A?nb~blance

Receipts. T o P rofits on Ooncert, May, 1903 " Subscription, pel' Dr. Tamplin


and Dist?'ict f lLwscs Ooncert. Expenditw·e .




o 10


£ 10 0 By District Nurse Fuud 0 5 " Oorps Bong net 1 9 " Rail way Division 9 17 Balancc to Town Division


£21 11


£21 11


0 0

Mr. 'W, B. lIope, M.P•. C.s., L.R. C.P.


T r ca s IIl'Cl'. 1111'. E. Deane, M.P-.C.S., L.R. C.P.




U01l01':lI'Y SCCI·Ct:U·Y.

Mr. O. H . Johnson, Rectory Road, Caversham.

Auditcd and fonnd conect this 18th day of September, 1903, O. H. 'l'AMPJ,IN. OUATILES COTTO , Tl'easu?'e?' and Oha1·l'?nan.


THTIEE courses of lectures have been given during the session, 61 candidates preseuting themsel ves for examination and passing; 59 gained certiticates and 2 medallions. The Oentre has lost the services of Dr. H. H . Phillil)s-Oonn who has been Treasurer since its formation . Mr. T. P. Ohard has Leen elected to fill the vacancy.


No. of Women

of Men

who Il a\'e who have who have completed a recei ved completed course of Certificates. a course of ill tructioll. instru ction . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.




449 15


No. of Certificated Pupils who have received Medallions.

who have recei"ed CerLi Ii cate . . 1st Aid.

INCE FOR~lA'l'IOX OF OEXTnF~. 19 ~5 ·1 I 413 I ~79 SmcE ]. '1' OCTO [JE1~, 1902. 23 I 10 I 9

Statement of R eceipts etnel E"'jJenclit!tre fa?' the


I Nll1'sing. HI·1



lI rell.

I Women





R eceipts. To " " " " "

. £10 5 Bltlance in hand 8 15 ' ubscl'ipt.ions 26 3 OlasR Fees 9 17 tores sold 2 4 . . Meclallion Entrance }i ees (Competition) 0 5

By St. John's GateExamination expenses . £9 2 Medallions 6 !::)tores 15 " L eetnrer's Fees 2 " Printing aud tationery 0 " Ad vertisillg . 1 Postage anel Carriage 3 " Hire of Rooms " FiYe mellals with engraving 2 " hieIcl on cup with engrav0 ing 0 " Oheq ne Book 0 ", nndries. . 0 " Cash in ecre ary's hand. " Balance ill hand of Treas. 12

6 6 3 0 0


Form ed 1 93. P l'csiclc n" .lI' , lILP.


T. P.

liLA., 2>I.D.

H A ltD, ~1I11I,

A. G. TrCa Slll·CI'. Mr. T. P . Ohard, 30, St. Mary's Butts, Reading.

Miss Florence Armitage, M. D. Mr. G. S. Abram, B.A., lILB. Mr. N . B . Olowes. M. R.C.S . Mr. Ooleman, M.D. Mr. E. L. Oropp, M.R.C.S. Mr. W. T. Freeman, M.D., F.R.C.S. Mr. W. J . Foster, F. R.C.S.


7 6 1 0 5 0 9 7 10 10



l'reasll re?·.

Eon. Secretary.

UonOl'al'Y S eel'C' :try .

Mr. A. G. Smith, 51, Pcll 'treet, Reading.

1\I1'. O. B . Stevens. . • aft·. Mr. Mr. Mr. }\ir. Mr. Mr.



No. of feu

LifC lU c ml)c l'S.

Mr. G. W. Palmer, M.P. Mr. G. H . R. Holden, M.A., M.D.

6 0 5 10 15 0 16 3~ 5 0 11 10i 0 6 0 0


£57 10 11

£57 10 11

( 'h a i 1' 111 a n .

kfr. G. H. R. Holden,

ending September 30th, 1903. E"'lJenclitu?·e.



Mr. G. 'Y. ra1111


G. H. R. Rolden, liLA., M. D. J. B. Hurry, M.D. H . S. Littlp-, M.n.c.s. G. H. Murrell, l'lf. B. E. W. Rowland, M.lLC. S. G. M. Wilcockson, M.lLC.S. , L.R .C.P., Edin .








w~1O hal'e W110 have who hnve co III pI tetl a rece! ved cOlllpleted course of Cel'tiflcattls. a COllrtie of in~tl'UcLiol1. instl'llctiou . 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aitl. I NUI'tiing. ~ 1st Aitl 1Nursing.



No. of Certificated Pupil. who ha "e received :Medallion ' .

who have received Certifi cates. 1st Aitl






--~ Ii>






I Women. 2,J, 4






11'1111111 Ii I ,!) I. C' III1II'1I1I1I1 •

• ""C ' i'll clc'II'.


«' II 1III' UIIIII. I \'!l!'iI II I. I h't/III'II/,I'llt

1\ 11'. ;Jilt! ~ ll's, A, II l'i d g('I, J\ ~lld\'III', 1\ l ulllI[AI'1\11I1 l i d ., HI l' IIIIIOIl I1.

IHLl'l oi ,

MI', .f , Willillltl-;Oll,

~ I I'.

l\1. D ,

11 ('(111'111

/If Necl'ilils owl

1\11. 1"l'lllti AIIIII',I, 1'1]"(' , P('lhy.










W, IInll!IlIIl II, ,,',I l.l',H,


l 'a!/IIII'llls /1'(1111

J !)O')

Iv I DOa,


I jf>

g, J'C//C / it It /"(',



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1 11Lcl'l'~L ful'

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1 !IO:l, II) II (j 11. Sl'I'. , 1'listagl'IIIld 1);tn.-l,ls ,CO OJ '1Iil,l", 't'( .. , 1('HIlI i 111'1"::; 11't'I\ I (j I lll'id"lllal K\"I II'IlS('H () 10 'l'IPasll n'l' 1'lIslagl' (~ .)'l':II:;) {J I I lalllllCl' III Iia lid !J r;



1111'S. Hplll'ks J I () 11. II ltl'J"i('1 B rodl ick


.l\ I I'H, I ~. A. SIIJILIt ]\11', 1\ . I ll'idgcl' r~Il:\\'{)llh ('oll"gp, 1',XILlII. 1"(,(, I lllr'\"l'sL 1'01' 1!JO~







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178 lUcclical S. aff.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. M1'.

.M r. Mr. Mr. .!\Ir. Mr.

P. Baillie D. Carse W . H. Carse Chadwick H. Harris R. J . Harris


A. J efI'ersoll 'Y. J. K err S. Lord J. Rodley R. Bnrdett-Sellers

Formed 1884. l~l·c s i<lcllt.

Mr. G. Wilton Chambers, D .L.

ANNUAJj REPORT. DURIXG the year seven classes have been h cld, a clecrease of twelve classes on the previous year. Th ey were as follows-l male first aid, 4 femal e first aid, 2 female nursing. Since the formation of the Centre seventeen years ago, 2597 persons h ave received certificates qualifying for first aid, and 341 have received med!.t.llions. 55 males and 4 5 females have received lJursing certificates. During the past year 14.8 certificates and 4 medallion have been granted. Statem ent oj R eceipts and E xpenclit!t1'e fo), the year ending August 31st, 190 3. E xpenclitll1·e. R eceipts. To BalallcebrouO"htforwarcl £31 10 4 By tores plll'chased from H eadquarters as l)cr aC(;Ollnt £20 9 10 . Value of Sto~es ill hand . , 1st Sept., 1902 . 15 1 5 "Examiner's Fees and 8 6 1 " Stores dispo eu of c1l1l'ing expenses 3 13 6 the year 16 19 5 "Incid ental Expenses "Examiner's F eesII Grants to Division ,11.1l.0~ 1 Class omitted from last ac. 2 10 0 Rochl!alc Male . 5 5 o 2 10 0 II Nul' ing 4 4 o 1 " fee ou tstanding II year at£2 10/ - 17 10 0 Whitworth ~ 2 o 7 " dminO" n " Bank interest 0 7 'ast.leton 4 4 o N ol'llen 4 4 o Milnro\\' 2 :2 o o 15 o " ecretary, po tage, &c. " Ontstanding accounts7 12 8 to res Examination fees 7 10 o " Value of Stores in hand, 8th September, 1903 7 16 8 "A ' i tantSec., Honorarium 2 2 o 6 3 o Balance )l



£ 6


[S ... UE OF


No. of Men





11807 85


Ml'. John Gibbs.


Mr. C. A. Locke, Cawdor House, Rotherbam. lUccli cal Sluff.

Mr. C. A. Locke, lILIl. C.S., A

L . n.C.p. Loncl.


TIlE interest in ambulance work ·till continues unabated in Hotherham, and the number of cl)l'tificate holders steallily illcreases. Three first aid classes have hcen hell!, one for ladi es, aud the other Lwo ill connection, respectively, with the Midland Railway, an(1 the Bessemer Works (. teel, Puck and Tozer, Ltu.) Most of the men from these two illstitntions keep in COll.tant practice, veterans of twelve to fifteen years standing retaining a li\'ely an interc t in the work, a:; those newly pas cd, and they arc of il1ll1len e eryice in coaching tlte junior members at the weekly drill . The 'eutre ha~ been deprived of the valuahle services of Dr. Baldwin as lectnrer and lIon. ,'ecretury owing to ill-health, ancl his place has been taken by Dr. L ocke.



or ,V omen

who have wno ha,·e who ll!we COlllpielcll It recch'el l COlIIl'ldl'll Cllnl'.,e 01 a ('olll',e of Certi fica tes. inslrtlClillll. inst nll't irlll . 1st Aft!. I ~lmiug. 1st Ail!. I Nursill~. 1st Aiel. ~ursillg.


761 1


35 1




I'-;-CE FUlDIATIO'-;- OF "'EXTftE. 1 ;) 90 1 1 3 Il\ 'E hI' OCTOUEIl, 1902. c)" _.J


of CerLillcated Pupils who have receil'ed )Jellallions.

who have ref'ei I'ell Certificales.

I Nl1~l1g.


I Women






'0. of WOJllell

who llave who have who have completed a CO!UIJlcted received course of a course of Certi fi ca tes. instruetion. instructlon. 1st Aid. Nl1r~ing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.



ARTIIlJ'I!. 'Y. S}L\ W, H an. Secl'etal·V. Audited and found correct, J .'0. R. H EAPE, Clwinnan. Eow. HEALEY, lIon. A 'uditm·.

Septembe1' 29th, 1903.



Tl·ca SUI·cr.



who have received Certificates. 1st Aid.

SINCE FOJnlATION OF CENTRE. 55 924 1 535 790 SINCE 1ST OCTOBlm, 1902. 68 1 43 1 63



No. of CerLincated Pupils who have received Met!allions "Men.

I WOlllen.

Formeu 1 7 . )'l'C!'Iic1CJll.

The Right IIollOlll'nlJle the Earl of Whllrnclifi'e . Tl'ca .








Mr. Bel'llal'd A . Firth.


Mr. John

"'ss is'allt ~eel·C'Ill·Y. MI'. A. W. Warner, 1 ,York treet,







18 1

1 0 Lifc ;U c m\) Cl' iS .

Statement of Receipts ancl Expenclit7we faT the yect?' encling Septembe1' 30th, 1903.

The Right Hon . the Earl of , Vhal'llcliffe 1111'S . T . H. Bingley John Brown & 00., Limited Oammell, Laird & Co., L imited Mr . J . Bradley Firth Mr . lIIark Firth Mr . J . H. Keeling, M. D .

Mrs. Hamilton Smith teel, Pecch & T ozer, L d . ir Henry Stephenson Vickers, Sons & Maxim, L d . 1111'. E. M. E. Welby


Expendit7t1·e. £3 9 113 10 19 13 19 11

o o







To Balance in Bank " Olass Fee " uuscriptions . " Stores ... " Bank I nterest (Jess Oom · mission) .

8 6

ANNU AL REPORT. I x pre enting the tlTenty· fir t annual 1'epol t, the OOlllmittee haye plea me in stating that much good "'ork has been done by the hellield Oentre during the pa t year. T hirty·four classes have been held (3 2 first aid and 2 nursing), and in addition to these the members of 37 classes (;] 0 fir t aid anLl 7 nursing) held in conneetion with the Sheffielll Education Oomlllittee E,"ening Oontinuation Schools, have had the benefit of ex.amill'ltion 11y the Ofilcial Examiner of the Association. The total memuen;hip 0f tbese cIa ses \va 1,051, as compared ",ith 1,026 in t11e preceding year. At the ex.aminatiolls held on lJehalf of the Oentral Executive, 504 students pa SGd the first examination, 2 the fiet re-examination, and ~06 the seeoud 01' final re·examination. TlIese figure, added to those of prc-vious yeals, make a total of 13,063 pa8ses ince the [ormation of the Oentr!:. The following members of the medical profe ion have kindly acted tt lecturel'E under the Oentre during the past year: :Mr. P. E. Darber, 1111'. iclnc:y F. Darber, Dr. Bal'1'aelough (Ohapeltown), Dr. W. Bran on, Dr. Brown, MI'. A. M, Oonn ell, Mr. W. Oraig, Dr. Davie (Glead less), .Jlr . Y. G. . D earden, Dr. fordyce (Hacken· thorpe), Dr. Kenny (Treeton), :i\1r. 1\. Milner CJ1illhou e -), iiII'. , . E. illorton: Mr. J . G. ~lylan, Dl·. Rooth (Dronfi eld), DI·. Inne - I11ith, Dr. 'orley, 1I11'. G. Skinner, Mr. W . E. Toyne (,\Yincobank), Dr. ,cott (Woollhollse), amI MI'. R. ime (Ecclesfield). Successful classes haye lJeen held during the year at se\-eral of the large works in the di<.;trict. Th e Oommittee would again nrge npon all employers of labour the clesirability of encouraging the formation of fir.t aid classe amongst th eir men. Olasses haye also 1)een hehl in connectiolc with th e :JIidlanll and Great Oentral Railway Companies [dId the Boy' Brigade. Oln~ 'l" fol' membcrs of the Oity Police Force haye been held LIming the year, and 91 officers ha\-e pa ed the fir t examination, 52 the fir,,;t re- examination, and three the final re-examil1ation . The Oommittee note with much. ali faction the d eci::;ion of the Oity Watch Oommittee to proyitle iustruction in fir. t aid for e\'el)' mellllJer o[ the force . A class is now being commenced [or the motormen awl cOllLluctors of the Oity tramways. In "iew of the great value of a knowledge of llr::;t aid to these men, the Oommittee hope that e\'ery encouragement \"ill lJe gi\'ell to tIl e formation of further cladse~ for their instruction. The AmlJulanee Drigalle form ed in , heffield four years ago ba, cOlltinued to do much good work by maintaining the high standard of efficiency attainell by mitlly ambulance men in heffiehl. The ambulance cal'l'iage l'rol'irled uy the City Watch Committee and kept at the Fire Brigade Station, Rockingham treet, ha lJeen 11111Ch used during the past year, and has proved of the greate. t yalue for the removal of injllleu persons to the hospitals. The Oommittee de3il'e to convey their lJest thanks to the hOD. secretary (Dr . 11artin), the lec tnrers, the class secretal'ies, aml all those wlJo have by thcir kind assistance helped forward the \l'ork of the Oentre.

By Examination Fees and Examiners' Expenses £65 3 5 "Assistant ecretary's alary . 50 0 0 12 11 11 " 1eclallions. . . 9 15 2 " Printing and Stationery . 4 13 11 "Postages . , , 3 16 11 " Advertising . 520 " Hire of Rooms , . 4 1 0 " Miscellaneous Expenses . 115 " Balance in Bank . . £156



. I have examined the Oash Account for the year ended eptember 30th, 1903, wlth the Bank Pass Book and Vouchers, and certify the above to be a eorrect summary of snch Oash Account. GEOIlGE FIlAXKLIN,



Ch(wte1'ecl Accountant,

1903 .




wh o have I who lu\\'o \\'ho hal'e who have completed I recch'ed cOIIll'ielerl a re cei \'ed a course of Certificates. . (,o~lrse. of Certificates. in'lmcllOll. lIl~tl nctwll. 1st .A it!. I XurSillg. h;t Aid. I Nnrsillg. 1st A i,1. : Xllrsillg. lst .\ itl, I Nursing.










Fo rnL\.TIO." OF OEXTItE . I 1 67 I 0 I 1498 1. T OCTOB[;;rt, 1902. I ;)3 66 I 37

Xo. of Certificale,l Pupils who ha ve receiveLl Metlallioll~.



WOll1 ell .


I 1830





SHIPLEY CENTRE. Formed 1 96. Pl' c ~itl c llt.

11'. George C. Wand. ('hall·luau.

D e puty ( 'hnirUl nn.

ill!'. J . A. Burton.

Mr. O. W. Eame". Tl'Cn SllI'CI·.

1\11'. J . 1. Davi on, Brndford Old Bank, Limited, hipley. UOUOI':U'y



111'. D. F. Grihbin, 21, Birkland Road,


Lifc lUcmbcl'".

:MI'. Geo. O. W aUll.

I hipley Friendly and Trade ocietie. Messrs. R o s, Wilks, and Urabtl'ee .


1 3

,UcllIe:l1 Sla.r.


Mr. '.Y. Foster, M.B. Mr. J. J. Ruth crford , 1II. D. JUl'. H. Smith, L. R. C.S. Mr. E. Thornton, 1II.B. 1\1r. '.Yard Smith, F.lt . . s.

Mr. '.Y. T. Ainsworth, ~r.B. Mr. I rvine H. Bonner, M.B. Mr. O. W. 1£a111es, ~r.B. Mr. W. H. Ellis, M.R.C .. Mr. J. Emerson, L.ILC ...

Formed 1886. ",·csiclclll.

Th e Right

H Oll .

The Earl of Lathom.

(;haiJ'Jlta It.

Th e Rcv . O. T. Porter, D. D.

ANNUAL REPORT. DURING the pa t year we h ave held a first aid class for men, a first aid class for women, and also a home nursing class for women . On the completion of the latter class its members form ed themselves into a nursing Division in connection with the St. John Ambulance Brigade, and so were th e means of raising our local Division into a Oorps. I n addition to the first aid and musing certificates gained, 17 pupils pass cd the first re·examination, and the final. All our certificates, vouchers, and medallions, were presented to the succes ful candidates at a public meetillg in June.

Statem,ent of Receipts ancl E xpenditn?'e f01' the yea1' enclecl Septem,bm' 30th, 1903. Expenclitltl·e. Receipts. To Balance " Class fees tores ", . il1edallions " Bank interest

£6 13 7 10 4 15 1 3 0 1

3 0 9 6 9

By "" " ""

" " "

"" " £20


£6 11 4 Stores 5 2 0 Exam ina tion expeuscs o 13 0 Printing 1 2 2 Repair to Am bulance box Rent of Ambulance box. 0 1 0 0 7 1 Calico for bandages 0 2 0 R ent of room for Exam. 0 4 0 Text books for Lecturers 0 6 4 Patient 1 3 6 Medallions 0 5 6 Postage and Carriage 4 6 4 Balance






D. F.


Statement of Receipts (IneZ E.qcnd ill! re to Scptcmbe;' 30th, 1903. Receipts.

E.qJe?l cl it U I'e .

To Balance from last account " Fpes [or classc ale of store, etc. "" Bunk interest

£7 13 13 0







1 15


who have received Certi ficates. 1st Aid.

SINCF. FORMATION OF CE 'TRE. 46 46 1 31 SIN CE 1ST OCTOBEH, 1902. 23 1 19 1 23

I Nlll'sillg.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received !If edallions. · Men.

$) (i


I Women.




0 1 U 1 11






By Chief Office for stores, etc. £H 5 11 . 12 13 9 " Examiner's fee', etc. " Po tage, etc.. 0 6 0 Balance in ballk 6 13 4



£33 19




who have who 111\1'e completed rerei I'ed a course of Certi 11 ca tes. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.



C. T. POUTER, GhainHail. .T OlI. E. '.YILLETT, llolL Sec. and T;·c(ts.

No of i)len

of WOlilen

who have wIlD Ilave who have completed a recei veel com pletetl course of a course of Certi ficates. instrllction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nnrsillg. hit Aid. I Nursinlf.

A. W. IIare, )1. n. G. R. Penrose, r.n.c.s .. L.R.C.P. \Y. ManIc, M.D., c.:\I., ~.1t.c ..·. J. Wilshaw, M.D. J. Forrester \Yood, :\I.B.

A~:KUAL REPORT. THE work of the Oentre progrcs. es steadily ill outhport, alld cla ses are held as required . On October 17th, 190:2, a pnlJlil: meeting was helrl, at which the chair ,,,a taken by the Mayor of •'o llthpol't PI 1'. Charle. ,cari butt), and a number of mechdliol1 and certificate \\'crc prl'scntell to successful student:.; by the Right Hon. the Earl of Lathom , Pre idcnt of the Centre.

Octobe'f' 2nd, 1903.

No. of Men


1\lr. Mr. nIl'. Mr. Mr.

£33 19

Han. SeC?·eta1·Y.


:IlIcl Trca s lIrcr.

1\11'. F. J. Baildon, ~I.B., C .~r. 1\11'. II. J. Bailey, )r.1~.C.H. 1\11'. . M. Brown, ~r.D., ~r.n.c.s. M1'. A. E. Oox, M. B., C. M. 1\11'. S. B. FenD, L. U.C.P., L.n.C ...

JOlIN A. B"UB.TOX, Chairman. JOlIN 1. DA YI ON, T1·eaS~t?'Cr .

Octobe1', 1903.

' ('Cl'('l a ry

1\11'. J. E. Willett, 3, Park R oull, Southport.

590 9

who hal·e complete!] a cour:<c of instl'llt'tion.

who IHlI·e re ceived Certificates .

1st .ATli. T~ursing. 1st L\itl. I 1'Iul'sing.

INCE FOlnrATIOK OF CENTUE. 223 1 177 16 INCE li;T OCTOBTm, 1902. 2 5 1 28 1

72 5

Xo. of Certificated Pupils who baye receiYed Medallions. Men.


I Women.


185 Statement of rlcconntsjm' the yea?' e?lClill[J September 30th, ] 903. Receipts. E"'1)(mdituTe.

STOURBRIDGE CENTRE. Formerl 18 3. l'l'CSill CJl t.

T he R igh t H on . the Visconnt Cobha m. lJ01l0rlll'Y Trea s urcr.

Mr. R. L owndes, Enville

treet, Stombridge.

J[01lor:ll'Y S CCl'clllry.

Ur. Hedley Satchell, 50, Hagley Road, Stombridge.

To Dalance urought forward £16 1 11 " Suuscl'i ptiOllSViscoull t Co uhalll 1 1 0 1\11'. J . B. Oochrane 1 0 0 1\1r. F . J. Haske\\' 0 10 li Miss Lamh . 0 5 0 Mr. ~,v . Ruherts 1 1 0 1\1l'. H. A. Wassell . 0 10 0 1\11'. A. IV. Worthington 1 1 0 " To stores solll. .:2 5 ·1 " Clu,ll relUl'llerl, Fire Brigadc 0 Hl 0 " Fces /'01' 'lnssesDe1hrongiJtoll 2H o '" t01ll'urilige 3 17 (j £31

By Expcnses of U]assesDispensary amI Caretaker £0 13 0 Examination JTccs 3 16 1 • tores . 1 13 ~ Oab .F ares . 0 10 (j "Printing Anunal Heport 1 8 () "Allveriising . 0 15 0 "Secretary's Expenses 0 16 11 " Balance ill Lomloll and 1\1idlumI Bank . 21 13 1





Examinell wi til "onchers a.nrl fOllnel coneet,



D URew this year hyo classes for men on first <.id were held. D r. L ocklHU't Lowe gaye a course of lectures at the , Yorkmen's I nstitute, Delbronghton ; 18 men cntered, of whom 16 pre entell themselves for examination, aud14 passed . Dr. G. J . Dudlcy gave a course of lectnre.' at the Dispensary, tOllrhriL1ge, 19 men entered, of whom 10 attended a class for the first time, for a second time, and 1 for the third. They all passed . Dr. L. A . Taylor, of Brierley Hill, \Ht the examiner. The Local Committee again acknowledge, with thanks. thc help it has receivecl to'Y<1l'ds clefl'ayillg the cost of the classe. The Dispensary granting the free 11 e of their Lecture Hall for the annual meeting. Dr. E. L . Collis amI Dr. W. Kirkpatrick have Loth been elected Honorary Life Mem hers of the Association . The following cases of first aid renclered to illjnrell 11ersons during the past year have been reported;1. On the 22nd June, 1902, J.C .B., of Newhall Street, Birmingham, "as throwll from conveyance receiying calp \\'Ollllll; police constable Frank IIobllay renderecl first aid, placing a pad on the ,,0unc1 anrl stopping the bleeding. Mr . II. ·Wilberforce Freer certified as to the efficiency of the aiel renclered. 2. On the 16th Jan., 1902, A.C. of Enville heet, Stolll'hriugc, was thrown from a trap and renclered unconsciolls ; police con table J. Edmonds and police sergeant S. Danks rendere(l first aie1. 3. On the 15th Feb., 1903, C.H., of Cross Str et, Lye, received a severe cut on the hand, caused through the breaking of a hottle, police sergeant S. Danks successfully bandaged the hand. Dr. Harclwicke ccrtifies that, " 'crgeant Dallhs' treatment in this case prevented el'ious hcemorrhage." 4. On the 21st Feb ., 1903. F ."\Y ., of Coalhoumhrook, Stombridge, broke his leg. Police constable A. Cheetham ancl1\Tr. John L avencler rendered first aid . Dr. lIardwicke celtifies that, "Police con tableChcetha11l anrlMl' . Lavender rendered first aid in this case in a most efficient and commendahle maImer." 5. On the 7th l\larch, 1903, G,G., of Colley Gate, Oradley, suffered from a scalp wound, police sergeant W . Clark rendered first aid, stopping the bleeding. Mr. T . V. DeD enne certifies that, "First aid 'I'as splendidly rendered by Sergeant Cla1 k, who controlled the ba'l110rrhage ancl efficiently bandaged the head . "






Xo of:l lUll who ha\'c l'olllp1eterl it

con!"s • uf

Xo. of \Yoillell ",1111 ha\'c ClJlllplllte,1 a l·our.'" ot il!>;trlldiull.

who have rei' h'c,1 CCl'lillcat s,

instrnction. 1st A!cT. , :\1lI',;ill:!. 1,; t Ai,l


lst Ai,!.

who h:t\'e rcreh'cll I


X 0, of COl'tific-:tt ell Pupil>; who lIa \'e received :lfedallion l .

I :X lll"sillg. 1st Ai,l. I XUl'sing.


" 0 II Il'II.

Sl'\l'J, FOll\IATIO . · OF CE~TnE.








·11 0


I :303

1 2

I :21





~ !n.

"1 ·('.~ i(I(· 1I1.

~lr. Jl OJlO I' al',}'


'I'. Tull ,

W. II . Gib.'Oll.

~('(' l' (' t a l ·~.

y, 1,)1. Park ere 'cent • owcrby Bridge.

.\~ .. htallt ~ cc I' (' 1

'1'1' <-' a:-'1I1'4' 1·.

.\u(li tOl·.

Mr. W. Dumler, Halifax Joint 'lude Dank.

l\Ir. T. Hoey.


l\Ir. W . Perrin Bro" n.

ary .

nIl'. II. Tu) 101', Ed"arcl 'ower],)' Bridge.



1\11'. J . Dunn.



186 ANNUAL REPORT. IN presenting the annual report, the Committee are again pleased to record that a large amount of good work has been accomplished during the year. The work of the Centre has progressed favourably, increased interest has been manifested, and the outlook for next Session is again encouraging. During the year two classes have been held for instruction in first aid, oue for females (conducted by Dr. W. Perrin Brown), and one for males (conr1ucted by Dr. J. Dunn). The classes have been \'ery successful, for which great credit is clue to the instructors, and to the students for the interest they have taken in their studies. In order to qualify for examination it is a conditioll that four out of the five lectures shall be attended. Thirty-one females joined for the first year, 9 for the re-examination second year, and 7 for the third year, total 47. Eleven males joined for the first year, 7 for the re-examination second year, and 3 for the third year, total 21. Thirty-nine females and 19 males presented themselves for examination, total 58. All passed. The ambulance carriage has been used twenty-byo times since March 1st, 1902. Students have rendered valuable assistance in attending to injuries, the renlOval of accident cases and invalids. One ca e the Committee wish to mention, " 'here a man fell from a building, a eli tance of over 30ft. He had the misfortune to fracture his left thigh, injure his left knee, fracture his left ,uist, break his nose, dislocate his jaw, and other severe ll1juries. First aid was promptly rendel'eu by students, a doctor sent for, anu all that was possible having been done, the patient was removed to the Royal Halifax Infirmary under the superintendence of ambulance students, where, we are pleased to be able to say, after kilful treatment the man was re tored to convalescence, and is nmy nearly fit to follow his usual employment. The Committee beg to tender their most hearty thanks to all subscribers anLl friends who have in any way helped on the work.

State?l1,ent of Receipts and Expcnclitw'e, Session 1902-1903. . £8 11 To Cash on hand-Bank o 18 Secretary " " Bank in tel'est 0 4 " Students'" Fees 6 18 1] 19 " Annual Subscriptions " Donations. 0 3 " Mr. F. ,Vilcock and Miss " E. M. Gibson For Silo 11 vel' Medallions Councillor A. Clay, for " 1 0 Medallions Sale of books, bandages, &c. 3 12 " Balance from Town Hall " 0 2 Concert


8 8 0 6 0 0

0 6


By Messrs. King~and Sonecretary's bag St. J. A.A. "" W. Ackroyd-Printing B. Mallinson and on" Repairs to plate on Am bnlance box B. Holroyd-Chart uox . "" Halifax Joint Stock Banking Co.-Use of room Mr. J. Briggs-UE'e of room "" Boys, acting as patients,&c. Caretakers-For seryices II rendered Secretary, as per detailed " account " Balance at Bank J n Secretary's hands



March 4th, 1903.

0 11

No. of lIIen




of WOll1en

",11 0 have who have who Ila\'e c011l1'ieteel a cOlllpleted received cOlll'se of ;t COlll'seof Certificatcs. instructioll. 11lstrnction. i,t A ill. I Nursing. 1st Aiel. I ~lUsing. ht 1\ ill. I Nmsing.





who have received Certificates. 1st Aiel.

No. of Certificated PUllil!j who have received Medallions.

I Nursing. Mell. I Women.

, INC!!: FOll:\IATlOX OF CE~{TRE. ,I 217 II 159 ,I 169 SINCE l 'T O CTOB~R, 1902, 21 I 24 I






STREATHAM CENTRE. Forllled 1891. T"(':hlll'('I',

Ill , pedor-Gcllcral Hclgraye -'- innis,

D., 1'.. }'-.


lIollol':!l',}' Sccl'('/a1'Y. ~Irs.

Cu\'c-Bro\\'ne-Cu\'c, 13ul'llUge,

trcalhalll Commol),

I , UE UF CIWTIFIC1\TE,' AI\D MED1\LLIOX 00 o. of )lcll

have cnilipletcel a cuul'se or IlIslructiOIl. wht)

XO. of Women

who have reccil'cd Cerlii1eatcs,

\\'ho ha\'e t'ollll,lelcli a eoul'::;e of l'II'l I ct· .1'1

1_-:~_t_A_i(_i-,T_N_-Tt_lr...:s_11~1~:..-. ...:I..:.:-.:=..:.:.....:....:......:=:.:..:!::.=--::1:=~.:..t.:.:A..:. ::ill




who 1Ia\'e receil'cil Ccrlifieales.


:\0. of Certificated Pupils who have received lIIedallions.


~IlrSlllg. 1--:-""-;-;-;--,-:-.x,..-u-r-c·I-ng- . '....,,,;-;r,-el-1.-,--1W=-o-m-e-n.


£0 (j 10 12 3 3

6 3 6



OF 40;' I ~[17 -Cr.: 1!-:1' OCTnnEI1,

7 f)J










0 0

0 4 3 5 0 15

0 0 0


o 12 o 11


Colonel • it' Churlc , eely: Bart.

11 11 15 4 2 2 11


Funnell 1 7 . )·l't'"idcnC .

lIonora I'~

( hail'Juan allcl 1'1·(':\"U1·('1'.

II'. ,



C. Wa1'lle11.


R. E. Conpe, Collier,)' HOIl"C, Tihsh elf, Alfl'eton.

Life lUelll\)cr'i .

0 11

W. H. Gmso ", P?·csident. "\VlIf. BURNLEY, T?'caS1t?'81', WlIf. TOLLEY, Hon. SeC?'eta1·V . .Audited and found correct, T. HOEY, Attclitor.



7 5

0 0



Colonel Sir 'harl!:!)


eely, Bart.

tl1al'l C. Wardell.

U ('dit ll l :O;Ca 'T.

1\11'. W. A. Slumfonl,



:fill'. Ii'. J\l(1l'\'iott, L.. A., Lond.





ANNUAL REPORT. THREE elasses have been held during the year. A nursing and first aid class for men, and a first aid clas for women; 37 male first aiel, and 7 nursi.llg, and 8 female first aid eandillates attended the exn,minatioll and passed satisfactorily. The certificates and medallions ,,-ere presented to the succes fnl candidates by i1' John FlU'ley, C.B. , Oil ept. 4th, 1903. ilIany cases of first aid have been rellllerec1 during the year. Great intere t continues to be taken by the men employed at the

To " "


Balance Sheet jar yea?' ending S eptembel' 30th, 1903. Receipts. Expenclitu1'e. Balance 1902 aCCOlln t £2 18 10& By Exam. Fees to S.J.A.A. ~torcs sold 4 7 0 " Stores Examination Fees" Instructor's Fec TOllbridge School , 2 4 3 Postages, Oarriagc, &c. " l"ire Brigade 2 0 6 " Balance in haml " Relllallds Asylum 1 13 0 " InstructC1l"S .Fcc 3 3 0


collieries. Statement R eceipts. To SnbscrijJtions Books Sold "

Receipts ancl BrZ1endilu?'e, 1902-1903. BqJcnclilu?·c . £7 11 6 By tores, Head Office 3 12 0 "Examiner's Fee " Incidell tal expenses " tamps, stationery, etC' .



£3 11

5 2 2








3 6


of Mell

who have who have who have completed a received completed COlUse of Certificates. a course of instruction. instruction. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.




8 0 37

who have received Certi ficates. 1st Aid.

TNCE F01DrATION OF OENTltE. I 106 32 I 96 J 111 I SIKCE 1ST OCTODEH, 1902. 9 7 I 8

I Nursing.



Xo. of Ccrtifieate d Pupil' who have received I I 1Iledalliolls. Men.

,,'110 have who have completcll received a CO\lJ'se of Cerlifit:ates. illstructioll. lSt:\hl. I Nursing. lst Aiel. I ~nrsill:::.


I WomeJ






whll have rOJIII,letc(l a CO\lJ'~t· of illstrnctioll.

who have received Certificates.

lst Aie\. I Xursillg.

1st Air\.

Pl'CSitlCllt. JILl'.


Mr. Edward Plowright. Honorary Sccrctary.

Mr. George Edwin Skinner, Rose Bank, Dry Hill Park, Tonbridge. lUC<lical St afro Mr, I saac Nell ton.










Xo. of Certificate d Pupils who have received ~Iedallions.



I Women. 24


FOl'metl 1 79. The lIIo,t lIon. The


of Auel'gayellny,

F. ,Yallhalll Elcl " M nor Lodge.


Honorary Sccrctary. ~Il.

C. H. Fletcher Lutwidge, it a llll on , Tunbriclge Well~

;Ucclical Staff.

Formed 1879.

Mr. Eyre levers.




(; hail'lllall.




The R ev. O. C. Tancock, D. D.


L-CE FOJL\L\.TIO.- OF OEc\TllE. 259 3 60 I 13;3 • L-CE 1ST O 'TODEIl, 190:.l .

TI·ca .. IlI·CI'.

1111'. J. G. Talbot,

3 4




No. of Women

No. of lIIen







9 2 0

OIL\.nLES O. TA.'COCK, Oha~7'inctn. EDWAP,D PLO\\,IUGllT, T1·easw·eT. GEorwE E. SIG~~mIl, lion. Secretct,.y.

7 7

Examined and fouml correct, STUART O. 'YA1tDELL, Oha11'?/Wn and TrCctbUl'cr. RODEnT E. OO"C'PE, lion. Sec?'eta?'V' I




£5 17 4 16

Mr. W, A.llan Hanner.

ANNUAL REPORT. Tup,EE classes for lllen and boys have been held during the past year, viz. , at Tonbridge Grammar School, Tonbric1ge Fire Station, and at Redlands Asylum, when all those that l'resented themselves satisfied the examiners.

Mr. Adenr)" ::11. D. Mr. Percy Low, M.D. Mr. Walter O. Aylll'ul'll, ::ILll.C. '. Mr. Malden 111'. 13isshopp, 1I1.D. 1\11'. ?lIan . er Mr. F. Hi shopp, "\1.1). 1\11'. G. F. Ol!lham Mr. ,Yo La.i.ru-Oox, 1I1. n.c .. ', .!\II'. Pardington, ::II.D. lItr. O. R. Orrtwford, lII. H.C .. Mr. PerkinR, lILD. Mr. W. G. Earle. 1\11'. Omllley nI. Perry, N.R.C.S. 1\11'. J . Bulkley Footner, F. R. c., . Mr. Ranking, M.D. 1\11'. N. Hay-Forues, F.1LC.S. Mr. B. Rix .Mr. Grace, M. D. Mr. tamfol'd,::II. D. 1111'. T. O. Guthrie, ::II. n. ~Ir. Edwin A. tarling 1111'. C. Lammilllan, F. H.C.R . M1'. O. Vi e, lILD. 1\11'. Llewellyn A NUAL !lEPOnT. Two first aid classes have heen held; one for men at Blackhnr t, and one for women at Rllsthall, neal' Tunbridge ,Yells. Thc rosult han' been atisfactory. ome re-examillations have taken placo.

191 190 Ucntlqll11l't Cl" ,

tatement oj Receipt and Receipts.


To Balance from 1902 £U 1~ "Annual ub cription 1 10 " 15 :JIanual, per :Jlr. C. -orton 0 15 " Medallion , per :Jli 'Frank 0 15 " Re,. Dr. L her" cIa ' Examiner' Fee 1 1 Incidental expen e' 0 13 " Mi ' E. Frank (don.) 0 1;\ ., hli' E. E. Keville. book ,&c.l .f . , :Jledallion , pel Dr. "\r. C. o 19 Aylward £20


Church "'h'cet, \Yellingborough.

for tlte yeai' ending Scptt1l1lbcr 30th, 1803. E.cpcndit II rc.

1 By:JledalJion .per:'lIi 'E.Frank£O 0 I " Do. per Dr.'Y.C.Aylward 0 ., ::store, per:Jli E.E.Xe,ille 1 0 ,: Examination Expen es1 6 1 male nr't aid cla 1 1 female fir t ~id cla 1 0 In cidental Expense 13 6 Balance. 0 6

o \3

o o o

10 10 1 1






"\\YADILDl 1.LEHs.


Eet'Lip!". Tu D lance brought forwalll ,. uh'. and Donation" " Connt\- COllllCil Tl'ilUt I'd llicalln~titlltc Gr:tllt " ,,-,'ores , Tnll~port l'ec('ipt' ,. )11'. \Y. Lc\\ill,i'Ol'tea

Trca"u}'cr. HOII.

S CI"ltl)'!!.




_ ,l


receil'ed Certificates.

lIr Certiflcated PUl'ils \\ho have rrct'iI·t'ti ::I1l'cialliolls.


who haye complete(] a course of instructi,'n.

who haye

w],o h:we

recei I'e.t Cl'r ifi n~es..


_ ur~1Il!!. "ECE

630 I~CE



FOR:.rxrrox OF 739 I 299


::II ell.



I \\'olllell.




£155 H



exnmin Odoue!' :21 t, 1£103.

Formed 1 " . l'l'cs hlcllt.



'·d(lI·!!. _J,: ,h I ' t


the book. nlhl \'o u('ha~, anc1111111 ,ame to 1 e cornet, ..i. C. THO)lr.:ox.


Tl' en~ ul' (,l' ,

David Dulley, c. A. ~rr,



DrDLF.l", Pre,idt1/l.

T. II. H IIn)_-, JIm. I


£1:3 14

TUI'[\.s E. 'lU.' ELY, \\-. E. Al'DL\~I), lIol .



ndi!llrc ,

" I 4



. £340 1~ T, 0 By tOl'l:S and Rl?lleWaIs 7 6 'X rrilltin l f 0 0 " Exall1iner FLl=', "t.John's 23 10 0 Gate 0 " 0 :l8 LeLturul' . Fl?e: 7 10 0 U " ~ llllllrie:s, Po_tage, Tde1 14 10 bra J}lS, Carriage, &c. 0 0 " 15 P 6 ,. TI' upon Expl:u~e ' 6 1:2 0 Divi:-.il1l1 EXl' ' Use' " Dricr,1{ll? EXpeIll:" 15 3 7 " In::oUl,llCc 0 0 4 6 0 ,." Competition EXl ell e 1 1 1 ,. Camp E:q'en 'C 1~ 0 0 ~IeLlallioll:' ., 1 7 6 EXI1C lb~ at rderbol'OlWh " Illspectit111 10 9 1 . " B,\1 a nce eLI nietl forward 3 0 1

0 ., 10 v li:2 15 10 0

Xo. of Women

Xo. of ::I[en


han been bellI. Of thee 8 hu,e been meu' l~r t aid and 1 nlll"ing antI for women 2 in firt aill and 3 in nm iug. The numhl?r of tllllent "'ho completed the COUl"C of ill'trul!tion \Y!l 250 and of these 200 pn ,e 1 their examination. 0111e illea of the "alue of \York done in tbi· Centre may he evathered from the fact that no les than 1,23~ ca e were treated during the year, while 46 poor l)er-oll wen; mll'~l:d in their own hOIlle' by the nursin C'




Dcnr~G the year 14 cla:;

sister" .

loucheI" examined, account' audited, and fonn I coneet . CR.\". ". 'Yr LKE.·J)E~, Auditor.


.L- _-"c~\'L RErORT.


15 19

:JIr. T. E.


n OIlOl':Il'Y Sccrc t:uy. ._tr~et, Wellingborough.

,Yo E. Audlancl, Oxforu

Honorary Mr. T. H. Hilton,

.l.,~i .. fallt

Sccr e ta ry.

omen-ille, 'Yellinghorongh.

JIe(Ucal Stall',

Mr. IN. E, Audland, M.ll.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Ur. H . . Baker, )I.R.C . . , L.R.C. P. Mr. . T. Baker, L.ll.C.P. Ur. F. Bennetts, )J.n.c.p. Ur. H. Burland, )r.n.c ... , L.R.C.P Lond. Mr. W. W, Clark, )LD., Edin .

:IlIr. J. Crew, )f.n.c .. . , L ... A. Mr. R. Rolli, )!.D., Cantab. Mr. \Y. Mackenzie, L.n.C. P ., EJin. 111'. C. H. Owen, L.n.C.l'. Mr. W. Robh, )f. n., Glas. Mr. W. J . Wat on, )r.n., Loud.


• '0. of Men

------------------------1 IIho hal'e c0I1l]llttl',1 ,a C')'lr, l'f


llI~tll1Ct ,'I •

]' l ~i I.

;\ur,lJig. 1:t .'i(1. I

]"l .\it!.


..:~.:.:-l::.:lr.:..".:.:.in:.:::~.:.:• ....::b..:t..:~=-i:.::d.:... .:.1.:.);_-I..:lr_si_II~f:_.:..-)_1,,_11_.___11" __ 01_11__ 1'11.



1-') I

1..:2 I



I Inn


i\ 1








ill,.tr Idioll.




o. of C~rlitl cat ed rUl'ils who hayt! 1.~C.'I·P.',l , c ":Medallion'.

\\'h0 hay\) recci\'ell

I\'ho h:IY\) cOlllpl Ie,] a (' 1Ir'" of

11'1.0 hnl'c ri!t~".iI td LeI [Ilieate'.

OF 363








'J -') -1-



'J ~ _.)






ID 3


.1I ('tli e a I )oi Ca If.

:'>11'. W. Fai1'1Jallk .

Formed 1 80. Pr'csi(lcn' •

Tl'CnSlll'Cl' :uul lIonol':t r y Scc rc t :try .

Rev. Prebendary Aldridge.

l\Iiss l\IcAda m, 5, Raglan Oircus, ' ·'{eston· npc1'·1\1<1.1'e. iU ('tliC:lI S. :t lf.

lIIr. Mr. lIIr. lII1'.

H. . Ballance

Mr. R. Roxburgh . W. mith Mr. G. Temple 1\11'. J . 'Wallace

O. P. Orouch S. Green G. F . Ros iter



NUAL llEPORT. 1II1:. ,V . FUIlD.\'\K conc1ucletl two classes ill ,Yil l!lso1', fl8 attended in all; 'l!)passetl , 3 fuib1. II . R.n . Prince:'s Chrif;tian most graciously attcl1ded at the Royal Alhert Institute on A 1'1'1 1 3rcl, allrl l'rcsellLe!l the certificates and medallions gained in March last. Th cse cl:1sses \\"ere helcluwlel" illC Tee:lmical COlllmittee of the Windsor Town COllllCil.

Stcttement oj l1eceipts cmel EJ"]Jenditw·e. R eceipts.

Statement of Receipts and E:I.'penclitll1"c, 1902·1903. Receipts.

Expend ilu 1·e.

By Y. W . O. A. towards classes held £1 10 0 " Medallions r el)lacecl 0 2 0 " Fees. book, &c., at Y . W. O.A. class 1 10 0 Do. Do. 1 19 0 "" Medallions 0 4 0 1.1 bseriptiollS 1 16 6 "" Balance due to Treasurer 211 6 £9 13

To Dalance due to Hon.Treas. £1 17 " P rin ting . 0 5 6 .M edallion, replaced . 0 2 0 " Books, bandage, for classes 1 14 G " 0 9 4 .," Boy for "classes . " 0 2 0 l\I edallions 0 4 0 " IIire of room for cIa ses 0 17 6 " H ead Offi ce expen es 4 0 6


£9 13


No. o f Men

27 15

174 14


:JI. lIIC.dDA~[,

W. LY. Ilon . Treasu'·c1 ..


W!lO hal'e completed a course of in struction.

1st Aid



I Xursing.

1st Aid

SIXCE FOR~L\TIO X OF CENTRE. 296 I 177 I 170 SINCE 1ST OCTOnER. 1902. 30 I I 9


Expclllled . . £31 18 "DahUlce III hand,Dec.1902 33 10

8 7




J. IT. ELLbox, Chaii'iilClil. I\'ILLL\)[ '.\ nEY, Treasu)'e,,·. II. BUI:TO~, H an. SecretCti·!J.

Octove,., 1903. 1. ,'UE OF



Xo. of


Xo. of \Yolllell

\\"ltO hare \\"ho haye who 1I:1.\'e COIJlI,leled a COIJlplctl'll reeeiYCti ('(lllr."p of a cOllrse of C~rlif1cale:;. illSll'lICliull. illstl'lIClioll . I 1st Aid. I Xnrsill~. 1st Aid. I Xursing. 1 st Ai(1. I Xursillg.


who have receil"ed '. .


I By


Xo. of W Oltlen

who have wh o have completed r eceived a course of Certificates. instruction. 1s t Aid. I Nursing. ] st Aid. I Kursiug.






1 2


Aucli tell and found correct,

18th September, 1903 .

To Dalance in l1ancl,Jan .1902 £37 17 ., Fcc', Donations, &c. 27 12

1'1 0. of Certificated Pupils who have reeei \"l·d M edallion .

ht .\id. I Xllrsing.

IXCE JTOI::--IA TIO. OF OEXTn~. I 1 5 I I 166 I INCE };; r OCTODER, 1902 . I 19 I 20 I



who have recel\'c,l Certiticate:" .



I Xo. of Certificated I'llj ils who have receil"ed Medallions. ~["Il.

'iYomen .





urslUg. -cj\-;";1-el-1.---C1'""',=·""01-n-en, .






YORK CENTRE. F ormed 1 90. rJ'c .,i.lcllt.

:Mr. W. II . J al1uud,


Uono)'a)'y !oi cC l'e t :H'Y :t til Tl·c a SUl'cr.

1111'. J .

Formed 18 O. Pl'C"i<l e ll t.

H. R.H. Princess Ohristian of Schles wig.Holst ein . Cbail'lu:tn.

Tbe Rev. J . H. Ellison.

D. L .

Tl'ea. lIrc)'.

MI'. W . Sandby. UOllOl'ary Sccret :try .

1\11'. H . Burton, 23 , Grove Road, Winclsor, Berks.


Turn er, 17, High Onsegate, York. :tINlical S.aff.

1\1r. 11r. 1\Ir. Mr.

W. A . Evelyn . H emy 1"0 t el'. Noel L. Hootl. S. Long.

nIr. P . raedonald Mr . .A. W. Metcalfe. 1\[1'. A. D. N ol'thcote. Mr. II. W . R eynold '. Mr. J. P . Wightman.



A NUA L REPORT . DURING this .fear 6 classes have been held, 4 for women (3 in first aid, and 1 in sick nl1l'sing) and 2 for men in first aid. Of those who presented them elvcs for examination from these das es, 72 passeu. I n adclition to these, 16 were award cd certificates for passing the fir t re-examination, while 36 passed the final re-examina tion, and 25 medalliolli; haye been grantell.

British Dominions beyond the Seas,

Statement of Reeeipts cmel E xpenclitw'e, 1903. R eccipts. To Balance in hlt11C1, 1902 . "Fees, Books, Bandages, &c. " Bank I nterest












Expcnditw·e. By Head Centre, StorE'S £10 15 "" Exam. Fees and Travelling Exps. 12 18 " " Inci(lE'ntal Exps. 3 3 " Expenses in forming cIa e, postages & stationery 1 1 " Dalance in baud . 11 2

£ 39








Forlllccl 1

0 2

I ' I '(~" i c1('11








1ST OCTODEH, 1902, 36 I 11 I 3;')

;11..\., F.



Mr. W. H erbert Phillipp,:; Mr. J01m Gonlon MI'. R. Kyflill Th oma':;


IJ cl'l)crt Phillipps,

H l'lll tC .r-c.. Ita il'llH' JJ . ~I I'.

who hal'e received Certificates. 1st Aid.



No. of WOlllell

who have who ha\'e who have completed a cOlllpleted received COllJ'se of a conrse of Certificates. illstl'llction. instrn etion . 1st Aifl.I '\fllroinQ'.lc;tAifj I Nnrsing. 1st Aid. I ;\'nn;illg.




;\0. of ::lIen


Professor E. O. ,'tirliug,

~'ir S:I1111101 .T . W<I)" lLu L, 1'.1'., [l.C·. L., C ..T, HOIl. ir E. '1. , lllith, 1\:.('.:--1.(:. Sn' ';l.11luel ])al'lJlport, !,.('.:\!.(i.

H,ight Hall.

Auc1itell and found correct,

W. A.


,'ir Ucorge Le HUllte,

, ice- P l·c ... i clcl1h.


, Yo H . JALLAXD, P1·esident. J. H . Tummll, Han. S ec. Ctnel T?'caSlll'cr 5th October, 1902.



I Nursing. 7




, imp. 011

:MI'. II. D. Uell

No. of CCl'tillcated Pupils who have recci ,'cd lII edallions. ;lIen.


.J11'. E. W.



ti re :lle'JIl\Ier ...

Lord Bras ev iiII'. A. ~l. 'Sill1pson :Mr. J. II. Ang.ls


~I\'. T. "'. C(Jrl,ill





l. ~lnrk-D,\\\es.

.11 t41 it'a I


a ll'. ~rl'. ~Il.

Ml'. T. "-. Gorhin 1111'. B. l'oultoll nlr. A. 1\. lIill1lilt<m

Mi. S . . ' .

?Ill'. D. Poulton ?lir. K W, YUll ,'cnelen

J. A. G. Hamilton

J. R. MI'. J. 1\[1'. C.



Hallliltoll 1 r. IIellcler~on 11. 'Clular Ml'. A. Goode



iiiI'. 11. BnlJlllllitt :Mr. E. D. Archer

1I0 1I 01'al'), SeCI·claIT. :;\[1'. Bentley . '1)111\0\,

II 0 II \) nil' . T I' C',h IU'l' \ ••

Mr. W. ll el bert Phillipps.

,'allto Huildings, ,raYlll olllh Street, Al1claiue. 1I 1/ 1I 01·,ltT .lu4li l l/)'.

Mr. Tholllas P<\llnull. AX~U ~L


Oommittce or the ~~lle1ai(ll' Centre of the t. John Ambuhtnce A 'ociation ill pre. entillg the annnalreporL 1'01' Lho tll'ch c months ended 31st lILll'ch, 1903, han pleasure ill recoraillg the ll;;cflll work aecompli.:·;ilCll during the pcrioLl uIlder reviell', strong clases having been fUl'll1C'tl not only in the city, uut a1 0 in the country towns. In all,:ll pupils attl'nl1cll the first ,t ill lecture, and 20 the nur,ing. 'l'h e fiuallce statement abo shull'S II lleeillell illlproYC111ent. The Oommittee feel that THE



when the objects of the Association becomc more gencrally known, a fa]' grcater nnmbel' will antil themseh'es of the advulltages to he derived. To thi .. end thc COlllmittee desires to impress upon the ]lrincillals of schools anLl all ellucational institutions the importance of forming classes, and having their pnpils or mcmbers talwht what to do in cases ofacciLlent and smhlen illncss, until the aiel of a medical '" man can bc obtained. The ability to render first aid is undollhte111y one of the 1110 t il1l1wrtant branches of euncation. Schools, aho\'e all, afrord tIle bC' t opportunity at the time when impre sions are most deeply made. His :JIajesty the King having conferred thc HIJPointl1lt'nt of Go\'e1'l1or-G(;ncral of the Australian Commonwealth upon IIis Excellellcy LOl'd TcnnysolJ, the oflice of Prcsident of this Cen ire has now become vaean t, and it will thel efore b necessary to make a fresh appointment. During the year the rcsignation \Y<t recordc(l of the Rev. Hemy Girdlestone, III. A., from the Committee, Lut its number has hcell ac1lletl to hy the apl)ointment of Messrs. W. B. 'Wilkinsoll amI Ja,. P. Rolierts. This Centre is again in l'eceil)t of the Govc1'llment sub idy of £50, thus enaulillg it to renew the liberal terms to the Railway Employes amI the Police. The Annual StatemenL of Receipts and Expenditure, duly audited, shows a balance of £14.0 98. 7d. to the credit of the A'sociation. The Committee uesil'e to place on r ecord thcir indcbtcl1ness to those medical gentlemen who have so generously givcn their timc and labour to thc in tl'uctiolJ of classes in the City, and throughout the tatc; to the Ladies and Gentlemen who have so willingly llIHlcrtaken the c1uLies of Honorary eCl'etary, and to whom the succe s of the Sub-centrcs has been mainly due; and to thc Pre' , for the COllrteOll:; manner in which they have opened their column to maj-c public the philallthropic efforts and work of the Association. During the year ninc « First Aid" and OllC " N' ursing" Class have been helu. Th e total passcs wcre Hi! « First Aid" and ] 6 « Nursing." In addition to the above, re-CXal1lillations of students of fonnel' classes have been held, and 3 passed the tcsts. Dy the class hooks of the Association it is 110\, shown that 1,972 persons holll "Fil':;t Aid" Certificates, incllllling 205 Junior Certificates, and 283 hold Nursing Ccrtillcatcs from the Adelaidc Centre.

Statement of Receipts and EJ.'1Jenditztl·e jol' the veal' ending 31st .J.1Ict)'(:h, 1903. I?eceipts. T o Balance brought forward from last year £115 2 3 D. J. Byard, Esq., M.A. 0 5 0 " Class Fees 53 14 6 " Medallions 0 3 9 " Bank Intel'E'st 2 17 4 " Hire of Diagrams . 1 11 3 "" ale of Bandages o 16 0 Rale of Books 1111 3 " Gonrnmen t Subsidy 50 0 0





By Lccturers' Fecs


£21 0 0 10 10 0 12 19 0 3 4 4 12 19 10


102 17


37 12





harc CIIIIII'Il'lc(1


WOlllen ~o.

w1,0 haye cOl1lpletcc\ a cOllr,-;o of instrudi(,l1.

who have I'ccl'iI'c,l l'Cl'tilkatcH.


a ('ollr~p. or illstl'udilll1. 1st Ail!. Nnrsll1g, ::-ls-;-t-;A-;-i'tl.-;I--'N;T'·I::-:I1-::::·~:::il1::-:g-.1 "::-:H·t ,\I(\.


who have l'e(~t:i veIl Certificatcs .

of Certificated Pupils who ha\'e recei ,'c(l fi l ella 11 ions.

TNlIl'ilillg. I lHt Ail!.



FOn;lL\.TIOX OF CENTllE. 93 71 283 360 I 652 [NCY. 1;;1' AI' l~r L, 1902. 01 20 I G-!~__ l G_-'--_---"_ _

.' [NCE

I 10G5 I





NEW SOUTH WALES CENTRE. FOl'llll'tl 1 DO. l'a ... Ou.

IIi' Excellcllcy

it Ilany II. Ha \\'SOll ,

K . . D.

IIi:; Excellency The lIOll . .'ir ]Trellerick Darley, l:.C.::II.G.

Dr. A:hll\ll'lon Tho1l1]1'on Lieut.-Col. H.. Y().nclalcur Kelly, C.B.,

Thc Hon. Sir Jolill ,'el', 1\:.l'.;I['O. I1i~ 'Worship the .Jh}Ol of ,'y,IIJl'Y· E,lmulI,1 Fo::.uol'I'J': E 1[., '.;ll.l;. J. ~\. IIugue, E'-(1-> ;ILl'.

F.ll.C.s .

Lieut. -Col. T.





Ll· "llt.-Ooioll"l Mr. J . Barre J Ollll:,tOll." " Hcnt(;r E. Roth, D,I',O . lIli,-~ L. F. Lockyer. IIC:HI Omee:


E!luitl1ule nllildillgs, GLorgc

Thc Ei"ht 1I0ll. Lord Bra. 'oy, K.l'. H. The Hight Iloll. Earl CaningtolJ, P . L' . , G.U .~L G.


H EllBEnT PUILLIPIJS, lIon. T?·easU1·el·. BENTLEY S. C01\N'OIt, n on. Sec?·eta?·y .

15th MetV, 1903.


trcct, 'j'llncy.

I, i ft' U l' mlJcl'::'.

3,1 18


Audited amI fonnd corrcct, THOS.



. Examincrs' Fees Cost of Books Advertising Prin tillg omce Expcnses, including Oflice Hent, Hire of Rooms, Postagcs, Pctties, and Telephone " BalaucesSavings Dank Deposit " COlllmercial Bank of Australia " " " " "

I ,\'U l~

H on. Audit.or.


The HOll. ir Frederick Darl'y, G.G.M . G. The Iloll. P. G. King, :\1. T • c. 1Il<ljor-Gclleral 'ir Ed . '1'. II. HU ltOIl, K.G.i\['G., c.n., _\.n.!'. The Right HOll. \,iCOlll1t II alllpdclI, U . C.M . G .

The Vi~Collllte~s Ihmpdell. :Mr. C. R. ·Walsh .

Mrs. Rcnter E. Roth. Mr. Alb,llI Gee. Mr. Williall1 R Tomlin Oll. Captain J. ~lol'gell. 1\11'. l . Dougla' Mitchie. 1\11', Frauk A. Boyce. Mr. Jaeob GnnarLl Captain J. L. Fall'kc '. 1\1r. GeOl'gc ])laidell. Mr:;. J. C. Elli . Mrs. H.. 13. Tri11l1all.



,1Icelicnl SlaO'.

1\11'. G. H. Abbott, l\I. E. , Cl1.1\1. .Mr. S. A.. Alcorn, nLB. , Cll . B. (D ublin) .Mr. Richard Arthur, nLlJ . (Edin.) Mr. Frederick Ashwell, M.B., Ch. M. Mr. H.obert J. Alcol'll, L . H. C. s . (I rel.), L. R.C.P. (Euin . ) Mr. G. Allan, :\l.D., M.S. (Aber. ) ]\11'. J o. eph F . Bartley, M. B. , Ch. B. (1\lelb.) .Mr. Heginalu Bowman, :\l.13., n1.R.C . . .Mr. Paul Boelke, III. D. , Cll . l\I. (Sydney) nIl'. T . 'Y. Brown, 1. B. (Mell>. ) Mr. Leslie F . 13ucknell, L.R. C. S., L.ll .C. P. (Edin.) Mr. W. Sigismunu 13ro\\'n, l'II.n.c. s . 1\11'. J. L . Bee ton, L. 1:. C. . (Ire1.) Mr. W . A. H. Burkitt, nf,[) . , Ch.B.,(Dub.) Mr. Harold Browne, l'I1.n.c.s., L.R.C.P. Miss Agnes E. L. Bennett, :l1.B., :\1.S. (Edin.) Mr. Walter F . Burfitt, :\I. D., Ch. :lI. ( yd. ) .M1'. C. P. B. Clubbe, L.R.C.P., l'I1.n.c.s. Mr. William Clarke, "1. H.. C.S. ,M. D. (Can tab.) Mr. CharlesU. Carruthers, L.R.C . S. (Ire1.) Mr. 13rabazon N . C'lsement, M.R. C.S. Mr. F. G. Connor, :lI.B. (Eelin.) Mr. Wm . T. Chenhall, :II. B., Ch. B. (Mell>.) Mr. Aubrey J . C. Crawley, :l1.B. ( yd.) Mr. Allaster E . Cox, M.B. (Edin.) Mr. F. H . Cox, M. B. ( yd.) Mis Iza F. J. Coghlan, Ch.:l1. (Syd.) Mr. Alfred Chenhall, l'II. B. (Melb.) MI'. John 1. C. Cosh, :\LB., Ch .:)1. Mr. L. S. Davidson, )f, B. , M. Ch., ( yd.) Mr. Thomas torie Dixson, l\I. B., C. M. (Edin . ) Mr. T. Adam Dick, :If. B. (Edin.) .Mr. Denis Doolan, L.R.C.p. , L.ll. C.S. (Ed. ) Mr. N . J. Dunlop, )f.B. , (Ed.) Mr. C. A . Edwards, L.R.C.P., L.R.C. S. (Edin. ) Mr. F. W. Elsner, F.n.c.s. (!rel.) 1\11'. W. L'Estrange Eames, M.B., Ch. B. (Dnblin) c. D. Mr. T. Carson Fishel', M.D. (Dub.) 1'111'. Alfred Foster, L.R.C. P., )1.1'•. c ... Mr. Sinclair Finlay, L. n.c.p.,F.r..o.s.( I re.) Mr. Alfred Fitzpatrick, L. R.C.p., L.r..C.S. (Edin . ) Mr. John Bass Graham, 1II. D. ( I re1.) Mr. W. R. Graham, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. (Edit:!. ) Mr. T. Arthur Grieves, L.R.C.P , :lLR.C.S. Mr. A. Uaitland Gleduen, M.D. Mr. G. A. Going, M. R. c .. '. Mr. MacDonald Gill, 1II. D. Ur. J . C. W . Halliday, M.B. (Sydney). Mr. Cooper Hanlcastle, l'IL B. (Edin . ) Ur. T . J . Henry, L.R.C.p. , F.R. C.S. (Edin. ) Ur. A . Jarvie Hood, M. B. , M.S. (Glasg. ) Mr. Horsfall, M.B., Ch. B. (Syd.) , D.S. O. Mr. Higgins, M.B . Ch. l'I1. (Syd. ) Mr. John Harris, L. R. C. 1'. , L. n . c. s. (Edin . ) Uiss May Harris, L. R.C. P., L.R.C.s.(Edin.) Mr. E. Cnthbert Hall, l'I1. B. (Syd.) T .

111. O'Oonnan II llghcs, 1II. B. ( yd .) F . Hall, L.R. C.S. (Irel.) Frllllck. W . Hall, III . D . Neyille R. Ho \" e, lI1.11 . C.S., L.ll .C.P, Y.C. ':'11'. Eclmund R. Kavanagh, L.ll.C.S., L.ll.C.p. (Edin.) Lieut.-Colonel H. Yandeleur Kelly, C. B. , F.H.C.S. (Ed.) 1\1l'. A. Li vingstonc Kerr, M. D . (Ed .) 1\11'. p, J. Kelly, M . B. (Syd. ) JUl'. Th. 1'. Spiel's Kirkland, M.D . (Glas.) 1\Ir. LeslIe J. Lamrock, M.D . (Edill.) 1\Il'. H. anderson Lloyd, :II. D. (Edin. ), M.R.C. S. 11'. Frank Licluell, M.B. (Edin . ) JUI'. W. F. Litcht-ield, :l1.B. (Syc1.) Mr. Harry 1\1. Ma sey, L.n . c.p.,~1.R.C.S . JUl'. Joseph Marshall, :lLJ3.,Ch.D. (Dub. ) 1\11'. J. Gilbert MchaY,:\1.13., Ch. B. (nIelb.) Mr. A . H. Meeke, :\I.D. (Dub. ) 1\11'. John Brook Moore, L.11.C.S. (I rel). MI'. G. Lane ':'Illllins, i\1.D. (Dub.) 1lI1'. ,Yilfrid J. R. Iickson, M.D. (Dub.) Mr. Harvey Iickoll, L.ll.C.p., L.R.C.::;. (Edin. ) Mr. Philip K. O'Brien, )1. n. c .... ,L. R. C. P. nIl'. W. J. O'Reilly, ~I.D. (n.x.I.), ,Ln. c..,. Mr. Cecil PUl'.:ier, )I.B., Ch. M. ( yilllCY). Mr. A. Aubrey Palmer, L.U.C.P., (Lond.), :\1.1l. c.::;. 1\11'. \Y. F. Quuife. )1.13., )[ .. ' . (Glas.) Major Reuter E. Roth, D.S. O., M. n.U.S. !Ill'. ,Yalter E. Hoth, L.ll.C.P., :lI.J~.C.S. Mr. Fairfax Ros ', )1. n. c.~. 1\11'. Clarence Read, :lr.n.c.s., L.RC.!' . 1\11'. James Reiach, :\1.D. Mr. William C. Rollinson, L.n.C.p., L. H.C ... (Ed.) Mr. '\T . G. Cumming Smith, M.ll., C.)1. (Glas. ) Mr. A. J .• 'mith,Yentry, L.ll.C.S. (Irel.) Mr. G. H. "alton Smith, L.n.c.I>., L.H.C.I3. (Edin). 1\11'. William E. Strong, :\I.D., M.ll.U.S. 1\11'. Clifton Shut, L. U. C.I'" L.ll. C. S. (EL1.) nIl'. F . C. Stevensoll, L.n. C.I3. (Ire1.) 1\11'. C. H. Scott, :\1.B . (Melb.) Mr. H. G. II. Scott, l'II.lLC .... , L.U.C.P. Mr. P . J, Scxton,L.H.u.P.,IJ.ll.c.s.( I rel.) 1\11'. G. P . ::ltanley, M. B. ( 'yd.) 1lIr. StratfonlShelLlon, )1.B.,Ch . 1I1.(Syd). 1\11'. R. Bindon ton ey, l\f. B. , Ch. B. Mr. Murray Sanderson, L.S . A. (Lond . ) Mr. William Sproule, M.D., M.S. N. (Ed.) l'l11'. S. H. Seccombe, M.lLC. ::;. & L. S.A. lIII'. W . II . Tomlins, i\LILC.S. L.R.C.P. Mr. David Thomas, F. H. C s . Mr. K B . Trindall, III . B. (Syc1n ey) . ]\(1'. E. Stanley Tresiclder, L.R.C. p. , l'I['U.C.S. Mr. Pel'cyMoore '\ToOd,L. U.C.P.,M.R.C. S. Mr. F . Hamilton Wrigley, L.R. C.s.(Ed. Mr. Watkins, l'I1.R. C.S.


:U r. 1\11', 1\ir. 1\11'.

Formed h83. "all·em ll .

His Excellency it' George Clarke, ]{.C.l'II.G., F.i:'S. His Excellency 8ir John ':'ladden, K.U.:l1.G. 1· I·c~ i dcnt.

1\11'. James Edward Neild. 1I 0 1l0I'al'y'fl' C;l -; Ul· CI'.

( 'hairillan.

Mr. J. C. Anuerson.

1\11'. John Dlyth. S('(~ I· c t :U'y •

Mr. ,Yilliam Hamilton, Head 01lice: 41, ,'ell>o\'l1e Chambers, nlell>ourne. U OIlOl':ll'Y

Auelil ol'.

Mr. Robert "Tallace, F.F. I.A. I. i re Jl cmll cJ''' .

Lady Clarke. Lord Drassey . Captain 'Y. F . . Mann, It-r. 'ir Matthew Du,ies. Dr. Ill'my Gyles Tnrner. The ManIllc" of Linlithgow,


G.C.:\l,G., (T.C.Y.O .

Dr. Oliver Penfold. Ml'. Jame Aitken. Hi Excellen cy 'ir John ':'Ialhlen , IU '.)LC:. Mr. cpti1l1u' nElleI'. J',Ir. T. J . ~[' Bride. 1\11'. J . .'01. Kial!.

Captain John Ogilvie. ir Frede rick Sal'goou, K.C.)['G. Mr. Roued'trond. The HO!l. Frank 'tual't. .i\11'. John ,YurJ'en 'wanson. Mr. IIugo W ertheim . The 110n. Robert ReiL1. Mr. ,Yillialll i(hlpley. Mr. \Y. T. Appleton. Mr. ThollH1,~ Clark. Ml'. D twi c1 Mill . 1111'. II. Byron Moore,

ANNUAL REPORT. Tm: Council of the Yictonl1. Centre uf the, 't ..John . \.moulance A ociation h,t\'e much plea~ul'e 11l presenting tilt,; Twentieth . \.nllunl Report to the member$ and su1) 'cribel's. lIn, Excellelwy . 'il Geurge Clarke, I(.C.:'I.G., F.R.",., has b en plea::;ed to grant hi~ pat run age tu the ,As",ueil1tiun. The Coul1cilreport with regret the death, on :t\' o\'clllh '1' lth, 1902, uf :'h .. J ohn :-;melair, who had 1)een a member of the Council for tell years. :'11' ...'inc:lnir I\"as ,1 r egular and active member, and hi::; bu~ines::; tact and wi'e counsel will be much missed. During the yen 1', :'Iajor George Horne, M.D .. and :'11'. George Christie hal'e been elected members of the Council. During the year 32 dn 'e' han! heen in~tructecl; but the receipt'? after deducting the local expen~es of each cll1~s, ~ho", a falling off from tho e of the prevlOu yenr. At the end of Hl02 the :'Ietropolitan Fire Brigade Board gaye notiee that they would eea 'e to take charge of the ambulance waggon. The Council hn.ve since made nrrancrement with lUes. I' ' . Fi::;ke Bros.,. corner of Queen treet and b Lonsdale • treet-Telephone 2211-to take charge. The wn,ggon may be summoned by Telephone 2211, a.nd sufferers from any serious accident will thus be expeditiously removed by men trained to render first aiel to the injured. Invalid will be simihwly removed to .·md from their homes, hospitals, train" &c.



The Oouncil again desire to impress on the Minister of Educn.tion, the principn.ls of schools, and all educational institutions, the importance of forming classes and hn \'ing their pupils taught what to do in cn. e of accident and sudden l11ness until the nid of a medical practitioner can be obtained. ..t\.bility to render first aid is undou btcdly an important branch of knowledge. choo18, aboye nll, afford the best opportunity, at the age when impressions are mo t deeply made, for learning what to do in ca ' e of accident. A an inducement, the fee for ~chool pupils has been reduced to fi\'e shilling for a cour e of lecture on fir t aid, and a certificatc is awarded on passing an examination. The Oouncil would also urge the holding of classes in connection with :M echanics' In titute, chools of ~Iines, Technical Oolleges, Austra,lian :l\atiye ' Association, Young ?Ien's and ,Vomen's A.ssocin,tions, Girls' Friendly ocieties, and kindred associations that afford special facilities for orga,nizing and holding el,l .. es; abo in connection with manufacturing companies. An Annual pecial Examination for prizes of £5 5 ., £3 3s., and £1 Is. is held in the month of ~Iarch each year, and is open to all who since the pre\'ious exmnination haye obtained ., llluch ('reclit" in any first aid examination. This examination acts as a stimulus to tl1f' acquirement of n, more thorough knowledge of how to render fir t aid to the llljured, as evidenced by the high percentage of marks obtained and the excellence of the practical work. DllTing the year there have been held 11 men and 16 women':,; firt aid cl,u,es, and 5 nllTsing classe' ; 621 pupils have been instructed, of whom ,n 1 pa, ~ed their examination for certificates, and 63 completed their cour. es for medallions. Of the 63, 17 were presented "ith medallions at the annual distribution, by His Excellency ir John : \Iadclen, Lieut.-Goyernor, on ~Ia,y .Jth, 1903. The total llllmber of persons instructed by this Oentre now amounts to 13,67 ; of them 7 913 hu\'e successfully pa sed their examination . Donations.-The Council tender their grateful acknowledgment for the subscriptions and donations recei\'ed during the post year. l'!wnks to Leetu?'ers, Hon. Secretaries, the P,'css, [(nd others.-1'he Council again de ire to place on record their continued indebtedness to the medical gentlemen ,,-ho have so generously given their time and lahour to the in truction of classes in nIelbollTne and suburbs and throughout the tate; to the ladies anel gentlemen who haye so \\illingly undertaken the dutie of hon. secretary, and to whom the SUCcess of the ub-Oentres has been mainly due; and to the Pres, for the courteous manner in which they haye opened their column when recIue ted to make pul)lic the philanthropic efforts, and work of the A sociation, and to other numerous friend ' who haye in many way helped to further the interests of the Association. Annual Demonsti'Ctli01: .-The annual distribution of the medallion. and certificates awarded to those who pa .·ed the necessary examinations during the past year took place in the ),Ielbourne Town Hall, on the evening of Monday, nIay 4th, H103. HiB Excellency 'ir .John :.\Iadden, Lieut.-Governor, made the pre. entations. The Ambulance Oorp. , under ~Iajor Horne, :M.D., formed a guard of honour to receive His Excellency. Dr, .J. E. X eild, President, presided . The collection was made by members of the ~Iilitia Ambulance Oorps, and amounted to £11 17s. First aiel to the injured was illustrated by the pupils of the Association, and the following prizes were a,,'arded, viz. :-~Ien's competition: First prize, £5 5s.; second prize, £2 12s. 6el. The first prize was awarded to the Port Melbourne Squad: the second prize to the Fitzroy North Squad. ,Vomen's competition: First prize, £2 2.:.

was awarded to the Misses Bertha Shelton and Nellie Bowie, Oarlton North SubOentre. The second prize, £1 Is., to the Misses Flora and Lyle Munro, Oarlton North Sub-Oentre. The judges of the competitions were Dr. W. J. 'pringthorpe, Dr. Tn,te utherland, and Dr. Oharles Bage.

Stc£tement oj Receipts and Expendit2we, 1902-1903. Receipts.


To DOll:.1 .tionsSubscribers . £18 2 0 " Am bulance ServiceTransport Fees 145 18 6 4140 Donations 75 0 0 City Council 50 0 0 Railway Department 202 8 10 " Class Fees 70 17 1 tores, as pel' li::;t 26 12 0 "" Medallion l! ces 6 5 0 "Badges . . Ba.lance forward 93 G 7 ."


By Stores . £56 7 " Medallions 7 "Badges. . 17 " Printing and Stationery 68 " Examiners' Fees . 150 " Secretary . 14 " Rent . . 16 " Postage and Petty Cash " Ambulance ServiceMetropolitan Fire Brigade 200 Messrs. Fiske Bros., &c. 90 Repairs and Materials 34 " Special ExamilJation ]4 " Ba1ance 59


4 0

J. C.


6 !} 19 11 14 7


o o o o



0 6 19



5 0





Eon. Ti·ectSw·el'.


HCJ11. A'l.ldit01·.

15th l11ay, 1903.

WEST AUSTRALIA CENTRE. Formccl 1892. "atrOJl.

His Excellency the lIon.

il' Frederick Bedford, G.O,B.


Ilis HOll J ur Chief Justice

ir Eel wanl



JlollOJ'ary Tl'cnSlIl'Cl',

Mr. Geo. F. Mc"\Villiams, M.L.A.

Mr. O. Coventry.



Mr. J. O. K. JeU·resoll. IIca(l Oflicc.

2, Beaufort 'treet. Ufe lUcmbCl' ·.

Sir Arthur L aw 1ey, K.O.M.G.

RioO'ht Rev. Bi hop Gibney.

lUc(lical SCaff.

Mr. 1111'. Mr. Mr.

A. 'Y. Connl?lly. C. Coventry. H. Horrocks. Geo. F. McWilliams.


7 6

Audited anll found correct,




A. E. Randell. 1\11'. E. Paget Thurston. Mr. W. Tl'ethowall.



202 ANNUAL REPORT. THE Council are gratified to report the marked progress in the Centre during the past year and to be in a position to state that it is the most succcssful year th e Centre has experienced since it inception some eleven years ago . The members of tbe Association, as well as tbe Council, must be deeply sensitive of the loss sustained by the Asso ciation in the departure for South Africa of their Excellencies, Sir Arthur aud Lady L awley. During their sojourn in t h is Slate, Sir Arthur and Lady Lawley eviuced much intflrest in the woHare of the Association, aud were distinctly helpful in the furtherance of its objects. T hl? visit of the Chairman of the Couucil, Lieutenant-Colond Mc,Yilliams, M. B. , a Medical Officer in charge of the Coronation Contingent, to England during last year, happily p erll1itted of the bringillg of the \ V.A . Centre into closer touch with the head Centre in London, tbereby increa ing the interest of the llOllle aulhorities in our work in this State. And our Chairman wa placed in such a po iLion as to be able to advise this Conncil in the matter of forming a Brigade in this city . Your Council intend giving the matter very earnest cousideration during the year. D uring the year fifteen classes in the l'l I etropolitan area "ere con trollcd by the Association, eight classes of which were open to all students in the city; four were exclusively Police Classes, two at Cottesloe and one at Ralgoorlie. Some two hundred students have oeen lectured to, and as a result of the year's work the number of certificates to be presented is one hundred and thirty-five, and of medallions thirteen. T he work of the Association has been particularly successful at Boulder SubCentre, and the officers are to be congratulated 011 the snccess they ha ve achieved. Four classes "'ere held during the past year, and it i to be hoped thnt the knowledge gained and the training recei veLl by the students ,yill be helpful in no small degree to the miniug community, and particularly to the hundreds of men employell there wbose calling is perhaps more open to the sustaining of injuries by accident than are the majority of avocations. The Conncil again desire to impre. s Oll the Mini tel' for E ducation, the principals of schools and all educational institutions the importance of fOlming clases alld having their pupils tanght what to do in cases of accident and sudden illncss, until the aid of a medical man can be obtained. The abil ity to render "First Aid" is undoubtedly one of the most important branches of education . Schools above all, afford the best opportunitr, at the age when impressions are 1110 t deeply made, for learning what to do in cases of accident. , Ye enterecl upon the year with a small credit lJalance of £16 ]5s. 3c1 . .0 successful has been the progress during the twelve mon Lhs that we are now in the satisfactory position of having a bank balance to the credit of £60 9s. 4d., and assets in the shape of stores to the value of £80. T his position, we trust, ,vill be a source of gratification to the members and subscribers, and will no doubt illustrate the fact that your Council and the offieers of the Association have Leen assiLluous in their labours and in the conduct of the Centre's affairs. T he Council desire to record the indebtedness they feel they have incurred towards the medical gentlemen who have so generously given both valuable time and labour as in tructors of clac;ses, and to the F ire Brigade Boards and Mrs. J . M. L apsley and Mrs . McDonald for their courtesy in placing rooms at the disposal of the Centre gratuitously . T he ladies mentioned h ave been h elpful in the working of the classes

and. iJ~ generoll~ly ass.isti~).g the Local Secrctary in the conduct of classes, particularly lathes classes. 111 tIns Ity; to tIle Press for their generosity in thro".. ing their columns o~en 1.11 the fl1l'therallce of the work of the Celltre, and to tlle many friends who have 111 (lIvers ways helped to further the interests of the St. John Ambulance A ·sociation.

Statement of Receipts awl E.I,)}endil w·e (oJ' the yea?' ending 28th FebJ'IlCt?·y, 1903. R eaipts.


T.) BJ,lancc i n hank (per last statement) £15 5 ]02 1 " CIa. ~ Fees " . tore, Acconnt 41 12 " . ubscriptions 017 " DonationsRichard Hamil tOll ( BonMer) 1 1 R. ichol on 1 7 ~2 D " Mec1nll ions " Collr.ction at la t Annual Meeting 5 5

9 6 2 6


0 6


13y Petty Cash (Postages, etc. ) £5 1 :3 " • tares Account 37 11 2 "Printing . 17 8 6 " Arl vel'tising 14 4 3 tatinuery 4 10 3 " EXllen es at last Annual " Meeting 6 ]7 6 " Expensef; in connection with Classes ] 9 12 11 ., Bank Charges 2 4 6 21 19 11 " Medallions

0 ] 29 10


" Balance in bank . £1 9 ] 9


£189 19

C. CO"E.'TTIY, lIon. Treasll,rei' . J. A, PEXP..T, lIon. Secreta?'y . A urlited antI found correct, nEO. CUX~INGIV.)I,


4th .il[a I'cll, ] 803.


hl c nt.

Hi WOI' hip the :Mayor of Auckland, The Hon. E. Mitchel on Tl'cn lIrcI'.

( 'ltai l·Ul:Ill.

Mr. C. J . Tunks

:Mr. J. J. Ho!lanc1. IIOll. AII(liftH'.

MI'. A.


l~ nssell.


Mr. W. R attray, 7, Mercantile Chambers) Aucklltnc1, N .Z.


9 4 7


2(l..J: lUedical Sf a 0'.

MI'. E. D. Aubin, lIl.R.C.S . (Edin.), L.R.C.P. (Lond .) Mr. A. S. Bre,yis, :;\I.D . (Durh . ), lILR. C. S. (Edin.), L . S.A . (Lond.) ~Ir. H. C. Bennett, lIl.R.C . . (Edin .) Mr. J. L. Carolan, lIl.R.C . . (Eclin .) 1\11'. George W . Cole, L.R.C.P. (Edin.), L.F.P. & s. (GIas.) !Hr. F. C. S. Forbes, l\I.B., M.S . (Aberd . ) Mr. Welby E. Fishel', l\I.E . C.S . , I,.R.C.P. (Lond.) l\Ir. G. Toussaint Girdler, L . . .1.. (Lond.), L.R.C.P. & L. R.C.S. (Edin.) nIl'. J . l\IcKay Grant, lIl.D., C.:hl. (Ont.) Mr. "" illiam H. Gouldie, :M.D., :;\I.B., C.:;\L (Edin.) 1111'. W. Guinness, :;\I.D. (Dub.) Mr. Thomas G. H . Hall, L . R.C.S., L . lIl., & L.R. & Q.C.P. (Irel.) l\Ir. Tracy R. In glis, lILB., CR . B. (1\Ielb). Mr. F. W. R. J. King, l\LT..C . . , L . R.C. P . (Lond.) Mr. A. Osbome Knight, L.S.A . (Lond.), ?L R. C. s.

Mr. T. Hope L ewis,




Mr. P. A. Linusay, B.l\I., C.:;\f. (Edin.) Mr. G. de Clive Lowe, L.R.C.P., & L.R.U.S. (Edin . ), L.F.P.S. (GIas.)


Mr. J. A. Laing, 1II.D., O.lIL (Edin.) Mr. George Lapraik, lILn. & lIf . . (GIas.) l\Ir. W. C. W. l\IcDo,Y ell, III . B., C.lIL (Ed in. ) Mr. A. E. 1\Iarsack, L. n.c.p. & L.R.C.S. (Edin. ) M1'. W. H. Parkes, III. n. & C. M . (Edin.) l\lr. A. Challinor PlI1'chas, B.lII., C.III ., III. r:. c. S. (Ed in.} Ur. F. M. I nrchas, M.B., C.III. (Edin.) 1\11'. J. C. Pabst, lILD., B. S. (Melh.) MI'. E. Robertson, M.D ., C.III . (Edin.») lILR.C . .

1\11'. E. E. Roberts, :;\1.£., C.M. (Eclin .) 1\11'. W. G. Scott, 111.1). (Durh . ), M.R.C.S., L.S.A. (Lond.) 1\11'. E. W. harman, L.R.C.P. & L.R.C.S. (Euin . ) l\Ir.G. B. Sweet,:;\1.D., III.S. (ydney.) l\Ir. G. T. Smith, :;\Ln..C .•·.E., L.S.A . LOl1ll. Mr. Howard Slater, LE.C.S. (Et1in.), L.R C.P. (Lond.) II'. H. 'Walker, L.F.P. & S. (G10.s.) l\Ir. T. O. Williams, L.R.C.P. (Edin.) L.F.r. & S . (GIas.) Mr. J. B. Wil on, L.n.C.p., L.R.C.P. Ec1in., L . F.P.S. (G1as.)


THE Committee have much pleasure in presenting to the members the eleventh Annual Report of the Centre. . The most important feature of the work of the pa t year ha~ been the ~rocunng of six Ashford Litters, to be used for the conveyance to the hospItal 01' theU' homes of those suffering from accidents or nOll· infectious diseases. The matter was brought before the members at the last Annual Meeting, and was strongly commended by his Excellency the Governor. At that meeting a collection was taken up, amounti~g to £10 15s. 4d. The Committee sent circulars to the large employers of lahom m the city, and subscription lists to members and former mem bel'S of .the Associat~on. To these there was a generous response, the sam of £127 7s. 2u. havll1g been recClved from all sources. Six Ashford Litters were imported from St. John's Gate, and were placed at Queen Street Wharf, Central Fire Brigade Station, Parnell Fire Brigade Station, l\Ir. P. Hutchinson's store at Ponsonby Road, 1111'. Cawkwell's Pharmacy at Newmarket and at a station erected at Birkenheau by the Birkenhead D etachment of the St. J~hn Ambulance Brigade, the material having been generonsly p~'oviued by the Colonial Sugar Refining Company. It is satisfactory to the ?ollln1lttee to know that the litters have been frequently used for the purposes for wl1lch they were procured, although in most cases of transport of persons sua'erin~ from illness the work has been done by mem bel'S of the St. John Ambulance Bl'lgade. It may be mentionecl that though tn.ose who can afford to clo so are expected to pay for the use

of the AsMorel Littcrs, those who have not thc mcans to pay arc permitted to use them frcc of charge. Th e Committec would take this opportunity of thanking those who havc contributcd to the fund., those who have collectcd subscriptions, and the New Zealand Shipping Compauy, who brought thc littcrs ont freight free. Though six litters have been ]lrocmecl, more arc urgen tly rerl uired, to be placed in other positions in the city and suburbs not yet supplierl. The Committee hope that those who have lloL yet contributed to tllis most clcsiraule object \\ill do so, sending their donations to the 'ecretary 01' any mem bel' of thc Committee. Thc ordinary work of the Ccntrc has bcen of a vcry satisfactory nature. Classes havc been held in the ciLy, at DcvoPllort, vnehunaa Cambridae Gisborne , ",Vaihi , o 0 ) and Thamc~. Dr. Parkes lecturcd Lo the Cuntral Female First Aid. Class , which was attendcd by 27 ladic , of whom 21 passerl in first aid and 1 gained the medallion of the Association; abo to the Central Nl1l'sing Class, attended by 32 ladies, of whom Hl pas erl in nllt'sing I1nd 10 gaincrl the medallion. There were two male first aid cla.sses at the Ccntrc. At tIle former Dr. IncIlis lectnred to 12 men , of whom 8 o pa scd, and at the laLler Dr. 'Walker lectllt'ed to 8, of whom 5 presented themselves for examination, and wcre ucccssfu1. At Devonport, Dr. Laing gave the first aid Icctll1'e to 32 ladie , of \\' hOl1l 15 prc cnted themseh'es for examination and satisfied the examincr. Dr. Beunett gavc tho nursing lectures to 16 ladies, of ,,-hom 10 attended the cxaillinatioll. 'inc pa 'serl in lIlu'sing and 1 gained. the medallion . At Ouehul1ga, Dr. cott gave the lccture. on lil'st aid anrillursing to ladies. At the forlllor 26 atteIHll'c1, nnd ~2 l'a' ·od. At the hitter 23 attended, and 16 passed in lllH. ing and 2 gaillcd the llleciallioll. Dr. Pclbst lectured on fir. t aill to 20 men at Onehungn. Tell attelldell thc cxuminatioll, of whom 9 pa, ~ed in fir t aid ami 1 pas~eu the fir t re-exaltlinatioll. At Gi-;bol'llc, Dr. Fi~her gave the first aid lecture tolallie,', of WhOlll 17 ]la.-seu. At \raihi, Dr. Guinne s lcctured on first aid to 12 ladies and [) men. Of the fOl'll1er (j pa!S eel and 4 of the latter. Both cla. e, ,,-ere attended by morc Ulall the n u muors mOll tionPll, 1m omo were una l)le to (1 tllllify for examination by hl.'ing present at Hot le;;~ than rour lecture. At Tllumc,', Dr. Lapraik lccture(l to about 20 men, hut of these only] 0 c]ualified ror examination, and 9 pa scd. The fact that 111en on thc goldlields ha\'e to take thoir tUl'l1 on night shift prevents them aLtelluillg the lecture ' a. regularly a they would wi h, but ewn thongh they do 110t (lllali(y for exanlillutioll, they acquire a con;;iderable amount of knowlcdge which is cxtrcmely yalu!lblc when accitlent' occur. At C,llnbridge, Dr. Rohert gave the l1msing loctlll'c' tn lallic , bllt the examination ha, not yet be~n helel. ~

The Committee ten(ler theirincerc th'l11ks to the medic'll gentlemen for their valued a i. tance a lecturcrs; a1 '0 to Drs. Knight, Goldie, Ingli , Bennett, Laing, Scott, Pah t, Grant, ,nlliam ,Cule, later, an(1 Aubin, and Me ,1'S. Tunk and Pilkington, for their gooclucs ill acting a examincr'; and to 1\Ir . :J1ncky, illis es Barnes and Wells, anc1l1Ie ','I' '. Brooklielel, Clarke, tuhbs, a11(1 O'Brien, for their valuell sen'ices as Honorary 'ecretarie '.



Receipts and Expendit1l1'e jo?' the year ending 31st Jllcm:Jl, 1903. Payments. Receipts.


To Balance in bank £11 17 Cash in band 0 5 " Clas Fees" Central F.A. Clas es 13 17 Onehunga F. A. CIa scs 11 10 D e,onport . . 8 0 o 15 Bearer Co. Garri on 0 3 Thames 1 17 Police 011 Central N l1l' ing 16 16 D eyonport 6 0 Onehunga 5 R e-examination Fees o 15 Medallion sold 10 8 " Book , etc. , sold 33 15 " R ent, etc., receiyed 3 13 " Po, tages Rerunc1ecl o 12 " Annual ub criptions 6 7 " D onation -Choral ociety o 15 " , Yaihi Branch 2 2 " Cambridge Branch 1 1 " Ashford Litter Fund 127 7


£266 ]6

6 0 6 0 0 0 9 6 3 0 0 0 0 6 9 6 8 6 0 0 0

AdYertising, By Prill ting, Postages, and Petty Cn h£22 " Lecture alld Examination 21 Expenses 9 " Medallion bought 32 " Books, etc., bought 30 ecretary's Salary 14 "" 0 Hice R ent " H ire of Choral Hall & Organ <1 1 " Auckland Gas Co. o " Cartage, etc . Ashford Litter Fuud99 Drafts 011 L ondon 1 Exchange on Drafts L onclonCharges, Carting,&c. 2 Printing. Po ·tage , etc. 1 Cou~ins and COll illS 1 I nsnrance o " 1\Iattl'ial and Appliances 11 " Balance in Bank .

7 0 1 6 12 10 0 0 6 0 15 0 16 6 12 0 0 10 14 3 5 11 10 5

Formed 1885.



0 2 4

3 0 6 0

»,'C 1I i41C11 t.

His Exccllcncy the Govcrnor of K ow Zealallll. "iCC-}'1'C.

iclcnt s.

MI'. A. K n. 1\hocles. IIII'. Wnl. }leece. nIl'. G. G. te.;l d. Mr. C. P. Hulbert. Mr. ,V. Rollitt, Mayor of. umner. Mr. .1110. Hichal'lisolJ, ::'I1ayor of W oobtoll. Mr. H. Pcarce.

Right R e\' . Dr. Churchill Julius . Right Rcv. Dr. Gritllcs R ev . D. Tait, B._\, R e\,. Dr. Elm lic. His lIullor ,\11'. Jnsti(~ DCllni. ton. • ir Geurge Clition], Dart. lIoll. J. T. l'eac')ck. H OIl. Cllalle~ LOlli""Oll. Dr. W. Thoma'.



( 'It a i 1'111 a n.


MI'. II. J. C. Jekyll.

IIi Worship the Mayor of Christchl11'ch.


£:260 16


Sccr ta I'Y.

7 Mr.

"T. n.

Dixon, HI, IIcrefortl

treet, Chri ·tchnl'clt, N.Z.

Assets (mel L iabilities on 31st ;]lal'ch, 1903. Assets. Balance in Bunk Six Asbforll Litters Books, etc., in stock .

Lire JlcllIlJ('I·S.

LiC/biZ itics. . £14 100 '20 £134

5 4 0 1 6

0 0






14th ],fay, 1903. I SUE OF CERTIFICATE~ AKD !lIEDALLIO JS. No. of WOlllen

who have who have who have completed a completed received course of a courS/3 of Certi fi ca tes. instruction. instructlon. 1st Aid. Nl~r~ing. 1st Aid. I Nursing. 1st Aid. I Nursing.

~ o.

\\h o have received Certificates. 1st Aitl. I


of CerLiflcated PUl,ils who ha vc received Medallions Men.

I WOIll en.


720 53


452 36



IIoll. J. T. Peacuck. ~I ('4lielll

C. J . T{;.'\]c<;, Hon. l'J·caSlli'CI' . Examined and compared with Cash Book, Ballk Dook amI Yonchel' , and found correct, .A. . RC1-;SELJ" F.~.Z._\o-\.., duditvl'. Auckland, N. Z.,


Mrs. H. H ea ton Rh olles.

£0 16 6 133 \) 10

Office Rent Sm'plus or Asscts

I 1377 I 910 I 990 SI~CE 181' ..\PRn, 1901. 102 I 51 I 78






. Morton Ander"on.

IIII'. R 'Y. Anclr!':;on. 1111'. P. T. Bolger. Mr. F. n. ill. Briltin. 1\11'. A. C. Dp HCI.zi. :1\[1'. +. K Dcan1l'r. MI'. G. W. Fitz-IIcnry. Mr. K P. '. (June . :1\[1'. C. D. ,rcl' Jl\Yood. MI'. II . :l\l. lugli . 1\11'. K ,h·lInings. Mr. L. S. l\1(l.IIlIing. :1\11'. . IV. P ach. Mr. hall11nl 'ftlllpbell. :1\[1'. G .... Clayton. :1\lr. W. Diam·ollll. :1\[1'. H. T. Thacker. :1\[1' . .las. 'oukc. :1\11'. W. H. Hargreaves. MI'. A. J. Orchard. MI'. H. Hunt er. Mr. P. W. 11i810p. Mr. R Vol ckm<1.n . Mr. J. P. nlil1ington. Mr. C. T. W. Littl e. l\1r. J. E. Trevor.


8tn 0'.


:1\11'. B. nr. l\[ oorhou'3e. :1\[1'. A. T. F. Ai icklc. ~[r. J. A. J. '\lunay. ::'ILl'. D. ill. :x ail'll. Lr. W. II. O\'('urlen. ::\11'. J. C. l'almtr. ::\11'. II. CnJllpton rill' ·ons. 1\11'. F. ~lclktn tflwart. ntr. W. Thomas. Mr. J. IIo\\un1. 1\ [1'. 'YIll . Ir\'ing. :MI'. P. R. Cook . !.II'. 'has. IInslitt Upham. :J!I'. J. II. S. Jarvis. Mr. J. P. D. Leahy. ::'Ill'. n. Lockillg. fl'. A. ill ilne '1'11ol11p on . II'. J. ll nrper Ht·itl. Mr. M. B. 01 uiek ·hank. M1'. C:. IT od ge:. Mr. II. . Barclay. ]\[r. ,\ . 0. Tailiot.

M J'. II. TL·W~1Jl. rr. J. M. Warrcn. Mr. II. E. Owen.



Statement oj R(>'ceipts and Expenclit1Lt'e jO?' year encZing December 31st, 1903. AN JU AL REPORT.

TEN men passed in first aid and one for the mcdallion; 44 women passed in first aid, 32 in nUl' ing, and 10 for the medallion. Lyttelton Branch.-Five women passed in nursing. "With a view of furth ering and extendiDg the usefulness of the Association, the Committee take this opportunity of u king the aRsistance of all 111e111 bcrs and olhers interested in making known its objects and aims. It is not necessary to speak of the advantages to those who have already gone through a course of lectures. hut they are asked to do their best to help by influencing others to attend the cIa, ses, which are to be formed during thp. coming year. Although a certain amouut of monctary assistance i looked for, aDd is nece,~sary for continuing the work of the As oeiation, it is quite as necessary that canditlates should present themselve for the lectures, and each member is asked to keep thi in view. It is quite possible that iL will be found necessary to incur extra expense in connection with the clas e. nch being the case, members are appealed to to continue to pay the small annual subscription of 5s., the payment of which entitles them to attend one course of lectures h eld during the year, with the exception of home hygiene. AslifO?'cZ Litten-Four of these, wheeled and on springs, each with a hamper of surgical re::juisites, are stationed at the Police, Fire Brigade Depots, and at Ulllnel', and stretcher at Police Office, Richmond, for the public benefit, in case of accident or sickness. An ambulance stretcher is also placed at the t. Albans Fire Brigadc. The Christchurch Working Men's Co-operative Society, 82, 84, and 86, Colombo Street, has procured and placed 011 their premises an am bulance stretcher and hamper in charge of 1\11'. M. IV. IVoodfield, who holds the medallion of the Association. This is for use in case of accident in the vicinity. BOTse Ambulance.-This is now stationed at the Rink Stables, Gloucester tre('t, and may be engaged on application to Mr. W. Hayward on the premises. Mr. Hayward is furnished with a scale of charges which he is authorised to collect on behalf of the Association. During the year ending 31st Dec., 1903, 136 patients have been conveyell t,o tIle hospital and elsewhere by the horse ambulance. The litter service is performeu by members of the Fire Brigade Corps. A L owmoor jacket is placed at the Lyttelton Railway Station. The thanks of the Asso::iation are due to thc medical men who so kindly gave up their time for the requisite lectures, as well as the equally responsible task of examiniDg.



Dcc. 31, 190~. To !la.in nce', pel' U llion13uuk . £79 1903 38 " ~llb;;cl'ipLions 1 "Duna..LioJli:i . . 1 " Jlll'SlIlg Regl;;tCl' 90 " Horse Am bulltllCe 39 " LecLure Fees 1 J\leualliollS . 16 " Books alJu l\laLerial "" DisCOlll1 t 1



7 10

0 6 6 0 0 0 3 11

7 4.

5 If)



Chri~lc:llll1'ch, JaIL 14,

a 11



l :-:;"'Ul£ OF

o o o o o o (' u o o

C\'l'ti Ii "a lc's.



cour,,;c of instructl"!!.

I 1\ ursillg~ l-;:;t'Ahl. I ~ursillg, ,'1 '(,g Flllt~L\'l'IOX OF


7 9


S 1.' ('],; 16





o o 5




ll:l\'e eOlllpicled a

a "Olll'":e or


3 11



who lial'l'




Xo. or \Yollien







ll,l\'\I'Hrll & CO.'s Aceouut Cal:ctakcl' . Ultlallec to credit

' IW.'l' IFlCA'l'E

who hal'!, COlli p"'l[',l

I KUI'Hing.


0 0 0

0 5 6

l\L\);_-r.'G, Clwit'll!((l! . ('igue(l) II. J. C. JEKYLL, lion. Trcasurcr.

Pa:,sed,l til JUllnary, 1901.


0 10


Liauil ities.



0 8 0

of Assets and LiaUilitics.

A'sds. Hurse Allllmlallce nwl "1'arc 'l'yrcs(cu;;L LlIG lls. ~Ill. ), say . . . .n00 4- \\ ilce luellillcJ', 1 stretchcr, amI (j 1ltlllll'crs, say ~iJ Skeleton . 11 Books, IJllllllnges, & Diagrams 30 DululJce ill ball k 91

:iSo. 01

11 15 3 0 12 6 2 8

AudiLed aULl founel correct, ("igned) OLLIVlElt BIto:., Auditurs.




1003 By Ilol'!>c AnJulllance . £56 " Pl'illling amI Ad. verti .. illg 11 " Ulas,; Expenses Uaretaker . 5 " ,'ec\,eLary's 'alary (5 quarters)65 17 " Matelial pmchased. 5 " l\1eJalliolJs 1 " Ref'tlllc1s 2 " Illsllrallce ,,]>ostage, ,taLiollery, and. PeLLy Charges. . 4 " Balik Uharge alluCheclue Book 0 " Dodol"s Examination .Fees 7 Dec. 31. 95 9 0 " Balance ill Bal1k Le:'8 CbcrJue outst'ing. 1 1 0 94

-----who lia \'~ l'l','ui \'cd Certiflcales. 1 st .\ ill


EXTltE .

1931 I 1201 I 1370 3hrr D II: 'ElIll)[,n, 1 ~Ol. H 37 35

,5 I



~o .

of Ccrtilicated Pupils who have r ecei I'ed



I Women





Statement oj Ileceipts and E,IJpenclittwe fm' the yew' 1902.


l"l'('s itlt'ul.

His ilOllor Mr . Justice ,Villiams,

;\1. A., LId!.

' ·i cc ·I"I·cs ielcnl s .

T be night Rev. Bishop Nevill, D . D. Mr. Johu Roberi:l, C. 111. G.

Re\,. James ;ibb, D.D. ])('IH1 1.'1'. (~ It:\ i

( 'ha iI·lIIan.


Mr. J. E . Done, Forster

1'111 a


,r o]':;hip the Mayor.


Dr. W . J. Will.



Formed 1 91 .

By Printillg anu

To Balallce 111 Bank, J all., . £20 18 1902 Tickets, " Memhership 36 0 Duncdin Uelltral Divi.-ioll 4 5 "" Su bsCi " i piions 1 15 18 18 " DOll[l,liolls 3 11 " Branch Ihln.lIces " EXllmination Fees, V01Ull.J 11 teen; 11 15 " Cash for Me(1alliolls






" Class Expenscs " Gencral Expenses . " Doctors' Fees 1'01' Classes and Exalllillutiolls " Boys' Fcc!" as PaLicli is " Hel'llllc1 Tickets, fllissiollary Homc SLllllt'uLs " Aclditiuual Mainleilltllf'e . " Hcad Uell ire 1'01' M cLlalliolls " Sl'cretary's Salary " Ualanccill Bauk31stDcc., 1902

0 0 0 0 0



0 0

:uacl Tl'('aSIlI·Cl'. treet, Dclleknunrs, Dunedin.

G 0 8 4. 0 6 12 '> 6 1:3 '2"'

18 18 1 5

0 0

1 2 lU 11 15 10 10

6 6 0 0

21 1-111

Lirc ncm 1Ic I·S.

MI'. D. C011]uhonn,

;\I.n., ~I.R.C.r.

£10:3 13


£10:3 13

His Honor Mr. Justice \\'illial1Js


The Right Hev. the 13lshop 0[' Dlluel1in

J. E. 13o""J~, T,·easllrel'. AlHlited a1111 fOllll(ll'oncd, U. H. '~llTII, l!'. I. A.

Ucelica I S( a If.

MI'. Jollll'V. Anderson, ::II.n., 0 . ::11. Edin. Ml'. ,VIll. Anan, :\I.B., c. M. Edin. 1111', L. E. Barnett, F.ll.C.S., L.ll . C.P . L on., M.n., C.~I. Edill. Mr. ,I'. B['O\\'I1, ::IL\., ::II.B., C.1I[' Edin. J\fr. 'Yo J. Catttln; ::II. i1., C. ~r. Ediu. Mr. RoM. Chmch, ::II. n. and B. cn. :i\ ell' Zealand. J\fr. J . O. Clos, M.D., C.::Ir. Edin . 1111'. D. Cul1luhoun, M.D . , ;\I.H.C'.l' . Lon" ~1.11.C.S .

IIII'. G. A. Copland,

lII.D., M.lLC.S., L.R.C.P .

M1. 1\ . McAdam,

MI'. ,V. J.

L.1LO.P. r~din.

J\f 1'. H. Harding, B. D. Cantltb., ~r. R. C. S. Mr. ,V. Hi.lop, ;\l.B.C.B. New Zealand. 1111'. T. :JI. Hocken, ::11.11. C. S., F. L.,' . Mr. R. Gordon Macdonald, L.R. C. P. Edin., L.F.P.l::i. Glasgow. 1\11', T. O. McKellar, lII. 13., C. ~r. Ec1in. Mr. J. :Macphcl'soll, lILB" 0 .::11. Eelin.

Ne\" Zea1<1ul1,

~[llllin, ;\I.B., n.Cll. New

Zealand. Mr. J. A. N'\\'ell, n.A., ~r.n" B.(·II. X e\\' Zealallc1. lUI'. F. Or;stoll, ::I!. n., A beJ'deen 1\11'. F. R. Hiley, F.B.C.S., L.ll.C.l'., Lon. 1\[1'. \\' . . \\T.Huberts, ::Ir,n.C.R. 1111'. J. II. 'cutt, :11.1). Edill. M.ll.('.S.,

New Zealalld,

Mr. B. E. De Lantonr, ~I.TI.C.1:l. 1111'. A. Douglas, M. A . , lIl. B. , C. ~1. Ellin. Mr. W . Enllls, ::If.D., F.Il.C.S. Mr. Ja . Fitzgerald, l\[. D., C. ~r. El1in. lIlr. 'Y. A. Fleming, ~r.B., C.::II. Edin. ~Ir. R. V. Fulton, ::I['D., C.lII. Edin. 1'111', A. J. Garlallll, 1I1.TI.I . s.,

:lLll .



Mr. ,V. i\L mith, Mr. A. St('nhou~c ,

lIT.n., lIL1:.,

n.l·n. am. n.cn. New

Dunedin, 7th Pebrl(((i'Y, 190:J. J,"-'UE OF UlmTU'lUATE.' A TD nIEDALLIO:S.'. No. of

No. of ){en who 1I:\\'e

who h:ll'e

C01l1plete l } a cours{' of

rectli "l'cl


1\1. • tellhou;;e,

Glasgo\\' . MI'. 'Y. E. • levens,

~LD., C.~r.

iiII'. \\'. teIYurt,;\f. D. Glasgo\\', L, n. C. r, LOll., L.ll.C.s. E(lill. MI' . .Jas. lltherlaml, ~J.Il., C,lIT. Etlin. Mr. N. G. Trotter, lIT.D. Ellill, 1\11'. J . . Wait, L.ll. ·.H. , L.F.P.S. Gl[l,gow. Mr. J as. ,VhiLton, ;lLD., Q. U . T., I,. r.. C. P. Ellin. Mr. W. J. ,Yill, lILB., C.M. Ellin.

AN ~'TU AL REPORT. THE Oommittee of the Oentre has to report :-The number of dusses held under the Oentre this year has been fairly sab factory as regards the city, but "ye regret tlmt in the outlying districts of this Uentre there is little or no interest being takcn in first aiel work. During the year thc Ohairman, 001. ' Vales, after many YC:1rs efficient service has resigned owing to continued ill-health and Dr. \V ..J. \Vill was elected to the vacant office. A determined effort will he made this year to increase the number of classes in the country eli tricts,

wllo 1I1\I'e

insLrnl'l ion. I Nl1I'sillg

ht A i,l KL -( E





.'r <'1-: ls1' 0





I \\' oIII en ,









43 I



I X I11'si Ill;.

l'eceil,·tl 1I1edall iults.

OF CE,'TllE.

FIl 1::\1.\'[' I 0);' 1.)~3


Pupils whu have

rccl'i I"'ll CcrU fient(,s.


::I!. fl.. C.~. ,

L. H C.P. LOll.

No. of CLitilicated

who 11l\I'e

(;oltll'lcll:ll n Cunl'.,e or illS Ll'lll;Liull.









1~1·(' -;i(lc IIL

Ilis Excellency The Right HUll. Earl of Rallfurly, GOVCI'IlOI' of New Zcaland.

G. C.lIT. G.

, -i (;('·1'1'(' ~ iel en( "i.

The Lord Bishop of\\'cllingtoll. His Worship the .Jlayor W ellington.





1\11". T. '. William s .

."I·cs it1(' 111 St. ,John .\m1lIlJlllH'(' ~111'.,illg Guilel. :Jil' . ~.

Chai l'Ul:lll.

Mr. II, II. , cell.

A. l:h o(hs . 110 II Ol'lI I' ,}' . \mli jol'.

l'IIr. U.


Powle', F.I.A.X.Z.



UOllOl':l1'Y Sccl'cl,:n'Y nllel Tl'e:l

' 11 I·Cl·.

Mr. ,\Y. B. Fishel', Govern me n t B uildings, W ell ill gton,


Lifc lUcmbel', •

M rs . J. Burne. Mr. W. C. Buchanan . Burnham, W illiams & Co. Mr. Thomas G. Macarthy. Chilton House ehool Branch of Ministering Children's League. Mrs. W . B . Fisher. Mr. J ohn Plimmer. Mr . John Kil'kcaldie. M rs . S. A . Rhodes.

Mess rs. Levin & Co. The CO ll ntess of Ranful'ly. Mr . H. H. Seed. Union S. . Company of N . Z. ' Vellington Harbour Board. W ell ington City Oouncil. W ellington Hospital Trust. W ell ington Ladies Christian Association . W ellington Racing Club. Wellington Racing Men's Club .

several hundred citizens. There 1\,re now 19 life members attached to the Oentre being tm increase of five during the yen.r, n.nd there has been a gratifying improvement in tho revenue dt:rivable from annual members. The Oommittee has engaged tt professional nurse n.t £100 per annum, to work in the cottage homes of the sick poor, and her effort will be supplemented by some of the members of the St. John Ambuln,nco N ur ing Guild as nece '~ity a1'i ·es. The Honorary Medical ,'taff hal-) aglLin rendered conslJicuous service in promoting the aims of the Association, which htts been duly appreciated by all interested in ambulance work.


lUc eHcil L S(a ff.

Mr. H. Adams, ~LJt. c., ., L. R. C. P. (Lond) . Mr. G. E. Anson, j\LD. , B.C. (Cantab. ), M.R.C .. . , L.ll.C.r. (Lond). Mr . J . ' V. Anderson, M.D. Mr. W. Andcr. on, M.B., C.j\1. Mr. R. Barnard, B.C., M.ll.C.S . Mr. W . Baxlel'-Gow, MD., C.lIf . Ellin. MI'. W. A. Chapple, M.D., Cff.H. ( ".Z.), j\I.R.C,f;., D.l'.IT. (I.) Mr. T. Cabill, M.D. (Irel.), M.C.n . Mr. M. Campbell, M.n. , CII.B. (N. Z. ) Mr. P . COllllolly, L. R.C., . 1'111'. H. T. Dawson, j\l.B., C.;)1. (AbeI'd). MI'. J . Ewart, M. D. (Edin.) Mr. J. J. Edgar, M.B., C.M. Mr. 'V. K. Fyffe, M.A., (Cantab.), ;)I.D. , B.C., M.lt.C.P. (Lond). Mr. A. G. Harvey, M.n., D.C., (Cantab.) Mr. H . R. Hathel'ley, M.R. C.S., L.n.C.p. M.B. Lonrl . UI'. C. D. Hclll'Y, M.A.(Cantab.),M .B.,D.C. Mr. E. A. ,Yo Henley, j\I.B., B.CH., B.A.O. I (Dul).) Mr. W . J . H . Hislol" ?lI.B., F.R.C... Mr. Archer Hoskyn, ?lI.B., CII.M. (Euin), Mr. C. B. Innes, ?l1.B., (Lond.) Mr. D. Johnston, L.ll.C.P. (Etlin.) Mr. D . P . James, 1'.n.C.s. Mr. D. G. Johnston, ?lLD.: C. ?lI. , (Glas.) Mr. W. A. Logan, L.n.C.p., F.R.C.S. Mr. J. P. D. Leahy, M.B. , C.M. Mr. A . Martin, j\f, D. (Lond.)

Mr. F. W. Mackenzie, lUI. (Edin . ) Mr. H. D. Mackenzie, j\I.D. Mr. J . M. Mason, lIf.D., L.n.c.p., (Edin) . 1'111'. J . A. Macdonnell, M.D., C.~I. M1'. H . J . McLean, M.D . Mr. E. J . O'Neill, M.B., crr.B. (r .Z.), urg.-Capt. N.Z. V I. Onnt. Mr. H. D. PelTY, M. P•. C.R. Mr. H. Pollen, l\I,D. (Dub.) Mr. E. E. Porritt, M.B., F.ll.C.. . Ur. J . It Purdy, )I.B., C.?l[, Mr. J. . Purdy, J)I.B., C.M., 'mg. -Oapt. ".Z. VI. Contingent. Elizabeth Platts-Mills, )L n., .)[, MI'. lH. 'I'. Ros., M.D., j\U:.C.S. l\lr. ,Yo . Boss, ?lLD., n.crr., ]1..\..0. Mr. G. R. aunder, ?lI.B., D.C. (Cuntab.), JlL1LC.S., L.n.C.p., (Lond.) Ur. C. F. Scott, M.B., C.M. :Mr. '. kerman, M. lt.C.S., L.S.A. Mr. J. Sorley, M.B., C.M . (Edin.) Ur. , V. B. Stowe, JlLn.C:.s., L. R.C.I'. (Lond). Mr. J. Teare, M.D., Crr.D. (Yil·t.) Mr. J. C. Toss\\'ill, )I.D., C.?l!. (Edin). 1\11'. F. Truhy King, lUI. (Eclin.) Mr. W . R. Tytheridge, j\LJt.C.&., L.R.C.I'. L.M. T. 'V. A. Valentine, M.B., C.M. G. Wilson, B,)L, (Edin.) W. Young, M.D., C.?l[', (Edin.), F.R.C.S.

ANNU AL REPORT. last Report 16 ambulance classes have been organif'oed in town and country, at which 323 pupils were instructed, and 1 3 paRsed the yarious examinations. Frequent demands have been made during the year for the sick and accident tran port serYice, and the Oommittee have expended over twenty pounds (£20) in renewals and repairs to the city horse ambulance. Regular meetings of the, t. John Ambulance Oorps and Tursing Guild have been held during the winter months, and members of both organisations have been instrumental in alleviating distress in a great many in. tances where their services were requisitioned. The usual Annual Meeting was held in the Exchange Hall, when L ady W ard presented merlallions and certificates to a large number of pupils m the presence of

" " " " " " " "

Bctlance Sheet fo?' the yCCl?' e?lcZing 31st Octobe/r, 1903. Receipts. E);penditll1·e. Balance, t. John AmbuBy amount invested with Mr. lam'o Association £65 6 4 T. & L . Coy . £100 0 0 " 't, John Amhu" Stores 96 1~ 11 lance ursing Guild 1 0 4 "Horse Ambulance Tl'ansSubst!riptiollS & Donations 126 12 6 port en'ice 58 11 3 '27 18 10 tore 9li 9 3 "Medallions Class Fees 96 11 2 "Ad vcrtising ancl Printing 23 19 0 Horse A lllbulance Fees 60 1 6 "Pojice Illstructor 11 0 0 Medallions ~8 1 0 "Examination }'ees 990 15 2 0 Illtere.L. 8 0 0 "Miscellaneous Expen . Mis('ellancou,' 12 11 1 " I nSlll'ance, Ren t, &Re funds 19 3 0 4 12 1 " 'tationery 20 0 0 " Honorarium to ecretary 5 5 0 " 'uu, to 't. John's Gate " Balance in Bank, .J.A.A. 114 6 9 6 lO -± II " .J.A. Ng, Guild £:512 10

£512 10



Audited and found correct, CILI.S. P. POWLES, F. I.A.N. Z. , Audito?·. ,\V. B. FISlIEU, lion. l'reaswe1· . J~

IS, .-0.

who harp. ('OIIlJ,JCtC<1 a conr 'P. Ill'




Xo. of WOlliell

\\'ho lIarc rcc!'1re,1 Ccrtilicates.


wllo hare (·I)III\.it-tl'<1 a t'olll'.'e of


1st Ai,!. 11'l1r~ill!.:. 1st ,\i<1, 1l'>l1lsilig. lsi Ai<1. ,'I






wllo lIa\'c rC('ei\'e!1 C~ltill('atcs.

XI11'~ 1st Aid.

OF UK,\, 1'1:1£. I 1117 I 16 I 61 [:\cn OC'['CJDEl"t, 1900. 13 71 I 72

I Nursing.

No. of Certificated PupiIti who have I'ecei 'ed )ferlalliolls. Ncn.

I WOll1en.

CE 10'01: \1 \.TlO"

,101 39



159 11



H is Excellency L oru

orthcole, C:. '.I.E., GOVCl'llOI' of Bombay, and lIer Excellency Lally N ol'LhcoLe.


214 l'l·cs idcut.

Lieut. -General

ir R. C. Lo\y, G. C.B., COl1l1l1al1lling Bombay Army. l 'jce.)'J'cs l(lcnl s .

Sir Jam etjee Jeejeebhoy , Bart. ir Balchandra Krish n a.

The HOll. Justice Cro\\'e Surgeon-General W . McConoghy. Life lUcmbc l', .

Mr. N . M. Wadi a, C. I.E. Mr. J ehangi r 13. Petit. Mr. Yijblmcandas Atmaram . 001. "\V. H . Riddell, A.A .G. IHr. Keshayji J"atlm ailor. Mr. Tribhovandas l\lungalc'las athobhoy. Govnrdhundas G. Tejpal.

H is Excellency the Goyel'lloi'. T he Lady N ortheote. Sir Jam. etjee Jeejl'ehhoy, Bart. Mr. Dal110dar Goverdhandass. Mr. Bomanji D . Petit. Liel1t. -l'ol. Hal'lvood, R.A.)I.C. Mr. George Lund. ir Cawa ji J ehangir. Mr. N . U. Goculdas" ]Uulical Staff.

Miss A . M. Benson, l\LD . 1\11'. De I on te, nr. D. MI'. Dadachanji, L.nr. & s. Major L. Childe, I.lII.S. Lieut. -Col. Crimmin, v .c., C.I. E , Major Quieke, 1.1II .. . Major Hojel, ULS. lIIr. D . A. Turkad, )LD. lUI'. Choksey, L.M. & s. l!Ir. F. A. Foy, M.D. Lieut.-Ool. ·Dimmock, 1. M.S. Mr. Arthur Powell, M.D . 11r. A. H. Deane, M.D . E. N . Gokhale, L.M. & s . Major A. Street, I.M .. . 11iss Meakin, 1\1. D. Sir Balchandra K . Bhatlyadekar.

I.lII.S .

IIIr. R. T. N ariman, l\L D. Mr. Kalianwalla, I. . M. & s., (Ahmedabad). Mr. B. H . N anal'atty, F.Il.C .S., (Ahmerlabad). 111'. Dinanath B . . Dal1delmr, 1,.)1.



Oaptain II. A. L. IIowell, r..A.)r.C. Lieut. 'fouin, n.A.M.C. I1Iajor Jennings, I.l\I.:--; . Lieut. -001. Boyd, I.M.f;. Lieut.-Col. Harwood, n .A.M .C. Lieut.-Ool. J. \ Y. Anderson, 1.)1.S. (Ahmedauad). MI'. R. D . Guzdah, L.M. & .'. Lieut. -Col. Banncrman, I.)1. Mr. C. R. }Harratt, )I.D.

AKNUAL REPORT. T HE Centre during the year under review has ma(le steady progress. The I~al'acbi Branch has been constituted" The Sinei Centre," \rith a President and Executive. Owing to tbe prevalence of plague, work at the Ahmedabad Branch was much restricted, but Dr. B . H . Nanavatty, F.P•. C.S. (Edin .), and Dr. Kalianwalla, have again formed and are instructing classes. L iQut.-Ool. Anderson, I.M.S ., F.R.C.S., still kindly undertakes examinations. With a view to stimulating the interest of the Born bay police in am bnlance work the offer of a challenge shielu and mcual1ions, supplemented by prizes given by D r. Dinanath B. Naik Dandekar, Hon. Life MemLel' of the Association, is now under consideration by the Acting Commissioner, and it is hoped that annual competitions will be organised upon lines similar to those for the challenge shield presented by the Ohapter of the Oreler fol' competition amongst the I ndian rail ways, the first competition for which will be held in March next. A class for instruction i n H ygien e, a subject which is of such vital importance in v iew of the plague and epidemic diseases which periodically visit the City, h as been

lcctured to lJY Dr. Dadnchallji, L.M. anll s., and will s110rtly 1)c examined for COll feLTing or cerlificates . The Presidellt anc1 the CommiLLee bave again gratef1llly to arkno\\'ledl".{c the yulnalJle assi:-:bll1C'e rendcrcr] hy the Secrctaries of t11C local Y.\V.C.A. in fOl'millgla<lics'cla,sscs in nrslaiclallc1 hOlne nursing. It is gratifying to nob that a c1a'ls in fir:;t aill has also been formed by a similar as';ociaLion for young 111el1. 'rwenty-fonr la(lics aml twenty-three GoYel'llment telegraph signallers, with theiL' Superintendent, 1\11'. E. A. Kenyon, Ilon. Treasurer of the Centre, have passed their re-ex<1l11illaLion during Lhe Cllrrent J ..:a1' t.owards (llHllifying for tllc medallion . Thanks arc also again uue to I:ao Daharlul', N. T. Vaiclaya, al1l1 Dr. K. N. Gokhale for their conlinued advocacy of the aims of the A sociation among!:it the Hindu C0l111111l11ity. Theil' 11cing no niLable text lJook in Marathi in home nursing and. hygiene, Dr. Gokhale is prepal'i ng a man ual t.reali ng of 1)otl1 sn bje('ts ",llich " 'ill shortly be ready for llse, ",hell lllallY b<lie " 'i lljoin and rcceive ill ·tru ctioll. MI'. Damodhar Goverhamlus hn also rentlered yulu[lhle a.'~istal1ce to the centre. The principal el'ellt of tllC ycar was a distrihution of certifica,tes lJy H.R. H. the Duke of Connau~ht, accompaniecl hy II.H.H. the Duchess of Connaught and their Excellellcies LOl'll and Lady NOl'thcote, at a meeting at the Town Uall 011 tllC 25th February last, which "as largely attenr]e<1 by the LU1f1ging C011lmittee and otbers intereierl in the ,,·ork of the Centre. IIi· Hopl Uighlless, replying to an aduress by the Pre i<1ent of the Centre, it" R. C. Low, General Officel' cOlllmanding the Bombay Almy, . aiel : Your Excellellcie, La(lies allll (icnt1emen,-Defol'e I left England the Grand i\[aster of the Order, the Prince of \\\t1(,5, flsked me if I \\"ould take an opportunity of howing the illLere·t he take'i amI I take in the ~'t. John Anlbl1lallce work. And I had an illtel'\'i 'W ",ith Col. Yate at Delhi, when it \\"a' arranged that I might have an 0ppolll1l1ity here at Bomhay, wilh the l,erlllis ion of his Excellency the Governor, of meeting tho-;e who arc doillg . neh goor1 \\'ork on the part of the t. John AmbnlallceA·.ociation, and of' pre ·e ntingcertinc:ttes. Yon hal'e all heard the report which has Leen read. by the Gellcral Officcr Commall,ling the Bombay .Army, and I am yery plea'ied Lo sec that Sir RolJcrt Low takes nch yery lleep intel'e t in pro moting this gootl work. I am cerLlin tllat the Bomhay Centre is ycry grateful for the great inlere L shown by hi Excellency the Go'/cl'llor and Lady K orthcoteill a work \\'hieh i 'till in its infancy Lnt \I hich "ill, I hope, Sl)1ead far and wide th roughon t Intlia. To Lho _e gentlemen, British anu native, w bo lIa ye assisted in lhe work I de ·ire to expl'c. s my grateful appreciation of the time they have givcn up to it, al1Ll of the excellent rc nlts which have already attended their cndea yonr,'. Ilel p to tho e who t hrongh aecitlent are 1110111 ell tn.rily incapacitated, and who for immediatc aid may not 1)e able to get the attendance of a medical offiecr, is of snch importance that I am certain that in a conntry like India, where there i great llull1anitarian feeling, people will readily rc. pond to the endeayonrs which are being made hy the t. John Aml)ulanee A. sociatioll to promote its ol)jects, and Leach tho c \\'ho arc mo lly brought into contact "'itll pa sengers and olhers how to render first aid. ueh people are natnrally the police and tIle employes of the railways . And I am yery mnch plea cd t.o ee that the Commi sioner of the Bombay police and the Bombay and Baroda Rail,vay haye so largely taken up this work, and that already t\\'o of t.he police huyc been able to put to practical test the great advantages of iiI' L aid by whi.ch the lives of two boy taken

216 out of the sea almost dead were able to be restored to animation. L adies and Gentlemen, this is a special work in which ladies can do a great deal, and I am certain that the kindly interest taken by ladies, both British and native, in this work will largely promote its propagation throughout the ~o untry. Bombay has taken a , ery leading part in St. John Ambulance work, and considering that it is only two years since it was fairly started, I may say that I am immensely struck and very much pleased to see what has already been done. -We hope, however, that it is not going to remain in Bombay alone, but that all parts of India will take the work up, and will recognise its utility and its humanitarian influences. It is not so long since this work was started in England, but the way in whi ch it has spread dl1l'illg the "past twenty years has been marvellous. I do not know what we should have done in the late war in outh Africa had it not been for the assistance given by bearer companies who ,Yent out from the St. John Ambulance Brigade, and who "\Yere able to a si t th e Royal Army Med ical Corps iu their onerous duties. L et me assure you, ladies and gentlemen, that not only do I , but also Her R oyal Highness, who has kindly come here to-day, take the deepest interest ill this work. 1 wish it every possible success, and I hope that OUt' coming here to-day will show yon the , ery practical interest \\'e take in a work which we are sure is only in its infancy in I ndia, and which will, we hope, spread among all nationalities and among all creeds, and th at as time goes on there ,yill not be a town 01' village in I ndia not having among its inhabitants someone who has obtained a t. John Ambulance certificate . Votes of thanks have been accorded by the Chapter ann Central Execnti ve Committee to the following ladies anu gentlemen for valuaule services rendered to the Centre : To Dr. Benson, Vellnm Vote of Thanks. Votes of thanks to Dr. Sir Bhalchandra Kri hna, Dr. R T. Nal'iman, ~I.D., Dr. Kawasji E tlulji Dadaehanj i, Dr. Rashin ath N. Gokhale, Dr. Dinanath Naik Dandekar, Rao Bahadur N. T. Vaic1aya, Mr. Damodhar Goverdltandas of Bomhay, and to Dr. B. H. Nanavatty, M.D . , F.n.C.S. (Ellin.), and Dr. N. K. Kalianwalla of Ahmedabad. Mr. George Lund, Hon. , ecretary of the Centre, with tho sanctioll of His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward the eventh, Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order, has been elected a member, and has harl besto\yed upon him the diploma and insignia of Honorary Serving Brothel' of the Order of t. J 011 n of Jerusalem in England. Th e Managing Committee greatly regret the departnrc of their Excellencies Lord and Lady T ortl1cote, who by becoming Patrons and Life Members of the Association greatly assisted in the formation of the Centre, and at all times rcadily assisted in furthering the aims of the Association.

217 Statement of Accounts for' the vert?· ] st October', 1902, to 30th Septemb(J?', 1903. R eceipts. Hs. a. p. Rs. a. To Balance at beginning of Dy ,'tationery 12 10 year . . 191 1 0 " Prinling 51 8 " DOllS. an<1 Subscriptions 2fi2 ~ 2 " Ad veltisemcnts 31 1 " Po~tage . . 13 9

T otal

"IIirc of FU1'l1i Lure iJl cOl1ncc:tioll wi th presentatIon of certificates by II.RH. the Duke of Oonuaugbt " Oerlificatc. " Fee,' .; 1,lintR, Bandages, Diagrams, etr. " nnc1rie·. . "Balance-Cash . " In bank

3 11




47 15 16


20 13 23 2 47 13 416 12


0 3 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

3 11

Rs.743 ( 'igned)


'IV. 1\IcCoxoc;ny (. 'nrcleon-Gencral) Vice -PI·esiclent. E. A. KEXYO_-. IIon~ Trcasurci' ' ' LD.-D, HOI!. SCCI'ct(o·!/. . C,E01:GE


,,-ho have completed a cour -e of

Xo. of WOlllen

,,-ho h(l\'e

who han) l'eC'eiYcll Cerli Ii ea teo -.

l'ourse of instruction.

instruction. 1st Ail!.

I Nursillg. 16



1_ t Aid_


S1. "CE



wllo lia\'c reelivc(l Ccrti Ii eates.

l'olllpiut -tl n

I X1lrsill~.

-1' st· A-i-('!.

-IX --'u--rs~-i-III:,-'_

of Cerlitlcated

PUl>ils who have

rc('eived :\[ellallions. -:-''-;ro-e-Il.--;-I=W=-o-m-e-n.

l<'OIDI.\ TIOX OF CE.-·l'ItE.






216 "'L- 'E 1."1' OCTClla:!:, 1902. 10 I 7 I :20 I ;,



1:2 12


R.UPUT.t A-l\L\L'.YA RAILWAY (In 11roces. of formation). ARNUAL


A C:OUlt,'E consisting of J1\'e 01' six lectllres ill Fir t Aid to thc injureLl was llelivered by the Company's Chief Medical Ollicer, Dr. Deane, to railway employe in the C01~11'any's General Officcs and at Parel. A ~imilar cIa s \\'a' held at A.jmer by Major II. R. Woolbcl't, the Co mpany's 0011 nlting Surgcol1. Ambulance certificates ~cre presented to successful cnllllidatcs uy Field ~lalshal H.RH. the Duke of olllJaught, K.G . , in the Town Hall, Dombny, on the 25th of Febl'Uary, 1903.



2] A


H is Honom Sir Andrew Fra er,



IL c. il . r.,

Lieutenant-Govel'l1or of Bengal.

Patron of Illc Ccnlrc .

H i Excellency Viscount Kitehener,

G.C.B., O,C.1\1.(;.,


CrJASSES in connection wilh the Madras Railway Centre of the St. John Amuulance Associ,ltion were commCllcccl in 1901 hy the late Dr. Ourrie, for the employes of the M:atlras Railway 'ompany.

F01'11lrcl 1901. Palron :1Jul





I ndla.

At the examination held in JUJJe, 1902, 22 memhers of the class received certifieates. ince that time, owing t() the c1eath of Dr. Currie, and pending the appointment of a MOllical Officer to the Company, Lhe work has beeu in abeyance, but it is hopeJ that work \\'ill be re.'umed early next year.

"icc·Pn b 'on , :1J1t1 ' ·i Ct>· l'1'esiclcnt •

Col. . H. Bro\\ne, I.:.r.s., Hon . R. T . Greer, I.c.s., c .•. r The Very Rei'. E. Lafont, C.I.E.

C. I.E.

I :"-'UI~ ~o

G ellCI'al ( 'Ollllll itt ee.

1\11'. ,I'. C. Hossack. Major Lloyd JOlle , 1.11[ . 8 . l\11'. Kf::n n eel y. The Ven. A. Kitchen, M.A. MI'. Frank Larmour. nll'. A. Pedler, C.I.E. COllllllallder K \iT. Petley, R,~., C,1.1~. :i\lajor 11. '\'. Pilgrim, Ul.S . Mr. A. F . M. Abelnr Rahman. Captain Rogel' , I.!lI. ., 2ILD . )1,11'. G. D!:'ni, on Ros . Ml'. H. M. Rustol1ljee, c. I. E. 1\[ r. A. E. ilk . Mr. W. J, immOllS. MI'. W. T. pink. )I,Iaharaj Kumar Prodyat Kumar Tagore. MI'. ,V. H. Taylor. :Ur. H. JHartyn WelL

Mr. Mr. MI'. Mr.

Allan. T. A very. C. Bank . C. Beckett. Mr. R. Bignell. Col. J, BinDing, Y.D . 1\11'. '.V. Braushaw. Mr. '.V. Burke. 1\11'. A . Caddy. Raja Benoy Kri hna Deb. Mr. W. A. Dring. Mr. J. Douglas. Mr. F. G. Dumaync. Rev . Saunders Dyer, ::II.A. Mr. E. B. Edell. Rev. Firminger, ::If.A. Mr. F. Froom. Mr. W. Banks GwytheJ'. H Oll ora ry SCCI'c tary .

Balll{c)'.'! nucl 11011. Tre a s ure!'s .

Dr. Frederick Pearse, 13, CholYlinghee,

}\lessr . Kiner Hamilton & Co.,

of ~I

who hal'e




I i\l1I's.0.:t.:.

1st Ail!.


Aid. 1.-lIl'sing.


I WOlllen .

• 1:\(JE F{)lnL\Tf()~ OF CESTllE.



---------- --- --- -



J·I· (' ~i"('III.

The lIon. J. P. Hewitt,

e.s.I., e.I.I'.,



I ~lll'S~lg. 1st

uf Certificated

Pupils who have received ')l ellallhJIHI.

Curt,i liea tc~.

i IIstl'll(·tioll.

;\nrsj'j'jjZ -..:"t Ai,!.


11'1111 hal'e rel'l'lrell

eOl1rse of



1st Aid.

of WOlllf'1I

II'ho Imve (;f)llIl'letcII a

who h,IVe l'c"eivcIl

"/lIIII'IcIl'd <l ('filiI'S!'



the Chief COl1llllis:>iol!er, Oentral Provinces.

i ('(' .I·l· ('~j(((· JlI~.

The Righ t Rev . the 13i 'l1op of N JgI'OIl'. :Mr. )1. W. Fox - 'Ll'lLllgways, COllllDis,'ioller, JUbblllpore.

The GelH:·ral Oillcer Commanding N erlmdda Di tl'iet. The P.M. O. Allahabad and J erbutlda Di tl'iets.

Cbn il' lIIa It Ma 1I11;!,iJl g c..' olluui I t e c.


11'. U. W. Fox- tnll1gll'itys, UOllllUi1iion61', JublJulpore. J)('lllll,r.('hah·III:1J ••

Mr. J. O. D . Raper, 0..1. P. l{'lilll'ay, alltl OOllllllanuillg Volunteer. l'l'C:-, id (' III.

Surgeon-Gen. David 8indaiI',

C.S.I., M.B.C. M.

T)' c a SIlI·CI·.

1I01loral'Y T.·c a ~ 111'(' I'.

Mr. H.. McG . ~ ' pence, Educatiunal D 'pUI'lnlent.

1I0110J':U',)' ~ c cr

Maj()r E.

Mr. M. C. Hayes, 'Tl'ichillopoly, S. I ndia. Uo 110)':\)'y SceJ'c l ary.

'The Medical Officer,

ollth I ndia Railway, Tlichinopoly.

Li rc 11 (' III JJ CI·.

Tlle Agcllt, G, I. P, Railway.


ttll'Y. R.A . M.u



A i N UAL R EPORT. STEPS were taken to for111 a Oentre for the Oentral P rovinces in April, 1903, III eom,munication \yith the OrO'anisinO' OOl1lmi SiGller, St. John A mbnln.nce Association, " 0 I ndia, and aftcr very ueee ful negotiations, a general meeting of the OOlllmi ttee I,US held in Jubbulpore at the enli of July, 1903, three classes have been formed ill Jubbnlpore, one male (G. 1. P. Railway employe ), and two female, allll seventl are ill process of formation in out tatioDs of the Centre. H. H . the lIIaharajah Seinuia of Gwalior, G.C .. 1., has been inyitell to take olliee as a Yice-PresiJent, he having intimated tbe desire of in troducing the St. John Ambulanee sy tem in to his State. T he Agents, Bengal-Nagpur and E. 1. RaillTl"lYs have been eommunicater1 with, and in,ited to form clas e" and other active steps to promote the objects oftheAssoe:ialion in the Oentral Provinces are beiug taken. The Oentre is fortunate in having c~lll'ec1 sef\ices as Honorary ecretary of; Major ,Yilliam, n . A . )I.C., to whose zeal and experience its rapid antI ncees'fnl organi inion is entirely clnc .

Dum::w the year there ha,s heen no cxpellditure, and there i:; a small balanee crerlit ill the PlIlljab Dank. A great Ileell ill Quctta has been a central place in \"hich lectlll"c~ coulll be (lclivererl, awl ill which lllCml,el's eoulclmect. The local volunteers arc to have a ha1ldsome ill~titutc in IDOL It i~ hoped that one of its best uscs \I'ill l)e the supply of tlJis lleed.

r::r'UB OF CEltT I FICATE,' .AND MEDALLION '. Xn. of WOlllell

who ha\ 0 c!()"I:,~ ..'(e : ,I

who 11:1.\'0 n .c'clI'L'd


C; 'rtili(';llc'.

ill~tl'nctiLII .

!.::t Aid. I :\l,l'~ill~.


ht Aid.


h" h,l\ (J (,Ollll'ldcd a . C"nI'M! ."1'

\\lIu1la\'e l'l'cei\'c.l



of Ccrli licated PU1,ih who have receh'c,l



1st .\iol


~I edalliull~.

~)lI'~II,g. -l-:-~-t-:A""'i'-:-I--:~I-I"illg.I---"-~;-I'-')1-.--;\""\'-ill-"-"-11.

Statement of Receipts anil E."llcnditui"e.

Rs. n. p. T o Members' Subscriptions 210 o 0 " Donations 0 o 0 "Sale of Books aml Apparatus


6 0

Rs. a. By Pnrcllase of Books and Allpalatus " Po tage, Telegraph, and RaihYaY cha,rges " Arjyertj::;ement . " 'tn tioncl'Y " Peoll . Hank ci1arge~ " Petty Calt " Re11 t "With the Bbarya\ra Bank " l\d\'auce "'ith HOll . See.

" ea 11 in hal1d

R s. 356


13 1 14 25 4 9 3 9 4 0 5 0

6 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 0 43 15

0 0 6


75 10






Hs . 356

6 0



E.1_"pend it un.


1'1' OCrICIlI1<:I:,


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III prates:; ot ('IJI·111alioll). 1"1'(' .. idl' lIt allil ([' lIall"lll:\lI.

Lient.-CuloJH.:l A. J . .J1. .Jtu.:luughlill , .Juillt




1I(lIlIIl ' a, ' ~

T. (,ral'lll \



:-'l·l' ,·dari (' ....

tll'al'lnin J . A. Uu)ke.

1I I'II II-llua," 1'1" ...

M. 'i\'. Fox-. TIL\:\Ci\L\' ys, Clwinnan . E. I c K. WILLI\)IS plajoJ', R.A.::U.O,), lIon. Secretary. R. MCGAYI~ l'E~("E, Hon. T7·caSllTet" .


U l' lli e al


MI. H. D1'uoke~. lHr L. E. Fa1llli1l. MI'. II . T. Ulan'].

Mt'. lL T.


Yallt,.)' Light IIul"~e, ,'delwr, I lJllia. iIlr. J. A. Puwell. iiII'. C. L. ,:ihl.'::.tel·. 1\11". 1). 'IltlJcl'la1ll1. J\ll'. D. Taylor. 1\11'. J. A. ·Lllcnti1lc.


1111'. 11. A. II II tt. "

F01'111c<1 1901.

Pl'Co:; icl CJI t. T he H on . Oolonel Yate, C.R. I.,

G . ~f.C.,



F01'111ell 190'J.

Pn tr'Oll s . Major-General Smith-DonieD, D.S.O. Major McMahon, C.S.I., C. I.E. ~II'.

Chairmnll. Ool on el W eir, I.M.S . (1' . M.O . ) nonorm"y Trcas ul'cr :111cl SCCl·ct.ary.

Rev . J. Shaw, Quetta, Baluchistan.


"a'I"OIl. 'Jul1i1le, I.e.s., CUll1l11i' ioncl'-i11- ·inLl.

." "(' s ill ( ' II ••

1IIr. G . .Tacoh, 1.(, . >;., Judicial OUll111li 'iuner ill Sil1cl.

( 'hnil'Ill:lIl.

MI'. H. P. Durroll',

ollcctol' of


223 .Joint J(OIlOl':ll'Y Sccl·c l:u·i cs .

Oaptain M . .11. Lo\\,s) ey , 11. "\.:'I1.C .


Mr . H. O. Ashd o\\·n.

1I01l 0 J'ill'Y Tl' C:I IlI'Cl·.


lIIr. H . O. Ashdown, Punjab Banking 00., Ltl., l~arachi.

F ornlCc1 1 9 L THE

Life ;U c m\)c l's . .Mr .


A. Omnine,

I.C . . ,

Mr. Edulje e Dinshaw, C.I.E., Kam chi. Mr. Yllsnfali AlilJhoy, Karachi.

00m11lissioncl'-in -

indo Mr. A. R. Eu.rle, of Messrs. Sallllay Patrick amI 00. U c di C:l1 Staff.

Mr. V. E. K azaret h, :'II. D. Maj or Braganz<l, L.:'If..'. (retir ed) . Mr. E. Mackenzie, H onorary Assistant urgeoll to the Yiccroy. 1\11'. Pires. Mr. penceI'. Mr. Rodrigues. Assi. tant-, urgeoll Almeida, Oi viI IIoSlii tal. 1\11'. W. G. W est . Mr. P. T . D ' ouza.

Col. J. lII cOloghry, I.~r.s., Oi\'il l1l'geo ll of Karachi . l\Iajor A. Stab les, n . A. :'II.C . Capt. H. A. F. Knapton, I. 1. . , D eputy Sanitary Oommis ioner in Sind. Capt. E. W. Cochrane, Il.A.;\J.C . Oapt. 1\1. 1\1. Lowslcy, It.A.M.e. Capt. J . W. L angstaff, R.A. M. _\ . Lieu t . O. B. 1\IcOonaghey, 1.;\1. •.. 1\lr. S. M . Kalm, H ealth Officer to the Karachi iHnnicipality. (Dr.) 11iss L. O. Nash, in charge of Lady Dufferin Hospital.


ANNUAL REPORT . THE Sind Centre of the St. J ohn Ambulance Associa tion \\"as inaugurated on 1 t Jnl,)', 1903, at a public meeting, h eld at th e Frere Hall, Karachi, Oil that date at which the Oommissioner-in-Sintl, Mr. A. CUllline, I. e.s." presi.led, alll1 atwbich the Officers of the Cen tre were elected . Th ree classes htl ve 1Jee n stat t~Ll since thnt date, and arrangem ents are now in progress for starting at least one 1110re cIa s at Ol1ce, but th ere has not been sufficient tim e yet for much \\'ork to ha\'e lJeen done.

Statement oj R eceipts (mel E .-cpenelitw·e jo,' the yectr ending Septemua 30th, 190:3. Rs . a. p. '1'0 Su bscri ptions and dons . r eceived 535 0 0

--Rs. 535 0 0

Rs . Hy Po 'bge , Rail Fleight and Coolie Hire on 13 Parccls L ect nl'crs' of Cost " Diagram " Books, Band229 ages, &c. , &c. tationery, Priuting, ancl " Adv erti iug 26 of Dr. Expenses " l\lack ellZie's Cln s, r e5 coverahle from :.\lCIIl her Dr. Expenses of " K azareth's Class, l'P 2 covc ral)lc from 11lellll)ers 258 Balau t:e in hand.


Reo 535


n. 5








0 0

0 0




report has heen l'ccei \'ecl from the Genera1 ,'ecretary :--

:U .I.JOR-GEXEluL ,-:m E. Y. BlulJ.I.NT pre~ided at the annu,Ll meeting of the Cape Culony 'entre of the St . .John .Amhulance A HHuciatlon h elrl :lOth Xovember, 1903, in the Oak lIall of the Y.::\I. '.A. IliH Excellency 'ir "\Vltlter H ely- liutchin on wa.· present and there wa' a large attendan ce. 1i11ce the la..;t _\nl111al ::\Ieeting Lhe work of the A . ocia,tion has rcsumed it. normal condition, ,lllcl i h 'ifurts hase Leen directed mainly to the forma,tiOll of clas.es for instruction in til'"t md to the inj ured, ",hi(;h have been a,ttendec1 with most c;atifactory re:;ulL ·n nutal)le feature being the increasing number of certificated pupiL; who ha no! l'l'l"elltL' I l t hl;;llbel \,es fm re-examination. The De B eers section at K imLerley ;;till 1101<1.- it:-. (jwn as the 1ll0Ht active and etficientection of the Centre, hn,\ing, dlll"il1~ the pa..,t yen.r. examined 102 pupib, 97 of whom pro\ ed themseh-e' (ll1l"tlified to n.lHler tir..;t nirl tll the injl1l'ec1, and who IHl.\,e he en l.warded the certificate of the ..t\..·sO(·intiull. Uf tlteo.;e H7, I;') were r e-examined for the fir t time, anel 1 filially. th,' btter rtcei\ ill~ the guld medallion of the A' 'ociation, genero1L"ly pl'csenle(l 11\ the directors of De B eers Consolirlated ::\lin8;; (Ltd.) The ::\[ilfekillg "t'ction h,ts been re-urganised. <.tllll a strong committee is now at \\ .Irk tL. Ie. Early 111 D ecell1h '1' last It section was funned at OuselTatOl'Y Road. and all"l>lvly t\\- "ery ..;ucee.. ..;fuI chbses hil.Ve beL!n held. and othel':O; nre being' funned. . . . i1' 1)\\ i<1 ( ;ill is the 1'1'L!:-iitlent. The 'ommittee, uuder the able leucler'bip of their ~l·c.rd.try. ::\11'•.r. n. Ihl'lley. are hnnl-,,-orking and enthusia.tic:. and it i' hoped erl;; 11111'" to 'C8 a tir.:;t aitl e(lI"1''';, rendy for any emergency, eshtlJlishec1 in this pupulous nll<l thri\'lll~' :-nbmh. 'In ·,.;es lulYC ,Lbo lJeell held in '<11'etown and on RulJben L.. Lllld "ith gmtifyill'" n;:-iult.'. A (·hl:-;s wa" formed uucler the auspices of the ;'[jssiulls t<l " ·UIllt.l1 IIl..;tilute. au!l the lecture.' Were giYL!1l on bu,ll'd the ye '-el-in the Day. bur mo..;t flf the 111emb 'I"S hacl to leaye this purt befllre completing the COlll',e, aml llu e ulIlinatl'lll \nt..; hehl. The total result:; for the J ear are a full ow" : E:o.:mllil1L:d, lUi; 1',t..,..,etl, 1:30 ; tir..;t re-examination, 20 ; final, ·1; a total uf Lj:l: paeel out of Hi 1 L!Xallllllt.:<l. In this cunlledioll the (Jouncil would take thi' opportunity of tenderillg" their ..!rat ·ful thanks to the fullo\ying members of the H on. ::\leelicul ~taif for thL'ir ill nlnal,l' 'oelTil:L!S in lecturing to anel c-amilling the numeruu dasse",: Drs. \\'. Ihl'h'y- l Llltley, F. l1al'\'is. ~\. ~'t. L elrer, J-. 11. tIeal'lls, l1. lIe\yut, and J. Benjamin. "f Cal'etuwn ; Drs. \Y. ,T. OUu. :E'. 'Y. l\Ial'hall, \ Y. ':toney, _-L Fuller, P. ,V. O",ril ne. and II. ::;ymolls. of Kim berley; and Dr '. " '. _\.. lIayes and ::\Iajur ~hanahnn. lLUl.C.. of ::\hfekillg. DUl'ing the year there has nut been much c1ema,nd upun the lliatel'inl I'esuuree' uf the A ssociation. but in JanuLlry last n stretcher and an a11l1JUi.lllce h<lmpm' werc pbceel at the disposal of the :JIountaill Club for lbe Ull Tabh. :JIuuntain. '1'hi ' clluipmellt has been "toreel at the engineer' quarter!:! neal' thL! l't.:sen·oir, llnd llchL!uturow:; mouutaineers mny now fall oyer krantzes nncIl'l'ccipic:c;; \\ ith the eumfortillg tls."urnnce that allnecessnry tll)pliunce' fO! the treu.tment of broken head!:! ur lilllh · itre \\·ithill easy reach, to say nothing of Ll comfortt.ble stret<:her fur easy tmllHl'01't. 'l'he ambuhmcc Ctluipment m utioned in the last Report as hn,\'ing" been phwL!ll n,t the ::\Iuizenb 'l'g anel Kalk Bay P olice Stations lw,\'e P1'O\'c<1 uf grct.t sen ice on se\'cml occ,lsioll .

225 Co],o",," 1]<;:-;. \ Vith the opening up and repatriatiun tlf the new colomes a great e:den~iun of work northwal'd<\ i;; 101lkell for, but \I ith til, new cLlnt1itill!l~ preynilillg, the general feelin'" i now trellllintr to\\',ll'lIH th.:centrn1isatioll, ,md it i~ e:-.:pectec1 that the o ~ Tnmsmal 1111(1 Or,Ul"e L{iYel' CLllLlny ",ill ~llLlrlly IJeeOllle self-cLlntninetl Centres uncleI' authority fwlU the head othce in LtlHtlol1. From thl'se Centre,.; in the fuLlll'e ,L federated Council emlmwing the \rhole of til' British ::)outh Afl iean tel'l'itOl'ies m(l,Y pcrh"ps emanate. It is with \ L'ry deep regret that the re~i~llatiLll1 of the Uhtlirman of this Uuuncil, :D Lr. ,J. ::\ l. L. Brown, ~I.L..\. , has Lo he re 'onlec1 . ::'Ill'. 131'0\\"11 haH heltl this po 'ition ~ince th' _\.ssLlelation \l'a,; first est,thIIHhec1 ill Oapetown, and, until ill-health comp'lL 'tl him to retire fro111 ,1ctiYe \l'ork, deYLlted him.elf eal'llc::;tly to eyerything tending tLl prulllot' the \l'elfare of the • \s~oeilttioll and increase its usefulness. The Couucil tIL'sire to place on record their gmt 'ful appreciation of his long and yaluahle sen ices tlurill~' Ins tenure of otlice, which hit been marked by such rapid ant! pl'OSpel'ouS <1eyelol,ment uf the .\,-.;sociatiol1 TILE ~ T I.;\\,

ou th ~\'fricn . A feature of the last Heport WitS the mising of acti\'e sen"ice tlet;lClllllents from among members, ',nd the Uouncil thought it only righ t that "Ollle ullieiull'ecoglli lion of their yaluahle and deyotcd sen'ice ' "houlc1 IJe mack \\Tith this ohject in \ iew they brought the matt~r hefore the ,tutllLlritH:~" at::)t. ,1uhn s Vale. ancl as it rc::;ult, II.R.II. the Graml Prior and the Clutptel'-Gelleml of the Order of ~t. ,} olm of .J crusalemin England,ha \"e been pleased to,l ward the YeHum Yote ofThallt. tu t h . following outh African member,.;. \·iil. : :JIessr:;. G. D. Drew and.\.. Ul Ulckshank of L-I 1111 lCl'ley ; A. Aldred, of East Loudon; G. D. D,uton and ,r. _\.. Gaunt. of tlll! .\.ctl\ L. :::;enice Det,whment of the ~ TO. :2 Hospital Train. and .\.. E. _\bhutt, the Uenel'al •'ccrda!'y uf the ~\ssociation. Owing to the fact that this ell tinctiun is ullly Ill,Hk under \ ery ,]lecial cireumstn,nces and to a limited numLer, the Ohapter coultl not include all the members of the locn,} corps in their n wltrd, whi(;h i,;, tll the Council, n, lluttter for regTet, as the work clone on the hospital tmin WItS of such uniform l;. cell 'nc ' that it was in \"idiou. to make n sdection. The two gentlemen lUI med were selected on account of their haviu.j been on acti\"e sen"iee for the lungest period. 111



TIlT. ':'[1--E:;.

Ooming to the practical application ()f the wurk in e\'L.l'y-tlay lik the fulluwing extract::; from reports rendered by the sllperintenc1ents of the lIu"l,it,lls cUllllectL-tl with De Beers :JIincs, will }Jro\"e of specinl interest, showi11", as tlt·y do the real value of a kno\Vlecl!.je Llf the jlrinciples of first airl to the injured. ., De lkcrs :;\Iine.~ot a. ma.n, European 01' nati\'e, who now meets with an accident, lea\ es the mine he fore bcing properly fixed up." .. The KimlJerley :JIine.-Thcre lias IJcen a marked improyement in the condition of injul'\jc1 men recei\ eel here from the mine since the ambulance cl,lsses were formed, and we seldom get a neglected 01' lI11jlr0l'el'ly tlone-up injury nown,day.. There is also a most marked illlpro\ eJllent ill the treatment of cast's of udden illness." "The Premier l\line.-The ambulance men ba\"e renclerec1 4\1 'cnice so far, particularly in two CaSes of ::;c\ ere fl<tcture, aC(:OlllpaniL'cl 1Jy severing of arteries." "The J3ultfontein ::\Iine.-Thu·e ,H'e only eight (;ertificatcd fin;t aill lllen here, but I can neverthele.~ s see a. \"ast imprOYemellt 11l the manner in which injure(l men are n.ttendec1 to." The memhers of the 01)sen,ttory Ron,el Nection 11<1,\ e oll seyera.l occasions rendered "ery \'alua1Jlc fir,'t aid, n,nel have undertaken the tmnsport of sick to hospital in :, highly efficient manner. A!:i will lJe 'een from the tl' 'asUl'u"s report the A 'socintion is in :L very sounel fimtncial po 'itioll. \Vith a "iew to organising

:,~c m bc rs of ~h e As oci,ttion f~~' pmc,t ieal W>e, the Uoullcil propose tu est:tlJlish in Oape I own n reg l ~tcr o~ :tH. cc r tliicltteci PCI'SUIlH, male and felJ1all', wllo :1,1'e willing to volun tcer l h.cll· serv ICes 1.11 auy eltlel'geney, lUHal, lJl iIi ta l'y, or c·j \,j I, or to attt'ud at sport;;, Ilwel,lllg's, ~lroces~lOm;, e ... lul)i tlOlIS, etc. All mem bel'S wisllillg to cnrol thell1Heh es ~1Il. thlH l'egll,ter are re(plCste(l tu forward thell' ltllpli(·,ttlOllS to the General. 'ecrettn·y : gl\'111g fullnam' alit! addt' 'SS anel '1ualifieatiolJ. All applicants accepted \\ill reCCI\'e• It small IHlttOllhulc ImdlTe to I), worn al",·,,,,,, ~o tll·tL t , 0 "J' , " , q tIa]'f' I le( I melllrJCI'S 111ay

be easIly ret:()gl\l~ecl wben lleeded. I n cUI}(:lu~ioll the UuulIcil \\uuld tender their hearty thanks tu the l)reH~ of UalJl' Town fur their kind .,"lll'lJ01't, ,."11'1 ,.' t auce (l ' ~ tl~SIS UnDer tJI ' past year. 0 T he ' Imirul<ln, ill 1'l'Ollosill 0l f Llle ar1()ll! lIJll (Jf til"v r"l,ol·t "'11'(1 tJ 1<1 t 11ear1y c\'cryone • ~ , " < tV. ist<mcc In cu:;cs uf t f :tecldent. I n sueh a gl'o\\'iu o ll()lluluu,' dl,.,tl·iet <'I';, C'11'" .,tCCH. I cn t s were C(Jll' v 'l'(J\\'ll , stallll) OCCUlTiJIg', aud it \I'as of the grcatest itllpOl'tance !:-iOIllCOJlC sbunlc1 be OIl the spot to remler. first ,wI. III ILltlll) cases sutfL'rill!j W,lS l·Oll,.,id 'ralJly allayed ,mel ill se\'e l:al cases It \' .!) wet'e sa \ ·d. \\ Ilell the. \ssll('iatlllll WitS forl11ed "Ollie t wel \'e yeal'ti ago, .It wa~ of C()Ur~l'. Oldy allticillat 'c! that ordillary a 'cirlellls \\'(luld be attt.llcIecl tu, nne! It was ll.ot nntlClpat'd that a "reat war would COl\1C 011 , ,'111(1 tlll't tit •\ s, OCHL . t'lOll o ,e \\ oult! h· called upon to ns~ist in the ll' 'allllent and IlUl'S\l\ll' of the wuuncled. Hu thought everyone" oult! :tdmit that nn illllllf:llSe HTLlOunt uf It,'sistanf:' was rendered to the ~\. rllly ':' Le(lH'<ll 1> l'artl1Wllt. I L was illl}J()s,'iIJle to I,eep a liufticieut lIleellcal .. tali dUl'lllg tUlle' of p'ltel', nnt! it was dmill!.!; tlw \nu' that the llllportanc' (If tllC. 't. ,Johu Allluulnnce A~!jociLttiOIl \I'll::; recoglli"l·d. 1 Le hac! hupl·t! to ha \e the houour and lJO\~ rccognlsed th' advantages of the , \ sso('iatio]l in rClJderill«

~Jlen~ure thal tiny of Seeill" n la~ly ",ho wa, ltIainly l'e"'poll:-.ible for the eflicicut llur"illg" ~ll ... nllH~<fUltlalld, where nut It '~'lI1gl' lIlUIl died, and he regretted to say that the lady III (lue~tlun wa" loo ull\\'ell to IJe Ill' 'scnt. and that the prescnt<ttiull to her would havc to be deferre(l until another oCl'asiou. Til, sp 'aker procced ·tl tu pay a ltigh trilJUte t~ tlte lllemol,), uf the late .\11'. 13rl)\I'H, whu::;c 10.s, he "aid, would be felt fur a 1011" time amOH'" the cOllJmunity of 'ap' To\\ II. They wuuld !'iee frum the report the u cfl~ \r~rk that had lJeell dLllle ltt Kllllherley, nile! It \las es ential in licit a place that IllIll~rS siluuld b' trained in the 111'",t :ud to the wounded. lle regretted that the :sen'lce::; of the nUl'::;e' and of the Ltdle~ whu dltl ",lIch "ooel wurk dllrill(r the war wa' nut suUicwnlly reeog11ised in the ""ar COIll1llissiun'~ Hel'ort. 0 :;\11'. 'carle, ill secouding the adoptlOlI of the r'port, !'iaid the work \l'as nOJle the le~:-< \aluab~e If it \\,lS ealTiet! all in an uIlLl,'lcntatiou~ 1ll<l1llICI·. Theen'iee,., llittluot ouly I)een gl\ >Jl 111 the Jlritish C,lU"e, ]Jut ill the cau:se of hUlllllllily. TllO"'c whu rocei\ eel th~ d~eomllOlls " 'oulLl htl\ ' an eS}lL'cial gratitietlrioll ill l'ecei\ing thelll at the hand::; of H m ]., ... ccllency. The report alltl finulleial "talell1ellt Wert! adopted. On tbe 1'l'u1'osal uf CUlUll ·1 ~uuthe) the ~t,tlldillg COlllmittee Was re-elected. H IS B~cellelle) ~lr " -,dlur lldy-l1utdlillsun, lJefore presenting the deeorations <lllll \eHum diplomas, :SIgned by l L.ltH. lite l'rillce of \\Tales, s;tid it ga\~c !tim "Teat r llieasure at the 0"reat illterest t'11"~11 1'11 tl ~ . in I,eiw jll'es 'lit that (by. I Le \\ as ddi"hted 0 ~ ,~~ Ie" OCtet), wlllch had dOlle a gn.:at deal (If good, !lut onl) ill the Cal'e COIOIIY, but in ulhel' parts uf Ute British EllI}lir" \ruil Hi::; .\laje"t) KII1g" .Edward \"[1. 1\::; Patron, alld JL.I ~. ll., tlte Prince of \\ ides 1\ .... l't'esltll'lIl, the :--OUlltl,) wa:-: ",ide ill its int!uenct', :lnd Ite lmll'letl tile unglllalmellllJel'''' uf the Nt. ,Juhn . \ ntllliltllICe ~\.ssLlcintllln Jl]\U;t ,h:L\-e IJeen good 'alllal'itall~ nnd lllell of peat:e. The _\.::;o(;intion \\'n8 ill the first JIl~tall(;e all institutilln of [leil 'e, hut tlIe 1\\\',l1'-Is be \\',IS g'lllll!.!; to ;i\e that dil) \\"ere

22 6 connection with the war, a,nd that showed how useful the A soci~ttion was in helping their fellow countrymen in their struggle for the Empire. He thought the first aid should be widely under tood. There was only one thing better tlutn presence of mind in ca e of accident and that was ab.ence of body, but in the ltbsenee of the absence of body the be t thing \Va pre ence of mind, which was more likely to be possessed by It man who Imen' whltt to do-leave the case for the doctor, ,dlO h~Ld merely to promote the cure. He joined in the xpre ion of deep regret ett the loss of their late Ohairman, ~Ir. Brown, whom he had known for nmny years, and whosc presence would be much mis ed by the community .tt large. It gave him gre~tt pleasure in pre enting the medals and diploma. . His Excellency then proceeded to pre 'ent the I:,rift' to the different memher , after which the Ohairman gave out the certificate. . The Rev. Mr. Bender in proposing a vote of thanks to IIi Excellency, referred to the characteri tieally graceful peech by the Governor, which he aid, would act as a first aid to the oeiety. Dr. Darley-Hartley proposed a yote of tlJ<lnks to the Ohairman, and ~t£tcr MajorGClleral ir E. Y. Braban t had responded, the proceedings terminated. III

St. lohn Rll1btllance :fBriga~e. A l\lNUA L




HONG KONG CENTRE. Formed 18 4. J'I· e.~ icl c Jlt

:lI1cl Chail'man.

H K -' il' H. A. Blake,

G. C. M.G •

.1I e clical SCali',

HOll. T.


Oll, M. D., P.C.~I.O .


1I01101':Il'Y SecL'clary a uti

Rev . F. T. Johnsou,

MI'. F. O. Stedman. Tl' c a ~ ILI·C'I·.


t. John's CatheJl'al, Hong Kong.

DUH.l;-\C the ],l<l"t year 32 Illen and 20 ,,"omen have completed a cour'e of in trl1ction in first aid. Of these, IS men anel 16 women have receiYeLl certificates aUtI 5 lIlell have obtained the medallioll. Altogether three Jirst aid classes have ueen heltl. I SSU~

wbo hav e completeu a course of instruction.

No. of Women

wlio Ilal'e received Certi licate~.

wlio hal'c cOlilpletell a COl\l'se of' illstruct.ioll. l~Aid. I Nursill ~ lst Aid I NlU'sing. 1st Aiel. I ~l1r.; illg. I J:~( lg


Fu Il~L\'I' I (':-; OF


H l'IKCg



wlto have received Certificates. l.:~t

A ill.


Chief Commissioner' . Report


No .of' Cel'Lilicat.t.u PUl'i Is who have recei ved :'1edallions.



I Women

No . I. District ...


No. II. District


No. I II. District


No. I V . District


No. V. District


No. V I. District


'1);),;'1 II 1);.


1ST OCTOBER, 1902. :W I 16 I


I ;-.; ul'si Ilg.

Staff of the Districts

Deputy Commissioners' Reports :-


No. of Men

PAGE 228·

Superior Ollicers of the Brigade appoint.ed hy H .R.H . the Grand Prior





Oolonial Corps It

$upcrior ~tffcers of the :fJ3rigabe Bppotnteb b)? 11).1R:lb. tbe <l3rfl nb }Drtot.. Ubfef Uomm fasio ner. B. N I NIS, M .D., R .N.



Knight of Grace of the Order of the H ospital of St. J ohn of Jerusalem in England. December, 1898 .

UOlll1n fsSIOner for Special Ser'Vices. OOLO EL O. \V. B. B OWDLER, O. B. Knight of Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. .Tohn of Jerusalem in England. June, 1 9 .

lDcPU t}? Uom m fssioners. L IEUT..OOL. O. J. T RIMBLE, U.l\l. U., V.D. , L.R.O. P., 5 th L ane. R .G.A. (Vols.) Xnight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Augnst, 1 95. MR. S . O . W ARDELL, KniO'ht of Grace of the Oruer of the Ho pital of St. John of Jerusalem in England . o Augu t, 1 9~D. BRIGADE-SURGEON LmUT-COLOr EL U. ~. ELLISTO , V .D . , l\I. R.O.S . RniO'ht of Grace of the Onler of the Ho l)ital of t . John of J el'tlsalem in Englanu. b August. 1 9'o. l\1R. J. S . UIU!<'FITII , l\I.B.O.S. Hon . Associate of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jem alcm in England.

:aSSistant Uommissfoners. l\lR. J. U. DERHA 1. Hon .

erving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of t . John of Jerusalem in England. April, 1 96. l\IR. T. H. \Y~OL TON. Esquire of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. Novemher, 1 96. l\IR. F. D . IACKENZIE. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t . John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1 97. MR. ~ . \ V. l\IALKIN. Hon . Serving Brother of the Order of the Ho pital of 'to John of Jerusalem in England . April, 1 9 .

,IE. H . GATLIFF. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital "f t. John of Jern ale11l in England . N0vember, 1 9 . IR. C . R. LAURIE, 11.R.O. '. Hon. Associate of the Order of the lIo. pital of • t. John of Jerusalem in England. December, 1899.

JR. \V. H.


Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the TIo. pital of. t. John of Jem ale111 in England. March 1903. SURGEO:,\-MAJOR GlBBOr, V .D., L.RC.S. , 1st Durham V.R.E. Ron. Associate of the Onler of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. August 8th, 1903.

1Srigabe Ubief Snperfntenbent. (With honorary rank as Assist ant Commissioner.) MR. \V. J. O . BRASIER. HOll. Serving Brother of the Oreler of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England . August, 1895.


Commissioner. G. L. MULLI " M.A.,

O APTAI I.D . H on. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. N ovem bel', 1902.

.MeNear ~fffcet in Ubief. 1 AJ OR

A. E.



M . B ., D. S .O.

H on . Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. J ol1n of Jerusalem in England . November, 1902.

lDepnt}? Uommissioner. '1'. ~. D IX~ON , M.B. Hon . Ser ving Brother of the Order of the H ospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England . N ovember, 1902.

$taff of IDistricts. BRI GADE DIS TR I CTS OF E N GLA ND A ND l-VA LES . No. I. District.-Comprising the ietropoli tan Police ar ea (parts of Essex, Kent, l1i Idlesex, and BLlrrey). Total ~ One Oorps, with 37 Divisions and 9 Nursing Divisions, 1180 Ofhcers and Men, 1 0 llfsing Officers and Sisters.

DejJut!J Comnl"issionf!1' in Charge of Dist?'ict ( Acting). IN PECTOR GE ERAL


l\I.D. , R.N., St. John's Gate, London, E. O.

District Chief I 'lIrgeon A Ssistllllt Commis.'ioner Assi ·tililt Commissioner (l1ul Ddrict 011 ief SU]JCI"intendent (Acting) Dis/tiel · lIpt. ccretary ( Acting) Diiitrict l'ujJf'I"inf6lldellt of Stores Di~t riel I 'uperinteild ent Treasurer


l\In. '. OSBOR , F .R.O.S. l\1R. F . D . MACKEl ZIE .

Mn. \V. H . MORGAN. MR. \V. J. H. PONTlN. l\IR. S . B. PIERS. MR. W . H . \VI JNY.

the counties of Berks, Bucks, Devon, Oor~nvall, Dorset, Gloucester, Rants, Hereford, Herts, Kent, pa~'t of Iiddlesex, Monmouth, Oxford , Somerset, Surrey Sussex, \VIlt , the Ohannel Islands, and Isle of \Yight.

No . II. Distric t.-Compri 'ing

Total: 4- Oorps, 43 Di"isions, 14-99 Officers and Men, 117 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Commissioner in Cha?'ge of District ( Acting). MR. J. . GRIFFI TH, M.R.O.S., Redlands Park, Bristol.

A ssi:;tant Commissioner. JR . 0, H. L AURIE, M.R.O.S.

District Cli ief Superintendent. iE. G. B. OOURTENEY, M .D .

District "Yllperintendent Secreicl1'Y. MR. W. J . PHILLIPS .


No. III. District.-Oomprising the counties of Bedford, Oambridge, Essex, Huntingdon, Leicester, Norfolk, Northampton, Rutland, Suffolk 'Yarwick, and 'Y orcester. Total: 8 Oorps, 39 Divisions, 1 86 O!ficers and Men, 34 Nursing Officers and SIsters. Deputy Com1nissioner in Oha1'ge of Dist1"~ct. ) BRIGADE-SURGEON LIEUT.-OOL. G. H. ELLI.STO ,'.D., M.RO.S., 2, Museum Street, Ipswlch. District Chief Surgeon ]\fR. ,V. E. AUDLA JD, M.RO.S. A 8sistant Commissioner MR. T. H. ,YOOL, TO . Chief S~lperintendent SURG.-OAPTAI T F. A. BROOKS, M.D. Superintendent Treasurer J. ,V. 'Yl1ITE. Supe1'intendent Secretary 'V. A. GIBB, M.D.

No. IV. District-Oomprising the counties of Oheshire, Cum berland, Lancashire, ,Yestmoreland, the Isle of Man, and Ireland. Total: 8 Oorps, 62 Divisions, 36 Nursing Divi~ions, 29:}i Officers and l\1en, 845 Nursing Officers and Slsters.

Deputy Oommissioner in Charge of District. LIEUT.-OOL. O. J. TRIMBLE, O.l\I.G., V.D., L.RO.P., Bamber Bridge, near Preston. l\IR. G . THOil[SO~ , l\1.D. Dist1'ict Chief SW'geon J. O. DERHA1II. l\IR. Assistant Commissioner l\1R. L. ,y HITTAKEB.. Dist1'ict Ohief S~tperintendent l\1R. A. L. GARNETT. District Superintendent Sec1·etary OAPT. E. B. POOLJi~Y, L.R.O.P. District S~tperintendent of Stores l\IR. F. DE B. PI I, L.R.O.P. District S'l.lperintendent Treasurer

No. V. District.-Oomprising the counties of Derbyshire, Lincoln, Nottingham, Stafford and Yorkshire ('Yest Riding). Total: 12 Oorps, 33 Divisions, ~397 Officers and l\1en, 299 J'ursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Dist1·ict. S. O. WARDELL, Esq., Doe Hill House, near Alfreton.

Assistant Commissioner District Chief S'ltrgeon Superintendent Secretcwy



No. VI. District.-Oomprising the counties of Durham, N orthumberland, and Yorkshire (East and North Ridings). Total: 1 Oorps, 8 Divisions, 290 Officers and Men, 109 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Assistant Com rnissi one1' in Charqe of District. SURGEON-MAJOR F. W. GIBBON, V.D., L.H..O.P. District Chief Surgeon MR. J. R. CREASE, F.R.O.S.

Report of tQe CQief Commi88ioner of tQe St. cJohn Ambulance Brigade for tQe year 1902-1902. BRIGADE HEAD-QUARTERS, ST. JOHN'S GATE,

Octobe?', 1903. OF the many cha,ng;e ' that haye tal{en place in the Brigade within the

In. t twelve months none was of so much importance nor is so greatly to be regretted a.s the 1'e 'igna.tioll of 'hief CommisHioner, iolonel Bowdler, C.D., "\\ho was (1,ppointed to thaL position in 1 98. It is gratifying to all oyer whom he 11a.s ruled .0 10110' and so ably, to know that the breakdown in h('a.lth which has cause~ him to tender his resignation of the Chief Commissionel'''hip will not neces 'itate hi. withdrawal from all adi ye pa.rt in th work of the Brigade, His Itoya] IIighne s the Grand Prior ha.\-ing al pointed him iommissionel' for .'pecial, 'ervice. The long route tl'11\ r. ed by theil' MajeHtie. through the ,Ye tEnd, Uity and ~oulh of London on I roc:ession Day, l'equil'ec1 the attendance of a \'ery la,rge nU111 h r of memberfl of the Brigade; about 1,:300, including nUl','ing iii<;tel's, \yere so employerl rendering Fir t Aid to the . ick and injured. Thi.' hrge numher included 693 \'olunteer from the Proyinc: -; who a.ttenclecl at <.:onsicl rable p rsonal cOflt, in many ilL·tance · journeying from long cli. tanc , nece, 'ita,ting the pa sing of a night a,,·,ty frum home. All, ho\yey r, wa .. <.:he'rfully borne, but much clisnppointm nt cuntinues to be felt tha.t the Rt. John' men employ d un public duty in the tr et · of Londoll Oll tha.t day did not r c ln~ the ioronation '.\f'dal. The audition of the Brigade as a whol is \'ery .11.tisfactor;y, for n1though t 11 l' is in 80m (li!:itriuts 11. :-·;lin·ht diminution in number thi' docs not lcs;.;en th elli<.:ient sllcno'LIl, non-eHicient:s being eliminated ,\ hel'e,· l' pl'actic11.ble. .l. llew dislrict is about to bc fOl'l)ted to include the Principality of ,raIes, but its xad boundari ' s and other c1eta.iJ. ' Im\ e not yet beell c1dinitely llecicl rl upon. The e.xten-;ion of the Ll'igad in the Colonic ' n1111-e;; good progres. . The Commissioner for Rpecia.l, 'enicC', -jolonel Bmvdl 1', C.D., inform ' me tha.t t.he Deal' r Companies fUl'ni 'heel hy th Brigade continue to maintain Llwir eJfieiency, and that the report. of tho milita,l'Y :0I dica.l Officer'> ';~ho haye imlpected them (luring Lh past year arc highly .'ati ,factory. F·:b.nee the In... L Annwl,l HepOl'L wa .. il·).'ued A Company 1m ' been formed, WIth heac1-qum-ters at Leeds, the 111 n being p1'oyicied by the Leed. , Rarnolds,,-ick, Bmdfol'Cl, and Dl'ighous Corp ' . It is to be regl'ette 1 th,Lt the proposed Company at .\ccl'ingLon ha not. Tet b en completed. The head-quarters of the existing Companies aro it follow: Bolton (Ll.), .PI' . ton (B) l 'hiHeld (C) Oldham (D) Bri tol (F), Leeds (U). Yolullteering for the Auxiliary TIoya.l ~a.yal I 'i·k BerLh TIe er\'e rtoef> not proceed as rapidly as coull he wi 'h d, buL the men who ha.ye joined the .R:esel'\,c :we of th righ t stmup, <l,ncl hould P1'0\,(' Lo b ,l, \' ry useful ac1dItlOll to th Medica'!. 'enice of Ghe Hoyal N,l,vy in ca.I-;C of mobilizc.l,tion of the fleet. . As regard, the Colonies it is of im.porbnc to nol that upel'iol' Officers ha.ve been 1tppoinLccl during the pcl,SL yecw in J.. ew I outh ,Yale

232 and in New Zealand, and there a.re already igns that a considerable and early development of Brigade wOlk in tho'o and adjacent States ,,~ill re ult from these appointments. Enquil'ies regarding the mode of procedure for forming units of the Bri~ade have been received from several other Colonies, including Canada, Cape Town, the Tmn, vaal, Jamaica, and Barbadoe , a.nd it is believed that teps are being taken to organize units in one or t"\,'0 tation. in India. Major C. H. Milburn, 2nd East Hiding Volunteer Artillery, D puty Commissioner No. 6 District ince December, 1898, re, ign his appointment, to the great regret of all who have served under him. He is succeeded by urgeon-Major F . ' Y. Gibbon, V.D., an officer 'well acquainted with the Di tl'ict, and in clo e touch with those interested in ambulance work in the neigh bourbood. The Royal Agricultural how wa held at Park Royal thi,~ year fo1' the first time. The usual ambulance arrangements were made by :ro. 1 Di trict; 62 ca ualties were attended Lo. Of the competitions open to all Di tricts of the Brigade tho Dewar Shield was won by the Cyclist Division :;\Ietl'opolitan l'orps, and,the Symons Eccles Cup by the Kendal Diyi'ion. FiYe team' competed in the finals. The Argenta Cup open to team hom Distl'i(;t::; IV., V., and VI. was ,von by Bl'ierfield Divi.'ion. On the occa ion of his vi it to Hull in May, for the pm'po. e of unveiling a statue of Her late :JIaje, ty Queen Yictol'ia, cl'ecLed by the inhabitants of Hull, His Royal Highne's the Grand Prior pre 'ented medals to members of the Brigade who had erved ih ~hilla ancl in South Africa during the late war who '" ,ere re ident in the 'lo"" ,n or neighbourhood. The Head-quartersproYided in the new building adjoining, 'to J olm's Gate, and opened by His Royal Highne' the Grand Prior on 9th July la.::;t, is excellent. It consi ts of Chief Commisfiionel"s offic ,Brigad oftice, Brigade room, (for Lecture, Examinations, :JIeetings, etc.), record room, In addition, the great hall is availe:'tble for eh·ill purposes by pennis::;ion of the Chapter General under certain 1'e trictions. The du'tllg of 9hief Commis ioner, it is atisbctory to state, ha::; in no way mterrupted the general routine, the General In.·tructiol1s, Hegulations, and Brigade Standing Order, thanks to the care, fore. ight a.nd tedmic<'tl knowledge displayed by Colonel Bo,vdlcr, C.B., are if carefully carried out sufficient to render the succe::; ·ful ,yorking of the organization automatic. The very effective tate of the units in the. eyeral districts i' mOi-;t satisfactory and reflects the greatest credit on all concerned. The work necessarily devolving upon the Deputy Commi,'sioners, and likewise upon the District staffs, i of yearly increase. To bu;:;,)' men c't limit must sooner or later be reached, and it is to thi' fact t.hat resignations amongst the. e officers is to be referred. Tha.t the e resignatiom; <1,1'e not more ~requent indicates an amount of zeal and devotion on the part of those m authority in the various Distrjcts not to be equalled mnong::;t the members of any other philanthropic organization. BELGRAVE NI T "'1,', R.N., :Jl.D. Chief Commiss~·one?·.

No. 1.



Deputy Oommissioner (Actiltg)-IllSI)ector~General B . NINNIS, M.D., R . N. District Ohief Sw·geon-]Hl'. ,'. OHDOKN, F.rt-C.H. Assistant OomIILissioncl'-Mr. F. D. MACKEXZIE. Assistant Oommilisiollcr ((nel District Ohief Sztpcrintcnrlent (Acting)Mr. W. H. MORGAN. District Supcrintcndent Secrctary (Acting)-Mr. ",Y. J. H. PONTE. District Supcl'intcndcnt of StOI'CS-~Ir. . B. PlEIt '. District Superintelldent 1'1·cwwrc)·-'Mr. 'Y. H. 'VJN~Y.





J OIIX'S GATE, CLERKE~WELL. 1st Octover, 1903.

In accol'llance with your in:tructions I have the honour to submit the Rep.,n·t of the :latc amI condition of No.1 District. A pel'l1sal of the Report of duty p~rf.o:llled ll,Ul'lllg the 'pnl:it t\\'cl\'c months, the abstract of Oorps and Divi ions and Dl\'ll:ilOllal .heport~, \~'lll ::;how tllat tbc amount of puulic duty performed, the total iStrenglh of the Dltnct and the geucml efliciency has been \Yell maintained. The n~lllluer of allr~tlk~ ~lpon 1.larade o~ all important oeca 'iOllS of public uuty will likeWI C sho~\' ~h~t Illlhndualllltere'~ III th~ \\'ork continues to be mo L atisfactory. T.he lhsClpllllC a.1Hl the .mauner III WlllCll all ranks hayc performed their s6yeral dune on all puhlw occa lOllS leave' llothing to l)e desired. Tl.lC 11Il!11l1)cr' .01' the Oycli, t Division \\'110 IH1\'e each wcek throughout the year C,olltlllue.d Lo a Sl't the l~pel:illLeJlUellt 'ccl:etary, (ading), in carrying out the routine Secretal'la~ work of th.o Dlslnct, are de 'er\'lllg 01 the ,,'arlllest thank, and I de ire to ta.k~ tillS opportulllty of expressiug my thorongh appreciation of the efficient help so \\'llllllgly gIVell. The allllual in pection to be folIo\\' d by the pre entation of medal awardeu by the Ortler of t. Jol1n, .1'01' sen iee in 'outll Africa, and the Coronation medals, was al'l'angell to lIe held III the 1I10aL of lhe Tow l' of London (by killd peJ'mis ion of the Constable and Ohief Govc1'llor), 011 the 13th June, but 0" ing to the inclell1!:'nt weather had to be abandoned. The presentation of medals afterwards took place in the grounds of the harterhouse. Aovaulage was taken of this opportunity to pre ent to Mr. O. 'Y. Baker, late uperinLClHIent unattachclI, the Di tinO'ui hed OOllduct Medal, awarclerl for eli tinguishecl conduct ill 'outh Africa during tl~e late vmr. Interesting ,lisplay were given ill the ground of the Charterhouse on t. John's Day, by membcrs of the 'outh letropolitan Gas 'ompany Diyi ion, and by a detachment of Ilursing ister from the t. John' Gate NursiuO' Diyision. The latter was with th~ object of illustrating that in case of emergen;y trained \yomen cun snccessfully lllstrnct untrained a sisLallce in rellllerinO' first aid and the removal of the injured by stretcher alldlitter. I:> I


234 The "Dewar" Shield Oompetition was won by the Oycli t Division under 1st Officer S. H. Vilven. Th e Toynbee HaJl Division under 2nu Officer J . A. S. Ooleman, won the Efficiency Oup Oompetition. The South Metropolitan Gas Oompany Di vi iOll were the winners of the" Massey-Mainwaring" Oup (seconu time) and the Oauston Divi ion of the" Osborn" Shield (second time). The thanks of the District are due to the Rev. Oanon Haig-Brown, Master of the Obarterhouse, for his continued kinuness in granting the use of the Preacher's and Master's Oourts for drill. I have the honour to be, iI', Your obedient Servant, , VILLfAM Assi~tant



Commissioner ((?tel District Chief Supe1'intendent (Acting).

Th e Ohief Oommis joner, St. John A.mbulance Brigade, St. John's Gate , Olerken well, E. O.


30nI, 1903. Members on duty.



'"<> U1



---- ------------------ ---- --- -- --1902. Oct. 1

26 Nov.


R('vir.w of Fire Brigade, VicLoria. Park * 'oronation PI'Oc.:l',;<;1011 Thallk'gi\'ing, FiL. 1',Ll11's CaLhel1ral Lonl ~l 'lyor's Proeessiull





1151 15




1fl03. Jan.


7 10 Feb .


17 2-1-25

Mildlllay Olub Poor Ohildren's .Annual Dinller ... Shol'c<lilch Clnl) Ilill1rell'H Party... ... Leylolls[One-Firc Ul'igade UUiOll Oa.rnival ,\Tonhl iell Arsenal FooLllal1 (+rollnd, Oup Tie Bromley, Kent-SunIl! or 'l'h,tllie ' Cross COUll try hmllpionsl11p . .. . .. \\~cntl,l(':r Park- .· ortl1 or the Thalllcs Cro s COllll try A .'ociatioll Mceting Opelling of ParlillllCl1t.. .. lIlilllHu!l;:-Yi. it or 11.~L tlle ring .. Call1lillg ITo\\'I1 Pnblic Hall Chill1rcu'.' ElItertainmenL .... :T ortll London 'ltd, & III ·titllte-Chilal'cJl·~




9 3 22 14





9 121




951 196 26 8

·14 106





3 I


Purly ...



Pan]" 'aLheclral.'t. D:lYill's EYe \\' elsh Fl.'li \'al 11ilc1l1l:l.\- lnll AllIHlal 'hildren' Party ... t. Plllll's-Pa'-sioll Music... ... ;'talllf'II\'1] Hill-Tt'c-Lo-Ll11ll Grounds, Athletic >c ports Putney Y('lo(lrolll('-lIairc1re~scrs' RpOl'tS Ea.ler MOllllay-.Al 'xlllHlm Palace . Battec('a Park · ... 't.


" "



" " " " ,." "

" " "




" * I ncluding 693

Bl<lckheaLh Bosla 1 \r OOll. Iholllley ... Chingl'ol'd "Rising un" " " " Rohin Hood," lnphalll Oummon Cl'\'i'ital Palace IIaeklley 1!llrshes IIamp t"ead lleath, LO\"l'!' llalll]d!'acl lJ eatll, Yale oC I1('ullh Peekbal11 Rye • trtlllfonl Dill, Tee-tn-tUlll trpatllam and Tooting Olllmons, and Urod::\I ell Parl, Vall t('ud l~lats ... ,\'elsll IIarl l, H endon \\relll hley Park 'Worlllw ood crubbs

2 9 4




11 6 1


1 :2




3 3 3 3

6 4

17 6




1 1

15 12

7 Ii) 4

17 1 1 1

1 13

4 ~6

16 ]0 7



4 1


1 1 1

2 4

9 3 3







32 12






of all mnks from Pro\ illt'ial Oorp. alllI Divisions.




Members 011 duty.

1\1eI111;er8 011 duty.

- - -1903. Ap r. 13

1 2



15 20 21-23



27 2

J une

29 1


7 17- 19

20 22-27

26 27


Putney Velodrome, Ath" letic S})Ol"ts ... . .. Canning Towu, Athletic " Carnival .. Crystal Palace-Football Challenge Cup Tic Manor Park Recreation Hall-Concert in aid of East Ham Ho pi tal . . . . .. Herne Ilill Cycling Clnu Sports ... . .. Opening of Electric Tramways, .... Londolt Opening of Kew BriL1ge by T.M. the King ami Queen .. . ... ... . .. Fulham-Uayor's Demonstration in aid of Almshouses .. . .. ... . .. Crysta 1 Palacc- Printing and Allieu Trades Sports .,. ... ... ... .. Hyde Park-Education :Jletting ... '" St. P.1.ul's--Boys' Brigade en·ice... . .. Epsom Downs-Epsom Races ... . ..

" ""








. ..

T ee-to-tn111 Grounds-Athletic ports .,. Whit-i\1onday-Alexandra Palace ... Battersea Park .. '" " Blackbeath ... . .. " Bostal "Woods .. . . .. " Bromley... ... .. " Cbingford ... ._. " " " Ri 'illg Ull" " " "Robin Ilood" " Clapham Common .. . " Hackney l.Iarshes .. . " Hampstead Heath .. . "" Lower ,, Peckham Rye . . . . .. ,, " Streatham Commoll .. . " "\Vansteau F la ts .. . .. " "\Velsh IJ arp ... . .. " "\Veml)ley Park ... . .. " "\Vormwood Scrnuus ... Crystal Palace - Anerley Bicycle Club, Carwardine Cup Rac:e ... ... .. Hospital Sunday-·Riug's Visit to St. Pauls Children's HOllIe, Bonner Road-Bazaar and F ete ... .. ... ... . .. Acton-Friars Place Farm, Kildare SlJorts Mildmay Club Annual Carnival '" ... East IIam-Children's Hospital Fund Sports ... .., ... ... . .. Beckton Cricket Grouud-Annual Charity Sports ... ... ... ... . .. Putney Velodrome-Col1stitutional Club Sports ... ... ... ... . ..

-- -- --- -- ---

- - --




3 6


2 4.


1 1 4

fi fi



7 9


09 3




1 4

1 1 1



2 1 -1


3 :3 9


:2 :2

5 12 3


11 1




3 U 11


li 11

4 3


7 13 8 20



1:3 2ti




16 1:3

7 4 4

5 1 1

1 1 1

1 2 1 1 1










24 2

6 11 5

4 5 3




7 1


23 & 24 25

10 15

2 1



16 ]0






-- -- ---

1903 June 21 to 29

2 1





R oyal Agricultural Show, Park R oyal D aily-9 a.m . to 7 p.m. Nightly-7 p .m . to 9 a .m . . .. Crystal Palace-1'lletro]1oliLall and City Police Fete unday Upper Edmonton - Centenary chool U Ilion ... Visit of President Louuet ... " " to City Rectory Field. Manor Park-Gymkhana ... Tee-to-tllm Ground-'Iottenham School POlts ... Ilfonl 'lJOlts Urounu-Ilforcl Men's Meeting ports cholars' Anllual \\rool\\"ich Taucrnucle Treat lapham Common-L.C.C. Fire Brigade Review ... Richmond Athletic Grouud-Eady Closing As oeiation • ports 'tamfonl Bridge +l"OllUUS, Chel 'ea-Chelsea uno 'We t Loudon Sehools' Athletic A sociation's 'port· ... Toltenham arni\'a,1 lIarrow Recreatioll a rounu-. port "· "\YaLlharn Loclge Estate-Fete allU Amuulance Display .. .. \Vallhum tow Cart Horsc Parade ... Fulham Palace Grouucl-We t London Il1llnslrial o-operntiye Fete ... Yicarnge Field, Balking- cllOol Treat ' " Woolwich AI' enal Football Ground-Hoyal Arsenal 'ports Bromley-Co-opcrative Fe 'liyul amI POlts Ea t Fillchley-Derwt'llt IIoll~e Sports Wembley Park lIOl" e how Tee-to-tum Grounds, Stamforcl Ilill-Atbletic porls Brown's ,rounels, "unhend - \Yalking Conte. t August Bank Holiday-Alexandra Palace " Batter ea Park ... " Blackheath " " Bostal Wood " " Bromley ... " " Chingford " " " "Ri 'ing un" " " " ('RobinHood" " " Cla.pha111 COl11mon " " Crystal Palace .. . " " Ealing Common .. . " " H acklley Marshes " " JT ampstead Heath " " H igh Beech R ace " " Meeting











3 3

1 30


7 40 94

19 43



















5 6











1 2

10 15 9





5 5 4

8 7 1


4 2

2 4

1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 6

20 6 22 20 7

3 3 3


21 7 9 6 7 5

4 2 2 1



3 3

26 6 4




4 2







239 l\lp.lllOeI'S on duty.



Occasion .

Tame of Divisions.

- - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

1903 Aug. 3

1 August Bank Holiday-Peckham Rye .. . " "Strcatham .. . ,Valtham ,tow Fete Wanstead Flats ... 1 " " ,YelshHarp,Hendon " " ,Yem1.Jley ... " " ,Yest London Tem" " perance Fete ... " ",Yorl11wood crubbs Oentral Park,East Ham-Pa1:s111oreEd,yal'ds 4 Hospital Oharity Sports ... .. . Oentral Club-Ohildreu's Outing .. . Wealdstone Recreation Grollnd- 'Weald5 stone Sports ... ... ... .. . 8 Harrow Recreation Ground-Cycle Race .. . 12 Orystal Palace-Oity Police Athletic ports Me srs. Jones Brothers' Gronnds, Holloway Road-London Road Oar Oo's. ports 15 Old Bow Running Grounds - Athletic Sports... ... ... ... . .. Allen's IV orks Ground. IV ealdstolleAllen's A. O. Sports' ... ... ... 19 Harrow Recreation Ground-Harrow O. O. Evening Meeting .. .. ... 27 Grove Park Club, Ohiswick-Tradesmen's, Police and Firemen's Sports.. .. . Sept. 2 Southend-on-Sea-Sports ... ... .. . 9 " Hegatta......... 12 Tee-io-tum Grounds, Stamford Hill-Athletic Sports.. ... ... .. . 'IVem bley and Harlesden Local • ports .. . 1 19 Tee·to-tum Grounds Olub Athletic Sports May 2 to Oricket Season-Hackney Marshes .. . Sept. 26 Victoria Park ... .. . . .. Regents Park ... Southwark ... '" Oct.4,'02 Football Season-Queen's Park and 'Willesto Mar. den Town ... .. . 14,1903 Regents Park ... .. . Clapham Oommon .. . JUay 6 to Fire Exhibition, Earl's Oourt ... .. . Oct. 24 Oct.1,'02 St. Paul's Ambulance Station to Sept. 30,1903 Oct.l,'02 Duncan Memorial Ambulance Station to 8ept. 30,1903 Jnly 7 to Special dnties at Orystal Palace (19 occasions) Sept. 30 ))

10 5



1 1 2 1 1

20 8 6






14 5


2 2

7 13

6 1






5 5

4 2 2

7 11 2







District SLatI' ... ... Acton Division ... . .. Barnet" ... .. Berll10ndscy & Rotherhithe Div. Bromley Division .. . Bryanston " .. . Ouuston's" .. . Chilllren's llome Di vision Oyclist Divison ., ... Doulton Di vi ion .. . .. . East IImn " ... ... Eust LOll(lun " ... . .. Fulhum " ... .., G.IV.n.. (Paddington) .. , llaggertoll".. .. . Hump teall, .. ' .. . Harrow " '" ... Hospital atnnlay Fund Diy. King'sCros' (G . . H.) )) Ley ton c Ley ton tone " L. B. & . O. R. (N ew Oros') " L. B. & . R. (Victorio.) » Mertoll c ,Yimbledon " North LOlll1011 Railway " Norwoo(l " Product" \\T ork . " Royal Arsenal " Joh1l" Gate N o . 1 " » " N o. 2 )) t. Mark'.' " South ~letropolita.n Ga 00,)) Streatlialll " Tottenham&Ibm]1 teadJn.Ry. Toynbce Hall " ,Valthamstow " Vlaterlow " Wembley & Harle den " Whiteley Barking Ul' 'iug Division " Belgravia » Ohildren' Home NUl'S. Diy. East Ham )) Hospital 'at. Fund )) N 01'\\'00(1 " St. John's Gate )) IVemhley " 'Wimbledon & Merton"





1 1





9 11

3 3 10 5 5 3


12 12


42 57 31

39 5 3 3

36 14f)

3fiO 4. 3

393 -












1 -

1\= =1=

16 13

2 1





25 14 17 18 28 27

iI1 1




2 2

2 1





3 3

1 1

~1 1 11 -


1 -







1 -


1 1 1 1 1* 1 1

43 32 17 30 1


26 21 32 50



2 2


38 17 22 20


1 1 1


5 2



1 ? 1 1 1

1 1




=1 -



1 1 1 1



,I 1



21 43

1 -

- J-




56 15 31 57 30 17

2 1


15 117




(1) 1.(1)

2 1


i1 i'4 g~ __ ~_1

J,I, :2



(i) 2

23 _


Toto.l -1-1-2-1 :3 51 2,1, 11 10 10 10 7160 * The Honorary l1rgeons shown ill parenthe is are counted in the cone ponding Am bnlance Divisions.




ST. Jow-;'s

[Formed 6.87. J CLEHKgNWELL, E.C .


Honor-a ry Sur-ge ons. l~.

O. BrowlI, :'Il.ll.C.S . J. F. ·Woods,lIl . n . ,J. Gidle) l\tnore, :'Il.ll . C.l'. LIST OF DIVISIONS IN Ol{DER OF SENIOlUTY. AhlBULA



C. ,J. Bra-ttic, ~r.Tl. Surg . .i\lttjor It.i\I. Collin, F . rt-C.p.

Supt. and Hon. Treas.

1st Officer.

W. D. Lilldcll, " neillti,t," J\tmnvl'll Avenne, J\I us\\'dl 11 ill, 1 .

T. P. Holmes. Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.


Bromley . April 24, 1896 Hospital Saturday Fd. J nly 27, 1 96 "orwood "oyember 26, 1896 Doulton eptember 30, 1 96 T oUenham & H amp ·tead Junction Railway February 8, 1 27. Acton May 16, 1 June 21, 1 2 . Harrow 29. Walthamstow. Jan. fl, 1 30 . Ea.st L ondon . " 12, 1 33. BermonclseyanclRotherhithe II 10,1 99 34. 'W hiteley May 4, 1899 36. Cn-uston Feb. 14, 1900 37. G.W.R. (Paddington) Oct. 18, 1900 3 . L.B.& .C. R.(Victoria) Jun. 20, 1905 39. treatham . Jan. 30, 1902 40. Products Works Feb. 6, 1902 41. Royal Arsenal October 1, 1902 42. Barnet Augu t 28, 1903


D ec. 1, 1890 January 23, ] 93 May 24, 1893 1 93 June 11 , 1896



Fanned. 1. Children's Hom e . 2. St. John's Gate 3. Wembley 4. Barking 5. Norwood


No. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

No. F01'1nccl. 1. St. J ohn's Gate .r o. 1 June, 1887 July, 1889 2. H aggerston 3. N orth London Railway April, 1 90 4 . L ey ton and Ley tons tone ,July, 1890 5. Children's H ome December, 1 90 6. Cycli t March 7, 1891 7. Toynbee H all . April, 1891 9. St. John's Gate No.2 Feb. 15, 1 93 10. St. }\fark's March, 1893 11. \Yambley anLl HarlesdenMay 12,1 93 June, 1893 12. W aterio,,13. King's Cross (G.N.R.) Oct. 4, 1893 14. Bryan ton April, 1884 15. East H am April, 1895 16. London, Brighton & South Coast Rail way ( "ew Cross) July, 1895 17. Merton & Wimbledon Sept. 14, 1 95 Nov. 13, 1 95 18. Fulham 19. Sth. Metropolitan Gas Co. Dec.5, 1 95 20. Hampstead Jannary 31, 1896


July, 6. Hospital Saturday Fund 7. Wimbledon and M ertoll June 11, May 4, 8. East Ham Nov. 7, 9. Belgra,via

1 96 1 98 1 99 1899


T. D. H.lI>-se'll, 1 , LUJ1easLcl' Road,

Pte. F. L Ealey.

,V cst NOl'll'oo(I, ' ..K Ollicl'I's 7. ,-'er~~nllL!4 5, Private'S 38. Total effcctive 50. DCCl'cnse sillce !:lst rel'0IL~ . Drills hol(l !i7. Anrage attcndanee 9. Cases alten(l!'t} not, ol1 puhlie (luty 120. A1l11l1nl rc-exalllilJatiolls, 2nd and 20th Mar. .Mlll1bcr4 passed :32. Dill !lot appcar 1:3. 1.[crlullion8 23 . 'ervice badcres 29. Nursing ecrtiliuates 13. Regulatioll Illliforlll 11'01'll . 1I1aLelial: 1 havrc ac" stl~etC'her, etc. lJi vision sUl'l'orll'cl by mcm hprs' su hs(;ri ption.'. The. tale.of the Di\,j.ioll is satisraetory, cspl'cially as regan1s its West London , ection, \1'1111'11 has cOllsideraldy gro\l'!l sillce its forl11ation. The !lP\\" bnil l1ill<r at St. ,John's Unle heillg Clll11pldcll, the Dil'i.'joll \I'a~ al11e to retul'll to its oriuillal hcad-quadc]'s fo]' drill. The Dil'i,;ioll has 1akcn part ill all LlIC dutics and pn~ades cll1'l'i('li Ollt ill the eli lrict, hcslllt·s rloillg Sl)(~('i1tl Iluties Ulronghollt the year at the Alexandra Palacl' ('1'cIT \I" 'rl- ( Laking its tU1'l1 with thr olhcr lJilisions) and on all Hank lInlidays and spe('ial days, II'h(;]1 a crowl1 \\'as cxpecLt·d. . 'lalioll duties baye also llf'cn eal.riclI out at 8t. Paul's 011 'un,la)' arte1'llOOllS when ordered, and at all special Sl' l'\']('CS hcld in lhe Calhedml, l~arl's Comt Exhil,itioll, Ep 0111 Dowlls, (Vcrhy Day, OpPlling of • 'outh L01ll1nn Electric Tram '('nice, Opening of Kew Bridge, Hydc P,nk ~t('elillg, ,'UlTcy AthlcLic ~leetill"., an(l foothall grounds in its Divisional clistriut. and 'onlc day al1l1 night Illlty at the Royal Agricultural, ociety lI[cetil1~ at Pal'l\: Hoyal. Olle ot' thl' mcmhers on re.' igning pl'e"enlt'd a hand ome sil"l'r ehlllll' ngc CIl]> ill 11ll·1ll0]'.r:11' his l~lLllcr, the late ,'ir Cha,'. Oppellheimer, H , l\'~l. CIlllsul at l"mllkr()rt-Oll-~lilill, to he competed for annually by member, of thp Di\'i~ioll ill I'l'st all-round alllhuiance \York. It \I-a' WOIl for tho Ji.rst time hy Pte. J. ~l. II. ~l! ill word,


[Formcd 7. 9.] IIF\f1-11l'.\ltL'l<Hs: '27 c '2\), l!.\CGEll ,"ro , - llo\n. Supt . and Hon . Treasurer.

Honorary Surgeon.

II. llml,



II. !let t, 3, JI ansfi .. l(l treet, King'lallllHoatl, :r.E.

1st Officer.

II. ·Wakely. Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores .

1st O1a,'8 ergt. T. Atlerbury. ,crgt. J. WIlls, 11. J\l.!l\'(;l'll Roall, Dnl·toll, N.I~. Ollic('rs~. • elgeants 3. orpomls 1. Privates 2. Total efrectivc 3 . Deerenso Hince la:·t report 7. Drills h&111 45. Average attelHlance 10. Ca cs attendee] on puhlic duty 40. a e. attelHlell not on pulllie <Iut ,50. Removal 5. Annual inspcction, 13th June. Total on l'an1.llo 34 . "\hSClll without leave 10. Annual re-exnminntiol', 19th .Tunc. Menlher pas cil 22. Faile(] 4. Did not appeal' 16. Medallion 31. en' ice bntlgrs 12. Tnr. in~ certificates 14. Regulabon uniforlll worll. Malerial: 1 lilt!'r, 3 ~tretchers, 2 hane 'acs, 2 c'lbinets with requisites, and 26 water bottl . Division npportc.:d by it members. The Division again how, a deOl'en'e of member hip owing to onr having to trike off. everal members for ineflicielley, othcrwise we arc going on very atifactoril y . T~le lIon orary nrgeon h as just started a very int resting course of lectures for the wmter months. Public duty has b ell performed on tho ocea. ion of the King's Progress through the City, the vi it of Preiclent Lonbet at Chingford, Ea,rl's Court, and t. Paul 's Cathedral.




[Formed 1. 4. 90 ].

HEAD-QUARTEI~S: Bow ROAD ,YORKS, E. Honorary Surgeon ,

injl1l'y to spine, was attended to 011 AU ff llSt 13 1903 I .' , ,Vest J] am 1I0flpiLal on a litter TI1 0 tOlla' I, ' f tI" Dt :e,l,lahent hmng.removed to 111 IT ' l' . to tIlo Sn \S "() t Ie1 IV1SlOl1 are d ue> t tL 1.' IV' )..cnzLC an( IllS men and abo 0 , up . . th eir valuc(l as'ii,tance ,' Th e COWlll ct or t~~pcl1n one .ent and men of the Police for clc\'otioJl to thc work commcndable in every ~\,~~~lllbeis has been vory good, and their

J , J. Dickinson, l\I.H . C.S. Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

1st 010. s ergt. ,V, J. Hyrons, 64, Ruskin A venue, Manor Park, E.

Pte. H. Ooles.

Officer 1. Sergeants 3. Privates 17. Total efrective 21. Increase since last r epol t 1. Drills h eld 4.9. Average attendance 19. Oases attended on public duty 15. Oases attcmled 110t on public duty 37 . AUllualreexamination, 19 th and 26th June aud 8th October. Passed 1 . Failed 1. Did not appear1. Medallion, 14. ervice badges 10. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 3 litters, stretchers anu llumerou boxe of material in work h01)S, stations, signal boxes, and good yards. Divi iOll supported by Jorth London Railway Company and members' subscriptions. The Division ha. made good progress dming the year. Drills have been well attenued. Public duty has been performed on the oeca 'ion of His Most Gracious Maj esty the King's Procession, on Lonl Mayor's Day, Opening of Parliament, and Visit of President Loubet at Hampstead Heath and Earl's Cvlll't. MemLers were also present 011 the occasion of the visit of Ris Roy,tl Highn ess tile Prince of ,Yales to St. John's Gate. A man fell off the bridge, o\'er N.L. lin e, on to the balla. t, a uistance of about 30 f(:;et, allLl fracturecl hi' left thigh, besides receiving injuries to face aud scalp. Imm erliate treatment was rendered by members, allu he \vas l'emoycd from DeVOll'::; !load to Poplar Hospital in 25 minutes. Patient progressed satisfactorily.


[Formed 7.90.]


No.5 (CHILDREN 'S HOME ) DIVISION. [Formed 1.12.90.J H EAD-QU.l.nTEltfi : TIlE OHII,DHJ~~'S II ()~m, BONN"Er. ROAD , LOXDON, N.E. Honorary Surgeon,

Surg.-Oapt, A. O. Tunstall, ?>I.D. Honorary Secretary (in charge).

1st Ola. _ ,s

Cl'gt. R. J . Ih)'c , ", 4 ')~,' ,on·tl I b orongh Hoad, ,'outh Hackney, K.E.

. ()Ihce~' 1. ,'crgeallt 1. Corporal 1. Private' 16. Total effrctiye 19 Decll'a. e ::;lI1re In t report 1. Drills held 37 A'" (( " . attendcd,ol1 pU!llic Lluty H. Casps altended not 'on \el~oe attel~lallce 10. Oases AnllUa1lJl:-;pcctioll ]3thJlIllC T t.1 I puulJcduty];;O, Removals 3. re-l':-':'ullill'ltioll 7tII Feb 111' loa OlllJlaral C 13. A1Jcnt \yith loa\'e 7. Annual ., " . ! l eJ11Jel'S pa').e( 1 Dic1nota " 1 1\1' II' ') cn"icc bud,,!, ' 11. 1 . . P,PlaJ. 1 eua Ions 1~. ur.'illu ccrt'I'" " 2 stretclll'!'>! Z h'l\"l·eS l1.CS 1° \ 11 ~C<lllrLStJ11.1 Rrgnlal1011 UlUr0ll1l.'YOlll. Material: , ' . ". \ a CI JO e' arCfc box memliers'subscription 0 " e t o. D'" IYU:il0n snpportoc1 oy has. hce 11 f I: 11 y mum ' tamec ' 1 by ItS ' mcmLcrs dnrin a the " The " ill Itc!'est tl ' ill ' 'j_the I Division ' J e~l: 'lllr , . Ie \\ 01 ~ 1<1, he n hctter than llt previous years. Dut ha b"cn u~dertakcn DgallJ 011 Hackney Marsh clul'ilJ(t the cricht " Yl 1- L 1 l'Oltllty Coullcil }iU\'e l'ro\'idc<l a sbttion O excltl iy I ~ ~cu~o.n, \\ lele t Ie one on 11uclertaken 'IS follo\\'s' :F ire B.' 1 p', . e~, fOJ 0111 nse. Duty \\'[lS al 0 D,,\ ,'t I)'lll'I'c "'atllc'111"al 0 .llgar.e) \C.\·WW III '\ lcloria Park, I\:il1 o(" " Proce ion • • of 1 '11'11'11 11~'lIt , T Cc, t 0- t 11m C'>I'OUlH 1s, Eml .s Court y' .·t f •p. , ,' 1" I J L ' l'Clllll" b" II 0 le IC Cllt onber, three days Bazaar and F ete at Children" llome.

Honorary Surgeon.

A. Todd-White, l\I.R.C.I:;. Superintendent and Honorary Treasu rer.

J. J. Olley, Acorn Villa, 91, Fairlop Rd., L eytonstone. 1st Officer.

A. F. Pautlon.


2nd Officer, Inspector of Stores.

Sel'gt. H. Marston, 58, Selby Road, Leytonston e.

Pte. B. Green .

Officers 4. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 3. Privates 3. T otal ell'ecLive 48. Decrease since last report 9, Drills hehl 28, Average attendance 13. Oases attended on public dnty 50. Oases attel1llod not on public duty 85. Hemovals 3. Annual inspection, 13th June . Total 011 parade 36. ALseut with leave 6. Without leave 6. Annual re-examination, 23rd and 27th May. 1\1e1111Jers pa sell 36. Did not appear 8. 1\1edallions 30 . Service badges 26. Nursing certiii.cates 22. Regulation uniform worn, lIlaterial: 3 llJarquees, 2 Lell tents, 2 folding bell steads, 8 folding chairs, 1 folding talJle, 4 IJlankets, 40 water lJottles, 4 waterproof sheets, 4 surgical havresacs, &c. Division supported by its members. The Division is in a satisfaetory condition, 1l0twithstal1<lillg the rlecrease of 9 members, which is Lrollght alJout by some having to move to Milllanu counties for work, and some going abroad. Public duty has been performed on the following occasions : the King's Ooronation Day, Lord Mayor'S Day, Fire Brigade Oa,rnival, the Skating Season at Wanstead Park and Snaresbrook Pond, Earl's OO'1rt Exhiuition, Educational Demonstration, Epsom, Oaks Day, visit of Presiuent Lou1J et, Wanstead Flats, at Easter, ~Vhit­ suntide, and August Bank Holidays, and St. Paul's Oathedral. A serious aCCltlent,

J OIT~'S G_I.'rE, E. O.

Honorary Surgeon,

J. T, Olley.

Honorary S ecretary.



II. C. lIo\\ ard, Superintendent.

'L J. II. POll tin 3:3, Sulhe!)\" Road ) Hj 0uhl~lln' .J J'

:'Il.l:.C . .

1st Officer and Hon. Treasurer.

. II. Yih'en . T

Ho norary S ecretary and Inspector of Stores.

ht CIa . ergt. II. J. IIallatt, Pondcr End, Middlesex. Ofliccl'.':i,3. crgeunt" 2. Corporal 3. l'rivates ')3 Ttl 11' t', 1 , Decl'ca.'e iilllce lll·t report l. Drill' lldd .... ) ,:. 0 a e ec 1\,e 3 . lllspectioll, 13th J lIlle. Total on panl<le ~1. ll~'en A\~,?lage :~tgl1dal1.~e 13. Annnal Allllllal rc-exmnin'ltiOll 3l,t lIhrch 111 1. t Ith lea\ e •. \\ Ithoutleaye 1. 111 e l11' " ' . J.' emuers pa ' ed ~6 D:LlllOt a '* a IOn<; 1. 'el'vice balluc " 11. :r m · illu tT l . • . ' 1 pe,ar . worn. Diyi 'ion 'lupportec1 by its members. 0 Cel Ilca es ] . RegulatIon 11l1lform Although tlte nUlllerical trenoth or the D' , . 1 effici f tl b 0 1\'ISI011 S lOWS a lictlIt decl'ea e the ..enc.f 0 Ie me111 el'::; is wcllll1aintainC'll. Th e a.ttendance at 1 ·11' t' ~ , conslderll1 brr that the mcmb"I' al'e sc,."<L~~'el'c L10 \'er pracncu ' , . 1'1 y the ,lll 1 ~ \1 1:;\1a 1 'lacton-, I' . aroa. Duty hus been ul1l1ertal"C11 on 11 bl' ,< . ' \ 10 e ... Ptl'OPO Itan tion, anLl, as h0fore l)ecl"'l 'a~~"lltl'o lla I pUb 10 oe~asloll : at 'Earl's Court Exhibi)' 1 ' . "OJ<, Hts een crl \'Cll to c"cle . t' 1,Ie lI11on(l tLIlIl Putn ey tJ'acl-s The D' " I °f 11 J, lace mee'mgs at into competition b win ' ~'1 . I.V1Sl?1l las. 0 o.wed up It suece ful eutry olf wi thin 12 mall 11 III 0 t Ie De\\ al Slncld, tIllS l1ell1g the third trophy curried





No . 10 ~ ST. lVIARK 'S ) DIVISION.

[Form ed 27.Ull.]

II gAn-QUAltTEm;: ST.



2nd Officer.

1st Officer.

E. J. I\im bel', H. L angley Jones. 3, Durham Road, Manor Park, E .

J. A.

. Coleman.

Hon . S ec. and Tr·easurer.

Insp ector of Stores.

A. H. R o e, 16, Raines Mansions, ""'t. George's, E.

Sergt. W. II. Beeton.

Officers 4. l ergeant 3. Oorporal' 5. Privates 4g. Total cffective 61. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 50; nIillwall seclion 40. Avcrage attendance 24; Mill wall section 3l. Annual inspection, 13th JUlle. Total on parade 49. Absent with leave 5. Annual re-examination, 23rd )1:1)'. Members passed 4. Failed 1. Did not appcar 4. Medallions 49. cryicc badges 10. Nursing certificates 41. Regulation uniform ,,-om by ,4 Officer', 3 sergeants, 5 corporals, aud 42 men. I1Iaterial: 8 stretchers, 8 havl'esa,cs, 8 water bottle, 1 surgeon's box, various splints, bandages, blankets, &?, vested in the Oommittee of the Division. Division Sl:pported by members' sn bscnptions. The Division has increased in membership during the pa, t year, and thc!'t' is a marked improvement in general efficiency . A. most succe sful concert in aid of the funus (organised by Private Cha.. tatham), \Va held at the People's Palace in November last, and resulted in an excellent balance bcing handed over to the Treasurer. This improvement in the financial position of the Divi iOIl has enabled us to complete the equipment of a section amI supply several more men with uniforms. Valuable lectures have been delivered during the winter e 'lion by J. Oantlie, F.R.C.S., J. J. 11arsh, LD., and Wm. Ettles, :\I.D. A team ullder ccond Offi cer Ooleman was successful in "inning the Efficiency Cup for the DiYi~ion. The members h:1,-e turned out "ell for the nUlilerous public duties of the year, an<1 sevcral valuable ca es of first aid rendered by men ofr duty have been recorded. 'rhe ~lill­ wall Section, under econd 0 fficer Ooleman, shows a high average of attendltllCe at drill and public duty, and maintains its efficiency in every respect.



[Form ed 15.2.93.]


Honorary Surgeons.

J. Bremner, ~I. B. Superintenden t.

G. Chillingworth, 27, pital SCJ.uare, Norton Folgate, E. Inspector of Stores .




L . Hawkes, ::ILn. Honorary S ecretary.

l.t Class ergt. J. Lowe, 43, Elmore treet, Canoubnry, N. Honora r y Treasurer.

ergt. O. \Y right.

Officers 3. Sergeancs 6. COlporals 6. Privates 56 . Total efl'ective 70. Decrea. e since last leport 10. Drill.:; held 40. Average attendance 3·1. Cases attended on public duty 113. Cases attended not on public duty 120. Removal 21. Annual inspection, 13th June. Total on parade 52. Absent "'ith leave 6. Without leave 12. Annual re-examination, 27th May. Members passed 50. Failed 1. DicJ not appeal' 17. Medallions 41. • ervice badges 23. Nursing certificates 45. R egulation uniform worn. Division supported by its members. The DivisioR bas slightly decreaseu in strength since last year, but the attendance at the weekly drills has been distinctly good. Public duty has been performed at Hampstead H eath, Earl's Oourt, St. Paul's Oatheul'al, Reception of the French President, the visit of the Grand Prior to St. John's Gate, the Oentral Club Outing. the Poor Children's Dinn er, :M:ildmay Club Fete, Royal Agricultural Show Twyford, Club Artists Athletic Sports, Mildmay Club Carnival &c.

Honorary Treasurer (in C harge).

Ptc. W . A. Gray, 58, Rothlmry Roau, Victoria Park.

Black Jones, ::ILB.

[F\)ml~ll :3.93.]


M.\.Itl\'1-) OnUltC'II,

HOJ1ol'ary Sec. and Inspector of Stores.

Honol'a ry Surgeo n.



OorpI. J. A. Geerts.

Oorporah: 2. Privates 33. Total effective 35 . Increase since lafit report 6. Drills held 48. .A vel'a"e attendance 14. Cases attende(~ on l>l~blic duty 47. Cascs attended llOt on pnbli;tluty 119. Rell10yals 4. AnuuallllSpccLIOl1, 13th .June. Total on parade '20. Ab. cnt with lcave 7. \Vitbout leave 5. Annua,ll'e-~xallJillation, .26th June. Membcr' passecl19. Failcd l. Did noL appt'ar 6. til eclalhow; 5. ServlCe badges 3. Nursing certificates 18. lteaulation uniform worn. Material: 2 stretchcrs, 1 hanesac, 2 water l)ottles, 2 bla~kets, '2 ground -:h?e.ts,l llOx sl'l.ints ami ha.llc1ages. Divi ion supporterl by its members The DI VISIOIl has coutlllued to make progress, llc pite the loss at the commencelllent of the year, of tlte ul'elinten(lent. ,'ix llew members ha\'ebeen f'lU'olled five h\ol.tlill~ nnr~ing ce:titic~tc'. .The Division has done threc Bank Holiday duti~ at 011l~1glorr1 III COll,ll111CLloll ,nth the Uaggerstone Di,Tiion. Dnty has also been periol'll1l'rl at Earl's Crnnt Exilihitioll, President Loubet's visit, and at Yictoria Park (Oricket "ca. on), the laUer with a record of 16 accitlent ca. es less than la t scaso lJ. No.


\1t'[ RI:~



CU'L"C\0IL OHA::IIDElt, WE:\lDLEY. LSuperintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.




:\1. D.

A. Paull, l\ylecote, Wembley. Honorary freasurer.

HOl1oral'y Secl'etary.

Ptl'. W. Clarillge.

[Fonned 12.5.93.J


. Gaubert (Hon. Mem.)

IIal'/cschn Section , Honorary Secretar'y. Pte. C. 'l'olbtlelrl.

Honorary Treasurer. ~Ir.

H, W. Cartel' (lIon. Mem.)

Ollicel's 2. . ergeant 1. Corporal' 2. Pri\rate 3. Total eff'ecti,e 43. Increa 'e since last rl'port o. Drills hel(l weckly. .A,yerage attendance] 2. Ca es .'lttcntled on public duty 5·L Oa e .. attcl1l1etl not on public duty 62. Annual in:pection, 13th JI\Ile. 'rotal on paralIc 37. Ab ent with leave ·1. 'Ylthout leaye G. Anllual re-exal1linations, ,arion' (1.ttes. Members p:1 ·.erl 20. Failedl. Did not appc:1r 10. ~[·(lalli011s :23. 'ervice badge 16. NUl" ina certificate 1. Regulation uniform ,,·OUl. J\Ialerial: 1 tent, J litters, 10 'tl'etch~r', 9 ha\1'c ac , watcr hoWcs, 1 11l1l'sillg ba I,et, 21 blankets, 1 waterpr00f sht'et. Di\'ision supported by local subscription . At the commencement of thu year Dr. hurchill kil1l11y lcctl1l'etl on nurbing, with the rc ult lhat eight atlllitional membcr' now hold thc Tl1l' ing eertifieate. The e certificates wcre kindly prc 'elltcd hy Mr:'. ,.. Titus-Barham at the vcry sueee sful tlral11a,tic pcrformance in , t. Johu' lIall, ,Vembley, on the 13th ~Iarch. During the eyeniug the B.c\". J. W. P .• ilve 'ler pre ented the upcrintentlent, on behalf of the mcmbcrs of the Di\'i ion, with a ,ery hand-ome ih'er Entree tli h, a~ a mcmento of the completion of ten years 'el'vicc with the Divi'ioll. A a result of the funds ohtainell by the above mean, a litter shed ha. been erected on the main road in udburj'; the piece of grou11Ll on which it stalllis haYing been kindly lent to the Divi 'ion by till'. Dewar 'Yatsol1. In the la t Annual Report, mention "as J~acl e. of the framed photograph' in memory of the membcr of the Divi ion ,,..ho dletllll South Africa, as abou t to be placed in the Oouncil Chamber, ,Yem bley, and in the Public Library at I1arl esllcn. The ullyeilillg of the e memorials took place, Olle at Wembley, on the 12th Noyember la t, it being accepted on behalf of the


~ II


\\UllL'll. l,\' . \. T. Flli~lll\, ES(L" l hnll'111nn Ill' tltl' l\lllllt'il ; nnd al l! nrl~slh'll llll Ih\) :.'!lst NO I l;mbl'l', \\ hl'll it Wtls ~1l'I'll'l('d llll lll'h,llt'IIY tltl' Li1:n"ry \lll~lllh-silllll'I:::;, hy '. B. Hutt, It:sq. ~tl',ld' IH'I)gn'~~ hns 1WI'11 m,:dl' 111 11ll' l,tlll'WIII'Y 1~1 thll t)111::-.lllll, ;11 cl all illl,'I\':\ 'I' Ill' six llIl'lllbl'I" htls takl'u plal'l' III I hI' ll ark~dl'll sl'I'1 \lIll. Thl'll\lglt ilhll'::-."; ,1I1l\ ClIIISI'\jlll'lIt h':l\'illg thl' dl;,.ll'i,'~' :'III'.. lJ.\I'II'Y ,I,IIIH'S, \\ hI.' Itas netl'li a::- llolllwnn Tn:IS\\I'I'r tIl ll\l' ll:nILsdl'lI SI'I'tlllll ::-.IIIl'I' It~ 11\1 \II a \ \\1\1 , Iins 1'l':;iO'I\I'd thnt 11<':;{tilll\, :111(\ Ihl' lIH'lllbl'rS lIt' tIll' :;ll'tillll lh', in' \II 1'1:11'1\ 1'\1 I'\l'llrd th('G, l'prl'l'intjoll llf tltl' Sl'n il'I'S \"'lHit'rt'll b~' hill\, 1\1:" 11. \\' . \'nl \1'1', lIt' ," Elm\\'Oll(\, llnill'stil'll lio,H\' hns ki1ll1h l'IIIlSl'lltl'd III :I;,.::-.u-t th,' :::;1'1 tH'II hy nl'llllg ,I' 'L'rl.1Hll'l'I', '['Ill' Dlrlsi.Oll hll$ nlSll I'll !'l'gl'\'! Ihl' IllSS it has sll~talnl'll Ihnlugh till' dl'llth Ill' ~Il', '1', ,I, ll nmp, Ill' l'ark ll ll\n;l" . \ ll'l'I'll:I1, "ltl'SI' kindl, :11\1'1'\".;1 ill 1~11' \\ 11\'k III 11ll' ))1\'isil\lI, lSpl'l'ia1\y \\ 11\ II I'll d\\t~· 111 t hI' sln'I't s 1)1 Llllltlll1l, \\~\l :11\\.1\ ~ b~' hl'hl ill gl':lll'llIl rl'lHl'11Ibnlllcl', 'I'hl' l )l \ isi\11\ has I Ill'lll'd \\lll \\'dl luI' l'ubli" dutil'S dl,lrillg Ihl' ,,1I'ar: nllllll,lg Il~l' l'h~l,t 1'\l'lIts ~I~ IlllI ~I\lll bl'llIg 1!ll lil)ynl 1 \'(\gl\'~S 111 Ol'tllbl \', :l1Il1 I hI' \I,.,t! 1,1 I \.\.. II. t hI' 1 \'1\11'\' lIt \\ ,til'S hl ~t. ,hllin's l,nt~ ill ,1UIIl' la"t. nlll\' \\:IS ,Ihl lIl11hltnl-lll :It thl' 1\\1,\,,1 .\~riI'1I1111 tl ~ho" at Patl· hll\'al, :2 111 l'lllbl'l'''' hl'i11g 1111 dllty nil lIi~ht. aliI] i dmillg Ihl' d I', ~\ltllgl'thl>l' 1'Ilhli~' dllt\' has hU'll lIudl'rl;t\,I'1I llll Ii:! l'I'\'t1::-ill11 ", 1IIl'II\ding \\1 '\ 1-1,\ nttl'l~dnlll'I'::; l))l thl' l~lI~'I'lI'S l'nrk Hallgl'ls Fd\l(h,tll \.'l11b, al h, I'lb:d HI'\', :llId thl' \Y ilk~t!I'1I '1\)"11 1o'lllltb:l1\ l'llIb al " 'jllt-sdl II : :\l\d llt'rlllissill 11 h,I" alsll b l'I'1I l)btai111 d to dll llut." nl thl' l':lddill~lll\l Hl'l'l'l'nlilll\ l;rllllud "hl'I\\" 1'1' nqllill'tI b.' tht' H\ 1,':1lioll COllllllit ll'1', . \ tatl' 1IIl'11I11I'1' It' t hI' 1 Inrll'st!\'11 ~l'l·t 1IIIl, ~I'r1-!-t. \\, ,1, l'II N Ill", hn:c' l)rgnllisl',1 :lllll hl'l'll np]'llillll'tl 81l]'1. Ill' Ihl' 1:lIgby ])i\i~I\III, l'ln' 1I1l'll1hl'r:-; ld' his Llld Pi\i"ioll \\ ish hilll l' l l'l'~ Slll'l'I'-;"; ill his 1I1'\\ sl'ln'n' 1)1' "Ill'\-,




!)in',' ,\nd Hun, Trl',t..




mel'" ,Inti HI II , S, ','d,I"I,

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InSpl'ct '" III' t 1/' ,,'t. .\, 1;ldl)'!,

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[t Ii, \ 1H11 ,\I: \'l; t:,.; : In

I'll', '

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F I ' ' sin I" ~ I \ I, Id I, I:, " Ch,II'l!.~

Sl'rgt. l', HIIIIII. Hon ,', rl S" ,'d,I"Y, 1"nil'l'III\lgh, :10, :\IOIlIII l'h';IS,lllt Lilli I', IT],ll'I' l'lnl'lllll, ' ,\C,

~l'l'gl'alll l. l'ri\ <llt's 1Ii, '['lit tl \,11'1'\'11\\' 1 i, P'l'l'l'a::;(' silll'l' Insl I't'l'l\ll t. l)ri\ls hl'ltl liS . •\ YlI,lgl' atlL'lId,llll'\I :..!L\, 'I";I'S ntll'lllhod 011 l'\lhli' t111t~· I;" Cnsl's nllll\llL'l\ IIII I l\ll l'llbltl' dllt,' Ill~l. \:1'1\1\1\":\1" :..!:.:, AlIIln,lI illsl'l'rtioll, l~lth ,hl1ll, 'I'olal 01\ \,:\1'1\111 I,., \hSl'lIt \litlltlllt !t'a\l' ~l. .\111111;11 l'1-l,\.t1l1lillntillll, lP\h nlld :.'!:dh ,11111(', :'Ill llti'l'rs \,n~sl'd 11i. i'nih'd I, Pi I lwt HI\,I'<l1' 1, )It'dnllilllis 1:" t'l'\'\ h'l' hadg,'s l. 1'\II'sillg l'l,rtitit:lll's l:..!, 1\" ~'II\a. (ioll IIl1ilol'llI ,,"om. fllnll'lial: llitll'r, ,( sln'khl'r s , t hn\n's'II';-',1 \I:lIl'\' [I()tll's, .t hlnllkl (s, L'al1ll' .tlwls, &'l', DII isi)ll Sll\,\,lll'(L'd h,' 1,''';'';1'0;. \\ ,Itl'rill\\ alld :-'II\IS Lid" nnd I1ll'1I111('1''' SllhsCI'Il'lillllS. TIll' 1)i\'j"io ll i~ 1'0 I'll Il'll LXl'lllSil'l'l,\ I hI' 1'1111.I(I),I'S l'llg,I/--,I'll ill till' \',Iri\llls Ih'pnllnll'nl s of Ll'SSI", " 'aledo\\' nlld ""lllIS, Lilllill'd, alld ll\l III'" tIl tlll'll' 1'llIplo," llIl'uL il is 1I0t IIh\,\)'s pllssibl' 1'1\1' III 'llllll'\'s III 1111'11 \1111 fill' \,\1\,(1\' .J\lt,\, 01' III :I\,:Iil I It 1'1 liS ,Ins or 1'\"'\11111' nttl'll1l:tlll'I' at til ill l'lllISI'ljlll'llIl\' a lal'''\' II\llIlhl'l' PI' drills 11I1Ist Ill' hl'id 10 ellllhl~ !lll tIl 1j1lalil'y I'LlI' 1'llil'I:'lIl',Y, Tltl' I~t Il'II\!:;~II'I' h'ls hl'I'11 gl)ll\l, nlld ihl' illlCl'esl \\'L'I} S\lsinilll'tl; bul (he \\ 11111 1\11 \IUlItlr:lI\ ~lIrgl'I\11 1,I IIl'I'.' thl' 1Il1'lIIiJl'I" al n gl'l'al di::;nd\' lIlage. The 11 I1'111 IIl'l';; Ita\l' nill'lllll,d II ' lasl'~ Id' nCt'i(Il'lIt 01' s\lddL'1l illlll'SS dlll'illg Ihl' ) l'ar, :,t! reqllirillg It'lIlll\nl II' hll~ll\t,tl, PlIbli c dllly hilS lIel'lI 1'1'1'f'orllll'd (1I1 Lord l\liI)11\ 's I)ay, 1\;1111;. II Lllil\;tysnl Hi:',I'I:h,I':lII,I, Earl's COlll'l I~\.hihili llI, lI111l ~lllld;ly tllll 'at St, I'alt! s l'alhl,dr:tl, '['hl' 111\ ISI.\II IS il1l1d,tl,.1 II) Ihl' 8L'hool !lnanl fol' LOlllh,ll'l'or Ihl'll' l'ollllll\ll,d ki\1\!lIl''';s ill gnllilillg t hl' llSl' ~el'll!lllll iill'l'L'I school, I"ill.-I,I\I'), rIll' drill pll1'\,lISl'S,




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ill ('hllr"1

HUll '''lr~ l" ,','t,1I I'h illil',:..! t, L,ldhl,d, 111 1\1, \ "Ith 1\1\11 illgt<'II, W.

K"1 ",',Ill t I . l '11 \ ,I h" 1'l, '1\11.t\ t1rn'\ hIlI. P\'I'n'.ll' ill 'I' LIst 1~"}'PI'l 1, 1)ldl. hl,ltl :..!!I, \\I 'llgI' Itll'lIdl'll'l\ 'i \\llIl\.t\ IIS\,lltll l l,I, lath ,11111\', 'I\q ,d PII 1',11,1.1. II. \1 "1'lIt \11th 11'1\1 ';, \1I1111,t\ !'l'I' !lIlIIIl,ltlll!l, l\l~h 1IIltl,:..!,tith ,111111', ,:it'IIl\.I'\'S.l',ISSI'd?: I",til "l , 11id lI11t t}l}'l'.II' I, \lldlll\tlll~s \', ~1'11 \(1' b,ld",'s I, I IIrsllI'" 1'<'rtll1'lll's \i, lil"lIl.llil'lI \11111111'111 "1;1~11. \Iatll'\ .t\ ::.!:--II:,h'hl':':-;: I IIldl halll}'I'\", lli\ i,i,lll J.;11},},ol'ltd h) th' !I\I'lllhl'1',', , 111\I11\('III1>I'l's III thl" 1)111"11111 hl\\' \,1'rt',Il'llIl'd 1'1I\.\i\' dnt) 11'1'.,(11)\1,.;: thl ]\1'\ tl I \'(1":1'1',", \,I.\n1}~sh'nd l it"ltlt, :Illd ~(. I'\\tl' , l':llhl'dl'll. ' I'hl' I)i, i,il'lI i, :'I't,ltl) III 1I1'~'d ,1\ I ::-;1I1'\'rtlllll lldl'ltl :llId 1( 1)11, KII\':"I'<111.


No, 13 (KING '


[Ful'lIll'd t.10,\)'1.[

No, If) (.


l\l )

III \Pl!l .\HI'I, I:S: l'l 'll l.tI' On'll




Hon o "i\"y SIII'g ons. ,1. IhlllllUl1 , M,II.

DIVl lON , IIi',



~llIill' l' , ~1.


F, ,I, \1 1'hl'ltril'l,.



IFt'l'llIld " t.~ll


\1-1,.\,11111 KI'\:\' I', [.'\sr II\\\.

IIITI'l,,,, I''" I\, II )111' }' 1111, t, I:,\. I',

249 1st Officer'.


A. A. Atkins, 41, Fir t A venue, Manor Park, Essex.

'V. R. Magnus.

T~le strength au(l conditiou of Lhe Divi~ ioll is in every way satisfactory, and good serv~ce h~s iJe?ll done ~)y III em bel's d 111'lllg the past year, over 200 cases hlLvin cr

received fir~t aId, excluIveo[ cases atLeJ1(led to during lJuulic duty.


Honorar' y Secretary.

Pte. F. G. Oosburn, 129, Carlyle Road, Manor Park, Es ex.


Honorary Treasurer'.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. Hurden. Pte. J. Brickell. Officers 4. Corporals 2. Privates 41. Total eITective 47. Drills held 43 . A .-eraae attendance H. Annual inspection, 13th June. Total on parade 21. Absent ,yith leave 3. , Yithout leave 2. Annual re-examination, 24th Mar. Members pa ed ~'I. Did not appear 3. Medallions 18. Service badcres 12. Nnrsina certificates 12. Regulation uniform WOl'll. Material: 1 large han~per 1 litter, 3 ~tretchers, 1 havresae, 1 box of first aid materials, oil stove, kettle, '2 bell tent, and fittings complete, t c. Division supported by members' subscriptions. T he efficiency of the Division is sati factory, and the members work together with a spirit of true comradeship. Doctor Ring-Houchin has been appointed 2nd H on . Sec., and 2nd Officer 'V. R. Magnus, of the L ey ton and Leytonston e Division , has tran ferred and been appointed Lt Officer, and is in charge of the lI fOI'd ection, which was formed 22nd June, and now con ists of 20 new members, making om combined trength 47 men. A very successful Church Parade ,vas held on unday, 22nd Novemher, when 9 Officers, 103 men, 2 lady Officers, and 13 nurses attended: total, 127, exclusi,e of the band of the Ilford company 1st 1'01. Batt. Essex Regt., which paraded by special permi sion ergt. Major mith and the follmYillg Divisions kindly as istell-,iz., Nos. 3, 4, 7,29, 33, ancl-!O. T hrough the patronage of the E ast Ham Di triet Council a oiree Dan 'ante was held in the Jew Town H all, Ea t Ham, in February. This was the first public dance that had been given in the new building, it was well patroni~ec1, and materially aided our fund. The Division gratefully acknowledges it indebteLlne s to the Council, who have always encouraged ambulance work, and have again granted the use of their magnificent hall to this Division for aturday, 6th February, 1904. Twenty public duties in all have been performecl-viz., R oyal Procession, Lord lUayor's Show, t . Paul's Cathedral, Opeuing of Parliament, High Beech Bank Holid ay duties, Earl's Court, President Lonbet in L ondon, chool Sports, Central Park, East Ham, Grand Cycle Gymkhana, R ectory Field, Manor Park, Ilford Sports, and Boleyn Castle Football Club. At the Mansion House, on Saturday, 25th April, the Lord Mayor presented to Pte. R. Harrop the Diploma of Merit, awarded to him by the Eo pilal Saturday Fund for first aid rendered at his business establishment to a man who hacl his right foot lacerated and dorsal artery severed. through the slipping of a large sheet of iron. The litter is kept at the Manor Park Fire station (East Ham District Council), anu is available at all hours.


Superintenden t and Treasurer.

M.D .

C. Orchanl, 5, Broomwood Rd., \\Tandsworth Oommon, S.'V.

Honorar'y S ecre tary.


W . J.


Olli cer::;:2. . 'elgeanl.·~. Pri"ate~ 20. Tolal efrective 24. Dccrea e illce la t report Drill~ held 49. Avel'acre atteudance 13. Cases attendel~ on pl1~)lic duly '!.7. Case~ at tended ]lot on pu ulic du ty 136 . R emoval 1. AUlluallllspectlOll, 13th June. Total on parade 23. Ab euL with leave 1. Annual re-cxamiJ~atioll, 30th ~Iarch .. M em~e.rs passed 22. Dielnot appear 1. Medallions 10. ernce badge' . Yl1l' lllg certificates 5. R egulation uniform worn. Material: 4 ~tretchers, 1 Jield hal1rl'er, 1 sUl'gical havresac, 2 improvi ed havresacs sheets blanket', aUlI pillo\\' '. Diyi -ion supported by members' and honorary ~embers" suu:-criptioll . The record for tlte pa t year are agaill vcry satisfactory, thoucrh a sliaht decreas@ ill the total membership has uul'ortllltately taken place o",in cr to the departure for the olonie of four llIelllUCl'S, au(l the lamellted death 'of tl1(~ late 1st CIa s Sercrt. W. Rulumr. The aver,lge attelldance at <hills and 011 public duty is excel1e~t beillg con idembly in advance or lut Far, whil -t in the llumber of cases tJ'eated ~ -yer}' co,nside.mble iJl1prO~'elllent iltOWll, bot.h on pt~blic dut:r, and by the memb~rs 111 thOll' pllYfde caparlty. The lor.al LlntIes performed, Include the followincr: \\'illlbledoll C'al'11intl, ~lerton '1'01 t , Mili~ary Tournament at Canizarro Wimul ed~ll Horticultural 'ocicty' 'how, L. & '. W.R. Orphanage Church Para~le, Mitcham Church Parade, Wimbledon :Fire Brigade I nc;pectioll, and Football dnties each Satnnlay ill the lleighbomllOocl tInt ing t110 sea.·on. 'Gnder (11 trict order, the c1i\'isioll wt\' also on duty at the Opening of Parliament by II.~I. thc Kill ", Bank H oliday !luties at Battersea Park, t. Paul's Cathedral Pre illent Lonbet's yisit, vi it or II.R.II. the Gralld Prior to ' to John' Gate Earl'~ Court Exllibitiol1, anel Opelling of the ElectrieTramway ervice. On June the 13th la t, 19 memher - recei'-ecl the King' - oronation Mellal, and thoe who did service in South Africa al.o n;cei\'cd the 'en'ice nleLlal granted by the Order. The Diyi ion de ire - again to place on record it, inLlebte!lne' to the patron and ub cribers, and to the 11 0n . J..Jurgeon fot' his untirillg elJorts in the maintenance of the efficiency of it& member.


[Formed 13.11.95.]



Honorary Surgeon .

E. \\T. Le"i ,

Honorary Surgeon. Honorary S ecretary.

J. S. Davies, ",LB. Superintendent, Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

Officers 2. Sergeants 4. Privates 34. T otal effective 40. R eserve member 1. D ecrease since last report 3. Drills held 53 . Average attendance 17. Cases attended not on public duty 203 . Annual inspection, 13th June. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 11. Without leave 8. Annualreexa~ination, 22nd Feb . . Members passed 2. Dielnot appear 10. Medallions.34. SerVIce badges 22. N urslDg certificates 20. Regulation uniform worn. Matel'J~l : 1 hav~'esac, 2 stretchers, 12 water bottles. Division supported by concerts helel dUrIng the wlUter.

I nspector of Stores.

Pt e. J. H arris, 33, Nel Oll J:{oad, Wimul ello11.


E. W. T l'angmar, 61, Jerningham Road, "ew Cross, S.E.


Honorary Surgeon .

M. K. Hurgreuyes ,

[Formed 14.9.95.]

\c ,

M.H.C.S .

Honorary T reasurer.

Pte. J . '. Harber, Pte. J . H. Young. Gransdeu Hoad, hepherd's Bu h.

(In charge).

Ple. T. H. Gammon, 46, Retlclili'e Road, . ' Y.

OIllcn 1. Pl'imtcs 17. Total effective 1 . lHcl'eae since ]a -t rcport 6. Drill::; held 47. Average attendance Case ~ttelld~c1 011 pnhlie uuty 20. 'a c-s atl~l1lled not on puulie duty 31. Annual III pechon, 13th June. Tutal on paraele 6. Ab 'ent "ilh leave 2. , Yithout lea\-e 10. AllllUa~ re-examination, 25th J Ulle . Memb ers l)af'sed 4. Di.ll not appear H. M('dalhons 7. . 'ervice l)ad![es 6. Nnrsi ]\Cf R eO'ulatioll uniform n certificates 3. ;:, ~\'orn. Matenal: 2 strelchers, hllVl'eSaC, and water bottle. Division suppOltell by Its members. ~



Th e Division continues to make stcady progress, but has I)Cen ra'tJ1Cl' scriously handicapped for the want of an oflicer. A gcntleman havillg 110W co:n fo],ward, it is. ~o'ped a bet.ter re ult will foll?w, al~d that he will be well sllllpo]'tctl hy the D1V1SlOll. DUl'lng tbe year 3 pnb11c dntles have been performed, including football matches at Queen's Olub, Earl' Oourt Exhibition, Hoyal Prucc sion, ,·t. Panl 's Cathed1:a~, :Fllihalll Oarn~l'al, Oo-operative :Fe!e, Tempel'Un?c Yet!?, Lord ~la,yor's Day, V1Sit of French Pre Hlent, Hampstead Heath, Guard o[ Il onolll' to Prince of ',Yales, &c.

Omec1'f; 3. Scrgcants 2 . 'oJ'pora.l s 2 . Privates 22. Total cffcetive 29 . Drills 11elll 37. Average attcmIanec 13. Aunual inspcetioll, 13th Juue. T otal 011 parade 22. Ah ('lIt wiLh leave 2. Without leave 3. AU1111111re,examinatioll, 3rl] J\lurch. J\lemlJC1's passed 20. Did not appeal' 7. lUedl111ions 15. el'Yice 11<,dges ] O. Rl"gull1lion uuifonn worn. Material : ~ havresacs, 4 s1.1etc11e1's, 2 water ilt,tllcs. Division Sll pporleLl by lll e\ll hcl's' :m1.merip t iOllS. The Di\'i~ioJl has Leell put La SOJl1e incollvellience this year through the illness of tlie 'uperi11tenucllt, all(] hcall'l]ll!lJ'tcrs lla(1 lo Le tClllporarily closed; but, thanks to lho kindncss rmd ildlllence of a nursing s isLer, liYing in Lhe lleighlJourhood, a schoolroom auel playground belullging Lo Christ ']Il1l'(:h has ueeu plaead at tIle disposal or lh e memhcl s {'oJ' drill l llll'poses amI alnl)ulallee \\'ork.



709a" OLD KENT Ro,\.n,

Honorar' y Surgeon.


Superint endent.

A. A. Waru, )LTI.C.S .

J. O. Line', 93, , Vcst End Lane, Hampstcad,


''I'. LUKE'~




treet, Peckham, S.E.


ilIr. H. Fox (H oll .Member. ) Officers 2. Scrgcant 2. Corporal. 3. Privates 5]. T otal elleeLi l'e 58. I ncrease from la ' L report '27. Drill held 5~. .\. "cragc alte1lllallcc 1:2. Ca es attended on public dnty 130. Hemoval' 27 . Cases attcllde(lllot 011 [luhlic tlnty ,15;]. AUlJual inspection, 13th JUlie. Totaloll parade 39. All. ent "ilh leaxe 7. Annual re-examination, 23rd April. ~Icll1bers pa scd 30. ~[edallioll 31. 'en'iec Ull.clucs 'Xi. Nursing eertificatc ' 27. Regulation uniform worn . :\Iaterial:..1 stretchcr. hO laruo ,rater bottles: Divisioll llpported by the Company and the ulemuers. ' to> A great reyiYal of interest in amhulance work has been ,'110"'11 cll11'illc' tllC pat year, e\'idcllced by the fact that 31 new llH.!mbers ha\'o joincll the ra~k .. of the Di I-i ·ion. Th e Ohairman and Directors of the Ou111 pan.)' ha \' e greatly cncolll'acrcll tll!' moyement by Oa'el'ill~ for competition a challenge. hil'hl, to he competecl [orllY the Di"i::;ions from the di[ferent centres of the I outh Metropolitan C:n~ Co.'s '\'orks . '1'he first compet~tiOll '~' ill sho~'lly be helc~. ~h~ con.cess!on or a fortllightly tlrill ill the Oompany s tune ·ttll obtallls, alldtllls pnv1lege 1S lll"hly yalued . and in acldition to this cncouragement, the presentation of silYC/' llledallioll~' to those 'sho qualify for them is continued. Th e Oompany al 0 generously allows the Brigado members to respond to the various calls for public liuty, without clednctincr the ~loss of timc from work. b The usefllines of the Division is shown hy the large number of ca. cs treated when not on public duty, 453. In 10 ca es tho. work of tl~e fir·t a.ic~el'~ has becn specially comll1e.n~l~u by the sur!{eons at th~ hospItals to wlllcl~ the IIlJured \I'ere conveyed . The DIn lOn has the honor of holumg for the second tunc thr, " Mas 'cy l\hinwltrinv Ohallenge Oup,." and ",.ere placed sec.olld in the recent" Efficiency" t'olllpetition. n '" ports afe stIll helllm the l'eCreatlOll grounds attached to the work .. at which thlJ Divi sion takes duty, freqnently " 'ith useful re. nILs. Tbe small a\'el'~{"e of mCIl at the '."eekly drills is e~plainerl by the fact. tha~ a~ the ,:'ork of the OOI~pallY is of a. COlltll1~lOU natme, a iu11llluster at one tunc IS lInpos ·lble. Duty h:1S beul1 unclertaken 111 response to the several calls from head-lFW.l'ters tIming the ye:1r.


[Formed 31. 1. 96.J

32, HIGH STHEET, HA~n'sT EA D, N. 'V.

Ho norary SUI-geons.

E. Jessop, ~I.JLC.S . C. J. R. l\lada(lclcll, i'II.D . Honorary S ecretary.

Corp. S. J . 'W arren, 09, Lishurne Road, H am psteau.


E . II. Evans, 32, High, 'treet, Ilampstea d. In spector' of Stores.

Pte . A. W. 08hol'11 .


Honorar-y Surgeon

J. II. 1 011 a 1J(1 ,


Sup erintendent.

~I.lt.l'. H.

Honorar'y Sec r'etary.

crgt. A. C. Griesbach, 39, Hurdca tIe

[Form ed ~4.4.96.J


. E.

' . IIawkin gs, Ethelbert Road, Bromley, K ent . Honorar'y S ecretary,

1st 'las' ,'crgL. F. FiclLl, 55, 'ollthlalllls Roa(l, Bromley. Insp ector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer'.

,'orgL S. Bn. h.

SeJ'gt. '\' . Cooling.

O[licers 2. Rcrgrants 3. Pri\'aLes :?~. Total c[J'ccti"e '27. Inereaso silll'c la~t rellol L~. Drills lll.:lll 31. Anlage atlclHIunce 1. Cases ~tll'lllh'd OIl plllJ!ic duty:31. C'.l';es a! tended 1I0t 011 }lnlJlic tllIl) 22. "\lll1ual inspection, 13th J nllc. Total on pm:uIe ~:3. All. 'enl witll leaye:? ,ritl lOut leave 1. AIIII wI re·examination, lUth Marcll. J\lI'1II1Icr.' passed :2:2. Did not apl)ea1' 4 . i\l('r!allioll,' 1 G. ~cr"i('e lladgcs Ili. 1\ llI'sillg ccr! i[icnte,' 19. Regulation uniform wol'n. nlaierial: 1 litter, 5 sil'l'ich(;]'f., ~ iCllls all(l applianec.", 3 slll'gica.l hane ac., splints, de. Di\isioll sllpl'ulllIl 11,)' donation nlHl bubscrilltiolls. The :;trellgllt 0[' tll0 Vi\i.ioll i:-: slightly illCl'eaSeu this year, and the attendance at drills lws h 'cn Yl'1''y good. PlIllil' duly Itas ueen pl'l'fol'lllctl at Earl'. COl1l't, King's l'r()gre~", Lonl :\layol"~ ,'how, ,'L, Paul's Caihe(lral, Opcning of' Parliament, and lo(;;t!ly OIl Lh!' 1\;111k Holillays tlll'CJ1IgllonL the yeaI', L ocal FloweI' ,'how awl 'ports el( ss Coulltr}" 'hal1ll'iolJ.l,i p, aIHI I ncorporalion of Bromley Cclebrations .

No. 22 (HOSPITAL SATURDAY FUND ) DIVISION. 1lJ.: ,\])-Qu.\l:mHs: 5..1,


I:\x HO.\D,


:?7. 7. 96. J


Honorary Surgeons .

T. H. Taylol',

)L n.

J. 1"oruo, )[. _\.


L.S .. \.

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

Su peri n tendent.

A. H. Hllndcll, fl ,

H. Ingram,


Oxfol'cll::Hrcet, \Y.

, crg!. H. W . H Cllllol1, 170, :-:llloud GrC(:11 Hoad, N.

Inspector' of Stor'es.


J. Duutly.

OJlicC'rs <I. ,'crgcallL·:Z. Cor]>onl,ls~. Pl'intc' J~. Total cfl'ective 36. Ill crl'ase since last report 4. Drills llcld 5~. ~\."cragc atteudancc 19. 00. es attcllded 011 plll>lie llut,)' :H1. R elllOyals :20 . Cao' atten<JctIllot 011 public duty ~O. AlIllual illspcetioll, ] 3lh J 1lI1C. Tolal 011 pa.radc ~:Z. Aln,ent \yilh lcayc 10. \\Titholl t leave <1. AlIllualrc-exlllllillaLioll, 10[h JUIlC. MClIliJers pH SCl t 17 . Did not appear 16. ~jedtllliolls 16 . l:icl'\'iec ballg('s 6. Nur;;ing certificates 17. R egulation ulli!orlll \Yom. l\In,Lorial : 1 liltcr, 7 haYl'l'snc>:, stretcher,' , 3 tellis, 1 flng and Hng 'tafr, lalllilulallce slaLiull twx, 4 "alcr]ll'oof sheets, 4 rugs, 30 watl:r bottles, :2 hot mlte1' bollles, and largc stock of haJlclugcs, III ug:;, &c. Vi, i 'ion SUpp0l'tCLl by l1IcmLers' 'uusel'i lliiollS and dOllations .

I'nblic ant,' was vl'rt\)rl1ll',l by tlll' llll'mhl'rs of tllt' I iyisil)1l I.)n R11l1" 11ll1idll) S nt the ,rCHl Harp Ht'Il'!l)J1, at E;\\'1's ,)\Ht '[,>dlibitilln, t. 1\1\\1" C'athl'l1rnl, 8kntinR ill Rc"'cllr's P,ll:k, }\),)tball m l1 Cril'kd ~Llt ('hl'S ,It l{\'gl'llt's 1 nr1" ~:lrt ll ll\'ti0 Parnd:ill hegl'nt's l\nk, H:lkL'I'" and '- 'Wl'I'S' 'h,lrit) F,I,)thall ~lntt'h :It l'"fnl,l l Park, X .. Oill'lling l)f Par1i;ll\ll'ut, Ein{, ' isit t,1 (hl' l'tt), l'rillt"ls' ~pllrts III' r,'tal l'a 1.\Cl', lllll1 l'l'l'Silh'll t LlHtl'L't's \ it'i ttl) tit,' L'lI), L,lndl)n CII kd,HI HI ns :md Cl;lptoll Fl)orl,,\ll 'lnb )liltt'llt's, ('In .~ngn~t l~(h,:1 ,IN'al 1.1l'l'[l)1' 'I."l'!I.'SI,'d ,Ihu Il1t'Lubt'I" of the l)i"j"il)J\ W 1','IllOYl' n P:ltll'nt ,,1t,1 ,,',IS t'l nlln~1y III tl) tltl hl.,y.l1 b 1','0 HospitaL The 11l(,lllbl'l'::. ,II' thl' Dhisillll "iul'lI,'l) ll'gn't tl.) l,'port ~hl' dl'nlh .,I t' Corpl. l,. F. Fr:ls!.'\', lll' \\,,\:; snddt'ltly stl'il'b'lI d,)"ll "uh an ntt:ll'k lIt ]\\\ll1llll1111<1 nnd passl'd :\wny 011 .\ngnst :25th.

I l.tll. ~l'" h,',,( H" .ltI, 1111lkl' l\II'1'1. 11. Pln'l' , I'h ,' l )ili~1I111 i~ illt!t'l,t,'d (,I III H"iLl (,II' ht>. kindll" S III ,II}: \IIi illg:t l"'Il,ed in III I," t Ih' 1" 's\1I ( "t' II It i,,1t 1,'1111" ",I :t ,hob( ,It' t'I, Ind ,I,hkd r~ (" tIll' 1'1l1ld", I'"h li,' dnt,' \ttl" \!""III','lt" II'IIII,d "Il (It, flllhl\lill~·'I"'l\,il'n,..: 1\", dl'I',I""s 1"11, "ll l'LIl'h,11lI l \11\\\11,111 dll!ill'" 1'\1,1( b,dl ~'''I~''\I. ,III Il,l\lk 1I,'l id 1\ ", ,\llli 1"\1 tll\l l \\\1\1 ( , \ llt\lh'i\ Fi,,' I\ri ',nit Ii", 1,'11, 1 ~1l'l':-.l\'llIt \'\.hII>I(I'III, 111.1;1. 1',II1\''' l' dlt,.[1 d,

l'tII TEAl) JUNCTION HAIL\ C\Y ) III \l1 'I~l' \I:II 'I: . ~l. 1'\ll.'S HVl\l'r,\I'~




l'tt' l1 . \ , I)a,n;llll, ~t.lll llll 1\ ,1;1.1, , l'Pl'l'l'l',WlIlwd,

'n ,,1:11 1'111,1\,'

Insp ecto,' of Stores,

Pte. J.


Otli l'el'1. "ergl'itll t 1. Pri, ntl'~.... 'l\lLIll'lrl','1 iI'\.' 10. D ecl'etbe itll'e lnst l'l'port 1. Drill'ln'hl I:!. l'n;;,'~ nltl'lIt!"d llll puhlic tlnt) "f). Remo\'als~. Cal'S nttl'llllt'l1llot 011 l'nbli' llll() l~. .\111111:11 illSI'I','lil\ll, l;HIt 1\1111.'. 'l'otal on panttle 9. ~\.bSl>llt lI'ith ll';l\'t' 1. ,,\lI1ll1all'l' l'\.nlllinnti'l!I, lst .\ l'li\' ~I"Il\ ­ ller' patieLl S, Dill not :I1'l'l':\\':!, ?l"lhllioIlS~, :-;l'l'I i,'l' llnd~,";:!, l\I"ll'~ eertificate' 6. Ht'gnlatioll IIllil'tWlll '\',lI'n. :'ILltl'rinl: ~ titl'dcltL'l's ~ 11 III'l'l'S,Il';; , ~ ,,'ater bottle, 1 tent, ilag, amI :>[;11)', 1 b,'11 tt'llt, ,'l', I )i\'i .. ioll Slll'l',lI'lt't! h\ its members, DUl'ing the year tllL' Di"isioll hits l'lll'ril'll ont tllt' 1'1.)11,)" illg dutil'S: l'l'lwl'ssinlt or Hi .tIlnjesty thlongh ~onth Lawloll, Lonl l11Yl)\'S ~ltow \litll1- Il "lidn) nt CrY"!.ll Palace t3), 110011>a11 'u1' l?illnl Tie at l'l')stal l'alm'l', .\ llIulIIl 1I1Sl"'I.'11l11l, 81111dll Duty nt't, Panl's Cnthetlral, Halhnm L'yelillg Cluh "p\lrts, Eal'l's 'nml E"ldhilitlll, I>oliee pOI t", yele 1l,\Cl", Athll'lie 'ports, aml 'l'hurt;da' tlllll S,t/mda llight: throughont Fire" ork "easOIl.



IIlSP"l I,>!

t','l iY(.

No ,


(In charge). lupham l'OIllIl,Oll,

Hono,'i\ ,'Y Secre li\,'Y,

,\\' .

Insp ector of Sto,'es,

CorpI. i\, 1I lll'l'is.


I'l,', l', lltridgl', hunl'd Nehollls, WesLJllillsln 1 ~l'it!g' I: tl" N.W. Hono,'a ,·y T,'easu,' ,',

MI', L , ,J. II 001' '1' (ltOII. J\!l'lll.).

Oflicer 1. cl'gennt 1. 'ol'l'orals~ , Pril'alps '2,\. Total l'l1'l'l'li\ l' ~ '. l llcren.se ~ince last l'c]lC'l't 7. Drills held SO, l\. I'l.~\'l1gC attl'lIdlllll'P '. l';lsc,s attcnded Oll public llllty ~2. Removals 3. 'nSl'S altcl\dcd 110t Oil plIhlic dlll) 108. .Anl1ualillSpccLioll, 13th JlIlI . Total OJ) )H\\'adl':.ll. Ahselltwitlt 1"l1l'l:3. \\ ithlllll l el1\'e~, A nll \1 i\1 rc·cxnlllillitliol1, '!L1t Marclt, .tIlt'llllle ls Illlssotl 17. D id 1I0t appear 4. :Thl eclalliolls 12. ,'crviec hadges G, l\I'sillg (,prtilil'llll's 1-\ , Ht 'g ltllliioll uniCorm wonl. Mat 'rial: 2 sLl'etcllcrs, 1 ltllVl'l'Sltl'. J)ivi8ioll slll'l'orll,tl by 1I)('llIbt'I'H. 'rhe membcrs I1ro workillg hurll 1'01' the gOOlI Jf tll' Oi, isioll , \lith ver)' I'IlW cxceptions, A lIC\\' 'eclioll 1m becn [orllled wiLh hOltll'llunrLon; Itt St, A IIllrew's



H'llll/,lI 'l \ ,.,',h<1I "', I't,', L, 1.1111

Sill, ,'s,

1:,11\, II.


III \P",lt \I: 11(: . \\

1,):\ :-; \'\ I l l ' ,

lFIIIlll,'d Iti,,'.!) r,.\:-;. \\. ,II


" 1'\ .

H,III\II',I"y S\I,' ,,'Oil. II. ,I, ' I It "I' Il 1<111, II. It" .1'.

[FOI'llll'L1 30.fl,%.]

Hono,'i\ ,'y Slll'gcon.

, N , 13nlumig, . .U, Tl'egill'\'Oll Rd"

II \1:(:1 ,,\\ 1'\):1"


l)ll1l"'I' I. :-;,'\' <'llIt:-. ", l'r i \,It" s :..!\l, '1\,[.11 <11', '(ill' ~l:.!, t lll'ltl>;tJ slll\\' 1,1 t \'tl\'lll( ,. PIlll" h,t.! I:..!. \" '11"" 11(111.1.111\\' ILl , l'.I~1 nttlllllt.-d ,1\1 I'\lhlit' dll() "~;. l 'l ,s al("II,[,d IIP( <'II I,"l>lit- d\ll\ I:,L \111111,11 insl,,',li"II, I ql, ,111l1l'. ' 1\1[ 11"11 \"11(\.[,, :..!l), \ 1> ,'III \lIlh 1,',11, ,. \111111 ,11 I,' l'\' lIlIill.l( 1"11, 1111t 11111 '. .\it'lldl<"" 1'01 l'.[ d';. Ill.! 1I11( ''1'1'< II' I. \it'd dlll'lI 'I. ~I't'Iil','l>ld·, I l, li <'gltllll"11 I1l1lh l\'lll 11,1\11 ~111<'lltI: I tl,' kl,l, ; h,lll' ,II'S :; \I 1(,'1 II\'III\' , 1,\ilt!S, 1,\lId,I'" • 1'0.,' 111\11'1\1 ""I'II\III<'d I, 1'111.\1,' 1II'''''III'(\I'IIS. ' t'hl Il i,i IlIlI hI 1111.1, , I"<ld.\ 1'1" 1< .111111' Iltl 1',1 I j' II'. 1'lIhli,' dll(, III I>u' ll 1',\'1<1\\11".1 (1\1 .',' ,1',' \ i,,"s, 1\ ., 1."1'11 \11,,"" 111 .1, l)I'I'IIII1(' "t' 1'1111,1111<'11(, E,Ir\' t'<lIlrt I~ hiloiti'l\l, 'I"t(, IlhulII l'lllIll d. l't" III 111l1I ) Illd ' 1\'I(I'lIh 1111 ,llIll I) i Iii ,t ~,It"lll :-;1 ,lIts, ~t. 1'1111 ' {' Itll,dl tl, \lId \1<. ,llIdl'l 1'1111", ' t'Ul.11 , \111" \\'II>,I.[II"I(i,1I1 (h, \lilllIlI "I' (1\\, 111< II'S <11I1'1p~ IIIl Ill, I h, .II dIs h II,' 1>""11 1'111 \ \I, \I atl,'lld d, Th,' 1)II\~illll i slill Illtl"1 t,'d 1" tit,' \ 1,,1\ 1)1 ~t. 1'11It' 1,,1' till 11\,\' I I , ,)1' I It, ,,(II1I'\,1t 1<,,1\11 I,,\, til tll, ,'Il'.




::>lll'b" HI , (:,l'.S,

Ill' ,\I', ,''1','1,\", 1st l I I :-;,1\" ( \\ , I: Ill"ll, ~l!l, l'h'II,1 li ",ltI, IlI(t,'IIIt,IIII,

1>.t 'I IsS

R U, l'oid,



Hon , Se ,'d. roy • nd TI'I'i\Slll"",

f, li, ~lI'll\nl', '\\. \" '\\,11., ] ·10, "'hnrch H~);td, lTl'l'l'r ... 'OI"')l)l1.


~ll1l1l), \t,


Hon . Surgeon :lnd Supe"intendent ,

ll\III1I,',I~. '.~I, 1

1 ION.


I', ...

t.I,'y till, 1>,\1'

'I. I., \\. ' l'ull"I', ~I III Il ull

f" :':",



tUIl \ \ "Illl,', \l'l"ll, \\,

OIlII" I\' I. 1''l'l'g''Hlll I . 1'111 ,11,'" lri, ' I'td,tl 1,Il'"l'lill' I" Il ll'ni\>'" ,\11\',' 1:10;11'''1\\1\'1 :':, I) rills Ill ,lt l ;\~, \ '\lln", ntl"lllllIl\\" Ill, l ':I,>,'. IlIII'II,ltod ,1\1 \,Itl.ti,' tIlll)' Ill. HI'III\lI,d t. t':l t-\\'~ nlt'lI,lt'd 11,>1 ,1\1 1'ltiI/l\' dill" .j", Attllll .t1 I1I~I\( 'dio ll, l ;lllt ,11l1I1', ' l'ul,,1 \Ill 1':lI'lld" 7, \h," lti \111111< '1 1\" I;, \\ II\tllllt It'llll';l. ,\ l1l1llal I'l' "\lIlllillilliPII, 1!ltlt IIlld :':Iil lt ,IIIIlI' "1\11",'1 l'ilsM'd tl 1\1\1 lIul 'l]' I'I'nl' i, ~"'d:llti\lll:-; II. ~"I'I II'" ":Idg"o; I;;' III illg ,',II I Iii, :tI,'s ;\, H, ,,, 111.1 tlnll 1I1111uI'I\I \I \I I'll , l\1 tI"1 iltl: I stll'll'!tlI'S, P ,llldlltlllll"" I", I' , I ltilllll"'I', ' I'IIIIIH, lilt'" I't'sir'd ill, IIlld I) l\ 1~I\lll ,Il I'I"I\'I<,d II) IIdlt ,llld ~\l1I11t \\ "SIII'11 ,lll\ll' ti,'11 Hllil\\ll)' l'lItt'lI:III.\' II lid 1>,\ llll'lIll,I'I',": ~lIhsl'I''1dl\lIlS, '1'11\1 I Ii, isi,lIl 1t,1~ ... ltll\\ II 1"III·id,'\',d.t,\ illll'\'lll ,'lll"ltl dlll'ill" lit,' 1':I"t \1.11" 1111 ttll'lllhl'r' It:t\" 11\\1'1-, ,11 \\,,11 !\\I' lit, 1',lIIIIIIUII g'ltll\. ' l'It" :1111'11.111111" II ,ilill lilt! 1,'l'tlll'l'S !til>! h"I'll 111,11 1I\II\ltl"ill"d. Ti ll' 11I1'lltl'''I, ,d'IIt<' dl' I 'llIlI lal,l' lIti s "1'I'III'IUttit) ,d' I' pI "SSIII,'" tlt"it' grllll'l'll t 11t:!IlI,s tn 1)1'. "'\turlllll ll II'I III 1llIl'llil ill" IIl1d l'llttS!.lltl 1111,'1'('1'1 . I"irs l IIld, 1'1 'lI d,'rl'd l>\, 1I11'IlI\)I'I 'I ,,! I It I' 1) 111,1\111, 1111 " III 1\11 ellSI'S, I'ltlll'tl I'llltlt Pi'll is,' 1'111\11 tit" l\ll'di\'II!'IlIt'"' ' I'ltls \Ill S I' 111'1'11111) 'oill III 1\ ,'mill lr(,I\l\,d IIlld \'l'IIIII\I,d Iu llli ll'lsil), Il u!iI,illll I.,) I'll', \ ,1:11,,111'1\"1. J\ tild t 11.<'11 1'1'11111 tltll \'llllIdllt \\ tll,'sill'It, 11111'1' 1'IIIIillg I'nllll I Ill' IlIldg" 1It/\I Illl' 1lIIi,'r, \Ill S I'ulilld ttl \lu HII II'l'l'i llg I'm III l"lll\'ll~:;i\lli \II' tit, lll'illll, IIlId l'lIl11l'lil'.II,'d 1'1 'l\l'tll[,\ 01' ltUl\\"III H,

25 -.1:


The~hospito.l au Lhorities complime n ted this member UpOlly)~ excellence of h~s first aid treatment. Public duty was under~akC'n by th~ P.lvlslon at the Opelllllg of Parliament, Lord Uayor's Day, and Earl s Oourt ExllllntlOn .

Si:lCe Lbe formation in J~l1nal'Y, 1~!)!), ~biR Division has made steady progl'ess, and IS now on a gooll basI', both fluanclally l111cl socially, Lhallks lo the unite(l erl'orts of the memhers. This year til(> Division started Lhe experiment 0(' havilw the sLation open It1l clay, llntill0.30 p.m., two mel11bel's, according to rota Lein" o~ dnty to attend case ; thi~ IllLs proved a grcat hOOll, as eviclelll:e(l hy the' illcre~sed number of cases treatell, many calls for Ollr aSSif:.talH·c ha\'e oeen rcceived from the 10Cltl doctors to re1110ve accidents Lo the hospital, amI in each ca~e the memhers ha\'e been \I'ell spoken of for thr eliicicJ1cy displayed. AlIJollg the varions co. es tl'eatc(l ,"vel e tIll' followillg: Onc or dro\\'ning, when arLi Gciul respiration was applied for 30 minutes, with sncce:;s; one of attel11ptell snicide on the railway (both legs ampntatc~ll a ItO\'o the k11ees), a crtll hci Ilg 1ecri ved at 12.3 midlJ ight, and three memhers aLLell(lllcl ; a case (broken til igh), 1'clI1ovecl j 0 Loudon Hospital; six flprious humilJ cn es, [tUl'IJll1terl suici/le (cnt throat), fall from roo l' of <1-sLorey honse (injury to .. pine~ &c.). A goodly ll\lInlJel' of puhlic dlltiCS, l)oLh 10cn1 aJl(l otltl'l'wise lla\'e been succcssl\llly cal'l'icl1 throllgh, IWcl inclucle al1long olhel's: Lonl Mayo;"s Day, ,'t. I\HlI',. 'atherlraJ, Opening of Parliamrnt, C'hinufonl, Prcsident Loubefs Arrival ancl Journey, Yisit to the UiLy, Gnard or Hallam to the Prince of Wules, Earl's Oourt Exhihition, lIorsc Itow" 'chool \ 'port., Fetcs, Di,')llay,', etc. During I he past y(><tl' Lhe Division has carril'c1 ont a series of succe 'sfnl route llHllChC's, HIl(1 fOil!, display have lleen given, al1cl cnthusiastically receiYell 011 the oeca, iO:1':1 of I'~tes hel,1 in thc llistrict. Although the )last year has been successful, th./' 1ll1'11Jlwr,' hopc hy 10Ylllly co-operating to make the forthcoming yC'al' stllll1lore so.



[Formed 21.6.98 .] GBEE 'HILL,

I LuutOW.

Hono ra t' y S u r ge on.

G. M. Edwards ,

M . B.


1st Offi ce r .

S u p el'i nt e nd en t .

F. H . Watkins.

W. T. Ball , Oak Lodge, College Ro~1t1, RaITo,,· . Hon . S ecret ary.

Pte . O. O. Deans, Peterborough Road, Hano\\'. Inspecto )' of Stores.

Honorary T r'eas u re r .

Pte. W . II. IIunt.

Mr . A. J.iillmore (HOll. Mem.).

omeers 3. ercreall t 1. Pri \' ates 20 . Total e!rccti \'e 24. I ncrease since last report2 . Drills heW 49. Average attendance 1~·3. Oases attended on public duty 56 . Removals 16. Oases attendeclll?t 011 publJc duty 39. Annual inspection, 13th June. Total on parade 17. .Absent \\'lth leave 5. A1ll:lUtl re-examination, 8th May . Members p~ssed 16. Dill 1l0~ appe~r 1. Mellalhons 18. Service badges 5. Nursing cert!fieate 1. Regula hon llluform worn by '2 Olficers 1 sercreant and 12 men. Material : litter, 2 stretchcrs, 3 havre 'acs, 2 water bottles 'and fi~st aid apl,liances at b,o ,tatiolls, (1) Victoria Ilall, ~reellhill j (2) Division snpported by members' nbc/o Sergt. King, "Oiren," Roxeth Hill. scriptions and donation. . The Diyisioll has made gooll progress dUl'lng the year. Dr. Ell warlls was appoint(ld Hon. Surgeon on 15th October,. ancl ~st 0 nicer '\\' atkil~. let\ll'~lCll from 15 months leave in Brazil ou 15th May. Fll'st md classes \"ere kmclly gH'en by the Hon . Surcreon in February, and resulted in the addition of four new 111 moers. Boards with the ~ames of the members in tlJe yarions districts haye, by the kinllllC"s of the District Council been placed in the thrce fire stations. The following parades 101' public duty hav~ been atlentled: tbe. ~{oyal Prog~'ess, ~ord n.layol"s Day, the OI:~I~­ ing of Parliament, the Arrival and Vmt to the Clty of Pl'e 1(1C~lt ~oubet, the, lSlt of the Prinoe of ,Yales to ~t. John's Gate to open the New Bllllthllgs: and (lntyat Earl's Oonrt as well as varions local athletic meetings, &c. The work of the Division in r~ll1ovals in cases of illness has been appreciated. No . 29 (WALTHAMSTOW ) DIVISION. IIEAD-QUAllTEP.'l: ll~,



M. D .

Ho norary S ecretary.

Sergt. F . TN. Stevens, 114, High St., Walthamstow.


IIE.\IHIUAHTEI\ : JE\\,I~1l WOI\ld~[. nlE:\'s OLUB, GI\F.\T ALIE STI\EET, "'II [rr~(,lI \ I'EL,


Honorary Surgeons.

n. E. E.



Super'in tend ent.

P. Haymal1,

,Long Lane, Aillersgate .' t reet, E. O.

:II. [I .




Honorary Secretary.

\ 'crgl.

l T.



!J3, Green Lanes,

I nspec t o r of Stores. 'orp. T. Bnckner.


Olliel'r:; :3. ,'Cl'gCtlllt 1. Corporals 3. Privatc!) 2. Total effective 35. Dccl'l'.l c sillCo la, l report~. Drills llel11 5. A\'crnge altel1!lance 30. Ca es atlClI<1I'(l OJl puldie dllty 1I(). Ca,'es at teudell not on pllhlic clnty 79. Anllual illspection, 13th JUliO. 'l'ot.ll Oll pumrlc 19. Ab'ent with leave 3. Without lea\'e 13. Ann ual rl)'l'x<tlllin:l lion, 'll h IIlMeh ,\lI( 1 HH h .1 ulle. Melli oers passC'd 22. Did not appeal' 3. MechllioJ1s l L. t:l'\ico blHIge: 16. Nursiug cllrtilieatc' . Regnlation uniforlll \I·Ol'll. :Jlnlel'ia1: 6 :;tretchel's, [, ba\TE'saes, \yater hottles, 'plint:, bandage', &c. Di\'ision supported by melllbor,,' snh criptiolls. The 1l1l'lllhel's 01' the Di\'i'iioll contilluo to keep up their dliciency. cveral Illelllhcl's having gOlle abroad, allll there ll'l\'e been somo 1'l'Si<lllatiOtlS cJf the oldcr lllCll1lJl'r~. A 111' \1' ,'ection the DiYi. iOIl hits heen forllle<1 at 'anonbul'Y with ten 1Ilembcrs. The usual puhlic lll1Lies 110.\'0 been tLttcnllecllluring the year .



1st O fficer (in C harge).

Honorary S urgeon.

H . T.

[Formed 5.1.99.]


F. T. Taylor, "\Villclermcre," Stainfoid H.oad, Wnlthamstow. In specto r o f S t o res.

Pte. A. Greenway.

Honorary Treasurer.


'V. J.


Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Privates 25. Total efJeclive 32. I ncrease since ll1st report 2. Drills held 21. Average nttelhlance 16. Oases attended Dot 011 public duty 127. Removals 33 . Annual inspectioll, 13th June. Total on parade 18. Absent with leave 13. Without leave 1. AllilUal re-examinatioll, 27th Sept. Medalliolls 13 . I 'ervice lJaclges 13 . Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn . Material: 1 litter, 3 stretchers, 2 havre acs, 1 allllJulance box, 1 tent, splints, banuages, etc. Divisiun supported by members .

No . 33 (BERMONDSEY AND ROTHERHITHE ) DIVISION. LFol'lnctl 10.3.99.] HE_W-Ql'.U,T;o:nS: TUE

E[TL1;~[E~T, F\ltXCO~[Dl~

Hon. Surgeon and T reasurer.


a HoI',

rimEl', JDI.\IC\ ROAD,


S uperi n tendent.

J. "Tells, 1 , 'ccil AYCl1ue, Darkiug.

1Il. D.

Inspector of S tores.





Hon o ra r-y S ecretary.

i:lergt. '1' . , auullers, 13ol1nl

uhool, Upper Kennington Lanc, '.E

( I

25 7

256 Officer 2. Scrgeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 31. Total effective 37. I ncrease since Ia t report 6. Drills lleld 52. Average attendance 19. Cases attenden 011 public duty 123. Removals 4. Cases attended not on public duty 36. Anona] io~peetion, 13th June. Tohl on parade 27 . Absent \yith leave 4. , Yithout l eave 6. Annual re-exu,mination, 26th June . Members pas eel 10. Did not appear 27. Meuallions. ervice badges . JUI' ing certificates 16. Hegulation uniform worn. Material: Ii tter, 3 stretcher., 3 surgical havre ac, 3 water bottles bandage. , splint, &c. Division upported by member' subscription. ' !his Di,-i ion has made sati factory progress during the year. Be ides the 52 dnl1s a.nd ba?dage practices, 51 duties have been undertaken hy the Divi ion, the latter lllcllldmg duty at South,Yark Park on 35 occasions, "'here 39 ca es were treated.



' Y.


Ho n o r a r y Surgeon a n d S u p eri nt end e nt.

J. M. Carvell,

~r.R.C.i' . ,

12 , , Yestoourne Gro,e, Days\vatel',

Hon . S ec retary a nd Treasurer.


,I'. E.

No. 37 (GREAT WEST E RN RAILWAY, PADDINGTON ) DIVISION . Forlll ed 1", 10.1900.J

[Formed ·1.5 .99.J



Inspect o r o f S t o re s .

Ferris, 141, Queen's Road, Bayswater, ' Y.

Pte. B. L .



Honorary S ecretary and Treasure r .

S uperinten d en t.

'Y. II. nIaullfler, 29, COlll'tJley Roall, Drayton Park, Highbury, J

Pte. A. Griffiths, 14, Ea luourne Terrace, Pac!(li ngton.

Inspector of S t o res.

Onicer 1. Pl'i\"ates 30. Total effective 31. Decrease illce l,tst l'rport 10. Drill ' lleld 45. Average attendance 12. Cases attendeel on l'nlJlic dnty 10. Annuttl ill. pection, 13th JUlle. Total on parade 21. All ent "'ith lcaye 6. Without le :we ~. Annnal re-exam ination, 30th and 31 t March. :MemlJel'. pa. eel '27 . Failetl 1. Di(l not appeal' 1. ;\Iedallion 22. NllI'."ing certilicates 2. Hegulation uniform WOnl. This Division ha pel'fonnell puhlic (luty on the follo\Ting occa,.ion : Earl's Comt, the Hoyal Coronation Progre. .", EaliJ1g Common, Al1gu ,t Bank Holiday, ancl -'to Panl's Catherll'al.

[Formed 10.1. 1900.J


Hon . Surgeon .

J. Bro\Tn, L.n.c.p.


Pte. G. A. Bea ·ley.

Officer 1. ergeants 2. Privates 13. Total effective 16. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 50 . AYeraae attendance 7. Cases ~ttend~d on public duty 10. Cases attended not 011 p~blic dnty 71. Annnal lllspechon, 13th June. Total 011 parade 12. Ab ent with leave 3. Without lea\e 1. ~nnual re-ex~mination, 9th Feb. . Mem~ers passed 11. Dic1not appear 4. MedallIons 3. ernce badges 2. NurSIng certIficates 7. Re crnlatioll uniform 'Worn. Material : 2 stretchers, 1 surgical hayresac, ] field havre sa; 1 water boLtle splints, bandages, etc. Division su pportecl by annual llona tiol1~ and member;' sn b::.criptions.


accasions, of which the opening of the Connty Council electric trams hy his H.R.H. the Prince of Wales was not the least interesting. 11 1l0talJlc portion of the year's work was the combined fichl <lay, organized 11y this Division, ill which every South Loudon Division \"as represente r1. The splendill weaLher encolll'agc,l a large gathering on the crieket grollllli of Cilllston's Athletic Club at Dnlwich, ancl tIle opportunity or working togcther afforded all ranks f;O much lJenefit alll11'leasl1re, that it is hoped to make this event an annual fixtlll'e. Dr. IIllrlson, af; 1l0ll .• 'nrgeon to the Division sillce its fOl'llJation, resigll ed at the close of the am hlllancc year, owing to his rcmoval frolll London. JJ is scrvices have been freely and generollsly given to the Division, au(1 "'ill be gratefully rel11embered lJy its mem bel'S.

'. ,17.

Sup erin t en d e nt .

G. S. Elliston, 9, Ea tcheap, :Eo C.

Honorary S ec r et a ry and Insp e ctor of Stores .

Sergt. W. T. Gal worthy, 3, St. tephen's Terrace, Albert Square, Clapham Road, S. W .

Ho n o rary Treasurer.

Pte. A. E . Jarvis.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 16. Total effective 19 . Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 42. Average attendance 21. Cases ~ttend~d on public duty 8. Cases attended not on public duty 45. Annual lllspectlOn, 12th June. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 1. ,Yithout leave 2. Annual re-examination, 25th May . Members passed 16. Did not appear 2. Medallions 13 . Service badge l. Nursing certificates 13. Regulation uniform w?r~ .. Material : 1 .stretcher, 1 haYl'esac, supply of bandages and splints . Dlvlslon supported by 11' J 0seph Causton & Sons, Ltd. The work of the Division has been of a very successful character during the past Jea~, and members have spared no effort to maintain and increase their state of effiClency . T he Division had again to be content with second place in the Metropolitan competition for the Dewar Shield, but the winning of -the Osborn troI)hy by ~ t~am mostly composed of members new to competit ion work, was especially gratifymg to all ranks. The Division has more than once been commended by the hospital surgeons for its skilful treatmen t of casualities removed from the factory of Sir Joseph Causton and Sons, Limited. Public duty haf; been performed on various

No . 38 ( L. B. & S .C.R . VICTORIA ) DIVISION . IlJ::.\D-Q"C' .\.HTEltS : EC(,I.T:~To~ I-Lu,L, BElnnCK

Ho n. S urgeon.

J. J. lilaI'. h, M.n.

[Formed TI:EET,



Hon. S ecretary.

CorpI. ,17. C. Packham, 32, Parkside tl'eet, Battel"ea, . 'Y.

In spector of S tores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Ple. J. Toomey.

Pte. G. ,rright.

Oflicel' 1. Corporal 1. PriYate 16. Total efl'ecti,"e 1 . Decrease. ince last report~. Drills held 3. AYerage attendance U. Ca es attended on public duty 40. Removal 1. Ca e attendellllot on pnblic duty 3 . Annual re-examination, 7th April and 1 th J une. ~Iembel pa ed 13. Did not appear 6. Medall ions 11. N n1' iug certificate 9. Regula tioll llniforlll worn. Material: 2 stretclten" ~ 'l11'gical havresae , 2 water bottles, 2 blanket·, a upply of splints and bandages. Di\'i ion supported by contribntion . This being the first year of the Division wearing uniform, ann able to do public duty, the men have l'e ponued very well to the call. The Division being fairly well representell on tIle following occasions: Opening of Parliament, Yi it of Pre irlent Loubet, t. Paul's Cathedral, and at Peckham Rye on Ea, leI' Monday, ,Yhit l\londay, and August Bank Holiday . On the whole, the men have turned up very well to drill al1l1 practice, although it is rather awkward for them at times (being trn.ffie railway men) to meet in large numbers.

25 9


~ I:e stl'en.~~!l of the .Division remains as for 1902, three lI1ell1hers lJavillu left tllC' ant! I (sIgned, Llll ee new rnl Ie Ilum 1leI'e 0 f' cases . Jll em bpJ" ' l1a \'C'. b, I-ell " tIl el'I' . 1)1 "~ce ' . 1 b'eate(1 on t IIe works dunl!".~. illC' \ ('fLl' "'as (j~)3 IO ""s" (f' f'a t a 1 aCOl!'1 ent Ilas' ~) oC:ll:'~'ellll1 the past ~ 2 111~lltIIS. Plll,d~c (lnt;ir.s }lfLVe l}cen lwrfol'l1lCfl at: Kina's Plob lCS , OpCllllJ~ of ParlIa.ment; ( Illldrcll s hntcl'tainlllPllt ilt Canllincr TO\\~l " Te.t Dam Chanty Sport!'), J\lt'll1orinl (;1'0111Hl .. , Canuinu Towll Charit/' lorts' Be?kton',and seyell memhcrs assistcd to forIn the Guard of HOIlOl;r f ' JI R:J tl' Pnnce of 'Wale!';, at. '1. John',' (latC'. Ol " . Ie

No. 39 (STREATHAM) DIVISION. [F ormed 30.1. 02. ] H EA.D-QLT.I. TtTER



WOl k. s

rrItUllD lmy ROAD, STftE.I.TFLI. i\[, S. 'Y.

Hon. Surgeons .

Super' i nte nd e nt.

1\1. Coate, i\['D., It.X . W . E. Barton, i\[. D.

A. Yir • Dqyis, 60, H elix Road, Brixton Hill, . , V. Hon . S e c ret a r' y.

Pte. A. Cogswell, 155, Boundarics Ron.d, Balham, Inspe ctor' of Sto res .

Hon . Treasure r .

P te . S. B. Pharaoh.

Pte. C. J. Chipping.






Co . .

[Formed 10 . 1.0~].



Hon . Su rge on .

Sup e r int e nd e nt.

J . W . Rill.

E . A. Perry.

Hon . S ecret ary.


[Formed 6.2.02.]




Officers 3. Corporal 1. Privates H. Total cffectiYe 1 I ncrease since In t report 1. Drills held 31. Ayerage attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 3 . Removals 14. Ca es attended not on puhlio cluty 40. Annual inspection, 13th June. Total 011 parade 13 . Ab ent with lea,Ye 5. Annual re·examination, 23rd 1\[arch . lIIembers pa sed 15. Didl10t appeal' 1. Mellallion 6. "ur ing certificates 5. Regulation unirorm worn . Material: 1 Ashford litter, 1 marquee, 3 tretcher, 3 havre acs, 3 hlankets, 12 water bottles, 1 Inrge aud 2 small hampers, etc. Division supported by members' subscriplion!', &c. T he Division has made satisfactory progress. T hough the l1UJ11 her of members has only increasecl by on~, their efficiency has heen con itlcrablyenhallccd . harly in the year the Hon . Surgeons gave a course of lecture ol1l1U1'f'ing and hygienc, and eight members who had not llreviously obtain eLl it, . ucceeded in obtaining the certificat'3 of proficiency. A sfluall entered the ::\I etropolitan competition for lhe Dc\,'ar , hield. ann took the eighth place. T ,yel"l-e members ha(l the honour ofrecei,ing the Coronation Medal on June 13th. A<; regards equipment;, the aCfluisition were eminent1\' flati factory . ir H orace Brook ::\Iarshall presented an .A. 11 ford litter, and Lady Marshall a marquee to the Division . These selTicealJle girts enahIcn the Di"i ion to renrler first aid more sati factorily on public ocra'ioll,. Public duty was under· taken at the Royal Progress through Lomloll, the opening of Parliament, the In, auguration of the Electric Tram Service in outh London hy T.R.II. the Prince anll Princess of ,Yales, the Visi t of President Lonhet to London, .. treathal1l Common and Brockwell Park on the Bank Holi(lays, the Earl's Court Exhihition, ' t. Palll'ti Catherlral, the al fresco entertainll1Pl1t at treatham IIill on behalf of the H, •. P.C.A., the Chelsea and outh Lonnon Schools' Annual ports, ancl at many Fuotllall and Cricket matches. I n connection with thc~e dutie, l-i patient. wcre removc(l to their homes, to recei ving stations, or to • t . T homas's Hospital by mean of a litter or other carriage .




Ho no rar y S u r geo n .

Su perintendent.

Capt. Eo 1\1. PilehC'l', n.s.o., l:.A., )f.C.

Licnt. G. B. Kensington, n. E., ]toyal Ar'enal, Woolwioh.

Honorary Secretary and Ins p ec to r of Stores,

crgt. R. II. DnlJ1l1nOlld 3 , HippolsOll Road, Plumstead. Honorary Trea s urer.

Ptc. J. 'ulli\'an. . Officcrs 2, ergeallt 1. Pri\'ates 20. Total efTeetive 23 . Incrca e since lat rcport 3. DI ills held ·1 . Ca.. es altc]}(led on pulJlie duty 14. Rcmo\'als~. Ca, c attended not 011 puhlic duty 52 . Annual in .. pection 13th Junc. ':fot,:l on }l:u:a(le 12. All'cnt with lea\'e 4. ,Yithont leave 1. .A.nllllal re.eX;'ll1lll1at.lOn, va.l'lous date. . l\femIrer 1'ns. pel 15. Did lIot appear 1. Medallions 2...h.l',~lllatlOll l1IUfOl'lll W(,\I'll . nlaterial: 2 slretcher" ~ hanc 'acs, 2 "ater bottle. DIn 1011 supporterl hy member 't'0lltrihutiOllS allel concert.. !hm:c lIa. heen a net increase or three in thelrcngth of tlti Diyj,'ion ince it. fOlIl:atlOn. 011 ~ctoher 1. t, 1902, amI all mcndlers han ,·ho\\'1! great keennec's and efficICncy III thcll' work., and ,:ttc1HInl}r'(' at rl ri II, tIle a yeJ age for 4 drills being 74 per c:nt. 14 cn e (two J.el11 r 'SenOll ') ha\'c been nttcnclC'c1 to on public llnty, anrl 52 ca,es ".heJ~ not o.n duty, llaye been r~pOl'terl. The Diyi 'ioll, \\hich has men wielely dl tIIImtcllm the Royal Al'::iellal: I \\'~Il arlapled to render Al'st ail 1 to injurecl men, and ~la. tlo:l,e 1~1llch J.{()oll worl- III tlu.' manlIer, and in trail. porting ca es to the ho Illtal. 111e11' a. '1 tance was of much yalne \\'hen the two explo 'ions clUJ'ina the pa t year took plal'e . <) While tIle stt:cngth ?f the Di\'i,'ion i not "cry great, it i. to he notecl that a "ery large nnmhe:' 01 men III ~h? Arsenal are in po" e ion of the t, John certificates, and the Arscnal allt!lOl'ltlC encollra~ men in fir t aid \\'ork amI have held nUl11e.\'on~ olass? ll.nr.ll1g thc year. The Di\'i ion endeavour, td give men much pr~ctJce III l110\'lng 1~1.J.l1l'crl. m~e carefully, and that they anci the railway ambulance ar.langemcnt arc erhclCnt 1S hOI\,11 by a case that occnrred recently where a man wIlh . a compol1ncl, eomplicat tl fractnre of a right fibula, with 'severe venon blcedlllg, wa!; attendc(l to and eon veyed two mile in 25 minutes.

Inspector' of Sto r e s.

P te . C. Blacking, 21, H olme Roall. East Ham, E .

Pte. J . Robinson.

Hon . Treasure r.

Pte. T . , Yilton. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Prin1.tes 27 . T otal effccti~'e 31. D rills held 51. A vcrage attendance 14.. Casc. attended on pu lllic d 11 ty 28. Cases attended not on public duty 653 . Anllual inspection, 13th June . Total on parade 25 . Absent with leave 1. Annnal re , cxall1ination, 21st l\Iay. Memhcr!; passed 23. Did not appear 3. Medallions 22. Service badges 14-. Nursing Certificates 7. Regu lation uniform wOln . Material: 4 stretollt-l's, 6 blankets, 6 f"urgical h avresacs, 4 water bottles, 1 oxygen cy lineler (with appliances), 1 flag . 2 enamelled bowls. D ivision snpport ell by grants and donations.

No. 1 (CHILDREN'S HOME ) NURSING DIVISION. [Formecl 1.12. 90 . ] IIEI.D-Qr.I.l:J'Rns:


CllIJ.II/:r,'s IIO'IR, DOXXFTt R 0\ D, 1......,T . E~. Honorary S urgeon.

1lI'gcoll·Cal'tailJ j\. C. 'l'll J1:-; tal I,



Lady S uperinte n de nts.

. . , l\[i s E. C.. Goodill, Clnldlen s IIome HOfl)11lal, 130llllcr Rd., E.

Mis. B. ]3 0 I11'k c,

~ , Yietoria Park Hoad, K . K

1st Nursi ng Office r' a n d La dy S ecreta ry .

M iss E. Bourke, 3 , Victoria Park Roael,

outh IItlCkllCY, N. E. T



2nd Nurs. Officer and Lady Treasurer

Mrs. E. Brunnillg .


Officers 5. Nursing sisters 2 . Total cffective 33. Ill crease ~ince last report 3. Pr,lctices hcld 32. AYerage attendance 18 '3. Gases attended not on pul.Jlic duLy 579. Cases priyutdy. Imr cd 2,D69. Anuual ins}lection, 13th Junc. Total on paracle 2 . Ab cnt wlth leayc? An1lualrc-examina.tion lOth Fcb. aud 19th June. Mcmbers pasdecl 29 . DId lloL app ar 1. Jl.Ietlalliou~ 2 . en'icc badges 17. Regulation uniforlll ,,"om. nJntcrial: 1 complete nurinct station eCluipmen t. Divi 'iOll supported by members' \l bseri pLion~. There is a sUO'ht increasc in the strcllgth of the Di\'i~ion, and thc lll'lllbers continue their 11~f111 work . The He,'. A. E. Gregory, D D. , who i now Pli11cip<11 of tbc Chilliren's H omc, and Presid ent of the Division, has killllly offered tile use of a much more COlUI110llious room for leetllrcs and practices. Calls for pulllic duty have been J'csponued to on e\'ery occa ion, viz. : the Royal Proces. ion, the King's Thanksgiving enice at t. Paul's, ] ire Drig[l<le Di 'play, Victoria Park, Lorll Mayor's Proce ion, Opening of Parliament, Educatiollal DemoJlstn~tion, . Epsom Ra.ces (2 days), Visit of the King anl l Queen to the L onrlon Hospltal, 'Utlliay chool Union Centena,ry Celebrations, Visit of Pre. iclent L oubet, . 'ports, etc. (121, the Bank H olidays, and Earl's Court (~7). It has been an exceptlollltlly bu. y year for those yol unteering to underta.ke pri va.tc nUl' itlg cases.


S1'. JOlr:s'S


[Formcd. 23.1. 93 .]


lIEAD- Qu.l.Tt'mw;: KYLI~(,O'J E, 'VJ~}mLEY.

Honorary Surgeon .

C. E. Gothlard, Lady Super-intendent.

R. J. Roberts,

1st Nursing Off L d I " a y nspector of Sto res and T

1\1 l')US~ . 11 1'S.

J '

Lady Secretary.

). '., ?f)lieers 3. lU'sing sistcr~ 10. Tlltal cfreeLive 13. I U1CtlCCS held :L. Avcrarre aLtendance 6 AUtlual' t' I , I AI t 'tl I'" . IllSpcclOn, 13t 1 JUllC Total on ]lal ac c . ISC~l \\'1 1 elt \'(' 4. AUllllal rc-examillatiou ~Hl 11· passedll. Mc(l:tlllOlI'lIO. ,'en'ice Ind"cs 3 Hecrlll t' J. . 1 aI, em1;>els rr 1 ' 1- t f' 11 ' I ' 0 " 0 a lOn lllll f orm worn Matenal' N lll .' .,nn o Jas"e 01' pUJ H': (nt)', also stores forlJrivatenllrsill'" D' ',' ' . . ' o' IVISlOn SUppOl teu by members and hOll. melllUCt". Dlll'in~ Lhe pa~t yea,r drills ha.vc ueen wl'll attended and 1 t', ,1 . k usn'l] at WClIlhh,}, Park E-1\'l's OOlll't all' L .1 ., ~ II les u~uelta en as . , .. ' ' 11, 111 O!luOll OIl specml OCCaSlOlJ !lotabl th e R oya1 P 1 OCCS~lOll, the, lSlt o[ the}> rench President· 1 t tl R' I '1 cultural how at PaJ'k Hoyal One lllcllluer l'e 'j'cr I" ,llle ,] a 10 oya Agnt . d d l' ouel III oruer to qualify as a ramc .lltll':;C, au one t .t rough iuability to puL ill rerluisiie numb, t elo f 1"11 uut theIr places lI'ere qUlckly filled!;y Lwo ne\\' 1l1embet... I tl b . l.ll rr s, e c., , . D'1. Cl 1l11'C 1II'11 1(In( ' 11 y "a yc a course of lecturcs On s. .. ' 11 Ie I . e"LnJlln of the 0 yeal 10 appreciated hy those who attended. . l1l11s111g, W 11C 1 were keenly



lI EAD-Qu.\.lt1'l:.W-; :

)I.R.C . . .




I 93.]


Lady Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer.

nll's. J. ,\'ell s , I , Oeeil A \"eHUe , Barkin" l~< ·CV 0' .c...'J

Mrs. W. J. C. Brasier, 44, Claremont Road, I1igllgatc, K. 2nd Nurs. Officer and Lady Insp . of Stores.

1111'S. J. C. Lin es, 93, ,Y est End Lane, N.W.


Miss ,Valkor, Thc Allcliomge, ,YeI1Jl.Jley.

Lady Super-intendent.

1st Nurs . Officer , Lady Sec. and Treas.

1Il . D.

) 11 • M rs. A . 1 au , h.ylccote, ,YclltiJle "

Honorary Surgeons.

J. Oantlie, F.R.C.S.

[Formed 24 .5.93.]

1111'8. W. S. Gent.

Officers 5. Kur 'illg sisters 22. T otal effectiye 27 . Decrease since last report 4. Practices helu 17. A vcr<1ge atlendanee 23. Casl's attelHleclnot on public duty 100. Gases pl'i\'ately 1ll1l·.~eLl 50. AUllual illspectioll, 13th June. Total on parade 29. Absent with leave 2. Annual re-examillation, 8th A pri!. Melli bel'S passed 29 . FailEd 1. :Uedallions 29. Sel'Yice l.Jaclge 16. Regulation uniform worn. Material: fnll nUl' ing e([uiplllent [mel 3 fir:st aill hayresacs, ba1ldages, splints, &c. Division supported uy mem bel'S' su hscriptions. Although tbe Division has cleCl'eased, it is in a good cOlldition, lI1ell1lJer:; attcnding regularly and taking keen interest in the work. Again their thanks are clue to Dr. Cantlie for his continued kindness and inLercst in the Division, and al 0 for his m ost instructive lectures. Several members of the Division h ave (lone good \\'ork in nnrsing private cases, and one has given her services to the East Su:;~cx Hospital for some weeks during thc S1lll1l11er. The melllbl:'l'f; bave been instructcd ill drill and thC:use of thc stretcher by upt. Lin es, and un ,t. John's Day a stretcher sCluacl ga ve a short dislJlay uefore the memlJers of the Order in the Charter H ouse Grounds. Th e Chief Commissioner, In specLor- Gell el al "innis, com plim entecl th{' ll1ember , and expressed his approval of their work. Th e u ual alllJUal clistribution of clothing to the poor of the parish took place on December 17th, wh en a large nnnlber of garments were given to about 70 people. The members have responded to duty as follows : Procession of the King allCI Queen, Lord Mayor's Show, St. Paul 's Cath ed ral, East er Monday, ,Vhit l\londay, and August Bank Holidays, Opening of Parliament, Dcmonstration in IJyde Park, Alexandra Palace, Epsom Downs Races, Roy al Agricultural Show, Central Club 0hildren's F ete, Visit of Presid ent Louu et, and Earl's Court Fire Exhibition.


1st Nurs ing Officer and Hon . Secretary.

:Jlr~. G. (,IHrke. ~Ol, Ripple Road, Barking.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. A. Cooke.

. Ollker82. Tur 'illg ~ister~ 7. Total eJl'ective () 17. A \'era"e '·l"e· atte n Uec1 011. pU bl'le d uty 70 C Pl'U.CtlCC~ hell] 1 " atteUU<.lllCC -, . 'v :s ascs attelll cd 1I0t ou p.llblie lIuty 100. Annuul inspcetion 13th JUll T t ~~t pal~tlLle 1. ' " Ab:cUL ~\'lth ~ca\'e 1. Anllual re.examination: 25th Jun:'and 0 t~ c . . ~ .ellluCl.", pa:,sc(l ,. DI.<1. ~ot appeal' 2. Medallion 9. cITice baclues Regulutl?ll. l~lllfol'll~ \\'o~·n . . Dln lOn 'u]lported by member'. 5 • The DIVl~lOll ltlUllltallJS ltS u~ual.lllll1lber of lllellJUers. Durincr the 'ear members have. bcen uutie'"" , .1)'1111Ho"'l'u E F ltl t aLLcllllallee (' 0 . at thc lo11owillu 0 ),,, I ays ;)(open space) pplllg ~oles 3, penlllg of l\trlIamcllt. Vi 'It of Pre~iclellt L Ollb t C1 'ld " 1 I l' , t! , 11 ren s School Treat B Y ' h'b'f al dll":,.~ ollll~Jl( ,('gaL.ta and .Lund Sports, and Earl's Court Ex1 I 1011 . Ie lllClllbcl:; COlltlllllC to gl\'e thcll' services locall)' ,\,'tll ' . d result '. < , 1 \ elY goo



(1~ d 11.6.96.] .l' orllle 'llY~T.\L PAL.\..l:E, . E.


Honorary Surgeon.

F. G. SwaYlle, ~r.A.;


Lady Supt ., Insp. of Stores , and Treas.

Mrs. Y. Colegra ve, BmcelJriuge, N or\\'ood.

1st Nursing Offi.:er and Lady Secretary.

Mi ss M. Villi ers, 60, Central Hill, N orwooLl. P' OIJiccrs 3. Nnrsing sisLcrs :22. Total effective ')5 ractlCes h elel 25 . Average at temlalJcc 20. Cascs attend~eci on public duty 150. Cases attended n ot on public uuty 200. Cascs privately nursed 150.



Annual inspection, 13th June. Total on parade 23 . Absent with leaye 2. .Annual re-examination 10th Feb. Members pn.ssed 23. D1d not ~ppear 2. l\Icualhons 24 . Service b<ldO'es' 7. Regulation uniform worn. nr~tenal :. st.retcher$, carriage, bandages, sPlint, &c. Divisiou su~)porteLl by member~ sl1bscnphons . . The Division has been vcryachl'ely employell tlU.l'll1g tl~e la.stye~l.l, both ~tthE} Depot, Ory tal Palace, and amongst ~he sick poor of the n~lghbol1l:ho.o.cl:. It IS fe.lt that H.e Division owes a debt of grahtuJe to the I-lOll . mgeon fOl Ins l~lUd help. III all the work. The members of the Divi ion lHlvc attended the mOll~hly dn11s and lectures regularly. The nursing si tel'S ha\'e also attendell for pnbhc ~nty on the followinO' occasions: the Ring' Proces ion through Lomlon, Lorcl Mayor s Day, and the Ope~ing of Pa,rliawent, the visit of Pre ident Loubet, aud the Em'ls Court Exhibition .


The D~vi.sion has sliiP~tly increase~l Juring t~le past year, and evel'ytbing is in a most sn.tls1actol'Y c~ncllilon. The s1st.ers. contlllue to holli their weekly meetings, a~lcl good praclIC~ IS d(\n~ also. OperatlOlIs. have been attenueu by some of the slster.s, and the lll.te.r~st l.n the worl~ of iust aid and nursing has been well ~ust01lUe? The Dn'lslon IS gleatly lUdcbted to Dr. L K. IIarCll'eaves for the lllsLll1chve lectures held each autumll alld spring, for "hich the me~Lers take this opportunity of expressing their grateful thanks. The Divisioll has responded to the following calls for cluty : Il.:Jl. IGng Edward's Procession throllffh Lonuon Lord 1\l.n.yor's Show, . Opening of' l'~rlialllellt, Battersea Park, Openilfg Electric'Tram ~~lIes by the Pl'lllc.e of \~ales, En.rl's ~Ol1l't, Presid.ent Loubet's Visit to City, Fulham J!etes? Local .DuLles, Conc~rt at 91apbal11, Wmlbledon Cycle Sports, Sports at On.ll11~ZarO, W nnblelion Carll! val, W 1I1~ bledon Flower Show, Military Tournament at Oalllllzaro, Merton ports, awl Cotteullam Park Flower how.

[Formed 7.96.J I~N

54 , GRAY"





Ho n o rary S urge o ns .

Tom Taylor,

J. R. Ingram,

F.R.C. S.

L .. . :c.


J . Forbe ,

lHiss ELlith E. :Manll, 79, ,ore Roall, onth Hackney, R.E.

Miss Julia O. Mann, 79, Gore Road, South Hackuey, N . E.

2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stol-es.

Miss Esther J. Dall ks.



F. J. McKeLLrid;:,


P. R. ",'{allis,


Lady Secretary.

Lady Treasurer.

r.Irs. 1<:01 tOll .


No.9 (BE LG RAVIA ) NURSING DIVISIO N. [Formed 7.11.99.J 22J, PA\lllOX RUAD, -'LO \::s'E

Lad y Treasure r .

Mrs. J. Oha pmn.n . Officers 2. Nursiug sisters 9. Total effective 11. ~ Illcrease since last report 2. Practices held 47 . A verage attendance. o. C~ses. attended not on public duty 66. Oases privately lUnsed 50. Annual lllspccilOl1, 13th June. Total on parade 12. Annual re-examination, 30th Mar.. llIen.1lJel'S passed 9. Did not appear 1. 1\Ieclallions 6. Service hadges 2. Regtllat~on ulllform worn . Material: havresac, hamper, bed anu bcliding, ballda,ges, lInen, roller bandage machine, &c. Division supported lly menlbers' subscriptions anu local support.

Q1:.um .

Honorary Surgeon.

Lady Superintendent.

:JIrs. E. Adams Lyntoll, Trevince Road, Oottenliam Park, WimLlec1on.


Oilicer 3. Knl'l:iiug sistel's 19. Total cfl'ectiye 22. 111cl'ea.'e since la"t report G. Prauticl's hclLl ·13. Average attenJance 11 . Oa es a~tell!lc(lllot on public duty 3U. <ll" }Jriv~(ely nursed 13. Annual inspection, 13th June. Total 011 parade 11. Abseut WIth leave 1. Allllual re-examination, 24!1.1 ~lal'. ~1l'lI1llers passe<l 1,1. ~ledalliolls 1 ~1. Sl'n'i{;(: !Jadge,' 6. Regulation ullliorlll "Ol'l!. ~I atcl'ial: .·plillts, j)allllagcs, liasins, feeding cnp ,&c. Division supportetl Ly IlIClllhcl'!>' ul'l:icl'ipciolls. The Division is incl'ca.'illg iu llllllll)cl., a11([ useful ,,"ork has lieen done by se~'eral melllbcrs, cverything eontillllillg (0 I)l! sati::.raetory.

J. J. lilaI'll,

1II . D.

L.~.A .

Mrs. T. Harrop. 38, Wyndham Hoatl, Upton Park .


Lad y S ecretary.

Mrs. W. G. Timpson, Hope Oottage, Morden Road, ?!lel'ton.


1\11". '. Hallclall, 12, :tation Hoad, r.lanor Parle

Hon ora ry S urgeon

M . IT. IIargrea yes,


Lad y S uperintendent.

~IA. · o~lc II.\'LL, MEl:Tox.

Lad y S uperin t e n den t .

A1IO::s'.\.L SClIOOLR,

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Officers 6. J'ursinO' sisters 9. Total effective 15. Practices held 14. Oases attendeJ. on public duty 60. Oases atlended not 011 public duty 32. Oases privately nursed 16. .Annual inspection, 1 th June .. Total on parade 12. Annual re-examination, 4th Api'll. Memliers pas cd 12. IednlllOJls 12. Service badges 4. Regulation uniform worn . . . The conJition of this Divi ion is in every way satuifactory, anJ the enthuslasn~ of its rp.embers for the work is still maintaine(l. Pnblic duty has been taken dnrll1,g the year a' follows: Royal Procession to the City and South ~oncloJ), Lord Mayor s Day, Opening of Parliament, Welsh Harp, Hen~lon (3), Pl'lnters' ports, Oryst~l Palace, Regent's Park (22), Fete at Streatham 11111, ports at Ohel ea, amI Earl s Oourt Exhibition (21) .



[Form eli 4.5.99 .J

:11. A.

1st Nu rs in g Officer, Lady S ec. and Treas

Lad y Su perint ende nt.




1st Nursing O ff. and Lady Inspector o f Stores.

The Yi::;(!Ulllltess Falkland, 76, Eaton, 'quare, ' .W.

Lady Rellllett-Barrington.

Lady S ecret ary.

Lady Treasu r er.

Miss L. 11. B. Phillips, 10 , Pathficl(1 RLl., treathalll, '. IV.

'l'ha II on. O. 1.11. Oary.

Oflicers 3. lll'iug sisters 34. Total effectiYe 37. Practices held ~. A "erage uttcnLlauce 11. Ca e ' attended on public duty !46. ~ases attencl d not on public duty 16. Oases privately llUl'SeU 63. Annual lllspectlOl1, 13th J uue. T olal on paH1,d(~ 9. Absellt with leave 11. Without leave 17. Al111unl re-exalllillatiol1, 29th Jan. Members pa 'eel 22 . Did not apl~ear 14. 1\leaalliolls 2-1. SL'I\'icc hadges 10. Regulation uniform worn by 3 0111ee1's ailli 1 11l1l'sillg si ·ters. Material: 2 ambulance hampers, 1 stretcher and tent and of flag, 2 boxes of store. Division supporled by member' snb,rrilltiOl)



The Division did duty for two weeks at Earl's Court. On October 25th, 1902, the date of their Majesties' Procession through L01ldon, the Hon. Surgeon, the Lady Supt. the 1st nursing Officer, and 11 nursing sister paradc(l at 6 station~, 32 cases being attended. On November 10th, L ord :Mayor's Show, the HOll. Surgcon; the 1st nursing Officer, and 3 nursing sisters paraded, and 7 cascs werc reported. On May 15th, 1903, the occasion of opening the new elcctric trams by H .R. n . the Prince of \ \Tal es , the HOll. ~nrgeon, and 4 nursing sisters paraded . 22 ca cs wcre attended . On :May 20th, 1903, the occasion of their Maje ties' opening the Kcw Briflge, 3 nnrsinO'si tel's paraded, and 38 cas('s were attended . On May 23rcl, 1903, 6 lllll'sing sisters °paraded on the occasion of a demonstration in Hyde Park (Education Bill), but only One case reported . On July 6th, 1903, ,,,hen President LO\lbet alTived at Victoria, the Hon . Surgeon, the 1 tl1ursingofficer, ann 2 nnrsingsisLers attended, 2 cases rel)orted . On July 7th, the Procession through Loudon in HOllOur of President Loubet, 2 nursing sisters paraded, and 5 cn es reported. There was the 11 ual attendance at Peckham Rye 011 Bank IIulillnys, and 27 cases were treated. 79 cases were privately treated by nJ(:mbf}rs of the Di"ision.

N o.



DeSC1' iption.


Borongh of Hackncy IIaggersLlJ1l

Ashford Litter, ,'treteher and First Aid Al'J.>lianccs.

This statioll is availal)le at all hours. 10.

Hylle Palk Corner.

- - -I

Ashfonl LitLcr, cte.

This sLation is available at all honn,. 11.

Fcmrlale, EYllllwllcy llalTulI'.



aiel appliltllces, etc.

This statiull is available at all huurs.



South ;\J cLl'opolitallGas 1\' orks, Callal jil'idg'> Cll trancc, Old l\ (!lIl 1toad, '.E.

Ashford Litter A pp1ianccs.




This station is availablc at all hours.


f'-o . 1 1.



Ambulance 'Wagons, Littcr s , Stretchers. etc.

St. John s Gate, Clerkenwell


This station is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p .m.


Duncan lIIemorial Ambnlance Station, West India Docks


III pcr,

Sundays 2.30 p. lll. to .30

e Lc.

General Post Office .


Box containillg 'tretcher and First Aid Appliances.

Littcr, b'eteher, Applialll'C '.





Tir e LUtlgL', \\\:11l1.Jcy l\ll k


i-'tlctcher nlHl First Aid Appliances.

-'--'1'1-1i"-s-s-[-a-ti-o-Il-is a "<lila l;j;:-;t-,iilllO-llrs.

This station is ol)en during busines hour:!.






Ashfol'll Litter, Strdr.her, Hampcr, Ct0.

The Puplar,;, 'lIll blll'y

Tbis station i" availaldc at all hour,' . -------F-l·-l.~-'t---A-l·-(l,'taLioll Yard, 1 olliloll <: K Ol'tl~-I- - - - ----. Litter, .'trctclter, nIHl ~ W(',.,II ' I'IJ ]{.lllml)', \\'cluldl'Y Al'pli:111("'S, Tllis :-.latioll is It\'ailablc at all !tOllrs. ---------------------

Thi. station is available at all hours.

2' 1,S"t,.:-P--;a1_11-:-'":-'_C_a:-tl_l_ed_I_.a_l-;;-__-;:-____~__;;_-A-s-.h_~_o_r(-;l:;~l_'_it~t_Cl_',-;::--;;t::;re:-t_c_h_c--; r, II a

Li ttcr, S trctchcrs, awl First Aiel Drcssings, Aulillutes, K onrislllllen ts, &c.

This .taliull is 1Ill11cI' tbe cOlltrol of the authoritics of the Homc and is availahle at all hoUl's.

DCSClipl to iI.


The Cbilllrcll's HOlllc, Donncr Hoad, E.


3, Callterhury Terrace,


Litter, trdulrer, .'1. ppllHuees.



Fir.t Aid


Available at all honl's.



Llldgate Hill Railway Station


Box containing 'tt'etcher awl First Aid A ppliallccs.


A vailable at all hours.

This stati<lll is :lYailal>lc at all homs.



6. I_S__ t .-p-a-l-lc-r-a-s-p-a-s-Se-l_)g_e_r_S__

Available at all hoUl's.


Ashford Litter,




Bryanston \Vorking Men's Cluj), Lisson Grove, IV. C.

" I

Stretcher and small Halllpcr.

This station is available from lOa. m . to 12. 30 a. m . 8.

Thc \'idoria !Ltll, H a1'1'0 \\'

I 'l'1lis statiull is ,l\'nilahll' frol1l 0



Stl'cil:her awl First Aill ,\ ppliallces.

CariYOll Cottages, All'crLoll

44, Claremont Road, Highgate


Stretcher and First Aid Appliances.

This station is availa])le at aU hours.


II:1!'1 cs,l (']J Lanc, ncar Itoya1 Oak



to 11


AsMonl LitLer, Stl ctehcr, &c.

This slatiOll is tLI·a.ilahlc at all hOlll·s . TO),111)('c lIall, Comlllercial tl'clcher.' amI First Aid Appliallce . , treet, E. 1

This statioll is :1Yai];),1Ilc from 9 a.m. 10 11 p.m.


::oG NO . ] 22.

~3 .


District, KiIbul'll Pl'ovil1ellt lIle{lical I nstitute, 1, Gre\'ille Road, KilLurn

Ashford Litter, Stretl'1ICl', &c.

Saxhy anti Farlllcr's Signal , Yorks, CallterlJUry Road, Kilburn

Ashl'on1 Litter, &r.

24. [ Queen's Park

tatiolt (1. and

N .W.R.), Kilblll'll 25,

C'ullI1nilj;Jiu,u·)'-l.lr. \\T. VEl~c-lON, :\r.n.C.b. .L~sistllllt C'uinlili.\ /)iuller-Mr. C. L .\l:ltlE, ::II.U,C . :.



BrondeslmrJ' Station, Metrc,l'olitan ]{n,lhl'ay

tretcher .

Ham pstead S tn tion, 26 . [ ,Yest Metropolitan Rail \yay


~17' 1


S"'iss Cottage, tntion, Metropolitan Rail\my

No. II.- Southern and Western District.

.'letiJl'! .lssista,Lt C'ulltlnil):>iuneJ'-}Ir. J. ". GJUFFlllls, ::\LILC . S. lJi,\fl'l'ct Chitl SUjlcri,tfcildcnl-).lr. O. CfJl:IlTL ' EY, ::If.D . District SllpcrilttcJlrlcnl, SrCl'clW't/-)'Ir. \\T. J. PlllLLIl',';.



RUlJSLEY, \\-ESTO_~ -SlTElt-M,\lll':,





Hill 112, Shirland Road, Pael29 I dingtoll, close to ,YcHord's Dairy



The last eight ~tatiol1s werc estaLlished and are kept up lly thc Yn. \) District .Metropolitau Centre of the St. John Ambulance Associa.tiol1, the Committee of which issue a vpry handy little m[lp 0[' the District hewing the stationfl.

30th Octo!Je'l', 1903 . II' ,

I 11111 .ony thnt dllJ'illg tlll~ Pllst ye,t1', owing to n prolonged illues', I ll:l\'e not Le,'u alik tu ~alTy Ollt the llutll':.' ot' the Drigalle to 111)' 0\\,11 satisfaction, lillL I alii plea. ell to . late th e wurk has lJllll Yet}" ably t:ouJudell hy illy two A 'sistattt 'UUllllis iulH:rs aud III)' Distril't Chil t 'llpel'iutemlell t. all of ",holl1 report Y~I')' lil\,ulutlltly of the lJi\' isi'J1J. they 11:1\'0 III l,ected-a ' fel\' hal'e not Leen illspeded, as lhl'il tl'l:llgth beillg::.u tllall I lleeilled it advisaLle not to incnr tLte eXI'(:lIse illcitiental thl'l'eLu, Dlll'illg ill!' ) WI' a liearel' CotlipallY has 1JLell lw,llIled OYer at Bristol to supplement till' ltnyal ~\.rl1ly .:\ledical Curps ill lillie ot' l'llll'l'gLltl:y, I hope at least tl\O more DIlly 1)l' fOl'lJllltl ill the Di,lrid. TInee Di\'i. lUlls ha\'e ceasell to llxist, lmt these ha.\·e L·ce1l rcplaced by new ones. I llan expcrielll'ecl great; ditlil:ult), il. gettillg the tlltllua.l retlll'lI sent in. This, I L licYe, is largely lille to tllll wallL uf l'lIl' I'g,y ull the part of Oilicers ill charge of lli\'isiolls, \I 110 Llo llot appl'ar to l'l'alize thl' faeL thnt unless the :Brigade rel.Ord heets are ill the posse:-siull orlhe Deputy UUIIlllli 'ioners it is quitc' ill1}Jos::.ihle for tlIe latter to verify the cllieil'lIc), or the 11Iell \\'hcll "PI.Jiccnioll is lllnLle for "en'ice Badge:, &c , WlIil, ill .Taillail:u la't 'l'}1lelllI1t:r I IILlll tIle pleasme of attclllling 11 meering of cl'rtiJicalc llOlLlers and urgalJiillg a lliyi~iUlI at .h:illgstoll, which I hope proyc tIle IJl'L't:nrsor or olbers in tbe I ·lall,1. In t:ollclusiull, I 1wg to tcnder my thanks to all those who lJaye so heartily Co-olieralCll with I1lC during the yeaI'. I ha\'c tbe honour to remaill, "ir, Yuur olJec1i(;llt sen'ant, ,V, YElt:\OX. DLjlllty COlllmi~siulI[l', Xu. II. Dil)t"ict, ,'t. Juhn A mbllla;u:e Brigade. To thc Cilief COllllllissioner, 't. John ~\.lltlJllLllll:e Brigade,




L r T OF CORP' AXD DI\'I~lOX, IX OnDER OF Oorps Date or Di"i ions, whenformec1 . 11 hford TO\\'n Div. April 1, 1 79 Tunbridge \Yell DiY, June I, 1 0 Oxford Di,i ' ion Jan. 5, K e"l)Ort (I. of I r. Cor11. ) Di,. Feb. 19.] PO Guildford Did iOll. )lar. 3, 1 90 Bath TOlyn " June 11 1-::90 Fa ,e!' ham ., .J pril 5, 1 91 Ramsgate TO\Yll DiY, April:2 ,1 91 Landpol't Di" , July 1, 1..,92 Ohiche.ter Diyi ion April :2". 1 ~93 Redruth " Oct. I e;. 1 93 Reading " Dec. 13, ] 93 '.Y"estgate-on- ea ., Mar. 29. 1d15 RYlle (1. of\\. Oorp ) Dil-. ;Uay ,1 '95 Yentnor (I. of '\T. 001'1) ) Di "i ion :Jlay 24. 1 95 Kelyton Abbot Divi"ion. Od~ 29. 1 95 )Iill Bay (G. ,IT. Ry.) Di,-. Feb. 23. 1 96 Boughton·under-Blean Di ".:J1uyI3.1 (,)6 Caterham Divi ion )1a,1 , 1 96 Dover" Oct. 12. 1 n6 13ri tol (Oity of) Oorps Feb. 20, 1 97 DQ"lais Division ept. 14, 1 97 Bath (::Hid. Ry.) Div. Oct. 1. 1 '9 7 Ram gate Di,-., .E.D. ApI. 26,1 97 Ram. gate Police Diy. ApI. 26, 1<.:91 Binstead (I. ony. Oorp.) Diyision July 7. 1 BrynmalH Diyi ion Od. 15.1 Ohristchurch " ?lIar. 20, 1 Goodrich Di ,i '1011 )1ar. 22. 1 'I' eston- uper-:;\1are Di I', cpt. 27.1 Bedmin tel' Di,j ion Oct. 10. 1 Ebb" Yale " TO" 1, 1 Wroxall (I. of \\, Oorps) Division Jan , If>, 1900

Ramsgate Div, (Ram gate Corps) . , , Oct . 29, Portsmouth Div , (Portsmouth Corps) , Aug. 1, Stony Stratford Division Mar. 2;:;, Wolverton Diyision Apl. 16,

1890 1 n5 1 96 1896


Oorp Date or Di,i ~ ions , ,,,hen COl'lned, A .h hurton " ~Iay 1, H100 Eastbllurue (L. B . & , . Railway Diyi ion) ~ray 17, 1900 Ea"t 0\\'(' (I. of , y , ('tIl'I') Diyisioll .T1111C 14,19 00 .lnly 7, 1900 Xnt'ey ., " West CO\\'('s rI. of ,I'. COI'J") Iliyi iOIl .\ng. 3. 1900 Planlcll Did iOll q~t ~ ,HIOO t. 'J ollll's (1. of 'Y. Coq's) Dil'i"ioll Xo\'.10, ]900 \\'indon Di\'i~ion Dl:c. 10,1(,)00 'hanklin (I. of 1", Corp) Di"ision Fell. 1], 1901 Gocbl lill (1. of \y, Di,·.) . 1'11). ~l. InOl Doddington Di yision 1<\ h. ~~ 1 PO 1 ,\-aifol'lc[ ., :Jlay 1~. 1901 ,ltU'IC G, ] 901 \\~ oking " ~IOlll!taill A h ., "'ll't. :28, 1901 Exet l' (City of)~, DeC', -I, 1£)01 Alnstol;e .. Dec. lv, 1901 Exeter(City of Police Di I'. :'la1'. 1~, 1802 Birchington-oll- ca lilaI', 1:2. H102 1 (feu lIll e Di yision illa]'. :2fi, 1802 GI'l'enstl'eet .Al'lil 7, ]DO:! " Bexhill :'Ilay 1, 1[102 " t. I \'Cs )[a\- ~G, ] 902 ;, Ahercorn ,Tlll;e ll, 1802 " "'me JUll Ll ~ti, 1802 BOlllllelllon tit " Ailg'. fl, 1802 " Ha.li llg .\ ll~. 1:3, 1902 " Ha<l tock Aug. 30. 190~ " ,Yin ton Oct. 1, Ino:? Yenthalll Oct. 1. 1902 .," Lymillgton Aug. 1.1, H103


Lurlgnll Divi ion Rf'ading " WaIfo I'll Un 'ling:' "" Lymillgton "

Di,trict -'tal l' .,. Abl'I'l'()1'Il Di Yi~ion .\.1 I'er ,toku " Ash burton

AsltCunl Dath ((Jil:-)



Bex-hill Birch i II"

2 Q, 20, 11. Hi, 28,

1, 89 1&99 1801 1902 1!102

" "


(l1l-PII·"" .\

Di 1-,


nonght ;~I-lllldu -Dll'l1l Vb-, Diyisioll L'atl'rha III ., hat 11:1111 ., h ieh l'stcr I' *Christllnu'l'h D llLlllingt.llI }, DOH't, "


! 1




1 1




1,-, 1:2


.!I J


114 10 10



1 ,)












1 1



" IIpa vitI' e hI e () \\'ighl '<H'p.' * Bin ·tl'lll1 Di visioll


TO\\'Jl Divl.·ion

*Police " Railway " 111' ing "


:3 )


,~ I 10







" ""


1 1 1

:!ll 10 :2P




*\'L'lItnot· " * \rcst 'I1\\CS " * IYro'l:all " Lnningt)11 ., Mill B.1Y (l;. W. n.)" Mountaiu Ash " Newton Abbot " 1\ 11 tl('}" " Oxford " *PlaYllen " *P01'tsllloul h Corp' La11dpul't Diy. POl'tslllollth Ill!' ing Raustock Di I'i~ion Ram gn,te Corp'

" "




1 1 1

Pulice llil-. F.l \'l'r"ha til " GuoL1rieh " GreclI.'tl'eC't " l,uiIM,Jl'(l

" "



1 1

* ..



1 1


.. ( L. n.&:-,.C) Db-. E 'eter ( 'il' of) Db-.

Eas t 'OWL'" , :tn([O\\'1l 1\ u\\'port R\\h'

' ll




1 1



*Ebb\\' \', 10

1 1 1 1


* 13 ltll'llClllllnth lhl-i sion Bl'i~l()l ( "'ity or) 'nips

t Dl'''' Llis


IIi 1


. t. ,1 .. hn's

Feh. }'.[a1'. May. Ang. Aug.

2 1 1







1 ]



12 17


1 1

1 1




flo _)5





4 1 1




1 1 1


1 -11

20 20 -1l , '-


-' 1 II I 1 1 1 1 1


1 1




I J -1 -



j- I


27 1=


1 1








'-< ",


..<:; 1':

Xl'" d

c ..,c ~'O OJ;>' ~o


>'0 -'

d'::>'" ...,u: y:. en 0.3 A.~


..; ii3



d .... 0 0'"

'0 ",0


...,"" ~~



'"= .~~





'"<.l . '00 ~



~ ~ ::J ...

Q)Q) ~o ~~ ~~ ;:..~ t5~ p~ 0;:: ...... >.f:Ei ;>,::: OC ~§ " , ,Q)- ;:;'" :> 'C Q) j5~ ~ <tl c men ~o ~o c.. ;:CUi -,.., "tJ.25 0 ==1 g. ~ C ::: H 0 H 0 ~ Q)


.c <.l~

.,;..:J .....

.:- C


R eading R edruth S t. I ves tSwinoon Tunbridge W ells *Uffculme * ,Yare >I'll atford W estgate-on-Sea '\Vinton t W oking

" " "



" " " "

" "





















... -

.. -

... ... .. . -


T otal


.. .

N URSIN'G DIV. NOT IN ('onp . . .. . H astings Division L ym i ngton ... " L udgvan ... ... R eading "" Stony ' tratford Div. .. . W atfonl .. " ., ' V01 verton



" ,






f 1














-- -






- I- II





.... 0






+' d ~




, .. -








1 1 1



1 - -




1 1 1 1 -







1 -





1 -

- 2 ] - -


1 1 1 1 -





1 1 1 1 -





1 1




41 14. 17
















G. E dwards, 51, J oseph Gosport.



29 9 -



1 -




























10 -




GOisl'OltT .

If. C. H. Muggle ton,

M. D •

Honorary S ecretary.

tr eet,

St'J'gt. If. CT. Salter, 96 , haj Lesbul'y Road, Gosport.

Honora ry Treasure r .



L. n . C. l' .


9 11, 18 -

1 - -

E. G. H u n ter,




Honorary Surgeons.




1 -

I 1 I 1 I 3 I 67 I 4.0 I

3 1 1

3 -

1 )1 1 -







en ....


[For med 18.1 2. 01. J

2 46 63 11195 ,149

Cor pI. II. R ect!. Omcer~ 3. Dri1J~ lleld 17 .

Scrgea ll t 1. Corporals 2. P rivates 10. T otal effective 16. Average attendance 10. Removals 17 . Cast's attended not on public duly 14 . Annual i nspection, 5th July . T otal 011 parade 15 . A.bsent without leave 1. Anllual re-examination, 29th 'cpt. 1l1embers pa~sed 13. Did not appeal' 1. Medallioll'; 8. JUl';;iug certificates 4. Regulation uniforlll WOl'll by 1 sergeant aUll:2 corporal " and 7 men . Malerial: amhulance wagon and 3 stretchers, vestet! ill Lhe Com n:ittce of 11.herslokc Cell tre. Di vision supported by mem 1er su bsCl'iptioll~ alH1 conccrts a1'l'nngf:'d by the Divi. ion. The Divi 'iOll has made vcry goo(l progre.·s com:ic1ering the time it has been formed . One sergeant, 2 corporal ', and 7 privates arc in uniform, the cost being paid for from mcmbers' subscriptions ant1. from thc fuud,' reali 'cd hy the conCl'l'ts al'l'anaecl by mCIll bel' of thc UrigaLlo. The lIlClll her~ keep u l' th{' ir al tenc1ance at drill rema~kabl y well and tltke a great interest in thc \\'ork. Public lluty hac; been undertaken on t\\'o oc ea~iolls: 1 th July, AlIluulan ce DClilOnstration in josport, anel Oll 29th July in Go port Park nt the 'chool 'hilthen 'c; F ete, ill aill of the Teachers' Orphan Home. Th e lllCllllJL'J's or the Divibion regret to state .'illce the last report that they haye lost 011e ot' the Di\ i 'iollal lIOll. Surgeons, Dr. J. Prie' tly, through death . H e alway took a great intere t ill Brigade work. lIis sn eces or is Dr. F. C. H . 1\Inggleton, who nbo take~ a great intel'e t ill the \\"ork. l

* T he figures (in i talics) for Divisions which have m!!.de no return arc taken from the previous annual report, or from Register Sheets t Ceased to exist.


1st Offi ce r .

Hon . Surgeon .


\\' ilea x,

)1. 1).

Hon . S ec. an d Treas u rel".

Ple. \\'.


Gramlllar 'choo] , .\ shblll'totl.

[Formed 1.5.1900.1

, Yo T.



trect, 11.shbul'ion

Inspector of Stores .

Pte. J . H. W ills.

OfJicers~. l"lriynte ' 11. To tal eO'ective 13. Decrea 'e since la t report 3. Dl'ill~ helll 27. Ayerage attendance 8. Removals 3. Ca~es attendet! not 011 public duty 9. Annual inspeetion, 1st July . Total on parade 12. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 1st Jnly. Medallions 11. Matcrial: 2 tl'etehers, 1 littcr, splint, bandage ', vested ill the 0 Ilieers awl 'ommittee. Di \'i~ion su plJorted by u b 'cription . During the past year the l1lember~hip ha~ ueen somewhat llimilli hed by eHml removals from the tOWIl . ~lueh illtcrc t " 'as evinced by the public in the "Demonstration of First Aid , Vork," giv~n in the Market Hall, on 2 th TOY., 1903, when t wel vo members were proseu ted \vi til the mellallion of the t . John Am 1.:mlance Assoeiatioll. Satisfactory fllla ncial support has again ueell rend ered the Diyi iOll hy the subscribe rs enabl ing the COll1nliHee to p nrcha e an A 'hfon1. litter for removal '. 'l' he inspec tion h eld on 1st J uly by tho Assistant-Commis iOllor, Dr. Laurie, was \yell attended.



[Formed 1. 4. 79. J





Honorary Surgeon.

(N 0 report recci vcrl. )

F . Coke, M.ll.C.S. Superintendent.

1st Officel'.

G. 1\1. :Jlather, 33, Hardillge Road, Ashford, Kent.

E. J . Bowle


Utl'EllS : 11ll,

Inspector of Stores.

J. O. Iran'c), Honorary Treasul-er

Pte. E. C. Flood, t. Angnstine's College, Hempsted treet, Ashford.

Pte, W. WenhalU.

Officers 3. Privates 17. Tolal efi'eclive 20. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 36. AYerage attendance 7. 2. Cases attended on public duty 2. Removals 15. ea es attended not on pllulic ant)' 9. Annual inspection: 25th April. Total 011 l)arade 14. Ab ellt with lcayc 1. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 31 t Oct. Members pa' cd 13. Did not appear 7. Medallions 9, Regllla.tioll uniform WOl'll by 2 Officers and 11 men . Material: 1 litter, 3 strctchers, 1 carrying sheet, 1 hamper, 2 havresacs, 1 bandage shoot, bandages, splints, etc., ve ted in Committee of Division. Division sup pOl ted by public subscriptions and Centre. It is to be regretted that the number of membcrs of this Divi ion have slightly decreased, yet thc extra work has been carried on with much cheerfulne . and goodwill by the mem1Jers, and it is hoped before another year we shall again hayc additions to bring up the total. Among the cases attended succe sfu11y was a mall who rushed into a butcher's shop, took up the knife from the ulock and cut his throat; two members of the Division attended him and took him to the ho pital, where he recovered.

BATH CITY (SOMERSET) DIVISION. lFol'me rI17.6 . 90. Re.forlllcd 11.7.1900.J HEAD-QUAl1TERS: Tl<:CH~lL'A1,

D It! LL


11\1,1" SA('K\'ILLE ROAD,


Honol-ary Surgeons.

Pte. W. Jordan. Honorary Secl-etal"Y.

[Forllled 1.10.97.J

(IT 0 repurt roceivell.)


S uperi n ten dent.

F, Sjlra\Ysoll, 5a, Bridge 'trect, Batb.

U. R

)1. JJ.

Supt. and Inspector of Slores.



Honorary Secl-etary.

H. R ClOl1l'h, &7, SLatioll Hoad, Bcxhill,oll- 'ca.

•'. , hortel','acb'ille Hoad, Bexhill-olh ca .

Honol'ary Treasurer.

H. C.


Ollicen; 3. 'ergeant 1. 'orl'orals 2. PriYatcs 16. Tutal efl'ective 2-1. Drill .. llel,1 :20. Average ~attellllallce 1~. Cases attended on puhlic duty 1. Rl'monds 13. 'a.'e~ altelldc!l 1I0~ 01\ pul die duty 25. Mcdal1 iOlls 4. Hegula.tlOll uniforlll \\'Ol'll by 1 Ofliccl', 1 "l'I'gI"lll t, 2 curporals, <lUU 9 mell. Material: A'hfol'Ll litter, 3 slretelll'rs, ulcclieal !tunc. lie, ete., \'C:;tccl in the Bexhill Di\'isioll. Di\'isioll snpportell 1Iy the public. This Di\'i"io1\ Ita' malle te'HI,)' ]'I'ogro.',' during Lhe year, drills hayiug been held regl1 larJy awl nrc faid\' \\'cll aLtCllllcd it 1m,; al '0 aJllcd to its e!luil'lll!'llt two new trctchcrs. Thu Local llo'l'it,tl COllllllittee lIa' l're"e.utetl tl1e Di\'isLOIl "'ith a ne\\' i1l1proved Ashfonl Littcr, wbielt ha~ pl'0\'cl1 yel'y n 'crnl and is llluch appreciated. The 1'0 111 0 \'11Is carricd ont havc gi\'l'lI C\'Cl'), .:lti ·j'aetion to tIte Snr(feOll . 0111e l,aticnt ha\'(' 1Il'('1\ LOllYl'yc(l long disLlnces, bcing olle lady to :.\labelthol'pc, Lincoln, <11111 three Lo YtHiom; pa.rts of Lundoll, one to \rirgilliit 'Water, IJc'illl's numcrous reIIlD\'al' locally and to thc E:1.st . 'n:>:;ex 1I0sl'ibll. Three. tretcher UCplltS havc alo IJeCll e. taLli"hcd, and LIley will pro\'e \'er)' u 'crlll and be tlle mcans or saYing a go 011 deal or tilllC a.s ,,·dl as providing fur a yery large arca,





[Forllled 12.3. 02.]

II_uL, Bll:UIIri\GJ'oC\.

Hon . Surgeon and Supt . 1st Officer and Honorary S ec retary.

A. B. Moore, 9a, lOlk Street, Bath. Officer' 2, Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. PI ivates 3. Total e/recti ve 42. Increase since last report 21. Drills held 47. Average attendance H. Cases attendeu on public clut? 12. Removals 41. Cases attended not on public Iluty . .Annual inspection, 17th Sept. Total on parade 33 . Absent with lcave 4. 'Without leave 9 . .8..nllualre-examination, 17th ept. Members passed 33. Did not appear 13. l'IIeuallions 8. Service badges 3. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 .'ergeant, 1 corporal, and 7 ll1en . Material : 1 ambulance wagon, 6 stretchers, and slllall surgical havresac, vested in the Committee of the Bath Centre. Diyisioll supported by members' subscriptions. Since the last report the Divi ion has made good progress, the llumber of members llaving largely increased. The annual inspection was held by the kiud permission of Capt. H Peerstyle, in the Hoyal Engineers (Yols.) Drill Hall, on 17th ept., 1903, the in pecting Officer ueing the .Assistant-Commissioner (Dr. J. S. Griffiths), who expressed himself pleased with the work and state of the Division. The Di vision had the honom of furnishing a section for uu ty in L ondon on the occasion of the Royal Progress on 25th Oct. , 1902. The removals undertaken by the memuers of the Division during the year numbered 41, being an increase of 13 over Jast year.

II. E. 'WorthingtolJ,



Hon. Sec . and Treasurer.

Sergt. F. J. F. moy, Park Lane, l3il·ellington.

)Ca1110I'CS," Direhillglon. Inspector of Sto res. Ptl'. \\T . ~lanl1 .

Oflil:cr 1. 'el'gc,mt 1. COl'l>()l'<11s:2. Pl'i\'atcs 15. ToLal cllcetiyc 19. Dl:clcasc 'illec la~t rel1ol't 1. Drills held ,10. AYcl'age atLcl,Liancc 10. Remoyal' 3. Case' atlellLlelluot uu l'llulie dIlLy:i. .\ullllni illsl'ectioll, :2Hth April. Totnl on palu(lc I). Al;"ellt wilh ll'ct\'l~ l. Without lect\'c 9. Alllluctl lC-OXllllliliatioD. Dec. MClllhel':> PllsSCl1 10. Material: A:>ltforcl litter, surgical havre 11e, bal1l1uge: splints, vested in the 13ircilingtoll Di\'isioll. Di\'i'ion supported by membcrs' anli other sub 'eri "tions. Ulll'Ol'tnmttely thc Brigllllu nllifOl'lll is not \Yom, owing to the iusutliciency of funds, tlte melllO '1" ueing dc.irons or tlutaining material first. During the year satisfactory plogrcss has hccn lIHtl1e although it has becn slo\\', 110 melllber ha\'illg had any l'l'eviolls cxpcricllec. l"ir't aid cia 'c.' arc no\\' bcing anangeu so that rooruits may be 100k:!d for from aillollg the sncce 'sl'ul candidatcs. Great satisfaction has bccn felt aL thc kindlll'ss or the local \'olnnlcel' Corp in allowing the Di\'i iun the ue of their drill shOll for drill, &c. 'lhc ehl1l'ch pamde at Margate \\'a attcnded by thc mcmbers.




11 ~lIlIli


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Catcrham (brick building), 2 Ashforcllittcrs complete, 3 s~re.t~hers, 3 havl'csacs, etc. , ve~ted ill the Executive Committee of St. J. A. A. DIv1s10n supported by local subFCri ptions. J" 11 1 f The :Oi vision has done useful work during the past year. N ~ar}y ~ t 1C cases 0 removal by litter have been to the Cottagc Hospital, and as tlll~ IS sItuated ~nt~1c outside of the town the distance travelled has been of~en two 1Ulle ,.and th.e d1sb~lct beiu a very hilly this has entailed much labour. A showll1g the prom ptltude WIt~l whlCh the ~1Cm bel'S attend a call it may be mentioned that Dr . .Payne, an E~' angehs~ from Manchester, broke his leg at a meeting at 10.15 y.m ..' and llliess than fifteen n:u1U.te~ f. the call four members were on the spot wIth htter and ha:resac and tleat~nt> ;hl)~njury, they having travelled a distance of a q.tuu·.ter of a mIle. .After sccunng the limb they transported the gen tleman half a n111e m torreIl:ts of raUl to the h011se ,1 where he \Va seen br the doctor \\'ho w:.1l'lnly praIsed the work done by f I'I'en u, o f a members. . '. , 1 L d 2 0 dOt the On the OCL:aSIOn of the Royal Progress t l' ll~ug 1 on ?n on ~n c., foul' I11e111bers undertook liuty at the London Bridge StatIon ~lld did useful work. A t the laying of the fonndation stone of the n~\V Cottage.ll?spltal, Caterham Valley, and at the opening of same by H.R.H, Pnn~ess Clw t.lan, the members of tbe Division were in attendance. Her Royal Highness kindly acknowledged t~le attendance of the Division. The Division was iJHlpected by Dr. Caspar LaUl?e, Assistant-Commis ioner for No. II. Di trict, on 16th J uly. ~he .fund for t~le erectlOn and equi pment of the Queen's Park Ambulance Statioll (w luch IS erected.m memory of Henry J. Borer, a member of the Div.i ion who died at Bloen~for:-~ell1 on 12th June, 1900), is still £23 short of the r~qu~red ~mount (£140), but It 1S hoped that the kindness of the residents of the dlstnct WIll enable the accounts to be closed shortly.

occurr.in.g.in any part of the bOl'?ugh . The hospital at Ohatham being a county one, the, D1vIsion ~as proved a boon 111 the case of acciden~s arriving from the ounying to.\l1?~ and ~Illages . A telegram ,from the Officer ll1 charge of the Greenstreet I?lVlslon (w Inch has sent up four se~'lOus cases during the year) enables us to have a l~tler and squad of men ~t the statlOll to l~n~e~ the IJatients, who prior to our formatJ01~ had to be conveyedm a cab. The DJV1SlOn has been on public duty five times dunng the year.



Ho no rary

J Holroyde,



[Formed 9.02.]


S urg~ons.

R. Grant,

M. n.

F . B. Jefferies,

:lr.n.c.s .

Superi nte nd e nt.

1st Offi cer.

D. B. Scott, 12, l3eacon Close Terrace, New Brompton, Keut.

,V. Mcl nto. h.


F. 'kaif'c,

Sup eri nte nd ent .

M. R.C.S .

E . E. Street, St. Martin's House Chichester. '

Hon o rary Secretary and Treasurer.



G. 'tates, 45, Chichester.

In s p ec to r o f S tores.

outh, treet,

Pte. H. Gambling.

OlIicers 2. ergeallts 2. Privates 14. Total effective 18. Average attendance 11'4. Ca~es Increase siuce l~st report 1. Drills held 29. attenrlecl Oll plluhe du~y 2.. Removals 7. Annual re-examination, 29th ept. Me1~lbers l',t~etl 13. D~cl not ~l!pear 3. Medallions, &. Service badges 7. Nursing cel'tJfi~ates I. Regn.latlOll ulllionll WOl'll by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, and 10 men. Mater.lUl: Ashford htter, 3. stretchers, 2. havresacs, water bottles, waterproof sheet and pl~lo"" lJlaukets,. e~e.ctnc la~t~r~, Spllllts and bandages, flags, etc., vested in the COi~lllllttce of tIle Din ~on . . Dl\'1SlO11 supported by subscriptions and donations. I he year ha,' heen f1Jl~llel~lly pro perons, and the zeal and efficiency of the mem b.ers lla lle;n ,,..ellmu1l1 tallled on the ". bole. The anuual competition for the Supennteuc1eut s pnze ,\'us a great Sllcce. s. The removals were all to the Chichester Infirmary on the litter. In one case of fractured femur the house SUl'e'eon aave "ery special cOl1lJl1endation to the splinting nud general tre~tl11ent of thet> case ~ and on sen'ral OL:C.'lsi011S the medical lllell Illude particular mention of thc areat ~are and ten<lel'llcss with which the IJuticnts were handled. t> CHRISTC HURCH (H AMPSHI RE) DIVISION. (N 0 report received).

Pte. H. Keightley, R.1'II. School House, l1ilitary Hoad, OhathaJl1. Pte. W. Bow.


Ho n o rary Surgeon .

Ho n o rary S ecretary. Inspecto r of S t o res .

[Formed 20.4.93.]

Honorary T r eas urer.


[Formed 20.3.99 .]

[Formed 28.2.01.]

Pte. R. J. Cooper.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Privates 25. Total effective 31. Drills beld 35 . Average attendance 19. Cases attended on puhlic duty 14. Removals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 27 . Annual inspection, 25th July. Total 011 parade 18. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 5. Annual re ·exumi1lation, 6th Oct. Re·examined 20. Did not apI)ear 7. Medallions 18. Service ballges 2. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. l\IHteri~l: 2 wheeled litters, 6 stretchers, 6 surgical havresacs, 6 water bottles, CJ ualltlty of spare splints, bandage~,. ~harts, etc., also full tent. equipm.el~t. for puhlic duty, etc., TlUrcbased for Dlvls10n by Cha thulll CorporatlOn. D1 VlSlOn . up]Jorted by members' subsL:riptions and To\vn Oouncil. This Di visiou has made good progress during the year, and much valuable assistance bas been rendered to the public. The annual inspection was held on 25th July at the headquarters, by District Chief Superintendent G. B, 90ll1't~leJ:' ~r.B . , who sain he was pleased to see the Division in such a healthy state III tlns It!:; fi.rst year. The Division has been well equipped with appliances, &c., the whole havUlg been purchaspd by the Chatham Corporation . Mr. H . T. Browne, eX-lllayor, has generously presented the Division with one of Messrs. Carter & CO.'8 "Salvator." litters, which will be placed in oue of the districts. Arrangements are also m progress for placing the whole of the material in different parts of the horo.ugh, thereby making am hulance material available within a few minutes of an aCCIdent


Honorary S urgeo n.

'P. eilly,

:lLU.C. S.

Superintendent, Ho n. S ec. & Trea s .

1s t O fficer.

T. Putts, Doddington, 'ittinguonrne .

II. O. Norrington.

Inspector of S tores .




Antler on.

Oflicers 2. ,ergeant 2 Privates 31. Total effective 35. Drill' held 43. Average attendance 16 '2. Increase since last report 1. Removal 2. Oases attenJel1 uot on l)ublic duty 3:2. Annllal in pection, 22n<1 JUly. Total on parade 23. All ent with leave 6. Annual re-examination, 13t~ Aug. IemlJel' passed 30. Did not appear 4. Iedallions 2. Nursincr certll1?ates 13. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants antl12 men~ MaterIal: 3 ~tretchers, 2 ambulance hampers, spliuts, triangular and roller bandaaes, etc., VeS~el! ~n a committee of the Division. Divi'ion supported by the public. t> he DIV1S1~1l has m~c1e good progl'c s. Owing to the kindne ·s of the llOll. Surgeo]}, It IS l111mencally slIgbtly stroncrel' than last year' he havincr aiyen a free course of first aid lectures at Lynsted, midway betwee{l this and the Greenstreet

. rr:


378 Division, wb ereby both Divi ions gain ed several n ew memb~rsd Owin g t o the gen er ous sup port of the p ublic, 2 Office rs and 1 4 men 1lave receIve t h e rcgulation uniform t his year.


[Formed 12.10. 97.J

HEAD-QUARTERS : R OYAL VrCTOUU H o PITAL, D OYEn . Supe,-inte ndent.

Hon . Surgeons.

H . L. Lawes, 8, Chilyerton T errace, Folkeston e R oad, D over.

J. D. H owden, M.D. E. E . Murph y, L.R.C.P.

Hon, Sec. and Inspector of Sto,-es.

P te . W. A. Knott, 20, Alfred R oad , Buckland, D Gvel' Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. G. Plater. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 4. Privates 2 . T otal effccti.,-e 36 . Drills h eld 49 . AveraO'e attendance 16. Cases attended on publIc duty 15. Removals 5. Cases attend~el not on publiC' duty 17. Annual ill pectioll, 2nd April. Total on parade 20 . Annua~ re -examinati?n, 2n~ April. ~I emllcrs. passe~ ~O. Did not appear 13. M edallIons 12. J ursmg certllkate 17. R~gulabon ul1lfonn worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 4 corporal, a1:cl 22 mcn . l\.Iatel'lal: 2 str~t~h.Cl'H , splints, and 32 satchels fitte,l , etc.! ve.steel 1D the 90mll1ltt~e.of the DIVl·IOll. Division supported by members' Jontnhub.o ns and publIc sl1bscl'lI:holl~. T he D ivision has made marked progress III the l1ast year, both 111 clnll alld gcneral efficiency . T he principal public duties carried Oll.t have been-T h.e TIoyal Progrc s through South London, President Louhet'~ Rec~pbon .at D over, 1lfcboat Saturday P r ocession RecYatta Football :il1atches, Cllllclren s Fe bYals, &c. Thc annual ('ompetition f~r th~ Sil'ver Challenge Cup, presented to the Divi ion .hy MI', E: P. Barlow, excited keen intercst, an(l took 11lace on 19th 1\1arch. Dunng the Wll1tcr nursing lectures were given by the H on. Surgeons, and at the examination on 12th March, 17 men passed. At the reception of Presiuent ~oubct on 6th July, twentyone members tnrned ont for duty, and through the le111dncss of ~he l\I~tron wC're assisted by nurses from the Royal Victoria H ospital. There were SIX slatIons on the line of route, and six cases "'ere treated .


[Formed 14. 9 ,97 .]


(N 0 report rcceiyed. )

Hon . S e c . and Treasure r.

Inspector of Stores.

Corp1. F . Rivers, 29, M allsfield Road, Exeter.


M. P.


O(ficers 2. Corporal1. Privatcs 11 . rrotal effective H. Decrease since l.ll.st report -!. Drills held 37 . Average attendance 9. Cases ~ttende.d on publlC duty 5. Cases attended not on public duty 62. Annual lllspectlOll, 13th Aug. Total on paradc 11 . Absent with leave 3. Medallions 10. Regul~tioll uniform IVOl'l~ hy 1 Oflicel', 1. serge~~t, 1 corporal, and 9 men . Matcnal : 1 stretcher, splUll~ and ball dages, (m adchtlOll to the above the members 11a ve n.t all time'S tbe use of thc litter and first aid box, the property of the police) vested in Lhc UOllll11ittee of the Di\'ision. D ivil:lion supported by members' sub~ SCl'iptiollS anfi subscriptions from the pulJlic. The Di vi~ioll i~ making steady awl satisfactory prOOTe~s and d I1rin cr the ens uina winter a cIa. .. of instruction ill 1ir~t aiel mIl be givenbby the lIon. S~rgeon. Tb~ Chief Oonslahle of Exeter has generously allowl'Ll the mem bel'S of the Division to use the volice pa.ml~e r~om for their drills .and he.1la~ assiste~ the Division in every posslule \\:a.,}'. 1 uullc du~y has beel.l l~erfon;ncd SIX times dUl'lng the year. A section ha, ' been torllled at Heantree, consIsting of 1 sergeant, ] corporal and 12 men, with Dr. Goulstoll a.s 1I0ll . ,"urgeon . It i:; nuw attached to this Division.


[Formed 6. 5. 91.]

lIEAD-Q.uAltT1~n::;: 'WOlUOIE.·'::; CLUB, FAYEIL lIA:\[,

Honorary S urge o n.

1st Officer.

, . R. Alexauder, M.D.

A . P . Sherwood .

S uperintendent, Ho n. S ec. a nd T reas.

In spector o f S t o res .

l'. E. Clinch, 3, ,'t. Ann's Road, Faycr.hlll11.

Pte. G. Amos.

Olhcers 3. 'el'geallt 1. 'orl'oml- 2. Privates 26. Total elfectivc 32. Increa,e sillce In t report 10. Drill:; heM 37. Averagc attcndance 17.5. Cases attended 011 public duty 23. HClllovals 23. ea es atlencledllot on public duty 22. Annual illspectioll, 7lh JUllC. Total 0)] parade 26. Absent with leave 6. 1I1e(la11i0I1H 11. Tursing ccrtificates 10 . Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporal, and 9 mell . Material: 9 strctchers, .10 baskets, 1 wheeled litter, 2 mcdical hampcl's, \'estcLl in the .Oflicer . Dii'ision 'upportcd by donation all'] members 11 bscri ption,'. It is gratifying that an increasc of lllf'mbcr can be recorded, a. many demands for ambulance ail1lta\'c be'cn made (lming the past year both Oil public duty and other,,·ise. Threc Ofliccl's an!] 10 men a', isteel 011 (luty on the occll'ion of the Royal ProCCS 'iOll ill London.

EASTBOURNE (SUSSEX) (L.B. & S.C.R. ) (N 0 report received . )



HEAD-QUAUTERS: 'Y OllKL\G MEN'S L-,'TITUTE, GOODlUcn. [Formed 1. 11. 1900.J

Ho n o rary Su r g e on .

(No report received . )

A. Olltfielll, B.A., M.Il.C.S. 1st Offi cer,


[Formed 4. ] 2. 1901.J


Su peri ntendent.

J . A. W . P ereira, M.R. C.S.

E. A. B owden , P ort View, R eavitl'ee, E xeter.

A. Goulst ol1, M.A. , lIL R, C.S.

[ F ormed 21. 3.99. J

V. Wade, The Old Rectory, , Yelsh Bickn or, Hoss.

Hon Sec., Inspect. of Stores , and Hon . Treasurer.

Rev. P rebendary eaton , ,oocirich Yicarage, Hoss, H ercfordshil'e.

OIHcers 2. Corporal 1. P rivates 10. T otal uO'ective 1 3. since laflt. l'eport 2. D rills held 15. A verago attendance 6 '7. Medalltons 5. lIIatenal : 1 stretcher, 1 ambllln.llce h am pel', vested in t h e First Officer and Iloll . eCl'etary. Di vision su pp orted by a small subscription . D ecr~ase





Chi ef Superintendent.


B. E. Lauren ce,

V. Blake,

1st Officer- and Hon . S ec.

Hon. Su rgeon. ilL n. C. s.

G. O. Peatfield, Grcenstreet, K ent.


M. B.


BINSTEAD DIVISION (I.W. CORPS .) [Formed 7.7.98.]

Hon. Treasurer,

Inspector- of Stores,

[Formed 15.6.99.J

(N 0 report rec:ei "ed.)

COl'r1. J. S. Beuton.

Pte. F. Court.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 29. Total effective 35. I ncrease since last report 6. Drill held 32. Av erage attendance 15. Removals 10. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Allnual inspection, 22nll July. Total on parade 30 . Absent "\vithout leave 7. Anuual re-examinatioll, 13th Oct. Members passed 22. Did not appear 12. l\Iec1alliolls 3. Iaterial: Ashford litter, 2 sh-etehers, 1 ambulance hamper, 1 carrying sheet, bandage, splint, etc., ve ted ill Committee of Division. Division snpporteLl by pllblic sub cription. T he Division regrets to record the reignalion of HOll. urge on L. MeCn rthy, owing to his removal from the district. At a meeting held on June 25th, the memhers made him a pre. entation, suitably inscribed, in recognition of his valuahle servicc . Fonr other members have also resigned, chiefly tIne to lellYing the neighl)olubooo, but as a set-off ten energetic rec.;ruits, the result of a first aid cla s held <luring the winter, have joined. The Division is now in pos ession of an Ashf I'd Litter. This was purebased as the result of a house to hou. e collection, made cll1l'ing the summer, the sum collected amounting to upwards of £30, which, after deducting c.;o t of litter, leaves a substantial balance in hand. SeveralerioLl cases have lJeen treated by members duriDg the year. At the church parade for Diyi iODS in Eat J\:ent held at :Margate on the unday following St. John's Day, ten members were presen t. It is hoped by the end of another year that the members will be in posses ion of the regulation uniform.

EAST COWES DIVISION (I.W. CORPS.) [Formed 7.9D.} IIgAD-Q l.',\ [nEn,.,:

Tuw~ HALL.

(No report received.)

GODSHILL DIVISION (1. W. CORPS. ) [Furmecl21.2.01.] HE.\.I1-QL\.UIEllS: GU]):::>IIILL.

(:1\ 0 report recei \'eu,)

ST. JOHN 'S (RYDE ) DIVISION (1.W. CORPS. ) [Formed 10.11.1900.J ll :E.\.D-QUARTEltS : Tl';UL'W,\L


Hon. Surgeon and Treasurer.

L. L. Pre lOll,


Supt. and Hon . Secretary,





tot!kham, Elmficld, Ryde.

Inspector of Stores.


Pte. U. Jame .


Onicers 2. Privates 17. Total C'frectiYe 19. Drills llClll. 32. Anllual in 'pedioll, llh July. Total on plnalle 16. Absent with leave 3. Annual ex-exalllillalioll, 30th 'ept. Members]Ja 'sed 15. Did not appeal' 3. l\Iedalllons 5. l\lll'sing certificates -1. Material: stretcher', smgical huvre 'acs, water bottles, ct~'., nsted in COllllllittee ol Di \·ision. Di vi ion Sll pported by subsCl'ipliolls allll grant from TcdlllieallllstructiolJ COlllmittee. eYel'al cn 'C' ha\'e been att elllied to by memher \\ hell llOt on public duty. Attendance at drills ba be'll good dmillg the year, anll interest in the work well mailltained. One llle1l1ber of the DiviSion is still serving \\ ith the outh African t!ollstal.mlary.

(No report receiyerl.)


Blt,\:->. 'Y

[Formed 1902].


Hono rary Surgeons.

G. Lock e,


F. B. L cwis, L .ll. C.r.

Superintendent and Ho n. Sec,


Ginner, Jun., Brassy Institute, Hastings.

I nspecto r of Sto res.

Corpl. H. French.

Hon . T reasurer.

Hon. Surgeon G. Lockc,

;If. u. C. S.

Officers 3. Sergeants 1. Corporals 2. Primtes 10. 'l'otal effeetiyo 16. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 52. A vorago attendance 12. Case s attendec~ on pu?lic duty 6. Removals 2. Cases attended not on pull1ic duty 44. Annual !-nsp,ectlOll, 24th July. Total on parade 17. Abscnt with leaye 2. Annual re-exammatlOn, 3rd May. Members pas ed 19. DiLl not appear 7. Medallions 10. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and1 0 men. l\Iatl·nal : 3 stretchers" 1 havre.sac, 1 pocket instrument ca 'e, tourniquets, splints, bandages, etc., vested III Committee of Division . Division snpported by puhlic subscription . T~ e work of organizing this Division has been accomplished tll11'illg the year with consl~erable success and the public is beginning to recognise the usefullIe, s of the work. PublIc duty was .nndertaken at the municipal fetes organised during tho summer months, the serVlces of the members being mnch appreciateu.

NEWPORT DIVISION (1. W. CORPS. ) [Formed 2.90.J IIJ;;,\D-QLUU-j-,W';: TUWN HALL, N'E\\'POUT,


(Report recei ved too late for insertion.)



(No report rccei\·eLl.)



[Formed 4.03,]

SnumT H.-\LL,

Honorary S ur-geon, ;\I .D.

II. ?II. Barker,


2 ':3

282 Honorary S ecretary.


R. Pitt, North Street,

ando\\'n, 1. 'Y.

Pte. P. W. Hawker, 29, l'ilzroy

Inspecto,- of Stores.

Hono rary Treasu,-er.

Pte. W. O. Kenfield .

Pte. O. O. Roach.


Officers 2. Sergeant l. Oorporals 2. Pri,'ates 22. Total efl'ective 27 . Increase since In, t re]Jort 2. Drills held 7. A v~rage a~tellt1i1nce 1. RClllovals 2. Cases attended not 011 puulic duty AlllllHLl n:spectlOll, 4th July . Tolal. on parade 5. Absent with lea\-e 4. ,Yi th.out leave 16. Medalliolls .13. Nu:' lllg certificates 2. Material: 3 stretchers, spl111ts, aud bal1llage , ve. tcellll 00l1ll1uttee . Division supported by members' sl1?scriplions and public donations. " .. It is gratif'ying to report that sabslactor}: progress has ~e?n made hy LIns Dlvl~.lOn since i ts formation six months ao'o, the dnlls have been fall'ly well attcl1c1ed . l:!Irst aid has been rendered and re:nov~l carried out to the sati faction of the medica.l men and the publ ic. Btret(;hers &c., hav~ been plllchased for the u. 0 of. th~ Division,. and appliances are kept in all parts of the to\\'11 to rel1Ller. first l~ILl III c~se ot accidents . A cycle ection has been formed to attend to aCClrlelits III the nllages close by where no ambnlallce i obtail1tlule, and telegraph nud telephone ~lTange­ ments have been made to call the Brigade out ill ca'oe of accillent at allY tillle. 'l'he Officers are doinO' their level best to get this Dil'ision well before the jluhlic, a.nd are in hopes in a fel~ years of makillg it one of the smartest and best in thc i ·lund.

WROXALL DIVISION (1. W. CORPS ). ~.1. 0 l'l'porl" received.)

[Forllled 9.1.1900.]




Honorary Surgeon .






J. A. Il ott,

1~, Sllleaton TelTllCe, 'Ne.t Hoc,



1st Officer.

p , H ol)lin.

Olliccrs 3. 'cl'g(>ant l. Corl'olltl 1. Pl'il'ates 20. Total efreciiYe 24. Decrease siJlce lnst reporl 5. Drills lielel 24. Average atLencluJlce 10. Removals 2. Oases atteJldeel IJOt 011 1'1Iulic duty 57. Anllual inspectioll, 23rd Jnl.Y. Total 011 parade. AI'st'llt witii le:lYe 7. Without lca\'c fl. '\I1l1nall'e-~xall1illation, 8th lilaI'. .:\1t'dalliolls 17. •'eJ "ice hadges 8. Regulatioll uniform \1'01'11 hy 2 Ofricers, 1 sel'geallt, 1 corpol'al, ~lHl ] 0 I11CII. l\Jaterial: 1 allll)ullll1Ce wagon, 2 litters, 3 watcl' 1J ,ltle.~, ~ ha\'l'csae', \'eted ill U. \\'.R and ll1eruuel's. Di,-isioll snpported l)y mCJllbel's. This Di I'isioll has lI1ilclc \'ery satisfactory l'rogrc.'S durillg the sear. .:\Iuch good and u 'el'l11 work has lJel'll (lOllO \'Y Llie 11lcl111,crs. MOUNTAIN ASH DIVISION (GLAMORGAN ).






Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treas.

O. H .• 'nook', IV est Hill, Shanklin, 1. IV.

Pte, R. Knight.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Oorporals 2, Pl'iYates 12. Total efl'ecti\'c 17. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 30. Average attendance 10..1. Removals 13. Cases attended not on public duty 1l. Annual impection, 4th July . Total on parade 10. Absent ,,,jth leave 4. 'W ithout leave 2. Allnual re-examination, 3rd Sept. )Iembers passed 10. Did not appeal' 0. l\Ie(lallions 9. Rcgula lion uuiform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, anel 12 men. l\Iat rial: 1 ·trclchers, 1 litter, 4 ha vresacs, bath chair, etc., vested in Committec of Di vision. Di I'isioll Slll)ported by members sull criptions and donations from the puhlic. Though remaining stationary ill lll1mlJel's the Division has certainly incrcased in efficiency during t.he past year. One removal casc was that o[ a. gentlelllan who IJad a serious fracture of the leg, the result of a very bad cal'l'iage accident, alld occurred four miles from Shanklin . A stretcher team of foul' men attended hy reqnest, and ~ollveyed the patient to his home on the whceled litter, a (Iistallce of' ix miles fram the scene of the accident, giving great satisfaction to the Ueuical Officer in ~barge of the case.


Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. Eo Harris, 11:2, High Mountain Ash.

In spector of Stores.

I'tl' . H. U .•

Honorary Treasurer.

Olli(;l'r 1. Sergeant l. Corporal 1. Pl'imles 20. Total ell'ccli,'e 23. Iucreasc Silll'C last nq,orL 8. Drills held 2.. An~J'age attcndallce 16. Ou e3 attcll<ie·t1 Oll l'nldic dnty:3 . llcl110yal 1. l'a:t>s aLtellded llot Oll l'llhlic duty 15. MedallioJls 10. • lll'. illg C'l'l'tilil'<llc: 17, .:\iatcrial: ~ sll'cll'hers, splillt ·, uantlagcl:i, .alllh\1lance \J;UllPCI', \'CbLed in tit\) COllll11ittce o[ the Division. Division snpported by suhsclipliullS. The Di l'i:ll.ll conli 11 lll' . to leluke :atisfactol'Y jtrngrc:s, and the se,-eral members 11a \'e \\'orko(l ellPrgdie;ll1y allcl systl'lll:tlically. Tbe 1'l'c:on1 sholl'l:i n. L.l.rge 11lll11iter Clf ca es aiLemlccl. Thl' Vi\'isl<lll fecI that it ha.· !-ollstaincd a :a(1 aUtI la lillg hlol\' by the death of thl>il' HOll. Sllrg-coll, a 1IIall ill. !,ire(1 ",ith gl'l:a.t elllhll iaslll ill ambulance work. TIll' C0l11l11iltel', with the co-operatioll of Uw 1l1l:lI1hers, are working strcllllollsly tn :eenre lin As]lI'ul'C1 litter alld ul'pliance:, also a sllelter for same. It is hoped, thilL hefmc llext Yl'<ll"::ll'l'jtOl't has 10 be drafted, tlte litter will huye long Leen in llse ill tho di.;tl'ict. NEWTON ABBOT (DEVON ) DIVISION. ,'LDDLE It L.\.


R II. Grimbly,

~ I.I :'L'.:-; .

HEAD -QUAllfEI'.:';: YENT.-OJt.

(K 0 report rccei veel).

F. W. -' . tone,




Honorary Secreta,-y .

[Forllled 3.8.1 900 .J

(N 0 r eport recei I'etl.)


W. Jewell, HI, East 'tl'eet,i\cwtonAubot. .Pte. J. Rice, b2, Hilton Ron.tl,


[ForllleI129 .1 0.95.]

Honorary Su'-geons .

[Formed 24.fl.95.J


Col'l'1. T. IV. Phillips.


ll E.\.D-Q1.J A ltl'Elt.' :


[Formetl23.7 . 01.]

Acting Supe,-intendent.

J. Cowper, ~r.D. Supt. and Hon. Secretary.

Jl E.\lH/l-.\JtTFHS: Dt T. Di!\,i.." \\'oodland 'j\;lnl(;C, ;\IOllllt'lill Ash.

Hon. Surgeon .


reNton Abbot.

Inspector of Stores.

I)l e. W. II. OrOS-;IlIUU.

Honora,-y Treasurer. ~h.

II. Knight (lIon . Mem.) .


284 Officers 3. Sergeants 4. Oorporals 4. Privates 41. T otal effective 53 . I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 56 . Average attendance. 24 . Oases. attended 011 publit: duty 56 . Removals 11 . Cases attended n?t on publIc duty 116. Annual in pection, 5th Fcb. Total Oll ]lanllle 42 .. Absent mth leave 10 . !l.llnnal re-examination 16th Jan. Members passed 41. Did not appeal' 11. Medalhons 21. ervice badges '11 . J ur 'iJlg certificates 14. Rc~ulation. nnifo1'l21 WOl'll by 3 O[1icel's, 4 sergean ts, 4: corporals, and n men . MaLe~Hl1: 3 htLers, .1 a1l11.mlance ca~es, 9 strfltchers, bandagcs, splint, alld other , appbance, vested 111 Local OOlllnutl ee. D i vision supported by yolun taryll ?scription.s.. . . Althoucrll the number of men 111 the DIY1SI0n has only lllcreaseLl by one, the interest t~ken in the work is areater than in any former year, and more men are efficient. The townspeople and inhabitants of the aclja?ent village::; take a decver interest ill Briaade work and seem only too ready to avtul themselns of the serVlCes of the men wl~ell occasi~n al'i es ; tilis may bc proved by the 1111Jl1 bel' of 1 emovals eO'ected foUl' of \\'hich \\'ere cases of serious illness. The DC\'on all (1 COl'!l\\l\ll Challenge Clip Oompptitioll t~ok placo.a~ ReJl'nth on S~ptember 20th, ~~ l~~l. ix teal.lls competell. The result was hIghly satIslactory to the l\e\\'ton Abbot Dl\! lOll, as lls teams callle ont first aDd second, thus hollling the Oup [or the year .


[Formed 7.7.1DOO.]



[Formed 1.11, 92.]





Honora ry Surgeo n .

J. II. F. , Yay,

[Formed 1. 7.94 . J

S u pe r int e n den t.

J . 11alpas, lI1.J'..O.S . , 84, Fawcett Road, 80utlJsea.

1'1. It. U. fl.

Hono rary S ecre t ary a n d T reas u re/'.

In s p ec to r of Stores.

Pte. J. G. Chal'u, Crcssy IIou~c, Cressy Road, Landpol't.

Ple. W . L. Stoakes.

OIlicers ~ . elgean ts and OO1']lOrals 1. Pl'i vales 18. Total efl'cdi ve 24 . Increase since last report 4. Drills held 40. Average aLtendalJce 9. Cases attclllled on puulic dnly~. Rcmo\'als 5. Cases attended !Jot on pnblic duty 70. Allllw.l.1 inspcction, July 5th . Total on palade 1 . Al,seut \\'ithout leaye 6, Allllual l'e- exu mluatioJl, ~3l'LI J nile . MelJlbers passed 13. DId not appear 9. Mellallions 11. .~el'\·icc badge .. 10. Rlllbing certiJicate~ 10. Regulation uniform wom l,y 1 Olliecl', 4. sergealIt.s, 11,11\1 corporals, 'llld 17 men. Material : 1 litter, 4 stretehel',', ~ surgical haY1CS<1c ', 2 \\'ttler hottles, splints, bandages, etc., yesteu in Di "isionul COlllllli tLce. D i vi~ion sllpported ], y weUl ber~' suu:;cri lJtio11S.

(Ko report received .)


[ForllIed 5.1. 9.

Reformed 1.10.8


lII.D .

T . E. Foort, 50,

Honorary S urgeon. Thol'llcliJr~

Roall, Oxronl.

1st Office r , Ho n . S ec. and T r-easure r .

F . DearIe, Foxcombe Hill, Oxforcl . Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 16. 'rolal cfl'cctil'c 21. Drills held 37. Ayerage attendance 13. Cases attended Oll p11111ic duty 30 . Removal 1. Oases attended not on lJublic duty 36. AUllualre-examillation, 9th June. Meml)cl's pa~sed 9. Did not appcar 3. Meda llions 10. Xlll'sing certilieate 1. Regulation uniform \YOl'll by 2 Olticer., 1 sergeant, 1 corporal? alld 12 men. llaterial: 1 litter, 5 stretchers, station eCluijlmen t box, 6 havresacs, 'pllJlts, b:11ldages, etc., vested in Otficers of the Di\'i ion. Division snpPolted lJY \'olnutary subscriptions and the memhers. The Division can look with satisfaction upon the \\'01 k of the past year. The attendance at the drills and parades has been very much bett.cr th·w ill the ,Past. More cases have been attel1ded and the balance in thl3 hands ot the Treosnrcr IS the laraest tlle Division has ever had . Heyeral duties have been attelICled, notauly the Aa~icultnral Show, Football :nIatches, Sports and. ' t . Giles' };'air. The cases trcated h~ve been more varied and serions-one in particular. The patiCllt had all the fingers of the right hand cut off; the treatment given ul1dol~l)tetlly saved Ille patient's life. The COlllpetition for the Officers' Challenge lllclLl wos h~l~ .on November 4th, Pte. T. G. Smith proving the ",illner. The thanks of the Dlvl'jlon are due to _the Hon. Surgeon (Dr. J . C. R. Freebul'U) [or the killd allil generons scrvices he has rendered . PLAYDEN (SUSSEX ) DIVISI ON . HEAD-QUARTERS :

[Formed 8 . 9.1900·1


(No report received.)


[Form ell 30 .. 02 .]


S uperintendent.

Honora /'y S urge on .

J. O. R. Freeborll,


R. U. Worger,

Sup t . and Hon. Secr-etary.

L . L. }Ltrvey, ~, Foxhills, ltaclstock.

:\I . H.C.s.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary T reasurer.

Pte. U. II. I'treet.

Re\, . T. C. Ganlcner (lIOll. Member).

Oflicel's ~. 'crgeant 1. Pl'i\'ates n. Total e!fectiye 15. HClllO\'alt; 3. Cases utLcllLled not on public dnty 5~. Annual Dl ill' held .i0. illspectlUlJ, 1Gth . 'ep t. Total 011 l'amdc 6. Ab cnt 9. Allllual re-exflmillation, IGth opt. :Jlemhers l'ussell G. Dill llot appear Medallions~. Division snppo1'll'(l hy llIcllluer' eOllll'ibutioIlS. This Di \'ision has ollly l\Iade slo\\ progl'c s II urillg thc year. Being it first year it has bcen uphill \\'0\ k. In all G2 cases h:n"e uecn attended. The Divi ion has done dnty on two occasions at thc FIO\\'cr ,'ho\\', auLl at the IIor~e 'how, and it also attendell thc AUllua.1 Paralic or Friellllly :ocicties.


[Fol'lllcd 1 .G . 99.]

Cor-ps Superintendent.

C. Colton, F . lt. c.l'. ,



ql,arc, Ralllsgate.

Corporals 3. Prinltc ' 42. Kursing si~ter' 24. 1'01,,1 ell'l'di\'c 7 ' . Increase .·ince last report 10. Drllb hcld 100. Corp' llpporteL1 by Ramsgate Centre and by pnhlic suhscriptions. Thc Corps as t\ whole bas ll1ade gooll progl'c S dl1ring tl,e past year. There have been a largely incl'easecJlllll1t1JCl' of' drills, allll thc aLleJldance has ShO\\,l1 a llJarked improvement, the efIiciency of each ll1Cndll:r sho\\ing l1, goo(l aYel"lge tamlnnl. The above does not illclude the deLails of Lhc l'olice Division [rom which DO report h ilS OLlicers G.

Sergeants 3.

RAM SG ATE RAILWAY DIV f510 N SIll gp.OIl tll1li




,1.1:.1'.1' •• III~, 1:11111 'gil I 1'.

l"I,,,1l '11 :lG.4.0 . J


I liglll'tl' I,



HOI1 Secret. ry. (~. 1 I TIl, ~[, Wi! J'lrn;;v te.

t nley 1'1.,

Olli!'I'1 I. ""IW'IIIII 1. (;01'1"11/11 I. Privat/'s 1.i. ]) I'ill'l 1",1" :: I. I'f 1'llgO II I IlIlnlll' I.:. It""iOvnl I.

1lIlldil' dilly I , /lIIllllld jllsl'!'I'li,'II, ~21,ld .\plil. 'j'(Jtd OIl I' II'II\'(' I . AIIJlIIIII II ,I'X 1IIIIll,d,II'11 "tll :tlld J.:th Illy. l\Tf,dilll""1 U, ,\I,dl'l'lIr1: ':! filiI" hIlS, hili ,jc·d liavr( Ie , V," I,PI III , 'I" , .,,', (' , I'" "'I 11'lj (''''''"llI''Y. I" )IVI tOil lIPI' I t II !.y lIIlIrit " I f' 11111, I Jlltillg lit" I'd t yl,ll lId I)i~i ie'll lid'! \)(>(111 VI ry 1,t1,11I SI~'f,'I" ,,1111'( ill th l,' I: ~.':(l/t ./\1".1.11.111('(





thirdl':arc in the h lei t A hfoll, in fllld nLlflfll' ffll1,in\~hih r. tf II 'ookplrt, gullily III utlf'd,l" I til Tn jr'rity of th 11. m!.,'T

J\I!I],IIIII1C~ ((fIIlP'lltloll,


11',1111101.111,1\'1' 111'11

/111' vl'ry I I f'll


I'(I'~ 1,l'rdl








REA DI NG (BE RKSHIRE) DIVISION. 11 /.\Il.I>!'lltll.ltS:



I ' ~:A III ,' ( 11001.,


HonO'LIlY Stir con.

\ \'. .1. 1'0 L


J. It. '"


E, l'IlII,

~,~, ('1\"1111111



('. II. .Ierllil



1st Officer.

I:Old, 1:(·lllillg.

Sec. Illld r, i\ I:f dory IiIJ.ltl, ('lve


h. W.'I 1, r. In P clor of Stores




1 t·, J\.




REDRUTH (CORNW ALL) DIVIS ION. [FOllll d 10,03.] H E\II'(ll \1t'IFI'

H o n o l'ul'Y

(F OTlileu .!I). 4,c'.] TIA

r. \TE.





11 EPJ:l'lIT.

SU I'gco n .

H i'hell.,

Supcl'in tCl1den t.

H. tf. I'll rSOll


3'\. Fore :-;t, ~ t, I' <inti h.

H 0l10 l'u"Y Sec "clary.

I' Ll'. 11. Trolill

(III, .,

rite 1'.1111 ',' Hl'dluth.

Corp!. S.


)ll'. J. \\, ickl,tt (llL)lI. }ll'llIhl'l' .

,h meso

....l'rgcaJlt 1. Clll'POl\\h~, l'l'il·,ltl'" l-L '1\) nl dh,etil'l' 1£'1. DecI euse sinee l.lst l'epol't -1. Drills Itl'I" D I _\.r t'ragt' n t tcnth IIl't' 1~,. l tlst$ attended on public dnty ao. Hemol' ds 10. l';\"e::; !\t,tt'1ll1ed not l)11 l'ubl~e ll.ut)' 31. ..lnmwl illspection, 16th sept. . Tot.\l 011 1',\I'<\l1(' 10 . A.llnna~ l'l',I'\.H,llllll.\tlOlI, loth ""cpt. )Icmhel's l'ns'cl1 10. Did not np1'L'.\1'1. )ll'tinllltH1s 0, ~l'n Il'l' b,hlgt's 5. X lll'sing ccrti fica tC'l 1. Hcgu 1a til)l1 \111iflWlll \1',)1'11 by 1 t1il'el': 1 sl'rgt',mt, ~ c(jrpomls anll 10 mon. )Intcrinl.: ~ lith.':'s,. ~ tl'l'tl'1lcr:::, ~ drl's,;mg' l',I::;l'S, (('nt, etc .. yc,ted in Ol1kel' and 01l11l11ttl'e. DII'ISlllll 'UP1\0l'tl,tl l'.Y l1IL'l1lbl'r::; HIllI COlltribntions, Th e Diyisioll has bcen Iyorking in an l'I1l'l'gt,tic malllll'1' dmillg (hc p:\St yN\I', Public dnt>. has bl'(,ll nndertakcn on ,CI'(, I',11 oeCnSil)nS, inL'lulling' the Hl y;\l \'isit to Truro, .lgricnltnml ""ho\\' at Rctirnth, pte, ~l'I'l'I\ll seriou;" l'.lSCS 'I'l'l'l' at tl'llth'll tl~ tl1\ the 'e occa'ions, ;lUll the membel' Wl'l'\) Il1ghly cI)l\1l'ltml'lItl'll by th' 1\l('dllI1 1'rofe'ion 1'01' the :'Ible milliner thcy pel'.f\)\'\lIcll their Llntiu;. '1'1.10 lhigalll' ~I 'IS acqnired nell" commodioll, hea ll-qnnrt"l's tIll ' yc,\1', \\)lll'0 all tltl' Hl'l'ltnlll'ls n~'l .. ':~ Iel ' ,.toret1. Thes(' pl'emi e nre situated in the ('('ntrl' 01 tlte tOWIl so that they 11,'llttntc promptness in tuming out. cte, in cas' of IleN1.

l[ I \l>-QI \ url'l:S:






SLII'geon .



II. H. Hill, "E\I\'l'

':It. n,c,~,


'I. hes,


S'"'geoll ,

11. [\llil,,,,


In spec tor

Hon , Secretary,





\llil \\ II


lIl'< " intend 'Ill :lllti HOIl . S"t;,·l'I,lt·y.


antec,·. ,\" 1,t'sill'.

,I:. F. LUI\\i.l~,\, Sltludtlu ' 1'\111 hl'iti"t' \\\ I Is. )

"\\.lj ll'


II)Sl'tlto/' of Sl,)f'<.'s ,


Sl'lgl. \\, I" \Iu tl'l't I.

1 "t-"'~ ~lJr'c f"

, "urt L1ll,

Otlil't'l's ~l, ~t'lgl';\11! 1, 1'1 II lIt'S \), 'I\l( tl l'tl'l't'l 1\ t' l ,l, \\ ,'I'H"l' Hesl'n t' 11It'llll.1'1' 1. Pl'I'I't"lSt' silll'l' 1.lst lI'I'Il\'t~, I ll'ills 1t,'It! I:.!, 'Itlt'lltl,1I1 'I' 7. L"hl'S dlt'ud,'d I'll I'llblii' dlll\' \1. lilllll\ ,d:-: IIi, L'.ISI'S nllt'lltl"ll UIII l'll l'ubli I duty :.!0. ,\Il'lt ,tlli,'Il" J I. S, n I'l'l' b,ld 't' I, I\ l'''ld,ll illll uuit'tll'lll \I Il'\l lly I Utlkl'l', 1 S 'l'r-:" lilt, (11ll l I ~ Illt'l\, \llt Pl'i tl: lilt 'I', ,,11t'I,'itl\]' Hlltl (.n,,\-,' I:-; , .Ul" il',d htlll't'~a''i, II tI"I' hl'III"", l'tl'. I, tl,l ill Ih,' llli'l'r~ :tllllllll'llIl't'\'S lIt' thL Dil i,il)ll. 11il i:-;i"\1 "Ul'l'tlrtt'l 1» I,ublil' subs ri1'1 itllls. Tltl' Dil'i"i"11 h',IS Illldc. l'llkt'll dUI) till St'l t Itl pllhli· (W il inll";, ' I'ltt l'rill('il',d 011," hIll! hUll :I .. \1l l'r,'\\t'u' ,II II''; II Ih,' \llllutl L'lllll'l'h 1',ll".ldl', HI Ihl' l~rit!gL' HICl'" lit tht \\llll -..\lt'lllll) Sl'lIl'ls, tll(lSI'llllth(l\'lIIl"h '1,111 It l'll ,ldl Ih' Fri"l\dh' SOtiClin; 11 ''''1'11 IISulltiny. Iltt \ ~ri IdlU1'l1 SIIPII l'~ :!:.!Il l, :::lrd /lilt! ~tth ,11111' th't' 'l'llllbrid"t litul'l'lt l'II"ldl' , lit,' I il'dlll,ll ~,lll\rd,l" l'lI'adt ' , lild lilt, l'I'illl!','S" I:L:,CtulI 10\ It, 11ll1d ill I lit' "'I 1l\lIds ld' ~il' l >,ll id ~ 1I111l1l11l" Bal't. Titl 1,llivilIJll'\' lIt' lltt llil isillll i~ "L'llllHlilll'lilll'd. 1 ,


of Stor' cs,


DIVI ION . [[\ll'IlIl'd s;"]

1\.\\ ~ II \ I I, 1'1


'Ot'll\l;\ll. Pte. ,y, J, Cooper, Thc ""tull io, t. I I'e, .

~ KENT )


Honoril/'Y T/'e:1sur I'.

Inspector of Stores.

plll I


t'i \ l" I.


WARE HERTS) DIVI ION . [F"I'lIll',l :.!Li,li.O:.l.1 II

I'<'l'llr! rl't't'l I l'd,)

Hon . T,'enSLfrer·.


Acting ""crgt. J. 'le\'ells, Officcrs 2, Acting ergel1nt 1. Aeting urpomls 3, l't-inltl's 17, 'rotnl ell'l'elil'e '2'L Decrease ince la t rcpol't 6. Drills hl'ld ~3. Avcrage attolllnll('l\ 1;1. l':\st)s attended on pnblic <lntr ]0. Remoyn]s J. '1,lCS 'Itlc~dcd 1I0t on puhlic llllt,}" 15. Annnal ill pection, cpt, 19, Total on paralIc 17. Ahscllt wilh kayo 3, ,Vi thont lease 2, l\Icllallions 2, Hegub tion nlli Conn 1I'0rn hy 1 0 Ilil'CI', 1 'l'rgean t, 2 corporal, antI 9 mcn . Material: 3 ,tl'elelters, ;3 s\1rgical hanesncs, l'lillt ... , banllage, etc., vcsted in Committce of the Diyj 'ion. Di, isioll SllPl'lIl'tCtl by volnutary contribution. There het_ been, ome real good work done hy the Di\'i:-;ion in this to\\,11 llnl'lllg the last ix mouths, ,,"hieh has be on rccogniscd by the puhlic. O::ol'cl'lll tl'iln~port l'n:;e~ have been s'lti factorily carried ont, one jonrney r0111'C 'ontillg l[10 nlil('~, oml olilt'l'-; being of a, horter distance. The Dil'iHion \\'!\<; well I'cl'l'e ('11[('(1 in 11111111H'\,~ ilL ' l'I'I1\'(\~ at the recepLioll by that city of the Prince l'lnd Pl'inccss 01' Woles, l\1\d HeVel'lIl c!'lse~llll fir t aid \\'ore treatcd. The most sel'ion case of tIle ycnr lilts that 01' n )'0\11lg Indy who fell ol'el' the eliti's, everal members were 011 thu spot in II f'\I I1till\ILes, nllt! she was carefnlly carricI1 Llo\\'n the eli II's aUll com'cycd l,y honL to thl' harho11\', thl'IH'C to her home, where shc lay uncon 'cions fol' !iI' llays < ud thon llil'll. This ('IISl' recciver! ' pe ~i:t l commeUllation from the (loctol' in chal'g , for thc dlieicnt IIl1tllllel' in which the work WtlS ealTiod out. The deC\MSe in strength is owing to the resignation of three memlJl'l's, two though leaYillg the town aIH1lhe other on oceonnt or lmsilll'ss reasons; the remaining threc mcmbcrs lI'ore 1l0n . cflicicllt.



W,R, CORPS ). [lrol'll\('ll

IIIr.AU" QUAltTEW:l: , WINDON Q. ,\T,R 'VUHKf'!,

( 0 l'eporL rcceived).

8 . ~,O 1.]


\1101.,1\' \I:


1'1 III II


1,1111: \ 1:\, \\' \ I't IlHIl. lIll,;t'OI1 ,

" 11. Il.tll, A lil1g Supll'il1tl ncil'l1!.

l'. I, 1',1 ill t ,'I', 7, HlIllllph l:lI;1l1, l:tlshlY· 111 Pl' l o,' ot


HOl1o,",,,'Y ::;l't:r'l'I.If'Y.

I'll', \\, t', ,st.IIlI, \, "\), St. \\ tllil\d.




stll',',,, l'll'. ,I . \\ 1I111 IIlH II.

HOl1or"\I-Y t n ' ,

I'll', \. 11. II till, Ollil'l'rs:!.

11<'llllllt'.1 1",.0 I.)

1'lil'lIll's 1\1.

'1'"IIlII'lll'dill' ~l.

1)l'ill~ 1Il,Id I,'. J\l t'l'il"I' 11/1'1111:1111'1' I:!. 'II:->,'S nltl'lItll'd PII plIl.lil' tint.' 10. t'IISI' !'; nll"lId,'d Htll 1111 plll.Iil' dill \ 17. \11 dlllli'lll:-< In. IIl'SllIg HllIlPI :tIs l. l't'I'lilil'lItl'H:i. ~lllll'ri,lI: :t sllt'kh,'rs, ;l :-;lIIgll':tl lI,tl rt'~']('S Illd \1,111'1 lI,'llks,

l'III1'l'r: I 'III',\ h:1\ I'l's;tt''l sll(ljllil'd III l'.It'It 11I.t1l, Sllll'" Ill' h,llldagl's, l!fl'., Il'slt'd ill Wntlord Lihnll'.) l'tIlHlllilll'l), I)il i itlll slIl'l'lll'II'd 11,\' 1'111111' U\'SI'l'll'lilIIlS,lhlI'IlL1I' h'l'IIIl'l'S, IIl1d Sllh."l'ril,tltlllS or 1111'1111.1'1'., 'I'hll I)il'isinll has 1I111\1I'IIlII,III'ly 1"'111 ,jlll'd (l1'ill'l i, ally, tnl illll.!1 \ slllll' Its I(lllllllt ill II liS I'l'g:lnl:-> 11111111'1'1''', illthl1l1g11 stl'lllIg l'llnrls 11111'1' bl'l'lI 11111111' III 1'i'llig IIbtllll II llt'lt" I' slatl' (Ii' thil"o'S, \\ I' lIall', hl1\\l'I't'l', IIdlillll'I,d Stl lill' Ih,t! SI'It'l,t\ lil'IIIS ill IIIlI IlI\\ II ha\o hnd lirsl aid [,O\t'."; li\I'd 1111 Ihpi)' \lI'I'IIIIS1':-;, \I hit'lIl1l' 11111'1' slIl'l'lit'd, IIlId II hil,lt Wt' lli."'I' IIndt'I'lakl'll III 1-1'1'1' l'\'pll'lIi"dll'd II il 111111111'1'1111 III II li\l'll sltlll I'l'l' IIIIHItIlI ; 011(' 11.1'lll (~ll's:-;]',~. Ih'IISklll) IlilS li,,'d Ill' II IiII'I nid Hllllillil III Iht' t'lill'.III1'11 III tlil' ll' ]11'(,IIIISI'H III Ihl' Il igh :-lln'I'I, IIlld lias 1,1111'I'ti illllldl','lhl' HIII'I'I'I'i'litllllli' Iht'lll\lSllHI, ollcllll l, HII'I'II' III'I' IIlId Ill nll'lillls Villi Iltl IISt,d lIy llil' 1I11'11Ibl ' \'!-l Ht 1111 lill\l', ,\ ~ tltl' lil'l\1 hltvu II I' I'y l'fli~IL'IIL 1I111buI1lIll'l' til'L'lioll illIl;'lIg IhL'il' l'I\ll'ltIYl-~, Hl'l'lIllgt'lIll'II!:; IIrll



bein cr ma(le for this D ivision to drill there occaRionaJ ly, wi th a view to th ir starr beCO~lil1<Y member'. The Divi ion received the thanks of the Fire Brigacle for its prompt ont to a lurge nre last February, and t~lC captain ki~lclly pointed ont to the Officers the different dangerons parts there aCClllent· wcre hkely to happen, but only four light ca es were treated. The Division also received the thanks of the police for relie\'ing them of first aid duty. In reliefs the members were on dnty about twenty hours. Ten ca es were attended \\'hile on duty .



H EAD-OU.UlTE· /1-. : Hon . Surgeon.


A. H. II. Huckle, i\I.I~. c.!;.

[Formed 28.8,02. ] HASTINGS.

Lady Supt. and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. L. D .. Wal'~, 126, edlescomLe Road, 11 verlllll, St. L eonarJs. Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. Ticehur t.


[Formed 29.3.!l5.1

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss L. AustIll.

THE GBOYE, ,YmnGATE-O i--SRA. Su peri ntend ent.

Honol'al' y Surgeon .

A. T. Street, F.Il.C.P.

J. YelliR, 16,

tatiol1 nO~1!l, '\Yl'stgate-on- ea. 2nd Officel".

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.


J . IGlll110nt, 5, Cuthbert Road, ,Ycstgate-oll- ea.

tanley .

Inspector of Stores .

Hono rary Treasurer.

Pte. C. Case .

Corp1. G. Pelhler.

Officers 4. Sergeants 3. Privates 29. Total efTec1.ive 36, Drills held 29. Average attendance 16. Cases attended Oll public duty 7. Removals 7. Ca es attendcd not on puhlic duty 2;). Annual inspertion, 30th April. Total on parade 20. Absent with leaye 15. ?I1ec1nllions 10. 'el'\'i~o lJadges 7. Jursing certificate. 10. Regulation uniforll1 worn 11y :2 Omcen;, 3 sergeants, and 21 mCll. lIIaterial: A 'l1l'o1'<l lilter, 3 stretc.hcr, box of lirst aid appliances, blankets, water bottles, hn,vrcsacs, ve.· ted in the COJllll1ittee. Dil'ision SUl)ported by "oluntal'Y contributiolls. The efficiency of the Division has bcen \\'ell1l1aiutaincrl (ll11'illg the paRL :><';11', great interest haying heen shown by all the me11l1'cl's in their \York and (hill. 8cvcllte(>n members procee!led to London for h'eet (Iuty on the occasion of the Royal rrogress in October, and greatly appreciated the opportunity. The experiencc gained was most instructiye and helpful. During the \\'inter season the priucil)al footba.lJ and hockey matches have been attendecl by mcmbers Oil duty .

Officers 2. ursing sisters 16. T otal effective 18 R eeryememLcr1.1 I ncreae since ht re) t 4 P . . attell<lance 12'7. Case' attenclell on '~Llic ~)~~ 2' ractlCes held 19. A.verage duty 6. Anllual inspection 2-1th Jnlly T t / . Ca~os atteuded not on pnblIc 4. Annual To-examination J 17th Jllly ' 111 00b ?ll para(le U. A~ .. ent with leave, 111 1 II' ~ , . 110m OIS passer 15 DHI not 3 11 C( a lOllS 1:1. Regulation uniform "om b 1 om ' i\I . " appcar . blankets, shoets, splint', ctc., vo.·tcc1 in th!Nnr inc~eI. . . 1'. atelIal : ~)~lldage, hed, by mcmbers' SlIiJ cI'jl)liolls and a "!'allt j'I'Olll tllo T 0 DCIVl. I~]n . Dl\'ISIOn supported .' II b OWIl OUllCI D nllng 10 past year thc melllbcrs of tlL D·· · · . 10) al attcntion to tho W01']TJle C'OlIIIC'l 1 0 IVI Jon have given earnest . ~. I la ' <rra11teli the . f tl T 1 . Seho.ols for nursing 'ii>tel's to . tndy im'nlitl cookj])(~ f . . :\ eo. Ie ec 1I1lcal Ol'Ollll1g. Pmctice in this suhject constitutes a PUlt 00/ t~ell(~;,m~'l. chalge of 2s. per



Honorary Surgeon. :ILl:. c. s.

[Formed 28.2.99.]

Ll:DGY..\.X, COJ:, -W.\LL. Lady Sup erintendent.

'I. Mudge,

Mis 11. M. Rl1m' " T'I el1onnu, . " o,,'ednack, PellzanCe.


Lady S ecret ary.


Lady Inspector of Stores .

Mi.'s~; ,I'. Bakel',

,. TreLlorwin," 1 0\\,ct111nc k, I'cllZ<lnce.

Miss E. L. Duuley.

Honorary Treasurer,


[Formed 9.0~.]

IIE,\.D-QUATITEIts: '\\'L"fOX.

2nd Officer.

Hon . Surgeon .

H. D. Wilson,

G. Gurney.

M. n.c.s.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Secretary.

el'gl. • 'hinol'.

W. Heudoll, 40, Wellington Road, ,\Vinto11, Boumemouth.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 9. Total effective H. Drills helli 2. Average attendancc 6. Cases attended 011 pnlJlie puty 32. Remo\"als 2. Cascs attended not on p111Jlic duty 47. Anllual inspection, UtI! April. Total on parade 3. Absellt with leave 10. A1lnual re-cxaUlillatioll, Gth April. Member"! passed ] 2 . I edallions 2. RegulaLion nniform worn 1)), 1 ofliccr, 1 sergeant, ~ corporals, and 9 men. Division slll'ported by voluntary subscriptions.


Ir. Eo Baker (Iloll . lem.)

I . . Ollicer: :.L l~nrillg sistel" 3. Total efrecti"e 5 11lrease SlllCc last l'C'port 1 Practi \ 1 11 00 A . att n<led not on n;t j' I . , ' • (e·.le ( ~. ycrage attendance 3. Cases 19th ., t T t 'IC l ut,\ 6. ases 1'1'lY!1tely llUl'''etl 9. Anllual inspection 1<1s(>(1 1\[elo a . Ol~ parade 4.. Allllunl re-cxamination, 19th cpt. Member' hIe Conl1'lIittee l~P~~I.l~.}. .JInt~l::a~: alllbulance hampel',. l)t~lldage , &:c., ye teu in The D' .. .. ' . 1.\ ISlon. Dl\ lS~Oll supported uj' ub cnpholl of member '. • Ollle of :1'1 1011 \\.as lllS}lt'Ct.ccl at t. !Yes "ith the t. he Ambulance Di"ision c Ie 11l1l'SIIJ<t ca~c lllclucle the 1 · ' f I 1 ' attendance la L' " l ~ • 'lllg wount, 1111'11' and 'calds, the t ' . 111,.. 01 a con,1l1e1'll1,je 11cnod. One of the membcr a l l 1 aught fir t alll !tnd llt11'sing weekly in he]' school throughout the year. " 1 ua, la

?I .



? ' ".


Honol'a ry S urgeon.

F. H . .l\h t mill,


[Formed 6.6.01.]





[Formed:2 .7.02.]


Lady Supt. and Lady Sec.

Mrs. E. Chiller}" .Monmouth Honse, L yllll ngtoll.

1st Nursin g Officel".

Lady Inspt. of Stores.

Mrs. Pack.

Miss ill. 13:1.tlcock.

Lady Treasur'er.

i\I I' . .1. C. .r. l\:in cr " \ \I1ana, ' t ' ' ' 1Jymlllgton. . 0' y

293 Officcrs 3. Nnr"ing sister 19. Total eflectiYe 22. Decrcase inco la t rcport 3. Practiecs held 30. Avcrage attcndance 15. ea c attcllllcllnot on public lluty. C,l e privately 11m 'ed 5. Anll.uall'e-ex(\.mil1at~oll, 5th Aug., 5th ept., 30th ept. Mcmbers pa scd 21. ~[clhlhon.s .1? l atenal: a largc supply of 111ll',ing r~quisite , ye tell in t.he Coml1uttee. DI\'lSlOll sll}lpol'tell by member fecs and donatlOlls. . . . The members have workcd well and have 1111lH'ovod \'ery- much III cvcry way, and take the greatest interest in thcir work . . At an Am.bulanee Demon t~'a~Ion held Oll July 21st, when our l'l'e icl ent, H . ~. n . Pnnccs ~oLltSe .(I!l:ehes of Al g) 11), ca:lle to pre 'en t the certificates and medalltOns, the N urslllg Dl \~lSlon. had n. ful.ly erpnppcd tent on the ground, and tumed ou t entirely to the satisfactlOn of theU' Honorary Surgeon and L ady nperintel1Llent.


C. Knott, M.R.C.P. Lady S ec. and T reasure,'.

Lad y S u perintenden t.

nIi S K.

Miss B. Gieye, 7, Outram Road, Southsea.


2, Palmerston Road, Southsea.

Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 2 Total efrective 30. Decrease since last report 10. Practices held 2.J. . Av~rage attendance 19 .. Cases attendeu on public duty 90. Cases attentleclnot on publIc duty 12. Cases pl'lvat?ly nursed 20 . Annual inspection, 5th July . Total on paradc 12. Absent "'lth leave 15. , Yithout leave 3. Annual re-examination, 18th July. 1I1e111Ler' pa sell 22. Did not appear 6. Medallions 17 . en'ice badges 7. Regulation uniform wom by :3 Officers and 13 nursing si tel's: J'lIatet:i8:I.: splints! l.)~lldages, lJl<lnkct , sheets, folUing table, tent, etc., 'vested III the DiVISIon. DIYlSl0n supported by members' subscriptions. ., . . . The Division is pro~rl'essing satIsfactonly. Great Interest is taken 111 the fortnightly meetings, and" the efficiency of. the :lUl'sing sisters has .grcntly increasecl. The Lady Superintendent and five nul' mg .1 tel' were on Lluty III LO.ll~lon on the day of the Royal Progress, October 25th, 1902; also at the llvCllmg of the Queen's Statue in Port. mouth, on July th, 1903, and at the Band of Hopc Demo~­ station on July 22nd, 1903 . The nursing :;i tel'S h~YC attended :20 ca ~s, and palli 398 visits and in each case were prai ed by the medICal man, and ShO\\,lllg that the value of their work is becoming recognised by the public, "'e may lllen tiOl: the number of cases which they are called upon to attend . Twelve lectlll'es \\'ero lundly given by medical men during the year.



[Formed 29.10 .90.]


Honorary Surgeon .

La dy Superinte nd en t.

B . N icol, F.R.C.S.

lIlrs . A. COttOll, 42, ~ 'pencer S'1 nare, Ramsgate.

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. F . W. Hinds, 57 , Queen St. , R amsgate . Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss E. F . Woolward .

Lady Treasu rer.

Miss L. E . Walker .

Ofrtcers 3. Nnrsing sisters ~ 1. Total effective 27 . Prn.cticcs l!cld 31. Avemge attcndance 13. Case attended not 011 public duty 1. Cases pnv~tely Illlt':;ell 13.. Annual inspection, 2nd April. Total on parade 19. -,!-hsent with ImLVC 5. Wlthout lea~c 3. Anllual re-examinatioll, 16th April and 1Jth July. JUe!ubers t)asserl ~1. DId not appear 5. l.IeclalliOlls :H. 'ervice baclges 1. .. ~rgtlla~I.O.ll ulllform wOl:n b.~ 2 O!lieers. . ~Iaterial oath chair, spinal co.u~h! cal t)'lll!; chan, and a: 'IU<llltlty of nurSltlg rer1111s1tes, vested in Local Ccntre . Dl V1SlO11 supporleJ. by su bscnptions. ~his year's report :uarks all epoch in the history or this Division, as a scheme WhlC~l ba.,llong ~Jeen 111 the ~houg!tts fl.llli wishe~ of many of the members, to provid~ a tnLllle.tl nurse lor those pat:Ish~s 1Il tho townlllther~o Lln[1rovicleJ with one, has now hem: Lnought to a . uccessiul Issue, atHl a professLOual nurse has been employed tlul'lng the po. t ten months. \Ve were fortunate in being able to secure the services of Nurse Green, as she was n.ot only reCOtnllH'1111ed to u. by very strong te:'timonials, but. was brought to Ollr l~otI?e hy the ,Rector of 'to John's, Clorken\\'ell, in whose p~nsh. 'he It.all acLed as DI. tnct Nnrse l?r two years, working immediately under the d~rc~tlO1.1 of tl~e Ordcr 01 .'t. John ot Jerusalem. Nur:>e Grccn also ~ervcd with dIstmctlOn ~lllnt1g tho threc ycars of the ollth African war, as a mcmbcr of the Army NurstJ1~ !leseITe. At the E'lsL KL'nt Ambulance Competition held last November, a ,'ilvcr ChallenCle Cup, presented hy ~(ll·d. a.n~l Lady I!ecie:" was cOllll'otccl [01', for the fit'l:;t time, by the .mcm bel'S of .lln,; . D 1\'1 'lOll. It IS \nth mu ch regrct th:lt the N ut"inCl Division re~elyc(l Lhe !lOhee.ot Dr. COt~Oll'S resignat~on in March 1:1 't, as Hon .. 'urgeon, after tl:tl-tee.ll yefl.r servIcc,. h~ havIng l~ecn up[lollltcd Corps 'llperintcurlent, and in tokcn 01 t11('t.r great ,1pprc~utlOn of ]11' work, thcy presentcd him with a hand orne ha\'clllllg bag. PulJllC duly was unclerlaken on the occasion of the Isle of Thanet Horsc. Itow at Ibmsgate in JUly.

RE ADING (BERKS) NURSING DIVI SION. [Formed 20.3.99.] IIE.\ [).Q U \lUERS: ~ L'IIOOL1:OO~I, KrxG \; Ro.'I.D CHAPEL, HE_I.DIXG. Honorary Su'-geon.



Armilage, L. ]:,(.'.1'.

Lady Superintendent. ~Irs .•L

Lady Inspector of S tores.

Cit It'!l :10, ·t . .J1a.l'y's I3uLt ', Rea,lillg.

.JJis -' . A. WooLI .

Lady T reasurer.

:Jlis::i F. ChJ.lldler. Olli<.:ers:2. Kltl'~illg si'lers 13. Total cffective 15. Incl'ease sillce. In·t report 1. l'ractices held 17 . .A \'erage attendance 10. Cases attenLled on puLhc duty:2. Cases ntletlclell not on public linty 11. Ca.'C ]lrivately nursed:2. Annutt! ill peetion, 17th 'cpt. Total on p:.ll'ade 10. Au cut with leaye 2. \v.itbou t lea Ye~. Al11tl1 I rc-examination, ~Oth Oct. 1\1C111 bel' pa sed 12. lUelhl.hon · 0. Heglllatioll uuiform worn by 1 Ollicer ancl :2 nUl'sing i tel's. Matc~'IaI : halJllagc', plint., and nursing hamper, vested in the Committee of NUl' 'mg Divisiotl. Di\'ision sllpportc 1 by the mcmber . The Lady ,u]lCrintclldent, with two. nul' itlg ister, attellLled public cluty at the Temperance 1< ete. The Trca mel', oemg aLle to ho\\' a (food balance in hand, the nl1m~er of books ill the library, which is lUnch appreci:tecl by the members, ha been mereased.




(N 0 lcport recei VCll. )





Honora ry S u rge o n .

O. H. Hall,

La dy S e cretary.

1st Lad y Officer.

Miss A. Pitkin, 24, Aluenham Road , New Bush ey.

Mi sO. Judge, Eversleigh, Marlborough Road . Hon . T rea surer".

Lad y Insp ector of Sto res .

Mrs. E. Wilson.

No. IlL-Central and Eastern District.

~r.D .

Mr. J . Woolman (Hon . Member).

Officers 2. .r lusing sisters 10. Total effective 12. Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 24. Average attendance 6.5 .. O~ses attended not on public duty 5. Oas.es privately nursed 1. An~llwJ re-exanlln~tl~n, 9th Oct. Members passed 6. DId not appear 2. Med a~lIOn~ 9. Mate~I~l: 1 nursing hamper, vested in t~e ~ommittee of ,Yatfonl PublIc LIbrary. Dn'lsIOn supported by voluntary subscnptIOn

Deputy Con~missioneJ'-Brigade-Snrgeon Licut. -Oolonel G. S. ELLI'1'O::\', D ist1'iet Ohief Sll1·geon-Mr. ,V. E. AUDLAXD, M.n.c.s. Assistant Oommissione1·-Mr . rr. H. '"'{OOLSTON . District Chief Sllpel'intencZent- 'l1rgeon-Oaptain F. A. BIWOK', M.D. District Supel'ilLtenclent Secl·ctc~i'Y-'V . A. GInn, ;'Il.D . , It.A.M. C. (Yol.) DLst,.iet Sl~pel'ilLtcndcnt of, '{ol'es- l1rgeoll Lieut-Oolonel CURETOX, Y. D. District Supci'intendcnt Treasw·ci'-Mr. J. W. WnITE.



(N 0 report received).




2, 111JSEu:\[ STREET, Ip~·\\,ICH . 20th Octobcr, 1903.


I have the honout' to suumit the follo"'ing as my Annual Report for No. III. District for the year cnding 30th. 'eptember, 190:3. Thc yarious Corps and Di"i -ioll: in the (listlict continue to make satisfactory progress j there has been a , light llecrca:e in the numerical strength of some of the older establi 'hed Corps: liUt a l1luch higher stallLlanl of eiliciency ha:~ been attained in all. DoulJtless the re-actioll following the war, to -0111e extcllt, accounts for the decrutse in !lulllbers, al1dlhe same caU::iC aflccts rccl'lliting ill the Yolrll1teer selTice as \\'cll a the Brigade. During the ,Ycar four new musing Di \'iions Ita ye been formed in connection with the Ironbriuge, \\~ c1lingborollgh, and Kettering Corp', and at 1'1 cttlefold, and new amlllllancc Di \'isions ha ye been raised at Bil'll1iII gham , Leiccster, Bedford, Rugby, Pytchle)" and Mallningtrec. I n aclllitioll to these one 01' two arc under recOll~trltction, particulars of \\"11 ieh will bc fOUlHl undcr the diYisionalreport . l'\ early all the Corps alld DiYi~ions in tid:' district lla ve been ilq1ec ted during the ycar; in this important work I han been aLly a "-isted by AS"i -tant-Oommissioner ,roolston, Di tl'ict Chief urgeoll Allrll:lIld, amI l1l'geoll-Oaptain Brook '. I am much indebted to thc .. e mcmbers or my District tarr for the practical and efficient manner in which ther lIa ye recorded their remark - on the in pection' carried out by them ; the observations contained in their report .. all teml to 'how that a marked improyement pcn'aLlc3 all ranks, anel that an came t desire exists to cany out the BrigaJe Rcgula tiOllS. The event of the yellr in tlli' district "'as the camp of in tl'Uction held at Whitsuntillc in Easton cston Park, II)' the kinLl permission of ir Thomas Hesketh, Bart. Th e tents and camp e1lllil'ment at To\ycestel' \\'ere upplieLl on requisition from the Eastcl'll Military District, Colche. tel', a,nel the comfort of all ranks was "'elllookeu aftcr b:v Oaptain IInghes, the Chief npcrintelldent of the Torthampton Oorps, \\'ho was ably as i ted uy Captain Goncher, who \'olunteered to act as Oamp Quartermastel'. 1'\1y duties a, Oamp Oommandant, \yerc maue comparatively light by the indefatigablc manner in which Asi ·tant-Oollllnis ioner ,Yool ton carried out the work of Oamp Adjutant, and I WllS also much indebted to Di tlict Ohief urgeon Andlancl for snperintending the medical arrangcment . The totalllumber in camp COllsisted of 16 of[Jcers ancl134 rank and file. The eli cipline and behayiol1l' of all raub; was cxcellent, and Lhc wealher bt'ing fine, a large amount of llseful and instl'llctive work was got through. \\~hit Monulty was a busy day, and after preliminary drill in stretcher and Ji1'st-aill work, the whole force wa cliyided into t\\o Bearer com panics for practical work in thc field, the follO\\'illg description of which is extl'aetcu 1'1'0111 one of the N orthampton daily papers : T


29G "The event of the day was the afternoon parade, which took the for:11 of a demonstration of practical army ambulance ,York. A supposed picket at the yillage' of Hulcote bad been surprised by an opposing force, and very much cut up. FoUl' sections "ere immediately ordered to form a collecting and dressing station, and the supposed wounded were disposed of in various positions and places in tho village by two Chief Superintendents, who displayed great ingennity in hilling the supposed wounded men in ditches and other difJ'erent positions ,,,here wounded men would be likely to fall or crawl into. Stretcher parties "'ere soon on the spot, and proceeded to render temporary first aid, 3.ncl carried the "ounded to the collecting station, where Oolonel Elliston examineci auu passed them on to the dressingstation in the rear, "here they were again examined by Ohief Surgeon Audland, and the cases were classified as "serious" or "slight." After this had been clone in the glare of the hot sun, the men were given a short rest, and then, after 1,\\'o hours' sharp work, marched back to camp anci dismissed. '1'hus ended Olle of the be t days of "'ork, both for general instruction in first aid and discipline ever carried ont in a camp held by the brigade." At the breaking up of the camp the officers present unanimously expressed thG wi h that these camps of instruction might be held annually in the district, and in new of their value as a means of keeping up the interest in the general work of the Brigade, I beg to commend thG subject to your notice for approval and hGlp. On July 25th a new ambulance station, IVith head-quarters for the Corps, was opened at Ipsmch by the mayor, in the presence of a large gatherin a from the town and neighbourhood. A complete system of "transport~' for ae~idents and removals is in connection with it day and night, and during thG first fi ,-e months since the opening 71 calls have been recei,ed, and thcamuulance waaon "'as out over 60 times. In concluding this report, I desire to conley to my Dist~ict Staff, Hon. mCTrons, and Chief Superintendents of Corps my best thanks for the valuable help they!:> haYG at all times given me in carrying out the Brigade duties. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, GEORGE S. ELLI.·TO r, Knight of (haee, 01'deT of the Hospital of St. John of Jenlsalem, Deputy Commissioner, }'-o. III. Dist?·ict. To the Chief Commissioner, St. J o11n Ambulance Brigade.

AB. TRACT OF CORPS AND DIVISlO S. Name of Corps or Division.

No. III. District 8talr .,. AshlJy-ue.la-Zollch Division .. . BeMonl Dlvision . . . . .. Birmingham Corps .. . .. Dirmillgham Rail way Ca,niage and '\Vagon Co. DiyiHioll .. . Coventry Co-op. Division .. . Crollier Di vision ... .., .. . Dllllley " .. , ... .. . DllllChtll'ch DiYi ion ... . .. Felixstowe" ..... . Folelihill and LOllgford Diyisioll }Ltllaton Division ... ... Hanrhill " .. , .. . Ipswich 'orps ... ... .. . Ironbl'illge" ... ... .. . Kettering" ... ... . .. Leicester" ... ... . .. Leighton Buzzard Division ... Market Ilarhol'ough" ... MedlJolll'lle Diyision ... ... Northampton Corps .,. . .. Nl1Jleaton Division (Xo . 1) ... " Railway Div. C~o.~) Olney Division.. ... .. . ollll Llle "... ... .. . Over, eal "... .. ... Rllghy "... ... .. . Shrewsbury " ... ... .. . melhwiek Corps (Tangyes) ." W elli ngborough Corps ... ... Broseley'ursingDivision ... Enrl's Barton" ... FillC'doll " .. Ipswich " ... Iroll b r i d g e " .. Irtltlinguorough , ... Kettering " .. J ac k field " ... Little Houghton" .. Leighton Buzzard Tlll'sing Diy. Leicester Nmsing Division .. . JUad ley " .. . },In eh 'W enlock " N eltlefold " Northampton Rin gsteacl " Rothwell " Rnshde n " Shrewsbury Burton Latimer ""

7 1


1 7

1 3





1 1 1


2 2 2 2

1 1 1




1 9

4 4 7

8 1 1 1

3 5

3 3 3 11 11


]3 23 1<1 1

19 16 9 Ili

104 75





12 17 108

2 4.

20:5 ]:l

22 11

3 10


1 1 9 1







12 1 1 1 1 1 1

11 1


20 17




2 1



1 3 9




23 220



16 6

12 23



9 1

1 1


1 1

1 4 1 1

10 6 10 27 12 12

1 1

3 1

44 8


2 2 1

24 12 17

1 1



- - - - - - --88





[ oTE.-The figures in this Austl'n.ct differ in many cases [rom tho e furllisbed by the Corps and Divisions.]


298 Corps or D ivisions . L IST OF C ORPS AND D rnSIONS I N O RDER OF SENIOI~ITY .

Corps or D ivisions.

Date whell fo rmed .

L eicester Corps . Nov. 14,1 2 Town Di v.(Leieester Corps) Jov.1 4,18 2 H ead-quarters Div . (Northampton Corps . .May 4, 1 86 N orthampton C01'l)S May 4, 1886 Earl's Barton Div. (1: 01' thampton Corps) . Mar. 24, 1 8 Roade Diy. (Northampton Corps) . . June 30, 1 ~ ",\' ellingborough Corps Sept. 1 }lead-quarters Div. (Wellingborough Corps) April 18 9 Y .:JI,O.A. Div. (Lei0ester Corps) . . May 15, 1 90 'Working Men's Oollege Diy. (Leicester Corps) . Nov. 1, 1890 Bigham Ferrel's Division (Wellingborough Oorps) Jan . , 1891 1I1adeley Diy. (I rollbridge Corps) . Nov . 30, 1 91 Dudley Corps . . Sept. 2 , 1892 Moulton Di V . ( J orthamp ton Corps) . Oct. 2, 1 92 Panlersbnry Div. (Northampton Corps) Mar. ], 1893 1st Diy. (Ipswich Corps) . July 13,1 93 Market Harborongh Diy. Oct. 17, ] 93 Kettering Oorps . Oct. 18, 193 :Kettering Division (Kettering Corps) . . Oct. 18, 1893 Tangy-e's Div . (Smethwiek Oorps) . . :895 Sllre \\'sbury Division . lIIay, 1 95 Rll .·hfleu Diyision (WellingboJ'ough Corps) . Jan . 30, 1896 Rillg~tead Division (Wcllingborough Corps) Mar. 20, 1896 I ronb1'idge Div. (I1'onuridge Corps) Mar. 20, 1896 I ronbridge Corps . . Mar. 20, 1 96 Wollaston Division CWe1 lillgborough Oorps) . A.pril 2, 1896 Finedon Divi~ion (\\' ellil1gborough Oorps) . . May 5, 1896 Mllch Wenlock Division (lronbridge COl'})s) . May 20, 1896 Police Division (I pswich Corps) . . . Octoue1', 1896 Dozeat Division (We1linghorough Corps) . . Dec. 3, 1896 Twywell Division (Kettering Oorps) Dec. 18, 1896 Blis\\'orth Div. (N ol'th ampton Oorps) A.pril 2, 1897

Corps or Divisions.

Date when forllled .

I rthlingborough Division (Wellinguorough Corps) April, 1897 I rchester Division ("\\'ellingborough Corps) 1 97 Ru hton D i\'ision (Kettering Corps) . . A pi il 3, 1 97 NUlleaton Town Division May , 1 97 Stoke Bl'uerue) K orthampton Corps) . . l\Iay 29, 1 97 l\Iellbolll'l1e Division . April 2, 1 97 St. John's Division (1ps. . July 29, 1 97 \rieh Corps) Dil'iion -Wheat heaf (Leicester Corps) . ept., 1897 Whea1.sheaf Div. (L eices ter Corps) . October 1 97 Roth well Division (Kettering Corps) Dec., 1 97 J ackfield Division (11'011bridge Corps) Jan . 20, 1 Haverhill Division F eb . 7, 1 Oundle Di\i. ion Feh. 2 , 1 9 Leighton Buzzard Diy. Feb. 2 , 1...;9 IIallaton Dil'i iOll . . lilaI'. 25, 1,,9 01'\\'ell Works Division (11ls\\'ieh Corps) . . Oct. 13, 189 L. & N . W . R. Division (Leicester Corps) . . No\, . 1, l e98 Little Houghton Diy. (Nortbampton Corps) . Koy. 26,1 98 Birmingham Railway Cal'. amI Wagon Div. (Birminghal1l Corps) . . Aprill ,1,,99 DavPlltry Di\'ision (Kort11:1111pt011 Ocrps) . Jnlle 2, 1,,99 Felixstowe Di\,i .. ion . Od. 30, 1 99 Olldfellows Div. (Ip81\'ic11 Oorps) Dec. 6, !<e99 . . I pswich Corl's 1900 DeslJorongh Di vision (Kettering Corps) . Fell. 9, 1900 Brixworth Diy. (K 01't.bamptoll C01·PS). . April 9, 1900 AsL.l'y-de-la,- Zollch Div . . April 13, 1900 Kislill g UUl'y Di \'. (~ 01'thal1lplon Corps) . :JIay 29, 1900 ,\Yigslon Magna Division (Leicester Corps) . . June 29, 1900 L. & N . W. R. (Nuneaton Division) . Aug . 12,1900 Oromer Division Mul'. 19,1901 Burton Latimer D iyision (Kettering Corps) . l\Iay 2, 1901 Coventry Co-operative D iy. May 7, 1901

D ate when [o rmeu .

13roughton Diyision (Kettering Corps) . . Sept. 21, Overseal Division . . Nov. 3, Bedford Division. . Nov. 22, NetLlefolcl's Div. (Smethwick OOI'P.). Dec. 19, Nal'borough Diy. (Leicester Oorps) . Dec. 30, Snow Hill (G. , Yo R.)13irll1ing11mll Corps . Jan . 1, Central ta.tion (Birmingha.1ll Corps) . JaIl. 14, Nelson treet (Birming' ham Corps) . . . Jan. Lawley lreet (JI.R.) (BirllIingham Corps) . . Feb. Crallford Di\'i 'ion (I\ettCl'illgCorl's) April,

1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1902 1902 190~ 190~

1 .. 6 Oct. May,

1 9·1 1 9fl

:!'.Iar. 20, 1896


?lIar. 20, 1 96 !lIar. 20, 1 96




1 99


Messrs. Kynoch's (Bir mingham Corps) . . 13a.rwell Diy. (Leicester Corps) .. Wigston (M . 11 . ) Division (Leicester Corps) . Olney Division . . Monument Lane (C , & N . W. R.) (Birmingham Oorps) . Birmingham Oorps . • ll1ethwick Corps Rugby Division . . Earl , hilton Diyision (Leicester Corps) . Pytch1ey Di vision (Kettering OOl'ps)

Ddte when fOlmed . April 27,190 2 !lIay 2, 1902 May 25, 1902 !lIay 23, 1902 May 25, June 1, •'ept. Dec. 12, May Jnue,

1002 1902 1902 1902

1, 1903 1903



l1l'sing Div. (Leice,ler Corps) . Ipswich Nl1l'siug Division (I [ls\\'ich Corps) . . Shn·\\,shllry Kursing Div. IrO)J ul'itlge J ursing Diy. (Ironuridge Corl' ) Madcley UJ'sing Div. (Iroubridge Corpfi) Rill.~stcall Nur<;illg Div. (Wellinguorough Oorps) Roth\\'ell Tur. ing Div. (Kettering Corps) Kettering Tl1I'sing Div. (Kettering COI'l's) . Earl's Bartoll 1: l1l'sing Di vision (N orthamptol1 Corps . . . . Broseley JUl'. ing Divi. iOll (Ironul'iclge Corp) .

Oorps or D ivisions .

1, 1899

:Jl ueh '\\ enloe k K l1l' ing Div. (Ironl.ll'iclge Corp) June 1, 1 99 K ortbamptoll (head-quar ter,-) Nursillg Division (Northampton Corps) . Sept. 27, 1 99 Leighton Duzzard rTur_ sing Division . July 4, 190 0 Little Houghton Nursing Division Aug. 25,1900 Irthlingborough ursing Di 1' . (,Yellingbo1'ongh Corps) . . . . July 3, 1901 Rnshden Sursing Diyi:;ion (Wellingborongh Corps) July 3, 1901 Finedon Nursing Di\'i 'io n (Wellillgborongh Corps) July 3,] 90~ NetilefolLl 's Xnr ing Div. ( metlmirk Corp) Oct. ~-!, 190~ JaekRel(l Tur. ing Di\'. (Ironul'idge Corp) Dec . 12, 1902






Honorary Surgeon.

A. Orchard,

S uperintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

O. E. Baxter, 15, "ll1isby Road, Ashby-de-la-Zonell.

)Llt. C. H.


Bu.ckingha~lshire-:-Olney Division . r. . • • , • • ,. . ' LelCesterslure-LelCestel' Oorps, Ash hy-de-la-Zouch Dl\'ISlOn, 0\ el eal Dn lSlOl1, Hallaton Di\'isioD, Meclbourno Divisioll, Market lJal'bol'Ollgh Division. N orthamptonshire- :r ol'thampton Oorps, ,Yellingborough OOl'PS, Ket tering COl ps, Oundle Di vi ion. Shl'opshire-Ironbridge Oorps, hrowslJUry Diyj .i~n: "Tarwickshire-Bir11lincrham Oorps, OO\'entry DlvlSlon, Dlll1chnrch Di\'i iOll, Foleshill a~ld Longford Di\'i ion, Rughy Di\'i ion. orcestershire -Dudley Oorps. Bedfordshire-BeJford Division, Leighton Buzzard Division .


Essex-Malden Division. N orfolle-Cromer Divi ion . Suffolk- Ipswich Oorps, Felixstowe Diyisioll, Haverhill Division.

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Sec r etary.

'1.'. IIealield.

lite. ,'. Lalle.

Pte. A. J. Baxter, 0, IUl'ket St., At:;lll)y-cle-la- Zonch.

Officers 3. ,'ergeallt 1. PriYates 12. Total eff'v0tive 16. Drills lleld :30. AHrage attelldanrd 10. Removals 2. Oases attended not on p11111ic cll1~y 10. Allnual inspl'ctioll, 22nJ July. Total on l,aracle 13. Absent with lea\'e 1. \\'It.hout lean 1. AIlllllal l'e-~xamination, th and 29th 'ellt. Members po. ·.se(113. DHl not appear 2. Medulll?ll· ] l. Rrgulatiol1 uuiforlll WOJ'll Ly ~ O/Ilecrs, 1 'el'geant, ant! 1:2 mell. Malenal: 2 stretchers litter sIJ1ints banuarres ' D'1\'IS1011 . . supported LJ' puhlic '" 0' · Ioca1 C &.-c., YCS t ?(.1 l.ll OJlllllllt~e. subscriptions. The DIVISI~ll has Illade fUll' progress dmil1g the year, there has ueen a record Illll11Uer of (11'1]]" llt'ld, a)](l the 1I1l'lllb.<,I'!; 011 .the whole, with tIle exceptiolJ of tho lIon. I1l'g?OlI, 1.1l1.ve aLteJl(l('(l Yf'ry slltlsfattonly. 'rhe \\hole of the Division, \"illt the exceptIOJl 01 the lIOll. 'mg 'Oll, lnl\'e aCll uired the l'egulatiol1 uniform during the year.


Bedforclshire - Bedford Nursing Division, Leighton Buzzard Kursing Di"iion . Shropshire-I ronbridge Tur ing Division, Madeley Nursing Divisioll, Much Wcnlock Nursin a Division, Jaclefield Nursing Divi ion, Broseley Nursing Divisio~ (I ronlJridge Oorps), hrewsbury Nursing Di\'ision . Leicestershire-Leicester 1 ursing Division. N orthamptonshire-Earl's Barton Nursing Division, N ol'thamvton N ul'sing Division, Burton Latimer Nursing Division, Rettel ing Nursing Division, Rothwell Nursing Division, IYellinglJOrough Nursing Division, Ringstead Nursing Division, Rusbden Nursillg Division, Higham FelTers Nursing Division, Fineclon ursing Divisioll, Bozeat Nursing Division, I rthlingborough Nursing Division, Irchester Nursing D ivision, Wollaston Nursing Division, Earl's Barton Nursing Division (Northampton Oorps), L ittle Houghton Nursing D ivision (Northampton Oorps). Warwickshire-N ettlefolcl's Nursing Division .




[Formecl 22.1l.01.]

II \1,1" P_\.l:K


Hon. Surgeon and Superintenden t .

'. II. PCl'l'uni,


Hon. Secretary.


,'el'gt. \\'111. Bridgman, 24, OOYCll try Road, Bedforu.

55, BromhaIll Hoad, BetHol'll. Hon. Treasurer.

MI'. II. P. Bowling (Hon. Mem.) Omcer 1. ergeants 3. Privates 17. Total efI'ective 21. Decrease sillce 10. t report '1. Drills held 25. Average attel1l1ance 15. ea es attended on public duLy ] 1. Removals 1 . AUJlufil in. pection, 25th ept. Total on parade 13. Al)seut with leave 3. ,Yithont lea\'e 5. Annual re-examillation, Lh JUly and ~jth "cpt. Member po. ell 11. Failed 2. Did not al~p~a.l' 1. Medallion 9. RrgulaLion ulliform WOl'll lJy 3 sergeant and 10 men . DIVISIOll sllpporter1 by ubscri pLiolls.



7:2. OA.:I!lllU])GE

Suffolk- Ipswich Nursing D ivision.


C hief S urge o n.

'1'. Nelson, C hief Sup eri nte nd en t .

F . GilllCl't, 72, Oam bridge

tJ'eet, The Orcscent, Birmingham. S u p e r inte nd en t of Sto res.

A. R. T ozer.

M .D.

S u pt. S ec r e t ary.

J. HawkiJl (pro. tem.), 82, Asl1ted Row, Birmingl.am . Su pt . T reas u rer.

J. II. Rogers.

30J Officers 19. Sergeant 5. Oorporal::; 5. Privates 108. Total ell'ecti \'c 137. Decrease since Jast report 17. Drills held 3. Average attendance 60 . Cases attellued ou public duty 77. Removals 56. Oases attended not on public duty 512. Aunual inspection, 3rcl Oct. Total on parade 83. Absent with lcave -12. 'Without leaye 12. Medallions 5l. Nursing certificates 25. Regulation uniform worn uy 6 Otlicers, 5 s('ro-eallts, 5 eorjJol'als, and 39 men, l\lat('l'ial; 12 arllly stretchers, 6 water bottJ es,o 7 surgical havresaes, 6 rubber tournilluets, 1 hospita l tent, banuage, splints, 10 wh eeled litters (Tozer pattern), vesteLl in the staff. Corps supported by Lo ral Oentre, St. John Ambulanc e Association . REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30TII SEPTEMBER, 1903. The Oorps consists of the following DivisionsN o, J.'lame. Adcl?·ess. 1.lIembe?·ship, Supt . Hon. SIl1·yeon. l. H ead'quarters Oambridge Street Establishment not complete. 2. High gate Moseley Road Oea, ell to exi t 31 t March, 1903. 3. Midland Raihmy Lawl ey Street 21 J . Dudley T. B. Gould, L.ILC.l'. 4. L. & :N, W. RailH'ay Monument Lane 25 A. Hyd e J. Henton 'White, )1. D. 5. Nel 'ol1 treet Nelson Street 2-1 J. Lacon D . R. ROlrlal1l.ls, M.D. 6. Gt. 'Western Railway Snow Dill 21 \V. Hanis J. Neal, )I.U.C.S . 7. Midland Bail\my Sufrolk Street 23 J . Gardner J.H. Blakcllcy,JIf.n.C.8 , 8. Kynochs Witton 18 . Jntt O. R. Le\"i., ~I.B. 9. Burlington Hall Aston New Town E stablishment not complete . DLU'ing the year No, 8 Divi ion (Kynoch's) has been formed, and added to the strength of the corps. It is to be regretted that No.2 Division (I-li~hgate), and the Curzon Street (L. & N . ,\~ . Ry. ) Division have uoth ceased to exist, in con equel1ce of their non,compliance \yith general regulations. ,Yith reference to the la tt(:r Diyision, endeavours are at th e present time Leing made to re-orgallize the sallle, and place it on the strength again in a suhstantial manner. TIle Ko. 1 Diyisioll (head-quarte~'s) and No. 9 Division (Buriington Hall), are in course of formatioll, and it is hoped in a \-ery short time to ha"e both theSE; Di,isiol1s registereJ in accordance with Brigade regnlatiom. The head-C],uarter's Di\'ision ha been i11augurateu, in order that all ambulance men in the City, who arc holders of the first air1 certificate, and desirous of joining the Brigade, and are not already attached to other Divisions, may become members. On the occasion of the banquet gi l-en tothe Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P. (Colonial Secretary), in the Town Hall, previous to his departure for. outll Africa in Novemuer last, a contingent of the members of the corps \yore on Iluty along the line of route of the torchlight procession from Victoria SCluare to Highllllry, uuder command of Chief Supt. Fred Gilbert, a serious accident occurring in Bristol Street by the collapse of a wall, a number of person were inj meu, to whom first aid was rendered by the men on duty. On February 14th and 21st an examination was held at head-quarters for appointments as sei'geauts aud corporal., \\'h&n 36 llIen presented themselves for examination . The first aid portiol! of the work COllsisted of an hour's written examination, while the rivn voce portion was takcn lJy the Chicf Superintendent, and the R. A.M.C. drill was taken uy .Major Da\'irl ,'llIith. The percentage of marks gained uy the men Was exceedingly good, and displayed a real and practical interest in the \york, and with snch a spirit of earnest activity prevailing, the corps cannot but prosper and increase in llsefulness. In connection with the above examinatioll, it is desired to place on reconl the kindness alJ(l ge~erosity of the Lord Mayor (Alderman Hallewell Rogers), who gave 1 sergeant's Ulufornl, and of J. Courtenay, Lord, Esq., J.P. (Chairman of first aiel cOlllmittee), who gave 2 corporals uniforms. On April 25th, 3 teams of the corps, from os. 3, 4, and 6 Divisions, journeyed to \\Tellingborough, to compete in the ui~trict competition for the Dewar Challenge Shield and Symon's Eccles Cup . Th ey \\'ere accompanied by the Chief Spperintenrient and Supt. Dudl ey. After a keen competition, in 'which H teams took part, the Birmingham teams \l'ere tleclarell t.o llave secured 2nc1, 3ru, and 7th positions. This being the first time any team from Dirmingham had competed the men are to lJ e congl'atu lated upon the su<;cess they achieved . During the early part of the present year the Ohief, 'urgeon (Dr. Thomas N elson) delivered a course of nursing lectures at head-quarters, to the snperintendents and

303 scvCl:al,me~l drawn fr,on: the various Divisions! which were thoroughly appreciated,

and It IS Jughly grflhfYll1g t.hat at thc Exannnation, which \ras heltl on June 7th 2'* of the men snccess fully passed out of the 27 wbo jlrescnted themselves fo~' exan~ination.. Nurse Yapp rcnclered valuable assistallce l)y (lernonf'>trating many narsIllg dr-taIls to the class. A,t the re(lU e~~ of tbe Oilier COl1staule of the City (0. H. Raftcr, ES(l' )' 011 the occaSlOn of the VlSlt of Princess Christian on June 23rd 45 mcn, a.'sistecl hy 14 mcn of Lhe Birmingham Fire Bri rrarl e turlle'cl ont for street duty, llI11lcr the comllland of Cbief Superilltendellt Frel'Oill,ert. The committee room at the Towll I-hll was malle a temporary hO'3pital, at which two nllrses from the Gelleral Hospital were in attellclance, by killd permission of the House Govel'llor H o\\'arll Oollins, ES(l. The cases treated llumb ered 52. ' 1~he men of th.e Bil'lllin~ha~n corp" were unable ,to avail tliemsclves of the o)1po1'tUlllty of attellc1ll1g the Dlstnct C<l.llIP of I ndtructlOn, held at Easton Neston Park To\\'eester, from :JI'Y 31st to J Ulle 3rd, on aCCOLln t of the shortness of notice.' Ohief , 'llpt. Gilbert, ho\\'ever, attl'llllcd tIle camp for the whole period, and was please(~ to rel,ort to th~ lllcmhers of the corps, the benefits to be derived by attellcl\llg the CilllJP. It u; hoped that many members of tIle eorps will be aule to atteucJnext year. 011 the occasion 0(' the vi!>it of Fiehl Mar. hal Earl Robert. to the ci9> Oll Jllly.1 tb, the Ohief ul't. aml 30 mell were on rJuty along th~ hlle ~f routc. Ih e C?lllDnlt.ee room aL the :r'0wn Hall was again made a temporary hospl.tnl} awl upon thIS occaSlOll~two 11lIr"C.', 1ll two relays, were in atteuclance, by kind pernnsslon of Arthur Hulme, ESl[., General Superintendent of the Queen's Hospital. six cascs \\'L're treatecl. On AU!.(llst ~0th. Chief 'llJlt. Gilhert, ,'upt. Gardner, anll 16 mell attended at the Charity Sports, at A tOll Villa. Uroullt1s, nuu Lluring the ufternoon heated six cases. On eptembel' 12th, 11 men uudcr comllland of the Uhief "l1pt. attended the Military Tournament, held at Killg'!> Hcath, in aill of the rund~' for new headquartcrs of the lst ,Yar\\'ieksllire Hoyal Gani>;on Artillery Volllllteus. The Di\'i ional IlI S}lct'liollS ha\'c beell uarriecl out 11Y Chicf ,upt. Gilhert, and he is please(l to report that the same have been to hi:; sati'fuctioll, the mallner in which the brigade forlll" allll books and Di\'isiollal slore' are kept, is very ati factory a'is also the lllallllCI' ill \\'hil'\l the men's llniforll1s arc kE;pt aull ,,"om. ' It was with much regret that tlw stall' alllllllclllher of tbe corps learned that the Supt: ,ecretary. ,Mr. J. R. Stnlllp. hall scnt ill his resignation, Pending the appollltlllcllt of a l,cl'manent upt. 'ecrelary, Mr. J. Hicklllan Ha\\'kin. has accepterl the l'U'itioh of temporary seerct'ny, in order that the work of the corps m,lY he c:arril'd on . The allllllal in pectic)n of the corps "'as helll, on Octoher ;31"11, in Bille,ley H all. T. H. \\'OOlstOIl, £SI1-> ..lssistaut 'ommi. iOIler for TO. 3 Central and Eastel'll) District. "'a'> the ill}ll'cting ollic:er, and ",as accoJllpanierl hy Chief mcreon Thomas .'elon allcl .\[ajor 'YhitcOllillc (commanding Wan.. ick and \rorc~stt'r y 01. Bri~~l< lc ncan~r Com pan)'). Therc \\ere al 0 )lrcscn t Lieut.-Col. Kimberley, Capt. Ho"coe nn<l~er, allll a lJumbcr of mCllieal gentlemen and others. Out o/' ahollt }'-,O ll1l'1l ill tllC rorps, 3 \\'('re 011 paralle, under the COlllllJallll of Chief Supt. Fred Gilbert. ~\.tl(1l'e sing the lllell at the conelusioll of' the inspcction, A. sistant COllllllis:-,inncr \\'oolsloll snitl ihat altholl(lh he hall l)eell on the. taft" se,Ycn. years, he IJiul llol prHiollsly hacl all opportunity of ollj'.:ially illspecting the nll'lUlllghalll corps. H.I COllltl only say that if' they \r ent on as they \\'ere goillg tl,ley \rOllltl \)rcolllP, as they ought to he, OIlC of the mal'test corJls in the tllinl dIstrict, whieh inclll<ll'tl1~ cOll1ltie.. Dr. Kel " )]1 told him that, "'iih the cxc(:ption of a fel\' tJi\'ial mistake;;, he wa ' prrfettly sati.liell with the mCllicnl part of their demonstration, an 1 he llope(l thnt Dr. \\'hitcoll1be entlor ed t.hat opinion .



Appel1l1etl is the Report of the 'uperintcnuent of tores;Chief Firc Brigade tntion, Birmingham. Odober 12th, 1903. AlIf!lPL.'X CE

TO l: l~S.

DE:.l..1t 811:,-I jll:g to report that the allil1ulUllces, 10 in numbcr, haye been exannned perioriit'nlly: aJlll arc nll in good cOll!litiOll, \\'ith the exception of the one lent to the Ol'ipplc!l Cbildrell'i:j Ullioll, \\'hich has been eallell in, iu a fcatfuJlv dilapidatel1 COllclition, and is now unllcr repair. I again elra\\' your attention to the fact that the \\'(:(11' al1<l tear on the"e machine ' is \'Cry great, a in acltlitioll to bcing Ilsell


304: for conveying sick and injured persons to the hospital, or t~)eir homes, ,th.ey arc 11 eel as well for police purposes. The other stores of t.he bngacle, co.nsl>;tlll~ of the follo\\'iDer are in crood order : 12 stretchers, with 2 slmgs each, 12 pIllows for same, 0' b l t 01ll'1ll!lnet~, . 6 large 'Y<Lter hottle, with straps, 7 surgical havresacs, (j, ru 1Jb er t l1)e 1 fiaer 1 tent , cOn1jJlete , 76 armlet, 1 samllle water bottle, 1 sample raLlon o b riaade ha\Te ac, 4 reserve triangular bandages, 4 reserye roller lJanclages, aud 1 bandage roller. Yours faithfully, (igned) A. R. TOZEI:, nperintellelent of Stores. To The Chief Superintendent, Birmingham Corps, St. John A 111 bulance Brigade. T he Corps is to be congratulated UpOI~ the adv.ancement made ~lUl'il1g .the past year, much cnthusiasm and a keen lllterest 111 the work belllg eYlncccl by all ranks. It i,', ho\\'ever, greatly to be desirell that all the men should be in nniform, tendinO' as it does to discipline and esprit de corps. The 10c:11 prcss has rendered every ~ssi tance in its power by publishing brigade orders, all'] othcr l1latters in connection with the corps, free of cost. A strong desirc cxi ts for the establishment of permanent head-quarters. It is the object of the starr to o1.Jtain these w'hen funds per111i t . ~,



Hon . Su rge on.

J. Dudley, 8, George Arthur Road,

1st Officer and Inspector of Stores

F. ChaloneI'.


Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. W. Mills. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 16. Total efJ'ecti\'e 2l. Decrease since lao t report 1. Drills held 27. AYerage aitenllallcc 16. Cases attended not on pulJlic duty 105. Annual inspectioll, 3rd Oct. Total 0]) parade H . A bsent with leave 7. Annual re-examination, 25th Oct. :Memllers }la:sed 15. Did not appear 5. Medallions 9. Nursing certificate"' G. Regulution uuiform ,yorn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and G !l1en. :l'.Jaterial: 'cJleral outfit, vested in Midland Railway Company. Di\'isioll snpporte,1 by members aud subscriptions.



Hon . Surgeon.

J. A. H. 'White,

~I. D.

Supt. and Hon . Secretary.

A. H yde, L ansdowne Villa, Gros,'enor Road, H arborne, Birmingham.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 21. T otal effective 25 . Increase since last report 2. Drill s held 31. Avcrage attendancc 8. Cases attended on pU1Jlie duty 2. R emoval 1. Cases attended not on public du~y 2 . Annual inspection, 3rd Oct. Total on parade 12. Abscnt with leave 8 . WIthout l eave 4. Annual re-examination, 1st March, 5th April, 28th June, and 26th July. Members passed 12. Did not appear 12. Medallions 10. Nursing ccrtificate~ 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 3 men. ~1a\enal : 2 stretchers, splints, and bandages, vested in London and North ,\Yestern RaIlway. Division supported uy members.


[l< r)l'Jllcrl J'ELSO~ SI'JlEET

IIE,\.I>-QU \.llTEW;:

Bo \IW

Hon . Surgeon.



Su pt. and Hon . Treasurer

,r. D.

D. H. Rowlands,

J. Lacon, 28, Broughton Road IIalHbwol'th, Birmingham. '

Hon. S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. \Vallis, 1, George 'tl'eet \\Test Bil'lJlillghalll. '

Pte. A. '\rebl).

OfJice.l's 2. 'ergcant 1. Corporal 1. Pri\'ates 20. Total effectivc 24:. Increa.'e SlllCC last report G. Drills he]r1 ~O . Average atteudancc 14 Cascs aUl'uclell 011 pnl)lic duty 3. Cascs alLcllClcll not on IJl1u1ic duty 36 . . Allnual i11I'cet!Oll, 3nl Ot'!. ';fotal 011 XU'(lrle I:' . All 'cnt \\'ith leave 7. '\\'ithout lea,e 2. i\lt'tlalholl' 4. U\'Slllg cel'tIflc:ltes 4. RCglllutioll lllJifonn worn bv 1 OJlicer ] srrge~l1lt, 1 c~rpor'1.l" and 13. l~l~ll. ,j[at,er.ia.l: 1 stretcher :lIId 1 surgical havl'csac: vc tcrllll the. dsol1 , trect Dn'lslOn. DIYlSlOll snpported hy Public Adult SU1Il1ay Sclioul.


\D-QU,H.TEl::: "

IIrr L


Hon . Surgeon.

T. B. Gould, M.lt . C. •·. Superintendent and Hon . Secretary.



J. l\\al,



Superintendent and Hon. Secretary.


1st Offi cer.

C. II.


II1.nis: 4:2, Dooth .'tn·et, Haurls,Yorth . Inspector of Stores.


Pt. C. Jel'\'is.

Ofiicers 3. u·gcallts~. l'riYatc. IG. 'Total clrecti\'e 21. , lJril!" .ll~!ll 3G. . A\ erage altcudallcc ~G . Cu cs attended 011 public duty 3. l~eJl\o\als L.. Ca, es attcJldclll1o~ Oll pllbhc duty 42. ,,\])Ilual ill pcetion, 3Id Oct. 'Iotal 011 p:1uHle!J. .!-IJs.ent wlt~l leavc U. Annual l'l',cxalllinatioll in ,j[ay. MClld)l'l'S l'il,'Sl'<! :20. 1: ur llIg c.el'ilficate 1. Regulation uuiforlll ,rom by 1 Of11cer 2 sergeants, awl 3 mell. Matella~::2 A:bfonl litter" 1tretcher 2 'urflical boxc'· eOIJ~rlcte, and !':itore clle. t, YC ·ted III d'eat "Western Railway Co. Didsioll"'SUPIJOlted by It .. lllcmbel".


'TATrOX, ,UFFOLK ''LltFET, l3rmrrXGH.Df.

Hon . Surgeon .

J. II. BlJ.kcucy,

L.n. C.l'.

Inspector of Stores.

PtC. 'I'. Dale.

Superintende nt and Hon . Secretary.

J. Gill'llncl', .J, Louise Tcrrace, l30nlesley Purk Roarl, l3irmingham. Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. J. II. Widdup.

. Omcers 2. crgeant. 2. Private 19. Total effective 23. Decreasc slllce. last report 7. Drills helLl 25 . A vcrage attendancc 16. Cases attelldcl~ Oll pll ~hc lluty 12. Removals 23. Ca:rs attended not on public duty 146. Anllu allll~pecholl., 5Lh Or.t. Total 011 parade Hi. Ab ent with liave . Medallions 15. NUl'smg cel'llficates 4. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Oflicer 2 serereants and 1 ~ ~l~n. Material : 1 litter, 2 tretchers, bandages, &c., vested i:l thc Oommittee. D IVISlOn supported by the members.




[Formed 27.4 .03].

IIEAD-QuAnTJ~lL<; : Eo,\ ltD

L IOc{ ,VORKS, V7I TTOc{ .

Hon . Surgeon. Superintend ent.

Hon . Surgeon.

O. R. Lewis,


A. I3nrton,

Hon . S ecretary.


Su pe ri ntendent .

Hon . Surgeon.

W. H. Stephen,

Sup eri ntendent.


Hon . Secretary.

Officers 2. Privates 16. Total effective 18. Drills held l2. A verage attendclllce ] O. Removals 20 . Oases attcndcd not on public duty 15 5. Annual inspection, 3nl Oct. Uedalliolls 9. NUl'sing certificates 3. :l'!Iatel'ial: 1 ambulance wagon, 1 litter, splints, &c., vested in Kynock's, Ltd. Diyision supporteu by Kynochs, L td .

W. H. Barker, 83, Trafalgar Road,

M . B.

Smethwick . Offi cers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 13. Total eITective 17. Reserve member]. Drills held 26 . Oases attended on public duty 10. Removals 4. Oases attended not on public duty 16:25, Anuual inspection, 19th Sept. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, Nov. Members passed 16. Medallions 15, Sen-ice badges 2. Regulation uniform ,YOI'll by 1 Ofl1cer, 2 sergeants, and 13 men. ~Iaterial: litter, 3 stretchers, 1 hu,resac, 1 ambulance hamper and all necessary stores, vested in the Company. Division sUl1portec1 by the Oompany. The Division has fully maintained its reputation during the year. It found all through the season from fi ,-e to ten men to attenu the matches of ,Vest Bromwich Albion, and the members were twice complimented by the I n pector of l)olice 011 their service, and the support rendered to his men in uealing with the crowd.


[Formed 7.5.1901.]

Ins pector of Stores.

Ptc. R. L. Hanuall, Mount 'tt'eet, Cro111er.


[Formed 2L • 9. 9:2.J



II. Wilkillson,

'l'll~;ET, DUDLEY. S uperintendent.


W. E. Hartland.

M.D .

A. T. D,msoll, Himley Hoad, Dudley.

1st Officer, Hon. Secretary, and Inspector of Stores.

J. W. Ootton, Oompton Honse, Foleshill Road, Ooventry. Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Privates 23 . Total effective 28 . Increasc since last report 4, Drills held 38 . Average attendance 18. Oases attended on puulic duty 6. Oases attended not on public duty 35 . Annual inspection, lOth Oct. Total on parade 15. A bsent with lpave 7. Wi chout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 24th Feb. Members passed 28 . Meclallions 13. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 1 man. Material: 2 stretchers, splints, an~ ~andages , vested in thc Division. Division supported by members' subscnptlOns only. We have lost many of the old members, but. new ones have joined from the am bulance classes held in connection with the Oo-operation SOfiety in Ooventry. It is .gI·a:tifying to say there have been less accidents at the sports in Ooventry and Dlstnct, but a large number of accidents in factories and workshops have been aitended to by our members. This shows what a useful work tbe Division are doing, and hopes to continue.

Honora ry S ecretary.

Pte. }L Clui topher, 44, High Street. Dudley. ' Inspector of Stores.

Superintend e nt.

O. T ew, Fair Vie\v Terrace, Kersley, nr. Ooventry.

E. M. Hansell (lIon . .Mem.)


Oflicel's 2. , ergeant 1. Oorporal ]. Privates 14. T otal efl'ecti"e 18 . Decrcasc since last report~. Drills held 56 . Average attelldRnce 12.6. RCllloyals 1:3. Cases attentlf!d not 011 ]lu~)lic duty 26. Anuual inspcction, 2 th Sept. ToLaI 011 parade] 3. Ab 'ellt WIth lea\'e F;. AIlllllal. '. Uti D· ·1 ?c. "..JI ~Il) IJl'r:> passl·d 1. .JIedallions 10. v Nursillg le·eXa1l1lllatIoll cCl'tific'ates 13: RCglll~ltlOll llIlllol'lll \\'orn by 2 OfTitc)" 1 sel'rreant 1 corporal, and 14 men . M.at.el:w.l: 3 stretehel's, splints, bandagc': hane °ac, ~tc. vested ill local Oelltre. DlnS~Ol1 ~upl.'0rtell h.l: coutributions aud sllll·t:riptiullS. ' TIllS. Dl\lSlOll cOlltlllues to lllailltaill a hiuh :>tn.te of eDiciency ancl the' t . t tfl~ell .lll.. tlle ;"ork lJY the membcrs is . hO\l'1l0by the numlJer of u:eetilluS he~~ e~~'>d t Ie a, el <lge a tt~llf l~lIce: ~or the sccond ycar in succcssion a team ft'Olll O{'olller lIa' l)eell sllt:ce<;sluilll WllllIlllg the KIst Anrrlian Ohallenfle Oup at the COlll tT hehl at ll'.'\\'ieh, IlcfulLting team 1'1'0111 Ipswich (3) Felixstoll"c a'lId Hayerhih1 e T~o.n \\'US all the 1I10re. c]'cditalJle, as the team \I'as c~lllposed of 'melllbers \I-ho llid nl~~ coltlpetc ih }ll"cnous yc~r; so that llO\\' 10 nll-mbers of this small Division are holder.' or. the ltand~ullIc s1lv<-1' Tllcllals which are (riven by the committee +-0 e l f th~. \n.I~IlI11~ .~~am. .A llllr.·illg cla,.s \I'~. hclll ~luring the winter, and \vasa\le~ su~~c~~lul, c, ety 11 l'llIIJC)' II'ho cnterc(l 101' the examination pasiurr and' tl y o' IS lUS elltltlelj to Wl'llt' thc lIllt'Sillg uadge.

Honorary Surgeon ..

R. Rice,


Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. J . Kettle.

1st O fficer and Honorary Treasurer. H EAD ' QUARTlms : ,VEST OIWIIARD, OOVE);TRY.

F. J.


Honorary S urgeon.


1st Offi cer.

F. II. En-relay, The ,Vanen


S. Nutt, 4, DUll sink Road, Wilton.

Pte. O. H. Mobley, 6, Anderson R oad, Erdington .

[Formed 19.3.01.J

'crgt. O. OUi '.

Ollic~1" 3. 'ergeaut 1. OO1'jlo1'<1l l. PriYates 1 Total etfeetiYe 23 In crease SIIlCO la t report 1. Drills heltl :n. AYeraCfe attendance 14 . 0 , at1;encle(I,.01l public dlltr 5. Anuual inspeetioll, 4th RI!y. Total 011 p~ralle ~s~~ A sent "Itll le',:ve1. \\ Ithout leave 3. Altllual re-examination, ,ept. Members pas ..el L 17. Dtd not appear~ . lIIeda,llioll 7. en'ice ballcres 5 Nursin O" ~~\'tlficates 6. H~gulatioll Il.nifol'lll worn by :2 Ollieers, 1 sergeant, 1 c~rporal, aUd . men ... l\!atellal.: urglCal havre ac ,·1 tretchers, splints and diagrams, Yesteu 111 the ~1 Vl~lOn. DlI'lSlOll II pporteu hy the llIel)] bel'S. The .lunel'l:l ot the late bief llpt .. took place February 2 th, 1903, when a fnll mu tel of Engade men turned ont annd deep expressions of yrupathy.



[Formed 20.4.0].J


(No report received).






Hono rary S ecret ary.

In specto r of Sto l'es.

Pte. J . Bullock, Orwell Road, Felixstowe.

1y 1 Officer, 1 sergcant, 2 corporals and 9 . splmts, ambulance halllilcr 4 wate' 1 ttl' 1 ' lUeD . Matel'lal : 4 stretchers 'tt ]).. . ' 1 )0 cs )andaffes &c . ' ml ee. IVlSlOn supporled by memh " l' 1 c"" :' ves t C(1 1Il the UomThe Di vision has well main tained its(,1 ~ual.lt vo nntary con tnlmtiolls. It is hopcd that the strenoth \\,1·ll1. e CICIlCr'y, although thcre is a slight decrease . 1 b u e mac1c up rom a110the ·1· th . . orgalllzc( . Fonr men rcprcscnted tl' D' . " r c a.ss at. IS about to be Pl'ogl'e s through outh London in Oct~bcl~~lSlon on the occasion of Hi Majesty's WOI.'l1

[Formcd 30 .1 0.99.]

Pte. A. J . Browes.

Privates 19. ToLal effective 19 . Drills held 16. Average attendance 12. Cases I ncrease since la t report 1. .attended on public duty 3. Removal;, 3. Annual inspection, 23rd cpt. ToLal 011 parade 19. Annnalre-examination, 5th May. Members pas ed19. Meda.11ions 12. Service badO'es 10. HeO'ulation uniform worn by 1-1 men. Material: stretcher and surgical ha~resac, vest~d ill Committee. Division supporLed by members' sub· criptions. The Division has done steady, usefnl work during the past year. Owing to the promotion of mg. -Capt. F . A. Brook:;, M. D., to District Chief npt. , the Divi3ion is without an honorary surgeon and supcrintellllent j but this will be remedied very shortly . Foul' lUen were on duty in LOllllon at the Royal Progre~s, and three men have joined the R.N . . B.R.


39 ,

[Formed 20.4.99. J



Honorary S urgeon and S uperin t e nd en t .

T. II. Goodman,


39, High Strcet, Haverhill.

1s t O fficer, Ho n. S ec. and Hon. T reas.

Inspector of S tores .

R. Potter, 124., 'Vithersfielrl Road ' IIa,yerhill.

COI·pl. T. C. ::\1onis.


Supt., Hon . S ecret ary a nd Hon. T reas u re l'.

Hon . Surge on .

J. O. Orton,

Rev. , Yo D. Rndgard, Longford Grange, Coventry.

M. D .

Inspector o f Sto res .

Corp1. W. H.

epMon .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 16. Total effective 21. Drills held 21. Average attcndance 11. Case attended on puhlic duty 2. Case attended not on public duty 11. Annual inspection, 11th ept. Total on parade 1 . Absent without leaye 3. Aunualre-examination, 31'(1 Feb. Membcrs pas 'ccl12. Did not appear 2. Medallions 5. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 15 men. Material: tent, 2 stretchers, havresac, 2 water bottles, bandages, S]Jlints. etc., vested in the Di "ision. Di visiou supported by Sll hscriptions and entertain men ts. 1'\ The Division has put in a good year's work, and is lJecoming well known an(1 appreciated in the neighbourhood. ix men have obtained the nul' ing badge. An additionallittel' has heen acquired, and there is reason to hope that several fresh members will join after the winter classes have been held. Men were on duty at the Great Heath ports, Lillywhite ports, Foleshill and Bedworth Flower ho\\'s, and on other occasions. Casua1 ties fortunately occurred only at the Lillywhite ports.

IPSWICH COR PS. lIE \. D-QL\l, n;n,~' : , .\:\1 VEL

Chief Superintendent.


Hon . Su rgeon an d S uperintende nt. JlLB . ,


Corpl. A. Bird, Hallaton Station, Uppingham.



T . Friby.

Honorary Treasurer.



J. II. Cucko,,", 21, '


Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 9. Total effective 13. Decrcase since last re}Jort 2. Drills held 28. Average attendance 7. Cases attended on public duty 5. Removal 1. Cases attended not 011 public duty 4. Annual inspection, 6th Oct. Total on IJarade 13. Allnual rc-exannnation,. 25th Sept. Uembers passed 11 . Did not appear 1. Medallions 11 . Regulation umform


'.Dlt:.E.L ROAD,

Honorary Surgeon.

. O. Eu.llc.,





Inspector of Stores.



Superintendent Secretary

1';:cchlc. 16, Upper 01'\\'c1\ StrC'ct

Hallaton, Uppingham.

Ho no rary S ecretary.



[Formed 7.2 .98.J


W . T. Hedley,

[Formcd 1900.J

[Formed 13. i. 93.]




F. Gooderham, 1.1, ;,Iattin Road 1p·l\'ic11. '

1st Officer.

Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treasurer.

T. Woo<ls.

Cu!'pl. C. W. Uooeler hnm 61, ReJllllcshalll Road, Ips\\i'ch.

Inspector of Stores.

Uorpl. L. SllIith.

OmCCl.'S 3. 'erL!C<llll ~ 1. COI'I'OI"~,.Is 3. l>l'l·V·'tcs u. 47 Total eO'ecti ,-e 54. D 11·'11 S 1IC 11 . attcndance 1 i '3. Cases attI llCl'eu:;o 1 1 SIIlCC III t rOllOrt l ~ 1;). A ,"crage < ell( Ct Oll public duty 9. Rcmovals :21. C,tses attendcd !lot on puulic duty 41. I



Annual inspection, 25th J uly . T otal Oll prade 31. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 13. Aunual re -examinatioD, 3rd June and 10th ept. Members passed 41. Did not appear 1 ~. Medall~ons 15. Service badge' 12. N ursill g certificates 21: Regu~ n.tioll unifo rm \yorn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 3 corpo ral, and 16 men . Matenal: 3 htters, 6 stretchers, 1 hamper, 8plints, tent, vested in locn.l Cent re, S.J.A.1\. Division supported by members' nb cl'iptions . . T he DivisioJL has made rapid progress dunng the past year, and has bcen exceptional1y successful in obtaining a head-quarters, where the Divisional drills and practices are belt! . Ten of the Division volunteered, and were acceptell for dnty for the R oyal Progre s in London, October 25th, 1902 . The D iv ision entered for the Dewar Shield and Eccles OhnJlenge Cup Competition, and were sllccessful with Cromer at I pswich, on Allril 18th. They then had to jOlll'l1eyto , Vellingborough and there compete with 12 team, representing No. III. District. Here thcy \\'ere decided winners, but, through some misunderstanding, although through no fault of their own, a protest was lodged by Wellingborough, and acting under the advice of the Deputy Commissioner they re-jol1l'neycd to , Yellingborough, there to meet the local team, (lnd after a second contest it wa decidf:d against the I pswich men. The Division entered two teams for the East Angliau Ohallenge Cup, but \yere Ullsucces fnI.

9 JJlcers 2. Corporals 2. Privates 14. Total eITective 18 D ecrense slllce bst report 4. D rills held 23. Avel'a"e attendance Removal 1. Cases attcnded n?t on ]lublic dl1Ly 3. Annual iusp~ctiOll 25th July' T tl parade 7. Al~~:nt mth leave 3. \\'i.thout leave 7. Alll1U~lre-exalllil;atio~ ~8~~ M~~. Membcrs passed 17. .ThIedalllOlls H . Nursin Ct certificf1.tes 4 ReCtu\ t' un{-fo~'l,n WOll'll i1y.1 0 (ficel', 2 cOl'l!orals, and] 0 men. .M~terial: ; littcr: 2 stJ~tct:~'3n SPblll ~ at~ll cfJest, etc., vested III tlte Committee. Division sUl'lJorted bv annuai Stl scn p lOllS rom 111 em bel's . J



WO~KS ) DIVISION [l~ 01'lllCf1 13.10.9 . ]


1s t O ffi ce r .

2nd Officer and Hon. S ec.

R. A . Ellis, 6, York Road, Ipswich. Inspec t or o f S t ores .

A . Camlllcll.


W . F . Fryer,



S u perin t endent.

G. Curti', 149, Bishop's Hill,

L . It.O. P .

t . Olcments, IpsII'ich . In s pecto r of Sto res.

Hon. Sec. and T reas u r e r .

Sergt. S. J . Butcher, 109, Alan Road, I pswich.

CorpI. J. Scarlett.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. CorporalR 2. Privates 19. T otal eJrectiyc 21. D ecrease since last report 1. Drills beld 48. AYerage attendance 20. RClllovals 2. Cases attended not on vublic duty 10. Annual inspection, 25th July. Total on parade 16. Absent with leaye 6. ,Yithout leaye 2. Anlluaire-exalllinatioll, 17th June. Members passed 17 . Did not appear 7. ?lIedallioDs 20. Service badges 10. Nl1l'.ing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Oflicers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 19 men. Material: 2 stretchers, ambulallce Lox, splints, bandages, etc., vested in the Social Settlemen t Execu ti ve. Di vision su pportcd by its own members. T he Division has well maintained its efficiency. A growing interc:st is apparent at the extra calls for duty, which thc loyal ones readily respond to; two meml,ers did duty in London, on the occasion of the Royal Progress. The decrease sllown by liS, involved the loss of a good and capable first aider, whose depa!tlll'e we regret. Efforts are being made, now that \ve are freed fro111 debt, to acquire a Ii Lter for the social settlement.


[ Formed 29 . 7. 97.J


Superinte ndent.

Honorary Surgeon .

J . C. H ossack,

F . R . C.S.

I'. J efferies, ~ t. Helen's Lodge, I pswich.

J. Pa ",sey . (N 0 report received . )

Ho no r ary Su rgeon .

I l':;WICIl.

S u p erin t en d en t .


M. D .




Hono rary Surge on .

If. Wal'll,


W. W. Smith ers, 25, St. J ohn 's R tl., I ps wich .

Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. D. R. Brown, 4~ , Ringham R oad, I pswich .

CorpI. C. Webb.

s> fficers


CUl'porals 2.

Pri \'<ttes 2,1.

Total clrecti \"I: 30. Anrage attendancc 9. Oase . t ) lC .~1U LY 1_. ,emova l s 3. Cases attclll1ed not on )u1>lic dut 2~:. AllllnallllspcctlOll, :2~)Lh July. Total on parade 17. Al)scnt wilh Ie 16 "ltl~ont.~e:tye 3. AUllua.l re-eXalJlill~tio~l, 231'11 June . 1I1e111her5 ]la 'eel 19~,cDici not ,1Pl~c,1l 1 ~ '. 1I1edalllons 30. , Cl'\'lce uaJrres 11. Tur" ill rr certificates 16 111 t' " 1· 4' RegnlatlOn Ullliol'lll \\'orn by 3 Oflicers, 2 sel'.~anb and 2J llle~l stretchers f fi t 'lllCl ap!, l'lunce ', vested 0 ella . 1 , . " c up 1> oat'J SOl'S in Mcssrs. Han •0111e.l: a S'ms Jef1er~es, Ltd., 1y whom the Division is snpporteJ. ' 1 ,aUl Oll'lllg to gl'caL'pl'ess~ll'e of work at the On\'c11 n'ol'ks durin u thc past year and cOUSe(lllel~t oYCl'tlllle, lt has been i1lJl'o '.-ihle for all lUell1bcr~ of the Di\isi~n t at1.ellll ell'll Is rcgnJn.rly and make tltclllscl vcs efIicient. 0

at~1~~l~~fSoCllS1Il)ltCell~a 't rf.:•po rt 3' 1' Drills' helJ 2-1.







[Formed 6.12. 99 .J I l'>iWICH.

( TO report recei yed).

IRONBRIDGE CORPS . [Formc(120. 3. 96.J IIEAD-QU_\.llTEW;:



Honorary Su rge o ns.

F. J. Hart, ~l.D. N. F. Ellwards, ilr.n. C hief S upe r intende nt .

J . C. T. Rasl'ass, l\ ladeley, ",hl'opshire . Oflicel's H .

Scrgeants 6.

"\IT. Dy 'on, :II. n. C. "\. H eYllold , ~r.ll. S upt. of S t o res. II.

·W. Thomas .

Oorporal ' 5. Privates 75 . Nursin Cf isters 59. ToLal cfreeti\'e 1~9. v Perhaps d~lring no pcriod ill the exi.tellee of the corps 110.' sucb pro((l'e -. been m~d.e as dUl'lllg the past ycar. N ulllcl'ically the trcIJCfth hus "one do\~n but in ~~rJ(;lCllCY the ,corps 1.1<t5 pl'ogres ctl; aml it is earnestly hopet1 th~t the 'am~ enthu slm~:n alld 11[1111S wh:ch llave bccn taken ill the work by the oflicers of all ranks ~~ll.ll?Sthc year wInch lIas passed will bc coutinued. The 10 ses start with th~ r lle " nrgeon, \~·h.o has r~Sl~llC(l, ?wing to his time beillg occupied in cientific cseal~h, .and Cille! SU1,t. \\ 11Ite haYl11g 1,cen appoilltetl to the Lli hict staff. While appreclattng thc hOllour confencLl 011 the corps by this appointment, and the award of


312 the Special South African medal to him, and feeling t hat no promot~on could be more deserved and while further the corps heartily congratulates D lst. Supt. Treas. , Yhite, it cannot bnt feel the loss which his removal will be . • upt. T roas . .Co~ke has felt compelletl to re ign his position owing to the many calls made on IllS hme as 1\1ayor of the Borough of Wenlock . . . . ., T he corps officers appreciate the opportun~ty ~or .gal~1ll1g expenence III the work of bearer companies, which is given hy the lund IllVltatlOn extended to thc corps bX Capt. Garrett of the D company of the Vo1. Batt. R .S. L . I. . As the result of tlllS invitation a section of men commanded by two Officer, '''lth t,yO snpernumerarJ Officers w'ere enahled to take duty on the occasion of a sham fight . Two officers and 21 supe~'nu!:l1erary Officers and men visiteu the hrewsbnry Floral Fct? for ~he first time on public dnty, and the co:))s is to be congra.tt!lated o~ the way Ill. wlllcl~ tI1ey kept to their work, under preValllllg adverso COJ1LhtlOns . 'lhe .annual Illspecbon of the corps was spoilt by rain , but Asst. Com . Woolston, I~spectiug Offi~er, e~q~rcssc(l himself well satisfied with the progress made. I n a meetlllg after the ll1SpectlOn he distributed the South African medal granted by the Order of St. John to men who had served in South Africa.


[F01med 20 .3.96.]

In s p ector of Stores .

1st Clas& Sergt. J . Bowen . Officer 1.. Sergeants 3. Corporals 4. Pl'ivates 36 . Total efIective 44 . D ecrea e slllce las~ report 13. Drills held 19. Avcrage attendance 28 . ases a~tellC~)e~d on publiC ;l,uty 1. Cases attemled not on public duty 12. Annual lllspectlOll, ~/th July. 10tal 011 parade 35. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 19. Annual :'e'exa:lJinatioll! 24th J.ulle. Members passed 35. Did not ~ppe.ar 21. 1\Iecl.a,ll~ons] 0 . NllJ'Slllg certlfic~tes 7. Regulation uniform worn by 2 s?lgeant, 4 COl pOI.als, ancl.16 men. 1\1atenal : 6 strctchers, 1 litter, 3 boxes, splInts, etc., vcsteclll1 Il'onbntlge Corps. Division sUlll)Ql'ted by private ende~.



Hg,I.D-QU_I.TIrEllS : TlIg P.\l{ISH Roo:'.I, 1\IUCII 'YENLOCK. Hon o rary S u r geon .

F. J . Hart,

!\I . D .

S uperintendent.

Ho norary T reasurer.

F. J. DfLllk , The, 'eliool House, lUuch ,V cnlock.

H EAD-Q.UAl-tTERS : T HE SQ.UARE, I RO BRIDGE. Honorary S ec r etary.

Pte. A . W. Bartlam, Tontine Hill, I l'onbridge. Privates 2]. Total effective 21. Deurease since last report 12. Drills held 20 . Average attendancc 15. Cases attended on public duty 1. Removals 3. Cases attenLletl nO.t on public d~l.ty 25 . Annual inspection, 27th July . Total on parade. Absent ,nth leaye~ . \\ nhol:t leave 5. Annual re-examination, 17th Aplil. Members passed 16. FaIled 2. I?ld not appear 3. Medallions 2. Service badges 10. Nursing certificates 14. Regulat.lOn uniform worn by 12 men. Material: litter! stretchers, hil:rr~s.acs, etc., hospItal tent, beds, and furniture, vesteu in Ironbrulge Corps. D lvlSlOn supportetl by voluntary help .


[Formed 20.1. 98.]



IIE.I.D-Q.UAr..TER.·: ClIlJItCII I XSTITUTE, KETTEllIXG. C hief Su rgeo n.

J . W . Dryland, :'.LIl. C.. ·. C hief S uperintendent.

S uperinte nd en t S ec r et a ry.

F. T . Tren(:r,}',. H. Hanelagh Road, \\ elllDgbol'ough .

C. W. Lane, George, tJ'eet, Kettering . .

H . Luck. Honora ry S ec r et a r y.

Sergt. A . J . Humphries, Jackfield, RS .O. , Shropshire.

Offic&r 1. Sergeants 2. Privates 8. T otal effective 11 . D ecrease since last report 2. Dl'il1s helel 14. Average attendance 9. Cases attended on public duty 1. Removal ]. Cases attenued not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 27th July . Total 011 11araele 10 . Ab~ent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 1st May. Members passed 10. Medallions 5. Service badges 6. Nursing certificates 6. Re,f£ulation uniform w?rn by 2 .scrgeants and 8 men . Material: stretchers, havresacs, splints, &c. , vested 111 Ironbndge Corps. Division supported by voluntary help, concerts, &c.


[Formed 30. 11. 91. J


C. R eynolds,


[Formed 10.93.]

Acting S uperinten d en t of Stores .

N . F . Edwards, M.n. 1st Class Sergt. T . E . Philpott, T he T nckies, J ackfield, R. S. 0 ., Shropshire.

Mr. T . Cooke (Hon. l1em . )

Ollicer 2. • 'ergollllt 1. Corporal1. Priyate~ 10. Total effective 14. Average attelluance 12. Cases Decrease sillce .la·t repol't 1. Drills lleld 1 . a.ttendctloll pullw,duty 3. Cases attcIllletl not on publiu tluty 13. Annual inspechOIl, Is~ )la),. 'l.otal ~Il paraLIc ~4 . Anllnal re-examination, 1 t May. Members pas 'ed 13. MccblhoD O. ~Iatcnal: stretcher splints ball(lages, etc. , vested in Il'onbridge Corps. Diriion SUIJl'ol'teLl by ub c;·iptiolJs.'

Honora ry S urg e on . In Ch a rg e.

[Formed 20.5.96.J

Honorary Secretary.

1st Class Sergt. J . W . Fletcher, Madeley , Salop.

'ergeants 17. orporals 11. Privates] 70. NUl'sing Officers 2. N'tH ing sisters 62. Total drective 274. ~l.le~'ease, ,ince ~ast report 10. 11 nnua I inspectioll, 26 th cpt. Regulation u1ll10lJll "01 ~1 by { o(ficel's, 17 eJ'gcants, 11 corporals, and 150 men. Material: 1 wagol~, 4 l~~lel:s, .~~. trctch,el's, ~ lield tents, fully e(luipp~d ~l11bulance uoxes, v~ested. III v,allon DlVu;lOual COll1nllttces, exccpt the wagon ",hIGh IS the property of Rett~J'J))g 'l.0":11. Corpssnpp0l'ted by yoluntal'j' sub'cription . It IS gr~)tJfj'lllg to report that st~ady pr?gre has been fully maintained during the ~ast L month,' . . . ~"eral COmhlllc(l dnlls ha,Te been held at the various places '."h~l~ :here are DIVISion, and the 'e hayc been thc me,ms of obtaining lIlany leCllll~s . The Church Paraele, too, have bl'en a succe s. Owincr to the slackne of trade III the district, Ketterillg corps wn. not ah1e to send a very la.rae contincrent to the camp o~ instrnction held at Easton Neston last ,Yhit uutide~ but th~re are ~fpes, that lll.cas~ of (\ camp. bcing helcl~ next. year, of sell.ding a ~trong contingpnt. lC. amhnlance "agon statlOllcd at io,cttenncr has a cr all1 dOlle "coman service haVl11a becn .. t' 1 "4 b < I:> • • :'Cr1111S1 ~one.c { t'lin ,cs., many ofI:> ~ 1le joul'Jleys being J long distances ,. tll.the I?lvIslons mal11tml1 the clhclCncy, both 111 number' and work, all are doing hell' ~lutles at 10cn.1 ~o~t?all matches, sports, etc. , and everywhere when m'o n'ds are gatheIcr! . A lJew Dn·lSlOl1. has been formed at Pytchley, which bids fail' to be a success 111 every way. DUllllg the year several Yi~its have been paid by the Chief Officel's 12.

3] 5

3 14 Snpt. to all the Divisions, who has been well satisfied with eYel} thing. T he hea ll qnarter's Division during the past few months h ave earued. spec.lUl tllttnks . from the Ketteriug Board of Guardians by supplying men and nUl'Slllg 81. tel'S for llI ght duty at the workhouse. In conclu 'ion thank s are due to all the Officers, for it is through their earnC'st-ne :;; in the \Iork that the corps maintains its high standard ~f. elliciency. r~'he thanks of the corps are due to the Hon . Surgeons for the I1ntll'lng ~llel'g'y dIsplayed ,1'7 them in the \\'o l1e, many of them having to . t:'ayel se,'eral. 1J1l!es by rond.to VI It their Divisiolls' also to thc variou authol'ltles of t he lhstnct for placll1g the differell t buildil;gs at the disposal of the Di visions.


Alth~l1gh the l1l~n~ bere; hal'e decreased during the year, the work carried out has been of a \'ery satIsfactory cl,utl'acte1', . the mcmbers taking great interest in their w.ork . FOl1l'~ml.Jlllancc bag~, fully (1111pp~rl, ba~re been placerl in different parts of the vl11agc . It 1'; hoped that the numbers \\,111 lie lllcreased during the coming year.



Honorary Surge on .

H. Burland ,



1s t O fficer. ]£, E. JalJlefl . Ho norar'y S e cretar,),.

1\1. n. C. S .

[Formed 1 . 10 .93 .]

[Formed 2. 5.0 l.]


In spec to r of Stores .

Pte. P . J . E. Pettit.

PLe. C. A. Wilsoll, YicLol ia I:>tl'cct, Uurton L atimer, Ketterillg. H EAD-QUAllTER


Hono ra ry S ecret a ry.

Ho n o ra ry Surge on .

L. 'W. Dl'yla1ll1,

Pte . J . W.Joyce, 44, H n.1I thorn IhL, h ettering.

lII.ll,C , S .

Insp ector of S t o res.

Honorary Treasure r .

H , L uck .

HI' . Hall (H on , Hcm .)

Officer 1. Sergeants 4. COl'poral l. Privates 2-1 . T otal errectiv~ 30 . , Dril!s held 2 . Ayerage attendance 14. Oases attcndednot 011 llUbhc duty 10 . Removals 74 , Cases attendec1not 011 public duty 71. Aunual il1S11ecti?1l, ~6th Sept. T otal on parade 22. Absent " 'ith leave . 1:) . Annual re-cxunllllaho~l, 29th Sept. Members passed 14. Failed 2. DId not appear 14. MedallIons 14. ReO'l1lation UmfOl'lll worn by 1 Officer, 4 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 16 men. Material : 1 waO'Oll 2 litters, 10 stretchers, 20 fully equipped boxcs distributed in various parts otth~ town, ,ested in the local Committee . Diyision supported hy voluntary contributions. . It i5 gratifying to report that steady progre s bas been made llullng the year. T he wagon haf; again proved of the greatest value . Several lC'ng trallSl~ort case~ have been uudertaken one beinO' from Kettering to Cookham, near MaIdenhead, 't:J ~ Cos1'Y, neal' one St. Pancras and Paddington, and another from Kettering to L eicester ' in this case the journey being taken entirely by road. Public duty has also beeu' performed as foUolTs: Cycle Parade, Church ancl Nonconformist Tea Parties, Band of Hope Fete, and numerous Football Matches and Athletic Meeting.. A sCJuad waf; also on duty on the occa iOll of the Royal Progress . t!I~'Ollgh South L ondon in Octoher, 1902. For over a month members of the DIvlslOn aetcrl as auxiliary nigh t attelldants at the workhonse ill fir111ary, and ha \'e also llolle duty in the same capacity occasionally since , The head.quarters arc DOW at tlte ('h111'e11 inslitnte, where the splendid hall ,,,ill affonlmuch better facilities for the drillf; and practices.



Hono rary Surge on .

A. G, T olputt,


Honorary Se cretary.

Pte. W . J ohnsol1, Little Cransley, Broughton, Kettering.

[Forlllcd 21.9.01. ]


Inspect o r o f S to r es.

Pte. R. J ac].;:"o 11 . Hono ra ry Treas urer.

Pte. F, Marriott.

Officer ], Scrgeant 1. Privates 12. T otal eITcctive 14 . Decrease sincc last report 6 , Drills helJ. 27 . Average attcnda11ce 8 . Rcmoval!. Cases attended not 011 public duty 67. AlJllllal inspection, 26th Scpt. T otal on p~rade 8. Absent with lcave 3. 'Without leave 2. Annual r e-examination, 7th Oct. Members passed 12. D id not allpear 1. Me(lalliolls 13 , Nlll'si11g certilicates 13, Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 12 men . Materia1: 2 stretchers , plints, &c. , vested in COlTIm i ttee. D i vi:-;ion snpported liy voluntary contriLu tiolls.

Treasurers .

The Stalllfonl ancll:>l'aldillg Bauk. Oflicers 2. ,'ergeaut 1. Corporuls:Z. Privates 2J. Total cO'cetiye 29 . Decre;lsc sillce lust report 2 , ])rill:-; held 1. Averuge attendance 11 . Cases attcwled. on pn.blie ,d~lly' . He~l~o\ ill::. 3. Cases attended not on l'llulic duty 9 . Allnnallllsl'ectlOll,2,th ept. lotal olll'ara(le 9, Allseut \\ilh leayc 19 . Annuul re·ex~lIlillltti?:J, 2Utl,1 Sep~ . J\Il:~n hcr::, ,p,,], ·~clll;3. Did Hot appeal' 15. Medallions 4. Nur:lmg certiltcules 2~. LegnlatlOll llllltOl'lll worn 1)), 1 Ollice!', 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, all~ 21 lIlen. IIlatcnul: 2 ::,trctcilcrs, n,1ll1.Jll1'~11('e hampcl', hanesae, 2 \mtcr uottles, 8plmts, uaJt<lage', hOS]l1 hl tCl1t, etc., ,"estell III thc 1)1 Yi~iollal COlllltlittce . Di \"ision sUI'PortCll hy su1Jseriptiol1 '. This ~'eal' .ltas ueell 011e of '1uiet uel'ulne.ss. 8'1na(1::. ItU\'c 1)cell on lIuty at various puulw fUlH.:lwll , Olle "(1uad \l'as all Jllty III Loudoll during ille Horal Progress. Fi\'e m emlwr:l aLLcllde(l the C;,llllP helel at \\·!ti tSlIllLiclc. ~c\'Cral route lllttl'l:hes aud combine<l drills hu\'e been helJ. The Kettering Gnp cOlllpetition wa" held here in Septellluer. Foul' !;rjuads compcted. The grollllll" of F. ,\\' . Pl'e:,tou, E::;ll" J.l'., ,yere killLlly lell t for the OCCll.::,iOll.



[Forlllec.l. 4.02. ]

Clt.L' FOHD .

(No report rcceired.)



[Formed 9,2.1900.]

J A llO~, DE!-;IlOI~OUGII .

(.J..To report recci\'ed.)


[Fol'll1el16 ,03 .]


Ho n. S ecr'eta ry.

Insp. o f St ores.

Hon. Treasure r.

Pte, T . J. Buckby.

Pte . 11. BucHy.

Pte. J . Bllcl, by.

. ergeaut 1. Pl'iYates H. Total cO'ccti\'e 15. Dnll~ held. :n. AYerage aitell(tlllcc H . Cases attcnc1ed not 011 public duty 8 . AnnuallllspcctlOn, 20th 'ept. 'l'oLrtl on llUl'ade 8. Ab;cut "ilh leayc 4. ,Yithout leave 2: AUllUall'e-cxa,mil1atioll, 6th Mar. J\lelllucrs passcd 13, Did Dot appeal' 2. ~ledal.hon 1. Hcgulation uuiforlll "orn uy 1 corpora I a11l1 11 mCll . Material: fIl'st alLl sta.Lion ])0:-':, stretuhcl', spliu Ls :tlltllJl1ullagc:l, vestcd in COlllmittee. Division supp0l'ted by snlJscl'iptions , The Di\'i~ion malle a good start anel the meml,crs arc tukiner a frl'l'at iuterest in the. work. l~irs t aid has lieen l'en'dered lllCln1Jcl's of the Di \'i..,iOll bill 8e\'el ttl minor aCCHlen Ls.


3i G




[Formcd 12.07.]

HO'('J["'I~I.L .

rl'port reeci I' C(l.)

RUSHTON DIVISION (KETTERING CORPS). LFoI'1l1l'(13.·J, 07.] IIl!:AD-QUAH ' I'J~ l tS: ,\'Olll(J\U


Honorary Surgeon. II.



I\ ll'l\'S I NSTI'J'U'l'Jt:,


In spec tor of Sto,'es.

,J. Urll il'bhllll k, SergI. A. l ~:t1l1 1'0 I'll. 'Ihc CUl'{lells, HllShloll I\l'll l'!'illg. Hon. Treasurer.

Hon. Secret.u-y.

Oorp1. J. W . ESSUlIl, Itnsliloll Kettering.

i'll'. A. Cool'l·r.

Ofl1t:Cl'S 2. SC'rgcllll ts ~. 'ol'po1'll1s 3. PI i ntlcs 21. 'l'ul:tl cl J'J'eli \'e :l Dl'illsh eldZ1. Avcl'ageaiLclHlallC'c . l'ases:rltelltlpclllutOlt}lubliccluty<i. ItllllO\'ul 1. 1\ UllU111 inspectioll, 2liLh 'cpt. Tolal Olll'fLradc J. Al1lluall'c,c;';:llllillnlioll, l1lh May. Members ]Jass (l 13. Did 11 0L :t]IJ.ca1' H. Medalliolls ~3. -msillg l'cl'lilica[e 1. Hc·gu laLion Ullil'Ol'lll \\ Ol'll hy 1 Ollie('r, ~ HClgrHllls, :3 C'Clll'orah.:, ullcl 10 111(')1. Matcrial: 1 Asld'ol't11iLlcr, ,1 slrcielll'IS, ~ sets or sp1intl<, l.l1l1dagl·s, \l ldcr bulLlcs, vcstcd in ,'ll]lel'i)ltcncJclIt. D.ivisioll sl1l'polled hy me uf' Tri!lllguiar Lodge'. Th erc is sLIlI a lively illlcl'est takell II)' tile 1l1CI1l1JC1S ill ullllmlallcc work, allll,)0111C severe cases l1l1vC ))l'l'll H1Cel:Ssf'ul1y dealt \lilh.



[Fonned 1 .12.%.]

l:-';S'I'ln m, TWY\\'FLI..

Hon . Surgeon.

Acting Superintendent and Ho n. Secret::lJ-y.

J. W. Ga.illCl', M.n.

Ituv. W . W. DC11l1 'Lt, '1'lI'y\le11 Heelor}" Th I'[l, p:; lOll. Honorary Treasu,'e,·.

Pte . .J. ForL'scllc. Ofllc(~rs 2. Plil'utcs 7. Totai cm'cLive 9. Drills lICltl 10. Average atL('llClallce 5. ClLSCfi atLl'lIticcl 1l0t Oil puhlic duLy ri. AllllUal inspecLion, 2(jlh ScpL, 'l'otlL! on plL1'ildeJ. AI.sCllL \liLh Icav(' 1. Alll1llal I'e-examillatioll, 29LlI SPpt. ]'.lcnilJC1S l'Hss,·d 7. l\JC'(lal!i()lls~. H"gul:ttiol1 1I11il'oll11 :VOl'1l by 7 l\l~n. l\1alorial: stl'etch!.:r, splints, IHtl1!l:tgc'H, alld Jirr;t aid llox, I'csll'(l III Lhe Co 11 11 lllttee. Divit;ion Sup pol'ted IJY sllhli(;ril'LioIIS. The Division has sllm'rod loss ill lllllldH'l'S I'!'(JIII rellJovals ::tlltl otjlel' Cttl!. <'H, lllit tltCl'~ arc S0111C very ,lJl'?l1lisillg l"crllils; and till: work lli.ts l)oCI1, allllU~lgh of It (illif,t 1'0utllle chal'l1cter, (lJsLlllCtly uscful to tile llciglt1HJll1'llO()(l.

LEICESTER CORPS. L1"01'1lIecl1 ·1 .11.82.] IIJ.;AlJ-(tUAlt'l'EHS :

TlIg ill


Ch ief Surgeon .

.F. 1\[. Popc,

13. \., M.J) .

Chi er Superintendent.

J, L. King, 5], ChaLs\\'olLh ,'LrccL, Leiccsler. Sup e rintende nt S ecretary.

Supel'intendent of Stores .

O. O. Dobson, 26, l\1arket Placc, LcicesLcr. Sup erintendent Treas urer.

F. O. Brise.

J . G. Mol)us .

Ofliccrs 18.

ScrgctLnLs flllll Corporals 23. Pl'ivl1tes 263 . Nurflillrr Officcrs 4. " Nlll'sing sislors 27. Total cIT'ecLive 335.

HesC'rve lllC'IIlIJl'I'S~. Ill crcase fiilICC: IILHt n'p())'t 52. OfTit:cl's flwl lJlCll wcarill" lI11il'Olll1 4:.l. NlIl'sing OfJil'els ItlHI sislers 31. l\latc'riul: 1 \\'agol1, 10 whcclf'd liLLers~ 30 sLrcl('hels, 1 1:ll'gc' lllCdiclll 11Illll[lt'1' allll cllse, ~O h!1vlcsnc!l, lal'u!) hospital Lellt with I'lIlt cqnil'llll'llL or SI.dillll<, bfllldngl H, ,\aLer uotLleH, allll rugs. "Uu!'}!!; Hlll'[lOI Led by ,011l1lLary slli>SCl'lplIOliH. 'flip COI'JiH cuntinues Lo lllak{' satisfnctory progl'css. Olle llnw Divi.,iull hus 1>C('11 fOJ'llH'd, viz., ICali HhilLoll, a11(l 1l1luthel' (l\1.1L Loco J)Ppt. ) i!l aWaiLill" official Ii:wdioll. l'lllJlil' dllLi(~s h:tvc 1){!('l1 llllderL:lkcll ad fullows: At tllC OM idla.llCl Crwil;-Coll11 tly ('halll pi011Sh iP .1\1 ('d ing, L('i('es!t'l' A th leLic' n lie] {,),('Ie Uln b Sl,orls, Fosse 11'()~Jl),:lI.1 ('1111) :-;ports, j\ IJlw} 1':1l'k Flo~r('I" 'hal\', amI WILI(!r HI'{J1 Ls (~duYH), wh('11 the llllrslllg SI;;[I'1'H \I'('J(' 011 duty, alld tho II:lIll'y Ih('ss Cyelc I'amcll·. An lLIJlUUIaIlC(! cldlU'h11J('ld , wit h \\'llcl'le(1 lillul' and :-;Lrelchc'l', hilS 0.1 () lwell Oil duly \l1'('''ly aL LlII: \'iclorilL Jlill'k :1I1111l!!' lklgra\'(' I'ilstlllc Hee!"l'alion (:I'OUllc! during Lhe: cl'ick!'t ullcI ('lJl)[\lilll IiI'IlSOIl, j)l\1'illj( the l·riekl·L sc~as(Jll ill tllC Vit:lorilL l'ul'k, tll(' sPl'viees of' t hc ,1l'lill;hllll'nL Oil dllly has IH'('II I'cqllisitioned no If'SS thnll 10 tillll'S, ",hidl sPl'vie<''l Illll'e hUI'11 lIltlJ'll ap!'l'eci;tLI'll by lhe !'lay(·I'S. III !1ddiLi()1I lo Lakill" thl'il' sharD ill tllC abol'f' dllLiI'" LIII' vlIl'ious ('fJlll1ty l)il' biollS have' dOllC lllOst uSl'll71 work ill theil' 0\\'11 distrid~ in attendillg I'lIotlmll :tnd nie]';:('L Illllt('hes, fipl)rls, (tnd Jlom'l sho\\'~l. DUl'ing I hI' ,)'(';]1' 111111'11 \';t\uaIJlo lil's L aid aSSililltllCI' lillS 11('1'11 l'I'll!h,1'I 'cl, and llll1ny {'il~I 'S could Ill' l'l'("'nlcd, hut filII' lJIIUSt. BllIlic·l'. All al'lll \lml so If'nibly ('lllshl'llllctll' thl' hOl1ldf'l', ill !Ill ilJ'l;id("ld, that \I I!I'll 1'('I('l\s('(1 1'1'0111 Lh(: 11l;U'hill!'1,)' it ('cll to tile g1'IIUl1d; till' bit I,d ill" \I'll!:! al OIll'C al'n'llJ'd, HIIlI Lhl' 1':Jti1'1IL :iil!'l·l), n'IIIOI'I'11 to the ill Ii 1'1 11 a I')'. S,,\ "l'lll HI,;I'l'rc~ ca'I':; or ,·cJ!I(·tlssi"lI han' ]'I'ell lreatl·d. Altog!'lhcl', lL grl'at dcal of' tl!if' I't11 \\'01'1' Il:l'; 11l'1'1I ·lcl·oIJlldished . j)1'iI\:; :tlld l'meLicl's ill first o.id \\'LI'l', by kilJrI IIl:nlliioll, III·ld ill tllC tIl'ill hall <111I[ l1t:lgazillC sf[1H11'e dming the SlllllllICI' 1I101lLh at ",hidt lit(' all(llldalll'C's \\""re Illost illi 1'1ll'lOI·Y. 'rhl' 1'f\ieil'IICY "f' thl' 11111' ill" lJi,'i iOll i~ \\'1·11 1l1,tilllniIlPd, a will hc SCC'1l 1'1'0111 the HI p"IL of tile Lady ,'lIpl. of tIll' Dil'isi{)u. Th!' aVI'l"ilge lttlcl1Jlallco Itt thl ' ll1f,etillg" \H'ill" ('s(',·llenl, alill tit!' I'C l''\lllllillaliol1S C'Olldlld!'ll hy Dr. I-ievpstrl! l,cil1g II'cllntll'lJlll·ll. I'tl'. <:"1). O. \)ol)son, Y.M.C '.A. Dil'isioll, has l)el'11 ltl'l'oint(',l ~Ilpl. SI'G. "f' t h .. COI'pS, Vicl'-, 'llpl. SI'(·. 1". II. Tlllll!'I', resigned. A largo aml ill!lllclltial gnth, ring 01 till' 1I1l' ln""!'.'; !lnd fl'il'llIls lll' the 'orps [1101- plou·(· aL lhl' King's 11[(11 (:1';]11(\ HuLel, Oil May l~llI, llndl'l' tllJ' 1'1'('si<1I'III'Y of lhe ]\lI\YOI', Aiderlllan \\. \\'. \,illC'l'llt, .1.1'., \\,hl'l1 till' ( 'llalll'llgl' Shiehl ItlHl pri;ws \\'011 ill the allnual ('olllpeLitilll1 \11'11' l'l'I .·cllll!(1 Ly hiH \I'o!'shil', lIlld [Ill' 8!,e ·ial and HUllth Afrieull Il1crlals, :l\l'[(nll·rl by II. ILl r. tho nralld Prior, and thc 'I!llpte!' of [he OI'<1CI' 01 St. ,John of .JI'I'Usah·lll. \l'I'I'C halldell to the Illl'lIdH'rs \1'110 SCI \ l,(1 in lht' SOllth AI'ticl1l1 Wal'. 'nil' .'lli,·lrl, with prill'S, \I'll gaillc,d I)), thl' L. & '. I\". Hy. J)ivision tl'a1l1, thu sccolld plal'c·, wilh [lrizcli, IU 'illg \\'011 by the' \\,igsLolI .Midlalld lail\\"lt)' tCl\lll. Eight [('lUllS (·Ollljll'l.l'rl. TItL' lI!Cdnls II'pre (In' I'I1Ll,r! by tlte Chil·f Su!'geon of lhe 'ur]ls, Jr'. ~l. I'opl ', Esq., \1.1)., lUliid ('sp1'l'ssiolls of' 11f'llrt.y appro'!t\. III lhe case or I'll'. F. II . 'OOPl'I', \\ 11f) ([il·d or clltl'riG ilL 1II()( 'llIr0l1tl~ill, thl' llll'dni WlIS It a llllel! Lo Ilis rathC'l', th(J~e I'I'I'S('11(. sLalldill.~ ill tub'll 01' H,Yl11JlItlhy ullclrC'sJll'ct. 'I ho allllllal ill ' Il('I'lioll 01' IIII' Corps nlld r\\ll'Sillg J)il'i sioll, uy Asst. 'o11l111issioncl' 'I'. If. Wool (Oil, look plnt:l', I,y killll l'I'I'IJli~.~iull, ill tile llHlg:lzinc Sqllill'C', Oll Satlll'Clay, .filly :.!.-.th. 1 DO:$. 'fhl' LoL:tl ll11I11lu'l' Oil l':tl'UtII' was l1U, il1!'llIdillg ;3 l.lnrsillg oflicelH allc[2~ si~l('rs . 'nil' Slll:t1I11(,~S 01' Ihe I':ll'nrlLJ is !l('colllllerl for II)' lhn filCl, lhaL an lIlla\ Oil1aldl' l'ostl'Il11('llll'l!I of lhe illSIH'l'lillll Ill'ought it ill joo dOSl' l'l'oxilllity to lhc Allgl1sL !lall!' Il oli(J.t.l', ill f'OIlSl'qlll'l1CC or ",hidl a Inl'ge lIl1lllJJcl' or IIICI11"el'S wcro lllw.1JIC' Lo 01Jtllill 11'[tv(' of UbSl'llCI' frolll husi11l'SS. Altogdllf'I', 113 cXPlllpLiollS Wpro !lppliecl 1'01', :10 or 1I'11i1l1t \\'e}'(! for 11lC'IlIhers }l('}'I'Ol'lllil1g IHlblil; duly, lind all 1l11USIHt! lltllllbl'r on (t('eotllll or illlll'SS. At lhl' elose uf llie illlipccLioll lIltl A~sL. UOllllllissiollCI' a(lcll'l's~cd tlt e 1111'n, cOlllp1illlCl11ing tlwlll 011 the \lo}''', which hL' slu(11.la(1 ltCI'll (10110 ('xcC'cclillgiy \\'(·11, ltnd lie "'as pi!'tts!'d to sl'e It largcr lltlll1!Jcr of lllon 11.1 ullil'OI'II!. fT e Lhillllwd D}' .• 'evl'stl'(' fot' CI1l'l'yillg out thc ll11'dil'td inspcction, [tllcllllb"hly C'onll,lilllell1l'r1 tlll' Iltll'si n" s ist(,],s lIl1ifol'll1 , n ' \lito \\'P1'C nIl ill J'('''ulalioll h on lito oxcollclll 111!11111Cl' in wllieh lI11'y 11tul ueqllillc(l tlll'lIl SC l\-l'S . At it cOl1l1lliLtee lllt'ol ing of' Lhe LeicosLl' I' C('lItI'C, on August 17Lh, it was announce(l that II.RII. Lhe OmnLll'rior o.ml Lho OhapLe1' of Llle Ordcl' of ,'L. Jubn of Jerllsalcm

3 19

318 had sanctioned the award of thc special South African medal to t h e Ohief S urgeon of the Oorps, F . 111. Pope, M. D. , and to Chief llJlt. J. L. King, for cxceptional services in connection with the mobilisalion of the Brigade.


[Formed 2.5. 02.]


1st Office r a nd Hon. S ec r et a ry.

Hon . Su r g e on .

,V. T. Crick,

A . E . Higdon, Alp ll a House', Bal'well, 1ll'. ll inckley.

111. H.C . S.

Inspecto r of Sto r es.

Hon . Treasu re l-.

Pte. G. B. Cutllin.

Mr. \1'. Smith (IIOll. Membcr) .

Officers 2. Sergcant 1. Corporals 2. PriYates 21. Total efrective 26 . Drills held 25. Cases attended 011 public duty 10. I ncreasc since la t report 6. Oases attenc1ell not on public duty 50 . AUllua.l inspection, 25th July. T otal on l)arade 19. Absent without le;1ve 4. AnlllU1.1 re-examination, cpt. Members pas ed 17 . Dill not a.ppea.r 1. .Medallion 1. Regulalion uniform worll lJY 1 01ncel', 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 1 man. Material : 1 Ashford litter, 2 stretchers, havresac, water boWe , spliuts and lJandages, vested in Committee of Division . Di vision supported by members and "oll1D tary contributions. T he Division continues to make satisfactory progress, and although, from various c~use , sel'eralresignations ha,e taken place, the !lumber of recruits haye more tkm counterbala.nceLl them. A further aduition to the stores, in the shape of an Ashford litter, with cover, has ueeu subscribed for by the workers ill the factolie of the district. The members ha \'e taken public duty on several ocpasioD', and have renJered first aitl in many cases.

2nd Offi ce r .

3rd Office r .

W . Marti n.

11. Brewanl .

Ins pector o f Store s .


'ergL. J . T. AkiellS.

Ho n o rary S ecre tary.

Ple. O. Rwhardsoll, 16, Cerlar Road, L eicester.

Ofl1cers 3. ergeautl:l 3. Pl'ivates 55. Total crl'cctive 61. Drills heM 1. A vcrage a.tLemlancc 23. Anllual i11s1lectiol1, z7 tit JUly . Total Oil pamele ~8 . Ab 'c nt with leavc 10. , Vithollt lcave 23 . AIJ1Jl1a.l rc-examination July . ,Mcll~lJers p~:ssecl ~6. Did not appeal' 3-1. Medallions 38. 'Ul'sing rerWi~ cates 22. l,egulatlOll umform \\'orn hy 1 sergeant and 5 mCIl. Material: stretchers splints; bandages, &c. , \'estcll ill \\Torkillg Mcn's Oollege. Division supportcd lJy the members.



Honorary S urgeon.




ThollJ:1S, ~r.

It. C. H.

S uperintendent.

L. O. 'Ya.tkins,10S, Tw,YCl'oSS 't., Lcicester.

Honorar y S ec. and T rf'as.

In spector o f S t o res.

Ptc. A. \\T. Wurl, 131, • L. Saviom's Roall, Leice:;ter.

Pte. ,Yo 1'rnc.

Ofl1('ers 2. erg n.ut 1. PriYf1.tes 18 . Total effectin 21. Drills held :2:2. ,\, U';lg\! attelldullce H. Case ltttel1dec1 011 jllllJlic duty 6. l:emovals 2. 'no ps attcnlbl n~t 011 pulllic duty I. Annnal ill.'llcctioll, 25th Jnly. Total 011 parade G. Ahs('ut With le~l\'e 13. Annnal re.examination, ~7tb Feb. MelJlbers 1J;,t sell 17. :3fel!alliowl U. .l."'\ll'.'ing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn lJY :211len. ) l atl.!rial \'estell in, aIHI Divi.'ion snpporte(l by L. & N.\Y. Rr.



P . G. Garrett,


1st Offic e r .

Honora ry Su r g e on.


A. '1'. Peacock, Prospect H ouse, Earl Shilton.

~I.lt.C . S .

Honorary S ecret ary.

Hono rary T reas ure r.

Ins pector o f Store s.

Actg. Corpl. W . J. Wolloff, Heyford House, Earl Sh ilton.

Actg. Corp1. IY.A . Redgrave.

Pte . Y. Green.

Rmns: NAltDOl:oeoII.

Hon. SLII-ge on .

'. \Y. 1\1. Glll1lJillg,


Supe r in t endent.

II. G. Johnson, 42, Duke

trtet, Leicester.

Acti n g 1st O fficer and Hono rary T reasure l-.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Pl'ivates 19. T otal eITectiye 24. D rills held 21. Average attelltlance 14. Oases atteuded on pulJlic duty U. Cases attendeclnot on public duty 7. Annual inspe(;tion, 25th July. Total on paraue 18. ALsent with leave 4. Without leave 2. .Medallion 1. R egulation uniform WOl'll hy 1 Oilicer. Uaterial: 2 stretchers, 3 surgical ha.yresucs, 4 water bottles, 3 sets of spliuts, hanuages, etc. , vesLed i n the COl1l11littee of Division . Division supported by members and puulic subscriptions. T he Division ha.s made remarkably good progress (luring the 5 months it has bcen formeJ, and the avemge of atten,lauces at tlrill and Ollllublic duty is goou. Several cases have been attended to by members not on public duty, a.lId a fcw minor cases have ueen treated by members on duty at footba.llmatcltes, etc.

T. \\Ta.l'll. Hon. S ecre tary.

Ins pecto r of S t o res .

rte . H. WUl~Ol1, Littlethorpe, Narhorongh .

'ergt. W . TIill.

Ofllcers 3. ,'ergcallt 1. OOI'Jloml1. Privates 30. Total effective 35. . Imr~use sillce last report 12. DrillR helcl 22. Averagc attendance :20. Anllnul 1l1SpectlOll, 2iith July . Total on parallc If) . Absent with leave 3. W ithout leave 16. ~nnual re-exaJllinations, 2 th 11<1rch and 13th Aug. :Mell1bers lias cd 33. Mellalhons 5. :rnrsi~g certilicate 1. Regulation unirol'm ,,"om by 2 men. Material: 2 stretchcrs, ballllage, plill ts, &c., "esteu in N arborongh Di rision . Divi.ioll Stl pported by mcm ucrs con triou tiOllS .


[Formed 1.11.90.] HEAD-QUAltTEl>.S :

, V. M.




Honorary Surge on .

T. P. Shearc!', Superin t e ndent.

Z, Langham, 41, Cellar Road, L eicester.

Honora ry Surge on .

L. ll. G. 1'.

S. 1st Office r .

J. F . T imson.

[Formed 11 . 2; re-formed 1900.J


eve::;tl'c l liL A. , M . D.


Supt. and Honora ry Secreta ry.

, I' . J . l\IRClHtlllara, 76, \Yell ington treet, L eil.!ester.



Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 20. Total eO'ective 23. R eserve members 2. In crease since last r (1)ort 1. Drills h elel 29. Average attendance 14. Ca es attended not on public duty 40. Aunual inspection, 25th July. Total on parade 18. Absent with leave 4. Annual r e-examination, 17th and 31st July. 1\1em bel'S passed. Medallions 3. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 0 ilicer, 1 sergeant, and 5 men. Mater ial : all on loan from Oentre. Division upported by suu criptions. . Durin g the year the Diyision has turned out for public duty twelve hmes, most of these duty parades occurring in the latter huH of the year. It is to be regretted that Farticulars of ca es treated on public duty cannot be given, the" ca e ?ooks" not beinO' available but when it i mentioned that on one ground where pubhc duty has o been taken on' Saturday afternoons during the summer by the Leice::.ter corps some 50 cases are booked, aud the Town Division have taken their regular turn of duty th ere, it will be seen that the members have been of use to the public .. It is to be r egrettecl that the finances of the D i\'isioll are not iu a more satIsfactory condition. The Divi, ion is supported by members o\\'n contributions only, and consequently it is \yorking with borrowed materials, a the "'hole of the property belonging to the Old Town Division "as kept by the members when they left the Brigade. Five members are now wearing full uniform, and during the next year there is every probability that a further num bel' will see their way clear to do the same. The removals by the new WAgon have been attended by a number of this Division.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 19. Total effective 22. In crease since hst report 1. Drills held 21. Average attendance 11. Cases atLellded Oll llUulic duty 34. Cases altcnde(l not on puhlic duty 46. Annual inspection, 25th July. Total on pamdc 6. Al)sent with leave 7. Without leave 8. Annual l'c-exumination, 3rd Scpt. McmlJers passed 13. Did not appear 8. Medallions 12. Nlll'sing certificates 3. Heglllation uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 1 man. l\laterial: 3 stretchcrs, hamper, 3 havrcsacs, splints, etc., vested in the Di vision. Di\'ision sl1pportcd by mem lJers and puhlic suhscri ptiOllS. The l11rmbel's of thi' Division are now taking more interest ill the work, various public duties have been done dlll'illg tbe year, at f'ootlJall matches, sports, etc. It is hopell to h fLYC 1ll0·t of the men in uniforlll very shorLly.


Hon . Surgeon .

J. Anderson,

Hon . Secretary.

W. Bre1.dlllore, Natal Cottages,

Honorary Surgeons.

J. Hunter,


)I.A., )I.D.

A,,]elt, )r.n.c.:>. 1st Officer.

Superintende nt .

T. B.

F Spencer, 211, Welford Road,



Leice'iel'. Acting 2nd Officer and Hon. Sec.

J. Po,,-ell, Giliyer Lune, Knighton. Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Privates 32. Total effectiyc 37. Decreas'3 sinl5e last report 2. Drills held 25 . AYerage attell(lanC'c 9. Cuses attended on pU1Jlic duty 14. Cases attellded not on public duty 72. Annual inspection, 25th July. Total ou parade 1. Absent \\'ith leaye 2. Without lcave 7. Annuall'e-examination, March. l\Iembers passed 24 . Failecl 2. Did IJOt appeal' 6. Medallions 21. Nursing certificates 14. Regulation uniform ,,-om lJY 2 Officer:>, and 1 ergeant. Material: 7 ambulance cascs, 4 stretchers, bandage, splints, 2 roped sheets, bavresac, etc., vested in the Co-opcrative Wholesale ,'ociety, 'Yheatsheaf 'Works. Division supported uy the Directors of the above "ociety. Th e Division hn,s made steady progress during the past y(;ar, and the efficiency is well maintained . Two classes are being held, one for first uid, and another for llursing. Our thanks are dne to Dr. Astlett for his various lectures, and the greut assistance he has given the Division.



Hon . Surgeon.

E. R. Cowcher,

},. R.C.S .

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. L. Folwell, 15, Mout Street, Great Wigston.


Sup erintendent.

J. Burkitt, Pa(llloe;k Strcet, Wigston. Inspector of Stor'es.

Sel'gt. E. Wigllldl,

PLe. A. W. Sylnster, 65, Eit'kuale Road, South Wigston. Hon. Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pie. J.


L.It . C. l'.

1st Officer.

Wig ·tOll lagua.





Pte. J. Tanner.

L ee on.

Ofll.cers 2. el'geallt 1. Corporals 3. Pri\'ate' 22. Total elfective 28 . Dccrea. e since last report 5. Drills held 2·1. Ayerage attendance 16. Ca es atteIHled on publiC' duty 13. 'a.c:> att 'n led not on public duty 5. Aunua,l All 'ent \\'ith le<1\'e H. Anllual inspection, ~~llll Jnly. Tutal Oil pamele 13. rc-examilla iioll, :.?3nl ~Iarch. Mem bcr passec] 27. Mc(lallions 6. Regub tion uniforlll \Yorn by 1 .'ergeant, 1 corporal, allLl 3 men. Material: stretcher, v 1ints , amI ba11llage', ycsted in MilllalHl Railway Company . Division Suppol'teJ by contrilmtiolls of llJelllbu}.'.


[Fonnc(l 15.5.90.]

Hon . Surgeon and Hon. Treasurer.

H. H. Hancock, Superintendent. ,\\T. Catlin,

6, Fairliclcl

'trect, Leic'stct'.


Hon. S ecretary.

Pte. G. O. Dob 011, 26, larket 1'l<1cc, Leicester. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. Ii'. D. Reeve. Oilicel's 2. 'ergeant 1. Pl'iYl1te' 31. Total effective 31. Increase since lust report ' . Drills hclel '27. Average attendance Case attendecl 011 }luhUe duLy 3. Aunual inspection, 25th July. 'rotal on parade . Ahsent " 'ith leaye 7. 'Without leave l,j. Annual re-examination, 17th July. ~Iembers pa. seel 9. .;\Iedal1ions 6. N uri ng certificates '2. Regulation uniforlll worn by 3 men. Material: skeleton, bandages and splint, vested in the Division. Diyision supported by Illembers. . The Diyisioll ha:> IHld t1 very succe rul year, amI has made con. idorable adnmce 11l the number of members. 1-1 privates Iuwe joined, which, ",ith 6 struck 01I through re igllatiollS, makes u net inereasc of Three privates have obtuined the officialulJil'orlll of the brigade.


[Formcd 28.2. 98 .1





Honorary Surgeon.

H. Square, L. R. '. 1'.

[Formod 4.6 .86 .J


Chi ef Surge on.

R. A. Milligan,

Superintendent and Honol-ary Secretary.

i\f. D.

J. H. Folmer, 16, Albany Hoad, Leighton Buzzanl.

Chief Super in tendent.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. OOl'porah. 2. Privates 12. Total eff0eti'.Te 17. Drills heJJ 2-1 . AYerage attendance 8 . Cases attended not 011 public duty ~O. Removals 9. Annual inspection, 10th ept.. Total 011 p~I'ade _9. Absent WIth l eave 4. Without leave 3. Annual re-examinatlOn, 21st ApI'll. . l\lellll.)?l's passcd 12. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions 9. Service badgcs 6.. RegulatIOn ~lIlltor11l worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporal, and 7 men. l\~atel'lal: .wheeled ~lt.te.r, strctchers, surgical havresac, splints, and bandages, vested 111 COl11nl1ttee. DIVISIOIl sllpported by sub cription .

CI1Jllain W. IIughcs, 1, l\Iercers Row, Northampton.





Honorary Surgeon .

T. A. Durrant, )1.11.C. S.

[Formed 17.10.93.]

Su peri ntend en t.

G. Greell, 52, IJighSt., l\Ial'ketIJarhorongh.

Honorary Sec. and Treas.

Insp ector of Stores.

ergt. 'Y. Tooth: 6, Springfield "treet, :'I1arket Harborongh.

Pte. W. II. Buswell.

Officers 2. Sergean ts 2. Corpoml 2. Pri \' ates 22. Total efrect i ve 28. Decreasc since la t rellort 4. Drills IlCld 44. A "crage attenJancc H. Ca. cs attended on public duty:2 . Remoyals 32. Cases attE'Jl(led n.ot on pulJlic d~.ty 28. Annual inspection, 24th Allg. Total on parade 19. .Absent '''lih lca.ve 6. "Ithout lea,e 4. Annual re-examination, 22nd June. 11e11lbe1' passed 22. Did n.ot app~ar 6. Medallions 19. Sen'ice badges 1-1 . I ursing certificate 1. Regulat.lOn ulllfol'm worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, a~lcl 23 men . lIIn:tenal: :\'~~on, Ashford litter, ;) stretchers, medical bavre.'ac, splmts, etc., Yeste(l 1Il the Dn'lslOn. Division supported by pnlJlic suh'cl'iptions. . . otbing of a specially noteworthy uatl1l'e has occlllTed (~U~'l~g the ,fcar ; but It has been a time of stead'y work, the services of the DlvlslOn belllg frequently req nisi tioned.



[Formed 3.3.99.]


Honorary Surgeon .

D. Duke,

i\L n.c.s.

Sup erin tendent.

Hon . S ec. and Treasurer.

T. Skeffillgton, l\1edbournc, near Market Harborollgh.

Sergt. T. Searcy, l\feubourne. Inspector of Stores.

COl'pl. W . S. Garfield . Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 11. Total effective 16. D ecrease since last report 6. Drills held 16. Average attendance 11. Cases attended not on pnblic duty 10. Annual inspection, 6th Oct. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 2. Annual re-examination, 20th :May. Member1; passed 16. Medallions 12. Service badges 6. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by ] Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 6 men. Material: 2 stretcher:';, .havre~ae, splints, bandages, vested in the Division . Division supported by subscnptlons from members and public.

Supt. Secretary.

Sup erin t endent of Stores.

II. -Wilkinson, 69, Billing Roall, Northampton. Officers 21.

C. ]f. Ollley.

Supt Treasurer_

W. II. Reeves.

ergeallts 9.

Oorporall. Privates and Tursing sisters 266. ToLal efJ'ective 301. Re erve members 5. Decl'ca e since last report 34. Cases attended on public duty 10. Rcmoval- 106. 'a es attel1dc(l not on public duty 604. Annual inspection, 11 th JUly. Total on parade 217. Ab,'ent with leave 76. -Without leave 42. Annual rc -exa1l1inatiolls c1l11'illg l\Iareh and April. l\Ielllbers passed 21~. Diclllotappear 9. I en'ice lJadgc,' 71. Kl1l' -iug eertifi cu tel-l 5. l~egulation llnifo1111 \Yom by 9 Officcl's, 9 scrgeant, 1 corporrtl, and 119 m en and llUl'sing sisters. Material: 2 wagons, 9 litten:;, 3 stretchcrs, 70 cquipmeuts, either valise or hamper, vested in the 'olllmitteo of tbe YorthalllptOll Centre, .J.A.A. Corps supported by volllutnry sllb,('riptions. The work done by the Ol'pS during the year has heen of a "ery satisfactory character. Th e sligh t c1ccrca e in melll bersltip, and eonseq l1cnt decline in the uvenlge aitcllllnilce at drill in sOllle of the Divisions, is due to greater efficiency and more di 'cipline heillg rerluiretl of the Illelll bel'S thall heretofore. Two llew stretcher stations hn,vc been proyidecl, uno 2 stretchers antI hanesacs added to the material of the Corps. A fnrthcr supply of cloth-covered water-bottlcs and linen bavresaes purcha 'ed for the u<;e of mel1lber when 011 street duty, and a bell tent for the aeeomm0<lalion allll 'helter of the lllell who attenel the weekly football matches on the raCeCOlll'.-C. 24 lllliforlll 111 (' 1)) hers Iwlongillg to lhe hea(l-qual'ters an(l Earls Barton Divisions, attcllclerl the Distrid Camp of Instruction aL Easton Ke ton, froml\fay 30th to .TtlllO 31'<1. trect duty \las llllc1ertakcn by members of the Corps ill 1,011(1011 aL the Royal Progrcss, and Oll .'eptelll bel' 29th at Peterborough, on the occasion ()f the 1lllveiling of 11 llIemorial by Earl Rohert to tho e ,,-ho hau Jied in South Africa. The transport stan' has becn exceptionally bu.OJ during the year, numerous long distance jOllrncys by road heing 1ll0.' t sncce ','fully accompli'llecl; uch as from the Northampton GCllcrallIospital to ;rcat l\lnrlo,,'. The compctition for the Northampton Ohallenge 'up tonk place at the Ol'll Exchange on aturclay, el'tem bel' 26th, WhOl1 five teanlS competed; the winllel's again being a tcam from the headquarter' Di"i ion, ullller • crgt. Lloyd. 'I'lle Hon. lll'geons have rendered yaluable service by giving pcl'iodien,l lecture on amlmlllllee subjects. The anuual inspection of the Corps by the Deputy '0111 11li:. iOller \\'3S again held at Delallre Park, b· kind permi~si0n of the High hel'ifr, J. Cooper, Esq., J.P., after which the pecial South Arl'iean medn,l~, given by the Order, were jll'esell tcd by the High heri(f. Oaptain Hughes, the Chief upt., and one private 0(' the head-quartor' Division, received the Service mcdal of the Onler thi. year. AmI the Chief 'upt. and upt. Treasurer have been enrolled as Hon. erving Brothers of the Order.



Honorary Surgeons.

O. J. Evans, M.R.O.S. H. Cropley, F.R.C.S.

T. Cairns, L.R.C.P. D. Stone, M.B.





Acting Supt. and Hon. Tr-easurer.

Supt. Treasurer ,V. H. Reeves, 4, Castilian T errace, N orthampton.



[Formed 2.6.99.]


2nd Officer.

1st Officer.

Honorary Surgeon.

A. Rice.

F. C. Gardner.

J. C. O'RaIferty,

Acting Supt., Hon . Sec. and Treas .

L . ll . C. l'.

II. J. Line, 61, Oxford

treat, Daventry.

Honorary S ec retary.

Pte. A. E. Cox,

Inspector of Stores.

77, Byron Street, Northampton.

J. ·Wilson.

Officers 6. Sergeants 6. Privates 120. Total e~'ective 132. Reserve members 5. Iu crease since last report 9. Dnlls held 36. Average attendance 27. Case attended on public duty 32. Removals g . C_ases attellcled not on public duty 201. Annual inspectioll, 11th ~llly .. Total?ll paracle 92. Abse~t with leave 2,1,. ,Yithout leave 16. Annual reeXallllllatlOlIs dunng 1\Iarchand Apnl. Mem bel's passed 90. Did not appear 42. Medallions 77. Service badges 58 . Nursing certificates .3\-). Heglliatio.n uniform "'orn by 2 .Officers, ~ sel:geall~s, and 43 men . Matenal: wagon, 6 lItter, 36 stretchers, eqUlpmen.t .' .elthel vah e or hamper, yestect in COlllmittee of r orthamptoll Centre S. J. A. A. DIVISlOll supported by volnntary sub cription . . ' . Good progress has been made dunng the past year, .and. a new sectlOn has been f?l m cd at ,Valgrave, and there have bcen al 0 several reCl'lnts Irom the Church Lad BngaLle. It is to be recrretted to have to recon] the deat 11 of one of the Hon. Surgeons (Mr. E. F . J one, M.n.~.s . ), who passed away on :May nth, 1903 . . A social evening and dance was held in connection with the Far COttOIl ecbon on February 12th. Excellent work has aO'ain been done by the membHs in tr<ll1spol't, this wOl'k is more than appreciate<l byt> tho~e who hav~ been a~ !stel1.. Some j,ourneys by horse ambulance have been very long, Olle a Journey of iJ6 nnles out. 'lhe lIon. urgeons have O'iven some very instructive lectures durin Cf the year . Duties were undertaken at the Races, Hospital Sports, AgricultL~r~l Show, Champiollsl~ip . port, A.thletic Club Srorts, and street duty durlllg Cyc!e Parade. '1 ho 111spection again took place at Delapre Park, throngh the ln~d~~ss of J .. J. Cooper, Esq., J.P . , High Sheriff for North Hant. The IJlvlSlOll agalll won the Challenge Cupgi\'en by the :i\1arquis of Northampton last year.




2.4. 97.J


Honorary Surgeon .

,V. P. Rich arcbo 11 ,

:II. B.

In Charge.

Hon . Sec and Treas urer.

Acting Sergt. F . IV. Norman, Bliswortb.

Pte. O. Young, Blis\yorth.

Officer 1. Privates 15. Total effective 16. I ncrease since last report 7. Drills held 2 . Annual inspection, l1~h J~lly. T otal on parade 8. Absent with leHve 7. ,Vithout leaye 1. Annual re-~xrulllnatlOn, March. Members pas 'ed 7. Did not appear 8. Medallions 7. erVlce b~dges 2. Regulation uniform "'orn by 1 acting sergeant. Material: stretcher and eqUlpmell~, vested in Comwittee, Northampton Centre S.J.A.A. Di,,'ision supported by publIc su bscri ptions.

Officers 2. Privates 9. Total effective 11. DriJl~ held 7. A ,,:erage a.ttendance 5. Annual inspection, 11 th J u]y. Total on pnmtle 1. Ab:,;ent 'nth leavc 2. , Yithout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 19th 1\ 1tl,y. Members pas 'ed 4. Di<lllOt appeal' 5. Medallions 4. Material : stretcher, splints, ballllage, ete., vested ill Lady Knightley of Faw~ley Court. Division snpportecl by members and friends.



Honorary SLrrgeon.

C, Lawrence, M.n.l-.· . Superintendent.


G. Abuntt, Nl,;w Bartoll,

1st Officer.

Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.

J, Abbott.

Pte. F. B. Line, ,'pring Gardens, .Earls Bilrtoll.

Earls Ihrton.

Inspector of Stores.




Ollicers 3. ergeants 3. Corporal 1. Privates <l2. Total effectiye 29. InCl'e.1.e sinee last report 9. Drill:,; held 50. Aver<lge aLlendance 22. Cases atteuded on public dnty 6. Hell10vuls Ca es atrended not on public duty 22. Anllual inspection, 11th July. Tolal 011 parade 17. Absent with le<lye 1. ,Vithout lelln 10. Anllualre-exumiuaLioll, 19th illarch. ilIemuer pa eell5. Did not appear 2. 1\Illd.llLious Hi. 'en"ice ba<lges 8. N lll"ing eertit:ic,tLes 6. Regulation unilOl'lll worn by 2 Officers, ;] Hergeuuts, 1 corporal, ulllllj men. Material: 1 wagon, A.-hCord liller, 3 :tretchcr', :,;plillts, etr., vested in't. John Ambulance Brigade. Dh-i. ion :llpportecl hy the pu Illic. The retirement of l\Ir. T. F. ThoI'] e after holding the, l1:perilltentleney for 14: years, "'as accepted in NOHlllher, 1902, and by the request of the :rorthaml'ton centre HOIl. llrgeoll . C. Lawrence, acfe!l as "uperintellllellt (Pl'o. tcm.) until :May 21st, 1003, whell W . G. Auhott was appoilltell to the yat:ant office. The Superintell<lcnt, 1 sergeant, aUll ;3 pl'inltes attenclcll the instruction camp at Towcestel', aud many more arc expecte,l tu he present next year. Foul' mcmbers were on public duty in London dming the Royal Progress. Tran port cases: one patient has been remo\"ctl to \\TellingborolJCfh Midland st,ltion, and seyen have been removed to tho Northampton General Hospital.



[Formed 29.5.1900.]

cnOoL, KrI'lLIXGDUllY.

[Formed 9.4.1900.]


(N 0 report recei verl.)

[Formed 2,1,.3 , 8" .]

Honorary Surgeon.

P. H. \\'hitc, ~1. H. c.s.

In charge.

CJ'gt. J. Bntler, 45, 'tau]ey Hoad, r ortballll)toll.



Hon . Secretary and HOIl. Treasurer-.

Pte. C. J. Ballaster, School House" Kislingbnry. Sergeant 1. Privates 9. Total eITective 10. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 26 . Average attendance 6. Ca es attended not on public duty 20 . Removal1. Annual inspection, 11th ~uly. Total on parade 6. Absent \\'ithout leave 4. Annual re-e?,amillation, 2nd A.pr~l. Me~1be,ra passed 8. Did not appear 2. 1'lIedallions 10. er.vlce badge~. Hegula.tlOn Ul~/f~lJU ,yarn by 1 seraeant. 1'lIaterial: stretcher, and ,,[dlse, .ye~ted m ComnllLtee,. N ollhampton Centr~ S.J.A.A. Division supported by subscnptlOns and proceeds o[ annnal entertainment. . The ,york has been carried on regularly and succe sful1y thronghout the yeal.



Honorary Surgeon.

W. P. Richardson,

In Charge.

1st Officer F. C. Gardner, 16, Cyril Street, Northampton.

M.B .

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. G. S. Phipps, SLoke BlllCl'lle, Towcester.

Pte. J. Woodward.

OfHcer 1. Privates 15. Total effective 16. Decrease ::;ince last report 13. Drills held 19. Average attendance 13. Oases attemlednot on public duty 16. Removals 2. Annual inspection, 30th March. Total 011 purade 5. Absent with leuve 1l. Annual re-examination, 30th March. Members pa::;secl17. Dill not appear 10. 1'lIedallions 8. Material: 2 stretchers and equipIDt'lIt, vested in COlllmittee, J orthumpton Centre '. J. A. A. Division supported by pu lJlic subscriptions.

Honorary Surgeon .

W. H. Chamberlain, In charge.


L ,n.C.p .

Honorary Secretary.

1st Class Sergt. Mackness, 12, Glasgow treet, Northampton.

Privates 7. Total en'ectivc 7. Decrease since last report 2. Drills helJ 17. Average attendance 5. Anllu~l ill pection, 11th July. Total on l)aradc 6. \\,i~houtJeave 1. .' Al~l1U~ll'e-e~anll­ nation, 1 th April. Mem bel'S pas ed 7. l\leda lhons f. 1\la tellnl. tr etch ~l . a.llll equipment, vested in the Committ,ee, No~·th.a1l1]lton Centre .J.A.A. Dl\'Islon supported by voluntary and members subscl'lptlons.




(No report recei veu . )



(N a report recei yed. )


Honorary Surgeon.

W. H. Ryan,

M. R . C.P.


Pte. D. Deacon, Little Houghton, NOl'thumpton.

[Formed 8.5.97.]




Honorary Surgeon .

E. Pcacock,

~I. R. C. S.

Superintend ent.

A. J, E. Hanllle, ITemy lll1eaton.

Inspector of Stores.


Pte. J. Beasley.

Hon . S ecretary.

Hon . Treasurer.

COl·pl. G. lIall, "Willington trect, uneaton.

:1\11'. J,

helmerJine (lion,


OJ/icers 2. ergeuuts 3. COl'ponds 3. Pri\'ates 17. Total effectin 25. Cases Dccren.e since last rcpol'~ 5. Drills held 25. AYcrage attendance? nttended 0]] public duly 25. Removal 11. Cases attende~ not on Imbhc duty 32. Allnual in pection, ~9th Aug. ToLal 011 parade 11. ~bsent wItbout lea,e 13. ~nnual re-examillation, :H tAng. Memuers lluS ed 10. DId not appear H. MedallIons , Scrviee barlcfes 21. :;:\ ursing cerLiiicutes 6. llegulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 3 .ergeants~ 2 C'orporaL', and 9 men. Muteri~l: 1 Ash~'onl litter, 4 'tre~chers, alllhulullce ba "ket, nmbulance box, LO\\'l1loor Jacket, spllllt , &c., ,ested m the Di \'isioll, Di \'i ,ion supported by the mcUl bel' and }lri "ute donations. . The work oone by the Diviioll during the year hus been yery satIsfactory, altltoucrh th re is u (lecrcas p ill the .-tl'ength, owing to remoyals from the town. The trallsp~rt cases leaH with have Ir1et with the approbation 0.1' the medical st~ff at the GencrallIospital. The temporary hettd-quarters, :r ew Bl'ldge treet, ha vmg been sol(lby the Uoul1cil, has hampered the movemcnts or the Division. Arrangements arc heillg mude by lhe Town Council for a perJl1anent head-quarters at the Law Courts.

Act ing Superintendent.

J. Kirk, Blisworth Crossing, Blisworth. Honorary Secretary.

Pte. S. W. Shouler, Roade, Northumpton. Officers 2. Privutcs 7. Total efrective 9. In crease since last report 1. Drills held ] 8. A verage attendance 5. Annua.l inspection, 11th July. Total on parade 2. Absent '~'ith leave 6. A~nual re-examlnation, ~lst March. M~l11bers p~ssed 7. Meda111011s 5. M~tel'lal: str~t~h.er , and eqUlpment, vested 111 CommIttee, Northampton Centrc ~.J.A.A. DIVISlOn supported by members.






Honorary Surgeon .

A. Joscph, Superintendent.

./).. Nightingale, 3, Glcue Roall, 1 uncaton.

L.n.c .p.

Insp ect or of Stores.

Pte. T. Burditt .


328 Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. W. Lock.

Pte. T. B. "Woodcock, 67, Both'ill Street, Nuueaton.

Officers 2. SerO'eants 2. Privates ~9. Total effective 33. R eserve members 2. D~crease ince last report 9. Drills held 26 . Average attendance 14. Cases attenued on public duty 5. Removal 11. Cases att€'udeu. not on public duty 27. Annual inspection, 30th Aug. T?tnl. on parade 16. Absent with leave 10. "Without l eave 6. Annual re-examlllahon, 20th Sept. lIIembers passed 17. Did not appear 12. Mednllions 12. Material : 5 streichCl:s, 2 ambulance hampers, 2 umbulance boxes, waterpr.o~f. shebts, rugs, etc., vested 111 London and North-\Yebtern Haih\'ay Comp£my. DIVISIon supported by members. It is very gratifying to be able .to repo~-t. the yaluable services l:enc1er~d by t~e members in the many cases of aCCldeuts "'nIch have come under then notice. It IS gratifying also to report that the Diyision still maintains its high state. of ~J1iciency, thouO'h there is a slicrht deCl'euse in the number. So far as the fiuancw.l Side of the Divij on is concerne~ never before has there been snch a creditable balance ns thele is at present. A sch~me is now o~ fo.ot ~or the l'Ul'pO e of equipping the mcmbers with the recrulation uniform and It IS slllcerely hoped to be able to report by the end of anotl~er twelve month~ that every member is wearing the regulation uniform.


[Formed IB 4.

1st Officer.

Hon. Secretary.

F . Freestone.

Pte. J. Carlton, Overseal, 111'. Ash by-de la-Zouch.

In spector of Stores.

Pte. E.

Hon . Treasurer.

Sergt. W. Lloyd.


Officers 3. 'el'geant 1. Privates 19. Total effective 23 . In crease sillce last report 5. Drills held 42. Average attendance 16. Cases atlendednot on pllLlic duty 1. I:e11lovuls 6. Cases attenclellnotoll l'ublicdnty 60. Annuttl inspcc.;tion, 2:l11c1 July. TOlalon llal'tL\le 23. Annual re-examination, 4th Oct. Melttl)prs pa:>~ed 17. Diclllot appeal' 5. Jl,I e(lallions 15. Regulatioll unirorm " '01'11 hy 3 OfTicel':>, 1 SCl'gcallt, and HJ mcn. Jl,latel'ial: 4 stretcliers, 2 lirst aid baskets, bnJl(lage~, aml s pli Il ts, vesic(l in Local COllJlllitLec. Di vision supported by Imblic Sll bscriptiolls. Exccllcnt wurk has lleen (](111e l)y the lll elllbcr ' of tbc Diyi"iol1 during the past year, HllIollg. L the lllure il1ll'urt a ll t C<lSI'S allclI dl'd tu l)cillg 2 fract Ul ed thiglls. 2 fmctllled legs, fracture!l collar bone, anll Lroken rills; (i <:aSl':> have becn remov ed, 3 to lhe 13 111' tOll Infirmary. The mellllier ha\'e used tlle Low Muor jacket, lent by the Colliery Co. , twice, "llcn re1ll0vilJ,!.{ patients with fractured thigh', al c1 have fOllnll it a great lIdp whell hrillgillg l'tLtiellts out of the mines. All the 1llembers are no\\' pro\'illcd "ilh the DrigaLlc lllliforlll, and. therc apl'ears 10 be a wry successful future [01' thc Di\·isiull.

He-formed 23.5.02.]



Hon . Su rge on and Offi cer in charge.

lh: \D-QU .UtTElt8: Fr HE

F. J. Grindon, l\I.R.C.S. Hon . S ecretary.

Inspector of Sto res.

Sergt. W. Knight, ] 4, High Street, Olney.

Pte. G. C. Raban.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. PriYates 16. Total eO'eetive lB. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 32. AYerage attendance 12. Remoyals 4. Cases attendeel not on public duty 62. Annual inspection, 14th April. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 1. ~nnual re.exam,inatiol?, 23rd Mar. Members passed ]5. Did not appear 2. MedallIons B. RegulatIOn umform "orn by 1 sergeant and 15 men. Material: Ashford litter, 3 stretchers, splints, and bandages, etc., vested in the Olney Ambnlance Committee. Diyision supported by members and pu blic subscriptions. The work of the Division lIas been thoroughly a11(l efficiently carried out by the members during the past year. The totalnt1mber of cases treated being the ~lighest since the formation of the Division. An effort ha~ been made to arone an lllterest in the work in the villages of thf3 district, by means of drills and public displays of first aid . '1'he drills haye been well attended by the majority of the men, \,,}}o have taken a keen interest in the work. Two squads attended the camp at Towcester. The material has been kept ir. good condition, and several valuable additions have been made. Rubber tyres for the litter have been presented by a lady, in recognition for services rendered by the Division, also an air pillow by a gentleman in memory of his son. The Division has never been so well equipped, or the men] hers in so great a state of efficiency, as at the present time .




TATIOX, 0 XDLE. Superintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.


[Formel12 .2.9B.]


;)1. 1:.

1st Officer, Hon . Sec., and Inspector of Stores. J. lla.Y".', UI th '[1' d) Oundh',

Knigh t, .l. T orth • tn-et, Oundle, K ortbal1l ptonshire. Honorary Treasurer.

I'te. E. Jl,l. IIaryey.

N ur Lha1l1 ptoll~hirc. Ofiiccrs 3. ·rgeanL 1. COl'l'orul1. Privates 1 . Total elJ'ective 23. Decrease sillce lu,.;t 1ei'0l t. 2. Drills held 19. Avcrage utt('nc1ance 12. Ca. es attended 011 pllblic duly 3. Rel1lo\ uls 4 .. Anllual le-exuJ1;iJ1n.~ion, 1 ~th Mnlch. Members pas "cel 2~. illedallioll.' 10. ~CrYlC e badges 11. ll1'Slllg certIficate. :6. Re"l1latioll IlUii'onll WOI'I1 hy 2 Ullicu"', 1 spr(leallt, 1 corporal, alld 1 mCll . Matenal: litt~r, -1 stretehens, :2 hnllll;ers, \\'!l.ter-1Jot llcC::. bdl t('nt, &c., ye'tell in Committee of Ceutre. ]\i"isioll Imp]lurte!l lIS \'olul1tury contrihutioll " . . Tho drills ("or the Slll1lmer o\\'il1" to wet e:l.'on, han. 11ec11 curtmled, hut still good ,,"ark is beillg dOllO hy tll~ Di\·{;:ioll. o1l1petitin.l1' \\'l're 11 ('hI lluring the year, prizes hecn given l)y U. I. jl,\ollckto)), E It ..' .C,hau.1l1'1l1. of the centre, and other frie11(18, aml it iH gratifying to fiml that the Dl\' I:>lOll 1 belllg \\ell supported by the town amI rlis1rict.





[Formed 3.11.01.]


H. McAvoy, L.R. C.P.

Hon. Surgeon.

C. Dukes,

M .D.



W. J . 1'"rS011 , :}27, Clifton Road, Rugby.

Su pe ri ntend ent.

Hono rary Secretary.

In spector of Stores.

G. J. German, Union Lodge, Overseal, Dr . Ashby-de-la-Zouch.

Pte. H. F. Towcl's, -15, Gl'o:>\'enor RI)a.c1, Rugh),.

I teo R. J. "Whalos .



Honorary Treasurer.

13th June. T otal on pftrarle 12. Absent with leave 1. Without l eave 10. Annual re-examinatio n, 14th July. Members passell15. Dill not appear 7. Medallions 2. Mn,terial: 17 ambulance boxes, 4 stretchers, 6 waLer boUles, havl'esae, splints , lHLllllages, blanket, etc., ve 'led in 'l'angye., Limited, and members . Division supporLed by mem bpI'S' su bseriptiolls. During the year now clo cd, the memlJers of this Division have again been busy, a. is showll hy the Iltl'ge J)umher of cases attended, and it is pleasing to say that everything IVllich conlcl Lenll to the "'ell heing allll comfort of those uufortunates who needed as i lance has b een done. Tllis Divi:ion, being attached Lo a large works, it is not remarkahle that tho llumhers \'ary, uut it is regrettod that during this year the Division bas surl'crc(l more than usu'll from variou ' causes, a,nd the nU111 jle]'s are ]0<.;8 than at the brgilllJillg of the year. 0111e 11l1\'O left Lhe \\'01 ks anrl the district, aUll S01110 have growll tirell 0[' Ule work.

Mr. T. B. Eden (H on. Mem .). Officers 2. Privates 23. Total efrective 25. Drills held 41. AI'erage attendance 15. Case:; attended on public duty Removals 5. Ca es attended not on public dnty 3...1.. Annual inspection, 26th ept. Total on parade 20. Ab ent with leaye 5. Annual re-examination, 1 tIt and 25th Sept. Members passed 24.. Medallions 6. :l'IIaterial: 4 stretchers, 4 surgical ha'Cresacs, 4 water bottles, and 11l1l"ing equipment, I'e ted ill the Committee o[ the Di vision.. . I?i vision supported by members and pn blic subscriptiolls. The DI~I lOll 11a made very satisfactory progress since its formation in December ~ ast. Dl'llls have been ~yell attendp.d, and the members are all taking great interest 1il.th~ work .. The pn~hc generally, and the Urban District Counci l especially, arc eVlUclllg an ll1terest 10 the ~york of the Divi ion, the former by their financial support, and the latter by haYIng undertaken to provide four stretcher, station . etc. to. be equipped by the Division, in ~uitable spots in the town. These it is hoped ,TIll be ready for u e shortly . Pul,lIc duty has been undertaken at yarious football grollnds, and at the Victol'i.a ,Yorks Prize Band, Amalgamated ociety of Railway Servant and Rugby Cyclmg Club ports, where co. es of a more or les serious na~lll'e \"ere attended to . At the annual in pection held on September 26th, Dist. Olllef Surgeon Audlanc1 ex pres ed himself a being very well pleased \\'ith the w?r~c. done, and ag~'eeably surpl'lsed at the progre'>s made in the short time the DiViSIOn had been 111 existence. It has been decided as soon a tbe fund will permit, to equip the Division with an A hford l itter [or which there is a growing neen, and to put the memhers into the regulation uniform.


_UlTlms :

r . .A LKMO~ J)'s

[Formed 5.95.] UilOOL,


Hon . Su r'geon and Sup erin t endent.

J. Lytle,


,'to John's IIill, Shrew hury.

1st Officer.

A. II. H.

Hon . S ecretary.

Pte. C. W. GrilIiths, , Yelkin Villa, Bisllop treet, hl'cII'ii1ml'j' .

outham .

Hon. Treasurer'.


Pte. E. Bnlll ·. [Formed


H EAD-QUARTERS : THE DRILL HA LL, S~lETnWICK. Chi ef Superintendent.

E. J, Foster, Malta Yilla, Holly L ane,

methwick .

(N 0 report recei I·ed.)


LFormed 19.12.01.]



[Formed 1895.]


1st Officer.

J. F. Atkins, :lLR.C.S.

A. Rich al'll s, 15, Victoria Gardens, Exeter Road, SmeLhwick.

2nd Officer

3rd Officer.

F. Truslove.

T. Mason.

Hon . Secretary. Pte. J. Baker, 4 ~ , Whitehall R oad,

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J . Truslove.


O!lir'el's 2. t-rgeants:2. Pl'il'ates ~O. Total effective 24. Rc,'elvo llIelltl'cr 1. DL'Cl'eaSC sincl' la t lqlOrt 11. Drill ' held 2 . AYerage attcn, dance 16. Ill'mol·al· 2. Case aLlelll1ed lIOt on puulio duty ~9 . Annnal inspection, 31'l1 "cpt. Total on para(le 16. Al,selll with 5. ,Y itltont leave 2. Annnal I'e- examination, 2Pth July. Member ]la'sed 12. Dill not appeal' 11. Medalli.ons 5. 8erdce l>a(lges:l , Hcgulalioll uuiforlU worn 1)), 1 OlJicer, 2 el'gen.nts and 14 mell. Material: wagon, litter, 5 "tl'etl'hel''', 3 ltayrcsac ', lI'aler bottlcs, and other stores, ye ·tccl ill tIte Dil'ision. Division sup]1Ol'tl' d by sub 'cl'iption' and donation. This Divisioll 1Ia' hdd \Ycll togcther, auel done much useful l\"ol'k, c pecially of a public nature ill ('Ollllcctioll " ' ith the allllll1l how' of the 'hrop"hire and \Ve t M if ll ,llte!, alll! t he IT ortlcltltnral, hoth 0 [' t \\' 0 llayS (!ll1\ tlion, a t the latter all attendance of he tween 30 anel ()O tholl,' ·\ltLl indiyiduals. Thi · year, at lhe ill I-ibtion of the Supcrintendellt, it section of mell f'rn1l1 the Ironhl'idge Corp', under nperintendeut Raspa ·s, .ioinell the ::;ltrCII·. bnry Di\,i 'ion, and heljlcll matcrially in canying out the work, Thi ' Dil'isioll has no\\' nearly n. full section ill 13rigaLle uuiful'll. regular out, door pal'ltfles b:-l.\'C bew helel, allll OIlC llfliccr aUll a section attelH1c(lt he 1'01. Artillery ealllp llear W'llillglOll, at WhibunLiflc, amI ae'luitted itself with much credit. The wagon usc(l for trausport ll,ll' ill~ to be l'e'luisitioned fol' the rClllo\'al of an acute casm,lty from CatLl]1 tu Dawley_ The Division wi ' h to place 011 record tbeir regret at losing Dr. 'Ul'clOll. As uperintcnllellL he ha worked hald in establishing the Division, and holding it to"eLIteI'.


Chief Sup erintenden t .

T. II. lIilton, 'olllen'illc, Wellingbol'oug11.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. A.

H arris.

Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privatcs 23. Total effective 29. Decrease since last report 15. Drill s held 34. A verage atteudance 15. Removals 30. Cases attended not on puulic rluty 1,540. Annu al inspection,


[Formed 9.


[' IU:!!:'!', ·WELI,IXGllOltOUGII.

Superintendent Treasurer.

rr. E. Graveley, Westover, Welliugborough.

Sergeants a nd corporals 14. l)rivaLf' 220. Ul'sing Officers Nursing si:;ters 62 . ToLal ell't'ctiyo 321. I ncrease since lasL report 7. 0 [lic 1'8 :mc1 mcn wearing uniform 207 . N Ul'sing Ofllccrs and si:;lers ill unifor1l1 62. T otal %9 . Omccrs 17.

33 2

33 3

T he n u mber of ca"es dealt wit h during the year total u p to no l ess than ] ,237, including 86 rel1loyals by wagon and litter, 2-15 cases treated by the nursing isters, and 46 nlU eLl in their hOllles . T he distance covered by transport timing the year ,Ya' 794 miles. Ou 6th May the Oorps parallecl I. 0 trong at Ba sett's Olose, where in the pre ence of a very large gathering David Dulley, Esq ., J.P" c.",. , pre ented the South African medals granted ll)' the Order. At , Vhitsulltide 78 Officer and men atte11l1ell the district camp held ill Easton N estoll Pad\:. This was by fa r the most enjoyable al1Ll instructiye caml) cver attended by the Corps, and n ext ycar it is fully expected that half as many again ,yill be pre ent. The annual lIlspection was held on 5th eptemher, when the Oorps was rcpresentl'll hy 27l members, the inspecting Otlicels being Assi. tall t· 00111 III issio II er T . II . Wool ton, and))i trict l1rgeon W. E. Amlland. Oolonel Elliston, V. D., was prevcnted at the last mOlllent from attencling. l\ fter the march past, a \'Cry interesting awl cOlllprehel1si,'c programme was gone through , amI the ,,"ork done called forth Iligh praise from both II1 pectinCf Ollicers. The Corps in el'ery Diyi ion is no,," thoroughly equipped, and the financial position satisfac:tory in el'ery ,yay. The eC)uipmellt of t he Oorps con~i t of 1 hoI' e ambulance, 9 litters. 56 stretchcr , 3 medical hampers aDcL ha \Tesac , i water bottle, 5 ten t , 5 ill ,alid carriages, HUU a large rc:-;ervc tore of dressings .

Material : 1 litter, 2 strctchcrs, 2 med ical Re cr ul ation u n iform worn by 11 loen . ha~resucs and 2 sets splints, vesLed in Wellillguol'ongh 001'ps. Division supported by general public.


W . W. Olark,

ilI.D .

Honora t-y Su rgeons. H . Hollis, :If D.

,I'. J .

"Ta tSOll,

1st Class


Pte. J . Lucas, Church ' trcet, FiueLlon .

L.}{.C.l' .

PtC. F. Coopcr. Ofllcel'1. 'er"eallt 1. Corporal 1. l'rintes 13. Total elI'ectiye 16. Drills helll :n. A~cl'a"e atte1Hlame 9. Oases attcllCled not on PUlllic duty 30 . Annual in. pection, 5th'ept. . Tolal 011 1,ul'a<1e 10. Absl'nt "itl! lea,:e 1. Without lea,e 4. AUl1uall'e-CXllminatlOll, 4th .'eld . ~lemlle]'s l'asseLll~. Dlclllotallpear 3. Medallions 3 . .lTl1\'f'illg certilicate' 10. Regulation 111lil'onJ1 ,rom uy 1 sergeant, 1 corporal anel 13 mcn . }Iatcl'ial: 1 littcl, ;3 ,..tretchel's, water hottle, 2 medical havresacs, 'etc., ycsted in Luc:al COlllmittee. Division ~lIppol'lec1 I,y lJUulic subscriptions. HIGHA M FERRERS DIVIS ION (W E LLI NG BOROUGH CORPS .) Tow,\, ILu r., IIwu_D[ FE 1: r..EltS,

treet, Wellinghorough.

[Formed 3.12. 96 . ]


Ho n. S e cretary a nd Tre asure r .

Pte. A. Roberts, "\Yollastol1 Road, Bozeat, WeUingl)orougli .

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 14 . T otal effective 1 6. I ncrease since last rep01t 2. D rills held 36 . A verage attendance 12, Oases attended not on puulic duty 40 . Annual in. pection, 5th Sept. T otal on parade 11. Ausent with l eave 3. Without l eave 2. Annual re-examination, 27th Aug. M embers passed 14. D id not appear 1. Medallions 6. Nmsing certiJicates 12.


Honorary Surgeon.

:If. D

II. Franci . .


J. Cn\\",

:'1.11 .

1st Officer, Hon. Sec., and Hon. Treas.

A. O. Groome, Eat Lee, lligh.1111 FerreJ'!'.


Hon o rary S ecretary.

Honorary T reasu re r .

HEAD-QUAr:I·EIl .· :

Officers 4. Sergeant 3. Oorporals 1. Privates 39. 'rotal effective 47. I ncrease since last report 5. Drills held 27 . A Yerage attendance] . Cases attended on public duty 39. Rcmovals 56. Oases attelldeclnot on public duty 170. Annnal inspection, 5th e]Jt. Total on paraele 43 . Ab ent with leave 2. "'ithout lcaYll 3. Annual) e-examination, 26th Aug. Members pa.' 'ell 3. Di<l not appeal' 10. JUeuallions 22. Regulation llnifor111 worn by 5 Ollicers, 3 sergea.nts, 1 corporal, and 39 men . Material: 1 horse ambulance, 2 Irlleei litter.', 3 bath elwin;, 25 stretchers, 14 hampers and havresacs, 40 water-hottles, 3 tents, splints, and a large store of all kinds of material, yesteLl in OJHcers of Oorps. Division snpportet1 by public subscriptions . T he progre s of' the Division has been well maintaine!l rluringtlre year. Jilthollgh t he nnmber of cases rcported is not quite so large. these have been of a more serious character, the treatment and transport of which have won high praise rrom the m edical sta ff.

F . Bennett, :II. R . C.S .

II . Bmln,lHl,

[Formed 5.5 . 96.]

\\' EL 1.1. (;'DOIt01:GU .


Hon o rary S ecret ary.

1st CI. Sergt. E. C. Smeatllers 315, High


Ho no ra r y Su rgeon.

In s pect o r of Sto r es a nd Hon. T reasurer.

C. N icholson, Market Street, Wellillgborongh.

Honora ry Su r g e on .



S uperin t e nde nt.



Insp. of S t o res .

1st CIa s'ergt. J. Bettles.

Ollicen;:2. ,'cl'ge~l1It 1. Prinlte:-; 36. Total elleeli"e 39. Drills ht'ld :30. A \'('l'age Llttellllallce 15. RC1l10\"als 7. Resel'Ye lllelllbn ' 2. Cases attendell not Oll pu ulic duly 101. .A nuual ill~l'ection, [) th cpt. Total on parade 32. Ahsent with lmHc 6. Annual re-exam!nation,. ~211cl Oct. Menlb.ers passed 20. Dill not appcar 1 . l\lcLlallioll ' ~O. Nun;l1lg certl~cates 1 . Regul~tlOn uniform 'YOt'll by 1 UlJict'l', 1 sergeant, and 29 n.lCn. iIlatenal: 1 wheeled htte~', (! stretcher, 3 mellical havresac', bell tCllt, splmts, water lJOttles, t.\.c., Yesteclm local Committee. Di\'i.ioll .'uPl odell by yolllutary cOlltr!uution '. . During the year thi' Di\·i ·ioll has mallo sali~ract.ory progre~. I ntcrest~ 111' the wOlk has ~eell well u -tnine!l aUlI (11 ill ha"e hcen falrh' well attended. 2;>0 cascs 11'l,e been trllateLl includillrr:3 fraf'turcs, anrl JOall nirrht'dutie hayebeel1 und rtaken . , , , 0 • E ~ 17 20 nlCll of the Di"i~ion attentlell tho caUl p of ill . trllctlOll n,t :l!StOll e:-;ton, all! attended at the ul1ycililJC' of thc 1lIemorial wilHlow in Peterborough cathedral. for the Northamptoll~hire l1~m who fell in the late ,,,a1'. The lin<1ncps of the DiYisiop show a bala11ce on the l'itrht side amI om' IJoit thanks arc tlue to the operatlC society who gave us a. sh~re of prufits of their season, a sub tan!ial Ilf'lp of nearly £6, and to the athletic clu11, who ver)' kindly made a (;Qllt'ctlon on om uehalf. , 'r e regret very much to lla\"e to report the los ?f Snpt; J. W . ~iggins, who passed away on .June 2tith, after a \"Cry long i11llc s, hell'g CQUfinell to ~11~ room for 18 months . The Di"j ion feel the 10 keenly, a he "'3' a good Ollicer aud well-belovecl by all his men. He 'H1S interrell in Higham Fenel's cemetery, all the Diyision ancl all the Oflicers of the Oorps follo"ing him to his la t re ting place .




Honorary Su r geon a n d Honora ry Treas Ut-er.

W. R obh,

L. ll . C. I'.

1st Offi cer.

O. .Eo


33 4


Hor.ot' ary Sect'etat'y,

Pte. H. Brightwell , ' Vellingborongh Road , Ir Lhli ngLorough. Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporn.l 1. Privates 20. Total efrecti ve 24. I ncrea e since last report 2. Drills held 45 . Average attendance 26. Cases attended on public duty 4. Removals 6. Ca es attended not on public duty 74. Annual inspection, 5th ept. Total on parade 20. Ab ent with leave 2. , Yithont leaye 2. Annual re-examinatioIi, 15th Aug. Members pasl:ied 17. Did not appear 6. Medallions 12. ervice badges 10. Nursing certificates 11 . Regulation uuiform ,yorn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 20 men . Material : 1 litter, 5 stretchers, bandages, splints, oil, &c. , &c., vested in a Committce. Division supported by voluntary subscriptions. During the year the members haxe given great satisfaction, both to the HOll. Surgeon and the 1 t Officer, whenever they have been called upon, either to reuder first ai.d or to as~"ist in the nursing of a pfLticu t. The work taken on the whole 5ho\\'s great imprOYemellt, this is owing to the cxtreme kindne's of tho Hon. urgeon in granting permission to the Division the free use of his lawn to drill and practice on, where he is nearly always on the spot to examine and. correct the work done by the Division . For his kindness in granting the use of hi 'lawn, the nll'111bel's are grateful, e peciallyat such a time when it \\'a in wan t of pace [or drilling; hitherLo the usual practices were held at the Boanl chools; but this concession \Va withdrawn for some rea on . The year was brought to a fitting closc by the receipt or an orc1et' from the head-quarters of the Corps, asking the 11 ve mcn of the Division, who \Yen t to South Africa together with the Ol£cel', to attend at Peterhorough with others, for the unveiling of a memorial to those who fell in outh Africa.



Hon . Surgeon .

11. S. Baker,

Su pe ri nt e nd e nt.

A. Cave, Kimuolton Road, Rushden .


1st Offi ce r and Hon . S ecreta r y.

Inspe ctor of Stores.

T. Swindall, 2 , Moor Road, Rllshden .

CorpI. A . Prigmore.

Hon . Treas u r e r.

Pte. J. W. Ashc1owne. OlIicers 3. 'el'geants 2. Corporal1. Privates 30 . Total efrective 37. Reserve 1lH'l1luers 7. Decrease sinc(' last rcporL D. Drills held 41. A verago attendancc 21. 'ases attended on puulic duty 4.. Removals . Cases attendeLl not all pulJlic duLy 175. Annual inspection, 5th ept. Total on parade 30. Absent with leaye 5. Annual re-extL111illatioll, 3ru 'ept. Members passed 30. Did not appear 5. Medallions 20. ITurilJg ccrtilicates 22. Regulation uniform worn hy 2 OJlicers, 2 sergean ts, 1 corporal, allli 2 men. Material: 1 litter, 9 stretchers, splints (5 'e t '), 15 water bottlcs, 6 havresacs, &c., vested in Oflicers. Division 'upported by voluntary subscription '.



rrox, 'YOLL ,\ TOX.

Honorary S urgeon.


[Formed 1 97].


Hon ora r y Treas urer.

Pte. J. 1. Sh1'i\"es.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 17. Total rfrective 19. Drins held 35. Average attendance 10. Remoyal 1. Cases attended not on public duty 30 . Annual inspection, 5th Sept. Total on parade 11 . Absent with leaye 7. Annual re-examination, 5th ept. 1lIembers passed 11. Did not appea:' 7. Meuallions.7 . H.egulation uniforl1l worn by 1 sergeant and 13 men . Matenal: 1 A Morel lItter, 1 stretcher, 5 havresacs, splints, etc. , vested in St. John Ambulance Brigade. Division snpportcd by public subscriptiolls.


Honorary Secretary.

:'II.l( • . s.

ergt. E. C. Jones, EastIield Road, W ollastoll . Pte. J. A . Dragc.

H. Baker, L.n . c . p . Pte. C. Green, Farndi h Road, Irchester.

. E. Baxtcr,

Hon o rary Treas u rer.

Honorary Su rgeo n . Hono ra ry S ec r e tary.

[Formed 30 .1. 96.]

[Formed 20.3.96].


Hono rary Surge on .

S u pt., Ho n . S ec ., a nd Insp . of Sto res.

'Y. nlackenzie, L. R . C. P .

J . Perry, Ringstcad, Thrapstone. Honorary Trea surer.

Ofti<:er 1. I 'ergeant ]. Corpornl1. PriYates 23. Total effective 26 . Increa e sincc last Jel'ort 10. Drill' hclll ;lD. Ayernge attendance 1 . RemoYals 6. Case' atielH1C<1 not on public tiu ty 72. Aunual illspectioll, 15th ept. Total all parade 23. Absent with 1ense~. AlllllHLI re-examination, :l5th Aug. Members passed 25. 1I1edallion 10 . :rursing cerlilicates 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant,l corporal, and 13 men . Material: hath chair, litter, 3 strr.tchel' ,3 medical havresacs, ,Yater bottle, water Led, plint ·, .\c., vc 'ted inloca1 Committee. Diyisioll supported by puulic subscriptions allc1l11embers' contributions. The Di\'il:iioll ha made great strilles during the year just clo cLl, hoth numerically and financially, being now ill posse' ion of a tore room, which, although not large enough to sen'c at! a urill hall, is still large enough for the purpo e of holding committee meetings, etc., (l,lld the !nelllbers apprecin,te the kindness of the inhabitants for their gift, the room being built out of part of the money subscribed to celebrate the 'oronation . A compctiLion conf1ned to the Di\'isioll, to increa 'c interest ill the work, was held on eptembel' 1Dth, " 'hen good work was done by the competing squads, the judge, Dr. Baxter, complimenti.llg the new men On the marked improvement they had macie, alltl11l'gec1 them to try their utmo t to eq nal the ol<ler membcr . A generolls supporter of the Division has recently prcsented it with a new stretcher in memory of a late member, Pte. A. , Yoodham , who diell in SouLh Africa while senillg with thc .J.A.B .

Pte. S. Weekley. Officers 2. Privates 2 . Total effective 30. I ncrease since last report 8. Drills hcld 26. Average attendance 14. Cases attended .on pub.lic duty 12. Removals 2. Cases Cl.ttended not on public duty 56 . Annual ll1SpectlOll, 5th Sept. Total on parade 18. Absent without leayc 11. A nnua~ re-examinatiol:, 30th Sept. Members passed 16 . D id not appear 13. Medalhons 11. Nursmg certificates 7. R egu lation ulli form worn by 1 O ffice r and 1 6 men. Material : litter, 3 stretchers 3 havresacs 3 waLeI' bottles and bell teut, vested i n l ocal Committee. Division' supported 'by members snbscriptions and general public.



Buo ELEY .

Honorat' y Su r geon .

, Yo D yson, La dy Supt. and La dy Tt-easure r.

Miss H. C. Potts, Th e Bank H omic, Broseley.


1st Nursing Off. and Lady Secretary .

M r" J . J ones, T he Li ndens, Br oseley.


33 7

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 16. T otal effective 19. Practices held 13 . Averaae attendance 16. Cases attended not on public duty 14. Cases privately nursed 4. Annua l insvecl~on, 27th July . Total on parade 18. Absent with leaye 1. Annual l'e-eXall11uatlOn, 1st May. 1\1en; bel'S passed 18. Iedallions 12. Iu.tel'ial : hospital bed, splints, bandages, &c. , vested in I ronbridge Corps. D ivision supported by private subscriptions.



: PARI H COl:":-<CIL CHAl\rDERS, BURTON L ATHIER. Ho n. S urgeo n .

H . Burla1ld,

L. RC .P. LOl dy S ec l-e t a r y.

L ady S uperintende nt.

Uiss ll. ::\1. Preston, The Poplars, Burton Latimer, Kettering.

1\1iss C. M. Jall1es, Rose Bank, Burton Latimer, Kettering.

Officers 2. Nl1l'sing sisters 17 . Total effective 19. . Practices held 27 . Average attendance 15. Cases attended not on publIc duty 21. Cases privately nursed 9. Annual inspection, 26th cpt. .Tot?-l on paralle 13. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 1. Annual re-eXaml11atlOll, 10th June. Members passed 16. Did not appeal' 2. ~Iedallions 16. Rc~ulation l~n.ifol'm wom by 1 Officer, 5 nursing sisters. nIatenal: box of nUl'smg. reqlll ltes, r?ller bandages, splints, hot water bottles, feeding cups, etc., vc ted III the COI:lll1.lttee of the Division. Division supported by hon. mcmbers and member" snllscnpbons, also by socials and concerts. . The Burton Latimer Nursing Division has obtained comfortablc accoll1mOdatlOn for its practices, through the kimlness of the pa~'ish Council, \\'h~ gra,ntcd the ~lse of the parish conncil cham bel'. A course of first ald lectures \Vas gn'cn 111 the spnng by the Hon. Snrgeon, when a grant on the passes was obtained from the County Council.


[Formcd 10.9·LJ

I r 'nCil .

Hon. Surgeon .


Lady Superintenden t.

1st Nursing O fficer.

Miss ?tI. C. Coulcher, Beechholme, Ipswich.

Miss L. A. Hcmsworth.

L ady Secretary.

Mrs. A . E.

n. Hume,

T[[ u;

L ady Superi nten d en t.



1st N ursi ng O ff a n d L ady I nspecto r o f Stores.

Mrs. :ThI. H. White, The Dank, I rollurielge.

1\1rs. N . Andl'ews.

Omcers 3_ NUl'sing si~tcrs 9. Total effectivc 12. A"erage atLelldallce 9. Cases Deercase since last rcport '2. Practices helt1 14. attended not 011 jluulic dnty 20. C<1SCS privatcly nursed 6. Annnal inspection, 27th July. Total 011 pamde 10. Absent with leave 1. Anl1ualre-exallliuatiol1, 8th April. Memhers 1'assc<1 10. Diel not appeal' 1. Medallions 4.. RegulaLion uniform worn by 2 0 IliCl;rs anll 9 nursing si~ters . Material: llOSpi tal beds, ten t and cq nipment, bath chair, l:' c., "estell in IrOIl ul'iclge Corps. Divi~ion supportecl by nlcmbers .


H onorary Surgeon.


A. W. Gibb,



L a d y I nspecto r o f St o re s.

1\1iss L .

[Furll1cd 20.3.96.]

Meldrum, Tutldenham Roau, Ipswich .

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 23. Total effective 26. Decrease since last report 5. Practices held 19. A verage attendance 12. Cases attended on public duty 18. Annual inspection, 2iith July . Total 011 parade 16. Absent with leave 7. 'Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 11th May and 21st Sellt. Members passed 23 . Did not appear 2. Medallions 24 . Reglllat~on uniform worn by 2 Officers and 11 nnrsing sisters. Material : ban~ages, cal'l'y~ng chairs and sheets, splints, bedstead atld bedding, etc. , etc. , vested III the Nurslllg Division. Divic;ion supported by its members. Three nursing sisters went to London for the postponed Hoyal Pl:ogress duty on October 25th, 1902. One of the nursing sisters has been employed m the Borough Fever Hospital 11 early all the yeal'. Several memhers have gone into uniform .

,Yo Robl), L.n.c.p.

1111'S. S. Williams, carhorough Street, IrLhlillgl lorough. L ady Secretary.

1st Nursing Off and L ady I nspector o f Stores.


R. Ual\'lin .

Uiss L . hortlalld, Fairholme, Irthlillgborough.

Ofliccrs 3. Nursing sisters 1 Total effcctive 21. Decreasc siucc la~t rcport 3. Practiccs helt1 27. Average attendance 12. Cases attenc1e(l not Oll puhlie duty.n. a ' os l'riYlltdy llUl'sed 9. Annual inspection, 5th .'cpt. Total 011 parade 17. Allseut" itlt lcuyc~. Without lea\'c 2. Annual re-exullliu<1tioll, ~ntb ,Iuly. Mcmhers 1'<1"se(1 HI. Did llot a1'pea.r 2. j\leclallion 10. Hegnlalillll uniform ,,"om II)' 3 Olliccrs and 1 nUl' illg si~tcl's. ~Iatel'jal: bronchitis kettle", splints, IlHllllag('S, ctc., vesled in lIou. 'l1l'gcon aUll Nursing Officers. Di\-isioll supported by eOlltl'ilmt.ioll of lUClllhen:i aml subscriptions. The lr1.hlingl lorongh '\1l"illg Di visioll has malle goo(l 1'l'ogre .. (luring the year, aml thc attelldallce at thc leeturrs ltlltlllrills has been vcry fair. Three 11ursing si ter..; \\'ere cxc;used altcllllnllcc at some o[ tllC llrills Oll aCCOllllt of illness. One sister \\'ho lcft thc tOW11 returned an(lre-joilled. Nine palicnts have been lllu',;cd in their 0\\,11 homes, illvol\'illg sitting up allllight in cight cases. At the allnllal impection foUl' llUl'sing si tel'S gaincli lir:;t prize: for neat <tll(l eOl'l'ect bandaging : a 11(1 generalknO\v}edge of their work. Forty-ollc lc's scrious ease' werc attended; including burns, cut, children \\'ith bronchitis, etc.








HOIl. SUl-geon.

N. F. E(l\\'anls, lIr.n. L ady Su peri ntcndent.

Miss E. E. J Olle~, Thc Calcntts, Jae:l,.IlcILl. Ofliccl's Q. l\lll'sillg sistcrs 10. Total elJ'ediye 12. l-'ructices hehI Iii . llyemge attendance 10. Case' (lttendcd not on public 20. Cases pri I'ately lllll'scd 3. AUllU;ll illspcetioll, 27th J nl.\' . Total on pa.rade 11. An.mmll'e-eXalllinn.tioll, 1st .May. Members pa.s ell 11. Medallions 11. Regulation ulllform . \VOl'll by 1 Nursiug Ofliccl' ami 10 11Ul'ing sistcr. Mn.terial: ho pital beel, splInts, ha.ndn.gcs, etc., ycsteLl in Ironbl'idge Corp'. Diyision supported by voluntary cifol't, concerts, etc.



L ady Super intendent.

"T. II. SClullrc,

Dryland, l\I.R.C.S. 1st Nu rsing Office r, Lady Sec. and Treasurer.

Mrs. E. R. Lane, George Street, Kettering.



Honoral-y SUI-geon,

Hono rary S urgeo n .



Miss lH. J. Clark, 26, Gold Kettering.


Lady Insp ector of Stores.

Miss D. Brewer. Officers 3. Nursing sisters 39. Total effective 42. R eserve mem bel's 6. Decrease since last report 5. Practices held 20. A veraga attendance 15. Cases attended on public duty 14. Ca. es attended not on public duLy 3. Cases priv~tely nUl' eel 2~. Annual_ inspectioll, 26th ~pt. Total on parade 24. Absent ,nth leave 6. ,'hthout leave 11. Annual re-e,xammation, 27th May. Membcrs passed 25. Did no~ app~ar 12. lHe?alhons. 28. Reaulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, and 19 nursmg sIsters. Matenal: Sp1111ts, bagdages, etc., vested in Kettering Centre St. J.A.A. Division supported by members' voluntary contributions. " . The work of the Division increases, and shows sIgns of great mtprest and prachcnJ usefulness. 13 nursing sisters have been of assistance in a time of pres~Ul'e at Kettering Union In firmary during 15 nights, several have rende.red first ald, and many serious cases have been conveyed by ambnlnnce, attended mther h'y 111e Laay Superintendent or by the nnrsin~ sister. . There is ~ slight rlt!crea e lJl numbcr, owing, principally to the more stnct enforcement of BrIgade rules. ~ DIVISION (KETTERING CORPS ). HEAD-QUARrERS: SCHOOL HOUSE, ROTIIWELL. (No report received.)


[Formed 4.98.]


[Formed 1886.]





Lady Supt., Lady Sec., and Lady Treasurer,


Miss E. E. Cher.n, 6, MarkeL. '(luau::, Leigh ton BllZZal'll.

1st Nursing Officer.

2nd Nursing Officer.

1di::;s .'. Rn 'JI.

Mis::; T. 'Willis.

Ofliecn; 3. NUlsing sistcrs ]0. Total effective 10. AVeHtge aLtcnuallre 6. Cases Deorease since 1as,L report 1. Practiccs held 23. attendou . (Ill pnlllw duty 2. Case::; privately nur,'cd 3. AlIlluul inspection 1 ~lh S,ept. Total 011 parat1e G. Ab~eli t wi tit leave 5. Alllltlal re-examination: 1~lth ~cjlt. . Melllher:; l'a::;sed.8. DId lIOt appeal' 2. 1.1 ellalliow; 8. Material: hUllllages, ::;pltllls, d c., yes ted III COll111J i tree. Di vi::;ion supl'orleel by lllOlll hers.


[Formed 20.3.96


Honorary Surgeon.

C. A. Ite,) Holds, ::ILn. Lady Secretary,

lIIr~. J. E. Ra<;pa::;s, T\\ eodale, 1IIllcleley. Ollir:l'l' 1. Nllr"ilJ~ sisto!'s U. Total efl'ectiYe 13. Illcrease since la~L l"L'J.lOrt 7. Pr~ctices llelcl H. AYcl'acre attendallce ]2. Cases a!te!l(lc·cl lIot O~I l,ulJlic duty 25. Case::; }Il'i\'a,tely l1nrsed AUllual iupectiOD, 21th JlJ~j'. 'Inial 011 paracle 12, Al"Cllt WIth lC[I\'e 1. Aunual re-eXtlllll1Jution, 8th, Api'll. :'II ell J1)t'r ' pa;:st'd 11. Did lIot appear 1. MCllallions 7. Material: splInts, bandages, dC'., \'estecl ill Iroll11l'irlge COl'lls. Division SllPl'ol'll:d by members.




IT. Harrison, B.A., ::ILB.

Lady Superintendent.

2nd Nursing Officer.

Miss M. E. Husson.

Miss lH. J. Hodges.

Miss J. A. Asher.

[Funlll'd 1. (U19.]

Miss lH. Noble, 9, Hobart Street, Leicester.

1st Nursing Officer.

Lady Inspector of Stores,


3rd NUl-sing Officer.

Mrs. M . E. Adcock.

Lady Sec. and L ady Treasurer.

MiEsA. A. Pollard, "Ivanhoe," Knighton Park Road, Leicester.

Officers 5. Nursing sisters 26. Total effective 31. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 18. A verage attendance 26. . Cases attended on public duty 4. Cases attendeu not on public duty 11. Cases J?rlvately nursed 26. Annual inspection, 25th July. Total on parade 24. Absent Wlt~ leave 8. Annual re-examinatioll, 7th and 19th Feb. Members passeu 30 .. Fal,led 1. Medallions 29. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers and 26 nurslDg slst~rs. Material: splints, bandages, bedstead, etc., vested in the Committee of the Nursmg Division. Division supported by the members. The work of the Di vision has been well m3.intained, and the interest and earnestness manifested at the practices has been most encouraging. Four sisters were on. duty at the Royal Progress on October 25th, six sisters have been on duty on 0~11el occasions and four assisted with the Saturday Collection. I nstruc~ion. has been gIven to classes in the town and county, and during the absence of a dlstnct nurse, one of the sisters undertook her work, 103 visits being paid.

III-' \D-QLUtTFI:S: P.\lusn Roo,!, Mucn \\~l~"LOLK. Honoral-y Surgeon.

F. J. Hart,


Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. C. L. Dallks, • ellool Honse, Much Wenlook.

Oflkers 2. Nursing sistcrs 12. 'l'oLal el1ective 1-1. Praetie,e heltl16. A\'cl'age attendance 10. C·l.·e::; altendellnot on public uuty ~4. Cases 1'1'1\,ale1Y,llu:'sed 4. Amllwl ill::;l'ectioll, ht lIIay. Total on paraLle 13. AUlluall'e-exa.llllll a tlOll, ]st :J1ay. Mell,l'ers pas:;etl 12. Medallions 7. Material: baurlages, splints, t~llc~ hospital bed, etc., v('steel in Ironbridge Corps. Division supported hy sub::;Cl'll'tlOllS.



OUT-PATlIGi 1',"



Honoral-y Surgeon.

'Y. II. Challlberlaill, L.l:,C.l'. y

' 1 I It 1' I\H I)' ,



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111'101' 1',, 11 .

Hon. S u rge on .

O. R. OweD,


La dy S uperi ntendent.

1s t Nu rsing Officer a nd Lad y S e c.

Mr . H. E. Yanll, Higha.m Ferrel's.

1'lIi sA. unningtOll, "The Lime " I n hden,

Lad y Inspector of S t or'es and T r·easurer.



y , :rash,

Officers 3. Nursing i tel'S 24, Total eJreetiYe27, . .' P 'actiees held 53. AYel'age attendallce 19.. a (S Increa e Sll1ce l.ast lCrOI~ 1. c IS attelllled not on public duty O. Ul1ses pnyatc1y attended on publIc du~y 1 . t' ,a e ' )t Total on llarudo 19. Absent with . d 26 Annual lllspec lOn, 5t11 q, D' 1 t ' muse,, ' nu . " . t' I 15th ept. Members pa cell3. It :10 appeal leu,ye d :\ 7e-eR~~~1~t~~~' uniform \Yorn by 2 Oflicers and ?~ ~n1l'sll1g ~u;,t~rs. if~teria~ :a 4101~;'ge 'a mbulance ca e, yeste~l in the ~,ur illg Dl\'lfnon. DIYl lOll , 1b Ib cril)tion. of member, a slsted by publIc. . . t'll 'nt~l'ned l'n tIll'';: Diyision and much yalnable Ut I [(wco Uppoltel y Sl t dy p1'oO'ress 1 s 1 mal " t f ea dO d t the public durinO' the past ear, inclllllmg the treu 11'C11 0 g~sfi~::_~i~~e~a e~': wh~l t 26 other huye""been priyatcly nm ed. FoUl' of UD1C ~u h~fn , ' . :, bI' d ty in London at the Royal Progl'(, " nll11g le ny~l~~l~fO'~t t:~1l' ::~\Oa~ t~enl~uk~n Ul) by the Diyision, anddtl1lis g:;'l,tuit?l~ l"0llc ~HlS o 1 ' o. t lOne of the nUl' es 11a alten el Ullu a Sl el a "0 been tamtl:C1sapl~~~I: a~~' and mu' inO' clns e , 8S ,"ell as wcekly mecting!':, ha'l"c been ampn lOn . -, t'l b I I I Tt· drill erO'ean t beld, and military drillilas becn taught y tIe oca ml J alY b'





N o. IV.-North We s tern District. Deputy COllllllissiOlle,'. LicllL.-l'lllolll'l .T. '1'1:olnLI';, t'.~I.G" Y,D., L.ILC.I'" fith Lancashire royal Ganisoll Arliller,)' (\'ok), Lonth 11 o1Il::H.' , BimllJol' 13ritlge, ncar Prc ' lOll, ])istl'ict Ohicf '1IJ'!lcon. 1. '1'llO:'llSll " '\1.]1., f), lIndtlendi 'hl Hoad, Oldham. .Assistullt. COllllllissil))U',·. .J\ll'. ,J. '. ])m:H \'\1, hid COllstahlc, B1al:kpool. District Olt itf S111'1 Ii lI/lIl(hlll. 1\ II'. L. '\ \' II l'lT_\ KL tl, 'Hili r J ~i<lL' II OIlSO, Avcl'ilJgtOll. Diiltrit'l 'llpl., 't'Ll'lltll·!I. 1111. A. L. (; \I: Jq 'l, 1, Hed Lion ~lrcct, h\ll'uley. J)iiltl'ict 81lJl( rintel/dellt oj 8/(11'( s. 'al'\" E. H. 1'lllll,I~Y, L. H. c.l'., Dillton-in-Fume:;, Di~tJ'id SIlI ,crill {c1IC/CIII 1'1'I'tlSIlJ'{ J'. nIl'. F. DE n.-I'",], L.r:. ' .J'" Banowfol'll, Ileal' "'l'1 SOli.

Il 'tll' PilE TO:\', Odobu', 1903, , lIl,-I beg lo hand j'1'1l LIds, my ttlllltHtl report, 011 Lho No . I \. JOl'th ,'Vestcl'll Di:tricL 01' t Ite Ht. J ohl1 Andmlallco Bl'ignl1o, fill' tho J ear "bich terminn.tctl on 30Lh iicl.tcln hL'l, HJ03. Oil t h i!::i tllltl' tho 11111 hnlnllCO Oorjls anel Di vi. ion in tho J)i,,;lrid "hawed 11 l1l11~ter roll as rollows :-~i.' chicI' smgcoll " ,1 chicfnpcrintL'lItlcllts, 11 H hUll. Sl1l'~l'OIL, tiO 'ujll'riutcll(ll'nts, 50 tlllllmlanCl! ollie!"l", 1~9 sergcallts, 1~7 curporab, llild ~ l;i;3 Pl'intlCS, givillg a gnulll total of all nlllks of ~,tiiO, 1'110 I'ecllnlcll tl'ellgth or the 1I\1l'!>illg di\'i,ioll' dming the yenr uuder lel'il'\\' alIlOllllh to 7iti, lh l'olllp:ll'l~d "Hlt ~'1;; ill tlll pl'cecllillg YClll'. It will ht' \lot '.1 thcrc lias hCCll It loss of' tlcngth of OVCI' 300, L·l mo bore ',ly it l1Il1st Ill.' elearly Illillcl' ,toOlI thal the falling otl' ill llulllllL'rs i' simply tho outl'OlllO or the l'llrurcillg' lit' Hl'igiLtlC He~\tlatiolls, The Yllrions l'equirel1lt'llts mnde by thce rules uf' th' 1lIL'1I1hcl'!::i nrc stl'iet1y CMl'icll alit. ill this Distl'id. \rhen illl1iyitlunl' fail to lIIakt' thelllScl\'l'::; llieicllt tlll'Y llre slmck otl' the ~tl'ellgl1l of thcir respcctive ullits. III Olll' Ol' tirO illstalll'l'S 1 hl'l':lllll' :\\\al'e of thc fact that Illcn \\'cre cal'ricd Oil thl' rolls nf' ullit, \\ ho lll'\'el' lIHltll' all' nltl'lIIjlt to COlllply wilh Hcgnlations; tltc~o lliUllLl,-; \YCl'll ,tt Olll'C lelll11\'l'd, \\'ith the result that. tile unit "a" l'edllcl'tl to it skcldoll: 1mt 1)y thL' illf'llsitlll or lll'\\' IJlOllcl it \\a. SOOll l'l'sllse itnlL'l1. It is lcnlly the strict Slll'llTision bcsto\\ccl hy tlte l)istl'iet Stnll' lIll the B.F.~ and othcr brig'lllo forllls, \\'hieh al'ennuls f'LlI' tIll' dillliuuliull ortl'l'II~th herc rt'conlcd. I am Yery I:;tl'ollgly or opillion it is lill' ilL'll'r f'lll the wholo brigade organisaLion to have l'l'(1tH:cd 1II1111ilel's witlt inCI'Cao.;elll'f1icil'llCY, thnn to IJo]:.;Lcl' up intlntcd I'etul'll' COlltaillillg the n(lIues of' alal'ge llttlllh(ll'nf' anilHllnllce \ll('ll \\'ho know littIt, 0(' their work. During thc year the artel'-ll11lllL'd units \\'t'rc 1'(>1'111('(1 llllli dn1y sanctiOllcd :-Mallc11C'. tCl' allll ~alrlll'li Coq.s (co\lljlrising fbll'onl, IlUlllll', !lllll Anl\\'ick Division, Littlel>o\'ongh Division, T(ltllllol'dcn Di\,i"io11, Hindley Di\'iio11 alltI TmwtIell Division; Il 1III 11 IIl'si ng di\'isiolls "Cl'l1 ol'ganised at Tl'u\\,llen lIml Wins('onl, together wlllt the Cusl1l'Lon allli ,VhiL\\'orth Tll1'sillg Di\ision.' nf th' ROl'hdnll' Oorl's. Tho MnllCIll'sl'r Pnst Oflice and t hl' ;'Ianchcst 'I' n11tl :::laICal'll Dh'j, ions lunc 11ccn merged in thl' l\lanchl'sler!l1111 :-I.dCol'd 'orps, and thl' \\nlcr l\lllbnhlllec nlHl Klll'singDivisions RIlll Great Le\'c\' !>i\'ision l Bolton l'ul'ps) ]lUye {'eascll to ('xis!. Tho a11nual pU1'nlles llnd ill'lpr.diclllS 0(' lhl' Nort h· l£ast Lancashirc 'Ol'l's nlltl Didion Ulltl the SOllt11-1~l\st Lancltshil'l' Uorps alld Di\'isio ns \\eI'C hold 1 'spccti\'el,)" at 'YaniuIl'ton 011 thc 20th ,lune, (w(l ttL I ll',I'\\'o(l(l Oil thl1 11th ,lnly, 1903. Illspection (luly ill the Jil't-!t cns' was ('I1l'l'icd out hy mysclf, IUlll nt. Ill')' \\'ootl , Assi 'lallt Comllli:siollt'l' Dcrhalll \\'as the im-ipcdiug ollin'l'. In hoLh instnllcnl the pllmtles Wt'l'O of n mosL in tl'\'('Stillg clillral'lcr. I'nlllllh10 l'hnllellgl ~hicl<ls :tJlll lipS arc uJl11ually COllllll'tl'rJ rol'; thesc trophics l'I'I'i1le n 111'n1thyrivnlI'Y, 1l1111lU'c cOllc1ncivL'iullc\'oloping allloligst alll'!Llllc n. high gl'utlc knowledge of' til'stiLl IUlI11111rsillg. Much ('I' llit is due to th' local eOlllllliLlc('::; \\'110 l'nl'!'j' out all n!'l'tlllg'('llll'nl' IUlll provide t11 finuncinl LoeTlI IIolT:;E, B .Dllli':lt HHIllGE,



snpport necessary to make these functions success ful and useful. Detailc~ r.eport~ have been furnished to head-quarters bearing on these parades. By your pernnsSlOn, SIr, ~hc Annual Di trict Conference was held at :Mol'ecam be on 26th Sept. A large gathcnng of hon surO'eons ambulance and nursinO' officers, sergeants, and. corporals attended the C;nfer~nce, 'and as Deput) -Commis~ioner I occnpied the chair. The :Mayor of Morec:tmbe kindly atteuded and welcomed the Conference to lorecal~lbe. Al.though the subjects dealt with were neithcr hea,:"y nor ab ·trll . e, ye~ an lllstruchve and pleasant afternoon resulted. These re-uUlon~ of th.e officers III a larg.e, scattered area, such as No. IV. District is, are of the hIghest unportance ; aClluallltances are made and cemented, good-fellowship is stren&tbe~)ed, and the general welfare of t.he Brigade enhanced. I have to record my oblJgatlOns to Hon. Surgeon and 8~lpel:111tendent Oldham M.D. and the o~ccrs of the Morecambe Ambulance amI NurslIlg Divisions for th'eir la~ish hos11itality and killCllless in. providing all. the officers ,yho wished to remain in :Morecambe for the week-end WIth acc01l11ll0daholl as gUCfltS of tbeir friends. On Sunday a church paraJe was lleld nnder the COnll;l.anct of District Superintendent-Secretary Garnett. The .Oldbam Corps and Chtheroe Division went into camp, and I had hoth camps l;l1spected an~ reported Oll. In eacb casc the reports were favourable as to the l'outllle of camp hfc awl the general efficiency of the officers and Ulen under ?a~lya . Important ~1l11)l11~nce out.y. \\'LtS undertaken by the Barrow-in-Furness DIvISIon on the occaSlOll of thc YlSIt of H.R.H. Princess Louise to Barrow on the 25th August, 1903. Excellent arrangements were made by Superintendent McLarty. In all 23 cases of injury and sickne s were dealt with. In two instances-(severe fractl1l'es )-the nalme of the accident nece sitated the removal of tl1e injured person by ambulance wagon to the hospital. The inspection of each unit i~ this di trict was nnd~rtakell by tIle District Staff the division of this labour belller mude as equal as possIble, As I IHlYe now some 130 divisions under my charge, it ~'ill be seen that this work l1lnst Cl~tail a considerable amount of railway havellin u and absor1 a large amount of bme. Each inspection is reportpd to me'by the me~nbcr of the s.tari' conducting this. duty, l'l,nd a detail of this report is cnt to the officer of the nmt so as to enable hUll, or her to correct faults and avoid mistakes in tl1e future. This procedure I till(l to wOI~k exceedingly well, and its reception by those conce]']]ed i most enc~l11'agi~lg. The brigade bearer companies formed at Bolton, Preston, and Oldham aye III a hIgh state of efficiency, and the ins1?ec.tion reports on these. bearer (,0J1llH11~lCS are. velY satisfactory. As Deputy-CornnusslOner I was present tllls year at the mS'pechoI~ of the Bolton and Preston Companies, and handed the parades over to the llli'pectlllg officer, Colonel Duke, R.A.M. C., Dr. Thomson, District Chief SnrgeoJ), took this duty for me at Oldham. Volunteering for service in the Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve has not proceeded as rapidly as I could have liked. Althoug~ a goodly number of lLlen have joined this reserve, yet it is not the response wl11c:h should have been given by No.4 District to a l)atriotic call. '1'he standard ask~c1 or by tbe Admiralty is high, and this has stopped a number of those wbo ,yere \\'llll11g to serve from being enrolled. I am yet very hopeful on the score of this Reserye. In closing I beg most cordially to thank all the memhers of my District S~arr for the courteous assistance at all times at my service. Specially mnst I mentlOl1 the untiring devotion to tbe very onerous duties of his position displayed by :Mr. Garnett, the District Superintendent Secretm·y. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, CilAHLES J. TlUMBLE,

el1~losed) a~ ..colllpared with 'V~ last year, 3~4 in ] 001, and 283 in 1900. District Clne[ SUlJClll1tcl1(l.cnt L. ': hl~laket' was 111 cOlllmand, Cllief Superintendent J. Ogden, o~ Accl'lllgton? belJ1g Jl1 chnrge of the llurSlllg divisions. On illspec:tincf the ranlu; I f.ollUd, a~ 1 (lId l.ast year, that many or the l1Lll'.·ing si~ters were \\"earilJ~ ~hesscs not 111 aCL:olllance wltlI dres . l'eglllations, and there '\'a~ a lack of unirorl1lit~ JJl the lll'e:-;s of the mCIl .. AI~ the dotJlJllg was well-fitling, and certainly the men lookeu clean, smart, and :-;OI(~IC.l'-.llke, the ollly exc~pLioll to this 1eing the members of tIle A!;hton-lllldcl'.-Lync J?l\'lSlOj~, .\\'110 para<1cll 111 lJlain clothes. After the inspection a march pn.::;t ::;edlOlls of flllll's was YI~l'y well exccnted 1)), Loth nnrsinO' anrl allluulallce <1Ivl"lOIIS: Tllen l'?II?ll1enc,e(l a ~Ol11jJelltioll for lll'izes to ue a,\anled to tlto.se S(ll1ads who, 111 the OPllllOll 01 the JUlbes, excelll'd ill the apl,lication of SVlll.ltS ~1llcl bandages and strctcher drill. The display was very good, and a tl1.·tllld 1I11111'01'e lllcllt upon last years, and showed that all harl a tllOl'Ollubly intelligent knowledgc of ho\\' to )'('ndel' fil'lit-aiel. Tile prizes were awarded as l~lldel' :_ .Al1I~lllal~('e Corps alltl DiYi;;i~lIs.-1st. OI(lham, with 65 points; 2n r 1 Bacup, "Ith oJ. p01l1l.s ~ ~l'll Croll1l.tOll, WIlli GO l'omts. ~Ul'SJllg Dlvlslon.-lst Bucnp, \\'ith 9~ puints; 2nd 01(111am, "ith 87 points' 3rrl ltochdale, with 0 poillls. Tlti · iii the f'olll'th year in succes 'ion in which th~ Ohlhalll C()l'p~ has occupied the prcm ier position. Th~ ~l1dgcs this yeu :-Fol' lhe :t'~l1:!;illg piYision, Dr. Bentley, of Roy ton ; allcl ~Ol tbc Alll~llllnllce ?orp' n.ud D.I\·lSlons III the applica.tion of splinL all(1 bandages, HOll. Slll'~eOll Clegg, 01 A(;c1'lngtoll ; Hon. 'Ul'geoll C()d::ill, of Kenrlal ; and for 't1'dcllel' D 1'111, la.!l-:::krgealJ t Frost, a ttached to the lL A. ill. C. (Volunteer.), llilllchcslel. Th:tlI ks arc duc to . Aillerlllun Hoyle, J.P., Mayor of Hcywood, who attended and prcsented the prJZ(., allli \\'1.10 llla(le somc comlllendatory remarks upon the ~OO(! work ]Il'rfllJ'JlI~11 hy thc (11\lSiollS in the district; abo to HOll. Secretaries . l'cntull and '. Dlggle, UlJOll whom fell the duty of or~alli iug the 1 arade. I ha\'e the honoUl' to oc, 'iI', y Olll' obcrlien t sel'van t, J. '. DEllHA.:\L .A 'sistailt COJnmissiollet', .i..Yo. IV. Dil:it)'ict, S.J.A.B. To the Deputy C'ol11l11issiollCl', No. IV. ~olth '\ rcslcl'l1 District.


Knight of Grace, Orcle;' oj the Hospital oj St. J ohn of Jerusalem in Enylcmcl, Deputy-Gomrnissione?·. No. IV. Dist1'ict, S.J.A.B. REPORT O~ THE REVIEW AND IN SPECTIO~ OF TilE SOUTH-EAST LANCASUIRE COHPS AND DIVISIO~l> AT HEYWO OD ON 14TH JuLY, 1903.

BLAcKPooL, 12th J~tly, 1903. SIR,-I have to rel)Ort that, ill accordance with instructions l'eccive~ ~r~ll1 you, I inspected the parade of the South-East Lancashire Corps and D1VHilOllS at Heywood on Saturday. Jnly 11th, 1903. There were 12 corps 01' divisions, and 5 nursing divisions, gi Vll1g a total parade of 476 (as sbO"'n by parade state



COHPi' AX!) DIVTSIOXs T'AllAnr~n COl'l'~ 01'



Ih:y,rooD, Satu1'tlny, July 11th, 1903. TIortie

X lllllUC I'

Xllrsing Di \'itiioDs.

ISlrdchcl's.1 Am \JllParade. lance. 011


1. lIeywooll ~. HlldHlale, Oentral ill i l1l1'oW and Newhey - orden Castleton ,rltiLII'ol'l It 3. Cl'om ptOll 4. Ash tOll-undcl'1.Ylle 5. Edell field 6. TIlt[ingtoll 7. Haslillg(lcn 8. Bllry 9. Racldifrc 10. B,WllP 11. Oldham 12. BolLon, II eadq nartcrs Moscs Gate





1:2 10 15 13 29

1 1




on Palude_ I

1. 2. 3. -4.

Tottillgton RodHlale 0ltlltu1l1 BttL: ll P 5. .tbh t Oll-1ll1l1cl'Lyne

13 10 20 22 9



12 21 H 1 41 23 flO

2 1 2 2 1 1 10

3,[ 15

2 1







34 6

REPonT ON TIlE RwnEW AND INf;PECTIO~ OF TIm NORTlI-EAST LANCASIITllE COflrs AXD DIYI,IO.xR AT WARllIXGTON OX 20TH JUNE, 1903. L OUTII HOL'"SE, BA::IIDlm BRIDGE, neal' PnEt;TON, 6th .A~lgllst, 1903. SIR,-J haye to report for your information that on the 20th June I canieG out tllc inspection of the North-Ea t Lancashire Corps and Dil·isions. These units p~raded on the , Yarrington Rugby football field. The paradc '\'as ullcler the eOI1Imand of District Super in tell(]en t tlccretary Garnett, District Superintendent Trcasure!' Pim being in charge of the Nnrsing Diyisions, whilst Dist. Superintendent of ~3lol'es Pooley, di charged the duties of adjutant. District Chief llI'geon Thom 011 aCCOlllpanied me, and. upel'vised first-aid work. There were l,resent H Amhulrlllce Oor]1s aml Di\7ision.", giYilig a total of 305 offiecrs and men. The ursing Divi!<iolls had yielded 9 nnits represented \,ith a parade state of ltil of all ranks. 'ix police s(ll1ar]s yielded 33 men. This brought the total parade state, includillg the district f;talr, to 501. I ,ms received with a general saInte, and after inspecting the line, amal'ch past in sections of folll's was "ell and steadily executed, the Nursing Divisions leading. I was much stl'nck by the impl'o\'ed appearance of all ranks on parade. The uniform was in excellent condition am], as a rule, the men have lparnell to dress correctly and turn out clean, "mart, and soldier-like. The ne,,, browll lJClt equip ment has beeu generally a(]opted . Its serviceable and neat appearance tends to smarten a parade . I am gratifierl to record the great improvement f;hmyn in both foot-drill ann stretcher-drill. As is nsnal i.n the case of these com hilled [larade~, the 1\ l1l' i ng Di vi~ions made a most cred ita ble turn-out. These ulli ts al \\,(1)'S do great credit both to the Brigade and them. cl\'es, and I cannot praise too liighly the spirit of determination to succeed which pervades tllis portion of our organisation in K o. I Y. District. A very halldsonle Silver Challenge Cu]> has been presented by the people of , Yarrington . I am glad to say that the \Yarrington 2nd Did. ion alllhulallce team succeedetl in winning this trophy. There "'ere a nnlllber of very iuterest ing compctitions. Thpse I now detail, giving thp names of the successfd units, together \\'ith those of the judges who conducted the several tests. Ambulance Squads Competition.-Division I., N. E . Lancashire Cnp: 1st Preston, 2ntl Kendal, 3rd Brierfield . Judges: Snrg. Capt. F. A. Brooks, Dist. Snpt. 1 ec., Ko . III. District; T . H . Woolston, Esq . , Assi.t. COl1ll1li&sioncr, TO. III. DistrictDivision 11. , Warrington Cnp.-l t \Val'1'ington, 2m] Olc]halll, 3rd Li\'el'pool. Judges: W . E. Andlancl, Esq . ,;\I.r•. c S., Dist. Chief. Surg., No. III . District; Supt. H arvey Reeves, N orthanlpton Corps. Nur ing Division Squad Oompetition .-lst Bal'l'owford, 2Jlrl Black pool, 3rd Brierfield, Judgps: Dr. S. O. Eades, Hon . Surg., S . .T.A. B.; ,'mg. Major Slpmall, Hon . Snrg. , S.J .A. B . Police Squads" Leonard. :Molloy" Cnp.-lsr Manchester City, 2nd Salford, 3rr1 Preston. Judge.c; : Lieut. W. A. Gil)j), H Oll. Slll'g. , S.J.A . B.; ,urg. Lieut.-Col. E. Cureton, Bon. Snrg., S.J.A. B. Ambulance Corp" and Divisions Review Competition . - 1st Oldham, 2nd Preston, 3rn Accl'ington. .Judges : Sllrg. CfLpt. F. A. Brookl';, Dist. Supt. Sec., No. III. D istrict; T. H. Woolston, Esrl., As<.ist. Comln., No. III. Di.triet ; W. E. Andland, Esq., ::ILn.C. S., Dist. Chief. SlIrg., No. III. District; ,'upt. Harvey l:Leyes, Northampton Corps. N ur 'i:1g Divisions Review Oompetition.-lst BarrGwforu 211<1 Blackpool, 3rcl A~crington . Juclges : Dr. S. O. Eades, Hon. Smg., S .J.'A. B. ; LiC'nt. W. A . (:11)h, Hon. Snrg., S.J. A.B . ; Surg. Lieut.-Col. E. Cureton, H Oll . Surg., S.J . A.B. T o His ·Worship the lUayor of ,Yanington Ul'. J. Charlton Parr, our united ancl c~r~li al thal:ks arc due for his kind a.ssistallcC anrl IlosJlitality. I t would he invlrh ous to SIngle ont anyone for special melltion as all cOllcemer1 used evcry effOlt t o make the inspection a success. ' 1 would here lik~ to express my thanks and indebtedness to the judges, all of whom came long dIstanCE'S to assist us.

Attltchecl Lo this rcpol t is .l'especli ve strengl1ls.


schedule sctting forth the units on paraue wiLh their I have tbe honoUl' to be, ,'il', Your ubedient Servant, OlI AltLE;; J. TltI'\IBLE,


oJ Grace, Order' oj the lJo,spiwl of St. John of JCI'IlSaZem . Dr'JIllly 1'0'0. 1 V. To the Chief OO1ll1l1i sioner, ,'l. Juhn Allllmiance Brig:tde. U()ltl':-; AJo- /) DIYl:-;IO:;\R PA n \ I ll:;\ (} AT

Alllbnl(t\]('l' Corjls rlml Corl'S




ISll"l'tchcn;.1 Litters.


-- - ---- - - -

-1. i\lor(,C'lull he 2. Bumll'Y 3. Brierliclc] 1. Whalley G. Accri Ilgtoll 6. BJa('kpool 7. , 'onthport 8. A1ir:llJl UolliPl'Y 9. Bru TO \\' fo rcl 1O. Kendal 11. Li "('1'1 lOll I P "Tarrington 13. Prcton H. OI(lh't111 ~.

,VA Itnr.GTO"", June 20th, 1903. Tlll'Sillg Di\'isions.






1 4 1 2 2

51 !"1 1~

31 I







3 2

26 ·12 11








Xllmbel' on Parade.


1. Accrillgtoll 2. Whalley 3. Preston ,1, Bla('kl'ool fi. Oldham 6. Briel'ficlcl 7. Bal'l'o\\'rol'll .l\lorecallllJe D. Dlllllipy



I Xursillg DiI'ision. I. I

11 ~5

OOil~missionc.,., lJi~tl'ict, S .J.A.B.

30 8 34 12 2fi 11 15

7 19


POLICE , QL'" AD. ' .

1. ,'nlfo)'(l. 2. ,Yani nglon. 3. Pre~tol1 .

4. BooUe.

5. ?\fanehe tel' City. 6. Dla.ckpool.


LIST OF CORPS AND DIYISIONS IN ORDER OF SENIORITY. AMBULANCE COJlrS AND DIYISIONS Fonne(l. Formed. Ahram Colliery Diviion 5 Jan., 1900 HeY"ood Division 5 June, 1 3 Great Leyer Div. (Bolton " " rc- formed 16 Jan., 1 !)J Corps) 13 Jan., 1900 Winsforcl" 4 May, 1 6 Leyland & Farillgton Diy. Walton-Ie-Dale Div. 15 Jan., 18 7 (Preston Corps) Feb., 1900 Barrowford Diy. 29 Dec" 1 7 27 J\lay, 1900 Headquarters Diy. (Preston "Gherston " 4. July, 1900 Corps) 25 Jan., 18 Banow-iu-FuJ'uc s " 'i Aug., 1900 Police Dil'i ion (Preston Havcrigg (l\Iillom) " ~5 Jun ., 1 9 Ang., 1900 Corps) Black bn I'll " Dukinfiehl Div. 15 lUay, 1 4 Sept., 1900 Colne Di"ision Daubhill Div. (Bolton Oct., 1 Nelson Corps Corps) Brierfield Division ept., 1 5 Sept., 1900 20 Nov., l ' 9 IIodbarrow (~lillom) Padiham " Division 17 Sel't., 1900 JG.ue, 1 90 Burnley" 11 Nov., 1 90 Leigh Division 19 ~e[lt., 1900 Accrington Corps Whalley Div.(re-instatecl)27 'cpt., 1000 Hapton Division March, 1 !H Clitheroe 24 ApI., 1 91 Iutln trial Div. (Oldham " Belfast Sept., 1 92 Corps) 1 Jan., 1901 Hollillgl\'ood P. S.A. Div. Bacup Dec., 1 92 Central Diy. "(Rochdale (Oldham Corps) 1 Jan., ]901 Corps) 10 July, 1 93 Stockport Division Feb., 1901 Royton Division 22 Jan., 1 94 26 Fcll., ] 90~ Macclesfield " 12 Apl., 1 94 24 ~\ pI. 1901 Penrith " Lanca tel' " ·W hitworth Div. (R och24 J ulle, 1 94 Kes\\'iek " 10 ApI., l ugS dale Corps) 10 hne, 1901 Redcli h " 22 April, 1 95 lIIilloll1 IrOll "'orks Div. 10 ,1une, ] 901 Crewe " 25 May, 1 95 Crompton Division 2 June,] 901 Read " Aug., 1 95 St. Mattbew's Di,'. (Plestoll Bnry " 2 I ept., 1 95 Tottington " Corps) 11 July, 1901 12 Ft'b., 1 96 Edenfield " Al agel' Di\'i ion :20 July, 1901 1 Feb., 1 96 :l\Ioreeambe " MilJll'ol\' and KeIYbcy Hazel Grove" 1 Sept., 1 96 Div. (Rochdale Corps) 29 .Tuly, 1901 Equitaule Div. (Oldham Ashton-under-Lyne Diy. 8 Aug., 1901 Corps) 1 Oct.. 1896 ,Yest\\'ood Di ". (01 dllam Horsedge St. Div. (Oldham ' Corps) 1 O('t., 1901 Corps) 1 Oct., 1896 Norden Diy. (Roc:hdule Adlington Division 26 Oct., 1 96 Corps) 22 Kov., 1901 P.S.A. Div. (Oldham Corps) 7 Jan., 1 97 Frenclmood Div. (Pre"toll Southport Division Jan., 1 97 Corp~) 23 "'ov., 1901 Chester " 16 Jan., 1 97 Castleton Div. (Rochdale Fonlridge" 30 Jan., 1 97 Corps) ] 7 Dec., 1901 Askam-in-Furness Div . 1 Feb., 1 97 Moses Gate Div. (Bolton Warrington Corps 25 Fch., 1 97 Corps) ]4 Mar., 1902 Whaley Bridge Div. 5 ApI., 1897 Liverpool Division 1 April, 1902 18 nlay, 1 Sl7 Haslingclen Corps Altl'incllam" 15 April, 1902 Rawtenstall Division June, 1897 25 April, 1902 LongLlen(lale " Crawshawhooth" Der., 1897 Whitelieltl" 28 July, 1902 Newchurch" 13 Feb., 189 Bredbury and Romiley Blackpool " 15 May 1898 Di vision 19 A ng., 1902 Radcliffe Division 21 June' 189 Salford Div. (~ranchester Rishton " 17 Nov.: 1898 and Salford Corps) 30 Dec., 1902 St. I gnatius Div. (Preston Hulme Div. (Manchester Corps) 1898 and Salford Corps) 1 Jan., 1903 Kendal Division 10 Mar., J.899 Littleborough Division 21 lay, 1903 Head-quarters Div. (Bolton Trawden Division 18 J11l1e, 1903 Corps) 21 ApI. 1899 IIindley Division 13 July, 1903 Newtown Division 2911hy' 1899 Todmonlell Division 27 Jnly, 1903 Hartford Div. (Oldham ' Ardwick Div. (Manchester Corps) 14 Sel)t., 1899 and Salford Corps) 31 Jnly, 1903 Dalton-in-Furness Div. 30.r ov., 1899


NURS! Formed. Oldham Di \'ision (Oldham Corps) 15 , cpt., 1 ;) Barrolli'ol'!l " 22 Dec., 1 8 Nelson" HI Oct., 1 9 Colne" 1 l\f ay, 1 \10 Paclihl1lll" 10 Dct'., 18!)1 Bnrllley" JUlle, 1 !l3 Clithel'oe " 23 Oct., ] '\"l3 Roston" 10 May, 1 f)1 Accl'illgton Div. (Accl'ingtoll C01P:) 1~ :J[ay, 1 91 Central Division IUochda le Corps) ~:i .Jall., 1 !l5 Pl'estonDiv.(Pre:tonCorps '2.7 ~lay,] f);' Tottingtun Divi. ion ~ , el,t , 1 !I;j nUl'S" 11 ,'L'l't .. IS!);') Hlaekpool " 1:3 :x ()\'., 1 9:i Fouhitlgc " ;~O,iall.,l!)7 'Yaltoll·le-Dale DiYi~ioll J 1"(;11.,1 97 Baeup " AI'1., 1 9 Morecamhe " 30 .hlll!', ISfHl 1\:e. wick " 24 -'('pt.. L.!l\) Askalll-iu-FuJ'llcs'Di,·. 2:3 ~lay, IHOO



DrvIt>LO:\s . Formed . 30 Jan., 1901 N ewchurch Di vision 6 :l\1ar., 1901 Lytltum " 21 lay, 1901 Dukillfiehl " 10 June, 1901 Whalley" 17 June, 1901 Hisltton " 7 July, 1901 CrawshawlJooth " 10 July, 1901 Uh'erstoll " 27 July, 1901 IlHwtenstall " Milnrow and N(·whey Div. (Rochdale Coq1"') 29 July, 1901 AS!ttOll-U1,rlf:I'-Lyne Diy. Aug., 1901 1 Oet., 1901 Brietfielrl Division Hlacklmrll" 5 Mar., 1902 Daltou-in-Ful'l1ess Div. G May, 1902 Crompton Divi:ion 15 Ang., 1902 19 Aug., 1902 l.i verpool" Willsford" 25 JUll., ]903 TraWllell" 1 Juue, 1903 Castleton Diy. (Rochllale 'Ol'ps) 6 .lug., 1\)03 WllihYOltlt Diy. ' Rocllc1al e Corp·) 19 Aug., 1903

DISTlUlluno:\ OF COHPS A~-]) DIYHHO:\ .

Cheshire-AI t1gel' , Altriucllam, Bl'(·(lbnry nlHl Romiley, hester, Crewe, Dukinfieltl, Hazel Grul'e, IInllingwortb, lIhccle~field, .' ewto\\ll, WIHlley BriJge all(l ,Yinf'onl Diyisioll '. Cumberlund-Havel'igg, IIO{luanow, Ke~\\'i(;k, 1\lillollJ and Pellrilh Divi:-,iol1 . Lancashire COl'ps-Accrillgtoll, Bolloll, Ilaslillg(len, "'clon, Oltlllam, Munehe tel' and -'a Irol'll, l'restoll, ROl:hLlalc aud '\'ul'l'ingtoll. LaneasIlire Di visions-A uralll, Alll inglon, A::;llton ·umler- Lyne .lLkulII-ln -Flllne. " 13a(,llp, Bano"J'onl, B,ll'l"O\\'-in-Ful'lles, 131 a.::klmlll , Blac:1q 001, Brierfield, Bnmley, Hmy, Clitheroc, Collle, raw ha,rboolh, Crompton, Dalt('Jl-iJl-li'Ul'lles ', Ellenlielcl, J,i'oulrirlge, Ilaptoll, Heywood, Ililldley, Lancnster, Leigh, Littleuorough, LiYel'l,ool, LytlHl1l1, nIOl'CCHlIllJc, Jewc:hmch, 1'adihnm, Rudrlill'e, Ra"ten ·tall, Read, Reddish, Hisliton, Royloll, onthport,'[ockport, Tlidmordt:ll, Tottington, 'l'ra'Yllcn, I verston, 'Yalton-Ie·dule, Whalley, and Whiteficld. Westmorelancl-Kendal Division. Ireland-Belfast Division.



S u p eri nte nd e nt.

Ho no r'arv S u r geo n.

W. R. Dix,


1s t

R. B. Mawson, Bickershaw House, 111'.

Office r .

F. A. Linton .

\\Tigan .

Honorary S ecretary.

2nd O ffi ce r .

T. Oaspel1.

[Formed 5. 1.1900.J

In spect or o f Stol'es.

Pte. A. III. Hart, Bickershaw House, near , Vigan .

Sergt. T . Aldred.

Officers 4. Sergeants 3. Privates 4 . Total effective 55 . Dccre,t 'e since last report 12. Drills helel 26 . Average atten(lH.nce 32. Cases attellde.J not Oll public duty 30. Annual inspection, 24th July. Tolal Oll parade 45. Absellt with leave 6. ,Vithout leave 4. Annual re-examination, 16th Jnly. IIIembers passed 35 . Did not appeal' 17. Medallions 37. Regulation uniform "orn by 4 Officers, 3 sergeants, and 40 men. IIIaterial: ambulance warron 7 stretchers, splints, bandages, &c. , ve ted in Abram Oolliery Oompany. Division supported by the Oompany ..

Superi ntendent.

, V. B1acklll1rli, 1, Oanal • t., Adlingtoll, Chorley, Lancs. Inspector of St ores.

Ho no ral'y S ecretary and T reasure r .

Pte. J. Pye .

CorpI. E. Blacklc'dge, t., Adlington, Chorley.

48, Market

'orporal l. Privates 25. Tola] effective 30. Ollicct'ii 3. SergeanL l. Incrense since last rcpOi t 1. Dl'ilh; hcll1 53. Average attendance 14. Remoyals 2. Cases nUellclC;\l not on Imhlic duly 20. Annual insllection, 17th Oct.. Total on parH.ll(' 17 . Ahsent withouL leave 1:3. Anllnall'e·examinatioll, 30th April. U emhers pasHe<1 16. Did 110t appeal' 10. Medallions 17 . Regulalioll uniform \Yom by 2 Oflicers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, an(l :ZO Illen. Material: 2 stretcher., 1 hamper an(l 12 boxes in worl-shops. Di,-isio ll snl'l'ol'le<1 by subscriptions, concerts, &c.

ALSAGER DIVISIO N CHESHIRE ). [FOl'lllcrl :'!0.7.01.J S u pe ri nten d ent.

Honorary Su rgeon.


Honorary Surge ons .

R. Clegg, :UI. n. A. J. Greenwood, M. n .

J. Ogden, 157, Whalley Road, Accrington . 1st Office r .

,Yo H . Bullock.

A. H. Burllcs.

Officers 5. Sergeants 6. Corporals 7. Privates 61. Total effecti'Te 79. D ecrease since last report 11. D rills held 107. A verage attendance 3 . Remoyals 7 4. C~ses att.elld~d on public duty 43. Cases attended not on public duty 16. AllnualmspectlOu, 23rd Sept. Total on parade G. Absent with leave 6. \\'ithollt leave 13 . Annual re-examination, 21st March, and 24th and 25th, ept. Members passed 77. Medallions 62. Service badges 47. Kursing cerLificates 43. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 6 sergeants, 7 corporals, and 61 men . Material: ambulance wagon, litter, 15 street boxes, 46 havresacs at Mills, and 8 at head-q llarters, :29 stretchers, water bottles, ice balls, hath chair, bed cradles, crutches, bandages, &c. :!lIatel'ial vested in the Local Oentre Oommittef'. Oorps supported by grants from Local Centre Committee and donations from the public. The Corps maintains its reputation; progress continues. A new Drill Hall is in course of ere.ction, which will, it is believed, be one of the finest in thc kingrIom. T he co~t WIll be about £2,500, nearly £600 of which has already been rcceived, thanks 111 a great measure to the trustees of the late presic1en t of the Accrin (fton Centre St.J.A.A. , who i~ flllfi~ment of th~ deceased's "ishes, granted £500 fro~l a sl'eciai fund . . A bazaar IS prOJected to .ralse the necessary funrls, and is being satisfactorily orgal1lse~ and supported. Pnbhc duty at football matches anu other gatherings of the pubhc has been undertaken during the year. 24. olficers and men ",ere on duty at the Royal Progress in London in October 1902. The formation of " E" Bearer Co. is in hand, and efforts are being made to get the Company at strenCTth with the least possible delay. 0


Honorary Surgeons.

W . C. R igby, M. B.

F . J. A. Mayes , M. R . C. S.

E. Hus!morth, King's lIIere, Al sager,

HyerS,;\1. n.c.~.

Stoke-oll-Tren t.


C hief Sup eri nte nd e nt.

S uperin t en d ent o f S t ores.

1. II.

Honorary S ecret ary.

Ple. T. ,Yoo\l"'orllIY, Crolle Roael, Alsagel', ,'toke·on-Trent . In specto r o f S to res.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pl'i\',lle C. Howells.

Corporal R. AmOI"

omccr.:2. ol'poml1. Plinte ' 10. Total efrecti,'e 13. Decl'eaRc :;;ince ]n t rcport f,. Drills held 35. Ayerage attendance 8. Cases ntlcIHI('cl not on llllhlic dnty 3. Allllual in pection, 27th June. 'rotal 011 paralIc 13. All-clll willtont lea\'(~ 3. Annnal rc·cxamination, 9th 'cpt. Memllel's l'Hs,c(ll:2. Did 110t ul'pcal' 3. ~ledallions 10. Hcgnlation uniform worn by 1 Ofliccr, 1 l'ol'poral and. 10 fllen. ::'Ifalcrial: 2 slrl'tchers, 1 han-esac, LJandage , &c., vcsted in Dh-i ·ioll. Division snpporl(>c! hy snbscripliotl allll donation. All the Illemuers of lhe Divi. ion (cxce pt lite lIon. ,'urgeoll), 11a\"e adopted and now '.I'ear llniform.



Honorary Surgeo n.





Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.

J. L. \\'o]";tcltllOlrnc, ('an ElJcI, I\H\igation 11<1 .,

In!ipector of S to r es.

Pte. G. White.

AJtrillcltatll. Honorary Treasurer.

Pt . W. Foster. Olli('er 2. Corllorals:2. 1'Iinlte 1. Total e!l"ectiye 2~. Decrease since last relloJt,:2. Drill» held 50. Ayerage attendance 10. Oase attel1lle\1 on pulllic duty 35. 1'olllo\,al·.l. Ca'e atteudc\lnot on public duty 67. Annual illspection, 1st Aug. ToLal 011 p:u'ade 13. Absent with leave 3. 'Without leave 7. Annual re-examillation not held. Medallions G. Knr ing certificate 1. Hegulatiotl uniform wom hy ~ cor[lontls, awl 9 men. J\ latl'l'i ..l: 4 stretcher , allL~ 2 snrgicallllLYl'csfWS, vestcd in tbe Division. Division supported by members' sub cnptions and donations from thc }\nl,lic. Squatls lla\'e aLtended the local football matehe , agricultural show and wake. Several serious cases ntLell\lCll to and melllbers complimented by l1l'geons .




Honorary Surge on .

not appcar 8. Medallions 15. Service ballges 12. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation l1Jlifurlll worn by 3 Omcers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 24 mCll. Material: a111 bulance wagon, 15 wall boxes, 3 Ii Uers, 7 stretchers, splints, bandages, &c. > ve ted in the Division. Division supported. hy voluntary subscriptions.


D. lIall, Lynwood,

A. Hilton, L.S.A.

mall hem Ashton·under- LYlle.


Honol-ary S ecretary.


Pte. 'Y. H. ,Villterbottom, 13, Talbot, treer, A'hton-unclel'-Lync.

Honorary Surgeon.

. M.

Inspector of Stores.


Su per intendent .

T. Brown, 4, Gislurn Rd., Blacko, Barrowfol'd, nr. elson.


Pte. E. Jones. Offi ccrs 2. Sergeall ts 2. Corporal 1. Pri \'ales ~5. Total efrecti I'e 30. rn crea c ince last report 1. Drills hehl 55. A"rragc attenclance 17. HClIloyals Total 011 Cases attended not on public duty 66. Annual inspectio!1; ~f1d ilfay. parade 24. Absrnt without lean 6. Anl1l~alre-exaJllinatiol1. 22ml ~r::ty. r\lc'1ll1lel's passed 23. Did not appear 1. Medallions 7. Nnr illg cel'titiratc-. nlat"l'ial: 4 stretcher!", 4 snrgil'al hanes<lC's, IYat er hottles, . p1ints, uamlage., &c. , \'(If'tec1 in Local Centre. The Divi ion is upported by uhsC'l'il'tions and llullatioll!).


[Formcd 1.2.97.]



Honorary Surgeon .

1st Offi cer and Hon . S ec.

Honorary Treasurer.

A. Laycock, Ii, \Yaltoll Lt'cet, Dano\\'fonl, 111'. T elso11.

Pte. '. Hartley.

I nspector of Stores.

Pte. F. Pritchard. Ofllcers 3. crgeallt 1. PJ'iYates 19. Total elrccti,e 2~. lu t repol t 3. Drill' hcld 49. AveJage attellllallce 9. Remoyals 2. Cases attended llOt Oll puhlic duLy 31. Aunual inspcction, 29th Aug. Total on palacle 11. AIJ!)cnt with leaye 3. \~Tithout leave 6. Annual.re-exallinati?n, 211<1 April. 1Ilc1l11Jcrs l'usccl 11. DIll llOt appear 10. MeclalllOlls 5. Nursmg ccrtilicates G. HC"lllatioll uniform worn by 2 Ollieer., 1 sergeant, and 19 men. Material: f> stretchers, ,1 appliance hoxes, 1 snrgical hUYre 'ac, 2 \Yater bottles, bandagl' s , e-C., n,'tr:cl ill tile Di\,i .. ion. Di\-isioll supported by the memlJer' subscription. , !)ot:ial s, &c. Decrea~e ~illcc


. B. Cook, )r. II. Honorary S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. E. Fry, 'teel ,st., Askam R.S.O., Lanes.

Ptc. J. Fnltun.

HEAD-Ql: \111 I!":

\\'1,.1 E:YA~

• ·l.'lIOUL,


Honoral'Y SUI-geon.




Pte. T. Hutchinson.


[Formed 12.9:...]


Honorary Su rgeons.


F . ,\V. Rigby, )1. B. J. P. Brown, M.n.


G. Lam bert, 8, Pembroke St., Bn,cup.

3rd Officer and Insp. of S t ores.

N. Woodhouse.

Hon. Sec.

1st Class Sergt. W. Browll, 254, Todmorclcll Road, Bacup.

Hon. Treasurer.



Honorary Secretary.

Officer 1. Corporal 1. Privates 13. Total crfectiyr, 20. Incrcase since last report 5. Drills hele1 JO. Avcrage attellllallCe H. Annual inspection, 13th JUly. Total on parade 11. Al,seut "'itlt ]c:\\·c . ,Yitl lout leal'e 1. Annual re-examination, 5th Nov. Membcrs l'assrd 12. Dill not appeal' 4. Medallions 3. K ursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform ,rom hy 1 corporal, and 16 men. Material: 1 Ashford littcr, 2 stretcher.", 1 haYTe.'ac, "l'linis, etc., "(,bicd in the local Centre. Diyision snpported by ul.Jscl'iptioll·, proceeds of cOl1ccrts, &c.


J. illcLarty, 160, RaJl, dell Barrol\' -in- Furnes·.


Hon. Treasurer.


[Formed 29 .12.87.J


Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treas.

Pte. W. Bradley, 27, Badell Powcll t., Yickcr tOWll, DaLTow-iu-Fumc ·S.

'ergt. J. Craig.

0111eer 2. "ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 32. Tota.l effcctive 37. No change in . trength. Drill ' heltl -12. AYerage nttel1l1allCe 21. Ca 'es attentled all public (luty 95. RC'lllomls 10 . Cu e,,; attentlct] not on l~ublie un~y 5-16. Annual ill peelioll, 14th July. Total on pnr~dc 33. Al.Jsellt ,nth leayp 3. 'Without leave 1. Anuual rc-exalllillatioll, 23rd ApI'll, and other date MemLcfs passeLl 33. Dic1110t appear 3. Medalliolls 13. ur'ing certificates 22. Regnla~ion uniform worn by 2 Of/icer, 1 sergeant, 2 corl)or4Is, and 27 men. 1I1atcnal: 3 stretchcrs 3 sUl'CTical havresacs 3 streat boxes, 3 water bottle., 3 rugs, ambulance hamper, splin Ls, 1~a11l1ages, &c.,' "cstcd in ihe Division. Di dsion supported by public .nlHicription . The Division 1m made progrcs tIming the .y~ar, aI~d has been c~n1l11end~d for efficiency in first aid, and iran porl of ih~ IllJI~l'ccl III c~ cs of seno':ls aCCIdents occnrring in the various large works, and III dOll1~ tlut~ ~ll. the publIC street, at athletic sports, regatta, football matches, &c. 1he Dn'lbloll regret the Joss of 1st Ofliccr Leishman, owing to his removal to Manchester.

Pte. J. A. Law.

Offieers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 2-1. ToLal efTedive 32. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 45. Average attendance] 8. Rplllovals Cases attended not on pU1Jlic duty 120. 7. Cas~s attended on public duty 2. AnnualmspectlOll, 21st July. Total on parade 22. Al)sf'nt with leave 1. Without leave 8. Annual re-examination, 27th July. Members passed 23. Did


[Formcd 9. 92 .]


Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.


mith, Chief Fire

tatioll, Chichester Street, Belfa t .




.,.) { .)

Officer 1. Privates 64. Tobl effcctivc 65 . I ncrease since last repOlt 4. Average attenlla,nce at drills 17 . Cu os nltenclclI on public duty 2,271. Removals 2,094. Annual inspcction, 18th, ept. Total on para.de 45. Ab ent with leave 20 . Annual re-examination, 29th July. }lell1ucrs pa sed 24. 1eda1lions 21. Fireman's unifol'1ll anclregnln.tion ann badgcs arc WOt'll . Material : 3 ambulance wagons antI 16 stretchers. Di \'isiol1 supportcd by tbe Belfast Corporation.


J. IT Thompson,;\f. n.

J. Johnston, ;\f.J>.

1st O fficer.

1st 0 ffi ce 1-.

,T. IT cap.

,'. \\T:>lkllcn.

2nd Officer.


Honorary S ecre t ary.

C01·pl. T. Lce, STlmET, BLACKrnrn~ .

S uperintenden t .

Honorary Su r g e on .

J . Leeming, 3,

B. G. Elliott, L. n.c.p.

udcll Uro s, Blackburn.

2 nd Officer a n d Hon . T reas urer.

",V. Trickctt.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privatcs 16. Total eO'ective 23. Decrease since ]a t report 1. Drills held 44. Average attenc1ance 18. Cases attended not on public duty 18. Annual inspectioll, 6th June. Total on parade 1 . Absent with lel1ve 3. 'iiY ithout leave 7. Allnual rc-examination, 29th cpt. 1I1e111b(:rs passed 17. Did not appeal' 5. l'1'I edallions 4. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 16 men. Material; 4 stretcbers, 3 surgical havresacs, splint!'l, handages, &c., vestecl in the Division. D iy'ision supported by public subscriptions.



Honorary Treasurer.

('), l3evcrley Hoad, Bolton.


[Formed 21.4.99 . ]

1st Class 'cl'gt. W. Rushton.

Ollicers. G. ,·'orgcallt.· 4. 'Ol'porals fl. Privatcs 89, Total cfI'ective 101. Dccrcase SlllCC la!'lL rr.pol't 16. Urills helll 51. Avel'n."c at tell(lanC'c 4 C s attl'n~ lcll Oil pu l;lic d ll~~ ·H;. Cases a~tcn(lc(l not Oll public duty 79. ~\.n;lluLt i~~ Sl'tctlOll, 29lh .ept.. lotal 011. pal'udc ;,0. AIJsellt with leave ] ii. ,Yithout leave 34. Annual. re-c~:tJ111ll~tLOI.1 at Val'~~IlS (lates. 1IlcIlllJers l':lsSl"l l 37. Did not appcar 65. Mecl~ lhOl~S. 2;., ~ 11~'.. ' lI~g. ccrLl Ilca h's 03. Heg.nlation uniform worn by 5 Officer, 4 selgc~Jl(,S, " cOI}lol,lls, a~1l11 mell. i\ltLtct'lal: amhulancc. tatioll 12 stretchers 7 sl1l'~pc~l hn. vrc.:ft('.', sJlhnts, &c. Di visioll supported hy mem b~l'. and publi~ Ub1lCl'lptlOl1S. TwelltY-;~\'e 1ll:1l llayo be?ll enrolll'tl ill Lhe Auxiliary Royal Taval ick Berth Re.'el'Yc. 1 ~l~ \\ lll' r.telllona~ tal.lld recclltly nm'ciled ill lhc Pari::;h Church conta ins thc .names of fnnr mCll who (11cl11l1 ,'ouLh .Africa.

DAUBHILL DIVISION (BOLTON CORPS) . [Formed 5.9.1900.] crroo . L, B or:ro.-.

JIE ,\Il-Q1:.AHTEllS: ,'T. Ch:OIWE'8

In charge.


Hono ra ry Surgeon .

[Formcd 15.5.98. J


Super inte nd e nt.

1st Offi cer a nd Ho n . S ec.

L. G. S. Molloy, M.A ., M.D. G. Gosling, T. Donnelly, 6, Church St. , F .S.Heaney,M . A., M.D. 29, Cambridge Road, JJlackpool. Blackpool.

,'crgt. T.

BC11II Cll ,

30, ROS,lll1Ul1(l, 'trcet, Bolloll.

.:crgcllllt 1. Corporals 2. PriYates 10. Total cfJ'ecti,'C 13. . Decr?a.·(:' 1-l1Jce In·t ),CPOlt 4. Drills l.clc1 ,12. A" el'l:l"e attendance 6. Annual lllspcrholJ, 3!llh. 'ep~. 'rota.l Oll parade 7. .All cnt with 1~l ve 1. Without leave 7. Allnlla~ rc-exnlllllla.~lOn, ya~·lOll. elaLes. Mc~nhel's ]In.' ell 6. Did not appear 7. 1\lel1alllOll 1.. ~ lll'smg cel'llfi.caies ,1. ;..ratel'lal: street box, 2 tretchers surcrical hune.ac, splints, &c. ' b

2nd Office r .

R. H . O. Hill. Officers 5. ergeants 2. Oorporals 4. Privates 37. Tolal effective 48. I ncrease since last report 4. Drills held 45. A verage atte11l1ance 21. Annual inspection, 20th May. Total on parade 41. Ab. ent with leave 4. Without leave 4. Re-examination, 20th May. Members passed 40. Did not appear 8 (4 in South .A flica). Medallions 20. Service badges, 6. Nursing certificates 15. Regulation uniform worn by all ranks. Material : 1 stretch er, 1 havl'esac, Division supported by members' subscriptions. The medal granted by the Order of St. John for service in South Africa was presented to 29 members a.t the Annual I nspection. Hon. Surg. Molloy and Supt. Gosling were publicly presel1ted with the medal for service rendered in mobilizing the above on Sept. 5th, at the Police Court, by Deputy-Commissioner T rimble, the Mayor of Blackpool being in tbe ohair.


Chief Superintendent.

F. Lomax, 13, W yresdale Road , B oltoD..



'TllEJ,T, 1II0sEs UXfE, J30LT()~.

Honorary S urgeo n.

A. Hodge,


3rd O fficer (in charge).

n .c ..

J. Hunly.

Omocrs 2. Privatc.' 17. Total cfl'cetivc 19. . InCl ~nsc since In·t reporL, Drills held!G. Avcrage attendance U. Annual 11lspectlOll, 29th 'cpt. Total on paralIc 1G. .A.b.-cnt with leave 1. ,rithont lcave 1 Alll~'l~all'c-exnl1linaLiOl.~, 25th. ~UgllSt. nlembcrs pa seel1. Medallions 2. Ul' ing cer~Ihcate 1. ~e~l~lttboll lllllJOl'lll WOl'll by 17 mcn. Matcrial::2 stretcbers, huvresuc, sphuts, &c. DlvIsIOn supportctl by ))lcmbel's' and public sub cl'iption .



TATIO~, ]300TLE.

Honorary Surge on .

W. N . J3arlow,

Superi ntenden t.

M. ll. C, H.


,Yo ;"lOO1'C, ta tion, BootIe, Li YCl'l)oo1.

359 Inspector' o f Stor'es.

Hono ra r'y S ecretary.

Pte. J . Oarf>y.

P te. J . J. Bolton, 44, \\Tadham Rd., Bootle, Li verpoo1.


Hono rary Treas u re r .

Pte. J . Tal'buck. Officers 2.

Privates 32.

Total effective 34.


[Formed 19 .8.02.J


S u perint e nd en t .

Hon o ra ry S urge on .

T. P. Blade,

L. R . C.l'.

,Yo Warbl1l'ton, 17,

tcckport Road, tockport.


Inspector of S tores.

Ho no rary S ecretary.

Pte. D. Slater, 12, Ohadkirk Road, Romiley,


lIicer~ 2. Sorgean ts 2. O~l'poral 1. Pl'i vates 20. Total effective 25 . 1 2 Decreaseslllcc last report 9. Drills held 53. Averaoo aLtE'l1clallC 12 I) 't l I t bl' 0 e . cemova s . a" ene ee no 011 l.lU 10 lluty 23. Annual iml)ectl'on 6tJ J Ttl Oases . 1e 20 . A"usel1 t '''It . J1 I eave 6. Absent without leave 11' 1 une. 0 a on pala( . 'ltl A . A ll11ua1 re-exanllna t 1O~1, 1 I. ngu t . lembers passed 21. Diu not appear H. ill ed n' . 10 N urslllg cerLl ficftLes H. Rerrul,ttiol1 uniform worn by 10m ~ 2 aseroeants IOns . r • • 1 1?0 0 " ICeI', 4 !ttters 7 stretchers 2 <11'0' 1 I 0 , 1 .COI POIU ,um ~ 111en. . Mal.enal: . ' " "lolca lavresacs Cf 1 strctcher I Irna tena . l' 11 s t ree t 1)OXCS, I. 1 eac 1 contallllll . 0 , 1 haVl'eSnr> "v, alld ...nIl1b II ance al1L1 120 a1l1ull ance lJags ll1 m.ills .and wOl'kshnps, vested in the Division. Divisiol~ supjlJl'tec1 by voluntary contnhullOlls and membel'3' subscriptions.


Honorary S ur-geon.

Pte. W. Heginbotham .

T . Oalro\\',

Officers 2. Seraeant 1. Oorporal 2. Privates 25. Total effective 30. I ncrease since last l~port 5. Drills held 49. Average attendance 17. Rellloval1. Oases attended not on public duty 25 . Annual inspection, 25th July . Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 3. .Without leave 5. Ann\lal re:exa11lil1at~0J1, 18th Auaust. :Dlembers pal:lscd 20. Did not appear 9. Medalhons LJ. Materml: 1 litter'" 2 tretchel's 1 emergency ca e, splints, hand ages, &c., vested in the committee of the Di~ision. Divi ion upported by public subscriptio11. The Division is taking teps to supply the members with uniform .



1st Officer.

J. Houghton, 10, Fleh'her t., Bury.

G. E. Jones.

J. Hoyle,

Hon. T reasu rer.

Pte. T. ,Yo Ho"arc1, 10, De\'oll , treet, BuI'Y.

Mr. J. Oox (lIon. Mem.)

Oflieel'. 3. Sergeants 4. Privates 54. ToLal effective 61. Dcrease SiUC'l' last .report 16. Drill' hold 41. Average atte11dance 24:. Oa es attenllc(lllot 011 puhlIc duty 111. Anllual ilLpectioll. 1st Aug. Total on parade 32. Ab"e11t with lea\'e Without Jeave 32. Annual re-examination <)Hh S t M~eJ~l."ers 1 1 'J D'l ,~badcres er> pa~s.cl ~ _ '. Ie no t appear~ . . lIIellalliolls ]9. 'enice 1:2.. 1'I1ll , I11g celilfJca~e' D. RegulatIOn uJ:dorm \YOJ'll by 2 Ofl1cor,', 4 :ergeant, and 4~ mCll.. lIlntennl.:.1 ~ ..;iretche1'.. lll'gH.:al ha\'l'c~ac. and 3.l. hoxe " fitte-cl with first ~l.lll appllallcc,;. 1)11'151011 SUl'pol'le<l 11)' lllo1l1hers alHll'uhlic subscriptions.

CHESTER DI VISION (CHESHIRE). [Formed 16.l.!j7.]

Honora ry Surge on s.

J . , . WilsOll, M. B.

~l. U. C. s.


T. PIlhll"

O. Ihrr;, on,

W. Webster, Station House, Brierfield, nr. Burnley. Inspecto r o f S t o r-es.

J . Bates, 76, Halifax. Road, Brierfield, neal' Burnley.

Pte. W. Greenwood.

'CllOOLlWO:)f, OUE:-;TElL

Hon. Surgeons.

S uper intende nt a n d Ho n. T reasurer.

1st Officer and Hon , S ec.



Hon. S ec.

Mr. H. Spencer (Hon. 1'lIem.).


:\I. R. C. R.

tockport. Hon orary T reasurer.

W. Biru,



D. O.

U tt Oll,:\1. n.


Inspector of Stores.

F. T. ?lJiHoll, :2S, (Jllecn's A"elll1e, Oity Ron.d, Ohe tel'.

Pte. II. 1;111erwool1.

Officers 5. Sergeant 1. Privates 26. Total dfective 32. Decrease since last n:port 1. Drills held 44. Average attendance 16. Removals 8. Oases attenuec1not on public duty 5.6. Annual inspection, 27th lHa)~. T otal on parade 24. Absent v,'ith leave 4. .Wltllout leav~ 3. Annualre.exal.\!lnation, 3rd Oct. 1I1embers passed 27 . Medalhons] 6. SerVICe badges 10. N ursmg certificates 18. Regulation uniform ,yom lJY 3 Olficers, 1 sergeant, and 24 l~lell. Material: 1 litter 7 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, 20 emergency boxes, splmts, &e., vested in the' Oommittee of the Brierfield Oentre. Division supported by Local

Officer: 3. ol'geant~ 2. Oorporal 2. Pl'i,-ates 17. Total effectiY2 24. Decren e .. illce la ~ report Drill' he:hl 20. AYerage uttelHlance 13 . Oa es a\tellded,~lot on pn,bllc Ul~~Y U. Al1l1l~al illl:lpection, 10th Oct. Total on parade .Ii )sent \\Ith lea,e 3. \\ lthout leaye 23. Anuual re-examination, 29th July and 10th Oct. l\l0l~1 bel'S pas 'eel 7. Dillllot appear 26. lHedalliom; 11. Materilll : 3 stretcher, spl1n t., eLe., ye ted in the Di yi iOll. Di vision 5UI)l"01ted by Local Centre.

Oentre. A squad from this Division secured the Oup in the Argenta Oompetition, open to. N o. 4, 5, and 6 Di tricts, at Blackpool, on 5th September.


r . nIU1Y\; OLD


Honorary S urgeon.


G. E. OrlllC, M.lLC.S.

Honora ry Surgeon.

R. M. Wbitham,


Ho n o rary Se creta r y.

Oorp. J. Wilkinson, 27, Wilton St., Burnley.

1st Offi cer and Hon. Treasu rer.

J . Wilkinson. I nspecto r of Sto r e s.

Pte . J . L . OolbUln .

1st O ffice r .



M. H. Daw'on, ·10, \\\:11 Terrace, Clitlleroc. Honor'ary Secretary.

W. Uushton.

Oorpl. J. Mitchell, Oli theroc.

Inspector- of S tores.

Honor'ary Tr-easurer-.

S erg!;. '\T.



Ptc . J . H. Gamer.


360 Officers 3. Sergeants 3. Corpora ls 4. Privates 36. T otaJ effective 46. D ecrease since la t report 7. Drills held 95 . Average attendance 22 . Cascs attended not on public duty 30. Removals 13. Annual inspection, 3rd July. T otal on parade 23. Absent "ithout leave 23 . Annual re-examination, on various dates. Member passed 35 . Did not appear 6. Medallions 18. Nursing certi ficates 17. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 3 sergeant, 4 corporals, and 35 men. Material: 1 litter, 6 stretchers, 2 \yall boxes, 1 surgical havrc 'ae, 1 tent, splints, bandages, &c. Division supported by public sub criptions . The Divi ion, with great crratitude, desire to aekno\dedge the valuable services of Hon. Surgeon Orme, and his gift of a new stretcher. The members al 0 desire to record their thanks to L ady Ribblesdale, for the generous donation of £22 from the profits of a dramatic entertainment, and to Messrs. Cowman for free nse of field for drills.


[Formed 15.5.8 .J

HEAD-QUARTERS: 17, D ERBY STREET, COLNE. Honorary Sut·geons.

\V. E. Lovett, L.R.C.P .

A. A. G. D ickey, M.D.

A. Hey'l, M. B. 1st Officer.

Su perintenden t.

E. Scott, 5,


T. Burrell.

treet, Colne.

I nspector of Sto res.

Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. B. TitheringtoD, 4, Henry


Corpl. J.





Honorary Surgeon.

Superintend en t and Hon . Sec.

O. 'Wilsoll, M.D . 1st Officer.

,Yo G::LII'thorne.

[Formed 22.4 .95.J



Oldham, 40, Oatherine 'treet, Cre\\'e.

I nspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

CorpJ. J . T. J oncs.

l)te. J. T. Fisher.

OfIicers 3. ergeanls 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 14. Total efleetive 21. Drills held 41. Average attendance 9. Cases Decrease sine~ la t report 8. attencled.on pnb~lc duty 24. Hemo\'als 43. Cases attended not on public duty 327. Annual 111 'pecholl, 231'd ept. Total on parade 17. Absent \yithout leave 9. AlJnua~ rc-ex~miJla~tior~, 011 \'ar~ous dateK. Members pa!"sed 11. Did not appear 9. Medallions 13. urslllg certlflcales 2. Regulation uniform worn lJY 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 13 men. Material: 4 stretchers, 2 sUl'crical harresacs e!l1erg~lIcy uoxe', &c., &c. Division supported hy annual conc~l't and pubJi~ sllbscl'll'tlOn . Brigade Gencral Regulations having been enforced the Division has been considerably rer~llced, but it is now in a 11.lOre capable anrl healthy condition. Public duty has agalll. hcen performe? at agncultnral shows, f~tes, &c., and the \vork of the member I much apprecIated. A memorial to those who served with the outh African Fiel!l Force, was unveiled by Lord talbridcre b , the tablet thereon inclmlinu b . t 1IC name' of SlX am lmlauce mcn who weut from Crewe. At the close, 6 bloDze medal gral.ltecl lly the Onl.er of • t. John, were preselltetl uy lhe daughter of Lonl tallmJge, 2 medals belllg handed to the parents of decea ell mem LeI'S with sympathetic remark: in each ca..e. '

Honorary Treasurer.

111'. J. L. Wildman, J .P. (Hon. Mem.) Officers 5. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 39. Total eITective 48. Increase since last report 1. Drills held 2 . Average attel1llance 13. Oases attended on public duty 6. R emovals 77 . Cases attended not on puLlic duty 96. Annual inspection, 23rd May. T otal on parade 41. Absent with leave 7. Medallions 12. Service badges ] 6. Nursing certificates 21. Hegulation uniform worn by 4 Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, anel 38 men. Material: 1 ambul~nc.e "'agon, 2 litters, 7 stretchers, &c. Division supported by public su bscn ptlOns.


As, Ei\lDLY Roo.\(,

Honorary Su rgeon.



[Formed 2 .6.01.J lIA W.

Supt. and Hon . Treasurer.

II. Morton, Pingot, •'haw, nr. Oldham.

DaYi.', '\I.B.

1st Officer and Honora ry Secretary.

J. E. Fodell, 4, Queen 'treet,

haw, nr. Oldham.

I nsp ector of Stores.


Ont'pl. [Formed 12. 97 .]


E. L. Compston, Superintendent.

F. Oompston,

L aburnum Cottage, 7, Orawshawbooth, Manchester.

~I.B .

Hon . Secretary.

R. Smith,


Inspector of Stores.

Corp1. W. . Harding, Sergt. T. E. H ollows. Spring Garden, Orawshaw booth, Manchester.

Office~'s 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 10. T otal eITective 16. D ecrease Sillce .last report 5. Drills held 40. A verage attendance 9. Cases attende~ on pU~1hc duty 3. Removals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 19. An nuallll spectlOn, 4th July. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 1. '\Vithout leave. 2. Am:ual re-examination, 21st April. Memberl> passed 16. Medallions 5. N urSlllg certIficates 9. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Offi cer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 10 men. Material: 1 litter 8 stretchers 8 water boWes 7 wall boxes ~ul~y eCluipped, &c., vested in the Di~isioll . Dividion supported by public subscnphons.


A Lbott.

Officers 3. Corporals 2. Pri\'ate' 36. Total efl'edive 41. Increase since last report 6. Drill held 61. Average attendance 23. Rellloval1. Ca es attended llOt on plllJlic duty 25 . Annual in, peciioll, 13th June. Total on pamele 36. Ab ent with leai'e 4. 'W i thout leave 1. Anllual re·examination 1 th Murch . IIlembers pa sed. 36. Failed 2. Dill not appeal' 9. 1Iledallio~s 14. Nursing ccrtifict~te~ 16. Ref:,'1.1lntion 1111ifor11l worn by 3 OlIicers, 2 cOl']?oral , and 36 me;1... Maten.al.:.5 wall boxe , 6 slretcherg, 4 surgical 11a vresac , &c ., ,e, ted. in the DIYlSlOll. DnTlon supported by subscriptions.


[Formed 30.11.99.J



Honorary Surgeon.

T. F. ]orster, M.R.C.S. Superintendent.


Grigg, Bleak House, Dnltoll-ill-Furness. II,


Honorary Secretary

Pte. nl. J. , Yoodburn, 103, Oleator t., Dalton-in-Furne s.


362 Inspector of Stol' es.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. E. HOTrard.

Pte. J. Salauine.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 15. Total E'IrectiYe 20. Decrease since last report 7. Drill held 23 . Avcrage attendance 10. Removals 42. Oases attended not 011 public duty 39. Annual inspection, 15th July. Total on parade H . Absent with leave 4. 'Without leave 2. Annualre·examination, 25th Sept. Members passed 1. Diel not appear 1. Medallions 1. :N ursing certificates 12. Regul ation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 s3rgeant, 2 corporals, and H men. Material : 5 Fudey stretchers, 3 surgical havresac, wall box, splints, &0. Division supported by donations, concerts, &c. The North Westerll Oup i'3 still held by the Division . The gradual decrease of the Division is due chiefly to emigration, and it is to be regretted that the local Oentre cannot see their \Yay to arrange for classcs to bring recruits to the Division.


Hon . Surgeons.

A. A . G. Dickey,

W . A. Doyle,

M . D.


Hon . S ec. and Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. T.

mith, 16, Ohapel

t., Foulric1ge, nr, Colne.

Officers 2. Privates 10. Total effcctive 12. Decreasc since last r port 3. Drills hcld H. Average attcndance 6. Anullal inspcction, 2 tll Scpt. .ToLal?1l parade 5. Absent "'itll leave 2. 'Without le~ve 5. Medallions 2. Rcgulaboll UlllfoJ'l1l wom 11y 2 Officers and 9 mell. 1IIatenal: 1 litter, 2 stretchcrs, 1 hflNresac, bandages and s11lints, ycstrd in thc Division . Diyi 'ion supportecl by puhlic subscriptions.






Hono rary SUI'geons.

J. R. S . Park,

L.R.C.P .

J. Miller, )J.B . D. Booth, M. n.C..

E. A. Clarke,


II EAD-QUAlt'l Ell. : \\' EsLEYAX


Honorary Surgeons.

Sup erintendent.

J. G. Joncs,

A. Harlow, Market Strcet, Hyde.


J, H. Shotton,

L . R.C.I' .

Hon. S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary,

Pte. J. Pickup, Hill Orest, Dllkiufieh1.

PtE'. D. Kershaw.

Sergt . T. Oarter, 2, Water .'treet, IIapton, Dlll'111ey .

Officers 5. Privates 9. T otal effective l-!. Decrease since last rcport 1. Drills hE'ld 25. Average attcnuHnce 8. Oases attended not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, Oct. 6th. Total on paradc 10. Absent without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 11th Nov. 1I1em uers pa ed 10. Did not appear 4. Medallions 6. Kursing certificates 7. Regulation uniform worn by 9 men. Material: 4 stretchers, 1 havresac, &c" vested in local Ccntre. Divi 'ion supported by voluntary contributions.

OOiccrs 2. >.:crgeallt 1. Prinltcs 7. '1'ota.l cfl'ectiye 10. Decreasc since la.t H'port 3. Drills held 3£1. A \'Crage a ttcndnnce 5. Removals 3. Ca. cs nttcntlc(l 1l0t on pl1hlic uuty 14. MCllnJliol1s 4. Hcgulntion uuiform ,,"om by 1 scrgeant and mcn. nlaterinl: 1 littel, 3tretchers, 1 surgical hunesac, ~ a!llbula.ncc liag.', 2 \\,<1 tel' hottlcs. Di \'iiOll supportecl by public sub scri ptiollS.




Honorary Surgeon.

H. G. Deans,

Su perintendent.

M.A ., M.D.

K. AslnrOl th, 1rwe11 Yale, Edenficld, nr. Manchester.

Honorary Secretary.


Chief SUl'geon and Chief Superintendent.

E. Gmltalll.

Pte. G. Pickup. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 25. Total effective 31. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 4.0. Average attenllallce 17. Oases attended not on public duty 31 . Annual inspcction, 19th Sept. 'rota,l on parade 26. Absent with leave 4. 'Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 23rd June. Members passed 30. Diu not appear 2. Medallions 21. Service badges 6. Nursing certificates 11. Regulation tmiform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 2fl mcn. Material: 1 litter, 7 stretchers, 1 surgical havl'csac, amI 6 wall boxcs. Division supported by members and public subscriptions. The chief event of the year was the unveiling or a beautiful memorial cross t? a late comrade, Pte. 1'. H. Haworth, (who dicli in South Africa), iu Edenfield Pan sh Churchyard, on April 25th, in the presence of a large assemhly or amuulal:ce men, volunteers and others, amongst the latt er being the Vicar of the pa1'1sh, and :Major Kemp, M . P . , who had served in South Africa.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.


Pte. ,'. . Oaultoll. 2, Fair Hill, llcllw;horc, ;)lanchestcr.

PtC. M. H. Green.

I nspector of Stores.

,Yo Thompson.

Honorary Treasurer.

RO.\.D, H.\.sLIXGDE~.

J. Droomhead, ~l.n., 16, 1h:gcnL 'lreet, HaliugLlt:ll, :Jlanchester.

Inspector of Stores.

] st 01. Sergt. W. Haslam, Tor View, Euenfield, near Manchcster.


1st Olasti 'ergL. ,Yo Greenwood. ergeants 3. Corporals 2. Primtes 29. Tobl cffcctiyc 36. Omcers 2. Drills held 4.. An~mge attpntlance 11 . Ou c Decrcase since lust rcport 3. attcnded not on ]luhlic eluLy 6. An1lual inspection, 15lh July. Total on parade 21. Absent "'iLh le:1\'c 1. \YithouL lc,t"c 14.. Anllllal rc-ex::uninntioll, 12lh August, Mcmbers passed 1. Did not appear 17. l'Ilcc1allioll 7. 'l1l'sing certificllte 7. Regulation uniform \Yorn hy all ranks. l\1aterial: 4 trcct box~<:, 4 h·~tc~ler, 1 surgical ha vresae, ballclnges, pI in ts, &c. Corp ,1l1'portcLl by pll uhc u bscnptlOn


Honorary Sllrgeon.

J . J. Andcrson,

L.ll . C.l'.




Jack 011, 1, BankllelLI Road, Htwcrigg, ?\iillom .


3G4 Hon. Sec. and Treasut'er.

Sergt. J. N orthmore, 1-1, 1\1 ain , treet, Ha ~' erigg, Millom.

Inspector of Stores.

1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.

crgt. J. Asko"-.

J. E. Hodkinsoll, 64., BrOOlllhol1se Street, Wigan. Officers 3.

ergeants 2. Pri\'ates 6. Total effectivo 10. Officers 2. Decrease since last report 6. Drills held 2~ . A verage attendance 6. Case attended on public lluty 1. Removal1. Annual in pection, 5th Sept. '1'otal on parade 7. Absent without leave 4 . Annual re-examiuation, 5tll Scpt. rOmUOl'S passed 6. Ditlnot appeal' 3. Medallions 7. Division snpported by IIoclbulTOW Mining Company, Millom.



Honorary Surgeon .

,Yo H. Tomlinson,

GltOVE, :Nil.


1st Officer (in charge).

J. H.. Bl'o\\ 11, Spring Ganlen , Hazel Grove,

F . R.C . ..

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. R. Gosling, Groat Stockport.



Inspector of Stores.


Pte. T. 'ayeI'.

Honorary Treasurer.

'crgeants 2.

Corporals 2.

rrivates 31.



Su pe rin tendent.

Honot'ary Surgeon.

J. "'IV. HUllsOll,


L.lL C.l'.


Honorary Secretary and T reasure t'.

Fore1, 81, Aluert treet, Millolll. Insp ector of Stores.

Pte. J. J. 'hopho]'(l, :~3, Nelsoll Street, 1\lillom. Pte. J. 11. Jenkinson. Olliccrs 2. 'ergeant 1. Privates 19. rrotal elfective 22. Iucrca e sillec last rC}'01 t 1. Drills heltl 39. A\'oragc uitel1uunce 9. Cases attcJlc1cll nol on public L1ut.) 3G . Anllual in . pcction, l ' th July. Total on parade 17. Ah!SCJlt without lcave 1~. Allllllal rc-oXUlIIillation, l~th ,'opt. l\lember:; pa.seLl Hi. Dill not appeal' U. Mec1ulliolls 12. 1\laterial: 5 stretchers, 4 lla\'J'esacs, ,1 water hotllcs, 1 Lowl11oor jaekd, splints, lJalldugcs, &'c., \'c~tcd in the lIodbalTow l\linillg CompallY, who support the Divisioll.


Pte. H. Dowden. Officers 2. Sorgeant 1. Corporal1. Pril'atos 20. Total orl'eetil'!) 24-. Docrease since lu t report 4. Drills held 46 . Avemge attendance 15. Hemol'als1. Annual inspection , 4th July. Total on parade 20. .Absont with lea.Ye 4.. \\Tithout leave 5: Annual ~e-e~alllillat~~n, ih June. flIeml.)ol's pa. seel19. Did not appeal' 2. Medalhons 1. NUl' mg certlhcates 12. RegnlatlOn ulllforlll worn 1Iy 1 Omcer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal a.lld 19 men. Material: litter, 6 stretcher, 1 hampol, 1 hox, Division Sllppol'tl'd by 5 street wall ea es, spll1lts and bandages, vosteLl in Officers. public donations, concerts, &c.

ToLal efIectivo 41.


KLW HOAD, J(r.;.'\D.\L.


Honorary Surgeon.

Capt. W. B. Cocktll,


"T. Hanison,

~, Ash :\leJ.uolYs, l\.enurd.

In spector of Stores.

1st Offi cer, Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

Pte. S. Fenton . .Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 23. Toial effcctive 32. Dnlls. held 5? Average attendance 15. Cases attonclcd not 011 public July 46. AnnualmspectlOll, 13th May. Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 7. Wilhout leav~ 6. Anuual re-exan~ilJatiou! ?3rtl Sept. lIIembers passed 15. Did not appeal' ] 9. ServlCe badges 9. NUl','lllg cerbhcates 19. Rogulation nniform worn l)y 2 OlliceJ'R, 2 serge~nts, 3 corporals, and 22 men. l\laterial: 4 strotchors and ] 0 street boxes, vested m Local C(~ntre . Division supported by public subscriptions.

Corp!. A. Leighton. C. ,\\'. lIelo}l, W illllclIlwre Road, hCllda!. '(jrJlomb 3. Privates 2. Total cJI'ec1ive 36. OIliecl' 3. f:)cl'gc tlll1s~. 111t:l'cut:iC :;illce In L rcport G. Dlills hclel 31. A\cluge attel1l1ance 23. Ca. cs aLLewled Oil l'lIlJlic duly 36. l{cllloyuls ~2. Cuses utleJl(led not 011 pul.Jlic duty 5~. Allllual illspcdion, lOth July. ToUt! on parade 3:2. .l\11sent \"itll leuye 4. Alll1l1ul rc-cxuJlliuatioll, lotll Oct. 1\lemuel" pas::\eu 33. Did not aplleal' 2. l\Ied(\lliolls 11. 'cl'vice budges 11. ~l11'S!llg ccrLiJicates ~2. Regulation unifOlID \Yom uy 3 Ofli ccl's, :2 sCI'geants, 3 cOl'}lomls, uud 27 mell. lulerial : aml.Julallce WUgOll, field UlllbulttllCC stulioll, 1 As\tJ'onl littcr, strcichers, 1 surgical huvl'esacs, water LottIes, &e., I'e:;ted ill the COlllmittee of the Divisioll. Division SUppOl ted by memuer', honol'llry lUemher~, and jluulic suhscliptions. '1\\'0 Olliccrs allli 1~ !l,en took duty aL the Royal Progrcss in October, 1902. In com l'eli Lion \lork tl1 e YUrions t calliS SCll t frolll tIl C Division haY e reaSOll to congrulnllLte thelllsches olll'culLs. The Cro1;1ieltl ChallelJge , 'hicld was. ecmetl for the sccolld LillIe ill succession; tllo Symon Eccles CUI) amI tho TUllttll 'hullellgc hield arc also hclel hy the Dil·ision. III the Argcnta Cllnllenge Cup 'olllpetitioll the DivisiolL lla(l to be contcnt lIitheconc1 plac '. The \\'olk douc lly Lhe Di\'i. ion at tlte great gUllpoll'llt.:r explosioll, Ilcal' I\cIIIlal, in ",hieh seYCl'al \lere killed, others seriously illjmed,}IlOlllpted 1h' GUllpoll'ller Company to gilo the Dil'i:;ioll a handsome chcqne which, aid!:d hy pllhlie SU1JSCliptioJI " ellllbled an up-to-llate allllJUlaucc caJ'l'iagc to be plIrch" cd. A beal1lil'tll ura~s lIIclIlol'ial1nlllel Itas beell elec1ed in the rarish Church in lllclllory of local lllPU "Ito diod in 'ouLll lUliea dlll'illg the ,Yar, and includcs the names of mCllluel'~ of tIle Di\'i~ioJl. Tlte DivisioJl Itas seveml lllcmucrs 011 the strength 0(' Lhc H,oyal N[LYal 'iek Berth Reserve.




Honorary Surgeons.

H. H. J. Hitchon, M.R.C.S.

J. J. Butterworth,

Superi ntendent.

J. T. Hardman, 22, Wild

M . D.

1st Offi cer.

troet, HeywooLl.

J. T . .A hWOl'th.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. R. Townsley, 56, Wellington Road, Hopwood, IlpYlI'ood.

PriYate R. Chadwick .

Honorary Treas ut·er.


Honorary Surge on .

T. M. Angior, M.rt.C.S.



G. J. Bouchior, Strn.ngeways II ouso, l)latt Bridge, Wigan.

'IWS'lllWA1TB PAl.. II:ll[

Honot'ary Surgeo n .

J. R BUJ'JleLt,

M . D.

1100111, I(ES\I'ICK.

Superinte ndent .

G. llogarth, Cragvuo, Lake l'oael, F cswick.


3G6 Hon . S ec. and Inspector of Stores ·

2nd Office/'.

1st Offi cer.

Sergt. P. S. T odd, 22, l.lain Street, Keswick. Officer 4. Sercreant 1 Prin1te 11. Total effecti"e 16. D ecrease since last repo~t 1. . Drills held 31. Average attendance .7. Oases attendeLl on public duty 6. Removals 6. Cases attended n?t on pnbhc cluty 9. Annual inspection, 26th May. T otal on parade 13. Absent WIth leaye ] . ~bsent without leave 2. Annual re-exammation, 19th May .. Membe.rs pa sed 13. Dltl~lGt p ar 2 i'tIedallions 11 Service badcres 5. N nrsll1g certdkates 9. Regulahon ~ti~orm ' worn by 4 OiIic~rs, 1 sergeant~ and 11 men. Materi~l: 1 A hfonl.li.tt.er, 2 stretchers, 1 surgical havl'esae, 1 emergency b~g, bandages, sphnts, &c . Dn'lslOn supported by members' subscriptions and donaholls . A friend collected a sum of money whereuy rubber tyrcs ~1ay.e been pn.t on the litter and it is now placed in a station built by tlle Ur~an Dlstr.l r t CouncIL for t11e purp~se at the request of the Division and for '~hich a nommal r ent IS charged . Several members were on duty at the Royal Progress III London on 25th Oct., 1902. J. M . Cutts.

J. Gardincr.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. J. F. Bamford, 145, . Labley, Littleb orough . Officer. 2.


[Form cd 24.4.01.J


Honorary Su rgeon.

H . C. Lamport, Honorary Secretary.

M. B.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treas ur"e r.

Pte . ,I'. Otterson . Sergt. S. Wil son. Sergt. G. Kitchen, 7. Ayr Street, :\loorlands. Offi cer 1. Sergeanti'> 2. Privates 17 . Toial efl'ective 20. Decrease since last repOl t 6. Drills held 4. A "erage ?-ttenclance 9. Cases attended on public duty 4. Cases attended not on. pubhc ~l1ty T~ ' Annual inspection , 27th June. Total on parade 10. Absent wltll leaye ( . . II Ithout leaye 7. Annual re-examination, 19th Sept. Members pa sed 20. D1Ll not appea~' 8. Medallions 8_ Recfulation uniform worn by 2 sergeants and 8 men. Matenal: 1 stretcher and 1 s~rgieal havl'esac, vested in the Division. Division supported by subscriptiuns. LEIGH DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). HEAD-QUARTERS:

Hon o/'ary T reasurer.

Ptc. F. Ihwartlt.

PLe . II. 'Vhitehead .

'ergeant 1.

Pri"ates 20.

Total effectiH 23.





nUIT,nr:\m:l EItPOOL.




Ln Hon . Surgeons.

T. 1\1. DI1\\'srlll,

Sup e rint e nd e nt and Hon . Treasurer.

L. H.C.P .

J. C. Ellison, 6, \" ellingi.oll Buildings Korth, ontlt Oastle treet, Liyel'pool.

L. A. Morgan, -:-r.n. 1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.


Inspec t or of Stores.

. Bird, 6, Wellington Bnilrlillg' onth Castlc •'treet, Liverpool.

I nspector of Stores. ~otth,

Pte. W . II. Pugh.

Omcers ,1. ,'ergcant 3. o1'pora1. 2. Privates 69. T otal effectiye 78. Incroa'e since last report ~O. Drill:;; lleld fil. AYCl'age attendance 27. Cases attended on puhlic (lnty 2. On es attt'lHlecl not 011 public duty 53. Annual inspection, 2~lltl April. Total 011 paraell' 40 . Abscnt with len-ve 12. ,Yithout lea\'e 9. Annual re,examination, 20th May a11(1 19th, ('pt. :Memhers pnssed 49 . Did not appeal' 36. ~le(lallions 31. Hegnlation 1111ifol'lll worn hy 1 Ollicer, 2 sergeant!', an(l 12 men. :;\In lorial: stretchers, ~ surgical havresars, .·ets splints, bandag~s, &c., vestell ill 'OIl1Il1 it tee of the Li \"cl'pool Oentre. Di vi.sion snpported hy sub, scription and grant for mil lerial frol11 Li \'cr]1001 Uen tre.


lI E \11-Ql

\Jal-.l~, :

\\-E!l:-;L;;llOl (;ll



Honor'ary Surgeon.

II. '\\'. Pomfret,

[Forme(12.'.4.02.J IIOLLIKG\\"ORTH.

1st Officer.

:\L n.

J. i\Iarshall, 3, Wo oll

treet, II olling\\'orth, 1I1anc11e tel'.

[Formed 19.9.1QOOJ.

Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.


Ptc. I}. A!>lmorth.


Honorary Surgeon.

R. R. Meacock, Courts Hotel,

J. Jones, }r.n.

L eigh, Lancs . Inspector of Sto res .

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. H. Page, 273, Firs Lane, L eigh, LaD '.ls.

Pte. M. Bate.

Officers 2. Corporals 2. Privates 25 . Total eITective 29. I ncrease since last report 6. Drills held 56. Average attendance 15. Removals 13. Oases attended on public duty 15. Cases attended not on pulJlic duty 46. A:nnual inspection, 10th Oct. Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 3. ~bsent Without leave 4. Allnuall'e-examination, 5th Oct. Memhers passec125. Did not appear 3. Medallions 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer,. 2 corpo~'a~s? and 10. ~1~n . Material: 2 stretchers, 4 ambulance boxes, &c., yestecl lU the Dl VISion. Dl VISion supporteu by members' and public subscriptions. LITTLEBOROUGH DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ).

lFormed 21.5 . 03.J

Omcers~. Corporals~. Pl inte' H. Total cfrccti\'e le. Drills held :20. Average att(,llcla.nc' Oase attenrlc(l on public duty 3. Remo\"al 1. a~c. attende(l not on public (luty 20. l\lerlalliull 1. Material: 1 stretcher, 1 ha\"1'(' ae, etc., YC~tl'cl in the Divi ion. Di,-i ion aUP110rttlcl by donations and Stl bscri l'tiolJ . .




Hono rar y Surgeon .


n . .illar.'h,

[ForJ1Jerl 26 . 2.01.J


1st Officer and Hon . Treas .

R. B. Ilall ,


lIolly Bank, nigher HUI'l1sli eltl, Maccle field. Honorary S ecr'e tar-y.

Pte. T. R. Lawton, 41, Deech Laut', l\lnceleslieILl.

Insp ect or of Stores.

PLe. A.



Honorary Surgeon.

J. A. Ashcroft,

M.D .

1st Officer.

J. Jackson, Little Clegg. Slllithy Bridge, Rochdale.

Oflicel' 2. Oorpol'Hl1. Private 12. Total effective 15. I ncrease since last report 5. Drills heltl 23. Average attL'lHlance 6. Oases attended on public duLy 1. Oases altcnded not on puhlic tluLy 40. Annual


368 inspection, 27th May. Total 011 parade 13. Absent without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 16th June. Uembers P,lS cd 12. Diclnot appeal' 2. Me<1alliolls 4. Material : fi tretcher, 4 havresacs, 5 water bottles, anu good supply of splints, bandaO'es, &c. Division supported by public and members' subscription. ThtDivision is now in a oetter position in all respects than at any time since its formation, it j gradually, but mely, gaining the appl'oyal of the puhlic , Public duty was undertakcn at the Bollington Oricket ports, 18 cases being attended to . The 'IIork done lh'e'll forth the warmest praise from the spectators Bum bering over 7,000, whilst the Committee sent a donation to the funds and a special letter of thanks . The prompt rendering of first aid in a case in which a man had his eye burst by a piece of metal, was said by the surgeons at the l\Ianche ·ter Eye Hospital to h'["le saved the other eye.

mith, ~I.B., 120, Alexamlra Road, ~Ianchester.

Hon. Treasurer.

Supt. O. RancWfe .





S uperintendent.

Honorary S urgeon.

R. C. Done, 40, Brac1. haw

::.r.R.C.R .





C. Radcliffe, Howard Lane, Denton, ~Ianchcster. Inspector of Stores.


Corp1. W. Morrison.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. orpora182. Privates 15. Total efrectiYe 20 . Drills ~eld 9.. AV:l'age atlenc1anc~ . Oa es attended not on public Juty 5. AllJlllal JIlspecllon, 2::>th Angn. t. l'utal on parade 5. Absen t with leaye 7. ,Yitbout lefl\'e 5. Al~nual r()-e~ami.nalion, 17th 'ept. Members pa 'ed H. Did not ~ppear 4. McdallIons 3. }; 11l 'lllg certificate 2. Regulahon uuiforlll wom uy 1 Oflicer, 1 scrgeant, 2 corporals, alHl 7 men. :.JIalerial: 4 stretcher" 2 'Yaterbottles, 1 surgical haYl'esac, bandages, splinL, &c., vest ell in thc Divi ion.' Division sUllported by suhscriptiollS.

Ins p ector of Stores.

[Formed 31.10.03.]

Pte. H. Rowbotham.

IIEAD-Q1:_\ltfEH!'i :'E.DlE:\',· JXSTITUTE, LI\Tl:POOL. S uperintendent.

Hon. Surgeon.

Ho n o rary Treasurer.

'\T. 1r, 1).

l~llell, ::'I.n.

Re\". E. Lambert, 79, UUet Road Li ,'e1'pool. '

Pte. A. Judge . Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 33. Total effective 36 . Increase since formation 11. Drills held 31. Average attendance 12. Cases attended on public duty 1:l1. Removals 2. Annual inspection, 25th August. Total on parade 15 . Absent with leave 12. ,Vithout leavfl 10. Annual reexamination, 17th and 24th Sept. Members passed 19. Did not appear 16. Medallions 5. Nur.:iing certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn by 1 officer, 1 sergeant, and 24 men . Material : 3 stretchers, 1 havresac, splints, bandages, &e., vested in the Division. Division supported by subscriptions .


1st Officer.

Hon. S ecretary.

\\'. II. Joble.

Pte. W. Roberts, 23, 'JlcJ3ricle Gal'· ton, Li\"erpool.

Inspector of Stores.

ergt. E. if. Officers 3.

Sergeants 2.


Hon. Treasurer.

<1 vage,

ergt. D. Oorporals 2.

Pri,'ates ~3.

,Yo Hob on. Total drecLiYe 30 .


(Formed 1.1.03 .)



HEAD -QUAP.TERS : ZION SCHOOLS, H1:LitlE, l\IANcllB.TEn. J . Pringle, M.D .



Pte. G. Fearnehongh, 5, Augusta Street, Pcn dleton, lIIanch ester.

J . Oryer, M.R.C.S.


Mo .. s , ide, Manche ter.

Honorary S ecretary.

Honorary Surgeon s.


te,Yart, ::'!.D.

OorpL F. 'Y. Richard OIl, 1 2, Upper Lloyd Moss ,_'i(le, Mancheter.

Supt. R. C. Done.



Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Supt. T . A. Painter.

[Formed 31.7.03.J

'Y .

Honorary S urgeon and Supel'intendent.

Hon. S ecretary.


Honorary Surgeon.


Officers 3. Sergcant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 23 . Total cffective 20. Increasc sincc ~orl11ation 4. Drills held 3. Average attendance 17. Cases attend cd on l,mhhc ~ll1Ly 141. Hemoval 1. Cases attellded not on public duty 39. Annual ll1SpeCLIOl1, 25th August. Total on parade 17 Absent "ith leave ~. 'Vi~hol1t leave 8: Annualr~-exall1illation, :7th an~l. 30th I 'cpt. Members pas 'ed A, Dld not ap,pear 6. Medal hOllS 11. l1lS111g certlhcatcs 2. H cgulation uniform ,yorn by 1 Offlcer, 1 sergcant~ 2 corporals, and 19 men. Material: stretchers havrcsac" blankets, &c., vested III the Di,-isiotl. Division supportecllJy subscription':

S u p e r intenden t .

rr. A . Painter,

G.N.R. Station, Deamgate, Manchester.

Hono rary S e cr etary.

CorpI. W . A. Brunt, 87, Embden Street, Hulme, Manchester. Honorary T reasurer .

Sergt. H. C, Manning.

In s p ect o r o f Stores .

COl'pl. J

Mm'tin .

Hon orary S urgeon .

J. W. Huclson, L.R.C .P.

S uperintendent, Ho n. S ec. and Inspector of Sto res .

W. G. IIIar hall, 10, Lonsdale Road, Millolll.

Officers 2. Privates 6. Total effective . Decrease sinco las~ report 6. Drills heill. 20. Average attendance . Cases attended not?n publIc duty 10. Annual ill pection, 1 th July . Total on parade 4. Ab.sent wIth leav~ 4. :Annual re-examination, 20th Dec. Member pa sed 10. MedallIon 1. RegulatIOn 11111form worn by 1 OIlicer and 6 111 n . Material: 2 trotchel's, 2 haVl'?sa~s, and 2 water bottles, vested ill Division . Division supported by members' snbscnptlOns and the Millom Ironworks.

3 70




Honorary S ec r et a ry.

Ho n o rary T reasurer.

Pte. J. BOlJl1ey, 630, Clongh Tenace, NewcllUrcb, )JI'. filanehrstel'.

Pte. E. Schofwld.

Honorary Surgeon , Supt., and Treasure r .

H . F . Oldham ,

M . A . , lILD .

Calton Cottage, l\l orecambe. Insp ector of Stores.

Ho n. S ec retary.

Pte. J. A . Willis .

Pte. E. H. Parker, 44, Pedder Street, lIIorecambe.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 16. Total effectiye 18. Drills held 23 . Average attendance .9. Cases D ecrease since last report 10. attended on public duty 27. Removals 50. Cases attendcu not. 011 publlc duty.12 . Annual inspention, 13th June . Total 011 parade 15 . Absent ,nth leave 2. ."WIthout leave 5. Allnual re-examination, 10th June. Members passcd U . DId not appear 8. Medallions 13. Nursing certifica~es 4. Regulation uniform wO~'n by 1 Oflicer, 1 sergeant, and 16 men. Matenal: ambulance wagon 1 httel', 4stretchers, 2 hanesacs, 2 water bottles, 1 street box, splints, Landages, &c . D ivision supported by subscription. Public duty was undertaken by memuers of the Division at the Royal Progre 's in L ondon and at the Musical Festival at Morecambe. The Annual District Conference was held at llIorecalt1 be on 26 Lh Sept. , and was attenclecl by 156 delegates. The Division entertained the delegates, many of ,,,hom remained over night and after breakfasting together on unday morning, 106 of all ranks took part in a IllOst succes'3fnl parade to the Parish Church.


l-Lu,L, A."s



C hief S urgeon.

.T. B. K. Robb,

Officers? Corporal 1. Privates 20. Total effective 23 . Decrease siJJCC last report fi. Drills IJcld 49 . Avel'nge attendance 111. Annual inspection, 12th Sept. Total on paraele 11. Aoseut without leave 2C. Annual re-examinatioll, 1st, cpt. Melllbr-rs passed 20 . DirllJot appear 11. Medallions 9. Regulation uniform worn lJy 1 OfIicer, 1 sergeant, and 14 Jlle11 . Material: 1 litter, 4 stretchers, 15 \\'ull boxes, rugs, splints, oanclaCles &c. yestecl in the Division o The Di\'ii:iioll is snpporteJ hy p111Jlic sllbscriptiollS. , ,



Ho n. S urgeon and Hon. Treasurer.

1st Officer.

A. "Whitehead, I.. H.C.I'.

A. S. Middleton, Buxton Rd., ~ e" tOWll, lJl. • "toekport.

Hon o rary Secretary.

Inspector o f Stores .

Corpl. J. W. "\'hight, ~ , "\Voo(bi(le Cottage., Newtown, 11 ear, tockport.

Pte. ,Yo Roxby.

Omcel's 2. ,'ergeallt 1. Corporal1. Privates Total effectivc 12. Drill. held 41. AYerage atienc!:lJJce 8. Caes Decrease since lao t report l. att llLled 011 l'ulJlic tluly 9. Rcmo\'al 1. Cases atteJlded not on public duty 16. Alluual in.'pectio)1, 4th July. Total on paraele 7. AhselJt ,yithout leaye 5. Annual re-exaluillatioll, 221J!1 Oct. Melllbel's ]tassecl 9. DiJ llOt appeal' 2. lIfe<lalliolls 6. RegulatiolJ ulli!'!)]'])] \\'0111 by 1 scrgeaut, 1 cOl]lOral, 3011(1 7 men. Material: 1 a1ll!Julallee strclcher hox, 1 streielwJ' and 1 al1lulllallCe hamper. Division supported hy lIlemlJers awl )lnlJlic snl)scril'lioll "

)r..\., )I.D .

Hon orary S urgeon s .

T . Aspinall,

A. Findlay, M. B.


T . l\Iurphy,

' V.

M. D . ,Yo DUll, M.B . Jackson, lII.D .

L . R.C.P .

S uperin t endent.

S u peri nt e n de nt Treasu rer.

·W. \Vhitham .

C. Thornton, Leeds Road, Nelson.

Officers 8. Sergeants 2. Privates 62. Total effective 72. Decrease since last report 9. Drills held 37. Aycrage attendance 29. Cases attended on public duty J 8. Cases attended not on public duty 94. Rfl110vals 64. Annual inspection, 16th May . Total on parade 25. Absent with leave 7. Without leave 64. Annual re - examination, 14th Sept. Me11JLers passed 24. Did net appear 60. Medallions 17 . ,'ervice hadges 10. Nursing certificates 13. Regulation nniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 50 men . . Material: 1 ambulallce wagoll, 1 litter, 12 Furley stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, 2 water bottles, 87 appliance boxes in mills and ,,·olkshops. Corps supported by mill collections, concel ts, &c.




1IE,\]J-QUAllTEP.," : YEO)L\.)\]lY DmLL II_\'LL,

C hief Surgeon.

J.D. WilkinsolJ,

[Formed 1.10. 96.J Bow


C hief S uperinte n den t .

J. . Jones, 16, Greenacres Road, Oldham.



1s t Office r .

1] . Jackson. Officer 1. Private.' 21- . Tolal effectiyc 25. Decrease since la t rellort 7. Dril1~ held Ayerage attel1Llance 7. Ca es atlencled not 011 )lublic dnty ] O. A1ll1l1al inspection, 9th lay. Total Oll parade l4. Absent with leaye 3. Without leuye 14. Annual re-examinatioll, 2 [h April. Members pns cd 11 . Did not appear 21. l\ledallions 9. N\1I' illg certificates 4. Ilegulatioll uniform worn l)y 1 OiJicer and 14 mell . l\Iaterial: 1 litter, 2 stretchers, and 1 ha11l pel', yes ted in til e Corps. Division nppol'ted by mem ben;' subscriptions.



Honorary Surge on .

A , Coutts,

i\I.B .

Sup e rintendent.

I nspector of Stol-es.

J . Crisp, 2 Rose Hill, Scout, New-church, Manchester.

Pte. J. Collinge.


[Formed 1. 10.96 .J


Hon . Su rgeons.

T. Foot, lII.ll . C. S.

J. Law,

!II. R . C. S.

J. Bauchop, M. B .




1st Offi c er.

Hon . Secreta ry.

J . T. \\ ard .

CorpI. J . Greaves, ] 0, Morris Street, Oldham.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporall. Privates 28. Total eO'ective 35. Annual Increase since last report 4. Drills beld 9. A veraf;e attendance 9. inspection, 9th May. Total on parade 20. Absent with leave 6 . . \ Vithout.leave 21. Annual re-examination 27th MarcIl. Members passed 14. Failed 1. Did not appear 40. Medallions 12.' Servic'3 badges 15. Nursing certificates 5. Reg~la­ tion uniform worn by 4 Officers, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal and 24 me~1 . Matenal: 6 stretchers, box of ambulance appliances, and 50 bandages, vested 111 the Corps. Division supported by members' subscriptions.

ergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 11. Total eITcctive 13. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 94. Average attendance 4. Cases attended 011 public duty 5. Annual rc-examination, 21st April. Members passed 12. Did not appea.r 1. Me<lalliolls 10. Nursing certificate l. RegUlation uniform worn by 1 ergeant, 1 corporal, a.ml 7 men. Division supported by members' subscriptions. HOLLIN WOOD P .S. A . DIVIS ION (OLDHA M CORPS ). IIl~.\D-QuAnTElls:




[Formed 7.1.97.]


1st Offi ce r .

Hon . S urgeon .

A. G. P. Thomson,



. Forrest.

Hon . Secretary.

Corl. J . W . Bradley, 41 , Coppice Street, Oldham. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Privates 31. Total eITective 36. Decrease since la t report 3. D rills held 96. Average attendance 13 . Cases attended not on public dutv 3. Annual ilJspection, 9th May. Total on parade 24. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 13. Annual re-examination, 27th March. ervice badges 15. Members passed 19. Did not appear 15. Medallions 18. Nursing certificates 14. Regulation uni.form worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 24 men. Material : box containing stretcher and complete applialJces for first aid; 5 stretchers and 1 havresac, vested in the General Committee of the P.S. A. Society. Division supported by members' subscriptions.


[Formed 14.9.99.]


Hon . S ecreta ry.

1st Offi ce r .

Pte. W. R. Lees, 26, Raper Street, Oldham.

T . Hall.

Inspector of Stores .

treet, Hollinwood, Oldham.

Corporal l. Privates 4. Total effective 5. Dccrt.!a 'e sillce last report 22. Drill beld 9. Averagc attendance 9. Cases att'nded r:ot on public duty 6. Annnal in pection, 26th JUly. Total on parade 5. Ah ent with leave 1~. .Without le~ ve 10. Annual re-examination, 1st May . Dltl not appear 10. Medallions 15. Nursing l\Il'r;lbers pas~clI 16. ~alled.l. certIficate 1 . ~eg nlallOn ulllform wom by 1 corporal and 4 men. Material: 4 stretchel'., vest ed III the P . . A. ociety. Division supporteu by contributions of members. W ES TWOOD DIVIS ION (OLDHAM CORPS.) IIEAD-QUAUTEll

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Privates 10. Total effective 13 . Decrease since last report 8. Drills held 98. Average attendance 6. Cases attended on public duty 20. Removal 1. Cases attended not OD public duty 14. Annual inspection, 9th May. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 7 . Annual re-examination, 28th April. Members passed 10 . Did not appear 7. Medallions 11. Service badges 9 . Nursing cern ficates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, and 10 men. Material: 1 stretcher. 1 surgical havresac, &c., vested in Oldham Cenhe. Division supported by members' subscriptions.

[Formed 1.1. 01. ]


In Charge.

Hon . Secretary.

Sergt J. Buckley.

Corpl. A. J . Guerney, 55, Brompton Sheet , Oldham.



In C harge.

Hon. Secretary.

crgt . J . Bannister.




323, ,Va 11 Brook, Holliul'lood, Oldham. , l'rge n t l. Corporal~. Privates 20. Total effecti ,"e 23. Drill h rl(l ,3. Average aLtellllance 6. AlUlllul inspection, 9th l\Iay. Total on parade 7. Ab '(mt with lea,-e 5. Without lea'-e 13. Annual re-examination, 29th l\Iay. l\1emher' pa eu 9. Did not appeal' 15. l\Iedallions 6. en-ice badges 3. Nursing certificate 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, and in part by 2 coq)Qrul . and 11 men. Material: 1 stretcher, 1 havresac, bandages, etc., vested in the Corp'. Divi ion upportell by members' subscriptions anu benefit football matchc . PAD I HAM DIVISIO N (LANCASHIRE ).

1st Class Sergt. C. Ledger.



Hon. S ec r eta r y.

COI·p1. R. lIlorris, 16, Irving P.S.A. DIVISION (OLDHAM CORPS ).

[Formed. 1.l.01.]

[Formed 20.1l. 9.

Honorary Surgeon.

G. Grant,

S uperintendent.


4, "mham

l\J. anileI', t., Pacliham, lll'. Burnley.

Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. G. Billing, 22, Pallllerston treet, Padiham,



Inspector of S tores.

Honorary Treasurer.

PLe. S. C. Birk .

Pte. G. E. Rtyliss.

Olficers 2. S6rgeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 22. Total eITective 27. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held J9. Average attendance 10. Removals 12. Annual in 'pection, 24th June. Total on parade U. Absent without leave 14. Annua~ re-examination, 2.J:th June. l\Iembers l)a sed 13. Diu not appear 13. Medalhons 5. Service blLuges 10. ursing certificates 15 . Regulation uniform worn by.l Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, ancl 21 men. l\laterial: 1 ambulance wagon , 1 ~I~t~r, 4 stretchers, 4 surgical lltwresacs, 30 ambulance boxe , &c., vested in the DIVISIon. DLvisioll supported by subscriptions.




Honorary Surgeons.

J. Altham,

M. D.

G. H. Biden, L.R.C. P.

L. Robert on, 5, Castle Gate, Penrith.


1st Offi cer.

Hon. Surgeon.

H. H. Bolton.

P. Fraser, M.D . Honorary

Honorary Secretary.


Mr. Neville (Hon. Mem.) P te. B. ' V. Lovejoy, 27, Words'il"orth St., Penrith. Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Privates 5. 1'otal effective 10. Increase since last report 3. Drills held . Average attendance 6. Cases attended not on public duty 8. Annual inspection, 11th July. Total on parade 3. Absent with leave 3. ,Vithont leave 4. Annual re-examination, 18th December. Members passed 6. Did not appear 2. Medallion 1. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, and 5 men . Material: 3 stretchers, 1 ha vresac, splin ts, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by voluntary contributions.


Officer 1. Sergcants 3. Corporal 1. Privates 21. Total effective 26 . Decrease since last report 19 . Drills held 22. Average attendance 14. Annual illsreetion, 21th Sept. Total on l'araue 13. Absent without leave 13. Annual reexamination, 25th August. l'l1cm bcr:; passed 20. Did not appear 5. Medallions 7. Nursing cerLificates 5. Regulation uniform ,,"om by 3 sergeall ts, 1 corporal, and 1 S men. Material: 2 stretchers an<ll 1irst aid box. Division sup~orted by member.' su bscri ptioJls.



Hon. Surgeon .

A. Ramsay,

1st Offi cer.

J. A. Lendrum, 1 , Roman Road, Preston .


Chi ef Surgeon and Chi ef Superintend en t .

,V. H. 1. Sellers,

::.ILB . ,

2, Chapel Street, Preston.

Honorary S ecretary.

CorpI. E F. l\Iillington, 128, Oxford St., Preston .


[Formed 25.1.8 .J

Hon. Surge ons.

R. C. Bro'IVn, F.R.C.S.

J. E. Holden,




Hon . S ecretary.

Sergt. P. AMon, 312, "e\\ha11 Lane, Pre tOll. Officcrs 2, el'geant 1. Corpora.l 1. Privatcs 12. Total effective 16. Decreasc ince last report 26. Drills held 29. Average attendance 10. Annual inspection, 21th ept. Total 011 r:arade 6. Absent with leave 2. Without leavc . Annual re-examinatioll, 23rd 'ept. Members pas ed 11. Did not appear 16 lIleuallion 1. ursing certificates 3. Regulation uniforill WOl'll by 1 Officer, 1 co rporal, and 7 men. Diyi'ion supportcd oy members' subscription .

Superintendent .

G. Harrison, 239, Fylue Road, Preston.


1st Officer.

2nd Officer.

T. F . Nell'lllan.

J. 'Y. Godkin.

Hon. Secretary.

HEAD-QU \.RTEUS: PUE'TOX. Honorary Surgeon .

I nspecto r of Sto res.

COl'pI. ·W . H. Buckley, 8, St. l\Iark's Road, Preston.

Sergt. J .

II. O. Pilkillgton, ;)l.F.C.S.


Officers 6. Sergeants 5. Corporals 4. Privates 34. Total effective 49. Decrease since last report 18. Drills held 35. Average attendance 23. Annnal inspection, 24th Sept. Total on parade 38. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leaye 10. Annual re-examination at various dates. Members passed 38. Di<l not appeal' 9. l'lIedallions 2. Nursing certificates 28 . Regulation uniform WOl'll by 4 Officers, 5 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 33 men.


A. P. Mooney, M.D. 3rd Offi cer and Hon . Secretary.

R. Crombleholme, Fairfield H ouse, Burrow Road, Preston. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 16. Total effective 21. . Decr~ase since ~ast report 24. Drills held 31. Average attendance 13. Annual lDspectlOn, 24th Sept. Total on parade 6. Absent without leave 18. Annual reexa~inatiol1, July. illembers passed n. Did not appear 3. Medallions 20. Sernce badges 3. N lU'ing certificates 8. Regnlation uniform worn uy 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 2 men.

[Formed 1 ~38.J

Officer 1. ergeunt 1. Privatcs 20. No repolt recci \'ed. Auoye tignrcs are for 1901.

Total eD.'ecti \'e 22.



Privates 1-1. ToLal cfl'ective 14. Decrcase 6. Drills held 32. Average attendance 11. Annual in IJection, 24th 'ellt. Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 1. Without leaye 7. Anllual re-examination, 17th ' eptembcr. l\Iembers pa sed 11. Did not appeal' 5. Nursing ccrtificates 5, 11egnlatioll uniform worn by 12 mCll . Divi"ion supported by memuer:;' sub cription




Honora,' y Surgeon .

G. Scarr,

M. n.



Super in tendent.

W. Entwi tle, 140, Ain ,,'Ol'th Road, RadcliiIe, Mallcl,estcl'.

Honorary Secretary.

Corpl. J. Pemberton, 92, hUl'ch Rallclifl'e, Manche::;ter.

[Formed 21.6.9

Insp ector of Stores.


Corpl . R. Clarkson .




Honorary Treasurer. ~fr.

W. Rollins, 93, Reddish Roall,

W. Bowker (H on. Mem . )

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Privates 33. Total effective 41. In crease since last report 3. Drills held 53. Average attendance 22. Cases attended not on public duty 37 . Annual inspection, 13th Augu t . T otal on parade 29. Absent with leave 3. 'Without leave 12. Annual re-examination, 26th March. Members passed 25 . Did not appear 18. Medallions 13. Nursing certificates 5. Regulation uniform ,,-orn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 32 men. Material: 11 stretchers and 15 wall boxes, &c. D ivision supported by public subscription .


outh Reddish, ncar

Honorary Secretary.

1st Officer.

Pte. J. ,1lIith, Huc1thslt,

W. Young.


Inspector of Stores.


l)te. J . Hall.



Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Privates 18. Total effective 23 . I ncrease since last report~. Drills held 45. Average attendance 9. R emovals 2. Cases attenuec1 not on public duty 40 . Annual inspection, 4th July . Total on parade 15. Absent without leave 2. Annual re-examiuation, 23rd Sept. Members pu.sseu U. Dill. 110t appear 6. 1Ileuallions 18. cl'vice badges 10. N ul'sing er.I liticates 17. Regula tiOIl uniform \YOl'll by 2 0 flicers, 1 sergean t, and 14. lllell. Material: litter, 3 stretchers, 8 emergency boxes, 8plitlts, &e., ve!>led in the Oomlllittee of the Division. Divi:;ion SUl'Pol'tld hy dOllutioliS and sub scriptions.

Honorary Surgeons.

A. A. Edward,

~r.D .

W. S. Wrigley,




T. H. Yardley, 10, Grange Avenue, Rawtenstall, l'lIanche ter.


Honorary Secretary.

CorpJ. J. M. Fuller, 14, Bury Hoad, Rawtenstall, near Manchester. Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

CorpJ. G. Tunstall.

Ur. A. A. Whitehead (Hon. Mem.)

TREET, RISIlTOX. Honora r y S ecretary.

Honorary Surgeon.

J. Barr, )[, lJ .


' Y. SharpIe, H.isliton,


Hono rary Treasurer. CUIPl. G. IIa.teh.

Inspector of Stores.

Officers 2. Corporals 2. Privates 14. Total effective 1 . Decrease since Jast report 6. Drills helU 61. Average attendance 8. Oases attended not on public duty 9. Removals 1. Annual inspection, 4th JUly. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 8. Anuual re,examination, 19th May. :il1embers passed 17. Did not appear 3. Iedallions 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 corporals, and 8 men . Material: 1 litter, 5 stretchers, 15 street boxes, vesteu in the Division . Di vision supported by pulJlic subscription

12, COllltllercial Blackburn.


Pte. \\'. Polhll'll.

Ollicur 1. ergeallt 1. Oorporal' 2. PriYales 1 No repurt reccinLl. Above flgure' arc for 1902.

Total ell'ectiye 22.


READ DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Formed 25 .5. 95. ].

Chief Surge on and Ch ie f Superintendent.



R. 13. 'eller::;, M.R. C.::;.

T .


J. G. Jones, M.D.

S. J. S. Hi ndle, 7, Fort treet, R ead, near Blackburn.

CENTRAL DIVISION (ROCHDALE CORPS ). [Formed 10.7.93.). Honorary Surgeons .

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. R. ,Vade, 16, Buckshaw T errace, Read, near Blackbmn.

J . RutHey,

~I.1L c.~.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Sup erintende nt .

Pte. L. Hargreaves .

Sergt. W. Wilkinson.

J. T. GamlJl', 85, lIlillll'oW Row, 1{ocltlia.le.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 22. T otal effective 26. Increase since last report 14. Drills beld 31. A,-erage attendance 9. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 13. Annual inspection, 14th May. T otal on p;trade 7. Absent with leave 3. Annual re-examination, 21st Sept. Uembers passed 18. Did not appear 7. Medallions] 8. Service badges 10. Regulation uniform worn by 1 officer and 10 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 1 wall box, 2 surgical havresacs, rugs, &c. Division supporteu hy members' and public subscriptions, and entertainments.


[Formed 10.4.95.]


T. H. Smith, L.R.C.P.

E. W. Spink, M.B.

3rd Officer.


' . Hees.

"'. II. Uar::.c,

111. B.

H. Hani , :11. D.

2nd Officer and Hon . Sec.

J. D. ilowartb, 12, Bast 't., Roehllale. Inspectol' of Stores.

el'gt. C. 11. Oatnnach. Honol'ary Treasurer.

11on. Surg. Rodley. Officers 7. ergeants 3. 'orporal 6. Private 43. Total effecti,e 59. Decrease !>ince last report 35. Drill held 67. Average attendance 25. Cases attended on puhlie duty 18. Removals 226. Ca es attended I~()t 011 public duty 75. Antlual inspection, 29th Aug. T oLal on parade 41. Absent With lcave 15. Annual re-examiuation, 21st April, . ~7th July, and 22~ld e\)~ . Member pas e~ 59. Medallions ~4. ursing certlhcaLes 23. Hegula bon Ullllorll1 worn b.>, 4 Officers, 3 sergeu.nts and 3 men. Material: 6 "'heded litters, 9 tretchers, and 31 \Vall boxe. Di~ision supported by public and members' subscription.

:17 !l WHITWORTH DIVISION (ROCHDALE CORPS ). I 11'0 I'll ll'll HOl1or-a,'y Surgeon.

I). I\nilli(',


10.0.01. J

1st ornc "'. if:.A.liloll, :-,(j l, l\lnrkd I'll., \\'liilIlOI'IIt, Ho('\lIlull' .

Honorar-~ Sec'- ' lG"Y.



I l, I: . ('ill I',

~I. II,


I'l!', H. I: rind rod.

Oflic!'r!-) 3. fkrg!'(ud, I. 'o1'[Hlm l1. Printll'I-I'l,7. Tol lLl I'm'd iv !' :1 1. l)CC l'om((1 Sill(,!' lllHL rl'pol't ,I. I)lill l-l 111,111 :Hi. A vl'rngl' Ittl l'lIf lllll l'll 18. ('III-{I'1-{ nLLcnrlcclllol Oil jlllldic dul)' n. 1Ill11ual ill~jll'clioll, 'l,!llli Alig. '1'01111011 Pl1l'11dl']!. Ahs(,llt lIilli 11'111'1' I. \\'ill\(lItf len\'(' 1(;' Alllllllrll'l'l'\lIl1lil1l1liC1ll, 1:'lh Aplil. 1\11'111hc'l's pasl-{cd ~6. Did JloL IlPIII'al' 7. 1\II'dlllliol1!'lIH. i{ l'glllntwil Nllirmlll 11 01' 11 Ity I Ofli('cl', 1 !-)Pl'g"lwL, I l'Ol'plll'nl, nlld :1 1 1111 ' 11. 1\1:III'linl: 1,,-111'1'1 lilll'l', U \\,1111 IJO\['I-I. 1 slrI'Lchl'l'!'l, l '· ('. ])il' iHIOIl I-IIIj1pnrll'd hy 10111111111')' l'Ollll'lllliliOIlI-l. The Ul'ban J)i!'lll'il'l ('olilwil iraI" dUl'ing llll~ }I'I\I' pln('(,(1 Ihl'jl' 1111"1\1111111'1' 1\llgO Il undol' tho Sll[1C1I'1'i!'lioll or Iii, divi'iioll.

HOCl()I,II'Y S,'r;,·l'l.,,-y.

I',l 0111( ""',

I( SIlII lil1l'. I'lt-. Ii W. (:rl'I 'IIItIlI"II, , IlIdl l 1I', ' lilr," l, 01111'11, ]j lll'lttl" II'. III"P\((OI'o l S tOI"<; . I'll'. ,I . W. lI ,tIl'.

HOllora,'y T,' ·,\Slll·C'·.

Pll'. ,I. 'IV. l\lill'ItI·II, 9, Llo,)'ll 8t., Wllil,lI'nrth, ll1'. Ho('ll(ln h'.

()lIi'·!'I',",:..!. ('1111"111 '111 I. l'I'iI;lII'~ I · ~. '1".t,11 1,lrl'I 'liI'" l!i. Il l'l'I'I' ,1 I' Rillt'" 1n ,' 1 1" '1"11'1 ,j. Il l'ill , 11t ' ld ;.;. i\I I'III''I' 1111111"1111"1' 10, 1i "1110\'/llf.l ;1. (~:'~I'i:l "II, lid ,d 11,1\ 1111 1,"IJIII' ""1\ 1. .\lllIlIal ill 'l I" 'I'lillll, " \1(11 ~\II ,r. 'I'nlill (III ]1,\1'0 1111' ID, \1 1 1'liI 'Iillr 11 '.111 I \\ 1IIIIIIlI 11 '.1\'1' t. .\111111111 r l. " 1lIllIlI,dillll, IIIi "\I,ril , ~II 1111,1'1' 11.1 H,'d II. ;\ 11,01 IIIIIIII 'l 10. 1\111' ill" 1" ' rlllli'illL'~. 1;,,,,"1 dillil II II i 1'''1'111 1\"111'11 by I IIlli" 'I', 1("1','"1111, IIlId I., 111t'1i. IJ ili 11111 "l'p"ill' d I, 1IIIIIIdlllY (~ lIl1lril'"lillll 'L

;\" "I' I .. dill, . :1I1r111t!111t 'I ' II I' o il, ,Ii!iI,1r IIII K III" II \,1"1 (1I1II ,d 101111' 1111\11 , Iw ' \1"1 ' 11 1'1:1 ('1'" III 11111 ,'Ir II "" .. i' II", .Ii, i 11111.





'1'. I';. 'I'hOllllll llRO II , 8!l, 11 1ll1O\'I'1' SI., ( 'Il~lI"t!)ll, It m' ''dnl ('.

Honorary S c,' l<try.

tn sp 'clo,- of Slon:s.

(1)11. '1'. BreakH, 75 ,-' Pl1l'lil1"Lotl ,'LI'I'cl, 'nsLlclol l, Hoc"":dl'. b

Pip. 11., '1011.

W. 1" Il, 1111, ,\, t... . I.

MILNROW AND NEWHEY DIVISION (ROCHDALE CORPS ). 11"ol'l11ed ~!l.7 . 0!. 1 Itl':F()Il~1 CLU II, J\lll,NJI()W.

Hono r ,\ ry Sli r ITc'O Il .

.T. C'ho.clwil'k, 1\

Hono'-a,-y Sl'crolal-y

II. Is llI 'l'wIHld,

78,~I!1lr1dprsfi('lri ltd ., Itol'hdu.lf' , In spector of Slores .

J' LI'. ,J. '1'.1101'11[<1'11.


l 0111(

,I. ' ' 11111 Ii, I d ,

:21, I,ill" SII,','I, 1:IIJ tlllJ , (lld",IIII.

1'1<' .. 1. 1\1111"1\1011 h, rilll 1,/1 111', 1\1illll'llw, /{,{)c hd ll iu. Honorary

Tr( li1.S lln ~ r .

I'll '. IJ • 1"il.J dili g.

OIri('('I'S~. 81'l'gl~I~ I1 Ll. Pl'i va\.I's Iii. 'i'oi.n l I' frl 'I;i.ivI' IH. I) cCl'rltHC silicO II~~!. l'C;pOI· I.~. \)I'ill s IH 'ld :17. AVI'l'llg0 II.L II ' IIII IL IJC'O n. ()n,HI'H n.LLel1rlecll~ oL Oil pldJli ('[llIl ,Y IH. AJI II Ilid iIlHIH)t:l.ioll, ~!) 1.I1 Allg. 'l'oLII,I Oil 1'11,1'11.11 0 II. 1IIJSCl llL w iL" I nilvI;~. WilllllllL IOllve ,I. AIIIIII:ti l'IH'XIL lllillld,illll , ~!Jl. 1r Apl'iI . J\hlTJlH'l'~ IW!/w tl J~ . D id 1l 0!. fi pIH':J1' :3 . Mc'c\ nllio)I H I), Itogl li n ii o ll IIllif'OIIlI 11'01'11 llY I O~llI:el', I 1if!l'gCII IIL, Hlld II ll1 C' lI . ~ll1l('l'ilLl: (j IV,II\ "[IXI'fi, ~ H II"C ~i.t;llI' l ·fi, <Xl'., vl'bl.clll11 Lire divi, iOIl. i)i viHio Ii IiI IJll'fJr(l' ci "y V(JIIIIlt.U,I',Y t;o IlLl'ilIlILioll li .

\\. I.. 11 1"1, I I

\I. II.

,Itltl Hlltlor,lI-y St'! " t ,lr y ,

I l, :-iIIlIi Slil I'], :'1, Ilo"I"I" illI,ltl , lill 11111, (lldlr 1111.

211d 01111 I I ', 1'1, .. 1. II. \\"" It 1'lIlnll .

{)IIII'I' I' 7. ~"I';":" I Il" ::. ("1'1'"111/ I. l'IlI'"II 'fi II. ' I'ul lt! 1,lrl'I,lil'l r;:.!. IlI ,t'I'I ':' II Hilll 'l' In I. 11 '1"11'1 ~ f). I ll'illl 111'101 f,ll. J\I''1I1 '' 1 1111, 11""111'1' ~~. ( 'II ~ I ' Illll,lid"d 1111 l"lloli,. dllly 1:1. ( ' I" ,ll[l'lId"illllIllIlIl"lltlil' ""I - \J!i . J\I IIIII:II ill 1"'I'lillll , 1\1111 SI 1'1. '1',,1:111111 1',111111 al . \1'1 '11\ Ililll 111111) II. Willllllil 11',1\1 I." .1\111111 ,11 '" " XIlIiIiIl,t1illll, 1\1111 ~I I I' :IIIIII !;\" ,IIIIII ', ,\111111.1 '1 Iill I,d 17. Ii i" 1101111'1"'111' ~ Ij. ,\1, ''' ,''lillll II. I III 11I f{ ('''lllIi' 'IIII ' :.!: I, 1:l'fllllIl"," IIl1il"rlll 1111111 hy :: ()lIil'l I', :: "1'" 1111, I '"ll"'}III, 11111 ' \0 1111 '11. \lill"rit! : I 1I11I'1 '1"llillll)', R 11'1'1 " 111 '1', Ii 1I11I11III,llll '" IInll Ill' 1011111 I IIIIJI"11 ;" , ,I ', I lil i ilill 1II'I"II'II ,d by 11I1' 1Ii1'I'I" ;tllol 1'"Io1i, d""lllllll ,





III gl'OIl ' . Ii , \'''"11 " It. Il. I\. \\' , l'lt ' l '1 '111", 1.. 1<1 . I.

SliP' ,-jill, IIlklll.


OffiCCl'fl 3. 8C'rgrn II L 1 . Cor porn l 1. Pri VillI'S 18. '1'01111 i 'II' ~:l. JII C'l'ertsC' Hill['C' Ins l I'I'PO" I. Urill s 11I'ld fi l , A Vl'l'lIg(' :"11'111111 111'( 10. CmH''l nLl.C'IJl led JloL Oil jlllhlil:lltlL)' (i8. AlIlIlIal iIlSPI'd,ioll, 20lh Alig. 'l'llllll O il 11I1I'lIdo 17. 1I11s!'IIL wilh Imve G. A 111111111 1'f'-('XILlllilllll.ioll, lftlll April. 1\!I'IIt1u'I'S IHISSI'II ~1. j ,'dalliolls II. II I'si Il g ('I'I'Lific':1I I'S G. Hl'glrl:illllli IIl1irollll \\0111 II)' ~ Oflil'I'IA I H!'rg('llni , 1 ('0 I' pOl'll I, Ilild Hi Ilicn. 1\ l all'J'illl: r1 st.l'I'll III'I'H I1l1d :1 \\,:dl'IH,.\I's. I> i"isioll stlI'Pol'l('(l hy VOltlllllll'Y ('OllllilllllioIlS.

I1I':\ I H~ IJf, l l'I ' I':IlH:

~:..! .1.!11.1·

I tUIlOI ,\I'y ,


1sl0lli c r Gnd Hon . Tr

,'. T. fJonl, ~r.It.( ' ,H. " R \\,hill', I'.H.I '.H.

I it'llI'll III I

111'ol'llll'd 17. 12. 0 I.]

I rl'; \ II lit \ I: n;IIH: • '1'. 1\1 .\ 111' 1 ,:-;, '1 '1111111 " ().\ f.I'I' I Hono'-a '-y Surg OilS.

~~.1 1.01.1




I :1'111\11, 'I.


~ I, it OI1, "!, ,\1111 111 .p,'tlol' 01 Stll"". I 'It-. ,I . (:II 'g 1111, ;:0, 1'1111' ('III"' , KIlIIIIII""1.


,'I" J IIJ'III1 I'.

SIIP" " trlll""I,·,,l.

Ho"ol d'-Y Bill 1"'0 " ,



1I""II1I1 'd 1. 1.(17·1·

.I. IIIIII' (IIIIlIII , I.ill :" , I' Kll ,,"I, HU1l1hp1l11. 1"', 101 '1"1 ', 1'1 I'. \\. 1'11'1, III 1111 ,

II """, I'-Y

()!lil'I'I' :.!. ( '111 11111 '011 I. l',-il':II,, '1 ~L 'l'IIII[ ,,,1"'1 ' 1111' :.! ". III I'I'I'IIM(I 1'1 1111'" I" !-I l. 1"1' 111111::' IJl i11 Iliid ': H. j\I'l'liI"l' :"1111"11111 11 j '. ('.I 11 1III"lItil'till,d 1111 I'lritlil' tlill ::. ,\111111111 jll HI'I'I ' lilll1, :.! :.! IIII ,111111 '. '1'111 1,1 11 11 1'011'11011' I.,. /\11,1'111 \\IIIII1I1I II "VI' Ifl. AIIIIII III I" II 1I111111111illil i ~t1 111 ,' 1'1'1. 11' lIri"'I'H ji" "', ,,01 I . Ilid 11 01 1'I'jll'lli I. 1\ 11'''111 lillll H 11 ",,"I It1illll IlIlillll 'II I 11(11'11 II,) I ()lIi"I '1 1 1'/11 1"'"11 , 11111 1 I H 1111 II . 1\11"1'1 i,, 1 : :: Hllill ' III ' I"' , I III '~II'1I1 11:1 I'll III ' , '1dilll I ,\". 1ll\ I ill " I:i IIPPIIIII'" Ily "I Illlrl"' I'I-j' :11101 jlllitlil' 1111_"llJd III" ,


3 '0 Honorary Sec retary.




Corp1. S. RoLinson.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Surgeons.

E. A. Goulden,

Inspector of Stores.

Ptc. . Gott, 2, Skipton Road, Trawc1el1, near OOlllC.

H. G. Smeeth,



Pte. II. DriYer.

Supe ri nten dent.

H. Beckwith, Fire

Officer 2. crgeallt 1. Oorpol'all. Privates 14. Total effective 18 . Dril.ls held 1(). Average attendallce 11. Cnses attended not on public duty 10. l\IatCl:ltt!: 3 stret.cl~e~·s, 2 baYl'esacs, ~ wall boxes, splints, bandages, &c., vested in the DH'lslon. Dn'lslOl1 supported Ly 1l1clllbcrs' and public suLscriptiollS.

tfltion, Stockport.

Honorary Secretary.

I nspector of Sto res.

Pte. S. Hamer, 16, Oaroline St., ELlgeley, Stockport.

Pte. W. Battersby.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 27 . Total effective 34.. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 50 . Average attendance 14. Annual inspection, 4th July. Total on parilde 19. Absent without leave 17. ~nnual re-examination, 3rd April. Mew bel'S pa:sed 27. Did not appear 4. Iellalholls.24o. Regulation uniform worn by 2 serO'eants, 3 cornorals, and 23 men. Matel'lal: '" 0 I' stretcher, bavresac, &c. Division supported by voluntary contn'b u t'lOns.



[Formed 27.7.03].

Super intenden t .

E. Aitken, Olaremont Placo, Tollmorllell.

J. L. Russell, M.B. H. Thorpe, M.B.

1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.

J. T. Binns, 36, Garden

IIE_\D-QL\J~IEIt'5: l\.UWX.\L

treet, Todmorden.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 5. Total efTecti\'e 66. Medallions 19. Regulation nniform worn by 3 Oilicel:R , 2 sCl:geant , 2 corporals and 49 men . Material: 6 stretchers, 12 boxes of first ald appltances, &e., vested in the Division, and the Division has the use of the Oorporation ambulance \"agon. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions.


Honorary Surgeon.

J . D. Cartel, Ptc. J.


Honorary Surgeon s.





II. J. Macklin, Ligh tbmne lioad, Ul verston.

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. . '\nlithalll, 47, )Iarket 't., Uh-er ·ton.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. ~. W. Palferman.

Ollicc]'~. Corporal 1. l'l'ivates 17. Total effective 20. Deerea e since last 1 cport 1. Drills held U. Average attendance 12. Removals 5. Oase attellc1ec1llo~ 011 l'u blic c1 u ty 23. Anllual illspedion, 16th J ul}'. Total on parade 15; AIJ~cl1t wlthout le~\-e 6. Al1l~ual re-examillatiolJ, :2Hh Sept. Members pa :setl I:>. DHI nut (11.'1'C<11':J. Metl_nlllOll G. liegllilltioll uniform WOl'll by 1 Uflicer, 1 corporal, auel11 lllell. MaLenul: Use of UrLall District Council amblliance wagoll, 1 litter, ulIlbul<1nce hamper, J stretcher" bundarre and splint. Diyision supported by public 'ub criptiolls. 0' The ambulance wagoll hu' l)een ill use 32 times, and trayelled 319 miles,



nr. PRESTO~.

Honorary Surgeons.



Honorary Surgeon.

A. H. Poole, L.R.C.P.





hurple, LTI.C.S.


C. ,\Yilc1ing, IIinllell Lane, Lo tock Hall, Preston.

Superintendent .

R. Masser, 241, Bury Road, Tottington, near Bury .

Hon . Sec. and Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. W. Ounliffe. 48, Bury Rd., Tottington, 111' . Bury.

Corpl. S. F. Harris.

F . Oollins, L.ll.C.P.


Superintendent. 1st Offi cer.

Inspector of Stores.

J. 'chole ·.

ergt. A. lIeblJlethwaite.

Honorary S ecretary.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. OOl'porullo Privates 19. Total effective 24. Drills helrl 31. Average attendance 12. Cases attended 011 public duty 6. Oases attended not on public duty 30 . Annual inspection, 16th May. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 3. Annnal re-examination, 7th July . Members passed 17. Did not appear 6. Medallions 13. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 1 ~ en . Material: 7 wall boxes, 1 litter, &c. Division supported by members' subscnphons and public contributions.


Honorary Treasurer.

,'ergt. T. Parker, HoghtOll Lalle, Higher 'W altoll, Preston.

'ergt. R. Bradley.

Officers 4. Sergeants 3. Oorporal. 2. Privates 15. Total effective 24. Decrease since last report 20. Drills held 2. A verage a ttenl1ance 14. Oases attendeu ~ot on public duty 20. Annual in pection, 1 th June . Total 011 parade 16. Absent WIth leave 3. Without lenye 2:2. Annual re-examinatioll, 10th ept. Members passed 10. Did not appeal' 30. illedallions 1. Regulation uniform worn by 3 OlIicers, 3 sergeants, '2 corporal, and 15 men. Material: 2 litter, 4 stretchers and 1 surgical ha"l'esac, &c .. "ested in the Diyision. Division supported by entertainments, &c.


Honorary Su rgeon.

G. Skeen,


1st Officer.

W. H. Walton, 54, Ohurch Street, Trawden, near Oolne.


Chief Surgeon.

J. Adams, M.B.

[Formed 25.2.97. ]



') .)

Chief Superintendent.

Capt. W. Waring, Latchford House, Latchford, 'V arrington. Honorary Surgeon.

R. Smith, nL R. c.' . 1st


om cer.

H. T. 'Yilliams.

S. Baldry, 125, Church St., Warrington. 2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.

3rd Officer-.

T. J. Hulse, 8, Salisbury Street, , Yarrington.

F. Taylor.

Inspector of Sto res.



Offi cers 2. • ergeant 1. Privates 15. Total effective 18. Decrease since last rcport 2. Drills he1<1 24. Averaae attendance 11. Cases attcnded l;Ot on public lInt);. 5. Annual inspection, 15th J~11y. Total on parade 13. Absent wIth leave 4. "\\ Itl.lOut ~eave 1. ~nnl1al re-examination, lIth May. RcgulatlOn uniform worn by 1 Officer 1 Members passc(l 16. MedallIOns I. sergeant, and l.S mCll . Material: 3 stretchers, splints hand acres &c. vested in the Di,·ision . Diyi 'ion supported by members' and public 'subscripti~ns. '



Hon . Surgeon .

Sergt. H. Hollo,yay.

A. J. Y0l111g,

Officers 7. Sergeants 6. Privates 36. Total effective 49. Decrea e since last report 14. Drills held 34. Average attendance 15. Cases attended on public duty 50 . Remoyals Cases attended not on public duty {l0. Annual inspection, 30th May. Total on parade 36. Absent with leave 11. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 15th and 22nd 1\Iay . Members passed 42 . Did not appear 5. Medallions 43 . Service badges 8. Nursing certificates 20. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 6 sergeants, and 31 men. Material: 9 stretchers and a quantity of first aid appliances, vested in the Corps. Corps supported by public donations. The North East Lancashire Corps and Divisions ReyieYI- was held at ,Yarrington ()n 20th June, and was a great success.

[Formed 2 .7.02.J


W. J. ero.- Icy, 37, Gcorge 't., Whiteliehl, Manchester.


Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. 'Y. IIanlll1an. 10, Morlcy :-it., ,YhitC'nell1 1\la Ill:h e<;tl')'.

Hon. Treasurer.

:'ergt. O. C. Drom1.

Pte. J. Hilton.

Ofllccrs~. ,\r!,;eant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 26. Total effective 32. Incl'ca. e .. inc!' la"t J"'POl't 10_ Drilh; hcld 4;'). Aycrage attendance 15. Cases attelldec11~ot 011 puhlic clnty.g. Allllllal inslleclion, 26th Aug. 'Total on parade 25. Ab ent mlh 10:1\'c 3. \\~Ithout leln-e ·1. Annual re-exanJinatioJl, 30th June. Members pa ... ",I ~8. Did not appclu·:2. Ml'clulli0lls . ~latcrial: -:l stretchers 1 surgicalllUrnsar '\:t:., ycsterl in the Diyi .. ioll. Di,·i. ion. llpported by members' ~nd public suhscril'tiolls.


Honorary Surge ons .

H. Allan, :tILB. Superintendent.

J. Jall, M. R.C.S. Honorary Secretary.

S . Bagshaw, Horwich End, Whaley Bridge, Stockport.

Pte. G. S. ,Yhite, High Level, Whaley Bridge, tockport .

WINSFORD DIVISION (CHESHIRE). [Formcd 4.fi.S6.J HK\n.l!l Amhl.;: 1311 \1:11


HIGH.' nI':ET, ,Ynn';FoHD.

Honorilry Surgeon and Superintendent.

2nd Offi cer.

B. II. 'Y0o(hntt, 1..1:.1'.1'., . t. Johll's Yic,na."e. 0\'0;' Willsfol'll, lL .0 .. CIte hire. <:> .

W. 1. Buckley.

I nspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. J. H . Widdup.

Pte. J . Howarth.

Ptc. J. lltatt.

PtC. A. Grant.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 16. Total effectiye 23 . Decrease since last report 11. Drills held 57 . AYeraCfe attendance 12. Annnal inspection, 4th July. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 15. Allnua~ re-examinat~on, 2nd May. Members pa!:sed 12. Did Dot appear 14. Medallions 8. Sernce lJadges 10. Nursing certificates 7. Regulation uniform 'worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals and 12 men. Material: 3 street boxes, 13 first aid boxes, 1 surgical havresac, splints, etc.: vested in the Division. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions.

Honor-ary Treasurer.

?III. A. lIIoretol1 (lIon. Mem.) :21. Wharlon Building., \\'ill 'forll, he~hire.

. Ollicer;.::3. Scrgeant 1. PriYatcs 12. 'Total effective I;'). Dnlls held 27. A vcrage attentlance 8. Removals 11. ases attended on public duty 30. Casc" attencled not on pnlaic duty 9. Annual inspection, 20th l\Iay. Total on parade 1:1. All. ent with leave 2. Annual re-examillatiol1, 12th March. 1IIem~)ers pa~serl 13. Dill not appear 1. Mcdallions 10. en-ice badges 3. Nursmg cert1flcate. 11. Hcgulation uniform worn by all rankl;. Material: litter, 6 Fnrle~T stretchers. 11 ,'urgical haYl'c.-acs, 4 emergency bag, &c. Divi ion supported by publIc Sl1u.- cri l'tioIlS.


Hon . Surgeon.

'V. P. Counsellor,

Superintende nt. M.D.

'Y. F. Mowle, Police Station, ,Yhalley, Blackburn .

Hon. Secretary and Inspector of Sto res.

Pte. A. GorDall, King Street, Whalley, Blackbul'll .



Honorar'y Sur-geon.

A. Greellha.lgh,

)l.TI . C.H.


Lady Superinte ndent .

1\1iss M. R. Fletcher, 310, Blackburn Accringtol1.

Road ~


384 1st Nu r sing Officer and Lady Sec .

Lady Inspector' of Stores.

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss R. 'W alsh, 172, BUl'lJlE'Y Road, Accrington.

Mis P. Sharples.

Mrs. R Stuubs.

!nd Nursing Officer.

1\1iss E . A. Hacking. Lady Sec retary.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 46. Total effective 49 . I ncrease since last report 3. Practices held 43 . A nrage atten~ance 3.0 ' Cases attended on public duty 4. Cases privately nUl' ed 9. T~nnual lIlSpectlOll, 23n1 Sept. T otal on parade 35. Absent with leave~. "lthollt leave 9. :Annu~I re-examination, 30th April. Members pas ed 39. pld notapp e~r 9. MedallIons 3D . R egulation uni.form worn by 2 Officers. .1\Iatenal: ,Yater pillow,. water bo~tle, bronchitis kettles, thermometers, 2 first aId ha~lp~Ts, box of apphallces, splll1ts, and bandages. Division supported by local subscnptlOns and specIal grants froll the Accrington Centre, S.J.A.A.


Miss E. II. Law, 2, Ash Cliffe, Bacup. Officers 5. NilI' ing ~isters 39. Total ef['ecti,-e 41, Decl'ca. e sincc last report 5. Practices held 52. A verage attendance 23. On 'os attentlell not on public duty 5. Cases privately nUl'sed 20. Annual inspection, 21st July. Total on parade 31. Ausent with leave 5. Without leave 10. Annual re·examination, 24th June. Members pasFed 36. Did not appear 7. Medallio1ls 31. Regulation uniform worn by 3 O(Iicers and 39 nursincr si,tors . Material: hospital hedstead, ail' hed and cushion', bedding, uandarre ~ splints, &c. Di "ision supported by voluntary contributiolls and members' s~h­ scripLions. The Division secured a first prize at the annual review of the South-East Lanca ,hire Corps alHl Di "i ions.


Lady Superintendent.

Hon . Surgeon .





Honora ry Surgeo n.

Miss S. J . Collister, 33, Oldham R oad, Ashton-under- Lyne.

M. D .

GIsUt;l\.- RO_\'D, BAllitOWFOHD.

U. M. illitchell,

)l.D .

Lady Secretary.

Lady Sup eri ntendent.

Miss A. Dawson, 34, Cambridge St., Ashton-under-Lyne.

Mis' R A. T)l'estoll, \\'ooLlhine, Darrowfonl, neal' Jel son .

Officers 2. Nursing sisten: 9. T otal effective 11. . Practices held 50. Averacre attendance 6. Cases attended not on publIc duty 9. Cases privately nursed 8. 0 Annual insp~ctio.n, 2nd May. Total on parade 8. Absent without leave 5. Annual re-exammatlOn, 22nd May. Iembers passed 9. Did not appear 5. Medallions 9. Division supported by members' and public su bseriptions.



Honorary Surgeon.

S. B. Cook,

M. D .

Lady Secretary.

Mrs. A. Knipe, 18, Dalton R oad, Askam, RS.O., Lancs.

Lady Supe rintende nt.

Mrs. L. B. Slater, 30, Ireleth Road, Askam, R S. 0., Lancs. Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. M. J . Mellon.

Lady S ecretary and Lady Insp ector of Stores .

Ollicer' 2. Tm.illg isters 15. Total effeetive 17. Decrease .. ime last report 1. Practices held 50. A "erage attenuance 7. Cases attended on pulllie duty 6. Case. attended not 011 public lluty 19. Ca es privately nursed 9. Allnual inspection, ~9Lh Aug. Tolal 011 parade 11. Absent with leave 4. 'Without leave 2. AUllualre-exall1illatioll, 2nLl April. Members pa ed 8. Did not appear 9. Medallion 1-1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Ollicer and 15 nursing sisters. Material: 4 umhulance bOKe, water bottle, bandages, &c. Division sUPl)orted by lllelll bel'S' and public ubscription . At the North East Lancashire Corps and Di"i ·iOllS Review Ill'lLl at ,Yarrington, on June 20th, a squa.d look the fir·t prize anLl challenge hield for the sixth time, and the Division also took a first prize. 0111e of tbe members were on duty at the Royal Progres in October, 1902.


Officers 2. Nursing sisters 9. Total effective 11. Decrease since last report 2. Practices held 19. Average attendance 9. Annu~l inspection, 25th July. Total on parade 8. Absent without leave 3. :Annual re - ~x~~'ll­ nation, 6th N ov. Members passed 7. Did not appear 4. Medalhons 4. DlVlSlOn supported by voluntary subscriptions.

Lady Treasurer. 1,11". E. mith.

lis C. Boolh, Whitty Croft, Barro\\ ford, mal' Nelon .

G.F. .



Hon . Surgeon .

B. G. Elliott,

[Formed 5.3.02. ]

Lady Superintendent.

L . ll.C.P.


:Miss M. Brewer, hear Bank Road, Blackburn.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

1\li S H. A. Richmond.


Honorary Surgeons. F. W. Rigby, M.D.

J. P. Brown ,


Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. M. E. Law, 2, Ashcliffe, Bacup.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 18. T otal effective 20. Increase since last report 4. PracLices held 37. Average attendance 12. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Cases pri\'l1tely nursed 3. Annual inspection, 6th June. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 2. AnJ1ualre-examination, 2nd and 9th Sept. Members passec117. Did not appeal' 2. Medallions 10. Material: splints, bandages, etc. , vested in the Division. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions.

3 6



[Formell 13.11 .9 5. ]


Honorary Surgeon.



L. G. S. Molloy, M.A., M.D.

T. CaIrow,

Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. Y. M. Orme, Marshall Gate, Claremont Park, Blackpool. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 29. Total effective 31. Practices held 52. A "erage attendance .28. C~ses Decrease since last report 2. tt d d not on public duty 23. Cases privately lIursed 28. Annnal lllspeetlOn, ~()t~n 1;ay Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 5. ,\Vithollt leave 10. ~nnual re-examin'ation 20th .:\Iay. Members passed 22. Did not appear 10. ~Iedalhons.20. ReO'~llation uniform \\'01'11 by 2 Officers and 20 nursing sisters. .1I~a~el'lal: 2 surglcal ha;'resacs, bandages, splints, and 17 ambulance wall boxes. DlnslOn supported by members'subscriptions. . . . . -1 11 ,\Y ,,' t At the North-East Lancashire Corps al~d. DIVl Ions .Rene\\ 1e L at alllUgO]):. on 20th June, second prize in squad competItIoll was. gallle~, and also scc01:d Re'lew " Th b lk of the members take their turn 111 UUl' mg pOOl' people" ho ~allllot ;~~:l~d the :er:lces of a trained nur e, and in somc cases they ha\'e attended dally for more than twelve months.


Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.


}Irs. H. Howarth, 28, James Street, Bury.

1st Nursing Offi cer and Lady Treasurer.



Miss S. A. Brennand.

Oflicers 3. Nursing sisters 21. Total effective 27. Deerea 'e since last report 5. Pracrice held 41. Average attendance 13. Cases attencli"ll 011 public tlu~y 2. 9ascs attellc1erlnot on pn1lic duty 23. Cases privately nu)' 'ed 30. Anllual 1J1 l'ectlOl1, l.'t August. Total on parade 11. Ab ent ,vith leave 9. ,\ritholl t Ira ye 7. Ann nal re-examination, 29th ept. Members passed 16. Did not appeal' 10. M('dalliOlls 16. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers. Material: bOll, bedding, . plil1t~, to·C., vested in the Division. Division supported by member' and public uuscriptions.


W. Bird, :If.B.

[Formed 18.10.01.]

ilIi S 1. Lee, 5, Halifax Road, Brierfield, lICar Burnley. Lady S ecretary.

11iss J. Gregson, 11, Ann

treet, Brierfield, near Burnley.

Officers 2. ~Ul'Sillg sisters 6. Total elIective 8. , Decrease sinne last report 6. Practices !teld 46. Average atten~allee~. Cases attended not on public duty 2. Cases privately llursec~,2. Anl1uallllspectlOn, 26~h May Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 2. \\ IthouL leave 1. ,AlInu~l leexal~ination 21st Sept. Members passed 7. Medallions 6. RegnlatlOll ul1l~orm worn by 2 Officers and 6 nursing sisters. Material: .am.bulance llamper, splmts, bandages, etc. Division supported by voluntary subscnptlOl1s.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss E. Taylc)', 99, Lo\\er Gate,

Lady Superinten dent.

J. Gardner, M.B.

Miss M. A. , tevens, 66, 051)orne Terrace, Albion Street, Burnley.

:Miss M. Taylor, 42, Williams Road, Burnley.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss M. E. Singleton.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss E. 1. Garnett.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 24. Total effecti\'e 27 . Average attendance .13 . C~ses Decrease since last report 5. Practices held 51. attended not on public duty 50. Cases priva:ely nursed .8. Annual 111 spectlOn , 6th June Total on parade 19. Absent with leave 4. Wlthout leave 4. Al11JUal re-examu;.ation, 24th and 26th JUDe. Members passed ~2. . Did not a1: p ear 3: 1 Medallions.17. Regulation unifo:'m worn by 2 Officers. ~1.a~el'lal: 2 ,,:atCl bot;l~~~ 2 air cushlOns, 1 bed rest, splmts, bandages, &c. DIvlslon SUppOl ted by scriptions. . 1 B ldswick The Division was successful in carrying off a second pnze at t 1e arno . 1 Demonstration. On e of the members again acted as muse at the Small-pox hosplta .

Lady Secretary.

i.\Ii 's K. Amlr6\"vs, Low Moor, Clitheroe.


[Formed 1.5.90.J



Honorary Surgeons.

W. E. Lovett, L.R.C.P.


Lady Super intenden t ,

Honorary Surgeon .

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.


O/lit:ers 2. Xur ing sister 23. Total eft'ective 2,~ . Increase since la.t report 12. Practice' held 46. AYerage attendance 7. First aid case, attended /lot on puhlic duty] 5. Annual inspection, ;ird July. Total on par:1.rle 16. Ahseut with leaye~. WithouL lcaye . AntillaI re-examination, 26th May. Mem hers pa. cd 4. Did not appear 20. i\ferlal1iOl1s 7. Regulation uniform 11'01'11 hy ~ Ofliccl' .. n~aterial: bandages, sillints, &e . Division snpported by members' aml puu he S11 1sc1'1 ptlOn '.

A. A. G. Dickey,



Honorary Surgeon.



[Formed 23.10.93.J

G. E. Orme, :If.R.C.S.

'fREET, BRIEnFIELD. Lad y Superintendent.

Hon. Su rgeon.

Lad y Inspector of Stores.

. A. Lomax.



[Formed 11.9.95.]

:JIl's. E. Taylor, 9, Duke

1st Nursing Off. and Lady Secretary.

treet, Colne.

1111'S. M. Robinson, 31, Princess St., Coln'3.

OfIiccl'S 1. RUl'sing sister 29 . Total efreetive 33 . Decrease since last report 6. Practices heM 10. Average attellllance 12. Case. attende(l 011 public dnty 2. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Ca es privately nul' ed,l. Annual inspection, 231'u May. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave ]. Wlthout leave 17. Medallions 14. R gulatioll nniform worn by 3 Officers and. 29 nursing sisters. Material vestell in local Committee and Trustees. D ivision supported by public subscriptions.


R. Smith,

:M . B.

Lady Superintend e nt.

Miss A. Butterworth, Stanley Buildings, Crawshawbooth, Manchester.





Lady Sec., Treas ., and Inspector of Stores.

Miss 1\1. A. Ecroyu, Ohurch Strcet, Oraw hawbooth, Manchester.


Officers 2. Nursing sisters 26 . Total effective 2 . Decrease since last report 1. Practices helu 30 . Average attendance 12. Oa es attended llOt on public duty 6. Oases privately nursed 4. Annual insjlection, Jth July. Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 5. Annual re-examination, 30th April. Members pa sed 16. Did not appear 1. Medrtllions 16. Hegulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. .M aterial: 2 havresacs, bed anu bedding, splints, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Division supporteu by public sub cripLions .


BEAL LANE, SHAW. 1st Nursing Officer.

Hon . Surgeon.

Honorary Surgeons.


Lady Superinte ndent.

A. A. G. Dickey, :\LJI. W. Doyle, ~I.n.

Mrs. R. RichmonLl, Hole-in-the-Wall I nn Foulrillge, ncar Ooille, Lanes. '

Lady Secretary.

Lady Treasu rer.

1Il.iss ::\1. S. Taylor, Foull'Hlgc, nr. Oolne, Lanes.

Miss E. Banks.

ur. ing sisters 14. Total effective 17 . OfJicers 3. . Decr~asc Slllce la t report 2. Practices held 49 . A verauc attell lDspechon, 3~Lb Aprp. Total on parade 6. Absent witho~t leav~al~ce 7 tt~ual ] 1. Ref:,'l.tlatlol1 umform worn by 2 Oificers Divi' .' ec ~ IOns Ambnlance lIall and public, ubscriptions. . Slon SUppOl ted by lettmg of



1Iliss S. De\yhurst, 479, Rochdale noad, High Orompton, Shaw, Lanes.

A. V. Davies, lILB.

Lady Secretary and Treasurer.

Miss H. Wooel, 26, Queen Street, Shaw, Lancs.


Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 8. T otal effective 10. Decrease since last report 2. Practices held 33. Average attenelance 7. Oa~es attended on public duty 2. Oases l1l'i vately nursed 2. Annual in pection, 13th June. 'rotal on parade 10. Annull.l re-examination, 26th Oct. Members: passed 8. Did not appear 1. Medallions 3. Division upported by members' subscriptions.

Honorary Surgeon.

G. Gcthles,

1st Nu rSing Officer.


Mrs. E. Pearson, 20, Juhn Street, Heywood. Lady Secretary.

Mi sM. A. Bridge, 21, 13m,)' r ew Road, Hoywood.


OfJicers 2.

Nul' illg sisters 13 .

[Formed 6.5 .02.J

Total efl'ectiYe 15.


Hon . Su rgeon.

A. J . Oross,

Mrs. M. A. Pooley, Market Place, Dalton-in-Furness, R . 0 . , Lancs.

M . B.


Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. M. Bateson, 8, Hall Street, Dalton-in-Fumess, RS.O., Lancs.

Miss H. Stewardson.

1""0 ,THWAITE "

Hono rary Surgeon.

J. H. 13Ul'1lctt,


IT Roo~r,


1st Nursing Officer.



4, Eslun

Lady Treasurer.

M. Gat!'y, treet, Ke wick.

Lady Se cre~ary, Lady Inspecto,' of Stores and Lady Treasurer.

Miss 1. Oragg. Officers 2. Decrease since last report attended not on public duty July. Total on parade 10. Sept. Members passed 9. by public subscriptions.


Nursing sisters 12. Total effective 14. 5. Practices held 49. Average attendance 6. Oases 16. Oases privatelynurse(19. Annual inspection, 15th Absent without leave 9. Annual re-examination, 25th Did not appeal' 5. Medallions 11. Division supported

1111 s A. Analll

MarkeL quare, Keswick.


. 011icer, 2. l\msillcr sisters 7. Total efrec'!'''e 9 Pruch 1 1 1 19 A l'I C L,. on )~racl~e7 1e ( . .verage atteJlllu~ce 6. Annual inspection, 26th May. Total 1\1 1 M . Absent \\lLh ]eaye 1. WIthout lca\'e 1. Annual re-examination 19th bya~~l telllber~ pa~sel~ 6. Did not appear 3. MeLlallions . Division' supp' orted un ary sLluscnptlOlls .



Honorary Surgeons. J. ~R

S. Park, L.R.C.P.

J. Miller, M.B. E. A. Clarke, M.R.C.S.

D. Booth, M,R.C.S.

Lady Superintendent.

Hon . Surgeon.

A P. H. Simpson, lI1.H.C.~ . H. M. Ilcnderson, M.B.

Mrs. M. Olarke, Weymouth Villa, Dukinfielcl . Officers 5. Nursing sisters 12. Total effective 17. No report received. Above figures are for 1902.

Lady Superintendent and Lady Treas. 1111'S. L. J. Oampbell, Dlllglc Mount, 85, South Hill Roall, Liverpool. .

Lady Secretary.


Miss K F. Oattley 0, Peel Street, Princes P m'k: Livel'poel.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. A. Geddes.


390 Lady Superintendent.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 16. Total effective 19. Increase since last report 2. Practices. held 21. A verage attend~nco I? Oases attended not on pub1ic duty 4. Oases pnvately nursed 4. Annualll1spectlOn, 22nd April. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 1. Ann~lal reexamination, 25th May, and 2 th and 29th Sept. Members passed 16. DId not appear 2. Medallions 16. Regulation uniform is worn by 1 Officer and 3 nursing sisters. Material: bedding, bandages, splints, &c., vested in the Division . Division supported by members' and public subscriptions.


1st Nursing. Officer and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. Walkcr, 31, Pine Street N elsoll. '

MIss M. Cal'l'lnrfton 43, Rail way Street,b N el~on.

Officers 9. JUl'sing sisters]O Ttl If . . Decl'~asesincelastrepolt34. Pructice'h . oa.e.eCtlve19. Il1SpectlOl1, 16th May. Toblon )arade ~O eld 44 .. A":.lage attendance .9 . Annual 10. A.llnualre-cxaminatioll, 26tG May '~l' A~S~~lt \'I1th leave 2.. WIthout leave Medalholls 10. . ~ em eIS passed 8. DIu not appeal' 4.



Honorary Surgeon.

S. Sugdcn, L.S.A.

Hon. Surgeon.

~,.. I J,

A. M. Eason, L.n.c.p. Lady Superintendent.

Miss 111. Miles, Orescent Honse, Lytham .


1I1iss A. A. Howarth J3r~oklanlls, 1I1ill EuLl, Tc\\cburch',

Miss J. Dickinson.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 15. Total effective 17. Annual Decrease since last report 2. Practices heM 16. Average attendance 8. inspection, 12th 1I1ay. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 7. Annual reexamination, 4th May and 17th August. Members passed 15. Did not appear 1. Medallions 10. lIlaterial: one ambulance box, ve~ted in the Division. Divi ion upported by members' suhscriptions.

) Miss F. Fielden, IJnrnley Roa(l, Jewchurch,111'. Manchester.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Treasurer.

Lady Secretary.

1I1iss 111. E. Ascroft, 11, Park Street, Lytbam.

Lady Superintendent.



Decrease since ?~~~~~:s ,~~t 6 N nr ,!~g. sistcrs 2? Total effective 22. inspection, l'2tb I 'ept. lTotai 0:1;~~!I3es hcld 26. .AY.erllge attendance 11. Annual Annual re-examillation '>'>nd 1 t 0 1\9 , ~bsent WIth leavc 4. 'Without leave 9 1\1' ,~ep .H1ellllJerS l,a d D'd . 1.\ e~lalhons 17. Hegulatioll unifol'Jl~ \Yom h I " se . .1 not appear 14. Sphll~S, 1~aJldages, &c., vested in the Di .. y °Dn~C,~I: Matenal: hed, beddil)g, contnbu tlOllS. VI81011. 1\ ISlOn snpported by voluntary I


[FormecI 15.9.85.J HEAD·QUAUTER.·:

:M .A.,



Lady Superintendent.

Miss S. E. Lees, 137, Euston Road, Uorecal1lbe. Miss E. Duxbury.


Lendrulll ,


Miss A. Lambert, 66, Euston Road, Morecambe.

Officers 2. Nmsing sisters 27. Total effective 29. Decrease since last report 6. Practices held 26. Average attendance 12. Oases attended not on public duty 5. Oases privately nursed 5. Annual inspection, 13th June. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 17. Annual re-examination, 13th June. Members passed 9. Did not appear 19. Meclallions 27. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 9 nursing sisters. Material: water bed, air cushion, bandages, splints, &c. Division supported by members' subscriptions and voluntary contributions.

Lady Superintendent.


Mr.'. M. A. Jones, 16, Greenacr6s Road Oldham. '

1st Nursing Officer.

~nd NurSing Officer and Lady Secretary.

Miss A. D oman .

lIhss Moore, 63, LUll down Rd., Oldham

L ady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

ToT ll.lTUIm:\,

Honorary Surgeon.

Honorary Surgeon.

H. F. Oldham,


3rd Nursing Officer.


1I1iss II. Og(len.


Decrease since ?1~~~:\~~'t ursin.g si:·ters 35; Total effective 40. attended on public dntJ~ 37 rla~~I:e11;ch. 43. .A"~rage attendance 23. Oa es nU~'sed 6. Annua.l in' ,ecti~n 9'\~cs},a OIl( e; not on publIc duty 12. Oases privately WIthout leave 12 A l l ' 1 .lay.. 'lotal 011 parade 33. Abscn t with leave 1 no~ appear 9. :tIiedall~~I~l: 3~c-eSll:~:1~tlO11, 4th April. Members pa sed 31. Did umform. Material. ballt1a(Y~s e1 \w.e IJatlges ~9. All ranks wear thc Regulation nursing requisites n.' "atol beds, p111ow, bell 1'e t, und a. variety of Two llursiu(Y s· ·t ' IV1SlOn supported 1)y members' subscription . 111 an chester, July 0 1S elS were on duty at the Ro l' . 30th a d 31 ya I L ancas llre Agncultmal . how at attended to. n st, and August 1st and 3rc1, when 17 cases were

D" "


[Formed 15.10.89. J

HEAD'QUA,vl'El'c" "' '" . GIL OVE


Honorary Surgeon.

Hono rary S u rgeons.

J. B. K. Robb, M.A., M.D. A. P. Millar, M.D. A . Findlay, M.B. H . W . Dun, M.B.

W. Jackson, M.D. T. Murphy, L.R.C.P. W . Aspinall, M.D.

J. G. Jones


M' L Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary. ISS . Gregson, « 'IVosiwoocl," Padihl1ill Burnley ursinO' sisters 9 Ttl ff . , . Ab fi o· . 0 a e eetl\'e 11. ove 19nrcs a.rc for 1902.

, fl' . . 0 lcers 2.

No report recei veu .

L ANl~, P ADIlL\'M.





~!.B .

Lady Superintendent.

Honorary SUI-geons.

F. W. Collinson, ~r.B. T. H. C. D erham, M.D.

Hon. Surgeon.

J. Barr,

1\1rs. A. Howard, 24, Grafton Street, Preston.

d L dy Insp of Stores . 1st Nurs . Off. an a.

M' C Fitchie. ISS .

L ady Superintendent.

Officers 2. .r Ul' 'iug sisters 8. Total effective 10. No report recei yetI. Above figures ale [or 1902.

2nd Nu rs. Off. and Lady Sec.


H S b tt H ' hfield H. S. . ower u s, 19 , Ashton, Presion.


3rd Nursing Officer and Lady Treas .


Miss A. B. Brown. Officers 6 N ursiJ) 0" sisters 42. T otal effecti ,'e 48 . 23 Pra~tices held 34. Average attend.allce 2~. Cas~s . 1 t' Decrease SlUce as !epOl . Cases rivatel nursed 6. Al1Dllalll1 pectIon, 24tn attended not on publIc duty 34 · t 't) I 'Without leave 7 Annual reey 11 Sept. T otal on parade 32. A b sen WI 1 eaevd 40 ' Failed 1 Did I;Ot appear 7. . t' arious dates Mem b ers p a s s . . .. examm.a lOn, v R 1 t' . 'fO"ITl ...... 01'11 by 4 Officers and 6 nursl11g SIsters. 1\1 dalhons 40 eau a 1011 UUl. " & D'" M:terial: bed 'and b~stead, bedding, linen chcst, surgical havresac, rc . IVlSlon supported by members and Corps funds.



Honorary Surgeons.

W. H. Carse,

J. Rodley, M.I: .C.8. L ady Superintendent.


1st Nursing Officer.

lIIi"s E. ,Yhi pp, The Ehll , Y orkshil'e t., Rochdale. L ady Secre tary.

liss A.


Lady Inspector of Stores .

Miss A . Olough, 21, "·illialll Strett, Rochdale.

Mis H .


Oflicel's -i. Tnl'sing sisters ~6. Total effective 30. l)raclice.' held :l6. Average attendance 17. Cases Decrea e since lu t report 21. attenderlnot 011 public duty 20. Case ' privately nursed 1. Annual ill pection, 29th Aug. Tolal on paralle 2:l. All 'cut wiLh Itave 5. ,Vilhout leave 11 . Annual re-exalllillation, Yal'iou' date. MemlJers pa.::;ed 31. Did nut appear 11. Medallions 2. el'\'ice lmtlgc!'; Regulation uniform worn by 3 Ollicers and 26 nul' 'ing sisters. 111 aterial: hell, becld iug, ul'gieal lIa Hcsac, >lJlill ts, bandage ,etc. Divi::;ion supportcd by memlJers' subscriptions al1d "ohmtalY ellorts.

Lady Sup erintendent.

Hon . Surgeon.

G. Scarr,

L ady Treasurer.

Miss A. Lees, Miss C. J. Baron . 25, Knowles Street, Ri"hton, Blackburn.

Miss S. A. 0pollshaw, 135, Egerton Bank, Radcliffe, Manchester.

M. B.

Lady Secretary.

Mrs. A. Mather, Whittaker Street, Radcliffe, Manchester.


J. Ohadwick,


1st Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.

1\li.' A . Honlel'll, 161, H lHlllersfie ld Road, Rochllale.


2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Sec reta ry.

[Formed 27 .7.01.J

Miss E. GrindroL1, ,lebe Bank, Nell'lJey, Rochdale. Officers 3. Nnr iug sislcrs 11. Total erfl:cliYe 17. Decl'ca. () since 1a t report. 2. PnwtlCes hcItl 27. Ayerage attendance 8. Cases attelllled not 011 public duty 9. Alllll1al inspection, 29th Aug. 'rotal on parade 12. Abscnt with leave 2. \\rilhout lcavo 2. Anllual re-examination, 21st April. Members pac;sed H. Did not appear 2. Mellallions 16. Regulation Gniform worn by 2 Oflicers and 14 11m ing sisters. Material: bed, bandages, &e. Divi ion supported hy volulltary &UU criptiollS.


Lady S'Jperintend ent.

W. Robertson, L.R. C.P.

Miss C. "\Vhitehead, Holly Monnt, Rawtenstall, Manchester.

Lady Secretary.

Miss L. E. Oddie, B aCll]) R oad, Rawtenstall, Manchester.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss K. Tregidga.

Officers 2. Nm-sing sisters 20 . T otal effective 22 . C . h eld 25 . A V eraCle attendan 7 P ractIces I ncrease since last report. b . ce 10.tion ases 4th attended not on pulJlic duty 4. Cases vrivately nnrsed 6: Ann~lallUs~rc AI1'nual July. T otal on parade 13. Absent with l eave 5.. WIthout . ~ave M~dalliolls 8. re -examination, 16th June. Members passed 18. DI~ not ~ppea1 Material' splints, Regulation uniform worn by 1. <?fficer a!l~ .12 nursll1g slsters. . ributions. bandages, &c., vested in the DiVlslon. DIVISIOn supported by publIc cont




Honora ry Surgeons.

Lady Sup erintendent.

A. L OI1Hl.S, M. n. S. 1'. L ortI, M. rt .O.S.

M 1"S. 'l'wceuale, Arneliffe, Rochtlale.

381 Lady Inspector. of Slores.

Lady Secretary.

Miss A. A. Chadwick, Mrs. Higg, 1 5, lIfallche ter l{cl., Castleton, ncal" M!1nchester. OfJiecrs 3. Nursing sislers 17. Tota] efl'cctive 20. Decrease since formal ion 2. Practices hele1 7. Av rage attcndance 1 L Annual inspecLion, 29th Aug. Total on 1>!L1:atle 8. .A1JScnt with lca".u 1-1: 111 cl:.tll~o~l~ 5. Hccrnlation u11iform worn lly 1 OfIlcer ;1)](1111 part lly 12 llUl".'lllg SIsters. D1VISlOn sll1110rtecl by members' and puulic SLtuscl'iptioll::;.


HE \D·QUAl~TElt. · :



llE\.D -QLJAltTEltcl: DUILI, HALL,

1st Nursing Officer.

Honorary Surgeon.

U. Skeell,




Lady Treasurer.

Lady Secretary.

11". l[ ill, 20, Crosby Street, Fieldhouse,

Miss 111. lll'.



Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Secretary.

Mrs. K K WilsOll.

!lli::;s 11. ~c.:JlOfidll, 38, Lalle ll ow;e, 'J'mwtlel1, 111'. Collie. OfTiccl's 2. Nursing sisters Hi. l'nwLices held 16. 1\vcmgu aLLulJclallcc H. a.l1l l 1lllblic l:illbscnpLiulls.

Total efJeeLive 18. lJi visioll sllpported by lllemucrs'


:r.l iss L. II ill, 9, Hall trect, Wbitworth.

?I!. D .

C. Glcon.

D, SkipLon Uoall, Tt:1WUell,

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Slores.

Hon. Surgeon.

P. Baillie,

1lIAllKKl' ,'Tl~EET,




Ofliccl's 2. Nursing si tel'S 10. Total efI'ceti\'e 12. Practiccs heM 5. Average aLlcndaJlce 8. Anllual illspecLioll, 2Dth Aug. Total on parade 9. Al)sellt witiLOut leavc 3. 1I1e(lalliolls 3. Di"isioll sUl11'urtecl hy voluntary con t1'i bll t iOlls.

ULAlJ-QU.UUl.llS .


AI, ,'(11OOI"


Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

Hon. Surgeon.

H. O.


111 iss 111. UaWI Lil, ~3, LigltLuulli H,oatl, Ul verstone.

'I. D.

Oiliecl's 2. llr.-iug Hislers 7. TuLal cll'eeti\e O. Pmcliecs hul(l 17. A \ emge !LUendallt" 6. AlIlltllll illSl'uctlOll, LOLh July. Total Oil lluradc G. AllsellL wiliJ IClLYU 3. WlLiJout leayc 1. Medallion:; 8. Division !:ill Pl'uJ'lud by [Ill hi ic suiJ::;cl'i l'Liulll:i.



Miss S. Kershaw, 33, Charles SL, Hoy ton, Oldham.

OfTiCCl'S 2. Nursing sisters 16. Total efreetivc 18. Practices held 28. Average attelldancc 10. uses aLtelJcleu noL 011 pul)lic duty 28 . Cascs privntely llUl'sCLl 14. Amnml illspectio1l, 10th, 'ept. Total OIl para(le 11. AlJsent without leave 7. AII11ual re-examinatio1l, 211(1 Oetol)cr. :r.leJ1lhe]'s passed 10. Dill 110t appear 7. Medallions 5. Hegl1latioll uui/'0],1l1 WOl'll llY 1 Olliecl' and 7 nursing sisters. Malerial: splints, baueiagus, &c. DivislOll Slll'l'Orted uy members' and public subscriptions.



Lady Su peri n tendent.

1I1iss M. Pecrs, Meadow Head, Tottillgton, nr. Bury.




A. II. Poole,

Dill LI,



13HllJGL, • BAIt Pm.:::;TON.

Hon. Surgeons.

Lady Superintendent.

L. S. A.

llh.\I>- ellT,\.Jt'll'.JtS:

,'1JU~I~T, ROYTO .- .

Honorary Surgeon.

W. L. Belltley,

[For11led 10.5.9·1.J

L.n.C.I'. Lady Secretary.

Miss BelJtlcy, 4, H all Strect, \Valshaw, nr. Bury.

Officcrs 2. Nursing sisters 13. rrotal effective 15. [Ilel'ease sincc last report 3. Practiccl:> held 41. Averago attcIJ(lal1ce 7. Cases attendcd not on puhlic duty 10. Cascs privately mlrsell 14. Al111lHLl inspection, 16th May. Total Oll pn,raue 15. Allsent with leavc 2. WiLllout leave 2. AIlJIUal re-exam~natioll! 7th July. Meulbers passell10. Did Il0t apjlcal' 4. Mc(lalliom 7, Rp,g111~tlOn ulllf'urm worn by 1 Officer. Division sl1l'porLe(l by Jllelll!;crs' subsen phon s.



, F. Collins,


Lady Superintendent.

,\11' . L. HUlllSUY, 150, Nt'wlJall Laue, l'rcsLol1.


1st Nursi ng Officer.

2nd Nursing Officer.

Miss E. H ulgate.

Miss A. MallieI'.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Treasurer.

lIliss E. M. Calvert, A Vl.:UlW,lI1 Tower, PresLoll.

Mi::;s Butler.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

lIss K l\1argillsoll. Olliecrs 5. 11l'sillg sistcrs H. Total efrective 19. 111('1'(', se fiJ1ICe last l'lll'Olt 3. l'meticcs heILl %. Averuge aLLendanee 10. Annual inspectiull,18LII,)nly. Tolal Olll'araue 16. Ailsent\\iLlllcMc3. WithoutleQ,\e 1. DId nol appcar 5. Allnual Ie cxallliualioll, :3nl ~q)t. 1Ilel1dJCrs passcd 1~. MedJ,lliolls 17. l~ l'glllnLioll lllliful'll1 \VOl'Jl by :3 Ofliecrs <1wl 1<1 llUl'sillg sisters. MatclilLl: llIackillLosh sheeting, air cushions, uLOlIchitis kctLll", &c. Division suppolted uy llJell1bcrs' suuscrilJtiollS .

WHALLEY NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [FoJ'lllec110.6.01.J IlJ.:,\})-QUAH J EltS : AHSJOI liLY HOO;\I!3, ,\TUALLEY. Honorary Surgeon.

W. P. COllw:iellor,


Lady Superinlendent.

l1isll A. (; lLl'd 1101', l',Lrl Villa, 'VlntlJ ey, DlnckiJul'l1.

Lady Secretary.

Miss ,J. Uhu.l'11lcy, )j'netol'Y Row, BillillgtOll, Whalley, lHackbul'll,

396 . Officers 2. Nursing sisters 8. Total effective 10. . D ecr~ase Slllce last report 2. Practices held 30. A,'erage attendance 7. Annual III pectlo~, 15th ~lll~ . Total on pa~'ade 7. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 1. A nllua~ le-exammatlon, 20th Apt'll Members passed 7. Did not appeal' 2 1\Iedalholls .' Regl:l~t~on unif~rJ.n .worn by 1 Officer. l\Iaterial: plinls, bandages: &c., vested. lU the DIvIsion . Dl nSlOn su pported by su bscri ptions and annual soiree.


Hono r a,-y Surgeon.

B. B . Woodyatt,

L.R . C.P .


cnOOL, 'YIN.·FOllD.

l\Iiss L. A . L. A pinull-Dudle.r ,Vhal'ton LOllge, Winsfonl R. '.0., Ch~hire.

1\li ·s 1II. Heathcote ' lew, ,\\finsfol'cl RS.O., Cheshire.


Deputy C07nmissioIlCl'-lIlr . •. C. 'YAnDELL. District Chief SUt'ljf'on- nrgeon-Major E. 'YEsT-SYlIE.·, Assislant Commisioncl'-lIlr. S. 'Y. 1\lALKIN. Di tdel Chief SCCJ'ctal'y-i:.lr. P. R\TCLIFF.

[Formed 26.1. 03].

Lady S uperinte n dent.

La d y S ecretary.

Fl as h

No. V.- N orth-Eastern District.

:M.D., A.)['H.


Lady Inspector of Stores. DOE HILL HOWE, Nn. ALFUETO:X, DEHDv.'mnE

Miss F . 1II. Garner,

,. Officers 2. "ursing sis tel's 12. Totnleffectiye 14. C Plach~es ~1ld ] 1. A "erage uttel1dance 8. Cases atteucled not on public duty Hi ases prl'\~a e y nursed 3. A1Jnual i12spection, 20th May. Total on laracle 1 c). ~bsef\.Wlth ~~ave 2. Annual re-examination, 12th .l\larch . l\Iembers ~;a.~ed 13' egu a Ion um orm worn by 1 Officer, Division snpported by public sub criptions:

OctobC1', 1903. I have the hOllom of submitting my report for the year en(ling Septcmber 30th, 1903. There arc now in my district 1 Corps or Divi. iollS, and 12 Nursing Division, wilh a total 0[' 2, 61 l11embers, showing the contil1t1ecl interest takcll ill DriglHlc work [01' the year, and a sub tantial increa'e both in llumlJers and Diyision. 011 the previo11s J ear. I continue to have many enquiries frOl1l dilferent parts fol' the formation of fro h Divisions, all of which show the steady increase of the Brigade. I have still to regret that the incrra'e in llumllers is not so marked in the case or l1l11'sing si . te1's, am1 I must continue to imllre s on all Corps and DiYi~ions the importance of haying );'l11'sing Divi ion l'onnected \,.ith their nnit , anel of the iinportance attnchcd to mOll al'o in obtaining the nursing certificatc. I am plcase(l to r eport that lily stall' ha. heen allglllenterl dming the year. Dr. ,Yest- yme , of lIalilax 11a. hcon appointl'e1 Dilrict lIief urgCOll, and Mr. Percy l:atclilf, of Ilkestoll, Di. trict. llpcrinteudcnt • c('retalY ; ,,,itll their as i:;tance I hope to have my tlitriet more thoroughly worked than previoll ly. Th amount of clerical work a Im'ge distrid, snch as I lluve the honour to have the charge of entail ', i very great, allll11Hlve to th'Lnk my abl(' a 'si 'lant, Mr. Malkin, ['or the large amount of nork he takes on' my hanel. , and r01' the thorough way in which he perrorllls it, and al 0 to MI'. Ratclill' for the allle a sistuncc he 11a' given me since he ,\'as appointeu . MI'. Malkin, 01' my 'eH, have inpcclell mall)' of the Corp' and Divi ions during the year, and genernlly \Yere nn1(;h llleascll at the 11igh state of efliciellcy. I ha\'e nlso preseuted the .'o\1th African 'War lllC<1al to many, and in all c::t e the lwe entations "ere mnelc with muc 11 ceremony, anel gave the greatet satisfaction to the lortunate recipirnts. The a(10ptio11 of the 13riga(le uniform continue to preacl in a utisfactol'Y manner, and I hope, "'ith your com;ent, to hold a camp fol' the men "'cnl'ing the authorized uniform during the year, which \\ill, I am utisliecl, have good re ult . Seyernl orps and Divi ions, in spite of repealed applications, fa-ileu to <;clId in their reports in time for in ertion. 1 am ph'a ed to report that the hellielcl Bearer COltlpany is in goorl working oreler, and that another good company ba. 1leell formed in Leeds and (li. trict. l l'egl' t that I have not had more application for volunteers for the Auxiliary Royal NltVnl 'ick Berth Reserve, but hope to have lllore during the coming year. :Much u eful public and pri\'ate worl, has been dOllC dming the year, all account of which will be rounel in the varion reportfl appemled, and my thallks nrc again dne to the clilf rent omcer. of the Brigade who have \\orked 0 hard dl1l'ing the past year, to bring their various Corp and Diviioll up to their pre ent high state of efficiency. I luwe the honour to be, ir, Your obedient enant, 111, -



ICm'ght of Gmcc of the Order of St. John, Deputy-Commissioncr, No. V. District. The Chief Commissioner, St. J o11n Ambulance Brignde.



ABSTRAOT OF CORPS AND D I VISIONS. In No . 5 Di tl'ict there are 1 Deputy Oommi sioner and] District Chicf SllI'geon.

Tallll; of


all!l Oi l'isiull.

:\Tame of Corps and Di\'i ion.

No. V. District Stair ... Bahbington Corps ... .. Barnoldswick Division ... -1', Barnsley " ... Bel per ,, . .. * Bingley " ... Birchwood Corp .. . . .. Bradford " ... . .. * Boston Division... .. . Brighouse Corps ... . .. * Browlll'oyd Dye ,Yorks, Bradford .,. ... . .. Buxton Division... ... * Castleford and Di tl.'ict Div .... * Denaby Division ... . .. ... Derby " ... Dewsbury and Dist. Corps Batley Division Birstall Division Dellsbury Division Morley " ... sett Digby Division " .. . * Doncaster:, .. . Earby " .. Eastwood , , ... * Gainsborongh Division ... *Gt. Northern Railway Div . ... Halifax Division Eccleshill " Elland " ... H arpnr Hill " ... . .. Heanor " ... ... Heckmond,,'ike Division ... * H cbden Bridge Cor1)S ...


_ -

_ -

1 _ -





1 1 1 _ _ _ 1 1 -

_ -

~ .2


1 -

1 -



~~~d:~::~~l~~~:'~~sn .....

::: Cen traJ Di yision .. Longl\ood" . .. *" Outlane " ... Ilkeston Corps '" ... Keighley Corps .. . . .. " A Di 'lision ... " B" ... " C" ... " D" ... Leeds Corps ... '" A Armley and Wortley Div ... B Holbeck and Hunslet Diy. o Burley and Kil'kstall Div . D North Leeds Division ... E Stanningley and Dist. Diy. F Garforth Division G Wortley Division ::. H Oity Tramwav Division ... Lincoln Division " ... ... * Luddenhal1l .. . Mansfiel rl . , ... ::. " "



1 -

1 -





















._- -






1 -






1 -

1 1

1 1 -- -




30 94. 101 15 46



93 11 a5


1 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 -- 1 1 -- 2



2 27 D 47 2 17 2 17 6 28 3 15 5 ]8 11 47

1 -


1 1 1


1 -

31 58 5 21 21 36 20 25 62

20 72 -


25 u8 -

1 1 1 -


1 1 3 _ 3 -. _ _ _ 1 1 -








1~ 5 4 2 2 ._ 3 3 2 2 1 5



67 22 15 18 13 26 40 18 29 22 38 17 61 30

81 2 30 21 22 16 1 31

1 -




_ _ _ "-

_ _ _ -

1 1 1 ] 1 1 -


5 6

===-1]',] = ==]-;


,,'" "...



1 - -








1 ] ] 1 -


.- -, 1 2 I












1 1 1 1 - 1


1 -






1 -







32 1 19 10 15 33 18 36 25

2 -


-- -

26 16







- -1 - - .. - - - - ---. .. -- - - -- ] - - - - -


11 31 2 15 6 29 1 24. 2I

~1 -





25 1

39 343 3 31

3 '27

Shiplcy and Dist. 'o1']1s ... 1 -- I A Division ... . .. 1 1 ] 3 ~ i 30 "" B " . . . . . . - - - - 1 - - -_ -_ _1 3 21 29 1 it Yeadon Diy. ( hipley) ... .Sutton.in.Ashfield Diyision ... -' 1 1 - 1 3 1 240 Talko " . .. ... 1 1 3 11 ~3 Tibsllelf Corps ... ... - I 1 33 18'2\ °2°6 1:..'):>3it Ne\\' Tnpton Diyision .. , - -_ __ ] 3 : ...' - ,'\Velbeck Didion... * ,\Yirks\\,orth" ... ... 1 ] - 1 I 1:i 18 Wool1eyCollicryunclDurtonDiv. - I] II 2 10 19 W or kso]l D i dsion . .. . :'".!..1_~--'!'_+---:~-'--=-2......~_~----T~1+,_0,-_3,0_40_7

-1- = l==- -





GO 1 43

I 'I



"+61 01+549

46 22



" "


28 ]4

1 4 -2': 1

... New Fal'lilcy Di\'i~lon ... North Li1ll1~e'y Iron Dist. Div. N ol'th tafford Corps... .. Blll'~J cJll Divi ion.. ... it Etl'lll'i:t " ... Milton " ... .. Ne\\'ca. tIp,uIllIer-Lyme Diy. "'Pottcl'ic.' Elect. Tra'tion Div.' itRailway Dirision ... ... " ... ... *Tnn. tall Otl p )' . • . . .. Shcflield Corp ... ... · . . " .., A D lVI'lon... " B ".. . ...



1 1 1 1 -

1 -

1 -

1 -




3 5U Ul

-1 2 - - 2 12 --

2 1----1 1 -2 _ 1 1 1- 1 6 1 1 -- I 3 fj s.! 1 -- 3


-1-1 --

I 4. _ _ _ -- 3 3 14 2 3 J 1 7

1 -

1 -

= 1 1 _I.


4 10 107 1:26

-I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





1 1 -






1 1 1 1 1 -




- - - - I 1 ---- 1 1

-_ -






1 1


54 21 34


Name oC Divisions.



Babbington .. . BarlloJdswiek .. . Batley ... .. * Bradford .. . Brighouse .. . Dew 'bury .. . * Elland ... . .. * Euby... .. . '" Hebden Bridge .. . Hudclersfield .. . Keighley .. . * New]) arnlcy .. . l'ibs11cH and Birchwood Shipley... ...




1 1 1


1 1

47 22 67 38






1 3





I 69






2-1 56

26 60


9 33 19 15

29 19


3 30 4 ~3 20 ] 1 1 --- --- --- --- --3]2 30] 11 10 10 ]

"" Slgniftcs no return reCelyeo. Stalement-l Deputy Commissioner; 1 Dist rict Chief urgeon; 1 Assistant Commissioner; 1 District uperintendent Secretary; 454 Officers; 2403 men and nursing sisters.

T otal 2861.




10)\.' I:S-

401 OHDI':lt

BABBINGTON CORPS. [Formed 29.6.89.J


Hl<;AD-QUAllTEllH: Tibshelf Corps . Birchwood " . Tibshelf and Birchwood Nursing Divi ion Babbington Corps Doncaster Division . North Staffordshire Corps Bradford .A Division . Welbeck Di vision . . .A. Armley & Wortley Div. (Leed Ea t\,ood Di,ision Huddersfield Division Barnoldswick " De r b y " D ewsbury" Lincoln Division Keighley Corps Gainsborough Division W ork50p " . Babbington Nursing Division H ebden Bridge Corps. Hebden Bridge Nursing Div. Heanor Division . Earby " New Farnley Division 110rley Division Ilkeston Corps Belper Di vision . Denaby and Cadeby Main Div, Bradford, C Division J, D " Shipley Division Shcffield Corps D igby Division H alifax "



7 8

1 9] ) 1892 1894 1894 1 95 J 96 1 96 1 97 1897 1897 1897 1898 1898 1 98 1898 1898 1899 ] 899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900

E. Stanningly Divi ion (Leeds) . .. Brighonse " North Lind ey I ron Dist. Batley " Ossett" . Heckmondwike Division Ba,l'll ley and Li versedge Div . Harpur Hill Division . . C. Dudey, Kirkstall and Dist. Division lLceds) . Sutton-ill-Ashfield Division Buxton Division . . , '{oolley Colliery (1]]d Darton Div. F. Garforth Divi ion (Leeds) . D. orth Leeds Division (Leell ) G. Wortley Dinsioll (Leeds). Brighonse :K ursing". . Brownroyd Dye\, orks (Bradford) Ca tleford and District" . H . Leeds City Tram"ay (Leeds) Binglcy Division . . Talke Division . Elland Division . Elland N l11'sing Division Lnddenham Division Bo. ton Di vision . Bradford Nursing Division Eccleshill Division . Birstall Division of De\\'sbury Yeadon Division of DC"'sbury Shipley Nursing Division Great N orthel'll Raihmy Di v. Earby N lll'sing Di vision New Tupton Division .

1900 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 ]901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903


C hief S uperintende nt.

Ho n . S urgeon.

II. J . N eilson,


G. Fowler, 13asfunl Hall, N oUingham .


Superin tendent S ecre t ary.

S uperin t ende nt of Store s .

J . T. ,Valton;,

J. O. Fowler.

~ otttillgham.

Ba1,\Jingtol1 Cullieries, 1s t O fficer.

2nd O fficer.

3rd O ffice r .

4t h Office r .

('. U'Callaghan .

S. Kirk.

' . Rtarr.

W. Clements.

Honorary Treas u re r .

Mr. F. E. • eely (IIOll. Mem.) OIficers. ergeant· 10. Privates 107. Total eli'ectiye 125. Decrea e l;iuL'e la!St report ~l. Drills hel!l 16. AYerage attelJdance O. Remonls 5<1. Cu 'cs aLLcudeu Dot ou }lu\Jlic duty :391. Medallions 1:25. Nmsing certificates 3. Regulation ullil'orm worn hy 6 U1licers, 4 sergeants, and 10 111('1]. Material: 2 aJ1l bulallc.:e ,,'agolHi, ~ litter', stretchers, ambulance baskets, eLc., vested in the Babbiugtoll Coal 00. Oorps supported by the Babbington Coal Co. The member' of this corps have met dmillg the Stlllllller months rcgnlarly for prac.:tice and drill, and lHLYe during the yea.r attellrled 391 recorded ell. es of injury. The eliicicnt alia, kilfulmanller "ilh whiell the illjured are treated; plOyeS that the memurrs are well up to th(;!ir work ill rendering lirst aiel, and that ambulance work is keenly a Pl'reeia tell.

BARNOLDSWICK CORPS. [Formed 21.3.95.J IlE.\.U-(H

Altn,llS: DlllLL

II \[ L,

R\.lt\ULD~'ncK .

Honol-ary S urgeon.

H. C. Aldcrtoll,


S uperintenden t .

1st Office r .

J. ,V. Tholllp 'on, 39, Clnll'ch tl'eet,

T. Baxter.

BarlloldslI'ick, via Colue.



Derbyshire- Corps :-Tibshelf, Birchwood, Ilkeston . D ivisions :-Derby, H eanor, Belper, Buxton, ,Yirksworth, New T upton. N ottinghamshire- Corps : -Bab bington . Di visions : - Digby, Eastwood, Mansfield, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Welbeck, Worksop. Lincolnshire- Divisions :-Gainsborough, Lincoln, North Lindsey, Boston, Great Northern Railway, (Lbcoln) . StafI'ordshire- Corps :-North Staffordshire. Division :-Talke. Yorkshire- Corps :-Bradford, Dewsbmy and District, H ebden Bridg e, H uddersfield, Keighley, Leeds, Sheffield, Divisions :-Barn.old~wick, Barnsley, Bingley, Brigh ouse, Ca,stleford and plstnct, Denaby, D oncaster, Earby, Eccleshill , Ell and, H alIfax, H arpur Hill , H eckmond,vike, New Farnley Otley, Shipley, Woolley and Darton.

Honorary S ecret ary.

Ins pector of S t o res.

Pte. E. Ktst\\'uod, 15, l'liJl'ord ,'tl'eet, 13anlOldswick, via Colne.

Oorpl. E. Petty.

Ho norar y Treasu r er.

Pte. S. HolJillson. Offic.:ers 3. Sergeants 3. Corporal 1. Privates 41 . Total eil'ective 48 . Increc1.8e 8i11(;c last repol't1. Drills held 37. AvcraCfc attendance 2:5. Removal 8. Cases aLLelllletl not on public llnt)' 29. Anuual re-examin:ltion, ~~th Nov. Members passe.] 37. Medallions 24. •'crvice badges 16. Jur lllg certlficates 20. Regulation uuiform "'orn by 3 OlIicer, 3 sergeauts,. 1 corporal, anu 27 men. Material: 1 litter 7 stretchers 5 8ll1'crical havl'csal.: , SplllltS, b:lIlduge', etc., ye:;ted in tho OfJicers of the Division.' Divi~OIl supporteu hy pnbli~ sllbclifJtions. . It is pI easing to report an increase for the Yl ar, and also a ll lllcrea e of four n~llform members. Our finances a:'o in a Jlourishing oonditiolJ, " hidl peaks well tor the interest of the public bei11O' sustai llcd . Our 9th a nnual ambula.nce dcmoustration was as sucoessful as formerly, man y corps and Divisions taking part. The drills and practices have bee n better attelllled than formerly, and on t h e ,.."hole we are well pleased with the year's ·work ing.



[Fonned 4. 8.99.J


Hon. S urge o n.

R. A. Johnson,

L.n . c.p.

Ho n. S ecret ary.

S u p erinte nd e nt.

W. :M. :Moreton, 46, Ford Street, Derby.

] st Class Sergt. T. :M. J one!>, I vy Cottages, Belpel'.

Ins pecto r of S t o res .

Hon . T r eas u rer.

Sergt. J . J . Houghton.

Pte. \'Y, Meadows.

Officers ~, Sergeants 3; Privates 25, Total effective 30. I ncrease since last report 9. Drills held 42. A \"erage nttendance 18. Cases attended on public duty 3. Cases attended not on Imblic duty 2. Annual inspection, 30th Sept. Total on parade 19. Absent with leave 11. Annuall'e-examiuation, 27th :Mar. aud 23rd ept. Members pa~scd 29. Did not appear 1. Medallions 15. Service badges 7. Nursing certificates 10. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 3 sergeants, and 19 men, Material: 6 stretchers, 2 havresacs, splint, water bottles, etc., vested in the Divisional Committee. Division supported by honorary and members' subscriptions. T he members of the Division continue to take great lllterest in their work, but the attendance of some at drill is not all that eonltl be desired. The J1msing class, reported last year, was examined early in the year by Lieut.-Col. J. Martin, 1st Vol. Batt. H, R., and every member examined was successful. Capt. M. Hunter, 1st Vol. Batt. D . R. presented certificates, mc(lallions, and service badges to mnmbers entitled to them. By reque!>t of the Officers commanding the Volunteers and Imperial Yeomanry, and by sanction of the deputy commi. sioner, the Division acted as a bearer company upon the occasion of a sham fight. The men entered into the. work ·with enthn iasm, and were employed 7 hours, and marchcd 16 miles dUrIng the manceuvre·. The Hon . members financial interest is still maintaineu, as also is that of Mrs. R. A. Johnston, who has again assisted the fund" hy an amatenr theatrieal performance. 1 member of the Division, Pte, A. H. Flavell, has been pre~ented with a silver medal by the Mid . Ry. Co. for rendering first aid to one of th~lr servants, The volunteers from the Division, ,vho were in the employ of the M1d, Ry. Co" have been presented with framed testimonials. The outlook for 1904 is bright,


[Formed 1.1.02J.

Ausent "ith lcltYC 11. 1\1ll1l1al re-exnminalioll, 16th Dec., 1902. l\IcmlJers passed 91. Did llOt appcar~. 1'lIcdalliellJS 7r. Senicc Ladues 82. Kursing certil1cates 5. R?guhtiol1 ulliro],JIl \Iom hy 6 Ofliccrs, G se]'geal1t~, 8 corporalR, alJll 75 mCll. !lIn,tenal: 1 :lllllJlllulICe carJ'luge', strelclll"),s, 4 boxcs cOlltainincf amlmhu!cll n'flui:it~s, ,"cstc(l in UIll UalJhillgtoll Coal COlllp.1JJY. Cor'ps sUI'porteQ by puuhc SUiJSClIptlOl1 '. 'l'he gelleral elliciclIC'Y of the co)'ps llns lJOI'11 JIIaintainc(l dlllill(r the last 12 months. 'l'l!e c~rl's \I'm; ('(lIli Plied wil h l'(,~lIlat i.oll 11l1! ~'01'l~1 i\l O]'clCl: to i~e eligi ble .ror taking duty 111 London upon tlte OC('aSlOll of the hlllg S OI'OI1:1tlOlI, alld a rOlltinCfeut was selectell to Lake part ill the ltfJ,Yal l'rogt'css through Loudon, 011 the IIlClllOl'alJje 25th OdoiJL'r of last year. lJming the ]last year the co]'[ls has donc exeLlkllt ,,·olk in and lIt'a)', tIle dj"trid ill \Illidl it i~ loeull:d. The alllluul im'1Jf'eLioll which tool~ place at Tillsltplf. OIl .Jih :':el Il'lllllel' of this year, lias ill yelY n'sjJ(·ct a splellclicl fUllction, altllollglt the wl'"lllor was 11l1jll"Ol'iLiow; 1"01' all out-tIOOI' di:.;play. 'n' J01m Furley, the IIlSl'f'ctillg ()f1iccr, eflllfrratnlate(l the mell 11p011 their lxccllellt wOlk alld cOllll'lillH.'lltf'(1 the Ollicl'l. of the CUI [l~. HIH1 cspecially the ChicI'. 'Ul'Crilltendellt' S. C. "\\'anlell, /'01' IhL gl'lll'ml dlit'iclH'Y of the 11ll'1I. ;



[Formed 1888.J


Chief Superinte nd e nt .

Honorary Surge on .

Superinte nd e nt .

S. C. Wardell, D oe H ill H ouse, Alfreton .

O. D. R obson, M.A., ALB .

W . Powiss.

1st Officer, Hon . S ec. and Insp . o f Stores.

2nd Officer.

J . M . Davies, Birchwood Colliel'ies, Alfreton .

S. A. J. lIill.

3rd Officer.

A. Cotton .

Honorary Treasurer.

Mr. J. Merriman (H on. Mem .)

Officers 6. Sergeants 6. Corporals 8. Privates 7 5. Total effective 95 . R eserve m ember s 9. I ncrease since last report 2, Drills h el d 38. Average atten dance 48. Cases at tended on publ ic d u ty 35 . R emov-al s 5. Cases atten ded not on public duty 84. Annual insl?ection , 4th Sept. T otal on par ad e 84.

FLU" • T.\.TlU.-, HI( ,\lIFUJ:U .

Chief Surgeon.

A. Browne, L,n,C,p. Chief Supt. and Hon. Surgeon.

1st Officer.

P. G. LOllgc, Lop Huwe, LisLcrltills, HI·allfol'll.

,Yo , 'hI kcy.

2nd Officer, Hon. Secretary, and Hon. Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores,

A, \\" obter, 34, ltf)(:hestcr ,'trel'l, Ilradrunl.

J .. 'II ,lillC.

/licers 1. Corporal:; ~3. I'ri\'ates 03. Total clrcctiyc 100. Increase sillce last rcport ;'3. Drills ht:ld SO. Avcragc attendaneo 11. Cascs Case' attclllled 110t 011 puhlic duty 20. attenric(l 011 pul)lie tluty 7[1. HClllo\'als 0. Annual illspection, nth '"'ept. Tutal 011 paradc tiG. Abscl1t with leave" 34. 1IIcdallioll.· ~O. •'l'1'\'1('C hadges.1. r?ltl'iillg ccrtiflcates <.;. Rcglllation uniform \Yarn lJy ;3 oflicer:->, 3 eOl'I'0l'n ls, rillel Ii l11ell. Corps SUp]lorlcll by Bradford Centre, The corl's lIas ll1l1rle steady l'rogres~ dlll'illg the yeat', the police Division and the firemen's seclioll have COIlIC dosel)' il1to touch ,,·HIt the corps, 3 of them havin Cf just signed its roll. .\. Ilursing Divisioll has al"o becn formell, all(l other Di\'isioll~ aro pen.lillg in this district. COllthillcl1 drills haye heen held lJetween Bradford anLl '- hiple), corps, Oll two oeca.·iolls special aftel'llOOll drills were orgillli'ed ill the fire station yal'<l. The .lIIayor, Aldel'll18 II D, ""(tdc ..J.P., pre ell tell ~S Illetlals given by the Onlel' of t. John to mcn who had, l'lTCtl in ,'ont11 Africa on the latter occasion. PnbJi.~ duty has bccn performcll as folll)\\'s : Peel Park Charity Gttla, Fircmen's Union Competition aml AJlIlUal .J(cet illg, Tong Oharily Gala, amI Mallnillgham Charity Gal'llell Parly (there Wi1S n. 25 mile "'<llkillg cOlllpetition, at the close of which mallY of the competitors were in a, state of collapse, rlue to fatigue and exposure to a severe storm; GO cascs, (1 removal ill the 1101"se 11.111 bulance), ,Yibsey Park Gab, aUll Harold Park Charity Gala.. Tlte annual inspcetionlook place on cptember 9th, at head-quarters, by the Asst. OOlllmissioner, W. Malkin, there were 011 parade, 1 chief surgeon, 1 chief su perin lellrlcll t, 1 honorary surgcon, 2 H,m bulanee ollic('rs, 3 corporals, and 35 pri\'?ates, also the llmsing Divi·ion as 1'ollo\l-s: 1 lady snpel'intelHlt'llt, 2 nurSIng OlJicers, all(l 22111lJ'sing sisters, ill all Lhe total was 66. The inspecting Omcer sta';ed that he was pleased with the fOl'llw.tion of a nursing Di\'isioll, ami that the corps had much ill1pl'Oved since he la t illspected it. On the 21th Se}ltembel', the Chief upt., 1st Officer 'Larkey, and 4 privates, together with upt. !llalTiott and 4 private, attcllrlccl Lhe Iuncral of P.O. Bcaumont, an enthusiastic ambulance man, who helel medals, won (luring Ute year at various competition,. The cortege was accompanied by 50 fellow Iir>it-alllers, all members of Lhe OiLy lolice Force. The corjls is deeply grateful to the Mayor allrl Mayorcss, A1<1ennun ancl Mrs. Walle, the Chief Constable, Joseph Farndale, Es q., Mr. "\Valtel' FirLh, and Oouncillor ILnd Mrs. Freeman, for the readiness with which they have placed thoir services at the disposal of the corps, whenever asked to presitle or as ist. 01 I

(N 0 report received.)


[Formed 1.10.91.]


4. 05


[Formed l.10. 91. ]

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasu re r .

Pte. A . Thornton.

1'111'. H. Greenwood (lIon. 1'I1em.)


(N 0 report received.) (C

DIVISION) BRADFORD CORPS. (K 0 report recei yed . )

(D DIVISION) BRADFORD CORPS. [Formed 3.99. ] (N 0 report received.) [Formed 14. 6. 02.]




Ho n orary S u rge on.

'Ch ief Su r g e on and C h ief Sup erint e nd e nt.

F. F . Bond, ~r.D . , Thorncliffe, Brighouse. Hon. ~

Secreta ry.

T . " . Amison,

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. A. Thornton, W est Lillanus, Brighouse.

)f.n .

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. S. Cockroft. 1111'. H. Grecnwood (H on . Mem . )

Officers 6. Sergeants 3. Corporals 4. Privates 58 . T otal effective 7l. I ncrease since last report 26 . Ca es attend~d on l?ublic duty 8. Cas,es att~nd:d not on public duty 50 . Medallions 24. NurSlllg certificates 7 .. Re&ulatIOn Umf?Im "Worn by 5 Officers, 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, 30 men, and 1 nurslllg Ister. Matenal : 5 stretchers, 2 litters, 4 surgical havresacs,. 6 . ,~ater bottles, 4 wall boxe~, 2 stretch~r boxes, splin ts, etc. , vested in T rustees. DIvIsIOn supported by membelS and pubhc subscri ntions. . D urillg the year both Divisions of the corps have made steady and satIsfactory progress. The disciplinc and attendance are g.ood, and the ~ew fi~kle on~s, ,,:ho are ready to join any new movement, hav~ been gtven no enco:lIagement to. ~.cl?am. , I?additIOn to the Division parades for dnll and duty, men::bers of boLh DnlSlons \\Jele asked to do duty on Whit Monday, on the occasIO~ of the Sunday school treats. A few cases werc attendcd to, one a sOll~ewhat senous one, the artery ~t the root of the thumb beiDa cut. Two corps parades were ordered for t!le heanng of lectures One was on 8 The workin a of a Field Hospital in South Afnca," by Capt. Oakley,' late R.A .M.C. , and the ~ther on "~~cteria," by F. A . . torr, E sq. , B.A., D.P. H . A parade was al'o lwld for practlswg emergency work Hl the Ol?en, amongst some old g,uarry workin~s : The idea was: That ther,e had been a ~e~'I?US quarry accident with 8 cases of lllJury. Most of the membels of the A DIVlsIOn ,yere sent off to 'render first aid, and bring in the wounded over very rongl: ~round. I n the meantime a few men were told off to make a fire, and get water bOlllllg and colfee made. When the patients were brougllt in they were handed over to the nursing Division, who h~d improvised temporary beds, a~d. \-yere further attended t o. The surgeons of both D ivisions supe:vised a~d C!'ltlClsed the work. ,The parade proved very instructive, and was carned out 'Vlth ll1terest by al1 concel ned. It is hoped to.have silllilar parades every few months.


Hon . Surgeon.

T. W . Amison, M.n.


Su per inte nd e nt. H.L.Thwn~n,C~tle H ill H o~~

Rai>trick . 1st Officer.

Honorary Secreta ry.

P. M. D avies .

COl'p1. A. T. Greaves, 2.1, Allan R oad, Baili[fe Bl idge, Bnghouse .

Officers 3. "el'geants 3. Corporals 4. Privates 35. Total effective 45. Drills h leI 44. Average attendance 28 . Cases I ncrease since last report 10. attended on public duty 5. Cases attended not on public duty 35. Annual inspection, 15th ept. Total on paralle 4l. Absent with leave 3. ,Yithout leave Did not appear 4. 2. Annual re-examination, lOth Feb . Member passed 24. :JIedallions 13. Nursing certificates 10. Regulation uniform "'om uy 3 Officers, 2 sergeants, ·1 corporals, and 32 men . The Di vision has made satisl~1.ctory progress during the year, the total effective strength having risen from 30 to 40. During the first six months the men took a T he course of 12 leclures in first aiLl, given uy Chief urg. F. F. Bond, i\f.D. following special parades for public duly were held during the year: October 25th, 1902, Ring's Progress through L ondon; June 1st, 1903, Brighou e and RastJ'ick Whitsuntide ehool Festivities; July 25th, 1903, pen Yalley Con ernl.ti ve As 'ociation Garden Party, Rirkless; eptember 19th, 1903, unny Vale Regatta. On eptember 12th 1903, an emergency chill for the corps was held at Harry Catle lIill, Ra trick. The attendance at drill is good, and the discipline of the Di,·i .. ion sati factory.


(No report reteived).

BUXTON DIVISION. [Formerl2 .9.01J. H E \D-QL'Alll'El:~:



Ho n o rary S u r ge on .

J . E. llaruul'll,

Su perin t enden t .

)1. It. G. ' .


hclmcrdine, Market Place, Buxton.

Ho norary S ec r e t ary.

Hono rary T reasurer.

Ptc. ,Yo :.ooc1\\'in.

Pte. C. 11a '\\'ell, Clifton Balik, Fairlield, Buxton.

Ollie rs~ . "ergcaut l. Privates :H. Total ell'ectiyc '27. Drills held :J~. A,ycrage altenllance U. Ca 'es attended not on public duty 30. AUllualrc-exalllination, ~9th Sept. Member pa. sed 11. Did not appear 15. ilIec1alliOIlS 10. T ursillg certificales 1. Regulatioll uniform WOl'll by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 24 meu . ~Iatel'iul: littcr, tl'ctcher&, havl'esac, water bottle, etc., veRted in the Di vision. Division Uppol'tcd by subscriptions. The Di\'isioll dlll'ing the year has 111,1.(le satitil'actory progress, OUle members have remove rl, others have joined the Diyi 'ion, ll1ltking up fOt, lho. e who had left. One new Division has been formell , consisting of 20 memhers, at Peakec1ale. They are going on \\' 11. This is an allllitioll of 61 members, and we hope by the enLl of the year we shull lutVC that number ra.i 'cd to G.


[Formed 16.6.02.J

(No report recci ncl.)

DERBY DIVISION. [Formed 25. l. 99 .] lJEAD-QUAHTgl\,' : LIYEH:S \ GE


Hon . Surgeon an d Hon. Treasu rer

F . 00. si(li,



407 Inspectol' of Stores.


H. G. L ey, Willington, Bm ton-on -Trent.

Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. H. Barkes, Society Place, D erby . ergeants 5. Oorporals 4. Privates 47. T otal eITective 5 Officers 2. I ncrease since last report 2. D rills held 30 . Average attendance 17. Annual inspection 29th July. T otal on parade 48. .A bsent with lea~Te 7. With~ut leave 3. Annual re-examinatiou, 14ih Jan. and ~lth F~b. Mellalhon 30 . Servlce badaes 20. N ursing certificates 32. RegnlatlOll ulllfonn worn by 2 Officers, 5 3erg~ants, 4 corporals, and 47 men. Materi? 1: ~~ ~tretehe~'s! 2 water bottles, 6 havl'esacs, splints, bandages, &c., vested 111 DlVIslon. D1VlSlOn supported by subscriptions .



[Formed 1890].

HEAD-QUAnTERs: VOLuKTBER DnrLL H .\LL, DOXOA.STER. (No report roceived).


[Formed 6.9.1 900.]

H BAD.QuARTERS : GILT BnooK H ALL, NOTT . . Sup erintendent.

Hon . S urgeon.

G. R. Northwood,

Supt. Treasurer.

Pte. G. Smedley.


W. ,Valker, Digby Collieries, N otts.

]\1. R. C. S .

2nd Officer.

1st. Officer.


J. G. Rowley.

in ReIt1.

Hon. S ecretary.

Sergt. T. Oooper, Digby Street, Kimberley, :rotts. Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. T. Walker.

Lance-OOl·pl . J . Syson .

Officers 4. Sergeants 6. Oorporals 5. Privates 47. Total effective 62. D rills held 39. Average attendance 30. Annual inspection, 18th July. Totalon parade 57 . Absent without leave 3. Without leaye 2. Annual re-examination, 26th Mareh. )Iembers l)assed 27. Did not appear 35 . Medallions 46. Nursing certificates 42. Regulation uniform ,,-om by 4 0 fficers, 6 sergeants, 5 corporals, and 47 men. Material vested in the Oommittee of management. Diyil;ion supported by members' subscriptions . . T his Diyision has been makill g satisractory improvement as regards effiCIency during the past year, and has been of great service to the neigh bOlll'hood. On several occasions special praise has been recei ved from doctors for the neat and correct Wtty in which bandages and splints have been applied . Th e Division now h as abuut 60 boys, who work in the pits, receiving ambulance training, and on reaching the age of 16 they are allowcd to attencl the ambulance class for men, and are finally enrolled as adult members. The Division has obtained during the year an exeell.ellt and up-to-date amlmlance wagon . It has taken part in two large public demonstrailOns dnring the year.


[Formed 3.4.96.]


BrigadeSul'g. Lt.-Ool. E. L ee, M.R.O.S. Supt. Secretary.

O. Thomes, 72, W estgate, D ewsbury.

Chief Superintendent.

Oapt. P. B. Walker, Lees House, Dewsbury. Superintendent of Stores.

J. ·Whitehead.

N. Brinton. 01llcers 15. ~erge.allts 7. Oorporals 10: Privates 95 . Nursing Officers 6. JurSlllg sIsters 6. TotalnUl'slllg 74. Total cffectivc ~01. Reserve lllel1lbcl'~ 7. I ncrease sincc lust report 20. Oases attenJed on public ~uty 2.9. Relll~\'als 20. 00. es aLtendell not on pnulic duty 50. Annual lllspectlOll, 8th ept. Total on paralie 118. Absent with lea,e 56 . 'Without leave 27 . _ Ann~nl re-exn.miuatioll, 13th,. 14th, 21st and 22nd JUly . Members p<1 s.e~l 13",. Dutll.o} appear 60: Me~lalhons 109. • ervice badges 28. N11I'sing certlhcates for Illell 'Jf. HcgulatlOn 1.I111forl11 wom by 7 Oflicer , ·111Ul'sin a oflicers 6 s~rgen.nts, 10 corporals, 71.ll!en !111Ll 11 nursing sisters. JUMerial: 2 °street fi~'st aId amlJ.ulall.c~ b,oxc , contaunng strctch.ers, splillts, roller and triangular handages and !1111e~Ul. ItC , blankets, &c., vested JIl Olllcers of the Oorps. Oorps sUllported by subscnptlOlls. . Th~ Oorps 11a . done exc.el~e.nt work this year, anel the efficiency in cvery Division IS sn.tlsf!1:tory. A new Dl~'lSlOU ha .. Lecn formed in HiI' ·tall, with a mcmbership of ~O'. U llli?rlll~ are no\: belllg ll!ade for them. Batley Di visions have madc areat stndcs tlllS year, havlIlg obtamctl £270 III subscriptiolls for a hor.e ambulance wagon and be!1d-(I\lart~r~' rOOIllS, which were opened by the Mayor in eptember. ~hc De,ysbnry cOll1lJetItlOn sl} uarl has .Leen yery succe ful, ha "iug won tllC Adll'oyd SlIver ~hallellge SlllC!J, 1 t. and sp6cHll ~t 0 . ett, 2nd at Keighley, and 2nd for Thorne s cup . Bl'aclturd pohce were the Wll1l1ers of the Thome's cup and oold medal 2nd O!li?erl'c:1t'son .and four pri vatcs fl'omllIorley Divi~ion attel1lled one \Ye~k's camp at Bare. With yl~ Bnghousc cO~·P' . Dcws~UI'y and usseLt Divisions and Dewsbury n,nrsmg DlvlslOn~ sent:2 Of~l!er.s, 2 nur~lll.g Ottieers, and ~1 privates and 11Ul' ing Slsters to be on duty at the lung s Progre 'S III London, on Octouer 25th, 1902. About 30 c.lse . were [reatecl by De\\'~lJllry member. . The ambulance nnday for thc Oorps wa helJ in the Os ett Divi ion this year ",hen 3fJO. Oflil!~r .. and member:,; were Ol~ parade ~n full uniform, including many from outs.Hle <II ~nt:ts; llIOst of the f~ctone' and rall\ray stations in this ditrict are noll' }IroYlcletl wlth al11 bulance applrance.. Tllallks are due to the Officers of the K. O. Y. L. 1. [or the usc of the drill hall for practices, etc.


[Formed 5.9.1900.J


Honorary Surgeon .

1st Officer and Hon. S ecretary.

W. II. II. Bcnnett, M.D.

H. Allott, Branch Hoa<l, Batley.

I nspector of Stores ,


~hackletou .

Honorary Treasurer.

J. W.


01Iicers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporn.l1. Privates 17. Total elfecti\'e 21. Reserve memher 1. D ecrease since last rcport 4. Drills held 40. Average ~ttend~llce 10. R emovals 9. Oases attended not 011 puhlic tluty U . Annual ll1SpectlOn, 8th ept. T otal 011 paradc 17. Absent without lel1\'o~. Annual re-ex~minatio~l, 22nd Sept. Members pass cd 17. Did llOt appear 2. :l\lLdallion 11. N ursl11g ccrb fica tes 13. Rcocrulation nniform worn by 2 OlHcer , 1 seraeant 1 0' corpora~, and 16 men. lIlo.terial: !111lLulance wagOll, 2 litters, ~ first aill hampers, 2 sets (hagram?, 4 stretchers, water boLLIes, havresacs, splint, uandage anll snrgical stores, vested III the Oilicers. Di vi'ioll supportell by public subscription . In March permission was gra.ntcl1 to invite General ir Hethers Buller, v . 0 . , G. o. n., to present certificates at a demonstration and concert. The Gcneral, accompa.nied by Lady Andrey Dullcr a.nd Lord Allerton, was welcomed by ah?ut 20,000 pcople, ami over 300 Oflic('rs auel mcn in uniform from all parts of Yorkshlre. A reception was h elll, at which thc 1I1ayor and omcia!. of the town wcleolned the guests. This was followed by a dinner, aftcr which all ac1jolll'lle(1 to a large h:111 for thc concert. and adel ress hy Genen!.l Bnll('1' aml L ord Allerton. 'rhe Gcneral paid an eloquent tl'llmte to ambulance work in time of war. The whole venture was a great

40 9

408 success generall y, as t he awbulance mo,ement was brought prominently before ~h~ town , and financially, as over £ 60 profit was made. I.t "as then tho ught a fittmg time to try and obtain a horse ambulance and statlOll as hea~.quarters . . T he public hai'e genero usly responded to our appeal, o.ver £27~ havlDg been ~·alsed . Oentral premises have been secured and fully eqUIpped, Wlt~ latest applIances, li tters, &c., over £140 being spent on the ambulance wagon, wl11ch has already been used nine times in fonr 'Teeks. The premises contain large room (for members to meet every night for practice, gymnastics, etc.), committee 1'00111, etc., lighted ~l~r?ughout by electricity, and were opened by the Mayor, on ,eptember tho The DrnslOns ~HtS in three years raised over £ 450 for ambulance purpc,ses, and are now startlllg another busy winter's work, with hopes of a continueu succes .


3 r d Officer and Hon . Treas urer.

Hon . Surgeon.

R. A. Fursyth,

Bm TALL. T . D. Oi'ering.


Hon . Secretary.

Inspecto r of Sto r es .

Pte. W . E. WinfielJ, I ndustrial Avenue, BirstaU .

Pte. J . T. Dixon.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privates 17 . Total effective 21. Drills held 13. Average attendallce 12. H.emovals 3. Oast's attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 8th ept. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 4. Medallions 4. Material : 1 stretcher, splints and bandages, yes ted in Officers and Oommittee. Division supported by public ubscriptions. This Division has only been formed a short time, but is going on very well. It is now 21 strong. An appeal has been made to the public for sub cJ'iptions, which has been very well responded to, about £30 having been already raised . It is hoped soon to be in full uniform .

instiC/[I,teu. in the Division by holding competitions monthly for prizes among the meml)ers. T he. 'lu:ul' being drawn on the night of competition . Sergeant Fowler has this yenr been promotec1 to 2nd Officer, which office, with that of the secretary· ship he bas curried out snccessfully.

MORLEY DIVISION (DEWSBURY CORPS ). [Formed 20.6 . 99 .J HEAD-QL\nTl~lts: 1'1:£1, S'lltFET DOAIlD SCHOOL, .MonLEY.

Honorary S u r geon.

L. F. 'Wet,

Ho n o rary T reas u rer.

2nd Officer.

Pte. T. A .

J . D. Penr 011, 51, Oakley ,'Ll't~et: Thorpe, \\'akclielu.. Pte . H. Robin


Hon . Su r geon a nd S u pt.

O. D. Garrett, ~I.R . C . S., "Vest Town, D e\\'sbury. 2nd Office r and Hon . S e creta ry.

In s pecto r of Stores.

H . Fowler, 55, Tweedle St., Dewsbury .

Pte. J. 'Vomersley.

Honora ry Tre asure r.

Mr. S. H. Spedding (H elll . Member). Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 4. Privates 28. Total elIective 36 . Decrease since last report 10. Drills held 4.2. AYerage R eserve members 6. attendance 19. Oases attended on public duty 12. Removals 13. Oases attended not on public duty 35. Annual inspection, 8th Sept. Total on parade 16 . Absent with l eave 13. , Yithout leave 5. Annual re-examination, 21st July. Members passed 28 . Did not appeal' 8. Medallions 25 . Service badges 25 . Nursing certificates 20. ~egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sorgeants, 4 corporals, and 28 I!len. Matenal: 6 stretchers, surgical havl'esac, shoot, medicine chest, bandages, S}Jhnts, &c., vested in Officers and Oommittec. Division supported by roem bel'S and public subscriptions. T he Division has carried out excellent work in drill and practica l work this year. The street boxes have h ad to be used at midnight on six occasions for fractures, etc. T he. Dewsbury competition squad, in charge of Sergeant Smithson, lUls won the followmg prizes this year : the Ackroyd silver shield from Bradfor~ , and gold centre medals. 1st and special medals at Ossett show, 2nd medals at KeJghley, and 2nd prize in the T horne cup competition, D ewsbury . New in terest h as been


Ho n o rary S ecre t ary.

I nspector of S tores.

:Jlr. R. Am ley,

011 .


orth View, Morley.

Offtcer 2. Cl'gell1lt 1. Corporal 2. Privates 15. Total efrective 20 . Drills heltl 10. .\.Ycraue attendance 1~. Oases attelllleu on public duty 2. Oases atlclluell not on pul;[ie: duty 12. Anuual ill PCCtiOll, th cpt. ~ota~ on paradc G. Abscnt with leave: 9. \\'ithout lenye 5. Annual re-exanunahon, 4th July. i.Iclllhers pa', cll 12. Did not appear 7. Medallions 7. Nursing certificatcsJ. l'egu1atioll uniforlll ,,"om by 1 Olliccr, 1 sergeant, 2 corporal, and 12 mCll. Material: strch'hers, nlll uulance hamper, splm ts and bandages, ye ted in tbc COllllllittee. Di\'j iOl1llppol'tetllJy nb~cl'ivtiolls. . One Ofiicer and foUl' men nttclllL'll Ute camp or instructlOll at Bare, MOJ'ecambe, m August, aml "'cre attached to the Drighou 'e C01'ps .




G. S. i.li11,

[Formed 19.6.1900.J


2nd Officer and Hon. T reasu r er.

Honorary Surgeon.

F. ,'llIith.

~[, Jl .

I nspec t or o f Sto re s.

Honorary S ecretary.


~r.n . L' . ;; .

Pte. E. Bielde, \\'al,:t'lIcld Roa(}, Osset.

l")te. J. Travi .

Omeer.:2. 'u'geants 2. Corporals 3. Private 1. Total cfTccti.ve 25. ~ Drills helll 4~. Avera"!'! altendallce H. Cases attcmloll on publIc duty Iv . Oaes attemletl not 011 jlnbiic dnty 26. Annnal ill pection, Ill, 'ppt. 'l~otal. on parade 11. AIJ;;cnt " 'ith lea\'e n. Without leave~. Allllua.l re-exanllnab~ll, 13th July. MClllllcl" pa~ 'cll 17. Did not ~PllPal' 5. lIledal~lOn 10. 'el'Ylc~ badcfes 3. llcgulation nuifonn \\'orn I)y ~ Ofhe cr. , ~ crge.11lt·,;3 corporal,. and 10 l1lCl~ r.ratel'l~l: alllbulancc s[,\tioll with 1 litter, (j slrctehers,;30 ct· of plmt and lJaudagcs, &c., "estell in Ollieel's all('[ 'Ollllllittee. Division supported by members anfl sulJscriplions. . . . .. The DiYisioll, a1t1lOl1gh shgltlly 1(,8s 111 number, IS th0Joughl1 ealClcnt. The menthcl'S are l()okinrr forward durin" the wilJter months, to havlllg good attendances, and thus 111ul~illg lurtlJer }ll'og'l'ess. The association It'clure al'~ about to eOllllltenCe, anll tltis, it is hope(l as ill }last years, \,iIl aelll tu thc roll of member .. Each 1I1e1111)er is snppliell \,ith a full !let u~ splints and b,:lltlagc , ctc.,. Jor hon~e 11 e. The Division has also rcse! YC sets placed III tlte centre of ilJ.e town, \\,lt~l the" heeled litter ann full c'lui 1'1111'11 t. The s~atioll is plaeeu. III [I, COll.plCUOUS p1a.ce. Financially, thc Diyisioll has a balance Ul hand.


Hon ora l'y Su rge on .

A . Falconer,

~1. D.

[Formell 13.1.99.J

EAltlly BO.UlD ScnooL,

E.\ llflY.

S uperinten d e nt .

'\T. Dickinson, 'Willow Oottage, Earby.


410 1st Officer, Hon Sec., and Treasurer.

Inspe c tor ot Stores.

S. V. Heap, Applegarth, Earlly.


111. 13irLwi ne.

Oillcer 3. ergeant 1. Oorporal 1. PriYaLes 20. 1'otnl effccti ye ~ 25 . Increase since last report 7. Drills held 25. A \'erage attenuance 1;)., Oases attended on public duty 2. Removal 2. Oases attencled not on p~lh11c duty 31. Annual in pectioll, Uth Mar~h . Total Oll parade 11. Ab: ent mth leav~ 8. A1lllUal re-examination, 19th Apnl. Membel~s pas. ~r~ 19. DiU not ap'pc~l 1. Medallions 16. ,ervice hadges 6. ReglllatlOn uUlform worn hy 3 OIheels, 1 seraeant, 1 corporal, and 20 men. Material: 4 Flll'ley stretc,her, ,treet ell1el'fjency bo;' stores boxes, 3 water bottles, 6 havresacs, rugs, sphnts, &?, \'estec~ H~ the Officers aml Oommittee. Division supported by 111cmhers' ancl pubhc snhSCl'lptlOllS. The work of the Division during the past year has been yery sncce' fnl. The~'e has been an iucrease in membership, and the symp~thy and support of the pUll11c has been well maintained, enabling additional eCJ.l1lpme,nt to be pureha 'cd, and 30 per cent. of the members hu\'e joined the Royal nayal lick Berth Bc en-e.


[Formed 23.6.9-1.]


Officcrs 3. ergeants 2. Privates 15. Total effective 20. Decrease since last report 10. Cases atten(leu on public uuty 65. Oases attende(l not 011 pnlllic duty 53. Allllual illl:ipectioll, 14th i:lept. Total on l)araue 20. Ab 'ent "'iLlI 10:1\'c 1. Anllual re-examination, 2nd 'cpt. Members passed 20. Dill not appear 1. :Mcdallions 1. I 'cn'ice lJadges 1. Hegnlation uniform worn by 2 Ofli(;crs, ~ l:icrgcants,. and 7 men. Malerial: stretcherl:i, hampers, water bottles, street boxes, wheeled lItter, and horse nlllhlliallce ,ragoll, veste<.1 in the Oommittee. Dil'i ion slll'portc(l by meml)er~, lLllrl the puhlic. Goo<.1 work has lleell Ilone by the Division (luring the year in spite of vicissitudes. The allnual infil'll1ary (lelllollstmtiOIl was aLtelltled, lmt hnppily 110 accident occturecl . ·With the at!\'cllt of tllC footballeasoll, arran~t:lllCllts ha\'e heen lllade for attendUl(r the varions ll1aLelles e;tch week mel, l)('si(les the vttriol1s recreation grounds . It is t~ be regretted that so mallY 11101111wI's La\'e failcd to attenu tho weekly drills and have thercfore l)('come 1l01l,efliGicnt. As a contrast, however, tho .. e who 'haye attellde(l hllye sLllck loyally Lo the \\'ol'k, and greatly assi·ted the Officers in carryiucr out the (lulie·. Unforlunately, the lI1i.carriage of drill retul'DS during transit throngh til· ]lost pre\'(~ut:; a (;oll1pleLc return for the \\'llOle year.


Hon. Surgeons.

D. M. Forbes, F.r.. .C.S.

.T. K. Oalder,

E. Lindley, The Grangc, Eastwood, N otts. 1st Officer.

2nd Officer.

H . Lindley.

'.V. GooJson. Hon. Secretary.

Oorp1. H. Saxton,


Grecn, Newthorpc, l:\otts.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Oorpi. F. Guun. OOl')JI. F. Purely. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 9. Pri vates 72. T otal cifccti ve 89. . Decrease since last report 4. Drills beld 41. Average attendance 30. illedalhons 4 Service badges 18. i\f" ursing certificates '27. Regulation uniform worn hY,3 Officers. Malerial: 6 stretchers, water bottles, splints and brruclagrs, vested III Committee of management. Division supporteu by members antl "Messrs. Barber, \\T alker & 00. During the year the Division has done good work, J113.?y cases h~Ying bee!! attended, but unfortunately no record has l)een kept; but thLS matter Will he rcctlfied in the future. The funds are still in a prosperous state, thalll~!'; to ~Iessl's. Barber, Walke!' anu 0')., and the general pulJlic Di"ine Servic0, wllich is. hehl monthly, is well attendeu by the members. The Division deeply regret the contll1ued illn~ss of the superiutenclent, but hope that he will he speedily restored to health agam.

o[ficers 5.


[Fol'mecl22.5 .1 900.]

HEAD-QuAr.TEr..'5 : S.\SITAr..Y Y_uw, HALL STURE'!', HALIFAX. Hon. Surgeon.

Surgeon :Major E. '.Yest Symes, :lLD., A. M. R . Superintendent.

1st Officer.

E. J. Ohristie, '.Varmleigh Hall,

S. Anty,

Ambler Thorne, W. Halifax. Hon. Sec , and Hon. Treas.

1st Class Sergeant II. Smith,136, Hel)1Jle Lane, \Vheatley, Halifax.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. P. Penrose.

IL\ltI't'"It HILL.

1st Officer.

L. D..C.P.


[Formed 20.5.01.]

J. Parker.

Honorary Secretal-Y. Ptc. R. Pal kcr, II Hum Hill, Buxton.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. B. Boley.

OIIi<.;'. l'1. • 'cr';l!allt 1. Private 13. Total efl'ecti"e H. Drill .. helll 37 . Anlagc attcllllallcc 9. Oascs attended on public uuty 2. Ca co; attelJ!lcIl lIut 011 plll)li(; duty U. Anl1ual re-examination, ~th (pt. :JIembcls Dillllllt appcar 7, )IetlallIOll& U. N"urillg celtificates 4. Regulation pa .. ell fi. uniforl1l worll Ily 1 Olliecr alHl ·1 men. M,ltcJ'ial: 2 stretchers, 1 hanesac, 1 box, veste(l ill local C1lllllllittee. Di\'il:iiOll I:;Uppol'tcd hy members' and public subscriptiolls. O\\'in~ to inallility to get a m(,llical man to officiate at Hnl'pur Hill, 5 members attenLled flllllllal ex llllillaLioll with the Buxton Diyision.


[Formed 21. 9. 9 .]




Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.

\\" If. TUI tOil, :ll.D. Darlboronglt H onse, Il eallor, 1:\ ott.ingham . 1st Offi cel-.

J. ,Yooel. Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. G. Ila\lcl1.

Honorary Secl'etary.

Pte. J. Lacey, 0, GoMrey't., Heanor, .,. ottiugham. Honorary TI"easurer.

ilIr. T . :JlayuclLl . (lIon. Mem.).

OfJiccl's 2. I 'ergenuts 2. Oorporals 4. I)rinlt.c 3. Total efl'ecti"e -16. 111erea'e sillce 1a t rcport 7. Drills heltl ,11. Average attenclallce 30. Oa es attended on public tluty ~,1. Hell10vals . Case nltcllde(l not Oll public dmy O. A:~nual illspectioll, Gtll August. Total ou parade 39 . Absent with leave 5. \\ ~thout leave 2. Annual rc-ex[tmill'ttioll, 25th lIlay. Member' pas ed 37 . Falle~l 2. MCllalliollS 18. N ursiug ccrtifieates 1~. R egnlatio 11 ulli forlll worn hy 2 O(hc~rs, Malerial: strctchers, water IloWes, lIanesacs, handagcs, splints, vested,lll.Coll1l1Jittee. Division supporte(l IJY contrilmtiolls of membcrs and 10cnl 8U bscn ptlOllS.



D uring this period ther~ h a.ve b~en num.ero~ls r e.signations, but the interest in ambulance '\York is well mamtamed III the chstnct, SlDee the e pla(;es have all been refilled by recruits, and an additionul 7 put on . th~ roll of the. Oorps . ~he discipline is satisfactory . On August 6th an ex.ammabon "as held III JJandagmg and an inspection of the Oorp, and a satIsfactory report can be .made . of the smartness of the men and their work. Members have been on publw serVlce on numerous occasions and have done useful work. At the ambulance competition helu at HeaneT, on Sei1tember 12th, the cup for drill and bandaging was awarded to this Oorps. HEBDEN BRIDGE CORPS.

[Formed 2. 5. 9.]


Officers 2. Privates 24. Total effective 26 . Drills held 21. Average attendance 18. Annual re-examinatioll, 15th August. Mem bel'S passed 16. Did not appeal' 9. Medallions 3. Material: stretcher, surgical havresac, and \ratcl' bottle, vest.ed ill the Oommittee of the Division. Division supported by public and m~n.l1!ers . . . Since la t year the Dl \'l. lon has lost 11me memhers, and recl'luted 30 fresh members. Classe are held by the Hon. 'uJ'geon, \\ ho is lauouring very hard in the district to lllake amhulance \\ork its pride. Another class is in course of formation, and it is hope(l to get rp('ruits from that for next year. A larO'e number of cases have been tl'eaLecl with sati .. facLory results by members of the Di~isioll unuel'rrrollnd and on the slll'face, at the Jallllllage Rookery, Micllaud Ooal, Ooke al;<1 Il'on,oanLl the ,'matleley Ooal, Ooke, and Iron Oollieries. The Division is indebted to the ~chool Mall agel's COIllmittee [or their cOlltinnecl kindness in grantin them the free 11 e of their .. chools, hoth for classes and Brigade work . No m~mbers are yet in unifo1'lll, but concert and dances are to be held [or the purpose of raising [unus to proyide anel e1luip the lIlembers ,yith the uniform and necessary outfit. (Y

(No report received.)




Honorary Surgeon.


4th Offi cer.

Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

Pte. F. 'Yaddington, Po,,-ell Heckmond wike.


Inspector of Stores.

Pte. O. Scott. Officers 3. Oorporals 3. Privates 16. Total effective 22. In crease siuce !:lst report 1. Drills held 50 . Average attencl,Lnce 16. Oases attended on public duty 4. Removals 3. Oases attended not 011 public duty 22. A.nnual inspection, 13th May . Total on parade 22. Al·)sent with leaye 1. Annual re-examination, 27th May. Members passed H. Did not appear 8. IIlec1allions 10. R egulation uuiform worn by 2 Officers, 3 corporals, and 15 men. Material: 4 stretchers, surgical havresac, &c., yested in Ofticers of Diyisioll. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions. T he Di,ision is now pul)licly recognised as being of great service in the town, the authorities officially rcrlnesting the attenrlance of the men, at the ITal'iollS gatherings where likelihood of fir. t airl he needed. nI~mbers continue to show zeal in the work, and their conduct, both on and orf rluty, is snch that it commencls itself to the public; thereby recei"ing due appreciation and respect from all c:1asses . This pleasing feature is largely respousible to the careful selection of applicarrts for membership, "'hich is a matter of vital importance in first-aiel work.

F. II. Kllagg,',

J . R. Oheetham, -10, Merton Street, II utldersfielcl .


S upt. Secretary.

Supt. Treasurer.

Supt. of Stores.

H. RopeL J. II. T. Jowett, R. "amlersoll. 23, Spring Dale 'treet, H llLlllcl'. fit Ill . O[ficCI'S 5. Annual in 'pection, 21th Oct. Allllllnlrc-examination, 4th June. CENTRAL DIVISION (HUDDERSFIELD CORPS ).


Insp ect or of Stores .

Hon. S ec. and Hon . TI'eas.

Pte. T. Johnson . Sergt. F. 'Y. IIal't1ey, 69, Propect t., II uc lllersfieid. • ergeaub:? Corporals 2. Privates 28. Total efl'ective 3~ . . Drills hel'l 26. AWInge atrcllllallcr :W. 0,1 es attended on pubhc duty 6. Cases atten(letl llot on pn lllic c1u ty 30. A.lll1unl in~pectioll, ~4.th Oct. .All~ual re-examination, 1 th June. Members pa' 'cel 22. DlCl110t appeal' 10. MedallIons 19. Nursiug certificates J . l'egulation uniform worn by 2 ergeant,? corporals, and 21 men. Material: 1 IW1111lCr, 1 stretcher::;, water hottle, &c., vested 11l the Oorps OlIicers. Division supported by mem bel'S' . u bscl iptions.

F. Hancock, 107, Heathcote Road, Bignall Encl.

[Formed 5. 19 00 .]

Honorary Secretary.

G. W. Garside, Acre

treet, Lindley.

1st Officer.

M.D .

Pte. J. Green, 327, IIigh Street, St. Alsagel's Bank.


Honorary Surgeon .

J. O. Holdernes., M. It. c. S.

Honorary Surgeon. 1st Offic er.


[Formed 10.10. 02. ]

'TATIOXAL. ('nooLs, IL.\L~IEr.ExD .

F. O. Clifford,

[Formec116.1l .1900.]




Chi ef Superintendent .

Chi ef Surge on.

E. A. ,Yharton, Snmners 13uildine;s.

G. W. Halmshaw.

[Formed 16.11.1900].


Su peri nten dent.

R. H. Shaw, :'ILR.O.


'Y. Beaumont. Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secl·etary.

Pte. B. Orowther, 9, Snow Lea, Longwood, IIllllelersfiehl.

CorpI. J. Dransfield.

Insp ector of Sto res.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. D. W. Barrutt.

Pte. II. HarrisOlI.

l)te. W. H. Taylor.


414: Officers 3. Privates 11. Total effective 14. I ncrease siTlce last report 1. Drills held 18. Average attendance 7. Cases a.ttendeLl not on public duty 30. Annual inspection, 24th Oct. Total on parade 6. Absent with leave 1. 'Vithout leave 9. Annual re-examination, 18th June. Members passed 11 . Did not appear 5. :Medallions 15. Nursing certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers and 8 men. :Materia.l : 1 small hamper and stretcher, vested in the Oommittee. Divjsioll supported by contributions. The progress made during the pa t year has been very trifiing, e pecia,ny when it is considered that the Outlane Division has been merged into this one tlurlng the year, this, no doubt, is attributed to the fmitless attempt to form first aid classes. The members of this Division have performed public duty on 3 occasions, viz., June 2nd, Whit Tuesday Band of Hope Demonstration; July 4th, Lifeboat Saturday; and July 25th, Oo-operative Fete Day.

Ohief Surgeon 1. HOll. Surgeo.us 3. Snperiute.nueu.ts 3. 1st Class ~er~eant 1. Sergeants 4. Oorporals 8. l'nvales 6: Nl~rSll1g.s1sters 19 .. Total eflectlv~,107,., The material of the Oorps is Yesled III a Oomnnttee of OfIlcers from the A, " B " and Hr ing Divisions, and a Oommi ttee elc:cteLl from the "0 JJ and "D JJ Divisions. The Oorps is well snpport{>u financially by the employers of labour (chiefly), and general public collections. T

" A



[Formed 18.3.97.J


Honorary S UI'ge o n.

J. N. Dobie,

~LA., ~I.D.



(No report received.

[Formed 16. 11.1900.J


Now merged into Longwood Division.)


[Formed 9.8. 99 .J


Hon o rary S u r geon .

A. Dobson,

J. IIanling, 9, Neville

1st O fficer.

W... Parr.

treet, Keighley.

Officer:; ::l. ergeant 1. Corporals 4. Privatcs 22. Total effective 30. Decrea e since last report 13 .. Drills l~eltl 50. Aycrage a~tenl~allCe)O: Removal 1. Oases attcnd cd not on pubhc duty I. Annual .nspechon, (th lSo';. ~ota~ on parade 14. AbsclIt "'ith lcave 2. Without le~\' e 12. Annu~l re-exam~l1atlOn, 13th and 2 th 'cpt. Mcmbers passed:21. DHl not apPt)ur (. MedallIons 19. Nnrsing certilicates 5. H.egulatioll uuiform ,,"orn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and ·1 mCll .

S uperin t e n de nt a nd Ho n. S ec .

~LR. c.s.

R. :F. Hubble, Bank, Ilkeston.

Inspect o r of S t o res .

Ho n ora ry Trea su rer.

Oorpl. J . Pounder.

Mr. W. Fletcher (Hon. ll1em.)

Officers 2. Sergeants 4. Oorporals 8. Privates 67 . Total effectiye 81. I ncrease since last rflport 11 . Drills held 65 . Average attendance 33 . Numerous cases have been attended not on public duty. Annual re-examination, Feuruary. Members passed 81. Medallions 25. Service badge). Nursing certificates 27. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 4 sergeants, 8 corporals, and 67 men. Material : stretchers, splints, water bottles, havresacs, etc ., vested in the Oommittee. Division supported by members and public subscriptions. During the past year this Oorps has made steady and satisfactory progress. The members were asked to furnish men for duty at the Agricultural how and Hospital Sports, at both of which they were called upon to render first aid, and in all cases they were complimented for their work. On the 3rd June, being the occasion of the unveiling of a bronze tablet on the Town Hall, Ilkeston, by General Sir J olm French, in connection with the war in South Africa, the member, who had volunteered for ambulance duty, receiveLI from the General the medal presented uy the Order of S~ . John. The General on this occasion complimented the Corps very highly on theU' smart appearance. A section of the Oorps journeyed to London, to do duty on the occasion of the Royal Progress in October, 1903 . There have been some very good attendances at the lectures on llursing, from which it is hoped there will be a good number pass, and obtain the certificate.

" B



CO R PS ).


lIE \D'QU.\nmns :

S uperintendent.

Honorary S urgeon.




T. X oble, Lister . trect, Kcighley .


Officers~. ,el'geants~. ol'p~rals 2. PriYates H;. Total effcctiye 21. Dccrca e since In t report 3. Dnlls l1CILl 46. A,"erage atten(lance 10.. Oa e attcnclcc1not 011 public duty 27. AUlll1n,l inspection, 7th Noy . . To~n,l on paracl~ 13. Absent with leave 5. 'Without leave 2. Annual re-exannll~tlOn, ~, th cVt. Membcr' passed 11. Did not UppC:1l' 9. fedallions 12. :rnrslllg (;erbficates 13. Regulation uuiforlll WOIll by 1 Olllcer, 2 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 11 men.


Su peri nte nd e nt.

Honorary SUI'ge on .

P . V . Fry,


F . Hudson, 15, Alma treet, Mytl101mes, Haworth . In s p ector o f Sto res.

Pte . W. Holmes, 23, Regent St., Brow, Hfl.worth . KEIGHLEY CORPS.

Ptc. F. hrkcr.

Honora ry Tre asu r er.


Pte. T. W. Richards.


[Formed as a Division in March, 1897, as a Oorps in November, 1900.J Chi ef Surge on .

:W. Scatterty,

[F.9rmed 8. 99. J


Hono rary S ecreta ry.


[Formed 3.9i.J

M. A. , I1I. D .

Sup e rint e nd e nt Sec retary.

G. Darwin, 20, Radcliffe Street, Keighley.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 18 . T otal efl'ective 22. Decrease sinc.:e lasl rel,ort 4. Drills .h eld 38. A~erage ~ltel1dat;,ce 13. Ca.ses attendetl not on public duty 11. Medalhons 8. N11l'smg ccrhficates ('. RegulatlOn uniform worn by 1 O ~cer, 1 se ~'gea ll t, 1 corporal .a~l~ 8 mell . , Matenal : stl~~tc l. lers an(1 havresaes, vesteLlm Oomnllttee of Officers . D lvlslon suppolted by SubscllptlOns from public auLl employers.




[Formed 10.02.]


Hon. Surgeon .

D. McDonnell, :\I.R.O.S . In Charge.

Sergeant H. Swinbul'll, Clifford Street, Silsden. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 13. Total effective 16. Drills held 54. Average attendance 9. Annual inspection, 7th OV. Total <In parade 6. Absent without leave 9.


Ch ief Superintendent.

O. Armitage, Ellesmere House, Stanningley Road, Armley. Superintendent Secretary.

A. Eddison, 24, Park Avenue, Arlllley. Superintendent of Stores.

R. H. Hainsworth. Officers 16. Sergeants 10. Corporals 15. Privates 260. Total effective 301. In presenting the 12th Annual Report of Brigade work in Leeds, it is npcessary to make reference to the grievous loss the Leeds Corps has sustained by the death of the late Samson Fox, Esq. , C.E . .T.P. and C. o ., of Grove House, Harrogate. The deepest regret will be felt by all members, and equally by subscribers. ~Ir. Fox was interested in the work ot L eeds Corps since its formation, and prior to Leeds Corps, in the Armley and ,Yortley Di vi ion, which latter held a first aid class at Leeds Forge in 1892. In later years 1111'. Fox took a still deeper interest in the work, and gave very con'siderable financial as istance on many occasions, the following instances may be mentioned, his generous gift of 25 complete uniforms, his presentation of war ribbons in the Town Hall, L eeds, on Saturday, September 2 th, 1901, following a complimentary dinner given to the men of Leeds Corps, who had returned from service in South Africa, to wilicb he liberally subscribed, and he also gave a handsome donation to the Armley and IV ortley band, which had played en rou teo Many other instances might be mentioned of Mr. Fox's liberality and kindness of heart. Turning now to general matters, it is gratifying to note that in the last report of the Chief Supt., he is enabled to record such a vast change in the financial position as compared with the previous year. On September 30th the accounts closed, showing a balance of cash in hand, of £12 6s. 6~d., in addition to which, A Division has £7 5s. 5d. in hand, "F" Division £1 12s. 7d. and "0" Division £3 6s. 8e1. The Corps a1so has drill books and class stores for sale, value £2 lOs. 8d. The total credit balance therefore is £27 Is. 10~d., against a deficit on September 30th, 1902, of £119 16s. 6d. I t will be remembered all Divisions were last year in debt, except "F" Division, which had a small balance in hand, some Divisions have been able to c~ear all their debt, whilst others have not done so well, all deficits owing by DiviSIons to the Corps, have however been withdrawn, so that every Division starts on October 1st, 1903, absolutely free from debt. Th e help received from Officer Myers and Private Haley has been most gratifying, the former at much inconvenience, collected from workshops £23 2s. , and with the help of a small committee, has made a profit of £42 7s. 10d. , on collections at pullic-houses and the Queen's theatre, Holbeck, to September 30th. Private Haley has by two prize drawings, made a nett profit for the funds of £33 lOs. These two amounts £75 17s. 10d. in all, were by credit apportioned to accounts of Divisions, but as the money was retained by the Corps against the debts of Divisions. the last year's deficit was reduced. During the year .men have again done good service at sports, foothall mat~hes, shows, hospital carlllvals, etc., and have dealt with a large number of accidents.

Om bu ct le lJand lias continued to ill1pl'oYe, anel has contributed to sucCP. s of many occ;sions, not only in connection with Leeds Corps, hn t neighbouring Divisions and Corps also . Dl1\'ing the year tlte mell1bers were callell upon to attend the flllleral of one of their comrades at Garfol'th (an enthusiastic and promising hugler), abou t 60 me III bel's ill" all werc pre cnt. During the y~a~' therc 1.1as been formed whnt i known a. "0 Bearel Co., t. JohnAmhulallce Il1'lgac1e, ,nth head<]ual'tersat Leed . and "'hi~h incl.udes n~el1 from I3l'ighou e, .Bl'.adfor~l, and Bal no~dswic~ . This bearer company, "'lnlst bemg (]lute separate. and (hstmct from the Bl'lgac1e, IS composed of St. John men. The company ,,"as 1llspected at Armlcy on aturday, Kovember 21st, Hl03, by Col. O'OOllllell, 1'.~LO., of the North Eastern Di trict, who expre 'sed satisfaction with the drill. 01. BowdleI', c. B., was present, as were also several yi 'iting Officers, ",llOse men were members of the company. The annnul inspection of the difl'el'eu t Divisions of L eeds Corp took place on Saturdtey, eptember 12th, at Armley, IIolbeck, and Om'forth, by ~ssist. Oon-:m. S. IV. ]'lalkin, all movelllents in foot, hand, seat, and stretcher dull, etc., bemg carried out sati factorily. The total 11Iembership, on eptember 30th, stands at 301 Oflicers anci men. In conclusion, it may be melltioned, that from January 1st, 190-1, the position of Chief upt. of Leeti· Corps ":il~ be filled by Mr. Wm. Mathieson, jnr., Tlenburl1, IIorsforth, near Lee~l , and It l~ hoped that Officers a~u men ",ill place in him that full confidence wInch ,yas enJoyed by the lute ChIef Supt., and that he will l'cceiYe help from all l'Ilnks. It is as 'ure.d that ,,·hen .he make his report he will be able to state how largely the. n:e.111ber 'lup and sUbscnption list has incrrasecl, and probubly that some further D1Vl 'lons have ,?een added to Leeds Corps. It is sincerely hoped tl~at the n1f~mbe~'s will be cleternuned .that the COlUin CT yea,r shall in every way echpse any prevlOus year, and subscl'lbers are appeakd to to help the members to carry thi out, iu doing which they will be fll1'therinrt the ohject of one of the grande ·t in titutions the ,yorld has eyer known; not ouly Jo t. John men ~alTy on their hUllla,nital'i~n work at I~OlJle, but as was instanced in the outll Afncan war, ,,,hen thell' erVlces are reflUlred abroad, they are reauy, and in the first rank are to be founel Leed. men.

" A"




Honorary Surgeon.

A. A. :Jlc ab,


Honorary Secretary.

2nd Officer.

J. j\leCullagh.

ergt. G. A. :Eox, 2,Rombald Ayenue, Arlllley Lodge Hoad, Armley. Inspecto," of Stores.

Pte. J. Lee. crgeant 1. o1'pomls 2. Privates 26. Total effective 31. Oflicers 2. Drills held 36 . Ayerage attendance 13. Cases Iucrense since last report H. attended 011 puulic duty 10. Removn,ls 2. Cases attelllled not on public duty 59 . Annual inspection, 12lh ollt. Total on parade 27. Abent with leave 2. Without leave 2. Annual re-examin,ttioll, 23l'd Dec. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 1 OfJicel' 3 sel'''eants 1 corporal, and 15 mell. l\laterial: 1 litter, 4 stretchers, 22 boxes, ~olltail~ng a~lbnlance materiul, \'e ted in the Oflicel's of the Di\'Lion. Division supported by voluntary contrihutions. . The Division continues to make satisfactory progress III cvery re pect, the members takill(t a great interest in the \\'ork. Public duty hn been undertaken on several occasiOlfs, including ca1'llivals, ancl the loc[\,l fair. At the latter a man fell from a roundabout wh en in motion, and sust,tined a fl'actul'edleg. H e was attended to in a 'prompt and efficient manlier by the III 11 who ~,'ere ?Il duty at t~le. t.ime .. ~wo cases o( epilrp y also occurred, and wero troaLed. Fll1anClally the. DlVI '1011 IS lU a m~1Ch beLter posiLion than last year, a ba1ance of a few poun.ds lJemg the re nIt of tIns year's wOl'kiug.


" B"



4th Officer (in Charge).

Hon. Secretary.

1', Oooley.

Pte. S. Helliwell, 11, Westover Road, Bralllley.


Inspector of Stores.

4th Officer.

A. Ellison, M.ro. C . ~ . , Ripley Honse, H olbeck.

Pte. J. 'Y. Varley.

S. 2lIol'timer.

Hon. Secretary.

Pte. F. E . Goldthorpe, Shakespeare I nn, Meadow R oad, Leeus. Officer 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. PriYates 49 . Total effective 55. D ecrease since last report 11. Drills held 46. A vOl:age attendance 14. . Oases attended on public duty 3. Oases attendetlnot on public duty 60. l'lIedalhons 6. Re!:mlatioll uniform worn by 1 Office r, 1 sergean t, and 2 corporals.



Inspe ctor of Stores.

W. Carnes, L.R.C.S., Oardigan Road, Burley.

Corpl. T. Booth.

Offi cers 2. Sergeant l. Privates 22. Total effective 25. Del~rease since last report 12. Drills heltl 36. Average attendance 8. Oases attenuetl on public uuty 13. Cases a.ttended not on public duty 26. Annual inspection, 12th ept. Total 011 parade 19. Ausent with leave 3. Without leave 2. Annunl re-examination, 8th Jan. Members passed 20 . Did not appear 4. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform ,rom by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 14 men. Material: 3 stretchers, plints, ulllHlages, etc" vested in the OfJicers of the L eeds Corps. Division sllpported hy yoll1lltary cOlltrilmtions. There IID.s uee11 a slight decrease of mellllers in this Division during the past year . Bnt first ait1 cla. se ale about to be formed, from whieh it is hoped to enrol new memher, and thus b.ing the Di"iioll up to the usual strength . Two members have returned frOIlJ ,outh Africa safely, 0110 ha 'ettled tIl ere. Th e III em bel'S have atten(led l!rill· allll parades atisfactorily . The Divi iou ulltlertook ambulance duty at the Bramley and t:muingley cal'l1i ,'al s, the football matches, etc. Seyeral cailes of slight injury, fainting, etc., reccil'c(l first ai(l tleatmellt. " F " GARFORTH DIVISION (LEEDS CORPS. )

Officer 1. 'ero-eant l. Corporal l. Privates 1 . Total efrccti~'e 21. Drills held 39 . A.-erage ~ttenclance~ 2. CasesDecrease since last ~eport 13. attended on public duty 27. Cases attcntled not on pH bhc cl n ty 260. ~llnnal inspection, 12th Sept. Total on llarade 23 . Ahsell t \nth lea ~·e~. nletlalhOl1S 6. :nbtenal: 2 t]'c~chel', R egulation worn by 1 sergeant, 1 COl'l~o]'al, ancI. 1,3. men. etc. , ycsted in St. John Ambulance Bngacle. DIVISIOn snpported hy the pnblIc.


[Formed 12.1900.J


[Formed 29.4.0l.J


Honorary Surgeons,

C. IT.

ykc, L.U.C.P.

J. E. Gaine , :\r.R.C,~.

4th Offi cer (in Ch arge).

Honorary S ecretary.

R. Rontlc(lge, jUJl1'.

Pte. II. Fryer, Garforth.

oOicel's3. Sergeantl. COl'[lorals4. Private'3. Totalen·ective46. Dccrease 1. Material: J stretchers, splint, bUllliuges, wool, yesled in the Officers of Leeds Corps. Division supported uy voln llt!lry sub cl'iptions.

HEAD-QUARTERS : ST. LUKE'. ScnOOL, NOPoTH STItEE'l', Ll];EDS. Hon . Surge ons.

Hon . Surgeon and Sup erintendent.

D. Sims, ?>I.R.C.S., J . O'Xeil, L.R.C.P.

J. Sims, :\1. B. , 260, ~lean\\'oocl Road, L eeds.

Hon . S ecretary.

Inspector of Sto res.

P te. J. A. Morley, 4, Roman Grove, Hounc1hay, L eeds.

Pte. D. Forster.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporals l. Privates 29. Total effective 31 . D ecrease since last report 16. Drills hel(l 32, Al'eragc .attenrlance 19. Cases attended on public duty 6. Oases attill1lled not on pubhc dn~y 13~. Anllual inspection, 12th Sept. Medallions 4. Service bauges 7. R egulatlOn l1mf?rm worn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 6 men. Material: 2 stretchers, hanrlages, hnt, wool, etc., vested in the Officers of the L eeds Corps. Division supported by voluntary contributions.



J. E. ALbott, lI1.R. C.S.

" G



II~_\'D -QuAI~TEn. : 'YORKIX G MEX'S b' 'TITUTE, L OWER 'Y::>RTLEY. 1st Officer and Hon. Sec.

S. Pyrah, 161, Lower "Wortley Rd., Leeds.

Inspector of Sto res.

Oorp. J.



Officer l. Sergeants 2. 00rpo1'l1182. Privates 17. Total e1fective ~2. Decrease 8. Removal 1. Annual inspectioll, 12th Sept. Total on parade 5. Absent with leave 11. "Withont leave 5. Allllnall'c-examination, 23rd Feb. and 3l'd Mal'. Members passe(l 17. Did not appeal' 14. McL1allions 19. l1l'sing certitlcates Regulation ulliform worn by 1 Ollieer, 2 sergeant, 2 corporals and 9 men. Material: ] 2 boxe stocked with first aid appliances, 2 stretchers, bandages, 'c., vested ill the 0 mccrs of L ee(ls Oorps. Diyision su pportecl by public subscriptions. The" G" Division, L eeds corps, which ernbrares Lo\\'er "\Vortl ey, FI1l'llIey, Gildersome, Drighlington, etc., with head-quarters at the ,Yortley \Yorking Men's Institnte, Lower WorUey, and another ection which meets for drill, etc., at the parish church schoolroom, Gildel'some, has not maintained its usual rate of progress during the past yenr. There are soveral contributory clements to this re 'uIt, some of which are, the determination to rcduce tIle clebt on the Divisiou and the noncontinuance of the classes, etc. It is deeply to be regretted that there is in the Pivision , what probably applies to other Divisions and Oorps, a noticeable falling off 1U the attendance at drills, by members, after they have obtained their medallions . It is hoped allother year to be able to continue the classes, and so qnalify new men for enrolment as members of the Brigaue. Members of the Division have assisted D1


420 in the removal of several patients from the various works at which they are employed, and proof:; of the usefulness of a knowledge of fir t aid are constantly being given. The small nnm bel' of men on parade at the annual inspection is accounted for in the following manner. The inspection took place during the time a local holiday was in progress, when many of the members are away from home on their anl1uallea ve, and they consequently had to be excused attendance. To some of them it was a great disappointment, as the inspection is looked forward to.




Hon. Secretary.

4th Officer.

Pte. O. Grimshaw, 9, Cecil Mount, .A.rmley.

1. Kaye.

Officer 1.

Officcr~ 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 18. Total effective 24. Decrease since last r~port 19. Drills held 42. .A. veragc attendance 20. Cases attendeel not .on public duty 14. Ann.nal re-examination, 27th Scpt. Members passed 13. DId not appear 11. MedallIOns 15 . Regulation uniform worn by 2 O~cers, 1 sergeant, 2 corpor.als, antl 14 men. Materials; 3 stretchers, 2 sets of splmts, bandages, &c'! vested ~tl ~hc Committee of the Divi:;ion. Division snpported by members and publw subscnptlOns. A!thougb tb~re is a. decrease of membership caused by member beincy unable to put 111 the req mred dr~lls for which they hl1V~ be~n .struck olI the roll, it i~ gratifying to note that the effective members are ellthuslastIc m the work; this will be seen by the average attendance.

Sergeants 2.

Corporals 3.

Privates 61.

Total effective 67.




[Formcd 20.6.99.]


(00 report receind.)


(N 0 report recei ved.)



Hon . Surgeon and Hon . Treas .

F_ S. Lambert,

Superintendent and Hon . Secretary.

K. R. Deighton, 51, Rasen Lane, Lincoln.

lILR. C. S.

Officers 2. Sergeants 6. Pl'ivates 30. Total effective 3 . Decrease since last report 9. Drills held 39. Average attendance 12. Cases attende<l on public duty 39 . Removals 3. Cases attended not on puhlic duty 100. Annual re-examination, 12th March. Members passed 23. Failed 2. Did not appeal'10. Medallions 17. Nur~ing certificates 1~. Regulation unirorm ,yorn by 2 Otficers, 6 sergeants, and 25 men. Material; litter, 3 hav!'esacs, 3 water bottles, 3 stretchers, splints, bandages, &c., vested in the Committee of the Division . Division supported by public Sll bscriptions. The DiviSIon has done good ,york during the past year, having turned out for public duty 32 times, a stretcher "q nad always heing on duty at both the City football field, and also at the football matches 011 the South Common . 8ix men turned out for d lltv each eVt'ning at the pleasure rair, and a stretcher squad each day at the three diH'erent race meetings, one squad being on duty at the Royal Progress throuffh London, 011 Octo her 25th. In Angnst Pte. Rowell was directly instrumeutal m rescuing a child from drowning in the river Witham. The Hon. Surgeon and six men were on duty each of the three days of the Lincolnshire show, and treated 16 cases.


L. R.C.P .

111. B .

Sup erintendent.

T. H. Hardy, 4.0, Pat'hnson Road, H.

Sergt. J. W. Bell.

Su peri ntendent.

Hon . Surgeon.

D • R • 11"'1'11 leI',


cnnthorpe, via Doncaster.

1st Offi cer and Honorary Treasurer (act ing).

Inspector of Stores.

W. G. Woodsworth,

Hono rary Su rge ons .

M. R. J. Behrendt,

R. H. Childs, 10, Portland Terrace, Mansfield.

1st Officer and Hon . Sec.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

G. W. Nicholson, 18, Portland Terrace, Mansfield.

Pte. Z. Crooks.

Pte. W. F. Golby.

. McIntosh.

Hon . Secretary (acting).

Pte. A. L. Binner, 'Ln,tion House, rt'roclingham, via. Donca ter. Inspector of Stores (ac t ing).

PtC. U. C.

kidmOI e.

Omcer.· 4. ergeant l. Corporal 1. Privates 26. Total efl'ectiye 32. .A.verage attendance 16. Cases Increa e smcc last report 1l. Drills heltl 4l. ~ttend~d Oil ~public duty 4. Oases aUended not on public duty 30. Annual ll1SpectlOn, If th June. Total on parade 27. Abseut "'ith leave 2. ·Without le~ve 3. Aunual re-examillation, llth May and 16th July. l\Iembers passed 28. DId no~ appe~U' 2. Medallion.' ,13. Senice badges 2. Nursing certificates 1l. Regulatlon 11111f01'l1? WOl'll 11Y 2 OIilcel's, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 26 men. Material: 4 stretcl.lers, 2 slll:glCal hanesac , .emcrgenc,Y .U?X, brigade flag, splints, bandages, &c., vested. ll~ the OfllCel'S amI Comnnttce. DrnSlOl1 supported by membels and public subscnptlOlls. T~lC Di vision has made satisfactory progress during the past year, both in nUIll bel'S, e~clenc~, alld. smartnes. The "hole of thc members wear the brigade uniform, anu gIe,at ~atlsfactl~n has becn ~xpre, ~ed nt thc smart appearance of the Division when paJadmg ~or dnll m~dl1ractl.ce. Thc mcmbers have rendered very good service on t~e occaSIOn of serIous aCCldents at the local iron and steel works and there are slgns that thc public are beginning to see the value of the Divisi~n' work and usefulness. The Division was on duty both days of our local Agricultural Show and Sports. A squad was on duty at ,Yinterton how in the immediate neicyhbourhoorl ~nd members lULVe taken duty at most of the local football matches. l~he Divisio~ IS helped by subscriptions from the Lincolnshire Ironmasters' Association ano D~l~y.loc!"l rrie~ds, besides thc subscriptions paid by the members themselves.' The l,vlSlon ~s also llld~?ted to the Officers of the G company 3rd VoL Batt. Linc. Regt. fOl the usc of the <lull hall, and to the ScuntlIOl'pe temperance band for its services on several parades.







Chief Surgeon and Chief Supt.

Hon. Su rge o n.

A. F . Arlidge, Olicana, Stoke-on-Trent .


(No report l'ecei,ed.)


.Hon. Surgeon .

J. Russell,

M.A ., M. B.

Supt. and Ins p. of S t o res.

T . W . Boardman, Town Hall, Bursle111, Staffs. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 20. Total effective 23. I ncrease sillce last report 4. Drills held 27. Average attendance 12. Removals 5. Oases attended not on pu1.J}ic duty 4. Annua.l re-exalJ1ination, 30th Sept. 1\1e111b.ers passed 14. Did not appear 8. Medallions 15. Service bad.ges 8. Regul~tlOn uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 16 men. Matenal : Ashfonl htte~', 2 Furley stretchers, surgical ha vreRac, water bottle, splints, bandages, &c., vesteclm the Division . Division supported by concerts, &c.

G. S. Hattoll,

M. D .

Su pe r intendent.

1st O ffi c er.

Allul'clice, j)1. D., &C. Killg ,'treet, e\\,cuslle.\llHlcr-Lyme.

F. T. Ea,rc1ley

,\\T. II.

Hon. S ecretary.

S t orekeepe r

nlt1tl;l 'Waele, ·1, Ellappers Gale, I (,\\·castle-ullder-Lyme.

'IV. Banks.

Ollicer:; 2. ergeants 2. 1tJrl'orab 2. Privates 32. Total effective 38. Reserve members 2. Increase 'ince In t report 5. Dlills held 43. Average atte1ldancc 15. A lluLlal insl'cctiOlt, 20th Nov. Total on pa rade 16. Absent with leave '. ,\Yithont leurc 10. AUlIuull'e-examinntion, 2Hh July. MemlJers passed 23. DIll J10t appeal' 12. J\ledallions 11. Nm.·ing certificates 2. Reuulation uniform w01'1l.hy 2 'ergeant, 2 corporals and 9 men. Material: 2 stret~hers, 1 h~\'~·L':'in.C, sl'111lts and lJa11lhgcs, \'0.sLed in the Newcastle-under-Lyme Division . Dl\'ISlOll sllpporlecl by mcmber,; tl.llll subscriptioJ1s . The D~Yi 'ion (lid well in the local competition open to Divisions in North taffonlshire. 1\1'0 '~'1l1a(ls were cntercd nuu TO. 2 ,'quad (nnuer erueallt Leicrh) 1V0n the Onp, beating No. 1 'luaLl (under ,'crgeant GrilJilh), the winlli~g tea:n oOf last year.



(X 0 report rccei \'ed).


(No rcport l'ecci vell.)


(N 0 report received . )


Honorary Surgeon.

J. Aspinall,

M. R . C. S.

3rd Officer and Honorary Secretary.

W . Lowe, Boys' School, Milton, Stoke-on-T rent. Officers 2. Oorporal1. Privates 12. T otal effective 16. I n orease since last report 2. Drills held 19. Average attendance 13. Oases attended not on public dllt y 10. Annual ill spection, 29th Oct .. T?tal on parade ..~ . Absen t with leave 5. W it h out l eave 2. Annual re-examm atlon , 23~'d Apll . Members passed 16. Medallions 11. Service badges 6. N ursing certIflCate~ 3. R egulation uni form worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, ] corpol~al and I ? .rr~en. Ma~e~'l~l~ 2 stretchers, sp1ints an d bandages, vested in the MIlton Dlvlslon. DIVISlO suppor ted by Members.


Ho n ora r y S urge o n.

'IY. E. Bennett,

1s t Officer.


I,.]t. C.l' .

Hon orary S ec ,"et ary.

Pte. J . Geuty, 40. Orchard St., Otley.

I nspec to r o f S t o res .

Ptc. O. T hOlllPSOIJ.


Hono rary Treasu re r.

Pte. O. Liddall.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. "Privates 21. T otal effective 25 . Drills held 18. Average atlendallce 8. Annual inspection, 21th Noy. Total on parade 13. Absent without leave 12. AUllualre-examinatioll, 15th Oct. Members passed 11 . Did not apl)ear 7. .r.l cllulliolls 11. l\laterial: 2 surgical hayresacs, l'ug, 2 wat.er b~ttles, vesLed in the Division . Division !:lu}lportell by Otloy Uentre. Tlus bemg tho lirst year 0(' tho Diyi:;ion since it wus re-formed the members ?ave founel it somewhat hal'll to get into full working ordcr, lJut 'it is hopetl to lmprove before the n ext report .


Honora,"y Su'"geons.

E. 13. Barbel',

M.lt. C. S.

A. Y onng,

M.R.C.S .


Superintendent of Stores.

Chief Superintendent.

A. O. B. Pennock.

H. O. Else, Tinsley House, nr. Sheffield.



Honorary Surgeon.

W. B. V. Brittian.

R. Net:;bitt, Honorary Treasurer.

Honor-ar-y Secretary.

Sergt. H. E. Bagg , IV ake Road, Sharrow, Sheffield.





Honorary Surgeons.


Supe rin tendent.

T. Allen, 20, Belmont Crescent, Shipley. Inspector of Sto res.

CorpI. H. Bowers.

2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.

J . T. Green.

J. II. Potter, Fel'l1 Bank, Daildon Shipley.

1st Offi cer and Hon . Sec.

Bon er, Fore:lt Lodge, ntton-in-A ·hficld .

A. E. Wingrove, Hardwick Lane, S II tton -in -Ashlield. Ho nor-ary Treasurer.

I"lLe. C. II. Whetton. Ofliecrs 3. ergeant 1. Corporn.ls 2. Private' 1 Totnl effective 24. Decrease sillce la::-.t rcport 2. JJrilb 11(~1(1 H. Average attel\(I:1.IIce 17. Ca es attcllde(~ Ol! public duty 6. Ca.es attcnded not on public duty 20. AUl1ual re-exanllnallOn, Dec. Member:; }las. f·d ~1. Metltdliolis 10. Klll'sirr<t cel'Wieates H. Re.gulat.ioll 1I1r~1'01'l~1 \\ om lIy ~ Olliters, 1 scrgeant, ~ corl'orahi, alllil "'men. Material: 2 hI' t a1(l onthls. 3 t:;tl'clchd's, roller and tl'lallUlllal' b<Jllcl:irres, and water bottles YC~tetl in the I>i,']siflll. Divit:;iun slll'porlctl hy J,ublic ami l~rel1l]wn;' suhscriptions: Major-Gcncral '\r. K '\\'al'nllld, U.K, kindly \'isited tll(' Di,-isiol! at the Town Hall, Oil }<'CllJ'IIalY Hit, 1903, :lml l'n-sclltl'd CCl tifinl.tcs and llwdalliont:; to the snccct:;sful enll{lidate::-. n t the last c.'«lIrillatiolls. The Gcncral insl'f'ctcti the J1\Cl! on pamrl!', aIHl expl'e. sed Irilll.·(·](' most l'lea::-.td wilh their 'nrart and soldierly bearillCl' and hig~J!y c')"~rrlcllcll'd .thelll 1'01' lhe snmr tIlC.·S "ith whil'h they at'quitted thl·l~~ sel\'~s III n flIspla)' of. ~lllh\11allCC ~·ol'k. The Divi.-ioll h:l~ starlcd a. ju\'errile con~lt~g ' l1t, ofYOULhs, oj from 1<1 Lo 11 :ponr' of age, "holll it is 110]1(·<1 to u1Limatcly dl:att llIto the Bl'lgafle. \\Te ha\'e 110\1' 36 such yuuths, who n.re alread) equippcd 'nth cap' airel bdts awl while haYersal's. This excellent 1II0vement is due to the energetic 1st Ollicer, .Ll. \\'ilIgro\'t', wlio i an ellthusillst in all matters aflectillg amlJUlancc "'01+.

A Division-O. W. Eames, :M.B. B Divi ion-To J. Bonner. Yeaclon Section-J. Johuson. 1st Officer.


Sup erintendent.

Mr. B. A. Firth (Hon. Mem.)

Officers 5. Sergeants and Corporals 17. Privates 110. Total effective 132. Decrease since last report 16. Drills held 30. Average attcndancc 62. Oases attended on public dnty 197. Annual inspectioll, 19th Sept . Total on paradc 103. Absent with leave 11. Without leave 18. Anllual re-examination, Oct. Members passed 89. Did not appear 43. Medallions 64. elTice badges 1. Nursing certificates 40. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 17 sergeants and corporals, and 110 men. Material: 3 large cupboan.ls, 16 strctchers with splints attached, havresacs, water bottles, blankets, vested in the Corps. Oorps supported by subscriptions. Dnriug the year great coats have beeu purchased for the whole of the mcn. A grant of £100 from the Town Trustees of helfield, enabling the Corp to bear the expense. The whole of the men's tronsers have been piped with white down the seams. Bugles and chums have been bought. A la.rge amount of public: dnty has been done, the most im portant being the Great Yorkshire how. There has been a decrease in nnmbers during the year, which it is hoped \l'ill ]Je made up thi ycar. A & B DIVISION

[Formed 20.6.01.J

TALKE DIVISION. [Formed 26.3.02.] lIE \lr-QU \nTElt ':





Honorar-y Treasurer.

Hon . Surgeon.


1st Officer-.

J. B. Orimes, Holly Yillas, Lawton Kiclsgro\'e, nl'. toke-oll-Treut.

lcel, L.n. C.l'.

Sel'gt. F. Newell.

Officers 6. Sergeants 3. Corporals 3. Primtes 47. Total effective 59. Increase since last report 10. Drills held 51. Averilge ath:ndance 28. Cases attended on public duty 11. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 104. Annual inspection, 9th Sept. Total on parade 36. Absent with leavc 23. Without leave 15. Annual re-examination, 6th May. Members passecl 48. Did not appeo.r 13 . Medallions 40. Service badges 7. Regnlation uniform worn hy 5 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 29 men. Material: 7 stretchers, surgical haVl'fS[lC, water bottle, and accident box, vested in the Omcers ancI Committee of the Oorps. Division supported by members' subscriptions ancl puhlic donations. T?e Corps has continned to make satisfactory progress clllring the past year, havmg, by increase of members and the formation of a nursing Division at hipley aD;d a. section at Yeacl{)n, been entitlcd to adopt the higher title of Shipley and DistrIct Oorps. The Corps has been divided into 2 Divisiolls, viz., A and B, Ilkley Section being attached to A Divi, ion, and the newly formed Yeaclon ection added to B Division. Th ere has been an increase of 30 members and a clecrea e of 20, leaving a gain of 10 on the year. Th e medical staff has beeu increased by the appointment of Dr. T. J. Bonner to B Division and Dr. T. Johnstone to Yeo.don Section, and the Hon. Surgeons have adopted brigade uniform . Public duty has be~n undertaken as follows: April lOth, 11th, 13th, and 14th (Eastertide), at ShIpley Glen; July 4th, at Saltaire Park (Shipley F. and T. Society's Sports and. Gala); J:ll1 25th, a.t Yeadon, Hospital Gala. The Oorps has been most su~cess. ful 111 competItIons, havmg won 3 firsts (inclucling Higson Lister challenge shIeld), 2 seconds, 1 third, and 1 fourth prize.

Hon. Secretary.

Pte. R. Naylor, 17, St. <Jyiol1l"S Strcet, Talke, nr. 'toke-oll-Treut.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. J. Couke.

Pte. J. T. Crime'3,

. Offi(.:cl's 2. ,crgcant 1. OOI'].ornls 2. Privatcs 17. Total eft'cdive 22 Dnlls. he hl '1? A \el"lge at tel1!laute 9. 'nses a tteurled not 011 pH hlic d n ty 3. Al1uuallllspcctlO11, ~Otll June. Total Oll paradc 14. Ahscnt \lilh ll'a\'(~ a. Without leavc 4. ,Mc(hllioll], nlateriul: 1 sll'l'Ld1l'r, b:lllcll1(rCs, and '·l'lillt· 'c ted ill Local Committee. Diyisioll t:;ul'l'ol'tetl 1.y puLlic snbSCl'~ltions Uncll!Olltr'it;utiol1 by mem bcrs. ix Much enthn. iaslll continues to be ']}o\\'n hy tho members of thi Di"ision, 11(;W mel~lb 'J's have lwen e11l'ol1e(l Si11tC tlie la~t [llllllial report, ::tlldolllC mellluers have rcslgned: o\\'ing to prcs. nre of 11l1siIl('s pl'e\'elltillg their n.ttendin tr the nece 'sa!'y number of (hills to qualify ('01' their l'fiicicllC'Y. b


rrn I';

[Formed 1 ,,7, J CLrB, TIB 'UELF.

Hon orary Surgeons.

W. A. Stamfol'll,


It'. lUarriotl,


uJ'geon-Mnjol' G. H. Hutton.

Chi ef Supt. and Hon . Treas .

. O. Wardell, Doe Ilillll onse, nr. Alfreton.


426 4th Officer.

3rd Officer and Inspector of Stores.

2nd Officer.

G. L ee.

G. Rawson.

J. D avies . Hon . S e c ret ary.

Pte. R. E. OouVe, Colliery House, Tibshelf, Alfreton . Officers 7. Selo-eants 7. Oorporals 11. Pri,'ates 100. Total effective 125. Resene member; 4. Decrease since la t report 2. Drills held 30. Average attenc1ance 60. Cases attended on public duty 6. Hemovals 20. Oases attellLleLl not on "[lublic duty 70. Annual inspectioll, 4th Sept. Tot?,l ~n parade 102. Absent with leave 14. "Without leave 6. Annual l'e-eXallllDatlOn, 4th Sept. 1lIem bel's passed 102. Did not appeal' 20. Medallions 122. Service lladges 40 . Nursing certificates 45. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers, 7 sergeants, 11 corporals, and 100 men . Ma terial:: .,\:agoll, litter, stretch~rs, uml!uL.lllce boxes, vested in Ohief Superintendent. DIVI Ion supported by pubhc ubscnptlOlls.


Ho n . S urg e on .

W. T. Orawford,


2n d Officer.

3 r d Office r .

'Y. Kitchen .

O. G. Alletson .



W. II.


Insp e ctor of Sto res .

Sergt. F. :Malthy. Officers 5. Sergeants 2. Privates 26. Total eITective 33. Decrease since last I'el)ort 10 . Drills held 25 . Average attendance 19. Oases attended on public duty 4. Remoyals 9. Ca, es attended not on pulJlic duty H. Annual re-examination, 21st J ov. Members pa.ssed 22. Did not appear 10. Medallions 21. lusing certificates 14. Regulation uniform worn hy 4. 0 fficers, 2 sergeants, and 26 men . Material: 1 wagon, 7 stretchers, 3 hampers, 1 havresac, splints, etc. Division supported by honorary members a.nd members' contributions. Tbere is again a decrease in membership, owing to many failing to make the necessary number of attendances at drill. Two sqnads did duty at the loca.l Agricultural show, and one sql\ad at the Welbeck Athletic Sports in August last.


35, PoUl'r Streel, ,Vo1'ksop,


Honorary Secretary.

In spector of S tores .

IIli tchell.

Ofliccn:i 2. 'ergeunt· 4. Corporals 5. Pri"utes 36. Tota.l effective 47 . Re 'one mCllIliers 4. Drill' held 33. Average a.ltellrlance H . Cases a.UendeLl 011 pnLlie lluty U. Relllonlls lu. Cascs attellded not OIl public Lluty 35 . Annua.l inspedioll, lGLlt ,July. Tutal on paru(lu 32 . Ahsellt with le<1\'e 4. ,Yitbont leave 5. Annnal re-exalllination, 2 til April. 1Ilellllll'l's pasell 46. Diel not a.ppear 1. Medalli()ll~ :H. Dieiliot appear £l. Modnlliol1!4 21. 'enice hadges 24. Nursing certilicute:12. regulntion ullit'ol'lll 110m h} ~ OlIicers,l Rel'g'allts, 5 corporal', and 36111L11. \laturinl: 1 u\l1blllnncu wagon, 1 litter, 7 stretcher., ha\'l'csac., water bottles, &0., vcsleel in local OllllUiLll't' . Di"isioll snppol'teLl hy sub ·c riptious. The Di\'i 'iOll (lming the last yeut hit. Illailltaillcll its n:l1a.l eUieicncy. Three memucrs 11,1 re jllillu(l tlle Hoyn 1 N'wa I ~id" Berth H,esen'e. A seluall ot I1IC11, llIlLler the charge of oupl. 1\. J. Helm illolltag1l0, \\ere 011 dnty ill London during the King' Progress, Ull ~0n1 Octuber, lDO~. ,\t (he illllJlli11 ill 'P<'CtiOIl the .t\::;st. omm. in,pecte(l eVl'r)' slnlioll, alld a~aill highly cOllI[llilllented the mellloels in cbarge thereof on the lIeatlle~s alit! goo,j sLate of l'Ppair in which all the matcri,ll was kept . lIe pointed out tlic greaL lIl'c(l there was fur an up-to-clate wagon, stating that in his opinion the~ prc:cllt one " "lS [lo'ili\'cly dall~crous . pccial efforts are being macle to obtain l:lufliC'iclIt fund to purc;hasc It J1e\\' onc.


[Formell 19.'1. 91.J JOTTL-OIL\.M .

Hon. S urgeon.

W. II. lIill,


1st Nursing O fficer and Lady Secretary.

[FormeLl10 .10.01. J


Superintend e nt and Hon . S ecretary. In spector of Stores.


1\1rs. G. Fonle!, Basford lIall, Nottingham .


OorpI. G. H . Jackson .


Lady S uperinte ndent.

(N 0 report recei ved. )

:\1. E. L oft, "Woolley Oolliery, Darton,

2 n d O ffice r .

E. G. Allen .


[Formed 12. 1900.J



' lImE'!', "WORK!:lOP.

Hon. S urgeon, S up t . and Treasurer. A. J. n. 1\[on tague, ;\I. D.,




[Formed 29.4. 97.J


[Formed 1891. J

Su pel'inte nd e nt an d Hon . S ecretary.

1st Offi cer a nd Hon . T reas urel'.


CorpI. A. D,n idson, ~ll, Central Avenue, orksop.

E. G. IIamlyn, Welbeck, Worksop, Notts.

M. D .

complimented by him on their slJ1art appearance, a11l1 full attendance on this, their first inspection, ancl wcre urged to maintain discipline, and keep up their attendances at all the drills, etc., or obtain leave of absencE', in order to maintain the Divi~ioll ill a state of eniciency. The attellllallce at the eh'ills, etc., is not all that coulLl be desirell, that of some of the llIClllllers being barely sufficient to keep them eITicient.

l1l' .


Hon . T,"easure r .

Mr. J . R. WilkiU6011 ( [I on. Mel11.)

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporal]. Privates 16. Total effective 19. I ncrease since last report 1. D rills held 32. Average attenda.nce 17. Oases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 30th J uLy . T otal on paJ:ade 19. Medallions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 omccr and 15 mell. 1I1atenal: 3 F urley stretchers, surgical havresac, splints, bandages, etc., ve::;ied in the Oomm ittee . Di vision supported by public suuscription. T he D ivision has Illade fair pl")gress d\\l'illg t h e last year. All the m embers turned up for the annual inspeetioll, by the Assistant Oommissione r, al1Ll wer e

Mrs. J . T . Walter:, The 'liJl', Cillllcr lIill, Nottingham. Ollicur' 3 . ~ur'ling si:;(ers 66. Totn.l eLfective 69 . Increase since la·t report ] 3. Pr<letiecs helLI 7 . Average a.ttcllua.nce oJO . .Medallions til. Hl'uulation ulliforl1l worn hy 1 J1ursing onicer and 1 nursing iter. Materia.l, all llursil~g requisites, Yestell in the Babbington Oou.l 00. Divi ion snppnrb'd by the halJhillgLoll Coni Co. Tbere is no 1'ccol'(l of cast'. tr ';I(el1, hut thcre i!'; a. large a.mount or good \TOl'k done. Thc sick room is kept ill llet LeI' ol'llcr, the patient helter a.ttended to, and the mpdic;tl attendant 1I10rc aul}' assisted ill hi, c[['ort. to bring about lhe recovcry of the patien t.


[Formed 10.2.97.J


Honol'a ,'y Surgeon .

II. C. AlLlertoll, lII.1LC . S.


428 Lady Superintendent.

Miss E. F oster, 31, Rook Street, Barnoldswick. Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

Miss J. A. Sneath, East Avenue, Barnoldswick.

Miss E . Marsh .

Lady T,'easurer.

Miss M. 'Vaterwortb . Officers 2. Nursing sisters 17. T otal effective 19. Pra ctices held 35 . Average attendance 10. Cases attended not on public duty 3. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 5 lllusing sisters. ,Material: splints and bandages. Division supported by public subscri]Jtions.


[Formed 8.1900.]


Hon orary Surgeon.

J. H. Woods,

L . R . C. P .

Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. L. J. Gadie, Field Hill, Batley. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 11. Total effecti,-e 13. D ecrease since last report 3. Practices helu 25. A ,erage attendance 9 '6 . Ann u:11 inspection, 8th Sept. Total on 11aracle 12. Absent "'ith le::tve 2. ,ritllOut leave 1. Annual re-examination, 22nd July. ~lembel" pnssed 11. Did not allpear 3. Medalliolls 12. Material: bandages, splints, etc., Yestf:d in Officers and COnlll1itt(·e. Division sllpportel1 by subscriptions. This Division has held its own during the year, and in the immediate flltnre is looking forwarcl to inr.reasecl activity, 15 ne,\" members ha,e signifiell their intention of joining. The Division regrets having to recorJ the resignation of ihe Lady u)lt., Miss 11. A. Talbot, which was received in May, 1903. In :Man:h lnst year the Division was honoured by a visit from Ceneral Sir Redvers and Lady Audrey Buller, the former of whom distributer] tlle certificates and mel1alJions earne<] by stndents of the cl:1sses held in the winter session. One of the nl1l'.'illg sisters was able to lend valuable aid when at the. easide in summer, by restoring animation in a case uf apparent drowning, ,,,hich must donbtless have proved fatal had no snch aid been forthcoming . The Division is greatly illdebte(] to the HOll. HI geon, Dr. J. H. "oous, for the time and attention he has so freely given in the year just closed.

R\3gulation uniform worn b.y 3 Officers and 17 nursing sisters. Material: bandages, splints, and 1 stretcher, vested in thc Bradford Oorps. Division supported by Bradford Oen tre. The numbcr of co. es attencled to on public duty 'was 12. At Pcel Park the following cases took placo at tho galn. on June 1st and 2nd, 3 mellil!al cases il,nd 5 minor surgical cases. 2 cases rC<lnirell transport, am1 the 1ayoress, Mrs. Wade, specially congratl1ln,teLl Nl1l' ing. 'i'lter . ~icholsOll for the care with which she conLlucted a lady with heart lli~case homc in the ambulance. On Jnly !th, at TOllO' Purk, a little girl \Val'! knocked tloWll by it horse and cart, shc sllstaillccl cnts an~ bruisos, shc \Va treatcu at the amlllilanco tcnt, and cOllveyet1 hOl11c. There were two cases at the :Thlanninglw,1Il Pnrk Gala, Ol1e patient sull'ering from shock,the OthOI' from fuinting . On June 13th, members of thc Divisio11 attended the firemen' cOllll)etition at Valley Puracle, they hall one case of bU1'Ilt hallds. The si tel'S also attt:nded public duty at Webseyand Harold p.nk. A concert was helll on Augu. t 29th, 1903, in ait! of the I'ullds of this Division, AI<I<'rnll111 P. Wa,le, .J.P., the Mayor, the Prcsiden t, pl'esil1etl, am1 prt'sell ted s i I n~r Illc<lnls to th e fon lIelers 0 f th e 11 nrsing Di\"ision. On eptelllber 13th, the ~lll'sillg 'isler;:; took part ill a special inter-corps drill, hctween the BraMonl and. 'hiplc)' corps, under lIon. nrgeolls Lo<]ge, Eames, 'mith amI Bonllar. NUl'. ing .. i [els • 'ha\\', ,rilkiIL'oll, awl Tel/I[lest treated a man foulld in n, fiell1llcfll' hr, ,ill·t aller thc l'rilctiee ; it wa~ a co. e of poi 'ollillg, tlle man \\'a'snbsecll1Clltly taken to a hO!'[lila1 at f:ialtaire . During illp. y 'ar the Lally. l1[lerin tenrlent, the lIrst alld ecolltl ~llr,illg ()llic'Pl's, lHwe made ~o visits to the ;'llli'erin(r siok, acting ullcler the direction of Dl:. P . Lodge, ant1 ihey haye. everallimes assisted in prepa ri ng fur opom liou . . The Hllllnal COlll[letitiull at Pecl Park was llelflyetl thi year fro111 July lIth to Stptemher ~iltll. 'l'hf're "'as also it • ['('<·i 11 enlll!'f" ilion between the 11Hr.ing Dil"isions of l31-a<ll'onl all<l the onc COl'll/iug lll.'hiplcy. FOllr II1pdal . \I'cre 0llerel1, and "'ere won, two hy?llrs. M. Eo Ree', the ~lld Ollicer, al111 ~lrs. Annie Ackroyd, of the Bradford Corp,.:, Hll,l by two l1ur iJl~ .i "tel''' of the, 'hil'ley nursing Di,i~ion.


YIl"l'onr \ '(

lIOOr.S, BnJGllo"c"~E.

HOl1o,-ary Su rgeon.

B. E. Etlw'lrd',



Lady Superi ntendent .

Lady S ecretary.

Mrs. M. , . Hirst, Crow Trees, Ra 'lrick .

11 . a~tle

~I. G. Thornton, lIill Honse, Rastrick.

Lady Insp ector of Stores.

Mrs. R. A. Wat 'Oll .


148, SUNmnDGE ROAD, BRADFOllD. Hon . Surgeon .


G. Lodge,

F .J{.C . .' .

Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. E. J. Chapman, 46, Bowlanu Street, Bradford. 1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.

Lady I nspecto r of Sto res.

Mnl. M. Shaw, 14, Glaustone Street, Bradford.

l\Irs. E. Nicholson.

2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Traasurer.

Mrs. M. E. Rees. Officers 4. Nl1l'sing sisters 23. T otal cffective 27 . Practices held 55 . Average attendance 15. Oases attended on public duty 12. ~ases ~ttended not on public duty 20. Cases pri.vately muscd 20. Annual lllspectlOn, lOth Sept. T otal on parade 26. Absent with leave 1. Medallions 4.

Onker. 2. Nursing sistcl's 24. Totnl effective 26. Increa. e since last report 13. Praclices held 3. Avera"c attrl)11ancc 21. Onses attended on puhlic <laty 3. -'a. es nltcmIf'd noL on public ~Ilty 5. 0:1 es p!'ivatcly nurscd 9. Annua.l inspection, Jlh May. Total on paraelc 12. Ah ent with leave 1. Annual. re-exflminntiol1 ~ til April. Memhcrs pn~ell 9. Did not appeal' 3. Mel1alholls 11. Regnlation unil'orm worn 11y 2 Omcer anLl 1 11m'sing ister. Material: Be(]stearl, beclt1illg, l}(~c ls, hlnl1kc~ ., bandages, etc., \"ested in Corps rrrnstees. Division Sll pportet! hy sub. cl'i piion. &c. ' It is gratifying to llote that the intcrest in' thc work of the Diyi ion ilii on the whole ,,'ell maintained, in somo cas('s stratiily incrcasing. The information gained at thc cla~ses is l~eillg intelligcntly applied in giving first aid, bnt morc particuhtTly, perhaps, 111 nnl'smg.


DrsPENsAHY, DgwslluTIY.

Honorary Surgeon.

11. Bcattie,

l\f. D.


4.31 2nd Nursing Officer.

1st_Nurs ing Officer and Lady Secretary .

lUrs. A. Cave, Prospect View, Lee(ls Road, De,,·sbury.

Mrs. R. Stead.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

Lady Treasurer.


Mrs. E . A. Doleman. lUI's. IIarrison. Officers 3. Nursing sisters 56 . Total effective 59. Increase since last report 11. Practices belJ 18. A verage attendance 12. First aid cases attended Oil public duty 6. First aid cases attcnded not on public duty 12. Cases privately nursed 3. Annual inspection, 8th ept. T otal 011 parade 38. Absent with leave 16. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 21st July. Members passed 50 . Did not appear 8. Medallions 40. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 11 nursing sisters. lUaterial: Box containing bandages, splints, medical chest, eic., vested in Officers and Oommittee. Division supported by su bscriptions.


Lad y Superintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.



Mrs. U. Eamef-:, 48, Church Lane, Shipley.

L. n . c.p .

Lady Inspector of Stores .

1st Nursing O fficer and Lady Sec.

Mrs. E. Allen.

Mrs. L. B. Potter, Fell1 Dank, Bailuon, near. hipley.

Ofilcer33. Nlll' ing sisters 20 . Total effective 23 . . Practices held 11. Average attendallce 17. First aid cases attended on publIc duty 2. First aid ca es nttenueu ~)Ot on pul1lic tlnty 4.. Allnual inspe~tion, 9th Sept. Total on parade 19. Ab 'ellt wIth leave 3. l\lcc1alholl' 3. l\latenal: roller and triangular bandages, vested in Oommittee . Division supported by m~mbers' subscriptiolls (mel public donations. The Divisioll ha 11la,de satisfactory progress, having a(lmittell two llelV members, amI taken puulic duty, July Hh, 1903, at •'altaire Park, in connection ,yith the Shipley Friendly ann Trades ocieties' 'pOl ts and Gala.


(N 0 report received.)

NEW FARNLEY NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 3.1 900]. (N 0 report received.)


D. Turner, 1st Nursing Officer.

Lady Superintendent.

~I.B .

l\Iiss A. Haray, If, Pump Lane, Olose Hill, HuLI.dersfield. 2nd Nursing Officer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss G. Dyson.

Mrs. 111. Haigh.

MiSE> A. Heaton.




Honorary Surgeons.

,Yo A.



F. Maniott,

O. D. Robson,

L.S.A .

Lady Secretary.

Lady Superintendent and Treasurer.

ilIiss M. K. '['hew lis, 20, Holly Bank Road, HudLI.ersfield.

1111'S. S. C. ,Yanl ell , Doe Hill lIou e, Alfreton.

Officers 4. N lusing sisters 29 . Total elfectiye 33. Practices held 16. Average attendance 14. Annual re-examination, 14th May. Members passed 11. Did not appear 21. Medallions 20. Material: bandages. Meetings have only been belLI. during the last nine months of the brigade year, as the corps was unable to procure the use of a suitable room. III other respects the nine months may be looked upon as having been satisfactory. Two first aili classes have been held ill connection with this Division, and one nursing class, from which eight new members have been gained.




Lady S ecretary .

.Mrs. F. Waring, Rose Mount Terrace, Keighley. Nursing sisters 19. T utal effective 19. Increase sin ce last r eport 1. Practices helcl19 . Averar'e attendance 10. An Jlual inspecti?n, 7th Nov. Total on parade 10. Absent '~ith out leave 9. Annual re-examlllatlOll, 24th Sept. Members passed 12. Did not apr ear 7. Meualliolls 4.

lILR,C . S.

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec .

2nd Nursing Officer.

Miss E. Smith, Ohurch Farm, Blackwell, Alfreton.

l\Iiss H. Bennett.

3rd Nursing Officer.

l\Iiss Jones.

4th Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores . 1111'S.

J . Ward.

Officers 8. Nursing sisters 30. Total en'ective 3R. Practices held U. Average attelldallce 22. First aid casp.s attended on public duty 4. First aid casesattenuecl not on public duty 23 . Cases pri \'o.tely lllll'sed 15. Anllual inspection, 4th Sopt. T otal on parade 35. Annual I'a-examination, 4th Sept. l\1em bel'S passed 35. 1I1etlallions 35. ervice ulldge.' 30. R egulation nniform worn uy f) Offieeri:l and 30 nursing sisters. Material: general nursing appliances, vested illl\Irs . S. O. Wardell. Divi ion supported by public snbscl'lption .

No. VI. District.

Assistant C01nmissione?·.-Surgeon-Major F. W. GIBBON, Dist?'ict Chief Slt1·geon.-T. R.

Y.D., L.n.C.p.


REPORT OF THE ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER. SllIELDS, 14th Octobe1', 1903. SIR,-I have the honour to submit my first and the annual report of No. YI. District for the year ending September 30th, 1903. During the short time I have been in charge I have visited every Division with the exception of Malton, which I regret to say has become defunct. Regarding the others, I found their condition very much like smouldering embers, and wauting stimulation and greatgr opportunities of development. There seemed a lack of interest amongst th 8lD. , as though something had gone out from thcm; and no doubt this was due to the great loss they had sustained in the resignation of Deputy Oommissioner Milburn. I inspected Gateshead Fell Division on the 23rd May, 1903, they had not recovered from the loss of that large-hearted ambulance pioneer, Superintendent Harrison, whose death was recorded last year; Hetton-Ie-hole Division on the 5th September, they are a capital body of men, have everytbing they want, and are doing good work. Hull I vi ited on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of September; this corps is in grand working order. The Divisions I inspected have a thorough knowledge of th eir duties, their books, stores, and equipment heing well kept. Hull itself is a model ambulance town, and in possession ot first aid boxes and stations in lUO t cOllvenient places, and they possess a wagon, which is much used. It lacks one item, however, common to all towns , with an overhead electric car system, and that is, I did not find, either in the boxes or trams, a single pair of n~bber gloves. I am sure they ~oul~ be a great s~feguarn. in all municipalities that possess electric systems for lightmg and travellmg, and I hope to see their use universally adopted. ,YithernsHa Division still maintains its locus standi. Beverley I was not able to get together, but I examined their books, &c., and found them in a very satisfactory condition. I visited Barton also, and found a strong desire to have a Division there, and Captain Gurney, Chief Constable of the Hull Police, promised me much support in the future. Nearer h?me I inspected the N e\Ycastle Di vic;ion, which IS increasing in numbers and enthusIasm; but the Tyne, ,Veal', ann. Tees are very far behind in am hulance appliances and organization, in spite of the enormous amount of teaching that has been done during the past 20 years. The .Sol!-th S};ields polic~ and nursillg Division, with the youngest Division in the Dlstnct, The Lads III Navy BIlle," or S.S. Vo1. Life Brigade I inspected to~~t~ler, t~eir litters, wagon, material and stores are well k ept. I trust these DIVISIons wIll soon form one corps. 'lhey are all willing, smart, and as active as any other I have had the pleasure of inspecting, and I can with confidence support the tlesire to form a strong Sick Berth Reserve out of these nimble men, who look so zealously after the savillg of life upon the waters, for I am sure they would be a great acquisition in time of war, and useful in times of peace. In all my work I was ahly assisted bv the District Chief Surgeon Dr. .J. R. Crease, without whose help I should ilOt have been able to have made that thorough and efficient inspection that was absolutely p.ssential on my taking over the charge of the TYNE DOCK,


district, and I desire to thank him for his generous services; my thanks are also dne to all the olficcrs and men of the various Divisions who gave m e such a hearty weleome, not forgetting the Lady Superintendents and llursing sisters, all of whom were efficient to a degree. Dr. J. R. Crea e, District Chief. urgeon, who kindly mad e a very careful and exhaustive examiuaLirm of the members and sisters of the Divisions in the distri ct reports to me that cc he is well satisliec1 with the general work, and he has formed ~ very fn,Yonraule upinion of their knowledge to render first aid, and their capabilities to act as llursing si tel's." I have much pleasure in enclosil,g his report in its entirety for your appro\'al. In conclusion, from the opTlortnnity I have had of visiting the variolls Divisions in No. VI. District, I feel confillen t that before another year closes, many more will be formed, a larger nUlllher of members wearing the uniform of the Brigade, and with th e as i tflll ce of my staff, and the individual efforts of every officer and member, I shall be able to report big progress in ou!' wOlk within the N orth-Ea tern District. I haye the honour to be, iI', Your obedient Servallt, FnEDEnICK ,Yo GmDo _', Y.D., L.R. C.P., Deputy Commissione?', No. VI. District, St.J.A .E. To the Chief Commis ioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade.


No. VI. Di!:ltrict Beverl ey Div. Hnll Corp. Central Diyi ion Eastern ,Ve tern " Hull and " DU1'll1ey S. lliel\1s Yol. Life ... Cent ra] I l1\'sing Div. East eln " Gale!:lhcncl F"ell. " R etton-le- lIol e " Malton " N eweastle-oll-Tyne" S. Shield Ill' iug " Police " Withernsea Div. "




1 1 I.













20 101 340




1 1 1 :3


1 2


1 1 3 1

:3 2

21 1 7



2 2

2J 16

1 1

1 16

* Both ranks hcltl. by same ofl1cer.

:3 1


72 21




1 1

25 30 22 16 3 \ 4 4


- \ 11 1 - *1 *1 1 1 1







4 30 233 102




It is to he rcgrelted that tho member hip of this Diyi ion hn lleer a ell <1uring tho yem. There is renon lo hope, hO\lcycl', that there may soon be a ub tant!al incren 'c, a, thel' ur at IH' ellt t\lO lirst aill clas es (111nl e) numuering 1lcarly 0, and many of thr tmlellt · haye eX}ll'l' 'SL't! tIll' (te. ire to join the Brigade, when they hl\\'e obtained -'cr tin ea tcs. The Diyi:-io1l has hcrn 111 co mllluni cation with b'. T. Li 'hmu1l, and hope hc ll) lty bc ablc lo gmllt 11 ite for all nm hulance tation in a prOmilll'1lt positi on in t1le ,illngl', "h rc01l to erect n shul for litter, and uppliau('c,'. If that enn be arranged, the Di,isioll will proccf'll to execute the work at once. DlI1'i ng the slllHmer llIOll t hs un h'ss preycntl'll by weal h 1', the c1 rills haye been cOlllluclcll in lhc open ail'. Therr IHlye b en two r moval: lluri1lg the year, hoth important. 011 of a man \I it 11 fmdnrl'tl , pine from 1111(1 e1"11\11 11 In nrmary to hi home in Easinglon Lanc, whel hI' (lied about eight weeks after hi retul'l1. TIle other rellloyal of It lad who l11ll1 injl1rCll spinl" from IIetton to llnclerland Infil'ma1' .


Honorary Surgeon.



1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.



Gate, Gro,e Lodge, Deyerley.

Officers 2. Pri,ate 20. Total efl'ecti \'e 22. Increa e inee last report . Drill held 22 Annual in pection, 19th ept. Material: Bandage, splints, etc., etc., ye ted in Richard HoLlg on &- on, Ltd. Di,i ion supported by the above fil m.

[Formed 17.1~.94.J




CIIOOL Roo::lf, Low

HI' \ n-QU .\ltrEH ' ; TE ' 1l};IC.\L

Honorary Surgeon.

W. H. D ;1Yis, Supt. and Hon. Treasurer.

~I.R. C . _ .

T. F. For ter.

A. H. John<;ton,

treet, Den~ham.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Pri\'ate 21. Total eO'eeti,'e 26. I ncrease since last. report 2. Drills held 32. A yel\lge atte11l1allCe g.~. Oa es attended not ~n publIc duty 1~. Annnal in pection, 231'(1 May. Total on parade 13. Absent \nth leave ,1. 'WIthout leaye 12. Annual re-examination. 27th 1I1arc1l. Me~?ers pa sed 13. D~c1 not ~J?pear 13. 111 edall ion, 16. en'ice hadges 5. Nnr 'ing certIficate 1. .RegulatlOn ullllorm \Yorn by 2 Omcer , 1 sergean t , 1 C01'POI aI, nnd 19 men: Matenal; -± stretchers, 1 hamper, 1 lll'gical hayre. ae and 3 ,Yater bottles vested III trustees. Division supported by members' subscriptions. '

Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.

J. Adamson,


Hetton lioll e, Hetton-le-Hole, R. .0.

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

T, Robson, 2, ,Valter'l'errace, Easington Lane, Hetton-le-TIole, R.S.O. 2nd Officer.

3rd Officer.

H. Horn.

Super'intenden t of Stores.

J. H. Wingate.


J. O. Hall.

Hon. Treasurer and Inspector of Stores.

R. W. Lowery.

Offi cer~ 4. Sergeant 1. Oorporall. PriYates 18. Total efTectiYe 2-1-. D ecrease SlUee last report 3. Drills hel<1 36. A veraue attendan ce 10 '29. ~emovals 2. Oases attended not on public duty 9. Anlluafinspectioll 5th, epL. .otal on paraue 18. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 3. Annual r~-exa11linatIon, 5t~ S~pt. Members passed 17. Diu not appear 5. .l\ledallions 10. :Material: 1 ~~h.fold ht~e~, .4 stretohers, 3 hot water boUles, etc., vested in 1.11e Helton-Ie-Hole DIvIslOn. DI VISlOn supported by proceeds from annual concert.

lIIL·<- I CIl'.\L 'rECI!

Honor'ar' y Sur'geons.


[Forll1cd l.~. 6.]





H. \.:I1. C.,


[Formed 19.9.01.]


treet, Hull.

Olliee]''> 1:2. ...'t'lgl'<lnh aud 'o1'pornb . Private ' 123. Lady upt. 1. nr.,illg Of\'. 3. T"nrslIlg i .. ter' 73. Total clrecti\'6 2:W. (1\ 0 report reeei \'erl.)

Lieut.A.T. issolls,



Chief Superintendent.

M. Hopper, 63, 'oltmttll

Superintendent Secretary.

P. R. Asl.,



A. II. Hawke, F'l'lIley lloll;;c, Monill tr el, Hull.

Honorary Secretary.

Oorpl. J. Kirk, 31, Trevethick

[Formed 1. 2. 6.] 'C Iloor, P.U:K THEE'!', H

Chief Surgeon .

1st Officer and Inspector of Stores.

O. J. Yotmg, uunisicle House, Low Fell.



(\'0J..) ~1.1l.

J. O. Yo.nghnn, 62, Wt'lbec k 'treet, Hull.

1st Officer and Honorary Secr'etary. 1I. Ynllghnn, ~ 11, • pring Bank, Hull.

Inspector' of Stor-es

Honorary Treasul'er.

Sel'gt. II. 1I0g~ad!J. I:.'rgt. '1'. Pl' lIli. ~ rgcllllt· 5. orl'nrnls 5. Prinlte ' 34. 'L'otnll'fJ'l'd in! -1 • Docrea 'C illl'C' last rcport:]. 1 rills held ~~. Average allendalll'c :27·!i. n es attClIllellllot 011 pnblie lluly :!02. .Allllual ill')!l'dion, 17th ~e}ll. Total on parade 35. A h"en L \\ i tit lelwe 6. ,\' iLholl L lCltvl 22. Annual l'c ·eXltlll ill!tlioll, ~31'l1 IH1:ch find 17th cpt. .l\lembers [lllsSC'l l U"i. Did noL Itppenl' 13. .1\1l1n1liol1 35. erncc bll.t1ges 21. \ll'sillg eertilieates :U. Pcgnlatioll uniform \VOl'll b ' 4 OOicers, 10 sergeunLs al\(1 (·orporals, and 19 mOll. Material; 1 liltl' l', stretcher, 1 havre ne, cte., "estell ill linn entre .J.A.A. l>i"isioll 'nJlJlortell by 11\ \\lut' rs'sub l'l'iptions. The year's work h:1' been chul'llcll'I'i'l'd by cllergy, eflici'llC)" lind elltlm illSlll. J?our tlemollstralivlls 1111\'C becn giWll II} llIl'llIhcJ's tlll'llblie llIeetings. Publi llnty lIa been 111ldertltkell on fi\ occasiOlls. rillc members 11id duty in Loudon on the oeea ion of Lhl' Royal progrcss. St'rgt. '1' .•Ukinson nnd othors have attended almo L nightly Itt Lhe lIC"l),-1'o1'11l II Boys' Club 1'01' tred ureltills, nud Lrcaled It great Humber of wound, &c., tlllll l' the dircctions of' tho late Dcpuly-00mmis3iolll'r, Major U. N. Milburll, 1\1. B. crgL. 11. 1l0ggul'Lh has trailled the t1'C t Orderly Hoys' Brigacle in nmlmltwce work. The Roeiallife of tho Division ha been cat ret! 1'0], nti factorily. 'lretcher work, individual knowledge, and attondance prizes have been aWItl'dc(l. flic('l'~·1.


437 Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer'.


[Formed 17.7.1nOO.]

F. Wil

011, ~(j4,

lEs'lt". Ih;CKIJ"l":q Dnn~G 1\,00:-'1, HULL, Oorp1. ~\.. '1'hnrlol'.

ergt. H. E. Humphrey, 136, J e\\· BI'il1ge Una!1, Holdcl'lle. s Road, II ull. Honorary Tr·easurcr.

Pte. E. B. Whitel'oc1. Sel'gea.llLs and Corpomb 3. l'ri\'nlcs 2fi. Total cfrl,cthe 2 . Deeren e since last report n. Drills IIt'ld 1. .A "erage nltclllln.nce fl. C'u. 'os attellded Iwt on public lluty 12. A1l11\lul illspl·eti()\1, 17th :sept. Tot:\l 011 pal'adc 11. Absent with le(1\'e~. Wilhout le:\\·!':'i. \.n II llal rec;.;al\linntioll, lnth ~)a,\'. Member: pns cd 16. Did not appear~. }\[l'dalliol1~ 6. ,'erriel' hndgl's:2. 1 ll\'sillg certificates 4, Regula,lion uniform \\'01'11 hy ;~ Sergeaut' and l'ol'porals, <lncl 5 lIHll1. Malerial: havresuc, tretehl'rs, llandage. , "lllinl:, L'le .. Yl'stl'd in Illlll ('eulre .J.A.A. Divi iOll 'upported b)1 lIlelllhers' suhscription., COIlCl'rLs, ell', The Divi iOIl although not in ere a 'ill~ 1l1lIllcrie:llly, continlles It) lwj(1 its OWII. Chunges have been obliged to be IIHLtle, which it i" hopc(1 will eont!llee to tIte henefit of the Division during the next e ·ion. The Division joincd in the W'ntlll 'orp:; evellts, and held a "rry ucce Cui concert, helped ,'cry killdly hy lhe oLher Divisions of the Corp. The Division has nfl'ore!1 n. loss owillg to the rsigllnLioll of the Hon, nrg'oll, nr. Divine, who o\\'illcr to increased praelil'e fl'll ohligc!llo rclinquish hi office. The Divisioll i deeply gmLeful to him for hi:; pasl sen'iccs.




If. M. Holl,

Pte. S. NUllns, 10, 'Wesley Tr.r1'11ce, Benu Street, lInll. Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte, '1'.

rte, H. Pattis01l,

Honorary Secretary.

F. Wilsoll, 204, Allin,llee Avenue, TIull.

Pte. T. Alvin.


Officers 2. Privates 22. Tt1li1l efl'ecli"e 24, Drills held 9, Avemge attenda.nce 11. it cs attended not on public duly 14. Anllual in peetion, 17th ept. Total on lamrie 17 , Abseil t wi th leave 5. With· out leave 2. Material: stretchers, splillts, roller antI trianrrul11l' hamlages, vested in Hnll and narllsley Ruilwf1Y Oompany. Division Rl~PPOl led hy melllbers' sub criptiolls. Although this Division is yet in ils infancy, it promises to he one or the activo Divisions of the IIull Corps. The members are, ho\\'ever, at some Jis·!Clvttlltage to the members of other orps, iua. much as they can only armnge tv meeL together 011 Suudays, but the enthusiasm is kept up wonderrnlly. Another cl:1ss i::; in cour e of formation which it is hoped will be as 'llcees~rnl as the fi.rst one, and by this means increase th.e :'3tren~th. In conclusion, the members arc very grateful to the officers of o~hel' Dlvl 'ions, who have as isted to briug Lhe Division up to its present 'late of effiClency.


Honorary Surgeon.

E. E. Laslett,

M,D ,

EXCIL\.).'CV, ~L\I.TO~. lI1.H.C.s.

1st Officer' Hon. Sec., and Treasurer.

lIl.A., M,B.

Acting Superintendent.



H ollorary Su rgeon.

r \ I ro . ', HULL.

Honorary Surgeon.

D. R.

T, II. John on.

Oflkcl'~ 3. Sl'rgeanls untl 'orpornls f.. Privale. 30. Totall'f1'ccLive 3~. DecrcHl>o S1Jlel' l!~st !'l'porl '. Dl'IllH helel ~6. Average atlemlnllce 20. ases :lttcl1lh'.d 011 ]1\11111,(' dllly r~' Un~('s allcnded Ilol 011 public duly 70,1. Alll1Un.l lolal 011 parade 17. Ahsent wilh 1ea\'0 6. 'Without lIlSpectlOn, Ifill ept. leave 15. AUlI\ud. re· xaminatioll, l'llll April. ~le11lbel' J1a.sed 20. Did not tll'PC!u Hi. l\led,dllollS 1. ,l'l'vi!'c had'" 1. Jur 'inN cerLiJicatos 7 1 rgtllatl'oll .(' 1 ') Ofl' b h • 1l1l1 0!'1lI worll ~y v .ICeI'S, ,)r: scrgenlJu" and corpomJs, and 9 men. Material: ] stret.cher, fi 1I1lprovIsccl stroll:\tcrs, 1 slore box, containing bll.ndo.cres splints 1 Sl~r~lcld 11nvr'so.c amI watol,holtb.;,. p.le'., ycstcli in the Ilull Centf.e,' ,J.A.A: Dlvi H~n ,uppol'l '(1 by memhers snhscnpltOJls. DUl'lng t,he Y~'nt' the Diyision has 1lI.lde sati~radol'Y p!'ogl'e,.. Th meeting hllYC III'en helt,l Jortlllghtly, t111d the av(:rnge ntlcndttllee ha' heen twenty, an increase on last ~e!tl' s r~'porl of Ol~' per mel'tll1g. The Division hafl lieI'll well represented on )lnbIte occn Ions, 1 Ofllc 1', ami 1 'nrpoml rep!' !'!ented the Divi iOll at the Royal rrogre. s lllroug~~ Lontlon on ~5th. Oclohel', On 12th ~lay, ] Oflleel' and 3 private paraded at tlH' Ity dlllttl'e to reCl'I\'( IItt' lllccltll crrallird b' the rdl'r of L. John 1m' s;r"ice i~\ ~111 11 Mri'~ j til ~ . \\ 01 jlrl'S 11 t 'cthy Ili' Roy~l ni~hl1e ,the Prince of" ale,. lhe Annllal ollipellllllll lnok pIner Oil 14th Api'll Ohll'f U1"eOll A. H. .Tohn~tOl,1 nlILl lIoll. Hmgeoll D. ~L M,)ir, k.indly Il:cting II judges. Ab good find useful.) llnblls hn~ Ul'l'lI llrmngl',l fo\' tllC COllllllg HeSS10n.


'arter,~, ELLy Grove, Gordon 'lre I, Ilnll.

A. O.

Inspector of Stores.

, erg!.

I nspector of Storcs.

Hon. Secretary (in charge).

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

AllinnCI' Avelllle, Hull.

[Formed 9.6 . 99,]



III 'leI'S Ron.d,

Insp ector of Stores.

Pte. J. II. Thompson,


Omcrrs~. T'I'i\'tlll's 7. Tola'] elrective 9. Decreaseil1(,l' l\l~t l'l'porl 7. Drills held 10. Ayerage uLtencl:llIce·1. Removal ~. M:t~llri!11: ~ :;trelt:l.II'~·s! splintil, httlldugl'S, ~ hags, 2 \\ater bottle" etc., vested 11\ l1w COlllllllltl'C. ])n'l '1011 I>llpporlcll 11) llbl>eription.


Sr . • HOt.

\S' .'l'lIOlll .. ,

[Fol'llle(110.0::l], Il.\::\ovEn ,-'QL \HE.

Honorar'y Sur·gcon.

,V. Super'in tendent.









n. Honoral'y Secr·ctary.

n. ,

2, ROSC\rOllh Villa, Go {orl\t. Inspector of Stores

Pte. W. R Throwel'.

W. C. Holt, ~1, Holltbury Termce, Healon. Honor'ary Tr·casurer.





OOiecrl>:2. Sergeant 1. Cllrl'ornls :1. l'ri\'all'~ ~O. Totall'f1l'rti, l' ~t.l. Drills held ,18. A VUl'ngc at t l'lldlllll'l' ~~ ·r,. Ht'JllO\ a 1~;1. CnSl'S n tll'lldcd not on pllblie dllly :.. '. Allllllld ill~pcdioll, :..!!3rd S('pL. Tolal 011 paradc ~O. All'wIlL with It'tlY 6. Alllll1ttlre eXlllllilllltlOll, 10tlt JUJIt'. l\I(,lIIbers p!lssl'll Hl. Failed:3. Dill not Hpjll'l~r 1. ~lcll:tlliolls 1~. lnlt'rinl:·l sLrl'lehers, ,1 hn.vrcsttl's, '1 walcl' bottles, 4 sets ~jll.llIlH, baJlllng!'s, ('Ie., Yl'sted ill 'oIllJ1lillee. Divisioll supported b' publil' subscnpLlOlIs and IllelllUenj' cOlitribuliOllS.


438 This being the first year of the Division great. prog.re ~ canllot be rep?rted, althouo-h it is makin a itself known in the stln'onndmg dlstnct. The ma.terlal of the Di~i ion is beino-bo-rarlually added. to, and the committee hope on the .increase ~f donations to be abl~ t~ equip the men with nniform a,ccording to regulatlO!ls. It. IS also hoped that with the all vent of the winter classes the number of effective members will be greatly augmented.

Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

1st Officer.

R. W. Leary, The Stort's, vYithernsaa ,

H. Anthony.

Hon . S ecretary.

Officers 3.


[Formed 19.5.03].


J. R. Orease, Jnnr. , M.H.C.S . 2nd Officer.

1st Officer.

J. Page.

J. VY. Buckland, 12, Winchester Street, S. Shields. Honorary S ecreta ry.

E. B. Nelson, 14, The La.we,

hiehl .

Officers 3. Seraeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 16. Total effective 22. Drills held 25 . A~erage attendance 13. ~nllual in pel'ti?n, 26th ept. Total on parade 15. Absent with lea,ve 1. Medal 11 ?11 3., )'1tttena~:. ~ stretchers and bandages, splints, etc., vested 111 Volunteer LIfe Bngade. DlvIslOn supported by grant from Board of Trade and volun tary contl'ibntio~s, etc. The Life Brio-ade served as Guard of H onour to FIeld-Mar. hal Lord Hoberts, on his visit to Son~h Shields. 24th June, and had two stretcher parties in attendance in case of any accident. Lord Roberts asked many question.s as to the duties of the Briaade while waitino- on the platform for the tram to start, and finally cor:plimented the Hon~ Secretary, Mr. Mal colm, and Oaptain Page, Hon. Serving Brother, on the appearance of the men.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. E. II.l1'ln an, South Olifr Road, \Vith ernsea.


O. 'V. ,mith.

Oorporal 1. Privates 16. Tota.l efl'ective 21. Drills huH ~5. Averllg..: attnlHlalll;e 11'16. Cases atten(len. OlJ pnhlic duLy 10. Oases attcwled not 011 public duty 7. Annual inspedion, 1 th '-lcpt. Total 011 l'<lraile 14. AbscnL with le!we 4. "\ViLltonL lea.ve 4. AUl1u:11 re-cxttlnillatioll, 1 th ept. l'rIcll1bcl's passell U. Di,l lll)t appe,Lr 8. Mella.l1iolls 7. Nursing certificates 1. R egn lati on uniforlll worn by ~ Officers, 1 sorgeant, 1 '0 !'[H)I'u,l, allli fj men. MltLorial: 2 :;tretehers, 1 hall1pt'r, water bottle, ha.vreSitl'S, etc., vestell ill the Oflicl'r!-l or the Dil'i:;ion. Divi 'ion .·upportel1 by mem 'uers' 'u1J~cri ptiolls. The Division has improver! in efficicncy dming the year, notwithsLanding the cIeerea e in mom hershi p IV !licit h ,18 been eau~ed h.Y the eli lIlination of Iloll-efl'octi ve . Tho practiL:cs and drilb hav been "'ell aLtenl lell, memb'l';-; u\'incing a. (lesire to increase their kno\\'lel1gc of first aill trcatnlt'nt. At the invitation of the Hull OOl'PS, 2 OlliCHS lLllIl men volunteered, and \\'el'e acceptd by the DeputyCommis'iioner COl' public duty in the , tl'l'eL. · Oil the occasion ot' the viiL of T.RR. Tile Prince anl1 PriIlC'rss or W,tle.· to Hull 011 Uth 1\lay. Oil 27th August auother invitation Wits I'eepi vcrl to t, ke public tlnty Oil the occasion of a. large g,trcll'll pltrty aUII illuminatel1 fetc hel!l in Withernsen. 011 behalf of the Victol'ia 'hilllrel1's Hospital. crgea.nt 1.

"~Decl'ease since la'it ruport 5.


[Formed 6.3.99.]



r 'port l'ecei ve(l.)




Hon . Surge on.


Major O. J. Sutherland, Y.D., M.D. Superintendent.

2nd Officer.

W. Scott,

T. G. Young.

Ohief Oonstable's Office, South Shields. Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

L. W. J. JaggeT, Central Police Station, South Shields.

O. McOormack.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Privates 29. Total effective 35 . Drills held 14. Average attendance 30. Oases attended on public duty 53. Annual inspection, 26th Sept. T otal on para.d.e 27. Absent with lcave 4. A nnnal re-examination, 20th Sept. Medallions 17. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer.

WITHERNSEA DIVISION. [Formed. 4.. 5.99. 1 HEAD-QUARTERS: WITllERNSEA. Honorary Surgeon.

A, E. Sproulle, L.R.C.P.




Honora ry Surgeons.

A. W. S ott, :\l.lLC.S.

l\lis U, O. Murd och, L.lt.<'.1'.

1st Nu rsing Off. and Lady S ec.

2nd Nurs ing Off. and Lady Treas.

R. Kranse, 17, Grosvenor 'treet, lIull.

1\11" . O. "\Yheatley.

3rd NurSing Off. and Lady Insp . of Stores.

4th Nursing Officer.


Mi Sl:l A. Johnson.

liss E. Hardy.

Ollicel's 6. Nlll'sillg sistel's 72. 'fotal efi'ectivc 7 '. Decrease sillee last report 2. PmcLices held 20. A\'emgc aLtelltIancc ·18. Cases atteuded HOt on public duty 15. AUllUttl iuspection, 17 Lil I')ept. 'fotal on parade 39. Absent with lowe 1·1. "\Yithout leave 26. Anuual rc-e~mminl1.tiou, lIth May. 1I1embers passed 50. DiJ not appelLl' 29. lIIclttlliOll' .i.t. ol'vice baL1ge~ 8. Regulatio n uuiforlll wom by 4 Om cers aud 23 Illll'sing sisters. l Matenal: wa.ter be(1 , :2 be·u l'est, a.il' cushions , rollel' antI trin,I}<>"IlI,t[' n hltl1lla"e' o' aULl other nursing uteusil , vested ill Hull 01311 trc, t. J. A. A. Di visiou 'upPol'ted by subscriptions, &c. The Divisioll contillLles to make saLis[ilcLory progl'es', the lIlemhJr' a tt whole att.end th.e pl'l1ctices ve ry regularly, and are enthusiastic ill their work. pnty at ~he Fall' StatIOn was llucl crta.ken from the lOth to 16th Oct., 1902, hy h\'e nurSIng

440 441 Officels and 16 nursing sisterf'l, and on the occasion of t~le ,,~sit of T.n . H. the Prillce and Prince s of , Vales, 3 lHusing Officers and 20 nursll1~ sIsters were on dnty during the day at the 14 stations along 111e ronte of 111'OCeSs1011 . .A t ~he A nnual Social Re-nnioll on 20th Oct., 1902, Alderman Jarman preH'nted scr:rl~C ta:'s 10 several of the mcmbcr . also prizes for good attendal1e.e alld t ~ le CompetJllOl1 P Il7es ; also association medallions. 1111'S. Bare, late 1 t nm lUg OftJceJ', " a aLo pre:;:cntccl with a handsome dre~sing case, and an i1l11minat d .addrcl's,. ill J,cc<'gnilion of hCl' t,,-enty years sen-ice in the ambl11ance mo\'emel~t Jl1 ~he CIty or Bull; and 1.1l:~. Holmc, ', la te 3rd nUl' illg Ofilcer, was pres en t ed "'lth a sllvcr mOlJl~ led :'ose 1)0" 1 111 recognition of her three years service . It is a "ouree of grea~ sab~:Jncb?n to. ~{lJo\Y tl at c1ming the past year, fiye sIsters haye taken appollltments 111 dlfTerent llOspitals.


lFolmed 14.9.01.]


Lady Su perintendent.

Ho no rary S urg eo n .

J . Diyiue,


Mi sA . Hargreaves, 21, \Yestcoit


Hull. Lady Inspecto r of S t o res.

Lady S ecretary a n d Treas u rer.

l\1iss F. E. Hargreaves, 21, , Vestcott Street, Hnll.

1I1iss E. E. SclYidge.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 21. Total effective 23 . Pracbces held 14. Average attendance G. Case attellded not 011 puulic <hIt)' 1. Cases pri\'ately nursed 2 . Annual inspection, 17th Sept. Total on parade 16. Ab ent ,,.iih leave 4. 'Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 1 th May. lIIembers passed 8. Did not appear 15. Medalliolls 12. Material: roller IJ3ndages, triangnlar baudages, regulation splints, etc., vested. in Hull Centre .J.A.A. Division . upported by suh eriptions. The Eastern KursiJlg Division started its year, Oct. 1902, with a member hip of ]5, thi number it is gratifying to record is now increased to 23. The mlnlber present at the annual inspection, held at the Technical Schools, Pmlc treet, 171h Sept., was 12 nursing sisters, and 4 Ofticer , all of" hom jll'ovf:'d themselves efIicient, satisfying the inspecting officer ( 'mgeoll-1'Ilajor Gibbon) in first aid and lIUl.'ing wode Two cases only have lJlen privately nnr:;ed, but there il> a lalge scope for this kiml of ,,-ork in East Hull, allCl already ClH]lliries have l)eell made for a Ill'" fin,t aiel clflss. Great interest is ueillg shown by thc uJ(·muers of the Division in the syllalJUs for 1903-4. Eight menlbers ,,'ere pre.ent at the alllJual competition, ",bieh look place OIL] ill 11] ay, 1903, a plize being gi "en for th e ue tall -rolll1d WOl k. Fourteell drills bave been held . The annual re-examination (by Dr. Johnstone) took place on 18th lIlay, 1903, the examiner expressing great satisfaction wilh the general wOlk of lhe lJivision. No uniform is as yet '\\orn. During the wintcr a conceIt was held in which the Easteln Ambulance Division joined; fl8 a result 1he sum of £1 was cOlltributed to the funds of tbis Division.


Honorary Surgeons.



H. Goudie,



Lady Inspector o f S tore s.

1Ili:;s A. Fox, 19, Eastbourne Grove, S outh Shields.

[Fol'meu 26.9.1900.]


Lady S upt. and Lad y Secretary.

Mrs. J. R. Crease, 2, Ogle Terrace, South Shields. Lady T r eas ure r .

Mrs . 1'11. A . l~eay , 26, Charlotte Street, S outh Sh ields.

Oilicers 3.

Nllt'sing sistcrs 15.

'l'otal effective 18.

Practice~ held H. Average atLclHlancc D. Ca~es privately 11\11's(,11 11. Annual iJl~pecLioll, 2Gth ,'cpt. 'rota.1 on pu·c1. ll e 10. Abscnt with leave::i. WiLh,)ut leiwc I. Anllual re-PX'Ul1illittion, ~Gth "('[It. iIlcmbers p1.sscr1 U. Dill llot appeal' 6. l\lednlliolls 16. Hegul:ttioll ullil'orlll WOlll hy 1 Ill1Jsillg Olli(,tl' awl !J nur~illg

sistcrs. ?lIltterial: 1\1 ge I[ll'lll ti l,' I)f sid:: mom rC(l nisi te,' -do thing. beds, hath chairs, c1'lltehcs, hO ll rcsts, :lnel ambnlance bag liLtc.l for first ai,l, ycstcll ill C01l1111ittoe of Nursing Divisioll. Divisioll ~npJlorlctl hy jllll)lil' suh;criptiollS, In Jlrcscnlill~ the anllual l'I'pnl'L of this Di\'isillll, it is gratil'ying to reo 01'11 that l'ontilltlctl jlrospcrity has llLlClldccl its ,,-ol'k dlll'iug the )lust yeilr. :rlll'HC 'rinkr continllcs Ill'\' tLssiduOllS ,It.t.L'ntioll tl) th(' siok poor, :11111 it is IIp!;in'll to place on 1'0('01'11 her llJlI':lI',)'illg' zea l :luI dCI'olilJl1 to hl'l' dULY. It is a llliltte]' or l'L'gret that in this large :llllt illL'l'easing tU\\,ll, -,11, slill rcmains till' only nurse 1'01' thl' sick }loor, ,wcl that this iH ()lI'in.:.: 10 LlIo)- 0(' fUllds I,) pro\-id! 1'01' ;tJ]()thel·. The Divi ' iOll \\"IS inspr.ctl'(l in Od 1 !JO~, II.\" Distriet C;llil r . 'llrgl'oll ,J, R. Crpit'il', who cxl'l'c .. '" el hi..; satisfactioll at the work clOIlC.


([0 loniCll





Commissioner-Captain G. LAKE MULLINR, M.A., 1\\. n. .MecUcal O./ficer.in.Ohiej-Major A. E. P ERKI~. , M.A., M.B., n ... 0. Deput!J OO1nmissionu-Mr. T . STORIE DIXSON, 1\I.B. D ist1'ict Ohief Supe1'intendent- 1I'fajor J. A. LIEBMANN.

Stall' Dix.on':-;





... nlebc :'Ilol't's DoclWest. ubs. nIche nrsing



.. ..' ... ...

:5 .::







15th JanllC61'Y, 1904. SIR, I have the honotll' to submit the first An llual R eport of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Ne,"" South ,Vales. Early in the yenr notification of th e ap]lointmellt of a Commissioner, a Medical Ofticer-in·Chief, and a Del ,nty Commissioner for the tate of New outh Wales was received, an<l these ofIicel's proceed ed to form Divisions of the Brigilde. T aking the existing ]lractiee e;1as (·s of the t. John Ambulanc e Association as a foundation they personally visitell most of the branches in the Metropolis, and as a r esult six Ambulance Divisions and one Nursing Division were formed and registered . Of these all but one were found efficient at the end of the year. There is every prospect of a large number of Divisions being formed during the l1l'esent year. As a result of the work of the year tllere are 110W five Ambulance Divisions and one Nlll'illg Division, with a total membership of 147. Th e Ambulance Challenge Shield, presented by Lieut.-Colonel R. E. R otb, D.S.O., p_:r.r. o., wa won hy Mort's D ock Division. The North Botany Division, which wa formed and registered earl y in the year, was una 1Jle to maintain the necessary efficiency, but is about to be re-organised on a sounder footing. I take this opportl.nity of tbanking the D epu t y Commissioner, Dr. T. Sto1'ie Dixson, for the loyal assistance he bas rendered at all times. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, S. L ANE MULLINS, 001n?nissiorze1' in N. S. W. Th e Chief ComnJissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade.

No. 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 1.

LIST OF DIVISIONS IN OnDER OF SENIORITY. Ambulance DlVisions. Fonned. P lace. Division. 20th March, 1903. Glebe Glebe 25th 1\1 arch, 1903. Sydney Dixson's Factory 9th Sept., 1903. Summer Hill Western Suburbs 21st Sept., 1903. Sydney Gasworks 23rd Sept., 1903. Balmain Mort's Dock Nursing Division. 20th March, 1903. Glebe Glebe










-1 1

The llon. SurgeoJl of the Glebe Glebe Am bulance Divi:;ioll.


::: t.c 0'-



p= rn




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... ... -





... 0

~!l .::? ~





... .. -




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c a:....: 'w o,~

Name of Division.


.-'" ~I '":: Coo p '"a B"g as::






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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *1 -- -1 5 5




\lnERl:l: D IX~ON'b

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18 16 21 21 14



.29 1 -- -- -- -5 8 90 29 1

[Form cd ~5.3.03.J

Superintendent. G. H. Robin on.

:\!.D., :lL8.

Hon . Secretary. ergt. L. Burnett.



Hon. Surgeon.

F. \\T. Hall,




lusing Division is also HOll. Surgeoll of the


a ;~

Insp ector of Stores.

Pte. 11. M.



Hon . Treasurer. Pte. E. Ebbs.

Oflicers 2. .cl',.{cant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 1. Total cffccti\'e 23. Medallions ]0. This Diyision mcct:; regularly fur drills. Was placed second iu l he A111 blllnnce 'hallcllge, hiel<1 Com petition . Division suppolted by the Dix 'on To1mcco Company.







S uperintendent. A. E. L ec.

Hon. Surgeon. \\'. 1I. RealI, :\1.1:' Hon . Secretary and Inspector of Stores. Ptl'. 'W. ITay e:>.

Hon . TreasuI·el'. Pte. J. T. Daly.

Ollic'en; 2. ~Cl'geallt 1. '01pol'al1. rrintes 16. Totnl e/l'ecLi\'c 20. . This Diyisioll lllt\ iug been fOl'll1l'tl \1lll'illg the mouth of eptcmhcr has not hnd t IIllC for praetiees for the year. MCl1allions 1G. Material: wheeiullittcl', 3.tretebeIS, splints, baJ1(lag('s, the:; 'ings, &c. Divi:;ioll supported by thc Anslraliau Oa light ('ompany, ,'ydm·y.

GLEBE DIVISION (SYDNEY). [Formcd :20 .3.03.J nll~AlH~1T ,\ I'.TJ~H

Hon . Surgeon . W. F. Lilcldield, 1\J.ll.

: Sr.

J Oll~ 's SCIIOOLROOM, GLEnE. Su perin tendent. W. J . Harris, 70, Blougha1lL Street, Glebe. F1

4-1:4 Hon . S ec r e ta ry.

Ho n. T reasurer.

Pte. G, L , L. D uncan .

Corp1. ,V. H. Hodges, 152, Bridge Road, Glebe.

Officer.s 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 21. Total effective 26 . Drill held 26. ..8.\Terag'" attendance 12. Me,lallions 8. Materia l : Jitter COIllplete, including blankets.])illolV, and waterproof slleets, bandages, splints, stationed at :Messrs. ~IasseJ HMri & 0)., DroalllVay, Glebe. First aid box, triangnl.ll· bandages, a sorted. splints, llnterials for improYiserl streLchers. Division supported by Glebe Bra.nch of the St. John Ambulance As -oeiation and allllu::Ll subscriptions of members . . T he Divisiou competeu for the Ohallenge Shielu auu was placeJ third .







,1. H. LYllC'll, 10,



[Formed 23.9.03. J

Chamhel''l, BalTil,·k Str el, I\rth.



Hon . Su rge on.

J. B. M'Ilroy,

Superintenden t .

M . .T. Oollyer, 23, Gipps Street, 13·11I11ain.

;)f.R. O. '.

As~it/llil G'OlilillissiuilCi'-·:'1 \.JOlt


Ho n. Sec r e t ary.

Inspectol- of Stores .

Superin t endent.

Oorp!. T. J. Ball IbUl'Y, 19, The A yeuue, Balll1ain.

COl'll1. J . Wilson.

C. .T. TUllks.

n .\ltCl..\ Y,

lForllle(1 1 '£I;,.]

1st Officer.



Hon Secretary.



~I. DOli 11,

30, IIigh :Street, Auckland.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Pri \'ates 21. Total effective 26 . Division meets every second week throughout the ye:u at the Company's ,Yorb, Balmain. Medallions 11. A large well-stocked ambulance l'tlom has been pro\'idcrl uJ the Oompany, by whom it is maintainecl. It c)ut,lins litter;;, th'ngs, bandages, anLl all necessarie . The Ambulance Challellge Shield w aS WOll by the No.1, tlUa,1 from this Di \'isiou.


LFonlJed 9.9.03 .]


Ho n. S urge on,

G. Allan,


<)fticc\'s:2. Pril"tteo:; Li. Tl)L-tl e[l'ecti\'e 17. Al thongll gr():1t diflieully ha been ex:pCl'iCllCC,l in cndcn \'olui 11" to seC'He ('ood nttelll1n.nce· at <lrill, J'e.ulting ill a COll iclemhle reductiou of the lll~lllbcl' of (ftl::'ient III! l11!)CI',;, sL!ll It luge. a.mouu ~ of tt'illlS[lI)\'t \\'ork h::tS been done lIming the past ye 11', tIlt' liltr'\':> o[ the DI~'I':ilOn llCl11 9 c.; llI-'talltly rl'l[uisitiol1c,l hy Il1c,lical 111';1 'tition"r', ,1I1l1 the heads o~ prll'clte ho-·pltill· and llursing hOll1Cs. :JIcmbcrs IH1\'c regnlnrly Itt'llilt d n.t t.hc fuoLlnl~1 mn.tcll(' ~ ;111rl hal'!' hcen prcsent and remll'reLi fl'c(lllent n.Ull 1l1n.cl~ il jll'rC(;latc,~ ~ervlCe at pn ultc ga t herillg:. Thr> fund - of the Di \'ision are in a s,lhshwLury contllllOn, and there is r ,bOll to hope tInt the (·mcien '';j <Inri mefulue ... · of the organization will be TIlainiaillr!l.

Superintende nt.

F. J. Collins, 122, Park Avellue, AshfielJ .

:\1. B.

Ho n. T reasurer.


Pte. S. Britton .

Hon. Surgeon.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 10. Total elj'eetive 11. i\Iedallions 3. Meets regularly lor drill at head-llu·tl'tel'S of J)ivi 'ion. Snpportetl by ll~embers anu public subscriptions.


Hon. Surgeo n .


[1' ol'll1cd 1 ~n2.1

[Formed 20. :3 . 03 . J


Lady Superintendent.

W. F . Litchfield, M. B.

1111'S. E. S. Sturrock, 11, Mount Ve1'11011 St., Glelle.

Lady Secretary and T reasurer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

:Jliss A. HauIe;;.

':\]i:;s .J. Atkills .

Officers 2. Nnrsing sisters 29. Total effl'etive 31. Practices held 26 . Average attelldance 15 . MeLla.lliolls 9. Material : roller bandages, handage rollers rllCfS sheets and snndl'ies DivisiolJ SLlppolte(l hy tile local Branch of S.J . .8.,.8.. ~nd ~~rnbers,'subscriptiolJs."

.T. O. ('Io:r,



.J. E. BOlll', BellekllO\\'l' , Dlllhl!lin.

1st Officer.

21 d Officer.

W. O. Nortli.

S. "\7 ood .

Hon. Secr eiary.

Pte. A. nh -],;-e1l7.ie, 1[;3, Prillc'''l ,'tl'cd, J)nlletlin.

3rd Officer.

J. Beadle. Inspector of Stores.

Ptc. II. P. Bryant.

Tnial (·rJ'l'ctive :3~. J\\,cr.lgc attendance ~;-;. . O\\'illg to tlie.r.01ltilll1?I1S .miny I\·e,'tll~r. only 1 out,dool' pl'actico was IIe1tl, ant! thi· \\as devotrd to lIlstl'llCtlOlllll the lIel\' k .\.i\1.O. stretcher drill. • [cmllor:'i nttcnlled the ":iIlLc,r COll1',.,C .of' firllt nitll.ectnrL's, givell hy Dr. Evans, for the pl1l'l'o:')e of gi"ing l'l'aclicallliustrabons awl <tSSlsittllCC to 1110 pupils altclHling UIO ClllS'. The thank' of the COI']ls nrc recor(let! to the Mayor all(l Oonncillors for the Croc l1se or i lie l'OOll1 ill which 11H'?liligS arl' ll.(·ltl. Tilt, rillfll.lei'il posiLion of the corps is ~'lti factory. The late BnpcI'llllcllllcnL of the c')],P'l, MaJor G. B.ll'clay, has hecu promotell to thc grarle of Assistallt COlli III issiollCI'. IllcrL,t~e sill"e last l'cl'llrt U.

4-1 G

OAMARU CORPS. [Formed 1899.1' HE \D-Ql:_\TITER'l:



Hon . Surgeon_

A. S. Garland,

H. Thomas, G.O. OallHll'll.

M . Il . C.S.

Officer. 2. Pri.-ates 10. Total effective 12. Drills held 14. A verage attendance 6. Matcrial: 1 litter, 2 stl'eteiters, Olllt\mlance kit, splints, bandages, &c . This Division continnes to make qniet bnt steady progress, and no opportunity i;; misse(l of undertakillO" pulilic duty on occasions "hen its services may be u~efn1. A detachment is alway SO present at the Agricultural Show, Calccloni[\lJ, and othCl "1)01 tc;, &c.


[Formed 1900.J

HE_'l.D-QU_'l.RTER. : 'YELLL·GTO~ .

Hon. Surgeons.

C. D. Henry,

M.A ., M.D., C. B.

H. E. Gibbs,

:lI.D -, F . R.C.

1st Officer.

Su peri ntend e nt .

C. P. Powles, Xambton Quay, Wellington, ".Z.

C. Campbell.

Hon. Sec retary and Hon . Treasure r.

Inspector of Stores.

H. LangforLl, ~6, Constable Street, Wellington, outh .

A. Roulstone.

Officers 5. Privates 25 . Total effective 30. Drills held 7. Average attendance 14. Cases attended not on pnblic duty ~fi. l\Iatel'ial: 1 wagon, 1 litter, 1 stretcher, splints, and bandages, "e terl in ,Vellingloll Centre. Corps supported by voluntary contributions and anllual snlJseriptiolls of 2s. 6d. The anllual demonstration of the brigade was held in the Exchange Hall, July 24th, 1903, ",hen Lis Worship, the MayoI', J. G. W. Aitken, Esq., plcsit1ed. L ady ,rard presented the certificates aml medallions to the successful cau,licla.lC's of la~t year. The brigade was represented IJY :Jless)'.·. Langford (Ofiicer in charge" De~al1t. and Williamson, 'i\"ho gave an exhibition of stretcher (hill. 'om~ ro11e1' lJandagilig was done IJY a squad of ladies of the nursing Guild. Dming the yeur a large lIumber of candidates have passed the various exanlinatiolls. Altogrtber, milch greater interest is heing shown in the work. A lady nurse has been C'lIgagell to ],(·1ieve the suffering of the needy.

JAMAICA . KINGSTON DIVISION. [Fornwl 1903.J Superintendent.

Capt. C. M. Ogilvie, 8, Duke Street, Kingston.



[be <Branb IPriot'\? of the @rber of tbe 1bospital of $t. 30hn of Jer1l5alel11 in JEngianb. CHANCERY










June, I904

Sil', I b~(It"'> to advise ,yon that the followino' are the

Hl'l'ange lllCnt,· Cor co] h1'utiJlP' the the 01'(1<:1', at \\ hich <tIl :\lClllb

Order call L, In' ,"ut, Bnpti. ,t'f) Day,

H lld






nnl A, .. ociat,

Friday, J un


f the

2-1th, 8t. J oha


your att ~lldance on this occasion i.

l'()nlinlly in \' itul. Tru·; . . \.xx L' AT...

10~OO:JlOlL\. TlOX

pln<..:o ill ~t . .J Ohll';-; Parish CInn' h, the 1'elUain~ of th ) Choir uf th allci



\\'ill tnk

le1'k n \Yell b iug llt

Il'lory Chu1' h

of the Ol'd '1'. Celebratioll or th \ Holy COllllllUllioll at Special S 1'vice with Se1'lllOn

The Anniversary Sermon will b




12 noon.

preach cl by

Tho E-)ub-Dean of' the Chrq)'ls Royal, C.\ .0., D.D., one of the Chaplain. of the Order.

It is hoped that as nlany M8111bers and Associates as possible will attend the Services.


Members and the Honorary Associates will wear the Badges of their re, pecti ve grades. It is confidently hoped that, with the Vlew of

will be devoted to the charitable objects of the Order.

increa ing the intere't in the Order and it The Chapel in the Crypt, erected by the Knights Hospitallers about

A. D.

1170, has been re tored since

last St. John's Day, and wiD be open to inspection

·work, a

many Mell1bm', and Honorary A"sociates a can do so will lnake a point of attendinc the cerelllOnie, of the clay.

directly after the mid-day service.

All communications and enquiries should be addressed to THE ASSISTANT-SECRETARY, ORDER OF ST. JOHN,

THE GENERAL A :::lEilIBLY will be held a.t 1.30 o'clock


in the Chapter Hall at St. John's Gate.

Light refreshand it is earnestly requested that in order to facilitate the arrangements,

ments will be provided at one o'clock in the Brigade

replies should be forwarded to him as soon as possible .

Drill Room-entrance through the Clerk ,' Office in

I anl,

the East Tower-at a charge of three shillings per head. Your truly, Application for refreshment ticket. must be lllade on enclosed fornl, which should be returned with relllittance. •

Only Menlbers and Associates can be present at the Sec}'etc"l'y-General.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY, and they can only be admitted MEMORAN DUM.

by ticket to the refreshment room. Members and Associates of the Order attending the

Knia-hts of' Justice etnd Knio'htf:i of Graue attending b b THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY will wear

the Ul'Of:iS only

suspended fronl the riband around the neck; the other

Entertain ment in aid of the British Ophthalmic Hospital at His

Majesty' - Theatre on the evening of July sth, will

wear, unless taking part in the Tableaux, the full insignia of their respective grades, medals.

but no other decorations or









'[be @ranl) lDriot'}? of tbe @rber of tbe 1))ospital of 5t. 30bn of 3ernsn[em ill J£nglantl. BY








®rnnb lPriar of 1be ®rbrr ,





Thursday , l.he 21st day of July, 1904, a t 11.30 a.m.


The Recipients of the Awards will be in attendance at St.


Gate at 9-45 a.m., and will be arranged



following order. Medals and Certificates of Honour.


Awards for saving life, or attempting to sa\'e life :-. HORACE CLARK. LEO:\,ARD DALLDIORE. \VILLIA1I BOOKER. \VILLIA:\I \VATKI:\,S. SA:\IUEL

\\T EALE .


•, Service" Medal.


A wards for conspIcuoUS servIces to the A m bulan~ e

Department : In recognition of long and efficient services to the St. J Ohl1 Ambulance Association and in the St. John Ambulance Brigade. 1ST CLAS SERGEA IT A~IOS HOWA RD, Preston Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. :! SUPERINTENDEl T TrrO;\fAS HIG GINSON , \Valton-le-Dal e Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. DISTRICT CHIEF S UPERINTENIJENT J. A. LIEB;\IA.N N, Honorary Serving Brother of the Order, New South \Vales, St. John Ambulance Brigade. . HOi\'ORARY SURGEON F. '-'V. COLLINSON, Preston Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERL. TENDENT GEORGE IIAl\RISOt\, Preston St. John Ambulance Brigade.


1ST CLASS SERGEANT JAMES CHURCHER, No. politan Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade.



SUPEf'INTENDENT PI IH\EAS I-IAY.\lAN , East London Divis ion , No. I D istrict, St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade. LADY SUPEI' INTE JJEI\T MISS ROSE PRESTOi\' , Barrowford ~ursing Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. A . '!-·T,\I\T-CO.\l.\l1 'SIOXEI' T. 11. \VOOL TO~, District, St. John Ambulance Brigade.

'[be <Oranb IPrior\? of the @rbcr of tbe 1bospital of St. 30bn of 3erusalclll in J8nglanb. CHANCERY

SUPERINTENDEKT-TI ' E,\SUl'ER Y\,. I I. P EE\ E'), Xorthampton Corps, SL John .\mbulance Brigade.





District Chief Superintendent


A. Liebmann, owmg to





11th . J uly, 1904-.

absence in Australia, will be unable to receive his medal from the hands of I-lis Royal IIighness the Grand Pri o r.




POY , \L





\r . LES 1M \ ing en tered and taken his place, the Presentation of the :\Iedals, &c , will be made.




fixed T hursday, July 21. t, at 11. 30 a.m.,

at Marlborough H ouse, for the presentation of the Medals and other A wards conferred by t h e C hapter during the past year.

t he attendance of the ntfenlbers of the Chapter, and

in each in s tance , will announce the

name of the recipient of the .. \ ward, who will then ach'ance in the


indicated, and take pos ition before HIS



HI ROYAL HIGHNE . ha ' been pleased to cOllllnand


SLl.. H.ET.\P\-GE1\r. R.-\L will

read, in




Awards for <;a\' ing life, a brief -,tatement of the service for which the , \warcl hac; been made.

full particulars of the ceremony, and in structions for

TIlE RECEI\' El' -GE - EI' AL will then hand the •\ ward on a

the g uidanee of the Confreres, are forwarde d herewitb.

cushion, to TIlE GR,\ND Pl'IOR, ane! HIS ROY_\L IIIGHNE S will present the same to the recipient, who will bo\\' and retire.

1 shall be glad if you will ad vi e the S ecretary of the Order as early a. possible if you will be able to

be present.. Secntar)l- Gweral.

SecTeiary - Ge ne rul.

{the (Bra 11() }prior\? of the


of tl)e

\I)ospitaI of $t. John of Jerusaletl1 in JEnglanb. --_oO<OC><>O<O- - -


of 111edals and Certificates

awarded by the Clwjte11'-Gelle1'al, for acts of gallantry in savz'ng life on land, for jreseutaiz"on by HIS ROYAL HIGH




at 1I1a) Iborollgh HOllse!








Jul)l, I9 0 4·

( lidland



For gallant conduct di-;playcd on the 16th of l\lay, 190 3, at Gloucester Station. lark, at the risk of his life, jumped on to the buffers of a mo\ ing train and disconnected the vacuum pipe, thereby stopping the train and undoubtedly saving a woman, who hac! fallen bel\\ een the train and the platform , [rom being crushee! to death.


For conspicuous bra very cJ isplayecl on the 24 th ~eptem bel', 1903, at Union Street, Sou thwark. ~ \ man named Vicker had descended and become overpowered by the ga ina man-hole. Four men went down and atlem pled a rescue, but were themselves overcome. Dallimore then got hi msel f lowered wi th a rope, and was successful in s curing the four uncon CiO LlS men

one by one, and they were hauled to the surface by members of the Police and Fire Brigade. Dallimore l1Clrrowly escaped being overcome and had to be taken to hospital.

limited mail was rapidly approaching. vVhite instantly jumped after him and afler severe exerlion and difficulty succeeded, just in time, in getti ng the man on to the plalform again.

SAMUEL E. WEALE (Drain Tester), WILLIAM WATKINS (Sewer Flusher), WILLIAM BOOKER (Road Ganger).

Private SIDNEY LEACH (:~nd BCltt. Devonshire Regiment); Engineer WILLIAM HILL (Excter Fire Brigade).



For bravery displayed on 5th \ugust, 1903, in \Voodside Avenue, l\1uswell Hill. A man named l)lumb fell to the bottom of a man-hole 23 feet deep and \Veale desccnded and endeavoured to effect his rescue but was himself O\'ercome by the foul gas, whereupon \Vm. \\ atkins went down, moved Plumb and '.Veale from the flow of sewage, but was also overcome. \V. H. Booker then volunteered, and was lowered down and successfully secured Plumb, \Veale, and \Vatkins.

For galbnl conduct on the 8th October, 1903, at Exeter, instopping a runaway horse attached to a cab. Pte. Leach got down from a cart he wa':) in and seizcd the horsc's head but was unable to stop it, was knocked down, and the wheel of the cab pa seel over him. Engincer Hill, seeing the horse galloping down the strecl, with great presence of mind pulled a laely out of its way anel WClrt1ec! Cl child who was In danger. IIe caughl the horsc, and succceded in pulling it up.




57D, Li\'erpool





For gallant conduct and presence of mind displayed on 2nd December, 1903, at Liverpool, at a crowded street crossing in saving a boy, six years of age, from being run over by a tram. The boy ran up from behind and got in front of the tram while Quilliam was taking two other children across. Quilliam ran to the boy and succeeded in throwing him clear of the lines, but was himself caught by the car, knocked down, and carried some way before he got clcar. He was taken to the hospital, where it was found that his lcft leg was brokcn, and his right thigh dislocated.

Ticket Collector GEORGE WHITE (Great


orthern Railway


For an act of bravery performed on the 14th of May, 190 3at Lurgan Station. A drunken man fell on to the line as the

For an act of bra\'ery p rformed on the 25th 1\1ay, 1903, at Manor Road, \Vetllington , in stopping a runaway horse attached to a van, and in so doing probe bly sa\'ing the life of an aged man who was in thc \-an at the time.


For great presence of mind displayed 011 the 25th of ~ep­ tember, 1903, at \\'oodhouse Ea\'cs, near Leicester. 1\11'. Hartopp observed a yOllng girl riding a bicycle down a hill marked dangerous for cyclists, and that she had 10 ,t control of her machine and \\-as coming towards him at a Lrrific pace; recognising the peril the girl was in he jumped from his trap, and standing sideways line 1 her out of the saddle as she passed him, and the bic\'cle crashed into a \\'all at the bottom .of the hill.


For gallant conduct displayed on the 19 th October, 190 3, in Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth, in stopping a bolting horse attached to a mail-van, alld thereby saving a woman and child from being run over as they were right in its track. Percival jumped at the horse's bead but in so doing caught his feet in the reins and fell to the ground, when the horse kicked him in the face, and he had to be taken to hospital in an unconscious condition. The Service Medal awarded for consplcuoUS serVices to the Order and its Departments will also be presented to:1ST CLASS SERGEANT AMOS HOWARD, Preston Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERINTENDENT THOMAS HIGGI SON, Walton-Ie-Dale Division, St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade. ~ DISTRICT CHIEF SUPERINTE TDE T


A. LIEB~IA J , New South vVales, St. John Ambulance Brigade, Honorary Serving Brother of the Order.

Ho ORARY SURGEO F. W. COLLI rSON, Preston Corps, St. J obn Ambulance Brigade. SUPERINTEND ENT G. HARRISOi, Preston Corps, St. Ambulance Brigade. FIRST CLASS SERGEA TT JA::'IIE CI-JURCHER, No. I politan Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade.

John Metro-

SUPERI r TENDENT PI--II EAS HA VillA , East London Division, No. I District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. LADY SUPERI TTENDE T MISS ROSE PRESTO , Barrowford Nursing Division, St. J obn Ambulance Bl igade. ASSISTANT-COMMISSIONEH. T. H. WOOLSTON, No. 3 Di strict, St. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERINTENDENT-TREASURER vV. H. REEVES, Northampton Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. District Chief Superintendent J. A. Liebmann, owing to absence in Australia, will be unable to receive bis medal from the hands of His Royal Highness the Grand Prior. "it-



Reprinted. [rum TIm LANCB'r, J[((rc11 5, 1901.







j'XTRAORDI 'ARY TO THE KINO; PHYSICIA.' l'n 'rln; L.\1'1-: nt" OF CJ. mRIDG~~; CO,',.,CL'1'I1W PHY. lClA. '1'0 ,.,1'. -'IAR"·., HOSPI1'.U •




As we briefly announced la~t week Sit' Edward Henry Sieveking died on Feh. 24th at his hou~e in Manchestersquare. The medical profes~ion of this country has thereby lost one of its best known members who for more than 50 years enjoyed a distinguished position not only as a physician in the scientific sense but as the trusted medical adviser of the highest personages of the State. Sir Edward Sieveking, who at the time of his death had attained the advanced age of 87 years, was born in St. Helen's·place, Bishop. gate, in the Oity of London, on August 24th, 1816. For an outline of his lineage and youth. ful journeyings on t.he continent we are indebt-cd to some autobiographical memoranda which ha\'e been intrusted to us by his youngest son, 1\11'. A. Forbes Sieveking, and which we hope may eventually be given to the public in an extended form. Sieveking was descended from an ancient We tphalian or North German Ijutheran family. It is suggested that the original spelling of the name was Sieviking, a name which marked descent from the Vikings, the Scandinavian adventurers who fet.tled in We tphalia in the eleventh century. AnyhOW, the family dates back to the sixteenth century and sub. equently became prominent in the intellectual, political, and mercantile circles of Hamburg. In the early part of last century, for instance, an uncle was known among European statesmen in



connexion with the negotiation of commercial treaties. Sieveking's parents came from Hamburg and settled in London in 1809, his father becoming a merchant in Fenchurch-street. His mother was a daughter of Senator J. V. Meyer of Hamburg. His education was commenced in England and continued on the continent, first at the Gymnasium of Ratzeburg (a little after the time when Samuel Taylor Ooleridge was writing some of his best known letters from the lake-girt island near Lubeck in MecklenburgStrelitz) and then at the Gymnasium of Berlin. Of his stay at the latter school and his subsequent movements he has left a record as follows: "I passed the AbiturientenExamen, obtained a certificate of 'maturity,' and transferred my allegiance to the Berlin University, where I dissected under Schiemann, attended the lectures on physiology by Johannes Miiller and those on chemistry under Mitscherlich, and then went to Bonn for a year where I attended lectures on surgery and made myself well acquainted with the Rhine and its lovely tributaries. ...... For two years I studied medicine at University Oollege, London, and then went to Edinburgh University where I graduated as M.D. in 1841, my thesis on 'Erysipelas' receiving a star of distinction. In the latter part of 1841 I went to Paris for the winter and studied at the Hotel Dieu under Andral, at the Hopital St. Louis (for skin diseases), and the Hopital du Midi, where I followed the practice and teaching of Ricord, ...... travelled through France and North Italy to Vienna, where Jager especially attracted me, and I attended a private course of ophthalmic surgery under his assistant Rigl, when I travelled with my parents through Hungary, Tyrol, and South Germany." After his rvanderyah/re he practised for a short time, about four years, amongst the English colony in Hamburg, where he delivered a course of lectures and founded a children's hospital in conjunction with his aunt, Miss Amalia Sieveking, a philanthropist and pioneer of nursing, whose biography, translated by Miss Oaroline Winkworth, is still known in England. He also published in German a treatise on Ventilation and started the Alster Rowing Olub, which athletic association delighted later in honouring their founder. It will be seen that his early education was calculated to give him self-reliance and a sound introduction to medicine

as well as to make it unlikely for him to take narrow or prejudiced views. Returning to London in 1846 he commenced medical practice in Bentinck-street, Manchestersquare, where he re ided until 1857, when he removed to Manchester-square, living there until the day of his death. He wa admitted a Member of the Royal Oollege of Physicians of London in 1847 and soon engaged actively in literary work. In 1849 he published a small treatise with the title, "The Training Institutions for Nurses and the Workhouses," a question in which he felt much interest and which also formed the subject of a paper read by him before the Epidemiological Society in 1854. In the same year he translated for the Sydenham Society Vol. II. of Rokitansky's "Pathological Anatomy." After holding the po t of physician to the Northern Dispensary he was appointed in 1851 assistant physician to St. l\lary's Hospital, an in tit uti on with which he maintained a life· long connexion. At an early period he became lecturer on materia medica and for 37 years in the wards, the class-room, and the out-patient department he was a prominent figure in the school. He became full physician to the hospital in 1860, only retiring from this position in 1888, when he was placed on the consulting staff. He was also one of the first physicians appointed to the staff. In 1852 he was ejected a Fellow of the Royal Oollege of Physician of London and afterwards filled various offices in the Oollege, including those of examiner, Harveian orator, senior censor, and vice-president. As vice-president under Sir William Jenner his claim to the presidency was held by many to be stronger than that of Sir Andrew Olark, but Sir Edward Sieveking himself, after experience of Olark's strenuous ways, allowed that he had been superseded by a man with peculiar aptitude for the post. In 1866 he delivered the Oroonian lectures in the Oollege, the subject of them being the Localisation of Disease. In 1877 he delivered the Harveian oration, with the result that the Oollege, together with the Royal Oollege of Surgeons of England, aided him in producing an autotype publication of the MS. of Harvey's original physiological lecture delivered in 1616. At an early stage of his career he contributed to the B'l'itish and FO'l'eign Medico- Ohi'l'1b'l'gical ReviMv, then edited

4 by its founuer, t:lir John It'orbes, who became his firm fdenu and whose name was given to Sieveking's younge~t son in 1857, the year in which Sieveking succeedecl to the editorship of the Review. In addition to Sir John Forbes and his colleagues at the hospital and the Royal College of PhysiC1ans of London, he was on terms of intimate frielldship with many men eminent in medicine and litemture, including Sir David Brewster, Charles Kingsley, F. D. Maurice, and Henry Orabb Robinson, who knew his parents and in whose reminiscences will be found a eulogistic allusion to the on. Sir Edward Sieveking's first contribution to THE LL'CET appeared in the issue of Sept. 10th, 1853, and wa" entitled" A Case in which Hydatids were Di. charged from the Kidney during Life." In 1854 with the collaboration of Dr. Handfield Jones (also of St. Mary's Hospital), he published a ":Manual of Patho· logical Anatomy." In 1858 there appeared the first edition of his important work on "Epilepsy and Epileptiform Seizures, their Causes, Pathology, and Treatment," which was reviewed in THE LANCET of Jan. 16th in that year. In 1861 he published in our columns Olinical Remarks on Neuralgia in a series of five articles and also became president of the Harveian Society. Many years previously he had been appointed physician-in-ordinary to the late Duke of Oambrioge, the father of the present Duke. In 1863, on trhe recommendation of Sir James Olark, he was appointed physician-in ordinary to the Prince of Wales, now the King. In 1873 he was made physician-extraordinary and in 1888 physician-in-ordinary to her late Majesty Queen Victoria, having been knighted two years earlier. In 1849 he married Mh· s Jane Ray who survives him. By her he had five so ,one of whom is in the medical profession, and three oaughters, one of whom is now the wife of Professor Starling, having previously been married to the late Dr. L. Woolridge. The following appreciation of t:lir Edward Sieveking's work as a colleague comes from a member of the staff of St. Mary's Hospital, and shows well the esteem which he enjoyed among his colleagues as physician, teacher, and friend: "It is some years since Sir Edward Sieveking took an active part in the practice of medicine, but those who had the pleasure of his intimate acquaintance will remember him as one who, if still imbued with many of the

5 trac1ition:s of an earlier scbool o[ thought anrl action, was keenly imJ:lressionable to the influence of more recent methous. He was in the exact sense of the term a general physician and con idered specialism in its narrower interpretation with little tolerance. A urvey of bis profe~sional career reveals the wide range of hi intellectual activity. Whatever subject he touched-e.g., pathology, neurology, climatology-he left the record richer by his work and pen. He po sessed much of the courtly grace exemplified by many of his contemporarie;.., and succes. fully strove to maintain the lofty ideal he had always in view. Whilst appreciative of the claims of others he knew how to assert his settled conviction. What Loru Granville was in politics t:lieveking was in medical polemics. 1£ he excelled in one thing more than another it was in the rational treatment of disease, and whilt paying primary attention to the special nature of an ailment he never neglected the claims of the body corporate. He made humanity his study and the amelioration of it~ ills his constant care. 'He had a tear for pity and a heart open as day for melting charity.' As a colleague he was loyal and devoted. 'fo his equals in station he we deferential; to hi 'ubordiuates he was encouraging, helpful, and considerate. His method of teaching were not, perhap , quite in accordance with the present trend of directive a' oppo eel to descriptive inculcation of knowledge, but he wa ' clear in diction, impressive in manner, and conclusive in argument. The medical profession has lo't one o[ its most honoured lights and St. Mary's Hospital, the home of his life-work, a guide, counsellor, and friend. " This brief appreciation of his work at St. Mary's Hospital depicts Sir Ed ward Sieveking graphically. We see how the liberal education and valied opportunities of his youth gave Uexibility to his views and breadth to his sympathies and we can understand that when once he was interested in ~.l. subject he spared no pains in promoting the views upon it which he thought sound. To questions of nursing, education, and hygiene he paid the close attention which he considered such matters should exact from the general physician with the result that he was able to give well-reasoned advice in directions where many medical men would have considered ignorance excusable. And with all his wide range

6 of accomplishments a high ideal of conduct kept him courteous, generous, and kind. Though in a sense Sir Edward Sieveking belonged to a day that is past his death is deeply felt by the medical profession. The funeral took place on Feb. 27th at Abney Park Cemetery, the memorial service being held in St. Thomas'8 Ohurch, Orchard-street, Portman-square.

P l'illled a.L The L a.ncct Uf1i (;C, 413, SLra lld , W. C.

ItCjll'il/lc rl j,'olll

lil( ..

lll'ilt 'il ,l[ulical .fUIiOW/,

Jla;ch ulIL, IOU!.,

Sir ED\VARD SIEVEKING, M.D., LL.D., F.R .. P., Physician ExLraonlillary to the King; Consulting Physician, St" Mary's liospital.

WE mentioned bri('fly last week t he death, at an advanced age, of . 'ir Ed\vard. ,'ieveking, wlJ ieh occurred on February 24Lh. Edward, 'ieveking was born in 1816 in ,'t. lIelens Place, in the Oityof London. His Inther was a mpl'chant and came of a good old NorLh (rC'rman stock, and members of the family a1'(, still to be found in the> old. home at Hamburg . Edward ,'icveking was ducntec.l partly in England and partly in <:i-rrmany. lIe tudied medicine at Berlin, Bonn , University Oollrg<>, London, and subsequently at the University of Edinburgll, wher he took the degre of M ,D. in 1841. For some years after graduating 11" practised at IIamburg, C'11iefly among the English colony there . While in rC'sidrnC'e there he wrote a small work on ventilation, and hplped to bring abont the (>stabli, hment of a children's hospital. He rf>turn'd to London in 1847 and passed the examination for l\I('mlwr hip of the Royal Ool]pge of Physicians, of which Ooile>g<' 11(' "'(\S in 1852 admittpcl a Fellow. In the prf:'cpding year he WitS appointed Physi<.;ian to the Out'patirnt ])ppartmenL of • t. 1IIm'y's IIo pital, with which he remaiued actively conn€'cled for forty years. On his r tirement he was eipeted Oonsulting Physician. He was for some time Physician to the LoC'k Hospital anu. to the Hospital for the Paraly~pd !'lnd Epileptic, In 1849 he iSSUCG his first publication in England-a palllphlpt on nur ing and llis advocacy hall mudl to do with the great dev('lopment which had r suIted in the tr8ined nurse of the present day. IIe rt;Jad a paper on tIl subject before the Epidemiologieal •'ociety, and, resulting therefrom, a committee was formeo, which for years endeavoured to realize a ll,ational system of nursing tIl ) poor. On mol' than one occaSIOn a deputation, hE'ndcd by Lord 'haftesbury, waited on th(' Poor Law Board, who approved of the plans propos d, anll issued drculars in favonI' of them. Nil' EdwHrc1 was one of the translaLors of Hokitansky's great work on Patlwlo,fJical Anatomy for the Sydenham Society, and aft("l'wards, for ttl(> same Society, translated Romberg's work, Nervous Disease~ . . In 1854 he pullisllrd a work on Pathological Anatomy written 1ll conjullc'iion with bis colleague Dr, lIamHipld-Jol1l's, hl' also wrote a book on epill'psy, Lhe s('cond p(lition of which aplwnrcd in 1861. IIp was a Oroonian LecturPl' of the Royal 9011 ege of Physicians in 1866, and the ledul'es were printed In ,n volume eniitl('d On Localization of Disease; in 1877 ]u dehverecl tllC' lIarveian OraLion before the same (Joll ge . In addi~ion he' was for soml' years editor of the' l1ritish anrl FOJ'e1,fJ n ,Medical and CMnu',r;icrcl ReL'ielV, a p(\rlodical fou n ded hy on(' of his most in! i In'lU' rril'ncl:'l, Nil' ,Joh n Forlws.


lIe was appointed Physician in Ordinary to II.RH. the Prince of 'Vales in 1863, Physician Extraordinary to Queen Victoria in 1870 ' and Physician in Ordinary in 1888. When His present Majesty cam~ to the throne Si~' Edward ~ eye­ king, as he had become 111 1886, was appo111ted PhysIcIan Extraordinary to His Majesty. At the tercentenary of the Edinburgh University he received the honorary degree of LL.D., he was also a Knight of the Grare of t. John of Jerusalem, and had been President of the Harveian and of the Royal Medical and Ohirurgical ocieties. Sir Edward ieveking gave valuable assistance to Mr. Propert in founding Epsom Oollege, and was its first IIonorary Secretary. He was a Vice-President of the institution, as well as a member of the Oouncil, whose meetings he attended regularly until his health failed. Sir Edward Sieveking married in 1849 the daughter of Mr. J. Ray of Finchley, and had a large family; one of his sons, Mr. Herbert E. Sieveking, was formerly I.: urgeon to the Victoria Hospital, Oairo. Sir Edward Sieveking, who was a member of the British Medical Association, was for eight years a representative of the Metropolitan Oounties Branch on the Oentral Oouncil. It was largely owing to his initiative that the medal for distinguished merit was founded by the British Medical Association. The medal was founded in 1877, and is awarded to a person who has conspicuously raised the char~cter of the medical profession by scientific work, by extraordmary professional services, or by special services rendered to. the British Medical A.ssociation. The statutes and regulatIOns were drafted by Sir Edward, then Dr., ' ieveking, and approved by the Oouncil in 1871. It was first awarded in consideration of the heroic conduct, self-denial, and humanity of the medical men at a colliery accident at Pontypridd, and w?-s formally presented at the annual meeting in Manchester m 1871; on that occasion a gold medal was awarded to one medical man, silver medals to thref>, and bronze medals ~o eight. In subsequent awards the medal bas always beell 1Il gold. It was presented in 1879 to "urgeon-Major James Reynolds, lVI. B., V.O., of Rorke's Drift; it was alVa:'de.d to Dr. William Farr in 1880 as an expression of the AssocIatJOn's high appreciation of his long and successful labours on behalf of statistical and sanit.ary science, and in 1886 to Dr. Edw:ard Waters for his long-continued, self-denying, and able serVIces in the cause of medical reform. In 1888 it was awarded to Dr. Ormerod, of Workington, for gallant services in rescuing workmen in a colliery accident; in 1890 it was awarded to Surgeon Parke, surgeon to the Emin Pasha Relief Forre; and in 1896 to Surgeon-Oaptain H. F. Whitchurch, V.O:, 1.1\1.8., for extraordinary gallantry in the performance of hIS ~rofes­ sional duties during the Ohitral expedition. In 1897 It w~s awarded to Mr. O. G. Wheelhouse and Sir Waltcr Foster 111 recognition of their services as the first two direct reJ;>resentatives of the English profession on the General Med1cal Oouncil. Sir Edward , ieveking delivered the A~dr~ss ~n Medicine at the annual meeting of the AssoClatIOn 1n Sheffield in 1876. . . We are indebted to a colleague of the deceased phrslCIan for tIle following notes on his work at St. Mary's Hospltal: f Sir Edward Sieveking was the last remaining member 0 the originalstaffof St. lary's Hospital, which was elected. aftpl'

., oJ

much thought, and wiLlI most excellent results, in 1851. His immediate colleagues were Alderson, King Uhambers Sibson, IIandlield-J ones, and Markham; and, as one look~ back upon this list, one can scarcely fail to be struck by its ~trength. .Fo~· fifteen years Nieveking pat~ently plodded away III the out-patIent department of the hospItal, and for sixteen years he lectured on materia medica in the medical school a subject which by no means lends itself to oratorical tre~t­ ment. But he did the work well-as well as it could be done -and in a most painstaking manner. The I ctures were given in the summer sessions, and at a very early hour in the morning. But the lecturer was invariably punctual in his attendance, and most meLhouical in his dealings with the matter in hand. More than this, he almost succeeded in mfl.king the lectures interesting. l\L-lt ria medica was however, the only subject on which he ever lectured; fo; with :-libson, Oham1?ers, lIR:n~field-J on s, and Broadbent taking in turn .the class 111 mpdIC:lt1E', there wa obviou ly no vacancy for hlln theN'. Probably, m()reover, be would not have desire~ on. ~ physicirm wl~o could lecturt~ upon materia medIca for sIxteen years Inl ght deem himself unfitted for suc:cessfully unctertakmg the other and the less methodical work. It was doubLless to ,'ipvrking's disad vantnge thnt the circt;tmstances of his elec tion upon the staff of 't. Mary's lIospltal e~ta iled hi.s spenlling fifteen. l.ong years among t the out-patIent, WIllI t thr other phy telan -men of about his own age-:-wer pIon autly occupied in teaehing from the very eases WlllC}~, "\\T 'ek afLf>r. w('ek, 1)(' was sending up from nmong the out-patIent. whom IL wa" Lhen the custom to attend in some dark roolllS in the ba elllPnt of the hospital. But when the day eventually arriv('d for ,'ievekin~ t o be elected upon the senior staff-it wns in I866-11e quirkly proved himself to be as punctu'll and ns painstaking ill his work in the wards as he had b.een with his early-morni ng ]pctur s and wi th his other d..utles. And thouJh his hetl:iid' teaching Incked the pnthu~lasm and the glr)\V which pervaded all ,'ih on's instructIOn, the depth anlL the ICllrning of thnt of rrrtndfield.!ones, and theperspicncityanclpreci ion ofthatof Broadbent, It w?-s clear and sound. and was widely appreciated by a consldemble class of students . Duri~g the twenty years that ~ieveki ng had charge of the wards, 1t was the custom for e 10h resident lUedical officer to serve With e~ch phS ici,Hl in turn, And. be invariably looked forward to hIS association with 'ieveking for acquirina a store of that kin.d of. experien 'e, which, he clearly fOl'esa~, would help to equW hIm Jor the successful accomplishment of his f~ture work 111 the profession. IIe knew that under ievekm.g .he would receive he! pfnl in truction in the art of pres~nb1n.g and of actually writing prescriptions- not that thevek~ng had a wide faith in drugs. On the contrary, his e~tenslve knOWledge of them had had the effect of limiting lllS tr~13t t<? a very few. But he took a good deal of trouble in teaclnng Ins hou e-physician when and how he should prescribe those ~ew. The association of that officer with. ieveking also gaveluma u se ful in ightinto the value of blist riner of hot-air baths, of venesection, ofleeches of cuppina nnd of v~;'ious other methods ~f .the sort .whic·h are 'npt to be 'S~mewhat neglected b~ a. phYSICIan '.vho IS ~erel~ "profoun.d," or by one who,. as he SltR by the sldr of Ill'! p'ttlf>nt, has hI S mental rye 1'0 tll1g

upon the viscera as he will be demonstrating them to his students "in another pla~e" wi thin a very short spRee of time. In the thoughts of such a man, indeed, the prosaie subject of treatment must be content with a very secondary place. But ieveking was not of this nature; he was a thoroughly sound practitioner and a well-skilled pathologist. Yes, 'ieveking was an excellent practical clinician, teaching clearly because thinking and seeing clearly. Ilis method was free of all speculation and doubtful theorizing. lie walked and he talked along the beaten tracks of medical science, well knowing that, thus proceeding, he was safe. ..ind in this knowledge his students fully shared. He was a great friend to the students, and he was much interested in the establishment of a club for them in eonnexion with the hospital and it was a great source of constant satisfaction to him to see this club flourishing from year to year and continuing to flourish, as it does at the present day. lie was a man of great energy and per 'everance; and having taken up an idea he made it his business to see it through to a successful issue. Indeed, whatever 11e did, he did it with all his might. 'peaking as a colleague, one can unhesitatingly say that ieveking was loyal and straight. lie pulled no wires. lIe came to committees with an open mind, and determined to do what was right. He was no self-seeker, no time-server. And though his manner was so reserved that he sometimes gavr his colleagues the impression of being cold and somewhat lacking in sympathy, when it had bfen broken through one invariably found in him the kind and warm-beaded gentleman and the ready friend. We are indebted to 'ir "William Broadbent for the following note: bir Edward Sieveking was the last survivor of the original staff of 't. Maris Hospital. On the medieal side Drs. Alderson, Chambers, and l:ibsOll were the physicians; Drs. Handfield-Jones, Markham, and Sieveking assistant physicians, as the physicians to out-patients were then called. This staff was intact when I was appointed resident obstetric officer at the end of 1858, and for many years afterwards. Sir Edward Sieveking (as he soon became), being the junior, had a long spell of out-patient work from 1851 to 1866. The out-patient department was not at that time organized for clinical teaching, and when he was promoted to the wards I w~s myself Out-patient Physician, so that I saw little of him 111 actual clinical work. As a senior colleague I found him, while peculiarly undemonstrative, extremely kind, and I owe much to him. A mark of confidence, which I esteemed as a great honour and on which I look back with satisfaction, was that he asked me tv attend one of his sons who had typhoid fever . The distinguishing note of Sir Ed ward Sieveking's character was thoroughness. This came out alike ill his :personal relations, in his work at the medical school and hospItal, and in his investigation of disease. It made him a powerful influence among students and in the profession, and contributed in an important degree to the success of St. l\Iary's Hospital and School. I shall always regret that absence from London prevented me from taking part in the remarkable demonstration of the respect in which he was held shown by the attend.ance at tJw funeral sprvice on f3a.turrlay,

We rrgrE't. to ftnJlOlllH:e lhoL "' ir Ed\yard • 'irvckillg, Physician Extraordinary to llw King, died ~ E' "LE'rdny af'leI1l0011. Edward Url1ry ' lc\"('killg ,,"as bol'll in London in 1 lG, and was a, son of n IUcrchanL of Uw stlnw nnme, himself a dpscPllrulllL of n family "pll knm\"Jl ill IInllllJur~, Thr SOil was eclllcnled at 'nivcrsiLy CollE'gll and Edinburgh, gradllntpd as :\I.D. of the Edillbmgh Uni,"prsit), in 1 Jl, and "ettled ill LondoJl to practise, becoming a Ft'llow or the Ropl (,ollege of Ph~sicinns in 1 ;)~. Ile early becamr nLtill'hed to lhe staas (,f 't. Mary's Hospital nnd of LhE' Lock Hospital, to bolh of "hich b was con nlling ph~, "il' inll aL the Lime of his death. lIe was al 0 for it time physician lo tlw :\ationnl IIn "pilal for lhe Pill'Hlys '<1 and Epileptic, :lI1d Physician in Orclil1i1r~ to hrr late )Jnjl'sl~' Queen \"i c Lori<1, as well :IS Lo his )TnjPsly King Elhnml V 11. "hell Prince of W nll:'s, nnd WU!:i :lppointed Physician E\.lnlOrclinnry Lo his .:'tLljrsty in ]!)Ol. 1n addition to hi::; 111l1ny hospitnl 11l1d oflicial duliE's Dr, • 'i \'('king was activel~­ I'ngnged in Ilwdil'nllitl'ralllt('. III' ,,"as for som' )CllrS editor of th( ~ llIcdi co-('hil'/I)'!licu/ N /'/,/I /(' and W,) himself a considerable author, ('hil'Or lIpnn slIhjl'l'ts C(lI1Ill'ctpej ,,"illl UP dise>nsl' ot' the nerYOllS system, o[ ,,"hiell Ill' had largl' p\.l>l'rienc at [h(' Kalionnl Hospilal. In this ('01111exion Jll' \\"ltS till' illY('ntor or the il1stru11ll'IlL known as th(' ;esth('siomet('f, for dptprmilling the laclill' sPl1sitivl'l1es::; of the skin ill diIT'rent r('gionR of til!' hody. Among his ,,"o rks may be mentioned "Crooniun LecLllr's nil Epilppsy deli\'e red b'fore lhe Royal College of Physicians," nnd editiol1s or ' Homberg 011 Ker\'olls Dispuses " and of "Rokitansky's Pntholngical AnatoIllY," buth prrpared for the ~' ydenhnJU Sociply. Dr. , ' iew'king recei"ed Lhe honOllr of knighthood iul G, and he was n Kl1ight or (hllce of tlw Order of't. John of Jerusalem. lIe was also n member or JUallV 11ledical soeil'Lies,in mosL of ,,"hich be had hE'ld presidential or othf'r h~llollrnble (JOice, and he wa::; itll honorary LL.D, of Edinburgh. He married, ill 1 W, .) al1l' , d:lllghler of the latl' )Ir. John Ru), J.P., and one of his sons is also practising us a physiciall in London. The flUleral ,,"ill takr pinel' on. nturdny next at Abney-pork Cemetery. 'There will bp n servicl' at :l 30 aL St. Thomas's Church,Orc1wl'd-streol, Portmilll-sqwl ["('.

(FHO:\I Tm~ TnIES, Fm~HU"\ln""

20, H)O±,)

ThE' King hns cansed the following letter of sympath,'{ to he sent 10 SOil of the late 'it Edward ll.'ieyeking, M.D" P.R.C.P., physicinn rxLraordinnry to his Injest.y, and physici:lll ill ordinary to QHe It \'ieL ori:L :- " Buckingham Pnlncl', I'\'b. :n, 1901. ))ear 'ir,-1 11m commluldpc[ by the Kil1g Lo say il \Ions ,,"ilh nmch regret th,1t he heard of Lhe death of'ir Ethnml 'ip\'cking, \\ hom irt

Mr, A.. 1<'. 'il'vekil1g,


forme r days he llsed to know ,"en . His ?lIajest.y de ires me to assure ~·ou also how greatly he sympathizes with you and t.he members of YOlll' family in your ailliction md on the very great loss which you have sustained . I remain yours t ruly, rr..."IOLLY . • " The funeral of • ir E. H. Sieveking took place on ·atnrdayafternoon. The first part of the Burial Service was held in St. Thomas's Chnrch, Orchard-street, Portman-square. The principal mourners were Ir. and Mrs. A. F . Sieveking and 1iss Margot Sieveking (son, daughter-iuJaw, and granddaughter), Miss Sievekil1g (daughter), Professor Ernest Starling (son-in-law), Mr . W. E. Crnm (son-in-]a\y), ?III'. E. G. ieveking (nephe\\'), Mr. Char]l's Ray (npphew of Lad~ ' ipveking) and Mrs_ Ray, Mr. H. L . Swinburne and Mrs . Swinburne (niece of Lady Sieveking),and }lrs., 1\1iss, and ~1iss ~Iargaret Wild. There were also present Sir William Church, presidl'nt, Sir Dyee Dllck'Yorth, senior censor, Dr, Frederick Roberts, Dr. Allchin, and Dr. Ferrier, cen) ors, Dr. J. F. Payne, librarian, and Dr. Liveil1g, registrar, of the Royal College of Physicians; Colonel Sir Herbert Perrott, representing the Order ot' St. John of Jerusalem, of which 'ir Ed\\'ard 'i \'eking \\'as a Knight of Grace; 1\1r. Edmnnd Owen and 1\11'. Guy Elli ton, general secretary, l'epresentinO' (in the ab ence t.hrough iJ1dispo ' itioll of !\Ir, Andrew Clark, the ~airmall of the C01UlCil) the British Medicnl Associlltion; Dr. Holman, treasurer, t.he Rev. Dr. Smitb Pearce, hendmaster, nnd Mr. J, Bernard Lamb, secretary, of Epsom College; Dr. Alfred 't reet., Teprl:'sentiJ1g the British Ballleological and Climatological Society, of which Sir Edward was the fir t hon. president, and \\'hicb a,lso sent lL wreath; Sir Douglas Powell, physician extraordinary to the King; Mr. and Mrs. Jaml's Powell, Lady (Russell) ReYllolds, Dr . C. Theodorll Williams, president of the Harveiall Society of LOlldon, of which SilO Edward Sievel,ing " 'as ex-president; Dr. G. A. ,'ltt.J1E'rland, reprpsenting the Edinburgh Univer ity Club of London, of ',"h.ich ' ir Edw.Hrd was a fOlUlcIer; Dr. E. A. Caley, the dean, l'epre. entlng the mechcnl staff of St. iYIary's Hospital, of which. 'ir Ed\,ard "'as it consulting physician; Ir. Morton Smale, of St. Mnry'., Dr. H.ohert FarC]lllwrSOD, M .P., Dr . IT. Charlton Ba'tian, Mr. Arlhur n. Wood, Dr. and Miss Cullingworth, Dr. Reginald Harrison, )fr. C. Robson, 1!1'. Edward Parker YOlmg, 1\1i,'s Birkett, the Rev. H. :;\1. Larner, MIss Dickinson Miss Isabel Routh, of Amport, Hants, the Rev. Dr. F. C. Finch 1\11': Harold i\uttaJl, Dr. Matthew Baine,', }Ir. Despicbt, 11r. J. D. ~1alcolm, Mrs. Berkeley Hill, • 'urgeon-Co]onpl Don, Mr. Ki,ll1 Mark, Mr. 'Villiam Reed, Mr. F. H. Cripps-Dny, Dr. Charles AUfrey, Dr. and Mrs. James Chambers, and . everaJ members of the Athen<l'llJlJ Dlub, of which Sir Edward SievekiJlg had been a member for 30 years. Sir Dyce Duckworth also represented the '('niversi ty of EdinblJl'~h [ll:d, as vice-president, the Royal Medical and Chirllrgical Society, of which Sir Edward was a past president and to ",bich he presented the l~re­ sidential badge. Dr. Ferrier also represented the ::'\ational Ilosplta,l for Paralysis and Epilepsy, Queen-sqllarp, of which, ' ir Edward " 'as one of the fOlUlders . At the sen ice in •'t. Thomas's Church, the hYJ11llS, " Eternal Father strong to save" and" Lead, h..111(II y L'Ig bt" were " in the choir sang Sir Herbert Oakeley , s an th em slmg, and a quartet " Comes at times a sti llness ns of even." The coffill was borne from t~o -church while Chopin's" FLUleral 11arch" " 'as being played on t)(~ Y'

organ, during '''hich the congrega.tion stood. The Rev. R. Percy Thompson, vicnr of. ' t. ThollW'S, officiated at 1he I'>Prvice in the church :-md afterwards a.t the interment, \\"hich took place in the fumily gnwe nt Abney-park Cemetery. The numerous flol'nl tributes included many from Lady 'i veking and the family, n, \\'hite }lnl es cross ns " a token of affectionate este m mId rega.rd from the (,Ollfl·i.l'~s of the Grand Priory of the Order of t.h Hospi tal of • 't. J uh)) of .J rnsalem in England," the Edillburgh ~nivel"ity Club, ~Jr. and }Ir'. II. Harpel, l\fr. H. ' . • 'enl, Miss H.OSI], Hay, Dr. nlld .1\Jr ". D,IY, )11'. nnd Mrf-. 'j'ipps-Dny, 1\[1'. and :-'fr8. All'x Mace, :'tIro Fnmz :;\Tnnkiewicz, 1\11'. a11(l )[rs. Cit>orge Gnrr('tt., "\Tr. Arthur Wood, ?lIIlC'. L('cni lle, )lrs. -ortb )Irs. WYllford Philipp, ;\11'. and Mrs . Julius Wel'llhf'r,1\1r. and Miss Di ckillson, )11'. Kerr aJ}{1 :;\Tiss )lnrphy, ;'\11'. H . . \llfff'Y, Dr. llundfiehl .Joues, and Dr. and }Ir<;. Jllme 'httmbeT

"ith Tl'f!'rl'll(,p to ,',11. En,,'.\TIn • ' JE\'E I{I~C:, ot' whom an obitu:n, lJotice was pllLli '11t-' ([ in 'I'ln Tilll£'s of Fl'hrl1!1r~ :2.'), one 1)1' lhe senior );'pllo\\'s of the Hoyal Co]]pge of Phy ieians \\ritl' ;-" .'ir Edmlrd f)i('vl'king belongl'd t.o n clnss of physicians whieh is fa t pas ing n,\\'lI~'. lIe \\'ns not of the n('1\' sehool, ]Jor did he pXl'l11plify many of tlw featurl's of thp oldt'r 011('. Up was llctiYl'ly at \\ ork when Bright, Addison, Latham, Burro\\'s, \\'ntl:lon, lUlel JelUll'r \I' J'l' at. lhl'ir bebt, nnd his familiarily wilh onlin('ntal Itmgllllges k pt him abn nst with tll(~ 11l'\\'('st contributiOlls 10 Ilwdicnl 10l0\\'ledgl', in pnrti L'111n r with tho,-,l' relnting to nen'olls di:;easps and patholo"'y in gl"lleml ",hieh emnuMl'd from Gprmany. Jll' 1rnnslnled Romberg's ,\,ork on 11\:'1'\'vu, (Ii f'nse , a.nd Rokitansky's,' co nd volume of pathologic!)l nnnlomy. ]Io edited the JJnli r o-Chij'/lj'u;ca/ Rt'L'iclV for some years, and "a:; the author or H work on epilepsy, ,lnd joint nllthor "' ith thl' lat e Dr. lfandDeld Jone, oj' one on pathology. Ill' was amongst the first to employ the Inr)11gosCOpc. ill practice, find hI' \\'<1S all authority on the suhjed of examination for life nssnflmce, and wrot all xcellellt book upon it. }Jis ,,"ork nnd accomplishments attracted the attention and int.('\' st of ir Jam l'~ ('[ark, which led t.o his nppointmellt ns one of th phY'iicinlls in ordinalJ to the present Queen \"hell she first cnm to thi, cOlmtry, and this sccured [or him a large addition to his praetil' . With ' ir David Brp\\'st.er, Dr. Ch,nll's Iurchison, and n fp\\' others, be f01Ulclpd thp !'~dil1hlll'gh UniVP)'sity C':lub in London, nncl touk l'vpr nft r a del'p JlJte ~'efl~ in its \\'elrarl'. lIe had al"'nys high idl'IlI ', nlJd a k en sen e of prolesslO nal honotll' n nd dignity. Car ful, punctil ions, and precise, h exacted the l1<lme qllnlities t'rom all a 'soc iated with him. lIe held mnny on'k es in the RoY,11 'ollege of Physicians, and wns one of the first "ic~­ presidents electNl ,,,hell that position \\',1S esblbli hpd for a few yl'I\1'S_ .lIe delivered the ('1'0011 inn lectures on the 'LOCtlliz,lti on of Dispa e,' ill ]866, and the IInrveian oration in 1 77 . He drpw attention to the manllscript of Harvey's lectures of 161G in which his disco\'Pl'V o[thecircllla.ti?11 is first men'tiont>d, and this led to th ir publicatio11 . hy th col10gc \lJth an lU.ltotype of the manuscript. Ill' had n IOJlg ('arepr n.t 't. MoJ'y'i')


H ospi tal, and amongst his pupils a re men now of hi gh distinct ion in tho profession. H e was electe d president of t he R oyal Medical aoel Ch irurgical Society in 1 . H e took an acti YC part in t he ambu lauce work of the Order of St. J ohn of J er usalem, " 'hich ,yas h ighl y appreciated, and was equally energetic in fmthering the interests of Epsolll Coll ege in its earlier days. Though never popular in illl lllmorthy sense as a physician or a teacher, nor given to seeking popularity in any degree, he was a mrul of wide cul ture and reading, of grent activity, whose aims and interests ,,'ero lofty and for the p ublic welfare . He l'etained his power and a remarkably young a pect long after he hod ceased to pursue the active practice of his p rofession," One of hi l1l'gic,l l assoc intes ,,-ritp :- " Olle of his chief characteristics wa his judicial frame of mind . Thi . , together with hj~ quiet reserved manner and his absolute im partiality, made him alt admirable chairman of committees of all ki:ncLs . As one looks back UpOll the years of quiet, lUlobtrnsiYe work which he accomp lished at St. Mary's Hospital one cannot but feel that his influence ,,'as most whol esome and beneficial. There was this also abcut him, that he was neyer a self-seeker; indeed, if he had a ffwlt, it 1<lY in the direction of too much self-effacement . ieveking did a great dea l towards popularizin g the teaching of the ambulrulce department of the Order of • 'to John of JeTUsalem, working side by side with ' ir EdmUl1d Lechmere, the late Colonel Francis Duncan, R .A ., ruld ir John Flll'ley. " One of hi ~ colleagues at. t. ~IUl-y's 'Hites of him :-" Sir Echyard Sieveking was one of the most preci e ruld punctual of men; this preci ion nevet amolmted to pedantry, but was the result of the definite and orderly working of his mind, aud the useful habi t he had acquired and maintained of reserving his opinion tUltil he had obtained a 1irm grip of the matter in hand . There was neyer ffily lUldne delay in coming to a decision, and when this point was once reached he chmg t enaciollsly to hi;,; judgment and expressed his vie,,'s with firmness . "

l' rillt e d athl p ulJlhllecl h y (;eor~e J:dwan l \\'ri ~ llt, at The 'J'iJllC~ Ullice , l' l'illtlll:; ' holl~e -SC lllal'C, L OlltlUll ,



E Pam ph. 8-1902. I


St. Jobll RtnblllatlCe 5



St. John Ambulance Brigade. (ReviBed in <tccordance with th~ Generc1,l Regulations of 1902. ) ;,;;;


19 02











General Sketch of the Constitution and Work of the Brig ade. 1. The followin o' instruction' have been drawn up with the object of fn.cilitatinO' the formation of new Divisions of the t. John III bulanee Brigado. Irregularly formed


2. In past yoar " owing to a variet.y of causes, Division' 'were frequently form d in an irr gnlar nlanner, and the member, oyon year aher joinin o. n, Division, have been found to bo unacquainted 'with the li tinctive object of the Brigado and tho nature of tho 'work 'which it undertake, and which they as melnbers of it are presulDed to be ready to calTY out. uch Divisions were g n rally formecl by past pupils of first aiel cIn, 'ses of the ~ 'to John Ambulance ociation~ '\rho, it-her Iller ly for the ak of Ineeting tog ther in ordor to koel up the practice of bandao'ing' and 0 forth, or owing to th ir recogni inCf the many a.dya.ntao·es of combined action in pubtic or private ambulance work, ought to k~ep too'othor Ly styling them olv s a Corps or Divi ion, and III 'Ollle cases placed themselvo ' a ' n, body lllor or Ie s undor Brigado control; but, ' 0 far as the real obj cts of the Brigade aro concerned, they in many in tances did little more than hecome a sort of permanent Association first aid class, made no attempt at the sy tematic renderin a of fir t aid on public occasion " and neglected to conlply with the regulations of the Brigado as to the maint nance of efficiency. ' In some cases these bodies appear to have been duly registered at head quarters, after which all touch was lost;. in others, there does not appeal' to have been any sanction or recognition by head quartors, although such titles as "St. John Aml..>uhnce Oorps" and even' t. John Ambulance Brigade" were adopted.


There is reason to believe that scores of such bodie have been formed in tilne past without any reference to head quarters, and many of them haye consIdered that, as they ,,,ere more or less supported by L?c~l Centres 01' Branches of the St. John Ambulance AssoclatlOn, they were therefore recoo'nised units of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, and theJ~ have in all good faith styled ~he?J-selye Corps or Divisions of the Brigade or of the AssocIatIon .. l\Iany of t~ese bodies died out aft.er a. longer or shorLer eXIstence, clnefiy owino' to their not beino' periodically leoked after by a centI~l authority, and mo~'e . frequenq T on accou~lt of the laxity of members in ~ttendIng :practlCes, ~n~l t.hen· gel:reral uDwillingn to submIt to any ~onll of dl clplu~e .. Of the fe,v that survi,ed it may b~ md. that the .mfl;Jonty have ultimately COllle into full umon wI~h the BrIgade, and the remainder are more concerned ·wlth aInbulaIlce transport than with first aid to the public. Distinction between Association and Brigade.

Main work of Association.

3. Before any attempt is made to form a Diyision, it is necessary that the proposed members should clearly understand the distinction between the St. John Ambulance Association and the St. John Ambulance Brigade, and should realize the obligations which they yoluntarily take upon themselves in .j oining th~ la:tter. The main work of the AssoClatlOn, apart from the supply to the public of approved aD?- bulance materi~l. and the furthering of other undertakIngs for. ~he l' .l:ef of ~he injured and sicl~, is. to regulate. th~ provIslOn of lllstruc~lOn in first aid, to InstItute examInatlOns by duly authonzed medical men and to furnish certificates of competency to those persons' who have underg?ne the cO~lrse. of in ~ruction provided and passed the prescrIbed ex amIn.atl.on. So ~ar as first aid is concerned, the work of the AssocmtlOn practlCally embraces only the instru~tion of the indiv~dual, and the manufacture and supply of ambulance materIal. The St ..J ohn Ambulance A, sociation has strictly speaking no personnel, unless that tenn can be applied to secretaries and members of committees of local centres, branches, and detached classes, or to the medical men ~ho act as lecturers or examiners. As soon as the instructlOn and examination of a class are completed, the puPps. no longer have any connection whatever with the Ass~Cla~lOn, unless they become subscribers, and the only cor,nbmatlOns of first aid workers which can be officially recogl1lsed by the Association are the units (Corps or Divisions) of the St John Ambulance Brigade.

Disadvantages 01 first aid work by indiviuuals acting alone.

4. A pel', on who has newly gained his certificate from the St. John Amlmlance As ociation Inay be presumed to have a fair knowledge of first aid work, and may be able to do much good ill his private cH,pa~ity in the way of renderinO' first aiel to tho 'e with wh m he i' thrown into contact inbprivate life, as in the home 01' workshop, and he may have many 0pp0l'tunitie of doing useful work in public. Whatever he may be aole to do, however, will a' a rule be done individually, with the aid of such appliances f\,S he may personally 1e n.b~e to provi Ie, without t}~e "upervision of a medical man, WIthout the H, ' ured a 81 tance of the police, and, in th? ca e of 1. nblic a semLlie pro~ably without any r CO~'llltlOn or a'. 'lstn,nce on the part of the general public. .eL1rt!~ermore,. ullle he <.;hoos.es to ~ttend sub eCluent courses f mstrnctlOll and to Ubtlllt to .further eXLl,ll1inations at the conclu'ion of fSuch course., WIth the object of obtn,ining the medallit n of the A~ ociati?n, he .will have but little inclncement to keep up hI ha tIly g'mned knowled<fe, H,nd in a yery hort time will probably have forgotten a crreat deal of what he haellearnt, without, pm'hap , being aw,U'e of the fact. In S0111e in 't:.Lnce the cOlllmittees of local centre and bntnches of the A. ociation maintain a . upply of . tretcher and other ambuln,nce lnaterial, which ca.n be u 'ed a occasion ari es by 1 er ons who have obtained the fi~'st aid certificH,te, n,lle1 by this means llluch good. \\~ork l' undoubteclly beino' clone: bnt, ;tS above stated, It IS no part of the work of the As ocia.tion to provide for the permanent maintenance of bodie oro·<.tnizecl for the rendering of fir~t aid to the puLlic, and the org<.tnizlttion of the ~ocal cent~'e does not lend it elf to the improyisincr of pa1'tlG of eertI~­ cate-holders who ,L1'e rmtlly known to hav~ !~ept up t~hell' ImowledO'e of fir t aiel M , and who Inio'ht be wIlllllO' to l)eriol'lll I public dllty on exceptional occa 'ion ; while, owinn' to the Brigade stretcher drill not beino' adopted, and the first aiclers not beino' accustomed to work too'ether under any bond of discipline, combined a.ction under proper . . control i. as ,t rule out of the question. Again, the employes of many large lllanuiactOl'les and mine throughout the country luwe among th?m el:re organization. consi ting of certificated Inen, uPI hed ·w~th complete first aiel instalbtiolls, and in some ca e' wlth litters and wagons for the removal of injured pel' on ; h~.lt the!r operations are generally restricted to the works .In w.hlCh the men are employed, and there i as a rule n? pel'lodlCal examination in first aid work, at any rate alter the medallion ha been g<tined, f\,nd c n equently no O'uarnntee of continued efficiency. 'J


Brigade established to obviate these disad van tages.

Objects of Brigade.



The above remarks are not made with the object of disparaging the very useful work w,hic~l ,is every day being done throuO'hout the country by IndIvIduals, 01' by combinations of first aiders ,\'hose work is net:essarily confined to particular establishme~ts, but with the obj ct of emphasizing the fact th~t ill order to be prep,ared, and to be justified in off~nng, to ,ren?er first aId to the general public, a specIal organIzatIOn and a reasonable guarantee of efficiency are ne,cessary. , .' Speaking generally, then, It may be, sal~ that first md work by indiyiduals labours under cert~m dIsadvantages :there is no superYision,or cont~'ol, luedlCal. or oth~rwlse, J?-o organizR.tion for cOHlbmed actIOn on publi,c ,occa IOI~S, or ~n cases of accidents on a large scale, no pro~lsl~n of fir.st md and ambulance material, no regular practlCe In first md ~nd in the removal of injured and sick persons, even SUppOSillg that stretchers and other appliances are available, and above all no guarantee that persons who are ,in possession of first aid certificates have kept up theIr knowledge even the ore tically.

other ;:mthorities, and to maintain in readiness for such duty a boely of trained men and nurses qualified so to act. 3, To nrol a body of civilian, qualified in first aid a11(l train (1 in ambulance chill 01' nursing duties, willing to Le placed at the disposal of the lllilitary and other authoritic , a' a supplement to the public mcdical Gl'Yic:es in ea 'e of nece sity either at home or abroad. 4. To train 1ne11 in alllbulance transport duties, f5, To el y lop and pr mote every means of rendering aid to the illj ured. .L~ , regard, ' the lllploymellt of member ' of the Briuade in aiel or th military and other III elical seryice in time of war or other nece, ity, it houl(l L clcarly 1l1l(lerstood that no o]JligaLiun is illclllTet1 by pel' ons joinin()' the Brignde to serve in conjunction 'w ith the Army 01' avy ambnlanc 01' llursing , 'rv;ces, and lhat any unelertaking to do so in case of nntional em rgency would be an ab 'olntely voluntary act, The only obj 'ct thnt need be can iderecl her is Lhe a 'ociation tugcthel' of cCl'liJical ~c1 iil'st aiden.; for'Olllbinec1 pntCt~cc with the vi w of rUlHlcrin o ' first aiel on public occn IOn ,

5, In order to obviate these disadvantages, and ~o provide for the efficient ren~ering of first ai~ to the publIc, the St. John Ambulance Bngade was establIshed under the auspices of the Ambulance Departinent of the Order of St, John a committee which also controls the work of the St. J ~hn Ambulance Association, The Brigade was in fact an offshoot of the Association, its distinguishing feature being that it is a voluntary organization for rendering first aid to the public in a systematic manner, and by persons whose efficiency is periodically test.ed; it has now, however, assumed such dimensions, and its orO'anization has become so moulded, as to make it practically a distinct branch, of the Ambulance Department, its only necessaI7 connectIOn with the Association being that none but certIficate holders of the latter can be enrolled in the Brigade. 6. The objects of the Brigade are thus defined in the General Regulations approved for its guidance by the Grand Prior and Chapter of the Order of St. John, 1. To afford holders of first aid certificates from the St. John Ambuh"mce Association opportunities, of meeting together for ambulance and nursing practICe, with the object of combining indiyidual efforts for the public advantage. , 2. To render first aid to the sick and injured on public occasions, with the sanction of the police and

Oonstitution of DiVisions.

{)onstitutioll of Brigade.

7. This eud is sought to lle aLtained by con 'tituting Division or Corps con i ting of pcr.'on who, ha,vin o' previously obtained th certificate in fir t aiel, voluntarily su bmit to di cipline uuler the control of duly t1.ppointec1 otlic:er ,nnel undertake to keep up th ir knowl (lge of til' t aid, to leurn n. certain amount of lnilitDry (hill suffieient to enaul thenl to move in an orderly manner tUllon e)' crowu anll to handle stretch rs ~mellitters with safety La tho. e to whom they ml-1.y be ntLending, and to turn out to the be 't of their ability to perform public duLy whenever duly all ~(l upon, Marching and stretcher chill a1' not requircd of members of Nursing Divi 'lon.'. ~t should be fully untlcr 'toud that Divi ion .' of the Bngade are not alloweel to L form d for the luere pm'Po e 0,£ attenc1ing solly to accid llt.' that llmy OCClU' ill a pnrticular manui'n,ctory, worl- yard, 01' othcr private tabli hment; in addition to this th re mu t be a bOWL fide intention of doing pnblic duty whenever practicnble, 8. For convenience of control, sov ra1 Divi 'ions in close proximity to one another lll:1y L unitcd to forlll a, "'1orps; the Divisions and Corps in ncighbouring counti tue



grouped together by Distri~ts, of which t~lere are at present ix, each uncler the immeduLte charge of a Deputy 0111mi ioner ancl the whole are uncleI' the supreme control of the Chie(Commissioner of the Brigade, who directs it on behalf of the Order of St. J ohn. Ambulance and Nursing Divisions.

General obligations of


What is meant by Pnblic Duty.

9. Division consi-;ting of lllen only are terllled Ambulance Divi 'ions, "'while those which consist exclusively of women are termed Nursing Divisions. It sboul(l Le obseryed here that men and WOl11en are not allo"wed to belon o' to the same division, uut most of the laro'e corps comp~i e one or more ntH ing cliy~s~O:lS which work in COl!junction with the ambLllance c.hnslOns 'i\~hon on puLhc. duty. In some instances, when the cOllllJlned trength of the Divisions is not sufficient to justifjT tbeir Leing classed as a Corps, independent Alllblliallce and Nl1r~ina Divisions work side by side in the salllC to"wn, and as~:nst each other on occasions of pu bhc duty Ly 11lU tual arrangement between the respective Superintenclel~ts. . .. The duties of aIl1bulance and nnr '1110' chnslOlls ~ 1'e practically the same as regards the perfol'lllance of puillic (luty, but the members of the latter are require(l to have uLtain.ed the nursing certificate of the ~ It. .John Ambulance Assocmtion in adcb tion to the first aid certio(.;[I,te, ancl lllUSt be prep(;~red to undertake the temporary nnrsin u or ?are of injured or sick persons who may necessarily be (letmn~d at ambulance stations before they can be re1ll0ve(~ to h.o~P.lttLls or to their homes. 10l'eover, lIlOSt of the nursmg chvlSlOns, taking advantage of their organization, un(lertake more or less sick nursing among the poor, bnt in this they can o~lly engage in their private capacity, or [\,s llle])l hers of a separate nursing guild or society, and not as mellluers of the Brigade. 10. The members of every division are bound to attend.at least twelve drills (or practices) every year, to pa~s a ~pecJal [l,nnual re-examination in first al(l (ancl in nursmg III t~e case of nursing divj .. ions), to turn out to the uest of the~r ability when duly summoned by their officers to do puLhc duty, or in case of accident at any tillle, and to attend the inspections of the clivi. ion "w hich are annu[\,lly condu?ted by the superior officers of the Brigade or Ly officers specw,lly deputed for the purpose. 11. The following may be men tionecl as instances of the public duty alluded to above : - . . Pu blic gatherings in parks or recreatIOn grounds, pu bhc

ceremonies or processions, fairs, agricultural shows, football matches, horse and cycle races, athletic sports, skating on laro'e ponds l' lakes, rail way accidents, fires; in short, any occa 'ion when large bodies of people are present and there is H, prol H1.Lility of accidents occulTing. For such duties it is seldom n c ssary that the whole division shoulc1 be call d out at th salllC tilll ,and the u.-nal plan is for the officer in charge of th division to letail a, many members as are consic1ere(l necessary for each occasion, selectinO' them in reu'ular turll as far as can Le anang (1. Necessity for a certain amoun t· of military drill.

12. Th act vantages of [I, certain alllount of military drill for ltlelllbers of' 10rps aml Divi .. ion.' [l,re so app<trent, that it is no long l' tL yoluntar), maUer, lmt is in i ,t d upon in all units. ... t only is it nee s.'lUY in oreler to nable the lllen to lll()V in an orderly lllanner in cl'o'ivds, bu t it [l,dcls to their n,ppearance in puulie, anel prevent · that loo}~ of slovenlin 'ss whieh [l,ttache.' to haelly set-up l11en ( specuLlly if in uniforlll and whic'h would b very apt to induce the puGlic to think 1·, .. hi(Thly of their Slnartne a' ambulallt" III 'n than th y deserve' the chi f advantag , however of (hill, mnonntm()' indeed to an ab 'olute necessity in th' c[1... ·e of un train c.1 III n, is that it inCl~lcl1.t~s c1i .. cipline, llllClllestioning ob dienc to ord rs, wInch IS undoubte(lly necossary for men now>' d in mnLulance c~uty ullC1er trying 'ir 'U Illstanc s on puLlic oc 'asiolls. It IS. a w'll-o.'talJlish (1 fn.et that the f w Division' and orps In which no lllilitary (hill uset1 t.o be prn.cti 'ed,are precisely the one.. in whi<.'h there hn.' alway .. b ~ en a want of lisc.ipline ancl a spirit opp .. ition to all rnle .. reaarding the mamtenance of eHieioll 'y. .. Lt is not an ol~j ct of the Brigade to pose a' n, lllllItary body, alUl any llnclu t n(len 'Y in that diroction ought to Le at once cOlTectecl. On the other hand, s much elementary inf,Lntry drill should G I nLctised, apart from the nece. sary str tchor drill, which its If pre-. 'uppo '0' a c81ta~n aC(llminta,nce with military turnings and lwuchinO', a WIll enable the III 'n to elo their work with smartness and ea, e, anel will ellsm'l: their pa.'sin a HUlSt I' without unfavourable C01lllllent when under the critical eye of the public.


Advantages of Uniform.

l8. Experience has conclusively proved that the :vearing of a dislinctive uniform greatly facilitates the canymg out of first aiel work in pnLlic, and, indeed, th[l,t it i ab olu te~y necessary in brae towns in orcl I' to ensure to the publIc the fnll' st ad v~ntages that the Brig-aue offers. Not only cloeR the adoption of the regul[l,tion uniform facilitate tho

Apprcximate cost of Uniform.



work of the members of a division by enabling them to recoo'nise each other when on duty in crowded thoroughfare~ or as emblies, but it invariably ensures the hearty assistance and protection of the police, and the no less nece sary recognition and goodwill of the general public. It is e pecially advisable that the meinbers of nul' ing clivi 'ions should wear the Brigade uniform 'when on duty in public, since it affords a guarantee for courteous treatment even in the roughest crowds. It is therefore to be strongly impressed upon newly forming division that they shonld spare no effort to provide them elves with the uniform prescribed for the various ranks. As, however, the expense of providing uniforlll. cannot always be defrayed by those 'who place their time and knowledge at the disposal of the public, and the neces. nry {)utl:i,y cannot always be met by donations or . uLscriptions froll the puhlic at the time of formation of a divi ion, it. is not held to be indispensably necessary that uniform 'hould be adopted: but, when uniform is adopted, it is imperat,ive that it should be of the reO'ulation pattern. This, of COUl' e, does not apply to divisions of police or other bodies of men 'who habitually wear their own distinctive uniform. I t should be observed that the wearing of the Brigade uniform, except on actual Brigade duty, is strictly forLidden by the Regulations; it is not intended to be used as a ga.la dress or for social occasions, but as a distinguishing sign that the person wearing it is on duty for the benefit of the public, or is engaged on drin in preparation for such duty.

~ottles, tog?ther :vi.tl;t a sUl?ply of splints and bandages: ,vhile, for a nurSll1O' dIvlslOn of auollt twelve members, a small ambulance hamper and a . upply of splints and of triano'ular and. roller L~lldages would b necessary, and a bandage 1'0111110'. maclnne would be found very useful. CopIes of the :reneral Regulations of the Brio'ade and blank ~·onn. fO.r the variou return' l' quirec.1 to be furni 'hed from tUllC to tunc, n.re ~upplied gratis from head quarters, and the only book wInch n eel be purchased by diyi ions, beyo~lCl cop~es of the Rnl s for Division ' arc a ·copy of the OffiCIal Dnll ilL nnal, th Hanc1book ot' Fir t Aid, an Occurrence Bo k, :Jlinute Book, ea 'h Book, ancl Li t of tore.' : no. ' 1 .cial forll~ of th last thrc books is required. N ur Ul~~' (lin, lOn. req,nll'e a copy of 'os, Tal" Hint ' and Helps for Homc ~ ur lllO' amI IIyo'ielle in place uf the Official Drill Mn.nual. 'b

14. Uniform for the different ranks can be obtained from certain contractors at the rates mentioned in the general price list of the St. John Ambulance A sociation, a copy of which can be had gratis and post free on application to the Stores Departn1ent, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C., but it is by no J11eanS necessary that the clothing should be obtained from any particular maker. All badges of rank, however. are only to be purchased at St. John's Gate. The cost of uniform for the several ranks should not exceed about £11 for Honorary ~ urgeons: £G 12s. Gd. for Ambulance Officers' £3 01' £2 7s. for Sergeants (according to pattern selected); £2 for Corporals and Privates; £3 lOs. for Nursing Officers; £3 3s. for N ursi ng Sis tel's.

election of tretchers, &c.

Annual SUbscriptions.

~ounection with Oca I Oen bes

Necessary Equipment aud Books.

15. The minimum equirnnent considered necessary for an ambulance division of twelve ~o sixteen B1en, on formation, is two stretcherfl, two surgical haversacs, two water

?f ASSOCiation Inadvi~abl e.

1G. 'ome ,Clivi. ion on .formation proyide them elye \\'ith strete;hcr' of local :lln.nni<l.,e;tur , Lnt these are yery (l'e11erally found to Le he<lYler 01' III other ,nn-s inf ri01' to those SUI plied Ly th 'tore. epnrtlllent o{ the 'to John Ambulance .A.,; 'ociation, which l'Ullll)ine the re ults of many year' expenence n. to the untinl qnnlitic of a g'ood tr teller and the .. pacinI requirement ' of 111 mber. ~f the Brigade. :Vhatcyer patte~'n lllay bv nr10pted, it i of the til' ,t Importancc that It . honldn t excee 1 7ft. IO~in. in leno'th 01' 23 in. in width. 0 , It may Le In ntion (1 here tht'l.L in reler to facilitate the selection of aIllbulnnGe carriag , litter t'md . tretcher , ot any pt'l.tt?rn 01' Dlake, adyice will alway be readily giy n on apphca,tlOn to the ~ 'tor Department, 'to John' Gate, and that ample patteI'll.' of the litter, tret hI', and nIl amLubnce appli<.l.nces is u t1 hy that department will lie sent, on approyal, carriag paid. Ii whecled tran port Le provide(1 by a diyi -ion, care shoul~1 ~e taken that the carriages are adapted to tn.ke the ASSoclntlOn pattern str tcher . .1,7 . The, annual subscription of mcmber to their dlvIslO~lal fl1nds is lnatter for local control, an 1 app ar to :vary fronl 2. upwards. Member hit of the Brig-ac1e ll1volve 110 sub cription to Brigade hea,c quart l' . "18. In the early days of the Brigade III any divisions ,yere fonned in connection with local centres of the t. John Ambulance Association, which, in nl0st case, furni hed the necessary ontfit, and in other way gave the diyi ion


10 material and moral support. In some few instances this connection of divisions and corps with local centre has ,vorked satisfactorily, and but little inconvenience has resulted from the partial control of the Committee of the Centre which indeed i~ now necessarily confined to the upply of' funds and equIpment. It has, however, been found that this connection frequently hampers the divisions in the matter of selection of oilicer, correspondence with district head quarter and even as regard the reo'ulation of the duties to be performed by the members. is, thereforo, dosirable that new formations should be entirely independent of the local centres of the Association, at any rate as soon as they have been fairly started. The Regulations provide that all contributions towards the wor~\:.ing expenses or n~aterial of divisions IV hich may be furmsbed by the commIttees of local centre ', shall be annually accounted for, but the accounts of all units of the Brigade ar.e to be separately kept. Apart from the inconven18nce.s ~nseparable from anything in the shape of dual control, It IS most desirable that all divi ions should be selfsupporting' where this is the ca. e, the interest of the members in. maintaining the efficiency of their division is greatly Increased, and the attention of the public is more particularly drawn to the work.

General Qualifi. cations for Membership.

the main and absolutely indispensable qualification for membership of the Brigado is the pos es, ion of tho necos 'ary cortificate in first aid, it is. obviou 'ly of illlpo~tance that .nono but person of good charactcr and lutable phY 'lqno should be admitt d ~ and it is fuunel to be clisadvantag ous to have mon of very short or exc:essively tall statnre. Per on who are lame 01' oth rwi rip I led, should on no account be acceptod. As regard .. occupc'\.tion, ,\'hilo a leaven of mon who have had om military training i ' distinctly desirable, it i . most inaclYi 'aU to nrol mon who aro actually servinO' in the yolunt 01" 01' any 'llllilar oro'anization, 'ince in tbo event of pnblic luty thoy w uld n t be available for Brigade work, nn(l , 11 h men, a a 1'111 , aro unable to attend the chill. , <llH.l prncticcs of their divi i n with the neces ary regularity.

Honorary :Mem· bers of Divisions.

21. \\ ith th object of 'ocuring financial support, and in


Police, Ra il \Va y, Post Office, anu

Fire Brigade Divisions.

10. In the case .of di-yisions consisting exclusivoly of mem.b:rs of the polIce, raIlway companies, postal service, or mUnICIpal or other fire brigades, the control of the St ..J ohn An~bulance ~rigade is necessarily restricted to matters whlCh do n?t Interfere with the established discipline of the force to whIch the .members belong, such as the maintenance of the reg~llatI.on stretcher drill, regular practice, and annual. r:-:xaIn~atlOn and inspection; the organization of sl~ch dIVIS~O?~ WIll, howeve~" be practically the same as that of other dlvlslOns of the BrIgade, and the officers, sergeant.s, ~nd cOl~porals, &c., whose names are duly put forward will, ~f qualIfied under the rules of the Brigade, be appointed In the manner described below. In th.e case of the police, if the Chief Constable, or other officer In charO'e of the force, does not himself take comma~d ?f the eli vision, the officer appointed to the charge of It WIll as a matter of course submit all Brigade Orders and correspond~nce for his information, so that nothing ~aJ:' be done :Vlthou.t his knowledge and approval; and SImIlar prec~ut~ons WIll always be taken in the case of the other orgamzatlOns above mentioned.

20. Although

ordor to nli ,t th activo "Yl1lpathy of pel' on of local intlu 11 C' , om clivi ions hay found it advantageous to ac11l1it han nll')' membcr ', incluclin o., in 'ome case, a presid nL yi ' -PI' 'id nt ·, an 1 0 fOIth, of a cOlllmitteo of the clivisiUll WhOk'O . ubscripLion.' are u ually fix 1 at a hiO'her nlte thnn tho ' J equired fr0111 enrolled membors of' the divibion: ancl the adlllis 'ion of honorary ]))ember ,on uch conditions n.. 11m)' be approv cl by the 1hiof OJ1l111is ioner, is proyi led for in th G neral B /'.;ulation of the rio'acle. Although it i ' nut allowabl that honorary melllb l' 'hould adopt th titlo ', cc chairmn,n, ' yico-chairman," " pre ident," or "vic -pro. id nt," of a d ici. ion or CO,]J8, whi h would imply lllomu ' rship of th' riga(le, it i penni ' i11e for honOl'nr,Y III m U r' to bolon ()' to and to bo lec tcd pro id n t 01' chainnn.n, l'~ ., of a fLn((nce (;0171,111 ittee of tho diyi ion t on which ofticors [md othor mom bel'S of th livision 111fty be associatod with thom, but it is to b distinctly unc1 rstood that such honorary momber cannot in any eCJso bo l' cO O'nisocl as lllember of tho Brigade, cannot have any voic or authority wit.h roO'ard to tho di 'cipline or working of the divi 'ion, and canI. . ot poak or voto at any meetin o" of the division othor than thos of the finance committeo of which thoy may bo olected member '. j




~he latter position' carry ~10 ra~lk wit~ them and mn,y be

Instructions for forming New Divisions. Application for 'lInrolment of a Division.

Preparation of Register Sbeet.

Nomination of proposed 0 ffieers and others.

22. ,Vhen a sufficient number of persons po.::;ses ing the necessary certificates desire to form themselves into a ,division, the first step 'rDuld be to aP12ly for permission to do so to the Deputy Commis ioner of the District, if it is known in which district of the Brigade the proposed division would be included, otherwi e to the Chief C;Ollllllissioner, St. John Alnbulance Briaade, St. John's Gate, London, E.G The minimunl ll1..llTItler of Inember ,....ho will be accepted as a division is as a rule ixteen, exclusive of an honorary surgeon, and under no circuIllstances will a division be accepted which consi ts at the outset of less than twelve members. On receipt of the application, if it be considered advisable to allow a divi ion to be formed, the officer applied to will send a copy of the General Regulations of the Brigade, the Standing Orders of the District (if there be any), a copy of the Rules for Divisions, and three blank copies of a Register Sheet, It i, very desirable that the person superintendin o . the formation of the clivi -ion should carefully read the G neral Regulations and the Rules for Diyisions so n" to be n,ble to explain the organization of the Brigade to the proposed nlembers. If there are any points about which he is doubtful, he should not hesItate to apply to the Deputy Commissioner of the District for an explanation,

23. ,Vhen the proposed members have read the regulations and rules, or had theln explained to them, and understand the nature of the duties and obligations they would undertake by becoming members of the Brigade, their names must be entered in the three copies of the Register Sheet, and each proposed member, including the proposed Honorary Surgeon, must sign them, thereby undertaking to conlply with the Rules of the Division, the General Regulations of the Brigade, and the S tanding Orders of the Brigade and District, In this reaister sheet the ranks which it is desired that any membe~s should hold may be shown, ambulance or nursing officers being allowed in ~he proportion of one officer to sixteen privates or nursll1g sisters, sergeants in the proportion of one to sixteen privates, and corporals in the proportion of one to eight privates. I~ should be noted that the general terms" alubulance officer and cc nursing officer" include superintendents, It should be sh own whICh proposed Inem bel's are willing to undertake the duties of h onorary secretary and ins pector of stores.

Submission of Register Sheet nnd proposed Special Rule ·

(if nny).

tillecl by pl'lvn,te (or nurslllg 'l tor - In nul' 'ing divisions), but. houlel preferably be undel'tak n by officers, sel'aeant or corporal " n , If the propos el uperintendent or honorn,ry 'ecretary is u~l~bJe tc unel rtake the charo'e of the accounts of the ClIVI 1.0:1 , a 1ll~1111)er. ?an ?e pr~posed ns honorn,ry treasurer, a po '~tlOn whICh, of Its If, n,r1'1e' no pecial rank. , It 11:> '\roll to ob erve hero that di appointm nt has sometllll.e~ been c,~nsecl tl~roll~J'h pel' 'ons being proposed for po, ItlOn and Itle wInch are not n,llowed in the Brio'ttde, uch n . chnplain. The only !'<tnk and title which can be recog'lll ',d ,U' tho e named in the :renernl ReO'ulntions, ~ 'chodnIo 1. ,\\ h 'n COll?l?l ted, the ~hl'oe copi ' of the Register 1heet Will be certrtied nnd s.lO'lle~l 1),Y the proposed 11edical Officer ancl propo ed Olticer In chnro'e of the Division or otIler pel' ~ll sup l'inten(~illo' its fon;~ation, and forwarded, tog tllL'r WIth a Illnnu cnpt copy ot' any additional pecial rule,' ~h('\,~ 111n, be prop 'eel, to the Deputy olllmi' inner of the J?ISCl'let. .Af) the printeel rule" which all divi ion are reqmr~cl to abl(~ by, cont~in. all that i- ren,IlY nec ary for the ,o'ulCllU?ce or member, It IS not n,clvi able that diyi ion on fo:'mMlOn :l:ould p~l t forw,'\,l'd any additional rule for sn.nctlOn. It WIll be tlllle n Hah to do this Jater on when the ~+eneral RegL1lati,OI~s, of the Brigade nn 1 any 'special reqmrement: of the clIvlslOn nre better under tood. N othino' can~e .' -:0 lIlUch cleln.y in the formation of di vi. ion ns the SUbl.lllS 'wn ~ncl eOlT "etion of special rule . It the :'egister sheet and the proposed pecial rules (if any) ('\,:'e, l~l oreler, the D puty ommi sioner will reo'i tel' the elI;Tl '1011, llHt]~i~o' an entry on the reo'ister he t to that e~ect, and O'lYll1g he cln,to of reo·istrntion. He will then forward the three sheets nlld the rules to the hief CO~lllllis ioner for sanetion. Oue heet will be retained at Bngacle heH,el quarters for rocor rl, and the other two heet and th: l',llles, if . ~nctionecl, will ,be retu~'ned to the Deputy COlllllllsslOner. rhe latter wlll retmn one heet and forwn,rd the other to th~ division, for ,record together with t~e, ~ ule. " Unless t~I regulatlOn IS complied with, no dlVI 'Jon WIll be recognl 'eel as forming pmt of the t. John Am hnlance rign,c1e. The Registe~' hee.t is t? be preserved by ench division as a rocord of Its regIstratIOn, but. no furtber name nre to be entorod on it. If n:l~ ~peClt.11 ',I n, dC1"ItlOnaI rule' hnvo been sanctlOned ' for the clIvlslOn, they must be printed and inserted in the T

SpeCial Rules ('f any) to be 1 printed.


] -1<

official Look of Rules for Divisions, a copy of which required to be in the possession of evory melnber. Qualifications of Officers.

.Appointment Qf Olticers and



24. Although it is not nb olutely necessary that thcre should ue an honorary surgeon in n division, no unit of the Brigade can be considered complete without a medicnl officer. Few medical men can undertake to act a the superintendent of a division, n position which entails, as a rule, attendance at drill for two hours on n fixed clay eyery 'week, besides a considerable ::tmount of conesl onclonce and supervision; uut there can be no douut that it is greatly to the advantao'e of a divi ion if it can be cOlllmandecl 1)), tL medical man 'who is able to undcrtake the comhined (hlties of honorary surgeon and superintendent. In onlin:lr,Y ca, 'es the division will be cOlllmandod Ly an ambulance oHice1', and the honorary surgeon will act as hi, techniral (\cl"i,'er and as occasional instructor and lectur~r to the cliyision on medical and surgical f-,ubject,'. A medical officer should be prepared to give instruction in fir t aiel at lea ·t onco a month, to turn out to the best of his auility in Ol'd 'I' to undertake ?neclicCll charge of the men when yer the division is called out 011 public duty, and to conduct annual reexaminations under Brigade r111es. The re pectiyo duties of honorary surgeons and superintendents are de,'cribecl in sufficient detail in the General Regulations, . ichedule II. It is of great importance that the pcrson,' pl'opo,'ecl as ambulance <:1.nd nursing officers should l.1e of o'ood position and superior education, that Lcino' necossary to ensure their having proper inflnoncc oyer thc HlOlll bors under their orders, as well as to give a good standing to the division in the eyes of the pubhc, on whose approval ancl support the well-being of the division will so llluch depend. At the same time it is most important not to propose persons as officers merely on account of their position or influence. An officer should not be a mere fio'lue-head; he should be able and willing to command and porsonally drill those under him, and it is especially neccssary that the officer in chargo of a division should be in a position to set an example to all in respect of regular attendanco at drills. 25. It must be understood that no person can be definitely appointed an ambulance officer, serge8:nt . . or corporal, until he has passed the qualifying exammatlOn, unless the D eputy COIDJnissioner is satisfied that the person

proposed for a I articular po.'t will qualif)! ,vithout dolay. 1 f, in sp cinl ca, os, on the formation of a division, it is considcred nec ssary to appoi11 t p r,'ons who hayo not yet ptLssed the l' quirec1 te.'ts, th 'Y may be appointed on the understanclillg that if th y (10 not (lua,lify within a rca 'onable tillle th )jr appointlllcnts will be cancollocl. This of coun-ie (loes not roror t th 'er[.i licate in nrst aid, which must Le olJtaino(l b foro anyone can l)e Clll'olled in a cliyision. Appoi lltm 'nts as sergeant, corporal, honorary secrotary, in .. poctor of stor s ( ncl honorar,)' treasuror, ar made 1)), the Deputy COlllmissioner, with th) approval in each ca 'e ofthe ·hid ·OBlIlli, sioner; those of honorary ,'l1rgcon, £LllIlmlnnce ollicor ancl nlll'sin u oRiC' l' ( re mrule only Ly tho 1hiof COlllll1i 'sion )1' on th l' COll1111en(btion of the J)oputy ·()lllmi 'sioner of tIl Di, trict, ancl no person can be re co~'ni,'od as an officer of tho Brigado whose appointment a' sncll ha nnt Le 11 (luI,)' notifiod from Brign,(l h ad qnart ]". In the case of' vcry slllall allllmlance (livision,' , 01' whon pel','on,' of approyod stnndin u ancl fitness in othor 1'0 'pocts £01' the important po. ition of suporintendent cannot bo found t undortake th post, the person proposod to take chargo 0(' the (livi,'ion lll[LY, on the rocommondation of tho Deputy ·olllmi" ion l' of the District, ]Je giv n the rank of 1st or :.nd allllmlanco ofli . '1 1' only, 01' of s rg ant. \Vhen the f)tr ngth of th division increas ,', 01' if thc per,'on at first pIn.cod in chm'g ])1'0\Te8 his efficicncy nncl titn fot' hig'h l' rank, be willl.)C ligible for promotion in the (li\'i ion. Th l' i.. no specitLI eXJ1.111ination for propo,'ocl n11r,'ing offtcer . 2G. It ShOll]cl bo nncl rtood that. the ,ignatur of the (jhief (iOllllllif)sioner t Lho regi, tel' shec cloc ' ll?t imply that the rn,nkf) ( {licor, sergoant 01' corpol'LLl) or appomtlllents (honorary secretary, insp ctOl' of tore' 01' honorary treas11rer) pro posecl Gy the 11l0]ll b l'S are thereby onfil'lllecl. Tho re()'isLratioll lller ]y shows that the divi,'ion as a whole, and each III mLer sho\\'n on tho rogistor shedt, hn boen enrollecl in the Brig'ade as from the (bte of the Deputy Oommissioner's signaturc; bnt the definito appointm~nt of the officers and others will Le 'no equ ntly intimatecl t tho division Ly Lhe DCPllty ol111nis'ioner. The reLurn of tho Rcgistcr ih t and oC the pecialruies (if any), clnly smlctionecl, compl tes the fonnation of the divisi n, wllich now comes nndcr the immediate rdel's of the DepuLY·Olll111issioner of Lhe District. 27. TnstrucLions for conducting tho routine worl- of the

16 divi ion are contained in the General Regulations. Nearly the whole of the routine conespondence with Di trict and Brigade head qUhrters is conuuctec1 oy means of Brigade Forms and if these are thoroughly under tood, and carefully tilled in as dir.e?ted, there :yill as a rule be little occasion for letter \\TltmO'. Supermtendents anI I honor[\,ry secretaries are recommended to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the list of Brigade .Forms, &c., given in Schedule VII of the General RegnlatlOns. All that. need be said abou t those forms here is, that, frOUl the day the division is fonned, the Brigade Record Sheet, half-yearly Return of Drills, and half-yeady Return of: \~ ariations should be taken into use. The e forms, in tnplicate, are sent to divisions at the sallie time that their fOl'lliation is sanctioned and much trouble will be saved if the names of all mellllJe~'s are at once entered in all three copies of the Record Sheet and half-yearly Return of Drill .




No. 1. District.-Cotnprising the Metropolitan Police area (parts of Essex, Kent, Middlesex, and Surrey).

Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Dish·itt. INSPECTOR GENERAL B. NIN I', 1. D., R.N., t. John's Gate, London, Kn

No. II. District.-Comprioing the counties of Berks, Bucks, Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Gloucester, llants, Hereford, Herts, Kent, part of Middlesex, .Monmouth, Oxford, Somerset, Surrer, ussex, Wilt, the Channel I lands, Isle of \Vight, and South \Vales (Brecon, Cardigan, Carmarthell, Glamorgan, Montgomery, Pembroke, Radnor).

Depllty Commissioner in ChCtTge of Disf,1·ict. \\T. VERNO

r, Esq., l\1.R.C.S.,

Rodsley, \V eston-stll'er-11are.

No. III. District. -Comprising the counties of Bedford, Cambridge, E sex, lIuntintrdon, Leicester, Norfulk, Northampton, Rutland, Salop, 'tatrord, uf1'ulk, \Varwick, and \Vorcester. HEAD QUARTERS, ST. J OHN'S GATE.

1st J anua1'y, 1902.


Deputy Cornmi 'sioner in Clu£?'ge of Dist?·ict. URGEON LIEUT.-COL. G. 11. ELLISTO r, V.D.,


2, Museum Street, ] pswich.

No. IV. District-Comprising the cOllnties of Che hire, Cumberland, Lancashire, \Vestmol'eln.nd, the I ' le of Man, North \Vales (Anglesea, Denbigh, Carnarvon, Flint, MerioneLh), and Ireland (Belfast).

Deputy Commissioner in Charge of District. LmuT.-CoL. C. J. TlUMBLE, V.D., L.RC. P.) Bam bel' Br id ge, near Preston.

No. V. District.-Comprising the counties of Derby, Lincoln, Nottingham , and YOI·k (\rest Riding).

Deputy Commi3sioner in Chm'ge of Dhd?·ict . . c. \V AH.D~~LL, Esq., DlJe Hi 11 Huuse, nea.r Alfreton.

No. VI. District.-Compl'i ing the cOlllltips of Durham, N orthumberland, and York (East and North H.idings).

Deputy Commissione1' in Chrwge of District. MAJOR

C. H. l\ln. nUHN, .\1.8., 15 , A,daby Road, HulL

St. lohn Bmblllance :fBrigabe, BRIGADE


Jon "s



5th Odobe?', 1902.

B.O. 76.

The Royal Progress.

Employment on Duty of Members

of Provincial Corps and Divisions. 1. Many enquiries having been received from Oorps and D iyisioDS in the provincial Di tricts as to whether the members who were disappointed by the abandonmt:nt of the Royal Procession, which was to have tak n place on the 21th June last, will be allowed to do street duty in London on the 25th instant, the following regulations are issu d, sul ject to any instructions that may be received at Brigade Head- l uarters from the ci \"il au thorities. 2. As the line of route to be followed on the 25th in tant will be several miles shorter than the one selected for the 27th June, fewer men can be mploy d on ambulance duty; but in order to prevent disappointment to those who had on the previous occasion arranged to uo duty in London, evpry ORiceI' and other member of the Brigade who was actuall!J accepted b!J hi.' OJ' her Deputy Commissioner to do duty on the 27th June, alld for u-lWln u permit to do dut!J ll'ClS actuall!J issued, will be allowed to do cluty ill London on the 25th iustant.

3. Superintenuents honM without delay ascertain how many of the members of all rauks who were previously accepted are still desirous of doing duty 'uncler the conditions laid down in this Orde~, and they are requirecl to submit complete nominal rolls to thell' Deputy Commissioners, on ot' before the 15th instant (that is, these rolls must ?'each the Deputy Commissioners on that day at latest.) Deputy Commissioners will be good enough to submit these roll , if approved by them, or prof rably a general roll of selected men of the whole District., not later than the 17th instant (that is, the rolls must rea.ch the Chi(if Commissioner's office on that day at latest.) They will report at the same time how many stretchers and litters will be brought. (S e paragraph G.) Only the Officers, men, and nursing sisters then reported will be allowed to do duty. 1000.10.02 .

These rolls must give the actual rank, surname, and proper initials of Christian names of all members accepted for duty. Under no circumstances are any f1'('sl1 names to be submitted, either in addition to those npprov('d in ..Tune last, or as substitutes for at;cepted members who are not able to do duty. 4. Every Officer, man, and nur ing sistel" who i authorised to do duty in London will be provided with a printed permit, bearing his or her name, and no member will be allowed to join a station or otherwise do duty unle s tbi permit j produced. Permits and dinner coupons (sec paragraph 7), will be posted to Superintendents of Corp and Divi ' i ons as soon as possible after receipt of nominal rolls from Deputy Commis~ioner , and the receipt of pel'mits and coupons mu t be acknowledged by telegram addressed to "Ohief, Firstaid, London." 5. There will b e a general parade of all rank~ on th Thames Embankment at Blackfriars Bridge at 9 a.m., on the :25th instant, when permit will be in pectpd, names recorcle 1, find the several parties formed prior to marching oft' to their station. No Officer or other member will be allowed to j,)in a station or otherwise do duty unless he or she attends the general parade. 6. Particular care is to be taken that selected ofilcers, m 11, and nursing si tel's, are provided with the complet regulation unifurm, with black boots. No overcoat except the regulation great-coat will be allowed. Forage caps will be \Yom by all ranks. Sergeants, Oorporals, and privates will wear "w hite gloves and white canvas havresacs. Officers of all ranks can wear the serge fatigu e jacket inst,ead of the frock coat, patrol jacket, or tunic to which they may be entitled, but silver laced trousers will not be worn with the fatigue jacket. Medical Officers can wear the plain black belt and pouch authorised in B.O. 69 instead of the silver embroidered belt. Belts and brown gloves are not to be worn with th frock coat. As it will be imp o'sible to upply first aid material at IIl'all-quarters, surgical havresacs or small surgical hampers fitted with drugs, and an extra supply of sal volatile, should be brought; these and stretchers should be in the proportion of one to five men. All available water bottles should be carried, and the men's pouches properly fitted. Snperintendents of Corps amI Divisions able to supply litters will be good enough to report at once to their Deputy Oommissioners how many they can furnish. The cost of carriage will be refullded. 7. It is not possihle to provide either sleeping accommorlatioll, breakfast or mid-day meal, Lnt a cold dinner will b providpcl by the Orrler of St. ..T ohn for all mem hers who wish to avail themselves of it at 6 p. m. on the 25th instant, A this dinner will be furnished by contractors, and will have to be onlered some days in allvn-nce, it must be noted on the nominal rolls opposite the name of each member whether he or she wishes to ha.ve dinner or not.

Superintendents will be good enou(th to b()a.r in mind tha.t the provision. of .Lhis meal will be a matter ~f some expense and trouble, and applIcatIOn should not be malIc for !'he coupons unless there is a, boni! .fide intenLion to make use of them. _l\le~lbers who propose to arrive in London by early Lrains on Lhe 2J.th ll1stant are recommenlled to arrange in ad vance with the rllllway re~rcshment II partments to have breakfasts re.lay immediately on the arl'lval of their respecLi\e train. is recommenl~ed that e.tt;h ~ll ell~ber shoulLl bring provision for a lllid-day meal, whowh C:lll be carned 11l the havresac by men, or in a hand-bag by nUl'tilng S1 'tors, and eaten while on tluty.


. , nbj l!c~ to any illstructi?o that may be issued by the District 1~,tIT, Supel'lIltellllents of neIghb lll'ing. Corp ana Divisions might With atI vantage arrange to ma.ke up partIes to travel by the same train allll no doubt special tmins conld be t1ITi.LlllTcd (as Wil dOlle in J un~ lat) whidl would Gluble mumbers to al'l'i~re in L -:m aoll in time to brea.kfast and to attenll the genoral parade at 9 a. m. In any Citse members of tho Drig'Hle travelling on duty in uniform can a II 'nal Y':wel to and from London for single fare on pl'oducinlY the usual Bng,lac VOuchel' (Oen. Hog. pn.ra. :3:3.) A similar arrallctemont h olds gl)QLl as l'ogarLls the cal'l'i;tge of litters. 0 9. Ollly those Ollie

'lS, mOll,

and llUr ~ il)lr sisf,el" who h:LVe beon duly

lle~ailCll !'or duty on the :r th ,J lllle, will b~ allow:tl Lo weal' the Brigade ulllfol'm 111 I..1')llllol1 on that ltty, and any mombcl' of' tho Briu'ade who infringe this ol'llel' will be liable to eli lUi a1. 0



i.). ·ivae!'.

St. John Rmbttlance :fJ3rigabe. BRIGADE



20th Febntary, 1903.

B.D. 77. Volunteers for Service in the Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve. l. The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having expressed their desire to know as soon as practicable to wha.t extent the Brigade may be relied on to provide an auxiliary sick berth reserve for His Majesty's ships of war, hospital ships, and Naval hospitals, &c., at home and abroad, copies of the Regulations for this reserve are herewith issued to every Corps and Division, and the Chief Commissioner requests that the officer in charge of every ambulance nnit of the Brigade will be good enough to assemble the memhers without delay, explain to them the conditions of service, and urge those who are eligible and able to volunteer for the service to send in their names in the manner hereafter prescribed_

2. The reserve is formed for the purpose of supplementing the permanent sick berth staff of the Royal Navy in time oj national emergency and ma1itime war only, and cannot be called out for service at any other time. It is to be clearly understood that enrolment in this reserve does not entail any extra drill or duty of any kind whatever in time of peace, beyond attendance at an annual inspection. It is, of courSEl, understood that all members of the reserve will take advantage of any special opportunity that may be afforded them for instruction in the use of ships' cots and appliances and in the principles of embarking and disembarking men. Moreover, special free courses of instruction will be provided for enrolled men who are in possession of the ordinary nursing certificate of the St. John Ambulance Association, but only those who wish to be rated as senior attendants need necessarily attend those courses. 3. The auxiliary reservist, like his comrade of the Brigade Bearer Oompany, is a volunteer in the strictest sense of the word. He earns no pay in the shape of a capitation grant in time of peace, is not liable C. &

s. -1,250.2.03.



io any legal penalty for not making himself efficient, and even when called out in case of national emergency cannot be compelled to serve unless he voluntarily enters the Royal Navy as a non-continuous service man, when he will necessarily become subject to the conditions of naval discipline. 4. In enrolling himself in the Auxiliary R.N.S.B. Reserve, the Brigade volunteer pledges his word that it is his honest intention to serve in it in case of national emergency. The Naval authorities rely on every reservist responding to the call whenever the necessity may arise. A man would therefore be untrue to himself) disloyal to the Brigade, and wanting in patriotism if he volunteered for this reserve without conscientiously believing that he woald be able to serve at any moment if called upon, or if) having entered, he were to remain in it, when he knew that in case of war circumstances would not allow him to leave his employment. It is especially necessary that men in employment should consult their employers before undertaking this important national duty. 5. It is not necessary that a reservist should be in possession of the Brigade uniform, but the arm badge of the Brigade must be worn when on duty, whether in plain clothes or uniform. A special arm badge indicating that the wearer belongs to the Auxiliary S.B. Reserve of the Royal Navy will be issued by the Admiralty to every man of the reserve, and is to be worn under the same conditions as the Brigade badge, and -only when the latter is worn. 6. Owing to the nature of the Naval Service it is, unfortunately, not practicable to employ officers, sergeants, or corporals of the Brigade as such; if any desire to volunteer, they can only do so as attendants. But if they cannot actually serve in the reserve, they can render valuable assistance by encouraging eligible men to join it, and by explaining the Regulations to any who may not clearly understand them.

Volunteers for Olass A will b~ h~ld liable for service in any class, and volunteers for Olasses Band 0 ll1 elther of the classes following. For example, a man cannot volunteer for service in a man-of-war only. If he elects to serve in Olass A, t~at is for service in a ship of war, he should clearly understand that If called out for service there may at the time be no vacancy for him in that class, and in that case he m.ay be posted to any other class, such as a hospital ship or a land hospItal au road or even at home. On the other hand, a man who elects to serve, s~y in <?las~ D, that is in la.nd or floating hospitals at home, ?annot agall1st hIS ~Ill be employed m any other class, as, for instance, In a man-of-war, or ll1 a hospItal or hospital ship abroad. It is jmportan~ that men should clearly understand this paragraph before volunteermg, so that there may be no disappointment if, on the outbreak of war, they cannot conveniently be employed in the class for which they elected on enrolment. For Olasses A and B, volunteers who are accustomed to the sea will be first for selection. They need not necessarily have served as sailors but must have had experience of life at sea. l\len selected for servic~ at coast ambulance stations must be accustomed to the use of boats. 8. T?ere will ?e two grad es (ratings) of reserve attendants, termed respectIvely J umor and 'enior Auxiliary Royal aval Sick Berth A ttendants, the short title being Junior and Senior Reserve Attendants. All volunteers will join as junior reserve attendants and if not already in possession of the nursin cr certificate of the St. 'John' Ambulance A sociation, must undertake o~ enrolment to obtain that certificate at the earliest opportunity . . Enrolled ~en who successfully pass through the special advanced first aId and nursIng ?lass,. and, in addition, either the hospital or man-ofwar course clescn bed In the Regulations will be graded as senior reserve atten dants. ~,

.9. ,Vhen called out for active service, reserve sick berth attendants be rated with (not inferior or junior to) the Royal Naval sick berth attendants of corresponding grade and length of service. WIll

7. On enrolment in the reserve, volunteers may elect to serve in any -of the following classes ;Olass A.-In ships of war. Olass B.-In hospital ships and non.fight.ing auxiliary ships temporarily attached for war. Class O.-In hospitals, medical establishments, or harbour ships of the Royal Navy, and coast ambulance stations abroad. Olass D.-In hospitals, medical establishments, or harbour ships of the Royal Navy, and coast ambulance stations at home. [It will be allowable for men who reside at tho seaport towns to be hereafter selected as coast ambulance stations to volunteer for !'lervice at such st.ations only.]

10. The rates of pay are considerably higher than those granted to

~he. Royal Naval attendants, being 3s. 3d. a day for senior and 3s. for JLr~lOr attel1~ants of.all classes, ashore or afloat.

Men employed on a sillp of war lD war-tIme, moreover, will receive an additional Is. a day, and men of all classes (A, B, 0, and D) will receive an extra 6d. a day after serving six months. Men serving afloat when called out will be on the same footing as the. men of the Royal r avy as regards free victuals and bedding. l~atlOns, quarters) fuel and lights are found for men who serve when c~lle~ out, in h?spiLals and other medical establishm ents, or coU:pensatIOn 18 granted If they have necessarily to board out.


4 11. As regards clothing, no special kit is required in time of peace. 'When called out for service, a complete free kit is provided for all men who serve in classes A and B (in men of war, hospital ships, and auxiliary ships), but the reservist is advised to provide his own waterproof and a greatcoat. Men of classes C and D, serving in home and foreign hospitals or establishments, can wear brigade uniform or plain clothes for which an allowance of £2 lOs. will be made, or they can elect to b~ provided with a free kit. 12. The regulations as to sick pay, allotments to relatives and others, pensions for injuries on service, widow's pensions, and compassionate allowance for children, are the same as for other men of the Royal Navy 13. On the terminati0n of service, unless discharged for misconduct or at own request, a gratuity of £5 will be given, and also any war gratuity to which men of similar rank may be entitled. 14. For attending the annual inspection, which will be held by a Naval m ed ical officer, the reservist will r eceive 3s., and a free pass to and fro jf he lives over two mil es from the place of inspection, subject to his being found efficient. 15. The arrangements for advanced classes in first aid and nursin g, and the rates of pay, &c., for m en who wish to go throu gh a hospital or a man-of-war course, are fully d escribed in the Rrserve R egulations, and being purely voluntary courses need not be explained h ere. 16. The coast ambulance service alluded to in the R egulations will only be established at a few selected towns on the coast, and special regulations will be issued hereafter for the formation and guidance of the d etachments which it is proposed to organize at the selected points 17. When bringing this matter to the notice of the m embers of their Corps and Divisions on parade, it will be sufficient if Superintendents read the whole of this Brigade Order, and paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Auxiliary R.N.S.B. Reserve Regulations, which give the qualifications of volunteers and the essential conditions of service. 18. Superintendents will be good enough to give every facilit~ to such of their members as may wish to examine the Reserve Regul~tlOns and this Brigade Order, and if any doubt arises as to the meamng of any paragrapb, the Cbief Commissioner will be glad if Superintendents will communicate direct with him.

~ D. The gcner.o us aUfl patriotic assistance given by the M d' 1

Offi0~~'S o~

the Brlgac1e during the late war, to which the success ~f ~c:r mobIllzatlOn was so largely due, will, it is confidently hOIJed b a ' 1 tl Ie C 1 . t' 1 " , e aoaln l 'en Ie " 1 l lec, ant . lIe liommLsslOne.l' fe~ls sure that they will, with eqna~ l0,zralty, ~ll1(ler~n.ke the exammatwn of volunteers as to their phy. Leal htness, In whICh fyreat care is essential .Oopies of ~he 1. Taval Instructions fOf the mellical examination of men w~ll.l~e fUflllsheLl to the • 'elliof Medical Officer of every Corps d Dl VISIOn. an 20. In Appellclices B, C, and D, of the Reserve Reaulations will be

fOt~nd the general form .of declaration to be signed by each man on emolll1ent, ~n'l the certIficatc's of the Medical Officer and Superin-

tenllellt,.wllICh n~llst accompa.ny tl.le declaration. A specimen of the form t.o .I)~ Ilsed lL1 the ca3e of Bngade men is supplied to each Corps and DLVISlOl1.

. 21. If any volunteers a~'e apl~r~ved by the Medic1-1 Officer and SuperlI1tenclent, allll.t!le latter IS .satlsfIed, that the men tllOroughly understand .the COIHlltIOIlS of, ervlc , the. llperintendent should. apply direct t~ B,l'lgade Heall'(lUarters for a Form of Application for Enrolment C'.~.h.) st~ting at the. same time ho\~ mallY of hi. men are prepared to volunteer. On receIpt of the form It nlllst be filled in and furwarued to. t,hc DepLlty-C?l11.missioner ~f the District for his approval (or otherwIse) ~n~l su bml ~ 1011 to Bngacle Head -q ua.rter~. If the Df'put _ COl1lllllSSlOner :lJ:IH'oves of the enrolment, the requisite number of ForJs of Declaration C' ~ R.) will be sent to the SLlperintenuent and the enrolment ~oml~letetl.. .\Vhen completed, these forms must be sent direct to the CllLef CommIsslOller. .2: .. A'S it i the desire of the Admiralty that th~ flll1l1s of Corps and Dlv! 1011 sha~lllot be !)LIrdened with any expense in connection with the ,~olll.nteeL'lng of the~r m.embel'~ for ~he. rese1"'e, it is requested that apphcat '?J1 for the deteaYll1g of any lIlcHlenta.1 expensei':, snch as for gas or Inre of rooms for the preliminary meetin a aud postaae mn.y be made to the Chief Commissioner. 0 (0'· 23. It will sa.ve mu~h in con v~nien~e at Beiga.rl e IIead-qLlarters if the e,nvelop.es of all letters III connectIon wLth the reserve are pla.inly marked .B.R. III the upper l eft-hand corner.

Chief COJ/lmissione1·.

St. Joh n Elnlbtllallce 1J3riga~e. BRIGADE





GA'm, E.C.

15th }t!a1'ch, 1903.

B.D. 78.

Special and Meritorious Service in South Africa.

Th e Chicf 101l1mi sioner has much pleasure ill placing 011 record that the followin g mem bel's of the Brigade were specially brought to notice by the Commallclel-in- Ihid in outh Africa in his despatch, dated 23rd June, 1902:No. 555 1st lin. s ,'ergeallt O. ,V. Baker (Metropolitan Oorps). No. G1 Privat O. l)ycwell (Wellingborougll Oorps). 1 t Olass 'erg>ant O. 'V. Baker has also beon awarded the Medal for Distinguished 'ouuuct in the Field.

B.O. 79.

Rank and Precedence of Honorary Surgeons. ,Vith refNence to General Regulations, ' chedule 1., it is to be understood that Honorary 'ul'geons take precedence of Corps Superintendent Secl'etari s, ,'upcriutendents of ,'tores, and Superintelldent Treasurers. This should be Hotetl in copies of the General Regulations.

B.O. 80.

Annual Inspections.

Speciai attention is callecl to General Regulations, para. 24, in which it is distinctly laid down that the in pection can only be beltl by th Chief Oommi sioner, the Deputy-Commissioner of the District, or an Officer of the Bl'igatle slH'cially appointed for the purpose. 'o-called ins!Jections by military nfiic 'rs and others who are not members of the Brigade are strictly fOI biddt' ll. The matters to which Rpcci :d attention is to he paid at the annual inspection are cl 'arly indi cated in the paragraph referred to. This constitutes tho inspection propel', and in order that it may be carried out s('archingly and without hilldnwce of any kind, it should be conducted, as far as po~sible, as a strictly official p::trade, out of ight and hearing of spectators, and m\lst not be looked upon as a pll blic show. This restriction does not refer to the march past, the pcrlorm::tnce of the stretc h r drill by the wholo Corps or Division, or ::tny geneml exhibition of first aill practice which may be gi ven. It should be borne in mind that the efficiency of membpl's of alJ ranks in first aiel is tested and vouched for by the medic::tl office r who conducts th e annual 1'e- xaminatiol1, and if there is an exhibition of first aid work at an official inspoction, the inspecting officer sho uld invariably can upon the sen ior medical officer on parac1t3 to supervise the work, assisted by any junior medical officers who may also be on parade. C. &. s. -1. 000.3.03.

B.O. 81. Ambulance Reviews and Public Demonstrations. Enquiries have been made. by . ~fficc~s ill ?harge of, Corps and Divisions wh ether they arc Ju stlfieu III takllJg part m so-called Amhulance H,eviews and Public Demonst rations, unconn ected with the public performance of ambulance duty, to wh!ch th ey have been invited, and which may have been set on \ foot . w~thout thr kl~ow~erlge or ascertained approval of the Deputy-901l11111SSI0nel' of Lhe DI.Stl?Ct, It is part of the Instructiolls gwen to. Deputy-Oom.mlsslOuers on appointment that no reviews o~ other publIc demollstl'~tl?nS are to held without sanction from Bl'lgade head-quarters, and It IS clearly l:nd down in Brio'ade General ReO'ulatiol1s, para. 34, that "no Oorps or Divi ion ancl no individual me~llber of the Brigaue, as such, shall take part in any public procession ,or other demonst:'ation (unless actually doinO' ambulance duty) WIthout the sanctIOn of the DeputyCom~issioner of the District," But, apart from these rules, it appears to he adv,is~hle to pOil~t out that it is and al ways has been , a markerl characterIstIC of the BrIgade, and one' wbich is absolutely necessary for its success, that it exists solely for the purpose of giving first ai(~ to the public: .it knows ,no all social and reliO'ious dIfferences, and, whIle respectIng Politics , iO'nores 0 0 the private views of all its members on matters, and persons o.fbi' pu Ie interest avoids identifyinO' itself witb any partICular party or SIde. \Vhe~ arrangements ha~e been made or promises given to hold or attend a demonstration, however inadvisable the latter may be from the point of view of the strict neutrality of the Briga~e, it would in many. cases be impossible for hearl-quarters to forbId the attendance of members, as such, without incllrring a suspicion of partiality, or at any rate causinO' local incon venience and possibly misunderstanding or friction. O~1 t.he other band the Brigade in general might easily be credited wit,h partisanship, and suffer consequence, owing to an error in jlJdgment on the part of a small spction of its mem bers. In future, therefore, no preliminary arral!gements are t? be made for orO'anizinO' or taking part in a demonstration of any kInd whatever o l::> without first obtaining permission from Brigade head-quarters t hroug h the Deputy Commissioner of the District.

mrm.hf'r will conduct the practicr, and may select any specially wellquallopd officer or man to assist him. Evrry mrm her pl'cs!?nt at a drill, including Ilollorar v Secretaries and ~thers ,~ho J~n.y h~ve special rlll Lies to perform, must take personal par.t 111 t~l~ first au] ,PPflo(l o~ the clrill~ alHl no membel' of any rank :vha,t(We~ . ,ls to ~le. f?[ven cre(1it for haVIn g atten(led a drill (or practice 1I: a. lIl,., It1 f? DIVISIon) ~vho has not iJel'on ally taken part in Lhe first aHI lDstrnctlOll or practICe. At tho en(l ~f th e drill, the senior officer presf'nt Rhoulcl invariably chec k the entne ,of a.ttendance in the getllrn of Drills, and attest his approval h.Yntel'll1~ at the foot?f the column the nllmber of members present who are entltl( tl to credIt fur lhe (ll'i11 ancl signing his initials.



B. O. 82.

Practice of First Aid at Ordinary Drills. Attention is called to para. 22, General Regulations, which provides that at each drill (or practice, in the case of N ursillg Divisions) there shall be some practical exercise in first aid . It is to be borne in mind that the most important duty o,f tl:e Brigade is to render first aid; instruction and frequent practICe ,m that art are therefore more essential than military or stretcher dnll, which are of value chiefly as inculcating habits of discipline, an.cl contr~buting to the efficient performance of first aid (luties on publIc '11 ' occasIOns. There is reason to believe that credit, for having attended a dn .~s frequently given in cases where there has been no practice of first at , or none worthy of the name, and a very general excuse for the omission is that the medical officer was unable to attend. When. ~ medical officer is present, the first aid work will of course be carr~er out under his direction; but, in his absence, the senior officer or ot er

13.0. 83.


Position in which to be worn.


\Vith J.'efel'c ll ce to General Heglllations, para. iL is notified that tl\le spel:l.d medal granted by H.h.lI. the Urall(l Prior and the . hapter o~ the <?t'ller of ,'t. John, fur sPl'vices rendered to the Order 11l COIIIlPctl?n WIth the wal' in ,'onth Africa, is to be worn imm ediately a,rter (tll,eLt I':;, 011 the lelt of) th, ,'el'vice Medal. Uopies of General heguLttlOlls should be amended accordingly.

B.D. 84.

Dress Regulations.

Position of Arm Badges.

III ~m lHlJ;tl~ ce orps alld Di~i 'iol1s, and in 1-' ursing Divisions, the :l.lltho l'lzcd Ll'Igad Arm Badge IS to b~ worn on the outer side of the slee," e, balf way between the point of the shoulder and the point of the elbo w. -

B.O. 85

Dress Regulations. Members of Nursing Divisionsn The following alteration. are to be made in the Dress Regulations (~elle ral Hegyt:tioIlS, ,'chednle V, page 37). In place of the first six lIlies of de l:l'1ptlOll of the Hevulation Dress substitute:. Bodi c!}: ~lac~c all wool estarniene se~ge, pointed back and front, Sl lgl.l tly fullll1 lront, edged with one row 11 inch mohair braid, straIght lleck band for the linen collar to tU1'1l over. Sleeves coat pat tel'll, moclrra~e size, Badge, on outer side of right arm, half way b(:t wep ~l POlllt of shoulcler <11l(1 point of elbow, No. 3,659 for Lady, Ilpl'l'1ntelld nt , No. :3656 for other ~llrsinO' officers and .N.o. 3522 fot' NUl'sing sisters [or the same baclg~s respecti ve]y, wIth the word "Brigade" in place of Asso ciatiol1/' provided the, n.ame of the Corps or Division is anuexed on a label]. Slol'G: 13bck all wool stamiene sel'O'e trimmed with three rowS.IJ inch mohair b~'aid, top rolV to beos~vell inches from edge of skIrt, secoml and thIrd rows to be at intervals of half an inch betwe8]' rows. In place of the first five lines of description of the Cloaks for all ranks, Sll bstitute :_ . Blaek estamiene. serge, full shape gathered into yoke, with I~verte(~ box pleat 111 entre of bacle anli deep pleat in front on e:~her s1<1e 1 t? cover b~nd h?le. S.llOul(ler frill 8} inches d.eep, tllmmecll'f ll1ch mohan' braId, straIght neck band for the lmen ?ollar ,to turn over. Badge on l'ight breast, placed on pleat llnmedlately below shoullier frill, No. 3,658 for Lady uperinLende.nts, ~o. 3,555 for other J.~lll'sing officers, and No. 3,521 for .r ursmg SIsters. (C

B.O. 86. Reserve List.

Duties and Positions of menlbers at Drills.

Mem bel's of the Brigade are placed on the Reserve List not as a reward or honorary position, but in order to enable them to keep up their kno\rlcdge of fir·t aid and drill so that they may be fit to resume active membership if they wish. Th eil' duties and positions at drills are therefore such as will promote the objects nameu abo\'e. Ex-Officers of all ranks on the Hcserve List must of course fall in in the supernumerary rank on parade, being sUlJernumeraries. Durin u drill they will as supernumeraries Le able to watch the work, and they should be encouraged by the senior officer present to fall in in the ranks for a time, and thus keep their han<1s in. The sfmior officer should also encourage them to "take the drill" in his presence for a time. 'When the first aid part of the drill takes place, officers on the reserve list must take active part in the exercises or practices if they wish to have credit for attendance at the dl ill. All other ex-members on the Reserve List sh ould fall in in the ranks t sergeants included, but the latter and corporals may take the drill by order of the senior officer present. It is to be borne in mind that no person on the Reserve List, whatever his rank may hs,ve been, has any executive authority unless allowed to act for a time as officer, sergeant, or corporal, by and in the presence of an officer on the active list.

B.O. 87.

Divisional Committees. 'Vith reference to the rule that the affairs of a Dirision shall be managed by a Oommittee consis~ing of certain specified members, it is to be understood that such affairs do not ic.clude any of the matters for which the Superintendent and others are responsible, and which are enumerated generally as the "Dllties of Officers and others" in General R egulations, Schedul e II. The Oommittee is intended to voice the opinion and wishes of members of all ranks, and especially on matters which are not provid ed for in t,h e Regulation, snch as m eans of raising fnnds, anel purpo ses to which they are to be applied. As r egards the nomination of officers and others, the Superintendent, while being personally responsibl e for putting forward the nam es of qualified persons only, will natllrally ascertain the opinion of the Uommittee as to the acceptability of the nominees, and, if he cannot agree with their views on this or any other subject, he should refer the matter to th e D eputy-Oommissioner of the District for decision. The Superintendent alone is aULhorized to summon a meeting of the Oommittee. At meetings of the Oommittee the senior member present will preside. If, after authorizing a meeting of the Oommittee, the SUjJerintendent is unable to attend, as he invariably should do, either he will postpo.ne the meeting, or, if he permits it to be held, he must be furnished WIth a report of the proceedings. These instructions apply equally to the Oommittee of a Oorps.

B.D. 88.

The Royal Progress. Communication from the Co _ m missioner of Police of the Metropolis. The follow~n~ extract fro.m a communication received from the office ?f the O~mmlssloner of PolIce of the Metropolis is published for the mformatIOn . of those members of the BriO'ade who vo l d f or b unteere 1 street c uty III Lonuon on the occasion of the Royal Progress ;_ "I am directed ?y the Oommissioner of Police of the Metropolis to cOI1.vey to YOll Ill S thanks and high appreciation of the valuable asslst.ance rendel'c(l by the St. J oh]) Ambulance Brigalle on the occaSIOn of the Royal Progress throuO'h London on the 25th f November, 1902." b 0






c: Happil.r: tll!'r? were no seriolls casualties or fatal accidents, but the assIstance given lD the n?merOLlS cases of a minor character wbich were attelllied was most 111gbly appreciat.ed in every quarter."

B.D. 89. Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve. Correspondence. .In cO~ltillLlation of B. O. 77, it is notified that all communications Wlth Bngade II ead-q uarters l'egaruing the Auxiliary R . Sick Berth ~eserve aI~e to b~ addre~ ed t? the Ohief Oommi sion er, the letters S.B.R. bpll1g plamly wntten ]n the upper left-hand corner of the envelope.


no acconnt .whatever ar~ offict~rs 01' oth~r members of the BrIgade to ?ommull1cate direct with the Admiralty or the Inspectin v ~ava1 Mechca1 O~cf'r at th Admiralty on any matter connected with the Reserv or DI'l(Tade.

Chief CO?7t'rni sione?·.

St. John Bnlbulance 1Srigabe. BRIGAD E ORD E R .

HEAD QU_UtTEltti :

T. JOlI~ 's (LUE, LO_ ' DON,


th .iJJay, 1903.

B.O. 90.

H. R. H. The Grand Prior, having been graciously pleased to accept my resignation of office as Chief Commissioner of the Brigade, it is nOLi fled for general information that after the da ~ of this Oreler I shall cease to act in tbat capacity. In bidding farewell to the Brigade as Commanding Officer, I take the opportuuity to thank the Officers and members of all ranks for the willing assist.:mce and generous support that I have invariably received from them in carrying out the duties of my office. Deep as is my regret t.hat I am unable to continue in command, it is a source of satisfaction to me to feel that in my successor in office the Brigarle will have a Chief who is fully acquainted with the details of our organization, and exceptionally well qualified to direct its administration.

Chief COlnIJLii:i8ione1·.

o& S.-1~OO.5.03.

$t. lohll

Blnbtllallce JBrfgabe.



j [E,tV '-lU.l.ltTEH':


E.O. 9th Nay, 1903.

H.R.H. The G1'anel Prior of the Order of gmciou ly I loa od to accept the 1'0 'ignn,tion of Colonel C. BowdleI', .B. Date l th lay, 1903.

t. John has been hief omml SlOneI'

H.R.H. The :r1'and Prior has been oTaciou ly pleased to make the following appointment :Deputy Oommissioner In pector-General Belgrave Ninnis, M.D., R. ., to be Ohief Oommissioner, vice Bowdler resigned. Dated 9th May, 1903. Oolonel O. Bowdler, O. B., to be Oommissioner for Specia.l Dated 9th May, 1903.



Chief Commissioner.

C & 8-1200. 5. 03.


Blllbulance JJ3riOClbe.



11): \)l

r~l' \I,ll':I:s:

:-;1' ,),,,, 's (; \ IV.



E. \',

fl/h JIll!.!. ]nn:3,

R.O. 91. General Regulations. for Special Services.

Rank and Duties of Commissioner

\\ 'ith l'e/el'l'llc> t,) LIl,.! <1ppOiIlLIUI'l1t 01 a \)l1)llli ':-; iUIlL'I' for. 'pecial Servic('l:l, llOtilipd ill BI'it1rtde 1il'cular of this daLe, allt1 t.o nligadt~ (:(,lll'1'al Hegnlatiolls, ,'(;hL'dul(> 1., it i .. Ilotifil~d that the 'ulllmi iOIl"I' will l'n.llk JtllliOI to the 1hief' C0Il1111i"siol1'l' alld 'l' lIiot' to tbe ]) '}ltlty 'ollll11i."isillJlt'l':', alld co pie of UellcLd He(yubtiol1 " ' honlti he al1lellll 'd :lccof'(l illgl \" TIll' "l'(lcial dutiL's ()f Llw COlllllli:-;sionel' ",ill illclnr1e tht\ (If thl' Bearer \)Jlll1'1l1ie. of tIlt, Uri"atlp , the control of L'ntil'l' -hal"'\"' b the nrig.ule 1ll'iulch of' thl' Auxilial)' Hoynl ~a\'y . 'ick 1 lJ'th Re. en'p, and the L:ondlll!L of a.ll COIT('~polldellce {;olll1vcted \\ ith tilt, ol'~anizaLiol1 of the Briga.de in DomilliollS h ,),011(1 the, 'ea , ~

B.O. 92.

General Regulations.

Application for Service Badges.

III onlt'!' to filciliLtttp applications for ,'ervice Bad"l' <tllll to 'n l1re tlJl~ clllal ifj'il,(1b ,l'!'vice in each caSt'' heil1 t1 duly J'ccon1cd , a !'l'\'i '('d .Forlll I!:.£: 9 has b(\cn is 'ned. tom billing tile form of applic lttioll hiLlwrLo U (1 and t.he 1l011lin;tl 1'011 <1llLl cl'J'tificate of service l'L'qI11I'etl in snpport thel'e,)[ nuder (;on 'ral ltt~'TulaLion', pam. 36, All SUI pIn copit's of the forlll hitherto in u 't~ .. llOl1ld accordingly be de tl'oyed, amI. c pic of the new form ShOllU be appliud for ;t,' occa .. ion may ari 'e . Tilt' ·epal<tt(· !lominal 1'0\1 anll ~Lat.t'lllcnt or service dl' cl'ibed in Ueneral Re~ll1atiol1C;:, para, 3li, beillg 110 IOllger l'equirt'd J line 37 Lo 39 011 pag' 15 of tIl! He(yulaLioll' should lw ml d Ollt ill all copies. ~



INNl " Chief (}oJlwli' ·i'J1Il'I'.


jobn B l1lbllla llee 1J3rigabe. BRIGADE


HEAD QL'AltTEn~: ,T. ,TOll."ti GAT!:., LONJ)ON,


'2'2lld July. 1903.

B.O 93.

General Regulation.


The following is sl1us~itutell for the portion of para. 32, Gel1eral Ihgulatiolls 1002, page 13, line 1·1, beginning at the wonis "The Senior Ambulance Officers, otc." "Tbo 'llperintendent, Officer, or enior Ambulance ~Iember for ,; the time being ill charge of a . . tation herein called the "Ofricel' in "OIJarge" is responsible for the arran(lement and discipline of the men, ., but he will !lot tti. miss or march off his men until he i~ certified by "the Medical OITieer if present that the l1wdical work of the station is " concluded, and has obtained his approved of snch dismissal or marching "off of the men. "'rhe Medical Officer on arrival hets the entire charge an 1 control of " the ~ tation, as fa.r as all medical qnestiol1s are concerned, he will give "such instmc tions to the Officer in charge as a.re necessary in his "opinion for c lTying out the medical treatment of pa.tients within the " station, and the OfficRr in charge must gi ve effect to such instructions. "Should the Meuical Offi ce r think it necessary for medical reasons tbat "any member of the Brigade should Le Sf'nt temporarily outside the "Station, he will give instructions to the Officer in charge who \Yill be "bound to gi ve effect to such in structions if not incon istent with any "regulations issued by Superior AULhurity in respect of thaL Station. "The Officer in charge must see that the Occurrence Book and reports "are duly forwarded to the proper authority." By an error in B.O. 88 the date of the Royal Progress was given as ovember 25th. It should have been October 25th, 1902. BELGRAVE

O. & S.-1200.7.03.

INNI , Chief Commissioner.



B 111 btl Ia 11ce



OR D ER. IlEA]) (JL' \l!TEI:-; : ;~T .

.J VI[ "s

no\. n'.


E. '

Deccmbl'l'. 19Q:t

B.O. 94.

Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve.

From the frequent enquiries which are received at Bligaue anu Di ,trict IIea,d-qnartel's regal'l!ing the lick Berth Reserve, it appears tha.t many men of the Briga.de who are de-irolls of joining it have not had the condition.' of service fnllr hill before them. In many cases they have been gi\'pn to un(ler. tanel that they cannot join the Re "erve unless they undertake to attend a ten day' COllI'S of in truction at a naval ho'pital, all(1 in event! quartel" the iuea appears to prevail that no more volunteers are wautecl. The Chief Commis ioner dl"ires again to draw the attention of Offi~er in charge of C rp., alHl Divi..,ioll' to Brigade Oruel' 77 and the

Admircl-Ity H.egulaLion which are i sHecI \yith it, and reque ts that they will be go d en:)ugh to brinLY the condition of sen'ice to the notice of their men anu let it b fnlly llnd"'r'too 1 that there i pra.ctically no limit to the llumber who C,Ul be enrolle,l for service in time of nayal war. It should be clearly explained to all men of the Brigade who have not yet joinell the l~esen'e tllat any rm.n who j ~ phY::iically fit, and is either in pos eS'ion of a llllr:ling cerGificate, or ullllel'take to get one at the ell-diest oppurtnnity, C til \'ol'lllt p.r f t' ~ili impJrtlllt el'vice. The only duty required of enrolleu ll1p.n is to atten(l at an annual in pection which will be held by the In pecting Medical Officer of tbe Resen'e at their own hea ' l(luar~er ~ . Atten (lance at an allvancecl COUl"e of lectures (provided at the expense of the Admiralty) i quite optional, and i only required in the case of men who wish to be enrolled in la ses A. and B. of the R serve, i.e., for service in men-of-war or other ship. Men who do not wi. h to serve in tho e cla. es, 1 ut prefer to be employed in time of war in land and floating hospita.ls (i.e., in Olas e . or D.), are not requ~re'l to go throngh any pecial course of instruction whatever artier ob~alning the nursing certificate.

BELGRAVE NI:\NL Chief Commi'c'iollet'. U. & S.-1200.12.0:3.


gObtl Etll1blllallce 1Brigabe. BRIGADE



E. . Nay, 1904.

B.O. 95.

South African and China War Medals and Clasps. The anthoritie at the 'Val' Office are constantly asking for information respecting ~led;t18 and Clasps granted to men belonging to thf' Brigade who serveu in outh Africa, and who state that such Medals and [asps have not yet been received by them. s these enqniries are illCr'l:l.. ing in number an(l causing a grea.t deal of corre pondenc , it is hereby directed that the members of the District Staff, Chief Superintenll nts, uperintentl nts, and others who may have Medals and Clasps in their possession which they have not yet been able to hand over to those to whom they belong, will without delay send them to the De-puty Commissioner Ot' As istant Oommissioner in charge of the seveeal Districts, for immediate transmission to Head-quarters, St. John's Gate.

BELGPAVE NIt NIS, Chief Commis::;ioner

St. 3-ohn Bnlblllance :JBrigabe






E. O.

April, 1902.

Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, & Resignations. No. 1 DistrictMetropolitan CorpsBeckton Products Works Division. J. ,V. Hill, 11.B., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated March 4th, 1902.

Belgravia Nursing Division. Mrs. M. B. Taylor, to be First Nursing Officer. Dated Jan. 12th, 1902.

Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Division. 'uperintendent F. G. 'Vhitworth resigns his appointment. July 26th, 1901.


Causton Division. Acting Sup rintendent G. S. Elliston, to be Superintendent. Oct. 8th, 1901.


Clarnico Division. First Officer B. Jennings is transferred to the Reserve List. July 25th, 1901.


East Ham Division. Superintendent J. E. Hodgson reSIgns his appointment. Dated Oct. 12th, 1901. First Officer A. A. Atkins to be Superintendent, vice Hodgson resigned. Dated Nov. 15th, 1901. Hon. Surgeon A. Collier resigns his appointment. Dated Jan. 18th, 1902.

Harrow Division. Private F. II. Watkins, to be First Officer.

Dated Dec. 5tb, 1901.



Bath Midland Railway Division.

Xing's Cross (G.N.R.) Division. Hon. Surgeon French resigns his appointment. Dated April 21st, 1902. "\tV. Mailer, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice French resigned. Dated April 25th, 1902.

Merton and Wimbledon Division. Sergeant O. Orchard, to be Superintendent. Dated Oct. 21st, 1901.

New Cross (L.B. & S.C.R.) Division.

Hon. Surgeon Heathcote resigns his appointment. 1901.

Dated Oct. 18th,

Bl'ynmawr Division. Superintendent Adams resIgns his appointment. Dated Feb. 1st, 1902. S. Simpson, B.A., M.B., to be HOD. Surgeon, vice Browne deceased. Dated April 14th, 1902.

Hon. Surgeon Oarvell resigns his appointment. Dated March 30th, 1902. J. G. Davies, M.A., M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Oarvell resigned. Dated April 24th, 1902.

City of Bristol Division. Superintendent 'V. H. Reed, to be Ohief Superintendent. Dated

St. John's Gate No.1 Division.

Exeter City Division.

Hon. Surgeon Round resigns his appointment. 1901.

Dated June 13th,

R. Picka.rd, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated March 12th, 1902. Dated Dec. 5th, 1901.

Greenstreet Division.

Streatham Division.

F. l\lcUarthy, M.R.O .. , to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated April 21st, 1902

M. Coates M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Feb. 4-th, 1902. ,V. E. Barton, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Feb. 4th, 1902.

VictorIa (L. B. & S.C. Railway) Division. Hon. Snrgeon J. J. Marsh, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. 24th, 1902.

Dated Feb.

Walthamstow Division. First Officer W. H. 'Velch, to be Superintendent. Dated Jan. 16th, 1902. Private F. T. Taylor, to be First Officer. Dated Feb. 22nd, 1902.

Mountain Ash Division. D. D. J cmes, i.B., to be Hon.


Dated Oct. 9th, 1901.

Newton Abbot Division. First Officer Shepherd resigns his appointment. 1901.

Dated Dec. 14th,

Ramsgate Corps.

Hon. ur~eon . Ootton, F.R.O.P., to be Acting Superintendent ecretary, Vlce Scott-'Vhite resigned. Dated Sept. 1st, 1901.

Reading Division.

Whiteley Division.

Hon. ~urgeon E. Maclean resigns his appointment. Dated Oct. 4th, 190:2. R. J. Oollie, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Maclean resigned. Dated Oct. 21st, 1902.

No. 2 DistrictDistrict Chief Superintendent Griffiths, M.RO.S., to be Acting Assistant Oommissioner. Dated July 25th, 1901. . Ohief Superintendent G. B. Oourteney, M.D., to be District Ohlef Superintendent, vice Griffiths promoted. Dated Sept. 1st, 1901.

uperintendent K J. Rogers resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. 3rd, 1901. Third Officer Jones resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. 30th 1901. ' Second Officer H. G. Smith, to be Superintendent, vice Rogers resigned. Dated Oct. 13th, 1901.

Westgate-on-Sea Division. A. F. Street, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon.

E. J. Hunter, L.RO.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated April 18th, 1902. J. Priestly to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated April 18th, 1902.

Ashburton Division. Aylesbury Division. his appointment.

I.B., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Feb. 12th, 1902.

No. 3 DistrictBedford Division. E. II. Perram, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent. Dated Jan. 31st, 1902.

Birmingham Corps. Nettlefolds Division.

Dated Oct. 13th, 1901.

Hon. Surgeon F. G. Parrott, resigns March 17th, 1900.

Dated March 29th, 1895.

Woking Division. R W. Smith,

Alverstoke Division.

H. T. Burton, to be First Officer.

Jan. 16th, 1902. II. Newsome, M. B., to be Hon. Surgeon.


J. Pitt, M.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Feb. 17th, 1902. Private W. Hall, to be First Officer. Dated Feb. 17th, 1902.



Twywell Division.

Coventry Co-operative Division.

W. R Rice, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Aug. 27th, 1901. A. H. Manley, to be Superintendent. Dated Aug. 27th, 1901. J. W. Ootton, to be First Officer. Dated Aug. 27th, 1901.

Cromer Division.

F. H. Barclay, to be Superintendent.

Dated Jan. 31st, 1902.

Dudley Corps. Netherton Division.

R. Griffiths, M.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dunchurch Division.

J. B. Unwin, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated July 14th, 1901. Dated Oct. 15th, 1901.

Foleshill and Longford Division.

J. O. Orton, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated April 14th, 1902. The Rev. W. D. Rudgard, to be Superintendent. Dated April 14th, 1902.

Great Eastern Uppingham Division. D. Duke, F.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Nov. 11th, 1901. O. B. Moulds, to be First Officer. Dated Nov. lIth, 1901.

Hallaton Division.



Ohief-Superintend.ent Beck reSIgns hIS appoIntment, and IS placed on the Reserve List. Dated Sept. 27th, 1901.

Ipswich Corps. No. 1 Division.

Leicester Corps. Wigston Division. FIrst Officer J. Birkett, to be Superintendent. 1901.

Dated Sept. 21st,

Nuneaton Corps. L. & N. W. Ry. (No.2) Division. First Officer A. Nightingale, to be Superintendent. 4th, 1901.

Dated Sept.

Tangyes Division. ' Llperintendent Vickery resigns his appointment. Dated Jan. 11th, 1902. Sergeant A. Richards to be First Officer. Dated Feb. 6th, 1902.

Wellingborough Corps. Irthlingborough Division. Private G. Eatly, to be First Officer.

Dated Sept. 4th, 1901.

'1aptain h. B. Pooley, L.R.O.P., to be District Superintendent of Stor . Dated Feb. 20th, 1902. uperintentlent-Treasurer Oaptain Crosfield resigns his appointment. D!l ted Feh. ] st, 1902. Hon. 'llrgeon F. de B. Pim, to be District SuperintendentTreasurer, vice Oaptain G. Ol'osfield resigned. Dated March 23rd 1902. '

Accrington Corps.

First Officer F. Gooderham, to be Superintendent. Dated Nov. 17th, 1901. Sergeant T. Woods, to be First) Officer, vice Gooderham promoted. Dated Jov. 17th, 1901.

St. Bartholomew's Division.

A. W. Paterson, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeoll. Dated Nov. 9th, 1901. F. A. Bales, to be Superintendent. Dated Nov. 9th, 1901. A. J. Ohandler, to be First Officer. Dated Nov. 11th, 1901.

Kettering Corps. Headquarters Division.

h . . . Superintendent Simpson reSIgns hIS appoIntment. Dated July 30t , 1901. Private H. Luck, to be First Officer. Dated Aug. 27th, 1901.

Headquarters Nursing Division.

Dated Aug. 27th, 1901.

No. 4 District.


Hon. Surgeon W. Hedley, to be Superintendent, VIce Shaw. Dated July 14th, 1901. Sergeant H. Shaw, to be First Officer. Dated Nov. 11th, 1901.

Handsworth and Smethwick

Bergeant W. Wilmot, to be First Officer.


Miss M. J. Olarke, to be Second NursIng Officer. 1901.

Dated Sept. 19th,

First Ufficer J. ~ pencer to be Superintendent Secretary. Dated April 21st, 1902. Second Officer \V. H. Bullock, to be Superintendent of Stores. Dn.te<l April 21st, 1902. Third Officer A. l-I.IBarnes to be First Officer. Dated Apri121st, 1902.

Adlington and Heath Charnock Division. A. E. Iole, 1\1 B l to be lIon. Surgeon. Dated Aug. 27th, 1901. Sllperilltenclent Holding resigns his appointment. Dated Jan. 10th 1902. ' First Officer J. Bailey, to be Superintendent, vice Holding resigned. DateJ Jan. 10th, 1902. Private 'V. Blackburn, to be First Officer, vice Bailey promot.ed. Dated Jan. 1 th, 1902.

Alsager Division. M. II. Sayers, M.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Aug. 24th, 1901. E. Rushworth, to be Superintendent. Dated Aug. 24th, 1901.


8 Fourth Officer O. Radcliffe, to be Third Officer. Dated Jan. 22nd, 1902. Private A. H. Sexton, to be Fourth Officer, vice Radcliffe promoted. Dated Jan. ~2nd, 1902. J. E. Smitb, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated April 28th, 1902.

Morecambe Nursing Division.

'::;;';:Miss S. E. Lees, to be Lady Superintendent, VIce Mrs. Taylor resigned. Dated Dec. 2nd, 1901.

Millom Iron Works Division. Private W. G. Marshall; to be Superintendent. 1901.

Dated Sept. 15th,

Nelson Corps. Sergeant T. ,Valkel', to be Third Officer.

Dated June 1st, 1901.

Nelson Nursing Division. Lady Superintendent liss Dean resIgns her appointment. Dated Dec. 20th, 1901. Mrs. E. Orabtree to be Lady Superintendent, vice Miss Dean resigned. Dated Jan. 3rd, 1902.

Newtown Division. First Officer ,V. A. Downham reslgns his appointment. Dated Sept. 1st, 1901. Sergeant A. S. Middleton, to be First Officer, vice Downham, resigned. Dated Sept. 1st, Ig01.

Oldham Nursing Division. J. B. Lendrum, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Jan. lOth, 1902. Lady 8uperintendent Thomson resigns her :ippointment. Dated Jan. lOth, 1902. Second I J ursing Officer Mrs. M. A. Jones, to be Lady Superintendent, vice Lady Superintendent Thomson resigned. Dated Jan. 10th, 1902. Miss A. D. Moore, to be Second Nursing Officer, vice Second N lusing Officer Mrs. Jones promoted. Dated Jan. 10th, 1902. ..Miss H. Ogden, to be Third Nursing Officer. Dated Jan. lOth, 1902.

Padiham Division. Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent Grant resigns his appointment as Superintendent. Dated Dec. 20th, 1901. . First Officer M. Sanders, to be Superintendent, vice Grant reslgned. Dated Jan. 3rd, 1902.

Padiham Nursing Division. Miss L. Gregson, to be Lady Superintendent. Dated Jan. 31st, 1902. J. G. Jones, M.D., to be Hon. Snrgeon. Dated Feb. 24th, 1902.

Preston Corps. Ohief Surgeon W. H. I. Sellars, to be Ohief Surgeon and Ohief Superintendent. Dated Oct. 10tb, 1901.

Frenchwood Division. Firat Officer J. Kelly (on Reserve List) to be reinstated First Officer. Dated Nov. 23rd, 1901.

Leyland Division. Third Officer J. Wood to be First Officer.

Dated April 28th, 1902.

St. Matthew's Division Sergeant J. A. Lendrum, to be First Officer. Dated Nov. 23rd, 1901. A. Ramsay, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated April 28tb, 1902.

St. Ignatius Division. Fourth Officer R. Orombleholme to be Third Officer. 28th, 1902.

Dated April

Rawtenstall Central Division. A. A. Edwar I M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated July 17th, 1901. L. Davidson, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated July 17tb, 1901. 'V. Robertson, L.R.O.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated July 17th, 1901.

Rawtenstall Central Nursing Division. ,V. Robertson, L.R.O.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Sept. 19th, 1901. Miss O. \Vbitehead, to be Lady uperintendent. Dated Sept. 19th, 1901.

Rishton Division. Sergeant T. Greig to be Superintendent, VIce Ainsworth deceased. Dated April 18th, 1902.

Rochdale Corps. Castleton Division. S. T. Lonl, M.H..O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Dec. 19th, 1901. T. E. Thomasson, to be First Officer. Dated Dec. 19th, 1901.

Central Division.

\V. H. Carse, ~1.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Od. 22nd, 1901. First Olficer J. T. Garner, to be uperiutendent, vice Ingham resigned. Dated March 3rd, 1902. Hon. Surgeon Melvin resigns his appointment. Dated Jan. 20th, 1902. Second Officr;r T. Hartley, to be First Officer. Dated March 25th, 1902. Third Officer J. D. Howarth, to be Second Officer. Dated March 25th, 1902. Fourth Officer W. S. Rees, to be Third Officer. Dated March 25th, 1902.

Central Nursing Division. Miss E. Whipp, to be First Nursing Officer. 1901.

Dated Oct. 26th,



Lady Superintendent Kenyon resIgns her appointment. Dated Dec. 30th, 1901. First Nursing Officer Miss E. Whipp, to be Lady Superintendent, vice Miss Kenyon resigned. Dated Jan. 6th, 1902. Miss A. Simpson, to .be First Nursing Officer, vice Miss Whipp promoted. Dated Jan. 6th, 1902.

Milnrow and Newbey Division. Private H. Ish erwood, to be First Officer. Dated Nov. 5th, 1901. W. Mills, L.R.C.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Dec. 7th, 1901.

Milnrow and Newhey Nursing Division. VV. Mills, L.R.C.P., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Dec. 7th, 1901. Miss A. Hordern, to be First Nursing Officer. Dated Jan. 4th, 1902. Miss E. Grindrod, to be Second Nursing Officer. Dated Jan. 4th, 1902. Hon. Surgeon W. Mills, resigns his appointment. Dated J u.n. 23rd, 1902. J. Chad wick, lVI.R.C.S., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Mills resigned. Dated April 25th, 1902. D. B. Carse, i.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Nov. 2Gth, 1901. E. Sutcliffe, to be First Officer. Dated Nov. 26th, 1901.

Whitworth Division. Dated Nov. 26th, 1901.

Runcorn Division.

Pri vate G. Hill, to be First Officer.

\V. B. Wilson, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Oct. 24th, 1901. Miss M. H. Riley, to be Lady Superintendent. Dated Oct. 24th,. 1901.

Whalley Nursing Division. ,y' P. Counsellor, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Nov. 15th, 1901.

No. 5 DistrictBelper Division. 'llperinteuc1ent Mapp, resIgns his appointment. Dated December 1 t, 1901. Hun. urgeon R. A. Johnston, to be Superintendent, vice Mapp resigned. Du.ted Dec. 31st, 1901. f

Bradford Corps. .Pri vate \V. K. Fleming, to be Superintendent. 191) 1.

Dated Dec. lOth,

Birch wood Corps.

Norden Division.

P. Baillie, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Water Nursing Division.

Dated Aug. 20th, 1901.

,'cl'geant J. M. Davies to be First Officer. Dated March 18th, 1902. Sergeant . . . A. J. Hill, to be econd Officer. Dated March 18th, 1902.

Brighouse Division. B. T. Bond, M.D., to be Hon. SnrgeOll. Dated Nov. 29th, 1901. O. E. Burton, to be Superintendent. Dated.r ov. 29th, 1901. Private II. J. Gill, to be First Officer. Dated April 4th, 1902.

Buxton Division. Southport Division. Superintendent J. Tattersall resigns his appointment. Dated Oct. lOth, 1901. Hon. Surgeon H. Smurthwaite~ resigns his appointment. Dated Oct. 30th, 1901. S. M. Brown, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Smurthwaite resigned. Dated Nov. 8th, 1901. W. ,Vycherley, to be Superintendent, vice Tattersall resigned. Dated Nov. 8th, 1901.

Ulverston Nursing Division.

R. O. Bowman, M.D., to be Hon. Snrgeon. Dated July 22nd, 1901. Miss E. Satterthwaite, to be Lady Superintendent. Dated July 22nd, 1901.

Water Division. S. Sugden, L.S.A., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Oct. 24th, 1901. J. A. Riley, to be First Officer. Dated Oct. 24th, 1901.

J. D earson to be First Officer.

Dated April 17th, 1902.

Dewsbury and District Corps.

I [on. Surgeon E. LeI', to be Chief~Surgeon.

Dated Feb. 9th, 1902.

Batley Nursing Division. J. H. Woods, L.RC.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. 1901. Miss M. A. Talbot, to be Lady Superintendent. 190 l. Miss L. J. Gadie, to be First Nursing Officer. 1901.

Dated Sept. 2nd, Dated Sept. 2nd, Dated Sept. 2nd,

Ossett Division. U. 8. Mill, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated July 17th, 1901.

Heckmondwike and Liversedge Division. Sergeant l\1. Gra.inge , to be Fourth Officer.

Dated July 22nd, 1901.

Ilkeston and District Division. R F. Hubble to be Supel'intemlent.

Dated April 2 th, 1902.


12 Keighley Corps. " C " (Haworth) Division. Sergeant B. K. Toothill, to be Superintel1l1ent, vice Johnson resigned. Dated Aug. 20th, 1901.

Leeds Corps.


G. Armitag, to be Ohief .. uperintendent and

Superintendent Secretary. Dated July 22nd, 1901. First OfHcer H.. H. Hainsworth, to be ~up l'intenLleut of Stores. Datelll\Iarch 25t h, 1902.

" A" (Armley and Wortley) Division. Sergeant J. Mc ullagh to be Second Offic 1902.


DaLed l\Iarch 25th,

" B" (Holbeck, Hunslet, and District ) Division. Fourtll Officer T. GuIll win, to be "ecol1l1 Officer. 1902.

Dated ~larch 25th,

" C" (Burley, Kirkstall and District) Division. Sergeant J. ,Yharton, to be Fourth Officer. Dated Oct. 12th, 1901. Fourth OrEcer J. 'Yharton, to be \~cond Officer. DaLed l\Iarch 25th, 1902.

" D" (North Leeds) Division. Fourth Officer 1902.

. Ecldison, to be econd Officer.

Dated 1a.rch 25th,


Dated Dec. 30th, 1901.

"F" (Garforth) Division. C. A. Sykes, L.R.C.P., to be lIon \ugeon.

Da.tell Jan. 14th, 1902.

" G" (Lower Wortley, Farnley, Gildersone and Dreighlington) Division. Sergeallt ,'. Pyrah, to be FOlllth Officer.

Dated March 25th, 1902.

Chief 'uperint nuent II. Ohambers resigns his avpointment. Dated April 31'<1, 1902. 'up rint >nel nt H. O. Else, to be Ohief Superintendent, vice Chambers resign Ll. VaL d April 3rd, 1902.

Welbeck Division. Privato ,V. 11. tanton, to be Third Offieer. Dated Sept. 15th, 1901. Privat' II. Evans, to be Fourth Officer. Dated Sept. 15tb, 1901.

Wooley Division. K B. oiling ,'l\1.R.O .. , to be Hon. urgeon. Dated Feb. 2nd, 1902. 1. E. Loft, to be uperintendent. Dated Feb. 2nd, 1902.

No. 6 DistrictHull Corps.

l1perint ntl lit ecretal'Y Krause resIgns his appointment. Dated ept. 1 t, 1901. l11 erilltondent D. . Ionison, to be ""uperintendent Secretary, vice Yrau e l'P i(Yll t1. Dated ept. 15th, 1901. upel'intl'lllicllt J. H. "ingate, to be uperintendent Treasurer and upcrint ndcnt of tore. Dated 'ept. 15th, 1901.

. Vaugban, 'Vestern Division, is transferred to thi Divi ion, vice J. H. 'Yiu gate promoted. Dated Sept. 15th, 1901. P. h.. A h, M.R .. , to be Hon.'llrgeon. Dated Sept. 15th, 1901. • . T. i n , l\f.B., to be Hou. llrgeon. Dated Sept. 15th, 1901.

Eastern Division. ergeant A. II. Hawke, to b llperintendent, vice D. O. l\IolTison promoted. Dat dept. 15th, 1901.

Eastern Nursing Division.

Lincoln Adult School Division. Sergeant T. Healey, to be Fourth Officer.

Dated Oct. 12th, 1901.

North Staffordshire Corps. Milton Division.

J. Divine, I\l.D., to be lIon.



ept. 21st, 1901. Dated Sept. 21st,

1\11'. 11. Morrison, to be Lady Superintendent. 1901.

Fourth Officer VV. Lowe, to be Third Officer. 1901.

DaLed July 29th,

Newcastle Division. ,V. G. Allardice, M.D., to be Superintendent.

Dated July 17th,


Potteries Electric Traction Division. Private F. Hatch t,o be Buperintendent.

Sheffield Corps.

Central Division. 'up rin tenll 'nt J.

" E " Stanningley and District Division. E. 'Velcb, l\1.l\'.U. ' ., to be llon.

T. Ellis, M.B., to be Hon Surgeon, vice Carter deceased. Dated Feb. 2 L1th, 1902. O. Eames, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Feb. 24th, 1902.

DaLed April 28th, 1902.

Shipley Division. Bergeant J. II. Potter, to be Third Officer.

Dated July 29th, 1901.

Western Division. 'er,reant F. \Yilson, to be tran f rred to entral Division.

uperiutendent, vice J. O. Yaughan Dated Sept. 15th, 1901.

Hetton-le-Hole Division.

J. Adamson, ~l.D., to be lIon. Sept. 23th, 1901. T. 1'.obson, to be First Officer.

urgeon and


Dated 35th

ept. 1901.


South Shields Police Division. C. J. l1therland, J\I.D., to be Hon. urgeon. Dated Dec. 13th, 1901. 'V. . J\Iorant, to be nperintend nt. Dated Dec. 13th, 1901.



A. Young, to be First Officer. Dated Dec. 13th, 1901. T. G. Young, to be Second Officer. Dated Dec. 13th, 1901.

Withernsea Division.

Private H. Anthony to be First Officer.

Dated Nov. 8th, 1901.

The formation of the following Oorps and Divisions has been sanctioned since August, 1901.

No.1 District.

Becktoll Products Works Division, Feb. 6th, 1902. L.B. & S.O.R. (Victoria) Division, Jan. 25th, 1902. • treatham Division, Feb. 4th, 1902. The Borough of ,Vest Ham Division is disbanded, July 27th, 1901.

No. 2 District.

Alverstoke Division, Dec. 19th, 1901. Bath Polico Division, July 11th, 1901. Birchillgton Division, March 13th, 1902. Exeter Oity Division, December 5th, 1901. Exeter Police Division, March 12th, 1902. :M ountain Ash Division, Oct. lOth, 1901. Uffculme (Devon) Greenstreet (Kent) Division, April Division, March 26th, 1902. 7th, 1902. Bexhill Division, May 1st, 1902.

No. 3 District.

Metropolitan Division (Birmingham Oorps), Jan. 6th, 1902. G.W.R. Snow Hill Division (Birmingham Oorps), Jan. 14th, 1902. Belmont Row Division (Birmingham Corps), Jan. 14th, 190~. Oentral Station Division (Birmingham Oorps), Jan 11th, 1902. Nelson ~i~i~ion (Birmingham Oorps), Jan. 25th, 1902 G.W.R., Hockley DIvIsIOn, (Birmingham Oorps), Feb. 12th, t902. L.N.W.R., Ourzon Street Iidland Hailway, Division (Birmingham Oorps), Feb. 27th, 190~ . Lawley Street Division (Birmingham Oorps), Feb. 20th, 1902. L. & N. W.I{., Monument Lane Division (Birmingham Oorps), Feb. 27t?, 1902. Coventry Oo-operative Division, Aug. 27th, 1901. FolkshIlI and Longford Division, March 25th, ] 902. Great Eastern, near Uppingham, Division, Oct. 18th, 1901. St. Bartholomew's Divis~on (Ipswich Oorps), Nov. 12th, 1901. Broughton Division (Ketterlllg Oorps), Nov. 18th, 1901. N arborough Division (Leicester Oorps), Jan. 6th, 1902. Nettlefold'E, Limited, Smethwick Division, Dec. 19th, 1901. Gayton Division (Northampton Oorps), Feb. 27th, 1902. The Town Division, The Friends' Adult Division, and Working Men's Instiliute Division (Leicester Oorps) are disbanded.

No.4 District.

Alsager Division, July 20th, 1901. Ashton-under-Lyne Division, Aug. 8th, 1901. Ashton·under-Lyne Nursing Division, Aug. 8.th, 1901. Blackburn Nursing Division, March 5th, 1902. Br~er· field Nursin g Division, Oct. 18th, 1901. Orawshawbooth Nursmg Division, July 7th, 1901. Orompton Division, June 28th, 1901.

Liverpool Division, April 1st, 1902. Milnrow and N ewhey Division, (~o?~dale Oorps), July 29th, 1901. Milnrow and N ewhey Nursing DIVISIOn (Rochdale Corps), July 20th, 1901. Oastleton Division (Rochda.le Corps), Dec. 17th, 1901. Norden Division (Rochdale Oorps), Nov. 22nrl, 1901. • 'to Matthew's Division (Preston Corps), July 11th ] ~O~.. Rawt nstall Nursing Division, July 27th, 1901. Wate~ DlvlslOn, Oct. 3rd, 1901. Water ursing Division, Oct. 3rd 1901. Hapton N ufl:,ing Division is disbanded, Nov. 11 th, 1901. Birkenhead Corps is disband el, ept. 30th, ] 901. Belfast Nursing Division is disbanded. Altrincham Division, April 15th, 1902. Longdendale Division) April 25th, 1902.

No.5 District. Brighouse Division, Aug. 6th, 1901. Brighouse Nursing Division, April 1st, 1~n2. Ba..tley Nursing ivision (Dewsbnry Oorps), 'ept. 2nd, 1901. ~lectrtc TractIOn (, toke-on-~r~l:t) Division (North Staffordshire Oorps), • ept. 17th, 1901. Buxton DIVISlOll, Sept. 28th, 1901. "Vooley Division Oct. 9t1~, 1 ?01. "'." Division (Lower "V ortley, Farnley, Gilderson~ and DreIghhngton) (Leeds Oorps), Dec. 2nd, 1901. Bingley Division, Jan. 6th, 1002. Luddonden Division, Jan. 6th, 1902.

No.6 District.

Eastern Nursing Division (TJ ull Oorps), ept.] 5th, 1901. HettonIe-Hole Division, ,'ept. 19th, 1901. Beverley Division, Sept. 30th, 1901. outh'hields Police ivision, Dec. 15th, 1901. The Hull Nursing Division will be styled the Hull Central Nursing Division from this date, 'ept. 21st, 1901.


j-ohn Bmbltlance :fJ3rigabe. BRIGADE


E.O. 15th MCLrch, 1903.


Appointments, Promotions, Transfers, & Resignations. H.R.H. The Grand Prjor, has sanctioned the following appointments and promotion :Oaptain G. L. Mullins, M.A., M.D., to be Commissioner in New South 'Vales. Major A. E. Perkins, M.A., M.B., D.S.O., to be Medical Officer in Ohief in New South \Yales. T. S. Dixson, M.B., to be Deputy Oommissioner in New South Wales. The above appointments are dated December 6th, 1902. District Ohief Superintendent \V. H. Morgan (No. 1. District) to be Assistan t Oommissioner. Dated March 10th, 1903.

The Chief Commissioner has approved of the following Appointments, PronlOtions, Transfers and Resignations :-

No. I. DistrictMetropolitan CorpsBermondsey and Rotherhithe Division. Superintendent J. 'Yells, transferrrd from Barking Division, to be Superintendent. Dated August 5th, 1902.

Causton Division.

Hon. Surgeon J. Brown, R.N., to be Hon. Surgeon . 9th, 1902.

Dated Oct.

Harrow Division. G. M. Edwards, M. R.O.s., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Hon. Surgeon Stevens deceased. Dated Oct. 15tll, 1902.

Ley ton and Leytonstone Division. Private J. T. Olley to be Third Officer.

Dated May 26th, 1902.

Norwood Division.

F. G. Swayne, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Dec. 12th, 1902.

Streatham Division. Private A. W. Davis to be Superintendent.

Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, Division.

Dated June 13th, ] 902.

1£. M. Pilchel', M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Oct. 1st, 1902 F. B. Kensington to be Superintendent. Dated Oct. 1st, 1902.

C. & S.1000.3.03.



No.1, St. John's Gate Division.

Hastings NurSing Division.

C. J. Beattie, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon .

Dated Jan. 2nd, 1903.

Whiteley Division. R M. Carvell, M.RO.S., to be Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent. Dated June 13th, 1902.

No. II. DistrictBath (Midland Railway) Division.

Dated. 'ept. 22nd,

Lymington Nursing Division.

F. 11. ~\1atl:lill, LB., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Sept. 22ncl, 1902. l\1~·s. I'.J. C}llllCl'Y to he. Lady. 'u,l)l>rilltrn(lent. ateel Dec. 16th, 1902. hs A. 1 ack to be FIl'st NUI'Slllg Officer. Dated Dec. 16th, 1902.

Oxford Division.

J. Wigmore, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon, VIce Heathcote resigned. D ated May 4th, 1902.

Bexhill Division. J. O. Ha,rvey, l.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Oct. 16th, 1902. Lieut.-Colonel K. S. Wallis, RA.M.O.(Res.), M.R.O .•. , to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Oct. 16th, 1902. R R Crouch to be Superintendent. Dated Oct. 16th, 1902.

Brynmawr Division. First Class Sergeant S. T. Beard to be Superintendent. D ated May 25th, 1902. Hon. Surgeon S. Simpson resigns his appointment. Dated Dec. 11 th, 1902. D. Nyhan, L.R.O.P., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Simpson resigned. D ated Dec. 11 th, 1902.

Chatham and District Division.

J. Holwyn, M.RC.S., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Nov. 13th, 1902. R. Grant, M.B., to be Hon . Surgeon. Dated Nov. 13th, 1902. 1!'. B. Jeffreys, M.RO.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Nov. 13th, 1902.

City of Bristol Corps. Ohief Superintendent Reed resIgns his appointment. Dated May 25th, 1902. Hon. Surgeon O. Hayman to be Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent, vice W. H. Reed resigned. Dated July 8th , 1902. A. W. Peake, M.RO.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Dec. 16th, 19 0~. Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent C. A. Hayman resigns the position of Superintendent. Dated Jan. 4th, 1903.

Dowlais Division. Superintendent G. Price resigns his appointment. 1902.

Dated Oct. 11th,

Eastbourne (L.B. & S.C.Ry.) Division. J. W. Wilkes to be Superintendent.

A.II. U. lluckle, M.l{.O .• '. to be lIon. Surgeon 1902. ' .

Dated May 23rd, 1902.

Exeter Police Division. J. A. W. Perenay, M.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated May 6th, 1902. R. L. Williams to be Superintendent. Dated May 6th, 1902.


Radstock Division. Fe U-. Worgel', l\1.RC .. '., to he

HOll .•

'urgeon. Dated Sept. 25th, 1902.

Ramsgate Corps. Town Division. lIoll. Slll'gpoll an(l. 'uperintrn(lent ment. Datpd ( ct. llLh, 1902.

. Griffiths resigns his appoint-

Reading Division. 'ul'pol'al K W. Tubor to be •'ecOl1el Officer. Daterl ,June lIth 1 DO? Superilltcllcl 'nt A G. Smith r signs his appointment. Vatdcl Ja~: 3rd, 1003. llem .• 'llrgpon G. H. It Holden resigns his appointment. Dated Vec. 11th, 1D02. ~il'st Olficer .E. •'alt to he • upel'intendent, vice A. G .• mith J" . It!Jlecl. Dated F'!:'h. 5th, 1903. • '('conel OfTicer E. \V. Tabor to be First Officer, vice 'alt promoted. Dated Fc·b. 5th, 1903.

St. rves Division. .T. fIl.


wholls, M.R.O .• '., to be TIon .• 'urgeon.

A. F. Evans to be .'uperilltendent.

Dated ,June 15th,

Dated ,June 15tb, 1902.

No. III. DistrictBirmingham Corps.

T. ~'ls()lI, M. D., tu be 'hief. 'l1rgeon. Dated May 11 tb 1902. F. Gllh rt Lo be Ohipf • 'uperin tenrlent. Daterl la) lItI;, 1902. J. K 'tamp to b • ul~eJ'int(md('nt •'ecrctary. Dated lay 11 th, 1902. A. Tozpr to he • 'up p l'llltenc1PllL of'. 'tores. Dc1.tecl lay J Hil, 1902. ,J. A. lingers to he.' l1perin tend '11 t Treasurer. Dated lay 11 tb, 1902.

Coventry Co-operative Division . •')lIjJ P l'illt(·ndellt A. 11. Manh·y resigns his appointment. Dated Oct. 6th) 1902. Pri vate U. Tow to he SLlperintencl nL vice fanlflY resigned. Dated Dec. 3n], 1902. '

Cromer Division.

Hastings Division. T. Locke, M.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon.

HrJl1. I ' Ill'g '011 \Y. ,J. Turrel resigns his appointmen t. Dated ,I uly 5th, 1002. U. It. Fr chorn, 1\I. ., M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Turrel r('slc!ned. Dated August 1~th, 1 ao~.

Dated Sept. 9th, 1902.

O. Btll LOll, AU)., to be llon .• urgeon, vice )bnby resigned. Dated .T une 28th, 1902.


Ipswich Nursing Division.

,V. A. Gibb, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated J nne 16tb, ] 902.

Ironbridge Corps.

Superintendent .I. O. T. Rasl-lass to be Superintendent Secretary. Dated May 15th, 1902. Superintendent H. ,V. Thomas to be Superintenclent of Stores. Dated Oct. ~4th, 1902.

Madeley Division.

O. A. Reynolds, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Nov. 17, H)02.

P. G. Garrett, 1\1. R. O.S , to bo lIon. Surgeon. Datell Sept. 6th, 1902. Private A. E. Higclon to be First Officer. Dntecl Sept. Gth, 1902.

Smeth wick Corps. Supel intrnclent E. J. Foster to be Chief Superintendent. Oct. 21th, 1902.


Fire Brigade Division.

Muntz Division. Pri vatc H. Y. Cuddeforcl to be First Officer.

Dated Oct. 24th, 1902.

Nettlefolds Division.

Wigston Midland Railway Division. J. Anderson, L.R.C.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Sept. 6tb,1902. Private T. Toone to be First Officer. Dated. 'ept. 17th, 1902. Private G. E. Eady to be First Officer.

IIOI~. "llrge~n Tel l'y l"f'sigl1s hi· appoilltlllelll. Dated Nov. 29th, 1902. .I. C. O'Haflerty, L H.C.P., to be llon. ~ 'llrgeon, vice Terry resiuned. Dated Dec. ] 2Lh, 1902. b

J. Pitt, J\I.H.C.,'., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Sept. 17th, 1902. E. J. Foster to be First Officer. Dated Sept. 17th, 1902.

Leicester Corps. Barnwell Division.

Olney Division.

Daventry Division.

liilSt Officer Hall to be ~ upClintendent.

Dated January

Nettlefolds Nursing Division. Miss A. l\lartin, to be Lady Su perintenLlen t. Dated

Dated lay 28th, 1902.

th, 1902.


ov. 19 tIl, 1902.

Wellingborough Corps. Finedon Nursing Division.

Kettering Corps. Broughton Division.

'\li: 1\1. Ihrlock to be Lady. 'nperintendent. DateclJun 16th, 1902.

A. G. Talputt, 1\1.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated May 28th,1902.


Burton Latimer Division.

ill!. s H. 1 u,wlin to be .Fir t ..NUl'. il16 Officer. Dateu June 16th, 190:3.

Nursing Division.

Private E. E. James to be First Officer. Datecl May 28th, 1902. H. Burland, l\I.H.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Jan. 8th, 1903.

No. IV. District-

Burton Latimer Nursing Division. Miss O. M.James to be Lady Superintendent. Dated Jan. 8th, 1903. H. Burland, M.R.C.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Jan. 8th, 1903.

Northampton Corps.


Oaptain \V. Hughes to be Ohief Superintendent, vice Perry resIgned. Dated Oct. 18th, 1902.

Miss M. M. Elland to be Second Nursing Officer. 16th, 1902.

Private '1'. Cn. 'pell to be ~ 'econcl Uliicel'. Dated Oct. 29th, 1902. \Y. H.. Dix, 1\1.13., to bc 1l0ll. l:)urgeon, vice T. I3l'ayten deceased. Dated Aug. 5th, 1902.

Accrington Corps. A. Y. (il'ecnwood, 1\1.B., to be llon. Surgeon. Dated June 11th, 1902.

Head-quarters Division.

First Officer Beale resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. lOth, .1902. Second Officer F. C. Gardner to be First Officer, vice Beale resIgned. Dated Oct. 15th, 1902. Private A. Rice to be Second Officer, vice Gardner promoted. Dated Oct. 15th, 1902.

Head-quarters Nursing Division.

Abram Colliery Division.

Dated June

Blisworth, Stoke Bruerne and Gayton Division.


Hon. Surgeon H. Hodgson resivtls his appointment. Dateu Sep . 20th, 1902: b . , d W. P. RlChardson, M.B., to be IIon. Sutgeoll, VIce Hodgson les 1b ne , Dated Dec. 9th, 1902. '(7


Nursing Division.

1\11SS K. \V alsh tu be Fust


ul'siug Officor.

Dated Dec. 22nd, 1902.

Altrincham Division. H. G. Cooper, 11.13., to be llon. Surgeon. Dated J nne 1st, 1902. J. Dwyer to be Superintendent. Dated June 1 t, 1902.

Askam-in-Furness Division.

First ~fficel' G. Carr to be l:)ujJcrintenclent. Datell lay 14th, 1902. Supermtenllent G. Oarr resigns his anllointment Dated F b 1st 1903. r " , S. B. Cook, M.B., to be lIon. Surgeon. Dated :Feb. 23rcl, 1903. Sergeant A. Wildman to be Superintend~nt, vice Carr resiO'necl. Dated Feb. 21st, 1903. b



Askam-in-Furness Nursing Division.

Crewe Division.

Lady Superintendent Mrs. V\falton resigns her appointment. Dated Dec. 9th, 19U2. Mrs. L. B. Slater to be Lady Superintendent, vice Mrs. ,Yalton resigned. Dated Dec. 22nd, 1902.

U. ,Vil 011, M.D., to be 11011. Surgeon, VIce Greenwood resigned. Dated Feb. 15th, ID02. First Olass Sorgeallt F. A. Oldham to be Superintendent. Dated Feb. 15th, 1902.

Bacup Division.

Crompton Nursing Division.



Rigby, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Bacup Nursing Division.

Dated lay 6th, 1902.



First Nursing Officer Miss F. A. BIrd resIgns her appomtment. Dated Sept. 3rd, 1902. Second Nursing Officer Mrs. R. Stubbs to be First Nursing Officer, vice Miss Bird resigned. Dated Sept. 12th, 1902. Miss E. A. Hacking to be Second .r ursing Officer, vice Mrs. It. Stubbs promoted. Dated Sept. 12th, 190:2.

Barrowford Division.

Hon. Surgeon O. 1'1. Mitchell from Nelson Oorps to be HOll. Surgeon. Dated Jan. 23rd, 1903.

Bolton Corps. First Olass Sergeant J. Hardy to be Third Officer. 1902.

Dated May 18th,

T. P. Blades, L.R.O.P., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Sept.. 25th, 1902. Dated Sept. 25th, 1902.

Brierfield Division. Superintendent R. Anderton resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. lOth, 1902. First Olass Sergeant W. Webster to be Superintendent, vice Anderton resigned. Dated Sept. 12th, 1902.

Brierfield Nursing Division.

Dalton-in-Furness Nursing Division. A. J. Oross, l\1.B., to be 11 011 . Surgeon. Datell fay Gth, 1902. l\lrs. ~I. A. Pooley to be Lady Superilltendent. Dated May 6th, 1902.

Dukinfield Division. , 'uperilltcllLl>llt A. Barlow reslglls his apIJointlllent. 24.th, 190:3.

Dated Oct.

Foulridge Division. , 'uperintelldcllt \Yilutllan reslgll 21st, J 903.

his appointment.

Dated Nov.

Heywood Division. J. J. Butterworth, 11. D., to be H 011. , 'urgeon. Dated Aug. 2 tb, 1902.

Bredbury and Romiley Division.

W. 'Yarburton to be Superintendent.

A. V. Davies, ~I.B., to be lIon. , 'urgeon. Dated Aug. 22nd, 1902. Miss .M.E. ,Vbipp to be Lady Bupel'intendent. Dated Aug. 22nd, 1902.


Leigh Division.

, 'uperintellllcnt II. Hewlett resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. 9th, 1902. R R. Meacock to be Superintendent, vice Hewlett resigned. Dated Nov. 22nd, 1902.

Liverpool Division. Private J. S. Bird to be Fir:;;t Officer. Dated Nov. 8th, 1902.

Liverpool Nursing Division. A. 1:. II. Simpson, LH.U. t., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Lady Superintendent Miss M. Rod well resigns her appollltment. Dated Sept. 10th, 1902. . Miss J. Lee to be Lady Superintendent, vice Miss godwell resIgned. Dated Sept. 12th, 1902.

25th, 1902. Mrs. L. J. Oalll}Jbell to be LaLly 1902.

Burnley Division.

Longendale Division.


Superintendent S. J. Whitbam resigns his appointment, and IS placed on the Reserve List of the Division. Dated Aug. 20th, 1902.

Clitheroe Division.


Dated Aug.

Dated Aug. 25tb)

H. \Y. Pomfret., l\l.D., to be HOllo Surgeon. Dated Sept. 24th, 1802. J. Marshall to be Eil'st Officer. DateLl ept. 24th, 1902.

Manchester and Salford Division.

Hon. Surgeon Fraser resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. 29th, 1902. G. E. Orme, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Fraser resigned. Dated Oct. 8th, 1902.

Superintendent n. Peacock resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. 1st, 1902. HOll. Surgeon J. E. Smith to be Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent. Dated Sept. 6th, 1902.

Clitheroe Nursing Division.

Manchester and Salford Corps.

Hon. Surgeon Fraser resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. 29th, 1902. d G. E. Orme, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Fraser resigned. Date Oct. 8th, 1902. 902 Miss A. Humble to be Lady Superintendent. Dated June 19th, 1 .

Hon. Surgeon and Superintclldcllt J. E. Smith to be Ohief Surgeon and Ohief Superintendcnt. Dated Jan. 13th, 1903.

Hulme Division. J. Uryer, M.n..O.S. to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Jan. 1st, 1903. T. A. Painter to be Superintendent. Dated Jan. 1st, 1903.



Walton-Ie-Dale Division.

Nelson Corps. Hon. Surgeull C. M. Mitchell Di vision. Dated Jan. 23rd, 1903.


transferred to the Bal'rowforll

Nelson Nursing Division. Lady SuperiJltendent Miss E. Orabtree resIgns her appointment. Dated Sept. 1st, 1902. Miss H. vVaIlwork to.be Lady Superintendent, vice Miss Crabtree resigned . Dated Sept. 6th, 1902.

Newchurch Division. Private J. Crisp to be Superintendent.

f:)upelinten(1ent T. Higginson resiglls his appointment. Dated Aug. 201,h, 1902. 'rconr1 Oaicer C. 'Wilding to be Superintendent, vice Higginson resigned. Dated Oct. l%h, 1902.

Winsford Nursing Division. B. H. "\Vooc1yatt, F.R.C.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Feb. 2nd, 1903. Mrs. L. A. L. A. Dudley to be Lady Superintendent. Dated Feb. 2nd} 1903.

Dated 1\1ay 27th, 1902.

No. V. D.i.strictBarnoldswick Nursing Division.

Oldham Corps. Equitable Division. First Officer B. Sellers resigns his appointment. Dated Dec. 31st, 1902. Sergeant H. Jackson to be First Officer, vice Sellers resigned. Dated Jan. 2nd, 1903.

Lady Sll\l('rintoll(lcnt 1\1iss Bowker resigns her appointment. Dated Sept. 10, 1002. l\Iiss E. Foster to 1)(' Lady Superintendent, vice Miss Bowker resigned. Datel1 Dec. 1 ~th, 1902.

Radcliffe Division.

Belper Division.

Hon. Surgeon F. R. B. Atkinson resigns his appointment. Dated Jan. 30th, 1903. Superintendent S. Lowe resigns his appointment. Dated Jan. 30th, 1903. G. Scarr, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Atkinson resigned. Dated Feb. 2nd, 1903. Private W. Entwistle to be Superintendent, vice Lowe resigned. Dated Feb. 2nd, 1903.

Superintcndent H.. A. Johnston resigns bis appointment. Dated Uct. ~3nl, 1902. \V. H. Moroton to be ~ llperint,e l1l1cnt} vice Johnston resigned. Dated J ov. 20th, 1902.

Read Division.

Brighouse Corps.

Sergeant J. A. Blundell to be First Officer.

Dated Oct. 5th, 1902.

Rishton Nursing Division. Lady Superintendent Miss Mawdsley, resIgns her appointment. Dated June 1st, 1902. Miss A. Lees to be Lady Superintendent, vice Miss Mawdsley resigned. Dated June 11 th, 1902.

Ulverston Nursing Division. Lady Superintendent Miss E. Satterthwaite resigns her appointment. Dated Nov. 6th, 1902. . Miss M. Gawith to be LadySuperintendent, vice Miss E. SatterthwaIte resign ed. Dated Nov. 10th, 1902.

Whitfield Division. A. J. Young, L.R.C.P., to be Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent. Dated Aug. 15th, 1902.

Whaley Bridge Division. Superintendent J. Shelmerdine resIgns his appointment. Dated Aug. 1st, 1902. First Officer W. J odrell to be Superintendent, vice Shelmerdine resigned. Dated Sept. 12th, 1902.

Bradford Corps. A Division. P. G. Lodge, F.RC .•. , to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Sept. 9th} 1902.

Hon. 'urgeon ~'. :B. Bond to bo lIon. Surgeon aml Superintendent. Datel1 June 14th, 190~.

Buxton Division.

J. Shelmerdine to he


Dated Aug. 26th, 1902.

Dewsbury and District Corps. Dewsbury Division. Superintemlent Uemmingway resigns his appointment. Dated Oct. 1st, 1902. U. D. GarreLt, M.R.C.S., to bo lIon. Surgeon an 1 Superintendent. Dated Oct. lst, 1902.

Batley Division. Tllird Oilicer W. Shaw to be

Ossett Division.


econd Officer.



Datel1 Dec. 5tb, 1902.


~'il'st Class f:)orgeant F. Smith Lo be li ourtll Officer. Dated 30th, 190.:.t.

Digby Colliery Division.

11 on. Burgeon D. M. Tny lor resigns his appointmcnt. Dated June 27th, 1902. C.R NOI'Lhwood, L. '.A., to be nOll. Surgeon. DaLed Sept. 22nd, 1902.



Halmarend and District Division. F. O. Olifford, l\I.B., to be Hon. Surgeon.

DFited Nov. 3r(1, 1902.

Heanor Corps.

Ottley Division. \V. R. Bennett, L.E.O.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Nov. 7th, 1902. J. H. Snowball to be First Officer. Dated Nov. 7th, 1902.

Second Officer .T. Wood to be First Officer, vice J. Holmes resigned. Dated May 15th, 1902.

Sheffield Corps.

Huddersfield Corps.


Superintendent Ross resigns his appointment.

Dated Sept. 7th,

Ohief Superintendent Demetriadi resIgns his appointment. Dated Oct. 31st, 1901. J. Oheetham to be Ohief Superintendent, vice Demetriadi resigned. Datfld Nov. 15th, 1901.

Second Officer VV. B. V. Brittain to be Superintendent vice Ross resigned. Dated Sept. 16th, 1902. ' First Olass Sergeant H. Lamb to be Third Officer. Dated Sept. 16th 1902. '

Keighley Corps. B Division.

Shipley Corps.

H. S. Dobie, L.R.O.P, to be Hon. Surgeon, VIce Gabriel resigned. Dated Aug. H1th, 1902.

C Division.

Superintendent Toothill resigns his appointment. Da ted Dec. 7th,1902. Oorporal F. Hudson to be Superintendent, vice Toothill resigned. Dated Jan. 8th, 1903.

Leeds Corps.

Second Officer A. Edrlison to be Superintendent Secretary, VIce Armitage who resigns that appointment. Dated Oct. 1st, 1902.

Sutton-in-Ashfield Division. R Nesbitt, L.R.O.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Jun e 20th, 1901. A. H. Bonser to be Superintendent. Dated June 20th, 1901. Sergeant A. E. \Vingrove to be First Officer, vice O. Reeves resigned. Dated June 19th, 1902.

Worksop Division.

B Division. Silperintendent Goluwin resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. 3rd, 1902. Hon. Surgeon A. Ellison to be Hon. Surgeon and Snperintendent. Dated Sept. 3rd, 1903.

C Division. Second Officer \Vharton resigns bis appointment. Dated Aug. 27th, 1902. Hon. Surgeon vV. Carnes to be Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent. Dated Aug. 27th, 1902.

D Division. D. Sims, M.RO.S., to be H on . Surgeon and Superintendent. Dated Oct. 1st, 1902 . J. O. Neil, L.RO.P., to he Hon. Surgeon. Dated Oct. 15th, 1902.

G Division. vV. H. Halliday, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Oct. 7th, 1902.

New Farnley Nursing Division. Lady Superintendent Miss A. Wadsworth resigns her appointment. Dated Oct. 31'd , 1902 .

North Lindsey Iron District Division.

Sergeant H. ~ . McIntosh to be First Officer.

Dated Jan. 39th, 1903.

North Staffordshire Corps. Newcastle Division. Private O. Eardley to be First Officer.

11. Smith, L.RO.P., to be Hon. Surgeon, VIce Graham resigned. Dated Aug. 22nd, 1902. >'ec.ond Officer J. T. Green to be First Officer. Dated June 19th, 1902 Tlllrd Officer J. H. Potter to be Second Officer, vice Green promoted. Dated 19th Jun e, 1902.

Second Officer reatorex resigns his appointment, and is placed on the Reserve List of the Division. D ated Dec. 11 th, 1902. Oorporal E. G. Allen to be Second Officer, vice Greatorex resigned . Dated Jan. 1st, 1903.

No. VI. DistrictHOIl. 'urgeon J. H. Crease, F.R.C.S., to be District Ohief Surgeon. D ated Sept. 29th, 1902. Surgeon Major F. W. Gibbon, V.D., to be District Chief Superintendent. Dated Sept. 26th, 1902.

Gateshead Fell Division. Private C. J. Young to be Superintendent, vice Harrison deceased. Dated J llne 11 tIl, 1902.

Hull Corps. H on. Surgeon A. H. Johnston to be Chief Surgeon, vice Waters resigned. D ated May 4th, 1902. Superintendent Secretary Morrison resigns his appointment. Dated April 30th, 1902. Superintendent A. H. Hawke to be Superintendent Secretary, vice Morrison resigned. Dated May 4th, 1902.

Central Division. Sergeant F. H. Vaughan to be First Officer.

Dated Dec. 4t.h, 1902.

Dated Sept. 17th, 1902.


Central Nursing Division.

First Nursing Officer Mrs. Hare resigns her appointment. Dated Aug. 30th, 1902. Second Nursing Officer Mrs. R. Krause to be First Nursing Officer, vice 1\11's. Hare resigned. Dated Sept. 16th, 1902. Mrs. C. Wheatley to be Second Nursing Officer, vice Mrs. Krause promoted. Dated Sept. 16th, 1902. Third Nursing Officer Mrs. H. Holmes resigns her appointment. Dated Aug. 30th, 1902. Mrs. A. Johnson to be Third Nursing Officer, vice Mrs. Holmes resigned. Dated Sept. 16th, 1902. Miss E. Hardy to be Fourth Nursing Officer. Dated Sept. 16th, 1902.

Eastern Nursing Division.

Lady Superintendent Mrs. Morrison resigns h~r appointment. Dated May 30th, 1902. Miss A. Hargraves to be Lady Superintendent, vice Mrs. Morrison resigned. Dated June 16th, 1902.

Western Division.

D. R. Moil', M,B., to be Ron. Surgeon, vice Johnston promoted. Dated Sept. 17th, 1902. Sergeant C. Carter to be First Officer. Dated Sept. 17th, 1902.

Malton Division.

H. M. Holt, M.R.C.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated May 27th, 1902. A. M. Briglin to be Superintendent. Dated May 27th, 1902. Private R. Pattison to be First Officer. Dated Nov. 28th, 1902. Superintendent A. M. Briglin resigns his appointment. Dated Nov. 28th, 1902.

Newcastle-on-Tyne Division.

W. D. Arnison, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Sept. 29th, 1902. H. H. Gourley, M.D., to be Superintendent. Dated Sept. 29th, 1902.

The formation of the following Oorps and Divisions has been sanctioned since April, 1902.

No. 3 District. Talke Division, May lIth, 1902. Smethwick Fire Bri[!ade Divisiun May 11th, 1 GO:2. Dam \VellDi vision (Leicester Corps), M~y 28th 1902: Fiul'(lon TUl'sin rr Division (Wellingborough Corps), June 19th: 1902. \\~jg ton I\lidland Hailway Division (Leicpster Corps), July 18th, 1902. Du.rton Latimer N ursin 6 Division (Kettering Corps), Aug. 8th, 1902. Fncnds Institute (Morley Road) Division (Birmingham Corps), Aug. 28th, 190:2. Handsworth and Smethwick Corps becomes Handsworth Division, ~cpt. :38th, 19~2. ~1~r:tz (Smethwick) Division, Sept. 17th, 1902. N ettleford N ursll1g DlvisIOn, Oct. 24th, 1902. ManninO'tree Division, Dt~c. 31'd, IG02. H,ngby Division, Dec. 12th, 1902. Jackfielcl N nr ing Di vision (Iron bridge Corps), Dec. 15th, 1902. Pytchley Di vision (Kett rillg Corps), ,Jan. 8th, 1903. No. 4 District. French wood Division (Preston Corps), J ov. 23rd, 1901. \Vhitfield Divi ion, July 28th, 1902. Orompton I ursing Division, Aug. 15th, 190:2. Bl'cdbut'y and Romiley Division, Aug. 19th, 1902. Liverpool N ut'sing Division, Aug. 19th, 1902. The 1\1anchester and Salford Di vision to be the Manchester an(l Salford Corps, Nov. 11 th, 190:2. SalCorcl Division (l\Ianchester and Salford Corp::;), Dec. 30th, 1902. Holmwoou P.S. A. Divisioll, June 1st, 1901. \Vestwood Division (OIllham Corps), June 1 t, 1901. Industrial Division (Oldham Corp~), Jan. 1st, 1901. Hulme Division (Manchester Corps), Jan. 19th, 1903. \Vinsford Nursing Divi ion, Jan. 26th, 1903. l\:Ianchester Post Office Division is dissolved, J ov. 11 th, 1902, and the members are transferred to the 1anchester and Salford Corps.

No. 5 District. Castleford and District Division, Jnne 16th, 1902. Leells City Tramways (H) Division (Lpec1s Corps), July 1st, 19D2. Brighouse Corps, June 14th, 190:2. Halmerend and District Division, Oct. lOth, 1902. Elland Division , Nov. 12th, 190:2. EIland Nursing Division, Dec. 2·1tb, 1902. Silsden (D) Division (Keighley Corps), Dec. 27th, 1902.

No 6 District. Malton Division, May 4th, Sept. 13th, 1902.


N ev ctstle-on-Tyne Division,

No. 1 District. Royal Arsena1, Woolwich Division, Nov. 12 th, 1902.

No.2 District.

City of Bristol Division, to be Bristol Corps, April 4th, 1901. St. I ves Division, May 28th, 1902. Abercarn Division, J un~ }- ~ th, 1902. Ware Division, June 28th, 1902. Bournemouth DIVIS!On, Aug. 5th, 1902. Hastings Division, Aug. 19th, 1902. Has.tI.ngs Nursing Division, Aug. 29th, 190~. Lymington Nursing DiVISIon, Aug. 29th, 1902. Radstock Division, Sept. 3rd, 1902. Chatham. and District Division, Oct. 18th, 1902.

Ohief 00171mis ione?·.







E. O. Octobe~'J


Appointments , Promotions, Transfers, & Resignations. H.R.H. The Grand rior, ha.' anetioned Lhe following appointment promotion ,tnd resiO'nation :J\1ajor lilburn 1'e igns his appointment as Deputy Commissioner, No. VI. D istrict. Date(l August 'tb, 1903. f urgeon·J\Injor F. Gibbon, V.D., (District Chief Supt.) is appointed As, i tant ommissioner in charge, vice Major l\lilburn, resian d. Dated August tb, 1903 . Capt. 'co. Barclay, Dunedin Engineer Volunteers, is appointed Acting Assi tant 'ommi sioner for Jew Zealand. Dated August 8th, 1903.


The Council and lhapter, with the appro\al of H.n.H. The Grand Prior, haye sanctioned the award of lhe 'ervice Medal to the following Officers and men of Lhe Brigade :_ Deputy Commisioner Brigade 'urgeon L ieut.·Col. G.

M.I .C.S.

. Elliston, Y .D.,

'upernllmerary 'llpel'intenclent of Stor s A. J. Trimmer. District Chief 'l1l'geon ,Yo E. Auclland, l\1.R.C.. D i. tl'ict J 'upt. Tl'ea Ul'er F. E. de B. Pim) L .h.C.P. District 'upt. Treasurer ,Yo II . ,Vinny. Chief 'upt. ,V. Hughes. Private G. Phi]] poLt. Private J. Bratt. >

The Chier Oommissioner has approved of the following Appointments, Promotion, Transfers and Resign::ttion :_

No. 1. DistrictS uperi n Lemlen t A. J. Trimmer, name removed having left the country.

Norwood Division.

(No. 23).

H on. I::) nrgeoll F. U. wayne is appointed Hon. S urgeon and S uperintende nt. Da.toll l\larch %b, 1903.

Hampstead Division. C. J. 1903.


(No. 20).

Mac fadden, M .D., to be lI on.

Hospital Saturday Fund Division. J. F orbes, M.A., NLB., to be 1,200, O. & S.l 1. 03.

Il Oll .


D ated lay 25th,

(No. 22). nrgeon. Dated l\lay 25th, 1903.



A Division.

(~o. 5). . First Officer W. Sharman r esIgns hIS appomtment. 20th, 1903.

Children's Home Division.

D ated July


Belgravia Nursing Division. (No.9) ..

L ady A. G. Kennett-Barrington to be FIrst ~ursmg Officer, vice Mrs. B. Taylor resigned. Dated June 23rd , 1903.

East Hanl Division.

(No. 15).

E. K. Houchin, L.R.C.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. 1903.

Dated July 24th,

East Ham Division, Ilford Section. (No. 15).

Second Officer \V. H.. Magnus transferred fr om Ley ton .and Ley tonstone Division, to be First Officer-in-charge, Ilford SectIOn. Dated August 1st, 1903.

Walthamstow Division.

(No. 29).



B Division. Private F. J. Colbourne, B.A., to be First Officer. Dated April 20th, 1903. Private J. 1. Fronde to be First Officer. Dated Sept. 23rd, 1903.

Doddington Division. Acting I 'tlperintendent T. Potts to be Snperintendent. Dated Aug. 17th, 190:3. Actin eY First Officer H. C. Norrington to be First Officer. Dated Aug. 17th, 1903.

Dowlais Division. 'uperintenclent C. Price resigns his appointment.

Superintendent ' V. H. ' Velch resIgns his appointment. Sept. 7th, 1903.


East London Division, Canonbury Se~tion .. (No. 30. )

, V. E. A. ' Vorley, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.) IS appomted Hon. Surgeon.

D ated April 4th, 1903.

Barnet Division.

~~rst Officer F. Morrish to be Superintendent. Dated Feb. 26th,1903. Blrst Class Sergeant 11,. Parker to be First Officer. Dated

(No. 42).

Dr. T. Thyne, F.R.C.S., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Sept. 15th, 1903. Dr. ' V. Thyne, M.D., to be Han. Surgeon. Dated Sept. 15th, 1903.

No. II. District. Alverstoke Division.

F. C. H . .l\1uggleton, M.D. to be Hon. Surgeon, VIce Priestley, deceased. Dated July 14th, 1903.

Ashford Town Division.


W. T. H. Coke, M.R.C.S., to be Han. Surgeon, vice C. M. AtklllSOD, resigned. Dated July 31st, 1903.

Bexhill Division.





Dated Oct. 1!)02.

Greenstreet Division. Private G. O. Peatfield to be First Officer. Dated Aug. 11th, 1903. lIon. Surgeon McCarthy resigns his appointment. Dated Au eY • 30th b , 1902. B. L. Lawrence, M.R.C .. , to be Hon. Surgeon, vice McCarthy resigned. Dated ept. 22nd, 1903 ,

Hastings Division. Acting, 'Llperintenclent '.\!. E. Ginner, Junr., to be uperintendent. Dat d July :2 th) 1903. F. n. Lewis, L.R.C.P., to be (Jon. Surgeon. Dated Oct. 9th, 1903.

Isle of White Corps. Ryde, St. John s Division. L. L. Pleston, l\I.B., to b Hon. urgeon. Dated Aug. 1st, 1903. Actil1g npel'intendent ,Yo Stockham to be uperintendent. Dated Aug. 1st, 1903.

Shanklin Division. Acting 'llpel'intendent U. II. 'nook to be Superintendent. Oct. 19th, 1903.

H an. Surgeon Lieut.-Col. Wallis, R.A.M.C., resIgns hIS appomtmen. Dated March 20th, 1903. d C. R. Skyrne, M.R.C.S., to be Han. Surgeon, vice 'Vallis resigne . Dated March 30th, 1903.

Superilltendent .R. P. Dowling reSIgns his appointment. Feb. 6th, 1903.

Chatham and District Division.

Newton Abbot Division.

3 Private D. B. Scott to be Superintendent. Dated August 11th, 190 .

City of Bristol Corps.



Fifth Officer R. C. Tuckett to be Supermtendent of Stores. ae March lOth , 1903. T Dated Tllird Officer H. Lambert to be Superintendent reasurer. Feb. 26th, 1903. Dated Private W. H. Reed to be Superintendent Secretary. Feb. 26th, 1903. '1 20th 1903 J. S. lather, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Apn ! •


Mountain Ash Division.

F. \\T. S. Stone, 27th, 1903.

M.R.e.S., to be lIon. Surgeon.


Dated Feb.

Ramsgate Corps. Acting Superintendent Secretary and Hon. Surgeon Cotton reSIgns his appointment. Dat d March 20th, 1903.

Railway Division. Surgeon and Superintendent C. ,V. Scott resigns his appointlUent as lIon. Surgeon. Dated April 2nd, 1903. 11011.



G. Oross, M.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Scott, who resigns that appointment. Dated April 20th, 1903.

Chief Superintendent J. W. 'White reSIgns his appointment on promotion. Dated Sept. 1st, 1£)03 :::)uperintendcnt Secretary Haspass to be Ohief Superintendent, vice White promoted. Dated Sept. 1st) 1903.

Town Division.

Hon. Surgeon Ootton to be Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent. Dated l\larch 26th, 1903.

Kettering Corps. l! init Olficer H. Luck to be March 31st, 1903.

Ramsgate Nursing Division.

B. A. Nicol, M.RO.S., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Cotton transferred. Dated April 20th, 1903.

Reading Division.

Hon. :::;urgeon Holden resigns his appointment. ~ated Apnl1st,.1903. Dated Oct. 9th, 1902.



Lady Superintendent Miss A. H. Brown reSIgns her appomtment. Dated Feb. 21st, 1903. . Lady Inspector of Stores Miss A. Pitk.in is appointed ~ ursmg Officer in charge, vice Miss A. Brown resIgned. Dated AprIl 27th, 1903.

Woking Division.

Superintendent R Phayre resigns his appointment. 18th, 1903.

Dated June

No. III. DistrictActing District Superintendent Secretary F. A. Brooks to be District Ohief Superintendent. Dated Sept. 1st, 1903. .' . Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent E. Oureton to be DIStrIct Supelintendent of Stores. Dated Sept. 1st, 1903. . Chief Superintendent J. W. White to be District SuperIntendeut Treasurer. Dated Sept. 1st, 1903.

Birmingham Corps.

Superintendent Secretary J. R. Stamp resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. lOth, 1903.

G.W.R. Division, Snow Hill.

Private O. H. Overbury to be First Officer.



Midland Railway Division, Lawley Street. . Private F. Chaloner to be First Officer.

Dated AprIl 9tb, 1£)03.

Felixstowe Division.



Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent F. A. Brooks reSIgns hIS app ment on promotion. Dated Sept. 1st, 1903.

Hallaton Division.

First Officer Shaw resigns his appointment.

Ironbridge Corps.


First Otlicer U. L. ,Yatkins to be Superintendent. 1903.

Dated Oct. 9th,

Midland Railway Loco. Division. Ron. f 'UJ goon T. P. Shearer is transferred from the \Vorking Men's College Division. atecl Oct. 9th, 1903.

Barwell Division. W. T. C1ick, M.l-t.C.S., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Hon. Surgeon Dated Oct. 9th, 1903. Gall'ett, transfened to Earl helton Division. Actin" ,First Officer A. E. Higdon, to be First Officer. Dated Oct. 9th, 1903.

Earl Shelton Division.

~nr~eoll Garrett is transferred from Banvell Di vision. Dated Oct. 9th, 1903. Seigt.. A. T. Peacock to be First Officer. Daten Oct. 9th, 1903. 11011.

Narborough Division. Sergt. II. J ohDson to be Superintendent.

Dated Oct. 9th, 1903.

Town Division. First Class Sergt. W. J. lacnamara to be Superintendeut. Oct. 9th, 1903


J. S. Sloane, F.H..O.S., to be HOD. Surgeon, vice Shearer, transferred to l\Iiclland Railway Loco. Division. Dated Oct. 9th, 1903. Fourth Officer J. F. Timsoll to be First Officer, vice Ohapman resigned. Dated Oct. 19th, 1903. Sergt. ,V. Martill to be Second Officer, vice Tay lor resigned. Dated Oct. 19th, 1903.

Wigston (Midland Railway). 3

Dated Mar. 23rd, 190 .

Cbief Surgeon Webb resigns bis appointment. 1903.

L. & N. W.R. Division.

Working Men's College Division.

1 1903

Dated Apnl 9t 1,


:::)upeJ'illtellc1ent SecretalY F. Turner resigns his appointment. Dated Sept. 1ath, lUG3. Private Dobson to be Buperintendent Secretary, vice Turner resigned. Dated Oct. 17th) 1903.

,lIf. J. Forster, F.RO.S., to be Hon. Surgeon, Vice Holden reslgned.

Watford Nursing Division.

'up erilltenclent of Stores.

Leicester Corps.


Dated April 24th, 1903. OorporalO. H. Johnson to be Second Officer.


8b Dated July 1 t 1

Second Officer ,V. Brcac1more to be First Officer, vice J. Toome resigned. Dated Oct. 9th, 1903.

Northampton Corps. Head-quarters Nursing Division. Second Nursing Officer Miss M. Ellard resigns her appointment. Dated Feb. 1st, 1903.



. E M b to be Second N lousing Officer, vice Second M1.ss L'ffi Dated Feb. 20th, 1903. NursIng 0 cer'. M~w ISS 1\{. Ellard resianed. b

Olney Division. . First Officer Eady re~igns his appoIntment.



d 1\1

1 ')3 1 1903 an; 1.;J re, .

Rugby <?nt·en dent VV.J, Parsons to be Superintendent. Dated ActIngDSivisi. UpeIIn May 30th, 1903.

Shrewsbury Division.


Oorpora1 A . H . K . Southam to be FIrst Officer.

DIM atec


h 31 t S


19H 03.on. S urgeon and Superintendent Oureton resigns his appointment on promotion. Dated Sept. 1st, 1903. and Superintendent, vice J Lytle, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon ~ Our~ton promoted. Dated Sept. 1st, 1903.

Shrewsbury Nursing' Division. t d O. E. Salt, TvI. R, to be Hon. Surgeon, VIce Oureton promo e . Dated Oct. 9th, 1903.

Smethwick Corps. Nettlefolds Division.. First Officer

"V. Hall to

No. IV. District-

be Snpenntendent.


31 t 1903 s, .

. . .


3. Dated 1\larch 2nd, 19°0 O f f i ' S l'ntendent arr Sergeant A. -Wildman to be First cer, Vice uper resigned. Dated March 2nd, 1903. .


00 {,


Adlington and Heath Charnoc.k Div.ision.

Superintendent J. Bailey resigns hIS appoIntment.

Dated April 30th

1903. F. J. A. Mayes) M.R.O.S., to be H on. S urgeon. Dated May 23rd, 1903. . J Bailey First Officer W. Blackburn to be Superintendent, VIce . resigned. Dated May 23rd, 1903.

Bacup Division.


Superintendent Downing resigns hIS appoIntment.

Dated May 30th, .

1903 . 1 t .ce DownlDg Fi~st Officer W. G. Lambert to be Supermtene en , VI resigned. Dated June 16th, 1903. D t d S t ')4tb 1903. J. P. Brown, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. a e f ep ." ,

Bury Division.


Sergeant G. E. Jones to be First Officer, VICe March 15th, 1903.

Bolton Corps. Moses Gate Divison. A. Hodge, M.R.0. S. , t 0 b e Hon. Surbaeon.

O' 1 signed Dated rr e re .

J 8tb 1903. Dated une ,

Clitheroe NurSing Division. Lady Superintendent 1\1iss A. Humble resigns her appointment. Dated f ept. 2nd, 1903. Miss E. Taylor to be Lady Superintendent, vice Miss A. Humble resigned. Dated Sept. 17th, 1903.

Colne Division. First Officer caife bas reverted by own request to rank of Private. Dated May 6th, 1903.

Crompton NurSing Division. First Nursing Officer Miss 1\1. E. 'Vhipp reSIgns her appointment. Dated April 30th, 1903. Miss S. Dewhurst to be First Nursing Officer, vice Miss M. E. Whipp resigned. Datell May 21st, 1903.

Foulridge Division. Supellntendent H. 'Vildman reSIgns his appointment. Dated May 5th, 1903. Private J. H. Hargreaves to be Second Officer in charge, VIce Superintendent H. ,\Vildman resigned. Dated May 23rd, 1903.

Hindley Division. T. 1\1. Angier, l.R.C.S" to be Hon. urgeon. Dated August 8th, 1903. G. J. BouchieI' to be Superintendent. Dated August tb, 1003. J. E. Hodkinsoll, to be .First Officer and Hon. ec. Dated August 8th, 1903.

Kendal Division. First Olass Sergeant O. "V. Heslop to be First Officer. Dated larch 20th, 1903.

Liverpool Nursing Division. H. 1\1. Henderson, lYl.B., to be lIon. Surgeon. 1903.

Dated Sept. 24th,

Manchester and Salford Corps. Ardwich Division.

"V. Stewart, M.D., to be Hon. Snrgeon. Dated August 5th, 1903. O. Radcliffe to be Superintendent. Dated August 5th, 1903. Salford Division. J. Miller, M.R.O.S., to be lIon. Surgeon. Dated April 2nd, 1903. First Officer H. O. Done to be Superintemlent. Dated Apr. 2nd, 1903.

lYIillom Ironworks Division. Superintendent ,\V. G. Marshall resigns his appointment. May 30th, 1903.

lYIorecambe Division. Superintendent II. Hargreaves reSIgns his appointment.


Dated May 30th, 1903. Hon. Surgeon H. F. Oldham to be Superintendent, vice H. Hargreaves resigned. Dated June 30th, 1903.



Tottington Division.

Preston Corps. Preston Nursing Division. Nursing Sister Miss C. Fitchie to be First Officer, vice Miss Eva Parker resigned. Dated March 6th, 1 ~03. ursing Sister l\liss H. S. H. Sowerbutts to be Second Nursing Officer, vice Mrs. A. Ranson resigned. Dated March 6th, 1903. Nursing Sister Miss A. B. Brown to be Third Nursing Officer, vice Mrs. A. Gordon resigned. Dated l\1arch 6th, 1903.

Rawtenstall Central Division.

Superintendent 'vV. Rae resigns his appointment. Dated May 30th, 1903. Sergeant T. H. Yardley to be Superintendent) vice 'V. Rae resigned. Dated June 18th, 1903. ,V. S. Wrigley, l\1.B., to be Hon. Surgeon, vice Davidson, resigned. Dated Oct. 9th) 1903

Rishton Division. Superintendent T. Greig resigns his appointment. Dated Feb. 20th, 1903. Sergeant M. Dickinson to be Superintendent, vice Greig resigned. Dated March 20th, 1903.

Rochdale Corps.

Ohief Superintendent I.. Barry resigns his appointment. Dated July 20th, 1903. Ohief Surgeon R. B. Sellers to be Ohief Surgeon and Ohief Superintendent, vice L. Barry resigned. Dated August 1st, 1903. H. Harris, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated August 1st, 1903. O. R. White, L.R.C.P., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Dated Oct.17th, 1903

Castleton Nursing Division. A. Lomas, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated August 31st, 1903. Mrs. E. A. Tweedale to be Lady Superintendent. Dated August 31st, 1903. Miss L. Hill to be First Nursing Officer. Dated Sept. 1st, 1903. S. T. Lord, M.R.O.S., to be Hon. Surgoon. Dated Oct. 26th, 1903

Whitworth Nursing Division. Dated Sept. 1st, 1903.

Southport Division.

Superintendent VV. Wycherley resigns his appointment. Dated April 30th, 1903. Private J. Illingworth to be Superintendent, vice W. Wycherley resigned. Dated May 13th, 1903.

Todmorden Division.

Trawden Division. G. Skeen, M.R.C .. , to be lIon. Surgeon. Dated August 6th, 1903. \V. II. \Valton to be First Officer. Dated August 6tb, 1903.

Trawden Nursing Division.

G. Ske Il, ~l.H.C.~ '., to be Honorary Suraeon. Dated August 6th, 1903. b l\1iss C. Green to bo First.r ursing Officer. Dated August 6th, 1903

Whaley Bridge Division. 'ergeanL 1'). BaCTshaw to be 'uperintendent, vice 'V. J odrell resigned. Dateu Augll. t Lh, 1903.

Whitefield Division. l::;uperinLelltlont A. J. oung resigns his appointment. Dated April 30th, 1903. ~ergeant ,"\T. J. 'ronley to be Superintendent, VIce A. J. Young resIgned. Dated lay 25th, 1903.

No. V. DistrictP. Ratcliff, late Superintendent Tibshelf Corps Superintendent Secretary.

to be District

Dated August 24th, 1903.

Bradford Corps.

Castleton Division.

P. Baillie, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon.

Lady Superintendent Rooney resIgns her appointment. Dated Mal ch 30th, 1903. • Tl1l's.ing ) 'ister l\1i~s 1. Peers to be First Nursing Officer in charge, VIce MISS hooney resIgned. Dated April 9th, ] 903.

J. L. Russell, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated August 29th, 1903. H. Thorp, M.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated August 29th, 1903. E. Aitken to be Superintendent. Dated August 29th, 1903.

Hon. Surgeon P. G. Lodge to be lIon. Surgeon and uperintendent. Dated June l~tb, 1903. Sergeant 'V. Starkie to be First Officer. Dated June 1 ~th, 1903. Oorporal A. 'Vebster to be Second Officer. Dated June 12th, 1903.

Brighouse Corps.

HOIl. ~ 'urgeon and Superintendent F. F. Bond to be Ohief Surgeon and Ohi f Superintendent. Dated lay 23rd, 1903.

Brighouse Division. F. W. Amison, l\1.B., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Feb. IGth, 1903. H. L. Thornton to be Fir t Officer. Dated Feb. 16th, 1903. Davies to be Second Officer. Dated Feb. 16th, 1903. P: Fil'st Officel H. L. Thol'l1ton to be Superintendent, vice uperintendent F. F. Bond, promoted Ohief Superintendent. Dated April 6th, 1903. Second Officer P. M. Davies to be First Officer, vice H. L. Thornton promoted. Dated June 4th, 1903.


Brighouse NurSing Division. B. E. Ed wards, M.B., to be lion. :Surgeon. Date(l April 22nd, 1903. Mrs. M. 1::;. Hurst to be Lady Superintendent. Dated April 22nd 190~. '



" A' Di vision.

Buxton Division.

J. E. Horbul'll, L.RC.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. ] 903.

Dated June 23rd,

Dewsbury and District Corps. Morley Division. First Class Sergeant J. D. Pearson to be Second Officer. March 20th, 1903.


Dated May 26th, 1903.

Birstall Division. R Forsyth, M.D., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated July lOth, 1903. T. D. Overing to be Third Officer in charge. Dated July lOth, 1903.

Dated Oct. 22nd, 1903

F. H. Squire, l\I.R.O.. , to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated Feb. 16th, 1U03. Serg ant T. Oooley to be Fourth Officer. Dated Feb. 16th, 1903. Sergeant E. E. Dalton to be Fourth Officer, vice Cooley, promoted.

" F " Division. Sergeant R Routledge to be Fourth Officer.

Dewsbury Division. Dated June 2nd, 1903.

Heckmondwike and Liversedge Division. Fourth Officer Grainger resigns his appointment. Dated April 30th, 1903. Sergeant G. \V. Halmshaw to be Fourth Officer, vice Grainger resigned. Dated May ~6th, 1903.

Huddersfield Corps. F. H. Knaggs, M.RC.S., to be Chief Surgeon. Dated May 28th, 1903. Private J. H. T. Jowett to be uperintendellt Secretary. Dated May 28Lh, 1903. Private H. Roper to be Superintendent Treasurer. Dated May 28th, 1903. Private R. Saunderson to be uperintendpnt of Stores. Dated May 28th, 1903.

Longwood Division. C. J. Holderness, M.R.e,S' 1 to be lIon. Surgeon. Dated May 28th, 1903. Superintendent G. W. Garside is transferred from Outlane Division. Dated June 9th, 1903. Private W. Beaumont to be First Officer. Dated June 9th, 1903.

Central Nursing Division.

D. Turner, M.B., to be Hon. ~urgeon. Dated May 28th, 1903. Nursing Sister Miss A. Hardy to be Lady ::)uperintendent. Dated May 28th, 1903 . Nursing Sister Miss A. Heaton to be First Nursing Officer. Dated 1a.y 28th, 1903. Nursing Sister Miss G. Dyson to be Second Nursing Officer. Dated May 28th l 1903.

Leeds Corps.

"B" Division.

Sercreant ~ . Mortimer to be Fourth Officer.

" E " Division.

Ossett Division. Fourt;h Officer F. Swith to be Second Officer.

Sergeant H. Fowler to be Second Officer.

econd Officer J. McCulln.gh to be Superintendent. Dated Sept. 30th, 1903. Sergeant H. Myers to be Fourth Officer, vice Oooley promoted. Dated Oct. 9th . 1903.

Fourth Officer T. Cooley, to be Superintendent of Stores, vice Hainsworth, resigned. Dated Oct. 9th, 1903. . Chief Sergeant G. A. Fox to be Superintendent Treasurer, VIce 0 t Superintendent Armitage, who resigns that appointment. Dated c. 9th, 1903,

Dated July lOth, 1903.

" G" Division. Fou Ith Oflicer S. Pyrah to be First Officer.

Dated Oct. 9th, 1903.

" H " Division. Sergeant J. Kaye to be Fourth Officer.

Dated Od. 9th, 1903.

New Lupton Division.

\V. DUllcan, 1.B., to be Hon. ~ urgeon.

Dated Aug. 5th, 1903.

North Staffordshire Corps. Tunstall Divisjon. G. H. \Yilliams, L.P.O.P., to be Hon. Surgeon. Dated June 8tb, 1903.

Sheffield Corps.

::)npcrintendent A. 1. B. Pennock to be Superintendent of Stores, vice Jackson deceased. Dated Oct. 22nd, 1903.

Shipley Corps. T. J. Bonner, :\I.B., to be lIon. Lllgeon. Dated July 7th, 1903. T. Johnstone. 1\1. B., to be lIon. urgeon to Yeadon ection. Dated July lOth, 1903.

Shipley Nursing Division.

Mrs. E. O. Eames to be Lady Superintendent. 1903.

Dated June 2nd,

Talke Division. J. St.eele, 1\1.1)., to be Hon. S urgeon. D ated July 21st, 1903. First Officer J. B. Orimes to be Superintendent. Dated July 21st, 1903.

No. VI. District. South Shields Police Division. \V. • cott to be Oct. 9th, 1903.

nperintendent, VIce l\IorClont resigned.


South Shields Nursing Division. H. Go udie, M.B., to be ll on. SUl'geon, VIce Hon . •'urgeon Orease prom oted. Dated April 25th, 1903.


South Shields Volunteer Life Brigade Division. J . 1{. Crease, J uor., L.R. C.P., to be Bon. Surgeon. Dated Oct. 16th, 1903. J. D. Buckland to be First Officer. Dated Oct. 16th, 1903.

Hull Corps. Eastern Division.

Hon. Surgeon Devine resIgns his appointment. Dated Sept. 21st, 1903. H. A. Tillman, M.D., to be Hon. urgeoll, vice Devine resigned. Dated ept. ~ 1st, 1903.


Hull and Barnsley Railway Division. D. R. Moil', l\l.B., to bf' Hon. Surgeon.


ept. 21st, 1903.

The formation of the fOllO'l.ci11g 001'P und Divi ' ions has been sanctioned since 11IUl'ch, 1903.


No. 1 District.

Doulton Di vision (l\" o. 24), t. Andrew's Section, l\Ietropolitan Corps. April 30th, 1903. East London Division (No. 30), Canonbury ectiol1, l\Ietropolitan Corps. March 17th, 1903. East Ham Divisioll) (No . 15), Ilford 'ection, l\letropolitan Corps. July 20th, 1903. Barnet Division (Ko. 42), Metropolitan Corps. August:2 tb,1903.



No. 2 District.

TJymington Diyision. July 16th, lu03. Sandown Division, Isle of "\Yight Corp~. Oct. 2Jth, 1903. Sittingbourne Division. Sept. 9th, 1003.


No. 3 District.

Kynoch's Division, Birmingham Corps . April 27th, 1903. Midland Railway Loco. Dept. Divisiol1, Leicester Corps. Oct.10th,1903.

No. 4 District. Littleborough Division. .May 21st, 1903. Hindley Division. July 13th, 1903. Ard wich Di vision, Manchester and Salford Corps. July 31st, 1903. Castleton Nursing Divisioll, Rochdale Corps. August 6th, 1£)03. "\Yhitworth :Nursing Divisioll, l~ocbdale Corps August 19th, 1903. T odmorden Division. July 27th, 1903. Trawdell Division . June 18th, 1903. Trawllen Nursing Division. June 1 th,1903. BootIe Division. Oct. 5th, 1903. Radcliffe Nursing Division. Oct. 5th, 1903.

St. lobn Bmbulance :fJ3rigahe FOR SERVICE IN SHIPS OF


No. 5 District.

Bradford Nursing Division. ~Iarch 30th, 1903. Eccleshill Division. l\Iay 30th, 1903. Birstall Division, Dewsbury and District Corps. July 14tb, 1903. Yeadon Section, SLipley an(l District Corps. July U -th, 1903. Shipley .t: ursing Division, f 'hipley and District Corps. June 6th, 1903 Great Northern Railway, (Lincoln) Division. Oct. 23rd, 1903. Earby N un,ing Division. Sept. 7th, 1903. New Lupton. Sept. 7th, 1003.

16t}£ August, 1903.


No. 6 District.

Hull and Barnsley Railway, Neptune Street Division, Hull Corps. June 30th, 1903. South Shields Volunteer Life Brigade Division. Oct. 16th, 1903.

The following Divisions have ceased to exist: Clarnico Division (No. 32), Metropolitan Corps. July 1t)th, 1903. Dunstable Division . Sept. 23rd, 1903. Etruria Division, North 8taiI Corps. Sept. 30th, 1903.


33, 3(1):8.03 .





l. It is not considered necessary here to urge the importance

MEMORANDUM The!"'e Suo'o-e. -·tion::, for the Formation and Contr()l 0<:> of Anlbulance Corps and DiYi~i(lns of the Bl'igclde for ser\Tice


shipl:) of the )Ie l'cc111tile )Ial'ille are

issued with my approyal and ~allctioll.

ell ief

COlJ1l1liS.'5in/! {'}',

Sf Jollil AJIluuhlllce IJJ iqllde.

Brigade Hend-Ijlull'ters, ,-'t, Juhn's Gate. 15th .dugust, 190:3.


of providing first aid assistance on ships of the mercantile marine, it being manifestly to the interest of both crew and passengers, and therefore of the owners, that there sbould always be at hrmd lllen who arc qnalified to attend promptly to accidents which) if neglected or nnskilfully treated in the first instance) ll1l y len.d to serious results) and who are also properly instructed in the difierent methods of Jlloving, embarking and disembarking sick and injured person '. The subject has alren.c1y Leen 'eriously considered by several Shipping Companies) cln.sses of instruction ha e occasionally been held on board ship) and in lllany crews there are to be found men who haye gained the First Aiel Certificate of the ~ t. John AmLuln.nce Assoeiation: up to the present time) however) there does not appeal' to have Leen any attempt to organize a first aid statr on board ship under the rules of the ~ t. J obn Ambulance Brigade, 2. It may readily be granted that it should be possible for ambulance men to maintain continuously a high standard of efticiency withou t the exercise of ou t ide supervision or periodical examination) but it is fonnd that independent organizations as a general rule are very apt to become slack in the matter of attendance at drills and practices) and it is often difficult for then1 to get rid of members who neglect to keep themselves efficient; at any rate there can be no doubt in the minds of those who have had any experience of the comparative efficiency and continuance of activity of ambulance bodies belonging to the Brigade and those that arc outside its control, that the

3 2

nc1vn.ntngos resulting from CO-opOl'l.1.Lion with Lhn.t ol'gnnizaLion nro vory mt1.1+ecl , ' ' ' , This pmnphlot IS ql0r~foro lSSUO(~ wILh Lho, obJocL of drawmg :1.ttentioll to Lho mn,lll fon.Lm·oH ol tho Engado sysLom nnd showing how tho exisLing reglliatio,ns llm)' bo adaptod. so as to bo npplicaLlo La alllbulanco bOlho' wlllcl~ ulny ?O 101'1nod for sorvico on bon.rc1 ships of Lho mOl:cl1,nLllo llU1.l'lllO. The proposals put ('orwnrd shoulc1not be considerod as hnrcl ~nd L~st reo'ulations but nro to bo lookod upon rn.Lhor as suggosLIOns for th~ consid~rnLioll of Shipping COJl)pm~i?s ' ,:ho l~Ul.y 'yish ~o encourago tho formation of bodios of qualIfied first mc10rs In LhOll' ships. 3. The St. John Ambubnco Brigndo is a branch of the Alnbuln.nco Dopl1.ltment of tho OruOl~ of St. J 11n of J or~lsn.lom, the other most important brn.nch of thn.t c1opn.rtlllont bomg tho St. John Ambulanco Associu,tion. The main objoct of the bttor, in nduiLion to tho mn.l~ufa~ture and supply to th~ 1?1l Lli~ of n.pprov~c1 a1nLl~bn~0 11.1ator~n.l) IS to regula to tho provlslOn o.f classos for ~nstru tIOn ~ll fi,rst a:c1, homo nursing and home hyo'~eno, to ~nstlLuto eXnlll1llt~tIOI~S III th?~e subjects by duly n.uthonzoc1mochcal mon, nnc1 to £u1'111sh cortlficates of competoncy to such porsons ns ~ln. vo unc1~l'()'o~lO Lhe courses of instruction and passod tho proscnboc1 oxmn IllnLlo,ns. The distingui 'hing featuro of tho St. J ohn AlHb~lln.nco Bngn.do is thn.t it is n. voluntnry organizntioll for rondorlng grn.Lmt?us first n.id to tho public in. n. systollln.tic n!n.llnol'~ ~ts 1ll0J1.1Lors bomg persons who hnvo obt~ll10cl th~ ~rst :11~1 cort,lhc~lO ot tho Association nncl whoso contmuecl oilJClOncy IS penOChC'l.lly t,o,·t~cl n.lld certified· in ac1di tion to this it nnelortn.kos tho Ol'gn,lll/mtlOll of such of its 1ll0lnbors n.s mn.y specia.lly voluntoor to nct a.s anxilin.rios to the public medical servicos in cn.so of nntionn.l Olllel'goncy, as for in8tn.nce by joining the Auxiliary Royn.l Nnvall ~i~k Berth Reserve or tho Bearer Compn.nies furl11shod by tho Bngn.c1o Lo tho Royal Anny Medicn.l Corps. 4. The reguln.tions of tho St. John Am bulanco BI'ign.c1o n.nda description of ~ts ol'gn.pizntion n.ro con.tninoc1 in Lho ." Uonorn.l Regulntions" of tho Bngn.do, n.nc1 n dotrl.llecl nccollnL of tho wn.y in which units of tho BI'ign.c1o nro formod n.ncl condnct t!lOU' work is givon in n. pmnphlot ontiLlccl "Exp1n.natory In8trncLlOllS for forming Ambulanco n.nc1 Nursing Divisions," copios of Loth of which aro i5sued ireo of chn.rgo. , It should be stateu horo that lllOlll borship of tho Bngaue

involvos no ?ubscl'iption or conLribuLion Lo, IIon.c1-qnn.rtol's, n.nd Llw,t bln.nk lOl'lllR of tho l' w HoLllrllS )'oqml'oel Lo UO rondol'oc1 from timo Lo timo n.ro iill'uishoel graLis. Informn.Lion l'orfu,l'cling tho oxponsos connoctocl with tho out:1.ining of' corLifi cn,tos bin {irsL u,icl cu,n Lo obtainod ns diroctod Lolow in pn.l'agl'nph 8. 5, Tho rogn1n.tions or tho Hl'ign.clo hn.vo boon frn.mo(l for tho guichnco m~cl con.Ll'ol,or it~ 1l1011ib !'s 011 bnel, Lho pl'o~nbilit.Y of tho fnnnn.tlOll ol UlutS 01 Lho Bl'lgaclo on uonrd SlllpS 01 Lho morcanLilo mnl'ino not hn.villg boon ol'iginn.l1y contom plnLoc1 ; n.8 might bo oxpoeLo(l, thoroforo, 1Iiany of' th (lotails of' ()]'g'n.l1i~ation ll.ll(l n.c1l1linistmtion In,icl clown irl t.ho ~onornl Hogn]~l.tions aro moro 01' I ss innpplicablo to hocl ios of' mOll whoso all1uu]anco W( l'] ~ woul(l ahllost xclusively ho pc]'f'ol'llled un Lon.r<l ship. ,Vhilo cortnin ossontin.l ]'ognbLions, ospocially sllch as rolato to tho Jllnintonn.n·o of' Hi i ')ley or ll1011lhol's, lllllst 1l0C'oss:~]'ily Lo obsorv d Ly n11m n of' t,11 Brigado, WllOLllOl' thoir \\'ork falls on shor 01' at sea, tho conc1i [iol1H of' lifo :m(l sorvico ailon.t aro so c1iffor nt in many l'Of;POCtS ['J'e)1l1 Lho, 0 obtaining 011 bml ns to nocessitato a corrosponding lllocliflcation or tho systOll1 which has boon founel most sui tablo in i tios nnel towns.

G. Only pCl'~OllS who aro nlroacly in possossion of tho First Aid 101'lificn.[0 of tho Se. John Antlmlnnco A ·socin.tion aro nl1owoc1 to 1locomo Jl1 om] lO1'S 0 r tho Bl'ig'nl1o, amI nono cn,ll Lo mom bors unl Sf; tboy join nn nu L1lOI'i~od unit or tho Brigado. A man who consos pCl'Illn.nonely [0 bo a lll01llhcl' or n. unit or tho Brigado i I) '0 facto coasos to Dolong to tho lJl'ic>'n.clo. 7. It cn.nnoL 1)0 too strongly insist (1 upon lhnL tho llloro possossion or a First Ai(l CorLiJi 'ato is no oritorioll of continuod ofiicioncy, [01' tho knowl clgc gn,iuoel hy n.Lt. n(bnco at a COlU'O of l?ctnl'os :111(1 in sLudying to pass tho 0,'a1llination Cor Lho c~rtl1icn.to 111ay \·ory NOO/l 1)0 rOl'goU OJ 1. An ssontial prinoiplo of th? ~~" J oh)l AmDl11nnco Brig-rulo, Lho one ell ing indoec1 tl:u,t .Jl1sLtli s i[.s existonco a11(l has g;lino(l for iL [ho confidenco of Lho pub~ic wllich i[ 110\V njo,) s, is t.haL 0\ '1')' pr:lctic;lblo procnutlon I S tak n to 11S11ro tho 'onLinllolls oflicicllC,)' or oach 1ll0ll11Jol'. Thi s is oHec[od hy rCC/Hiring- [hat oyor)" 1ll mbor lllll~t n,t[o]l(l at 1 ast 12 pract.icos in :lllllll1lnnco (hill nIle! lil'Ht. aiel durmg n.ch yoa!', pnss an nnnlla1 )'o-oxnll1inatioll in liest ni<l, an(l at~on(~ n~ nn annual insp 'Lion, wh 11 his fliei 11 'j' in nlllbuJnllcO c1nll 1S .1~l(lgod. Thoso who [n1·0 ouL corLilicates in nursing nro also roqllll'oc1 to loop up thoir hwwlodgo of thaI, ~llbjocL. I


8. In order to obtain the certificate in First Aid, a course of instruction consisting of not less than 5 lectures by a .qualified medical practitioner ml~st be attended, ancl fin exa.mJnatlOn ill:ust be passed at the concluslOn of the course. Any regls~ered medIcal practitioner can give the lectures~ but .they must be In accordance with the Syllabus of InstructlOn Issued by the St. John Ambulance Association. There is usually an interval of a week between consecutive lectures, but the interval may be reduced or extended to meet the exigencies of exceptional elasses, such as those for the Mercantile Marine, in which service the lllen may only remain a limited time in p~rt, or, in the case of ~ectures O'iven at sea may be unable to COll1])lete the course dUrIng the ( 5 ' same voyage. The examiner must be a meel'lOa1 man, other than the lecturer, and must be duly appointed for the purpose by the Central Executive Committee of the St. John Ambulance Association. Full instructions as to the course of lectures and the examination can be obtained on application to the Chief Secretary, St. John Ambulance Association, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London.

9. The smallest units of the Brigade, termed Divisions, consist of 16 members and upwards. Any num~er of Divisions may be associated together to form a Corps, prOVIded that the combmed strength, in the case of organizations on land, is not less than 72 men. lt is suggested that in the case of a Shipping Company the whole of its employes who hold the First Aid Cert~ficate and volunteer to join the Brigade should fonn a Corps, WhlOh should be called after the title of the Company (e.g. cc The .Black ~tar Line Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade.") T~is, IS ~)rovlded for in the General Regulations, para. 19, where It IS Imd clown that" The employes of any Public Company may be enrolle~ as a Corps or Division bearing the name of such Company, prOVIded they conform to the Regulations of the Brigade. as I:e.gard~ efficient service and wear the Brigade badge OD theIr l~m£orm. If this suggestion be adopted, the members of the Bngade on each ship of the Company, supposing that they numb~red at least a dozen men or so, could form a Division, which mIght be called after the name of the ship. If there were only .3. ~r 4 ambulance men in a ship they could not be called a DlvlslOn, and the term Detachment would be more suitable. As the personnel of the ship would no doubt be constantly changi?g, men being transferred from one vessel to another, the composltlO~. of the Division or Detachment would not be permanent, but if

the I:ecords of their ambulance dnties (such as lectures and practlOes attended) were forwarded to the Officer or Official permanently in ch~rge of the Corps at the end of each voyage, as ~uggested Lelow In pal'n,grn,ph 12, general supervision of the ~ntll'e ambulance personnel of the Company's Corps could be msured.

10. The Corps and Divisions of the Brigade on land are bound to adop~ the Code of Rules issued from Head-quarters (General Regulatl~ns, '?l~e~lule IV), Ll~t these are manifestly inapplicable to ~ea-golllg Dlvl lOns.. pecw.l rules may be (ll'awn up for the ~u~ebr:ce a~l(l control or n~e~Lers of: ~he Uorps or Divisions of a I:)hlppmg COl~lpany, but It l~ reqlll~lte tha~ they be in general accordance WIth the RegulatIOns of the Brwade and submitted to and sanctioned by the Chief Uomlllissio~ler of the Brio-ade before adoption. b It \~ill readily be understood that an organization of the nUlllencil.l strength and extent of the Brigade, which consists of over 12,000 l1101nbers fonned in s me 350 independent units scattered q:ll'oughout the niLed ringdolll and Colonies, cannot be supervIsed so as Lo en ure the individual efficiency of its members, and qlCir ability to aut in cOlllbination under propel' contr~l ~n publIc occasions, without a system of administration an~ dISCIplIne of an alulOst lllilitary character. In the case of 0~'d1l1ary Uorps and Divi::;ions a strict SystClll of discipline and ~h~ect control frOln Brigade IIead-quarters are enforced, but It IS neces ary: to 'tate her? that it i fully recognised (as hown by the followlllO' extract from the (Explanatory In tructions" abov,e .referred t~) that " in the case of orp and Divisions conslstmg exelnslyely of the 111emL rs of any di tinct service, such as th? poli?e, railway compani ',po Lal service, 01' municipal 01' .0Lher. iire Lng-ades, the control of the St. John Ambulance B:'lgade IS necessarily restricted to matLers which do not inLerfere WIth the esta,Llished cli .. ciplille of the force to which the members belong, such ~s lhe maintenance of the regulation stretcher drill, regul~r p~'acLlce, and annual re-examination and in pection . the orgamzatIOn of such divisions will, however, be practically the sallle as that f other clivisiCJns of the Brio'ade b , and the otlicers , se.l'ge~nts, a~l~l corporals, ~C., whose names nre duly put forward WIll, If qualIfied l~ndel' the rul s of the Brigade, be appointed in the manner deSCrIbed below." These provi ions of course equally apply. to the Corps and Di visions that lllay be formed by any Shlppmg Company.


11. The ranks and titles allowed in Corps and Divisions of the Brigade are those of Honorary Surgeon, Superintendent (in the ease of Corps and large Divisions), 1st, 2nd! 3rd, and 4th Ambulance Officers, Sergeants, Corporals and Pnvates, and, as it is absolutely necessary to have unifonnity in the designaGion of the several ranks, only the above titles are offieially recognised in making' appointments. In the ease of Marine Divisions, some of these tItles would no doubt seem to be unsuitable for use on board ship, and it is suggested that the following designations might advantageously be adopted if the official Brigade titles are considered objectionable for use afl.oat:Ambulance Officer (= Ambulance Officer.) Ambulance Assistant (= Sergeant or Corporal.) Ambulance l\Ian (= Private). It is not usual to appoint an ambulance" Officer)) to fewer than 16 men, smaller bodies being eOillmanded by Sergoants or Corporals. Persons nominated for the rank of « Officer)) in the Brigade can only be appointed by the Chief Commissioner.

12. The following suggestions are made with the objoct of ensuring proper control of the ambulance service in ships. 1. lJledical Office?'. It will be of inestimable advantage if the medical officer of a ship will act as honorary surgeon to the Division 01' Detachment on board, giving the members lectures and supervising the practice of first aid at their drills. During long voyages, classes might also be held, under St.,J ohn Ambulance AssociatIOn, rules, for the benefit of members of the crew and others who wished to obtain the First Aid Certificate with or without the object of joining the Brigade. Passengers admitted to the classes would of course pay the usual fees. MedicfLl officers of the mercfLntile marine who sec their way to taking penuanent interest in ambulance work on board ship, and undertake to fulfil the duties of the position, can be appoin~ed Honorary Surgeons of the Brigade. . MedlCal men who have lectured gratuitously to a certam number of classes, under Association rules, are made Honorary Life Members of the St. ,John Ambulance Association. Moreover, after continued and conspicuous services for a period of years, they are eligible for a distinction (with a decoration) from H.M. the King, on the recommendation of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Grand Prior, and the Chapter of the Order of St. J Oh11.

7 II. Arnbulctnce ftlembers o!.lZw. Bri[J.acl~, generally. Each memb~r of th? Corps or DlvlslOn of a ShIpping Company shonld b? provlaed :WI th ~ cc l1))a11 ~ook," of a pattern to be hereafter deCIded upon, ill whlCh tho dl'llls and practices attended by him should be entered ana lni tin,llecl by himsolf and by the Amblliance Officer [and l\leclical Oflicer, if thore be onoj. At the end .of the voyage tho on tries since .last voyage should be countorSlgned by the Comlll[tncler 01' ChlOf Officer of the ship !1ftor comp!1risoll with the" Roturn of Drills." ' I

III. A.?7~b1.Ll(ince Offi(,(,)' in clu.u·ue of ((, Division. In o!1ch slup thore should be an Ambulanco Officer or in the case of smnJl detachmonts, a lllelllber of lower nmk shoul~l be in ch!1rge. It wO~11(1 be .\~oll if this position could be held by some one of!1 Supo~'IOr pOSItIOn of more or less permanent eharacter, so that ho nlIght not hfLve to be change 1 every voyage. His duties would be :(Ct) To conduct the ambulance (hill' of the Division fLnd keep !1 record of them on the prescriLecl "Return of Drills," each JllfLn'S fLttendance being enLered fLt each chill and the attendfLnce initifLlled by the . .\.lllbuLmce OUicer [and 1\ledicfLl Officer, if there be one]. (b) To render the" Return of Drills" to the Chief Superintendent of the 10rps (01' other oincifLl appointed) fLt the end of the vOyfLge. (c J To enter the drills performed by efLch member in the latter's" Small Book " (as alJoye) and have the books countersigned by himself, the l\Ie<lical Oilie'er (if there be one) and the C?ll1111fLnder?r Uhi?£, Otficer of the ship at the end of each "Voyn.ge, after compfLnson WIth the Return of Drills." (cl) To be responsible to the COlllpfLny for the care of all fLmbulance equipment in the ship. «(

IV. Chief Su.pe'l'intendenl of the Co),p . The mnbulfLllce 1~le1l1bel's of the orps of the CompfLny should be &enerfLlly superVlsed fLnd controlled by n, hief ~ Inperintendellt, preteraLly fLn o1Iicinl of good position fLt the whn.rf 01' port otlice of the COll1pfLny, .who would of course Le selected by the ompany. It would In every. way be fLdvfLntageou if the uperintendent w?re an offi?Gl: of the Brign,de, duly appointed as such by the Cluef ComrmSSIOnel', Lut it will be under tood that no one CfLn be appointed an Officor in the Brio'ade who does not hold the Fjrst Aid Certificate. The c1uties ~£ the Superintendent would be as follows :-

8 (a) To enrol such of the Compn.ny's employes holding first aid certificates as may wish to join the Brigade, and see that they are proyided ",vith a "Small Book" (b) To apply to the Chief COlilmissioner for the appointment as Officers of the Brigade of such qualified persons ~LS ml1y be recommended for the position by the Company. (c) To select and, on behn.l£ of the Chief Commissioner, to appoint men to the rl1nk of Sergen.nt (or corresponding grade). (d) To generally supervise the equipment of ships with the necessary ambulance ul[l,terial, text-books, &c. (e) To apply to the Chief Commis ioner for the blank Brigade Forms required, and to provide each ship with the necessary forms for the voyage. (f) To collect the "Return of Drills" frolll the Alllbulance Officer or other member in chn.rge of the Division or Detachment of each ship at the end of each return voyage, n.nd see that they are correctly kept. (g) From these returns to prepn.re once a year n. "Record Sheet" on the prescribed form , showing the number of drills attended durin o' the past year by each member of the entire Corps and the date of his pl1 sing the required re-examination in first aid; the Record Sheet to be then transmitted to the Chief Commissioner of the Brigl1de together with the Returns of Drills and Medical Officers' certificates of n.nnual re-exl1mination. N.B. It should be observed that on the rendering of this Record Sheet depend the possibili ty of members' remaining in the Brigl1de, l1nd their eligibility for the Service Bl1c1ges of the Brigade eone of "" Thich is grl1nted for each period of 3 years' service), and for the Service Medl1l grl1n ted by the Order of St. J oh11, on the authority of the Sovereign, to members who have served honourably and efficiently in the Brigade for 15 consecutive years. (h) To apply to the Chief COllnnissioner for Service Badges when men become entitled to them. ei) To furnish a brief annual report of the progress of the Corps. C. B.

FOlt 'fIlE



:N . 1724,0. -- 1902


l\UX lLll\RY ROYAL A VAL SlC]T BER1'H- RESERVE. 1. The Reserve is forIlled for the purpose of 8uppll'111entwg the Constitution. lloyal Naval Sick Berth Staff in hospitab and a.float in tillie ot uational emergency and maritime Wt\,r by trained ambulance men. 2. Volunteers for thit:! Reserve will be first enrolledWhence en. ((~) From the 't oJohn Ambulance Brigade and St. Audrew's rolled. Ambulance Association Corps. If tbese bodies are unable within a reClHonalJle time to provide the number of men required, then(6) From certificate-holders of the ~ 'to John All,uulance Association and St. Andrew's Ambuhnce Association. (0) From any vther source. In this case, unle s the certificates of proficiency in Firt Aid are thoroughly sati. factory. efficiency will be testeLl U) examination. 3. On being ellrolled, tbe volunteer may elect in which of the Class in following clas es he will serve \\ hen called out : which to enrnl. Class A.-Ships oE war. Class B.- Hospital ships and non-fighting auxiliary ships tempOl ariiy attached for war. Class G-Hospitn.ls, medical establishments, or barbour sllips of the Boyal Navy, and coast ambulance stations abroad. Class D.--Hospitals, medical establishments, or harbour ships of the Royal Navy, and coast ambulance stations at home. Volunteers for A Class will be held liable for service in any class, and volunteers for Band C Classes in either of tile classes following. 4. On volunteering, the candidate will be medically examined, Medical exato see that he is physically fit, in accordance with the mination. re~ulations jn force for the Royal Navy, but tbe tests applied WIll be less seyere for home and foreign hospital service. He may use spectacles, if, with them, he can read ordinary print an~ . thoroughly supervise a ward. So long as they cause neither pain nor inconvenience, varicocele and va.ricose yein may be present, if not too marked; and the regulations with l'e~ard to teeth may ue relaxed if health is clearly not interfered wIth. For the service afloat he musl, however. be able to read and supervise without glasseR, and his teeth must be Lll accordance with Au 1l1iralty standard. I



Wt. 28094.

E. & S.




This examination may be made by any naval medical officer approved by the Admiralty, or by tbe brigade or corps medi.cal officers, and is to be repeated every three years, and on bemg called up for service. . . . . If he has been prevlOusly medlCally rejected, he IS to declare the cause. He must declare that he has never been subject to £ts, or been ruptured, and that be knows of no physical defect that will prevent his doing duty in time of war. The volunteer must have been vaccinated, ano. be prepared to be re-vaccinated if it is considered necessary. PHY::>ICAL REQUIREMENTS.

l)hysiral strength.

5. Age for ClaRses A and B - Not under 20 or over 45. C and D - Not under 22 or over 50. " " . or over Height for Classes A aud B - Not under 5 ft. 0 Ins. 5 ft. 10 ins. (without shoes). C and D - Not under 5 ft. 6 ins. or over " 5 ft. 11 ins. (without shoes). Chest for A, B, C, and D - Not under 34 ins. ; if over 5 ft. 8 ins., 35 ins. Weight for A, B, C, and D - Not under 135 lbs. (with shirt only); if over 5 ft. 7 ins., not under 140 Ibs. Physical strength is to be determined by the po.wer to lift a nd carry a man of 140 Ibs. weight up and down stall's. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS,


Amhulance certificates.

6.-- (A.) The volunteer must be certified of exemplary character and temperate habits, by present or ~ate employ~rs who have had personal opportunities of observatIOn, or by hIS ambula:nce brigade or corps officers, or nt'l,val, military, or other responsIble persons. . (JJ.) He must be able to read and write, and have a fall' knowledge of the primary rules of arithmetic. ( c. ) He must be ill possession of an a In bu1anc~ First j~ id Certificate " and a " Nursing Certificate." If not In posses~IOn of the latter, he must be prepared to take one at the earlIest possible opportunity. (C

(n.) Tha~ he w~ll t:lerve for ~ix months or so long as the war Serve during las ts and hIS serVlCes are requIred, such service not to be 10n.D'er war. than one year unless re-engaged. 0 (c.) That he will give one year's notice of his wish to resign Resianation. his membership of the ReFlerve_ 0

(D.) That he will to. the best of bis pow~r attend the brigade, cor ps, or ambulance dnIJs, auel the annun.lln~pection. (B_) Tha.t should he, while serving jn the Reserve, find himself in~apacitated b~ .serious illness ~ikely to be of Jong duration, he WI ll at once notIfy the fact to hIS ambulance officer. (E.) Th~t he wiJl notify any cbalJge of address or his marriage; and t hat, If employed in the Mercantile Marine, he will, before leaving for a voyage, notify to his amhulance officer the name of hi ship and company, destinatioll, and probable duration of voyage.

A~bend dolls. Illness_

Chanae of

addr e~s.

Marriaac. <:>

. (0 ) That h~ does no~ belong to any other naval, military, or Does not CIVIl force, haVIng a claIm upon his services in time of war and belong to that while in the Reserve he will not ioin any such force,' save any?ther the permanent Royal Naval Sick Berth Service, unless special serVIce. pel'mis 'ion is granteo.. H·-CA.) The penalty for false represeutation on enrolment Penalty. will be ljability to discharge, and, if called out, forfeiture of any payor gratuity owing. (E.) .There will be nothing to prevent the enrolment of a Fri endly ResrrvIst ~ elonging to a friendly society so 10llg as the rules societies_ of such society do not interfere with his Reserve duty. (c.) .Should a Re ervist on attaining the age of 45 or 50, ServiIig after accorclmg to his class, wi h to remain in the Reserve, and if he age hmit. be certifie! medically fit, special permission may be given for further l)enods of two years each. (n.) There will be no objection to a Reserve man sailing Sailina in uncle: a '.' Forei~ll Flag," provided that there i8 an understanding forei~ ship. t~at If h IS ,'erVlCes are required he will be able to secure bis dIscbarge without delay, whether at home or abroad. (E.) Certificates of service in the Reserve. and in hospitals or Oertifi cates. men-of-war, will be given him on the termination of his service. (P.) Member, of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, or St. Andrew's Ambulance Corp, and Reserve men enrolled under paragraph 2 (b), (c), will be provided with a special badge to be Worn as directed in paragraph 15 (A.).


7.-(A.) He must sign an agreement that, if enrolled, h: will, in time of national emergency and maritime war, bold hImself in readin.ess, and, w~en required, joi~ fIis Maje~ty's Navy as;, non-contmuous serVlCe man, for serVlCe on the SlCk Berth Sta . This will render him .3ubject to the Naval Discipline Act when called out.

E TRY FOR CONTINUOUS SERVICE. (a.) ~eserve Sick Berth AttendantFl will be eligible for entry Oonb,inuou8 as ~ontmlloUs ~ervice Sick Berth Attendants, provided their serVIce. sel'v~ces are required, they are under 28 yearE of age, pass the medI~al e?Camination required for entry into the Service, and the examlllatlOn for the rating. A 2


Rating. ,-

9.-(.-1.) There will be two classes of Reserve attendants:Senior Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Attendants. Junior " . ,. " " Sho?,t DesigncfJtion.-Senior Reserve Attendants. Junior" " Junior Reserve Attendants, will be those joining with" First Aid" and « Nursing Certificates" or promising to take the latter at the earJiest opportunity. Senior Reserve Attendants will be those who have passed thl'ouo-h the advanced First Aiel and Nursing Class, and, in additf~m, either the Hospital or Man-of-War Course. CONDITIONS OF SERVICE \VHEN CALLED OUT IN TI"JIE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY AND MARITIME "\VAR. RELATIVE R A.TING.

Relative rating.

(E.) Reserve Sick Berth Attendants when called out, will .Le rated ,viLh Sick Berth Attendants; those who show specwl aptitude, may, if found duly qualified in all respects,. be given the acting rating of Second Sick Bert.h Steward, or SlCk Berth. Steward, on a vacancy arising in the ship or hospital; but such acting l'atillg will not affect bis scale of pay. PAY.

10. Senior Resene Attendant 3s. 3d. a day. Junior"" 3s. Od. " These rates of pay will l:e increased by 6d. a day after Rix months' service for all classe., A, B} C, and D (para. 3). Each reservist employed in a ship of war, ill war time, will receive extra pay at the rate of Is. (1 day (Class A, para. 3). Should there be any fully qualified compounders amon~ the reservists willing to act in that capacity, their cases wlll be specially considered for entry as ~uch. SICK PAY.

Sick pay.

11. Full pay and medical attendance will be gi yen while under treatment in a naval hospital or sick quarters under the same conditions as for non-continuous service men of the Royal Navy. ALLOTMENTS.


12. Allotments to relatives and others will be rlllowed as fc tbe perlllanent staff.


13. On the termination of service, unless disclJarged on account Gratnities. of miscondLlct, or at own request, a gratuity of fll. will be gi ven and any war gratuity to which men of simihlr ra,nk may become entitled. VICTUALLING.

14. Rations, quarters, fuel, and lights will l)e provided at the Victualling.

Government expense. Should it be found neces~ary for the Reservist to boar(l oni·Is. a day will be allowed for quarters . 18. 6d. a day for provisions, fuel anu lighLs. CLOTlIING.

Horne and FOi'eign Hospitals and lJ[ediccd Esiaulishments.

15.-(.11.) \\ hen called out in time of war the wearing of Uniform. uniform wDI not be compu!. ory for those joining fol' home n,ne! foreign hospitals or esta1)li.'hments, but the ba.dge of the St. John Ambulance rigade or St. Andrew' . . Ambulance Association Corps, or of their A . ~ociation', whell entitled tlJereto, ll1U"li be worn on olle arm, and the Royal Javed 'ick Berth ,,'taff badge on the oth r; men not entitled to ambuhlneb ballges will wear a Reflerve l arlge in lieu. The uniform ot the St. J llhn Ambulance Brigade or 't. Andrt!vv's Ambulance Corps may be worn, or other recognised uniform. In tim of peace Reservi t'i will wear on one arm the badge of the Brigade or Corps, or of the Associations, jf entitled, on the other the Re erve badge. Men not entitle 1 to Ambulance bado'p , a Reserve badge only. Badges are only to be worn in uniform or on duty. (E.) The sum of 2l. lOs. will be allowed for wear and tear l.f Allowance Personal uniform , plain dothe , <[mel ullc1erclothincrb' or ill Ii u of for wear [11)(1 2l. lOs. the following kit will be provided. If the Rtserve man tear. . elects to provide hi, own uniform (or plain clothes) and uncler- hort kIt. clothing, it must comprise all the articles mentioned in paragraph 24 (JJ). 1 serge suit with badges -} A for ick 1 cap wiLh peak anel badgo Berth Attendant. 4 check hirts with collnrs. 1 pair of boots. 1 black silk handerchief. 2 pair 01 socks. 1 duck clothes bag (holdall). J. flannel. 1 pair woollen drawers . . (c.) Linen jackets will be supplied for use in hospital and Linen jackets. slCk berths, and washed at the expense of the GoverJ:lment.


FREE KIT FOR HOSPITAL SRIPS OR MI!}N-OF- vV AR AND AUXILIARY NON-FIGHTING Smps (Class A and B, paragraph 3). Kit for men(n.) For service in ships of war, hospital ships and auxiliaries, of-war or the following free kit will be supplied ano the above authorised hospital badges are to be worn on all occasions : ships. *1 serge suit. * 1 serge night suit. * 1 black silk handkt'rchief. 1 blue cloth cap and peak. *1 badge for cap. 4 blue check shirts with collars. 2 pair of socks. 2 towels. 1 pair of boots. 1 clothes brush. 1 comb. * 2 arm bad ges. 2 pairs woollen drawers. 2 cholera belts. *3 white jackets. 3 flannels. * 1 clothes bag. 3 white cap covers . .N 0 other kit is necessary, but it is suggested that a waterproof or oilskin and a dark overcoat be provided by the Reservist. WHITE TUNIC. Three Sizes. Cotton drill.

Plain white bone buttons, removable.

7 (E.) Reservists will be measured on enrolment. Suits of Kits 1.,0 l)e different sizes will be kept in store at the Medical Establishments kept in of Has]ar, Chatham, and Plymouth to meet requirements, or at readi ness. points selected for mobilisation. .

BED AND BEDDING. 16. To be lent, or the usual allowance of ] l. to be given to Bed and men joining for service afloat. bedding.


17. Pen:ions or gratuities for wounds or Injuries on service Pensions. will be the same as for Sick Berth Attendants, R.N. WIDOWS' PE

o Pa1.rh pockets on both sides.

'" To be returned into store if discharged for misconduct or at own request.


18. In the event of men losing their lives on servicE', widowB' Widows' pensions ,'mel gratuities and compassionate allowances for pensions. children will be given as for Sick Berth Attendants. INSPECTIONS.

19.-("1.) The Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve Attendan ls will, if po sible, be inspected once a year by an Illsppcting N aya] 11e lieal Officer appointed by thp Admiralty, or Commander-in Chief on foreign tations. All Reserve men in the di trict will be Fmmmoncd tLlld expected to attend. (B.) A capitation grant of 2 . for the day of ill pection and Is , for provi ion ' will be allowed ea.ch man attending the inspection, and a free pa s to and fro will be given if over two miles distance, snbject to the Reservist being found etficient. OUTLINE OF REGULATION




20,-(...1.) It is to be understood that on mobilisation 011 account of nationa.l emergency and maritime war, while all In III bel's of the Heserve must hold theruselv in readine s for service in the class for which they have volunteered, th Lord of the Admiralty will only cc call out" such number ill each cla ' a may be rrquircd at the time and sub equently. (E.) Volunteers will be fir$t called out whose homes are near the hospital or harbour ship to which they may be appointp-cl. or the port of mobili ation for Classes A, B, and C. (c.) Should a Reservist be serving afloat and be ab ent from England, he is to report himself to the ;( Naval Officer" at the first port touched at, for orders.

9 (n.) Reserve men will be given confidentially the longest possible notice as to when and where their services ,1,1'e likely to be required. Should they be unable from sickness or other unavoidable cause to take up their appointment, a medical certificaLe must be at once sent to their respective Ambulance Officers, alid the In pecting Medical Officer is to be aho informed. The canse is to be given. If it be from infectious diseaRe in the Reservi~t's house, special orJer1:l will be sent. (E.) The Reservist, when called out, will be furnished with a,

free pass from his home to the hospital or port of mobilisation (lnd also on return, with full instructions. The arrangements lllcl,cte will generally be similar to those for the Roy,1,l N aV<11 Reserve.

(F.) The home address of the Reservist, if married, or the address or a relative, must be given to the ambulance officer on being called out.

(G.) The kit mentioned, p. 12., is to be taken if for service .in Classes C and D, unless the short kit (para. 15) is eleclc(l in place of money allowance. For Classes A and B the free kit, p. () par. (D), will be provided at the port of mobili~,ltion. The Rpace on board hip being limited, only nece ary articles of privat e ullderclothi ng, writing materials or books, can be takeu.

(n.) Under the terms of the Geneva Convention all members of tbe Sick Berth Service are con. idel'edneutrals, and are not liable to be made" prisoners of war." i:)PECIAL FIRST AID AND NURSING INSTRUCTION AND COURSES FOR THE RESERVE.

Specin,l instl'HctioD.

2]. Opportunities for passing through an advanced cl<1sS of First Aid and Nursing and l:'L « Hospital" or Man-of-war" short cuurse will be given. On joining the Reserve the voluIlteer is to state whether he wuuld like, if selected, to go through t·he course.--. II


22.-(A.) This course has been al ranged wIth a view of giving fuller instruction in First Aid and Nursing subjects, and when the certificate has been takell, will qmdify tbe holder to go through a " Hospital" or ,( Ship-of-war" short course. (B.) The Association rules for First Aid and Nursing Classes must be observed, but the course is to consist of not Jess than ei<.s-ht lectures, and six at least must be attended to q ua1ify for t.he examination.

(c.) When perm18slOn has been granted by the InspectinD' Medical Officer, the following fees will be allowed if I?e ervists have CJ.l1ulified for the examination : £ s. d. Lecturer's fee 5 5 o Examiner's fee 1 1 o Examiner's expenses o 10 o HeadCJ.uarter charges o 7 6 For local expenses 15 o



£7 18


(n.) Where fewer than 20 Reservists qualify, a capitation grant of 5::;. will be made in lieu of the above towards the expenfes of the class for those certified to have qualified for examillation; unle. s special permission is given, a second grant will not lJe allowed in respect of a Reservist. (E.) A copy of the clas.s attendance sheet is to be fonvanled to the In"pecting Iedical Officer with tbe application fo]' the fee grants jn all ca. es. (r.) It will be permi sible, when the class is a small one, for Non-Re ervi·ts to join on paying fees to be arranged by the local a,111 bnlnnce officer . (G.) T.he aprlicat.io~ to hold, a cla is to be forwarded through the Cluer ComnllsslOner, ~ t. John Ambul<1nce Bri(J'a(h~ o , or Secretary, St. Andre,v's Ambulance Association Corp~, to the In. pecting Medical Officer. ] t is to f-itate the occupation of the Re e1'vi ts or other.' willillg to join, and, in the ca e of He ervists, the class in which they are enrolled. with, when serving afio(lt, the rating. (If.) The number of classes to be held in each year will be limited: the Iu 'pectin o. Medical Officer, when applications llaye been received, will decide 'w here cIa ':-;es can be held to the greatest a,dv;tlltnge of the el'vice; his deci ion will also be o'uicled by the nUlll her propo ing to join the Ch1SS. ,::) . (1.) There :vil1 be ~10 objection to voluntary classes being held WIthout Adlllll'<11ty aId, so long as they are carried out in strict accordance \vi th the regubtioll , and the neces :try sanction Ims been recei veel. (J,) Re ervi ts on pas.- ing their xalllination will be re o·i tered as having taken the certificate. ;:, . (K.) On a class being aprroved a hox with special ambulance Instruction l1ppliances will be forwarded by the Inspectino. MecIit.:al Officer, if applied for, to the honorary secretary of th~ class, with a price list of contents. The honorary secretary will be held responsible for its s·1£e custody and return on the termination of the course, any breakages or los es being made goorl by tl.e clasi'<. Copie' of the sylbbus will be £orwarJed if uesil'ed.



As a Guide to the Lec6urer. 23. A brief recapit.ulation of the subjects taught in the St. J olm Ambulance First Aid Course, r eferring to special points of interest in connectiop.. with First Aid and Nursing. The skeleton, pointing out the bones liable to frllcture and dislocation, pressure points, muscles., joints, heart and circulation; the pulse, the lungs, and pleura; the brain and spinal cord; the abdominal viscera, skin, eye, and ear; the lymphatic system (a brief resume). Diets.

The ward.

Diets, diet sheets; hours for meals; foods; preparation of beef tea, &c.; assimilation and digestion; administration of food; feeding cups; stimulants and their effects. The ward: scrubbing floors) general cleanliness; fires, temperatures; ventilation, natural ann artificial; the furniture and stores; effects of light; visitors; contraband articles; the latrines; earth closets; disinfection; cleaning crockery to prevent contagion) duties vf nurses in connexion with wards, and reports on cases; rounds, &c.

Fractures, noting those requiring special nursing care; fracture beds; splints and pads, extension apparatuR; pIa ter splints; removal of clothing; cleansing patient, and placing in bed; cradles; fractures to be put up as cc first-aids," and any want of care in handling pointed out; the danger points Prepara~ion.s~or to be obseryed dllTing subsequent nursing; bandages r equired; surgeon S VISIt. and preparations for the surgeon. Fractures.


Wounds and inj u.ries: shell and bullet w.()u nds; burns and scalds; first aid and nursing assistance to be given; removing clothing; cleansing wounds; how to arrest bleeding; the different tourniquets in m;e, drawing special reference to the nanger of use; instruments commonly used, how to sterilise and take care of them; the preparation of a patient for operation; the operation room, and nursing assistance required; preparations there, the necessity for absolute cleanliness; antiseptics in use; first-aid dressings and permanent dressings, drainage tubes; holding limbs ~.llld securing patient; special nursing required after operation; secondary hmmorrhage; sickness; pulse; temperature; feeding, &c" &c.

Nur~ing General Diseases.-Infectious and non-infectious; precautions speClal cases. necessary in the former.

Special cases to be considered, such as of the head, delirinm, insanity; restraint, observation, precautions, ice bags, feeding. Ohest.

Ohesi.-.Bronchitis; pneumonia; hremoptysis, symptoms and nurfiing treatment; bronchitis kettles, inhalers, jacket poultices and fomentations.

The Ilea?"t.-Pu]se and circulation, effects of remedies position II fiy l:cope; notes for chart. " earli. . The Ab~ominal V1·sce1'C1.-Kidneys observation and preserva- Abd bon of UrIne for examination; t est tubes, &c. omen. The BlacldeT.-Paralysi~; catheters and their sterilisation. The Gene?at~ve O?"gans.-Syringcs, injections, sterilisation, Generative Huspemlory ban agE'S. organs. . In~estinal Tnwt.- Enemata, ordinary and nutrient· O'lycerine I t' 1 ob 'e'IVa t'lOn 0 f excre t a, (HSm J" £ . , &c.;' b worms; t.ract. ntes Ina ectlOn herma, chfiel'en~ forms of trusses; bedpanfi and disinfection. Local abdomInal applications. InJectIOn~' . '. '.

The Throat.-Local symptOl;ns; cleansing teeth and mouth; The throat. use, of .pray~, gn,rgles, and In halation ; inhalers, improvised ana speCIal. Skin.-~ruptione-colour, h-yness, and moisture. Skin. Teml)er~ture-takI.ng-mou~h, arm~its-alld precautions. Noting on char t, deductIOns leadmg to Immediate report to medical officer. AppliC'ation of heat and cold to the skin; cold packs, hot-water bottle., ~TC,


The E ye.- Eye washes, syringing, infection.


drops, danger of Eye.

The Ea?'.- yringe and use, &c. Pe?' anal. - H~alth,. r.lothi~g, n.nLl sanitary Mouth, throat, hall', skm, cleanlmess, food.


precautions. Personal hygiene.

Baths? Hot and Cv~d.-Bath thermometer; lifting in and out, Baths. and ~rymg; observatIOn of per on in bath; treatment of yncope; hot-au' all~l vapour baths; shower bath; coJd douche, cold packs, and spongmg. Precautions. RolleT and T?·iang'1.&la?' Banclaging to be practised aHe-r each Banda.ge . lecture. Arlminist?'ation of .L1Jeclicine"l.-Castor oil c1rallO'ht mixture:, Aamini tra' " pow.d e!'s, pl.'J Is, &c.; reading directions' care to bbe taken in tion.o~ ad?-lImstrntIOIl.; time when' observ,\'tion of effect ; the ordinary medlCllle . pOIsons and pOlson bottles; use of liniments) blisters, leeches, &ic. L~fti7l[J and Ca?·rying.- ingle-handed and with others; the Ambulance. SerVIce hi\,~mock, cot" and str teher ; use of Lowmoor jacket and otber app~lances (also after lecture). Loading ambulance wagons, raIlway carriages, and boat.

.1Vight Watches ancl Duties.-Symptoms of death, and attention ight the dead. watches.




The above and. any other small articles Jesired, should be in a small locked box or bag, legibly marked. (J.) Arrangements will be made for men goin(f to and from the ship. 0 (J.) Reservists desiring to enter for this course are to give in their names stating occupation (if in the Mercantile Marine, the rating), the class in which enrolled, age, and whether desiring to join for a week's continuous course or 14 days. Applications are to be forwarded through the Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade, or Secretary, St. Andrew'tl Ambulance Association Corps to the Inspecting Medical Officer, who will select those for whom arrangements can be made with the greatest advantage to the Service. The number passing thrilugh each year will be approximately 100: the time when it will be most convenient to go through the course is to be stated, and a full month's notice must be given. Should it be found impo sible at the time to comply with the request, the Reservist will be informed and his name will be kept on the list of applicants.

24.-(A.) Heservists who are in possession 'of tLe Advanced Course Certificate, <lnd llave joined for Class A or B, will be eligible for this course, the certificate for which will entitle them to be r:tted as Senior Auxiliary Sick Berth Attendants. The cuurse \-vill be ctrranged to gi ve an insight into the routine of a sick berth and sbip-of-wa.r and the arrangements for" General Quarters. " (E.) The course of in~t.ruction will be given in a man-of-war and will be either of seven days' duration or of 14 attendances of two clear hours each attendance. The instruction will be given by a sick berth steward under the direction of a Medical Officer. (c.) Should the :Medical Officer be satisfied that the Reservist has satisfactorily completed the course, a certificate will be given' this will entitle the holder to the pay of 2s. 6d. a day for seve~ days or Is. each attendance for 14 attendances, and the sick ?erth steward i~strl1cting to a fee of 2s. GcZ. While going through the contmuous course of seven days the Reservist will be borne on the ship's books for pay and victualling, and if not victua~led will receive an allowance of Is. a day in lieu; travellIng expenses will be allowed, and bed and bedding will be lent. (D.) He must comply with the Admiralty illstructions, and will be liable to discharge to the shore and loss of pay if, in the opinion of the Commanding Officer and ~1 edical Officer, his conduct is unsatisfactory. A report on his efficiency is to be forwa.rded by the Medical Officer through his Captain to the Inspect ing Medical Officer, Sick Berth H,eserve, Admiralty. (E.) The Reservist will mess with the sick berth staft: or be attached to :t lower deck mess, and will sleep in a hammock. (F.) Arrangements for boats, and hours of attendance, will be made for Reservists electing to attend the course of two hours for 14 attendances. Travelling expen. es will be paid, but no other allowance. (G.) Plain clothes may be woru on board with the Reserve badgeR or the brjgade or corps uniform if preferred. White linen jackets will be provided for wear when 011 duty in the si<..:k bt'rth. (H.) It is advised that the following kit, all articles being clearly marked, be taken on b JarJ by the Resen j"t :A complete change of clothing, which should be of a dark material. Blue cloth or serge advised. 3 spare shirt.s and collars. 1 flannel. 1 pair of drawers. 1 pair socks. 1 pair shoes or boots, no najls. Hair brush and comb. 2 towels. I waterproof or overcoat. A cap, with peak (preferred); In summer a straw hat may be worn. 7


25. This course js to be carried out if possible at a Royal Naval Hospital ick quarters or infirmary; if not so, at the neare ,t civil ho. pital willing to give the instruction, wl1ether metropl)litn,n, county, workhouse infirmary, or cottnge ho.'pital, with at least 20 occupied beds on the male si.de. Re ervists who are in po session of the Advanced Course Certificate, and have joined for Cia, s 0 or D, will be eligible for this course, the certificate for which will entitle them to be rated as Benior Auxiliary Sick Berth Attendants. PAY.

(A) For those joining for a week's continuous service :Daily rl1te of pay 2s. 6d., up to a maxilllum of seven days. Daily rate for food and quarters Is, 6d. if not victualled, a.nd repayment of travelling expenses. (n) For those attending for two hours for 14 attendances:For each attendance of at least two hours Is., up to a maximum of 14 attendances, and repayment of travelling expenses; no other allowances. Tbe pay, &c., will not be allowed unleBs a full attendance has been certified. (c.) A capitation grant of lOs. will be allowed by the Admiralty to the civil hospital authorities for the instruction on a certificate being forwal'lled signed by the Medical Officer of the hospital that the course 11 01' B has been satisfactorily carried out. (lJ.) Applications are to be made as directed for the ship cour e, 1ut a full six weeks' notice must be given to the Inspectin a Medical Officer. t:'



(E.) The fees when attached to a civil hospital will be paid by the Inspecting Medical Officer on receiving the certificate of satisfactory attendance; by the Accountant Officer, if to a Royal Navell Hospital. (P .) The instruction in civil hospitals is to be given by the house surgeon or a senior student approved by the dean of t.he school or other authority, or by a competent senior nul' e; in a naval hospital by a sick berth stewnrd and the sisters, under the direction of the medical staff and followed by a practical examination; the course being specially intended to give ambulance men who have never had the opportunity of seeing wards, f)eriously sick, or operations, some idea of the duties they will have t o fulfil. (G.) Plain clothef), or the brigade or corps uniforlll with the R eserve badges may be worn. \Vhite linen jackets will be provid ed for wear in the wards.

three occasion~ from 7 a.m. t? 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. to see how the rnght and lTlOrlllng ward nursing duties are carried out. Bat~s and the duty of bathmen to be shown and explained. LaYIng: of. fires, and any other details in connexion with ward dutIe . . Tbe. above instruction will have been to some extent alread gIven m the advanced course of lectures. y


26. Washing Aoors and ventilating wards, di infecting and cleaning utensils, washing and tending patients, brushing bair, cleansing mouth, &c. F eeding and giving medicines. The special nursing required and symptoms to be noticed in typical cases, such as, pneumonia, or bronchitis, rheumatism, typhoid, fractures, burns and scalds, throat di::>eases: the Re ervist at the following visit to note the symptoms and report. If possible, to be permitted to assist the nurses, taking temperatures, feeding, &c. The operation room is to be visited and operations witnessed a,nd the duties of the nurse explained, either befor e or after the operation. At naval hospitals the special ward duties are to be explained, and the hospital regulations; especially if they belong to the Home Service" class, so that on joining in war time they may be at once able to take up duty. The giving of enemata and injections to be, if possible, demonstrated, and at Haslar attention. is to be drawn to the anatomical preparations showing the course of the arteries and pressure points. ~hi£ting sheets, preparation of beds, instruments in Llse a.nd names, splints and surgical apparatus in ordinary use to be shown. The application and preparation of dressings for wounde, the procQss of hand cleansing, and precautions to prevent infection of wounds. Diet sheets explained, the preparation of beef tea to be demonstrated; preparations for the surgical or medical visit. They are to keep, if possible, two night watches; those atte rlding only for portions of days to be present OD: two or (C


27. It has been decided to form, :lot selected towns on the coast, a~1ula~ce d,otac~lll~nts. for t~e purpose of giving assistance to HIs Majesty s ~l11PS In time of war-. by taking charge oLsick and wounded, landlI~g. them, and removmg them to hospital or sick quarters, and gI Vlng any further first-aid or nursing assistance that may be required. Volunteers must belong to Classes A or B, or be men accustomed to the use of boats if belonging to C or D. REGULATIONS.

28.-(A.) ':olunteel's, w:h~n employed on this duty, will be expe.cted, as In the case 01 hfeboat crews, to hold themselves in reacl lI?-es~ for service, a~d th ey will be specially driJled in the use of ShIP,S cots a~d ~:pjJha~ces, and. embarking and diserllbarking men. .They Wl~l, 1£ pOSSIble, be lllspected annually, and will as ReserVIsts receIve the day's pay and allowance and when employ ed in time of war the same pay as neser~ists on the days actually employed on duty, and will wear the badge of the Reser ve. Copies of the regulation for tIli service will be forwarded to the ambulance authOl'ities of the stations selected. F~r thi purpose p orts have beeu selected on the coast for landmg purposes, of which* is one. (E.) At each of these stations it is hoped to be able to ol'O'anise detachme,~lts of 6 to 12 men or I?-0re, "accustomed to the use of bo~ts, and. to thorougilly mstruct them in embarking and dlsembarkmg cot or stretcher and other cases in time of ::ar, taking charge of them and conveying them to hospital or i)I~k q,:artel's, as.may h~ve been arranged, and giving any further filst-aId 0: nursm~ assIstance that may be required. ( c.) SUItable SICk quarters to be selected and lists mfLde of necessaries required. ' (D.) Tugs, steam launches, and boats that may be available a~d th e fittings that will be required, and the number of cot and o ler cases that they will carry, are to be c<trefully recorded. '*' This will be filled in if a selected slation.



(E.) The men selected for this service must cumply with the regulations or the Reserve, being members of St. J olm Ambulance Brigade or St. Andrew's Ambulance As~ociation Corps, or, if t.hat should not be found possible, holders of am bula.nce certificates. (F.) The organi. ation of these stations will be carried out by the local ambulance Huthorities in co-operation with the Navn.l Inspecting redical Officer appointed by the Adtlliralty to organise, the local Coast Guard officer, and the Nava,l Medical Agent. (G.) In time of war the cots, stretcher,:" anel sick berth supplies required will be either forwarded on application to the Admiralty Inspecting Medical Officer, or authority will be given to purchase locally on the best terms procura,ble. (II.) As in tbe case of" lifeuoats' crevvs" detachments of four to eight ilien will, in war time, be expected to hold themselves in readiness for service at short notice, and on the Rignal for assistance being received be prepared to at once go off to the ship requiring help, with cots, stretchers, and sick berth comforts. (I.) If possible, the N ayal Medical Agent or ambulance medical officer will accompany the men and take charge. In the absence of a medical officer on board he will, in consultation with thl-' c::tptain, decide whether the case are suitable for landing, will g<lther all particulars and take charge of official papers, the senior ambulance attendant taking charge of the men's effects. (J.) On landing, the cases will be removed to hospital or sick quarters as previously arranged, when the" King's Regulations" will apply. (x.) A telegram, followed by' a letter giving full particulars of the case3 landed, name, rating number on ship's books, name of ship, and nature of case, to be at once forwarded to the Secretary of the Admiralty. (L.) Should it be necessary to forward men to a distant hospital or their homes, one or two Reservibts may be detailed to accompany if, in the opinion of the medical officer in charge, such a course i~ necessary. (..31.) When employed on landing duties in time of war, or 'subsequently if in charge of sick, Reservists will be entitled to the pay and allowances of their rank for each day on which they are actua,lly so employed, and, when called out for inspection, they will be entitled to the authorised pay and allowances for the day. (1r.) Plain clothes or brigade or corps uniform may be worn with the Reserve badge on all occasions of duty. (00) The request for assistance will be made by ships of war by signal passed on, if possible, through si.gnalling stations, giving the number of cot and other cases to be landed. (P.) 1'he control of the division or detachment will, in time of peace, be in the hands of the local am bnlance authority; 1n war time, when called upon for service, the members of the

d~etach~lCnt will .be uncleI' the commaml of the Royal Naval Executl ve 0.1' Medlcal officer, if present. (12·) It WIll be necessary to forward from tirrle to tOtm l' ,t f tl '1 bi e t oth elnspectingNavalMedic"IOffi ' e 18 S 0 lemenaVal.a OLo " cer, ane1 a t once 011 mo b ~ lsatlOn for w~r, to have meotings for drills in accordance wIth the regula.t!Ons for the Reserve, and to kee records of attendancel:l. p (n) The .Adl~~ralty. Inspecting Medieal Officer or officer appomted WIll, .Ift po '11 SIble, pay an annual visit ot1 111SpeC . t'lOn, h 11 R w e~ a 1 eserVlS S WI ~e expected to be present. (,,,-! 1ho. arrangements. for the payment for boats in time of war a,lld for c1nll purposes WIll have to be made locally on the most ad vantagoo~ls terms" procurable and 'ubject to the approval of the Inspcctmg Moehcn,1 Officer and the Admiralty. (0

t 238S8






Form uf Declaration on Enrolment in Reserve.

..A ?nbulance Ojjice?'s.

(Pars. 7, p. :2 .)

Fnr the purposes of these regulations the following will be the meaning of th e liitle. used:The " Rriaade" is the t . John Am bulance Brigade. The " Ohi~f Commi. sioner " is thc executive head of the Brigade. "Deputy and Assistant Commissioners are officers of brigade districts. " Chief Superintendent a.nd Superintendents and Ambulance Officers" are officers in charae of corp or divisions. " Chief Surgeolls and Honorary Surgeons" are medica.l officers of corps and diTIsions of the brigade. The" Ohief eeretary" is the Chief Secretary of the St. John Ambulance Association . A " corps or division" is the local unit of the B"igade or of the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association in Scotland. Tbe "Secretary" is the secretary of the St. Andrew's Ambulanco Association. "Ohairman of the Council" head of t. AnetrE-w's Ambulallce Association Oorps.




A cl?Tl-i?'u ltV 0!fic('l's. The

c: Inspecting Medical Officer" at home is the officer appointed by the Admiralty to organise the Reserve in co-operation with the Ohief Commissioner and Chief Secretal'Y, the Secretary of ,'t. Andrew'S, and other ambulance officiaJs, to inspect the Re. erve and make preparation~ for clas ...;es of instruction and mobilisation. "Naval Officer" is the Naval officer appointed by the Admiral y at any port at home or abroad for the purpose of the Royal Naval Reserve and mobilisation. " Naval :Medical Officer" is either a Naval Medical Officer specially appointed for duty in connexion with the Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve or a Nava11fedical Agent at a. port at home or abroad. " Officer abroad " signifieR His Majesty's Consul or Vice-Oonsul in a. foreign port, and also the Customs or o(,her officer appointed in His :1fajesty's possessions abroad for carrying into effect the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act. The" Registrar" and" Deputy Registrar" are officers of the Royal Naval Reserve.

I in the Division St. Joh~ (o r ~L. AndIew'.s! Ambulance, having read the RegulatIOns lor the AuxIliary Royal 1\ aval Sick Berth Reserve hereby acc pt the .conditions of service specified in that I WIll attend n.t least six drills in my in each llalf-year, and will maintain my efficiency as a Member of th Ambulauce as defined in t~e. g ne1'al Regulation~. I will atteud the Annual Inspection of the AuxllIary Royal N aval lCk Berth RoseI've whenever ordered. I will immediately utt clld to all notice' and obey all orders r egarding the Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve recei,ed from the of my or direct from the or Headqua~'~er" I wi~l at once inrorm the of my It I marry. If I change my present address, or if I find myself from. allY ?uu.o, such a. m'i0l!-' illno,'S , bodily injury or other perso!!al con.RIderatlOJ1.s, Ulln;ble ~o contlllue my liability to serve at immediate notIce .. In LllI;e 01 lla~l~nH 1 emergency allel maritim war I will hold myself 111 readm~ ~ to JOll.l at the place appointed within hOUl:s.of ~lly ~'e(;~r\lllg notlce to do so whenever the assembly order for moblhsatlOll b gIven. When eyer I re ceive the mobilisation order I will join Ilis Iaje ty" Royal 1: avyas an Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Attendant, at. the place ?rdered, and will .ign the required form of entry a~ a non~contll1UOlls se~TlCe ill.all aud will ::;erve in His Majesty's Royal "[\aval Sl:k Berth SerVIce for SIX month · or for the period of mobilisation, such pel'lod not to be longer than one year unlesd re-enaaaed and be subject to the - Taval Discipline Act. 0 0 , r declare that I Jlave uot been proyiou ly rejected, that I am not subject to fits .0J' ruptures, ~nd that 1 know of no physical uefec t that will prevent my dOlllg dULy III tIme of war, that I do not belong to the Royal .lTa-val or Fleet Reserves or Lo any other Public ervice that would ha\~e a claim upon me in time of '"ar. I am prepared to be vaccinated if conuielered necessar.) . . I will give one year' notice should I wish to resign my members.hlp of the Hesel've. J fully understand that in ignillg this D.eclaratlOl1 I become an enrulled member of the AUXIliary Royal K aval SlCk Berth Reserve, Class ,in which I desire to be entered in the St. 'i O'oature H.ank Address

Date Witness


23858. ( I



APPENDIX D. Ar·ticle 371 will not a pply 80 fa?' as the term of service is concerned, wh ich will be in acco,!,danee with p c~ra . 7B of the Auxiliary R oyal N atJoJl Sick Berth R eg ulaiton3.



Establi8hed-27th J une 1881. Revi8e d-AHgt~st 1 9:1.



Medical Ce1·tificate. (Par. 4, p. 1.)

I hereby certify that I ha,e carefully examined the above-named , that he is proficient in First Aid an d Nursing work and fit for Active Service, being in perfect health, of g ood physique, and that he complies with the physical requirement laid down in the instructions for the enrolment of Auxiliary Royal N n,vn,l Sick Berth Reserve Men .

(5 & 6 Will. IV. cap. 24.)


On the entry or re-entry of any person for Oll-Uolltinuous Servioe this Form i to be filled up, and forwarded to the Accountant-General of the Navy wi th Form S. -5:3, In,te S.-41. Christian und

urnam ', ill full.

Official No., if known.

Signature Qualifications Addre ~ s


Date of Birth.

(Vide Arb. 343, 3l6, and 351 of the Regulations, 1 99.)

Parish, Town, and Country where Born. eVide Article 344 of the Regulation, ] 89 D.)

Certificate of Oharacter and Competency. (Par. 6A, p. ~ ..)

I hereby certify that the above-named thoroughly understandB the conditions of service in the Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve, that he is a man of good character and strictly temperate habits, that he is proficient in the special drills r equired, and that he is in a lJosition to join the Royal Navy as an A uxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Attendant at short notice when he is summed on mobili ation for war. I further certify t haI; he is in po session of the following certific:ates. 1st Aiel Certifi0ate Certificates to Re-examination 1st Aid be signed foT FinalIst Aid on em·oZment.

Nursing Certificate -


dated dated dated d ated

P ersonal Description a t the date of this Document. Height.



comPleXion. / \Younds, car, or Marks.

Date of entering present hip.

Signature Rank Address Datu If the person entering has previously serveu in} the Royal Navy, the Ship in which he la.st served a.nd the date, place and ca.use of hiB discharge u.re to be stated here. If formerly a Ma.rine, state Division and Number. If First Entry, to be so stated.


I Trade.


Declaration on E·nt?·y frorn~ hare. In accordance with Article 371 of the Regulations. 1899, the following que tions are to be put by the Oaptain to the person entering, whose an weI'S are to be recorded hereon. 1. Are you a Briti h ubject?* 2. Have you ever served in the Navy, rmy, rmy} Reserve, :JIarines, Militia, or in Her Majesty's Indian military force, ?t 3. Do yon now belong to tbe Militia, 01' ally regiment 1 or corp in Her lIajesty's Army, or to any es- ~ tabli hed :Na,nl or Army re erve force? J 4. Have you ever been r ejected as unfit for Her 1 Maje ty' s service, or discharged from it on that ~ acconnt? J 5. Have you e.er been di missed with di~grace or with} ignominy from the 1: avy, Marine:,;, or Army? Thi ' is to certify thar, we have examined the abo,e-named persoll as to his fitness for Her MajeKty's Navy, and we' find as follows :-lIe is of perfectly sound and healthy constitution. free from all physical malformation, acti,e and intelligent; and we COIl ider him ill all respects fit for Her lrajesty' en-ice. Article 07l ot the Regull1tiom, 18!?P, has he en explained to him, alid he is w'illinO' to enler the Royal ~ T avy under the COnditions therein named, as atte::,ted hy hi f'igllaLure attach'd hereto, and he declares that to the be::.t of his kuowleclge and belief the answers to the foregoing qnebtiun are true. Oaptain. Medical Officer. Man'" Slgnature or


Date. Witnes8e~ to }

Signature or ~Iark.

* Fo]'eigr;ers are not to be entered except a Bandsmen and Officers' Servants . .A.l'ticle 345 of the Regulations, 1899, t 'Particular of Service in the Army, ..11m), Re erve, il1arin('~, l\-Iilio8, or H.M. Indian militar,Y force hould be forwarded into Otfice with thi E orm.




(<!IerkenweIl) <!ol11pan\?, 'JLilHiteb.

(Iucorporated 23rd June, I 336.)

DIRECTORS: (CIlf£irllltlll ). R OBr:Wf BR UIlENEIL CAlnER, ESQ., F.R.C.S. EOII'IN I"HESHFIEI.O, Ii:sQ., LL.D., F.S.A. :\I AJOR G. K WY N[)I!A~I l\fALET.

Tim REV. PAUl \Y.


ElllV! N !f A :-;SON FI{ESII!'IEII), ESQ.,

1\1. A.











Nq(isle/(:d OlJices:

S 1'.


GA' l E,



~\ .T D









TII(RSD . .\.Y, 4TH ADGUST, 1904. THE

Board of Directors ubmit their report to the 'hal'eholders.

They have to r cord with (le pc t reOTet the death of one of their member-',

fr. \V. D. Fre ·hfield, one of the original

Directors, whose legal kno\detlge and yu.ll1able pro[e lona.l a.ssistance were a1 WltyS plaee(l at the dispo 'a1 of the Board, to it great ad van tag ". The Accounts have been duly audited by -:\Ir. F.e.A., and ha,ve been cel'tifiml as correct.

the present bab,nce, which include. rent

. Fitch-Kemp,

It \yill be cen that received Slllce the

audit, is sufficient for the paymont of a c1ivi(lcncl of 2~ per c nt., Income Tax to be paid by the 10mpany







June, 1904.



To CAPIT \1J SUB80RIBED " REPAlRS FUND " RESTORATlUN FUND " LOAN-St . .Tohn Ambulance lLsociaiio12, Stores Deparhllent . . £2400 0 On e year's intercst to 30th June, less Tax 68 12

£12,850 0 0 9G 19 0 350 1 7

PUUCIL\SF.: OF P ItO l' g I{'l'Y . CosT OF NEW BUILLJINWl to 30th June, 1896 " LAtin ADJOINL'G . . . .

" RI~x'l' due frolll the Lessce of thc Jc]'usalpl11 Tavel'll for lltc lJalf-yeal' to Chl'i:;tIlJaS, 1904, £49 10 pasah.le in :ul,'allc? Order of St. John ot Jerusalcll\ fo], balf-year 166 12 " to lIIiJ::H1llllJler, 190,1

0 G 2 10 0 0


0 6 2468 12 6 1065 0 0

" PRE:lIIU}I ON K EW LEA. E . " UNCLADIED DrY)nE~DExecutors of Miss O. A. Wren IIoskYlls " REXT, payable ill advanceDue from the Lessee of the Jcrusal(·Jll Tavern for half-year to Ohristmas, 1901 " REVEXUE ACCOUNT, Blllallce-

£1] ,924 6124 1050



·1 21G



0 0




8 4




9 3

49 10

2728 16 £19,610





At Londoll llllll \Yestlllill:;[er Dallle, Lt<l. I!1 hancl

295 5 9 0 16 11

AUDITOlrS OERTIFI TE AND 11EPORT. III accordance with tbe provisions of thc Oomp:lJlil's' Act, 1900 I certify 'ali my reqniremcnts as Audilor lta"c bc('n cOlnplic(l with, anll I report to the Shareholders that I have audited the aboye Balance I::lheet with the' Books in ollchel's, and ill my opinion such Balaucc -'heet i" prope rly llruwll up so as to exhibit a true and correct "iew of the state of tll(' OompalJy's alrail's as shewn b IBooks of the Oompany.




36, Walbrook, London, E.O.

8th Jzdy , 1904.

REVENUE AOOOUNT-F1'om July, ]903, to 30th JUli e, 190-1

To IxTERESTOn Loan of £2400 at 3% from St. John Ambulance Stores Departllleut " PJtIKTIXG AXD STATJOXElty " DISBUR:-;ElIIEXT:> " L'SURAXCE . " PETTY OASH " BALANCf!;, carrierl to Balance SheeL

By £68 12


('l:EllIT OF

UI·:n::\UE AlC(JUXT,

.., 7 .)



7 10 0 '1


at the 30th .June. IH03 . £2702 " Less Di\'j(lellll at ~~ % f'1'l.t' of bl('ome Tax on 1285 shares paiJ ht .\ngnst, lU03. 3~1

;, 0 - - - £:2;3 0 IS

£2 7 3 028 1 11


11113 2728 16 0

REGElYElJ .\ . -]J DUEOnler of St. Jollll of .1 'rllsalcl11, for halryear to Chri"tllltlS, 190:3, le:;s Tax Ditto. 1Ialf-ye;tr to ~lid~nnllllcl', 1 \)01 . Lessee of Jenbal"11l Taverll, for half-year to Ohl'istU1us, 1903, l'a~'able ill llll\'ance )) Ditto. ]mlf-year to :\litiSl1l1lnlCr, 1901, paplJle ill advance £19 10 0 Lc~s olle yo~tl"S Property Tnx J 10 9



166 19 1Gli 12


49 10


·14 Hl



42' £2808





£2 08 19


The Bishop of Ely has vory kindly transferrod his two Shares to the Recei ver-General as a gift to the Order. The Boa,rd, on behalf of the Sha,reholders, desire to ofter their best acknowledgments to the Honorary Auditor, Mr. C. Fitch-Kemp, F.GA., of 36, \Valbrook, E.G, and to the Honorary Solicitors, Messrs. Freshfielcls, 31, Old Jewry, E.G

Signecl on behalf of the Boarel of Di?'ecto)'s,


2Z~__~--. . . . . . . . . . . .__

H ono /,W'Y St. John's Gate, CleTlcenwell, London, E. C. 4th Aug ust, 1904.

'. . 'ecreta1'y. .

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