O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1904

Page 1

ROBERT PERCIVAL (Butcher's Assistant). CERTIFICATE OF HONOUR AWARDED For gallant conduct displayed on the 19th October, 190 3, in Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth, in stopping a bolting horse attached to a mail-van, and thereby saving a woman and child from being fun over as they were right in its track. Percival jumped at the horse's head but in so doing caught his feet in the reins and fell to the ground, when the horse kicked him in the face, and he had to be taken to hospital in an unconscious condition .

The Service Medal awarded for

\rbe \Branb lPrior\2 of tbe G)rber of tbe Ibo5pita( of $t. 30bn of 3erusalenl in JEnglanb. - --oOC>-C><><:l_--

Lz"st conspicious services to the

Order and its Departments will also be presented to:SUPERI TENDENT THOi\lAS HIGGI~SO T, \Valton-le-Dale Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade.



T, :\ ew

0/ jlfedals

and Certificates

awarded by the Chapter-General, for acts of gallantry £n saving life on land, for p7/'esentation by HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF 'VALES, K.G., GRAND PRIOR,

at J-farlboroltglz J£ouse, on Thursday ,


July, I9 0 4 ·

South Wales, St. John Ambulance Bri gade, Honorary Serving Brother of the Order. HONORARY SURGEON F. \V. COLLI~SON, Preston Corps, St. John A mbulance Brigade. SUPERI~TENDENT G. HARRISON, Preston AmLulance Brigade.

Corps, St.

FIRST CLASS SERGEA~T J A~lES CH URCIIER, TO. I politan Corps, St. J oh n Ambulance Brigade.

J Ohl1 Metro-

SUPERINTENDENT PHINEAS IIAY~lAN , East London Divi sio n , No. I District, St. John Ambulance Bri gade. LADY SUPERI JTENDE r T MIS ROSE PR ESTON, Barro\\'ford Nursing Division , St. John Ambulance Brigade. ASSISTANT-COi\l lISSIONER T. H. \VOOLST O~, . roo 3 Di strict, St. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERINTENDE T-TREASUR ER vV. H. REEVES, Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Tort hampton

-Jt District Chief SuperinteTldent J. A. Liebmann, owing to absence in Australia, will be unable to receive his medal from the hands of His Royal Highness the Grand Prior.




CLARK ( Midland


Gloucester). BRONZE MEDAL AWARDED For gallant conduct displayed on the 16th of I\1ay, 190 3, at Gloucester Station. Clark, at the risk of his life, jumped on to the buffers of a moving train and disconnected the vacuum pipe, thereby stoppi ng the train and undoubtedly saving a woman, who had fallen between the train and the platform , from being crushed to death.

LEONARD DALLIMORE ( Labourer). BRONZE MEDAL AWARDED For conspicuous bra\-e ry displayed on the 24th September, I9 0 3, at Union Street, Southwark. A m a n named Vickers had descended and become overpowered by the gas in a man-hole. Four men went down and attempted a rescue, but were themseh-es overcome. Dallimore then got himself lowered with a rope, and was successful in securing the four uncon scious men

one by one, and they were hauled to the surface by members of the Police and Fire Brigade. Dallimore narrowly escaped being overcome and had to be taken to hospital.

limited mail was rapidly approaching. White instantly jumped after him and after severe exertion and difficulty succeeded, just in time, in getting the man on to the platform again.

SAMUEL E. WEALE (Drain Tester), WILLIAM WATKINS (Sewer Flusher), WILLIAM BOOKER (Road Ganger).

Private SIDNEY LEACH (2nd Batt. Devonshire Regiment); Engineer WILLIAM HILL (Exeter Fire Brigade).


For bravery displayed on 5th August, I903, in \Voodside Avenue, l\Iuswell Hill. A man named Plumb fell to the boltom of a man-hole 23 feet deep and \Neale descended and endeavoured to effect his rescue but was himself overcome by the foul gas, whereupon \Vm. \Vatkins went down, moved Plumb and \Veale from the flow of sewage, but was also overcome. W. H. Booker then volunteered, and was lowered clown and successfully secured Plumb, \N eale, and \Vatkins.







City Police).


For gallant conduct on the 8th October, 1903, at Exeter, in stopping a runaway horse attached t8 a cab. Pte. Leach got down from a cart he was in and seized the horse's head but was unable to stop it, was knocked down, and the wheels of the cab passed over him. Engineer Hill, seeing the horse galloping down the street, with great presence of mind pulled a lady out of its way and warned a child who was in danger. He caught the horse, and succeeded in pulling it up.



For gallant conduct and presence of mind displayed on 2nd December, I903, at Liverpool, at a crowded street crossing in saving a boy, six years of age, from being run over by a tram. The boy ran up from behind and got in front of the tram while Quilliam was taking two other children across. Quilliam ran to the boy and succeeded in throwing him clear of the lines, but was himself caught by the car, knocked clown, and carried some way before he got clear. He was taken to the hospital, where it was found that his left leg was broken, and his right thigh dislocated.

Ticket Collector GEORGE WHITE (Great

Torthern Railway


For an act of bravery performed on the 14th of May, 1903, at Lurgan Station. A drunken man fell on to the line as the

For an act of bravery performed on the 25th May, 1903, at lanor Road, \Vallington, in stopping a runaway horse attached to a van, and in so doing probably saving the life of an aged man who was in the van at the time.


For great presence of mind displayed on the 25th of September, 1903, at \Voodhouse Eaves, near Leicester, Mr. Hartopp observed a young girl riding a bicycle down a hill marked dangerous for cyclists, and that she had lost control of her machine and \\'as coming towards him at a terrific pace; recognising the peril the girl was in he jumped from his trap and standing sideways lifted her out of the saddle as she passed him, and the bicycle crashed into a wall at the bottom of the hill.



<Pranb {Drior\? of tbe


of tbe

1bospital of $t. 30bn of 3erllsalell1 in JEnglanb.






Showing the new Ch a pter H all.



<Branb IDrior\2 of tbe


of tbe

lbospital of $t. 30bn of 3erusalent in lEnglanb.





28 28 29

Bearcr Compauies


. treet Ambulance Service Hononrs for


Fctgc Members of Council and Chapter nnu Execllti\'e Officers


Memorandum as to Payments


ervices ...

Issue of Certificates


Invalid Transport Corps


D;mcan Memorial Ambulance tation


Central British Red Cross Council


Income and Expenditure Account


Report of the Chapter-General, including Report of Promotions and Admi ions


Obituary Notices


A wards for Acts of Gallantry


Service Medals

15 15 17

Vellum Votes of Thanks Report of the Almoner .. _

Subscriptions and Donations to Head Office

from October, 1903, to

eptember, 1904


Life Members


Honorary Life Members





ubscription Form ...


Form of Testamentary Bequest


Report of the Librarian Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account to APPENDIX B.


30th September, 1904 Treasurer's account of Receipts and Payments,

Nominal Ron of Metropolitan Di trict, Provincial, Colonial and Foreign

Entertainment at His


Majesty's Theatre



StatemcJlt of I sue of Certificates and Medallions to Centres, facing Local Reports-

Report of the Committee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem

PART III. Report of the Ambulance Department of the Order, viz:The Central Executive Committee of the St. John AmbUlance Association ... and Executive Officers)



(b) Provincial (in alphabetical order)


(c) British Dominions beyond the Seasi.-Austl·alia


ii.-New Zealand ...

158 165 172 174


iii.-Empire of India


iv.-South Africa

General ReportImportant Meetings

(a) Metropolitan District


The Chapter of the Order of St. John (with names of Members of Council Current Pamphlets and Papers


v.-Hong Kong

7 8





India (Hon. Organizing Commissioner's Report)


Colliery and Mining Districts ., .


Auxiliary Royal Navy Sick Berth Reserve


APPENDIX D. Report of the Chief Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Briaade Index to ditto. 0


Parts I., II., and III., are independently paged.

175 409


Oorrected to lIIa?'ch 1 t, 1905. ( As ?'ega?'ds this and the oppo:)ite page.)


The Ohapter consists of the Knights of Justice alld SlIl)-Prela.Les, de jm'ej the Executive Officers ; the selected. :LlIembers of Oouncil; tIle following

Ube (j;ranb ]prior!? of tbe ®rber of Ube 1bospita[ of St. 3-obn of 3-erusa[ell1 ill JEng(an~.

®fficiating Qt!JapI!li\t$, The Sub-Dean of the OHAPELS ROYAL, O. V.O., D.D.

The Rev. Sir BORRADAILl1: SAVORY, Baronet, M.A. AND

.soberdgn 1hleall anll Watton of t!Je ®rllet.


of Egk




lExfcutibe ®ffiCerSiS. P1'Clate-His Grace the Archbishop of YORK. Chancell01'-The Right Hon. Earl EGERTO); OF TATTON. Sec1'eta1'y-Geneml-Colonel Sir HERBERT JEKYLL, KO.M.G., R.E. Receive1'-Gene1'al-EDwIN FIlE. JlFIELD, Esq., LL. D. Almonm'-The Rev. Oanon DUCI<'YOIlTH, 0.1'.0., D. D. Registm1'-Major-General Lord OHEYLE.')IOnE. Genealogist-Sir ALFRED COTT COTT-GATTY (Garter), Di1'ect01' of the Ambulance Depa1'tmenlThe Most Hon. the l\1ARQL'E OF Bm:ADALB A~E, K. G. Lib,'a"ictn-Liel1t-Oolonel R ICHARD HOLBECII E. Sec1'eta1'y-Oolonel Sir HEP,BERT O. PERHOTT, Baronet, C. B, Ohai1'man of the Britif.h Ophthalmic Hospital, J emsalemThe Hight Hon. Earl EGERTON OF TAT'] ON. Chief Sec1'eta1'Y of the Ambulance Department-Oolonel Sir HERBERT O.PEnnOTT, Bt.,O. B. ~SiSSiSi$tant

Executibe ®ffiCerSiS,

Assistant Di1'ect01' of the Am,bulance Depa1'tmentLieut.-Oolonel Sir RICHARD OARNA.C TEMPLE, Baronet, O, I.E. Assistant R eceiver-EDwIN H. FRESHFIELD, Esq., M.A. Assistant Lib?'a1'ian-OYlUL DAVE NPORT, Esq, Assistant Secretlwy-LOCKHART STOCKWELL, ESfl. Acc01mtant-WILLIAM R. EDWAIlDS, Esq., A.,O.A. Hon. Sec1'eta1'Y of the B1'itish Ophthal'rnic Hospital, J e'rusale1l1,Major J. T. WOOLRYCH PEROWNE. Assistant Han. Sec1'eta1'y (f01' Scotland) of the B1'itish OZJhthalmic Hospital, J enlsalemA. A. GORDON, Esq,



The Oouncil consists of the Sub-Prior, as President ex-officio, the Executive Officers, and thefollowing

Selected Members. Sir JOHN FURLEY, O. B. Colonel J. O. DALTON, R.A. The Right Hon. Viscount KNUTSFORD,G.O.M.G. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Colonel C. W. BOWDLER BOWDJ,ER, C. B.

Sir J. N. DICK, R.O.B., R.N. Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D. WILLIAM OOLLINGRIDGE, Esq., M.D. Major-General Sir OWEN T. BURNE, G.C.LE., K.O.S.l. Sir GEORGE HAYTER OHUBB, Baronet. Lieut-Oolonel Sir RICHARD TEMPLE, Bart., O. I.E.

GEORGE T. BIDDULI'II, Esq, Major-General ASTLEY TEP,r.Y. Oolonel Sir E. T. THACKERAY, R.O.B., J:J. Qt., R E. Inspector-General B. Nnmls, M.D" R.N. Colonel 0.1\1. WATSON, O.B., O.M.G., RE. Sir ARTHUR J. R. TnE~DELL, O.1\1.G.

Sir RICHARD D OUGLAS POWELL, Baronet, K.O.V.O., M.D. Oolonel 0, M. ROYDs, C.B., M.P. The Right Hon. The Earl of LATHO:\I. EOi\lUND OWEN, Esq., F.R.O.S. EDWIN HAN ON FRESHFIELD, Esq., M.A.

The following are the Knights of Justice: H.R.H. Prince OURI8TIAN OF 'CHLE WIGHOL TErN, K.G" G.O.B. H.R.H. Prince OUARLES OF DEN~rARK,G.O. B. H.H. Prince ALBERT OF SCHLESWIGHOLSTEIN, G.O.B., G.O.V.O. H.S.H. The Duke of TECK, G,O.V.O. E.S.H. Prince FHAXUIS OF TECK, K.O.V.O., D .. 0. Captain H.S. H. Prince LOUIS OF BA'l'TE){BERG, G,O.B" R.N. H.S.H. PrinceALExANDEH. GF.ORGE OF TECK, G.O,V.O., D,S.O. The Right Hon. Lord LEIGH . Lieut. -001. TR1WENEN J A)IES HOLLAND, C. B. OHARLES PEMBEnTON OAnTER, Esq. Sir JOHN FURLEY, O. B. (Hon01'al'Y Bailitt.) The Right Hon. Lord STANMORE, G.O.M G. FRANCIS ROBERT DAVIES, Esq. Sir BROOK KAY, Baronet. Sir THOMAS NORTH DICK-LAUDER, Barollet. Major Sir ARCllIBALD LAMB, Baronet. Oolonel Sir HERBERT O. PERROTT, Bt., O. B. The Right Hon. Earl FERRER . . Colonel Sir JAMES GILDEA, O.V.O., O,B. HENRY JOHN LOFTUS, Esq. Colonel BETHEL MARTIN DAWES. The Right HOll. LOld AMHERST OF HACKNEY. General Sir OHARLES WARREN, G.O.M.G., KO.B., RE. Oolonel JAMES OECIL DALTON, RA. Lt.-Oolonel AYLMER GOULD HUNTER-WESTON D.S.O., R.E. ' The Right HOIl. Earl EGERTON OF TAlTON. Colo~el The Right Hon. Lord WILLIAM: OECIL, 11'1. V. o.

EDWIN FRESHFIELD, Esq., LL. D., (Hon01'a1'Y Commander. ) His Grace The Duke of FIFE, R. T. The Right Hon. Lord BRA SEY, R.C.B. The Right Hon. Viscount TEMPLln'owN. The Right Hon. Earl AMHERST. The Right Hon, ViECOllllt KNUTSFORD, G. 0.111, G. (Hono1'Ct1'Y Bailiff.) R MACLEAN MACLEAN, Esq. ARTHUR FRANCIS GRESHAM LEVESON GOWER, Esq. Lieut.-Ool. F. A. HEYGATE LAMBERT. 001. OHARLE!:> ·WYNDHAM MURRAY,O.B.,1LP. 'l'he Right HOll. the Earl of RANFURLY, G.O.M.G. The Right Hon. Lord SAND HURST, G.C.S.L, G.O.I.E. Sir HENRY ARTHUR BLAKE, G.C.M.G. Oaptain NATHANIEL GEORGF. PHILIPS. The Right HOll. the Earl of MEATH, K.P. A. EmIUND FRASER, Esq. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Oolonel OHARLES HUGHES-HuXTER. The Most Hon. the MARQUESS OF BREADALBANE, KG. His Grace the DUKE OF PORTLAND, K. G., G.O.V.O. Field-Marshal the Right Hon. the EARL ROBERTS, K.G., K.P., J:J.<!r., &c. ROBERT BRUDENELL CARTER, Esq., F.R.O.S. NORi\IAN HAY FORBES, Esq., F.R.O.S.{Edin. Oolonel J ORN ALEX_-\NDER UAN STUART, C.B., C.1\1.G. Oolonel O. W. BOWDJ,ER BOWDLER, C.B.

The following are the Sub-Prelates: The Lord Bishop of ELY. The Lord Bishop of SALISBURY. The Bishop in JERUSALEM.

The Bishop of BRITISH HONDl'RAS. The Bishop of GIBRALTAR.

The following memorandum as to payments is issued for general information and guidance :1.

All Cheques, Postal Orders, and Post Office

Orders whatever should be crossed "LOi\DO T AD WESTMINSTER BANK, LOTHBUR Y . " 2.

Foundations, Oblations, and ren1ittances [or

the Almoner's Department, and for the general funds of the Order, should be made payable to the "Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusa]em in England," crossed as above. 3· Remittances for the Ambulance Department should be made payable to the" St. John Ambulance Association," crossed as above. 4· Remittances for the J erusalem Hospital should be made payable to the "British Ophthal1l1ic Hospital, Jerusalem," crossed as above. Bankers' Orders forwarded on application. (By order) EDWIN FRESHFIELD, Receiver- Gemra I.

REFERENCE No. 62 1906

St. 30bn Ellllbulance association, BEING THE AMBULANCE DEPART\IE



crbe <5ranO ]prior}? of tbe @rOer of tbe 1f)o5pital of St. Jobn of Jel'llsalcm 11\ JEnglanO. ~~

ij:}atrolt. Telephone Holborn 861

HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. (S overeign Head and Patron of the Order.) prcslbcnt. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G., (Grand Prior of the Order ).

1. Medallions, with names and registered number engraved on back, will be granted to those pupils who become entitled to them under the following condltions :-

2. PUPIL' who hD..ve undergone three examinations as specified below will be eligible to receive a Inedallion, to be carried in the pocket, or worn a .. an ornament, bu,t never a (i decorution, and to be used when necessary as a certificate of competency to render first aid to the injured. 3. Under no circulllstances can the medu.llion be obtained without passing at least two examinations in First Aid to the Injured. The other examination requisite to make up the prescribed number of three may be either in ] irst Aid to the Injured, in Home Nursing, or in Home Hygiene, but in all cases the third examination ll1USt be in Fir t Aid. The interval between each of the examina,tions lllUSt Le not less than t~\Yelve months in cases where three .First Aid examinations are reckoned as qualification. In cases where a pass in Home Nursing 01' in Home Hygiene is to Le reckoned as part qualification for the medallion, the examination in that suuject may be taken at any time either before the first 01' the second examination in First Aid, provided that one course of lectures is cOlllpleted before the next is begun, and the second examination in :First Aidllw.y be held nit any time not less than twelve months after the date of the first exaluination in that subject. Under no circulllstances whatever will one examination in First Aid, and examinations in HOllle Nursing and Home Hygiene, be sufficient qualification. 4. Attenda.nce at lectures before the 'econd 01' third exa.lllin;ltion in First Aid is optional, but

candidates are warned that the severity of the tests given by the examiner will increase with each First Aid examination qualifying for the medallion. 5. With the consent of the Chief f:)ecreta.ry 01' the local ~ecretary of H, Centre, but not of a Branch, either the second 01' third exall1ination in First Aic1111HIY Le contlucted by a 10ca.ll\Iedical Practitioner, who must conclllct his examilltttioll strictly in acconlance with Paper 80, of which a. copy may Le outainec1 on applic<.ttion to the Chief ~ecretar'y. The local l\letlicttl Practitioner above mentioned should wake his report on tt sheet of foolsctllp pap8r, which should be handed to the f:)ecretary of the Centre, 01' in the case of Branches Le fOrWtLnled to the Chief tiecretary, care being taken to state thereon the nalllC and addrcss of the person wlto is acting as ~ecrettl.ry to the Branch. He should. invariauly distinguish between those cttndic1ates who twe in for their second examilUttion, for which tL vOllcher, will Ge i,'sued gr"l.ti ', mlll tho 'e in fur their thinl, for which ltO voucher i~ given.

G. 711~

JU{{UWIII/'; tab{e.; S110r.o;)8 tllC


sct'eral systeills by

Shortest interval after First Aid Examination .



i t is possible to sccure the fvIeda ll i o~~. Shortest possible time i n which the Meda llion may be obtained.

Awa rd . _ _ _I


12 months. 12 months.


(a ft er 2nd Ex a m ina ti on )

YSTE l\I 1. Firs t Aiel. Certi fica te. First .\id. Voucher. Firs t Aid. Medallion. ' y ' TEl\I


0: 0 prescri bed interval.

S Eeo, D

12 months.


Firs t Aid. I-l ome 1\ ursin g or I-lome Hygiene. First \id, '.


Two years.


l J

Certific ate.


I Certifi cate.

One year

l\Iedallion. ----------------~-

TEM ursing






or } I lome Hygiene, First Aid. First l\id.

1\ redalli on.

prescribed interval. 12 months . I .0







One year and I"' ive weeks.

OTE- In calculating intervals the day of the month is not taken into account, so that (for example) the interval between 31st ] anuary, 1905 and 1st ] anuary, 19 06 is deemed to be twelve months.

8. To avoid hardship, one of the former yst IllS (now abolished) under which a medallion could uo gained by passing in First Aid twice and finally in H ome Nur ino' with a twelve-months' interval l>etween each exaillinatioll, will, with the con 'ent of the 'hief Secretary, forlll the necessn,ry qualitication, provided thnt the ~ ursing exalllin:l Lioll is heltl not later th<.Ln the 31st December, 1906, but after that date the prinel pIe th<tt the third ex<tlllin<.Ltion must be in :B irst Aid will be rigidly enforced.

~~~ 9. A lauollluty ue earned uy medallion holders for each re-exalllination, conducted as per pan.t. 5, they undergo, at intervals of not less than twelve lllOllths, the tirst ueing h eld not Ie's than twelve months after the third examination for the medn,llion. On the front of the label are represented sprigs of the St. John's wort and the year of issue, and on the back ttppears the registered uumuer of the medallion. The labels may be attached to the lllec.bllion. Missing a year's re-examination does not prevent a label being earned the following yenr. 10. Pupils entitled to medallions 01' lauels, can obtain them by pnying, through the Honorary Local Secretary, the following prices: MEDALLIONS.


SILVER, 7s. 6d.

GOLD, (18 ct.), 50s.

[Including the cost of engraving Name and H.egistered I \lluuer



Cases, 2s. each extra. LABELS.


SILVER, Is. 6d.

GOLD, (18 ct.), lOs. 6d.

[Inclu ding the cost of engrtt ving Regis tered N um Lor on b.tclcJ. 11. Recipients of medallions or labels who may desire at any subsequent pel'iod to obtain duplicates must pay the above prices. 12. If it is desired that medallions or labels should be forwarded by post, threepence, to covel' registration and postage, should be paid with the above amount, Medalllons or labels of the value of lOs. are sent post free.

1:3. Every ttpplication for lllOdallions 01' hbe]s lllust be made on a printed forIll supplied for that purpose <.wthentlettteduy the sign<ttm'e of the HOllOrtl,ry ~e(';l'etttry of the Centre or D OLtwhec.l Class, to which the pupil 01' pupils Incty uelong <mel Hlclcll'essec1 to the Centl',tl Oltieo, ' t. John·s Gn.te. 14. All orders for lUecblliolls or buols must be prepaid, ttnc.l to CttCilit<tte nuwbering' and ollgnwillg of names, it is requested that, itS 1'<1,1' as possible, they lUtty be ol'derod by HOllOl'ttl'y Se(';l'ctm·im; periocli(.;ttlly, in uatehes, [mel not l:lingly at the option of inuividual pupils. By Order,

l-IEliBEli,T C. PEHl-{OTT, St. Juhn's Gate, C'lcl'kellweU, E. U. Nit!!, lDU5.


UhieJ Scc1·claJ'lJ.


a;rant> jDrior\2 of tbe


of the

boapitaI of $t. 30hn of 3erueale111 in J8nglanl).

REPORT, H E CHA.PTER-GE~ERAL OF THE ORDER OF THE Ho PITAL OF ST. J OHX OF J ERUSALE~I I~ EXGLAXD has the pleasure to report the following proLnotions in, and admissions to the Order during the past year:As Knight of J'L~stice. Cl1ptl1in H.S.H. Prince Alexander George of Teck, G.G.V.O., D.S.O. (Royal Horse Guards). As Ladies of J'Ll;stice. H.R.H. Princess Alexander of Teck, V.A. Vere, Viscountess Gal way (froll Lady ot Grace). As Chaplain. The Bishop of Gibraltar (Sub-Prelate). As Knights of G1'Cwe. Surgeon-General "\Villian1 Daniel Campbell "\Villiams, G.B. (from Honorl1ry Associate). George ThOlnson, Esq., M.D. (from Honorary Associate). H.E. Lord N orthcote, G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., C.B. Sydney "\Villiaw Malkin, Esq. (from Honorary Serving Brother). lYIl1jor Chaley Fox (from Honorary Associate). Cyril Davenport. Esq. (fron1 Esquire). Sir Robert Harvey.



Lieut.-Colonel Anthony Hickman Morgan, D.S.O. (frOJu Honorary Associate.) Sir Lees Knowles, Ba.ronet, l\I.P. John Prescott Hewett, Esq., C.S.I., C.I.E. Lieut.-Colonel Reuter Emerich Roth, D.S.O. (from Honorary Associate. )

As Ladies of Grface. Alice, Lady N ortbcote, C.I. Florence, Miss Nightingale, R.R.C. Florence Caroline, 1\1rs. Seymour Corkran (from Honorary Serving Sister). Alice Richmond, 1\1rs. Garnett-Orme. Louisa, Miss Twining. Rachel, Countess of Dudley. Matilda Jane, Mrs. l\Ic1.rcUS Stanley Hare. :Mary Caroline, Countess of Minto. As Esquirres. William Allan Jamieson, Esq., l\I.D. David Charles Lloyd Owen, Esq., F.R. . .1. Major \Villiam Kemp Trotter, 3rd Bn. Durham Light Infantry. Charles Peter Little, Esq. John Horne Stevenson, Esq., M.A. (Unicorn Pursuivant.) Captain Charles McDonald Ogilvie. As Honorary Serving Brothe?'s. George Armitage. Walter Duncan Liddell. John Calvin Lines. Sergt.-Major Williarn Henry Smith (late R.A.M.C. ). W al tel' Firth. Frederick Lomax. J ames Sydney Jones. Robert Morris Williams, M.B. Absalom Whitehouse Strickland. Jocelyn Godefroi. As Honorary Serving Sisters. Maria, Miss Bakkes. Belle Boynton, Mrs. Rutherford. Janet Drummond, Miss McGregor.


-Catherine Rowland, 1\1rs. Robertson. Sarah Anne, Miss Hyland. Grn,ce Mary Mart.in, Miss Mackenzie. :Mary Forbes, Miss :MR,ckenzie. Mary Beatrice, ~Irs. l\Iooijaart. Fanny, .J Ess Barratt. Margaret, l\Iiss Cochrane. }.tLtrO'i;tret, :JIiss Clark. As li()noTC~ry Associc~tes. Colonel Thomas Holbein Hendley, C.I.E. AlderuHm Joseph Robert Heape. uro'eon-Captain 'harles Ernest Goddard, l\I.D. John ourtenay Lord, Esq. Boo'don Edward Iastrzebski Edwards, Esq., M.B. Lieut.-Colonel George Frederick Mc \Villiams, l\I.D. Ed win Lee, E q., M.R.C.S. Major Percival Benjamin 'Valker. John Alexander Sutherland, E q., nI.B. ,\Vjllialll Bird, E q., l\I.D. Georo'e . . 'hepherd, E q. Frank de Beeho Piln, Esq., L.R.C.P.I. John Cooper, Esq. Robert Arthur :JIilligan, Esq., 1\1.D. Frederick H. ,Yestmacott, Esq., F.R. C.S. Emily, Miss Du Pre. Sir Robert Cranston, (Lord Provost of Edinburgh). Percy Armytage, Esq., 1I.V.O. Herbert Beerbohll1 Tree, Esq. Leonard Dobbin, Esq. The Order has to lament the deaths of the following l\fembers a.nd As ociates:-

Knights of J ustice.-H.R.H. The Duke of Cambridge, K.G., on 17th March, 1904. }Iajor Sir Joseph '\Vallis O'Bryen Hoare, Bt., on 30th April, 1904. Lieu t. -Colonel Gould Hun ter-Wes ton, (1ionora?'Y OO?n-rnander and Regist?'ar) on 12th August, 1904.



Ladies of Justice.-Annie Shirley, :1\11's. "\Yhitwo1'th Porter

H.R.H. The DvJ;e of Ca?Tl-b?'iclUe, lCG., had, fron1 an early date, .

on 5th July, 1904. Esther 'arah, lUI's. Burnes, on 27th August, 1904. Louisa Katharine, Lady Lechmere, on 15th August, 1904. The Honble. Emily Charlotte, ]\T 1','. nleynell InoTam, on 21st Dec., 190-1..

always evinced great interest in Inatters connected with the Order and its Departments, and gave his influential support on rks . . aU po ible occasion' to the furtherance of its good lIIojor Iii' J. lV. O'B1"!)en Hoare, Bt., one of the senl~r KnIghts of J u tice, was for many years a member of the Councll, and had rendered yu,luable seryice by his support of the Southampton Centre of the Ambulance Department. Lient.-Oulonel Gonlrl llL~ntel'- TVe,,'ion's loss will be greatly felt by the older members of the Order, as he had for a long period of years rendered it most prOlllin.ent and inva~uable as 'istance by his regular attendance at Uleetmgs of Councll and Chapter, ,\"here hi antiquarian anc1 technical know lec1ge of the old, 'tatntes and proceec1in o.. of the ancient Order were of untold yalue. His elevotion to tbe Order, and the active part he took in funnel' (lay,· in in ·i.. ting on the maintenance of its status as a knightly and chiyalric body, ha,-e left members under a deep debt of oTl1Lit llc.1e to his memor)- , and hi intere 1., was still further practically demonstrated oy hi generous bequest of a legacy of £2.50 tu be expended in a way which might be considered to the be t ac1vanta n'e to the Order. ~h' '. lV It it'/.( ol'th P07'ter ,,-as at the time ot her death the senior Lady of J u tice on the Roll. The ,yic1ow of its lamented and well-known hjstorian, the late Major-General "\Vbitworth Porter, R.E., she shttred with hinl his keen interest and love of the ancient Hospitaller Body, and had rendered valuable assistance in the furtherance of sonle of its humanitarian ana departmental works. ]{atlw,"ine, Laclv Lechn1e?'e's, lo's will be deeply felL both by the Order and its Almoner's Department, and more especiaUy by the BriLi ·h Ophthalmic Hospita1. As is well known, the lateSir Edmund and Lady Lechmere were the original moyers in the institution of this Foundation of the Order, and both, to' the last days of their liYes, ever displayed the most practical and liberal interest in its development and progress. Both made its. prosperity and welfare a personal work of love, and it was in a great measure owing to their unwavering support and generosity shown on many occasions, even in tbe face of what at times appeared insuperable difficulties, that the Hospital has attained.


The Very Rev. the Dean of Rochesler, on 27th August, 1904.

Knights of GTace.-:1\lajor Arthur A. andy, on 19th April, 190-.1, amuel F. G. By the ea, Esq., on rc1 lay, 190""'. Colonel Henry Eyre, .B., on 2""'Lh June, 100-.1. l\Iaj or Ed ",::nd "\Villialll 'toke, on 2nd July, 100-±' Surgeon- ~eneral J ame J aIlle on, .B., M.D., on 13th 'eptelllbor, 100-.1.

Ladies of Grace.-l\largaret GI\'j'n, nIl'. R. D<1,


Porter, on 1st June, 190-1..

Honora/I'Y Serving B?'othe,'s.- apt<1,in Henry E, eraI'LL Hayme , R.A.~I.C., on 15Lh March, 190-.1. ,\Villiam George Barnes, Jnr., on 11 th April, 1004. Honorary Associates.-Colonel Nathaniel Y. A. "\Vales, on 3rd November, 1903. Deputy ' 'urgeon-General Henry Cayley, C.M.G., on 19th larch, 1904. John Martin, Esq., M.D., on 7th April, 1904. Joseph French Thompson, Esq., on 12th August, 1904. Thomas Chaplin, Esq., M.D., on 20th September, 1904.





to its present flourishing and beneficent posItIOn. Lady Lechmere's munificent legacy to the funds of the Hospital bears eloquent testimony to her desire that an object in which she had so deep an interest at heart might not suffer pecuniary loss by her death, and this last act places a seal on D1any similar deeds of benevolence performed during a long life busied in well-doing. The large silver processional Cross, bequeathed to the Order by Lady Lechmere, is of exceptional interest, as there appears S0111e ground for a suggestion that this lllay have belonged to ir Robert l\Iallory, Lord Prior of Clerkenwell, whose armorial bea,rings are depicted on the shield. The Cross it elf is of the period of the Early Italian Renaissance, but though the shield is Gothic in character, it may have been affixed after Lhe ross was brought to England. lIfajor StollJes will be remembered for the good work he performed for a number of years in maintaining the Lancaster Centre, of which he was a most able and zealous Honorary Secretary. S1.wgeon-General Ja'n'l-e on alway took a liyely interest in the Order and its Departments, and will be remembered more especially for his able and valued co-operation at the Lime of the mobilization and despatch of the St. John All1bulance Brigade Active Service Detachments during the onth African vVar, 1899-1902. Mr. TV. G. Barnes, In?'. had rendered 1110 t timely assistance in the storage and ultimate despatch of many tons of ambulance material and medical comforts for the use of Lhe troops during the same South African Campaign. Colonel N. Y A. ~V(J,les WR,S for some time a prominent and energetic member of the local Executive of the New South Wales Centre of the Ambulance Department. Dr. J . .Ma?·tin was for many years on the Examining Staff of the Association, to which he rendered loyal and good service. Dr. Chaplin will be remembered for the keen interest he invariably took in the work of the Order's British Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem and his personal knowledcre o of the locality ~ and its requir81uents was of great advantage and utility to the Committee, and was readily placed at its disposal. The following are the awards given during the year for acts of

gallantry in saving, or attempting to save, life on land, and werepresented to the recipients at Marlborough House on Thursday, 21st July, 1904, by H.R.H. the Prince of ,Yales, K.G., Grand Prior, who was accompanied by H.R.H. Prince 1hristian of Schleswig-Holstein, I{.G., the members of the Chapter being in attendance :Acting Inspector HORACE CLARK (lllicllancZ Railway, GlO1we te?o). Bronze JJleclal AwaTclecZ. For gallant conduct displayed on the 16Lh of l\Iay, 1903, at Gloucester Station. Clark, at the risk of his life, jumped on to the buffers of a moving train, and disconnected the vaCUUln pipe, thereby stopping the train and undoubtedly saying a WOlllan, who had fallen between the train and the platform, froll being crushed to death. LEONARD DALLIMORE (LabOlwer). Bronze JJleclal Awa?"clecl. For conspicuous bravery displayed on the 24th September, 1903, at Union Street, 10n th w<.Lrk. A man named Yickers ha.d descended and Lecollle oyerpowered by the gas in a manhole. Four Ulen went down and attempted a rescue, but were themselves overcome. Dallimore then got himself lowered with a rope, and was successful in securing the foul' unconscious men one by one, and they were hauled to the surface by members of the Police and the Fire Brigade. Dallimore narrowly escaped being overcome, and had to be taken to hospital. SAMUEL E. 'VEALE (Drain Tester), WILLIAM ,V ATKIN'S (Sewer Flusher), WILLIAM BOOKER (Road Ganger). Booker;' a1?d Watk:ins awcwclecl Bronze JJ1eclal,' Weale, CeTtificate of HO?1mw. For bravery displayed on 5th August, 1903, in vVoodside Avenue)" Muswell Hill. A man named Plumb fell to the bottom of a manhole 23 feet deep, and vVeale descended and endeavoured to effect his rescue, but was himself overcome by the foul gas, whereupon Wm. ",. atkins went down, moved Plumb and ,Veale from the flow of sewage, but was also overcome. \V. H. Booker then volunteered, and was lowered down and successfully secured Plumb, Weale, and Watkins. WILLIAM QUILLIAM (Police Con table 57D, Liverpool City Police). Bronze Medal Awarded. For gallant conduct and: presence of mind displayed on 2nd December, 1903, at Liverpool, at a crowded street crossing in saving a boy, six years of age, from being run over by a tram. The boy ran up from behind


and got in front. of the tram while Qllilliam was taking two other ehildren aero s. Qllilliam ran to the boy and succeeded in throwing hinl clear of the lines, but \Va' hill I elf caucrht by the car, knocked clown, and canied ome way before he got clear. He was taken to the ho pital, where it wa found that hi left leg wa,s broken a,ncl his right thicrh dislocated. Ticket Oollector GEORGE ,VUITE (Great .;.Vol'tllefn Raillcay of ITelc.&nd, Lu)'gc&n.) Ceft~ticClte of HonolL?' A 1. IXL?'CZecl. For an act of bra,very perfornled on the 14th of l\Iay, 1903, at Ll1l'o'an Station. A drunken man fell on to the line a the lilllited mail was rapidly approa,ching. ,Yhite in tantly jumped after him and after severe exertion and difliculty ucceedetl, ju. t in time, in getting the man on to the platforlll again. Private SID~EY LEACH (2nd Batt. D eVfJ1l, hi,'e R eginu 11i): Eno'ineer ,VILLIAU HILL (Exeter Fire BJ'i[Jucle.) Oed ~lic(&te' of H O,WLU Awanlecl. For ga,llant conduct on the th October, 1903, at Exeter, in stopping a runa" Tay h orse attached to a cat>. Pte. Leach got down from a cart he ,yas in and c;cized the hal' e" head, but wa unable to stop it, was knocked down, and the wheels of the ca,b passed o,er him. Engineer HilL . eeillo' the horse galloping down the ,treet, with great pre ence of mind pulled a la,dy out of its way and warned a, child who wa,' in danger. He caught the horse, anc1 succeedec1 in pllllin<" it up. THO)IAS '\!OOLGAR (Ooachman.) C(J)'t ~ti('(lte tf 11 UilUU I' Awc&rclecl. For a,n act of bl'l1yery performed on the 25 th May, 1903, at 11a,nor Road, ,Vallington, in stopping a runaway hor.'e attached to a, van, and in so doing proba,bly sn,ving the lIfe of an aged mR.n who was in the van at the time. JAMES A. HARTOPP (TVine J.1Je?'chant.) CeTtificute of IIonoUr' A wc&?·(ied. For great presence of mind displayed on the 25 th of September, 1903, at ,Voodhouse Eaves} near Leicester. :JIr. Hartopp observed a young gid riding a bicycle down a hill marked dangerous for cyclists, and that she had lost control of her machine and was coming towards him at a terrific pace; recognising the peril the girl was in, he jumped from his trap, and standing sideways, lifted her out of the saddle as she passed him, and the bicycle crashed into a wall ftt the botton1 of the hill. ROBERT PERCIVAL (Butcher'S Assistant.) CeTtificate of Honour


A 'warded. For gallant conduct displayed on the 19th October, 1903, in Edinburgh Roa,d, Portsmouth, in stopping a bolting horse attached to a mail-van, and thereby saving a woman and child fronl being run over, as they were right in its track Percival jUluped at the horse's head, but in RO doing caught his feet in the reins and fell to the ground, when the horse kicked him in the face} a,nd he ha,d to be taken to hospital in an unconscious condition. The Service Medal aWR.rded for conspicuous services to the Order and its Depa,rtments was also presented on the same occasion to :I , T CLASS SERGEANT A:\IO HOWARD, Preston Oorps, St. John Alnbulance Brigade. SUPERIN"TEr DE~T G. HARRr. 'O~, Preston Corps} St. John Anlbulance Brigade. FIRST CLASS SERGEAXT JAMES CHURCHER, No. 1 Metropolitan Oorps, St. J oln Ambulance Brigade. SUPERIXTE~DEXT PHI~EAS HAY~rAN, East London Division, No.1 District, t. John Ambulance Brigade. LADY SUPERIN"TENDEXT Ro 'E PRESTO.x, Barrowford N tusing Divi ion, St. John Ambubnce Brigade. ASSISTANT-OOi\U1JS, IO~ER T. H. ,VOOLSTON, No. 3 District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERI~TE DEXT-TREA URER ,V. H. REEVES, Northampton Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. The following Officers, owing to absence in Australia and elsewhere, were una,ble to receive their medals from the hands of His Royal Highness the Grand Prior :SUPERINTENDENT THOMAS HIGGINSON, vValton-le-Dale Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. DISTRICT OHIEF SUPERI TTENDENT J. A. LIEBMANN, New South VV[tIes, St. John Ambulance Brigade, Honorary Serving Brother of the Order. HONORARY SURGEON F. W. COLLINSON, Preston Oorps, St J OM Ambulance Brigade. The special vellum vote of thanks instituted as an acknowledgment of conspicuous service to the Ambulance Department and to the British Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem has been awarded to :-



Dr. Leonard 1o11oy (Blackpool). Mr. A. W. ,¥inslade (Farnham Cen(;re). Miss :Margaret Darby (Derby Centre). ~1rs. Herbert Beerbohm Tree. Mr. John 'Mansell Da,ies (Birchwood Collieries entre). In Part II. of this Report a full account of the year's work done at the British Ophthahnic Hospital, J erllsalelU, will be found, as well as a statement of the funds of that In'Litution during the period under review. These funds 'irere 1110 ,t materially assisted by the result of the Entertainment held at His l\Iajesty's Theatre, by kind permi ion of 1\11'. Beerbohm Tree, on the evening of July 5th, 190-:b. The Entertainment, which wa attended by Theil' Majesties the ICing and Queen, Th ir Royal Highnesses the Prinee and Princes of \Yales, Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, Princess Henry of BaLtenberg, Princ Vietoria of Schleswig-Holstein, and Princess Ena of Battenberg, as well as by very many Members of the Order and eli ·tinglli:hed personages, proved an unqualified ncce s, and ,,'a the means of adding £2,400 for the benefit of the Ho pital Fund. The thanks of the Order are due to Lady Perrott for her untiring and able efforts as Honorary Secretary of the Entertainment Committee, to the Members of the COlllmittee, to the many well-known ladies who voluntarily ga\'e their services and appeared in the tablea~~x representing the History of the Order, to the Artists who arranged the tablea'l..~x, and to the celebrated members of the musical and theatrical world who willino'ly came forward to assist, and to all those who took and sold tickets for the occasion, an epoch-making one in the financial history of the Hospital. In Part III. of the Report will be found statements of the work done by the St. John Ambulance Association and St. John Ambulance Brigade during the past year. One feature ot the work of the Association has been the increase and extension of ambulance work in India, under the able and zealous organisation of Lt.-Col. A. C. Yate, the Honorary Organising Commissioner for that country. New Centres and Branches have been inaugurated in all parts of the Indian Empire, and H.R.H. the Grand Prior and the Chapter-General, in addition to the Silver Challenge Shield presented to the great Railway Companies ot

India, have also presented a very handsOlne similar Silver Trophy for competition among the Volunteers in India, and it is hoped that this practical encouragement will eventually lead to the formation of Corps and Divisions of the Brigade in India to supplenlent and complement the work of the l\1ilitary l\Iedical Authorities in time of war. An interesting report from Lieut.Colonel Yato will be found in Lhe report of the Ambulanee DepartlllenL of what has been done and what is yet to be done. The work of the Brigade has also extended, and it is very 0Tatifyinc)' to call attention to the fact that two additional Army b 0 Bearer Companies ha'\'e been raised and that a strong Stretcher Bearer neserve i ' under contE'mplation. The men who have joined tho Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve have also had most useful anc1 practical training on board H.1I's. Battleships and aL Lhe grCftt Naval Hospitals; and both the Naval and Military j\ nthoriLics have reported D10st favourably on the work and behaYluur of these mon during the tin1e they were under training. The Receiver-CTeneral has to report that the accounts have been audited oy 'Messrs. Price, ,Vaterhouse and Co., Chartered Accountants, and the Income and Expenditure Accounts and Balance Sheets are printed at the end of the report. The Almoner has Lo acknowledge with grateful thanks renewed and greatly appreciated gifts of Hospital letters, &c., from 1\1rs. Pitt-Draffen, Sir Dyce Duckworth, Mrs. ,Vyndham-Murray, l\Ir. S. Osborn and Dr. Oswald Browne. The RecLol', the Rev. T. VV. Wood, a Chaplain of the Order, states :" T urse Dashwood began to work here in March, 1903, and since "then has been engaged in nursing the sick poor of tills parish. " The manner in which she has performed her duties has given entire " Hatisfaction to all concerned. "During 1904 she paid 2,303 profe sional visits, and attended 130 " different caseH, as follo\ys :" :JIedical 89 " Surgical 38 " Chronic 2 " Maternity 1


" By the hbernJity of the Order of St. John 133 diet orders were " issued during the year to both sick and conyaJescent pa,tients, beside La lal'ge number of milk ticket, by means of which the sick poor, " among whom Nurse Dashwood works, have been greatly benefitted " and often more quickly restored to health than could po ibly have " been the case without them; ~s in very many cases nourishing food ,'.' .was more needed than anything else to complete recovery after an illness. B



" The arrangement that some of the L1L(lies of the Ord ' j ' should \ i'li I " the :y Ul'SC'S patient as far as circulll, tancc'l would pel'lllit, has beell " somewhn,t interl'upted by the tempora,l'Y absence from England of two " of the 'e laclici'l, but Lady Furley and ~Iiss Dalton hn,yc c:onLinued to "pay \r1sits, and have seell lllany of the cases ,,'iLh which ~ris'l " Da 'h \\'ood has had to deaJ Thcse yisits arc Illuc:h appre('ia,Led by tIll' , poor people in whom the la(tie. haye tnken it kindly interC'st. It i'l " very d e'intble t hat this informal COllllC'ctillg link lwt\\,('l'u LIlt' 0]'(1el', " the XUl"e, and th patients, Hhould bc maintaine(l in the futul' ."

P hotog?'aphs of Eagle Church . P resented by the Vicar. "British lJ[on(wchism." (By T . D. Fosbroke, M.A., 18t3.) P resented by Miss "\Y ynter, . ' " lV01,kllOu::;es (/.,luI Pu upel'i8 Jl1"; I1nd " Re(·?llectw.n~ of Life c('wl

The Librarian report the following prcsentatjons ;_

LCI>?'ge Oil Painting of the Chancellor in f?'(f?lw. Presentcd by Her Grace The Duchcss of Buckingham and (;hmHlo '.

LCL?'ge Oil PCLinting in fl'mne of ,t, John BClpti t.

Pre 'enLcd

by Lord Mostyn.

Two Oil Paintings in jru?ne' of And,'eu VYf, :j9th Ul'{f/~(l P?'iOT, ancl an 'Ll.,nknown J(nigltt of .llalla. Prcsented by Yi, ,countess Galway,

La1'ge Ancient Silver P1'oce sionul ero,'8, 01'iui17((ll!l ill lhe 7JOS(3eSSton of the Onle)', cf.Jncl bewl'i'lf) date }',):27. JJcqucathecl by Katharine, La 1y Lechmm'e.

Nineteen Watei'-colO1..I.,1' P«('inti ILU8 in /"(( lite, d''jJic{ i 11f) tlw OOStU.17WS of the Oi'(Zei' in 11/ alta. Pre cnted by 'lll'o'con-l 'aptain F. A. Brook , ~LD. Selclen's cc Table Talk"; and two SCI'UP Buok ' of 1J r!I'U/ tl 1'/1 (oul s~Lnd?'Y papers. Presented by the Genealof)/.'it, Hev. \V. r. H. Bedford.

".d Onlem cle 111altaem P07'tuyal"; a.nd " The Ol'elU (~l ,tel'vice at tAe 11Ia1'ienlJlI.,I'g Celeb1·ution." Prescnte{l Ly Sir J Oh11 Fnrley, C.B.

" The H oIY/Je N u?'se."


Presented by the Author, Mis

'. F. A

cc The Knights Iiospitallers in i cotlul1cl: and thei,' PJ'io,',IJ at Torphichen." Presented by the Author, Dr. Beatson, (1.13., l\I.D. The II01'ne 001..I.,nties .Magazine. Presentcd by the Lihrarinn. Tlw I llustrution to Caousin's Siege of Rhodes, luc 'im,ilecl, and Photographs of the New Buildings and the CJ'ypt. Presented

by Mr. H. W . Fincham.

The Tenances of lIlalta unde1' the 07'cleT of St. John of J e1'Usalem cZu?'ing the last years of its dominion. Presented by Colonel E, L. Thornton.

(( The Ea?Oly OhaTters of the Knights H 0 pitalle)'s ?'elating to

~Much Wootton ."

P resented by Mr. Robert Gbdstone, Jun.

Coscius. De separatione tOTi conjugalis, ~uith A 1'?n8 of O(trclinal Alexander Albani. Presented by Colonel C. 11. Royds, c'B., :M:.P. Copy of a Grant by Llewellyn, Bishop of BanfJ01', to the Hospitul of the 1(nights of J erusalem> at Dolgenwol." Prescnted

by Colonel H . Howard, c. B.

P rint of Prior Docwra.

wor th, M.D.

Presented by Sir D yce Du ck-


Presentec1 by the Author, 'Miss LOlusa Twmmg. Presented by Dr. Theodore Fishel'.

Photograph of a B'I"ass of II'l.tf)h Sta? key.

I t will interest 11lcmLers to ]rnow that the South Chapel in the ancient crypt of St. John's Uhnrch has been completely restored. 1\. three-lio'ht sLained-gbss \\'inclo\\' al)uve the altar has been pref-lenLec1 Ly Dr. J [tlnieson, all Esquire of the Order, ,:md an ancient altar frontnl by a Lady of J u tice, the viscounte~s Galway. Memorials to deceascd IDelll bel'S of the Order are beIng placed upon the walls of this Chapel: thrce are already in position, and others are a.bout to be fixed. His Majesty thc Emperor of Germany having expressed ~ wish. th . tt tIll' 01'(ler should be represented at the reconsccratlOn of the nClvlY-l'estorcd chnrrh in the ancient cn'tle of ~Irrrienlmrg, l)elonging to Lhc Teutonic Order, His ~Iajesty King Edwar.c1 <:01ll1llanded Honorary Bailiff Sir J o11n Fm'ley, C.B., the ~Iarqlus ()f Bre<lcblLrtllc, K.G., Colonel Bowcller, C.B., Knights of Justice, and the Sccretary-General, Colonel Sir H erbert Jekyll, K.c'M.G., RE., Knight of Grt1.cc, to attend as a deputation for that purpose, The mClllLcrs in question were ~ll!cordingly present on this interestinO' Prcviously to o occasion on the Gth of June, 1902. the cerelllony of reconsecration, 'w hich took place 'with much medin;vnl form and pomp, the clcputation had the honour to be received by the Emperor in privatc audicnce, when the J\Iarquis of BrGl1cblLane handed to IIi , ilIajesty an autograph letter frOln King Eel wan 1. Subsequcntly a banquet, at ""hich the Emperor and Em pre s wcre present, was held in the Great Hall of thc Castle, at which, and indced throughout an the ceremonies of the cby, thc member of the British c1 cpntation were honoured with lllarke( l l!onsideration and hospitality. The Order l11ay congratulate itself on the work that is 1eing done in all directions to maintain, extend and increase its usefulness, and it is hoped t,hat whenevcr and wherevcr possible iLs Members will lose no opportunity of personally encouraging tmd countenancing local, colonial and nationt1.1 ef-forts made for the alleviation of suffering and of sic1",lle s, a]1(.1 for the good of mankind in gcneral, both at home and in His Majesty's Dominions Beyond the Seas.


(Branb )Drior\? of tlJe ~rber of tbe 1bospttal of St. Jobn of Jerusalem in JEnglanb. INCOll!E A~ND EXPENDIl'URE ACCO['OR YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1904.



Central AdministrationSalaries Rent, rates and taxes Printing, stationery and general expenses Audit fee Insignia and diplomas (loss on supply) South Afri~a War Medals Special grants Ambulance DepartmentInstl'uc tion an d sale of StoresLecturers' alld Examiners' fees and expen. 'cs Salaries Printing, statiouery aud general expenses Carriage and freigh t Expenses of Organizing Commissioner in Englaml. . .

Central Administra tionMembers' oblations FOllndations Interest on investments Ground Rent

£542 18 7 608 11 6 550 1 9 52 10 0 60 2 7 6 12 6 94 0 0

£996 6 0 353 0 0 518 7 11 123 15 5 642



1914 16 11 Ambulance DepartmentInstruction an d sale of storesGross profit on sale of stores Donations and. annual subscriptions Receipts from detached. classes and centres in respect of instruction Legacy

3318 18 1506 3 1013 7 10 ~65 14 11 22 11



£4755 13 135 5 4546 500

9 4

6 6

0 9 0 0 9936 19


23 4



199 18


6126 13 Invalid Transport CorpsEx-pellses of removal of patients, indudina horscs, travelling, and incidentals b 841 5 9 Salaries 728 16 0 P rinting, stationery and general expenses 130 4 11 Repairs, depreciations and renewals of carriages and appliances 70 13 8

Invalid Transport CorpsFees for removal of patients


St. John Ambulance BrigadePuulic duty and maintenance of stations Salary of Brigade Chief Superintendent Travelling expenses Pri nting, stationery :1.11(1 general expenses Uniforms

259 300 332 412 186

Contributions towards cost of Maintenance of Stations


213 11


Proceeds of Entertainment, as per contra, Invested


76 H



1374 2440


Bala~ce, being Surplus of Income over Expenditurc, (exclusive of proceeds of Entertainment ~hown above, £2,440 Is. 6d., carried to a speCial Fund) carried to Capital. .

75 33


] 99 ] 8

British Ophthalmic Hospital at JerusalemDonations and annual sub. criptions Dividends (Lechmere Elld.owment Fnnd) . PaYl1lents by patients


Proceeds of Entertainment, 5th July, 1904, at His Majesty's Theatre


1 Almonel"s DepartmentS u bscri ptions Offertory, St..John's Day

0 0 6 6 108







£17,700 15 1








16 19


£17,700 15


6 0 1 5 48 17 10 2 2 0 731





7 6 3814

Almoner's DepartmentN ume's salary Diets •


St. John Ambulance Brigade-

- - - - 1491 17 British Ophthalmic Hospital a t JerusalemExpense~ at Lontlon. Office, . inclutling printing, stationery, cleneal aSilistance, amI petty expenses Expenses . at Jerusalem, iucluding salary of Supe~lJ1tendellt and Assistant, wages, housekeep.mg, drugs, repairs, maintenance of furmture and fittings, and petty expenses




]3 10 0 0 17 8 14 0 11 9

Special Competitions


5 10 6 11 8 11

'(tbe <Branl) ~rior~ of tlJe ~r()er of tbe BA LANCE

f )l'.

'll}; })]'


fbOBpi taI of St. 30hn of 3erusalenl in JEnalaJ1o. :~Oth

SRP'l'RJll/JEH, I D04-.



T o Sundry Creditol s

1.:1 i l l



S pecial F unds-


St . John's Gate, a dditional Bui l dings Fund British Oph thal m ic Hospital -

At Billlk-

Lcchmere Endowment Fund, partly invested ill India 3~ perceHt. Lock:Cl i-i 1


Du Hoi. ' Elldo\\'mellt Fund



Proceed of Elltertainllleut at His lIhjesty' . Theatre, 5th Jut,}, 1904, inye ted ill Bank of England tock 21-10 it' J. Holder, Bart., balauue Ofe\'cll years' endoWlllcllt 16 Buildillg Fnnd 1600

B y Cash-

0 0


Gelleral Ace'Oll ut • JIo, pital AC('Olll1t



2:33 ] ~

2033 12

III halldLOlldoll alld .T'l'11snlelll






. -- -

. Investments (at Cost)1.:,;1;) 12'1, ne1.:!~ p. c'. '011.;1)1 ((il ~hal' es 01' no t:fll'h ill

0 0 0 0 6~:!l


0 - 10:2:31



;i12 ~L


:;1 11i









COIIII'ItIlY, Lilllil('ci Loan til :-;l. .Iolm's n,ltc~ Cfllil['lllly, Lililiteel U 764 0.. ;ill. 11lIlia 3 ]'. e. ~tot:k t:lltii \1-;. ;31. India :3~ p. e. ,-'(o!'1\' £~077 1:3;;. ~c1, ]j 1I1k 01' EIIgl1l1Hl St JL k, 'A' account £7 ;3 fls. Id. 111l1k ur Eligiallrl Nto('k, 'B' RC('01ll1t ],'1'1 ,,1111111 Propcrly


" Capital A ccountAs per last aceoull t Bnrplns of ImolUe over l<.:xpent1itlll'C for year ended 30th, eptel1lber 1904, as pel Incom e and F,xpelldi(llI't' Account

5 :2

710n ~400

1 62 17:10 70 00 2410 1191

0 0 4 0 0 1

0 0 3 0 0

6 0



7 11

" Sundry debtorsAlllhul:1l1ce I)cpal'tillcllt, lc,,!'> R,'c.;Pl'v" --


:35% 15 :2 :~21 15 Jl

(:cllt'mlOlltstandillg ·


3 c ii7 11

., Carnages , horses, ambulance store s and appliances Oil llancl, allll in nse " I nsignia, medals and dies 011 halltl ,. Freehold Property at .Terusal em"\s at :Wth ,'l'l't., H10:3 .i,'rl E'\[lcndiLul'c during the,) eftl' to (late

3:>c ~ 17






2/02 6 9-1 12

8 0

3li3:2 17


" Fixtures and fi tting's111 London At ,1el'llsillcllI

396 0 0 300 0 0 ----









" Buildings, including cost of siteAs at 30LII SeptclIIhel', lfJ03 Add E"pclldiLme durillg tl1t'

£53, 104


),,<11' to


10b-lO 19 10 1631 0



We have examined the above B:t1ance heet and Inuome and Expenditure Accoul1t. lVith Lhe hooks alld vouchers of the Grand Priory of the Onlel' of the Hospital of :-It. John ot' Jel'llsalcll1 in l~ngltLlld, and \\'e hereby cerLify tIll' same to be correct. :3,

F I'e(l el'ick'~


Old Jewry, E.O. 26th J anna?'!!, 1905 .


'Il~ AN))


lEntertainnlcnt at


ffiaje5t\2'5 {tbeatre, 1904, IN AID








1f)ospttal at 3-erusalem. RECEIPTS ALVD P A Y-,-llELVTS.

REOEIPT" Sale of TicketsPer The Duchess of SOlllE'rset The Duchess of Buckingham and Ohandos '1'he Lady Oharles Oavenuish-Bentinck " The Vibconntess Galway The Yiscoulltess Parker Lady Perrott . Percy Arll1ytage, E q., M. Y. O. " Ashton's Royal Library Hamilton Gatlill', EStl. " His Majesty's Theatre (Box Office) Mr&. William James . Mitchell's Royal Library " Major J. T. Woolrych Perowne 1111's. Ronalu& . The Social Bureau .i}lrs. ,YillJerforce


£81 9 52 10 3 3 59 17 31 10 1209 9 27 4~

6 0

47 15 6~6

35 6 6 36 4.


10 11 6 6 15 17 16

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0


Wages at Theatr'e

54 10













Gab 07




3 0



0 0 0

7 6


/ /



0 326

Interest on, Bank Deposit and Dividend on Bank of England Stock

Or'chestra and Music

Balance, being surplu il1veteu ill £7 ;3 9s. Id. Bank of Englund, toek





Pl'inting and Stationer'Y

106 17



Scenery, Pr'oper'ties and Costumes

Miscellaneous Expenses, iuellllling Postages, Faros, Gratuitie:;, &r. .

2402 Sale of Souvenir's, and the Rev. W. K. R. Bedfor'd's " A Knight of St. John. " Pr'oportion of Takings fop Suppers on July 5th, per The Oarlton Hotel DonationsPer The Viscountess Galway1111's. Seigel . Pel Lady Perrott1 1 0 The Duchess of Beaufort The Duchess of Devonshire 5 0 0 0 1 The Viscountess Esher 1 0 Lady Woods 262 10 0 Sir Horace Brooks 1I1arshall 1 0 0 Oapt. O. Olive Bigham, O.1\I.G. 1 1 0 Harold Boulton, Esq., M.V.O. 2 0 0 1\1]'S. Leo. Brown 2 0 0 F. O. Oapel, Esq. 5 0 0 Mrs. Mary Ed wards 10 10 0 Alfred Mosely, Esq., O.M.G. 1 1 0 Mrs. Platt . 1 1 0 Mrs. Rowley 2 2 0 Dr. Geo. Thomson

£80 17


41 £2892



8 3 4


£2 92



I certify that the abovE' account of Receipts amI Payments is correct. W. R. EDWARDS, A.O.A., 11th Octabe?', 1904. Han. T7·eaS~l1'e?'.

PART II. Report

of the Committee of the British Ophthalmic





BO. PI1.\L Xl






<Sran~ ~rtor\2

of the


of the

lbospttal of St. 30hn of 3erusalem tn





1903, TO 30TH



SEPTEMBER, 19 0 4.


& SON,



lbospitaI, 3erusalem,



trbe a;ranb lDrior}2 of tbe ®tber of tbe 'lbospttal of St. JoJm of Jerusa[em in JEng[allb.

Watron. HIS MAJESTY KL. G ED'WARD VII., K.G. ( Sove?'eign Head and Pat?'on of the Order).


Ficc-Qi;f:J a inm!11. R. BRUDENRLL CARTER, ESQ., F.R.C.S.

(Hon. Consulting S1Irgeon).

Q;;rcnsurcr. EDWIN FHE IIFU:LD, E~Q., LL.D.










1boBpitaI, 3erusalem,







lrbe (,Brllllb U,)rtN}? of tte ®rber of tbe 1bospttal of St. Jobn of Jerusalem in JEnglanb.


1I. D., R. N.


E. J.


E Q.












iflcmbcrs of \Committee.

COLONEL SIR HRP,BERT JEKYLL, K.C.M.G., R.E. (Secretm'y-Geneml of the Orcle,). EDWIN FRESIIFIELD, ESQ., LL. D. (Reccive?'-Geneml of the Ol·de?').

K.G. (Di?'ect01' and C'lwinnCtn, Ambnlctnce Dcpct?'lment of the OJ'de?·). HEI-tnERT C. P lmnOTT, 13'1'., C. B. (Sec~'eta1'Y of the Or-de?,).





'P!Ionotarp W.


COllmiLtee of l'rlanagoment of the British Ophthalmic Hospital have pleasure in presenting to the Members and Associat of the Order, anc1 to their subscribers generally, their 17th Annual Report. The year that is covered by this Report has been an important one. It has seen for the first time our Hospital working under its enhrged conditions with its two surgeons, and its beds increased fr0111 twenty to forty-two. The figures of the surgical tatistic tell their own tale of the extended usefulness of the Hospital, and for the purposes ot comparison, last year's figures are prinLed with this year's at the end of this Report. Following on the enlargement of the Hospital it became necessary to consider the advisability of the appointment of a trained English Nurse as l'rlatron with or without additional English assi tance. It was eventually decided to send out two trained Nurses, who subsequently resigned, and Mrs. Cant kindly consented to resume the duties which she had for so many years discharged to the great advantage of the Institution, and she has accordingly been appointed Matron with authority to engage such local assistance as may be required. The Committee feel that the domestic affairs of the Hospital are safe in her able and experienced hands. THE


~ ccountant.

EDWAllDS, Esq., A.C.A.

.%mgcon to tbe 3t1ospitat at ]crusalcm. W E. CANT, ESQ., M.D., F.R.C.S. <assistant .surgeon. THOMAS HARRISON BUTLEP., ESQ., M.D., M.R.e.S., L.R.O.P.

~ssistallt ~onotat1!

;: cmtatl:I fat


A. A. GORDON, Esq., 1, Coates Gardens, Edinburgh. ~an!Uts.

Lon[lon and Westminster Bank, Limited, Lothbury, E.C.


Independeut testimony to the generalusefnlnes and excellent 'work of the Hospital in the East has been received during the past year by the:Committee with gratificat.ion. Dr. Cant writes :-" The adv-antage ~f the increased accommodation though apparent throughout the long 'lunmer of ighL HlOnths, is especially felt during the two early months, and again in the two last, when the country people are in the haLit of coming long distances in great nunlbel's. Five hundred and sixty inpatients were admitted this year in the four lllOnths reCen d tothat is an average of 140 a month. All are hath d, clothed, and fed, and their average stay i frOln a week to ten day', so that there is a very active tide of pati n ts Howing through tlw Hospital." The year under review has been responsible for another important landmark in the history of the Hospital. The financial position has for many years past been a source of constant an;.;i 'ty to the 1\1anagement. A great effort was Inade last July to rai (' funds, which re ulted in the substantial snm of £2,440 1s. 6d. being handed over to the Order to be inye. ted for the ben fit of the Hospital. The Entertainment, which proyeu so great a success, took place, by kind permission of Mr. Beerbohm Tree, at His Majesty's Theatre, on July 5th, and consisted of a S ri s of Tableaux Vivants, a Pageant, and musical items, and drnlllati performances. The Tableaux Vivants represented scene.' from the History of the Order, and the Pageant . howed Queen Mary granting to Sir Thomas Treshaln the Charter which revived the Order in England. H.M. The King, H.1f The Queen, and T. .R. The Prince and Princess of ,Vales, and other melnuers of the Royal Family, honoured the performance by their prescnce. Thc best thanks of the Committee are due to all who helped to mn,k the Entertainment the success it was, but especially to Lady Perrott for her untiring energy as Honorary Secretary of the Entertainment COInmittee, and for tbe large sum she was personally instrumental in collecting. The Committee regret to report the death of Dr. Chaplin, one of their number, who was intimately connected with the foundation of the Hospital in Jerusalem. Another supporter who abvay::; took the keenest interest in the welfare of the Hospital has passed away in the person of Katharine, Lady Lechmere. She was besides being a generous subscriber to the funds, an enthusiastic


British Ophthalmic Hospital.

B?'itish Ophthalmic Hospital.

worker for the good of the Hospital by inducing her friends to aid her in keeping it supplied with a large proportion of the clothing necessary for the in-patients. It is owing to her exertions that the expenditure under the head of (( clothing" has hitherto been so low. Perhaps somc oth l' friend will come forward to take her place and carryon her work. It has been suggested that a General Meeting of subscribers to aml supporters of the I-Iospital might quicken interest in our \\'ork, and the UOIDlllittee have resolved to carry out this idea on some date in May next to be fixed hereafter. The beautiful new Hall at the Gate has been placed at our disposal for the meeting, and it is the earnest hope of the Committee that the experiment may lead to the meeting becoming an annual one. Thanks are once more due to Mr. W. R. Edwards, the Accountant of the Order, for undertaking to collect subscriptions and keep the Accounts. N uve?nber, 190-1.



For years ending Michaelmas, 1903. In·Patients admitted Out-Patients-New Cases Total Attendance Operations .A.uresthctics adUlillistereu


1904. 978













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(the (l3ranb




of tbe ®rber of the 1bospttal of St. 3-obn of 5erusalenl in





Donations and Annual SubscriptionsReceived in London



Printing Stationery and General Expenses

66 16


Clerical Assistance


Collected in Scotland, per Mr. A. A. Gordon Jerusalem, per Dr. Cant Sir J. Holder, Bart. (one-seventh) .

121 1f)

Dividends (Lechmere Endowment Fund)

Balance of Ordinary Income a.nd Expenditure (deficit)


6 0 £76 14






5 2


48 17 10 731 643 1374

Proceeds of Entertainment 5th July, 1904, at His Majf.sty's Theatre


0 11

£680 Payments by Patients .

£56 14

2440 £3814

2 3


Salaries (Drs . Cant, and Butler)





170 14



] 68 10







Drugs, Instruments, and General Expenses

75 18 11


Travelling Expenses of Nurses

23 13

Maintenance of Furniture and Fittings




5 1

Proceeds of Entertainment invested in Bank of England Stock


6 1297








5 ]

We have examined the above Illcome and Expenditure Account for the year ended 30th SPI,tember, 1904, with tlle books and vourhers in L0l1l10lJ, fl.l1Ll w1tIl tht! retmns received from Jerusalem, and certify the same to be correct. This account forms part of the General Income and Expenditure Account of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England and is incorporated therein. (Signed) PRICE, WATERHOUSE & Co. 3, FREDERICK'S PLACE,

E.C. 26th January, 1905.



British Ophtlwlmic Hospital. Annual


s. d. 110 110 o 10 6 220 1 0 ] 1 0 100


1Srttisb ®pbtbalmtc 1bospttaI, Jerusalem, BELONGI TO TO

~be (Sranl> IPrfol'}2 of tbe ®rt>er of tbe 1bospita[ of St. Jobn

of Jerusalem tn JEnglant>.

List of Subscpiptions and Donations received from 1st October, 1903, to 30th September, 1904.


S1tbsCI'iptiol!s £ s. d.

Albright, Miss M. C. Amherst, The Earl Amherst of Hackney, The Lord Anonymous A hcroft, Mr . Audland, W. E., Esg. Barnes, J. F., Esq. Barry, Sir F. Tress, Bart. Bartholomew, C. W., Esq. Beck, Rev. E. J. Berners, C. H., i!:sq. Bevan, F. A., Esq. Bles, A. J. '., Esq. Brinton, John, Esq. Burgoyne, Burbidges and Co., Messrs. Burna, Maj.-Gen. Sir Owen T., G.C.I.E., KC.S.1. Burne, The Lady Agnes Bumes, :Mrs. E. S. Bustros, Madame de Bythesea, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Herbert Oapel, F. C., Esq. Carr-Dyer, Mrs. Carrington & Co., Messrs. Cartel', C. Pemberton, Esq. Carter, R. Brlldenell, Esq., F.R.C.S. Cassidi, F. R., Esq., M.D. Canlfeild, Miss Chaplin, T., Esq., M.D. Childs, C., Esq., M. D. Chubb, Lady Compton, Rev. W. C. Cook, F. H., Esq., C.I.E.


£ s. d.

050 110 500

o 14 o 10

0 0 110 o 10 0 1 1

0 0

o 500 550 220 220 1 0 220 200 100 600

200 100 550 100 220

o 550 050

o 110 110 220

1 10 10



Cotton, Chas., Esq., F.R.C.P., 1I'LH.C. 'oulcher, Mi ss Cowan, Joseph, Esq. Dalton, Colonel J. C., R.A . Dalton, Mrs. J. C. Dalton, Miss Maria Dick-LalHler, 'ir T. N. , Bart. Donalrlson, Mrs. \) orville, 1\1 r!:i. J)rafren, Mr.. Pitt \) ring, l\lr. . Duckworth, .'ir Dyce, LD. Egertoll of TatLoll, The Earl Ellistol1, LieHt.-Col. O. Ellis, l\1is' .\. M. Evelegh, Miss E. A. l ~ylC, l\lr . Fi . her, W. H., Esq. ~\)rbe , I . Hay, I~sq., F.R.C. '. Erlill. F,)X, Mis Fraser, A. E., EsC). Farley, ' ir John, C. B. [<'Ill'lleaux, 'IY., Esq. Gardiner, F. J .. Esq. nregory, II. E., E'iIJ. Ul'ibh1p" Miss Hall, ;\liss E. E. Hamilton, J. G. Esq., M. V.O. llarc, Mr . ~ran'ns llarp€::r J., Esrj., :'II.D. Harrison, UeneraJ 'il' R. , O.O.B., C .•\l.O. Harvey, ir Rohert DiLto. collected by Heap, J. R., Esrl. lIeygate-Ln.lI1 bert, Col. W. A. TIol heche, Li en t . -Colonel R. Holden, Rev. O. M. ]{oopt' r, J. H. Esq. IIughe , Captain W. H untet'- W estoll, Licut. -Colonel Hutton, Slll'geoll·l\[ajor G. A. Ingram, Th e Hon. Mrs. Meynell In Memoriam, C. l\[. O. J ephson, Lady Jones, R. E sq., M.I>. Kay, Sir Brook, Billt. King, Major Arthnr F. W.

DonatiO /I •.

£ s. rI .

500 050

1 0 550 1 0 220 500 220 050 0]0 0 220




o 14


330 I 0 050 I


550 ~ 2 0

o 10


52 10


6 t3 0 500 1 0 220 14



o 2




o I 0 I I 0 0]0 0 o 10 0 500 10

o 550 o 10 6

0 0



British Ophthalmic H ospitoL 12

B?"itish Ophthalmic Hospital.

Kirk, Miss Kitching, Miss Knutsford, The Viscount, G.C.M.G. Landon, H., Esq., per Isidore Spielman, Esq. Langman, J. L. Esq. L echmere, Katharine, Lady Ditto. Small sums collected Leigh, The Lord . Lightfoot, Miss Limerick, The Dowager Countess of LloyLl , Miss C. A. poyu, Mrs. H. Loch, The Lady Lowry, General R. W., C.B. Lumley, L. C., Esq. LutwiLlge, Major C. R. Fletcher M. W. McAusland, A. C., Esq. McEw en , 1'Ilrg. S .. Macnaughton, H., Esq. Mewbnrn, ~liss Milburn, C. H., Esq. , ~LB. Monk, Miss J. R. 1\101'1'i , C. L. Esq. Mortoll, J. W., ES1. Mostyn, The Lord Murray, Colonel C. Wyndham, C.B., M.P. Nestle, Henri, Esq. Newton, Lieut.-Colonel J. W. Marsdin R.A . :rico11 , The Misses ' North, Colonel B. N. Nott-Bower, Capt. J. W. Ottley, Colonel J. W., C. I.E., R.E. Page, J. L. L. Warden, E sq. Parkinson, G. Esq. Payne·Smyth, Rev. W. H. Penfold, The Misses Perowne, Major J. T. Woolrych Penins, C. W. Dyson , E sq . Perrott, Colonel Sir H. C., Bart., C.B. Philipps, Lieut. -Colonel I VOl', D. S. O. POlyell, Miss J. A. Powell, Sir R. Douglas, Bart. , KC.V.O., M.D. Priestley, Lady Randell, Mrs. E. Ree, I sidor, EsC).. Richardson, Miss ]{iley, E. Esq.

A 1/,/lU(~l

Annual S1Lbscriptions .


£ s. d.

£ s. d.







2 20


0 0

o 10 5 0


0 1


o 10 2 1 2 2 1 1 1

2 0 0 2 0 1

5 o 10 3 0



2 1 1

2 1

0 0 0

2 2 0

o 10



0 0


0 0 0 5 0 5 1 1 o 10 0

2 2 10 10 2 2 1 1 0 5 2 2 0 1 2 2

0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 4 0

Donotions .

s. d. 1 0

£ s. d.

Robinson, E. L., Esq. Robinson, \V. J., E::;g. Hotherham Centre, t. John Ambulance Association Rowsell, R ev. II. Royds, Colonel, C. B. , M. P. St. George, Captain B. J .. ale, 1111's. S~tVory, Hev. :ir BOl'l'adaile, Bart., M.A. Seely, ir Challcs, Bart. el iglllan Bros., illessr . Shall', 1\1iss Aliee . ,'\tore, Rc\'. Canon Teignlllouth, M. A. Sinclair, The \T ell . An:hcleacon, D.D. ,'lmm. It, ES'l·



4 2




1 0 1

0 0

1· 1


1 10

2 ~ 25 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 5 1 1 1 o 10 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0

2 1

2 1 1






0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

, mart, F. n., E ·IL· Sl\lith, ;'Ir~. ,..;. P. Smyth, Colollel E. "iualll:c, T. Coke, E;;'h ;'LD. 'tcphCIl, H.., E(l' . ,'tone, ;'lr·. Tcmple, Colollel Sir R C., BarL., C. I. E . ThoJl1 11,,011 , ~lrs. F. Thome, W. lkzly, Esq., ;'l.D. Thome, Mrs. K ~I. . Tolson, ;'[i·s ;'1. D. Toppil1g, ;,liss Twellllow, :Mrs. \raughan-~[o!'gi\ll, Al,lel'lnan Wakley, ThoJlH:>, Esq., F.R.C.S. Waltc!',>, ;,1i,,:; A. . W altoJl, ;,lajor II. E. B. \\ra.rcl: J. Langlie1Ll, Esq. Warren, Lt.-Gell. ,'ir Ohas., G.C.III.U., R.C.B., R.E. Watsoll, Golo11el O. ilL, C. B., C.M.G., R.E. Watsoll, ;'11';;. C. III. Webber, W. D., E.-It· Wcug\\'oou, lIon. ~lrs. Whitwell, ·Mrs. Williams, Mrs. \Vootton-Isaacson, F. Esq. Yate, Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Yate, Mrs. A. C. Yate, The [1011. Colonel C. E., C.S.I., C.M.G.

5 2 1 0

500 0



o 10

0 0







2 1



0 0 0

o £,131




o 10

6 0

1 2 3

1 2 0 1

50 1 1 :l

0 1 ~


2 1 1

2 1 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

--£344 11


0 10 1



B1'itish Ophthalmic Hospital.


Opldlwlrrri-ic Hospitol. Anmwl Subscripiions.

List of Subscriptions a n d Donations received by A. A. Gordon, Es q., Assistant Honorary Secretary (for Scotland.) .From 1st Octobe1', 1 903, to Scptembc1' 30th, 190-!.

Anonymous, per Miss R olfe Moffat Aytol1n, James, Esq. B rown, Professor A. Crum, M .D. , D. Sc. B ruce, Mrs. A . L . Barnett, J\Irs . E . de B. Beveridge, Benry, Esq., of P it reavie Bnllough, :Mrs. ,Yilliam, per Mrs. Man -Stuart Callender, Mrs . Stanley Campbell, 1'I1rs. Cathcart, John F ., ESl!. Colquhonn, 'ir James, Bart. , of L uss D arien Press, Euinbmgh D arling, Mrs., Stormonth D ayies, J\Irs. (J\Ioffat) Ferguson, Professor John, LL.D. Gordoll, 1\11'. ano. Mrs. A. A. Gordon, 1\1rs. W. E . H a!lllay, Mrs. (the late) B utchi on, 1\1 iss, per Mrs. R ankin H utchison Miss , (2) per H utchison, 1\1iss, Caroline per 1\1rs. Rankin Lyall, 1\1rs. Lyon, Mrs. Macfarlane, Walter, Esq. , J.P. Macgillivray, William , Esq. Mackenzie, l\1iss MeVitie, Robert, Esq. Millar, Edward, Esq., of R ossie Miller, Alec. W., Esq. Miller, Mrs. Robert Miller, 1\1iss E . P . M oray, Anna, Countess of M uir, Sir William, K .O. S. I. , LL. D. N ewton, Mrs . D . Gray O1iYer-Riddell, Sir A l exand er, of Craiglochh art • P eregrine, Mrs. P ullar Sir Robert R ankin, Mrs., pel' Mrs. Man Stuart


Annllftl Sltbscripiions.


£ s. d.

£ s. d. 2



o 10





0 0


1 0

0 0 1



o 10 o 10 5

o 4




1 0 0 0 0 10 1 0

0 0 0 0 0


o 1 10 0 2

5 2

0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 10






0 0

o 10



5 1 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 5 2 2 1 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

£60 11


American Tr;n ellers, parly or. per Alex. Ru ssell, Esc!. Bishop myLh's ilIission FUIlLl

1 1



o 10

£6 5 6

Contributions received at JerusR.lem, pel' Dr. W. E. Cant.



0 0


0 0 0

- -- -


0 1 1

Trayers, 111". Tlll'llhnll, :,11':>. U::.llcr, • 'il Hohurr. Jl:ll't. White, )1nl'tin .T., ESI,., Ill' n dlll.].]!·r) Y;:I1!!all', Mrs. (1<: lillllllrgh)

o 10


0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 10 6 1 11 6 1 0 0 0 10 (5 0 0 1 3 1

RcaLll1111 1l, Jallles B., Esrl· Hol)crts, Al('x. F., E:;(l' Rohcrts, T. J. S., Esq. l:oHl', )liss Rose-Inncs, :'Ifrs . (E<li:ll,urgh) :-1ahesu l1, ~l r" . Smith, Major-Gcllcral K Da\'i!l ,o ll Smith, l\lr~. (E!linhnrgh) Stuart, Colonel ,1. A. }\fan, C. n., '.11. G. Sluart, )11'8. ~Iall . Thomson, .John, BSIJ-, :\1.D., F.Re.I'. (I~rl.) Tonie, H. . .Talll('!>oll, ESI].

0 0

Cuncclt, proceeds of 'rawhl111, Mi .. Dowling, The He\'. Cn.non Hospital :'IIoll ey Box Jalll!'S, :'I1iss l~ eiglt l ey, illi:s KC'll\\'anl, A. 3.., Est[. Olrertory, Cltl'istc.:llllrclt, per HI'\'. Carnegie Hru"'n Ollednr)" Sl. Gcorge's Church 011 'L .rohn 's D;ty, !,er Hi ·hop Blyth \rakl~'y, T. Esq., F.RO ... Way, Mrs.

£20 0 0 16 0 0 30 6 5 10 10 0 2 2 0 5 12 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 5 12 0 2 17 6 5 0 0 10 0 0 ---£121 011 - - --

T1H~ following a.tllOllllts were al 0 l'ect'ived and expended Dr. Callt for special objeds as requested by the DOllors :-

6 0 0 0 0

AHol'll , Rev . H. B. Coulcher, Mis,; Mar tineau, J . ES!l'



o 10

0 0









0 0

£71 H


Form of Bequest. I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for the Lime Leing of' the I nstitution known by the nallle of TIlE




HOSPITAL] JERUSALEM] belonging to Lhe Grand Priory of tb Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusalelll in Ell()'lallCl, the

Re port of t he Centra l Executive Committee

sum of ........ ........ ........ .. .... ..... . [free of duty] Lo Le applied

of the St . John Ambulance Association ,

towards accomplishing the Charitable

desio'lls of the sai 1

I nstitution. N.B.-Land and Money secured on Land can now be gi "en to chul'itabl \ uses undcl' the conditions cnacted by the" 'hal'itabl "Usc.' Act 1891, 54 & 55 Yic. c. 73. "

being the th e Order.


Departm ent of


St. j-ohn Bmbulance Bssociation BEING THE AMBULANCE DEPARTMENT OF

'[be <Bran~ lPrior't? of tbe @rber of tbe 1bospita[ of St. 30bn of 3erusalell1 in JEnglanb. l~attott .


(Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order.)


(Grand Prior of the Order .)



~OttDott :


COfl'ectecl to Jll u//'ch 1st, 190,). ( A s regards this page.) CONTE


The Central Executive Committee of the, t. J o11n Ambulance Association ... The Chapter of the Order of t. John (with )lamcs of Members of Council an(l Executive Offi cers) Current Pamphlets and Papers General ReportI mportant Meetings Railw'ays Competitions Colonies Inuia (H on . Organ izing Comlllissiollcr'~ Heport) Colliery and )1ining Districts ... Auxiliary R oyal K ayy ick Berth Recl"\'c Bearer Compauies treet Ambulance ervice Honours for "ervices ... I ssue of Certifica tes Invalid Transport Corps D elllcan Memorial Ambulance tatioll Central British R ed Cross COllllcil I ncome and Expenditure Accou nt

F age 3 4 6


flOm October, 1903,


TllJ<: A)IBUJ.A:-iCE



ot tbe @rber of tbe 'lbospttal of 5t. Jobn

ot Jerusa[em in JEllglanb.




HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VI!. , K. G. (Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order).

~3 ~ti





:d) 31 3:l 0~

33 :31

Q;::entral1Sxecutibe QI:01ltmittee. COli i~lillg exclusively of 1.lembers allLl Associates of the Order.

Director of thc


11lcpartmcnt an'll Qtbnitnum of Qtommitter.

Thc il10 ,t Hon. the niarquess of BREADALBANE, K.G.

ct(ssislant UJirrctor anlJ l]rput!'l Qtbnit:1llan. Lieut.-Colonel 'ir RrCHAltD O. T E:\IPLE, Bt., C.I.E.

tBrput!'l (5;bainnan.

. .


. ir JOHX FUllLEY, C.B. (Life Memuer of the Comnnt1;ce JIonons Ccmsa..)



n til U~

Nominal Roll of Metropolitan District, Pl'ol'ill(;ial, Colollial allu Forcign Centres

Colonel J. C. DALTOX, RA. The Rcy. T. W. W OOll . Colouel C. W. B. BO\\'DLE1~ , C. B. W. COLLIXGHlDGE, E " l-. :.M,D. Colonel irJ. '\V. OTTLEY, K.C,I.E. I n.-peeLor.Gen. 13. NINNI. ·, M.D. , R N. I nsl" -Gen . ir HEXltY FUEDERICK

, lll"rreoll-General Sir ,VIL LIA~l TAYLOR, °K.C.B., M. D ., R.H.P. EmluND OWICN, E q., F.R.C.S. The Right HOll. L ord OLAUD HAMILTON. The Most HOll. the 1.1ar'lues8 of N OllTlLUIP rON. Licnt. -Colonel A. C. YArE. it' WILLL<\:\I BENNETl', R.C.V.O., F.R.O . . REGINALD H AHR ISON, Esq., F.RC.S. L ieut.-Oolonel E. 1.1. WIL. ON, C.B., C.ilLG., D.S.O., RA.ilLC. Surefeon -General A. K Eo(m, C. B. , ~l. D. o(Dil'ector-General Arllly l\I edical , erviee.) Lieut.-Colonel W. BUTlE, C.ilI.G., F.Qt., RA.M.C. Oolouel GEORGE H . O'MALLEY, R.A. Surgeon-Major G. A. H UT'roN. Sir EDWARD L. O'MAI,LEY. D ep. -Insp.-Gen. M .CO ATES, l\I.D. , RN. J. A8TLEyBLOX.UI, Ei<}., F.R.C.S.

N OItBtJlty, K. C. B.


S. C. W\ltDELL, Esq. urgeon-Major-General Rir JOHN By COLE READE, IT. C. B. G. . ELLT. TON, E q., M.RO.S. CHRf'TOPIlElt OIIILD." Esq., l\I.D. urgt'ou-General ir J O."EPH F AYIlER, Bt., K.C . . 1. CHARLES J. TltElIBLE, E sq ., C.lILG., L.R.C.P. Surgeon-General Sir ,VILLIAl\I R HOOPER, K. C. S.l. Colonel CLE)IENT MOLYNEUX: R OYDS, C. B., l\I. P. Captaill J. W. NOTT BO'WER.

15 165 172 174

Oolonel Sir H~~RBEHT JEKYLL, IT. C. M.G., RE. (SeC1'eta?'y- Geneml of the O?·de?'.) EDWIN FRE llFI ELD, Esq., LL.D. (Reccive7'-Geneml of the Orcle'1'.) TheRightHon. Earl EGERTONOFTATTON( Ohai?'man, B 7'itish Ophthal?nicHospital.)

D. li3


66 fi7 6

Ex-officio :£i'{cmuct'S of <!tommittee.

Qtbicf .srcreta t!).

APPENDIX D. Report of the Chief Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Index to ditto.




Statement of I ssue of Certificates and Medallions to Centres, facillg Local R eports(ct) Metropolitan District (b) Provincial (in alphabetical ordel) ( c) British Dominions beyond the, easi.-Australia ii. -N ew Zealand iii.-Empire of India iv.-South Africa v.-Hong Kong

30hn tllnbulance tlssociation,

n:1)e (l;rnnb IPrior}?

APPEND[X .\ . Subscriptions and D onations to Head Olliee Septem bel', 1904 Life Members Honorary Life Members Examining Staff Subscription Form." Form of T estamentary Bequest


175 409

Oolonel Sir HERBERT C. PEUROTT, Bt., C. B. (Se c1'eta?'Y of the Orcle?·.) ~ccoulttant



WILLIAM R. EDWARDS, Esq., A.C.A. (A ccO'/.£ntant of the 01'cle?·.) ~ealJ




Oo?'?'ected to J.Jcwch 1st, 1905. ( As 1'ega?'ds this and the opposite page. )

(0 '..


Ube (Sranb IPrioC}? of tbe ~rber of Ube 1bospttal ~1:t1t in JEnglanb.

.'6obet:eign 3!leab anb Watton of tbe ®tbet. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. , K.G. Qlitanb Wtiot. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. -Sub-19rior. Va,ca,nt. ~RlIi(f

of lEg-Ie.





P1'clate-His Grace the Archbishop of lome. Ohancello?' -The Right Hon. Earl EGERTON OF TATTON. Sec1'eta1'y-Geneml-Colon el ir H ERBERT JEKYLL, K.C.M.G., R. E. Receive1'-General-EDWIN FltESHFIELD, Esq., LL.D. Al1none1'-The Rev. Canon Ducrnvol:TH, C. V.O., D.D. Registm1'-Major-G eneral Lord CHEYLESMOl:E. Genealogist-Sir ALFRED SCOTT COTT-GATTY (Garter). Di1'ect01' of the Ambulance Depw·tmentThe Mo~t HOll. the "MARQUE.,' ulc BI:I·:AllALnANF, K.G. Libm1'ian-Lieut-Colonel RICHARD HOLDECllE. Sec?'eta1'y-Oolonel Sir HERnEnI' C. PERltOrl, Baronet, U. B. Ohainnan of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, JC1'1lsalemThe Hight HOll. Earl EGERTON OF 'l'A·1"10X. Chief S ec?·etct?·y of the Ambulance DelJCtJ'tment-Coloncl ir HEllllEUT C. PEllltOTT, Hi., C. B. ~~~i~tant 1Srcwtiue ®Cffcer~. Assistant D i1'ect01' oj the A1I1,bl~lance Depa1·tmentLieut. -Oolonel ir RICHARD CAR~ o\.L. TEMPLE, Buronet, C 1. E. Assistant R ecei'Z,'e?'-EDwIN H. FRESHFlELD, E q., M.A. Assistant Lib1'a1'ian -CYIUL DAVENPOltT, Esq. Assistant S ecret(wy-LocKHART TOCKWE.LL, Es'l' Accolbntcmt--\VILLIAlI1 R. EDWARDS, Esq., A.C.A. Ho?!. S ecreta1'Y of the B1'itish Ophthalmic Hospital, J e1'usalc?nMajor J. T. WOOLItYUI( PERO\\,NE. Assistant Hon. SeC?'eta1'y (f01' Scotland) of the B?'itish Ophthalmic IIospital, J CI'w,alcm A. A. GORDON, Esq.



Th e Council consists of the nb-Prior, as President eo:-oificio, the E xecutive Officers, and the following

Selected Members. Sir Jom/" FURLEY, C.B. Colonel J. C. DALTOK, B.A. The Right Hon. Viscollnt KNUTSFORD,G.C.M.G. Tho Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Colonel O. W. BowDLER BOWDLER C. B.

Sir J. N. DICK, R.C. B., R.N. Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D. VfrLLIAM COLLINGRIDGE, Esq., M. D. Major-G eneral Sir OWEN T. BURNE, G.O.I.E., R.C.S.L Sir GEORGE HAYTER CHUBB, Baronet. Lieut-Colonel Sir RrciiARD TEMPLE, Bart., C. 1. E.


The Chapter consists of the Klliphts ?f Justice an~ Sub-Prelate , de inl'ej the Executive ()Ol uers ; the selected Memhers of Ooullcil; the folloWlllg Qtbaplain~, Th e Rev. Sir BOr..RADAILF. 'AVORY, Baronet, M.A.

®CffciaLinll The Sub-Dean of the CHAPELS ROYAL, C. V.O. , D.D .


~~ 1L\epre~entalibe 1ttnillbt~ of Qlirflce, . 'il' RrCHAHD DOUGLAS PO\\,ELL, Barollet, GEOR(~E T. BIDDULPlI, Esq. K.O. V.O., i\I.D. Maj or-General .ASTLEY TERRY. Oolonel O. :J1. ROYDS, O.B., M.P. Colonel Sir E. T. TllACKERAY, K.C.B., The Right Hon. The Earl of LATHO:M. F.QI;., RE. EDMUND OWEN, Esq., F.R.O.S. Inspector-General B. NnmIs, :M.D., RN. EDWIN HANSON FRES.HFIP:LD, E .(10. :M.A. Colonel C. .l'.f. WATSON, C.B., C.M. G., RE.


The following are the Knights of Justice: H.R.H. Prince CHRlSTIAN OF SCHLESWIGHOL rEIN, K.G., G.C.B. H.R.H. Prince CUAIlLES OF DEN)lARK,G.C. B. H.H. Pl'inue ALBEltl' OF , OlILESWIG HoI.. 'l'l':IN, G.C.B., G.C.V.O. H.S.H. The Duke of TECK, G.O.V.O. R.S.l!. Prince FJ\A~(jI,' UF TEcK, KO.V.O., D .. 0. Captain H.8. H. Prince Lou! OF BA.T I'ENBEIlG, G.C.B., RN. n.S.H. Prince ALEXANDElt GEORGE OF TE('K, G.C.Y.O., D . . 0. The Hight HOll. Lord LI';IGH . Lieut. -Co1. TR]i;yg~EN JAMES HOLLA ND, 0.13. CHARLES PEMnERTO~ CARTER, Esq. Sir JOllN FURLEY, ('. B. (Hon01'al'V BaWtl.) The Right Hon. L ord STAN;\IORE, G.C.nl G. FRANOlS ROI3F.It'l' DAVIES, E 'q. Sir BROOK KAY, Baronet. Sir THOM\s NORTH DICK-LAUDER, Baronet. Major Sir Ano III BA LD LA~IB, Baronet. Colonel Sir HE I:' BERT C. PERilOTT, TIt., O. B. The Right Hon. Earl FERHERS. Colonel ir JA~ll~" GILDEA, C.V.O., C.B. HENRY JOllN LOFTUS, Esq. Colonel BETHEL MARTIN DAWF.S. The Right Hon. LOld AMHERST OF HA CKNEY . General Sir CUARLES ·WARREN, G.C.M.G., R.C.B., R.E. Colouel JAMES CECIL DALTON, R.A. Lt.-Colonel AYL;\lER GOULD HUNTER-WE. TON, D.S.O., RE. The Right Hon. Earl EGERTON OF TATTON. Colonel The Right Hon. Lord WILLIAM CEOIL, M. V. O.

EDWIN FRE, HFIELD, Es'l., LL.D., (Hono(((1'Y CommancZc?·.) His Grace Th e Duke of FIFE, K. '1'. The Right Hon. Lord Br..ASSEY, l~. O. B. The Right HOll. Viscount T E;\IPL ETOWN. The Right Hon. Earl A;\IHE HS'l'. The Right Hon. Visconnt KNUT FORD, G. C. :M. G. (Hon01'CG1'y Bailiff·) R. MACLEAN MACLEAN, E q. ARTHur:. FRANCIS GRE HA)[ LEVESON GOWER, Esq. Licnt. -001. F. A. HEYGA'n; LAMBERT. 001. OHARLE!:; Wy TDH.U[ 1'.lURRAY,C. B.,1LP. '1'11e lEght Hon. the Earl of RANFURLY, G.O.M.G. The Right Hon. Lord ... ANDHUHST, G.O.S.!., G.C.!. E. ir H EXRY ARTHUR BLAKE, G.C.M.G. Captain ~ATHA TIEL GEORG¥. PHILIP.' . The Right Hon. the Earl of MEATH, KP. A. ED:mnm FilASER, E·ll. The Right Hon. Lord. nlosTY)/. Colonel CHARLES HUGIIE8-Hu~TER . The Mo st Hon. the MARQUESS OF Bn.EADALBANE, K.G. Ili s Grace the DUKE OF P olt'1'l, . um, K.G., G.C.V.O. Field-Marshal the Right Hon. the EARL RODERTS, KG., K.P., 'B.Qt., &c. ROBERT BRUDENELL OARTER, Esq. , F.RO.S. NORMAN HAY FORBES, Esq., F.R.O.S.(Edin. Colonel JOllN ALEXAl DER MAN STUART, O.B., O.M.G. Colonel O. W. BOWDLER BOWPLER, O.B.

The following are the Sub-Prelates: The Lord Bishop of ELY. The Lord Bishop of SALISBURY. The Bishop in JERUSALEM.

The Bishop of BRITISll HONDt'"RA The Bishop of GIBRALTAR.

Full information as to the work of the S t. John Ambulan ce

St. John A?nb~Lla'llce Associatio /1..

Association, and its Branches , can be obtained on application


to the Chief Secretary, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London , E.C ., by whom copies of printed papers will be supplied in reasonable numbers without charge, on Reference Numbers or Letters as

St. JOhl1 BnlblllallCe E\ssociatiol'.

follow being quoted.

Formation of Oentres

Reference. Pamphlet 57b

Formation of Olasses in connexion with Oentres


Formation of Detached Olas.·e

Pam ph. ~


Mode of help by Oounty Oouncils and other local authorities Pamph. G.B. 1904. Arm and other Badges .

Paper 74.

Invalid Transport Corps (Head-quarters)

Paper A.

St. John's House, Worce ter (for practical instruction in District Nursing, &c.).

Paper 73.

Ohelsea Infirmary, London, S.\V., for practical experience in Hospital Nursing, &c.

Paper 73a.

Syllabus of Instruction-Junior Cour e

Paper T~~O

First Aid Oour, e

Paper T~~~l

Home Nursing




Hygiene Cour e


"Oottage Nursing


Paper T~ ~T Paper


Paper ~

Regulations for the cond uct of Examinations

Paper 80.

Medallion and Re-examination Regulations Pocket Oertificates

Paper T~~l Paper 56.

General Regulations, St. John Ambulance Brigade ,

Ref. Let.


Explanatory Instructions for Forming Ambulance and Nursing Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade



Origin and Development of the St. John Ambulance Association ,



The Police and First Aid



,Price ~ists of all ar~icles sold by the Stores Department wlth b ' partIculars and eFitlmates for Horse Ambulance Oarriaaes LItters, Stretchers, &c., can also be obtained.




19 0 4,

HE OENTRAL EXECUTIYE O:JDlITTEE has the honour to submit the following report for the information of H.R.H. the Prince of ,Vales and the Chapter of the Order of the Hospital of 't. John of J erusalell1 in England. It is atisfactory to the COlnmittee to record another year of gratifymg progre and a still further extension of its operations both at h01ne and abroad. Amonast the most important meetings of the year have been tho 'e at Ipswich, when Their Majesties the King and Queen and His Royal Hio-hnes the Prince of 'Vales were graciously ple~sed to convey through their PriYate ecretaries their congratulatlOns condition of the oldest Centre in the Eastern on the flouri hinob Counties: at Farnhan1, when an address was delivered and the awards distributed by the Bishop of ,Vinchester: at the College for \Vorking ,Vomen, Fitzroy Street, when Lady Frances Balfour presided and presented awards to the students: at Accrinoton when laior General Baden-Powell, O.B., attended b' J and opened the new Ambulance Drill Hall and delivered an addre . nanatina many incidents of the adyantages of ambulance work in peace and 'Iyar which had come under his personal notice: at Rochdale, for the inauguration of a Drill Hall presented by Colonel and :Mrs. O. nI. Royds, both memb81s of the Order: and at Gosport, Derby, l\Iiddlesbrough, Leicester, and many other places, amongst the more recent being one at Birmino-ham was in the chair and drew b , when the Lord 1\1a'i:01' J attention to the admirable work done by the local unit of the Brigade, one of the speakers, the Ohairman of the local Oentre, emphasizing the duty tbat lay upon l\1unicipal and other public bodies to afford encouragen1ent to the education of the rising generation in ambulance and sanitary work. The importance of this last subject has been of late under the consideration of the Oommittee, and with a view to encourao'ing the greater adopt.ioll

St. John A mbu}an('() Ass(Jciation.

St. John A muuZance Association.

of its home hygiene syllabus, it has been decided that this course of instruction, which was instituted some years ago and which, unfortunately, has not been very largely taken up, should be allowed to count as one of the qualifications for the medallion and revised regulations will be issued before the commencement of next season. Among the Rail way Companies great interest is being ,till taken in the work of the Association and a large number of classes have been held at the recognised Railway Centres and at branches connected with other Rail way Companies where Centres have not yet been formed. The Directors of the Midland Railway Company, although thi i· not reo'i tereel n a" Railway Centre," offer every encouragement to their employes to become certificated, and in their tenth rmnual report state that there are now 8,312 men in the service of the Company fully qualified to render first aid, being an incre,tse of 764 men on la t year ancl a percentage of 12'46 of the total staff of the Company. At the annual meeting of the London and outh '\Vestern Railway, the General Manager, Sir Charles Owen, statecl that although it wa only five years since the organi ation wa started on his railw:lY, he had already signed 1,300 certificates and during the In t twelve months they had had 3,500 ambulance cases. An important meeting in connection with this Centre was held in December at the Southampton Docks, when it was staLed Lhat great interest was shown by the employes of all ranks connected with the Docks, and not only by those belonging to the regular railway staff. The Great \Vestern Railway Centre continues to take a foremost place in railway ambulance work, and amongst its many interesting meetings was one held at Guernsey, when H. E. General CampbelJ presented the awards, the certificates being always signed, as for so many years past, by H.R.H. Princess Christian (the President of the Centre). Many similar meetings h ave been held in towns served by the Great Eastern Railway, the North Eastern Railway, the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, the Cambrian Railways, the Furness, and other railways. I n the annual report to the Board of Trade of Sir H erbert Jekyll, the Secretary-General of the Order, concerning railway accidents in the United Kingdom, laid upon the table of the H ouse of Commons, it is recorded that the total number of

pl:l,ssenger journeys, exclusive of journeys by seaso~-ticket holders, in the year 1903, was 1,194,833,000. C~lculatlng t~e proportions on the basis of these figures, one In 47,793,3~0 passengers was killed d~uing .the twelve months an~ o~e. In 1,540,745 injured in traln aCCldent. In ~902 the PIO~o:tl~ns were one in 19 ,036,545 killed and one In 1,623,250 InJuIed. The report now presented differs conside.r~bly in form from thos~ of previous year '. Alterations .and addltlOns have been made the classification of railway accIdents under the three heads(1) train accidents, (2) accidents clue to. the mov~ment of vehicles xclu ive of train accidents, (3) accIdents ,yhICh occur on railwn,y premi e which are not eaused by the movement of vehicle -is ca1'1'ied out 1110re cOlnpletely; the further subdivision of accident according as they relate to (u ) passengers, (u) servants, and (c) other persons is more clearl~ nlarked' compari ons are drawn between the nU1l1ber of aC~ldents and the C01'1'e pondino. number of per 'ons exposed to aCCldent· and U . h comparative figure are given for a s~ri~s .of year howmg t e tendency of accidents to increa e or dUlllnls~. In fu~ure years it is intended to Ii tingui h between the accIdents whICh are or are not preventiule by any measures ,vhich could be ado?t~d either voluntarily by the Railway Companies 01' through admmlstrative action by the Board of Trade. In the face of the above relnarkable figures and the statement made by Sir Herbert Jekyll in hi report that more than half the accident, which occur on railways, whether to pa sengers or to railway servn.nts, are due to want of eon11110~ ~are ~nd caution on the pn.rt of the injured people thOlllselves, It 1., ~atls.factory to find that so much interest is taken by railway officln.ls In a work which is so greatly calculated to alleviate the sufferings of the.mselves and their cOlllrades as well as of those of the travelhng public when an accident unfortunately occur. Thi interest i. further intensified by the conLinued popularity of the competltil)ll for the silver cha11en bo'e shield presented by the Order of . . St. John for competition al110ng the railway companle~. 111 England and vVales. The final heats for the 1904 competltlOn took place at the Portman RoOlus on 7th l\Iay last, the Marchioness of Lansdowne presenting the challenge shield and prizes at the conclusion of the proceedings, the ilver shield



falling to the Grea.t Ea. 'tern Rl1illva.y team, which out of a. pos ible 300 point scored 261, the tea.m of the sa.me ra.ilwa.y company ha.'ing carried off the shield la, t year, the Urea.t \Ve tern Ra.ilway coming econd with 2-17 point, the he hire Lille Committee third with 24<5 , the Merse), Rail wa.y fourth with 2-12, a.nd the La.ncl1shire and York ,hire Railway fifth with 231 points. The result of the Briga.de Competition which tool- place un the sa.me occa ion was a.s follow' :l. Birmingham, No.6 Di\-i ion, Dewar 'hiclc1: 2. ~retl'opolitan Cylists' Division, Symon Ecde up; 3. Liverpool ivi ion: 4. Ramsgate Railway Division: 5. SULton-in-A"hfi 1d. Votes of thanks from the 'ommittee were unanimou ly pa. ,'cd to Dr. F. De Beeho Pim, judo'e in the Ra.ilway ompetition, and to Drs. J. Maclean Car,ell and ,V. A. Gibb, judges in the Brio-lule Competition. Among otber importa.nt competition of the yem' were tha.t fur a fifty guinea sil,er cha.llenge shield ill connection with the Birmingham Corps, won by the 'now Hill team: the 6th annnal competition for the silver cha.llenge shield und I' the au pice ' of the Dundee Centre won by a teatH from Perth; a.nd the Great Centra.l Railway competition for the shield given by Colonel C. 1\I. Royds, C.B., M.P., a member of the enLral Executive Committee, -won by the Hull team. Reference to other interesting similar competition -will be found in the local reports, but mention lllUSt be ma.de of the area.t illlpetu oiven . h O b In t e County o~ Durham [Lnd Cleveland by the presentation 1»), Mr. Donald Bmn, H. I. Inspector of Mines, of a. tifty guin t\, challenge cup for yearly competition a.mong the tea.ms from the various mines over which he exercises supervision. The ~ncourflgement thus afforded by a.n officia.l in Mr. Ba.in's position IS so great that the best a.c1ulowledo'ments are dne to hiln froIn b the Director and Chairman a.nd the Committee. Numerous cIa ses have continued to be held for the instruction of the Metropolitan and City Police of London, and the County Constabulary and Borough Police Forces. At the Egyptian Ha.ll, ~Iansion House, the La.(ly 1\Ia.yol'ess recently presented medallIons and certificates awarded to the City Police the Lord lVIa.yor occupying the Chair.


St. John A mbulc(;nce Association.

St. John A ?n,bulance Association.

The Lord Ma.yor of Birminghmn presided at a similar lueeting at the Birminghmn Town Hall, when the eli 'tribution was undert,1,ken by the Lady :Jfa.yoress. The importance of a knowledge of first aid by the police forces is shown by the following' return furnished by 11'. Aker, Dougla ' in reply to an enquiry in the House of Commons, a.nd a.lthough similar statisLics for the country districts outside the 1\Ietropolitan Police area are no t aya.ibble, these fio'ures for one area. alone are sufficiently instructiye: S o!urm OF Al 'LWE:-;T;, K:\{J\\';S- TO THE POLI CE TO H .\.YE BEE.- DUE '10 t';S-J)El~)lE"IlU"EU C.\TSE~ WITHIN THE ~IETRuPoLrrA~ POLICE DISTRlUT DURI~G TilE YE.U~ EXDEl> ~L\."\-" :31, 1901.




nu~;~~rl of :'>lllll\)er of ~llll1b('l' of nU~l~~/ Ofl_N_a_tur_eD_~_~~:-e:_~~_~~_ei_l~t_t_~~_.)_V_._ _ Cause of Ac cideut.

aCr'ldellLs accH.lents accid e nts . ~ rs~n~ to !,cr:;Olls to to lllJl:re III or ' property. per~oD:;' 1 a5chcO·1\~ennl. , ln5

eriollS. Fatal. Xllmber ,'light. _C_ 'O_l._I_V._ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ __ I I I

_ _ _ _ _ _ property. ,


I. Motor-car:> Motor cyc:les Horse







H):3 1 Hi' ')'l _

11 '"

~~ _ _ -_ ' _.)_ Totals ...

... 24,375



1,2 1 9,1


1 16 " 3 ,L '


IV. 462 120 332 7 3') -


17,80;) 1,,211

Y. 510 130 337

~ ;::; 4 _'_,v __ 8,561




424 108 2 0

73 18 49

13 4 8




___ - _ __ _ _ - _ _ _ __ I I I




The yaluable work ca.rried out by the provincial police forces is exemplified by the following sta.telllent of services rendered to the public in Liyerpool by the police of that city during the year 1904, quoted from the Chief Constable's annnal report :-

('A?nbulance WO?"k.-There a.l'e six fully-equipped horse ambulances sta.tioned a.s follows :-Roya.llnfil'ffil1ry, Royal Southern (( Hospital, Northern Hospita.l, tanley Hospital, Central Fire cc Station (for night service), a.nd old Swa.n Police-station (for outlying districts).



" N umber of turns out " First aid to injured" Number of constables, &c., holding certificates fr0111 "the St. John Ambulan ce As ociation " Numb er of above h olding mc·dalliOl.ls


1, 74 5 1,409


St. John A mbulanC(l Association.

St. John A nLbl/.,lance AS80cic!Ji'ion. " Number of cases of First Aid rendered by police" Al'tinciall'e pil'ation " Applying tournignets splints " bandages. (, Administering emetics " Other First Aid

35 10 218 504 28 125


" Number of the above in which the valuable ervice rendered "was especially recommended by the doctor. receivin cr the cases "669. ' « The police also rendered as istance (other than fir t aid) to :: 3,308 persons .in cases of ac?ident or sudden illne ,by removing them to hosplta.l, &c., malung a total of 4,728 persons assisted. "In this number 31 rescues from fire or drownin o' are included." It. is well ~cnown t~at the hoI' e-ambulance service is admirably c~rned ou t In the Clty of Live~'pool, thanks mainly to the energy dIsplayed by two members of the Central Executive COlnmiLtee ~ow re~ident in Londo~, -who g.ave great a 'istal1ce in former days In placmg the system ill ql1estlOn on a durable and workman-like basis. S~~e new centres have been formed in His Majesty's British domInIons. beyond the seas, notably one for the Orange RiYer Colony, WIth headquarters at Bloenlfontein. This centre was due to the initiative of Lieutenant Harry packman, R.A.M. I . who had been previously selected as an Honorary ervincr Brother of the Order for valuable services at the Dublin centre, and who was in charge of the Dublin Metropolitan Police team which took th~ first prize in the National Competition itt the Crystal Palace ill 1897. Substantial progress has been made in the Australian and New Zealand centres, these centres keeping as much up to date as r~gards progress as those in England, as for instance at \;V~llmgton, Ne,~ Zealand, where a St. John Ambulance Nursing GUll~ has been formed .for the purpose of employing nurses for the slCk poor of Vvelhngton in their own homes, the Earl of Ranfurly, a member. of the Chapter and recently Governor of New Zealand, reportmg to the Council that this branch of work


hns been most successful and Judiciously carried on in the colony. An unique and interesting class has been held for the Fiji Islanders, and a photograph has becn forwarded to the Chancery of a group of the aborigines engaged in rendering first aid. It afford the COllunittee peculiar pleasure to call attention to the great extcnsion of centres n.ncl classes in India, thanks to the energy and unceasing labour of the Honorary Organising Commissioner, Lieut.-Colonel A. C. Yate, whose early departure from that country on the termination of his period in command of hi' Recriment i' llluch reoTetted by Lord Breadalbane n.ncl the n member.. The followin o' is Lieut.-Colonel Y n.te's ofticial report, which bears ample testimony to the value and success of his efforts :c. D UlUXU the year that i::; past th work of the As. ociation in India " has been contiuued ou the lin s originally laid down in 1900-1901, and " eyer sin(;e fulluwe<l. The progress made (;onsi. t. in the extension of ,. the:e linc '. . PItOVI~ IAL 'ENTItE',-A year ago .'i. Provisional Centres existed, , those of Bengal, .Jladl'a-;, Bombay, 8entral Provinces, Baluchistan and " ,'inJ. To these have now been a.dded, with the as. i tance of the chief " (;ivil and miJiUtl'v authoritie. , tho 'e of the Punjab, th United Provinces "of Agra and Ol.;clh, and of Assam. The nucleus of the Punjab Com" mittee has, un ler the orders of the Lieutenant-Governor, • it' Charles "Rivaz, as Patron, been thus formed :, Pre'iclent.-Colonel , ir David Masson, K.C.S.I. " JlemueJ·s.--W. T. ,Yright, Esq., Educational Department. " G. A. TIundall, Esq. Punjab Police, Ilonm'a?'Y Secreta1'Y· ,. .Jlajor C. Lamont, I.:M:.'., Acting Principal of the " Lahore l\Iedical College. "I am greatly indebted to ,'it' Charles Rivaz's private . ecretary, " .Jiajor G. A. Uobert.'on, of the 15th Bengal Lancers, for the friendly " and thorough way in which he has aided the formation of the Punjab " 8entre. "The United Provinces Centre ha' been formed under the patronage " of the Lieutenant-Governor, ,"'il' J. D. La Touche. The President of the " Committee ii:> Lieutenant-General 'ir Alfred Gaselee, G.O.I.E., K.C.B., and " aD clas es, English and native, are well repre. ented on it. I append "n, copy of a letter from • 'il' J. D. La Touche about it, dated " Allahabad, 16th T ovember, 1904 :" , A meeting -was held at GO\Ternment Hou e ye terday. The general " , feeling wa that the work would be taken up here keenly. 'Ve are " , forming a Provi ional Provin<:ial Committee, composed of residents " , of Allahabad, to which repre. entatives of other Local Centres will " , be added as these are formed. ir Alfred Ga elee has consented to , , become President, and we are asking the Principal Medical Officer, " 'Bengal Command, and the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals to " 'be Vice-Pre idents. The Committee is a strong one, and should do " 'well. The Rev . . .N. E .• '. Holland, vVarden of the Oxford_and


1-1< " . (Jam bridge Hu,'tel, has undertaken th '(lutie~ or HUllUm1'\' f 'ct:l'elal'Y. " , We .h<?pe to start da,', el:i Yery SOUll in the :JIuir Central <C;ol1cO'e the " 'Tra:mmg College, the Bo:r~J High ~t:hoo], the Yoluntcel's, Poli~c' and " · Hall-way:.' , .. T~le .Chief Uommi '.'imler of A.'~am, :JIr. Full 1', ha.' infol'med me that " he I.S m complete ~YJl1pat~)y "\~ith the obj ct.' of the _l.')sot:iation and ctmuou. to , ee a I rOYlnt:l<:tl Centre established in .l. ' ~am. 11 hit . :: at:cord~ngly l'eque,' ted the Principal :Jledical 01,iit:cr and f 'ctnitm'Y C0l11l11lss.1OJ~er of . . l.Sl:ia~1 to lead the ,,-a~T, hyettlll1!j the con.'titution " of a Prehmnutry Uommlttee. " :~ On, the reco1l11111en:lation ~f the nOll. :Jh.. Le.ly, the 1hicf Com mi. " l:ilOn81. of the Cent! al Pnrnnce', the Prunncw.l C'lltl'e has h en e ~abh .. hed at Nagpul', the 'eat uf the Central PrOyillt:es UOyerlllnent :' '~-lt~ Ll~utellant-Colonel C. ~: ~wai.n~, 1.:\1;:-;. Ci;il Sm'ercon, a ' Honoral'Y " '. eCletmJ,'". Of the compO'lbon of Its lOlHl1uttPC 1 IUl\-c l'cl:ci \-cd no "mforl1::atlOn, e;'-,cel?t tlUt~ :JIr. Lely and the _l.~ll11illi~trn.li\ e :Jlcdica] " <:?fficel of the II 0;J.nce1 lolunel .JIacmc, are on It, and that Dr. , 'mith }, one of the :JIed~cal ,taff. ,] ahal pm' ha ' now bCCOlll a LOl'al C n tJ e :: u~d~r Nagpul', ~nth a Committee <.:omposed of .Jrcs:->l's. Crulllp ( 'omm.l .'lOner), HalIfax, naper, Blenkll1so]l and Captain ,Yhitp with :: Lle~ltenant-Colonel Uullen, 1.:.\1.:-;. (l'etired) a,s Hunorary . 'l'Cl'ctal'Y. ,,:JIa]or E. ~IcK. '\ Ilham ', IL\..)LC. whilst HUllurary ~ cl'l'lal'Y ilt " JabalI?ur, ~ld \' l'y ~oud \york. He left .JabalpUl·lctst .April. lIis eroot! work IS belllg contllluecl by Dr. 'ullen. 0 " I ha\-e. recently received 1 tter. from th e Licut 111.tllt-UO"\ CI'nUl' (Jf :: B.ul'ma:, f 11' H .. f '. Barnes, and fl'um. the Bisho. p uf llangoun a 'suriner me then' readme.'s t? c.o-operate III e.tahli ,hin 0' in that Pl'(nilll:e it " Centre of. the A Soclatron. I am hopeful that with their a , i. tance " the e. tabh-:lllnent of the Centre for \yhi<:h Dr. Pedley hel.' been st adily workmg \nIl not be long delayed. " "Th~ :J[adras Centre ha ', f01' l'ea~ons which I will not giye in d tail " practl~aIly suspended "' ork. E/~ i'ey((tlche the .Jly:sor Ucntl'C ha. ' beell " e,/ ablI he~ at Bangalore by ~IaJ.or-Ueneral J. Eccle '-Xixon, C.B., " U.ommandmg the. Bang?-lore Dlstl'll:t, 'upported by f' il' J allle . Doul'~lplo.n, K.G .. 1., TIesldent m :JIysOl:e. " H:s Excellency Lord ~.mptlllll h~s be n pleased to become the Patron of the :JIadra ' Centre. It IS huped that that 'ntre will " ~hortly be able to l'esume work with the same actiyity tInt it "howed " m 1901-02. ( , " "Bom?ay under :JIr. Lund; Bengal under Drs. Pear 'e and Kcnnedy . " BaluchIstan unde~' Colon~l Lees Hall and the Rev, J. I 'haw; and f intI " under "JIr. F;f. vVhltby 'm~th have all done O'ood work during the pa 't :rcear , as theIr reports, whlc~ I have forwara'ed, show. I have. b~en the more anxIOUS of late to found Provincial Centres " because It IS t? them ~lone th~t the Central Executive Committee ha~ " deputed.the rIght to Issue ~erhfi('a~es of efficiency in first aiel, nur.'ing, " and hyglen~; and I have laId down m the" Conditions ;' for competition "for the RaIlway and.v olunteer Uhallenge f 'hield, ', that no one can " ?ompete .for those shIelds who does not hold a fir, t aid certificate "Issue~ ~Ither fro~ S~. J ~hn's Gate, 01' by a l'ecogni.'ed Indian " ProvmcIal, or a C?lol1lal Cen.tl'e. .First aid in truction on mil way H has now extended !tself, I beheve, mto every province in India; and " yolu,ntee~' Corps .m al.1 or most province.. have written to me for " mformatIOn. ThIS b.emg so.' I feel that the Railways, Volunteel'::; ~, and detached classes III :provmces which have no Provincial CentI" e la.bour under a marked dIsadvantage. "NATIVE STATEs.-The number of Native States in which the work


" of


"of the f't. John _l.ll11mlulll:e ~l.~~ucitttion has been e::;tublished ha::; " iJlcrea::;ed during the pa::;t year. Pl'e<.:i<;e detaib abuut this, a.s indeed " about many othel' , eetion') of our" urk in India, t:annot be given, " becau 'e ttf:i yet pun<.:tuality in l'endcring _\nnual RepOlts has not "bt'come a featul'e either of Proyincial, Lucal, ~ Tati \'e I'tate, Hailway, "ur any uther Centl' >:-;. I a.m further a wal'e that <:1, great deal of "illdependent detached ill~trllction under the , 't. John ...lmbulance ""\ssot:iation :->Y'itcm gues un in lllClia., uf "\yhich neithel' I, nor the " Bumbay I 'tore DCl)ut, 1101' , eelllingly f'L J ohll'::; <Jate, know anything. " .All this is distinctly to our disach antagc, fOl' as we a.im at being an " orga.nisatioll which in tim of emergency, ",hethel' the emcrgen(;y be " tlmt of war uf epidelllic, ur uf accident, will be capable of I'endel'ing "good ~enil'e. (:'yery unit that i · unkno,yn to and unregistered by the " central administration i .. a cl ell' 10 . '. I ha.ye during the pa t .rear, in " aerie, of l:irl:ular memoranda enjoined upon Pruvincial and Local " Centre<;, Hailway<;, and Volunteer C;Ol'PS the need of regulal' procedure, " and of l'ccil)l'ot:ity bet,,'een C ntres; but the experience of four years " teaches me that time only will perfect the working of the A .. ociation " in India. The formation of the Indian Centl'al Committee cannot, I "think be nuw much Ion O'er delayed; and that once clone, nothing "would do more to ,it' nO'then and consolidate the organisation than , , orne acti,c "\"ork, neh a ' wcu'. Th81'e is now in India a goodly " amount of trained material for ambulance wOl'k, but it ha' yet to , learn to a ·t in uni<;on. .. 'l'u revert, hu\\ eyer to the ~ Tati'-e , 'tates :-At Bal'oda, Dr. Dhan"jibhai .:\Iehta an Hunorary Life .JIembel' of the A , ociation, has ., added to hi ' pr "iuu tran'ila.tiull ' into Gujantti one of :JIartin'.' " Que ' tiOll , , and An, wer ' on X lll' ·ing. Hi:::; tran,·lation. of the Fir t " _\.id and Hum' XUl"siuO' .JIanual .. had ill 190:3 reached repectiyely, " their third and fuurth editiull.'- editioll . in .'ome case, of 2,000 copie " :: r~'hee h,we been fOI' the 1110 t part i 'sued and u , ed in the Baroda , tate. ., On 10th, 'eptembrr) 1901, Lieutenant-Colonel G. H. D. Gimlette, " C.I.E., I.?-1.<;., Dirc<.:tUl' of IIi ' Ilighnc .. s the Xizam's :JIedical Department, " wrote to mc as fu11o\\-' :• 'The ,tarLin o ' of da.' , e. among the Troops, Polic and f 'chool ha " . nece:-;itc.ttcd a. o'!'cat dec.tl of cone.'pondence; but I have obtained " , the promi 'c . of a large number of :JI dical Ofticer ' to delivel' cour es " of lectul' H ill turn ; and three cla ,), H, one from the Troops one from " the City (lIydcrabad.) Pulice, and one frOl1l the Di, trict Police, each " , con .. i ·ting of sixt en men hl.tye been put through a cour e of frye " 'lectures. I intend, as 'uon a.' pos 'ible, to examin 'uch of the e men :: : as attenclc 1 l' gul?-rlJ~ eyery Ie :t1.~r ; but the duties of thi appoint" ,H1eI;tt a.re so. mulhial'lOus tlutt It 1 .only now and th n that there is aCCIdentaller ure for allY "\YOl·k out, lcl them.' On the 9th Xo'-ember ,. 190--1, ColollelUimlette inform dm that Hi ' Highne ' the Xizam and th~ :: Honoumbl the Re .. iclent at Hyclerabad, Colonel if Dc.tyid Bal'l', K.G .. 1., "h!l:d b~coll1e .P~ttron. of the entre formed in Hi,' Highne , the Nlzam s DUllU11l0ns. "First Aid in truction has been tctl'ted in the Imperial en-ice " Lancers of the .J ctmna,gal' f'tate. , " ~~ 'rhe 'tate of Khairpul' in 'ind, ruled over by:JIil' ' /'1' Faiz jIahomed " ?ahn Talpul', G.G.I.E., has recently taken up ambulance in truction "WIt an energy and initiative that promise well. Dr. Cantlie's " M.anu?-l has b~en tran lated into 'indhi, and will be hortly published " w~th Ill~st~atlOns from the wood-cut u ed for the :JIarathi edition. FIrst AJd 111 truction ha ' been commenced among the troop and in


St. John A munl«(,1lce Associcdion.

the Indu ·t rial ~ chool, and 20 m n h<.we a.ll'eady gained Lheir certi'ficates. The \Ya.zir of the ta,te, ~ 'nrdar Ia,homed Ya,kub, C.I.E., ha. « informed me that it i, the jIil"s intention to forIll a mall corp!-{ of '.' trained Ambulance men, ,,,hich in th' ev nt of war will h available « for service. « In 1903, at the invitation of the jI clical Officer of Lhe G-walior , tate, I ent to the Private ~ ecretary to His Higll1les~ Lhe .M aharaja « ~ <cindia information rega,rding the methods and \vol'k of Lhe 1\0..;:-:;0« ciation in India. I have since received no authoritn,Li, c report frC'lll « the State, but I know that HiH HighneHs ,'ent foul' of his rnedical « subordinates to the Jabalpur Centre for training, anel th Bombay « Store Depot has supplied material for th inHtrucLion of cbs!-{(',·. :Jfore " recently Dr. Eknath Hurryehundji r-rate, Health (llncer in tlmt • 'ta,Le, (. has informed me that he is , ublllitting to the jledica.l Officer propoo..;als c for in tructing the villagers in his dit1-ict in First Aid. n lTrdu " tran lation of Dr. antI ie's jla,nual prillte(l ill th Hindi chal'Ul:ter c wilJ be required for the instnwtioll of natives in Gwa.lior. I bopl' to " get thi, tran 'lation made and puhlish d. « As regards the J aipur ~ tate, 1 t:all do no better tban gi\e 1H'1' the c. Report I wrote on the 12th Tovem bel', immediately aft l' jI n.,ior " Dhanpat Rai had been '30 good as to sho\'>" ancl ""'plain to III his ,. ambulance equipment and an'ang ment.." JAIPUR, 12th lVovemue7', 190-i. "THE .JAIPUR AMBULAXCE Tn \.j\:-;PORT Conp,'-I 'ill'llt two hOll!''> c. with Major Dhanpat nai, C.LE., ~ 'al'dn,r Dahaour, &l' .. this 11l0011illg, c'vi iting at hi.., inyitation and under his guidanc the lmp'l'iuJ • 'enil:' c, ~ra~sport, of which he has f?r a uum.bel· of years hCl'll COlllllw,lldallt. HI Tran, port Corp,' con~mtfl of eIght troop.', n. ,11 of D:3 men (lll(t c. 150 ponies, giving a total of i-il men and 1,200 l>unil·~. Each truup i:-; c. commanded by a .T emacbl'. The arlll <':<11'1'i('(1 on s(,l'vi<:0. by the. 'one. Commi 'sioned-Ofiicel's and cll'in'l" if.) a -;hort "pear-not a S\~ ol'cl. The :: uniform i · dark green with red fal:ings. Everythillg tlmt is requin d . for the , upply and equipment of this COl'pi is tUl'l1cd out Oil the spot· " even the leather used i tanned and pl'ep;J,l'ed thel'!'. Nuc'h I1H1,tcl'ial: " as Indi?, cannot provide are obtained frum Eng1a.nd, anu from them :: the artI?le,' required f~l' w;e are made up 10c(1,l1)'. The TmnspOlt <.:al'b "are en~lrely made of Iron. (except the wheel!-i), nuu ar ,0 arranged that thIrty can be packed m one truck on a bl'oa,d gaugl', (l,m1 seven;: teen on a narrow-gauge rail way. No Government Tl'an.'pol't carLs as at present used can, to the be .. t of my knowledo'e, he packed .'0 eOlllc, pactly for ?al'l'iao'e by railway. Th 13e carts, d signed by Major " D~anpat RaI, can be put tog thl'r 01' di. mantlecl for packing in three "mmutes. I saw this done with eight carts at once, foul' men IU1ndling "each cart. The complete :Jlobilitiation ~tore.· for each of the eiO'ht c. troops are kept l'eady in the storehou, es in the lines of the J,1,iput' " Transport Corps, where also I saw the workshops of the bladzsmiths " wheelwrights, carpenters, saddlers, ~tncl tent maker.'. ' " It was, ho'\\' ever, the Ambulance section of this corp& that 1\1ajol' :: DhaI?-pat Rai was "0 good as to specially parad for my instruction. They'on transport cart' already referred to, which are drawn by two (. pornes, are all ~tted with anangements for the carriage of either two :; or foul' (accol'dmg. to the severity o~ the c.a, es) injured men. Twenty, five Ibs. of water m a canvas bag IS earned and kept cool under each c. cart. For purposes of rapid movement (with a moveable column for :: i~stan ?e, 01' with mounted troops), ~1ajor Dhanpat Rai has designed a " hght Iron cart,. capa~le ?f carrym$ 480 . Ibs. of luggage or four wounded men WIth theIr kits. Water IS earned below as in the heavier "cart. It is drawn by one pony.



St. John Ambulance AssociatiC'11.

"For the ca.I'l'ia.g of more serious ca,,'cs at the ordinary rate of (( marl:hing ovee long <listances jIajol' Dhanpat Rai has de .. igned his (( Ambulance tonga, tha,n \\,hidl I ha,-e ,een nothing more compact or " more complete. It holds. two 01' foul' ~ick men, as req~lil'ed, i~ varying " po 'itions, ~s well ct& a dnY~l' aml ward Ol·d 1'ly . an~lIt carnes water, "food ut nSlls, blankets, ht " tools, wash-hand basll1s, and tents fOl' " tho'~ foul' men. It further ca.l'l'ie ' medicines and material for tl'eating " alike thc wounded man, or the injured or sick pony on the march, (( and two ligh t wooden trunks fol' the kits of the sick men. If the road " is too bad for wheel.', these kit-boxes cnn be taken off and put 011 (( pack mules. Out of the top and sides of these t,,·o tl'unks, can. be " formed a table about seven feet long cctpc1,ble of use as an operatmg "table, if l' quir~d. Xets at the top of the tonga hold food 01' any (( necessaries. The t nts ar lined ,vith dark green, a colour restful to (( the eye under (1, powerful sun. The tr tchel' that jIajor Dhanpat Rai (( uses is of uniform pattern, anel .fit, alike cart, tunga, and pack pony. (( It can b' ndjustecl al 'o to a ,'mall pail' of wheel.', and 'w heeled along " by une man. c Finally, :JIajol' Dhanpat Ha.i has devi 'ed a pack saddle ',"hich, "with (; 'l'ta.in o..;il11ple culjustm Ilt~, can also be u ed for draught pur"poses, 01' for the conveyance of the wounded' for the caniage of (( orderlies and J1l0UlltC'd infant1'Y, 01' to 'any a , tretdler on two mules. " For the sil:k and wounded the 'addle is fitted with 'UpPOl·t' of rope (( and i1'on ",hidl c(\,n be eithcr adj ustcd sO as to support the back only, " 01' allrollJlel 0..;0 ,1,S to pren'nt a. c1'ippled man falling off. TIns same (( saddle cn,n al 'o be u.-eel for calTying \Yater in pakh(ll ('kin \,2 'els) or " metal tank:-,;. jIajol' Dhanpat TIai intend ' to compo e his Ambulance Tran 'port (( Corps of thes' foul' methods of (;onwyance in the following propor(( tions, of "' hidl ahout half i .. l'c,l,{l ,Y :Ordinary Serious Cases. Ca~es.

(( 1st- Thirty ~\lllbulc.1,n t:e carts of two beds, to cal'l'y " Twcnty , " with foul' ,'ea.ts, to cany (( 2nd-Fifty light single harne 's carts, to calTY ... " ;3rd-Twl'nty-lh-e _\.mbulance tonga.', to carry ... (( -ith--Two hUlltlr )(1 _\.mbula]H:e ponies to caITY ...

120 80 200 100 200

GO -i0 50 50 100

" Total ... 700 300 " ~Iajor Db;m])at Hai will thus hayc completed in,ay, about a year' (( time an .Ambula.nce Tnmsl ort Corp ' cOl,pa,hle of carrying from 300 to " 700 sid: a.ml wounded in any country to which the India.n Uovel'nment " is likely to .'end :JIilita.ry FOl'l:es. (( He i' h<.wing a, certain number of the men of hi8 corp .. trained in " First Aid, in <'1.t:COl'c.l<'1.11t:e with the rules and y tem of the • 't. John (( Ambuh1.nce . .\.ssociation. In instrul:ting them) the U 1'c.lu tra.n 'lation " of the First Aid jIcmua.l, printed a. year ago in Bomba,y, will he " used. " Thi .. Ambula.nce 101'p::; i ' a.lso attended by a, water cart (the Lold " water c(1.n be tUl'ned into boiling a.t short notice), and a cooking cart, " capable of pl'ochwing hundreds of c/W}JCLttl'S (fiat unlec'l,yened ca,ke. ) and " other food commonly used by the natives of India. " If the ~ it. John Ambulance Association in India should be called " upon within the next decade or two to supplement the Ambulance :: a~d Hospital resources of the Army Medical f ervices in tho field,. it WIll be a very great help to them if they can 'ecu1'e tho co-operabon ::?f Major Dhanpat Rai. He is a host in him elf, being a man of seemmgly mexhaustible resource, reaely to cope \yith any emergency, and B


St. J ohn A muulunce Association.

St. J ohn A'Inuulumce A ·sociation.

" pos essed of a long and wide experience of tran port in e,~ery ~orrn. " He i. a man whose example may w 11 be ot before any J.: atlYe Rtate. "For power of oro'anisation and fertility of illYention he has few equals " among the inhabitant. of h~d~a. . ) .. Another and equally stnkmg monum~nt ?f ~Ia.1or D!lanpc~t hal s " capacity i. the exten'iYe garden (four n~l]es III leng~h, f<?lJowmg the " bt'oad channel of the oyerfiow of the Jmpur He erYOl1') la~cl out uncleI' "hi orders, during the famine years of 1 9G-9. It was 111 ' .Tr(~l1sport "Corp that brought in the tm:ving people from t~le out-ch:·tl'l,d .by "thousands, or picked them up III the .· trcets of Jmpur. Ills J<amllle "H.elief camp at J aipur contained about 2;"),000 111 n, " 'omen, and "children. SOIDe ten or twehe more ca.mp·, on a f:imall r sca.}', w~re " e tablished in yariou. outlying part.' of the Jaipur <ta,te. The ent~l' "work was in ilIa,jor Dhanpat Hai'.' hn.llds. Th recipient. .of rell f "were primarily employed i? l<.\,yi~lg out the o-arclell.·, ,dueh now , compose a laro'e area producm~ fnut, flower., yeg table'l, and fod<ler. " In the hot w~ather the e garclen pro\'icle daily about four tOllS of " green gras (d?ov) for the use of. the Maharaj(~· .. 8tahle and fo1' the " Tran port pomes. The pr.oduce l ' gener.ally ell po (1. of hy contract. " A succes ion of tank .'Ultable for l'owmg and baUung, OC(;Upy th " centre line of the bro~d winding channel which form . tbc site of th "o'ardens. Here the Tran port ch'iyel'::i are t.aught to '3wim, and hitlt l' " thousands of native .. , men and women, flock in 'mum r fot' the pllt'pO ' " of bathinO'. A Pa\'ilion, ) 'umll1er-hou~e, and Fernery" il h a spnciuu' , lawn OCCL~PY the central POjllt. Thc thou H,nd .. under famill.' relief " formed their own gangs under their own OY r ·eer., tIm,' rcduc1l10' the " charges for supe.rintendence to a l~lillimum. ~.[any f these 111 n W 1'8 " ub equently drIlled and drafted llltO the l)ollce. Th orphan' (oyer " 300) were employed and educated in yariou wa.y '. I 'ome <1.1' .. till at " work in the Transport workshops, but the majority hase gOll ~ .t.o carll " their liYelil100d e1.·ewhe1'e. During the famine all the cattle ell d. It " is with oxen that the J aipuei doe. his ploughing. ,\,11 11 the' rn.in at " last fell, the C?'ux was how to PI' ~pare the soil for the sc (1. Dhanpat " Rai again came to the fore. He deyi:-;ed the light .J aiPlll' band plough " (we saw photographs of it), and und er hi.' ::.mpelTi:-;ion thouancl:-; of "men, women, and children were taught to work it. Thu ' t.h land " was tilled, till fre, h oxen came into exi tence. This hand plough ha' H been adopted by Goyernment for u,'e in flltUl'e famine ' : "RAILWAys.-The feature of the year, a ' far a. the rallw(l,Y. arc con" cerned, has been the first c)mpetition for the )'ilver Challenge ) ~hield " and Prizes presented by the Grand Prior and Chapter of the Order " of St. John of Jerusalem to the railways of India. 'fhis competition " took place at Jabalpur on the 15th of March. Jabalpur ,va 'elected, " firstly, on account of its central position and as being connected with "three of the principal railways of India, the East Indian, Great ~'Indian Peninsula, and Bengal-NaO'pur; and econdly, because a suc" cessful Centre had been established there by ~Iajor E, ~IcK. 'Williams. " During 1902, if not earlier, the East Indian, Great Indian P ninsula, " Bombay-Baroda and Central India, Madras, South Indian, Bengal" agpur, and Oudh and Rohilkhand railways had all begun to train " their employees in First Aid. Only three of these, however, the Ea t "Indian, Great Indian Peninsula, and Bombay- Baroda and Central " India, actually took part in the competition. The Madras and South "Indian Rail ways withdrew their teams a week 01' two before it took "place. The Municipality of J abalpur kindly placed their Town Hall " at our disposal, and among those who were present were the Chief " Commissioner, Mr. J. P. Hewett, the Bishop of N agpur, Dr. Eyre T


"Chatterton, .Lieutenant-Colonel and the Honourable ~Ir:-;. ,'andbach, "and .JIr. Fox-) Lnl,ngeway:-;, the Commi:-;sioner. The Officers of the " Royal Army :JIeclical COl'lm and Indian ~Iedical ) 'ervice helped me " most effectively. " The Examining Body was thus compo.'ed :-" Judge in ) 'e<.:tion (II) Captain F. A. SY~IO~S, R.A.M.C. " ,,(lJ) Lieutenant T. B. I 'VILLIAl)L, 1.:\1. . " , ( C ) Lieut.-Colonel A. H. BURLTO~ , R. c\..:U.C. ~Iocl rator.-Lieut. -Colonel ,YoA. QUAYLE, LiU ..·. " The ordcr of merit, al:i awarded by the ~loderatOl', was the fol" lowing :" Winner of the Shield, the Great Indian Peninsula Railway " Team, \\ ith 201 points. A) 'ilver Badge of :Mel'it anclrupees " twenty-li\ e were given to ea<.:h member. I 'El.'O ~D '1'E.D1.- The Ea't Indian Hailway Team, wi th 24:8 " poin t'l. J.. Bronze J3acJg of ~ICl'it anel rupees fifteen \\'ere " gi \l'll to each member. " Tnwu Tln.:\l.-The Bombay-Ral'ocla and Central India Hailway c. T 'alll, with :2:2G lloint ~ . ...:'l..13ronze Badge of ~I81'it was giYen C tu ach memlJ ' 1'. c The winning team wa.' cordially cheered by its rival:-;. The money , prizes \\ Cl'e pre.'cntcd 011 the spot. Th Badge ' had to be engraved ,. before pl'Cf;cntatioll . .. 11a, iug as(;crtainec1 tha,t His Exc.:ellency the Governor of Bombay, c. Lord Lamington, would be willing to pl'e.'ent the ,'hield to the ,. willnin 0' tealll, I addl'e 'S cl the Agent of the Great Indian Penin 'ula "Hailway llccon1illgly; and it \\ a~ al'rano'ed that the pre 'entation "should take l)l<.1.cC at Gane::;hkhind, the Governor's residence near "Poona, on the 1 th uf June. The Agent, ~Ir. 'Yenden, C. LE., himself ,. took the team to Oane .. hkhind together with 'ergeant-Instructor " Chapman, who tra.in d it .'0 c(;),l'efully and thoroughly. The f hield (( and f 'ih'er Bado· .' w l'e presented to the team by Lady Lamington . " Lord LamingLon, Lieutenant-General f'ir '1... Hunter, ) 'urgeons-General "G~bbills, lL\..:\1. I., ancl illcConagh y, 1.M . .., and Mr. George Lund , bcmg alo pl'e.'ent. A photograph was taken on the occa ion which , together wiLh a large size photograph of the ) 'hield, \Va puhli hed ~ "week 01' two later in t.ho Empl'es ',' the illu. trated ,Yeekly of " CaJcutta. " COll.'idering the embr:yonic state of ambulance work in India the " R.ailw<.\,y Uompet.iLioll may be regarded as a di tinct succes . I~me· " chately after the competition a conference of the representatives of (( rail ways, UTC., the Honorary Orgalli:-;ing Commissioner takino' the 0 "Chair, was lleld, and the conditions for the Competition of 1905 " were settled. The same condition ' have, in consultation with the :: Illspe~tor-Genera} ?f Volunteers in In.dia, been adopted for the Volun(( teer Challenge ) llleid. Hepre 'entatl yes present at th Conference were :" Major E. ~IcK. 'YILLIAlII , R.A.:\l.C., IIono1'(l?'Y Sec1'etCtJ'Y, " c, J abalpur Centre. Dr. H . G. 'YATER ', Ea.st Indian Railway. " Dr. ~IAR'l'IN LEAKE, Chief .llI eclt'cal D.tJice7·, Bengal-Na~pur " " H.ailway. " fr .. GEORGE LUND, IIono?'a1',1! Sec1'etCL1'Y, Bombay Centre. Major DllANPAT I AI, C.LE., Commandant, J aipur Imperial " " Service Transport Corps. Dr. DIIANJIBllAI MEllTA, of Baroda, Honorary Life ~Ielllber, " " St. John Ambulance A ·sociation. ~h. A. L. PUSHONG, Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway." I






St. J ohm A ?nuula nee Association.

St. J ohm A m.bulanee Association.

" It is now, ettled that the Competition in 1905 will tal~e place a~ Jabnl~ "pur on the 13th, 14th, and 15th ~Iar(;h . . The only raIl \Yay w lnc:h has " join'ed the Association since ~Ia1'ch, Hl04, l.' the ~ 'outhen~ Mahr~t.ta. ~t " is po sible that eight team may be entered for the CompetItIon III " 1905. . "VoLu~TEERs. -:JIajor-Genel'al J. f 'tratford Colhm;, c.n., th~ InH1Je(;~01'­ " General of Yolunteers in India, has helped me Yery lllutel'lally .dUl'lIlg; " the past year. I was indu(;ed to a.ddress him on the s.ub]cct of " ambulance instnlc.:tion for Yolunt ers hy the fad tbat I notH;ecl t.hat, "while making a report of inspection of the Hyu.cnl.b'L(l Yolunlccr IhHc:-:, " he pas, ed an encomium on the .:'-. . mbulnnce '~c.;tlOn of t11. corllH. IIp was so good, about a year ago, ns to {l.ddress n c11'(;ular memora.ndurn t.o the "Volunteer Corps of India (He, cnty in numb 1', excludlllD' Ha.Ih\y.y " Corp) directing their attention to tb' I 't. J 0~1Il ..:\mbulane .. \'ssoc:m,tlOll " system of training in Fir,'~ Aid. .1 rec:ei, ~llll con?e ~ueIH;e)cttcI'S !1'O1ll " thirty or forty Commandmg Oiti(;ers askmg for ll1f~rmatIOn, ,~lnch I " ent them. _1. little later 1 consult d Uencral 'ollms rC'gal'clu.lg the "Silver Challeno'e I 'hield for Yolunteers, and as he cOl1cul'l'cd m my " view, I submitted to f't. John' '(J{l.t a, pl'oP?l-ml that ~t , 'ilY. r Challenge " Shield, similar to that pre 'ented to the Hml\\'ay~ of I~l(ha, .·hould be « presented for competition among the Volu. ntcer.·. T~ll,) l)~'()]Jo.'(~l hw " been sanctioned, and if a.ll goes \\'ell, I h(lp~ that tIns I 'h:eld \\'111 be " competed for either at J abalpul' 01' Poona, m :JInn:h, 100,). I am n~ " present, ho,,,eYe1', quite in the dark {I.:-; to the prohabl' number of " competing team:-;. . . « IMPERIAL f 'EItVICE TRoor~ . _. III July last I wrotc to )11'1p;1lc11.r" General f 'tuart Beatson, C.B., the In-;pe(;toL'-U cneral of Im1> naIl en l~e « Troop, and suggested ~o ~lim that tho~c,. troop.: shol~l(~ cH.lopt t.lI:, , "Johll.rl.mbulance ~\.:-;,·O(;Hl.tlOn :-:ystcm of l<u·s1. .\.ld tmmlllg. In II pl;y " he wrote(21. ·t .J uly, 190-1)-( 1 ,Ylll ask Chiefsthe~n\-i 'hl's inn:O'al'cl t.o ll.lO « St. John -'. . mbulance ..:l.s,·ocia,tion <;ysLl'm, clunng my l'Oll1l?lg t..olll'.lll « J" ative >'tates.;' I hn.ve rea:-;on to belie\ e tha.t th(~ Illlpenal f '1'\ Ice « Troops of tIn'ee or four Xatiye • 'tates haye already begun First _\'id « instruction on that system. " POLIcE.-The instruction of the Police commenced at Cakulla and " Bombay in 190] has been continued during the past ycar. T]lOre \\ <loS " a falling off in the early part of the year an?ong ~he Bl.llll?<IoY 1: o~'c;, I~ut « with the adyent of :JIr. :JI. Kcnn dy as Ac.:tl11g ComnusslOncr. of luhec this retrograde movement wa.s checked. One hunch'ed ancllllneLy-two " of the Bombay Police have now been fonn ed into aIL\.mbulanc: \ CUI·PS. " Under the au.pices of ~h~ Lieut~llan~-GOycl'nor C?f thc pUllja? anel the « Inspector-General of ClVll Ho,'pltals 111 that PrOYlllCe, 1: lrst ..:\1c1 cla.sse's « h ave been started at the Punj<tu Polic school at .Phi!l0ur.. I'imilal' " classes for the ~1adras Police haye been, I am authonta.tlVely lllfol'lnec1, " established at the Police school at Vellol'e. At Baroda" Benare'), and " Quetta, and, in the Central Provinces, at Bilnspu.r, Ch~ndia. <:nd " Chind wam something has been done in the way of FIrst lbc1 tmlllll1g " for the Police, but no definite report has reached m~. T~le l~ rd.u « translation of the Fir;:;t Aid ~Ianual which I had pubh:-;hcclm 10m IS " now being u, ed by the Bombay Police, and also by the cla:-)ses ofnati\-e~ " which have recently been stal-ted in Karachi. . "ScHooLs.-The interview with Mr. H. ,V. Orange, the DIrector" General of Education in India, which I mentioned in my IlepOl·t for " 1903, has, as yet, borne no tangible frt;tit. A co~cise MG~nual of ~~' jrst "Aid, Home Nursing, and Home Hygl ne has, m com~hance wlt!l a " suggestion made by t.he Director of Public Instruction m the PunJab, " Mr. Bell, C.I.E., been drawn up by Drs. , Vilkie Deans and 11. r. Gokhale, L(






both on th ~Iedi(;al, 'taft' of the Bombay Centre.. The manuscr~pt of this :JIanu<Ll has, with Mr. Bell'H c~nscnt, been lald before the , cho~l Text-Book Committec of the PUl1)ab. Of classes actually started m Indian schools only two have, I tll1nk, been l'eported to me; one at the I 'ancleman IIio'h f)dlOOl in QuetLa, compose~ of sev~r~~ m,a',ters and some fifty of tbe elder boy '; a:ncl t.11e ot!ler, m a Par.sl 811'ls , chool at X aorari, a town, ·itu<.tted, I thmk, m GUJerat. Of thIS latter class, Dr. « Dhanjibhai ~Icht{l. wrote on 14th Ja,nuary, 1904, as follo,:s.: - J\. Parsee {' Lady, nallled Ihtanba:i Tata, sister o~ Mr. Ta~a, ~he, null~onall'e, ~vh~ " abo belong:-; to Xaoral'l, has set up a CoronatIOn CIa.. ' 1Il the GIrlS " 'choo1. In that cla" s scbool girls were taught ambulance work for " ;no1'e than a year hy a nephew of mine, Dr. Phirozshaw ~I. }'Ie~ta. " These girls, from 11 to 16, set up fractures, tied ban~age, , and ~pphed (; tourniquet:;; before a lnrg conCOUl','e of people. Pnzes were gIven to , all the girls (27) who had learned the work well. , . ,. " YER~U.CU L\'R TR .\.~,·LATIO ~s.-During the pa t year Canthe Fll'St ( .\icl haH be n tmn·lctted into f 'indhi; Congreye's Home ~ ~ur 'ing into " \[a,rathi . and :JI,Ll'tin',' L ecture,') on "- ursing iutJ Gujarati. -.. LIFE ~h)IBEn~.-Dl' . . H. E. \ Vat rs and n. X. Gokhalc have been " elected IlOllOrrLlT Lif ")1em bel'S of the Association. I am ilwiting all , HailwaYI-; to hl'c~m Life ~Iembcr, of some PrmTincial Centre on the " condition,' lai 1 clown for bu. iness firms on page 8 of Heference Pamph~ let 57 n 1001. Thee, if not more, have done so . .. :-;Ton~ ])EPOT. The f'tore DepOt of the A. sociation ha. done, 0 far ( \yell clminO' the pa.t year, that its profit!') are sufficient to pay for the (; rent of the p1' mil-; s. Jtent:-;are high in Bombay, ,,-hen ")Ir. Lund hC?weyer, c. yacate<; the honorar~T secretal'y .. hip in Bomba3T we ,'hall po slbly no " lunO'er be able to obtain clerical lahoUl' free of charge. I have been " inf;l'mefl that the .. ale of the store!') of the f't. John A_Ill buJance A ,ociac, tion in Inclia, 11<1" in, 0111e (;a. 'e8, b en pla.ced ~n the hanels of. local tra~e (. men. I cannot H,t present , ee that the IndIan Bmnch gam." any.tl1l?g , I):), thi... I have elldea,youred, 0 to armnge matters that ~ach T'ronnClal "Centre shoulcl k rp its own littl ,tock and supply Its sub-centre, (, unle .. , th hlotter supply themselyes dir"ct from Bombay. In thi ,yay " the <;mall profits ma.dc on ,·tores in India would all go to the funds " cither of th Bomba,Y, 'tore Depot or of the several Provincial Centre, . ".\ I ha\-e b efor rerire entecl, I am oppo ed at present to the sale of "our , 101'e~ in India through trad smen, e.'pecially traele 'men who, " despite their ,,- alth elo nothing for the . .:\.s.'ociation. :JIr. George Lund " i' entirely at one with me on this point. ,e Pn.opo, .\.L TO ,E:ND AX .Aj)mUL.\~CE COYTIXGEKT TO J ArA~ . -f 'hortly "aftcr war broke out betw n Hus, ia and Japan, I telegraphed to the " Private I 'ecl'ctary to the Yiceroy amI a ked His Excellency':-; approval " to a proposal for raising equipping, clonel despatching a , Illall f't . John " .\.mbul'lonc 'ontingcnt for ,ervice with the Japane e troop in "jlanchul'ia.. }\iter some correspond ncc, I was informed that the " military :tuthol'iti , in India did not favour the propo a1. There i , "howeye1', no doubt that the Indian public would haye thoroughly « ~upported any such scheme, and anati ve gentleman of Bombay at once " offered to contribute n . 10000 to it. Independently of me, a well« known Bengali ln,dy, ~[iss I \1ol'01<1o D yi Ghosal, made simibr propo al " to the Japanese Consul in Bombay, but was informed that no such aid « was required . Up to the pr sentth Japancse ned Cl'OSS foci ty seems « to have b en able to cope with the work in t h e field, heavy though it "must have becn. During the Chino-Japanese \Var of 1894, the T~'mes " correspondent reported that the ,'ociety enjoyed an annual income of " two mill ion yen, equal to £200,000. " " " " " " "


St. John A 1nbulance Association.

St. John A?17,bulance Association. (( THE I UE OF CERTIFICATEs.-The Central Executiye Commit lee has " conferred on the Provincial Centres of India the right to is.'ue certificate::> "of efficiency in Fir t Aid, Home Tur ing, and Home Hygiene. I " recognize the follo'lYing centres a. enLitled to i.'sue lbc.'e certificates :"Bengal, Bombay, ~Iadra., Balu(;hi tan, • 'ind, Punjab, 'entl'al , Province" United Provinces, jly.'ore: and 'As.'am and "Burma when formed. " I haye not recognized the rio'ht as yet of any X atiyc I 'tate, Tlaih\ ny, (( Corps of Police, or Yolunte r Corps, to issue their u\\ n (;cl'lificate<;. (( They are directed to obtain them through tIl nea.r st 01' mo.'t com'e"nient Provincial 1entre. The Darou a Rlat 'entre, ho\\ ever, has "i ued it. own certificates on an muwthm'/sed form, and has paid no " attention to my prote t . , RECIPROCITY BET\\EEN PROVINCIAL 1EXTTIEI",- I lw,vc urged Provincial "Centre. to keep a regi, tel' of all certifica.t,cl perSOll ' "\\ ithin their (( limit, and tried to inculcate the aclnmtages uf transfel''' from (Inc " Provincial Hegi 'ter to anothel', All Um E'l'l1ment c;enants, European " and native, are very much moved about in India, "SAXITATION I INDL\, -Increa, ing attention is "being paid YCHr "after year to 'anitation in India., and I hay urged all 'ent]' '. to l~el'p " in touch and act in concert "\\'ith this 1110\ ('ment. The 110m ha.:\ 'ell t l'e " has done so to some purpose, and I'ind is following suit. A' <:la.'s in "Home Hygiene has jll.'t been held at Tagpur. TIl Bombay 'entr " will be represented at an exhibition to bc held in Bombay in 'January " next in conjunction with the local. 'anitary A8sociaLion. ' , "PROGRE . OF TilE BRIGADE IX L ' DL\.- lTp to the PI' . ent tim, th :, B~~b.ay PreRidency Centre, has alone been .'uccessful ill CJl'ganisil1(l' Dn7J. IOns and Corp of the, t . .J olm Am hulance Drigad . " A.J\rnuLAxcE A. SISTAXCE AT TIA E jfEETIxw..:.--Thc Indian PI's:;; 1m'> " repeatedly during the la ,t year or l\\'o, drawll a.tiention to lh n cl of "providing ambulance arrangements at Hace jleeLinO's. This is cl()nc " by the Bombay Centre, and the Quetta. Centre has abo no\\ an Ashflll'(l " litter for that pUl'pO, e. "TIlE INDIA CENTRAL COMMITTEE.-I need barcDr say that thi," Committee, the formation of which I regard aR the <.;oi)in o' 'slon Lo my " WOl'k, ,has been con tantly in my thoughts. In April la,i 1 aclc1res. eel :: the PrIvate •.'ecretaryto the Vic~roy on the subject. llis }"x<,;'llency, however, owmg to Ins approachmg departure for J~nO'lancl \\ as unable " to give the matter bis attention. ' " ") 'ince Aprilla~t the 11Y801'e, l)unjab and United Provinces 'entres have been e, tabh 'hed; and those of Burma and As. am arc 1 ha.vc rea on " to believe, in proce. . of establishment. The Hailwa v , Poli~e Volunteers " an d N alve. t' 't atesarestead'l . J " lyprogressmg. Asecond, 'ilYel'UhallenO'e , " Shield has been presented to the Indian Branch to be comp ted for by " Volunteer Corps (Railway Volunteers excepted). I feel that I have " good reasons to hope that His Excellency the Viceroy Lord \u'zon of " Kedleston, will, soon after his return to India, sanction the formation " of a Central Committee. " When that ha. been done, I tru. t to be able to con sid I' that my " work as the pioneer of the. 'to .J olm Ambulance As.ociation in India :: has been completed, and to be allowed to transfer my duties to tho.'e " who may: be deputed to continue the wode The programme that I put " forw~rd In Febru~ry,.1901~ has been cl~sely followed, an~ has pro~u?ed " ~he l.esu~ts set forth In t~lS report. 'I.h~~e. results are m my opmlOn " mfimteslIDal comp~,red wlt~1 ~he :rosslbl~lt~es of the futur , provided " that the work .of the ASSOCIatIOn m IndIa .1S carried on ?y competent and sympathetIC hands. TIecently, at the mstance of HIS Honour f'ir


"Charles Rivaz and • 'urgeon-General fiir Benjamin Franklin, all " Medical Graduates vf the niversitics of Calcutta, :JIadras, Bombay "and the Punjab, have been accepted as both Lecturers and Examiners , on behalf of the A. sociation. I have little doubt that the same " privilege will be extended, ere long, to most A ·. i. tant-f ' urgeon., and " that ev n the Hospital Assi.tant will be given wider opportunities. " All this tends to enlist on our .'ide the sympathy of a ,ery influential , section among the educated natiy sand fU1'ni .. hes the A. sociation with " a most u.'efufboc1y of fellow work 1'S. , 'ome months ago the. 'ecretary " to the Principal :JIec1i<.;al Officer of Ilis :Jbjesty's Forces in India wrote " and asked me what ('h .\.ssociation could do, if war broke out. I 'uch , an application is, in itself, a recognition that the. 'to John Ambulance , Associa.tion in India. ha ' alreacly be(;om a factor to be reckoned with. ee A. '. y~\.;'rE, LIEUT.-COLONEL, " ][O//01'(LI'!J Or[jflJ//,,/n(J Commis.~ion e l· in Indict of the } 't. John Am0111ance Association. "Karachi, tit D eCe1ll0el', 190-1."

General "·01']- in the collieries and ill In illo0' di tricts and elsewhere is referred to by the Honorary Organising Commissioner, Suro'eon-~Iajor G. A. IIntton, one of the oldest and most zealous supporters of the . .\s ociatiol1, in the following remarks :" IT i , gratifying to b able to note during the past year, as in former , year.'? and ex t neling in my own experience o,er nearly 25 year, the :: su: ' t~me lintel'e~t in fir ' t aidand ambulance in tructionexhibi~ed ?your m~l1lng populatIOn. Only the laot week, at an ambulance meetmg 111 the " .ThhdlanclH, compo. eel of miners working in the collierie , I found them '. as enthu~iastic as yer in eyerything relating to practical ambulance 'work. "hen it if) considered that the coal indu try is vital to carrying "on all our other important induf)tl'ies, and ·without which we could not "exist as <1, o'!'eat commercial nation, and when we take the number of "per.'ol1S mployed and their liability to injury and accident it shows « that no eilort should be .. pared, not only to preyent accidents, but " 'w hen they do O<';CU1', the b .'t mean. hould be adopted for dealin o' "with them. In re 'pect to our .'t. .J hn Ambulance cour e of " lectures on hycriene, which 'hould be more exten ively known in all :: our cen.tr·es ~f \\'~rl(, refel'en~e is made in the mine ipspector ' report " to, hygIene III mllle. , a sub]e<.;t of much practical mtere t, both to ~ll1e-OWnerH, ll1anag r. and men in connection with the danger of what "" IS known a,s l\.llkvlostomiasis or in familiar languabO'e ~Ii.ners' ,Vorm , '1 .1 • ~ " a ~Ja~'aslte t mt \\~a ell :coyer d by ~rofe ' 01' .Perl'onci~o, orne 25. yeaTS ago m th sll1itllmtestll1e of the mll1el' chleflv Itahans workln o' III "" tl,1e. ' t : (' .the 'mine. of J b uOl 1lal:(1 ~unnel, and aloIn 'axony, and France. " SOllle ~ntel'eHtmg ll1fOl~mation has been giyen by Dr. Thomas Oli \'er on ,,&he dlsea e <\"l 1-)een 111 the .'Ye ,tphali~n. and. Hungar~an colli81'ie . " h~ c81~tl'e of the ,~Te tphalmn coal-mmmg mdu try 1. Bochurn, a " to\\ n WIth a POpuh~t.lOn of 70000. In the Infirmary of the town in "oVne year 3,000 patIents were treated for ankylostomia is. In the " alley of the lluhr, the number of cases ha increa ed from 107 in " 189G, to 1,0~0 ~n 1901, and] ,355 in 190:2. Within the last two years " £nkylo tOlI~la81s l~as cost the miners union and owners il~ ,Ve tph~lia " 100,000. ~hel~e IS Ul~doubtedly a danger of the general llltroduct:on the par,a.'lte ll1to tIn CO\ll1try- th.e Cornish tin miners have already S 10wn tlm.;, and the warlllng cerbtlllty ought to be attended to by


it. John A mJnLlance A'sociation.

} t. John A ?nbulance Association.

"hygieni ts and owner. of mine. alike. Health i.' quite as imp<?rtant as "safety. It i l'eally more seriou for a \,To1'kel' to contract a dU3ease as "loathsome and wa ting a ' ankylo;;tomiasis, or a practically incurable "as phthi i, ,than to be temporarily inCCll)acitated by a broken limb, "hence I would urge on our hygienic in ' iruction in all our mining " centres. , The total number of person ' employed in the "lTnitccl Kingdom "and I Ie of j1an during 190:3 wa ' L 71, l!) in and about mine', <. and 9 ,155 in and about quarrie.·. Of the 11, 8D P r.·ons " employed at mine.', G9-1,317 wll1'ked underground, and 177,372 aboye " ground' of the hI,iter J,G-1 were female.'. In 190:3, J, 15] .epa,rate " fa,tal accident. · occurred in and about the mines and qUCl,lTi 8 of the , Cnited Kingdom causing thc luss of 1 H):2 li\'es-of tho 1,007 liyes « "'ere lo·t at mine.', and 9.-) liye, at llU1uTies. There wa ' an incrca,e in the " number of accident. · frum falls Hndlll'facc :lccic.ll'llts, while cxplosion. , " shaft accidents, and micellancou ' accidents u11(1 rground shuw satis, fa,ctory decrea, e . 1;ncluubteclly there has been in rec 'nt y 'ars a marked " improvement as far a. accident .. ar conc rnecl in our gl' at millinO' { industry. In the ea,rly fifties the unclergL'Ol1l1d dcath 1'11t ' \\'as mol' than " iJ per 1,000 per,'ons employed, "hibt tn,kinO' all the mines togcther, "both under the Coal jIine::; ~\.ct and '1[ Ln,llifcrous jfincs .l\l'l, the " a\Terage d ath rate of the uncler9;ro:m 1 workers in 100:3 ,,-as olll," 1,3.>1, "thi i' the lowe 't hitherto recorded. Of th 11 fat.al rlccidl'nts hom "explosion. of fire-damp no le.s than 10 were elu to t.he usc of nakrcl (. lights-the remaining accident being cau 'ed by a c1amag d safety ( lamp; anrl 0 pel' cent. of the non-fat.nl a(;ciclcnts also WCJ'C c1u to " naked lights. • 'ix of the fatal acciclcnts ha111K'ned in Scotland in min s " \yhere ga, is 'elclom ,een, and where in con 'equence nakcd lighh are "allowed. X ot a .'ingle life '\-as lust. in the YOL'kshil' , ~J idland, anel " Lanca hire di tl'icts, anel it may be noteel t.hat, ill thcbc district· the "mines [tre, as a rule, Yery fiery"and only sa.fety lamp of a biO'h class "u'Sed. In the mine inspector ' reports with regard to accidents from :: fall~ of gl'ol.md, it is state(~ t~lC~t a.n intellig~l1t system.of lim be. rin&, deSIgned to me t the pecuhanbes of each nun and :->tnclly enforc:ccl, "would gr aLly reduce the death rate from fall:->, anel a stl'ict anel "frequent supervi,'ion is necessary if a system of tim bering is to be ( made a succ:ess. In the reports for the York. hire eli. trict thr insprctor ;: tentati \'ely advances !1 theory that there may be a conn dion, bctween the em·th tremors whIch pass acro: the country at frequent mterva.ls :: and the falls of roof and sides. Tl:emors of unu 'ual , Yel:it may 1>L'ec1is~ " pose the 1'o.of to collap. e by loosemng the. trata and the 1,1I11be1' -upportf'. ~ e~ceptlO~lally large numbeL' of earth tremor took place in Ureat "Bntam dUrIng the first. six months of 190:3, when an increa.'e in the " numbel' of accident.. fl' om falls was most marked, but it is impo, Hible to " say whether the coincidence was mOl'e tllan accidental. In c:olli ri sa « great deal of work is now done by electricity,' and t.here are a number of :: coalcutti~g machines in use. Electric hau'la,ge underground is largely used. It IS, therefore, well that the treatment of accidents from lectric :: shock ha'S been 'Specially noted in our syllabus of instruction, and in our first aid book. "The interest of railway men in first aid instruction is well .. hown in " the ambulance competitions which have been instituted in almost all "our leading railway companies, The enthusiasm of t.he men to make :: t~ems~lves efficient in am bul~nce 'york and to excel in these competi" tlons IS a sO~ll'ce of much satIsfac~lOn, both to the general managers and to the dIrectors of the compames. In one of the am bulance compe~ " tition medical reports it is stated that (it was quite evident that some

" of the men Imd much knowlecIge above what is required in first aid, " and the report added (thi' no doubt is praiseworthy.' K ow, in my "opinion, it is quite the oPPo:'3ite-,it SaYO~l'" of amateur doctoring, "which is to be carefully aVOIded 111 our 8t. John Ambulance work. " Our instruction should be strictly confined to pure fir.'t aid, and the " cctrcful remova.l of the injured. According to the returns of accidents, ,. there is abundance of work for ambulance men. Altogether the "number of persons killed and injured on railways in the -United <, Kingdom ill the COUl'se of public tmffic-that is in traYelling, and on "the milway premises during nine month'), ending • 'eptember 1903, "a,mounted to 0110 persons killed, and 1:3,;').:>9 injured, and large as " these numbers <1.1'C, they compa,re v ry fanJUrably with the returns of " ctccic1ent .. on tlw ~\.merican raib-aYb, Lord Ulaud Hamilton speaking " as Chairman of the Great Eastern Hailway, at the balf-yearly meeting " on Januan :31. ·l, said :--' I was in America seyenteen days in, 'eptember " (and OctohrL' amI ,,,hat struck me during this time was the terrible " '])l'eyalcnc of accidents to pas. engel' train.'. Durina' the seventeen " 'daYR of my ,i..,it oyer 100 pa' 'engeL'S wcre kill d, and 160 injured in " ( colli .. ions ancl accidents to passeno'el' train ., and in the report of the " Inter- ' late l'Ol1lll1c]'c: Commission, the accident" for twelye months '" ending Januar.\' :30tb, 180-1, I1Umbel'ecl 3,/ / killed, and 51,34.3 " ( injur el, and tbis did not include accident.' to other persons, " 'namely ca~uaHi('s at hio'h\\,ay C:l'ossings, tre passers, and persons " walkinp; along t 11 line:, and all other accidents not occurring to " , pas.'eno'cl'S and employee.' on duty, amI these ,yould coyer thousands " , and thou:ancl. of acc:irl nts, for it i .. well-known that the American " 'J'n,ilwa.ys al' not fene cl in on eith r side, and accidents to people " , tre'passing and ,,'alking aero'.' the line are ye1'y numerou . .' " It i .. eyic1cn t frOlll t11 in t rest ryinced by the medical profession in " the Xa,y ~' , .Al'Il1Y, and Ambula,nce .'ectioll, at the annual meeting of the " Briti h ~Iedica.l AHsociation, held at 0 ' ford, on July 2Gth to 29th, that "the prof ssion hold our. 't, John Ambula,nce in truction in general " esteem.. TIle section was only started fiye year. ago, and has " O'L'aclually deyelop d and done much useful work. L. 'eyeral papers "Were II l'c(1,d on ma,tter' relating to nayal and military medical ubject , both in « wn,r '1nd peac, I would .. pecially dmw attention to one paper in " connection wit.h our. 't, John in. truc:tion-a paper by Dr. Hamilton, , X ewport (".:)Jon.) :-' I the wide .. pread slio'ht training in ambulance " 'work b nenciaJ to the community, or ,,'ould it be better to make the " , training more thorough at the ex pen, e of number.?' All experience, " I ,think, ,how that our work to be usefully applied, should be as " wlrlespr ad a, po, iblp, and I s e no reason, gi \'en the opportunity, " why every able-bodied man should not know the element:.; of fir t aid, " as laid clown in the syllabu of the. 'to John Ambulanc Association, " and thus be able to as i. t an injured comrade. :311'. J 0 eph Chamber~ "la~n said, in a speech he made to a gathering of ambulance men in ;: ~lL'~in~ham ::-' The yalue of ambulance work depend. upon tl~e " , ,ublqmty of Its members. They .. hould be e\Tel'y,yhere at all tin1e , It " IS necessary, tIler fore, you should be a Yery numerous body.' Ii ully " aware .a I am of tbe value of the t. John Ambulance Brigade, and the " neceSSIty for it to be kept in a high state of efficiency for "'ar purposes " and also, for public gatherings in civil life, yet I feel confident, as far " as practlcal ambulance work in the accident. incident to our industries, " ?-nd to the casual accidents in ci viI life, which n urn bel' many thousands " 111 the year" our certificated members are well qualified to give all the " necessary aId, and are continually doing it in all our great mining " and manufacturing centre., and it would be a eriou drawback to O'ood and useful practical ambulance work to in any way restrict the numobers



St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

St. John Arnbulan ce Association.

" of our first aid members. I read a paper at the Oxford meeting on "Reminiscences of 'to John Ambulance work during the past tw nty"four years, and alluded pecially to the xtension of our work to the " Royal Navy. I said :-In the early year. of my ambulance work I took " much interest in promoting first aid~ and ambulance instruction in our " Mercantile :Marine, and in Livcrpool, f 'outh 'hieleb, and othcr sea.port " towns, received considerable encouragement, but from the uncertainty "?f the service, the hort time in port, and a, variety of eirellll1sLanCes " mseparable from a ea life, it. is much more difhcult to dcal with "seamen in giving the instruction than with land ·men. Tbo pre: nt " Chief Commissioner of the f't. John Ambuln,nce Drigade, Dr, 13elgrn."\e " Kinni , n,N., has drawn up . ome ~llggestions on Lhi ' subj eL, ",11ieh , deserye careful <.;onsideration. Hules havo 1.110 b en drawn up that :: members o.f the "~ to John Ambulance ~i'iga(le call be utilise 1 as. 'iek Berth As.I tants, for the TIoyal ~ Tayy 111 thc eyent of \\al', after the "manner of the. 'to John Ambulance Brigade ,,-ho \yor utilisccl in the "South African War, and where they afforded such cxc 11 nt r suIt,. " 'ince my In.st report I have atteliclccl 'e\'erall)ublic III 'ctin o': for the " promotlOn . 0fam bI u ance work. .At P terborouO'h with th C"l~\l ayol' in "the chair. At , Vhiteha\'en, 'w here I met a O'~thcrino' of mining "engineers in connection with the Korth of BnglaIHloJllstitute of " Mining and Mechanical Engineers. .At 'leaLor :Jloor and \\' orkingtol1, " and I have attended competitions a.t it ading and 'Yorcester. In all "branches of our work, steady intercl-lt has been maintained. In the " preface to the beautiful. tory of Ida.-lluskin ays the ClT:>atet of tbe :: scie.nces is tha~ of Ruma:nity, and. in a l' C llt case ju~t hl:o~t~ht.to my notice, there 1 somethlllg peculmrly :ad and y ~t 1l1. IHl'lJlO' 111 the " death of a workman who was killecl in :JIidclle;borough. s.. f llow:, ~orkman ~lad been injured ill a sllil)building yard and til pOOl' f llow m ha temng to render fir t aid fell down the hold of the \e-;s land " was killed. The man had been a memb r of the :Jfidcll .,borough and "Cleveland Centre of the f 'to ,John Amhulance A."ocin,tion OYer twenLy " years and had rendered valua,ble a,id in illnllmerabl accidenL '. III " the present day there are two words much in us on lllallY n,nd va.rious :: platf~rms, science and efiiciellcy, a.ncl importan t in th ir tnt " me~ml~g as ~hese words are, there i: a.nother word that I think should ~e m stIlled mto everyone, young and 01 ], a. of more valuc ,1,n<1 that " IS duty. It is impossible in the pre:3 nt state of th' grcat nations of :: the wod~, for industries to be cal'l'i d on without ineurring many ril-lk' "from accldent-t~e, en~rmous development of machinery, the hurry and fierce competItlOn 111 our trades all contributinO' to the risk of :: injury, a,nd our ~lajn duty is to do ,c~'~rythillg to mini~ter to the wants " of the SICk and mJu~'ed, 111 the :pint of the Hospitall rB of the old " ?rder of • 'to J ohn-m fact to keep their deeds as 'an altar stone " ,unbr?ke~l, and an ~lta:r flam~ alive:' ,As, Dickens says in 'Little " . :qornt- D~ty.: B e~m It early j anrllf a hIgher authority is wanted " It 1~ that w111ch IS. WrIt lar~e on the base of ,Vellington's 'Latue in the GUlldhall, a.n d wnt large m the story of our i land race it is the law "of duty." ,

since, will be read with still further interest and deserve to be placed on record : -


The report of the Commissioner for 'pecial ervices in the appendix gives details of the training of men of the Auxiliary R oyal Naval Sick Berth Reserve on board ships of war and in naval hospitals, and of the Bearer Companies in military hospitals and.a.t naval and military stations last autumn, but the following addItIOnal notes, forwarded by Colonel Bo'w dler 'Ollle months


.A 1l,!'ili'al'Y R oyal 1{avy 'z'd: B erth R eseTve. "During the past few week. some important ·w ork has been " inauguratec1 in connection with tho A.R~,. '.B. 11e&en e. Men of the " Brigade only are allowed to yoluntcer for this sCl'yice, the object. of " which arc, bl'ielly, to organize and train men ,,,ho undertake on their "honour only, wiLhout bcing undel' any legal obligation, to enrol as " sick bCl'lh n,ttendants in the Hoyal X ayy, and seI'Ve on men-of-war or "in nan11 ho. 'pitah in case of national emel'gency. f 'pecial courseR of " in 'truction arc proyic1ecl at the cost of the Admiralty, and men ,,,ho L obtain certificates arc ligible to undergo a further practieal course of c, nursing, te., 011 'hip,; of war 01' in nayal ho ·pitals. 'ince the Reserve c, was estal)li"hcd :0111e :300 picked men of th Dl'jgade have joined it, and ,i there i, \ cl'yign that the mO\'em nt will sprcad and become Yery 'popular. _\. goo(l numbel' ba.\'o bceJl through the . pecial adyanced " course of fir t aiel and nursing, and of these men two detachments, "consi.tin cr of B()ltOll Corp. mel1, haye lately been undergoing a course " of training on hoanl the Hoyal • 'oyerE'ign' and 'E. .. ex,' and a Pal'ty "ful'lli'hed by the Bal'l'ow-in-Ful'llCSS DiyiBion is to embark on the c, , L nclaunted ' Oll the :?:ith inst. A BlUall detachment of Bolton Corps " men i ' alo now undergoing ,1 course of practical in huction at Ra. lar .. Ho.'pital. Thc 'upel'intendent of a unit ,,-hich has sent men for a c, COUl"e on hO(ll'dhip \\Tite ' to the Commi .... ioner for. 'pecial f 'en,"ice, :" The:: Aclll1iralt~ arc treating the men splendidly, a.nd in a manner '. , wInch shoulclccurc the sueee of the ~\'.ll. X. '.B.R, \yhen all is fully " 'known,' The follcJ\\ ing e. tra.cts £eom letter written by the men on c. board ship may alo be of interest. Ono "Tites :-' lYe arrived at " 'Portsmouth at 1 a,m" and \yere met by a naya] policeman who took :: : us to th~ • 'ailo]'s' He ' ~ (a sp~endid il~ . titution) where we tayed fOl' the llJo'ht, tIl ..\clnlll'al haY1l1g preylOU ly booked u. bed . Our , 'quarter' on Qoard al'e excellent, haye new hammock and c, 'bedclillO'. c 11n,\' had all th sick-berth in. truments etc" explained , 'to us, hut. w knew practically all of them, hayin o' had them at the c. 'achanced COUl'S class. lYe could sling our own hammocks and the '. 'doctor and sick-berth steward, eemecl surpri eel at the \yay' we made :: : up the siek cot and changed 'heett;, c,tc , Aftf'r practice orne ick smlorsJlad to b taken to Ha.slar Ho 'pltal and we took entire charO'e " 'of them. This &a"\'e u. an opportunity for, tretcher drill and the " 'remllrk wa::; maete C You men will be able to how our tretcher " '" bearers 'ol11cthing in stretcher ell'ill,' lYe w nt with the . ick "'sailor' to IIa:lar in th hOSl)ital boat. lYe are ha.yin o' a delio'htful "'" 't'l:me anc1 tl 'l' of the yery best. All on board 0 1C food, etc., are0 most " k111cl to u.,. Foul' of the men wem' their 'outh African medals.' " • u~.. equelltly the sa,me mall writes, ' ,Ye haye had a mo. t delio'htful " : s~ll, and are crui.'ing off' Torquay. lYe are haying a mo ,t enj~yable }1l11e and ha\-e all we want.' '" Another man, on the' E . ex' writes, Eyerything i of the best. The '" surgeon and BH:k-berth teward are mo t attentiye and n.nxiou for us ,~o learn everything pO' ible.' " It may be added that the Lord- of the Admiralty have been good "fnou~h to cause extracts from th medical ofticer " reports to be " urm h~d to t.he. C.ommis ioner for. 'pecial 'ervice, and tho e officers "concur m the 0pullon that the men proyed them elye quite efficient in "fhnbu~ance dU,Ltes amI were very attentiye to the instruction giYen " em 111 .the SIck bay. Further they report that their conduct ,"as most satlSfactory." 7





St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association. J]em'e)' Companies ( ft . John Amlmlance Bn·{;ade).

, It i the aim of the Commi ,ioncr to form ten of the"e companies,

" each consistin~: of the regula,tioll e. ·tabh. 'hmcnt of 5 men of all grades, "and up to' the present time .·ix have been formed and are in full "working order, and a se\-enth will shortly be completed. The rule of " the. e companies is to train in time of peace with the objcct of enli<;ting " bodily as complete Bearer Companie. in the Horal Army :JIec1ical Corps " when eyer mobilization for home defence may hc ordercd. After much "unayoidable delay, two important c1 ci.'ion weI' al'l'i\-ecl at by the " Goyernment during the pa. t few months. Authority IUts been giyen "for each Bearer Company to undergo an annual trainillg in camp " and nursing duties at a military hospital, and rcgulatioll" haye b en "drawn up under 'w hich a certain number of medical ottic 1'8 of the " Brigade can take charge of the companies iJ) time of pcace, 1tl'COJnlJany " the men to the training. and. en-e as oflicer of the companie. in ca::;e " of mobili7.ation. All'eady one company (36 .· lJ'ong) has undergone a training at the " •'tation Hospital, Lichfielcl wh erc i~ \\'('t.' in c:nmlJ fur six da,y.' at "'iYhitsuntide. It is permi'-Kible to state that thc report of tbe Principal ":JIedical Ofticer of the District who insp ctec1 the CU1l1}H1.11y i., in th " highest degree satisfactor,Y. The conduct of thC:' 111en \\ n' .·(>mplnl'Y " and the three medical officer, detailed to instruct the men l'CpOl't that " it was a pleasure to teach them becau. e they were [:,0 intelligent and " .. howed ,uch \\'illingness to learn. Thc \\ hole time \\'H-; ol'cupied in " llllL' ing and hospital dutie,', the non-commis.'ionecl olliceI's elect and " men detailed for .-pecial dutie being gi\'en a practical il1ighL into th " mode of carrying on the duties of their re 'pecti \-c grade in a bearer " company 011 actiye seryice. Judging from l,tter \\TittPll hy . 0111e of " men it i. e\-ident that e\-ery al'l'angement that ,"as po .... ible was made " for their comfort and in truction. There is a consen 'us of opinion " that the food was good and that there was plenty of it, and all agree "that they were wen l'eceiyed by eyery one on the. 'tail' and that the " fir. t bearer company camp was a thorough succe" . "\Vith regard to the appointment of 111 dical officers to the bcarer "companies, it is a real . ource of satisfa,ction to know that already "seyeral gentlemen of high tanding in the medical profe ·.. ion ha\'e " yolunteered to el11'ol in the companie.', and h\'o ha,\,c actually done o. " The bearer companie. being e. sentially ci \-ilian hoelies, the holding of " actual military rank in them is of COUl'se impo.'. ible, but all the medical " officers of the Brigade who enrol in the companie will be registered at " Army Head-Quarters for appointment as ofiicel's of their respectiYe " companies, and on the moblization of the companies for home defence " in case of national emergency eye]'y medical officer pre. entin~ himself " at the point of mobilization with his company will ?))S{J facto become a "commissioned officel' in the Royal Army hleclica.l Corp'> for the period " of mobilization. As the succe. s of the bearer companies \'el'y greatly " depends on the intel'est taken in them by the medical officers of corps " and divisions furnishing the men, the sincere thanks of the Order, and " indeed. of the country, are due to tho e officer. who are so patriotically " secondmg the voluntary efforts of the men to furnish a substantial " and valuable cOl1tribution to the home defence of the country." t(

It has afforded satisfaction to the Committee that some of its members in their official capacity have accompanied deputations from the Metropolitan Street Ambulance Association to the London County Council and to the Police Committee of the Corporation of the City of London. 'Vhen it is

St. John Ambulance Associatio'l1.


remembered that the ambulance service of London is so inferior to that of many large towns in the United KingdoI1l, as for instance, Liverpool, l\Ianchester, Belfast, Birkenhead, H~lifax, Dublin, Bradford, and other Centres) it is gratifying to the Committee that any action taken by its nlembers, either in their collectiye 01' indiyidual capn.city, should be of service in placing such matters on a footin~ ~110re wor~hy of t~e greatest city of the ,,'orld. It feels that It IS expressmg the V.lOWS of the members of the Order in its sympathy with the objects of the l\JetropoJitan • 'trcets . A..1nbulance Association, which has its best ,\ishe for the. ucce's of its prai eworthy efforts. The need is all1ply hown Ly ehe remarks made by a well-known London coroner at an inque t in ... oyclllber last, fully reported in the London prc ' '. T

There ha ' bc n (luring tho ycar a great increase in the number of junior cbs 'C, fUl'Illcd alllOngst lads of the Boys' Brigades and similar o1'(l'ani, ali{)n~. 1'11 (' -value of an ambulance training in the C<'t 'e of the yonn o ' was pointedly referred to in connection with the Farm School at Rcdhill, \,here one of the leading examiners of the As.'oelation drew attcntion, in one of his reports, to the markcd improycment hOlyn by the boys who had obtained certificatcs some timc back, ana who, when pre enting themselyes for re-examination, were found to have well kept up their knowledge and acquirell . till furthcr cfficiency, such in truction being a good gronndwork, both phy lcally and otherwi.se, for those who might elect to enter His ~lajesty's eryice. In a recent report on an inquiry into ca ualities amongst fi hing craft, the yalue of ambulance instruction was prominently brought to notice, and the X au ticalAs essors con titu ting the Court reCOIl1mendell that im pIe til' t a-id rOllledie ' hould invariably be kept on boarel all vessel, large 01' sma-Il, while both the Inate and skipper hould be qua-lified to render first aid according to the St. John Ambulance scheme. His :Majesty the Ring, on the recommendation of His Royal Highness the Prince of 'Vales and the Chapter-General, has conferred the following distinctions :En ?'olment as H onoTCiTY Associate.c::. Colonel Thomas H. Hendley, ULE. (Indian Centres.) Alderman Joseph R. Heape (Rochdale).


St. J ohn A 1nbu,lance .ils,'ociation.

Charles Erne t Goddard, M.D. (\Vembley). J. Courtenay Lord (Birwingham Centre). Lieut.-Colonel G. F. :Th1c ,Yilliall1s, M.B. (Perth, \\~.A.). Bogdon E. 1. Ed wards, l\I.B. (Brighouse Contro). Edwin Loe, ThI.B. (Hoay'y ,Voollon Di trict Contro). raj or P. B. ,Vdker (Heavy ,Voollon District Contro). John A. Sutherland, lB. (Heayj' 'Voollen Di 'trict ontre). ,Villiam Bird, M.D. (Brierfield Centre). George hephercl (Bacup and District detached cIa os). Frank de Beeho Pim, :JI.R. .~ '. (Barl'olYfol'cl). Frederick H. ,Ve tmacott, M.D. (Lancashire and Y orkshire Rail way, 1\L:mche tor). J ohn Cooper (Northmllpton Centre). Robert A. Milligan, :JI.D. (. . orthampton lontlo). Leonard Dobbin (N elY South ,Vales Centr ). S election as Hono?'c,try Serving Bruthe)' . George Armitage (Leeds Contre). ,Valker DLlDcan Liddell (Metropolitan 10rps). John Calyin Line (Metropolitan orps). Sergeant-:J1a,j or ' Villiam 11. 'mith, late B.A.l\I.C. ,V alter Firth (Bradford Centre). Frederick Lomax (Bolton 'ontro). J ames Sydney Jones (Oldhalll Centre). A. ,Vhitehouse Strickland (Bognor-on- ea Contro). Vellum Votes have been l1warded to :Dr. Leonard Molloy (Blackpool). Albert ,Vinslade (Farnham Centre). Miss ]\1 argaret Daruy (Deruy Contre). John Mansell Davies (Birchwood Collieries). Parchment Votes of Thanks have been awarded to the following :Hospital Assistant Maheswai Das, (Port Blair). Walter H. Edwards (Otley Centre). Miss 1\1ary ,Villoughby Jones (Y.'V.c.A., Bombay). C. E. Abbott (Cape Town). H. B. Chapman (Buxton Centre). Miss L. F. Lockyer (New South Wales Centre). Lieut.-Colonel Charles Dodd H.A.M.c. (Gibraltar Centre). H. Wells Eames (Birkbeck Institute). Dr. E. Atkinson (Leeds Centre).


St. John Ambulance Association.

Service Medals have been a warded to :Thomas Higginson (,Valton-Ie-Dale Division). Major J. A. Liebmann (Australia). Phineas H ayman 01etropolitan Corps). F. 'tV. Collinson (Preston Corps). George H arrison (Preston Corps). James T. Churcher (Kettering Corps). Miss Rose A. Preston (Banowfield Division). Thomas H. ,Voolston orthampton). ,V. Harvey Reeyes (Northampton).


The Honorary. 'ecretar,Y of tho Richmond District Nursing As ociation and Guil<1 forwards an interesting report of the work done during the past twohTe months-this work well maintaining the standard of 0 many year past. A ll10ye in a new dirootion has been made by the Bristol Corps of the 'to John \..mlJulanc.e Brio·ade. This corps, which is one of the most complete, has organised a scheme for the prevention of the spread of con umption in the poorer districts of the city. It operation are carried out under the sanction. of the Health Committee of the orporaLion and of the :ThIechoal Officer of Health, and haye been undertaken gratuitously by the lnembers of the BriO'acle, who ha:ve paid house to house visits to all parts of the city. Tho followino' add:tion to the u perior Officers of the St. John Ambulance Brigade have been made :Guy Budd Courtnoy, ~I.D., as Acting-Assistant Comnlissioner for the No. II. District. Lieut.-Colonel Frederick 1\1c,\Villiallls, :ThI. B., as AssistantCommi sionor for ,Vest Australia.

The issue of Certificates for the past session h as been :Fir't aid, male . felllttle " J ursing, male Home " female Home lIygiene .

20.n7 5752 770 3622


making a grand total to date of 30,G-t0. 90,694 medallions have been issued to 30th September, 1904-.


St. J:Jhn A?l1,bnlu,Ttce A. ociation.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

I~VALID TR.-\~ 'POHT CORPs.-The remoyals ca.rried out during the past twelve nlonths number 1,40], an increase of 141 OYCl' the previous year. Sixty-nine room to room removals ha\'e been made in addition. One foreign (London to Boulogne), and eighty-foul' country journeys ha\'e been lllrtele. j .. mongs the latter may be mentioned the follO\\'ing :-,Yoking to Duxton; Reigate to Daventry; Sheringhalll Lo Bromley, Kent; Chatham to Enham, Ando"\er; U ppingham to :JIrtrypoint, \ll11berland; Scarborough to Frtrrisfield, -'- oUs; Londun to Killiney, Ireland; Duwlish, Cromer, Folkestone, X Clyca ·tle-on-Tyne, anc11",-,xl1l0u tho :Many long journeys by roud haye ul'o bocn lllrtde. l)aLienls of small means and tbe sick poor haye received assistance as usurtl. The horses und carriages, as fur as the Transport ~ 'cryice p 1'n1ittec1, have been used by No. l. District It. J 01111 Allluulance Brigude in connection with the performance of public dULy.

The Committee cannot conclude this report without drawing attention to the letter signed by its late Director and Chairman Viscount Knutsford, in his capacity as Chairman of the Central British Red Cross Council, which appeared in the newspapers in November last, the importance of the snbject matter being emphasized by a leading article which appeared on the same day in the Times. The Central Executive Committee trusts that, ,vhenever possible, every facility will be afforded by its centres and branches in carrying out the object of an organisation which aims at placing the Red Cross work in time of peace on such a basis thut in the eventuulity of war this country may be prepared for all emergencies. The object is one which must appeal to all the supporters of the St. John Am bnlance Association, especially when they cull to mind the many tons of material which were forwurded by the Ambulance Department of the Order for the llse of the sick and wounded during the recent war in South Africa, and a regurds pe l' onnel, the invaluable services renderecl by the Actiye Service DeLaehments of the St. John AlllbuLmce BrigLtdc both In Sou th Africa and China.


Duxc..J..x ME:JIOHIJ..L A:JlD"CL..J..X CE 'T.\TION, \\r cst India. Dl c:k. -A total of 3S-:b persons rcceiyed treatment rtt this station during the past yoar, seyernl aftorlranls ueil1(J' COll\,Cy II to hospital. This makes a grand total of 1,071, sincc it was opencd in November, 1901. The following cxtract from a lett ' 1' rec iycd by the Secretary, London and Inelia Docks Cumpany, froUl an official of the Amalgamated 'teveelorcs IaLour Prot ctionLcngue, is of interest. "On behrtH of the Executive Council anelmembers of the above Society, I am desired to express their gratitude for, und sincere uppreciution of, the stt1.Lion lrhich has ueen pbced ill the ,Vest India Docks for the treutment of persons injured in the dock. I shall be gbd if you cun convey our sincere and hearty thanks to an pl.Lrties concerned in the placing of the station in a spot where it is of such greut and good service."

ST. PAUL'S A~1B"()LAKCE STATIoN.-The numuer of cases treated during the past twelve months is 520, an increuse of 57, muking the total number of persons treated at this station since it was opened, 4,834. Niemuers of No. I District, St. John's Ambulance Brigade, continue very kindly to take duty at all the more important services held in the Cathedral and also on Sundays.


In conclusion, the Director and Chairman and the Comluittee again desire to place on record their deep debt of gratitude to the l()cnl Executive of every degree, and not less to the 11lembers of the l\ledical ' taft: whose generous support and untiring labours in afi'onling instruction, often ut consideruble pecuniul'y sacrifice, have for 0 llluny years past proved of such untold vcl,lue in carrying out the philanthropic work of the Ambulance Department. That such support may long be generously rendered, not only by tho Medical Profession, but by the supporters of the Associa.tion of every grude, is the earnest wish of the Committee, and will be in the future, a it hus been in the pust, most sincerely appreciated by His l\lajesty the King, the Sovereign Head and Patron, and His Royal Highness the Prince of ,Vales, the Grand Prior, and the Chapter General of the Hm;piLaller Order.

~b c

<Sranb {Drior\? of the ® rber of trn 1boepttaI of $t. 30hn of 3crusaIenl in A 1 B U L AN C[ D

lEnglan ~.

PA R T 1\1 E N T.

Income (Lnll E)'penclit7we A ccoltn/! the YeM enrlerl 30th September, 1904-. INCOllLE.


To Instruction and Sale of Stores-

By Instruction and Sale of StoresLectnrers' and Examiners' fees aUll expense>;


Gross profi t on sale of stores


Salaries .



Printing, stationery and grlleral expenses




11 11

Carriage and freight

22 11

Expense: of Organizing COll1I1lissiollC't" ill Engla,nLl

Donatiolls anrl al1n lIal snbscl'illtions

£-17:):) 13











Receipts from Centres all,l Detacherl Classes in respect of instrnction Legacy


£9936 19

Invalid Transport Corps.-

In valid Transpor t Corps-

Fees fot" t"ellloyal of patirnts

Expenses ofrel11o\'al of patients, includillg hor.~es




,- lG



·1 11


travelling and illciLlelltals alaries




Printing, stationery and general expenses





Repairs, (lepreciatioll aml renewal of carriages 70 U

and appliances

- - -- -




23 1

St. J ohn Ambula nce Br igadePuhlic duty and maintenance of



St. John Ambulance Brigadestatioll~

250 1:3 10 0


Printing, stationery and general expenses

.fl2 11



186 11


Salary of Brigade Chief Sn perin tend en t


Contribntiol1fl to\ranls cn. t of :JrnilltCl1<111C'C of

199 18

ta tions


Travelling expenses

U!}l 17

Special Competit ions Balance





199 1


£ 12,521 3



5 6

£1 2, 521 3 7 W e hav~ exalll~neu the books anu vouchers of the Ambulance Department of the Grand POI Income alld Expelllhture Account COL' the year enl19d 30th September 190J is correct. This Accot therein . ' , 3, Frederick 's P lace, Old Jewry, KC. 26th J anual'Y, 1905.


~~ ,th~ Order of IInS

the R os ital of J ..'" part of the Genel?al I nc t . °dhlEl of J c: usalem III Englallu, and cerlify that the aboye 0111e an xpelH1ItUl'e .\ ccount of the Order, and is incorporated

PHICE, WATERH OUSE .\~D Co., Crr \ RT l,rtED



In One Vol., De171Y 8vo., 230


NOW READY. Price by Post, 7s. 6d. net.







Upl/'Cll'tlS cOllstitltli-s a Life j)}ember. An Annual Subsc1'Z}Jtioll of FiL'e Shillings alltl uplcards constitutes an Ann'ualltlembcr.

An Asterif.ik ( .. ) signifie: an Annual Subscriber.

LIEUT.-COLO TEL R. H. HOLBECHE, (Librarian of the Order) .

Copies may be obtained from the Secretary, Chancery of the Order, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, Lond on, E.C.

NOW READY, (2s. 6d. post free).


~1.A _ ,

RE\T. Vv. K. R. BEDFORD, Genealogist of tll e Order, (B EI!\G







A Donation of Fire Ponllcls (md



B111bltlallce Bssociation.

(R eceived at Centlal Office only, and not including those received by Local H onorary ecretal'ies of Centres).

(Gen ealogist of th e Order ,)









of the ~tbet of the If)ospital of St. John of 3-etllSalem, R


St. John

Profusely Illustrated .







* Baker,


G. \Y. ~ Bath, The Marc:hione 's Dowager .. Benecke, ilIi 'S A. }L '* Bruce, ~lis" • Calrow, ~lif.is E. II. • Capel, ;)11'. Frank C. .. Carr-Dyer, .Jhs. .. Ceely, }Iis~ .* Coates, Depnty I llspectol'General ?lIatth~w, n.x. * Collings, nlis' }I. B. " Davie', .l'.lisf.i Davies, .Jli ' , Charlotte .. Dixon. nlis' \Y. A. Durham College of cience * Elli , Mi '. A. M. "* Evans, !Ill'. P . J. It Evelegh, Miss .. Fleming, Canon .. Frank, Dr. Philip. .. GonlolJ, 1\11' A. A. * Greenhorne, Miss. '* Haig-Brown, Mrs. ~. Hamilton, nIl'. J. G., ",LV.O. *' Homer, Rev. R. PER

Sold for the benefit of the British Ophthalmic Hospital Fund, and to be obtained from the Secretary, Chancery of the Order, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.C.



440 050 050 050 550 050 050 110 050 050 050 050 110 050 o 10 0 0 50 1 0 500 1 0 o 10 0 110 220



.. Draffen, Mrs. W. Pitt Fowler, Mrs. "Fraser, MI'. A. E. i(


.. Hosle, Mr. G. H. " In Me!llOrillm," C. M. C. ... , In ;)Iemoriam" J. H. P. Jerome, ~lr. J . C. .. Kay, ir Brook, Bart. -II Laird, :JEss Alice M. Leach, Mr. C. C. '" Lowry, General R. "tV., c . B. .. MacCarthy, nIl'. W. H. nIc alty, Lt.-Col. George,








o 10

6 020 050


l:.A • .M,C .

.. Mautle, }Ii s Emily .. Maxwell, ~Ir . John .. 1\Ie\\uurn, Mis E. .. T elson, Miss Anna M. H. Plum U, 1\11'. R.

. D. R . . D. .. Terry, Major-General Astley .. Thackera,Y, Col. Sir E. T., K.C.B.,


.. T ouch, 1\1 l'. J. E. Yigers, Mr. R . *' 'W alters, }li s ,\Ye tbury. Mr. Claude \Vhitaker. 1\Ir . Ma tel'



110 o 5 0 o 10 0






110 o 5 0 050 500 500 5 0


050 0 150

o 10

1 1 0 1 1 0 500

7 6 .AND

550 1 0 220

WESTMTKSTER .. Hatcll:1ro Mrs. .. Priestley, L ady .. Stillwell, 1\1rs.

BANJ{ . 2 0 0 220


0 D


St. J ohn



St. John Ambulance Association.




Bognor Ceylon Hong Kong.

21 17 5


Lymington . Norwood Wellington (New Zealalld) •

0 0 0

3 0 10 10



0 0 0


St. lohn Bnlbulance Bssociation. LIFE MEMBERS. K01E.-The Lifc Members attached to C'ent?'es a're not included in this List. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN OF SWEDEN AND NORWAY.

DONATIONS PER DETACHED CLAS ES. Andover Barbadoes Bredbury and Romiley Carmarthen . Devynock and Sennybridge Farnborough Great Malvern H.M.S. "Jupiter" . Parkhill Colliery Rangoon

0 5 0 5 0 5 0 6 0 8 o 10 0 4 1 1 o 10 1 4

0 0 0 0 6 0 6 0 6 4

St. Austell Sidcup Splotlallds Swainby Trimdon Grange Upton Winsford

0 0 o 10 6 0 5 0 8 10 0 o 10 6 o 10 6 10 0 0 0





2 16 o 10 o 10 o 16


6 Ii ti



o 10







CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS MAINTE T ANCE OP Bawtree, Miss Constitutional Club. Counties Cycling Union Clapham Park Club Darling, Mr. H. M. Deutscher Radfahren Club. Early Closing Association Hospital Saturday Fund Hairdressers' Cycling and Athletic Club .

o 10


London and India Dock fiO 0 0 Joint Committee i4 16 3 London Exhibition, Ltd. 1 0 0 Newton, Mr. E. C.. 0 7 6 Pagnell, Mr. o 10 6 Rabb, Mr. W. 50 0 0 Royal Agricultural ociety 'l'obacco lanufacturel' ports o 10 6 £199 18


HER ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCESS BEATRICE, PRINCESS HENRY OF BArrTENBERG. A.R. Adair, Miss H. M. Amherst of Hacklley, the Lord Angle 'e)" Marcluess of Argyll, Th e Very Rev. the Dean of lJarton, Mrs. Alfred Barton, Mrs. H ope Baker, Mrs. F. B. BedJington, Mrs. Iledforu, H er Grace the Duchess of Be,'all, Mr. '1'. ,\Y. Bcyille, )11'. F. "Y. Holm, Mr. G., C.E. Bolcko\\', Mr. C. F. H. Brakspem, :.\[1'. II. H ayward BranstolJ, Mrs. J. G. Breadalu<tnc, the )ll1rquess of, K.G. Bl'ca.dallh\1lc, the Marchioness of Britten, Captain R. F., R.r. Brucc, Mis(l Christina 1. A. Bustros, Mat!ame Lle Byron, MI'. J. L. Camphell, Hev. Claut! Campbell, Mrs. Hugh Capel, Mr. Frank C. Cattell, Dr. G. Trew Chichester, thc Rt. Hon. the Earl of Clarke, Lieut.-Col. A., M.D., R.A.M.C. Coates, Deputy Inspector-General M.,R.N. Cotton, ~Ir. Charles, F.R.C.P. Cresswell, Col. Pea.rson R. Cromptoll Co-operative Provident Soc. Ld. CrookslJull k Pasha, H. E. Harry M., F.n.C ,R. Darwin, nIL'. Geo. H., M.D., F.R.C.P. Dawson, T.icut.-Col. Dalton, Colonel J. C., R.A. Dawes, 1\1 J', B. M. de Vemo . , Capt.

Dixon, Lady Dixon, M1'. Waynman Draffeu, Mrs. W. Pitt Elswick Works ACCIdent and Compensation Fund Ferrl1uoschi, Mrs. Figgins, Mr. James Fiullcl110Je, Hon. M1'. Justice First Fruit;; (per J. A. H.) Frank, Dr. Philip Franks, Mr. Chas. W. Fresh field, M1'. Edwin, LL.D., F.B.A. Furley, Mr. F. 'V. Gooch, illr. C. F. Gold worthy, Major-General W. T., H. P_ Gordon, Mr. A. A... Gregory, Mr. Herbert E. Hare, Mr. S. H. Harrison, Dr. C. Hatchard, Mrs. Frank Heap, 1111'. Ralph Heap, MI'. Ralph, junr. HilIs-John es, General Sir J., 't}.Qr., G.O.B. Hospital Saturday Fund Hugh es- HulJter, Col. C. Hnghes ·J-]IlJ)tCI', Mrs., of PHis Cocb. Javal, Mr. P. Cremieu J crvoise, Mr. S. Clarke Jcrvoise, Miss S. G. Clarke Kay, Sir Brook, Bart. ICembaU, General Sir Arnold B., K. C. B., R.C.S.l.

Leigh, the INd Leney, Miss Longstafi', Mr. L1. W. Luby, Mrs. Lucas, MI'. F. L. McCauslallo, ~liss A. C. McClure, Lady

40 Life Members.

St. John Ambulance ASl:iociation.

St. J oh·n A'1nbula'YI ce Associa.tion.

McCorquodale & Co., Ltd., Messrs. Ross, General Sir J., G.C.B. S.D.RS.D. :lI1cRellar, Mr. C. D. MacLean, Mr. Robert MacLean Sancton, Mr. Philip McVicker, Mr. C. G. Sharp, Mr. William Madan, Rev. Canon Singleton, Mrs. E. Malden, Dr. F. J. Skerritt, 1I1iss C. E. Martin, Miss F. Steet, Mr. G. Carrick, F.R.C. '. Maxwell, Mr. J. W, Stir1ing, M1'. John May, Col. W. Allan Sweeting, Miss E. Mitchell, Mr. A. C. Taylor, Surgeon.Major, M.D. Mitchell, Mr. John Tomkin, Mr. Alfred avill Molyneux, Miss 'rufnell, Lieut -Col. E., M. P., Morgan, Mrs. A. Hickman Vacher, Mr. Franci , F.R.C .. Neve, Mrs. Everard S. Waddy, 11'. H. Edward, \1. R.C.:-;. Newton, Major J. W. M. Walker, Mrs. Ninnis, Ins pector-General B., R .N. 'Weston, Mrs. Gould HunterNorth, Lt.·Col. B. M., C.B. ,Vhitaker, Mrs. Master Nugent, Mrs. Arthur Whithard, Mr. B. M. Ogilvie, Capt. C. M. Wightwick, Mrs. Orde, Miss E. M. Williams, Colonel R Perrott, Mr. E. E. Wilman,1I1r. Charles Pickersgill, Mr. E. P., ~I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. Woollcombe, Dr. Robert Lloyd, I L Phillips, Mr. A. F.1. Inst., F ... ~., :'.1. R. 1. A. Plumb, Mr. R. Wyndham, Major G. C. Poppelwell, Major H. F. Webb Yarrow, Mrs. Priestley, Lady Yate, Li.eut.·Col. A. C. Reyher, Dr. Carl (St. Petersburg) Yate, Mrs. A. C. Rivington, Mr. C. R Yate, CuI. C. E., C.::;. 1. , ('.10'1.<:. Roberts, Field Marshal the Earl,K.G.,F.<!t. Yate, Mrs. C. E. Rodgett, Mrs. Richard B.





TecojnitiM oj llistinynished services in jMthuing the objects oj the Association.)

AlJuott, i\lr. U. K, M.I:'('.S., AlH.lland, ~lr. \\T. K, )l.lt.c.s., L.U.C.P.I. L.ICC.l'.; Loud. Abraha,1l1, Mr. A. A., L.lt.C.ti.1. Austl11, Mr. Johu A., )LD., Abel'. Adam, nIl'. Ihsil J., )1.B., & U . ~l. Autiu, ~Ir. Juhn J., 11.D., )I.C.H., R.U.1. (Victoria). Averill, ~Ir. Cllarles, :\1.1J.,DL\rh .,~l. ll., B.~. Adams, i\lr. n., :\[.l:t.C.I'., i..F.l' .... , Hage, Mr. Chas., )I.1J., illelh., M.B., B.S. Was. ( \' ictona). Ada.ms, ~Ir. J., ~l.JJ., c.:\l., Ediu., L.~.A. Bagnell, ~1r. \\T.II.,L.H.c.P.E., ELlin.,L.!>J. Aciallisoll, lIlr. JallLCs, ~r.1J. Haildon, ~lr. F. J ., ~Ll}., c.~r., Edin. AdalJls, ilk ~latthew A., F.lt.l'.~. Baillie, ~lr. Peter, :\l.D. Aitchisoll, ~lr. H,oderick, ~I.IJ. & CH.B., 13ai11, ~Il'. \Villiam, ~I.D., Dnrh. Melb. l3ald\\'in, i\lr. F. B. J.,)I.R.C.S , L.S.A. Aitken, .Jlr. J. 11., )l.ll., l'.~I., 1£Ilin. Ilald\\'iu, Mr. T. A., B.A., Dub., ~r.D., Al(llltOll, Jir. II. C., )1.11.C.;;., )I.ll., L.H.C. S.l. Ball, 1111'. John A., )I.B., ~1.R.C . · . L.R.C.I'.L. Aluridge, .'Ill'. IT. 811iutt, ~I.B.: 1'.)1., Banks, ilir. G., L.R.C.r.E., L.R.C. S. L.R.C.S., Edill. U,1l'clay, Mr. 'Ym. Bowie, L.R.C. P., AlextLmler, ~ll'. '. H" )1.1). L.H.U. '., Edin. Allan, .lIlr. C. .Jl., )l..\., AGel'., ~l.})., Edin. Barclay, ,jIr. \\. ~I.: L.H.U.P., L.H.C . . Allan, :\lr. \\TII1., ~1.11., Cd!., Glas. Barlow, ~lr. Arthur E., ~I.B., C.M . Allen, Mr. William '1:- Doyle, :\I.B., B.Cl!. Barnes, Mr. Ernest, :\1.ll. & C.:\L, Abel'. Ambler, .Jlr. J. Rwilal'll 'oll, 2\1.1:'C.s., Barrow,i\Ir.G.A., :'.LR.C.s., L.H.C.I'., Lond. L.lt.C.P., LOllll. Barter, ~lr. 'Y., )I.D., B.U.I., ~I.CH.:ll.A.O. Anderson, ,\11'. C. :\1., ~1.]). Bates, :\11'. J. Curling, )1.n.c.s., L.R.C.P. , Anuerson, 111'. (;eorge, )1.1J. Lond. Anderson, Mr. G. K C., :\I.D., Lond., :lI.B., Bate ', 1\11'. ,Villialll R, L.u.c.r., L.R.C . . 1. B.S. (C;lpe TOWIl . Baucl!op, Mr. 'V. F., I,.lLC. '. & P. E. Andersoll, Mr. J. \Y., ~r.A., Gla8., :'.1.1>. Ueal'llmore, 1\11'. G. Rus ell, L.R.C.P., Andersoll, iiII'. R. \V., ~1.1t.C.S., L.H.C.I'., Lon<1., )LH.C.S. Lond. (New TZcal~l~tl): Beasley, 1\11'. James G., L.R.C.P., Edin., Anders01l, Mr. \\ Ill .• tll'!lllg, :\I.D., Glas., L.F.P.R., Gla ... :lLB., C.:\1. Heath, ~lr. David L., :'Ln.C . . , Eng., Andrew, Mr. F. 'V., )L.H.C.H., L.ll.C.I'. L.R.C.P., Lund. Andrews, 1111'. .~ ).LR.C.::;. Beaton, II'. Fra.nk, )1.B., B.. Andrews, Mr. \\T1lham, )LD. Beattie, Mr. Henry, jnnr., )1.R.C.'., Angus, Mr. Henry, "Ln., Aber., ~1.13., L.n.C.r. , Loud. C.)L Beattie, Mr. Robert, )1.D., ~I.R.C.S. Annersley, Mr. H., )LD., &c. Beaumont, Mr. Edgar, :'II.R.C.::;., LR.C.P. Anson, Mr. George K, M. D., 11. c., Camu. Becker,!Ill'. J. E. A. G., M. B. , C. M., Edin., Apthol'p, Mr. F. ,\T., )LJt.C.H., L. H.C. P., Lond . . L.ILC. P. Dedtloes, Ml'. T. Pugh, D. •\., Camb ., :\I.B., Arhdge, Ml'. John F., L.R.C.::;., L.H.C.p.E. Call tab. . Armstrong, Mr. Joseph F., )LD. Brux. Bell, nIl'. C. \V. J., M.R.C.S. Arnold, Mr. E. Charles, M.B., Dl1rh., Rell, MI'. J. \V. , B.M., M.... . r,,~. c., F.R.C ..'., M.R.C.P. Bell, 1111'. \Vm. , :'.LR.C.S., L... A. Altlll~r, ~1r. Dand, )LD., Glas., M.B., Belluett, l\Il'.H. G. Hender,)r.13.,C.~L, Edill. A . c.~I., D. P. n., Camb. Bennett, 1\h. Wm. E., L.ll.C.P.,L.R. C.s.,E. spll~va~, Mr. J. F., M.it-C. '. , L.n.C.p., Renson, 1\11'. A. H., 101.11, F.R.C.S.I. Atl' on . BereRrord, ]\[1'. R, M.R.C.R., L... A. c~nson, Mr. E., !I[.]{.c.s., L.S.A. Beres fnl'd , Sl11'g. Lt.·Col., R de la PoeI', At lllson, ~fr. F. E., L.R.C.p., Lond. )1.1). Atk.1ILR.c.s. Bernays, \\[1'. H. L., M.n.c .. , To .. • A. nson Atkt , Mr. Rob ert, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Bertrand, Mr. E. de Lantolll', 111. 11. c.:-;. nSOD, Mr. Th omas R., M.D.) 1ILH.O.S., Bevan, 1\[1'. Tom 'V., :lr.n.C'.s., L.R.A. I..H.C.P., L0l1l1.


St. Jolin Ambulance Honorary Life Members.

/::Jt. J ohn A mbulance Association. Ati8U(;ialiulI.

Bibbings, ~lr. J. R., ;\l.ll., l'.;\l. Hnllltill, )1r. Janle' D., "LB., C.M., Ellill. 13igg, Ur. G. K. Sherman, ;'1.It.C.". 13 l'ltlltOll , Mr. clolm, M.ll., Cll.B., Ulus. . F.R.C.S., Edill. 13ry.oll, 11'. LeowlI'd, M.D., Edill., Bmgham, 1\11'. Johll J., ~I.D .. SL. And. "I.H.l·.~., L.ILC.l'. Biunic, 1111'. Alex. II., :l1.l!. & UT.ll., Mell!. 13UChUllUll, 1\1r. Peler, :ll.B., C.M., Gla~. Bird, nil'. Henr}, :l1.1:.C.~., ThR.C.l'., Buchallall, 1\11'. 'Waller, 1\I.H.C.~., L.R ..\. Loud. Bud<, 1\11'. Cl,as. \\'m., 1\1. H.C.~. Hinl, ~Ir. W., M.B., C.M. Buist, Mr. R. C., "LA., t. And., 1\ A., Birt, Mr. Geo., M.n., Lond., :l1.1t.0. Cnntah .. M.D., Ellill. Blauklml'll, 1\11'. J., 1\LH.I·.R. Bull, MI'. \\'illiam II., F.Il.C.R., Edill., mail', Mr.l:obert, ;'Ln., Edin., ;'I.B., C.l\!. L.l:'O.P., Loud. 13lool1lfielll, 1\11'. G., L.ll.l·.P. BUllcle, Ml'. A., :l1.B., C.M., Ellin. IHoxam, :lllr. J. Astley, F.Il.C.S. 8m'ges, 11'. R E., :lI.D., lIl.CH., B.A., Blumer, Mr. \\'. P., ]<'.R.C . . , Edin. ILl'. r. Hlythlllan, 1\Ir. C.•. , 1\r.n.c.~., Burge's, Mr. \\'m.nI.,M.n.C .. ·., L. .. A. 1II.B.,0.1\1. EUl'llett, nil'. E. J., F.H.C. '. UolW r , Mr. P. T., L.Jl.c.~.,Ire1., I,.K.Q.C.l'. BUl'ridge, 1\lr. H. Eo, M.D., C.lIl. Bcllington,1\Ir.J.D.,L.R.C.S.,L.lCC.P.E. Bnrton,1\lr. '. n., F.Il.C.:., M.ll. Bolton, Ml'. R L., L.ll. .P. E., L.R.C.S. Butler, l\lr. J. Kerr, 1II.D. Bone, Mr, D. J. 1\1., lIf.n., C.1\1., EdiIl. Buxton, 1\11'. Ellwanl, 1\LD., 'to Alld., Boodle, 1\11'. George A., 1\1.11.C. '., :!\J.1:.C.P., Edin. L.R.A., Lond. Hyme, 1\11'. P. Jas., L.It.C.l'., L.R.('.~., Boor, 1\1r., M.D. Ec1ill., L.F.P.;;., Glas. i3o,Yer,Mr.'\V.G., M.H.C.~., L.U.C.P., Lond. Cable, nil'. John, I,.It.C.I'. Etlin., L.?>I., Bowman, Mr. R, L.n.O.p., L.n.C.~., Edin. L.F.P.~., Glu.. Box,1\1r. John, 1\1.D., CH.D. Cafryn, Mr. '. M., lILR.C.S. Boyce, 1\11'. J. G., L.n.c.s., Edin. Cuims, 11'. W. ill III ray, :!\L.H., ('.:11., Edill. Calwell, ~jl'. \Yilhalll, ~r.".lt.L'.I., M.II. Bradbury, Mr. John, l\I.11.0.8. Kradbury, l\ll'. J. E., L.S.A. Campbell, 1\11' . .John, :\1.D. BraJley, Mr. David, l\1.D., ]l.u.I., Meb. Camphell, 1\11'. nlaLtltew, M.n., H.B. (N.~. Brayton, 1\11'. J. G., L.Il.C.P.E., L.R.C.S. Cantlie, 1\11'. J., ~Id\., ALer., F.lt.C ... Brayton, 1\11'. Thos., L.Il.O.p. Ell., T"R.C.8., Cal'llew, :Mr. George A., :M.R.C.~.E., L.:. \. Edin. Carletoll, ~rr. John Shaw, L.R.C ... I., Urice, 1\11'. Ernest, L.1L.C.P., L.R.C.~., &c. 1..1:.C.1'.1. Bristow, 1\11'. '\\~ . 1'.1., l\1.R.O.S., Cames, 1IIr. William, M.R.C .... , Eng., IJ.l:'C.P., Edlll. L.JU·.I'., Lond. Bristo\\'e, 1\11'. Herbert C., M.D., Lond., Carroll, nIl'. Jo~eph, 1\l.n., .1\1., D.p.lI. . ~1.R.C.S. Carse, Mr. David B., "l.D. Bnttm, :Mr. F. G. M., M.D. Carter, Mr. F. H., M.D., F.R.C .. . Brogden,1\lr. J.E., L.p:.C.P., L.R.C. ·.,Edin. Carter, 1\lr. ROll aId , ~r.D., 1\1.1:.C.I4., Eng., Brook, 1\11'. H. DarVIlle, M.ll.C.S., etc. n.p.H . Carvell, Mr. John 1\laelean. M.R.C. I:l'oomhead, Mr. Cha.-;.; ~[.J)., Abcr., M.B., L.f;.A., Loml. . O. ,,1. Cas all, M1'. Theodore, ~I.ll. c. s. Broughton, Mr. H. T., !II.R.O.S. Caunter, Mr. R. L., lI1.n., Brnx. Brown, Mr. A. Tenny<;on, M.B., C.M., Aber. Chadwick, Mr. C. 111., M.A., Oxon, M.D. Brown, 1\11'. F. Gordon, ]\l.R.C.S., L.M. Chafrers, Mr. Edwc1., F. R.C.S. Brown, Mr. G. A., lILIU".R., L.S.A. Challinor, 1\11'. S. l\Ici\1iUan, M.R.C.S. , 131'0\\,11, Mr. J., M.D. Eng., L.R.C.l'., Lond. Brown, J\h. J., I;.H.C.S.1., L.R.C.P.r. Chapman, Mr. J. M., lI1.B. Brown, Mr. J. M., F.R.G.f;. Chapple, 1\11'. W. A., M.D., ClI.B. (N.Z.), Brown, 1\11'. W: P., L.R.C.l'., Edin., M.R.C.S., D.P.H. (1.). I, .n.C.~ .. Echn. Charlesworth, Mr. H., M.R.C.S. Browlle, 1\11'. G.II.,T,.H.C.l'.,Eclin.,L.M. Chawner, M1'. Alfred, M.R.C.S. L.R. C.l'., Browne, MI'. Andrew, L.R.O.l'.,Edin.,L.l\1. Lond. Browne, 1\11'. H. ~al)gley, F. R c.s., Edin., Cheesewright, Mr. J. F., M.R.C.fl. > L.ll-C.P., Edlll. Clwetham, Mr. Hubcrt, M.B., cn.B. l~rowne, Mr. Robert, 1\L1'., DuL., F.R.O.S.I. Chestnutt, Mr. John, D.A., L.R.C.R. , hrownfield, 1\11' .. H. 1\T., lILH .O.S., L.H.C.r., Etlin. L.R.C.P., Edm. Cbilde, Mr. C. P., F. r-.C.S. Bruce, Mr. Robert, M.n.c.s., D.P.H. Childs, Mr. Chri&topher, M.A., M.D.

Honorn,ry Chill, 1\11'. Edwin A" ~1.J3., C.M., Edin., Crawshaw, ~Ir. S., M.B., cn.D., M.R.C.~. F.lt.G.S., Eng. Crease, nil'. J . l{.oberb:iOll, F.R.C.S., I~dill. Life Clark, nIl'. AncIrew, F.R.C. ~. Crespi, nil'. Alfred J. H., 1\LR.C.P. r . Members. Clark, Mr. A. F. C., ~LB., C.:l1., Abel'. :If.R.S.O. Cressy, Ur. G. J., L.H.L'.P., ~Llt.C.S. Clark, nil'. Geo., "l.B., C.~f. Clark, ~Jr . .\1. H., L.R.G.P., Ellin. Crew, ~Ir. Jno., M.R.C.S., L.p•. C.P., Lond. Clarke, .Mr. Albert Eo, \1. IU·.S., Critchley, £Ill'. Harry G., :II D., Edin. L.~.'\., :'>I.B., Lond. CrockE'r, Mr. J., ~,.LH.C.i'oi., L.... A . Clarke, ~Il'. E. \Vearne, B.~C. Eolin. Crocker, illr. James, :ll.R.(. '., L.R.C.P., M.D., ~1. B., G.:l1. Lond . Clarke, .\11'. Thomas F., :lI.ILC.H., Crocker, nIl'. J. 1Iea(1Illoi'e, :l1.H.C.s., L.S.A., Loud. L.ILC.P., Lom!. Clarke, .1I\,. \V., M.D. Cropley, Mr. Henry, F.JU·.S., n.p.II. Olarke, Mr. W. J., )L ILC.S., L .... A. Cro::;::;, .\lr. A. J., ~Ln., c. ~1., E llin. Clay tOll, .\Ir. A. J., L.IU·.l'., Ellin., Cros::;f1eld, '\Ir. A. K., L.R.C.P., L.R.C."., L. R. 0 s., Ellin. Etlin . Clayton, .\11' . .5 .•. , ~l.]) •• Etlill. Crossland, .111'. ,\V. H . Cla.yton, .\11'. William K., :11. D., Bl'lIx. Crowthcr, .\11'. Erne K, T,. R.G.P., Clayton, .\11'. William '\la.Yllc,L.l •. c.~.,Irel. L.H.C.H., Edin. Clegg, iiII'. R.iuhal'll, :'>l.U., C.\I., L.R. '.1'. CruIllP, 111'. T. G., D.A.,(Camb.) L.n.C.p., Clements, .\11'. H.. 1 . , L. IU'. 1'., Edin. :lI.B., D.O. Clement::;, .\ll'. , \11Illtel D., B. \.. L. R.C •• . , Cuffe, Surgeon-Gencral C. .\lcDonogh, c. B. L.It.C.I'., Lond. Culhane, 1\11'. F . J. F., )Lr...C .... Close, ilII'. J., :'>L13. Cureton, ~Il'. Ell., M.D . , &c. Clos~, ~lr. J. 0., :1[.1)., B,(lill., )1.13., (' .:11. Cuscaden, Mr. George, L.n.l'.s.,E,l.,&c. Coldstream, .\ll'. A. R, :II. D., E(lin., :"II. B., Da,lachanji, nIl'. Kavasji l!:dalji, L. ~r. & ... c.:.:'>1., F.IU'.S., Ellin. Danltekar, ~1r. Dcnanath B. Saik, L.~f. Coleman, .\11'. \V. \V., :lLI1.C. '. & :>., Bombay. Collie, 1Ir. R .Too ~{. D., Ahcr., ~1. D., G. ~I. Darling, .111'. teven 'Oll, :'>f. D. Collinette, ilIr. Frank dc Beauchamp Davidson, :JIr. A., ;\I.D. F. R.G.P. :'>f.H.l'.o.;.E., L.Il.C.I'. Davidson, Mr. Thomas A., L.r:..C.P.,L.R.C'.C:. Collinson, ~tr. F. \V., \LB., u.~f., DaY'ies, .\11'. Charles D., ~Ln.('.~., L.. A. ~I.R.C.R. Davie , 11r. David L1., :\LB., Glas., Colli~, ~lr. E(lg:1.I', B. \.\1.13., B.nl. Oxon. L.R.C.P., Edin. Connor, ~Ir. , lInuel, :'>1 D., R.r. L, :lr.n. Davies, :il1r. E., :lLD. G1LB., ~Iel~. Da.vies, r.1r. Hugh E., L.R.C.p., LoUll., Cook, ilir. Perclv,ll R., :11.13., B.S. ilLR.C.S. Snnmbs, ~rr. Carey, ~f. D., Lont1. Davies, .\11'. H. E., L. R.C. P., Lond . Coop!>!', MI'. H . . lWI1'er, ~1.H..c.".; L.r...e.l'., Dayies, Mr. Sidney, n.A., Oxon., ~I.D. LOl1t1. D ~1.Vi\) .. , MI'. T. L. Kenrick, ~l.B.l'.;\1., Copp, MI'. Charles J., ~f.D., ('.~r., E,lin. (Toronto). Davil3", 1\11'. \Vm., ~1. R.C.... CO\'llW.1.ll ~[r. W. C., B.A., Duh., L.R.C.P., Davit>, Mr. \Yilliam H., :l1.B., (,ILB . I'~(li~. Davis, 1111'. Arthur R., ~L R. C. R., L. S . .\. Cosgl'ave, Mr. E. McDowel, A.B . , :11.])., Davy, Mr John, F.R.C.S. (] Dnb. . , L.R.C.P., \LIt.C.S. Dawson, 1\~I r.C .J') l\l'tIlCY, :-lr. G. B., ~l..\., Camb., )LD., Dawson, M.., F. \V. E .. L.I:.('.p., Edin., .,



Coutts, Mr. J. A., M.n., Aher., :l1.B., C.:lf. Deamer, 1\11'. G. E., L.R.C.P., L.R.O.S. l!:din COlVcher, .111'. E. Rol aml, L.R.C.P. Deane, Mr. John H., L.n.C.~., Edin. L.R.C.~. Denne, Mr. T. V. de, L.ll.C.P., E,lin. ~ox, Mr. A., M.B. :\L R.C.S. Cox.well, Mr. Charles F. :I['D., Camb. Dennison, i\lr. T. S., :lr.r...G.~., L.R.C.l'. ~1:alg, Mr. Jas., :lLR.C.S., :l1.B., C.~1. Lond. ' ~1'1.n, Mr. Alexander, ~r.B . , C."1., Abel'. De Renzi, 1\11'. A. C., M.R.C .. , L. ·.A. gl:~n, Mt:. <1eor£(e, l\I.D ., Aber., M.B., C.~1. D'E\'e~yn, Mr. A. McNeill , B.A.,Dllb.,1\1.Jl. .,la.n, Mr. .Tames, M.B., C.M. Devcl1lsh-Meares, 1111'. A. L., :If.l1.C.R., Oraste!',. Mr. E. E., I,.R.C.P. , L.ll.C.S., L.R.C.p., Lond. C. Eflhdn. . . Devis, 1\11'. H. F., L.R.C.P., ~Llt.C. law or , Ma..JorGtlbe:'t Stew<1.l't, It. A. ~1.('., Dickenson, 11'. A. Newton, "!.D. T,.Il.C.S. & P., E Lhn., D.P. If. Dickenson, MI'. J. J., 1\C11..C.8.

Honorary Life

Memb ers.

St. J ohn

Ht. J ohn A'n"Lbulanr'e .t!s8ocicUio1?


Dickey,MLA .A. G., M.D., u. e. f., L. R.('.:-:.1. 1': dll'anL 1\1 r. 11. E. J., :lLJJ., Ellin., c. ~L Dick on, Ml'. G. Cecil, M.D. , Edin. Ed\\ards, }.lr. ,I. Hal1ll1lCrtoll,~!.A.,C8Illb. Dickson, :Mr. John Dnnua1', l\I.D., R.lf.I., ~!.l>. M.CIl . EgertOlI, ~lr. J. Jalllc , lIl.]:'<:.:-:., I,.lL '. 1'. Dickson, 1\11'. G.,r.,:\[.A.,Edin., M.B., C.:.\L Eldcr, 1\11'. W., L.1:.c.1'. & ~., Ec1ill., L.lI1. Dillon, .Mr. L. Gerald. lIt . D. , n.u .I., lILCH., Ellcrtvn, Mr. ,Joiln, l\Ln., ' l. And., L.M. L.n.C.I'. Loud., ~1.J:.C.~. Dilton, l\Ir.T.J., L.lt.c.H.Irel.r.. lLc.J>.Ire1. Ellcrton, Mr. J. }'. H., :.\I.D., BlllX., Dimmock, Mr. A. F., M. n.,Durh., :'\Ln. 1..I:.l'.1'., 1,,;\1. DiYlllC, 1IIr. John, ~l.lJ., C.:lI., GIa. Elliott, 1111. WJl1. ILlllliltem, :'1.11. Dixon, Mr. J. F., M.Il.C.S. Elli ,Mr. Willium :'ILcDollonglt, lIl.l>.,BlllX. Dobie, 1\11'. H. Somerville, L.I:.U.l'. & f< .E. .IWi '011, 1\11'. ArLllllr, 1>U:.L'.:-:., hlg., Dobie, Mr. J. K., 1>f.A., :.'>[.n. 1.. P-.C.P., Loncl. Dobson, 1111'. A., 1>I.Il.C.:-;., L.n.c.l'., Ij:lIisoll, ;'Ill'. E. n., ~I ..\., (jalllb., ~1.It,(' .s., Lond. L.I:.C.l'., 1.:-; ..\. Dodd, Lieut. -Col.,J .R , 1: A.l\Lc.,1>Ln.,&'C'. EllistOll, 1\1I. U. '., ;\[.1:.C.:-;.: [,.t' . •\. Dodd, 1111'. P. Yernon, ;\LA., :II. D., ~I. I:.C.!'. Elllhh:loll, 1\11'. D.C., ~1.1I .. Dlll'lt., lILILC.S. L.Il.C.p., Louel. Eml)ling. The lion. ,\". 11., L.ILC'./'. Domville, :Mr E. J., L.R.C.l'., Lond., Lowl., I. F.l'.!'., Ulas. M.R.C.S. EttlE's, illr. \\r. ,I. Mel ulloclt, ~I.j)., AI ,pr., Dongla, , 1\11'. Al exalltlel', ~1.,\., lIl.D., L'.~I., ~I.U., ('.~!. Edill. I~nl.lls, 1111'. A. Jl., ~1.It.l ·.::4 ., L.'-. ,\. DOl1glas, ill\'. Cluts. K, ~!.n.,F.I:.(;.,-.K,&C. Enlll:>, lIT. '. J., ~I.I:.C.:-: .• l..~l. Donglas,::'IIr.Clallcle, F.I:.C.S., L.l:.C.l'. E"UIIS, Mr. E., ~[.,\., :'>1.H., p.e'., H.I'.!!. Douglas, Mr. J. ,J., M.D., EdiJl. EnlllS, l\11'. E. n., ~I.I!.(' .~., j •. I!.('.I'.,Ec1ill Doye, ::'Ill'. AugustnsC., M.D., Dlll'h., :'>!.13., E\'<Ins, Ml. ,Joltn, ~l.ll. B.S. E",tlls, ?III. 0. C. I'., .\1.1>.,1>111'11 ., B.S. Do\\,ue::i, ::'Ifr. '\~., ~I.P,., n.CH., ll. \.0.1 :.1r.1. E"<lIlS, 1\1,. \\r. C., 1'.1:.('."., 1..[:.('.1'. Drage: ~h. LO'l"ell, :'>!.A .. Oxou., :lLn .. E\'clsllt'd, ~lt. 1\.rtlll\l' H. Fi('lcl, ~1.I:.l '.S ., ~I.n., B.CH. L.IL( .1'., LOl){l. Drinkwater, IIII'. Hoo )I.D., Eelin., )r.n., Ewart, i\ll'. C'. Tltcodlln', -'1.[>., Aht'l'. , C.~r.,


;II. Jl. , C·.~1.

Dryden, Mr. Jas. HUlltcr, I,.n.c.p., E\\'lnt, :'11' ..1., -:lLn. I •. n.C.s ., Eclin. Fairhallk, i\ll'. '\\'., 1I1.1:'(·.S., 1..'-.. \. Dryland, lIlr. J. '\\~ . , ;\l.I~.C.I'., J,.~r. Fairclough . 1\11 T . Blltl l' r, L.n.( .1'., E(lill., Dudgeon, 1111'. J. Ilepbnrn, L.n.C.p., L.ll.! .!'., Eelill . L.l:.C.S., Eelil!. F,i1kw'l', }\[I'. II. G., ~!.I:.('.S., L.I:.e ·. I'.I. Duggan, Mr. illothcrwell, M.ll.C.S., Fallll"\', :'11'. S., ;lr.n.('.s., L.n.LI'., Eclill., L.R.C.P., Edin. II.P.IT. Dnke, Smgeoll-i\lajor \\~. A. Far'lllh IrSOll, Mr. J).1'.il1a(;lal'en,\I.1I.,('.;\1. Dnncan, Mr. 'Yilliam, t..ILC'.r., Eelin., Falnn,':'\r.I:.An st l'utlt'l',lI['A.,Oxon.,lIl.1J. L.ILC.:"., Eclill. FaneI'. :'11'. (~('o. Allelt, :o.LI:.<.:.:-:., Dnnkley, 1\1r. 'Y. \\~., F.n.c.p., Edin., LoS.A. F.lt.G.S. Fa\\sitt . 1\Jr. Thos., :ULI:'c'.S. 1,.1:.('.1'. Dunlop, l'lIr. Shulelam H., M.D., ;\f.ClI., FPllll, ~rl. A. C;crsilolll, 1>Lll., ('.lIL , Edill. n .L.I. FCllonllll'l, 1\11'. E. C., L.n.!'.I'., [..1:.('.)0\., Dunn, 1\[1'. D. S. , M.n. Erlin., 1,.:.\1. Durno, Mr. John, M.D. Fentel'll, Mr. 1'. Shcldon, ~1.D., Edin . Durno, Mr. Leslie, lIf.n. FellLon. 1\11'. Mark Antl lo ny, 1>1.1>. DUrJallt,lIr.T.A.,lI1.TI,r'.f<., L.]LC.l'.,Loncl. Fellwick, 111'. Perci"nl C., :II. I)" nycr, Mr. Hcnry G., :lI.D., Dl1l'h., :\1.1:.C'.fi. L. n.c .p., Edin., lI1.r•. C'.s . Fergnsoll. Mr. J. M., L.R.C.I'., EdiJl. ))yson, ilIr. William, M.n. J,.H.C.~., Eclin. l~ac1es, 1\11'. S. 0., J..IU'.P., L.]t.C.f<., Edin. Fieltlillu. 1\11'. lil'edcrick, lIf.o., Eelin. I ~agal', 1\Ir. H.., M.D. Finlay, Lt.-Col., LIl.C.]'.I., c.]\1., R.A.:.'>U', EcdeR, l\Ir. A. Symonl'l, M.n ., C.M. , Abel'. , Fishcr, 1\11'. Theodore, lIf.n., M.n. lILR.C.f<. FiFJl lf'r, M1'. ThoFJ., lIr.n.c.s., T•• S.A . \o:C'cleFJ, Mr. W . 'oHan, lII.R.r.s., hS. A. Fishcl', i'llI'. ,\Yelby E., 1II.H.C.S., Eng .. &c. Eddowes;, Sl1rg. -C2.Pt. A., lIf. n., Edin.: lritzgeraltl, Ml'. C. Egerton, M.D. lILn., C.lI1. Fitzhenry, 1\1\'. George 'V., lI1.H.C. f< ., Eden, 1\11'. R., lI1.n. I,.S.A., Lond.

..<.'1 mbulance



Flavell, Rev. 'l'ltOIlI ;LS Gibus, nIl'. A. N. Godby,M.H.C.S.,L.R.O.l'., H onorary Fleetwood, Mr. T. 1"., F.lt.C.S., I rel. LOllJ. Life Fleming, ~1r. A. J., M.D., l~ . U .I. , lI1.UH. Gibbs-Smith, ~Ir. E . GibLs, L.H.V.P.I. , Members. Fleming, Mr. 11. II., M.B., Dub. V.P.lI., &c. Fletcher, Fleet-Surgeon \\'. B:1.illbrigge, Gibsl)n, Mr. C. P ., L.n.C.l'. , Edin . n.x., ~I.Jl.('.H., EJin. Gibson, Mr. J. II., ~1.lt.c . s . Forbes, ilIr. John, ~LA., n.sc., l\I.B., c.~[. Gilbertson, Mr. Jame Henry, )Ln.c .. ·. , Forbes, i\lr. N. lIay, F. ILC.'-., ELlin ., L.n C.P., Lond. L.H.. C.l'.L. Gildea, Coloncl Ja.mes, c. v.o., C. D. Forsyth, Mr. HoLt., ~Ln., CHas., ~1.n., ('.)1. Giles, :.111'. P . Broome, F.n .c.B., Edin ., Fort, i\[l. Thos., ~r.R.C . H . , L 1LC.1'. , L. 11.C.1'., Edin. Edin. Gillon, 1\11'. G. Gore, M . D., Glas., M.n., Fothergill, ?Ill'. J . IL, ~1.1)., ,'to Aud., c.~I., F.ILC.:-:., E(lin . 1,. n. c.s., Eclill . Gim lette, ~Ir. J. D. ,:\I.H.. c.:-:. ,L. H.C .l'., Loml. Fox, 1I1r. JllO. HaYllIolHl, ~I.n., i\1elb . Girdler, MI'. +. T., L. n.C.p., L.l1.c .. ·.,Erlill. Fox, JIr. ~r. J., L.JU.l'., L.U.C.s., Edill. Glcn, ::'11'. Johu. ~I.V. Fra.nkish, iiII'. J. D., )!.]J., ~t. Anti., Goddartl, ~[r . C. E., )I.D . ~r.R.C.S . GocUrf'y, ~lr. A. E., ~r.1LV ..'. Fr,lllkish, ~II' . Th oma:>. ~r.J)., c .~r., n....;t' . Godwin, 'urgeou-::'Iajor C. R. Y. Franks, :.111'. KellLlal, A.B., Durh., )1.lJ. Gokhale, )11'. E:ashinath Xarajen, L~1. Fra!'cr, 1\11'. J. J , ~r. It.C.H. &- "., (India). Fraser, 1111'. John '1'., ~r.lt.( · . :-;., Eclin. Gooc1ula.n, ilIr. Thollla H., ~!.l: . C . S .,L. S .A. Fraser, MI'. '\~1Il. Duncan, ~!.ll., C.~r., Gorrlon, JIl'. ,V. A., ~f.n . , l'.~r., Etiin. Caml). GOlldie, iiiI'. H., :.\I.n., c.:.'>!., Edin. Freeborn, Jlt·. John C. H.., )r..\., L.R.C.p., Goultler, ~Ir. F. S., ~!.r..C' . f<., L.n.c.p., Lond. Lond. Freer, . urgcon-::'Iajor E. Lnke Grahctll), ~Ir . .Arthur R., ~L'-\'., c.~r., Fryer, :.111'. John, ~l.[:.( .!'., I.:-;. \. CaJllh. , )f.n. Fryer, lIlr. 'Vm. F., L . lt.Ll'" Ediel., Graham, .1\11'. G. R. ~I., L.R.C.P.I., L.~r. L.1:.( ·.!'., Eelill. Graham, ~Ir. G. \\~ . , )I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Fuller, ::'11'. Alf'reel L., :'1.I:.l'. "'., Eng., &c. Gr<1.m . ha,Y, ::'11'. F . S., )!.D .. 't, Anr1. Fullerton, :Jlr. F. W., :0.1.1> .. Durh., )I.ll., Orangf'l', :'Ir. R. F., L.R.C.P. & s., Edin. B... . Grctnt,:.11r.Dnnda::l. ~I.A., Ec1iu., ~I.D., )1.TI. Fulton, !\II'. G. C. II., ('.-:lL, (Has. Grant, :.111'. G., ~LB., C.)L Furher, 1\~r. George II" )l.IU·.S. Gnlllt, 1Ir. N. ::'Id{ay, )[.v.)L.'.,(Ontario). Fl1l'ley, lr!olll~: ('.:~. ., Grant. :\11'. Ogilvie, ~I.B., c.~I., Edin. Fylle, JII'.\\ lll.h .. \I.Jl., D.l .,~r.A.,Cantab. Gray, ::'11'. Alex .. ~r.n., c.~r., Glas. Gal)b" ~Ir. C. Bakel', ;\1.1U'.H., L.n. c.l'., Grcen, Jfr. H. ::.r., ~r.n. E(ll1l. Grccn, ;'III'. 'Yilliam T., )1.n.l'.S. Gall?, 1I11' . .T. K, -:I[.IU'.:-:., 1,.I:.C.1'., Ellill. Grcenhalgh. ::'Ill' . ..i., ~!.n.L' . s., L.U.C.P., Gaflney, .MI'. C. BUl'kc, F.Jt.l·.:-;., Ire!. ~r.B . , (·u.n. Gandy, 111'. 'Y ., lI!.!:.( .!' ., L.S. _\.. Greenhongh, }lr. \~. J., B.A., Camb ., )I.ll., Gane, MI'. Edwanl 1>. Soo ~[ .n . l'.s., c'.)!. Gree1n\-ooll lIIr. A., ~r. r..C.::4. L.n.C.l'., Lond . Ga1',1nel', 11'. n. T .. 'l.B ., I'.'\r. (Glas) . Gl'cen\\'oo(1' :.\11'. ,\. Young, ~r.13., ~l.CJT., Gardner, l\Ir. II. \villongltlly, :If. n. Eclin. ' Gardner, Surgeon R. H ., ;\1.11., .\.~J.D. GreeJl\\'oocl, ::.rr. C. D . , ~r.n . l.' .s. Garl'<1rel, MI'. \V. A., ~r.r:.l·.S. Greenwooll, ~II'. C. . , ~r.n.c.s. Garrett, Mr. C. Dl1(~lry, ~['J:'.L'.l'. Grcyes, 1[1'. E. H., ~I.D., Ellin., ~LB . , C.)1. Garson, 1\Ir. J. 11111 Ross, :.'>I.D., c'.~r., Griflln. [1'. J., ~r.D. n.p.H., Call1b. Griffin, Mr. I., lIl.RC.~., L. .A. Gars tang, ~lr. ~. :.\r., M.n., ,t. Anll., Griffiths, ::'1[1'. A. Y., :\1.11.C .. , L.H.A. L:r•. l'.p., Echn. Griffiths, ~Ir. Francis. )1.D., C.:\f. GascOlgne, 1\11'. ,V. E., L. n.C... Griffith, 1\[1'. John S., )I.R .C.S. , L.ll.C.l'. , Gau~lt, 1\11'. William H., M. H. & c: ..~r. Lond. Gn.Ylll, 1\11'. 1\IeC,,11n]1], l\I.n., CIT.B. Griffiths, 1\[1'. P . Rhys, :tILB., B.~., L ond . L.R .C.P. , Lond., Grimbly, Ml'. R. H., l\[.n .C.s., L.~.A . Gentles, 1\[1'. T. L., .L.F.p.S., Glas. Gripper, 1\'[1'. ,Valter, "'LA., Canta.b. , g~~tl1lgs, 1\1r. John S., L.n.c.,·., E(lin.,L.:\f. ?>f. R.C.S., Eetin., M. B., D.P.II. ~ b, Mr. W., L.n. c.p.E., IJ.n.c.S. Grogono, 1\11'. 'Y. A., M.H.C .. , L.ll. C. P. , lbbon, 1\Ir. F . W., L.n.c. p., Eelin. . Ellin. L.:\1., L.TI.C.S. E.


46 Honorary Life Members

St. J ohn A mb'Ldance Association.

Grove, Mr. 'V.R., B. A. , Camb., ~L B., D.C., Hcnr~, 11t·· C. Dawson, LB., 13.G., )LA., ;. ill.R. C. S. Canta b . T Gnthrie, nIl'. J., M.D., Gbs., M.D., C.)1. IIcpbu1'Il, nIl'.,, '" A., ~L D., SL. And., Gntteridge, Mr. Wilkills (Tasmania), ~L13., F. F.P .. , b.as. C .~I., Edin . Hetley, Mr. -\l e1ll'Y , ~Ln., )[,13., G\',ynn, :fiIr. Chas. H., ~LD . , Edin . , M. B. , )LU.R.C., Ecllll. , r' C .~I. Hewat, Mr. ~l., ~LIl., C.M. (Cape 1 0w n). Ha.dwen, nIl'. ,V. R, M.D., St. And., H ewet Oll, Mr. RlCharcl, ~I.I~.('.H. )Lr..C.S. H ey, lllr C. E . Milnes, ~I.A . , Camb., H all, Lt.-Col. Lees, R.A . ~r.C., lILR. C.S. lILll.C.R., L. rr.C.l'., Loud. Hall, nil'. T. Gibson n., L.R.C.R . , H eygate, Mr. F. N., lII.n . u.s., L.S.A. Irel., L. R. C. P . , Irel. (I ew Zealand) . H ~YR, ill 1' . Arthlll', 111. U., C. ~I.. Hall, nIl'. 'Ym., ~LD., Brux., ,!!'.R.C.. . , fh cklcy, nil'. A. ~laeken7.1e, lIr.n.c.·' . Edin. . L. It.C . I'., Loml. H alliday, Mr. F . , lILP•. C.. , L. R.C.P. II~ ck.', ilir. R, lIUl.U ... H alliday , nIl'. J . "., lII.n.c.·. H~ggll1s, nIl'. Charles H., lILn. . Halliwell, Mr. R. N., :II.n.C. R. , L....\.. II~llahy, illr. A., 1,.ILC.P., L011Ll., lIL~.~ . R. H alliwell, Mr. T. Oates, lII.R.C. R., L. n.c.p., 111I1(11e, 111'. Jumes, L. It.C.P., helm., Lo nd . L. ll.C .S., Ellil1 . HallolVs, Mr. H. Pinnington, ~LD., Belin H!r<;t, ?Ill'. Alhert, "\[. n., 1<'.1\,('.1' . Hamilton, Colonel Hans B . H. Ih,lop, Mr. W., :'IL n. , :'II. I~.('.H. Hal11merton, nIl'. J ., M.D. Hodges, lItr. 'Y., ~LJt.U.H., I..n .c.l'., H ammond, ~Ir. 'Ym. )[.n.c .. . , L.lLC.P., Lond . Edin . , L.:'II. IIorlf(ins, ~Ir. \\T alter W., :'II. n., Tl; R. . Hampton, nIl'. A. G., )LD . Holllllan, Mr . J. ;,L, )Ln.,('.\!. (, . ,\fllca) Hancock, .lIlr. H. Ruskin, )Ln.C.R. II ogg, ;'[1'. A. 'Y., L. ILC.P" r.. lt.I·.S., H an]), :filr. H. F., L.R.C.p , Edin., :'I1.n.('.,.;. Edin. H annah, illr. \IT. T., )1.B., C.:'I1., D.r.II. lIogg, ~fr. R H., :'Il.D., :'Il.J:.I .~. Hardie, nIl'. R, )LB. , C.~L IIoldell,~Ir. +eo. II. R., :'IL\ .. Uumh .,;\Ln. Harding, Mr. 'Y., lI1.n. IIolIlHLll, ~[r. R., :'Ir.,n.c.'4. H argreaves, illt-. ill. Kippax, )I.D., 013$., H olmcs, lIlr. 'Y. RCHl, :'IL1 1., Al,('I'., :'ILl:., :lLn. C.:'If. H armer, ilfr. 'Vm. Allan, L.R .. \., Lon(1. H olt, ~[r. R C., 1•. n.r..p., Edill., F.1U·.S., H arris, 1111'. J. B., )LD. I~(lin. Harris, }\Ir. ''1,T. T., ;\1. It. C.:'>., IJ.<:;.A. (Port HolLhon. c, nIl'. T. Le Gay, :'I!.IU'.H. Elizabeth). Holtom, )lr. C .. :'If.l~.c'.!'i. Harris-Liston, :Mr. Llewellyn, :'ILn.C.R., H Oilman, iIII'. A., :'Ir.IU'.S. L. R. C.P ., Lond. Hope, )fr. John L. A., ~l.n.['.R., Eng.,&c. Harrison, Mr. A . ,V., ::'ILn., Brux., H opkins. iI[1'. Thos., :'Il.n., (·ILn., B.A. M.R. C.R. , L.P•. C.p. HOl'Jie, )[1'. Gco., lILB., GII.n. (Victoria) . Harrison, nIl'. E., )1.A . , Camb., ~r.D. Horne, )[1'. George, :'ILn., Ellin . , &c. HarriBon, nIl'. S . Hope, 1•. T'•. C.1'., :'ILn.C'.R. Horne, )11'. J. Fletcher, :'I1.n., , t. AnlI. Harrison, Mr. T. H. H., :'ILn.C.S. , Home, lIl1'. T., :'II.Tl. L.R.C . P., L ond. Rosain, Mrs. Ihrriett )1. ~l., T,.n.C.l'., Harrison, Mr. 'Y. A., M.D . JJ.n.C.R., Edin. Hart, Mr. A. H., lILD ., M.S . , &c. IIosier , Mr. C. H. S., F.n.G.R, 11'('1. Hartley, Mr R N., M. n., lILn.C.R . Hosking, Mr. Archer, )[.n., CI1.~L , Belin. H arvey, l\ll'. A., M.n . , lILP.. C.S. IIos.o,ck, Mr. J . F., F.R.C.S., Ellm. Hatton, Mr. G. Stokes, M.D., Durh., ~L13 . , Howarcl, 1\11'. Heaton C.,~LR . C . .·. H oward, Mr . .T., I"}{.Q.C. P . n .R. Ha"thorn, ~Il'. John B., ~!.n. & C.:I\L Howard, l\lr_ Jail., lIr.n.C.R. Hay e , Mr. H. W . McCaully, :l\r.n.c.p. , Howard, l\Il'. Jas. F . , lILn. I,. R.C.S. , Edin . , &c. Howd en, Mr. I. D. Clark, ::'ILn. H aynes, nIl'. Stanley L. , M.D., Edin., Howell, Mr. R. E., )LB., C.)1., Edin. :lLR.C.S. Ho\dett, fl'. E<1win, F.R. C. R. HealJ, Mr. G. H., :l\L R.C. S. Hoyland, Mr. S . Stenton, lILD. H earn, Mr. E . L e Fann, 1\Ln., Melb. H oyle, Mr. George, M. D. H eathcote, Mr. B . A. , MB., a .M., Abel'. Hndson, Mr., M.D . H ehblethwaite, Mr. H., lILR.C.S. IIndson, Mr. H. E., M.n.C.S. H edl ey, Mr. John, M.D. IIughes, Mr. D. Arthur, Jlf.R.C' .R., H ellier, Mr. J. B., M.D., M. B. , M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. , L ond .

St. John Ambulance Association.


HUCfhes, MI'. H. G., L. n.u.p., E liu . Jones, nIl'. J. Arnallt, lILR.C. S., L. R. C.P., Honorary HLlghe~, ..\11'. H. L., .F.It.C. p., .l£Jill . L ond . Life Hugll e~, .\ir.H. L eW IS, L.H. C. H., L.l{'C . P., Jones, Mr. Rees R owland, M.R. C.S., Members Eelll1., L.)1. L.n . c . p. & L .~L, Ediu. IInghc~, Mr. H. nI., ~1.B., ~Ln.C.H . Jones, MI'. Richul'u, L. H.C. T'., ~r.lt.C . ,· . Hughes, MI'. W. H., ::'11.13., U.:'IL, B sc. Jones, 1\1r. Robert L ., lILR.C. . Hunt, Mr. R obert, M.lt.U. H., L.n.c.p., Jones, nIl'. Rowland, ~I. R.c .. ·. , L. R. C. P. L ond . Jones, nIl'. R . .Nelson, ::'ILR.C. '., L.R.C.P. , Hllnter, i\lr. K, L.r:'.c.p.E., L. ;'I. L ond. Hunter, nIl'. W. L., M.D., V. P.l!. Jones, 1\11'. T. Reginald, ;,r.R.C.S. Husband, Mr. J. C. , ::'II.D., ;\I.H..C.S., Jones, Mr. Richard, M.D. Jones, 1111'. ·W . .l\lakeig, ~['D., Durh. L.R . C.P., Edin. Hutchinson, Mr. E. Bla,le, ~r.JLC . '., Jone., nil'. ,Vest J!:Jin . , L. n.1 .1'., Etlll1 . Joseph, 1\11'. Alan, L. R. C.. ·., L. n.c. p.,Edin. IIutchison , nIl'. F. ,'. '1'., :'ILn., n.t 11., B. A. J oynson, Mr. Geu. T.,L.F.P.s.,Glas.,L.8.A. level'S, Mr. Eyre, :'II. n., Dub. Jukes, Mr. Anr1rew, L.R.C. ' . , Edin. Illingworth .•\11'. O. R., )Ln.C' .. ·. Jllmeaux, 1111'. Benjamin, ?LR.C.S., Iun es, Deputy· ·llI'gcon·Gencral U. A . , )LD . L.R.C.P., .l£din. In glis, MI'. DJ.vid Woor1, ~l.l)., Gla'. Keith, MI'. Alexander Ewing, ~LB. Inglis, lIIr. H. :'II., M.n.,:-'r.s. (NcwZeo,lanLl). Keith, nIl'. J. R., M.D., U .~I. Ingram. Mr. J., L.n.c."., t\;; r,.ll.I·.p.E.,&c. Kclly, Lieut.-Co lonel R. Vande]eur, C. B., Irelan(l, nIl'. Charle~ J., ;\Lll.r-... , L.A.. . F.R.C. R., Edin ., L.R . C.P., Edin. Irvin, Mr. J. H., :'1[.1\. ·.H., J,.n C.P. , 1re1. Kennecly, Mr. J . W. (New Sonth ,Vales). Irving, Mr. J., M.D. Kennedy, nIl'. 'V. , F.R. C. S., I re1. Irving, ;\11'. William, :'If. H.c ·.S.E., &c. Ker, Mr. H ., F .R. C. S. Jackson, .\11'. E., lILlLC.H. K erans, i\Ir.T. G., L.R.C.S.I.,lILR. c .p.,Irel. Jackson, Mr. K '., :'ILB., ('.:'If., E'lin . Ken, Mr. Jame , M.D ., M.A. , Calltab. Jackson, Depnty- 'urgeon-Gencrnl ir Kerr, II'. 'Ym. J ., ~r . D . , CH.B. Robert W .. (' . D. Key, Mr. D. T. , ~I.n.c.s . hme'i, MI'. Alfl'cll, J., "Ln. Key, Mr. C. ,Yo Moore, :'ILD., A.:'I['D . James, ..\11'. F. P. B.. , Idt.C.l'., El[in. Ki1canolie, 1\1r., Jlf.R.C.S.E . James, iiII'. P . , L.ll.U.H. Kilgal'l'ifI', Mr. ill. J . , F.R.C.S., Ire!. Jallnie, MI'. R. W., ~r..\., M.B., C.:'IL, Edin. Kilkelly, Lieut.- Colonel, lILD ., lLA . ~I.C . Jarvis, 1111'. J. n. Eo, lILH.G.S., L. R.C . p. King, Mr. F. Trnby, lII.Il., C .~L, Edin. (New Zealand.) King, Ir.R.T. L. R.C .S.,L. H.. . c . , I rel.,L .1\I, Jay, nIl'. Frellel'ick Fitzherbert, 'f.D. Kingcomhe, Mr . A. P .. M.R .C. . . , L.S.A. Jcl!c~at, Mr. E. II. , B.A., M.B . (New Zeal), Kingsbury, Mr. Edward, M.D. , B.A., Duh. Jenk~ns, nIr. J. J., L.J!.t.H., L.J!.C'.p.,EJin . Kingsbury, :1\11'. G . , M.D. Jennmgs, Mr. K, )f.n.c.r-;., Eng., L.R.C.P. Kinnear, Mr. W., i\I.B . , C . ~L, Edin. (New Zeo,1anr1) , Kinsey·Morgan, :Mr. A., ~Ln., Dnrh. Johnson, 1111'. John, ~LD. (Yictoria). Kirkpatrick, Mr. William, B.A . , ~r.D . Johnson, Mr . • affinel , l\f.D. Knapp, 1\11'. Montagn H., ::'ILn.c ... , Eng., Johnson, Mr. Thomas, JlT.H.C .S., L. n.r-.T'. &c. John~ton, 1\[1'. A . Ha.mm ersle.y, ::'If.H.C.R . , Knealc, Mr. J. C., L. f!.C'.P., Edin. Eng., I,.n.C'.p., Lond. L.n .C'.R., Edin. Johnston, Mr. John, 1\1.])., E(lin. Knight, Mr. A . 0., lILn.c .. ·., L.R.A. Jones, 1\11'. A . Lloyd, D.I'.JI., Cantab., Kllight, Mr. G16n Albul'll, :'I['B. , M elb. ~I.n . ('.s.E.. . Knight, ~lr . 'Yo H., L.n.c.p. & S., Edin. Jones, MI'. BCnjamlll, M.D., Dl1l'h. Knight, :Ml'. ,V. J. R., ~f.D ., H. U.l. Jones, 1111'. D., M.B:, M... , M.Il.C . .. Knott, 1\11'. hades, )r.n.c.p., Edin., Jones, 1\[1'. D. Davles, M.n. lILn.c.s. Jones, Mr. D. M ..' M.D . , Edin . Knott, Mr. ,I'm., M.D., El1in . Jones, 111'. FranCIS G., )f.n., C . ~f. Knowles, :Mr. H., lILn . , Durh. JOllPS, 1\[1'. G. C., M.D. Knyvett, 1\11'. H . F errel'S, J, .R.C .P., Edin., Jones, Mr. Hcrb ert, D.P.H., Cam ., L.n . a .s ., L.Jlf. Irel. L acey, MI'. Allan R, L.R. C.P., L ono. J ones , Mr. H. D., I,.R.C.P., L.R.C.s.,Edin . L achlan, 1\'[1'. Geo. F., 1\f. n ., B.S. Jones, Mr. Hugh, l\r.n . , C. M., Glas., D.p.rr. L aing, MI'. JamesT., M.B., C.M., Edin. Jones, Mr. II. Glar1stone, L. S.A., L ond. L amb, Mr. W. H. , lILR.C.S., ~I.B. Jones, Mr. J oseph, M.n., CH. B. , Vi ctoria, L ambert, 1\'[1'. F . S., ~I.R.r::.R., L.R.C.T'. , L.S. A. L ond.

48 Honorary Life Members .

St. J ohn .A mbulance


Lansdown, Mr. H. G. Poole, 1\1. u. , Durh. McDonald, Mr. Geo . Brucc, M.D. Lantom, lUr. H. A. de, M.lt.a.... Macdonald, lHr. James, lI1.D., L'.~l., Edill. L apraik, Ml. Geolge, M. ll., C.lIl., Ulas. :McDougall, lU1'. Finlay, F. l:.C.i'.E., L.l-t.C.P.K La tImer, Mr. H. A., M.D., Durh. Laurie, 1\1r. Gaspar H.., :ll.D., Ellifalo, McDowcll, 1'.11'. 'William G. W., :lJ.D., ':\1." M.R.C. '. , L.ILC.P., L.S.A. 1\lcUachell, Mr. F . ,I'. D., L. .·.A., I. . F . 1'.H., Lamie, Mr. R, :lLD., EJin . GIas. L ayery, lllr. J. A., L.ll.C.I'., Ediu. Iacgregor, Mr. Gco . Rout., lIl.ll. Lavies, MI'. HalT,)', l\LIt.a.l3 . McGregor, 1111'. J., lIl.lt.C.~ . , L.l:.C.l'. Lawrence,1\lr. H enry Oripps, lIl.D. , Durh. McJallet, lUI'. F ..1Il., ;11 .B., '. :11., Ula .. Leary, Mr. EJward U. , :ll.D. McKeuzie, Dr. A., lI1.l!. ]Jeash , Mr. J. T., lILD. lUackcllzie, 1\11'. lJUllC,lll J ., lILl). L e Orollier, .\11'. Hardwick, L.l:. a.l'., lackenzic, Mr. El'lle&t, lI1.V. Lond., ~Lll. L. R. .M ackenzie, Mr. F. ,Yallacc, :11.11., C. :'>1., Edill. L ee, Tllr. B. J., L.::;.A., Lond. 1I1ackenzic, Mr. llelll'y D. , :I!.V. L ee, Mr. Edwin, :11.11.0 .:-:; . 1\lackenzie, Mr. Jas., lILD. , . Mackcllzic, l\lr. .J ohn, L.ll. c. P., EdllJ. L ees, TIll'. \\T., l\LIt. C. S., L.I3. A. L egat, lUI'. Andrew, :lLD ., EJin. lIIackenzie, 1\11'. \Y. '., L.ll.l·.l'., 1..1:.0. '., Leigh, Mr. John Dickimou, :ll.])., :11.1)., ELlin. !II. ::;., D.P. II. Mackie, 1111'. John, :lLD. L eitch, 1111'. W.O., L.F.}· .... , GIa.. Mackiulay, ])11'. Jallle' R., :ll.H.l· .~. L emarchallc1,1I11'. .\. \1'. , lI1.1LO.:-;., ELlin . lUclntu 'Il, 11r. Jolm, L.It.C."., 1..1:.L .1'., L.R.C.P., Loud. Edin. Lennox, Mr. David, lILD" Edill. 1\lclG ac;k, iiIl'. II. J . , :11.1), L eslie, lIlr. R. Whytock, lI1.D., R.U.r. '\IacKuight, :Jlr. Clla,'. G.,:ll.n.,l'JI.\r.Gl.J~ . L ewis,1\lr. T. H ., :lr.u.c.... MeLarcn , 1\lr. J. T., :lr.u., I..1LC.1'. L ewys-Loyd,1\lr. Evan, :l1.U.C . . ,Eng.,&c. ~[cLcall, :Mr. C. J. Ru:;:;clJ',;\I:lJ., Etlin. Lilley, Mr. J. H., lII.D. 1\laclcan , 1\Ir. E . J., :lLn., Edlll. Lillies, l\J 1'. Heruel't, :lLIt. c. R. ~laclil1, ~I1'. Thoma:; T., :If.n., 0 la~. Lister, Mr. Thollla D., :lI.D., Lond. ~lcLallllaha1l , ~1l'. J. l:UlIll, L.1Ll'.~.L, &t. Little, TIll'. J., ~1.D. MacLeod, Mr. R. A., :ILl!. (Nell Zt aIUlltl). Littlewood, 1\11'. H arry, F.n.c.s. ~ldllaul1s, ~Ir. L . 'trong, \1.1>. Lloyd, :Mr. E. J., l\LD., Aber. 1\IcNal), 1\1r. A. A., :If.n., L'.:lf., ~IHs. Lock, Mr. John G.,lILA., Oamh., J.. 1:.c.1'., ~lcNalty, Lt.-Col. Oeo. \\'. , t:.lI., :II. D. , M.R.C.S . 'to And., It.A. \I.t:. L odge, M1'. P . G., L. l\I., L. ·.A . Tll cNanght, 1111'. Uract', lI1.]). LoLlwidge, 1\11'. \\'111. 0., :lI.Jt.C.S., Mc::\'c~l, ~1I'. James, :If.n.l'.s., L.H.l·.~· • . L.R.C.P., Lond. :;)lacllCIlage, :JIr. D., L.n.!;.l'., Etlm. , Loe, 1\11'. J. S., l\I.Il.C.S., L.::i. _L L.F.l'.H., Glas. L ong, TIll'. W. J., )I.B. Mac.-itlder, ~lr. Jame,', :lLn., C.:'Il., Edill. L ord, 1\11'. Saml. T., L . n.c.p . ,Loncl.,)l.n.t:.~. Mc\\Tilliams, Mr. G. F., M.n., )J.~. Love, TIll'. Henry, B. A ., ~I.B . , DLll'h. Madtleyer, ?Ill'. Joh1l C., :If.D. Lovely, Mr. O. Newton, M.D., Dl1rh. niains, 1\11'. John 11., L.U.C.l'. , L01H1. Low, Tlfr, A. Bruce, l\1.D. , Edin. Tllalcolm, Mr. Ohas .. L.U.C.l'., J..H.C.S., Lowson, Mr. G., )I.B., C.M., GIas. Eclin . Luce, Mr. Richard Harman, F.Jt.C.:-'., :ll.B., Malpas, Mr. J., )I.n.c.s., T,.n.C.l'. Lond. Cantab. Manley, 1\11'. H., M._\ ., Camb., C.l\I., D.C. Lynam, TIll'. R. G., lILR.C.S., :11..\", )I.D . Mn1l11, 1\11'. Ohas . F. Grant, 13.M., M.S. McAdam, Mr. Robt., M.D. iiIaUll, nil'. J. Bentley, :lI.I: .C.S. , Eng. McAdam, 1\11'. Robert Louis (YictoIiaj 1.1anners, Mr. Will. Hy., l\Ln., C.M., GIas. McAldowie, 1\11'. Alex. M., lIf.D. Manning, TIll'. Leslie S., l\LB., C.M., Abcl'. McAlister Hewlings, TIll'. ,\ , F., :lI.D.,l\1antle, Mr. Alfred, M.D., Dnrh. C.M. (N .Z. ). Muniott, Ml'. O. W., M.D., St. Alld. McOandlish, Mr. John G., L.H.c.p.,Edin.,l\lal'riott, 1\11'. O. D., M.ll., GIas. L.R.C.S., Glas. Marsh, Mr. F., F.n.c.s . McOarthy, TIll'. Justin McO., M.D. Marsh, Mr. J. Hedley, l\I.lt. c. s., L. R.C.P., Macartney, Tlfl'. R, L.R.C.P., E din. Lond. . McClelland , lhr. H. A. l\LR.C.S., Eng.,&c. Marsh, Mr. J. J., L.n. c .p., L.ll.C.S" Edll1. Macaulay, TIll'. D. J., M.D., Bl'l1x., Marshall, Mr. G., L.R.C.P. L,R . C.S., Edin., L.R. C.P., Edin. Marshall, Surgeon-Major J. J. de Zouclle, McCullagh, TIll'. John, L.R.C.S., Ire1. L.R.C.S., Irel., L.A.II., Dub., L.l\l.

St. John .A mbulance Association.



Martin , 111'. AIlJert, ~r.D. Murphy, Mr. M.B., c . :l1., Edin. Honorary Martin, Mr. O. ~1., M.D. J\luITay, Mr. O. F. K., \\I.D. Life Martin, Mr . .T., :-f.D., St . .l\ntl. ,\lul'l'ay,Mr. James A. J., B. lI!. , ;\I.S., Ec1in. Members. 1\Ial'till, ~\Ir. J. M. II., M.H., Vie" . ~Il1lTay,Ml'. John Gawler,L.I:.t:.P.,L.lt . c . ~ . illartill, ~11'. .T. W., :II. D. Edill. Martin, Mr. S. E., ~LT!. Murray-AYllsley, Mr. J. H., :lLILC.S. , Masser, ?Ill'. II. . P., L. l: . C.P.E., L R.C.P. (New Zealand). \I.lt.C.,. Myers, Mr. 'IV. 'V., M.B., C.:\f., Glas. ?lIatthews, illr. O. E., \f.D., Oxon. Nairn, TIll'. D. M., L.R.C.P., E,lin.,L.n.c .... , Matthews, Mr. Yalentine, :r.r. R.C.S., L.S. .\. Edin. May, ~Ir. Tholllas F. :Tanavatty:Tlfr. Byramji Bormn ji, F. R.C.S., ilIaynarrl, MI'. ,J. Clarkson, \1. ]l.c.... Euill . N all kivell, 1\11'. Herbcri, 1\I. D. Mcars, ~rl'. F. C., )I. 11., Durh. l\Ieht'l., Dr. Dltulljibhai Kason,Tlfr. E. :Toel, B. \., Oamh.,ilI.D.,&C. l\Iel\'ille, Mr .•... ·:If.D . Keave, Ml'. Ech'ard F. M., ;\!.D. Meh·in. Mr . .Tamps, :'Ir.n., & ('.:'11. eethling, Tlfl'.J. H., :lr.B., C.)I. (:·.A~rica). Mercer, iiII'. \1'., :lI.D. N ey ins, 111'. Arthur E., F.n.r..s., Edm. Merryweathel', 'III' . .Tame, :-r.n'(·.s., L.:-;.A. Newby, Mr. Chas. H., L.1t.C.1'., Lond., l\Ic!c'alfe, 1\11'. Williulll, T..~.\. F. R.C . S. i\Iicklr. Mr. Allam F. G., :'II.])., Ahcl'., ~ewman, ?l1I-. \rilliam, :lLD. IUL, :lr.;;. Ncwsham, Tlfr. Franci., :I!.n.c.,. :JIicllllemiss, ~rr. ri., :'>I.n., DllI'h. :Sic;holl, ?Ill'. H., :lLn., ilI.R.C .. . Milhurn, 1\11'. O. JI., ;\f.n., :ll.S., Dnrh . Ni cholson, Brigade- 'urgeon Lt.-Ool. E., l\Iill, iiII'. Gen. S., :l1.n., E.lin. A.M .. MilicI'. ~Ir . .T ·lIIlPS, :'Ir.n., c.:'>r., Eclin. Xichol on_ nIr. J. \Yilliam ,;II.H . C.:=; . Milligan,~II·.R.A., L.l:. '.1'. :If.n.('.... XicksOll, MI'. AUgllstu ,D.A., :lLB. Mills, J[r. R. J., :,\f.n., ('.:If .. Allcr. Ni col, Mr. Jamc ,)Ln . . ~rills, JIr. ,Yiltoll , I..l:.c' P., T,.1:.('."., Eclin. Kightingale, :Jlr. John, :lJ.D., c .:lI., Edm. Mill.·-Roherts, iiII'. E. A., :'ILl)., :'>f.S. ~ixon, 1[1'. T. ., l\Ln.c .... i\TilllP, JIr. Alex. ('., T .H.('.S. & I'., E'lin. Xohlc, Mr. awl. Olarke, :If. p.,C . • , Eng., Mohrrley,lIl1'. '. C. II.,:lf. H.C'.~. L.~ . A. Motllill, ~rl'. 1. nihsOll, :If.I)' N ockolds, .Mr .• tephen. L.n_l'.p.F. , L.R . C.S. 1, 1\[o]]n)", MI'. LC'ol1arcl, )1 ..\., 1)11 . , ;\r.D .. Norman, 1\11-. A. S ., l\I.R.C .... , L. R.C .P., )1.13., n.Cl! .. &c. Lonrl. 1\1 olteno, ~[I'. V. G., B.A., )1.11., B.C., XOl'lllan,. lll'geon Burford (Cape '1'0\\,11.) XOI' 111 an, 1\II'. J. E., M.D" :If.R.C.S. ~Iolyneux, :Jfr. II., :l1.1~.C' . S. Norllln,n, l\Ir. J. \Y., )f.~. l\Iollckton, .MI'. Da"ill IIemy, F . I:.G .. -.E. Janis, Mr. \Ym. PelTll1, :,\I.B., CR.B., Montague, 1\Ir. A. J. If., :'II. n. ~Ielb. . Moone,', Mr. Alex. P., B . .\. (lIOIlS.), )LD. Nortbcote, Mr. A. B., :M.D., Edlll .. (Hans.) nx.I. Nuttall, Mr. T. E., \\f.B., C.M., Edm. 1\1ool'e. Mr. O. A., M.D. O'Oonnell, urgeon D. V., \\I.D. l\Ioore, ~Ir. H. ecil, l\Ln.C." . Odell, II'. W., F.R.C ... , liLA., L.R. ~\. Moore, \1r.He1ll'yO.,i\[.13., Dublin (Victoria) O'Downey, Mr. Augnstine, L.R.C.P. & s " 1\1oore, Snrgeon L t.-Col. • androl'll, M.B. Eclill., &c. . l\1ool'],ouse, II'. B. 1\1., 1\L13., ('.:lL, Ellin. Ogilvie, Mr. J. H. , L.R.C.S., Edm. MOriHIIlI, Mr. 'Yo M., Physician anLl Oleell, Mr. George, l'>LR.C.S., L.. A . ;;;urgeon. Oldham, 1\11'. Hugh F., M.A., l?ub., I\f.D. Morris, Mr. F. II. , :II. D. Oliphant, ;'11'. Bruce, l\I.D., Edlll. l\Ioni on, Mr. William, l\I.D. (Yictoria) . Oliver, fr. Ohas. Pye, M.n., Lond. l\Iol'tlock, M1'. R H., lIL13., c.:lr., Edill. Oliver, 1111'. F. H., L.R.C.P., Lond. Mortoll, :\lr. O. A., F.Il.C.S., f,. lLC.P. , O'l\Ioore, Mr. H enry, M.B., Dub. Lond. Ord, i\I1'. Frederic \Vm., L.R.C.P., Ire1. 1\1oss, JIr. \Y. J. A., l\I.B. O'Hi elly, 1\1)'. Geo. J., L.R.C.R.I., ~I.R.C.P.I. 1\1oxham, lU I'. 1\[. 0., lII.R.C.S. O'Riordan, 1\11'. F., \\I.D. !i:uglistOl1, Tlfl'. G. T. 'Y., M.D., Abel'. Ormrocl, Mr.Fray,L.R.C.p .. Edin.,L.R. C. S. , Mngliston, Mr. '1'. C., M.ll.C.S. Etlin. . Ml1 l1l'O , 1\11'. F., l'>I.B., C.M. , Glas. Orton, :Mr. E. 'Y., L.R.C.P., Edlll., L.M . Mll\'tloch, 1\11'. J as., L.R. C.P ., Ellin. Orton, Ml'. John , M.R.C. S. Murphy, l\Ir.Oharl es E.,T,.R.C.P.I.,L.;\r.&C'. 0 born, 1\11'. S., F.R. C.. .

50 Honorary Life Members.

St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

Osbume, 1'111'. C. A. P., L. U.C. P., E<lill., Pilgrim, Mr. E. G., 1I1.D., Edill . F. H.C.S., Edin. Pim, Mr. F. E. de Beeho, L.l~.C.:-;., hcl. O venden, Mr. 'IY. H., M.D. Pinck, 1\11'. C. H., l\f.B. C. lI1., Glas. O wen, Mr. J. H., L.R , C. P., Eclill. Pinkerton, 1\Ir. James, l\I.D., ILl'. J. Owen, J'Il1". R F ., l\l.U. Pinnock, Mr. RD., 1II.D., Gla:.. Ozanne, 1\11'. F. N., l\[.R.C.~·., L.R.C.P., Pithie, Mr. A . Drimmie, L.l.. .U., Etlitl. Lond. Plant, 1\11'., M.D. Pag.e, Mr. David, 1II .D. Platt, 1'111'. W. H., L.R.\J.P. Palin, 1'111'. H. Venable', lI1.B., C. M., Edin. Plomley,:lIJr. John F., M.D ., Bl'ux. Palmer, 1'111'. C. Spencer, L.U.C.P., Loud., Pochill, Mr. F. L., "I.B., C. M., E<lilJ. Pole, Mr. Alcxander, )I.D., 'l. Alld. lILR. C.S. Palmer, 1\11'. F. Craddock, 1\I.D., Brllx. Pollard, Mr. Gco . H., "LD., Ecliu. Palmer, Mr. Jas. C., 1\I.B., L It-C.S., EJin. Pollen, 1\11'. Henry, M.D., Dull. Park, lUI'. J .R. S. , L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin. Poole, Mr. A . H., L.ILC.l'., L. n . C.S., Ecliu. Parker, 1\11'. G.) liLA., lII.D. Poole, Mr. S. ,1'. , M.ll., Auer. Parkes, Mr. L. C., M.D., Lond. rooley, 1111'. E. Burdett, L.R.C .... , he1., Park~s, 1'111'. ,V. H., M.B., M . S. , EJin. L.n. C.l'., Edin. Parkmson, Mr. Chas. Jos., M.B., Lond , Pope, Mr. Clla., L.R.C.H.E. .1II.R.C.S. (Vict.). Pope, Mr. Frank 1'11., B.A., Call1b., )J.ll., P arkInson, Mr. W. J., 1\1.n.c .... , Eng. lILn .C.I'. Parnell, Mr. G. C., 1II. R.C .S. , L. ·.A. 1)ope. 1\Iajor 'IV. 'Y. , n .A.lIf,C. P arsons, Mr. Francis H enry, )I.D., c.lII., Potter, 1\11'. Hal'l'y,)'1.H .C.B.,L.n.c .p., Erlin. Glas. Potter, Mr. H. Percy, :'ILl!. Dmh. P arsons, Mr. H arry C., lILli. C. . , L.n.C. P., l<"H.r .s . " L onrl . Powell, Mr. L. L., lIl.n.c.H., L.n.C.l' Ellin. Parso~s, Mr. " TalterB., lI1.R.C.S., L.ll.C. I'. Pratt, Mr . .I. Dallas, :'11 ..\., Dull., :\r'.]). Partndge, Mr. T. , M.D. Pratt, Mr. Reginaltl, M.ll., Lond. Pat~~son, Mr. C. K, M.D . Prentlergl1.t,i\Il. \Y.Dowling, )1.])., :'11..\..0. PatrIck, 1\11'. S. A ., l\LR.C.. . Prenticr, MI'. ZecharialJ, :'Il.n.c.s. Patterson, 1\11'. G. H., lILR. C.. , L.R.C.l'., Price, }\fl'. David, lIf.l:.C.H., L.I:.l'.P. Lond. Pricc, 11'. E. 0., :11.]), Eclill. Patterson, Mr. G. de Joncourt, B.A., Dub., Pricc, 1\11'. A. K, 1..1'; . ..1 . , L.i\!.H.C.r., Irel. lII.B., lILR.C.S. Prichard, 1\[1'. R. A., )f.ll.C.S. Paul, Mr. F. T., F.R . C.S., L. n:c.p., Lond. Pritchard, Thl1'. J. J. G., M.ILe .• . Payne, MI'. H enry, M.D., EdllJ. Prite:hett, Mr. Hemv, I\I.]\ . C.... Peach, Mr. C. W". 1\I.B., ]1[ • • • , Edin. Prosser, fro Philip i~. P eake, Mr. Fredenck K, M.R . C.... , L.R.C.P. Proudlove, Mr. Eu\\d., :'ILn., C.ilI. Pearcey, 1\11'. J .. J. 'Vandless, L.R.C ... Prout, 1\[1'. William T., B.l\1. )I.S. ,L . R.C.~., EdUl. . Pllllon, Mr. G. ., ]I[.Il., Eclin. Peal.cy, l\f~. P. A . , lILB. , C.M., Edm. Pllrchas, Mr . A. C., i\f.Jt.C.s., M.B., C.)I. Pealse, MI. T. F . , M.D., Brux., Purdy. II'. James n., M.B., .M., Abel'. Purvis, Mr. J. P., :'I1.]l.c .... , L.S.A. F. P-. C. S., lI1.H.C.P., L ond. Pe~ley, M1'. T. F.: M.D., Brux. Quick, MI'. Frank, l\1.ll. .B. Pell'c~, 1\11'. Fran.CIs, M.D., Dub. RaMonl, Mr. ' Vm., 1II.R.C.·. L.R.C.l>. Pell~lan : Mr. MItchell, lII.R.C.S., M.B. Lond. " PerCIval, 1\11'. Geo . H., M.B . L ond., Ram sden, Mr. H erhert, M.D., Lond. M.R.~ . C. Rand s, 1\1r. St. J. 0., M.R.C ... Pestell, 1\fl'. Jas. H., L.R.C.S., Edin. Rano06n Rt. R ev. the BishoI) of 111 D P eters, Mr. J ames, L. R.C.P. , Edin.,L.n. c .... , Ratb'ay'1\Tl' ' f •• Ed' ., . J . 1\f . , lIf .B. P tt ' ~~. W . Raw. Mr. W. E. St. M. , I,.R.C.P.,M.R.C.S. eel, r: a.~t~r, M.B . , C.lI!., Edll1. Rawlin g., l\Ir. James, lILn.c.R. , 1-.S.A. Rawnsley 1\1aJ'or G T r. A 1\[ C Phelps,.1\'1r. Plnhp, lI1.R.C.S. , L.n .C.p., Edln ' . . , '. . r •• , Ph'n' ~1 C H D 1I1.n ' . 1'. ~ ~ps, 1.' r. . ., M.D. , urh. Ray n er Mr. Edwin B A Lond 1\1 D Ph~lhps, 1\'11'. G. A., lILlt.C.S., !,.~.A. Redma~, Mr . W. E.', 1\~ . ~:c.s ., L·.'S. A·.,· P~llp, 1\'1r. Wm., M.B., C. M. , ]i,dlll. Lond. P~ers, 1'111': C. E., 111.13. (Cape T own). R ees, Mr. Edward D., 1\1.R.C.S. Plke, Ml. Joserll B., L.R. C. P., Edin., I.. R.C . P., L ond . . M. R. C.R., Eng. Reid, Mr. D. Bo well M l{ C s P~ke, Mr. W. Royston, !\f.R.C.S. R eid :lITr Dun call J 'lIf:" .... PI h M W J E . , . ., . 1:', 1 C er, r. . ., F. R. C.R., ~Chll. R eid, l\Tr. T. ' Yhitcllcad, lILD.,St.And.


Honorary Renton, Mr. G., 111. D. Sall, 1111'. E. ·W. H., lILR.C.S. Rhude, MI'. Tho 11 HI. S , lIl.D. Salllioll, M1'. HalTY R., 1Il. Il., CIJ.B., Melb. Life Members. Hbys, Mr. W. L., L.ILC.l'., LOllLl., Sanuers, Mr. Cllas., lI1.1'.. C.S., lILB. lII.H.C.S. 'alltlers, Mr. Euwal'l.l A., lILILC.S. an some, 1111'. P. J., 1Il.RC.S. Rice, MI'. ,Yo R, B. A., Dub., 111.1) . Rich, Mr. A. C., LILC.S. Scalltlcuury, Mr. Geo. J., L. ET. L. lIlID ., Richards, Mr. J. T., D.SC . , Erlin.,:lLB.,C.M. H.C.P., (VicLoria) . Rieha rdson, Mr. Frederick K, L.lL C.I'. 8ca1'l', 111'. George, 111. B. & .'., Edin., &c. Scatlifr, :Mr. P. M., lILlt.C . .' . Richardsoll MI'. J. owell )l.D. 'calterty, Mr. ·William, liLA . , Abcr., )l.D. Hidtlell, .T. Sr·ott,)1.A.,Abcr.,)l.J3.,c.lI1. Sehle:;illger, Mr., l\I.H.C.S. (Yict?ria). Ridley, 1111'. J. 'I\T., L.ll.(,.P. eholefi elu, 1111'. G. K, 1Il.D., EUIll. Rigby, 1\11'. WalLer C., :ll.n., ClI.B., Yiet. 'cott, Mr. A. 'IV. , 1I1.lt.C.H. . Rigclen, MI'. Uriall, ~!.Il.\J.i:i., L. ·.A . 'coLL, ~lr. C. 'Y., )I.B., C.lIL, ELiIIl. Riugwoorl, Mr. John, J.. ]:.u.:>.I., L.ll.C.l'.I. ,'cott, :\11'. 'Y. Tocber, liLA. , )LlJ. , C.lIL Rohb, ilil'. J. B. K., \1. \.., "\uer., 1Il.l!. 'eccolllhe, .Mr. C. 'IY., :'ILR . C.i':i., L.U. C. P., Rohert', :\Ir. Arthur, F.Il.U.S . Lond. Roberts, MI'. K E., :'11.11., :'11..'. 'elhy, 1\ir. Etlmuno ,1'., )Ll!. Roberts, MI'. Hllgh Joue,', :l1.U.C ..' ., ellers, lI[r. R. Blll'dett: l\[.U.C.S. L.... A. ellers, MI'. 'Y. H.!., M.B., C.M., Edin. Roberts, ~r\'. R. La\\tOll, )1.1)., LOllll. Sergenllt, l'Ilr. Euwanl, )1.R .C.S. , L.ll.C.P., Ro1lcrls: :Jl1'. Reg. ,J., :'II. A., l\l.]l., n. C. Lond. Roberts-Dudley, ~\lr. F. J., lILR.C.S. harp, i\lr. Arthur J., l\LD., B.B .. Lond. L.S.A. harmall, ~lr. E. W., L.R. C.l'., I .. n.c.i:i.,Edin. Roberton, Mr. K, :'I!.n. haw, 1\11'. Jas., lILB., C.M., Ed,iD: Rohertson, Mr. Roht., i'l1.U.C.::i. haw, 111'. T. . , LB., C.l\!., EdUl. Robillson, ~1r. A. 11., )['U. heaf', :Jlr. C. A. Ernest, lILR.C.l>. , Edil1. Robinson, :",11'. A. Hepworth, M.B., L'.l\L, hf'arer, l\lr.T. Pitcairn, L.U.C.l)., L It-C.S., Ellil1. Edill. RobillSon, fr. Ernc ·t L., :'ILR.e .... , helly, :\11'. C. E., M.n., Cand). L.I~.C.P., Loud. hepherd, 1\11'. Tho:>. W., L.R.C.S., Edin. Robinson, Mr. G., )LR.C .. . , L.S .A. hives, ~11'. John. M.D., Abel'. Hobinsoll, Ml'. II. . , M.IU'.S. hOllf" 'urgeoll-l\lajor 'Y. J., lILn.C.B. Robinson, nrgcoll.:Jlajor ~Iark hnttle\\'orth, Mr. G. E., B.A., LOI1lI.,M.D. idtlall, 11'. J. B. M.D., Aber. Rollinson, 1\11'. M. J. ~L.Il., &c., JLU . I. RouillSOll, ~II'. R. H., :'I1.D. imoll, :111'. r F " M.D., t. Allel. Roche, 11'. T. F., L.IU·.l'., Eclil!., L. n .C. '., ('imp 011, Mr. James H., M.n. Ellin . Simp.oll, Mr. ,V. S., M.R.C . . , :'IULC.P., Rodley, Mr. John, )['l:.C.s. Edin. Roger., 1111'. Rertral1l1\L, B.A., Oxon., M.D. ims, 1\11'. Geo. S., M.D., Durham, &('. Roper, 1111'. HcrbertJ., lI['H.C.S.,L.R.C. P. , il1clair, fr. A. MacGregor, 1\l.B., Abel'. LOlld. RIme, Mr. :Branci' D. A., M.D. Rorie, Mr. D., 1\1.H .. e.i'll., Edin. kelcling, 1\11'. Henry, M.B . , B. C., B.A. Roulston, Mr. 'IY ill iat1l, M.D., l\1. H., killnP1', Mr. D., 1\LB., CH.1\L, Aher. l\I.A.O., li.n.I. (Victoria). Rounrl, Mr. John C., ]\l. H. . S.. L.H..C.P., kipworth, :lIlr. Herbert, L. R.C.P.,L. ]\[.,&C, Lond. Sloman, Mr. H., L.n .C.p., Lond., ilI.TI.C.S . Rowe, 1\11'. JO~(']lh H., ]\r.n., ('.i\1. Aher. Sloman, Mr. S. G. , junr., L.R.C.P. L ond . M.n.c.s. Rowe, 1\11'. Thoma ' mith, )I.D., Etlin . Ruddock, Mr. 'IY . .I., ]\1.13., M.lLC.S. Smelton, Mr. C. 'V., lI1.n.C.5., L.R.C.P. Ruel, Mr. P., L.U ('.1'., lI!.ll.C.H. mith, 11'. Edwin C. 1\1., 1\1.R.C.S. Rl1gg. Mr. G. L., :'ILl~.C.S., &c. mith, 1\11'. G. Jal~ksoll, L. R.C. '.1., RllmlJoll, Mr. C. F., M.Il., Durh. T•. It.C.P. , I rel. Rllmboll, Mr. Sydney, L. It. c.l'., F. R.C .... Smith, :J1\,. H. Hammond, l\LR.C.S., Rusk, :J11'. John, 1\1.B., n.cu. L . n.c.p., Lond. Russell. MI'. John, liLA., M.ll., C.lIf. Smith, [1'. Henry, L.R.C.P. Rutlledol'tl, fl'. R L., M.D.. H. U.r. Smith, MI'. Jos. V·,T ., M. R. C. R., Eng., L.U. Ruttle. Mr. R ouert. J_. lIf. , L.l-: . Smith. Mr. M Lomax, lILR.C . . , L.R.C.l!. Ryan, Mr. W. TT .. M.n..C.P., lre1. (New Zf'alal1d). St. George, lIIr. George, "l. I). Smith, Mr. R. Rrao .. haw, L.R.C.S., lre1. St. L edgl'r, Mr. R A., M.B., C.]\f., Ec1ill . T•. 11.C.P., Edin.



52 Honorary Life Members,

John Ambu,lance A sociation.

Smith, Mr. R. Sinelair, F.RC. p.E., Tayl or, ~lr . James, M.D. . L. R.C.S. , Eclin . Tn,yIo!', iIlr. Jailles, M.D., Il.ClI. Snuth, Mr. SmI.Parsons,L.ILC.l'.,T..ll.C.S.J. Taylor, Mr. Jas., J.<'.ll.C . R . ~. Sm~th, Mr. trafford, M.D . Taylor, ,\1]'. ::l. Hamilton, ?>l.D. Sm~th, lr. T. H lLllSOII, .\LD., Dl1l'h . Taylor, Mr. Thomas, M.n.c.s.E. SmIth, Ur. \Y. J., L. lt.C.p. , L.LLL'.S. , Edin. Taylor, .fill'. Tom H., !\LD. Teare, .\11'. John, ~!.n., ('[f.ll. SOllth, M]'. F. ,Yo B., .\1.1LL'.S. SOllthw~ll, Mr. C. K: L.n .C.p., L.n.C .S., TeIl1l)lema.n, .lI1r. Cha.'., M.D., Edin. EJ.ll1 . Tho 1l11t.' , 1111'. Daniel Rees, i\1. D. & CH. D . Spanton, Mr. \1'. Dunnett, F. L~.C., . T1tf)mas, 1\11'. John, M. n.c.s. SI:Jence, 1111', ,I'm. Jas., 1..1:.( '.1'. , Edin. , Thoma, Mr. ,V., M.D. L.R.C . .. , Ellin. Thomson 1111'. Barday (Vidoria.). Spink, Ur. E. \\'., ~•. D. "R.~., Loml. TltOJll~Ol1: Miss E. C., 'l\I.B., C. .\!., Etlin. Spong, 111'. Harry, 3.A. (Oxon ) L,:-l . A . I..ILl·.s., L.H.lJ.l'. Spriggs, Mr. Eo hens, ~I.D., Lond. Tholll 'o n, Mr. Geo., .\1.1)., Aller. 'proat, Ur . JalllC's n., :\[.3., :\I.R.C.S. Tho 111.'0 11 , ilil'. G., .\I.B., u.'\I., V:dill. Sproulle, Ur. A. E , ~I.R.C.~. lhomson; iiII'. Jame , .\1.1). Sproulle, Ur. 'I'. W., L.ILC.S.r., L.K.C.Q.l'. 'l'ltolllson, ?Ill'. J. R. :i\lcntics, ~f.1l., CII.B., qnance, Mr. T. Coke, i\1. D., Dllllellll. '\lclh. (\'ict.uria). Squire, Mr . J . E., M.D., Lonrl. Tholl1!-iOll; :.\11'. :\L B., )1.B., EI'. <':11.)[ Stack, 1\11'. E. C., 1..L: .0.1'.I., 1..)1., F.ILC'.S., Tholll. 011, Sir Willia.nl, .\1.1>. hel. . . Thomloll, Mr. BcrLI'<lIll, )I.IU ;.S.,L.ll. '.1'., Stalker, Mr . A . 1\1., 1\1. A., Etll11., ..\f. D. LOlld. Stamford, Mr. 'YIll. Achill, M. H.C.}.,. Thlll'slield, ;\[1'. T. '\\'., :II. I). SteeLe, :Mr. W . K., M.R.C.S . , L.n.C. P. Lond. 'l'illsLlllle, :.\LI. II. Rogcrs , '\l.Il. St'3e~, 1\11'. George Cal'l'ick, F.n.C... Tilli e,)' , '\[1'. T., :l1.u., Ulll'h. SteHox, Mr . J. 13., .\I.H.. C.!':., Eng., L.... A. Toppillg, :.11'. J. r. :lI.Tl., Was. ~teJlhouse, ~Il" 1\1., M. D. eN' ell Zealalld) TU.\\II!-ir.lI,l" .\Lr. F. E., .\1. II., .\1.('1 f., It. e. I. Stephen, :ilII . ". A., M.A., :lLD., C.:\f. Tl'Illlule, Col. C. J., ' . .\f.(:., ]).P.H., Stewart, },II'. F. McU., L.ll.C.S. L.It.G.!'.r.: . Stewart, :Mr. U. A., M.D., :lI.A . Trott, .\Jr. Duuley C. , :ll.n., F.B.C.o..;. St?w.art, Mr. \VIIl., M.D Trottcr, ilk Leslic H., .\1.1)., Edil!. St~r~Jlg, Mr. D. II., i\I.D., Edill. Trotter, MI'. Rol)ert :'\!ax\\'cll, !ll.l> . StulIng, Mr. Robert, l\1. D. Trotter, MI. IV. 0., l\f.lt. '.1>. Stockwell, Mr. F., M. IJ. TrOll p. MI'. Gcorge A., :II. B., C' :'If., D. & n. Stoker, Mr. G;, :\f.D. Tuw:;tal1, Jlr. A. C., \[.1), gdin., \r.n.,c.:I!. Stoncy,. :Mr. I erc), B., M.R.C.S., L. It.G.P., TU1'IIor, .\11'. A. ilL, M.1LC.S. (.' ydney) EUIll. T Turncr, :.\II'. A. ,'cotto L.I~.C.I'., )1. H.C.S. Stotharcl, Mr. Jam~s, M. R.C. S., L., .A. Tll1'1ler, 'lafr-. nrgroll' EnlaLa StrcttoJl, Mr. J . LIOnel, )r.R.C.S., 1,. R.C.p. TllIller, ,\11'. II. GUllton, .\1. r..c.s., L.S.A . .. , Lond. TUl'llel', nt,p. -Illspec. General Robert, R.N . Sl;lution, Mr. Samuel, i\I.R.C.S. Turn er, Mr. Thomas, 1-'. It. c . s . Stron~,. Mr. R. G., L.H.. C.P. , L.R.C.S., Turner, Mr. " 'illiam, :11.]). Edm., r. . .\I. Twiss, Major G. E., It-A.M.e . Stroyan, Mr. F., M.n.c.~;" I,. n.C.p., Tyrie. 111'. C. C. Baxter, i\1.13., ..\U'. Lond. . Ty nell , Mr. ,Valter, M.n.c.s. S tna.t',t, ~Il" J. A . Erskllle, L.ll.C.P.,L.R. C . ~ . \['YS011, MI'. \Yilliam Joseph, i\I.D., Durl. Ed Ill. Un11lev, .Hr. \V., M.D ., Lond. Summcrs, Mr. John n., L.R.C.R ., Edin . , Unuerhill, 1111'. F. T., F.R.C.S.E., L.R.C. P. ' L.R.C.P. E!1in . Sutherland, Ml'. Chas. J., i\I.D. Underhill. 1\11'. J . E., I.D . Sntherlalll1: Mr. J . A., )!.E., C.M., Edin., Upham, MI' . C. Haslilt, l\r.Il.C.S., &c. Sutton, 1[1. H. G. , i\I.D. Uppleby, Mr. J.G.,L .n .c.I>.,Eclin.,L.R.C. S. (Port Elizaheth). Swallll, lUI'. A., M.D. Swayne, MI'. E . G., M. D., D.C., M.A., Usher, 1\11'. ,Villiam , l\I.D., R.U.I., B. cn. Can tab. Valentine, l'Ifr. William, L. R.C.l'., Edin., Swete, Mr. Horace, M.D.,St.And.,]\[.R. C.S. L.ll.. C.S. S,Ymes, Surg.-Maj . E. ,Vest, M.D . , Eclin. Vance, Mr. ' V.J. ,L.R . C.l'., Edill ., L.R.C.S. 'lalbot~ MI'. Alfred G., i\l.B. , c . ]\[. Irel. Tamplm: Mr. Chas. H., M.lt.C.S. Vassalli, Mr. Jerome S., L.R.C.P., L.R. C. S. , Tate, 1\11. Samuel, M.D. Edin.


St. John Arnbula'nce Association.


Vernon, .kill'. A. IIcygate, .F.H.C. 1>., \\-augh, :\[1'. Alexr., "'LB., c.:\I., (Has. L.n.C. p., Lond. ,V,ty, lIlr ..r. H. F.,M. LLC.f:i.,"L.n.c.p.,Lond. Vel'llon, :\[r. \V., 1\L1LC.1>., I,.R.C . p., Edill. \\rayland, illr. A., ;)I.B. Vincent, nIl'. H . lJ., :\LIl.C.S. WcaYer, ~lr . ,V. G., M.n.C.s., L.Il.C .P. , Yiret, .JIr. B. P., "LB., Lond ., L.Jt.C.l'. LOlld., T, ••• A. Loud. "'c],]" :\11'. Hy. L., M.n.c.s . Voisin, .lI1r. Erllcst O. Bishop, :\Llt.C.:-:., Web],. :\11'. J. Ramsay, :\I.B., CH.B., illelb. :\I.n.c.l'. \\'ehh, iiII'. Thos. L., "'La.C.S., L.R.C.P., Vorcs, '\fr. Arlhlll', :\Lll.C.f:i. LOlJd. \rc],]), ;\[1'. '\'m., ;\LD., F.R.C.S. ,Vachel', MI'. Frank, M.lt.C . S., L.S.A . Wacher, 1111'. ,' ., F.H.('.S., L.lt-C.l'. \\'ebl,cr, :\11'. H. \\T., :\I.S., M.D., Lond., WacldY,,\Ir. II. E., ],.1:'C.1'., ~l.l~.C.S. &c. Walle, lilt'. A. Breeuon, "l.n., (.:\L, Edin., ,,'cbster, illl'.Ridley M., ;\Ln.C.S.,L.n.C .p . , ~LR.C .. ·., L.S.A. E(lin., L.D.S. Wakelam, .lIIr. ElgiU', L.n . '. 1'., L.ll.(,~., \\'edmore, :\11'. E., :\I.R.C. f:i . Ruin. Weekc., :Mr. Francis H., F.R.C.S. Waldo, l\Ir. Frcd.J., .\Ln., Ca11\b., '\I.B. \\' cll h." Mr. tanley, .\Ln.,Oxon . , i\LR.C.S . Wale, Mr. Gco., H.l'.lI. (Calllh.), .\Ln.e.S. \\'cst,Jlr.Lionel F.,.\I.n.c.s.,L.n.c.p.,Lond L.lt.C.P., Loud. \\'pst, ,\1r. R. M., :\r.n.c.:·., L.n.C.p., L ond. Walker, l\lr. A. W.,:lI. \., .\1. B., C. .\L \reston, ,\It.. ,'. T. Darhy, .\LR.C.S. Walker, .lI[!'. A. W. H., M.D., Drux., Wheeler, Mr. 'villiam l relaud, i\LD. ,,'hite, Mr. E. A., .\LD., Abel'. L.II.C.l'., Lund. ,\'alkor, ?III'. Bemanl, )r.r..C.~., L.S.A. \Yhitc, ~lr. Tenam F., :\I.I~.C ..~., L.R.C.P. Walker, ?III'. Cyril II., B.A., Camb. White, 111'. R. R., )['H.G.S. White, :111'. R. 'Y., L.R.C.P. F.R.C.S . Walker, :i\Ir. Hem,)': L.F.P. & E. ,,'hite, 1\11'. William, )LD. Walkcl', ~11'. J. PixtOll, ..\f.]t . . '., L.n.c.p., ,,'hite, ~1r. ,V. H., M.B. Loud. \\'hiteheacl, MI'. A., .\['B., c. ~r., Aller. Walker, .Jlr. John .\I.Il.C.s.,L.n. c .l'., Whitham, :\11'. Robert, '\LB. Abel'. Lonll. ,'~hitiey, :i\Ir. F. G. H., :\I.n.c .. . \\'alkel', l\Ir. ,all1ucl, )l.lt.C .. ·., r.. :\r. \Vlllt\l'ell.Ur.A.H., L.n.r.S"L.n.C.p. Edin. '\'allace. iiII'. R. S., L.F.l'.S., Via'., L.I-i.A. Whyte, Ur. J. :\Iackie, M.A., Edin., '\LB. WHlIace, ,\Ir. John, :'If. n., C . .\L, D.,'! '., \Yightman, :\11'. Cecil F., F. I:.C., ., Eng. (Puhlic IIt:!a.lLh) Edill. Wilkinson, Mr. Auburn, )LD., Dlllh., Wallis, ~Ir. Fred M., M. H.C' ... , L.S. A. :\LB., Il.!': . Walpole-Simmolls, ill 1'. E., )L n., Durh. Wilkin on, 1\11'. A. :\Id~enzie, .\[, B. (Vic.) Walsh, 1'11'. DU.Yill, )I.ll., I';din. Wilkinson, nIl'. Jamcs B., .\LD., Edin. Wad, ;'[1'. J. P . .'.,)LIl.I'.l>.,L.lt.lJ.p.,Lolld. ,Yilkinsol1, Ur. J. C., .\LR.C .. . , L.R.C.P., Lond. Warll, :\11'. ill. A., F .I ~ . C' . "., Ire\. \\'al'll, Mr. 1In.rtill(hlc, \I.D., c.)!., AGel. "'ill, Mr. ,I'm. J., .\LD., C.:\[, Wal'll, ~lr. IV. Fi .~hcr, L.I~.l'.I'., Lond., Williams, Mr. E., L. H.C.P . , Lon . .\r.n.c.s . .\[, r•. c.s., Eng. Williams, ;\[1'. Neville, :\1 A .. Can tab, )I.B. Warren, :,\11'. Will., L. 131'. L. :'\li!l., K.Q.C. 1. "-illiam., Mr. R. }\forris, M.D., C.'\L Irel. William 'o n, :\11'. J. D ., M.D. Warwick, Mr. C. tocle, 1II. n . \Yilk , Mr. Geo . , "\L B., M. C. , ..\1. P•. C. . Warwick, Ml'. F . J . , i\LD., Cantab. Willis, 1\11'. G. O\ye11 , L.R.C.P. Waters, Mr. IIarry G., L.ILC.r., Lond., ,Yilloughby, MI'. 'Y. G., M.D., Lond., :"Ir.B..C' . . Eng., D.P. n., Camb. ,Vaters, :Mr. John 11., M. D., Gla . , !If. 3 , \Yil shaw, Mr. 'Y. G1'O Yenor, "'['D . , B.A. ('.)[. Wilson, .Mr. A. C., M.D., Edin., i\I.B., C. ..\I. Waters, Mr. J. L., i\I.B., C. )L, Edin. Wilson, Mr . A . Marin ,i\LD., Dnrh., M. B., Watson, Ur . A . A., i\I.R.C.S. D... Wat.,on, Mr. C. S . , :'>l.D., E llin.,-)I.B. , c.)!. ,Yil.on, 1.11'. J. 0., L.R.C.P., L.n.c.s., E(lin . Watson, Mr. J . C., "I.D. \Yilson, ]\11'. J . Scott, M.D . , Gla '., M.B., ,Vatson, Mr. Wm., M.R.C.S. C.M., D .V . H., Camb. Watson, Ur. IV. J ., :\r.R.C.S., ~!.D . , ,Yilton, 1'.11'. J. P., M.R.C .!': . , L.!': . A. Lond. ,Yimberley, Ur. Conrad C., )f. n . Watthews, Mr. IIerbert, M.D . , Edin . Win g l'ave. Mr.V.H.'Yyatt,.\f.R.C.S.,L. S. A. \ Vithers, Mr. Percy, ..\1. B., D.S.,M. R.C.S . l.I.B., C. ..\I. Watts: Mr. Jam es A., "'LD., M.n. c .s. Wolfendale, 1\11'. Geo. A., L. n.c.1'. ,L.n.C.s. Watts, ~Ir. W. F., ;'Il.B..C. S., L.S . A. Etlin .


Honol'ary Life Members.

Honorary Life Members.

ft. J ohn A'YI1,bulance Association.

St. J ohn A ?TLbulc('nce Association .


" 'olverson, Mr. Freuuick, ~l.D., III. '. 'Wood, Mr. John, M.D. Wood, Mr. J. 0., L.R.C.P. Wood, Mr. W . A., ;\['D., B.!';. 'Woodcock, 1111'. A. E., L.n.C.p., L.R.C ... , Edin., L.F.P. S. , Glas. '\Voodcock, Ml'. H. lIe Carle, ~Ln . C .,· . L.R,C. P., Edin., L.F.P.t:i., Glu· . ,\Voodhouse, Mr. E. R. , M.n., n.... , Durb. 'Woods, Mr. J . F., 111.]) . ,\Vood, }'lr. John B ., L . ll.C.l'., L.n.c.s. 'Woods, Inspector-G eneral H . 0., c.};., c . Y.a., ~LD., 11.N. "Yoolley, Mr. Talhot, )Ln. C ti .

, Vorger,


Rich ard

;.. ,

, Yray, Mr. G. Bury, 1ILn.C ... , L.,·.A. Wrt'llch, 1111'. E. ill., F.n.C s. Wright, M1'. J. 0., liLA., lI!.])., D.C., <':antab. ,Yykesmith, Mr. ,V., F.I~.(".S., Edin., L.n.c.p., Eclin. Yolland, Mr. J. II., lIl. n.r.!"., L.S.A., Lond. YOlln g, Mr. A .. F.R.C.S. Young, MI'. 0., M.n. Youn g, :Mr. Meredit h , M.Il., Ec1in., M.n., C.M. , D.P.H. YOllller, ~1r.


Ynl e,~lr. R. ill.,


)[,11 .,

('.:\L, Etlin. )!.n., C.) r.

Al)(!r . .





Benson, Mr. A. H., M.D. Benso11, 11'. II. T., L.U.C.P. Bentham, II'. A. 0 ., lIl.l~.C., · . Berkeley, Mr., lILD. Berry, Mr. 'Y., F.Il.C. ,' . Bev11.n, Mr. R., 1,.]1.0.1'.1., n.I'.H. Digg, Mr. G. herman, )Lll. ' .!"., F.U.C.::;. Black, MI'. L. P., lILn., l.lt.C . .. . Blackhul'll, :Mr. J., M.H.C.S. mail', Mr. R, lIl.D. L.1I1. Blaxland, Mr. ,V., lILll.C.!"., L.Il.l'.P. Appleby, 1IIr. F . H., M . R . C. ' . m ox11.m, :Mr. J. Astlc'y, l<'.]u·.... Appleby, Mr. G. B. V., lI!.}). BOlld, Mr. F. F., M.D. Archer, Mr. E. D., M.D. (Adelaitle). Bone, Mr. Douglas Arnison,1I1r. 'Y. D., M.D. Boor, 11'. Leonanl, lIf.H.C'.S., ( Tew Zeal.). Ash, Mr. PercyR.: M.R.C.,. Bowhay, Mr. A., lILl)., n.l'.ll. Ash, Mr. T. Linnington, L.U. C.p., E tl in . , Boyce, :Mr. J. G., L.n.C.H. lILR. C.S . Bradl ey, 11'. Dayid, :-'LD. Atkinson, Mr. Edward, M . R.C. S, Erlin. Braithwaite, JUr. Harri. on, lILn. Audland, M1'. W. E., M.1'•. C.s . , Ellin., Branch , Mr. W. J ., M.D. (We. t IlHlies) . L.R.C. P . Brand, M1'. A. T ., M.D. Awdry Mr. ,V. R., M.B . , Dnrh., lILR . C.S. Branthwaite, Mr. HanL 'on, F.R.C.S. Baigent, Mr. 'William, M.D. Bremn er, Mr. A. 111., L.R.C.P., Edin. Bain, Mr. D. B., M.D Brice, Mr. E., L.R. C.p., L.R. C.S. Bald win, Mr. F. B. J uelge, M.Il. c. R., L,,·. A. Brook Mr. H. Darvillc, L. R. e. P., Lond. [.~.c.s. Ball, Mr. O. B. , M . D . Bangay, Mr. Richard, M.D. Brooks, Mr. F. A., lILR.C .... Barling, Mr. A. S., M.Ll.C.S . Bloomfield, Mr., M . D. Barnard, M1'. J . H ., J\L.D . (Paris) Broughton, Mr. , M.R.C . . Bames, I.Jr . Edgar; M . D. Brown, Mr. A. Tennyson, M.D. Barrs, Mr. A. G. , lIT.D. Brown, Mr. F. Gordon, M.R.C.S. Barter, Mr. , V., M.D . Brown, Mr. J., L.R.C.l'., L.R.C. S.I. Bauchop, Mr. James, lILB., C. M. Brown, Mr. S. Mewblll'l1, M.D . Beattie, Mr. R , M.D . Browne, M1'. Robert, M.D . Beatson, Mr. George, C. B., M . D . Brownfield, Mr. H . M. , M. R.C.S. Beath, Mr. D . h , 1ILR. C.S. Bruce, Mr. Robert, M . R . C.::;. Beddoes, Mr. T. P . , 1I1.B. Bruce, Mr. W illiam, M.D. Bennett, Mr. , V. H .. L . n . c . p., Irel. Brummitt, Mr. R , M . D . (Adelaide) . Bennett, Mr. C. H. ,V ., L.1L e .p., Buchanan, Mr. J. , M . D. lIf.lLC.R. Bnist, Mr. R. 0 .. lI[.R.C'.S.

Abbott, :M1'. O. E., M.R.C.S. Abrahams, Mr. A. A., L . IU).S. Alexander, Mr. G. Paton, IIl . D. Allanl, :MI'. J. H., M.D. Allen, 1111'. T. 'Y. J., lILR.C.H. Altham, Mr. James, M.B. Anderson, Mr. J . , )['D. Anderson, .JUl'. J . Wallace, IIl.D . Anderson, Mr. Robert, )1.]). Applebe, :Mr. E. A., L.ll . C.l'., Euin.,


Bull, Snrgeon-1IIajol' W. H . , J, .lt. c.P . Orookshank Pasha, His Excellency, Examiners. Bullock, 1\11'. 0., )l.ll.C .... , I..H.C.l' . (Egypt) BllI'lll an , 1\11'. F. J., lILll.e. S . Oruickshank, Mr. B . , M.D. Burnett Mr. J. H.., )I.D. Cuffe, Surgeon-G eneral O. )Ic. D., C.B. Bnrton '1\11'. . II. )[.ll.e... . Oureton, Mr. E., 1ILR.C.P. ' H • D . , .~1, . ,I'. t,v . ' , . Cuthbert, Mr. W. Wood., lILlL C. , . 1 1. DUSS, ."1 Dyles, Mr. J. B., )I.ll.( ·.S., L . ILe.p., Lom1. Danie.l, Mr. A. D., lILB., F.]~.C.S. Byl'lle 1111'. L., F. It. U. S. I. Da1"\\'1n, 1111'. G. H., lII. I) . Cable,'1IIr. JOllll, L.ll.Ll'. Davies, Mr. D. 1..1. M.B., L.H.C.!". Call'ow Mr. TbollJfts, )I.ILC'.". Davy, :M1'. R., F.RC.I'. Calvcrl~y, Mr. E. J . G., U.M .G ., )r.n. Dawsoll.' ~~l'. '1'. Moore, L.lt.C.P., l\I.U.U.S. Cal\\'ell, Mr. Wm., ~r.D. Demetnadl, 11'. L., F.n.C.>' . Campbell, Mr. P., )l.ll. Dc Jysscn , Mr. P. J " L.n.C.l' . C:llltlie, M1'. Jam e', F.lt.C.... D?war, Mr. T. F. Canlew, Mr. G. A., ~!.R.C.,'., L.i'.A. D~ck?y , Mr. A. A. G. , 1Ir.~. Caley, M1'. Ba.'il, )1.]1 . D~ ckl1l, Mr. E. P:, L.R.C.l. Carey, Mr. F. E., )1. II. (Gucrn ey) D~ck '011, Mr. CeCIl, ~r.B. Carleton. 1>11'. J ... , L.]t.C .... I. Dmg\\'all, Mr. A ., lILB. Carnes )11'. ,V. , )1.1:.c.:-;., L.n.C . p. Dobson, Mr. A., ~r.n. c ."" L.l~.e.l'. Carl' 1,'11'. Thom as, :'>I.l!. DOl1wille, Mr. E. J., L.R.C.l' Cart~\'l'ight, ~1r. E. 11., )l.ll. Donald, Mr. '\\., M . B: Can'ell, Mr. J. M., )1.lt. !". DOllald on, urg.-1IlaJor (Bermuda) Ca an, nIl'. T., lII.IU'.S. Douglas, Lt.-Ool. C. M., J:J.([., n . A.M . e. Cas 'i(li, M1'. F. R, )L A., )f. n. DO\\'lIes, Mr. E., ~r. D. Cattell, :1\11'. G. Trew, )f.D. Drage, :tILl'. Lovell, liLA., lILD Chadwick, Mr. A., :'>Ll>. Drillkwater, Mr. H., M.D. Charlwick, Mr. '. ~r., )f..\., )LD. Dry(lell, Mr. J. Hunter, lII.D. Chalmer", 1>Ir. George, )I.B. Dnff, ~1r. J., )f.n. Chapman, )11'., )Lll. (New Zealand) Duke, 001. A. R . A . lIf.C. Charlesworth, Lieut.-Col. H. , n . A.lILC. Dunbar, Mr. ElIza ,V., ;\1.D. Che. tnutt, ilIr.J. I"lLC'.P., Edill., L.n.c.s. Duncan, Mr. A. James, lILD. Childs, Mr. Ohri topher, ~LD. Duncan, Mr. R;.H:, M.D . Clark, Mr. A.mIrew, F.I!.C.,. Duncan, Mr. \\ Ilham, L.R.C.P., L.n , C'.~ . Clark, Mr. A. F. "'., lII. D.. C.)[. Edill. Duncan, Mr. 'Y., M.B. Clark, Mr. F. ,V. , lIf.n.c . . . , L.R.C.P. Clark, Mr. G., ~['B. , C.) f. Dunkl ey, Mr. 'Y. ,V., F.n.C.p., Edill. Clarke, 1111'. 'Y. Druce, F.n.c.s. Dunn, 11'. . S. Clegg, Mr. R. )[. n. c. s. Dumo, Mr. J . , 111. D. Ooates, Deputy Inspector-General 1., Dutcl.l, Mr. ITemy, ~LD. M.D., F.H.C.i'., ]~."'. Dntllle, Mr. E., ilLB . , D.P.H. Colcutt, Mr. A. M. , lILB. Dyson, Mr. W., lI['B. . . Collie, Mr. Robert J. , ~r.D. Eal1es, Mr. Samuel O11\-er, L.H.C.I>., IEdm . Eagar, fl'. Robert, lILD. Collier, Lieut.-Ool. H. C., R.A.lILC. Co11ingrioge, ~Jr. W., ~Ln. l~akin ' , nIl'. J. W., lILD. Collings, 1111'. O. (I'A., )f.D. (Gu ernsey ) Eavim, 11'. J. W., iIl.D . Colquhonn, Mr. D., )!.D. (N ew Zealand) E,lgillton, l\fr. R 'Y., lI!.n . Conllor, Mr., )[.n. E(nin, 11'. E. Holberton , F.R.C.S., Edill. ConDor, Mr. 'Y. G., L.RC.I'., lre1. Etiwards, Mr. J. Hamn1 elton, ]I[.D . Cook, Mr. Alf'x11.nrler, lI['R. Elder, MI'. 111., M.n. Cooper, Mr. G. White, lII.It. P. Ellaby, Mi:s O. (Pari ), lI['D. Cooper, Mr. H . . ,;1[' H.C., ., L.l,.C.P. Ellerton, :M1'. J . F. H., :lLn. Corbin, Mr. T. 'V.,lILD. ( outlt Australia) El1el'ton, Mr. John, ~r.l). Cosgrave, Mr. E. McDowel, )I.D . Elliott, Mr. B. G., J",R.C. P., L . Il.C. ' ., h el. Elliston, 11'. G. ., lII.n . c . s. Ooutts, Mr. J . A., lI['D . Cran, 11'11'. George, )[.D. E,'ans, Mr. A. , liLA. , lII.13., B.CH. Crease, .\11'. J . Robertson, F. R . C. S. Evans, 1\11'. Alfred, lILn., M A. Crespi, 11'11'. A. J . H ., lILR.C . P., he1., Evans, Mr. D. G. , M.l). M.n.c .s. l~vans, Mr. E., M.D. Cressy, Mr. G. J . , L . R.C.P . , I rc1. Evans, Mr. Edward Beynon, M.D. Cromie, Mr. John, L.1LC.P. &:>. Evans, Mr. F. ' Y., M.n .



S t. J 0 " / /1 A rrnbulance A ssociation.

St. Juhn Amu1Llc(;nce A ssoc iat ion.

~ I r. II arl'Y, :\[' ILC.S. E ve, :i\Ir . F. S., F. l\ C. '. U\\'illim, Mr. R 1). H., L. lLC.]'., :'Il.lu:..·. F airbank, Mr. \V ., M . R . C . ~ . G\\'ynn, 1\11'. Charle. , :\LTl . F airclough , 1\11'. , :\LD. Hall, Lt.-Col. Lce:;, It..\.~l.l' . F arra r, JUl'. R A, :\1.D. , :\l..\.. (Oxon. ) Hall, .nIl'. 'William, ;\l.D . F enoulhet, M r. ~~ . C., L.ILC . P., Edin . , !lalley, i'llI'. G., :\1.1). L. R.C.S. Halliwell, Mr. R r . , :\1. n.!' .... Fielden, Mr. 8a111l., lILD . llallows, Mr. H . P ., :'ILl>. Fitzsimons , Mr. J . B., lI1.D. Hamiltoll, 1\11'. A . A . , )r.v. (Atlclaicl e) Flemi ng, Mr. A . J . , M.D. Hamilton, Mr. J. A . G., :\l.lJ. (Kapunda F ootnel', Mr . .T . B ., F. R. C... outh Australia) Forbes, Mr. J. , l\l.B . Hamilton, Mr. J. P., )[. I)., (KaplIllua) Forbes, 1111'. N. Hay, F. R.C... . , Euin. IIamilton, Mr . .. . , :'11.]). Forsyth, Ur. R, )l.D. IIal1l111olld,nir. 'W. L.I!.( '.l'. ,E(lill.,:\1.ll.C.S. Frankish, Mr., lILD . (New Zcaland) HallClflchl-Jonc, Mr. C. R, :'II.H.C.S. , Franks, Mr. K., :'ILD. ( . Afl'ie;u) L. R.C.r. Franks, Mr. R, :'ILD. Hannah, Mr. W. T . , )I.ll., C . ~r. Fraser, Mr. J. H . P., :\£'B. IIal'grca\'cl>, nil'. ill. K., ~I.J>. Freer, Mr. E . L. , lI£. R.C.. . Harley, iiII'. H. \Y ., F.I! . . 1'. F ryer, Mr. John, JlI.n.c.s . Harpcr, illr. H. C., :\r.1>. F urnel1, Surgeon-General E. (Canncs) Harpcr, Mr. J . \V., :\LH.C.R. Gall ard, Mr. J . R, L R. A . HaITi:>, McJ. J., )r.11. Galletly, Mr. \ V. G., ]If B. Harris, ~Iajor F. W . , H.A . ~r. Galpin, :Mr. Bichanl, lILP•. C.. . , L.S. A. Hal'l'is, Mr. John, )['D. Ci'lew, ollth "Tale:) Garrett, Ur. C. D., lI1.n . C.R. Harris, nil'. . C., ~[.n . Garson, lIlr. J . G. , )LD. HaiTi on, ~Ir . D., F.R.C. S. Garton, Mr. \ V. , M.D. Harrison, Mr. II. Lceds, n.A. (CallllJ .), Gentles, 1111'. T . L ., IJ. R.C.P. :\1.H.C.S. Gibb, 1111'. \ Yilliam, L.R.C.P. , Ediu . Harvey, iiII'. Alfrell, ::'or.n., ~r.H.C.:-:. Gibbon, :i\I I'. F. \V., L. R. C... . & L.R.C .P., Harvey, ~Ir. Eldon (Bcrmuda) Edin. Havell, Mr. C. G., )r.ll.C.S. Gibbs-Smith, 1111'. E. G. , L. n . c . p.I. IIa\\"kes, ?I[r . . Cogbill, L.ll-(' .l'., ::'or.l:.C .... Gibson, 1'.11'. E. V., :\LD . IIayle, 1\11'. T. H., ::'or.n. Gil bertson, Mr. J. n ., L.R.C .l' . , Helm, Mr. R DlllHlas, ~1.1l . JlL R. C.S. IIcmler, on, Mr. J . H., ::'oLD. (Adelaide) Giles, Brigade-Surgeon P . B., ~l. R . C. S, Hey, illr. ~Iilnes, )1.A., :\I.IU.' . H., L.ll.C.P. Gim lette, Mr. '1'hos. Fl.., lII.D. IIillaby, Mr. A .. L.n.C.l'. Glynn, 1\11'. R :McMahon, L.R. C.", IIinnell, Mr. J. 8., ll.A., Camb. , )f.D. Godding, 1I1r. J. , )LR.C .... , L.r •. C.r . lIoLlges, Mr. William, :\LR,C.S. Godfr ey, 111'. A. C., M.n . (Jersey) Hofrmall, ~rr. A . H., L.n.c.p.E. Goode, Mr. A. , ~L R . C . S . Hogg. Mr. Waltcr D., ::'oLD . (Pari') Goouman, Mr. Godfrey, L.R.C. P. Holden, l\I1'. J. , . , )['D. Goollruan, 1\11'. T . H. , Jl1. P•. c ... . Holt, 1\[1'. H. M., M.lt.C.S. Gorham, 1\11'. J ames John , ::'oLD. Holtom, MI'. C. J., lI1.n.c.s. Grant , 1\11'. Ogilvie, )['B. Hood, illr. , M . ll. Gray, 1\11'. A. , l\L B. Hopkin, Mr. T . , :\I. D . Gray, Mr . \ V. 111. B., C. lII. U()segood, 1\[1'. S. P . , ~r. n. c . S., L. I:. e. P. Greath ead, Mr . J . B., M.B . , C. )[.,:\1.11.C.S . Howanl, .Mr. A. D., 1Il.l). (Sout h Africa) Howanl , Mr. Heatoll C., Jl1. R.C.S. , L.n. c. p. Greenwood , Mr. Alfred, )I.D. Howe, Mr. E. R, L. R.C.S. GreenlYood, fill'. T. P . , lILlt.C.S. Howie, 1\11'. Alexander, M.D. Greig, Major F . J . , r •. A.M, C. Hoy le, Mr. George, M.n. Greener, M r. 1\1. E ., 11£' B. Hudson, Mr. H. E . , 11[, D. Grenfell, 1\11'. \ V. F., JlLlt.C.S. Hugh es, Ir. D.Arthl1r, M.R. C. S., L.R.C.P. Grier, Maj or H ., R. A.JI.I .C. H ughes, 1\11'. H ugh L ew is, L. H. C.S. Gri ffin, Mr. I n n es, M. n..C. S., L., . A . H unt, Mr. R. , M. R, C. S, Griffith, Professor T. W ardrop, lIL D. H u nter, 1\11'. E. J. , L.R. C.P., Edin. Griffi th s, Mr . J oh n , :\1. H.C.S . , L. R. C, P, Hurry, Mr . J. B. , M. D. Gr iffith s, Mr. P. Rh ys, JlLH.C. S. H utcllinsoll, MI'. J. , M.D , Grimbl y , Mr. R H. , ~ [' R.C.S . H utton , Surgeon-Maj or G. A.

Examiners. E vatt, S urgeon- Major-Gencral G. J . II. Groom,


I'Anson Mr. W elby, lIr.n., C.M. L oveless, M I'. Walter K ., L. R.C. P., Ed in. I nnes Surgeon-Gcllcral Sir John Ker, L ow, 1\11'. Charles, lI1. B. (.r ew Zealand ) K.~. B . , F. lt.C.S. (Florence, Italy) L owe, Mr. G. J . R., :\I,R. C.S., L.n. c .p . Irving, Mr. , lILD. (New Zea land) L owe, JUl'. G. 1\1., M.D. Jackson, Mr. Allau, ::'oLD. L owe, fill'. \\' . G. , M.D . Jackson, fill'. C. , L.n. c. p. , Edil.i . L ow~on, 1\11'. George , :\1.n. Jackson, 1111'. E . ' ., )Ln., C,:\1. ?lIacal'tney, :JIr. R , L.ll.C.l'. , Edin. J ackson, Sir R W., O.il., F. R. C.S., I rc1. lIIacgilvray, :JIr. \Y . J. H., L.R.C. l'., Edin . J allanc1,.nIl'. W. Halllilton, F. R. C. S. 1\l aclmy , 11'.1. D . , :\l.B . J ennings, nil'. W111 . M ., :\I.ll.C.I:l. fIlae;Kay, 1\lr. W . M ., :\Ln. J oncs. MI'. Evan, :\1. D. Mackenzie, Mr. Thomas, lII. A . , 1II . D. Jones; Mr. Herbert, I,. It . C. ::;., I rel. :JIackness,1I11'. G., ::'oLD . Jones, Mr. Hugh, ~I.U . MacLeod, Mr. M. D . , L.ll. C. S., Edin . .Tones, 1111'. J . Al'llallL, L.n .C.I'. illacpherson, ?Il l'. A., ?l1.D . (Cape T own) Jone , Mr. J . Owen, L. ILC. :-;., & L.n . C.I'. :Jlacrobin, Lieut.-Col. Jone:;, :Mr. John R, L.l•. C.l'. :JIcRab, 111'. A. A., :\LD . Jone!;, :JIr. O. C. , )1.I.l., L. n.c.l'. :Jlahon, 1111'. G. A . D . , :\1.D. Joues, 1111'. '1'.0., LoU.C. P., ~Llt.C.S. Malcolm, iiII'. E., :\1.D. Jone::., ?Ill'. W . Blaek, )1.D. :Jlallill , :Major, R.A.~1.C . Jones, .?lIr. W . :JIakcig, 111. D. :\Ianley, :Ml'. J . H. H.,: :\LA. (Cantab. ), Jorul1n, .Jlr. F . \Y., ~l.J) . :\LB. , M.R, C.S . JO::icph,:.Jlr. Alan, L. J:.C.~. Mann, ~Ir . \Y. S., )LR. C.. ~eelc, ,lllr. J. H.nsh\\'ul'th, )1.n.c.s., L.ILC.I ·. ~lnllnt:l'S, :i\Ir. \Y. H ., :JI,B. Kelly, Lieut.-Col. R YUlllleleur, c.n., .Jlal'iel', Chas. G. D., L.R.C.S., I rel. F.lt.C. '. ( yUllCY)· .JIarch, Mr. H . C., : 'o LD. ~clly, Captain T. Gurdull, H. \.::'or. c. I )f ), ~1. D. .?lIarkhaJl1, :JIr. \V., :\1. D. (Adelaide) Keys, 'mgcoll C. "'., )1.1). ~lal'sh, :J[r. J . H., ::'oI.Il.C.S. , L. R.C .P. Kilkclly, Lieut.-Colonel C. R, C.:J1.G . ::\Ial'sb, .Jl1'.James J . , L.R. C.P.,L. R.C. '., It."\.~1.C. Edin . King, MI'. 'IV. H., )1.1>. Marshall llraeon-Major J. J. de Zouche, ~illlleal', ~Ir . \\TIll., ::'o~ . ll. L.R.~ .... , Irel., L.A. H. Dub. Knaggs, .JIr. H.. Lawlord, )1.D . ~Iart.ill, .Jlr. E. F., )1.D. ~llapp, ,'tall' ,'Ul'geOll M. H., :\1.n. ('. 8. , Martin, ilIr. J . 'V" )LD . L.ll.L'.l'., It._ nJassie, Mr. T ., lILB. ~no\\'le" ilil'. F. J., :\Ln. C.l> . Matthcws, ::\11'. S. P., :\1.R. C.S . , L.R. C.I'. Knox, .JII'. C. F., ~. D. . Matthews, Mr. T . G., :\LD. Lace, ~II' . J . 1.. L.n.c.l'., Etllll. Matthew, 1111'. Valentine. M, n.C .. Lambert, ~lr . F.'., )I.ll.C .... , L.n.C. l'. Maynanl, Mr. J. C. , :\I.R .C.S., M.R.C.P. McCarthy, Mr. Ju tin McCullum, Lap.age, :\[1'. C., ~!.I>. Latunel', ~Ir . II. A., :\LR.C.S., :JI,D. M. l1 .C. . Lamie, ~Il' . Ca::;par H.., )I.ll.C . '. , L. n.C.I' . McDonald, 1111'. J., M.A. , lILD. Lawson, Mr. Geo. , ::'oLD. McDonald, 1111'. J , :\I,A. , )LB. , C. lII. Leahy, Ml'. A . , ~I.lt c.s . McEwan, ~Ir. D . , :\1.D. Ledial'd, illl'. I I. A . , :\['D. McEwan, nI l'. ,\Y. 0 . , :\LB. Lee, nIl'. J . , )r.n.c.s. McFarland, Brigade-Surgeon F . E. Lees, Mr. William, ::'o!'R.C.S. McKellar, nIl'. A . 0 ., )LD . Leigh, nIl'. T . Dickillson, )LD. Me alty. Lieut. -Col. G. , c .n., :\I.D., Lennox, M1'. David, M.D. R.A.)I.C . Leslie, Mr. D . A . , :\['D. Mears, Mr. F. C., )LB" lILR. C.S. Leslie, M1'. R. W . , M.D. Mel ville, Mr . S. , :Jr.n.c .. , L. R. C. l', Letcher, Mr. H . H. , M . B . Mes iter, Mr, :JI. A. , lII.H . C. '. Lishman, Mr. R ., M. D. Metcalfe, 1\11'. R , ~I. D. Littlcwood, Mr. H .. F. ll.C.S . Middlemiss, Mr. G., ~r.D . Littlewoou,1\1r. J . 0., M.R. C.S. M ilburn, Mr. C. H . )I.B . Lloyd, Mr. E. J . , lI1.D. Mill, 1\11'. G. 8 . , 1ILD Lloyd, 1\11'. Jor dan, F. R.C.S. M iller, 1',11'. J. W. , lII.D. Lloyd, 1\11'. J . D ., lIf.D . Milligan, nl r. R. A . , lII.D. M itchell , 1\11'. E. , lILD. Locke, M I'. George, L.R. C.p., Edin. , JlLR.C.S. M iln e, 1\11'. Robert, III n . L ong, Mr . Fred, M. R.C.S. M odlin, Mr. 1. Gibson, lII. D., r.".A. Lorraine, Mr. R. B ., M. n . , C.lII. Moffat, Rev. Dr" M.D. T




St. John A rnbulunce As (jciation .

Pisani, Professor (~lalLa) l)ocl1i11, nil'. F. L., "l.B. Montague, Mr. A, J. H., M.D. Poolcy, Mr. E. B., L.n.c.s. Moore, Mr. F . F., M.D. Pooley, Ml'. R. (). Ma:;on, J.t'., L,n,c.S., Moore, Mr. H. C" ~L R. C. , Ire1. Moore, Mr. Milner, "CD. Porter, Mr. A. E., lIl.ll" B,l,), Moore, Hon. Brigade·Surgeon Sa.ndford Potter, .D1r. H. Percy, F .lt,C.~ Morgan, "Mr. E. W., M.D. (r , S. Wal es) Poulton, Mr. B" ;--1.1l. (Alklaulc) Morgan, .Mr. H. M., "Ln.,C, . Powell, ..\11'. H, .~., "I.B, Morgan, Mr. Llewellyn, lIf. 0 Powne, Le::>1ic, ~r.}l,C,,'. Morgan, Mr. ,V. L" M.A., "r.r.,C.S. Prance, Mr. Lt. 11., "LV. Pratt, ..\11'. J. Dallas, "l.V. Morris, Mr . S. G, M.D. Morris, 1\11'. T. H., "LB. Prcston, Dep , Inspect. GCll.i T. J, Morris, Oapt, IV. A" ~f.B., it.A.M.C. Price, Mr. Arthur, ~LR.C.R. Mortimer, :Mr. T . D. K, "C D , Purvcs, 1111'. A. L:ott, ~L n. ~Ioynihan, Mr. B. G. A., F.lt-C.S., "C B Hausoll, ilil'. ·W. E., ;11 It, C H. Myles, Major, }l,A.M.C. Raiclill'·Ltaylal'll, lllr. J., ~['D. . Nance, Mr. H, C" F,R.C .. , Eng, 1(a",n81e)" .lIajor G, '1'., 11.A,"1.C. Neilll , .Mr. J. E., "1.t), (McllJolll'lle) .Haywood, Mr. J. R. 1., ;lUL L'. , ., L.n, ' , 1'. Neilson, Ml'. H. J., M.D. Recd, Mr, Oash, ~1.J). N elson, Mr. Stanley, M.D. Reid, .\[r. Douglas A., ;lLD. N ewby, 1\11'. O. H" F.P.,C.S . Reid, .\11'. DUllcan J" 'l.B, N ewton, 1\11'. R. Clark, JlLR.C. H,eiu, ,;\It'. E(lgM, :\!.It.(,,~., L.n.C,p Nicholson, Brigade.Surgeon E. Rcill, Mr, T. \V., ;1[']), Norton, Mr. A. T., C,B., F.n.C. ·, Resignol, ;'[1'. A. Le, ;I['D. Norton, 1\11'. G. Everitt, M.R.n, ' Reynolds, Mr. H., ~Lll.(J .. ·. Nyssen, Mr. P . J. ue, ~LD. Rhys, Mr, W . L" ;11.1:,('.'. Oakley, Mr., M,D. Hice,1>l1'. W. Richardson, ~[.Jl. O'Connor, Mr. ,V, Moyle, "1.D" D.P.H. Riddell, ~Ir, J. Scott, )L.\.., )[.n. Odell, :Mr, IV., F,R,C.»., ~[,[). Rigby, "\11', IV, ()., M.ll., ll.1'.1I, O'Fanell, Mr. Ohal'le , I" R.C,P" L.R,C.;;, Rigden, illr. Bri,m, "['1:,C,S. Irel. Riley, Mr, J. W., L.I:,C.l', Oldham, :Ml'. H. F., ~l.D . Rollu, 1111', James B, K" :'Il.D. Oliver, Mr, C. Pye, M. D. Roberts, 1\[1'. Arlhnr, ;1[' D, Orton, Mr. John, M.D. Rohcrts, Mr. Grilliths J., L,R.C,p., E(lin. Osborn, MI'. Samuel, F ,R,C,S. Robert::>, ~Ir. II, Joncs, ~Lll.C.S , Owen, Mr. E., F. R,C,S. Roherts, Ml'. Lawtoll, ;lr. n. Owen, Mr. O. R. P., M,D. Roherts·Dudley, MI'. F. J. ~r.n,c.s . , Packer, Mr. W. H" "r.D. L,,',A. Page, Mr. H. M., "1.D. Rohertc;, MI'. R. J., )Ul. Page, M)', H. ,V., F.R.C.S. Robinson,1I1r. A. Henry, ;lr.D. Parker, Mr. H. G" L,P"C,P., F.R,C,S. Hobin, on, 1>11'. A, Hepworth, "L)l.C.S. Parry, Mr, J" A., M.D. Robin, on, nil'. E. L., ;I['D. (GuerDscy) Parsons, Mr. W. B., JlLR,C". Robinson, ,;\11'. II. S" M.l~.U,:-;. Partridge, Mr. , '., ,,1. B, Robinsoll, MI'. IV., )[. D. Partridge, Mr. T., Jl1.1'.. C.S. Roper, Mr. II, J" "LIt,C.". Rosignal, Mr. A. Le, ~[, n, Paterson, Mr., M,D. Patterson, Mr. G. de J " L.R,C.P., Round, ~Xr . John Cornwall, JlI.R.C.S . lILR.C.S. Howden, Mr. L. A " M,n. Pearson, Mr. C. Y. M.D, Russell, Mr. John, M.D. P endlebury, Mr. J . T., ~LR.C.S. Rutherford, II'. Henry, ~l.D. Pennell, ~h. II., lILD. Rllttle, Mr. R., M,D. Perry, Mr, 0 , 111., ~1.R.C,S" L,R.C.P. St. Leger, Mr. R. A., ~Ln., C.M. Peters, Mr. A. J. A" L.P.,C.P., L.R.C.,' . , Savory, Mr. H., JlLA. , M.B" B.C. Edin. Scales, 111'. M., L, R.C.S. , Irel. Phelps, Mr. Philip,lILR.C.S" L.n.c. p.,Edin, Scatliff, M1'. P. 1\1., M.R.C.S. Phillips, IVIr, C. H., M.R,C.S. Scofield, Mr. Harolu, M, B. Pickersgill, Mr. E. P., M.R.C,S" L,R,C.]'" Scott, Mr. R. J. H., M.D, Edin. Selby, Mr. E . W., M.D. Pilgrim, Mr, E. G., :;\I.B . , C.M, Sellers, Mr. R. Burdett, M.R.C.S . Pim, Mr. F . de Beeho, L.R,C.P.I. Sevestre, Mr. R., M.D. Moil', Mr. J. H" lILD.

Examiners. :Molloy, Mr. G. S., M.D.

!:ft. John Ambulance



Shaw, Mr, Jalllcs, JlJ.1>. Thomas, .Mr. D. Rees, M. B. Shelley, Mr. P . W. G. , "LD. Thomas, lllr.l:.D., L.H.. C.b., L.ll.C.l'., Edin. Examiners. Shelly, ~lr , O. E., M.D. Thomas, Mr. 'IV. E., L. U.C.p., Edin., Shives, 1111'. J., M.D. L,R.C.:>. ~holle, nil'. W. J., ~LR,C.S. Thomp~on, Mr. E. C., M . D . Shuttleworth, nil'. U. E., M.D . ThollllJson, 1llr. J. Henry, L.U.C.P., Irel. Siddall, Mr. J. H., M.D. Thompson, illr. J. Hilton, }1.n., M. S. Simpson, Mr. \\T. '., M . [(.C.s. Thow pson, .iIlr. 'Walter, F.R. C.S. Sillclair, Mt'. Robert, ;'Il. D . Thomson, Miss Emily C., ~1.11. C.)1., Edin. Skae, 1111'. Francis, ~LJ) . Thomson, Sir IV. (late), P. R. C. :>. , lrel. Skipworth, iIlt'. 11.,M.H. c.:>" L.R,c,p.,Irel. 'l'hOlllsoll, Mr. G., ~1.B. tHcman, Lieut.·Ooloucl, H.. B.. , L.S.A. TlJOD1 fiOll, Mr. Geo ., M.D. Smedd1e, Mr. R. W" :II. B. Thornhill, Brigade·Surgeon 111. (Guernsey) Smuh, 1111'. C., M.lt.C .. , Thurstield, Ml'. T . 'Y., M.D. SlIlith, Mr. C. J., "LIt,C." . Tiu(;olllbe, 1.11'. F. ., "l.ILC.S., L.R.C.P. Smith, Mr. G., ;'I1.D. Toud·\\rhite, 1111'. A. '1'., :l1.R.C.S., L.H. C P. SUllth, 1111'. H" ~l.D. Toli, ~Ir. J. T., :;\1.R.C.s., L,U.C.p. SlIlith, Mr. H . Hamlllond, M.R.C.S. Treharne, 1111. J . L" M.R.C.S . STllith, Mr. J. \\T., )1.B. Trimble, .illr. C. J ., c.)f.G., L.R.C.P. Tritioll, Mr. ,V. P., M.R.C.S. (Natal) Smith, Ml. iliontgolll('ry, )I.lJ. Slllith, PI'Ort'::>o;Ol' W. R, )1.». Troit, .filr. DucUey, )1.D. (Berilluua) ::lucll, ~1t'. 'y(llley H., ;\l.lJ. Tunstall, 1\11'. A. C., )1. D. Sontar, ~11'. 0, H., )1.13. (Au>;tralia). 'rumer, Surgeon·Major Spencer, Mr. \\T, IIcIll'Y, )J.)). TUlner, Dep, IllSpr. ·Gen. Robert R.N. Sproulle, ilIt'. J. W., L. n.C,!'., Ire1., 'l'mner, Mr. ,V., "1.D, (Gibraltar)' L,ll.C.:>., Ediu. Tuxford, :1lr. R., j\1.R.C,::;., L,R.C.P. Sllnallce, Mr. T. Coke, "LD. Tyrrell, Ml'. ,Yalter, M.R.C.IS. '(lnare, Mr. ,\\~. II., L.ll-C.I'., Ec1in., 'l:.r~Oll, ~lr. ·W. J . , j\1.D. (Umzinto) L.ll.C .. , Edlll. \ cltch, 1111'. W. G., L.R.C. P., Edin . S'luire, Mr. J . .1£., )LD. Yemon, 1>11'. A. Heygate, F.RC .. ~talkel', 1111'. A. ~I., ;l1.l>. '\:~rnoll, 1\h. W., ~LR.C.s., L.ILC. P., Edin. Stal1ton, 1.11'. L.U,C.I'. \llles, Mr. O. ., "l.R.C.S" L,R.C.P, Stedman, Mr. 11., L.n.C,I'. ,ores, Mr. Arthur, M.H. C.. Steel, nIl'. W. D., ~LD, 'Wade, 1\11'. A. B., M.D . Steele, ~Iajor W. 11., l!,A.~Ll'. W ade, 1\11'. C. H" L.R. C.P., :1l,R.C.S. Steet, 1\11'. C. Carrick, F.R,C.;;. IValdo, Mr. F. J., M.D. Ste\'cllson, 1111'. J. R. ,\Talker, 1\11'. James, ;'I1.R.C.S. Stevenson, Lieut.·Ool., H.M. '. \\Tallace, Mr. Thomas, ~l.D. St~w.art, 1\11'. DUllcan, ~1.D. Walli', Mr. E. D., j)1.D. StlJ'hng, ~lr. D. n., ~I.D. vYalpole·Simmons, lIll'. E., ~l.D, Stoker, :Ill'. George, ',~I.() " j)l.D. ,\Yaru, J\Ir. J . L. 'V., :;\LD. Stoker, Mr. ,I'. Thomley, C,M G ,,'~LD. ,Yard, 1.11'. J . P . . , ~LH.C.S . ~tothard, Mr. Jalll,efl, M.lt,C.H. 'Ward, Mr. 1\1., M.D. Stre~ton, 1\[1'. J. LlOnel, "Ll~.C.~ . ,Yard, 1\11'. M. C., "LD. Surnclge, 1111'. P. F., 1,.H.C,P. , Ellin. IYaters, fill'. J . L., "Ln . Stl1rl'ot:lc, 1111'. J. F., JlLn., C,M:. Watson, M1'. John, M.D. Sutherland, :nIl'. J. A. , "Ln, W eaver, 1\11'. 'V. G" M.R.C.S. SuttOIl, 1111'. A. 1\1., M,D. Webh, Ml'. J. E., M.n. Swann, 1111'. A~, M,R,C.f;. ,Vebb, 1I1ajol' W. Wilfred, M.D., I.M.S. SW~Yl1e, Mr. ]. G., 1\[, D. ,V cmyss, Mr., ;'If. D. S\~lllhoe, 1111'. G, R., M.R.C.S., L,U.C.P. ,Yestcott, Lt.·Colonel Sinclair, C.i\LG. , Spnes, 1\11'. E. IVest, M.D. U. A.M.C. 'rayler, Mr. ]!'. T., JlLIt.C. '. ,Y(;'stmacott, Mr. F. H ., F.R.C . . Taylor, 1>Ir. L. A.,.JlI.H.C.. Whitby, 1\1iss L. L.R. C. P., Edin. faylor, Mr. S. Rohlnson, ]\[.D., F.It,C.:>. , Yhite, 1\11'. C. H., JlLR.C .. aylor. 1\11'. Tom ~., M.D. , Vhite, 1111'. Henry, M.D. fay lor, Surgeon.Lleut. ·Col. ' Villiam, M.D. Whitehead , :nIajor H. R., F.R.C.S. , R.A.M.C. Templeman, 1\Ir. Charles, M.B. Whyte, Mr. J. Mackie, M.D. Tf tley , Mr. F. IIarrison, L.R, c ,r . , Edin. Wild, .Mr, H. S., M.R.C.S. lomas, Mr. A. Garroel, lIf . D. ,\Vilkinson, M1'. J. B., 111. D. T'Ihomas, Mr., M . D. (New Zeala])d) Willin,ms 1\11' "r R C S '10 1\'" D ' " ." . . . • l mas,J.r. . E., M.D. ,\Villiams, Mr. E. R., M.R.C .. , L.R.C.P.


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lobn Rmbulance Bssociation BEING THE


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U'be <Srant> ]prior}? of tbe ®rt>er of tfJe 1bospitn[ of St. 50bn of 5erusalem in JEnglant>. ~patron



(Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order). l~rrslllrnt



(Grand Prior of the Order). Director of the Ambulance Department. and Chairman of Committee: TIm l\1osT Hox. TLIE nl.\.HQUESS OF BREADALBANI~, K.G. Deputy Chairman : Assistant Director and Deputy Chairman : Sl It J OlTN FURLEY, O. B., (Life Member of th e Committee, IIon oris LmUT.-OOLONEL Sm RIOIIARD TEMPLE, BT., O.I.E. Accountant and Storekeeper : Chief Secretary : '\YILLIAl\I R. EDWARDS, E~Q., A.O.A.. OOLONEL Sm HERBERT O. PERROTT, BT., O. B.

* Annual

Subscription or Donation.



I herewith enclose £

" to the St. John Ambulance Association, being exclusive of ent'l'a'nce fees (if any) fOT adm,ission to classes either preliminary or advancecZ.

tir~~~.S?I ~~.~~~ or

II Miss."

Usual Signature (t


Date___________________________________________________ Permanent Address.________


NOTE.-Life Members and Annual Subscribers of One Guinea (and upwards) are of the Annual Report of the St. John Ambulance Association.


to receive (post paid) a copy

St. John A ?n7)u,lance A ssocicttion.

St. John









dJohn J\mbnlanct


I give and bequeath to the

Central Executive

Committee for the time being of the St. John Ambulance Association the sum of £ ________________ to be applied, at the discretion of the Central Executive 'Committee of the said Association, towards the philanthropic objects of such Association, and I direct that the said sum shall be paid, free of legacy duty, out of such part of my personal estate as may be legally bequeathed for charitable purposes.

following is a Nominal Roll of the Towns and Districts where" Centres" have been formed since the St. John Ambulance A . ociation wa established in 1877. The names and addresses of the Local Executive Officers can be obtained on application to the Chief Secretary, t. John' Gate, Clerkenwell, London , E.C.


:MetropolitanF01'7necl No.1 District (Ken 'ington, outh Kensington, Brompton, & N otting Hill, &c.) ] 878 No.2 District (City anJ Port of London, inclnJing Bloomsbury, and East London) 1880 No. 3 District ( t. James's, Whitehall, Mayfair, Hyde Park, S. W.) 1879 No.4 Di trict (Belgravia and Chelsea) 1878 ~ o. 6 District (Hammersmith, Chiswick and Fulham) 1890 o. 7 District (North-East London, Clapton, etc., now included in No. II.) 1880 No.8 Di trict (Putney, WanJsworth auti neighbourhood) 1881 No.9 Distri ct (Kilburn, and North- West London, etc.) 1881 "if o. 10 District (Brixton, Kennington, Balham, Streatham, Clapham and neighbourhood) 1882 No. 11 District ( outhwark and neighbourhood) _ 1882 No. 12 District (Harlesden). _ _ 1896 Polytechnic (309, Regent Street) 1895 HospitaJ aturday FllnJ (54, Gray's Inn Road). 1892 Willesden Green and Crickelwood _ 1890 Aberdare - FVi'mccl 1881 Bearpark Colliery 1880 Accrington 1 84 Bedford 1880 AILlershot 1890 Beighton 1881 Aldershot Camp 1895 Belfast 1886 Alfreton 1881 Belgravia 1898 Ambleside {"Westmoreland) 1880 Berwick -upon· Tweed 1881 A bford (Kent) _ _ 1878 Bexhill 1883 Ashton-under-Lyne 1894 Bingley 1883 A therstoue _ 18 5 Birchwood (Colliery) 1878 Aylesbury 1 3 Birkbeck 1901 . Babbington 1 78 Birkdale (Lanca hU'e) 1882 Backworth Colliery 18 4 Birkenhead 1888 Banbury 1893 Birmingham 1880 Bangor 1885 Birmingham (Erdington Branch) 1880 Barnsley 1879 Blackburn 1895 Barrow-in-Furness 1882 Blackheath 1878 Ba ingstoke 1882 Blackpool 1882 _ Bath 1900 Blackwell Colliery 1880 Battle (Sussex) _ 1 1 Blandford 1882


St. John A?nbulance Association.

Boouor Bolton and District Bournemouth Bradford Bridport Brierfield Brighou e Brighton and Hove Bristol and Olifton Burnley (L ancashire) Bmton-on-Trent Buxton Oambrian Railways Oannock Oha e Ooalfield (late Brownhills) Oanterbury Oardiff Oardiff Railway Oompany Carlisle Oarshalton Oastle Eden Chard Oharlton Ohatham and Distriot Oheltenham Oheshire Lines Oommittee Ohester Ohesterfield Ohislehurst Olay Oross Oleatol' District Olea tor Moor Oolchester Oolne Oork Ooventry Ooventry (Bedworth Branch) Ooventry (Wyken Branch) Oumberland Mines and Quarries Oranbrook Oroydon Dalton-in-Furness Darlaston Darlington Deeside Derby Dover Dublin Dudley D ukinfield Dumfries N.B. Dundee Durham Eastbourne East Grinstead Ebbw Vale Eckington Edmonton Eton College Exeter Farnham Faversham

1885 1 93 1880 1887 1883 1 95 1882 1890 1880 1883 1879 1889 1898 1883 1878 1889 1899 1 81 1882 1889 1884 1 82 1892 18 0 1904 1881 1878 187


1886 188 1879 1890 1883 1882 1882 1882 1895 1882 1879 1879 1888 1880 1892 1886 1881 1881 1893 1893 1885 1884 1880 1883 1884 1883 1890 1879 1879 1878 1882 1883

Festiniog Fleetwood Folkestone Forest of Dea,n Frome Furne Railw'1,y Gloucester Glouce·ter hire Oounty Oouncil Gosport, Al\'erstoke, and Fareham Granby Gra.vesend Great Eastern Railway Gren.t onthem and Western Railway of Ireland Great'Vo tem RailwfLY Greenwich Grim by Guem.ey Halifax Hand worth Harrogate Hartlepool H astin u ;; and t . L eonard's Ha\'ant HawkeHhead Hea\-y 'Voollen Di trict Hebden Bridge . Hereford Hertford Heywood (Manchester) Holyhead Hucldel'sfield Hull Ilkeston Ipswich Isle of Man I sle of Purbeck I. Ie of Wight Janow Jersey Kmghley Kendal Keswick Kettering Kidderminster Kiveton Park Oolliery L ancashire and neighbouring Oounties Federation P. . A .. Societies L ancashire and Yorkshire Railway L ancaster L eamington (Warwickshire) L eeds Leicester L ewes Licbfield Lilleshall Oollieries Donningtc,n Branch (Lilleshall Oollieries) L incoln Liverpool Llanberis

St. John Ambulance Association. 1883 1882 1881 1886 1886 1900 1881 1899 1899 1899 1


1896 1 1

1 1

1 2 1


1895 1881 1

1 18 0 1 86 18 1

18 3 1 1

7 0

1883 1


1887 1 81 1 88 1888 1880 1885 1883 1885 1888 1884 1883 1880 1884 1893 1881 1879 1898 1897 1881 1881 1878 1880 1884 1883 1881 1881 1893 1880 1885

Llandudno L ondon and N orth Western Railway London and South \Vestern R ailway Loughborough L outh (Lincolnshire) Lymington Lytham Maidstone Malvern Manchester Margate Marlow Marske-by-the- 'ea Melksham Metropolitan Railway ~Ierthyr-Tydvil Mexborough J\Iiddlesbrollgh and Oleyeland (including tockton Branch Midland and Great J orthern Railwa.ys Joint Oommittee Mill om Milton

]883 1897 1 99

1 91 1 90

1884 1884 1878 1878 1880 1878 1 81 1 2 1889 1904 18 2 1890 1881


Moun tain Ash Nelson Newark-on -Trenn N ewca tle- upon -Tyne North Bucks North hields North Wales Oollieries Ffrwd Oolliery Branch, N. 'Vales, Oolliery Northampton North Brierley North Eastern Railway Northfleet Norwie1J Norwood and ydenham Nottingham Nuneaton Oldham Oldhill Ormskirk Otley Oundle Oxford Oxford Military Oollege Padiham Parkgate Penbryn Quarries Pm'shore Perth Peterborough Pilsley Plymouth Polesworth Polmont, N.B. Polytechnic Pontypool and District

1 3 1


1 89 1 95

1 93 18 6 1 92 1 84 1883



1891 18 6 1888 1895 1879 1 79 1 90 1 5 1 1

9 8 18 2

1893 1881 1882 1 83 1 84 1895 1 92

18 1

Portsmouth Portsmouth (Gosport, Forton and Alverstoke) Port Talbot Potteries (N ow North tafford hire) Preston Ramsgate Reading Reigate Richmond ( 'urrey) Riddings Oolliery Ripley Rochdale Rotherham Ro s (Herefordshire) Roya.l :Military Oollege ( andhul'"t) Rugeley Rye 'to Anne's-on-. ea t. Helens (Lanca hire) t. Mary Oray (Kent) Raddleworth andgate 'andwich • eaton Oarew eyenoak heerne

1 1 1 1



hetland hipley hoeburyne s brewsbury ittingbourne and :Milton Skipton-in-Oraven lough metbwick Southampton Southam 'outbport outh melds owerby Bridge tafford talybridge taveley tockport tOlll'bridge treatham underland Surbiton utton Ooalfield wansen. S'winton ydenham Tamworth Taunton Tibshelf TOllbridge Tunbridge Well~ Twickenham Ulverston Uttoxeter

96 91 1


18 9 1


1893 1 79 1 2 1878 1 91 18 6 1


1 0 1


1 83 1 4.

1 1

4 4



1 94




1 1 1 1 1

10 2 1900 1" 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1


St. John Am,bulance Associatio?L N ew Zealand, Inyercargill Nel.on Tew Plymouth \Yellington , YEST I T DIE~. a au (Bahamas) Branch t. Kitt' (L eeward Islands) Branch Trinidad (Port of pain) Branch

' Yak efield Waltham Abbey arrington ' Yaterford " Tath-upon-D earne ' Yednesbury ' Vellingborough W ellington (Salop) est Hartlepool " Telwyn West Bromwich ,Veston-Super-Mare eybridge Weymouth Whitchurch (Salop) Vlhitehaven " rigan Willington Quay and ' Yall end ' Vimbledon ' Vimborne " rindso!' ' Vinsford W orks"w orth ' Y 01 verhampton ' Volverton ' Vombwell ' Yoodford " ToolVl'ich Worcesfer ' Vokington \Yorthin a York 0




1 91 1 91

IPOJ 1 .1 1 1 r 1

1 1 91 L fl3 li:.!) 1

1 !H



B ermuda Borneo (Sandakan) Canadian Ceylon Gibraltar Halifax (Nova Scotia) Hong Kong Malta Singapore (Straits Settlements) Vancouyer (British Columbia)



1881 1899 1890 18 9 1 3 1892


New Zealand, Auckland Christchurch Dunedin



British Bechuanaland (Yl'yburg") Cape Town Ea t London and Border, Reorgani,.;ed Graham' Town Heidelberg Kimberley King \Yilliarl1's Town Ditto. Queen's Town Branch Malme. bury 1\Ia8ern Iatn,beleland (Buluwayo) Mos. ell Bay Or'ange River Colony (Bloemfontein) R eorgani eel Oudtshoorn Paarl Port Elizabeth Riyer dale Rohert. "on .. tell en bosch Transyaal (JohannesbUl'!.4) Ol'ces tel' -


Adelaide, South Australia (Branches-Port Adelaide, Glenelg, Mount Barker, Gawler) Brisbane Sydney, N. S. Wales Tasmania (L aunceston) Victoria \ Vest Australian


1892 1885 1891

Baluchi. tan Bn,ngn,lore Baroda tate Bengal Born! n,y Bombay and Baroda Rail\\',~y Burma Calcutta Central Pro\'inces ,Jabalpur Madras Mysore The Iizam's State Punju.h Quettl1 , ilchar ind united Province of Agm and Oudh

1904 1


]901 1901 1 3 1904 1901 1901 1903 1903 1901 1901 190-:1: 1901 1901 1904 1903 1904:


Argentine Formosa ,Jerusalem Paris Riviera (O:\nnes)

1897 18 9 1885 1889 1883


St, J ohn A ?nbulance Associati on,



St. 3-ohn Bmbulance Bssoctation. LOCAL REPORTS. No.1 DISTRICT.-METROPOLITAN.

( Kensington, etc.) Lifc lUClUb cl' . •

Miss Braby, Lady Hargreaves Brown, Miss Burnett, Miss Craven, Mrs. B. L, Cohen, Colonel J . C. Dalton, n.A., General ir E. G. Fanshawe, G. C.B., Lady Fowler, Miss A. t . John Gray, Colonel ir James Gildea, C.Y . O., C.B. The Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Peterborongh, Mrs. F. 'Y. Harri , Miss H umphreys, Mrs. Lean, Lady Montagu, Miss B. Louisa Parker, Miss Mary L. Parker, Mrs. Streatfeild, The Dowager Lady TrelawllY, Lady Trevelyan, Miss ,Veld, Miss Wilson, H on. Henrietta Windsor-Clive, Mrs. Anthony Wingfield.


(City and Port of London). Pl'cSi(lc nt.

Field Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn,

K.G .

Lifc r.I c mbcl's .

The Corporation of the City of London, The Cutlers' Company, The Fishmongers' Company, The Goldsmiths' Company, The Grocers' Company, The Haberdashers' Oompany, The Mercers' Oompany, The Merchant Taylors' Oompany, The Skinners' Oompany, T he Surrey Commercial Docks Company, Edward L. Barnard, Oonrad Bergman, The Baroness Burdett-Ooutts, Col. O. "Wyndham Murray, C. B., M.P., Oolonel ir Anbone G. Fife, Major-General Bryan Milman, c. B., J . and R . Morley, John Morley, Edwin Freshfield, LL.D., F . S.A., Ernest L. Olive, Edward Howley Palmer, ~rescott and 00. (Bankers), Ex-Sheriff Waterlow, Edward Webb (British and ForeIgn Wharf), Miss Ford (Highgate).


(St. James's, Whitehall, lYlayfair, II.rz;de Pa1'!c) P<Lddington, Bayswate1', N otting Hill, Regent's Pa1'lc, Regent St1'eet, Oxforcl Street, etc.) PI'C.


n. H.


Princess Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg.



St. J ohn A 1nb1iJlance Association.

St. John A 1nbulance Association. Lifc lUcmbCI' •

Ucclical Staff.

?he March~oness of ,Bath, Lady E. Browne, W. L. Blll'dett-Coutts, P. L. Chiosso, '"'.' Coates, SIr Fredenck F: L. Cook, Bart., Countess Cowper, Col. Sir Aubone G. FIfo, The Countess GranvIlle, L. Vernon llarconrt, Mrs. Quintin Hogg, The Countes~ o~ Ilchester, James Jac~son, :E. Kelso, Col. E. H. Kennard, Miss King mill, T~ e MaIChI?neSS of Lansdowne, Her Grace the Duchess of Lced s, Miss Francis Martin, MISS A. MIles, Samuel Morley, Col. .C. Wyndbam Murray, CB., M. P., Mr. . C. Wyndham Murray, The Lord Heay, 1\11SS A. de Rothschild, Mrs. Leopold ahnonR, Al bert, S~ncleman, Fleetwood Sandeman, A. L. avory, The Countess of efton, H. J. rntton, Clarence Watson, Mr. Cuthbert Wills.

R. Olegg, :1..R. C.S., L . ~.C. P . , M. J. Fox, F.R.C.S . , L.R.C.P. , T. Frankish, M.B., C.M., B. SC., WIlham GeddlC, M. D., A. Greenhalgh, :M.R.C. S., L.R.C.P., Lond., A. Y. Greenwood, M. B. , C. ?>!., T. E. Nuttall, M.B., C. M. , R. Ruttle, L.R. C.S., L.R.C . P., H. 'W orsley, ~I.B., C.~I.


(Balham, Battersea, BJ'ixton, Claphwn, l(en7~ington, Lambeth, Tootin.q, and neighbourhood.) Prcsidcnt.

fl. R. H. the Princess Frederica, Barone s von Pawel Ramlllingen. Honorary SCCI'CC31'Y :lJ1cl l'J'ca , Ul·er. William H. Morgan, 39, Alderbrook Road Balham Hill, Lond on,

. W.

JUc{licnl St:l1T.

John Brown,

L.R.C.S., L . R.C.P.,

I re1., L.

J. '. Clayton,

)1. D., F.R.C . . ·., Ell.,

ANN"UAL REPORT. The ambulance year under review has b en one of considerable interest in this district in the fact that a magnificent new drill hall for the Accrington corps of .the St . .John Ambulance BriO'ade was au piciouslyopened on June 11th, 1904, by MaJorGeneral Baden-Powell, C~B. The Centre also finds a home in the new building. A big bazaar is arranged to be held from November 9th to the 14th to clear off the debt on the premises which, with furnishing, will be not far short of £3,000, a~d from general appearance the aim will be realized. 91a. ses were held as usua! durmg ~he winter months, anel the intere t of the public m the work generally IS well mam tained. ince the ri. e of the ambulance movement in this district the progress has been mo. t &'ttisfactory. and with the more favourable surroundings now enjoyed increa ed intcl'e.-t i anticipated. . ,'ince the n.bo\-e report wa compiled the bazaar has been held, and was. qUlte sue 'esful, over £:2,000 being clem'ed, to which can be added some £900 contnbuted direct to the building fund. The Drill Hall is thus free from debt.

Slatem,ent of Receipts aiul EGpenclitltl'e fo1' the yea,· ending Septembei' 30th, 1904. Receipts. Expenclitm'e. To Amount brought forward fro111 last account . £56 8 5 ,. 'nbscl'iptiol1fl & donations 201 13 2~ " 'tores sold 9)1(1 Class Fees 6 3 6 " Bank interest 0 17 10

. l\lcManus, ~r.D .

ANNUAL REPORT. Nine classes, viz., 6 first aid for men, 2 first aid for women and 1 nm ing for women have been held during the past year with satisfactory resuits. Sta~ement of Receipts and E xpenditnre for the yeai' ending 30th Scptemoe1', 190-1.



To Balance from] 903 • £31 " Class Fees and Sale of Stores. 25

5 10 9

By Storer, Examiners' Fees, and I ncidental Expenses . . " Stationer~, Postage, and Petty Expenses . . , Balance .

£56 14 11 ' VILLIAM


£205 £21 17 11 1 15 2 33 1 10 £56 14 11


lIon. SeC1'eta1'y ancl T?'IJaSu1·e1·.

Rev. E. Greensill,


TI·ca. lll'CI' lllul Hon. Sccrctary. "Lifc

0 0 5 8~

2 ll~

.·rcsi(lcnt aIul ('bail·wan.

Tl'ca lIrcr.

W. T. Robertson.

A. J. Andrews, Capital and Counties Bank, Aldershot.

Joseph Ogden, Bu 11 Bridge, Accrington. ~ICll1bcl's.

Mrs. ':"hittaker, Miss ~hittaker, Miss Grace Whittaker, :Miss Janie Whittaker, F. F. Gt~fton, C. J. WhIttaker, L. Whittaker, H. H. Bolton. A. E. Ball representmg Howard ~nd Bu~lough, Ltd. J ohn Riley, representinO' the Accringto~ d,nd Church Co-operatIve SocIety, Ltd. 0 T




H. H Bolton.




Ron.-The Building Fund Account and Bazaar Account is treated separately, and will be. hown in report for 1904-5. J. OGDEN, Ho no1'a1'y SeCi'eta1'y cmcl T't'eaSl~Ter . Vouchers examined and found correct, THO~IA. PILKINGTON, } HAd't s J A?>IE DEAN, on. u ~ 01' • (P assed) EDWARD GREENSILL, Ohai1'man.



By tores and Class Fees. £54 8 "tationery, Printing, and Advertising 9 19 "Grant to Accrington Corps t.J.A.B. . 150 0 " Collector's Commission per T. troyan . 10 0 "Postage and undry Incidental Expenses . 4 17 " Balance 35 17

1I0nOl'al'y Sccl·ctarics.

C. Budd.

T . Coles, Aldel'shot Institute. ;Uc(lical Staff.

Miss 1\1. Giles.


W. B. Barclay, L.R.C. P., L.I'.. C.S., D.P.H., J. H. Gibson, L . R.C. P . , M.R.C.S., Moyle O'Connor, ~I.A., M.D., C. E. Paterson, M.D., F. troyan, L . R . C.P.L., M.R.C.S.


St. John Ambulance Association. ANNU AL


During the year two first aid classes have been held in connection with the Centre, 24 women and 28 men attended the lectures i there were 45 candidates for the examination which took place in March, anu 15 women and 21.men sab fied the examiner and aained certificates. Much userul work has been carned on by members both in renderYng first aid and removing sick patient~ to t1~e A]~ler hot, Guildf~rcl, and London hospitals, the work was done to the entIre satJsfactlOll of the medical staff. The Committee desire to record their best thanks for the ready help they have received from the medical staff.

Statement of Receipts ctnd E.-epcnclitZl?·e /01' the yea?' ending SejJtembei' 30th, 1904. R eceipts. E'~'Penclitlli'e. To Balance at Bank £29 1 4 By Examiners'Fee alld<lonation In hands of ecretary 3 2 5 to Central Fund . £3 8 " Annual Subs. and don . 7 10 6 Material for CIa ' e , (l.an Police Grant 1 5 0 dages, &c.) 15 CIa s F e e s . 3 6 0 Medallions 1 5 2 10 " Sale of books, bandages, &c. :2 7 7 Hire ofHoom. . Medallions 0 13 0 "Printing, Ath'orti ing, 2 1 " Removal of patient to and tationory . 0 12 9 "Po. tage , &c. o 10 Guy's Hospital o 3 I nsurance . RClllo\-al of Patient to o 12 Gny's Hospital . "Hejlairs to Ambulance enclosllre 6 34 6 " Balance at Bank o 16 " In hands of ecretary £48 15





his course of instruction in first aid. It is to be sincerely hoped that the finances. of the ensuing year will sh~w a considerable increase, in order to be able to cope WIth the contemplated expendIture.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditu?'e, 1903-1904 . ReceilJts. To Balance iN. Bank Cash in hand Sale of 1I1edallions Entrance fe es . Sale of books & bandages ubscriptions

5 0 0

£15 15

E xpenditu·re. £0 1 0 By BadgeH 042 " Stamps 390 " Medallions 100 " Rent of Gymnasium 060 'York in Station " Printing & Advertisements 1 19 10 060 " Petty Expenditure " H ead-quarters for Stores, &c.3 11 10 4 17 8 Balance in Bank £15 15


6 6 0


9 6 2 9


BABBINGTON. Presldcnt.

Charles H.



CCI'etnl'), ("' omen'

J. C. Dunn, H. J. Neilson,

C. D.


TI·ca SlIl'(,l'.

John Ureery.

W. F. B. Jemmett, Th e Bank, Ashford.


Jlonol'Ul'Y Secret ary.

( '}Il .



i tant SecI'etary (Women's (,'Ja ses).

Mrs. J. T. Walters, Cinder Hill, N ottingham.

lUcdical StnO'.


F. E.

J. T. Walters, Babbington Oollieries, Nottingham. Mrs. G. Fowler, Basford Hall, Nottingham.


Trcas urel'.

G. FowleI', :or. r. c. E.

M. P.


L.R.C.P . ,

Edin., D.1\1. Forbes,





H. Hill,

l'tf.B., C.M.,


The classes are well attended and retain their popularity i 411 cases of inj ury have been reported and dealt with by ambnlance men during the current year.

llonol':ll'Y SccI·clat·y.

H. Poulton, 27, Hardinge Hoad, Ashford. lUc(lical Stnff.

W. H. Coke, i\l.U. C. P. Lond., M.R.C.S . , E. G. Colville, F.R . C. S., C. Vernon, L. Re.p. Lond . , D.P.B . , Camb., G. V\Tilks, 1I1.B ., M.R . C.S., L.S.A.


Ghainncm. ' 1,'. F. B. JEM;\[ETT, T?·eaSU1'e1·.



I~l'c .

£0 10 1 4 14 11 390 140 o 19 0 4 18 6


H Oi!. Secretory. Examined and entries agreed with vouchers and found correct. NO'l:embc1' 5th, 1904, G. II. Ru:ornALL.

Sir John FlU'ley,


St. John Ambulance A ssociation.


ANNUAL REPORT. The last year shows a steady increase in the work of the Centre. There has been a course of lectures under Dr. Wilks, and as a result 9 passed the first examination and 5 the second. Much good work has been done and many removals, including three from long distances, h ave been successfully undertak en. The Brigade has been on duty at several places, including the Installation of the Lord V\Tarden at Dovel', and at Canterbury during the cricket week. A pleasant incident of the year was the presentation to Dr. Wilks of a handsome rug by those men who recently attended

Statement of Receipts and E.1'1Jenclitu?·e, 1903 to 1904. Receipts. E'J.'Penditu?·e. To Sale of Books, £2 13 0 By Bandages Bandages 1 13 0 Books. " Medallion 4 6 3 Medallions " Donation from the BabLecturers' fees bington Coal Co. 21 13 3 "Examiner's fees, etc. £30




2 0 11 0 9 9



£30 GEO. FOWLER, Ghai?'?nan, FRANK E. SEELY, T?'eas~t..,'e?' . J. T. 'V ALTERS , HO?b. Sec?'eta?'y.



o o o o 6

St. John

St. John Ambulwnce A sociation.


Trea orcr.



Thomas Webster, 241, High Street, Bangor.

C. B.

Hon. SCC1·etary.

I vor Davies, 125, High Street, Bangor. Uedical Stair.

Richard Jones, L.R . C.P., M.R. C. S., Rowland Jones, M.D., Oorbet YV. Owen, M. B., E. O. Price, M.D.

M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.,

E. J. Lloyd,

ANNUAL REPORT. Owing to the absence of the former hon. Secretary, and the fact that we had no chairman, the classes of the above Centre have not been continuously held since their formation in 18!j5. This year they ,yere re-organized by our energetic treasurer, who has been invaluable to us since its formation. 0 far we have only two classes, the police and postmen, and the Volunteer class, the lecturcr for th e former being Dr. E. O. Price, and for the latter Dr. Corbet W. Owen. Twenty-seven members presented themselves for examination, 21 for their first examination, 3 for their second, and 3 for their final, all of whom satisfied the examiner. We hope during the coming winter to form other classes in addition to the above. Stcttement of Receipts and ExpenditlLTeJor the yea?' ending September 30th, 1904. E.;:pendit w·c. Receipts. To Balance at Bank £7 14 10 By Postage, etc. £0 5 2 5 6 Miscellaneous . o 4 " Fees 2 17 0 tationery and Printing o 14 " Stores Stores . 3 15 " Examination Expenses o 10 " Exa.minel"s Fees 1 6 Balance. 6 2

£12 17


£12 17

Statem,ent of Receipts and EJ:pendituI'e, 1903-4. Receipts. Expenditu1·e. To Balance from last Accoun t £1 9 5 By Service Football Field 0 0 7 " Public Distribution " Bank I nterest. of " Annual Subscriptions and Certificates and demonDonations 9 19 0 stration 14 2 4 " Expenses of Classes " Net proceeds of Concert " Printing, Stationery and General Expenses Balance. .

25 11



JalllU1.1'Y 16th, 1904.

0 0 3


Honorary Secrctary.

Thomas Leary, 10, Keith Street, Barrow-in-Furness.

The Archdeacon of Furness. Mc(lical StnO'.

Allan Rutherford,

M. B., C. M.,

Edin .

A I NUAL REPORT. . Progl:ess the. Centre well marked. Commencing in 1880 has gradually gained 111 pnblIc esttmatlOn. In the large manufacturing works many workmen (hundreds annually) meet with bodily injury, and instantly attended to by ambulance men (fellow employees). Ambulance men also attend the Barrow Football Club matches meeting with numbers of accidents. Distribution of certificates and medallions in the Town H all is an annual public ceremony, the Mayor and Mayoress being present combined with an exhibition of first aid and nursing exercises. The current year's l~ctures and classes resulted in the following coming up for examination : first aid 27 men 12




o 16

6 0


}A d'tt01·S. U


UOllOrlll'Y Secretary.



prawson, 5a, Bridge Street, Bath.

Lifc IUcm"b c r ...

3 3

Trcaslu'er. D.L.

0 4


E. A. Bagshawe,



Chas, Coates,


lUe<lical StaO'.

L. Beath,

M.n.C . . , L.n.c.p., G. E. EIlts, M.R.C.S., L.n.c.p., :\I.D" Brux., A. L. M.R.C.S., J. ,Yigmorc, M.D.


Edward "\Vadham,

1 2 2 18

General ir John McQueen,

C. B., :\L P.

Colonel H. F. Clutterbuck, Olu Bank, Bath.

1 6



BATH. Colonel C. "\Yyndham MUl'l'ay,


£6 13

25 11

Auditcu flnd found correct, W. BE ox, THO~IA, LEE, J nr.

l>l' c~j d c llt.

Tno . H. MAR~HALL, Ohctirman. Tho~IA , "\VEB,'TER, T1·casw·u . Iv OR DAVIE" Han. Secretary.

Prcs hlcnt.



women; nursing, 18 women. There are eligible for re-examination 24 men, 14 women, first year, '27 men, 18 women, second year. The ambulance classes of Messrs. Vickers, Son, and Maxim keep highly efficient, and at Vickerstown in the Barrow Centre is a men's class kept up by the I sle of Walney Estate (lo.

BANGOR. Col. Thos. H.


Bloxam, M,R.C.S. , L.R.C.P" 'Y. Mc. D. Fuller, :\I.R,C . . , L.R.C.P., J. M. Harper '


In I?resenting their annual report the Committee are pleased to be able to report that.sIx classes have been held during the past year, viz., four first aid and two fUrSlD& classes; ~7 pupils being suc?essful ~ obtaining the certificates or medallOn~ of the ASSoclatlOn. The CommIttee deslre to cOll\' ey their best thanks to the medICal men (Drs. Beath, Elli , and Harper), who have kindly given lectures, and to all those who have by their kind assistance helped forward the work of the eentre. A Tbhe ambulan.ce carriage, which is in charge of the Bath City Division, St. John . J? ulance Bngade, has proved of great value for the removal of invalids and ~~Jur~~ persons, 25 cases having ~een undertaken. I n ~anuary a public distribution ~elttficates was held at the Gmldhall, the Mayor (MaJor O. H. Simpson) presided, an Colonel C. "Wyndham Murray, C. B., M , P" made the presentations . A meeting :l~S .also he~d at the Guildhall in April, when General Sir John McQueen, K.C.B., b:slded, WIth .th.e object ~f formillg a Nursing Division. Dr. J. S. Griffiths, the woFu.ty~Commls~lO,n~r, kmdly atten~ed and ex~lained the objects, work, and . ,lunl;' of a DIV!SIOn, the result bemg very satlsfactory, about 22 or 23 ladies glVln oba m their names at the close of the meeting, and signing the reaister sheet as nlem ers. ;:,



Statement of Beceipts and E;t;penclit16re fol' the year ending September, 1904. Expenclitw·e.

Receipts. To Balance at Bank in hand " Subscriptions Fees from Olasses Medallions Stores sold

£11 7 1 14

7 24

6 0 12 8 2

£53 10


7 0 6 0 0

£22 16 By Head Office Acconnt "A<.h-ertisments, Print4 1 ing, etc. 1 0 Medallions 11 2 " Local Expenses of Olasses undry payments in cluding Secretary's postages 3 5 5 0 0 3 " Oom . on cotch cheque 7 2, 5 Balance at Bank 4 2 10 in hand


of R eceipts nncl E Xjlenditn?'e to October, 1904. E xpenclit1we.

To Balance ill hand. " Annual u bscri ptions pecial dona tion from the ." , Du chess of BeMord Fees from Classes Sale of Store Medallions Dne to TreasH re)'

£0 12 1 10

2 0

1 15

0 0 2 0

0 8 7 10 1 16

27 16 0 6

4 2

By Examiners' Fees and Ex4 penses In cidental Expenses (St . 1 John's Gate) 1 Medallions 5 Lecturer's Fees 2 Printing and Postage 7 Stores Hire of Room & Expenses " of practice clas. es 3 Boys as 1Iiodeis fot' Bandagingl Hepairs . 0

£2826 1

£53 10 3



St. John A mbulunce A ssociation.

St. John A ?'n,bulc~nce Association.




1 16

0 0 0 0 5

5 9


10 0 15 0 3 10 2


Examined with vouchers and account book, and found correct, J. F. Jo. ELYN , J .<DIE. COO:lfBS, Chairman. H. P. BO'w mxG TREVANIOX, l1Ieinbe,' of COinmittee, FRED. JO,'SELYN, Vice-P1·esiclent . ELEANOR PAINE, Han. SeCl'eta1'y ancl Ti'eclsllre""

Andited and fonnd correct, N ov. 18th, 1904 . W . A. BRYA:s'T, ACCollntCl!!t. J. "\V. l\I CQUEE:s', C1Utioilctn. HU GH F. CLl'TTERBU(;]{, TI'CctSlLl·U. FnEDK. SPRA Wijo:s', Han. Secl·e!ary .

BELFAST. Clluh·lliall.



Oharles E. Allan.

ir "\Villiam Ewart, Bart.


Trca'HU·('I'. Provincial Bank Hou e, Royal Avenue, Belfast.


H er Grace the Du chc:;s of Bedford.


UOllOl'UI'Y Secl·c tal'ics .

:JIis Black, Glen Ebor, tralldtown . :Mr. R. W. L eslie, M.D., ' t . Heliers,

Life )Icmbcl', .

Uonorary Secretary autl Trcn . 111·cr.

Mrs. Alfred Paine, Wharfedale, Goldington Road, Bedford. Life


The Duchess of Bedford, Sir Frederick Howard, Adeline, Duchess of Bedford, ,1lcdical Sta ff.

Harvey Goldsmith, ?>I.D.

O. Perram, ?>LD .

ANNUAL REPORT. During the year 2 first aid classes have been held, attended by 20 ladies and 18 men, Out of these classes 16 ladies, 4 men, 6 Oounty and Borough policemen, and 6 Midland Railway employees received certificates . At the re -e xamination 8 police and 5B, police~ and 3 men of the Brigade Division gained their medallions, 3 police and 2 men t~ell' vouchers. .S~veral cases of v~luable first aid have been reported, notable one 111 attempt ed sUlClde, when the Ohlef Oonstable of the Oounty received a medical certificate that one of his constable's prompt treatment had saved life. The invalid appliances belonging to the Centre have been in constant demand and the ladie!! of the Sick Diet Guild have distributed through the district nurses' over 1, 10~ meals to their p~tients, which has again proved a great blessing and help to the SICk poor. We wlsh to thank the Bedford Education Oommittee of the Beds. Oounty Oouncil for the help given by the free use of their rooms for lectures and classes, and Dr. P erram for his gratuitous lectures,

John G. Austin, :lLB., "\Yilliam Oalwell, M.A., :lI.D, Stevenson Darling, :lLB., T. A. Dayi. Oll, L.P•. C.P., L.n.C.,.;., A. D. li:velyn, B.A., :lLD., "huldam Dunlop, :lLD.: W: Hamilton Elliot, B.A., :I!.D., A. Hampton Gray, ?>I .D., "\Y. T. R. Knight, :lI.n., RlChanl "\Yhytock Le lie, :lLD., James A. Lindsay, :lLA. , :lLD., F.R.C.P., . Edgar Martin, :11..\., :lLn .. J. O. Martin, :I!.D., Gilbert larshall, L. R.C.P., L.R.C .. , H. L. 11. Kisack, :lLD., George t . George, :lLR.C.P., L.R.C .. , John Rusk, B.A., :lLB., James Taylor, :lLB., ,amuel Tate, :lLD., J. D. "\Yilliamson, :lLD. )letlical Staff.

John Adams, M.D., Miss Martha Adams, :lLB., lIIi s IarionAndrew, :lLB.,Norman Barnett, F.R.C.S., Miss Elizabeth Bell, ?>LB., J . Olarke, :lLB., John S. Darling, M.D., I saac Davidson, B.A. , M.D., '. Gawll, L. R. C.P. , L.R.C.S. , J. B. Johnstone, M.B., John McIntosh, L.n.c.p ., L.n .c . . . , J. Rentonl, M.B.: F . McFarland, L.R .C.P., L.R.C.S.,1'. B. Scott, M.D., Geo.ge St. George, :lLR.C.P. , L.R. C. ' ., "Walter Stevenson, :!oLB., John D. "\Yilliamson, M.D., Robert "\Yatson, ?>LD., J . Wood ide, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.'4. ANNUAL REPORT. During the year ending 1st October, 1904, 24 classes were held, 7 first aid for women, and 11 for men, 3 nursing for women, and 3 for men . Th e classes were atte~ded by 501 pnpils, of whom 184 presented themselves for exaruiuation, 110 obtulUed first aid certificates, 45 nursing certificates, and 18 received re-examination vou~hers; 5 men obtained the medallion. Besides c1asses in Belfast, work was earned on in Oarrickfergus, Gilford, Lisbnrn, Lurgan, Muckomol'e, Strabane. The second annual competition for two silver cups was held on 5th D ecember, when 9oJonei McFarland, Drs. OahYell, L eslie, Barnett, and Rusk, kindly acted as JU ges. Four teams of 5 men competed.

Statement oj Receipts ancl

Statement of Accounts f01' yea?' 1904. Expenditw·c. Receipts. To Sir James Haslett (dOll.) Olass Fees Stores . Medallions

26 16

By Balance due (1903) " Examiners' Fees, etc. " I ncidental Expenses " Store Account l\Iedallions . " Allman's Account " Printing . . " Expenses of Secretary anll Treas. for Oarriage and Po~tflge, etc. .



20 13

5 6


5 8 8 3

£53 10

Balance due to Treas.


£0 10

Octobe1' 21st, 1904.





5 5

6 15 0 20 6 10 !)

6 0


9 11 6


2 11

£44 3

Outstanding accounts £17 12s. 4d. OT ro JAFFE, Chairman . L. ~L\f:ow AX, Han. TTcasu1·(Jr. R. ",Y. LE, LTE, Han. Seactary.

£0 3 10 1 15 0 2 0

0 9

0 6

By Medal. . , "Engraving Cups for two years . . "Arlverti iug Competitions " Printing. , . " Expen es connected with Am bnlunce Competition. Balance






By " " " " "

Dr. Marsh . Larner & Stokes Examiners' fees Boys . ix copies local report. Balance in hand


£10 10 0 3 3 0 4 19 6 0 15 10 0 6 3 24






J AS . FLJDrI:'m, Oanon of York, P,·csident. Examined and compared with vouchers, A . G. IIOLL.\'~D, Lieut.-Colonel n ,oceiitbei' 9th, 1904. E. TUF~ELL. Lieut. ·Colonel, Han. Sec1'clctry.

BERWICK-UPON-TWEED. l'.·csi<1ellt allel Chail'man.

Statement of ACC01lnts fa/' yew' ending October, 1904. Receipts. E.i'jJenclilm·e. Balance from 1902 Donations Fees from teams Entrance mouey


0 0

1 U

o 10



£26 10

To Balance in hand " Ladies Classes " Men's Class


To " " "



£63 13 11

£63 13 11


St. John A rrnbulance Associution.

St. J ohn A rn,b~dclnce A sociatio'l1.


Captain F. :JI. NOlman,


0 0 0


7 3 7 0 G 0

Honorary Sccretary

W.L. Miller (:JIe. ~r . Barclay & CO,'s Bank), Bel'wick-upon-T\yeed.

Col. ",Yed,l ell , Y.D . , Avenue EO',lse, Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Lifc Jl (' lIIber.

HOll. Mrs, Ask e\y Robert on.


10 6 ---£1 0 0 8



lJouOl'ary Tl'Cll"lIl'Cl',

~I('(li('a 1

",V. Y. Grant,

:'or. n.,

!iita IT.


:Jfackay, M. u,


L. MAGOWAN, Han. Treasurei'. MAlty BLACK, Han, Scc)'ct(lry. OTTO J"\FFE, Chairman.



Charles Hiltoll Seely, :'o1.P.


( 'II:lil·lIlall.


",V. l"Jo",iss.

The R ev. Oanon Fleming. TI'easurer.


Lieut. -Oolonel E. Tufnell, M.P. 46, Eaton quare, London, S. ",V.

ir Charles eely Bart., Stuart O. Wartlell.

S. A. J . Hill, Birchwood Collicry, Alfretoll. :U C(lical !iifafT.

Oswald D. Rob 'on,


Oaptain Philips.

Life )(cmbcl' •

IlOIlOl'al'Y, C('I·clary.

. llo11or:ll'y SCCl'ct:ll'Y,

Hamilton Gatliff, 11, Eaton Square, London, S.W.


J ohn Mcrriman, Birchwood Colliery, Alfreton,

M . A . , :'oLD.,


Hamilton Gatliff. ~(c(1ical

Jam es Marsh,

M. D.,



L. n. O. P., L. R. O. S.


During ~he seas?n th ere. w.ere 3 cla~ses held, 1 first aid ladies, 1 nursing for ladi es, a~d 1 ~en s first ~ld, conslstlDg of raIlway men at Victoria Station. Dr Marsh gave hIS serVICes gratmtously to the railway men's class. .

ANNUAL REPORT. ~his Centrc continues to make satisfactory progresR.

A men'!;' class "a5 held dlll'lng the year and was \Tell attended. The examination by Surgeon-Major Hutton toO~( place in D ecember. Some serious accidents and a large number of slight aCCIdents have occurred at the Oollieries, and in every case efficient aid has heen pr?mptly given by some memuer of the Association. N ew classes are now (October) bemg formed . G

St. J ulcn A'Inuuluu(;e Associution.


Statement of Receipts and E~vpenditI61'e (01' the yea?' encling September 30th, 1904 . R eceipf s. E;)'lJend it U1·e . T o Balance Sept. 30th, ] 903 £9 5 10 By Examination Expenses £1 1 9 II Saleof Books and Balldages 0 15 6 "Books, &c. 1 4 J' Subscriptions fj 0 0 Rent of chool-room 0 10 chool cleaning . 0 5 " Stationery 0 2 Balance in hand 10 19




2 3

6 0 9 8


Examined and found correct, , VrLLIA:lf POWl " Chairman. JOIIX nIEIlRDIA T, Trcas1tnl' . A~ruEI. A. J. HILL, Hon. Sccretm·y.

October:29th, 1904.


Jl O Il Ol':lI'Y

idc ut.

James O. N. White.

ccr c t:lI'Y·

H. ,Vells Eames, 13irkheck Oollege, Breams Building, E.O. ltlc (li e al Staff.

Reginald.;J . Roberts, M.A., :lLn ., n.C.I..

this sort. There is still plenty of room and good occasion for employers of labour and other responsible persons to render more a sistance to the Association which we represent. The sum of £5 9s. has been received from subscribers. An application to the Hospital aturday Fund was again made for a grant to the funds of the Brigade ,vithout any satisfactory result. The balance of the fund for the purchase of uniform for the Birmingham Oorps of the t. John Ambulance Brigade, inaugurated by the Ohairman (Mr. Oourtenay Lord), is £3 14s. 6d. Your committee are gratified to announce that Ir. Oourtenay Lordhas been made an HonoralY Associate of the Order. It will be noted that a very large amount of Brigade work has been ~one ~y the offi~ers an~ men, ~nd although th~s has been done gratuitously, it is Impos~lble to aVOld c~rtalll worlung expenses, which are very difficult to meet, and your comrmttee most cordIally support the appeal of the Brigade for . he necessary funds to carryon this work. Statement oj Income and EJ'jJenclitu1'e for the year ending 30th June, 1904. C,·. Income. By Class Fees £96 0 tores- ales Account 57 4 5 9 " Subscriptions Hire of keleton and Diagrams 1 13 " Interest on Bank Deposit 8 Account

BIRMINGHAM. D Oll o rary SCC)'c tll),Y.

Prc. hlc ut.

The Right Hon. the Lonl Leigh . I.. ••

John H enry Roger, A.C.A. )1 0 11. A II .lit o l'.

OtJi cc . •


128, Oolmore Row, Birmingham. L ife

hort, A.\J.A.

~I C III\) c r ~ .

The Right Hon . the Lord Leigh, George Oatllmry, Holder, Bart., Sir Richard Tangye, John E. ,YilsoD.


St. J ohn A'inbulance Association .

'hancc Brothcll'S, Sir John

E xpenditu?'e . Dr. 0 \To Head-quarters for Examiners' Fees, and Expenses and 2 Stores. . . £104 4 5 0 "Lectures, Oonveyance of Materials, etc.. . 1 8 10 6 Printing, Stationery, etc. 6 19 6 Postages and Petty Pay6 ments. . . 4 4 10 " Office Rent and Expenses 15 0 0 " Purchase of New Skeleton, Diagrams, etc. 9 1 9 "Balance, being excess of Income over Expenditure for the year 20 15 10

£161 15


£161 15


lll c c1i ('n l S taff.

L H. Blakeney, L.R.o.r., Augustus Olay, M.lLC.H., ,I'. Mundy Oox, L It.c.r., ,V. Collings Dawson, M.B., W. Downing, JJ.R.C .P., ,T. ,Yo Ensor, J,,}l.C.l' . . \\T. 13. Featherstone, M.D ., \\T. J. Garlmt, :lI.B., J. F. Gummo,,", I,.H.C.P., T . Bamanl

GoulJ, L.R.C.P., J . T. H ewetson, lIl.lJ., D. JIolm es, ~r.TJ., A. T. Holdsworth, :11.1)., G. H. Hart, L.n.. C. p., O. J. B. Johnson, L.ll.C.l'., J. Ooole Kn eale, L.R.C.P., O. R. Lewis, M.B., ,V. A. Loxton, F.R.C.S., E(l., H. F. Mackenzie, ?If.D., J. T. J. Morrison, F. R.O.S., Thomas N elson, M.D . , James Neale, M. H.C.H., E. ,V. Pltl'sey, M.D . , G. W . POWl3l1, lILB., YV. R. Reith, ?lLD., S. J. Hoberts, L.R.C.P., D. R. Rowlands, M.D., A. ~ tall ley, L.R.C.P., G. Thomas, M.P..C.S., J. H. Tront, L.R.C.P., E. T. -Walker, L.R.a.p., Ul'. E. B. Whitcombe, M.R.C.S., J. H. White, :If.D., ,Yo H . Whitehouse, M. D. A.NNUAL HEPORT. In presenting the twenty-fourth annual report and statement of accounts, youI' committee record with satisfaction that the work of the Oentre shows marked activity and continues steadily to increase. The' accounts show a profit on the yeu,r's working of £20 15s. 10d. , which raises the surplus to £103 0'. lId., mo t of which will be absorbed in meeting the heavy deficit on the Brigade account. Twenty-nine classes have been held-l0 more than in the previous year-of which 17 were men's first aid, 8 women's first aid, 1 men's nursing. and 3 women' nul' ing; 44.3 certificates have been issued, 88 of which were to members of the Oity Police Force. The grateful thanks of the Oentre are again most cordially tendered to the medical lecturers. The local Oentre would again remind holders of fil'st aid certificu,tes of the necessity for obtaining the nursing certificate in order to complete their efficiency in ambulance worle It is their strong desire that a J ursing Division of the brigade should be formed, and any movement amongst ladies holding the first aid and nursing certificates would be welcomed by them. T he recent explosion at Saltley Gas Works, as well as daily experiences in different parts of the town of an accidental character, demonstrate the necessity for work of

BALANCE Assets. Sundry Debtors for Olass fees, Stores, etc.. . £40 . 14 Stock of Stores on hand Lloyds' Bk .,Ltd. Ourrentacc. 93 " Deposit acc. 58

SHEET, 30th JUNE, 1904. Liabilities. Head-quarters for Examiner' Fees and Expenses and 15 9 Stores £104 11 8 11 11

Total Liabilities. 104 IncomeandExpeniliture, viz.: Surplus at J Llne 30th, 1903 . . £84 16 4 Add Excess of Income over Expenditure for year . . 20 15 10 105 12 Less Amount voted to Birmingham Oorps, S.J.A. B .

B'~ ~ave




2 11

2 3 103



6 0




0 11 5


examined the above B~Sheet with the books and vouchers of the ummgham Oentre of the St. John Ambulance Association and in my opinion it is Phoperly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view ~f the Oentre's affairs as ~ o;~ bY the books of the Centre, and I hereby certify that all my requirements as u 1 or h ave been complied with. 28th S t b ARTHUR SHORT (Ohartered Accountant) ep ern er, 1904. . Hon. A1tdit~r.


St. John Ambulance Assooiation.

St. John Ambulance Association.



Honorary Secretary. J as. Haworth, 9, Exchange Street, Blackbum.

President. The Marquis of Salisbury.

Pl'e l<leut. William Nicholson.

LUe ~Jcmb(,I·8. The Marquis of Salisbury. John Rutherford, M.P. IUc(lical Stall'. Marmaduke Bannister, M.R.C.S., L.R C.P., lILB., John Barton, M.R.C.S., L.n.C P., A. F. Crinan, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Ed., L.F. P.. , Glas., Riley Cunliffe, M.B., G. B. Elliott, L.R.C.P., Thos. Higson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., RoM. Hunt, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.p., Lond., J. W. Lax, L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.F.P. ·.G., John M. H. Martin, M.D., F.R.C.S., A. A. P. Moffatt, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.l'., W. J. Nutter, M.B., Philip Prcbble, ]'LB., C.21L Ed., James T. T. Ramsay, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Ed.

Statement of Receipts cmd Expenditu?'e from October 1st, 1903, to S eptember 30th, 1904. Receipts. Payments. To Sundry receipts for goods By Head-quarters for goods, and payments by classes £14 3 3 fees, &c £13 11 0 " Postages, printing, &c. . 0 12 3 £14







JAS. HA WORTII, Han. SecretcU'y.

October 28th, 1904.

TI'eas urel·. Herbert Broadbent, Manchester & County Bank, Ld., Bank of Bolton Branch. )(onoral'Y secretary. James Briscoe, The Infirmary, Bolton. Uedical StaD'. Walter H. Brazil, )I.D., Lewis Brown, L.R.C.P., Thomas Evans Flitcroft, L.R.C.P., Surgeon-Lieut.-Col. E. M. Garstang, Alexander GlenPark, M.D., C'.21r., Horace Jefferies, 21I.B., C.M., J. Johnston, M.D., Alfred Kershaw, M.R. C.S., R. D. Mothersole, :\LD., \Valter Morris, L.R.C.P., F. R. Mallett, M.D., Charles lIIacfie, :\I.D., J. E. Panton, M.D., H. G. Parker, 1II.R.C.S., James Robinson, M.D., J. Hilton Thompson, )I.D., Joseph Thornley, M.D.

R. IV. Beesley,


Stalellumt oj R eceipts and E xpcnilitlLI'e j01' the year ended S eptember 20th, 1904. Receipts. E xpenditure. To Examiner's F ees and By Cash-Examiner's Fees, &c.£27 7 6 Tra velling Expenses . £20 12 6 Stores. 20 9 3 " Incidental Expenses 6 15 0 Medallions. 7 17 6 " tores 20 9 3 :, Medallions 7 17 6


£55 14

£55 14


Pl'csidcul and Cbah·mllll. W. H. B. Fletcher, c. c.


W. NICHOLSOX, President. JAlIIES BRISCOE, Hon. Secretary.

Honorary SCCI'CtlU'Y antI Tl'casurer. A. Whitehouse Strickland, 21, High Street, Bognor-on- ea.

November 20th, 1904.

Audited and found correct, IV;,!. KERSHAW, JA)[ES CARSON,

}A ttd'ttors .

lUc<Ucal Stafr.

W. Conway Cooke, M.H.C.S., I,.R.C.P., F. Sitwell Tidcombe, L.S.A., l'oJ.R.C"., L.R.C.P. ANNUAL REPORT. Two classes were held during the year, one at Yapton, and one at Slindon (nursing). Two classes are to be held in Bognor during the coming winter. The van is becoming better known and appreciated, and more subscriptions will haye to be obtained if its usefulness is to be enlarged for those who so need it. Monthly practices are to be held during the winter and spring. The van was ready for nse on the field at the Horse Show.

To " " " "

Statement of Receipts and E xpenclituTe to Septembe?' 29th, 1904. Balance Sheet 1903 to 1904. Receipts. Expenditu?'e. Balance from 1903 £5 2 4 By Annual Subscription £1 1 0 Subscriptions 2 1 0 " Medallions 320 Stores sold 1 11 2 Stores 3 17 10 Medallions 3 2 0 " Horse Hire 3 7 8 2 12 6 " Petty Cash Van Hire 1 3 9 039 " Stationery o 13 4 " Paid out by Hon. Sec. o 19 8 " Balance . £14





Compared with vouchers and found correct, W. H. B. FLETCHER, PTesident.

8th Noul3mber, 1904.



J. Roberts Thomson, )I.D., F.R.C.P., C.C. Honol'al'y Tl'ea. UI·cr.

ChaiJ:man. A. Heygate Vernon, F.R.C. Honorary SeCl'etary.

W. T. Gale, Lloyds Bank, Limited. G. E. Bridge, Bourneruouth. 128, Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth. JIe<lical StaD'. Miss Eleanor C. Bond, 21!.D., F. C. Bottomley, B.A., M.D., H. Forrester, M.B., A. G. S. Mahomed, )!.R.C.S., B. W. Nankivell, M.D., H. Simmons, l'oI.B., B.S., A. Heygate Vernon, F.R.C.S.

ANNUAL REPORT. The Centre was resuscitated in 1903, and is now in a flourishing state, with a large staff of honorary lecturers. During the season, 1903-1904, 112 candidates presente~ themselves for exaruination, and with 5 exceptions all satisfied their exammers. Of these 10 took medallions, and 21 were for re-examinations. As thQ Borough authorities are taking possession of all the schools they are also taking wer the bulk of the ambulance teaching. The Corporation takes the whole responsibllity of these classes and pays the Lo cal Centre for lecturers and hire of apparatus &c. Th~ B?rough authorities also possess an equipment of 6 street ambulanctl lHt~rs, whlCh III cases o~ emergency are manned by first aid, or St John Ambulancb Brigade, men and the pohce.


St. John Ambulance Association.

St. John Arnbulwnce Association..

The season 1904-5 has commenced cheerfully ttud l ec tures are going ou in various parts of the Borough. T h annual distribution of medallions and certificates took place at the Grand Hotel on Wednesday, June 1st, by the Mayoress, Mrs. J. Elmes B eale, and ,was preceded by a competition, when prizes were competed for by members of the vanous ambulance corps of the district. the judge being J. . Griffiths, Esq., ll!.R.C.S. The proceedings were under the patronage of his Worship the Mayor, the Mayore " and the Pre ident and Vice-Presidents of the Bournemouth Centre.




W. J . Riley. Trca SUl'e l·.

( 'hai l'UI:l U.

1\1r. ,\7m • Webster,

A. Yoxall.

.ation H ouse :Brielfield .

J[Oliorary Secrcfal·Y.

J. B,ltes, 76, H alifax Road, Brierfield . Life LUelllbc l·.

Will . BinI. iU eclical StafT.

"\Villi:.t1l1 Birtl, l\I.B., J. Royle, l\I.H.C .. ·. , L.n . C.p., J. S. Wilson, l\I.n.

BRADFORD. Preshlent.

ANNUAL REPORT. During thc pa t year keen illterest has UCC!ll m~intained, classes and examinations have been hehl in nursing for females, anel first aId for male. Many cases have been attended consi ting of ome very serious accidents.



The Mayor of Bradford (Alderman W. E. B. Pries tley). Treasnrer.

Arnold Evan,

:'1. D.

lIonOI'ary Secrct:lry.

Walter Firth, Town Hall, Bradford.

J. Fal'l1dale, Chief Constable, Bradford.

Lifc lUember . •

Ralph Beresford, Andrew Browne, James Kerr, P. G. Lodge, ,\'. J. Parkinson, B. C. Viret. ANNUAL REPORT. The Ron. Secretary reports that the majority of classes formed during the past year were conducted under the auspices of the Education Committee, the others being connected with the Tramways Committee, Boys' Brigade, Bowling Parish Chmch, and the Midland Railway Co. The number of pupils who received a course of instruction was 38~ and of these 267 gained certificates and 67 medallions. The e were handed to the successful pUlJils at the annual presentation by Mrs. DaVln '\Vade, the Mayoress. The Oommittee of this Oentre arranged satisfactorily the ambulance duties in connection with the Royal Visit on the 4th May last, wben DeputyCommissioner Wardell, Assistan t-Oommission er Malkin, and Chief urgeon (N o. V. District) West Symes were in command. On this day alone nearly 1000 cases were efficiently d ealt with by the various members of the divisions on duty. The Committee also satisfactorily carried out the ambulance arrangemeuts for the Oity of Bradford Exhibition, which was open for a period of six months. Whilst Brigade duties during the past twelve months have been more onerous, the work of the Centre with respect to ambulance classes has been norm al.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditu?'e fo?' the year ending 30th Septembc1', 1901. Receipts. Expendit'l.61·c.

T o Balance brought forward £14 " Transferred from Appeal by Circular 14 " Transferred from Equipment Fund 2 , Stores sold and Class Fees 10 " Entrance fees to Oompetition, 16th July, 1904 1 " Subscription 1





13 11

6 6


0 0


By Trcasurcr's visit to St. John's Gate Refreshments for nurses and men, 4th May Medallions P eel ])ark Galas . Annual Comp., 16th July Alterations to Uniforms Postages, T elegrams, etc. " Balance in Bank " Cash in hand

£45 14 10


o 15 6 1 10 6 096 3 5 0 o 2 6 o 3 9 17 6 11 21 1 8 £45 14 10

W. ARNOLD EVANS, Ghai?'man. Jos. FARNDALE, H on. Sec?·ela?·v.


£0 19



Statement of Receipts ancl EX1)endit1l1'e f01' the yea?' cndi?lg Septembe1' 30th, 1904. Receipts. Expenditll1'e. To Balance in halHl . £36 1 8~ Bank In terest . 1 7 7Tunstill, hieldCollllJetition 22 1 3 " Social, TOY. 27th, ] 903 3 4, 0 Feu. 6th, 1904 . 3 12 3~ " March 5th, 1904 4 11 Course of Lectures Hl03-4 70 18 (j • nb cription l,er list . 11 2 6 Mill Culleclions pcr lit 14 12 8 Chairman of Council unday Parade . 2 11 9 wifts Football Match Benefit. 0 3 9b CountyPoliceFootlmllMatch 4- 0 0" Burnley lads' Clnb Exam . 1 11 6 " Books S o l d . 0 2 0 2ml Prize o fDiyi ::;ioJ11~e,ie\\' 1 10 0 " Billiard Table Proportion of Gas 0 15 0 " Deposits on Ullifol'nl. 2 4 0 " Returned by 'tewanl of Befre hment acc. 0 10 0 "Refund from Railway acc. on calTiagc . 0 9 Uniform and Goods sold to Members . 6 15 7~ "ReceiptsfrolllRellllion 111711 EntryFeesNewClnsses 019 0 Member' ... ubscriptions 7 16 8 Enh'ance Fee Teams Tunstill Shield Compctition 6 5 0 " Medallion Sold 0 2 0 £215


By Competition 'reams and Diyision Expenses . 9 9 7 "Wage, Caretaker :. 10 16 o Tunstill "hield CompetltlOn22 3 9i "So(;ial Nov. 27th, 1903 4, 4 o Feb . 6th, 1904 . 1 18 6 "lIlarch 5th , 1904 1 18 6 Lectures 1903-4 47 8 3 "Delegates'Conferences,etc, 1 4 7 Gas and Water Bates. 4 5 2 "New Members' Equip45 8 4 ment, O\'el'coats 500 Half Years Rent 6 13 "Rel 'airs of Rooms 326 Coal and Fuel . "N el on Corporation new 2 9 o Met.er . . " Lo 's of time by ~Iel1lbers 230 RemovalofPahentsetc. 1 13 10 "Eutry Fees Conlp~tition " Dt'posits on Ulllforms o 5 o Refunded . . " Carriage on goods and matel ial 1 6] 1 Beunion Expenses . 14 15 8 " nbscription to N.E.L.C.O. 0 7 6 " N o. 4N."\V. o 10 6 DistrictFund . 12 6 Sundries 1 15 9! P ostage . 10 7 6~ "Ambulance Material o 17 6 N e\\" Mems. "Exalll. F ees 14 7 11 Balance on hand






"YV. J. RILEY, P?·esident. A. YOXALL, Ghai?'1nan.



Hon. Sem'eta?·y.

"IV. '\Ylmf'lTElt, H on. T1'eaSU?·e1·. I have andited the aboyc acconnts, n.lld h ere~v certify them cOHect, Octo be?' 22ncl, 19 04. JETII110



St. J ohn A 1nb'ulance Association.

/.:. t. J oft n A n~bulance Association.





The Rt. Hon. Lord Shuttleworth of Gawthorpe. • ·l·C's iclent.

The Very Rev. the Dean of Bristol. ( 'laaiI·ut:1n.

JI.ctlical Staff.

Leollal'Ll A, Moore, M.R.C.N., I,. R.C . P., 29, Arley Hill, Bristol.

L.n . C.p., J, W . Clegg, L.S.A., F. E. Crossley, M. B., T. G. Crump, :M.Ll.C, . . , }'I.B., H. A . Dixon, ;\LRC.S., J. M . Ferguson, L . R . C.P. & S., J. Gard:Jer, )LB., A. E. Hodges, I,.R.C,p., J . Hougson, L. R . C. P. & S" R. O. H olt, L.R.C.P., F.rt.C'"., T. Holt, ~r.D., D.p,rr. , O. .McKay, ~I.B., J. Mackenzie, M.D., F. W. l\1ns1leu, L. ll.C.I' . &. N. , C. Moore, L.,',A., J. C. Pemberton, L. R . C.P. & s., G. S. Pullon, )I.D., A.?1. inclair, )I.B , R. i\1. Whitham, M.B .

J. Bum,

1l0nOI':ll'Y ]'l'ca"Ul'cr.

t. John Burroughs, 23, Bridge

treet, Bristol.


Ine (licnl StaiI.

D. A. Alexander, :)LB., O. W. J . Bra her, ::.r.n.c."., L.R.C.P, J. Paul Bu h, )I.R,C . S. , I, . . A . , C.M.G., A. Fortescue Brickdale, M.D., \\". Danne, A.n., L.n.c . . ·., L.n.C. p ., J. Fuller, F . lt. C... , M.l{.C.P.I., A. L. Flemming, M.]l.C.S., L.ll.Ll:., J. Griffiths, M.R. C.S ., L .ll.C.P. 'Y. Brendou Gubbin, M.D., C.M., II. Elwin 11ar1'15, D.A. , lILB. , F . R.C.S., J. J. S. Lucas, B.A ., M.][.C.1';., L.U.C.I'., J. . Mather, M.B., c.)!., F . E. Peake, lIf.R.C.S., L.R.C.p., A. Peake, M.H . C. S . ,L.R.C.l'., B. M. ll. Rogers, M.D., B.C.II., R. Rolfe, M.D., Frank H. Ro e, M.R . C.l:l., L . ll.C.I'., J. O(leI'Y, 'ymes, M.n. , M.lt. C.S., n.p. H ., ,V. K. " Tills, M.ll., D.C., M.I:.C.S . , L.ll.C.l'., J. Young, ;\r.n., C.M ., J. Taylor, M. R.C.S., L.n.c.p.



ANNUAL REPOHT. The Committee haye much pleasure in again reporting an illcrea e in the llUlll her of classes held during the session. The a\'erage number of pupiL in each class lias been much greater, so that the total number of lho .. e who have attended courses considerably exceeds that of the previolls session . '1'11e Hon. Treasurer'. report hows a satisfactory balance in hand, and the Centre has been able to make a donaLion of £5 5s. to the City of Bristol Corps of the t. John Ambulance Brigaue, Th ere have been 22 classes held as fo11o\\'s :-First aid for men, 10 classes with 176 passes, women, 7 classes with 98 passes; llursing for men, 1 class with 1~ passe~ women 4 classes with 49 passes; 48 candidates have obLained tbe medallion. Th e allllual competition for the Cups prescnteu by Mr. C. E. Beayis, for certificate holder. , and Mrs. Squire, for medallion holders, was held at the Zoologica 1 Gardens 011 11 th June, seven teams competed . Both cups were won by a team fro111 the Miulancl Railway (Fishponds). A sil vel' medal ''las presen teu to each Ulan in the winning team. Mrs. Sqnire presented ~he cups and medals. Colonel Tomlinson, Dr. IIarvey, and Dr. L eonard acted as Judges.

T o Balance from last year . 48 4 " Subscriptions & Donations 18 2 " Fees First A id Classes 41 17 Nursing Classes 1411 " Books and material sold 24 19 " Miscellaneous 0 7

1 0 0 0 1 0


StMcment of Receipt:> and E":j)cnditul'e [i'om ht Octobe1', 1903, to 30th Septe?nbeT, 1904. Receipts. E [)Jpenclitu're . '1'0 Balanee in hand £6 5 4 By tores £9 5 10 ,,"tores . " ~ledallion " Examination expenses " Subscriptions


Audited and found cOl'1'ect,


3 6 1 0

£32 15

fJth October, 1904.

A. L.

0 0 0 0

Medallions " Examination expenses DOllation to Burnley Division S.J.A.B. " Printing, &c. " Postages, &c. Balance in hand


0 6 14 10

0 0


4 19

0 9 0 9

£32 15



o 15 o 16


Auclitor. GARNETT,

HOn01'a1'Y Sec1'cla1'y and

T?·eas~'1'e?· .

BUXTON. Pl·esi<lcllt.

His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, K. G. CIHl,h·JUnll.


10 0 15 1


By Books& Material pmchased£27 19 10 "Priuting, Stationery, Ad vel'tising &. Postages . 7 3 4 Lecturers' Fees " H ead-quarters acc. for ] 5 15 0 " Examinations 33 4 9 Contribution to St. John Ambulance Brigade 5 5 0 Miscellaneous 3 0 9 Balance in h and 55 11 6



.AN :rUAL REPORT. The acli\'ity of the Centre has been maintained during the past year. Thenumb~r of classes held was nine, being two more than in the previous. year. Of. these SlX were in first aid and three ill nUl'siuff. The Local EducatlOn CommIttee were responsible for two classes in first aiel and b~'o in nursing, on~ of each kind being for males an(i femules respecLively; a first aId class was agam held at Habergham Colliery for the employees; t\yO classes also in first aid, one for males and the other for females wer6 conducted at Holme; some of the members of the Ebenezer P.S.A. first aiu eli; s proceeded to the nursing comse, and a class in first ai~ was held in cOllllec:tioll \\'ith the Bll1'l1ley Di,ision of the t. John Ambulance Bngade .. T here has been a fulling ofl' of male pupils but on the other hand th~ female pup.lls have iucreaseu. Altogether 'ixte(;1l medallions have been earned, thIrteen .of WhICh have gone to members of the local Di"isions of the t. John Ambulance BrIgade.

Examiued and found correct,

Statem,ent of l('eceipts and Expenclitzt1'cj01' tlte yew' encling 29th Septembcl', 1904. R eceipts, Expenclit~l1'e .

S('-T,tembllr 29th, 1904

I1onOl'Ul'Y Secretary and Treasurer•

A. L. Garnett, 1, Red Lion Street, Burnley.

)(Ol1OI':1I'Y Secrctal·Y.

'V, ,nndus.



A. Strange.

H . A. Hubbersty.

UonOl'al'Y Tl'ea l11·er.

Joseph '1'aylor, Manchester Road, Buxton. 1I0nor:\l'Y Secl'etnl'Y.



Louis W all, care of :Messrs. Crompton and Evans' Uuion Bank, Buxton.


St. John A m bulance A ssociati on .

St. J ohn Ambulance Association. JUedic nl StaO·.



J . Braithwaite, M.D., T. Buxton Flint, M.ll . C. •·., L.R . C.P., Lond., W. T. Hannah, M.D.

Pres id ent anel Chairman.

H . C. Peake.

ANNUAL REPORT. T he work for the year ending 30th S~ptember, 190,*, was not commenced until January, consequently only two first aid classes were organized-Dr. Braithwaite taking the women's and Dr. T. B. Flint the men's class. The men of the L . & N. W. Railway and Midland Railway were instructed by the medical ofl]cers of the Companies . Cases of first ai<l are becoming more frequent as the population of the neighbourhood increases, bnt, as npward.· of' 1,000 111E'1l aUll women haye attended a course of lectures, the district may be considered to be well supplied "ith first aid. T he Centre has lost the valuable service of MI'. A. B . ChapmalJ, who after ten years good and highly appreciated work has resiglled the lIon . ecretaryship.

Statement of Accounts fol' the yea?' ending Septembe?' 30lh, 1901. Receipts. T o Balance brought forward P roceeds of Men's Classes "'N omen's " Books," Bandages, &e. " R eceived for Medallion Subscriptions Bank I nterest

l!,~?]Jenditllt'e . £~2

5 2 12 1 15 1 8 0 [) 7 10 0 6


0 0 0 0 6 0 3

By Po tages, ta tionery &c. Printing and Advertising " Paymenls to Central Association Boy as Model "" Fees & HonorariulllS ,. Balance in Bank


£0 15 2 2

6 0 16 11

0 2 0 1


°8° 6 0

7 9

Certified correct H. 'A. HrnBr.:n. TY, Chairman. J O.'E I'll TxYI.o r.., Trewmrc1'. Lour. ,V ALL, Hall. Scaetai·Y.

Tre a surer an(l HOll. Secretary.

Organizing Se cre lary .

E. W. Cornell, 90, Aldridge Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham. Life lU e m"bc r s . J. Kerr Butter, M.D., J. S. Gettings, L.R.C.S., Edin ., J . C. Maddever, M.D. ,. F. \Volyerson, M.n., M. S. W. Charlton, 150, Bloxwich Road, Walsall.

iUc di cal. ·l a fr. R. Aden, ~r.D., H. M. Derry, "Ln., n.c.x., Viet., H. D. Chapman, L . R.C.P., L.U.C .... , Edin., L. Hutchinson, L.RC.I'., Lond., ~I.n.c.s., F. ,\Yolversoll, M.n., lIf.·.

A :rNUAL BE PORT. A knowledge of first aid is now consi dered an essential portion of mining education and on condition that the Mining Lecturer organizes and supervises classes the County Educa.tion Committee make grants sufficient to defray expenses. Thanks are due to Drs. Martin, Berry, Chapman, Hutchinson, and Wolverson for their honorary services as instructors. An impoltant step has been taken during the year with a view to holding more classes an d stimulating interest in ambulance work. Last June !1. meeting presided ovcr by Mr. Atkinson, the Inspector, and to which rep1'e· sC'ntatiyes from all the collieries in the ('annock Chase Coalfield were iuvited, was held in the Science and Art Iu sti tute at Wa.lsall, when the name of the Centre was altered fro111 "Brownhill "to the" CaDnock Chase Coalfield" Centre, and officials appointed as abo,"e. Arrangemcnts wpre made to provide a trophy for competition by coll iery team. The fir t conte t was held at Heath Hayes, and the Holly Bank Colliery team is the first to have its name engraveu on the hield, Brownbills Colliery team being runners up. ,ome ten or elev en clas es are being organized this session, and a similar competition to that of last year is being arranged.


CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS . Pre. lel enl. 1'l'e. icl c lI t.

A. C. Humphreys.Owen, M.P., D. L. J . D. Andrew, Cambrian Railways, Os,Yestry. iUc eli cal Staff.

ANNUAL REPORT. For the r~ason mentio?ed in the last report, and for (\thers, some classes had to suspend thelf l a~ours thIS ypar, but other classes which were not working last year have been r esusmtated, so that the number of classes remained the same and the r esult of th~ ~ession's work was not much less satisfactory than in the previo;ls period. ,!,he competition for the Company'~ Challenge Shield, which has previously b ell held III t~e al~tum?, has, at the suggestion of the competitors, been deferred until next Sprmg.' It bemg thought tha t the teams will thereby have a better opportunity of prepanng for the cl)mpetition.

Oaptain Lambert.

Trc a . ure r.

F. W . Furley, Sunbury, Canterbury,

lIollor:u'Y Secr c l a ry .

Surgeon-Colonel R. de Ia PoeI' Beresford, lII.D., L.R.C,P., R . J. Edwards, M. R . C. S., L.R.C.P . , Lond ., R. Jones·Evans, ;)r.n.c . ... , J. l)ugh Jones, M.ll.C.H., L . R . C.P. , L ond., Surgeon·Capt. J . R. J . Raywood, M.R.C.S., L. n . c.p., Lond . , R. D. Th omas, L. R . C.P. & S. , Ed ..' ~.T. P. & s., GIas., ,V. H. R. Thomas, M.D., L.R.C.P., M, R. C. S. , Lond, 'vV. R . -WIllIams, L . R.c.p., L.R.C.S . , Edin., L . F.P. S., GIas., IJ.M.


The Marchioness Conyngbam.

Jl Ollorary Secr e ta!'y .

Colon el Helpman, The Manor Honse, St. Stephen'S, Canterbury . JU e (li cal Sluff.

H. A. Gogarty, }If . D, , J. A. Gl'easley, M.ll . C.S . , L .S .A . , A. R . Henchley, M. D., Z. Prentice, l\I.ll.C . . , H. O. Preston, LR . C.S . , L.R.C.P . , Brian Rigden, M. R.C.S., L.S.A., Lond., James Reid, F.R.C.S . , T . Whitehead Reid, M. D . , idney Wacher, F.R.C.S.

ANNUAL REPORT . During the past year 269 ladies and men attended the lectures and 1 8, or 70 pel' cent., successfully passed the exami.nations. The Centre commemorated the quarter century of its existence i.n Canterbury, being one of the oldest of the Association, by a most successfu l meeting held in the Chapter Honse, by the kind permission of the Dean and Chapter, when the Mayor (Sir Ceorge Collard) presided, and the Very Rev. the Dean (H. Wace, D .D. ), presented the medallions and certi5catesawarded during the past yea: , and afterwards gave an admil'able address on the H istory of the Order If St. Joh n 111 Jerusalem, its origin and development and the creation of the Ambu· ance :pepal'tmpnt of the Order in England, over 800 of the ladies and gentlemen of the neIghbourhood attended, including repr esel1 tatives from all the D ivisions of the

88 ~t.

John Ambulance Brigade in East Kent., The ecretary reports the stretchers, lItters and ?ther pr~perty of the Oen,tre are III good order and correct in quantity. T he OommIttee desu'e to express thell' deepest rcgret at the death during the past year of two of the oldest members of the Oommittee, Mr. F. W, Pittock and ,Mr. George Rigden. The R Oll . Secretary owing to his shortly leaving Oanterbury tendered his resiO'na· tion expressillg his \yillingness to act pending the appointment of a successor,Othe Oommittee accepted the same with very great regret and thanked Oolonel Helpman for the zeal and energy he had shown in performing his uuties. The Oommittee desire to express their satisfaction at the formation of a Division of the t. John Ambulance Brigade in Oanterbury, and to specially thank all those who so kindly responded to the appeal made by the Association for fund!> to s Lart the movement. The amount subscribed (£33 9s.) has been transferred to the account of the Brigade.



" " " "

Statement of Receipts and Expendit1.l1'e /r01n Oct, 1st, 1903, to Sept, 30th, 1904. Receipts. EJ.'1Jencliture. Balance, Oct. 1st, 1903 £5 13 10 By Examiners' Fees and ExAnnual Subscriptions penses £16 11 and Donations Purchase of tores 7 14 0 15 5 12 8 0 " Printing, Po::;tage, Olass Entrance Fees 1 19 9 " expenses, Advertising Sale of Stores 1 1 3 11 6 Medallions 3 11 Medallions 314 0 Paid over to Brigade 33 9 S.E. & O. Railway " Ohcque Book Dons. received for forma0 2 " tion of S.J.,A.B. in O'bury 33 9 0 Balance, 30th ept.,1904 2 9 4 1 1 " Anonymous ...


£89 11

2 5

9 6 0 6 10




St. John Ambulance Association.

St. J:Jhn A ?nbv,ZclJnce Association.



quay side, where he saw the boy underneath the water: and at once got !l. boat-hook and succeeded in bringing him ashore to all appearances dead, he at once commenced The constable was artificial respiration which he continued for over an hour. rewarded for his efforts by bringing the boy to life again, he was then removed to the infirmary by order of Dr. A. J. Andrew, who also certified to the good work done by the constable. The other case was on 27th August, 1904, a boy aged nine years, fell off a log of timber into the water in a timber pond, a distance of 25 yards from the bank. Oonstable George Williams, Ro. 13, who witnessed the accident, without divesting himself of any of his uniform and at the risk of his own life, jumped into the water and swam to where the boy had fallen in, and after diving under the rafts of timber, succeeded in picking the boy up in a semi-conscious state and brought him ashore; after using artificial respiration for some time, the boy regained consciousness and was then taken home; the depth of water where the boy was rescued is from 14 to 16 feet. It is O'ratifyin a to record that the Centre takes the same keen interest in their work as they °did whe~ the Ambulance Brigade was first established here, and receives the areatest encouraO'ement from the President, ir 'William Thomas Lewis, Bart., and the Vice-Preside~t, James Hurman, Esq., J.P., everything necessary in the matter of material under the care of 'erO't. Oharles Price, the instructor, being kept at short distances about the docks a~d works, so that first aid can be quickly rendered. Practice is held once a fortnight during the winter months. The Oentre is selfsnpporting and numbers 164 members.


Honorary Secretal'Y.

James Pinion.

E. O. Lloyd, Cheshire Lines, Managers' Dept., Oentral tation, Liverpool.

Examined and founel correct, Tuos. L ,n1DERT, Ghcdnnan. F. ,V. FURLEY, Treas1GTei'. J. II. HELP)IAX (001.) lion. Secretary.

CHESTER. Pl·esldcnt.


Ilis Grace the Duke of Westminster. Tl'easUl.·el'.


Pl'C. itlCllt.

W. L. Davie, Beech wood House, Chester.

The Dean of Ohester.

Sir \\ illiam Thomas Lcwis, Bart. Chn il'lllan.

Tl'cn Ill'el'.

James Hurman.

E. A. Hart.

Honol'ul'Y Secretary.

J. Duff,


Honol':u'Y Sccl'claI'Y.

Supt. David Davies, Oardiff Railway 00. 's Police. l'tledicnl Staff.

Thomas , Yallace,


ANNUAL REPORT. The m~mbers of this Oentre rendered first aid to 69 persons, an increase of 11 on the prevlOus year;. 34 were ~onveyed to the infirmary, 9 to the Hospital hip l!a?nad1'ya~, 20 aSSIsted to then homes, 6, after receiving first aid, were able to continue at theIr work. Fractures, 3; severe cuts, 14; scalp wouncls, 11; dislocatious 4; feet .a~d .hands crush~d, and otherwise severely injured, 14. The remainder: severe. l?-Junes an~ b,rl1lses to different parts of the body, required immediate fir~t aId III the .apphcab?l: ?f col.d wa.ter pads and bandages. The ambulance carriage bemg brought ~nto reql1l.s1bon lllne bmes to convey away the injul'ed. The following cases of rendenng first aIel are w~l'thy of menti?n :-The first was on 3rd August, 19?4! a boy aged four years, aeCldentally fell mto the Oanal Junction. Oonstable WIlham Arthur, No. 26, who was on duty in the vicinity, immediately ran to the

5, Abbey Street, Ohester.

lUedicnl Staff.

J. Giffen, F.R. C.S., G. Harrison, D. 0, Sutton, ~r.B.

L.R.C.P. &

s., VV. Lees,

?LR . C. S.,

A. 1\1ann,


ANNUAL REPORT. It is a pleasure to be able to report that the amount of ambulance work done everal classes were held both in first d?l'ing the past year has been satisfactory. aId and nursing, and these were attended by a large number of students. The members of the ladies' nursing divisioll have continueu to meet monthly, at which me~tings practical work was accomp1ished and lectures were given on different subJects. omo of these lectures were on the nursing of children, a subject which attracted the members considerably. The medal given annually for competition in me~ory of 1Ii~'s. Frank Lloyd was won by Miss Uary 'Williams. Mr. Yarbrough contmues to gIve a medal, value two guineas, annually for compp.tition among those who have the first aid certificate. About a dozen ladies and gentlemen competed for the medal. Dr. Thomson, of Oldham, was the examiner, he awarded the medal to W. D. Jones.


To " " "" " "

::it. J ohn An1uulance Association.

St. J ohn Ambu lance Association. Statement of Receipts and Expendit1we f01' the yea1' ending 30th September, 1904. Receipts. Expenditw·e. Balance from 1903 £ 3 0 6 By Subscription to Ohester 6 9 6 Oheshire O. 0., H oole Nursing Olass £1 9 2 7 6 Medallions . 0 4 " Eccleston Kelsall 6 6 6 "Postages. . 0 7 " 2 0 0 Ashton Fees .J. A. A., Head Office 22 12 2 2 0 Ohester Nursing Olass Balance in hand 0 6 214 6 Sundry stores £25





DERBY. J'J'esiclcut.

6 0 6 9 9 6

Oct. 1, 1904. To Balance in hand 6s. 9u . JOHN L . DARBY, Chairman. , V. L. DAVIES, Treasure?'. J. D UFF, Honorary Secretary .



The Right Hon. thc Earl of Lonsdale.

J. B. Atkinson.


Francis Ley. TI' c :l 'i II I·e l·.

Leck, Oleator 111001', Oumberland.

lIecU cnl Stnff.

H. S. Byers, ~r.B . , M.R. C. . , G. Oalderwood, M. D., G. R. Oullin, L.R.C . . & P., E din., L.F . P. & s., Glas ., J. H. Dudgeon, L. ll . C.P., 1. Fletcher, M.B., C.~[" O. J. J. H arris, M.D., J . 1. Lace, L.R.C.P., Ed., H. Mitchell, ~I.D . , F. Proud, ~I.D.

~l ec1i c al


F . Cassidi, i\!.D., Trinity Terrace, Derby. Scaff.

W. Benthall, M. n., L. Bryson, M.B., F. Oassidi, M.D., A. Ohambers, W . G. Copestake, M. H. C. s., O. Fletcher, M.lt. c. s., T. Laurie Gentles, L. R. C. P . , L ond., R. ,Yo Gentle, L.n .c.l'., E. Green, L.n .c.p., LOlld., O. H . Hough, M.R.().S. , R. Laurie, ~I.D., R. Morrison, M. Parry-Jones, M.D., G. Sims, M.D., J. A. Southern, L. R.C.P., Lond. ANNUAL REPORT. It is a pleasure to report that the past year has been one of continued satisf'tctory progre s. 10 cla 'ses having been held, the members of.which gained 225 certificates, comprising 171 (male) first aid, 20 (female) first aId, and 34 (female) nursing cerLiJieates. I n addition 40 males passed their fir t re-examination, and 60 males and 14 females having pa 'sed their second re-examinations, gained their medallions. The local divi. ion, 't. John Ambulance Brigade, continues to make satisfactory progress, and at the annual inspection on August 16th, 1904, was highly commended hy the I nspecting Oflicel', lIIr. . W. Malkin.

To " " " " "

" T he Oommittee have pleasure in again recording the satisfactory and gratifying progress of the movement. As a result of the Oentre's operation since its inauguration in 1895 nearly 1,700 certificates and medallions have been issued. The competitions for the Ohallenge Shield have again formed most interesting features in connection with the As'>ociation's work; 18 teams took part therein, and thc final contest was madc the occasion of a striking ambulance demonstration at ,Yhitehaven. I n March last the district was favoured with a visit from Surgeon-Major Hutton, of Leamington, H on . Organizing Oommissioner of the St. John Ambulance Association, who addressed meetings at Whitehaven, Workington, and Cleator Moor.

Uonorary Secl·etary.

Miss M. Darby, 10, Vernon Street, Derby.

)(onornry . cc r c tary .


G. Scoular, 36, King Street, ,Vhitehavell.


Statcment of Rcceipts and EJ:pelldLt1l1'e Receipts. Balance, cpt., 1903 . £30 3 6 ' tores in hand, 'ept. 1903 3 8 0 Fees 29 13 0 tores sohl 15 11 4 Medallions 8 8 0 ,' Ubscriptions 7 17 0 Buuk I nlere t, June 30, '040 0 14 3 tores in hand, cpt., 1904 4 4 9

for the year ending Sept. 30th, Expenclit1l1·e. By tores in hand, ept.1903 " Adnrtising, Bandages, etc., " Examiner's Fees & Expenses " tores acc., St. John's Gate " I ncidental Expenses do. . " lIIedallions " tores in hand, Sept. , 1904 " Oash

£99 19 10


£3 9 23 14 7 8 4 29



0 10

10 8 19 2 1 0 8 0 4 9 7 5

£99 19 10

Audited and found correct,

Octobe1' 27th, 1904 .

FRED. \Y~r. HUKT. FllA::\CIS LEY, P,·esident. ]1 . OAS. IDI, M.D., Han. Sec1·cta1·Y. MARGARET DARBY, T1·easw'eT .



l'rc ((leut.

Field Marsbal H.R.H. The Duke of Oonnaught,


J . R. F othergill,

M. D.

Honol'ary Secre tary an<1 TJ·eaSllrel·.

R. M. Wilkes,

M. A., B.C.L.,


Lewis Eastwood, L. R . C. P ., L. R . C. S. , J. It. F othergill, M. D. , J. Lawrence, M. D., ~F . G. Martin, M.R. C. S. , L. R. C. P., Surg. Lt. -Ool. G. Middlemiss, M.D. , J ames M unro, L. R . C. P ., L.R. C. S. , H. O. P earson, M. B., C. M. , W. P etter, M. B. , C. M.

Tl'cn Iu·cr.

F . R. Davies.

Market Place, Darlington.

lUc(llcal StnfJ.

R . t;. .

Miss F . Hogg, 4, Belgl'an Road, D ublin.

Honorary Secr ctary .

J. Dallas Pratt,

M.D . , F.R. C.S . ,

25, Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin.

IUcdicnl Stntr.

J. Barton, O. E . Boyce, D r. Oosgraye, Sir R. J ackson, C. B. , Dr. McOullagh, Dr. McDermot t, Dallas Pratt, W. I de O. Wheeler, Dr. W right.

St. J ohn





St. J ohn A'lnuulance Association.


Ambulance work is being continued at Guinness' Brewery and at several towns near Dublin . T he Royal Irish Constabulary classe~ huye not yet re-commenccd, as recruiting has not been re·started .

Miss A. M. A . J encken in ctccaunt

'1.0 ith

The Royal Bank of Ireland, Ltd.

Receipts. . £14 0 16 15

0 0

1903. By Balance Cash

" " £30 15



£14, 14 1 10 4 0 4 0 0 5 6 6

0 0 0 0 0 0




By Classe ' " ale of tores Donations , j Owing to'ecretary

£0 8 0 021 21 4 11

T o D raft " Draft Book " BaJance

£21 15

TIy Cash .

£21 15


£21 15


l·l'~sicl CIlt.

The Right Hon. The Earl of Dudley, G.C.Y.O.

Honorary Secr e tary .

A. J. Slater, Grange Road, Dudley.

£15 17


To A mount owing to Secretary "Ohief Oflice account "Hent "Printing, Postage, etc.

£1 4 10 2 2 0 2 10

8 4 0 0

£15 17


FnED . HIGG.', Olzainnan. '. '\YAHD, TreastweT . A. J.'LATER, Han. SecretCt1·Y.


DUNDEE. CIa !>. es.

Ch a irm a n.

' ·icc -t;ltairmun.

Colonel J. Rankin.

Profe 'sor teggall, M.A., Cantab.

llonOI':ny Trcasurcr a ut! Secrc t a r y .



~I.RJ ' .S.

6 0 0 0

The Right Hon. The Coulltess of tratbmorc.

June 1. By Balance £21 4 . lId. FRANCIS ROBERT DAnE, F.R.C .. , ~r.H.I.A., Presid.mt. J. DALLAS PRATT, ~r.D . , F.R.C.::>., Iloll. SCCI'ctaI'Y. FLORENCE HOGG, Han. 1'1·0(£SI£I'CI'. F . STORE.', Manager, Rathmines Branch, Royal Dank.

Chairman .

£8 ] 8 1 7 4 3 1 9

]'atI'OIlCS' of " ' OJll (' u 's

I n accazmt with 'l'he Bayctl Bank of Ireland, Ltd., Ratltmines Branch. Miss FLOltE~( ' E HOGG, Han. T"casw·u.

T. F . Higgs,

Statement of I,'cceipts and E~'PenditIl1'e fol' the yea?' ending Septembe?' 30th, 1904. RCCldpts. Expenditm·e.


1903. T o Draft


Trca., urcr.

.... ,Vard, ,Yolverhn,mpton

lreel, Dudley.

Li fe lUclll JJer.

F . S. GOlllder, M.n.C.. . , L.R.C.P., Lond.

JICtlica 1 Stn.r. Biggam, M.A., Edin .. _\I . D., )f.B., C.)L, Ec1in., 4. E . Dando.' M.n.c.s., Eng., L.R.C.P., Lond., J. F . Higgs, "f.D . , )I.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C:P., Edm.: L... A., lH .. A. lHessiter, M.ll.C.S., Eng. , L.S.A., H. 'mith, L . R.C'. ' . , Ethn., L_S.A., . L. Pnce, L.R.G.P., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.F.P. "\.., Glas., Py~nrn, 13 . A., L . ::--.~. P., Lond., l\r.n:"c. · , Eng., Rhodes, )I.R.C:.S., Eng., L.U C. P., Echn., J . H. ,Vllkmson, ?ILU.C ... , Eng.) L.R.C.P. , Lond.

ANNU AL REP ORT. D uring the year three classes have been held.' all. in first ai~ ; 69 pupils qualified by attenrianc~; 62 presented thernselve.s fo~' exanunatlOn, of whIch 1 faIled; 52. pa~~ed first examination; 5 passerl re·e"ammatlOn ; and ~ passed the second re -e.xammatlOn. T here is no notable case of the rendering of first aId to be reported. Accldcnts are of everyday occurrence, and only in very extreme cases would a case be brought to notice.

Daxid DOll, c. A., 10J, Comlllercial treet, Dundee. A.l NUAL REPORT. The COllllllitLee bpg to report that dming the past se sion 13 clas es have been held undcr the Dundee Centlc. The totalnulll oer of pupils who have received a compl~t(1 course of im;tmctioll DI1 {jIst aid to the injured and sick is 187 (141 men and 40 women). III u1l131 pupils haYe received fir·t aid certificates, and 12 have receiyed the medallion of the Asso(;iatioll. The total number of pupils who have received instruction on JirL aid, junior cour e, i. 2, of "'hich 39 have receiyed the junior ccrtificate. The total number of pupils who have received instruction on home llursillg allu hygiene is 52, of which 43 have received certificates. The Committee again desire to thank the doctors who have so kilJdly assisted them during the past year; a] 0 tho c gentlemen ,,,110 have acted as eCl'etal'ies at the yarious sections under the Dundee 'entre. The Committee have pleasure in reporting that in December la t they received from the Dundee Town Council the sum of £26, being ~mo.ullt voted by them to the Dundee Centre out of the Local Taxation Grant, 1902-3, 1Il aId of amhulance work in the city. The Committee are illdebteu to Doctor Emily C. Thom on for having delivered in Dundee a special course of' ad vancetllectures on nursing in N ovem bel' last under the auspices of the Dumlee Centre. The lectures were much appreciated. The Committee are also indebted to Dr. JH'Gillivray for having delivered a public lectl1l'e in DownfielcI 011 "Micro-organisms in their Relation to Disease. " The Comwittee also uesire to thank Dr. .Ronald Campbell Uaclie, Medical SuperintellL1ent, Sanatorium, Auchterhouse, for haVIng uelivel'ed a public lecture ill Dundee on "Open·alr Treatment of r::o~sumption." The Committee have 0,1 0 to thank Dr. Robertson of Errol for baving ~eh~ered public lectures on first aid at Kinnaird . Captain Dewar, Chief Constable, mIllS annual report for 1903, states that the ambulance vans were called out on 448 occasions; that 182 members of the force have been awarded our certificates, and have been of signal service almost daily in attellc1illg to ilJjured persons. The Dundee Centre has now been established for twenty years, and during that time much good w~r~c has been accomplished. I n cases of sickness and accident first aid has been elliCle~tly rondercd, and in many cases valuable lives have actually been saved . T he C?mlUltt~e can confiuently state that patients who are now removed to the infirmary 01 to then homes are more tenderly handled and much better carried than they were twenty years ago. I n addition to the first aid lectures the Committee would remind the general public that home nursing is also taught by the Association, and forms a H


St. J ohn A mbula?u'e Association.

St. J ohn A m bulciJ?1ce Associcdion.

most valuable branch of their work.

They would

.str.~ngl~ recoy~n~:~o~l~&o~~


"~~~~~~i~~~~l~~ll~~~~n:nJI~~ ~~:·~~!tl~~f ~~~i{~es;l~~a~!:~~;'lcIlll~o~l~~~~~iblY< bc properly

~\tended to unless someone in the hous~ has allm.ot,detdget ok 1l11lt~~O'tation H . . view the recent heart-rendlllg ca a1111 ya . noc 1 <


aylll;u~ncatastro he at Paris' the terrible lire at Chicago; and the collapse of the

~1~:Jd~tand on the p "'orth I ncb,'Perth, the Committee \You~Ll cxpre

a hope that fll employers of labour will do what they can to encourage t.belr elllploJ~ls . ~o tftL~~~ ~ course of lectures on ambulance instruction. 'l'helComn~tteed~re~~~: {t~l kn~~\'ledg~ larae extent panics "'ould be avoided at fire or ot ler sue en lsa . f of fi rst aid were more widely spread. The Committee have to rccor~ t~~lr Isel~~e 0 f the reat loss which has been sustained by the Dumlee Centrc t lroug 1 e c ca 1 0 thci~ estec~ed Pre idcnt, the Right Hon. tl~e Ern:l of, "tl'at~llno~'e, who ha~ltak~\f keen interest in the work of the Centre smce It ' 10rmailon m 1 4. ~e SIX. 1 etition for the Challenae hicld, open to all mem her who hold ~he lust ~~d ~~~&cate of the Associatio~, and who reside in cotlanrd, took pl.ace 1Il th.~ Dl~ll H all on Saturday, 16th April. Seven teams. took part 0: ~II. bClllg th: 'Hnne~ . Saraeon-Ca tain Greia acted as judge. Dmll1g th~ cOllll,etltlOn a llllll~bel o~ ladl:s andOgentleJen were p~esent. Dr. Halley, who presided at the presentallOl1 CCI emt~?' m ade a few remarks cordially thanked the judge, and announced tbe re nIts o.. Ie com etition. The prizes were presented by }\~rs. HaJley, the Pel th team rccelvll:g the rhield Smaeon-Captain Grei a , in retul'1llllg thank to. Mrs. II~lley, poke III commend~tory t~rms of the work ~ the team. , and emphasIsed the lInportance amI value of such training.

Bctlance Sheet as at 18th Apil, 1901. Liabilities.


£6 16 0 Stores 21 17 6 Sundry Debtors CashI n Dundee Savings Bank . 117 14 6 I n British Linen 3 12 11 Co. Bank - - - - 121 7 5

Local Taxation Grant, 1£102. 1903 Sundry Creditors Balance: , nrplus at 21st April, 1903 £132 0 3 Less Deficit at April 18,1904 8 10 10

- - - -


0 1 11

0 6




123 £150


0 11

Reverme and Expendit1we Account (01' pC1'iocl to 18th April, 1904. Receipts. . £ 16 E xamination Fees 17 Class Fees 34 Subscriptions 2 • I nterest By Balance, being Deficit carr ied t o Balance Sheet . 8

Pa7/rncnts. . £20 15 5 6 Examination Fees· 19 6 SecretarY's Honorarium, 190221 0 1903 5 o 17 7 Printing, Ad,rerti:;ing, tation. 19 4 cry, &c. . 7 6 10 10 RE'nt of Lecture Rooms Miscellaneons 11 12 £79 18

£ 79 18 5

10 0 7 0 0


D AVID DON, T1·easu1·e1·. JAMES R ANKIN, Col. , Chai1'1ncm.

Dundee, 26th April, 1904.-Examined and found corrcct. PETER KERH,

]'rci!oi,l cu t.

Glasao\\,' ,

A 1ldit01·.


The Right Rey . the Lord Bishop of Winchester. Tl'cn nrc}'.

)[Ol101'nry SccI·ctnl'Y.

'Y. R. ,Vorsam, 2-1, Downing treet, Fal'llham .

A. ,Vins]ade, 115, East Street, Farnham .

:U c (lien 1 Stnff.

Hugh F. Ealalld, L.n . C. p., L.R.C ... , Edin., L. S.A., Lond ., H. Hine, L. R . C. P . , Lond., M.R.l'.s., J. Hns eJ', :lLD., M.R.e .•. , E. Robinson, )LD., Edin., . G. Sloman, L.n.c.p., Lbnd., :lLR.C.S. A~KUAL


The Centre continues to make good progress. Central premises ha,re been secured, with a material station, ollice, and a larger room for lectures, all under one roof. Four cour es of leclure ' on fir~t aill have been given-viz., the usual "inter course in the 101\'n by Drs. loman and Ealalll1, at Baclshot Lea by Dr. Hine, at Hale (female) l:Jy Dr. l!:alanc1, and a new cla~s has been formed at Frensham by Dr. Robinson. The 1'e 111 t of the examinations wa most satisfactory, 47 seniors presenting themselves, and all pa 'ing; 1-1 fir ·t certificates, 21 vout:hel's, and 12 medallions being issued. This now makes a total or 36ti certificate and 135 medallions is~ued to the Centre. The town Corps hal'e had a bu y year, 79 cases being recorded as against 75 fOl' the previou~ year. The ambulance van continues to be in great demand, 37 cases being cotlveyen a ditance of 393 miles, the longest journey being from the Bourne to Roehamptoll auont 37 miles; 6 were conyeyed from the town or neicyhbourinCY Yillage to Gnilllfol'li Hospital, 12 to the Cottage Hospital, and 6 t; or frOl~ London. The eli tribution of medallions and certificates gained by the Badshot Class took place at the 'chools, and wt're presented by Dr. Hine, and those gained at Frensham were presented at an open-air display OR the lawn at H ollowdene, Frensham by Irs. lorton Latham . The pa -t year has been a memorable oue in the history of the Centre, Ur. Winslade, the HOll. ecretary, having been cho en to receive the pecial vellum Vote of Thanks from H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, Grand Prior, anti the Chapter-General of the Order of t. John of Jernsalem in England . The annual distribution of medallions and certificates gained by the tOlVn class took place at a dinner held at the Institute Hall, Dr. C. E. Tanner, chairman, Mr. E. Kempson occupying the Vice-Chair. Tho Chairman was supported by the Lord Bishop of Winchester, the Rector of Farnham aud m~ny influential townsmen, the company numbering about 80. Dr. Tanner, i~ propo mg the toast of the evening, stated that the Centre was far and away the most useful one in the town, and poke in very high terms of the voluntary work of the member. After the medallions and certificates had been presented by the President, the Bi hop of Winchester, His Lordship presented Mr. Winslade with the special vellum, which had been suitably framed, and conaratulated the Centre and Mr. Winslad~ in particular on its SU?~E'SS, stating that it had been his privilege to C?lllpa~e 111 the .last. report the l)OsltlOn of Farnham with wany other towns many tuues ItS supenor 11~ n.umbers, wealth, and position in the country, but Farnham far ex?ce.ded the maJonty for the excellent position reached by its branch of the ASSOCIatIOn, and went on to say that the success was largely due to the work of its Hon . Secretary, and he was not surprised that the authorities in London were desirous of marking his services in a most distinct manner. It was an honour to all counected with the Centre, and one he was sure Mr. W inslade would cherish with pride, ~nd be glad to remember all his life. Mr. ' Vorsam, the H on. Treasurer, in proposmg " The President,' hoped that the Bishop's presence there that eveninO' wo nl.d spur t~lem all on to make t he Centre even more prosperous. D uring th~ e'.'emng a capItal programme of music was rendered MI'. Geor O'e Smith.Wright very kllldly giving his services. ' eo

To " " " " " " " " "

St. J ohn Arrnb'LlJlance Association.

St. John A ?nbu lance A ssociation.


S tatement of Receipts and E xpendit1t?'e Receipts. Con tingency F und . £ 29 2 11 Balance in b an d June 30th , 1903 , 13 12 8~ R eceipts for Removals 43 14 3Subscriptions and D onations . . 21 2 0 E xamin ation Fees, Branch Classes . 5 19 0 Sale of Books Bandages &c. . ' ' 4 0 3~ Sal e of Medallions 2 0 0 L ecture Fees 1 15 0 I nterest to Nov., 1903 0 16 9 H ire of Oharts 0 5 0


the yea?' ending J une 30th, 19 04. E :rpendittt?·e . By Expp:ns~s for Re.movals . £ 33 1 0 II FUl'lllSlullg. tatlOn and Office . . • 18 19 3 " N cw .Tyres and altcratlOns and llnprovements to van 10 19 11 Examination Fces and 864. Expenses 8 6 31 "Purcbase of tores 7 46 " Rent of Office, etc. 3 10 9~ "Prillting and tationel'Y 2 17 0 Medallions 126 "Postages, etc. o 19 10 "Ga and Firing 050 I nsurance o 4 3.~ undries 11 19 8Balance in Bank 14 11 6~ " Balance in hand f(/)'


7 11

7 11


E. G. MCOON::\OCIIIE, Clw11'?lwn. "\\T. R. "\VOR 'AM, T?·eclsw·er.



Hon. Sec)·etary.



R ight H on. Lord Harris, G. C. I. E.,

Oaptain O. F. Hooper.


HOnOl'al'Y SCC1·ctm·y.

Tl'eaSlll'CI' •

J ohn Rigdon, Comt Street, Faversham.

. R. Alexander, ~r.D., Gatelield House, Faversham .

lUctUc al Staff.

S. R. Alexander, M. D., M. R . C. S. , O. J . Evcrs, M.D., M.I:.C.:-i. , E. Gowllund, :r.J.D . , M. R . C. S., Prideaux Selby, M.R . C. S., L . n.C.l'., "\Y. 'catchard, ~LlU; .. ·. ANNUAL REPORT. T wo classes were held in Faversham during current year-one for men in first aid, by which 9 certificates were obtained; 10, passed a re -examination,. and 6 med~llions were q ualified for. The oth er was a nlU'smg class for men,. by wlll.ch 16 certificates were obtained . At Greenstreet a successful class was held In nursmg for rueD, and 22 certificates were granted , and at Bonghton a small clas.: was held, resulting in 4 certificates.


GLOUCESTER. Pre id c ll1 a nd ( ·bail'Jnan.




)[onoral'Y Sccrc tary and Trc a snl·er.

T. "\V. "\Vilson, 33, Dean's Walk, Gloucester. A . s i.,tant Secl·c tary .

M. G. Matty, 2, Helhersett Road, Gloucester. Jl e.lical Staff.

J. R. Bibuy, "I.B., Eclin . , G. A. Doodle, ~LR.C.S., J. Campbell, ~r.D . , ~1.R . C . S . , L.R. C.P., "\Y. Davis, :'ILn., ~l.n.c.:-;., "\Y. "\Y. Gro~venor, 1LD., M. R . C.S. , L . R . C.P. , \r. R. Hadwen, "J.D., "LIt.C.::; . , W. R. lloclges, "I.R.C.S . L . R. C.P., D.P.H . , Oantab ., J. G. ::McLallllahan, "LIt.C . •. ANNUAL REPORT. During the past season seyen classes have been hllld in Gloucester, attended by 99 men and 54 women j 122 cases of fir t aid having been rendered have been reported to the ecretary . The annual Challenge hield competition took place on 10th Decemuer, 1903. ix teams competed, Dr. John Griffiths, Commissioner of K o. II. District, lJeing the judge. The Police team were again successful, this being the fifth time that they haye won the shield. rrbe public presentation of certificates an(l medallions was held at the OOl'll Exchange on 31st May, when the Very Rev. D r. Spence J one, Dean of Gloucester, and one of the Ohaplains of the Order of St. J ohn, prcsided, and gt't\'e a most interesting address on the history of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ill England. By the kind invitation of the D ean, the members of the various elasse' alH1 their friend; to the number of 170, were conducteu over the Oathedral on ."atnruay, 13th June. One of tIle 1110 t intl'restiDg events connected with the Gloucester Centre "as the presentation by n.R. H. the Prince of Wales of the Bronze Medal a"arded by the Order of ~'t . J Ohll for gallant conduct displayed in saviDg life to Mr. H orace Olarke for saving life at Gloucester Midland Railway tation OD 16th May, 1903 . Olarke, at the ri k of hi life, jum ped on the buffers of a moving train and disconnected t he Yacuum pipe, thereby stopping the train, and undoubtedly sav ing a woman who had fallen between the train and platform from being crushed to death.


Fielll-Uarshal H. R. H . the D uke of Oonnaught and Strath eal'll, R . G.


( 'bairJllan.

Brigade-Sl1rgeon Lieut. -Col. E. J . Hunter, A . :M.R. , H. V .I. B.

Honorary SeCl'e tal·Y.

Chairman. R.C . B .

H. Ourson, General Manager's Office, Barrow-in -F urness.

lUedieal Staff.

R . O. Bowm an, M.D. , M. R . G. S., L . R . C. P ., H. S. Byers, M.D. , D urb. , M . R.C.S . , L.r•• c .p., J. ",V. Hudson , L. R . C. S., L. R . C. P., L. i:i . A. , J. T. W illiams, M.R. C. S. E . , L.A. C.L.

ANNUA L REPORT. T he Fume R Railway Ambulance classes at Barrow, Millom, Ul verstoD, and Moor Row (the laUer includillu the staff employed on the L ondon and N orth- W estern and Fnl'l~e s Joint Line), haveobeen well and regularly attended during the past term. The annual competition for the Directors' Ohallenge Shield was bel d at the rr:own H all, Barrow, on Friday, 6th May, when the Barrow team were returned the wmners, t,be Millom team ueing second . An additional class has been formed at Haverthwalte for the benefit of the staff on the Windermere Branch, commencing on 18th October.

H is Grace the D uke of Devonshire, K.G . Right Hon. Sir J ohn T. Hibbert ,


Tl'ca Slll'Cl' an(1 1I01101'al'y SecI·ctary.

W . M. Clay , A nglesey L odge, Alverst ok e. Uc.Ucnl Starr.

Surg.-Capt. II. Darville Brook, lIL R.C. S., H. M. Case, Lieut.- Col. E. J. H u n ter, A . :M. R ., L. R. C.P . , Peal'll , F. O. H. M l1ggleton, lIf, D., M. R . C . ~ . , L. R.C.P. , I n pectorGeneral H. C. W oods, C.B. , c .v. o., lIL D. , R . N . , T. O. V . Wilkin s, ~r.R.C . S., L. R . C. P .



FAREHAM (with Porchester, Shedfield, Wickham, and T itchfield). Chairman.

Delmty Chalrm:m.

Mrs. J. Ram say.

L ieut.- Ool. H. M. Matthews. Honorary SecI·etary.

Mrs. Lenox N apier, Oatis field , Fareham. A.ssls tant Hon. Secretary.


J. W. D odge, West Street, Fareham.



Oapt. J. Ramsay, R.E ., Oams Hall,Fareham.

ANNUAL REPORT. Five classes have been ~eld lhll'~ng the year, \yhich \yere attended by 65 pupils, of whom 5~ pa~sed; 47 recelved c~rtIficates o~ first aid and nul' ing, 5 passed their first re-examlllahon and 7 have recelved medallIon. The llum hers are smaller than in previous years, owing chiefly to the discontinuance of nayal classes on account of am~mlanee work ~aving ~ecome, under recen t Admiralty order.,' a part of the ordmary course o! lllstru~tlOn on board R.1'I1. ships. Th e Oommittee are satisfied that the general lllterest III the work of the As ociation has been well maiIltained and valuable assistance continues to be rendered by the members. Th e Oomnlittce have great satisfaction in reporting that several members of the local Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade have joined the Royal Naval ick Berth R eserve.

Statement oj Receipts and E J.'}Jcnditll)'e /0)' the year 1903-1904. . . R eceipts. Expenditlll·C. To SubscnptlOns. . £9 12 0 By Head·quarter Charges . £ 7 6 " Sale of ~tores and Class n Purcha e of tores . 6 1 5 Recelpts . . 13 7 0 "Printing, Stationery, &c. 4 9 o " Balance from 1902-1 903 . 39 6 7 "Paid to L ecturer, Fareham 3 3 o " Grant to Gosport Division 4 17 6 Balance . 35 7 2







EDWIN J. HUNTEn, Chaii'man. ' V. M. OLAY, Hon. T1'easU1'el' and SecrelaTY.

Octobsr 26th, 1904.


St. John A1nb1,f.,lance Association.

St. John Ambulance Associati on .

The work of this Oentre during the year has been actively carried on, t\yenty-one classes baying been held for scrvants of the G,E.R. Company, six of which were held at stations where no amuulance classes had previously been conducted. The annual G.E.R. Oompetition was again a success, twenty-nine teams competing, and the Ohallenge Oup, gi\'en by the Directors of the Oompany, was won by the :Jlarch team, consisting of' ~Ies'>rs. E. C. Cottage, F. 'IV. Bruudell, Wm . Goodley, T. E. Oolsl)n, and A. E . .\[ortlock, who representeei the Oompany in the Railway Oompetition for the Ohallenge ,'hiclel pre ented Ly the Order of 'to John, and again succeederl in " 'inning this highly prized trophy, this l1Iaking the fourth timp- the 'hield has come into the l,ossession of the Great Eastern Rail way. Th e Ohairman, Dircctors, and Chief Ofllccr' of the Oompally continne to accord their hearty support to, ancl grcat interest in, the Centre, ancl hy so (Ioing a .. i t materially the good work which the Oen tre is doing.


H.R.H. tIle Princess Ohristian. Secrctary.

Cen tre " ecretary, General Manager's Office, Paddington Station. Jlcclienl Staff.

J. D. O. Allen, . Andrew', C. R. Ball O. R. Hi hop, H. Dl1 Boulay,W. T. Briscoe) F. J. Bult, A. J. Campbell, D . }'lc.L. Call1pl 1ell, J. . Oarleton, H. S. Ohallenor, E. A. Ohill, R. ,Yo Clark, E. L. Collis, W . Oooper, O. Corben, W . J. Oorrigan, J. Kyna ton Couch, N. Oullinan, J. M. Oarvell, T. T. Glemson, W. E . Ooleman, J. E. H. Davic~, . Dayj:;, H. F. Devi, '1'. 1'11. Donoyun, E. J. Domville, W. R. Edmonu , W Edmon.ton, F. O. G. Ellerton, O. O. P. Evans, R. D. Evans, W. Fairuallk, Mark Farrant, L . .A. Francis, J. O. Freeborn, A. L. Fuller, A. Freer, F. T. Gourlay, A. H. Grace, R. H. GJ'il.l1bly, S . B. Green. - Gaylard, W. Hamm ond, A. H. H ardwick, R. W. Haslett, W. R. Haclwen, Hodges, H. L. Hughes, G. H ollie', Jacoh, G. H. Johnson, H.. White Jones, J. Arnallt Jones, T. O. Jones, P. J. I(ing ton, W. Kirkpatrick, E . E. M. Kelly, B. W. Lamb, H . .A. Latim er, S. C. Legge, W. W. L eigh, J. H. Lill ey, O. E. B. Limrick, O. R. Lunn, P. '1'. LUl1n, J. Lytle, H. Lupton, O. E. LOYl'dy, A . H. Martin, H. Mason, W. J. Mason, ' . McDonald, F. L. Milburn, E. A. Milner, Edwin Morton, J . Mulligan, W. E. O. }'Iurphy, G. F. Murrell, - MC'Gall, Ja . N eal, J. F. Neville, J . 1\1. Owen , F . E. Paton, J . Pear ' e, E. Y. Pegge, O. Pollard, H. L. Porteous, Joshua Powell, C. Price, D. A . Reid, D. E. Ri chards, \Y. L. Rhys, P. A. Roden, R. Rice, D. T. Richards, W . O. Rowlands, - Roberts, E. P. atchell, G. O. Searle, H. O. Sharp, , Yo alisbury- harpe, E. Trevor horland, J. O. Sullivan, T, D. "ullivan, D. O. Sutton, G. R. winhoe, 'IY. pettigl1e, ,Yo Taylor, E. Thomas, H. H. Thomas, H. Tibbetts, W. Vernon. R. Wade, E. G. Walls, No el O. Ward, E. H.Warn er, H. W. W ebber, . T. Darby 'W eston, IV M. Whitehouse, H. H. White, E. 'Yilliarns, E. R. Williams, R. H. Williams, J. H. Wilkinson, S. Wilkinson , J. T. ,Yilliarns: H. L. E. Wilks, W . B. Win ck\\'orth , R. G. Worger, R. E. B. Yelf.




lIOnOI'al'y Surgeon.

The Lord Oland J. Hamilton.

B. Goduard, M.l~ . C.S ., L.R.C. P.

Honol'ary Secretary.

T. O. Mein, Lo co' D epartment, G.E. Ry., Stratford, '~E. Ileclieal Staff.

O. E. A dams, loLB., B.SC. , Lond ., M. ll . C..·. , A. Allport, M.n.c,s., L.R.C.P. , J. E. Becker, M.~., C. M., F. H. Beckett, B.A., M.B., B.C., T. Belding, M.R.C... . , L.n.c.l'., J. O. Oollms, M.D., O. H. Oonolly, M. ll.C.·. &c. J. J. Dickinson B A l\[ n MRCS , .111. ,n " . . . . , LSA . . . , SO . . Ed a es, L.P•. C.P., L.n.C. S.," Edin. F. D. Grayson C" ~ L.S.,A.:, H. Groom, M.D., K. O. Gimsoll, l\LB" B.c.,' B.A., J. S. Hin'neli, ~I"~:: HarrIson, M.R.C .S. ,L.R. C.P.,O. Jackson, L.R. C.P., A. H. Langridge, L.R.C.P. , l\Ln.o.s .: O. W. ~ow, l\I.B., O. J. Mansell, M.D., R. J. Mills, M.B., J. E. Molson, l\LB.; P. Morns, L.n. ?p., M,P•. C.s ., A. H . Moxon, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., O. P. O'Oonnor M D Durh., J . . 0. Rlchardson, M.A..,M.B., T. Richardson, M.D., Brux., L.R.C. P . , M.'R.C·.S: ' J. H. SmIth, M.n . C.S., L.n.C.p" J. F. T aylor, M.n. c.S ., L.S.A., W. Tyson l\f A M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., A. F. Webb, M.J: .C.S., L.ll-C. P ., A. Wrirrht M'R; s· , L.S.A.., S. ' Y. Woollett, M.R.C.S., L.S.A . b , •.•• ,

GRIMSBY. Pre, j(lent.

The Right H on . the Earl of Yarborough.


E. Bannister.

Tl'casure l' :uul )(C))lol·aJ·:t' Scel·ctal'Y.

J . l\Iorley Dellllis, 50, 'IYelholme Road "rest Gl'imshy.


St. John A ?nbulance Association.

) t John A?Yibulance A ssociation.

ANN UAL REPORT. Early in the pa t year a course of instruction in first aid was given 11y Dr. 0 'mon u Chapman, and attended by members of the Oo-operatiye Womell's GUlld . Of these , 24 completed a co urse of in truction , 19 preseuted them elves for examination by D r. J. Leith Waters, of Hull, and 17 l'ecei veu certificates. ,'ubse'luently a course of instruction wa.s given by Dr. Bruce, and attendeu by members of the Grimshy Borough Fire Brigade, of which 16 complete(1 a course of instruction, 1::; pre euled themsel"es for examination, and all pas 'cd-ten of them being for the Ji.rst re-exalllination. The stretcher kept at tha Bull Ring Oofree Hall was fitted with a llew can vas bed, am] the six stretchers belonging to this Oentre were all teste(l by the local H on. , ecretary and found to be ill good condition. Statement oj Receipts and E xpenclitllt'e for the !)eal' cnding Scplemuc/' 30th, 190 4:.

R cccipts.

I"Co. ,

T o Balance in hand and Dank on .£13 I;') 7 ept. 30th, 1903 Oontributions received during the year 1 6 0 " Stores, etc. . :2 12 10 " Examination Fees, etc. 1 17




£19 11 11

£19 11 11

Examined, compared with the ,"onchers, and found corrcct, O. Rr.' IlllY, Auditol'. E. BAXXISTEH, C'hail'lnan. Octobu ~ th, 190-!. J. M OllLlW DEXXI ', Hon. Scci'ctar!) (IneZ Trc ISIUu- .


Major-Gen. B. B. D. Oampbell,

.lJcclieal SCaff.



J(OllOl'Hl'Y 8ecretal·Y.

, ir '1'. Godfrey Carey.


R ev. J. Penfold; Keppel Place, Guernsey . Ucdical Stafl'.

Mi 's lII. D. Collillgs, La Yert/mc, GUCl'll ey.

Francis E. Oarey, ]lLR. C.S., J,.lI1., L.S .A. , O. ~l'.A.uvcrgne Oolling.;, lIl.D . , lI1.U., ]lLA., JlI.R.C.8., Ernest L aurie HobillSOll, L.n . c.l'., L ouu ., lILll.C>;., lIOll. DrigalleSurgeon T. H. Tho1'llhill, M.B. Statement of Receipts an.d E.{'jJenclitlll'e, 1903-190-!.

Receipts. T o Female Class Fees " Mal e do. . . " Balance due to Treasurer

lion Ol':try 8ccrc tary.


Murray, L ondon allcl Oounty Bank.

George L ocke: 4. 7, \V ellington Square, IIastin gs.

)(ca cl.Quartcrs :

The Brassey In stitute, Olaremont, Hastings. ANNU AL REPORT. The r eport of the es ion 1903-4, is simply that of continued success. T hat 155 per ")J1S have been ill~trllcteJ IS of itself satisfactory, .anu "ould ?e more so, but. for the fact that (Iuite one-thil'u of this number ha,"cl heSItated t.o Slt ~o~' the exau;lluatioll. O f thoseexalllinrr1, 110; 103 were successful, and 17 are r eeelvmg medalhons. A new feature of thi" ,'es.'ion has been a nUl'sing cla~,s for men, the first that has been helll since the formation of the Oentre, 1 were instructed, 15 examined, 12 passed; all of them were: members of the now wcll-e tablished Ambulance Brigade . The «(milt from the Technical In struction Committee has enabled ns to do the work easily ~ncl well; out of it we have a sisteu the fun,ls of the Nursing Brigade anel the Ambulance Bl'igalle to tlle extent of £5 each . Our thanks are une to Hon. Mrs. Egerton, Mrs. Woocll'ufre, Mrs. Harkness, for renewed subscriptions; to the IIollin rrton branch fOl their aid of £2, pel' Miss E . Rmye Lewis, ,yho we regret to stale h~ been compelled to resign the duties of hon. , ecretary after many years of kill'l a i, tanee .

Statcm cnt of Receipts and E'J.'pcnditw·e, 1903-1904. R eceipts. E :tpenclitw/·e.

( ' hait·ma ll. C. D.,

The Lady I dina Brassey.

O. E. Higgens, A . II. H . H ucke, F. D. L ewis, George L ocke, W. F. Lovell, II. R. ~{unse ll, F. W. B. , outh, Otho Traver.

GUERNSEY. Pre itlcnt.

Lally l·rc. j(lent.

The H on. T. A. Brassey .

E.l'lJCllditIlI'C .

By , tores, etc. . . £2 4 7 t of Examinations ;3 13 ti " R enewal o( hell of' Bnll Ring'trttcher. o 13 o ,,' 'nutlry Expcn es . o ;3 6 Ba.lance as ullderOn Deposit at Lin colll lhnk :; 0 0 In hands of Hon. ,'l'Cl'ctal), 17.J.

B\" Balance £13 5 0 ,; Hollin gton Branch 2 0 0 ubscriptions 1 16 0 Education 'ommittee of Towu Oouncil . 30 0 0 West Hill Olass 1 16 6 16 10 0 "" Pnpils' Fees ale of 'tores 7 3 11

E:tpcnclit lli'C . 12 3 3

0 0 8 4 8 11

£18 17

D.I' Ad vertiselllE:1l t . "Boys as 1I10(lels . " Hire of H.oom s, etc. " Prin tillg . " Lecturers' Fees . " Medallion Exam. Fees " Examin ers' Fees " Incidental Expenses Postage, etc. . " Premium on £9 1 s. 6d . Balance due Trea. mel' from last year .



2 0 3 3 3 3 1 11



Examined and approved,


o 17 :2 2 o :2








£72 11



6 6

Examined and approved, EnxE"T E. Fox, Charterccl ACC01mtant.

o o o 6 o

R. \\T.

:MITCHELL, C'hctinnan. GEOllGE LOCKE, Secr·eta!"!) .






AUSMAREZ LE OOCQ, Hon. A uditor. lIIAIlY B. COLLING., T,·casnre?·.

£72 11

By H ead Office £21 5 10 4 13 11 " Olass Expenses U1'sing Brigade . 5 0 0 ., All1bulance Brigade 5 0 0 Lectures 16 16 0 Hile of Room, etc., caretaker 1 1 6 Accountant 1 1 0 " Ticeburst, Reports 0 15 6 0 2 1 " Oheque Book Balance 16 15 7



W alter Oritchley.


Percy B. IV all~er.

TI'cas Ill·CI·.

UOJlOl'al'y Sccretary.

H. "'vV. Vick ers,

Duke Fox, D ew bury.

Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank, L td . , D ewsbury.


R. Gaelie, Field Hill, Batley.


St. John



St. John Ambulance Association.

Lifc lUcmlJc)·. •

Major Chaley Fox, Robert Gallie, G. al1t~ J. Haigh, ~lfred Hill an~ Mrs .. Hill , E. T. Ingham, Major Parker, S. H. peddlllg, Lancashne and YOl'kslme :aallway Co. , Charles Wheatley, Birstall Co-operative ociety, Ltd., He~l{mondwlke Cooperative Society, Ltd., Batl ey ·W orking Men 's Club, ,3. Cntchley & . OIlS, B. Wilson, ,Yormalds and Walk er, LtL1., . J. ChadwIck, Dewsbury PIoneer Industrial ociety, Ltd" Mark Oldroyd, Duke Fox, .Major P. B. Walker, Geo. Lee, B. Bullock , Crawshaw and Warburton, Ltd., Robcrt S"an Balden, C. B. Crawsl,uw, Batley Co-operative Society, Ltd. W. J. R. Fox, M. Sheard & ons, Ltd. , H. Brearley a nd Sons, Mr. J. W. Blackburn. 111 C(lical St:lfT.

Am brose Beattie Bennett, BrollO'hton (Heckmondwike), Brown (IJor1mry), Clay, Eley, Fai;'clollgh,' Field, For. yth, Fryer, Garret.t, Giding,. JIaJli"'cll, 11 all, H ammerton, Laird (Ravensthorpe), Lee, Milne, Ma on, MOll', 01(l! 0) (hI aW, Pattersoll, Pritchard, Prior, Rieha!'!l OIl, pI'01111e, ella! haw, tewart, ina It, Smith, ullderland, Thompson, 'Yoods.

Section Committees. BATLEY. Pl'es hlcnt.


E . Talbot.

D. France and Miss Gaelie DE,YSBURY.

Pl·cs itlcnt.


Major P. B. Walk er.

Geo. Marshall.

ANNUAL REPORT. During the year eleven courses of lectures in first aid and nursing have been given . Th esA have been attended by 163 men and 4 women, of whom 220 presented themselves for, and passed, the required examinations. Re-examinations, (se~ond year) for vouchers and medallions were also held, when 46 men and 7 women receIved vouchers, 30 men and 16 women qualifying themselves for medallions. The g~and total in the Heavy ,Voollen District Centre for certificates, vouchers, andm~dalhons, since its formation amount to 7,966. Thornhill and Ravensthorpe Sectlons have been revived this year. His Majesty the King, on the recommendation of the Chaptey of the Order of St. John of .T erusalem ill England, has bee1J pleased to promote Major Chaley Fox from the grade of HOll. lls ociate to that of Knight of Grace . At the . arne time the following gentlemen were made IlOIl. Associates of the Order, viz. :- Dr. E. L ee, Dewsbury; :JIajor P. D. ·Walker, Thornhill Lees; and Dr. Sutherland, Cleckheaton . In Augn t, the Cleckheaton ,'ection had a special field day in order to open a. strcet hux fitted up wi.th all requisites for accidents. nIl'. Goldthorpe, County Councillor, open ell the box, :JIr. Gadie acting as chairman. Last year it was seen from a report that the Hea\7 Woollen District Centre in comparison with other Centre. came ont mo t favourably as regards per-centages in nuring and the receiYing of medallions. This alsohows that great interest is taken in ambulance work of varion kincl::; in the di trict.


E. Y. Barraclough.


Laclie.,' Secr e tary.



Mi sA . Walker.

E. R. Fothergill.

D. J. Crossley. Trea . IU'el',


Gcneml Gash Account


the year ending SeptembCl' 30th, 1901.



0 0

£5 16 0 By Cash for Meuallion . "Dawson & on, Print11 0 0 ing, &c. 22 I;; 7 " lI ead Office, for tores 14 9 0 Examination .Fecs 6 0 0 Ill cidental Expenses " ecretary' Fees • 10 0 0 2 l~ 9 " Petty Ca 1I ( ec. ) 1 ~ 10 pecial Exam., Birstal


0 0

2 9

3 10








0 0 0

5 2 0

0 0 5



5 16

. 25 3 2


5 5

7 10 3

0 0 4

£75 10 11

Carried to next year

Geo. Habergham , 18, Market Street, Hebden Bridge.

E. J. Cro ley.


Receipts. 1903, Oct. 1. To Balance from last year 1903-4. Medallions (see opposite) " Books, Bandages, and other " Stores Advertisements in Alinual " Report R e-examination Fees " Gen. EX'Penses anll Exam. " Fees (3 classes estimated) Special Re-exams. (three) . " Grant towards printing " extra number of Annual Reports (D Force) . Subs. from West Riding " Police (per Supt. Midgley) II Gen. Expcnses and Exam. Fees Cash due from a Section " for last year II Bank I nterest D iscount


£73 1U 1 11

£75 10 11

Outstanding from Sevtember 1902': Mirfi eld Knowle Wesleyan £3 18s. lld. Stores in Stock, Sept. 30th £4 lOs. 6d . Audited and found correct, Octobe1' 19th, 1904. W. H. HANSON, A'tlClito7'.

1I01l01'al'Y Sccrctary.

Fred. Rawson,

, Cambridge Street, H ebc1en Bridge. A. .. i . tant Secrctllry.

Freel. H odg. on, 19, Olu Gate, H ebden Bridge. ~lcc1ical


P. R. Cail'll , G. G. Lawson, J. H. Thompson, ,V. Thompson . ANNUAL REPORT. The Committee have great pleasure in prpsenting the annnalrepol't of the H ebden Bridge Centre for the year 1903-,1,. During the year three clas es in first aid have been held : 1 for females at Hebden Briuge, 1 for males at Uytholmroyd , and 1 for male at Ea twood. RIe,-en females have obtained first aiel certiJ1cates, and 5 have pas cd their first re-examination; ] 8 males have obtained first aid certificates, 6 first re-examination, aJ1(l 1 final. 011e female class has also been held at Hebden Bridge; 14 out of 17 obtained their certificates, Eleven males have received meda llions . Total since the Centre wa formed in 18 7 : 026 males have obtained first aid certificates out of 770 completing the course, 28 obtained nursing certificates out of 47 completing the course, 109 females have obtained first aid certificatl~s out of 146 completing the coursc, and 108 fema.l.as have obtained ntH in g certificates out of 130 completing the COUl' e. Medallions received-males 103, females 26 . The Committee again express their thanks to the medical staff, and Messrs. R. Crabtree and on (the hon. auditors), for their valued services voluntarily rendered; also to the local education authorities for free use of schoolrooms for the purpose of holdin~ lectures and examinations. The ambulance cal'l'iage has proved itself very valuable dnriug the year, having been out no fewer than 24 t im es. It has also been thor?ughly renovated, being fitted with new t:vres and brake, and varnished, etc. , and I~ now in an excellent condition, which will go a long way to alleviate the suffermgs of those \vho may r eq uire to use it. ome of the ladies who h ave obtained the nursing certificate have formed themselves in to a Corps, and hope to

St. John A1nbulance A socicdion.

St. J ohn Arnbulance Association.

successfully cope with the work they have in hand. The Committee again express the hope that those who are eligible for re-examination will put forth greater efforts in trying to obtain their medallions than they have done formerly .



Statement oj Receipts ancl E .epenclitll're faT yea?' cnding Scptembe1' 30th, 1904. Expenditw·e. Receipts. By Balance dne to Bank, T o Cash in Treasurer's hands, £5 10 Oct. 1st, 1903 . Oct. 1st, 1903. . £0 o 10 " HorsillgAm bulanceCarriage 11 10 " Class Fees and Sale of "Printing, tationery, and Stores (less sundry pay1 11 Atlverti ing ments at Centre and 1 5 o 8 Branch) . . 7 " Stores purchased " Use of Ambulance Carriage 15 9 0 "Lettering cushions of 0 6 am bulance carriage " Accounts owing at Sept. 1 8 30th, 190J" ' tamps, railway fares, etc. Crisp & Co. Ltd . £2 11 0 " Ballk interest to June 30, }flO 4 0 2 Ackroyd Bros. 4 6 9 o 14 S.J .A.A. 7 12 6 " Cash in Bank . 0 0 " Cash in Treasurer's hands £14 10 3

£22 10

£22 10


Uniform, d;C., A ccollnt. E .(pcnditll1·e. R eceipts. By Cash due to Treasurcr, To Balance in Bank, 1st Oct., 1903 . . . £5 10 2 1st Oct., 1903. . £0 2 1 4 " Bank Interest to 30th June 0 2 4 " U nifonn . &c., purchased. ·1 12 " Uniform sold less sundry " Cash in Dank 075 expenses

Pl'es hl cnt.

The Worshipful the Mayor. 10 9 1 9

6 1 8 5 5 6


£5 19 11

£5 19 11


-- "lYe have examined the above account with th!' books and youchers relating tbereto, and hereby certify the same to be in accordance therewitl1. RICHARD CIU.DTnEE & 0 .- 8 (Chai'l( i'f'cl Accountants), A llcZitors. HeLden Bridge, October 27th, 1904. I

Hon OI'ary Scc. and Tl'Ca suI·Cl'.

Ch a il'Jn:tu.

Brigaue Sur. Lt.-Col. Elliston,

MissCoulcber, Beeehholme, I pswich.

V,D., Y.M.S.

lUe clicnl Staff.

Eades, L.lt.C . P., L.n.C.S . , Edin., Elliston, M.R . C.S. Fryer, L. n.C.p. , Gibb, Hossack, F.lt.f'.S., Edin., Hoyland, M.D., DUl'h., Paterson, lILn . , "\Vard, 'Wood, ~Llt.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lire

M.])., M .D . ,

lU c m ber s .

Mes T ·. Barclav & Co., Ld., Bartlet, M. D., Mrs. Bartlet, Berners, Miss E. Biddell, Bunnell Bnrton , . IV. J. Catchpole, F. T. Cobbold, J. D. Cobbold, Miss Coulcher, C. H. Co\\'ell, Eades, Elliston, E. H, Fison, Joseph Fison & Co ., Ltd., Footman Pretty & Co., Ltcl., W. Fraser & Co., Ltd., Fryer, Ford Goddard, M.P., Hossack, Hoyland, ~LD., Ii 's Leeder, ~Iiss McInnes, F . Nurse, "\Y, F. Paul, R. S. & W. F . Paul, Ltu., W. Pretty & Rons, LtJ., Ransomes, ims & Jefferies, Ltd., Ransomes & Rapier, Ltd., E. P. Ridley: E. R. & F. Turner, Ltd., F. Turner, D . Ottley Wollaston. ANNUAL REPORT. FiYe classes were held thi ' year, l)ut owillg to the new Euucalion Act, .much delay was cau 'cd, ami .'0 f'ewel attende(1 The arrangements for ?las~es are now lD the hands of the Education Committee, the Centre arranging for exanunabons: etc. The new Head Quarter has even exceeded expectation. There have been 191 c~l1s for t~e am b\llance carriage uming the year. It is felt to be a :'eal b~on that as Is~ance tor accl~ents and removals can be arrallged by telephone lmmedIately at any tIme, day or lllght. Many doctors haye c,i"en their most emphatic testimony to the yalue of the work. c. I do not know ho~' we could do without it." ., Patients seriously ill, have been moveu with comfort and afety to hospital." "The transport arrangements ha ve given great satil)fuction both to the patients and myself." " I think the arrangements are excellent, we have been more than ]Jleased-the promptitude and .effic~ency of your staIT is beyom1 praise." The carriage has travelled hundred.s ?f n111es lD and round Ipswich, The only trouble is oue of expense, and the deficl t IS to be deplored . Statement, of R eceipts a/tel E :I.'.)Jcnelitlli"e fOi,th e yeai' eliding S epte1nbeT 30th, 1904.

HEYWOOD . Pl'eSident.

('h a it'lll a ll.

His Worship the Mayor (Alfred Smitb).

Dr. H. H. J. Hitchon.

Honorary Secr c t :1l'Y :nul T l'ca s urcr.

Abraham Waddington, 134, Pilswol'th Road, Heywood. l l e (lical St a.ff.

Butterworth, Geddes, H artley, Hunt, H. F. Jeltery, Laird, Taylor, C. Wisken.

To " " "

Statement oj Receipts Receipts. Balance from 1903 . . £1 3 Books and bandages 2 11 Fees, Nursing Class 2 12 Fees, First aid Class 2 2

£8 N ovembe?' 7th, 1904.


ancl E xpe?lelitzwe f01' 1904. Expenclitwre. 4 By Stamps, &c. . £0 0 "Cash in Hon. Sec. and 6 Treasurer's hands 8




Payments. Balance (lJeficit) . . £159 21 Classes and Lectures. etc. 8 Reports, tationery 5 Gran t to 1st Division 2 Com petition to res and MeL1allions 14 "" Headquarters, caretaker, etc. . . 76 " Al terations and additions 20 to Heallquarters . " Horsing carriage and repairs 38 2 lUlLlries

0 By " 0 " 0 " J " 1 7 0 8 2



6 10

6 4.

R eceipts. To Grant flom Town Council £20 0 'ubs. and dOlls.5 0 Miss E. Biddell 5 0 Mr. C. H. Cowell 5 87 Suuuries 1 19 " Concerts, etc. 17 13 tores and Meuallions "" Fees from clas es 417 1 5 " Competition (DI'. Harpel') 50 ~ " Removal , etc. 139 12 " Deficit


H. H. J . HITcno~, Chai1'man. .ABRAHAM \VADDINGTON, Han. Sec. cmel TTeaStti'e'r.






0 2 18 5 15 10 0 0 12 9 0 7 ~I.




2 8 15 10 9



Stores in hand, SeptemLer 30th, value £7 lOs. 4d. I certify the above acconnts to be correct. (Signed) T. EDGAlt MAYHEW, A.C. A., lIon. Audito?' . Thoro'fare, I pswich, Octobe1' 21st, 1904.


Division of the Briuade have joined, and were officially inspected for the first time on 26th Septembe\'~ being warmly com plilllented by the inspector on their appearance and work. The Committee have much pleasure in once again offering thcir best thanks to the lecturers hon. secretaries and others, who devote so much time and energy to the ambulan~e work, and feel 'sure they must be glad to know how much their services are appreciated by the members of the classes.

1l01l01':ll'Y TI·ca'llu·el'.

l'.·es iclent.

H.R. H. The Princess Christian.

Hugh Wyeth, The Red H ouse, Newport.

IlOnOrHl'Y SCCl'ctal'ic . •

Miss K A.. Evelegh, hide View, Ayondale Road, Jewport. A . \V. Drew, " Tolverton , Newport. ~lcclicHl


Geo . Adkins, L.R.C.P., M.It.C ... , A. Bank, F.I:"O ... , H. U. Barker, ~LD . , L. R.C.P., M.R. C.S., V. J. Blake, :lLB., B.S. , M.le.C.S., L.ILC.r. , 11. Cunynghalll Brown, lILD., B.S., Durh ., C. G. Brodie, F.R.C .. , L.ILC . P., F. J. Carter, M.l:'O.~., L.ILC.l'., Lond., J. Cowper, lII.B., C.lII. E din . , H. W. Ewen, ~Llt.C.~., L.8 . A., . Fo tel', L.ILC.l'., L.R.C.S., Edin., J. Groves, B. A.., M.13.,L.R.C.P., \Y. H. Harland, L.U.C.P., )f.R.O ..,·., A. Hollis, M.D., C.M. , M.R.C.S., \1'. J. Jollifre, L.U.C. l'., ~LILC ..·., ,P. Pollard, M.B., B. C., Oamb., lILIt. C.S., L.It.C.P., L. Preston, ~LB., D.s .. O. J. Thompson, M. R. C.S., L.R.C.P.

£0 18 11 35 1 52 17 11 5 13 0

£94 11

. £0 5 0 . Heall Ollice , tores 26 3 1 " Examination Fees 32 3 8 tationery and Potage 3 11 G Local Expen e 0 2 3 " Lecturer~' Fee' amI Ex2 :1 6 pen es . Ca hat B3.nko 18 11 Wagon Account 337 General



£94. 11 ALTEn,



'WYETH, Han. Treasul'CI'. E. A. EVELEGH, 1 HUGH

Oct. 21st, 1904.

JERSEY. l'l'esi(I c nt all(I (:hail'man.

E. O. B . Voiin.

~L 1'..0.8.

UOIlOl'Ul'Y Tl'caSllrel' an(i Secretary.

A. F. Grellier, 3, Bond


t . Heliers, Jersey.

)le(lieal S taff.

Stcttement oj R eceipts Clnd E.'pW(litll1'C, IH03-1904. Receipts. E.l'pcnditlll'e. To Balance at Bank, B,' I nurance Wagon Ace. General " " From Classes " Subscriptions to Centre .


St. John Ambulance A ssoc'iation.

t. JolnL Am}nilance.A ociation .


ALFRED \YI1.L1.-\.)[ DnE"', ~ lIon. Seei'ctal'ics.

AN UAL REPORT. The Committee are glad to be able to report that ambulance work in the island during the last year has very much increased. There have heen 21 clas es during the Session, being 8 for women,S first aid, and 3 nursin Cl and 13 f(Jr lllen 9 first aid , and 4 nursing. In the 21 classes there were 425 m~l;lber· be ide oth~\'s who joined for examination only, and did not attend the lectme. Of these 259 entered for examination, 250 of them being successful, 20 of the numbcr ~rainiller their medallions, ha,-ing passed as required, 3 scparate examiuatiolls. Be~des these 6 members of the Shanklin Division of the Brigade gained their mcdallion . Th~re would have been a larger number examined, but from various cau es 2 of the classes were unahle to have examinations. . !,hree of. the classes :vere held under the I sle of Wight Local Education Authority, bemg at Bmstead, ,Ylutwell, and \ Yroxall. O\\'inO'to the chancre of administration from the County Council to the Education Committee of that Oo~mcil there has been a delay in payment of the expenses of these classes, and so the 1.Jalallc~ · sheet this year compares unfayourably with those of previous years . .T~~ ambulance ~vaggon belonging t o th~ Centre wluch is in charge of the Newport DIV1s~on of t.he BrIgade, has ~Jeen out 24 tll~es during the year ending June 30th, covel'lng a distance of 358 miles, the follo\vlllg being some of the places to which it has been : Cowes, East Cowes, Freshwater, GUl'l1ard , Osborne, Marks Corner, Park~urst, Porchfield, Rowb orou~h , Ryde, Shanklin, and 'iVhippingham. The wheel litter has been used seven times. A section of the Auxiliary R oyal aval Sick Berth Reserve has been started in N ewport, and twelve members of the N ewport

T. J. Aubin, )I.D., \Y. Duret Aubin, M.B., Robert Batho, M.D., P. B, Bentlif, :O\I.ll.C,:. O. A. Boi , L.n.C.l'., P . J. Brayn, L.)1., J. C. P. Chappuis, D. MET. c., M. lc Cronier, ~Ln.c . s., A. Dunlop, ?I['D., E. Ie Geyt, M.lt.C ... , A . C. Godfray, ~I.B., H. IIiggil1~, l\Ll~.C.S., A. E. Hind, F. ILC.S., E. Marett, L.n.C.p., .M. J. McCartan, A. Ie Ros ·ignol, ~I.D., E. II. C. SnlliYan, 1\1.1\.C.8., 'Y. \1'. Taunton, M.R. C.P., E. O. D. Voi in, )[,1:' .~ . ANNUAL REPORT. This Centre continue to make steady progress, and the advantages of the knowlad ere <rained by attendance at the COtH es of' lecture in first aid auLlllursing, particularly latter, arc becoming more recognised by the public. Lectures in first aid and nursincr fot' women, and in first aid for men were "ell attended, and the number of s~cces es gained is very gratifying. Thc Executive, however, hope that more of those who complete a course, will take up the examination in future . A fully-equippcd ambulance station was organi ed for the Battle of Flo~ers and lllumillatiollS held at t. HelieI' on Thursday, 1 tit August, 1904, at whICh som e 25,000 people were present. Happily, only nine minor cases required treatment.


Statement fo], the yea?' ending 30th August, 1904. Expenditure.

Receipts. To Examiner's Fees " Medallions Stores • Rental of lIall Models ') Prin tiug, ad verLising, postages, &e. Gratuities Hire of Tent " Balance in hand

£4 14 3 16 4 5 6 11 1 6

6 0 3 6 6

By Balance from la t Account £6 8 23 13 Class Fees 6 2 " Membcrship 0 ales of Stores 3 16 Medallions

0 0 6 1 0




795 150 036 10 15 11 £40

7 7


1904, Sept. I.-By Balance at London City and Midland Bank (Hill Street Branch) • £10 15 11 Examined and Sept. 6th, A. P. O. G.

found correct, 1904, B OURIKOT, } Aurlito?·s. BLAMPIED,

E. & 0, K, A. F. GRELLIER, Han. Sec. and T1·eaSLl?'er. (igned) E. O. B. VOl IN, Pnsident.

St. J ohn A ?ILuulu 11I'e


A~;)oci((tiun .


KEIGHLEY. Pl'c'S idc Jll.

John Bl'igg, IlL 1:'. Life ~I C lll be l' • E . Ch'1fi'ers, F.R .C.S., H . Somerville Dobie, L. ILC.f.; . , J . Nic:holon Dobie, M.A., lILB., Wro . Scattcrty, liLA. , lII.D., C. C. Baxter Tyric, lILB., M.e., J. C. " 'il on, L. R.C.P. lIOJLOl'nI'Y A 11(1 HoI'.

J . Nicholson Dobie. )(OJLOral'Y Sctre lary .

Honorary Tl'cn s urcr.

W. p , Young, A1. B., M.C., Victoria Road,

• . T. I 'cott, 16, Gnuwille Eeighley.

Keighley. ~l c (1i c al


Statement oj Receipts ancl E:J,:penditll7'cj1'0?n Octubc,' 1st, 1903, to SeplcmuCl' 30th, 1904. Receipts. E'jjJcnditlll'c . £6 11 8 £0 10 3 By tore T o Balance . 9 13


8 0 8


8 1

" " " " "

£18 12

Examiner's Fees and expenses . Use of Brigade }looms Hepairs and Coal Class Expenses tamps anLl Adverts . Cal'l'iar/e on 'tores and CC11ificates Ca h in bank Cash in hand


8 19 o 10

o o



o 7 8 o1 7 o 13 o o 2 2 o 2 8 o 7 6 £1

Audited and fonnd correct, J. NICHOLSON DomE. , V:lf. P. You:m, IIon T1·caSll1·cr .

N ovember- 31'd, 1904.


ANNUAL REPORT. Nine clas 'es have been hcl(l dmillg the past year, fom for women, two of which were nursing classes, and five for men. The numuer is small as compared with the preceding year, but the general progress is gratifyillg. The pupils follow up their teaching: for instance, among those who attended complete COUl'ses "'ere 25 who pa8sed the fin.;t, alld 32 the linal re- examination. The development of the work in the rural parishes continues, and Olle can hardly over estimate the value of qualified ambulance men and WOlllen in placcs at a distance from medical aiel. I n Kettering the heatl-CJ.uartel's of Lhe Amunlanee Corps are now at the fine Central Hall and buildings of the Church I nstitute, where men in uniform with appliances attend reglllarly. The -lll' ing Diyision under Lady. npt. Lane meets fortnightly at the Urban District Oonncil Ohamher for instruction and practice. T he help both of men and nUl' ing sisters is continually sought and freely given. There is no mistake as to the grateflll appreciation of ambulanc(' \\'01 k here .

8 1nlf.

J. B . Berry,lII.D.,H. S. Brander,lII.A., )LB., J . C. Crawford, )Ln., C.M., H . . Dobie, L.R.C.P., L.H .C.S., J . N. Dobie, liLA., )l.B., ,Yo M. Gabriel, r .It.C.I'., L.ll.C.s. , D. McDonnell, L.R . C. '., A . Maggs, L.S.A., J . P. O'Conllell, )l.D., '\'m . •'cattcrty, liLA., M.D., O. C. Baxter Tyrie, M.B., M.e., J. C. ,Yilson, L.U.C.P., 1•. 1:.C S., W. P . Young, lILB ., M.C. ANNUAL REPORT. T his year there have been five classes helJ in tbis Oentre, viz., two first aid clascs and three nursing classes; 99 students receivell instruction, and 7;" outained CCl·tin cates. Good first aiel work has been none by the student. Clas e are now formillg for the winter season .

Class Fees Stores SolU. Bank I nterest

t. J uhn A ntbulance As ·ociution.




lIun. Sec/,cta1·!J.


John A . F. Aspillall, ~r.I.e.E.,

(General Mallager L. & Y.R.).


JIo llOl'al'Y Scc r e tary ,

U. E . Ml'lIOl', Chief Traffic Manager's Office, Manchester. ;U e clical Slalf.


T. Angiul', L.n.C.p., :lLl:.C.S., . M. Bro\yn, )LD., J. U. Ooates, ;o.LD., J. A~ Oornett, L.n ('.1'., I..ll.( .s., G. H. D;ll'win. )1 D .. F.n.C.p., A . M. Erskine, :lI.B., .T. 1\1. Helmall, ;\1.])., O. Y. McCol'llIack, I..lt-r'.p., )r.n.u.s., A. P. Perci "al, )f.B., N . . Pike. :'Il.n., ll .. ·., +. Reid, )LB., 'Yo 'teyen, )LB., C. J. Trimhle, C.)La. L.n.l.l'., F. II. "'estamacott, F.Re.s. ANNUA.L REPORT. The \\'0r1~ of this Centre bas been acti,'cly can'ieLl on dnring the year, sixteen classes havlIlg been held. The annual L. & Y. Railway Competition wa. heltl in March, und wa a. success, eighteen teams competing. The Challenge hicld was won by the team representing the Horwick Loco. Works, and they represented the company in the lllternational Railway Competition, gaining the second position in the "prelimin,try," ancI the fifth position in the "final." ·W ith a view to encoura' ging the am bulance men on the Lancashirc and Yorkshire system, the Directors this year gave a sum of £25 to be expended in prizes for the first four teams in the competition. Dlll'ing the year 5,6-16 cases of accident were reported, in which first aid was rendered by men trained under this Centre, mainly the company's servants . I n addition. to the above men who have gained certificates, 76 men have passed the first re·exannnation dnring the year, making a total of 6 8 since the formation of the Oentre.

LEEDS. KETTERING. l·l·csidc nt.

J . T. Stock burn .

'l 'rca 'S Ul·Cl'.

T . T. Hall, Stamford, Spalding, and Boston Bank, Kettering.


)(OIlOI·al·.r ( ·hail·Ulall.

H erbert Gladstone,




The Lord Mayor of L~eLl '.

Edward Atkin Oll,

F . L . .•

Jlo110I'al'), Secrctary.

Honol'al'y Sccr c tary.

" TaIteI' R owley,

Charles W . L ane, Solieitor, Kettering.


LC. E. ,

F . ·. A .

ncclicnl S ta ....

1I0UOI·tll·Y SeCl'ctary to " ' omcn's DCl):ll'lmcllt :tutl Classc s 1'01' " 'OlllCU .

Harold Adcock, lILR.C.S. , J ohn Allison, M.D ., G. W . Baker, L. R.C. P., H. Burland, M.R. C.S., J . Winter D ryland, M.H. C.S., Leslie W . D ryland, lILU.C.S. , H enry Gibbons, M.D., D . L ee, M.B. , Geo. Mack, M.B., J ohn .I\1ore, lILlt. C.S., J. L . Price, M.R.C.S. , J, p, R oughton, M. H.C.S., Arno ld G. T ol ]Jutt, lILn . c.s ., 0, VanVestran t, L.R.C,P.

.!\Irs. Walter Rowley, Al der Hill, 1Ifeanwood, L eerIs . Bankcl's .

01llccs .

Beckett and Co. , Leeds.

20, Park R ow, Leeds .


St. John A?nbu,lwnce Associatio'YI ,

S t. John Ambulance Association.


Life JlJc mbcl·s .

John Ban'an anu Sons, Beckett anel 00., John Hepper, It. Ben .oll Jowett, ir Lione11I. Swinllerton-Pilkingtoll, Bart. , l31'1g~ ' Priestley, 111. P., ·W alter .Rowley, Mrs. Walter Rowley, Geo. Austin uddick, Joshua Tetley and ons.


) l c(H c al IiS Ca ll.

The Worshipful the Mayor.

)'J·cshl cnl .

H . J. Aitken, Edward Atkin on, H. Bro\l'll, J. 'Y. H. Br?\\'n, O.. W. ~nck, J. Buck, William Oarnes, J . Olough, Artll111', ~1!isoll, Basil E\\,l~g, Jt~llllS ~l'lent;, Robert Forsyth, . Griesbach, T. Wardrop (... rdltLh, ;\['D., J. \\. Hamcs, F. \\. Halliday: R. G. Ibnn, A. H. Hardcastle, Oon ·table Hayes, R. Grey lleald, Geo. H. Heald, J. B. Hellier, ;\LD . , ,V. L. llunter, l~. James, II . Johnson, J. O. K.ershaw, R. L. Knaggs, H . Little\~ood, W. S .. l\Iacke~lZH:" A. ~rCI a:b, B. G. ~. M?ymhan, J. N iahtinaale John O'NeIll E. P. PlCkersalll, H. 1. Pnllce, F. I~. Ih leI', H. J. <"> 1 11 D oug1as ,' ea t on, ;\r.,n., G ' Roper, L,.,. A., Ro\,den, G. H., Rowe, yclney hum)o, eT01~e M . harpe, - ,ims, Robert Smailes, O. \Y. mceton, H. Archbold nuth,"\\. . Sprent Joseph Stewart, Rnah Stevenson, O. H. "ykes, .John Taylor, W. Thomp on, Henry 'Towers, E. F. TJ'ev~lyan, B. 'Wainman, A. Weal', :'ILD., L. F. \Yest , H. Wood, H . de O. Woodcock, McGregor Young. n)

ANNUAL REPORT. Durina the year 20 cl&sses have been heltl in connection with the 'entre consisting of 17 first aid (male), 1 first aid (male), ~n.ll 2 llt1l'sillg (female). The l1un~ber of classes held is smaller than last year, and till IS due no .doubt to tntll del'~'esslOn. It is interestil1CY to note that classes have been fonnell durmg the past year III rOllnection with the postal employees, and no doubt g~'eat developmen~ will take place in this direction. Olasses have again been held III conn~cl1on \\'lth Lhe tt'an:~\'a.y employees, a most useful branch of work. Thanks are agam due to i'lr. J. O. lurk, a. A., who has so kindly auiited the books and accounts for the past year.

Statement of Receipts cmel Paymcnts, .NoL'c;nbCt' 1st, 1903, to Octobet' 3ht, 1904. Expcnditure.

Receipts. To Balance, 31st Oct. , 1903 £45 0 " Annual Subscriptions and Donations • , 10 5 "Receipts from Olasses for Olass Fees and Stores • 127 19







By Stores purchased

. £60 10 8 Examiners' Fees and 1nciden tal Expen es paid to Oentral Executive 00111mittee 35 16 6 "Sundry Disbursements, and, ecrctary'sTravelling Expenses, etc., to 30th June, 1904 19 6 2 Allowance on Account of Assistan t eCl'etary 1. t July, 1903, to 30th June, 1904 50 0 0 " Printing and Stationery 11 0 8 " BalanceIn hand £11 14 9., LessduetoBankers5 4 O~ 6 10 9! £183


Examined with the Vouchers and accounts, and found correct. (Signed) J . O. KIRK & 00 .,

OhCt1·te1·ecl A cco1lntant. EDWARD ATKINSON, Ohail·man. WALTER ROWLEY, Hon. Secreta1·Y.


December 6th, 1904.


C'haiJ'IIIHU .

JlollOl'al'Y Secr etary .

Rev. Oalloll all(lers, LL.D., St. Martin's Vi<:a.rage, Leicester.

F. H. Turner, 2, Granby Street, Leicester.



~IClllbcl'l> .

.Jlrs. G. H. Ellis, :l\liss Broughton, Miss Fortescue, Lady King Hall, Edward 'Wood, Oonute'; of Stamrord anu Wal'l'ington, Mrs. Buck, .JIiss Emily Ellis, Rev. H. J. FOl'tescllc, :'I1.A., i'll'S. W. Wright. ) I edical i'ltaff .

Andcrson, L.ILU.l'., L.lt.L'.S. (Edin.), Miss Frances Armitage, M.D., B.S., Astlett, ;\l.R.U.s., L.n.L·.p., Astbury, ~1.H.C .. , L.R.C.p" A. E. Barlow, .M.R.C.S., ~1.B. (Edin.), Beresfol'll, :'II. It.U.S., 13el'l'idge, L.R.O.P. , Briggs, L.R.C.P., J. H. Blakesley, F.R. C.S., Crick, :'II.H.O.i>., Oolcman, lI1.H.C.S, Astley Olarke, ;\LB., Colley-Salter, L.R . C.P., Oogswell, )LlU'. ' ., L.R.C.P. (Lolld.), Oollington, ::\f. R.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Edin . ), E. R . Oo\Ycher, L.JLl'.P., L.n.C. '., G. H. Orofts, )1.R.C. '., L.R.C.l' . , H. D. Davies, M. D., M.R.C ... , O. Douglas, F.R.C .. , Davidson, L.F.P. & .G., P. G. Garrett, :'ILR.C.. , Gunning, )1.11.C.S., R. Hancock, ;\LR.C.'5 ., (Etlin.), L. K. Hanison, B.A., :ll. B., H. T. Heginbotham, L.R.C.P., Wallace HeIll'Y, M.D., F. 'V. McAllister-Hewlinas M.B. ~nd C.lI1., Jamcs Hunter, )l.D., Harris, :'II. R.G . . , Hutchinson, :'II.R.C . . ,A . \V: Jenlnns, :'>1.B., D. '. (Lond.), urg. -Capt. '1'. G. Kelly, ~r.D . , F. Lewitt, ::\f.R.C.S., A. L. MacLeod, liLA .. ~I.B., C.M., J. H. Nicholson, L.S.A. (Lond.) , Peacock, :r.LB., B. '., Pelllbet'ton Peake, M.ll.C .. , L.R.C.P., Phillips, M.R.t'.S., L.R.C.P., F . hl. Pope, )LD. (Oalltab.), )I.H.C.S., M.B..C.P., Potter, M.R.C.S., R. Pratt, M.D. , 1'. P. Shearcr. L.ll.C.P . & , . (Edin.), A. kipton, M.R.C.S., Shipworth, ~LR.C.S., R. eve tre, :'>l.D., L.n.c.p., :r.I.R.C.S . , J . S. ,loane, M. R.C.S., Surgeon-Ool. Bradshaw Smith, ' idebotham, M.Il. C.fl., L.S.A., Sidney F. mith, M.R. C.S., Spence, :\l.R.C.. , T. N. Thomas, L.n.c.p., M.R.C.S., J. A. Unitt, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., J. E. 'Vaite, M.B., (Lond.), R. M. West, 1I1.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 'Wright, M.H.C .. , 'Yells, ~l.R.C , S . , T. Nash \Yilson, M.R.C.S., Young, :r.r.R.C.S.


ANNUAL REPORT. The Oommittee are proud to report that local interest in ambulance work continues. unabated, and they Tecol'd with pleasure the satisfactory progress the work contlllues to make. The year's classes a~though in point of llumber not equal to las~ ye~r, have be~ll well atte~ded, and a lllgh percentage of stuuents passed the exammabons. DUl'lug the SessIOn 52 classes llave been held nncler the direction of the Leicester ~entre, :riz. :-31 men's first aid, 10 women's first aid, 3 men's nursing, and 8 women s nurslllg. Twenty classes were held in the town, and 32 in the count~ ; a large number of the latter being uuder the auspices of the County Oonncll. :r'he <?ommittee take, this opportunity of ~xpressing their gratification at the sustaille~ Interest ~how~ ill ambulauce work In the county. Good classes have been held In connectIOn With some of the larae manufachU'ina works of the town where machinery is exte.nsi vely used . I n se'~ral instances c~mplete first aid ambnlance outfits have been Installed by the management, and the Oommittee hope this practice will extend and become generally observed amongst the manufacturers of the town and county . The~ urge the desirability of firms affording every encouragement towards th~ f~rmatlOn of factory and warehonse classes. The .H:mployers' L iability Act makes It Incumbent upon aU employers of labour to take every care of their


worklJeople by the adoption of all measures for their genuine safety, and in case of accidents, for the prompt and efficient attention to their injnriE's. Large and. succe5S· ful classes have been held in connection with the l\Iidland , the L. and N.'V., and the Great Central Railways. The importance of the instruction gained ill these classes to the travelling public cannot be over estimated. Twenty-seven members of the borough police passed their examination. Alal'ge proportion of the police force are now certificate holders The annual competition for the Challenge 11ielr1 took place at the Drill Hall , the Newarke, on 20th February, 1904. The Shield, a valuable and handsome trophy, is held by the winners for twelve months, and in addition substantial prize are awarded to m embers of teams gaining first and second places. Th e compE'tition \las inaugurated with the idea of promoting and stimulating a heaithy rivalry between the different divisions of the St. John Ambulan ce Brigade. The team, each COlllposed of five m~n, are exam ined in practical and theoretical first aid work, and in stretcher exerCIse. The judges this year were District ChiE'f Surgeon, Dr. 'Y. E. Audland (Wellingborough), and Assistant COl1lmis ioner T. H. W oolston ( Torthampton). The Shield was won by the Wig ton Mitlland Railway Di\'i 'ion ,yjth 265 marks. Next in the order of merit came the ,rh ea t heaf Diyi iOll Team 251' B~r:,~ll Division, 20~; L. ,& . N . ,Yo Railway Division, 201; Wig tOil hlagJl~ DIVISIOn, 190; Earl hIlton Dn'lsion, 1 9; Town Diyision, 1.:5. I n connection with the presentation of the hicld. and prizes to the winners. a most enjoyable ~n~ successful gathering took place on Tbur day, 5th 1\Iay, 1904, at the Museum Bmldmgs. By the kindnes of the President of tIle Centn', Alderman A. E. Sawday, J . P. , Mayor of L eicester, iuvitation ,yerc i, sued to n. n1lmber or infl.ue~tial townsmen, many of w~om were l'reSeI~t. Tbe l ayor, 'ul'l'orted ]'y the Rev: ~anon anders, LL.D. (Chall'1nan of Comnuttee), ,V. . Lovell, Esq. (VieeChalrm~n), Dr. Pope (Ohief Surgeon of the Leice tel Corps), atld mUllY other, with appropnate remarks, handed over the hield antI prize to the winning teum. An excellent voc~l and instrumental concert concluded the programme. The CommIttee ~a.ve much pleasure in congratulating 1\11'. Jum's A. Hartopp on the honour of recenrll~g from the hands of H .R. H. the Prillce of ,Yale" Grand Prior of the Order, the Cerhficate of Honour awarded by the Order of 't. John [or hi::; saving a child's life. . Numerous cases of first aid .have beel!- repor~ed during the ycar. III one I~stance a mem bel' of the Executn'e CommIttee assIsted by a mem uer of the.A socinhon, rescued a boy fro.m drowDing: in the canal, and by persi Leut aud l'folongetl efforts restored the chIld to conSClOU5ness, thus saving his life. This mel itorious case we are pleased to say, was recognised by the members of the ,Yalch Oommitt ce of the Leicester T own Council. Th e Committee ?annot. close this report without again thanking the sub~cribel's a~d don~rs for theIr co~tlllued support, and would assure the public generally that WIth the~r ge.nerous .asslstance the efforts of the Oen tre in promoting the good ,,'olk of first aId wIll not III the future be in any way relaxed .

B 1'igade Equilnnent Fund. ReceiZJts. To Balance in Bank . £36 13 " GI an t from Cen tre Fund 7 4

£4 3 17

7 1



Expenditu1·e. By Oilcloth for Wagon "Am b~lance Cllest and Office Table . . " Belt~, Pouches & Fittings " MedIcal Stores. . " Printing and Stationery " Pallet for V\Tagon " Waterproof Sheet " Litte r . . " Stretcher for Litter " Al teration to Wagon " Sundries . .


St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

St. John Ambulance Association.

£0 10


2 15 5 2



12 17 2 8 o 18 o 15

3 3 0 0 6 2 6 0

£ 43 17




5 1



o 10


Brigade Uniform, Olttjit Account. R eceipts. T o Bal. in Bank, Sept. 30th, £22 13 10 1903 . 10 0 0 " Grant from Centre Fund Proceeds o[ Presentation of Shield anel Prizes May 5th, 1904, Museum Buildings . 11 5 0 Less Expenses . 7 5 0 400

Expendilu1·c. Uniforms, Caps I By and Fittings . 66

19 9 Less repayments 33 1 7 - - - £ 3 3 18 " Bahnce in Bank, ept. 30th, 2 15 1904



£36 13 10

£36 13 10 Audited and fonnd correct, '\VYRES &

No vl'mbCl', 1904. StatetJu,~1,

Co., Ohai'tcrecl


oj llcccipt~ and E,iJjJeluliLnrejo,' the yea,' ending Scptem,be,' 8Uth, 1903.

Expenditltt·e. Receipts. To ubscriptiolls & D onations £45 15 5 By Balance due to Treas. £11 12 6 Sept. 30th, 1903. " Grant from Park's Committee 1 12 C " '" tores sold 56 1 0 " tores account : H ead.41 1 1 quarters " Examination Fees 102 !) 0 " ~Iedallion 17 2 0 "Examination Fees and 82 16 10 Incidental Expenses " • atnrday ll.nd Factory 120 " Local Examioation Fee I. Collection. £91 17 ~ 2 14 0 " Hire of Rooms less expenses 14 2 4 1116 77 14 10 " tOl'ekeeper's Gratuity 17 2 0 40 19 9 "Medallions " Transport Receipts 6 33 " Postage and Carriage " Oollections, Victoria Park, 10 12 6 3 10 11 "Printing and Stationery and Pasture 4 13 ti " Local Stores " Grant from Agricultural hieId Competition, Prizes o 10 o ociety 848 antl Expenses o 10 3 " Bank lntere t " Transport Expenses, in" Balflnce due to Treasurer, cluding Maintenance and 6 ept. 30th, 1904 83 1 4 tOl'age of Wagon o 7 0 " Cheque Book " Brigade Working Expenses 20 6 4 1 17 6 " Collector's Commission "Maintenance of H and 4 18 4 Litters " Expenses at Agricultural , how, Abbey Park Show, Victoria Park and Pasture '* 17 9 7 4 1 " Grant to Equipment Fund 10 0 0 " Uniform Fund 20 0 0 " ecretary's H onorarium . " Chief Superintendent's out 5 00 of pocket expenses . Su pt. Secretary's H onor3 00 arium









St. Joh n A ?nbulance A ssociation.

St. J ohn A ?nbv,lance Association.




Pres ident.


T he Right H on . the Earl of Derby,

R.G .

The Right Hon. Lord Mostyn.

Frank Tobin.


Tl'casurer a nel Honorary Secl'c ' a r y .

J. O. E lli on, 6, Wellington Building:,

outh Oastle

treet, L iverpool.

Jlonol'ary Secr c tary.

L . J. Oonwll.Y, 110, Mostyn Street, Llandudno .

T he Earl of D e~'by, K.G., L ord Bras oy, K.C.B., William Adamson, Thomas Bart lett, E dward Bibby, F.R.G.S . , James Lister, J. T. N ickel, A. M. mith. illee1i(:al S. a ff.

B radshaw, ·L. R.C.P., ' Y. Murray Oairns, M.B., Cornett, L.ll.C. P., Thos. M. Dawson, M.D . , Bichard Humphrey:, M.n., J. R. Jud OIl, )I.D., ~loOl'e, LL.C.P., Llewellyn ~~o]'gan, M.D., Nevins, M~D., G. cott ugdell, M.D., G. ' Yallace. )I.B., T hos. M. " dis, F.R.C. S. , I re1., L. ,' ood, ~r.13. AN :rUAL REPORT. During the year 26 classes have been held, viz., 19 male, 3 female and 4 nursinO'. The work of the Centre continues in a satisfactory condition. The Committee noto with pleasme that ~he interest .is still.well maintained by the City Police nnel also by l\wst of the E ducatIOnal Oomnuttees, lJ1 the area of the Centre, but at the same time regret the growing tendency on the part of some of the Educational Committee> in not having quaJified medical lectnrers, and so preventing the students from gainillN t he certificate of the Association. 0

Statement oj Receipts and E[llJCnditnrcj"oiil 1st Oct., 1903, to 30th Sept., 190J. Receipts. E't'pe71dLtUl'C. Balanc~ l~st Account

. £60 11 0 SubscnptlOns and Dons. 7 12 11 Class Account 41 16 2 I nterest 4 2 9 £114

By Office Expense £61 1 11 "Gran t to Liverpool Di vision, .J. A. B. for equipment . 2 11 11 " Balance . 49 12 0

2 10


lUc(Ucal Staff.

Jas. Craig, M. Il . , Thos. Daltoll, M.D., T. L. !(enrick-Davies;. :'I~.B . , E . Gooddy, It.lLC.S., T. V. Lockhart-Mule, :'11.13., c.:'I[', Elllll., H. Bold '\llhams, M . B., C.M., Oamb., E. R. ,Yoodhouse, ~LB., (,)1. ANNUAL REPORT. The following <:Ia c have heen helrl during thc past year.. A first aid cla s for women formed in -o\'emuer last, lectl1l'er, Dr. Mure. TIllS was followed by t~e nursing COUl' e, and was \\'ell attcnded by most of those who had gained the first ,aId certificate." iectlll'o)' Dr. Gooddy. :l.\[rs. Brookes acted as cla:;s l'ecretary. A fir·t aill clas fo; men Iedturer Dr. Dtl,vies. The above cIa ses were held in the Ohurch lIOll e. A fir t aill cIa.':; for 1I1el1 was also formed at Penhyl'll 'ide, ami was very well attellllc(l hy quarrymen in that di trict. The lectlll'er was Dr .. Mure. Mr. ' Vm. Thoma'l acter1 a' class secretary. The result of the clas. es bemg : 20 men obtained the first uili certificate ont of 2;) who came up [oJ' examination; 11 women obtained the tirst aiel certifi.cate out of 17 who attended the classes, and 9 women outained the llun;iug certificate ont of 10 who attended the course.

Statcmcnt of Ree· ipts (Iud E,cpcndill/i'c ful' yea1' cncling September 30th, 1904. Rcceipts. E[I'lJenditw·c. £7

To Clas Fels Donation tores solll Mcdallion solll Balance


5 3 19 2 10 5 1

0 0 0 0 0

2 10

Audited and found corred,

F. TOBTN, ahainlLan. J. C. 1!:LLISON, Han. Sec?'etal'lj and Treasu)·cl'.

4th Decembe'i', 1904.

Tre a s urer .

J . Adey Wells, Bryn Mail', L lamos.

Ven. Archdeacon Morgan.

Life illcmb er ·.

To " " "





By ., " " " " "

Balance Oct. 1, 1903 £0 tores bought 5 Diagrams for Lecturer's use 1 Medallion bought . 2 Examiners' fee' and expenses 6 Incidental expen es, London 2 Postages . . 0 Printing and tationery 0 . 0 " uhjects for CIa ~es 0 " Ad nrti 'ing

18 11 0 9 4 4 10 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 17 0 6 0 10 0

£19 13




ADEY \YELL", Treasurc1·. OOXWAY, Han . Secrctary.

L. J . Pres idc n'.

The abo\'c accounts wore aurliter1 and fount1 cOlTect, 7th No\-., 1904. PEllCY 'YALKER.

l\hs. Rowland Williams. Treas urer.

UOllor:lJ'Y Secr c 'ary.

W . C. Thorne.


Miss Fanny L. Calder, '19, Canning Street, Liverpool.

Uonol'al'Y Ass i li> 'ant Secl'et a r y .

Miss Macfie CamlJbell, Princes Gate

treet, Princes Park, Liverpool.

ilIcclical Stnff.


immo Walker.

AN NUAL RE PORT. F irst aid and nursing classes have been held in the spring and autumn a. usual and are most useful and. va~uable to studen.ts of every department; 28 first aid students passed the exarrunatlOn, and 23 nursmg students likewise.

'"res icien' •

Albert Browne. TI'(,lISlll'el'.

Ilonorar.r Sec r etary.

Charles tewart Taylor. John H . Turner, 9, Chestnut Midland Conntics District Bank, Loughborough. L oughborough.


ll ecli('fll Stair.

~L H. C.. . , L.n.C.p.,

Eclin ., J . B. Pike, L. R . C.P., M. R.C . H. ANNUAL REP ORT . D uring the yea,r two fir. t a,id classes a,nd one nursing. cla s \\'·e1'.e held. .The ambulance da, es haying proved so successful during the p~'e~ou, year, It wa~ deClded to again conduct them uncleI' the e\'enil1g >;chool. The deClSlOll of the commlttee was amply rewarded, 69 enrolling their name for in,;tructioll. Of this l1lmber 33 ",ere Philip Phelp',


St. J ohn Am,bulance Associution.


pre en ted for examination, and 31 students were successful in obtaining' firi\t aid certificate. The nursing class was held by penni 'sion of the comm~ttee in con,nection wlth the Y oung \Vomen 's Ohri tian A sociation, Dr. Phelps agam conductmg the cla s. The number of students under instruction was 21; 7 were presented for examination, and all pa sed. It will be ob el'yed that the number of tudcllts pre ented for examination in both cla. ses is comparati\'ely small, bu~ this is parti.a~ly accounted for by some having left the town, and other not malung the :equ.l~lte number of attendances to qualify for examination. In addition to the e exununatlOns, a re-examination in first aid was held in :hI arch; 13 candidates were pre'3ented and 1:2 pa ed. The number of certificates earned i, in exce of the previous U months, and it is gratifying to know that the intere t taken in first aid to the injured is still increasing. ew enthusia m has been created by the organisation of an ambulance competition for teams from Oentre or detached cIa ses imm clia,te to L oughborough, for a magnificent silver hield, beautifully in cribed, pre 'ented to the association hy \ V. B. Du Pre, E q., J.P., and much appreciation and our most ~inc re thanh are felt for hi' kind genero ity in presenting this valuable trophy to the Centre. The fir t competition \Va held in the TOWll Hall, L oughhorough, by kind permission of His \Vorship the Mayor (Alderman T. Mayo), on the 10th February last. Teams from nI ountsorrel, hep hed, Ooalville, and L oughborough competed, and resulted in the shield being won by the 1\lidland Railway team, Coalville. The L oughhuJ'ou<fh team was awarded second place. The medallion and certificate earned durin ... the pl'eyious year by the Loughborough classes were pre ented by his 'Worship the Mayur at the close of the competition. Th e thank of the Oommittee are heartily r nder(;d to the th e medical staff, Drs. Phelps and Pike, and to the instructor, 1\11'. Ern(;st 'uuk, " ho have kindly placed their en>ice at the disposal of the Centre, and the Sllccess of the work is largely due to the time and energy deyotcd hy them to it. The ('ul11mittee have also to thank all those who by financial assistance havc enabled them again to (-any out their work, and they hope that their upport ,yill be granted them in the coming year. The second annual report of the Aml)ulance Oorps i· as follows : -\V (;' are plea ed to be able to report an increa 'eel membcl'tihip in spite of variolls r 'mo, ah Members how by their con tant u'e of the ambulance rOom how they appreciate the committee's generosity in pro\'iding them with a room for practice and recreation. Our equipment ha again beenincrea ed through the instrumentality of Dr. Plwl, and to him we tender our thanks. Public duty htl been performed on severnl occasions; al the races and at the sports-two days-and members have rendered effectual individual service un many occasions. The stretcher has been rccluisitionecl for the removal of sick persons several time . ome outdoor practice have been held, but it i' regretted that some member do not attend the practices in the summer months a much as would he d esired. At the competition our team did all that could be desired of them, hut were placed econd. till it is thought the competition had the effect of creating more interest in ambulance work. The annual outing wa held on 25th .Tune, about 30 driving to pring Hill Farm, where a most enjoyable time wa!;;;pent. In conclu.'ion, our be t thanks are due to the committee for the interest they hu,ye taken in the welfare of the Oorps and fir t aid work generally.


Balance Sheet, September, 1904. Expenclitw·e.

T !) na.lance in hand £5 11 11 Sale of Stores 7 0 4 Subscriptiolls ]3 0 0 Donati'lns 5 19 0 Balan ce, Evening School Grant . 0 10 2 Oompetition Fees . 0 10 0 " Y. "\V.O.A. Nursing Olass Exam. Fees 1 19 0 " B8.lance of Petty Oash 0 13 10


4th Octobey', 1904.


By A. Olarke & 011 . £0 12 6 , il vel' Metlallion 076 ,,001ll11etition Prize 1\1oney . 126 Examination Fees. 138 Trad esmen's Accounts 230 "Petty Oash AccollIJt 200 ", t. J Oh11 'f; Gate Stores &c. 9 10 11 " F. Caldwell & Co., Re~t of Ambulance Hoom, 12 mouths 10 8 o 7 16 2 " Balance




Auditeo ~ucl found correct,




LYMINGTON. )~I'e~ id c Jl


II.R.H, Princes. Loui:r, Dllchess of Argyll. TI·ea su rcr.

( 'hail·Juan.

E. II. Pe1l1 bel',

P. C. Hayles, Manager, Capital and

K. C.

Conn ties Bank, Lymington. Lifc : uc mb er. Mrs. Heseltine.

II OIl Ol':tl·y Sccr c tary .

Col. F. Jerl'al'u, ,Yalhaml'ton Villa, Lymingtol1 .

La die ,..,' Jl o llol'a l'Y S cl·c t a r y . :JIrs. Ohillery. .lI Ctlical St a lf.

R. Bruce, )I.l'... t:.s ., J•• .'.A., D.P.R" E. F. Ohiner)" L.R.C.P., F.R.C . S., F. i\IatLlrill , )I.B., B.C., )I.l-t.C.H., L.U.C.P., A. D. Pithie,

)r.R.C.~., L ... A., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.,

L.F.P. ' .

ANNUAL BEPORT. Two flr!:!t aiel classes, Olle for men and one for women were commenced on 16th February, 1904 ; Dr. A. D. Pithie was the lecturer. An exam ination was held on the 6th April by Inspector-General H. C. ,'{oous, C.B., C. \ ' .O., H.X., 10 "omen were examineu, 7 pa. sed; 11 men presented themselves for examination, only 1 failed.

Statement of R eceipts (tild E,I'jJenclit1l1'e for 1903. Receipts.


To Balance with Capital and By Exp, Nursing Division £2 5 4 Ouunties Bank, ;31.1~. 0:2 £21 6 11 . .1. A.A. (Storc ) 2 11 9 ., B.11u,nce with 001. tirke I " L ec turers' F ees 8 0 (late H on. 'ec .) ,'.J. A.A , 3 12 -i 0 0 1 " ;"'llbscriptions 20 11 0 Do. 4 0 0 Do. Exuminers' F ees 3 3 0 " Oash l'ecei ved for lJooks, bandage, etc. . 3 1 0 ',Yalters-Hire of Room (a) 0 7 6 1 0 6 " :JIate- Printing " Ola s and Exam. Fees (a) 0 11 0 .. ('ounty Oouncil Uraut 6 l3 0 " T elersrams 0 2 9 J' Recei yell by Col. Stirke .J. A. Brigade. (b) 1 7 on aCt:. of Demonstration 19 0 11 " Expended by Col. til'ke 011 account of D emon· tnllion, postage, petty expenses 42 16 11 " Balance in Capital and Coul'ties' Bank, 31 Dec., 1903 572 £74 13


£74 13







Ghcti1'?nctn. Acting T1·caSlt1·cr. Bon. S ec1·eta1·Y.


HA YLE:,;,


I have compal'eu this statement with the separate accounts and vouchers left by Colonel Stirke and find it perfectly correct. (I note that the balance on 31.12.03 by BtLnk Pass Book is £6 5s. 8<.1. , the balance £57 . . 2<.1 . shown in above statement being obtained by deducting amounts for 7s. Qd. and lIs . marked (a ), (a), which in the Pass Book are shown in the expenditure of 1904. I also note that I find no vouchers for amount marked (b), but I accept the entry in Oolonel Stirke's cash account as sufficient proof of its disbnr ement) . A. FouBE~, H on. Auditor.


St. J ohn A r;nbuZo//1ce Association.

St. J ohn Anlbulance Association.


Howell, lIl.n ., C.lIf., H. W. Ja ckson, lII.D., vVilliam Knott, M.p., J. B. Laverick, lII.D . , H. D. Leyick, M.D., ill. A. Levick, lILD . , Jas. l'.Iackllllay, lIf.n.c.s., 'V. Mackinl ay, ;)LD., S . H. Merryweather, M.n.c.s., F. Munroe, M.B , Messenger, lIf.D. E. T. comh, lILR . C.S., \\'. hand, lILn.C.s., And. teele, L.R.C.P, & s., Jno. teele, L.n.c.p. & s., Stainthorpe, ;\I.lJ., 'V. A. Stephen, liLA., lIf.B., J. Thorney, L.RC.P.,. T. Tinley, lII.D., F. E. T ownsend, M.D . , 'V. Y. Veitch, L. R.C.P . , vYaits E. Croft, M.D., J. ,Yo \Villiams, lILD., amI. 'Yalker, :.r.R.C.S., Geo. Y eoman, B. A., L.R.C.P., STOCKTON BnA~CII. J. A. Blandford, :\1.II.C.8., E. J. Cowen, ?r.n. c.s ., G. H. Douthwaite, iII.R.C.S., II. Fawcett, lILl)., Geo. H ogg, M.D., Thomas H Oln e, M.D., H. M. Hu ghes, lILJl., E. II. Hunton, ;\I.D., G. L. I'omen'ille, lILB . , C.lIL, Tho 'Watson , M.D., Jno. ,Yil 'on, L.n.C'.l'. & ~ . ANNUAL REPORrr. O\Yin rr to some stranffe oyer. irrht no returns were sent last year from this Centre. Tll ere i;' therefore, tw; years "~rk to rel)ort. 'Ye have maintained a fail' allIount of work, but there has lJeen nothing out of the usual course to rerort. La t year, 1903, at tIle kind invitation of A. J. D orman, E. q., of Grey To'wers, NUll thorpe, om annual reyie\y and inspection was held in his beautiful ground. , "'hen 83:3 llien an(1 274 women were pre ent and took part in the parade, and exhibited r emarkable proficiency ill l,andaging and stretcher drill. Th ese numuers were mnch in excess of any previous review. Owing to this very large num bel' to be provided for and entertaillerl we are unable to continue to have this parade annually allrl it has been omittcd this year, 1904:. At the end of 1903 we had a balance in hand of £119 as against £9 the pre"ious year.

Claa irluan.

l'rc itlcnt.

T he Y ery Rev. ihe D eall of Manchester, D. D.

G. H. Darwin,

:'1. D.

II OJlOrary Sccre1 :II·Y.

TI'ca nrel'.

Belljamin Bro"'ll, C.A., 17, Cooper Manchester.

Captain A. Billyon.


lUcclical S1aJT.

G. H. Darwin, M.D., ,Yo J. Heslop, L.R.( ·.P., F. H.

'Y e~tmacott, F.ILC'.S.


ANNUAL IlEPORT. DUl'ing the year 18 cla.'ses har e ueen held tll1Llel'. the auspices of ,t.l'is ?c!ltl'e,. (~3 male and 5 female) 2 were compo:ed ot ll1emhu's ot ihe il~tt1l~he~te~' Cli) l.oh.ce, ( . Ill connection with the Technical and other 'c11ool5 of the Dlstnct, 4 III a "oclatlOll \\ Ith clubs for mutual improvement, 2 consi~ting of railway and Tramway Co. elllployee and 2 not classified. I

Statement of Expenditure foi' the yem' cildinlj Scplem bc1' 29lh, 190·1. Examiners fees and material .. £;-0 0 Working Expenses, including cal'lia~~ of Gootl ', Po 'tages, 5~ 15 Stationery, Printing, anLl AllvertJslllg

5 6

£1:.l2 15 11 Examined and founel correct, G. II. DAnwI);", ~[.n .. Chai!'iJ!lf/L AT FnETl BI'YO~, l't'C{(SlIl" t. BE-;.J A.:'lI);" Bnow_-, HOil. ,'i"

Decembe1' 13rh, 19 01.




( 'hail'man.

Jlonoral'Y Secretary.

D. Lang.

W. T. Lawren c8, Millom. : Ucclieal Stair.


Pres hlcnt.

The Marquis of ZetlanL1,

:M ajor Walter John OIL

K. T.

.T. J. Anderiion, .:1[,1:,( ' .:-.. , L.ll.C.P., J. ,Yo Hudson, :'I.R.C.S. , L.R.C.P., p, B. tnney. 1\I.Jl.C.~., L.H.C.I'. AN -UAL REPORT. Th ese rlasse are cOJlclucted nnder the auspices of the Millom Joint Education Committee, and the receipts and expenditure are included in its general accounts.


C. \V. SheppaI'll, :l\ational Provinc.:ial Bank, lIIiddlebrough.


1I01l0raJ',r SCCJ'(,j aries.

'Vaynman Dixon and F. HerbHt Marshall, l\liddlesbrol1gh. D. J. 'Y (JOn, ' tockton. LH'e ;Ucmbcl'S.

The Marquis ofLondondelTY, K.G., The I1Ianlnis of Zetland, JLT., Tile Anders ton Foundry Co., Ld., Ashmore, Benson, Pease & Co ., LeI., Blair & 00., Lt1. , Bell Brothers, LeI., C. F. H. Bolckow', Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., Ld., Cargo Fleet h Oll Co., L(1., Oarlton Iron Co., Le1., Cochrane & Co., Craig, Taylor & Co., Durham County Constabulary, Sir Raylton Dixon & Co., Ld., Dorman, L ong & Co., L l1., 'fhe Mayor and Corporation of Middlesbrongh, Morrison &, Co., The N orih-Eastern Railway Co., N orth-Eastel'l1 Steel Co., Ld., North Riding Constabulary, Pea~e & Partners, Ld. Richardsons, 'W estgarth & Co . , Ld., Ri.chardson , Duck & 0 ., Ropner & Son,' Sir B. Samuelson & Co., Ld. , Sadler & Co,.' ~d., VlT. ,haw ~ Co., Ld., Skinningrove Iron Co., Ld., T ees Conservancy COnll111SSlOners, ~ ees Bnc1ge &. Engineering Co., Ld., W. H. A. Wharton; W. 'W hitwell & 00., WllsOllS, Pease & Co., Ld. ~Icdica)


G. H. Au cl erson , lIf.D., F. R. Benbow, M.D., B. M. Bone, M.D., E. Burnett, M.n., Caldwell, L.R.C.P. & S., J. P. Clarke, lII.D ., COllsirline, M.D., J. W. Edward, M.B. John Ellerton, .M.D. , S. Farmer, lILR. C.S. , Fenrlick-l\Iaud, lII.D., G. C. H. Fulton, M.B., John Glen, lII.D., Jno. C. Glen, L.R.C.P. & S., John H pdley, M.n., H.:Eo

• ·('c'liclenj

Alderm an John 'iYilkinson .

• ·atl'on .

{ 'bn i rluan •

Councillor Amos Nel son .

'iVilliam Bolton.

Trca SUI·cr.

Houorary Secretary.

C. Th ornto n, 2, Leed .. Road , Nelson.

E. Monday, Ambulance Hall, Ann

treet, Nelson.

;Ucclieal S1aff.

T. Aspinall , M.D., H. \\T. Dun, 111. n., A. Findlay, :'LD., Oouncillor 'V. Jackson, M.D., A. P. :M illar, :.r.n., C. 1. Mitchell, M.n., T. Murphy, iII.D., A. E. "ormington, iII.D., W. O. Piper, ;)Ln., J. B. K. Rabb, iII.n. _iN JUAL REPORT. Th e Committee of the Centre have great pleasure in submitting their 16th annu al report and balance sheet, showing the financial po ition and prosperity foJ' the year ending 31st May, 1904. During the past year one ladi. es' first aid cla s, Olle ladies' nursing class, one gentlemen's first aid class, llave been h eld. Out of a possible 22 in the ladies' fIrst aid class, 20 have received first aid certificates. The ladies ' nursing class, has attained even greater snccess, as the entire number of 30, h ave succeeded in obtaining certificates. The nccess of the male members has been as follows:8 first aid certificates, 2 second conrse certificates, and 7 medallions. During the year snbsr.riptions have he en recei\'en from the police anrl. Town Hall officin,ls football


St. JQhn A 1nb'Ldcl;'nce Association.

match, £5 i the school sports, £3; the l)olice and tradesmen's football match, £12' the mill collection, £47 17s. 6d. up to date, and other private sources, which tend' to show the appreciation of the movement by. the pu~lic, and greatly assist in meeting the expenses. i?curred . The weekly 11l'act.lses .contl~ue t? "?e well attended, and afford O'reat faci h tles for the students to mallltam then efficlCncy, and at the same time ~pend the evening in a socia~ and l'ecre~t~ve manner. There are also special practises held for those who enter mto competitive work, antI there are now a number of squads prepared for entering the various competitions that are held annually by the various Corps and Divisions throughout the district. The lady nursing sisters are still indefatigabl e in their attendance at practices, WhICh are h eld on Wednesday evenings, and instruction is given in that great and noble art of t ending to the sick and suffering. The St. John Ambulance movement in N elson has prospered and flourished now for over sixteen years, and is r egarded as an institution of absolutely necessity to the borough. The work entail ed is carried on by the voluntary services of the members who are organized by a Centre Committee, elected by the members at the annual meeting, and " 'ho by their united effort, and the assistance of the public, have succeeded in making our local branch one that is honoured and esteemed by all. Justification for the continuation of this movement is shown by the work done by the ambulance carriage, this vehicle has for the pa t twelve months, been used for th e conveyance of the sick and the removal of accident case, on an average, twice a week. N umerons cases of a minor nature are treated daily by one oJ' another of our students. In conclusion, the Committee beg to extend to all who hnve in any way assisted, either by contribution or other" ise, its most sincere antI cordial thanks.

R eceipts and E xpenditw'ej1'o1n Receipts. T o Loan of Carriage £3 19 " Ordinary Members' Subscriptions 9 10 " Class Fees 7 16 " ocials . 16 9 " Refreshments 3 10 " Rates . 0 8 " Discount from Competition Review . 0 4 " Billiards. 2 15 " Donations 22 1 " Honorary Members' Subscriptions 3 3 " Ball Receipts 7 5 " Ambnlan ee Sbll Receipts 9 6 " Books and Stores 10 0 "MillColleetions 4717 " Bank Interest 2 1

May 30th, 1903, to J une 13th, 190.,J . E)penditw·c. £11 18 10 0 By Hepairs to Carriage 3 11 6 " Examinations 1 2 10 6 "oeials. 126 0 " Refreshments 5 10 2 9 " Petty Cash '27 3 10 0 "Rates 9 3 ] 0 "Repair to Hl1,ll . 6 13 3 " Rel'iews and Competition 7 12 4 4 "Billiard Ta ble anll Room 2 10 " Donations 13 14 6 4 " Printing and tationery 750 " Expenses attending Ball 46 13 2~ 0 " Ambulance Hall 19 16 5 0 "Book and tores 27 9 7 3 " Caretaking, &c. 60 17 7 2 " Bank Interest 6 £251 15 3 In Bank, 13th June, 1903 . . £6 3 10 11 I n Treasurer's hand. , 13th June, 1904 3 13 1~




In Ballk, 1st June, 1903 . £63 16 In Treasurer's hands, 1st J nne, 1903 2 16

13th ' h me,-19 04.





Examined and found correct, C. H. BHEAR, IncMpomted ACcoHntcmt. CUARLES THORNTON, H on. T?·easw·e1·.


Th e Right H on. Earl Manvel'S . J(onoJ':1I'Y Sccretal'Y,

TI'ca n[,CI',

Robert Hodgkinson, newark.

r orthgate

E . Fairbul'll Mil thorp, Balderton Old Hall, :r ewark .


Jledical Stalr.

.Lift' UCIIIl)CI',

F . H. Appleby

.Mrs. J . O. Bl'allston.



1·1·( · ~jc\(' nt.

J. Cooper.

The )lost HOIl. the Mal'<lui of NorthaUlpton. 'I'I'C:I., II I' C I',

Honora ('Y SCCl'ctm')',

W. H. , lIlith.

G. C. Wells.

0 Oicc

1, :JIercel"s Row, Northampton.

.Life ;llcml)cl's.

The Du(;hess of Grafton, The Iarquis of Northampton, Lady Robinson, The Northampton Rug1.Jy Football Club, The Northam~ton A1l1ateur Opera~ic Society, C. C. Becke, W. Bonner, ,V. Cave, J. Cooper, P. Dorman, FraIl Bros., T. Manning, II. Eo Randall, C. E. Thorpe, B. ,rilkinson.


Uc(lical . tatT.


'1'. Cairns,

L.R.C.P., L.R.C . . , \\T. H. Chamberlain, H. Cropley, F.U.C.S., C. J. Evan, lII.H.C . . , P . . Hichens, M.D . , E. Harries Jones, ~r.H.C.s" A. Linnell, M. R . C.S . , R A . Milligan, lII.D.: M. R.C.S ., \Y. P. Richardson, :l1.B., C.)L, ,V. 11. Hyun, M.Q.C . P.r., D. tone, M.D., C.M., J. Jerry, !If.R.es., P . . \Yhite, L.R.C.I'., M.ll . C. S.





L.n .a.p., L.H.L.S.,

Castle Ashby Section. Chainnan. Th e Marquis of N orthampto11.

Treasure?' and Hon. S ec1'eta1'Y R. G. Scriven,

Earl's Barton Section. Hon. Sec?'(~ta1·Y . F . B. Line.

T1·UtSU?·er. W. G. Abbott.

Little Houghton Section.



AN "U.~ L REPORT. Seycral case' of lirL aiel have been rendered by our members. The ambulance litter preeu tell by the Centre to the to\1 n has been fo~nd most u~eful, and. is highly appreciatcll. \\'e hal'e ~ad .one cIa 'b when .16 CandI?ates ob~amed certIficates, 4 pasbcd theIr iiI' t re-cxammatlOl1, and 1~ obtamed theIr med~lhons . All these m.en were connected with the Mic1laud, aUlI Great Northem RaIlways, aUlI the Pollee Force.

ChaiJ'man. C. Smyth.




Chai?·man. Rev. Ar mitage.

£66 12 2 Receipts in excess of Payments 0 12 £252


St. John Ambulance Association.

Hon. S ec?'eta?'yand T?'eaS1t1'e1', D. D eacon.

R oade Section. 1~

Hon. Sec?'eta1·Y . S. W. Shouler.


Tovvcester Section. Chai?·man. B. W entworth Yemon.

T reaS1t?'e?' . J. Hanbury J ephso11 .

H o?t. SeC?·ela1·Y. D. NOl'ma.n,


St. John A ?/dJulu,nce Association.

St. J ohn A muulanr;e As.sociation. Statelnent of Receipts and E;cpenclitw'c fo}' thc ycar Reccipts.

To Balance at Bank (General Fund) . £52 D o. in Hon. Sec.'s hands 9 " Annual ubscriptions H Donations 16 Special Donation for Prizes, J . Cooper, Esq. . 2 II Oounty and Borough Coul1cil Grants . 71 Class Fees 6 " Stores 37 :Medallions . 3 :J Brigacle Subscriptions 2 " Stores 0 T rallsport Fees . 74 Uniforms and Badges 2 Bank I nterest ~


Jww 30th, 1904. Expcnditurc.

By Expenses of Anllua.l Inspection Attel1(lants, Clerk and Commission "Printing and tationel'Y (CeJ1U'e) 0 Ditto (Corps) " SLores for Classe . 3 0 Lecturer " and Examiners' 4 0 Fees alld Expense:, wiLh 13 3~ I ncidental Expen es . 6 R nnQry Expenses (Ocntre) 14 6 Do. Do. (Corps) 11 9 nIetlallion . 9 6 B I'igade tores, ~Ia terial 15 7 Ulliform 3 0 and 13~dges . Expensc. of Challcnge Cnp Competition and Prizes . . Transport Expen es . 1: ursing Di\'ision, Postage anel Expen e' Balance at Bank Cash in hand

0 0 19 10

£325 19

7 1~ 6 6



1:2 18


10 16 o1 13 11

,1 2~

49 17

0 3 13 :3 0 5 0 11 10 4 2 ]




16 3

G 3

o 13

8 14 10 13 6 i>~



£325 19




Liabil itics. Asscts. To Balance at Bank. . £123 14 10 By •'lln(lry crcditorsFrisby Account Cash in hand 13 6 5~ £13 4 3 IIilluert' 2 4 7 Stock of Material at Lecturer's 12 1~ 0 Stretcher Stations, &c. 195 12 6 ,'upt. OllleY'~'Account 12 12 3 " Sundry Dehtors • 3 15 0 Berrill's . 1 10 0 ExamillationFecs and Expen es . . 11 3 4 Bandages, Books and Medalliolls . 14 8 9 Balance, excess of Assets 26 13


connection with the c:las es we have to thank the surgeons for the unremItting care and attention they 11<we shown to the pupiL, ,md also members of the corp, both men and nursing sister.', for their great help in 6ri:ving demonstrations in stretcher and bandage work, thus helping the pupils to gain a complete knowledge of the practical portion of the work. ,Ve are very pleased to note that our worthy Chairman and the chief surgeon of the corp haye been made Honorary A sociates of the Order of t. John of .T l:ru.:alem. ,Ye tender them our hearrie t congratulation . Although the Corps ha. a tiepnrate report it is so connected with the Centre that we feel our report would be incOmlJlete without mentioning some of the mo t important items connected with it. The annual il1f;pection of the corps took place in July at Delapre Park through the kind penni sion of our chairnmn, J. Cooper, E q., J.P., and our best thanks are due to him and Mrs. Cooper for kindly entertaining the n..:itors to afternoon tea, urgeo11 Lt. Col. G. S. Elli ton, V.D., Deputy Commis ioner of the district, was inspecting officer, and \Va' accompanied by As. i::;tant-Commissioner T. H . \\Toolston, District Chief llrgeon W. E. Audlanc1, and Di trict uperilltendent Treasurer Capt. \V. Hughe. . The Marqui' of.i.. Torthampton, the Pre ident of the Centre wa~ iJ~ attendan~e du:'ing the afternoon, but was unable to stop to pre ent the medallions, hIS place bemg kmdly taken by ~Ir·. Cooper. The annual competition for the ilver Challenge Cup \Va" helel in eptember, at the Corn Exchange, the judD'es being urge()ll-Captain Orton, of Coventry, and .A .. istant-Commi ioner ,Vool ton,Owho were \'ery 1'1 ',lSed with the Ye1'y excellent work that wa done. The nul' ·jng competitions were helel at tI.le ot~t-l,ati nt 1.JU~lcling ' in l\o:'ember, and ,:-e:'e very , ucce. sEul. The judges were Iud m','eon fllJlhgan and ..:\.SSI taut-ConUlllS lOner 'Voolston. The prizes were again kindly g-iycn by ~lr. .T. Cooper, J.P. It ha beeu a \"ery busy yea.r [(;1' the in:"alicl tran~port ~el'\'i~e: ] 3,1 ea, es were suece fully undertaken, wlueh lIl\'ul\'ed JoulJ1eys mnonnt1l1g 1Il the aggregate to 1,130 mile . This work incre;l";c' eyery year, and it i· impo:-;sihle to sufficiently thank the tran 'port officers and men for the iJlY,lluable and self-:<acrificillg 'enices which they have !riven. Two case" during the ye<\r lw.\'e neceR. itatecl clri\'ing in one ca e 60 miles durinD' the day, and in the other 50 miles. 'Ve ,,'i,.,h to place un record the . plendid work don~ by the in\'lllid transport Rervice of the Earl~ Barton Dinsion ; al 0 the D'eneral work of that lJi\'ision. It is gratifJ'ing to report that Chief. llperintenclent Reeye has been gr~lltt:tl tllll ::;e1'\'iee Jl1eda~, which \\'a presented to him by His Royal Highne s the Pnuce of 'Yale' Gra~Icl P1'1or of t~e. Order, at Marlborough Hou e in July la t. We abo congratulate ASslstant-Comml.slOner 'Vool ton, who was another recipient. The work of Lhe entrc grows <;0 rapIdly that naturally expenditure increa es ann to maintain the efficiency of the C~)l'l? by pl'ovi~ljllg material and to equip it ~ember, we ea1'l1~ .. tly appeal to our eX.l'tmg sub c1'1ber to support thi. grand work. We ha\'e agmn to thank. Ie.sr . Hughe and Co. for the use of their office, the Governor of the General lio 'pltal for the use of the out-patient buildiuD' for lectures and drill and aLo 1.11'. G. , V. Gordon for acting as hOll . secretary for the pa t twelye months: 'Ve much regret that he is unable to continue the ,vork,









Audited with vouchers and Pass Books amI fountl correct W. HUGl1E8. ' JOHN COOPER, Ghail'i/uLn. W . H. l.[[TJI, llon. T?·eas~LTc7· .

G. \V.


Hon . Secl·ctary.


It is now eighteen years since the J.: orthampton Oentre was formed, and in presenting the ~nnual report we are pleased to say that the year ht.s been a very successful one. Durrng the year 5 men's first aid chsses and 1 nursin o ' class have been held also 3 women's first aid and. 2. nursing classes, 7 being held in the borough, 2 at ~Va~grave, ~nd 1 each at K lslrngbury and Paulerspury. In addition to these JUnIor first aId clas~ has been held at the School of Domestic Economy at Dallington. !>- tota~ ~f 290 p~pils entere~ the classes for instruction, of whom 213 were successful :n obtamrng certIficates. S~nce the formation of the Centre 6,011 pupils have been mstructed, and 4,451 certIficates and 1,023 medallions have been gained. In


IV. ·W. Carlile, ::II.P., D.L. Chait·Ulan.

Brigade- urgeon Lieut.- Colonel W . H . Bull, V. D . , F. R. O.S, '.fl· c a "llI' C l'

:uul J(ollOl':lry Sccr e tal'Y.

S. C. H . Moberly, ::II.R.c.s., L.n.c.p., Winslow. U eclical Stafl".

\V. Bl'al1brook, Jl.LU.C.S., L. R. A., P. L . Benson, ~I. D . , D . P.H., Bde.-Surg. Lt.-Col. W . H . Bull, V.D., F.R.C.S., G. W . . Buxton, M.R. C.S. , Slll'g_-Lieut. C. L. D eyns, M. R.C.S., Bde.- mg. Lt.-Col. P . H. GIles, V. D., F. R.C .. , Surg.·Capt. F . J . Grindon Jl.I..R.C.S., J . O. Ha.rvey, M. It.C.tl. , L. R.O . P. , P . Lake Hope, M. R.C.S., L.R.C.P.' Vlllcent Howard, Jl.I.H.C.S. , L.R.C.P., C. H. Miles, L.R.C.P., S. C. H. Moberly' M.R.C.. . , L. R.C . P., I£. Nicholson, M.R.C.S. , L. R. C.P., W . G. Rutherford L R C p ' L.R. C.S ., H. T. Wickham, M.D. ' . . . •,

St. John Ambulance Association.

St. John Ambulance Association.


ANNUAL REPORT. Du r~~]g the past year classes haye been. hel~l at Olney, Fenny. 'tratforc1, Bletchley, and.'\ mslow. Th e results of the ~xamlI1atJOn~ was most satlsfactory, 93 gaining

certificates, ont of a total of 119 candIdates. The stIver Challenge Cup Competitioll took of F . J. Taylor, E q. Nme teams entered, and the 'W olverton JUlllor team had the hOllom of carrvin u the Cup off for the third year in succession, :r ewport Pagnall again ueillg second . b

pl~ce at Lovat Bank, Newport Pagnell,. by: kind invitation

Statement of Receipts and ExpenclitltTe jor the year ending Septembe?' 30th, 190 j. Receipts. E 'CpenclitIl1·e. . To Balance • Subscriptions " Examination Expenses "Stores . " Medallions

£12 10 3 5 1

2 1-.1: 1-.1: 19 19

6 0 3

By Exo,m. Expenses tores o,nd 50 Annual Reports. 7~ " Medallions • 0 "Sundries.

" £34

October 13th, 1901.


£3 11 [j











Balance in hand





,Yo H. BULL, Chairman . YDXRY C. II. MOBEHLY, lloll. S('c. ((i/(I


3 1J J~


C.M., L.n.C.p., IdLC.S., D.P.H., J. P. Li ghtfoot, M.n.C.S., LR.C.P., I. D . Mackay, M. B., C.lII., ,V. B. Mackay, M.D., lI1.ll.C.S., J. E. H. Ma ckin l ey, L.R.C.P., M.R . C.S., A. D. M. McIntyre, M.B., C.M., ,V. H. ]\lanners, U.B., C.M., A. 'V. Metcalfe, M.D., M,B., M.n.C.H., L.lt.C.P., J. S. Milue, lII.B., G. B. Mite-hell, M.B., C.M., L.R.C.P., L.n.C. '., J. Ticholson, M.ll.C. S., L.I:.C.l'., T. Olivcr: 1I1.D., M.B., C.M., F.B.C.P., T. G. Owston , F 1:'C .. . , L.n.C.p., H. C. Pcarsoll, M.B., C.M. , F.H.C.S., E. P . Pickers, aill, L.ll.C.P., ~r.l~.C. '., F. \\'. PogSOl1, L.n.c.p., L.R .C.S. , L. A. Ro\\deu, M.B., C.M., A. G. Russell, l\[.U., C.lIL, R. \'Y. 1l1eddle, !II.B., C.M., Hy. 'l1lith, M.D., M.B., B.~ ., A. P .• teaYellSOll, M.D., M.n., C.M., 'Y. ,V. tainthol'pe, M.B., B.S., R. Steel, L.n.c.p., L. H.e.H., D. tewart, L.1LC.P., L.n.c.s., J. tothard, lI1.It.C.H. , L.S.A., D. F. Todd, L.H.C.l'., L.I:.C.S., J. Thorncy, L.R.C.P., L R.C s. , A. ,Yilson, M.B., B.b., V,r. M. Yeoma.ll, ~r.B., ;)I.n.c .f... , L.S.A .


ANNUAL REPORT. Durin g the past session 69 cIa, es were forl1led ; the number who passed the first re-examination was 307. During the year ending 30th June, 190,1, the members reported 5,102 Cll:;CS of fir t aid rendered, making a total /:linee the formation .of Centre of 41,437. Competitions were again held, ror which the Directors otfered £50 in prizes. Two meritorious medals alld one certificate were a\\anled to men at carborough, Blyth, and We, t IIartlepool, ill connection \\'ith special first aid service.' renuel'ed at those places.

Tl wrsII J'Gt·.


.·J'(, . icl ('ul.


Hi" Grace the Dnke of 'ntherlaucl, K.G.


T he Chairman and Director of the NOl'th-Eastel'l1 Hailway Company. Pre --i<lcnt.


Sir George Gibb.

Mr. F. Penty.



Philip Blll'tt.

UOllOl':ll'Y Gcneral SccrCCal'Y.

1\11'. Geo. Jackson, P. Way Store-keeper, North·Easrel'll Railway, YOlk. Di. tricC Sccr c tal'ic !>.

Darlington District-Mr. T. H. Curry, Darlington. Hull ".i\ll'. \Y . H. Healey, Hull. L~eds " M r . W. A. Elliot, I-Jal'1'ogate. 1\!lddlesbrough " Mr. 'Y. C. J ohuson, Middle brough. N ewcastle " Mr. ,"Y. Hollings, Tyn e Dock. York IIII'. G. W . Scott, York. )1C(lical . Cafr.

A. A. Abrahams, L.n. c.s . , R. Anderson, M.~ . , L.lt'C.S., E . 'Y. Anderton, ;)I.B., O. L. Appleton, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., \Y. D. Al'lllSOn, M.D., L.R.C.P., ~I.It.C ... , P. R. Ash, M.R . C. ~" L . I~,C.P., G. H. Ashwin, ~I.D., ~I.]t.c: . ~ . , L.n.t· P., ''Y. Baigent, M.D., J. W. Beattle, ~I.D ., J. W. Blandforc1, L. R.C.P., ·L.n.C.s ., J. H. Buchana n M.D., F . J. Burman, L. R.C.P. , }f.R. C. S., E. J. Burnett, ~I.n., C.)[., )r.n..C.P. , 1\1. C~ld\l'ell, L.R.C.P.,L.R. C.S. , A. Campbell, ~I.B.,C.M., 'N. R. Chambers, I. . It-C.S., H. G. Clarkson, L.R.C.P., L.~. C.S ., J. R. Crease, F.R.C.S. , L.n.C.p. , H. J. Daggett, M.ll.C.S. , L.R.C.P., A. D. DaVIes, M. n . C. s . , L.R.C.P., \V. Eardley, ~f.R.C.t:l., L.R. C.P. , D. L . Fisher, M.B., C.M., A. H. B. Fle~cher, M.B., 13 .. '., A. Forrest, ",Ln., c .;)!., H. French, L. R. C.P., L.R. C.H. , F. ,V. G?bbon, L.R. C.S., L. n . c.p., L.S.A., B.Hy.D.p.n., J. Gillies, L.R.C.P. , L.F.P.S., E. W. Gilroy, M:D., J. Gray, M.B. , C. M. , \V. Gray , M.D., 1\!.B. ,C.M., T. H arkness , M.B., C. M., W. L. HIckey, M.D., 1\f.n., A. Hillaby, L.n. C.p., M. B.C.S., N . L. H ood, M.D., 1\LB. , H. M. Holt, 1I1.1'..c.s., L.S.A., D.P.H. , J. H ollingsworth, 1\1.R. C.S. , , V. Jacques, M.B., W. D. J efferson, lII.R. C.S., L.R.C.P., W. M. J ennings, 1\I.R . C. ~., T. F. John.ston, M.B. , C.M. , J. R. Keith, M.D., M.B., C.M. , E. 'V. Kemp, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., T. Ku'sopP, lII.P,.C.s ., J. M. Lazenby, !II. B., B. S., J. D. L eigh, !II.B.,

UOIIOI':tI'Y . (,Cl'etary :lllel 1'1'eaS111'e1',

( 'Ita il·lllan.

~'ydll ey W. Malkin, Hock Clilre, Cheadle, 'toke-on-Trent.

Rev. 1. C. R. 'cott, ~L .\ ., Penkhull Yil'arage, toke-oll-Treill.

1I01101':ll'Y StorC.'CCllcr.

1I0HOl'al·y.lHelH ol'.

H. East\\ ood, Tramway D epot, toke -on-Trent.

Frederick Geen. Cltartel'ell Ac~ountant, 'toke-on-Trent. Lifc

;lIt' III \)('1' •

His Grace the Duke of utlJerlanu, K. G., Her Grace the Duchess of Sutherland. The North talrol'llshil'c Railway Company . ~lcelic:ll


Magnu AJleJ', M.lt.C.' . ., L.R. C.P., Lond., A. Aitken, M.B., c.lII., S. Kin~ Alcock, M.n., Lond., C. 1\1. Allen, M.A., ]\1.£., C.M. , J. Fred. Arlidge, L.R.C.P., L.I:.C .... , Geo. Mc. 1\1. Brown, M.n., & C.M. , 'Rrlin., A. T. Bury, L.R.C.P. , Edin., M.It.C., ., P. J. Byrne, L.n.c.l'., L.H.C .. , ",T. J. Covey, 1\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Ja~ Craig, 1\1.13., Ellin., ]\['ll.C . . , Chas. F. Daly, M.D., Tho:>. Dix on, 1II.R.C'.S., L.R.C. P., Lond., Francis E. Fernie, M.H.C.H., F.Il.C.l'., A. Hall, M.R.O. . , J . T. Hall, L.R.c.r., L ond ., lII.n.e.S., A. C. Harkness, L.R.C.I'., L.R.C.S ., G . Stokes Hatton, 1II.n., M.S., 1\I.R.C .. Jas. Hindle, L.R.e.p., L.l~.O.S., Edin., E. White Jones, lI.B., Ch. M., John L eys, M.A., M.D., E. Mackenzie, M. D., J. Payne J\1assingham, M.R.e.s., urgeon-Majol' 1st . and S.V. Artillery, A. 1\1. MeAlclowie, M.D., F.R . . , Edin., H. Nicholl s, liLA., M.D. (CantaL). A. Parke, M.R.C .. , 'Y. Partington, lII.B., C. lII. , C. H. Phillips, :U.D., W. Dowling Prendergast, lILD., lI1.0H. Bernard Robinson, lII.R. C.S. , L.R.C.P., Lond. , J. Russp.ll, M.A., M.B., J. Steele, L.R.C.l'., L.R.O.S., Edill., J . Vernon, ~r.B ., B.S ., Lond., David F . 'Valker, B.A., ~I.B. ANNUAL REPORT. It is with plen,sure thl1t the committee present their twentieth annual report We regret to have to record the death of Sir Thomas alt, Vice-President of our ~ent~'e, whose support, as Chairm:1n of the North tafford Railway, was of mestlmalle value, and greatly contributed to sustain and increase the interest feltJ in K


ambulance work throughout the district. His generou and practical aid to this, as also to most of the other important efforts being made in the county for ~he welfare of all classes, ha always been much appl'ecia,tecl, and will now be sor~ly nussed. We also have to place on record our los in the death of :Mr. M. J . QUlrk, of Fenton, and of 1'Ir. VV. Downes, M .B . , of Kid gTOye. ~lr. Quirk wa a much yalued member of the committee, and 1\11'. Downes was an able in trllctor for many y~:1l'. The zeal of those organi ing and instructing our "uriou cla~ses has been. rCpal(~ !)y lar!{e and satisfactory attendance. A small decrea e of 16 111 the first n.ld cer~Ificat.cs. IS more than balanced by the increase in the students who were succes~ful 111 ga111mg medallions, the number of medallions being 76, which shows [l.n ll1crea 'e of 3·1. The local newspapers frequently report cuses where efficient first aiel has b en rendered by our students. At collieries an~l large. engi~eerin&, and .0~lIe~' works the value of ambulance knowledge is proyed 111 clealmg wIth mmor lllJune '. perh~ps every week. And in some of these case, tluite apart from th~ conslder:Lhon of more serious ones the undoubted result has been that the bread wmner ha ' "been enabled to keep on f~llowing his employment, and 'upporting thosc dependen.t upon his earnings. The Oounty Oouncil continue their kind grant, bymeal1s of wIuch the committee of the Oentre is enabled to hold mallY cIa e and meet the want of many places which would otherwise remain without provision. L est any mi ,take hould arise, we desire to repeat once more, that the ahle service of the medi(;ultaff are entirely gratuitous. ' Ve beg all who have 0 kindly lectured to accept. our heal't,Y thanks. .r ot only to them do we feel ind bted, but to the cla, ,' ecretanes and th '11' assistants; also to many owners and authorities who haye kindly granted th u e .of rooms; the auditor, the minuting clerk, and the torekeeper are once more heartily thanked. The amount of work which fall to the hon. ·ecretn.ry, and the nclmiral,le way in which it is performed, only few people have an opportunity uf kIlO\yin!j; l.ut those few bear emphatic testimony. And a.gain the committee eX]Jre~, their ell 'P gratitude to Mr. 'yclney W. Mallcin, feeling how mllch of the progre•. achieved is owing to his energy and organi ing powers. Many meeting' ll:l\'e bcul1 held in North Staffordshire during the session for the public di tribution of medallions and certificates, particularly fl.t Newcastle, Hilc1erstonc, Hanley, and Bic1clulph.

Account No . l. -County Council A idecl Classes. T o Grants £60 0 0 , Stores 12 5 1 0 5 0 » F ees , Balance carrieu lorward . 5 17 3!




] 27

St. John .A1nunlal2Ce .As. ociation.

St. J ohn A ?nbtt,lance Association.

By Balauce brought forward .£35 " Stores . 13 1 " Printing and Stationery " Advertising » Fire and Light " Caretakers . " Examiners, Expenses and Fees 23 1 " Postages " Travelling Expenses " Carriage of Parcels . 0 " MGdels


3 1~ 13 1 5 6

5 8

0 0

17 10

3 5





Account No . 2.-GcnclaZ Classcs. '1'0 Balan cc brought forward £61 9 1 By Examincrs, ., Class Fees 15 2 G Eees, &c. tores ::'Iledalliol1s 'ubscriptions all(l Dons.

9 15 14 1 16 :z

4 0 6

£110 10


Expenses, . £17 1] D 12 8 5 " Storcs 954 " Printing anll Stationery » :Jledal1iol1s 14 1 6 020 " Fire Insurance "Postages . 1910! " Trayelling Expenses o 14 3 » Oarriage of Parcels o 9 10 o 13 ]0 " Ncwspapers, &c. . » Boys as :Models 030 1 10 0 " Rcnt 500 " Clerical A. sistancc " Balance carried fOl'\,ard • 52 3 7~ £116 10

Accolt,Lt ...1'0. -lY. S. COi'jJs Gcn~i'Cll Account. .£1~ 2 10 By Balance brought Im'ward £1:1


T) Bala.nce carried forward .


2 10


2 10

£12 2 10 ===

Account No. 10,-Efjuij"l/ent p1.t?ul: N Clccastle Division. Tu DulaJlcC carricu forward. £1 17 1~


By Balance brought forward . £~ 10~

£1 17 10~

£1 17 10~

Balanr:c Shect, Scptcmbc,' 30th, 190·:1,

Liavil itic '. Assets. To Balance uue tv Trl!aslll'crBy Outstanding Accounts and No. 1 Accollut £5 ] 7 3~ Value of Stock and Storc No, 8 ACCOllllt 12 2 10 on hand . . £32 :roo 10 Account 1 17 10~ " Ca h in hand of T reasurerOYCI' " Balance-Assets No.2 Account . 52 Liauilitics 64 14 5~ £ ,1 12


8 10



£ -1 12


YDC\EY ,Yo :JL.\.LKIN, Local Hon. Sccrcta1'Y and TrcasuJ'C?'. Rock Clifre, Cheadle, taffs. "ll1owed and sign cd at the Annual Meeting of the Committec, helLl at St0ke-on Trent, this 17th day of Deccmber, 1904. I XGLIS C. R . SCOTT, Chai1'lncm. I hereby certify that I 11ave examined the foregoing accounts, with the books and vouchers, and find them in order and correct. Yictoria Chamber, FnEDElucK GEEN, C7zc£1·tcTcd Accountant. toke-on-'l'lcnt. 9th Fcbl'1tcli'!J, 1905.

NORWOOD. )"re itlCllt.

H . R. H . Princess Christian of Schleswig -Holstein. (;hail'IIUIll.

C. E . Trittoll,

Tl·ca SUl'Cl'.


General Evans, C. B. , 6, Vermont Road , N orwood . UOJlOl'lll'Y S CCl' c tlll·ies .

frs . Edward Colegrave, BracebriL1ge, Central H ill, Norwooll. Miss Ea tlake • mit]1. 1I1iss T hurburn.

:nriss Yilliers.

St. John A rnbulance

Life lncmbCl''' '

C. . Belli, 1\1rs. O. S. Belli, Mrs. Rice By\'1le, Mrs. 01'011, Lady Edriuge, A. Lee Gardner, Mr . F. Hetley, Mrs. , Yoodly 1I1an on, Mr. Ramsay, 1\1rs. Rank eu, La(l.) West.

Statement vf Uece£pts ancl E'J..]Jcnclitw·e /1'om OctobCl'lst, 1903, to Septembel' 30th, 1904 . E'J~jJcnclitU?·e. Receipts. £0 7 9 £2 14. 10 By Postage and Stationery To Balallce brongh t forward

iUccUcal Sfaff.

on allowed Discount tores AlilOLlllt of Fees fur Examillatiolls



Arnold, ~I.B., Austin, ~I.D., Edgar BeaUlllollt, L.ll.C.P., J. G. OalTuthel", lILn.C.~. Ourling Bates, ~I.n.c. '., Douglas, M.D., DUlH.:au, M.B., Aunesley Eccles, M.D . , Ferguson, M.D., Gandy, :.I.R.C.:;., L.S._\ . , Melville Ureeu, )1.11., Howard, .M.Il., L acy, M.D. , Macleod, )I.D., Micbael, M.n., Payne, ~l.D., Poole, M.D., RoblllOIJ, ~I.D., Rugg, lILR.C.S., Swayne, lILR.C .... , Orewson ThomJ.s, )I.D., 'cott Tumcr, JI( . R. C. S., Ullllley, ~LD., ,Velby, M. D . , Wilkin 'on, lI(1)., Yoll:l1ld, )r.r.c.f:;.









0 6 12 19




Cla:;s Expeu :; Printing und Staciolll' I'Y .

Balance canietl



'2 ~

1'2 In 0 1 11



:Illll UOIlOI':II'Y




22 17

2 10


9 1 10


2 10

T1'U(S .

)·rc .. idcul. UOJlOl'nry


James B. \Vilkinson, M.D., 6, Edward dreet, Oldham.

Thos. ~. ,\:hotleIJ, Livcrpool and District Bank, Oldham.

Life :tlcmbc l' . .

Isaac: Damford, John Walker Hague, Oharles J. Jack on .


:31 10


James IhllChop, :'II.B., J. D. Boyd, :'ILB., C. H. Buckley, ~I.R.C . . . , T. Y. Cunliffi', .\1.])., Tllos. F?rt, )I.lt.C. '., H. GreaYc" )I.1t.c.s., Heap, lILB., ,V. Hearn, L.n.C.I'., J. ~r. Invpranty, I .It-C.P., Jo eph Law, lIl.l~.L.:;., John B. L endruU1, :\1.D . , J .•. :JlL:GolI'an, )l.D., 'Ym. OliYer, ~I.B., F. Radcliffe, .LD., E. ,Yakelam, L.R.C.I'.


NOTTINGHAM. Preshlcnt.

8 0 12 0 15



, Ve, thc undersigned, have examined the abonl account, allll ti1lL1 Lhe attIc correct. J. RICE DYll~E, DCJiul,y Clll1il'JIlulI. YIOLET COLEGHA\'E, 1IoJ/ol'((/'y Sccl'ct(fI'Y. H. M. E\'_\_- . (Gencrlll), 'l'rc(fslI/ )'.

The Mayor of Nottingham.


Cabs for Examination Diagrams. Amount paiJ to, t. John's Gate for Examinations, etc. " Balance in band

!I 5

{ 107

5 7


'J' ,·ca" u I·Cl' .

:l2:,n :H

llllllrics EXl1.miner ' fces tore:;



5 6

" " " "

George Thom -on, :'.LD .

Statement oj R.'r:eipt and EIPClldillU", 190'3-100-1. Receipts. By


JOSEPH BRIGUT, P,·csiclent. FnA);CI. .,.. ELLI., Ho n. Sec. and

The interest ill ambulance work still continue:; ullal.Hltell in XOlwood, and th e number of certificate holders steadily ill<:rea e, alld the Cel tre remains ill (l flouri hina conditiou. The nlll':;in l f diyiioll maiutains its high stute of C!liCil'llC,r , tJ and gives arcat atisfaction to th~ doctors thev \\'ol'k under. Fir~t aid ea~c-; :lI e constantly';,ttenLled to at the ambulancc depGt iil the Cl'y:;tal l'alael'.

T o Balance from last year':; account " Class Fees " Sub criptions


St. Joll'n A?nuulance Association.



Frallci:; N. Ellis, DelHlale [tdl, Mttusfield. :U cclical Stafr.

J. F . Blurton, M.P..C. S., vV. Harrison Ooates, )Ll~.C.S., D1Ul:b Edge, M.n.U.:-:>., G. A. Ferraby, lI1.1\.C.S., Hervey Franci:;, lI1.D., A.. Fulton, M.D., R. Giddillgs, M. R . C.S., Miss S. Gray, L.R. C.l'., & ... , Miss Henwood, L.s.A., l1eelis, ~LIt.C.S., Jacob, M.P•. C.s., Johnston, ~LB., H. T. Jones, )I.ll.('.::l., Lallder, M.lt.C.S., F. R. Mutch, lILD., E. ,V. Paul, M.E.C.S., John Smith, M.ll., W. H. 'mith, ilLD., J. E. B. Snell, M.R.C.S., J. utherl:1nd, M. n., H. O. Taylol, M.D., Holmes Thompson, 111.8., ,V. Tibbles, M.lt.C.S., -Watkins, L.P•. C.I'., J. Watsoll, M.R.C.S., Williams, M.H . C.S ., Willies, M.R.C.S.

'lcdical Staff.

ANNUAL REPORT. Though a con'itlcml>le amount of' fil"t aid work was done by those who have previou ly olJtaincll their cel'titi.eatcs, all,l who keep up their training by beina memhers uf the Corps, there has not been much activity in the formation of nCI~ ~la~ses. !,illr first aiLl classes ha\-e teen completed, alld 144 certificates awarded. Two llluSlng clas:;es have also l>een completed, and 34 certificates awarded . The lectllr~r , :Jl p:;I·S. Cunlill'tl, Fort, Grcavc,>, Illyerarity L aw Lendrum Oliver and F. lladcli Ifc. have, as usual, rendered their ,en-iccs gl:atuitdusly, and the tha~ks of thc Centre IS llne to thcm. Statcment of Receipts al1(l E.};pencliture, 1902-190-!.



To Balance in Bank " Olass Fecs and, 'tores " Cash 1'01' nIc(lal1iolls Bank Interest


£13 41




2 7

6 0 9


By Don. to Oldham Corps . £10 0 0 " Infirmury 2 0 0 t. JollllAm'bulance A soc.Examiners' Fees and Expenses 22 17 1 Stores. 13 9 1 )lec1allions . 4 2 o " Gl'allYille, ,Yooll & Co., Bamla.ges . . o 6 " i:lecretfll'ies Expenses, postage, &c. , 01410 " Balance in Bank , 5 12 3

ANNUAL REPORT. During the year our President, Mr. Richard Enfield, died, <tnd Mr. Joseph Bright as Mayor of :::fottingham, has very kindly consented to .wt n,s Presic1cn t until the Centre is reorganized and a committee appointed.


N oV(Jmbe?' 7th, 1£)04,


---A mlite(l and found correct, Trros.





(;ha i1'IIl:l II .

PI'(' icl('u"

J ohl1 E(lsolt.

Colonel 'iY. C. Dawson.

Tl'Ca SIU·('I' .

John E d on, Brillge A\'enuc, Otley. Uouoral'Y Sc n e .at·i rs .

Ja,mes Oliver, 34, Orchard Lifc

~I C lllb cl'

treet, Otley .

Mis Walker, MarkeL Place, O tley. ~l c cli c al

"\Y. E. Bennett,

Col. W . C. Dawson . W. E. Bennctt, L.n. C. p . , Edin.

l'\ .alT.


Statement of Receipts and E;vpewlitlll'c, H)03-190 1. Rcceipts. E,rpcilClitul'c . T o Balance . £13 12 10 By IIur. e Hire " Donation for Van, Re Dr. I I R. fil. Pratt II

" II

" " II


" " " " " " " "

R ichardson 0 H orse and Van Hire, Re C. Mammon 0 Proceeds of Concert 19 Friendly Societies Donation 3 Donation from Pool Bank 2 Do. from T emperance Union 0 Do. from 1111'. T . Treen 0 Litter transfer to "\York house, Re Mr. Slater 0 From the Otley Charity Fd. 5 D onation from March 8hyll 3 'ale of old Bell Teut 0 Loan of Van to Guiseley Transfer Case 0 Discount from "\Y. Sinclair and ons 0 Balance due to Sec. for roonl 0 Sale of Book 0 R eceived from late Sec. 0



15 0 3 1 10 2

0 0 6







17 10

[) 0



0 1 0 19

3 0 4. 3

£f)0 12


£3 15 1 l '

Examination Fee for Lallie 1 15 Clas , 1903 o 1i I I II. Mounsey o n " Blankets, etc" wa~hing . II Mechanics' Illstitute I I Donation to Mrs. Clarke, Drill IIall 1 0 "Van anLl Litter Attcndant~ 0 :3 " Kentul'ky Minstrels 6 1-; " MIS. Whitaker, fOI piano 0 i ,,'\'. Walker amI OilS, Lt!. 1 1:' " C. "\\'alkor. tickehi for concerl 0 ;:; II tirk and HouillSOll 0 " McGlllnne::;s, bill-po tillg 0:3 " Refreshlllents fOI COllCClt 1 ·1 elllLl Demon tratioll o :] ,,\\' esley Reading Roolll . o 17 " Chief, 'ecretary . o ~ "Bellman . " Entrance fees to Trophy o Competition o o " O. R. Tempest o 8 I I A. J. Bull I I W . ~ inelair & ons, Ld. o 6 for posters o 6 "H . . mith . o " Ur . Bull. for bandages o 1:3 I I Postage and railway rare " 'Y. E. Turner & Co., LLl. o 10 o 8 " Geo. Harrison o ~ " Cheque Books , , undry Expenses o 3 22 9 " Balance in hand II




o o o li

o o o II

6 0 0 0 ti

o o 6 o 6

n 6 H (j

fl 1

J AS. H. R.

Kentucky Amateur Minstl'elsfor the entertainment given 011 our behalf last January; to Otley T emperance Union for a donation of lOs . tid . ; to Arnold & Sons, March Ghyll employees, £3 17s. 50, ; to Whitaker & Sons, Pool Bank employees, £21s. 6d. ; and for all others who have so kindly helped during the year. A ladie~' class has been recently commenced, and seelllS likely to prove sllceessful. Tho horse van has been of great service, having been on 16 journeys, and canied 16 patients; total mileage for the van for the year, 252 miles; 10 of the journeys were for the trun. port of the sick, and 6 for ea es of accident. The wheel litter has also been of great service, having been in usc on 5 occa~ions. The total number of patients removell (luring the year is 23. Three new ambulance boxes, fully fitted up, have been aoded to our stores, and placed as follo\\'s :-At MI'. G. E. Bit t\\'histle, 6, Park Row; MI'. Winterbonrne, Oross Green j Iechanics'Institute . Seventy cases of first aid have been rendered by the member during the year, 10 on public duty, and 60 when not on duty. Our present store comprise 1 horse van, 1 wheellitteJ', 7 stretchers, 9 ambulance baskets, 6 am buluncc hoxes, 6 bll\nkets, 1 bed, 2 pillow, and 2 foot- bottles.

PETERBOROUGH. D cputy Chairmau •

• t,·c., icl c n' I\tHI Chait·luau.

Councillor J . G. BarJol'd.

Ald erlllall W. D . NiC'hold~, Mayor of Peterborough. Tt·c a .. nrc l'.

Honorary Secr c tary.

'. F. P. Sa llllliers , London City & .Mi(llaud Bank, PeteruoJ'ough.



A NUAL REPORT . The Comm i~ tee have plea~ure in ~'eporting a successful year's work, and they take t he opportnlllty of extendJ?g th~l~' most gratified thanks to Dr. Beunett, H Oll. Surgeon I nstructor, for hIS unhnng efforts to make the members of classes effici~nt; to Otley Friendl,y Societies Association for donation of £3 38.; to O tley Chanty T ru tee for donatIOn of £5; to the i:-iecretary and gentlemen of the L eeds

B. "\\T. Ilott, 73 , Alderman's Drive, Peterb:>rough,

Jl e 4Uc al S .:1O'.

John N. Collins, :.r.D., H. pencH Cooper, :lr.R.C.')., "\\"'"111. C. Croxford, L.R.C.P., L.R c. s ., ,'I'm. Peach Ha.y, ~r.B., r .:.r., R. \Y. Jolly, ~LR . C.· . , L., .A., H. Latham, M.B., C.:lr., n.·c., Edin., John A. Robertson, :lI.D. Statement oj Accozwt to Septembc1' 30th, 190-!'

Receipt '.


T o Balance at Balik, Jan. 1st. £1 HonoraI',)' II bscriptiolls . 1 0 Acti"e Members' ub. 1 0 Received for Medallions . 3 3 I ncidental Expen e and Examiner' Fee pel' Messrs. Barford and Perkins 1 11 toresPer J . ' . I ngle (lIIe r. ellar's Class), 3 3 H. . Colman . 1 H II Sale of Hand Books 0 2

6 6 0 0

6 9 6 0

6 6 0

Audited and found correct, C. E. CRAVEN .

N ovembe1' 9th, 1904.


S t. J ohn A ?n bv,lance Association.

S t. J ohn Am,b'lJlance Association.


By Printing (Messrs. Dyson Bros.) tationery. Postages. Arlvertising " Cheque Book . Cost of Medallions I ncidental Expenses Examiner's Fee Stol'esOu tfi t of Cen tre . . HUll:ibooks, Bandages, and Diagrams. tores not paid for

" £13


Balance in Ban k Cash with Secretary

£0 12

o 5 o 11 o 16 o 1 3 3 o 10 1


6 7

o o o o 6 o

o 10


3 8 1 Ii

8 8

£12 12 0 6 0 5

4: 5







4 6


9 Out tanding Accol1nts Mes I's. D . H. Stott for Printing Adverts. . Use of Assemblv Room ept. Hth

o 15 o 12


£3 17


\Vj\L NI(,HOLS, P,'csident and Ghai1'lnan. F. S. P. AU TDEllS, HOll. T1'ea unr. B. "\Y. h()TT, Hall . Secretary.


St. John Alnbulance Associatiun.

St. John A rmbulunce Association.

ANNUAL REPORT. This Centre bad for some time past been inactive. I n 1903 1\11'. Councillor Geo. Reeble, the then Mayor, presented a Challenge Cup for open competitio~ to stimulate ambulance work in the City and neighbonrhood. The interest thus exclted led to a public meeting in the Guildhall, on 17th February la.st, presidcd over by t~le May or (Alderman W. D. Nichols), wheu an address was llellvered by nrgeon-MaJor G. A. Hulton, Hon. Organising Commissioner. A resolution to revive the Centre " as passed, and an in!luential committee appointed. Th e Exec~li.ive Committ~e subsequently formed drew up a scheme for a series of weekly praetLCcs to he .held Jll rotation in foUl' different parts of the C0ntre dllring the winter months. It lS hOl)ec1 that the work has now been placed 011 a firm enrluring basis, and that many may Lv adden to the ranks of those qualified to render fir t aid in this locality.

ANNUAL REPORT. The Portsmouth Centre hns continued its good work, having held seven classes, which had been attended by 155 pupils; 81 candidates passed for certificates in first aiel and lltll'sing, and 30 for medallions. The statement of accounts showed that the receipts totalleu £66 11s. 3d., including a balance of £38 Is. 2d. from last year, £9 16s. llc1. in respect of the stores acconnt, and £18 13s. 2d. from class fees. On the expenditure sHle there was £12 2s. It!. on th e stores account, £19 9s. 9d. for class and incidental expenses, leaving a l)alance on 30th September last of £34 19s. 5d . In the expenuitUl'e for class, etc., expellses, was included an amount of £9 12s. for rent al1(1 gas for head-C)uarter rool11s at 5, Pembroke Road, Portsmouth. The value of stores in hand was £13 , The accounts had bezn audited by 1111'. C. L. de Wolff, the H on . Auditor. The anllllal report of the nur:ing tlivision show ed that there hau been good progress dlll'ing the year. The drills and lectures had heen well attend ell. The nul' ing sister had attended 33 private cases, and paid 450 visits, and in eac h case the patients had eXlJressed their gratitUlle and appreci!'l.tion of the good llursing afforded them. The Lady uperintendcl1t and ten nursing sisters attended the entertainment given by the Portsmouth Branch of the Dickens Fello,yship to 500 cripple children on tIl February, and by their care added much t o the comfort or the little afllicted Ol1es.



if} cut.


His Grace the Duke of Fife,

R.T .

J. E. K.


Ilollorary Sccrce :try.

Robert Mitch ell, The Polytechnic, R egent, treet, London ,


Jlcclical . talT.

J ame"l Cantlie, F.H.C. ' .

Statement of R caipts and E'pendiln,.e fOI' the yea,., 1st Oct., 1903, to 30th Sept., 1904. Expenditu?·c. llcceipts. To Balance from last year toreq Accoun t ",. CIa s Fees

£38 1 2 9 16 11 18 13 :2

By , tores Account.

" £66 11

PORTSMOUTH. Field Marshal H. R. H. the D uke of COllllaught and


Examined with vouchers anll pa

PJ'c shlclle. L~1(lyl·l'cshlcut.

H.R.H. The Duchess of UOllnn,llght and, trath eal'l1.







34 19


£66 11


book and found correct,

C. Lour ' de

11th {)ctvbCl', 1901. trathearn, R. G .

Incidental Class and Expenses Balance in bank, 30th Sept., 1904


Hon. Audito?'.

In the alJove statement of expenditure for class, etc., expenses, an amount of £9 1 ~ . is included for rent and gas, for head-tlual'ter rooms at 5, Pembroke Road. The valne of stores in hand is £10. CUARLES RXOTT, Chairman. GEO. E. COUZENS, T?·eas1l1'e?'. FilED. J. COWARD, Hon. Secretw·y.

( 'haj)'Juall.

Surg.-Lt. Col. Charle. Knott, :\I.R.C.P. D cp nt y .('hajl·mall au(I T1·caS lu·cr.

His \Vorship the :JIayor, Geo. E. Couzens, "Glenthorne," Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth.


JIollOl'a 1')' Sect'cta 1')'.

Fred. J. Ooward, The Woodlands, Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth. I'J·c . ident.

JIonol'al'Y Assistant SCC I' Ceal'j c •

G.C . ~r.G ., ICC.B.

Chairman :ul(l Tl·ca"Ul'cr.

lIOnOl'lU'Y Secrefary .

lIonol'al'Y Auditor.

Charles Cotton, F. P.. C. p . 42, Spencer Square, Ramsgate.

Lt. -Col. P. Murray, Grove End, Grange Road, Hamsgate.

O. L . de ,Yolff, 73, Laburnum Grove, Portsmonth. Lifc JlcmlJcl', .

Field Marshal H, R. H. the Duke of OonnauO'ht Ie G The Right Hon. Evelyn Ashley. A , C. °Ha'rms~v~rth. Sir William and Lady Dupree. Jlc(Ucai S taff.

L. K. H ackman, L. R. C. P., L. S. A. , H. F . H anll, L. R. C. P . , :\I. R. C. S. , Chas . Knott, }I.R. C.P. , Aston Key, B.A. , M.D., B.C. ) J. Malpas, L.R. C.P., M.R. C.S . , J. McGreaor L.R.C.P. , F.R.C. S., C. lIfayhew, L.R.C.P., M.P•. C. R. , C. F. Newby, F .R. C,S., L,R.C~P.: J. H. F. Way, 1II.R.C.S Montil,gue ,Yay, :\I.ILC. S. , L.R.C . P., G. McGregor, ~I.R . C. S., L.R.C.P,

General ir Oharles ,Varren,

Miss B. Gieve, 53, Clarence Parade. :Miss K. Sangster, 2, Palmerstoll Road, Southsea.

Lifc JlcJllbcr.

Charles Cotton, F.R. C.P. Jlcclical S taff.

mg.-Uajor J . Berry, M.P..C.,., T. R. Bowden, :\I.D . , C. Cotton, F.R.C. P . , G. Oross, L.R.C.P . , B. A. Nicol, F.R.C.R., Meredith Powell, :')LB., C.:\L, C. H. Tamplin, L.n.c.p., F . ,Yoods, L.R.C . P. ANNUAL REPORT. .During the past year the work in connection with this Centre has been well ma.intamed, though it will be regretted that the attellLlances at the va.rious classes for instruction in fir~t aid and nursing have been small compa.red with those of former years. A ~rst md class for women wa held by Dr. Nicol at the Technical chools, an tI a J1l11'Slllg class by Dr. T amplin; and a first aid clas for men was held by Dr.

St. J ohn A ?'11b'tiJlcl-nce Association.

St. J ohn A rnbulance A ssociation.

F . Woods. The classes being attended by 25 women and 6 men, of whom 11 women an~ 5 men received certiticates. In addition to these Dr. Cross held a large cl~ss for raIlway employees, and Dr. \\Tood tL large class for the police, the latter belllg attended by 50 members of the force, all passing e. atisfactory re-examination of whom 10 obtained medallions. ' The annual competition for the East Kent Challenge Bowl and ilver Cup took place 011 Thursday, 26th Noyember, 1903, in thc Hall -by-the- ea, Margate. The Judge was Hon. lll'geon Heaton Howarll, of No. 6 Division ot the Metropolitan Corp, .J.A. B . The competing. t~a.m included 2 railway squads from the Ralllsgate Corps, 1 sq~lad fro.m. t}le Town Dn'lS!On, Ralllsgate Oorps, and 1 squad from each of tl~e ~01l0w1l1g Dlv.lSlons: \\ estgate-on-Sea j Margate section, \Yestgate-on -. ea; Blrchmgton ; DodulllgtOIl j and Dover. Rams.gate Railwa.y ro.1 'quad won the Challenge Bowl and 5 silver tea SPOOllSj also 5 sliver tea, spoons preseuted by Mr . Gilbert. RaOls~ate Town Di\'i ion took the 2nd prize, silver pencil co. es j al 05 silve), spoou presenteu by Mrs. GilherL. The c?D1peiition for the D eeies Sil:er Cl~P for ambulance nurses took place at the . ame t~me, an<;l was \\'on by NurslIlg Sister Oaswell, \\ho took the Oup auu 0. pail' of s11 ve~' SClssors. The 2nd prize I\'a a\l'anled to - ursing i tcr Grumman t, a pin cusillon . At the eml of the proceedings the prill~ \\' ere ttll"ardecl by i\lrs. Hatfcild. of Hartsdown . . ~he President of the Ramsgate Centre v ery kindly invited the Offi cers of the Bngade and oth ers to dinner at'outhwoot! Hon. e. Th e urrancrements for the t'om petition were unrlertaken by {'olonel Gilbert, to whom th e tba,nl:s of Lhe Oommittee ar e due, and ~o Mrs. Gilbprt for generonsly gi I'ing extra pri zes. The bala,llee sheet has been audited as usual by Capta,in ~raile j it ':'ill be seen that the Centre is perfectly solvent, though our balance 1Il hand IS only £26 16s. 3.~d, as again. t £40 6s. 2~d. last year (this is maillly due to the fewer number attending clase , and to the expense of the East Kent Ambulance COlli petition which cost the Centre £12 18s. as against £1 s. 11 e1. last year). .r ~ ~houl~ be pointed out that the District Nurse FUllu, and the Towll Ambulance D lvls:on :,,111 need financial help during the coming year. It 18 with great regret that we have to reconl the depl1,rture from the tOWll of Dr. Courtney, who for the past eight y ears haR laboUl'eu zealou ly for the Centre both as L~ctur~r and as an Officer to the Brigade; our very gra,teful thanks are tendered to him with best wishes for his future happiness and su(;eess.





Prc idc nt.

G. H. R . Holden,

Martin J. Sutton.

M. A., M.D .

HonOI'al'Y Sec l'c taJ'Y.

Treos ul·c l'.

A. G. Smith, 51, Pell Street, Reading.

T . P. Chard, 30, t. Mary's Butt, Reading.

Lifc :U c lllbc l's .

G. \1'. Palm er, G. H. R. Holden, ~r.A., (representil lg Messrs. S. and E. Oollier, Ltd.,)


C. B. Stevens, D. F . Oooksey,


lU c (li cal Stall".

Miss Florencc Armita,ge, M.D. (Brnx.), G. S. Abram, B.A., M.B., N . B . Clowes, M, R.O ... , L.ILC.P., U. \1'. Coleman, M. D., l£. L. Cropp, M.n.C.s., L.R.C.P., \V. '1'. Freeman, M.D., F.R.C.S., J . Foster, F.lt.C . ~., G. H. R. }I olden, M . A., M . D., J. B. Hurry, M.A., :lLD., G. H. Murrell, M.B., F. Elliott ~lead e, M.R.C.I'., L.R.C. P., E. \Y. R owland, B.A., lILH.C.S., L.R. L.l'., G. M. Wilcockson, L.R . C.P . & s., Edin.


ANNUAL REPORT. The \York of the Centre has been carrieu on successfully throughout the year. Four cbs es haye heeu held , 3 gained certificates and one the medallion. The Annual Competition for the "G, \Y. Palmer" Challt>nge Cup was a great success. A ' Vomen's Competition was also held, which pro\Cd very popular. Surgeon-Major G. A. Hntlou, J.P., was the judge in the m en's competition and Dr. John Watson of Newbury in the women's competition. everal ladies and gentlemen kindly gave prizes for the winners.

Statement of RcccilJis [(ml E;'llcnditu1'ejO)' the ycm'encling Septembc-r 30th, 1904. R cccilJtS. E.fpendit'U1·c. To Balance ill hanu, 30.9.03. £13 0 " nb cl'iptiolls 12 13 " Clas;:; l~ees . . 14 17 " Grant 1'1'0111 Education Oom. 10 0 "Store sold 10 15 " Medallion ' 1 5

5 0 0 0 9 0

Balance Shect, 1903-190·1.

E,t'l)(;nclitl£),(, .

Receipts. T o Cash Balance from last Account . . £40 6 Class Fees and Exams.. 1-1 17 Sale of Books anLl Bandages . . 0 8 H on. Sec., Petty Cash, Stores, Medallions, &0. 2 3


6 6


By Expenses of Ea. t KenL Ambulance C0ll1p'Lion.£12 18 o Postages . . 0 3 o " Printiug 0 19 o " Cen tre Prizes for Corp' 1 0 o 0 14. 6 " Adnl tisemellts " H ead-quarters account, 10 1 9 'to res, Exams., &c. " Hon. ec. , Petty Oa~h, 228 Stores, tanlps, &c. 26 15 10 " Balance in bank o 0 5~ " Cash in hand

£62 11


t. John'. GateExamination expenses tores Medallions "Lectl1l'er's F ees "Printing and Stationery " Po tage and Carriage " Hire of Rooms : Centre " Brigade hieln. on cup "ith engraving . " Cheq ne Book " unuries " Balance in hand, 30 .9.04


£57 15





P. MURRAY (Lt.-Col.), Hon. SecTetC1.7'!/. CHARLF.~ CO'l'TO~, T1'CaS1~1'e)' alld Chainyutn.

066 010

o 11

7 2 8 10

H OLDEN , M.D., Cha~·nnan. CHARD, TTeasu7·e?·.

G. H. R.

T. P. A. G.


Hon. S eC1'eta1·Y.

RICHMOND . HOllor:ll'Y SCCI'c t:ll'ics .

1\1r. ann. Mrs. A . Bridger, Ashdene, MountArarat Rd., Richmond.

Colonel Sparks, Dynevor Garden, Church Road, Richmond.

A udited and found correct this 6th day of October, 1904..

L. W.


£62 11


Tl'C:l lLrcr.

£57 15

£9 19 10 14 18 0 15(; 21 0 0 4 14 1 2 5 10 090

Llfc lU c mbc l' .

\V. Bateman,

F . R.C . S.

J . Williamson,


lU c(li cal Sta ff.

Matthew Gardiner,


J . 'Villiam Oil,





Statemcnt of Rcceipts ancl Eapcnclitw'c, 1903-1904. E J.pcnclitm·e. Rcccipts. 1904. 1903. By Chief ec., Examincr's Fce £1 1 To Balance in hand £9 5 4, » » Illciuen tal Expcnses 0 10 1904. "Subscriptions. . 1 5 0 " Hon. Sec., Parcels and Postage 0 3 " Isle,,"orth College, Exam. Fee 1 10 0 10 9 Interest for 1903 . 0 3 G " Balance in hand



3 10


0 6 0 4

3 10



lIonorary Sccl·etary.

John Gibbs, The Old Bank, High Street, Rotherham .

O. A. Locke, Cawdor House, Rotherham. lUeclical Staff.

C. A. Locke, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., R. G. RidrlelI, E. B. Jago, M.B., C.~L , GIas.

M.n., c.:\f.,



Edin. ,

ANNUAL REPORT. The Centre has sustained a 'e vere lo~s I)y the death of Mr. Geo. 'Wilton Chambers D. L., who had been its President since it. - formation in 1884, and who ever evinced a sincere interest in its welfare. Apart from this calamity a successfnl year of ambulallce work has h3.ppily once more to be recordeu. Classes have been held at Sil verwood olliery aud at the Parkgate Iron and teel works for the first time, thus opening up fresh grounrl, while at the sallle time the classes already in existence continue to prosper. A ladies nursing class has been held in which great interest was shewn, and all the member passell the examination. A donation of £10 has Leen made out of th e fund, of the Centle to the British Ophthalmic Hospital. ' J erusalelll.

ROCHDALE. ('hairWllU.


Altlerman J. R. Heape.

C.B., M. P.


Tl'C:tSlll'Cl' :uul Jlonor:try i"\cCI'CI:tI'.r.

Arthur W.

haw, 'pnl'tlt Hon


Treasurcl' find lIon. Secrctul·Y.

( ·hail'mUll.


Rev. J. O. Elliott,

M. A.

::Ucclic:tl . t:tff.

0. AlTol, :'LD.

~leven cla~ses ~lave been he1<l dur'!ng the y~ar :yith the l'~sult that 90 persoll haye

Prc ident.


Receipts. Expenditu1'e. To Balance brought forward £6 3 0 By Stores from II eacl- quarters £12 13 1 " Value of Stores in hand ]3 8 0 " Examiner's Fecs, etc. 30th Sept., 1903 7 16 c3 " Incidental Expenses 5 12 ti " Stores disposeu of during 0 5 6 " Stationery . the year 16 13 0 ecretary, postage, &c. o 12 0 " Examiner's Fees . 24 15 0 On tstanding aCCOUll ts!, ,, from last acc. 7 10 0 , tores . 5 4 4 " Stores from last account 5 19 2 2 5 0 Examination fees " Bank interest o 9 11 " Value of Stores in hand 9 7 8 19 18 8 " Balance






Auditeu by EDw. HEALEY. ras, ed at Annual Meeting of Centre, November 1st, 1904.



Tl'ca nrcr.

Bernard A. Firth.

The Right HOll. the Earl of Wharncliffe. lIonol'al'Y CCl'etul'Y.

John ,Yo Martin, )I.D.




i ' tant Secrctary.

""Varner, 1 ,York treet, Sheffield.

ANNUAL REPORT. presenting the twenty-second aunual report the Committee have pleasure in stating that mu~h good work has been <.lone by the She~e.ld Centre during the past yeal>. Tweuty-foul' classes hlLve been helel (22 first aId and 2 nursing), and in addItion to these the members of 38 classes (35 first aid and 3 nul' ina) held in connection with the hellield Education Committee Evening Continuatign' Schools have had the benefit of examination by the official examiner of the A sociation: The total membership of these classes was 808. At the examinations held on behalf of the Central Executive 407 students passed the first examination 210 the first re-examination, and 139 the second or final re-examination. These fi~ures added to those of previou years, make a total of 13,819 passes since the fonllatio~ oftLe Centre, Although the above is a satisfactory record of work done durin a the past year the Committee note with regret that, both as regards the number of classes held and the me?-1~ership of the classes, the figures show.R. falling off as compared with recent yeal'S. Tius IS doubtless dne to the depressed condItion of trade, which has resulted in fewer classes. being h eld in CO!lllection with the large works in the neighbourhood. The CommIttee would agal\1 urge upon all employers of labour the desirability of encouraging the formation of first aid classes amongst their employees. The following members of the medical profession have kindly acted as lecturers I~

Receipts and EX]Jcnclilw'c, 1P03-190J.


Julius Cresar,


bas sed the fitst aId: and 66 the nurSl11g exn.lll111at~oll~. DUl'lllg the year the President, olo~el C. 111. Royds, C.B., M.P., and Mrs. Roycls, lllhmated their intention of buildill0' a. Dnll Hal,l aud other rooms for ambulancE' WOI k. This is no,," ill comse of COil -truc~ tlO,n anu wlH be ready early next year, and will prove of immense yalue to the work in thIS Centre.


John H. Burrows, 18, Broanway, Sheerness. llcclical ·taif.

R. J. IIalTis, JcITCl'soll:

Ashcrort, P. Baillie, Bateman, Curs!', Chadwi ck Kerr, S. '1'. Lorn, RoLlley, Sellers, W. ,'tallwcll. '



The Right Hon. Earl Fitz\villiam,

A. UmDGER, Han. Scci·ctary. ROBT. ,Yo PARK., Treasw·cr.

Colonel C. M. Royds,


St. John Ambulance Association.

St. John .lbnbulance A sociation.



St. J ohn A'lnb'Lilance Association.

under the Oentre during the past year :- 1\11'. P . E . Barber, Mr. idllcy F. Barber Dr. Barraclough (Ohapeltown), D r . P . Bennett, Dr. "'IV. Branson, Dr. J. H . Brown: Mr. A. M. Oonnell, Mr. V. G. S. Dearden, Dr. Fordyce (Hackenthorpe), Dr. J. D. Kenny (Treeton), Dr. J. Milne (Wincobank), Dr. . Rooth (Dronfieltl), II'. R. ime ~ChapeltowlJ) , and Mr. J . W• . Stokes. The Oommittee are pleased to notice an m.crease dun.ng the pa~t year III the number of successful classes held in connection w~ th th~ .M ldlan~ Railwa:r Company. Olas e5 for instruction of members of the City Pohce Force 111 fir~t al? have been held during the year, and 38 officers have passed ~he. first e)(anunatlon, 3? the first re-examination, and one the final re - e~amlllatlOn . V.ery,nnmel'ou'l lllstances have occurred in which the knowledge acqUlreu by th~ pohce III th~se classes has proved Lo be of the greatest valuc. The Ambulance ~l'lg.a~e formed. III Sheffield five years ago has continued to do much good work. by mal~ltal.alDg the hIgh stanuaru ~f efficiency attained to by many ambulance men III the du;tnct: T he .ambulance carnage provided by the City Watch Committee and. kept at the Fire Bngade Station, Rockingham Street, has been much usc(l dlU'lng the past yea~', and has proved of the greatest value for the removal of injured p.erso~s to th~ hospItals. The Oommittee regret to have to report that for the first time III the history of the. Centre the Treasurer's account shows an all verse balance the sum of £8 18s . ~d . bemg now due to the bank. This i chiefly due to several of the classes held ~un!lg the past year having been too small for the class fees to meet the cost ~f examIllatJon, &c .. T he Oommittee feel that in future they must adhere more S~:'ICtly to. ~be regulatlOn that. cl~sses shall cor~sist of not less than twenty member::;. .AddltIonal annual snbscnptlOns and donatIons are appealeu for to 11 . the Oentre III a better financial pOSition: The Committee desire to convey their)b~:~ thauks to the Hon . Se~ret~l'Y ( OJ': l\Iartm), the lecturers, the class secretaries, and all those who have by thell' kmd aSSIstance helped forward. the work of the Centre,

ill c tll cnl StaO·.

W. T. AinslVorLh, ~r.B., ('.~[., Thos . Ilvine H . Bonner, )1.A . , C.M., )LB . , O. \V. Eames M. B., c.]lI., )r.R.C.S., L.R.C.P . , \V. H. Ellis, i\LR.C . S., L ... A., J . Emerson, L.R.C.;., L.n..C . .'., W. Foster, )I.B., )f.A., M R.C . S., L .. . A . , D.p.n . , J . J . Ruthcrford, M.D., L.n.C.p., L.F.P."., H., mith, L. R.C . P . , L.R. C.S., I •. F . P . S., E. Thornton, )I.B . , B.A., B.C . , )I.R . C S., L .... _\. , "'IV. "'IVard- mith, F.R.(' . ~ . , i\LB., CII.B., hIt C. P. ANNUAL REPORT. The Committee is pleased to rel,ol't that the past year's work has been very satisfactory. During tbe year a first aid class and a nursing class for men has been held, and similar classes for women. The interest taken in these classes especially by the women is very encouraging, We note with pleasure the election of Dr . Hy. 'mith, one of OIU lecturers, to an Hon. Life Membership of the Association . The certificates, vouchers and medallions gained cllll'ing the year "ere presented to the succes ful candidates by Mrs. J. A. Barton at a public meeting on October 8th, 190,1.

Statemcnt of Rece1'pts and


Eo~penclitlt1'e .

Reccipts. To " " ., "


6 10 11

Balance . Class fees ' tores (l>ule of) Medallions Bank interes t

7 9 1 16


4 3 9


S 3

Statement of Receipts ancl Expenclitn1'ejor the yc{tt' ending Septemucl' 30til, 1904. . Receipts. E.'rpenclitw'c. To Balance ill Bank " Olass ~ee~ . " Suuscnptrons . . . " Bank .I n.terest (less OomlllIsslon) . . " Balance dne to Bank

1 1 5/By

78 9 19 13

0 0

0 2 8 18

9 3



Examination Fees and Examiners' Expenses . » Advertising. . . » Printing and tationery . Postages . . . » Hire of Rooms » Assistant ec. 's alary Medallions " Douation to heffielcl Corps ( . J . A.B.) . tores. . . . " Miscellaneous Expenses.


-10 14


2 17


5 15 11 4 -1 1 ·1 15 ti 30 0 o 5 10 5 3 8 3



Novem,be1' 1Hh, 1904.


£7 9 4 tores • 4 15 0 Examinution fees • 220 Iuciclcmtals at H ead Office 010 Rent of Ambulance box . o 14 0 Printing 046 " Oarriage of bed, etc. o 9 11 Patient Text book for Lecturer 010 1 16 0 Medallions 065 Postage 6 7 5 Balance in hand



7 JOH~


D. F.

Octobu, 1903.



A. BlJRTOX, Chcti1·lnan. 1. DAVI ON, T1·easw·e1'. GRIBBIX,

Han . Sec1·cla1·Y.


1 7 5

. I have examined the Oash Account for the year ended e )temuel' 30th WIth the Bank Pass Book and Vouchers and certify the abJ t 1 ' 1904, summary of such Oash Account. ' ve 0 )e a correct GEORGE



1 11 4

for the yect1· endecl Septembe1' 30th, 1904.

FltAXKLIN, ClUlI'te1'ccl AGGount(lllt Sheffield. '

)'re. hlcnt. The Right Hon. the Earl of Powis.


Captain William Freeman, Oounty Constabulary Office, Shrewsbury. HOUOI'Ul'Y Secl·ctal'Y.

Tl'c a . lU·Cl'.

George Butler Lloyd, Old Bank, Shrewsbnry.

Edward Curetoll, 1>I.D., 9, College Hill, hrewsbury. :U e (lical S taff.

J. Lytle,

M. D . ,

J. McOarthy, M.D., T. Law Webb, M. D.

SHIPLEY. I're. idcut.


James Roberts .

John A. Burton.

T reas lu·el·.

J. 1. Davison , Bradford Old Bank, Lel. , Shipley.


Secl·e lm'Y.

D. F. Gribbin, 1, I vy Road, Moorhead, Shipley .

Lifc 1tIcw bCI·S .

Gro. O. Waud, Shipley Friendly and T rade Societies Messrs Ross "\11'lk d {, 1 ' " , Yf I s, an \..Ira Jtree.

AN NUAL REPORT. Owing to the difficulty of getting first aid cl asses i n and around Shrewsbury, this Oentre has been resuscitated, and h as al'l'anged for t h e formation of first aid and nursing cl asses, and generally the keeping up of a supply of persons tra1ned in first aid. T he Centre not having been in full working order for quite twelve month s, audited accounts h ave not yet been prepared, but subscribers, amounting to m ore t ba.n £ 10 pel' annum, have come to the h elp of the Centre, which is endeavouring to finance the local division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. J:Jhn A ??l-bnlance Association.


St. John A??1bulan ce Association.

SOUTHPORT. l're idcnt.



The Earl of Latho m.

To Balance due Trea6urer urplus

Rev. C. T. Porter, D.D., LL.D.

Honorary SCCI'Ct:Il'Y :lnd T.·ca IIrc.·.

J. E. "Willett, 3, Park Roatl,


ANNUAL REPORT, The usual classes have been held in connection with the Victoria cience and Art School, and the LadR' Club have again hall a course of lectures. Good \York COil tiull!':> to qe done by the police and others, in r0ndering first aid when required.

Statem ent oj R eceipts and E:l:pcn(1itul'I; to Scptcmuci' 30th, 1901. Receipts. EJpenclitu re. £6 13 5 4 10 16

4: 0 9

£22 H

By ~hief.Oili;e for tores, etc. £10 1~ "Examlller fee, etc . . 6 (j "Postage, etc. 0 G " Balance in bank G 10




3 0 4

3 9





Tl· ..'a III·C.·,

F. Thirlwell, Bank, King outh hields.


Honorary Sccretarics.

Jam es Page, 67, King treet, outh Shield E. B. :relson , M.A., Seamen's I nstitute, 'outh hield '. Jledical Sf aU.

Crease, F.R.C.S., Edin., Goudie, C.M., M.B., Edin. , 1LD., Macdonald, a.M., M.B., Emu.

9th June, 1904:.

To Fees Stores " SubscriptionsJ. Readhea.d, Esq .. J os. M. Moore, Esq.

" Balance due Treasl1l'er


5 1

0 0

5 1


£25 3

8 0

6 3

£ 28







Tl'ca \\~.

H. Gibson.


Burnley, H alifax Joint Stock Bank, owerby Bridge.

Uouorary Sccretal'Y. Crescent,~Sowerby


lUe(lical Sf afl'.

Perrin Brown, F.n.c .. . , L.U.C.P., J. D unn, )LD.

To Cash on hand and in Bank £11 " in ecretary's hands 2 " Bank intere~t. 0 " Councillor G. W hiteley, for ~Iedalliolls 1 tudent' F ees . 7 ale of book , bandage, &c. 4 "Annual ubscriptions 1] " Donations. 0 " 1\11'. N. Farrar-Gold Medallion 2

E "l:penditnre. £12 12 6 10


ANXUAL REPORT. D uring the pa t year thi Centre has co-operated with the outh Shields Education CommitteE', the various ambulance cIa ses having been advertised in its syllabus, but the outh hields Centre Committee haYe retained entire control and management of the classes. ixteen cia ses haYe been held with an aggregate of 284 pupils . The BorollO'h Police and the. 'outh Shields Volunteer Life Brigade ha,e hew n unabated iutere °t in ambulance work. -early 100 " \Y elledey " boys ha ,-e recei,ed certificat~s, and practically all the members of the Borough and RileI' Police, and Volunteer Life Brigacle are certificated.

Statement of Receipts cmel Eapenditll1'e, 1902,190 ~1. R eceipts .


Statcmcnt of Receipts and &l.penditm·e, Session 1903-1904. EJ:penchtw·e. Rcccipts.

Jas. Readhead .

Appl eton , L.n .c.p., Gowans, M.D., Hunter,


THrRLWELL. Han. T reasure?'. PAGE, . } JI, Scc1'etaries. ER~EST B. KEf. O~, :-LA. 011. Audited and cert.ified, TH O?>IAS A. BI~K .· .






W. Tolley, 151, Park

Crease, F.R.C .S. (Edin.)

By • tores, &c., iu Stock.

l'rc'iicl('ut alltl Chairmau.

£2:l H C. T. PORTER, Chai, Ii!(t,!L JOII~ E. \\'ILLETT, lIo),. ,,'cc. and TI'C{1~,

Octobe1' 31st, 190-1.

Assets. £3 0 2 19


lUccUcal Staff.

F. J. Baildon, I1LB., C.M., S. M. Brown, M.D., M.R.C.S. , L.u.loP., A. E. Cox, bLn., c .~., S. B. Fenn, L.n.a.p., L.R.C.i>., L.F.P.:i.G., A. 'Y. Hare, M.D., Cll.B ., G. R. P enrose, M.D., F.R. C... , W. Maule, ?>f.n., C.?>L, L.lt.(; .:-;., J. Wilshaw, bLB., eU.n., D.P.H., J. Forre tel' ,Yood, F.R.C. '., L.R.C.P.

To Balance from last accollnt " Fees for classes " Sale of stores, etc.


By Balance " Head Centre, Fees, &<.:. " Stores. " Advert. and Printing. Rent of Rooms and . Class Expenses 'undries, Postages, &c. Gratuity to Sergeant McCormack. .

1 -1


10 6 6 12 1 8


7 0

2 7 0 156 5






15 4 2 11 7 0 12 16 17 13 19

0 0 3 6 3



£ 43 11


By iV. Ackroyd: Printing, etc. J. Briggs-U~e of room t.J.A.A. " "-. In gham J. Ellis Caretaker Boys, acting as patients,&c. " B. Holroyd . " Secretary, as per detailed " account Balance at Bank Jn Secretary's hands

£2 3 15 0 0 0 0 0

3 2 6 4


7 15 1

0 6 2 0 6 6 0 6

9 7 6 8 8 10

0 19 1

£43 11


W. H. GIB ox, P1·csident. Bl"RKLEY, TnasU1·el'. Vhf. TOLLEY, H on. Sec1·eta?·y. Audited and found correct, T. HOEY, A 'uclitor. W~r.

],farch 4th, 1904.

ANNUAL REPORT, In presenting the Annual Report, the Committee are again IIIE'ased to record that a large amount of good work has been accomplished during the y ear. The work of the Centre has progressed very fa,ourably, in creased interes t has been manifested, and the ontlook for the next Session is again p.ncouraging. During the year two classes have been formed for instruction, one in nursing for femal es (conrlucted by Dr. W. P errin Brown), and one in " First Aid" for Males (conducted by Dr. J. L


St. John A 1nb'L&lc~nce Association.

St. John 11 mbulance Association.

Dnnn). Twenty-one fcmales joined for the first year, b,enty-one for the rc-examination second year, and nine for the third year. Total, 51. Sixteen males joined for the first year, nin e for re-examination second year, amI seven for the third year. To tal, 32. Forty-six females and thirty-one males presentetl themselves for examination. Total, 77. All pas-cd. The ambulance carriage has lleen u cd 22 times sinco Uarch 1st, 1903. ,tudents have rendered valuable assistance in attending to injuries, the removal of arcident cases and invalids. Two c:Jses the Committee wish to mcntion. Onc was where a man felI from a building. H e had the mi fortune to fracture his wri'lt, injurc his ribs, and was also severely shaken. The other case was a lad who [ell from a wall and fractured his thigh. An ambulance student, who happeneu to bein the vicinity, promptly rendered first aid, dodors were sent [or, anu all that was possible having been done, the patients were removed to the Royal Halifax Infirmary, where, after skilful treatment, they were restored to convalcsf:ence. The Committee beg to tender their most hearty thanks to the medical staff and all subscribers and friends ,,,ho have in any way helped on the work.

A. H., of ~he same '1c1clres'l a severe cut over the lett eye, caused by staublllg with 3. pocket kl1lfe. P., '. Dank rendcreu fir t aid. Dr. Hardwicke certifies that " ergeant Danks and others rendered very efficient first aid, and in both these cases severe h<.emorrhage was prevented, and, after treatmcnt, made easier and more effectual. "


STREATHAM. FI'c idcnt.

Jlonol'Ul'Y SeCI'Cfnl'Y.

illr'1. Cave-Browne-Cave, Bnl'llage,

Mr. R. Lowncles, En\'illc , tourllriclgc.

'Y. E.

tl'cct, To "

JlOJlO)'nI'Y Sccl'cfnl'Y.

Hedley Satchell, 50, Hagley Road, • tourbridge.


Statemcnt of Acconnts (or the ye(t~· endil/g Scptemoci' 30th, 1901. Receipts. E.rpcnditluc. To Balance brought forward £21 13 1 By Expcnses of Classes £10 11 5 I I Subscriptions 5 8 6 I I Printing Annual Hcpol't 1 14 0 " Fces for Cla'lses 10 3 0 "Ad verti~illg . 1 11 0 " Town Hall ExpensesAnnual ~lceting o 10 0 I I Secretary's Expenses- Po tage,Stationery,PrttyCash 1 1 11 Balance in L. anLlllI . Ball k 21 16 3

£~ I

treatham Common, S. 'V.

)ICflicul Staff.

JlOJlOJ':l1'Y TJ'caslIl'cr.

The Right Hon. the Viscount Couham.

Insp.-General Belgrave Ninnis, M.D., Brockenhurst, Streatham Park.


~r.D., L.R.C.P., ~r.R.('.R., L .•. A . ,

illatthew Coates,

:\1.D., F.R.C.S.

ANXUAL REPORT. During the year two cIa. 'e in fir'lt aid have been held for Ia(lies, and two classes in Home Xuring also for laclies.

STOURBRIDGE. Pl'csidenf.


H.R. n. The Duchess or Albany.




Examined with vouchers and fonnd correct EDWARD OAr.TER iloORE, Audito~·. ANNUAL REPORT. During this year two classes for men amI one [or women on first aid were held. Dr. H. ~. R. Clarke gave a course of lectures at Longcroft, Stourbridge, for ,romen on first ald. Twenty entered, of whom twelve presented themselves for examination and all passed. Dr. Kirkpatrick gave a course of lectures at The Dispcnsary, Stourbndge .. Twenty-seven men entered of whom 13 for a first time, 8 for a second, and 6 for thIrd; 26 presented themselves for examination and all passed. Dr. Lockhart Lowe gave a course of lectures at the Workmen's Institute, Belhroughton. Fourteen men entered, of whom 6 attended for the first time and 8 for a sccond' 13 presented themselves for examination and 12 passed. At th~ last Annual MeetinO' an Ame?-lance Display.and Oompetition took place under the Direction of Dr. Edga~ L. 00111s. The exammers .were Dr. Ayres and Dr. Oollis. Th e Challenge cup presente~1 b:y Mr. Petcr Harns, who also gave two goblets to be held by the uest man m the wmnmg team, was won by the StourbridO'e Fire BriC/ade. Th e local ()o~mittee again acknowledge with thanks the help it has received t~wards defraymg the cost of the classes, and ~o the Urban Council for granting the flee use of the Town H all for the Annual Meetll1O'. The followinO' cases o[ first aid rendered to injur~d persons during the past year have been report~d. On April 1st 1903, G. H. of VIcarage Road, Lyn, Stourbridge, had a severe cut in the throat, and



Statement o( Rccdpts and E[I.'pend1·t1&re (tom July, 1902, to J1Lly, 1904. Rccripts. Expendit1we. Balancc in halld,J111y,1902 £10 4 9 By Lecturer's Fees £5 5 0 " Examiner's Fees ,'n11 crirtioJl~ and Donation 3 13 0 3 7 10 19 5 7 , Books, etc. 2 4 6 Fee ann. ale of books I, l\Iedallions 0 4 0 0 4 0 ~Iedallion o 15 0 Overpaid hy Hon. Trea nrer 0 17 11 " Po tage 014 9 " Printing, etc. " Rooms, caretakers and boys 5 19 6 0 2 1 " Cheque Book. . " Balance at Bank 15 1~ 7 £34






Account for Store and Examination Expenses owing to t . John' Gate, £11 4s. 10d. I haye examined the above statement o[ receipts and expenditure with the books ann vonchers, and find the Rame to be In due accordance therewith. There is a halance cllle to the Hon. ecretary ofl7s. lld. (S igned) :MAT. CRATER, Hon. Alldit01·. BELGRAYE NINNI., T1·eaSU?·e1·. J1tly 26th, 1904.

SWINTON J>I'C hlClI f nucl TJ'ca s urer.

Houol'nJ'Y Sccrctnl·Y.

J. E. Drabble, Mexborough Bank,

Ed ward Morgan, 87, Queen treet winton, Rotherham.


Ucdicnl Stnft.


. Blythman,


.F. Harvey,



Lifc )[clllb('l'.

C. S. Blythman, Milton Honse, Swinton. ANNUAL REPORT. The winton Oentre was formed in 1885, since which a cIa s has been held annually, except during the years 1902 ann 1903, when, owing to Dr. Blythman's seriol] illness, the cla s was not held. A c1a s was held during March, 1904; 32 stu?ents ~ttendeel the le?tures, 29 attended t.he examination, anel pas ed satIsfactonly. Several aCCIdents have occnrl'ed c1urmg the year, and received first

St. John A mb'Ld(~nce Assoc'iation. 144

~nd attending to the

St. John A1nb'LLlance As ocicdion.

aid assistance, which has proved most yu.luablc-which testifics to the value of first aid ambulance knowledge. One seriou. ca e occurred at the :Midland lation during November, one of the night porters uei~g knocked d.o"n l~y a pas ing engine, breakina one arm and also caused conCUSSlOn of the bralll. Fu st aId was plOm ptly rendered by two members of the class. The patient has now completely reconred, and will shortly resume uuty. Statement of Accounts fo?' 1904. E :ependitu?·c. R ecei1Jts. £0 4 7 Postage, tationery, and Oash in hand from 1903 1 2 0 t!llllpS Midland Railway Fees 0 8 0 Orlniage anu delivery of Four Brigade Medallions . 0 8 0 parcels . Fees paid by Mid , Ry. men t. J oh n '. Gate, Medallions Questions and Answers, sold 0 6 0 Rent of Lecture Room to members Printing, Time Oftiee J. & J, Oharlesworth's men's 0 7 0 t. John's Ua.te Acroun t fees 0 2 0 Oelluloid Buttons 0 4 0 Bronze Medallions Private Members' Feeso 10 6 'l'hre!:) nr~t year men at 3s. od. 2 2 0 Manver's Main Subscription o 10 0 Miners' Union o 15 2 Balance withdrawn

£6 19


TON BRIDGE. Pre. iclent.

J . G, Talbot,


Treas urer.


o 3 8 l o 0 10 o 12 0 o 1:3 0 o a

The Rev. 0, O. Tancock, D.D .





George E.

Etl. Plowright, Glenmount, Southborough.

lIonoJ'nry Secretnry, kinner, Ro. e Bank, Dry Hill Park, Tonbridge. ~(c(li('nl

S taff.

'.\T. Allan Harmer, L . . A., Eyre levers, B.A., ;\f.D., C.M., Isaac Newton, L.R.C.P.,

ANNUAL REPORT. Two classe have been held during the past year, one at the Tonbridge Grammar chool, the other nt Recllands Asylum. All the candidates who presented themselve satisfieu the examiners.

£6 19


sick and injured, The certificates and medallions were presented by Mrs. Wardell, Lady ) uperintendent of the Nursing Division, on ~!ay 9th 1904, who at the same time presented a time-piece to each of the doctors, gwen by t,he candidates, as a light recognition for their valuable services .


F, Il.un f-\ .

Balallce Shect for year Receipts. T o Balance 1903 acconnt £2 5 Examination FeesTonbridge chool 1 14 1 13 tores olel


£5 13

ending September 30th, 1904. E xpendittwe. 4 By Exam . Fees to S.J.A.A. Ton bridge School 5 tores 5 "Po tage , Oarriage, &c. • Balance in hand

£1 14 5 121 017 2 15 1


£5 13


. · l· C1>ith'u t.

Oolonel Sir Oharle.

OHAll.LE, O. T ANCOCK, Chctinnan . EDWARD PLOWRIGHT, T1·ecr.sU1·er. GEORGE E. SKINNER, Eo?) . SfJ-c1·etary.

eely, Burt.

(;htli!'wan au(I 'I'l·C/l loo Ul'e l·.


loI eCl'ctnJ'J- .

R. E. Coupc, 4,

Stuart O. ,Yarde}l, Doe Hill House, near AUreton.

lIllny Bank, TiLshelf, Alfretoll.

1..i1·e ;UellllJel'1>.

Oolonel Sir Charles Seely, Bart.


tuart C, ,Yarde11.

l~I'e si clellt •

iU edical S tall'.

F. Marriott, L.S. A" Lond"

W. A. Stamford,



Statement of R eceipts and Expenditu1'C, 1903-1904, Receipts. RGpe?lditu?·e. To Books S<;>ld £1 14 0 By Stores, H ead Office 5 17 6 " Subscril-'tions Examiner's Fee " Inciuental expenses " Postage and Orders Balance in hand


£7 11




t Hon. Th e ?lIar(luess of Abergavenny,

F. \Va<lham Eler., )Ll11or Lodge, Tunbridge '.Yel ls.

£1 13 4:

1 1 0 0 0 11


£7 11


6 0


Examined and found correct, STUART O. ' VAHDELL. Chai?'man and T ?·eastwe?'. R OBERT E . OOUPE, Hon. Sec?'eta?'Y, ANNUAL REPORT. During the year two classes have been helJ , a first aid for men and a nursing class for women ; sevellteen male candidates and three female candidates satisfying the examiner, who complimented them on their skill in treating the supposed injuries

O. R. Fletcher Lntwidge, Shandon, 'l'nnbricJge Well . Jlcclieal Stan',


5 10


UOIlOl'al'y Secretal'Y.


KL.AdellClY, ::'ILn., \Yalter O. Aylward, M.R.C.S., W.Bisshopp, M.D., F. Bisshol)P, O. R. Crawford, ::'ILR. C. 1'1., \\T. G. Earle, J . B. Footner, F.R.C.S ., N. Hay-Forbes, F.ll..('.i'l., Grace, :.\[.n. , T. O. Guthrie, ;\1.11 . , O. Lammiman, F. R. C. .. , Llewellyn, Perc\' Low, !>I.D., ,T. Jlalden, F .Man er, G. F . Oldham, ~I.Jt.c . . , G. Pardington, M.D., J.PerkinR, ;lLD., Cranley M. Perry, M.R.C.S., E. Ranking,M.D. ,B. Rix , W. Stamford, M. n., Edwin A. ,tarling, ::'ILD., \V. Towll end torrs, O. Vise, M.D., G. Trustram ,Vatson, F . R.C.R . ANNUAL REPORT. A Nnrsing OOUl' e of lectUl'es waR given at Langton Green for women. A first aid course, ancl a ul11'sing cOll1'se for women , were given at Tnnbri<'lge V\'ells. A first aid COlll'Se, for men, waR al 0 given at Tunbridge \Vells. The results were very satisfactory. everal canr'lidates were re-e,amined finally and for their first re-examination. M.D,



St. John A mb1dance Association.

St. John Ambulance Association.

Bctlmlce Sheet jor yert?· ending 4th Octobu, 1904. Statement oj Receipts and Expenditu1'e f01' the year ending September 30th, 1904. E.cpenditw·e. By Advertise1', advt. first aid

Receipts. To " " " " " " " "

" "

Balance from 1903 . £13 1 7 Cosgrave's Nursing Manual 1 1 o Dons. from 1I1en's Class . 0 15 3 Fees Women's Class, FU'st Aid . . . 5 19 0 FeesWomcn'sClass,Nursing 6 2 0 Medallions. . . 166 46 Cantlie's" FU'st Aid" . 2 6 0 40 Illustrated Bandages . 1 0 0 21 Cosgrave's" Nursing" . 1 1 0 5 Skeleton Diagrams . o 0 10 Langton Greer.. " N lU'sing " 2 5 0

" "


" " " "

I" "

£34 1

. £0 10 o Gow'ier, " " " . 0 10 o Adverti:,el', " nursing" . 0 10 o o 10 o Go 111' ie1', Examiner's Fees, 'iaJ1gto~ o Green Examiners' Fee, women 0 and tllen,Tunbridge 'Yells ~ Examiner's Fees, women, 7 0 nursing, Tun bridge II' ell In citlentu.l Expen estore a pOl' account . ~ ~ 0 48 Cantlie's Mauual, "Fir~t _-\itl," &c. 3 3 9 4 Cosgrave's:JIanual, "1\ur8 2 7 ing, " &c. 0 Boys a MOllels at exams . . 0 0 17 0 A. K. Baluwin, IJl'inting H. C. Chamber, lllute:riul , ~ 15 10 gratuity . 6 li l\Ie<la,11iuns . 'Fu·'t Aid" and" 1\ ursin"" Malluab b 0 4 0 11 17 5 Balance clas os

18 13


330 o 2 10


·1 7




15 18 10 030 050 136 £20 13 4 11

4: 3




(Mayor), P1·csiclent. H.u,nrs, Tl'easm·el'. R. W. HOPE BUXT, Han. Sec1·etary. rOXEHOUSE

WESTON-SUPER-MARE. Tl'ell~tU'Cl' ~\lHl


Honorary Secretary.

:ilIi s McAdam, 5, Raglan Circns, eston -snper-Mare.


R ev. Prehendary Aldriuge.

Life Jlemlwr.

John Wallace,

~r.B., c .~I., B.SC.

JlccUca I Staff.

Auditol'. Treasurer.

. ·WrcKE:\ flEX,

F. ADIIAill l~LEll!';, C. R. FLRT(,lIE1t LL'TWIl>GE,



Vouchers examiued, accounts audited, and fonnel COl'l'ect.


By Dr. H ermon, L ecturer's Fee " Head Office, Fees and , 'tores L etter Book Caretaker's Fee. " Carr, C. '1'., Printulg, &c.

£2 4 1 110

Balance in hand.



E'J;pendit tt1·e.

ReceilJts. To Cash in hand . " Police Cricket Match Stores old, Fees foJ' Examiuers, &c. Education Committee for Lectmer's Fee " Bank Illterest .



H., ' Bullanc('. ilLl>., ilLn.C.R., C. P. Crouch, M.D., M.B.C.S., G. F. Rossiter, M.n., ;\I.11.0.S., L.s.A., R. Roxburgb, M.D., F.Re ... E., G. Teml.>le, M.B., C.M., J. ,Ya11ace, ~I.B., C.M. , D. l:iC. ANKUAL REPORT. Clas ·es ha\'e been held at the Y.W.C.A. during the past "inter, by Dr. J. ,Yallace gratuitouly, who for similar sen'ices in past years has been made an Honorary Lif'eMembor oftte Associution, and also at the Y.M.C.A. by Dr. Temple.


Statement of Receipts and Expendit lo'e, 1903-1904.


The Mayor of Wakefield. Tl·eIlSUl·el'.

T. M. Harris, Chief Constable, Wakefield.


,I'. ~

Hope Bunt, 11, King Wakefiehl.



1I0no1':ll'), Secrelal'Y.



JUetlienl StaJf.

To "

W. K. Clayton, H ein, Herm on, Roul tone, J. W. Walker. ANNUAL REPORT. This Centre still conti~ues to do good and useful work. Many cases of first aid have ~ee~ treated. Dunng the year a "horse amuulance" was provided by pU1Jlic subs~r~ptlOn, and was handed over to .the Watch Committee of the Corporation, on condition that they should find a st~tlOn an~ horse the ambulance when required. It h~s already rendered very efficient serVlCe. The Chief Constable, Mr. T. M. Harns has charge of the horse ambulance.

" " "

1903. ()lass Y.W.C.A., ale of Books, &c., . £3 3 0 DOllution from Committee Y. W.C.A., per Mrs. :rai~h . o 15 0 1904. 0 -1 0 Two pupils for Medallions 2 10 6 Subscriptions o 1 11 Balance due to Treasmer £7 11

1903. By Balance due to Hon. Treas. £2 11 " Books and tationery for 2 14 CIa, s 0 4 " Two Medallions " Examiners' Fee and Ex2 1 peuses .


£7 11


5 Auditeu and fOlllla. COITE:CC, CrrAs. W.



5 0


St. J ohn Am,bu,lance Association.

St. J oltn A 1nbulu/lLce Association.



I·!·cs ldcnt. David D ulley, C. A.

Tl·cas urcr. T. E. Gravely.

Houor:U'y SCc)·e tary. E. Auuland, Oxford dr'3et, Wellingborough . Honorary A.. is taut Secrctary. lIeadqllarte r s . T . H. Hilton, omerville, Wellinghorough . Church treet, \\~ellingborough. : Uc(lical Stall. 'IV . E . Audland, M . ll . C. . , L.R.C . l'., Lond . , H. . Bakel', )I.ILC.8., L.ll.C.I'., . T . Baxter, L. R . C.P., F. Bennetts, ~r.n.c.l'., II. 13urlanL1, ~r.n.c.H., L.R.C.l'., Lond., 'IV. ' V. Clark, M.D . , Edin . , J . Crew, 1I1.1:'C.B., L.S.A., H. Hollis, )I.D., Cantab., 'V . 1liackenzie, L.R.C. P . , ELlin . , C. R. O\\'en, L.ll.C .l' . , \Y. Robb, :1tLn. , Glas. , W. 1. 'Yatsoll, )I.B . , L ond. ANX AL REPORT. During the year 11 classes ha\'e been held. Of the e 7 ha\'e heen in firt n.id, 5 for men and 2 for women. In home nursing 4 e:Ia 'es ba\'e been held-2 for lllen and 2 for women. The number of tudent who completed the COl11'~e of instruction and presented themoeh'es for examination "~as 167, and of thc:e H pas ed. An effort is being made to hold fir·t aid and nursing da. 'e' in connection with all the large factories in the Centre; the lH:,cessi ty and wisdom of thi ,·tep is made e."'ident by the fact that during the year 110 Ie " than 1,43:3 ca. es werc dealt with, including 105 tran port case hy wag-goll and litter, 172 treat d 1)y lIur ing .sisters, and 24 patients who were carefully lllu'!;ed free of cost in their OW11 homes.


Statement of Reccipts and Expenclitu 1'0 (ai' yew' ending Scplembct' 29th, 1904. E,cpentiitul'e. Receipts. To Balance from 1903 Subs . and Donations County Council Grant " Sale of tores Class Fees R eceived for Transport " W. L ewin D ue to Treasurer.

£3 0 1 By torcs and Renewals . £19 13 33 1 0 Printing, etc. o 15 26 5 0 "I I Examiner's Fees, St.John's Gate 11 8 4 18 4 L ecturer's F~es 3 G 8 10 10 15 0 0 uudries, Postage, Tcle~ 5 0 0 " grltlll., Carria.ge 3 16 17 19 8 " Transport Expenses 21 4 Di\'iion Expenses 10 2 ] 2 " Brigade Ex pen es " Insurance . 0 5 Camp Expenscs o 12 Iuspection 9 17 "" County, how ports 1 18 £115




D. (Signed)

adobe?' 20th, 1903 .



1 9 6 0

5 0 0 3 0 6 0 3



TRO:1tIA E. GRAVELY, Han. J'1·caSll?·cr . W. E. AUDLAND, Han. Scc1·eta?·y . T . H. HILTON, Han. Assistant Sec?'ctary. Audited and found correct,

H . A.


YORK. Prc i(leut. W . H. Jalland,

D.L .

1I0no1'ary s ecretary antI Treas urer. J. H. Turner, 17, H igh Ousegate, York. lUetUcal Staff. W . A. Evelyn, H enry Foster, N oel L . H oocl , S. L ong, P. Macdon ald, A. W . Metcalfe, A. B. Nortbcote, H. W . Reynolds, J . P . Wightman.


During this year 6 classes have heen held, 3 for \romen (2 in nursing and one.in first airl) alld 3 for men in first aid. Of tho e who presented themsel ves for examlD ~ ation from these classe 63 pa.ssed . I n addition to these 9 were awarded vouchers for passing the til' t re~examination, ,,,hile 7 pased the final re~examination, and 10 mcclallions ha\'e Leen granted.

Statement vj R ccf'ij,ts and E.J'jJcnclitnre, 1904. l~oc(

Exp nclitw·e.


To Balance in hand, 1903 £11 ~ " Fees, Books, Bandages, 20 19 &c. 0 :3 , Bank Intel'e t


By H ead Centre,

6 6

" £32



tort's £9 13 10 Exam . Fees and Travelling Exps. 10 5 3 Incidental Exps. 3 3 0 " Expenses in forming rlasse , 1,0 tages &, stationery 1 1 0 Balance in bank . 8 2 1



'\-. H. J .HLAXD. President. J. H. TURXER: Han. S ec . and T1·casltreT.


] 51

St. J ohn A mvulance Association.

St. John A??l,bulance Association.


of President of this Centre became vacant, but the Committee are pleased to be aula to report that at their refluest, His Exeellency Sir George R. Le Hunte, K.C . )r.G . has n.ccepted the position. The Annual D emonstration was helel in tIle Town Hall in Odober last, ,mclmet with the hearty approyal of a large audience. This Centre is agaiu in receipt of the Government subsidy of £50; thus elJabling it to renew the liberal terms to the Railway Employees and the Police.

British Dominions beyond the Seas, AUSTRALIA. ADELAIDE.


rrcsidcll t. }'"al1'ol1.

ir George R. Le Huntc, K.C.:-.r.n.

His Excellency


Chait'Jllan antI Treasurer.

W. B. Wilkinson, Brooknlan's Bug ., Grenfell St., Adelaide. Life

Sir Harry II. Rawson,

Bentley'. COllllor, anlo Bdgs., WaYllloulll 't., Adelaide.

)(cl1lbc .. ~.

The Lord Brassey, K.C.B., A. M. Yan Sendell, R. St. Mark-Du\\'e . ;lLB.,

M . R.C . S., L.S.A., T. Goode, M.B., c,s". A.

F.R.C.S., L.n.c.D., H. Brummitt Oorbin, M.lt.C .... , L.:-..A., . . Dun1l, III. 13. , c.:lf., Hamilton , ;)LB., C1I . 1.1. , B.A., J. A.. G. II alllilloIJ, "LB.,

"T . A.


L.R .C.S., R. HamIlton, L.ll.C.S., L. and L.)!., and K. andl.l.lJ.l'., J. 11. IIellden,oll, M.B., CH .)L, H. R. L ctcher, :1[,13., ClI.B., B. Poulton, )LB., cH.n., )I.H.( ... , II. A. Powell, )LB., B.S., O. II. outar, :I['D., ell.)!., J. R. tcyen 011, )I.ll., (n.)!.

Statement of Receipts cmel EJ.]Jcnditui'cjoJ' the ycar cllding 31st Jlanli, 1001. Receipts. E.I·IJcnditu rt.

£292 19

7 0 0

9 6 8

6 0 ~



By Examiner' Fees . £12 " AUllual Demon tratioll2.1 Dishur emen ts 1:' " Printillg ,1 " Ad \'erti 'ing 11 " 'ost of Medallions -1 " Cost of Bandages " Co.·t of Text-books. . I:? ,. Co tor Lownloor Jackd .. -1 " Oftice Expenses, including H ire of Rooms. Postages, Pettiu;, <11111 31 Telcl'houe " 13alullcesa \'ings Bank Deposit 105 "Colllmercial Bank ()f Australia 47 1-1 " Cash in Hand



3 4 1

:) 7 3








G 11 15 2



6 6




2 th April, 1904,

F. J. II. H art.

J"I'C Sidc u t. ir Frederick Darley, G.C.)['G,


Scere tal'Y.

Lieut.-Col. R. E. Roth, D.S.O., P.)LO.

Boles R. Rainsford.

1I01101':lI'Y _\Ilclitor-

,Yo Blaxland, ;)Lll.lJ.S.,

To Balance brought forward from last year. £1-10 9 Annual DemonstrationDonations amI ale of Tickets 22 1-1 " Olass Fees 50 0 "Medallions . . 13 2 " Hire of Diagrams . 1 0 " Sale of Bandages . 2 17 Sale of Text-uooks 2 " Sale of Lowmoor Jacket 1 11 3 1 " Bank I nterest Governm ent ubsidy 50 0

The HOll . HOll. Tl'caslll·('J'.

impson, T. W . Coruin, D. Poulton, E. W.

:Ueclieal Sla.L

E. D. Archer,


'(, (·I·(' ta!'y.

HEItBEnT PUlL LIPPS, H on. Trcasurer. BENTLEY'. CO':-;.TOR, Bon. SeC1'etCll'Y. Audited and found correct, TH O' . PAm,IAN, Hon. A7ldilor. Value of tores on hand, £14.

ANNUAL REPORT. In rev~ewing. the work of the year ending 31st March last, the COIDmittee have pleasure 111 statll1g that good progress has been made, 173 pupils attenl,in rt the" F.A.." lectures and 20 the "Nursing. " By the appointment of His Exc~lleJlcy Lord T ennyson to t. he Governor-Gelleralshi1) of the Australian Commollwealth the ofIice

'YilfriLl Docker,

C. A . A.

lIe ad Olli(' (' :

21, Erillitn l)le Building, George Street, Sydney. AITNUAL


The Council in }lresLIlting their fourteenth annnalreport have pleasure in empba si:,ing the success which 11U::; attended the efforts made by them, and supported in a 1alge l1Ieasure hy the co-operation of the uranches <.luring the pa t year to extend the mll'k of the As.oeiatioJl. Thirty-two classt' for ill tl'uction in first Did an<.l home nursing followed by an exanlinatiol1, have hecn held at places embracing the city and uburbs of "ydney, towu' in .J::r ew , outll "\\'n.le., Britih New Guinea, and Fiji . An analysis of these clases sho\\s that ill al1ditioll to pri\'utememhers of the cOl11munitybeinginstructed, tlle 1Iletropolitall and Traffic Police, all the members of the Metropolitan ].'i1'e Brigade, teac11ers and. e11ior scholars of public and private schools, nurses and pro batiollels of hospitals, univerf'ily stmleJlts, and the native tudents of Fiji, have a.vailed the111 elves largely of this very llece -. ary knowledge . The number of those who attclHled a COUl' e of in t1 udion j 656, of whom 45-i obtained certificates, and 19 (lualifietl for the JI1edalli()n. The total 11 Ulllbcl' of persons who ha\-e attended a full course of ambulance lectures since the establishment of this Centre now amounts to 9,496, of whom 6,507 passed their exuJl1il1ation, and 321 have qualifiecl for medallions by pas 'ing the thiru and fiJlal exall1ination. III the mon th of Fcln-uary Mis L. F. Lockyer found it ne~essal'y to retire from the secretaryship, much to the regret of your Committee, who 011 receipt of he:' intimation pas cu a Ie olntion of thau}.;: for her "aluable services to the Association . A sillJilar recognition reachetll\liss Lockyer later on from ir Herbert Perrott, Bart ., c. B., on behalf of the Oruer. In "iew of the growth of the \\'ork it was decided to appoillt a male s~cretary in future, alld Mr. Doles R. Hain. ford, who had becn for se"eral years lJU st identified \\-ith the Mil om's Point Railway Line branch, and latterly occllpied a seat 011 the Exee:utiYe, was cho en for tlle po ition. 1111'. J . Barre Johnston re1illql1i~heLl the position of hon. treasnrer in }'larch, and recei\'ed the thanks of the A. 'ociatiol1 for senices rendered . Mr. F . J. H. Hart "'as elected to fill th e vacant omce. Taking advantage of the official 'Ii ·it of the Go.-ernor-General and Lady North cote to New South ,Yale, your Committee attcnded at Goyernment House on 15th June, ~nd tendered an address of welcome to their Excellel1l..:ies. Lord N orthcote replied III gracious terms, expressing warm iuterest ill the work of tlle t . John Ambulance Association. All the members of the Committee in attendance welC pre ented to their Excellencies by Lieut. -001. R. E. Roth, who read th e addre s of welcome. The following gentlemen ,rere OIl the same occasion decorated by the Governor-General : For decoration as H on . erving Brothel' of the Order, Major G, Lane Mullil1s, M. D.,


St. John Anluulu?1ce Association.

Major A. E. },prkins, )1. B., D ... 0 . , and Dr. T. torie Dixson, as H on . Associate \)f t he Order, Mr. Hanbm), Davies , B.A., bal'ri ter-at-law. The Oommittee are pleased at heing able to annOllnce the amalgamation of the Civil Ambulance anLl Transport Brigade ",ith the. t. John Amuulance Brigade. I n connection with the International Amhnlan ce Conference held at tIle t. Louis Exhibition , Mr. C. Dudley Cooper wa elected to l'eprpsent this Centre at th at gathering. The expediency of ha,ing all the l)olice in ttuete'l in /11'. t aid work so impre. sed itself upon th e mind of yom Committee that an interview "'as obtained with the In spector-General of Police, to a k for the formation of further cIa ses. J\lr. Garvin wa warmly in accord with the wi he~ of the deputation, :111(1 a the result of his appeal to the men, a large City cla is no\r heing condncted at the Cl"lItra.1 Poli ce Court Bl1itding. T he whole of the members of the ;,1etropolitan Fire Brigade attendcd the clas. e. formed. The Committee are plea. etl to n otice that freclu ent in![uiries have of late been made by Public chool Teacher' A sociati011'l a to the formation of /1rst aiel cIa ses, several of which are n0W sanctiOl1Pd, and 10ct\11'ers appointed. The \rork of instructing the native student at Xayuloa, Fiji, hac; been a llIattrr ofspccial interest, and photos howing th e clas and ome of' the cand illate8 at work were de. patched to the Chief ecretary, \\'hose acknowle(lgment recelltly to hanel, indicate real appreciation by the Oroer of this outlying work, whi ch is being carried on under the an pice of the N.S. W. Centre. At :J1arrickville, a large pn111ic meeting was Ilel(1 in .\Iay last for the pUl'po~e of forming a branch . lIIaj ors G. L. lI[ullins and A. Eo Perkins spoke on the occasion, anel as the re nIt it has bpen llecirled to form two cIa' e . The ,e Roth" Challenge hi eld this year has lIeell won by th e GlelIC' T ea 111 , who beat Mort's Dock, the form er holder. , by olle point. There is alreacly evidence of general intere -t and k een contest over the next annual competition, wll1cb will take place in December. It is proposell to hold the annual puhlic uemoll~tJati()n in NOveTllhcr lll'Xt, and the branch secretaries and officer hayp already mrt for the pnrpo e of a' isting the Committee to make this important meeting a pl'ononncerl uccess. The finance of the Association for the Clll'l'I'llt year have heen npplpll1enied hy a donation of £10 from the Ro pital •'atl1l'day ]. und, allli £5 froll! the •'heep •'ale Admission Fund. The Committee rlesire to thank the medi('fl.l lectllrer for tllC'ir self-denying \Y ork in connection "ith the variolls cIa 'sps conducted. Theil' especia l thallks a.re due to Lt.Col. R. E. Roth, who has leeturecl to no fewer than t\\'('II'e classes liming tho yenr. Their thanks are also dne to the hon. secretaries and offieer. of the bl'allche , who. e 'willing services have been much appreciated . Balance Sheet, 20th Scptcmbu, 190J.


Ed'PCilclit lll'C.

To Am onnt at Credit in Bank, as per previous statement , £21 11 11 Petty Cash in hand 0 14 3 " Donatiom and. ubscrip tions 40 10 10 " Class and Examination Fees 125 8 3 Books 39 4 1 " Bandages 16 7 7 (medallions, " Sundries etc.) 18 10 1 Gazette . 6 19 2



By Rent of Offices, etc., Telephone " Printing, . 'tationery, • to res . eCl'etal'y's •'alary ArJ'pal's of • alary to Mitis Lockyer " Po~tage " Petty Cash, .A d vertisi n g . " Examination Fees " Balance in Bank as Pa,<;s-book " Cash in hanu


and . £42 and

7 6

o 17

amI lIne


o o

33 31




7 11 11 1 0 0 £269

28th Septcmber., 1904.







Signed at SyclllP.Y, 22nd • eptembel', 1904, REUTER E. ROTH, Glwi?·I}1((1L. F. J. R . H ART, H on. Treasw·er. Bol.J~s



Examined and found COl'l'ert 'YII.FIlTD •. D()cKE;', C.A.A., 11017 . Andit01·.


St. John Ambulance Association.


,'tatcment of L iabilitics (fnd .Assets (It 20th Septeillber, 1901. Li(l,bilitie.~.



Out tallllillg

Account~ . £-12 15 11 Au vallee mad e by Lieu t. Col. R. E. Roth 40 0 0 urplu after l'ro,-iJing for liabilitie . 15 16 0


Amount of Clab8 Fee8 (.tJ·proximate) due, IJut Ilot as .\ et pail 1 ill . . . £5;:; 0 0 Yalne (approximate) of stores ouhan.l . 25 0 0 Cr. Dalallce Commercial Bauking Company, and Cah in hand 11 11 £9

11 11

11 11

VICTORIA. 1':\ t l·l)ll ...

rl·c.,i dcll' .

Hi::; Excellellcy it' Reginal.! Talbot, K.l·. B. His Excellency. 'ir J Ohl1 ;,Ia(l lllll, K . c. ~r.c"

James Euward X eil,l. lIoIlOl':U"J'Tl'ca urcl'.

(,'bllil·)lWll. John Dlyth.

J. C. Anuersou.

~ccl'elal'" . W 111i'1I11 lI 'l'lIilt 1II, H eaLl Oftice: 41, • dhol'lle c..Ilaltlbel::., ;'lellJourne.

lIo110I'ar,r A.uciilol'.

R obert \Yallace, F.F. I.A.

Life :U mhl..' !' •

Lady Clarke, Lord Bras8ey, Captain W. F . . Mann, n.K. J ir :Jlatthe\\' DaYies, Dr. H enry Gyles Tumer, Th e ;\Iarque of Linlithgow, R.T., G.c.~I.G., G.C . '-.o ., Dr. Oliver Penfo ld , James Aitk en, His Ex cellency ir J ohn Mauuen, R . C.)I.G. ep timus ~liller, T. J. ~r Brid e, J. M. Kiall, Captain John Ogilvie, R ouert Stroud, The Ron. Frank tuart, John 'Warren ' wanson , Hugo W ertheim, W illiam illJf'It'y, W. T. Apl,letoll, Thomas Clark, Dl1yid Mills, H. Byron Moore. ANNUAL REPORT. THE Cuuncil of the \ Tictoria Centre of the t. John Ambulance As1>ociation haye much plen::.ure in pre'enting the twenty-fir::.t annual r eport to the members alld subscribel". Hi Exuellency Sir R eginald Talbot, R.C.B., ha been pleased to granb hi patrunage to the s ·uciation. mg. -G eneral Williams ha been elected a member of the Cuuncil. D r Ga\-in l\I'Callum, Geelong, has been elected un hon. life member, h(wing cleliyered four courses of lectures gratuitou ly. Dming the year 23 classes have been instructed, and the receipts how a falling off from those of the previous year. Th e ambulance sen-ice has been placed in charge of Mr. H. A. Osgood, L onghue, off Buurke-street East, behind the Grund Hotel (Telephone 3264.). The \ntggon may be summoned by day or night, and sufferers from any serious accident ,,-ill be expeditiou'lyremoved by men trained to r ender first aid to the injured. Inyalids ,,-ill be taken to [md from their homes, hospitals, trains, etc. The Oouncil again desire to impres on the Iini::;ter of Educution, the principal of schools, and all educational in ~itutions the importance of forming cla ses and haying their pupil taught what to do III case of accident and ::;udden i11ne ' until the l1id of a medical practitioner can be obtained. Ability to render first aid is undoubtedly an import..'tnt branch of k.nowledge. chool , above all, afford the best opportunity, at the age when impre::.. ~lOns al'{~ most deeply made, for learning what to do in cases of accident. As un mducement, the fee for school pupils ha,s been r educed to fiye shilling for a cour e of lecture on first aid, anda certiti ca.te is uwa.rded on pa sing an examination. . T~le Oouncil would u1so urge the holding of cIa ses in connection with mechanics' lllstltutes, schools of mine, technical colleges, Au tra1ian natives' association, young men's and women's associutions, girl's friendly societies, and kindred u" ociations that afford special facilities for orga.ni ing and holding cla es; also in connection with manufacturing companie .


An annual special exuminn,tion for prizes of £5 ;)s. £3 38., and £1 Is. is held in the month of 11arch each year, and i open to all who since the pre\"ious examinn,tion haye obtained much credit in any fin,t n,id e'\.n,minn,tion . Thi' examination acts as a, stimulus to the acquirement of n, more thorough knowleclge of how to render first aid to the injured as evidenced by the high percentn,ge of l1utrks ohtained and the excellence of the practicn,l work. The exn,mination thi" yen.r was held, l)y permis ion of his ' Vor-ship the Lord Mayor, in the ~I ,I bourne Town Hall on fiftturday, March :l6th, 1904. Twenty cn.ndiclates presented them.:;elyes, a11(l wcre examined by D r. pringthorpe and Dr. Oharles Ba,gee. on \\'hose report the Council awarded the first prize to Mi s Flora Munro, Carlton fiu h- 'en tre ; the Recond priz to Mi 'S .T Uli1~ Pottinger, Carlton Sub-Centre, and the third was r!iyiclecl l>etween ?lIis, Xellie Bowie, of Carlton ub-Centre, and ~1l' . .T . Booth, of ~ orth Fi tzroy Su b- 'en tre. During the year there have been held 7 men's and 10 women'::; first airl cl;~sse.:;. n,ne! 6 nursing cIa e ; 41 pupils have been instructed, of whom :203 pa::;secl th ·ir examinations for certificate~, and 2.> completed their course for merln11io11". Of the 2.1. 1 were presented with medallion' at the annual distribution hy his ExceUPl1l'Y f-;Ir ,;Tohn ?lIadden, L,ieut.-Goyel'l1or, on ;J.ith ~\.pril, 1004 . The totnl l1uml>er of pel 'O!h 111structed hy tIllS Centre now amounts to ] 1.006 ; of them t .] 71 lun-e succ ·ssfu11y passed their examim~tions . :Xew, ub-centre,;; han~ lIeen opened at Drouin. ]'or()l1~ Yale, taw~ll,Walhalla,.a~cl ' Vedderburn. In ol'del' that certificated memher:maYJ'l:mn.in 111 touch WIth the AssocmtlOn, and keep up the knowledge aC(luirecl so a: to be ready to render first aid efficiently, the Council a·r1tin desire to impress on all hOll. Rf'cr ' tal'ies the need of establiRbing a class for the practice of hanclagiug', &c .. in en.ph ,ulJ-centre. T he e clas es may bc held monthly or quarterly, or at any intel'Hll, nn(l in snch place or places as may be Inost suitahle for tho,;;e wishin" to meet. The Council again desire to place on record their continued inclehtedne,;;g to the medical gentlemen wbo h~we so generously ~i\-en their time and lahour to the ins~ruction of classes in ?I[elbourne and suhmiJs. ancl thl'Oll~ho\lt the ,'tate: to th ' laches and gentlemen who haye so willin~ly undertaken the duties of hOll. secl'ltaI'Y. and to whom the success of the. uh-centres has heen mainly due, and to the P1":-'; fill' the cOUl'teO?S manne~' in wlri~h they haw opened their columns when r fin 'sted tn make publIc the phllanthroplc efforts ancl work of the ~\.. ·,;;ociation. n,ne! to othcr numerous friends who luwe in many ways helped to furthel' the interest~ of th e As, ociation. It is most cleoirahle that the puhlic should know where the .As,·oeilttion's ~\'sllford litters, .so liberal~y presented by ,Tanet, Lady Clark, are placed. and that th,·y ma he obtamed grn.tUltously to conyey the injured ,,"ith the lea,;t sufi'crin rr eith 'I' tu their ho~ne~ or. the hORpitals. .Illu:tmtecl placards arc posted in puhlic'" places. and at hUllding m cour,.e of erectIon, 111formin!,;' the puhlic where these Jitters are, tntinnecl. AshfordliUers are much required for the snhurh::; and other pl:wes. Your Council again earne tly srive prominencc to the following- f,lct~ "iz.:Fir t that the instruction glyen hy the Association is only intenrle'rl to "i\'e relief with judgment and skill until the arriml of duly (lualified medical aiel. ~'4econ(lly; that ~lthough they n,re encourager! hy the cleeirlce! prog1'e, S made, yet they arc conscIOUS t~lat o!lly the ~rst ~tep~ haye as yet heen tn.ken towards the gren.t encl they seek t~atta1l1-VIz., thedlssemmatlOn amongthemasses, the tradesmen, the n.rtisans, the fire brIgades, the tramway employees, the minerR, the puhlic schools. and, indeed, all10lW all classes! of th~ informati~n wl:ich will enahle them, in the constantly rec'lIlTing' emergenCIes of hfe, to alleYIate, m tead of a.ggravating human suffering, until the sufferer can be place~ uncleI' medical care; and thirdly, that this great and humane work cannot he carrIed on and prosecuted to that extent and with that "irrour which its import~nce demands, without solid and subRtantial pecuniary aid h.·om those to whom lts hrge and invaluable aims commends it; and to thf'n1 they earnestly and co~fid.ently appeal for continued ancl increased support. T he annual chstnbubon of the medallions n,nd certificates awarded to those who passed the necei>sary exa~ninations during the past year took place in the Melhourne Town Hall,. on the evemng of Monday, 25th April, 1904.. His Excellency, Sir .Tohn Ma?den, L leut. -Governor, made the presentations. T he Ambulance Corps, under MaJor Horne, M.D., formed a guard of honour to receiYe his Excellency. Dr,.T. E. Neild, President, presided. T he collection w~~s made hy members of the l\1ilitia ~mbulance Corps, a~d amounted to. .t:9 7s. 6d. First aid to the injured was illustrated by the puplls of the ASSOClatlOn, and the following prizes were awarded T


St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

S t. J :Jhn A mb nlance Associc(;tion.

\'iz. : -~1en's competition, first prize,. £5 5s.; second prize, £2 12~. 6d. The first prize was a.wn,rded to the Balln.mt RaIlway sCluad ; the second pnze to the Port Melhourne RCluad . \Vomen's competition: First prize, £2 2 ., was awarded to ~he j\Iisses Flora 1unro and Tellie Bowie, Carlton .i "orth ub-Centre; the second pnze, £1 1"1., to the 1i,ses Craig and Bowley, Camberwell 'ub-Centre, The judges of the competitions were Dr . .J. W . pl'in!!;thorpe and Dr. Charles ~age . Mr. C~arles 'ykes kindly pre ided at the organ. The an~ual tatement .of receIpts an~ expendIture, duly audited, shows a balance of £134 14s. Id. to the credIt of the ASSocIatIOn .

Statement of fleceipts and Rcccipts. To Donation, • nbscribers . £6 City Oouncil 75 Railway Department 50 .,ClasFees ]50 4:':; ,. :-it ore: sold , lII{;;dalli.on Fees 23 Badges Rold , . 5 Annual Demonstration, '03 11 190o! 9 267 Transi~ort F('e'~ . 59 .. Bahnce forwnnl



£9 By Printing and Stationery 43 " Exami.ners' Fee~ ] 50 ecretary . " Rent 13 15 " Postage and Petty Oash 43 tores 30 Medallions 8 Badges Ambulance2~9 Oontractor 2 Re11airs, etc. AnnualDemonstration .1903 31 1904 1~ , " " ]6 " Speci.al Examiuation 144 " Balance-Colonial Bank 3 " Oash on hand

9 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 4


14 9 17

6 0 0 6


12 1




0 1 0 5



0 0

0 0

5 5 14 5

11 10 13 0 13 19 3


8 3 0

0 0

7 0

779 11 10 " Le s Cheques unpresented 5 5 0 No . 353 3 3 0 Ko. 354 5 0 0 Ko . 370

- - --



3 10

J. O.

A~DEr. O~,

Audited allll fonnd correct, R. 'Y_-\.LLACE, 10th J/ay,






3 10


Hun . Audita?".



Excellency the Hon.

ir Frederick Bedford,


Pre. hl(,Jlt.

His Honour Chief Justice

ir Edwanl

Geo, F . Mc\'\ illiams, lIouoral'Y SCCl·ctary. J O. IT. Jeffreson .


UOlloral'Y TI·ea Sllrcl'.

(~ hairntaJl.

M. L.A .

Li.eut. -Oolonel Oampbell.

1I01101':ll'Y Auditor.

G. Ounningham .

IIcacl Offic e . 2, Beaufort Stl'eet,Perth, 'Y.A.

J.,ire lUcmbcl'S.

Sir Arthur L awley, K . O . ~r. G. Right R ev. Bishop Gibney. Admiral Sir Frederick Bedford, O. O. B. lUeclienl Stnff.

A. W. OonllE'lly, O. Ooventry, H . H orrocks, H. T. Kelsall , A . E . Randell, E. Paget T hurston, W. T reth owall.


St. John A mlndwlCe Association.

ANi'i'UAL REPORT. The Oouncil of the \Yest Am,tralitLll Oentre of the 'to .John Ambulance Association have much pleasure in pre::;enting their annual report to members ,mel subscribers for the year ending Ja,lluary :2 - th, 1901. Owing to the resigl1ation of our ecretary, the ,york of the Oentre 'ms not commenced until ~In.y of In.·t year thereby much vt.luable time was lost. H,)we"el', the work of the Oentre has been of <1, most useful kind, having embraced the subur1xUl and country fire brigade::;, the police, and large work hops of the city. The attention of this Centre W,\- again devoted to the formation of a branch of the Ambubnce Brigade, and we hope tha,t the initial portion of the work is now complete, and that the brigt1.de will be in existence in a few weeks. 'Ve haye already had trained lllen at the Hoytll _\.gricultural Show, where 4 out of 6 ca eS were treateLl by the 1n'igac1e, and at future mee meetings the brigade will be pres en t. DurinO' the time at the di posal of the Council the following classe' Were held and conducte"'d from the Oentre :-:2IIetter--llokins, GOYernment Prilltinb \York". ;)[etropolitan Fire Brigade, ordinary ::mcl special class :Fremantle t\llLl .'uhiaco :Fire Brigades, police and Oatholic youn ,; men, Fremantle, one ladie,; und one IlUl':;in 6 class, whilst at Boulder, under the local secretary, we had three cla~,.,(?:,. Tht: following number of students "'ere lectured to, allli the result is that we ha \"l,; li5 certificates and 13 medallions to preeut. O\l-ing to n. ,'hol'tage of tStol'e';, se\t~l'ttl classes have had to be held o,'er until thitS year :-Pel'th: . 'tuc1t;nb h:cturecl to, 10~ ; presented for examinUotion, 77 ; pa ed, 45. Bouldcr: 'tudent:;, 33 ; stice ·,.;",ful n. To encourage the work, and at the ame time make the numbel' of trained pupils as widely operative us po 'sihle, the Council decided to pn;sent annually fonr medals for competition among·t the Yt1l'iouti fire 1Jl'igltcle' of thl! ~ttl.te, the til':;t COIHpetition taking place at Geraldtou at Easter. ..:\.n endt:tlyuur Wtl· again llltl. II;; to connect the ambulance corps now controlled by the Railway Del'artment, antI "anou-points(were brought forward for decision by the Head Oentre. \Ye hope it wIll l'e possible for this efficient bodyof men to be brought under the control of the ,'to J uhn Ambulance Association at an early date. - \\Te again regret the little assistance giyen u hy the general pu1Jlic, and tru"t that the competition to be held at Ea tel' will be tht: means uf aCtluaintin!5 the" ·neral public with the good objects of this ~~ ociation, and thereby enli",t the ;;,rml'tlthy and practical aid of those for the ~~llevlation of \l'hose suffering in time of injury tlte Association exists. During the past year the folluwing Cll"e' hlt"e been treated hy the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, who control the ambulance ntn YolunbU'y, and hy the police at Roe-street, who also keep a \I'ell equipped litter. We understand that Perth i the only city in the Oommonwealth \I'here the :street fire alarms are allowed to be used in ca es of accident. Each hoe-cart and ste:uner being fully equipped with all nece::;sary first aid appliance'. Case' treated 11y brigade, 67; police, 26. Your Oouncil intend introducing to the YtU'ious head masters of schools the objects of the A sociation, ::md enlist their help ( uhject to the approval of the Government) so that cla ses may be formed throughout the ~ttlte (If of the senior scholars. Eyery scholar attending school should be tn,ught firsb aid treatment, and we feel that by imparting this knowledge many ,aluable lin:s may be sayed. The Oouncil entered upon its year with a credit balance of £60 9s. 4d. but owing to the few months in which classes could be held our retul'US are not l1.S largeas might be. Still, with a credit balance of £{4 17 . 10d. and £1 8s. d. ca 'h in hand, assets in stores to the yalue of £70, shows that the Oouncil have made good use of the little time at their disposal. During the last few weeks, at the request of the Metropolitan and uburban R ace Olubs, the chairman and secretary have yisited the yarious courses with a view of reporting on any requirements that may be needed to properly equip each with medical and surgical appliances. If the uggestions proposed are carried outwhich, we feel confident, will be-there will be no better prO\'ision made for attending any accident that may unfortunately occur than in this State. During the twelve years of the Association's existence in 'Vestern Australia we have lectured to 742 students (male and female) and issued 492 certificates. There are at present in Perth 20 members of the police force who have pa sed the necessary examination in rendering first aid. These include 2 officers, 3 non-commissioned officers, and 15 constables. Another class is being formed, and no doubt during the present year the majority of the police in Perth will have qualified in this

St. John A ?nbulance Associution.


work. Early in the year the Oommissioner of Police was good enough to provide a hand ambulance wagon, thoroughly equipped \vith all the latest appliance, so that the effectiveness of this most important branch of police work has been greatly improved. During the year first aid has been rendered in 31 serious cases. These include broken thighs, legs, dislocation, &c. In most of these cases the patients were conveyed to hospital for further treatment. In addition to the above, numerous cases of a less serious nature were attended to. The number of cases attended to would haye been much greater were it not that the services of the fire brigade have been so often requisitioned. Possessing, as they do, a horse wagon with all the latest improvements, their ambulance can be on the scene of an accident Yery promptly. The uperintendent, Mr. Lapsley, very kindly placed the services of his men and ~1.mbulance at the disposal of the public in all cases of accidents, and the benefits resulting therefrom, both to the police and general public, cannot be overestimated.

Statement oj Receipts and E''l}enditltl'~ jo)' the yea?' ending 28th Janaal'Y, 1904. Expenclilu?·e. R eceipts. TIl Bank BiJ,lance (pel' last By Cab Hire. £1 0 statement) £60 9 4 " Rent Rooms, Boulder 1 10 Donations" Perth 1 10 Bishop Gibney 5 0 0 Expenses at last Annual Dr. Hackett. 0 10 6 l\1eeting 3 8 McLean Bro.'. & Rigg 0 10 6 " Expenses, Petty Cash 2 18 Hoskins & Co., Ltd. . 1 1 0 " Typing 5 11 1Ilillars, K & J. 1902, " AdvertisingLtd. 2 2 0 West Austmlia?t 4 11 Friend 0 10 0 Noming Herald 4 17 ubscriptionsRail and Demurrage, Geo. Cunningham 0 7 6 Boulder o 3 ale uf 'tores 10 4 0 " Boys, L adies' Class o 13 " Govt. Grant Police Class 50 0 0 " Stores 11 13 "Balance Boulder ub· "Post~ges, Reports and Centle 5 3 Letters. o 10 " Medallion ., Bouiller Sub" Errol' in Posting . o 5 0 12 0 " Medallions, Boulder and Cen tre " Medallions, C. Montague 0 2 0 Perth 1 15 Class .Fee "Medallions, Boulder and Govt. Printing Works 3 0 0 Perth o 2 Metters-Hoskin 3 15 0 ., Bank Charge on Draft o 2 Ladies' First Aid 4 17 6 "keeping account 1 1 " Nl1l'sing . 5 10 0 Printing and Stationery. 40 13 Metrop. Fire Brigade ~ 5 0 " Petty Cash, Postages, etc. 10 16 FrE'mantle 2 15 0 2 2 0 Suhiaeo " 93 3 Fremantle C. Y. !lIen 3 13 6 1 8 " Cash in hand " Sale BooksLadies ' First Aid o 13 6 94 11 o 13 6 " Nursing . 74 17 " Bank Balance Freman tIe Fire Brigade o 16 6 Subiaco o 12 6 Metropolitan ') o 7 6 Metters- Hoskins o 15 o Govt. PrintingWorks o 12 o Fl'emantle C. Y. Men 1 4. o Books o 3 o £169





Audited and found correct,

13th Jan1.la?·y, 1904.

GEO. CUNNINGHAM. C. COVENTRY) Tnas'1.we?'. J. O. K. JF.FFRESON, Han. Sec7·eta7·Y.

o o o o 6 8

o 5 9

o 9 6

o o o 7 o 8 3. 1

8 9 10



St. J ohn Amb'LdolnCe Associcdion.


Stc£te?1lent (J Assets and L inbilities fa;' yen)' ending Jcmua1'y, 190J. Assets. Li(£bilities. T o Cash in Bank . £74 17 10 " Cash in H and 1 8 8 " Cash held by H ead Cen tre NIL. alc lIIedallions 1 3 0 "Stores, Stationery, and Furniture 71 14 11 By Balance . . £158 2 4 3 , , tores on Loan Classes . " Class F ees not yet paid by Count ry Classes 6 15 0 £158








Audited and found correct, GEO. Cu "NINGHA)I, Hon . A1Idito?" J. O. K. JEFFRE O~, Han. Secretary. C. COVENTRY, Han. Treasurer . We again desire to thank those medical gentlemen who hM'e so generously a si ted us in our labours, and whose indebtedness the Council ha\'e incurred, the Uhl1innan, D r. Geo. F . Mc\Villiams, who has kindly placed at the dispo al of the 'entre the use of rooms for Council meetings, &c., also telephone, &c. ,for the a si tance of hon. secretary, this concession has been in vogue for some years and ha saved the Council considerably in expenses, the Fire Brigade Board, Waterworks Board, and Mrs. McDonald, who generqusly assisted the COl]llcil by placing room at the dispo:-;al of the Centre, the Press, for their generosity in placing their column' at our disposal for furthering the work of the Centre, and the many friends who ha\e helped in divers ways to assist and further the interests of the ' .t. J oh11 Ambulance A ociation. The Council desire to thank Messrs. Felton Grimwade and Bickford Limited, who last year equipped the ambulance yan with all stores, al 0 ::'1e 81'S. Faulding and Co. who have done the same this year.


H .E. The Governor, Lord Plunket, R.C.V.O. R is Worship the Mayor of Auckland, The HOll. E. Mitchelson. Chan·wan.

J . J . H olland.

lIo11Clrary Trcasurer.

C. J . Tunks.

IIOll. A tl<Utor.


. Hussell.

SeCl'ctal'J' •

W . Rattray, 7, Mercantile Ohambers) Auckhnd, N .Z. .LU e

~ I ClUb c l· S .

The Earl of Glasgow, Mrs. Rattray, James DUllni'n g , Hon. E. Mitchelson, Colonial Sugar Refining Co. , George Fowlds, M.H.n . lUc cHc al StaR".

E . D. Aubin, M.P"C.S. , Edin. , L.R.C.P. , Lond ., A. S. Bl'ewis, M.D., Durh. , M.R.C.S., Edin. , L.S.A., Lond., H . C. Bennett, M.lt.C.S., Edin . , J . L. Carolan, M.R.C.S., Edin. , George W . Cole, L.R.C.P., Edin. , L.F.P. & s., GIas., F . C. S. F~rbes, .M. B., M.S., Aberd., Welby E . Fisher, M.H.O.S., I,.R.C.P., Lond., G. Toussalllt Gll'dler, L.S.A., Lond. , L.RC.P. & L.R.C.S. , Edin., N. McKay Grant, M.D., C.M., Ont., William H . Gouldie, M.D. , ~l.B., C.M. , Edin., W . GuiuDess, lILD. Dub., Thomas G. H . H all, L.R.C.S., L.M., & L.R. & Q.C.P.. Ire1., Tracy R . I nglis, M. B., CR. B., Melb. F. '-tV R. J. King, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond ., A. Osborne

ft . ..fohn A ?nbul(i1We Associcition.


Knigllt, L..· . A. , Lond., }Ul.c..·., rr. Hope Lewis, L.S.A. , Lond ., }1.It.c.s. , P. A.. Lillthw.y, I).M., c.;'.!., Edill., G. de Clive Lowe, L.R.C.I'., & L.R.U.S., Ediu., L.F.P.::i. GIll:;., .T. A. Laing, lI1.D., c.;\l., Edin. , George Lapraik, }!.B. & )1.8. , GIas., W. O. W. .ilIcD 0\IT ell , lII.D., C. )f., Edin., A. E. .i\Iarsack, L.ILC. P. & L. R.C.S., Edin . J. H . Neil, M.13., lII.lt.C.S., L.R.C.P. , CII. B., r .Z., 'V. H . Parkes, }I.B. & c.)!. , Edin., A. Challinor PUl'chas, B.lI!., u . )I., )1.R.C. S. (Edin .), F. M . Pnrchas, M.D., C.)1., Edin . , J. O. Pab. t, )l.D., n.:>. , lIIelh. , E. Robertson, }I.D., c.}I., Edin., ~1. R. c.:,;., E. E. Roberts, )1. B., C.}1., Eclin . , 'V. G. Scott, }I.U., Durh. , M.lLC . . , L.S.A. , Lond., E. W. 'harman, L.R.C .P. & L.R.C.S., Edin. , G. B. Sweet, M.D., M .. ·., ydney, G. T . mith, }I.It.C.I'l.E., L.S.A., Lond., Howard later lILlLC."., Edin., L.H C.P., Lond., H . 'Valkel', L.F.P. & .'. Glas. , T O. '-t\Tillia111s' L. lLC.P., Edill., L.F.P. & GIas., J. B. Wilson, L.n.c.p. , L. R.C. P. , Edin.: L. F.P.:>. , Gla .. ANXUAL REPORT. TllE COlllmittee have much pleaslll'e in presenting to the members the Twelfth Annnal Ri!port of the Centre, and in congratulating them on anothel' satisfactol'Y year's work. Before rercl'l'illg in (letail to tile work of the past season, the Committee wish to l'ln.ce on recol'll their sincere watitllde to His Excellency the GOI'ernor and the Countess of Hanfllrly for the great interest that they have always taken in the work of the t. J Ohl1 Ambulance Association, and for the much appreciated assi t, ance which they ha~'e so freqnently rendered it. The Committee al'eatlv rearet that Hi' Excellency is so soon to lea ve New Zealand and sincerely hOope that °he may long be spared to do as excellent work elsewhere for the Empire as he lias done in this colony. ~Vhcre~'rr His Excellenc:y and the Countess of Ranfurly and the member of thell' fnn1lly may go, they wIll always carry with them the best wishes of the members of the Aucklund Centre of the 'to John Ambulance Association. The member:> will be glad to know that the number of Ashford Litters has been incrcil 'ed dlll'ing the past year. One has been imported for the Waihi Hospital Ol1e /'01' the Iercury Bay Hospital and two for the Centre. Of ,the latter one ha~ been stationed .at M.r. G., Ardel'll's !ronrnongery. Store, Upper ymond St~'eet, and the other at HIS IaJesty s Arcade. AlloLher Lltter, which the Oentre has had for sOI~le time, 1.1as been provide~ with a LeW hood and apron and placed at the Fire Bngade tabon, il10unt Rosklll Road, so that the Oentre no,,' has nine Litters in the .city and suburbs, besilles one which belongs to the t. John Ambulance Briaade. The Litters have becn in frequent use during the past year, and have been fou~d to answcr most aLlmil'ably the purpose for which they were pro,rided. Thc Committee tenller their cordial thanks to those g(;ntlemen who have been so aood as to act a cllstollian of the Litters during the pa t year without allY l'e~'arcl except the knowlcLlge that they have been able to alleviate the suff'erinas of those who have !JEen ill or have met. wit~ accid~nt . l\1?re Litters. ~l'e ret]~ired, and it is to be hope 'l that the public WIll prOVide the tunds reqUlslte for their purchase. One sllOuld be pl:lced at Kar~J.J1gahape Road, near the reservoir and one at the tram terminus aL Kingsland, where Mr. Page has kindly offered t~ provide a shelter for it and take care of it. On l\larch 4th, when the seriou accident occurred at the Chelsea uaal' ' York members of the Association renclere,l valuable assistance. At Ohels~a. Messrs: Miller, Harris anll Hubble amI other members l'enderell First Aid. to' the men inj~ue?, while ~fessrs. Tlll~ks, Hall, Halliwe.ll and Rattray went to the Ferry Tee to a~slst III re1l10V1~g the patient ~o the Hospl~al, some being sent up in our Ashfurd Litters. Dr. ~Clllg, who exam~ned ~he p,~tIents at the wharf, expressed himself we)] pleascd With the manner III whlCh First Aid had been rendered to them at Chelsea. ,The ~sual classes have been ~eld duri~g the past year. By kind permi sion of Hi '\\ Ol'ShlP the Mayor and the Oity CouuClllors, the Female Central Classes met at the Municipal Bu~lding, whe.re Dr: Parkes kind ly lectured to an unusually large n~lmbel' .of ladleS. Th~ FIrst Aid Olass was attended by 58, of whom 30 passed in Fil'St J\ld and 12 gamed the l11e~alIion. . The nursing cl~ss was attended by 37 ladlCS, of whom 17 passed III 1l1l1'Slllg and 11 gallled the medallion. At Po~sonby, Dr. I nglis was so good as to give the lectures in his own co u ~ultll1g room. Thirteen ladies attended the First Aid Class, of whom


St. J ohm A ')nbulc~nce As ocic~tio'Yl.

nine passed in Fir:;t Aid and one gained the 1~1edalli(lI~. The NursiJ?g CIa s was attenued by 12 ladies, of whom six passed III Nnrsll1g anu two. g~med the medallion. Dr. Grant kindly lectured to the Male Centra~ Class, con. 1 b~1g of 15 men, 10 of whom passed in Fir t Aid and two pas cd the hrst re-exa.ll11natlOll. At the Thames Dr. Lapraik was goou enongh to lecture to both lalhes and men. Forty-two ladies attended the First Aid Class, of whom 21 pre. ented them· selves for examination and an passen. The :Male CIa' was not so well attended; and only three men presented themselve for examination, ~ll of " 'holll pa Hed. The Committee tender their hearty thank to the me.ulcal gcnt~emen all'en~ly mentioned who lectured so efficiently also to Doctors Aublll, Cole, G11'uler, GoldlO, Grant, Kl~ight, Linusl1Y, McDo\\'eil,' Parkes, Pentreath and :'Villiam " . and Mr. Tunks for their O"oodness in acting as examiners, al 0 to 1\11 'se EdmIston and MeHutchesoll and Messrs. O'Brien and Fi cber, who kindly acted as cla"s secretaries.

Rcceipts and EJ'l}cnditll1'ejor lite



St. John A mbulamce Association.


His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand. Hon. Trea nrer.

Chairman of ConulliHe('.

H. J.

His 'W orsbip the Mayor of Christchurch.

C, Jekyll.


ending 31st Jlc!i't;h, 1904.

W. B. Dixon, 141, Hereford Street, Christchurch, N.Z. Receipts. . £14 5 To Balance in bank Class Fees25 17 Central F.A. Classes 4 10 Ponson by 11 1 Thames 0 7 Bearer Co. 011 Police Central Nlll'sing Class 19 19 6 6 Ponsonby . 0 5 Re-examination Fee 13 2 Medallions sold 24 15 Books, etc., sold " PORtages Refunded 0 1 " Annual Subscriptions 11 12 " Donationso 10 Mr. L. D. Nathan 0 15 Choral Society . Collection at Annual 7 12 Meeting 0 2 Freight refunded "" Savings Bank Iuterest 0 7 63 19 Ashford Litter Fund £206


Printillg, By Ad \-el'ti~ing, Po tage ',auel Petty 'ash £'2C Lecture anel Examination ~1 Expen es U " Medallion ' bough t 30 " Book , etc., bongh t 17 'e(;l'etary'~ ·a1n.ry "" Ofti.ce Rent 14 " Hire of 'horal Hall & Orgtw 4. 1 " Auckland Ga ' Co. " Boys at Practices ami Mletillgs . Ashford. Litter FUllc159 Drafts on Loudon Exchange on Drafts 7 :Fl'eight, Cartage" &c .. 1 Illsurallce ~ Couins and COLLin , 7 Balance in Bank.


6 0 S 6 3 0 0 0 0 11 2

6 6 0 0 0


0 10 7 8 0 0 ;3



0 0 0

15 ~

0 10 11

0 ~

2 11







:1Irs. :nIilsom.

Mrs. Nashelski.

Hon. J. T. Peacock.

Jledical StaD'.

C. ~lorton Anderson, R. W. Anderson, P. T. Bolger, F. G. ]\f. Brittin, A. C. De Henzi, G. E. Deamer, G. ,\V. FItzHenry, E. P. S. Gane, C. D. Greenwood H, 1. Inglis, E. Jennings, L. S. Manning, C. W. Peach, A, G. Talbot, B, Moorhouse, A. T. F. :JIickle, J. A. J. Murray, D. 11. Nairn, W. H. Ovenden, J. C. Palmcr, H. Oompton Parsons, F. McBean Stewart, W. Thomas, J. Howard, Wm. Irving, P. R. Cook, Charlcs Hazlett Upham, H. D. Acland. Graham Campbell, G. S. Clayton, 'V. Diamond, H. T. Thacker, Jas. Cooke, ,\V. H. Hargreaves, A. J. Orchard, H. Hunter, P. W. Hislop, R. Voickman J. P. Millington, C, T. W. Little, J, H. S. Jarvis, J. P. D. Leahy, B. Locki~O" A. Milne Thompson, J. Harper Reid, M. B. Cruickshank, G. Hodges, H. C. Bal~dlay, H. Tewan, J. M. 'W arren, H. E. Owen, J. E. Trevor, P. H. V. Hammersley, Jno, SteyensOll.





£7 12


Mrs . .H.. Heaton Rhodes.


3 0


£0 16 o 5 175 18

6 0 6

Assets and Liabilities on 31st lIla,)'ell, 1904. Assets. Balance in Bank 9 Ashford Litters • Books, etc., in stock .

Lite )(elllbm', •



0 0







Liabilities. Office Rent Medallion Accoun t Surplus of Assets




Secreta1·Y. H on. Treas1we1·. Examined and compared with Cash Book, Bank Book and Vouchers, and found correct, A. '. RUi->sELL, F. r.Z.A.A., Hon.A~,dit01·. Auckland, N.Z., 6th !flay, 1904. 'VILLIAM R ATTRAY,

C. J.

T UNIC ' ,

The Committee, in presenting their Twentieth Annual Report to the members of the Christchnrch Centre, have plel1sure in mentIOning the success which has atten(lcd their efforts during the past year. Through the departure of our late Govcrnor, Lord Ranfurly, the offir.e of President became vacant and the Committee have much pleasllr~ ~n stating that Lord Plunket has most graciously consented to occupy the poslbon. Twelve classes for instruction in first aid and home nUl'~ing, follo\Ye~ by exam.in~tions, have ~een held at places embracing the City of qhnstchurch, Tlmaru, Fanhe, and Delllllston . The persons attending same conSl ted .of m.ales a:1d females of all cla~ses of the community, including members 01 the City Fire Bngade, who have avallcd themselves of this very necessary knowledge. The number of those who attended a course of instruction is 201 of whom 169 obtained certificates and 7 qualified for medallions. The total ;umber of persons who have attended the lectures since the establishment of this Centl:e is 4, 478? ~f ~vhom 2,4?2 passed .their examinations and 501 have qualified for the ASsoCl~tlOn s medallIon. Durmg the year the usual quarterly meeting of the Committee l1ave been held, and the thanks of the Association are due to those me~bel's who have. attended s? regularly. The Committee desire to thank the me~ICal men for tlieU' self-denYlllg work so willingly given in connection with the vanous classes.


St. John A mbula'YI.ce Association.

St. John A?nbulance A ociation.


Life lUcmbers.

Bal(lnce Sh eet/oJ' ye(l)' ending 31 t Decembe1', 1904. E[I]Jenditlll'c.

Receipts. 31 tDec., 1903 To Balance in Union TIunk . £94 8 0 190,1 31 2 6 To ubscriptioll. 1 7 6 Nurse Register Fee " Horse Ambulance 102 14 6 45 15 0 L ecture Fees Medallions 3 1 6 Books and 111 a terial 17 7 10 Diseolliit . 2 0 7 " Donation Mrs. -a helski, " alc Life .1lIel1lberhip 5 5 0

£303 19

Hl04 . £62 7 By Hor 'e Ambulance Printing allll Ad ,·cl'tising 10 4 " Caretaker City ouncil 4 0 " Class Expenses 4. 7 " :Mutcrial and Books 15 12 3 12 i\IeLlallion 2 8 In ~urance 4 3 Po tages aIHI tatiollcry . 9 9 Doctors' Exam. Fces 52 0 'ecl'etary's alary " PropOl'tiollU te harge " (Governor' Addres ) 2 Repairs and Carriage of " Parccl ' 2 7 Hi re or Chait and 'undrie 3 3 31st D ec. 128 2 By BululIcc in Union Bnnk £303 19


6 6 0 0 0 6 4. 7 0 0


6 9 f)


Sundry AccountsHorsp. Ambulance . . £14 10 0 Gapes (Painting ign) . 0 5 0 Hire of Hall, Amlmlance Brigade. 0 5 0 Whitcombe and Tombs o 10 6 o 10 0 Lyttelton Times 4 0 0 Caretaker City COllncil Balance to Credit 2H 2 3 ---£29,1 2 9 Christchurch, January, 190;:;.

Horse Ambulance £100 Four·w hl'eled Litter, 1 betcher, n11[l 6 Halllpe1'3, ay 25 "kcletoll 11 Books, Bandage, and Dia· gram 30 Cash in Bank 12



0 0

0 0

0 ~

0 9




Auditcd and fOllnd correct, OLLIYIER BRO .. , Alldito/·s.

Tl·uslec. : GCllcl'lll Fund.

W. B. Fishel', C. P. Powles, and H. H, Seed. TI'U

MI'. '. A. Rhodes,


Statement oj A s8ets ai/d Lirloil itic. '.


Mrs.J. Burne, W . C. Buchanan,Burnham, Williams & Co ., The Countess of Ranfurly, Mrs. W. B. Fi~her, John Kirkcaldie, Girls' High ScllOol Branch of the 11inistering Children' League, Chilton Hou e Branch of the Ministering Children's League, Messrs. Levin & Co., '1'. G. Macarthy, John Plimmer, Mrs. S. A. Rhodes, H, H. Seed, Union ,' . ...: . Company of N.Z., Wellington City Council, W ellington Ladies' Christian Association, Wellington Harbour Board, Wellington Hospital Trust, Wellington Raciug Club, ,Yellington Working Men's Clnb.

IcC : Sursc .' und .

.Me~srs .

J. G. ,Yo Aitken, and C. P. Powles.

lUe(lical Stnff.

H. Adam., M.H.C.f'., L.R.G.I)., G. E. Anson, M.D., B.C., Cantab., M.lt.G"'r L.U.C.r., J. ,Yo Anuel'son, M.D., 'Yo Anderson. M.B., C.M., 'VIT • Baxter·Gow, )LD., C.M., Euin., ·W. A. Challple, )f.D., CH.H . , N.Z., l'lLR.C.S., D.P.B. (I. ), R. A. Cameron, M.D., CH. B., L.S., T. Cahill, M.D (Ire1.), IILC.B., M. Call1pbell, M.B., CH.B. N.Z., ,Yo II. Daw on, F.Il.C .... , lIJ.B., C.lII., D.l'.B., H. T. Dawson, )I.B., C.lIf. Abel'll, J. Ewart, M.D., Edin., J. J. Edgar, M.B., C.M., J. S. Elliott, M.B., CH.R r C. Fenwick, :If.n.c.:., Ie Fyffe, M.A., Cantab., 1II.D., R.C., M.R.C.P., H. E. Gibbs, :lI.D., F .n. ('.&., 'Y. E. Hel'belt, M.D., F.R.C .•. , Edin., A. G. Harvey, M.B., B.C., Cantab., II. R. Hatherly, lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P, M.B., C. D. Henry lIf.A. Cantao., M.B., B.C . , E. A. ,Yo Henley, M.B., RCll., B.A.O., Dub., 'V. J. H. Hislop, M.B., }'.I:.C. '., Archer Ilo king, III.B., CH.lII., Euin., C. B. Jnnes, LB., A. N. Izard, M,A" :lLll., B.(.) M.l:.C'.I'., L.n . c.r., D. P. James, F.R.C .. , D. Johnston, L.R.C.P. Ellin., D . G. Johnston, ~I.B.: .IIL, GJa _, J. H. Kemp, ll1.B., C.M., 'V. A. Logan, L.n.C.p., F.n.C ... , J. P. D. Leahy, ~I.B., C.IIl., A. Martin, Ill. D. , H. D. Mackenzie, M.D., J. 111. :\lasoll, M.D.) L.ll.C.P. Edin., J. A. Macdonnell, M.D., C.M., H. J. McLean, M.D., E. J. O'Neill, l'II.B., CR .B. N.Z., Surg.-Capt. N.Z. VI. Oont., H. D. PLlT)" , 1I1.H.C.I'., H. Pollen, ]lr.D., Dnb., E. E. Porritt, lILB., F.R.C.S., J. R. Purdy, ~r.H., C.l\!., J . . Purdy, M.B., C.lIf., Surg.-Capt. N.Z. VI. Cont., Elizabeth Platt --Mills, ]11.13., ClI.ll., 1\1. ,Yo Ross, M.B., lILlt,C. '., Ross, IILB. , B.CH ., B.A.O., A.1I1. alluder,. l\r.n.) ('.IIL, D.P.H., G. R. aunders, M.B., B.C., Cantab ., M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., C. F. cott, III.B., C.III., kelll1fln, M.R.C.S., L.. A., J. orley,IIf.B., C.M. Edin, \\'. R. t.owe, lILH.C.S., L.R.C.P., J. Teare, J.P., :lLB., CH.B. Yiet., J. C. Tosswill, :lLB., C.lIL, Edin., F. Truhy Eing, B. M., Edin., W. R. Tytheridge, M.B.C .... , L.U.C.P., J .. 1I1, T. ,V. A. Valent.ine, 1II.B., c.III., Isab el 'Vatson, L.R . C.P. & s., G. 'Wilsoll, n.~1. Edin., 'V. Young, l\LD. .IIl., Edin., F.R.C.S.


"'l . .


NEW ZEALAND, WELLINGTON. )~l'(' , i~lclIt.

H.E. Lord Plunket, K.C.Y.O., Goverl1or ofNe'" Zealal1u. PJ'C idf'lIt St. JoInt Ambulallc(' Nursing


Mrs . S. A. Rhodes. ()hniJ')unu.

1I0uol'Ilry Au(lilor.

H. H adlow Seed.

C. P. Powles, F.I.A.N.Z.

lion. Solicitol'.

lfouor:lJ'Y SecrctarY:\.11(1 Trc:lS1u·CI'.

E. R<Llcol11he- Bro\l'll.

'V. B. Fishel', Thorndon, Wellington.

Notable events have transpired during the past year, some of which bave tended to make the term 1lI1ller review the most uuiqne ill the histOly of the Centre. Prominent, ,y tt the presentation of an illuminated address to the Earl of Ranfnrly on the 22nd April, 1904, by the Mayor of vVellington. The address, which was signed on behalf of the Centres at Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Wellington, was an cxcellrnt specimen of artistic work . In retul'lling thanks, Lord Ranfurly gave an interesting historical sketch of the rise of the Order of 't. John of Jerusalem and aid that he would always take the greatest interest in its principal Department; the St. John Ambulance Association. Another feature of special importance during the year was the organisation of a bazaar, wbich " 'as opened by Lady Plunket, and resulted in the sum of £909 ] 7s. 2d. being netted in aid of the fund for nursina' the poor of W ellington by skilled St. John Ambulance district nurses. The succ~osful ISsue of the undlrtaking was largely attributable to Mrs. S. A. Rhodes (President of the St. John Ambulance Nursing Guilu), who was untiring in her efforts to promote the aim of the Committee by helping to secure large attendances of the general public, and inducing her personal fril'nds to liberally patronise the various stalls at the bazaar. The Committee has to nel,101'e the death of Mr. G. H. Bethune, who for

St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

many years took au active interest in the affairs of the Centre, and also record with regret the death of Mr. C. n. I zard . Both gentlemen noted the material mterests of the Centre which has benefitted by their bequests. H.E. The Governor, L ord Plunket, has accepted the Presidency of the Wellington Centre, rendered vaca1lt by the retirement of Lord Ranfllrly. The formatiou of classes for instruction in first aid, and home nursing during the year numbereu 21, of which 12 were for mcn and 9 for women, and the Committetl is again under grateful obligation to membel's of the medical profession for gratuitous services. I n terms of the regulations, Dr . H . D. PeITY and M. , Yo Ross have been recommended for life membership. D emands for. the HOlse Ambulance Transport Service have been frequent, as well as for the RerVlCes of the professional nurse engaged to minister to the sick poor. Although the expenditure in connection with the Centre has been heavy, it will 11e seen that the assets approximate two thousand pounds (£2,000) .

.Bcdanee Sheet at 31st Octobe?', 1904. Assets. Liabilities.

164 ~lllfeigned

Balance Sheet


T0 Sundry Creditors " Outstanding Cheque "Balance to Credit Centre

17 19 6 0


2 0

of 2002



the yea?' ending 31st Octo be?', 1904. Expenditu (c .

Receipts. To Balance, St. John Ambulance Association . £114 " St. John Ambulance N ursing Guild . 6 Subscriptions & Donations 209 Class Fees 89 Stores . . . 73 " H orse Ambulance Transport Fees . . 85 " Executors of the late 1111'. G. N. Bethune : Bequest 26 Medallions . . 10 " I nterest . 12 "Collection at Annual Meeting 10 "Miscellaneous . . 6 " St. John Ambulance Nursing Guild: Deposits . 19 Net proceeds St. John Ambulance Nur iner Grand Bazaar <:> 909



10 16 12 14

4 6 6 8



1 9 0

o o o

3 15


16 17


o 2

By amount inve ted with Equitable B. & 1. COY. £] 00 0 amount invested with Wellington T. & L. Coy. 100 0 al!1011l1t paid to Trustel S for in ve tment 011 accouut of Fund for nursing the poor . 909] 7 ,,111' .A.Holgate, t.JohnAmbulance nurse, 'ala1 y amI extras.. . 103 0 " 'urgical requisite, te}ephone, etc. 9 14 tores 69 19 " Medallions 15 " Horse Am bulance Transport e1'\'ice 65 5 . 2~ 0 " Police In::ltrllctor " Advel'ti~illg and Printill!f '27 19 IllullIina ted add I'C"S toO retil illg Pre5idell t 7 tationery 5 13 " Freight, Custom's duty, artage, Ren t, &c. . 17 6 " Examination Fees 1111 " Miscellaneous 17 3 t. J ollllAm bulanceN Ul' ing Guild Withurawal 11 8 " Honorarium to Se(;retarj' ~O 0 ub. to t . John's Gate 5 5 " Balance in Rmk.J.A.A. 52 2 ~ .J ..~. :Tg.Gld. 14 17 10 £67 0 0 LessCh . not pre ented 6 0 0 - - - 61

£ 1574

4 10



0 0

£202fl 19



By I nvestmentsWellington Trust and Loan Coy., Site Fund 200 0 "NurseFund 100 0 " Equitable Building anu " I nvest. Coy.,SiteFund 100 0 " " NurseFund 100 0 " T rv.stees S.J.A. N ursing Grand Bazaar Fnnd . 909 17 "CharlesBeardl zard,bequest250 0 " Horse Am bulance car100 o riage, Wellington Wanganni 100 o Palmerston N th . 60 o (half-share) " Ashford L itters, tyres, 28 o hampers " Books, diagrams, etc., on 18 o hand 8 o " Skeleton 52 2 " Cash in Bank £2025 19



Hon . Treasur'e1',

eHA •


POWLE , F.I.A.N . Z. ,

A 'uditor. 'V. B.


Thor ndon, Wellington.



PO,VLEI'l, F . I.A.~ . Z . ,


0 0

2 4

Hon. TrCCtSW'e1',

Thorndon, ","ellington .

4 10 6 0 0 0

o o o 4.

6 0 0


EMPIRE OF INDIA. BARODA. ANNUA L R EPO RT . The following report has been received from the Chief Medical Officer of the Baroda State for the year 1903·04. The male students who had gone through the ninth course of lectures mentioned in the la t year's report were pxamined on August 17th, 1903. T wenty -seven c~l1didates appeared and 10 passed . The female students, who had gone through the elgh th course of lectures men tioned in the last report, were examined on August 19th , 1903. T wenty-nine candidates presented themselves and 8 passed. T he tenth course of Guzrati lectures was begun in November, and finished in December, 1903. An examination was held in January, 1904. Forty-five candidates appeared and 14 passed. T.he eleventh Guz1'ati course was begun in June and completed in Jul y, 1904. T hu,ty-seven candidates appeared at the examination which was begun on August 22nd last, and 14 carne out successful. All the class~s were conducted by Dr. D hanjibhai H . Mehta, House Surgeoll, Countess of D ufferin Hospital, as during the last two years.

BaToda, 29th October, 1904.

4 10

Audited and found correct,


o o o o o

Correct, 0


o o o o

)·atl'ons. His Excellency Lord Lamin gton, G. O. i\I.G. , G. O.I.E., Governor of Bombay, and H er Excellency Lady N orthcote.


St. John A?nbulance Association. PI'cshlcnt.

Lieut.-Genelal Sir Archibald Hunter, K.O.B., Bombay.

D . . 0.,

Commanding The Force,

Life lUembc l' .

Lord N orthcote, c;. C.LE., Lady N orthcote, Sir Jam etjee Jeejeebhoy, Bart., Damodar Goverdhandass, Bomanji D. Petit, Lieut.·Col. Harwood, R.A.M.e., George Lund, SiT Cowasji Jehangir, N. 1\1. Goculdas!l, N. 1\1. Wadi a, O.LE ., Jehangir 13. Petit, Vijbhucalldas Atmaram, Col. "IV. H. Riddell, Keshavji Nathu ailor, Tribhovan<las Mungalc'las Nathoobhoy, Govurdhundas G. T ejpal, The Agent, G.l.P. Raih ay. lUccllcnl StalT.

Miss A. 1\L BensOll, M.D., De 1\lonte, "LD . , Dadachanji, L.M. & s., Major L. Childe, I.lII.s., Lieut.-Col. Crimmin, v.o., O.I.E, I.~r.s., Lieut.-Col. Quicke, I.~!.:-<. D. A. Turkad, M.D., Choksey, L.M. & s., Lieut.-Col. Dimmock, I.M . . , Arthur Powell, M.D., A. H. Deane, M.D., K. N. Gokllale, L.i\!. & " Major A. treet, I.~L~., Miss Meakin, lII. D., Sir Balchandra K. Bhatwadekar, R. T . Nal'iman, ;lLV ., Kaliyanwalla, L.l\I. & s., (Ahmedabad), B. H . Nanavatty, F.R.C.S., (Ahmeuauad), Dinanath B. N. Dandekar, 1,.111 . & ., Captain II. A. L. Howell, n.A.M.( '., Lieut. Tobin, R.A .M.O. , Major Jennings, J."L~., Lieut.-Col. Boyd, 1.111.1'., Li eut.-Col. Harwood, R.A.M.C.,Licut.-Col. J. W. Anuerson, I.~I.S . (Ahmedauad), R. D. Guzd:lh, L . lII. & s., Lieut.-Col. Bannerman, I.lIl.S., C. R. 1\1 a l'ratt, :M .D., W . 'Wilkie Deans, 1II.D., Miss N. 1\1. MehTa, L.lII. & s., l\liss A. 1\1. Melha, L.M. &::;. AN UAL REPOHT The Centre during the past year has made steady andubstantial }lrogres TI le nnmber of men who have completed a comse of instruction in first aid ha increa l'll during the year uy 156, of wllOm 121 haye qualified for certificates; 36 m(:n 1la\'e completed a comse of home nursing, and 25 have qualified for ccrtilicates j ~5 ladies have received instruction in first aid, and] haye qualified . In home nm ing 35 have received instl'l1ction and 26 qualified. For the medallion of the Association 12 men and 7 ladies have qU!.I.lified. At Poona 3 men's and 2latliel:i' classe~, and in Bombay ladies' and men's classes are ueing instructed in fir t aid to the injmed by Dr. K. N. Gokhalc, L.M . & s. Dr. (Misfl) Mehta, L.lII. & ~., is instll1ctillg a. class of zenana ladies in connection with the Guzerati Ladies' Club. Dr. Dinallath B. N aik Dandekar is instrncting a class of 25 men and 15 Parsi la(lies in Hrst aid and snortly opens one ill home nursing and hygiene. Th e President and 'ommittee have much pleasnre in announcing that two divifiions of men o f the t. John Ambdall ce Brigade have been former! and sanctioned by the Commissioner for Special SE'rvices in London, and that the names of ladies for a nursing division have been submitted for sanction . The first aid divisions are in medical charge of Dr. W. Wilkie Deans, and the nursing, of l\Iajor W. E. Jenning, I.M.I:i. The divisions will for the present ue attached to the Centre. Subse(lUently, it is hoped that they may be organised with their own Chief Commissioner and officer. 55 more of the police have qualified for certificates, and uncleI' the direction o/' the Acting Conmlissioner, 1\lr. Kennedy, the members of the force are being orgallisp-d an d practised in stretcher work and in the practical application of first aid to the injured. At races the Centre have placed a wheeled ambulance and haversa( k at the disposal of the race committee, and at football tournaments and athletic sports held during the year a teut with medical and first aid appliances has Leen provided, with duly qualified holders of the medallions and certificates of the Association in attendance. H.E. Lord Lamington, G. O. M.G., G.O.I.E., Govern or of Bombay, and H.E. Lady Lamington take the greatest interest in the work of the Associll:tion, and have been graciously pleased to become patrons of the Centre in succeSSIOn to Lord and Lady Northcote. Sir Archibald Hunter, R. O.B., D.I' . O., Commanding the Forces, Bombay, has kindly consented to succebd Sir R. C. Lowe as President. At a meeting held at the Town Hall on M.arch 9th. at which Th eir Excp.llencies Lord and Lady Lamington were present, and after a short address by the Hon. Mr. Justice Crowe, one of the Vice-Presidents, in the unavoidable absence of Sir Archibald Hunt er, H.E. the Governor having presented diplomas and certificates and the Insignia of the Order of St. J ohn of J erusalem to the HOll, Secrehry, said ;-

St. John Ambulance Association,


CC Th ere is one statement in the opening paragraph of the report w)1ich .was read by Mr. Justice Crowe, which I regret t? say is .ha,rdly cO~Tect. 1t IS saId that I shonlo. be acquainted with the. work of ~hls As~oclabon dUllng th e past year by the fact of my having been Yery kmdly furmshed WIth a copy of the rep?rt. . I reg.ret to sa.y that until the moment of entering this hall I have not had tllDe m ,yhlCh. t(} really peruse the repo rt. But, on th~ whole.' I am rather .pleased at not havll1g reao. it, for it has enabled me to come mto thIS great hall w?th a greater amount of pleasureabl~ surprise at see~ng it so well fil.1ed, and fil~eo. ,,?th.a num bel'. o~ peoJ?~e who are endently engaged m so many van~d .0cc~patIOn~ III lIfe. I ne' e1 aptlCIpated that I should have the. PI.~<ls~lfe of .dI~tnbl1tll1g frIzes t? so many ladles of India who have taken up tIns Fll'st AId work. Nor, agam, had I any knowled ere whatsoeyer that such a great number of the Police of the City of Bombay haJ. in former years qualified themselves and obtain~d certificates. When I see that large body of mell at the back .of t.he hall,. ~ thll1k v:e may fee~ proud. tllat the police have paid so much attentIOn III aC'IUll'lng profiCIency III th~s very Import~llt work. And I only regret not to have seen any come forward thIS year. to recelva certificate, because I should bave thought that " 'hen so many had qualIfied tben~ ­ selvcs in the pn t, the recruit coming after them ,yould have also take~ up t.hlS branch of work, which must at times be of such enormou.s ~lse wben dlsc~arglDg their duties throughout the city. As the report tells us, thIS IS a matter whlC~ ~as hall warm eI!couracrement from H.R.H. the Dllkeof Connanght, who, when presIdll1g on a similar occasion in this hall, spoke words of a hopeful nature abont this great Association and according to the ficrures that have been read to us we know th at tho~e word~ of prophecy of his hav~ been fuHill ed by .results, as the ·work of this Association is growing and incrE'asillg throughout I ndIa. And no .wor~ ought to appeal 1110re ",al1nly to the he~rt of any man or ,,:oman. Il.lness m l?fe can ~o a certain extent be uuarded aeramst, but sudden arCldents whIch may mcapaCltate any (ue of u frombthe perfo;'lllallce of our duty, an~l, still wor e, depri,e us of our Ii H'S, are too often reClining, and COllle "'ith fnghtfuI suddenness. Therefore it i well that we can look for snrcour in the. e moments of distress to anyone of our tellow citizen to ('ive us first aid and save our lives, 01', at all eYents, perform SOlilC simple operatiollbwhich may prevent a long and serio.us.illness. I have seen, not nirectly counected with the t. John Amblllance AssoClatIon perhaps, the good of ambulance work in Queenslaml-in Brisbane. I used to attend the annual meetings of the ambulance corps there, as I considered . it met ~ ,,:ant which was universally felt throughout thc city, and I prentIDe t~1JS A?soClat:on l1 ere, really carries 011 the duties and work of wllat I may call a penpatetIc hospItal. "hatwe want is a sufficient number of people to bE'come proficient in the various branches of first aid, so as to ensure some one being on the spot to render a~sistance to any ol~e meetina with an accident and then the first work of the hospItal, so to speak, IS performed on the spot. And I am prouo. to think that Lady Lamington her~elf qualified when in Brisbane in 'First .A id.' I llad ~he ple~sl1re the? of presentl~1g her with the certificate, and a] 0 with the first pnze, havlllg obtallled that pllze above all others in the acquisition of that certificate .. I think that show~ we. al:e both of us interested in the work of the AssociatJOn. I do not thlllk It IS necessary for me to say anything more than to express the hope that there ,,·ill be a greater number of people year by year receiving certificates at the hands.of.whoever may have the privilege of bestowing them, and I believe that the "'ork willlllcrease, particularly when you have such an energetic Hon. Secretary as 1\11'. L~ll1~L 'When a man is willing to give so mllch devotion and energy to the "' ork It IS bound ~o sncceed, and I think that the encol1l'agement given by those pr~sent here thIS evening, and seein a how lllany haye interested themselves, not only III the past, but also thos'3 who ha;e come up and received certificates, is the best augury for the future developl1lent of the work of the Associat.ion . Tho honorary life membership of the Association has been conferred. by the Central Executive Committee upon Dr. B. H. N'anavatty, F.R.C.S . , Edm., and upon Dr. K. N. Gokbale, L.lIL & s.: for valuable services r endered to the Bombay Centre. The cordial thanks of the Committee are again dne to the honorary medical staff who devote so much of their valuable time to the work of the Centre, both as lecturers and examiners.



Statement of Accounts fo?' the yea?' 1 st adobe?', 1903, to 30th Septembe1', 1904. Receipts. E,rpenditure. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. T o Balance at beginning of year . . . 464 9 " Dons. and Subscriptions 162 12

T otal

Rs . 627




By Printing . » Advertisements . " Po~tage . "Hire of FU\'lliture in connection with preen tation of certificates by His Excellency the Governor . . " Expenses in connection with Football Tournament and Athletic I ports » Tellt Furniturc " Balance-Cash In bank


48 8 0 52 6 0 22 11 0


67 11


336 12 5

0 8

W . l\IcCO~OGUY ( nrgeon·General), V1·u-Pt'csident. E . A. KRNYOX, Hon. T1·easnrer. GEOHGE LUND, H on . Secretary.

T",c ll Snl'Cr Illul 1I01l0l'lll'Y ·CC 1·C.lll·Y.

T. Fredenck Pearse, M.D. , 13, Chowl'inghec, Calcutta. ;U c di('al S taff.

C. ~anks, 1II.I>., A. Cnddy, F.R.C.S., IV. Kennedy, ~r.n., W . C. Hossall1, ~I.D., MaJor Lloyd Joncs 1.::11 . >:. T. Frederick Pe'n'se F r. C s Capt. Rogers, I.::'ILS., ~LD. " , , .•.•. , M.D.,

ANNUAL REPORT. F ifteen classes have b~en held, 1.2 for I?en and ~ for women (one nUl' 'ing). Three classes have been held. III connectIOn WIth the ]J,ast I ndia Railway, tblee for the Calcutta European Pollee, aud three for the Volunteer. One class wa oraani ed for l\Iah?m edan students aud one for Hindu ladies. The perceutage successful candIdates was 84 for men and 75 for women.


CENTRAL PROVINCES. l'l'Clli(lCJI t. T he Hon. the Ohief Oomn,issio12er of the Oentral Provinces. , 'i CC·]·I·('s i(l c n. s .

T he. L.ord BIshop of N.a~p.ur, the Judicial Oommissioner, Oentral Provinces, the agpnr D IvISIOn, the I nspector-Gencral of Oivil lIo l)itals Central P rovlllces . . , Chait'man of Committ ce. lion • . CCl'c .al·Y allll TI'c a , lIrcI'. The Oommissioner, Nagpur Di vision . Lieut.-Ool. O. L. waine, ~l.D., lJ.P.H. ,




0 0 0 2 3

0 0 0 0 4

Uctlicnl S taff.

~oUlse I mlth, :lLD., Dy ffer in H ospital; Rai Bahad ul', S. N. Barat, ~I.B., Assistant St;llgeon, l\Iayo Ho~pItal ; J. Robertson, Assistant Snrgeon, Oiv il Stfltion; Lleut .- Ool. C. L. Swame, M. D., D. P.H., 1.M. ,. A I NUA L REP OR T H T he C;ntral Provinces Oentre was forme(l at a public meeting helo. at Government ouse, N agpUl', on the 23rd December, 190·1. Tbe office-bearers above namell were t hen elected.


R .426



Paid to Bombay Depot for articles . Postage, Railway charges, Telegrams Purchase of Stationery House Rent for Lectures Pay of chaprasi Advanced to ecretary Bank charges Total Balance


Pre. iclcn •.


359 53 4 10 0


ir Anurew Fraser, K.C . S.I.


Subscriptions recei\'ed Fees for lectl1l'es By ale of Books . ,," Bandages Interest allowed by Bank

6 0

o 15


Statement of Receipts and E;>'1)enditul'e fo'!' the yea?' 1£'03-4. Receipts. Expenditw·e. R. a. p.

o o


A . S. Alll1?,


St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

St. J ohn A ?/l,oulance Assor-icition.

Granel Total








9 26 15 51 20 2

1 8 0

6 0 0 0 0 0

8 0 1

Rs.325 101

3 6 1 10




:.If.D., Hon. Secretary.

JabaZjllll', Idh Octobel', 190,1. ANNUAL REPORT. The t. John Ambulance A5sociatioll was started at Jabalpur in July, 1903, as the Oen tre for the Central Provinces, al1d a Oommittee \\'as formed, consisting of; The Hall. ~Ir. Hewett, Ohief 'olllllli siOller, Central Provinces, the Ri.ght Rev. the Lord Di hop of Xngpur, .fiI. Fox'trang\yay , Oommissioner, Lt. -OoL Johnston, R.A . :lLC., P.~I.O., Allahabad and ~ eJbudd a District, Lt. -Col. Pelham Burn, Officer Comdg., Oaptain J. Raper, G.LP. Ry. YoL, Rev. B. Kitchin, Ohaplain, Re\,. P. Cullin, A ' t. Chaplain, K. W. Deightoll, Di trict llperintendent Police, R. l\IcGa"in Spence, uperintenclent, Goyernment Oollege, .fiIajor lcK. ·Williams, R.A.l\I.C., as Honorary 'ecre tary, Raghunath Rao Aba a.bib, Rao Bahadur Behari Lall Kazanchi, MUIlShi Mohammeden Hoain. The following \'ollln tee red as the Metlical 'taff; Lt. Col. -Quayle, I. M.S., Civil Surg. Major Faichnie, n.A.~r.c., Major l\lcK. ·W illiams, R.A.l\1.C., Lt. -Col. P. Oullen, lIl.D., I.~r. . . , retired, and Mi s Lungley, M.D . It is not known if bjor William5, who \\'a Hon. ecretary, submitted any report for the year 1902-3, hut from record it appears that four first aid and one nursing classes \\'ere heltl ill July, Augu ' t, and eptember, 1903, at which forty-nine candidate attended and obtained certificate, and or these nine ladies attended a nnrsing cla5s and obtained certificate. Then the uncertainties of an official station commenced . The Hon . .fill'. He\yett, Ohief Commissioner, went on leave, and was tran ferred to another appointment, being sncceeded by the Hon. Mr. LeI}'. The OOlllmissioner, MI'. IV. Fox Strang\\'ays, went on lea yeo L t . -OoL J ohnstoD, P. M. 0 . , 'was transferred, Lt.- Ool. Pelham Burn went on lea,-e. Mr. McGavin Spence went on leave, and Miss L ungl ey also . And later on Major vVilliams was suddenly transferred to England, and had not time to make oyer charge of the ambulance records properly to anyone, but left them with L t. Oonnil1gham, of the 33rd Punjabis, instead of with one of the members of the committee. L t. Oonningham, having no knowledge of ambulance work, and the members being ignorant of wlul.t had been done, the Centre virtually fell in abeyance, until Lt . -Co l. Yate, the Organising Commissioner, wrote to inquire what \,as being done . Then on the 27th August, 1904, a committee wa as embled of such members as remained. Dr. Cullen was elected H on . Secretary, and immediate steps were taken to revive the work of the Association, the result at present being that there are foUl' classes under instruction . T here is always a difficulty with the rail way staffs that their d u ties prevent them attending lectures r egularly, and a t present th ere are only three surgeon lect urers. Some lad ies h ave expressed a wish to attend a class, but h a ve to wait for a lecturer. N agpur h aving started a bran ch of the Association, t h e Ohief Oommissioner decided that as N agpur!is the h ea.d -q narters of the admini trat ion it ought to be the Oentre of the Association for the Oentral P rovinces; the tran sfer has been made, and J abalpur is n ow onl y a branch, and i t is presumed that the H on. the Ohief Oommissioner and the


L ord Bishop will tran fer their mem bel'<:>hip to that station. T here is nothing to show whether :JIajol' 'Williams submitted any Duancial statement last year, but the above abstract gives the state of the funu a ' he left them. T he G. 1. P . Railway class of last year, lectured to by :Major Fl'aichnie, and examined by Major Williams, diclremarkably well in the competition for the Railway hield, won it, and secmed determined to make a goot! fight to retain it at the forthcoming competition in .March next. It is hoped that the Christ 'chool cadets will make a good attempt to win the Association "' hielcl.

Approximate value of old stores Value of new stores purchased in 1904


)(c dic al S taff.

Khan Bahadur BUljolji D . Patel, c. I. E . , llonolil,ry :Jlagi trate 1st Olass ; Anl eshcr Dossabhoy :fiIarker, Honorary Magistrate 1st OIaS.,.

Muir-Mackenzie, M. ILLC. , I.c.s. , Oommissioner in Sind. Chairma n. R. P. Barrow, I.C.s. Brig. -Gen. J . H. . Oraigie, Oommanding Sind District. DOllor:l.l'Y Tl·c a Sllre l· . .Joint Jlonorary Sccr e tarie . '1'. J . StE'phen. H. Whitby Smith, W. N . Richardson . Life

H. II. Mil'

For r easons mentioned in last year's r eport, the wOlk of the Association at the Centre was up to the pre. ent year in a yer,)' unsatisfactory condition; during the early part of the present year, however, there was all obvious "turn of the tide" whcn a public meeting was held at thc Residency unller "cry hopeful condition '. In additioll to the Honble Colonel C. E. Yate, agent to the Governor General, President of the Centre, and Colonel A. C. Yate, lIon. Organizing Oommissioner of the 'to J o11u ~m1..Jlllallce Association for I lldia, who each spoke at the meeting, an address was gIven by (Jolonel Lees-Hall, R.A.ALC., who 'e llalllC is so well kno\Yll at ,'t, John 's Gate. The kinuly offer of the HOllule. 001. Yate, to place at the disposal uf the local Oentre a large amI comfortable room in the Hesidency for holLlillrr classe~ and the influential presence of Oolonel Lees-Hall, ILL)I.C . , O~]ollel DOlll~et, R._\.~r.C., and several other m?clieal .officers, ,wh~ .n~ost kiutlly voluutcered llractical aid as lecturers, removed dlfficultIes and chsablhtles of a paraly~in(f kinu and fillcd the outlook for the year with bope and promise. 0 ' T~e expectations born at that meeting have becn fulfilled. Too much praise cannot be gIven to Colonel,; L ees·Hall,R.A.)f.r, alld DOl1net,n.A.:M .c. alHlillajor Dukc,I.)I.H., D ~.. Walker, R.A.lIl.? and ~ssistant Surgeon \ Vhittenuury, I.S.)LlJ., for their faIt?ful and self-dellYlllg devotlOn to the work of instructing auu eX(l.lllining cla 'ses durlllg the hot summer days; and the num bel' of successful candidates in fil st aid and nursing is most cl'f.uitable in view of the material available here from which to draw students: The t,ha.nks of the Oentre are llue to Khan 13ahaclur Bmjoljee Patel, C. I.E. , :vhose lllterest In the work of the Association has taken the practical form of presentll1g to the Quetta Oentre a complete Ashford litter.

Statement oj Accounts. Expendilw·e.


78 12 0 640

Rs. 42 7



RE. a. p. Freight Telegrams Printing Stationery . . Postage and Sundries . Paid for Stores on Account. H onorarium to Mr. Wh itten bury . Oash in Bank

18 3

6 4

0 0




~( C lll"'CI' S .

A. R E arle, Eduljee Dinshaw, C.I.E. , Yusufali Alibhoy, ir Faiz "lahomed Khan TaJpur, G.C. I.E., 1I1ir of Khairpur. 1.0. . ,

001. J. P. Greany,





,V. P.

A. Cumine,

Life Uc mbc J''l .


Rs. 29 1 12

Pres id e nt.

Oolonel Lees-Hall, R.A.)I.C. , Oolonel DOllnet, n... \"~[,c., ~Iajor Duke, 1.)[, '., Lieut. 'Walker, R.A.1>I.C., 'Wheeler, M. D., 13m. sels, A. T. Holland, )r.n. ULD., Edin., Summerhayes, ~I.n.c.s., L.n.c.p.

Rs. a . p . 189 0 0 142 0 0

0 0


l'rc.,idc ut. T he H on . Colonel C. E. Yate, O. S. I., C.II1.G., Agent to the Governor Gell eral and Ohief COlllmissioner in Baluchistall.

Balance from last year From Ladies Olasses " Men's " Special D onation from Ardeshir D. Markel' . Sale of B ooks to Dr. Wheeler

Rs. 100 0 191 12

J. SHAW, Hm~. SeCl'etCtl'Y nncl T 1·eas!trer. igned) ORAS. E . Y ATE, P,·esiclent.

Qttetta, SeptembCi' 30th, 1904.




St. J ohn A trnbulance Association.

St. J ohn A 7nbt/'lance Association.

lU c (lic al


Statement oj Receipts and Expenditu1'ejol' the year ending September 30th, 1904. Rs. a , p. I Rs . a . p. To Balance ubscriptions ale of Books, Bandages, and 'tores " Class Fees " Oertificates " I nterest " Miscellaneous





0 0 4 2

170 291

1 10 2 10

0 0

o o o o o

3 10 0 480 300 0 0 50






R s. 427



S taff.

Lieut.-Ool. R. P . Barker, ;)1. D., 1.M.S. , Major A . , tables, It.A.lIl.C. , Oapt. H. A. F. Knapton, I.M.S . , Oapt. M. M. L owsley, R.A.M. C., Oapt. D. O. Hyde, It.A . M. e., Lieut. D. Ahern, R.A.l\I.0., G. W . Lewis, Miss L. C. 'Ka h, V. E. Nazareth, :lCD., S. :M. Kaka, D.l-'.H . , L on . , E. Mackenzie, Oapt. J. D e Lima, Pires, pencer, P. J . D'Souza, Rodrigues, Khubchand, Assist. -Surgeon, Almeida. ANNUAL REPORT . Altogether six clas 'es have been held Juring the year, viz. , five for instruction in fir t aid (incll1din!5 one women's class), and one women's class for instruction in Home N ur ing antl Hygiene. Arrangements have also been made for a seventh class consisting elltirely of natives. With a view to the formation of a Native Volunteer Am bulanee Reserve, II. H. The Mil' of Khairpur has decided to start first aid in tmction among his troops and in his I ndustrial School. Sardar Muhammad Yakub, C.LE., \\ azir of the Khairpur State, is acti vely interesting himself in the matter. With the Rail way and Police it has not been possible to make any progress dmillg the year. I t is hoped that dUl'ing the coming year the difficulties hitherto met with will be removed and progress made in those departments. I n the D istricts the Oollector have promised their assistance, and some progress may shortly be anticipated there also.

Rs. 857 14


By Rail freight, cooly-hire, and gharry-hire " Postage " Printing, Stationery, and Ad vertisemen ts " Stores, Books, and Bandages " H ire of L amps . " Bank Obarges . " Refund of Olass Fees " Miscellaneous . " Balance as per Pass Book " Oash i n hand



o o 4 o

53 14


8 8

0 0

310 1 1 12 2 429 19

1 0 0



0 0 0



Rs. )57 14


Examined and found correct, R. P. BARROW, Ohai1'7nan. T. J . STEPHEN', Hon. T1·easW·e?'. H. W HITBY S1>fITlI, Hon. SeC1'eta1'Y.

St. John A 7r/,bulance Association.


St. John



UNITED PROVINCES OF AGRA AND OUDH. l'atl'on. PI·C. i(lcn •• His H onour Sir James Digges La Touche, Lient.·Gen. Sir Alfred Oa elee, G.C.I.E., R.C. '.r. K.C.B. "ice'PI'csi<lent • Surgeon·General W. F. Bn.rnett, Oolonel Joubert, Honorary Secretary. R ev. W. E. S. Holland.

1. M . . ,

A. ~IcRobert.

nOJlOral'y Trca SUI·e r. A . 'itlVell, Bank of Bengal.



EAST LONDON AND BORDER. Pre hle nt. David Rees.

Chairmau. William Oro hy.

Donorary Secretary and Trea s nrer. Patrick P. Ganleaume, 29, Inverleith Terrace, East LonuoD, Capll Colony. JU e(Ucnl taO'. B. ooth Sk.inner, III . B., C. M., Aberd., tirlin,rr, lILB., GIas G rey, ~', Ed m., Patnck P. Ganleaume, M.B . , C. I1I., Edin.

lIf..\.., :,1.13"


ORANGE RIVER COLONY. l'l·c" icien'. His Excellency the Lieutenant·Gonl'llor, ir H amilton Goold·Adam ,



Life JUcm"ers . W. W. H odgins, M.D., Oalltain G. H. Goddard, .~J.~.c. , ., L. R.C.P . , R.A.M . C. '" Joint llonol'ary Trea s urer' • T. R. Bretherton and H. H. Greenwood. Joint Honorary Secretarics. Oaptain G. H. Goddard, R.A.M.C., and Hugh Shaw, P.O. Box 234, Bloemfontein. Offices. Governmen t Buildings, Bloemfon t ein .

RUnkel'S. Th e National Bank o~ t~e Oran ge River Oolony, LImIted.

Honorary AutUtor!!. W. J. O. Brebner and P. F. R. D e Villiers.


Mcdical Staff. P. Targett Adams, M.ll.C.S., D.P . II., A.lIL, Baumann, O. H. Bidwell, M.R.C.S., I;.H.C'. 'P., . M . De Kock, lILD., H. F. Floekmnann, M.D . , Major E. O. F . Garraway, • outh African Oonstn.ulIlary, Captain G. 11. Goddard, ]{'A . M . C., W. W. Hodgins, U.D., 'Y. JOllllf:Otl, L.ILC.P., B. O. KPllner, M.D.,R. O. :Kellner, M. D., J. 'Y. Krause, M.D., O. Klause, M.D., VillcenL~la])ning, lII.D., A. E. Ram. bottom. F.R.C.S., ~r.D., Dur., 'Y. R. coLt, ~I.D., M.:-;., D. 1. Tomory, :-'LS., lILB., C. T . Urquha.rt, M.D., Oaptain P. N. Vellacott, F.Jt.C.S., ~l.n, S.A . ('., A. B. ,Yard, ~LB., B.S., Camu., Lieut.·Ool. G. T. Goggin, n.A.M.(·., Oapt. J. W. West, lILB., JLA.lILC., J. E. Hickman (Brallu, fort), E. 'Ylllond!:l (Kroollstad), E. Duillie (KroolJstad), G. S. Clarke (Springfontein) .


ANNUAL REPORT. '1'be introduction of the t. John Amunlance Association into the Orange River Oolony dates back a number of years, hut although occasional classes were held in Bloemfontein atHl proyiucial towns, no organi ed scheme was set on foot for the sy.tcmatic training of the inhabitants of the varions tOWJlS and villages throughout the olony until illarch, 190,1" when the A.ssociation, realizing the importance of a lmowledge of first aiel to tlte injured, more especially ill the ont districts where a medical man is uot alway immediately available, resolved on forming a Oentre for the pHrpo.'e of Ol'gllllizillg classes in all jlart~ of the Oolony where the size of the place warranted the forlllation of such . The inauguration of the Orange River Colony Centre wa'i marked ill a notaule Il1a111ler on the 22ud Octoher, 1904, when in the all.ence of the Pl'esiucllt, IIi Excellency ir Hamilton Gooll1·Adallls, R.C . M.G., C. B., some 50 rel'lificale. \\ere pre~ented by the RononraLle H. F. ,\,il on, C .~r. G. , to those candidate' in the first 'lid cIa ·.. es held prior to that date. This event took place uy kind ppl'll1i:sioll of the Ll)nl OLief .JlIsLice, in the Raadzaal, Bloemfontein. to whom many thanks are due, al. 0 to the laclies and gentlemen who kindly gave their services toward, making the occa ion a sncces. The taff in (lue comse received the approval of the ,7110, t HOIlonrah1e the Marqucss of Brcatlalbune, K.G., and his Executive Com· mittel'. ,'inee the re\'i\'a1 of the 11l0\'elllellt ill the COIOIIY, the followillg classes have been held in the capital, the result being that there are now o,-er a hundred men and women qualified to render a istallcl~ in Cl1se of accident or sudden illness in that city. The followillg is a . tatcmellt of the issue of til t aid certiticate and llleda.llions made by the Orange RiYer Colony Oentre (luring the year 190,1, :Ccrtilicatc'-illcn: 1st, 99; 2lld, 2. Women: 1st, 5; 2nd 1. Medallions-illell: 2. \Yomen: 1. Total number or Oertificates and Meda,llions issued-llO. The Oentre has a creuit bn.lance of £11 17 '. d., but as amLuJance material, diagra1lls, etc., are very Illllch needed, it is hoped that this amounL "ill shortly be augmented jl)' yo1untary subscriptions, on \\'hich the Centre relie largely for the ca~l'ying out of its \\'f)rk. A subscription of £5 and up\yards con titutes life member· sl11p to the A .'oeiation. malleI' dOllations will be gratefully acknowledged. It is hoped that 1m inE's firms \\,111 make a point of sub cribing anllually to the Centre. Oheques, P.O.O.'s and P.O.' should be made payable to theO . R.O. Oentre, t. John Amhulance .A. ociation, and crossed "National Bank of the O. R. 0., Ltd" I n H-ppealing for peclluiary assi ·tance, tI,e Oomlllittee desire to remind their supporters that their labo\ll'!:l are Iilllited hy no distillciion of mce or creed, or political party, bl~t h.ave for their object only the application of that precept which is the fundamental prinCIple of the old Order of St. John" }I?'O utilit{(tc lzomill111l1," service in the cause of humallity. Valuahle a sistance ,,,as rendered at the classes by Lieut. H. packman, R.A.lII.C., Hon.oral')~ ',ervillg Brothel' of the Oreler of t. Johll of Jern ale111 in England, whose servIce.: It 1 regretted, have now been In t to the Oentre, owing to his departure for It is hoped that the classe will he even 1110re popular during the ensuing Eng1an(1 year. Ola ses arc no\\' being held ttt hroonstad, anll will be coml11pnced at other towns as ~oon as po' ible. Particular attention is being directed to the instruction of the pohce and railwaymen, to ",hom a kuo,,-ledge of the subjE'ct i indispensable. In t1:e near ~uture au I n\'alid Tmnsport Oorp will be formed for the pUl'po~e of com:eYll1g patlCnts from one part of the country to ,mother. This branch has attA.ll?-ed to gl'eaL dimensions in England, aJJd most excellent sel'Ylce has been rendered. Nurslllg lectures and instruction in Home Hygi ene will be given from time to time.


St. J ohn A'inhuZu))ce As or/((tioll.


HONG I'l'e ide ut allcl

(~ hairlliall,

Hon . .I!'. H , :JIay,


Jlonoral'Y SeCl'Clnl'Y lltul T re a s ure l'.

Rev . F . T . Johnson, .M .A., 'to Johu's Cathellral, Hung Kong. ~Icclit' al ~Halr,

H Oll. T . M. Atkinson, M.B.,

P . c. ~r.o . ,

F. O.


~' tcdJllall,



~r.H.C.i'l ., L.S.A.


D nring thc past year 30 men have com pletcll a cour:c of in truction in til'. t aid an(1 19 have received certificates. We arc glad to rcport thaI a 1'Cl'il'<l1 (If inten·st ill tb work of the As.'ociation has takel~ placc "ithin tIll' In::;t rcl\' ll101lt!tQ • • \t th 'l'rc,'cllt moment over sevellty latlics are attcndillf! leetl1l'c'i in first nid, amI it i, b01 cd that many of them will al (\ attenc1 lectul'es in Home ~ 'Ill'sill,~, with a vicw to re~i:,tcrill g themselves for scrvice in thc ho pitals of the colu1IY in case of llcct1. It ha~ 101lg been felt that the supply of nurses ill thc colony is strictly lilllitcll allli shoulll be increased in the manner iJl(licatccl above, thollgh \\'c sillcerely tl'u:t that thc Ilel'll rot· the services of such volunteer llurses may nevcl' arisl'. Thc attcntioll uf the lo eal Committee has lately bccn called to thc lllattf'l' lJy ilis Excelll'uc,\', ,'11' :\Inthll\' Nathan, K,C . )I.G. , antI these lectllres are [llLrt of an atte\l1pt to lIIeet the \\'tlnt.






$t. 30b11 Bll1btllal1Ce 18riga~e.



Superior Officers of the Brigade nppointen 11y H .R.H. the Grand Prior


tarI of thc District ·

1 0

Chief Commissioner'. Report Deputy Oommissioners' Report N o. I. District ...

1 3

N o. II. District


N o. III. District


N o. IV. District



No. V. District


No. VI. District


No. VII. District


Oolonial Branches


General In<lex


... 0



of the 1J3rigabe

Bppointe" b}? 1b.1R.lr). tbe (Sran" ]prior.


St. John A rnbulance B'i'igade.

Cbief Commissioner. INSPECTOR GE ERAL B. NINNIS, M.D., R.N.

.MebicaI 0tftcer in Cbief.

Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J eru. alem in England. May, 1903.

(tom missioner for Special Ser"ices. COLONEL C. \V. B. BOWDLER, O.B. Knight of Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Uay, 1903.

lDepu t2 (to III III issioners.

LIEUT"COL. C. J. TRIl\lBLE, O.l'.1.G., V.D., L.R.O.P., 5th Lane. R.G.A. (Vols.)

MAJOR A. E. PEHKIl s, M.A., M.B., D.S.O. HOD.

Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of England. November, 1902.


J olm of Jerusalem in

lDepnt2 Commissioner.


'1'. S. DIXSON, M.B.

Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. N ovem bel', 1902.

:assistant (to11l11lissioner.

Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jel'l1salem in England. Augnst, 1 95.

.MR. S. C. \VARDELL, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1 95.

LIEUT.· COL. G. F. MCWILLIAMS, M.B. Hon. Associate of the Order of the H ospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Decem bel', 1904 .

NEW ZEALAND. :assistant (tommissioner.



Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of J eru alem in England. August, 1896 .

Hon. Associate or the Order of the Hospital of, 't. John of Jerusalem in England. Augnst, 1903.

MR. J. S. GRIFFITHS, M.R.C.S. Hon. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of J ern alcJl1 in England. December, 1903.

:assistant (toIll11lissioners.

MR. J. C. DERHAM. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of in England. April, 1 96 .

t. J ol1n of J eru, alem

l\1R. T. H. ,y OOL. TON. Esquire of the Order of the Hospital of , t. John of Jel'llsalem in Englan(l. Novembcr, 1 96 .

l\1R. F. D. MACKENZIE. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of , t . John of J ern.'ale111 in England. Angust, 1897.

l\IR. S. ,Yo MALKIN. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order or the Hospital of ·t. John of' Jerusalem in England. April, 1 98.

MR. C. R. LAL'RIE, l\I.RO.S. Hon. Associate of the Order of the IIospital of t. John of Jernsalem in En~lanr1. December, 1899.

MR. vV. H. MORGAN. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Ho pital of t . J o11n of J cru alc111 in England. March 1903.

SURGEON-MAJOR GIBBON, V.D., L.RC.S., 1st Durham V.ILE. Ron. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in Englan(1. August, 1903.

SURGEON-L1EUT.-COLONEL K CURETON, V.D., l\1.D., Hon. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J ernsalem in England. February, 1904.


l.D., (Acting),

June, 1904.


18rigabe (tbfef Snperintenbent.

(WIth honorary rank as Assistant Commissioner.)

.MR. \V. J. C. BRASIER. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J ern salem in England. August, 1895.



I.A., M.D.

Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erllsalem England. April, 1904.


Staff of IDiatricts & (tolonial :fJ3rancbes. BRIGADE DISTRICTS OF ENGLAND AND TVALES. No. 1. District.-Oomprising the JUetropolitan Police area (parts of Essex, I ent, Middlesex, and Burrey). Total: One orps, with 36 Divisions and 9 Nursing Divisions, 1129 Officers and l en, 152 ursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Commissioner in Cha1'ge of Dist?'ict ( Acting). I SPECTOR GENERAL B. NINNIS, l\l.D., RN., St. John's Gate, London, E. C. District Ohief I llrgeon l\1R. S. OSBORN, F.R.C.S. A ssislant Conunis'ioner l\1R. F. D. MACKENZIE.

Assistcmt Commissioner ancl Di. trict Ohief Sztperintenclent (Acting) l\IR. \V. H. l\lORGAN. District upt. Secreta?'y MR. ,V. J. H. PONTIN. Dist1'ict S1tperintenclent of Stores l\lR. S. B. PIERS. Dist?'ict Superintenclent T?'easurer MR. W. H. ,VINNY. No. II. District.-Comprising the counties of Berks, Bucks,

C~rnwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucester, Rants, Herts, Kent, part of MIddlesex, Oxford, Somerset, Surrey, Sussex, \Vilts, the Channel Islands, and Isle of vVight. Total: 4 Corps, 45 Divisions, 1579 Officers and Men, 146 Nursing Officers and Sisters .

Deputy Oommissioner in Chct?'ge of Dist1·ict. MR. J. S. GRIFFITHS, NLRC.S., Redland Park House, Bristol. Assistant Commissioners MR. C. R. LAURIE, M.RC.S. Dist?'ict Chief Su,pe1'intenclent District Supe?'intendent Secretary



St. John

A~nb'/,Llance B~>igade.

No. III. District.-Oomprising the counties of Bedford, Oambridge, Essex, Huntingdon, Leicester, Norfolk, N ol'thampton, Rutland, Suffolk, Warwick, and Worcester. Total: 7 Oorps, '20 Divisions, 1 Nursing Division, 1630 Officers and Men, 233 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Commissione1' in Oha1'ge of Dist1·ict. BRIGADE-SURGEON LIEUT.-OOL. G. S. ELLISTON, V.D., M.l .O.S., 2, Museum Street, Ipswich. District Chief S1.wgeon MR. ",V. E. AUDLAND, M.R.O.S. Assistant Commissioner MR. T. H. ",YOOL. TON. Dist?"ict Chief Superintendent SURG.-CAPTAIN F. A. BROOKS, 11 .D. Dist?'ict S1.tpel'intendent Sec1'etary URG.-LIEUT. ",Y. A. GIBB, 1I.D. , R.A. 1.U., (Vol.) Supe?'intendent T1'ectSu1'er CAPT AI HUG lIE . No. IV. District-Oomprising the counties of Cheshire, Oumberland, Lancashire, Westmoreland, the I sle of Man, and Ireland. Total: 9 Oorps, 68 Divisions, 31 ursing Divi. ion s, 2759 Officers and Men, 819 Nursing Officers and ister.

Deputy Oommissioner in Charge of Distrid. LIEUT, -COL, C. J, TRIMBLE, C. tG., V.D., L.R.C.P., Bamber Btic1ge, near Preston. Dist1'ict Chief Surgeon l1R, G. THO?lL 0', I.D. Assistant Comnnssione1' 11R. J. C. DERIIAl\I. District Ohief S1.tlJerintenclent J\IR. L. ",Y lIITT AKEH. District Superintendent Secreta1'y ]\fR. A. L. GARNETT. Dist1'ict S1.tperintendent of Stores OAPT.E,B.POOLEY,L.R.C,P. Dist?'ict Supe1'intendent T1'easurer IR. F. DE B.-PIl\I, L.R.O.P. No. V. District.-Oomprising the counties of Derbyshire Lincoln ' I Nottingham, Stafford and Yorkshire (\Y est Riding). Total: 15 Oorps, 35 Divisions, 6 N ur ing Divisiom, 2676 Officers and Men, 455 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Commissione1' in Charge of Dist1·ict. s. O. WARDELL, Esq., Doe Hill House, near Alfreton. District Chief Surtgeon SURGEON MAJOR ",VEST-SYMES M.D. Assistant Commissioner MR. S. \V. MALKIN. ' District Chief Supe1-intendent Mll. H. O. ELSE. District Supe1'intendent Sec1'e!ary MR. P. RATCLIFF. No. VI. District.. -Oomprising the counties of Durham, Northum . berland, and YorkshIre (East and North Ridings). Total: 1 Oorps, 11 Divisions, 2 Nursing Divisions, 463 Officers and Men, 118 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Assistant Commissione1' in Cha1'ge

0/ District.

SURGEON-MAJOR F. W. GIBBON, V.D., L.R.O.P., Tyne Dock, South Shields.

St. John A mbulamce Brigade.


District Chief Sw'geon MR. J. R, oREASE, F.R.O.S. Dist1'ict Chief Supe1'inf.endent Mll. A. H. JOHNSTON, M.R.O.S. Dist1'ict Superintendent Secretary ( Actmg) OAPT, GEO. OGILVIE. District S1tpel'intendent of Stores ORIEF OONSTABLE W. G. MORANT. No. VII. District.-Oomprising the counties of Brecknockshire, Oarnarvonshire, Denbighshire, Glamorganshire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and Shropshire. Total: 2 Oorps, 9 Divisions, 2 Nursing Divisions, 353 Officers and ien, 72 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Assistant Com177,issioner in Charge of Dist1·ict. SURG.-LIEUT. OOL. E. OURETON, V.D., \1.D., 9, Oollege Hill, Shrewsbury. District Ohief uperintendent 11ll. A. D. GRIFFITHS, M.D. District Snperintenclent I ecretary Mll. J. ",V. \VRITE. COLONIAL BRANCHES.

Comm,issioner for Special Services. OOL. O. \V. B. BOWDLER, O. B. Commonwealth

of Australia.

Oommissioner.-lIAJOR G. L. MULLINS, M.A., M.D., Equitable Building


George Street, Sydney, N.S.",V.

ltfedical Officer in Chief. -MAJOR A. E. PERKINS, M.A., LD., D.S.O. New Sou th Wales District.

Deputy Oommi sioner in Oharge of District. Ill. T . • . DIX 0 , J\I.B., 2 7, Elizabeth Street, Sydney. District Ohief urgeon fR. S. JAMIESON, B.A., M.B. District Superintendent Secretary ]\JR. L. DOBBIN. DistrictS'uperintendent Treas1l1'er l\JR. H. PRIESTLEY. West Australia District.

Assistant Commissione1' in Oha1'ge of District. LIEUT. -OOL. G. F. MC\VILLIAM: , lVI.B., Perth. New Zealand Branch.

Assistant Commissioner in Charge

0/ Bmnch.

MAJOR G. BARCLAY, Palmerston, Otaga, N.Z. South African Branch. Orange River Colony District. Assistant Commissioner in Charge of Dist1'ict (Acting.) CAPT. G. H. GODDARD, R.A.M.O., Bloemfontein. Dist?'ict Ohief Supe1'intendent SURG.-OAPT. O. T. URQUHART, RA.M.O. (Vol.) District S1I,perintendent Secretary J\1R. H. SRA \Y.


St. John A rnbulance Brigade.

Report of the Chief Commissioner of the St. cJoh,n Ambulance 13rigade for the year 1904-190@. BRIGADE HEAD-QUARTER', ST. JOH

's GATE, October, 1904.

It CONSID~RABLE. ad.vance both in numbers and efficiency has been made the BrIgade wIthIn the past twelve months. The new District, No. VII., comprising 'Vales, Shropshire, Herefordshire, ano. Ionmouthshire, has alr~ady con~ribute~ nin~ Divisions, with every probability of a further Increase In the ImmedIate future. All the other Districts have shown renewed ~cti.vity, and as. the ,,:astage has not been so great as usual th~ n.et gam In numbers IS consIderable. The interest taken by the. publIc In ambulance. work ~as been shown by the readiness with whIch calls for financIal assIstance has been met. At Accrinaton a ~ery fine drill h~ll .has been erected by local subscription. Otber dnll halls are bUIldIng. In some towns prominent citizens have generously promised annual subscriptions to defray necessary expen es and as all money raised is expended locally the townspeople reap th~ be.n~~t not only. of t?e first aid assistance rendered by members of the DIVIsIons, but ltk.ewise of the money r~ised by subscriptioll. .The duty done In the ~tree~s and publIc open spaces in various localities wIll be found fully detaIled In the Report of the Deputy Commissioner of th.e Dist~icts in which such duty was performed. In each case the publIc reqUIremen.ts were fully met, and a large number of casualities of a more or less senou.s nature ~rea~ed, o.r conveyed to hospital or to their own . h~mes .. The Increase In InvalId transport, in connection with provIncIal umts, has been met by the purchase of ambulance waO'ons by qorps and pivis.ions, and by the appointment of men of the Brigade spe?Ially for I.nvahd transport duty. There is every reason to be~Iev~ th~t thIS new departure will meet all present requirements in thIS dIrectIOn. Hastings, ~exhill, Bristol, Towcester, York, Sunderland, Newcastle, Preston, Acr;rmgton.bave been visited. At TO'rvcester (No. III. District), a camp of Ins.tructIOn was held on gro~nd very kindly lent for the purpose by SIr Thomas H.esketh. . It. was a success in every way, a.nd ~ell supp~rted by BrIg~de. umts In the District. A camp was hkewI~e . held In No. V. Dlstnct. under the supervision of Deputy ~omm~s~lOner Wardell, and met WIth equal success. In both instances III addItIOn to th~ usual ca.mp routine a considerable amount of time was devoted to first aId to the Injured in the field, and removal by stretchers ~nd am?ul~nce wagon to field hospitals. The holding of camps of InstructIOn IS encouraged, a~d the:y are universally popular among the men, b~t the ~ant of S?ffiClent leIsure and the necessary expense in connectIOn WIth spendIng a week under canvas necessarily militates In

St. John A rnbulance Brigade.


aO'ainst any very large percentage of officers and men availing themselves of these opportunities for special instruction. . The District Ohief Surgeons report favourably of the first aId knowledO'e exhibited by the men in their respective Districts, and the annual r~·examination of members has been satisfactory. The District Inspections held by the Deputy Commissioners have been well attended and favourably reported on by them. The occasion for a general assembly of Oorps and Divisions is almost invariably popular,. as may be recognized by the large number that attend. To quote one instance, over 1,000 paraded when Major-General Baden Powell opened the new Drill Hall at A~crington ~ J O. IV. District) . The competitions for the vanous trophIes open to all DIstncts of the Briaade continue to excite keen interest. The Dewar Shield was won by the Birminobam Corps, the Symolls Eccles Cup by the Metropolitan Oorps, and thbe A rgenta Cup, open to teams from Districts IV., V., ano. Yl., by the Preston Oorps. The Tunstall Iemorial Shield was competed for by teams from Di tricts IV. and Y., and was won by that from Kendal j Nelson being second. In addition to these there are numerous trophies, which are competed for by teams selected from within the district to which they belong. Th ~ following appointments in the Brigade have been sanctioned by His Royal Highness the Prince of "alE's, Grand Prior of the Order. :Major G. Lane Mullins, M.D., :M.A., Oommissioner for the Australian ommonwealth. Dr. J. ~'. Griffiths, Deputy Oommissioner, No. II. District. Lieut.-Col. G. F. Mc'Villiams, J'\J.B., Assistant Oommissioner, \Yest Australia District. Dr. C. B. Oourtney, Assistant Commissioner, (Acting,) No. II. District. Lt.-Col. Edward Oureton, V.D., J'\I.D., J.P., Assistant Oommissioner, No. VII. District. The Oommissioner for Special Services* informs me that the departments under his immediate charge are making satisfactory progress. The Branches of the Brigade in dominions beyond the SEas are arowinO' in strength, and there art) indications that in course of time ~thers ~vill be formed at new centres. The Branch in Australia has been placed unde!' the local charge of a Oommissioner for the Oommonwealth, Major G. L. Mullins, under whom the N.S. '\Vales District is controlled by a Deputy Oommissioner, and the newly-formed 'Vest Australia District is in charge of aB Assistant Oommissioner. A considerable increase of the strength of the Brigade in Australia may be confidently expected during the coming year. The New Zealand Branch, in charge of an Assistant Oommissioner, is making very rapid progress. In 'outh Africa, the Orange River Oolony District is in charge of Oaptain G. H. Goddard, R.A.M.O., who has been nominated for appointment as Assistant Commissioner, with head-quarters at

* Colonel Bowdlel' , C.B.



St. John Ambulance BTigade.

Bloemfontein, where a Oorps has lately been formed; other units are also being formed in various parts of the Oolouy. In Oape Oolony only one unit has been actually form ed, at East London, but it is expected that others will be shortly raised. In India, two Ambulance Divisions and a Nursing Division have been formed in Bombay (Town), ana a Division is being formed in the Khaipur tate. No reports have been recorded as to the present state of Divisions at Kingston and Barbadoes (West Indies). The Bearer Oompanies (St. J Ob11 Ambulance Brigade), organized for employment in Great Britain as Bearer Oompanies of' the Royal Army Medical Oorps in case of national emergency, have fully maintained their numbers and efficiency. A company (Bolton), B (Preston), 0 (Sheffield), D (Oldham), F (Bristol), aud G company (Leeds), attended special camps at military ho~pitals for instruction in nursing and camp duties, and were very favourably reported on by the Army Medical Officers in charge. Since the date of the last Annual Report two n ew companies have been formed, H (Brighouse and district) and I ( hipl ey and district). All the 8 companies have been inspected by the Principal Medical Officer of the military district in which they are severally situated, and the report in each case has heen highly satisfactory. It is very gratifying that most of the Oompanies are now under th command of officers (in all cases medical officers of the BriO'ade) who have been approved and duly regi. tered at the 'Val' O(fjc~ for employment as officers of the Bearer Oompanie in case of mobilization. Total strenuth of Bearer Oompanies, 9 officers and 464 rank and file. b The .Auxiliary R.N ..Si~k Bprth R eserve (. 't. J.A. Brigade) gradually grows III numbers, but It IS to be regretted that the O'reat advantaO'es of the se:vice and th~ very liberal treatment accorded by the Admir~ty to reserVIsts who avaIl themselves of the various courses of instruction specially provi~ed for them, do not induce more men to enrol. Up t~ the present time 268 men have joined the reserve, of whom 46 have attended the Advanced First Aiel and Nursing courses, 30 have been through a 7 days' course of trainil1O' in naval hospitals aBd 28 have had a week's training on boanl ~en of war at sea.' A branch of the reserve is being formed by the Brigade in Australia. . The .satisfactory ~tate of the B,rig~de as a who~e, is l~rgely due to the 111defatlgable exertlOl1S of the Semor Officers 111 setting an example ~ery rarely needed, to those servin g under them, and to the kee~ 111terest, energy and zeal evinced by all; with such material success must result. BELGRAVE NINNIS, M.D., R.N.,

Chief Commissioner.

No. I.


Deplity COlltlnissionCl' (A cting)- Ill 'pect01'-Gtneral B. :l\I::\::\IS, M.D., R.N . District Uhicf Sw·geon-Ml'. S. O.-noRN, F.R.C.S. Assistant COnlMisswner-ilIl'. F. D. l\IACKEXZIE. Assistonl Commissioner and District Chief Supt. (A cting)-Mr. W. H. MORGAN. Distt'icl SupCt'intendent Secretctl'y-"'i.Ir. ,V. J. H. PO""TIX. District ujJCI'inlenclent of Stores-nIl'. S. B. PIERS. Dislf'id SllpCi'illtenclenl TrCCtsnrcr-ilIr. 'Y. H. ,VIXNY. I






1st Octobe1', 1904. IR,

11l accordance with your in tJ'uction , I have the honour to submit the RepOl t of the state and conuition of :To . I District. The toial strength cOl1lpareu with last year hows a decrease of 79 members. (51 All11mlallcc and 2 Nursing). This i owing to it being more generally lecogUlzcd that it is 1l0~ cle~il'able to continuc to carry non-etticients 011 the strength of a Division aftcr all eflorts to induce them to comply \",itb the regulations have failed. Ouc Division, "'0 . 34, has been di banued o\ying to decrease of membersl:il? ~nd ottel' cau eo' , the few remaining llIembcr', ho\\"eye1', transferrcd to another Dn'1SIJn , aud wcre uot th erefore lost to the District. A perllsal of the Duty Heport will show that tbe performance of Public Dnty has been well maintained. The Annual 11l~pection ,,-as, by kind permission of the Constable and C.hief Governor of ihe Towcr of London, held in the Tower Moat on 2nd July. EIght hundred aUl1 two of all ranks were on parade, and the result sho\yed a marked increase in general cfliciency. . The Cyclist Division, under 1 t Officer (now Superintendent) VIlven, \yon the " Yll10IlS Eccles" Challenge Cup. The" Efficipncy "Cup was WOI1 by the South Metropolitan Gas Compa:1Y Division, under Sergeant Keyse; aud the G. W.R. (PadJillgton) Division, undcr Oorporal Furber, won the "Massey-Mainwaring" Challenge Cup and" Osborn " Challengc Shield . The uperintendellt of tores, 1\11'. . 13. Piers, who continue to carry out the dnties of hi . office in his Llsnal self-denying and masterly manner, reports tbat the stores and eq uipm ent of the Di, trict are in good serviceable condition . Thanks are nue to the storemen actinO' nnder his uirection for the efficient manner in which they have carried out their volnntary duties on all occasions of pub1ic duty. I would specially mention Corpl. H. Bennett, of No.9 Division, who devotes almost weekly much time to the work of this department. It is a sourt:e of mnch satisfaction that upt. W. J. H. Pontin has accepted the appoiutment of District Superintendent Secretary. He has acted in this capa.city for tbe past tlll'ee years, and the manner in which he has carried out his self-Imposed dnties during that period are deserving of much praise.


T he Ambulance Station at the Royal Agricultural Society of England's show yard, Park Royal, was again placed in charge of the District. The station was open day and night during the continuation of the Society's show. The follo"'ing is an extract from a letter receiyed from the Society's secretary : " That the best thanks of the Society are due, and are hereby tendereu, to the "St. John Ambulance Association for the eflicieucy of the ambulance arrancre" meuts in the show yard during the Society's show at Patk Royal, hcld from 21::.t " to 25th June, 1904." The thanks of the District are due to the Rey. Canon Haig-Brown, l\In tel' of the Charterhouse, for his continuetl. kindness in granting the use of the Preacher's and Master's Courts for <-lrill. I have the honour to be, • iI', Your obedicnt en-ant, " TIL LL\.l\I H. l onoAx, As istant Commissioner ((lid District The Chi ef Commissioner, Chi~l Supcl'inlendc;Li (Acting). St. John Ambulance BrigadE', St. John 's Gate, Clerkenwell, E.C.



1. Children's Home 2. 3. 4. 6.

St. Jobn's Gate . Wembley Bal king Norwood



21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Bromley . May I, L% Hospital aturday Fd. July '27,1 96 1\or\\"oocl 1\o\'ctnber 213, 1 fIG Doulton . eptem bel' 30, 1 96 T ottenham & Haulp:;teaLl Junction Railway Februal}' . 1 27. Acton May 16, 1 !J 7 . Junc 21, IuDS 2 . Harro\\' 29. Walthamstow. Jan. 5, 1 99 30. Ea t London . " 1:2, 1 \ 9 33. Bermonc1sey&,Rotherhithci\1ul'.10.1 99 . Jan. 25, 1800 36. Causton 37. G.ILR. (Paddington) Oct. 1 , 1900 3 . L.B.& .C.R.(Victoria) Jan. 20, I90~ 39. treatham. Jan. 30, 1902 40. l'rollucts ,Yorks Feb. 6, H102 4l. Royal Arenal October 1, 1902 42. Barnet . Augu st 2 , 1903 44. W est London Division Dcc.13,1903

:::bIl o~

G) G)





E ~~.~ .e:::0 cJj ~~ <Ij



1903. Oct. 3 8 13 15 24

9 19

AillBULAXGE DIYISIOXS. No . 1. St. John's Gate :r o. 1 2 . I!aggerston . July, 1 3. }; orth LOtHIon Rail way April, 1 4. Ley ton and Leytonstone .T uly, 1 5. Children's Home D ecember, 1 90 6. Cyclist . March 7, 1891 7. Toynbee Hall . April, 1891 9. St. John's Gate No.2 F eb. 15, 1893 J\Iarch, 1893 10. St. Mark's. 11. Wembley and Harlesden May 12, 1893 12. Waterlow . June, 1893 13. King's Cross (G. :T.R.) Oct. 4, 1893 April, 1895 15. East H a m . 16. London, Brighton & South Coast Rail way (N ew Cross) July, 1895 17. Merton & 'W imbledon Sept. 14, 1 95 18. Fulham . K ov. 13, 1 95 19. Sth.l\1etropolitanGasCo. D ec .5, 1 95 . January 31, 1 96 20. HampstE'ad





al'J ;...0





St. John A'mbulance Brigade.

St. John Ambulance B?·igade.

23 26 H10·L Jan. 5 19 2 16 &, 17 20 Mar. 6 :.l2 29 Apr. 1

F eb .


19 23 28






'"0) '"d




-- - -- -- - -.. , ... Byron Hill, Harrow-Fire ... ... Homsey Charter Procession ... Recreation Hall, Manor Park-Concert ... ... ... choo l Road, Greenhill-Fire ... ,Yemb le), P ark-15 mile' walk ... .. , Ea t Ham T own Hall-Ball ... Royal Waterloo Hospital-Laying Foundation tone ... ... ... ... Lord Mayor 's Procession ... .. ... Yisit of T.M. the Kin g and Quecn of Italy to City ... ... .. .. . ... t. Paul's Cathedral-Choir Festiyal ... ... l1dbury-Fire .. . ... .. Cry tal Palace ... .. ...


R ecreation H all, Manor Pnrk-Children's Party . .. ... ... .. ... Yi~it of Rt. H on . J. Chamberlain to Guildhall ... ... ... ... .. .. ... Opening of Parliament Public H all, Canning Town-Children's Entertainment ... ... ... Toml Hall, East Ham-I oilEle Dan sante ... • t. Paul's Cathcdral-Royal Visit .. Funeral of H.R.H. Th e Duke of Camuridge t. Panl's Cathedral-Pas ion .l\J usic ... Heme Hill Track-Cycle Races ... ... Putney Velodrome-Hairdressers' Sports . .. Raster Monday-Alexandra Palace ... Batter E'a P ark ... ... " Blackheath ... " Bo tall Wo ods ... ... " Brockwell Park ... ... " Chingfol'll ... ... " " Robin Hood," " " "Ri 'ing un" " Clapi~am Common . .. " Crystal Palace ... " Ealing Commoll ... ... " Hackn ey nlarsh e ... Hampstead H eath, LO\Yer ,." tation ... ... ... Ditto, Uppcr Station ... " Peckham Rye ... ... " "Tanstead Flats ... ... "II ' Velsh Harp, Hendon ... ' Vembley Park .. II ' Vormwood Scrubbs ... " T own Hall, Ilford-Ho pital Concert ... Crystal Palace-Football Match ...


NUr.RIKG DIYISIO:-;S. Fanned. Fonn ed. July, 1 96 Dec. 2, 1890 16. Hospital aturday Fuml January23,J 8937 . Wimbledon and Merton June 11, 1898 Uay 24, 18\13 8. East Ham May 4, 1 99 1893 9. Belgravia Nov. 2, 1899 June 11, 1896 I










1 1

1 6 3





3 2













1 17





1 11



1 5 1




1 1 1 3 1 1



1 -




2 1 1

1 -


1 1



1 1



1 2 1


1 1


16 2 6 55 4 1 6 24 4 29 22 5 36 18 12




07 2


34 -




2 12 2

3 2 4 3


27 4 2 4 4 2 12 3



4 2 2 2

3 3 11 3 4 2-




30 22 13 31 12 6 15 5

3 2 3 4 2 2 1

13 3 19' 8 212

14 3



7 111













3 2


209 6 1 3



5 139




1 8



2 2







3 -

8 -

Members on duty.

Members on duty.





_ _ _ : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 -- -1- - - - - - -


1904. May 5

190'" July 13 & 14 14

7 14 23


31 June 1 2

3 4


16 18 22



28 JUly

1 2

5 6

7 9

Putney-Putney Athletic Club lIIectin rr Herne Hill Track-Cy cle Races ... 0 ••• Crystal Palace-Temperance Fete ... .. 'Vhit-Monday-Alexandra Palace ... 1 " Battersea Park.. . .. 1 " Blackheath.... .. " Bostall 'W oods ... . .. " Bromley........ " Brockwell Park... ... ,, Chingford ... " ,,"Rohin Hood" " " " Ri 'ing Sun" " Clapbam Common ... Crystal Palace .. , .. ,, " Ealing Common... .. . " E sex Cycling Track .. . " Hackney 21Iarsbes .. . " Hampstead Lower tation " " Upper , tation " Mel ton Park - ports .. Peckham Rye ... . .. , " Putney Y clo(lroll1O ... " ,\' an tead Flats .. . .. " 'Velsh Harp, Hendon ... 1 " ,"remllley Park ... .. " \\Tormwoocl Scrnbbs ... Herne Hill-Sports ... ... .. . Epsom Downs-Epsom Race, 1st day .. . " " 2nu day .. . " " 31'u day .. . ." " 4th day .. ... Chmgford, Bald win's Field-. ports Acton-Kildare ports . ... . .. Peckham Rye-Fire Brigade Review ... 1 P~tney Velodrollle-Touacco Trade, ports RIChmond-Early Closing ports... " Crystal Palace-Balham Cycle Club Races Stam ford Bl'itlge- 'IV est Lonuon School Sports ... ... ... . .. Putney Veloclrome-Constitutiollal Gl~;b Sports ... ... ... ... .. Crystal Palace . .. ... ". . .. Ravensboul'l1e Park-Sports ... ... Plasbet Park-Sports ... ... ... White's Farm, Kenton-Fire ... ... Herne Rill-Theatrical Sports ... ... Tufnell Park Athletic Ground-Sports ... Crystal Palaee-Cd.nvardine Cup l:{,acc &c. Snaresbrook-Fete '1 Cry~tal Palace-Sal ~~tion . Army' Festi v'~i Ealmg-Flower Show _ Crystal Palace- ports :: '. :: : :.: _ " Pol icc F ete Willesden Lane, Acton-Sports ::: ::: Crystal Palace-London CountyC.C. Sports -

2 2 1

1 1

1 1 1



4 3







4 3

9 8 5

15 20 ]0 12

2 3 2 2 2

6 1 1 -

10 5 5


2 ]




5 6 4: 4 2 2


4: 9 5

10 19

3 2 2 3

21 23 2



11 4


18 1





2 2

5 5 6

8 8 10 3 9 5



5 10 6


10 5

]5 20




2 2 2


1 2

9 9

32 26 5


8 2





5 1



2 4

1 1

_ _

== -


St. John Amlni.lance Brigade.

St. John A'Inbu,lance Brigade.


47 1 3 8 3

~ ~




5 3


10 2


4: 1 3 40

1 4 1 2



2&3 4

6 9

13 17 18 20 24


31 Sept. 3

The" Eagles," Well Sheet, N.E.-Fete and Bazaar .. . .. . . .. .. . People's Palace, &c.- Visit of H.M. the Queen .. , ... .., ... . .. Herne Hill-Army and Nayy lJorts ... Harrow Cycle Club ports, Harrow .. . East Ham-Visit of General Buller .. . ... . .. Acton Recreation Ground ... 'Varlingham Farm ...... Vicarage Ground, Barking- 'chool Treat Hanover House, Acton- ports ... . .. Crystal Palace ... . . . . .. Manor Ground, Plmllstead... ." .. . 'Ve t Islington Conservatiye Fete... .. . Harrow-·Hick Fire ... ... ... .. . Acton-Bank Holiday Fete .. .. . ~\.ugnst Bank Holiday-Alexandra Palace Battersea Park .. . Blackheath .. . Bostall Woods Brockwell Park ... Bromley ... Chingford ... " "King's Oak" " "Rising Sun" " "RobinHood" Clapham Common Cry tal Palace Ealing Common .. . Fulham .. . " Hackney Marshes Ham psteacl Lo"er 'tation ... Do. Upper Station Peckham Rye .. . ,Vanstead Flats .. . Welsh Harp, Henrion .. . " " , Vem bley Park .. . " ",Yor111",00d Scrubs Theyclon Bois-Children's Outing .. . Harrow-Rick Fire ... ... ... .. . Crystal Palace-City of London Police Sports ... ... ... ... . .. N ortholt-Rick Fire... ... ... ... Waltham stow-Fete and Gala ... '. Hanwell-Fire Brigade Fete ... . .. Chiswick-Tradesmen's Sports .. .. . Wealdstone-Sports... ... ... .. . Harrow-Cycle Races ... ... . .. Lloyd Park-Fete and Gala ... . .. Tee-to-tum-Ground, Stamford Hill-Sports Islcworth-Tramways Sports ... .. . 'Voolwich-Temperance Demonstration .. .

1-- - - - - - - - - -


2 2



9 3 8






8 2 4 4

1 7 3

13 5

3 9

5 6 1 5

5 1 2

10 2


7 2 1

13 ]8 5

3 2


4 2 4


11 1





7 21



1 1 1 1

2 6 9


3 3








6 3


5 10




2 1




24 13 7




1 2 2 2


1 1




13 15 1

7 13

17 26 4:


1 1 1 2 1

7 6 5


1 4


7 4

5 7 2



6 3

"~J pm Uer s on d u t y.


"'rri ~ . ~-~~ §§ 00.> ~~ "'!'" .5:E ~g.~:... 0::: ::C::i5 :::0 J5 ~c., <:


7 10

14 21 22 24



E-< on



Xallie of Divisions.




1904 Aug. 5 6



iii e.c







:n cI

- - - - - - - - - --Baruet Fair ...








... .. .

... ...



... ...

East "Ham-Hospital Sports ... ... Kensal Rise -Cln b ports ... ... .. Southend- ports and Regatta ... ... W ealdstone-Fire ... ... ... ... Wrotbam Park, Barnet-Tournament ... Ealing-Football l\Iatch ... ... '" Hornsey-Hospital Fund Demonstration ... Football Season-Crystal Palace ... ... Manor Park ... ... Upton Park ... ... Hackney Marshes ... Regents Park ... ... Cricket Season-Regent Park ... '" Yictoria Park ... ... Southwark Park ... Hackney l\Iarshes ... Italian Exhibition-Earl's Court .. . .. St. Paul's Ambulance tation ... ... Duncan Memorial Ambulance Station ... Royal Agricultural Show, Park Royal ...





1 1



3 6






































6 3 6 12


1 2





10 7 14 1







33 75






6i 62


21 2 I 269 2 - I .520 3 4 69 2


"' 1

Vistl'l t't talr ... Acton Diyj 'ion ." .. , Barnet" ..... Bermolld ey & Rotherhithe Diy. Bromley Divi ion Can. t O i l ' S " ... Chil,lren's Home Division . '. Cycli:::t Divison.. ... Doul ton Di vi 'ion . .. . .. Ea:t H aw " ... .. . East L ondon " ... .. . Fulham " ... . .. G. W. R (Paclclillgloll) ... 11 agger t O l l " . . .. . IIamp. tead I, .. , .. . Hano\\' " ... .. . lIo. pital aturday Fund Div. King' Cross (G.N.R. ) " " Ley ton & Ley ton tone L.B.& .C.R.(NewCross)" L.B. & •. C.R. (Yictoria) " Merton & 'Yilllble,loll " orth London Railway " N' orwooI1 " Products 'V orks " " Royal 1\1' enal t:Johu'sGateNo.1 " I'


I Total


St. J ohn A'IItbnlance B ri[Jacle.

St. John A ?nb1~lance B",'igacle.


t. 'ilark' "

No.2:: outh:Jl etropolitanGa Co. " tl'eD.tham " Tottenham &; HampsteadJ n. Ry. Toynhee H all " 'Yaltham tow " Vlo.te1'lo\\" " ' Yembley & H o.rlcsden " 'Yest London Di"i ion " Barking Nursing Division Belgravia " Children's Home ~ Ul's . Div. Ea t II am " liospital , at. Fund " Norwood ,: St. John's Gate " , Vembley " Wimbledon & Merton" Total

1 2






1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

1 -

19 13 22 25 23


17 1 2 1




1 1 1 1

1 2 1 3 3 1


___ 1 _



1 1* -

1 1 1

2 1

1 1 1

1 1 6 2

~ ~I ~ ~ =1=


17 44

1 2 1 1 1

= - = -1 1-= -

16 31 52 25 13 41

2 1

1 1


*(1) (1) 1.(1) (1)

1 2



- 1-

1 1



26 -






(1) (1)




* The Honorary Surgeons shown in parenthesis are counted Ambulance Divisions.

29 40 40 33 H 30 32 27 19 24 54 37 31 19 20 39 13

1 1 2 1 1 1

1 1 2


2 1

1 1

9 111

5 15

24 17




20 21 10 11

10 10 1037132 the corre ponding





[Fonnell 6.87.J


J. F. \\~oods , M.Il., Snrg.-Major R. M. Collin,

Honorary Surgeon ,


J. iidley Moore,


J. J. Dickinson, ~I.I:'C.l'.,


Supt. and Hon. Treas.

1st Officer.

W. D. Liddell, (( Bequia," Muswell A,'e nuC', 1I1uswe11 Hill, N.

T. P. H olme..

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Sel'gt. T. D. Russell, 18, Lancaster Road, 'Yest Norwood, .E.

[Formed 1.4.90.J

Buw R OAD WOHKS, E. l\1.H.C.S.

Honorary Sur-geons.

F. G. Brown,


St. John A rnbulcttnce Brigade.

St. J ohn A mlnttlwnce B,ti.r;acle.

l>te. F. G. Eal ey .

Officers 6. Sergeants and Corporals 4. Privates 13. Total elI'ective 23. Reserve member 1. Decrease since bst I'epolt 9. Drills held 35 . A '-crage attendance 6. Cases attendedllot on puhlic duty 100. Annual in. pection, 2nd July, 1904. Total on parade 8. Auseut with leave 12. l\llllnal ro-exaJlli~~t1tlOlJ, 11th April. Members passed 14. Did not appear 3. l\Ierlalliolls 11. 01 vIce badges 9. Nursing certificates 12. Regulation ulliform worll. Matcrial: 2 han'csacs and 2 watel'-bott~es. Division supported by members' subscription'. The membel'slu}:''lhows a large decrea.o, principally owinu to the We;;t LOll lloll Section being formed into a separate Di vision . Tllis accoulltst'>ror 2 I'I Cf C<tllls and 20 privates. A private from No. 1 Division proper was selcctetl to t~ke chnroe a,' Superintendellt of the new Division form ed; oth er de(;l'l~a'e wa caned 111' c~'eral members being forced to resign through business circnmstances not allo\\'illtr them to continue consistently as members. During the year the remnant III' a Ji.lnnderl Division was !mer~ed iuto l:1'0' 1. Th~ P.ivi ion still does regular (luty at rhe Alexandra Palace III turn WIth other Dn'l lOllS, and ha. al'o done peci'll elu til'S at St. Paul's Cathedral (special seryices), Earl's Oourt Exhibitioll, openillCT ot Parlia.ment, Lord Mayor's Day, in connection with the opening of the hospital ut Hornsey.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

1st Cla.s Sergt. W. J. Hyron ', 64, Ruskin A ven ue, Manor Park, E.

Pte. H. Coles.

Officer 1. Sergeants 3. Privates 36. Total effective 40. Increase since last rep(Jl t 19. Drills held 49. A ",erage attendance 30. Casev attended on public duty 2. Cases attended not on public duty 5~. Annual in. pection, 2nd July. T otal 011 parade 24. Absent \I ith leaye 14. 'Vlthout leave 2. Anllual re-examination, 9th March, th and 14th July. Members passed 32. eryice badges 10. Regulation uniFailed 1. Did not appear 6. :JIel1allions 15. form ,,"01'11. ~Iaterial: 4 litters, stretchers and numerous boxes of material in workhop, tation', 'ignal boxes, and goods yards. Divi ion supported by N orth London Railway Company and members' snb criptions. . Tfw Divi 'ion 11a' made good pl'ogre during the year. Dnlls ha,-e been well atte II d ell. Puhlic rluty ha. heen und ertaken at Hampstead H eath, St. Paul's 'athedral, allcl Earl' Court Exhibition.






[Formed 7.90.J


Honorary Surgeon .

A. ToLld-'Yhite,


Superintendent and Honorary Treasurer,

J. J. Olley, Acorn Villa, 91, Fairlop Rd., Leytonstone. 1st Officer.




Honorary Surgeon.

H. Birll,

J. T. Olley.

[Form ed 7.8 8.J Honorary Secretary.

Ho}.. n .

Supt. and Hon. Treasurer.

H. H. Ilett, 83, Mauliel(l tn'et, Kingsland Hoad, E.

1\1. R. C 8 .


1st Officer. Honorary Secretary.

H. 'Yakely.

Cpl. L. Goldsworthy, 109, Albion Road, Dalston.

Inspector of Stores.

1st Class Sergt. T. Atterbury.

Officer~ 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Privates 26. Total effective 35. Decrease SlllC~ last report 3. Drills held 48. Average attendance 12. Cases attende~ on pu?hc duty 42. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 50.

AnnualIllspectlOn, 2nd July. Total on parade 21. Absent ,yith leave 1. Without leave 13. Annual. re-examinati~n, 31st May. Members passecl 21. Did not appear ~3. Meclalltons 33.. SerVl.ce badges 14. Nursing certificates 14. RegulatIon .u~llform WOl'lI. Matenal: 1 lItter, 3 stretchers, 2 havresacs, 2 cabinets with requlSlte~, .a~d 2? water bottles. Division supporte:d by members. The DIVlslOn IS a~out the normal strength, the decrease of 3 being made up by new me~bers. PU.b~l~ duty. ha.s been performed at Chingford, Earl's Court, and St. Paul s. The DlvlSlon belllg III the vicinity of the Reaent's Canal the members have been calleu upon several times to assist the police inC> cases of dr~wninO' W11ich have occurred. C>


ergt. H. Marston, elby RoaJ, Leyton:,tone.

Inspector of Stores

Pte. B. Green.

Officers 3. ergeants 3. Corporals 3. Privates 31. Total effective 40. He ene members 1. Deerea'e since last report 7. Drills held 29. A,'erage attendance 1. Cases attellded on public duty 37. Removals 2. Cases attended not 011 public duty 3. Annual inspection, 2nd July. Total 011 parade 27. Ab ent with leaye 7. Wi thont leave 5. Annual re-examination, 4th and 26th March. Member passed 34. Did not appear 5. Medallions 32. ervice badges 22. Nur,;ing certificates 19. Regulation uniform "orn. Material: 4 marquees, 1 bell tent, 1 litter, 5 stretchers, 2 folding bedsteads, 8 folding chairs, 3 tables, 4 blankets, 4 \\'aterproof sheets, 40 water bottles, 5 surgical havresacs. Diyision supported by its members and honorary members. The Division shows a decrease of 7 mem bel'S during the last tll"el ve months; notWIthstanding this, the Division is in a sa.tisfactory condition, its members haying clone a very fair amount of work. Duty has been performed on the following occasions: Lord Mayor's Show, visit of the King of Italy to the City, open space duty at Wanstead Flats on several occasions, Earl's Court Exhibition, Epsom, and St. Paul', Cathedral. The Division attended church parades at Westminster Abbey and Beckton. The Division has again to acknowledge the kind assistance at W anstead !lats of Superintendent L. Mackenzie and his men, and also of the police on duty In that part of the Forest. p


St. J oh n A rnbulance BTigacle. No.5 (CHILDREN'S HOME ) DIVISION. [Forlllcd



H O)rE, BON~EIl ROAD, Lo::\n()~,



urg.-Capt. A. C. Tun. tall, )LD. 1st Cla s ergt. R. J. H ayes, 12, Penshurst Hoael, ,-outll Hackney, N.E. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 15. Total effectiYe 1 . Decrease since la!;t report 1. Drills held 33. Average attendance . Cases attended on public duty 97. Cases attended not on public duty 100. Removals 3. Annual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 9. Ah ellt with leave 7. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination. 5th l\larch and 8th July. Member pa<; ed 15. Did not appear 2. Ieaallions '12. ervice badges 9. NUl' iug certificates 11. Realliation uniform worn. Material: 2 stretcher, 2 hane ac , water bottle large bo~, etc., which are the property of Dr. Tunstall. Division supported by member' subscriptions. . .. Although there is a slight decrease in the strength of the DIn. lOn, the att(,l?d.a~lce at drill and the efficiency of the men has been fairly wel! maintaJJ1Pll. . The Dn'lSlOn h as been on duty on Hackney l\larshes throughout the football and Cl'lcket 'ea OllS, and some serious cases have been attended to. Eighty-two caBe were attenc1eu to during the cricket season. The following duties were al 0 ullliertakell: Lor~ Mayor's Day, St. Paul's Cathedral, opening of Parliament, Earl's Court, open all' fetes, anu Tee-to-tuill Grounds.

No . 6 (CYClIST) DIVISION. [Formed 7.3.91. J JOII~'H



Hono rary Surgeon.

Honorary Secretary (in charge).



No. 7 (TOYNBEE HALL) DIVISION. [Formed 27.4.91.] J.E.

Honorary Surgeon .



St. John


Honorary Surgeon .

H. C. Howard, M.ll.C.S. Super in tendent .

Honorary Secretary.

. H. Vilven, 14, Baalbec Road, Highbury, N.

H. ,Yo Goodman, 362, Eing treet, Hammersmith, W.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

1st C1. Sgt. H. J . H allatt.

W. J. H. Pontin.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privtl,tes ~4. Total elrccti\'e 31. Drills held 72. Average attendance 12. Annua.l inspection, 2nd July. Totnl on parade 23 . Absent with leave 8. Annual re-examination, 31st .March. Members passed 30. Meuallions ~5. Service badges 14. Nursing certificates 18. Regulation uniform worn. Division supported by its members. No alteration has taken place in the numerical strength of the Division since last year, and the efficiency of the members has beerr thoroughly well maintained. The attendance at drill bas been satisfactory. Duty has been undertaken on all public occasions, and at Earl's Court Exhibition, while special attention has been paid to cycle race and athletic meetings at the Richmond and Putney tracks. The Division again had the honour of representing the Metropolitan Corps in the final competition for the Dllwar Shield, but was unfortunately defeated by the narrow margin of 7 points. Being thus placed second, they became holders of the SymonsEccles Oup for the ensuing year. The members have to regret the loss of their former Superintendent by the appointment of Mr. Pontin to the District Staff, and desire to place on record their appreciation of ~his indefatigable services on behalf of the Division, and their sincere wishes for his success as Superintendent Secretary of the Metropolitan Corps.

W . Black Jones, Superintendent.

:'\LB .

1st Offi cer.

2nd Officer.

E. J. Kimber, H. Langley Jones. 83, Durham Road, Manor Park, E.

J. A. , . Coleman.

Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

A. H. Ro e, 16, Raines Mansions, "t. George's, E.

1st Class Sergt. W. H. Beeton.

Offl cers 4. 'ergeant 3. Corporals 5. Privates 44. Total effective 56. Drills held 91. Average attendance 14 '8. Decrease ince last report 5. 00. 'es attended on public duty 25. Cases attended not on public duty 260. Annual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 42. Absent with leave 6. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 13th April. Members passed 48. Failed 1. Did not appear 1. Regulation uniform worn. Uaterial: 8 stretchers, 8 havresa.cs, 8 water bottles, 1 surgeon's box, splints, bandages, blankets, &c. Division supported by members' subscriptions. While the membership of the Division has remained practically stationary, the ~verage attendance at drill is considerably higher than last year, with a corresponding everal special drills have been held at the mcrease in general efficieucy. Charterllou e, on ,aturdays during the summer, the marches from and to Toynbee Hall and the drill showed marked improvement. Duty has been undertaken as usual at Bostal Heath on Bank Holidays, and the Division has also been well represented at the various streets and other public duties when called upon by headquarters. Valuable lectures have been delivered during the winter session by Dr. Robert Hutchison, Dr. Arthur Keith, Dr. . B. Atkinson, and our H on. Surgeon Dr. 'Y. Black Jones. Two of our oldest members, Pte. John Brine ancl Pte. Chas. Savage have left for the Colonies, and we hear contemplate forming the nucleus of a division overseas. 'Ve regret to record the death of Pte. R. Tomsett, an enthusiastic and €tticient member, who passed away in March last. The respect in which he was helel was evidenced by the attendance of the whole Division, as well as numerous repre entati ves of neigh boming divisions, at the funeral service at N unhead. T~le Millwall ection m~intains its high average attendance at drill and general effiClency, but we should lIke to see an increase of membership.

No . 9 (ST. JOHN'S GATE, No.2 ) DIVISION . [Formed 15.2.93.J HEAD-QUARTER.:




Honorary Surgeons.

J. Bremner, Superin tendent.

G. Chillingworth, '27, Spital Square Norton Folgate, E . Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. H.



L. Hawk es,

M . D.

Honorary Secretary

1st CIa s Sel'gt. J. Lowe, 43, Elmore treet, Canon bury, N. Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. C. Wright.

Officers 3. ~ergeants 6. Corporals 5. Privates 33. Total effective 47. Decrease ince last report 24 . Drill.s held 37. A verage attendance 16. Cases attemled on public duty 115. Cases attended not on public duty 100. Removals 20. Annual ~nsp.ection, 2nd July. Total on parade 40. Ab 'ent with leave P. Annual re-examm~tlOn, 30.th March . Members passed 42. .Medallions 40. Service badges 20. Nursmg certIficates 31. Regulation uniform worn. Material: box, splints, and bandages. Division supported by members' subscriptions.


Public duty has bel'n performed at Hampstead Heath, Earl's. Court, t. Pa,:-l's Cathedral, M.ildmay Children's Excursion and Central Clu?'s Cl~lldren's E.xcurslOu to Theydon Bois, Annual Carnival, Mildmay Club ChIldren s EntertaI,nrnents, Central and Mildmay Clubs Artistes Sports, Ken a1 Rise, a.nd ~nnual Dlllner .to 1,000 poor children at Mildmay Club. A determined effort IS bemg made to l'B;lse the tone of the Division, and with this objcct a large number of no.n-attendmg members have been called upon to resign, with the result of a decrease 111 l~Ul:n?erS, but a better working Division. A series of weekly lectures by thc DiviSlOnal Surgeon, Dr. Bremner, has been arranged, and are being well attended by lllet:nbers. The Division lost one of its oldest members, Private J . ,raldie, by death 111 the early part of the year,an escort of 40 members attended the funeral, six of the oldest members acting as bearers.

No. 10 (ST. MARK'S) DIVISION. [Formed 3.93.] HEAD -QUARTERS : ST. MARK'




A. G. Southcombe,1tI.R.c.s. Superintendent.

Honorary Secretary.

C. Statham, 61, Grafton Street, M.il e End.

Pte. W. A. Gray, 58, Rothbury Roa,l, White Post Lane, Yictoria Park.

Inspecto r of Sto res.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. H. J. Vickery.

Pte. H. G. Day.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 23. Total effectiye 26. Drill s held 4. A verage attendance H. Co. es Decrease since last report 3. attended on public duty 62. Removals 2. Annual inspection, 2nd July . Total on parade 22. Absent with leave~. With out lea.ve 3. ~nnual re-exa.minatioD, 13th June. Members passed 22. DId not appear 5. Medalholls 15. erVIce badges 2. Nursing certificates 12. Regulation uniform wom. Material: 2 stretcher, 1 havresac, 2 water bottles, 2 blankets, ground sheets, 1 box of bandages autl splints for practice, veflted in Supt. C. Statham . Division supported ?y memb.er· The Division still continues to make excellent progre s, althou"h It wa WIthout an officer for a matter of fourteen months. Thanks to Chief uperintelluent Morgan, a new Superintendent was introduced to thc Diyision. 'ince .then Dr. Southcombe bas been appointed Hon. urgeon, and the lecture he ha' gn"en haye greatly encouraged and benefitted the members. Duty ~las ?een Ull(lt'rt~ken at Chingford, Earl's Oomt, Lord Mayor'S Show and at YlCtona Park dUllng the cricket season.


Super intendent.

.A:. Paull, Kylecote, '\'eml1ley.

M .D .

TVembley Section. Honorary Secretary

Pte. W . Claridge.

[Formed 12.5.93.J


Honorary Surgeon .

C. E. Goddard,

Honora ry Treasurer.

S. Gaubert. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. F. Claridge.

BaTtesclen Section. Honorary Secretary.

Pte. F . C. Tollafield.

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 38. Total effective 43 . Drills held weekly . Average attendance 16. Removals 11. Cases attended not .()ll public duty 30. Annual inspection, 2nd May. Total on parade 26 . Absent with leave 7. WIthout leave 8. Annual re-examinatioDs, 2nd May and 14th July. Membcrs passed 30. Failed 1. Did not appear 10. :Medallions 19. Service badges 12. "ur ing certificates 14. Regulation uniform worn . Material: 3 litter, 7 stretchers, 8 surgical havresacs, rugs, ground sheet, &c. Division supported by local subscriptions. The strength ana general efficiency of the Division has been well maintained . The Division has turned out wcll for public duties, among the chief events in Lond on being the yisit of the Ring and Queen of Italy to the City and the Duke of Cambridge's funeral. Altogether public lluty has been undertaken on 47 occasions, including attendance at football matches, Earl's Court Exhibition, and the Royal Agricultural. 'how at Park Royal. The District Council having intimated that it was Hece sary to raise the rent of the Council Chamber, arrangements were made to tran fer the headquarters of the Division to t. John's Hall, Wembley. The lllcreased facilitic for drill which have resulted from the change have been much appreciated . A~IBULANCE

Honorary Surgeon .


Honorary Treasurer.

H. W. Cartel'. mith.


lIarles(len Lane :-Litter, tretcher, first aid appliances. .'uclbnry and Wemble,)', ,'tation Yard :-Litter, stretcher, first aid appliances . The Lodge, ,Ycmbley Park :-Litter, stretcher, first aid appliances. HanolV Hoad, ,'ullonry :--Litter, stretcher, first aid appliances. No.1, Carlyon Cottages, Aperton:- tretchel', first aid appliances .

No. 12 (WATERLOW ) DIVISION. :.'lIES. R_. ,YATERLOW & ox',



[Formed 6.93.] L TD . , FACTORY, FIXSBURY

E .C.

Honorary Secretary.

. E. Fairclough, 50, :.'IIount Pleasant Lane, Upper Clapton . Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer (i n Charge).

•. Harpel'.

Sergt. C. Brown.

ergeant 1. Privatcs 12. Total effective 13. Drills held 37. A veragc attendance 4. Cases Decrea e since la t report 5. attended on public duty 24. Cases attended not on public duty 235. Removals 6. Annual in pection, 2nd July. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 4. Annual re-examination, 17th March. Member pa sell 12. Did not appear 3. Medallions 12. ervice badges 4. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn . Material : 1 litter, 4 surgical havresac , 4 stretchers, water bottles, blankets, ground sheets, camp stools, &c. Division upported by Messrs. Watel'lowand Sons, Ltd. , and members' subscriptions. The Division is formed exclusively of the employees engaged in the various ?el~al'tmellt., of Messrs. Waterlow and, ons, Ltd., and owing to their employment It IS not ~lways possible for members to turn out foJ' public duty, or to perform regular attendance at drill. The members have attended 259 cases of accident or sUllden illness during the year, 6 cases requiring removal to hospital, and public duty has been performed as follows :-Bank Holiclays at Blackheath , Earl's Court Exhibition , visit of the King and Queen of Italy to the City, and Sunday duty a,t St. Paul's Cathedral. The Division is indebted to the chool Board for London for tl~eir continued kindness in granting the use of the Scrutton Street School, Fmsbury, for drill purposes, and to Dr. Gonlnn Brown for First Aid instruction.

No. 13 (KING 'S CROSS, G.N.R. ) DIVISION. [Formed 4.10.93 .J HEAD-QUARTERS: ROO)I

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. H.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John A ?nbulance B ,t'igade.







Honorary Surgeons.

R. Main,

M . D.

J. Brnnton, M.B.

W. Mailer, M.B.


Superi ntendent,

1st Officer and Hon . Treas.

G. T. Cooper, 7, Lothair Road outh,

II. E. Hankin.

Finsbury Parle


2nd Officer and HOIl. S ecre tary.

Insp ector of Stores.


el'gt. A.

ehright, 61, D evonshire Road, Holloway, " .


Offieers 6. ergeants 3. Corporals 5. Pri\'ate 46. Tolal elrc('nYe 60. Increase since last report 4. Drill s held 70. Averoge attendal\ce ~2. Cases a ttended not on public duty 1,2~7 . Alllll1al inspeetioll, ~lHl JUllL' Total 011 parade 44. Absent with lea\'e 13. 'Without leaH' 3. Annual l'('-exanlillalioll, various date. Member pa ed 55 . Failed 1. Did not appear 1. Ml'lilllliom; 27. Service badge 21. Nursing certificate 27. l~egulatiol1 ulliforlll "om. ~1)lIl'ti(ll: stretchers, havresac , wat er bottle" &c. Division supported donatiolls am1 iubseription . A nursing class wa held Octoher-~ovember, 1903 .. Lecturer, Di\'i~ional HOll. Surgeo n R. Main, M.D., L.ILC.r., &c., and a first alel clas was heltl JI1I1\.ar)'. February, 1904. Lecturer, Diy. HOll. l1rgeon ,\V. lIJ ailer, ~l.H., &c. J.\ Divi"iOllal t eam won the Challenge Cup, presented hy the omre!'s of the ,nal Tolthern Raihvay Company. The ame team entered for Lhe Railway ChallL'lIge Shiel(l C' ompetitioll, but were un,uccessful ill obtaining the trophy. The Didsinn hlld II Bohemian concert at the Athemeulll, Camden Roaa, Holloway, 011 'atllltlay, 12th March, 1904, and resu1tClI in a. finalleial succes; :2fi nlUllllJl'IS 01' th \ Di\ ision attended chnrch parade at "lYe ·tmin tel' Abbey; 41 mcmuers l'aratled at the aUllllal inspection , Tower Moat, July 211c1, 1904. The mC1ll1l(.'rs of the Division l1<l\'e dealt with 1,227 case of accidents 'dl1l'ing the ycnr, making a t(lla l of' 7,GGc ~ilH' \ the formation. The Divi!:>ion has taken duty at the Alexandra Palace, Earl's CourL Exhibition, t. Paul's Cathedral, Tufnell Park Heereation UIOUlllls, lind 011 the occasions of tile Lord Iayor's how, N ovemher, H 103, aut! the ol'l'ningoi' Parliament, February, 1904. The Diyi ion wi hes to l'econl its thank to the Great Xotlltcm Railway Company for th e use of room for drill: , &c., and to th e hOIl. surgeoll:> for the lectures and a si tallce ginll 11y them. It is gratifying to r(:;('o 11 1 that th e m embers are keeping them elves in a higher state of efliciellcy than hitherlo.



15 (EAST HAM ) DIVISION. [Forme(l



5 . .1.95.J

'Tl{EEf, EAST IIA~1.

Honorary Surgeons.

F . J. McKettrick, ~r.D.

E. K. Hou chin,

Su peri nten den t .

L. It.C.l'.

1st Officer.

A. A. Atkill S, 41, First Av enue, Manor Park, E sex.

W. R. Magnus.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. F. G. Cosburn, 129, Carlyle Road, Manor Park, E sex. Honorary Treasurer.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Am,bLtlance Brfigade.


Inspectors of Stores.

Pte. J. Brickell. Pte. A. W. l:{o " e.

Pte. T. Burden. Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 36. Total effective 44. Decrease since last report 5. Drill held 68. A ,erage attendance 13. Ann ual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 23. Without leave 1. Annual re.exa.mination, 15th March, 30th March, and 14th July. Members passed 38. Dld not appeal' 4. Medallions 24. Service badges 11. Nursing certificates 16. RegUlation uniform WOl'll. Material: 2 laffe hampers 1 litter, 6 stretchers, 1 havresac, 1 box of first aid materials, 1 oil stove, k cttle; cups, saucers, plates, bandages, blankets, waterproof sheets, etc. , 2 bell tentc,; . llud 1 marquee. Division supported by members' subscriptions, donations, etc.

The efficiency of Lhe DiviFliol1 is well maintained, but our strength. is ~lightly IJ('low the avcl'O.gr. Th e lIford, cclion has made great }l~'ogress conslderIn g the sllOrt time it has hcen establi 'hcd, and rcflects much crelilt UIJol1 the first offi~er tin charge of sectio ll ) for llis tact and ability. Our anllual cllllrch parade, whIch was held on , UlHlay, 22ml Novelnher, 1903, was a great success; 2 hon. surgeons, 7 officers 115 mCll and 12 nUrSil)fr sisters attended. The band of the 1st Volunteer Battal iOl~ E scx I{egimen t again °killdly paraued with us (by special per mission), makillg a LO i.i,11 of 156. T~l e following Divisions were represente~-~os . 3, 4, 7, 15, 29, 33, and 4'0. The DiVIsion has to gratefnlly acknowledge Its lDd ~btDess ~o the Borotl " h Council of East lIam for again granting us the loan of thelr magmficent '1'0\\'11 n IIall for the purpose of out' spcond aunual soi1'ee dansCt71te, which was ,,:ell attellr1ed, and proved a somce of considerable profit to the Division . The folloWlllg publi c dnLies have hecn llcrfoJ'llled dming the p~st year, viz. :-Lord Mayor's Sh,o,,:, Kin" of Italy'S vi:it to the City, Dukc of Cambndge's funeral, Easter Monday, '\,lllt ~IOl7rlny, Augu.t Bank IIolid ay duties at High Heach, t. Paul's rluty, Hospi~l and Children's ports, the nnvciling by General Buller of tablet in To\\'n HaH WIth ~he nam e' of men of Ea t ILull who uied during Lhe 'outh African war (special 111ent1On is made of thc, '.J.A. n. men upon this tablet), Earl's COl1l't duty, Boleyn Castle, Upton Park Foothall Ground.




Hono rary Surgeon .


. Davie;


Superintenden t , Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

E. W. Trllnglllar, Di tl'iet Locomotive

upL, L .B . & .C. Railway, New Cross, S.E.

In spector of Stores.

el'geaut J. ,\\T. Pearson. OfTlcers 2. ergeallt and Corporals 6. Privates 28. T otal effective 36 . R eservc memher 1. Decrease since la t report 4. Drill held 51. Average attend,ll1ce :?6. Ca 'cs attend ed llOt on public cluty 159. Annual inspection, 2nd July. Total on para,le 6. Al),e nt with leavc 27. 'Without leave 1. .An~J.Ual reexamination, 17th April. Members pas ed 31. Did not appear 2. Medalhons.30 . TUl'siug certificate 19. Hegnlation uniform worn . .!\Jatel'l~l: el'vicc badges :J5. 1 hal'resac, ~ stretchers, 12 water bottles. Division supported by concerts held dunng the winter. Th e condition of the Divi 'ioll continues very sati factory. Although the membership has slightly decreased, those who have left were ruo tly Don-efficients, and the average attendance of the remainder has greatly improved. The mem bel'S have paraded \l'ell for public dnty, and a large number of cases have been attenued wh en not on public duty . Th e Division again reached ~he second position in the Competition for the Challenge Cup presented by the Dlrectors of the L.B. and S. C. l:{ailway Company.


Honorary Surgeon .

M. K. Hargreaves, M.D. Honorary Secretary.

Pte. J. H anis, 33, Nelson Roau, Wimbledon .

[Form en 1-1. 9.95.]


Superintendent and Treasurer_

C. Orchar d, 5, BrooJl1wood R d., '\Vandsworth Common, S. Vol. Inspector of Stores;.








St. J ohn A rnbulance B?·igc6de.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 18. T otal effective 22. Decrease since last report 2. D rills held 46. Average attendance 13. Cases attended on public du ty 32. Cases attentled not on public duty 140. Annual in. pection, 2nd July. T otal on parade 19. Absent with leave 3. Annual re-examination, 24tb April. Members pas cd 20. Did not appear]. Medallions 19 . Service badge 12. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn. :Material: 4 tretchers, 1 surgical havresac, 1 field hamper, 2 improYisecl hane ac, 1 water bottle, sheets, pillow, blankets, etc. Division supported by members' and honorary member~' subscriptions. T he work of the Division bas again ueen sati. factory during the 1'a. t year, and members have spared no effort to maintain and inerea e their state of dfieiency. A large number of. cases have been successfully dealt with, and it is interesting to note that at the recent accident at ' Yatel'loo ,tation, a member was thanked uy the Railway Company for his valuable a siiance in helping to remoye the injlll'ed to t . T homas's Ho pital. Two member' have re 'iglled dming the pa t year, lJUt all ambulance cIa is now being held, and at the end of the COUl"e it is con!1!lently expected the strength of the Diyi ion will be appreciably increa ·eel . The local dnties during the year have been well attended. Uncler Di trict Order the Division was on duty at the L':m1 Mayor's. how, yiit of Their :Majeties tlle King and Queen of Italy, Bank Holiday dnties at Battersen Park, Earl's Court Exhibition, and St. Panl's Cathedral. A concert in aid of the fnll,l . of the Di vi. ion was held on March 14th, when Mrs. Eric Ramuro presented medallion. and 'C'nicc badgC" to members entitled to receive them. Eric Rambro, Esq., I.P., ill the cour-e of ,\ few remarks, alludel1 to the valuable work doue by the Brigade, nutl hy way 0t' encouragement kinuly intimated his \\ illingne. to offer a prize to he COlll)lctetl for annually by member of this Division. The Divi 'ion has sllstainecl a sal1 10 " l)y the death of its Pre irlcl1t, J. Iune, E.q.) J.P., "'ho~e kindly illtcrc t ill the member inclividnally, aud in the wOlk gC)1crally, will neyer he forgotten. In conclu ion, the Divisional Executi"e desire again to 1'lacc on rcco]'(l its inclellteclne ' to the patron and subscriber, and to the lIon. mgeon, Dl. Ral'greuYl's, fur his untiring energy in maintaining the efficiency of the Division.


[Formed 13.1l.95.]

ArGu. TIXE',' HALL, LILLIE ROAD, FL'Ll!A~f, ·.\Y. Hono rary S urge o n.

E . \V. Lewis,


Hon . Secretary and Hon . T reasure r .

(I n cha r ge).

Pte. E. F. FaYatt, 29 Orbel Street, Castle treet, Battersea.

Pte. T . H. Gammon .

I nsp e cto r of Sto res.


St. John Am,uulunce B riga de. No. 19 (SOUTH METROPOLITAN GAS COMPANY ) DIVISION. [Formed 5. 12.95.] GAS \VORl~~, OLD KENT ROAD , S.


A. A . Wartl,


Superintendent ,

Hono rary Surge on .

J . C. Lines, 93, West End Lane, "'IV. Hampstead, N. W .

)1.11. c .. ' .

Ho n orary S ecretary,

,·crgt. A. C. Griesbach, 3\:1, HUl'llc;jstle

treet, Peckhalll,


Ho n o rary Treas u rer.

I ns pecto r of S t o res.

H . Fox (Hon. Member.)

Pte. T . E. Pridmore.

OIficers 2. ergeants 4. Lorpol'alLl. Privates 66. Total effective 73. Increa'e 'ince last report] 5. Drills held 48. Average attentlance 24. Cases attended on public duty 4. Hemovals 45. Cases attended not 011 public duty 455. Auuual in 'pection, 2nd July. Total on parade 52. Absent with leaye 17 . ,Yithol1t lewe~. Annual re-examination, lIIarch 29 . Members passed 56. Did not appear 3. ,j[edallions 31. ,el'\7ice uadges 27 . Nursing certificates 26. Reaulation uniform worn. ~Iaterial: 4 stretchers, 6 large water bottles, 12 small w~ter bottles. Division npportetl by grant from the Company and by the members . Resulting without doubt from the continued interest shown in the Division by the Chainn.'llI .awl Director' ?f the Company, the membership is still increasing, the total eflc(!tl\-etrcngth helllg Ifi aheacl of la t year. The Company has given for annual campditioll :tllll)ll~ t the ambulance members at their several works a beautiful work oI art 1'e1'1'l!. entingthe "Good amaritan." This is held for the year by the members at Rotherhithe. ,'il vel' medallions are presented by the Company to those who q \l:~l~ry .far. theJl~ ; a fortnighly drill i allowed in the Company's time, and every Ll(:I11ty 1 gl\'en Jor the member to rc pond to the duty calls from headquarter, with out deduction [or 10. of time. 'Yith such advantages and encouraaement it is not a matter for 11llH'ise that llew members are coming forward . .A la:::'ge nll~ber of ca'iCS have been treated when not ou public dnty-this year totalling 455-and se,'eral me sages of commellliation have been received from surgeons at the various h~~pital on the careful and skilful way in which sufferers have been handled. One o~ Lhe member hol,I· a letter of thanks from a raihvay company for the assistance gl\'el~ on. the .occaion of an accident, [1.1111 he was further complimented hy the jury \\'J.l0. l.nqlll:·erllllto the cau e ?f .dea~h of those who were unfortunately killed. The D.l\'l~lOn lS prol1ll of the dlstIncbon that the majority of volunteers from this dlstl'lct, who have enrolled in the Royal ~ayal Sick Berth Re erve come from it mnks. The mall average of men at the weekly drills is explained by the fact that as the work of the company is of a continuons natme a full mu tel' at one time is imp%sible. It is gratiryin~ to record that the Division holds the "Efficiency" Cup for the present year. ports are held in the recreation ground attached to the work', at which the Divi ion takes dllt.y, freC)uently with useful results. Response hn also been marle to every call received from headC)uarters thronghout the year.

Pte. R. Gale. Officer 1. Privates 14. Total effective 15. A verage attendance 7. Cases Decrease since l~st report 2. Drills held 52. ~ttende.d on publIc duty 30. Cases attenued not on puulic duty 14. Annual lllspectIOn, 2nd July . Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 5. Annual re-examination , vario us dates. Members passed 8. Di.d not appeal' 7. Medallions 7.. Service badges 6. Nursillg cel'tincates 3. Regulation ullifonn worn . Matenal : 2 stretchers, 1 havresae, and 1 water bottle. Division supported .by mem~e~s: and h onorary members' su1scription . T he DlVlSIOn has., th anks to the continued interest of the R on. Surgeon, made some progress durmg the year. T he members have performcd 58 public duties at Queen's Club and F ulham, (football matches,) Earl's Court Exhibition St. Paul's Cathedral, Co-operative Fetc at Fulbam, Lord Mayor' s Show opening of Parliament Oxford and Cambridge Sports, H am pstead H eath, &e, ' ,


32, HIGH

[Formed 31.1.96 .]


E. H . Evans, 32, High treet, Hampstead.

E . Jessop, "'1. R. C. S. C. J . R. Macfadden, JlI.D • Honora ry Secretary.

Corpl . S. J . Warren, 32, High

N. W.

S u p eri ntendent.

Ho n orary Su r g eons .

trcet, Hamp tead . Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. W . G. E. Warren .

Inspector of Stores ,

Pte, A. W . Osborn.


St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A rrnvulance BTigade.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 27. Total effective 33. In crease since last report,l,. Drill h eM 43 . Average attendance 1 . Annual ins pection, 2nd Jnly. T otal on parade 21. Ab ent with leave. 'Without leave 2. Annualre·examination, 12th April. MemLers passed 19. DId not ap~lPar 3. Medallions 16. R eO'nlation uniform \\·orn. :JIatcrial: 4 .·tI etchers, 1 htter, ~ h avre sac , 2 water h~ttle , ~ blanket., 2 air pillow, hal1llrtge alld. l'lints. Dil'isioll supported by melllber ' ' ubscriptiol1



[Formed 1.5.96.]

Luro;;'l; I ~~TITUI E, Bno:lfLEY COilDION, KENT.

Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent (Act ing)

Honora ry S ecretary.

J. H. Yolland, M,R,C.S.

1 t Class, 'ergt. F. Field, 55, "outhlanll. H.oltll, Bromley.

cl'gt . ,Yo

Sergt. ' . Bush.





[Formed ~7.7.96.J

W. O.

Honorary Surgeons. M.D,


Officer 1. ergeants 3. Privates ~:1. Total efi't:dive 26 . D ecrease since last report 1. Drills ll ehl 35. A ,erage attendance 16. Cases attended on public duty 30. Ca. es attcJ1(led not on Illlhlic (1uly 23. Rem oval:; ,1. Annual inspection, 2lld July. Total on paraLIc 2:2. Absenl "ith Itaye 2. Wit~ l­ out leave 2. Annual re-examination, 17th MarcIl. Memhers ]la .. ed :12. DId not appeal' 3. Medallion 1. crYicebaclgcf> 12. N1l1' iug certilien~cs 1 .. Ref!ulation uniform worn. .M aterial: 1 A Itlord littcr, 5 stretcher, 2 1I1l:dlcal hanes<1C::, 2 tents, 3 large water bottles, rug', etc. Diyiion upportcd liy the melD 1;(;1" contributions amI the PrE' irlent's and Vice-President' ubscriptioJ1. T he Division regrets to report the reignation of the late u.1'erintellclent,. )11'. Stanley Hawkins. Fir t aid cla se were held under the n.u'"p1c('S of the High t'\' Education Oommittee of the Oorporation of Bromley, they were wl'll attcnLlell, 31111 nearly the whole of the member of the Di\'i ion also attencled hoth lecture. a1l(1 practices. Similar classes (amI also l1l1l'sing classes) have now been ill-;trnctt,cl u,)' the Di"isional H on. Surgeon, Dr. Yolland, with out intcrmission, for a period of' nill e years. In addition to the splendid elluipment amI applianccs hclongillg to the Di vi ion, a skeleton 11a been pllrchased this, eason through the generosity or th e President and Vice- President, acting with Dr. Yollalltl. , ome blcn ty·one acrcs ofland, in cl(Jse proximity to the local h eadquarters hayillf[ been taken a a sports ground for the district, the Division has been a ked, and with the sanction of Headquartcrs, will unuel'take ambulance duty whenever required.

T. R. Taylor,

worn. Matcrial: 1 litter, 7 havresacs, 8 stretchers, 3 tents, 1 flag and flag staff, 1 ambulancc station box, 4 waterproof sheet., 4 rugs, 36 water bottles, :2 hot water bottles, and large stock of bandages, drug, &c. Division supporteJ by memLers' subscriptions and donations. . . . . Puhlic dnty was performe(l by m~mhers of th~ PIVISlOll O~l Bank Hollday ~t the , Vel. h Harp, H endon, Oll the ocra1011 of the YlSIt of the Klllg of Italy, Bahl s ,and S\yeel's Charity Football Match . Lord 1I1ayol"s ,'how, at t. P aul'. Ca~heural, Man irlll IIous<" Cart HoI' e Parade, Regent's Park, Church Parade, Pl'lllters ports at Orystal Palace, Earl's Court Exhil.Jitioll, H om ey Demon tl'atioll, football and cricket match!:. at Regent' Park, football at Tnfnell Park, and at the potted Dog Grounds, Forc ·t Gate . 'rhe Division had a march out t.e ~Ioat 1\Ionnt, Highwoocl lIill, Totteridge, on July 16th, 1904, \rhen they gave. a dIsplay, and were afterwarcls entertained by ~ll'. Cox, the proprietor of these beautiful grounds.

Honoral"y Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores .

J. Forbes,


liLA ., M.B.

It I ngram,


Lo\\' Ll~"EL

Hon . Surgeon and S uperintendent.


,'wayne, ~1. \., :'>1. II , 140, Clllll'cll Road, L1'lIer N onrood. F.



Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

Pte. G. A. Da\\,. on, 9, Ory tal Palace, tation Road, Upper NOl'lyo od.

In spector of Stores.

Pte. J. Channillg. Offi cer 1. Pri\'ates 13. Total effective 14 . In crca'e since lat report 4. Drill ' held 45. Average attendance 8. Cascs attended on public cluty 51. R emo\'ab 1. Oases attended not 011 public duty 2,). Annual in pection, 2nJ July . Total on I1arade 5. Absent with leave 9. ~nnual l'e·exaillination, 30th March and th Ju1)·. Members passed 10. Medalllolls 8. en'ilC badgc,> 7. NUl' iug certificate 10. Regulation uniform worn. :Jfate.rial: 1 litter, 2 stretcher, 2 havl'esacs, :2 water bottles, 1 bell tent, flag, and tali, and tellt ('Iluipment. Divi iOll llpportedLy memben;' subscriptions alJd donatiollf'. OO:lsiderablc improvement 110. 1)ee11 hown in this Division, the past year being tIle most atist'actory III every ,yay since its formation. Drills and lectures have been 'Iell attended, and the members are to be commended for their efl'Olts to attcJ1!l puhlic dulic. Th e efficiency of the men i due to the Hon. Sl1l'geon, whose lectul'ls have heen greatly appreciated. T~le Di~'i ion i greatly indebted t? the !;Io.n:, urgeon, Mrs. Oolegrave, and the Nnrslllg 1 tel' of the No.5 Nnr mg DIVl1011, f?r a most SUCCI'S fnl concert, held on A 11ril 11th, ] 904, enabling us ~o pU~'ch~se a litter (which wa greatly needed) and nel,\, uniforms . eventy-two publIc duties m all h~ve been pcrformcd, which include The King and Queen of Italy's vi it to London, Opemng of Parliament, Earl's Court Exhibition, unday duty St. Paul's Oathedral, Metropolitan ~' il'e Brigade Sports, Theatrical, ports, 'Ye t N ol\vood Football Club, ports at Herne Hill track, and on many occasions at the Crystal Palace,


Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

A. R. Rundell, 58, Newman Street, Oxford Street, W.


ergt, R. , Yo Hendon, troud Green, N.

170, Stroud Green Road,


. E.

Honorary Surgeon.

Inspector of Stores.

R. G. Reid,

Sergt. J. BUlldy. Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 20 . Total effective 28 . Decrease since last r eport 4. Drill s h eld 57. Average attendance 24. Oases attended on public duty 260. R emovals 14. Oases attended not on public du.ty 20. Annual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 4. Vhthout leave 10. Annual re-examination, 12 th April. Members passed 22. Did not appear 10. Medallions 15. Service badges 6. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform

[Fol'meJ 30. 9.96 .]


1st Class Sergt. (in charge). S. N. Bulcraig, 3a, ,~Test Ganlens,

T OOtillg, S.W. Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. A. Harris.

M. n.

Honorary Secretary.

OorpI. J. H . Lord, 19, DallJel'g Road,. lhixtOll, S . W. Honorary Treasurer.

L. J. H ooper (Hon. :Mem.)

[Form ed 21. 6. 98 . J

No. 28 (HARROW ) DIVISION. Officer 1. t'l'geant 1. Corporal' 3. Privates 36. Total effective 41. I nc1'e<1,e since la t report 13. Dril1s held 9. A,'eragc attendance 9. Cases ftttendecl on public tluty 34 . R emoval. 7. Cases attended not on public tluty 150. Annual inspection, 2nd July . T otal on }1al'ac1 e 20. Absent with leaye 2. 'Without leaye~ . Annual re-examination, 9th 1I1arch. nlemhe ls pas cd 1. Did. 1I0t appear fl. Medallions 16. Service badge. 7. NUl' ing certificates 14. Regulati on medical havresacs, 4 'I Juad water bottle uniforl11 worn. .:\latel'ial: 2 stretchers, Di vision snpporten by honorary melll ber •.



Honorary Surge on . )1. 11. C. s.

H. Murray, Ho norary Secretary.

HrTIGonm Ro.\)), IIAJUlI~ GAY tIn charge).

1st CIa 's ergt. E. levell, 3. 'Yon.:etel' Rd ., Highamllil1. "\\'althanu;tow. Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. L. Lcwill .

1st Class ,'el'gt. W. Banel1. Pte. F. Hollillg. worth. 1, Sterling Rll., Higham Hill, ,I' althan,stow.

Offi cer 1. I ergeants (1 t clas') 2. Privales 29. r:i'otal effectiyc 32 . Drills helel <1. Average attentlalll'e 10'15. Ca e' attel](1ed on puhlic dnty 25. Case attendcd not on public uuty 15 . Annual in pec·tioll, 2m1 July. Total on parade 15 . Ab ent with leavc 7. lYith out leave 10. AnlJual Ie-examinations, 9th aud 30th June. ~lel11hers pa cd ~'*. Dill Dot a.ppear 5. ~ledallions :23. ervice badges 13. llegulation uniform WOI'I1. ~Interial: 4 stretchers, 3 ltanesac.. , 3 water bottle, plints, bandage., c·c. Divi,:1on supported by puulicul)scription '. The Divi ion has made steady progre " during the pa t year. Puulic duty has been performed on 44. occasion '-viz :-Lord ~[llyor's Day, Opening of l\nlin,l1lellt, End 's Court Exhibition, Tottellhal1l Cal'lli\'al,Tottt'llham alJd Di triet, (;hool, 'ports,HOlllsey I chool Sports, Opening of Electric Tram ways, Bruce Grove Park, (e yery 3 week ) Alexandra Palace and t. Paul's Cathedral. Taking into cOll::;idemtioll the nature of the men's eml,lo),ment, the drill have becn fairly \\ell attellucd. The Di \'i, iOll i~ . till indeLted to the Yicar of t. Paul's Church for thc free u e of the church room for drill purposes, etc. ---No , 27 (ACTON ) DIVISION. [Formed 16.5.9 .J HEAD-QUATITEItS : ACTO~


. &

. IV. Je.:-;c. Ry.

Hono rary S urgeon .

H. J . Thornton, )I.R.r.l' , Honorary Secretary (in charge).

1st Class

ergt. L. W . Toll er, .Myra IIon se, 25, Newton Avenue, Acton, W.

Officer 1. ergeant ] . Privates 18. T otal effcctive 20. I ncrease since J.ast report 3. Drills helu 35. Average attendance 10. Ca es attende~ on p~lbhc duty 16. Removal 1. .Cases attended not on public duty 30. Annua111lspectlOD, 2nd Jnly. Total on parade 7, Absent with leave 11. Without leave 1. Annnn,l re-examination, 14th July, 29th September, and 21st Octobcr. :Members pas e{l 6. Failed 1. Did not appear 13. Medallions 14. SelTice badges 13. Nursing certifi cates 3. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 4 stretchers, 9 ambulance boxes, . 1 ha~11per, splints, etc, Division Rupported by North and South \V estern. ~unctIOn RaIlway Company and mcm bel'S' subscriptions. Th e strength and co~dltI~m of the Division is in every way satisfautory. Drills ~n~ lectures are well mall~tall1ed, the ~vel'age attendance being good . The Division IS mdebted to the Edu catIOnal Commlttec for their con tinued kindness in erra,ntiuO' the use of the Priory School Ground for drill purposes. Public duty l~a.s bee~ performed at E arl's Court, L ord Mayor'S how , visit of the Riner and Queen of Italy Opening of Parliament, and St. Paul's Catheural. b '

Hon . Secretary.


W. T. Ball, Oak Lodge, College R oad,


HJ~ AD-Qu_unEHs:


St, John A maulunce B?'igaue.

St. John ..tl 'lILa Ld(&1lce B1'iywl e.



Pte. C. C. Denn , Peterborough Road, H arrow.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. W. H. Hunt.

A. Fillmore (Hon . Mem.).

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Pri\'ates 18. Total effective 21. D ecrease since last report 4. Drills held 51. AYerage attendance 11 '5. Cases attended on public duty 39. Removals 19. Cases attended not on public duty 84. Aunual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 9. Annual re-examination, 20th lay. Members pa 'sed 15, Diu not appear 4. Medallion 19. ervice badges 9. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 15 members. Material : 1 litter, 5 stretchers, 3 havre acs, and fir t aid material at the following stations: (1) Victoria Hall, Greenhill; (2) "Glenmaye," Kimberley Roau; (3) "Ciren," Roxeth Hill, available at all hours. Division supported hy its members. No til"t aid classes have been h elll during the year, but in the spring the Hon . Surgeon kindly ga ve a course of demonstrations in advanced first aid . A ne" b'etcher with hood and apron, ha been pnrchaec1, and a stretcher and haversac are no~ available at rgL. King's, Cire11, Roxeth Hill. Public duty has been attended on the following occasiolls :-The Lord Mayor's . how, the Vi it of the Kin O' and Queen of Italy to the City, thc Oppuing of Parliament, the Royal Agri~ultural how and Earl'. Co l1l' t, a well as various local athletic meeting, etc. Thirteen l'f'movai~ ill ca. e. of illne " hl1"c been carried out


1st Offi cer (in Cha rge).

Honorary Surgeon.

H. T.



Honorary S ecretary.

Sergt. F. W. tevens, lU, High t., Walthamstow.

F. T. T aylor, "Windermere" tainfoltl R oad, W altham to\;, Inspector' of Stores.

Pte. A. Greenway.

Honorary Treasurer'



J. Cardo.

'crgeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 20 . T otal eflective 27. OIlicers 2. Drills held 25 . AYerage ntten\.lance 9. Cases D ecrease since last report 5, attendeu not 011 public uuty 20,1. Removals 15 . Anllual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 7. Absent \vith l eave 17. ,Yithout leave 3. Annual re-examination, 14th July. Members pas eel 15. Did not appeal' 11. Medallions 23. ervice badges 19. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn. Matcrial : 1 litter 6. stretchers, 2 havresacs, 1 ambulance box, 1 tent, splints, bandages, etc. DiYi~ slOn. supported by members. Smce the forlllation in January, 1899, this Division ha llIade steady 1)I'ogres . and the past year h as happily proved no exception. Thanks to the success of the firs~ . ann~lal concert and the united effort of the member, our financial poslbo~ is now better than ever. For the comin a eason th e Division is ulTangl?g ~o have two mell on duty with a litter at tIle Elm Football Ground, that tIns Wlll fill a long-felt want is already evidenced by the number of ca es treated. As us~al, many calls have been received from local medical men for our a istance in removl11g patients t? the hospital. ~t the allllual presentation of prizes an interesting event took place, VIZ., the presentatlon of a marble clock to Private J. Cardo as a mark of esteem for his services as H on . Treastu'er, and as a mark of appreciation' for



his kindness in having placed at 0111' l1iyo 'a1 premi e~ situateLl. in. WiHow-wa.1k for u e a an ambulance station . Ou rcfc1Tlllg to last ycar report, It \\,111 bc obse~'ve d that a ca~e of a,ttel1lpted suicide on the railway \l'a '. treatell by tlnc? mel~ ot tllle' Division, two of whom, Fir t Officer Taylor. aud Pnvate Canlo, re~elVe<llll .J\11.1e at the hand of the Lady MaYOl'e s tbc Ho pltal atnnl~y Fl1nd cCltl~?ate fm hfesaying. At the ame time .Pri\·n.te Jeffreys also recel\'ed the ccrtlhcate: ~he competition in drill anc~ fir t aIll for . qu~ds of foUl men \\'a ' l~e.lll .fol ~!lC ~l t, tImc thi year and was a decIded uccc ,It \\,Il~ become all annual hxtt:l e. [he 11l~1 ~a. eel uumber of cases treated (20-1) at the stabon shows that th~ sernces of thc DlVl 1O.n are still in derranc1, and greatly appreciated by the p\lbl~c . A llumbcr of ,llUbhc duties, both local and othenyise, have bcen sncc~s f~lll'y carne.d out, ancl.the chsplays aiven at local fetes have once l110n~ becn enthll 'HI . tlca]}y rCCel \'Cll, 11O\I'lllg tl~at thc pUb1ic are beginning to takc a keen intere t in amhulancc \\'011~ . At t~1C tIme ~f issuing thi report a fir t aid cIa for lllem bel'. of. the Metr?pol: tall Pohce force IS beina held by the Divi ion, and ~ member mIl SIt for cxanllnatlOn. Alth ough the attel~dance at the re-examination \Va. so mall, many of the mcmbcr who \\,cl:e a,:ay on holidayS and therefore unable to be pre. ent, have since passed an eXalll1natlOll for the Ass~ciation's medallion, ninc memhers qualifying for the same.

No. 30 (EAST LONDON ) DIVISION. [Formed 12.1.99.J H EAD-QUARTRRS: JE"wJ. H , VOl1KI::\G ME::\'.· CL'C'B, GREA'I AUE ,VllITEC]Ul'EL, E.


S uperintendent.

Honora r y Surgeons.

B . E . Myers, E . A. Worlcy,

P. Hayman, , LOllg Lane, Alder,gate treet, E.


;II H.C ....


St. J ohn A rnuulance Brigu de.

St. John A'Inuulmwe BTigade.

1st Office r a nd Ho n o rary S ec r etary.

Inspect or of S tores.

N . Hamburger, 93, Green Lanes,



. ]'ucknel'.

Officers 4. Corporals 3. Privates 30. Total effective 37. I ncrease since last report 2. Drills held H. Average attellllullce 16. Cues attended on public duty 71. Case ' attended not on public duty 39. Anuual im;pection, 2nd July. Total on parade 19. Absent with leavc 6. "W ithout lcavc 1~. Annual re-examination, 9th March. Members pas ed 23 . Did not appear D. Medallions 18. Service badges 19. lll'sing certificates 10. Regulation Ullifollll worn . Material : 6 stretchers, 5 medical han-esaes, water bottles, splinls, uallllage , &c. Division supported by members' subscriptions. . . The D ivision has lost several of the ohler members by rc.lgnatlOll, uut the efficiency of those remaini.ng is well kept up. The Canonuury cction established last year has Leen merged into the Headquarters Division. A new and more convenient drill room has been acqui.red, the Division having hircd the I nfants' H all of the Board Schools in Commcrcial treet, E. A special inspection of the Division was held on May 11th by Assistant Commi .·ioncr W. H. Morgan, who was afterwarda asked to make a presentation on behalf of thc lllember~, to the Sllperintelldent to mark the occasion of his completing Hi year' en'ice 111 the Brigade. During the year the Divi~ion has been on puhlic duty on the usual Bank Holidays at Blackheath, on the occasion of the vi~it of the King (tnd Queen of Italy, the Opening of Parliament, the funeral of the Duke ofCamhriclge, at L oughton for the Children's Fresh Air Fund, etc. Membcl' al 0 attendetl church parade on June 19th, and their annual synagogue parade in December.



S u perin t e nd e nt.

Ho n. S u r ge on and Treas ure r .


J . Wells, 18, Cecil Avenue, Barking.

alter, M.D.

Ins pecto r o f S t ores.





Hono rary S ec r et a r y.

. 'ergt. T.

aunders, Council

chool, Upper Kennington Lane, I . E.

0Ilice1':,2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Pri\'ates 20 . Total effective 24. Decrcase 'ince last report 15. Drills held 52. Average attenuance 7. Cases attenc1ell 011 public duty 305. R emovals 3. Cases attenued I~Ot on public d~.ty 46 . Anllual im'pection, 2nd July. Totu-l 011 parade 19. Ab~e nt \\'lth leave 3. '\\ Ithout leave 2. Allnualre-exalllination, 26th Feb. and 14th July. Mellluers passed 30. Did not appcar 9. Meualliolls .'ervice Ladges 8. .r ursing ?ertincates 16 . ~Iaterial: 1 litter, 3 stretcher', 3 surgIcal havresacs, Recrlliatioll uniforlll WOl'll. 3 \~'Iter hottlc., . plints, bandages, &c. Division supported by m embers' subscriptions antI suiJ!ScriLers . .Althou,rh the numeri cal strength of the Did·ion shows a decrease through transfer ~nc1 l'e111o\'als, the efficiency is well maintainccl . Duty has been nndertaken on many puLlil' occa ions-Earl's Court ExhilJitioll, outl1\\'ark Park for cric~et and foothall efl.~on, onthenll regatta, etc. Members have a1.·o rc]]cleretl good servICe at their nll'i0us place of bu ines. Four removal have Leen undertaken and sllccessfully cal'l'ie(l through.


[Formed 25 .1. 1900. J

139, CLAPHA;ll ROAD, '.'\V. Su perint en d en t .

Hon . S urge o n. ,J, Drown, L H. c. r.

G. S . Elliston, 9, Ea tcheap, K C.

Hon o ra ry S ec r e t a ry.

Ins pec to r o f Sto res.

. el'gt. \\'. T. Gal worthy, 3, 'to tephen' Tenace, Albert. "Iuare, Clapham Road, . ,\V.

Pte . E. Rudd •

Ho norary Treasu r e r.

Pte. W . Lake. OJ1icers 2. ergean t 1. Corporal 1. Privates 21. Total efl'ective 25. Illcrea e ince la t report 6. Drills held 39. Average attellliance 21. Cases attendcll on puhlic flnty 25. Ca es attended not on public duty 47 . Annual illspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 17 . Ab cnt with leave 6. Without leave 1. Annual re-cxamination, 1 th April and 16th ept. Members pa ed 24. MeLlallion 16. ervice ballge 1. Nursing certificates H . Regulation uniform worn. :nraterial: 1 stretcher, 1 bavresac, 2 blanket, 1 tent, supply of bandages and splin t . Di vision supported by ir J 0 eph Causton & Sons. The pa,st year has been one of quiet useful work, the efficiency of the Division being well maintained . The team entered for the De\\'ar Shield Competition was again beaten in the preliruinary round after a close struggle by the Cyclists, and likewise the Division has not been so successful as hitherto in the various District competitions. On the other hand the new members recruited during the year promise to appreciably strengthen the Division, and all ranks are earnest and conscientious in their first aid work. Dr. Brown has again devoted much time and trouble to the Division, his course of lectures being well attenl1ed and much appreciateu. The econd Annual display of the outh London Divisions was held on the Causton Athletic Club's Cricket Ground at Dulwich . Favourecl with one of th~ most perfect days of a perfect summer, it was not urprising that large crowds enjoyed the instruetive programme provided . T he Divi ion is indebted to the Headqu.arter's Staff and to the Cyclist Divi ion for valuable help in the organisation of t~lS gathering. The D ivision continues to render good service in the factories of Fhr Joseph Causton and Sons, L td., and on various public occasions . T he ambulance tent and fully equil)ped ambulance tation e tablish ed and manncd by the Division at Du~wich has been greatly appreciated by the innumerable cricket, football and athletIc clubs t h at have thoir grounds in the neighbourhood.


S t. J ohn Amb'Ldance Brigade.

St. J ohn Ambulance B?'igade.


Hon . S e cre tary.

[Formed 18.10.1900.]

Pte. A. Cogswell, 155, Bonndaries Road, Balham, ' . \\T.




Inspector of Stores.

\ Y.

Ho n. S ecreta ry a nd Inspec t or of S tores_

Superint e ndent .

\ V . H. Maunder, 29, Courtney Road, D rayton Park, Highbury, N .

Pte. A. Griftiths, 14, Ea tbollrue T( ITace, Paddington.

Ho n . Treasurer.

Pte. G. A. Bea ley . Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Pl'iyates 27. Tolal e[ecti~'e 31. Drills held 53. Averao-e attendance 14. Cases attended on pul;hl: duty 1 . Annual inspection, 2nd J~ly. Tolal on parade 24. Absent " 'ith leas'tl 3. .Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 30th May. Members paf,s~d 26. .~alled 2. D id not appear 3. Medallions 22. en'ice badges 12. N tll'smg certIficates 2. Reo-nlation tUliform worn. f r embers of this Divi ion have tumed out for public duty 011 all occaiolls when callen for by Headquarters, which illclut..1e the follo\\"ing : - t. Panl' Cathedral (twice), Earl's Court Exhibition (twice), visit of the Killf? and Queen of I~aly to the City, L ord Mayor's how, Opening of Pallia me nt, and Eallll.g COl: 11110 n(3 tU1Ie). A team has been successful in winning both the Mas 'ey Malllwanng hallellg.e .~llp and the Osborne Challenge Shielt..1. Considering tllis is lhe til' t year the lJlvlSltJll has entered for these competitions, the re. ult is very gratifying.

No . 38 (L.B. & S.C.R. VICTORIA) DIVISION . [Fol'liled HEAD-QUARTElt. : B .\TTEl~::;EA PAl~K

Hon . Surgeo n.

J. J . Marsh,

P te. S . B. Pharaoh .



. \\'.

Hon . S ecretary.

M . D.

ergt. \Y . C. Packham, 32, Pal'ksidc 'tl'cet, Bu,ttersea Park Road, . W. Ho n. T reasu r er.

Mr, G. Wright (Hon. Member). Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Private 16. Total e!lectiye 20. I ncrease since last report 2. Drills held 31. A \'erflge atc(;lHlullCe 14. Cases attended on public duty 19. Ca 'es attemlell not on public duty 50. Annual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 5 . . Without lea\e 4. A nnual re-examination, 16th June. Members passed 13. DId Dot appear 4. Medallions 12. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform ',"0111. Material ~ 2 stretchers, 2 snrgical havresal:s, 2 ,Yater bottles, 2 blanket·, and a upply of splints and bandages for lwactice purposes. Di vi ion supported hy contributions. D uring the year the working of the Division has been very satisfactory, and shows a slight increase in numbers . Drills and practices have been very ",ell attended. Public duty has been performed at Earl's Court Exhibition, St. Paul's Cathedral, an d on the occasion of the opening of Parliament by H.M. the Eing, at Peckham Rye on E aster Monday, Whit Monday, and Angust Bank Holiday. A great n umber of cases have been attended to by members when not on public duty . These h ave been chiefly accidents to men at work on the new Victoria Station improvements.

Officers 3. Corporal 1. Privates 15. Total effectiYe 19. I llcrease since last report 1. Drills held 39. Average attenLlance 8. Cases attended on public duty 37. Removals 5. Cases attended not on public dnty 36. Annual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 1. Annual re-examina tion, 28th Uarch . Uembers passed 13. Failed 1. Did not appear 3. Medallions 13. N ursing certificates 5. Regulation uniform '\lorn. Material : 1 ARhford litter, 1 marquee, 3 stretchers, 3 havresacs, 3 blankets, 12 water bottle, 1 large und 2 small hampers, etc. D ivision supported by members' sub criptiol1s, etc. Although there was no appreciable increase in the number of me~11bers, the majority took the greatest interes t in the work, and did their utmost to maintain their efficiency. I n order to promote the efficiency of the Division, D r. Matthew Coates, ILX., presented a silver cup for annual competition . Private \'\alter Hunt \\'on it for the fir t year. Seven mem bel'S qualified for the medallion of the St. John Ambulallce Association on the 2 Lh March, 1904, RO that thirteen members now hold this eli tinction . Public service was rendered on muny occasions, the mo.t impor1.ant being at the Earl's Court Exhibition, the L ord Mayor's Proc e~ iOIl, the Opening of Parliament, the Chelsea and ,Yest L ondon Schools' Athletic, ports, t. Paul's Cathedral, the Alfresco Fetes in aid of the R.S . P . C.A., tbe Bolingbroke Ho pital, and the Dulwich Hamlet and Wingfield House Football Club's home matches. Ambulance stations were also equipped and manned at treat ham Common and Brockwell Park on Easter Monday, Whitsun Monday, and the August Bank Holiday. The equipment of the Division is in a satisfactory condition, the two-wheeled litter alld the marquee presented by ir Horace and La{ly Brooks Murhall respectiyely have proved of great utility. Owing to the ,,-ant of proper quarters, the appliances are still distributed in se,eral places. T he Divi ion met for instruction and practice at the t. Alban's parish room, by the kind permission of the Rev. . M. Ranson . T,yo courses of lectures to ladies, the OlJe in first aiel amI the other in nUl'siug and hygiene, were given in the early part of the year by the hon. surgeon ,yith a view of forming a nursing division of the H. John Ambulance Brigade in the district. Both courses were successful, but although Mrs. Cave-Bl'own-Caye, the local Hon . Secretary of the St. John Ambulance Association, and another lady who has had much expcrience in the work of the Brigade and of the Association cordially supported the movement, sufficient names ha\'e not been enrulled to justify the forming of a division . It is hoped, however, th at a dozen ladies at least will be found soon to co-opente with the amhulance division on Bank Holidays and other occasions. T he proposal to provide an ambulance station at the Fountain, treatham High Road, has been postponed, as it was announced that the London County Council was about to adopt a general scheme for the whole of London, and it was thought inadvisable to proceed with a local voluntary scheme which might be rendered futile in the near future. J


Hon . Surge on .

J. W . Hill,

M. B., C.)f.


Hon . Surgeons.


M. Coates, M. D., P•• N . W. E. Barton, M. D.

A. W . Ditvis, 60, H elix Road, Brixton Hill, S. W.


Sup e r int e nd e nt .

E. A. Perry, 30, Argyle Road, Ilford, Essex.

Hon. S e cretary.

Inspecto r of Stores.

Pte. C. Blacking, 35, Bridge Road, East Ham, E.

Pte. J . Bristow.

Hon . Treasurer.

T. Wilton, Esq . (Hon . Member). Q


St. Juhn A mbulcLnce B?<igade.


St. Juhn

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 24. Total effective 28 . D ecrease since last report 3. Drills held 47 . Average ~ttendance 1. Cases attended on pul llic duty 31. Cases attel1,?ed not on p~lbhc duty 93 . AUIH:al i nspection,2ud July. Total on parade 2( . Absent w~th lea;e 2. ~nnual Ie· examination, 2 th April. Members :passed. 25 . Medalllons 1 ('. ServlCe baclg.es :Mater~al: 4 s~retchf'I~, 12. Nur ing certificates 5. RegulatIon umform wOl'n. 6 blankets 6 suraical hayresacs 4 water bottlc , 1 oxygen <'y1mder (with applI. ances), 1 flag, 1 r.:~wmoor jacket,' 2 enamelled bowls. Division supported by grants and donations. Public duty has been performed as follows : -Visit of th.e Kin~,and Quee~1 o~Italy,', Openin a of Parliament, Funeral of the Duke of Cambndge, ~r?sh All' Fund,. Lought~n Annual Children's Entertainment at Canning T own, VI. It. of General. 11' R. Buller'to East Ham; Earl's Court Exhibition and on Bank IIoltclays at High Beech with N o. 15 Division. . A very successful concert was held in the East Ham Town Hall, all tl~e ~6th Apnl. Prominellt friends of the movement present were the Lady ydney Ogllvle.Grant of Grant the Bishop of Barkina and the Assistant-Commi sioner. The Baron de Santa Maria' Senior DeleClate-Gen~~'al for the United Kindom of the French National and Royal' Belgian Lifu-saving ervices ent. a mes age ?f greeting, ilh~e haviI~g prevented the promised attendance of hIS representatIve, the ChevalIcr de ~OIS Au aers. Colonel ir William T homas Making, Bart. Governor of the Gas ~Jg11t and Coke Company, also accorded his patronage. 'I'he proceeds. have pel'lmttecl the Division to be eqnipped throughout ,yith water bottles, Wlth a Lowmoor jacket, and covered the working expenses for the year. . A Church Parade was held at Beckton, on the 1 th eptember, to WblCh surrounding Divisions sent strong detach~1ents. A striking adc1r~s. was given by the Vicar of East Ham. T he yaluable aSSI tance of t11e Beckton :DIllltal'y Band was given on both of the above mentioned occa iOllS.

No. 42 (BARNET ) DIVISION ). HEA])(!UAHTE.l:S: ME~fir..S . CL"Tllun '.



Honorary Surgeon.

C. J. ,V. HiI' ch

;\r.R. C.P.,lII.ll.C .• . .

Capt. G. B.


ingtoll , l~ .E.

Honorary Secretary.

Sel'gt. R. H. Drummond, 3 , Rippol 'on Road, Plumtearl. Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J.


Officers 2 . Sergeant 1. Privates 25 . Total efi'e<:tive 2 I ncrease since last report 5. Drills held 49 . Cases attended on pul)lie tInty 9. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 67 . Annual in pection, 2lld July. T otal on parade 15. Absent with leave 8. \Vithout leave 4. Annllal r e-examination, 14th Sept. Members passed 23. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions 10. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 Sergeant and 8 men. Material: Ashford litter, 2 stretchers, 2 havresacs, 2 water bottles. Di vision supported by members' contributions and concerts and donations. The Rteady increase in the strength of the 'Division is to be noted. Onr ncw Honorary Surgeon has been giving close attention to the instruction of the members of the Division, and all are now in a high state of efficiency. The cases attended have not been so numerous as last year, but among them may be mentioned that of a man who was run o,er by a railway train and received fatal injuries. He WIl.S attended to by a mem bel' in snch a manuel' as to call for high commendation from the coroner and jury. Anoth er case was the fracture of the right fibu la, which was attended to at 9. 80 p.m. on a dark night, the splints were applieJ and bandages put on by the light of matcheo. An Ashford Litter has been presented to the Division by the Royal Arsenal Employees Sports Committee and the Royal Arsenal Football and Athletic Company.

[Formed 28.8.03 .J


T. Thyne,

C. F. Hal'llic,


Hon. Sec. and Treas . and Member in Charge.



Inspector of Stores.

Pte. E. L. Mansbridge, Cotswold, Wood Street, Barnet.

Pte. W. H. Cutbush.

Officers 2. Privates 13. Total effective 15. , Drills. held .11 . Average attendance 6. Cases attended on Imblic duty 4. Annual :nsl~ecbon, 3rd Aug. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 3. Annual re-exam~llatlOn~ 19th May. ~Iembers pas ed12. Did not appear 1. Medallions 3. Re g~llatlOn umform W?l'l1 by 10 men. l\laterial: Ashford litter, 3 stretchers. 3 snrt,'1c~l ~avre ;Les, splInts and bandages. Division supported by donations and sub cnptlOlls. . The llum bel'S have been maintained, and there is good prospect of an early lllcrease. Pnhlic tIuty was. taken from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. in the H orse Fair, on the first two clap of Bal'l~et Falr, anu from 7 p. m. to 11 p . m. on all threc days in the Pleasure F!II'. Public duty was also taken at the H erts I mperial Yeomanry Gymkhalla, at 1\ rotham Park, Barnet. No. 44 (WEST LONDON ) DIVISION. HEADQUAIlTER.

[Formed 13.12.03.J

1, AVExuE ROAD, A CTON, IV. Super intendent and Hon. Treas.

Ul'g.-Capt. C. J. Beattie. [Form cd 1.10.0~J.


Honorary Surgeons.

Hon. Su rge on .



W . L . Shrubsole, 30, H ereford Road, Acton, W.

Honorary Secretary.

. ,ergt. J. D. Collins, 54, Llllclen Av enue, Ken al Ri

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Goodman. e, IV.

. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 24 . Total effective 28. Increase S111ce 1.ast report 8. Drills held 61. Average attendance 10. Cases ~ttende.d on publIc duty 90. Cases attended not on public duty 169. Annual lDspectJon, 2nd July:. ~otal on parade 16. Absent with leave 4. "ithout leave 5. AI.1l1nalre-exammatJon, 29t~ April and 13th May. Members pa sed 18. Failed 2. DId. not al?l:ear 3. MedallIons. 10. ervice badges 6. Nur ing certificate 1. RegulatlOn umtorm worn. lIIatel'Jal: 1 stretcher 2 SUl'aical havresacs 2 water bottles, 1 et of diagrams. Division supported by' memb~'s' subscription's and by the Actoll Branch t. John Am bnlance Association. ~hanks to the continued generosity of W. King Baker, Esq., C.E., the Division el1J~Ys ~he free use of a capital hall and some class· rooms, as its head-quarters. I ubllc duty has been performed on twenty-two occasions exclusive of eiahteen atten~~nces at fo.otball matches, m~k!~g a total of forty parad~s for duty. 15 Dunng the piesent year the DlvIslOn hopes to acquire a litter when it will at once undertake .the re~110val of patiellts, and make a start with tile provision of a permanent publIc statlOn. It should be mentioned that the above re~ord includes work done between ~~t October, 19~3. an? .5.th 1?ecembe~', 1903, while the Division was still a section ~ o. 1, to WhICh DIVISIOn It owes ItS promi ina beainnina and herebv records l't gratitude. 0 0 0' , No.1 (CHILDREN'S HOME ) NURSING DIVISION. H EAD -QUARTERS : TIlE CHILDTIE


[Formed 2.12.90.J


Honorary Surgeon .

Captain A. C. Tunstall,

M.D., R.A .1II. C.


N. E.


St. J ohn A'Inuulcltnce Brigade.

S t. J ohn A ntbulance B rtigade. L a dy Sup e rint end ents.

Miss E . C. Goodin, Children's Home Hospital.

Miss B. BOUl'ke, ::l8, Yictoria Park Hoatl, N. E.

1st Nurs i ng Office r a nd L ady S ecret ary.

Miss E. Bourke, 38, Victoria Park Road,

outh Hackney, N. E.

2nd Nurs i ng Officer and L ady Treasure r .


gratifying to place on r9cord that a letter was received .through Dr. N innis from Sir Herbert Perrott, expre sing on behalf of the Executive of the S.J .. A:~ . and the Conneil of the Order, appreciation of this branch of the work of the D IVISIon . The Division has responded to duty a follows: Lord Mayor's Show, St. Paul's Catherlral, Kl, tCI<\londay, Whit-MondaYI Augnst ~ank Holiday, Opening of Parliament, Alexandra Palace, Epsom Races, Royal Agneultural. 'how, Central Club Children's Fete, and Earl's Court Exhibition .

1\1rs. E. Brnnning. Officers 5. Nursing sisters 24. Total eO'ective 29. D ecrease since last report 4. Practice helJ 3-1. A \'erage attendance 17. Cases attended not on public duty 802. Cases privately llur. eu 1,429. Annual inspection, 2nd July. T otal on parade 2·1. Ab ent with leaye 4. \Y~thout. lcaye 1. Annual re-examination, 1st and 5th Murch. Member~ 1'a "eel 2tl. Dld not appeal' 2. Medallions 28. Service badges 16. Regulation uniform ,,"om by all ranks. Material: a complete nUl' ing station erluiplllcnt, hooks forming a library, and a model for bandage practice. Divi ion supported hy members' suhscriptions. Everything is going on very satisfartorily, the members taking a keen illtere8t in the work, and often, at great personal inconYt:'nic11ce, responding to a call to duty at very short notice. 1'.19mbers of the Diyi ion have thi year totalled 151 duty attendances, in each case the number reC[uircc1 by hea(1-r]uarters being supplied. A lending library, containing books of useful information, has bec11 formet!. Public duty has been undertaken as follows :-LOld 1\1ayor's Day, Yisit of the Ring and Queen of Italy, Opening of Parliament, Funeral of H.R.II. the Duke of Cambridge, Epsom ~Ieeting, Royal Agricultural how, the Queen" yi"it to "Whitechapel, Fire Brigade Inspeetion, Toltellham and Di trict •'chool l'Olt, Earl's Court, 21 times (equalling 42 nursing ~i tel's), the Bank Holillny., and fete. sports, etc., 11 times. Some of the members continue to attend weekly at MCllical Missioll .

[Formerl 23.1. 93.]




R. J. Robcrts,

2nd Nurs. Officer and Lady Insp. of S tores

Mrs. \Y.

L ady S uperin t en d en t.


1st N ursing O ff., L a d y Ins pector of St ores and Treas.

111' . A. Paull, Kylecotc, Wembley.

:\[rs. Buss, Rosmryne, Wembley.

L ad y Secre t a r y.

Miss Walker, The Anchorage, Wembley. Ollice1's 3. Nursing sisters 10. Total effective 13. Practices held 22. Avcrage attendance 6. Annual inspection, 2nd July . T otal 011 paralle 9. Ab cnt with leave 2. Annual re-examination, 2nd May . Members pa 'sed l~. :r.1ec1alliolls 12. Service badges 5. Regulation uniform worn . Material: .Nl1l'"ing basket for public duty, al 0 stores for loan and private nursing. Division supported by members and hon . members. The attendances during the pa t year have been very satisfactory, and each member bas shown her elf anxiou to be efficient. Pnblic duty has been undertaken a' usual at W em bley Park on special occasions as well as on bank holidays; also everal time at Earl's COUl't, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Opening of Parliament, ancl the Funeral of the Duke of Cambridge.

No.4 (BARKING ) NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 1893. ]

1111'S. E . Well', 18, Cecil A venue, Barking, Essex.

L ady S uperintendent.

Mrs. J. C. Lines. 93, West End Lane, N. W.

Ho n orary S u rgeon.

C. E. Goddard,

L a dy Su perin t enden t and Ho n. T rea s u r e r .

:.tR. C.S.

Mrs. W. J. O. Brasier, 44, Olaremont Road, Highgate, K. 1st Nurs. Officer, L ady Sec. and T r eas.



H on o rary S urgeons.

J. Cantlie, F.l:.C.S.

No.3 (WEMBLEY) NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 24.5 . 93. ]

. Gent.

Officers 5. Nursing sisters 21. Total effective 26. Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 22. Average attendance 18. A.nnual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 18. Absent with leave 6. Annual reexamination, 30th ~'Iarch and 26th Aug. MeJObers passed 24. Medallion. 24. Regulation uniform worn by all ranks . Material: large Service badges 18. nursing outfit, 3 havresacs, bandages, etc. Division supported by members'subscriptions. The Division although notso large still shows keen interest, the attendances being far in ~dvance of former years. The members again take this opportunity of returning theIr grateful thanks to Drs . Cantlie and Roberts, for their most instructive lectures. Th e annual distribution of clothing, etc., to the poor of Clerkenwell, took place as in previous years in the crypt of St. John's Church, kindly placed at the disposal of the Division by the Rector, the Rev. T . W . Wood. A large number of articles were distributed, the majority of which were the result of the sewing meetings which are held fortnightly at head-quarters. The presence of the Mayor of Finsbury, the R ev. and Mrs. T . I V . Wood, Mr. Fincham and others, was much appreciated. It is

1st Nursin g O fficer and H on. S ecretary.

La d y Ins pec tor o f Sto r es .

Jlr . G. Olarke. 201, Ripple Road, Barking.

Mrs. A. Corke.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 5. Total effective 7. Practices held 20. Average attendance 5. Ca es attended on public duty 150 . Ca es attendeclnot on public duty 115. Cases privately nursed 120. Annual inspection, 2nJ July. Total on paraJe 5. Absent with leave 2. Annnalre·examination, 21st April. Members passed 7. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform worn. Materials : Dressil1gs, blanket, waterproof sheets, bed cradles, slippers, bronchitis kettles, etc. Divi ion supported by members' subscriptions and voluntary support. Durillg the year members have been in attendance for the following duties : Bank llolidays at Epping Forest, Opening of Parliament, Visit of their Majesties the King and Queen of Italy, Barking School Treat, outhend R egatta amI Land Sport·, Earl's Court, etc. Members continue to render good service locally, and with excellent results.




Honorary Surgeon .

Lady Supt . and Treasurer.

F, G. Swayne, M.A . , M.ll .

Mrs. Colegra ve, Braceuridge, N orwood.


St. J ohn Ambulance B1·igade.

St. John A l'rnbulance BI'J'igacle.

1st Nursing Offic er and Lady Sec re tary .

The Division continue to make satisfactory progress, the members as a whole attenLl th e practices regularly, ancl are enthusiastic in th eir work . I t i:> a painful duty to ha ve to reco!'d the death of Out' esteemed presiuent, the late J. I nnes, Esq., J.l'. The deceased gcntleman will be sadly missed and deeply regretted by those who carryon the work of this Division, as he n'as always ready to render evcry as 'istance ill his power in furthering its objects and aims, and was one of the first to repond to the call of the helpless amI suffering. Our bon. smgeon, Dr. M. K. H argreaves, has again given largely of his valuable time in helping the division to maintain its high standard of usefulness and efficiency, and the thanks of those cOlwernecl canllot be gi ven to him too freely for his painstaking kindness and thc zeal displayed by him in this noble \\'ork. The Division has responded to the foll owing calls for public duty :-Lorrl ~1a'yor's Rhow, King and Queen ofItaly's Vi:;it to City, Opening of Parliament, Battersca Park, Clapham Common, and Streatham Common (on bank holiuays)-Earl's COlll't Exhibition, Fulham Fetes; and also a t the following local events : ConceIt at t. Mark 's Hall, "\Yimbleclon Cycle Sport" Wimbledon Flower. ho\\', Merton ports, Bu 'hey J\Iead ports, Fete at Wandswort li.

Miss M. Villiers, Gl enmahm,

orwood .

Office rs 3. Nursing sisters 20. Total effective 23. D ecrease since last report 2. Practices held 20. Averaae attendallce 1 Casesat~ended on public duty 8. .Case ~ttended not on p~blic duty 155. Ca es pnvately lllHsed 163. AnlluallllspectlOl1, 2nd July. Total on parade Hi. Absent with leave 7. Annual re-examination, 4th ~larch. Members passed 19. Did not appear 3. Medallio.ns 22. Service badges 6. R egulation uniform worn. Matenal: stretcher, spll11ts, bandfLges, m edicines, and disinfectants. Division supported by members' subscriptions. This Division has been very actively enlployed during the past year at the depot Crystal Palace. Public duty has been l)el'fonned a follow : Earl's Court Exhibi~ tion, Opening of Parliament, Lord Mayor's D ay, R eception of Kiner anLl Oueell of Italy. Our honorary surgeon, as isted by the local medical mcn 111\-e be~n mo t. kind in giving the Division useful lectures. '





Ih..\p-QL\I: ·! EHS:


Honorary Surgeon .

Hono rar'y

Dr. R eginald In gram . Lady Superintendent.

F. J. Mcl\ettlick,

1st Nursing Officer, Lady Sec. and Treas

Miss Julia C. l\1ann, 79, Gorc R oarl, South Hackney, N. E.

l\liss Edith E. MaUll, 79, Gorc Road, onth H ackncy, rT.E.

2nd Nurs ing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mi s Esther J. Danks. Officers 4. Nursing si. tel'S 9. T otal eITective 1:3. D ecrease since last report 2. Practices held 12. Cases attended on public duty 1 ~~ . Annual inspection, 2nd Ju~y . . T otal on parade 11. Ab ent on leave l. '~lthout leave~. Annual re·examl11atlOn, 25th Aug. M embers passetll2. Meunlhons 12. SerVIce badges 4. Regulation uniform ,,"orn. This. Divi ion a~ usual,. has ~een veIl actively employed during the past year, atte~dll1g all sl;eclal pubhc ~utles, Ea~l s 90nrt, bank holiday, etc. Thc harmouy and rnterest of Its members IS well mamtall1ed.




Cottenham Park, Wimbl edon .

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss Slaymaker. . Officers 2. Nursing sisters 11. Total effecti ve 13. In crease Sll1ce last ~eport 2. Practices h~ld 46. Average attendance 7. Cases attended not on publIc d:lty 63. Cases prIv~tely nursed 46. Annual inspection, 2~d July:. T otal on parade 12. Ab. ent WIth leave 1. Annual re-examination 2o~h Api'll. Members 'passed 10. Medallions 10. Service badges 3. Regnlatio~ umform worn. Ma~enal: haVl'e~[\?,. hamper, bed and baLlding, baudages, linen, r oller bandage macInnes, &c. DlvlslOn supported by members' su bscriptiol1s and local support.

L . . A.

Lady Sec retary .

1111' . N. Harrop, 75 Byron Anlme, East H am. Lady Treasurer.

1111'. Eatoll.

Mrs. C. Hnrden.

Offi cers 3 . NUl' iug sisters 17. Total effecti\'e 20 . Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 42. Av erage attendance 12. Ca&es attended not on pulJlic duty 63. Ca es privately nursed 3. Annual inspection, 2nd July. Total on parade 16. Absellt with leave 2. Anllual re-examination, 15~h Mal'. Members pas eel 18. Meda1lions 18. S el'Yice badges 10. R egulation umform :""01'11. la~Cl:i~l: sheetillg , bronchitis k ettles, splints, bandages, feeding cnps, basll1s, etc. Dn'l lOn supported by members' sub eriptions.



Honorary Surgeon .

J. J. Mar h,

M.D .

Lady Super intendent.

Lady Secretary and T reasure r . ~I:s . E. Adams, Lynton, Trevince Road ,

P. R. Wallis,

Lady Inspector o f Stor'es

Honorary Surge on .

Mrs. M. M. Ti mpson, H ope Cottage, Morden Road, Merton.

. !. B.

:iIl1'. . . HallClall, tation Hoad, nlanol Pink

M. K . Hargreaves, M.D. Lady Superintendent.

EA~T HA)f.

Surgeons .

Lady Sup er·intendel1t.


[Formed 4.5.99.J


The Vi countess Falkland, 76, Eaton Lady Secretary.

Miss L. M. B. Phillips, 108, P,lthfield Rd. Stl'eatham, . 'V.

quare. Lady Treasu rer.

T he H on . C. M. Cary.

O fficers 3. Nursing sisters 15. T otal effective 18. D ecrease since l ~st report 2. Practices h eld 19. Average attendance 10. Cases at~ended on publIC duty 30 . Cases attended not on public duty 267. Cases pl:lvately nursed 229 . Annual inspection, 2nd July. T otal on parade 5. Absent \I'lth l eave 8. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, lith Feb. and 30th May. Members passed 14. D id not appear 4. Medallions 16. Service baderes 10. R egulation uniform worn. Material: 2 ambulance hampers, 1 stretcher a~d tent, 2 boxes of stores. Division supported by members' subsr.l'iptioDs.


St. J ohn A'Inb LtlunGe Brigade.


The Divi ion has been working steadily during the past year. Two of the nursing sisters have given their as istance to the" chool Nurses ' Association," and h ave worked at sev~ral of th e London Board Schools under a trained nurse of the Association, who was very grateful for their efficient help. Dr. Courtenay Gayer and Mi s Chesney, lILB., gave lectures to the Divi 'ion, which were greatly apIH'eciated. Th e Division paraded for duty on the following occasions: Lord Mayor's how, Visit of Ring and Queen of Italv, Opening of Parliament, and Funeral of H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge. Attendances were also made at Earl's Court Exhibition.


D esc?·iption.

District. Borough of Hackney Haggerston


Ashford Litter, Stretcher and First Aid Appliances.


This station is available at all hours.


Ashford Litter, etc.

Hyde Palk Corner.

Thi ' station is ayailable at all hours. 11.

Fel'llrlale, Kym berley Harrow.

R oad,


First aid appliances, etc.




This station is available at all hours.


outll :llletropolitanGasWol'k , Canal .l:hiuge entrance Old Kent R oacl, . E. '

Ashford Litter Appliances.




This station is available at all hours. LONDON STREET' A:llmULAN CE



N o. 1.


Th e Chil<lrcll's Home, Bonner Road, E.




G_a_t_e_'_C~'I~el~'k_.e_n_~_'e71_1_.~~~A~l~ll_b_u~ la_n~c~e~~_T_ao_uo_n_s_,__L_it_t_Cl_'_'_'_i_l'_ct_C_'h_e_rs_, etc.

I,Srrt,.,p_a~u_I~'s_c_a~t_h_ed_l_.a_I~__~____~~____~__~~~~____~~ This station is open from 9 a .111. to 6




General Post Office .



Lndgate Hill Railway Station


The Louge, W em bley P ark


Box containing Stretcher and First Aid A Plliiances.

Stretcher and small Hamper.

This station is available from 10 a.m . to 12.30 a.m.

-;-1_4_4_'_C_l_a_r_en_l_0_n_t_R_o,a;nd'C':::H~ig:::l~)g:-::a~t-:e:-:-~~S,t,re_t_c-;-h_er,,-a;_n_d__F_il_.S_t__A_it_l__A.....:.p_p_l_ia_n_c_e_s.___ This station is available at aU hours .



available at all hour'.

3, Canterbury Terrace, Sudb111'y . . .

Litter, Stretcher, Applian ces .




Thi station is available at all hours.


Carlyon Cottages, .A111erton


Stretcher and First Aid Appliances .

This station is a,yailable at all hours . 19.

The Victoria Hall, Harrow.

A vailable at all hours.



tl'etcher and First ..Aid Appliances.


Box containing tretcher and First Aid Appliances.

eI_'_S_ta_tiA·o~n~.~~I~~A~S~h,f_o_rd__L_i_tt_e_r_,_e_tc_._________________ I


tretchcl', Hamper, cte.

6. I_S_t_._p_a_n_c_ra_s_p __ as_.s_e_n,g__

Bryanston 'Working !IT en's Clnb, LisSOll Grove, W.C.


available at all hours.

A vail able at all hoUl's.



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

A vailable at all hoUl's.


Litter, b'etcher, Appliances .

tern Railway, ,Vembley Stretcher, 1_·_t_a_t_i,Veo_l_1_I_. a_r_d_'_L_ o_n_d_onnn'~~ ' _N_o~r~tl~1_-~L-__Litter, 70~~~~~ A ppl iances.

16. Ashfol'll Li.tter,

Thi station is open during business hour .



p. m.


Duncan Memorial Ambnlance Station, West India Docks

Th e Pophrs,

is uncleI' the control of the authorities of the Hom e and is available at all hours.


1 __t_._J_O_h_n_'S__

This station is available at all hours. 2,

Litter, tretchers, and Fir t Aid Dressing, Antidotes, Nourishments, &c.



lJ i;,trict.




Ashford Litter, Stretcher, etc.

This station i available from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Harlesden Lane, near Royal . ____o_a_k______


-,~~~~~--~;_A~Sh-f-o~rd-=L~it-t-el-',-S-t-r-et-c_h_el_.,_&_c_.________ This station is available at all hours .


T oynbee Hall, Street, E .



Stretchers and First Aid Appliances.

T his station is available from 9 a .m. to 11 p.m .

St. J ohn A??1.bula??ce BTigade.

St. J ohn A ?I1.bula??ce Br·igade.

216 No



Provident Medical I Kilburn Institute, 1, Greville R.oad,



D istrict.

Ashford Litter, Stretcher, &c.

Kilburn Saxby and Farmer's Signal , Yorks Canterbury Road,


Ashford. Litter, &c.

Queen's Park Station (L. and N.W.R.), Kilburn


Bronde bury Station, Metropolitan Railway


26. \ West

Ramp tend tation, . Metropolitan Railway

, ttptcher.

?7.!Swisspolitan Cottage tation, MetroRailway




Mark's Hill




29. [ 112, Shirland Road, Paddington, close to Welford's Dairy


No. II.-Southern and Western District.

DtJ)July C01llmissione1·-Mr. J. J. GRIFFITH ', ]}f.R.C.S., Redland Park House, Bristol. Assistant Commissioner-Mr. C. R. L.U-RIE, M.R.C.S. , Redruth, Corl1\\'all. Assistant Commissione't' ( A ctinrl )-)Ir. G. B. COlJRTEXEY, M.D . Ramsgate. Disii'l'et Chief Superintelldenl-)Ir. F. SPRAWflOX, 5a, Bridge Street, Bath. Disil'iet Superintendent S CC1'elaJ'rJ-Mr. ,"r. J. PHJLLIP~, Rockleaze A,enu e, , ·toke Bishop, Bristol.


The la~t eight stations were established and. are kept up by thc No.9 District. MetropolItan Centre of the St. John Ambulan ce As ociation, the COlllmitt('e of which issue a very handy little map of the Di trict hewing the stations .


SIlt I ha\'e the honour of submitting my Report for K u. II. Di trict for the year c1I llin g, epteniber 30th, 1904. Although by the formation of N o. I'l l. District the whole of 'onth ,Yales, Mon1l10uthsbire aUtI Herefonl. hire have been taken away from the di. trict there is no decrease in my duties, twelve llew Divisions ha,ing been fOl'llJecl "'hich more than compen ate for the loss in numbers. Nearly all the Divisions have been inspected during the year by myself or my District tan', and reports upon the " 'hol e may be considered satisfactory. Seyeral Diyi "ions uch as Heading, Oxford, and N ewton Abbot are increasing so rapidly in numbcrs and efficiency that it may be hoped they will soon develop into Corp, which i " ery desirable and would also encourage their most excellect Officers in charge. A large ]lumber of the F. Bearer Company were in Camp during the Summer on Salisbury Plain and reports speak well at their conduct. . The Auxiliary Royal Kaval 'ick Berth Heserye is increa ing both in llumbers and m populal ity in this district, 20 have pas ed the Ad yanced First Aid Course and several have already received a week's training at a Royal Naval Hospital. Yaluable Challenge hiellls and. Cups have been corupeted for, among them the extremely handsome bowl presented to the Oxford Division by its Hon. Surgeon, Dr. Freeborn . My "warmest thank are dne to my As istallt Commis ioners, Drs. Laurie and Courtney . District Chief uperintendent prawsol1, and District uperintendent Secretar;v Phillips who haye carried out their in tructions in a mo t efficient manner and who have all rendered valuable eryices outside their ordinary duties. To name other Offi cers would be to present a long list, but the m8jority of them may be congratulated upon their good scrvices and the healthy spirit posse ed by all ranks. Indeed, were it not for the difficulty of obtaining from certain officers, the various returns correctly filled np and with punctuality, I should have little to complain of. I have tI)e honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, JOHN S. GRIFF1THS. T o the Chief Commissioner, St. John Am buiance Brigade.




St. John A ?nbulance B?'igade.

::>t. J ohn AmbLdance Brigade.





Corps Date or Divisions. when formed . April 1, 1 79 Ashford Town Div. 'l'un bridge Wells Div. • June 1, 18 0 Bath City Cor1)S . Jan. 17, 18 9 Oxford Division . Jan. 5, 18 9 N ewport (1. of W. Corps) Div. . . . Feb. 19, 1890 Guildford Division. . :Mar. 3, 1890 Bristol (City of) Corps . Feb . 20, 1 91 Ramsgate T own (Ramsgate Corps) Divi ion . April ~8, 1 91 Faversham Division . llIay 6, 1 91 P ortsmouth Corps Nov. 1, 1 92 Cniche tel' Division April 20, 1 93 Redr~lth " Oct. 1 , 1 93 R eading " Dec. 13, 1 93 L lndport " . July 1, 1 p,* :Mill Bay (G. W. Ry.) Div. F eb. 1, 1 95 Westgate-on-S ea Div. . :Jlar. 29, 1 95 Ryde (1. ony . Corps) Div. Uay 8, 1 95 Yentnor (I. of W. C01'l)S) Di vision . . . May 24, 1 95 Newton AlJbot Division. Oct. 29, 1 95 Boughton-under-B!eanDiv.:Jlay 4,1 96 Caterham Divi ion . :Jlay 1 , 1 96 Dover Division . . Oct. 12, 1897 Ramsgate S. E. R. (RamsgatE: Corps) Division . Apl. 26, 1 9 Ramsgate Police (Ramsgate Corps) Division . ApI. 26, 189 Binstead (1. onv. Corps) Division . . . July 7, 1 Christchnrch Division . 1\1ar. 20, 1 Isle of ,Vight Corps June 15, 1 R amsgate Corps. June 1 , 1 East Cowes (1. of W. Corps) Division . July 7, 1 99

Date Corps when formed. or Divisions. W roxall ( 1. of W. Corps) Division • Jan. 9, 1900 Ashburton Diyi ion . Ma.y 1, 1900 EastboUl'ue (L. B. & , . C. May 17, 1900 R aihray Division ) West Cowes (1. of W. Corp) Divi ion Aug. 3, 1900 St. John's (1. of W. Corps) Division . . . N ov. 10,1900 banklin (1. ofW . Corps) Feb. 11,1901 Division Feb. 2 , 1901 Doddington Divi iOIl 1II ay 1, 1901 Watfonl July 11, ] 901 Bath Police " Dec. 4, 1901 Exeter (City of)" Aherstoke " . Dcc.l , 1901 Exctel'(City of)PoliceDiv. IIlar. 12, ] 902 Birchington-olh 'ea Diy . .1\1a1'. 12, 1902 April 7, 1902 Gl'ccntrcet Division May 1, 1902 Bcxhill May 20, 1902 t. I ves ,Yare June 26, 1902 Boul'llcmonth Aug. 5, 1902 Aug. 13, ] 90:2 Ha ting~ Had tock Ang. 30, 1902 " Chatham Oct. 1, 1902 ittingboul'l1e" . cpt. 9, 1903 un down (1. of W. Corps) Divi ion . . Ol't. 21, 1903 Noy. 16, 1~03 Aheston Division Canterbury Feb. ,190,* HaJ emere July 1, 1904 Woherton Aug. 12, 1904 Goclalming Aug. 24, 1904 , tonehon'e .. cpt. 30,190,*


Ramsgate D iv. (Ramsgate Corps) . . . Oct. 29, 1890 Portsmouth Div. (Portsmouth Corps) Aug. 1, 1895 Lud gvan Division Feb . 28, I e 99

Reading Division Watfol'll Lymington " B ~ lings Bath

. :Mal'. 6, 1899 by. 4,1901 July 2 ,1902 Aug. 28, 1902 ApI. 21,190 4

Names of Corps and Divisions.

District Staff Aherstoke Division Alveston " Ashburton Ashford Bath (City) Bexhill " Bil'chington -on- ea Div. Boughton-nuder-Blean Div. Bournemouth Division Bl'i~tol (City of) Corps A Division



-1-1-1-1-'--' 10 1= 1



i ~I=


1 4

= =


1 -






*1 1 3 1 1

- I 1~ 1 1 1 1


il=~I ~


4 4

4 129 4 29

31 1

1 1 2 2

1 1


2 2






27 16

1 1 4

2 2

2 2





2 1 1

1 1



1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1

1 1





1 2






22 21 '27 17 19

23 26 22 22 16



13 22


14 23 ~



22 12 15 10

23 15

1 1


2 2

2 1 1

26 21





1 4 2





20 41 49


1 1


1 14


1 1 '*1

1 1


2 1

~ ~IJI~ I :


- I

]6 I? -

~ ~1~1~ 1~ , 1 , ~I=


Can terblll'Y Division Catel'ham Chatham Cbiche tel' Christchurch ... D oddiJlgton /, .. Do\er " ... Ea tbourno:(L.B. & .C) Div. Exeter (City of) Div. " Police Di,-. Faversham Godalming Grecn treet Guiltlforrl Ha Ie mere " H asting Isle of Wight Corps Bin tead Didsion Ea·t Cowes ewport Rycle illldown ,~hanklin " , 't..Tohn's( Ryde)" 'Ventnor 'Vest Cowes ,Yroxall " Mill Bay (G. W.R.)" N ewton Abbot " Oxford " Portsmouth Corps Lanclport Div. Portsmouth Nursing Radstock Divisiou Ram sgate Corps T own Division Police R ailway " Nursing Read{ng Redruth ittingbourno " St. Ives "


11 -1- -

1 - 2 1 *1 1



3 1

22 41 ]5

2 1 2

56 12 45


19 1


4 1 2





St. J ohn A. ?nb~~lance Brigade.

St. John A ?nb1.dunce Bngade. ABSTRACT 0]' CORP, AND DIYISIO S.



:8ames of Corps and Diyisions.

E. B. Hartn ell, l\1.R.C.R. Hon o rary S ecretary.

S uperintenden t .

L. Jolly, Al veston House, Alveston, Glos. Stonehouse Division T unbridge Wells Division ... Ware Watford ' Vestgate-on-Sea , Yolverton

*1 1 1 1


1 1 1 2 1

1 1


N URSI::\,G DIV. NOT I::\, CORP . . Bath Division Hastings Lymington L udgvan Reading Watford

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1



Officers 2. Privates 16. Total effective 18. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 18. Average attendance 13. Annual inspection, 2 th Sept. Annual re-examination, M~y. 1'Ilem?ers passed 17. . The members of the division have attended practIce and dnll WIth great regulanty and interest (except uuring the hay making season), and generally show marked progres .



24 2::i -1 I 29 3 20 ]




21 21 17 3 13 12

Total I 1 I 2 I 1 I 1 I 2 71 43 I 7 29 I 1 174 701283135 The figures (in italics) for Divisions which have D1!!.de no return are taken from previous annual reports 01' from Register Sheet. ll1arked thus * holds both ranks, viz., HOll. urgeon and l111crintendent.


E. J. Hunter,

L.R.C. P .

F. C. H. Mn~gl eton, ;\I.D.

S upe r i nt en d en t .

Honorary Secretary.

G. Edwards, 51, Joseph Street, Gosport.

G. H. Ricldiford, Monica Villa, Rugeway, Glos.

Sergt. F. G. alter, 5 *, Queen's Road Gosport.

Hono rary Treasurer.

Pte. F. Cooper. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 10. Total effecti ve 16. Drills held 43 . Cases attended on puulic dnty 6. Removals 10. Cases attended not on public duty 9. Annual inspection, 27th, ept. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 1. 'Vithout leave 1. Annual re- examination, 20th Sept. Members passed 13 . Did not appear 1. Medallions 9. Nursing certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 9 men. Material: 1 ambulance wagon, 4 stretchers, 1 havresac, bandages, splints, etc., vested in Alverstoke Centre. Division supported by members' subscriptions and concerts held. The efficiency of the division has been ,yell maintained during the past year. Public duty has been undertaken on three occasions, viz., Athletic Sports in Go port Park, 24th June, 1904, Band of Hope Demonstration, 23rd July, and 27th August -also in Gosport Park. The thanks of the division are due to Dr. Malpas, llperint endent of the Portsmouth Division who kindly held the re-examination on 20th September, and who expressed himself pleased with the way the members acquitted themselves. The annual inspection was held at Portsmouth on September 27th, by Assistant Commissioner C. R. Laurie, l\I.R.C.S. A prize given by the Assistant Commissioner for drill, &c., was won by the Portsmouth squad with 48 points, Gosport being second with 46.


[Formed 1.5.1900.J


1st Officer.

E. Wilcox, )LD.

'V . T. Butchers, East Street, Ashburton .

Hon. S ec. and Hon. Treasurer.

Ins p ecto r of S to r es.

Pte. 'Y. S. Lam bshead, Grammar chool, Ashburton.

Pte. J. H. 'Vills.

Officers 2. I el'geant 1. Privates 12. Total effectiv e 15. Drills held 24. Average attendance 9. Removals Decrease since la t report 1. 3. Ca es attended not on public duty 13. Annual inspection, 29th ept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 3. Annu~l re-examination., 30th. ept. Members passed 13. Did not appear 1. MedallIOns 8. Regulation umform worn by 2 Oflicers, 1 sergeant, and 11 men. Material: 1 w~eeled litter, 2 stretche~'s, 1 emergency case, splints, bandages, etc., vest~d. lD Officers and CommIttee. Didsion supported by public and members' subscnptIOns. The interest in the work has been well maintained, most of the members attended the recent first aid lectures and benefitted considerably by the instruction given by the lecturer. Thank to the continued generous support of the subscribers, the division has been placed in uniform, caps and badges having only been worn before, and it is believed that this ,yill tend towards the cultivation of greater e prit-de-corps among the members and a renewed interest in the work.

ASHFORD TOWN (KENT) DIVISION. [Formed 1. 4. 79. HEAD-QUARTERS : A 'IIFonD IN, TITUTE, A HFORD. Honorary S urge on .

'Y. F. Coke, M.n.c.s. S u peri nte n dent.

1s t Officer.

G. 111. Mather, 33, Hardinge Roan, Ashford, Kent.

1£. J. Bowles.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. \V . Jordan. Honorary Secretary.

Pte. E. C. Flood, St. Augustine's College, Hempstecl Street, Ashford.

Ho norary Treasurer.

Mr. W. 'Yenharu (Hon. Mem.)


St. J ohn A 1nbidance BTigade.

Officers 3. Privates 1. Total effecti\'e 21. Increase since last report 1. DriHs helel 23. Average atten(lallce 12. Cases attended on public duty fi . Removals 21. Annual inspection, 31'L1 cpt. Total on parade 13. Absent with leaye 2, 'Wi thout leaye 3. Annu al re-examination, 15th Sept. Members passed 16. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions 14, T tlr ing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 12 men. Material: 1 litter, 5 stretchers, 1 carrying sheet, 1 hamper, 2 havresacs, 1 bandage sltoot, bandages, splints, etc., vested in Committee of Division. Diyj iOll SUppOl ted by public subscriptions and local Centre. The division continues to make atisfactory progress and has done good work during the year, and although thc enro lled ·trength has not ~ncreaed much, the \\ork has considerably. Two new stretchers ha\'c been added dunng the year to the store department at High Street Station, St.J.A. B. At th e in pection of the tli\'isioll which took place in th e COl'll Exchange on eptembel' 3rd, by A ·i tant Commissioner Dr. Courteney, a goorl company of gentlemen were pre ent, including Sir John Furley, c.n., President of the Centre, Colonel T oke, Dr. Wilk, Colville, Frank Coke (Hon . Surgeon), a nd. Mr. John Creer}" Chairman of the Centre, &c. Dr. Courtney complimented the members on the improyement malle during lhe year, and ttrcyed the men to try and increase their number ' . ir John Furle)' paid a \\'arm tribute to the old division h E' founded in 1 79, and to the admirahle work clOllC 1J)' the St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade in South Africa. During the year the <li\'ision h a' assisted other divisions on two occasions, at Dover on the occa ion of the ill~tallati on of the Lord ,Varden of the Cinque POJ't~, and at Canterbury dnring cricket week (four days) besides being on duty at the local fetivitie .

BATH CITY (SOMERSET) DIVISION. [Formerl 17.l.L9. Re· form ed 11. 7.1 900.J HEAD·Q UARTER : TECII:-\ICAL


Hono rary Surgeon.

D. L. Bp.ath,


1st Officer' (in charge) and Hon . S ec.

A. B. 1\1oore, 16, Pulteney Gardens, Bath.

Ins pector of Stores.

CorpI. 'Y. A. Bryall t.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. COl'pOlal1. Privates 27. Total eri'ect i\'e 3~. Decrease since last report) 1. Drills held 44. Average attendance 13. Hemo \'al. 25 . Oases attended not on public dut;; 10. Annual inspection, 7th JUlIC. Total on parade ~9 . Absent with leave 2. ,Yithont leaye 2. Annual re·examination, 7th June and 27th Sept. Members passed 30. Did not appear 2. niellallions 21. Service badges 4. R egulation uniform \\'orn by 1 Officer. 2 sergeallt~, 1 coqloral and 6 men. Material: 1 ambulance wagon, 6 stretchers, and sl1la11 ul'giral hanesac, vested in the Committee of the Bath Centre. Diyision supported by memhers' subscriptions. The division has made steady progress throughout the year. Althol1~h there has been a slight decrease in numbers, the interest in the work has been ,,·elllllsintained. The annual ilJspection was held on June 7th " 'hen the inspecting officer, Dr. J. . Griffiths, the Deputy Commissioner, expre sed his satisfaction with the work and with the strength on parade, only four members being absent. During the year Dr. D. L. Beath has been appointed Hon. Surgeon, and upprintendellt F. prawson bas been promoted to the position of District Chi ef Superintendent.

BATH POLICE (SOMERSET) DIVISION. (N 0 report recei ved. )

[Formed 11.7.0l.J


St. John Amb ulance Brigade. BEXHILL (SUSSEX) DIVISION. [Formed 1.5.02.J


J. O. H arvey, M.D.

C. R. Skyrme,

M .B.


R. R. Crouch, 87, • tatioll Hoad, Bexhill-on ·Sea. Officers 3.

Sergeant 1.

Corporals 2. Privates 16. (N 0 report r eceived .)

Total effective 22.

BIRCHINGTON (KENT ) DIVISION. [Formed 12.3.02.] lIEAD-QUA llTER::; :

I :FA~n;


Hon. Surgeon and Supt.

H. E. ,Yorthington, !II.R.C.S., "Sycamores," Bil'chington . Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treasurer.

ergt. J . F. Bloy, Park Lane, Birchington . Officer l. Sergeant l. Corporal 1. Privates 15. Total efIective lB. Declease since last report 1. Drills held 30. Average attenuance 8. Remoyals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 21st Sept. T otal on parade 11. .Ab ent with leave 2. Without l eave 5. Annuall'e-exam ination, Dec., 1903. Members passed 11 . Did not appeal' 5. Medallions 6. Material: 1 Ashford litter, 1 stretcher, 1 surgical havresac, splints, bandages, rug, waterproof sheet, etc., vestetl in Committee of Birchington Division. Division sUl1ported by voluntary contributions. The Birchington Division continues to make steady, although slow, progress. The members still continue to show a keen desire to adyance in all branches of the work. Uniform is llOt yet worn owing to thc scarcity of funds. The East Kent Competition, held at Margate, was attended by [1 squad which made a creditable show. Since the last report the division bas had to acC)uire fresh head·quarters owing to the l ucal volunterrs being unable to allow the members the use of their quarters one night a week for drill.


MI~SlO .·

[Formed 4. 5. 96.J


Honorary Surgeon.

,Yo 1st Officer.

A. '1'. Castle, High Street, Boughton. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. W. F . Miles.


~I.n.c. s.

2nd Officer and Honorary Secretary.

C. W. Smith, tocker's Hill, Boughton, Faversham. Honorary Treasurer.





Offi cers 3. Corporal 1. PriYates B. T otal effective 12. AYerage attenuance 9. Cases Decl ease since last l'el)ort 4. Drills held 21. attended on public duty 5. Removals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 14. Annual inspection, 1st Sept. Total on parade 2. A.bsent with leave 10. Annual re-e~amination , 11th April. Members passed 10. Did not appeal' 2. Medallions 4. SerVIce badges 5. Nursing certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 ~orporal, lmd 7 men. Material: 4 sbetchers, surgical havTesac, first aid box, s~h~~s, bandages, etc., water bottles and havresacs, vested in Committee of DlvlSlon. Division supported by public subscriptions. R


St. John A 'muulc!Jnce Bt'igacle.

The work done by the division during the ye~r has .been very satisfactory. and 0.1 though the number of mem bel's is smaller than 111 prevlOus years, yet the efficwncl is \\'ell maintained. Public duty has been undertaken at Dover (Lord C~U'~o.n s installation as Warden of Cinque Ports) and Canterbury (cI~i~ket week) .the .(hvlSlon having been invited by the Superintendents of those dIvIsIons to assIst tne local mem bel's of the brigade.


F. C. Bottomley,

B. A., ~r.D.

Offi cers 2.

[Formed 5.. 02.]

Su perintendent.

C. J. Austin. Wolverton Roall, Boscombe.

Privates 19. Total effective 21. report received.)

~N 0


St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.


S. Griffiths also spoke. At the conclusion of the meeting a strona Finance Committee was formed including the heads of many of the large business °houses in the City, and the great advantage of this powerful assistance has already made itself felt. The Corps is greatly indebted to the self denying efforts of all its medical oilicers, without which it would be impossible for it to maintain the position it holds in the district to·day. Early in the year the whole Corps was entertained by Dr. C. ~a.rm~n, and on June 25th there was a march out to Henbury Court by the mVItatlOn of M:r. J. I. Lennard, who very kindly provided every means for the men to spend a most enjoyable evening, and on the following Sunday the 26th (being the Sunday nearest St. J Cihn's Day) the Corps attended Divine Service at the Cathedra1. The ambulance wagon which has bleH added to the equipment during the year has pr?ved mos~ usefl~l, a large num bel' of transport cases having been undertaken, the sktlful way 111 whIch the work was done by those in charge being greatly appreciated by the patients and their friends . In conclusion the Corps looks forward with great hope towards the future and anticipates considerable additions to the ranks of its various departments.

LFormeu 20.2.1 91 a!- a Division.] [Formed 11. 4.1901 as a Corp.]



Hoc. E,

BJU .TOl, .

Honorary Surgeons .

A. ,Yo Peake, ~r. R.r-.S. F. E. Peake, M.I:.C.S.

C. A. Hayman, M.D. F . S. Mather, ~.LB. Supt. Secretary.

M. Froud, 1, Supt. of Stores.

R. C. Tuckett,


Su perintendents.

A Divi ion-F. Morrish. B Division-Vacant. C Division-A . Froude.

t. Stephen's Chamber, Bri tol. Honorary Treasurer.

Pte ..J. II. Reed, Council House, l3ristol. Ambulance Officers.

R. Ptlrl\.er.

F. W. Colboul'lle .

Officers 10. Sergeants 11. Corporals 9. Privates 1 4. Total efrectiYe 214.. Increase since last report 43. Drills held 4. A verage attendance 65. Ca es attended on public duty 203. Remoyals 53. Cases attended not 011 pub~ic llyty 392. Annual inspection, 22nd Sept. Total on parade 12 . Anllual re-examlllatlOIl, 8th 15th and 22nd ept. Medallions 73. enTice badges 29. Nursing certificates 51: Regulation uniform worn by 10 Officer, sergeallts, 10 corporal, alld 163 men. Material: 1 horse ambulance, 1 litter, 15 stretchers, and 7 ambulance stations, vested in the Committee of the Corps. Corps supported by voluntary contributions. During the year the Corps has made great strides there being a large increase in the effective strength as against the returns for the year 1903. The Brigade Bearer Co. (F.) has been inspected by the principal medical officer of the di trict, Colonel BowdleI', O.B., the Commissioner for Special Services also being'present. A detachment of the Company went under canvas for a week in August on • alisbury plain, whilst there they were highly complimented on 'their work. The A. R. N. S. B. Reserve nnmbering nearly 40 men were also inspected and passed by Inspector General ",Voods, C. B., the Admiral ty Inspector, who ex pressed him self exceedingly pI cased at lh e general turn-out and efficiency of the men. An advanrec1 first aid class was held by Dr. Peake for the Naval Sick Berth Reserve men at the conclusion of which an examlllation was held, all passing and being granted a special Admiralty certificate. A detachmen t underwent a week's instruction at the R.N. Hospital Portsmouth, being highly complimented on their work, and on the excellent way they had carried out the duties entrusted to them. In the early part of the year the Chief Commissioner, Inspector General B. Ninnis paid a special visit to Bristol and addressed an influential meeting at the Oouncil House, Indpector General 'Woods, C. B., and the Deputy Oommissioner, Dr. J.

CANTERBURY (KENT) DIVISION. Hon. Surgeon and Supt. (Act ing) A. R. IIenchley, ~I.D., 1, London Road,


[Formed 8.2.04.] Hon . Secretary.

Pte. W . H. Bentley, n.A. (Oxon.), Simon Langton chooh" Canterbnry.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. E. W . N owers.

Mr. F. W. Furley (Hon . Mem.)

ergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 21. Total effective 26 . Officer 1. Drill. hel!1 36. A verage attendance 20. CasE's attended on public duty 30. Rell10vals 23. Cases attended not on public duty 25 . Annual in 'pection, 23nl ,ept. Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 2. 1,Yithout leave 1. Annual re-examination, 30th Aug. Members passed 20. Did not appear 3. Meual.lions 7. HegulatlOl1 uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 1 man. Matenal: 5 havre ac , 3 water bottles, 3 stretchers, bandages and dl'essinas, vested in Committee of Division. Division supported by subscriptions of m~mbers and voluntary contributions. , t. J oh11 Ambulance work flourishes in Cauterbury largely owing to the enthusiasm of seyeral medical men. The division, although only formed in Febrnary of this ye~r, has made rapid strides in every way. The membership bas increased and the dnlls have been well attended, notwithstanding that 36 have been held in such a short time and that the drill hall is about a mile from the centre of the town. Pnhlic duty has been performed on several occasions, notably, the unveiling of the B~ltrs memorial by Lord Roberts, E:1st Kent Agricultural Show (2 days), and the cncket week, during the latter the ambulance tent was visited by large numbers of member' from the outlying divisions of East Kent, including several medical and am~ulal1ce officers. Among t the many advantages possessed by this division is the act~v~ support of the Mayor, Sir George Collard, Lady Collard (the latter was the reclplent .of two certificates from the association this year) and Oolonel Hickson c01.nm~ndlDg the depot here. Through his kindness we are permitted to hold our ?nlls m the Buf!s drill hall. The present Hon. Surgeon aud Acting Superintendent IS unable to retam the latter post and has been fortunate in enlistino- the services of .Mr. Vaughan Page, solicitor of this town, to succeed him, and ilso 1\11'. W. H. Bentley, B.A., (Oxon.), as Hon. ecretary.


[Formed 18.5.96.J


Honorary Surgeon .

W. M. Bligh,


Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.

A. J. Riley, 3, Cedar Road, Croydon.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 8. Total effective 11. Decrease since last 1'C )Ol't 2. Drills held 3. Average attendance 3.. Rem.ov~ls 15 Cases attended nolt on public duty 33. Service badges 9. Regll~atlOn ulllfOl m . b' 1 Officer 1 seraeant and 8 men. !llaterial: ambulanco statIOn at Upper c~;~'him arublliance ~tatio'n Caterham Valley, 2 Ashford litters, stretchers, 2 lifting bo~rds, havresacs, regulation water bottles, blankets, \\'a~erproof s~leet~! ,a. quantity of extra splints, bandages, cotton wool, etc., yeo te~l 1Il the Execu ne Committee of .J.A.A. Division snpport(;d by 10('0.1 sUb,C~·ll'tlOns. " The members of the division h~ye done useful work durll1g th~ I;ast yea~, tl: number of cases treated being an lncrease of 11 from tbose of the pl~VIOUS yea~ ... th e number of members has become rather small owing t~ men leavmg the (h~tllCt, it was hoped that a class of instruction coulc~ b.e held uUl'lng the year, ~n~ thlS l~as been impossible through various causes, but It IS propo. ed. t? hold some , elY sh~ r t!' nearl 20 men have already aiven their names. The raU:ilDg of lhe fun.ds fOl t 1e b 'llnO' and equirment of thbe "Hany Borer Memorial " aml~ul~nce statIOn (nearly £~~0)1 lIas been a great trouble to the diyision, but It IS n0W fortunat ely accomplished.




J Holroyde,

R Grant,

F . R . C.~.





F.Il.C .....

1st Officer.


D. B. , cott, 3, Eva Road, Kent.

[1"or111e cl1.10.02.J


Hono rary Su rgeons.



St. John Ambulance BTigade.

St. J ohn A?nuulance B?'igade.


W. jlcIlltosh.

Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. Brook, 49, Rochester Terrac;c, Chatham. Inspector of Stores.

Hono rary Treasurer

Sergt. W. Bo\\,.

Ptc. R. J. Cuuper.


[Formed 20.4.93.]


Honorary Surgeon .

F . , . Skaife,


~L R . C. S.

E. E. Street, St. Martin 's House, Chichester.

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. H. G. tates, 45, South Street, Chichester,

Pte. H. Gambling.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 13. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 31. Average attendance 11'26. Cases attended on public duty 13. Removals 6. Annual inspection, 21st June. Total 011 parade 17. Annual re-examination, 27th Sept. Members passed 15. Did not alJllear 2. Medallions 10. Service badges 9. Nursing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, and 11 men. Material: Ashford litter, 3 Fnrley stretchers, havresacs, blankets, splints, bandages, water bottles, waterproof sheet and other requisites, vested in the Committee of the Di'i-ision. Division supported by subscriptions and donations. The year has been a busy one, and much good work has been done. The inspection by the Assislant Commissioner in June has done a great deal of good and smartened the men up. I t is satisfactory that there was not a single absentee on this occasion. The attenuance at drills, &c., has been very good throughout the year. The most important turn-out for public duty was on the occasion of an address by the Corporation to their :Majesties when leaving Goodwood on the 30tb of July. It was all exceptionally hot day and there were many cases of illness in the crowd which were attended to in a way that attracted much favourable comment and which made the brigade very popular. Th ere seems a prospect of a larger number of recruit3 l1eiug obtained this winter from the first aid clas'esattheTechnical Institute. From financial considerations it was not considered advisable to put any more men into uniform during the past year.

CHRISTCHURCH (HAMPSHIRE) DIVISION. [Formed 20.3 .99.] Honorary Surgeon.

Officers 5. Sergeants 2. Corporal 2. Privates 1 . Total elfective '27. Increase since last report 5. Drills beld 57. AYerage attendance?1. ea 'es attended on public duty 67. Removals 6. Cases attenued ~ot 011 publIc ll~l~Y 39. Annual inspection, 7th ept . Total on parade 20. Abe.nt \\'lth lell\'e~. 'i'lth out leave 2. Annual re·examination, 30th Oct. Medalhons 19., ,erVlce badges ~. N ursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform \yorn by 2 Office!,s, 2 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 14 men. Material: hospital marquee and fnll eqUIpment for same. 2 litters, stretchers, surgical havresacs, water bot~les, banc1ag~s, Spllllt~, ~tc., vested in the Division. Division supported by CorporatlOn and pnuhc subscl'lpt~ons . The division has made good anu efficient progress durmg. the In:st bl'lgac~e year. The attendance has been almost perfect every member attenchng clnll, p~'actIce ancl public duty on nearly every occasion. During the y~al' a large quantlty o~ new material has been purchased, notably a large hospItal marquee fully eqUlPl,ed, which has lJeen used on every occasion of 'public duty aDc~ !l~S been greatly admired by all who have inspected it. During the year the dl.vlSlon has adopted the brigade ulliform, the Corporation having generously paId for. the same. The division regrets the loss of its energetic Hon. Secretary, Pte. H. Kelghtley who form ed the division, he having been promoted to H.M. ~c~ools, RM. ~ ~al. The annual inspection was held on September 7th, by the ASSIstant Con:n:ll~sIOner, he expressed his approval of all he saw and sincerely wished that e~e!y dIVlSIOn had the support that this division receives from the municipal authontIes. The members have been unable to take up the work of the A.RN.S.B.~. o,:ving. to .many of them being employed in the Royal Dockyard. A hearty inVltatlOn IS gIven to ~llen of the Reserve who are visiting Chatr.am for their training, to attend the meetmgs of the division at the head-quarters every Wednesday at 8 p.m.

L. Burnett,


W. E. Moorey, 15, Castle Street, Christchurch.

2Il.A., M.D .

Officers 3.

Corporall. Privates 22. Total effective 26. (N 0 report recei \7ed).


Honol'ary Surgeon .

P . Selby, J\I.n.c.s. Supe rin tendent, Hon. Sec. & Treas.

1st Officer.

T. P otts, Doddington, Sittingbourne.

H. C. N orrington.

Inspector of Stores.

ergt. W.



Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporal l. Privates 2l. Total effective 27 . Increase since last report 8. Drills held 43. Av erage attendance 22. Cases attended on public duty 4. Rem ovals 5. Cases attended not on public dn ty 29. Annual inspection, 29th Sept. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 7th Oct. Members passed 19. Did not appear 7. Medallions 9. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 15 men. Material: 3 stretchers,

St. John A n~bulance B'I'igade.

St. J ohn A rnbulance Brigade.

1 hamper, 1 surgical haVTesac, splints, bandages, e~c.! vested in Officers of the Division. Division supported by voluntary. s~ll:scnphons from the public and entertainments promoted by members of the DlvlSlOn. The division has been well supported by the public during the past year ~nd the services of the members are greatly appreciated. The members show gre~t mterest in theil' work and the treAtment of several serious cases by them has receIved great praise from the medical men in the neighbourhoou.

Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 12 men. Material: stretcher, ambulance hamper, sets of splinh' and bandages. (In addition the members have at all times the free nse of a wheeled litter two stretchers and a Material vested in the Oommittee first aid box, the property of the Oity Police). of the Division . Division supported by subscriptions. During the past year the division has made steady progre&s. Pnblic duty has been performed on six occasions, viz., Trades Exhibition at Victoria Hall (which lasted 10 days, on each of which days at least two members were on duty), Rxeter Police Athletic Sport&, Post Office "ports, Exeter Regatta, Exeter Cyclists Oarnival in aid of Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, and a Demonstration gi ven by the Local Branch of the Church of England TeUlperance Society. Several cases were treated . The than ks of the members of the division are due to the Ohief OOlli:itahle of Exeter, for the kindly manner in which he fa cilitates the work of the division on occasions of puhlic duty, and for permitting them to use the Police Parade Room for drill purposes.



Supt. and Inspector of Stores

J. D. Howden, M.D. E. E. Murphy, L.R.C.P.

H. L. Lawes, B, Elms Vale Road, Folkestone RoaJ, Doyer.

Hon . Sec retary.

Hon Treasurer.

Pte. W. A. Knott, 20, Alfred Roau, Buckland, Dover.

Sergt. G. Plater.


Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 4. Privates 27 . Total effective 35. Decrease since last report 1. Drills helJ 51. A verage attendance ~6. Ca cs attended on public duty 17. Removals 2. Oases attended I~Ot on pH bhc du~y 26. Annual iDspectiolJ, Bth Sep~ . ~otal on parade 20. Absent lcave .4 . Vhthou: leave 10. Annual re-exammahon, 21st ept. Members pasRed ~3 . Did Dot appeal 11. Medallions 17. Nursing certificates 13 .. Regulation uniform wom by ~ Offic!'!", 1 sergeant, 4 corporals, and 26 men. Matenal: s.tr~~chers, b~J~d.ages, splInts, al d 32 satchels, vested in the Committee of the DIVISion. Dn'lslon supported by mem bel'S' subscriptions and public cOl~trilJUtio~lS . Public interest in this division cODtlDues to mcrease, and the work of the members becomes more and more appreciated. Efforts h~ye b.een made dur~ng the past Yl'ar to introduce ambulance work into the sUlToundmg Villages, a~~ ~\ I th .Ollle measure of success. The annual Ohurch Parade of the East Kent DIVISlOllS took place on Sunday, June 26th, at St. Mary's Church, and w~s atten?ed uy lU mell ,of all ranks. Seventeen men turned out for duty at the ll1stalla.tlOn o.r ~l~e Lord \\ arden on the 2nd July, and were assisted by members of snrroundlllg diVISions, a tota.l of 36 being on duty.



[Formed 12.3.02.]


Hon . Surgeon.


J. A. W. Pereira, M.R.C.S. Officers 3.

Sergeants 2.


R. L. ·Williams (Ohief Constable), Oourt House Exeter. Corporals 2. Privates 23. Total effective 30. ( 0 relJo rt receiyed.)


[Formed 6. 5.91.]


Superin tendent and Hon. Secretary.

S. R. Alexander, M.D. Officers 3.

Sergeant 1.

O. E. Clinch, 3, St. Ann's Road, Faversham. Oorporals 2. Privates 26. report received).

Total effective 32.

( :r 0

EASTBOURNE (SUSSEX) (L.B. & S.C.R. ) [Formed 17.5.1900.] Superintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

H. Hargood, M.D. Officers 2. Sergeant 1.

J. ·Wilks, Eastbolll'11e. Corporals 2. Privates 17. Total effective 2:2. (N 0 report received.)


[Formed 4.12.1901.]



Honorary Surgeon.

Superin tendent.

J. A. W. Pereira, M.D.

E. A. Bowden, Port View, Heavitrce, nr. Exeter.

Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

Corpl. F. Rivers, 29, Mansfield Road, Exeter.

Inspector of Stor es.





Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 19. Total effective 25. Increase since last report 11. Drills held 33. Average attendance 7. Cases attended on public duty 7. Oases attended not on public duty 124. Allnual inspection, 13th Aug. Total on parade 11. Absent. with leave .5. Annual re-examination, 13th Aug. Members passed 11. MedallIons 10. Servlce badges 1.

GODALMING DIVISION. [Formed 24 .B.04]. Hon. Surge on .


P. D. Minchin, L.R.C.P.

W. W. Gibbons, 22, Town Elld Godalming. Officers 2. Privates 22. Total effective 24. ( 0 report received).


GREENSTREET (KENT) DIVISION. [Formed 7.4.02.] HEAU-QUARTERS : 'WESLEYAN SCHOOLROO~I, GREEN TREET, KENT. 1st Officer , Hon . Sec. and Acting Treasurer.

G. O. Peatfield, Greenstreet,


ittingbourne, Kent.

Officer 1. ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 22. Total effective 26. Decrease since last report 10. Drills held 2B. Average attendance 15. Removals B. Cases attended not on public duty lB. Annual inspection, 29th Sept Total on parade lB. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, ~7th Sept. and 4th Oct. Members passed 21. Did not appeal' 5. Medallions Hi. Nursing certificates 21. RegUlation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 Material: Ashford litter, stretchers, carrying sheet. corporal, and 12 men . ambulance hamper, bandages, splints, etc., vested ill Committee of Division. Division supported by public subscriptions.


St. J ohn A 'Inb'1,(,lance Brigade.

St. John A rnbulance B rigacle.

Th e diyision thouah numerically weaker, continues to makc good progress, the decrease beina ac,,;o~lnted for by members leaving the neighbourhood, and nonefficients being strnck orf the strength . The d~vision regrets.to again record the loss of its H on . Surgeon, (D r. Laurence), who, dUl'lng the past wlUter, gaye a free course of lectures on home lllll'&ing for men, whereby 21 members gained c(;rtificates. ince thc last report one officer and 14 men have obtained the regulation uniform, and it is hoped before the end of another year that all the members will be equipped .

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 15. T otal effective 21. I ncrease since last report 5. D rills held 44. Average attendance 12. Cases attended on public duty 21. Removals 20 . Cases attended not on public duty 62 . .Ann nal inspection, 16th. ept. Total on parade 13. Abscnt with leave 2. Without leave 6. Annual re-exCJ.mination, 25th March CJ.nd 13th May. Members passed 19. Mcdallions 11. Nursing certificates 12. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergea:nt, 2 corparals, and 14 men. Matenal: stretchers, havresac, carrying sheet, tourlllql1ets, splint, bandages, etc., vested in Committee of Division which is supported by public subscription . 'fhe work of the past year has beeu such as to give general satisfaction. The number of case~ treated has largely increased. 'fhe I nvalid T ransport wurk also shows a large and satisfactory iucl'ease, 20 removals having been unrlertaken as compa-red with two last year. Of this number one was removed to Cambridge and three others to London. The annual inspection was held on Friday, September 16th, by Assistant Commissioner Courtney. A course of nursing lectUl'e~ was given by Hon. urgeoll Locke early in the year and was much apprecIated.



S u peri nt en d e nt.

Hon . Surgeon .

F . R. Russell,

M. Williamson, 1.1errow Dene Guihlfold.

M . D.

1st Officer.

In s pector o f Stores.

J. W. Lambert.

Corpl. B. , V. 'Yells.

Ho n. T reasurer.





Officers 3. Corporals 2. Privates 16. Total effective 21. Reserve members 2. I nerease since last report 1. Drills held 16. Average attendance 7. Cases attended on public duty 4. Hemovals 106. Cases attended not on public duty 1. Annual inspection, June. Total on parade Absent with leave 6. Without leave 5. Medallions 14. Nursing certificates 7. Regulation uniform worn by 2 OfficerR, 2 corporals, and 15 men. Material: hoI' e amlmlallce coach, litters, and first aid hampers, yestcd in the OIlicers of the Di"i ion . Division supported by voluntary subscriptions. The division is well maintained. The coach, purchased four years ago, is in creasingly in demand and travelled during the year over 830 miles, many patients being moved long distances. Athletic gatherings, the Horse how, and the Royal Counties Agricultural ociety's how were attended. At the latter a staff was kept on du ty five days and had a properly equipped tent, attending in all to about 25 cases.


C. P .

C hief S upe r inte nd en t .

Y. Blake, Officers



St>rgeants 6.

"Elsinore," Ventnor, Isle of 'Vight. Corporals:5. Privates 169. (No report received).


(1. W.


[Formed 1.7.04]

Officers 2.

Su peri nte nde n t .


prgeant 1.

Total effective 202.

CORPS .) [Formed 7.7 . 98 .]


Su perin t en dent .


H . C. Thorpe, M.B .

Read, W ell wood Lodge, Binstead .

Corporal1. Privates 13. 0 report recei ved.)

T otal effective 17.


R. Phillips, 7, Foster Villas, Lion Lane,


[Formed 15. 6.99.]

Hon. S urge o n.


Hon . Surgeon.


Haslemerc. Hon . Secre tary.

Pte. G. W cbber, King's Road, Haslemere. Inspector o f Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

P te. T. Hartling.

Pte. G. 1nge.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 13. T otal effective 18. Drills held 6. Average attendance 5. Medallions 8. Material: Ashford litter stretchers, and medical havresacs, vested in S.J. A. B. Division supported by the public.


CORPS. ) [Formed 7.7 .99.]


Hon . Surge on .

II. ,V. Ewen,

Su perinte nd e nt.


Officers 2.

[Formed 13 .. 02].

(1. W.

J. A. . Oatley, 7, Albert Terrace, Victoria Road, East Co,\'es. Privates 22 . Total effecti,e 24 . report received .)

( J0


Honorary Surgeons.

G. Locke)

M. R. C. S.

F . B. L ewis,


L. n . c . p.

Superintendent and Hon . Sec.


W. Ginner, Jun., Brassey I nstitute, H astings. Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. H. Fr ench.

[Formed 19. 2. 90.]

Hon . Surgeon.

Hon . Treasurer.

Hon. Surgeon G. Locke,

M. R. C. S.

C. J. T hompson, ~r.R. C .•



Supe ri ntendent.

J . W . Gibbs, " Olivia," Clareuce Road, J ewport, 1. ' Y.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John A'inbulance Brigade.


Hon . Secretary (Acting).

1st Officer.

Pte. J. O. ·Williams, 60, Olarence Road, Newport, LW.

J. R. Hayles. Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. F. Peach.

Pte. F. Pinnock.

Officers 3. Privates 14. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 2. Drills heltl. 36. Average attendance 12. Oases attended not on public duty 17. Anllual inSlJectioll, Removals 31. 28th Sept. Total on paraue 4. Absent with leave 13. Annual re-examination, 19th Sept. Members passed 12. Did not appear 4. l!leualliolls 10. Nursing certificates 13. Regnlation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 11 men . Material: ambubnce wagon, litter, stretchers, carrying chair, hampers, lUgS, havresal:s, splints, etc., vested in Isle of ·W ight Oentre. Division supported by public subscfiptions. The division still continues to make satisfactory progress, the at tendancc at thills and practices has been well maintained. Alnursing class was held during the year and proved a success each member pre enting himself at the examination passed, this was the means of 12 members joining the Royal :r aval Sick Berth Reserve, thc first inspection of these men took place on 'eptellluer 26th, the Inspecting Mcdical Officer complimenting them ou their smart appearance and on the work he had seen, credit being given to the officers of the division for the \\'ay in wllich they were trained . A successful demonstration was held during the year, the Mayor of Newport (0. Salter, Est[.) presented the certificates to the memb 1'S of the nursing class and speaking of the good work ueing carried out by the divi .. ion. The pat y ear has also beell a busy one for the ambulance wagon it having travel1ed practically all round t1le Isle of Wight, (all the principal towns having been vi itecl), COYerillg a distance of 358 miles. ~early every member has taken a turn on tmn. port work.

RYDE DIVISION (I.W. CORPS .). [Formed 8.5.$15.] HEAD-QUARTERS: TOWN HALL, RYUE. Su peri ntendent.

Hon . Surgeon .

E. Groves, George

A. Banks, F.R.C.S . Officers 4.

trcet, Ryde.

Sergeants 2. Privates 23. Total effective 29. ( :r 0 report received.)


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 12. T otal effective 17. D rills held 43 . Average attendance 10.1. Removals 9. Oases attended not on public duty 11. Annual inspection, 28th Sept. Total on parade 17. Annual re-examination, 27th Sept. Members passed 16. Medallions 13. Nursing certificates 11. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, a~d 12 men . Material: litter, stretchers, 3 bath chairs, havresacs, splints, etc. , vested 1ll Oommittee of Division. Division supported by members subscriptions, proceeds of concerts, and the public. The division has U1ade satisfactory progress, during the year. Eleven members have gained the nursing certificate. The removal cases have given every satisfaction to the doctors in charge. Interest in drill, etc., is well maintained.

ST. JOHN 'S (RYDE) DIVISION (I.W. CORPS. ) [Formed 10.11.1900.] HEAD-QUARTEHS:


CHOOL, ST. JOHN'S, RYDE. Supt. and Hon . Secretary.

Hon . Surgeon and Treasurer.

L. L. Prestoll, )LU.C.::;.


tockham, Elmfield, Ryde.

Insp ector of Stores.

Pte. G. James. Officers 2. Privates 15. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 44. Oases attended not on public duty 4. . Anllual inspection, 28th ept. Total on parade 8. Absent without leave 9. Annual ex-examination, 12th Oct. Members passed 6. Did not appear 10. Medallions 11. 1 ursing certificates 11. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 15 meu. Material: stretcher., havresacs, water bottles, eh~ . , vested in Oommittee of Division . Division snpported by subscriptions and donations. First aid has been rendered by members of the division in several ~ases. During the year, through the generosity of a lady residing in the district, the members of the division have been put into uniform. The attendance at the annual inspection was small, in conseC}uencc of it taking place on a ·Wednesday when a number of the ~Ilen ,Y.ere upable to leave their employment. It is hoped that next year the lUspectlOn WIll take place on a 'aturday as hitherto .

VENTNOR DIVISION (I.W. CORPS.) [Formed 24.5.95.] HEAD-QUAltTERR: VENTNOR. Hon . Surgeon .


[Formed 24.10.03.]


Honorary Surgeon .

R. Pett, North Street, Sando\yn, 1. W.

H. M. Barker, M.D. Officers 2.

Sergeant 1.

Oorporals 2. Privates 22. (N 0 report received. )

Total effective 27 .


J. Oowper, Supt. and Hon. Secretary.

C. H. Snook, West Hill, Shanklin, I."\V

H. S. Bassano, Officers 2.


M.A . , M.B.

G. H . Corney, Fairla\yn, Ventnor.

Sergeant 1. Privates 10. Total effective 13. (N 0 report recei \"Bel.)

WEST COWES (I. W. CORPS). Hon . Surgeon.

[Formed 3.8.1 900 .] In Charge.

VO{. S. Nockolds, L.ll.C.P. Officer 1.

Pte. E. E. Bizzill, Terrace Road, West Cowes. Privates 23 . Total effective 24. (N 0 report recei ved .)

WROXALL DIVISION (I.W. CORPS). [Formed 9.1.1900.J Superintendent.

M.B .

Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treas

Pte. R. H. Knight.

A. A. Redstone, Wroxall, Isle of Wight. Officer 1.

Privates 15. Total effective 16. (N 0 report received.)




OXFORD DIVISION. [Formed 5.1. 89. Reformed 1.10. 98.] HEAD-Q.UARTERS: POLICE DRILL HALl"



Honorary Surgeon.

W. H. Webber,

J. A. Tlott, 12, meaton Terrace, Plymouth.

M. D.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A '1nb nlance BTigade.

Honorary Surgeons.

T. E. Foort, 138, High Street, Oxford.

J. C. R. Freeborn, A. C. Elsmore,

111. n. c. s. )1.B.

2nd Officer.

1st Officer, Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

1st Officer.


F. DearIe, 138, High Street, Oxford.

G. P. Roblin.

O XFOltD .

Superin tendent.

F . Thorpe.

Inspector of Stores.

Officers 3. Sergeant l. Corporal l. Privates 20. Total effectiYe 25. Drills held 24 . Average attendance . Cases attended on public duty 4. Removals 14. Cases attended not on public duty 82. Annual inspection, 15th June. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 5. ,yithout lean 6. Annual re-examination, Sept. ] lth. Members passed 12. Did not appear 8. lIIedallions 15. Service badges 7. Regulation uniform "'om by 2 Ollicer , 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 9 men . Material: stretcbers, hane ac., and water bottle, etc., yes ted in G. W.R. Division supported by members. The division has done much good and useful \York although the men have been put to great disadvantage during the summer months owing to their not being able to attend the drills and practices.





Honorary Surgeons.

R. H. Grimbly,

1II.ll.C. S.

J. J. Scrase, lIr.n.c.s.

Superintend en t.

\Y. Je\"e11, 141, East Street, Kewton Abbot. Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Corp1. J. Rice, 42, Hilton Road, N e\vton Abbot.

1st Clas ,'ergt ,V. H. Crossman.

R. G.


Officers 5. Sergeant 2. Corporal 2. Privates 49. Total effective 58 . Oases Increase since last report 37. Drills held 39. Average attendance 21. attended on public uuty 3-±. Removals 11. Cases attended not on public duty 7l. Annual inspection, 2 th July . Total on parade 25. Absent with leave 8. Without leave -±. Annual re-examination, 21st June. Members passed 15. Medallions 9. ,'ervice badges 8. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 12 men. Material: litter, 7 stretchers, station equipment box, Division bavl'esacs, splints, bandages, etc., vebted in Officers of the Division. SnPl)Ortell by the members and voluntary donations. The division has completed the most satisfactory year in its existence. The strength has increaseu consieleraL1y, tbis is due to the formation of a section at Wood, tock by econel officer F. T. '1'horpe and to the Great" e tern Railway ambulance men joining the division. The efficiency of all ranks has much im.proverl thanks to the untiring energy of the Hon. ,nrgeons. The local fire brigade, recognising the value of the attendance of members of the division on duty "'ith thenl, are makincr arrangements to have a call bell fitted to acquaint the division of their" calls .?' O\yillg to the increased secretarial work, an office bas been renteu and has proved yery useful, monthly meetings of the officers being beld there. Hon. Surgeon Freeborn presented a yery llandsome silvor Challenge Bowl for competition. The first cOIl?petition for this trophy was held on July 2 th, Deputy Commissioner, Dr. J, . Gnffiths. Dr. Chas. Hayman (Bristol), and Dr. Counsel (Oxford), kincUy !l.ctiug as judges. The G. 'Y.R. team proved the mnners after a very close contest being only 2 points in advance of the second squall. The inspection was held by the Deputy Commissioner, on the same date and at its close be expl'eRsed himself as pleased "'ith the progress made during the last two years.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. H. Knight, Officers 3. SergE-ants 4. Corporals 4. Privates 41. Total eITective 52. Increase since last report l. Drills held 49. Average attendance 23.9. Removals 11. Cases attended not on public duty 120. Annual inspection, 30th Sept. Total on parade 43. Absent with leave 9. Annual re-examination, 22nd Jan. Members passed 38. Failed 1. Did not appear 4. Medallions 28. ervice badges 10. Nursing certificates 29 . Regulation uuiform worn by 3 Officers 4 sergeants 4 corporals, and 40 men . Material: 3 litters, ambulance ca~es, lO strfltcbers' bandages, splints, and other appliallces, vested in Local COl11mittee of Centre: Division supported by public voluntary contributions. The divisioll continues to prosper and the work is getting more appreciflted by the public. The number of cases in which first aid has been applied for testifies as to the usefuln ess of the division. T he annual re-examinatiou was most satisfactory. At the a nnual inspection the Deputy Commissioner spoke in fiatterinff terms of the efficiency of the division, and seemed gratified that the certificated p~ice of Newton Abbot had enrolled themsel ves as mem bers of the Brigade. Fifteen auditional members of the division have taken their nursing certificates during the year.


ergeants 2.

[Formed 1.1l.92.

Privates 18. Nursing sisters 29. ( 0 report received.)


Honorary Surgeon .

F. W. Way,

[Formed 1.7.94.J



J. Malpas, l\LR C. S., 84, Fawcett Road, Southsea.


Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

E. Chivers, 183, Francis Avenue,

Total effecti,-e 54.


Inspector of Stores.

W. E. Stoakes.

St. John A'lnb'l.('Za/l7,ce B'l'igc('de.

St. J uhn A ?nbulance B1'igacle.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 18. Total effective 22. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 21). Averaga attendance] 1.1. Cases attended on public duty 4. Removals 6. Ca es attended not on public duty 8. Annual inspection, 27th Sept. Total on parade 21. Absen t. wit~ leave.1. Annual re-examination, 6th Sept. Members passed 20. MedallIons {. erVlCe badges 8. Nursing certificates 5. Regulation uniform wOl:n by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, and 18 men. Materials: litter, 4 stretc~le.r~, 2 surgIcal !l[\,Vl·esacs,. ,:·a.ter bottles, splints, bandages, etc., vested in DIvIsIonal C0I111111 ttcc. Dl V1SlOn supported by members' subscriptions.

Officers 2. Sergearts 2. Corporals 3. Privates 22. Total effective 29. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 46 . Average attendance 17. Removals -22. Cases attended not on public duty 28. Annual inspection, 28th Sept. Total Oil p~rade 22. Absent with leave 2.. \Vithout leave 5. Annu~l re-examinati~n, 18th May. Members passed 26. Did not appear 3. lledalllOns 13. ServlCe ba(lges 25 . Nursing certificates 6. Rcg.nlation. uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 22 men. Matenal.. 1 lItter, 6 stretchers, 5 ~avresac~, 1 tent, (wheeled litters and stretchers are kept 111 the Town Hall and Pohce Sta~lOn, and stretchers at the Ramsgate Town Station and the Ramsgate Harbour tatlOn), ve ted in Ramsgate Centre, St :J.A.A. Division supported by fees and public subscriptions. . This division is thoroughly effiCient a.nd up to date. DUl'lng June and July the division, toaether with the railway clivb;ion, met every week for field practice in the ground~ of Southwood, by the kind permission of the President of the Centre, and most excellent work was gone through. At the Church Para.de held at pov~r on June 26th , two ollicers and 16 men were present. At the openmg of.the VlCtorn Pavilion on June 29th, by H.R.H. Princess Louise, one ambulance ~ectlon paraded, being assistcd by a ection from W estgate-on-Sea, and were statIOned along the line of route. tretcher squads have been ill attendance at the fetes in Ellington Park £.11 through the summer, and on all other occasioJls the <Ii vision has turned out smartly and \\'ell equipped, and is in every way a great credit to the corps.



Honorary Surgeon .

In Ch arge.

R. G. ,Yorger, M.R.C... Pte. G. H. Officers 1. Privates 14. Total effective 15. ( J 0 report recei ve(l. )




[Formed 18.6.99.J TIlEET, R.DI~GA1 E.



Chief Superintendent.

C. Cotton, Officers 9.

F. R. C. P.,

Sergeants 11 .



penceI' quare, Ramsgn.te.

Corporals 4. Privates 'i. Total efl'ective 121.


Chief Supt. C. Cotton,


[Formed 28 .4.91.J STREET, RAlrfSGATE.

1st Offic er (in charge) and Hon. Sec.

F . RC.P.

F. W. Conconi, 17, Nelson Crescent, Ramsgate.

Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. W. F. Clark, Ellington Road, Ramsgate.

[Formed 26.4.98.J


Hon. Surgeon.

Nursing sisters 19.

Corps supported by Ramsgate Cen~re, 1.JU~)lic subscl'iptio~s all(~ ~Y~tch Committee. The Inspecting Officer expressedllls opllunn that the yanous UIYl lOn~ of the Corps were in a highly sati factory state, and all had shown g~'cat llnproyemcllt. The nursing division is still ellthusiustic. The number ot cn es durlllg the year were 180, and the total v.isits paid were ~,412 . ~he !~leru b~rs of the town division though rather smaller III numbers are lllghly tralllecl fIrst aldel:s and S!llart and soldierlike in their drill and bearing. They have done good sen'ICe and have had useful experience during the year. The members of the Railway division were fortunate in winning the East Kent Ambulance Competition with their o. 1 squall (winning the silve!' Challenge Bowl and silver spoons), gaining 90 points out of a possible 110. The Ramsgate Town Divisio n getting in next with 3 points. The police di"ision l~ave been lect.ure~ to by their Hon. Surgeon (Dr. Woods) and all passed a most credItable re-exaIll111atlOlI. On Wednesday, 24th February, a very eujoyable e.,"ening was. spe~t? .the Chief Superintendent invited the members of the town, raIlway and pohce dlvlslOns to supper, and about 46 sat down to an excellent repast at the Victoria Hotel. Dr. Cotton was supported by District Chief Superintendent G. D. Courtney, Hon. Surgeons F. Wood and B. M. Cole, and First Ollicer Con coni. After the toasts of "The King" and "Success to the Ramsgate Corps" had been duly proposed and honoured, the company adjourned to cany out a lengthy programme of music, accompanied by colree and tobacco. The first aid appliances and store~ ?f the various divt::.ions have been inspected and are in a good and serviceable condltlOn.

Hon . Su rgeon (Act i ng).


F. ,Voods,

~r.R.C . S .


Chief Con table W . B. Jones, Chief Constaule's Office, Ramsgate.

Hon. Secretary.

H . R. Thornton, Police Station, Ramsgate.

Omcer::> 2. ergeants . Privates 41. Total effective 51. Increase since la.st report 2. Drills held 22. Av erage attendance 16. Cases attended on puhlic duty 70. Relllovals 66. Annual re-examir.atioll, 19th May, Members pas cd -1. Did not appear 2. Medallions 43. Material: 2 litters, 2 stretchers and dres ing case, vested in Ramsgate Corporation. Diyision supported by Watch Committee. The services rendered by the division have been to persons who have met with accidents in the street., the vicinity of the royal harbour and the sands. In 2 cases the injured ha,-e been removed by litter to the local hospital, or to their own homes.


[Formed 26.-1.98.J


Hon. Surgeon and Supt.

G. Cross,

102, High treet, Ralllsgate.

L.ILC.l' ..

HOIl. S ecretary.

Sergt. G. W. Fearn, 21, ,\Yinstanley Crescent, Ramsgate.

Officer 1. 'ergcant 1. Corporal1. Privates 15. Total effectiye 1 . Increase sillce last report 2. Drills held 44. AYerage attendance 13. Cases attended on public duty 1. AnnuCLl inspection, 2 th ept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leavo 6. Medallions 9. Material : 2 stretchers, hayresac, splints and bandages, vested in S.E. & C. Railway Company. Division supported by Railway COmpa!lY to a limited extent. The year's work has been on the whole very satisfactory. Drills have been very well attolJded, and members have shown a good deal of improvement and much keenness. The East Kent Challenge Bowl has been won by No. 1 q1lad, while No.2 quad took fourth place in the Dewar Shield Competition.

St. John 11 mlwlance JiI'iuade.


It Juh n A?liUulance lir'i[j(/de.

READING (BERKSHIRE) DIVISION. [Formed 13.12.93.] IIEAD-QuAltTl<:1l~


-(' IL



ItoAD, HEA IlIN().

1s t Onker.

Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

O. W. Ellis, GO, High fltruet, • iLLillgholll'llC.

.'ergt. L. H. Dell cc, :20, Tel\' Road, •'iLtillglJourllc .


Hono rary Su rgeon.

Eo • all,

YV. J. II'ostor, "'.n.c.s.



Insp ector of Stores.

HOl1.d, Rcading.

Pte. A. AIIlJcl'ry.

2nd Officer, Hon. Sec. and Trcasurer. 'IlVer~hUlll,

C. II . Johnson, Hcctory Road,


OJliCCl'S 3. crgoants 4. ol'pol'n.I~~. Privatcs 56 . Total ell'ectivc 65. In crenso sinco lust repol't 11. Drills hul(l 'JO. Av('rage aLLclluttncc .:?fi. 'a~:'s attonded on public duty 23. ECJllovnl~ ,1. 'aHc!'! nLLcll\lclllI~L 011 publIC clnl~./3. Annual illspectioll, 2<1Lh Sopt. Total on pn.llttle 3~. Ah~H'llL With Icltve,lO. :\ Ithout leave :?3. ~\llllUltl re-examiJlution, 1Ulli nlay. 1I10lllheis pasHcd 1U. DId ~J()t appear 19. Medalliolls 23. HCl'\iGe badges 1:3. 111Hing l:el'tilicalcs 21. ~{cgul~tlllJl uuiform worn hy 2 Ollicers, 1 ~crgeant:i, ~ corporals, an~l 21 til OIL , r tttcl'~ltl: hUeI', slretcher, hn\l'csllc., watcr boLtlcs, bell tellt, vested III Locnl Centro ~l. J.A.A.,. and 2 havrc 'urs, 1 \\aLer hotLl , ball luge wind 'I', splillls awl bandHgL's, propcrly ot Divisiou. Division snppurtcd hy Lucull'l'l1lre. . . rrhc division passed through a \{'I'y slleccs~rlll year aml IS \\cll lle.ognl~tcl by Lh c public. A ~\leccssful COllll,clitioll '\I1l01lgS.t the n~ IlIlJe~'ii \\'as helll IIUl'llIg t~te yea!', at which live Leallls eOllljlcted, lite pllzeH lJl;llIg ~Ivell hy. Ll'llde~I1Il'I~ III H.ca.ding. Publi c duly has beell llll!lellnkt'll 011 thc ,t,l:llo\\'llIg ()C~a~IO,"~ :-ilhlt~L' n Erlegh Stc('pleehn.ses, ~ dn)'~; '1'.ClllpCl'ltlle~ a,ll~l PUll? jldos ,; HPII(llllg llllll'; ltl'IUllllg Regatta, 3 c.1ttys ; l{('(tlilllg l~lcdlOlI ; Boys 1>l'lgadc l.tu'dcll 1al Ly.

Omccrs:?. ~l'l'gC(tlltH 2. Oorporal·~. Privates 45. ToUt! cflcclivt, 51. IJrill li hclll 16, Avemgc attell<lulIct> 20. Cascs utlcl1deel 011 public duty 6. RelllU\'als . Onscs atLcJI<1cclllot 011 jlull!ic duty :31 . Anllual inspcction, 14tlt • 'I pt. Totttl 011 pnrntlc 27. Abscnt wit.h leave' 9. \\,ithouL leave 15. AlllJunlre-cxllminatioJl, 11th 1\lay. 111 ('111 "onJ PH,ss('d 17. Did nol apjlear 3. .l\lec1alliolls 9. Nursillg cCltiliCltlCS 2 . .iIlldclial: "Rcll-Ell\\'l1rds" litter, I strctcher~, 1 havrcsac, 1 amlmlullce ltu,III})('r, ~J>lillls, j,(lllilllgC.'!, (·te., yeslNI in the C0I1Il11ilLee of' tllC Division. Diyi .. ioll sllPPul'trd hy the pulJlic. The di\'i~ioll has ollly hccll ill cxil)LclICC twelvc ll10nths anc1 good pl'ogres~ has L(,C!1l ll1l1cll', grent illtcrcst being ~h()\\,11 by ttl I the members. All l~allk-holir1tty sports have lWf'n IlL\Plldc(1 ,LIIl! sl'\eral bcriolls ca .. es treatcd. Eight j'ClllOVllls h!t\e been can icel out, illC'ludillg olle to Ouy's Hospital.

[Forlllcd ~O.5.0~.J


REDRUTH (CORNWALL) DIVISION. [ll'ol'llll'll 1 .10.93.]


1. l-,-icholls,



II. It. Hill, Fore .'treet,

Hon . Secretary. Pte. ,\\r . •r. Coopcr, Tho. 'ludio, Honorary Su,'geon .


Ili chell~,


:11. D.


SupC"intcndcnt. P'U'SUll~, ;3;3, FUrL' .trcel, Itcdlutlt.


TI'Onll ~OIl,


1 ~IIIlS,"


In spector of Stores.

Honorary Treasur·cr.

Oorp1. '. Jalllcs.

ilfr. J. Wickl'lL (lloll . .l\lclllht·l').

OITicel'S 2, Scrgeant 1. COI'poral l. l'ri\utes 12. Total l'l1ecti\'o Hi. Drills hcld 52. A\'cmgc I1ttclIdallce 11. Cuse' a iLt'Jl(1ct I UII l'uhlic lluty fi. Rcmov,lls 10. Cases I1UtJlIt!ec1not OIl public duly :W. AlllllHtl illspectioll, 1 nth. '('I't. Total OIl parade 13 . Ahsent with 1(,lt.vc:?. Withont IClne :3 . 1~ 1II1\1(~l 1'C exa."lillatioll, 19Lh Sept. 1I1cm1JCI's passcd 1:3. DI~lllolItJql('n.r fi. 1IIc!lalhollsy. ('nIce badges 5. Nursing cel'lilicaLC!s 2. RegulaLlOll IIndOnll \\'om hy ~ OlllcCI'Il, 1 ~erg{,lwl, 1 cGl'jJol'al allli 12 lllCII. MaLcrial: JiLL('l', ~ strcleltel'H, ~ dreH:liJlg CClS('S, 1 11I1Uf 1IlU', 1 tent, vested ill OUiccrs alld Coml1littco. Division SlIppol'tc(1 by lllclldiers alld COlltributions. Thc cfficicncy of the division has uccn \\cll.ll1aillt~illctl (luring lh~ pasl {elll.'> gn'nt interest haviuO' Lcen shown uy Lhe mCllIucrs 1Il thell' work lWei dl'lil. 1111111c duly was perform at Lho Agril:ulLural how ill July, whcn scvcral cascs received attcntion. A spacious marquc ,\ hich was prescnted by all ttllOllj'lIlons dOllor, was uscd for tho first time 011 this occasiOIl. Oood servicc lllls becll ICllucrcclut sevcrnl erious IIlillO accidcnts, illc1lHIing aile n.t East Pool Mino wh{'re Lho palient \I'm; suffcring from a uatlly crush cd leg. H c was rC!1110vccl to thc hospital. It iH graLifyillg. to report that alllllembcl'S now wear tho rcgulation uniforlll.



Hon . Surgeon'

F, Noble,

L.I:l.A .

t. Ives.

I nspector of Stores.



W. Richards.

St. l\'cH. Hon . Treasu re,-.

•\'rgl. J . •' lCVCIlS,

Honorary Secretary,



Olliccrs 2. .'Cl'gpullt 1. C'oq,om11. Privatcs 11. T otal cll'celive 1 . lkercase sillt" Itvit report fl. Drills hc·l(l 3t. A \'crago ULLl'lllll.1llcC 20. HClllo\'ul (j. Cases Itltelltil·d lloL 011 Imillic duty 30. AJI 11 lIul illSpccliull, JUlie 11th. Total 011 jlllllt<l' Li. Al,sl'llt with IC!1\'c 3. Alllllllllre-cx!tl1lillutioll, 11th JUIIC. l\lclllbcrs l)(lSSl'([ 17. .1\1 dalliom; 7. HeglllntiOlI uniform \\'1)1'11 hy 1 OIliccl', 1 crgeallt, 1 corpural, Illld 1 J lllCll. .l\latcrin.! : ;3 sLrctchers, 3 hancbncs, splillt, waleI' hoLiles, ('tc., \'estec1 ill thc 'olllllliLtco of tho Division. Divi'ion slIjll'orte'tl lly vollllltllry t'oIlLtilmtiollH . Ureut illterest hns becll takell dmillg thc yNLl' by thc Jllojorily of the l1lcmhcl's ill the work of' lhe Di\ision, th('rc being agl'cltL illl[ll'OVCl1lentin hath lirst aid work 1l1Hl (irill. The Ilt 0Hl important cn. e for the ycar was Oll Hit .J!tlluary this YCIlI', whl'1l !til ('xl'loHioll occurl'cd fiL the works of thc alional ExploHives Company. Hoyle. 11) n short timc flfLccll lll Cmhcl's of tho Division \\'crc on tho spot (11 clistnllcc or scvell miles). Luckily thc 'lccillcnls wCl'e fcw, hlltwc werc able to I'l!llder imjlurtnllL service to a lllnll \\'ho wa'; surl' l'lng from rupturc of' the hladder and other illjlll'ie!:l. Ill' was carefully cOllvcycd to his home, whcro ho was attclldcd to by the docto)'. Tho follo\\'illg leLtor has becn l'cccivcd by the 'llpcrilltcntlCllt from the Directors : [OOpy.] 5th January, 1904. DgAlt lH,-WO shall bc cxtrel1lely ohliged if you will kindly COllVCY to the membcrs of your Division om high apprcciatioll of, alld warm est thanks for, the serviccs they so o.1>ly rendcred at out' Works ou Tuesday last, on thc occa iUIl of the sad ncciu(,D t in our factory. 'nlOY al'l'ivoc1 most opportun 1y ancl the careful way in which thc illjured man was convoyod to his homo is beyond 1111 praise. Yours faithfully, THE



This was accompanied by a sum of £10 towards our funds.

Co~[P ANY.

The Division is greatly appreciatcd by the people ill the tOWll gcneral.ly. Th e TOW~l. Council has votcd £5 5s. per year towards the expenses .. eve t:al of t~lC mel11.1l cl being fishermen are able to render go~d s~rvice to. those meetmg wIth aculdcJI ~s :\ .hell at sea, and it is hoped to secure r~crults from .tlt.ell' ranks as U1 en~ b~l s of the Dlvlsl.on. Through the kindness of the PresIdent, 1'. ~hlhe Dow, Es=!. (lHU1sel~ th~ holdet_ of a medallion), the Division had an outing to Truro and Falmonth, till belllg a tokrn of his appreciation of the manner in which the men, a a whole, work for the good <>f the Division.

STONEHOUSE (GLOUCESTERSHIRE) DIVISION. [Forllled 30.9 .0J.] Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.

fJ. G. McLannahan, L.Re.p., Officer 1.

Privates 30. (



St. John A mb'Ltlwr1ce Bri gade.

St. John A rrnbulCl//1ce BftigmZe.



[Formed 4.5.01.J


C. H.


Acting Superintendent.

M. n.

Officers 3.

C. J. Painter, 7, Rud olph Hoad, Bushey.

Pri "ates 25. Total effective 28. (N 0 report received),


'tonehou. e, Glo,'.

Total eO'ective 31.

Honorary Surgeon .

A. T.

report recei veel.)

Oflicers 4.


1. Veni, 16, Station Road, Westgate·on-Sea.

b.-cet, F.U.C.P. ergeants 2.

Corporal 1. Privates 29. (No report received. )

Total effective 36.


,Yo H. Forbes, M.D.


Superintend ent and Hon . Secretary. C. R. F. Lutwillge, haucluu,

Tunbridge \rell .

J . O. Harvey, )I.R.C.S.

1st Officer (in charge).

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

J. Lester.

Sergt. W. F. MuITett.

Pte. C. X orton .

Officers 3. ergeant 1. Pri,ates 11. 'rotal effecti\'c Hi . Reserve member 1. Drills held 10. Average attendancc . Ca'e attended Qn publir duty 17. Removals 40. Cases attended ~lOt on pul:lic cl~l.ty O. Annual inspection, 26th Sept. Total on parade 6. Ab ent \\,lth lpave tI . \\ J thout lea \'c ~. Annual re·examination, 30th Sept. Members passecl 9. DId not appear O. Medallions 13. Service badge 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 11 men . Material: 1 stretcher, 1 litter, 2 ba kets, 2 havl'esac, 12 wuter bottles, vested in the Di vision. Division supported by voluntary uh~criptioll. Th e principal occasions on which the Divi ion 11a undertaken pnbhc duty were at the Eridge Races, the Whit-Monday ports, the Agricultural 'how, and the 'to John's Sports. The removals, under the supervi. ion of the local ,nrgeon , ll<lve rather increased in number during the past year, there have been forty ca e , t.hrre has also been an increase in the number of accident· attended to by members of the Division. The efficiency of the Division is well maintained.


P. L. Hope, )I.R.C.S.


1st Officer (in Charge) and Hon. Secretary.

Hon . Secretary.

J. H. Adkinson, 7, Victoria 'treet, Wolvertoll.

Pte. R. S. Mantle, 105, Church St., "\'" olverton.

Inspector of Stores .

ergt. 11. 111. Lewis. Ofllcers 3.

ergeant 1.

Corporals 3. Privates 20. (N 0 report received.)

Total t:ffecti ve 27.


W. McD. Ellis, )I.D..

[Formed 21. 4.1904. J

TECHNICAL SCHOOLS, BATH. Lady Supt. and Lady Secretary.

E. D. M. Farwell, 11, Laura Place, Bath.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 21. Total effective 23. Practices held 4. Average attendance 10. Cases attellded not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, 16th ept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 10. Medallions 9. Material: roller bandages, sets of splint ·, 1 chair bed· stead, vested in Committee Bath Centre. Division supported by roem bel'S' sub· scri ptions. This Division was only formed in April and therefore no great progress can be reported . The material of the Division is gradually being added to, and it is hoped by this time next year it will be fully equipped . Arrangements have been made to hold It series of lectures during the winter months.

C. J. Dinbury, South View, Francis Road, Ware. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Seaton. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 24. Total effective 27. Drills held 24. Cases attended on public duty 8. Annual inspection, 22nd Sept. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 12. Without leave 1. Annual fe-examin ation, January. Medallions 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 17 men. Material: 2 stretchers, ambulance hamper, and 1 havresac, ete., vested in an executive Committee. Division supported by subscriptions.


A. H. Hn ckle, M.R.C.S.

[Formed 28.8.02.J

BRASSEY I NSTITUTE, HASTING . Lady Supt. and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. L. D. Ward, 126: Secllescombe Road, St. Leonal'ds.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss L. Austin.

Mrs. E. Ticehurst.


St. John A?nbulance Brigade.

Officers 2. Nursin g sisters 21. T otal effective 23. Increase since last report 3. Practices held 44. A verage attendance 13 '6. Cases attended on public duty 8. Cases attended not on public duty 15. Case privately nursed 1. Annu al inspection, 16th cpt. Total on palade 18. A l~tl1t with leave 5. Annu al re-examination, 3rd June. Members patsed 14. Did not appear 4. Medallions 4. Material: bed, bolster, ~heets, splint, l.andage machine, bandages (roller and triangular), and utensils for innlid cookery, vested in the Nursing Division . D ivision supported by membels' subscriptions, grant from tl1e H astings Education Committee, and a few subscriptions.


[Formell ~8.7 . 02.]

H EAD-QUARTER. : LlTEIL\r:.y I NRTI1TTE, LY)llN GTON. Lady Su pt. and Lady Sec.

Honorary Surgeon .

F. H. Maturin,

Mr . E. Chinery, "Highfield," H olme, Lymin gton.


1st Nursing Officer.

Lady Inspt. of Stores.

Lady Treasurer.

"Mrs. A. Pack.

1I1iss M:. Badcock.

Mrs. M. King.

St. John A?nbulance BTigade. Officers 3.

Nursing sisters 29.

T otal effective 32.

In crease since la t report 1. Practices held 23. Average attendance 21. Oases attended not on public duty 12. Cases privately nUl'sed 33. Annual inspection, 27th I ept. Total on parade 24 . Absent with leave 5. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 19th July. Members passed 25. Did not appear 4. Medallions 26 . ervice badges 6. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 14 nursing sisters. Material: splints, bandages, blankets, sheets, folding table, tent, bronchiti. kettles, etc., vested in the Division. Division supported by members'subscriptions. RAMS GATE (KENT ) NURSING DIVISION. HEAD-QUARTER.


[Formed 28.2.99.J

[Formed 29. 10.90.J

TE(,HNICAL SCHOOL, RA~!SGATE. Lady Superintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

Mrs. A. Cotton, pencer Square, Ramsgate.

B. Nicol, F.R.C ... 42,

1s t Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary. ~lr

. F. 'Y. Hinds, 57, Queen

Lady Insp ecto r of Stores.

Officers 3. NurRing sisters 17. Total effective 20. In crease since last report 1. Practices held 2 . Average u.ttendancc 15. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Cases privately nnr~ed 5. Annual inspection 7th Sept. Total on parade 16. Absent with lea .. e 4. Annual re-examination , 15th, 16th, and 18th Sept. Members pas ed 18 . Medallions 19. Material: mackint osh sheets, air cushions, air bed, carrying chairs, 2 wuter pil 0\\,., inhaler, feeding cups, bronchitis kettle, etc., etc., 3 stretchers, and 2 hanlper , yp,ted in the Ambulance Committee. Division SUppOl ted hy melllhrs' ut,. cription and donations from Local Ambulance Centre. This Division has made great progress amI is working !:atisfactOlily. All members have shown great interest in their duties and haye attended the practices well, and have rendered first aid promptly on several occasions.


Mrs. Dunbar, 77, High

t . , Ramsgate. Lady Treasurer.

treet, Ramsgate.

Miss L. E. Walker.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 19. Total effective 22. Decrea e since la t report 5. Practices held 38. Average attendance 17. Case attcnde(l on public duty 1. Cases privately nursed 7. Annual inspection, 15th cpt. Total on lJarade 15. Absent with leave 6. Without leave 1. Annual re-examlll.atioll, 19th~ May. i\Ie~bers ,Pas eel 19. Did not appear 3. Medallions 19. en'1ce badges o. R egulatIon umfonu worn by 2 .J: ursing Officers. Material: Waterproof heets, hot w~ter bo~tles, bronchitis kett~es, inhalers, enemas, feeding cups,. blank~t , sheets, pil~ow shps and under clothmg, bath chair, spinal couch, carrYl11fS cha11', etc., vested 111 L ocal Centre. Division supported by subscriptions. Pl1?~lC Juty \Va undertaken upon 31st May, at Canterbury, on the occasion of the unveilIng of the Buffs Memorial by L ord Roberts-Chief Superintendent 2 Nursing Oilicer', and 5 nursing sisters attended. '


Lady Superintendent.

T. Mudge, l\l.ll. C. >;.

Ii s H. M. Baker, "Tredonrin," Towedlluck, Pellzunce.


Mi ·s E. L. Dudley "Crow lao," Lud g\'an, Penzallce.

Miss A. VV. Baker, "Tredorwin," Towednack, P enzance .

Honorary Treasurer.

Mr. W . K. Baker (Hon. Mem. ) Officers 2 . Nursing sisters 3. Total effective 5. Practices held 17. Average attendance 3. Cases attended not on public duty 8. Cases privately ,nursed 6. Annual inspection, 11th June. Total on parade 3. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 11th June. Members passed 3. Did not appear 1. Medallions 4. Material: ambulance hamper, bandages, &c., vested in Committee of Division. Division supported by members' subscriptions. PORTSMOUTH (RANTS ) NURSING DIVISION.

[Formed 1.8.95.]


C. Knott, M. R.C.P. Lady Superintendent.

1st Nursing Officer, Lady Sec. and Treasure r

Miss K. Sangster, ~, Palmerston R oad, Southsea.

Miss B. Gieve, 7, Outram Road, Southsea.


Honorary Surgeon.

Lady Inspector of Sto res.

Lady Secretary.

[Formed 6.3.99.J

Miss M. F. Armitage , L.R.C.P. Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. Chard, 30, t . .Mary's Butts, Reading. Lady Secretary.

Miss L. A. Wood, 33, Caversham Road, Reading.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss Chance. Lady Treasurer.

.Miss Chand l er.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 13. T otal effective 15. Practices held 17. Average attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 16. Cases attended not .on public dut~ 20. Annual inspection, 24th Sept. Total on parade 8. Absent With leave 2. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 19th Oct. ~Iemb~rs p~ssed 14. Medallions 9. Regulation nniform worn by 1 Officer and ~ nursmg sis.ters. . Mater~a~:. band.a~e?, winders, splints, nm:sing hamper, vested 1ll the Committee of the DlvislOn . DiViSion supporte:1 by subscnptions from members. The stre?-&th of this Div.ision remains the same as last year; one member has left for trammg as a professlOnal nurse, this makes the fifth in five years. One new memb.er was eurolled. Services on public duty have been rendered by the Lady Supenntendent and nursing sisters, at a chool Treat, the United Temperanoe F et e and at the Working Men's R egatta . '



} t. John A ?nbulance B?·igrlde.

St. J ohn A')f1bulance B?"igade. WATFORD (HERTS ) NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 4.5.01.J HEAD-QUARTER : PUBLI C LrnRA RY,

1st Nursing Officer' (i n charge.) t

:Miss A. Pitkin, 24, Aluellham Road, Bushey. Lady Inspector' of Stores .

Mrs. E. Wilson.

No. IlL-Central and Eastern District.


Honorar'y Su rgeon . C. H. Hall, M. D. Lady Sec retary.

1\1iss G. Judge, Eversleigh, Marlborough Roa.d, Watford. Hon. Treasurer.

1\11'. J. W oolman (Hon. Member).

Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 12. Total effective 14. I ncrease since last report 2. Practices held 17. Average attendance G.. Cases attended not on public duty 5. Cases privately nursed 2. Annual inspection, 23rd Sept. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 2. Without lea\'c 2. .A1U~\1Il1 re-examination, 16th Sept. Members passed 7. Did not appear 7. 1\1edal11ol1'7. Material: 1 nursing hampcr, vested in the Committee of the Public Library Division supported by voluntary subscriptions.

Deputy Commissionei·-Brigacle-. nrgeon Lieut.-Colonel G. S. ELLISTON, V.D. District Chi{'j SUI'Y'Jon-Mr. 'Y. E. AUDLANll, M.R.C . S. .Assistant Commissioll el·-1\1r. T. H. 'YOOLSTON. Dist?'ict Chief Sllpel'illtenden t-. urgeoll-Captain F. A. BnOOK, , M. D. Dist?'ict SllpeI'inlenclent Secretat'y- 'm'g.-Lieut. ,v. A. GIBB, ~I.D., H . A,)LC. (Yol.) l.iiBtl'ict Superinlen(l ent 1'I'easn1'eI'-CapLain HUGHE.' . REPORT OF TIlE DEPUTY CO 11 nIl , IO?\fER. 2,



20th Octulm', 1904. Ill,

I bll.\·e the honour to ,:uhmit the fullowing a my Annual Report for Xo. III. Vi:;trict for the year encling' 30th ::)clltember, 1904. Bl'i Hade work 1m:; been acti \'ely carried on during the year, the various Corps and Divis~m; in the clistri<;ts h<wing made continued and ati:;fnctory progrelil. There haR ]Jccn a cOllsiderable clecreao.;e in the numerical strength of some of the older established corps, such as Kettering, Ipswich, ' methwick and ,Vellingborough, prin(;ip<tlly caused by \\-eeding out non-efticiel1Ls, but the Assi:;tant-Commis ioner speak:; hopefully of re-forming' ,ome Di ,'i ,ion and pulling the numbers up again . ..:\.nother cause of the diminished total i:; the formation of the new 1'\0. VII. Di trict, by ,,11i(;h thi ' ditrict lo:;t the County of 'hropshire and upwards of 200 Officers and men. DUl'ill~ the year two new Di\-i:.;iom; haye been formed in the Birmingham Corps, one in the Lei(;e.ter Corp and one in the Xorthampton Corp, but the t . John's, Ip:;wich, 1Iul1tz\, "':methwick, and the Gayton and Duyentry Divisions, ha,e ceased to exi,t. The annual inspection have been carri d out in a atisfactory mfl.nner. I inRpectecl the Birmingham Corps on fleptember 3rd in the fine Volunteer Drill Hall, kindly lent by Culonel C. J. Hart and the Officers of the 1st V.B. Royal " Tarwick Hegiment. The total number of Officers and men on parade wa 104, all in the uniform of the Brigade. Including Chief Surgeon Nel'on and Chief uperintendent Gilbert. all the Corp ' Staff Officers were pre'ent; they pre ented a ,ery smart appearance, and frum the manner the day 's programme was carried out, all ranks seemed thoroughly keen on the work. I yentured to predict that there was a great future for this 'orpR, and that it wag likely to become the backbone of the No. III. District. Kearly eyery Corps and Di\'i ion in the di trict ha been in pected during the year, and in this important \\-ork I haye been ably a i ted by A Ri tantCommi :;ioner \Vool ton, Chief- urgeon Audland, and urgeon-Captain Brook. I "i, h to take this opportunity of thanking them for the valuable help they haye gi"en me in carrying out the variou Briga.de duties throughout the year. On Ma,y 6th the final stage in the ,. Dewar hield Competition, held in London, was won by the Birmingham orp team under 1st Officer C. H. Overbury. The \\'inning team had a gr at reception on their return to Birmingham, and at the Di trict Camp held at Towce tel' during ,Vhitsun week, the ... hield decorated the Officer' M e s Tent. The Annual amp of Instruction wa again held at , Vhit untide in Easton Neston Park by the kind permi sion of 11' Thoma H esketh, Bart. There wa a larger attendance in camp, and the value of the practical experience gained is being increasingly appreciated by all rank in the District. On May 25th the Chief Commi sioner inspect d the Camp, and subsequently held a review in the Park. The dutie of Camp Adjutant were again carried out by As i tant-Commissioner Wool ton, who was ahly assi ted by Captains Hughes and Goucher, who looked after the comfort of all under canvass. In concluding this report, I beg to draw the attention of Commanding Offir:ers of Corp and Division, to the neces ity of having the annual returns sem in earlier an II

St. John




St. John A 'fnuulwnce BTigc(,de.

the clo e of the year. The d elay cau es the grea~e t inconvenience .a.t H eH.d(!ua~ters and the cal'eles manner in which some of the Bngade Form are filled up, l ' likely t o can e disa,p pointment in the future, when members find out their term of service i,; not recorded. I have the honour to be, iI', Your obedient servan t, GEORGE


K night of (haec, Ordcr' oj thc lIu;pitaZ of St. Jolin ol Jausalcm, DeJluty UOJn7/!issioIlCI', Xo . Ill . IJ/.~tl'ict . To the Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade.

of Corps or Diyision.

No. II 1. District ' tall' Ashby-de-la- Zouch Division Bedford DIvision Birmingham Corps Coventry Co- op . Division Cromer Division .. . Dudley Divi ion .. . Dunchurch Diyiioll Felixstow"e " Foleshill and Longford Divi ion H a11aton Di vision Ha\-erh ill " I ps\Yich Corps Kettering " L eieester " L eighto n Buzzard Division Market Harborough " Medbourne Division Northampton Corps nneaton Divi 'ion (No.1) " Railway Div. (No . 2) Olney Divi 'ion Oun llle Ov erseal Rugby " Smethwick Corps Wednesbury Division Welling borough Corps Nursing DivisiollS. Rnrtoll L atimer Nursing Div. I pswich Ir thlingborough K ettering L eicester L eigl1ton Buzzard Northamptoll Rill gstead Rllshden Welling1}orongh





Hi l!"lS


:n H

:31 Report 1 1

1 1



3 3

12 No

19 Report



11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~o

9 1

% 105




3 :2 14

1 1

ti 1 :t

2 2

2 1



:2..1 11 167 ~~

:2li 31 19



RqJOrt ]


9 14



1-1 Hi



1 3

13 (1) 1

17 1 1 2

(1 ) (1) (l)


Xo Report (J)

3 ·1 3








(~ )

o 6

Corps or DiviiolU;.



The H on. Snrgeons shewn in varenth esis are included in the number given for the Corps to which their divisions are attached .


D'l.te whell formed.

L ciel.!!':tcl' Curps ~ ov. 14. 1 :2 Div.(Leil'ester C01'}IS) 00V. 14,1 ~ K orthunptoll Corps illay 4, 1 6 H e,Lfl-lluartel's Div. (Xorthalllptoll Corps . ~lay 4, 1 6 Earl's Bartoll Diy. (K 01'th:ulljlton Corps) . )lar. 24,1 8 Roade Di\'. ( orthamptOil COI'P ') . . . June 30, 1 \\Tellingborongh COl'll • ept. 1 }jead-'lnnners Diy. (\\'el)inghorollgh Corp~) . April 9 Y.M.C.A. Vi\'. (Lei.:c tel' Corp) . . lila), 15, 90 Workillg ~l el1' Cullege lli\'. ( Leicester Co)'p) . No,. 1, 1 90 Higham ]:\lTers Diyi "ion (\r .. llillglHlrll11ghCorp.') Jail., 91 Dndll~:V Divisiun . • ept. :2", 1 90 )1011)t011 DiL XnrthanlptOll Corps . Oct. 2. 92 P<tnlershnry Diy. (Xorth:lJll ptO~l Corl's . .:'lIar. ], 1 93 1. t Di\-. (Ip 'widl Corp. ) . July 13, 1 93 11 arkot Harborullgh Di \'. Oct. 17, 1 93 Ecttering Corps Oct. 1 , 1 93 Headquarter Division ' Kettering Corps) . Oct. 1 , 1.:93 Tlll~ye' Di\'. ( 'lllCthwick Corps) . .. 95 Rnsltt!eu Di\'i ion (\r dlingbol'ough Corps) . Jan. 30 96 Ringsteac1 Divjioll (W cIlingbolough Corp) . 1Iar. 20, 1 96 Wolla ton Di\"ision (W ellillgborough Corp) . April 2, 1 96 Finedon Di vi::.ion (WellinglJorotlgh Oorps). . i\l ay 5, 1896 Police Divi "ion (I pswich Corp) . . . Octouer, 1896 Bozeat Divi ion (Wellin g borough Corps) Dec. 3, 1 96 Twywell Division (Kettering Corp ) Dec. 1 , 1896 Bliworth Div. (Northampton Corps). . April 2, 1 9 7 Irthlingborouuh Divisioll (Wellingho\~llgh Corp) Mar., 97 I rchester Division (Wellingborongh Corps) . 97 Rushton Division (Kettering Corps) . . Aplil 3, 1897 NUll eato n Town Division May , 1 97 '1'0\\"11





Corps Divi 'ions .

Date when formeJ .

. toke Bl'llel'1le Div. (:0ortham[ltoll Corps) . . }lay 29, 1897 ~t. John's Division (I ps wich Oorps) . . July 29, 1897 Wheatsheaf Di vi ion (Leicester Corps) 1897 ept., Rothwell Division (Kettering Corps) Dec., 1897 Ouudle Division . Feb. 28, 1 9 Leighton Buzzard Div. Feb. 28, 1898 Hallatoll Division. . Feb. 7, 1898 on\'e 11 'Works Divisio n (Ipswich Corps). . Oct. 13, 1898 L. & K. W. R. Division (Leicester Corps) . . Nov. 1, 1898 Li ttle H oughton Div. (Northampton Corps) . N ov. 26,1898 illeub oul'l1e Division Mal'. 3, 1899 H averhill Division. . April 20. 1 99 D itvE'lltry Division (Northalnpton Corps) . . June 2, 1899 Felix towe Divi ion . Oct. 30, 1 99 Odtlfellows Div. (I pswich Corps) D ec. 6, 1 99 I p wiclt Corps . . 1900 D esboro ugh Divi ion (Kettering Corps) Feb. 9, 1900 Brixworth Div. (1 01'thampton Corps). . April 9, 1900 A hby-de-la-ZoLlch Div . . Ap ril 13, 1900 Kislillgbury Div. (.1. 01'thamptoll Corps) . lIlay 29, 1900 Wigston Magna Division (L cice tel' Corp) . . June 29, 1900 Nun eaton (L. & N. W.R.) Di vi ion . Aug. 12, 1900 Cromer Division. Mar. 19, 1901 Dunchlll'ch Division . April 20, 1901 Burton Latimer Division (Kettering Corps) . May 2, 19 01 Coventry Co-operative Diyi ion . . . Aug. 26, 1901 Broughton Divi ion (Ket tering Corp) Sept. 21, 1901 Over eal Division Nov. 3, 1901 Bedforrl Dil'i ion" . Nov. 22, 1901 Nettlefold' Div. (Smethwick Corps) . . . Dec. 19, 1901 N arborough Div. (Leicest er Corp) . D ec. 12, 1901 now Hill (G. W. R. ) Div. Birmingham Corps . Jan. 14-, 1902


Corp or Divisions.

St. J ohn A 1nbulance Brigade.

St. John A?nlndance Brigade.

Corps or Division . .

Date when formed.

Central Station Div. (Birmingbam Corps) . . Jan. 14, 1902 Nelson Street Div. (Bir· mingham Corps) . . Jan. 1902 Lawley Street (M.R) Div. (Birmingham Corp) Feb. 1902 Fole hill alld Longford Division 1IIar. 25, 1902 Cranford Din ion (Kettering Corps) April 23,1902 No . 4 Social ettlement Division (I pswich Corps) A pri126, 1902 Barwell Div. (Leicester Corps) nIl1Y 2, 1902 Wigston (1\1. n.) Diviion (Leice tel' Corps) . May 25, 1902 Olney Divi~ion l ay 23, 190:2 Monument Lane (L . & " . W. R) Div. (Birmingham Corp) . Feh. 25, 1902


Date wh en formed.

Birmingham Corps. June 1, 1902 mcthwick Corps Aug. 19 02 Rugby Division . . D ec. 12, 1902 .Messr '. K "noch' Diy. (Birmingham Corps) . . April '27, 1903 Earl 'hilton Diyi'ion (Leice tcr Corp) . Jlay 1, 1903 Pytchley Division (Kettering Corp) June, 1903 BUllington Hall Diviioll (Rirmingham Corp.-) . Mar. 11, 1!.l01 Cl1l'ZOll treet (L. &. I . \Y. R) (Birmingham Corp.) . . . Allrilll, HlOi: W ednesbury Di\-iion . July '23, 1901



Buekinghamshire-Olney Division. L eicestershire-Leicester Corps, Ashby- de-la-Zouch Divi5ion, Overseal Division, Hallaton Di\'i ion, Medbourne Divi5ion Market Harborolwh Di vision. , b Northamptonhil'e- Torthampton Corps, ,Yellingborouah Corps Ketterin O' Corps, Oundle Divi ion. to' b \\'arwiekshire-Bil'J:'llingbam Corps, Co\-entry Division , Dnucburch Division, Foles• . hill and Longford Divi ion, Rugby Division , Tuneaton Divisions. \\ ol'cestersh lre-Dudley Division. Bedford h~re-Bedford .DiviSion , L eighton Buzzard Divis ion. taffordslure- methwlCk Corps, \\~ednesbury Division.



Norfolk-Crom er Division. Suffolk-Ip wieh Corps, F elixstowe DiYision, Haverhill Division.


Lekester Nursing Div. (Leicester Corps) . . I pswich Nursing Division (Ipswich Corps) . Ringstead Nursing Div. (Wellingborough Corps) Kettering Nursing Div. (Kettering Corps) . Northampton (head-quarters) Nursing Division ( ortbampton Corps) .

1 Oct.

6 94

Mar. 20, 1 96 Nov. 21,1898

Leighton Buzzard Nursing Divi ,ion IrthlincrborouO'h Tursill(' Div.o CWellingborough Corps) . Ru hden Nursing Divi~ion CWellingborongh Corp.) Burtoll Latimer ursing Division (Kettering Corps) .




July 3, 1901 J\\l)' 3, 1901


Bedfordsllire -Leighton Buzzard Nursin O' Division. Leicester bire-Leice tel' Nursing Divi io~1. NOlthamptonsbir e~~~I'thampton. Tur ing Diyi ion, Bmton Latimer Nursing D~v~ ~on, K,ettellllg Nursing Division , \\ elllDgborough Nnrsing DivIs.lOn, Rmg tead "ursing Division, Rushdeu Nursing Division, Irthlmgborough "ursing Division.

May 23, 1902

Sept. 27,1899

EA.. TERN Suffolk-I pswich Nursing Division.


St. John

St. John Anl-lmlcullce Brrigade.


Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

C. E. Baxter, The W ooulands, 15, Road, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch. Inspector of Stores.

1st Officer.


Honorary Secretary.

CorpI. H. J. Owen.

Ptc. A. J. Baxter, Malket i., Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 16. Total eflective 21. Increase ddt since last report 5. Drills held 36. A veraae attendancd H. Removals 7. Cases atten e .no on }lublic duty 8. Annual i~spection, 27th July. Total on parade 20. Absent WIth· out lea,e 2. Annual re-examination, 13th ept. Memb~rs pa ~ed 16. Did not appear 2. :M edallions 10. ervice badge 5. Regul~hon umform ~"OJ n ~:r a~ Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and I? men. ~I~t.enal: 4 ~tI'etch:ls, S~lIb'1C _ hamper, litter, &c., vested in local Comnllttee. Dn')1,IOn SUppOl ted b) public sub scriptions. T. HeaJ1eld .



[Formed 22.11.01.J • cnOOL ROO~l, BEDFonn.

Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.

Hon . Secretary.

Surgeon-Lieut. C. H. Perram, ~1.D., 55. Bromham Road, Bedfortl.

ergt. 'Vm. Bridgman, 24, Coventry Road, Bedforu.

Hon . Treasurer.

H. P. Bowling Trewanion, Esq. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 15. Total effective 19. Drills held 25. Oases attended on public duty] 3. Removal ,24. A:nnunl inspection, 16th Sept. Total on partlde .14. Absent with leave J. Wlt~ont leave 3. Medallions 12. Regulation ul1lform worn by 1 sergeant, 2 corpOJals, and 15 men. Division supported by ub cri}Jiions.


T. Nelson, M.D. Chief Superintendent.

F. Gilbert, 72, Cambridge Street, Birmingham.

Supt. Secretary.

J. H. Hawkins, 82, Asbted Row, Birmingr.am.

Superintendent of Stores.

Supt. Treasurer.

A. R. Tozer.

J. H. Rogers.


The Corps consists of the follo\ying Divisions-




ASHBY -DE-LA-ZOUCR DIVISION. [Formed 13.4.1900.J Honorary Surgeon .


Officers 25. Sergeants 7. Corporals 4. Privates 193. T?tal effective 229. Reserve member 1. Increase since last report 92. Corps dnlls held 7. Average attendance 65. Cases attended on public duty 578 . Removals 55. Cases attended not on pnblic duty 955. Annual inspection, 3rd. Sept. Total?n parade 104. Absent with leave 9l. Without .leave ~4. Medalhons 117. ServlCe badges 2. Nursing certificates 30. Regulation \llll~orm worn. by 12 Officers, 7 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 90 men. The matenal ~s -yested lU the staff. Corps supported by Local Centre, St. John Ambulance AssoClatlOn.

No. Name. Address . .Hembe1·ship. Snpt. Han . SU1·geon. 1. H cau-quarters Cambridge treet 2. tewarts and Lloyds Hales Owen 19 O. H. Williams E. G. Walls, ~L R. C. 1-; . 0. Midland Railway Lawley treet 38 J. Dudley T. B. Gould,~Ln.c.~. 4. L. & .W. Railway Monnment Lan e 25 A. Hyde J.HentonWhite,M.D. 5. Nelson treet Nelson treet 22 J. Lacon D. R. Rowlands, ",1.D. 6. Gt. ·Western Railway Snow Hill 25 'V. Halris J. Neal, ;)I.R.C.S. 7. Midland Hailway Suffolk Street 21 J. Garuner J.H.Blakeney,DLn. G.&. Kynoehs Witton 18 ~. Nutt O. R. Lewis, M.D. 9. Burlington Hall Aston 19 W.J.Spendlove D. Holmes, M.B. 10. Birw.Ry.Car.&W.Co. Smethwick 17 W.H.Barker W. H. Stephen, ::\1.B. (Ceased to exist June 9, 1904.) 11. L. & N. W. Railway Curzon traet 36 Clement Belcher, M. D., D. P. H. A ne\\' Division bas recently been formed at Messrs. Stewarts and Lloyds, Limitetl, Coombes Woo(l 'l'nbe Works, Hales Owen. All the men attached to this Division are being supplied by the linn witlt full uniform forthwith. On November Hlt, 1903, at the re'luest of the Chief COllstaLle (C. H. Rafter) the services of a body ot ambulance men lI'ere requisitioned for duty at the great meeting beld in Bingley Hall, anel at which the Right HOll. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P., delivered a speech. The audience nnmbered upwards of 14,000 people. The annual competition for the Birmingham Challcnge hield was held on Monday evening, November 23I'd, 1903, J. Courtellay Lord, E ·c[., J,P., Chairman of the Local Centre, pre iding. Fi,e teams competed. After il. keen competition, the Ollairman announced that No.6 Division , now Hill, Great \\T estern Rail way, were again the winners. The "inning; team consisted of Fir.t Officer C. H. Overbury (ill charge), Corporal Baker, and Pri,ates F. . Bol ton, Fletcher, and G. Jervis. On May 6th the tinal stage in the annual competition for 1904 for the Dewar hielu and the ymons Eccles Cnp took place at the Portlltan Room, London, in the presence of a di tinguishecl aurlience. The judges were-Hon. Surgeon R. J. Roberts aud Di~t. - upt.- ec. Dr Gibb. III this competition the Birmingham team (No . 3 DiRtrict) carried off the fir t prize with 27 points, and were awarded, in addition to the shield, silver-plated tea aurl coffee sets each . The Marchioness of L~n dO\l'lle moL graciollsly presented the p1'i:.::es. 'rhe winning team consisted ofFIrst Officer C. H. Overbury (in charge), Corp. H. Baker, and Privates C. Fletcher, G. !arvis, alld li'. . Bolton, with Private J. Finney (reserve). They "'ere aCCOll1pallled to the competition by Chief upt. Gilbert, Supt.- ec. Hawkins, and upt. Hurris (Xo. 6 Divi ion). The annual camp of the r o. 3 Di trict was held atlYhit untide (from 21st to 2~th .May) in Ea'ton Neston Park, 'l'o\Ycesb~r, and it was the privilege of the Bll'Imngham Corps this year to be represented in camp by Cbief Supt. Gilbert, Supt.- 'ec. Hawkins, upt. LacoD) and 14 men, in addition to whom Supt. Hyd e al ' 0 attended for two days alld upt. Gardner for one day. At the special request of the Water Committee of the City of Birmingham and of the Chief Constable, the members of the Corps were called on duly at Rhayacler and Elan VaHey, in Radllorshire, on July 21st, it hei ng the occasion of the inauguration of tbe liew Birmingham water supply by his Majesty King Edward YII . Chief SllPt. Gilbert, npt. ·Sec. Hawkins; "Ul)t. of Stores, A. R. Tozer, and Fir t Officer Chaloner, with 21 men attended, in addition to "hom 9 members of the Birmingham City Fire Brigade were attached for ambulance duty. The annual inspection of the Corps took place on Saturday afternoon, opt. 3rd, at the Drill H all, Thorpe Street, by kind permission of Col. C. J. H art, commanding l~t V.B. Royal Warwick Regiment. The inspecting officer was Brigade Surg. L~el1t: .Col. G.•. Elliston, V.D. (Deputy-Commissioner No. III, Central and Eastern Dlstnct), '''ho was accompanied by Assist.-Commissioner T. H. ",VooL ton. Total number on parade, 104. 0111' thanks are due to the local press, which has rendered every a~sista?ce in its power by publishing brigade orders and other mat~ers in connectlOll WIth the Corps free of cost.



T. B. Gould, )I.R.C. '., Eng. Superintendent and Hon. Secretary.

Dudley, 8, George Arthur Road,

F . ChaloneI'.

Honorary Treasurer.

Mr. 'iV. :Mills (Hon . Member). Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 34. Total effective 3 I ncrease since last report 17. Drills held 35. AYerage ~ttend~nce 16. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public dnty 290. Annual JIlSpectlOu, 3rd eJl~. Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 14. 'Yithont leave 2. Annual re-eXall11nation 4th ept. Members passed 25: Did not appea~ 12. :DIedalliolls 18. Nursi~g certificates 5. Regulation umform \\'orn ~y I Officer~ I .. ~rgcant, al?d ,13 !Ilen. Material: 2 litters and general outfit. Ma~er~al ve ted 1ll :Jhdland Ralh,ay Compauy. Division supported by members' subscnptIons. . The work of the year has been satisfactory; members have perform ed publIc duty on eight occasions, including the King's visit to Rhayatler. eve~ltcc n. n~w mem bel'S have joined, and more are expected. Member have rendereu first mu III 290 case3 during the year.


Supt. and Hon . Secretary.

A. Hyde, Lan dowue Villa, Grosvenor Road, Harborne, Birmingham.

Officers 2. Seraeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 21. Total effective 25 . Drills held 36. A~eraae attendance 14. Cases attendetl on public duty 34. Cases attended not on p~blic duty 17. Annual in paction, 3rd ' ept: ':!-'otal on parade 19. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 3. Annnal l'e-eXamlllatlOn, 21st Nursing February. :DIembers passed 21. Did not appear 3. lIIedallions 10. certificates 3. Regulation tmiform worn by 2 Officer, I serge~nt, 1 corporal, and 9 men. Material: stretchers, splints, and bandages, vested lD London and North Western Railway. Division supported by members.


D. R. Rowlands, M.D., F.R.C.S. Hon. Secretary.

,Pte. T. Wallis, 84, George Street W est, Birmingham,


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 19. Total effective 22. Drills held 30. Average attendance 15. Cases Decrease since last report 1. attendeel not on pulilic duty 23. Annual inspection, 3rd 'ept. Total Gil parade 18. Absent with leave 3. 'Without leave 1. Annual re-examination 12th March. Members passed 18. Medallions 4. Nursing certificates 3. Ref[U: lation nniform worn by I Officer, ] sergeant, and 16 men . Material: 2 stretche~'s surgical havresac, water-bottle, splints, bandages, etc., vested in the officers of N elson treet Adult choo1. Division supported by elson Street Adult choo1.

1st Officer and Inspector of Sto res .


Hon. Surgeon.

St. John Ambulance B rigc&cle.

Supt. and Hon. Treasurer.

J. Lacon, 28, Broughton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. Inspecto r of Sto res.

Pte. A. 'Webb.


J . Neal, :'ILn. C.S.



Superintendent and Hon . Secretary.

'V. Harris, 42, Booth treet, Hands\Yorth.

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

C. H. Overbury .

Pte . G. Jervis.

Officers 3. ergeant 1. CoqJoral1. PriYates 20. Total effective 25. Drills held 57. Ayeragc attendance .15. Cases attended 011 public duty 3. Remoyals 19. Cases attended not ~n publIc duty 37. Annual inspection, 3Id ept. Total on parade 1. Absent wIth leave 24. Annual re-examination, 27th Sept. :JIelll bers p<1.ssed 13. Did not appear II. Medallions 15. enice badaes 1. NUl'~illg certificate 1. Reg~lation uniform ,v.ol'll by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, cormen. MaterIal : 2 Ashford lItters, 1 stretcher, 2 uraical boxes pond, and cO,ll1.l'!ete, and store chest, vested in Great 'Westel'll Railway Co., B~'minghaDl . Dl\'l:>lOll supportcd by Great Western Railway, Birmillgharu.




Hon . Surgeon .

Superintendent and Hon . Secretary.

J. H. Blakeney, L.n .c.p.

J. Gardner, 5, Louise Terrace, Bordesley Park Road, Birmingham.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. Dale.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. J . H. Widdup.

Officers 2. ergeants 2. Corporal 1. Private 16. Total effective 21. Decrea e since last report 2. Drills held 29. Average attendance 12. Case attended on public duty 68. Removals 15. Cases attended 1l0t on public duty 124. Annual inspection, 3rd ept. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave II. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 3rd JUly. :Members passed 19. Did not appear 1. Medallions 19. Service badges 1. Nursing certificates 4. Regulation uni , f?rm worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, I corporal, and 16 men. Material: 1 wheeled litter, 2 stretchers, bandages, &c., vested in the Committee. Division supported by the members. (No.8) MESSRS. KYNOCH'S DIVISION (BIRMINGHAM CORPS). [Formed 27 .J.03.J HEAD-QUARTER Hon . Surgeon .

O. R. Lewis, M.D.




S. Nutt, 4, Du nsink Road, Witton.

Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

Pte. C. Mobley, 392, Slade Road , Erdington.




Officers 2. Privaie& 16. Total effective 1 Drills held 26. Averaae attendunce 1:2. Cases a.ttended on public duty l. Removals 28. Cases attel~ded not on .llll bllC duty 193. Alillual ill~pec.tion. ') 31'<1 Sept. Total on parade 16. ~b ent \I'lth leave 2. All~\lal r~-ext1ll\ll~a.tlOn, ~~t~ Aua. Members passed 16. Dld not appull' 1. Metlal!tott. 13. lI1~tllg celtlfi.· cat~s 11. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Ottil.!er awl 16 mCll: :JIatcnul: a two· wheeled horse ambulance Yan, fitted complete, sltytclters, Sp~tllts: llllndage~ ..0.:.c., also 15 first-aiJ boxes fitted about works. l\1atenal ,'csted 111 hynoch, Ltntltl'u, Witton. Division supported by members. . .. , Durina the year O'ood pl'oO'l'ess has bcen made by tlns DlVl 1011. A COUl' e of nursing fectures was given by the Hon. urgeoll, the resu] t bClllg that 11. memuct s of the Division obtained the certificate. The meml)ers ha\'e ta]~e,ll. pnblJc dnty on several occasions the services of the men bcing fre'luently reC[lll IllOuell, and tbey have been compiimented at varion.s times on their tir::,t aid work. The horse ambulance has been u ed on 2 occa. tOllS.





Hon . Su rgeon.

D. Holme ,

"Y. J. pendlovc,

1, 'WiJliam 'tred l A ton :Jlitnol.


Honorary Secretary.

Pte. ,V. Cooper, 59, Potter's Hill, Aston

[Formed 26.8.1901.]


Honorary Surgeon.

R. Rice,

M.D .


C. Tew, 85, Somerset Road, Coventry. 1st Officer, Hon . Secretary, and Inspector of Stores.

J. W. Cotton, Compton House, Foleshill Road, Coventry. Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Privates 22. Total effective 27. Increase since last rel)ort 2. Drills held 37. Average attendance 17. Cases attended on puLlic duty 7. Cases attended not on public duty 26. Annual inspection, 27th Aug. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 4. Withcnt leave 12. Annual re-examination, 1 th Feb. Members passed all. Medallions 11. Regulation uniform ,yom by 2 men. Material: 2 stretchers, splints, triangular and roller bandages, etc., vested in the Division. Division supported by subscriptions of members. The annual inspection by Assist. -Commissioner T. H. Woolston, of Northampton, took l~lace on August 27t~\ ~904. There W:lS only a fair attendance. many being awu:>: from homc. The DlvlslOn has done good work in rendering first aid when on pubhc duty. Good work has also been done in workshops and factories durinO' the twelve months. There. is great diffic~llty in retaining the members owing tg'the cycle and motor trades m Coventry belllg of such an uncertain nature.

Honorary Treasurer.



Hon . Surgeon and Supt, (acting).

C. Belcher, 1I1.D., D.PH., Dale Encl, Birmingham. Inspector of Stores.



CorpI. F. A. Parker.

Offi cers 2. Sergeant 1. COl'} otal 1. Plinttes I.'). Total efkt:ti.\'c If!. Drills held 37 . Avcraue attendance ]2. Case~ attended 011 puhhc tlnt.\' lli2. Removal l. Cases attendoetl not Oll public tlut)' 175. Allllllal in"l'ectioll, ;3111 ~~'pt. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 5. \\,ithol1t lca\'e ,I.. l~lll1\lal rc-CXanlJl.l<ltion, Dec. 15. Members passed 12. DiJ not appeal' 4. ~Iedall!olls ,1: RcglllatlOll uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeaJlt, 1 corporal, and 4 mCIl. ~latcltal: tJ'etdlcl', banuaaes splint· &c. yestcd in Di\'isioll. Divi ion lll,poded by mC1l1Uel~. The"m'ost not~w01tilY feature of the year's work of this Didsioll was the rluty renderecl by 15 members at thc great TO~'l'ey-~lcxllncler mis. ion hcld itl Hill~]ey I~all from January 17th to February 14th lllclu 1\·C. The hall Wi1S capable 01 seatlllg up"ards of 10,000 ,People. The m<:mbel's attencled 56 mecting llllll 11111<lc -110 attendances, renclerlllg first ald to 13/ ell es.

Pte. J. H. Blackwell.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

Am.l.mlwlce Brigade.



Honorary Secretary

Ptc. F. G. • haw, 76, Bankes Road, Small Heath, Bil'lllillg1nm. Honorary Treasurer.

Mr. Wm. Thomas (lIon. MembLl)

Officer l. Privates 35. Total efrective 36. Drills helrll5. Average attendance 14. Ca,es attelllled on public lluty 3. Cases. attended not on public duty 96_ Annual lllspection, 3['(1 Sept. Total on parade21. Absent with leave 12. Without leave 3. Medallions 14. Regulation uniform worn by 8 men. Material: 2 litters, 3 stretchers, 1 store chest, 1 sUl'gical hampel', 3 boxes, quantity of splints, bandages, etc. Material vested in London and North Western Rail way Com pany. Di vision supported by London and North Western Railway Company and members' subscriptions.


[Formed 19.3.01.J


Honorary Surgeon.

A. Burton,

~l. D.

Honorary Secretary.

R. L. RanJull, Mount treet, Cromer.


1st Officer.

'F. H. Barclay, Th e " 'arren, Cromer.

F. J. Emms.

Inspector of Stores.

J. Kettle.

Honorary Treasurer.

E. 111. Hansell.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 14. Total effective 19. Decrea e :,ince last report 2. Drills held 41. Average attendance 12. Cases attended not on puLlic duty 17: Removals 7. Annual inspection, 26th April. Total on parade 14. A~sent wlth leave 4. An~ual re-examination, 24th May. Melllber~ pa se? 14. DId not appear 4. Medalhons 9. Nursing certificates 14. Regul~tJoll ulllform worn. Ly 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 14 men. .Matenal: 3 stretcher,. carnage, haYl'esac, splint, bandages, 6 wall boxes fitted co~pl.ete, &c., vested m Local Committee. Division supported by voluntary sub. scnptlOns. The Diyision continues to do goo~ work, and is frequently called upon for tran port. Th~ number of membe.rs IS two less than la t year, but cla e ha,e bee~ a.r~'anged m order to ge~ l'ecrmts, a~d so k~ep up the str~ngth. During the year sue wall-boxes, fitted wlth everything reqUITed for first ald haye been fixed about the tow~. The Division is indebted to Mr. F. H. Barclay,' who defrayed the expenses of fittmg .out three; L ady Buxton two, and the local football club one and al 0 to Mr. G. RlChe , who presented the Divi iun with the boxes. A team' was e~tered for the Dewar Shield, but only came fourth in the divisional contest at Bll'mingha~, and, after hold~ng it. f?r two years, the E . Anglian Challenge Oup had to be per~~t.ed t.o return t? Its.ongInal owners-Ipswich 1st. Interest in the work Of. the. DIVlSlo.n IS well mamtamed locally, and it is hoped in the ensuing season to brmg It up to ltS full strength. T

St. J ohn A ??~bulwnce B?'igacle.


DUDLEY DIVISION. [Formed 28. 9. 92.J HEAD-QUARTER : STONE S1'l1EET, DUDLEY. Honorary Surgeon .


J . H. 'Wilkinson, M.ll.C.S.

W. E. Hartland, "\Volverhampton trect, Dudl ey. Honorary S ecretary.

Honorary Treasurer.

OOl·p1. M. Christopher, 44, High Street, Dudley.

Corll1. E. Tibbetts.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. C. Ollis. Officer 2. Sergeants 3. Corporal 4. Privates 34. Total elrectiYe 43 . Increase since last report 20. Drills helli 34. AYerage attendance '27. Caes attended on public duty 26 . Hemovals 5. Cases attended no~ on puhlic dut:y.60. Annual inspection, 23rd July. Total on parade 33. Ab ent Wlth leave 9. \\ Ithout leave 1. Annu al re-examination, 2 th ept. Members pas'clI '29. Did not appear 14. Medallions 17 . Service badges 20. N Lll' ing certiHcales 6. Reg~!la­ tion uniform ,vorn by 1 Officers, 3 sergeants, 4 corporals, alld 33 mcn. :ilIatenal: 3 surgical havresacs, 4 stretchers, splints, diagrams, etc., ve ted in Dutiley Divi!>ion. Division supported by members. " This Division has made rapicl progress, therc bell1g an mcrease of 20 member durinO' the last 12 months. It was with much regret that the members learn:'d that the Superintenllent, Mr. A. '1'. Dawson, had resicrlled, after ltohlillg the office for several years. At the annual inspection First Officer W. E. Hartland was appointed to the vacant office. A good number attended call1p, a 1111 a still greater number are looking forward to attending next year. At the annual inspection Assist. -Commissioner Woolston said he wa delighted with the progrcss made. It was the best inspection he had e'-er attcnded in Du(lley. He eom plimented the mcn 011 their smartness anti appearance. As usual, the members turned ont 011 all public occasions, and whil t on duty at the Horse Show on Ban k Holiday Monday attelJcled a yery scriolls acciden t. A hcavy horse got beyond control anti jumped amongst the spectators, which rcsultcd. in about a dozen person'> being rendcred unconscious with injuries of a seriolls nature. The Hon. Surgeon and members were in attendance at once, and the cool and efficient manner in which the cases were treated. brought forth ullstinted prai e from Press and puhlic. The Horse how Committee, in recognition of the serviccs rendered, sent a donation to the funds of the Corps. On eptember 23rd the members attend.ed. the unveiling of a memorial by General Lyttleton to the memory of Dudley heroes who fell in the South African War, and upon wbich is inscribed the name of Pte. S. H. T. Clarkson, one of the members of the Division. During the year three church parades have been attended; and three first aiel classes have been held, which resulted in a large increa e in thc mcmbcrsbip. Several competitions have been arrangerl to take place early in next year.



[Formed 30.10.99. J ROO~I,


1st Officer.

S. L. H arlock . Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.



Bullock, Orwell Road, Felixstowe.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. A. J. Browes.


Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 14. Total effective 18. Drills held 17. A verage attendance 14. I ncrease since last report 1. Removals 5. Annual inspection, 27th Sept. Total on parade 18. Annual reexamination, 20th Sept. Members passed 18. Medallions 12. Service badges 10. Nursing certificates 17. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 13 men . Material: stretcher and surgical havresac, bandages, splints, vested in Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions. The Di vision is becoming more generally known, and has done ill uch lUore transport work during the past year. Dr. Hamilton Hart has consented to act as Hon. Surgeon . Snrg. -Captain F. A. Brooks, M.D., gave a nursing course during tbe year, and 17 members obtained nursing certificates. FU'st Officer Harlock attended the camp of instruction held at Easton N eston Park, Towcester, during Whitsun week, and he expects to be able to join the camp again next year, when it is hoped be will not be the only representative of the Division.


[Formed 25.3.02.J


Supt., Hon. Secretary and Hon . Treasurer.

SUI·g.-Capt. J. Orton, ~.D., ~I.R. C.S .

Rev. W. D. Rudgard, Longford Grange, Coventry.

Inspecto r of Stores.

Corp1. W. H. •'ephton. Ufficers 2. ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 16. Total effective 21. Drill held 40. Av erage attendance 10'4. Cases attended on public duty 27 Rem ovals 3. Ca e attended not on public duty 5. Allnual inspection, 27th Aug. Total Oil parade 17. Absent with leaye 4. Annual re-examination, 2nd Feb . Memuers pas::;ed 15. Did not appear 1. Medallions 10. Nursing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 16 men. Material: 2 stretchers, havresac, 4 bags for football duties, belts, greatcoats, water bottles, and leggmg for the Division, 2 large water bottles, 4 dressing basins, tent, flag, diagram, station plate, splints, and bandages, vested in the Division. Division supported by subscriptions and proceeds of entertainments, etc. The Divi iOll continues to make good progress, and is in great request for football matehes and sport, where its services are much appreciated. Since the Divi ion was formed in 1902 it has spent more than £70 in uniforms and materials; the whole of thi sum, with the exception of £27, has beeu pl'oyided by the members thcmselves. Twenty- even cases were treated on public duty, and some of them were serious injuries, while it is believed that many more \vere attended to privately than haye been returned, as members forget to mention them at the next drill they attend.

HALLATON DIVISION. [Formed7.2.98.J HEA.D-QUAllTER : "TlJE BEWICKE ARMS," HALLATON. Hon. Su rgeon and Superintendent.

W. T. Hedley,


Hon. Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

Pte. G. T. Frisby, Hallaton, Uppingham.

(No report received) .


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Hallaton, Uppingham. Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. R. J.


Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 9. Total effective 13. Drills held 17. Average attendance 9. Oases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 22nd Sept. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 3. With. out leave 1. Annual re-examination) 19th Sept. Members passed 9. Did not appeal' 3. Medallions 12. Hegulation uniform worn uy 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 9 men . Material: 4- strctchers, ambulance hamper, 4 water bottles, splints, and bandages, vested in the Committee. Division supported by members and voluntary contributions.

St. J ohn A m bulance

St. J ohn A rnbt~lance Brigade.






[Formed 20. 4.99.]

(N 0 report received. )

H EAD-QUARTERS : 39, H IGH STREET, HAVERHILL. Honorary Su r geon and Supe ri nte ndent.

T. H . Goodman , M.R. C.S., 39, High Street, Hanrhill. 1st Officer, Hon . Sec. and Hon. Treas.

Inspector of Stores.

R. P otter, 124, Withersfield Road, H averhill.

Corpl. T. C. Morris.


O fficers ~.

Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 14. Total effective 19. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 33 . Average attendance .9. Cases attended on public duty 12. Removals 5. Cases attended D:0t on pubhc du.ty 14. Annual inspection, 24th Sept. T otal on parade 11. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 4. Annual re·examination, 14th Sept. Members passed 13. Did not appear 5. Medallions 12. Service badges 8. Nursing certificates 12. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 14 men. Material: Ashford litter 4 stretchers, 4 havresacs, ,vater-bottles, flag, splints, bandages, ve ted in t he Cdmmittee of the Division. Division upported by members' and public subscriptions and grant from I nstruction Committee. Ordinary progress has been mad.e during t~e year. A course of public lectures \\ a given by the H on. Surgeon dunng the w.mter. A squad competed for the East, Anglian Ambulance Challenge Cup, and agam took second place . . A detachment ?f the Division took ambulance duty at the Essex County Cycllllg and AthletiC Meeting at Chelmsford, and at the Bank Holiday POlts at Haverhil1. The qOllllty Education Committee have granted the use of the school yard and room for c1nll aud practice.


[Formed 1900.J

H EAD-QUARTERS: SAMUEL ROAD, I pS,YICH. Su peri nt ende nt S ecretary

Chief Supe ri nte nd e nt.

W. Keeble, 46, Upper Orwell Street, I pswich.

J. H. Cuckow, 21, pring Road, Ipswich.

No. 1 DIVISION (IPSWICH CORPS). [Formed 13.7. 93.J

S. O. Eades,

I •• R.C.P.



W. F. Fryer, L.R.C.P. and s.

G. Curtis, 149, Bishop's Hill, t . Clements, I pswich .

Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

Sergt. S. J . Butcher, 109, Alan Road, I pswich. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 28. T otal effective 33. e s.iuce last report 9. Drills held 23. Average attendance 11. Annual 1'~ - eXamlllatlOn,.22nd June. Memb~rs pass~d 11. Did not appear 15. Medalhons 20. el'VlCe badges 8. N ursmg certificates 7. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals. and 21 men. Material: 2 stretchers a~~u~ance box, s]Jlints, and bandages, vested in the Social Settlement Executive: D1Vlslon supported by its own members. . This Divi ion was experiencing a slackness owing to loss of interest of certain of Its members; this led to the formation of a first aid class the result while not being al~o~~ther satisfactory, has yet led to an increase of eight in the m~mbership . T he Dlvl.lOn sent a team to coml?ete :01' the East ~nglian Challenge Oup, which obtall1ed 196 marks to the WInDer s 220. N othlllg of any special importance has happened dUl'lng the year under review. A certain good comradeship exists ~mong t.the members of the Division; the duties are done as they are offered, and m all tllll1gS the honour of the corps is considered . I llcre~


[Formed 29.7. 97. J


HEAD-QUARTER, ' : SAMUEL ROAD, II', WICIL Honorary Su rg e on .


Honorary Surgeon .

(No report receive d ).

S uperi ntendent.

F. Gooderham, 15, Martin Road, Ipswich.

1st Officer.

Ho n. S ec r etary.

T. Damant.

Private C. Benham (pro. tem.), 8, Co\\'ell Street, I pswich.

Officers 3. Corporals 3. Privates 42. Total effective 48. Drills held 34. Cases attended on public duty 2. Cases attended not un public duty 12. Annual re-examination, 8th June. 1\Iemberspassed27. Failed 1. Medallions 19. Service badges 13. Nursing certificates 25. Regulation uniform wom by 2 Officers, 3 corporals, and 16 men . Division supporteu by members' contribut ions . The Division has not made such progress as was anticipated by its officers. Owing to various troubles ,,,hieh have arisen during the past year, drills have greatly decreased; consequently, some of the members have not been able to make them1!elv e~ efficient. The Division entered a team for the Dewar Shield and Eccles Cup competition, and had the satisfaction of coming out thild. This Division also entered a t eam for the East Anglian Challenge Cup competition, and proved victorious on this occasion. It is h oped that during the coming year the members will be able t o mak e t h emselves efficient in all branches of ambulance work and retain the proud position which it has held for many years. '


Superintend e nt.

F. Waru, M.D .

J. Pawsey , 65, Levingcon-road, I pswich .

2nd Officer a nd Hon. Sec.

Inspector of Stores.

R. A. Ellis, 86, York Road, Ipswich .

Pte. A. Cammell.

Officers:2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 25 . Total effective 30. I ncrease since ~ast report 1. Drills held 20. Average attendance 11. Cases attendeu on pubhc ~uty. 3. Removals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 20. Annual. re-exammatlOll! 23rd J une. :M:emb~rs pass~d 15. Did not appear 15.. M:edalhons 30. SerVlce badges 11. Nursmg certdicates 16. Regulation umform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 24 men . Material: 4 ~tretc hers, cupboards of. fi rst aid applia~ces in all the principal departments, vest ed III Messrs. ~ansomes, Sims, and J efi'enes, Ltd. Division supported by Messrs. Ransomes, SIms, and J efferies, Ltd .



[Formed 6.12.99.


(N o report received). KETTERING CORPS. HEAD-QUARTER. :

[Formed 1 .10 .93.1

thanks of the Guardians. T he waggon has again proved to be of great value . A new wheeled litter has also been added to the equipment of the Division . Through the kindncss of Mr. and Mrs. Foster, the mem bel'S of the Division spent a most enjoyableafternoon at their residence in the London Road, tea being served on the lawn, a~ter which a few first aid movements were performed, a most enjoyable afternoon bemg urought to a close by a dance ou the lawn, the music being furnished by the Corps uand. A detachment of officers and men attended the District Oamp at Easton N eston.


Ch ief S urgeo n.


'V. Dryland,

M. H.C.S .

H . Luck, 'Yestonyille, Kettering.

In C harge.

Inspect o r o f Sto r es.

'ergt. G. H . Carter.

Pte. A. Meachem.

Honorary S urge on .

A . G. Tolputt,

Officers 10. ergeants and Corporals 1 . Privates 105. Nursing ODit:ers 3. Nursing sisters 42. Total en'ective 177. Annnal inspection, 1st Oct. Material: 1 wagon, 4 litters, ~5 ~tn! tcher , .2 field tents, full equipment of medical han-esacs, etc., etc. l\Iaten~1 1.S vested ~n various Divisional Oommittees, except wagon, the property of Dlstnct 'onoc11. Oorps supported by voluntary subscriptions.. . Th e divi ion re!nets to have to report the retirement of Olnef· 'l1Pt. Trenery, who for many ye~rs commanded the corps with credit to hi1ll~elf and bencfit to the corps. SllPt. of ton~s H . L~ck l~as been I:rol1loted O~lief • 'ullerin temlent. T.he transport work of the corps, uoth mvahd and aCCident, contmues to be of great 'ervlce to the public, officers and men at all times turning out for this dut)~ llHll'tly. a.nu willingly whenever called upon. The annual ill ·pection. was held b;:, kll?ll penni s.lOn ofOapt. Likke, at Cranford RaIl. There was a plendld rnusterof ofhccl's, ntH.llIg officers, men, and nursing sisters. The illspecti?ll was calTi~d. ~ut hy the. A 'Sl .t.. Oommissioner and the District Chief nrgcon. 'lIle county dlYISlon. re!ltlJl'e more supervision, and efforts will be made to carry this out during the COI1l11~g yeal.' .• l1Pt. Secretary Fane has retired a fter nearly 20 years am bulallcc work. It IS satIsfactory to know that he bas been permitted to join the reserve.

;ll.l~ . C.S.


Hono rary Su rge on .

S uperintendent (Acting).

L. W. Dryland, M.n.c.s.

H. Luck, , Yes ton "ille, ·W ellington treet, Kettering. Inspector of Stores.

crgt. Fc\\,.

Officers 2. Sergeants 5. Privates 31. Total effective 3 . Cases I ncrease since last report 7. Drills held 30. A veragc attendance 9. attended not on public duty 20. Removals 46 . Cascs attended not 011 public duty 80. Annual inspection, 1st Oct. Total on parade 20 . Ahsent with leave G. W ithout leave 12. Annual re-examination, lOth Sept. Members passed 15. Failed 2. D id not appear 20 . Medallions 16. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 5 sergeants, and 21 mcn. Material: 1 horse wagon, 3 wheeled litters, 12 stretchers, 20 first-aid boxcs fully equipped with splints, bandages, etc. Material vested in local Committee. Division sUllported by voluntary contribut ions. T he Division has madc good progress during the year. Squads have attended n umerous public functions-Hospital Sports, Opening of Free Library, Football Matches, Cycle Parade, and several Church Parades. A squad, uncleI' Sergt. Few, won D r. D ryland's Prizes at the inspection for being the smartest squad on parade; and men of the Division have been doing auxiliary work each night during tl1e past t welve months at the Workhouse I nfirmary, for "'hich they received the hcarty

Pte. F. Marriott.

OtHcer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 14. Total effective 16 . .A ,erage attendance 8. Cases Dccl'ea.e since last report 5. Drills held ] 9. atLenrlecl nut 011 puulic duty O. Annnal in pection, 1st Oct. Total on parade , . Ab~cllt with leave 4. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 27th \·pt. illuuhers pa ed 10. Did not appear 4. Medallions 12. Nursiug certificates 12. Regulation uniform "'01'11 by 1 sergeant and 11 men. Material: 2 stretchers, splint:-, &c., vetell in OOl11mi ttee. Diyi::;ion supported by voluntary contributions.-, The Di\'ision ha' done yery sati factory work during the pa t year . BURTON LATIMER DIVISION (KETTERING CORPS ). HEAD-QUARTERS:

[Formed 2.5.01.]


Ins pec tor o f Stores.

1st Officer (in charge).

Honorary S urgeon.

E. E. James,

Pte. J. Pettit.

High Street, Burton Latimer.

[Fol'lne(l 1 .10.93.]


Ho n o rary T r easurer.

Honorary S ecret ary.

Pte. ,Yo H. Johnson, Little Cransley, Bronghton, lll'. hcttering.

Dr.H. Burland, Finellon .

Pte. J. 'Y. Joyce, 44, H awthorn Ed . , Kettering.

[Formed 21. 9.01.]


Ch ief Sup e r int e nd e nt a nd S upe r in t enden t of S tores (Acting).

Honora r y S ec r etary.


St. J ohn A?nbulance Brigade.

St. John A rnbulance Brigade.

Ho n o rary S ecretary.

Pte. C. A. 'Wilsoll, Yictoria

treet, Burton Latimer, Kettering.

T reasu rers.


tam ford and

palding Banking Co.

OHicers 2.

• ergeants 2. Corpora11. Privates 17. Total effective 22. I ncren~eince last report 4. Drills held 13. Cases attended on pnulic duty 20. Ca.es attended not on public duty 130. Annual in pection, 1st Oct. Total on parade 20. All ent without leaye 1. Annual re-examination, Sept. Members passeu 17. Did not appear 4. Medallions 21. Nursing certificates 21. Regula . tion uniform ,,"om uy 1 Oflicer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporal, and 17 men. Material : 1 tent, 2 stretcher, 2 ambulance baskets, splints, water bottles, etc., vested in a Committee. Division supported by subscriptions, concerts, etc. The Di\ision ha' had a \'ery quiet year, but much u eful work has been done by the member" It i' hoped to have a more active year in 1905, as a series of lecture~ on filst aid is being arranged in oreler to infu e new blood into the Di'\-ision. It is hoped to po ' ::;e a new litter in the course of a few week, sufficient money now being in ha,nel to pUl'cha e same. CRANFORD


[Formed 23.4.02. ]


Hon . Surgeo n.

In Charge.

J . P. Roughton, M.R . C. S. , Kettering.

Sel'gt. J. Hart, Grafton, Underwood, Kettering.


St. J ohn Ambulance Brigw Le.

St. J ohn A mbulance Brigade. Hon . Secretary.

Inspe ctor of Stores.

Hon . Treas urer.

Pte. T. B. Newitt, -Cranford St. Andrew, Kettering.

Pte. F . Bailey.

Rev. R. O. Thnrsfield.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 12. Total effective 15. Decrease siuce IHst report 5. Drills held 18. Hemoval 4. Oases attended not .on publiG duty 4. Annual inspection 1st Oct. Total on parade 10. A bsent with leave 1. 'Without leave 1. Menallions 11. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 12 men. Material: -stretcher, medical box, splints, etc., vested in committee of Di"ision. Division "Supported by the public. The D ivision, although showing a decrerr e in numbers, has done good service -during the past year. Several serious accidents which occurred at the ironstone pits were successfully removed to Kettering Hospital.


Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 3. P rivates 16. T otal effective 23. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 29 . A verage attendance 10. Oases atte11l1ed not on public duty 4 . Removals 2. Annual i nspection, 1st Oct. Total on parade 6. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 7. An,nual re.examinati?n, 26th ept. Members passed 13. Did not appear 9. l\ledalhons 22 . Reg~l~t~on uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeant, 3 corporals, and !:I men. DIVISIon supported by subscriptions at Triangular Lodge .



report received) .

LEICESTER CORPS. [Formed 14.11.82. ]




C hief S urgeo n.

F. M. Pope,


A.. G Tolput, Hon . S ecreta r y.

Insp. of S tores.

Hon. Treasurer.

OOl·pI. T. Buckby, Pytchley, nr. Kcttering.

Pte. H. Buckby.

Pte. J. 13nckby.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 15. Total effective 1 . lncrease since last report 2. Drills held 39. Average attendance 2. Oases attended not ou public duty 23. Annual inspection, 1st Oct. Total 011 parade 12. Absent with leave 3. "Yithout leave 2. Annual re·examination, 21th )larch . Members passed 16. Did not appear 1. Medallion 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and 8 men. Material: 1 stretcher, 1 ilrt aid box, splints and bandages, vested in Oommittee. Divi ion supportcd by sub criptions. This Division won uperintendent Luck's cup, and were well placed in other competitions. Nine members of our Divi ion went to the camp at Easton J eston at \\Tbitsuntide. First aid was rendered by the members to several ca e in the village.


[Formed 12.97.]


(N 0 report received) .


[Formed 3.4.97.]


Honora ry Surge on .

H. Gibbons,

j\f. B,

J . L. King, 27, Garclldon Sh'eet, Leicester. G.

Superintendent S ecretary. O. D ohol!, :W, ~larket Place, Leicester.

ergt. A. P. Lewis, Pytchley, Kettering.

M.R. C.S.

Sup e rinte n de nt.

In s pector of Stores.

J. Oruickshank,

Sergt. A. Bamford. Rushton H all Gardens, Rushton .

Hon. Sec r etary.

COl'pI. J. W . Essam , Rushton , nr. Kettering.

• Hon . Tre·asurer.

Pte. A. Oooper.

B.A., j\I.D .

C hief S uperinten d e nt .


Ho no ra ry S urgeo n.

[Formed 1 .12.96. ]


(No report recci ved).

H8AD·QUAltTEl: ,


Sup erin t e nd ent of Stor

J . G. 1I1old.,.; .

S uperin t endent T reasurer. HOll.

F. G. Bri e. IIr(feOll.' 12. Officer 19. ergeants and Oorporals 22. Pril'ates 248 . :r~II'l;illg Officers 4. Tursing sisters 25. Total effectiye 330.

Re erve members 2. Decrease since last report 11. Cases attended on public duty 347. RemonJs 253. Regulation uniform ,,,om by 67 members of ambulance Division. and 31 members of nUl' inCt Diyi iOIl. Material: fully-equipped ambu lance tent hoI' e a,lllbulance ",aCton, 13 wheeled litters,l.31 stretchers, 3 large medical chests, 16' medical havresacs, a~d a large store of bandages, splints, water bottles, and blankets. Oorps is supported by voluntary subscriptions. . The 'urp ha done steady u efu1 work during the past year. A decrease m member hip ha» to be recorded owing to a number of names haying been truck off the roll through non-compliance with the brigade regulations as to the mainten~nce of efficiency. The Corps con ists of 12 Divisions, 11 ambulance and one nUl' mg. Public duty has been undertaken as follows: Lifeboat Saturday Procession (100 members on duty), the Leice tel' hire gricultural Show, the Fos e Football Club I..: port;:;, and the Abbey Park Flower how and ports. In addition to the above public dutie, th attendance of detachments has been continued weekly on .the Victoria Pcl,rk and Belgrave Pa ture throughout the year. The Annual Shield competition took place on aturday, 20th February, 1904:, the judges being District Chief Surgeon VV. E. Audland, and A i tant Commi sioner T . H. \Voolston. After .a "ery k een contest, the first place was gained by the \Vigston Midland Railway Diyisiol1. A mural tablet has been erected in t . Martin's Church to the memory of Pl'iYate Francis H . Cooper, of the Wheatsheaf Divi ion, who died of enteric feyer in outh Africa, while tending the sick and wounded. The tablet, which is of marble, was unveiled by the Mayor of L eicester, and bears the following inscription : The t . John Ambulance Brigade. To the Glory of God, and in memory of Private Francis H. Cooper, of the Wheatsheaf Division, Leicester Corps, who died of disease contracted whi.le engaged in attendance on the sick and wounded during the outh African campaign, 1 99-1902, 3l'd July, 1800, aged 22. Erected by the members of the Oorps. Pro Utilitate Hominum .



St. John A m bulance


[Formed 2.5.02.J


YV. T. Crid:,


1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

R.C .. .

A. E. Higdon, Alpha House, Barwell.

Inspector of Stores.

Officers 4. Sercreants 3. Privates 46. Tota l effective 53. Drills held 28. A verage ~ttendance 22'5. Annual inspection; 17th Sept .. T?tal on parade 28 . Absent with leave 6. 'Without leave 18. Annu~l re-e~ammatlOn, 15th Sept. Members passed 21. Did not ~ppear 12. RegulatlO~ ulllform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 5 men. Matena::.2 stretchers, splrnts, ba~~ages, etc., vested in ,Yorking Men's College. DIVlSlon supported by members subscriptions.

Hen . Treasurer.


Pte. A. Arguile.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Pri\' ates 20. Total erfective 25. Drills held 30 . Average attendallce 12. Removals 1. Annual in pection, 17 th Sept. T otal on parade 9. Ab ent with leave 2 . 'Without lean 13. Annual re-examination, 19th March. Members pa ·."ed 21. Dill not appeal' 3. Medallions 13. Regulation uniform worn Ly 1 Orueer, 1 crgeallt,:2 corporals, and 2 men. Material: 1 A. hfortI litter, 2 Furley stretchers, 1 havresac, 1 ,Yater bottle, quantity of bandages, splints, also 12 boxes containing J1l'st aiJ dre ings, etc., placed in factories, vested in Committee of Divi ·ion . Division supported by members and voluntary contributions. lthouuh the m eml)er"hip has .The Di\'i 'ion continues to make steady progress. slightly decrea ed, tho, e remaining show an increased intel'c,;t in the work. Amhul ance boxes, pureha. eel by public donation, haye been placed in ten factoril.:s ill the district for the use of member" and will be kept up from the same source. •'en'ices have been rendered upon a number of public occasiom'.



[ForJUed 1.5.03.]



Honorary Surgeons.

1st Officer.

P. G. Garrett :\LTI.C.S. W. Yorke, L.R. C.P.

A. T. Peacock.

Hon. Secretary.


St. John A 1nb~~lance B?"igacle.


[Formed 1.11. 98.]

H EAD-QUAltTEltS : LEICESTEl:. Hono,"ary Surgeon .


T. N. Thoma. , :\I.l!.C . .'.

L. C. Watkins. I nspector of Sto res.

Honorary Sec. and Tn"as.

PtC'. A.. 'Y. Wan, 131, t. ayiour's Road, Leicester .

Pte. W. 'J'rue.

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Privates 17. Total effective 20. ~ In crease since last report 1. Drills held 29 . A ,erage attendance 10. Cabes attended on pubhc duty 10. Cases attended not o~ public duty ?3. Annual iu pection, 11th ept. Total on parade 3. Absent wIth leave 14. . VI Ithout lpa,6 2. Annual re-examination, 27th Sept. Members passed 14. DId not appear 7. Medallion' 11. NUl'. ing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 5 men. Division supportcd by L. & r.w. Ry. NARBOROUGH DIVISION (LEICESTER CORPS ). IIE.\D-QL\RTEH·:



Hon . Surgeon. Inspector of Sto res.

Pte. A. Bailey, Cpl. W. E. Rec1gnwc. 21 , Station Road, Earl hil ton.

111. Tllllllillg, :\f.lLC.S.

Hon . Treasurer.


"T. II. Woolman.

[Formed 12.12.01.]


H . G. Johnson, 42, Duke

treet, Leicester.

1st Officer (Acting) and Honorary Treasurer.

T. Ward.

Officers 3. Sergeant] . Corporals 2. Pri\'ates 15. Total effective 21. Decreflse since last report 4. DlilJ htltl 37. A\'eJage attendance 11. Cases attended on public duty 21. Removals 4. Caes attendeLlnot 011 public duty 36. Annual inspection, ept. 17th. Total on palatle 1'2. Au eut with leaYe 11. Annual re·examination, Feb. Members pa&ell 1. Dillllot appcal' 2. Medallions 5. R~gnlai.ion ulliform worn by 1 Omcer, J ·elgeant. 2 cO'}lOJals, and 1 mall. Matenals: 3 8tretehers, 3 ,,,ater Lottle , 3 ha"rp .. ac~ (. nrgical), bandages, , plint:., etc., v~sted ill Committee. Division snpportCll by 111 em bel'S and public subscriptions. D~ng the pa t. yen,r the Division 1m, made stea.dy progre s, although there i ~ slight. decrease 111 the numerical strength. The members continue to take great mterest 111 ambulance work.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. S ecretary.

W. Hill.

H. , Vat. on, Littlethorpe, Tarborongh.

Omcers 3. ergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 21. Total effective 26. D ecrea e sillce last report 9. Drills helel 22. Annual inspection, 17th S~pt. Total on parade r . Absent with leave 3. VlTithout leave 13. Annual re-exanllnations, 15th ept. 1Ilelllbers pas ed H. Did not appe~r 11. Nursi;)g certificates 17. Re<rulatioll uniform \yorn by 2 men. Matenal: 2 stretchers, 6 dozen bandages,b 6 sets splint, vested in 'N al'borol1gh Division. Di vision supported by mem bel'S subscriptions. TOWN DIVISION (LEICESTER CORPS ).

[Formed 14.11.82; re-formed 1900.J



No report recei ver1.

H EAD-QUARTEllS : YY. 1\1. COLLEGE, UKION STREET, LErcE. TEll. Hon. Surgeon.

J. S. Sloane, F.R. C.S.


1st Officer.

Z. Langham,

J. F. Timson.

41, Cedar Hoad, L eicester. 2nd Officer.

Hon. Secretary.

W. Martin .

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. O. Richardson, 16, Cedar R oad, Leice1:iter.

Sergt. J. T. Akiens.



Hon. Surgeon.

Shearer, L.R.C.P.

1st Officer.

2nd Officer.

R. Elton.

O. L anad.


St. J ohm A ?nbulance Brigacle.


St. John A m bulance Brigade.

3rd Officer.

Hon . Secretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

F. Blackh am.

P te. J . S. Ohamberlain, 12, Garendon Street, Leicester.

Mr. H . J essop.

Officers 4. Privates 32. Total efl'ective 36. Decrease since last repor t 7. D rills held 24. Average attendance 11 '7. Annual inspection, • Total on parade 1. Absent with leave 35. Annual re .-examination, 27th :March. :Members passed '27. Did not appear 1. :Material : 2 stretchers and 2 first aid boxes, vested in Midland Hailway Oompany. Division supported by members.



, V. S. Aslett, 1\1. R. C. S.

F. Spencer, 211, Welford Road, Leicester.

1st Officer.

Hono rary S ecreta ry.

T. B. Matthews.

Actg. - ergt. L. Trout, 12 , Knighton Fielus Hoau, Leicester.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 33. Total effective 37. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 29. Average attendance 10. Oases attended on public duty 11. Removals 2. Oases aUelJded not on public duty 71 . Annual inspection, 17th Sept. Total on parade 14. Ahsent with leave 4. Without leave 18. Medallions 20. Nursing certificates 15. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, anu 6 men, Material: 3 stretchers, 7 ambulance cases, 2 roped sheets, 1 bavresac, splints, bandages, rugs, etc., ve ted in the Oo-operative Wholesale Society. Division supported by the Oo-operntiye Wholesale Society. The Division has progressed fayourably, and has taken part in public duty upon ten occasions. The work of the members at tbe , Vheatsbeaf \VoJk~ i' much appreciated, both by the management and the employe .

The Division has made steady progress. T he most serious case attended during the year was that of G. Bull, platelayer, Midland Railway, who on 16th November, 1903, was knocked down by a North tafford engine at 11.1 5 a.m., whilst walking on the down line from Kilby Bridge, about 250 yards south of \Vigston (L. and H.) tation, the accident resulting in a scalp wound at the back of the head and fractured ribs, after first aid t reatment be was taken to L eicester by an engine and brake, and thence to the mfirmary. First aid rendered by Private J . W . Feather tone,


[Formed 15.5.90.]

H EAD -QUARTERS : Y.l\1.C.A. ROOMS, LEICEt:iTER. Hon . Surge on.

H . R. Hancock, 1\I.R.C.S. Sup e r intendent.

Hon . Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.

W. Oatlin, 6, Fairfield Street, Leicester.

Pte. G. O. Dobson, 26, Market Place, Leicester. Inspecto r of Stores.

Pte . F. D. Reeve. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 20 . T otal effective 24. Decrease since last report 2. DriUs held 32. Average attendance 7 '9. Cases attended on public duty 21. Oa e attended not on public duty 1. Annual inspection, 17th ept. 'Total on parade 7. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 13. Annual re-examination, 1st and 2 th Sept. l\Iembers passed 11. Did not appear 13. Medallions 10. Nursing certific~tes 3. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, and 3 men. Matenal: skeleton, bandages, splints etc. vested in the Division. Division supported by members. ' , The Diyi::>ion ha maintained its strength during the past year. Two members have re igned the Diyision owing to removal . Members haye been on duty in the public parks on twenty occa ions. T,vo yery succe ful lectures were held during the "'inter at which members of other Divi ions were present.



No rcport received.


[Formed 28. 2.98.]



(N 0 report recei veel.)



J . Anderson, L.R.C.l'.

' V. Breadmore. Hon . Secretary.

Pte. A. W . Sylvester, 65, Kirkdalc Road , South Wigston .


2nd Offi ce r .

A. J. D. Howe. Inspector of Stores.

001·Pl. J. H. Leeson .

Officers 3. Oorporals 2. Privates 19. Total effective 24. Decrcase since .last report 3. Drills held 24. Average attenuance 14. Oases ~ttend~d on publIc duty 70. Oases attended not on public duty 30. Annual m spectIOll, 17th Sept. Total on parade 2. Absent with leave 21. Annual r~ - examination, 14.th M a~·ch. Members passed 22. Did not appear 1. Medall~o n s 13.. Regulat IOn ul1lform worn by 2 Officers, 2 corporal, and 4 men . Mat en al: splInts, bandages, and st retcher, vested in the Midland Railway Oompany. Division suppor ted by subscriptions of members.


[Formed 17 .10. 93.]


Sup e rinte nd e nt.

G. Green, 52, High

t., Market Harborough .

Hono ra ry Sec. a nd Treas.

Inspector of Stores.

1\11'. O. R. Knighton, Goward Street, "Market Harborongh.

1\11'. W . H. Buswell.

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Oorporal 1. Privates 24 . Total effective 28. Decrease since last report 7. Drills held 27 . Average attendance 14. Oases attended on public duty 3~ . Remova ls 30. Annual inspection, 8th Sept. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 1. , Yit hout leave 10. Annual re-exam ination,. 15th Sept. Members passed ) 6. Did not appear 12. Medallions 19. ServlCe badges 20. Regul ation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, ) corporals, and 24 men. Material: wagon, wheeled lit t er, 6 stretch ers, med ical havresac, splints, and bandages, vesteu in th e Division. Division supported by voluntary and members' subscriptions.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade.


A contingent went into camp this year for the first time and derived benefit therefrom. Good work has been done. The removals and case have greatly increased in number, and are a te timony to the u efulne s of the Di\'i ·ion . It i' hoped that a greatly improved wagon will be in use hortly, a sufficient n,mount hn,ving been subscribed for the purpose of providing one.


[Formed 3.3.99.]


Roo;',!. , MEDBO"URNE.

Hono ra ry Surgeon .

D. Dukc,


R. C. : .

Hon . S ec. a nd T reasu r er.


crgt. D. U hcr, Medbourno, near :Market Harborough .

T. keffington, Medbourno, near Market Harborough .

Ins p ecto r o f Sto res .

Corp1. \V.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privatcs 11. Total clrcctiyc 15. Decrease since last report 1. Drills helLl 16. Avcrage attendance 12. Ca os attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 22nd ept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 4. Annual re-examination, 20th ept. Mcmbers passed 12. Did not appeal' 3. Medallions 12. ervice badges 5. Regulation uniform worn lJy 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 6 men. Material: 2 stretchers, SUl'rrical havresac, splints, bandages, etc., vested in the Division. Division sllpportccl by members and honorary members.



C hief S urgeon .

C hief S uperin t endent.

R. A. Milligan,

l\I. D.

\Y . H. HecvE: , 4, Castilian Terrace, N O1thampton .

Supt. S e c ret ary.

S uperintendent of S tores.

H . "Wilkinson, 69, Billing Road, orthampton.

F. C. Gareincr.

St. J ohn A rnbulance B rigo,de.


'ept., 1904., when four teams representing the I nfirmary and Far Cotton ections of the lieadcl uarters Division, Blisworth Division, and Earls Barton Divi ion competed, the team representing the I nfirmary 'ection, H ead-quarters Di\'i 'ion again being the willner . 'ocial evenings were held at Kislingbury 27th Oct., 1903, and at Far Cotton 17th Aug., 1904. Also after the annual inspection and the Oorps competition . A most 'uccessful whist drive, organi::;ed by the Xursing Diyi ion, was held 1 ~th X ov., 1903, the proceeds being handed over to the Di "i:;ion. The Officers uf the Oorp' have attended the annual in 'pection of the following Oorps in the District -\'iz., \ Vellingborough, Birmingham, Leice ·ter, and Kettering. On the late Ohief upt., :\Iajor liughes, being promoted to the Di trict taff, the upt. Treasurer of the Corps, 'V. H an-ey Reeves, was appointed Ohief Supt., 5th July, 1904. T he Chief Hupt. received the Service Medal of the Order at Marlborough House on 21st July, 1904, at the hands of H.R.H. the Prince of \Vales, Grand Prior of the Order. Duty has been undertaken with the hoI' e ambulance at the pring and Autumn Races, and at Franklin's Gardens on the occasion of the Junior Cross Country Ohampionships of the ~Iidland Counties Association. 'treet duty was undertaken for the cycle parade, 1 th July, 190.,1, and at the opening of the new portion of the Xorthampton General Hospital 2nd June, 190.,1. ~Ien were also on duty at the 110. pital'port', 2 th ~Iay, 1904, and at the X.A.A.C. 'port., 2nd Aug., 1D0-1, and en~ry week during the football sea 'on, both on the Racecourse and at the County Oricket Ground. An examination for corporals was conducted by the Chief 'upt. bt Dec., 1903. Ele\'en candidates pre ented themseh-e.. ; four passed, viz., Corporal C. \ V. Jeyes, A. E. Clarke, F. Larsen, and B. A. Brown. A men's nur::;ing class, commencing 7th Jan., 1904, was in truction by Mr. ' V. H. Chamberlair:, L.R.C.P. , .L.R.C.,'" Hon. urgeon to the Head-quarters l\ursing Division. ThIrty-three umfonn members, from the Head-quarters and Earl Barton Diyisions ~tten(~ecl the Di~trict ca~l1p of ~struction from 21st May, 1904:. to 26th ::\Iay, 1904:, mcluI\'e. The annual m pectIon wa held by the Deputy Commis"ioner at Delapre Park, uy kind permission of J. Cooper, Esq., J.P. There haye been numerous 10n Cf transport rcmonlls again thi year, notably one from Guilsborough to Geddington~ 11th Septemher, 19001, when a fifty mile' journey was covered by the wagon. The Officer' and members of the Transport taff as isted in remoying the patients at the H()~l,ital on 2-!th June, 1904. The follow letter wa received in acknowledgment frum tbe Board uf ~lanagement : - " Tbat the be t thank' of this Board be sent to the Nt. J Oh11 Ambulance Brigade for their \'ery valuable a "i::;tance on the occasion of the l'clllo\·n.1 of the patients from the old to the new ward" of thi ' hospital."

HEAD-QUARTERS DIVISION (NORTHAMPTON CORPS. ) [Formed 4.5. 6.] HI:.\1)-QuAlll'lms: l\OltTHA:\[l'TO:-< GE:-<EIUL Hosl'ITAL .

Officers 21.

Sergeants 8.

Corporals 6. Privates 167. Nursing sisters 25. Total effective 254. Reserve members 2. Decrease since last report 47 . Ca es attended on public duty 32. Removals 134. Cases nursed 10. Cases attended not 011 public duty 239 reported. Annual inspection, 9th July . Total 011 parade 116. Absent with leave 93 . Without leave 43 . Annual re-cxaminatiolls during March and April. Members passed 171. Did not appear 77. Medallions 142. Service badges 43 . Nursing certificates 36. Hegulation uniform worn uy 9 Officers, 8 sergeants, 6 corporals, 54 men, and 23 nursing sisters. Material: 2 wagon, 7 litters, 60 stretchers, 20 first aid boxes, 8 surgical havresacs, "ested ill the COlllmittee of thc Northampton Centre, S.J .A.A. Corps supported by the public. General progress has been made and non-efficient members are continually being eliminated. The stretcher stations belonging to the Head-quarters Divi::;ion have all been fitted with first aid boxes at a cost of about £1 per station. A pecittl appeal to the public for financial support being made for this purpo e. The owners of private stations at factories, etc., are now being approached with a view to their purchasing similar equipments for those stations. Ohurch parades have been held during the year at Kingsthorpe, 26th June, 1904, on the occasion of Hospital Sunday ; and at Far Ootton, 10th Jnly, 1904, the Sunday following the annual inspection. T he annual competitions of the Nursing Division took place on 4th Nov., 1903, and those for the men, for the Northampton Ohallenge Cup on 24th

Honorary S urgeons.

C ..J. EYans, l\r. It . C. 1:). H. Cooploy, F . .H.C.S.

T. Cail'l1s, L.R.C . l' . D. tOlle, ?1.B. Su perin t enden t .

A. Rice, 21, Billing Road, Northampton. Ho n o rary S ecret a ry.

Pte. A. E. Cox, 77, BjTon Street, Northampton . Officers 5. ergeallts 6. Corp01als 4. Privates 6. Total effective 101. Reserve mcmbers~ . Decrease since last report 31. Drills held 42. AYeraae attendance 23. Cases attended on public duty 32. Removals 120. Cases attcnd~d n~t on public duty 122. Annual inspection, 9th July . Total on parade 57. Absent Wlth leave 29 . "Without leave 17 . Annual re-exal1linations 1st and th March and 12th Apri l. Members pas eel 65 . Did not appear 3 . 'Medallions 50. Service badges 34. N nrsing certificates 32. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officers, 6 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 41 men . Material : 1 wagon, 6 litters, 12 drill stretcl1ers, 5 havl:csacs, 10 stl'etche.r stations and first aid boxes belonging to corps, 13 stretcher statlOllS and 4 first ma boxes belonging to private OWllers, vesttd in N0.rtl~ampton Centre S.J. A. A . Division supported by public ancl members' sub scnptlOns .


St. John A m,bnlctnce Brigctde.

St. John A mbulance Brigade.


Aetillg Sergt. F.


Honora r y Surgeon . P. S. White, ~LR.C.S.

Norman, Blisworth.

Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. O. Young, Blisworth.

Pte. T. Ohapman .


[Formed 9.4.1900.]


[Formed 2.6 .99.]

W. H. Ohamberlain, L,n.c.p., L.R.C.S. In charge.


W. J . Baird, M.B. 1st Officer.

W. G. AlJbott, N ew Barton Rouse, Earls Barton.

J. Abbott.

Insp ector of Stores.


Rool\!: DAYE",Tlty.

(No report recei,·ed).

Superi ntendent.

Officer 1. Priva tes 20. T otal effective 21. In crease sincc last report 11. Drills h eld 31. Averacre attendance 7. Oases attended not 011 public duty 24. Annual inspection, 9th J~ly. Total on parade 3. Ab£cnt with ll'flve 6. With out lcu.Yc 12. Annual re-examination, 3rd :March. Members pafisrd 11. Diclnot appcar 9. Medallions 10. :Material: 1 stretcher and havresac, vestl:tl ill NOlthalllptoll Centre S.J.A. A. Division supported by proceeds or COJlccrts alld IlIclllbcrs' subscrilJtions.

[Formed 26.11.98 .]


Pte. C. J. Hallaster, School House, Kislingbury.


(No report l'eceivetl).


In charge.

Sergt. J. G. Butler, 45, Stanley Road, N ol'tham pton.

Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

Officer 1. Acting Sergeant 1.. PriYates 10. Total effective 12. Decrease since last report 5. Dnll s held 18. Averag~ attell.dance 8. Re· moval1. Cases attended not on public duty 14. Annual l11spechon, 9t~ J~lly. T otal on parade 4. Absent with l eave 6. ~Vithout leave ~. Annual rc-cxunllnatl?U, 5th April. :Members passed 11. Medalh?ns 4. erVlCe badge. 2. Regulatl~n uniform worn by 1 acting sergeant. Matel'lal: stretcher an~ eqmPll?en.t, vesteLl III N orthampton Oentre S.J.A.A. Dinsion supported by publIc sl1bScnptIOn .



In Charge.

Honorary Surgeon .


Hon . S ec. and Treasurer.

Pte. F. B. Lille, King Eal'ls Barton.


Pte. C. Bradford. Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 13. Total eIJectiye 20. Decrease since last report 9. Drills held 44. Average attenuance 21. 'ases attended not on public duty ,26. R emovals .ll. Annual inspection, 9th J,:l1y. T otal on parade 13. Absent wlth leave 2.. WIthout leave 5. Alllltl.all'e-eXalllmation 3rd March . Members passed 14. Dld not appear 5. JHec1allIol1s H. ervice' badges 7. Nursing certificates 4. B:egulation uniforn: worn .by 2 Officer, 2 sergeant 2 corporals, alld 12 men . Matenal: 1 wagon, 1 htter, 3 stretchcrs, and splints, ~ested in St. John Ambulan(;e Brigade. Divi5ion Suppol'tec~ by. the public. The resignation of lion. Surgeon S. O. L awrence, who, after servmg lD office for about six years, has left the district, was accepted with regret in April, 190:!,. ~nd Dr. W. J. Baird has since been duly appointed. everal members of the Dn"lSIOn attended the camp of instruction at Towcester, one of whom (Pte. Austin), a most promising recruit, has since died, much to the regret of the Division. The funeral taking place in August Bank Holiday. week, the whole of th.e men not away on holiday attended and presented a beautiful floral wreath, subSCrIbed for by the whole of the members. Transport cases (ll) :-6 patients were removed from Earls Barton to the Northampton Hospital, 1 patient was removed from Sywell to the Torthampton H ospital 1 patient was removed from Earls Barton to Pattishall, 1 patient was removed fro:U Mears Ashley to Northampton Hospital, 2 patients were removed from Earls Barton to Ecton. Three cases fractured thigh, 2 cases arterial bleeding> 5 cases concussion, 1 case gunshot wound.

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

1st Cl<1, s , ergt. A. n. l\Iackne. s, 12, Gla"go\\' b'cet, Northampton .

Pte. D. Deacon, Little Houghton, near Northampton.

Officer 1. Sergea.nt l. Privates 6. Total effective 8. . Decl'~asc since last rcport 2. Drills h clJ 7. Average attendance 5. Annual lI1SpectlOn, 9tb July. 'l'otal on parade 6. Annual re-examination, 26th March. Mcm bel'S passecl 5. Did not appear 1. Medallions e. Material: 1 stretcher and covel', and 1. ~)~X of bandages, splints, etc., vested in the N orthampton Centre S.J.A. A. DIYlslol1 supported by proceeds from entertainments.


[Formed 2.10.92.]

HEAD-QUARTER : Til E CHOOL, MOULTON. (N 0 report recei ved).


Superintendent and Hon. Sec.

A. Linnell, L.R.C. P.

J. T. Pilkington, Paulerspury, near Towcester.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. H. Watson.

Hev. J. B. H arrison (pro tern.)

Officers 2. Privates 6. T otal effective 8. Dl:ills held 16. Average attendance 6. Removals 2. Cases attend ed not on pubh? duty 3. Annual inspection, 9th July. Absen t with leave 8. Annual reexam l?ation, 22nd March. Members pll.f;Sed 6. Did not appear 1. Medallions 6. MateI'ml: 1 ~tI:e!chrr nntl box of first aid matorinJ, vested in Northampton Oentre S.J.A. A. DiVISIOn supported hy voluntary subscri}ltions.


St. John Arnbulunce Brigade.

St. J ohn A mbulance Brigade.


head·quarters, the Town Oouncil having arranged for the L aw Oourts to be placed at its cliHpmm,l, including lecture room, stores, and drill ground. Thanks are also due Lo the 'uperinLeu(lent of Police for the great interest h e haR taken in the Divif;io n, abo towardH getting the n ew heacl·(lUarters. A la rge tores cupboard has been pUl'ehaHed, fl,ncl il; ueing fitted up with all neees aryappliance . Fir::;t aid and nursing lectllr(.!s are being arranged.



Honorary Su rge o n.

Pte. J. Kirk, Blisworth Orossing, Blisworth .

W. H. Ryan, M.R.O.P.


Ho n o rary Secretary.

Pte. S. W. Shouler, Roade, North ampton. Officer 1. Priva,tcs 12. Total effective 13. Drills held 21. .L\vel'age a,ltendance 9. . A~nll ~l I ncrease since last re ort 5. . t' n 9th July ~'otal Oll parade 4. Absent WJLh l eave 8. Annual Je-ex~nn­ ~naSt;~~ 102 3rd and 3ist lII~rch. Members passed 1~. :Medal1ion ~ 5. Matenal: 1 stl,;tcher and box containing bandages, spli~ts, etc:., ~estcc1 111 Northampton Oentre S.J.A.A. Division supported hy members SuhscllptlOns.


A. Joseph, L.R.C.P. Superintendent.

A. Nightingal e, 3, Glebe Road, Nunea,ton.


Inspector of S tores .


W. P . Richardson,


SllPt. F. O. Gardner, 16, Oyril treet, Northamp lon.


Inspector of Stores.

Ho norary S ecretary.

Pte. J. 'YOOCl\Hll'tl.

Pte. G. S. Phipps, Stoke BlUeme, Tow cester.

Officer 1. Privates 13. Total effec:tive 14. Oases o.ttc11l1ed on l~uulic duly 20. Anllual Decrease since last r elJort 3. Allnu al re-2 inspection, 9th July. 'l'otal on parade 5. Ab sen t \\' 1tl1. lo. e \ 'e 3 8 . ~lal(,lin.l: examination 16th March Members passed 13. MedallIons 1 . stretchers, havresacs, a;d 1 box of first a,irl material,. v~sted in "ullhal1lplon Oentre S.J.A.A. Division supported by voluntary subscnphons.


No.1 NUNEATON TOWN DIVISION. [Formed 8.5.97.] HEAD-QUARTEllS: LAW OOURT , NUNE.\TON. Ho no rary S urgeon.

E. Peacock, M. R. C. S. S up erintend e nt.

A. J. E . Randle, Edward Street, Nuneaton. In s pecto r of Store s.

Pte. J . Beasley.

F. Burdett.

Officer in Charge.

Honorary S urgeo n.

Ho n. Secretary.

Oorpl. G. Hall, 13, Willington Street, Nuneaton . Hon . Treasu re r .

Mr. J. Shelmerdine (lion. Mem.).

Officers 2. Sergeants 3. Oorpo~'als 3. Privates 22. Total effective 30. I ncrease since last report 5. Drllls held 30. Average attendance 8. Oases attended not on 11Ublic duty 43. Removals 19. Annual imrp('ction, 28th All ~. Tota,l on parade 16. Absent \Nith leave 1. 'Yi.lh'Hlt leaye 13. Annual r~-exanll­ nation 29th July . Memuers passed 13. DId no~ appe~l' 16. MedallIOns. 1~. Servic~ badges 23. Nmsing certificates 6. R e.gnlahon n111fo1'111. worn by 1 OfTlc e,J, 3 sel'gea,nts, 2 cOl'lJorals, and 11 men. Matenal: 1 Ashf?nl lILter, 4 :;tret.chCls, 1 ambulance han:per, Lowmoor jacket, st~res cupboard, splints, &r ., vested 11l th e Division. DiviSlOn supported by the publIc. The Division has made satisfactory progress during th.e past. Y'n:r. '1'herc has been a slight increase in membership, and greater effiCIency .1S dIRpla.ycd. Th e transport during the year has bee~ vcry satisfa?t?l:Y, and has gamed the approval of the medical officerR of the Distnct. The DIVlslon has at last got a permanent

Honor ary S ecretary.

Pte. T. B. Woodcock, 57, Bottrill Street, Nuneaton. Hon o rary Treas u rer.

W . Lock.

Omcers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 26. Total effective 29. R eserve Jilelllbels 2. Decrease . in c(' last report 5. Drills held 23. Average attemlancc 11. 'ases attCllLled 0 11 puulic duty 7. Removals 14. Oases attE-nded l1()t 011 public duLy 35. Alll111 al in spection, 2 th Aug. Total on lJaraue 14. All!:icnL witll leave <. . ·W ithout leave 5. Annual re-exa mination , Feb. and Sept. Melllherl; pa~se(l 22. Did not appear 6. 1\lccb,lliolls 15. Hegulation uniform \10111 hy 1 f1ic( 1',1 clgcant, allll G lllen. Material: 1 wheel ed litter, 6 stretcher, 1 alll lllllance 11l1l1ljllJ, 2 :1ll1hulance uoxe, \l'at~ l'proof sbebts, 2 ambulancp. baskets, rllgs, and sUPldy 1l.11l1ll1lanee requisites, \'c,tcd in London and North-,Yestem Hailway OOllljlllllY a 11(1 local committee. Divi ion supported by members and hOllomrj' m elll bel'S. Pl'Oljreg,,; hnH he ' 11 the aim a,nel object of thc Local Oommittee during the last twelve month ', and it iH with Ycry great pleafm1'e that the Division is a.hle to r eturn such a fwoumhle rl')lOlt, fz'om which it will h observed that the effort have been reward ,d. 'I'll<.! COlllmittee has hcen instrumenta.l in arranging a smoking concert ~()l' the mem lIer:;, \I'hich proyed very succe. sful and beneficial in the way of arousing 111(:l'ea:-;ed illterc:;t in the amhulance cau>;e. 'ince la t report it is very gratifying to rCP.ott LlH\.~ the ])i"ision baH n, Hist ' d two <ilHlds of members in purchasing the r egulat]{)l1 u111fo1'111, f\,IIc1 has aLo purchased a large ambulance hamper and a Furley pattern. tI'etehcr for the u:>e of the members when attending public duties. In the SU.lllJl1er of the y a.r under re\iew the Oommittee wa in trumental in inaugurating a frwn~lly: ambulance comp tition, which wa, held at 'Veddington Hall by the kind pel'llllSSlOn of II. O. ha,w, E sq. The object with which this new feature was n.l'~·angecl was to keep IIp the standard of efficiency of the railway ambulance men in tlu. District [or this contest was confined to teams from various station on the London and T01'th- \Yestern Railway sysLem. After the competition was over, r. 13. Cooke, ]i';;(L., Loco. upt., Orewe, then pre ented certificates and medalhons, to tho, c member;; who were succe,sfu l in pac ing their r ecen t examination. Wh('n Lhi duty \I'll finished the competitors and friend sa,t down to tea which h ad been provided hy the Local Di....ision.



OLNEY DIVISION. [FOlUled 1884 . He-formed 23.5.02.] HEAD-QUARTERS: OOUNCIL SOllOOL , OLNEY. Hon . Su rge o n an d Su perinte nd e nt.

F. J. Gl'indon, M.R.O ... , High Street, Olney. Hon . Secret ary.


W. Knight, ] 4, High Streot, Olney.

Inspector of Sto res.

Pte. G. O. Raban.


St. J ohn A ?T/,b'l.da11Ce B?·igacle.

St. John A ?nbula11ce BTigCl.cle.

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Privates 31. Total effective 34. Increase since last report 16. Drills held 32. Averagc attendnnce 18. ~emovals 10. Cases attended. not on public duty 117. Annual inspection, 6th Apl'l~. '.fotal on arade 32. Absent " 'ith lcave 3. Without leav e 3: ADJ?-ual re.cxaml11aLIO?, 21st 11:al'cb. Member passecl] 7. Medallio ns 13. RegulatIOn n~llrorm worn .hy 2 cl~~a~lts and. 15 men . Material: Ashford litter, 4 tretchers, all' 1~ed. and pIllow, callY1l1g chair, carrying sheet, blankets, and a largc btock of spll11ts, h~l1.c1~gcs, 3ml. all necessary material, vested in the Olney Amunlancc C011ln1Jttec. DIvISIOn snppodec1 by members and public subscriptions. " 1 b The returns for the year jURt ended how the greatest number of ca~es tl~a,tec y the Division since its formation. Many caRes have been "ery severe, mc:luc1mg fractures burns and wounds of variou de criptions. The work of th 1110mb r~ JUtS 1J:en greatiy appl:eciated by the public, especia,Uy the traI1. port. It, has been, ery ~r~lt1fy­ ina to see the prompt and ready manner in which ~he men turn out on l'CCClnng IL call, either for tran port or fir t aiel. The m~t.entll htl· been kcpt. UJl-,to:d~t~, .an.<l greatly improved, and should prove amply Rufficient for [I,11Y. con 'l;1 \ a,hh em. J ,,:~l~LY that miaht occur. A mo,t succe. sful cour.e of lectureR w~~ {~\·.en 11y lhe hon . S~11o(;.on durinrr the early part of the year, eyery candidate l'rl';.)entm~ hm1. (If for cxnl1nnallOn in first aid pa sing in a yery ereditnUe m[l,1me1'. It .ht1.~ bee.n thc men..ns r ~f g~ea:~y strengthening the Division, infusing ne" blood lmd hfe mtu It and addll1b some H!ly keen and useful men. OUNDLE DIVISION.

[Formed 2 .2.98.]

HEAD-QuAnTERs : FIRE BmGADE SL\TION, OUNDLE. Sup erintenden t.

Honorary Surgeon .

C. N. Elliott,

H. Knigh t,


1st Officer, Hon . Sec. , and Inspector of Stores.

J. Hayes, North Street, Oundle.

:r orth

tl'cct, Onn<lle.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. E. M. Harvey.

Officers 3. Sergean t 1. Corporal1. Privates 19. Total effective. 24. C) Drills h eld 13. Average attendance 11. Ca es attende~ on l~nbh c C) duty ~. Removals 5. Oases attended not on public duty 12. Annuall1?spe~tlOn~ Lth Noy. T otal on parade 16. Absent with leave n. Annu al re-eXam1l1~tIOn, r.th March . Members passed 23. Medallions 11. Service badges 11. Nursmg certificates ..15 .. Re~ulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 co rporal, and 19 men. Matcllll:l. wheeled litter, 4 stretchers, 2 hampers, 2 water-bottles, bell. tCl:t, &c., vested III Committee of Centre. Division supported hy voluntary contnbuboDs. . . .. Good and useful work is still being carried on in a quiet manner by thl DlYUllon. OVERSEAL DIVISION. HEAD-QUARTERS:


[Formed 3.11.01.]


Hon . Surgeon.


H. McAvoy, L.R.C.P.

G. J. German, Overseal, Ashby-de-la-Zouch.

1st Officer.

Hon. Secretary.

F. Freestone.

Pte. J. Carlton, Overseal, nr. Ashby-de.la-Zouch.

Inspecto r of Sto res.

Hon. Treasurer.

E. Statter.

W. Llovd .

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 24. Total effective 28. In crease since last report 5. Drills held 52. Average attendance 17. Cases attended not on public duty 65. Removals 7. An nual inspection, 27th JulJ:" Total on parade 24. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 1. Al:l1ual re-exanllnation, 17th Sept. Members passed 26. Did not appear 1. MedallIons 20 . . Regnlation unifOL'm worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, and 24 men. Mate.nal: 9 stretchers, 2 first air! baskets, bandages, splints, and water bottles, vested III Local Committee. Division supported by public subscriptions.


The Division continues to make excellent progress, and the members have spared no cO'ort to maintain and inerea~e their fltate of efficiency. One squad attended the camp at T uwcester, and it is hoped to end a greater part of the members next year. The llIaLeriaJ is in e,\,cellellt condition, and five stretdlcrs ha.ve 1)ee11 added since thc last report. Amongst the mo~t important cases attended to were fractured leg, fnwtured rib', injun:d pdvi::;, ute. even of the cases being removed. RUGBY DIVISION.

(.formed 12.12.02.]



Brigade Surgeon Lt.·Col. C. Dukes, M.D.

'Y. J. Parsons, 227, Clifton Road, Rugby.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

COI'P1. II. F. Towcrs, 45, Grosvenor Road, Rugby.

Pte. R. , J. Whales .

Honorary Treasurer.

Mr. T. B. Eden (Hon. Mem.). Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 19. Total effective 25. Drills held 51. Average attendance 15. Cases attended on public duty 11. RelllO\als 5. Cases atteuded not on lJuulie Juty 42. Annual inspection, 8th Oct. Total on pttrtHlc 22. Ab. ent with leaye 3. Allllual re-examinatioll, 16th and 23rd Sept. 1\lelll bel'S passed 23. Dill not appear 1. Medallions 22. Nursing certificates 15. Hl'glllaLioll uniform worn u} ] Office r, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 18 III ell. Material; 4 regulalion stretcher, 4 surgical hanesacs, 4 water bottles, 4 blallkets, ant! nul' ing equiplllent, \'estell ill the Committee of the Division. Di\'i::'Ull slll'polted by the nH.'lllbl'l's alltl lJublic snhscl'iptiollS. The Di\'ision, although it hm; not increased in number, ha made steady progress ,.,ilJ(;u Jast report. OW11JCr to the personal efforts of the members sufficient funds have bel.:n raised to place the wholu of the Division in regulation uniform during the Cllrrent year. "\. COUl'::;e uf lectures in llur:;ing tlnd hygiene, given by the hon. sUTgeon, resulted in fourleun members obtaining the lllll'sing certific,).te. The four stretcher station;; mentiulled ill la::;t report as about to be erected by the Urban District Council for thu Di\ i::;iuu's lllHteri,tl, were completed and brought into u e early in 190·1, anel 11n.\e proycd useful on ,'eyeral occat;ions. l\Iembers have turned out for ]Juhliu duly at local spurts, etc., on fOllr occasion', when they haye attended to a numl)el' of aceitlelllt; "hiuh, howeyel', with one exception, were not of a serious nature. By far the lal'(:re~t numher of ca~e, are still dealt with by members off duty, and dllrin~ the course uf their daily aYOcatiollS, among t the::;e lllay be mentioned :seVen cases of broken lim1)::;. Transport work heil}lT on the incren::;e ' trenuous effort are l'L'iug malle to nti 'u the neces&).ry amount for the purcha e of an "Ashford" Litter. . :\ ::; a result of the remark::; of the Inspecting Officel'-As:;i ' tant-Oommissioner ,Voobtol1-at the annual inspection, seyernl of the men are volunteering for the "Hoyal T,wal 'iek Berth Re erve." A course of "First Aid" L ectures now being helel, ttt which a number of the member of the Police Force ,we attending, is expected to result in an ,tppreeiable increase in the membership of the Division. SMETHWICK CORPS.

[Formed 8.02.J

HEAD-Q17ARTERS : TilE DmLL H ALL, Sl\IETmnCK. Chief Superintendent.

E. J. Foster, lIIalta Villa, Holly Lane, Smethwick. (N 0 report received.) NETTLEFOLD 'S DIVISION (SMETHWICK CORPS ).

lFol'med 19. 12.01.

Ill!:AD'Ql'AHTEltS; SCltEW 'YORKS, SlIIETIIWICK. (N 0 report received.)

St. John

St. John A ?nbulance Brigade.



[Formed 1895.]

Superintendent. C. Nicholson, Market Street, Wellingborongh.


Honorary Surgeon.

W. E. Coleman, M.R.C.S.

[Formed 23.7.04.]

Acting Superintend en t. F. Mapperley, Bellmont, Hollies Drive, Wednesbury.

Officers 2. Privates 17. Total efrective 19. The material is vested in Committee of Division. This Division did not get into working order much before the end of official year.


[Formed 9.88.]

HEAD-QUARTERS: CIIURCII STREET, WELl.INGBOROUGlI. Chief Superintendent. T. H. Hilton, Somervill e, Wellingborongh.

Su peri ntendent Treasu rer. T. E. Graveley.

Supt. of Stores. C. Nicholson. Officers 7.

Hon. Surgeons 13. Sergeants and corporal:; 14. Privates 181. Nursing Officers 6. 'isters 51. Total effici.ent 272. D ecrease since last report 54. Officers and men in uniform 196. Nursin g Officers and sisters in uniform 50 . Total 246. The number of cases dealt witb during the yeur totals up to no 1 .' than 1,133, which number includes 115 removal::; by wa.ggou a.ud littel, 17:2 en 'cs trcttt~t11)'y tlw nursing divisions and:24 nursed in their own homes. In OetoberU ofticel's and men paraded at PeteriJorougb, when Lord Ruberts llll\' ·ile(l the ~Ielll?l'illl ,\rIUtl~\\' erected in the Cathedral, in honour of the oftiCCl'S n.llll men \\'hu dwd on .tell\'l; service during the South Africa.n ,Val'. Thc County ,Agricultural !-ihow \\'.\s h ·ld here in June, when the Hea.d-lltla.rterl'l Divil'lon put up their hu::;pital tent full y equipped and ma.nned it for foul' (h~yH and nightl'. A number of cascs \\'t-l'l.' attended to, the mo t serious being a fractured Rkull. The mo. t enjoyahle fl:ature of the year WaS the district ca.mp, u.t ] i~aston Neston Park, when the t:lll'l'H \\'a,.; represented by no less tha.n 7'2 otlieers a.ndmen, who not only greatly l)endilcd, Iml fullyapprecia.ted the instruction gi\'l;n 1)y ASHllitant-ColllmiH.'lioncl' T. II. 'Voolstul1. The arrangements made for the comfort a.nrl lllel\sure of all ranks waH so guud tlta.t next year it is expected the members a.ttending will be la.rgcly increased. '1'be annual inspection was held on Augmit 20th, the inspecting officers being AssistantCommissioner T. H. "Woolston and District Chief ~urgeon ,V. B. AucUn.ncl. The members of the corps on parade numbered 195. After the ranks had been im;pectecl. the corps marched past in column of sections. Evcry one of the sections was then told off for special work, which, when completed ::md examined won high praise froJll the inspecting officers and the large gathering of the public a.ssembled to witness it. It is gratifying to add that the corps has never been so well equipped and so gencn~lly efficient as now.




1st Officer and Inspector of Stores. H. Francis.

Honorary Secretary, pro tem. Chief Supt. T. H. Hilton, Somerville, Wellingborough.

(N 0 report l'ecei ved.)



Honorary Treasurer. T. E. Gravely.

Officers 6. Sergeants and Corporals 3. Privates 33. Total effective 42. Decre.ase since last report 7. Drill s held 29. Average attendance 25 . Cases attended ?n pnb~lC duty 59. R emovals 72. Cases attended not on public duty 263 . Annual lDspecboll, 20th Aug. Total on parade 37. Absent with leave 4. Annual I e -examill~tion, 2~st Sept. Memb ers l?assed .34 . Did not appear 7. Medallions 23. N nrsl11g certdlcates 15. Regula.tIOI1 ulllform worn by 5 Officers, 3 sergeants and cOl'pora lB, antI 33 men. .i\latenal: 1 wagon, 2 litters, 25 stretchers, 14 hal1!pers and hnvresacs, 40 water-hottles, 3 tents, 10 sets of splints, 3 invalid ch.aI.l'~, and ~ ~a.l'ge reser-ve store of all requi ites, vested in the Officers of the DlnsIOI1. DIVISIon supporterl Ly public subscriptions. There i' a "light decrease in the strength of the Division, due to the striking off the roll of 'CV 'ml who would not make them elves efficient. On October 25th, a str?ng dct~\chment was called up for duty when L ord Roberts um"eiled the M emorial \Vmdow I~ Peterbol'?ugh C,~thec~ral, erected in memory of the Northamptonshire men who ched on actIve serV1ce m • out~ Africa. In June, the County Agricultl1l'al ~ow wa held here, when ?ur hospItal tent was pitched and fully equipped, duty. hem r p. rformed . day and mght,. from Tuesday to Friday. There has been a con Iderable mcr~a e III both fir t md cases and removals. One case, to which 1st Officer FranCIS wa ' called, was that of a young woman who fell and fractured ?oth fe~llur.. A large number attended camp and very much appreciated the ill trllctlOn gl ven, ~U1? t~oroughly enjoyed the privileges granted. The Division hows steady and clistmct lIDprovement all round.



[Formed 3.12. 96.]


Honorary Surgeon . F . Bennetts, M . R. C. S.

E. Dunmore, London Road, Bozeat.

Inspector of Stores. S. Nichols.

Hon. Treasurer. J. Barnes.

Ofllcer 1.

Hon . Secretary.

Sergeant 1.

Privates 10.

Total effective 12.

Dnlls . helel 4~. AYerage attendancc 9. Cases attellcleu not on public duty 37. Annnal lII"'P< ctlO)) , 20th Aug. Tutal 011 parade 9. ALsent with leave 2, Without leave 5. Alllnm~ re-examinati?n, not appear 6. l\ledalllOlls 5. NurS.lllg l)y 1 sergeant and 10 men . Matenal: hayresacs, \~a~~r bottles, 1 emergency Bngade. DIVISIOn supported by public.

20th Sept. M embers pa,sed 11. Did certificates 10. Hegulation uniform worn 1 wheel litter, 3 stretchers, 3 medical cabinet, vested in St. John Ambulance


[Formed 5.5. 96.J

This Division \vill be reformed n ext year.


[Formed 4.89. J



Honorary Surgeon. J. Crew, M.D.

W. W. Clark, M.D.

Honorary Surgeons. H. Hollis, M.D. E. J. Woolley, B.A. , M. B.


J. Watson,


Supt., Hon. Seo., and Hon. Treas.

A. O. Groome, East L ee, Higham Ferrel'S.

Insp. of Stores. 1st Class Sergt. J. B ettles.

St. J ahn A mbulamce Brigade.

St. J alin A ntuulance Brigade.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 24. Total efl'ective 27. D ecrease sinco Jast report 13. Drills held 20. A~erage ~ttellliance 16. R;~l1l0yal s 3. Cases attended not on public duty 240 . AnnuallllspectlOn, 20th Aug. ~oLa~ 011 parade 16. Absent with leave 4. "W ithout 10ave 6. ~nnual re-exam.ll1atlOll , 28th Sept. Members passeu 17 . Dilluut appear 9. Medalhons 16. NUl'lUg certificates 18. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Ofllc.er, 1 sergeant, and 20 men. Material : 1 litter, 6 stretchers, bell t eut, 3 medwal havresacs, water bottles, splints, and other store, ye ted in local Committee. Division supported by voluntary contribution. . This year the routine work of the Division ha~ not bee~ as well :::.ustalUed as US~I(\l. vVe have lost one member by removal and twelve f,uIed to attend the r ctlUll'ed number of drills. The r eal first aid work has been k ept up. Three r emovals and 2-10 cases, including four fractures, have been reported. Twenty membe~'s of the I?i\"i~ioll attended the district ca,mp at Easton K e:::.ton . At ~he ~lell" Ku~-sll1g EXaml11l~tl~m, h eld early in the year all the memlJCl's of the cla:::.~ WIth the exceptlOn of one satisfied the examiner. Th e fi11l1,llces of the ])i,·i:::.ion are in a sati:::.factory <;onuitiol1, ltntl Ulll' best thanks are due to 1\11'. H. R. P<1tenall [md ergcant Bettle!" who so kindly collected donations from the trade men of the town, and to all who so geucrously contributed to the support of the Division.

hot appeal' 12. I1Icdallions 11. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Olficer and limen. Material: liller, 3 5iretcllers, 3 hal'lesacs, 3 water uottles, alld lJcll Lellt, vested in locaJ COlllmiltee. Division Slll'pOl'teu uy Dl cnllle i s' slllJscriptions auJ general l'ul Jlic. Owing to thl.- depression ill tbe stt~ple trade, many mcmbers ha\'c had to seek work at <.~ cli::;tallce frum llUllle; which has lJl'e\clltecl their attendance at drills.

27 8



being re-formed.


Ho norary S urge o n and Treasurer.

C. E. Eatly.

,V, Itobb, L.n.c.p. Ho n orary S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores .

Pte. H . Brightwell, Wellingborough Road, IrthlillglJorough .

Pte. R.



[Formed 30.1.96.]


Hon. Surgeon. II. . Bakel', F. n. c.S.

Superintendent and Hon. S ec.

T. S\\'illr1nll, 2 ,


Road, Rushd ell.

Hon. Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Mr. J. W. A. hc1owne.

Corp1. A. Prigmore.

OlIlcers 2. crgeants 2. Corporal 1. Privates 30. Total effective 35. l{e 'el'l'e mpml'ers 3. D ecrease s ill c(~ last report 4. Drills held 45. Average attendance 2. Cases attended ou lluulic duty 4. R emovals 12. Cases attendeLl not on l'uulic duty 15]. Annual inspection, 20th Aug. Total on parad e 31. Al)scnt IIith lcaye 1. Without leaye 8. AIlIlUall'e-cxamiDatioD, 231'cl Dec., 1903 and 1st 'cpt., 1904. l\lellllJers passed 37 . l;'ailed 1. Did not appear 2. Meclallions 27. NUJ'silJg (;crlilieale:::. '27. Regulation Ullir0ll1l \r om by 2 Oflicers, 2 selgeanls, 1 corporal , and '20 mell. Material: 1 Jitt<:1', 9 stl'etcllel's, 3 sets Sl,lillt.·, 8 water boltles, 6 havr esacs, &c., vested in Oincers. Division supported by voluntary Stl bscri ptiOll . . The ll1e1l11Jer:::. uf thi' Divi "ion greatly rel,,'l'ct lo:::.illg the :::.cn-iees of their late superintendent, :Jlr. Arthur Un,Ye. During the four years he was at the head of the dinsion, he ::;huIIl'd the grcate:::.t intcre t in it - welfare. At the annual competition held this ye~l1' at Higham }i\.: rr::r::i, our ~u. 1 team again seeured the Ohallenge Oup and fir t pnzc. Our funcl:::. till:::' year are low, the gencral t-llacknes of trade haying materiGtlly affected our :::.ubcriptiun list.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 1. Total efl'ecti vo n. Decrease since last report 2. Drills helel 40. Average attendance 20'7. 3Sl'» attended on public duty 4. Rem oval' 11. Cases allended not on public duty 171. Annual inspection, 20th Aug. Total on parad e 15. Absent ,,-it h leave:3. With out lea.ve 3. Annual re-examinatioIi, 16th Aug. Memhers pas~ed 20. Diclnot ap pear 1. Medalliolls 9. Service badges 3. Nursing certificates 11. R egulation ulliform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 17 m en. Material: 1 liller, 5 stretchers; 5 havresacs, splints, stores, and nlHsiJ1g utensils, ve ted in 't. John Ambulance Committee (local). Division supported by public contributions.


Hon. S ec. and Inspector of St ores.

. E. Baxter, M.1LC.S.

Pte. G. F. Nutt, Queen Street, ollaston .


Hon o rary Treas u rer.

S ergt. A. Drage.


[Formed 20.3.96.]


W. Mackenzie, L.R. C.P.

Supt., Ho n. S e

a nd Insp. o f Stores.

J. Perry, Riugstead, Thrapstone. Hono ra ry Treasurer.

Pte. S. Weekley. Officers 2. Privates 18. Total efl'eetive 20. Decrease since last re]lnrt 10. Drills held 24.. Average attendance 13. Ca5<'S attended on public duty 8. H.emovals 4. Cases attended not on pulJlic duty 60. Annual inspection, 20th Aug. Total on parade 16. Absent with l ('ave 4. W it h ou t leave 8. A nnual re -examination, 28th Sept. Members passed 16. Did

Omcer l. Sergeants 3, Privates 18. Total efl'ective 22. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 50, AYerage attendance 17. Removals 3. Cases aLLellueu not on public duty 76. Allllual inspection, 20th AuG'. Total on paracle 19. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 1. Annual re-exa~1ination, 31st Aug. MemlJers passed 17 . Did not appear 5. Medallions 10. Service hac1ges 11. Nursing cerlificatcs 7. Regulation uniform worn by 3 serG'eants and 14 men. Material: wheel litter, 4 stretchers, 3 medical hayrcsacs, wafer bottles wa~er.ued, bath chair, vested in local Committee. Division supported by public sl1b~ SCl'lptlOl1S and members' weekly contriuutions. ~t i8 with r egr ct wc h,we to report a slight decr ease in the strength of the Division, owmg tu remov,ll:::. and vaa·iou:::. re<.l:::'OllS. ,During the year the work generally done ha~. hcen commended by the doctor. It IS proposed to hold anothcr first aid class durll1g the coming \vinter, and it is hoped a large increase in m ember hip will result.


St. J ohm A rnbulance B?·igc~de.

St. John Arnbulance Brigcule.


Officers 3. N l1l'sing sisters 16. Total effective 19. Decren,se since last report 2. Practices held 28. Average attendance 12'4. Cases attcnded on public dnty 1. Cases attenc1cdnot on public duty 36 . Cases privately nurscd 9. Annual inspection, 20th Aug. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave ~. Without leave 8. LllllltHll re-examination, 24th Scpt. Members passed 14. Did not. appeal' 5. Medallions 17. R egulation nni1'o1111 worn by 3 Nursing Officers and 16 nursiJ1(f sisters. Material: Mackintosh sheets, air cushions, feetling cups, etC'. , vested in l roll . .'urgron and Nnrsing Officers. Diyision supported by contributions of lllellll)crs aUll sllb~criptions . The lrthlill ~l)orough Kur::;illg Diyision lIas made vcry fair progress, and has done good wurk durillg" the past ym~r. A ::;mallel' lluml)er .than m;ua.l attell~lec1 the annual ill spu<..:Liull , "hi(;h tuuk p1<1(;(; un .Augw:it ~Oth, that bemg the great holIday month for the husy people of the Micllancls, !line of the T ursing Otficen; and si ter::; were UWtty from hUIll(:, anel Llwrefure unaUe to attend. Three llul'::>ing si::;ters hase left the V1\ isiull during the year, one of them to take a Rituation in a hospital. FOl'ty-::;ix case::; bwc he<.:11 aHended.


[F ormed 23 .5.02.] H EAD-QUARTERS : BURTON L ATIMEr. PARlSII COUNCIL CiiAMBEns. Hon. Surgeon.

H. Burland, L.R.C.P. Lady I nspector of Stores.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss L . SlIliLh.

Miss C. M. Ja111 eS, Rose Bank, Burton LaLimer, Kettering.

OfTi l!ers 2. Nnr:-.in" sisters 12 . Tolal effective 1 J. Decrease since last r cport 3. Pr~ctices helll 9. Annnal re-~Xalllillnt.iolJ, ! ~th Sept. 111 i ' em 1 Jcrs 1)'1_ sc·u1 15. l'IIeuallions 15. Mttteri'll; Yeste(l lJl the COllllllltlee of the Division. Division snpported uy ]\1011111ers' suhscriptiolls.




[Formed 10.91.]


ll'SWI Cli .

Honorary Surgeon .

Hon . Surgeon.

J. ,Yo Dryland,

J, F, Hossack, F,R.C.S. 1st Nursing Officer.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss H emsworth.

11i3s Cou1cher, Beechholme, I pswich.

?III'S. C. W. Lane, George Kettering.



Mrs. H. Hume, Meldrum, TLlLldenham Road, I pswich . Officers 3. Nursing si. tel'S 35. Total effcctive 3 . In crease since last report 12. Practices held 15. Average atLellc1anee 11. 'ases attended on public duty 7. Annual re-examinati?J1, 2 th April aJl(~ 30lh ~.l<ty, Members passed 31. Did not appear 7. l'IIedalholls 30. Ih:gulaLLO~ 1l1ll10l~JU worn by 3 Officers and 10 nnrsillg sist?rs. l'IIaterial; ?alldages: carrylllg .d~~lrs and sheets, splints, bedstead and beddlJ1g, ete., vested llJ the Cent.rc. DIvISIon supported by its own memuers' suhscriptions. The Division has ('rown and the members have attended very well the course of l ectures on paLhology give~ by the lIon. urgeon, whi~h has heC1~ most interesting. Nursing Sister Miss Leeder has, hy her own exertIOns, contnbutell the Sllm of £14 12s. 6d. to the fUllds of the Ccntre for the new hea(lrluartcrs n,nd its work. She has been Illade a life lllelllhcr uf the St . John Ambulance Assol'iatioll. Several members arc enrraaed in private nursin u . Many hav e at.tended tirst. aid or musing classes, to kee~ ~p their knowledge.o Th ey have attended public duty when r eqnired.


Miss M. J. Clark, 26, Gold 'treet Kettering. Lady Inspector of Stores

2nd Nursing Officet'.

Lady Secretary.

M. R. C.S.

1st Nurs in g Officer, Lady Sec. and Treasurer.

Lady Sup erintendent.

Miss E.



Oflicers 4. Nllrsing bisters 42. Tot al effective 46. R e.·crve members 4. I ncre<t':le since last. report 5. Practices he]cl19. A,erage aLtctldancc 21. Cases attended 011 puhlic (lilly 14. Cases attended not 011 jlllhli (; duly ,1. Cases privately nun;ell 3. Annual inspection, 1st Oct. 'Total on paralIc '27. Absent " 'ill! lea\'e 9. ,Vithollt leave 4. Annual re-examination, 2;iLll l\lay . Uemllcrs passed 21. Dill not appear 10. Medallion s 37. R c"ulatioll ulliform "'orn by 3 Ollicer~, allll 19 llursing sisters. Material: splints, tri~llgltlar [tilt! roller bandnges, 1>tral'ping, liut, e~ruolic, etc. , vested in K etterillg Corps. Di dsion .'1111portetl hy mrl11 bel'S' sn hRcril't IOns. The ursin" Diyi 'ion is doing useful work in the town, and the <1.Yerage attendance at thc l'mdie"":-j has nearly doubled. Thc nursing si,ter haye done considerably more llur::;ing-work than they report. On H ospital Saturc1a,y, ~\pril 30th, six sisters g,we ten hour:;' as.';i"t,uH.:e in culleding for the loeal hospital:,;. T


[Formed 1886.]



Honorary Surgeon .

L. [Formed 3.7.01.] HEAD·QUAr.TEItS: COUNCIL SCIIOOL, lRTIILINGBOROUGil. Honorary Surgeon.


Robb, I..R. C.P.

1st Nursing Off. and L.ady Inspector of Stores.

Miss H.. l{awlin.

Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. S. Williams, Scarborough Street, Irthlingborough. Lady Secretary.

Miss L. Shortlanc1, Fail'holme, IrthlingborouYh.



B.A., i\I.B.

Lady Superintendent.

l\Iis l\I. Noble, 9, Hobart Street, Leicester.

1st NUI' sing Officer.

2nd Nursing Officer.

3rd Nursing Officer.

Miss l\I. E. :Thlusson.

Miss 1\1. J. Hodges.

11rs. M. E. Adcock.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss J. A. Asher.

Lady Sec. and Lady Treasurer.

Miss A. A. Pollard, "Ivanhoe," Knighton Park Road, L eicester.

Officers 5. Nursing sisters 25. T otal eITcctive 30. Increase since last report 1. Practices held 16. Average attendance 26. Gases attended on public duty 2. Coses attended not on pu1.>lic duty 14. Cases privately

2 2


t. J ohn

St .


n ursed 30. Annultl ill'lll'ction, 3nl1 .Inly. Totnl Oil pnrnch· 2~. A11 l'nt "it h lrnvc 3. Annual l' -c xn.lIlilln,lioll, 4th :tllll 13Lh Fcll. l\l Clllhcr~ ]l:ts~l'tl 2n. l\ll'd:t1lioll 2. RC frnln lion unil'orm \10m h)'1 Olliecrs an d ~5 llursing ~islers. Inle1'ial: hc(lst~a{l, hnlHlngl'R, splint:'l, de., Yl'Sll'd in lhe Commillee or th e NUl'sing Divi ion. l)ivi 'ion snpporled by th e 11ll'11lbcl's. The l111l'~ing- sisll'rs ha\\.~ been On }lnhli{' (illty on fil'L' {lays. . \RsislnlH:V has 1ll.'t:ll "'iyen to metlie,t] nwn in S' I'L'n til'sl aid alltl 1\ 111':.;in'" daRsl's. FUllr lllL,llthvl's hall' Etken the work of the eli:,;I1'iet nurse tll1l'in~ hL'r holi<l;Y1l-111 \ isit.· \I L'1'e llHtdu. 1\11 continue to show gl'e,~t illt'l'L'::lt in the work of the Di lisioll.


A rnbulance Brigade.


(). ROw en,


Lady Superintendent.

1st Nursing Offi cer and Lady Sec.

Irs. II. E. ValllJ, " Uhiehelr Collegr," Higham Ferrel~s,

"Tlte Lim es, " Hn sltc1en,



I\,\ I


I, !:\ STlTl'Tg, LEIGH rON

lh ZlAI:Il.



ILI ,L)\(:

'1'111'; lI O:-;I'lT.\L.

Hono rary Surgeon.

W. II. Chambcrlaill, Lady Sup erin t endent.

1•. It.r. P.

lI st Nursing Office!' , Lady Treas., and Sec.

Mrs. \ Y 1', R ee ve., 4, 1stilian Tcrmce, Torthumpton.

Mis L. la\lhy, 6, Oastilian Lied, TOI LhalllpLon.

2nd Nurs ing Officer.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

Miss 1\. DraMord .

1iss E. Os born.

Omccrs 4. tlI'Ring si:-;ters rd, Total effccti ,·c filJ. I ncreasc since 10. t reporL PracticeR hrltl 29. Avcmg{' allell(lallc 3G. ll'irst aid ea es attendcd not on public duly 30. l'I\!-il's privl~ll'lJ' nl1l'sr(l 10. Annual inspection, 9lh July. Tola,l 011 paradr 21. Ah!-icnl \\'ilh jeltl'e 26. \\' ithout leave 8. Annual re-examinaLion, 16th am130th March. l\1 ell1 her pa~sl'(l 34. Dill not appear 23 . l\ l ctlallion 31. Hcgulalioll ullil'orm "()I'll hy 3 Oflkl'l" nlH1 ~3 nursing sister. . Di\'ision supported hy 1lll'1ll11crs' Ruhscripliol1S. The Diyision hn. increased in c1licicney and mcmb '!'ship clurill~ th ' .) car, and the nsern.ge attcnd<ulCc i::; well 111l1,intained. The hOll. SUl'guOll ha:,; gi\l;ll many u;;dul anel interesting lectures, \\'hie11 arc milch appreciat0tl. V ery good work 1UH; bL'UI1 done by thc memh ' I':::; hoth in IlIll'.ill~ nnd first aid . :-';OlllO \L'l'y fillet: ';;Sflll eompetitions were again helll, tbe prize;; a,r,tin heing kindly ~in~n hy Lhe ehai1'1l1ttn of tile local Centre,.T. ')opel', E~(l" J'.P. On' nUl'~ing ~i~lcl' ~punL OJlU Illollth It· :::;iek attendant [l,t thu N ol'thamptoll ~etl::;idu 'olony of Lhe 1\orlhampLon Oripplud Children's] lind, at Lh"nc.ludno. Two member::; lW,ye left the Dil'ibiun [mel gonc to tn.in as hospital nurses.


W. Mackenzie,

L. R . C. P.

Lady Secretary .

Mrs, Knight, Hingsteall, near Thrapston.

Officer 1. Nursing sisters 14. Total effectivc 15. Practices held 12. Average attendance 7. Cases attendecl nol on public duty 73. Annual re-ex(lmiualioll, 28th Sept. MCllluers pa::;secl 13. Dill 1I0L appcar 1. Medallions 11. Regula~io~ uniform worn by 1 Officer and 8 lIlu'billg sisLers. Division supported by subscnpbo ns.

Mi!1s A. CUllllingloll,

Lady In spec tor of Stores and Treasurer.

Miss W. V.




. Oflicl'l's 3. i. lll'sing sisLI'L's 20. Tolal (' f('cctive 23. Decl'rll.Sc RI Il C'(' lasL I'l' POLt 5. Pmc·ticcs hdtl 37. Average aLlclI(lallCe 20. 'asts a~tl'Jld(' d Ilot Oil pllhlw dilly G2 . Casc's privately l1Ulse,l 15. Annual illspectlOll, ~Otll Aug. Tot al 011 pal MIl' 11. Absent ",ith leave 8. Anllual re·exallli1I,lLt iUII, . ~7Lh .~c \'t. 1\1 elll bel'S pa~secl D. ])id llOt appear 13. M erJallioll~ ~O. ],egllla~lOJi ,ulllfol'lli 11 0m .b'y 2 Olliec!'s amI 20 ul1l:;illg sisler!:>. Malerial: '\'atCI'})('d, ILI I: ptllllll's, hronchllis keLtle, hOl-waLer hOLLIes, thermo111cler.' etc. etc. ve~te(l III Ll~e 011 ie.ers, of TUl'Silig Divii;i(lll. Division supjJortell l; y vol~llliary alld l1lell! hers StL usel'l ptlOllS. Th~ wOl'k of. Lhe IJlIisiun llas heel? LlmL of steady progre.. during the past year, Itllcl IIl gltt nuJ'slll g' luu; been l"olnntn'l'lly ullclcrbdwn llY sc"cr::1.l of lhe memhc::rs. Th e PI1)'~ · lt:tSL' of IL lttrgl' w,.tur-becl, I.ir-pillow, lJronC'hitis·kettle, etc., will greatly facilitate th~'lI' hlJOul's IUHl }lrme tt gl'C,Lt hoon to tlll' town. :Much rc,rret is felt at the 10 s of l'!lSS ClInnl1\g' ~()II'~ Sl~1'I jecs-l\1 iss Nash has been appojnt~l to the v, cn,nL place. (d'I'at JIltl'l'C;;t IS showll :tlllOngst the llul'sing-fiistcrs in mn,ttur<; purtninin(f hoth to the w~'If:t.I'L' (If the SI?k nnd the inll'l'efits of the (·OI'lJH . At the corps insl'c~Lion, held at \\ l'lIll\!..;l)(ll;c)ll~.h 11\ ,Aug-n.t lat. th' fir.t and second prize.' were can-ied off l)y the Huslllhm i\ Ul'l'ilng . IsLel '.


St. J ohn A 1nbulance Brigucle.

St. J ohn A rrnbu lance Brigade.


a.B., M.P. and Mrs. Royds, a very fine Drill Hall ha~ been . pl'r.sen ~e~ to the R ?chdale

No. IV.-N orth Western District. Deputy CO?n1ln'ssionel'. Lieut.-Colonel C. J. THHlDLR, ('.~LG., v.n., L.n ..c.p., 5th Lancashire Royal Gal'l'ison Artillery (Vo1s.), Lonth House, Bamuer Brlllg<:, neal' Preston. Dist1'ict Chief S~t1·gcon. Mr. G. TJTo?llHO T, M.D . , 5, ITlldclersfield Road, OldhaJ1l. Assistant C01n?llissione1· . Mr. J. C. DEIl ll J\ J\[, Chief COllstalJle, B1ackpool. Dist?'ict Chicf Sllpc1·intcndent. Mr. L . 'YllITTAlom, 11l111ysille lIouRe, Accl'illgtoll. District Supt. Sec}'ctCI1·Y . :Ul'. A. L . GAnNETT, 1, Rell Lion. tt'eet, BUl'llley. Dist1'ict Superintendent of Sl01·CS. Capt. E. B. POOLEY, L. n . C. P., Dalton-in-IfulIless. R .• '.0., Lanc . Dist1'ict SU1JeTintenclent T,·caS1l1·C,·. Mr. F. DE B.-PDf, L.n.C.l'., Barrowfo1'd, ]leal' N elson.

REPORT OF T HE DEPU TY C O ~nII SIONER. L OUTH HO'USE, BAMBER BmllGR, n('ur Pm:. TO~, OclouCt', HlO·l. Sm - I now beC! to snbmiL my Annual R eporL as Drputy C0l11111issiol1er eOllcellling No.'IV. District St. John Ambulance Bl'i<facle fOl'i1leallllJlllallre }('<l l' 1903 -1. TIIC stn.temcnt I am ~lllLble(l to make iH, I ('ons~ll'1', highly satisfactory as iL i11l1icates an expansion of Brigacle work togt'thel' with illrreased stll 11.glh aIHllflirit'I.I('Y' . . . AL ]Jresent there are ill thi District 0~ A~l1hlll,t1lc(' 1!n.l~s awl 10 ~ nrsJIlg nl,\ ISlf~l1C;. In al'1'i\'ing at thiH 1111111\)el' I am reckolll11g tbe lhl'lSlOllS fOr1llll1g the orps. at Prestoll, o'lc1ham an(l Bolton. The rollmdng lignl'e." indicate the 1l1l1ll11cl's sl'rl'lllg in the several Hrig;vle grac1cs:-GCbief.'lIrgeom, 5 Chirf'Snpelintcll(ll'nls, 119 11011. Surgeolls, 52 Supcl'inlcn(lelltH, 57 Ant1mlance OlJiC'('n;. 117. 'Cl'g~n,I.lt:· , 122. 'orpor:11 , and 2 274 Privates C!i\'in cr a total of 2 7fi2. The 10 NurSing JltVlSlOllS Ylcld a. tolal of an 'ranks of 819.' bThe~o figures, with the a<l(litioll of Lbe Dislrict ,'lafr, slll'l'ly a grand total of 3,578, being an incroase of 01 011 lh~ p.roceding Yl'!U·. . New uuits were fortU od at-RoollC', l\JorHe,Y ;,hSSIOll to • call1Cll (Llvcr[,on1), Sl. T James' Gate (Duulin), Lytham and lIorll'ich; Ha(leliffc, IIey\\'ooc1 lllHl.l ordel1 (H.orhdale Corps), organized ursing Divisions. I regret to hal'e to reporL that ~he following units han ceased to exist :-D.mlillill 1)i visio.n (Bolton CO~' ps), •'t. Igllalllls and St. Mattbew's Divisions (Pl eston Corps), Inrlustnal n.nd Hollll1woocl (Olllham Corps), together with Dukinfield and Rishton ursing Divisiolls. . There appears to be a disposition on the part of large Corps to can.¥' on Bngaclo work by "centralizing" more. This, of course, l~ads to a cOlllractl~1l of Corl's un i ts. The after named units have failed to fl1l'UlSh reports, etc., !Ill 110 111 (Ironworks), H orsedge Street Division .(C?l(.lhum Corps),. POl1rith Div.}si01:, Police Di".isioll (Preston Corps), and Ulverston DlvlslOn ; Askam-l11-Fu1'l1ess, I\.el;\I'l?k and Pttlhhal11 Nursing Divisions. It is quite unde:'stood by all cOI1?el'llec1 that faIlure .lo produce a complete Brigade record bars all mem bel'S of Lhe Bl'lgade from the Service .l\1 cdaI ; hence the great importance of fl11'nishing ar~nnal J'e~nrns. . . With one or t\Yo exceptions every U11lt was Inspected, t IllS duty beJl1g proportioned between the District. tnIT. From the reports submitted to me I have just reason for stating that the efficiency and interest taken in Brigade ambulance work developes each year. I place the greatest importanc:e on Annual I nspection , The at tendance at these parades for the year uncleI' review has in-::reased considerably, b u t t h er e is yet room for i mprovement. 'r he most important event during the yea r was the completion of the Drill lI all for the Accrington Corps. T his bnilding cost over £3,000 . O n llLh J une the H all was opened by Major-Generd l Ballen-Powell, C.B . T o clear off the debt t Ile Officers of t his Corps h ave organized a Bazaar which will be opened by tho Marquis of Breadalbane, K . G., on t he 9th N ovem ber. Through the generosi ty of Col. R oyds, 1

Corps. The cost will excr.ed £2,000 . T hese prem~ses WIll be ~lllshe.d dunng the Spring of ] 905. .1\11' • •'bepherd, of Bacur, has WIth marked liberality presented suitable buildings for a Drill H all fol' tbe Bacnp Division. On the occasion of the Visit of Ilis !llajesty the Killg to L iverpool on Hlth July street dnty was llmlertaken . I fUl'1lished a "pecial report cOllceJ'lling this parade which went fully into the particulars of the work donc . . On the 9Lh July I inspected the ullits forming the North-East L ancashIre Corps and Divisions at Todmonlen. I was pelfectly satisfied with the parade which, ifl10t so large as usual, exhibitcd a smart al1l~ soldier.like appearance. ~ had the ~l~asl1re of. ubmitting a detailerlreport ('ollcerllll1g the lJ)SpectlOn and vanous competitIOns. The South-East Lancal:ihire C01']'s and Divisions paraded for I nspection . by Assistan t COl11l1li. sionel Derham, at Roy ton, Oll the 17th September. I n reportmg to you, " ir, !III'. Derham expresse his satisfaction with all he saw on this occasioll, althouuh the number Oll parade did not reach the total of former years. I pl;ced ] Hon. urgeoll, 4 mell and 3 nurses at the dil;posal of the Co~mittee of the Royal Lancashire Agricultural, 'ociety for amuulance duty on the occaSlOn of the Annual how held at outhport, 29th and 30th July, 1st and 2nd August; a considerable llumuer of cases were attended to. The competitions for the" Crosfield "Shield, "Argenta" Cup, and" T unstill" Shielrl were all snccesHfully carried out. The fact of having these trophies has devcloped a keen nnd l'rai 'e\\'ol'thy desire to merit success on the part of the many teams which enter for these competitions, certainly the class of ambulance \york and chill exhibitell is of a high order and extremely smart. T hr. meeting of the Nursing Divisions to decide the Division which was to hold the Nursing Challenge Shield took lilace aL Rochdale on the 24th, 'eptember. The Lytham ladies won the Shield, Oldham being 2ncl and Preston 3rd . The Annual Di trict Conference a sembled at Darrow-in-Furne on the 10th rptelllher. The Omccrs attending were receive!l, \\'elcon.ed and afterwards entertainerl a.t the Fumes.' Abbey Hotel uy the Ma.yorand Mayoress, Mr. and !II I'S. Heath. The gnthrring \\'n.s a great succe s, the number attending being auove an average. A very 1'leas(\llL couple of hoUl's wcrc spclltill discussing amhulallce matters. I greatly appreciate these 111eetings and [llll certainly of opinion that, in this District, the bouds of Brigade unionism are cemented and strengLhelled by tbem . I n cl0 illg my Hepol't I \voulrllike to point out the hoalthy and ellergetic condition of No. I Y. District. I consiuer uiscipline is maintainell, and each year is productive of gcneral ad \'ancemrn t and increaed eLllcieney. I now beg to add a word of tJlan ks to the melllbers of the District RtaO'. I am certainly fortunate to have thc assistance of tbe e gentlemen to enable me to carryon the very pleasant yet always increasing work of a developing Bl'igaue Ambulance District. I have the honour to be, Your obedient Servant, CHARLEH J . T I:.IlIIBLE,

Deputy C01nmissiOlw1', No. I V. DistJ'ict, S. J. A .E. T o the Chief Commissioner.

RepO?·t of Pamde in connection 'Leith the King's J7-isit to Liverpool. LOUTII Hou, 'E, BAilIBEI:. BumGE, near P nEsToN.

26th J uly, 1904. Sm,-I have lhe honour to report, fo r your information, that on the occasion of t h e visit of His MajesLy the King to L iverpool, on the 19th inst., Ambulance duty WlIS undertaken by c1mrts from several units of the No. I V . District, t. John Ambulance Brigilde. Twenty-seven Stations were furnished wi th men, nurses, and material , and a total of 152 of all ranks paradell for dnty. I "as in charge throughout the day, accompaniC'd by District Snl't. Secretary Garnett. The posting of the btl'etcher parties wus llllll er the sn pervision of SUl)crinlenc1ellt Ellisoll, Liverpool Division , to Whose tacLful adminisLrative care and fore ight t he snccess of the day's work 'is dl~e .. . Th c Liverpoo l A mbulance (1)(l N lll'sin.q D ivisions, together "'ith the Bootle DlvIslOn , su pplied 5;'1 of' all grallcs, thr rrmaillt\Cl' of the paraele b('illg llrawll from the a fter- n amed Corps a nd Di visions :-l3lack pool, Preston, Accrington I3rierfielu,

St. John Ambulance Brigade.



St. John A 1nbul((/l1ce Brigade.

Oldham, Amlmlance. and. ~~ll'sing Divisions; Wil1 sfo~'d Ambulance .Divisii~ l~, Walton.le-Dale Nl1l'sll1g DlvlslOn . The parade w~s ~OJmed at eel-~t1ect FI~e Station aml by 11.45 a.ill. all t.he Ambulance taLlOllS \lele OCCUPI~tl a l;(1 111 workin~order. As the temperature was high both allllmlance llIen aud nUl'slllg SIS LeI's wel'e k~pt fully occupied, and at the clo e of the day t.he case books re~ol'lleu th~t "fi't 'd" h ad been rentlered in 173 eascs, III SCyelllllstanC?' the Sel'l?llS no.ttll<' of :~e illness demanued the removal to hospital. I wonld lIke to bl'lllg t~Jl(lel' notice the efficient and eOl1l'teons assist-wce extel~c1ed t.o the n~embel's\ ortllC 13l1glule bv the H ead Constable of Liyerjlool (1\ TI'. PUI111ltlg), the ASSIstant hlCf.Collstal 1le, and the force und er theircolnmand. oth.lIlg.coll~c1.ha\'e been more ~tclmll'nbl? ~.han the police fLl'1'an a ements for ORr assistauee 1Il provldll1 g. alld connectlllg the \ allOYS stations with the amlmlallce lvugon service, the as!'H~taI1CC of SLrl't~h~'I: parlll 's thrOIl"'h the crowL1, and in every other resp ~c t where thel.!' help \\'as re<luHntJolle(l.lIY meml~rs of the Drigarle. I att'leh to thIS report COpICS .of 1.\\0 lettCl'S',Ol1r flom the Lord Mayor of Liverpool, the o~her fr0111 11'. nUI1l~ll~g, t:t~ LI earljColl~tahle. These communications heal' ample testimony to. the ~anne[ III \\ Inch those on duty perforweLl their work as Brigacle men and Nnrl~lg sIsters. I am, II', Your obedient servant, CUAnLEs J. TnDIDLE, Deputy Commissione?', No. IV. Disl?'id. (Copy of letter from the Lord Mayor of Li verpool.) THE TOWN HALL, LIV ERPOOL, \V. 21st July, 1904. . SIR - I should Le crlad if you \\'oulu accept my tl:allks for th sen'lces r ende;ed by the <letaehm~nts of the t .. J?hn AllIuulance. Bngucle \\'ho \I ere 011 duty here 011 the occasion of His Mnjesty's VISIt on the 19th mst. The heat of the day, unfortunately, gave tllcm a great deal of 1I'0lk to .cI o, but I cnll only express Illy adllliratiou for the way in which they relldeletl first ald . I am, iI', yours very faithfully, R. ALFUED HA')Il'. ON, LOJ'cl Mayv1'. Lt.·Col. C. J. Trimble, C.:lLG., V.D., Lonlh H ouse, Bam bel' Briuge, Ileal' Preston. (Copy of letter from the lIea<l Constablc of Liycrpool.) CENTRAL POLICE OFFICE, Llv EnpOOL, 20th Jnly, 190-1. . My DEAR COLONEL TUIMBLE,-Though I personally than~ecl Y?ll for the servIces of the detachments of tIle St. Johu Ambulance Brigade wInch dId tluty here on tl~e oceasion of His Majesty's visit on the 19t h inst,., I m~lst repeat my tha1l1~s. 111 wriLing. On ordinary occasions the Li verpool. CIty .PolLee ar~ eapa:,lc o~ gIVIng all the first aid that is wanted; but, on occaSlOns hke ):estelday, "hen It fOlms a h eavy tax upon their purely police duty, it ~s very assl1l:lUg to l~n ow .Lhat we .can appeal to the Brigade.to ~elp us, ~nd our expen :nce of tlus occaSIon WIll eneoUlage me to have no hesitation 111 applyll1g to you agall1. . I am, yours slllcerely, LEON AnD DUNNING, H ead Conslc£ule. Lt.·Colonel Trimble, C.M.G., V.D., Louth House, Bamber Bridge, near Preston.


Report on the Review and Inspection of the North-East Lancashi'l'e Corps and Divisions. LOUTI! HOUSE, BAMBEn BHIDGE near PRESTON. 24th August, 1904.

SIR - I have the honour to report that on the 9th July 1 conducted the in sl?cction of the'N orth-East Lancashire Corps and Divisions at Todmorden. Aceom panymg m e was Distriut Chief Surgeon Thomson, M. D. Th.fl p.arade was. und er command ,o f District Superintendent Secretary Garnett, Dlstnct Snpel'lntendent of StOles

J>ooley being ill charge of the Nursing Di visiolls, and Di~tri ct Superintendent Treasurer Pim undertook the duties of .Adjutant. I was received with a general salute, and after illspecting the parade, the Corps and Divisions and Nursing Divisions marched past, the formation being colnmn of fours. On taking up their original gronnd an exhibition in bandaging was given, and afterIVarus a supposed railway accident was dealt with. I was greatly gratified by the appearance of the parade, which \\'as, in my opinion, clean and sllIart. Many of the units present have adopted the brown belt equipment; the old white belt is rapidly becoming a thillg of the past. The uniform ' of all ranks fitted better, and there was a general dis po. ition evident to put on the variollS items of the cquipment with uniformi ty and correetnes. The march past was well carried out, the bearing of all ranks exhibitillg much improvement. The exhibitions of bandaging and first aid to the injUl'efl was carefully and skilfully performed. The work done by the nursing sisters deserved special praise. The parulle state showed 13 Corps and Divisions, with a strength of 305; :five Police slluatls added 25 to this nnmber ; and eight Nursing Divisions produced 148 Kursing Oflicer' and Kl11'sing •'i tel's, giving a total of all ranks of 478. This I con ider a very satisfactory num bel', considering that Todm orden is on the outskirts of Ko. IY. District, and therefore the cost of travelling is a heavy drain on the resources of unit· ; in fact in many instances this expense is prohibitive. The usual competitions took place, and excited a cOllsiderable amount of hearty rivalry. In the Am1.mlance •'quarl test the order of merit was as follo\\'s :_ Oil'Ision I. -Brierfield 1st, Preston 2nd, 'W arrington 3rd . The judges were HOll. 'nrgeoll Leonard 1\1011oy, )1.A.., )LD., and Major Walker, Chief Superintendent Dewslmry Corps. Division II.-Crompton 1st. Oldham 2nu, Barrowfonl 3rd. Judges-Chief • nrgel)Jl and Chief -'npel'intenclent F. F. Bond, }I.D., BIighouse Corps; First Ottice]' P. .lII. Da\'ies, Brighou'e Corp,. Nursing Di\·isiol1. 'tluad Competition for Blackpool La.dies' Challenge hield.Burroll'{'ord 1 t., Brierfield 2nd., Preston 31'(1. Judge -Hon . Surgeon D. E. I. E lllI' nies, )f.lJ., t,;. ~1., J. Hampllell Barkel, E-'q., :II B., eH.B. Pol ce '(lilall', for Molloy Cup.-Manchester City 1st, Blackpool 2nd., Preston 31'(1. Judges-Brigade. mgeon Lieutenant-Colonel E. L ee; SurgeonLieutenallt F . Thorpe, )I.B., GII.B. Ambulance Corps uucl Divisions Rel'iew Prize. '.-Oldham 1st., Brierfield 2nd., Warrington 31'(1. Nurt;iug Di\'isioll Review Prizes.-Barro,,·ford 1st., Oldham 2nd., Burnley 3rd, I heg to tender to the judges my mo. t grateful thanks for their selTicc . I llesire to thank the officials of the K orth- East Lancashire Corps and Divisions, both pel t anrl present, for the time and unselfish labOI.r elevoted by thp,m in the in terc t· of thi· formation and the good of Brigade work throughout this District. The Corps and Divisions met with a very hearty reception at Todmorden, the \'ery large numoer of people attending the inspection and review testifying to the iutere t displayed in this work. To the thoughtfulness of the 1\1ayoress, 1\1rs. RUSE ell, and Mrs. Darker, and the Ladies' Committee, our nursing units are in debted for the p1'oYisiol1 of substantial refreshment. I here take the opportunity of thanking Mr. J. Barker for his kind hospitality, taking the form of an elegant luncheon, to which I had the honoUl' of an inYitation, along with the District Staff and the member. of l)ermanent andloral committees, 'Without pA.rticularising anyone I thank most cordially the Offi cers of the Todmorden Diyision for the energetic manner in which they threw themselves int 0 the work of making this review a success. I should desire to bring especially under your notice the services rendered by the following gentlemen who in their indicated capacity have for many years rendered an a si. tance to Brigade Ambulance \york of the highest order-viz, Dr. Leonal'dl\Iolloy, M.A.., M.D., Chairman of Committee; Dr. H. Falconer Oldham, M.A. M.D., H on. Sec. and Mr. E . T. Newbond, Hon, Treasurer. I attach two schedules giving details of this parade. I have the honour to be, Your obedient servant, CIIARLES J. TRIMBLE, D eputy Oomm,issione1', No. IV. Dist1'ict, S.J.A.B.


St. John A rrnuulance B1'igade.


SCHEDULE 1. Schedule of Ambulance Corps a,nd Divisions parading at July 9th, 1904 .

St. J ohn A mbulance B rigade. 'l'0c1 11l01'1l el 1,

Number nor e Corps or ou Stretchers. Am buOllic('\' in Charge. Divisions. Parade, lance. - -- - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13.

Padiham Nelson Read Oldham Bmnley Cronlpton Briertield Preston Barrowford Todmonlen Dukinfield Warrington Foulridge

, 'ergt, II. J. penCeI'. ergt. R. Oldfield. upt. . J. ,Hindle. Chief ' upt. J. . Jones. 1st Oflicer J. Wilkill. on. Supt. H. l\lorton. upt. IV. Webstel;' 1st Omcer J. C. Lendrum. 1 t Officer A, Laycock. 1 t Olll cerJ. T. Hilll}", Hon, mg. E. A. Clarke, lll't. . Bald]'}" Private J. T, , mith,

2 3

10 20 15 43 21 26 29 32 13 50 19 21 6


9 4 1

6 3 1 4

2 2 1

305 40 Police Sguads-I. Halifax. 2. Blackpool. 5. Bradford. Strength, 25 with 5 stretchers.

3. :lllauchestel' City.

4. PI


Schedule II. , chedule of Nursing DivLions. Corps or Divisions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Oldham Morecambe Barro\yford Padiham Preston Burnley Brierfield Nelson

Number on Parade. 20 9 11 11 35 29 13 20

I Otncer ill Charge. Lady, llpt. )\11' • .l'.I. A. Jones. Lady, 'ullt. Mis Lee '. Lady Sec. Miss C. Boolh. Lady upt. Mi L. Greg on. 1st Nursing Officer Mi ·, C. Fitchie. Lady upt. Mis. 1\1. A. ·tevens. Lady 'upt. l\lis J. L ee , Lady, 'upt. Mrs. ",Valker.


Report of the Review and Inspection of the South-East Lancashire C01pS cmd Divisions. CHIEF CONSTABLE'S OFFICE, BLACKPO OL, 21st SelJtembc1', 1904. SIR,-I have to report that, upon your instruction, I inspected the Parade of the South-East Lancashire Corps and Divisions at Roy ton on Saturday, 17th ept., 1904. T here were 12 Corps and Divisions and 4 Nursing Divisions, giving a total parad\3 of 268 (as shown on parade state enclosed) as compared with 476 last year at H eywood, 473 in 1902 at T ottington, and 344 in 1901 at Hadcliffe. District Superin.tendent ~eer~tary Garnett was in command, Chief Superintendent Ogden, of Accnngton bemg III ehal'ge of the Nnrsing Divisions. On inspectin~ the l:anks I found all the Nursing SIsters, with two exceptions, wore the prescnbed umform, a marked improvement in this respect upon last year's parade. All the men wore the prescribed dress, but were not uniform, Radcliffe


and Castleton Divisions wearing the field service cap; Roy ton D ivision appeared in forage caps and field service caps; the remainder of the men on parade wearillg the forage cap; Edenfield and Roy ton Divisions did not carry havresacs. In future pa.rades uniformity in dress and accoutrements should, if practicable, be insisted upon. After tbe I nspection a march past in sections of fours was very well executed; the men marched steadily, maintaining their distance and dressing. The marching of the Nursing Divisions was also very creditable. Then commenced a competition for prizes to be awarded to the quads who, in the opinion of the Judges, excelled in the applicationofsplints and bandages. The display was very good, the members of the ursing Divisions particularly showing neatness and celerity in their work. Afterwards a number of men were distributed about the field , suffering from supposed injuries sustained in railway accident. On signal given stretcher parties went to each patient and attended to his injuries. The work done in this rebpect clearly demonstrated that the men had attained a high state of efficiency in tbe rendering of first aid to the injured. The prizes were then awarded as under ; Ambulance Corps and Divisions.-Norden, 71 points; Oldham, 68 points; Bmy and Rochdale tied with 60 point~ each. Nnrsing Divisions.-Oltlham, 102 points; ROl!bdale, 99; Bury, 87. The Judges were, for tho. Ambulance Corps and Divisions ;-Hon. Surgeon Clegg, of Accringtoll, and for the NLU'sing Divisions, Dr. Bentley, of Roy ton. The diminisheu numbers on parad« as compared with former years is stated to be the difficulty of access to Hoy ton, chiefly on account of the entire tramway system being su pended whilst undergoing recollstruction. The Corps and Divisions absent were Bolton, Ha.lmgden, Milmow and Newhey, Rawtenstall, Whitworth and Tottillgton. The Moses Gate Division arrived too late to be included in the Parade. Thanks are clue to Councillor John tansfield (Superintendent of the Roy ton Divi. ion), Chairman of the Urban District Council, who kindly placed the Council Office and Market Hall at our disposal in the event of the weather preventing the outdoor Parad e; to the Rev. J. H. Humphrey, M.A., Vicar of Roy ton, who pre ented the prizes to the winning quads, and afterwards entertained the District taff Officers a.nd J lldges; and also to ergean ts Tattersall and S. Fen ton, Hon. ecretaries, who were chieQy responsible for organising the Parade. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, Jxo. C. DERHAM, Assistant-Oo?nmissione?', No. IV. District. Lt. -Colonel C. J. Trimble, C.M.~., V.D., Deputy-Commissioner, No. IV. District, Louth House, Bamber Bridge, Preston. OOlll'S


DIYI 'IONS PARADING AT ROYTOX, September 17th, 1904. Number au Parade. Stretchers.

Corps or Divisions. Roy ton Rochdale Bury Castleton Radcliffe Edenfield Oldham Ashton Crompton Norden Heywood Newchurch





... .. . ...






21 30

1 4


13 11

16 41 23 18 6 14 6

---- 210

Number on Parade.

: 'ursing Division.

Castleton Rochdale Bnry Oldham

... ...

.., ...

11 15 13 19

4 2 1 1




LIST OF CORPS AND DIVISION COHPS Formed. Heywood Division 5 June, 1 83 " "re-formed 16 Jan., 1 04 Wiusfonl Div. 4 May, 1 6 ",Yalton-Ie-Dale Div. 15 Jan., 1 7 Barrowi'onl Div. 29 Dec., 1 7 Headquarters Div. (Preston Corps) 25 Jan., 18 Police Division (Preston ~5 Jan., 1 Corps) 15 !\lay, 1 Colne Division Oct., 1 Nelson Corps Sept., 1 Brierfield Division 20N"ov., l ' 9 Padiham June, 1 90 Burnley " 11 Noy., 1 90 Accrington Corps March, 1 91 Hapton Division 24 ApI., 1 91 Clitheroe Sept., 1 92 Belfast Dec., 1 92 Bacup Cen tral Di v. (Rochdale 10 July, 1 93 Corps) 22 Jan., 1 ,, ~ -1 Royton Division 12 Apl., 1 9-1 Penrith 24 June, 1 94 Keswick 10 Apl., 1 95 Reddish 22 April, 1 9;' Crewe 25 May, 1 95 Read Aug., 1 95 Bury 2 ept., 1 95 Tottington 12 Ft'b., 1896 Edenfield 18 Feb., 1 96 Morecambe " 1 ept., 1 96 Hazel Grove" Equitable Diy. (Oldham Corps) 1 Oct., 1 96 Horsedge St. Div. (Oldham Corps) 1 Oct., 1 96 Adlington Division 26 Oct., 1 96 P.S.A. Div. (Oldham Corps) 7 Jan., 1 97 Southport Division 8 Jan., 1 97 Chester 16 Jan., 1 97 Foulric1ge" 30 Jan., 1897 Askam-in-Furness Div. 1 Feb., 1 97 "'V arrington Corps 25 Feb., 1897 Whaley Bridge Div. 5 ApI., 1897 Haslingc1en Corps 18 May, 1897 Rawtenstall Division June, 1897 Crawshawbooth " Dec., 1897 N ewchurch 13 Feb., 1898 Blackpool " 15 May, 1898 Radcliffe Division 21 June, 1898 Rishton " 17 Nov., 1898 10 Mar., 1899 Kendal Division Head-quarters Div. (Bolton Corps) 21 Apl., 1899 Newtown Division 29 May, 1899 Hartford Div. (Oldham 14 Sept., 1899 Corps) Dalton-in-Furness Diy. 30 N OY., 1899 AMBULAXCE




St. John Amuulance Brigade.

St. John A n~uulCl/1l ce B'I'igade.

Formed. 5 Ja1l., 1900

A.hram Colliery Division Grcat Lcvcr Div. (Bolton 'orps) 13 Jun., 1900 LcylanLl & Farington Diy. Fub.,1900 (Preston Corps) 27 bIos, 1900 Uh'erston " 4 Ju(', 1900 Ba,rrow-in-Furlless " 'i Aug., 1900 Haverigg (Millom) " 9 Allg., 1900 Blackburn 4 epl., 1900 Dukiu!lehl Diy. Hotlbarrow (Millom) Divi iOll 17 el't., 1900 Leigh Division 19 ·cpt., 1900 Whalley Diy. (re-instatetl)17 'cpL,1900 tockport Division Feb., 1901 Ma.cclesfield " 26 }<'eb., 1901 Lanca 'l c r " ~4 ApI. 1901 'W hitworth Div. (Roch10 June, 1901 dale Corp~) Millolll 11'011 Works Div. 10 JUl1e, 1£)01 ~ , June, 1 HOI 'romptoll Divi. iou 20 July, 1901 Abager Diyi iUll Millll'ol\' and cw hey Diy. (Rochdale Corp. ) 29 Juh', 1001 Ashton-uncler-LYllo ))iv. At1g~, 1901 ,Yest\\'ood DiL (Oldham 1 Oct., 1901 Corps) orden Di \'. (Rochdale Corp) 22 OV., 1001 Frenchwood Div. (Pl'C"tOll COlpS) 23 UV ., 1901 Castleton Di v. (Rochdale 17 Dec., 1901 Corp ) Fnrn\\ orth Diy. (BoHon J.l Mar., 190:! Corps) 1 April, 1H02 Li verpool Di vi~ion lfj April, 1902 Altrillcl1a.m " 25 April , Hl02 Longdellllale " 2 July, 1902 Whitefield " Bred bmy and Romiley 19 Aug., 1002 Division alford Div. (Manchester 30 Dec., 1902 and Salford Corps) Hulme Diy. (Manchester and Salford Corps) 1 Jan., 1903 Littleborough Division 21 May, 1903 Trawden Division 18 June, 1903 Hindley Division 13 July, 1903 Todmorden Division 27 July, 1903 Ardwick Div. (Manchester and Salford Corps) 31 July, 1903 Bootle Division 5 Oct., 1903 Mersey Mission to Seamen 31 Oct., 1903 Division Dublin (St, James's Gate) 7 April, 1904 Division 2 July, 1904: Lytham Division 8 Aug., 1904 Horwich Division T

Formed. Oldham Division (Oldham Corps) 15 Sept., 1885 Barrowford " 22 Dec., 1 88 Nelson" 15 Oct., 18 9 Colne 1 Ma.y 1 90 Padiham 10 Dec.: 1891 Burnley June 1893 Clithcroe " 23 Oct.: 1893 Roy~on". 10 ?lIay, 1894 Accl'lngton Dlv. (Accringtol1 Corps) 12 ?llay 1894 Contral Division (Rochdale ' Corps). 25 Jan., 1895 PrestonDlv.(PrestonCorps\ 27 ~Iay 1 95 TottingtonDivision 2 opt. ,'195 Bury" 11 ept., 1 95 Blackpool " 13 ~ov., 1895 30 Jan. 1 97 Foulridge " "\'ralton-lo-DaleDivision 4. Feb.: 1 97 Bacup Apl., 1898 :Uorecambe 30 June 1899 1\e 'wic~ " 24 , opt.: 1899 .Askall1-111-Fnrness Div. 23 May 1900 Tcwchurch Division 30 Jan.: 1901

Lytham Div. Whalley Div. Crawshawbooth Div. VI verston " Rawtenstall , Milnrow and N ew'h ey Div. (Rochdale Corps) Ashton-under-Lyne Div. Brierfield Division Blackburn" Dalton-in-Furness Div. Crompton Division Li~erpool"

Formed. 6 la1'., 1901 10 June, 1901 7 July, 1901 10 July, 1901 27 July, 1901 29 July, 1901 8 Aug., 1901 18 Oct., 1901 5 Mar., 1902 6 May, 1902 15 Aug., 1902 19 Aug., 1902 26 Jan., 1903 18 June, 1903

Wlllsford" TrawuCll" Castleton Div. (Rochdale Corps) 6 Au a . Whitworth Div. (Rochdale 0 , Corps) 19 Au a . Radcliffe Division 5 Oc~,: n 8 Dec., Heywood N orden Division (Rochdale Corps) 25 July,

1903 1903 1903 1903 1904





Cheshire-Alsager, A:trin~h~m, Br~dhU1'y anu Romiley, Chester, Crewe, Dukinfield, Hazel~lo,e, Holhngworth, Macclestield, Newtown WhalevBridae and ,Vlllsford Divisions. ' J b Cum berland-Haverigg, Hodbarrow, Keswick, l\Iillolll and Penrith Divisions. Lancashire Corps-Accrington, Bolton, HaslinO'den Nelson Oldham Manchester and alford, Preston, Rochdal~ and Warrington. ' Laurashil'e D'IV1S10ns. . Ab ram, AIl' l 1l1gton, A hton-under-Lyne Askam in F IB ' , - Black - urness Baclll), B" 8:110'" f on, arl'ow-lll-Furness, BlaJkbmn, P001' Bootle, Bnerficld, Burnley Bmy Clitheroe Colne C h , booth , Cromp t on, D. aItOll-in-Furness, " " raws awEdenfield, Foulridae Hapton, H~y\\'oocl, Hllldley, Honvich, Lancaster, Leigh, Little: bOlOU~h, Llverpool, Lytham, Morecambe, N ewchurch Padiha 1 Radchff~, Rawten tall,Read,~eddish, Rishton, Roy ton, 'South o~t' tockport, Todmorden, Tottmgton, Trawden, Vlverston 'Wafton: -l e-dale, Whalley, and Whitefield. ' Westmoreland-Kendal Division. Ireland-Belfast Divi ion, Dublin ( t. Jame " Gate) Division.


OF CORP _ A_ D DrVr 10 S. Nursing.



Names of Corps and Divisions.

St. John A ?nuulcl;nce BTigade.

~ o

E' o


Abram Oolliery

... ... Adlington .. ... Alsager ... . .. Altrincham ... Ashton-under- Lyn c Askam-in-Furn ess Bacup .. Barrowford B·uTow-in-Furnes Belfast ". . ..


Blaclcburn .0. Blackpool .,. Bolton ... H ead -q uarters


A ccrin~to n

. ..


........ . ...••

.... .. .....-







Crawshawbooth ... fl.

'0'0 " -

Dalton-in-Furness Dublin ... . .. Dukinfield ... . .. -

Edenfield '0' Foulridge . . . Hapton ...

, • •


2 -

1 1 1 1 1






2 1






. .. '00-

1 1

1 2


1 3




1 -

1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1


== \ ~


1 1 1 1 1


3 2

1 -

1 1



1 2 -


17 32 6

2 1 1 -

1 2 2

1 2 1

1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1

24 1

43 17 13 23 11 18 26 6 41 15 12 10

* 1 -


1 1 2



1 2 1 1 1


1 1 2

2 1


















1 1





2:3 '27




17 :.!fi










1 1 1

1:2 23






27 25


1i1~ ·)

13 Ii!

3 101





15 15 2

1 ,1 2 3 I 2 1 2 -


20 32


1 -

1 1 1



2 2

12 37


26 51



11 :16



1 -



21 57 641 90 102 47 21 26 2 24 20







+ 1 -; 3~ 13~








1 4

26 21 32 31 18 32 20 33

4 1

1 -

~Il 1


1 1 1

1 1 1



. .. ..... ... 1 ... . .. ... 1 ...... -






1 -- 1 1 1 2


&c. .. . Morecarn be N elson .. N ewchurch Newtown ... Oldham ... Equitable Rorsedge St.

3 2


. .. -

Mer~ey, ~1illom


1 1


... ... ... -




H odbarrow. .. . .. Horwich . .. . .. ...Kendal .. Keswick ... . .. Lancaster ... ... Leigh .,. . .. Lit tleborough ... Liverpool ... ..,Longden dale .. . Lytham ... .. . Macclesfield ... Manchester&Salford -

2 1

1 1 2 -


... 1 . .. ...-

Salford ,., Hulm e Ardwick .. ,


2 1


40 65 21 19 27 30 17 21 16 29 62



Haslingden Haverigg ... Hazel Grove Heywood..




Brierfield ... Burnley... Bury... Chester ...

Crewe ... Crompton


2 2 1 1


Farnworth BootIe ~ Bredbury & Romiley 00.



2 2 3

21 36 12 41 6 11

20 32 21 ~o

36 9 27 2i'l 49 20 16 31 15 21 30 8 49 19 14 12 1 23 42 17 49



13 53

19 9


21 28

23 35

22 2

1 1















17 23 23








1 1 1


18 25


Names of Corps and Divisions.

P . . A....

. .. -

Hartford .. ·West\\·oocl ... Padiham ... . .. Penrith ... . .. Pre ·ton ... ... H ead -quarter ... Ley land ... Poiil:e ... ... Fl'enchwood ... Rudc!ifl"e ... ... Rawtcnsta.ll ... RealI ... ... Reddi 'h ... ... ... ... Rish tOll Rochdale ... ... Central ... ·Whitworth ... Calletoll ... Milllrow& Tewhev TOl'den .:. Roy ton ... . .. outhport ... ... ,tockport ... ... Toc11l1 onlen... ... TOttillgtflU.. . . .. Trawuen .. . . .. U],el'ston ... Walton-Ie-Dale ... Warrington ... ·W hal ey Bridge .. ·W hall ey ... Whitefield,.. ::: Winsforcl... ...


-\1 1 2


1 -1 1 -

-. 1 -








-I I



3 1 1 1 1 ::! 1 2 1

1 1 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2

2 1 1 1



1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1 -


1 1 1 1 1 1 1


1 2 1 2 2 1 1 -


44 11 I19 22 I 23 2 1 1 1 f) 10 1 - - 1 2 1 2 6 6 43 61 2 1 ~1 25 1 20 22 1 1 11 14 2 4 32 40 t 1 2 17 22 1 1 1 20 23 1 15 / 19 1 1 11 14 - - 1 2 3 6 43 56 t 1 1 1 1 21 25 t 1 1 1 17 22 1 1 1 1 11 14 t 1 1 16 19 t 2 3 1 33 43 t 1 - 21 24 1 2 3 25 33 1 1_3 3 47 56 1 20 24 t 1 1 1 16 20 t 1 17 20 1 1 1 3 2 21 I 29 t 1 3 5 47 5 2 1 19 25 1 10 13 1 1 -; ]9 1 25 1 1 1 25 29 t 1






5 1 HI




3 -



9 66 -

72 -


I- - -

1 1 1 1 -

I -

1 1 -

'20 13 29 11 14 15 13 16 -



15 -_ 31 12 16 16 14 17 _ -

16 15 8 26 _ 7

17 IS ]0 _ _ 8-




= - = _I _

-- ---- -- --

'rotal ...


57 1l712~ ~274 2752 16


- -1- - - -


21 7,19

81 9

*" Same person hollIs both ranks. arne Hon. urgeon as in ambulance unit.

~t~telllent :-Deputy OOl11missioner, 1 i District Chief Surgeon, 1 i Assistant CommISSIOner, 1 ; District Chief Superintendent, 1 ; District Supt. Secretary 1; District S~p~ .. of Stores, 1; District upt. Treasurer, 1. T otal Ambulance' Corps and D1VlSlOllS,2 1 752 . Total ursing DiYisions, 819 . Grand total, 3,578

St. J ohn A1nbLlilc"nce Brigcule.

St. J ohn A 1nbtLlance BTi[)ade.




\Y. R. Dix,


R . 13. Maw on, Bickershaw lIon. e, nr. Wigal!.

Selgt. T . Aldred.

Pte. A. 111. Hart, Bickershaw House, near Wigan.

Honorary Surge ons.

Office r .

F. A. Linton . Inspector o f S to r e s .

Hon o ra ry S ecret ary.

2nd Officer.

T. Caspell.


S u per inten d e nt.

Honorarv Surgeon .


Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Privates 40 . Total effcctive -16 . Decrease since last report 9. Drills held 23. Average attellllallce 30. Cases -attended not on public duty 35. Annnal inspection, 2 th lay. Total on parade 40. AbsBllt with leave 3. Without leave 6. ..1nnual re-examination, 19th April. Members passed 37 . Did not appear 12. Medallions 27. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers, 2 sergeants, and 40 men. Material: ambulance canhgc, 7 stretchers, splints, handages, &c., ve ted in Abram Coal Company, Ll1. Di\'ision supported by the Company.

W . C. Rigby, 1I.B.

"T. B1ackburlJ,

F . J . A. Mayes, M. ll.C.::>. Supe ri nten d e nt .

4, Callal St., 1..dlillgton, Chorley, Lancs , Inspector of Stores .

Hono rary S e cr etary and Treasurer.

Corpl. E . Blackledge, 48, Market t., Adlington, Chorley.

P t e. J. Pye.

Ollicers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 21. Total effective 26 . Decrease since last reI ort 4. Drills held 48. A"erage attendance 10. Removals 5. Cases attended not on pnblic duty 20 . Annual inspection, 4th June . Total on parade 12. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 12. Annnal re-examination, 17th 1\11)'. Members rassed 12. Did not appear 14. Medallions 13. Regulatioll nniform ,rorn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 21 men . Material: 3 stretchers, 1 hamper anrI 9 boxes in wOl'kshol)s. Division supported by subscriptions, concerts, &c.

ACCRINGTON CORPS (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 11.11.90.] HEAD-QUAllTRllS: BCLL BmDG8, KING ;'THEE'!', Honorary Su rge ons. R. Clegg, :'II. B.

A. Y. Greenwood, ~I.B . Superint end e nt o f Store s .

W . H . Bullock .


C hief S uperintenden t .

J. Ogden, 157, Whalley Road, Accringtou.

ALSAGER DIVISION (CHESHIRE). [Formed 20. 7.01.] lIEAD -QUARTERS: READIXG Roo:'lI, ALSAGER. Honorary Su rge on .

Supe ri nten dent.

111. II . 'ayers, :-.r.R.C.S.

E. Rushvl'Orth, King's Mere, Alsager)

1st Officer.


A. 11. Barnes.

Officers 5. Sergeants 6. Corporals 7. Privates 65. Total effective 3. I ncrease since last report 4. DI'ills held 96. 1\ verage atLenchllce 4~. R emovals 86 . Cases attended on public duty 73. Cases attellded not 011 public duty 15. Annual inspection, 30th Jl1ly. Total on parade 72. Absent with leave 1]. \ Vithout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 3] st Oct., and other dates. Member' pa~sed 83 . Medallions 65 . Service badges 46. N Ul'siug certificate~ 41. Regulation umform worn by 5 Officers, 6 sergeants, 7 corporals, and G5 men. ~laterial: ambulance wagon, litter, 17 street boxes, 72 havresacs at Mill, and 9 at heaclquarters, 17 stretchers, water bottles, ice balls, bed cradles, crutches, bandacres &c. Material vested in the Local Centre Committef'. COl'lJS supported by gm)~t 'from L ocal Centre Committee and donations from the public. T he ye'Lr has been a memorable one; public sympathy and support has been generously giyen . The opening of the Drill Hall by Major-General Baden Powell, C.B. , on 11th June will not readily be forgotten. The \\"hole District (some 100, 000 population) was en fete, and the streets of the Borongh were lined by the largest crowd ever seen. Thanks are due to the Corporalion and District Councils fo r their support. Artillery and Rifle Volunteers, Fire Brigades, local bands, and some 900 ambulance men took part. Chief Constahle ,'inclair and S uperint endent McKeand (of the County Police) deserve thanks for the manner in ' yhich the hu~e cr?wds "ere cou trolled , It is satisfactory to llote that before these hnes al?pear III Pl'lut the £2,800 .required for the erection, furnishing, &c. , of the H all wtl l probably have been raIsed by means of a big bazaar which is close at h and .. T he usual work of the Corps continues to progress satisfactorily. N otwithstandmg t h e a bn orlllal work in connection with the Drill Hall the attendance at drill etr.. , ~as been maintai!led. P ublic duty has IJeell undel:taken at the usual l ocal gathenngs, and a conhngent of officers and men were on duty in Liverpool 0 '1 the ~ccas ion . of the visit of t h e King and Queeu on 19th July. Of the cases dealt w lth dUl'lng the year many received the cOJ1lmendation of the medical gentlemen called to them .

Ho n orary S ecreta ry.

Pte. T. \Yoodworth, Mereside, Al sager, Stoke-on-Trent. Inspect o r o f Stores .

Hon . Treas ure r .

Private C. Ho\yells, 'enl'.

Private H. :KUHn .

Officers 2. Privates 19. Total effective 21. Increa e since last report 8. Drills held 57 . A "eraae attendance 1 O. Cases atlelldell 011 public duty 4. Removals 5. Cases attendeclnot on public duty 13. Alluual. in pection, 21st I ept. 'I'otal on parade 18. Absent with leave 3. Annual l'~-exam~natlOl1" 1 st July and 9th ~ept. Members passed 20. Medallions 9. hegulatlOn uUlfoI'm worn by 1 Officer, and 19 men. Material : 3 stretchers, 1 ha"l'esa?, ~ wall hox , bandages, &c., vested in D ivision. D ivision supported by sub cnpllOlls all d donations. Duty was undertaken at the Crewe Athletic Sports, Cottage Hospital ports, and Alsager Show. everal members have been el1l'olled in the Auxiliary Royal N aval , ick nerth Reserve.


H . G. Cooper, M.B. Superintend e nt and Honorary Sec r etary.

J . L. Wolsteuholme, Carr End, N avigation Rrl . , Altrincham . Hono r ary Treasurer.

Corpl. W. Foste:.

I ns;pector of Stores.

Pte. G. White.

S t. J ohn A 'Yrl-bulunce B?'igade.

St. John A ?nbulance B?'igacZe.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 27. Total effecliye 32. Increa e since last repol t 10. Drills held 13 . AYerage attendance 14. Cases attended on public duty 95. Removals 3. Ca es attended not 011 public duty 126. Annual inspection, 7th May. Total 011 parade 12. Absent with leave 5. Without lea\'e 7: Annual re-examination, 22nd June. Members pas eel 13. Diu not appeal' 4. l\ledalhon 12. ursing certificate 1. Regulat.ion uniform wom by 1 Officer, 1 ser~~ant, 2 corporals, and 15 men . ~laterial: 4 stretchers, 1 snrgical havresacs, ve ted III the Division . Division snpporte(l by members' subscriptions and donations from the public. Twelve men turn out weekly for duty and othel's as occ:1sion may rer:tuire. Twel1ty m~n were on duty at the local Agricultural how, the horse ambulance of the Uri an Dlstrid Council being lent to us for the occa iOll, and tents, etc., were 1,rovit1ed 11y the. how Oom11l~ttee . It is hoped shortly to form a Nursing Diyiioll. The fUlids are 1U a very sat! factory state. .






Hono rary Surge on.


Capt. A. HilLon, L.l;.A.

D. lIall, Lynwood, Smullshaw Ash tOil ·under· Ly"c.


Hono rary Surgeons.

F. W. Rigby, J. P. Browll,


~r.B. lII.B.

\1'. G. Lambert, 8, Pembroke St., Bacup.

3rd Officer and Insp . of Stores.

Hon. Sec.


1st Officer and Hon. Sec.

A. Laycock, 17, \\T3.ltoll Street, Barrowford, n1'. Kelson.

Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. -' . 'treet.


[Formed 29.12.87 .J .


O. M. l\Iitchell, ~I.D.

Offiee.rs 2. Sel'geant l. Corporal1. Privates 30. Total eOcctive 3J. I ncrease mce last report 4. Drills held H. Avemgc attendanct' ~l. Ht'l11oya]. O. a es a~ten(led 011 public duty 34. Cases aftenclcLl not on public duty 23. Annual lIlSpectl?D, .30th JUly. Total on 11urade 32. Ahs(,llt with leave 2. Anl111al re-ex~mll1atI?n, 23\'(1 Sept. Memhers passed 30. Did not appear 8. Medallions 7. Nnrsll1.g certIficates 8. Regulation uniform \\'orn by all ranks. Mat"rial: 1 stretcher", 4 snr~lc~l. ha~resacs, water bottles, splin ts, uandages, &c., vested in Local Centre. T he D~vlslOn IS suppo~tec1 by suhscriptions al111 (lollation .. Dm'lllg the year ulllform has been .·ul'l'lic(l to every IlInn.

Pte. J. A. Law.

Officers 4. 'el'geants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 24. Total effective 32. D rills helJ. 44. Average attendance ] 5. Removals 12. Cases attended on public duty 2. Ca es atiended not on public duty 54. Annual inspection, 23rd June. Total on parade 25. Abspnt with leave 3. Without leave 8. Annual re-eXal1lillation, 7th June. Members pa sed 32. Did not appeal' 2. MedaDions 19. ervice badges 17. :r ul'sing certificates 9. Regulation uuiform \yorn by 2 Officer, 2 ergean ts, 2 corporals, and 24 men. Material: 15 wall uoxes, 3 litters, 7 stretchers, sl'li lJ ts, bandages, &c., vc teu in the Division. Division supported by voluntary subscriptions.

Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. E. J one '.

Hon. Treasurer.

1st Olass Sel'gt. W. Brown, 254, Todmorden Road, Bacup.

N. Woodhouse.

Pte. ,Yo H. \ Vinterbottolll, 13, Tanlot .'treer, A ·htoll-lllHll'r·Lync. Inspector of Stores.


OOl'pl. E. Pilkington.

Offieel's 2. ,el'ge<wt]. COl'poral1. Privates 16. Total effective 20. Decrease ince last report 3. Drills held 52. Ayerage atteliJance 12 . Removals 3. Oase ' attended not Oll public Juty 49. Anl1ual inspection, 4th May. Total on parade 14. Ahent with leave 2. 'Yithout leave 4. Al1llUal re-examination, 24tl~ .Mar 'h. Melli hers passed 17. Did not appear 2. Medallions . NUl' illg cerhficates 4. ~eglllatioll uniform ,,'orn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16 men. Matenal: 6 stretchers, 17 appliance boxes, 1 sl1l'crical ha-vresac, 2 water bottles, bandage.', &c., ve ted in the Diyision. Division supp~rted by the members' subscriptions, social " &c .





Honorary Surgeon.





Honorary Surgeon .

S. B. Cook, ~r. D. Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores .

P te. E. Fry, Steel dt., Askam R.S.O., Lanes.

Pte. J. Fulton.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. T. Hutchinson. Officer l.

Privates 17.

Total effectivR 18.

• Decr~ase since last report 2. Drills held 45 . A verage attendance 9. Annual ~s~e~i~on, 25th Aug .. Total on parade 4. Absent with leflve 3. Without leave 10. Me a. IOns 3.

Nursmg certificates 6.

Reaulation uniform worn by 16 men.

lo~;fl'lal : ,I Ash~o~'~ litter, 2 stretcher!', 1 h~vresac, splints, etc., vested ill the Centl e.

DIVISIOn suppurted by subscriptions, proceeds of concerts, &c.




Sup erintendent.

J. McLarty, 160, Ramsden Street, BalTow -in -Furness.

Honorary Secretary.

I nspector of Sto res and Hon . Treas .

Pte. W. Bradley, 27, Baden Powell St., Vickerstown, Barrow-in-Furness.

Sergt. J. Oraig.

Officers 2. CI'geant 1. Corporal l. Privates 29. Total effective 33. Decrease Since. last report 4. Drills held 43 . Average attenJance 21. Cases attended on PU?l!c du.ty 120. RemoY~I; 13. Cases attended not on 1mblic duty 8~? Annual lllspectlOl1, 21st July. Iotal 011 parade 30. Absent with leavE' 1. "lthout leave 2. An~nal re-exalliination, 24th and 31st March, and 21st July. l\'[en;t1cfs passed 34. D:d not.appear l. Meda llions 16. ervice badges 2. Nursing c~rt!ficates 16. Re~ulatlOn umform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, an d 23 men. Mater~a 1: 6 stretchers, 6 surgical ha vresacs, 4 street boxes, 6 water lbottles, 6 rugs, SplllltS, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported )y public subscriptions.

29 tJ

St. John A ?nbulance Brigade. 298 T he Division has made progress during th~ :year, a~ld has been cO?lmencl~d [or efficiency in first aid, and transport of t~le Jll~ured 111 ?ases of ser~ous accIdents oC.31.uring in the various large works, and 111 dOlllg duty III the publIc streets, at athletic sports, regattas, football matches, etc .. Th e Annual District Conference was held III the town on September 10tll , and was attended by a large number of delegates, who were most ge~1el'ously entertained by HisWor.hip the Mayor. Five men of th e A.R. .S.B.R. dId duty on H.M.S. U ndcmnted, and two at Plymouth Royal Naval Hospital.

.A number of the memb ers have formed themselves into a band and head the D.ivision on all parad.es. On Ju~y: 19th 2 O.fficers and 16 men were on duty at LIverpool on the occaSlOn of the VlSlt of th e KlDg and Queen, when about 50 cases were treated by them.



Chief Superintendent.

[Formed 9.92. ]

F. Lomax, 13, Wyresdale Road , Bolton.


Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.


mith, Chief Fire Station, Chiche tel' Street, Belfast.

Officer 1. Privates 62. Total effectiye 63 . Decrease since last report 2. Average attellllance at drills 20. Cases attended on public: duty 2,525 . Removals 2,331. Annual inspection, 6Lh l\Iay .. Total on Medallions 20. Fireman's lllllform and parade 49. Absent with leave 15. regulation arm badges are WOl'l1. Material: 3 ambulance wagons and 16 stretchers. Di vision supported by the Belfast Corporation .


Superintenden t .

Honorary Surgeon .

B. G. Elliott,

L. R . C.P.

Hon . Secretary.

Sergt. S. T. Hopwood.

J. Leeming, 3,

ULlell ero. s, Blackburn.

2nd Officer and Hon . Treasurer.

'V. Trickett.

Ins pector of Stores.

Pte. W. Catlow.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. P rivates H. Total efTecLive 21. Decrease since last report 2. Drill s held 28. A verage attendance U . Cascs attended on public duty 2. Cases attelllled not on public duty 9. Annual in pectiOIl, 5th July. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 5. Without leaye 2. A1lllual r e-examioation, 13th and 20th Sept. MembE::rs passed'. Dic1not appear 8. ledallions 2. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation uniform ,yorn by 3 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 14 men . Material : 2 emergency boxe , 4 stretchers, 3 surgical havresacs, splint!';, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Diyi ion upporte.c1 hy public and 111e111 bel'S su bscri ptions.


[Formed 21.4.99.]

Honorary Surgeons.

J. H. Thomp on,


J. Johnston,

l\I.D .

1st Offi cer.

2nd Officer.

J. H eap.

J. Darricotte.

Honorary Secretary.

COl·pI. T. Lee,

Honorary Treasurer.

9, Beverley noud, Bolton.

1st Class ergt. ,Yo Ru shton .

Officers 5. el'geantR 4. Corporals 4. Privates 90. T otal effective 103. Decrease since. last report 1. Drills held 48. A. verage attendance 44. Cases att:ndecl on pnl~hc du~y 193. RemovT~l1. Annual insp{;ction, 7th June. T otal on palade 4. Absent WIth leave ~O. "Ithout leave 65. Annual re-examination . 6th Sept. Members pa?sed 4~. Dld not appear 90 . Medallions 2[) . NUl'siug certificates 25. Regul.ahon mnform wor~ by 4 Officers, 4 sergeancs, 4 corporals, and 5 men .. . ~Iatel'lal : ambulance statIOn, 12 stretchers, 8 surgical havresacs, splints &c. DIVlSlOn supported by members and public suuscriptions ' " Pn,~lic c1l~t~ l~as been successfully u~~ertaken at many laI:ge gatherings. The A Bealel Company ana the AUXIlIary Royal Nayal ick Berth R eserve are \'~l'r popular. A large nnm?el' of men belonging to the former were in camp at LlChfi~ld, and others beionglllg to the latter were in training on H.M.S. Royal SOnfl'e2gn, E sex, and U ndaunted, and at the H a lar R.N. Hospital.


Honorary Surgeon.



1st Officer and Hon . Sec

L. G. S. Molloy, lI1.A., M . D . G. Gosling, T. Donnelly, 6, Church t., F.S.Heanej,lI1. A., M.D. 29, Cambridge Road, Jjlackpool. Black pool. 2nd Officer.


Honorary Surgeon .

A. Hodge,

M. R . C. S.


3rd Officer (in charge).

J. Hardy,

R. H. O. Hill. Officers 5. Oorporals 2. Privates 57 . Total effective 64. Increase since last report 18. Drills helc1 46. .A.. verage attendance 30. Cases attendec1 on pllblic duty 50. Cases attended not on public duty 8. Annual inspection, 22nd June. Total on parade 47. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 13. Annual re-examination, 30th March and 22nc1 June. Members p'lssed 50. Did not appear 12. Medalliolls 15. NlUsing certificates 11. Regulation uniform worn by all ranks. Material: 2 stretchers, 3 havTesacs. Division supported by members' subscriptions.

Officers 2. Privates 24. T otal effective 26. . Drills held 46 . A.verage attendance 15 Annual . In Cl~ase smce last report 7. mspectI?n, ,7th June. Total on parade 21. Absent without leave Annual re-e~~nllna~l?l1, 10th May. Mel?bers l)assed 20. Did not appeal' 5. . Medallions 4 Nm smg celtIficates 3. R egulatIon umform worn by 1 Officer 24 men 1\1 t . 1 stlb'etcl:er~, havresac, splints, &c. Division supported by' member~' anad ena b1:· su scnptlOns. pu Ie



St. J ohn A 1nu ulc(;nce Brigc(;de.


OliOOL, BALLlOL R OAD, BOOTLE. Superintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

W. N. Barlow, M. R.O ., . Police Hono/'ary Secretary.

. Benson, tation, BootIe, Liv erpool


During the 'year the Division won the Orosfield I hield at W arrington, and the Oup (1st Prize) at the review of the N orth E ast Lan cashire Corps and Divisiolls. Second place was taken in the Argenta Oup Oompetition. The Division cOI1Llucted the allnual competition for the Tunstill Memorin,l Shield, when 24 squads competed, Kendal being the winners. The annual Di visional Competition for the Presiden t's Onp was also heltl. The H on. Surgeons have been most energetie in arranging for public lectures, whereby the funrls of the Division have been very much helped.

Insp ector of Stores.

CorpI. J. J . Bolton, 44 , ,Varlham Rd., BootIe, Li \'erpoo1.

Pte. J . Oarp.y .

Honorary Treasurer.


Pte. J. Tarbuck.

Honorary Surgeon.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Private 4.7 . T otal eO'ective 51. Oa es I ncrease since formation 17. Drills held 51. AYerage attendance 27. attended not on public duty 20. Annual inspection, 19th May. Total on parade 34. Absent witb leave 11. ,Yithout leave 9. Annual re-examination, 2 th April. Members pJ.ssed 43. Did not appear 10. Medallions 12. Material: 4: stretchers, splints, bandages, &c., vested in the Diyi ion. Di"ision supported hy members' su bscription s, concflrts, &c.


Hono/'ary Surgeon.

T. P. Blades, L. R . O. P.

,Yo ,Yarbnrton, 70, -'r.crkpOIt Road, Bredbnr)"


Inspector of Stores.

Hono rary S ecretary.

Pte. D. Slater, 12, Ohadkirk Road, Romiley, Stockport.


Pte. W. Heginbotbam.

Honora ry Treasurer.

Mr. H. Spencer (H on. Mem.) . Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 21. Total efrective 26. Decrease since last report 4 . Drills held 33 . Average attendance 16. Oa es attended on public duty 1. Removals 2. Oa es attended not on public duty Annual ins pection, 21st June. Total on parade 21. Ab ent with leave 1. Without leave 14. Annual re-examination, 7th June. 1I1e111berR passed 25. Did not appear 13. Medallions 15. Material: 1 litter, 2 stretchers, 1 emergency ca e, splil! IS: bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Diyision supported by public subscription.


R. M. Whitham,


1st Officer and Hon . Treasurer.


J. Wilkinson, 30, ThUl'sby Road, BUl'l1ley.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

COl'!'!' F. Dixoll, 51, Brougham St., Burnley.

CorpJ. J. L. Colburn .

ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 28. Total effective 33 . Oilicers 2. Drills held 41. A yerage attendance 14. Cases I llcrca 'o since last report attencled . on pu~lic duty 3. Removals 2. Cases att~nded not on public duty 24. Annual I1lSpectlOn, 4th June. Total on parade 2D. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 10. Annual re-examination, 7th June and 27th eptember. Members pa~sed 30. Dilillot appear 4. Medallions 9. Nnrsing certificatcs 14. Regulation umfonll worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 27 men. Material: 4 litters 7 stretchers, 2 surgical ha versacs, 11 street boxes, each con tainin Cf 1 stretcher' 1 haver ac, amI ambulance material, and 140 ambulance baO's ill mills and work~ shops, vcsted in the Division. Division supported by yol~ntary contributions members' subscl'iptions, and Mill collections. ' A !:il!uacl \\'011 the Higson Le tel' Challenge I hield (open to All EllUlancl) at altaire on July 2nd. New headquarters of a more suitable character have been aCl[uireu. Men were on duty at swimming galas, and football matches, horse shows, &c.


Supe rintendent.

F. B . Holmes, ;\I.B.

Enser, 14, Hanson ... treet, Bury.

Hon . Sec.

Hon. Treasu rer.

Ple. '1'. ,V. Howard, 10, Devon treet, Bury.

nIl'. J. Cox (Hon. l'lIem,) Inspector of Stores.


Pte. A. Enser.

Honorary Surgeons.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 24. T otal effective 27. Drills held 42. A verage attendance 15. Cases D crease since la -t report 34. attended ~ot on public dl1t~ 67. Anllual inspection, 18th June. Total on parade 17. Absent WIth leave 6. .Wlthout leave 27 . Ann~al re-examination, 22nd Sept. Member~ passel~ 12. Dld not appear 20. MedallIons 12. Nnrsing certificates 8. Regulation ul1lform "'01'11 by 2 Officers and 24 men. Material: 12 stretchers snrgical havre ac, and 30 boxes fitted with first aiel a,ppliances. Division supported by members and public subscriptions.

W. Bird, M.B.

J. S. Wilson, M.B.

J. Hoyle, M.lt.O.S.

Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

W. 'Webster, Station H ouse, Brierfield, nr. Burnley. 1st Officer and Hon . Sec.

Inspector of Stores.

J. Bates, 76, H alifax. Road; Brierfield, near Burnley .

Pte. W. Greenwood.

Officers 5. Sergeant 1. Pri.vates 26 . T otal effective 32. D rills held 29. Average attendance 18. Removals 10. Cases attended not on public duty 75. Annual inspection, 17th May. Total on parade 30. Absent without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 11th April. M.embers p assed 29 . Medallions 15. Service badges 10. Nursing certificates 13. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, and 26 men. Material: 1 litter, 7 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, 20 emergency boxes, splints, &c., vested in the Oommittee of the Brierfield Centre. Division supported by LocalOentre and voluntary subscriptions.


G. H arrison, L.R.O.P.

D. C. Sutton, M. B.

St. J oh n A rnbulance B?'igacle.

302 Inspecto r of Sto res.

Supe rint e nd e nt.

Pte. H. Underwood.

F . T. Milton, 28, Queen's Avenue, Oity Road, Ohester.

Officers 3 Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 20. Total effectiYC 25 · 1 A nllua o Annual 1 D'11 I 11 15 A \,eracte attendance 1. I ncrease since. last report. 1'1 s 18 ( . l? h t 1 13 t' 20th ~)t Total on parade 12 Absent WIt Oll ea ve . inspec l?n't"on QI-,etll1'SelJt Member l)aSse(16. DiU. not appear 17. Medallions 11. r e-exam1l1a 1 ,~. 1 D' . . D" . 0 SUl1ported by Material: 3 stretchers, splints, etc., vested in t Ie 1V1SlOn. 1V1Sl n Local Oentre. CLITHEROE DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). HEAD-QtrAnTER. : ST. ~L'\'llY'S OLD

S uperintenden·t.

Ho n orary S urge o n.

M. H. Dawson, 40, ,Yell Terrace, Clitheroe.

G. E. Orme, M.B.

Honorary Secretary.

1st Officer.

Corp1. J. Mitchell, 54, ,Yest Yiew, Olitheroe.

W . Rushton. H.

Pte. J. R. Gamcr.


Officers 3. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 4. Privalcs ~6. Total efIec~i"c ~6. '. . since last re 10rt 10. Drills helel 9. A verage .attelldl~llce 1/. C<I ~s tfe~e;s~ot on publi/ duty 3. R emovals 13. A11l1llal lllspecbon, 13th Jill).' a en e ,1 2'2 Absent with lean 1. Wilh Olllleave 10. AllIHHllle:exalll!To:~l on2?:;:~Q 25'th April. Members pa:;sed 28. Ditlnot apJI?ar 7. ~ltda1l1011s l:Jj WU~'~~~ (f ~certifieates 25. Hegulation ullifOlm \1 0111 Ly 2 011lcors, ~ .sClgeaut;! .. 1 , 'a1' and 24 mell. Mat erial : 1 litter, 6 stretc1lers, 3 \I all l)~x ., 1 ~U1plla COl!J~l " 1 tent sl11ints bandages &c. Divi 'ion supportcd by 1 uLlIc sub Clll·tlOlll!;. a, resac, , , , . . l' '1" mcdals to t e Hon 'urgeon Or111e conducted a s'luac1 cOl1lpelltlon, a\\"un l~lg 1 \ el l ' O1emb~r,; of the winning squad. The Di\'i!>ion SIlent a werk 111 camp at ~ Olecam c in August.




[Formc(l 15.5.



Honorary Surgeons.

A. A. G. Dickey,


'Yo E. Lov ett,

A. Heys, M.n.


1st Officer.

Su perintendent.

E . Scott, 5, Short SU'eet, Oolne.

T. Burrell.

Honorary S ecretary.

Inspector of S tores.

Sergt. B . Titherington, 4, Henry Street, Oolne.

Corpl. J. StephellSOlJ.

Ho no rary Treasurer .

.Mr. J . L . Wildman, J.P. (Hon. Mem.)

Officers 5. Sergeants 2. Corporal1. Privates 39. Total effective 47. Derrease since last report l. Drills helel 29. Average ati e~dallce 26. Removals 88 Cases attended not on public duty 242 . Annual1l1spectlOn, lOth May .. T?tal . . de 45 Absent with leave 2. ,Yithout leave 9. Annual l'e-exummatwn, ~~tha}~n ll1:embel's passed 34. Did not appear 16. Medallions 15. Service badges ] 6. NU1:sing certificates 21. Hegulation uniform worn by 4 O~ce~'s, 2 se~'gean~s, 1 corporal, and 38 men. Mater.ial : 1 ~m?ulance wagon, 2 httels, 9 stletchelS, &c Division supported by pubhc subscnptJons. . four days' bazaar was held from 25th to 28th N ovem bel' 1.0 ral~e funds fo1' building a new Drill Hall, by which the handsome sum of £90 0 was obtamed.



[Formed 12.97.]


_Hon o rary S urge on .

E. L. Oompston,


Sup e r inte nd e nt.

Ho n. S e c re t a r y.

F. Oompston, Laburnum Cottages,

Oorp1. W. N . Harding,7, pring Gardens, Crawsha,,'booth, Manchester.

Crawshawbooth, Manchester.

Officers 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 11 . Total effective 15. Average attendance 8. Cases Dccrease since last report 1. Drills held 4 7. attended on puhlic duty 3. Removnls 3. Oases attended not on public duty 29. Annual inspection, 14th July. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 2. Annualre-examinatioll, 26th April. Members passed 14. Medallions 4. Nursing certificates 7. Regulation uniform ,,"orn by 1 Officer, 2 corporals, and 11 men. Material: 1 litter, 8 stretchers, 8 water bottles, 7 wall boxes fully equipped, &c., vesteel in the Divi ion. Division supported by public subscriptions. The Divi ion turned out in full strength on the occasion of the visit of MajorGeneral- Baden Po \Yell to Accrington on 11th June to open the nell' Drill Hall.

Honorary Treasurer.

Insp ector of S tores.

Sergt. W.

[Formcd 21.4.01.





[Formed 22.4 . 95.J


Ho norary S urgeons.

Sup e r inte nden t an d Ho n. S ec.

O. ,Yil 011, ~r.D. O. H. \Y. Bennett, ~r.R. C.· .

F. H. Oldham , 25, Stamford .A.venue ~ Crewe.

Honorary T reasure r .

Pte. J. T. Fi her. Officers 3. ergeant 1. PriYates 12. Total effective 16. Decrease since lao t report o. Drill s held 25. Average attendance 7. Oases atteD<led on public duty . }{emo,a1s 22. Oases attended not on public duty 100. Annual in pection, 16th June. Total on parade . Absent with leave 1. Without le~ve 4. Anunalre-examination, 20th Aug. and 15th Sept. Members passed 11. DId not appeal' 2. Medallions 10. Service badges 13. Nursing certificate 1. R egulation uniform worn by] Officer, 1 sergeant and 7 men. Material: 4 stretcher, 2 sl11'gical haYl'esac', emergency boxes, &c., &c. Division supported by annual concert and public sn bscri ptions. The Division, although 'howing a decrease, is now in a more satisfactory condition than ever before, and a few recruits only are necessary to make the drills more interesting. Public duty has been undertaken on every possible occasion, and the public generally recognise the us~fulness of the Division. CROMPTON DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ).

[Formed 28.6.01.J


Honorary Surgeon .

Supt. a nd Hon . Treasu rer.

A. V. Davis, M. B.

H . Morton, Pingot, Shaw, nr. Oldham.

1st Officer and Hono rary Secretary.

J . E . Foden, 4, Queen Street, Shaw, nr. Oldham. Ins pecto r of Stores.




Officers 3. Oorporals 2. Privates 23 . T otal effective 28. Decrease since last report 13. Drills held 52. Average attendance 19. Cases attended not on pu~hc duty 32. . Annual inspection, 24th Sept. T otal on parade 26. Absent Wlth lea,e l. W 1thout leave 1. Annual re -examination, 22nd W

ft. J ohn Ambulance B riga,cle.

St. J ohn A'lnb'L('lance B'l'igade.


March . :Members pas eu 26 . Diu not appear 3 .. Meualli ons 1. Nursin.g certificate" 20 ReO"ulation uniform worn uy 3 Ofricers, 2 corporals,. u,lld 2~ .n:ell. Mat;rial :' 5 waltlJoxes, 6 stretcher., 4 surgical havresacs, &c. vcsted lU the Dlvision . Division supported by subscriptions.


[Formed 30. 11. 99.J



T . F . Forster,

"'1. It. C.



OlJicer 1. , 'ergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privates 17. Total effective 20. Increase since last rcport 6. Drills held 39. Average attendance 15. Case attended 011 public duty 1. Annuu,l inspection, 10th :May. Total on parade 19. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 6th Sept. Members passe~l 1. Did not appear 1. Medallions 8. Nursing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16 men . Material : 3 litters, 4 stretchers, 1 havresac, &c" vested in local Oentre. Division supported by voluntary con tribu tions. A Divisional Competition was held in October, when 4 meuals for best stretcher dril~ and 1 for be t individual bandaging were presented. After three years of uplll11 toil and tribulation we are ill hopes of seeing a better and brighter prospect for the Division . The members are now more in earnest, aml are gaining a love for the work .

Ho n o rary S ecre tary.

Superintend e nt.

Pte. ~l. J. "\Y oodlJurn, 22, Ra\\lin 'on t., Dalton-in-Fume s .

J. H. H . Grigg, Bleak House, Dalton-in-Furness.

Honorary Treasurer.

Ins pecto r o f Sto res .

Pte. J.

Pte. E. B. Howu,rd.


Officers 2. Sercreant 1. Corporals 2. rrivate::, 23. Total ('Jlectin 2 " I ncrease since last °report 8. Dlills held 4.,' A\'cr~ge attendance 13 .. Ca::,e.s attended on public duty 24. Cases attelllleu not onl'ubhc duty 94. Annualmspegtion 19th Au . T otal on parade 21. Absent with leave 5. ~'Ithont leaye _. Memuers pas::,eu 20. DHl llO~ al'l'e~r 7. A 'ual re,exa~lination 19th Aug. Mn~ llions 14. Servic~ badges . Nursing certificates 12. Regul.n.tlOll. ulllfol'm e. a b 1 Officel' 1 s"rcreal1t 2 corpurals and 22 men. Mat cnal:;) Furley WOln y ,~ 0 ' , D' .' db' stretchers, 3 surgical havresaes, wall box, splints, &c, IVI::,lOn supl'one ) donations, concerts &c



[Formed ]2.2.96 . J


Honorary Surgeon.

IT. G. Deans,


S uperin t ende nt ,



N. Ash \YOI th. [rwe11 Vale, Edenfield, nr. :Manchester.

Honorary S ecretary.

Inspect o r of St ores .

t Cl. •'e1'gt. W. IIa 'lam, Tor Yiew, Ellenfiel<1, near ~Ianch este r ,

Gorpl. D. Freeman.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. G. Pickup.




GAlE, Dl'llLl". Honorary S urgeon.

Hon orary S urgeon and S upt .

II. Knapp,

J . L umsden, ",1.D., 4, Fitzwilliam Place, Duulin. 1st Officer.

2nd O fficer,

J, Bollillay.

P. L. Piclou.



3rd O fficer.

C. A. HoUel'tsoll .

Hon o rary S ecret ary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. S. Spencer, St. James's Gate, Duulill.

Pte. E. J. CuIrey.

Officers 5. Sergeants 4. Corporals 8. Privales4 . Total eflcctiye 101. D rills held 20. Average attendanee 52. Cai:ie attendeu on puulic duty. 1. Removal 1. Cases attended not on lJUblic uuty 28, stretcher cases anu 286,11unor accidents. Annual re-examination, 7th December. Members pa sed 67. DId. not appear 32 . Material: 1 lit~e~'" 6 st:e~c~ers, 1 emel'gellcy uasket,. SylllltS, bandages, etc. , vested in the DlvlslOn, DIVIsIon supported by 1I1e S1'S. A. GUlnness, S on & 00 . Limited .


[Forllleu 4.9 . 1900. J

HEAD -QUARTERS: ST. JOHN'S SCHOOLS, DUKINFIELD. Honorary Surgeon (i n charge).

E. A . Clarke, 1I.R. C. S. Weymouth Villa, Dukil1fielJ . Hon . Secretary.

CorpI. J. Pickup, J unr. , H ill Crest D ukinfield.

ergeants 2. Oorporal1. Privates 27. Total effective 32. Officer 2. Increa. e ince last report 1. Drills held 45. Average attendance 17. Cases attencleclnot on public duty 36 . Annual inspection, 3rd :JIay. Total on parade 29. Ab ent with leave 2. ,'ithout leave 1. Annual re-examination, 19th April. Members passed 27 . Di<l not appear 5. :JIedallions 1. ervice badges 6. NUl' ing certificates 10. Regulation uniform \,orn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 27 men. nIaterial: 1 litter, 7 stretchers, 1 surgical havresac, and 6 wall boxes. Division supported by members and public subscription ,

Inspecto r o f Stores.

Sergt. J. T , Molyneux.


[Formed 30. 1.97.J


A. A. G. Dickey, M. D" W . A. Doyle, M.B.

1st Offi ce r.

A. hayler, 33, Belmont Terrace, Fouhidge, near Oolne.

Hono rary S ecret ary.

'ergt . J . T . Smith, 16, Chapel St., Foul ridge,

Insp e ctor of Stores. Dr.


Pte::. J. Huggins.

Officers 3. Privates 18. Total effective 21. Increase sillce last report 9. Drills held 29. Average attendance 11. Cases attended not on public duty 4. Annual inspection, 31st May. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination , 8th ept. Members passed 16. D id not appear 4. Medallions 2. Regulation uniform worn by 2 O~cers and 17 men. Material : 1 litter 2 stretchers, 1 havresac, bandages and splInts! vestp,d in the D ivision . Division supported by public subscriptions. D un ng the year a tablet was placed in the Ambulance H all to the memory of the late Pte. James Atkinson, who died of enteric fever at Olanwilliam Hospital Oape Oolony, on 24th June, 1903, whilst serving as a hospital orderly.



St. J ohn A ?nuLdance St. J ohn Am,bulc('nce Brigade.




Honorary Surgeon s .

J. G. Jones, M.D.

J. H.

hotton, L.R.C.l'.

Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. T. Cartel', 2, Water Street, Harton, Burllley. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Pri,-atcs 17. Total efrectiYe 20. Increase since last report 10. Drills held 48 . A \-era~e atte~dalll;e 11. Removals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 14. Annuallllspechon, 8th. June.. T?tal on parade 16. Absent with leaye 4. 'Without leaye 2. .AnmH\'~ l'e-eXllnll11a110n, 8th Sept. Members passed 18. Medallions 5. RegulatlOl: uIllform worn by 1 sercrcant and 15 men . Material: 1 Httel, 3 stretcher, l.surglcal.h£l:-re £lc, 2 amlJt1an~e bags, 2 water bottles. Division supported by publIc snuSCl"ll'tloH ·.

[Formed 1.9.96.J


W. H. Tomlin son,


J. R. Bro,m, Spring GarJens, Hazel Grove, Stockport.

F. R.C.S.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. R. Gosling, 35, Great tockport.

NR .

1st Officer (i n charge).

Honorary Surgeon.


Pte. T. Sayer.

, t.,

Honorary Treasure r .

Pte. II. Bowden . Officers 2. Corporal 1. Privates 24. Total effectivA 27. Increase since last report 3. Drills held 4:3 . A verage attendance 14. inspection, 3rcl ept. T otal on parade 24. Absent with leave 3. Annual ination, 22nd Aug. :Jlembers passed 25 . Did not appear 1. ~Iedallions 15. certificates 12. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 corporal and ~Iaterial: litter, 4- tretchers, 1 hamper, 1 box, 5 street wall cases, splints dages, vested in the Divi ion. Division supported by public donations.

Annual re-examNursing 23 men. and ba.n-



Chief Surgeon and Ch ief Superintendent.

J. Broomhead, Superintendent.

E. Graham.


46, Regent

treet, HaslingLlcn, Ma.llCh0bicl. Honorary Treasurer .

Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. S. C. COUltOll. 4, Fail' Hill, Helm shore, Manchester.

Pte. M. II. ;ll'(;ll.

Inspector of Sto res.

1st Class Sergt.


Green wood.

. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 32. T otal efl'ectiye 36. Ca~es attended ;not on publIc (!~lty 6. Drills held 51. Average attpndance 17. Annual inspection, 15th June. Total on parade 26. Absent \nth lea\'e_ 5. ''.lthout leave 8. Annual re-examina.tion, 15th August. M~mbers passed 2:>. DId l.lOt appear 13. Medallions 12. Service badges 12. Nnr lUg certificates 3. Regul£lt.lOll uniform worn by all ranks. :Material: 4 treet boxe~,. 4 stret~he~', 3 urglcal havresacs, bandages, splints, &c. Corps supported by pubhc SUbSCl'lptlOns.

HEYWOOD DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). lFormed 5.6.83; Re-formed 16.1.94.] HEAD-QUARTERS:



Honorary Surgeon .

H. H. J. Hitchon, l\r.n.c ...

S uperin tend en t.

J. T. Hardman, 22, 'Wild St., Heywood.

1st Officer.

Honorary Secretary.

J. T. Ashworth.

Pte. R. TO'wns!ey, 11, Alexander Street, Hpywootl.

ergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 18. Total effective 25 . Officer 3. Average attendance 12. Cases Decrease ince last report 7. Drills held 45. attended not Oll public duty 41. Annual inspectiolJ. 20th July. Total on parade 17. Ab ent with leave 3. Without leave 13. Annual re-examination, 31st Aug. Members passed 1 . Did not appear 6. Service badges 13. Nursing certificates 15. Regulation uniform ,yorn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 18 men. Material: 4 stretchers a1)(1 ] 1 street boxes, ve ted in L ocal Centre. Division supported by public subscriptions.




J. J. Anderson, L.R.C.P

W. Jackson, 1, Bankfield Road, H averigg, Iillom.

Hon . Sec. and Treasurer. S er~ . o

J. Northmore, 74, Main Street Haverigg~ ll1illom.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Crelling.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 6. Total effective 9. D ecrease since last report 1. Drills held 36. Average attendallce 5. AllllUaI Total on parade 6. Abs~nt without leave 3. Annual inspection, 5th Sept. re-examination, 5th Sept. Members passed 6. DId not appear 2. Medallions 8. Material: 4 stretchers, 4 havresacs, and 4 water bottles, vested in the Hodbarrow Mining Company. Division supported by the Company.

Honorary Surgeon .

T. M. Angior,


R. C. S.


HINDLEY. Superintendent.

G. J. Bouchier, Strftngeways House, Platt Bridge, Wigan.

1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.

J. E. Hodkinson, 20, Gower Street, N e'l·town . Offi cers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 43. Total effective 49 . Increase since last report 7. Drills held 2-1. Average attendance 29. Removal 1. Cases attended not on public duty 21. Annual inspection, 28th May. Total on parade 41. Absent with leave 1. ,Vithout leave 3. Annual re-examination, 12th JaJ~. ~~embers passed 19 . Did not appear .29 . Medallions 16. RegulatIOn umform worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 39 men . Material: 2 stretchers, 2 havresacs, splints, bandage, &c., vested in :Messrs Crompton and Sha.wcross, Ltd., by whom Division is supported .

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A'inbulance B'I'igade.



MARKET HALL, l\1ILLOM. Sup erinten dent.

Honorary Surgeon .



[Formed 17.9.1900 .]

Ford, 84, Albert treet, !llillom.

Hudson, L.R.C.P.

Insp ector of Sto res.

Honorary Secretat·y.

Pte. J. H. Jenkinsoll.

Pte. W. H arris, 125, Albert Street, Millom.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Privates 17. T otal e(fective 20. Decrease since lastreport 2. Drills held 39. Average attendance 8. Removal 2. Cases attended not on public duty 40 . Anllual in pection, 29th Aug. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave l. ' Vithout leavc 6. Annual rcccxamination, 3rd Sept. Members passed 12. Did not appear 7. Medallion 11. el'vice badges G. Nursin€; certificates 12 . 1.Iatel'ial: 5 stretchers, 4 haYl'eacs, 4 water bottles, 1 Lowmoor jacket, splints, bandagcs, &c., ye ted in the IIodLJanow 1.1ining Company, which supports the Divi iOll .


1st Officer (Acting).

Honorary Surgeon .

Inspecto r of Stores .

treet, Horwich, BOltOIl.

Pte. C. E. FLl'l'ier.

Officers 2. Corporal1. PriYates IJ. Total effectiye 16. I ncrease since formation 2. Drills held A "erage attenclance 7. Cn cs attended not on public duty 5. Medallions 3. Material: 1 stretcher, splint, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by subscription Two men nre on duty every Saturday on the Railway Institute Football Field. KENDAL DIVISION (WESTMORELAND ).

[Formed 10.3.99].

HEAD-QUARTER.' : Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeon .

Capt. W. B. Cockill, M.R.C.S.

Hon. Sec. and Inspector of Stores.

2nd Officer.

Sergt. P. S. T odd, 22, Main Street, Keswick.

J. M. Cutts.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 11 . T otal effective 15. Decrease since last report l. Drills held 29 . Average attendance 6. Remon'11s ] 1. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 21st Sept. Total on parade 10. Ahsent with leav e 5. 'Yithout leave 1. Annualre-exammation, 14th June. Mrmbers passed 14. Did nc,t appear 3. Medallions 9. Service badgl's 5. Nursing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, and 10 men. Material: 1 Ashford litter, 2 stretchers, 1 surgical havresac, J emergency bag, bandages, Sl)lints, &c. Division supported by voluntary donations from patie:nts. Members have readily respond ed when called upon for practical work ane1 have in every case ealDed the commendation of the eloctors called in . Thanks to the liberality of patients the funds continue in a satisfactory condition.


[Formed 24.4.01.]


H. Ward, 41, Pioneer t., Horwich, Bolton.

J. M. Coates, M.D. Honorary Secretary.

Pte. F. Severs, 3, Gooch

[Formed .. 01].



Honorary Surgeon (i n charge) .

H. C. Lamport,

~f. B.,

2, :Meadow Side, LalJcaster. Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary S ecretary.

ergt. G. Kitchen, 7, Ayr trect, Lanca ter.


Pte. ,\Y. Otterson.

. Wilson.

Offi cer 1. Sergeant. 2. Primtes 18. Total effective 21. Drills helu 41. A veraO'e attendance 11. Cases I ncrease since la t rep01 t 1. attended on public duty 2. Cases attended not on public duty 5. Annual inspection, 14th May. Total on parade 12. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 7. Annual re·examination, 17th ept. Members passed 17. Did not appear 3. Medallions 16. Regulation uniform worn by 2 sergeants and 8 men. Material: 1 stretcher and 1urgical havresac, vested in the Division. Division supported by public subscriptiun .

' V. Harrison, 2, A h Meadows, Kellllal.

1st Officer, Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

C. W. Heslop, Winuenuere Road , I~el1dal. Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 23. Total efl'ectivc 31. Decrease since last repurt 5. Drills held 34. Average attendance 21. Cases attended o~ publi~ duty 5. Removals 14. Cases attended not on public duty 50. AnnualmspectlOl1, 11th Aug. Total on parade 20. Absent with leavc 6. \\~ithout l eave 4. Annua.l re-examinat!on, 24th Aug. Members passed 29. DId not appear 1. Medalltons 16. ServlCe badges 12. Nursing certificates 18. Regul~tion uniform worn by 3 Offi cers, 2 se 1'geants, 3 corporals, and 23 men. Maten.al : ambulance wagon, field ambulance station, 1 Ashford litter, 8 stretchers, 4 surgIcal havresacs, water bottles, &c. , vested in the Committee of the Division. Division suppo rted by members anu pULJlic subscriptions.



J. Jones,

)L B .


HE AD·QUAIlTERS: CROSTll'VAITg Honorary Surgeon .

J. R. BumetL,


[Formed 24.6 .94.]



1st Officer.

J. Gardiner, Maill Street, Keswick.

Inspector of Stores.

R. R. Meacock, Courts H otel,

Pte. M. Bate.

Leigh, Lancs . Officers 2.

Corporals 2.

Privates 26. T otal effectiye 30. Anrage attendance 15. Cases attended on pubhc duty 22. Cases attended not OIl public duty 58. Annual inspection, 13th June. Total on l'arade 22. Absent with leave 3. 'Wi thout leave 7. Annual re-ex.amination, 22nd O?t. Me~llbers passed 16. Did not appear 13. Medallions 13. Servl~e badge l. N~1J'smg certIficates 13. R egulation uniform worn by 2 corporals, a~d.2.3 men. Matenal: 3 stretchers, 4 ambulance boxes, &c., vested in the Division. DIVlSlOll supported by members' and public subscriptions. I ncre~se since la t report 1. Drills held 51.


[Formed lP.9.1900].


LForm ed 21.5.03 .]


Honorary Surgeon .

Honorary Secretary.

J. A. Ashcroft, M.D.

Pte. J. F. Bamford, 49, ,Yhitelees Road, Littleborougb .

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. F _ Howarth.

Pte. H. ,rhitehead.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Pri,ates 6. Total efIective 8. D ecrease siuce last r eport 14. Drills held 20. A ,:erage attenda~ce 8. .Annual in. pection, 11th May . T otal on parade 11. Absent :"nth leave 1. WIthout lea'-e 1.2. :Medallion 1. Material: stretcher, wall lJoxes, splmes, bandages, &e., ves tell 111 the Division. Division supported by subscriptions.






J . C. E1lison, 6, Wellingt.on Building outh Ca tIe treet, Liverpool.

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

J. S. Bird, 6, Wellington Buildings N orth, South Castle Street, Liverpool.

Officers 2. Corporals 2. Privates 15. T otal effective 19. In crease since last report 1. D rills held 31. Average attendance 11. Cases attended on llU1 Jlic duty 2. Removal 1. Cascs attended not on public dnty 48 . .A111111a1 in spection, 23rd JallUal'Y. T otal on parade 16. A'Usent with leave 3. 'Without leave 6. Annual re examination, 9th D ecember. M embers passed 14. Did not appcar 4. Medallions 6. Material: 1 stretcher, ] havresac, splints, bandageR, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by subscriptions.


1st Offi cer (Acting).

A. M. Eas on, L.n. c.p.

Hon . Secretary.

ill. E. Hobinson, 5, • tation Roau, Lytbam.

Pte. J. Ja ckson, Beach Honse, Lytbam.

Officers 2. Privates 12. Total effective 14. Drill hdd 16. .herage attendance 4. Case attended on pul)lic duty 1. RCl1 loyal 2. Ca es attenoed not Oll pulJlic duty 3. Medalli ons 6. Material: tretcher, ha"re"ac, splint, &c.


Superinte ndent and Hon . Treasurer.

Hon . Su rgeons.

T. M. Dawson, L.R.C .P. L. A. Morgan, M.D.


St. J ohn A rnbulance BrigClJde.

St. J ohn A rnbulCi/nce BrigClJde.



Inspector of Stores.

Pte. ,Yo H. Pugh .


J. 11.




1st Officer and Hon . Treas.

R. B. Hall, Holly Bank, Higher Hurdsfield, Macclesfield.

Honorary Secretary.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 41. Total efI'ectiye 49. Decrease since last report 29. D rills held 52. Average a~tendance 24. Cases attended on public duty 148. Cases attended not on pl~bhc duty 28. ~!lllu al ins pection , 6th July. Total on parade 33 . Absent wIth leave 13. "lthout l eave 30. Annual re-examination, 22nd June and 21 t Sept. Members pas~ed 31. Did not appear 19. Medallions 24. R egulation uniform worn by 2 Olficers, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 17 men. Material: 8 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, sets splints, bandages &c., vesteLl in Committee of the Liverpool Centre. Division supported by subscriptions and grants for material from Liverpool Ueytre. . Th e Division is now in a better position in many respects notwlthstandmg the decrease in numuers caused by the transfer of a number of men to the Bootle Division and weeding out of n on -efficients, and is rrraollally gaining the approval of the public. Pnblic duty was unrlertaken at the l ay-day procession and on the visit of th eir llIajesties the King and Queen 011 19th July, on which occasion the Division was assisted b y con tingents from AccringtoD, Blackpool, BootIe, Brierfield, Oldham, Preston, Winsfurd, and Walton-I e-Dale, a total of 152 of all ranks being on l1arade und er the command of the D eputy -Commissioner. Altogether 473 cases were attended to. L etters of thanks were r eceind from the L ord Mayor and the H ead Constable.

Pte. T.


In spect or of Stores.

Lawton, 41, l3eech Lane, Maccle field.

Pte. A. Snape.

Officers 2. Privates 10. T otal effElctive 12. Decrea e since last report 3. Drills held 34 . Average attendance 6. Cases attended on puulic duty 3. Ca es attended not on public duty 17. Annual inspection, 6th Jllnc . Total on parade 11. Absent with l eave 1. Witbout }eave 4. Anllual re-examination, 7th March and 11th April. Members passed 10. Did not appeal' 1. ~IedalliOlls 5. . 'en-ice badge 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Offi cer, and9 mell. lIIateria1: f) stretcher, 4 havresacs, 7 "all boxes, 12 emergency boxe, etc. , Yestt:c] in Central Executive Committee. Division supported by members' and l'uulic sub criptions . The Divi ion made a Hel\' record by holding its fir t public annual meeting, a direct Ie nIt of which wa the establishment of Ambulance ahll'day, collections being made ill all the principal streets, realizing over £20. TIle Division records with plea. me the providing of nine men with uniform.

MANCHESTER AND SALFORD CORPS (LANCASHIRE). Honorary Surge on and Superintendent.

J. E. Smith, ~LB . , 120, Alexandra R oad, Manchester.


Ins pector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

npt. R. C. Done.

Supt. C. R adcliffe.


H. W. Pomfret,

M . D.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. J. D. Couuan, R ose Bank, H o1lingworth, 1\1 anlJhester.

1st Officer.

J. Marshall, 3, Wood Street, H oll in gworth , Manchester. Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. B. Ashworth.


R. C. D one, 40, Bradshaw Street, M oss

id e, Manchester.

Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. J. T. Barbel', 12, Langham Place, Seedley, 1\Iancheater.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance B?'igade.


Inspector of Stores.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. 'iY. A. L eigh .


Pte. G. Fearnihollgh.

Officer 1. ergeant 1. PriYates 21. Total effectiye 23. Decrease since last report 13. Drills held 49. Average attendance .14. Cases attended on public duty 160. R emoyals 4. Ca~es attended not on puul!c duty 32. Annual inspection, 2nd June. Total on paralle 14. Absent with leave 5. ,Yithout leave 15. Annual re-examination, 21st and 2 th cpt. Members passetl 20. Did not appe:Jr 14. Medallions S. Nur"in g c('rtifi~atcs 2. R('gula.tion uniform worn by 1 officer, 1 sergeant, and IS men . Matenal: 4 tretchers, 1 h~n~. ac, splints, bandages, &c., \ested in the Division . Division support ed by subscnpl1ons.



Hon . Surgeon.

W. T. D. Allen,

(Formed 1.1. 03.) HEAD- QUARTERS : Zrox SClIOOL , IIl'D!E, J. Cryer, M.R. C.. .


Supe rintendent.

Honorary Surgeons.

H. C.

J . Pringle, )r.D.


1st Officer and Honorary S ecreta ry.

Inspector of Stores


Corpl. J. Marlin.

,Yo A. Brllut, 7, Embden Hulm e, Manchester.

Superintendent (Acting).

R ev. E. Lambert, 79, Unet Road, Liverpool.

)1. B.

1st Officer (Acting) and Hon. Secretary.

W. H. Noble. I nspector of Stores.

Acting Sergt. Rey. E. ...



Hon . Treasurer.


Acting Sergt. Rev. D. W. Hobson.

Officers 3. ergeants 2. Corpornls 3. Privates 41. T otal effective 49 . Inerea e ince formation 19. Drills beld S1. Average attendance . Cases attended not on plllJIic d,lty ~6. Anllual in pection, 1 th May. Total on parade 26. Ab. ent with leave 19. 'iYithollt leave 3. Annual re-examination on various c1nte'l. Member' ]las. ed 38 . Dill not appear 10. Meuallions 20. lUatelial: 1 tretchel', 1 surgical ha\Te ac, Lantlages, splint, &c., vested in the Division . Didsion supporteJ hy subscription.


Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. T. i\leKillley.

Hon orary Su rgeon.

J. W. Hudson, L.R. C.P. Officer 1. Privates 6. Total effective 7. _\..bove .figures are for 1903.

[Formed 31.7.03.] H EAD-QUARTEl'.S:






Honorary Surgeon .

Superinte ndent.

'iV. Stewart, M.B.

C. Radcliffe, 210, ' tockport Road, D enton, Manchester.

Honorary Secretary.

CorpJ. F. W. Richal'uSOll, l S2, Upper Llvyd St., Moss ..:ide, Manchester.

I nspector of Stores.

CorpI. W. Morrison.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 12. Total effective 17. D ecrease since last report 3. Drills held 45. Average attendance 8. Cases attended on public duty 70. Removal1. Cases attended not on public uuty 10. Annual inspection, 2nd June. Total on parade 12. Absent with leave 3. Without l e:tve 4. Annual re·examination, 15th Sept. Members passed 11. Did Dot appear 5. Medallions 7. Nursing certificates 2. R egulation unifOlm worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 9 men. MaLerial: 4 stretcher, 1 surgical havresac, bandages, splints, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by ~. uhscriptions.

No report recei \·Cll.

[Formed 10.6.01.]


Officers 4. Corporals 2. Privates 36. Total eO'ecti \'e .J 2. I ncrease since la t repOl t 14. DI ills held 50. AYera ere attendance 21. Ca es attended on public duty 149. Remoyal 3. Cases attended not on l ,ublic duty 80. Annual inspection, 2nd June. Total on parade 1. Ab ent "ith lea\'e 7. Without leave 8. Annual re-exanlination, 22nu e1 t. fembers passed 29. Did not appear 12. Medallions 13. Nmsing certin('ates 1. Rt'gulation unifol m worn by 2 corporals and 27 men. Matel'i<ll: tretchers, havresac~, blankets, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by suhscriptioll . The members have turned out well for duty haying attended upwards of 2..J. meetings at various places, and letters of thanks have ue II received from senrnl officials. Spveral cases have been removed to the infirmary, the members heing complimented upon their work.



MORECAMBE DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Formed lS.2 .96 .] H EAD-QU AR I'Ens: ALBERT HALL, niORECAMBE . Honorary Surgeon, Supt., and Treasurer.

H. F. Ol(lham, .M.A., )LD. Calton Cottage, Morecambe.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J . A. Willi"

Officer 1. ergeant 1. Privates 11. Total effective 13. Decrease since la t report 5. Drill held 13. Average attendance 6. Cases attended on puulic duty 1~. Removal 3. Annual inspec;tion, 11th June . Total 011 parade 6. Ab ent " 'ith leave 3. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 11th. June and ept. 1IIelllbels pas ed 6. Did not appear 7. 1IIedallions 4. SerVIce badges 0. NUl' ing certificates 5. Regulation uniform "'orn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 11 men. Material: ambulance wagon, 1 litter, 4 stretchers, 2 l~a\"l'esacs, 2 water bottles, plints, bandages, &c. D ivision supported by subscriptwns. Publ~c duty was undertaken at the 1IIusical Festival when 12 cases were uccessfully dealt. WIth, and t~e remoyal of sick and injured persons in and about the distri<"t, for dIstances vnrylllg from 1 to 66 miles ha been satisfactorily carried 011 t.


J. B. K. Robb, M.A., M.D. Honorary Surgeons.

T. Aspin all, 1\1. D. H. W. Dun, M. B. W. Jackson, M.D.

A. Findlay: 1\1. B. T. Murphy, L. R.C.P.

St. J ohn A'lnbulance B'l'igade.



St. J ohn Ambulance B?·igade.

Superintenden t Treasurer.

OLDHAM CORPS (LANCASHIRE). [Formed 1.1 0.96 .J

C. Thornton, 2, Leeds Road, Nelson.

HEAD-QUARTERS : YEOMANRY D RILL H ALL, Bow STREET: OLDHAM. Officers 7. ergeants 2. Privates H. T otal effective 53. D ecrease since last report 19. Drills held 45. Average attendance 21. Cases attend ed on public duty 67. R emovals 9 . Annual inspection, 30th May. T?tal on parade 22. Absent with leave 4. ·Witbout leave 28 . Annual re-exammation, 12th and 19th ept. Members passed 24 . Did net. appeal: .27. :Medallions 8. Service badges 10. Nursing certificates 6. RegulatlOn UnIform wo.rn by 1 Officer 2 serO'eants and 44 men . Material: 1 am lmlauce wagon, 1 lItter, 18 Furley' stretc~ers, surgical havresacs, 7 appliance boxes in mi1ls and workshops. Corps supported by voluntary donation


Ch ief Surgeon.

Ch ief Superintendent.

J. B. Wilkinson, M.D.

J. S. Jones, 16, Greenacres Road, Oldham.




H. Jackson .



Honorary Surgeon .

..1. Coutts,


Sup erintendent. Crisp, 2 Rose Hill, ~cout,

N e"church,


Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Collingc.


Honorary Secretary.

Pte. J. Bonney, 635, Bacup Road, ,Vaterfoot, nr. illallchester.

Officer 1. Corporal1. Privates 21. T otal effective 23. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 76. A,-erage attendance 7. Cases attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 13th July. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 2. ,Yithout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 2nd and 17th August. Members passed 13. Did not appear 11. Medallions 8. NursinO' certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 corporal, and 20 men . Material: 1 litter, 3 stretchers, ami 1 hamper, vested in the Corps. Division supported by mem bel'S' subscriptions .

Honorary Treasurer.

Ptc. E.




Hon . Surgeons.

T. Foot, M.lt.C ...

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Privates 19. Total effective 22. Decrease since la t report J. Diills hdd 4·1. A "erage attellllance 17. Anllual in pection, 12th Jilly. Total on parade 13. Ab ·cnt with leave 1~ . ·W ithout leave 1. Annual re-examination, 13th, cpt. ~lcmbel's pascu 1 Did not appcar 3. Medallions 11, Sel'yice badges 6. Regulation uniform worn lJY 1 Oflicer, 1 sergeant, and 14 lIIen. ~raterial: 1 Jitter, ·1 stretchers, 15 wall boxes, rug, splillt ·, bandages, &c., yestec1 in the Divisioll. The Diy] ion i Suppol'teu by public subscriptions.

[Formed 1.10.96,J

J. Law, M.R.C. '.

J. Bauchop, ?tLB.

1st Officer.

Hon . Sec retary.

J. 1'. "Turd.

Corpl. J. Grea,es, ] 0, Morris Street, Oldham.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Privates 2 No report rcccind. Aboye flgures are for 19C3.


Total effecti ye 35

[Formed 7.1.97. J



[Formeu 29.5 . 99 .J

HEAD-QUARTERS: ,Yom, . , CA)lAL BANK, SEWTOWN. 1st Officer.

Hon. Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer.

A. ,\Thitebeac1, L. R. C.P.

A. . Miduleton, 92, Buxton Rd., Ne"town, nr. Stockport.

Honorary Secretary.

Corpl. J. W . Wright, 2, ,Voodside Cottflges, Tewtown, near Stockport.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. ,V. Roxby.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 9. T otal effective 13. In crease since last report 1. Drills beld 30. Average attendance 7. Cases .attended on public duty 3. Removals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 17. Annual inspection, 3rd Sept. T otal on parade 8. A bsent with leave 4. ,Vithout leave 1. Annual re-examination, 13th Sept. :Members passed 8. Did not appear 4. Medallions 6. R egulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 9 men. Material: ambulance stretcher box, 2 stretchers a nd 1 ambulance ham per. Division supported by members and public subscriptions.

1st Officer.

A. G. P. Thomson, M.B.


. Forrest.

Hon. Secreta ry.

CorpJ. J. W. Bradley,

1, Coppice Street, Oldham.

Officers 2. Corporal1. Privates 41. T otal effective 44. Average attendance 13. Annual I ncrease since last report . Drills held 100. inspection, 13th July. T otal on parade 16 . Absent with lea,-e 3. Without lean 9. Annual re-examination, 2nd and 17th Augn t . Members passeu IS. Did not aP1?eal' 2.5. Medallions 21. Service badges 15. Nursing certificates 14. RegulatlOn u111for111 worn by 2 Officers, 1 corporal, and 29 men. Material: 2 stretcher &c. Division supported by members' subscriptions. '


Hon. $ecretary.

T, Hall.

Pte. W. R, L ees, 26, Raper Street, Oldham~

St. J ohn A ?nbulance B'rigade.

St. John A ?nuulance B1'iyacle.

Officer 1. Scrgeants 2. Privatcs, Total effcctive 11. Decrease since last report 2, Drills h~ld 94., Ayerage attenqance 4. C~ses attended not on public duty 6. An l1ualm pect~on, .13th July. 'Iota~ on palade 4. Absent without leave 7. Annual re-cxanll~lahon, 2nd ~nd 11 t~l August. Mcmbers passed 4. Did not appeal'. 7. Medalhons 9. Jursmg ccrbficate~. . Reaulation uniform worn by 1 Ofhcer, 2 sergeants, and l?~n: Matcllal. 1 ~tretcher, 1 surgical havrcsac, &c., vcsted ill OlLlham Corps. Dn'lsloll supported by members' subscriptions.





Ch ief Surgeon and Chief Super intendent.

W. II. 1.


Hon . Secretary.

Corpl. H. ·'cholield , 3~3, ,Yah Drook, IIollillwood, Ohlham

ergean t 1. Corporals~. I~ri\-atcs.19. Total cfl'ecti\'c 22. . D ecrease since last report 1. Alllluallll 'pCC~lOl1, 13t.h July. Total 011 parade 9. Absent without leave 13. Annualre-exill11111ahol1, vanon ' .d.ates. ~lcllluers pas. cd. 6. Did not appcar 1. Medallions U. .l:Tl1l'sing eCl tIhl'atc~ 6. Rcgulabon uniform worn by 1 sergcant, 2 corporal, and 9 .ill,eJ.l. ~latcnal: 1 l:itrctcher, 1 havresac, bandages, etc., vcsted in the Corps. Dl\'lSlOll SUl)ported uy membcrs subscriptions.



Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

G. Graut,

~J. undcrl:i, 44, ilIilton •·t., Padihalll, n1'. Burnley.

)I.V .

Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. T. Pilling, 12, Green Trrmce, PatlihuJn,


Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. G. H. Milner.



J. Bayliss.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Privatcs 23 . Total efl'cctive 2 . Increase since last report 1. Dlills held 41. Average attendance 12. Removals 16. Cases attended not on puulic duty 212. Annual in 'l'c<.:tioll, 9th Al~ril. T otal 011 parade 19. Absent \yith leave 2.. Without leave 8. An,nual re - exTamI~a­ tion 18th May. Members passed 19. DIll not appear 8. l'.lellallIolls . Nmslllg certificates 8. R egulation uniform \'Ol'll. uy 1 Officcr, 2 sergeallts,.l corporal, and 23 men . Material: 1 ambulance ,yagon 1 htter, 7 stretchers, 4 surgIcal haYl'es.ac~, 30 ambulance boxes, &c., vested in the Division. DIvision supported by suuscnptlOns.


CorpI. E F. ilIillington, &3, Frcncll\\'ood Avenuc, Preston . Inspector of Stores.

M . B.

G. H. Biden, L. R . C. l>.


[Formed 25 .1. 88 .

Hon . Surgeons.

R. C. Brown,

F . IL<':.~ .

J. E. Holden, :'II.B.

A. Ramsay :'II. B .


G. Harrison, 239, Fylde Roatl, Preston . 1st Officer.

T. F.

2nd Officer.

-c\\'lllan .

J. A. Lendrum. Hon . S ecretary.

Curp1. W. II. Buckley,

, ' t. ~Iark's Road, Preston .

'crgeants 6. Corporals 6. Privates 43 . Total efl'ectiYe 62. OIncers 7. I llcl'(:asc ince la t report 13. Drills held 45. Average attendance 27 . Annual inspcction, ~uJ June. Total on parade 56 . Absent ,,-ith leave 3. ,Yithout leave 3. Annu 1 re-cxalllination at various date. l\lembers passed 49 . Did not appear 9. Medallions 40. ?\ursing certificates 26. Regulation uniform \Yorn by 4 Officers, o scrgcant , 6 corporal ', and 38 men . :Jlatel'ial: 2 ambulance carriages, 33 first .aid ooxes, 3 litter, 20 stl'ctchers, 6 surgical hayresacs, &c. Division supported by COllcerts and sub cl'iptions.



Hon. Surgeon.

P. Fraser,

M.D .

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporal1. PriYates 21. Total effective 25. Drills held 25 . Average attendance 11. A nnual Decrease since last report 1. insrection, 2nd June. T otal on parade 12. Absent "'ithout leave 13. Annual reexamination, 30th ept. Members pa sed 14. Did not appear 10. Medallions 14. Nursing certificates 4. R egulation uniform worn by 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 18 men . Material: 2 stretchers and 1 fir t aiel box. Division supported by melnbers' subscriptions.

L. Robertson, 5, Castle Gate, Pe1ll'ith.


1st Officer.

H. H. Bolton . Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. J. Woods.

Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeons.

J. Altham,

2, ClIapel 'beet, Preston.


Inspector of Stores.


:'11.13 .,

THEEl', OLDlIrDl..

In Charge.

Sergt. J. Bannister.


Honorary S ecre tary.




Honorary Treasurer.

Mr. N eville (H on . Mem.) Pte. B. W. Lovejoy, 27, Wordsworth St., Penritb . Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Privates 5, T otal efI'ective 10. No report received. Above figures are for 1903.

[Formed 1888 .J


Honorary Surgeon .

H. O. Pilkington, ",I.E.C.S. Officer 1. ergeant 1. Privates 20. No report receivetl. Auove figures are [or 1901.

T otal effectiYe 22.



St. J ohn A'Inbu,lGl//1ce Brigade.


It. J olm Ambula?7ce Brig a cle.



[Formed 25.5.95.].



Honorary Surge o n. Hon . S u r ge o n.

A. Mooney,

J. G. Jones,


[Formed 21.6.9




Supe ri nt en d ent.

Honorary Surge on .

G. Scarr,

' Y.

M. B .

Supe ri ntend en t .


S. J. . Hindle, 7, Fort Street, Read, near Blackburn.


Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Pri\-ates 11. Total eff~cLive H. Drills h eld 38. AveraO"e attendanc~ 10. Annnal inspection, 2nd June . Total on Members parade 13. Absent with~ut len.ve 1. Annnal re-examination, lIth Oct. passed 13. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 1 cOIJ)o~'al, anu. 10 men . Mat erial: 2 stretchers. Divi. ion supported by memuers' sub 'Cl'lptlOllS

Entwistle, 140, Ainsworth Road, Radcliffe, Manchester. Ins pecto r of S tores.

Honorary Secretary.

CorpI. R. Clark on.

CorpI. J. P emberton, 92, Church Street, Radcliffe, Manchester.


Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. R. IYade, 16, BucJ;:~ha\\' Terrace, Read, near Blackburn. Inspector of Sto res .

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. L. Hargreaves.

Pte. W. Wilkinson .

Omcen,2. Corporal 1. Privates 20. Total effective 23. D ecrease since Jast report 3. Drill ' beld 35 . A,erage attendance 12. Cases attended not 011 public duty 11. Annual inspection, 13th June. Total on parade 17 . Absellt with leave. 1. IVithout leave 7. Annual re-examination, 3rd May. Me.mbers .l~a sed 19. DIU not appear 5. Medallions 19. Sen'ice Ladges 8. RegnlatIon ulllJorm wom by 1 officer, 1 corporal and 15 men. Material: 4 stretcher, 1 wall. box, 2.sUl."gical havresacs,. rug, &c. Divi -ion supported hy members' and publIc subscnptlOll , and enterla1ll11lents. -. • everal more men have been put in to uniform, and all have been supplied \\ iGll new ?rown belts and pouches, and new caps and arm badges. The Division took patt 111 cburch paraues at IYhalley and Read, anu was on parade at Accrinaton at the opening of the new Drill Hall by i\hjor-General Baden-Powell, C. B. 0

Hono rary Treasu rer. ~11'.

W. Bowker (Hon. Mem.)


Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Privates 32. Total effective 40. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 4. A'-eraCte attendance :20. AUllual inspection, 23rd April. Total on para<le 31. Ab ent . without leu\'.: 10. Alll.lUal Did not appeal I. Medulhon:s re-examination, 24th 1\1arch . Members passed 31. 13. ReO"ulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeant, 4 corporal., anu 32 lIIen. Material: 11 stretchers and 17 wull boxes, &c. Division suppol'tell by pu blic subscriptions.



Hono rary Su rge ons .

A. A. Euward,


IY. S. ""rigley,


S u peri ntende nt.

T. H. Yardley, 10, Grange Ayenue, Rawtenstall, Manche tel'. Honorary S ecre t ary.

CorpI. J. M. Fuller, 14, Bury Hoad, Bawtenstall, near Manchester. Inspector of Stores.

Hono ra ry T reas u rer.

CorpI. G. T unstall.

Mr. A. A. Whiteheau (HOll. Mem.)

Officers 3. Corporals 2. Privates 17. Total effective 22. I ncrease since last report 4. Drills held 49. Average attendance 8. Removal::, 5. Cases attended not on public duty 17. Annual inspection, 25th June. Total on parade 14. Absent with l eave 7. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 17th May and 14t h J une. Members passed 17. Did not appear 5. Medallions 8. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 corporals, and 12 men . Material: 1 litter , 5 stretchers, 15 street boxes, vesteJ in the Division. Division supported by public subscrip tions. Sever al r emovals h ave been made to Manchester I nfirmary, and in cases of both first aid and t ransport commendation has been recorded. Public duty was undertak en at t he Agricultural Show.



Honora r y S urgeons.

T. H.


E. W.


S uperintenden t .

W. Hollins, 21 ,Reddish Roall, Reddish, near Honorary S ecret ary.

Pte. J . mith, 9, ali ulll'y Reddi 11, tockp0rt.




Ins pecto r of Stores.


Pte . J. Hall.

Officers 3. ergeant 1. Privates 15. Total effective 19. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 44. AveraO"e attendance 10. Annual in pectioll, 3rd ept. Total on parade 14. Ab ent with leave 2. Without leave 5. Annua~ re-examination, 14th ept. Members pa sed 16. Did not appear 1. MedallIons 11. ervice badges 3. Nur ing crrtificates 10. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 ergeant, and 14 men. Material : litter, 3 tl'etchers, 8 emergency boxes, splints, &c., ves-ted in the Committee of the D ivision . Divi ion supported by donation and subscriptions. A new shed fot' holding the litter, stretchers, &c., has been erected at a co t of £20, and has been found a great convenience.


Honora ry Su rgeon .

J. Barr,

I1I. B.


Honorary Sec r eta ry.

Srrgt. W . Sharples, 124, High treet, Rishton, nr. Blackburn.

1st Officer and Honora r y Treasurer.

G. H atch, 8, H enry Street, Rushden, nr. Blackburn. Office r 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 11 . T otal effective 14. Decrease since last report 8. Annual re-examination, 3rd Oct . Members passed 11. Did not appear 2.


St. J ohn




St. John A?'nln~lance Brigade.



Chief Surgeon and Ch ief Superintendent.

R. B. Seller,

M.R. C.S . ,

Townhead H ouse, Rochdale.


Officcrs 3. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 17. Total effectin 22. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 45. Average attendance 13. Cases attended not on public duty 75. Annual inspection, 6th Aug. Total on parade 12. Ausellt with leave 7. ,Vi thout leave 4. Annual re-exa.mination, 19th April. Members passed 19. Did not appear 1. lIedallions 19. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 15 men . Material: 4 stretchers and 5 wall boxes. Division supported by voluntary contribu ti ons.

Honorary Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer.

J. Rot1ley,


M. R.C . R.

[Formed 29.7.01.]

2nd Officer and Hon . Sec.


J . D. Howarth, 12, East St., Rochda.le.

J. T. Garner, 95, Milnrow Row, R ochdale. 3rd Officer.

ergt. C. H. Catanach.

Officers 4. Sergeants 3. Corporals 6. Privates 43 . Total effectivc 56 . ~D ecrease since last report 2. Drills held 4 . A "erage attendance ?3. Cascs .attended on public duty 30. Removals 227. ea es attended ~ot on public d~~y 9 Annual ins ection, 6th Aug. Total on parad~ 48 . Absent ,nth leave 5. ." Ithout leave 7 lnnual r e-examin ation 12th Apnl aud 20th ept. MembCls pas. ed 55 . Did not appear 10. Medallions 27 . Nursing certificates 33. Hcgu~atlOn un'iform worn by 4 Officers, 3 sergeants, 6 corpora.Is~ .and 3 men. Mater~al: ~ wheeled litters, 9 stretchers, and 31 wall boxes. Dn'lslOn supported by pubhc am members' subscriptions.



1st Officer.

Honorary Secretary.

J. Wallbank. Higher Brac11 y. N ewhey, Rochdale. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Butterworth, 21, Kiln LallP, Milnrow, Rochdale. Honorary Treasurer .

Pte. J . T. Hordern.

Mr. L. Fielding (Hon. :Member).

Offieers 2. ,ergeant 1. Privates 11. Total effective 14. Decreasc sinee last report 4. Drills held 35. Average attendance 6 Cases a.ttended 011 public duty 3. Ca 6S attended not on public duty 30. Annual inspeot~on, 6th Aug. Total on parade 11. Absent without leave 3. Annual re-examinatlO~l, 4th. May. Members pa<;sed fl. Did not appear 1. Medallions 6. Regulahon umform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 11 men. Material: 6 wall boxes, 2 stretchers, &'c., vested in the division. Division supported by voluntary con trihu tions.

1st Officer.

Honorary Surgeon.

E. A. ' tott, 561, Market St. , Whitworth, Rochllale.

M .D.


Honorary Surgeon. J. Chadwick, ~I.R.C .. .

Inspector of Stores .

W. S. Rees.

P. Baillie,



Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. W. Mitchell, Pte. J. H. ,'tal'key. 6, Lloyd t., Whitworth, lll' . Rochdale. Officers 2. Sera-eant 1. Corporal1. Privatcs 21. Total efrective 25. Decrease since last °report 6. Drills held 44. Average attclldanc? 9. Case ' attended on public duty 5. Removals 4. Cae attended not on .pubhc duty 30, Annual inspection,. 6th Aug. :rotal on parade 13. A~sent ,uthou~ leave 12. Annual re-examinatlOn, 26th April. Members passed 14. DId not appeal 9. Medallions 6. R egulation l'lniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 c?rp?ral, and 23 men . Material: 1 wheeled litter, 6 wall boxes, 4 stretchers, &c. DIVI 1011 snpported by voluntary contributions. . Public duty lJ,as been undertaken at football matches, agncultural shows, etc. Pte. A. Holt.


Honorary Surgeons.

S. T. Lord, M . i .c.s. R. White, F.R.C.S.



T. E. Thommason, 89, Hanover St., Castleton , Rochdale.

CorpI. T. Breaks, 95, H anover Street, Castleton, Rochdale.

1st Officer.

W. II. Carse, ~r. B. .

Hon. Secretary.

E. Sutcliffe.

Pte. T. Marsden, Cut Lane, Norden, Rochdale. Edenfield Road, Norden, Rochdale.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. J. W. Hyde.

Pte. R. W. Greenhalgh.

Officers 2. Corporal1. Private 16. Total effective 19. . Incr~ase sinee last report 4. Drills held 59.. Average attendance 8. A.nnual lllspectlOl1, 6th Aug. Total on parade 17. Absent w'ith leave 1. 'Yithout leave 1. AJlJ1ua~ re-examination, 19th April. .Members passed 13. Did not appear 2. Medallions 9. Nursing certificates 1. Rea-ulation uniform worn by 1 officer 1 corporal, and 11 me.n ... Material: 1 stretche~ 1 ambulance box, splints, &c., vested in the Division. DIVISIOn supported by voluntary contributions.

[Formed 17.12.01.] Cr\..

1st Officer and Hon . Treas.

Honorary Secretary.

Hon. Surge on.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. B. Stott.



Honorary Surgeons.

W. L. Bentley,

L. S. A .

R. Young, M.D. R. W. Pickering, L. S.A.

1st Officer and Honorary Treasurer.

D. Stansfield, 43, Napier Street West, Oldh am.

W. L. Hall, 2nd Officer.

J. H. Whiteman,



Inspect or of Sto res.

Honorary Secretary. Pte. J. I ~herwood,

Oorp1. P. Lomas.


122, Middleton Rd., Roy ton, Oldham. Officers 6. Sergeants 3. Corporal 1. Privates 33. T otal effectiYe 43. D ecrease since last report 9. Drills held 4. Average ~ttcndance 16. Oases attended on public duty 12. Cases attended not .on publIc dnty 39' ty{~ual M e( awns re-examination 28th Sept Members pas cd 27. DId not appear 10. nts 14 " N ursinO' ;ertificatcs 23. Re!!ulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 3 sel:ei , 1 'corpural Band 23 men . Mate~ial: 1 wheeled litter, 6 strAtchers, 8 am II an~~ n wall boxes', 'splints, bandages, &c. Division supported by me111 bel's and "p bllt: do nations.





76, Tithcbarll Road,

Hon. Sec. and Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Greg. on, 30, Pine Grove,

outhpol t.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. "I\,. l)al'klll 'OJI


J. L. Russell, H. Thorpe,

1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.

J. T. Binns, 36, Garden Strcet, Todmorden.

:'If. B.


Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Ptc. J. Barstow.

Pte. W. Crowther.

OfticC'rs 3. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 3. Privates 47 . Total effective 56. Decreasc since la t report 11. Drills held 45. Average attendance 39 . A.nnua jnspection, 21st ~Iay. T otal on parade 44. Absent wiih leave 6. Without leave 15. Annual re-examination, 6th and 8th, 'eptember. Members passed 48. Did non appear 6. ~Iedallions 21. Regn~ation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 3 sergeants, 3 corpnral , ,~))d 47 men. 1Iatenal: 6 stretchers, 1 haversac, and 12 emergency wall lJoxe~, '~'llh the use of the Corporation ambulance carriage. Division snpported hy subscnptJOl1s.


J. IlIillg\\ olth,

CallaJld, ;,r. B. H. , Vcst, M.B.


Ol' O[1'Ul.'1'.




Honorary Surgeons.

Honorary Su rgeons.


It. John Am1ndance B?·igude.

St. John A?nbtt-la'lIce Brigade.


Ofticers 3. Privates 21. Tolal efrecti\'e 24 . . D ecrease since last report 1. Drills held 48. AYeragc atteudallcc ~3. ac ... attended on public duty 22. Remoyals 3. Cases attel1l1eu not 011 pu~hc duty 6. Annual inspection, 30th May . Total on parade 15. Ab ent "lth lean' ~. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 12th ept. l\leml.J~rs pa: sed 15. DId not appear 9. MedaUions 3. Nursing certificates 9. R~gulatlon umform.",oI'll hy 1 Officer and 20 men. Material: 3 stretcl1ers, 1 sUl'€,'1cal havresac, plmt·, &c. Division supported by members' and public ubscl'ip~ions. On October 2nd und 3rd, 1903, an Officer and el~ht n?cn were on duty on the occasion of the Automobile Club's motor speen tnals lD outhport,. and \\('re thanked by the Head Oonstable. An Offi cer and 4 men were 011 duty lour day: al the Royal Agricultural Society's holY in outhpOlt. Twenty-two case ."'P\C attend ed to, three of which were transporteu to SouthPOI t Infirmary. The oClety'i Secretary wrote an appreciation of the work done.

HEA 1)-Ql'AI~TEJ:~:




Honorary S urgeon.

A. H. Poole,




R. Masser, 241, Bury Road, Tottington,


near Bury . Hon. Secretary.

Pte. J. Whittaker, 34, Yictoria Terrace, Tottingtoll, nl'. Bury. Inspector of Stores. I'll'.

Honorary Treasurer.

\Y. G. Cunliffe.

Sergt. J. Grindrod.

OUlcer 2. t:'rgeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 20. Total effective 24. Drill heH 50. Avcl'.1ge attendance 14. Cases attended on public duty 3. Ca es attenlled not oJ;t public (~uty 37: Annual in pection, 30th July. Total on parade 11. Ab ent WIth leave 2.. VlIthout leave 13. Annual re-examination, 26th JUly. Medallions 9. Nursing certificates 12. Member.s pa e~ 20. DId not appeal' 5. Regul~bon umform ,,,orn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 20 men. l\Iatenal: 7 wall boxes, 1 litter, &c. Diyi iou supported by members' subscriptions ami public contributions.




Honorary Surgeons.

E. A. Gould en,



H. G.


Honorary Surgeon. ;'ILl!.

1st Offi cer.

Sergt. S. Hamer, 169, Chapel St., Stockport.


1st Officer.

keen, M. B. 10,

W. H. Walton, kipton Road, Trawden, near Colne.

Honorary Secretary.

J. J. O1'mc, 28, Cambridge Strcet, Stockport. Honorary Secretary.


Inspecto r of Sto res.

Pte. "\17. Batter~b:r.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 25 . T otal effective 33. D ecrease since last report 1. Drills hel~ 49 . . Average attenda~lce 17. C~ses attended not on public duty 60. Annual 1l1SpectlOn, 3rd Sept .. 'l o~al on paHl.de 19. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 4. Annual re-exammatlOn, 22nd ~l1d 29th April. Members passed 30. Did not appear 4. Medallions 24. Regula~lon uniform worn by 1 officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 21 mel? . Matenal ~ 3 stretchers, 2 havresacs, &c. Division supported by voluntary contnbubons.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. . Gott, 2, Skil,tOll Road, Trawden, near Colne .

Corp1. S. Robin on .

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. II. Driver. Officers 2. ergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 16. Total effective 20. 1ncrea e since last .report 2. Drills hel~ 47. Average attendance 13. Cases attended not ?n pubhc duty ~O. Annual lllspection, 3rd June. Total on parade 17. Absent WIth leave? vVlthout l eave 3. Annual re-examination, 21st July. l\[em bel'S passed 15. DId not appeal' 4. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 11 men. Material: 3 stretchers ~ su)'O'ical havresacs ' 2 ...vall boxes, &c. Division supported by voluntary :mbscript{ons. 0 )

St. J ohn A n~bulance Brigade.

St_ J ohn A ??~bulance Brigade.

(jLVERSTON DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Formed 27 . 5.1900.]





Honorary Surgeon .

J . B. Carter,

S u perintend e nt.


Honorary Surgeons.

H . J . Macklin, Lightlmrne H.oatl, Ulverslon.

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer_

Inspe cto r of Sto res .

Ptc. J. S. ' Vhitham, 47, Market t., Ulverstoll.

Pte . . W_ Palferman.

Officer 2. Corporal 1. Privates 17. N o report received. Above figures are for 1903.

Total effectivE' 20.

R. Allan,

~r.B .

J. Nall, M.R. C.S.

Superinte nd e nt .

Honorary Secretary.

S. Bagshaw, Horwich End, Whaley Bridge, Stockport.

Pte. G. S. White, The Level, Whaley Bridge, Stockport.

In s p ector of Stores .

Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. J. H . Widdup.






Ho no rary S urge o ns.


harpIes, rhR.e.S.

G. F . Collin,

1st Offi ce r _


In s p ec tor o f S tores.

J . Schole', 127, We t View, Higher ' Valton, Preston .

ergt. A. Hebhlethwaite.

Hono rary S ecret ary.

Ho n orary Treasurer-.

ergt. T. Parker, 2, Tabemer Terrace, Higher Walton, Preston.


Pte. J. H owarth .

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 1. Privates 19 . Total effective 25 . I ncrease since last report 2. Drills held 57. Average attendance 12. Cases Cases attended not on public duty 70. Annual attenderl on public duty 3. inspection, 30th ept. Total on parade 18. Absent without leave 8. Annual re-examination, nth Dec. Members par=sed 18. Did not appear 6. Medallions 12. Sen-ice badges 10. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Omcer, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal and 18 men . Material: 3 street boxes, 13 first aid b9xes, 1 surgical havresac, splints, etc.! vested in the Division . Division supported by mem bel's' and public subscriptions.

Sergt. R. Bradley.

Officers 3. Sergeants 3. Corporals 2. Privates 21. Total efreeti\ c 29. Increase si~ce last repolt 5. Drills held 3. Average attendance 9. Allnnal inspection, 21st July . Total 011 parade 10. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 18. Annual re-examinatioD, 20th Sept. Members passed . Dill not appear 19. Medallions 17. Regulation uDiform ,,'om by 2 OOieer .. 3 s(,l"geant~, 2 corporals, and 21 men . Material: 2 litters, 4 stretchers and 2 surgical 1Ia \TC. ac~, ,h., vested in the Division. Division supported hy the public.

WHALLEY DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Re-formed 27. 9.1900.] HEAD-Q"C"AIlTEIl : A .. E:\lBLY ROO~IS, "'HALLEY. Hon. S urge o n.

T. T. Macklin, M.D.


[Formed 25.2.97.]

Super intendent.

W . F. Mowle, Police Station, 'Whalley, Blackburn.

Hon . S ec r etary a n d Insp e cto r of Stores.

HEAD-QUARTERS : TilE GYlIlNASIUM , 'YAnRlNGTON. C hief S urg e o n.

J . Adams,

~r.B .

C hief Su perintendent.

Capt. W . Waring, Latchford House, Latchford, Warrington. Supe ri nten d e nt .

S. Baldry, 125, Church Warrington.

1s t O fficer.


2nd Officer and Hon . S ec r eta r y.

T. J. Hulse, Langham Villa, Manchester Road, Warrington .

H . T. ·Williams.

Pte. A. Gornall, Ring Street, "\Y halley, Blackburn. Officers 2. ergeant 1. Privates 10. Total effective 13. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 19. Average attendance 11. Removals 4. Ca es attended not on public duty 7. Annual inspection, 18th April. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 29th Aug. Members passed 9. Did not appear 8. Medallions 7. Regulation Material: 2 stretchers, 3 wall uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 10 men. boxes, splints, hand ages, &c., vested in the Division . Division supported by members' and public subscriptions.

3 r d Officer.

F . Taylor.

Officers 6. Sergeants 5. Privates 17. Total eITective 5 . Increase since last report 9. Drills held 30. A verage attendance 35. Cases atten ded on public duty 47 . Removals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 60. Annual inspection, 13th May . Total on parade 50. Ab ent with leave 6. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 16th May. Members passed 53 . Did not appeal' 5. Medallions 41. Service badges 10. Nursing certificates 15. Regu lation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 5 sergeants, and 38 men . Material : 8 stretchers and It quantity of first aid appliances, vested in the Corps. Corps supported by public donations. A squad fr om the Corps tied for 2nd place in the « Argent a" Cup competition, and the Corps secured tw o prizes at the N orth-East Lancashire Corps and Divisions Review at Todmol'den .


A. J . Young, L.R.C. P. Hon . Secretary.

P te. W. H ardman, 10, Morley St., Whitefield, .Manchester.


J. W. Crossley, 37, George St., Whitefield, Manchester. Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. T. Edm unds.

P te. J . H ilton.

St. John

St. John Arnb1da11ce Br;'igacle.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 3. Privates 19. T otal effective 25. Decrease in ce la t report 7. Dri II h eld 48. A yerage attendance 17. Cases a.ttended on public duty 16. Removal 1. Gases attended not on public duty 40. Annual inspection , 20th July. T otal on parade 23. Ab. ent with leave 1. 'Yi~h out leave 4. Annual re-exaruinatioll, 23rd l\Iarch. Members passed 23. DId not appear 2. nI eda llions 8. Regulation uniforlll worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 18 me~ . :Material: 6 ambulance wall boxes, 4. tretcher , 1 surgical haver nc, &c. , vested III the Division. Divi ion supported by members and public ~uhsc~·ipt i o1l8 . The Division turned out for public duty on the occaSlOll of a fete and gala on 23rd July, establishing temporary ambulance stations on the linc of route, and were of scrvice in a few minor cases. J\Iem bel'S al 0 undertake Juty at football matches.


2nd Officer.

St. John's Yi c:::uage, Over, IV insford, R . . 0., Clle hire.

\Y. 1. Buckley.


Inspector of Store s .

Hono rary Secretary.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. A. Grant, ~Ir. A. :.'IIordoll (lIon . Mem . ) 21, "'hartoll Buildings, Will ford, Cbe... hire.

Corp. J. Bratt.

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal 1. PriYates 25. T otal effective 29. I ncrease since last report 13. Drills heltl n7. Average atten(lance ]2. Removals 13. Cases attended on public duty 51. Case attended not on puidic duty 161. Ann ual inspection, 1 th June. Total Oil parade 23. AhsclIt with leavr 2. Withont leave 4. Annual re-examillatioll, 9th March. MemlJers }lao cd 21. Did not appear 3. Medallions 9. . en-ice badge 5. :Till' ing certificates 9. Regulation uniforl11 \Yom by all ranks. Material: litter, 6 Furlcy streicher, 11 surgical h avresacs, 4 emergency bags, &c. DiYision.su]lported by pulJlic sll1.criptions.


Honorary Surgeon .

A. Greenhalgh,

1I1.r..C . ~.

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.

Miss M. hepherd, 13, Alhert Street, Accrington.

B Tigade.



Hon . Surgeon.

J. W. Talent,

1st Nursing Officer.

111 iss . J. Collister, 33, Oldham Road,

}ol.D .

Ashton-under-Lyne. Lady Secretary.

liss A. Dawson, 34, Cambridge

t., Ashton-under-Lyne.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 8. T otal effective 10. Decrea se since last report 1. Practices helel 48 . Average attendance 5. Annual inspection, 30th July. To tal on parade 9. Absent with leave 1. Anllual re-examination, 23rd Sept. M ember pas'eel 6. Did not appear 3. :JIedallions 9. D ivision supported by member' ancI public subscriptions.

Tl~EET, " T1::\SFonD.


Honorary Surgeon and Super in tendent.

B. H. W oodyatt,

4.fl . 6.]



Lady Superintendent.

Miss 1. E. Fletcher, 310, mack burn Road, Accringtol1 . Lady Inspector of Stores

Mrs. Hobin son .

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 32. Total eft'ective 35. Decrease since last report14. Practices held 37 . Average attendance 20. Cases .attended on public duty 60 . Cases attended not on public duty 26. Annual linspeetion, 30th July . Total on parade 30. Absent with leave 10. Without leave 11. Annual re-examination, 15th Sept. Members passed 29. Did not appear 21. Medallions 25. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers. Material: water pillow, water bottle, bronchitis kettles, thermometers, 2 first aid hampers, box of appliances, splints, and bandages. Division supported by local subscriptions and special grants from the Accrington Centre, S.J.A. A. Me:nbel:s have performed pnblic duty at several gatherings, and a few were on duty III LIverpool on July) 9th, when the Ring and Queen visited that city.



Honorary Surgeon.

.. B. Cook,


Lady S ecretary.

Lady Treasurer.

MI'. A. ]\"nile, ] '" Dahon Road , Askam,

.Mrs. M. J . Mellon .

R'. 0., Lancs.

Officer 1. Nnr 'ing si':iters 9. Total effective 10. Above figure are for 1903.

No report recei\'ed.


Honorary Surgeons.

Lady Superintendent.

F. ,Yo Righy, J. P. BIOWIl,

Mrs. M. E. Law, 2, Ashcliffe, Bacnp.



1st Nursing Office,- and Lady Inspector of Stores.

:.'Il l '. H..

tubbs .

2nd Nursing Officer.

.Miss E. A. Hacking. Lady S ecretary.


E. H. Law, 2, Ash Cliffe, Bacup.

Office rs 5. Nul' illg sisters 32. Total effective 37. Decrease il1ce last report 7. Practices held 46. Average attendance 19. ~ases ~ttenlled not on public duty 12. Cases privately nursed 8. Annual mspectlOn, 23ru June. Total on l,araue 26. Absent v.-ith leaye 2. 'Without leave 13. Annual r~-examination, ~n varion dates. Mem bel'S pas~ed 29. D id not ap1~ear 10. M edall~ons .30 . ServICe l~adges 10.. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Ollic~rs and 32 nnrslllg .sl;;ters. Mat~r~a~: hospital bedstead, air bed and cushions, beddmg, bandages, splmts, &c. DiYI 1011 supported by voluntary contributions anll members' subscriptions.



Honorary Surgeon.

O. M. nlitchell,

M. D .


St. John A rnhulance Brigade.

St. John Armlnt-lance Brigade.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss J. Gregson, 11, Ann Street, Brierfield, near Burnley.

Miss R. A. Preston, 'Woodbine, Bano,yford, near Nelson. Lady Treasurer.

Lady Secretary and Lady Inspector of Stores.

1111's. E .

Miss C. Booth, 'Whitty Croft, Barl'owford, near Nelson.


Officers 2. Nursing sisters 15. Total effective 17. . Practices held 39 . Average attendance 9. Cases attended not on publlc tluty 27. Cases privately nursed 11. Annual inspection, 4th May. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 24th March. Members pa:;sed 8. Did not appear 7. Medallions 13. Regulation uniform. WOl'll by 20llicers and 15 nursing sisters. Material: 4 umhulance boxes, Slll'glcl~l havre~ac~ water bottles band acres &c. Division supported by members' and puhlic ubscnptIOll ·. At the :N ol;h~east Lancashire Corps amI Divisions Revi~w. he~d at Toc1mordell on 9th July, a squad took the Fir t Prize and Challenge h.lelcl, With f?old mellals, for the seventh time, and the Division also received a first pnze on the fielJ.


[Formetl 5.3.02.]


. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 11. Total effective 13. I nclease SlD('e .last report 5. Practices held 32. Average attendance 7. Oases a~tended on publIC duty 60. Cases attended not Oll public duty 7. Annual inspectIon, 17th May. Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 1. \Yithout leave 1. Annua~ re-examination, lIth April. Members passed 7. Did not appear 2. Medal!IOns 9. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 11 nursing sisters. Matenal : ~m?ulance hamper, splints, bandages, etc. Division supported by voluntary subscnpLIODS. BURNLEY NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE).

i\liss F. Aspinall, 42, Azalra Road, Blackburn.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

!iss J. A. Richmond. Officers 2. Nur ing si ters 11. Total effective 13. Decrease since last report 7. Practices helcl 25. Average attellllancc 13. a' c attended not on public duty 8. Annual inspection, 5th July. Tolalon parad e 1.5. Absent with leave 2. Annual re-examination, 7th ept. 1I1e11111e1' pa e(113. Dill not appear 2. Medallions 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 OfTicer. ~[atcrial: splints, bandages, etc. , vested in the Division. Division supported by members' amI public subscriptions .

Honorary Surgeon .

Lady Super intendent.

J. Gardner, ~!.B.

Miss M. A. tevens, 66, O"lJorne Tenace, Albion 'treet, Burnley.

1st Nurs ing Officer and Lady Sec.


[Form ell 13.11.95.]

Miss M. E. Singleton.

L. G.


F. B. Holme ,


. Molloy, M.A., M.D.

Mrs. V. M. 01'me, Marshall Gate, Claremont Park, Blackpool. Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 36. Total effective 3S. I ncrease since last report 7. Practiccs held 46. Average attendance 19. Cages attended to on public duty 10. Cases attended not 011 public duty IS. Casesprivately nursed 30. Annual inspection, 24th Nov. Total on parade 19. Absent without leave 19. AnIlual re-examination, 11th Nov. Members pa sed 19. Did not appear 18. Medallions IS. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Ofllcers and 24 nursing sisters. Material: 2 surgical havrcsacs, bandages, splints, and 17 ambulance wa1l boxes. Division supported by members' subscriptions. BRIERFIELD NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ).

[Formed 18.10.01.]


Miss I. L ee, 5, Halifax Road, Brierfield, near Burnley.

[Formed 11.9.95.J

IIEAD-QDAIlTER. : YOUNG l'tIEx's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, BURY. Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

M. B.

Mrs. H. Howarth, 28, James Street, Bury.

st Nurs ing Officer and Lady Treasurer.

Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.


Lady Treasurer.

Miss E. I. Gal'l1ett.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 33. Total effective 36. Iuerea e since last l:epOl't 9. Practices held 39. Average attendance 19. Cases attendetl [Jot on publIc duty 49. ases privately nursed 11. Annual inspection, 4th JUllC. Total on parade 32. Absent ,,·ith leave 1. Without leave 6. Annual re-exal~linatinn, 15th JlI~le anc~ 21st Aug. Members passed 32. Did not appear 3, Me~allIoJls.19. RegulatIon ul11fo1'm worn hy 2 OfEcer. Material: 2 water bottles, 2 ~lr ,cn!'hlOlIS, 1 hed re t, splints, bandages, &c. Division supported by sub scnptlOn .


Honorary Surgeon.

"IV. Bird,

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mis:; ,;\1. Taylor, 42, William Road, BUl'Jlley.

Honorary Surgeon.


Hon . Surgeon .

[Formed 6.93.J


Lady Supe rintendent.

Hon. Surgeon.

B. G. Elliott, L.ll.C.P.



Lad y Inspector of Stores.

. A. Lomax.

lIliss S. A. Brennand.

Officers 3. NUl' ing sisters 2 . Total effectiye 31. Increase sin ce last leport 4. Practices held 45. Average attendance 17. Cases attended not on pnblic duty 26. Cases privately nursed 32. Annual inspection , 18th June. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 9. ,Yithout leave 10. Annual r~-examinatioll, 22n.d Sept.. Members passed 17. Did not appear 14. Medalhons 21. RegnlatIOll uIllform W01'11 by 2 Officers. Material: bell beddincr splint~, ?t- c., vested in the Division. Division supported by members' ~nd publi~ snbscnptIOns. CLITHEROE NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE).

[Formed 23.10.93.]


G. E. Orme, Lady Superintendent.

Miss E. Tayl er, 99, Lower Gate, Clithel'oe.

M. R. C. S.

Lady Secretary.

l.Ii S N. Andrews, 112, t.:Paul's. Strcct, Low Moor, Clitheroe.


St. John A'inDU,lcc,Hce Bi'igw.le.


Officers 2. NUl' iug sisters 16. Total effective 18. Dpcrease since last report 7. Practices held 40. Avera~e attendance 9. Allllual inspection, 1R th July. Total on pararle 10. Absel?-t wIthout leave 10. ~lll1ual re-examination, 14th June. Members pas cd 13. DId not appea:' 5. 1\1edall~o~l~ 4. Reo-ulation uniform worn by 1 Oflicer. Material: bandages, sphnts, &c. DIV1Slon snpported by members' and public subscriptions.




Lady Superintendent .

Lad y Superintendent .

Mrs. E. Taylor, 9, Duke

Lady S ecreta,'y.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. M. Bateson, ,Hall Street, D alton-in-Fume s, R. .0. , Lancs.

Mrs. Blackburn.


. A. Hartley.

Lady Inspector of Store s . ~Iiss

Mi s Grigg.


Lady Sec. and Lady Treasure r

treet, Colne.

Mrs. :JL A. Pooley, Market Place Dalton-in-Furness, R. S. 0., Lanc

?If. B.

Lady Treasurer.

,V. E. Lovctt,

:lI.D .


Hon . Surgeon .

A. J. Cross,

Honorary Surgeons.

A. A. G. Dickey,


E . Pen wardell.

Officers 1. Nursing sisters 23. Total effectivc 27 . Decrease since la. t report 6. Practicc held 35. Average attentlance 13. Cases attcnded on public tluty 2. Cases attended not on public tlut)' 20 . Case pri~'ately nursed 11. Annual inspection, 10th May. ToLal on parade 20. Ab cnt ".llhout leave 7. Annual re-examination, 27th January. Memuers pas ('d 17. Dltl not appeal' 8. :Medallions 15. Regulation. uniforJ1l \rom U)' 2 Omccrs ~1Hl 23 nlll'sing sisters. :Material: medicillc chest, 'phnt, lJal1(hge , &c., Ycstell III local Com mittee. Division supporteJ by pllhlic suh 'cription '.

Officers 2. Nursingister 13. Total effective 15. I ncrease sincc last report 1. Practices held 40. Average attendance 5. Oases attended not on public duty 7. Ca e privately nurse(j 9. Annual inspection, 19th Aug. T otal on parade Absent with leave l. \Vithout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 19th Aug. Members pas ed 7. Did not appear 7. Medallions 14. Division supported by public uUscl'il'tions.



Honorary Surgeons .


Lady Supt., Lady Sec., Treas., and Inspector of Stores (Act ing)

Hon Surgeon .

R. J. ,Yarrington,


:\f. B.

s :Jl. A. Ecro,)' 11 , Chl1l'ch ... trcet, Craw. hu,wbooth, ~lal1chester.

Officers 2. Nursing sistcrs 27 . Total cffectivc 29. I ncrease since last report l. Practice helo. ~6. A veJ'age attendance 9. A.nnual inspection, 14th July. Total on parade . Ab eut with leaye 4. ·Without leave 16. Medallions 14. Regulation uniform WOJ'll by 1 Officer. Material: 2 hanesacs, bed and bedding, splints, bandages, &c., yes ted in thc Divi ion. Division supported by public subscriptions.


Roo?Mi, '

A. A. G. Dickey, M.n. \Y. Doyle,


Lady Treasurer.

:W M. . Taylor, 23, Town Gate, Foulridge, nr. Colne, Lancs .

Miss E. Banks.

Officers 3. Nursing si tel'S 9. Total effecti,e 12. Decrease since last report 5. Practices held 52. A verage attendance 5. Cn. cs attended on public duty 2. Ca c attended not OIl pu1lic duty 3. Case pl'i\"n.tely 11tH cd 1. Annual in pection, 31st May. Total on parade 5. Absent with leave 1. "Tithout leave 5. Annual re-examination, th eptember. Members I'll. sed 8. Did not appear 2. l\Iedallions 8. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers Division supported by letting of Ambulance Hall and public subscription.



A. Y . Da,-ies,


:Miss . De\\'hnr ' t, 4.79, Rochdale Road, High Crompton. haw, Lanes.

Lady Secretary and Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss M. E. Smethur t,

haw, Lanes.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 12. T otal effective 14. Incl'ease since last report 4. Practices held 3l. Average attendance 7. Ca~es attenLled not on public duty 3. (;ases privately nursed 3. Annu al inspection, 24th Sept. 'rotal on parade 1l. Absent without leave 3. Annurtl re-examination. 28th March. MemberR passed 5. Did not appear 5. Medallions 5. Division supported by members' subscriptions.

Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. R. Richmond, Hole-in-the-Wall Inn Foulridge, near Colne, Lancs. '

Lady Secretary.

1st Nursing Officer.

Hon . Surgeon .


l\L\ [~KET S l'REET, R EY"-OOD .

Honorary Surgeon.

G. Geddes,


1st Nursing Office,'.

Mrs. E. Pearson, 20, John

treet, Heywood.

Lady S ecreta,'y.

Miss M. A. Bridge, 21, Bury New R oad, Heywood. Officers 2. NursilJg sistcrs 13. Total effective 15. Practices held 28. Average attcmlance 8. Oase privately nursed l. Annual re-examination, 17th September. Members passed 9. Did not appear 5. Material: bed, splints, bandages, &c., vested in Heywood Centre, .J.A.A . Division supported by public subscriptions.

St. J ohn A 1?~lJ tdc~nce Brigade.

St. J ohn A mbulCl/lwe BTigade.






Honorary Surgeon. Honorary Surgeon.

1st Nursing Officer.

J. R. Ruruett, M.D.

Miss M. Gatey, 4, Eskin treet, Kes\\'ic.:k.

H. F. Oldham, liLA ., M.D. Lady Superintendent.


Lady Secretary, Lady Inspector of Stores and Lady Treasurer.

Mi S A. Adamsoll, 1I1arkct Square, Keswick. Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 7. Total eJfective 9. N o report received.

A bove figures are for 1903.


[Form eclI9.8.02.]

T. PAUL'S CHURCH INSTITUTE, PRI~CE'S PARK, LIYERPOOL. Lady Sup e rintendent and Lady Treas.

Hon . Su rgeons.

A. P. H. impson, lILR. C.S. H. l'or. Henderson, 111. B.

. E. L ees, 137, Eu~ton Hoad, Uorecanlbe.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Secretary.

illiss E . Duxbury.

Miss A. Lam bert, G6, Enston Road, Morecambe. Olticers 2. Nursing sisters 17. Total effective 19. D ccreaso since last report 10. Practices held 28. Average attendance 9. Cases attended not on pl1blic duty 6. Case privately nursed 1. Annual inspection, lIth JUJle. Total Oil parade 14. Absent with leavc 1. "W ithout leave 7. A nnual re-examination, 11th June. Members passed 15. Did not appear 3. "Mec1allions 12. 'ervice badges 2. Regulation l1uiform worn by 2 O fficers and 3 llursing sisters. Material: water lJefl, air cl1shion, bandages, splints, &c. Division supported by members' sub cl'iptions and \'oluntal',}' contributions.

1111's. L. J. Ca11l ph ell , Dingle Mount,

Lady Secretary.


outh Hill Road , Liyerpool.

[Formed ] fi.l O. 89. J

Mrs. A. Gedues.

HEAD-Qll,\ItTEns: A)[lll' L.\XrE HALL, A~m STREET, NEL. ON.

Miss E. F. Cattley, 30, Peel Street, Princess Park, Liverpool.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 20. rrotal effective 23. Increase since last report 4. Practices helu 36. Average att~l1dancc ~ 1. Ca es attended on public duty about 100. Cases attentlcclnot on pubhc duty 100. Cases privately nursed 3. Annual inspection, 6th July. .Total on parade 15:- Absent with leave 7. "Without leave 1. Annual re-exam1l1abOIl, 30th May all(~ 2rth !nnc. Members passeu 16. Did not appear 6. McJ.allioll ~6. Rcgu1atlOn. ulllform worn by 1 O fficer and 11 nursing si.sters . Material: be(hlmg, band.age ,sph.nt., &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by mcm bel's' ~llU l?ubltc su bsc.:nptlOll!l .. Th e Hon. Surgeons, Lady nperintendent, and llllUl'smg Isters. '.rere 0~1 publIc duty on 19th July, when their :Majesties, the Killfoj a~1(~ Queen, Vlslterl Llverpool. and they rendered efficient service to about 100 Inchvlduals, mo. tly ca. es of hau fainting and sunstroke. One nursina sister has attended, and has washed, dressod and bandaged the injuries of about 140 "street arabs" uncleI' the snpervision of Bon. Surgeon Simpson.


[Formed 6.3.01.]


Honorary Surge ons.

J. B. K. Robh,

M.A., )I.D.

A . Findlay, :\LB.

A. P. jIillar, H. W. Dun,

:\LD . Al.B .

Lady Superint en dent.

Lady Secretary

1\11'. . . '. J. "\Valker, 31, Pine trcet, Nelson.

\V. Jackson, )1. D. T. Murphy, L.R . C.P. W. Aspinall, M.D.

.Miss 1\1. Salisbnry, 34, Pine Street, Nelson.

Officers 9. Nursing sistcrs 23 . T otal effective 32. . Incr~a e since lastlcpolt 13. Practices held 48. Average attendance 10. Annual ll1SpectlOn, 30th 1I1ay. Tot:Ll on parade 22. Ab ent without leave 11. Anuual l'c-examination, 7th ept. :JIem bel'S passed] 9. Did not appear 6. :Medallions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers. Material: 1 nursing hamper. Division supported by public :ubscriptions.


Hon. Surgeon.

A. M. Eason,


Lady Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Surgeon.



Lady Superintendent.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Treasurer.

Mies M. E. Aseroft, 11, Park Street, Lytham.

Miss E. Keates, H olme L ea, L ytham.

Miss J. Dickinson.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 15. T otal effective 17. Practices beld 37. Averaae attendance 11. Cases privately l1nrsed 2. Annual inspection, 23rd June. T;tal on parade 15. A~sellt with leave 2. .Annual re-examination, 13th June. Members passed] 5. Did not appear 1. MedallIons 12. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. Mateyial: a~b~ll.ance b.o~, . mackintosh, splints, bed and bedding, bandages, &c.; vested m the DIVISIOn. DlvlsIOnsupported by members. . . A squad won the District Nursing ;Challenge Shield at Rochdale, obtammg 360 points out of a possible 400.

ugtlen, L. s . A.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss F. Fielden, 75, Burnley Road, Waterfoot, Dr. Manchester. Lady Secretary.

Miss A. A. Howarth, Brookland, Mill End, N ewchurch, nr. Manchester. ollicers 2. Nursing sisters 23. T otal efl'ecti ve 25. . Incr~ase since last report 3. Practices held 24. A vemge attendallce 11. Annual lllspectIOn, 12th July. T otal on parade 19. Absent with leave 1. "Without leave 5. Annua~ re-examination, 5th July. Members passed 16. Did not appear 8. lI!edalhons 18. Service badges 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer . Matenal: bed, bedding, splints, bandages, &c. t vested in the Division . Division snpl?orted by voluntary contributions. . ~Ighteen members undertook public duty at A ccrington on the occasion of the VlSlt of Maj or-General Baden-Powell.


St. J ohn A rnonlu.1Lce BTigadc.

S t. John A mbulance Brigade.



J . B. Lendrum,


L ad y Sup eri nte nd ent.

Honorary Surgeon .

1st Nursing Office r.

2nd Nurs i ng Offi ce r a nd L a d y Sec re t ary.

Miss A. Dornan.

Miss Moore, 63, Lan '{lown Rll., Oldham. 3rd Nu rsi n g Offi ce r .

Mis II.

Ogrlen .

Officers 5. Nursing sisters 27. Total effective 32. D . last report S Practices helt1 4 Average attendance 15. Annual . ecr?ase ~I;t~ July Totai on parad~ ':>0 . Au' ent with leave 9. Without leave Ier~ bel' l?a eel. 21. Did m pe~;10~~al re-exam'inations, 31st May ;n'd th cpt. ~~'t a ear 10. Medallions 31. Servic:e bauges 19. RegulatIOn ulllform. worn by 4 Officei~ and 27 nursing sisters . Material : b~n~l~ges, wat~r beds, pIllow:.'. bed restiS, and a variety of nursing requisites. DIVISion supported hy mem ber suh scriptions. PADIHAM NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Formed 10.12.91.J H EAD -QUARTERS : GnO\,E LA~E, PAD III AM . Honorary Surgeon .

Miss L . Greason "Westwood," Pac1iham, Bmllley b' . J . G. J ones,»'1 .D. Officert> 2. Nnrsing i tel's 9. Total effectl\'e 11. N o report received. Above figures are for 1902. PRESTON NURSING DIVISION, PRESTON CORPS (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 27.5.95.] HEAD -QUARTERS : PARISI[ CUUIlCII

Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

M.B .

Miss S. A. Openshaw, 135, Egerton Bank, Radcliffe, Manchester.


Officers 2. Nursing sisters 20. Total effective 22. I ncrease since formation 3. Practices held 27 . Average attendance 13. Cases attended on public duty 5. Annual inspection, 23rd April. Total on parade 14. Absent without leave 6. Annual re-examination, 29th March . Members passed 12. Did not appeal' 7. Medallions 7. Division supported by members.


W. Robertson,

L. R.C . P .

Lady Super i ntendent.

Miss E. Taylor, 90, Laburnam Cottages, Burnley Road, Rawtenstall, Manchester.

Pm1:STO~ .

Lady Inspector of Stores_

Miss H. Taylor, Rawtenstall, Manchester.

Miss K. Tregidga.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 13. Total effective 15. Decrease since last report 7. Practices held 3l. Average attendance 9. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Oases privately nursed 2. Annual inspection, 25th June. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 8. Annual r~-exnmination, on various dates. Members passed 15. Did not appeal' 4. Medalhon~ 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 13 nursing sisters . :Material: surglCal havresac, splints, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by public contributions. Public duty was undertaken at the local Agricultural Show.

L ady Sup erintendent.

Honora r y Surgeons .

Mrs. A. Howard, 24, Grafton

1st Nurs. Off. and L ad y Insp. of Sto res.

:Miss O. Fitchie.

Hon. Surgeon .

G. Scarr,

Lady Secretary.

L ad y Sup erin t endent and L a dy Secre t ary.

[Formed 5. 10. 03].


Mr'. U . A. Jone , 16, Gree1laCrE RO'1.d, Oldham_

M. D .

F . W . Colliuson, M.B. T. H. O. Derham , M.D.



treet, Pre ton.

2nd N urs. O ff. and L ady ~ ec.

~1iss JI.

. H . owerbult ·, Highfield, Ashton, Preston.


3rd Nurs i ng Offi ce r a nd L ad y Treas . Honorary Surgeon .

Miss .A.. 13. Brown . Officers 6. Nursing sisters 66 . Total effcctive 72 . 1• • , . I ncrease since last report 24. Practices held 40. Average attendallce 30 .. C.ISC!; attended on public duty 70. Oases attended not on public duty '27 . Oases ~nvatel,Y nnrsed 15. Annual inspection, 2nd June. Total on parade 51. Abse~t With, lea, e. 16. Annual re-examination, various dates. Members passed 33 . Did U?t a}l'p~a!f 37 Medallions 35. Reuulation unifo!'m worn by 4 Officer~ and 0 ntll lllo sisters. Material: bed and bedstead, bedding, linen chest, surgICal havresac, &c. Division supported by members and Oorps funds . . The nursing appliances have again been found very useful.' and the ,assl~t~n('e rendered by uursing sisters has been gratefully accepted. Sevelal membels '" el c o~ duty in Liverpool at the Royal visit on 19th Jul y, and four were on duty ~o.r fOUl days at th e Royal Lancashire Agricultural ~how . I n the squad compeb~lon at Todmorden in July the Divisi?n obtained. t~md place, and also at Rochdale 1ll theDistrict Nursing Ohallenge ShIeld competition.

J. Rodley,

II1.R . C. S.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss E. 'Whipp, The Elms, Yorkshire St., Rochdale. Lady Sec retary.

Miss A. Olough, 24, William Street, Rochdale.

1st Nurs i ng Officer_

Miss A. Simpson, Lady Inspector of Stores _

Miss H. Clarke.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 29. Total effective 32. . Increase SlUce l~st report 2_ Practices held 45. Average atteudance 16. Oases att~nded on publIc .duty 1: Oases attended not on public d uty 23. Oase privately ilLllsed ~. Annual lllspectlOn, 6th A.ug. Total on parade 24 . Absent with leave 9.. Without leave 6. Annual re-exanlination, various dates. Members passed 33. Did not appear 2. Medallions I S. Service badges 5. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers and 29 nursing sisters. Material : bed, bedding, surgical havresac, eplin ts, bandages, etc. Division supported by members' subscriptions and voluntary efforts. y

St. John Ambulance B'figade.


St. John A mbulance





1st Nursing Officer.

Honorary Surgeon.

Honorary Surgeon.

Miss E. Grindrod, Glebe Bank, Newhey, Rochdale.

J. Chadwick, lILR. C.S. Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss M. J. Stott, 38, Bent Gate Street, N ewhey, Rochdale.

Miss A. Honlern.

Officers 2. ursing sisters 15. Total effective 17. Practices held 23. Average attendance 10. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Cases privately nursed 10. Annual inspection, 6th Aug. . rro~al on parade 9. Absent with leave 6. Without leave 1. Annual re-exammabon, 10th May. feo.allions 13. Regu1ation un.if?l'.m worn Members passed 10. Did not appear 6. by 2 Officers and 14 nursing sisters. Material: bed, bandages, &c. DIYI lOn supported by voluntary 5ubscriptions.

1st Nursing Officer.

W. H. Carse, "1.B .

1111'S . S. Wild.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mi S T. Roberts, Tenterhouse, Norden, Rochdale.

Miss R. A. Ashworth.

Lady Treasurer.




. O/ncers 2. "'ursing sisters ]3. Total effective 15. Dnlls held 5. Ave~age attendancE' 9. Annual inspection, 6th August. Total on parade ,3. Absent ",t?~u.t leave 12. Annual re-examination, 30th September. Membels pa ed 14. DIvlslOn supported by voluntary subscriptions.


Honorary Surgeons.

Lady S uperintendent.

A. Lomas, M . B . S. T. Lord, lI1.R.C.S.

Mrs. E. . 'l'wcedale, ArncliITe, Rochdale. Lady S ecretary.

Mrs. Rigg, 185, Manchester Rcl., Castleton, ncar Manche. ter. Officers 3. Nursing sisters 14. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 49. Average attendancc 9. Annual inspection, 6th Aug. Total on l1arade 13. Absent with leave 3. Annual reexamination, 26th April and 2nd Sept. Members passed 11. Did not appear 3. Medallions 5. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. Material: ail' cnshions, bed rests, a variety of nursiug requisites, splints, bandages, &c., yest d in Divi ion. Division supported by members' aud I ublic subscriptions.

[Formed 10.5.94.J




Honorary Surgeon.


Lady Superintendent.

L. Bcntley, L.S.A.


. Kershaw, 33, Charles St., Roy ton, Oldham.

. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 16. Total effective 18 . Prach~es heJd 24. Average attendance 10. Cases attended not on public duty 19. Cases ynvntely ntu'seo. 8. Au,:ual re-examinati.on, 26~h October. Members passed . D~d n~t appear 9. Mcdallions 5. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and nursmg SIsters. Material: splints, band acres, &c. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions. 0


[Formed 2.9. 95.J


A. H. Poole, L.R.C.P. Lady Sup erinten dent.


PI Baillie,

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.

M. D.

Miss L. Hill, 9, Hall Street, Whitworth, Rochdale, Lady Secretary.

Miss M. Peers, Meadow Head, Tottingtou,


Lady S ecretary.


Miss Bentley, 4, Hall Street, Walshaw, 111'. Bury.

. Officers 2. Nul' ing sisters 16. Total effective 18. Increase SlUce last r~port 3. Practices held 38. Average attendance 11. Cases attended not. on publIc duty.28 . Annual inspection, 30th July. Total on parade 8. Absent WIth leave 4. WI~hout leave 5. Annual re-examination, 26th July. M.e~?ers passed 17. MedallIons 13. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. DIVISIon supported by members' subscriptions.

Miss L. Whatmough, 417, Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale. Officers 2. N ursing sisters 11. Total effective 13. Increilse since last report 1. Practices held 36. Average attendance 8. Cases attended not on pnblic duty 18. Cases privately nursed 2. Annual inspection, 6th Aug. T otal on parade 9. Absent without leave 4. Annual re-examination, Did not appear 1. Medallion 1. Material: 14th June. Members passed 11. splints, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by voluntl1ry contributions and socials.



keen, 111. B.

1st Nursing Officer.

Mrs. C. Green, 9, Skipton Road, Trawden, nr. Colne.

St. John A?nbulance BTigc(;de.


St. John A mbulance BTigade.


Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Secretary.

Mrs. E. E. Wilson.

Miss H. Schofield, 38, Lane H ouse, Trawden, nr. Colne.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 15. T otal effective 17. Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 39. Average attendance 10. .A.nnu~l inspection, 31'0. June. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 2. ~nnu~l re eX!1nnnation 21st July. Members passed 11. Did not appear 5. Matenal: all' cushlOn~, bed-re~ts, water-bottles, &c., vested in Division. Division supported by pubbc subscriptions.

Officer 1. N ursing sisters 7. Total effective 8. Decrease sillce last report 2. Practices held 21. A verage attendance 5. Cases attended not on public duty 6. Annual inspection, 18th April. T otal on parade 6. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 7th Sept. Members passed 5. Did not appear 3. Medallions 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. Material: splints, bandages, &c. , vested in the Division. Division supported by subscriptions and annual soiree.




Miss M. Gawith, 23, Lightburn Road, Ulverstone.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 8. Total effective 10. Increase since last report 1. Practices held 31. Average attendance 6. Annual inspection, 14th July. Total on parade 6. Absent with .leave 2. Without leave 2. Medallions 8. Division supported by public subscriptlOn


Hon . Surgeons.

T. Sharples, L.R.C.P. Lady Superintendent.

B. R. Woodyatt,


Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

Hon. Surgeon .

R. O. Bowman,


Honorary Surgeon .

G. F. Collins, L.lt.C.l:'. 1st Nursing Officer and Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. L. Ramsay, 150, N ewhall Lane, Preston.

lIIiss A. Butler.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss E. M. Calvert, Avenham Tower, Preston.

Miss E. l\1arginson.

Officers 4. Nursing sisters 26. Total effective 30. Cases I ncrea.se since last report 11. Practices held 25. Average attendanee 1 attended not on public tluty 8. Cases privately nursed 8. Annual inspection, 21st July. Total on parade 25 . Ahsent with leave 2. l,Yithout leave 9. Annual re-examination, lOth Sept. Members passed 21. Did not appear 9. Meda.llions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 26 nursing sisters. Material: mackintosh sheeting, air cushions, bronchitis kettle, &c. Division supported by members' subscriptions. Three nursing sisters were on duty in Liverpool on the occasion of the King's "bit in July, and 16 at Accrington when Major-General Baden-Powell opened the ne,,Drill H all.


Lady Secretary.

Miss J. Charnley, Factol'yRow, Billington, Whalley, Blackburn.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss L. A. L. A. Dudley, Wharton L odge, Winsford RS . O., Cheshire.

Lady Secretary.

Mi "s M. H eathcote, Ways Green, \\TinsforLl R.S.O., Cheshire.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

.Mi s F . M. Garner.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 12. T otal effective 14. Practices held 8. AYerage attendance 6. Cases atteuded not on public duty 9. Allnua~ re-examination,. 10th ~Iarch. Iembers passed 8. Did not appear 5. Meclalhons 9. RegulatlOn umform worn by 2 Officers. Material: ambulance ham pel', 12 first-aid bag, &c., vested in Winsford U. D. C. Division supported by Urban Council and public subscri11tions.


No. V .-N orth-Eastern District.

ABSTRACT OF CORPS AND D I V I SIONS. I II No.5 District there is 1 Deputy Commissioner and 1 lJistlict Chief' Surgeon. ~


'" 0

Dep1tty OO?nmissione?·-Mr. S. C. 'Y AIlDELL. Dist1'ict Ohief S1t?'geon-Surgeon-Major E. 'WE::;T- HIE,', Assistant OO?n?nissione?·-1I11'. S. W. MALKIN. District Ohief Snpe?·intenclent-"Mr. H. C. EL E. Dist?'ict SU)Je?'intendent Secretct1·y-Ml'. P. RATCLIFF.

Name of Corps and Division. M.D., A.M, n.



Oclobc?', 1904. IE,-

I have the honour of submitting my rcport for the year cnding "- cpt(;mhtr 30, 1£104. There are now in my District 51 Corps and Di\"i"io11t:; and 14 'ur"ing Divisions, with a total of 3,076 memberI"-, which i' fi, gratifying incrcage on In,,t year and shows the steady and increasing intcregt taken in Brigade ,,-ork. ix new DivIsions have been formed during the year and I continue to lune numerous enquiries from yarious parts for information for the fOlming of fr\:sh DiYigi(,n ~. I continue to impress on all Corps the importance of haying 'ursing DiYi~ions C011nected with them, for without them I do not con~ider allY complete. I am plt'a,ccl to report that my staff has been increased during the year by tlle appointment of Chief uperintendent Else, of heffield, as Di trict Chief 'uperintendent. and I hllYe again to thank not only him, but 0.1. 0 the other members, and my AS! j"ttmt-COlllIllib"iollL'l', :1\1r. :Malkin, for their yaluable help in carrying on the yery Ulduous dutie.· conn cted with the Brigade in such a competent manner. I cannot speak too highly of the valuable assistance of my District uperintendent .'ecretaI'Y, ~Ir. Hntcliff, without whose valuable a istance I could not carry out the clerical dutie' whieh are now \,(:I'Y hea'7. Most of the Corps and Divisions in my district have been inspe<.:ted durilJg' the yea!', either by myself or one of my staff, and the reports genernJly have b en mo"t satisfactory as to the efficiency and the way in which the record' have 1)Ce11 kept and the useful practical work done during the year. In July la t I made an in"pection of the Tibshelf, Birchwood, Mansfield, Ilkeston, and utton Corps with ullit, from several others, at which inspection we had the honour of the pre.. ence of 'urgeollGeneral Sir William Taylor, who expressed him elf as being mo:t pl· a.ed with the smartness and efficiency of the work done, while I cannot speak too highly of the smart appearance of the men on parade. The Beo.rer Company and a1:;o the Royal Kaval Sick Berth Reserve have increased and been mo t sati factory during the year. L ast Whitsuntide the first attempt at a district camp was made at Bare, and was attended by 217 Officers and men from the following Corps and Division., vi?.:Birchwood, Brighouse, Dewsbury, Elland, Reanor, Jlkeston, Rarpur lIill, lUan field, Sheffield, Shipley, Sutton, Tibshelf, and Reckmondwike, and proved mo t u efnl and instructive; so much was it appreciated that it was resoh"ed to hold another next ' Vhitsuntide at Blackpool, which gives promise of being still larger, if not the large ·t ever held by a district. The adoption of the authorised uniform continue to spread in a most satisfactory manner, and is now worn by nearly all the Corps and Divi ions in my district. Much useful public and private work has been done during the year, an account of which will be found in the various reports appended, and I have to thank the different Officers of the District for carrying out their arduous duties, and keeping up the high st::mdard of efficiency of the Corps and Diyisions under their command. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant,

C. WARDELL, Knight of G?'ace of the O?'de?' of St. J ohn. Dezntly-Gommissz'oner, No . V. Dist1'ict STUART

T he Chief Comilli loner, St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

I -'" -eo -g.

~ .. ~ ~ ~ .~~ l~ ~ en §t "'0



St. J ohn A'Inuulc{'nce Brigade.

St. John A muularHce BTigade.






" B " * Luddenham " Mansfield " ... *New Farnley" .. . N orth Lindsey Division













1 1






1 1 1 2 I 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1


Dew:sbury " Morley o sctt " Ra\'ensthorpe Division Digby Division * Donca tel' " Earby Ea twoot! " Ecde~hill Division * EIland Coole Halifax Harpur Hill Reanol' * Hall1lercnd " Hebdcn Bridgc Corps * Mytholmroyd Diviion * Cragg Yale Divi ion Beckl11onJwike" ... HudJersfield Corps .. Ilkeston Corps Keighley " A Division " B l-Iaworth Di~iioll iI 'uen Leed. Corps * A Armley and ',ortley Div * B Holbeck and Hnnslet Div * C Bmley and Kirkstall Div. * D North Leeus Division .. , * E Stanl1ingley and Dist. Div. * F Gal-forth Division ... * G Lower Wortley Division * H City T ramwav Division ... L incoln Corps • A Division ...



e109:, '2;; ., as

Ji ~ 8 '5 6 ~ :a~~~~.5 ~ o ;:~ ~Q)Q.I~ 'C f .:: r:n .:: UJ ::q .... '" <> .0 E d Po .~ QJ() ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'O E 0 g'L ~ ~ r:n . ~~ P.'" £00 5'~ r:n <i ~o § ~(/J


* Bahbinoton Corps ... *Barnoldswiek Division Delpel' Division * Bingley" Birchwood Corps Bradfol'll II Boston Division ... .. . Brighou e Corps ... .. . Bro\\,lll'oyd Dye Works Div ... . Buxtoll Division Dena!;y II Derby" Dewsbury Corps Batley Division

"0 rn

1 1

~1 I =1

~I ~ t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 2

1 1 4 1 2 1

48 21



TI 8


3 7

11 3 20 25 27 43

2 2 5 3 4 1 9 3 3 15 3 2 6 3 1

4 3 4 11

22 19 28 16 17 26 60 56 14

72 32 24 34 10 11

34 2-1 59 11 9 15 50 66

5 21

1 1




34 19


17 20


26 49 1 29 1 22 5 3 4 17 5 61 3 3 2 2

1 1


1 1

1 1

]4 12 22 55 83

4 3

15 17 10

1 1


58 70 15 50 26 29 31 55 5 26 23 36 21 23 28 75 61 20 92 3 28 43 15 13 42 26 73

29 19 21 13 2 31 54 21 34 2-1 47 22 67 2 38 24

2 3 2 1 1


1°134 1641

1 6 1 3 10 2 2


3 E-<

101 126

1- 4 2 1 11 2 10 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4 1



23 1

St. John A ?7~uulance Brigade.


ri ~

Name of Corps and Division.








I'l Q)







1=1'" v'" I=IC v'" ...... ::: ~~ ~] ""3 0'" .;:: ~ '" ~a) .:: ~ ;Ile v'" ~


0) .....




North Statford Corps Burslem Divi ion Elect. Traction Di vision * Etruria * Hanley" * Milton " :N ewcastle " * Railway Di,ision * Tunstall " Otlpy Division Peak dale Division Settle Di vision Sheffield Corps A Division

"00; "0'"

~ ~L ::tJ"" w ~~ .~:;wt II ::tJ -~ ;::l",

St. John Am,uulunce BJ'iyal-le.










.5E 2c .q



.~ a'lEbi.C P:: ~u


il ~I

1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1

1 1




18 56 1



]5 36 24 25


29 1 24.

18 10 1





~5 3~

]3 22





Shipley Corps A Division

- 1--


Sutton-in-Ash field Division Talke Division Tibshelf Corps Welbeck Division * '\Virksworth " * Woolley Worksop " Yeadon and Guisc:ley Division



1I 2


1 1

3 2 117

I 81

.~ ~:J


;::-'" 0





"0'" c;l"">



I .~ ~ I ~.


... ... ... ... .. ... '" ... ...

... ... ... '








1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



... ..


... ... ...

+ +

1 1



1 1 1 1 1 1 1


.. .

... .. . .. ..


~I ~9

26 36





£16 120 23 29

15 16

IS ]9 35 27



+ +


::: i-


= :r. Zw





1 1 1



2 -


1 1 1

I t.l)




Bradford ... Brighol1se ... De,vsbury ... .. Earby ... ... * El1and ... ... Hebden Bridge ... Hudclersfield ... Keighley ... Morley ... ... *New Farnley ... Shipley ... ... Tibshelf and Birchwood

1 -

27 1 30

91 21 31' 169 [4:1 54129;121i312660 t.l)

Name of Divisions.

* Barnoldswick Batley ...




.. ... .. ...

3 5

~ 1 1i


* Babbington

1 1


3 1 1








15 53

1 1 1





1 1 1

1 1 1



1 1 4

17 35 35 15 47 5 24 17 18 22 32 ]3 49 30

~t{; -0 Cl\Q) ~ ...





69 IS 38 37 17 50 6 30 19 22 24 34 15 52 35

- - - - - - - -- - - - - - 11

14 16 42fi 466 Holds Loth positions. ::: Same Hon . Surgeon as in Amhulance unit. Statement-l Deputy Commissioner; 1 Assistant Commissioner;] District Chief Surgeon; 1 District Chief Superintelldent; 1 DiRtrict Superintendent Secretary; 231 Officers; 297 Sergeants allc1 Corporals; 2,598 men ami nursing sisters. Total 3,131.

* Signifies no return received.



LIST OF CORPS A"D DIVISIONS IN ORDER OF SENIORITY . Tibshelf Corps . 1887 Hllddersfield Nur. Div. 1900 Birchwood". . 18 8 Batley Kur. Div. (Dewsbury) 1900 Tibshelf and Birchwood Leeds Corps . . 1900 Nursing Division 188S E. tanningly Division (Leeds) . ]900 Babbington Corps IS 9 Wirksworth Division 1900 Doncaster Division. 1 90 Brighouse Corps . 1901 North taffol'llshire Corps 1890 B. Holbeck Division (Leeds) 1901 Bradford A Division. 1 91 Mansfield " . . 1901 'Yelheck Division . . 1 9] North Lindsey Iron Dist. Div .. 1901 A. A I' III ley & Wortley Div. (Leeds) 1 92 Batley Division (De\\'~bury) 1901 Bllrslem Division (N. talTs.) . 1893 1901 Ossett " ,, . Eastwood Division. 1891 Heckmondwike Division 1901 Railw~LY Diyision (N . • tarrs.) 1 95 C. Burley, Kil'kstall and Dist. ewc<lsLleDivision (T. Stafl's.). 195 Division (Leeds) . 1901 Barlloluswick " 1 95 Sutton-in-Ashfield Division 1901 Huduel'sfieltl Corp:. 1896 Buxton Diyision 1901 Derby Diyision . . J 896 '\Voolley Colliery and Darton Div. 1901 De\\"sbury Corp . 1896 F. Garforth Di vi ion (LeeLls) 1901 TUllstall Division (N. da(f .) lS96 D. North Leeds Division (Leells) 1901 Etruria Division (N. ,' talTs.) 1896 G. Wortley Division (Leeds). 1901 Lincoln" . 1897 Electric Traction (N. Staffs.) 1901 Keighlcy 1897 Brighouse Kursing Div. 1902 1{ 'Division 1 97 Browlll'oyd Dyeworks (Bradford) 1902 " B 1 97 Castleford and District Diy . . 1902 K cighley Nul'. 1 97 H. Leeds City Tramway (Leellf;) 1902 '\Vork 'op ". 1 97 Bingley Divi ion 1902 Milton Diviion (N. taff.) . 1 97 Talke Division . 1902 Barnold \Vir.k . ' msing Division. 1897 EIland Di vi ion . 1903 Babbington r ursing Division . 1 9 Elland Nursing Division 1902 Hebllen Bridge Corps 1 9 Luddenham Division . 1902 Heallor Division le98 Halmerend and District Div. 1902 Earby" . 189 Otley Division. . 1902 Dcwsbnry Nmsing Division 1 99 SilsdelJ Division (Keighley) 1902 Tew Fal'llley Divi 'iOD . 1 99 Boston Di vision . 1903 .M orley Division (D ewsbllry) ] 899 Bradford Nursing Diyisioll 1903 Ilkeston Corps . ] 899 Eccleshill Division . 1903 Bell'er Division . 1899 Birstall Division (Dew burj' ) 1903 Denn.by and Catleby Di vLion 1 99 Yeadon Divi ion ( hipley) 1903 Bradford, C Divi ion. 1 99 Shipley ur 'ing Diyi iOll 1903 " D 1899 Earby Nursing Di vi.'ion 1903 hipley Corps . 1 99 Hanley Div. (N. tafl"). 1903 A Division 1899 Peakdale Division 1904 Goole Division . " B ". 1 99 1904 heflield Corps . . 1 99 SetUe " . . . 1904 Haworth Di"i.'ion (Keighley) lS99 MyLholmroyd Division (Hebden New Farnley Nul'. Div. 1900 Bridge). . . 1904 Harput' Hill Division 1900 Hebden Bridge Nursing Division 1904 Digby Division 1900 Ravensthol'pe Div. (Dewsbury) . 1904 Halifax " 1900 " l\1orley Nursing Div. 1904 COU TTY. DISTRIBUTIOX OF COHP ' A);D DIVISIONS. D erhyshire-Corps :-Birchwood, Tibshelf, Ilkestoll. Divisions :-Belper, Buxton, Derby, Heanor, Harpur Hill, Peakdale, Wirksworth. Nottinghamshire-Corps :-Babbingtoll, Eastwood, Digby. . . Divisions:- Mansfield, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Welbeck, Worksop. LIllcolnshIre-Corps :·-Lincoln. Divisions :-Boston, North Lindsey. Sta[orcishire- Corps :-North Stafrol'dshire. Divisions :-Halmerend, Talke. Y orkshire-Corps :-Bradforc1, Brighol1se, De\\'sbury, Huduersfield, Hebden Bridge Keighley, Leeds, heffield, Shipley. ' Divisions :-Barnoldswick, Bingley, BrowDroyd Dyeworks, Castleford, Denaby, Doncaster, Eal'by, Eccleshill, Elland, Goole, Halifax, Heckl1londwike, Luddenbam, New Farnley, Otley, Woolley and Dart-on, ett1e.


St. J ohn A ?7~uulance B1'igude.

St. John A ??~bulance BTigade. BABBINGTON CORPS. [Formed 29.6.89 .J HEAD-QUARTEltS: ( J




o report received.)


[Fol'med 6.03.J


Honorary Surge on and Honorary Treasurer.

A. E. 'Wilson ,

M. B.

Hon . Sec. (in charge).

BARNOLDSWICK DIVISION. [Formed 21. 3. 95.]

Inspector of Stores .

Sel'gt. Chas. harpe, 57, Sydney Street, Boston.

CorpI. IV. J. Husson.


Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporal1. Privates 11. Total effective 15. Drills held 17. Average attendancc 6. Oases attended not on public duty 14 Medallion 3. NUl'. illg certificates 2. Material: 1 stretcher, 1 surgical havresac, ve ted in Boston Division. Division supported by members suuscriptions aud l>tlulic dOllatiollS. Although this Di\'lsion wa sanctioned in June, 1903, it was not until Xo,emLer that a place could be secured for drill., etc. On ~lccount of being without equipment, the Deputy COllllUis>:iioner was reque ted to excuse the Division the in pection, and re-examination this year. The members of the Diyision haye attended fourteen cae::; in their primte capacity, to the satisfaction of the various medical gentlemen who 1-;UhSccLucntIy treated the patients. Fre h intere t is excited in the Brigade by the acci uisition of the nect: 'sary equipment, and seyeral new members will douutle~s juiu.

(No report receivell.)


[Formed H .. 99.J




Hon . Surgeon.

R. A. Johnson,


Beech Lawn, Belper. Hon . S ecretary.

Su pe ri ntend e nt .

W. M. Moreton, 4.6, Ford Street, Derby.

]stCla s ergt. T. r. J(Jl1c., Tam\\'orth Tenacc, Dn!Iield, Dcrl,y.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Sergt. J. J. Houghton.

Pte. 'W . Meado\\.

BRADFORD CORPS . [Formed 1.10.91.]

Offi cers~ .

Seraeants 3. Privates 16. Total effective :U. Decrease since last report 2. Dlilb held 39 . A yerage A ttenuancc 56 l~er CCll t. Cases attended not on public duty 4. Annual in. pection, 27th ep. 'l?tal, on parade 14. Absent with leave 6. "\Yithout leaye 1., Annnal re:exanllllatlOll, 11 th Mar. and 29th Sept. Members pa . cd 20. MedallIons 1l. el"\'lCC huclge. ] 0 .. NUlsing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by 2 <?fficel's, 3 selgeal1t~, and 16 men. Material: 6 stretchers, 2 water bottles, :2 surglcal havre 'acs, . pllllt , etc .. ~ vested in the Committee of the Divi ion. Division snpported by hOJlol'UI'Y meml elt; and members' subscriptions. , . . . . There is a hopeful outlook for next year, as apphcatlOns for lllembershlP. ale hem", freely made. D eath has remoyed from n the firt ambulance lecture!' III Bell' ' 1', the father of our H on. urgeon, Dr. T. John ton 1"\, gentleman who 'wns alway" pleased to assist us. (f

BINGLEY DIVISION. [Formed 1.1.02.J (No report received.)


[Formed 1 88 .J


Chief Superintendent.

S. O. Wardell.

Honorary Su rgeon.

O. D. Robson,

Sup erintenden t .

"\Vm. Po wi s. Birchwood Oolliery, Alfl'etoll.

M.B., C.M.

1st Officer, Hon . Sec. and Insp. of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

S. A. J. Hill, Birchwood Colliery, A.lfreton.

Mr. J. Merriman (Hon. Mem.)

Officers 4. Sergeants 4. Corporals 4. Privates 47. Total efl'ective 59 . Drills held 21. A.verage attendance 35. Cases attended on public uuty 3. Cases attended not on public duty 20. Annual inspection, 23rd July. Total on parade 58. Annual re-examin;ttioll, 15th Dec., 1904.. Members passed 58. Medallions 30. N ul'l.ing certificates 1. Regnlation uniform ,yom b,f all ranks. Material: 4 stretchers, splints, uandages, am~)Ulance .wa~on, vesled III St. John Ambulance Brigade. Oorps supported by publIc subscnptlOns.





C hief Supt. and Hon . Surgeon.

P. G. Lodge,

F.R.C . . ·.,

110, Preston

Hon . S urgeons.

A.. Browne,


V. Bateson,

h'ect, Bradford. 1st Officer.


2nd Offi cer, Ho n. Secretary, and Hon . Treasurer. A. Webster, 35, ~laiJ tone treet, Bradford.



I nspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Swaine.

OfJlcers 5. ergeant 1. Oorporals 3. Privates 61. Total effecti,e 70. Decrea'e 'ince last report 32. Drills held 52. Average attendance 25 . Cases attended ou pl1ulic duty :WO. Removals 5. Cases attended not on public duty 20. Annual re-examillation, 7th ept. Members pas ed 54. Did not appear 7. Medallion~ 17. en'ice bauges 10. Nnrsing certificates 10. Regulation uniform worn uj' 5 oflicer , 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 50 men. Material: 8 stretchers, 1 medical havre ae, plint', 5 rugs, 12 water bottles, 2 tables, 2 pole litters. folding chairs, stools, etc., vested in the Bradforu Corps. Corps supported by Bradford Centre. During tl~e last twel\'e months the corps has made very gratifying progre s, twentyfh'e new ulllform and much new equipment has been added to the corps stores. On the th Nm'ember, 1903, byo aCl'ed concert were held, under the pa,tronage of AIel. D. \Vac~e, J.P.~ ~layor of Bradford. A number of infl.uentialladie and gentleman gave thell' sernc.es, but much of the succe was due to the popularity of the Black Dyke :nand, wInch rendered e\'eral "ery plea ing selection ; whilst a similar degree of pral,e mu t be added for the Eastbrook Prize Choir Quartette. Our be t thanks are ~ue to ~Ir. F. l'IIacnaughton for the loan of the concert hall, and al 0 for the se~·vlCes. of ~Ir. },dward Harri on, his genial manager. An amount of £7 was rinsed 1ll. tIll' way for the u e of the corps, then much in debt. On April the 26th, a v.ery enjoyable dance wa held by members of the corps and their friends in the Drill Hall, Undercliffe (by kind I ermis ion of the D eputy-Commi sioner), and was well a~tended . Ol~ May 4th, the occa ion of the ,i it of their Royal Highnesses the Prmce and Prmce s of \Ya.le to the Cartwright Exhibition, pecial ambulance arnLngements were made in conjunction with the Chief Constn,ble. Eight urgeons and about 250 members paraded behind the Town Ha,ll Bradford under Assi. tant Commissioner Malkin. Eight detachments were formed and dispatched to

St. John A 'rnbulance BTigade.

346 stations along the route. There were also present Deputy-Commissioner ,tual't Wardell, and Major W est Symes, the District Chief u~geon . ~he day was hot, and it is estimated that in addition to three rather serIOUS aCCldents, l1en.rly 800 cn es of fainting were tr~ated . The following corps and division as'.isted. Leeds, hipley, Brighou e, Eccleshill and Brownroyd. The four local sectlOn haye a.lso taken weekly duty in the ambulance tent at Li tel' Park, throughout the perIod of the exhibition. Several serious cases of broken limb and scald, and a great variety of minor cases were attended to. Very efficient en;ce W~,:S. ~ltio rendered durinO' a severe outbreak of fire in the omali village at the Xhll)1tlOl1. The officers h:ve been very a siduous in the discharge of thei~ c~llties, a?d the success of the corps is largely due to the interest they have taken 111 It, especIally nt the public gala parades. Onr best thanks are also due to the lay~r and ?In.yores':;, Ald . and 11rs. D. , Vade, Mr. , V. C. L upton (the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Cartwright Exhibition), Councillor F. Pries~man, Mr. F.awcett, Mr. Joseph Farndale (Chief Constable) and Ir. John GIll for the mterest they have all taken in our ambulance work, e pecially ince lIIay 4th.


Show, on August 3rd, 4th ~nd 5th. . At the former, though the record shews that a good many cases receIved attentlOn from the personnel of the corps the rush of \\'ork became so great that a proper record could not be kept. Upwa;ds of 250 ca 'es were atte?ded to. The members of the corps, from much useful work done at home, are earnmg for themselves a good name and the esteem of their fellow town _ men. All ranks endeav.our to mak~ the corps of real use, and to qualify themselve~ to render every aSSlStance posslLle to their fellows when called upon. everal com.bmed parades have been held for instruction in the formation of ambulance atatlOn~, . the "A" Division getting practice 'in first aid and the carriage of the lllJ.ure~, whilst the" N" Division practice putting injured persons to bed and th~ apphcatlOn of more permanent dressings, also in the preparation of warm drlllks, etc.


Hon . Su r g eo ns .

T . ",V. Amison, F. A. ,'torr, .0. A., [Formed 1.10. 91.]


M.B. D. PH.

(No report rcccived.)

(D DIVISION ) BRADFORD CORPS . [Formed 3.99.] (N 0 report rccci vcll.)


[Formed 14.3.02.]


Ch ief S u pe r int en d e nt .

Ch ief Surge on .

F . F . Bond,

~LD .

Hon . Secretary.

1st. -C1. Sergt. A. Thornton, 42, Thornhill RLl . , Rastrick, Brighouse. Officers 2.

Sergeants 3.

H. L. Thornton, Castle Hill Hon e, Brighouse. In s pector of Sto res

Hon . Treasu r er.

Pte. S. Cockroft. Ml'. H. Greenwood (Hon . Mem.)

Corporals 5. Privates 38 . Nnrsing Sisters 15. Total cffective 63. Decrease since last report 2. Cases attencled on public duty 153. Removals 4. Cases atten ded not on puhlic dnty and privately nursed 53. Annual iuspection, 30th J uly. Total on para,le 63. Absent with leave 6. Medallions 39. Service badges 13. Regulation uniform .worn by 7 Officer, 3 sergeants, ~ corpo~'als, 47 men and nursiDO' sisters. Matenal : 1 ambulance tent, 3 beds and 1111en, 4 lItters, 8 stret chers, 6 eme~'gency wall boxes, 3 stretcher boxes, diagrams, splints, etc., vested in Trustees. Oorps supported by members and public subscriptioDs. The past year has been a very successful and eventful one. The attendance of all ranks hn.s been excellent, and the equipment has been largely increased. The" A" Division at the close of the third year of its existence has received thirteen service badges. ' The corps has a large amount of work to its credit, for in addition to duty at home, by request, duty has been taken at Br~dford, on the ~ccasion. of the Royal Visit on May 4th, and at Huddersfield dunng the Y orkshIre Agncultural

Superin t e nd e nt .

P. M. Davies .

In spec to r of Sto re s .

Honorary S e cretary.

Pte. A. Thol'lltol1.

Corp1. A. T. Greaves. 21 , Allan Road Bailifre Blidge, Brighollse. '

(N 0 report received .)



Ofticers.3. 'el'geants 2. Oorpo.l'aJs 5. Privates 38. Total effective 48 . Increase alllce l.a. t report 7. Dnlls held 51. Average attendance 32. Ca es attcnded on jJUUllC lInt.)' 104. Removals 4. Cases attended not on public d u ty 33. Anllual iDspe~tion, 30th July: . Total on parade 44 . Absent with lea,e 5. Allllua~ re-eXUllllnatlOD, 26th Apnl. Members passed 3. Did not ap ear 1 lHedalllOlls 23: el'Ylce badges 13. Nursing certificates 24. Ref!ulation linifor~ \\,~l:~ .by 3 Olliccrs, 2 sergeants, 5 corpora!s, and 3.5 men, yested in trustees of Corl 's. Dn I lOn .St~l~ported ~y members and publIc sUbscnption . The Dnl 1011 contmues to make ati factory progress. During the first half-year n. cour:;e of t~\'~l~'e lectures on 'Home Nursing" was given by Hon. urgeon torr. The DIY1SlOn paraded fOl~ corps drill and practice on December 5th 1903 and Feb~'uary 26th, 19~4. 'peclal parades for field practice were also h~ld or: October ~1 t, 1903, Apnl1?th, and July 16th, 1904. The Diyision was present at the combmed pa.rade at Kirklee Park, on Easter Monday, April 4th, for Learer cOl.l1pa.ny practIce . . The~e .ha:e been.three parades for duty for mill fire, at which fOI tunately only l~ght 111J~nes reqUlI'ed attention. Twenty-two members were o~ duty itt the Y~J'k hue Af,rncultural how, held at Huddersfield, on August 3rd, 4th and 5th . . ThIrty-three members paraded for duty at Bradford on the occasion of the opemng of the Bradford Exhibition, by T.R.H. the PrU;ce and Princess of ,Vale! a great concourse of people ass.embled, and a large number of cases receiyed a~ttntlOn. Duty was al 0 undertaken 111 the grounds during the time the exhibition ~ as open. One. hon. surgeon and seven men attended the No . 5 District C held at Bar~ durmg , Vhit Week. Thirteen members haye joined the "G" B:~~l: C~mpany, ':IZ. : ~wo as sergeants, two as corporals, and nine as privates. Of the.e fi~ e men, WIth ChIef-Surgeon BO.nd, attended the Cambridge Hospital Camp, Aldershot, flom August 7th to 13th, and SIX men the Bulford Hospital Camp 'ali bury PI . Au¥u t 13th to 19th . . ~~e J\~urgatroyd. Challenge Cup, open f~r com etitionaI~ S(~u".ds from corps a~d dl:71.I~ns m the ParIsh of Halifax, was won in Deceniber, 1903, ~§O~.squad from thIS DIVlSlOn, the same squad again being succes ful in September,


Hon . Surgeon .

I. Mossop,

F . R. C. S.


A. Marriott, 30, Scholemoor Road, Bradford.

S t. J ohn A mbulance BrigG~cle.

S t. J ohn A ?7~bululnce B 1'igade.


Hon. Secretary. Sergt. G. \V. Goodison,

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Hon . Sec. and Insp. of Stores.

2nd Officer.

W . V. Simpki ns, 145, Rokhill Street, Denaby.

Hon. Treasurer.

D. Dennison.

J ohl1 ' Y. Proctor.

S. E llis.

A. Brearley.

77, W ash ington St. , Girlington , Bradford .

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 20. Total effective 2G . Increase siuce last report 9. Drills held 70. Average attendance 19 '14. Cases attended Oll public duty 308. Removals 7. Caes attended not on public duty 305. Aunual inspection, 4th May . Total on parade 1. Annual re-examination, 21st March. Members passed 22 . Did not appear 3. Medallions 13. Regt:lat ion uuiform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, allc1 10 men. Mat 1'10.1: 3 stretchers, 3 medical havresacs, 3 medical boxes, 20 water bottles, 1 rubber water tank, 1 complete set of charts, splints, etc., vested in the Committee. Division supported by public and workshops. The Divi ion maintains its efficiency and strength, and continue' to do good and useful work. At the invitation of the Ledget Green Carnival Committee, and the L O.O.F., a squad of men was ent for duty. On :.\Iay Hh, 190-1, the Prince and P rincess of ' Vales opened the Bradford Exhibition, held at Li~ter Park, when the Diyision did duty and \Yo. inspected by the delJuty-colluni~sioner of the district. The Executi,-e Committee allocated to thi' Divi ion the 'ole charge of the ambulance and fir t aid arrangement at the E -hibition ground~ from the opening day until the end of the week, May th; weekly public duty being 0.1-0 unclertahn at the Exhibition, viz., May 30th, June 27th, July 25th, Augu::;t 22n(1. cplember 19th, October 17th. A large number of case were treated, some of n, Ycry serious character. The m¥'11 and nursing sisters were on duty each cln.y from noon until 10 p.m. and much credit is due to the nul' -ing i tel'::; for the flicicllt manner in which they discharged their duties. The work haying been carried llut to the entin; satisfaction of the Executive Committee, the Chairman, ?-11'. 'V. '. Lupton. on the closing night, expres ing his best thanks to the ambulance corps for the noble and unselfish work performed during six months that the Exhibition WI1 " open.




.Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Privates 23 . T otal effective 29 . l' Decrease SlUc~ last report 3. Drills heM 13. Average attendance 6 '4. Medal~OI1S 7. b Matena~ : 1 Ashford litter, 6 stretchers, splints etc. Division supported 'j' Ill~m ers of B.ngade and Colliery Company. ' h OWlU~ to a s~nke at the coJliery lately several men have left the district and others . ave ta en .theIr place. OWillg also to the colliery working two shifts in the da it ~ only po SIble for a very small number of the men to attend the weekly d Yill he greater number can only attend every other week. l' •


Hon . Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer.

F . Cassidi,

H. G. Ley, Willington,

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. C. H aswell, Clifton Bank, Fairfield, Buxton.

Ho n o rary Treas u r e r .

Corpl. J . F. Pine.

PLc. W . Good win .


Pte. G. medley,

Pte. W. T. Cocker, 25, Olel Chester Road, Derby . I

?fIicers.2. .'ergeauts;;. Corporals 5. Privates 43. Total effective 55 nCI ease slUce ~ast report 3. Drills held 36. Averacre attendance 9' . attentlc(\ on pubhc duty 2. Removals 2. Annual insl~ection 20th Au~' ~a~e1 0.1l p:na( e 44. Ab ent with leave 6. Without leave 8. 'Annual r~ ' ?a tlOll.'fi 16Lh D:c. Members passed 55. :Medallions 30. Service badaes 16 e e~tX:l~a­ cerltl cates 20 . Regl~lation uniform worn by 2 Officers 5 3ercrea~ts 5' m ,lfg ane. 43 men. 1IIatenal: 12 stretchers 12 water bottl~s 6 hO , bcorPdola s, sphnts &c t d' D' . . D'" , avresacs an acres -, ., ves e lD IVlSlOn. IVlsion supported by voluntary .3ubsc;iptions. '" ,


J . Shclmerdine, 1IIarket Placc, Buxton. In s pec tor of Sto res.

Insp ecto r of Sto res.


Hon . S ec r e t a ry.

S uperin t enden t .

M. R.C.S .

~r. D .

Sup eri nt e nd e nt.


Honorary Surgeon.

J . E. Harburn,



[Formed 1890.J


(No report received . )

DIGBY COLLIERY DIVISION. [Formed 19.9. 1900.]

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 25 . Total c!fective 29. Drills held 51. Average attendance 13 . Oases attended not 011 public uuty 35. Removals 6. Annual re -examination, 23rd Aug. Members pa~ cd 9. DiJ. not appear 18. Medallions 12. Nursing certificates 18. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 14 men. Material : litters, stretchers, havresac, water bottles, etc ., vested in the Division. Division supporteu by snbscriptions.





Ho n. S urgeon .

G. H.. Northwood,

Super inte ndent.

M. R . C. S.

1st. Officer.

J . G. Rowley.


W. Walker, Giltbrook, N otts. 2nd Officer.



3rd Officer.

J . Rigby.

4th Of!icer a nd Hon . Secretary.


T. Cooper, DIgby treet, Kimberley, N otts.

[Formed 16.6.02.]

Ins p ecto r of S t ores.

Pte. T. Walker.

(N 0 report received.)

Ho n. T reasu re r .

Pte. J . J' on . Officer~ 6. ergeants 7. Corporals 2. Private 60 . Total effective 7'" ncrease SlUce last. report 13. Drills held 21. Average attendance 36 D. Cas attended A 'il T 0 t a l on' parade e 48 A notlon ' public , . duty . 6. Annual. inspection ' 19th 1:1.pl. ' . nnua le-eXanllnatlOn , 19th Apnl. Members lJassed 38 111' d 11' 53 el'VICe badcres 18 N.· t'fi . .lUe a IOns • S 7 b' UlSll1g cer 1 cates 44 . Regulation uniform worn by 6 Offi b ~r~eants, 2 co rporals, and 60 men. Material· 4 stretchers s lints b d cer Sl~b~~l~~t~~;~d ill the Oommittee of management. Division suppo{'te~ by ,~'or~m~~'s I


Hon. Surgeon.

F. G. Twigg,

L. S.A.


1st Office r .

V{. H. Chambers, Conisbro', near Rotherham.

H. S. Witty.


) it. J ohn A rrnuulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A rnbulance BTigade.


T he division has done excellent services during the past year both in regard to attendance at drills and ambulance instructlOn, and relief in the homes of our workmen. Great public interest is manifested in the Division. A very succ ssful ambulance class was held during the year, and a nursing class is arranged for this year. I n connection with the ambulance division, there is a boys' brigade with excellent bugle band, numbering altogether 0 and all lads above ixteen year of age are drafted into ambulance classes, and if succe sful into the Division: The division has won a silver cup in competition this year and several pnzes for stretcher practice. The boys have won two cups in competitions.


BATLEY DIVISION (DEWSBURY CORPS ). [Formed 5.9.1 900 .J H :I<; AD-QUAltTEIli-i :



Ho no rary Surge on .

W. II . II . Bennett,

Su per inte nd en t .

H . .Allott, 'Whitaker treet, Batley


In s pe ct or o f S to r es.

Ho n, S ec r e t ary.

Hon . Treasu re r .

Pte. 11 . Keiouldey.

Cr.Jrp,I D . Firance,

J. 'vV. Shaw.

Pl1rlll'ell Lane, Batley. Oflicers 2.

Sergeant l. Oorporal l. Privates 22 Total effective 26 . I ncrease since last report 6 . Drills held 44 .A verage

t~e~l'Ye mem her l.


C hief S uperintenden t .

C hief S urg eon .

BrigadeSnrg. Lt.-Ool. E. Lee,

i\I.U.C . !>.

.Major P . B. Walker, Lee . House, Dewsbllry. S u p erintendent of S tores,

Supt. S ecret a ry .

C. T hornes, 72, '.Yestgate, Dew::.bmj'.

J . Whitehead.

S up t . T reasure r .

.r . Brinton. Officers 18.

Sergeants 7. Corporals 10. Privates 100. Nnrsing OLliC;C1S 8. Nursing sisters 114. Total effective 257. R eserve members 6. I ncrease siuce last report 22. Drills held 41. A.\'eragc attendance 20 . Cases attenued on llUblic duty 20. Remoyuls 61. Oa 'es attended not on public duty 2~0. AUl1ual inspection, 6th cpt. Total 011 parade 134. Absent with leave 45. Without lea\'e 44. Annual re-ex<llllination, 1 th, 19th, 20th, 25th, and 26th July. Members pas ed 150. Dill llOt appeal' 73. Medallions 136 . Service ba,lges 37 . "ursing certificates 2 Hegulatioll unifollll worn by 9 Officers, 7 sergeants, 10 corporals, 92 men, 2 llul'sillg ollicers, alld 1.1 nursing sisters. Material: 2 street first aid boxes, COll taining stretchers, plin t., roller and triangular bandages, blankets, &c., ve ted in Oilicl' rs of the COlI' Corps supported by subscriptions. Satisfa.ctory progress has been made in all Divisions of the corps during the year. Two new divisions have been sanctioned, viz., Ravensthorpe Division and lorley Nursing Division, this will bring up the strength of the corps to 2 0 strong. The good feeling and working of all the divisions has brought n,bout its continued succ:es. D uring the year the outh African ~Iedal of the Order of 't. John wa pre ented to the 29 men who served in the late war, hy Mr . '.V. J . Church 13m:;ier, who received a good Yorkshire welcome. The Dewsbury Division a.ttended the brigade camp at Morecambe, and were well satisfied with the in truction obtained-a much larger camp, however, would give greater satisfaction to all concerned. This Division has also gained many honours during the year in competition work. The Thorne's Cup Competition was a greater success this year, 17 teams competing. The winners were Huddersfield, 1st; aHord, London n,nd North-western Railway, 2nd; Brierfield, 3rd, The competition will be held next year (1905), on July 8th . The Batley Division also presented a silver cup for competition, the ,vinners this year being: 1st, Bradford Police; 2nd, Dewsbury; 3rd, Bradford Corps. The Annual Ambulance unday was held this year in Morley, when 300 members in uniform took part. We find the service and parade does a great deal to help forward the work of the Brigade. A field dn,y for all divisions was held in the grounds of Major '.Valker, the stations formed were fully It is the intention to hold one annually for training in transport equipped. and hospital duties . The whole of the corps and divisional officers and sergeants were entertained at dinner by the Chief Superintendent, the cross-table chat was very beneficial to all present. W . Runciman, Esq., JII . P . , has consented to be the president of the corps. The nursing divisions of the corps have done excellent work in helping those who cannot help themselves. Their roller bandaging was specially T hanks are due to the complimented by Major W . Symes at the I nspection. officers of the K. O .Y .L.I. for the use of the Drill Hall.

fns~~ct~~~~ ~:l~ ~1~~~oV~~St:ron ~~~~Sd:;t:l1de1b::~tt ~~ l.I

puhlic duty 69· Annual 8 Annual re-examination 20th J 1 b th leave 5: WIthout leave Medallions 9. . 'el'vice ba'daes 9 11 Y .,er:: ers. passed 19 . DId nO,t appe~l' 7. worn by 1 Off ' 1 . 0 • l1lS111 o ce! tlficates 4. RegulatIon uillform litter 5 stl'etcl~~~s!' 4 shelgeal1t, 1 corporal, and 14 men. :Material: 1 wagon 1 , , avresacs 4 water bottles bandaaes t t d ' f' trustees 011 hehalf of the Batley D' , , D' ! , h' e c., ves e m our frolll the public. IVlSlOl1. IVlS10n supported by subscriptions


The Di\'ision has had a very successful

d' t





~~~~~~~ ~~a~l:ri~~:h~~::~~~.~he: n'!~~a~~~t~~::~f~~:~:e:~rJt:*1~::

c~ll~C~:~l t~~~r:::J; j;lll:!i~~eC:a~c:.as rU::~~~es~11~a~t yea~

and over

~40 has

again been

g:~)~l~~~~:Ul ~~~)~~l~:~ cO?1peti~ion, ~nd wa ,~,~~ucfur:gbt~: E:SltC;:!~db;s ~r~~fo~~

to l'eceiyc 'n. nun In lOn IS agam taking charge of the new winter cIa ses and hopes ha: <luri~~:rt;: ;:;; ;:~~~~~ec{o~h~utfured Brigade work therefrom. ~he ::o;elTH:e for the benefit o f tl un nece sary to form a nursmO" \ l' .t , Ie poor people who are unable to engaae a nurse fo~ st.:riou,; illn." e::.. ~ (1" rlCt nurse ha been enan.ged a d h O d haying paid oyer 300 Ylliits dunner the Ia t month< n ,as fPrhove very useful, handed over to '1 0 'tt '" 1 .. ' pal t o t e work ha been laclie,; who take a <geCn~::<~\n~:~'e Pt'1~'! ~h~O~IJ~~<~~~l o~\::t~~~~~ce members and partly





Hon. S urgeo n .

R. A. Fursyth,

3 rd Office r (i n ch a rge) a n d Hon . Treas u rer.


T. D . Overing.

Ho n. S ecretary.

Ins pecto r o f Sto res .

~ergt. 'Y. E. Winfi el-l, HiCfh






teo .


ixon .

Officers 2. ergeant l. Corporal 1 Privates 19 Ttl fD . I llcrea e since la3t report 2 Drills held 43 . 0 a e ectIve 23. Plublic dntj 20.' Annual . en WI 1 eave 5. Anuual re-examination 25th J I M b 17. Dill not appeal' 5. Medallions 13 R 1< t' ' ' r , U y. em ers passed seraeallt 1 co' . 1 d 1 . . egu a IOn U11l10lm worn by 1 Officer, 1 3 fi~'st aid basfe~~a ~e~~ed i5 ~e:. ,l\Iatenal: 3,Ashford ~i~t~rs, 1 stretcher, splints, subscriptions. ' n celS and CommIttee. DlvlslOn supported by public

~~tell~~~ n~t ~~l

in~l~ectt:~ra/t~ a~~;~~an~~t~rz~ p~r~sJ!


Ho n, Su r g e on a nd S u pt.

C. D. Garrett, i\I.R. C . ~ . , ,Vest Town, Dew~bl1l'Y. 2nd Office r a nd Hon. S e cret a ry.

3rd Offi cer a n d Ho

H. Fowler, Tweedale St. Dewsbul'y , .




l~ . B arl'ac n ' reasurer. l ougb.

Insp e ctor of Stores

Sergt. H. SlllitbsOll .


St. John A?nbLdance Bl'igcHle.


St. John Ambulance Brigctde.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 2. T otal effective 36. Reserve members 4. Drills h eld 56. Average attendance 29 '5. Cases attell(l ed {)n public duty 10. Removals 16. Cases attended no~ on public duty ~o. Anllual inspection, 6th Sept. Total on parade 19. Ab ent w1th leave 14.. 'W Ithout leaye 3. Annual re-examination, 19th July. Members passed 26. DHl not appear 10. Medallions 26. Service badges :J5. ursing certificates 20. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 sl;rgeants, 3 corporals, and 30 men. Material: 6 stretchers, -snr(fical havresac, shoot, medicine clle t, balldage, and splints, \'Csted ill Officers and Committr.e. Division supported by members' and public subscription The Division ha carried out excellent work in drill and pmctical work this year. The street boxes and other ambulance mat ria.l haye proyed useful on ~e\'l;ral occasions. A new competition squad in charge of 'ergeant mithson ha, ag(\,111 been successful in winning the Ackroyd Cha.llenge. hield at Bradfo.rd Exhibition, also the kipton Ho pital Cup, the ,econc1 prize at Batley, second prlze at Darton, and the third prize at Brighouse. e\'eral route marche and field day ha\'e been held, which haNe pro\'ed both enjoyable and illstructi\·e. Sixteen Dew::;lmry.men attended the di trict camp, at Bare, near 1\Iorecambe, e\'ery one of whom can tt!titlfy to the excellent training they receiyed.



ScnooL, 111 OHLEY.

Honorary Surgeon.

L. F. \rest,


Honorary Treasurer.

1st Officer.

PtC. T. A.

J. D. Peal' on, 51, Oakley Lreet,

J ke,~ .

Th orpe, near 'Vaketield. Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

, erg. A. Hargl'eaYes,

Cor1'1. H. ,,-(;~tCl'llHlll.

1, Zoal' Street, Morley.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal s 2. Pri\'atr 16. Total efJ'cctiyc 21. Increase since last report 6 Drills held 40. AYeragf' ntu·lllll1l1eC l~. Ca c: .attended on public duty 2. Cases atlrlldell not all l'uldic; ll uty :W. Allll11al inspection, 6th Sept. Total on parade 11. Ahsent \\"ith lcayc 7. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 26th Jnly. :nlem],en; pa,(;(l If,. Dill lIOt appear 6. Medallions 10. Nursing certificates 1. l{t'gulatioll ullifol'lll \\"orn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 16 men. Material: 3 tretchers, ambulance hamper, splints, bandages, vested in the COlllmittee of Di\ i 'ioll . Di\ ision supported by the public.


Honorary Surgeon .

G. S. Mill,

Mg. J.


Honorary Surgeon.

T. W.


proulle, L.R.C.S.

Honorary Secretary.

Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. W. H. T erry, Knowle, nlirfield.

Pte. A.. Holt.


Officer 1 Sergeant 1. Privates 26. Total effective 28. ~Iedal:lOlls 6. urs~ng certificat~s 4. Material: 2 wall boxcs, com plete with StI~tc.hel s.' ~t.c., yested l.n the Comnllttee. Division supported by subscriptions . 1S Dn'l 'lOll l' only JU t formed. It is hoped that practical work will be a~com­ phshed under the Serge~"\'nt-in-Charge 'V. H. Terry.




Honorary Surgeon.


A. FalcolJcr, :\I.B., C.)I., Tyrconllell Hou e, Earby.

W. Dickinson, Applegarth Earby via Colne.

1st Officer, Hon. Sec., and Treasurer.

V. Heap,


Inspector of Stores.

Thornley, Earby via Colne.

Corp1. J. H. Bury.

Officer.' 3. • ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 14. Total effective 20 Deerea 'e Slllce Ia t rcport 3. Drills held 45. A veraae attendance 14 . C Tttended !Jot on public duty 35. Removals 5. Ann~al inspection 24th Jses otal Oll paradc 1~. Ab: ent with leave 6. Annual re-examinatio~ 4th 111 ov. :'1e11111e1's passcrl 1,1. DId not appear 3 Medall1'ons 9 S . 'b day. .' ' t'f' t . ' . erYlce a Cl'es 6 N UlSlllg llca e::; b 17. ReaulatlOn uniform worn by 3 Offi cers, 1 seraeant b . 1 cel d , 2• corp01a 8, an 14 mcn. Matenal: street emeraency box 4 stretchers 18 b " sac, 3 \Yatcr hottl e, splints, bandages, &c., v~sted in ti1e Committee' D·Jv.leupported by mcm hers' and public subscriptions. . 1 slOn Thl'oU<Th remoY.al ' and other unavoidable circumstances considera.ble ch haye taken place 111 the member hip durina' the past year. The l' ht d Ii ang~s numb~r' should he more than compensateOd for by recruits from;g I ec n~ 111 orgalll 'ed ati heretofol·e. In Au<!'U t an Annual Ambulance anci , T . 0e c asses .Just ., ' d' '? .I., urS111 ' Compeli tion We: l~augurate \nth the sanctlOll of the Deputy CoIrlllli joner of 1 0 IV d V l?l~tl'lctS. Elm-en member of the Division have enrolled in th an ary R . HICk Berth R eserve, and hase all underu'one n, week's trainino' at the R ~ H . '~l . Itt Ha leI' or Plymouth. b b < e . osp1ta

l\cili ' .I...

WSlTrmEAU': 'VAllEJ[Ol':-;E.

2nd Officer (in charge).



F. Smith.

Hon. Treasurer.

J. W.


Honorary Secretary.

Inspector' of Stores.

C0rpl. H. Shires, Teall Street, Ossett.

Pte. J. Travis.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 17. Total eff'ecti ve 23. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 45. Average attendance 10 '1 9. Annual inspection, 6th SRpt. Total on parade 8. Absent with lcave 8. Without leave 7. Annual re-examination, 18th July. Members passed 12. Did not appeal' 11. Medallions 18. Service badges 3. "Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 17 men. Material: 7 stretchers, 1 wheel stretcher, splints and bandages, for all members, vestcd in Ossett Division Committee, St. John Ambulance Brigade. Division supported by the public. The division is making satisfactory progress in its work. Financially the Division has a balance in hand. About 150 cases have been treated by the members.



:r OTTS .

Hon. Surgeons.

D. 1\1. Forbe,

F.R . C.R .

.J. IT. Calder,

L. R.C.P.


E. Lindley, The Grange, Eastwood, Notts. 1st Officer.

2nd Officer.

H. Lindley.

W. Goodson. Hon, Secretary.

C01·p1. H. Saxton, Moor Green, Ne,,-thorpe N otts. Inspector of Stores.

Corp1. F. Gunn.

Hon. Treasurer.

Corpl F. Purdy.

St. J ohm A rnuulance B?'igade.

St. J ohn A mbulance Brigade.

Officers 5. Sergeants 5. Corporals 10. Pl'ivates 72. T otal effective 92. I ncrease since last report 3. D rills held 110. Average attendance 55. Annual re-examinations, 12th July and 9th July. Mem~crs pas&,e? 79. ,Did not apJI.ear 13. Medallions 47 . Service badges 18. N Ul'SlDg certlfi.cates ~6. RegulatIOn uniform worn by 5 Officers. Material.: 6 stre~chers, water bottles , hav:'e~a.cs, splints, bandages, chart::;, &c. , yested m Committee of managc:n ent . DlVlslon snpported by Messrs. Barber, 'Walker & Co., members, and ~ few fnend . T his Divi ion has had a most ucces ful year, and the d1'1ll' hase be~n \'er~ \l'ell attended, whilst the esp?'it de CO?]Js is well n~al'ked . :Much yaluable fir -t (\.1~1 has been rendered which has elicited special prm 'e from both doctor ' and patlents. After a prolonged illne s it was remarkably gratifying to lliwe the presence of our esteemed superintendent \vith u at drill and ,'unday Parades. Thanks to the munificence of Me srs. Ba,rber, \ Va.lker and '0 " and the ~uperintenclen,t" \lpwarcls of 100 officers and men had a mo, t enjoyable trip to >- kegne~s. The Dln IOn ('ontinues to be highly popular and receiYes approbution. from all classes. :J\Iucl~ of the efficiency of tbe corps i due to our Honorary ::;urgt.;on, Dr. Calder. rhe monthly church parades haye been excellently attended.

Medallions 11 . . Regulation uniform worn hy 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 28 mell . M~tel'lal: 4 s~retchers,. 2, :vater bottles, 2 surgical havresacs, splints, etc., vest~d.l.n the Commlttee., DIVISIOn supported by subscriptions, The DIVl~lon has made satlsfactory progress during the year. Twelve members attended the Xo. 5 District Camp at Bare; 17 members have been present on public duty, and several caRes were treated privately.


ergt. W. Hutchinson.




[Formed 5.04.J


Ho n, S ur g e on .

A. M. Er kine,

)1. D.

S u per inte ndent.

1st Office r , Hon . Sec. and Hon , T r ea surer.

Fred Tenney, John 'Y. Roughton, 2, Edenborough t., Goole. 75, Marshland Rd ., Old Goole. Ins pecto r of Stores.


Ho n. 6 urgeon ,

F. G. Heard,


1s t Officer,

S uperintendent.

L.R. C.P,

B. IIiII :ls.

,V. B. Illingworth,

19, Mount A'l'emH', Ecdeshill, Drac1fol'll. Hon . S ecreta ry.

Hon . Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores,


Pte. B . Hillas, Pte. ,\V . HOll croft. 22, Mount Rd., Eccleshill, Bradford.

C:. H ume.

Sergeant 1. Corllorab. 2. Pl'ivate~ 32. Total cfl'ecti,-c 3. Officers 3. I ncrease since last report 14, Drills held 45 . Ayemge at tcudauce ~') Cases attended on public duty 135. Cases attemlrd not all puhl,ie duty :2:3. Annual inspection, 4th March . Total Oll parade 22. Ab 'ent WI th leave 2. Medallions 18. Regulation uniform "'orn by 2 Officers, 1 elgeant, 2 COI'porals, and 8 men. Material: 4 s~retcbe~'s, 3 h~:,:·e. acs, 3 ,~·a.t~r bottles. splints, bandages, etc., vested in the Committee of the Dn'lslOn . Dn'lsIOIl snpported by public and mem hers' sl1bscrilltions. . T he Division had its fir t annual inspection on March -±th. 1903. hy A~<lstant­ Commissioner . \V. Malkin, who expre~~ed great satllifactio11. PuLlic duty \n\S undertaken at Bradford on the occasion of the yisit of the Prince O,11el Prince 's of Wales, when fifty cases were treated, and at the local carniyal (or traduti procession) when six cases were treated. The Div1sion also did duty at the Bradford Exhibition for five weeks, rendering first aid to 135 cases, and re-dressing 135 CtU:ies under medical supervision.


Honorary Surgeon a nd Supt.

Hono rary S ec r et ary.

G. H oyle, M.D., Burleigh House, Elland.

Pte. J . H . Dearden, 22, Catherine treet, EIland .

Hon. Treasu rer.

W m. Furniss.

OfIicer~ 3. ergeants 2. Corporal::. 4. Privates 34. T otal effective 43. Decrea e smce last .report 1. Drills held 18. Average attendance 18 '3 . Cases attelllled not Ol~ pubhc duty 63 . Annual inspection, 5th l\Iay. T otal on parade 30. A~SCDt \\'lth leave 13. A~nnal re-examination, 5th May. Members passed 30, D~d not ~lppca: 13. :M~t.e~Ial: 3 stretchers, 1 medical havresac, splints, etc., vesteclln the (Jomllllttee. DIVISIon supported by the public.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. H artley Lumb.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 35. Total effective 39. I ncrease since last report 11. Drills h eld 47 . Average attendance 16. Cases attended on public duty 11. Removal 1. Cases attended Dot on public d ut y 4. Annual inspection, 30th J une. T otal on parade 31. Absent without leave 8.

HALIFAX DIVISION. [Formed 22.5 . 1900.] HEAD-QUARTER ' :



S uperin t en d en t .

1st Office r .

E. J. Chri tie, Wannleigh Hall,

S. Anty,

Ambler Thorne, near Halifax. Hon. S ec, and Ho n. Treas .


mith, 136, Hebble Lane, Wheatley, Halifax.

In s pe cto r of Stores.

T . P . Penrose.

Ollicers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporall. Privates 10. Total effective 15. Decrease ince l.ast report 6. Drills held 42. A verage attendance 8 '6. Cases ~t~end~d on publIc duty 6. Cases attended not ?n public duty 17. Annual ll1Sp~ctIOn, 14th Oct. ?--,otal on.12arade 12. Absent mthout leave 3. Medallions 5 SerVIce badge 1. Nul' ll1g certIficates 5. ReO'ulation uniform worn by 2 Offic . • 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 6 men . :MateI~al: ambulance cal'1'iaO'e. litter \~~~i b~x~s! stretchers, hampers, blankets, vested in the Committee ofo the Di~ision D\~lSIOn ~up!?orted by members' subscriptions. . , 1he Dn'l. IOn ha not made much progress during the year o"ing, to a great extend to the wu:nt of an hon. urgeon to take an actiye interest in its work From the formatIOn of the D,ivi ion in :J\Iay, 1900, up to the present th~ officers have had to tr,uggle on wlthout the attendance of a surO'eon at a sinO'le drill the natural re uIt b,e111g th~t there is a great lack of enthu iasm am~ng th~ member, and a falling off 111 the numerical strength. In spite of the e drawbacl~s some very good work has been done both individually and on public dut pa.rtlCularly at football matche~,. ~he latter being greatly appreciated. Unfoi.: tunat~ly the funds of the DIY! ,lOn are very low, o\ving to a total htck of finanCIal suPP?rt from the pubhc. Four members have volunteered fo r the H Bearer Co., III course of formation .


St. J ohm A ?nbulance B?·igade. HARPUR HILL DIVISION. HEAD-QUARTERS:

[Formed 20.5.1900.]


Insp ector of Sto res.

Hon. Surgeon .

J. Braith,Yaite,

St. John A rnbulance Brigade.

Pte. J. W. Mellor.


Ho norary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. J. B. Bo,lcy.

Pte. R. Parker, Hu,rpur Hill, Buxton.

Officer 1. SerO'eant 1. Privates 11. Total eil'ectiye 13. Drills held 40. Avcrag:' attendallce 8'64. Annual re-CXall1i~1atiol1, ~3]'(l Aug. Members passed 8. Did not appear 4. Medallions . .NllJ' lllg CClllficait"l 4. 1llatcnal: 1 hox, .1 .h~'Tesac, R egulation uniform WOl'll by 1 sergeant and 7 men. 2 stretchers, 2 ets of splints, etc., vested in Diyj ional Connl1lttee. Dlnslo11 supported by members' and public sub cription', COIlCC!ts, &c .. An the district camp, held at lorecambe 11l. '\Vlut '\V?ek: fi\l: Iemlwrs spent a very enjoyable and instructive week, otherWIse the Dl\I,.;lOll has had an uneyentful year.

Oflicers 4. Sergeants 5. Corporals 5. Privates 59. Total effective 73. D rills helU 19. Average attendance 47 . Cases attended not on public duty 13. R emovals 25.. Annual inspection, 17th Sept. T otal on parade 37 . Absent with leave 1~. '\Ylthout leave 23. .Annual re-examination, 25th Aug. Members passed 36 .. Did not appear. 37. Medallions 32. N'ursing certificates 21. Regulation ulllform WOrJI by 4 Officer" 5 sergeants, 5 corporals, amI 42 men. Material: ambul ance wagon, 8 s~retcheJ' , 7 street boxes with ambulancc baskets, splints, and band~ge[-:, ve:<;te(~ 111 Local Centre. Division supported by Hehden Bridge District Nur lUg InstnutlOn.



Honorary S urgeon.

R. H.

Su perintendent.

'haw, :ll.It.l'.S.

E . .A. Wharton, High Street, H eckmondwike.

4th O fficer.

Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

G. W. IIallllsha\\'.




H. TUI'toll, :I!.D. Barlborough House, Heanor, N ottingbam. Hono rary Secretary

1st Officel'.

Insp ector of Stores. C. ('ott.


Hon . Su rgeon and Superintendent.

Pte. J. La.cey, 9, GoLlfrl.')' ,'t., Heanor.

J. Wood. Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte J. Hartshorn.

Mr. T. Mayfield, J. P. ( Il OII. :\1e111.)

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Pri,'u,tes 31 . Tutal efiecti\'e 42. D ecrease since last report 4. Drills held 2. A vel'age attendancc 30. Ca C's attended on }JubJic duty 30. Removals 7. Ca es attenJecl not on public elmy 93. Annual inspection, ] 7th ept. Total on parade 39. Absent with leavc 2. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 17th ept. Members passed 3 . Did not appear 3. Medallions 16. Nursing certificates 1 Regnbtiou uniforlll worn by 2 Officers. Material: stretchers, water bottles, bandages, splint , haYresac~, etc., vested in Committee. Division supporteu by contriuutiolls of members anel local subscribers. Although there is a decrease in numbers, the interest in the wOlk of the Di \;sion is well-maintained and the discipline is satisfactory. Thirty-one members were present at the Bare Camp; thirty remaining the whole week: A~ the annual inspection the division made a smart appearance, and showed efficlCncy lJ1 ambulance work. A nursing class was held in December, twenty-one obtained certificatei'; there was only one failure.

Ollicers 3. ergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 15. 'Total effective 22. Drill. h~lu 36 . Average attendance 13. Ca e attended on public duty l. Rem ovals -:I. Ca e.' attended not on public duty 22 . Annual inspectio1l, 3ht Aug . Total 011 parade 20. Ah .. cnt without leaye 1. .A~nual re-examination, 31st Aug. Memll'n; I assed 19. Did not appeal' 1. MedallIons 10. Regulation unifollll worn uy 2 OlliccJ' , 1 sergtant, 8 cOIj,oraJs, aLd 15 men . 1l1aterial: 4 stretcher, tngical hanesac, olld matcrial for practice, nsted in Officers of Di,ision. Di\' i.ioll sllpported by l'lll)lie sub criptiollS. The memb~l of the Di\'ision h::1.\.e been of good sel"\~ce to t~e public on many occusiom; d unng the yeur, und cont111ue to take deep 111terest 111 the work of the Brigade.


Honorary S urgeon.

F. C. Cli/ford, ~r.B . 1st Offi cer and Inspector of Store s .

F. Hall cock, 107, Heathcote Road, Mil es Greoll, Bignall End.


[Formed 1.4.95.]


Hon. Surgeon. M.D.

3rd Officer.

L. Greenwood.

1st Offi cer.

2nd Officer.

G. Greenwood.

J. H. Harrison.

Hon . Secretary.

J. H. Wilsoll, Oakville, H ebden Bridge.

Honorary S ec retary.

Sergt. F . Barri Oll, 94, Wareton Road, Audley.

Honorary Treasurer.

CorpI. E.


ergeant l. Corporals 2. Privates 14. Total effecti,'e 19. D ecre~se ~ince last report 35 . Drills held 45 . Average attendance 10. Annual l'e-exa~l1lnatloll, 5th Nov. M~mbers passed 12. Did not appear 35. Medallions 7. Matel'la~: 1 stre~cher,. 1 surgICal hav.re~~c, 1 ,ya~e~' .bottle, splints and bandages, vested 111 the CommIttee of the DIVISIOn. DIVISion supported by public and members. The Divi ion is now publicly recogni ed as being of great service to the district, and a great many ca es have been a.ttended, both underoTound u,nd on the surface at all the collieries in the district. Two squads are now t:>to be put into uniform, and we hope to be able to .end at .least one complete squad to the camp of instruction, to be held at Bhtckpool 111 , Vlut , Veek. Two squad of the Division took first and second prizes in a local competition la t year at Auelley. Ollicers 2.

P. R. Cairns,

gt. F. Waddington, PJ'incess Street, Heckmond\yike.

[Formed 21. 9. 9 .]




St. John A rnbll-l(i1lce B?'iycule.

35 '


Ch ief Su rge on .

Chief Su perintendent.

F. H. K1HtggS,;\1. R. C . ~ .

J . R. Cheetham, 'Yc.t Parade,


Ch ief Surgeon .


Ch ief Superintendent.

,'catterty, :\f.A ., M.D .

S . Clough, Steeton H all, Keighley.

Rlllldel', [ieltl.

" A " DIVISION (KEIGHLEY CORPS. ) [Formed 17.3.9i.J

Insp . of Stores.

Hon . Secretary and Hon . Treas.urer.

T. Johnson.

R. T. H olt,


16, Seniur Street, Mold Green, Ru ddcr. field .



Hono rary Su rge on .

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Pri \'ates 50 . Total cfl'ccti ve 55 . Increase since last report 6. Drill held 26. Averagc attendallce 21 ' . Annual inspection, 15th Sept. Annual re-~xalllillt~tioll, 16th JUIlC. .lcmbers passed 27. Did not appeal' 29. ReglllatlOll umform .WOl'll by :2 OIllcers, 2 sergeants, and 35 men. Material: 9 stretcher, 3 smg1C:1.1 hane:acs, 9 water bottles, 1 bandage shoot, splint., 1 bedstead, blankets alJ(l hctt, cOlllplde, ycstcd in Officers of the Corps. Corps supported hy mcmbers and voluntary suhscri ptions.


5. H100.]

J. _ . Dobie,

)I.A. , )I.B . ,

Oaklands, Keighley.

Sup erintendent.

J. 9, Neville

1st Officer and Hon. S ec.

'Y. Parr, 22, Aireworth Hoad, Keighley .


treet, Keighley.

Olficers 3. ergeant 1. Corporals 4. Privates 21. Total effective 29 . Incrw e since last report 2. Drills hel<.1 53. A;-erage attenllance 10. Cases ~~tended on public duty l. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Annual inspechon, Lh Oct. Total on parade 11. Absent with lea\'e 5. Without leave 12. .Annua~ re-examination, 6th Oct. 'Memhers llassed 15. Did not appear ] 3. ervice badges 3. N I1rsing certificates 5 . HegulatioD uniform worn l\lcJalllOns H). by 1 Ofliccr, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 5 men, Di\'isioll suppOltf'd by employers of labour and gencral public.


" B " DIVISION (KEIGHLEY CORPS ). [Formed 17.3.97.J

(N 0 re port rec'ei ved. )

2 ,



Honorary Su rgeon.


Honorary Surgeon. ::'Il.lLC.i:),

[Formed 9 . . 99. J


Ch ief Superintend ent and Hon . Sec.

R F . lIu\J1Jle, Bank, Ilkc

1st Officers.

2nd Officers.

S. J . J\Ialtby. R. H. Tatham.

C. Maltby. II. F. :JIcrry.

Insp ector of Stores .

CorpI. J. Pounder.


[Formed as a Division in l\Iarch, 1897, as a Corps in November, 1900.J

ALmON, THEI.;1', HummnSFfELD.

A. Dobson,



[Formed 1 96.J



Joln~ A?71,b~l-lance



. Dobie,

Superinte ndent.

L.R.O.P .

T. Soble, Li tel' Street, Keighley.

Officers 2. Corporals 2. Pri\'ates 15. Total eIfecti\'e 19. Drills. held ?O. Average attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 28. AnlluallllspectLOI1, th Oct. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 4. Annnal re-examination, 6th Oct. l\Iembers passed 15. D id not ajl~lear 4. Medallions 10. elTice baclges 4. Nll\'sing certificates 12. R egulation ulllforll worn by 1 Officer, 2 corporals, and 12 men. l\Iaterial vested in Committee of Officel'~. Divi iOll supporterl by employers of labour anJ general public.

Honorary Treas urer.

MI'. W. Fletcher (lIon. l\lcJl1.)

Officers 6. Sergeants 4. Corporals 11. Privates 66. Total effective 87. In crease since last rp.port 6. Drills held 50. Average attendance 41. Annual inspection, 24th Sept. T otal on parade 64. Absent with leave 10 Without leave 13. Annual re·examination, F euruary . Members passed 87. Medallions 25. Service badge 1. Nnrsing certificates 42 . R egulation uniform worn by 6 Officers, Material: stretchers, splints, water 4 sergeants, 11 corporals, and 66 men . bottles, havl'f'sacs, etc., vested in the Committee. Division supported by members' a nd public subscriptions. The Corp has made steady progress during the year , the drills have been attended better, and more interest is being taken in the work. At the H ospital ports, the section on duty were busily engaged from 2 to 7 p.m., there being numerous cases, chiefly bicycle accidents. At the Agricultural Show another section were on duty, there was one serious accident, the patient having to be removed to the hospital, the surgeon who had charge of the case at the hospital, reported that the patient had r eceived every possible attention from the ambulance men. As will be seen by the r eport, fifteen more men have passed the nursing examination.


Sup erinte ndent.

F. Hudson, 15, Alma Street, l\Iytholmes, H aworth . Honorary Secretary.

Hon . Treasurer and Insp. of Stores.

F. Parker, l\Iain Street, Haworth.

Sergt. T. W. Richards .

Offi cer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 17. T otal effective 21. Decrease since l~st report 1. Drills h eld H. Average attenclance 14. Cases ~ttende.d on pubhc duty 2. Ca~es attenJed not ou puhlic duty 16. Annual lIlSpectlOn, 8th Oct. T otal on parade 13. Absent with l eave l. Wi thout l eave 4. An,nual r e-exami!lation, .6th Oct. Members passed 13. Did not appear 7. McdallIons 6. N ursmg certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 7 mell. Materi al: havresacs and stretchers vested'in Committee of Officers. Division supported by public subscriptions aud el~lployers.

St. J ohn A'Inbglc6nCe BTigacle.

360 CC


[Formed 1.10.02.]



[Formed 2.1 2. 01J.

Hon . Su'-geon .

Hon . Se cretary.


D. McDonnell, L.R.C.I'.

F . Robinsoll, 15, W est View, Silsl1en.

(N 0 report received.)

Officer 1. ergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 10. Total effective 13. Drills h eld 33 . Ayeraue attendance Cases attenJec1not on public duty 40. Annnal insI ection, tll °Oct. Total on parade 4. Absent. without leave. . Annual re-examinatioll, 10th Oct. Menthers pas ed 12. MedallIolis 7 . ..~~atenal : 2 street boxes, 4 stretchers, members supplied with Il. pocket casc. DIYI 1011 • npported by public subscriptions.


" H " LEEDS CITY TRAMWAY EMPLOYES DIVISION (LEEDS CORPS ). [FormecI1 .6.02.J HEAD-QUARTER'): TUAMWAY ,lIED.', KIRKSTALL ROAD, L EEDS. (No report received.) LEYS DIVISION. [Formed 1896.J ( :r 0 report recei yed.)

[Formed 1900.]


rA.-~I~GLEY Ro.\.D, AR)ILEY.

LINCOLN CORPS. (No report receiyecl.)

[Formed 11.2.97.]

HEAD'QUAllTFRS: Dl~ILL H,\ LL, BnOADGATE, LI::\COLX. C hief Surgeon .

" A "


F. . Lrtmbel't, :lr.l:.C.~., Balgo\\'an, Newlanu, Lincoln.


(No report recei\'ed.) " B " HOLBECK, HUNSLET , AND DISTRICT DIVISION ( LEEDS CORPS. [Form ell 30.10 .01.] HEAD-QUARTELt:-5 : ST. PETElt': • OI1OOL, DEwsllUltY RU.\lJ. (No report recei \·cd.) "C" BURLEY, KIRKSTALL AND DISTRICT DIVISION (LEE DS CORPS [Formed 3.] .01.] HEAD'Q"C"ARTERS : CHl'ncn. L'IWOL,


(No rep01 t recei \'ell. ) "' D " DIVISION (LEEDS CORPS ).

C hief Superintend ent.

K. R. Deighton, 51, Rasen Lane, Linc oln . Hon . Secretaries.


Arthur Lupton awl J. J. Neh;ey, treet and G.~.R. Yard, Brayford 'tl'eet, Lin coln .

OfJiceJ . 2. ergeants 4. Corporals 6. Privates 70 . Total effective 2. Increase since la.t report 45. Drills held 26. Average attendance 16. Ca 'es atLended 011 puh~ic (~uty 16. Removals 4 . Cases attended not on public duty 200. Anllll a~ lC-CXanll11atlO~, 26th. March. Members passed 47. Did not appeal' 5. l\feclalholls 19. Nur!llllg ccrttflcate'3 7. Hegnlation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 4 selgeanLs, 6 corporals, amI 41 men. :Material: 1 litter 3 stretchers 3 havresacs, Sl~lillt" bandages, fi r t field dres ing for each man, vested' in the Con;mittee of the Lll1 coln qorp" Corps sup ported by public subscriptions. The LlI1culn Corps ha made great progress during the last year. A new Diy).,sion has 1>een formed of railway lien (G.X.R.), which bas brought the strength up to that of:t 'orps. The Corp' ha turned out for duty thirty time and has rendered a aood accuunt of ibelf. The Oorps is indebted to the Officers of the Volunteers for th~ u e of the Drill Ibll, to F. H. Hani on of \Vhite Hall. for the use of his la,Wll on ummel' eveni1~gs fur chill, ~1l1c1 to the GoYernol's of the Monks Road ullday chool for the use of theIr ruom' durlllg the Plett ure Fair.

[Formed 12.1900.]



[Formed 13.3.01.]


(N 0 report received.)

Hon. Surgeon. CC


St. John Ambulance Brigade.


[Formed 29.4.01.]


W. J. Wordsworth,

~r.R.C.S .


R. H. Childs, 10, Portland T errace, Mansfield.

1st Officer and Hon . Sec.

G. W. Nicholson, Maiden Villas, N ottingbam Road, Mansfield.

Inspector of Stores.

Z. Crooks .

Honorary Treasurer.

'Y. F . Jolly.

Ollicers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 17. Total effecti\'e 23. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 45. AYerage attendance 27 . Cases attendeo. not on public duty 17. Annual in pection, 23rd JUly. Total on parade 16. Absent "'ith leave 4. ·Without leaye 3. Annual re-examination, 2nd Oct. Members passed 17. Did not appear 6. Medallions 18. Re O'ulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 17 men. ~Iaterials: 3


St. J ohfl1- A mbnlance B1'igacle.

St. J ohn A rrnbtdance B1"igacle.

stretchers, 2 sets of splints, bandages, &c., diagranls, and stores cupboard, vest~d in the Committee of the Division. Di vision snpported by members' and pubhc su bscri p tions. .. . Although the report shows a decrease of one member, It IS pleaslDg to obser\'e there is a marked improvement in the average attendance; al 0 that at both the annual r~. examination and at the inspection held in July, there was a good muster. It ~s gratifying to report that during the year a ladies' class hit been formed, and this promises to be mo t successful. The number of case attenc~ed as s~own on .report, does not represent anything like the work done, as a gret~t dIfficulty 1 found ll1 get. ting the men to report same. everal of the men ar~ railway emplo~ees, and four of them have since the last report, been presented with gold and '11\'er medals for services rendered to the injured .

Ib is gratifying to be able to state that this Corps is increasing in efficiency as a whole . T he Tewcastle-under-Lyme Division are doing good work, and under the exc~llent and efficient teaching of their uperintendent, Dr. Allardice, h'1."e been aga!-ll able to win the Challenge Cup at the annual competition. It is, howen:r, deSIrable that more men should be enrolled under this Officer. The Potteries Electric Traction Co. have increa ed in numbers and efficiency, and their drills are regular and good. It is a mOtit promising Division. The Burslem Division remains tilllall in numbers, but the work is well done and the rerfulations carried out. The Kor~h .'ta.fforchhireRailway Division w~rk pasmodicallyowing to the difficulty of gettmg the l1:en together, an~l though dnlls, etc., may be in orders very few attend, many rendenng themselves lutble to be struck off the roll of efficients. At one time they were a strong Di visi.on and ''lorked well, and it is to be regretted that such is not the case now. IIanley (N.S.R.) is lot smart Division, they are under the command of it 'e ~ge:mt, and work hard and de:;erve eyery prai e, they attend their drills, and get umful'm although without funds or subscribers. The Milton Division work under ~reat difficulties, but do their best under their pain:;taking Officer, Mr. ,V. Lowe. It IS to be regTetted that he is not better supported, or he would soon have a Diyisiun e<lual to It1ly in the C01})s. The Tun -tall Diyision which used to be one of the ~lll<trt~, t :tud best w?rke? .h~lS alm,ost f,tllen out, but it is gratifying to learn that there 1:; u. lIkehhood of thus Dnl.SlOn belllg re-formed. a report on the whole Corps, I am abl,e .to say thtl.t those now el,lrolled ,tre a smart lot of men, well up in their work and. ettiCl\~llt . . A '!l?all and efficlent Corps is undoubtedly better than a large one, bann~ many ll~e~Clents. The books of the se,'eml Divisions are not kept a they should he, but It IS hoped to be able next yea,r to report ~reat improyement in tIllS lll,ttter.


MYTHOLMROYD DIVISION. [Formed 1904]. (No report receivclI) .


[Forl1lcd 20.6.99.]


report receiyed.)




3 Y.13.

LI::\COL~ RE(;DlE~T,

ru." Ulom'E .

Ho no r a r y S urge o ns.

1.1. R. J. Behrendt,

D . R. )li11er, ~l.n .


T . H . Hardy, 40, Pftrkin 'oll Road, ,cunthorpe. 1st Offi ce r (act ing) an d Honorary T re as u r er.


. Mclntosh. Ins p ecto r of Store s .

Pte. D. Cutts, Sutton Street, Scuuthorpe.

Pte. G.


Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. PriYates 25. Total effective 33 . Drills held 46 . Average attendanee 10. Cases attended on publie duty 8. AUllual ill pection, 5th Removal 1. Cases attended not on public duty 32. Oct. Total on parade 17. A1Jsellt with leave 4. Without. leave 12. Annual re-examination, Members passcd 19. Did not appear 12. Medallions 8, Service badges 4. Nu rsing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 23 men . MaLerial : 4 strctcher , 2 havresacs, water bottles, splints, bandages, rugs, &c. , vested in the Committee of Divisi.on. Division supported by local subscriptions. T he finances of the Division are in a satisfactory condition, the li,tbilities being very limited, and we hope very shortly to be quite clear of debt. The Division has made steady progress and is now firmly established as an institution i.n the di trict. The work done by the members is much appreciated by the workmen in the district, and the service of the men are contmually being called for in ca e of accident. The Division is greatly indebted to :Major Dove for the use of the Drill IIall of the 3 V. B . Linc. Regt. (G. Co.) .


Chief Surgeon and Ch ief Superintendent.

J . F . Al'liclge,

L . R . C. P .



1st Officer and Hon, S ecret ary.

Sup e r in t en d e nt .

Hon . S e creta ry (act ing),

NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE RAILWAY DIVISION (NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CO RPS ). [Formed :23. 6.95.] R. Bagnall, 55, Elgin Street, Shelton.

Oflice r 1. ergeants 3. Corporals 2. Privates 1. Total effectiYe ~4. Drill ' hclel H. Average attendance . Annual inspection, 2-ith July. Total on parade 1~. Absent with leave 12. Medallions 1 . ervice badges 3. Knrsing certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 3 sergeant, 2 corpontls and 1 men. Material : 5 stretchers, 2 ",heel frames for stretchers :2 litter ', ve ted in North taf:l'ordshire Railway. Division supported by No~th talI'ord hire Railway. The Di\ision ~as improved in efficiency during the year, the members as a "'hole att~~d the pra~tlCes very regularly, and are enthusia tic in their work. At the com. p!;; tltlOll held l~ Hanley Park, on "'aturday July 23rd, a squad from tills Di,i' ion took the fir ,t pnze a,nd Railway Challenge Cup.


,Hon . Surge on.

J. Russell, Supt. and Hon . S ec. ,

M. A ., ~[ . B.

Hon . Treas . (Act ing) and Insp. of Stol'es.

T. W . Boardman, Town Hall, Burslem, Staff's. . Officers 2. Sergeant l. Privates 15. T otal effective 1 . In crease Slllce last report 1. Drills held 49 . Ayerage attendance 30. Removals 8. ~ases a~tended on public duty 8. Case:; attenrled not on public duty 3. Annual lllspectl?n, ,24th J uly . Total on parade 12. Absent wi th leave 5. Annual l'e-eXallllllutlO n, 23rd ept. :Members passed 17. Medallions 13. Service bad (Yes 8. Regnl~tio n uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 15 men. Materi~l : 1 ~shfor<l htter, 1 surgical ha ~reRac, 1.r~g.ulaLion ,water bottle, 2 F urley strete' hers, SplllltS, bandages, &c., vested III the DlvlslOn. Dnision supported by concerts, &c.

St. J ohn Amuulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A'Inb'Li-la'lICe BTigacle.



[Formed 6.03. ]

Honora ry S ec r eta ry

J . Gough,


treet, Hanley.

Sergeants auJ Corporals 2. Privates ]2. Total efi'~ctive 14. Drills held 33. Averageattemlallce 9. Ca es attended. on pu~lIcduty 13. Removals 2. Cases attended 1I0t on public duty 10 Annual l11SpectIOll, 24th July. Total on parade 14. Annual re-examination, 5th June. .Mcmbers passl:!d 14. Mellallions 4. Regulation uniform worn uy 2 sergeants and corporals and 12 men. Material: 2 stretchers, 1 litter, 1 havresuc. ETRURIA


(NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS ). [Formed 17.1. 96 1


(No report recei veel. ) MILTON DIVISION (NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS ). [Formed 11.9.97.] HEAD-QUARTERS : Boys' SCHOOL, MILTO', STOKE-ox-TnExT.

(N 0 report recei vetl.)


Ho n. S urgeon .

G. S.


'Y. C. Allardice, "II. D., King Street, N e \YoasUe, S tafrs.


Hono ra ry Surge on .

G. H. List, ~1.D . Supt. a n d Ho n. T reasure r .

Hon . S e cretary.

F. Hatch, 92, London Road,

E. J . Bl'olYne, 79, Selwyn Street, toke-on -Trent.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 53. Total effective 56 . Increase 5ince last report 44. Drills held 33 . Average attendance 22 . Cases attended not 011 public duty 11 . Annual illspection, 24th July. Total on parade 28 . All ent with leave 5. Annnal re-examination, 9th Oct. :Members passed 25 . Did not appear 7. Ueual1ions 4. enTice badges 2. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Ofllcer, 1 sergeant, and 33 men. :Material: 3 stretchers, tbree 5ets of splints, 1 havresac, and forty bandages, vested in the Potteries Electric Traction Oompany, Limited. RAILW AY DIVISION (NORTH STAFF ORDSHIRE CORPS ). [Formed 1895J. (No report received), TUNSTALL DIVISION (NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS ). [Formed 4.6.96 .J


S uperin t ende nt.




(No report I'ecei ved.) OTLEY DIVISION .

[Re-formed 13.10.02.J


)f.D .

1st Officer. .A . Oanyer.

Honorary S urgeo n.

"T. E . Bennett,

1s t Office r .

L. C' . H. I>.

J. Sno\\'ua11, 53, Albion Street, Otley.

Hon . S e cret a ry.

Inspector of S t ores.

Honorary S ecretary.

W . Banks.

Inspector of Stores.

S. ,Yade, 4, Knappers Gate, Newcastle, Staffs.

J. Geenty, 40; Orchard t., Otley.

J . Gott.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 29. Total efi'ecti\'e 36. Decrease siuce last report 1. Dlills held 41. Ayerage attendUll?e 15 to 20. Cases attended on pnblic duty 2. Cases attended not Oil pul~hc duty 22. Annual inspectioll, 24th July . Total on parade 20. AbsenL WIth leaye I? , Yithout leave 1. Aunual re-examination, 22ud July. 1I1cmuers passed 2. DId not appear 8. Medallions 22. Service badges 4.. Nursing certificate 1. R~gu­ lation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals and 19 Iller~. Uatenal: 2 stretchers, 1 havresac, and quantity splints and bandages, vest.ed 111 the Newcastle-under-Lyme Division . Division supported by the publIc and members themselves. . . The strength of this Division remains about the same as last year. It I' plea~lllg to report a great improvement in the efficiency of the men. ~ good n~llnher. of the men have bought their own uniforms during the year, and owmg to theIr turmng out in the streets for public duty on several occasions, it has bro~ght the work under the notice of the to-wnspeople, and we are consequently gettmg better supported ~)y them. We have again for the thir~l ye~r in succes~i~n won the North StaffordshIre Challenge Oup, also 1st and 2nd pl'lzes m a competItIOn held at Alsager, t.nd second in the North Staffordshire Railway Competition. 'Ve entered two teams for the Dewar Shield, and came out 3rd and 4th in No. 5 district. A team fro~ he~'e w~s picked to repr~sent the :Tort? .Staffordsl;tile Railway Comp~ny, for th~ ~rst tIme m the I nter Railway CompetItIOn, and It was placed 5th m the Prelmnnary Competition at Ohestet.

Honorary Treas u r er.

J. Cross.

Officers 2. Pl'i\'ate51 . Total etfective 20 . IllCl"eaSe since last rcpcl't . Drills held 23. AYerage attendance 13. Cases attclllled on puhlic duty . Removal 15. Ca es attended not Oil public duty 60. Annual inspection, 2,tth Aug. Total on parade 15. Ab ent with leaye 1. ,Vitbol1t leave 4. Annual re-examination, 28th ept. Member5 passed 16. Did not appear 4. MellalliollS 13. 1.Iatel'ial: 2 surgical havre ac , 2 water bottles vested in the Otley Cen tre. DiYisiou ;';Ullported by the Otley Centre. ' During the year th~ members have giYen great s:.ttisfaction whenever they haye been ca~l~cl upon, respondll1&, to :.tny case yery pr.omptly,. and rendering fir t aid Yery effIcIently i the docturs 111 the tOWll ha"e eulogl ed then smart work. It is unfortunate that we are without uniform, but a fund has been started for this object and with a ,'cry g:m tifying ref'ult. It is hoped by another year to haye a numb~r of the member. , if not ali, supplied. Duty is performed at ali football matches' ome of the member. also attended the .Otley ..,\..gricultural. Show two day' Fdal how, 'Vat.er Carmml, etc. The publl<' seem to appreClate the effort the Diyision i ml,kmg. PEA KDALE DI VI SION.



Ho n ora ry S urge o n. Y. J. Greenhongh, ~I.D.

Su pt. and Hon . S ec.

Rey. A . H . Hatfield, Bathamgate, Peakdale, Buxton .


St. J ohn Ambulancp Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nbtdcmce B?'igade. Hon. Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. L . Garbutt.

Pte. 'V. Garner.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 10. T otal effective 13. Drills held 31. Av~rage attendance 8. Cases attended not on public duty 16. Removals 6. Annual rp,-examination, 21st ept. .Members pa~ GU 9.. Did ~lOt appear 3. Medallions 6. Matcrial: st retchers, largeupply of m~lCl:ll1l for first aid, vested in the Division. Division supported by members' snbscnphol1s. This Division has few opportunitie for public duty.. Its . members, ?owever~ have done u eful work in cases from the local lStone quarnes. 'e\'eral enOlli:1 IlccIchmts have been attended to, and patients removed.


~vith O~le officer performed public duty a,t the Agl'icultural Show. The annual ll1lSpectlOn and examination were conducted by the district Chief Surgeon, 'Ul'g'. -Major E .. \Vest-. ymes, on 'eptember 27th, after the men had gone through th~ va,nous dnlls, etc. Th e inspecting Officer, in addre sin a the Officers ~nd mcn smd ~e was pleased to see they had aC(luired a knowledge ~f drill, etc., III so short a tmlc, and was g~ad to see part uniform had been procured, and hoped an ~nd~tw~ur t~ get full uniform would be made at an early da,te. The examin~tlOn 111 first md knowledge was next proceeded with, and he said he was pleased WIth the w~rk he had. seen. It .has been decided to procure wall boxes, and to have them fixed at vanous centres 111 the neighbourhood.

SHIPLEY AND DISTRICT CORPS. [Formed as Division 1.10.99 ; as a Oorps 6.6.03 .]

SHEFFIELD CORPS. [Formcd 12.99].


A. C!.uk,


A. U. B. Pennock .


O. W. Eames,


Superintendent of Stores.

Chief Superintendent.

H. C. Else, Tinsley House,

Chief Surgeon .

Honorary Surgeon.

Chief Surgeon.

E. Barker Barber, L.n.c.i':.

Superinte ndent .

Inspector of Stores .

Sup erintenden t .

Honorary S ecretary.

Sergt. H. E. Bagg., 92, Wake Roa(], Sharrow, Sheffield.

Honora ry Treasurer.

Mr. B. A. Firth,

J.r. (Hon. Mem.)


T. Stuart,



Officers 9.

J. H. Potter, Fern Bank, Baildon, near Shipley. Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. J. D. Busfield.

Corp1. H. Bowers.

Officers 5. ergeants 15 . Corporals 11. Private~ 95 . Total effectivc 1~6. Decrease since last report 6. Drills held 27. Average attcndauce 55. Cases attended on public duty 364. Annual inspection, 19th 'ept . .Tot~l on parade 10:. Absent with leave 11. ,Vithout leave 18. Annual re-examlllalton, four days In Oct. Members passed 89. Dill not ~ppeal' .43. Medallio~s If· 'er~icc badges 16. Nursing certificates 41. RegulatlOn mnforDl \Yorn by ~ Ofhcer , 1;, sergeant, 11 corporals, and 95 mcn. Material: cupboanls, 16 sLre.tchcrs and sl'liut" 16 blankets, havresacs, water hottles, bandages, etc ., Y('sted 1ll the Corps. Corps supported by subscription ., mostly from large works. . .. Brown belts have been pro\'ided for the men durl11g the year, the Clty fiuclLng money for same. The sergeimts have all been proyided \\'it~l patrol ja,cke:tfl. The public duties have been ~any, and the men hase. done thell' wO;'k well: :\. good number of our men were m camp at Morecambe WIth others of ~o. 5 ell ,trlCt, n.nd great benefit was derived.

Honorary Surgeon.

2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.

T. Allen, 20, Belmont Crescent, Shipley.

W. B. Y. Brittain.


ergeants 5.

Corporals 6. Privates 74. Nursing siRters 49. Total effective 143. Cases uttcnd0d 011 public duty 274. Removah 8. Cases attended not on public ~tlty 2?1. Annual inspection, 2.4th Aug. Tot~l on parade 90. Absent with leave ,-,9 . \\ Itho,nt leave 14. Medulhons. 7~. erYIce badges 20. Nursing certificates 2.0' Ma~cnal: 1~ stretchers, 5 s~ll'glCal havl'esacs, 1 fully-equipped accident box Sl~uatetlIn centre of town, quantity of bandages, vested in the Officers and Oom11lltte~ of tho 01"1's. Co1'1)S sllilported by members' subscriptions and voluntary uonatlOlls. 'ince la.'t I:eport th~ ~?rps 1m made .gren.t progress. The section at Y eadon has been formed llltO <"1, Dl q lon, and a sectlOn has been formed n.t Burley. Three hon. ~ul'g~ons, ~ .~mbl~h\,llce Officers, 2 ~lursing Orficers, 25 sergeant, corpora,]s, and men, and 20 lIUllSll1g ~I~ters, were supplied for duty at Bradford on l\Iay 4th, on the occa ion of the Royal Vls~t. The Corps under~ook duty n.t the Bradford Exhibition every fourth week for SIX months; n.lso at lupley Glen at Easter; and altaire Park on J~~ ~nd for the ~'cte and Gala. The whole of the members of the" A" n.nd .. B " 'lOn' ha\'e umform, and the whole of the nUl'ing isters hn.vc indoor uniform. rhanl~' t~re due to J. Roberts, ES(h J.P., who g'n.ye us £20 on condition that we made It ~nto £.50 by a given cln.te. Thi w? were enabled to do through the generosity of o~lr fnen~ III tl~e t?wn. 'Ve n,lso recClved a, bed a.nd bedstead equipped from C. J. \ Vlutfield, Estl., Bummgham. The attendance of members both at drill and on public duty ha.s been remarkably good.


Supt. (Acting) and Hon . Secretary.

E. R. Morphet, Halstead, Settle.

Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. R. Olark.

Pte. H. Foxcroft.

Officers 2. Corporals 2. Privates 18. Total effective 22. Drills held 25 . Average attendance 13. Removals 2. Annual inspection, 27th Sept. Total on parade 22. Annual re-examination, 27th Sept. Medallions 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer. Material: 3 stretchers, 1 havre· sac, water bottle, splints and bandages, vested in Oommittee of Division. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions. The Division was sanctioned on April 15th, and practices and drill commenced May lOth, and were held weekly during the summer. On August 20th a squad


[Formed 1.10.99.]


Honorary Surgeon .

O. W. Eames,

M.D .

1st Officer.

J. T. Green.

Officcrs 2. Sergeant 1. Oorpora.ls 2. Privates 22. Total effective 27. IJJ <TealSc since last report 4. Drills held 50. AYerage attendance 13'2 Cases attcnded on ,Pnblic .lluty 95 . Rcmovals 4. Cases attelllleu not on public duty 45: AIl11Utl,lIIl SpcctlOl1, 24th Aug.. T?tal on parade 19. Absent with leave 6. WIth out leavc 2. All~ual re- eXtl,lmn~tlOn, 15th Jun e. Members passed- 23. Did 110~ appea:r 3. MedallIons 16. Service badges 7. Nursing certificates 6. ReaulatlOn umform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 18 men. /"') AI

I Yt. J ohn AndJ'ulance B1·ignde.

368 . . . . ., n ine new members joinecl cll\l'in~ the T he DIVl~IOU eontmues to rog~_ess, . f llows .-Eastel'lic1e n.t :::;llil'll'y Glen; year. Public duty ha.sRbeeu ~~D:c.etrta~e~l ~~cryO fourth week nt the City of Dnvl1\h,y -lth at Bl"1dford oyal , lSI, anc e . fo;d Exl~ibition: Severa'! cases were deaJt with on each occaSIOn.


2nd Offi cer.

Honora r y Su rgeon .

J. II. poticr.

T. 1. Bonn er, M.A . , M. n.

. ' t 2 Cor )ol'als 3. Pl'i\'aies 29 . ToLal efTccti\'C 36. Officels 2. Scrgean s . ) 1.11 50 A\'E'l"l{fC at.lcndancc 12·fi. Ct1se~ nlls In crease since ~ast report , ~C ~ 'Cascs att~nliecl not on pulllic duly attended on pubhc duty 100 . \,C1110 \ fI S l' 1 mnlllc 17 Allselll "'itb If>a\'c 14. 0 54. Annual inspection, 24th ~ug.. rota 1 .\1 1 'J:ll1r irr11lhcrs pusserl 22. Dill Knrsillg cerlincalrs 13. 'W ithout leave 5. Annu~l rC'2exanl1~a .l?n, l~adl(res not appear 13 . Mellalhons 1. CJ' Ice b • ., I allll] \'l men 3 Regulati~n. l~niform .'"om lIy 2 Of~ce]'s, s~'~~:~1~1'\h o~O~l~~l~r I:~e;on ','L'cti()l\' (\\'hich T he Dn'1SIOn contmues .to.l?rog'lelgs. . 1~. ~ ''''.1 11n~ now lJceollw ,'e:tcl()l1 awl 1[1.\'111" 1llCleaSe(, "., f orme d a l~a~ t .0 f tl1e Dl\"lSIOn) '.' :""'r (Yof ei"ltt llll'mhers hn,.; 11l:Cll fOI'11H:d at Guiseley Dn'lslon. A new. ectlOn C01181S 111 ..., • . . t:> 1 , TIle l>i\ isiol1 hac Burley-in·Wharf.edule, and hi~li3 f:1il' i~J~le)i~1.~~~~.Ji~~~1tl:'ii~~~) ;():~l~' the oCl'llsi()~l of ~lll' undertaken pubhc duty at ... lllp le y G C't( f])' elf l1'tl FxhiiJitioJ1 . nlso ill CUllllt;(;lICJll Ro al Vi it to Bradford; and at t l1e 1 y 0 ,I[\. ( . witt the Shipley Friendly and Trarle ocictieti' ports and Gala, JJ1 ,T ul).










[Fol'me,l fl.2.04.]

UIIOIlL, YE.\ lID:\'.

Hon. S urgeon.

r1' . Johnstone,



carlJorough, YC[UlOll. Inspector of S tores and Hon. Treas.

Hon . S ec.

Pte. J. IIargl'raycs.

Pte. H. G. Myers, H igh Street, Yeadon, nr. Leeds.

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporal] . PI i vaLes 23. Total en'ccti ve 27. Drills held 37 . Average attendance 10'12. Cas~s att(' ~lc1ed 011 l'l:ll1ic lluly 4 Cases attended not on pnbUe duty 14. Annual Ill. peciIOn, 19th Oe t. Total . d 16 A b~ent with leavc 5 'Without l('a\'e 5. 1\lemlJers ]lass (I 21. Did on t para e, l\Iedallions 8. l\iaterial : 3 stretchers, splints, hautlages, etc:, ~~stedPR~a:he 'D ivisional Officcrs and Committec. Diyi. i011 supporled 11)' pulllIe donation and member ' subscriptions. . . 1r . T he D ivision has made steady progress since formatIon. l\Icn~hers aticn~l d for PU) l~ duty at the Guiseley Fete and Gala i also n.t the Yeadon E etc and Gala .. 4\.~ UII: D ivision is formed of about equal num?er~ fr0111 Guisele) and Yeadon, a d.l'lll ~0~1~1 h as been taken at Guiseley, and the elrlll ~s held alternate weeks at the abo\ e place. . Owing to inefficien cy, several members Will be struck off the strength.


Officers 4.. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 16. Total efTective 22 . Drills llClJ 43 . A vorage attendance 13. Cases D ecrease since lflst report 5. attended 011 pnhlic duty 1. Rcmo\"al 1. Annual inspecticn , 8th Feb. Total on parade 24. Absent with leave 1. 'Without leave 2 . Medallions 10. Kursing cCl'tiOcatcs 8. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and.16 men . l\Iatcriat : 3 slretchcrs, case of medical appliances, splints, ctc . DiviSIOn supportcd by mem bel'S and public. The past year has heen a 11l0!'.t successful one from either the point of view of efficiency, or hard work. In the competition for" The Dcwar Challenge meld," 5 of Ollr Division, yiz. :-lst Officer WingrO\'e, Corporal Brinton, Privates Wade, Purely, and \ \Tood, were succcs!'.ful in the final competition for No .5 District, and competed in London against 5 other teams for the trophy. Although not successful, it w.1. regarded as a great bonour to be represented, being such n young Divisiot;!. I t is the firm determination to try and do better next year A shght decrease 111 mcmbership is tu be obsen·ed. This is on account of the high stanclard of efficiency insisted upon hy the Officers. Ko non·effieients are allowed to remain in the Divi ion. Eleyen men of the Division attended the Camp at Morecambe during , Vhitsun-week, and spoke l110!'.t highly of the excellent management, and the great experience gained. The D '}Juty-Commissioner held his annual in,'pection in the Town IIall on February th, and distributed certificates for ambulance work, and sick nursing. A general reYlew of some of the Corps and Dil'isionsinthe TO. 5Ditrictwas held in the Lawn Grounds, Sutton·in·}.. shfielc1, on July 231'd, under the superYlsion of the Deputy-Commissioner, whcn ::;0111e 300 men were on parade. ,urgeon General ir , Villiam Taylor, was the reyiewinlj Offic'r, and expressed his high admiration for the general efficiency displayed hy all the men on parade. All the local arrangements were carried out by the men of the Rutton·in·.c\ hfiele! Di,-ision. };'ifteen men of the Di vision are now enrolled in the A. R K.,'. B. R., and are going through a course of special training in ac1,Tanced sick nur::;ing . l,'our men haye hecn sent for se,-en days'special training on board 11.::'[" . IlIllno?'lalite, tationec1 at 'hatham, while 3 men haye been for seven days' traillil1~ to the ':tonehou e Royal Kayal Hospital, Plymouth. It is hoped that another ha.tch of men ,,;II be sent for imilar training next year. Dr. Edgar :'Iitchell, ha!'. heen appointed au hon. urgeon to the Division. His course of lcctur 's on :-)irk ... ~ ul';;ing have been grea.tly appreciated, while Dr. X e bitt's addresses on amhulance work haye been a.ttendeel with the h.l.ppie t 1'e ult i eyery candidate prcpared byhim being successful in obtaining a certificate of proficiency. TheYouth's Dil'itiion continues to be a yaluable auxiliary to the Diyision, and good recruits are lping train cl up for futur senice. In closing this report a tribute of appreciation lUll. t be paid to the Officers for the excellent work done, especially by 1st Officer, .A. E. ,\Vingro\'e, who has proyed himself invaluable i he is most indefatigable in his work and energy in promoting efficiency amongst all ranks.


TALKE DIVISION. Honorary Su rg e on .

J . Leel,

L. R.C . P.

[Formed 20.6 . 01.J 17,


Honora ry Surgeons .

R. N esbitt, Superintendent.

A. H. Bonser, F orest L odge, Sutt on · in· Ashfi cld.

L.P•. C. P .

E. Mitchell,

Sup e r intendent .

J . B . Crimes, Holly Villas, L awtoll, Kidsgl'ove,

Ho n. S e cretary.


[Fol'med26 . 3. 04.J

H E.\D · QUAllTERS : ST . SAYI Our.'S ScnOOL, T ALRE .

Ptc. R. Naylor, L. <1.yioul"s Street, T alkc, nr. tokc-oll-Trent.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. Cornes.


Stoke-on -Treut. Hon .

Tr ~ asu r er.

Mr. J . T. Crimes, (H on. 1\1em. )

Oflicers 2. Scrgeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 16. Total effective 21. Dcel'c<I,'c sillcc lnst report 1. Drills held 49 . AYcrage attendance 7. Cases alLe ll (letl not 011 pnl.ilic duty 3. Annual inspection, ~rd Sept. Total Oll para.clt 15. A bsc ll t with leave 6. Annual re·examination, 6Lh Feb . Members passed 12. Failcu 1. Did n ot appeal' 7. Medallions 9. MaLcrial: stretciler, bnndages, and splin ts, vcsted in Local Committec. Division suppor ted by public su bscriptions and contri bu t ion s by mem bers.

M .D .

1st Officer and Hon. S e c.

A. E. Wingrove, H ardwick Lanc, S utton -in-Ash fielel . Honorary Treasurer.

Mr. C. H . Wh etton.


St. J ohn A ?nbu,lance Brigade.


Excellent prorrress has been made by this Divisiol'~ dl~ring ~he pa?t.year. ~1:~1 J:1el~ on the whole take a, deep interest in their work, thmr am1 lJclll.g ~iliClencY'1 .1 HC ~e~~l~ is now in progress to provide the members with unifurm a,ud lt IS huped LlL\,t a S.l. It; factory result will be the outcome of the effort.



St. J ohn A rnbulance Brigade.



[Formed 1887.]


WORKSOP DIVISION. [Formed 29.4.97.]

Honorary Surgeons .


Surgeon-Major G. A. Hutton.

F. Marriott, L.S.A.

W. A. Stamford, M.R.C.S.

Chief Supt. and Hon . Treas.

S. C. Wardell, Doe Hill House, nr. Alfrcton.

Hon . Surgeon and Supt.

2nd Officer.

A. J . H. Montague, M.D . , 35, Potter Street, Worksop.

E. G. Allen.

2nd Officer.

3rd Officer and Inspector of Sto res.

Honorary Secretary.

J. Davies.

Inspector of Stores.

G. Lee.

'orpl. A. DUYidson, 26, Central Avenue, Work sop.

1st Class Sergt. H. Makin.

Hon . Secretary

Pte. R. E. Coulle, 4, Sunny Bank, Tibshelf, AlfNton. Officers 6. Serrreants 6. Corporals 11. Privates 96. Total cfTcctive 119. Decrease since la t report 6. Drills held 2. Average' Reserve members b 4.. attendance 50. Cascs attended on publie duty 5. Removals 36. Cases aitcndcll not on public duty 63. Annual inspertion, 23rcl Jl1ly. T otal on paradc 110. Absent with leave 9. Annual re-examination, 23rrl July. Members passed] 10. Medallions 116. Service uadges 40. Regulation uniform "'~rll hy. all J'!tnl~s. Material: wagon, litter, stretchers,. ambula~Jc~ boxes, ve ted 1J) Clllef .. npCl'll1tendent. Division supported by publIc snhscnptIon. Continued and increru ed intere t is being :hown 1Iy all mem hers of the 'Ul'llS, and the appearance of the men in their new regula.tion uniform is \' ry smart.


[Formed 1891.J


Superintendent and Hon . Secretary.

W. T. Crawford, M.D.

E. G. IIamlyn, Welbeck, Worksop.

1st Officer and Hon . Treasurer.

2nd Office r.

W. Kitchen.

C. J. Allctson.

Officers 2. ergeants 3. Corporals 4-. Privates 26. Total effective 35. Reserve members 3. Decrease since last report 12. Drills held 31. Average attenrlance 10'75. Cases attended 011 public duty 5. Removals 24. Cases aLLclHled not on public duty 148. Annual inspection, 28th July. Total on parade 31. Ahsent wiLh lea\'e 1. Without leave 28. Annual re-examination, 26th April. Memuers pas. ed 32. Did not appear 27. Medallions 13. Service badges 16. :TnI' 'ing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 3 sergeants, 4 cor)l0ral", and 26 1I1l'11. '\Iaterial: 1 wagon, 1 litter, 7 stretchers, 7 havl'esacs, 7 water hoWes, &c. , vested in the Committee of the Division. Division supported by pn hlic u h criptions . The Di\'ision during the past year has maintained its efficiency. An unusually large number of casus have been attended (177 as against 57 in the previous years) r1uo principally to a.ccidents at ~l1rrounding Collieries and Works. The feature of th' yenr 1m be n the obtaining' through the strenuous efforts of every member of the lJi vi,; ion of lI,n up-to-dtLte ambuhl.nce wagon, with all the latest improvements at a ('()st of ,£105. Thi. has proved of inestimable value to the town and neighbourhood, hrwing been called out no Ie g tha.n twenty-four times since J uue 1 t, the date of its Itl'ri \ '1\1. The ingpccting Officer again highly complimented the members on the smartness and neatnc s of the various ambulance stations to which they were attached .


[Formed 19.4.94.]

Insp ector of Stores.

Sergt. F. Maltby.


Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Privates 23. Total efTective 29. Reserve members 2. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 32. A vemgr attendance 18. Cases attended on public duty 10. Removals 7. Cases aHem1 l1 not on public duty 13. Annual re-examination, 28th Sept. Membcrs p~ssctl 1 " Did not appear 10. Medallions 18. Nursing certificates 13. RegulatIOn U111form worn by 3 Officers, 2 sergeants, and 23 men . Material: 1 wagon, 7 stretchers, 3 hampers, 1 havresac, splints, etc. Division supported by honorary membcrs and members' contributions. There is a slight decrease in the membership owing to failure to make the n~ceR­ sary number of attendances at drill. Two squads did duty at ~h~." elbeck AgrlC.ultural Show; one squad at the Athletic Sports, and the whole DIV1SIOn on the occaSIon of Mr. Chamberlain's meeting.

(No report received.)




[Formed 8.1900.J


J. H. Woods, L.R.O.P. Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

1st Nursing Officer.

Mrs. L. J. Gadie, Field Hill, Batley.

Miss E. Willans.


Officers 3. Nursing sisters 35. Total effective 38. I ncrease since last report 20 . Practices held 28. Average aLtemlance 25. Cases attended not on pnblic duty 10. Annual inspection, 6th Sept.. T?tal 011 parade 26. Absent with leav e 7. 'Without leave 4. Annual re-eXamll1atlOll, 20th July. Members passed ~8. Did not appear 9. Medallions 10. Rf'gulatioll uniform worn by 2 Officers and 35 nlU'Sillg sisters. Di\'ision snpported 1Iy YOlulltalY sub sCl'iptions. . " .. In presenting the report for the yet'H' ] ust cIa ed, It IS gl'tl,tIfymg: to state that the membership of the Division has greatly incl'e~. cd. Ab~lIt thIrty 11 "~' mClll~J~l':-; have been admitted, n.nd only three hn.va resIgned dunng tha,t pcrlOd. I1H' mmbel's of the Division came up well hath for the re-examillation anel the in:-;pec:tiol1. A di. trict nur illg service ha been inaugurated clming the y'ar, thc Jll1l'~e llt'!llg assisted in her work by the nursing sisters, aud thus n. "cry valuable wurk IS IWIll!.!; accomplished in the town. BRADFORD NURSING DIVISION (BRADFORD CORPS ). IIEAD-QU.HaEllS:

14 ,


[Fill 111 cd 1.11.0~.]

Ro.\]\ BIL\DFOllD.

Hon. Surgeon.

P. Lodge,

F.Il.C.· .

Lady Superintendent.

2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Treasurer.

E. J, C1Ul,PllWll, 20, St. Jamcs Square.

llJ ttry E. Rees, 21, Cowper Place. Lady Inspecto r of Sto res.

Lady S ecretary.

:JIiss E. Field, 9, St. :Jlal'garet's Road.


Honorary Surgeon . lILB.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss M. G. Thornton, Castle Hill House, Rastrick.

:Mrs. H. Edwards, Claremont Villas, Brighonse.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. R. A. Watson, Lee Street, Brighouse. Officers 2. Nmsing sisters 15. Total effective 17. Decrease sincc last report 9. Practices held 47. Average attendance 14. Cases aUt'nflpd 011 llU1Jlic duty 49. Oases attended not on public duty 16. Cases privately Ilursed 4. Anuual inspection, 30th July. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 1. AIl.lIunl l'e-examination, 19th A]11i1. Members passed 17. Medallions 16. Regula LIOn ulli form WOI'I1 by 2 OIJiccrs aml 12 nursing sisters. Division SUppOl ted lly lI1ellll)er~' al1ell'llblic sul)scl'iptions . . The pJ'O!;l'c:-;:-; made by the memhcr" of the Divi. ion during the year in nursing, first a1<l. and discipline, liaS been ,cry satisfactory. The Di vi ion is now well equipped and dlil·ienl. Ei<rht Xllt':-iill'" , istCl" reported for public duty on the occasion of the yi"it of the Pl'il~CC and P~ince:-;s of Wales to Bradford, and rendered valuable a:-;sistallC'0 in the treatment of <1, lal'~e numher of ell es. c\'eral members of the Di\ isi()n :tlso took duty at the Yorksl~ire ~\gricultural how at Huddersfield; and on lhe. OCC;LlOll of the ,Yhit "l1l1ticle Feasts, performing the duties allotted to them in a satl~fnc:tOl'y mn.nner. The enthusiasm and public _pirit of the Division is eminently gmtifyin~.


[Formed 1.99.]

HE.\D-QUA1;TElt::l : Drsl'ExsAl:tY, DE\\,sBUHY IXFJRMARY.

Honorary Surgeon.

Em Nicholson,

Officers 3. Nursiug sisters 35 . Tulal effective 3 . Pnl..:!tices helel GO. AY!'nll!e Reserve member 1. In crease siuce la t report}:3 a.ttendance 25. Cases attended Oll l'uulic duty 100. Case: attt'lIc1c(1 Ilc>l Oll public duty 12. Cases privately 11l1lSerl l~. Aunual le-exnllliliutioll, 20111 Aug. Members p:1ssecl 31. Dicl DOt al'pear 6. Rt'gulation lInifollll \\0111 hy :3 Officers anrl 22 nursing sisters. Material: ~Il'clical basket, 2 lUgs, stOll'S 01 bandages, dressiugfl, medicines, badgcs, etc., ve~lell in tile Brallf'onj Corl's. Di\ ision supported by the Bradford Centre. The Divlliion has made good progres:-;, the attel1llallces ste;tdy, and the interest well maintained. The Division hn.s tn.ken pttrt in all the work of the Bradford Corps carried out dUl1.ng the last twelve months, viz., thc allnual euncert held last Novemher, which realised a profit uf £7 ; the annual dance h ·ld at th' Drill Hall, Unclercliffe, in January, the variuus cJlaritalJlc gtllas in the l'uhlie parks of the city; the Royal Visit to thc Cartwright llall and Exhibitioll; the station duty on May -1th. ,'iuce that time six nursing sisters hllYC n.ccOl])l';micd the men in the tents within the Manningham I a.rIc at regllln,r intervals fur publie duty. The cases total 100. The tent was provided wiLh ;1. tiupply of ch'es~ings) rugs, etc. ; with supply of wa.ter and electric light for the convenicnce of thosc rCI[llil'ing' first aill treatment. The nursing sisters h,we been useful in hOllRC visiting a.mon~st the sick and needy. The interest taken in the Sick N ur'il1g Lectl11'es is pal'liuuln,rly gTati fying. The hea.cl-quarters a.re fitted up ,vith iron hedsteads and requisites, wbieh is also very satisfactory. The Division has been lllllch assisted by Mr. .J. B. Moorhouse, Mr. ,Yoodford Goddard, )'Irs. David ,Vade, Irs. Arnold Fo·ter, and :JIr. 'Valter Firth. together with the members of the Committee.

B. E. J. ELlwards,


St. John A'lnhulance B'l'igade.

St. John A rnlnd((/l7ce Bl'iuacle .




1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.

2nd Nursing Officer.

:Jlrs. A. Cave, Pro~pect View, Leeds Hoael, Dewsbll1'Y·

:Mrs. R. Stead.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. Harrison.

Mif.s E. A. Dolelllall.

01llcllrs 3. Nursillg sisters 47. 'l'otal effective 50. I ncre,l.SC since last report 11. Practices held. 15. .Average attendance 12. 'asl's atlendell 011 pllulic dllty 6. Ca es attended not on public duty 20. Cases privat€'ly nt1l'~ed 6. Annnal inspection, 6th Sept. Total on parade 34. .Absent Members with lC:\\'e 4. 'W ithout leave 11. Allllnal re-examination, 19th Jnly. pass!'ll a;3. Dielnot appeal' 17. l\Icdalliolls 50 . Reglllation nuiform worn by 2 Oflicen; amI 1':; nursing sisters . Material: bandages and splints, yeo ted in nursincr Onicel'~ an(l Committee. Division snpPol'tetl by membels' sulscriptions . E> EARBY NURSING DIVISION.

[Formed 8.7.03.]


Lady Supt. and S ec.

Hon. SUI-geon .

A. Falconer,

:lLn., C.M.

Miss M. Holgate, 1o, Oemetery HoaLl, Earby, via Colne.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasurer .

.Miss U. Cowgill, West View, Earby.

Miss M. Holgate.

OfJicers 2. Nlll'sing sisters 5. Total effective 7. peCl'ease since last report 3. Cases attendance not on public duty 17 . Cases pnvaLely nursed 1. Annual re-examination, 4th May. Members pllssed 6. Did HoL ~ppe~r 4. MeLlallions 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 llulsing Officer and 6 lll~rSl1lg SIsters. Material: bandages, splints, dressings, etc., vested in joint Coml1uttee of Ambulance and Nursing Divisions. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions.


St. J oft n A ?nbv,lance Brigade.

St. J ohn A?nlntlamce Brtigacle.

Owing to removals and othcr cau es there has been ~ re.g~·cttablc ctccreuflc. of membership, but the members in attendancc hayc made up 111 dlhge.ncc .nnd attCl~tJ.on what the Division lacks in numbers, and have strennollsly workcc1m.alCl of ~hc )tll.nt funds of the ambulance and nursing di\'i.ions in addition ~o pcrfornllllg t.hClr (~utJes at practice and drill in a praifleworthy mn.nl1l' l> An ll~cre(lfled mcmberslllp is anticipated as a result of in, truction cIa, es now hemg orgam cd.

ELLAND NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 27.9 . 02.] HEAD-QuAH'l'En : SOUTH E);,D I30Ann S CHOOL. L a dy Su peri ntende nt.

Hon. Surgeon .

Mrs. B. A. Webster, 97, Oatheriu<.' treet, El1anu.

G. Hoyle, 1\1.n.

1st Nu rsing O fficer.

Mr. .

. Ficluing.

2nd Nu r s i ng O fficer.

3 rd N ursing O fficer.

4th N ursing O fficer.

Mrs. A. Orossley.

Miss A. }I. D<.'an.

Mr.. II. Hentoll.

Miss O.

L a d y S ecretal'Y. Hawl ey, 10~, ,'onLhgate,


L ad y In s p ec to r o f Sto res.

Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. II. Akroycl.

Mrs. A. Ingham.

Officers 6. J tusing sister. 24. Total e fl rctive 30. DelTease since last r eport 6. Practices hl'hl 14. Average nUendance 18 . . 'nsr.s attended not 011 llUl)lic uuty 14. Oases I'rivat r ly .nursed 12~ Al!~1t1al 1llS1'e~­ tiOll, 30th July. 'rotal 011 parade 19. Ab. Cllt "'tlh leave .I.. \ \ ILhont lea\C 5. Annual re-examination, 27th July. .Memhers }lashed 22. D](l 1101. :'ll'l'ear. Medallions 18. Regulation uniform n-om by 3 nursing Officers an(~ { n~1l'S 1l1 g sisters. Material: bedstead, bandages, and splill ts (alB? th.e use of carnage, 11 It t'I'S, bath ch1irs, air cushions, and other appliallces of \\'cll ·lml11 'hcd a1l11ml!ln<;e h()llS('~)' vested in the Officers of the Division. Diyi ion supported by melllbCls sl1b~en}l­ tions and local branch of S .J . A.A. I n spite of a small decrease in numbers, .this. Divi~ion is increMing in interest. and usefulness. A concert is a.bout to be held III md of the funds.








1st Nurs ing Officer .

2nd N u r si ng Officer.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

MiS!; A. IIeaton.

Miss G. Dyson.

Mrs. M. H aigh .

L a dy Secr et ary.

;\liss l\1. K. The\\'lis, 20, Holly Bank Road, IIuduersfield . Officers 4. Nnrsing sisters 1. Total eITective 22. Rcserve memhcrs 2. Decreasc since last report] 1. Plactices held 24. A verage attcndance 12. Annual insp ection. Total on parade 12. Absent wi th leave 10. ~llllt1fil J'e-exalllill~tion, ~~th May. Members ~)assed 13 . Did not appear 9: Medalhons.19 . RegulatIon ullllorl11 WOI'~ by 2 nurs1l1g Officcrs and 2 nursing sIsters. l\latel'lal: bandages, bett tead, hec1dll1g, sheets, '3tc., yested in the Officers and C01ll11littee. Division supported by subscriptions, etc. Two firsL aiel dasses, followed hy nursing classes have been held during the last year in connccti(.lll ~\~th thi s Divisi~n, an~1 it is likely that a good number of n ew membe.rs ':'111 Jom. Two nursll1g I ter,,; were on duty at the Deighton D emoll stnttlUll 111 ::'I ray. two cases were treated, one suffering from shock, after a fall from a hOl'se and the other from a cru::;hed finger. Th e former \Va afterwards removed to the infirmary in the police lmdmlnnce carriage. Two nul' ing , i ters :n~ r ' also on duty a~ the "Cu~opentti\" Field " Day, in ,July. . Four l1ur~jng i terR 111 charge of one omc!.:!', \\,er' 111 CUl\stltn t attenchmce at the York ·hil·e Agricultural Show, from 0 a.m. to . :30. p.m. on each of the three d1\.y" B et\\'een thirty and forty ?use: Were tl'ea.t.ecl m t~le am.I)~ll:tl1Ce rooms. Th:se services were highly appr.ecHtt~·c1 h'y th~ patwnts. 'I he Dl\I~lOn has made satl ofactory progress, and a ' 1'eC1,11 ·HorL IS hung made to }lroclll" ulllform for this Division.

KEIGHLEY NURSING DIVISION (KEIGHLEY CORPS ). [FolD1<.'d 3.97.] II EAll-Ql' ,\.1:1'(,,1::: 28, Om:HCll STREET, KEIGHLEY. Ho n o rary S urge o n.


. Brandel',

:If. A., M.B .

Lady S uperinte nd ent.


l~ .

L a dy S ecre t ary.

A. Midgley,

63, Dc\'o nsbil'e Strect, Keighley.

lUI's. \\T III ing, Rose Mount, Keighlcy.

O/J1cers 2. Nursing sisters 22. Total effective 24. I ncl'rase sinco last. report 5. Placticcs heitl 24 . AveragQ attendance 13'1. Oase attended on publIc duty 1. .Anllual in pection, 3th Oct. Total on parade 15 . 'cut with leave 3, Without leave 6. Annual re-examination 6th Oct. l\Iembcl's passed 10. Did not appear 13. Medallions 10. '


Hon . S urge on .

Garnett G. Lawson, M. D. Lady Supt.

1st Offi ce r a nd Lady S ec.

Mrs. M. H . Foster, H angingroyd Road, Hebclen Bridge.

Miss O. E. Brown, Stal1h cim, H eMen Bridge.



Hono ra ry Su rge on .

Officers 3. N ursing sisters 17. T otal eITective 20. P ractices held 11. A vel'age attendance 16. Annual inspection, 17th ep~. T otal on parade 11 . Absent with leave 2. Without leave 6. A1ll~ual re-exn.~11~­ nation, 25th A ug. Members passed 15. D id not appear 4. 1\1e(1::1111ons 5. Dlnsion supported by St. J ohn Ambulance Association Oentre.

H . l\l al'kby,

]\1.11 . C. S.

2 n d Nu rsi n g O fficer (in c h al·ge. )

J\lI'S. L. IIoldsworth.

Lady S ecre t a l' Y.

Miss A. Brook, Roels Farm, 1\1orley.

L ad y In sp ec to r of Stores .

l\Irs. E. Thorpe.


Honorary Surgeon .

F . D . T urner, 1\LB .

1\1rs. Mark uy.

omcers 2.


Lady Tr eas ure r .

Medallion s 26 .

Nursing sisters 32 . T otal e{fecti ve 34. Division snppo r ted financially by subscriptions.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss A. H ardy, 17, Pump L ane, N ewsome, Huddersfield.

NEW FARNLEY NURSING DIVISION. [ Formed 3.1 900.] (No report l'ecei ved.)




St. John A'II1lnLlance BTi[Jwle.

St. J ohn A'l71DUla'llCe Bri.r;ade. [Formcd 2.6.03.]


Honorary Surgeon .

Lady Superintenden t .

H . Smith, L.R. C.P.

Mrs. '.V. Eames, Church Lanc, Sliipley. Lady Inspector of Stores .

1st Nursing Officer a nd Lady S ec.

Mrs. O. Allen.

Mrs. L. B . Potter, Fern Bank, Bailtlon, near Shipley.

Officer.;; 3. Nursing sisters 49. Tolal cn'ecli\-e 52. In crease since last report 29 . Practices held 32. A \'ela~c attendance 33 '5. Cases ltttended on public dilly 70. Cases attended noL 011 l ,uhlll: tIuty 91. ~.ll lJual inspection, 24th Aug. Total 011 parade 36. Absent \nth leave 14. \'.llhout leave 2. Annual re-examination, 15th June. .Melllhers passe!l 23 . DHI ~lOt appear 6. Medalliolls 26. 1llalerial: t~'iangu:ar unci 101.1<:1' l~a l)(lag:., h( ~li1tal bed (complete) with spare changes, yes~ed. lJ1 OfIl c l'S amI COnlllJlt.tl'e 01 the (;01pS. Division supported by members' . UUscl'lptlOns und ,'olunta.l) c1011all()]l~. This Division has made exceptlOllally good progress dl1l'lll~ lllC yuar. Commencing with twcnty-three mEmbers, the nUllll~er.has increased to forty-li.\ eat ,'hil'll'~" A section has been formed at Yea.don, conslstIng of seyen ll1(:lJllJel'~, t11l~ llumlJel \\'Jll probably be increased within a few wec:ks. The lJi"ision hn~ alJJy a, si~llll the A and B Diyisions in their public duty at Bradford, when the Pnl1ce Imcl Pl'lJ1ct.;ss ejf \Vales opened the City of Bradford ExhilJition, alld also durin~ the ExhiGitioll season. A grea,t number of cases have been dealt with.


[Formed l ' 8 .]



Ho norary Su rgeons.

W. A. Stamford, l\r.n.c.f':.


~larliolt, L.S,J\.


D. Robwll,


Lady Su perintendent and T reasurer.

Mrs. S, C. ,Yarde]l, Doc lJill House, ldflctOll. 1st Nursing Cfficer and Lady Sec.

2nd Nursing Officer,

Miss E. Smith, Chmch Farm, Blac:kwell, Alfreton.

}'Jis ' II. BUlllCLt.

3 rd Nurs ing Officer.

Mrs. Beastal1.

4th Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.

IrS. J . ,Yan1.

Onlcen; 8. NUl'sillg sisLcrs 30. 'rotal clfeclive 38. Plactices hel<1 20 . Averagc attendance 22. Casl's atLelll1ell on public duly 5. Cases attended not ou public duty 20. Cases privately llursed 12. Allllu al inspection, 231d July . Total on parade 25 . AIJsellt \\'ilh leave ]3. Annual ra-examination, 23](1 July. Membrrs passed 25 . Medallions 35. Service badges },Ialel'ial: gelleral Illl\'sing appliances, 30 . Regnlation uniform worn uy aIllallks. vested in thc Lady Superintendent. Division llppol'tec1 by puldic stlu~cnl'tiolls. The interest has been well maintn,inec1 during thc yelt!' and the nursing sisters haye been most useful, especially in private cases.

No. VI. District.

Assistant C01nmissionc?' (in cliarge)-Sl1l'geon-lHajor F. W. Gmno~, Dilitrict Glti,f SIl,.ueon-Mr. J. H. CnE.\sE, F. R.C.S. Dist,.ict Ultilf Supcrintendent-Mr. A. H. JOlI~STO~, M. ll . C.S. Dilil,.ict ,)'Uperilltcntlcnt ScuctcU!/ (Actillg)-Capt. GEO. OGILYlE. District SlIpailltcildcnt of Storcs-Chief ConstaGle W. G. MOHA~T.

V.D., L. H.C.P.


111,-1 ha"c the honoUl' to submit my annual report of No. VI. District for the .leal' ending September 30th, 1904:. I am glad to say that the membership is increasin cr , no less than seven new eli visions 110. vc bcen forllled, making a total of twenty-one, ~\'ith 63 officers, 36 sercreants and corporals, 35 . ll1~n and 118 nursing ofilcers and si~ters, or a grand total of575 of al,l ranks. I am silll III hopes that by another year \ye may reach at least 30 divisions With a. LoLal of 1000. I am encleaYolll'ing to persuade the N.E.R. men of whose work I ha:'e hall the greatest a.dmiration for, and with whom I haye been closely as 'oe lat~d for thc pa t. tllll'teeu years to join thc Brigade, aud thus conserve much ot. the en~rgy that 1 no\\' w~stcc1 or lost, aml J have been offerell an opportunity of l11eebng thell' tlclegaLes early lJl the year, when I trust to be able to convince tll~~11 of the 1~lany ~ch:1..utages that will accrue to them on joining us. Illc Hull Carl's IS domg grand wo],k, Dr. A. H . John ton Chief lll'creon lIas succeelled ll1e as Distric:t Chief npcrintcnd enL and with thcil~ new Chiet ur~eon D.l'. 'cott, anLl il~at inde\atigablc Chief urerinte11l1ent, :Mr. Marshall Hopper,o and l~lS ahl.e and aSSHluotls ccretary, MI'. A. II. Hawke, I hope to 'ee (thanks to the hberaltty of lll.c patron.) an Al1lullluncc Drill Hall as permallent head-quarters, second to IlOIIC 111 til\} Brlgatle, and worthy of the untirincl elleroy of the members al~tl the,ir lIUIllCrOU,; fricnll , SOOIl cstabli hed in the City of Rul1.° outh hiell1s too, wtll bel.orc many weeks are gOlle ha\'e csLaulisherl a Corps of no mean ize, amI their work \\Ill eOlllp,t1'C vcry favourably with allY other sedioll ill the district. Althoucrh their cll'orts to do good ur? not recoglli 'e.d hy the comlllunity as they should, th~y ar? \\'?rthy ?f much 11101'C ltheral support If ollly to appreciate the life wOll\: of my ~I 'Lnct Cln.of urgcon, ~J', J. R. Crease, who ha,s taught and organised their first aiel cla!.,'cs (01' so long it t1llle . . I!e.tton~le-lIolc.is ~ast approaehing an ideal posilion anll is one of the best worked CltVlSJOllS 1Jl thc thstnct, aud 1 al.ll glull that the mcmbers have lecognied thc thirtyfive y,eal's ambulance work of thcu tcachcr, Dr. l\damsOll. Thc other diyisiolls are all wor.k~ng well, .allll have clone much scrvice on puhlic occasion, notauly Hull Fail', PolJtleal meetl11gs, Football matches Life Boat dcmonstrations Miners Pic-nics unveiling <:eremonies ill connectioll with" fallen heroes" in Sont1~ Africa ancI othe;' functions. I am J?leascd to ~tate that G~teshead Fell Division has pla<:ed a handsome brass .tablet 1Jl the pansh church 111 memory of their revered Superintendent J. A. H.arl'lSOIl, who ~ook so mueh interest ill them during his life time . Clasps for. S?rVlCeS rcnLlered III South Africa, have been distributed and many more are still walt111g for the honourable reward. Voluntcering for the Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve does not proceed as I should like.

St. John A m6ulance Brig((de.

St. John Am.o'ulallce BT igade.


I have to take this opportunity of thanking Dr. 91'e~se and J?r: .JOhllStOl~ for assisting me in the annual inspections nnd the other Dlstnct all~l Ol\'u:ilO l~al OUI C'~rs for their help during the past year.. I h~" ? ~('rJ' gre!lt pleasure III appendlllg speCIal reports from the officers of the vanotls CllVIS1011S untler my ~Ol1l111alltl. I haye the h onou r to be, SIl', Yourohedient ervant, FRETJEm CK IV. GTllBO::\, Y.])., L.R.C.P., Assistant Commissioner, No. V I. District, St. J. A .E.

To the Ohief Oommissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade.



Honorary S urgeon.

G. Savage,

1st O fficer and Hon. S ecretary.

A. S. Gates, Grove Lodge, Beverley.


Officers 2. Privates 20. Total effective 22. Increase since last report 8. Drills h eld 22. Annual inspection, 19th Sept. 1Ilaterial: Bandages, splints, tnul'l1iql1ets, etc., etc., vested in Richard IIollgson & Sons, Ltd. Division supported by the above firm.




J. Amlerson, liLA.,


Supt. and Hon. Secretary.

W. H. Bird, 2, Office Row, East Oramlington, "orthumberland .

1st Officer.


2nd Officer.

P. O. W. Blythe.

-1- -I--

[Formed 11.6.04.]

BUITIsn S c noou;, EAST CnAl\ILI~GTON.

Hon. Surgeon and Treasurer.

* No. V I. Distri ct Hull Oorps Oentral Division Ea ·tern ,Vestprn " Hull&Barn sley ny. Diy. Alexandra D oe k Diy. Oentral Pier Division Oentral Nursing Div. l£astcll1" " Gatesbcad Fell. Division H etton-le- 11 ole Malton Bevcrley ,Vithernsea S. Shieltls Police " " Vol.LireBrig.a(~ eDiv . Nursing Div1slOn ... N~weastle-on-Tyne " Oowpen Oolliery East Cramlington Walker Nursing


T. Curran . Inspector of Stores.

1 1 1 1 1

1 1


Pte. J. Strong. ·1 2 :2

4 37 15 5 20 28 "27 3 lq




1 1 1 1

3 3 2




1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 2 2

2 18 :2 25

6 3 20 2 16 4




3 11 16

1 ~


4 21 3 18 1 20 30


Officers -1. ,ergeant 1. Privates 18. Total effective 23 . Drills held 9. Average attendance 6. Oases attenc1~d llOt on public duty 24. Annual in!'pection, 10Lh ,·ept. T otal OJ) paraele 16. Ausent with leave 1. Without leave 1. Material : lIatcr bottles, vested in Oommittee. Division supportcd by members anll honorary members' subscriptions and socials. 'fhi division whi ch was only formed on June lIth this year has not had much op portunity of reporting progress. All the mem bel'S however seem in earnest and it is hoped next year to show good results.


Honorary Surgeon.

W. H. Davis, 1II.n.c.s. Supt. and Hon. Treasurer.


[Forll1rd 17.12.94.]

NATIONAL ScrrooLs, L ow

C. J. Young, ullni ide House, Low Fell.

1st Officer and Inspector of Stores.

T. F. Forster.

Honorary Secretary.




6 33 36 358


* District Staff-l Assistant Commissioner (in charge), 1 District Cbief Surgeon, 1 District Ohief Superintenclent, 1 Acting District Superintendent Secretary, 1 District Superintendent of Stores. tSame Hon. Surgeon as in Ambulance unit.

Sergt. E. Wilson, 11, 1\1onarch Terrace, Gateshead. Olllcers 3. Sergeant l. Oorpo1'al1. Privates 1 . Total efi'ective 23. Decrease sillce last report 3. Drills hcld 33. Average attendance 8'26 . Oases attended on public duty 2. Cases attended not on public cluty 7. Annual inspection, 14th May. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 10. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 15th .AJlril. Members passed 12. Did not appeal' 11. Medallions 18. Service badges 5. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 18 men . Material: 4 stretchers, 1 hamper, 1 surgical havl'es~e ~ntl 3 water bottles, vested in trustees. Division sUPl)ortetl by members' sl1bScnptlOllS . . I.n submitting the tenth annual report for the year ending 30th September, 1904, It 1S to be regretted that the division has not made such good progress as was expected. On October 23rd, 1903, sixteen members of this Division attended Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's meeting held at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and two cases were


St. John .A ?nbulance BTigade.

St. John A 1nln&Zunce Brigade.

~ttended to. The annnal inspection was held on ]\fay 14th at head-quarters, the in specting officer being Dr. Gibbon of Tyne Dock, Assisill.nt Oommissioner ~or No. VI. District, who expressed his regret at the small muster on parade. Dnnng the year two friendly Oompetitions have tuken placr, the opposing teams heillg the Hetton-lc-Hole division and the Ne\\'casUe -on-Tyne division, and it is pleasing to note, that in both instances, the Gateshead Fell division was successful, winning by 98 and 9-1 points respectively. A friendly Oompetition also took place at headquarters on Friday, March 4th, amongst the memhers of tllis division, to compete for prizes kindly giyen by Mrs. Harrison, of Low Fell. The thanks of the divi sion are dne to the Rev. A. H. Patterson for the use of the, chool Dooms and also to Mrs. Harrison for the prizes giyen for Oompetition and for her financial help towards the funds of the division.

usua'! at SL. Jame ..; Church, when ihere was a good muslcr. The anJlual church Intrucle Lo?k place ~n ~6Lh /~lile, at Brunswick Chapel, and about 250 attellded, acco llll'alllCd by DlsLnct Clllef Surgeon J. R. Orease. The annual In spection \\'as llelcl on 2Hh amI 25th June, by As!;istant Oommissioncr GiLbon ,-rho expres. cd bimself as highly satisflecl with the cfnciency of the Corps and with the state of the storcs, material, anu books. .





Honorary Surgeons.



R. AsIl , ?II.n.c.s.

LieuL.A..T. 'issol1s, H,A.;\1.C., (Vols.) ~I.B.

Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.

[Formed 1.2.86.]

J. O. Vaughan, 62, 'V('lueck Street, Hull.

1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.

F. II. Yanghan,

J. Adamson, M.n., Hetlon Ilollse, ]Jetton-Ie-Holr, R.S.O.


Rpring Dank, Hnll.

1st Officer and Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

T. Robson, 2, Walter Terrace, Easington Lane, IIetion-l e- Hole, R. .0.

flergL. II. lIoggarLh .

Sergt. T. Penn.

2nd Officer.

3rd Officer

H. Hol'll.

J. O. Hall.

Offi cers 4. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privaics 25. Tolal efTccliYe 31. Increase since last report 5. Drills helll 45. Average attendance 13'20 Removals 5. Oases attended not on pulJlic dnty 15. Annnal inspection, 17th .'rpt. Total on paraue 21. Ab':lent with lean 3. 'Without lea \'e Ii. Annual re-examination, 30th April. Members passcd 22. Did not appear 10. Mcdallions 13. Material: 1 Ashford litter, 4 stretchers, 3 hot water boWes, splints, bandages, etc., vested in the IIetton-le-Hole Division. Division supported lJy proceeds froll) annua,l concert. This division has made steady progress during the year. The allel1(lancc at drill however shows a very low 1)er centag<', thicj is owing to twelve memlJers having lleel1 enrolled, who did not attmd more than olle or tll'O urills, th ey lIa"e now been struck off. During the year the division has conducted a compei;tion a.mongst hold ers of first aid certificates for a handsome challenge cup anel t\\'o sets of silver medals. The cup was presented by SiT Lindsay 'Wood, Bart., and the medals by the divisional Hon. Surgeon and other gentlemen residing in the district who are interested in ambulance work.

HULL CORPS. [Formed 1. 2. 6.] HEAD-QUARTERS: TEcn "WAr. , C11001.S, PAI~K 'TImET, HULL. Chief Surgeon .

A. W. Scott, M.TI.C.S. Superintendent Secretary.

A. H. Hawke, 48, Morrill Street, TIull. Officers 25.

Sergeants 10.

Chief Superintendent.

M. Hoppel', 63, Ooltma.n Street, JIull.

Oniccr~ .1. ,ergeants1. Oorporals 7. Privales 30. Total effectiyc 45. ,Iucrril.!-)e .lllee In,t report 7. Drills hel(l 25 . Averarre attendallce 25'3. l. clIlo ,'al s 30. Cases aUellcleu not on pllblie duty ~05. ;:, Annual in spec tion :.l.ilh ,lllllc. T~Lul. on parad e 3;]. Ahsent with leavc 7. Withollt leave Al~nna~ rc.-c~~nllna,tlOll., 16th May. _ l\l embe.rs passed 4.1. Diu not appeal' 16. ~lc(Ltll~(jlls 3.!. ~CI. ncrs hadgcs 1 {. crllce Medals 2. Nursing certificates ~1. hCglll,\tlOll ulllform \\-?l'1l hy 4 Onlccrs, .J. sergeants, 4 corporal', and 20 mcn_ ,nbtel'l~l: 1 II'h colc(.1 .h.tter, 6 stretchers, uandages, splints, etc., "ested in Hull .ontrc t. J .A.A. D1YlS10ll supportcd hy mcmbers' suhscriptiolls. I?1:l'IIlg: the year llOW oJll frd steady progre s has been mad e. At the anllual C0111pe~lll~n. f?r the lInll Ocutre Ohallellge Trophy, 11 out of 16 competiLors IJelonged to tillS dl'·ISIOIl. A team tra\'clled to Kcighl ry and tried thcir Jll ck agninst teams from all parLs and wcre placed firth. O,'er 3;000 cai<CS haVe been treated during the year.


EASTERt\ DIVISION (HULL CORPS). [Formed 17.7.1900.] III~.\n-QuAJtrEw5 :

l\IEf;sns . REC KITT'~ OLEUK'S Dlxnw ROOM, DANso]'! LAKE.

Honorary Surgeon.







E, F. Kranse, 17, Grosvenor Street.

I nspectol' of Stores.

Honol'ary Treasurer.

Sergt. A. 'l'hurloe.

Pte. E. B. \Vhiterod.

Supt. of Stores and Hon. Treasurer.

J. H. 'Yingate.

Oorporals 12. Privates auu Nursing sisters 226. Total effective 273. The Oorps continues to make steady progress, since the last report two more divisions have been added, numbering about 50 strong. These are in connection with our local Railways, viz., the G.O.R. (Pier) and the Hull anu Bamsley (Alexandra Dock) . Duty was taken on October 10lh to 16th, at the local Fail' where there is always a numLer of accidents. This duty gives the lllembers actual practice. The officers took part, as usual by iuvitation, in the Mayor's pro cession to divine service, 011 the Sunday after bis election, and on Jl ospit.d Sunday, 25th October. In the afternoon of the laiLer date a parade of the Oorps took pbce as

Officers ~. ,ergeants and COrl)Orals 3. Privates 15. Total effectivc 20. Decrease smce lao~ report 8. Drills held 18. Average aLtendance 11. Oases atten(ledllot on ,Pubhc duty 22. Annual inspection, 25th Jnne. Total on parade 10. A.bsent .wlthout lcave 10. An.nual re·examination, 16th May. Members pa~sed 13. Dld not appear 7. MedallIons 7. Nursing ceriificatcs 4. Regulation ulllf?rm W01'l1 by 1 Officer, 3 Serg~ants and Oorporals, and 4 m en. Material: h~v~e~ac, stretchers , Landages, splmts, etc., yested in Hull Oentre S J A A DlvIs~on .~l~p.llorted by members' sub 'criptions anel concert. . . . . T,111S ~l VISIOn has b.een in .a st~\te of change during the past year. It is believed hO\\eVeI.t~~t a turl1lng pomt IS now at hand. 1\11'. Krause has assumed control of the UIVlSlOll as Superintendent.

St. John Arnbulance Brigcule.


St. John A muulu,'llce B?'igade.



Pte. S . Nunn s, 10, ·Wesley TCll'aCe, Bean Street, lIull.

Inspecto r of Sto res.

Honorary Treas u rer.

Pte. T. Craven.

Pte. T. Alvin.

Officer 2. Privates 31. T otal effective 33 . Drill held 2. Average attendance 13.5. Cases I ncrease since la t repurt 9. attended not on public duty 48 . Annual in spection, 2 th June. ToLal on parade 18. Absent with leave 7. Without leave 8. Allnual re-examination, 15lh May. Members pasc;ecl 17. Did not appear 5. Meuallioll 2. Rursing cerlifieate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 OtJioer. Materia.l: stretchers, splint!:!, ballllagcs, etc., vested in the H. & B. Ry. Co. Division supported by members' <;ubscriptiolls.


Hon. SUI-geon.

J. G. McWilli (',

Hon . Secretary (in charge).

Pte. A.


Sup erintendent and Hon . Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

Act ing Superintendent.

tead, 45, Ru. sell. beet, lIull.

Inspector of Sto res.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. H. Stephenson.

Pte. C. Clarkson.

Officer 1. Priv[l.tes 27. Total effecti\'e 2" . Drills held 4:. Average attendance 20. Meuallioll 1. Malerial: 1 stretehel', bandages, splints, ect., vested in Hnll & Darnsley Railway Co. Division snPl'ol'Leu by members' contributions. This division, although only recently formed, has a lI1embersliill of '27. Ell")l't s are being made to strengthen it by tlte formation of a new cla,ss. A liltle active work has already been done situated as it is in a largc dock al1tll'ailway. It has been provided with !:!tores by the company, who gi\'e al1 the assistance possible.





Hon . Surgeon.

F. W. Fullerton,

Su perintendent. M . D.

R. W . Winter, 136, Walker Street, lIull. Hon . Sec retary.

R. C. Foster, 2, Abbey-dale Crescent, Flinton Street, H essle R oad, Hull. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. C.



Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. N. Lord.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 18. Tolal effective 23. Drills held 16. Average attendance 8. Cases I ncrease since last report 5. attended not on public cluty 37 . Medallions 4. Nnrsing certilicate 1. Material: splints, bandages, roller bandaging, 1 stretcher, vested in Great Central Rail way Company. Division snp]}orted by members ' COllI l'ibutions. There is ever'y prospect of this division becoming one of the most flourishing divisions in Hull.

Hon. Secretary.

Carter, 7, Cornwell Gardens ,Yellsted , treet, Hull. '

CorpJ. T. B . ,'bitehead, 33, Clyde treet, Hull.

Insp ector of Stores.

E'l'gt. T. Johnson. Oilleen; 2. ergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates ~O. Total effective 27. Decrcase ince last report 12. Drill held 32. Average attendance 15. Cases ~ttende.d on l'ulllic duty 20. Cases attended not on public duty 390 . Annual lllspectlOn, 2.')th June. Total on parade 18. Ahsent with leave 3. Without leave 1-1. Annual. re-examinati~n, 10th May. :Members pa. ed 23 . Did not al'~ear 11. ~h>claIIJon!:! 1. RprVlce badges 2. Tursing certificates 8. Rpgulation ulllforlll worn by 1 Offic~r, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 9 men . Material: 1 stretcher, bandag.es, sl'lmts, waterproof sheets, surgical havresac and water bottle~, e.tc., \-ested 111 the Hull Centre, S.J.A.A . Division supported by members' subsenptlolL'. Durillg lhe ye~r the divisioll has made moderate progress. The meetings have been hel~l fortlllghtly, and the average attendance bas been 15 a decrease of 5 per n~eetIng Oil In t year's repor.t.. The division has been well repr~sented on public oeca 1011. The annual competlb~n \\'a~ held on April 11th, Chief Surgeon A. H. Johnston and lIoll. urgeons D. ?:\. MOll' anel E. E. Laslett, kindly actina as judaes. To the regret of the membel's upelintenJent Wilson has left the Division ha.;'in a tl'anSfelTell to .the Hull an.d Barn ley, :r eptune Street division. 1st Offic:r Carte~ has been appoll1te~ upenntendent.


(No report recei \'ed).


r. NICOLA. "


CHOOL_ , H _\'XOYEll


Hono rary Su rgeon.

[Formed 3.6.01.] II EAD-QUARTEP.~:


E. E. Laslett, M.D.

liLA., III.B.

F. Wilson, 204, Alliance Av enue, Hull.

[Forrr~ed 9.6.99.J BEAX STHEET,

Honorary Surge on .

Honorary Surgeon.

D. R. Moil',


Superintenden t .

'Yo D. Amison,

W. II. Gourley, M.D., 2, Roseworth Villas, Gosforth.


Honorary Secretary.

Corpl. W. C. Holt, 24, Rothbury Terrace, Heaton.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Oorpl. W. R. Thrower.

Sergt. G. R. Curry.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corp?rals 3. Privates 24. Total effective 30 . I ncrease since ~ast report 4. Dnlls held 42. A verage attendance 12. Cases ~ttende_d on publIc duty 12. Cases attended not on public duty 35 . Annual lllspeetlOn, 10th August. . T~tal on parade 14. Absent with leave 8. Without leave 7. ~nnual re.exalm~ation, 4th May. Members passed 1~. Did not appeal' ~. MedallIons 13. Matenal: stretchers, havresacs, 1 ambulance cabinet splints hnt, ban~ages, ~este~ in committee. Division supported by members' subs~ription~ and pubhc eontnbutlOl1s. . Du ril~g t~e past ye.ar ~his divi~i?n has made some progress numerically, but it is far flom belI~g III a flounshmg condltlOn. The members turned out for public duty on the occaSIOn of the C~1amberlain meeting, held in Newcastle, October 1903 also at the T emperance Festival, June last, where the division was on duty three d~ys.


St. J ohn A?nbitla'Hce BTigade.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.


Officers 3. Sergeants and Corporals 3. Privates 15. Total effective 21. Drills held 19. Average attendance 9. Total on parade 6. Absent with leave o. WitllOut leave 8. Medallions 7. Nursing certificate 2. Regulation uniform WOI'll by 2 Officers, 1 Sergeant, 1 Corporal, and 5 men. Material: stretchers, hampers, haVl'esacs, splints and bandages, water bottles, etc., vested in Officers and Division. Division supported by members' subscriptions. The division has maintained a fair degree of effiCiency during tbe year.


Honorary Surgeon.

J. R. Crease, Junr., )['R.C.S. 2nd Officer.

1st Officer and Hon. Secretary.

J. W. Buckland, 12, Winchester Street, S. Shields.

J. Page.

Cor orals 2 Privates 14. Total eiTective 20. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. d d P bl:c duty 1 Annual inspection, 2.uh cpt. Drills held 20. Cases atten e on pu 1 ~1 ,1 11'. ~ . 1 d 17 Absent with leave 2 1\ eua IOns D. 1 Tota on. ~a:a ~ . ' " t. th . d will still further The dl V1SlOn IS lllcreaslllg m s leng an . ' increase a'3 reel'll1ts W 10 bave recently joined pa s throngh their drills null exanllnabons.




W. Scott, Chief C'onstahle' Ofllce, South hields. 2nd Officer and Hon. Secretary.

1st Officer.

L. W. J . Jagger, Central Police tatiol1, outh hidds.

T. G. Young.


report recei yed.)



Hon. Surgeon.


Lady Superintendent.

Miss ~I. C. Mnrdoch, L.R.C.P.

Mrs. R. Krause,17, Grosvcnor Street, Hull.

Inspector of Stores. 1st Nursing Off. and Lady Treas.

Pte. O. McCormack. Officers 4 Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 22. Total efTeeti.ve ~O. 54 Drills held Average ~ttendance ~. Caes tttencl~d 101~911ubll~)s(e~V\\'itl~ Removals 7. Annual inspecbon, 29th ep t" TO~f o~ paHl,( e ~1' <)9 "Did not leave 1 Annual re-examination, 28th Apn 1. em ers pa e u , •• 1 cr appear Medalliolls 15. Regulati,on uniform w~rn by 1 Officer. Matcna: ",aoon,


i. Stllt~~:~s'i:;~~.~s~e~;e~a\~e~o~~ht~~~~;~\~~e~~p~~ag~i~'division in th e ambulance work and drills.

WALKER DIVISION. [Formed 5.12.03.J HEAD-QUARTERS: MECHANIC. INSTITCTE, W_UKp.n-o~-TYXE. Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.

R. P . Dawson,


Welbeck Road, Walker.

Honorary Secretary.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. Buckley, 46, Foster Street, Walker.

Pte. Virtue.

Officer 1. Privates 30. Total eiTective 31. Drills held 9. Average attendance 12. A nnlla1 re-examl'natl'oll , 20th AI)l'il. :Members passed 12. Did not appear 17. ~Iedall~ons 14. Materia~: 2 Stl~t~fs~~~ bandages, splints, ha,vresacs,. e~c., vested 111 Officers and CommIttee. supported by members sl1bScnptlOns. t 1 r his being tbe first year of the division great progress cannot be repor ec .


A. E. Sproulle, L.R.C.P. Supt., Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.

R. W. Leary, The Stores, Withernsea. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. G. W. Smith.

[Formed 6.3.99.J



Major C. J. Sutherland, )['D., Y.D.


1st Officer.

H. Anthony.

';\lrs. C. Wheatley.

2nd Nursing Off. and Lady Sec.

Mi s E. Hardy, 61,


treet, Hull.

3rd Nursing O ff. and Lady Insp. of Stores. Mi~s

L. Bailey.

Officer 5. Nursing sisters 62 . Total eiTective 67. Decrease since last report 11. Practices held 20 . Average attenuance 46. Cases Cases privately nursed 55. Annual inspection, attenLlellnot on public dnty 91. 24.t.h JUllC. Total on parade 40. Absent with leave 12. Without leave 16. Annual re-ex.amination, 30th May ancl13th Sept. Members passed 50. Did not appear 18. Medallions 56. erv1.ce badges 14. Regulation uniform worn by 4 nursing Officers and 22 nul' iug sisters. Material: 2 water beds, beel rests, ail' cushions, sheets, bed paus, waterproof sheet, feeding cups, triangnlar and roller bandages, splints, anu other first aid and nursing appliances, ve ted in the Hull Centre, St. J obn Ambulance Association. Division snpportell by members' subscriptious, concerts, &c. The work of the Division has been well maintained, and the interest and el1.rnestness mauifested has been most encouraging to the officers. Three oflicel's and. 13 nursing sisters were on duty at the Fair station from the 10th to 15th October. Saturday, Nov. 20th, the sad news was received of the death of Lady Superintendent nIl's. Laverack after a very short illness, the news was received with deep sorrow by all members of the division, the fuueral took place on Tuesday, November 27th and it will be a day long remembered by the members of the Hnll Corps, foUl' nursing officers and 20 sisters in uniform formed up on each side of the path, a a Guard of Honour wbile six ambulance men carried the coffin to the hearse, the nursing and ambulance officers walking on each side of the hearse, the nursing sisters and ambulance men following to St. James Church, where the first part of the service was held, the Vicar the Rev. D. K. Moore gave an address, paying high tribute to the life of Mrs. Laverack in connection with parochial work and also as a sister of the ambulance organization. A beautifu l wreath was sent in loving memory by the nursing officers and sisters. November 30th, the annual reunion was held, Ur. and Mrs. D umoulin VAry kindly presiding, in place of the Sheriff and Mrs. Fisher, who were prevented from being present, the Brigade Service Stars were presented to nursing sisters. Sewing meetings have been commenced for a Grand Bazaar (date to be arranged ) which it has been decided to have in aid of the funds required for a Drill Hall which is greatly needed by the Corps.

St. J ohn A 'rnbulance B1·igacle.

St. John A rnbulance B'l'igade.





Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss Shea.

Lady Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeon .

J. Divine,

Lady Secretary.

l\ITs. S. E. Graham, 23, Westbourne Gardens, Walker.


Miss A. Hargreaves, 21, ,Yestcolt treet, Hull.


Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Secretary and Treasurer.

Miss F. E. Hargreaves, 21, Westcott Street, Hull.

Miss E. M. Sal vidge.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 213. Total effective 28. Increase since last report 7. Practices held 19. Average attendance .15. C~ses attended not on public duty 27 . Cases priYately nursed 15. Annual mspechon, 24th June. Total on parade 15. Absent wiih le[n:e 8. Without leave 4. .Annual re-examination, 2nd June. Members pa sed 17. DlJ not.appe,nr 10. l\Ied~lhons 19. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Nursing Offic,er and 1 n~1r,Sl,ng SI tel'. l\Iatenal: roller and triangular bandages, splints, and tourDlquet. Dlvlslon SUPl)ortcd by members subscriptions. . The Eastern Nursing Divi,ion has made steady progre. s dUl'lng the year 1903-1904, the membership still being on the increase; the drills have beell very ",ell attend~d. I n December the Lady Superintendent and the Lady Secretary were presented mth handsome silver mounted purses, as a mark of esteem from the memuels of the division. First aid and nursing classes l1ave been held during tlle year; one ?f, the members of the nursinO'b class l1avin g entered one of the London hospIlals for tralDll1g. There is every reason to believe that the division will continue to increase, llnd that still further good and useful work will be done.





Honorary Surgeon s.

J. Macdonald,

M.ll .

H. Goudie,

M. D.

Lady Supt" Lady Sec. and Treasurer.

Mrs. J. R. Crease, 2, Ogle Terrace,

outh Shields.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 16. Total effective 19. Reserve member 1. Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 15. Average attendance 9. Cases attended not on public duty 4. Cases priyate1y nursed 6. Annual inspection, 26th Sept. Total on parade 6. A~sent without leave 8. An~ual re-examination 29t.h April. Members passeJ 13. Dld not appear 3. Medalhons 16. Service badges 2. Regulation ~.iform worn ,by 1 N~ll~ ~g Officer aud 1.1 nursing sisters. Material : large quantltles of nurslllg reqUlsltl~s, water and au' beds cushions beds and bedding, sheets, waterproof, leg rests, bed llllen and blankets, bron'chi tis kettles, ice bags and sick room. req uisi t~s, ~tc., vested in com mi ttee of nursing division . Division supported by pubhc subscnptIOns. No material progress in numbers ~as been made. . The old member~ however are enthusiastic ill the work, and first aId work and nursmg has been carned out to the satisfaction of several medical men.


Honorary Surgeon.

R. P. Dawson,


Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. A. Lee, 16, Westbourne Gardens, Walker.

Officers 2.

Nursing sistere 14.

Total effective 16. not on public duty 16. Members passed 12. DId not appear 2. Medallions 4. . :Matenal: bedding, sheets, blankets, quilts, hamper, splmts, bandages, bath chaH, and all sick room utensils vested in Officers and C0ffi:Jl~i~tee.. pivision supporte~ .by members' subscriptions. ' The DIVIsIon IS lD a he~lthy condltIOn, but being its first year cannot make a lengthy repor~ .. The serVlces of the members are much songht after in the district and under the tUlt~on o~ the. Hon. urgeon the Division is making steady progress. evera1 of the ~urSll1g SIsters atte~ded the Town 1I100r during the Newcastle T emperance Festlval and rendered asslstance to numerous cases. Pract~ces held 9. Average attendance 12. Cases attended C~se pnvately nursed 1. AJ.?-nual re-examin~tion, 20th April.



St. John Arnbulance Bll'igade.

St. John A rnbulance BTigade.


No. VII. District.

Names of Corps and Divisions.



No';ember 24th, 1904.


I have the honour to submit the following as the first report of the newly formed No. VII. District. As at first form ed this District cOllsi ted of one Corps l1ud eleven Divisions. Since its formation the follo\ying units have lJeen added and dnly sanctioned :-Newport (Mon.), 1 Corps; Chil'k, 1 Division; Penrhi\\'ccibcr, 1 Division; Portmadoc, 1 Division; Blaina, 1 Division; Abergavenny, 1 Did ion; Treherbert, 1 Division. I nspections have been carried out by myself 111H1 m)' District tafr and the reports to hand are encouraging. I mportant ambulan ce Juty has been undertakcn by units of the District on the occasion of Ris lUaje ty the King's visit to Rhaya.d cr to 0]1(,11 the Birmingham Water Works; this duty being undertaken in conjunction with units supplied by the Birmingbam Corps of N' o. III. District. Puhlic duty of an equally important nature has been performed most eflicieu tly uy various Divisions as recorded in their annual reports . I am enconraged to hope that some of the Rail way systems in the District will ally theDlsel yes to the Brigade; as things are at present they are satisfied in an ambulance sense with holtling among themselves annual competitions for various shields and cups, which are, of COUl' e, only for the few; the remainder wbo do not compete, being left without further practice or instruction after having obtained a First Aid Certificate. These remarks apply equally to the City of Hereford where thcre exists a local Ambulance As ocia.tion limited to a five-mile area, bn t; a little patience and fmth er in formation of the paramount advantage of joining the Brigade, may haye the happy result of hringing all these into line. In any efforts made by me in furthering the best interests of the Brigade, I should fail, without the cordial and willing h elp aITordecl me by my District Staff to whom I accord my grateful thanks. I al 0 wish to place on record the devoted efforts to the cause, by those OfIicers and members of tl1e Brigade, who have spared nothing to help forwa.rd the philanthropic work which we haye in hand; and, I hope, to see more Nursing Divisions springing up in the district, and also that more opportunities may be given to all members of the Brigade, to obtain some knowledge of nursing. I have often seen many instances of the quiet good work done by ladies who have obtained the Nursing Certificate, and kept up their knowledge at the hands of the Bligade, and I gladly avail myself of this occasion to testify to the usefulness of the Nursing Divisions geIlerally. Subjoined is a tabulated abstract and seniority list of Corps and Divisions and Nursing Divisions, with a County Distribution of the same. I have the hononr to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, EDWAHD CURETON,

To the Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Assistant Commissione1' in Charge.






Assistant CO?nmissioner (in Oha1'ge)-Sul'geon Lieut.·Col. E. CURETO " '-.D., M.D. District Chief S1tpe1'intenclent-Jl'h. A. D. GnrFFITIIs, LD. ])ist1'iCt S1tpe1'intendent Sec1·eta1'y-Mr. J. W. WHITE.


"'''' oF~ ~~ ge ~ ~ :r;en






BHI~ J.l~ ~o


I ..e



;::: !'l

0 :::. 2;



1 1 1 1

] ]

1 1 1

1 1





f:i ~ ~GOc ~ 00 ~ci w ";jCl> ~ .... 0 M en .:: en~ g~, i; "IE! zo "§ E P: :3 I~~ ~~ 0: ::: 0 0 ~






Aberguyenny Division Blaina Brynmawr Chirk I, Goodrich " I ronbridge Corps I ron bridge Division Jack field Madeley " Much Wenloek N ewport Corp Penrhiwceiber Division Portmadoc Shrew;-\mJ'Y Trehel bert

..I ~


20 13 2 1 25 3 22 1 9



22 17 30 27 12 2

1 1 3

1 1 1

3 1 1

1 1


1 1 1


1 1

2 1


6 3 5 4 34 42 1 7 11 - 71 75 2 1 15 20 4 25 33 3 21 27 2 13 19

Nn\~·["G DrVrSIOl\ Broseley Di vi ion I rollbridcrc Jackfiell Mad eley " Much "Wenlock hrew bury Dist. tall'



t1 tl tl






1 1 1 1


:1] 9 11

7 9 11 13 ]0 12



* ame Offi cer holds both ranks.

t Same Hon.

Snrgeon as in Ambulance unit.

Statement . -1 As i tant Commissioner (in charge); 1 District Chief Superintendent; 1 Di tl'ict uperintendent ecretary . 350 Officers and men; 72 Nursing Officers aud istel's . T otal 425. LIST OF CORPS AXD DIVI IONS IN ORDER OF SENORITY. Corps or D ivisions.

Date '" hen formed.

N ov. 30, 1891 Madeley Division May 1, 1 95 Shrewsbury " 1\1111'. 20, 1896 Ironbridge Corps I ronbl'idp-e Division • Mar. 20, 1896 Much Wenlock Division May 20, 1896 Jan. 20, 1898 Jackfield Division Sept. 13, 1 98 Brynmawr 1\1ar. 21, 1899 Goodrich

Corps or D ivisions.

D ate when formed .

Chirk Di vi ion . Pem·hi wceiber Division Portmadoc Blaina " Newport (Mon.) Corps A berga venny Di vision T reherbert

ApI. 17, June 14, July 19, Oct. 2, Oct. 7, Oct. 7, Oct. 14,

1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904

St. John A mbulctnce B7'igade.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.


1IIay 1, 1995 Mar. 20, 1 96 Mar. 20, 1896

Shrewsbury Division Iron bridge " :Madeley

Broseley Di visi(ln , Much Wenlock Division Jackfield Division .


May 1, 1899 June, 1, 1 99 Dec. 12, 1903


England-Monmouthshire, H erefordshire, and, hroP?hire. . \Vales- Glamorganshire, Den bighshire, Carnarvonslllre, Brecknocksbll'e.




Hon . Surgeon .

W. D.



Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. T. Brown, "Farmers Arms," AbergaYCnllY.

Officers 2. Privates 20. Total effective 22. Nnrsing Certificate 1. Regulation unifollll worn Drills held 1. Medallions 3. by 1 officer. Material: bandages, etc., vested in a local committce. Di\'i ion supported by the public. . . . This Division was formed so recently that lt has not yet got mto work11lg order, There should, however, be a. large number of membel'~ .e~jng that it is a l.n~ y railway Centre. There will :11so be plenty of work for the Dl\'lslon to undertake III the way of public duty, etc., as a numuer of shows, sports, etc., are held here.


LFormed 2.10.04.J 1/\


Hon. Surgeon .

T. J. O'Donovan,


W. Oldham, 18, North BIaina Cottage, BIaina.


Hon . Secretary.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. F. C. Lawrence, 77, High Street, Blaina. Officers 2. Medallions 8.

Sergeant 1.

Pte. T. Wiltshire.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 25. Total effe ctive 30. Increase since last report 12. Drills held 26. A verage attendance 11. C:1ses attended not 011 public duty 98. Annual inspection, 28th Sept. T otal on Absent with leave 1. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, parade 26. 14th Sept. Members passecl 24. Did not appear 5. Medallions 7. Service badges 4. Nuring certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 19 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 1 surgical havresac, blanket, waterproof sheets, bandages, etc., vested in Local Centre. Division supported by the public. The Division has made great progress since the last report. Public duty was undertaken on the occasioll of:1 demonstration, but there were no serious cases to ree~rd. The members still lender first aid on numerous occasions whilst following tl:elr employment. As a result of Mr. Haggl'l,l' kindly giving the Division a benefit l1lght with his bioscope entertainment, twenty more of the members have been equipped with uniform. The Division attended Abergavennyon 25th September, awl took part in the p:1rade of the Mayor and Corporation to Church in aid of the local Cottage Ho pital. Th ey were highly commended on their smartness, it was the first time that the .J. A. B. uniform had been seen in that tC\YU, but it will not be .the last. At the annual inspection, District Chief Superintendent Griffiths, of Bndgend, expressed himself as being quite satisfied that the Division was thoroughly efficient.

Hon . Secretary.

S. T. Beard, 2, Ross New Road, Abergayenny.


Privates 13.

Total effective 17.


Hon . Su rgeo n. Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

Lieut. -Col. J. D. Lloyd, The :tlIouut, Chirk. Inspector of Stores.

Officer 1. ergean t 1. Corporals 3. Privates 22. Total effective 27. Drill held 12. A yerage attendance 15. Cases attended on public duty 2. Rtll10vals 1. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 2 th Oct. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 9. 'W ithout leave 2. Reaulation uniform W01'11 by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 5 men. lII ateri~l : 2 stretchers, ,Yater bottles, medical hanesac, and ambulance box, vested in the Superintendent .for the time beillg. Division supported by donations, subscriptivns and en tel'tai n men ts . . Chir~ Divi ion having only been registered on 17th April of this year, this report IS for SIX months only. Great zeal and enthusiasm has been shown by the Division dUl·j ug the short time it has been e tablished . First aid classes are now beina held in Chirk and are well attended. Doubtless, the Division will largely recrnit from tl:ese. classes dlll'ing the yea!'. Chirk is the centre of a large colliery and quarry du:;tnct, already teu bad aGClden ts ha ve been attended to by members of the Division .and their work has been much appreciated by the public.


[Formed 13.9.98.J


Hon. Surgeon. L.R. C.P.

Superintendent (acting).

R. P. Adams, 100, King Street, BrYllmawr. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. A. Bainton.

Hon. Secretary.

Corp1. B. Thomas, Bail ey Street, Brynmawr. Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. R. W. Lewis.


Hon. Surgeon. B.A., ~r. R. C.S.

A. Cutfield, 1st Officer.

V. Wade, The Old Rectory, 'Yelsh Bicknor, Ross.

& s.

Hon. Secretary.

Sergt. Jackson, Llewyniciel, ChirI{.

CorpI. J. Jones.



M. Sheeh y,


Hon . Sec. and Inspector of Stores.

Rev. Prebendary Seaton, Goodrich Vicarage, Ross, H ereford shire.

Officers 2. Privates 9. Total effective 11. Decrease since last report 1. Drills h eld 13. Average atteudance 6 '2. Annual inspect~on, 31st Aug. Medallions 5. 1I1atel:ia.l : 1 stretcher, 1 ambulance hamper, vested ll1.1.s~ Officer.and Hon. Secretary. DIVISIOn supported by subscriptions. ,!he DIvls10n was ll1 spected 011 the 31st of Angust by the Superintendent of Stores, Bnstol Corps, at the req uest of 01'. Griffiths, Deputy Commissioner N o. II. District (prior to its incorporation in :r o. VII. District.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John Am,bulance B?'igade.



[Formed 20.3.96.]



Honorary Surge on.

W. Dyson, )I.B . C. A. Rcynolds, ~LB. Supt. of Stores.

Chief Superintendent.

J. C. T. Raspass, Mad eley, Shropshirc. Officers 15.

(Formed 20.1.98.J


Honorary Surgeons.

F. J. Hart, L.P•. C.P. .r . F . Euwards, M.B .


H. "\V. Thomas.

Sergeants 5.

Corporals 5. Privates 52 . Nursing SisLers 52. Total effcctive 121:1. The year closes with a diminution in number , bl~t we have the satisfaction of kno,yiug that on the whole, the actual s~r~ngth of tl~c Corps as reprcsente~ by members who know their work lind are wIlllDg to do It, has not becn materIally reduced. From each Division the name of non-ellicients have been renlOved and by the strict compliance with the regulations whieh is required, and the re.taining ~!lly of those who take a real interest in the work, the status of the Corps WIll be raised and the regal'll for the Brigade enhanced. At the begilln~ng of the year efrorts ",.cre made to raise funds by means of a bazaar, and the Corps 111 general al1l~ the. l1UfSlOg Officers and si5ters in particular are to be cO~J gratt~lat~d on ~he rcsults o}. th?\l" ~f~orts . Public duty was undertaken on the occaSIon of HIS :MaJesty the hlllg s VISIt to Rhayader, when the members of the Corp~ present ll1e~ ~or th~ second time in l~is official capa,city the newly appointed ASSistant UOIllIlJIS~IOner In chargc of the ellstrict, who expressed himself as being gratitiell with the work and appe~ral1ce of th()~e on duty. The Assistant Commissioner was assistecl in the carrYlIlg out of IllS arranaements by District nperintenuent cCletary White, and Chief 'nperintendcnt Rasp;ss commanded the contillgen t from No. VII. District. Takillg hoth days together the Corps supplied forty Officers anu men for plIuli<.: duty at the hre,,'sbury Floral Fete, with its record attellllall(;C of 70,?00 pcople (011 the I'contl day) ; and in all sOllle forty odd cases were treated. PuLhc. duty was. also undcltaken at the Ironbritlcre Rcaatta and Sports when a fully-ellUlpped hospital tent was e!·ecled . In thc ncicrhbourhgod two or three very serious cases ha\'e heen treated by llIcmbers of th e Cor~s. Mention should be made of the scryiccs rCllllercd by the Superi~­ tendent of Stores. Mr. H. ,V. Thoma, not only in the department allotted to 111s charge but in the amount of work he has uone ,,,hen attending l!rills and in coaching the members. During the Autumn, Dr. C: Reynolds gave ~ course of lectur.es to the ~mcers und men which were much appreCIated. Thc servIces of Dr. Hart 1Il attemll1lg parades, examining the work done and gi villg lls'3Cul and practical It.in ts are worthy of spe(;i~l mentiou, as are also the services of Dr. Edwards, anll, p;lrtlCularly, of Dr. Dyson 10 cond ucting di visional examinations.

N. F. Edwards,


Honorary Secretary.

Ins pector of Stores.

Scrgt. A. J. H ul1ll>hries, Furnace College, Coalport Road, Iron bridge.

Pte. G. Edwards.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 3. Total effective 5. C D ecrease sincc last report 6. Drills held 25. A verage attendance 3. Removal J. Cases attended not on public ases attended on pu?lic du.ty 15. ~uty 1~. . Annual lDspectIOn, 15th Sept. Total on parade 4. Annual le-ex~nllnatI?~, 4th Feb. Members passed 4. Medallions 4. Service badD" 3 Nurslllg cerbheates 2. Re,fmlation uniform worn by 1 sercreant and 3 men l\Iate~. I'. stretchers, bavr~sacs, splints, etc ., vested in Ironbridcre Corps. Divh)io~ supp~~~:ci by voluntary eHort. ° MADELEY DIVISION (IRONBRIDGE CORPS ).

[Formed 30.11.91.]

HEAD-QU ARTER.": THE I~ TITUTE, MADELEY. Hono rary Su rgeon.

C. A. Reynolds,

Hono rary Secreta ry.

M. B.

1st Class Sergt. J. W. Fletcher, Oourt Stl'Bet, Mad eley, Shropshire.

Inspector of S tores.

ht Clas5

ergt. J. BoweD.

Ofiicel' 1.. ·ergeants 3. Corporals 4. PriYates 34. T otal efIective 42 Deercae SIllCC la t report 2. Drills hcld 30. A veracrc attendanc~ 20 Case attcllclc~l Oll pl~hlic duty 30. RCl1lo,·als 2. Cu es attendedOnot on ublic duty' 4~: AlllluallllspectlOll,] 5th elJt. T0tal 011 parade 32. Absent ",Rh leave 6 " Itho,llt lea'·c 4. . AnJluall'e·ex~ll1ination, 9th Aug. Members passed 35. Did not aPlleaI 6. MedallIons 32. ernce badcres 47. "ursincr certificates 6 R u 1 t· a lOn Uluform wor11 b}' 2 serrFcuut 4 corllora{'s,GaJlcl '~LI ),-,; men • 0 II1\Ia t ena . 1 : 6· s t re tegh li , . 0'. • . c ers 1 tteJ, splin ts, bandages. DIVISIOU upported by voluntary effort. ' MUCH WENLOCK DIVISION (IRONBRIDGE CORPS ).

[F ormed 20.5 .96 .]

IIE.\D-QUAnTEnR: THE PAlUSH ROO)I, Ml:JCH "\VE~LO OK . Honorary Surgeon.

F. J. Hart, L.n.c. p. S uperinte ndent .


[Formed 20.3,96.J

HEAD-QUA.l:tTERS: 'rIlE SQUARE, InONBRlDGE. Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. A. W. Bartlam, Tontine Hill, I ronbridge. Sergeant 1. Privates 5. Total effective 6. D eerease since last report] I) . Drills held 25. A veTage attendance. 4. Cases attended on public duty 15. Removal 1. Cases attenued not 01: pl1.\Jhc duty 18. Annual inspection, 15th Scpt. T otal on parade 6. Annual re-examlllahon, 4th Feb. Medallions 6. Scrvice badges 3. N~tl'sing. certificates 4, Members passed 6. R egulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 5 men. Mate~·Ial: lItter, str~t~h.er, havresacs, hospital tent, bed, and furniture, vested in Ironbndge Corps. DIVISIon supporteu by voluntary effort.

Honorary S ec retary.

F. J. Dunk·, The School House, Much W cnlo<.:k.

Ptc. T. H. Thompsoll, Barrow Street, Much Wenlock.

Officers 2. Sergeant]. C01"por2.1 1 Privates 7. Total effective II. Decrcase since. last report 3. Drill~ he·ld 12. A \Crage attendance 12. Cases attended 011 puLlIc duty 9. Annual IllRpection 15th Sel)t. Ttl n d Annual re-examination, 25th Oct. Menlbcrs pas~ed 10 1\1 d ll? a °5 para e 11. stret 1 , J. t b u · e a IOns . Material :. c leI, sp III , an ages, vested in Ironbridcre Corps Division snpI1oI'ted by vuluntary effort. b • NEWPORT (MON, ) CORPS,

[Formed 7.10. 04.J


S. Hamilton, M.B.

1. F. Neville, L.R.C.P.

1. Hurley, L.R.C.P,

St. John Ambulance BTigade.

St. John A'I11uulu/ru:e Brigade.


Hon . Secretary.


Pte. G. H. Osborne, 33, Lime Street, Newport (Mon.)

A. G. E. J. Fudge, 14, 'Yindsor Terrace, Newport, (Uon.) Officers 4.

Tot;tl effective 75.

Privates 71.

Medallions 2 .


CIIOOL, PE:\lllIlwcElBEn .

Hon. Surgeon .

R. 'Y. Jones,

:'II.D., J.P., C.C.

Supe r intendent.

Hon. S ecretary.

" be1'. 6 T. J. Bryer, Police tation, Pem Illwcel

Cor})1. G. R. Birch, . be d P I. , Penrhiwceiber Roa, enr llwcel r.

. 1 ·) PI'I'vates 15 . Total effective Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Col'pora~. mblic20 dut 12. Drills held 13. Average attendance 9. Ca es ~t tended not o~ t } ohn Arm badaes worn . Material: 1 stretcher, sJ(llDts, ~tc ..) ves e 111 . Ambulan~c Brigade. Division supported by publIc ~UbSCrlJ~tlOlt -mation Twelve The Division has made steady progress Sll1ce 1 s 01... • 0 2nd cases have been attended to by individual members. of the DIvlSlon':r n am August, two teams competed at the .Pe~rhiwee\b~ Hor~~~?lturako h~'je~~''':i;ning


~!dn~~~el~~ l~i:eL~~;Ee ~h~nb~~i~i~~t ~~sL~~~ b~~~P~n~~~~;~rl

owing to several members being a\Ya~ from ~omet'~\lenl ~~st~~~d Griffiths, Bridgend, wrote about the 111spechon a Ie a e1






Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 17 men. Material : wagon, litter, 5 stretcher" 3 havresacs, 8 water uottles, waterproof sheets, dressing basins, blankets, lamps, hot water bottle, etc. , vested in the Superintendent of the Division for the time being. Division sup]Jorted by members' subscriptions and Local Centre. The condition of the Division is satisfactory, the discipline has recently improyed. A number of men are only awaiting the next S.J.A.A. Class, in ordel' to obtain their certificates and join the Divi ion. Three permanent first aid stations have now been established as follows : - (' Central," at Gullet Passage, The Market Sq uare; "\Vest," at The Priory, St. Austin's, treet; "East," at the Unicorn Yard, Wyle Cop. A stretcher, havresac, water-bottle, etc., are kept at each place, and trained first aiders are constantly on the premises. The " 'agon station is also at the Unicorn Yard, where horses are always available. The litter station is at the Borough Police Station. The wagoll has proved of great value, not only for transporting cases to the local Innl'lllary, etc., but also as a store wagon at the various shows, etc., attended, and at the encampment of the local Church Lad' Brigade Battalion. I ncluded in the public duty undertaken have been th e two days aud night picket, at the Shropshire aUll We t Midland how; two days and. nigh t picket at the Great Shrewsbury Floral Fete (on the second day of the last-named a crmnl of 70,000 people were present). The unyeiliug of a statue to hl'opshil'e men who died in the late war; the Visit of H.1I. The Kiug to Rhayarler, for the opening of the Birmingham Water upply; the hre\\'sbury Cycle Carniyal Procession; the Shrewsbury Swimming Club Gala. ; the Whit-~Ionday Athletic F estival; the County and Borough Police Sports; yarious smaller l)orts and how ' and many other occasions. The annual Church Parade took place on 7th JUly laot, at St. Chad's Church, Shrewsbury. I nstmction in swimming and life- aving will be given next summer. One private (A. E. '\,illiams), holus the Royal HUlJlane Society's Certificate for saving the life of a per. on drowuiwf in th e e\'el'll. The Editor of the l1Iidland Erening News kindly pnbJishe the Order" C\'clT wec k.




E. S. S. Hirst,

1st Officer.

Hon . Surgeon and Supt.

Supe rintendent.

R. G. Roberts.

Tanyronen, Portmarloc.

Pte. E. T. E"3.ns. Privates 25. Total effective 33.

Pte. \Y. H.

Sergeant 1.

Pte. E. T. Bell.

Corporals 2. Privates 13. (No report received.)

Total effective 19.



J. Lytle, M.D . A. H. R. Southam, Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury.

Inspector of S tores.

cott, 11, tation Terrace, Treherbert.

Officers 3.

Hon. Surgeon . Superintendent.

1. Parry.

Hon . S ecretary.



1st Office r and Hon . Treasu rer.

. Phillip, 2, ,"tatioll Terrace, Treherbert.

Inspector of Stores .

Hon . Secreta ry.

Pte. A. Evans, 30, New Street, Portmodoe. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Medallions 8.

[Formed H.10.0-!.]


Hon . Surgeon .


H. R. Griffiths,



Hon. Secretary.

Pte . W . Taylor, Darwin St. , Shrewsbury.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

COl·pI. G. Bird.

Pte. E. Evans.


Honorary Surgeon .

\V. Dyson, Lady Superintendent.

Miss H. C. Potts, The Bank Honse, Bro,eley.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 21. Total effective 27. In crease since last repor t 8. Drills held 38. Average attendance ~O. Cases attended on pnblic duty 83 . Removals 6. Cases attended not o~ publIc d~.ty 67 Annual inspection, 30th Sept. Total on parade 17. Absent wdlth 77. ~ .lJhO\ l eave 8. Annual re-examination) 30th Sept. Member.s passe. 1. I no appear 15. , Medallions 8. Service badges 12. RegulatIOn umform worn by 1


M. B.

1st Nursing Off. and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. J. Jones, T he Lindens, Broseley

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 13. T otal effective 16. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 12. Average attendance 15. Annual inspection, 15th Sept. Total on parade 15. Absent with leaye 1. Annual re.~xamination, 20th Sept. Members passed 14. Medallions 14. Reunlation umform worn by 2 N nrsing Officers and 13 nursing sisters. Material: splints and bandages, vested in Irollbridge Corps. Division supported by members.


St. J ohn A ?7/'bulct,'nce B?'igct,de.

St. J ohn A n~bulance Brrigade.


. Officers 2. Nursing siRters 10. Total ef1ective 12. Decrease Slllce last r.eport 2. Practice') h~ld 12. A vCl'age attendance 12. C'lses attel1(~ed not on pubJte duty 18. Cases pnv~tely nursed 3. Annual inspection , 15th I ept. Total on paratle 11. Ahsent WIth lea\'e 1. Annual re-examination 21st O?t. Men:bers passed 11: .1\~edalliol1s 7. Material: splillts, bandages, etc.: vested 1Il I ronbl'lclge Corps. DlvIlon supported by voluntary efforts of members.

[Formed 20.3 .96.] HEAD-Q.UARTER : THE SQ.UAHF., I nO~DnIDGE. Lady Sup e r i ntend ent.

1st N ursi ng Off. and Lad y Inspect or o f Stores.

Mrs. M. H. White, The Bank, I ronbri(lge.


:\Irs. N. Andrews.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 9. Total C£l'eeti ve 11 . Decrease since last report 1. Practices heh1 23 . Average a~telldance. Cases attended on l)ublie duty 35. Cases attended not 011 publIc tluty U3. Cascs privately lllused 11. Annual inspection, 15th cpt: ':i'otal on parade . Abscnt with leave 3. Without leave 1. Annual re -eX8.nlluatIon, 15th ept. illcmbel's passed 11 . Did not appear l. Medallions 11. R.egulation uniform worn ?y 2 Kursing Officers and 9 nursing sister . Material: hospItal beds, teut and eqmpmcnt, bath chair, &e. , vested in Ironbridge Corps. Division upported by members.



[Formed 5. 95 .]



H onora r y S urge on .

L ad y S uperin t end ent.

G. G. Piggott, L.n. c. p.

:Miss C. E. Hughes, BrooJdands, Meole Brace, hrewsbury. 1st N ursing Office r .

Mrs. Howells.


Ho n. S urgeon .

N, F . H. Edwards,

l\Iiss E. E. Jone, , The Calcutt, Jackfield, • alop.


Officers 2. Nursing isters 7. Total elfectin 9. Decrease since la t report 3. Practiccs hcld H. A\'Cragc attendance Cn es attended not on publiC' duty 12. Cases privately nur ed 2. Alllmal ill pcction, 15th Sept. Total on parade 9. Annual re-examination, 26th •'ept. :Jlcml)ers passed 9. Medallions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 NUl' 'illg Ofriccr and 8 nursing sisters. Material: splints alld bandages, vcsted in Iroubridge Corps. Division supported by voluntary effort.



"rrTuT I~,

C. A. Reynolds,


Lady S uperinten d ent.

Hono rary Surgeon . i\1. B.

Mrs. J . E . Raspass, Tweedale,


Officers 2. Nursing sisters 11 . Total e!rectiYe 13. Practices held 23 . Average attendance 8. Cases attended on public duty 37. Cases attended not on public duty 41. Cases privately nursed 14. Annual iuspection, 15th Sept. Total on parade 12. Absent without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 15th Sept. Members passed 11 . Did not appeal' 1. Medallions 10. Regulation u niform worn by 1 .r ursing Officer and 10 nursing sisters. Material: sheets, bandages, _splints, vested in Ironbridge Corps. Division supported by voluntary effort.




Honorary Surgeon.

Lady Superi ntendent.

F . J. H art, L.R.O.P.

Mrs. C. L . Danks, School House, Much Wenlock.

. Offi.:ers 3. Nursing si tel'S 13. Total effective 16. I11Cl'l";' e . lllce l~st report 2. Practices helJ 23. Average attendance 9. Cases nttennec .?1l pnhllc Llnty ~~. Annual inspection , 23rd ept. Total on parade 10. Ab ent .:' Ith leave 3. :' Ithout lea\'e 2. Al~lll1al re-examination, 12th May. Membe);; passed 11. DId not appear 1. SerVIce badges 6. Regulation uniform Worn by 2 Officers and 13 nur.·ing si tel's. Division supported by arant from • hl'ewslml'Y Cen~re and members' subscriptions. 0 Much good. qUIet w::n k has beel] (lone by the members of this Division who have heen 011 pul!lIc duty seven times dUI:ing ~he year, including the attendance of the lady u'p~mntendent and one nurslDg Sl tel' at Rhayader, on the occasion of the Royal VISit to open the Birmingham "Tater Works. One nursina sister for several "eeks ?l'e scd, untler the direction of the doctor, a serious case cancerous growth. J 0 stnct )'(;cord of work none privately is kept, but in several cases of home and oth.e~ nU1:slllg the doctors have borne testimony to the good work done by the nUl lng sisters. The me.m bcrs greatly regret the resignation of Dr. Salt, but are gl~~ ~o say Dr. Glynne PJggott has accepted the position of Hon . Suraeon to the DIVISion. 0



St. J ohn A ?nb'L~lance Brigade.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.




In a new orga~lization such as e. St. John Ambulance Brigade, the difficulties in t.he way of fornnng corps and. dIvISIOns are very great, but as the \York comes to be kno~vn and uuderstood I beheve we shall succeed in formincr divi~ions in all the leadlllg commercial towns in the State. b I ha\'e the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Sen'an t,

~ran(lte 5 .

Commonwealth of Australia. CO?n?nissione1'-Major G. L..MULLINS, lIr.A., M.ll. Medical Office?' in Chief-nlajor A. E. PEnKIN~, M.A.,

G. LANE MULLINS, CO?n1l1,issionM' fo)' the 001nmonwcalth oj A'u,stralia.

The ComllJissioner for Special Serviccs, t. John Ambulance Bl'irfade London.

lILB., D .•. 0.

New South Wales District .


DepHty Commissione?·-Mr. '1'. S. DIX::;ON, M.B. Dist1'ict Chief Sm·geon-Mr. . JAMIESON, B.A., lILD. Di5trict S'upe1'intenclcnt Sccrelm·y-Ml'. L. DomHx. District Supe1'intenclcnt l'reasu?·er-lIIl'. H. PlUE; "rLEY.



3. 4. 5. 6. 'j



.N .. W .

Janua)'y, 1905. SIR, I have the honour to present the econd Annual Report of the 1\t.,\\" South ·Wales District of the t. John Ambulance Brigade. During the year ending Septem her 30th, 190,*, Olle Corps, two Amlulance Diyi ions, and three ursing Divi~ions haye been formed in yclney, bringing the total up to one Corps, two Ambulance Divisions and foUl' Nursing Divisions, with a ~otal menther· ship of 314. Our numbers have therefore cloubled themsehes dUl'lllg the year. There is every prospect of a large increase in the near future, as t11e Brigade aud its work become known throughout the country districts. Early in the year the Civil Ambulance and Transport Brigade, an organization doillg splendid work in the public streets in Sydney and subUl'bs forl'veral ytalS, applied for admission as a Corps of the Brigade, and was duly formed as such on May 1st. The Civil Ambulance Brigade had always auoptecl the syl1abu~ of lectures and examinations of the St. John Ambulance Associatioll; in fact it lecturers and examiners were medicalmell who also acted in similar capacities uUller the S.J.A.A. This amalgamation has been a source of strengtb to the Brigade. Tbe annual re·examinations were carried out by the Depnty,C01l11l1i' sioner aml myself. Owing to the increase in the amount of work to be done, an enlargement of the D istrict Staff was necessary. Dr. S. Jamieson was appointed District Chief Snrgeon, Mr. Leonard Dobbin District Superintendent Secretary, and Mr. H. Priestley D istrict Superintendent Treasurer. Major J. A. Liebmann baving left the Commonwealth, the office of District Chief Superintendent became vacant on May 15th. The Roth Ambulance Challenge Shield. was won by the Glebe Ambulance D ivision after a very close contest with Mort's Dock, the previous holders. It is very probable that new districts ,yill be formed during the currcnt year in the States of Victoria and South Australia. Throughout the year I have been ably assisted by the Deputy.Commissioner, Dr. T. S . Dixson, who will now take charge of the New South ·Wales District owing to my having been appointed Commissioner for the Australian Commonwealth. The Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve has not as yet made much pro· gress, but with the assistance of Staff. Surgeon Robardt, R . N ., I hope to enrol a fail' num bel' of volunteers shortly.


Glebe Dix on's Factol',)' ·Western ubllrb. Gasworks Mort's Dock Ne\vtown C.A.T. C. Balmain C.A.T. '



Am b 'lla.nce DI "isions.






Glpbe Sydney 'ummel' Hill Sydney Balmain Newtown Balmain

20th March, 1903. 25th :'.1 arch, 1903. 9th Sept., 1903. 21stSept., 1903. 23rd Sept., 1903. 3rd May, 1904. 18th Sept., 1904.

Nlll'. ing Divisions. Glebe Gl ebe Ballllain C. A. T. C. Balmain Head·quarters C. A. T. C. ydney Newtown C.A.T.C. Newtown

1. :1. '> .....


20th l\Iarch, 1903. 30th May, 1904. 7th June, 1904. 8th August, ] 904.


NaIll e of Dlvi::,ion.

·rJ Zo

Brigade tall' *District tan' I-no A. T. Corps ., Balnluill " Newtown Dixson '8 Factory l+asworks .. . Glebe .. . "fort's Dock Westeru Suburbs NUR ING


1 1 1

=1 ... -




Balmain (C.A.'r.C.) .. :1:Glebe.. .. Head quarters (C.A.T.C.) Newtown " Total

1 1



1 1 1


1 1

1 1


=1=_ 1


* Other District Staff, 4.

1 2 1 1 1 1 1


5 2 1 2 ~


9 23

8 14 29 63 21 22 29


=i l =i i = =- = ~~ 1




t Corps



14 167


Officers, 3.

:1: The Hon. Surgeon of the Glebe Nursing Division is also Hon. Surgeon of the Glebe Ambnlanee Division. A3

St. John A mbulance B?~igade.

St. J ohn A ?nb~!Jlance Brigade.







W. H. Read,

Chief Superintendent.

Chief Surgeon

A. A. Palmer, ,r.n., F.R.C.S. Elizabeth Street, I ytlney.

G. Armstrong, M.B.

Superintendent of Stores.

J. E. Peters. During the eight months ending 30th Septem bcr, 19040, no lcss ~hn.n 1,60.5 cas?s have been attended to. Of these 1,100 wcrc COll\'cyed to the \'anous lJOSpltal.· III Sydney and suburbs. The accidents to se'lmen and ",harf labourers numbered ~47, accidents in factories 114, street accidents 2 O. All the importallt sports mcetlllgs and large social gatherings of various institutions werc attended hy t!le Corps, \\hl'.n the permanent staff were assi ted by the honorary sLaff, ,,,ho cbecrfully gave theIr services. The Oorps possesses one pail' horse wagon, one f;ingle horsr \yagon, anel eight wheeled litters, all in first class order, and vested in trustees. Tumber of permaurut staff 10. Oorps supported by public snbscriptions.



HKAD-QUARTERS: 384, DARLING STRElCT, B.\.LMATN. Superintendent. T orth , tl'Cl't, Balmain.

Hon . Surgeon.

W. Atkinson, c/o :Mrs. Dunkerley, Ba11l1ain Road.


Supe rintendent .


A. E. Lee.



Hon. Surgeon.


'Y. F. Litchficld, :lr.n.

W. J . Harris, 70, Brougham Street, Glebe.

Officer~ 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 29. Total efIi ti 34 Increase SlUce last report 2 Drills heM 53 A ec ve . on puhlic duty ' 19. Annual ins' )ecti vera~~ ftt~ndance 11. Cases cxamlllatlOll, 29th . cpt. ]\fewbers assed 12 I o n , . ~ t 1 ept. Apnual. recTomplcl,e, in?luding l,Janlcets, and : litter ~t, filst a1c t 01 box. and ruatenals for improvised stretchel~s vested' ~~ ~~sJ anagcmCll Ol1llllltlce. Division support d b b' ' .. e the Glehe Branch of the St. John Ambulance ;ssoci~ti~~~m ers subscnptlOns and The Roth Ambulance Ohallenge Shield was won by this Division.

altel1~led. not


,,~t81~;~~:p~0:eSet!5. ba!~aat:~~al


D. T. Drake.

Hon. Surgeon.

Hon. Treasurer.

J. B. McIlroy,

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Oorporall. Privates 9. Total effective 13. This Division was formed in September, and has therefore harl no time for practices for the year. Material: Splints, bandages, etc . Division supported by members' suhscl'iptions.


",V. Spencer, :M.D.


G. H. Regan, Foreman Street, Tempe. Hon. Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

W. T. Ward.

Oorpl. P. J . Trives, Tram Sheds, Newtown.

Su peri ntendent.


. M. J. Oollyer, 23, GlppS Street, Balmain.

Hon. Secretary.

Insp ector of Stores.

O. Underwood, 11, Pashley Street, Balmain.

J. Wilson.

Hon. Treasurer.

D. Boyu .

[Formed 3.5.04.]

HEAD-QUARTERS: NEWTO,YN. Honorary Surgeon.

[Formed 23.9.03.]


R. L. O. Ward.

Offi cers 2. Sergeant l. Oorporals 2 Privates 63. Ttl ff t' Drilll:i helu 24 A veraer tt d ' 0 a e ec lve 68. Removals 40. 'Cases att~~d~u e~o~n~~ 25. . Oases attended on public duty 10. 14th Oct. Medallions 24. Material.' p~blIc d~ty 1,15~. Ann~lal inspection, etc., vested in the Oilieers of the B·,·lnlpwled. ~~eeled lItter, splmts, bandages, from the employes of Mort's Dock. Ilgade. DlvlSlon supported by contributions

OOl'PI. F. Houge.


Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 5. Privates 23. Total effective 32. Drills held. 9. Average attendance 8. Oases attended not on public duty 48. Material vested in Oivil Ambulance and Transport Oorps. Division supported by voluntary contributions and members' suuscriptions.


Superintendent (acting).

Hon . Surgeon .

l!'. W. H all, M.D., M.S .

L. Burnet.

Oorporals 2. Privates 8. (No report received) .

Total effective 12.

[Form ed 9.9.03.]


G. Allan, Pt

S B.






F. J. Oollins, 6, Rose Street, Sydney.


Inspector of Stores.

Pt R L . e. . arng. I. 00lr p oral1. Privates 21. Total effective 25 . elaaB a tt em ance 19 R 1 25 0 . public ~uty 29. Annn~l insl)ection 4th De~mov~ ~ I ' ases attended not On re-exammation, Oct. 21st. Medalli~]]s 3 ,.0 a .on parade 9. Annual chest, and full complement of first aid . t .~~ellal: ht!er, stretcher, first aid supported financially by public sUbscription~a ella, vested rn Trustees. Division





Hon . Treasu rer

[Formed 25.3.03.]


Sergeant 1.


M ION~cer.s 2. I erge~nt l. Oorporal 1. Privates 14. T otaJ effective 18 et a lOllS 16. 1Hatenal: wheeled litter 98 stretche r t b d d'· Di vision supported financially by thc Ausb~1ian Gasl:;h:b~~1;;an;~ S:3~ey ~·essIDgs.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Secretary.

Officer 1.


[Formed 21.9.03.]

T. ·Worsley,

C. (T. Oarruthers, L.R.C.S.I.

Hon. Secretary.


Hon . SLlrgeon.


h~f~s24' SAevlg~ant


St. John ,III~U nl(('llc;e Rri.r;wle.

St. John Arrnbnlance Brrigctde.



East Indies. BOMBAY PARSEE DIVISION. [Formed 1!J04.] BOMBA Y lYIIXED DIVISION. [Fo I'll lCcl 1904.J BOMBAY NURSING DIVISION. [Formed] 90-1.]


Lady Superintendent.

Hon. Surgeon.

W. F. Litchfiehl,

Mr .. E. ... turrock, II, Mount Vernoll . t., Forc t Lodge.


(No report reccived.)

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Secretary and Treasurer.


Miss A. Banks, 1, D erwellt Street, Glebe.

J. Atkins.


Officer. 2. Nursing si. tel'S 29. Total cfrcctiv~ 31.. . ] re~ A tte 1<1-\11ce 25 Annual l11Sped1011 ;l.ll( Practices heltl D2. verage a I ' d 8 . Medallions 7 ~latel'ial: roller . t' n Se])t 29th . Members passe . .1 '.. • ebxau uPI)orted by mel11 bel'S' su bscrl phons. an dllna ages,10e t'c . Di vision .



[FOl'lIlC(1 30.5 .0·L]

Lady Superintendent.

Hon . Surgeon .

?lIis M. ~Iyle', :201, r:"an . t., RO;l,clle.


Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Sacretary.

Miss K. Myles, 204, Evan Street, Rozelle.

Mis 11. McLanl),. Lady Treasurer.

Miss M. McKenzie. Officers 3. Nul' ingistcrs 22: . ?-,otal 25. I f'IIHll\(;ially hy Dl\'ISlOll supporlc 1 Drills 11 eld 12. A v erage atte ndance 10. members contributions.


Surgeon . C Hon V .Bowker, M.B. .







Lady Superintendent. fiI A \Vault0l) 1 Gcol'''e 'trct't, H,"lll'el'll



" 0

Lady Inspector of Stores. ~Iiss

Miss S. West, 31, Elizabeth Stree t , vVaterloo.

E. \YatkiIl.'.

Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. R . .Marshall. ". om . 3 N'lll'siuO' sisters 27. Total el1ccllvC 30. , This D ivision m:ee;ss Tegnl~r1y fo; practices. Is supported tinallcial1y hy lllemhers subscriptions.



Hon . Surgeo n.

H. Davies,

1>f.B .

Lady Superintendent. ~ ,r E E'. Lain!!, m.rS.. <, 155, Elllnore Road, Eumore. ~ady Treasur~r.

Lady Secretary.

Mrs. E. L ittle, 4, Watkin Street, Newtown.

MISS A. Mc1hllan.

I nspector of Stores.

Miss A. Williams Offi cers 3. Nursing sisters 14. Total effective 17. Practices held 15. Division supported by mam bel'S' subsc riptiolls.

West Australia District. Ass'i stant OO1nmissione?·-Lieut.-Co1.







NEw ZIUL _.\.\

HEAD-QUAllTEIl.': BALli! \I '.

S. Finlay,


• 'Ilt,


:JOth Ji,t!), 190J.

I have plclsure in .'ubllliLting to you thi:-;, my first report, lIpon the :-:it. John Ambulancc Brigade ill the ()olony of .J.. ew Ze,dllnd. At tIle present time there are foul' AlllbulalH.:e Corps 01' Divisions in the Oolony, and tll'O _ msing Divisions. The fOJ'Incr are at Au(;klalHl, \Yelliuglon, Oallial'll, and DuneJin, while J.:Tul'.ing Divisions alt: in exi tence at \\Tellington and DUlJrdin. The reporls flll'1li.-hed by the varion' corps amI divi~iollS are of a scltisfactory natme, and point to a steady aJ"ance in the work undertakcn. The prospccts of an extcllsion of the operations of the St. John Alnlmluncc Brigade ill this Colony are lli tinctly favourable. Therc are a Humber of fair-si;~eu tOWIlS w!tcre clas:es ha\'e bcen held by the Associatioll, and where there lllll · t be a COll 'iderabIc Humber of certilicated members, and I am of the opiuion tlllLt it ollly rcclnires th,lt some persoll should take the initiative in oruer to bring into existence a unmber of new division'. I purpose taking action with a view to the forlllatiou of new uiyisiolls whcre I COll. ider that there is a pl'ospect of their continuancc, alH1 I hope that in my next report I .<;hall he able to chronicle the fOJ Illation of :-;evcml additional unit. OIl the th April I was pre ent at thc regular meeting of the Dunedin ~ursing Division, being accolllpanicu by urgeon-:i\Iajor Will, V.D., the Chairman, and JIr. .r. E. Done, the :Sccretary of the locul Centt·e. There was an excellent attendance of thc lIlembcr , and uncleI' thc directioll. of Dr. \Villiams, the actillg Hon. ul'geou, anu fIli ·s Hooper, thc Lady .~llperintendcllt, an admirably exccuteu programme of work was gone throug!.:. At thc conclusion of the meeting I took occasion to CXPI'f'SS n.y ::;ati radion at the proficicncy aud interest displayed by the lllemher::;. I inspcctcd the Dunedin Division of the Brigade on the 21st April, l:)lll'geon-}IajOI' \Yill, V.D., again accoll1j)'lnying mc. Tlte Di\'i ion was unner the command of uperiuLcnclcnt Bone, and wellt through OIlle illteresting work, including the treatment of accicleuts and stretcher drill. A considerable amount of intelligence was shown by the members prescnt, and the strctcher drill in particular, which incl~lcled th~ pa'Ssing of obstacles, was exceptionally well done, and deserving of speCIal mCll t1On. I alU uow about to direct the attention of the members of thc Ambulance division to the neces 'ity of extending their practice beyond thc nrt aid limits, auu to recommcnd thel? to include a cerlain amount . of nursing instruction during the year, so as to qualIry members to take up hospltal duty shoulll the neccs ity arise for thcir scrvices being rcq uired in such a capaci ty . In this direction I have b~en promiscd thc co-opcration (so f~r ~s Duned.in is co?ceroed) of Brigade Snrgeon Lleut.-Co1. De LautoUl', V.D., Pnnclpal .llIeulCal O£!icer of thc OtflO'O Military District. tl

I have the honour to be, Sil', Your obedient Servant, GEOlWE BAll 'L.\.Y, Major; .-issi!;tant Gom7ni ,sionerjlJl' Nt'l,. Zen/atlli. To thc Commissioner for Special Services, St. John Ambulance Brigade, London.

St. J ohn A rrl,oulance B rrigade.

St. J ohn Arrnoulamce Brigade.

DUNEDIN DIVISION. [Formed 1892 .1

OAMARU DIVISION. [Formed 1899.]



S uperin t e nd en t .

Ho n. SUI'g e on.

J. O. Oloss,

J . E. Bone.


1st Office r.

W . G. Hannah.

2nd Officer.

3 r d Officer.

J . Downes.

W . M. ,\Yilkinson.

Ho n. S ecretary.

D. Love, Town Hall, Dur:.edin. T he present membership is 38, an increase of 6 on last year. Durin? Lhc,Ycal' 11 new m embers have becn admitted, and 5 nam es have been l'el1l0~~u flOm .the Muster Roll. The number of indoor and outdoor parades he~tl. dU~'ll1g th~ ) e~r was 11 at "hich some good work was done-the members rccelVIllg lllstruebon m recruit' drill, first aiel treatment, roll er bamlnging, &e. The average attendance at parad es was 12, 3 less than last year. From cpt ember to the (,lid of the lear, the practices have been held fortnightly. The OccUlTellce Book s11o"s .n. list of 15 accid ents treated by the mem hers of tlIC Diyisioll durin~ the p~st J car. Fiv e. members attend ed the ,,'inter cour:;e of first aid lectures, to gn'e as. 'lstan.cc to 11e\\ stuuents at the close of each lecture. Folding l ,ocke t-cards " :(;l e pn!,ted 1:1 November, .c,ontainiDg the names of present memuers, toget~er \\'1th theu lmSllless amI pl'nate audresses, ami telephone numuers . Thesc lIsts i' houl~ enabl~ the me~11bers , to obtain prompt ancll'eliaLle assistance, if called to allY sonous n.ocHlel.l.~., Five d?zen small celluloiLl badaes have beeu ordere<l from Lonuon, anu should alln e shortl) . The annual bala.l~ce sheet sho\\'s a crouit halance of £4 2 . 6t1... . \\' e have aaain to thank Oaptain Mitchell and his mell for thell' ulllf~rm h.nrllless and courtesy ~ also the Mayor and Oouncillors for the fre c usc of room III wlllch our meetings are held.


Lady S u perintende nt.

Hon. Su rge ons .

L . E. Barnett, F.H..C . S., E. H. ,\Yilliams, M.D. Lady S e c retary.

La d y T reasurer.

M.rs. J . D. Hooper. Lady In spect or of St o res.

Miss Andrew. Mrs. W . Forrester. Miss H . Fi her. Dming the year 8 meetings \\'ere held, fr~m March to.Octobe~· , At t~e ,meeti.11.g in August, Miss Fraser, Matron of the HospItal, &uve an Illterestmg and ~nsh uch' e l ecture on massage. In 'eptel1lber a lesson on SIck .r~0?1 cookery was glVen.at the residence of ~hs. He\\'itso11, the President. The Dn'.lslO11 sent. relJl'e~l: ntatn'es to take part in the an11ual demonstration lwld in the ~al'Jl.on Hall, III Api'll. Mcmbers of th e Division also assisted in thc street collectIOn on Ambulance Saturday . A number of cases were attended to uy the Division dming the year, and 4 m~n:b.ers assisted at the ambulance classes in the practical work . T he thanks of the DIVISIon are due to several ladies for contributions towards the funds and stores. . " During the year there has been a great iD~rease of n.lembers, 11 h~vlDg Jcmed . T he October meeting took the form of a SOCIal, at whICh l'eplescntatlYeS from all branches of the Am lJUlance Association were present. . A unanimous vote of thanks was passed to D r. Barnett, H on. Smgeon, for hiS instmctive and interesting lectures given dming the year.



Hon . S urge o n.

A . S. Garland,


Su perintenden t.

H . Thomas.

M.RC.fl .

1st Office r .

In spector o f Stores.

H. M. S. Gre:J.fell. W . Strachan. The work has h een satisfactory. The annual meeting was h eld on April 7th. At the Military Toul'l1ament held in Oamaru in November, the Superin tendent, with Surgeon-Oaptain " 'hitton, of the 31'd Battal ion Otago Rifles, was appointed one of tlle judges in the Bearer Oorps Oompetition. The Superintendent has also been assisting Surgeon-Captain ,\Vhitton '\\'ith the instluction of the Oamaru GalTiSOIl Ranel in first aid work anJ stretcher drill. During the year thc services of tho Division have been requisitioned 38 timcs-IB tim es 1'01' the remo\';1,l of i l1\'alicls or country patients from the railway tation, 13 times for C'lSI'S of accident, of which three or four were very serious, and 9 times for attenclrtnce at sport meetings, sholl's, &c. The sen'ices of the Division were appreciated and Quly recognised. There is a credit balauce of £20, which is cOllsidered very satisfactory. The sincere thanks of the Division are due to the Oaledonian ,'ociely anel .0. Agricultural and Pastoral Association for the very generou. (lollation made by them; also to a number of private p ersolls who have male liberallionations to the fund, .


Ho n , S urgeon s .

W . Gilmer, :lLD.

H . E . Gibbs, ;)I.D .

S uperin t en d e nt .

1st Office r .

O. P. Powles, L-l.mbton Quay, Wellington. Hon. S ecretary.

J . Besant. Insp e ctor of Stores.

V. Dixon, 9, Oxford Road, Wellington . A. Roulstone . The num bel' of ll1eeting~ held during the year was seven, with an averaO'e attend ance of 14 memhers. The Oommittee appointed to rcvise the Rules report: "That the matter he held over until the new Rules be received from Head-quarters. " Mc sl's. Hesant, L'1.llgforcl, and Williamson l'epre ented the Division at the annua l demonstration of ambulance work at the Exchange Hall The thanks of the Divi 'i~n a.re due to Dr. Henry for his services as Hon . Surgeon . The Alliance Room IS stIll tlIe temporary Head-quarters of the Divi3ion, where futme indoor meetings will he heM nntil a permanent room is secured . '1'he finances of the Division are in a satisfactory state, showing a credit balance of £2 Is. 6u., with out tanding subscriptions of £1 5s. The Oommittee have received applications to join the Division from several of the successful candiuates at last examination, which will materially strengthen the member hip of the Division . First ain assistance has been sl1ccessfully rendered by a number of members of the Divi ion during the past ye'll'.


AUCKLAND DIVISION. [Formed 1895 .] 1st Office r.

S uperintend e nt .

A. G. Pilkington .

O. J. T UlJ ks, Shortland Street, Auckland .

Hon. Su r g e o ns_

Elizabeth Platts-Mills.

I sabel '\Yatson , L. R. C. l'. and s,

Lady Su peri nte nd e nt s of S t o res. Ho n. S ecreta r y.

H . M. D onl1 , 30, High Street, Auckland . (No reI ort received.)


Mrs. M. H. Pearson .

Miss D. E . Fuller. Hon . Secretary.

Mrs. W. B . Fi. h er .


St. J ohn A mbulCltnce B Tigade.

St. John il'lnuulal1ce BTigade.


Dlll'ing the pa~t year renewed interest has been takell ill tbe work, and individual eases Of nUl'silJg have been recorded. :Tursing 'istCTS E. Carroll, M. G. Fear, F. E. A. GUllll, an!1 E . Hackworth l'rpresented tho Divisioll at the allllllal demoll.'traLioll of ambulauco work by tho St. John Ambulance A sociatioll, and secured the appruval of all ('oncel'lled for the eHicient mallllel' in which they carried out their work. The regular monthly meetings have been well attended, ami Dr. Platts-Mills has 11eliYel'ed ome excellent lectures. The Division very much appreciates the intcrest taken in its ",eHare by the Presicl,mt, and accorc1s the HOIl. ~Ul'goon a hearty yote of thanks for hoI' sen'ices ; ftl 0 the allthorities of St. Jo h n's Church for th'3 use of a room.


[Formed 1.12.1904.J



Hon. S urgeon s.

M. ..V. Ross,

W. D. Perry,


:\L R.C . S.

Hon. S ecreta ry.

S uperintendent.

J. C. Ralph, Richmond Street, Petone.

E. J . Jenkins.

PALMERSTON (SOUTH) DIVISION. [Formed 9.12. ] 904. ] PALMERSTON NORTH FIRE BRIGADE DIVISION. [Formed 1.f1.1901.] H0 n. S urge o ns.

M. Campbell, ~!'IJ . G. \ Yilsol1, M . B.

\\'. R. to\\'e, lI!.H.( .s. \ \T. R. Graham, L.U.C. 1'.

L. Giorgi.

W. H. lhrnal'll.

H. Hepworth.



Superinten d e n t.

J . Grant. 1s t Officer.

E. H. Clark.

2nd Officer

1s t Officer.

Supe,-in t endent.


Hon . S urgeon. \ V. Hislop: :\LB.

Inspe cto r o f Sto r e

Hon . S ecretary,

G. B.

R. W . Wheeler

Olith, Junr.

Hon . S ecre t ary.

W. R. II all, P.O. Box 79, Palllle tOll TOl'lh.

MASTERTON DIVISION. [Formec121,;.10 .190:2.]

PALMER STON (N ORTH) NUR SING DIVISION. [Formed 31.10.19 04.) Lad y S uperinten d e nt .

Ho n. S urgeons.

M. W . Ross,


I1Ir . H. l\1owlem.

A. HOf;killg,


(N 0 report receivcd.)

S uperintendent.

A. E . Wilton, Fire Policc

tation, Mastedon.

CHRISTCH URC H DIVISION. [Formed 24.11.1904.] OAMA RU NURS ING DIVISION. [Forllled 22.9.1901.] Ho n. S u"ge o n.

K. I1fcAda,llI,

M. B.


H. McC, Inglis,

M. B.

1st Offi c e r.

H. Laugford, 1 2, Ca.'hel Street, 1st Nursing O ffice,'.

Lady S uperintendent.

Hon . Su rge on . S u perintendent.

111. E. Bruco, Avon Street, Oalllal'll.

Mi s L. Creagh.


Hon . S ecretary.

Insp ector o f Store s .

T. B. Craw:,haw, 76, Papanlli Road,

(No report l'ccci\'ed.)


Christchurch . J. Burns.

Christchurch. (N 0 report received).


[Formed 5.10.1904.]


Hon . S u rge o ns.

\Y. III:- Stenhouse, liLA., Lady Superintendent.



\V. A. \\Theelcl', M.D. 2 nd Nursi ng Officer.

1st Nursing Officer.

I1Irs. E. III 01 ton.

Miss J. Croft. Lady S ecretary and T reasurer.

Mrs. J. Ford. Lady Inspecto r of S tores

I1I1' . . J. Burton.

Miss C. Dutton.

OWAKA DIVISION. [FOlmed 25.10.1904 .J

ORANGE RIVER COLONY DISTRICT. .Assistant C07llmiss1'onCI', (acting).-CAPTAI G. H . GODDARD, B. A.M. C. Dist?"1'ct Ch1'e(S'l.ll'crintcndcnt.-SU1!GEOI\ CAPTAIN C . T. URQUHART, R. A.M . e. (Vol). Disl1'ict S'l.ljlcri?lte71clent Scc?·cla?'y.-MR. H. ITAIV . T




S u p eri nte nd e n t.

Ho n. S urgeo n.

VI'. A. Wheeler,


(No report received.)

C. Bird.

Hon . Surge on .

W. B. Skinner,

M . B.,

Railway Medical Officer, East L ondon C. O.


4 08

St. J ohn A mbulunce Bl'igade

St. John A rnbulance Brigade.

40 !)

2nd Offi ce r .

1st Officer.


E. Johnson.

E . Stewart. Ho n. Treasu r e r.

Hon . S ecretary.

I N D EX .

E. John on .

, V.

S. Nicoll, Tl'nlfic i\lanager ' s Office, P.O. Box 173, Ea t London C.C.

Officer 1. ergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 25. ToUt! eflrdi\'c .30. Drills held 30. Average attenJance 16. ~{elllov~ls 20. Cases at,tenth.(; ~lOt. o~ ublic dut 102. Medallions 6. HegulatlOll umforJ?l wom by 2 _- el.{,e,:nts, ~ ~orporals, ~nd 6 men. Material: stretchers, 4. l1:e.chcal 11a vre a.cs, s}lhlli;'l'loe~f~i ve ted in the Cape Government Rail way Dept. DI VI lOll npported uy the 0 Government (Railway Dept.) 1 _ b The division ha incc it formation ill January, 1904, 1Ilade gOOf p~(lnIC .. 11 the conditions unde'r which such a body of men i~ got toge~her, especially lIl, tl.1C case of the Railways, are altogether different in tIll conntry from "'lilt!. tbeY/,l.e. III Enaland . I n view of thi and of the fact tliat ma.ny of tlie l1l,l'1ll her, III the ~ l~ ,lSI? 11, areOoften, in the course of their duties, reqnired to be ahs~nt 11'0111 h.call-qllalt(,lS,l~l, considerable periods at a time, it has not been f?u.n~l po~ lble to bll'l~l~ \he J\ta.b~ attendance up to what could be de'ired. The (11nl011 IS Snpl,ol'tCl 1.\ tie 0 011~ Government, who allow all annual grant of £25 .toward it mailiteulLl1ce, ely. ~ the division was only formed in January, 1904, It l~as ~ot been foull<: e~jI.e(h,el~t 01 e practicable to hold an annual inspeclion 01' re-exB:ll11natlOll .of. the 1~1~Jl1 11m 1 II()\ current year but now that everything is in working order It I.S an(\I'lpalc< l Hlot )y the end ot the next year a very favourable ~eport will be made 111 these n'~I)('ct-;. All the members however are e(ficient in fir t ald. (f'





JAMAICA. KINGSTON DIVISION. [Formed 1903·1 Supe r int e nd e nt.

Captai11 C. M. Ogilvie, 8, Duke

treet, King tOll.

(No report received . )


A Division (Bradford Corps) (Brighouse Corps) (Keighley Corps) I, ( 'hipley Oorps) Abergavenny Division Abram Oolliery Division Accrillgtol1 Corp:,; Accl;ngtOI1 ~ 'ursing Divi 'ion cton Di,isiou Adlingtoll Di vi ion Alexa.nelm Dock Division (Hull 'ur1>:;) ... ~ \.l:;aget· Di \-i:;io11 Altrillcham Di\isioll .. "Uvel'stoh! Division ... Aln!slun Diviion Ardwick Divi -ion Armley and 'Wortley Diyi ·ioll ... AshlmrtUll Division .. ~·\.sb by cle-la-%ouch Diyision A -hford TU\\'lJ Division Ashtun-utlder-Lyne Division ,• T ursing Di \' . Aslmm-in-FllrJle" - Divi ion ,. Tllrsing Diy. Auc;khlllcl (J.~.%.) Division 13 Division (Keighley Corp) '1 (.'hipIe) Corps) BabbinutOll <.;o1'p::; Babbington Nuring Di\ision) ... Bacup Di vision Tllr::;ing Di \-1 ion " Balmtloin (1'\.1:). W.) Division " (K " . W.) 1 ursing Diy. Bn,rking N llr:;ing Division Ba.rnet Di \ isioll Ba.rnolc1swick Di vi ion " J ursing Divisioll ... B!lol'l'owforc1 Division ... " Nursing Division Ba.rrow-in-Flll'l1eS Division Barwell Divi -ion Bath (City) Divi ion ... (Police) Division " ursing Divisioll En.tley Division ,. ursing Division Bedford Division Belfast Divitliol1 Belgravia Nul' ing D ivision Belper Division Bermonclsey and Rotherhithe D ivision

346 347 35!:1 367 :390 294 294 326 202 295 382 295 29!5 2:W

221 312 360 221 250 221 296 327 296 327 404 359 36 334 371

297 327 400 412 211

209 334 371

297 327 297 264 222 222

2Jl 351 371

250 29 213 334



Beverley Division 13exhill Division Bingley Division Binstead Division Birchington-on- ea Division Bircbwood Corps Dirmingbam Corps Birstall Division Blackburn Division " Nul' ing Division Blackpool Division " T ursing Division Blaina Division Blisworth Di vision Bolton Corps Bombay Parsee Division Mixed Division ., Nursing Division BootIe Division Boston Division BOJgh ton -under- Blean Division Bournemouth Division Bozeat Division Bradford Corps . Nursing Division Bredbury and Romiley Division Brierfield Vi vision " J ursing Di vision Brighou e Corps , Nursing Di vision Bristol (City of) Corps Brixworth Division Bromley Di vision Broseley Nursing Division Broughton Division ... Brownroyc1 Dye ,Yorks Division Brynmawr Division ... Burlington Hall Division Burley and Kirkstall Division BUl'nley Di\-1sion Jursing Division " Burslem Division Burton Latimer Division ursing Div. Bury :division , , X ursing Division BlL,<:ton Division C Division (Bradford Corps) " (Keighley Corps) Canterbury Di vi ion .,. Castleford and District D ivision Castleton Division J ursing Division

378 223 334 231 223 334 250 351 298 328 298 328 390 270 299 403 403 403 300 335 223 224 277

335 372 300 300 32 346 372 224

270 200 395 261 347 390 254 360 301 329 363 261 2 0 301 329 34 346 359 225 348 320 3%


St. John A ?)~bul(t?7ce BJ'igade.

St. John Ambulu?lce BTigftcle. PAGE.


Caterham Division Causton Division Central Division (Hull Corps) ... " (Rochdale Corps) Central Tur ingDi\·.(HullCorps) Central Station ( r. R. Divi ion) Chatham and District Division Chester Divi ion Chichester Di vision ... Children's Home Division Children's Home Tur ing Div. Chirk Division Christchurch Division " ( J .Z .) Diviion City of Bristol Corps City of Exeter Division " Police Division ... Civil Ambulance and T ransport Corps N . . W. City Tramway Division Clithel'oe Dlvision " Nursing Division Colne Division " Mining Di vision Coventry Co. -op. lJi vision Cranford Di vi ion Crawshawbooth Divi ion " 1\ ursing Divi ion Crewe Di \'ision Cromer Division Crompton Division " Nursing Division Curzon Street (L.&. . ,\T.Ry.) Division Cyclist Division D Division (Bradford Corps) (Keighley Corps) " (Leeds Corps) Dalton-in-Furness Division " Tursing Diy. Daventry Division D enaby a.nd Cadeby Divi ion .. Derby Division Desborou gh Division ... Dewsbury and District Oorps Division " " Nursing Division Digby Colliery Division Dixson's Factory (Sydney) Div. D oddington Division ... Doncaster Division Doulton Division Dover Division Dublin (St. James's Gate) Diy. Dudley Division Dukinfield Divi sion ... Dunchurch Division ... Dunedin \N.Z . ) Division " (N.Z. ) Nursing Div. Earby Division Nursing Division

225 205 3 1 320 3 5 25:3

226 301 227 192 209 391 2'27 ,107 224 22 2z9 400 261 302 329 302 330 255 201 303 330 303 255 303 330

254 192 346 360 360 304 331 270 348 349 262 350 351 373 34.9 400


349 201 22 304 256 304 256 404.

404 353 373

Earl';; Bartun Di'1sion Earl Shiltoll Di\'ision EnstLoul'lle \ L.13.&~.C.) Div. East CU\\'l!:; 1)i,ision .. }i;a;.;t Cra11l1ington Ili \'iRion) Enstl!rn Di\isioll (Hull Corps) ... " " . l ursing 1)i vision Easl H am Ili \'i,,;ioll " 1 Tursillg ni\'isioll East London Division East Lomloll Railway (O.l-t. C.) ] )i\isiun East\\ (l()tI Di \ isiou Eccll'stlelcl l)j \ isiol1 Edenfield Di\'isioll El1alld ])i, isi01l " .-lll'sillg Ili\-ision l~\jllitnl)ll! ])i\'isio11 Etrlll'ilt 1)i \ it>iOlI Exdur (City of) Division " Police Divisioll Fal'Jl\\-urt h ])i vi:-;i011 FU\Cl's1lalll l>i\'i:o;IOll .. . Felixstll\\e Di\'isiun .. . Fellillg X lln,jng ])i \isio11 Finedun Di \ision Fulcsbill and Longford Di\'lsion Foulridge l)i \ isiou ... _, _• U1'sl1l" D i \'i8ioll Freudmoocl J)i\-;~ioll ... FullHtm })i \'isioll Gttrful'tll 1>j\-lsio11 Gas\\'orks (~yc111ey) Di \isioll Gatesheac1 Fell Di\·ision. Glel)e (Sydney) Di\'i"ion " " _-ursing Division Goc1alJl1in~ Di \'i"jon Goodrich 'Di\'ision Uoole Di\'ision Gruat Central Railway Pier Diy. Greenstreet. 1>i rision . .. Guilclforcl Di\'ision G. W.R. (Padc1ington) Division Uaggerston Di \'isioll ... Ihlifax Di \ ision Halla,toll Di \'isiun H almercnd <l,ud District Division Htunpsteacl Di lision ... Hanley Dilision lll.lptull Di \. ision IIa,l'pul' Hill Di \'ision ... H anow Di \'i"ion llartforcl Division H:.Lslemcl'e Di\'ision lluslingden Oorps Hasiings Division ... " J ursing Di vision Hav erhi ll Di lision I hverigg (Millom) Division llaworth Division llazel Gro\'e Di vision T

270 264 2'2 231 379 3 1

30 196 21:3

20 l 10~

35 1

305 3;' l 371 :31:';

301 £:2 :22H

298 2:l9


3 :; 'Ji7 :257

305 33]

31 19 3GO 401 379 40] 40:Z 229 391 355 3 'l

'22H 230 206 HIO

355 257 357 199 361 306 356 20~

315 230 306 230 24.1 258 300 35\:l 307



H ead -(1uMiers Di visiou (Bol ton Oorps) ... JI eac1-(1u~trters Diy. (Kettering Corp,,;) ... JI e;td-(1uartcl'. 'V.) ~ Tnr~ing Dirision) H Ulll-quartel's I)ivisioll (XOl'thamptull Corp!';) H eacl (1 unrt(;:rs Di \'. (PI'l:!!3tOll Corps) .. H ead-qllartl:!r. Vi\'. (\\'ellingbI)I'I)\lgh Corps) ... II eallor Di \'i,,;ion JIcbdell Bridge Corp" ;, Xllr~illg l)i\'i~ion Il l·eklllOllc1wiJ...t- and Li\'er. edge ] )i\'ision lI utton-ie- Hole Di \-ision lI eywood l>il'i;;ion " • Tllrsing Di\-ision H ig-ham FerrerR 1>i \·i<.;ion Hindl ey Di,isioll .. }[ oc1 IJalTo\\, I )ivisiol1 . . ... lIolLeC'k and HllllSld Di\·i-.ion ... ] for:o;ed"'e ,'trect Di\·i. iOll H orwich l>i\'ision lIosl'it:ll Satlll'cl:\y Fund Di\,. ,. • ~ursillg Dil-i<;iol1 11 uclderstidcl Cu]'p,,;.. . .. '\' lll'sill!,{ Di\;sion Hull 'orI''' 11 ull &. Hal'lls1e) lh. Diyisiol1 . llulllw ])il'isiol; . Il kl'st 0'1 allel Di strict C01'pS ] PS\\ ich Corps " XursingDj,i 'ion Il'chestel' Dj \'i"illll lrollhriclgc C()"ll. I)i\i sion ?\'lll'-.il1~· 1>i, iS1011 lrthlinghol'ullg'h Di \'isioll Xursill!! 1>i\·i. ion Isle of \Vh ite l'mp , .1ackficld ))ivision ,. Tl1l't-iing Division K eighley Oorps " Nl1l't-iing Dil'iRion K endal ])i\ iRicJlI Keswick Di\'isiol1 Nl1I'sillgDivi. ioIl " Kettcring Cmps " Nursing ])i \'i:::;ion King's Cross (G~N.R) Division KingRLon (.Tn,maica) Division Ki slingbury Di\i"ion Lancaster Division Landport Division ... ... LawleyStreetp LR.) Birmingbam Corps... ... .. . Leeds City Tramway Division .. . Leeds Corps

eX .. '.


260 402 269 ~17

'276 3;'6 356 371 :3.17 3 0

307 3:31 277 307 30 :360 315 ~O

'200 212 3;' :~74

:ii-O 3 '2

312 35

252 3tiI 360


L eicester Corps " Xursing J)i\'it-iion Lei"h Division Leighton Buzzard ]~i"i-.jon . ,. " ... urslng DIY, L eylalld anel Faringtoll Di vision i\"ursing Div. L ey Division L ey ton anel Ley ton . tOIle Div. Lin coIn Corps Littleborollgh Dil'isiou Little Houg'l1ton Di \'i"ioll Liyerpool 1)i \'isioll " XUI·. ing Diyision L.n.&:-\.c.R. (_TewCl'OS.) Div. (Victoria) Di\-i ion L .&X. \V.R. Diyi"ioll (Leice. tel' Corps L.&X.'V . .H.. (_ Tnnentoll Diyi ion L OIIgclenc1ale Di VlSiOll L ongwood Di\-i. ion L ower ' Vortley. F,nnley, etc., Di y. Luc1gmn XUI' -ing Di"i"io11 L ymillgtoll Xl1l'Sillg Di\'lsion L ytham DIvi"ion Nursing Di\-lsion ?lhccle:sfield Di,-i>!ion :.\Iacleley Diyi ion 1\ ul'si ng Di \' isio11 l\IaltOll Di\'isiml Manchester and :-;,llfol'(l Corps :'\[a11. field Diyision ... 11 [al'ket Harl)ol'ongh Di \'ision Ma:sterton Di\'i. ioll ?'lec1bourne Di ,ision ... ... :.\lersey 11issioll to ~ealllen Div. :MertolJ and 'Yimh1edon Diyi ion Messrs. 1\Ylloc1-'s Dl\islon :.\ridland ·Ry. 1,0(:0. Di\-isloll (Leie-e tel' COI'ps) ... (,1111 Bay ,G,W.R. ) Di\'ision 1I1illo111 Division ... . .. :'\Tilllrow and Xe\\'bey Division . .. XUIsing Diy. Milto;l Di\ iSl(';1I MOllument Lane (L. & N.,\V.R,) Di\-isio ll )IOl'eCUllllw 1>i\'ision " Xmslll}.!: Di\'ision n[orl ey Diyision ~ " X ul'si 1I~ Di \'isioll " ort>! Dot'k (lhlmain) Di\'isloll n[onltoll Di\' ision Much \\Telllock DiliRion " i\"l1l'>;illg Division M ytholml'oyci l)l\iRion Nnl'horough Di\'ision .. . J cbol1 Oorp:-; .. . ., Nur;;ing Di\'i.ion I el ' 011 Street Di\ision Nettlefold'. Division ...

263 2d 309 267 £. 2 317 3~6

361 ] 91 361 310 ~71

310 332 197 200 2ti5 273 310 35 :i61

242 2-!2 311

33'2 311

393 396 383 3Jl 361 267 406 '2tk 31:3 187 2fi;~

'2l):' 23·j

3H 32]

3:30 3(H


31;{ 333

352 375 401 271 393 ;386

362 26:) 31 :3 ;3:~:~ 2fj~


Sf. John A rr/,bu{o//u'(' R /'igacle.




N ewcastle on-Tyue Division e,yca tIe under-Lyme Divi. ion Tewchurch Division ,. Nursing Di vi ion ... N ew Farnley Di"i::;ion Xursing Diyision ... " Tewport (Mon.) Corp::; " (1. of W. ) Division Ne"wton ~'-hbot Division Newto\Yll Divi::;ion (X.S. W,) Di"ision " (X.S.'V. ) ~Tursing Div. Tordeu Divisiun " Xnr::;ing' Divi ·iOll orthampton Corps ... ., Head-quarters XUI' ing Di\"isioll T orth Lind. ey ( [ron District) Divi;;ioJ) Nortb London Hailway Divi ion Torth fitaffllrcl:-;hil'e Corp Railw(l,y Div. Nonyo~'d Di"i"iol1 .. X mi\ing Di vi::;ion TO. 1 Divi!'lio11 (Ipswich Corps) "uneaton Divi"ion (Xo , ]) ., Railway Div. (Xo. 2) Oamaru (::-I.Z. ) Divi iOll " (X. Z.) ::-Inrsing Division Odc1fellow:> Di\'isio11 ... Oldham Corp;; " Xur:-;ing Divisiun Olney Di,'i:-;ioll Orwell ,Yorks Di"i,;iol1 Ossett Diyisiull Otley Di,'isiol1 Oundle Di,'ision Oyerseal Di\'1"iOll Owaka (~. Z ) Di,;::;ion ., (X. Z. ) Xursing Di,'i"ion Oxford Di \'i::;io11 Padiham Divi-;ioll ,. Kursing Division Palmenlton C~\. Z. ) Korth Div .... ursing Div. " (X, Z .) South Div. Paulerspmy Di,'isioll Peakc1ale Di visiou Penrhiwceiher Division P eurith Divisioll P etone (N. Z.) Di vi"1011 P.S.A. Division Poli ce Division (Ipswich Corps) P olice Division (Preston Corps) Portmadoc Division ,., Portsmouth UOI'P:-i " X 1l1'Hing Division ... Potteries Inectl'ic Traction Div . Preston C011>1> " N uJ'sing Division .. , Product \\Tork::; Divi. ion T



3 3

364 311 3:13

362 37:") 39:1

231 231 3U

400 40:2 321 337 26 ~

2 2 362 191 362 362 201 211 2,") <:



40;,/ 406 260 315 334 27:3 259

352 36;:;


274 0106

400 235 316 334. 106

407 407 271

365 391

316 407 315 259 317

395 235

242 365 317 334 207

SI. Juhl/ A mbuZciJnce Brigade,

Pyt ehley Division Radel i If, ] i \'isioll " Xursing Division Rac1stock l)j vi"ion Rml1sgnt e Corps Tow11 Di, ision Police Di vision Rnihmy 1)i vision •. ~ T1ll'Hing Division }{,ny ell~t lll)l'p e ])iv1sio11 Rnwtellsbll CentraJ Divisi01l Tursing' Diy. R eael Vi\"i"ioll R eading Vi visioll " Xnrsing Divisioll Reddish Division R ec1ruth Di"isio11 Ring ·teac1 Dl\'1sion Ringstead Xursing Di\'i ion Rushton Di\·isioll R oach: Diyision R ochdale Corps " Central ~ lll'sing Di ". R othwell Di\'i~iun Royal Arsenal Di vision R oy ton Diyisioll ., X llrsing Di "isioll Rugl,), Vi\ l"ioll R ushelcn l>i\j,.,io11 " Xur:-;ing Di\i::;ioll Rushton Diyisir)ll Rycle (1. of \V.) Divisioll ~t. h eH Di,i"ioll ,'t. ,J ohn's Divi::;ioll (Tpswich 001"ps) ... ~t. ,John'::; Gate, Xo. 1 Din.,ion No.2 Di\"isioll " " NUl'sing Div. 't. ,Tohu's (Rycle, 1. of \V.) l1i\·. t. Mark's Vi \-i..,10n 'alford Division , andow-l1 (1. of \V.) Di"1sio11 tletLle Division Shanklin (1. of W.) Di, ision Sheffield Corps Shipley anel J)istrict Corps A Division B Divi sion " "Tur8ing Div. Shrewsbury Division .. . " Nursing Di\'i:-;io11 Silsden Division , ittingbourue Di vi 'iou :'metbwick Corps (Tangyes) Snow Hill (G. W. R.) Di vision ... Social ettlemen t Division outh Metropolita,n Gas Co. Div. ,'outhport Division outh Shields Police Division ... Vol. Life Brigade Div. Nursing Di vision

261 3]~

3:1:; 2:\1)

3:\0 2:1ti 2:17 :,l:H 21:;

:3;,:l ;11 ' :3:)., ;31 n 2:\ 21.\ 31!l ~:~

'27-> ~ '2 :3lD

272 ;311) :~:j.-,

2!U 20 ' :3'21 :3:\7 '1.7:'. ~7\1

'2 ::

262 '232

239 ~5!1


19:\ :HO 191 311 232

366 2:3'2 361i 367 367 3G7 370 391 397

360 23

275 25:3

2511 199 32:$ 38 t

3 1 3 6


, 'trtnningley and District Divi,·iull :-Itockport Div1sion '" :-Itoke J3l'uemc ])i \. ision . .. :-ItOJlehOllse Di vision .. :-IU··athalll Vi l'isiol1 :-Intton·il1-.'-shfidcl Di',:isioll '1'alke Divisioll T angy"s Divi sioll (. 'mdllllick ( 'or})s) ... TillsiJelf Corps '" ., allll Hil'l'll\\'()()(! XUI'Silll1 Divisioll -, T urllllOr(lell Di\'isi()ll' .. Tuttenhalt1 aile! 'ilallll'st -ad ,rn. I{y. l>i\'jsiUll ... Tott ing-tull 1>11 i,.,ioll ... ., Xlll"sill~ I) il'i"ioll .. Tuwll Di, isioJl L( ie·c,.;(.'l' COl'P:-i) TO\lIbce I1 all l)J\·i"'llHl TI';nHlell 01 visioll .. " Xlll'..,ill~ lJi\'i"ioll Tl'eherb 'J t lJi\isjoll TUlllll'iclgl' \\'ell,., Dl\' i"ioll TUllstall Di\'isio]) TII'y,\,ell lJi,"j"iull l 'l\"(.'rston I>i\'i .o.;iull ., ~ -llr"il1g" lJi ,·i ... io11 \'ClltllOl' Di\'ision \Valkel' ])i\ lsioll " Xllr"ing Di"isi~l1 \\Tallhmm;toll' Di"isioll \ValteJll -le- Dale Di \isiol1 Walton-I e- D ale Xlll' ...ill lo Di\. \Va)'e X llI'sillg' lJi \ jsiol1 ~ \\Tunington 'orps \Vat erlon Di,jsioll \Vatforcl Di\·i. ioll ~ Tllr"ing Di, i~ij)JJ

:WO :1~2

272 ~01

:W6 :308


:203 in! :l;J

:.uo H~4

HI:,) ~



\Vec1ne~bnry Di ,i~1011 \Velbeck Divi ... ion \Vel1ingborollg'h COl'} l~' . Wellington (x'Z.) Di \i;;lon ... " (.~.Z. ) Nmsil1<t Div \\' emLley and H arle 'den Di,"isi~n 'Vembley XUl'sing Di,ision ... We:t Cowe:-i (I. of W.) Oi yjsion \Vesteru Divisi(Jll ( lInll (JOl'ps) ... \':estern Rubul'bs (Sydney) Div. \\ estgate-oll-:-I ',1. Di,i..,ioll \\Te ,t L ondon Di \'jsion \\' estwoocl Di \'i,s ion \\'haley Bridge Di\'isi';;l \\~) alley Di,i,;io11 ... " Nursing" Di, ision Wheat. heaf J)i,'~sion ... ,Vhitefielcl Di \isiol1 \ \ hi twol'th l)i \isioll " :\ursing Di\i ,ion \\'igHton M agll<t D'i,ision ,. (M.R.) Di,isioll \Vimbleclon and )lerton XUl'si~'; Di,'1::;ion <:> \\Tinsfol'c1 Di,ision '.' Nursing Di~:ision \Vlrk worth Di"ision \Yithel'l1sea Di"isiol1 \\' olb ton Division \Vol \'erton ])i,isiol1 W oolley CollieryaJl(ll)'al'ton ::: \Vorking }Ien's Colleo'e Di \'ision \Vol'ksop Division '" \Vruxall (1. of 'V.) Division Y ea<1on and Guiseley Divisi~~ Y.}r.C.A. Division (Leice tel' Corps) .,.

4<13 PAGE.

276 370 276 405 405

IP4 211 2;3:j ;:lc:~

401 ~1l

:201l :31G 32;1 32:;

3:3 2t3t3 32;) 320 :33ti 2tili

26ll 212 326

339 370 3 -1

27!) 211 371

264 371

23:3 36 ' 2fij'

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