O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1905

Page 1


~be (Branb IPrior\? of the @rber of tbe

1bospital of St. 30hn of Jerusalenl in J8nglanb.






Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reservc


Visit to Canada HonoUl'S for Services

21 24

Is>;uc of Certificates


Invalid Transport Corps

28 28

D<lncan Memorial Ambulancc , tation


Wearing of the Insignia


Income and Expenditure Aceount


Page Members of Council and Chapter anu Executive Officers


Memorandum as to Payments


APPENDIX A. llbscriptions and Donation.

to Head Office, [10m October, 1$'104, to

September, 1905

Report of the Chapter-General, including


Life Members


Report of Promotions and Admissions


Honorary Life lember


Obituary Notices


Examining Staff


61 62

Awards for Acts of Gallantry


Form of Testamentary Bequest.

Service Medals


Subscription Form ...

Vellum Votes of Thanks


Report of the Almoller ..

16 16

Report of the Librarian Balance Sheet and Income and E.xpenditure Account to

APPENDIX B. Nominal Roll of

Ictropolitan Di trict, Provincial, Colonial and Forpign




30th September, 1905

APPENDIX C. Statement of I ssue of CerLificatcs nncl Medallions to Centres, facing

PART II. Report of the Committee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem

(a) Metropolitan District (b) Provincial (in alphabetical order) l.


i.-Australia Report of the Ambulance Department of the Order, viz:-

Current Pamphlets and Papers

iii.-Sonth Africa

156 165

iv.-Empire of Illdia


v.-Hollg Kong


ii.-New Zealand 3

The Chapter of the Order of St. John (wilh names of Members of Council and Executive OfIicers)

67 69

(c) Briti'h Dominion beyond the ea>;-


Thc Central Executive Committee of the St. John AmbUlance Association ...


Local Reports-

4 6

General R eport -


ImpOl'tant Meetings


Report of the Chief Commissioner of the S L. .T Oh11 Am buluuce Briga.de




Iwlex to ditto.




Hon. Organizing Commissioner's Report


India (Hon. Organizing Commissioner's Report)



Parts 1., Il., and III., are independenlly pagod.

m:be Qtbapter.

Corrected to March 1st, 1906. ( A s ?'egards this and the opposite page.) 1II)e C3ran" 1Prtor~

The Chapter consists of the Knights of Justice and Sub·Prelates, de iLt?'e J' the Executive Officers; the selocted Members of Council; the following

of tbe ~r"er of 1Ibe"'1bospital of St. 3-obn of. 3-erusalell1 tn lEnglan".

®fficiating QtbaplailtfS, The Sub-Dean of the CIIAl'ELS ROYAL, C.V.O., D. D.


.$obFteign 312ea'll an'll $I atron of tbe ®t'llet:. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G. ~t:f! n'll $IdoL

'2(fS 1L\eprefSentatibe lttnigbtfS of· ~tru:e, GEORGE T. BIDDULPll, Esq. Major-General ASTLEY TERRY. Colonel Sir E . T. 'l'llAcKERAY, K. C. B., JJ. ([;., R. E. Inspector-General B. NINNIS, M.D., R.N. Colonel ir C. M. WAT ON, KC.M.G., G.B., R.E.




G.C.M .G. ,

G.C.V. O.

of IEgIt.



H . R.H. Prince CmusTIAN OF GHLE.·WIG· HOL TEIN, R.G., G.C,B. H.~L. King HAAKON OF NORWAY, G.C.B., G.C.V.O. H .H. Prince ALBEUT OF SCHLESWIG· HOLSTEIN, G.C. B., G.C. V.O. R.S.H. The Duke of TECK, G.C. V.O. H.S.H. Prince FRAN(;IS OF TECK, K.C.V.O. D.S.O. Captain R.S. H. Prince LOUI OF BATTEN'BERG, G.C.B., KC. l.G., R.N. R.S.H. Prince ALEXA TDElt GRORGE OF TEn,:, G.C.V.O., D . . 0. H.R.H. l?rillce A H,l'lI UP. OF CO . . NAUGHT, K.G., G.C. V.O. Lieut. -Col. 'TREVENEN J AME ROLLAND, C. B. Sir JOliN FURLEY, C.B. (IlonoJ'aI'Y Bailiff.) The Right Hon. Lord TAl MORE, G.O.M .G. FRANCIS ROllER'!' DAYlE, Esq. Sir BROOK KAY, B~ronet. Sir THOMAS NORTH DICK-LAUDEH, Baronet. Major Sir AIWilillALD LAMB, Baronet. Colonel Sir HERBERT C. PERROTT, Bt., C.B. The Right Hon. Earl FERRER . Colonel Sir JAMES GILDEA, C. V.O., C.B. HENRY JOliN LOFTUS, Esq. Colonel BETHEL MARTIN DAWES. The Right Hon. LorLl AMlIERST OF HACKNEY. General Sir CRARLE ' WARREN, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. , R.E. Major-General J A~1E CECIL D ALTON, R.A. Lt.-Colonel AYLMER GOULDRuNTER-WE TON, D.S.O., RE. The Right Hon. Earl EGEltTON OF TATTON . Colocel The Right H Oll. LorLl WILLIAM CEOIL, M. V. O. .

lExecutibe ®fficetfS. P1'elate- His Grace the Archbishop of YORK. Chancell01'-The Right Hon. Earl EGERT0N OF TATTON. Secr'eta?y-Geneml-Colonel Sir HERBERT JEKYLL, K.C. M.G., R.E. Receive1'-Gene1'al-EDwI FRESHFIELD, Esq., LL. D. Almone?'-The Rev. Cftnon DUCKWORTH, C. V.O., D.D. Registm1'-Major-General Lord CHEY LERMORE, C. V. O. Genealogist-Sir ALFRED SCOTT SCOTT-GATTY (Garter). Di?'ecto?' of the Ambulance Depa1·tment• The Most Hon . the MARQUESS OF BRRADALBANE, KG. Lib1·a?·icm-Lieut·Colonel RWHARD ROLBECRE. Sec?'eta?'y-Colonel Sir HERB-EP.T C. PERROTT, Baronet, C. B. Ohai1'1nan of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, Je1''Ltsale1n. The Right Hon. Earl EGERTON 'OF TATTON. Chief Sec1'eta1'Y of the Ambulance Department-Colonel Sir R ERBERT C. PERROTT, Bt., C. B. .1'

'2(fSfSifStant lExecutibe ®ffiCet:fS. Assistant Di"ecto?' of the A 1nbttlance Depa1·tmentLieut. -Colonel Sir RICHARD CAR TAC TEMPLE, Baronet, C. l. E. Assistctnt Receive1'-EDwIN R. FRESHFIELD, Esq., M.A. A ssistant Libr'cwian-CYRIL DAVENPORT, Esq. Assistant Secret(f,?'y-LOCKHART STOCKWELL, Esq. A ccottntant- WILLIA"f,{ R EDWAP.DS, Esq., A.C.A . H on . SeC1'eta1'y of the B1'itish Ophthctlrnic HOSIJital , J et'usale1/1,L ieut. -Colonel J. T. WOOLRYCH PEROWNE. A ssistant Hon. Sem'eta1'y (f01' Scotland) of the B1'itish Ophthalmic H ospital, J entsalemA. A. GORDON, Esq.

m:be QtouncU. T he Council consists of the Sub-Prior, as President ex-officio, the Executive Officers, and the following

Selected Members. Sir J. N. D rcK, K.C. B. , R .N . Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D . . WILLIAM COLLrNGRIDGE, Esq.,' M. D. Major-General Sir OWEN T. BURNE, G.C.I.E. , K.C.S.1. Sir GEORGE HAYTER CHUBB, Baronet. Lieut-Colonel Sir RIaHARD C. T EMPLE, Bt. , C. 1. E.

Sir ARTHUR J. R. TRENDELL, C.M.G. Sir RrcHARD DOUGLA . POWEL;r;, Baronet, R.C. V.O., M.D . Oolonel C. U. ROYDs, C.B. The Right Hon. The Earl of LATHO?lr. EUMUND OWEN, Esq., F.R.C.S. EDWIN HAN 'ON :F~ES.u.FIELD, Esq., M.A.

The followin g are the Knights of Justice:

........... ".............. , ..., ......... . . .

Sir J OHN FURLEY, C.B. Major-General J . C. DALTON, RA . The Right Hon . Viscount KNUTSFORD, G.C.M.G. The Right Ron. Lord MOSTYN. Colonel C. W. BOWDLER BOWDJ,ER, C. B.

The Rev. Sir BORRADAlLR 'AVORY, Baronet, M. A.

FRE, RFIELD, Esq., LL. D., (Hono1'el1'Y COllwLander.) His Grace The Duke of FIFE, R.T. The High tROll. LorLl BRA EV, K. C. B. The Right Hon. Viscount TEMPLffiTOWN. The Right Hon. Earl A;lIHEl:."l'. The Right Hon. YiEcol1l1t K~UTSFORD, G. O. M. G. (Hono?'MY Bailiff.) R M CLEAN MA()LffiA~, E q. AUl'lIUP.. FI~ANcr. GnEILuI LEVE ONGOWER, Eq . Lieut. ·cor F. A. HEYGATI£ LAMBERT . 001. 'ir 'CUARLE ' ,\TYNDIIAlII nIUHHAY, C. B. 'l'he Hight Hun. the Earl of RANFURLY, G.U.l\LG. The l~igh t Hon. Lord ~ ANDIIUR "1', G. C. .1. , G.e. 1. E. ir HENllY ARl'llUlt BLAKE, G. C.M. G. The Right Hon. the Earl of MEATH, KP A. EU;lIUND FUAHEll, Esq. Tlle Right Hon. Lord Mo TY '. Colonel CHARLE ' RUGHE ·HUNTEB. The Most Hon. the MARQUE OF BnEADALBANE, R. G. Hi:; Grace the DUlm OF POItTLAND, KG., G.C.V.O. Field- rar hal the Right Hon. the EARL ROBlmTs, KG., KP., JJ.QI;., &c. ROBERT BIWDENELL CAltTER, Esq., F.R.C.S. NOUMAN HAY FORBE ,E q., F.R.C.S. (Edin.) Colonel JOlI~ ALEXANDER l\IAN STUART, C.B., C.M.G. Colonel C. W. BOWDLEl~ BOWDLER, C.B. The Most Hon. the l\Iarque s of LINLITHGOW K.T., G. C.l\1.G., G.C.V.O. EDWIN

The following are the Sub-Prelates : The Lord Bishop of SALISBURY. The Bishop in JERUSALE~I. ,/

The Bishop of BRITISH HONDl'RAS. '1'he Bishop of GIBRALTAR.

The following memorandum as to payments is issued for general information and guidance :All Cheques, Postal Orders, and Post Office Orders whatever should be crossed (( LONDON AND W ESTfllIr STER BANK, LOTHBURY." 1.

{tbe <Branb {prior\? of tbe ®rber of tbe 1bospttaI of $t. 30bn of 3erusalem in JEnglanb.

Foundations, Oblations, and ren1ittances for the Almoner's Department, and for the general funds of the Order, should be n1ade payable to the (( Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusa]em in England," crossed as above. 2.

3. Remittances for the Ambulance Department should be made payable to the " St. John Am bulance Association, JJ crossed as above. 4· Remittances for the Jerusalem Hospital should be made payable to the (( British Ophthalmic H ospital, Jerusalem," crossed as above. Bankers' Orders forwarded on application. (By order) EDWIN FRESHFIELD, Ruet'ver-Genera l.



HE CHAPTER-GE ERAL OF THJ£ ORDER OF THE HOSPITAL OF ST. JOHI OF JEHU ALEM II EI GLA~D has the pleasure to report the following promotions in, and admissions to, the Order during the past year :As Knight of Justice. H.R.H. Prince Arthur of Oonnaught, K.G., G.C.V.O. (7th Hussars). As Ladies of Jl~stice. H.R.H. Princess Gustavus Adolphu of weden, V.A. Her Grace, Alice Anne, Duchess of Buckingham and Chandos (from Lady of Grace). As Knights of G?'ace. Joseph Dallas Pratt, Esq., M.D., F.R.C .. (from Honorary Associate ). Frederick William Furley, Esq. Oharles Cotton, Esq., M.R.C .. , F.R.C.P,E., (froll) Honorary Associate ). Lieut.-Colonel Sir J ames Richardson Andrew Clark, Bt., C.B.


Lieut.-Colonel vVilliam J oynson. H. E. Lord Plunket, K.C.V.O. .Major George Lane Mullins, M.D., Australian A.M.S. (from Honorary Serving Brother). Surgeon-General Sir Benjamin Franklin, K.C.I.E. Alfred Ernest Ferns, Esq. (from Esquire). The iarquess of Linlithgow, K.T., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. As Esqui?·e.

Captain Ernest Beachcroft Beckwith Towse, V.C. As HOnOTa?'y SeJ'ving Brothers.

Joseph Ogden. George Cunningham. Harry Howard Stinton. J ames McFarlane Lapsley. George Somerville. George Lee. Henry Mansfield Shore. Paul rAnson Headley. Frederick Gilbert. As H OnOTa?'y Se1''Uing Sisters. Nurse Rachael Paterson. Adelaide, Mrs. Cotton. Margaret, Mrs. Gadie. Margaret Turnbull, !\Irs. Crease. As H OnOTCL?'Y Associates.

William Johnston Will, M.B. Charles ,iVilliam Lane. Henry Martyn Barker, M.D. Harry Walter Ewen, M.R.C.S. George Herbert Hose Holden, M.D. John Rodley, M.R.C.S. Samuel Thomas Lord, M.R.C.S. E. Burdett Pooley, M.R.C.S. John Adamson, M.D. Robert Mitchell. Philip Phelps, U.R.C.S. Finlay McDougall, F.R.C.S. Rev. Canon S. J. W. Sanders. Brian Rigden, M.R.C.S.


John Creery. Llewellyn Morgan, M.D. John Charles Ellison . Charles Edward Piers, lVIR.C.S. The Order has to lament the deaths of the following Lembers and Associates:Knights of Justice.-Charles Pemberton Carter, on 5th April, 1905. Lord Leigh, on 21st October, 1905. Captain Nathaniel George Philips, on 21st December, 1905. CfL(~plni n.Rev. \Villiam Kirkpatrick Riland Bedford, M.A. , (Genealogist) on 23rd January, 1905. Knight of G?'CLce.-Lieut.-General Robert ,Villiam Lowry, C.B., on 8th June, 1905. Lady of G'tCu;e.-Alicia Georgette, Lady KennettBalTington, on 8th April, 1905. Esquire . aptain Thomas Lalllbert, on 28th March, 1905. Lieut.-General Richard Bateson, C.V.O., on 11th September, 1905. Honora?'!) As ociates.-Ogilvie Grant, M.D. , on 9th January, 1905. Benjamin Browll, on 28th January, 1905. Thomas E. Bryers, on 2nd February, 1905. Brigade-Surgeon E. D. Tomlinson, on 17th February, 1905. Edward Atkinson, M.R.C.S., on 1st March, 1905. Colonel Pearson R. Cresswell, c.B., F.R.C.S., on 21st November, 1905. Lord Leigh was the senior Knight of Justice and formerly held Lhe office of Bailiff of Egle. He took great interest in the Order's philanthropic work, especially in connection with the Almoner's Department, and for many years was a regular attendant at the Council and Chapter meetings. He was also



President of the Birmingham Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association, and was always ready to support its extension and development.

The following are the awards granted during the year for acts of gallantry in saving, or atte:r npting to save, life on land, and were presented to the recipients at Marlborough House on Wednesday, 5th July, 1905, by H.R.H. the Prince of "Vales, K.G., Grand Prior, the members of the Chapter being in attendance :ALBERT V. HARDWICK (Cle?'k). Silve?' ~Medal Awarded. For great bravery and presence of mind displayed at Finsbury Park Station on 21st December, 1904. During a dense fog a lady got on to the line, and 1\11'. Hardwick, without the slightest hesitation, jumped from the platform as a train was approaching a few yards away. "JIr. Hardwick had to lift the lady off the metals and push her underneath the platform, get under as best he could himself, and hold the lady in order that the suction from the pas ing train should not draw her underneath the wheels. The Albert Medal (Fir t Class), has been presented to Mr. Hard wick by Hi l\1ajesty the J ing. ,VALTER BE TWICK ( Mi'lleT ). BTolue llIeclal A~()ci'l'cled. For courageous conduct displayed at Pm'kgate Pit, Nunnery Colliery, Sheffield, on 14th January, 1904. ,Yhilst a man named Ackwood was employed getting coal a large quantity of soft bind" ran the timber uPIorts out and covered him up, and had it not been for Bestwick's prollli tne s and presence of mind Ackwood would have been suffocated by tI, fall of stone which occurred soon afterwards. HERBERT VVILLIAM BOWEN (T'I'oope'l" , St~ sex 1'InpeTial Bl'onze ldeclCil hUCirclecl. For distino'uished Ye01na11TY). conduct displayed at Burgess Hill Railway tation on 9th June, 190-1<, in rescuing Trooper innock fro111 being cut to pieces by a fast approaching train, Binnock havin o' tripped and fallen across the line while endeavouring to huniedly get to the up platform. Trooper Bowen jmuped off the down platform, ran acro s the rails, and dragged innock into safety, the train pa sing so close as to teal' Bowen's tunic and bruise him. THOMAS BAS ETT (LighteJ'ma'lI). B7'O'IIZe ilIedal A wa'l·ded. For gallant conduct displayed at Rotherhithe on the 1 th May, 1905. Three men, named Freal Follett, and Murphy, in the employment of t.he London County Council, had gone down a sewer and were overcome by the foul gas. One of them reached the manhole and cried for help. Bassett, who was

Captain Lambert had been Chairman of the Canterbury Centre since its formation in 1878. Dr. Ogilvie Grant, Mr. B. Brown, Mr. T. Bryers, BrigadeSurgeon E. T. Tomlinson, Dr. E. Atkinson, and Colonel P. Cresswell had all been admitted to the Order in recognition of very conspicuous seryices to the ~mbulance Department. The high standing of Dr. Atkinson in the Medical Profession was of the greatest assi~tance to the important Centre at Leeds, of which he was the Chairman. Colonel Cresswell was the pioneer of ambulance work in a large part of the South ,Vales Collieries and Iron Works and was instrumental in having the handbook of " First Aid to the Injured,..' issued by the St. John Ambulance Association, translated into the Welsh language. The lamented death of Mr. Bedford is a great loss to the Order as, for a period of over a quarter of a century, he ever displayed great ability and enthusiasm both in his capacity formerly as Librarian, latterly as Genealogist, in upholding the great traditions and objects of the Order. His generous gift to the Library of many valuable books and of the History of the Order, which he wrote in collaboration with his successor in the office of Librarian, remain as lasting memorials to his untiring zeal and energy. Lieut.-General Lowry was a prominent member of the OrGel' and had for some time been Chairman of the No. IX. District Centre of the Association, which owed much of its success and development to his unfailing zeal alld energy. The loss of Lady Kennett-Barrington will be deeply felt not only by the Members of the Order, but also by the Alnbulance and N lU'sing Officers and rank and file of the Metropolitan Corps of the Brigade, who will long remember her unselfish and devoted services as First Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores of the No.9 (Belgravia), Nursing Division, of No. 1. District.





passing the spot, descended the sewer, and was successful in getting two of the men to the surface and went down a second time to endeavour to bring up the third man, Freak; but being himself affected by the fumes, had to be hauled up. Freak's body was eventually found two miles away. NEWCOMBE LESTER MANSELL (Oycle Agent). Ce1,tijicute of HonOUT AwuTdecl. For bravery and presence of mind displayed at Worcester Race-course on 1st July, 1904, At the finish of one of the races, a horse, after throwing its jockey, bolted out of the course into the crowd, killed two men and injured three other persons. Mansell caught the horse's bridle with great difficulty and in so doing was struck by the horse but succeeded in holding the animal until he got assistance. The medals awarded to the following men were presented to them by His Excellency the Viceroy, the Earl of DucUey, G.C.V.O., acting on behalf of H.R.H. the Grand Prior, at Dublin Castle on the 25th August, 1905; the Members and Associates of the Order resident in Dublin being present at the ceremony :J OH COLE:M:AN (LubO'L&1'eT), THOMAS ROCHFORD (EngineeT), KIERNAN FITZPATRICK (Oar D1'iveT), PETER O'HARA (Labo Lwe?'), JOHN RUSH (Gas Inspector), CHARLES MEIR (Engine D,t ive1'), MARTIN LAMBERT (Fire1nCin ), CHRISTOPHER KELLY (Fire1nan), EDWARD BLAKE (FiTe1nan) , JOHN MURPHY (LCiboU1'e1'), JOHN WHELAN (Labourer). B1"OnZe Medals AwuTdecl. For great bravery displayed at Burgh Quay, Dublin, on the Gth 1fay, 1905. A man named Fleming descended a sewer to examine a leakage, and was overcome by foul gas. A fellow workman, John Coleman, observed Fleming fall below, and immediately went to his assistance. Thomas Rochford, Constable Sheehan, and Kiernan Fitzpatrick, concluding something was wrong, each descended in turn without the slightest hesitation to endeavour to rescue Fleming and Coleman, and the remainder of the above mentioned men followed at intervals, notwithstanding the extreme danger and difficulty. After all the men had been hauled to the surface it was found that John Fleming and Constable Sheehan were dead, and all the other men suffering greatly from the effects of their gallant efforts, the foul and vitiated atmosphere necessitating immediate medical treatment.


The Service Medal awarded for conspicuous services to the Order and its Departments, was presented to the following by H.R.H. the Grand Prior at Marlborough House on Wednesday, 5th July, 1905:1ST OFFICER ALFRED B. MOORE, Bath City Division, St. John Aw bulance Brigade. 1ST OFFICER HENRY FRANCIS, \Vellingborough Corps, St. John Ambubnce Brigade. CrrIEF SUPERI~TENDE~T THOMA, H. HILTON, \Vellingborough Corps, t. John Ambnlance Brigade. 1ST CLAS SERGEA~T ER.!. TEST C. :JrEATHERS, ,Vellingborough orps, t. John Ambulance Brigade. o. 5 District, Ass I 'TA T O:JDlI SIOXER SYDNEY ,V. l\L\'LK1N, t. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERINTENDE T'l' HE TRY L. LAWES, Newport, Isle of ,Vight ivision, t. John Alnbulance Brigade. SERGE.A TT IIARLES GORDO~, Accrington Corps, St. John Am bubnce Brigade. 1ST OFFICER Trro:JIA, F. THORPE, Oxford Divi ion, St. John Ambulance Brigade. 1ST OFFICER Trro lA. F. NEWMA~\ Headquarters Division, Preston Corp, t. John Ambulance Brigade. 2ND NUR. 'I~G OFFICER A~N I 'OX :MOORE, ecretary, Nursing Division, Oldham Corp, St. J o11n l-\.!nbulance BrigR.de. SUI ERI~TENDE~T HA~rpDEJ H. ILETT, Haggerston Division, Ietropolitan Ol'ps, t. John Ambulance Brio-ade had also been awarded the medal, but were b ' . . unavoidably prevented hnving the honour of bemg In attendance to receive it at the hands of His Royal Highness. The special vellum vote of thanks conferred on its recipients a'3 an acknowledo'ment of their conspicuous service to the b Alubulance Department ha been awarded to :Mr. A. G. mith (Readin cr Centre). Mrs. Anne Cave (Heavy ,Voollen District Centre). Mr. vVilliam Midgley (Heavy \Voollen District Centre). Dr. Thomas Moore Dawson (Liverpool Centre). Sir Frederick Lely, K.C.1.E., o.S.1., (In.te Chief Commissioner Central I rovinces).


14 Sir James Digges La Touche, K.C.S.I., (Lieut.-Governor of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh). Mr. Thomas Rees Price, C.M.G., (Orange River Colony). The report of the Order's British Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem will be found in Part II., as well as a Statement of Account of the funds of that Institution. Several ladies of the Order have very generously and kindly forwarded garments for the male and female inmates of the Hospital and these are gratefully l1,ppreciated by both the Chainnan and Committee as well a~ by Dr. and Mrs. Cant, n,s they are most useful and greatly needed for the patients. It is hoped that a supply may be relied upon each year, as the good work being done at the Hospital would thus be very materially assisted. In Part III. will be found the reports of the Ambulance Department. One of the principal events of interest has been the annual Railway Competition held at the P ortman Rooms on the 12th l\fay,. 1905, when Viscountess Knutsford kindly presented the SlIver Challenge Shield, and other prizes, given by the Order. The winners of the Challenge Shield were the Alexandra (New~ort and South Wales) Docks and Railway Co. The ?ewar ShIeld was won by the Newport (l\1:on.) Division of the Bngade, and the Symons-Eccles Cup by the N ewcastleunder-I.yme Division. These Competitions are held annually, when all Members and Associates are i~vited to attend and by their presence to encou:age and ~tl:nulate the spread of a practical knowledge of first ald. to the lllJu:'ed among the e1nploye8 of the great railway co~panles of. the lungdom-a knowledge which at any time is useful, b~t stIll more so in employment such as railwaymen are engaged 111 , both as regards themselves and the multitudes who travel by rail. Another point of interest is the new regulations issued by the Ambul~nce Department as regards qualification for vouchers, me~alh.on:s, and labels-the la,st-named being an innovation WhlCh, It IS hoped, may meet with unqualioed success.

As rega,rds the Briga,de, its continued progress and development, both at hOllle and abroad, will be noted with satisfaction. Recruiting for the Auxilia,ry Royal aval Sick Berth Reserve is satisfa,ctory, as also tha,t for the Brigade Bearer Companies. There will also be found a, most interesting report from the Commissioner for pecial Services on his recent tour in Canada, the gratifying result of which is the revival of interest in, and the pra,cticnl support of, work in the Dominion, where there should be Ilenty of scope {or its development. His laj est}' the King has been oTaciously pleased to issue new in tructions a to the ,,~earing a,nd precedence of the insignia and meda.l of the Order, ,yhich will be worn in future in accordance with the memorandum, dated 21st March, 1905, which was issued to a,lllIembers and Associates with last year's t. John's Da,y notices. It was mentioned in last year's Report that the internal restora,tion of the ha,pel on the South ide of the nave of the Crypt of St. John' 11urch was now complete. During 1905 a tablet has been place 1 on the East wall tating tha,t-(( Holy Communion was celebrated in thi lhapel of t. J ohn Almoner, on St. John Baptist Day, 1905, in pre ence of members of the Order of St. John-the first occasion since the dissoh.ltion of the Priory, A.D.

lo -W. "

On the ltar step a brass pbte has been dIixed with the following inscription :-The red Frontal of velvet embroidered with gold wire and silk (c. 1530) representing t. John the Divine, St. John. tbe Baptist, the Annunciation, and t. Clare, formerly in the Bapti try at Florence, was presented to this Uhapel by Vere, Viscountess G£tlwa,y, 1905." Memoria,ls on the north wall of the Chapel have been erected to the memory of ten decea.sed Members of the Order, viz:Richa.rd ,Voolfe (Knight of Justice and Receiver), ir Albert ,V. Woods (Knight of Grl1cc l1ncl Director-Gencral of eremonies), Mrs. Priscilb Laverl1ck (Honorary erving ister and uperintendent of the Hull Nursing Division), Generl11 ir I-I. C. B. Daubeney (Knight of Justice and Honorary omml1nder), Sl1illuel Ra,dclifte Platt (Knight of Grl1ce), Mrs. Zo" Charlotte Fre hfielcl (Lndy of Grace), William ] awes Fl'eshfield (Knight of Grace), Louisa. Katha.rine, La.c.ly Lechmere (Ll1dy of Justice), Li eut.-Colonel



Gould Hunter-Weston (Knight of Justice and Registrar), and Captain Thomas Lambert (an Esquire of the Order).

Fni?necl Copy of an I ncZ1dgence by Pope P ius IV. Two Photog?'CiPh. of the H ospital of An~y, 00. Li11~epick . Presented

Lady Watson reports: cc Nurse Dashwood is still employed by the Order of 't. John as the Parish urse. She continues to occupy the furni hed rooms in the Parish Hou e provided for her, rent free, by the Fund which is " maintained by subscriptions kindly given by Ladies of the Order and collected by Lady Watson. During the twelve months, from St. John's Day, 1904, to the same " date in 1905, the Parish Nurse attended the following cases ;Ieclical 80 } Surgic~l 59 T tal-144. Ohromc 3 0 Maternity 2 cc




" an increase of 22 over last year's return. The actual number of professional visits paid by the Nurse during " the year was 2,557, a few less than the number paid last year. From the Almoner's Department of the Order of St. John the Sick and Oonvalescent poor have received, as usual, nourishing Diets, when recommended by the Doctor, the Rector, or the ~ urse. Milk hJ01.s also " been provided, which is particularly beneficial in the many cases of "illness among children, who always form a large proportion of the " cases under the Nurse's care. " Lady Furley, !iss Dalton and Lady,Vatson continue to visit, from " time to time, the patients attended by the Nurse."

by the Librarian. "The Old P alace of Whitehall" (1 vol.) "lIfe?norials of St. JCi?neS'S P cdace" (2 vol . .) Presented by the Author, the Rev.

Edgar Sheppard, C.Y.O., D.D., Sub-Dean of the Chapels Royal. A



Presented by the Lord Bishop


" A ?"S Q?iJCitli01' Oo)'onatonl/m." Vol. 17. Part 2. Portraits of the F ive Last Gl'ancl 1I1w~te)'. Presented by Surgeon-Captain

Brooks, M.D. The Ninth A J1.?I 7.ial R epol't of the GennCin SCi1nciritan Society, 1903-0-1.



Pasto),(ll L ette?'.



The Voice of the F athe)' ."

Presented by the Authoress,

Miss S. F. A. Caulfeild. Photogniph

of the Gate ancZ O)'ypt.

Presented by Sir

Benjamin Stone, l\l.P. MenwiTs Clnd Stcdntes of the Capitular Baili'wick of BTanclenbeTg. The Y i. itation of Englancl and W ale. . Vol. XII. (EditecZ by F. A. O)'ipp.) Presented by Colonel ir Herbert C.

Perrott, Bt., C.B. The Receiver-General has to report that the accounts have been audited by Messrs. Price, vVaterhouse and Co., chartered accountants, and the income and expenditure accounts and balance sheets are printed at the end of the Report. The Almoner gratefully acknowledges greatly-appreciated gifts of hospital letters, etc., from Mrs. Pitt-Draffen, Sir Dyce Duckworth, Lady Murray, Mr. S. Osborn, and Dr. Oswald Browne. The Librarian reports the following presentations to the Library: A Cannon Ball fr01n the Island of Rhodes. Presented by Dr. W. Allan Jamieson. fllust:Citions of the Life and Ti?nes of Samuel Johnson. Proceed~ngs of the Society of Antiquaries, Scotland. Vol. 38.

Presented by Mr. A. A. Gordon. The Red Cross. I n Peace ancl War. Presented by the Author

Sir John Furley, C.B.

No. 51 oftke " Monthly R eview." Presented by the Chancellor


Royal cind H istoric Glo ves and Shoes.

(Redfern.) Presented

by Mrs. Reynolds Rowe. Wyldes CincZ Its St01'Y.

(lJfT. A ?,thn?" Wil. on.) Presented by

Yiscount Knutsford, G.C. I.G. Orde?" of St. John of


Q L~atlw7'

Coronati Lodge.

Presented by Colonel Heygate Lambert. Rep01"t of the


Asylli1ns Bocwd, 1904.

'With an A ?nb'Ll;lance dLWi'l1g the Fntnco-German WaT. (C. E. Ryan, F.R.C.S'!.) Presented by :Mr. H. W. Fincham. "Revi tCi del Collegio A 1'C[ldico" (Oct. 1905),' cc Calencla'l'io d'O 1'0." Presented by the Mn.rquis de Siveri de Yaldnma. The ](night Hospitalle'l's in 1(ent.

(Waclmo 1'e.)


by Mr. R. Burdenell Carter, F.R .. S. Through the kind offices of the Assistant Librarian, Mr. Cyril Davenport, of the British Museum, to whose artistic skill in the



illumination of the armorial bearings depicted on the oak shields in the Cbapter Hall the Order is so much indebted, and to whom a very cordial vote of thanks was recently passed by the Chapter-General, permission has been obtained to have a pho.tograph taken of a grant of indulgence, from the Cotton collectlOn of MS. charters, from Brothers J ohnSeyvilland William Hullisofthe Order of St. John of Jerusalem, as Proctors of Pope Alexander V., to Sir William Fitz Hugh, Knight, and Margery his wife, as contributors" to the refortifying of the Castle of St. Peter at cc Budrum lately captured from the Infidels." Dated at Clerk enwell Priory, 1414. A few of these photographs are on sale and can be obtained on application to the Chancery at a cost, post free, of five shillings each copy.

those existing societies which are concerned in the succour of the sick and wounded.

Among the interesting literary productions of the year has been the new book of reminiscences by Sir John Furley, Honorary Bailiff of the Order, entitled « In Peace and W 3.1'." The name of Sir John Furley has been so closely connected with so many humanitarian movements that anything from his pen is sure to be worth perusal; but this volurne is especially interesting to Members of the Order as being a narrative of the circumstances which gave rise to the origin and progress of the St. John Ambulance Association and of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, and of the various Red Cross movements with which the Order has for so many years past been more or less identified, especially in the early efforts for the organisation of the relief of the suffering in war which led to the Convention of Geneva, the provisions of which have during the last half century been adopted by all the civilised nations of the world. In this connection reference should be made to the formation of a new Red Cross Society, the Council of which has been appointed, with the sanction of His Majesty the King, under the presidency of Her Majesty the Queen, with Lord. Rothschild as Chairman, and Lord Knutsford, late director of the Alnbulance Department, and Lord Cheylesmore, Registrar of the Order, amongst the Vice-Chairmen. It is hoped that by means of this organisation means will be found to co-ordinate all

The continued activity of the work of the Order and its several departments will be a source of gratification to all the Members and Associates, and it is humbly and respectfully hoped will be not less satisfactory to His Royal Highness the GRA D PRIOR and to His Majesty the King, the SOVEREIGN HEAD AND PATRON, to whose exalted support and influence so much of the success of the modern progress of the Order has been undoubtedly due.

n:he <Branb }prior\? of the


of tl1bospttal of St. Jobn of Jerusalenl in Cr.





To Sundry Creditors

£1455 13


" Special Funds-

By CashAt Bank-

St. John's Gate, additional Buildings Fund British Ophthalmic HospitalLechmere Endowment Fund, partly iu vested in India 3~ per cent Stock £1874 18 6 Du Bois Endowment Fund 300 0 0 Proceeds of Entertainment at His Miljesty's Theatre, 5th July, 1904, invested in Bank of England Stock 2440 1 6 Building Fund. 1683 8 0 Legacy left by the late Katharine Lady Lechmere, less duty and expenses 1773 11 2




9 0

350 0 0 - - - £4542 14


" Investments (at Cost)-


8071 19


12071 19


" Capital AccountAs per last account Oblations Oompounded Surplus of Income over Expenditure for year ended 30th September, 1905, as pel' Income and Expenditure Account

£1692 14 2500 0

Ourrent Account • Deposit Account In handLondon and Jerusalem

41092 90

0 0

7 0

£513 12s. 9d. 2~ p. c. Oonsols 872 Shares of £10 each in St. John's Gate Oompany, Limiteu Loan to t. John's Gate Oompany, Limiteu £1764 6s. 5d. India 3 p. c. tock £1467 9s. 3u. Ind ia 3~ p. c. Stock £207713s. 8d. Bank of England Stock, r A' account £783 9s. 1d. Bank of England tock, r B' account Freehold Property

512 7675 2400 1862 1750 7000 2440 4191



0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 0 711


" Sundry de btors1500 12

4047 6 360 17

Ambulance Department, less Reserve General Outstandings



- - - 42682 12 10

1 3

" Carriages , horses, ambulance stores and appliances on hand, and in nse " Insignia, medals and dies on hanu







100 13


" Freehold Property at Jerusalem3632 17 155 7

As at 30th Sept., 1904 Add Expenditure dl1l'ing the year to date

7 3 3788

4 10

" Fixtures and fi ttings396 300

In London At Jerusalem

"Buildings adjoining St. including cost of site £56 ,210



0 0

0 0 696









5 8

We have examined the above Balance Sheet and In come and Expenditure Account with the books and vouchers of the Grand Priory of the Order of the Ho pital of St. John of J emsalem in England, and we hereby certify the same to be correct. 3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.O. 16th Febrlta?'Y, 1906,



00 .

Report of the

Committee of the

Ophthalmic Hospital.





,[hc ffiranb IPrior\? of thc @rbcr of


'Ibospital of $t. John of 3crusalclll in Jenglanb .



REP C) 1{ T VI \. ( );\1


O CTOBER, 1904,


3hT D E

EJ.\ IB E P , ]9 0 5.

(L\CU ' , In:).

- - ---

~ l1ll~OIl :


lBrtttsb @pbtbal1nic 11Jospital, 3ernsalelH, BELONGING




IPriot:2 of tbe ~r~er of tbe 'Ibospita[ of St. Jobn of Jerusalem in J£ng[all~ .



( So L'e?'eign Hecul and Pctl?'on q( the OnleT).

QtO III III itie e.



11irc-(ll;b a ltllHllt. H..

BHUDgNI~LL OAltTEI{, E.·(~., J.<~.RC . .


IbospitaI, }erUSalelll,


(lIon. Cnnsnlii'llI] ,)'ul'geoll).

([,rcasurcr. EDWlN FJ:tE HFIELD, El-iQ., LL.D.

UlJe a;nll1~ lDrior2 of tlJe 0r~er of tlJe 1bospttaI of St. Jobn of Jerusalem in JEng(an~.

i1:1cmbcrs. THE RWHT HON. THE \TI'cou~r K~UT'FOJl]), G.O.1\1.0. LmUT.-OOLONEL F.













1I1.A. K, 0 , M. G., O. B.


ESQ. , F.RO .• '.

111. D.




M.D., R.1\".

BAHT., 1\:.O.Y.O., ~1.U



}l. 1:hr.-r.:s.

ESQ., :U.D.



J. T.

0.1. l!:. ,\'OOLRYCH PEUO"\\,XE

(!Jon. , Ct'.)

l\lARTINEAU, ESQ. lSx~offiria

if{cmbcrs of <SOnlmiltrr.



(Secretary-Genual vf the O,·dt:l'). (Receiver-General of the Onle?),



(Di?'ectm' and Chai?'man, Amb~tlance Depurt?fWtt of the 01·cle'l'j. HEIUIKIn' C. PlmROTT, Jh., O . B. (Sw'etm'Y of the Unle?,). ~onarat!! ~emtar!!. LIEl'T.-OOLOXEL J. T. WOOLRYCH.


}11onorarp -accollntant. 'Y. H. EDWAltDi'l, Escl., A.C.A. ~urgeon to tDe jtlospital at 3erusalrlll. 'Y. E. OANT, E~Q., M.D., F.RO.S.




~ssistant ~onotat~ ~cmtat11

(p ro. tern.) for


O. HORNE Sn:VENI:lON, Esq., 9, O xford Ternle<', Edinburgh, N.B.

38anRcrs. Loullou and Westminster Bank, Lilllitell, Lothbmy, E. C.

H E om mittee of Iana.gement of the British Ophthalmic H ospital have pleasure in presenting to the :JIelllbers and Associates of the Order, and to their 811b 'C!'ibers generally, their 18th Annual Report. It has been found conyenient to make a change in the date of issuing th e ReI ort, 'which on this occasion is for fifteen months, viz. from 1st October 1904, to 31 t December, 1905. In future the Report will cover a period of twelve months commencing with the ] st of Janua.r)' in each year. A it is not found possible to publish the Report earlier thnn in :JIarch, the efiect of this altern,tion will be to brinO' the more recent work of the Hospitn,l under the notice of the u OS crib l' , but the financial year has been left unaltered, a it Hill 't coincitle 'with thn,t of the Receiver-G eneral's Department. Dr. Cant wrj t s tha.t " The sta,tistic . of the work of the Hospital continue to pre ent high figur s. The n1111100r of ill-pn,tient admitted, though omcwhat Ie. tban during the previous year, reaches over 1,000 during tho fift en month.' the present Report includes. Forty- two beds have b n in usc, und though the pressure of applica.nts ha.' be 11 1 .f;, they hn\'e all been occupied at the mo,'t busy time." " ,Vi th respect to t,be out-patienL', ther) ha been a udden and very large increa. e in the aLt ndnnco , e pecially during the Ophtha.lmic season from J ul), Lo Decem bel', chi efly from townspeople, and especially the J ew'. During foul' con 'ecu tive months th e attendance numb ~r dover 17,000- \,ery ncarly .5,000 in November. The numbers have commonly n,pproached and occaSIonally xceeded 300 on certain days of the week. As



the waiting-room with an additiona.l R,nnexe will not hold more than 160 crowded together, I ha.ve on snch days bogun work in the Out-patient Department at 7 a..m.-a.n hour earlier thrtn was the custom-in order to alleviate a little the overcrowdino-. The total number of attendances during the past fifteen months hR, been over 40,000, and the num uer of new cases entered on tho books exceeds 10,000. All the nUll) bel's and details are carefully kept." The falling-oft' in the number of in-p[ttients is attributable during the earlier month. to the persistently cold weather, together with frequent rain, fro ts, and snow, which prevented the country-people coming in frollJ [tny distance. L[tter on, in l\fay, the Turkish Government dr[tined the villages of eyory [tvailable man to send into Arabirt for the war, [tnd tho harvest had to be done by the residue of the popubtion. It is significant that the large incre[tse of out-patients is due mainly to the attendance of Jews. \Yriting in October, Dr. [tnt says: " I may mention that a short time a.go I was waited on uy a deputation of Jews who wanted me to give attendance at a.n Eyo Dispensary they wished to open at the other end of tho town." This is a gratifying testimony to the repnt[ttion ana skill of our Surgeon, though of course he was um1.ble to comply with the request. In reply to a question as to whether he could give the actual number of Jews attending for relief, Dr. Cant replied that " the books would show the exact proportion of the entries, UU t this would not give a correct estimate of the advantages the J e",'s receive proportionately, for whereas the nativo popubtion (Arab or Syrian) will attend only twice as an R,verage, the Jews are v ry assiduous in their attendance. But the estimate I should form of the proportion of the Jews to the total attendance, would be about three-quarters of the whole, taking the year round, bnt higher in the months July to N overn ber." An exchange of residences has been effected during the year between Drs. Cant and Butler, necessitating alterations in the Assistant-Surgeon's house at a cost of £153 (for £65 of this tho Committee are indebted to the generosity of one of their numuer, Mr. J . Martineau ), Dr. Cant being once more installed in the house attachecl to the Hospital in order that Mrs. Ca.nt may

exercise more complete control of the domestic arrangements. A sum of £26 found partly out of revenue and partly out of special donations given to Dr. Cant, has been spent on building a wall along the road frontage, whereby the Hospital property has been greatly improved. Your Committee are glad to report that the work of the Hospital continue' to be carried on with strict economy without sacrificing tha.t efticiency for which its name stands so high, and their best thank' a.re due to 'Mrs. Cant for her untiring energy ungrudgingly expended in the promotion of it best interests. The increa ed ntunber of out patients (\\-hich i' the dominant note of this Report) has necessitated increa ed work and responsibility on the part of Drs. Cant anel Butler, and your Conlmittee would express theu: hearty appreciation of the devotion of the e gentlemen to their arduous duties. The late L[tdy Lechmere left legacies to the Hospital amounting to the handsome nett total of £1773 lIs. 2c1., whichh[tve been duly placeel to the credit of the Endowment Fund, and the Committee are taking steps to perpetuate her memory by the erection in the Hospital of a suitable memorial ta.blet. It is hoped that [t meeting of subscribers may be held during the present season [tt a conveniont time to be fixecllat.er, in order to call public attention to the necessity of further financial support for the Hospital which is doing such gl'e[ttly needed work among the Jews and natives of "'yria.

Jantw/ty 31, 1906.


In-Patients admitLed Out-Patiellts-New Cases


Total Attendall ce .

OperatiOll S AII<esthetics acllllilli~L\:jl'\:jd












* Fiftcell mouth s.


* 1905. 1, 0 62 10 , 088 4 1 ,142 1,7 61 947


Table shewing heads of diseases treated during the fifteen mont hs, and number of operations performed. I


3 119

Diseases of lachrymal apparatus Diseases of lids and conj uncti va Diseases of COl'l1ea Diseases of lens Diseases of globe Di ease of muscle Diseases of refractioll Dise&ses of HIS Inj uries








::: ~


u:')00u:')00",," r-i








l -·














7 9 1:37

14 1 .) ...J

4 3 Total




J ::





Diseases of lachrymal apparatus Diseases of lids anll conjunctiva Diseases of cornea Diseases of lens and vitreous body Diseases of glob e Diseases of muscle and ocular llerves Errors of refraction and accommodation Diseases of iris and ciliary plocesses Diseases of choroid and retina Diseases of optic nerve. Injuries U nclassed cases


+EiG6 47·3 14:2

.36 330

55 15 34 20 J Total



On lachrymal apparatus On lids and conjunctiva On cornea and iris On lens On globe On muscles



92 148 19 1 Total


N 'J£e.-The detailed lists of d iseases and operations from which the above are extracted are carefully prepared every year by Dr. W. E. Cant and are filed for referenc e at St. J nhn's GatE', and will be sh e wn to any qualified medical man on application to the Hon. Secretary.

""" .-.






c.o r-i




"1 C'1

0'. 0









A nnllrll S1tbsrript inl1.'.



1bospttal, Jerusalem,





of tbe



of tbe 1f,ospital of St. Jobll

of Jerusalem in JEnglalltl.

List of Subscl'iptions and Donations received from 1st October, 1904, to 30th September, 1905.


81tOSCript ions

Albrigh t, Miss M. O. / Alexander, Mrs. Amherst, The Earl Amherst of Hackney, The Lord Aitken, Mrs. Anonymous Ditto per Dr. Ootton Attwood, T., Esq. Baines, Lieut. -Oolonel M. Barry, Sir F. Tress, Bart. Bartholomew, O. W., Esq. Bemers, C. H., Esq. Bevan, F. A., Esq. Bevan, Lady Bles, A. J. S., Esq. Brighouse Oorps, pel' F. ]" Bond Brinton, John, Esq. Burna, Maj.-Gen. Sir Owen'!'., G.O.I.E., ICO.::>.!. Burne, The Lady Agnes Bustros, Madame de Bythesea, Mrs. Oampbell, Mrs. Herbert Oapel, F. 0. , Esq. Carr-Dyer Mrs.



£ 0




1 5 1 0

1 0 1 5

0 0 0 0

1 1 1 10 5

0 1 1 0 5








0 10 1



0 0

0 0

0 0 0 0 0

5 2


2 2 2 6 2

2 2 0 0 0 0

1 5 1





2 13


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Oarrington & 00., Messrs. Cassidi, F. R, Esq., M. D. Oaulfeild, Miss S. F. A. Ohilds, 0., Esq., M.D. Ohubb, Lady Oook, F. H.: Esq., C.I.E. Ootton, Ohas., Esq., F.R.O.P., ~LltO. Ooulcher, Miss Crosse, Mrs. Dalton, Major-General J. 0., R A. Dalton, 1\1rs. J. O. Dalton, Miss Maria Denmark, Prince Oharles of Dick-Lauder, Sir T. N., Bart. Draffen, 11';:;. Pitt Dring, Mrs. Duck 1V0rth, ir D yce, M. D. ECferton of Tatcon, The Earl o Elliston, Lieut.-Ool. G. Ellis, Miss A. M. Evelegh, Mi s E. A. Fi;:;her, W. B., E q. Forbes, N. Hay, I~:;:;C]., F.RO.S. Edin. Fraser, A. E., E q. Furley, Sir John, O.B. Galway, Vis\,;ountess Galton, Larly Douglas Gregory, H. Eo, E q. Gribble, Miss, in loving memol',)' . Hamilton, J. G. Esq., M. V.O. Harrel, "IV. V., Esq., 1\1."1'.0. Harrison, Genel'lll Sir R, G.O.B., O. Le:. H eygate-Lltlllbert, 001. W. A. Holbeche, Lieut. -Oolon el R Hooper, J. H. Esq. Hubbard, Miss Hugh es, Oaptain W. Bunter-Weston, Lieut.-Oolonel Hutton, Sl1l'geon-Majol' G. A. In Memoriam, O. 1\1. O. Kay. Sir Brook, Bart. King, l\fajor Arthltr F. W. Kirk, Miss Kllutsford, The Viscount, G.O.1\LG. Langman, J. L. Esq. Lechmare, Nicholas, Esq . Leigh, The Lord .







Jio Illl/ifl liS.

£ s. d. 0






5 5

0 5

0 0




0 1 0 1 1 1 0 10 10 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

2 1 1

2 1 1

1 0 5 5 1 1 2 '2 ;, 0 2 ~ 0 5 10 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 5 0 5 5 2 ~ 2 ~ 1

0 0 0

o 10 o 10

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 o 10 1 1 5 5 2 2 5 5 1 1

0 6 0 0 0 0 0




2 1 1



1 1 1




Awnual Ann1Lal

. '7Lbscriptions.


Lightfoot, Miss Lloyd, l\Iiss C. A. Lloyd, Mrs. H. Loch, The Lady Lowry, General R W., C. B. Lumley, L . C., Esq. Lutwidge, Major C. R Fletcher McAnslanll, .A.. C., Esq. Mewbnrn, lIIiss Milburn, C. H., Esq., ~L B. Monk, Miss J. R. l\Iosely, A., Esq., C.M.O. Mostyn, The Lord Munay, Colonel Sir C. 'Vynllham, C.B. Newton, Lieut.-Colonel J. W. Marsdin, R A. Ninnis, Inspector General Belgrave North, Colond B. N., C.B., M.V.O. Nott-Bower, Capt. J. W. Offertory, Church Parade, per Dr. Yollalld Ottley, Colonel ir J. W., K.C.I.E., RE. Penfold, The Mi. ses Perowue, Lieut.-Colonel J. T. Woolrych . Pert'ins, C. 'V. Dyson, Esq. Perrott, Colonel Sir II. C., Bart., C.B. Philipps, Lieut. -Colonel Ivor, D.S.O., M.P. Pickersgill, Dr. E. P. Powell, Miss J. A. Powell, Sir R Douglas, Bart., K.C. V.O., M.D. Priestley, Lady Randell, Mrs. E. Ree, Isidor, EsCl. Robinson, E. L., Esq. Royds, Oolonel, C. B. St. George, Captain B. J. Sale, :Mrs. Savory, Rev. Sir Borradaile, Bart., M.A. Seely, Sir Charles, Bart. Shaw, Miss Alice Shore, Rev. Oanon T eign mol1th, M. A. Sinclair, The Ven. Archdeaco n, D. D. Sloan, R., Esq. Smart, F. G., Esq. Smitb, Mrs. S. P. Smyth, Colonel E. Sq nance, T . Coke, Esq., M. D. Stewart, Mrs. 1'em pIe, Colonel Sir R C., Bart., C.1. E.

£ s. 1 1 1 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 10 3 0 5 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 4 4 5 0 2 2





2 2 10 10 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 5 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 !:l 25 0 5 0 2 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 I 1 o 10 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


n onations.


s. d.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




s. d.

£ s. d.

£ Thorne, W. Bezly, Esq., :Jl.D. Topping, :J1is T\\em10\\', Mrs. Yauuhan- Morgan. Alderman Wakley, Thomas, E. q., F.RC. 'W alters, Miss A. Walton, Major II. E. B. 'Yard, J. LangfieIlI, EsCl· . . . . 'Vanen, Gen. ir ChaR., G.C.1\1.G., 1\..C.B., R.E. Watson , Colonel, ir C. :Jr., KC.B., C.M.G., R.E. 'Watson, Lady 'Yilliam , iIlr . Yate, Lieut.-Oolouel A. C. Yate, nIl' . A. O. Yate, Coloml C. E., C.'.I., C.~l.G.


o 1 2

3 2

50 1

1 2 1 '2 1

1 1 £321

2 13 11



0 10




1 10 1 2 3 2 0 1 1 2 1 2 0 0 1

0 6 I)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




and I desire to oiter you illy warlil congratulations 011 the great work being done and on the excellent way it is being carried out. During our short stay in Palestine I heard several references made to the Hospital as being one of the two best and most beneficent Institutions in the whole of PalestinE'l, and loud praises of the devotion of Dr. and .JIrs. Cant to the work as well as of their scrupulous care, to see that rich and poor \\'ere attended to alike. 1 found the whole place spotles ly clean and in perfect order." I aw, deal' Sir Herbert, Yours sincerely, T. R. PRICE, (0/

Johann~sburg ,

Form of Beq uest. I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for the LillIe being of the Institution known by the lUune of THE BRITL'U OPHTIIAUUC HOSPITAL, JERUSALEM , belonging to the Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of .J erusalelll jn England, the sum of ................................... [free of duty] to be applied towards accomplishing the Charitable

JAR 1"'

South Africa).

designs of the said

Institution . • T.R-Land and "J10ney secured 011 Land ean no\\ be given to ehal'itable uses under the conditions emtcted by tbe « Cbarit.able Uses Act 1891, 54 & 55 Vic. c. 73."

1 I.

Report of t.he Cen tra1 Executive ComrnJtt __ f the St. John Ambulance Associatior1;



the Order.


Departm n1



St. j-ohn Bmbulance Bssociation BEING THE AMBULANCE DEPARTME T OF

ttbe <Branb lPrior\? of the ~rber of tbe 1bospital of St. 30bn of 3erusalelll in £llgIallb. tElatron. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G.

(Sovereign Head and Pa tron of the Order.)


(Grand Prior of the Order. )



l!eDnbon: CHARLES CULL 16,





Page. 3 The Oentral Executive Oommittee of the St. John Ambulance Association ... The Ohapter of the Order of St. John (with names of Members of Oouncil and Executive Officers) Ourrent Pamphlets and Papers General ReportImportant Meetings Railways Oom peti tions Hon. Orga,nizing Oommissioner's Report India (Hon. Organizing Oommissioner's Report) Auxiliary Royal T ayal Sick Berth Reserve Visit to Oanada Honours for Services ... I ssue of Certi£cates Invalid Transport Corps Duncan Memorial Ambulance Station Wearing of the Insignia Income and Expenditure Account APPE JDIX Subscriptions and Donations to September, 1905 Life Members Honorary Life Members Examining Staff ... F orm of T estamentary Bequest Subscription Form





(Grand Prior of the Order. )

0:entraI lExecutibc 0:ommittee. Consisting exclusively of M:emhel's an{l A. sociates of the Order.

24 27 2 2

31 3-1




67 67


147 156 165 lti9

1 0

APPENDIX D. Reportof the Chief Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Index to ditto



37 39 41 55 61 62

Statement of Issue of Certi£cates and Medallions to Oentres, facing Local Reports(a) Metropolitan District (b) Provincial (in alphabetical order) '" ( c) British Dominions beyond the Seasi. -A ustralia ii.-New Zealand ... iii.-South Africa iv.-Empire of India v.-Hong Kong

<Brall() lPriot}? of tbe @r()er of tbe '(bosptta[ of St. JObll of Jerusalem in JEng la llt).

16 19 21

Head Office from October, 1904, to




(S overei gn Head and Patron of the Order).

7 9


Tominal Roll of :l\Ietropolitan District, Provincial, Colonial and Foreign Oentres

St. 30hn Blllbu[ance tls50ctattoll,

181 439

mimtot of the <Zlmblllancc rBepc1rtmrnt anl1 \!tljainnan of Qrollunittrr. The Most Hon. the Marques of BREADALBANE, R.O.

<Zlssisiant 1]imtot flnl1 rBrput,l} (5;bnirll\fln.

Lieut.-Oolonel Sir RICHARD C. TE~[PLE, Bt., O.LE. IlElepllt~


Sir JOHN FURLEY, O.B. (Life Member of the Oommittee Honol'is C('t1(sa.)

members. Major-General J. C. DALTO~, R.A. The Rev. T. W. WOOD. ColonelO. \V. 13. BOWDLEl!, '. n. W. COLLINGRlDGE, ES'h LD. Oolonel Sir J. W. OTTLEY, KO.LE., R.E. Inspector-Gen. B. NIN 'I., M.D., RN. Insp.-Gen. Sir HErT ltY FItEDER1CK NORBURY, K.O.B. S. O. WAHDELL, Esq. Surgeon-Major-General Rir JOHN B¥ COLE Rl~ADE, K. O. B. G. S. ELLISTON, Esq., M.B.O. . OHRTSTOPH11:ROHIIJDS, Esq., M.D. Surgeon-General Sir JOSEPH FAYHER, Bt., K. O. . I. CHARLES J. TRIMBLE, Esq. , O.lILG., L.R.O.P. Surgeon-General Sir WIL1,IA,,[ R. HOOPER, K.O.S.L Oolonel CI,El\lE T MOLYNEUX ROYD. , C.B. Captain J. W. NOTT BOWER.

urgeo ll-General it' \VILLIA:)[ TAYLOR, KO.B., M.D., R.H.P. EInlU 'D OWEN, E q., F.R.O . . The Right Hon. Lord OLAUD H ,\)[lLTO '. The 10Rt Hon. the Marque. of NOItTIUMPTO-. Lieut. -Oolonel A. O. lATE. ir WILLI,L\[ BENNETT, K.O.Y.O., F.RC .•. REGI~A!.D HA1:nr. ·ON , E 'q., F.RO.S. Lient. -Colonel E. M. WIL. ON, O. B., C.~LG., D . . 0., R.A.M.O. mrreoll-General A. KEOGH, O.B.,M.D. o(Dil'ector-General Army Iedical erviee. ) Lieut.-Oolonel \V. BABTIE, C.M.G., 'B'.~ .. R.A.:M.C. Oolonel GEORGE H. O'MALLEY, R.A. Ul'geon-Major G. A. I-IL"TT().-. it· EDWARD L. O'nIALLEY. Dep.-In p.-Gen.lILOOATE. ,~I.D.,R.N. J. ATLEY BLOXAM, Esq., F. R.O . . ~x-o mcio iRffcmb Cl'S 0 f QI:Olltlluttrc. Colonel Sir HF.RBEllT JEKYLL, K. O.l1.G., R. E. (SeC?'eta?'y-Geneml oj the O?·de?). EDWIN FRESHFIELD, Esq., LL. D. (RCCC1'vC?'-General of the Orde?·.) TheRigbt Hon. Earl EGERTON OFTATTON( Chainnan, British Ophthall111·c Hospital.)

([flieE 'srmtflrp. Colonel Sir HERBERT C. PERROTT, Bt., C. B. (Secretary of thc Orde1") ~ccot\ntflnt



WILLIAM R. EDWARDS, Esq., A.O.A. (Accotmtant of the Ol'de?'.) ~eall'




Om'reeted to lII areh 1st, 1906. ( As ?'egards this and the opposite page.)

m::be Qtbapttr.

,[I)e (t;rRnb {Prtor}? of tbe ~rber of 1rbe 'ffJOspttRI of 51. Jobn of Jerusalem in JEnglan ~. .sobereign lhleab anb Watton of tbe ®t bet. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. , K.G. QJitanb Wriot:. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. .sub-l@rior. T HE









G.C.V. O.



The Ohapter consists of the Knights ?f Justice an? Sub-Prelates, de ilwe,' the Executive the selected Members of Oouncll; the fOl1owlllg

o mcers;

®fficiating The Sub-Dean of the OliAPELS ROYAL, C.V.O., D.D . ~~


The Rev. Sir BORRADAILl1: 'AVORY, Baronet, M. A. AND

3&epref5entatibe 1ttninbtf5 of QJirace,


J:T. Qt., R E. Inspector-General B. NINNIS, M.D., RN. Colonel ir O.M. ,VAT. ON, KC.M.G., C.B., R.E.

Sir ARTHUR J. R TRENDELL, O.M.G. Sir RICIIAIlD DOUGLAS POWELL, Baronet, KC. V.O., M.D. Oolonel O. M. ROYD. , O. B. The Right Hon. The Earl of Lt~THo)r. BDMUND OWE, Esq., F.RO. . EDWIN HANtiON FRE.·lIFIELD, Esq., M.A.

The f ollowing are t h e Knights of Justice:

lExccutfbe ®ffiretf5. Prelate-His Grace the Archbishop of YORK. Ohancel101'-The Right Hon. Earl EGERTON OF TATTO '. Sec1'eta1'y-Geneml-Colonel Sir REHBERT JEI{YLL, K.O.M.G., RE. Receive1'-Gene1'al-EDwIN FRESllFIELD, Esq., LL. D. Al1none1'-The Rev. Oallon DUCKWOltTH, O. V.O., D.D. Registm1'-Major-General Lord CHEYLESJ)lORE, O. V. O. Genealogist-Sir ALFRED SCOTT Scorr-GATTY (Garter). Dinct01' of the Ambulance Depa1·tmentThe Most Hon. the MARQUE S OF BImADALBA ' E, R.G. L ib1'a1'ian-Lieut-Oolonel RICHARD HOLBEClIE. SeC1'eta1'y-Oolonel Sir HERBERT C. PERROTT, Baronet, C. B. Ohai1'?nan of the Britibh Ophthalmic Hospital, J entsale1nThe Hight Hon. Earl EGEHTON OF TATTON. Ohief Secreta1'y of the Amb1tlance Depal·tm,ent-Oolonel Sir HERBERT C. PERROTT, Bt., O. B.

~f5f5 if5tant lExecutibe ®£ficetf5. Assistant Di'rect01' of the A ?nb1tlance Depa1·t11lentLieut. -Oolonel Sir RICHARD OARNAC TEMPLE, Baronet, C.!. E. Assistant Receive7'-EDWIN H. FRESHFIELD, Esq., M.A. Assistant Libl'Ct1'ian-OYRIL DAVE 'POUT, Esq. Assistant Secreta1'y-LOCKHAIlT STOCKWELL, Esq. ACC01tntant-WILLIAM H. Em,vARDs, Esq., A.C.A. Hon. SeC?'eta7'y of the B1'itish Ophthalmic Hospital, Je1'tlsale?nLieut.-Colonel J . T. WOOLRYCII PEItOWNE. A ssistant H on. Secntcwy (f01' Scotland) of the Bn:tish Ophthalmic IIospital, J enlsalemA. A. GORDON, Esq.

m::be Qtouncil. T he Oouncil consists of the Sub-Prior, as President ex-officio, the Executive Officers, and the following

Selected Member's. Sir J OHN F URLEY, O. B. Major-General J. C. DALTON, RA . T he Righ t H on. Viscount KNUTSFORD, G.C.M.G. T he Right H on. Lord MOSTYN . Colonel O. W . BOWDLER BOWDJ,ER, C.B.

Sir J . N . D ICK, K. C. B., R. N . Sir DYOE D UCKWORTH, M.D. WILLIAM COLLTNGlUDGE, Esq. , M. D. Major-General Sir OWEN T. BURNE, G.O. I. E., KO. S.I. Sir GEORGE HAYTER OHUBB, Baronet. Lieut-Colonel Sir RICHARD C. T EMPLE, Bt. , O.I. E.

H.RH. Prince OliRISTIA OF CHLE WIGHOLSTEIN, K G., G.0.B. H.M. Ring HAAKON OF NORWAY, G.O.B., G.O.V.O. H.H. Prince ALBERT OF SCIILE. WIGHOLSTEIN, G.O.B., G.O.V.O. H.S.H. The Duke of TECK, G.C. V.O. H. S. H. Prince FllANUIS OF TECK, K. O. V. 0., D.S.O. Captain H.S. H. Prince LOUIS OF BATTENBERG, G.O.B., K.C.M.G., RN. H.S.H. PrinceALEXANDE1tGF.ORGE OF TECK, G.C.V.O., D.S.O. H.R.H. Prince ARTHUR OF CONNAUGllT, KG ., G.O.V.O. Lieut.-Ool. TnEVENEN JAMES HOLLAND, O.B. Sir JOlIN FURLEY, C. B. (llonol'ary Bailiff.) rrhe Right Hon. Lon1 STANMORE, G.O.M,G. FRANCIS ROBl<:ll'l' DAVIES, Esq. Sir BROOK RAY. Baronet. Sir '1'HOMAS NORTlI DIOK-LAUDER, Barollet. Major Sir AIWlllBALD LAMB, Baronet. Colonel Sir HERBERT O. PERROTT, Bt., O. B. The Right Hon. Earl FERRER'. Colonel Sir JAMES GILDEA, O.V.O., O.B. HENRY JOIIN LOFTUS, Esq. Colonel BETHEL MARTIN DAWES. The Right Hon. LOfllAlIlIIEIV'l' OF HACKNEY. General Sir OHARLE. WARREN, G.O.M.G., K.O.B., RE. Major-General JAMES OEOIL DALTON, RA. Lt.-Oolonel AYLMER GOULD HUNTER-WESTON, D.S.O., RE. The Right Hon. Earl EGEItTON OF TATTON. Colol!el T he Right HOll . Lord WILLIAM OEOIL, M. V. O.

EDWIN]! 1m 'IlFIELD, ES(l., LL. D.,

(flono1'Cl1'Y COlnmander.) His Grace The Duke of FIFE, IL'l'. The Hight Hon. Lord BRASSEY, K.O.B. The Right Hon. Viscount 'l'gMPLIl:TOWN. The Right Hon. Earl AMIlEll ·T. The Right lIon. Viscount KNUTSFOHD, G. C.1\1. G. (liono1'aI'Y Bailiff.) R. MACLEAN MACLEAN, E q. AIl'l'HUlt FttANCI GnE llA)1 LEVE ONGOWER, K;q. Lieut.-Col. F. A. HEYGATE LAMBERT. 001. 'iI' OliARLE' WYNDIIAM IUI1I{AY, C.B. The Hight Hon. the Earl of RANFURLY, G.O.M.G. The Right Hon. Lord ANDlIUH'T, G.C.S.!., G. O.!. E. it' HENRY ARTHUR BLAKE, G.O.1\1.G. The Right HOll. the Earl of MEATH, R.P. A. El)J)IUx D FltASER. E q. Tile Right Hon. Lord Mo 'l'YN. Coloncl lIARLEti HUGlIE ' -Hu~TER. The Mo t lIoll. the lARQuE OF BltEADALBANE, KG. Hi Grace the DUlCE OF PORTLAND, R.G,! G.O.V.O. Field-Mal':>hal Lhe Right 1I01l. the EARL ROBlmTs, KG., KP., J:T.Qt., &c. HOBERT BRUDENI<:LL OAnTER, Esq .• F. R O.S. NOHMA HAY FORBES, E '1., F.R.O.S. (Edin.) Oolonel JOlIN AT,EXA DER IAN STUART, O. B., O.M.G. Oolollel O. W. BOWDLER BOWDLEIt, C.B. '1'he Most HOIl. the Marques of LINLITHGOW, KT., G.C . .I\LG., G.O.V.O.

The following are the Sub-Prelates: The Lord Bishop of SALI BURY. The Bishop in JERUSALE~{,

The Bishop of BRIT!. Jl IIoND1:RAs. The Bishop of GIBRALTAR.

Full information as to the work of the St. John Ambulance

St. John Ambu~unce Association.

Association, and its Branches , can be obtained on a PP l'lca t'Ion


to the Chief Secretary, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, London , E.C., by whom copies of printed papers will be supplied in reasonable numbers without charge, on R e f erence N umbers or Letters as

St. John Bmbtllance Bssociation.

follow being quoted.

Formation of Centres

Reference. Pamphlet 57b.

Formation of Classes in connexion with Centres


Formation of Detached Classes

Pamph. ~

Arm and other Ba dges .

Paper 74.

Invalid Transport Corps (Head-quarters)

Paper A.

St. J.ohn'~'3 ~ous.e, ~ or~ester (for practical lllstructlOn In DIstnct Nursing, &c.). .

Paper 73.

Chelsea I~.:firma:y, Lond.on, S.\V., for practical expenence In HospItal Nursing, &c. .

Paper 73a.

Syllabus of Instruction-Junior Course

Paper 40.

First Aid Course

Paper 58.

Home Nursing Course

Paper 60.

" "


"Hygiene Course


"Cottage Nursing

Paper 85. .



Regulations for the cond uct of Examinations

Paper 80.

Medallion and Re-examination Regulations . Pocket Oertificates Genera~ Regulations, ~t. J ~hn Amb'l . Bngade . u ance



Ref. Let' R ;§

Origin and Development of the S t. J ohn Ambulance Association The Police and First Aid


Paper 56.

Explanatory Instructions for ~ol'm~ng ~mbu~ lance and Nursing Divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade



I9 0 5·


lIIode of help by Oounty Councils and other local authorities . Pamph. G.B. 1904.









. Price Lists of all articles sold b . I WIth particulars and estimate f or H Y th~ Stores Department, Litters, Stretchers &c 'can al s b bto~se mbulance Carriages, ,', so e 0 alned.

HE DIHECTOR A TD CIIAU'nl.AN' ArTD THE CEXTRA.L EXECUTIVE OOMMITTEE have the honour to submit to His Royal Highness the Prince of vVales and the hapter-Generalof the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J erusalelll in England the following report of a satisfactory se 'sion of increased development and progress. They desire e pecially to call attention to the gratifying reports receiyed from the Chief Commissioner of the St. John AInblllance Brigade, from the Commissioner for Special ervice , and frOlll the Honorary Organizing Commissioner for India. The visit of His Royal Highne the President of the .A ssociation to the Indian Empire of Hi 1\Iaj esty, the Patron of the St. John Ambulance As ociation, cannot fail to develop still further the interest taken in the ambulance moyement by not only the British comlllunity but equally by the maj ority of the native Princes and their subjects. It is a matter for puulic congratulation that the difficultie connected with the establi lllnent on a practical basis of a London Ambulance 'ervice appear about to be OTercome, and the greatest 'Metropolis of the world '\Yill no longer have to bear the reproach that it.s inhabitants, in spite of an enormous municipal expenditure in other anel perhaps Ie s important directions, have so long had to submit to a condition of things entailing much hlllnan suffering, un,Yorthy of the controning body of a small provincial town. The 1\Ietropolitan Police returns for the year 1903 give the total number of street accidents in its area alone as 10,356, of which 154 were fatal. In the City last year there were 1 17 treet accidents. These cases may be considered fortunate becansc the ufferers fell into· the hands of Police Officers who have received instruction in first aid, but when it is remembered that in n.ddition a large



St. John A mbulance Association.

St. John Ambulance Associ(J,tion.

number of patients are taken by well-meaning but untrained persons dil'ect to hospital or to their own homes in that effective instrument of torture to a person with a fractured bone-a fourwheeled cab-the agony endured for want of a system of suitable vehicles with skilled attendants can better be imagined than described. The good example set by some provincial towns in this connection has been referred to periodically in previous reports, and it affords the COJnmittee satisfaction to again publish an extract hom the report on the Police establishment of the City of Liverpool, where for years past an efficient system of horse ambulances has been in active operation, the institution of which was mainly due to the initiative and supervision of two of the members of the present Central Executive Committee. The Head Constable states: " SERVICES RENDERED TO THE PUBLIC. " AMBULANCE WORK.-There are fully equipped Police Horse ,: Ambulances stationed as follows :-Royal Infirmary (day), Royal "Southern Hospital (day), David Lewis Northern Hospital (day), :: Stanley Hosp~tal (da~ and night) C~ntral Fire Station (night), Old Swan Pollce StatIOn (day and nIght), and Lark Lane Police " Station (day and night). "Number of turns out.









35 10 218 504 28 125


21 233 551 39 139





3808 4728

3751 4763


" Officers, sergeants and constables holding certificates from the tit. J ohn Ambulance As"ociation . . "N umber of above bolding medallions after three examinations . . • "N umbel' of cases of first aid rendered by the police' " Artificial respiration . . " Applying tourniquet . . . " splints . " bandages . " Administering emetics .c Other first aid

" rumber of above in which the valuable service rendered was specially commended by the doctors receiving the cases " "Number of cas~s in which the police r~ndered aSSIstance, other than first aId to persons in cases of accident or sudden illness. by removimg them to . . . hospital, &c. "Total persons assisted



This is a reLurn of which any City may be proud, and it is equally satisfactory that other towns in Lancashire, the .gr~at stronghold of ambulance work, and other of the pro:lllcI.al capitals in the Midlands and the "Vest are ~ot far behmd ill the race. It is the rule rather than the exceptIOn thaL the great majority, and in not a few cases all, of. the members of a Constabulary or Police Force hold the certIficates, and ?~ten as wcll the medallions, of the Association. Owing to reC)~Ulting for the Royal Irish Constabulary being again open, new members of this admirable Force are receiving instruction at the rate of forty per month. . ' . In the Railway world, ambulance instructIOn, especllllly Sillce the establishment of the Association cc Railway entres," has increased by leaps and bounds. It has b en state.d that every tW? days three railway e?nployes are killed in the dIscharge of theIr duties, and that during the last ten years the Bon.r~ of Tra~e returns prove that 5,000 rn.ilwn.y men hn.ve been 1~lll~d whIle 100,000 hn.ve been injured. A knowledge of first aId IS therefore as indispensn.ble to the railwayman, in order that he may Le able to succour his injured comrn.de, as it is equn.lly usefully available for the benefit of the trn.velling public ,,,hen one of those unfortunn.te "smashes" occur which appeal' sometimes unavoidable in spite of ingenious appliances ani of the unceasing careful wn.tch kept by the railway emp.loye o,er the safety of the passenger's life n.nd limb. As n.n Ulstance of the beneficent work done by railway servn.nts, it was stat~d by Lord Cawdor at a recent Ineeting that in one yen.r fir.t aId was rendered in 2000 cn.ses at the Gren.t We tern wmdon , works alone. One of the most vn.luable cn.ses of the y n.r where life was undoubtedly saved, n.s reported by a medical IDn.n, was performed by a porter of this Company, at DUI'ston tn.tion, who first jumped into a canal n.nd re cued a drowning child, and then proceeded to restore it to consciousness by resorting to a,rtificial respiration on the method which he had learned at n. Langport class. During the winter the prelimjnary and group competitions for the silver Railwn.y Chn.llenge Shi ld presented by the Order of St. John were held n.11 over the country, the finn.l hen.ts taking pln.cc as usual in May at the Portman Rooms. Dr. J. Cassidi, of Derby, acted n.s judge, n.nd the results were n.s follow:-


St. John .it mbulance Association.

St. John Ambulance Associc(,tion.

1. The Alexandra Dock and Railway Company, Newport,

l\lonmouth, vVinners of the Shield, with 241~ marks. 2. South Eastern and Chatham Railway, 228~ marks. 3. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 225! marks. 4. North Eastern Railway, 221 marks. 5. Great \Vestern Railway, 220 marks. 6. Cheshire Lines Committee Railway, 194~ marks. The Brigade Competitions for the Dewar Shield and the Symon Eccles Cup were concluded on the same day, the officiating judges being Surgeon-Major F. W. Gibbon and Dr. J. M. Carvell, who awarded the Shield to the Newport, l\lonmouth, Divi ion, and the Cup to the Kewcastle-under-Lyme Division, the next units in order of merit being the Causton Division (Metropolitan Corps), the Newton Abbot Division, the Kendal Division, and the Headquarters Division of the Northampton Corps. The Committee is indebted to Viscountess Knutsfol'd , who was accompanied by Viscount Knutsford, for kindly presenting the Shields and prizes, a new feature being the presentation, made retrospective, of conlmemorative brass t~blets to the winning railway teams in former years, the Great Eastern Railwa~ ~arrying away foul' of these amidst great applause. Tbe competltlOns for the similar silver challenge shields presented by the Order to the Railway Companies of India and to the Indian Volunteers are detailed in the reporLs of the Indian Centre. It is hoped that the Railway Shield, which has now bee~ won for two years running by teams of the Great Indian Penmsular Railway. will be presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales during his forthcoming tour. Other nlembers of the industrial population to ,,,hOlU ambulance w~rk ~s of as vital importance as to railway men are ~hose, numbenn~ In 1~04 no less than 877,057 persons, employed In and a?out mmes In the United Kingdom, besides 97,577 engaged In qu~rries. Amongst these there were in that year 1,!58 fatal a~Cldents causing the loss of 1,202 lives. Compared wIth the prevlOus year this shows an increase in the number of fatal accIdents of seven, and in the number of lives lost of ten. Conse~uent on t~e great importance of this subject the most valuable co-operatlOn has been given to the Association for many years past by the Inspectors of Mines, who have frequently called the


attention of the Home Office to the necessity of ambulance instruction in colliery and mininer Districts. A special comm1.mication with this object was recen~ly addressed by Mr. J. ~. Martin, H.l\l. Inspector of Minesfor Monmouthshire, Glouc~stershHe, and.Solll: r setshire, to the colliery owners and managers In those count~es wI~h a view to extending the knowledge of first aid am.ongst mIners 111 the district, his suggestion being that classes should be for~ed and oro·tLnised in the same manner as boating, cricket and .footh . ball clubs, and with a view to introducing emulation, competltlOn should be arranged in the future between the classes in the sallle way as has recently been done ill the north of: England where, thank to the institution of the Durham l\Imers Ambulance League, a. great impetus has been ?iven to th~ format~on of the ambulance classes amongst the co111ers and nlmers. teps have already been taken for the establishment of a similar body in South ,Vales. The necessity for this was very pointedly shown in Lhe debate which took phLCe in Lhe last Parliament at the end of last ses. ion, at the instance of the l\Iember for the Forest of Dean , on the dangers incurred by workers in various trades a.nd occupations, and the remedial and preventitiye measur~s WhICh were , or olwht to be ' on a t)OTeater scale adopted for then benefit. 5 It was pointed out by the Home ecretary, in reference to the unfortunate disaster at ,Vatts Town, that though geneml rules were ,veIl observed in the collieries, the Inspector of Mine complained there was an indisposition on the part of the men in the district to attend the lectures of the St. John Ambulance Association. The Central Executive Committee is therefore only too anxious that this state of apathy in certain parts of the country should be removed, n,nd will gladly afford any co-oper<ltion with this object. Some interestin bo' statistics of worl~ in the in lustrial world aro furnished by the Honorary Organizing Commissioner, lll'geol~Major G. A. Hutton, in his u ual annual statement, ,yhich IS appended. " It i gratifying to note the u8ta.incd inter st and upport gi \'en. to " ~ 'to John Ambulance instruction and work by the medIcal prof ' 1011 " generally throughout th country. This is well h~,\~n in the. pa,per re!ld " and di cussed in the Ambulance ·'cction of th Bntl'h M dlcal As OCla"tion. I attended the Annua11reeting held at Lei 'e tel' in th la,ttel' end " of July, and took part in the Section of ayy, Army and Ambulance. T


St. John A mbulu.lnce Association.

St. John A 1y&bnlance Association.

" In a paper on Voluntary Civil Ambulance 'W agon Service for Cities " by Lt.-Oolonel H. J. Barne , R.A.M,C" the 'Vl'iter said, 'It is noticeable " 'that in all the communieation the writers, though they differ on many " 'points, are agreed on assuming that such an Ambulance 'ervice, horse " 'or motor, must of necessity be placed in the hands of the Fil'e " 'Brigade, Police, or other civil authorities.' Colonel Barnes then said " 'There is a third alternative which has not received the consideration " 'it deserves-that of an Ambulance ,Va,gon ervice, provided and " 'maintained by voluntary effort on the part of the community, such " 'as exists in Glasgow and other pal'ts of 8cotland.' In the discus ion "which followed, I said, it would be remembered that at the first "meeting of the Navy, Army and Ambulance 'ection, held at the "Annual Ieeting of the Briti h lIedical Association at Ipswich in " eptember, 1900, I read a paper on Invalid Transport of the I ick and " Injured in Cities and Large Town" and since that time the question "had con iderably advanced, and it would appear from all the di " cu sions that had taken place that, as far as the voluntary ,'y tern and " the public system under the ~Iunicipalities were concerne I, it mu,·t " be left for each town and city to adopt uch system a would best suit " their needs and requirements. In Liverpool the public system under "the lIunicipal authority, instituted by Capt. ott-Bower, the late " Chief Constable of the Oity, and now the Chief of the Metropolitan "Police, had answered well, and, from the paper read, the voluntary "system had also answered well in Glasgow. I also took part in the " , arne Section in a discu sion fon papers read on dysent ry and its " treatment on active service, and as a large number of the I t. .rohn " Ambulance Brigade took part in the 'outh African war, and in any "future war the services oj . the Brigacle might again ~e ?'eqni?'ecl, my " remarks on these lJaperS may be appropriate. I said, I had listened to " the two papers with much interest. "With reference to preventive " measures for dysentery on active service, the rules laid down by the :: autho,rs of the pape~'s were sound enough, but he would warn, " especl::~Jly young medIcal officers, they must not expect too much in wal' tIme, The first duty of the Army and the Generals Com"manding was to beat the' enemy, and measures recomm nded by the " Army doctors, that might be carried out with precision in quiet time " and peace manreuvres, might be quite inadmissible when an Army had " to press forward and give battle. He was desirous of mentioning this " ,1,s med'lca1 0ffi cers were apt to be blamed for circumstances quite' " beyond their control on critical occasions in war time. He had no " doubt, with proper tact and common-sense, the medical and combatant " element would work together harmoniously. He had generally in his " own case found it so, and he thought the Army medical officer of the " present day was well capable of holding his own. " " In ! ul y I attended a most interesting gathering of Railwaymen, orgamse d by Mr. Aslett, the General ranager and the I 'taff of the ;; Furness Railway Comp?"n~, in the grounds of F{lrne, s Abbey. Teams "from several of the prmClpal p~rts o~ the Furne.. s ~ailway system "contested fo~·. the qhallenge ShIeld gIven. by the DIl'ector of the ,,90m pany. I II' J. ;HIbbert, the .Deputy-Chairman, took the chair, and, " ~n ~he co.urse of h!s addI'ess, Sal~, He felt Sure they would all agree " ,:Vlth hI!ll that It was most Important to carryon these first aid " ,mstructlOns. Even those who had passed the examinations might " ,feel they had had all. the knowledge they requil'ed, He would, how" ,ever, venture to say It was ~ever too late to learn. They might still " ,learn as they were attendmg the, e classe" and he impressed upon those who had passed already that they should go on with this

" 'instruction. It made every man much more u efu1. It made them " 'more valuable to the company which they served, and also more " 'valuable to the country. rrhey ought all to know somethinf1: about " 'first aid and it was a matter that aPl)ealed to all clas, es.' In a short " address gave, I said, at and aro~mcl .]'urne.'s Abbey they, tood on " classic ground, and I could well Imagme the monks ?f old, n<?t~d a " they were fol' their attention to the w.a,nts of the sl~k and ~nJured " t11l'ough the hospices which t,hey establIshed and car ned ,on ll?- co~­ " nection with the abbeys, 100kll1g down, upon them and. wltne" mg m " spirit their humane work, and thankmg the re-estabhshed Order of " St. John for cal'l'ying on their work as a~apted to t~le needs and wan~s " of the pre ent da,y. In coming al.ong m the tram to attend. theIr "meeting, having poken eyeral tunes on ambulanc~ work m the "district I ,vas casting about for a new text upon whIch to found a " few re~arks and in reading a daily paper, I noticed an account of a " masterful addre s by Profe sol' Darwin, giYen in Cape Town only two " or three days cLgO at the opening, me ting ?f the British A o~iation. "He said 'That Ba,rtholomew Dw,z, th dl:coyerer of the Cape of " 'Storms,' spent sixteen month, on his yoyage, and the little flotilla of " 'Vasco-de-lhl,ma, scl,iling from Li,,bon Oll .July 8th, 1497, only reached " 'the Cape in the middle of XO\"ember. Fouy hundre 1 and eight y~ar,' " 'have passed since. that v<?yag , and a slup of ~3,OO? tons, ha~ Just " 'brought us hel'e 111 but httle more than a fortmght. I aId It wa'3 "51 yecl,rs since I went out to •..'outh i.£rica, taking 65 day on the " voyage from Plymouth to Cape rrown. At that time there was ~10t all "inch of railway ill I 'outh Afriea, and it was then thoughtthatrmlway " might be made along the coast, but that the engineering difficultie. " were so great they would not be carried into the interior. The total " length of railway lines in British I outh Africa, outh of the Zambe. i, " at the present time is 7,000 mile, mnde up a follow:-



" In Cape Colony " In Natal " In Orange River Colony " In Transvaal ... ... " In nhodesia .. .

3,0 0 miles 776 " 598 " 974 " 1,5 1 "

"In addition, there are about 91 mile under construction, so that " railways have been made eyerywhel'e into the interior, and not along the "coast. It is hardly po sible to over-e timate the important factor that " railways constitute in the economic of outh Africa, There are no "navigable rivers, no deep estuaries-Nature has not endowed the " country with any natural facilities of transport-and they are, thel'e" fore, dependent on communication with th interior on the railways, " assisted by the ox-wagon. This ?'apid inc?"ease of ?'ailway development " points to a wide e,rpansion of jint aiel and am.JJ1.dunce wO?'k ave?' the whole " of South Aj?·ica. " Sir George Gibb, the General Manager of the N orth-Ea tern Rail" way, has favoured me with the annual circular on the re ult of the "competitions over their system. He ays,' It i gratifying to find " 'that a lal'ge number of those who have pa sed the fir t examination " 'have during the past year rejoined the clas e , and succeeded in " 'passing the re-examinations, thus rendering themselves better qualified " 'to render fil'st aid in cases of accident 01' illness.. The po ition taken "'this year by the North-Eastern team at the National Oompetition in " 'London-bracketed second in the preliminary competition, and " 'fourth in the final-may be regarded as creditable. But it is hoped


St. John ~"bnuu"lcince Association.

St. J ohn A1nbula,,1(ce Association.

:: : that. further e~ort will again .secure the first place, and I tru t that the ,(o,l?lng year '~lll be a year of careful study and a. sicluou. practice.' " SIr George Glbb has been one of the staunchest upportel'. of rail" :ray am"?ulance work. Some years ago he consulted me about the "lnstruc~lOn on th.e North-Eastern syst~m, and I then advised him they " should form a rmlway centre, u~1del: 111. control, .and ubject to our 't. " J ol-:n Ambulance rule. f01' eXamll1ation and certIficate. Thi.' ha. been " stn~~ly followed? an0 has been .attended with every practical .·uccess. " As, .1,1' GeoI'~e Glbb 1 now lea,vlpg the. o~·th-Ea~tern to take up the " Chall~ansh~p of th~ ilIetropolItan Dlstnct Hall\\Tay Company, and " 1\Ianagll1g D~l'e?torslup of the U nder'groundEJectric Hailways Company of London, It 1. hoped that his suece ,or will calTY on the N orth:: Eastern .amb~lance work with the same succe. s as ha' hitherto characten ed It. " ." "Qndou~tedly Great.Britain has been .first in railway entel'lJri e and " III Im~Ul1lty from aCCIdent. The publIc owe the highe. t service to the ra!lwaJ~ world, and those who belong to it. The fact that we :: travelled wl~h only one .c~ance in eight millions of fatal accident, and " one ~hance III half a mIllion of bodily injury, poke yolume.· as to the " effiCIency ?f the man power .behind the mechanical pow r. It \\'a. no " e~3:g.ger~tlOn to say that r~Lll waymen served the highe. t intel'e t of " cIVlhzatlO~, .because ~he ra1l:vay was the material embodiment of the " ~odern SPIrIt, and WIthout It modern society would be impos. ible. It " IS a matter of doubt whether the ~'ed badge of courage, earned in the "field of battle, could compare WIth the cool and uninspired efforts " that are ma~e day by.day for human safety by railwaymen all over ~pe <?ount~'Y m the ordmar~ course. of their work. " ,F'I.Tst a~d a7'!'d wnuulance mstTu,et~on ?nust eve?' be of g?'eat uelzejit to all " g1 c:cles of 1'(ulw(~y . em)Jl~,!!ees. lung Edwar~ VII. tl'ulY'aid, as PIll1Ce of '\Vales m 18r3, at the annual dmner of the llailway :: ~enevolent Jnstitu~ion, 'Not a 0ay.goes by but mo t of you trayel " ,on?e, probab~y tWIce. In steppll1g mto ~ railway carriage do you not " , thmk of the Ilsks J;ou may r~m 1 An ',:\oCcIdent may happen to anyone, " ,tho~gh every possIble secun~y and guarantee may be gi\Ten that no " , aCCIdent shall oC,cur. ,\Yell, If we as pas. engel'S run risk. , how much more do the officers and servants of the companie and that not " '"every day, but eyery h01?-r and minute of their lives' ? " 90m pa.rmg: th~ syste:m m England with the American with referenee " t~ ~nvestIgatlO.n m aCCIdent, Mr, Evelyn Cecil, M.P., remark ', after his " VISIt ~o Ame~lca, to attend the I!1ternational Hailway Congress at ,,(Vashmgton, WIth. regard to. aCCidents, when the dynamite tl'Ucks " ,~xplodedrl at HarrIsburg, whIle the Congress was itting, I was " ,~ntel~este~ to learn what would be the practical result of th formal " , ~nqUlry held j but the matter seemed only to awaken an ephemeral " ,mterest, and aft~rwar0s to be treated with the indifference suitable " , to ~ny ev~nt v.:-~lCh ml~ht occur all in the day's work. There was no ",~alked,chsposltlOn to m~roduce remedies. I ventured to rel1lal'l~ that " ,m Engla~d, o~ ~he occaSlOn of an accident, no less than thl'ee inde" ,pendent m9.Ulrl.es were hel~, the Coroner's inquest, the Hailway " , Company's mqUlry thr~)Ugh Its own responsible officers, l1ud that by " , t11e Board of T~'ade, whIch ~ends an inspector to report on the matter 1e report bemg the subJect ~f communication with the Hailway " ,. ~mphny afterwards. !n AmerIca, the~'e i~ no Government inquiry " 'bm 0 t e cause of an aCCident. An mqUlry IS made but it appears to " e treated largely as a matter of form.' ' " ~n eugust last I attended a large gathering of the Middlesborough an level and members of the St. John Ambulance Association, held




" in the gronnds of :Jfarske Hall, I 'tt~tbUl'n-by-the-Sea, ~inr~ly lent by "the Marquis of Zetland, when certIficates ~nd medallIons were pre" sen ted by tbe Marchioness of Zet~a,nd. A.ctl.n g as Inspectol~, I put the "men through an ambulance dnll-conslstmg of bandagmg, hand"carryinO' and first aid-to a number of ~uppm;ed -younded, the careful " . l/::)'of the inJ'ured on stretchers bemg a partIcular feature of the Iemova n "drill. The number on the groun d ,:,e1'e 860 ~en al?- d ~=)0-(won~en: f·o I 1 " 3;3 different JOines and work~, cO-:Tenng the WIde dlstnct ~f ?le"\ eland " and the important town of jhddlesbor~)Ugh. At. the c]o, e of the "inspection the lIIarquis of Zetland . aId, 'On his own bel:a1£, as " 'President of the lIIiddlesborough and 1level a nd Ce~1tre of tl:e I t, John " , Ambulance Association, he expressed the pleasure It gave hIm to place " 'that ground at their dispo. aI, and to see s~ch a good number, of " 'members because he was one of tho. e who realIsed the bene~ts ~whlch " 'were conferred on the community at lar,ge .by such an As~ocI.atlOn a. " 'that, Liying as they did in .a " 'ide dlstl'lct of c.ommercl~lll:d~s~r~ " 'and enterprise, and peopled a:. It was by a populatlOn.of hald-"\\ Olkmo " 'men and miners, he thought It must be n~e~t that It was ab~olutely " 'essential to have amonO'st them an A soclaho~ 'uch ~s the I t. John " , Ambulance Association, because tho. e enga~e~ m then' large works " 'and mining operations -:vere.more lia~le t~ mJury th~n t~10 e wh?se " 'operations took them 1Il different (hrectl~n. He:' ell l eIIleIIlber~d " 'their Majesties the King and Queen commg to jhddle.'borough. 1Il " '1889 thei1 as Prince and Prince." of ,Yale. , for the purpo e of ol~emng " 'the ':JIiddle. borough Town HaJl. They took th~t opportu~l1ty of " C inspecting the • t. John Ambulance l~en, and III Royal. Hlghne,.. " 'concluded an eloquent speech by hopl11g they woul~ contmue then " 'work well, and increase in number. At that tll~e the cla e " 'numbered 110, with some 3,009 llle~1ber. He "\ya s\u'e ~t w?uld afford " 'His Majesty the utmost sati. factlOn to know, a It dld.lum. elf and " , others, that last year they had no less than JOO cIa . e" 11'lth a membe1'" , ship of D,OOO in the ...1Iiddlesb01·ou{lh and Cleveland Centre. al?l1e. He " 'congratulated them heartily on the succes of tl~e A. . oClatlO~l. ~e " 'had watched with the greate.. t intere t and satIsfa~t~on t!lelr d~'lll " 'that afternoon and he admired the efficiency and raplcht,r WIth \du h " 'it had been ca,{'l'ied out.' ilIr. '\YD,ynman Dixon, who ha' taken tl:e " greate t intere t in ambulance work oyer 'ince its COl:-lme~lcement, 111 "this di trict, unfortunately could not be present, bemg III - menca "on important busine ' . . . . " Let me say that, after my 2;) years of ambulance expen.ence 111 thl " district, I have hl1d ample as "Ul'ance, oyer and oyel' agall1. from the " mine owners and manager' of works, n,nd a1. 0 the m~n, a to the useful " work done for the benefit of suit ret' through aCCIdent -the record " of lives saved- some in cases of bleeding from severe 1 arteries-other " from the effects of ga ing at furnaces, and. in lll;:tny ca 'es fractured " limbs have been tempol'arily set t'\,nrl. the patients ca,refully rel,nOYed. to " the hospitals, the taffs of which ilvtitution. haye boyne testunony to "the benefits conferI' d and the careful wC'\,y the patl.ents ha.'"e ,b ep " brought in, The testimony of the medical profes Ion 111 the ell tnct 1 , " noteworthy. One old practitioner who had more th~n -10 year " experience of the Cleyelanrl. eli. trict, ha said,' I haye notIced that the " 'home nursing of ca. os is rl.one beUer in the hout-3e. ,,-here there ha " C been ambulance instruction--the wive and dauo'htel's are more " 'attentive to the instrucLions given by their medical men than " 'formerly.'

The most satisfactory feature of the year's work in connection


St. John A mb~dance Association.

with the British Dominions beyond the Seas has been the visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Grand Prior of the Order, to His Majesty's Indian Empire. On the occasion of the landing of Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales at Bombay, suitable arrangements were made by the local centre for the formation of ambulance stations at the Main Station, Crescent Site, at the Great Indian Peninsular Railway Terminus, at the Floral Fountain, the Head Pulice Office, t. Xavier School, Northbrook Gardens, and at Chowpatty, and similar arrangements were also made in the evening for the illuminations. His Royal Highness was graciously pleased to express his approval of the excellent arrangements made by the Centre on the occasion of Their Royal Highnesses arrival and departure from Bombay, and subsequently the Committee of the Indian branch, having forwarded an address to His Royal Highness giving an account of the Ambulance Department in India, the Honorary Secretary, Lieut.-Colonel A. E. Tate, received the following communication from ir Arthur Bigge :"Prince of 'ValeR' Camp, India, December th, 1903.- His Royal " Highness the Grand Prior of the Order of the Ho pital of f't. John of " Jerusalem in England, and President of the f't. John. iunbula,llce "Association, has received with great satisfaction the addres1:; of the " Central Committee of the Indian branch of the ft. John Ambula.nce "Association, which was submitted to His Royal Highne. s by his "Excellency Lord Ki tchener, your President. I am directed by the ;; Gra~d Prior to express his plea. ure on. reading this address, and finding what good work has been done m the four years since the " Indian branch waR formed. His Royal Highness is much interested in "the fact that the Tative I'tates are in sympathy with the movement ;; and to know that i~ HJ:dera:bad His Highness the Nizam is patron of the local centre, which I. domg excellent work, and has been authorized ;; to issue i.ts own ce~·tificates. of efficiency. H.is Royal Righnes. the Grand Pnor offers hIS best wIshes for the contmued prosperity of the " Association in India."

The Committee desires to offer its best acknowledgments to His Excellency Lord Kitchener and to the Committee of the Indian Branch for the invaluable co-operation which has established the local Centres on such a satisfactory basis, with such promising hope for future development. The Honorary Organising Commissioner for India, Lieut.Colonel A. C. Yate, reports :"

"In my report. ~ompleted on .the 8th December, .1904, I gave an account of the posltlOn of the IndIan Branch at that tIme. I remained

St. John A '1nbula nce Association.


"in India until the 31st March, 1905, and I now propose to briefly " recapitulate all events of any importance up to that date. " As regards the general work of the Provincial gentr~s I ~ay say " that that was well maintained. The only two ProVInces m IndIa from , which I could draw no response were those of :Jladras a~d the Torth" West Frontier Province. This, in the case of Madras, IS the more to "be regretted because, in 1901-02, when Colonel Harvey-Kelly. was "Honorary 'ecretary,. that Ce?tre made go.od progl:e '. My expenence " is that when the ChIef OffiClal how an mtere::;t m our work, and the " Hon. Sec. is competent, progress follow as a matteI' of course.. . " Bearing ill mind that I was very shortly about to lea-:e IndIa :vlth " little or no prospect of returning there, I felt. that two pomts speCIally " claimed my attention before my departure, VlZ',:\ . "(1) To make the competitions ~or the two f lIver halleng~ .hlelds " presented by the Order to the IndIan Br!1nch, the one for the halhv!1Ys " and the other for the Volunteers of IndIa, as great a suece as tIme "and cil'cum.' tances would permit. The presentation of the e two " Shields had been made at my instanc , and I de ired to ~10W, b~fore I " left India that the object with which they had been gIVen, nz. the "encourao'~ment of ambulance instruction among the l'GLibvays and " Volunte~r ' , was likely to be attain d. The first comp tition for the "Hail way 'hield took place in :March of 1~0'*. Thee team then " competed for it. The same number competed m1Jarch, 1905. Dnfortu" nately, owing to a misunderstanding, the team or the Bengal-Nagpur " Railway anived a day too lat.e and was .UI:able to com'pcte. The.re~ult " of the competition . howed m the opmlOll of the Juc~~es a dl tm?t " advance on the standard attained in 190:3. The competItIon was agam " held at J abalpur, and in the unavoidable ab~ence of tl~e hief Com"missioner the Bishop of N agpur very kmdly presIded. If t~e " arrangem' nt of the Hailway comp titioll pre ented ditticulties-aR It " certainly did-I may fairly ay tha.t that for the Volunteer ' pre ented "them in a two-fold clegl'ee, d(~spite the fact thati the In pector"General of Volullte r in India gave me 8U h support as ~c. could. To "bring the team .. together in one place for the competltlOll was an " impossibility' and to arrange to examin each tea,m locally ",vas found "pmcticabl only in two pla,c R, yiz., in B0!Dbay and alcutta. The " result was that only two tcnl1ls entered, YIZ., the Born bay ""\ olunteer "Rifle. and the Ca,]cutta Port D fence Volunteer. The report of the "iudg were. ent in to me and by me ubmittecl.to the P.M.O. of the "Presidency Di ·trict, alcutta. TJ:e. two competmg teau;ts were both " excellently trained and the cODlpetItlOn Yery clo e. The Inelrl \Va won " by the Calcutta P~rt Def nce Volunteers, silver badg s of merit and "prizes being awarded to en,ch member of both team.. I. ee every " reason to hope that the difliculti s of arrangement, wIth w hlCh I had " to contend in 1905, will gradually disappear in the y ar to come... " Still more important than the ta k of carrying out the competltlOns "for the Challenge 'hields wa::; the tabli hment in India of some " responsible authority to which I could hand over the dutie ,,,hich had "been mine from February 1901, to :March, 1905, yiz., tho e of the " organi ation and managem~nt of the work of the A sociation in India. " When I said in my last reJ)ort, 'I feel that I have good rea on ~o hope " 'that His Excellency the Viceroy, Lord urzon of Kedleston, WIll, soon " 'afteI~ his return to India, sanction the formation of a Central " 'Committee,' I did so on the authority of a communication made to ': me by his Private Secretary, prior to Lord Curzon' dcpartur~ to , England in May 1904. Soon after His Exeellency's return to IndIa, I :: again addressecl' his PriYate Secretary and in reply was di~'ec~ed to communicate with the Secreta,ry to the Government of IndIa m the B

St. John A'lnbulance Associcition.

St. John A'lnb1i.tltinCe Association.

" :M ilitary Department. This I did; and ,vhen I reached Calcutta on "the 17th March I had my plans for the formation of the Central " Committee and for the definition of its powers and duties ready for " submission to His Excellency through the Secretary in the Military "Department. After several interviews with the latter my scheme wa, " laid before the Viceroy and received His Excellency's anction on the "27th March. I communicated this the same day by telegram to " Colonel Sir Herbert Perrott. "In the meantime, His Excellency Viscount Kitchener had invited " me to call upon him at his residence in Fort "William. His Excellency " discussed at some length the methods of advancing the cause of the " St. John Ambulance Association in India, and expressed his readiness " to become the President of the Central Committee, should the Viceroy, " as Patron, sanction its formation. At the conclu ion of the interview " I ventured to a k Hi, Excellency if he could nominate an Officer for "the duties of Honorary. ecretary of the Central Committee. Hi,' " Excellency, thereupon, nominated his own Surgeon, Lieut.-Colonel A. E. " Tate, R.A.M.C. " From the 27th to the 31st March, I put together paper and drew "up notes, which I forwarded to Simla for the information and " guidance of Lieut.-Colonel A. E. Tate. I further, in complianc with " the Viceroy's directions, addressed letters to certain Briti.·h Officials " and N atiYE' Prince, inviting them to become respectively Vice-Patl'OllF> " of the Indian Branch, and Vice-Presidents and members of the Central " Committee of that Brandl. " I should further add that during my stay at Calcutta a success" ful ' demon tration' was gi Yen at Belvedere by the kind permi '8ion " and under the patronage of His Honour the Lieut. -Goyernor of Benaal, " Sir Andrew Fraser, by the Bengal Centre of the 'to John Ambulance " Association. The result wa mo. t succe ·sfuI. The Volunteers' "Challenge Shield was exhibited, and the Calcutta Port Defence " Volunteers' Team examined in the competition for it on that occasion. "The arrangements for the' demonstration' were made by Dr. T. F. " Pear e, the honorary secretary of the Bengal Centre. " On leaving Calcutta I proceeded to Japan, where I found 0PPOI'" tunity of acquiring some further knowledge of the Japanese Red Cros, "Society. The success of that. 'ociety is only on a par with the a,chieve" ments of the Japanese people in other great undel'taking.s of national " importance. " On leaving Japan I ,isited Canada, and succeeded to ,'ome ext nt " in interesting the people of the Dominion in the work of our Associa"tion. Tin?-e, unfortunately, did not_permit of my arranging to act in " concert WIth Colonel Ryerson, the General. 'ecretary of the Canadian "Centre. At a meeting held in the Railway Committee Room of the House of Commons in Ottawa, on the 24tb of May, Sir James Grant " took the Chair, and the cause of the. 'to John Ambulance Association " was advocated by, in addition to myself. 'ir Frederick Borden BishoI) "H ' l ton 0f 0 ttawa, MaJor-General . ' ' amI Lake, Drs. Coulton and, Monti" zambert, and Mr. Coats, of the Labour Department. " After some study and experience of the work of the . ' t. John " Ambulance Association in our Colonies and Dependencies, I ventured " to suggest to the Centml Executive Committee that with the sanction "of ~.~.H. the Grand Prior, hiF> Majesty's representatives in his " dommIOns b~yond th.e seas should be invited to give their support to, " and take an mterest Ill, the Centres established in the territories under :: ~heir G?vernment. In \he event of the British Empire being involved " IJ? a seriOUS war every Col~:my and Dependency will learn to a ppreClate the advantage of haVIng ready a trained Ambulance Corps.

There has been further increased extension of work at the Australian and New Zealand Centr~s and other branches beyond the Seas, while a great impetus has been given to the work of the Cape Colony Centre by the return to office of lYIajor J. A. Liebmann, whose services in former years were so useful in the formation and extension of cla '8es in Cape Colony, the Transvaal, Free tate, An independent Centre has now and in the OranO'o b . been established at Bloemfontein in the Orange River Colony ill direct communicat.ion with the Head Office, and it is hoped shortly that the old Centre at Johannesburg, which became extinct during the war, will be re-organized under the auspices of the Hio'h o Commissioner and of the Countess of Selborne, who have very kindly promised to do everything in their power to assist.




The Commissioner for .Ipecial Services, Colonel C. \V. Bowdler, C.B., for'wards a sati factory report on the efficiency and progress of the Auxiliary Royall. r a,val Sick Berth Resen-e and of the Bearer 'olllpanies of the ' to John Ambulance Brigade. He states :" It is gratifying to be able to record that the Royal N'aval Auxiliary " Sick Berth II sery which con i·t exclusiyely of m n of the 'to John " Ambulance B1'igad~, continues to b a yel'y popula,l' enice. ?t only " is there Yery little falling off of enroll d men, but the acc~s Ions of "new members to the ranks are constant, steady, and satl ,factory. " Owin o. to the care of mecliea.l officers and 'uperintend nts of Corps "and l)ivi8ion, of the Briga,d , only lllen of thorou~hly good physique, " '3uperior cha,l'<wter, and the necessary competence III alllbulan~e work, " are brouo'hL forward for enrolment. The number of He8ern t ,vho " volunt e~ for H,Lt ndance ,Lt the Ad \Tanced Ila e8 in Fil"t .Aid and "Nursing provided by the Admiralty is very sa,tisfa,ctor:r, and ~he " further attenda,nce of the men at the even-day cour s of m tructIOn "on board Men-of-"\Ya,r anclin Na,vn.l Ro.'pital is all that could bewi hed. " A noteworthy feature of the work of the past year i that, owing to "the zeal a,nd activity of the Comilli.. ioner in Au tn'Llia, . Dr. G. L. " 'Mullins, SOllie forty men of the Australian Branch of the Bngade haye '( joined the R.N.A. '.B. Re erve. It hould al 0 b noted that a trong "contingent has been furnish d by members of the • 'to J ame ' Gate " (Guinness' Dublin Bre'Yel'Y) Di ision of the Brigad. The report of "the InsI ecting :;.\Iedical Officer of the l1e 'e1'\'e, Deputy In pector" General T. J. Pre ·ton, I .N., regarding hi ' annual in pection of Re~er­ "vists, are very ,ati, factory, as also are tho . of the N a v~l "MedIcal " Officers under whom the m n have served dunng the year 111 Men-of" War and Naval Hospital. rrhe total number of re ervists enrolled at " home up to the 1st March, 1906, is 430. . . "The eight Bearer Companies, • t. John Ambulance Bngade, contmue "to be in a very satisfactory condition, the establislll~ent Qf each " company being fully maintained, and there being a faIr number of


St. John Ambulance Association.

St. John A n-dnila17ce A ssocicdion.

" Brigade men in reserve on the waiting: list ready to fill up vacancies. " During the past year all the C~n:pames att~nded the annll:al camps "arranged for them at large MIlItary HospItals, one havmg been "encamped at Bulford (Salisbury Plain), two at Lichfield, two at ",Voolwich and three at Aldershot, and all have undergone the usual "annual in'spection by the Principal :Medical Officer of the Iilitary " Command in which they are severally situated _ The reports on the" conduct and work of the men in the hospitals were in all case most "creditable and those furnished by the Officers who conducted the "annual in'spections show that the efficiencJ~?f all ranks _iJ?- first ~id " and drill is considered satisfactory by the mIlitary authontIes. vVlth "two exceptions all the Officers of the Companies have voluntarily "passed the examination in drill and in .the internal e~onomy and "duties of a Bearer Company, as prescnbed for MedIcal Officer "of the Volunteer force, and five of the Officers were in camp with " their companies at Lichfield and 'Yoolwich. As the men continue .to " show such interest in the work, it is hoped that all the compames " before long will have their full complement of Officers, 0 that the men " may not only have the benefit of special instruction in th important " duties which would devolve on them in ca, e of being called out on "active service, but may also have the advantage of ,erving in tim of "peace under the Officers, who, it is hoped, would command them m " time of mobilization for home defence.

inclement sea.SOll of the year. It is hoped that the result of his visit wil] be very great extension of work in the Dominion, where for the last year or two little progress has been made. Colonel Bowdler states:


With regard to both the above-named Special Services of the Brigade, the Committee desires to bring to the notice of H.R,H. the Grand Prior and the Chapter of the Order, as deserving their high appreci9,tion, the voluntary a.nd disinterested services of those Officers of the Brigade, both medical and ambulance, on whom devolve much trouble and responsibility in connection with the details of selection, examination, and enrolment of members of the R.N.A,S.B. Reserve and Bearer Companies, and also with regard to their subsequent attendance at annual inspections, camps, and the various special courses which are held from tillle to time. On the suggestion of a member of the Order, who generously defrayed the cost of the tickets for the Ocean journey as a donation to the Order, Colonel Bowdler very kindly, at considerable expense and inconvenience to himself, undertook to make a tour in Canada with a view to endeavouring to impart fresh life into the existing Centres, to institute new branches, and to establish the formation of units of the Brigade. He has forwarded the following report and the Chapter-General, on the recommendation of the Committee, has passed to Colonel Bowdler a very cordial vote of thanks for his characteristic self-sacrifj..ce in making so long and arduous a j 01uney at a very

" Extmcts f1'om, Repo1·t on Visit to Canada. " Previous to my embarking for Canada, I ascertai~ed that no r~po.rts " had been received from the several centres of the S. J. A. ASSocIatIOn " for the past three 01' foul' years, so th~t there was n.o officiallm~)\,:,ledge " of the continued exi~tence of any Centre, (wOl'k m the Donumon of " recent years having been chiefly carried on by mean,' of (Detached « (Clas e '), but the ihief I '.e~l'etary was good enough to. 'end an intimation of my proposed ''1SIt to some ten gentlemen wh? m former " years had been interested in our work, and those of them .wlth who!ll I "succeeded in O"etting an intel'vie,v gave me a very corellal receptIOn, « Lieutenant- olonel A. C. Yate, too, h.ad g~ven me the lli:Lmes. of " gentlemen whom he had seen on tbe subJect of ambulance work durmg " his vi, it to Canada a year or so ago, and several of the 'e gave me " much useful information and other help. ( I left England on November 2nd la,st, and reached Quebec on the «( loth. The flhip being detained there for several hour,', I made two or " three attempt' by telegra,ph to ,eCUl'e a~ interview with Colonel « Neilson retired Director General Canadian A.:JL '., to whom I had w{'itten in aehance. He i, I believe, chairman of the " Quebec Centre, which ha b en practically d funct .for orne years. " On driving' to his country house I found that he was m ~ ew York. I « subsequently had letter from him, and I gathered from t.het? and "from interviews with two Ot' thr Quebec people that It IS not « impossible that interest in ambulance instruction may be revived. ( I reached Montreal on November 11th. I receiv d the greate t assistance from Dr. T. G. Roddick (Hon. A ociate), who gave me « introductions to medica.l men and others, and helped to organize a « public meeting, and al. 0 from Dr. Yate, , for lllany y aI'S I'ecretary, and now Chairman of the local entr. Owing to th ir ini1uence, the « press is~ued l~nO" accounts of interviews with me de cribing the objects and working of the Order, A sociation, and Brigade, a~d ( these articles in the papers succe ded in exciting '0111e intere t I.n (( the .work among the artizan and other clas e. After a, publIc meetmg, at which a very good number of the nght sort of « working men, aJ1d but very few women, were pre, ent, an(~ which I (( addressed at lel1O'th, it wa,' resolved with appal' nt cnthu, Ia,'m that ~( step' should be taken to stal"t first aid clas e , and, , ub ' quently, " organize a unit of tbe Brigade. ( At the Young Men's Christian A sociation Institute 1 found two « large classes, men and women, und rgoing course of lecture on fir t « aid, voluntarily given by a medical man. Til y weI' u ing the « Association text-book and ,y11abus, except that the COtU' e included :: about twenty lect.ur~s, but. no on~ kn w anything ab~ut th~ 'to J ~11ll Ambulance AssocIatIOn or ItS certIficate'. I had long ll1t rYleW Wlt!t « the director of the institute and the lecturer (Dr. Cushing), and It H was ultimately decided to turn the classes into t. J. A. As ociation classes, This was done at once, and I believe that two cla shave « already be n examined for tbe certificate. The clas will be held « annually as beretofore, and I have little doubt that in due cour e a ( unit of the Brigade will be formed by the young men who have C(







St. John A 1nbulance A ssociation.

"obtained certificates. As this Yciung Men's Christian Association institute has a membership of about 3,000 the possibilities are immense. " "O.n the 1nh ~J ovem bel' I visited the ~' Angus Shops," the magnificen t engme and carnage works of the CanadIan Pacific Railway some two or " three miles outside Montreal, where about ,000 workmen ~re employed. ;; TJ:e .names of a:bout fo~ty ;men who. for some. time. past ~ave be~n wlslung to get mstructlOn m first aId were gIven m an mfluentlal "official in the works was good enough to undertake the control and ;; Dr. Girdwood, t~e Chief S~rgeon of the Canadian Pacific Railway,' took the matter up wIth enthusIasm. A class began lectures under As ocia"tion rules OJ?- December 16th, the railway company giving financia,} ;; and ot?-er assIstance. I hav.e no do~bt th~t this beginning <;>f ambulance " work m the Great Canadian Paci;fic RaIlway system, whwh I suppose has more than 5,000 or 6,000 IDlles of road way will lead to great " developments from Montreal to Vancouver. ' " "Fol~owin.g the resolu.tion taken at the public meeting referred to, a class IS bemg formed m the large Montreal Rolling Mill and I am " pretty certain that others will follow. ' " I was daily in personal communication with Dr. Yate. Chairman of "the Centre, and I learnt from him the reasons why the Centre " had been dormant for the past three year amon o' others bein o' the ;; fac~ that they c~uld never get a quorum to attend the annual me~ting, " whlCh I ascert~lJ;led ~ad been ~he case fr?m a, perusal of the minut " book .. Other dIfficultIes were dIscussed WIth lum and members of the ,,90illIDltte~, and I haye every reason to believe that much great l' " mterest will b~ taken, m the. wo~k than has been the case of late y aI'S, '" and tha~ Dr. Yate~ WIll reCelve mcrea~ed. sup,port and enc~u1'agement. " I .venture .to conSIder. that the AssoClatlOn IS very much mdebted to him for hIS past serVlCes and for the renewed enthu 'ia. 111 with which ;; he has res~me~ the "\~ork, and I should like to record my great " pers0J?-B:-l o~hgatlOn to hlID for the ungrudging assistance he ga'-e me m faclhtatmg my work in Montl'eal. "Having a day at disposal in Montreal, I visited Ottawa on ;; ovember 15th, ,and had interviews. with ~Iajor-Genern,} Lake, Chi f " of the General. Staff, and Colonel FIset, DIrector-General, A.1L '., to "whom I . explamed the status aJ?-d working of our Brigade Bearcr " Compa,rlles and endeavo.Ul:ed to POH~t out the advantage to the country " ?f haVlne? among the cIYll populatlOn a lal'ge number of men train .cl " m, first. al~, stretcher dnll, B:-nA ele~entary ?ursing. I have ground..., for ~eheVlng that many facilItIes WIll be gIven by the Army Medical " ~,erVlce. to elasses of the Association that may hereafter be formed." " . ~avmg done all that I thought necessary in Montreal, I again " ~slted 9ttawa on November 20th, and had the honour of a long inter" Ylew, wltl.l the Governor-Genel'al, ~o~'d Grey, 'y ho expressed great "mterest m the work of the AssoClatIOn, of whICh he had previous ,,~nowledg~, and was good enough to furnish me with letters of "m~ro~uctIOn to three . or four influential men in Toronto and ",Vmmpeg. In the. evemng I addressed a large mixed class of men " i'nd wo~en, some. SIxty stl'ong, which for weeks past had been havinO' " ect!lres m first .ald fr~m a Sergeant-Major, A.M.S. They unanimously " deCIded to begu~ agam, form proper Association Classes, and subse" quently form umts of ~he Brigade. Colonel Donaldson, Chief of tbe " ~:-M.-G. s department, IS the moving spirit here, and I hope that he " WIll be able to form. a Centre at Ottawa. The Ohief of Police was "pres~nt Itt the meetmg, and I had reason to hope that when the I' electlOns were. over. steps would be taken to start Association Classes for the On tano pohce. Il

St. John A mb'iI"lance Association.


" On arrival in Toronto on November 2.1st, I hB:-d a long interview: wit:l " Colonel Ryerson who gave me much mterestmg and valua,ble mf<;>r"mation about the work of the Association in Canada .pnol~ to Its " decline a few years ago, and also regarding the present SItuatIOn a?d " future prospects. Through his kind courtesy, I had the opportumty " of meeting the members of the cOIl?mittee o~ the local centre, and I am " also indebted to him fol' letters of mtroductlOn to several gentlemen of " influence in the ,Vest. In the evening of the 21st I called at the Y.M.C.A. "Institute, and was surprised and ~eli~hted to. find a cla~s of abo~t " forty men being instl'ucted voluntanly m first aId by Dr. Copp . .AB. m " Montreal, they knew abf30lutely nothing abot~t the 'to J. A. AssoClat~on " or its certificates, although Dr. 10pp was usmg ?ur text-book. WIth "hicl permi., ion and that of th cla:ss I explamed at some leD;gth " the work of the Association and Bngade, and, after many questlCJI?-s " had been asked and an wered, they unanimously agreed to start agam " as an Association class. Dr. OOPP further unde~'took to endeavour to " form a Division of the Brigad and to command It; but I have not had " any further news of progre s. The Y,:JLO.A. ill Toronto numbers, " I believe about 2,000 m mbers. " I sa,w'many person. of intluen~e in Toronto, and I l:ope that my "visit may have cau ed I' newed lllteref3t to be taken m ambulB:-nce " work by the member of the Toronto ()entre, some of whom promIsed " to try to organize classe . . , "I arriyed in ,Yinnipeg on N oyember 25th to find that wmter "had et in. The thermom t r wa. tanding at H degrees below zero "Fahrenheit a,ncl three days la,tel' Wet at 20 degree, below. There wa ' " heavy sno'~ in the streets, and walkin~ wa dangerous?n the. frozen " ide walk but I manao'ed to see. 0111e Important people, lllcludlllg the"2nd President of the o()aml,dian Pacific H.ailway. 1 have reason to " believe that an AS80ciation first ai 1 class would be begun at the large " railway station, and el,1 0 at the Y.~LC.A. institute. I aw several " medical men, who promitled all upport ~o the n:ovement, and, I " endeavoured to o'et undry person ' of standlllg and mtluence. to fOIm " a Centre, but I gCl,thered that all in 'Winnipeg. were too bUl-)Y JU t then "to attend to anything whatev l' b yond bu me S. In ~he C01;lr e <?f "time, however, I think that w can get a ()entre e tabh -hed m thl. " city, the most important in the wef3t. . " Having contl'acted a severe cold, wInch threaten d to l?revent B:-ll.y " outdoor work for some tim , I decided to abandon my proJect to VI It " Calgary, Vancouver, and Victoria. . "I a. certained tha,t there is a gen ral belIef tha,t ambulance work "would be popular in the we t, as so mtl,ny persons go from the town " there to take up allotm nts in th country, where a knowlecl.ge of fi~' t " aid is mo t valuable, and I hope tha,t som one really acq.uB:-lllted W.lt? " the detail of the work of th A 'ociation will be found wlllmg to VI It " Winnipeg and the impol't,wt town further west and endeavour to " start classes. I also think that Quebec, Hali£a< an.d ' ~. J ohn h~ul.d " be visited, but it is no use attempting a campaIgn 111 wmtel', an~ It IS " much to be regretted that my visit wa fixed for u ch a late penod of " the year. . . " I am atisned that my hort visit to Canada dId good at the tIme, " and will probably bear fruit in the future j but the wor~ ought to be· "followed up. There is practically no leisured cla 111 the towns, " except perhaps in ~10ntr al and Toronto, to take up ambula~c~ work " as a fad, and, as has been frequently told me in the country, It IS only " a visit by some on frorn home that can be l' Ii. d on to start the work " in new centre, and put life into it where it ha become dormant.


St. John Ambulance Association.

The following distinctions have been sanctioned by His Majesty the King on the recommendation of His Royal Highness the Prince of ,Vales and the Ohapter-General in recognition of conspicuous services to the Ambulance Department. Selections as HonoralJ'Y Se?'vi'II[j B?'ot1u~lJ> .

Joseph Ogden (Accrington Centre). George Cunningham (Perth, Vv.A. Oentre). Harry Howard Stinton (Perth vV.A. Centre). James McFarlane Lapsley (Perth 'V.A. Oentre). George Somerville (Elswick ,Vorks, Newcastle on Tyne). George Lee (Heavy Woollen District Oentre). Henry Mansfield Shore (Heavy ,Voollen District Centre). Paul J 'Anson Headley (Ashford). Frederick Gilbert (Birmingham Oentre) Selections as Honorary Serving SistelJ's.

Adelaide, Mrs. Cotton (Ramsgate Centre). Margaret, Mrs. Gadie (H eavy ,Voollen District Oentre). :Margaret Turnbull, Mrs. Robertson Crease (South Shields Oentre). Enrol??~ents as Honorary Associates.

William Johnson Will, M.B. (Dunedin, N.Z. Oentre.) Charles vVilliam Lane (Kettering Oell tre). Henry 1fartyn Barker, M.D. (Isle of Wight Centre). Henry vValter Ewen, M.RC.S. (Isle of'Vight Oentre). George Herbert Rose Holden, M.D. (Reading Centre). John Rodley, M.RC.S. (Rochdale Centre). Samuel Thomas Lord, M.RC.S. (Rochdale Oentre). Edward Burdett Pooley, L.RC.P. Edin. (Dalton in Furness Oentre). John Adamson, M.D. (Hetton Ie Hole). Philip Phelps, M.RC.S. (Loughborough Oentre). Finlay McDougall, F.RC.S. (Runcorn). The Rev. Oanon S. J. W. Sanders (Leicester Centre). Brian Rigden, M.RC.S. (Oanterbury Oentre). ,John Oreery, (Ashford Centre).

St. John A IJnbulance Association.


Llwellyn Morgan, M.D. (Liverpool Oentre). John Oharles Ellison (Liverpool Centre). Oharles Edward Piers, M.RC.S. (Orange River Oolony). Service 1I1eclals hat'e been awarded to-

Alfred B. Moore (Bath City Division). Henry Francis (Wellingborough Corps). Ernest Sn1eathers (Wellingborough Oorps). Thomas H. Hilton (Wellingborough Oorps). Hampden H. Ilett (Metropolitan Corps). Sydney VV. Malkin (No.5 District). Henry Lloyd Lawes (late Newport, I of ,V., now Dover Division). Oharles Gordon (Accrington Corps). Thomas F. Thorpe (Oxford Division). Ann Dixon Moore (Oldhmn Oorps). Thomas F. Newman (Pre 'ton Corps). Henry Bennett (Metropolitan Oorps). James Howorth (Preston Corps), Vell'/,(m~

Votes have been awci?'clecl to-

Archibald Geo. Smith (Reading Oentre). Ann, Mrs. Oave (Heavy Woollen District Oentre). vVillialll Midgley (Heavy ,V oollen District Oentre). Sir Frederick Lely, R.C.I.E., C.S.I. (Inllian Oentre). Sir James Digges La Touche, K.C.S.I. (Indian Oentre). T. Moore Dawson, M.D. (Liverpool Centre). T. Rees Price, C.M.G. (Orange River Oolony Centre). Parchn~M1;t

Votes of TlwlJlks have been Cf./wct-rded to-

J. W. Ponsford (Loughborough Oentre). B. Titherington (Colne Oentre). George E. Bridge (Bournemouth Oentre). Charles VV. Lane (Kettering Oentre). J. O. K. J effi'eson (Perth W.A. Centre). Hedley Satchell (Stolu'bridge Centre). Joseph Widdop (Whaley Bridge).

St. John A ?nbulcince Association.

St. John A ?nbulance Association.

Surgeon-Major-General Sir John By Cole Reade, K.C.B., having found it necessary to resign the office of Medical Officerin-Chief of the St. John Ambulance Brigade owing to ill health has been succeeded by Mr. Edmund Owen, F.R.C.S., one of the oldest members of the Central Executive Committee and of the ~.'Iedical S taft'. The following Members and Associates have been appointed Superior Officers in the Brigade since the issue of' the last report :Mr. Lawrence vVbittaker, Assistant Commissioner, No. IV. District. Captain G. H. Goddard, R.A.l\I.C., Assistant Commissioner, Orange River Colony.

A letter having been received from the Director-General of the Arm! Medic,al De~artment with reference to the subject of PreventlOn of DIsease m War, and stating that in time of need when the resources of the country are taxed the vVar Office would be obliged in future, as in the past, to look to the Order of St. John ~or assistance, and having regard to the fact that at present its assistance is limited to the relief of the sick and wounded it s~emed desirable t~ him t.hat effort might be made to prev~nt dIsease, such an object beIng not less worthy of the attention of the ~rder on t~e grounds o.f humanity than are the attempts to alleVIate suffenng. The Duector-General further stated that as the organisation of the jIedical branch of the Army is tendinO' towards a higher state of efficiency in both these directions, and t~F\,t ~ necessary pa~'t of that organisation is a scheme of expans~on m ?Teat wars, It had occurred to him that the splendid serVIce whlCh the Order had rendered in the South African ,Var to the va~ue of which he coulLl personalJy testify, might in fut~n'e c~mpaigns be gl~catly extended if a training in the knowledge of DIsease PreventlOl1 ·were taken up as a necessary part of its beneficent work. These suggestions bein o' cordially concurred in by the Committee, permission was obtained frOID the Council of the Order to institute a course of instruction in Military Sanitation, to forn:1 part of. the ol'dinn.ry training undergone by members of the Bngade UllltS. ,Vith the assistance of a special Medical Sub?ommi~tee a curriculum was drawn up for such a cour e of trainl~g, whlCh has been based upon notes on the subject written by LIeut.-Colonel H. P. G. Elkington, R.A.lVI.C., who has yery generously presented the worl~ to the Order, and which is now in press being prepared for publication. The CommiLtee feels that a debt ,of gratitude is due to Surgeon-Gener[\,l K eogh for these s:lggestlOns, as the institution of such a valuable cour e of instructIOn cannot fai~ to be of the greatest use in any future wars wh81~e. t.he serVlCes of the Brjgade may again be called into requIsltlOn. During the last session the issue of certificates has been


With a view to encouraging a still greater attendance at the home hygiene lectures the Committee, with the approval of the Council of the Order, has decided that a certificate in that course, which is just as equally important to men as the home nursing course is to women, may be allowed in future to count as first 01' second qualification towards the medallion. This privilege involved a change in the medallion regulations, which have been revised and under which candidates can now take a certificate in first aid, in home nursing, or in home hygiene and the same will be allowed to count as part qualification, bu t as the original raison d'et?ne of the Association was, and continues to be, instruction in first aid, two passes in that subject are indispensable before the medallion can be oLtained, the second pass in first aiel taking place not less ,than one :year from the date of the original first aid certificate. It has been found by experience that after certificated pupils have obtained the medallion there is little encouragement to them to keep up their knowledge, unless they belong to the St. John Ambulance Brigade and have to pass its annual efficiency examination, The Committee has therefore instituted a label , which can be obtained by passing an annual re-examination in first aid after the medallion has been earned, the label being fastened to the medallion like a bar, or if desired, being available for Inanufacture into a watch-chain or bracelet when a sufficient nurrluer has been obtained.

First Aid, 1\1 ale First Aid, Female Home Nursing, Male Home Nursing, Fomale Home Hygiene ...

nlaking a grand total of 657,210.

22,253 6,014 651 3,159 46


r 28

St. John A l1~bLda.nce A socicdio1L

Up to Michaelmas, 1905, the total number of medallions issued has been 100,438, and 112 labels have already been awarded to that date.

DUNCAN MEMORIAL AMBULANCE STATION, V\r est India Dock. A total of 281 persons received assistance at t.his sta.tion during the past year, several requiring removal to hospital. The total number of cases treated at this station, since it was placed in its present position, is 1,352. ST. PAUL'S AMBULANCE STA TIO . A total of 532 persons received treatment at this station during the past twelye months, an increase of 12, making a grand total of 5,306. ·Members of No.1 District, St. John Ambulance Brigade, have been on duty at all the more important services held in the Cathedral, a.nd on Sundays. The tot.alnumber of removals made by the INYALID TRANI PORT CORPS during the past year was 1,488 an increa.se of 87 over the previous twelve months. Sixty-three country journeys were made, amongst the more important being the following: London to Edinburgh, Weston-8uper-11are, Blundell Sands, Devynock (South Wales), Manchester, and Brecon, Bieldside (Aberdeen. shire), to Ripley (Surrey), and Pads tow to London. Several long journeys by road were also carried out. Patients of small means and the sick poor have a.lso received special considera.tion as usual. The horses and carriages, as far as the Transport Service permitted have again been used in connection with the more important public duties performed by No.1 District, St. J Oh11 Ambulance Brigade, during the year. On the occasion of the visit of Their Majesties the King and Queen to Sheffield last summer, 1200 cases of 8.ccident in the streets were efficiently dealt with by the members of the local Corps of the Brigade on duty; and when a similar visit was paid by Their Majesties to the City to lay the foundation stone of the King Edward VII. Post Office, the Commissioner of the City Police, as a member of the Central Executive Committee, reported that very valuable assistance had been rendered by the men of the Metropolitan Oorps of the Brigade in several instances, especially in one case of rather a serious character. A similar

St. John A ?nbtl-lance Associatio?'l.


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report was also received from the Chief Commissioner of the Brigade with reference to the services of the same Corps on the occasion of the opening of King-sway by the King and Queen. H.R.H. the Duchess of Argyll has accepted the Presidency of the Southampton Centre. H.R.H. Princess Christian, 'whose wonted interest in everything that concerns the amelioration of the sufferings of the sick and wounded in war and the relief of the injured in peace, is so well known, presided, as on so lllany former occa ions, at the annun,l meeting of the Norwood Centre and presented certificates, voucher, and medallions to a large number of pupils of the pa t session, the meeting being preceded by a demonstration by the men of the outh Eastern and Chatham Rail,vay, and by a display by the Nursing sisters of the Xorwood Division of the Brigade. Amongst other distinguished personages who have presided, or who have taken part in sinlilar meetings in furtherance of the A sociation's work, have been the Lord jIayors of London, Dublin, Birmingham, l\Ianchester and heffield, and the 1\1ayors of Brighton, Portsmouth, Rochdale and outhampton; Viscount Cobham at tourbridge, Lord huttleworth at Burnley, Lord Raglan in the Isle of Man, the ~Iarchioness of Zetland at the Middlesborough and loveland Centre, urgeon-General A. Keogh, C.B., Director-General of the Army Iedical Service, who was accompanied by Sir John Furley, GB., at Tibshelf, the l\1arquess of Bn,th at the Bath entre, the Right Honourable "\Valtel' Long, M.P., at Bri tol, the ountess of Pmri at ,Vel hpool, Lord Farrar at Derby, and the Earl of Lathom, at the unveiling of a memorial at Preston to men of the local Corps who died on active service in South Africa. Amongst the most interesting meetings was one held at Rochdale attended by the Chief ecretary and the Chief Commis ioner, for the inauguration of the new Drill Hall generously presented to the town by Colonel G M. Royds, C.B., M.P., and II's. Royds, a Knight and Lady of Grace of the Order. Illustrations of the Hall, which is admirably equipped and furnished, and of the members of the Rochdale Corps and Nursing Division are appended to this report. Descriptions of the annual reviews and other meetings in connexion with the Brigade will be found in the reports of the


St. John A 1J~b'/,&lance Associc&tion.

Superior Officers in the Appendix, and in the local reports of Centres will be found references to the numerous challenge shields and prizes so frequently and generously offered for competition for the purpose of provoking praise-worthy emulation and of inducing those already certificated to meet together . for practice and to maintain efficiency. It may h ere be mentioned that the Commlttee .~as ~ad :lnder consideration the necessity for some system of untformlty ln the qualification for entrance in the numerous competitions, which are now held all over the country, for Challenge hields and other prizes. It is thought by the Committee, although no hard and fast rule on the subject has yet been made, that an equable standard for entry would be the possession of the first aid certificate, voucher, nledallion or label, anyone of which may have been gained within ten months of the date of the competition. The Director and Chairman and the Central ExecutIve Committee submit that this report of development and progress during the past year is not unworthy of the reputation of the historic Order of St. John. The Committee desires once more to reiterate its conviction that a well-earned debt of gratitude is due to the Medical Staff and to the Executive of all ranks, whether connected with the Association or with the Brigade, both in London and in the Provinces, and in the British Dominions beyond Seas, the members of which are devoting their best energies to the furtherance of the philanthropic work of this Department of the Order. That this satisfactory state of things may long continue and lead to still further extension in every part of the Empire of His Majesty the King, the Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order, is the most earnest wish and belief of the Central Executive Committee.


<Branb lPrior\? of the ~rber of the 1bospitaI of $t. 30hn of Jerllsalelll in JEnglanb. - - - < > 0C>O<O>oo-'- -

MEMORANDUM. AS REGARDS THE WEARING OF THE INSIGNIA. HIS MAJESTY THE KING, the Sovereign Head and Patron of the Order, has been graciously pleased to decide the question of the relative precedence of the Badge and Medal of the Order. The new order of precedence in which Decorations and Medals are to be '\\'orn ·will in future be carried out, by His Majesty's command, both in the Navy and in the Army in accordance with the followin a list, and all previously issued regulations on the subject will be amended accordingly. By Order,


• SecI'elary- Geneml.

21st March, 1905.

Order in which Decorations and Medals are to be worn. Decorations and Medals and the ribands appertaining thereto will be 'worn in the following ol'ller* :(a) B?·itish Decorations anll 1I1eclals. Victoria Cross. tOrder of the Garter. +Order of the Thistle. t Order of t. Patrick. * N oTE.-In the case of decorations and medal WOl'll on the brea t the order of seniority is from the (proper) right to left. tThese Orders are not worn in miniature. In undress Uniform no Badge of an Order will be 'worn round the neek in the case of these three.


St. J ohm A ?nbvJance Associcdion. Order of the Bath. tOrder of Merit. Order of the tar of Imlia. Order of t. Michael and t. George. Order of the Indian Empire. Royal Victorian Order (1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th class). Distinguished ervice Order. Royal Victorian Order (5th class). BADGE OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN OF J ERU ALEM IN ENGLAN"D. Conspicuous ervice Cross (Naval). Albert Meelal. Board of Trade Medal for saving life. Volunteer Officers' Decoration. Colonial Auxiliary Forces Officers' Decoration. Kaiser-i-Hind. Imperial Service Order. Queen Victoria's Jubilee Medal. Coronation ~Iedal. Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (f aval). Medal for distingui -heel Conduct in the Field. ledal of the Royal Victorian Order. MEDAL OF THE ORDER OF ST. JOHN OF JERUSALElII IN ENGLAND. British ",Var :Medals in order of date. Medal for I eritorious Service. Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. 1ilitia Long 'ervice Medal. Imperial Yeomanry Long Service Medal. Volunteer L ong Service Medal. The above order of decorations applies to those of similar grades. VVhen the miniature of a higher grade of a jlmior Order is worn with the miniature of a lower grade of a senior Order, the higher grade miniature shoulel come first j e.g., the miniature of a K.C.I.E. will come before a C.B., anel a G.C.1LG. before a R.C.B.



The latest regulations

embodied in Pstpor Ref.



to the above are



(b) Forreign Decomtions-in order of date. ( c) F01'eign Medals-in order of date.

+Order of Merit comes

immediately after G.C.B.; it is not worn in miniature, but is to be worn round the neck on ALL occasions.


Ube <Prant> lPrior~ of tbe ® rber of tbe A IBULANC E Income and Expenclit'll1'e A ccount I'm'

lbospital of St. John of Jerllsalelll in JEnglanb. D EPA R T


E N T.

(he Yea?' enclecl 30th Septembe?', 1905.



Instruction and Sale of Stores-

Instruction and Sale of Stores15


Gross profit Oil sallJ ur storclS

1622 16


DOllations ancI auulIal llbscriplions




Receipts from Centre. ;lllll Detached CIa e

Oarriage and freight




Organizing Expen es in India




Lecturers' and Examiners' fee and expenses Salaries , Printing, stationery and general expenses




107 16



re, peel of illstrl1vtiOIl


£4519 1;





£9048 15


Invalid Transport Corps.-

Invalid Transport Corps-


Expenses and. removal of invalids, inulnding


removal ot invalids




.. O{




horses. travelling and incidentals Salaries


Printing, stationery alld general expenses

706 18






7 6

Repairs, depreciation and renewal of cl:Ll'l'iages and appliances


{) 11



St. John Ambulance Brigade-

St. John Ambulance Brigade _ 8

Public duty and maintenance of stations



313 10


Travelling expenses




Printing, stationery and general expellses

445 19





Special Competitions Balance



OontrilJutioll tOIl ards ilIaiutenallee or 'tatlUUs

195 10


141)8 18 10

'277 1972


195 10


2 10

£11,822 13 6

IVe have cxamineu the books and vouchers of the Ambulance Department of the Grand Priory Income and Expenditure Acconl1 t for the year ended 30th Septem bel', 1905, is correct. 'rhis Account therein ,

3, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, E.C, 16th Feb1'uMY, 1906,



£11,822 13


uf the Order of the TIos ital f ' .. f01'l11s part of the G P I loSt. John of JerU:Sltlem ill Encrland alld certlfv tllat the abov" enera Ilcome and E j' 0' , J " , ~ xpenl ltl1l'e Accollllt of the Order, and i' incorporated PHlOE, WATERHOUSE A D Co., OHARTERED AUCUUNTANTS Audit01'S,

St. J Oh11 A 1nunlance A8. ()ciation.




St. 50hn Rnlbtllance Rsscciation. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS,


(Received at Ocntral Office only, and not including those received by Local Honorary. ccretaries of Centres).

A Donation of Firc POWlCls alUl upu'(lrds constiLutcs {t Lifc J1JembeT. An Annual Subscription of Fh'e Shillings and 1l1)1mi'ds constitutes {til AnmwZ ,Aiemoe1'. All Asteri k (*") signifies an AnnuaZ Subscriber. Alexander, Mrs. * Bath, The 1al'(;hi011CS8 Dowager * Henecke, Miss A.M. Bevan, Lady * Bluce, lis, *" Calt·ow, Mis" E. H. It Capcl, 1\11'. Frank C. * CalT-Dyer, Mrs. • Oeely, Miss • Coates, Deputy Ins11ector. General Matthew, n.N. * Collings, Miss 1\1. B. * Dixon, Miss W. A. * Edden, 1\11'. R. * Ellis, Miss A. il1. * Evelegh, Miss Fleetwood Industrial 0operative Sociely * Frank, Dr. Philip. Gardner & Co., Messrs. * Greell horne, Miss . * Haig-13ro"'ll, Mrs. '" lIall'ill Oll,1\h.J.G., lIJ.Y.O. * Homer, Hev. H. * Hoste, Mr. G. H.


"Fraser) MI'. A. E. ,. Hatchanl, Mrs.




2 5

0 0

o o o

5 P

5 0 050

550 050 o 5 0

110 5 0 050 o 10 0 050 o 5 0




o 5 o 10

0 0 110 2


o 5 o 10

0 ()

5 1 ~


'( In ilIe!1lOrinll1," C. M. O. £10 0 0 l'Anson, 1\11'. Wclby 5 5 0 * Johnson, Dr. John 050 • Eay, Sir Brook, Bart. 0 5 0 ;( Laird, 1\1iss Alice 1\1. 0 5 0 * Leach, Mr. O. O. 1 0 0 ... Loveless, Dr. K 3 3 0 * Lowry, General R. 'Y., c. n. 0 5 0 * l\I eNalty, Lt.-Col. George,



5 0 1 0 2 0 0 0

110 o 10 6 o 5 0 050 050 050 o 3 10 100

* ilIartin, 1\1i s * ilIaude, Miss Em iI j' * Mewhlll'll, Mi s E. Morey, Mr. F. Miss Allna ~I. H. Ridlling, Mis • trickland, 1\11'. A. W. imp 011, ilil's. J. * Tea)" Major-Gcncral Astley * Thackeray, Col. il' E. T., K.c.n., <J. i.., R.E. *Tonch, Mr. J. Eo * Waltcl'. ·, .Jli~. \V e'tbl11'Y, l\fl. C . .

* Nelson,




~ Drafren, 1\1rs. \Y. Pitt ~ Fowler, 1\'1rs.



* Pl'ie tley, Lady *. till well, fr ..

o 15 o 5

0 0

o 5 o 10

0 0 110 110








0 0

B.\N l\.

£14 10 ])



St. Jokn A 1nuulu1tce Associutiun.


:2 Anonymous 1 Oonstitutional Cln b o 10 Dentscher RaJfahrer CIuu o 13 EnrIy Closing Association Epsom Grand Stand Association S 10 0 Fresh Air Fund , Hairdressers Cycling anlI

0 0 6 6 0 ;J



10 0 69 11

0 3

0 1

Athletic Clnb Hospital Saturday FumI London Exhibitions. Ltd.


50 0 Londoll [lllll llluia Dock 00. :'f etropolitn n Electric TraJ1l' l ~ ways 0 9 PI agnell !Ill'. G. 0 7 Boenig, MI'. A. 0 50 HopI Agriclllwral SocicLy . o 10 ~iouth Counties Cycling Union

DO - ATION ' PER Adelaide Bognor Cran1Jrook Metropolitan. No.6 Di trict





1 1 5 14 3 16

0 0 0

St. John l{nlblllance association.


0 0 G 0 G

LIFE MEMBERS. NO'l 'E.-l'he Life "lIell/uel's attachcd to G'cn!1'cs



Norwood W ellington ( :f e,,· Zea land) .

10 10 G fi 1.:29



0 0


DONATIONS PEH DE1ACHED CLAS, E.' . Armstrong College Bangkok Breeon Bredburj' and Romiley Oolston Bassett Crimond East Ho,,'le Colliery

1 0 o1 0 5 0 5 1 4 o 10

1 5

0 0 0 0 0 9 6

Malvel'l1 Pinner Tetley Upton


not iildllclcdin this List.


£195 10


0 f', 0 1 1 0 1 2 f:} 1 0 0 --£l~ 13 0



A.H. .l.aair, i\li:,:, 11. ~\1. Alllhcr::;t of Hackney, the Lurd .l.rgyll, Thc \'cry R ev. thc D call or Uarton, ?lfrs. Alfred Bartoll , .~\[rs. Hope Bakel', 1\[rs. F. n. Bcdu ingtoll, 1\[rs. 11edf'ord, H cr nm(:c lite Dlwlt ess "I' !Jc\'a n, MI'. '1'. 'Y. I3c\'il le, .;\11'. F. W. Hol1lJ, Mr. G., <J .E. Bolckow, }'lr. '. Ii. H. Brakspear, .';111'. H. Haywurd Bran tOll, Mrs. J. G. Brc[1.l1a.llJa. ne, the Mal'lll1eS::; uf, K.I •. Bl'catialba ne , the l\lurchi on e . 01' Britten, Captain R. F., R.N'. Bruec, 1\1i. s Christina 1\1. A. Bush'os, :JIadame d e Byron , 1\11'. J. L. Campbcll, Hev. Olaud Campbell, 1\11". Hugh Capel, 1\11'. Frank C. Cattcll , Dr. G. Trew Chichester, the Rt. HOll. the Ktrl of Clarke, Lieut.·Col. A., M.D. , H ..\.;\f. IJ . Coates, Deputy Inspector·General M., 1:. x. Cotton, 1\11'. Charles, F .R. C.l'. Oresswell, Col. Pearson R. Crol11r tOll Co.operative Provident Soc. Lt!. Orookshank Pasha, H. E. H alTY 1\[', F.R. C. S.

Darwin, Mr. Geo. H., ;\J.D., F.lt. C. I'. Dawson, Lieut. ·Col. Dalton, Major·General J. 0., D3iWCS, MI'. B . M. ue Yel'llon, Oapt.

1: ,,\.


Dixon, Lady DixOll, ~rr. W aYlIlllulI DrafrelJ, ~lrs . ,L Pitt El. wiek ,Yorks Aecic1ellt allU COlJlpen· satioll Fllnd ~'crrahoschi, Mr~.

Jfiggin., 1\11'. James lfiullC1l10re, lIon . .nIl'. Ju tice Fir t Fruit: ()ler J. A. H. ) Frank, Dr. Philip Frank ', .nIl'. Cha . \\'. ~'re. hlielll, Mr. Edwin, LL.D., F . • A. Ful'ley, Mr . F. '\'. Gooch, :JIr. C. F. (ioltlsworthy, ..\Iajor·Gcllel'al \\'. 'L, }f. 1' . Gordon, Mr. A. A. ircgory, .';Ill'. H erbe rt E. Hare, 1\11'. . H. Harrison, Dr. C. Hate hal'd, 1\1rs. Frauk H eap, Mr. Ralph H eap, l\Ir. Ralph, julll'. Hills·Jolm es, General ir J., '4.9.([.:. , G. C.B . Hospital, atunlay Fund Hugh es-Hunter, Col. C. Hughes·Huntc r, Mrs., of PH Ooel1. Javal, 1\11'. P. Cl'cmieu J ervoise, Mr. . Clarke J elToi e, Mi . G. Clarke hay, Sir Brook, Bart. KcmbaU, General it' Arnold B., K. C. D.• K .C.S.I.

Leney, Miss Long tall', .i\ll'. L1. W. Ltl by, .i\ll' . Luca::;, 1\11'. F. L. J[uU~tt1s1and, lUis ' 1\. ~I(;CIurc, Lady



St. J ohn A?nbu,lance Associutiol1 .

U cCorquodale & Co., L td. , Messrs. McKellar, Mr. C. D . MacL ean, ~Ir. Robert MacL ean McVicker, Mr. C. G. ) I adan, Rcv. Canon Malden, D r. F. J. Martin, ~l i sF. Max\yell, Mr . J . W, May, Col. , V. Allan Mitchell, Mr . A. C. Mitchell, :Mr. John nl 01yneux, lIli s Morcran <J , Mrs. A. llickman "" cve, Mrs . E\'crard S. Newton, Major J. W . )1. Ninnis, I nspector-General B. , R. N. North, Lt.·Col. B. M., c.n. Nugent, Mrs. Arthur Ogilvie, Capt. C. M. Orde, ~I iss E. M. Perrott, Mr. E . E. PlCkersgill, :Mr. E. P., 1I1.1: .C.8., L. R.C.P. Phillips, Mr. A. Plumb, Mr. R. Poppelwell, Major H. F. 'Wehl) Priestley, Lady Reyher, Dr. Carl (St. Petersburg) R ivington, Mr. C. R Robel'ts, Field Marshal the Ea,rl,K . G. ,l i.(!t. R odgett, nil's . R ichard B.

Ross, Gencral Sir J., G.C.B . S.D.RS . D . Sancton, :Mr. Philip Sharp, :Ml'. William Singleton, ~hs . E. Skerritt, Miss C. E . Steet, Mr. G. Carrick, 1.<'. H.C .S. Stirlillg, :Mr. John Sweeting, ~1iss E. rl'aylor, Surgeon-Major, IlL n. rl'omkins, :Ml'. Alfred Savill Tllfnel1, Lient -Col. E. Vacher, Mr. Franci', F. R. c ... Waddy, Mr. H . Edward, ~r.n . c . s. Walkcr, ~Jr . 'Weston, :Mrs. GoulJ Hllntel'Whitaker, Mrs . MasLer Whithard, Mr. B. :M. Wightwick, Mr, . Williams, Cololl!:'l R \\Tilman, 1\Ir. Charles Woo11combe, Dr. RouerL Lloyd, 1.1.. II. 1.<'.1. I nst., 1.<'.;; ... , M.1U.A. \VylHlham, )Iajor G. C. Yarrow, Mrs . Ya.te, Licut.-Col. A. C. Yatc, Mrs. A. C. Yate, Cul. C. E., C.";. I., C . 1\r.r.. Yatc, nIl'S. C. E.

St. J ohn Arnb ulance A ssocic{;tion.


HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS ( Etectd, in l'ecognition oj clistillgnishe(l sMvices in jw·the,·ing the objects oj the Associatinn.) Abuott, Mr. U. E., :\I.ll.L'.:;., Arthur, Mr. Da\'iu, M.D ., Glas., 11[,13 . , L. RC.P.I. C.M., D.P.H., Camb. Abraham, Mr. A. A., L.ILL'. S.r. Aspinwall, Mr. J. F., M.ll.C ..·., L.R.C.P., AJam, nil'. Basil J., 111.13., & L'.;\l. Lond . (Victoria). Atkinsoll, 11[1'. E., M.ll.C.S ., L.S.A. Adams, nil'. H., 1ILlt. C.P., L.F.P .. ·., Atkillson, iIII'. F. Eo, L.lLC.P., L ond. Glas. )l.lt. C. • Adams, .Jl1'. J., 1>1.13., C.M., Euill., 1..;;.'\. Atkill~on, Mr. J. 1I1itford, iII.B . Adam Oil, MI'. James, ~LD. Atkinson, Mr. Hobert, ~Llt.C.'., L.::i.A . Adam, MI'. Matthel\' A., F.H.C.S. Atkinson, nIl'. Thomas R, 1ILD.) )Ll~.C.~., Aitchisoll, ~lr. H.odeliek, ~I.n. & UH.B., L.i-'.A. Melb. Audlalld, Ml'. W . E., M.l{ C. ' ., Aitken, ~lr. C. Crall'fol'd, ;\1.]) . L.ILC.l'., Loud. Aitkcn, Mr. J . 11. , 1\1.13 . , <"'.~l., Ellill. Austin, Mr. John A., :I[.D., Abel'. Austin, Mr. John J . , M. D., M.C.U., UX . r. AltlerLon, JIr. H. C., Jll.ll.C.S., Idl.U. l'.L. Averill, Mr. Cllarles, ~I.D.,Durh.,J\I.13., B.S. Aldridge, 1111'. J . EllioLt, M.D.. \ ' .1\1., Bagc, Ml'. Chas., M.n . , Melh., .iII. D., B.:;. L.Il . L'.S., Edill . (Yietona). Alexallder, Mr. . R, .iII . D. Bagnell, .JII'.\\'. H.,I,.lt.C.P.E., Ellin.,L.M. Allan, 1\11'. C. )1., 1\1.A., Aber. , 1\].]) .. Edill. Baildoll, .JIr. F. J., 1\Ln., C.M., Edin. Alla)) , .!\II'. Hedol', ;\I.n., 'I.;;. Baillie, MI'. Peter, ;\I.D. Allan, ) 11'. W111 . : ;\l.B., <..'.31., Ula.'. Baill, ~lr. ,Villialll, ;\1.])., Dllrh. Allan, 1111'. 'W illiam '1'. Doyl', :1I.n., H.t H . BalJwin, lUr. F. B. J.,M.n.C .. , L.~,,\. Allell, MI'. A . . , ~r.B. BalJ\\'ill, 1\11'. T. A., n.A ., Dub .. M.D., All::!Oll, K 'Whirley, I..H.L'.I'., L.ll.U.S.. ~r.n., L.n.L'.::i.I. 1,.;\1., Edin. Ball, 1111'. John .t\., ;\l, n., )1.U.L' .S. All t!ll:l11 , ~Ir. C. A., ~I.B.,l ' II.13., ,\1.1[.L'.5., Banks, MI'. G., L.n.L'.l'.E., L.n.c.;;. Eng., F. lt,C,s' j Edill. Hm'clay, M1'. '\'lll. Bowie, JJ. ll. G. 1'. , Ambler, Mr. J . Richnl'llsOll, l\I.H.C.S., )..1:.L'.:;., ELlin. L.l~.C.l'., LOllcl. Barclay, 1111'. W. M.. L.U.C.l'., L.ll.C .... Andcrson, 1111'. C. M., .M.Il. Barloll', II'. Arthur E., 111. 13., C.1\r. Anderson, 111 1'. George, M.D. Barnes, 1111'. Ernest, )[,13. & ('.:11., .. \1.lI:' I'. Antlcl'son, 1111'. G. E. L'., )1.])., LOlld. , ~1. fl., Barrow,Mr.G.A. , l\Lll.l'./;., L.I:.L'.l'., LOIll1. n.;;. (Cilpe '1'O\\·ll ). Bartcr, 1111'. ,V., M.n., H. . I., M.Clf.M._\ . O. Auclcrsoll, ~lr. J. ,V., 1II.A., Ula,; ., 11[.]). Bail'S, 1111'. J . Cmling, l\!.n.e.s., L.n.c.I'., Anderson, nil'. Boo W., :\£.1:'('./;., I..I: .C.P., Lond . Lond. (New Zeala.llll). Bates, Mr. William R., L.l: . (·.l'., L. n.c.s.1. Audel'soll, 11'. \\TIll . Stirli ng, )1.1>., Gla·., 13aucllOp, 1111'. ,V. F., I.. IL '.~. & P. E . Beanlmol'c, 1111'. O. Russell, LIl . l'.l'. , M. D., C.lI1. AllllrCW, MI'. F. ,V., lIl. It,C.:; . , L.I~. C.f'. Lont1.,1\I.]\.c.s. A ndrcws,1\lr . . ,1ILlt. C.:;. Beaslev, M1'. Jame G. , L. U.C.l'., Edin . , L.lf.lJ.s., Gla.s. A nd rews, MI'. , Vi ll iam, 1\1. ]). Angus, Mr. H cnry, lII . D., Abcr., 111. fl . , BetLth, 1\lr. David L., M.I:.C. '., Eng., C. 1\[' JJ.ll . '.1'. , Lond. Anl1ersley, Mr. H. , lII .D., &c . Bcaton, Mr. 11'rank, M.n., n.s. Anson, M r .. Gcol'geE., lII .D., D. L'., Call1b. Beattie, 11'. Henry, jllnl'., )[.rt-c .... , 1,. 1:.('.1'., Lom!. A pplebe, M r. E. A., L. ll.C.I'., E(lin., L.l!'.P. &. Fl ., G., 1•. 111. Beattie, 1\11'. Robert, 1\J.D., lI1.I:.C .. Ap t lt orl', Mr. F. ' V., lILlLC. S., Beaulllont, MI'. Edgar, lI1. H.. C.S., J"l:.e.1' . . J,.It.C.r. Beckel', 1111'. J . E. A. G., ~I. n., C. lIr., Edin., Arlldge, 1\11'. John F., TJ. lt. C./;., L. n. l·.r. n. IdLe.p. , L oud . Arn~strol1 g, l\~l~. Joscph F . , 1\[.D., 13 rux. Declcloes, M1'. T . Pugh , JL\ .,Camb ., M.n., AI'IllSOn, MI'. 1. W " M. B. , l' H.R . C<tutab. Arn old, :MI'. E. Cha rl es, 111. 13. , Dll r h., Bcll , Mr. C. ,Yo J., lI1. n.C ... L. 8.Se. , F. H. C.S., lIf.R. C.P. B ell , :M r. J . ,V. , B.lII., IlL ' .

St. J ohn Ambulance A ssociation.

42 Honorary Life Members.

Bell 1\11'. ·Wm. , .\1.lt.G.S., L.i:i.A. B e ll~ett,lIIl'.R.G. Heude r,:'r. l3.,C . ~l., I!:Llill. Bennett MI'. Will . E., L.ll.C.P.,L. R. C'.s.,K Benson,' Mr. A. H. , M . Il., F.R.C .. I. Beresford, iIII'. R., M.n.C . . . , L . . A. Beresford, SUl'g. Lt.·Col., R. de Ia pOlJr, JlLD. Bemay ', Mr. H. L., ~LR. C . S . , L.S ..\ . Berry, illr. H. :I[al'tin, lLB.CH.D. (YicL) Bert.rand, nil'. E. de LantoUJ', :'II. n.c.S. \ r. rn J.. OI11 \\T., \[ . .n C S Bevan, ...'1 L. H.C.P., Lr)l1d. ·\·l· )lUgS, .1.~l \ 1'. J • 1~ :. . , .\Ln., COo'If . B10 'It· • G,. K • Sh crlllan, 'If Bl'aa 00,.1.1 . . I',. C·,."., F.R.C .. . , Edin. Binaham, 11[1'. John J ., ::11.])., ,·t. An,L Bin~ie, .Mr. Al ex. B., ::I1.D. & ClI.B., . \1('lh. . Bird Mr. Henry, ::Ir.lt.C.R., L.n.C.I·., Lond. Bird nil'. \"., :l1.D., L' . ~r. Birt'i\Ir. Geo., :'LB., Lond., :lLn,L'.'-. Bladkburn, i\1r. J ., :II. t:.C.i:i. Be:.tdes nIl'. T. Parkyn, L.Tt.C.l'. Blair, 1Ir. Hobcrt, :If.D., Edin., ::ILl:., I'.\\. Bioolllfielll, nil'. G., L . U . C.l:'. Bloxam, ::\[1'. J . A tIcy, F.R .C.:> . Blumer, ::\It'.\\. P., F.11.C. '., Edill. Blythman, 1111'. O. ~., ::Ir.n.C.R., H .

'1 • B • )


. '1 .0-'

\'1 •


.. . ,

St. John A mb'u,lctnce A ssociution.

Bro\\,ll, :Mr. F. G01'<1 011 , .\1.I:.C.::;., L..\l. Bro\\'n, 1111'. G. A., ::1[, n.C'.s., L." ..\. Bro\\,ll, Mr. J., .\J.D. Bro\\,11 , 1\11'. J . , LH.C.S.r., L.lt.C.P.!. Brown, Ml'. J. M. , 1<'. 11.('.S. ., . Brown , Mr. R. C., L.ll.C.P., L.H.c . s.,E~lllJ. Bro\\n, 1\11'. W. P., L.ll. C.p., Ecllll . , L. l1.r.s., Edin. Bro\\'llc,lIir.G.H.,L.ll.U. l'.,Edin .,L.;lI Browne Mr. A11(lrew, L. R.C.l'., Eclin., L . ~1. Hro,,'ue,' 1\[1'. H. Lanoa lc", F.Il.C."., l!:din., J T,.l:'C.P ., Eclin. D ] 131'0\\'llC, nil'. Robcrt, ::1[,1). , llJ., ]'''I:.C.''.1. Brownfield, ::\[1'.d' H. 1\[', :1(.1:.('. '., L.It.C.p. , E 111. Brllce, Mr. Hobert, :l1.1: .l· .S. , 11.1'.11 . , . Hl'lllltill, }lr. James D., ::Ir.B.,' . :lr~, ELllll. B l'llll tOil, :lIr. John, ::11.13., GII.D., ('I<~ ·,. 131',.,., on, MI'. Leonard, .\[, U. , Et11ll .. .\1.R.I '.i':i.,looll.C.P. , Buchanall, Mr. Peter, :l1.D., L'.:l1., Gla . Buchanan, }11'. Wa}tcr, ;ll.ll.~.>, L.R ..\ . Dude, Mr. Ghas. \\ 11l .. ::Ir.n.c.l'. Bui:>t, MI'. R. C., .\~ .\.' , St. An<1., 13 .\ .. _) Cantab" T~1.p·, Et!lIl . . . , . 1)1111, i\lr. \\ llham II .. l' .I .. C.~ ., ELlill. L. R.C.l'., Lond . , . ~ullele, }I~" A., ::Il.n., ('.:'11., ,Efllll. Blll'oc nIl. R. E., ::ILl).: ::I1.CJI., D..\" 0 '

Bo1oer, Mr. P . '1'. , L.I:.<.:.R.,Irel., L . K.I~.C .P. I:X.I. Bellin aton, Mr. J. D., L. R. C. i:i., L. H. C. P. E. Burgess, 1111'. \\T Ill . 111.,::11. 1:. G.::l. , L.:';. A. BoIton~ Ml:. R. L .. r..]t. c. P. )!;., L.lL C. . Burnctt, nil'. E. J., F. H. c.... Bone, nil' , D. J. 11., Jlf.n., C.:lL, Edill . Burridgc, Mr. H. E., ::I1.B., U.::I[. Bonner 1\11'. T. Irvine, ~r. .\. , C. :l1., )1.13. Bnrton, 1\11'. , . H. , F.R. C.S., M.ll. Boodle,' Mr. George A. , ;I['ll.('. ·., l3u:>s, MI'. H. D~, 11.11C.S., r..:';.A. L.S .A., Lond. Butler, 1I1l'. J. ~err, :l1.D. Boor, illr., M.D. Buxton, MI'. ~(~wa1't1, :'1.D, .' t. And. ; Bowel' Mr.\Y.G . .\l.Il.C.i':i., L.l~.L'.l'. , Lond. :'11. Il.C. l:'. , Eclm. Bo\Ym~n MI'. R.', I,. l~. C .P., L.iLC.S., Erlin. Hymc, ...\11'. 1). Jas., L.It-C.P. , L.lt.l' . ~ .. Box, 1\1r.' John. ,1.13., ClI. n. Edill., f"F . P"' GIns. ,. Boyce, ~Ir. J. G., L.H. C.i':i ., Edill. CalJIe, ,i\Ir. JO~I~l,. T.. n.C.I'. hdill., 1..)1., Bradbury, 1\11'. John, ~Ln..C.S . I..C.P.S., (Tlt!. . . Braclbury, Mr. J. B., L.S.A. Ca~ryn, 1111'. S. flL, ~l.lt.L'.s. BraJley, iiII'. David, :'I1.D. , ItX .1., }Ieli. Cmrlls, MI'. P. R.. T.,.l:.(' .P. & s. , I!:dill. , Brayton, lIIr. J. G., L. n.c.p.E., L . I~. C . S . . L. F.]J.O. Brayton,1\lr.Tho:>.,L.R. C.P. E( l.,L.l:. C . ~ .. ~(J.ll'J1s.' l\Ir: W. ~ltll'l'~!, :'1[,13.,.. <.:.:'11., Edlll. Edin . Caldel , ~ ll. J. KIl~nan(l, L.lL C. P. Brice, 1\11'. E1'llest, L.1LC. 1'., L.n.C.S., &c. CaI\\'ell, Mr. ·Wilham, \I.A.l:.U.I., ~1.J). Bristow, Mr. \Y. ilL, :lL1t. C.S., CUlOpl.Jell, MI'. John, M.D. ~ , L.ll. C. P., E Illn . Cant pllell, 1111'. Matthe\\', ::II.l~., Clf. B. (1\ . Z.). 13l'istowe MI'. H erbert 0., ::II.D., Lom!., Cantlie, ...\11'. J., liLA., Abcr., F.H . C.i;. ;l1.r,: c.s. Canle"" Mr. Geol'gc A., M.U. C.~ . K, L. S ..\. Brittin, Mr. F. G. i\1., 'I.lJ . Oarleton, ::\11'. John 'haw, I..n.c., .1., Broo<len,i\II'. J.K, L.Jt,C,P" 1,.ll.C .:>.,EJin. L. R.V.P.I. Bro~k, MI'. H. Dar ville, ~1.11.C . " " Carnes , Mr. Willialll, )LILC.S. , Eng., n.p.H. L.U. C.P., Land. Brooks Mr. F. A., ~1.D. , ~I.R. C . "" L.l~.C.P. Carl';)ll, MI'. Joseph, lII.B ., ('.;'IL , LJ.r. lI. Broomheacl, Mr. Oha,:;. , :lLD., Abel'. , III.U., Oarsc, MI'. David B., i\f.lJ. C!II Cartel' l\Ir. F. H., 1\[.1) ., l!'.lt.C.S. Brought'on, Mr. H. '1'., lII.l~.C.S. Cartcr: 1\11'. Ronald , ;If. ll. , M.ll.V.H. , EJlg. , ctc. Brown, Mr. A. Tcnnyc;on, M.B., C.;lI. , Abel'. I







Carvell, Mr. John Maclean, )1. n. ('.~., Oopley, Mr .• 'tan Icy, F. !U,;. s., Eng., Honorary L.S.A., Lond. D.1'.H.O<l.lltab. Life CC'assan, Mr. Theodore, .\r.H.C.Io;. Copp, :Jlr. l hftl'l c:s J., ;lLn., ('.::IL, Members. . aUllier, 1\11'. H" L., M.Il., Bl'l1x. (Toronto). Chadwick. ilil'. O. 1Il., ;lLA., OXOII , \I.li. COl'1lwall, .\1 1'. I\". 0 . , 1: .. \., DlIl)., L.R.('.P., Ohafrcr,', }lr. E(lwd., F. n. '.S. Ec1in. Ohallillor, Mr. '. j[cillillull. ~r.lt.t ' ...... , ('osg1'a\'e, }[r. Eo :JIcDowel, A. e., M.n., Eng., L. R.C.P., Lond. Dub. Ohapman, Mr. J.M., ::11.13 . COlli tiley, iIlr. G. n., ;11. .\., ( 'alilb., ;l1.1J ., Chapple, 1111'. \\' . A., ::ILll., 1'11.11. R.Z. j).l'.If . , JlLIU'.s., D.l'.H. (1.). ('outts, Mr. J. A .. )1.))., Abel'., ~I.D., C.,\I . Oharlesll'orth, Mr. II., )r.ll.V.s. (loI\"cht' r :\11'. Ii;. Holal](l, L.n.C.p., Cha wner, 1Ill'. Al frcd,lIf.]t. c. 1;. , L. I:' ('. I'. LOll d L. Il. t'. ". Chce,'ewright, 1111'. J. F., ::If.n.c.S. Cox, 1'.11'. A .. ::ILl,. ClweLhalll, Mr. llu bcl't. M. ll., ('/1 Il. ('oxwell, :'1[1'. Cltarlc:; F. :11.»" Cam] •. ('he. tllutL, Mr. John, 1:. \.. 1.1:.1 '."" . Craig, ~[r. Ja . . , ;l1.1:'C.::;., ::II. D.. ('.~1. . L.ll.C.l'., Ellin. Craig. :\11'. \Y. :lI.B., tIl.B. ~h~ Ide, Mr. C. 1.'., F. ll. L.!-i. Crall, 1I1l'. .\.lexalJdel', ::II. n. , c.::If., A UCI'. l,lt~ltl:>, :.\ll'. Chn.tophel',::If..L, \1.Il. , . Crall, ::'Ill'. Gcorg(', \1.D.,Ahcl' .. :II. B., C. \I, (11111, .MI'. Edwin A" \LB., ('.\1 .. l<"rlllJ .. Crall, lItl' . .Tallie .. ;lI.H .. ".;11. r.H.G.:-;., Enoo. (jms ter , ,\11'. J~.' lJOfl'Cl' ' • 1'.,., oo ,. . . . fn( '" Clark, .MI'. A 1It1 re\\' , 1".n.('.:-:. ELlill. . .. , CI11\\'f'Ol'll, :Jla.i()I'(lilhl~I'LStc \\art, 1: ..\,:'11. 1. ClaJ'k, .!\Ir. A. F. C., ::I1.B., (.?oJ . . .\ \.('1'. Clark, !\II'. (1co., :l1.D., G.:lL L.ll.1 .s. & 1' .. Edill .. 11.1'.11. 'Ial'k, .Mr. :JJ. H., L.ll.C.I'., Edill. Ora\\'sha\\" :'Ill'. 8:. ;If.1l .. (·Il.D., M.I:.('.I'<. ('larkc, 1111'. Albert E.. ;If. H ....... , Crea 'c, :\[1' . .J. Ruhertsoll, F.JU.'.f: .. Ec1in. L . • \. , \J.D., Lowl. ('I'Pspi, .MI'. Alf'l('d .T. H., ;o.r.H.C P.T. (:larke, :Mr. E. ,\rea l'1lt'. IU;( ·.. 1<:.1111 .. :I!. n.s.( ·. M.D., \1.13., ('.:11. Cl'l,.sy. }ll' U. ,T .. 1.1:.( .r., \1.1:.C.s. F., .\1. n.'... CrcI\', .\ll'. ,1110 ...\1.1!l.s. L.11.C.P., Lond. Clarkc, ..\[1'. 'l'hOI1l'l L.i':i.A., LOJl(l. Crill-hley . ..\11'. lIarry 1.1 , ::II n., Erlin. Clarkc, Mr. \\T. :'11.]). (1I'oekrl', :\LI' . .T., ,1.1:.( ·.i"., L.S . A. Clarkc, .:\11'. W. ,r" 'f.I:.L'.S .. I..S. \ . ('rocker, ..\11' .. Inlll<'<:. ;II. n.1 .s" L.11.('.1' .. (llayLoll, :'ITr. A . .r., T,.r:.!·.)'., l~dilJ.. LO]l(l. L. n.G .. ·., Eclill. l'rtll'kel', .\[ 1'. .1. .\lcac1moi'e, \1. n. (· .S .. ('Jayton, MI'. J. "'., :'1[,])., EtlilJ. r. 1:.1.1'., Lond. ('layton, 1\11'. Willialll K., ::II.D., 1.)1'11\. 'ruplcy . MI·.lIcltry. F.I:.(.S.,1).1'.]1. ('layton, .\[l'. Willialll :JlaYIlt',L.I:.I' ...... , I I'll. Cro::;::;, '\[1'. A. .T .. \f.ll., ('. ,[ .. Edin. Clegg, .!\II'. Richal'll, \1.n., t'.\I .. 1,.1:.1'.1'. ('rtJ>'sficl(l, ..\[1' . • \. K., Ln.I·.]' .. T,.n.I .. ...,., Clemcnls, Sfr. H.. N., L.l:.( ·.l'.,Ellill. Edill. ('I<'lllellt:-l, ..\11'. I:)alllnrl D., 11. \ . 1..1:.1." .. rosslalltl , ..\11. \\'. II. L. n.V.I'., Lond. Orowther. ::'Ill'. ~~l'Ilcsl I,:. , L.n.('.l' .. Clo. e, .!\Ir. J., \f. n. 1•. 1:.1 '. s., ELlill. Closs, 1\11'. J. 0., ::If. n., Eclin., :II. D., (. \I. Cl'nmp. :JII'. T. G.. Il ..\. , ( amh.) 1..1:'('.1'., ('oakel', MI'. F. W, J" F.n.l·.s., ElIg., :ll.n., ]J.(. , 1..11.0.1'., LOlld. . Cufre, ul'gc(ln-C:t'lll'1'a1 . ~IcDollogh, C'. Il. Lolcl.'ll'cam, 1\11'. A. R. , .\Lt). gdlll .. \T.Il., 'ulhanc, }II'. F. J. 1"., :\1.1:.('.s. C.M ., 1": n.I'.s., Ellin. CUl'cton, ::'Ifl'. Ed., ::11.11., &c:. . Col ~lI1al1, !III'. ,V. ,V. , ::II.H.U.s.'nscadt'll, :'III'. (;COI'gc, 1.lu·.s.,Ed.,&c. l:oll~c, Ir. R. J., lII.LJ., Abur., .\l.B. , 1'.\1. Dnda chalJji. :Ill'. l":a l·,li'.ii Eclalji, f.:I1.& s. Colllllctte, MI'. Frank de Be:lllchlUll!', Dal1tlekal', :'111'. DcnHnath H. Nail;:. r..\I. \L ll. ('. <:. E., L. flo ('. 1'. c'..... Ilom ba 'I' . ( ' o11'1nS0I1, '[ F'. \\-., :'I1.1l., (' . .\1., Darling, ' jll'. Le\'clJ • ·011, '\I.D. "II'. ::1[. 11.C." . D:l\"iclsOll, MI' .•\.. , :1[,])., F.ll.C.l'. Colli. , ~II'. Eclgal', Jl .. \.:'II.l~ ., D.!·ll. OXOII. David·on. '\[1'.1'h oma·A. , loon . c.p.,L.I:.('.:'. Connor, !\II'. Samucl, ::II D., I:.l·. r., \I. n. Da';ics, "'\il'. Charles D. , :'LI1.C.R., L . ".r\. CI['D., Mel~. D,wic:>, nIl'. Da\' i(l LI .. M.H., GIns ., Oook, MI'. Pel'clv[} l R., :'I1.Il., n.s. L.lt.C. P., Edill. Oooll1b. , 1\11'. Oarey, M. D., Lond . Davics, MI'. E., ]\f. n. Cooper, MI'. H . . pen('('r, ;\f.IU·.H .. 1,.11.( '. J.. , Davics, 1\[1'. Hllgh Eo, L. n.(' . I' .. Lond . TJonc1. \1.1:. r .s. ' I

44 Honorary Life Members.

St. John A rr~b'/).,lance Association.

Lond Davies. Mr. H. E., L.R.C.P.,. DaVles, . . 1\1 Sidney , B.A., Oxon., M.D. II 1'. . k M.D.C.lII., Davies, nil'. 'r. L . Kennc, ELlin. Davies, Mr. \Vm., lII.R.C.S. Davies, Ml'. \Villiam H., M.B., CH.D . Davis, 1111'. Al'thul'R, lILR.C.S., L.. . A. Davy, 1111'. John, F.I'•. C.S. , Dal)son, Mr. C., 1,. R. CI . ' ., 'II'CS " ..... E r Da\\'sO!l, Mr, F. \\T. E . , L.n.C.p., (111., lILR.C.S. RCS Ell in Deamer Ml'. G. E., L.R.C.P., L. 'd: . Deane ~ll'. John H., L.n.C.S., E m· · El Denue', nil'. 1'. V. de, L.n.C.p., ll11. S lILn. C... L r: e p Dennison, Mr. T. S., )Lr:'.C.8., ..... , Lond. De Renzi Mr. A. C., ]'LR.C.S., L.S.A · · d ' I 'r F J R C P & s E(111. Devane, iI r. . ., ,. .. . . b "1.[ D D'Evelyn, :llIr. A. 11cNell1, B.A., U "',' . 1\1 1Ir A L M.n.C.S., Devenish-ll eares, . . ., L R.C.P. Lond . Devis,. Mr., H. F., L.n.C.p., MRC::> .•.. . .


St. John ... lmbulance Association.

Dudgeon, Mr. . J. Hepburll, L. R. '.1'., L.U.C.S., Edm. D lH!oaan,~,. 1\11' lIIothel'well, lILn.C.s., . L.ll.c.r., E,l .:;ulI1: Duk e ul' u eon-1IlaJor '\\ . A. E l' Dnnc~n, MI'. ,Yilliam, L.Il-C.P., ~llll., L.R.C.R., Edin. T E l' Dunkley, Mr. ,V. \\., F.R.C.l'., (111., F.H. G.S. Dunlop Mr. SIll 1U tam II.,:'Il.ll.,lIl.('If., u


, H. V .I.

Dunn, Mr. D. S., M.D. Dul'llo, Mr. John, M.D. Dumo Mr Leslie, lILn.



Durral~t)[·1'.T.A.,J\f.It.e.s., L.I:.r.l"bl~\\(.'

Dycl' '1 J,1'. Henry G. , ;\1.])., ' Ln.c.1'., Edin., lII.11.('.S. D son :Ml'. William, :\r.n. Edill. Eldes '1\11'. S. 0., 1,.l:.e.1'., L.l:.e.Fi., , Eaaar Mr. R, lILn. C • Ea~1e~ Mr. Ohas. W., )f. ll. , C.M., M.I •. . ,., , 1J.H.C.]'. \b el' Ec'les 1\11' A. 'vI1l011S, lILI, , C.M. ,. ., "c :lLR.C.S. . , ~" J . 1

l '

Dickenson, Mr. A. . ewton, M.D. l!:ccl~s, Mr. W. Soltan, lIL1:.C.S., L'~~~in Di ckenson, Mr. J. J., M.R.C.S. R C 8 I Edllo\\'es; Surg.-Oapt. A., lIf. n., ., Dickey,Mr.A.A.G., ;\LD., 1:'.1J.~.}.L . . . ' . . :1113' C.:l1. Dickson Ml'. G. Cecil, Llf. n. '. l.Jlll. Ed "~i;' R. lIL II. ~ . · k son,... '"Jll' . G,V LlI.A.,Rchn.; C.:'IL en, ~l . 1" P E J lIL13., E,IJII., ('.:'11. D 1C . "D b III DlII.B.) n LT [ Etlwan s, 1. J. . , . , ~ 8 Dickson, "JIr. John nn aI', , . . , •. .. , Ed\\'arll;;, :;\11'. John C., L.n.C.l'. l! ., ?LCIl. ell E,lin., L.F.P. & S . E Dillon, nIl'. L. Gerald, :ll.D., R.U.I., 111. . , Edwards, fill'. R. T., M.I:..e.S., ng., L.lIL I 1 . C P Irel r. R.C.l'., Lond. I' C I' Dilton, Mr. T. J., L.1LC.i:l. ·:}·l.. lI ; B' . Eacrt~ll Mr. J. James, :ll.H'C·i\. r. .• ~ '111' Dimmock, Mr. A. F., lII.D., 11l1., i . , Elder 1\'ll'. ,V., ],.11 .C.1'. & s., (lIl "A Divine. MI'. John, M.H., C.1I1 ...Glas. Ellertun Mr. John, )L.D., St. n( ., .:; L.r•.'c.1'. Lond., lILlt.C.S. Dix, )1['. ,Villiam R, l\1.~., 13.S. Dixon, Mr. J. F., lILR"~is, T I' C 1:' & 8.E. Ellel'ton, MI'. J. F. II., M.D., Bl'llX., Dubic, 1111'. H. SomerVl e',J' .. . . L.lL C. 1'., TJ.:ll. . Elliott Ml'. 'Vm. I-ImlllHoll, lILI). . Dobie, 11'. J. N., LILA., lILB. Ellis ill'. William McDonongl> ~1 :lJ.,~I~~,~ ' Dobson, Mr. A., lILR.C."., L.n.C.p., Lond. 'c. ElIis~ll, 111'. 1 Arthur, 111 1•. ( . S., ,) 0" JR R\lIIC.,1\ •.r D.,L 1 · t CI Dudcl, L lCU.0., . . , • .. 'cs IJ.ILC.l'., JOl1t. \ 'S Dodd, Mr. P. Vernon, :lI.A., LlJ.D., 111.1, . . " Ellison, 1\11'. E. H., liLA., Oamh.,;l1. H.C . . . , r,.R.c.P., Lond . f ond L.R.C.P., L.S.A. " Domville, MI' E. J., L.R.C.P., ~ ., Elliston Mr. G. S., 1\1. r:.. c.:-;. , L,,' ..\. , ' ' 1\1 :lI.P•. C.S. . lIi Emlileton, il l'. D .0. , M J •Jl• , Omit, . ' M.l..C.S. , , D OU Oalap", l\Ir.Alexancle1',i\I.A.,M.13"C· ' ·'E III II' u l'IIC lIon . 1 W. II. , L.I •. r.l. I 1n o , Edin. & Lond 1,.F.1'.s.,GaR. 1 Donalas MI'. Ohus. K, M.D.,F.I:'.C.S.E., c. ·] ~'ttl('s nlt:' W J. 1\lcCullocli, 111.\1., A 1('1'., o <, Cl d ' r. C H L n c. P. ". , . . Douglas,Mr. au e, l! . •. . : . '. . . M.ll., ('.)1. .


Douglas, 1\11'. J. J., LlLD. , Edlll.. 1\1 13 Dove Mr. AlFfuStuSO., :11.0., Dmlt., I • • , ' '" B.S. ,U I Downes :1II1'. ,V., lIL13., n.cH· ' B.A.O.h. D' . 11 1\! .f\ ., Oxon. , 1\[. ., Drage. '-.1 ~,1'. L ove,

'1 '

l~n1,IlS, MI'. A. II., ;\l.Jt.L'.:-;., 1,.:-;.1\. J~ an' 1\11' 0 J. )[.):.C.S., L.:lf. ,\',::;, . ., Il c. D.l'.H. Enws 111'. Eo, liLA., :ll.n., . , Ed' E\'[1,ns' jUt' E. n., :'I1.]~.('.S., L.H.C.l'., ( III ". " Ml'.. ,101ln, M.D. Evan~, . F.vans 1\11'. O. C. P., lIf.])., Dlll'll., n.s.

1\1.13., n.CH. ~1 n 1 t 01' , 1\11' H . , lI!.D., E(lin., " .. ,Evans,1\ ' ' I 1'. ~\T G. , ,,'J! ••• J' (' .. 1 n e p Drinnva .n . ,. ''''~. " • • : , • I ]I[nC8 11M ' Artltlll' R.ljwlcl,lIf.l,,C.fl., C.lI ., ~,r':' 'J" s Huntel' T,.I~.C.l'., Evers l C, l. rl Dryden, lYJ.1. . a . , L.n.C'.!'., Lon. L.l'•. C.S., EdIl1. Dryland, :Mr. J. 'YV., 1\1. P., C. S., L.M.


Ewart, Mr. O. Theodore, 1Il.D., Abel'. , Fuller, 111'. Alfred L., M. n . c. s., Eng., &c. Honorary M.n., c.:\!. Eullertoll, Mr. J;'. ,\\T., M.D., Durh., M.n., Life Ewart, Mr. J., M.D. B.S. Members. Fairbank, iIlr. W., lILU.C.S., L.".A. Fulton, Mr. G. O. 11., C.;\L, Glas. FairelougJt, Mr. T. Butler, L.IU. . . I'., ELlill., Furber, Mr. George II., ;\LIt.C.S. L.Re.s., Edill. Flll'ley, Sir John, C.B. Falkner, Mr. II. G., M.lt.C.fl., L.It.C.l'.I. J;'yIre, Mr. Will. K., lILD., B.C.,lILA.,Cantab. Far!llcr, Mr. E. J., M.D., B.S., Dub. Uuiv. GaLb, nIl'. O. Bakel', lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Edin. Farmer, Mr. S., 1\1.1:..C.8., L.ILC. P., Edi1!., D.P.lI. Gabb, Mr. J. E., :;\L H.C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin. Fal'clUllarsoll, Mr. D. P.1Haclaren, 1I1.B.,C.1\f. ({a.Jlney, 1\Ir. C. Burke, F.lt.u ... , IreI. Farl'ar,Mr. H.Anstrutliol',M.A.,Oxon.,M.D. Gundy, Mr. '\r., :;\1.ll.G.::l., L.~.A . Galle, 1\11'. EJwanl 1:'. ., :;\1.R.C .... , Farrel', 1\11'. Oeo . AlbeIt, ]\['It.C.S., L .. . A. L.R.C.P., LOllLl. Faw::litt, nIl'. Tho ., :;\1.lt.c.i'l., L.I:" C.l'. Garduer, Mr. H. N., M.D., C.;',1. (Glas). Fcnn, Mr . .A. Gershom, M.B. C.M., ELlin. Uanlner,' Mr. II. \Yilloughby, M.D. Fenoulhct, Mr. E. C.) L.n.c.I'., L.U.G.B., Ga.rduer, urgeon R 11., lILB., A.:lI.D. Edin., L.:;\I. Gurrard, ~Ir. W. A., 111. n.c" -'. Fen tCl'll, lUI'. P. heldon,;\1. D., Edin , Garrett, Mr. C. Dudley, 111. n. c. P. Fellton, MI'. lark AnthOllY, lIl.1). Garson, lUI'. J. Hill Ross, :;\1.B., c.~r., Fenwick, Mr. Percival 0., 1\1. B., D.p.II.,Oawb. ;\I.lLU.H. Garstang, ,\11'. E. M., ~I.D., St. Am1., Fel'gll'OIl, Mr. J. 1\I., L.R.G.l'., Edin. L.ll.C.P., EdiJl. L.H.C'.!'., Eclill. Gascoigne, 1Hr. W. E., L.n.C.S. Fieldill u , 1\11'. Frederick, ~r.])., Ediu. Gaunt, Mr. William H., M.B. & C.:\1. Finlay,t'>Lt._Col., L.n.c.p.I., c.:\I.,It. ,\.)I.C:. Ga.yin, illr. J\IcOallum, :;\LB., CH .B. Fisher} MI'. Theodore, lILU., 1\I.B. Gentles, 1\11'. T. L., L.R.C.P., Lond., Fisher, Mr. 'rhos., ::I['H . l.8., L.~.A. L.F.P.S., Gla'. Fishel', MI'. Wclby E., ~l.n.u .... , Eng., &c. Getting, iiII'. John'., L.R.C.S., Edin.,L.i\I. Giub, 1\lr. W., L.n.c.I'.E., L.n.C .. Fitzgerald, 1\ll'. O. EgertolJ, :'ll.D. Fitzhcnry, MI'. George \r., lIf.lLC.~., jillu, JI.ll'. colt, M.D. L.S.A., Lond. Gibbon, IIII'. F. \Y., L.R.C.P., Edin. Flavell, Rev. Thomas L.:lI., L.n.C. '. Fleetwood, MI'. '1'. F., F. R.C.S., heI. Gibbs, Mr. A. N. Godby,lII.n.c.s.,L.R.C.l'., Lond. Fleming, MI'. A. J., M.D., It.U. T., lII.ClI. Fleming, Mr. H. II., 1Il.B., Dub. Gibbs-8mith, Mr. E. Gibb, L.R.C.P.I., Fletcher, Fleet- 'mgeon \Y. B:1.inbrigge, D.P.H., &c. . lL. ~ ., lIJ.1t.e.s., EJin. Gibson, Mr. C. P., L.P•. C.P., Edll1. Forbcs, ilIr. John, liLA., B.SC., ;\J.B., C.lIf. Gibson, Mr. J. n., 1\I.R.C.. Forbes, 111'. N. IIay, F.U.C.:s., ELliu., Gilbertson, 1111'. Jamc_ Henry, :;\LR.C. '., L.R.C.P.L. L.n c.r., Lond. Forsyth,1I1r. Hobt., ~I.D., "la.s., lILn., C.:l1. Gildea, Oolonel James, c.Y.o., C.B. Fort 1fl. Thos., M.R.C.S., L l!.C.P., Giles, iiII'. P. Broome, F.H.C.S., Ellin., 'l~llill . L.R.C.p., Edill. FotllCrgill, lIIr. J. R, M.D., St. And., Gill, .!\II'. J . \\T., n.r.II., Lond .. lr.~:.C.s., L.R.C.B., Edin. L.RC.P., Lond. Fox, Mr. JIIO. Raymond, M.n., 1\1elb. Gillon, 1\11'. G. Gore, M.D., Gla.s., iII.D., Fox, illr. 1\1. J., L.n.c.p., L.U.C.S ., Edin. C.::IL, F.R.C.!'., Ellin. Frankish, 1\[1'. J. D., M.D., tlt. And., Gimlette, 1\ll'.J.D.,M.R.C.s.,L.n.c.p., Lo]~d. 1\I.R.C.S. Girdler,1\1r. T. T., L.n.c.l'., L.R.C.s.,Edul. Fmnkish, 1\[1'. Thoma, M.D., C.M., 13.<';C. Glen, 1\11'. John, M.D. Fmuks, Mr. Kendal, A.B., Dlll'h., iII.D. GodLlanl, ilIr. C. E., ::I1.D. Fl'a'lel', nfr. J. J., 1\I.R.C.S. Go chI ur<l, Oapt. G. H., )I.R.C .. , L.n.C.r., R.A.~)[.C. Frasel', 1\11'. John '1'., 1\LR.C.S., EJin. Fmser, Mr. W·m. Duncan, 1\I.B., a.iII., Godfi'ey, [1'. A. E., M. R.C.. Camb. Godwin, nrgeon-l\Ia.jor C. R Y. Fl'eeborn, Mr. John C. R, M.A., L.R.a.p., Gokha]e, MI'. Kashilla.th Narajen, L.lI!. Lond. & s., (India). Freer, ul'geon-Mnjor E. Luke Goodman, 1\11'. Thoma H.,1\I.R.c .. ,L.S.A. Fryer, 1\11-. John, 1\Ln.c.s., L.S.A. Gordon, 1\11'. \Y. A., M.n., C.lII., Edin. Fryer, Mr. Will. P., L.n.a.p., Eclin., Goudie, Mr. H., lILn., C.lII., Edin. E L.R.C.S., Edin.


St. John A mb'Lt.lc{'11ce Association.


Hammond, nIl'. 'Vm. lI1.n.c.s., L.R.C.P., Goulder, 1\11'. F. S., 1\1. R. C. S. , L. R. C. ., Edin., L.lII. Lond. Hampton II' A. G., M.D. Graham, Mr. Arthur R, M.A., C.lII., H~ncock,'l\Ir" H. Ruskin, M'R:'C,S, Cam b ., M. B. M Haull, nI 1'. H • F ., L•R•C • P • , Edm .' ill.) n. c. s. Graham, Mr. G. R. 1\1., L.R:C.P.I., CL~ .. Hannah, Mr. ,Yo T., M.B., C.M., D.l.II. Graham, nIl'. G. ,V., M.lt.C.S· L.~. Hardie, Mr. R, M.B., C.lII. Gramshaw, Mr. F. S., lII.D., t. nE~r HardillO' Mr. ,V., M.B. Gl Granger, Mr. R F., L.R.C.p. :d~" lII1~ Har(Tre~~'es , 1\11'. M. Kippax, M.D., as., Gran t, ]}1r. Dundas. 111. A. , m., .. , ~I. B. nd M. B. Harmer, i\1r. ,\Vm. Allan, L.S.A., Lo . Grant, 1\lr. G., M.B., C.:'I1. (0 t 'io) Harris, 1\11'. J. B., M.D. (P t Grant Mr. N. McKay, lILD.lIf.s·'Ed?- ar . Harris I1Ir. W. T., lI[.It.C.S., L.S.A. or Grant: Ml'. Ogilvie, M. B., C. M., m. Eiizabeth). Gray, Mr. Alex., 1\LB., C.1\1., Glas. Harris-Li ton, IIlI'. Llewellyn, lI1.R.C.S., Gr een,1\fl'. H. 1\1., ilLD. L R C P., Lond. . T ., III.R.C... S . 011. . 11' 11 ,V., M.D., Brux Green Mr ,Vilham H ' . ., S L R CP arns, . . ' . Greenhalgh, 1\11'. A., lII.U.C .. , . . . . , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. lILB., CH. B. b Harrison, Mr. E., liLA., Camb., l\LD. Greenhough, Mr. V. J., B.A., Cam ., M.B., Harl'i~on, II'. S. Hope, L.R.C.P., ilLR.(1 ... C.lII. Harrison, Mr. T. H. H., M.R.C.S., Gr'eenwood 1\11'. A., lI[.P•. C.S. LIt C I' Lond. ' '7 B M CR . •. . ., Greenwood, 1\11'. A• .I. oung, 111.., • ., Harrison, Mr. "IV. A., M.D. Edin. Hart, Mr. A. H., M.D., M.S., &c. Greenwood, Mr. C. D., lII.R.C.S. Hartley Col. E. Baron, F.Qt., lIf.n.c, ., I En~. L.I:.C.P., Lond. Greenwood, 1\11'. C. S., M.R.~.S . Greves, "JIr. E. H., M.D., Eum., lII.B., C.lI . Hartley~ ill' R. N., M.B., M.It.C.S. Griffin, Mr. J., M.D. Harvey, II'. A., lILB., lII.R.C.S. Griffin, 1\11'. 1., lILR.C.S., L.S.A. H'ltherly Mr. H. R., lII.It.C ... , L.n.C.p., Griffiths, Mr. A. V.,.1\LP,.C.S., L.S.A. ' lII.B.'(Lond.) Griffiths, 1\11'. FranCls, ilL B., C.M. Hatherley IIIr. S. Oldall, 1\I.1t. C. '., L. R. C. P. Griffiths, Mr. H. Rathbone, B.A., M.B., Hatton, IIiI'. G. Stokes, M.D., Dnrh., 1\I.B., B.CR., B.A.O., M.D. B.S. Griffiths, Ml'. John S., ilI.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Hawthorn, Mr. John B., M.B. & C.IIL Lond. Ha es Mr. H. W. 1\IcU.1Ully, lIi.n.C.p., Griffiths, 1'11:1'. P. Rhys, lII.B., B.S., Lond. YL.'R.C.S., Edin., &c. . Grimbly, l\Ir. R H.,lI1. It. c.s., L,s'~~ntab Haynes, IIIr. Stanley L., M.D., Edll1. Gripper, 1\11'. -"yalter, lI1.A., ., lII.H..C.S. lILR.C.S., Edm., lILB., D.p.H. P Heald Mr. G. H., IILR.C.S. . Grogono, IIII'. W. A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C. . , Heard', Mr. T. G., L.R.C.p. & S., Eum., Edin L F P & S Glas., L.iI[', Dub. Grove,1fl:. W.R, B.A., Camb., J\f.B., B.C., Hear~, ~ir. i."Le Fanu, M.B.,l'.Ielb. III.R.C.S. C III Heathcote, Mr. B. A., M.n., C.M., Abel'. Guthrie, Mr. J., M:D ..' Glas., lIr.n::) "'B Hebblethwaite, I1Ir. H., lII.r..C.S. Gutteridge, Ur.Wlllnus (Tasmama, M. . , Hedley, Mr. John, M.D. C.M., Edin. . 1 B H ellier IIIr. J. B., M.D., lILB., lII.n.c.s. Gwynn, Mr. Chas. H., ilLD., Edm., 11 • • , Henry,'Ml'. C. Dawson, M.B., B.C., liLA. •

Honora.ry Life Members.






Ml'. W. R, M.D., St. And., H C M B c n.B., Edin.L.lII. . . ., . . , enry, III. R. C. s. Rotunda. Hall Lt -Col L ees, R.A.lIl.C., lI1.R.O.S. H b Mr W A M D., St. And. H 11' }\Ir Gibson H., L.R. C.S., ep urn, s· ., . a,. I 1 (N Zealand) F.F.P.S., La . Irel., L.R.C. P., re. ew Ed Hetley Mr. H enry, M. n., M.B., Hall Mr. -VV'm., M.D., Brux., F.R.C.S.,. 'R S C Edin. ' 111 F C S L R C P 111. . ' • . , Halliday, l.l' r . . , M.P•.. ". . . . . Hewat, Mr. III., lII.B., C.M. (C ape. T own/. Halliday, Mr. J. W., M.R.C. S. H ewat, Mr. John, M.B., C.M., Edm. Halliwell, Mr. R. N., 111. R.C.S., L.S.A. H wetson Mr. Richard, M.R.C.S. Halliwell, Mr. T. Oates, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., H:y Mr' C. E. Milnes, M.A., Camb. Lond. Ed' 'M R C R L R.C.P., Lond. Hallows, Mr. H. Pinnington, M.D., m. He t~te', i1:~': N., lIL R.C.S., L.S.A. Hamilton, Colonel Hans B. H. HeYy~, IIIf. Arthur, M.B., C.M. Hammerton, Mr. J., M.D . .




St. John Ambulance Association.


Hickley, 1111'. A. Mackenzie, M. R. C. s. Hutchinson, Mr. F. Blade, M. n. c. S., Honora.ry L.R.C.P., Lond. Edin., L.n.c.p., ELlin. Hicks, MI'. R., l\LR.C.S. Hutchison, Mr. F. S. T., M.B., B.CR., B.A. Life Higgins, Mr. Charles H., lII.D. levers, Mr. Eyre, M.D., Dub. Members. Hillai.Jy, Mr. A., L.R.C.P., Lonu., lII.R.C.S. Illingworth, Ur. C. R, M.RC.S, Hindle, .nIl', James, L.R.C.P., Rdin., Innes, Deputy- l1l'geon-General C. A., M.D. . L.n.c.s., Euin. Ingl~s, Mr. Daviel Wood, M.D., Glas. Inghs, Ml'. H. M., M.B.,M.S. (New Zealand). H.ll'st, Ur. Albert, ~LD.,F.It.C.P. HU'st, Ur. G. S. Shllt, :lLB., C.lIL, ELlin. Ingram: Mr. J., L.R.C.s., & L.R.C.P.E.,&C. Hislop, Mr. ,V., M.B., M.R.C.S. Ire~and, Mr. Charles J., M.R.C.S., L.A.S. Hodges, Mr. ,V., lILH.C.S., L.R.C.P., IrvlD, Ml'. J. H., lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P., Irel. Land. Irving, Mr. J., lIf. D. Hod~ins, Mr. Walter W., M.D., B.S. . Irving, Mr. 'Yilliam, lILR.C.S.E., &c. HoIlman, Mr. J. 1\1., M.B., C.M. (S. Afnca) Jackson, 1\11'. E., lILR.C .. Hogg, 1\11'. A. ,V., L.ILC.P., L.R.C .. , Jackson, 1\11'. E. S., M.B., C.M., Edin. Edin. Jackson, Depnty- 'urgeon-General Sir Hogg, Mr. R H., :II. B., III. R. C. '. Robert ,V., C. B. Holllen,1\Ir. Geo. H. R., liLA., Camb.,M.D. James, Mr. Alfred, J., M.D. Holman, .;\11'. R., M.RC. . James, Mr. F. P. R, L.R.C.P., Edin. Holmes, nIt-. ,V. Reid, M.D., Aber., Ln., James, 1\Ir. P., L.U.C.S. C.'IL Jannie, .Mr. R W., liLA., ilf.B., C.M ., Ecliu. Holt, )11'. R C., L.ll.C.P., Edin., F.R.C ... , Jarvis, 1\Ir. J. H. E., ilLR.C.S., L.R.C.P. I£llin. (N ew Zealand.) Holtltonse, lIIr. T. Le Gay, 111. R. C. s. Jay, 1\Ir. Frederick Fitzherbert, :\1. D. Holtom, Mr. C., lII.R.C... Jeffcoat, .Mr. F. H., B.A., ilI.B. (New Zeal). Honman, Mr. A., ilI.R.C. . . Jenkins,l\Ir.J. J., L.R.a .. , L.R.C.P.,Edin. H ope,. .LUI'. Juhn L. A., ilI.lLG.S., Eug.,&c. Jennings, Mr. E., lILR.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P. (New Zealand). HopklllS, nIt-. Tho., 1\1. D., CII. B., B.A. Horne, Mr. Geo., M.B., CU . B. (Victoria). Johnson, 1\11'. John, ilI.D. (Victoria). Horne, 1\11'. George, ilLD., ELlin., &c. Johnson, })II'. amucl, M.D. Horne, 11'. J. Fletcher, M.D., t. And. Johnson,})II'. Thomas, lILR.C .. , L.R.C.P. Horn.e, 1\11'. T., III. D.. . Johnston, 1\[1'. A. Hammersley III.R.a.s., H osam, 1111'S. Harnett 1\1. 1., L.R.C.p., Eng., L. R. C.P., LontI. L.It.C.R., Edin. Johnston, Mr. John, M.D., Edin. Hosier, Mr. C. II. S., l!'.n.c.s, 11'e1. Johnstone, Mr. 1'., M.B., C.~I. Ho 'kiug, Mr. Archer, lII. B., ClI .M. , Edin. Jones, 1\11'. A. Lloyd, D.p.H., Cantab., Ho sack, II'. J. F., F.R.C.. , Edin. -'LR. C.. E. Howard, ~Il'. Heaton C., ilI.R.C.. . Jones, 1\11'. Benjamin, M.D., Durh. Howard, Mr ..J., L.K.Q.C.l'. Jone , Mr. D., ilLB., ::II.S., 1\1.n.C. Howarcl, 1\Ir. J as., lIL R. C. s . J ones, ~Ir. D. Davies, M. D. Howard, Mr. Jas. F., lII.D. Jones, 1\11'. D. M., M.D., Ediu. Howden, 1\11'. 1. D. Clark, M.D. Jones, Mr. Francis G., ilI.B., C.M. Howell, l\Ir. R E., M.B., C.ilI., Ellin. Jones, 1\11'. G. C., M.D. Howlett, 1\Ir. Ellwin, F.n.c.S. Jones, nIl'. Herbert, D.p.IT., Cam., L.R.C.S., Hoyland, 1'rfr. . Stenton M.D. 11'e1. Hoyle, Mr. George, ilI.D. Jone ,Mr. H. D., L.R.C.P., L.R.a .. ,Edin. Hudson, 1\:[1'., M. D. J ones, Mr. Hugh, ill. B., O. M., Glas., D. P. R. Hudson, Mr. H. E., lI1.n.c.s. Jone, II'. H. Glad tone, L. . A., Lond. Hughes, Mr. D. Arthur, lII.n.c.s., Jones, 1\11'. Jo e1)h, M.B., CIT. B., Victoria, L.R.C.p., Lond. L.R.A. Hugh es, 1\11'. H. G., L.n.c.p., Edin. Jones, 1\11'. J. Amallt, lII.D. Hughes, 1\11'. H. L., F.RC.p., Edin. Jones, 1\11'. Rees Rowland, :II.R.C.S., Hughes , nIr.H. L ewis, L.R.a.s., L.R.a.p., L.R.C.p. & L.M., Ellin. Edin., L.M. JOlles, 11'. Richard, L.n.C.p., M.B.C.S. Hughes, Mr. H. 1\1., M.B., lII.R.C.S. Jones, II'. Robert L., lI('RC .. Hughes, Mr. ,V. H., i\I.B., C.M., n.sc. Jones,1\II'. Rowland, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Hunt,l\Ir. Robert, i\I.R.a. s.,JJ.R.c.p.,Lond. Jon es, 1\11'. H. Nelson, M.R.C.S., L.RC.P. Hunter, Mr. E., L. R. O. P. E., JJ.1\I. Lond. Hunter, Mr. IV. L., M.D., D.P.H. Jones, 1\11'. T. R eginalel, lII.R.C.S. Husband, Mr. J. C., M.D., lIf.R.a.s., Jon e, Mr. Richard, M.D. L.R.C.P., Edin. Joncs, 1\Ir. W. l\Iakeig, lI('D., Dl1rb

48 Honor8.l'Y Life Members.

St. J ohn A m bu lance A ssociation.

St. J ohn A m bu lance A ssociatwn .

L avies, M I' . H arry, M . R . ~ . S . Dur h. J ones, 1\11'. , Vest . L awr ence, 1\11'. H enry Ol'l}lps, JII .D. , H J oseph , 1\11'. Alan, L. R.C . . , L . R. C. P . ,~~l~. L awson, :;')11'. G. _G l oag, M. B. , B.Cll.,D.P. . , L.M. J oynson , 1\11'. Geu . T., L.F .P.s .,GI.as ., . . . J ukes, Mr . A ndrew, L:R.C: S. , Edlll . L eary, Mr. E dward G., M.D . Jumeaux, 1\11';. BenJanlln, l\I . R.C.S. , L eash, Mr. J. T., M.B. .d'· 1 L.R. C.P. , Edlll. . L e Oronier, 1\11'. H al " lC{ , L. R. C.P. , K eith, 1\11'. Alexander EWlllg, l\1. B. L ond ., M. R. C. s. K eith, M I' . J. R. , M.D. , C.M. . C B L ee, 1'.11'. B. J ., L.S.A., L ond. K elly , Lieut. -Oo~ onel R. Vandel e.~ , . . , L ee, Mr . Edwin, M. R.C.S . F. R.C. S. , Edlll. , L.R.C.P., E di . les L ees, Mr . , V. , JlLR.C.S. , L.S.A: K enn edy Mr. J . W. ( Jew South W a ). L e a t 1\11'. A ndrew, M.D ., Eum . K ennedy; Mr. W., F. P•. C.S., I re1. L efgh: Mr . John D ickinson, l\I.D., N. B. , K er, Mr . H. , F. R. C.S. I rel M. '., D.p.n. K erans, :Mr.T. G., L. R. C.S. r.,M.R.C.P L eitch, 1\11'. ,V. 0 . , L.F.P.S., Gla:. Edin K err, Mr. James, M.D. , M. A., Canta . L emarchand, Mr. A. , V. , .lILR.C. IS., ., K err, :M1'. Wm. J . , M.D. , CH.B. L.R . C.P. , Lond . . Key, 1\11'. D. T ., :lLR.C. . L ennox., :Mr. David, M.D., Eum . Keys, 1\11'. O. W. Moore, M.D., A.M.D. L e!>lie, 1\11'. R. , Vhytock, M.D., U. U.I. Kilcanolie, 1\11'., M.n..C.S .E. . L ewis, 1\11'. T. H., l\f . H.C .S. Kilgal'l'iff, 1\Ir. 1\1. J., F.R.C.S. , !r el. L ewys-Loyd,1\1r. Evan, l\LR.c .s . ,Eng. ,&c. Kilkelly , Lieut.- Oolonel, M.D ., R . A . ~LC. Lilley, 1\Ir. J. H . , M.D . . KinO', 1\11'. F . T ruby, M.B. , C.M ., ~dm. M L illey 1\11'. F .. L.R .C.S. & P., Edlll., K ing, Mr.R.T. L. R, C . S . ,L.R . s.c., l1 el.,~. . L:F.P. & s., Gla . K inO'combe, 1\11'. A. P., 1\1.P•. C.S. , L.S· · 1 L illies l\Ir. Herbert, .lILR. C.S. Kingsbury, Mr . Edward, M.D. , B. A., D U 1 . L ister,' Mr. Thomas D., M.D., Lond. KinO'sbury, 1\11'. G., M.D . L d L ittle l\Ir. J . , M.D . Kingston, :Mr. Percy J . , L. R.C.P., on., Little~ood, 1\11'. Harry, F.P•. C. , lILR .C.S.. Eng. . Lloyd Ir. E. J ., M.D., Abel'. Kinnear, :fill'. W . , l\I.B . , C.l'lL, EdIr:i1 Lloyd; 1\Ir. Johnp ., )LU.C. '., Eng., K iusey-1\lorgan, 1\11' .. A,., l'lI.U., D m . L.n.C .p., Edm . K irkpatrick, 1\11'. WIlham, B.A . , lILDE 0' L ock, Mr. John G. , liLA . , Oamb., I .. R.C.P. , Knapp, Mr. 1\10ntagu H., lILR.C.S. , no" lILR.C.S.



&c. E d in L odge, Mr. P . G. , L.lIf. , L.S. A. . L O(l WI' d ge, 1\11' . , Ym . 0 . , M. P. .C. S. , K n ale e , 1\Ir . J '. 0 . , L.R.C.P. , L. R. C. P., L ond. L. R. C. S. , Edm. Knight, Mr . A . 0. , lI1.R.C.S. , L' \~'lb L oe, Mr . J. S . , lILR. C.S., L.S.A. Knight, Mr. Gl6U Alburn, M.B., e .. L onO' 1\11'. W . J., l\I.B. Knight, Mr . W . H . , L.R.C .P. & s., Edm. L ord:1\lr.S a ml. T. , L.R.C.p. ,Lond.,lII.R. C. S. Knight Mr. W. J. R., l\I.D ., R.U.l. . Love Ml' Henry, B.A ., M.B., Durh . Knott,' Mr . Oharles, lILR.C.P., E dm . , L oveiy, ~lr. O. Newton, M.D.! Durh . lILR.C .S. . L ow , Mr . .A.. Bruce, M.D . , Edm . Knott, 1\11'. \ \Tm. , JlI.D ., Edm. L owe, Mr . W . G., J.P., M.D. Knowles, 1\11'. H. , M.D. , D urh . Ed' L owsley Oapt. M. M., R.A.Jlr.C'., l\LR. C.S., K nyvett, Mr. H. Ferrel'S, L.P•. C.P., m ., Eng., L. B.C.P., L ond. L. M. . . L owson, Mr. G. , M.B., C.M., Glas . . L Mr Ricl1ard Harman, F.n . C.S., M.B. , K och Mr. W. V . Mill el, M.D . , lILCH . L acey, 1\11'. Allan R. , L.R.C.P., L ond. uceCantab . L achl an Mr . Geo. F . , M.B . , B.R. . L m ~lr R G. lILR. C.S., l\LA. , M.B. , T C M E dll1 Yl1a, . , L aing. Mr. James . , lILB., . . , . McAdam, nIl'. R oM. , M. D.. . . , L aird M r . Andrew J . , 1II.D., C.lII. , D.P.H. 1\1 Ad m 1\11' R obert L oms (VJCtona, C a,. L amb,' 1\11'. Vl . H . , M. R.CS . . , MB ., McAldowie, Mr . Al ex. 11., M.D. L ambert, 111'. F. S . , M.R.C.S . , L.R.C.p . , Mc~l\.lister H ewlings, Mr. VI . F., M.B . , L ond . P I D 11'11 L ansdown , Mr . R. G. 00 e, M.D. , 1 . lJantolU', Mr . H. A. de , :M .R. C. S. Gl as , . L apraik , Mr . George , M.B. , c. 1\~. , L atlmer M1'. H. A. , M.D., Dur 1 . IT I L aurie, Mr . Oasp ar R., M.D. , B n a 0, M.R. a.S ., L. P" C.P. , L.. S. A. L aurie, . R. , M.D., E d m. Ed'In . Mr L avery, M1'. J. A ., L. R.C.P. , .

C.lIf. (N . Z.) . E ll' McOandlish, Mr. J ohn G. , L. R. C.r., m. , L.R.C. S., Glas. M cOarthy, Mr . Justin McO., lILl? Macartney, Mr . R. , L.R.C.P., E d m. McOlell and , J'v.LT. H. A . lILR.C.S. , E ng.,&c. M acaulay, 1\1:1'. D. J., M. D. ,. Bru x ., L R C S Edin., L. R. C.P., E d m. ' ... ,


M cOullagh, Mr. John, L. R.C.S. , I re1. Marsh, Ml'. F ., F.R. C.S. McDonald, M1'. Geo . Brnce, M.D. Marsh, .Mr. J. Hedley, :lLR.C.S., L.n.C. P . Honorary Life Macdonald, 1\11'. James, "LB., C. :I!., EJin . Lond . Members. .McDonnell, Mr. Denis, L.R.C.S.I., L.A.II., Marsh, ~Ir. J. J., L.R.C.P., L. R.C.S., Edin . Dub., L.M. Marshall, Mr. G. , I,.R.C.P. McDougall, Mr. Finlay, F. R.C.S .E., Marshall, 'urgcon-Majol' J. J. de Zouche, L. It. C. P. E . L. R. C. s., Irel., L. A. II., Du b., L. :-'r. 1\IcDJ,vell, Mr . 'William O. 'V., "LB., M.S. 1\1artiu, 1\11'. Albert, M.D. 1\leGachen, 1\11'. F . W . D., LoS .A., L.F . l'.S . , Martin, 1\[1'. O. M., M.D. GIas. 1\1artin, Mr. J ., M.D., 'to Anu . 1\I c8ee, 1\[1'. J . H . , M.B. et CH.D., M.D., Martin, Mr. J. M. H., M. D., Vict . D.l'. II. , Oarou. 1\1artin, Mr. J. 'V., M.D. Macgregor, 1\11'. Geo. Robt., M.D. Martin, 1\11'. S. E., M.D. McGregor, Mr. J . , "LILC.S., L.U.C.p. Masscr, 1\11'. H. O. P., L.R.C .P. E., 1\IcJanet, Mr. F . 1\1., ;)l.B., c . ;)1., GIas. :l-1.Jt.C.S. l\IcKenzie, Dr. A., M. D. Matthews, Mr. O. E., "I. D., Oxon. Mackenzie, Mr . ])uncan J., "LD. Matthews, 1\11'. J. 0., B.A., :lI.B., B. C. Mackenzie, 11'. El'Jlest, :-'{'D. Matthe\\' , :Jlr. Yalelltine, lII.u.c.s. , L. S.A. Mackenzie, Mr. F. ,Yallace,:-'1. n.,c. : I1.,Edin. May, Mr. Thomas F. l\lackenzie, Mr. Henry D., :-'L D. Maynard, Mr. J. Clarkson, :II. n.. c.s. Mackenzie, Mr. Jas ., :lLD. Mcars, Mr. F. 0., M.D., Durh. Mackenzic, Mr. .John, L.R.C.p. , Ediu . Mehta, Dl·. Dhalljibhai Mackenzie, 1lI1'. ,Yo S . , IdLC. P., L.ll-C.S. , :Jlelvillc, Mr. ., :l1.D. Edill. Mehin, Mr . James, M.D . , & C.:l1. MacFurlclCll, Mr . O. J. R., :l1.D. (IIon), Mercer, Mr. \Y., :lI.D. :If. n., c.;)I., Edin. Mel'ry,,'eathcr, Mr. Jamcs, :lLR.C .. '., L. ' . A. l\Ia.ckic, Mr. John, ;)I.D. Metcalfe, Mr. William, L.. . A. l\Iackilllay, Mr. James R, :l1.1LC.S. Mickle, Mr. Adam F. G., :lLD. , Aber., Mclntosh, Mr. John, L.n.C .. , L.r:.l'.P., R.:l1., ;If.,. Edin. :J1illdlemis', 1\11'. G., !If.D., Dnrh . 1\IrXi acIc, Mr. H. J . , ;)LD. Milburn, ~Ir. O. H., 1\I.B., l\1. ., Durh. MacKnight, 1\11'. Ohas. O.,;)I.B.,CIl.::.r.Glas. Mill, Mr. Geo . . , M. D., Edin. l\IcLaren, ?Ill'. J . T., :11. n., L . n. u. 1'. Miller, Mr. James, 1\1. B. I c.:l1., Edin. McLean , .!\II'. O. J . Russell, M.n. , Ellin. Milligan,M1'.R.A., L.R.C.P., l\I.R.C.S. Maclean, Mr. E . J., M. B., Edin. 1\1ill , Mr. R. J., M.B., C.lIf., Abel'. Maclin, Mr. T homa' T . , :lLD., Olaf;. Mills, MI'. Wilton, L.R.C.P., L.R.C .. , Edin. l\IcLannahan, JUl'. J. Ttmn, L.n.c.:>.r., &c. Mil1 -Rohert ,MI'. E. A., M.B., 1\J. . :MacLeod, fr. R. A., )LD. ( el\' Zealand) . Milne, 1\11'. Alex. 0 ., L.R.C .. &P. , E,lin . :Mc~launs, 1\11'. L . trong, ;)LD . Milner, Mr. James, M. 11.C .. ,Eng.,L.R.a .p., Mc Tau, 1\Ir. A. A ., .lI1.B., c.)!., Gla.. Lond. l\IcNalty, Lt. ·001. Gco. ,1'., C.B., M. D., Moberley, 1\11'. , . O. H ., ;)1.R. C.. t. An!l., 1l.A.)J.C. i\lol11in, Mr. I. Gih on, LD. M cNaught, Mr. Grace, 1\Ln. Molloy, fr. Leonard, :11.,\., Dlll)., "J.D. , 1I1e Teal, Mr. Jame., M . R.C . ~., L.n.c.p. )f.B., n.CH., &c. :Macneilage, 1\[1'. D., L. n.c.T'., Ec1in., Molteno, 1\fr. V. G., B.A., M.B ., B.C" L.F.P .S., Glas. (Oape Town . ) M acNitlder, Mr. James, M. B., C. ~I., Edill. Molyneux, 1\[1'. H., L U. C. . M c, Villiams, M I'. G. F ., M.B., 111. .,. l\[oncIcton, Mr. D avid Henry, F.R. C. . E . M addever, 1\I r. John 0., "f. n. I ontague, 1\11'. A . J . H. , l\J.D . M ai ns, 1\l r. John H .; L.U. C. P. , Lon!l. Mooney, Mr. Alex . P., B.A. (Hons . ), .lII. D. Malcolm, M r . Ohas., L. R.C .P., L. n . C. . , (Hon .) R. U. r. Eclill . 1\[oore, Mr. O. A . , M. D. M alpas, 11'. J ., JlI. R. C.. . , T,.n.C . p. Lond. M oore, .!\II'. H. Oecil, lII.ll.C.S. M allley, 11'. H., M.A . , Oamb., C.1\[ ., B. C. l\[ oo1'e, Mr . H enry O. ,l\L B., D ublin(Victor ia) MII 11 11, Oh as . F . Grant, B. M. , 1\[.. . 1\[0 ore, SUI'geon L t.-Ool. and ford, )L B . M ann , Mr. J. Bentley, l\r. n.c. s . , EnO'. l\[oo rh ou se, .Mr. B. 1\1., 1\I. B., C.M. , E d in. Ma nn er s, Mr. 'Vm . B y . , M.B., O.M.,oGIas. 1\1oriso n , 1\11'. 'V. 1\1. , Ph y ician and M a nning, Mr. L esl ie S., l\L13., C.M., A bel'. Surgeo n. Man t le, Mr. Alfred , M. n. , Dlll'h. l\forris, Mr. F. H. , M. D. MUl'l'iott, l\h. O. W., M. D. , t . Alltl . Mon i on, Mr. Willia m, M.D. (Vict ori.a). M a rriott, Mr. O. D. , M. ll., Gl as . M Ol'tlock, Mr. R. H. ; JlI. 13. , C. lII ., Edm. I


50 Honorary Life Members,

St. John A mbulance Association.

Morton, Mr. O. A., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Oliver, M1'. Ohas. Pye, M.D., Lond. Lond. Oliver, Mr. F. H., L.R.C.P., Lond. Moss, 1\11'. 'V. J. A., M.B. O'lUoore, Mr. Henry, M.B., Dub. Moxham, 1111'. M. 0 ., lILR.C.S. Ol'd, Mr. Frederic ,Vm., L.R.C.P., lre1. Mugliston, 1\1r. G. T. W., M.D. , Aber. O'Bielly, .l\lr. Geo. J., L.R.C .. 1., M.H.C.P.I. Mugliston, Mr. T. 0., lI1.R.C.S. O'Riordan, Mr. F., M.D. . Mul1l'o, !\II'. F., M.B., C.M., Glas. Onnrod.' !\II'. Fray, L.R. C.P., EllUl., L.R.C. s., Murdoch, Mr. Jas., L.n.C.p., Edin. Edm. . Murphy, Mr. Charles E.,T,.R.C.P.1.,L.lIL&C. Orton, Mr. E. 'V., L.R.C.P., EllUl., L.lIl. Mmphy, Mr. 'N., M.B., c.lII., Edin. Orton, Mr. John, M.R.C.S. Murray, Mr. O. F. K., M.D. Osborn , Mr. S., F.R.C.S. Murray, !\II'. J ames A. J., B.M., lI1.s.,Edin. Osburne, .\\II'. 0 .. A. P., L.R.C.P., Euin., Murray, !\II'. John Gawler,L. R. C.P. ,L.R. C. S. F. R. c.s., Edm. Edin. OYenden, .l\lr. W. H., M. D. Murray-Aynsley, Mr. J. H., M.R.C.S., O", en, nIl'. E. Lloyu, M.D . .l\~a~t. l1l'g.,Ed. L.R.C.P. (New Zealand). Owen, .\\II'. J. H., L.R.C.P., Elll1J. Myers, 1\11'. W. W., M.B., c .:-1., Glas. O"'en, Mr. R F., JlLll. Nairn, Mr. D.l'II., L.R.C.P., Edin.,L.R.C.S., Ozanne, 1\11'. F. N., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Edin. Lond. Nairn, 1'I1r, R W., M.B. & C.M., Gias. Parle, .\\II'. David, M.D. . Nanavatty, Mr. Byramji Hormusji,F.R.C.S., Palin, Mr. H. Venables, M.B., C.M., Edlll. Edin. Palmer, M1'. O. Spencer, L.R.C.P., Loud., N ankiv ell , Mr. Herbert, M.D. M. n. C. s. Nason, Mr. E. Noel, B.A., Oamb.,M.D.,&C. Palmer, 1\11'. F. Oraddock, lIf.D., Brux. Neave, Mr. Edward F. M., M.B. Palmer, Mr. Jas. 0., lII.B., J, H.C ... , Ecl~n. Neethling, .\\Ir.J. H., M.B., C.M. (S.Africa). Park, Mr. J.R S., L.R.C.S., L.n.C.p. , Edll1. Nevin Mr. Robert, l\f.B. Parker, Mr. G., M.A., M.D. Nevin~, 1\11'. Arthur E., F.R.C.S., Edin. Parke, 1\11'. L. 0., M.D., Lond. . Newby, Mr. Obas. H., L.R.C.P., Lond., Parkes, Mr. V\T. H., ;\LB., M.S., Edll1. F.R.C.S. Parkinson, Mr. Chas. Jos., ;\Ln .. Lond. , Newman, 1\1r. William, M.D. lILR.C.S. (Viet.). Newsham, Mr. Francis, M.R.C.S. P arkinson, Mr. W. J., JlLR.C.S., Eng. Nicholls. M.r. H., M.B., lILR.C.S. Parnell, .\\II'. G. 0., M.R.C.S., L. S.A. Nicholson, Brigade-Surgeon Lt. -001. E ., P arsons, Mr. Francis H enry, 111. D. ,C. 111. ,Glas. A.M.S. Parsons, 1\11'. Harry 0., lILH.C.S., L.n.C.p., Nicholson, 1'I1r. J. Williams, lILR.C.S. Lonrl. Nickson, Mr. Augnstus, B.A., M.B. Parsons, Mr. \"\TalterB ., lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P. Nicol, lvIr. James, M.D. Partridge, 1\11'. T. , M. D. Nightingale, Mr. John, lIl.B., C.M., Edin. Paterson, Mr. O. E., M.D. Nixon, 1\11'. T. S., lILR. C.S. Patrick, 1\11'. S. A., M.R.C.S. Noble, MI'. Saml. Olarke, M.R.C.S., Eng., Patterson, .\\II'. G. H. , M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. L.S.A. Nockolds, Ml'.Stephen. L.R.C.P.E.,L.R.C.S. Patterson, 1\11'. G. de Joncourt, B.A .. Dub., Norman, M1'. A. S., M.R.C.S., L.P,.C.P., M.B., M.R.C.S. Lond. Paul, lvIr. F. T., F.R.C.S., L.n.C.p., Lond. Norman, Surgeon Burford Payne, M1'. Henry, M.D., Edin. Norman, Mr. J. E., M.D., M.R.C.S. Peach, .l\[r. O. 'V., M.B., M.S., Eelin. Norman, Mr. J. W., M.D. P eake, lvIr. A. 1;V., lILR. C.S. , L.n.c.p. Norris, :1'I1r. V-lm. Perrin, M.B., CH.B., P eake, .\\Ir. Frederick E., M.ll.C.S., L.n.c.p. Melb. Pearcey, Mr. J. J. ,Vandless, L.R.C.S. Northcote, 1\11'. A. B., M.D. , Edil1. L.R.C.P., Edil1. Nuttall, Mr. T. E., M.B., C.M., Edin. P earcy, 1'.1r. P. A., lILB., C.M., Eelin. O'Oonnell, Stugeon D. V., M.D. Pearse, Mr. T. F., M.D., Brl1x., Odell, Mr. W., F.R.C.S ., lI1.A., L.S.A. F.P,.C.S., M.ll.C.P., Lond. O'Donovan, Mr. T. J. , L.1-t.C,P. & s.,Eelin. Pedley, Mr. T. F .. M.D., Brl1x. O'Downey, 1'111'. Augustine, L.R.C.P. & s., Peirce, Mr. Francis, M.D., Dub. Edin., &c. Pennian, lvIr. Mitchcll, M.R.C.S., M.B. Ogilvie, Mr. J. H., L.R.C.S., Edin. Percival, Mr. Geo. H., M.B. . Lond., Okell, Mr. George, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. M.R.S.C. Oldham, Mr. Hugh F., M.A., Dub., M.D. PelTY, Mr. W. D., M.H.c.s.,Eng., L.R.C.P., Oliphant, :Mr. Bruce, M.D., Edin. Lond.

St. John Ambulance Association.


Pestell, ~lr. Jas. H., L.R.C.S., Edin. Rangoon, Rt. R ev. the Bishop of, M.D. Honorary Petel~'l1r.James, L.R.C.P., Edin.,L.ll.C.S., Rattray, Mr. J. M., I1I.B. Life Ill. Raw, Mr. 'V. E. St. .M., L.R.C.P.,M.R.C.S. Members. P etter, 1\11'. ·Wa~t.er, M.B., C.I1I., Edin. Rawlings, Mr. James, I1I.R.C.S., L.S.A. Rawns!ey, :Major G. T., I{.A.:\I.C., Phell8sci.IIIr. PhilIp, M.R.C ... , L.ll.C.l'., ' In. M.lt c .s . Pll~ll~ps, 1.11'. O. H., M.])., Durh. Rayner, :Mr. Edwin, B.A., Lond., M.D. Ph~llll)S, MI'. G. A., M.lt.C.S., 1,.S. A. Rettman, Mr. 'V. K, I1I.R.C . . . , L.S.A., P~lllp, IIII'. 'Ym., M.B., C.M ., Euin. Lond. ;~ers, 111'. O. E., M.n. (Cape Town). R ees, Mr. Edward D., I1I.R.C.S. lIke, IIII'. Joseph 13., L.R.C.l'., Edin., L.R.C.l'., Lond. . M.ll.C.S., Eng. Reiu, Mr. D. Boswell, M.H.C.S. P~o, 111'. W. Royston, I1I.R.C. . Reid, 1\11'. Duncan J., I1I.B. P~lch~r, 111'. W. J., F.R.C.S., Euin. Reid, 1.11'. T. Whitehead, M.D., t .Aud. P~lgnm, fl'. KG., :'II.D., Edin. Renton, Mr. G., I1I.D. ;~11l, 1111'. F. E. de Beeho, L.lt.C.S., hel. Rhode, Mr. Thomas, I1I.D. I ~nck, 1\1r. O. H., M.B. C.M., Glas. Rhys, Mr. W. L., L.ll.C.p., Lond., P~nkertoll, 11'. James, 1II.D., n.u. T. M.ll.C.S. P~l111.ock, M1'. RD., 1II.D., Glas. Rice, 1111'. 'Y. R, B.A. , Dub., III. D. PItlue, Mr. A. Drimmie, L.l~ .C.fJ., Edin. Rich, Mr. A. 0., \LR.C.S. Plant, Mr., M.D. Richanls, 1Il1'. J. T., B.SC., Edin.,1>LB.,C.l\!. Platt, Mr. ,ST. H., L.R.C. P. Richarusoll, IIlr. Frederick E., L.R.C.P. Ploll~ley,Ml'. John F., 1.D., BJ'lIx. & s., E(lin., &c. POClllll, ~\[r. F. L., M.n., C.M., Eelin. Richardson, Mr. J. :rowell, I1I.D. Pole, ~lr. Alexallder, 1>I.D., St. And. Hiddell, Mr ..J. ,cott, ill.V.O., ::\l.A., Abcr., Pollanl, .l\h. G o. 11., M.D., Edin. 1>Ln., C .~I. Pollen, Mr. Hem}" 1II.D., DuG. Ridley, lUI'. J. 'Y., L.R.C.P. Poole, !Ill'. A. H., L.ILC.P., L.lt.C .. . , Edin. Rigby, 11'. ,Yalter 0., 1>I.B., CH.B., Yict. Poole, Mr. '. 'Y., M.D., Ahel'. Rigden, 1\[1'. Brian, ~!.ll.C.S., L.S.A. Pooley, Mr. E. Burdett, L.ll.C . . . , Irel., Rillgwood, .\\Ir. John, L. ll.C.i'.I., L.R.C.P.I. L. ll.C.P., Eelin. Rohb, .\\Ir. J. B. h., M.A., Aber., M.D. Pope, Mr. ella ., L.R.C ... E. Roberts, M1'. Arthur, F.n.C.f;. Pope, 1111'. Frank 1\1., B.A., Oamb ., M.B., Roberts, Mr. E. E., 1II.n., ;\r.~. M.ll.C.P. Roberts, .\\II'. Hugh Jones, ~I.R.C .. , }'ope. Major 'V. 'V. , n.A.M.C. L.S.A. Potter, Mr. Harry, :u.R.C ..·.,L.ll.C.p.,Edin. Roberts, J. Ll oyLl, M.B. & C.M., Eelin., Potter, .\\Ir. H. Percy, M.D., Durh., D.P.H., Eng. F.R.C.S. Rol)ert, .\\II'. R Lawton, 1>I.D., Loud. Powell, Mr. TJ. L. , M.R.C.S., T..ll.C.l'. , ELlin. Robert, Ml'. Reg. J., M.A., M.B., B.C. Pratt, Mr. J. Dallas, liLA., Dull., M.D. Roherts-Dndley, 11'. F. J.,M.R.C .. ,L .. . A. Pmtt, .\\fl'. Reginnlel, M.D., Lond. Roberton, .\\I 1'. E., M.D. Prel1l1.ergnst,1\lr. "'v. Dowling, M.D., lIl.A.O. Rohertson, .\\II'. Robt., lII.R.C.S . Pr~nbce, Mr. Zechariah, M. n.c.. . Robin on, .l\l1'. A. 11., M.D. Pr~ce, MI'. Davi(l, M.ll.C .. ·. , L.T:.C.P. Robill on, ~Ir. A. H epworth, ~J.B., C.M., Pnce, .Mr. E. 0., M.D, Edin. EL1in. Pr~ce, MI'. A. E., J,.S.A., L.lIf.l~.C.P., Irel. Robinson, .\\II'. Ernest L., l\I.R.C.S., Pnchard, l\fl'. R A., M.R. .s. L.l~.C.P., Lond. Pr~tchard, Mr . .T. J. G., 1If. H.C... Robinson, .\\II'. G., 1.1 . c .s. , L.S.A. Pntchett, Mr. H e l11'Y , M. n. c. s . Robinson, 1\11'. H. ., M.ll.C .. . Prosser, Mr. Philil B. Robinson, ll1'geon-Major Mark Proudlove, Mr. blwd., M.n., C.M. Robinson, .\\II'. M. J., M.D., &c., R.U.r. Prout, .l\[]'. ,Villium T., B.M .. lIUi. R ohinson, Mr. R. B., ~I.D. Pllllon, .l\fr. G. S., M.D., 'Edin. Roche, Mr. T. F., L.n.C.p., Eelin., L.R.C.S., ELlin. PUI'chas, Mr. A. 0., lII.R.c.s., M.B., c . r. Punly, .l\[r. James R., M.D., C.lIL, Aher. Rodl cy, .\\II'. John, lII.R.C.S. Pl1~'VIS, Mr. J. P., :-'I.n.c.s., L.S.A. Rogers,.\\I1'. Bertram .\\I., B.A., Oxon., M.D. Qmck, .l\1r. Frank, lI1.R. C.S. ROl'er, Mr. H erbertJ., I1I.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., Radford, Mr. 1;Vm., M.n.c.s., L.n.c.p., L01l(1. Lond. Rorie, !\'II'. D., M.B., C.M., Edin. Ram sc1e n, Mr. Herbert, M.D., Lond. Ros, .\\II'. M. 'V., M.B., CH.B., :r.Z., Rands, M1'. St. J. 0., lI1.R.C.S. M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond .

5:2 Honorary Life Members,

St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

R oulston, Mr. William, M. D. , i\LCR . , inelair, Mr. A . MacGregor, M.B., Abel'. lILA.O., n .u.I. Sinclair, 111~. Jol~u, lILD.,lII .R.C.l'.,M.R.C. S. R ound, Mr. John 0 ., M. n.C.S., L.Il.C.P. , Skae, Mr. ]ranClS D. A., ~J.D. Lond. Skelding, 1\11'. Henry, M.B., D.C., B.A. R owe, Hr. Joseph H ., M.B. , C.~L Abel'. Skinne~', 1'I~1'. D ., M.B., cn.M., Abel'. R owe, 1\11'. Thomas Smith, l\I . D., Edin . (V lctona). Ruddock. 111'. ,V . J., ;\l.B., ~Lll. C. kipworth, l'Ilr. Herbert, L.n.c.l'.,L.lII.,&e. Ruel, :\11': P . , L.R.C. P. , lILR. C.i". Sloman,1\1r. H ., L.~. C . l'., Lom1., M.ll.C.S. Rugg, il11'. G. L ., lILll. C.,., &c. Sloman, 111'. S. G., Junr., L.ll.C.P. Lond., Rumboll, :nIl'. O. .I)'. , i\oLD. , Durh . M.r,.C.s. R umboll, Mr. Sydney, L.RC.p., F.R.C.S. Sm~ltol1, M\ O.. ' V. , I.n.c.s. , L.B.C.p. Rusk, :Jlr. John, lII.B., B.CH. SmIth, Mr. Edwlll O. 1'11., lI1.ll.C.S. Russell, nIl'. John, :;'LA., lII.n., C.~L Smith, Mr. G. Jackson, L.n . C.S.I. , Rutherford, 1111'. R. L., M.D., n .u.I. L. R.C. l'. , Irel. Ruttle, Mr. Robert, L.lIL, L. S. Smith, 1fr. H. Hammond, lIr.n.c.s., Ryan, Mr. ,V. H., lILR.C.p., Ire1. L. R.C.P., Lond. St. George, :JIr. George, M . D. Smith, ]1.11'. Henry, L.R.C.l'. St. Ledger, Mr. R. .A. , M.B., C . ~L, Edin. 'mitb, nIl'. Jos. IV., lILlLC.R., Eng. , L.lII. SaU, nIl'. E. 'Y. H ., ~1.R. C.S . mith, ~lr . 1'IL Lomax, 111. H.C.S., L.ll.C.I'. Salmon, Mr. Harry R ., 1ILB. , CH.B.,nIelb. (New Zealand). Sanders, Mr. Ohas. , :ll. B.. C.S., lILB . Smith, 1Ir. R. Bradshaw, L.ll.C. '., IreI. Sanders, Mr. ELlward A., lI['P,. C. S. L.R.C.P., Edin. Sansome, :1111'. P . J . , M.P..C.S. mith, Mr. B: Sinclair, F.l1..C.P.E., ScantleblU'Y, Mr. Geo . J., L. ET. L. ~lID., . L.!:'.. C.• . , Edll1 . R.C.p. , (Victoria). Sm~th, Ml'. Sml.P,arsoDs,L. ILC.P.,L.n.C.S.J. SmIth, Mr. Stl'a!lord, 1II . D. Searl', nIl' . George, lIl.B. Scatliff, Ml'. P . M., lILH.C.S. mith, l'Il1'. T. Hanson, l\I.D . , Dl1l'h. . Scatterty, Mr. ,Yilliam, ill. A., Aber., M. D. Smith, Mr. 'Y. J . '. L. R. c. 1'., L. ll. c. '., ELlll1 . Sehlesinaer, nfl'., ALR.C.S. (Victoria) . Smyth, 111'. R. 1'Ihlnel',F.lt.C.~.I.,L.R.C.P.I., . SCholefield, nIl' . G. E., M. D., Edin. L.~L Scott, Mr. A . \Y ., lI1.R.C. . South, Mr. F. \Y. B., lII.Jt.C . . Scott, Mr. O. ,V., M.B., C. M., Edin. ollthwell, Mr. O. E ., L.l~ . . P., L.n.C.S., Scott, Mr. ,V. Tocher, 1ILA., M.B., C.lII. Edin. Seccombe, Mr. O. ,V., ?vLp,.C.S., L. R. C.P. , Spanton, nIl'. 'Y. Dunnett, F.n .c.s. . Lond. Spence, :Mr. 'Vm. J as., L. ll.C.l'., Echn. , l' Selby, Mr. E<hnund , V., M.D. . L.R.a.S., E on. Sellers, :Mr. R. Bnrdett, M.P,.C.S. Splllk, Mr. E. W. , lI-1.D. ~.s., Lond. Sellers, Mr. ,V. H. !. , lILB. , C. iIl., Eclin. Spong, Mr. Hal'l'Y, B. A. (Oxou) L.~ . A . Sergeant, Mr. Edviard, lILR.C.S., L.IL('.p., Spriggs, 1'.11'. E. I vens, M.D., Lond. Lond. 'proat, Mr. James H., lILB., ~LR.C . S . Sharp, Mr. Arthur J ., ~LD., B.S. ! L ond. 3proulle, nIl'. A . E , lI1.n.c.~. Sharman, Jlr. E. \Y., L.p•. C. P. , r,. P,. c.,'. ,Edin. proulle, :nfr. '1' . VI ., L. R . C.S. I., L. K.C . Q.P. Shaw, Mr. J as., ~1. B., C.lIL, Edill. Sq nance, Mr. T. Ooke, lIL D. , Dunelm. Shaw, Mr. T. S. , ~r.B., C. lIf., Edin . Squire, Mr. J. E., M.D ., Loud. Sheaf, Mr. O. A. Ernest, M.R.C.p. , Edin. Stark, Mr. E . 0., L. R. C.P.r., 1,. l\I., F.R. C.S. , Shearer, nIr.T. Pitcairn, L. Il. C.P., L I'.C.S ., Irel. E din. Stalker, :1 fr. A . M. , l\{'A. , Edin . , I.D. Shelly, IIiI'. O. E., M.D. , Camh. Stamford, Ilir. -VVm. Aekl'ill, lIL R.C .8. Shepherd, Mr. Thos. W., L.R.C.S., Edin . Steel, Mr. W. Dyne; M.D. , C. M. , D.l'.H. Shives, ~fr . John, M.D., Abel'. Steele, Mr.W . IL, M.lLC.S. , L.R.C. P. L ond. Shone, Surgeon-Major 'V . J . , 11.R. C.S. Steet, :Mr. George Oarrick, F. R. c.s . Shuttleworth, Mr. G. E., B.A . , L ond.,M.D. Stelfox, Mr. J . B., ]I[ .H..C. S., Eng. , L. S.A. S iddall, Mr. J. B. M.D . , Abel'. Stenhouse, Mr. W. M ., M.D. ( ewZealand) S imon, Mr. M. F., M.D., St. And. Stephen, Mr. , V. A. , liL A., M.B., C.M. Simpson, Mr. H enry, B.A., M.B. , B.C., tewart, Mr. F . McB ., L.R.C. S. Oalltab., M.R.C.S., Eng. , L. R. C. p., Stewart, IIiI'. U . A., M.B., M.A. L on d . Stewart, Mr. Wnl., M. D. Simpson , Mr. J ames H ., M.D. Stirling, M I'. D. H., M.D., E d in. Simpson, Mr. W . S. , lIL R.C.S. , M.ll. C.P., Stirlillg, Mr. R obert, M. D. Stockwell, 111'. F ., lIL D . E din. S ims, Mr. Geo. S. , M. D. , D urh am, &:. S toker, Mr. G., M.D.

St. J ohn A rrnbulance Association.


Stone)'>. Mr. Percy B ., M.R.C.S., L. R.C.P., T,rott, Mr. Dudley 0., M.B. , F.R. C.S. Honorary Edm . 'I rotter, Mr. Leslie B., M . D., Edin . Life Stotharc1, Mr. James, lILR. C.S., L.S.A. 'l'rotter, Mr. Robert M.axwell, 1ILD. Members. Stretton, Mr. J . Lionel, 1ILR. C.S.,L.R.C.J:'. Trotter, MT. 'Y. 0., 1ILR.C.S. Lond. Troup, Mr. George A., M.B., C.lI1., D. & R . SLretton, l'IIr. Samuel, M.ll. C..'. TUllstall, Mr. A . 0., 1LD., EJin., M.B.,C.M. Strollp'. Mr. R. G., L.n.C.l'. , L.R.C.S., Tumer, Mr. A. M., M.R.C.S. (Sydney) Edm., L.lII. Tl1mer, MI'. A. Scott: L.R.C.P., 1I1.P•. C.S. Stroyall, Mr. F., M . Il. C.~;., L.n.G.p., Turner, Starf-Surgeon Emata Lond. Turner, Mr. H . Gunton, lI1.R.C.S., L.S.A. Sluar!, ~lr . J . A . Erskine, L. n.C.I'.,L.R.C.S. Tumer, Dcp. -Inspee. General Robert, R.N. Edm. TlU'ner, Mr. Thomas, F.R.C.S . Stnart, Mr. T., M.D., lILB., C.M. Turner, Mr. ,Villiam, M.D. Summers, nIl'. John H., L.ILC ... , Edin., Twiss, Major G. E., R.A.},I.C. L.n.c.p. Tyrie, :JIr. O. O. Baxter, lII.B., M.C. Sutherland, l\Jr. Ohas. J., ;o,I.D. Tyrrell, Mr. ,Valter, 111. R. c.s. Sutherland, Mr. J. A., ~1.I!., (;.~I., Edin., Ify on, Mr. ,Yilliam Joseph, M.D ., DurL . utton, Mr. II. G., ~['D. Umlle)" l'lIr. ,V., ~r.D., Lond . wallll, 1111'. A., l\I.D. Underhill, nIl'. F. T., F.R.C.S.E., L.R. C. p., wayne, fl' . F. G., ~r.D., D.C., ~I.A., E(lin. Cantab. Underhill, Mr. J. E . , ~l.D. Swete, Mr. Horace, ~I.D., 'LAnd., ~1. R.C ... Upham, l'lIr. O. Ihslitt, ~I.r•. c.s., &e. 'yme., Snrg.-~~a.j. E. ,Vest, lIL D., E,lin. Upplehy, Mr. J.G.,L.R.C.p.,Eclin.,L.R.C. S. 'l'albot, lr. Alfreel G., 1Il.1; . , c.~[. (Port Elizabeth). Tamplin, :JEr. Chas. H., lILILC.'. Urquhart, O. Thistleton Dyer, ::ILB., C.1Ir., Tate, iiII'. , amuel, ~L D. ~l. D. T,tylol', Mr. James, lILD. Uher, Mr. 'William, :\LD., R. U.I., B.CR. Taylor, ::'11]'. Jt1.1l1es, lILB., n.cn. Valentine, Mr. William, .L.R.C.p. , Edin . , Taylor, Mr. Ju'., F.n.C.S.E. L.n.C .. Taylor,1I11'. . Hamilton, ~r.D. Vance, Mr. 'Y .J., L.R.C.P., Edin., L.R.C.S . Taylor, Mr. Thoma., ~r.n.C.,'.E. Ire1. Taylor, 1111'. Tom R., ALD. Va salli, Ml'. Jerome ., L.R.C.p., L.R.C.S. , T eare, Mr. John, ~Ln., cU.n. Edin. Temple, Mr. G. II., ~I.B., C'.~I. Vernon, 1111'. ii . Heygate, F.R.C.S., Templeman, II'. Oha ., M.D., l!:diu. L.n.C.p., Loud. Tholllas, MI'. Daniel Rees, "Ln. & cu. n. Verllon, .Mr. 'IV., M.n.C .. , L. R.C .p., Edin . ThrHnas, Mr. John, M.n.C.8. Vincent, Mr. II. B., ~I.R.C.S . Tholll·t, Mr. I. D., L. Il.C.p.E., F.ILC.S.E., Yiret, MI'. B. P ., ~r.B., Lond., L.R.C. p. L.F . l'.S.G. Lond. Thomas, iiII'. 'IY. , ~LD. Yoisin, Mr. Ernest O. Bi hop, 1ILR.C.S., Thompson, MI'. J. n., L.n.c.p. & L.~I. , M.ll.C.P. Ire!. L.ll.C.R., Edin. Vores, iiII'. Arthur, M.n.c.s. Thomsoll, lUI'. B'1l'clay, (Victoria). "rachel', Mr. Frank, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. Tholllson, }.[i s E. C., 1II.B., C.1I1., Edin. , Vacher, II'. ., F.n.C.S., L.R.C.P. L.lt . C.,'., I,. H.C.P. ,"\Taddy, Mr. H . E . , L.R.C.p., !lLR. C.S. Thomson, 1\11'. Geo., lIf. D., .Aher. , Vade, Mr. A. Breedon, 111. B., C.lII. , Edin. , TholU 'on, Ml'. G., ~1.D., C.M., Edin . lILa.c. '., L.S. A. Thomson, ]\[1'. James, 1\ £. D. , Vakelam, 1\11'. Edgar, L.R. C.p. , L.R.C.S. , 'l'hOlll!lOn, Mr. J. R. Menzies, nr. B., Cll. B., Edin. il i elb. (Victoria). Waldo, Mr. Fred J . , M.D., Oamb., [\f.B. Th01l1,;01l, Mr. L B . , LB., ET. cn.lIL ,Yale, MI'. Geo., D.p.II. (Oamb.), M.ll.C.S. Thomson, Sir , Villiam, M.D . L. It. C.l'., Lond. Thornton, Mr. Bertram, M. R. C.. . ,L.R.C. P., , Valker, Mr . .A. ' V., liLA . , 1I1.B., C.M. Lond. , Yalker, lI[!'. A. ,V. H . , M.D., Bru x. , T hursl1elcl, Mr. T. W. , M.D. L.R. C.P., Lond. T~l1st()ne, MI'. H. Rogers, M.D. , Valker, Mr. Bel'llaI'd, M.R.C.S . , L.. A. 'l'lllley, MI'. T. , 1I[ .D., D urh. 'Walk er , fro Oyril H. , B.A. Oamb. T oppi ng, 1fr. J. P . , M.D. , Glas . F.R. C. . ' T ownsend, Mr. F . E., 11[.0., lILCH., R.U .I. , Valker Mr. H ell1'Y, L.F.P. & E. T rimble, 001. O. J . , c . L O., D.P. JI., , iValker; M r. H. A., M.R.C.S. , Eng., L.S.A. , L. n . C.l'.E. L ond .

St. J ohn Ambtltlance Associatiorl. Honorary Life Members.

'Walker, Mr. J. Pixton, l\I.R. C.S., L.R.C.P., vYhite, Mr. R. W., L.R.C. P. Lond. 'White, Mr. William, M.D. Walker, Mr. John W., M.R.C.S. ,L.R. C.P., Wh~te, Mr. W. H., M.B. Lond. ,Yh1tehead, Mr. A ., lILB., C.M., ALcr. , Yalker, Mr. Samuel, M.R. C.S., L. M. Wh~tham, Mr. Robert, M.B. Abel'. Wall, Mr. D. L. M.B., CH.B. 'Yh~tley, Mr. F. G. H., M.R.C.S. < ' vVallace, Mr. R. S., L.F.P.S., Glas., L.S.A. Wh1twell,!lIr.A.H., L:l{.('.S.,L.~.~.P. Eum. Wallace, Mr. John, :i\LB., C.M., B.SC., ,Y~yte, Mr. J. Mac~IC, liLA., Edm",,:tJ1.B. (Public H ealth) Edin. W~gh.tman, Mr. CeCll F., F. lt.C.S., Eng. ,Vallis, Mr. FredM., M. R.C.S., L.S.A. ,VllklDson, Mr. Auburn, M.D.,~ DUlh., Walpole-Simmons, M1'. K, M.D., Durh. . lI!.B., B.S. . T' Walsh, Mr. David, !II . D., Ediu . W ~lk~uson, Mr. A. McKemae, M. B .. ( , lC.) ,Yard, Mr. Francis, M.D., Euin. ,'hlklllson, Mr. James B., M.D., Edm. , Yard, Mr. J. P .S. ,M.R. C.S.,L.R.C.p.,Lond. ,Vilkinson, Mr. J. C., M.R.C .. . , L.R.C.P., Lond. -Ward, Mr. M. A., F.R.C.S., Ire!. ,Yard, Mr. Martindale, M.D., C.lIf., Abel. ,Vill, Mr. Wm . J., lILB., C.M . Ward, Mr. Fisher, L.R.C.P., L ond ., 'Villiams, 1I1r. E., L.ll-C.P., Lon., M.n.C .. M.R.C.S., Eng. "~~ll~ams, Mr. Neville,.M A., Can tab, M.B. Wanen, Mr. Wm., L.ET.L. Mid., K.Q.C.l. '\~ ~ll~ams, Mr. R. l\Iorns, M.B., C.M. Irel. ,\ Ilhams, Mr. W. R., L.R.C.P., L.n.C.s ., Warwick, Mr. C. Steele, M.D. L.U., Rdin., L.F.P.S., Glas. Warwick, Mr. F . J., M.B., Cantab. Williamson, Mr. J. D., N.D. vVaters, Mr. Harry G., L.R.C.P., Lond., vV~ll~s, Mr. Geo., M.B., M.C., M.R.C.S. M.R.C.S., Eng., 'V~lhs, Mr. G. Owen, L.R.C.P. Waters, Mr. John H., M.D., Glas., M.B ., vVllloughby, Mr. ,V. G., M.D., Loml., C.M. D.P.H., Camb. Waters, Mr. J. L., lILB., C.M., Edi.n. ,Vilshaw, Mr. ,Yo Grosvenor, M.D., B.A. Watson, Mr. A. A., M.R.C.S. 'V~lson, Mr. A. C., ,,~.D., Euin., M.B., c.,,!. Watson, Mr. C. S., M.D., Edin./~1.B., C.1I1. \\Tllson, Mr. A. Iarms, )1.D., Dl1l'h., M.B., Watson, Mr. J. C., M.D. B.S. . Watson, Mr. Wm., M.R.C.S. ,ViI on, Mr. J. C., L.R.C.P., L.n.C.s., Etllll. Watson, Mr. W. J., l\LR.C.S. , :i\J.B., ,Vilson, Mr. J. Scott, M.D., Glas., M.B., Lond. C. 1., D.V.H., Camb. Watthews, Mr. Herbert, M.D., EJin. Wilton, Mr. J. P., M.R.C.S., L. . .A. M.B., C.i\L ,Vimberley, Mr. Conrad C., M.n. Watts, Mr. James A., )f.B., M.R.C. S. ,Yingrave, Mr. V. H. ,Yyatt, M.lt.C .. , L.R .. \. Watts, Mr. W . F., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. ,Yithers, Mr. Percy, M.B., B.. . ,:i\1.]>•. c.s. Waugh, Mr. Alexr., M.B., C.M., Glas. Wolfenr~ale, Mr. Geo. A., L.R.C.p.,L.n.c. . . Way, Mr..r. H. F .,M. R.c .s.,L.n. c .p.,Lond. Edm. . Wayland, Mr. A., M. B. ,VolvenlOn, Mr. Fredel'lck, M.B., M.S. 'Weaver, nIl'. ,V. G., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 'Wo od, Mr. John, M.D. Lond., L.S.A. ,Yood, Mr. J. C., L.R.C.P. Webb, 11'11'. Hy. L., i\1.R.C.S. Woor1 , Mr. W. A., M.D., B.. . Webb, 11'11'. J. Ramsay, M.B., CH.B., Melb. ,Voodcock, Mr. A. K, L.R.C.P., L.IU' .. . , ,Yebb, 11'11'. Thos. L., M.R.C.S., L.P•. C.P., Ed.ill., L.F.P.S., Glas. Lond. Woodcock, Mr. H. d.e Carl e, Ln.C.H. L.R.C.P., Edin., L.F.P. S., Glas. Webb, Mr. vVm., M.D., F.R. C.S. Webber, Mr. H. W., M.S., M.D., Lond., ,Voodhouse, Mr. K R, M.B., B.S., Dnrh. &c. Woods, Mr. J. F . , M.D. , Yebster, Mr. Ridley M., M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.P., 'Vood., Mr. John H., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.R. Edin., L.D. f> . "Woods, I nspector-General H. C., C. l)., ,Yedmore, 11'11'. E ., M.R.C.S. C.Y. O., M.D., R.N. Weekes, Mr. Francis H., F.R.C.S. Woolley, Mr. Talbot, M.R.C .S. Wellby, Mr. Stanley, M.B.,Oxon ., M.R.C.S. Worger, Mr. Richard G., M.R.c'.S., West,.lI1r.Lionel F .,M.R.C.S.,L.R.C.p.,Lond L.R. C.P. vVest, Mr. R M., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lond. Wray, Mr. G. Bmy, M.R.C.S., L. S.A. Weston, Mr. S. T. Darby, M.R.C.S. Wrench, Mr. K M., F.R.C s. Wheeler, Mr. William Ireland, M.D. Wright, Mr. J. C., M.A., M.B., B.C., \Vhite, Mr. K A ., M.D., Abel'. Cautab. White, Mr. Nenam F., M.B. C.S., L. R.C.P . Wykesmith, Mr. W., F.R. C.S., Euin ., White, Mr. R. R, M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P ., Edin.

St. J ohn A?nbulance Association. Yolland, Mr. J. H., M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Lond. Young, Mr. A., F.R.C.S. Young, Mr. A. J., L.R.a.p.E., L.n.c.s.E., L.F.P. & s.G., L.i\!.


Young, Mr. C., M.D. Examiners. Young, Mr. Meredith, M.D., Edin., lILB., C.M., D.P.H. loung, lUI'. William M.D., C.M., Edin. Yule, Mr. R. M., M.D . , Aber., ~r.B., C.,,!.




Abbott, Mr. C. E., M.R.C.S. Blaxlaud, Mr. W., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ALrahams, 1111'. A. A., L.R.C.S. Bloxam, 111'. J. Astley, F.n.c.s. Aitken, 1\11'. C. J. H., M.D. Bond, Ur. F. F., M.D. Alexander, Mr. G. Paton, M.D. Bon e, Mr. Douglas Allard, Mr. J. H., M.D. Boor, Mr. Leonard, M.R.C.S., (New Zea1.). Bowhay, MI'. A., M.D., D.P.H. Allen, Mr. T. ,V. J. , M.R.C. '. Altham, Mr. James, i\I.B. Boyce, Mr. J. G., L.R.C.S. Anderson, Mr. J., M.B. Bradley, Mr. David, M.D. Anderson, Mr. J. Wallace, M. D. 13mith waite, Mr. Harrison, AI. D. An rIerson, Mr. Robert, M.J>. Branch, Mr. W. J., M.D. (West Indies). Applcbe, Mr. E. A., L.n.c.p., Edin., Brand, Mr. A. T., M.D. L.M. Branthwaite, !l1r. Hanison, F.R.C.S. Al1pleby, Mr. F. H., M.R.C.S. Bremner, Mr. A. 1\1., L.R.C.P., Edin. AlJpleby, Mr. G. II. V., 1I1.D. Bl'ir'e, MI'. E., L.R.C.P., L.R-C. , . Archer, Mr. E. D., M.D. (Adelaide). Brook, Ir. H . Darville, L.n.c.p., Lond. Amison, Mr. ,V. D., M.D. M.R.C .. Ash, Mr. Percy R, "I.R.C.S. Brook, Mr. F. A., M.n.C.S. AS}l, Mr. T. Lillnington, L.n.c.r., Ellin. Bloomfield, 1\11'., ~LD. "LR.C. . Broughton, Mr., M.n.C . . Audland, Mr. W. E., l\r.n.c ... , Edin., Brown, Mr. A. Tennyson, M.D. L.n.c.p. Brown, MI'. F. Gordoll, :i\Ln..C.... Awd ry fr. "\\7. R, "LB., Durh., M.n.C .. Brown, Mr. J., L.Re.I'., L.ll.C. ·.. r. Ba!gent, Mr. ,Villiam, M.D. 131'0'1'11, Mr. . Mewbnrn, ~I.D. Bam, ~1r. D. E., MoD Browne, Mr. Robert, M.D. Baldwlll, 1\11'. F. B. Judge, M.n.C ... , L.S.A. Bro,,'nfi eld, II'. H. M., :i\Lll.C. Ball, Mr. C. B., M.D. Bruce, Mr. Robert, M.R.C .. Bal1gay, Mr. Richard, M.D. Brnce, MI'. ,Villiam , M.D. Barling, Mr. A. ., ~LR.C .. ·. Brummitt, Mr. R, M.D. (Adelaide). Barnard, Mr. J . H., ;-,r.D. (Paris) Blli. t, Mr. R C., lILR.C .. Bam es, 111'. Edgar; M.D. Bull, urgeon-Major ,V. H. , L.R.C.P. Barrs, Mr. A. G., M.D. Bullock, i'l{r. C., lILn.C .. , L.R.C.P. Barter, 1111'. 'Y., :i\L D. Burman, 1111'. F. J., lILR.C .. Bauchop, Mr. James, M.B., C.M. Burnett, MI'. J. R., M.D. Beattie, Mr. R, M.D. Bmton, Mr. S. H. , :i\Ln.C.,. Beatson, 1\11'. George, C.B., M.D. Btl , Mr. H. D., M.R.C .... Beath, Mr. D. L. , M.R.C.S. Dyl es, 11'. J. E., :M.n.c .. , L.R.C.P., Lond. Byrne, Mr. L., F. n. c ... I. Bedcloes, 1\11'. T. P., i\1. B. Bennett, Mr. 'V. H., L.R.C.P., Irel. Cable, Mr. John, L.R.C.P. Bennett, Ml'. C. H . ,V., L.R.C.P., CalJ'ow, II'. Thomas, M.R.C.R. M.R.C.S. Calverley, 1\11'. E. J. G., C.lILG., :i\LD. Bennett, Mr. N., M.D. Calwell, Mr. Wm. , M.D. Benson, Mr. A. H., M.D. Cameron, II'. C. J., L.R.C .. Benson, Mr. H . T., L.R.C.P. Campbell, Mr. P., M.B. Bentham, 1\11'. A. 0., M.R.C.S. Cantlie, Mr. James, F.R.C .. . Cardew, Mr. G. A., l\LR.C.S., L.. A. Berkeley, Mr. , M.D. Berry, Mr. W., F.R.C.S. Carey, 1\11'. Basil, M.D. B~van, Mr. R, L.R. C.P. I., D. P.H. Carey, Mr. F. E., M.n. (Guernsey) Blgg, Mr. G. Sherman, lI1.R.C.S., F.R.C.S. Carleton. MI'. J. ., L.R.C.S.I. Black, Mr. L. P., M.B. , L.R.C.S. Carnes, Mr. ' V., M.R.C .R., L.n.c.p. Blackburn, M1'. J., M.R.C.S. Carr, 1\11'. Thomas, M.D. Blackham. Captain R J., R.A.1II.C. Carbn-iaht, 1\11'. E. H., M.D.


St. J ohn Ambulance Associa,tion.

St. John Ambulance Association.

111 J M ~I R C 11 1.11'. Examiners. Carve, • ., Cassan, Mr. T., M.R.C.S. Cassicli, Mr. F. R., M.A., ~LD.

Donald Mr. IV., M.B. Dona.lcl~ol1, Surg.-nIajor (BerlUuda) J A C Doolan, M1'. . . ,. Al. B. Cattell, Mr. G. Trew, )LD. Douglas, Lt.-Col. O. M., J:T.<!r. B,A. Downes, Mr. E.,11:llL D. Chadwick , .Ll111 r. A .,)I. D. Ohadwick, Mr. C. M ., ~LA., M.D. Drage, Mr. Love, M.A., M.D. Chalmers Ml'. George, M.B. :Drinkwater, Mr. H., M.D. Chapman: Mr., M.D. (New Zealand) Dryden, Mr: J . Hunter, M.D. Charlesworth, Lieut.- Col. H., R.A .M. C. Dudding, LIeut. T. S., r,.A.lIl. C. Chestnutt, Mr.J., L.RC.P., Edin., L.r,.C.s. Dnff, Mr. J., M.~. Childs, Ml'. Christophel', ~LD . Duke, Col. A. ':., P,;A.M.C. Clark, Mr. Andrew, F.B.C.S. Dunbar, Mr. Eliza "., M.D. Clark, Mr. A. F . C., M.B., C.M. Duncan, nil'. A. James, M.D. Clark, Mr. F. ,1'., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Duncan, Mr. R. .B:, M.D. Clark, Mr. G., M.B., C.)L Duncan.' ~ll'. Wllham, L.R.C.P., L.R .C.S. Clarke, Mr. 'Y. Bruce, F.n.c.s. Edll1. Cleag, Mr. R. )LR.C.S. Duncan, Mr. W., M.B . . Coates, 1\11'. J. M., M.D . Dunkley, Mr. W. ,V., F.P•. C.P., Ecllll. Coates, Deputy Inspector-General M., Dunn, Mr. S. S. M.D., F.R.C.R., R.N. Durno, Mr. J., M.D. Colcntt, M1'. A. ~I., LB. Dutcl.l, Mr. Henry, M.D. Collie, Mr. Robert J., ~LD. DuthIe, Mr. E., M.B., D.P.H. Collier, Lieut. -Col. H. 0 ., B.A.M.C. Dyson, Mr. W., M.B. . El' ' ,'d ge, J.l'1'1. "lY., r ~I Eades , Mr. Samuel OlIver, L.B.C.P ., I (lll _ .D. Co11Ingn Collings, Mr. C. d'A., )LB. (Guernsey) Eag~r, Mr. Robert, M.D. Colquhoun, Mr. D., ~LD. (New Zealand) Eak~ns, Mr. J. W:, M.D . Eav~ms, Mr. J. "·'r M. D. Connor, Mr., :llLD. Connor, Mr. W. G .. L.n .C.p., !reI. E,lglllton, ~1r. R. "., M.D. Ed' Cook, Mr. Alcxander, M. B. Edlin, Mr. E. Holberton, F. n. c. s., 11). Cooper, nfl'. G. White, ~LR.C.P. EJlvards, Mr. R. J., M.n.c.s . Cooper, Mr. H. S .. M.B.C.S., L.P•. C.P. Elder, Mr.. M., M.B .. Corbin, Ml'. T. 'V.,~LD. (South Australia) Ellaby, ~hss C. (Pans), M.D. Cosgrave, Mr. E. McDowel, M. D. Ellerton, Mr. J . F . H., M. D. Coutts, Mr. J. A ., M.D. Ell~rton, Mr. John, M.D. 're1 Cran, Mr. George, M. D. Ell~ott, fr. B. G., L.R.C. P. , L.R.C.S., I . Crease, .!\1r. J . Robertson, F.B.C.S. Elhston, Mr. G. S., M.R.C.S. Crespi Mr. A. J . H., M.R.C.P., !reI ., EI'ans, ~1r. A., M.A. , ~LB., B.CII. M:n.c.s. Evans, Mr. Alfred, M.B., M A. Cressy, Mr. G. J ., L.R.C.P., I rel. ~vans, Mr. D. G., M.D. Cromie, Mr. John, L.R.C.P. & s . lj.vans, Mr. E., M.D. Crookshank Pasha, His Excellency, Evans, Mr. Edward Beynon, M.D. (Egypt) Evans, M1'. F. ,V., M.D. Cruickshank, Ml'. B., ~LD . Evans, Mr. W.O., !,.B.C.P. Cuffe, Surgeon-General C. Mc. D. , c. B. Evatt, Surgeon-Major-General G. J. H. Cureton, Mr. E., M.B.C.P. Ev~, Mr. F. S., F.B c.s. Cuthbert, Mr. 'N. Wood, M.R.C.S. Fall'bank, Mr. W., M.B.C.S. Daniel, Mr. A. D., M.B., F.Jt.C.S. Fairclough, Mr., M.D. Darwin, Mr. G. H., M. D. Farrar, Mr. R. A, M.D. , M.A. (Oxon. ) . Davies, Mr. D. Ll. ALB., L.R.C .S. Fenoulhet, Mr. E. C., L.R.C.P., Edlll., Davy, Mr. R., F.R.C.p. . L.R.C.S. Dawson, Mr. T. Uoore, L.R.C.P., )LR.C.S. FJelden, Mr. Saml., M.D. Demetriadi, Mr. L., F.R.C.S. F~sh~r, Mr. D. L., U.B. D e Nyssen, Mr. P . J., L.P•. C.P. Fltzs~mons, Mr. J. B., M.D. D ewar, ]\,fl'. T. F. Flemmg, Mr. A. J., M.D. Dickey, Ur. A. A. G., M.D. Footner, Mr. .J. B., F.R.C.S. Dickin, Mr. E. P., L.R.C.P. Forbes, Mr. J., M.B. . Dickson, Mr. Cecil, M.B. Forbes, MI'. N. Hay, F.B.a.S., Edlll. Dingwall, Ml'. A., :lLB. Forsyth, Mr. R, M.D. Dobson, Mr. A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.p. Frankish, Mr., M.D. (New Ze~land) D odd, Mr. P. V., M.D. Franks, Mr. K., M.D. (S. Afnca) Domville, Mr. E. J., L.R.C.p Franks, Mr. R., M.D. £




Fraser, Mr. J. II. P . , :tILB . Hannah, ]\,fl'. W. T., :tILB., C.M. Examiners. Freeman, 1\11'. "V. '1'., M.D., F.R.C.S. Ha.rgreaves, Ml'. M. IL, :1l.D. Freel', Mr. E . L., M.B.C.S. Harkness, Mr. ,V. 1'., ~I.B. Fryer, Mr. John, M.lt.C.S. Harley, Mr. R. \V., F.R.C.P. FurnelI, Surgeon-General E. (Cannes) Harper, Mr. H. C., ~I.D. Gallard, Mr. J. R, L S.A. Harpel', Mr. J. ,1'., M.R.C .. Galletly, Mr. G., l\I B. Harris, McJ.J., M.D. Galpin, Mr. Hichanl, M.R.C ... , L.S.A. IIarris, Uajor F. W., l:.A.~r. C . Garrett, Ml'. O. D., M.B.C.S. IIarl'is, Mr. John, M.D. (New ol1th ,Vales) Garson, II'. J . G., M. D. Han'is, Mr. S. C., ~r. D. Garton, II'. ,1'., M.D. Harrison, Mr. D., F.RC.S. Gauteaume, Mr. P., M.D. IIarrison, Mr. H. Le8r1s, B.A. (Camb.), Gentles, Mr. T. L., L.B.C.P. ~I.n.C'.s . Gibb, Mr. ,Yilliam, L.RC.l'., Ecliu. Haney, Mr. Alfred, :lLB., )I.R.C.S. Gibbon, Mr. F. W., L.R. C.s.&L.n.C'.1'.,El1. Harvey, :\Ir. Eldon (Bermuda) Gibbs- mith, 1\11'. E. G., L.n.c.p.I. Havell, nIr. C. G., M.lL C.S. Gibson, Mr. E. Y., ~r.D. Ha'\\ke , Mrs. Coghill, L.n.c.p., ~LR.C. Gilbertson, Mr. J. H., L.n.c.p., H ayle, Mr. T. H., )['B . M.ll.C.S. H elm, 1\11'. R. Dundas, )I.D. Gile, Brigucle- urgeon P. D., ~1.R.C. . H ell(lerson, fr. J. E., M.D. (AdelaiJe) Gill, l\Ir. J. 'Y., ~I.n.. c .s., L.lt.C.P., D.P.II. Hey, Mr. nlilnes, M.A., ~['ll.C.S., L.R.C.P. Gimlette, Mr. Tho. II., )r.D. Hillaby, Mr. A., L.R.C.p. Glynn, ]\,fl'. R Mc;\In.hon, I,.R.C.S. JIinnell, Mr. J. ., B.A., CallJb., M.D. Goddard, Captain G. H., 1: .. \. :If. c. Hoclges, 1\11'. William, M. R. C. s . Godding, Mr. J., :lI.I1.t'.H., L.lt.C.l'. Hoffman, 1\11'. A. H., L.R.C.p.E. Godfrey, II'. A. C., ~LB . (Jersey) IIogg, Mr. Walter D., ~r.D. (Paris) Goode, ~Ir. A., ~I.n.c.1:;. Holden, 1111'. J. ., :lLD. Goouman, II'. Godfrey, L.n.c.p. Holt, Mr. H. M., M.n.C. Goo,lman, .\11'. T. n., :lI.It.c.S. Hood, Mr., ~I.D. Gorham, lUI'. James J o11n, ~I. n. Hopkins, M1'. T., ~r. D. Grant, 1111'. OgilYie, ~r.B. Ho'egood,Mr . . P., ~r.n.c .. , L.B.C.P. Gray, Mr. A., u. D. IIowanl, Mr . .A. D. \ :11. D. Gray, Ur. \\Y. ~r.D., C.:lI. Howard, Mr. Heatou C., M.R.C ... . , I •. B.C.P. Greatheac1, ilIl'. J. B., M.B., C.M.,M .R. C.S. Howe, Mr. E. R., L.B.C.~ . ( 'outh Africa) Bowie, Mr. Alexander, )['D. Greenwoo{l, Mr. Alfrecl, fiL D. Hoyle Mr. George, ~r.l). Greenwood, fr. T. P., :ilLn.C.~. Hudson Ml'. H. E., ~['D. Greig, Iajor F. J., n.A.~r.C'. Hughe , 1111'. D.Arthur, ~r.R.C .. , L.R.C.P. Grenfell, fr. ,I'. F., M.RC. Hughe, Mr. Hugh Lewi , L. R.C.S. Grey, Mr. E. R, ~r.n. Hnnt, Ur. R., ~r.R.C.S. Gri 1', Major II., R.A.lILC. Hnnter, II'. E. J., L.R.C.P., Edin. Griffin, Mr. Inn es, :llLn.c .. . , L.. A. Hurry, Mr. J. B., M.D. Griffith, Professor T. Wardrop, ~[. D. Hutchinson, Mr. J., ~L D. Gr~ffiths, :\Ir. John, M.n .C.. . , I,.R.C.p. Hutton, Surgeon-Major G. A. Gnffiths, Mr. P. Rhys, M.R.C.·. In ~'1'am, Mr. H. E. 1'., ~r.D. Grimbly, Mr. R. H., :lr.n.c.s. Iniles, urgeon-General ir John her, Gr~ol~l, Mr. Harry, nr. R.C. . R.C.B., F.R.C.S. (Florence, Italy) GWllhm, Mr. R. D. E., L.n.c. p., M.ll .C.. Irving, 11'., M.n. ( Jew Zealand) Gwynn, Mr. Charles, M.D. Jack on, Mr. Allan, )f.D. Hall, Lt.-Ool. Lees, R.A.lII.C. Jackson, Mr. C., T•. RC.p., EcliD. Hall, Mr. ,Villiam, M.D. Jackson, Mr. E. , ., ~LB., C.M. Halley, Mr. G., M.D. Jack on, ir R 'Y., C.B., F.B.C .. , Irel. Hall~ws, Mr. H. P., M.D. Jalland, Mr. W . Hamilton, F.R.C ... Hanulton, 1\[1'. A. A., M.D. (Allolaicle) Jenkins, Mr. E. L., M.B., :lLB.C .• . Hamilton, Mr. J. A. G., M.n. (Kapunda Jennings, Mr. Wm. M., M.B.C.S. South Australia) Johnstone, 11'. J., M.n. Hamilton, Mr. J. P., M.n., (Kapunda) Jonos, M1'. Evan, M.D. Hamj} tOll , Mr. ., M.D. Jones, Mr. Herbert, L.R. a .. , Irel. Hammoncl,Ml'.,V .. L.n.c.r.,Edin .,:llLn.c.s. Jones, Mr. Illlgh, LB. Handfielc1-Jones, Mr. C. R., M.ll.C.S., Jones, Mr. J. Amallt, :llLD. L.R.a.r. Jones, Mr. J . Owen, L.R.C. , ., & L.B.C.P.



St. J ohn A mbulu//1;ce Association.

1\lacKay, 1\11'. W . 1\1. , M.B. .1.1 r. J 01 1n R . , L. l'•. C. P . Jones, 111 Exa.miners. Jones, 1\11'. O. C. , III.B., L. lt. O.P. Mackenzie, 1\11'. ThOlll<tS, liLA . , M.D. Jones, 1\11'. '1'. 0 ., L.R.C. P., II1.R.C.S. Mackness, 1\11'. G., 1\1.D. Jones, Mr. W. Black, lILD. MacLeod, 1\11'. M. D . , L.p•. C.S. , Edin. Jones, 1\11'. W. :lll akeig, M.D. Macpherson, Mr . .A. , M.D. (Cape T own) Jordun, Mr. F . W ., M.D. 1\lacrobin, L ieut. -Col. Joseph, 1111' . .Alan, L.p•. C.::;. McNab, Mr . .A. A., M.D. Keele Mr. J. Rnshworth, III.R.C.S. ,L.R.C. I'. l\Iahon, Mr. G . .A. D . ) LD . Kelly; Lieut. -001. R. Vandelem, a. B. , 1\Iallins, Major, R. A.III. C. F.R.C.S. (Sydney). Manley, Mr. J . H. H . , liLA. (Cantab. ), Kelly, Captain T . Gordon, H. A.1\1. c. (M), 1\1. D. M. B. , 1\:[. r... C. s . Keys, Surgeon C. ,V., M.D. l\[ann, Mr. W . S., III. R. C.S. Kilkelly, Lieut.-Colonel C. R. , C.M.G. Man.ners, 1\11'. ' V. H., M.B. 1\1aner, Ohus. G. D . , L.R.O.S., hel. R.A.III.C. KinD'. 1\11'. W . H ., M. D. 1\1arch, l\[r. H . C. , M. D. . King~bury, Mr. E., M.D. 1\larkhalfi, Mr. W., i\I:D. \Adelalcle) Kinnear, 1\11'. ,Vm., M.B. 1\1arsh, Mr. J. H . , 1\1.l..C . . , L.R.C.P . Knaggs, 1\11'. R. Lawford, lII.D. 1\1arsh, Mr. J. H . Knapp, Staff SllI'geon 1\1. H., I.R.C.S. , Marsh, .:lllr.James J., L.r...C. P.,L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. , R.N. Edm. J d Z 1 Knowles, 1\Ir. F . J., III.R.C.S. Marshall, Snrg.-Lt.-Co1. J. . e OU(lle, Knox, 1\11'. C. F . , :t.LD. L.R. C.S. , hel., L.A.II . Dub. MarLin, .Mr. E. F., M.B. L ace, Mr. J. 1. , L. R. C.P. , Eclin. Martin, Mr. J. W,' M.D. L aird, Mr. A. J ., 1I.D .. D.I'.H. Lambert, Mr. F . S., lII.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Massie, Mr. T. , III.B. L apage, :nIl'. C., M.D. Matthews, Mr. S. P . , 1\I.R.C.S., L.r... C.P. Latimer, Mr. H . .A. , M.R.C.S., M. D. Matthews, Mr. T. G. , ~I.D. L aurie, :1111'. Caspar R., M.R. C.S. , L.R.C.P. Matthews, Mr. Valentme. M. R.C.S. L awrence, Mr. J ., ;U.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Maynard, Mr. J . C,,_ III.n. c. ~, IILR.C.P. L awson, 1\11'. Geo., M.D. McCarthy, Mr. Jusmn 1\1cOullluu, L eahy, Mr. .A.., M.R C.S. lII.R.C.S. Lediard, Mr. H . A., M.D. McDonald, Mr. J . , M.A., M.D. L ee, 1\11'. J . , III.R.C.S. McDonald, 1\11'. J ., M.A. , lII.B., C.M. Lees, 1\11'. William, lII.R.C.S. McEwan, Mr. D., M.D. L eigh, 1\11'. T . Dickinson, M.D. McEwan, Mr. ~V. C. , 1\Ln. L ennox, Mr. David, ~1.D . McFarland, Bngade-Surgeon F. E . Leslie, M1'. D . .A., M.D. McKellar, 1\11' . .A. 0 ., ~I.D. L eslie, Mr. R. "V., lII.D. McLannahan, Mr. J. G., L.RC.P.I. Letcher, Mr. H . R., M. B. McNalty, Lieut.-Col. G., C.B., M.D., Lishman, Mr. R . N., M.D. R.A.M.C. Littlewood, M1'. H. , F.R.C.S. 1\1ear~, Mr. F. C., M. D., M.p•. C.S. L ittlewood, Mr. J . 0. , M.R. C. S. 1\lelv~lle, 1\Ir. S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Llewellyn, Mr. T . R., lILI'.C.S. 1\lcsslter, Mr. t.1. A., M.R.C.S. Lloyd, 1'11'. E. J . , M.D. M~tcalfe,. Mr. R., M.D. Lloyd, Mr. Jordan, F. R. C. s . M~cldleITIlss, 1'11'. G. , lIf. D. Lloyd, Mr. J . D., M.D . M~lbUl'n, Mr. O. H. 1\1 . B. L ocke, Mr. George, L.R. C.P. , Edin . , ~~ll, Mr. G. S., M.D l\LR.C.S. TYllller, Mr. J. W., M.D. L ong, Mr. Fred, M.R.C.S. M~lligan, Mr. R. A. , M. D. L orraine, Mr. R. B., M.B., C.M. Mitchell, Mr. E., III.D. L oveless, Mr. Walter K., L.R.C.P., Edin . 1\1ilu~, Mr. Rober~, lIf n. L ow, Mr. Charles, M.B. (New Zealand ) Modllll, 1\-11'. 1. Glbson, M.D. , L.S.A. L owe, 1\-11'. G. J . R., M,lt.C.S., L.R.C .P. l\Io~at, Rev. Dr. , M.D. L owe, 1\1r. G. 1\1., M.D. 1\1011', Mr. J . H ., M.D. L owe, Mr. W. G., M.D. Molloy, M1'. G. S. , M .D . L ownd~, Mr. C..J ., L.H.C.P., L.R.C.S. Montague, Mr. A . J. H., M.D. L owson, Mr. George, M.B. Moore , Mr. H : C. , M.R. C.S. L ynch, Mr. J . , L.R.C. S. Moore, Mr. Mil~er, M.D. Macartney, Mr. R. , L.P•. C.P. , E c1in . Moore, Hon. Bngac1e-Surgeon Sandford Macgilvray, Mr. W . J . H ., L.R. C.P. , E din . Morgan, Mr E. W . , M.D. (N. S . Wales) Mackcl.Y, 1'11'. 1. D., M.B. Morgan, Mr. H. 1\1:. , M.R. C.S.

St. J ohn A rnbulamce Association.


Morgan, Mr. Llewellyn, )1. 0 Potter, Mr. H. Percy, F.H.C.S Morgan, Hr. 'Y. L., M.A., III.p..c.s. Poulton, lIIr. B., M.D. (Adelaide) Examiners. Morris, Mr. S. G., M.D. Powell, .Mr. H. A., M.B. Morris, Mr. T . H., lILB. Powne, Leslie, III.H.C.S. Morris, Oapt. ' V. A., IILB., It.A.IILC. Prance, 1\11'. G. H., M.D. Mortill1er, 11'. T. D . Eo, M.D. Pratt, Mr. J. Dallas, lILD. JUuil', Mr. H. D., M.n. Preston, Dep. Inspect. Gen' l T. J. Murphy, Mr. O. E., L. R. C.S. Price, Mr. Arthur, M.It.C.S . Purves, Mr. .A . Scott, III.D. Myles, lIIajor, F•. A.M.C. Nance, Mr. H . 0., F.R. C.S., Eng. Ranson, Mr. 'Y. E., )1 H.C flo Neild, Mr. J . E., III.D . ( 1eluourne) RatcliIl'-Gaylard, 1111'. J., M.D . Neilson, 1I1r. H. J., M.D. Hawnsley, Major G. T., It.A.M. C. Nelson, lU\'. Stanley, III.D. Raywood, ~Jr. J. R. 1., M.R.C.S., L. R.C.P. Newby, Mr. O. H., F. R.C.S . Reed, lUI'. Oash, M.D. ewton, 1\11'. R. Clark, lII.R.C.. . Reid, Mr. Douglas .A., lII.n. :N icholsoJ), Brigade-Surgeon E. Reid, Ur. DUllcan J., lII.B. Norton, 11'. A . T., c . .3., F.It.C.S. Reid, Mr. Edgar, lILR.C.S., J"R. C.P Norton, Mr. G. Everitt, lII.H.D.S. Reid, Mr. T . W., III.D. Nyssen, Mr. P . J. de, )LD. Resignol, .illr . .A. Le, II1.D. Oakley, ~1r., M. D. Reynolds, Mr. R . , )1. R. C. . O'Connor, Mr. \V. Moyle, )I.D., D.p.rr. Rhys, iiII'. 'V. L., III.R.C.S. Odell, Mr. W., F.R .C... , III. D. Bice, Mr. W. Richardson, )I.D . O'Farrell, lIIr. Oharles, L.R. C.P., L.R.C.S. Riddell, Mr. J. Scott, liLA., M.B. Ire1. Rigby, Mr. W.O., M.B., D.P.H. Oldham, lIIr. H . F., III.D. Rigden, lIIr. Brian, III.R.C.S. Oliver, Mr. C. Pye, III.D. Riley, Mr. J. W., L.R.C.P. Orton, Mr. John, M.D. Robb, lIIr. James B. K., lII.D. Osborn,lIIr. amuel, F.r..C ..' . Roberts, Ur. ArLh1ll', lII.D. Owen, Mr. E., F. R. C. . Robert, Mr. E. ~\.. M., )I.B. Owen, Mr. O. R. P., III.D. Roherts, lIIr. Grilliths J., L.R.C. P., Edin. Packer, 1\11'. 'Y. H., )I.D. Roberts, Mr. H. Jones, lILR.C.S. Page, 1\1r. II. 1., )1.0. Roberts, iiII'. Lawton, III.D. Page, .Jr\,. II. W., F.R.C. . Roberts-Dudley, Mr. F. J. IIf.R.C.S., Paisley, Mr. ,I., )I.D. L.. A. Palmer, Mr. O. '., M.RO. '. Roberts, Mr. J. L., M.B., D.P.H. Parker, lHr. H. G., L.R.C.P., F.It.C. Roberts, 1IIr. R. J., III.B. Plury, Mr. L. .A., M.D. Robinson,1\lr . A . Henry, III.D. Parsons, 1\lr. 'V. B., lILR.C.S. Robinson, 1\I1' . .A. Hepworth, III.Jt.C .. Partridge, 1\11'. .,IIf.B. Robinson, 1\11'. E. L., III.D. (Guernsey) Partridge, Mr. T., M.R.C. '. Robinson, 1\11'. H. ., lIf.n.c . . Paten;on, 11'., )1.D. Robinson, 1\11'. 'Y., )LD. Patterson, Mr. G. de J., L.n.c.r., Roper, 1\Ir. H. J., lII.R.C ... IILR. c.. . Ho 'ignal, Mr. A . Le, ~I. D. Pearson, 1\11'. C. Y. M.D. Rounel, 1\11'. John Cormmll, III.R.C. ' . Pendlebury, 1\11'. J. T., M.RC.S. Rowden, 1\11'. L. A., M.B. Pennell, 1\11'. n., lII. D. Russell, 1\11'. John, III. D. Peny, 1\11'. O. 1\1., 1\LR. C.H., L.R.C.I'. Hnthel'fol'd, 1\11'. Heury, M.D. Peters, 1\Ir. A . J. A., L.n.c.p., L.R.C.:;. , Ruttle, 1\11'. R., M.D. Edin . St. Leger, 1\11'. R. A . , M.B., C.lII. Phelps, II'. Philip,III.R.O.S. ,L.J,.C. p.,Edin. avory, Mr. H., liLA., ~r.B., B.C. cales, 1\11'.1\1., LILC. ' ., Ire1. P!lillips,.1\1r. O. H ., M.ll.C.S. PlCkersgLlI, Mr. E. P., lII.R.C ... , L. n.c.r . , Scatlifl', 1\Ir. P . 1\1., IILR.C .. . ~din . cholefielcl, Mr. G. E . P~lgl'lm, Mr. E. G., ~I. B. , C.1\1. Scofield, 1\11'. Harold, i\I. B. PIm, Mr. F. de Beeho, L.R.C.P.r. Scott, 1\11' . .A. 'V ., M.n.C .. Pisa~i, Professor (Malta) Scott, 1\11'. R. J. H . , l\[. D. Pocllln, 1\11'. F . L . , M.D. Selby, MI'. E . W., M.D. Sellors, 1\11'. R. Burdett, III. R. C. s . Pooley, 1\Ir. E. B., L . R. C. s . Pooley, Mr. R. C. Mason, J .P. , L.n.a.s., Sevestre, Mr. R., M. D. hel. Shaw, 1\11'. James, M.D. Porter, 1\Ir. A . E., M.B., B.C. helley, 1\11'. P . W. G., lILD.


St. John Al'I~bul(.(mce Associo,tion.

Shelly, 1111'. C. E., M.D.

Thomas, Mr. D. E., M.D. Thomas, Mr. D. Rees, l'I.n. Shone, Mr. ,Yo J., l\I.R . C.. . Thomas, Mr. H.D., L.n. C.I'., L. n.C.p., Edin. Shuttle\'l'Orth, Mr. G. E., l\I.D. Thomas, Mr. ,V. E., IdLC.P., Bdin., Siddall, M1'. J. B., M.D. L.n.C.S. Simpson, Mr. , Yo S., l'I.R.C.S. Thomp:;on, Mr. E. C., M.D. Sinclair, Mr. Robert, M.D . Thompson, Mr. J. Henry, L.lt.C. p., Ire1. Skae, Mr. Francis, M.D. Thompson, Mr. J. Hilton, l'['B., M.S. Skinner, Mr. ,V. B., JlLn . Thompson, ~!r . 'V8.:lLer , F.lt.C.S. ,. Skipworth, Mr. H.,M.R.C.S.,L.R.c.p.,Irel. Thomson, ~~lSS EmIly 0., M.D.O.l\l., Edm. Sleman, Lieut.-Colonel, R R, L.S.A. Thomson, Jl' ,Yo (late), p. R.C.S., [reI. Smeddle, ~lr. R , V., l'I.B. Thomson, Mr. G., M.n. Smith, MI'. C., l\LR. C.S. Thomson, 1\11'. Geo., M.D . Smith, Mr. C. J., l'LR. C.S . Thornhill, Bl'igade-Snrgeon M. (Guernsey) Smith, Mr. G., M.D. Thursfield, Mr. T. Woo 1'I.J1. Smith 1111'. H. :\I.D. Tidcombe, Mr. F. S. , lI!.R.C . . , L.n .c.P. Smith: Mr. H.: 1II.D. Todd-White, Mr. A. '1'., ::If.ILC.S., L.U. C.p. Smith, :Mr. H. Hammond, l'LR.C.S. Toll, Mr. J . '1'., l'I.n.c.I'., L.R.C.P. Smith, Mr. J . 'Y., M. B. Trimble, ~lr . C. J., c.:)[.G., L.R.C.P. Smith, 1\1r. Montgomery, ::II.D. Trittoll, nIl'. W. P ., l'1.1: .C.S. (Natal) Smith, Professor ,Yo R, lILD. Trott, Mr. Dudley, M.D. (13ennuda) Soutar, Mr. C. H., M. B. (Australia) . Tunstall, 1\11'. A. C., 1II . D. Spencer, Mr. ,V. Henry, M.D. Turner, 1\11'. A. S., M.lLC.S. , L.n.c .p. Sproulle Mr. J . ,V., L.R. C.p., Ire1., Tmnel', Surgeon-Major L.R.'C.S., Edin . Turner, Dep. lnspr.-Gcn. Hobert, R.N. . Tmner, Mr. W . , M.D. (Gibraltar) Squance, Mr. T. Coke, ~I.D. Square Mr. ,V. H., L. n.C.p., Edll1., Tuxford, 1111'. R, ~I.n.c.~., L. R.C.P. L.~, . C.s . , Edin. Twiss, Lt.-Ool. G. E., L.n .. s.I., n . A.~.C. Squire, Mr. J. E., M.D. Tyrrell, Mr. Walter, M.R.C. '. Stalker, Mr. A. M., :\1.D. Tysoll, 1'lIr. W. J., l\Ll'. (Umzinto) Stanton, Mr. L.P-.C.p. Yeitch, Mr. W. G., L.R. C.P., Ellin. Stedman, Mr. H., L.R.C.p. Vernon, Mr. A. Heygatc, F.RC.S. Vernon, MI'. ,V., l'I.R.C.S., L.R.C.l'., Edin. Steel, Mr. \V. D., M.D. Steele, Major W . H., R.A . ~LC . Vines, Mr. C. S., l'I.R.C.S., L.R.C.p, Steet, lYlr. G Carrick, F.R.C.S . Vores, Mr. Arthur, M.lt.C.S. Stevenson, Mr. J., l'1.R. C.S . 'Vade, 1\11'. A. B ., M.D. Stewart, Mr. Duncan, M.D. ,Valdo, l'lIr. F. J., M.D. Stirling, Mr. D. H., iII.D. Walker, Mr. James, l'LR. C.S. Stirlil1O', Mr. J., M.n. 'Wallace, Mr. Thomas, M.D. Stoker7 Mr. George, c.l'I.G ., ~I.D . ,Yallis, Mr. E. D., ~r.n. Stoker, Mr. \Y. Thornley, c. DI . G.,'~LD. Walpole-Simmons, "llil'. E., M.D. Stothard, Mr. James, 1'1. R.C.S . \Vard, Mr. J. L. W., M. O. Stretton, Mr. J . Lionel, M.B.C.S. Ward, Mr. J. P. S., 1\1. 11. C.S. Smridge, Mr. P. F., L.R. C. p., Edin. Ward, Mr. M., M.D. Sturrock, Mr. J. F., M.B. , C.M. , Vard, Mr. M. C., M.D. Sutherland, Mr. J. A., M.B . "Waters, Mr. J. L., M.B. Sutton, Mr. A. M., M.D . ,Yeaver, Mr. W. G., ~1.R.C . S. Swann, 1\11'. A., M.R.C.R. , Vebb, nil'. J. E., 1'I. B. Swayne, Mr. F . G., ~LD . Webb, Major W. Wilfred, I.D., I.M.S. Swinhoe, Mr. G. R., l'I.R.C.S., L.p•. C.P. \Vemyss, Mr., M.D. \Vestcott, Lt. -Colonel Sinclair, C.M. G., Symes, Mr. E. ,Vest, M. D. Tannahill, 1\11'. J. F ., M.D . It.A.M. C. Tayler, Mr. F. T., M.R.C.S. Westmacott, Mr. F . II., F.r•. C.s. Taylof, Mr. L. A., M.R. C.S. Whitby, Miss L. L.R.C.p., Eclin . Taylor, Mr. S. Robinson, M.D., F.R.C.S. White, Mr. C. H., M.R.O.S. Taylor, Mr. T om R, M.D. 'White, Mr. Henry, M.D. Taylor, Surgeon-Lieut.- Co1. William, M.D. WhHeheacl, Major H. R., F.ll,C.S., R.A. M. C. Templeman, Mr. Charles, M.B. Whyte, Mr. J. Mackie, M.D. Tetley, Mr. F. H arrison, L.R.C.r., Edin. Wild, Mr. H. S., M.n. c .s. Th omas, Mr. A. Garrod, M.D. Wilkinson, Mr. J. B., M.D. Thomas, Mr., M.D. (New Zealand) Williams, Mr., M.R.C.S.

Examiners. Shives, Mr. J., M.D.

St. John A1nu'ulwnce Association. Examiners. Williams, lvIr. E. R., M.R.C S L n 0 P William s, Mr. N., M.R.C.S . . . , '" . . W~lliams, Surgeon-Major (Sydney) W~IJ oughby, Mr. , Yo G., M.D.

WdtOll, Mr. J. P., M.lt.a s 'Wilson, 1\1r. J., M.D . .. W!lSOIl, Mr. J. Scott, M. D. 'W~n(;kworlh, ~ll'. \\T. B., l\I.R. C.S. '~~n low, Mr. L. S. Forbes, l\r. R.O. P. \\ lthcrs, .l\I1'. Percy, M.n. ",Voou, h. A. '1'., M.D. ,~ood, l\I1'. E. Stanley, ::II.n.o.s. " ooclco('k, Mr. H. de 0.; r.. R. o. P.



Woods, Inspector-General H. C., C.B., c .v. o., M.D., n.N. Woods, Mr. J. :F., M.D. \ YoodlYal'd, Surgeon-General G.p.M. , lILD., F.n.c.s. (Sydney) \'~oodyatt, nJr. B. H., L.1LC.S. , L.R.C.p. \\ oods, Mr. J. H., L.R.C.S.I. Woollett, Mr. S. W., M . L Wright, Mr. C. F . , M.D. Wright, Mr. J. Crossley, lILD. Yolland, Mr. J. H., lII.R.C.S. Young, nIl'. M., M.D. Yule, Mr. Robert :M., l'LT.


St. ~ohn I

J\ 111 bu lance

~5.5 0 Ctel tron.

gIve and bequeath to the

Central Executive

Committee for the time beinbO' of th e St. J 0 1ln Ambulance Association the sum of £ to be al)plied ) at


the eli cl'etl'on of tIle

Oommittee of the said Association, tO~TTaI'd, H

Cen traI E xecutiva th e phiJanthropic

objects of s uch A .. ociatioD, and I direct that the said urn shall be paid , free of legacy duty, out of such part of my personal estate as may be legally bequeathed for charitable purposes.



St, John A?nbulance Association.

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THE following is a Nominal Roll of the Towns and Districts where {( Centres" have been formed .. ince the St. John Alnbulance Association wa establi::;bed in 1 77. The name and ac1dre ses of the Local Executive Ollicerd can be obtained on application to the Chief eCl'etary, t. John'. Gate, Clel'kenwell, London , E.C.

en .-0







St. john Bnlblllance Bssociation.

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Metropo1itanFormed No.1 Di trict (Kensington, 'outh Kcnsington, Brompton, & Notting Hill, &c.)] 78 No.2 District (CiLy and Port of L oudu n, illclndillg DlOOIllSUIllY, and East London) 1880 No.3 Di. triet ( t. James's, "\VhitclJall, Mayfair, Hyde Park, . W.) 1 79 o. 4 Distlict (Belgl'Uvia and Chcl ea) _ 1878 I O. 6 Di!'tl'iet (Hammersmith, Chiswick and. Fullum) 1890 No.7 Distl'ir.t (North-East London, Clapton, etc., now inellllleLl in No. II.) 1880 No. District (Putney, "\VandS\\,Ol'th autl neighhourhood) 18 1 No.9 District (Kilburn, and orth- We 't London, etc. ) ] 881 No. 10 District (Bl'ixton, Keun illgton, Dalhalll, 'treat hum, Clapham and neigh bOll1'hood) 1882 No. 11 Di Ll'ict ( outhwal'k alHlllcighbol1l'liood) 1882 No. 12 District (Harle d en). _ _ 1896 Polytechnic (309, Regent treet) 1895 Hospital atl1rday Fund (54" Gray's In ll R oatl ) . 1 92 Willcsden Grecn ancl Cl'ieklc\\'ood

1 96

Aberdure FVl'lnc(l 18 Aecl'ingtOIl 1 Aldel'shot 1 Aldel'sbot On,mp 1 Alii'eton _ 1 Am bleside (We tmol'eland) ] A!'lhfonl (Kent) . ] A. htOll unclcr-LYllC 1 _ Atherstone I Ay lesumy 1 Dabhinglon _ 1 Backwol'th Collirl'V 1 Bn,nbl1ry . ]

Bangor Ba,rnsley Barrow-in- :Ful'n ('~",

Basing. toke

Bath Bt"\,ttle (. us. ex)

1 5 1 ' 79 1 1 1900 1 1

Bearpark Oolliery

Bedford Beighton Belfast Belgra lria.

Berwick- upon· Tweed Bexhill Bingley Birchwood (Oolliery) Birkbeck Bil'kdale (Lancn. hire)

Birkenhead Bil'lllinghml1 Birmingham (EI'c1ingtoll Branch) Blt.ckburn Bla.ckheath Blaekpool

Blackwell Oolliery Blandford

1 0 1 0 1 1

1 6

1 9 ]


1 3 1

1 7 1901 1 1 ]

1 1 1 1 1 1

St. John, Ambulance Associatio17. Boguor Bolton and Di trict Bournemouth Bradford Bridport Brierfield Brighouse Brighton and Hove Bristol and Olifton Burnley (Lancashire) Burton-on-Trent B ll-.,don Oambrian Railways Ounnock Oha e Ooalfield (hte Brownhills) Oanterbury Oardiff Oardiff Railway Oompany Oarlisle Oarshalton Oastle Eden Ohard Oharlton Ohatham and District Oheltenham Oheshire Lines Oommittee Ohester Ohesterfield Ohislehurst Olay Oross Olea tor District Oleator Moor Oolchester Oolne Oork . Ooventry Ooventry (Bedworth Branch) Ooventry (Wyken Branch) Oumberland Mines and Quarries Oranbrook Oroydon Dal ton-in -Furness Darlaston Darlington Deeside Derby Dover Dublin Dudley Dukinfield Dumfries N. B. Dundee Durham Eastbourne East Grinstead Ebbw Vale Eckington Edmonton Eton Collegc Exeter Farnham :Fuyersham

St. Jolin A 1Jt..unLallce A ," ·ociaLiol/. 1 3

1 ]

1 1

lu 1 1 1


18 2 1 92 1


190-1 1


1 78

1 7 1 7 1



1 79 1890 1


1882 1


18 2 1895 1882 1 79 1879 1888 18 0 1892 1886 1881 1881 1 93 1893 1885 1884 18 0 1883 18841883 1890 1879 1879 1878 18 2 1 83

Fe tiniog 1 2 Fleetwood 1 1 Folke tone 1 6 Forest of Dean 1 6 Frome 1900 Fume ' Railw:~y 1 1 Gloucester 1 99 Glouce tershire County Oouncil Gosport, AIYerstoke, :1n<1 Fal'eham 1899 1 99 Granby 1 2 Gmvescml lc90 Great Eastern Railway Great Sonthern and \ Vestel'l1 1 Hailway of Ireland 1 Great 'Vestcrn R;~il",ay 1 Greenwich 1 Grim by 1 Guernsey 1 Halibx 1 Uetnd worth 1 Ilarl'ogate 1 Hartlepool 1 Hastings :~nd t. L eonard's 1 Ilayant 1 Hawkeshead 1 Ileavy \Voollen Dir:;tl'i(;t 1 Hebden Bridge . 1 Hereford 1 H ertford 1 Heywood (Manche tel') 1 H olyhead 1 Huddersfield 1 8 Hull 188 Ilkeston 1880 Ipswich 1 Isle of Man 1 I sle of Purbeck 1 Isle of Wight 1 Janow 1 81 Jersey 18 3 Kelghley 1 0 Kendal 1 84. Keswick 1 93 Kettering 1881 Kidderminster 1 79 Kiveton Park Oolliery Lancashire and neighbouring Oounties Federation P.S.A. Societies Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Lancaster Leamington (\V ttrwi(;kshire) L eed::; Leicester Lewes Lichfield J"illeshall Oollieries Donningtvll Branch (Lillesha,ll 1 81 Collieries) 1893 Lincoln 1 80 Liverpool 1, il!j Llanh 1'i.

LI<Llldudnu . I,ondon and N ol'th \Ve ·tel'~l H.ail wa,y . L ondon and. 'outh \Ver:;tem Hailway. . LOllghboroull'h Louth (Linc~lnshil'e) IJymington Lytha.m Mn,idstone t.Iah'el'll



Port 'mouth Portsmouth (GOtiPOl't, FUl'~Oll and Ahcrstoke) _ Port Talbot Potteries (Xo\\' Korth Rtaffol'clshire) Preston Hamsgate H.eudin'"O Ruigate _ R~clll:nol1d (. 'uney) RlclclllWS Oolliery Ripley ° Rochdale Hotherham _ ~ Hoss (IIercfol'clshil'e) Royal :Jlilittt.ry College (Sau(lhurst Rugeley Hye t, 4\'nlle's-oll-Sea ~t. Heleml (Lanc<tshirc) ~t. Mary 'ray (Kent) ~ac1clleworth Nanclgate Han d \\ -j c11 • 'en ton Carew • 'eyeuo,lk ' :::>heernes"

1 fit


Marga.te Marlow . Mar 'k hy the-Nc<~ l.Ielksb<llll _ l.Ietropolitan Railway Merthyr-Tychil _ _ Mexhorough _ _ ::\Iidd~eshrollgh and GlenJmlcl , (U1(;lllclillg 'to(;ktUll Brandt t.hdlallc1ll11cl Great Northcl'l1 , Hail ways ,Joint '01lllJ1ittee l.Illlom _ Milton :JIOllIllOU t 11 fountain A~h -el~on , ewark -on -Tl'ell t Xewca~tl' upou-Tyne North Bu 'ks . N ol'th .'hielcls Xol'th 'Wale>; 'ollierieti INl'\\'(1 Golliery Brauch, X. \\TnleH, Colliery 1'\orthall1ptOl1 _ North Brierley _ ~orth EHstern Haihmy ~ urthfleet 1'\o]'\\'ic:ll _ ~ ol'l~'ood ,tnd ~ydellh,lm ~ ottlllghnlll 1'\ une;ttoll Oldhmn T

Olclhill 01'111. kirk Otlcy uuclle Oxforcl Oxford Military 'ullegc Paclihmn l\trkg!\ie _ PenhrYl1 Quanie Per::;horc Pel'Ll! PeterbUl'ou"h Pilsley b Plymuuth ])oleswol'tll Polmont, r, B. Polyte(;lmic _ Pontypool etnd District




1flOO h 1 1 1 lS8n

1 1 1



· 'hetland ~hipley

Nhoeburyues ~!ll'~\\'"lJury . Hlltlllubollru ' and 1\ liltun ~kijJton ill-Cm\en ~lou<rll

Nll1ctlmj (; k Nou t bam ptOIl :-Iouthmn Nouthport • 'unth ,'hield" . Nuwerby Bl'icl"'eb Hbtfforcl Ntulybl'id,,'c I..J b fJt:1yeley ~tockpol't



Sunderbnrl 'urbiton 'll tton 'oalfield • waJl:sea N\\'inton • 'yclenhtll11 'l';unwurtlt 1'<Hl1lton 1


TOll] Jl'id "'e '1,llll brill°"'C \ \Tell ' Twickenlul.lu 1 TI \-erstoll Uttoxeter

65 1881 1 96 1 91 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7

1 91 1 6 1


1 1 1

0 3

1 1 1


.J. 1 ~J

1 3 1 9{ 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1

St. John A mb'U.llance .A ssociatio'l7.,.


New Zealand, In\el'cargill Jel on " " Jew Plymouth " " '\Vellington ,\V EST INDIE '. Ta au (Bahama) Branch St. Kitt's (Leeward Island, ') Brn.nch Trinidn.d (Port of .pain) Branch

'Vakefielcl Waltham Abbey 'Varrington Waterford Wath-upon-Dearne Wednes1mry Wellingborough Wellington (, alop) Wet Hartlepool Welwyn West Bromwich Weston-Super-Mare Weybridge Weymouth Whitchurch (Salop) Whitehaven Wigan Willington Quay and '\Yallsencl Wimbledon Wimborne Windsor Wins ford VV orksworth vVolverhampton Wolverton Wombwell vVoodford Woolwich WOl'cester Wokington Worthing York

1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



1 85 1 95 1890

1 -1 1899 1 90 1 89 18 3 1 9:2


New Zealand, Auckland " Christchurch " " Dunedin


Bri tish Bech uanalancl (V 1'yburg) Cape Town Ea, ,t London and Border, Reorganised Graham' Town Heidelberg Kimberley King William'. 'l'O\\'lI Ditto. Queen', Town Bl'allch Malmesbul'Y l\Ia ern Matabelelancl (BuluwaYfl) 10 sell Bay Orange River Colony (J31oemfontein) Reorgalli.'ecl Oudt llOorn Paarl Port Elizabeth Riyersclale Robertson , tellenbosch Transyaal (JohannesIHlr ,\Vorce tel' l


Adelaide, South Australia (Branches--Pol't Adelaide, Glenelg, Mount Barker, Gawler) Bri bane Sydney, N. S. Wales Tasmania (L auncef:;ton) Victoria '\Vest Australian

1 1 1



1 1





Bermuda Borneo (, anclakan) Canadian Ceylon Gibraltar Halifax (]'\ova 'coti~t) Hong Kong Malta Montreal Singapore (Straits 'ettlemellb;) Toronto Vancouver (British Columbia)


1 92 18 [) 1891

' )

1 9-1 1 91

190-:1. 1 -:I. 1 94 1 1 1

1 9-:1. 1 93 1 91 1 94.



Baluchi 'ttm Bangalore Baroda tate Bengal Bomhn,y Bomha.y and Ba,roda Haihl'1ty Burma, Calcutta, Centml Provinces .Jabalpur Madra,s Mysol'e The Nizam'.,; StttLe Punj tth Quett,), , 'ilchar Sind united Proviu(;es uf 1\ gm t1nd Ouclh

190-:1. 1 5 1901 1904

Argentine Furmosa, .Jerusalem Pa,ris H,iviera (C:)'l111es)

1897 18 9 18 5 1889 1883



1904 190-:1. 1901 1903 1903 1901 190-:1. 190-1 190-:1. 1901 1904 1903 1904


SnWE FOmIATION OF CENTRE. No. of Men who have 1 -0 ~

Name of Centre.

0 '""'


No.1 Dist . ... [ 1878 N o. 9 Dist. ... 1881 N o. 10 Dist. ... 1882 1884 A. cCl'ington A. shford ... .. 1878 * *Ashtou·u·Lyne 1900 abbington ... 1878 :-!.llbury ... 1894 allgor ... ... 1885 arrow·in· Furness 1880 ath ... ... 1900 Bedford ... ... 1880 elfast ... ... 1886 elgravia ... 1898 I Birmingham ... 1880 oguor·on·Sea ... 1885 olton and Dist. 1893 il'chwood Oolly. 1878 rim'field ... 1895 ristol ... 1889 '" llrnley ... ... 1883 uxton ... ... 1889 ambl'ian Ry. .. 1898 allnock Ohase ... 1892 antel'bul'Y ... 1878 arditf Ry. ... 1899 'h eshire Lines ... 1904 olne ... 1887 uI1l berland ~1. Qy. 1895 hester ... ... 1881 .. , 1880 Darlington Derby ... ... 1886 Dublin ... ... 1881 Dudley ... ... 1393 Dundee ... ... 1884 ttEdinburgh ... 1905 Farnham ... ... 1882 F:1versham ... J883 Frome ... 1886 Furn ess Ry. ... 1902 *Gloucester ... 1881 Gosport&Fareham 1899 Gt. Eastern Ry .. 1896 G t. Western Ry .. 1896 G rimsby ... ... 1881 G uernsey ... ... 1881 Hastings & S. Leo. 1880 Hy. Woollell Dist. 1883 Rebtlen Bridge ... 1887 Heywoo,L ... 1882 H ospital Satlllday 1889 Ipswich ... ... 1830 Isle of Wight .. . 1885 J crsey ... ... 1901 Kettering ... 1893 KiLldcrminster .. 1881 Lan. & York. By. 1897 Leeds ... ... 1878 LEicester ... 1880 Liverpool ... 1880 Liv. S ~h . Oookery 1877 L1n.n('\ lldno ... 1883 Lymingtoll .. 1884 Manchester ... 1880 tMiddlesbrv'Olevl 1881 111ill 0 111 .. . ... 1888 Norwood 1892 Nelson .. . ... 1889 Newark·on·Trent 1884 Northam pton ... 1886 North Bucks ... 1898 Nt.-Eastern Ry. 1895 + X t·S tatfordshire 1884 + ... 1881 Nottillgham Oldham ... · .. 1884 ... ... 1888 Oiley P Pllrhyn Quarry 1889 PE'tel'uol'ollgh ... 1893 Polytechnic 1895 ". Portsmouth ... 1881 ... 1881 Ral1lsgate Readi ng ... ... 1893 Richmond · .. 1882 Rochdale ... 1886 Rotherham ... 188-1 ... 1882 Sheerness Sheffiel(L .. .. 18/8 ... 1896 Shipley ... ... 1879 Shrewsbury ::::::Southam pton .. 1880 Southport .. 1887 Sowerby Bridge ... 1890 Btourbriclge ... 1883 South Shiell1s ... 1883 Streatham ·.. 1891 ... 1885 Swinton ... ... 1878 Tibshelf ... ... 1879 Tonbridge ~un bridge Wells 1879 W ellinghorough .. 1888 ,\Vestoll·snp· Mare 1880 ... 1890 York ... Adelaide .. . 1884 New Sonth ,Vales 1890 'IT N.Z. Auckland 1892 Christchurch ... 1885 Dunedin ... 1889 Bombay .. 1901 Ryderabad State Bind .. , ... 1903 Oape Oolony ... 1891 §§East London ... 1904 -§§OraogeRiverOol. 1904 Hong Kong ... 1884 ... 1905 IIII Bnrma

completed a Pooltrse of Illstrnction.

rcceived Certificates.

completed a received course of instruction. Certificates.

No. of Certificated Pupils who have received :Medallions.

F.A. I R.N.


F.A.. I R.N.




' "

No. of Women who have





610 1 - 1525 65 113 6~6 396 15 272 11 4 4 1238 19 200 19 _.21 - 583 185 452 91 1615 46 58 11 9 81 7370 65 268 12 12 1720 - 3640 7 52 21 33 2170 163 65 74 1150 18 19 404 600 - 414 103 505 91 164 70 35 35 310 - 18403 577 110 367 768 10 755 10 90 2332 41 2789 - 40000 H2O fiH 46 421 37 292d 5732 -259 34'7 420 534 1 142 1 188 315 637 561 810 419 43 287 32 1796 :2510 5231 7993 375 500 114 155 -1434 18 931 12 87 2449 2746 87 47 626 770 28 20 206 241 18 1047 211 759 157 1114 144 709 86 1745 128 1213 108 63 87 lU4 133 818 116 .978 3827 4860 42 6926 8802 41 5756 181 4969 159 102H - 8981 -

9651 2145 746 520 457 )878 300 32 271 3236 87 8479 358 1879 63 4131 1401 596 901 414 757 7 330 2383

- .




135 208 23 222 352 S 10061 - 3150 8279 68 82 :J.3 379 478 21 1006 76 839 43 40,1 38 353 28 472 514 3226 131 2540 101 29 490 29 664 4742 514~ .3662 4696 4211 163 3302 146 275 280 1:37 137 53 91 119:} 981 553 265 85 1467 3221 67 42 469 19 733 60 794 52 939 367 4.00 86 1891 2191 71 79B 801 205 275 7668 107 16326 106 210 65 '78 56 -

799 208 1341 -


16 -


F.A. I H.~.


606 201 955 2114 84 357 908 456 712 1412 185


16 -


100 8 7 124 979 56 42 596 3 3 931 1729 208 174 298 1450 2079 47 78 3339 789 65 518 44 1153 119 841 96 23 05 11 93 1049 56 852 37 79 61 153 127 2402 20 1273 7 72 35 338 207 282 - 238 54 -

I lV.

completed a received conrse of illstrnction. Certificates.

completed a course of instruction.

received Certificates.

No. of Certi fieated Pupils who have received Medallions.



F.A.I H.N.

F.A.I H.N.


I 'lV.




16 40 1 435 267 289 1 139 13 1 11 24 \ 921 ~82 712 IRE 203 40 34 518 227 403 194 191 99 76 168 138 123 79 126 29 24 57 118 95 86 52 23 88 98 143 143 134 53 482 62 49 278 167 165 124 11 51 3 - 274 150 198 128 110 76 27 24 36 760 358 536 264 212 189 22<15 1215 1137 539 159 128 177 15 417 170 256 109 1 53 11 1338 448 1166 379 1242 125 341 24 411 133 329 122 25 43 20 104.0 813 911 720 263 187 109 44 940 33 163 29 27 38 22 27 35 27 14 4 2492 1393 ] 246 799 584 356 234 35 836 441 719 392 251 191 68 312 217 177 124 124 61 8 9 103 61 8 8 82 194 381 241 256 192 136 99 56 -- 6 -- 30 180 307 122 22 27 22 30 407 381 566 329 261 125 19 25 47 194 92 189 92 88 8 1001 690 796 469 663 150 283 ,1060 uOO 4000 1390 40 100 60 24 223 I 169 177 111 68 24 22 3766 1291 1732 638 340 567 _. 39 19 24 32 109 21 54 87 38 123 25 285 145 187 96 106 52 200 134 119 76 76 18 98 93 243 241 151 166 ]39 40 143 285 145 187 38 19 96 27 75 17 390 16 240 1410 - 1511 180 1] 71 21 99 11 21 476 443 370 309 52 168 1167 594 743 237 177 18 36 2582 791 1524. 637 663 638 12 80 164 108 ] 25 130 113 30 199 126 171 ] 20 13 11 ?-18 84 40 13 99 159 84 683 361 458 235 212 110 71 1416 919 946 495 284 189 13 60 160 101 20 80 38 26 15 603 385 433 287 185 150 37 73 421 244 126 83 24 376 1053 3177 1134 2122 773 1227 272 503 2787 1226 2002 Sl93 763 495 278 51 3101 2385 1689 382 1594 1164 838 637 239 139 42 18 19 49 104 222 225 126 116 47 66 24 33 67 24 64 311 _. - 264 26 98 215 58 75 179 :2197 1633 12-19 842 452 94 16 390 199 314 161 31 2 77 215 112 200 110 136 85 1971 523 1481 50:1 775 265 133 394 351 251 221 37 7 95 - 1720 382 481 14 1128 710 805 -174 712 88 317 1139 707 814 475 603 90 21 27 192 32 198 81 24 38 46 20 45 20 90 J3 37 6g, 41 ~,159 2974 1598 1196 58 189 H5 100 1985 1191 1446 997 33 386 60 7 489 431 394 207 193 119 4 6 267 250 201 171 86 33 114 415 ~60 372 230 12 110 2 28 1038 6'27 899 571 280 170 37 210 90 319 90 208 59 224 102 152 76 58 55 1968 957 1592 765 2055 350 292 101 66 82 96 76 27 27 35 65 59 273 108 211 91 21 71 14 265 205 173 176 g4 79 15 663 434 455 323 200 102 539 299 395 236 91 438 327 315 214 4 52 33 31 54 38 113 116 102 97 429 80 15 13 267 66 141 45 65 24 30 804 349 42::! 1135 438 140 63 879 436 725 381 326 62 153 14 342 192 193 123 46 20 79 11 1291 424 803 323 96 92 154 5445 3710 336 331 1558 987 1105 686 71 185 51 11 2138 11312 1546 959 123 338 73 1825 1208 1076 445 200 189 165 470 61 389 32 20 16 393 17 79 18 13 14 15 6 78 1063 416 608 196 224 43 23 38 16 65 20 10 4 72 13 6 6 1 269 .10l 25 37 30 9 80 6 54 - -



No. of Women who have

No. of Men who have



15\ 26 64 21 18 28 46 .28 20 43 11 333 18 11 98 44 27 4 159 19 58 5 7 38 101 31 13 70 25 25 232 22 -

138 98 19 203 16



15 36 61 73 105 1039 21 18 73 52 38 49 8 44 17 600 4.20 249 270 7 16 243




29 -


42 -

41 22 24



13 20 38 32


5 91 25 20 16 -

25 30

36 60

17 30 60



136 -



31 -


45 79

25 39



29 56 18 16 13 19 44 34 72 25 90 149 50 36


30 33 402 34 11 16 -


27 109 32 44

17 107 45 43


58 15 64


19 19 377 35 11 27 38 -




10 14 3

25 33 -


36 11

19 54 56 11 11

97 396 42 15 77 313 61 57 157 35 165 20 -




12 -


-_. -



7 8 -35 76 53 46 111 45 261 95 44 52 119 159 104 195 6 9 65 38 13 60 37 6 -


18 20 -

15 42 16 13 9 12 39 7 38 12


21 30 44



87 135 56 29

11 15 -

24 54 5 31 -

16 01 40 25 -


40 -

37 23 75 9 23 -

9 11





32 7 15 69


22 22 13 10 16 22 25 26 6 8 22 67 18



121 33 4 18 34 -

44 22 8 10 -

18 23 48 29

79 281 32 56 39 98 4.4 128 6 155 -

9 20 6 46 -

9 18 -

6 9









14 383 1 23

3 2 24 61 1 2 13 4 -


1 21 20 4 20 14 5 1 30 8 54 47 10


20 -



29 -







1 23 24 4 71 108 4 -


2 8 -


3 34 10 1

14 4.




19 13 9 13 4 121 147 88 158 1 1 139

1 7 11 19 10 35 36 6 2



32 15 49







18 -


8 -




1 3 9




16 18





101 -







45 60






44 23 22 11 18 30


32 5 63 21 13


72 22 25 25 15 25 22

280 24 46 41 11 8

37 -









28 -



11 24




23 22


50 66 23

10 21 35 5 2


11 12 13 7 6 109 18 68 34 77 17 6 -




6 107 22 34 -






23 37 20 14 18





5 11 22

14 53





13 26




39 25

13 12 11

36 iS8 63




13 2 92 60 336 255 141 26

159 23 15









61 13 26 11 18 19 40 8 118 23 68 34



16 30


12 8


9 1 176 57 77



27 5 4


1 9 6

15 7 11




33 -



114 9

2 2 6 9


9 16 7


12 12 2 1 20 -



6 18 -





9 9









18 9 1 10 3




- I -

4 1


o Reformed 1905. * Since Oentre was re·formed in 1900. t These figures include men and women. ::: At the outset of this Oentre the complete II Latter half reckoned from 30th June, 1903. § Re·organized, 1904. 'IT Latter half (N.Z. Auckland) since information was not preserved. 1st April, 1904. ** Formed 1894, re·organized 190"1. tt Formed 15th June, 1905. :::::: Re·orgallized, 1905. §§ Re-orgallized, 1904. 1111 Since July, 1905.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.


St. 50hn Bnlbulal1ce






(Kellsingtoll, etc.) ( ' bail·UHlJ1.

The Re\,. Lord Victor

eY1l10ul. UOJloral'Y SCCl'c t fU·J.


Mrs. O. Ul'lluhurt-Fi 'her, 3, Olevelallu Terrace, \\' .

U. Lrql1hart-Fisher, 3, Oleveland Terrace, '\'. Lif


JU"' Cl'~ .

!IIi , 13mb,)', Lally Ha1'g1'eave::; Brown, ?llis Bllrnett, 11iss Crayen, nIl'. B. L. 'OhCll, .:'.Iajor-G enemlJ. O. DulLon, 1:. \., ~elleral ir E. G. Fan hawe, (J.e.B., Lady Fowlcr, nIi::;sA, t . John Gray, 'olonel 'ir Jame:; Gildea, l'.\-.o., cn. The Rt. Hey. th e Lonl Bishop of PeteJ'bo1'ongh, i\lrlS. F. W. Harris, Mi" Humphrey, nIl' . Lean, Lady ~Iontagll, ~li ' s B. Louisa Parkcr, Mi 's lIlar), L. Parker, Btl'. tl'eatfeild, The Dowager Lady Trelawny, Lady'fre\'clyan, Mis ,Yclu, Mi. s WilsOll, Hon. Henrietta Windsor-Clive, 1111' . Anthony Wingfi elll. ,l I Ctli ca l

,V. Fox "' ymolls, L. Llewellyn-Powcll,

;\I.D., ;\I.D.,


R. Condena.,)' Gayer, ~l.ll., h egillalll Haye, J. Rhodes, ;\LD.

"J.D . ,

ANXU AL REPORT. 'fhi ' Oentre was OIlIY re-orgltllizcd in March of pre 'eut year, but is alrcudy in a ,ery active cOlluitioll . Its ehail'll1tlll is the Re\'. Lonl Yidor 'eymour (Vicar of t. ~tephell", ' onth KelJsington ), lUlll it Llepnty·chairmu,lI, the Right Hon. ir James l~el'gn~on, 13nrollet, n ... t;.I., ,,·berea · amollg t the other Vice-Pre idents are the Earl Percy, the YisCOUll tess KllU tsfol'u, olollel ' i t· Herbert Perl'ott, Bart., c. B., Lady Pel'1'0lt,lheUishopofKcllsi11glo11, 'irJohnFllrley, C.D., and other . The following cla.sses han) heetl h 'lel, viz., for lirsLa.id, ullder Dr. \Y. Fox- ),111011 , Dr. R. Courtenay Gayer, and Dr. L. Llewellyn Po\\'ell. The al1tu111l1 cln ses Hrc J10W in progre s aud 11 large Iltllubel' or pupils for first aid a.n d uursing is ltllticipa1ell.

}'t. J ohn AmJJuio/7lce Association.

St. John A 1nbulance As ociution.


Statellunt of Receipts and ExpenclituJ'{; jo;' the yea?' encling SeptembM 30th, 1905. Receipts. E xpellclitu1'c . To ir ConJie tephen (sub .). £1 1 0 By Printing and tationery . £0 17 o 1 2 3 " per Major Malet (balance) 0 12 0 "Hire of Doys for CIa. scs . o 2 6 " Class Fees 12 5 0 "IIirc of Room for Exam. " Books and Baullagcs 3 11 0 "Hile of 't. Stephen's :, Debit bahLnce 0 8 7 Church House for Classes " Head-qnartcr's Account " Examinatioll Papors " Stamps and Cards " ' L. Mary Abbots Ii 00111 " Minute Book and Ca'11 Book .

£16 17

Octobe1' 25th, 1906.










o 1 6 '200 o 15 0 0

£16 17


Audited by us and. found COlTt'ct, VI CTO l~ A, 'EYMOUJ1., Chairman. C, URQUIIAltT-FnlHER, Treasurcl' . LILIAN UnQulIAl~T-Fr::nllw, 11011. Secretary.


(City ancl Port of London).

NO.9 DISTRICT.- METROPOLITAN. )·rc.' icl c nt.

H. R IT. Pri IlleSS Louise, Du chess of ArgylL ( 'hail·mall.

T I' Ca S lll'Cl' aUII 110 11 •

Col. T. H. Hendley, C.I.E.,


(Balhwn, Baller 'elt, Brl,d oll , C/rlphllm, Kennillgton, Lambeth, Tooting, ([wl lleiuhuollr1iood.) )'1' (, it1 Cllt.

II. R. II. the Prince s Frederica , Barone ~ Yon Pawel Ramltlingeu. Jlolton,,',\"


R . ,\ ort ] I,

T, .lt. C.l'.,

W. Ferrill.

T l'C H" nr c I'.


S Ian'.

L. ' . l\le~Ial111s,


]'I .

G<. R ell, '1 )I.n.,

;\1. B.


Stet'CI/Lent of Rcccipts allll E.''jJClldillli'c fur thc yea?' eliding 30tll ,'CplClllbc1', 1905.

F..cccljds. To Bn.bllCC from 1903 £33 1 10 " Cla:ss Fees and 'ale of ,--Lore.' . 6 1] 5 " do. 110 Oiling lJUL since paid 2 5 5

£H 18 \\Trr,Ll.\;\l

l·rcs hlc ut.

n. H .. Princess


~h' diC:II

.1,01,111 Broll'll ,

(St. ]cLmes's, Whitehall, Mayfair, lIycle Park, PltGlclington, Bctysu;ate1', Notting Ifill, Regent's Park, Regent Street, Oxford Street, etc.) H

~ cc l'(' llIl\r

,ril1ialll II. :.'110 rgu,lI , 39, Al (l crLroo k Hoael, Balham IIill, L ondon, '. II,

LU'c iU c mlJc l·S.

The Corporation of th e City uf London, The Cutlers' CompallY, TIte Fishmongers' Company, The GolusllJiths' Company, The Grocers' COlllpany, 'rhe Habcldashcrs' COlllpany, The Mercers' COlllpany, The Merchant Taylors' COlllpany, The 'kinners' Company, The Surrey COllllllel'cial Docks COlllpany, EJwaru 1. lJal'llaril, COllrad Bergman, 'rhe Baroness Burdett-CollUs, Col. Sir Charles WYlld]Jam Mlll'J'CLY, C. D. , Colonel Sir Alll)one G, Ii'ife, nlajor-G cneral Bryan lIli llll an , C. u., J. and H. 1\101 ley, John Morley, Edwin Fre 'h litld, LL.D., F.H.A., El'llcst L. O]i\'e, Edwllrd 110\\'] >y Palmer, Preseott and Co. ( l3ankers), Ex- 'herifl' Waterlow, Ed IY ai'll , Ycl)b (13riLi.h and Foreign W11ar1'), :Miss Ford (Highgate).

.'('c l·c lary .

1\1 iss ]I.!. Galllcron, 11, Hill Road, St. Johll 'l> Wood, :r.W.


A JNU AL H.EPORT. , Hillee Lhe la?L rCP?l't the Comlllittm' has to re(;ord with re c'ret the resiunation after ~O ye;u',s of (I_~(;e: of Gencral Lo \I' r.y, ('.1:., thcir chairll1a~l, ~lld hi sub~quent'dt' ath 111 ,J 11!,), ] 90:). <lb.o t!le (leath of Dr. Morloll, one of lhe oricrinal members and orgalll~cl'll 01, th e ~J .. tnl't. Co10uel T. H. H endley '\'as ... locted :~'i clwirman in May la. t. Thc Ollllllltt'l! lm-; 1.)('011 recently strengthened hy tho addition of . e\'era1 new 1: IC II llJe l'!'I , Hilt! the 11l)llJ1I1anes of the District have bccm extended and nolY embrace ~)~rt· ?f, IInmpst cacl, ,'t. Joll1l' ,r?0(] .Kilbl1l'll, and pa;t of Puddingtoll, extemhnb south to Oxford ,'treel, antllllcllllllllO' Baker ' treet and IJart of H(,Uellt'· Parle 0 u l:i

l·rcs hlc ut.

Field Marshal H.R.H, the Duke of COllllaught and Stratilearll, I{'G,




ton::- Examiner " Fee', anu InciJenlal Expen es " Po tage, a1Hl Pclty Expense " Balance .






063 33 0 5 £41 1

.J[UllGAN, 11011.

Secretarv and


Beatrice, Princess Henry of Battenberg. Lifc lUc mlJc l's .

The 1I archioness of Bath, L ally E. Browne, W . L . BUl'lleLt-ConLLs, P . L. Chiosso: W . Coates, Sir Frederick F. L. Cook, Bart., Countess Cowper, Col. Si r Aubone G. Fife, T he Countess Granville, L . Vemon HarcomL, Mrs. Quintin H ogg, T he Countess of Ilchester, James Jacksoll, K Kelso, Col. K H . Kelllla1'l1, Miss Kill gSll lill , The Man'hioness of L ansdowlle, Eel' Grace the D uch ess of Leedfi, Miss Frallcis Mar t in, Miss A . Miles, Samuel Morley, Col. Sir Charles Wyndbam M.ulTay , C n . , Lady ,Vymlham Murray, The Lord Deay, Miss A. de Rotbschiltl, Mrs. Leopold Sa1ll10m;, Albert ;:)andcman, Fleetll'oo(l Sal1demall, A. L . Savory, The Coun tess of Sefton, H. J. T ritton, Clarence Watson, MI'. Cuthbert Wills.

ACCRINGTON. 1'l'('1>Jtl c ul.

( 'lw irma II.

H. II. Boltul!.


'J 'J'CII.'J IlI'Cl· :lUll lIulI.

E. Ureeu ill,



Joseph OgtlC1I, Bl1ll Bridge, Accriuglull, U f c Itt (' 1111)('1' ';.

Mn\ W hittaker, Mrs. W aJsworth, nliss WhiLtaker, Mis Janie W hittake r, A . E. BlLll , .l! . P . Grafton , C. J. Whittaker , L. Whittaker) II. n. BOltOll, Joh n Riley.

St. Juhn A 1nb7.dwllCe As ocicdion.



JUcclical Staff.

J. S. Clayton, ;\I.D ., F.R.C.S., Ed., R . Clegg, M.ll.C.R., L.R.C.P.,]',1. J . Fox, F.R.C.S. , IhR.C.P. , '1'. Frankish, ;\f.B., C.:\I., B.SC., William Geddie, M.D., A. Grcenhalgh :\LR. r .S., L.R. C.P., L ond ., A . ¥. Greenwood, ;\I.D., c.;\[. T. E. uttall, M.n., o.;\r. : R. Ru ttle, L. R. C. S. , L. R C. P. , H. W ors1ey, ~r. B., C. ~r. A NUAL REPORT. The movement in this district continues to receive the consideration and snpnort of the public. Th e pldcing and maintenance of surgical hn.vrcsac at mills twd workshops commends the utility of first aiel, and meets with much appreciation from ,,·ork·people. The Centre COll111Jittee llaye up to the present stationed ninety· seven of such appliances, t l:e contents of which arc repleni hed by the Accrinrrton Corps St. J.A. B. as required . b

ft. John

StLtte?nent of Receipts CI,IUZ Expenclitw'e, 1904-1905. Expenclitw·e. Receipts.

By 'tores and Class Fees . £53 12 " Stationery, Printing, 1:2 and Ad vertisill g . " Gran t to Act'ringtoll Corps t.J.A .B. . 200 0 " Collector's Commission 9 0 per T . Stroyan , Postage and SUIlllry 4 15 I ncidental Expen es. 2 6 Balance . .

.I. 2

3 6












l'I· C.,icl c ul.

0 0

Sir .T ohn Furley, c. D.

( 'hairm a n.

)10110)':\1'), SecTct:\J'y.

Dal1ir! Ball, LYlIwood, m allsh a\\', A hton.undcl'·LYlle. l.if



~I.B., J. 'Y. Corl1 , L.ILC.P., L H.C.H. hra\\"h(1\\', IIa~nilton, L.R.C.P., I... H.C.};., . \.. Ililton, r... ~ ..\., \\T. H. IIu ahe, .iun.,;\I.B., C.~[., J. E . Jud on, )[,1'.0. . , r... ll.c.l'., A. ,' . M c Ph el"u ll, )I.B., c.~r.~F. W. ~lalln, ~l.B., J. M. \\'. :Mori 'on, M.B., C.:>1., C. Pea.rse, L.n.C.p., L.R.C .. ·., R. Price, L.n.c.p., L.R.C.c'., Ed., J . W. Talent, M.ll., ;\!.H.U.t:!., P. . T\\,omey, L.U.C.P., L.ll.C.I'. Stal f 'lItcllt of Receipts and E ,l'pendit IlI'C, Jalluary 1st, 1005, to Odobe)' 16th, 1905. R eceipt . Payments. To Dank Balance £ 2 7 By Po tage, tatiollery, etc. " ash ill hand . 6 H 10~ for A .ocialioll £0 1:; " Donations. 1 9 0Cla.ses 26 12 7 " Cell11'e Chl'ses for Book " " Book, c'C., for Cia ses 4 13 o Bandacres and Exa1l\· " lIl edallioll , o 13 7 i\ln.tlOll Fee ~;i 7 0 " Postage, &c. , fot' B\ igaLlc " Meuallion. 2 17 6 " Book', tatioller)" &c., 2 4 1~ " "\ 111 bulancc Mell and for Brigade NllI' 'ing 'isten;' COil· " Entrance Fee:;, R evie ws, ;3 5 0 Contribution, Com· tril1l1tiollS "Allll:JUlallce Men, for pctition, and Rail· 3 7 3 Hiform 1 16 5 \l' ay trcLvel . . " Proceeds of Lacrosse " First Aid Material. for 1 :2 3 Bellcjit~, Comp Li· Ha\'ersaf'lc iion', Charity Foot· " Elllliplllcntnncl Clothing uall, Social anu Opel" ACl,;ount for Brigade 7 n 11 atic , 'ociet,)' . :2J 10 :.l NUl' i ng ,'is tel''' -! 3 0 " Dallk InLere'3t 0 1 0 " 1l0nLc ?Iurcltcs 5 17 9 " New ]TUI'niture, &c. 3 ti 1 " Ball k Balance 13 1 9~ " Ca 11 in Hand


lIon. d llcl~lol's.

W. :F. B. J enl1llcLt, Th e Bauk, Ashford.

1l0Jlornl'Y SCCl'ctal·Y. ~lcclical

His "\\"orship the Mayor, '\'111. I\cl::;all. John Andrew, Caroline drcet, A. ·ll ton,ullCler·LYlIc.

H un. T?'eaSllI·CI·.

R. Dlcnsllale, \I.B., D. IT. Cheetham, )I. n., '. Craw haw, jUll., ,r.n., C.Jr., Henry Payne, )1.1)., L.R.C.P., :\l.R.C .. ·.

H. Poulton, 27, H ardillge Road, Ashforu. W. H. Ooke,


1 31



John Creery.


Abraham Park.


ASHFORD. l'l'es itlcllt.




(Passed) Row ARD GUEEN. IT,L, Chctil'lnan.

22ncl J annCtl'y, Hl06.


7 JOllX Cr-EEllY, C'hait'inan.

Vouchers examined and certified cOl'l'ect, TIIO~IAS PILKINGTOK,}



"\Y. F. 13.

J. OGDEN, HOlw1·(t,·y Secrelal'y cUlcl TreaSll?'ci" JAMES DEAK,

By Head,cluarters for, to res £10 12 1 0 9 5 Achcrtisements " Expel.lses fur Nursing 0 9 4 " Class o 18 6 Hire 01'1'00111 auti. gratuity " 1 0 0 " Gymnasium 0 6 6 " 'h cq \l e Bnok and Postages " lIedalliol!S 1 17 0 3 i8 1 " Baln.llcc ill Bank. " 014 8 in hand.

£-1 17 To Ba.lance bro\lght forwal'L1 3 1 0 Entrallce fee for Classes " ale of Books, Bandages, &c. " 011 " Medallions 1'" 17 0 " u bscri ptions 7 9 0

Statement of Receipts ancl E.17Jencliture fol' the yecti· encling SeptemuCt' 30th, 1905. E::cpeMlit ll1·e. Receipts. To Amount brought forward . £35 Ii from last account " Subscriptions & donations 224 19 " Stores sold aml Class Fees 17 -! 0 4 " Bank in terest


A 7nbll>lance Association.

. ·taO'.

M.l~.C . P. Lond"

M. R. C.S . , W. F. H. Ooke, F.lt.C . .. . , E. G. Colville, F.R.C.S. , C. Vel'l1011, M.It.C.S . , L.R G. P. L ond ., D.P.D., Camb., G. " ' ilks, :M.n., M.P•. C.S. , L.S . A. A J'NUA L REPORT. Tl~e in stl'Uc~io:l part o~ ~he Cel~tre shows. an improvement on the previous year, 18 cal: dldat~s gallllllg .cerbficates 1Il fi,n;t aId, al1(l 21 in nursing. Th e work or Lhe Bn~ade ~~ the bcst Slllce the formatlOll of thc Division ill 1879 (the olllest in the UJ1lte~ Rlllgdom), 23 remo\'als having been carried out ill a most success1'ul way, anc~ hlghly cO lllm ente.d upon bY2 ~he sf3v"ral doctol's in charge, 279 miles huving to

be Jo.u l'l1 eyed t? do tlllS. . The bngade has also been 011 duty at several places or public enterta:Jlment dunng the year. Th e. Centre is still in want of' fUlle s to mp.et the requ ll:ell1en~s of Llt.e la.rgely increasing mellluers of Lhe Brigade wh o, with· out any exce ptLOn, glV~ then time ll:nd se l'vices gl'atnitously. It is to be hoped therefore, that funds wlll be more avaIlable during the ens uin g year. '

R. Blcasllale,



G. F. Bowman,


\\T. H. Hughes,

S taff.

)r.n., D. H. Cheetham. )r.B., R. Hamel', )['B., A.




Am1iL eLl a nd found COl'l'cct,

LEEi':i 1. •..JlIdit01.S. ' 1I .\ GKLErn~ J ABB .\H .\M P .\HK , Chail'lIWIl . J Oli N A NDREW, 1'I'ca w ·e?·. DAKIEL HALL, H an. Secreta1'Y· En~E~T

WA LTl!: ll


St. John Ambulance A88ociatio17.

St. John A 1nbnlance As ociatio11.



ANNUAL RI~PORT. Chairlltall.

The Celltre is doing good work. If, 11O"'eVe1', the 'uperintendent of the ullday School, and other heads of departllle'llts in connection with the l1Jills and " 'ork hops, tm.m lray and elec:tJical department, "oulli interest tlIe1JJsehcs in thc " 'ork, anel. urge llpon their school people and employees the lleccssiiy of acquiring the knon'ledge of first ain, the Centre "'ould become more u. el'111 alJd belleficial to the community.


Col. Thos. H, Marshall, c. B,

Trea s ure r.

Thomas \Vebster, 2..J.l, High Street, Bangor.

CI'C lal-Y ,


hor Davies, 125, High Street, Bangor, Jle(lieal

~ tatr.

RiclHtrd Jones, Idl.e.!'., ilLIU·.S., RUlrland JOlles, ilL1~.C. , ., L,lLC.P., E. J. Lloyd, M.D., Corbet W. O\\'en, ]I[.n., E. O. Price', M.D, AN


Charles Hiltou Seely, ilL 1' .

ChairllWlI. Fowler, :lLl.C.E.



F. E. eply, Sherwood Lodge, Nottingham.

JlOllOl':Il'Y Secrctary.

Jno. T. Walters, Babbington Collieries, Nottingham. lIonOJ':u-y Sccr c l;lI'Y ("'omcn's


sc .~).

A . sh1nnt SeCl'C I:ll'Y (,'rolllcn'.s CJn .~ scs).

Mrs. J, T. -Walters, Cinder Hill, NotLillgham.

Mrs. G, Fowler, Basford Hall, NotLingham.

lU('clical Slaff. J. C. Dunn, L.R. C.P., Edin., D,]I,1. Forbes, F.n.c.~., IV, H, Hill, M,B., C,M" H. J. Neilson) M.D.



We have not hacl as many classes as \\'e shonlli have likecl for this session, the reason for this is that we decided to start the cla.ses in Noyemuer, and the exami. natiotl therefore took place too early to allow bl'ehe mOllths interval between it and thc last examination. This pre\'entcd the members who were sncce slul in 1904 frol11 entering. The only ela .. s we were able:to hold, therefore, was a women's class, which was very sllccessful. All who entered for examination ~atisned the examiner. ,Ve feel quite connllent that illis wiuter \\'e shall be able to show a marked improvement in the llllllluer of classe',

Slctiement of Receipts and E.l'pcllditlll'ejo1' the yeaI' endillg SeptembcJ' 30th, 1905. Receipts. E-'peiUlilIl1·C. To Balance at Dauk £6 2 u... Dy Postage, lationer)" Print· 3 10 o ing, uIHl :J1iscellallCon £] 14 5 " F ees "

1 10




4 1

o o

26 10


£28 15


By Books and Bandages " .;\Iedallions . " Examiner's fees, etc. " Lecturers' fees

£2 16 o 0 ]0 10 9


£28 15

BANBURY. l'l'Csitlcnt all(1 (;ltail'llIall.

Rev. Canon C. F. Portor.


Sellers, Crouch Street, Banbury.

II OJlOJ';U'Y SCCl'ct:l1'y.

D. Preston, 33, Marlborough Road ,

Banbury. lUc(Ucal Stan'. Henry Beattie, L,R.C.P., M.H.C.S., James Griffin, M.lt.C.S.

'Lores Examination Expen 'es Examine!" Fees Rent and Ga Balance ,


lYOlt D.\.YIE ·,

GEO. FOWLEfl., Chain nan, F. E. SEELY, T1'eaSn1'cr. J. T. ,\VALTER ,', Bon. See1·cta,'Y.

'I'I·ca Sln·CI·.

" ,. " " "

2 0 3 0



o 10 1 5 o 19









4 6

TrIO, , H. MAllSIL\LL, Ohainnct1l. Tho)IAR \YEDsTEU, Han. Treasw'el',

Statement of Rcecipts and E"'lJcnditu"e, 1904 to 1905. Receipts. E'J.peilclitu1·c, £1 1



'rhe Centre ~l1ring the year has kept up its vitality and the classes are "'011 attended. Dl~l'l1?g the year, 404 accidents, of mOle or les ' injury, hal'e been mported, an.d lt Is.a !llatter. of congratulation that it is now all110st impof;sible for a man to receIve an l11JUl'y \\'ltbout an alld.mlance man being neal' to relHle1' Iirst aid.

To Sale of Books . " " Bandages " Donation from the Bab· bington Coal Co.


Han. Secl'etm'Y,

BARROW-IN-FURNESS. 1'.'csitlclll.

Edward ,\Yadham,

T ['cas 1l1' Cl'. D .L,

1I01l01'111'Y SccJ'c laJ'Y.

Thomas L eary, 10, Keith Street, Barrow·ill· FUl'lless.

The ArchLleacon of FU1'l1es:, Ba.rro\\· , ~I('(licnl

Allan Hllthel'fonl,

t, George's,


M.B., C.M., Edin .

ANNUAL REPORT. The pl'ogress of the Centre is well marked. Commel1eing in 1 0 it h<1 gmdnally ga.ined in )lublic estimatioll. AJJ)uulall~c men ale found in all the \York hop of Lhe town rendcring fir t aid to JlJany illjuretl Irorkpeopll'. A fa\\' ob ervations embodied in the speeches of tho Mayor of Barrow, aud the President oflhe Centle, at a recent meeting at tho TOWIl lIall , for pre enting t'J'lilicates and Medallioll , will furnish conspicnons detail of'the cnt rc's \\·o rkillg. The Mayor rCIlHtl ked on the con· nection of the Cell Lre wi tll orpol'n,1,io ll em ployes that 20 Ii ircmcll Hnd 3 Policemen, had been inslrllctctl by the Contro, and at the pre"on t tillle -! III 'pedor' and ergeant, and 52 UOllstables wore tho ambula.nct arlll bn.tlgo . The Fire Brigade had charge of t~1C ambulance vall and during the past YClt!' hall recei l'cd no Ie s than 1~(j calls for lLs 118e. Th e van, publiely IIh.criuec1 1'01' ill 190'), had ucell eLl-lled for 543 tilJle .


St. John A ?nbulCtlnCe As ociation.

t John A ?nb~iJl((nce AS8ociation.

The President observed that they had now to present 98 certificates of various grades-Fir tAiJ, Nursing, and for periodical re·examinations, and that 560 men und 2 4 women had qualified as members of the centre. The Fl1l'ness Railway Centre, Messrs. Vickers Sons and :JIaxims, a branch of the Barrow Centre, hacl al 0 numerous ambulance men engaged in exactly the same woIle Vickers and Maxim had a corps of 203 ambulance men Llistributed in separate ections of their great shipbuilding works at Barrow. The member of the Centre also attended the Football Matches and ,,'hel'ever large numbers of people gathel'eLl. There was 'careely a football match but where players got hurt. and if some persons were not present who knew exactly what to do the result migh t be yery serious, Stcttement of Receipts and E:V}JC1ulitw'e fm' thc year 1904·5. Receipts. E xpenclitu1·C.

To Balance from previous acc. £0 16 " Annual subs. and dons. 9 9 " Football contributions 7 5 " Fire Brigade demonstration 2 2 )) Net proceeds of Concert 11 6 )) Bank interest 0 1

£30 19

0 0 0 0 1 5

By Rent of Class Rooms . £2 18 6 "Public ervices at Football Match es an!l crowcleLI demonstration 6 0 3 "New )Iaterials an,l Repairs 1 ;) 0 "E:\.aminations, Lectnre , Clas e and Exhibition functions. 6 0 4 2 1 6 " Prin ting aud tationery " Postages . 1 13 11 "Executive Service .. , Care· taker, Attendant Women's Classes, Secretary's office 10 3 o expenses .


£30 19

31st Jamwi'y, 1906.

Statement of 1~ccei2Jts Cl1t(l E"·J.ICilditw·e fo1' the yeCl?' cncliil fJ 30th Seplembci', 11:)05.


RccellJts. To Balance at Bank " ill ha lld " ubscriptions " Fecs (rom Olas!;c. " l ec1alliolls " 'tores 01(1 . "" Repaymcllt for Medal " " ha.re of Expenses Public Meeting

£7 ·1

:2 :l

5 () ]0 ]7 1 11 3 1:2 0 1



By Hea<l Oflice Account . £12 12 9 10 "A(hertising unO. Printing 3 13 9 0 \ " Medallion' 2 1 3 6 "Exllen 'e. of CIa' ('s 4 17 9 0 " ,'undr)' paymcnt 3 1 11 G " ecrctary's postages 0 16 5 G " ecrerary Gellera.l for 18 6 1I1edal . o 9 3 0 " Balance at Bank 6 4 2 " ill hand fl




£31 L'i

£3+ 15



AlHlitcd anl1 fOllllcll'orrl'ct, Dec. 20th, 1905. W. A. Bm,",\:;:-;'!", Accountant. ED~ll ~n

B.\G~HA ,,'E,


Dcputy Cltai-nnan.

Il UGll F. CLl: rrEllnVCK, HOrl. l'I'casuTe1'. F. ,'PHA,Y'O:\, liun. Sccrc!m·y.

BEDFORD. r.·c . . h l {'u t . Duche~.'

H er (hace the


Audited ano. found correct J om: bPEDDI:\G '\ 1 l't ,V. BRuTo:\ ( .L uc I aI's.


of Bedforcl.

J( OJlOl'aJ·.r !'oN· I·e t lll·.) :I1 lCl T r t'a'> llrl· r. ::\[1' . . Alfrcd Paillc, ,Yhal feLlale, >ohlillgtOll Road, Bell ford. (.if· l1 CIII OC I'" ,

Th e Du ch e's of Bedford,'ir l"rcderil'k lI o\\unl. Adelille. Du clte' of BeMonl. ~I


I~J·es icl ent.

Huncy Gol,l'lllith,

( 'bairmllu.

Colonel Sir C. ,y yndha.m Murray, c. E.

General Sir John McQueen, 1(.C. n.

Tl·cnS llr c l'.

UOllora r y 8l·C .· Ctlll·.}' .

Colonel H. F . Cln tterbuck I 010. Bank, Bath.

F. ,'prawson, 5a, Bl'iJge , tl'cct, Bath.

Life J l c m \)e l'l!I .

E. A. Bagsha\\e,

M. A.,

Cltas. Coates, M. D.

IU e cli cnl Staff.

D . L. Beath, M.ll.C.S . , L . n.C.p., W. Mc. D. Ellis, i\I.R. C.S ., L.1LC.l'., lIU)., 13rnx., J . 111. Harper, lILn.c . . ·. ANNUAL ImpORT. I n presenting its :ll1uual report for the past year, the Committee is plpaseu to record that a eonsidcrable amount of \\'ork has been done. one nursing and foul' first aid clas::;es having been held, 42 pupils br.ing successful in obtailling either the certificate or medallion of the Association; hut it i to be l'egrcttcrl that out of 90 pupils attending the various classes only flO prescntc!l theJ1L'elves for examination. I n August a very successful meeting was held at the Guildhall, whcn the Marquis of Bath, who was supporterl by Col. Sir Charles Wyndham Mmra)" c. n., General Sir John McQucen, K C.E , and Dr. J. S . Griffiths, the Deputy COllllllissioller for the District, distributed the certificatcfl a.llU me(lallions gained during the year. The ambulance carriage has proved itself vcry valnable during the ycar, having been llsed no fewer than 30 tiII I{·S. The Committee desire to convey their best thallks to the lecturers, to those membel'f; of the Brigade who have at all times 1endel'erl snch valuable help in connection with the various removals, and to all who, by their killli assist a.nce, have helped forward the work of the Centre.

('cli t lll S t II tr. ~r.ll.

G. PClTtllll.


ANRUAL rEPORT. The 0l1ll1liltce de ire to Jlut 011 rccord tht'ir e11:>e of the great 10 they haye uslained by the death of Dr. J,tIl1CS'OOlllb:, who for the Ia t ixteen years 11a been their chairlllan. IIi::; tact and urbanity, <1.:> wcll a hi, advice and 11 itancc, hay ~ been of the grcate·t "nlllt' to lhe COlllmittl'c, who are glad i.O report that Mr. Geoffrey IIo\\tl.nl ha accepted the vacant (;hairlllHnship. 'eYel'al ea 'e:> of ytlluable first aiel have ht'ell reported. Th e illvalid appli'llll'C helllngin,f{ to the C('lltre have been ill constant denmlltl, aucl thc latlie:> of the id, Diet liuild. ha\'c di tributed throLl"h the district lllln;e, I , H16 llillnCl':3 fL llll gills of llol11'ishing food to their patiel~ts, \Vhidl hn.\'e again proyed a great boou to the sick POOl'. StaleJ.ilCnt of Rcceipls Cln(l E,('jJcnclilm'c!of the !JCW' eliding BeL tcmber 30th, 1905.

R.eccipts .

To Annual llusel'iptiollS " Sale of tore. Due to Treasurcr


£0 10 0 0 11 0 --110

o 11


£1 12



tore. "Prilltiug Anllnal R epor t amI Po tage

£0 10 1



£1 12


Examined with "0l1e11('1's and round cOl'red, F .•T. JOH>;ELYN, Vicc· Presidcn t.

II. P.

.Mcli/bcl' of CO))1?1liltcc. rrTctr/J'lI aud l'rtaSlll'C1'.


Er.gANOR PAL TE , lIolI.



L irc l't1(' JIl l)('I'.


Pl'cs i«lent.

Charles E. Allan.

TI·c a SUI·Cl'.

)[0 II 0 1':1 l'y SC CI' CC/ll'ics .

Mrs. Magowan, Provincial Bank House, Royal Avenue, Belfast.

l'tl e«1i('al !ii CafT.

Hamilton Gatliff.


Sir W illiam Ewart: Bart.

.Miss Black, Glen Ebor, tralldtowll. R. IV. Leslie, M.D., t. Heliet's.

Life ;Uc mbc l' . .

John G. Austin, i\LB., IYilliam Calwell, 1>I.A., M.D, Stevcnson Darling, M.B" T. A . Davison, L.n . C.p., L.R .C.S., A . D . I!:\'elyn, D.A., M.D ., Shuldam DUlllop, M.D., IV. H amilton Elliot, B.A., M.D., A. Hampton Gray, M.D., I V. T. R. Knight, M.D., R ichal'll W. L eslie, M.D., Jamcs A. Lindsay, M.A . , M.D., F.Il.C.P., S. Edgar Martin, liLA. , M.D., J . C. l\lartin, M.D., Gilbert Marshall, L.n.C.p., L.ll. C.S., H. L. 1\1. Kisack , M.D., George St. George, M.ll..C.P., I,.R . C.S., John D . McIntosh, L.ll.r.R., L. P•. C.P., John Rn~k, D.A. , ~I.D., James Taylor, M.n., amuel Tate, ::I[.n., J. D. Williamson, M.D.

Jal11 es Marsh,

" Ladies Cla. scs



5 15

MO?'lLin g !Jost) .


£47 13



1 12 o 6 23 14



3 4


l 'I,(,.,idclIC.

Charles 11 iI tOil, 'cel)', ( 'hni 1·llIau.



W. Po\\'i 's.

John Merriman, Birchllooll (jollier)" Alfl'eton. ] ,i re UC lll bcl's .

II 011 Ol':tI'Y SCCl'c C:try.

'ir Charles 'eely, Bart., '- tual't C. "\\' ardell.

3 6

O, \Yald D. Hob'Oll, M,A., :\LD., Edin.





.A NNUAL REPORT. This CenLrc continues to makc satisfactory progress. A Men's and IYomen's Class wa hehllllll'ing the year and was very well at tenden. The cxamination by urgeon Major Hutton took place in December. ... 0111C seriou accidents and a large number of slight accidents havc occurred at and moum1 the Collieries and ill eyery case efficient aid has bcen promptly renuerecl by some member of the A ociation, :r ew Classes are now being formed.

6 11 10 0






7 7

£47 13




Stcttement oj Receipts and E;'Cpcnclitm'e fo/' the yea?' ending Scptcmbci' 30th, 1905. Receipts. E,'Cpenditure. To Balance ept. 30Lh, 1904 £10 1Q 8 By Books, Ban(lages, &c. £3 0 6 " II

alcof Books and Bandages Subscriptions

2 11 8 13


Pl'cs t(lc ut.

T he R ev. Ca non FlellJing. lloJlol'al'Y Sccre. a I·Y. L ieut.-Colonel E. T ufnell , M. l . 46 1 Eaton "(Iuare, L onclon, S I V.




'I' I'cas IIl'CI'. H amilto n Gatli ff, 11 , E aton Square, L ondon, S. vV.

7 6

l'tl c c1ica l SCnfT.

8 13


L. MAGOWAN, Hon. T1'Casw·e1·. R. IV. LmlLIE, lIon. Scc1·eta1·Y. J . D.\VILLIA:\[S .





;'. A. J. Hill, Dil'clmood Collicry, Alfl'eton.

By Balance due (1904) £10 "Examiners' Fees, etc. 7 " I ncidental Expenses 3 " Stores Accoun t 12 "Extra tores (Allman) o " Medallions . . 2 " Expenses of Sec. anl1 T reas . for Carriage, Postage, etc. 2


-1 1

£2 12 o 10

JA". FLE::IUXG, Canon of York, P1'esident. Examined and compareLl with vOl1C'hcrs, IV. G. Wru;ox, Yicar. Odobc)' 10th, 1905. Eo TL'FxELL. Licut.-Colonel, Hon. Secretary.

Statement of Accounts fo?' ycct?' 1905. Receipts. Expenditu?'c.


"tamps. " Di!';t. Messenger Boys " n. R. 'tokes (paragrapb " Exam. Expcnscs-Ladies Cla "se' . " RepOl ts . " Balance in hand

ANNUAL REPORT. D uring the year ending 1st October, 1905, 15 classes were hcld of whieh !) \\Cl'e first a id clas&es for men, 3 were first aid classes [01' women 1 nursinu class for m<'n 1 for women, and a home hygienc class. The lectures wer~ attentletf by 320 pupils: of whom 109 presented themselves for exnmination, 50 obtained first aiu certificate 10 nursing certificates, 25 received re-examin;ttion vouchers and 17 obtaillcd mcdal~ lions. The third annnal competitions for the Belfast chalJenrre cup and the Lord Mayor's cup, were held on the 5th July, when Colonel1\lcFal'l~nc1, Dr. C;tl well , Dr. Leslie, Captain Archer, and Captain Deggs, kindly acted as judgcs. A team of firemen who are members of the St. John Am bulancc Brirracle hold the Belfast Challengc Cup for this yea t' , and a team from ewington tl~c L~l'd Mayor's Cnp.

6 8 0

L.n.C.p., L.n.C.f;.

Statement oj R ecciptli cOld E.1']Jcnditw·c, 1905 Rccciptil. E'J'}Jenditure. To Balance in hand £24 8 7 By Dr. n1arsh (half Fee)

Norman Barnett, F. n.c.s., IYilliam Calwell, :i\L\ . , M.D., R. IV. Le 'lie, )I.D. F. McFarlanll, L.U"C.P. , iL.n.c .f;. , Hiram 1\lonypen)', ;lI.D., M.D., D.CH., D.,\.O,: John D . McI ntosh, L.1t.C.P., L.n.c.s ., J . Hentoul, M. ll.: George t. Geol'ge,::ILn.c.r., L.R.C.S., Robert IVatson, M.D., J. D . IYilliamsoD, M.D.

'£19 17 25 5 2 10


Al NUAL REPORT. Dnrillg the season only two classcs werc llel!l, olle first aill, bJies, at 46, Eaton Sq narc, and onc mcn's first aill at Battersea Park, tation.

iU <, tlic al StafT.

T o Class Fees "Stores . " Medallions


I't. Joh1"b A 1nuldunce As. cciatiun.

St. J ohn Arn"bbulance Association,

N ovembe1' 30th, 1905.


0 6


" chool cleaning "Rent of chool-rooll1 " Present to the Lecturer " Examination Expenses " Balance

o 5 o 10



I 19 0 5 10 3 10 18 11 £22


Examillerllmd found correct, IVILLIAlII Pow ISS, Oltainnan . J Olir 1\1 l~lUUMA , Trcasul'u. SAMUEL A. J , HILL, Hon. &'c1·elm·y. G



St. John


It. John A ?nbu,lc~nce Association.

A ()ciation.

BIRMINGHAM. UmlOl'al'Y Sccrcfary.

Prc. hlcllt,

John H enry Rogers, A. ·,A .


lIou. Audifol'.


A. Short,

128, Oolmore Row, Birmingham.


Life )(clllbcl', ,

J. H. Blakeney, L.R.C.P., George Oadhury, Barrow Oadbury, Arthnr Obamberlain (Kynock, Ltd.), 1I1esrs. Chance Brotber, Augnslns Olay, M.R.C.S., G. J\I. I!:lkington (Elkington & 00" Ltd.), J. W. Ensor, L.R.C.l'., W, H. Fealhel tone, M.D., T . B . Gould, L.ll.C.P., ,T. F . Gummo\'\', L.H.C.p., S. Hoadly, .Bit. Johu O. Hold er, Bart., D. Holm es, )LB., A. T. lIold. ',vorth, M.D., Jol!n Kentish Jord'tn Lloyd lI1.B., ,V. A. Loxton, F.R.C.R., Edin., R. F. 1'1ackellZle, M.D., J.'F. T. Morrison,'F,R.C.S., T. ]\tlson, )I:D" Gordon Nic.llOll~, M.B .. , E. IV. Parsey, )f.D., M. Railing (The General Electnc 00., Lbl.), 11' RlChard 'Ia~lg'ye, G. Thomas, lIf.R.C .. . , John E. Wilson, E. B. IYhitcomhe, ~r.H.(' .. , J. II. \' hlte, :r.r.D., ,I'. H. Whitehouse, M.D. )Icclical

Stutement oj InCOI1M and E.<penclitlwe f01' the (ow·teen months ending 31st AUgllst, 1905, E:'cpendit1l1·e. Income.

By Class Fees

£105 13 , .. 'tOI'C:;- ales Account 104 9 " Sllh ·criptiolls. . 5 9 ,. lIire of I keletol1 and Diagrams. . 3 8 ., Interest on Bunk Dcposit Acconnt 1 B



Olement Belcher, M.B., P. Oamphell, )I.B" II. G. Dain, M. n., ,,\V. Dowuing, L.R.C.P., J. ,Yo Ensor, L.R.C.P., W. D. Featherstone, )I.D., ,Yo J. Gal'hut, ~['B" J. F. Gummo", L.R.C.P., T. B. Gould, IJ ,R.C.V., J. T. Hewet on, lILl)., D. H olmes, lrI.B., A . T. Holdsworth, 1Il.D .. G. H. Hart, L.ll.C.y., O. J. B. JOlll:"OI1, L.ll-C.p., ",Y. A. Loxton, F.R.C.S., Ed., H. F. ~IackellzlC, lI1.D., .T. 1I1111er, :\[.11., G. Stnart 1'1001'e, M.B., J. T . J. Morrisoll, F. n,c.:'l, Thomas (Jlson, Jll.l>., .Tame'> Neal, M.I:.C ... , Gordon Nicholls, ~I.B., E. W. Parse., . :\f.lJ., G. P()\\pll, )[,13., W. A. Potts, M.D., W. R. Reith, ~r.D., S. J. HoheJ'ts. L.n,r.l'., D. R. Ro\\'ll!IH~> M.D., A. Stanley, L.R.C.P., G. Thomas, 1I1.11.C.R., J. R .. Tront, L.J:.C,j'., 1<.. 1. Walker, L.p•. C.P., 'vV. H. G. Wilkes, )r.n.c.:'l., E. B. ,Ylutcoml)e, 1IL1:.C ... , J. II. White, M.D., W. R. 'Whitehouse, )LD.


A.N'NUAL HEPOBT. The Oommittee of the Birmingham Local Ocntre haye pleasure in !;uh1l1itting. to the members the Twentv-fifth Annual Report and StflteIllent of Account. l)Ul'll1g tbe period under review' there has been an incl'easing inter?st SIIO\\,Il. ill the. v~lue and importance of the kllolVledge imparted through the lIle(liul1l of t,lns ASSOCIatIOn, and your Committee point ont with atisfaction that, ~s the ~'esllit of tl~e work 0T a qnarter of a century, 9,000 men and women have rece1\'e,l Clthel' first ~111 or ll~l1'~lI1g certificates. Your Oommittee deplore the lamented death of Lord Lelgb, n, h,llt!,(ht Df Justice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jeru. alclll in Ellgland, amI for many years its Bailiff of Egle. who, in aclditiol~ to being the ~resicle.lIt of tl?e Oentre since its formation in 1880, has always cbsplayed such a kll1dly 1I1tCl'est 111 tlle ambulance work of the district. The terminating clate of the working year has been altered from J11ne 30th to AUO'llSt 31st, in order to come into line with IIf'adquarters, whose accoulits are ren<'1erell on the 3] st August. This al ter.ation has necessitated the inclusion in the present accoullts and report of a pcnorl of 14 mon tbs. After voting a furt.her sum of £50 towarcls the cost of the upkcep of the BirminO'hnm Oorps the funds of the Oentre have been reducerl to £79 191'1. l1 r1., nearly the wbole of which will shortly be absorbed in equipping the Oorps with sufficient material and stores to enable it to continue its good work on behalf of the citv. Thirty-one classes have been hel.1 during the period under revie" :-20 fi.r~t aiel (men), 7 first aid (women), 1 nursing (men), 3 nursing (women), and 497 cerLlfIcates issued. The thanks of the Oentre are most gratefully an,l corclially d ne to the medical lecturers, whose gratuitons efforts make the Association the fillCCPfiS it is. Your Oommittee are still desirous that a nursing division of the Brigade should be formed, and appeals to those ladi es holding both first aid and nursing certiricates Lo as"ist them in the movelllent. The upkeep of the Birmingb am Oorps of Lhe St. J ohD Ambulance Brigade, although small, is scvt::rely taxing the l'eSOlll'CeS of the Oentre, and unless some outsicle help he forthcoming it is to be feare,l that its invalnable work will have to be restricted, as there are now only very limited funds at its disposal.



0 To Hea(l-quarters for Examiners' 5 Fees, Expenses, and 0 Stores . . £142 " Lecturers, Conveyance of 6 Material ,etc.. . 2 "Printing, Stationery, etc. 13 5 "Postages and Petty Payments. . . 4 " Office Rent anll Expenses (two years) 30 "Balallce, being excess of In come over Expenditure for the year 26





2 17





o o 19


o '*

'HEET, 31st AUGc'T, 1905.

13A1,A, 'O I


L iavilities.


Debtor for Class fees, I'tore , etc. . £39 15 11 toek 0[' tore. on hand . 12 1 10 Lloy<ls' 13k., Ltcl. Ollrrcnt ace. 102 15 3 " Dcpo. it acc. 60 1 ·1 Ca, II in hand 3 10 3

IIeacl-rluarter for Ex amin ers' Fee, Expenses, and Store . £138


Total Liabilitie' . 138 In comeand Expelllliture, viz.: urplu at 30th J lme. 1904 . 103 0 11 L"l.dd Excc s of Income oyer Expenditurc for 1-1 month 26 19 0


129 19 11

Less Amount votcd to Bil'lliingham Corps. .J,A.13



0 79 19 11

£:n ~





I llavc eX:l:llinecl the aboye Balance ·h. et \\'ith the book' nml voucher' of the TIinninrrhnm Ocntre of the t. John Ambulance A sociation, and in my opinion it is properly drawn np 0 a' to exhibit a trne al111 corrcct "iel\' of the Centre' affair a<; showll by the books of the Oentre, and I hereby certify that all my requirements a AlllliLor have l.Jecll complicd with. AnTllUll lIOHT (Oharter cd Accountant),

26th nctobeJ', 1905.

Hon. A lldito1'.

BOGNOR, I'I'('S icl c n t. W. II. B. Fletcher. lIonOI'IIl'Y S('c l'ctaI'Y :lJul Tl'casurCl',

A. ,Vhitehouse dricklalHI, 31, High ~lcc1i('al

W. Oonway Oooke, M.lt.O . . , I,.H.C.P., F.

treet, Bognor-on- ca.


itwcll Tielcombe, Idl.A., I.It.C.R., Idl .. P.

A NUAL REPORT. There llave been during Lhc year bvo classes (first aid) in Bognor and al 0 at Westergato, the latler were not so well at lel1lleu, but the Bognor classes kept up

St. J ohn A r;nb'LLla1lCe Association.


St. J Oh11 A 1nlndance Association.

their usual good average. The ambulance vap has been kept goiI~g al~ .the y~ar and everyone speaks of its usefulness, and patIents arc unammous m plulse of Its great comfort; it was on the gI'olmd at the Annual Horse Show and paraded. the town in the procession on Hospital Saturuay, but fortunately was not brought ll1to requisition on either occasion .

BRIERFIELD. J'r('l'Ilc1cnt.

W. J. Riley , CltaiJ'man an.l TJ'C:l)'Ul'('I·.

Statement of Receipts and E:rpenditu're.

llOllOl'ury Secretary.

W . \V ebstcl', :tation Hou se, Brierfield.

A. G.

E'JJpenclitlt1·e .


£0 19 8 To Annual ubscription 2 16 0 " Horse Hire 2 5 6 " Advertising 4 4 0 " Stores 0 2 0 " Medallions 1 10 0 " Room for Olasses .

By Balance ill hand " Subscriptions " Received from Olasses " Hire of Van " 1Ifedallion " From Oounty Oouncil

" Petty Oash " Balance

£11 17

£1 4

1 5 1 2

1 1 0 4 1 10 1 6 1 7

0 6 0 4 0 0 0 4

£11 17



W. H. B. FLETCHER, Pi'esic!6nl.. A. W. STRICKLA::\D, Hon. Sec1·etaJ'Y.

37'd Nove1nbe1', 1905.





mith, Quaker'S Bridge, Brierfie Id.

~ taff.

W. Bird, ;'If.n., J. Hoyle, M.lt.O ... , L.n.C.p., J. S. 'Wilson, M.B. A



The Oommittee of the Oentrc have great pleasure in submitting their Tenth Annual Report. During the year one women's first aid class, one women's nursina' class and one men's first aid class have been held. The weekly practicer; continue to be' well attended, and alrorcl great facilities for the students to maiutaill their efficiency; there are also special practice helt! for those who enter in to competitive work. The nul' iug sisters are till indefatigable in their attendance at practices, which are held on Monday evenings, aurl instruction is given in the noble art, of attending the sick and injtuetl. The t. John Ambulance movement in Brierfield has prospered and fiouri hed now for over ten years, aud is regarueu as au institution of absolute necessity to the town. The work 8nb.iled i carried on by the voluntary services of the mcmbers, who are organised hy a Oentro Oommittee electeu by the members who by their united efforts anrl ~he as 'istance of the public, haye succeeded in m~king' our local branch OIlC that IS honoured anel esteemed hy all. ,Ve have to record with regret the re,'i~llation of our former secretary (Mr. J. Bates), who has clone good service (luring tlte po, t twelve years.

William r icholsOll.



H erbert Broadbent, Manchester & Oounty Bank, Ld., Bank of Bolton Branch.


JlonOl'al'Y Secretary .

James Briscoe, '1'he Infirmary, Bolton. lUedieal Staff.

R. Arnsworth, M.P,.C.S., R. ,y, Beesley, ;'ILD., Walter H. Brazil, ;'ILD., L ewis Brown, L.R.C.P. , J. 111. Ooates, lILR.C.S., A. Oosgrave, ;'ILR.O.S., Thomas Evans Flitcroft, L. R.C. P., Surgeon-Lieut. -001. E. 11. Garstang, Alexander Glen-Park, lILB., C.M., Horace Jefferies, lILB., C.lIf., J. Johnston, M.D., J. John.stone, ~L B., C.M. , Alfred Kershaw, lI[.l-LC.S., R. D. Mothersole, M.D., 'W alter Morns, L.n.C.l'., F. R. Mallett, M.D., Oharles Macfie, M.D., ,\Y. Nutall, M . B" C.lIf., H. G. Park er, :l.LH . . R., T . W. Pattinson, L.R.C.P., James Robinson, M.D., J. Hilton Thompson, ;'ILD., Joseph Thornley, M.D.

Statement of Receipts ancl


fo), the Veft?' ended Septembe?' 20th, 1906.

6 6 6 6

£59 13


October 17th, 1905.

By Cash-Examiner's Fees, In cidental Expenses£29 13 Stores 18 18 " " Medallions. 11 1


( 'hairJII:lll.

)(011 01'1'1 1')' Sccret:U'y.

W. ',")"indus.

Leonul'll ~\ . .Moore, )I.R.C.~., I •. R. O.P., 45, Ashley Road, Bl'i tol. lIoll()l'a .. ~·



l'l'(~ a~u)· c l'.

t. John BlllTOngh, 23, Bridge treet, Bri tol. ~l c cli('111


D. A. Alexallller, lILn., O. ,V. J. Bra her )I.R.C .. , L.R.C.P, J. Paul Bu 11,

IILn.c .... , L.S. \.. , C.M.G., A. :Fol'te cnc Brickdale, M.D" O. Oorfield, lII.R.C.~., L.R.C.P., J. ,Griffith M.R.C ... , L.ll.C.l'. ,V. Brendon :fubbin, M.D., C.M., J. J . . Lnc,ts, B.A., IILll., J . . Mather, lII.B., C.;'IL , 11'. E. Peake, M.R. C... , L.R.C.l'., B.1I1. II. Rogers, M.D., Frank R o e, lIf.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., J. Odel'y ymes, IlL})., K. ,\Tills, lIr.n., J. Young, I1LD., O.lII., John W/l,llace, ;'I1.1:.C .... , L.R.O.P.



Receipts. '1'0 Examiner's Fees and Travelling Expenses , £22 10 " I ncidental Expenses 7 2 :, Stores 18 18 " Medallions 11 1


'rhe Yery Re,'. the Dean of Bri tol.


£59 13

W. N ICHOLSON, P1·esident. JAMES BRISCOE, Hon. Secnta1·Y. Audited and fonnd correct, W"!:rL KERSHAW, } Auclito1'S. JAMES OARSON,

o 6 6 0

ANI UAL REPORT. Tile Oomll1ittee have much pleasure ill again reporting an increase in the number of classes held during the e sion. Th e n,vel'age nnm bel' of pupils in each class 110, b ecn goo:l, so that thc total numb er of tho e 'l'ho have attended cIa ses keeps ve!) satisi'actory. The Hon. Tl ea mol" report shows an increased ba1n.nce in hlmd, and the Oentre has bcen able to make grant to assist cJa ses in poorer districts. Th e Anllual Oompetition for tho Oup pl'e entcd by 1l'. O. E. Beavis for certificate holders, Mr. Squirc for medallion holders, wa heW at the Zoological Gardens on 29th lV[/l,y. even tea.ms competrd. The Beavis Oup was WOIl by a team from the Nelham Ohcmical 'Vorks. The quire 'up was won by a team from the Midland R ailway (Fishponds) . Drs. L eonal'll H arvey and Peake actcll as judge . .Mrs. Oarey B atten kindly prescnted the Oup.


St. John





State71wnt of Receipts and Expenditw'ej01' the yea?' ending 29th Septemb(J1', 1905. Expenditu1·e. Receipts. T o Balance fro111 last year £55 11 Subscriptions & DOllations 11 8 " Fees, First Aid Cla ses . 56 9 " N lll' ing Classes 4 4 " Books " and material solel 30 12 " ]Hi cellaneous 0


6 0 6 0 2


By Rooks& Materials purchased £24 4 " Printing aml Stationcr,}', A(l \'c rtising and Postages 5 3 26 5 Lecturers' Fees " Head-q narters acc. for " Exam i nation 36 0 6 6 1I1iscellaueous " 13alallec in hand 60 14-


£ 1 58 13

£158 13


A ud i ted

iUl cl

.T. O.• L1W '\ ..\ I: II

(.'hai 1'111 a II.

1l01lC')J':tI'Y T l'c :t.,ul'c r.


II. A. IJnl)l ,e r!;ty.

J. Taylor, Mancl1ester Roa(l, Buxton.


YJllli:S .

)·l'c.',id t' Il l.

hceL, BUl'llley.


ANNUAL REPORT . The work of the Oentre fo r the year eliding 30th September, 1905, iudicates continued progress. There have ueen eight classes, 6 ill Iii st aid and 2 in 111ll" ing, aud, including those in connection with the •. J. A.B., 10 examinatiolls. The ./!:d\lcation Oommittee were again l'esponsilJle for two classes for femalcs, 1 in first aid alld 1 in nursing; the local Ambulance Division arl'ttllgeu two classes for 111('11 in lirst aid; another in first aid was held at J I abergham Collif'l'Y; El,cuezcl' P. . A. again held a class in first aid; a class in nursing was organ ized at lIohl1e ; amI a lIew 1110ve was made in having a class for first aid in c01111ection with the tram\\ay~. Tbe examinations resulted in 58 men alld17 W0111en receiving certificates ill filst aid, and 21 women earned nursing cenificates. A' many as 33 medallions have also l,een obtained , 11 at H abel'gham, 7 at Ebenezer, 2 at Holme, alld 13 in connection with the l ocal Di visions of the S . J .A.B. ; 16 vouchers have also been issued.

S tatement of Receipts and Expenditw'e (1'om 1st Octobe?', 1903, to 30th Seplemlm', 1905. Receipts. E;'')Jenditu?·e. T o Balance in hand . £4 19 9 By.'tores £12 1G 1 Stores 17 0 6 Medallions 6 12 0


0 0 0

"" Examination expenscs " Prillting, &c. Postages, &c. " B~lance in hand.





1:3 0 1 11

1 9 0


A udited and found correc t , GEOnGE GILL, Audito?' and Oh ai1'm an. October 4th, 1905. A. L. GAltNETT, IIon01'ary Sec1'etCtry and T 1·eas711'e'r.


,V .


0 9 0 5


tlte yrcu· ending September 30th, 1905. H,'penclittll'e.

To Ba!aJJ ce lil'ought forward £11 1 7 By Postages, tntioneJ"Y &c. £0 17 7 " Pro('cc(is uf :'IIcn'.' Clas.,c. , " Prilltillg. AdYerti 'i ug, etc. 3 14 0 1;'L:l'8 1 l.i 0 "PuVlIlellls to Heatl -{!tw rlersPro l'l'c;ls of "'OJ)lcn'!; EXlllllinatioli har"e' 7 oJ 0 fj 10 0 :\lcllalliolls llnd 'tores 2 15 11 " C1as.I''', Fl'es Book. .'old 117 0 'I B )ya' :'Ilodd 0 3 0 " Balllla~l: •'olel 0 1 " lcrica.l A,slstance 3 3 0 " R<'C;( inti 1'0] .lIlcllallioll!; 0 6 0 "l~, \rood . 0 5 0 :: Banl- IlItl'rest 0 :3 3 "Bal3.lIce carried fOl\l'a1'11 11 2 " llu 'L:ril'liollS ,1 0 £29 Alldi tell au,] correct r,oncct, A. S(,IIIl},!I':1 1>


'-HUll. Auditors.

l'(l'll LEY ~\11,[,1I: J II. A. Hl -IlIHllslY. (;ltainllan . .T us E I' II T ,\ Y J \' I!, Trc((s 1(1'0'. LOUIS W ,I! I, lIul1. Scaclm·y.


OcluuCl' 1:3flt, 190:;.

CAMB RIAN RAILWAYS, PI·t'"i 414' 1I1 .


'. IJlllllpltn' ys-OIll'lI, 111.1'. IIVII4I I'al'J

J . D. AlllIrew,

~i'(' r e l;\I·r·

'alllbtiun Rlihll\)' , Os\\·cstry. Lift'

~1t' U1bCI·.

Brigaue Surgeon- OhlllCI H.. de ht l'locr IlcrL'sford , ~I.l)., ~h'4 Lh'al


S lalt'.

do In Puc I' Hcn'-,I.'ol'll. )1.1)., L.1U'~1'., n. J; Eld\J~'a]'ds, er ,~. , . . . . 1 I' ( ' l' I I'c. J Olll'S- I'<,\lUIS, '1 S 1<l1 • I ' 1<'11" LOII(., ". )'' .C·. ,., ~ 0" EJ 1 11\0' ~\'i 1 IIllll(,1-" 111 \ ' I:'( :., 1 ' ;'] .... 1'',' " '1"1' 'I' '\: . LOll (1. , 1:. D . '1'llon)[1,;, L.ll. ! .1', & S. ~(., ' . ~ I: t'" JlI . ,. . ". . , n" ",.. , ) T II ell ( , 1C ) T holll<lS" ~I.II~, 1.. 1:.('.1'., IIl.li.U.S" LOlld . , Oscur I> . , ,1'111111'Cl:, ,JI!:Il " 'l'" ., F. ll.C'.S. , Eng., , Yo R . , Yillium , L.ll.C . I' . , l..H.l'.S . , Ed]I1., L . 1!.l.~ . , U ,l .,1..111. n l'i"adc Sur"eoll-C'ol. R


B.'~/'cllrlitllJ'e jo;'


J. Burns, L.P..C . P. , J. Olegg, L . ,·.A., F. E. 1'0 sley, :1I.Tl., T. O. OrullIp, M.P.. C. S., ~r.B . , H . A. D ixon, ~1.r..C.R., J. 1\1. FergusolI, L.n.r.t'. & S., J. Gard:JCr, l'>LB. , A . E. Hodges, L.P,.C. P . , J . Hodgsoll, L . n.C . l!. & R., R. O. Holt, L.Il.C.l' . , F . R . C. S . , T . Holt, l'>1.B . , D.P.II. , U. lcKay, 111.11., J. Mackell zie. :11.])., F. \\r. Marsden, L. KC.P. & S ., O. ,Yo Moore, M.IU ' .I:i., J. C. Pembel'l011, 1.1t.C.1'. & ,' . , O. P ullon , M. D . , A . 111. Sinclair, l\LB., J . II. Stephells, M.B., R. :\1. Whitham, 1II.1.)., J . Wl1ittaker, M. B.

6 12 13 9 3 5


11 ('41 i e;.\ 1

JOII11 Braithwaite, ;'ILU., T. Buxton Flint, M.n.C.S., L .R . a.p., Lond., H annah, LU. A ~NUAL REPORT.

Statc7I!I',nt oj .Receipts (lnd

UO ll Ol':1I'Y Secl'c lnry and 'l'rca..,IlI·Cl'.

,lle/Ue a) Stafr.

Medallions Examination expenses Suhscriptions

L. "'<111, ~, ,'pring Garllens, Buxton.

T he work for the year endill cr 30th. rptemuer, Hl05, has been wry satisfactory . Two classes ill til'st alll and °t\\'o clflsse in iL:k llUl'sillg have been held aud attendance has l,eell crOOll, The Coml11ittee are pleased to l~ote 'iglls of inL:reasillg iJltprcst heincr taken in alllbulance \l'ork in thi' to,,'ll and di trict, and durillg the yt'ar muny students who hal e 1,cell illtitructe I at thi Cellt:'e h~ye rend~red fi]st aid with eyer,)' '\lcces. ill Humy of thc llllm crOllS e:a.,es 01 aCCl dcll t " ' blCh ha"e occurred.

T he R t, Hon. L ord Shuttleworth of Gawthol'j ,e, P. O.

" " "

Jl Oll or al'Y Secr c tal· ,}'.

0 6 7

A . .i\Ifl OllE , IIoll . ',creta 1'!J.

8.. L. Gal'l1ett, 1, Red Lion

R.G .



Chau·man. George Gill.

l'l·c.', icl lit. nis Grace Lhe Dnke of Devol1s11ire,


f 0 Ull c1 correc t,

Octobe?' 'Jud, 1905.


t. J ohn AmlJLclaJl<:e A88uciatiU11.


St. John .AmJJLLlanr.:e Association.

St. Juhn ..t-l1nualcmce A'<;soviution.


Statemcnt of Bcc"ipts and E.I'llellcliiu1·e, 1903 to 1905. Receipts. E.~'PendilIl1·e.

The work of this Centre has been fairly well maintained, though local circulUstances have, to some extent, militated against its complete succes . Several classes on the 'W elsh COi:.st laboured up to a certain point, but the men's minds having been diverted by a popular religious movement, they fell short of fitting themselves for examination. The figures given as the result of the work of the gession do not, therefore, repre ent the whole of the progress made. The Challenge hield IJresemed by the wives of the General Manager antI "olicitor of the Company was competed for in April last, at Os\,estry, and won by the Portmadoc team, the whole of the ambulance men on the line together with their lady frienus being most generously eutertained by MI'. and l\Ir . C. S. D enniss.


To Cash recei ved frolll Luden ts Cor Books, Bandages, &c., sllpplied : Aldridge Class B l'erctoll » Cn.nnock " Chasel()1I'1l " Cltcslyn Hay CIa.. Es,.,i lIgl 011 ,, Fi~ltley " Halll tcad " Norton Calles » Pelsal1 » Ra\\,lIs1e}' "

'N al'all W00<1 )"l'csid cnl :nltl ( ·hail'Ulan.


" ,'tore. in haml

H. C. Peake. 1IOllOl'Ul'Y



I o ];) 3 17 1 ] Ij fl !) 4 2 1 10



1 16 3 6 1 3 3 HJ ·1 16 3 \)



By Amount paid to Headquarters for Stores . £24 2 :, 3 'et of Diagrall\s :2 4 '. Bnttolls for 1st Year Passes o 15 o 10 " 50 Cards of Rules ,,100 Cruwll Bills for Fi.hley Class o 6 " Treasurer's tationel'yand 011 Postage. 1 4 " .'ec)'ctary's " ,. o 9 " EXl'ell 'es at Cl,lS es " » A 111 on ot traIl' f'elreu to 211 ;'hield Fuml Balance 111 hand carried " forward 5 Ii






4 6


o 7 4

6 4


Honorary Trcasurer.

W . Clmrlton, 150, Bloxwich Road, 'Yalsal!.

E. W. Comell, 90, Aldridge Road, Perry Barr, Birmingham.


Uc<iical Slatf.

H. Martin Berry, M.B., CH.B., J. Kerr Hutl.er., :M . D., C.M . Aberdeen, L. G. Davies, B.A., 1II.D. Can tab. , R. A. S. Eden, i\LB., C.M., I).P.lI., C. Holton, M.lt.C. S., Eng., 'Y. H. Horton, ~LR.C.::;., Eng., L.R.C.P., Lond., ,V. Ho 'egood , ?tLB., C.M., E. W. Jones, lILB., Lond., i\I.R.C. '., L.n . c .p., F, ,Yolv er~oll, M.D., M. '. ANNUAL l{EPORT. This Committee was brought into being la t year and this is the first report prcsented. The work of the Centre has cousist~d chiefly in promoting a competition for Colliery teams and organizillg classes for instruction in fir~t aid. 'I'h" first competition was h eld at Heath Hayes last June in connection with the villa.ge fete and pit pony show. Dr. Scott Wilson, of Walsall, was jndge and six teams entered. The Holly Bank Colliery Team was awarded first prize, and the Brownhills Colliery Team the second . A handsome Silver Shield was provided and is held by the first named team for this year. Silver medals were presellted to the memlJers of the winning team and bronze ones to the members of the second. The cost of the .shiel.d and wedals has been met by subseriptiom, aided by an appropriation of a pOl'tlOn of the treasurer's balance. The institution of this COI1l IJE'Lition has immediately accomplished the de:;ired efIects j the 11um bel' of am IJUlance clases heltl, the nnmber of students in attenuance, and the general interest in :llnbulallce work h~ve all been greater than in any former year L ast 'epte:-nber, Colonel Williamson kmdly presented the r.eJ tifieates and medallions obtained in the previous sessioll, a~d the two successful teams in the !Shield Competition gave a very instructive dIsplay of first aid unrler the direction of Drs. Berry and W olverso11. From 1892 to ) 904, the sl1ccesses at ambulance classes held in mining Centres were 321 first year, 111 second, and 68 third year. It will be seen that this year's figures far exceed the average of previous years, and 110 (loulJt this is to sOllie extent ~ue to the stimulating effects of the competition. The increases are, probably, also Infl~lenc(\d by the demands 011 the part of employers. mines inspectors, alld exalllinahon boards, that colliery officials shall be capitble of reudel'ing intelligent ftrst aid treatment. From the balance sheet it will be seeu the finances of the Centre are in a healthy condition, despite expenditure incidental to the commenceme11t of an organi~atioD, which will D;>t rec~lr. All the classes, excepting .Fish ley, have becn re.cogm~ed. by the County EducatIOn C()lTIlllittec, and all expemes up to £3 pel' cliLss wI~1 be pald by them, the total uncl~r ~his head will, probably, be 1'1' 0111 £20 to £25, bemg made up of Ambulance ASSOCIation Oharges (lOs. 6d. pel' class) examiners' fees, and expenses of schools. '



JlUllOl'ary Secretary.


F. ,V. FlIlley,



alJterbnry. ( ,iI"

T. Irllilebead Read, ?\l.Jl., F.H.C.s., Z. Prentice, ;\1. ll.C.I-i.


BlHlll Higden, ~ICtlical

II. A. Oogarty: Z. Prenticc,

~I.n., J. GJ'ea~ley,


( 'hairlltan.

'ir George Collard.

'unyngLnm .

II. O. Preslon,

L.;;.A., Lond., .lame R~id, F.n.C ... , F.R.C .. ·., lIal"lll\l ,Vacher, M.B., lin1llk

1I1.l:.C. ' .,


iclney ,Yacher,


i\I.H.C.I:i., 111.]:'(;.5.

L . ... A.,

A: R. ~Ienchley, ~I.D.,

L.J:.c.T'.,. Bl'lau RI~den, ~l.~.c.s.:

T. ,Yhit e11eall Reld, lICD., ..ldne)' \\ acher, ,Vachcr, ;\1.R.C. ' ,L. ' .A,

AKKUAL REPOHT. The tlllllU,J\ llleetillg of the COlll1nittet> \\'a. hehl at 11.45 on Friday, No."embel' 24th 1905, at Ea"lGridge Hospita1. The minute of the l~st annual llleetlllg al~d Of. ~ Jll 'eLin" helel 011 April 10th 1905, were read allli confirmed. The Hon. Tlea tHel prt'sullt~d the a.rcount, clui), i1wlitetl aud si~ned the Ohail'll:an find Tr.~asurer, sho\\'il1<f a credit balance of £7 \ls. 4d. The JOllOWlllg cia es wele held UUllll~. tlt~ past y~al' :-(1) Fin;t aid, men, lc\tnrer, Mr. ~\\'un~; 49. attel1de\~,.3 o~tal~~.cl llll'llalliollS and 27 certifkaLes 01' ,"oneller·. (2) Fll'St [nd, ladlCs, lecl.mel, ~II. BI.Hlll Ri"uell' 49 atlended 16 obLained certilleate or YOUChel". (3) FIrst aId, .ladles, lcc:~urer: lLlrold \\Tacher; 3l n,ttcllllec1, 2 obtained. meda.llions anc! 17 certdlcates 01' vouchers. (4) N ul':iing, latl ies, lecturer, Mr. Bl:al\. Rlgd.en j .30 attended: 1 olJluincu. 111edalliuIli:l and 14 certificates 01' vouchers. (0) lilrst ald~ 1'<111\\'<1)' emplo) ee\ l ecturcr, Lieut.-Colonel Jollllstone, lL.\.:'II.C. j 17 attencle.r1, ~ recelved medalh~~1.s ~~ Iii certificates 01' "ollchcr~. (ti) Fir:;t aia, t .. Angu:Lllle student : lechllul,. 1. r Whitehea.cl Reid j 24. attmHlecl, 19 recein'd certJ.rl~atc 01' \'ollChe~. 111e medallIon, put :ulIl certificates were kindly presentell to the rCelpl~llts, hy iI~r . '; ace a.nd th~ 1.Iayor at the Guil\lhall 011 Thur,'tl:ty, June tb, at 3 o,eloc:". 'I.he sbe~~hel , .lt~el nll,l other property 0[' the Centre are in.gooll order. 'Ihe.Coll.111nl~~cde~1.1~ to eX~.less tlleir tleepest rcuret at the dCltth, dllnllg the pa t yeal, of Lhell Challman La1l1bert) and Ol~ of their Vice-Pr ', itlCl1ts (1111'. C. J. Plul1lptre) ulll1 three l11el1~ l.el of the Comlllittee (Colonel Gipp , Colollel Laurie and CanollRontledge). I u recogUltlOn



Dt ? (OfP:'


St. J ohn A'1nb'l.,&lance As ociation.


St. John A'1Jtul.&l(Lnce A ssociation.

of their long .services, Mr. F. W. Furl ey. has u~en made a ~llight 0.1' G}'ace of the Grand Pnory of the Ord er of the H osplt.al of i:lt. Joh? of JClusalell1 111 Kng1aud and M r . Brian Rigden an Associate of the salll Ord\:r. Sll' George Collard has u~ell appoin ted Chairman of the Centre in slH.:eession to the late Capt. LUllluert. 'llie Committee lllllch rearet that the post of Honorary ecretary stillrelllains vacallt, ~ut they trust that it will not Go 10lIg bef~re some gentleman or la~y \I ill ue fOlllld lU Canterbury to kindly take up the llutlCs. The usual votes of tbauk;; to tIle medicaL staff for their kindness in lecturin Cf , and to the Board of the h.ent anu Canterbury H ospital and the master of Eastbridge Hop~tal fot' the ,facilities giv~n for u sing thcir rooms for holdin a lectnres in, were unallllllou::.ly carned . A cOllhal vote of thanks to Mr. F. 'iV. Furley, the lIon. Treasurer, for the Rervices he had r end ered, and to the Chairman for presiding, were carried unallimotl Iy, and con cluded the proceedillgs .

Statement of Receipts and Exp6nditu1'e f),om Oct. 1st, 1904, to Sept. 30th, 1905. Expenditu1'c. Receipts. To Balance, Oct. 1st, 1904 £2 9 10 By Examiners' .Fees and I ~x" AllllUa 1 Subscriptions pen es allll Head OOice £] 2 3 and Donations 6 12 6 charges 3 1-± 10 0 Purchase of tores " Entrance Fees 7 7 3 a Sale of Stores 5 6 " Printin M' Postage, " Medallion " anci Ad vertising 0 2 3 3 15 6 " 0 2 <>" l'Iledallion " Class expenses 1 2 6 " Balance 7 \) 1

constables Gcorge 'W illiam s and ,V illiam Arthur, with gold medallions beautifully inscrihccl upon, on the oCCl1.sion of their receiying the Royal Humane 'ociety's certificnte for saving life. .!\II'. T. AndreI\" a1.o gaye a Ten Guinea Cup, to be competed for by the ]1lel1lbers of thi Centre. Eycr}thillg nece. sary ill the matter of material under the care of 'ergt. Charles Price, the instructor, kept at short distance about the docks and ",orb, so that lirt aill can be quickly rendered . Practice is belel once a fortnight during the willter months, in a (.!rill shecl provided for the l'Ul'l 'ose. Th e Celltre is self-supporling, amI 11l1l11hcrs 130 lllellllJer:;.

CHESTER. )'l'c ...,icl e nf.

11is Gmce the Duke of 'Yestlllillster. Tt·ca .

( ·hail'lII11ll.

The Dean of Clle tel'.

Ill· CI· .

William H. Elley, Lloyd" Dank, Che 'ter. UOIIOI'aJ'J i"\cc)'ct:lI'Y.

J. Dufl',

:'I!.])., ;;,

AhlJey ' trcet, Chester.


.T. Giffen,

F.U.L .... ,

G. IIttrrisoll,


I..It. lol'.



, Yo Lee,


D. C .

UUOII, :'Il.ll .








Examined and found. correct, GEO. COLLATIn, C'hai1'7IlalL F. 'iY. FURLEY, TTcasw·el'.

CARDIFF RAILWAY. I'rcsid cn t. Sir 'iVilliam Thomas Lewis, Bart. ChlliI·man.

It is with mnch regret th~t we lla'·e to report that the interest in ambulance \\ntk d\llillg the l'a t year has clcerca. ell ill Lhe city .. The la?k of intere tin 'Uch philan thropic wOlk is llol to tlle hellefit or tllC C0ll1l1ll1111ty and IS to be deplored. The calle is 1ll0l>t prohably due to the pnulic llOt realizing the importance o~' n.ch work, a~l\l the amount of'neeclles sufl'enng that i prod \Iced u,r the people uelllg Ignor,:ut of Its elelll 'ntary principle.'. All uflCl'llOOll elas: on ~lr t aiel \Ya held durillg 1\ o"ell11.el' and December for women. A largo mmlber of ladles attendcll the cIa ; at the end of the course about t\ycnLy Lwll'ut, olltel'ed for the eXtlJl1ination and m~ · t o~' ,them CTltincLl tho Fir:;t Aiel Certificate. Afternoon cla~ es might be formed III dlfierent pads of Lhc 'iLy for the instl ndioll of those \lho cun atlcnll anLl so sprcad a kllOW l edge of' the philanthropic aim of the "'ode


Jame.3 H urm an.

E. A. H'ut. JlonOl':ll'Y Sccl'cfal'Y.

Supt. David D avies, Cardiff Hailway Co. 's Police. IU c (}i('al Sl:lff.

Thomas 'iVa ll ace, M.D. ANNUAL REPORT. T he members of this Centre renderecl first aiJ to 86 persons, an increase of 17 on the previous year. Forty-three were conveyeJ to the infirmary, 10 to the SeaJ1lelJ'S H ospital, 24 assisted to tlleir homes, 9, after receiving first aid, were able to COJJtillllC at tlt eir work. Fractures 9, severe cutR 22, scalp wOllndR 6, dislocations amI illjllly to spine 5, severely scalded 4, feet and hallds crushed alle! otherwise ~evcrely il1jllt'(·J 21. The remainder severe illjuries alld hruises to dilfere1Jt pnrts of the 1)ody, \\ ltieh r equired immediate first aid ill t h e applieation of cold waler pads and lJallclHgef;. The am bulance carriage ueing brought ill to re(lui. ition ] 6 Limes to cOllvey away Lhe injured. The Centre takes the sante keell illterest in their work a'l they did wIlen th e Ambulance Brigade was first establi shed here, and receiv's the g rentest encouragement from the President, Sir Willia m 'l'homas L ew is, Bart. , alld the VicePresidr.nt, Mr. J ames Hurnlal1 , .J.P, as also fr0111 the merchants attheclockR. At the la s t annual ambulance dinner Mr. J. T. Duncan, sh ip owncr, Bute D ockf;, presented

To "


" "



" "



/)tlltelllcilt of Rcccipts (( lid E.I·pcilditllrc fo,· the ycal' end il/g 30th Stptcm~ci', 1905. Receipts. E.J'pcnditll1'e . £0 £0 () 9 By Po tage . . Balallce :20 13 1 1 0 't.J . A.A., Heall Omce Dean D,trby 0 15 1 0 0 " Postage n. A. Dick 'on " Hire of Hooms pel' 0 12 0 Police, 12 buoks . 1 4 :3 3 0 " ang tCl Duko of W estlllin::.ter o1 Bala,nce ill hand. 0 1<1 Ii 'Ullllry Stores . . 2 0 0 " P olice Alii b\11<111ce Class. ~. 2 2 0 D oclleslon EYClllllg , (;11. ~ 0 0 Ladies NUt' ing Class . 2 0 0 H oole 'chool undry 'tores pel' C. 9 0 0 <tngster

0 .)

0 0 9


£2;3 19


£:?3 19

Oct. 1, 1903. To nalallce in hand. 1 s. 9d. Examined with lh e vOlluhel's relating thereto and COll1Hl to be correct, showing baJ ltllCc of 1 s . 9d. in h Ulll l (in Llo) (l's 1h11k, Ohester, separute account.) . E. ]\01<:1, H UlI \l'\\L:\':YH , Chartered Accol1ntant, 11011. Alldltol'. ChesLer, Oetobcl' 14th, 1905.



St. J ohn Ambulance Association.


St. J ohn A 1nuultmce Al)sociation.


Pl·cs hlent.

E. O. Lloyd, Managers' Dept., Cheshire Linefl, Central Station, Liverpool. A JNUAL REPORT. During the past season very successful classes have been held at Liverpool Oentral Stalion, Northwich, Stockport (Tiviot Dale), and ]I,~anchest~r qentral,. the who.le being attended by a large number of student . Ke~n. 111terest IS sll~wn 111 first ald work ant! in connection with the Annual CompetItIon held at LlVerpool Central Sta i~n on lOth February, 1905, eleven teams from various parts of the line ~ook part, the result being :- Warril~gton Station, 1s~. ; Manc~lester C~ntral Stah?n, 2 nd' and Huskisson Goods StatlOn. 3rd. Followlllg on thIS, '\Varnngton StatlOn repr~ ented the Oheshire lines in the I nternational ~ailway ~?mp.etition, secming the first position in the preliminary contest, and the slxth posItIon 111 the final. J ames Pinion.

COLNE . Alderman H. Hewitt. Tl·ca . nrcI'. J. L. Wildman, '1'he Park, Colne.

T . Tillotson .

](OllOra }'y Sccr c tary .

J. Stephenson,


Colling\yood Street, Colne.

Life lU t'm bcl's.

A. A. G. Dickey, M.D., A. Heys, M.B., C.M. lU efli c:.l Staff.

A. A. G. Dickey, M. n., AleC' Grant, M.ll., c.;)!., A. Heys, M.B., C.M., A. JOlll'S, M.D., '\'1. L. Lovett, L.R.C.l'. & s.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditm'e fo!' the Receipts. To Cash in bank, Oct. 1st, 19 04 £73 10 10 " Cash ill Seeretary'shands 3 G 6~ " Annual Subscriptions . 62 4 9 " Subs. for Services rendered 396 " Subs. from Members 276 " Books and Ambulance Material sold 6 10 11 " Proceeds of Annual TeaParty 1 4 9 " Class Fees 7 11 9 " Accidents and Removals 5 16 6 " Sundry Sales o 10 6 " I nterest on Corporation Loan 12 15 9 " Bank I ntertlst . o 17 9





ending September 30th, 1905. Expenditure.

By Books and Ambulance Material . £10 9 \) " Printing, Stationery, and Stamps . 10 18 \) " Rents, Hates, Coal, and Gas . 9 19 0 5 6 :3 " Exam illation Expcnses . " Delegates and ('oUlpetition Expenses 2 13 6 23 6 0 " New Uniforms. . " Belts, Caps, ant! Badges 7 15 ~ 1 3 0 " IIavresacs and Leggings, 7 4 3 " Acciuents and Removals 12 3 9 " Horse Hire . 5 4 .) " Caretaker's Salary " I nsurance and I ncome Tax . o 13 0 258 " Papers and Magazines . "Repairs to Room ant! Am bulance Carriage. 288 " Sundries. 1 3 4~ 77 12 11 " Cashin bank £180


CUMBERLAN D MINES AND QUARRIES. P l'c .... iclcn t. The Rigllt Hon. the Earl of Lonsdale. Trca ... u]'('r. G. conlar, t. Bees.


J. B. Atkinson. llollorary Sccl'ctary.

\\T. Leck, Cleator Moor, Cumberland.

ROflE ltT LITTLE, } Auditm's. GEOltGE D U lmDEN, J . • "l'EPllRNSON, lion. SeC1·etcwy.

E. A. Braithwaite, M.ll .. ,\V. Briggs, )I.D., 1I. . Byers, )I.ll., )J.R.C.S., G. Calderwood, LI!.D., G. R. Cullin, L. !l.C.S. & P., Eelin., L.F. P. & s., GIa ., J. H. Dudgeon, L.n C.P., 1. Fletcher, }!.B., c.)!., C. J. J. Harri, M.D., J. 1. Lace, L.R.C.P., Ed., H. ~Iarley-Ca. ,~r.n.,Ed., H. Mitchell, )f.D., J. PeullY, M.n.D .. "c., J. Walker Wood, L.n.C. P.

ANNUAL REPORT. The year jn·t endell ha witnes cd an excellent season's work. Fourteen classes were held with au ~veragc attendallce of 29. Four of the classes were in nEW district.. The Annual Challenge 'hielLl Competition again cyokeLl great intelest. Thc final, in which foUl' teams took part, was held at \'Torkington ill May, under the presidency of Hi Worship, the illayor. Dr. Hill, of Carli. Ie (appointed by the Connty Education Committee) acted as judge both at the preliminary and final competitions, and he awarded first place to the team from Wellington Pit, ,\Yhitehaven Colliery. Financial Statement foi' the years 1903 and Hl04.


EXj1~llcl it l!?'e.

To Balance . £J7 3 " Bank Illtel'Pst 0 8 " County E llucatioll 'om_ mittee - EXllnIinutiull ~.) Expell:c,; 1 4 ] :3 " ,leclnIliow; ') -v 1 " ton:' 2 n " En tran('c Fees " u bscri ptiOllS Lord Lou dale (Prc ident) . . 10 10 Mine and QualTY Owners (pro rata) . III G .)


4 2

G 0 0 0 0


t. John Ambulance As ociationExamination Expenses . £25 1 Medallions 7 17 to res 2 0 " Medica I Lecturers for 1903 alld 1904 50 8 " Competi tion Expen es 24 19 "Printing, tationel'Y, and Ad verti emen ts 17 4 4 1 " Rent . " Po tage, Telegrams, and Carriage of Goods 9 10 " Di tribution of Literature 1 1 o 16 " l1udrie

2 6

5 0 9 4 0 0

9 0

Total expenditnre £] 70 13 11 Dec. 31st, 1904. Balance at bank 54 15 2



"YVe have examined the books and vonchers of receipts and payments 1'01' Lhe year ending September 30th, 1906, and hereiJY certify that the above is a correct statement compiled therefrom .

Octobe1' 11th, 1905 .

ANNUAL REPORT. The Committee are proud to report that local interest in ambulance work continues unabated, and they record with pleasure the satisfactory progress the work continues to make. During the past year classes in first aid anel home nursing were held, and 22 out of a total of 26 who sat for examination obtained the certificate. This makes the total number of certificates obtained at Colne since the formation of the Centre 66 in first aid, and 1 6 in home nursing. The total number of cases attendet! by our members is 174, and the ambulance carriage has been called on 87 c1ifferen t occasions.

' (eclieal SI a fT.

p}'c itlc nl.

Ch a il·Ulll.n.


.Ma1'ch 1st, 1905.





Examined and [ount! correct, G. S. WILSON, Auditor. kl'KTN~OX, Chairman. COULAR, Hon . Treasurei'. W!lI. LECK, Hon. $cc?,(,tm·y.

J. B. GEO.


St. J ohn A mb1.danc() Association.



St. J uhn A ?nb u'zunce Association.



)-l'cs ifl c ut. 1I0 Il tll'.l l·Y l'.·cs hl c nt.

J . R. Fothcrgill, )1. D. Field

llonOl'al'Y Sccrcta ry an(l T l'c a Slll'c r.




lIL\.., B.C.L.,

II.R.II. The Dukc of Connaught,

l·l'Cioti cle nt :111 (1 ( ')jail"lU <l Il.

Market Place, Darlington .

Ucd i c al


Le\\"i'l Ea twood, L.n.C.p. , L . n.C . ;;., J. H. Fothergill, M.D., J. Lawrence, ~['D., F. G. ~In.rtin, "I.n.c.s., L.n. C.p" mg. Lt. -Col. G. Middlcmiss, lII.D., Jall1c. j\luJIl'o, L . R.C.P . , L.ll . C... , H, C. Pearson, M.B., c.~r., \Y, Petter, M.B., c.':\[.


T I·e a ~ lll' c r.

F. R. Dal'ies.

~"a ff.


nliss F. Hogg, 4, Belgrave Road, Dublin .

IIOll o ral'Y Scc)"(·l aJ'Y.

.T, Dalla.s Pratt,

)LD., F.ll.C.S., 2,),

Lowcr Fltzwilliam 'Lreet, Dublin.

)Ie d ic al S lalf.

Ihrtoll, Boyce, Cosgrayc, Sir R. Jack on, r.D., .Mcssr·. McCullagh, Dalla, Pratt, \\'l)l'elcr, Wrigllt. AX.TAL RI~POR'1'. The Royal Irish COIl.talllllary cLtscs h I\"C 11een restartcd. A very snccc sfnl cIa s was IlPld ill COllllt""ctioll with the SOlltiJ of Ireland Imperial Y eomaury. A Diyi. ion of the ~t. John AnIlJlllnllce Brigade has lJeen tarterl at the t. Jallle.' Gate Brewery. ~t I'SS I' ..

DERBY. J>rcsitlc nt.

Sir Francis Ley, Dart. Jl OllOl':Il'Y Secn:1;n'.r.

T r c a s u rer.

JIiss F. IIng;, in account lcith Th e Royal Bank of ireland, Ltd. E,t'jiclId iture. Beceipts .

F. Cas:;idi, ;\1.1)., Trinity Terrace, Derby,

.Miss ..\L D ,trby, 10, Vernon Street, Dcrby.

lUcdical i'itaff. ,y, Benthall, )LB., F . Oassicli, 1ILD., W. G. Copestake, M.lt.C.fl., C. Fletcher, :lILR.C . . , T. Lawrie Gentle, L.n.c.p., H. 'Y. Gentles, M.n.C.s., F. L. A. Orea\'c., .F.n . c.s., E. Collier Green, M. R.C.S., S. John, :If.lt.r'. s., J. \\T. I~ing, ~I.B , It Laurie, 1II.D., R. Luce, F.R. C. S., Mackie, ;\I.D., Pany-Jones, M.D., Proctor, )['ll.( ' s., Reid, lILR.C ,.',' ims, 1ILD. , J. A . Qnthem, ~Ln.(' . ,'., Thornton, "1.13., "'illium ,

190r.. Apl. 22. To Draft . • ept. '2l.., Balalll:e


31 1;l

£32 Iii


It i a pleasure Lo report that the past year has been one of



Balance . . £29 Stores in band, Sellt. 1904 4 Subscriptions 7 Stores solrl 13 Fees 47 Medallions, 19 Ba.nk I nterest, June 30, '05 0 Stores in hand, ept. , 1905 5



4 17 1 15 10 16 14

9 0 6 2 6 5 6

By ,'tores in hand, Sept. 1901 £ ·1 " AdYcrtising, Postage, Printing, and Bandages ,6 " Examiner's Fees & Expenses 22 " Stores acc., St. John's Gate 15 " Incidental Expcnscs do . 6 "Medallions , . 19 " Storcs in hanel, Sept., 1905 5 " Cash" " 47







£32 15




3 6 6 6 6 10~

19 7 10 14 9

7 3

Audiled and founel correct,


FilED . HUNT . FHAXCIS L I,y, P1'esirJent. F. UASSIDI, M. D. , llon. Sec'reta?'y. :MARGAItET D EllnY, l Ion. T?·c.astwe?·,


l·l·(· ... ideul.

The Hight lIoll. The Earl of Dudley, G.C.Y.n.

.T. F. 9



Tl·('a"U I·(,l".

,'. ,,'l1nl , "~ohll'halllptoll "t1'Ll~t, Dudley .

lIig~s, ~L.l:.( .~ .

I.i 1('

1I0ll ol'a l'y !!iN·l'd:u·" .

A, J. :later, Grallgc Ruad, DIH11ey .


:n Clll bCl ·.

Gonldcr, )LH.!'.S., L . H.C.P., Lonel.

U ('tli t' a l loi l all'.

Biggnm, M .•\., Ellin . , _'[,11., \I.B, ('.\1., A. E. Danllo, :'>L.H.C.,_., Eng., L.n,c.p" Lontl., J . F. Higgs, M.D., )l.ll.C'.>'., Eng., 1..11.(".1'., Ellill. : r .• ·. A., ~l. A. Me si.ter, !lL.l!.l'.S., I<:n!!., L.,'.k, S. Rlllld,s, \l.It.l' .~., Eng., L . n C.l'., Edlll., H. Illlth, I,.R ('.s., Edill., L" .A., J. II, Wilkin-on, ~l.H. '.~., ElIg., LIt.C.l'., Lond., A. O'Dollel allll Dr. Dro\\,11. AN VAL REPORT. Dnrillg the Y(,(1.l' 1 Male First .\itl (tllll 1 Mn.lc Xursing Clas' huye been h.eh1. 19 in .l:rlll"illg whibt 10 IllPIl cUllIplt·teLl the cour e of 3 examill<ttiolls alld gailled the ~ 1 ('dalli()lI . Dudley being a nHLllnlartnrillg an{1 mining ccntre ac('idellts lL{'{; cvcry tlay OCCUlTl'llcr, and tile hor'c nmbulancc y"hich wa bOIl~1lt by jlublic stloscriptiollS is ill USl' every day . Bleil! in first aid i' in thi~ distriet IwcollJing so general that ouly cxtraorLlinary ea es are brought to the notIce of the Centre,

pHss!'(1 in First Ai(l and 1

Octobe't' 27th, 1905.


(· h ail'u llIlI.

ending Sept . 30th, 1905.



To " " " " " " "



F IOln .·( E H OGG, 110il. '[')'C(I\w·er. F. S I'(lK~S, illannger, Rathllliue Brnnch, R oyal Bank,

tin nerl satisractory progress; 11 classes have been held, the members of which ga.inec1 21 certificatc" comprising 138 (male) first aid, 36 (fomale) first ai(l, 17 (female) llursing, 2 (jl1lliol') first aid, and 25 home hygiene certificates. I n addition 164 males passer] their first re-examination, and 47 males and 29 females having passed tlIeil" second re-eXU11Iination gained their medallion. Thc local divi .. ion of the I t. John AllllJlllaucc Brigade continues to make satisfactory progress, anll at the annual inspection on July 26th, 1905, was highly commendcd by the inspecting officer, Assi~tallt Commissioner ,W. Malkin. f01'


190 L •'( pt. ~3. By Balallce £ 9 11 HlO:i. 0 4 6 Tnt. at 1 ~ p.c. F L. 'J Cash, illar.-·p,pt. 23 17 0 " 0 3 7 , lilt. at 1~ p.c, -.I V .

lILR.C., .

Staielltellt of Receipts and EJ;pclllhtuf"e

0 0


St. J ohn A rnbulance Association.



Statement of l1.eceipts cmd EiJ:penditIl1'e fa)' the yert?· ending Septembe1' 30th, 1905.


R ecllipts. To CIa s Fees ale of Stores " Donations


£2 10 0 9 5 15

£8 15

Nave?nbeT 3Td, 1905.

0 9 6

TIy D ehit balance at ba,nk " 13alallce dne to HOIl. Secretary, brought fol' \\'a I'll " Ohief Otlice account tatiollery, Printing, " and Ad verti ing " Balance to credit at bank

£0 1



fl 0 H :3



2 £8





9 1;)



THO . . FnED. HIGGS, Chai1'1l1an. 'YARD, Treasu1·61·. A. J. LATER, Han. SecretclI·Y.

DUND EE. Chni ['lU ll n.

Oolouel James Rankin. D onol'nry Secl'e l ary nnd TI'CnSlll'Cr .

ft. Juhn .i11nuvJance Association.


having been formed in 1 8-1. In celebrating the 21st year of its existence, the Oommittee arc pleaserl to relJOl't that the pUfit session ha,,, been olle of the most successful in the history of' the Centre. The seventh cOlJlpetition for the ,'il\'er Ohallenue 'hield, open to all who ltolcl the lirst aiel certificate of oU!' Association and re ide in Sc~tland, look place ill thc Drill H all, Duudee, 011 Saturday, 22nu April. urgeOl~-l\ la.Jo!' Len uox .awl urF~coll-l\Iajor Greig acted as judges. The competitive " 'ork 01 each tcam was illustratIve of a person who had received a wound over the right sholll<ler bla<1c aull fmctmc of right collar bone. Th e maximum n11mber of points wa 100, and the re:;ult of the cOlllpetition was as 1'ol1o\\'s :-1 t team, -0. \'Ir., 5 points- ilver hide1 anc! gold badges; 2nd tcam, No. V., 80 pointssilver baclgrs; 31'<1 team, J o. XIII. , 7 p~ints-brollZe lJadges; Hh tcam, :No. I., 78 points; ;:ith tea,m, No. YIIL, 70 points; 6th tealll, Ro. XL, 74 points; 7th team, Ko. X., fH points; Lh tealll, No. IV., 61 points; 9th team, No. IX., 60 point; 10th team, No. 1'1., 59 points; lIth team, No. XIV., 56 points; 12th t eam, ~~o. II., 50 point.·; 13th tea1l1, :1\0. XII., H points; 14th tealJ1, :To. IlL, 30 point.'. lll'g 'on -:\Injor Killlle.ll', " 'ho presided at the pre'entation ceremony, remarked that in all il1tlustl'ial c01l1munity like Dundee it was not ouly de irable, lmt illlpcrati\'c, that a hlO\\'lec1ge ot' ambulance work should be widely spread. L orel PrO\'o:t BalTie, in rel'el'ling to the fact that the Dundee Centre ball this year attained it s majority, stated that a great intere t had been taken ill its clas:es during the past .. e~sion, therc ha\'ing hcen ~H cIa Sf'S, illyohing 24- lecturers and 24 eXlllllilll'r,', a1)(1 in all 6:2 pupils. Hc also complilllented Dr. Mary F. Nannetti on the team from Glen hoe which. he hall instructed. The 'ecretaryhaving announced th e results of the competition, ~Irs. Barric gl'l1cefully hande\l over the prizes. Dr. Bl1i t propose(l a hcarty Y{Jte of th.wks to the judge' for haYillg so .kilfl111y performed their nnluol1 c!l1tie.·; a11\1 Oll the Illotion of Dr. Hall ey, Lord Provost Barrie and ~11' . Banie \l'ere cordially tlllmkec1. TIl e proceedings then tel'lllinated.


David Don, G.A., 104, Oommercial Street, Dundee. ANNU AL REPORT. The Oommittee beg to report that 24 classes have been held uuder the Dundee Oentre during thc past session. The total number of pupils who have received a complcte course of instruction on first aid to the injured and sick is 401 (340 men and 61 women). I n a11237 pupils have received first aid certificates, and 26 have received the medallion of the Association. The total number of pupils who haye received a junior course of instruction on fil'staid is 31, of which 52 have received thejunior certiiicate. The tobl number of pupils who have received instruction on home nursing and hygiene is 136, of which 60 have received certificates. The Oommittee take this opportuni ty of cordially thanking the members of the medical profesRion who have so kin .llyassisted in lecturing and examining classes during the past session, al 0 those gentlemen who have acted as secretaries at the various sections unrler thc Dundee Oentre. The Oommittee have pleasure in reporting that in Decem bel' last they receiycel from the Dundee Town Ooullcil the sum of £25 sterling, being amount vote<1 by them to the Dundee Oentre out of the Local Taxation Grant, 1903-04, in aiel of ambulance work in the city. The Oommittee are indebted to Dr. Ronald O. lIIacii e, MeLlical Superintendent of the Sidlaw Sanatorium, Auchtel'house, for having delivered a pnblic lecture in Dundee on 24th March last, his subject being "The Principles of Sanatorium Treatment." I n referring to the ubiquity of the microbe he said it was now well known that the material coughed up by consuml)tive patients was the chief and most dangerous source of the disease, and strongly recommcnded that this material should be destroyed. He pointed out the necessity of having houses well ventilated, the great importance of light, air, and cleanliness, and the danger which lay in dust, darkness; and closed windows . I n his statistical report for the year ending 31st December, 1904, Oaptain Dewar, Ohief Oonstable, reports that first aid certificates have been awarded to 215 mem bers of the police force, who have been of signal service almost daily in attending to injured persons; the ambulance vans were called out on 591 occasions during the year, Oaptain Dewar also reports that out of 78 accidents which occurred to work · m en employed at the harbour, 40 of these cases were skilfully attended to by the police on harbour duty, who have been trained in ambulance wol'l{ under the auspices of our Association . T he Oommittee acknowledge, with thanks, the subscriptions r ecei ved d ur ing the past year. T ho Dundee Centr e has now a t tain ed its m ajority,

Ealullce, 'heet as (It 25th April, 1905.

Assets. ,

LialAlilie .



'll1ll1t'\, DL'lJtors Oa. It--':'' In Dundee ,·a.\·iugs Bank 90 ,1 10 In British Linen Co. Bllllk. 35 17 11



11 17



£11.j R~L'Clllle


Local Taxatioll Grant, 1903190-i . £25 Suml!')' Creditors 5 Bal,lllee being: SUl'plt:' at 18th April, 1904- £123 9 5 L ess Deficit at April 25,190 '! 8 10







o 7


5 7

({lid E,i'jlCi/(litIU'C ACC:Ollilt fu)' ]JCI'iod ta 25th ,April, 1905 .

Receipts. Examination Fees Class Fee:; ' uil criptiol1s 11ltere.~t

E.1'PCllditllI'C. . £'27 1 33




9 0

0 6 0 9

By ]j',la nce, lleillg Deficit carrirld to lJalallce



£ "9 17








1 0 0

£ 9 17


Examination F cc' . £35 'ecrctary' Honorarium, 19031!)04 21 Prill ti ng, Ad \-ertisillg, and 18 tationcl'Y 6 Hrnt of Lecture Hooms 9 Misccllaneous


DA YID DON, Treasure?'. JAj\IES RXNKIN, 001., Chairman. Examined anLl fonnel corrcct, and satisfactorily "OUCbOll. DnnLlee 'J5lh Apn'Z, 1905. PETEIt KEIlR, Audita?'. II

St. J ohn A 1nbulunce A8sociation.


EDINBURGH. l'.·c s hleu t.



IV. Al1an Jamieson, fiLn

The Earl of Rothes .

HOllOl'nry Scel'c! :11':" nnel Tl'cnsllrcl'.

A . A . Gordon , 128a, George

b'eet, Edinburgh.

ANN UAL REPORT. I n December, 1904, Mr. A. A. Go~·tlon (Ass~st: lIon. Secretary of the Briti~h Ophthalmic Ho pita!, Jerusalem), obtamed pe1'll1lSSlO11 to start am1)ul.ance clas ~s III Edinburah, and so much Sllccess was secureu tllat the Oentral ~xecntlve OOl:unuttee of the Johu Ambulance A sociation agreed to the .format;oll of an ELll1.1burgh Oentre on 15th June, 1905. Between January and Apnl, 190:>, two c1a.sses 11l first aid and one in home nmsiug were carriell throngh; ~3 pr:pils a~tell(!ed and 51,passe.cl. ,\Then it is con idered that. these course, were orgamsetl 1I1 a bnef tune and ,nth stIll briefer notice, the result is most satisfactory .


Btatem,en~ oj Receipts (md Expenclitnre of the Erlinburgh DetaclLCLl Classes prior to the

jonncttion oj the Etlinblll'gh Centl'e. . ReceilJts. . EXJlend~t1l1·e .. To Fees from Stnden ts . £13 7 Hand Books and Banc1aaes " Sold 0 4 12

0 9

By " " " " "


£17 19

September 25th, 1905.


,17. A.


11~a11e to flx an exan~ination. The result wa~ that of 42 who presented themselves 31 \\'ere. u?eessful, :'lZ., 17 for 1st cCl'tilicates, 7 for vouchers, and 13 their final fo~ the metlalhol1, maklllg a total of 333 certificates and 14 medallions issued to the Oelltr~. The '1'011'11 OOrl?S has had a very busy year ,,-ith a recol'll number of cases' 931Jem.g recoruec1. as agam. t 79 la?t year, -and 87 the previous highest record. Th~ eases. tlea\ec~ COJl~ls~ed of 4~ ll1vahd remova}s, .many of them being serious cases, to bosl~l tal (01. ()~)el ~tlOn '; 10 fractures, 14 mCl 'ed and contuseu wounds 7 of conCll."SlOll ~nc1l1lJunes. to head, alill Hi fi ts, dislocation, burns and scalds: etc. The van was III I le~1tLl1d III more than half the cases, 4 patients beincl removed a distance of oY~r 3 0 mlles. Among them being five in the neicrhboUl'boo~l of Hindhead 9 to U llliles, tl;ree from n.eigb boming villo.g.es to Guildfo~cl Ho pital, 12 to 15 mil~s, at Longmoor Cump, 9 11111es, HeaJley, 8 nnles, to the Oambridge Military Hospital at Alclershot, and. Oile from Lonrlon to Flcet. Our a rrangemen t of squads for duty has becn extcnd cd III ol'l~er to. keep the melll bel'S efficient by more practices and has pro\'e(~ (1, 'UCceSs. F~nallclally also there i an improvement, a larcrer amol~nt beincr subscnl~etl, notal)1,)' hom the country (listrict, and the Ii t of subscribers increased frolll . l5, lust ,)'e1:r to ~)1 this year, so still further slJreading the interest in the A::;soclaiIon UIHllts work. SlatcIIll'llt uf' Receipts and E ,,-pcnditure

ta.honery and A<l vertlsillg . . . £1 2 Amlmltmce Supplies pur· ch asel 1 fro III Head· 6 5 (1 narters Examiners' Fees paid to U ead-quarters . . 4 14 Hire of Lectnre IIull and 4 0 Hoom . 1 13 Asistan t and" Model:' " Po tages and Miscellane1 1 ous Expenditure Balance clne to A . A. Gordon

t J ohn AmbLda,nce A." ociation.

0i 4


o 5




o 16


£17 H)



the yeaI' cilcli/~(j June 30th, 1905.

Rcccipts. To COlltingency Fund .£11 " lJalunce in 11a1111, June 30th, 1901 . 1-1 " Receipt· 1'01' Hemoyuls 37 'llb '(;I'iptioll . ,1lH 1 DUllu· " tiOll ' . . 2li " Exalllillati01l Fec . auel Expemie. , Ul'illlch Ola ses 3 " •'ale uf .Mellallioll ' ~ ') ~ tall of Dook ', Bandages, &c. 1 Lecture Fees, TOWIl Ott s . 1 "" Illterest to T O\'., 190J 0 " L. & • '. ,Yo By. Co. for 1)01" lCl's'InsLrnctioll, Batl.gc ', Books, &c. . . 0 " Hire of CIlllrt. 0




By Expense for Relllo\'als . £30 Rent of Office and Quit 11 6~ " Rents 10 0 (j Exumina.tioll Fc:es and " Expenses . 5 4 G " Prill tillg, •'tationery, &c. 4 " Purcbae of 'tores and 15 0 X ew )Iateriul 3 7 0 :JIedallion ' 3 " Repair -alterations to 8 9 " Yun, Litter, &c. 2 7 0 Po tage, Cheques, Bill 16 9 " Po,ting, ec. 1 Gas 0 " I 1J lll'ance 0 10 0 " Refunded to Ry. Porters 0 5 0 " 'nndrics 0


ALLAK JA:\IIERO~, Ohail'1IWil. A. GonDo~, HOil. Sec . (mel TI'WSllJ'ei'.

Total expenditure Balo.llce in bank Balance in hand







1 0





6 <1

4 1

0 0 0 0 6

0 0

J 0

5 6


9 5





ALFRED R. TEVEX', Ohai1'lllan . ~I. 'YORS.UJ, T I'caSltl'er. A. "TIN -L.\.DE, Hon. Secreta)'y.

i'res itleJlt.


The Right Rev. the LorllBishop of Winchester. UOllOl'al'Y sccr e tary . .Ii. Winslade, 115, East Street, 'V. R. Worsam, 24, Downing Street, J!'arnhcllll . Fal'1lham . lUedicn.l Stall'. Hugh F . Ealanu, L.R.C . P., L.R. C.S . , Edin . , L.S.A., Lonu., H. Hille, L.R.C . P ., L ond., M.R.C. S., J . H ussey, M. D., 11. R. U.S . , E. Robinson, J\LD., Erlin., S. G. Sloman, L.R.C.P., L ond., M.R. C. S.

£61 30



A NUAL REPORT. The interest in the Oentre is still increasing. FoUl' courses of lectures on first aid have been given, viz., the usual winter course in the town by Drs. Sloman and Ealand at Badshot L ea by Dr. Hine, at Halo (female) by Dr. Ealalld, aud at Frensh~m by Dr . Robinson. Unfortunately, Fl'ensham for various reasons were

FAVERSHAM. 1·I· c,~ iel C Jl


( 'hail·Juan.

Right lIon. LOl'c111ani , G.C.LE., K.C.s.I.


Tl'c:\ s lll'c r.

John RigdelJ, OOl1l't

. F. Hooper.

Uonol'a l'~

~CCl'CI :try.

. H.. Ale.andor, !\l.n.,

treet, Faver halll .

Gatclield lIouse, l!'avel'tiham. ~lceU c al

. R. Alexi111l1 er,


1\I.D., 1\!'TI.c.s., O. J . Evc}", fil.])., :.\1.U . C.i; ., E. Gowlland, M. D., I.R.C.8., Prideaux. elby, 1\1.1LC.8., L.H.C. 1'., caLchal'd, J\I.H.C.H.



St. J ohn A1nlJ'alance As.'ociation.

St. John A. n~bLdance A,g,gocicLtion.


Five teams competed, Dr. J. Griffiths again being judge. The G. W . Railway L oco team succeeded in winning the Shield. ~he public presentation of certificates and medallions took place in the Glevum lIan on May 24th before a large attendance. ~lr. H. Terrell, K. c., very kindly journeyed from J..Joll(lon flpecially to present the certificates, etc., returning to London the same night. During the year upwards of 100 cases of first aid having been rcnderer1, have been reported to the secretary. A division of the Brigacl e ha recenLly been formed in the city, and promises to be a grcat success, over 40 memhers having already joined.



A . G. Hayman.

The Most Hon. the J'lIarql:is of Bath.


1I01l01'nry Secrct:uy.

S. T. Rawlings, Oriel Cottage, Frome .


G. ,V. , Yiltshire, Bank House, Frome.

Life ;Ucmbct";,.

Royal Somerset L odge, Freemasons No. 973.


lUecHcal Stan'.

E. P ercival Cockey, M.D., A. 'Y. Dalby, L.J:.C.~. , L.n.C .p., F. J. Parsons, M.lt.C.B., J. iYI. Rattray; :\1. D., C. Rawdon Wood, ]\f. I).


Fieltl-l\Iarshal H.R.H. the Duke of Connanght anLl Strathearn,


( ·hail·IU IUI.

Dl'igade-Snrgeon Lieut.-Col. E. J, Hunter, V.D .,

J·re ~ idcllC.

His Grace the Duke of DeVOll 'hire, K.G.

Tl'C:1 In'Cl' :tncl UOllOI':1l'Y ,'ccrctal'Y.

H. Curson, GelleralManager's Oftice, Barro\\" -in -Furness.

iU cdic al Statr.

R. O. BowlDan, M.lJ., ll1..R .U.S., L.n.C.i'., II . . Bycr , ;\1.ll., Dlll'b., :\I.Jt C.S., L.IlC.P., E. T. Hawkswortb, L.lt.C.P. & S., Ed., L.F.P. & .'. Glas., J. ,V. Ilud ·· on, L.R. C.S., L.R.C.P., L.B.A., J. T. ,Yilliums, M.n.C.S.E., L.A.C.L. ANNUAL REPORT. The Furne, s Railway Ambulance Classes at Barrow, Hl1verthwuite, l\IillOlll, Moor Row (including the staff employed on the L . & N. W. and Furness Joiut Line) and Ulverston have again been well and regularly attended during the past term. The annual General Meeting was held at Furness Abbey on Friday, 18th AllgU ·t, when the certificates and medallions were presen ted to the succe sful mem ber&. The Competition for the Directors' Shield also took place, when the DalTow team were returned the winners, Mil10m (the holders) being second and 1\100t' Row tbircl. Surgeon-Major Darwen acted as juuge. The Furness railway team took part in the Railway Competition in May and obtained first position in the preliminary round at Chester, and were subsequently placed 9th in the final.

;U cclicaL SCaff.

'urg. -Capt. H. Darville Drook, l\I.lt.c. i:i . , H.£,1. Case, Licut. -Col. E. J. Hunter, A.:.'Ir.J:., L.n.t '.l'., Pearn, F. U. H. Ml1ggleton, :.'II.D., :\1.lt. o .~., L.n.c.l'. , InspectorGelll'ral II. (;. \\'ootls, C.B., 0.\' . 0., ,\f.ll., It.X., T. C. \T. ·Wilkins, :\1.n.c.s., L.R. C.P. GO PORT AND ALYER,'TOKE DIY I 'lOI , (\I ith Lee on '-' olent . ( 'hail·luau.

Bl'igade- 'lll'geon Lieut.-Col. E. J. Hunter, V.D.

GLOUCESTER. J. M, Collett.

JlOllOJ':U'Y SCCl'ct:n'Y :l1ul


T. W. Wilson, 33, Dean's Walk,


A.'sistallt SCCl'c t:u·y.

M. G. Matty, 2, Hethel'sctt Road, Gloucester. JIecUcnl Statr.

W. D avis, l\LB., M.R.C.H., , V. ,\V. Gro&velJor, M. D., :ULn.C.S., L.ILC.l'., \\T. R. Hadwen, M.D., M.l'.. C.!:>., W. R. Hodges, l\1.ILC.~. L.B.. C.l' ., D.l'.lI., Cantab., J. G. McLc.Lllllaban, lILP..C.S., F. H. Sprague, M.lLC . ~., L.n.C.p., L. ,Vilkin, L.U.C.l'., F.K C.S. ANNUAL REPORT. During the past season 9 classes have been held in the Centre, 6 for m en aud 2 first aid, and 1 nursin g for women, being attendedlJy 143 men and 70 WOIllAn; of these 106 men were 61 passinbff in first aid, 24 ~&!ainin nu medalliolls', 65 . examined, d ~ornen were examme , 30 passing in first aid, 18 in nursillg, and 2 gaining medalhons. The Annual Challenge Shield OompetiLioll took place on 1st Deccmber, 1904.



llOll. TI' :\-;11rC[·.

F. Grant.

\Y. M. Clay. FAREIIA.ill DIYI 'ION (with POl'chestel', ;'hedllelc1, ,\ ickham, and Titchfielc1).

( '11<\ it'll I all.

ilIl' '. J. Ram. ay. '\"~i~taIlC

J. \\T. Dodge,

Prcsi(lcllt nJul Cha.lI·lU:1U.

A.:\I.n., H. V.I.B.

W . .ill. Clay, Anglesey Lodge, Alverstoke.

1l0nOl'ary SC('l·ct:u·y.


Right H on. Sir John T. H ibbert, K.C .D.


II,HI. ,'c(,l'ctal'Y. We~t treet, l1'arehulll.

JloJlOl'al'Y S(,Cl'ctal'Y.

J.lr. . Lenox :rapier,

atisfielLl , Fureham.

IIOll01'al'Y Treasul'C I'.

Capt. J. Ham. ay R.E., Cam IIall,Fareham.

Al\'"NUAL REPORT. The Committee have the pl<.'asure of recoruing a "ery sncces ful year's ambulance work. (;lasses have been held ill all the illlpOl'tallt tli tl'icts, two heing of great practicalnLility, \'ih., a clas at Go 'port for Metropolitall and County Police and a class ('or workmcn at the Royal Naval l'c1nallce Depot, Pritldys Hartl. The total number 01' classe was eight; six in UOSP0l't and two in Fareham; 150 persons have recci ved cel'tilicates and twelve ha \'e recci ved mel!allions. \Vith one exception all the class lectmes were gi Vt'l1 gratui tously, and th ree of them were examined ,,'ithon t fee; enaJ1ing the Oommittee, with the as 'i tance of a technical anLl police grant, to reduce the chargc for pupils to a point that could easily be met by the working clas. es. The Committee de ire to convey their warme t thank to the honorary lectl1l'ers and secretaries who have lllOst zealously worked for the public goou. At the close of the season a gnl,ncl demon traiion was helu at Cams Hall, Fareham, by the kind inVItation of Captain Hamsay, It.E. mId Mrs. Ramsay. It is estimated that qnite 600 people \\'ere prceent; the day being everything that could be wi heel. After presentation of certi ficatefl by Mrs. Ham saya full programme of events wa gone throngh. T eams of ambulan ce m cn with their wagolls, both from Farebam and Gosport, the latter in charge of MI'. G. R. EUII'ard, npel'illtcncleut of the local Division of the Brigade, railwny porters, Ilre brigade with appliances, motor and wagon accidents, pit ex plosio n , anu sham fight by the Volunteers, 3rLl Hants.

St. J ohn

St. J ohn A ?nbl~lance Association.


A nursing tent, in which two teams, one fr om Fareham and one from Gosport, attended. the :vounded, and demonstr~ted bandaging and nursing appliances. Tea was prOVIded 111 the grounds by Oaptalll and Mrs. Ramsay for all as~istincr in thc demo,nstra:tion and for certificate holders and their friend::;. A great loss has been sustamed III the Gosport and Aherstoke Division by the death of JUrs. Hllnter wire of the Ohairman of the Oentre, Brigade-Surgeon Lieut.-Oolonel E. J. Hunter,' V.D. 1'I11's. HUllter had for many years been an acti,e member of the local Oommittees, ana for h~r zealous services a Hon. S~cr.etaI'Y of the. "'omen's classes in Gosport and her devotIon to the work of the AssocIatlOn had receIved the honour of the" YellulIl Vote of T hanks" from the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.

To " " " "


Statement oj Recfjipts and Expcnditurc fO?' the yea?' 1904-1905. Expcnditurc. Receipts. Subscriptions & donations £13 18 0 By Head-quarters Chargc £11 14 8 11 U 4 Class Receipts 37 6 3 "Purcha e of tores Technical Grant, Gosport 8 15 0 "Printing, tationery, &c. 7 13 5 5 5 0 Ambulance Dept., Gosnort 1 0 0 "Lectll1'er, Gosport ;) 1 7 Miscellaneous ... 0 12 11 "Ambulance Dept., Gosport "Demonstrations . 17 3 11 050 " Miscellaneous Balancefrom1903- 1904 .

£61 12 2 3572 £96 19


Bl n ance .


£5 3

17 11 1 5

£96 It)


EDWI J. IIuNTEn, 07I(1i1'111((11. ' Y. M. OLAY, lIon. T),COSlII 'C1' Clnd Secretary. T

OctobeT 30th, 1905.

GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY. Preshlent. T he L ord Olaud J . Hamilton.

Uonol':ll'Y SUl'gcoJl.

B. GoclJanl, M.lt. C.f<., [,.R.C,I'.

llonOl'ary Secr e tal'Y. T . O. Mein, L oco' Department, G. E. Ry., Stratford, E. lUedic al St a Ir.

O. E. Adams, Jlf.B., B.SC. , Lond., M.R.C.fl . , A. Allpol't, :lI.Jl.C.fl., L.ll.C.P., J. E. Becker, M.~., C.JlL, F . H . Beckett, B.A., M.B., B.C., T . Beldillg, lIf.lt.L.~., L.lL.C.l'., J . O. Oollms, lII.D., O. H . Oonolly, lILU.C.S., hc., J. J. Dickill.Oll, B.A., lILB., 111. R. C.S., L.S.A. , ~ . O. Eades, L.n .C. P., L.n.C.f<., Edin., H. J. Forstcr, L.ILC.S., L.~•. C.P.I., F .. " . Foster',.. JlI.R.?s., L.ll.C.P., F . D . Graysoll, 1II.H.C.S. , L.S . ~. , H . Gloom, M.D., K. C. Gmlson, ]\1.B., D.C. , B.A. , J. . IIinnell, M,D .. Harnson, M. n.c.s. ,L.R.C.P. ,O. Jackson, L.n.c.p., A. H. Langridge, L.n.c.p., lIL.JLC.S.; 0 .. W . Low, N.D., P . B. Mackay, Jl1.R . C.f<., I..ILC.P., O. J. Mansell, M.])., R. J . 1Ihll s, ,M. B. , J . E. Molso~, ]\1.B., P . Morris, L.n.c.p., lII.R.C.R., A. II . Moxon, M:R.C.S. , L.S.A., O. P. O Oonnor, M.D., Durh., J. O. Richardson, liLA., ]\1.ll., T. RlChardson, lII.D. , Brux ., L.P•. c.P., Jl1.R.C.::;., J . H. I mith, lII.R.C.f<., J,.lt.C.p., J . F. T aylor, M.R.C.fl., L.S.A., ,""V, Tyson, liLA. , M . B., M.Il.C.S., L.ll,C.P., A . l! . ·W ebb, lII.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., A. Wnght, M.R.C.S., L.f<.A., S. ,Yo Woollett, M.R . r.s., J,.S.A.


T}1e work of this Oentre during the year has been actively carried on, 10 classes 1avI.ng been held for servants of the G.E.H. Oompany, 3 of which \\'ere held at statlOns where !l? ambulance . classes bad previously been conducted . T he annua.l G.E.R. .compehtlOn .was a~am a success, 31 teams compcting, and the Oha.llenge Cup,. g~ven by t he dIrectors of the company, was won by the T horpe-le·Soken team consIstll1g of Messrs. H. Ooe, '1' . Darvell , A . Rice, ""V. Green, and W . Parker, wh~



represented the company ill the railway competition for the Ohallenge Shield, presenled by thc Assoriation, and obtaineLl a badge of merit. Valuable assistance was renderecl by some of the ambulance men of this company at the unfortunatc accident at ·Withal1l on 1st eplember last, cerlificate-holders rendering Jil'st aid to the injured on that occasion. The chairman, direetors, and chief oflicers of the company continue to accord their hearty snpport to, and great interest in the Contre, and by so doillg assi t materially the good work which the Oentre is doing.

GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY . l·)'c.,i<lcnt.

H .R.Il. tIle l)1'il1cC s Christian of SchleHwig-IIolstein. S t l·ctary. Oen tre 'ccreiary, Gencral :;)la,nager's Office, Padllington 'tation. JI CfIi 'al .· ta fT. J. D. C. Allen, . Antlrew , C. R. Dall, C. lL lJihop, II. Du Boulay"Y, T. Briscoe, F. J. Bult, A. J. Call1pbel1, D. Mc.L. Ual1lpueJl, J. . Carletoll, H. . OLallellor, E. A. 'llill. R. ,I'. Olark, E. L. Collis, 'II'. Cooper, O. Corben, W. J. Oonigan, J. Eyna"toll Oouch, N. Cullinan, J. ~I. Carvell, '1'. T. Glemso}), W. E. Coleman, J. E. II. Davie, ' . Dayi, J!'. Deyi .', T . ~l. Donovan, Eo J. DonJ\'ille, W. R, Ec1mollll, 'I\T Edmon tOil, F. C. G. Ellertoll, O. O. P. EYallS, R. D . E,ans, 'V, Fairhallk, ~Iar1- Farrant, L. A. FrnllC'i , J . U. Freeuorn, A. L. :Fnl1er, A . :Freer, F. '1'. ,ol11'luy, A. 11. Grace, H. II. ;liltluly, . B. Green. - Gaylard, W. lJn11111l01ld, A. ll. IInrc1wH:k, R. 'Ir. Hasl ett , \\'. R. Hfltlwell, ,I'. Hodges, H. L, llughes, U-. Hullies, Jacoll, C. II. JOIlll 011, I. ,Yhite Joncs, J. Arnallt Jones, T. O. JOIlI:; , P. J. hillgstOll, W. Kirkpatrick , E. E. ~l. Kelly, B. ,I'. Lamb, H. A. Latimer,'. C. l.ct!ge, \Y. W. Leigh, J. II. Lillcy, O. E. B. Li111rick, O. R. Lunll, P. '1'. LtIlll1, .T . Lytic, H. Lupton, C. E. Lonly, n. II. :illal till, H. Ma on, W . J. Ma 'OJ1, U. MtDollUltl, F. L. Milburn, E. A. :illilncr, Elhyin Mortoll, J. 'II'. I\lnlligan, W. E. '. ill1'pl1y, G. F. M111'rell, - McGall, Ja . Keal, J. F. I-eyille, J. M. Owen, II', E. PatoJ1, J. l'car~e, E. Y. Pl'gge, C. Pollard, H. L. Porteou , Josbua Powell, '. Price, D. A. l~eicl, D. E. l{ichan1::;, \Y. L. Rhys, P. A. Hodell, lL Ricc, D . T. Ric:hal'lls, 'IY. C. Rowland, - HO\)Clls, Eo P. atchelI, G. O. earlc. B. O. Sharp, ,I'. i'alishury-.'Iuu pe, E. T1'e\ 01' ,'llOrla1lC1, J. O. ullivan, T. D. ;'uUiyan, D. O. nUon, G. R .'\\'inhoe, ,r. ,pelligl1e, "\\'. Taylor, E. Thoma, II. H. 'Thoma , H. Tibbctts, 'II'. Yemon, R. Wade, E. G. Walb, Noel C. Ward, E. H.Warne1', H. W, WehlJcr, '. T. Darby Westoll, W :;)1. Wltitehou e, H. II. White, E. ,Yilliam , E. R. \\'il1iams, R H. ,Yilliu11l " J. II. 'Irilkin 011, '. 'IYilkimon, J. T. ,Yilliallls i 11. L. E. Wilks, W. D. "\\Tillckworth, It G. \\'orger, R. E. B. Yelr.


GRIMSBY. ( 'hn irllla 11 .

l"I' C",id CIlL

The Rigllt IIoll. the Earl of Yarborough.

E. Banni::; tel' .

TI'c a,,1I1' ('I' IIllfl lIonorary SCCl'ctlll·Y. J . Morley Delll1i:, 50, \\~elholme Road ,rest, Grimshy.




The COllll1liLtce havc plea mc in reporting that this Centre ha ' continued to make steHc1y progress llll1'ing the past year. Dr. Allen gave a COUl' e of lectures on fir ' t aid to a Ladies' EVe11111g Ola s at the Grim hy Municipal 011 ge. Two classes of Borough Police also attellded a eoursc of lectures by Dr. , Yestlake, and the three classes \yere cxamillCd by Dr. J. L . , Vaters, of Hull, with iliO t excellellt re nlts. The Local 1 1011. ecl' tal'y a ttentlctl t,,·o Illl'etings held at Oleethorpe , j 0 advoca te the form[lti on of a llivision 0(' lhe. t. John Ambulance Brigade in that lli lrict, and

St. J ohn A ndni-lance A soc iation

St. J ohn A m)Jldance A .. ocialion.

did all in his power to cause a definite incliuittion ",hi ch existed amongst a few to spread among t a sufficient number to render such an excellent object capable of accomplishment. As a result of these mceLings, a Division was forl11ed undcr the name of the" Cleethorpes and District Division," and lhe u~uHl officers were elected, subject to confirmation by the Chief Commissioner of the Brigade.





(!hai l·lIlall. JI c clicH 1 S tn II'.

. £ 12 10 By Stores, etc. 3 12 6 " Medalliolls . 6 13 0 " Cost of Examinations o 5 1 " Sundry Expenses . " Balance as uuderOn Depositat Lincoln Bank 10 o 0 I n hands of Hon. ecrctalY 5 o 10




Audited and found corrcct after examination of Vouchcrs. C. Ru, lIBY, Auditai'. E. BA~NI. TER, Clwi!'1l1an. Octobc)' 31st, 1905. J. MORLEY DE~~rs, Han. SecrctCtl'!) (IneZ Treasu1'cl'.

GUERNSEY. PreSident.

(!h a il'J11 an.

Major-Gen. B. B. D. Campbell, c.v.o. , C. B. , (Lt.- Governor). llonol'al'Y Secretary.

Sir T. GoLlfrey Carey.

Jlonorary Treasurcr.

R ev. J . Peufold, Keppel Place, Guernsey .

O. E. Higgins, A. II. II. Hucklr·, F . D. Lcwis, George Locke, W . F. L ovell, H. R. .JLln. ell, Otho Traycrs. lIono)'al'Y Secr c tary.

Gcorgc Locke: 47, Wellington S(luare, IIastings. U ca(I·Qu81'tel's:

The Bras::;ey I nstitute, Claremont, Hastings. ANXUAL REPORT. The araut from the Tecllllical I nstruction COll1mittee has enabled us to do the work e~sily and well; out of it wc have assistcd the fuuds of the local Brigade units to thc exteut of £5 each. Statement of RcCei2Jts ((i/(l E.I:penditui'e, 1904-1905. E ;cpcnclitw·e . Receipts. £16 15 7 I By Ilead O[tice To Balance 1 1 0 )) Ditto 'torc::; . uh;criptiollS " Ellncatiun Comlllittee 30 0 0 " Boy Mouels " Y. \\-.C.A. Bmlielcl & l)cunells 1 16 (j "' Pu pil .' Fees 10 5 0 " tamp' " Parsoll ,Ltd.,AdYcrti ing 2 3 ti ., 'ale of 'tOI'C8 " Am bulallce Brigade " Nursing Brigade . " Lccturcs " Caretaker Brassey I nstitute Washing " "., Town Hall " Accountant " l'icebur t, Reports " Balance I



Miss ,;\1. B. Collings, Lll \ Tenlnrc, G llcrnsey.

;U c(lical S tall'.

Francis E. Carey, i\I.R.C.S., L.;\I., L.: . A., C. ll'Anvcrgne Colling., i\I.D., i\I.D ., Elllest L. Hobillson, L . ll. C. l'., Lond., i\1.H.C . S., HOll. Brigade- urgeoll T. H. T hornbIll, M. B. M. A. , i\I.R.C.S ..'



Statement of ReceiZJts and E;)'lJeilclitui'c, 1904-1905. Receipts. T o Female Class Fecs £ 10 9 " :Male do. . . 4 13 " Dulance clue to Treasurer 3 7

£ 18 10

Septembe1' J.9th, 1905.

2 4 6


Expend it nl'c. By Advertiscmcnts . "Boys as .Jlodels. . "Hirc of Rooms, etc ., and Printing " Lecil1l'ers' Fecs . " I edallioll Exam. Fees " ExallJillerS' Fees " I ncidental Expenses " Postage, etc. . " PrellJiulll on £9 16s. 6el. "Dalallce dne 'l'r cas l1l'C I' from last year .

'rhe Lady I dina Brassey.

Ml'. R. 'IV. Mitchell.



Lacly }'J'cSi(lcll t.

l'l'e ,·idcnt.

The Hon. T. A. Bl'assey.

Statement of Receipts and Expentlitw'c for the ycw' cnding Septembcl' 30th, 1905. Receipts. To Balance in hand and Bank on Sept. 30th, 1904 . £12 17 4 " Contributions, Allowances, ctc., received during the year 287 12 10 " Stores, etc. 3 12 6 " lIIedallions. 6 13 0 " Examination Fees, etc.


£1 1

2 6

4 0

2 G 2 0 3 2 3 3 1 11 0 1 0 9

6 0 0 0 6 0


Examin cd and approved, SAU,':MAHEZ LE CocQ, lIon . Auditor. JOHN PE~FOLD, Han. S ec1·eta1·Y.

5 16 1 1 2 0 0 5 3 0 9 5 1 12 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 6 6 0 o 10 0 0 S (j 0 2 (j 1 1 0 0 15 ti 26 2 10 £ti2




Examined and approved, En~Esr E . Fox, Chal'tered Aecolmtewt . R. .;\llTLllELL, Chairman . GEURGE LOCKE, Scactary.

"T .




£18 10


£7 16 6

1'(·cS iclcut.

Walter Ul'itchlcy.

( 'bail'lIItlll.

Major Percy B. W alker.

0 'rl·cnSlll·Cl'.

H. 'IV. Vick ers, Lancttsh it'e & York hire Bank, Ltl1., Dcwsuury .



DnkeFox, D e\\ sbury. Secrctary.

R. Gadie, Field 11ill, Batley.


St. J ohn A 1nb'L~lance As ociation.

St. John A 1n7n~lunce Associcitio11.

Life ltlcmlJcl'S.



Major Ohaley Fox, Robert Gadie, 1\1es.rs. G. and J. Haigh, Mr. and Mrs . Alfred Hill, E. T. I ngham, 1\1ajor Parker, S. H. Speclding, Lan cashire al1ll Yorkshire Railway 00., Oharles "Yheatley, Birstall Oo-operative Society, Ltd. , Heckmollclwike Oo-operative .ociety, Ltd., Batley Workin g Men's Club, J. Critcl11ey & OIlS, B. "Yilson, 1\1es8rs. "Yormald s and Walker, Lttl., . J. Ohadwick, Dew bury Pioneer I ndustrial Society, Ltd., Mark Oldroyd, Duke Fox, Major P. B.Walkel', Geo. L ee, B. Bullock, l\lessrs. Ora\\-shaw and Warhnrtol1, Ltd., Rob ert Swan Bahl Il, O. B. Orawshaw, Batley Oo-operative Society, Lbl. "Y. J. R. Fox, Bailey, 1\[, Sheard & ons, Batley, R. Brearley and Sons, Batley, J. W. Blac:klJlll'Jl, Old Mill, Batley.

l'rc ' ietcHt.

D . J. Crossley. Tl'ca


Ill· CI'.

Geo. Habel'gham, 20, l\Iatk(;t Street, Hebden Bric1ge.

E. J. Oro 's ley. UOIIOl'al'Y


F. Raw on, "Thol1l Bank," Hebden Bridge. ll.,!'!i~jallt


Fred. HOlIgsOll, 10, Old Ga.te, HeLden Btidge. I , jj (' ~1t·JIIIICJ'S.

P. R. Oairns, " G. Lawson, J. H. Thompson .

•UcdiC:lI Stafr.

i'li ' el iea l MaW.

Messrs. Ambrose, Beattie, Bennett, Broughton, Broughton (Batley), Dro\l n, Clay, Eley, Fairclough, Field, For,-yth, Fryer, Garrett, Giding, llalli\lelJ, lJall, Hamm erton, Laird, Lee, Milne, Mason, Moil', Oldroyd- haw, Patter. Oil, PritellUnl, Prior, Richanlson, Sproullc, ellars, 'haw, tewart, Stualt, .... mith, tephell 011, Sunderland, Thompson, "Yoods.

ANNUAL REPORT. D uring the year ten first aid classes and two nursing classes ha "e been helrl and attended by 92 men and 67 women, of whom 84 J1len and 57 women received cC'rtificates. The following ,ouchers ,,·ere also recei ved, 46 men and 2 womcn. 11m bel' ~ho passed to receive medallions 34 men and 11 women. During the year the followll1g honours have been granted to this Oentre by H.R.H. the Prince of 'Wales, :lnd th,e Ohapter-General of the Order, IIi 11 the sanction and approval of His IujesLy (lIe Klllg. Mrs. Margaret Gadie being admittecl to the grade of HOD. 'erving i,;tel'j ~lr. George Lee ancl Mr. H. Shore, to that of HOII, 'ervin<t Brothers' 1\[rs. Anne CIl I'e and1\Ir. Midgley, illuminated vellum I'ote of thanks, °Thanks ar~ due to mc·d ical gentlemen who ha"e lectured during thc year, and all other frienc1~ \rho hal'e assisted, specially the West Riding Police Force.

Statement of Receipts and Expenclit1we for' the year ending September 30th, 190.-" Receipts. E ,l.']Jenclit U1'e. Oct. 1904. By Medallions . £5

To Balance in hand . £1 14 1905. Advertisements in Report. 3 5 " Subs, from West Riding " Police. . . 2 2 Ban k 10 terest 0 1 " Medalliolls, Stores, Exam. " Fees, Londolt and Local ExpensesBatlr.y Section 10 2 18 17 Dewsbmy " W cst Riding Police 4 19 Oleckheaton , ection 7 14 Ravensthorpe 7 7 Li versec1ge ))" 2 15 H eckmondwike Section 0 4 £59

9 0

0 0


Dawson & Son, Prin ling " reports, etc. 8 ') 0 London for ' tores Exam, " Fees, and In cidenLal Expenses 30 ]:3 7 " .'tores from Stock ~ 1 (j 10 alary of.: ecreta.ry 10 0 0 " PeLty Oash-Postage, Telegrams, Parcels, Rail and T ram fares, Rent of Room and 'u n dries 2 5 0 ))

0 6 8 4 4 0 0

£5 Balance in hand

2 7






11 8

P. R. Oail'lls, G. C. Law,'on,

. P. Poll'll'll, J. R. Thompson, 'Yo Thompson.

ANNUAL REPORT. Tho ,Oommittee 11a great pleasl11'e in prc lllting tl1,e allnual report of Ule Cc:ntre for Lhe year 1004-5. The llumuC'r of clase~ l.eld dUl'lng the year has not bcen as 1111111er01l as in ,Ollle forl11er years, only 011e clas being held i? first a~d fo~ femules with an alt lIlluuce of 25, but at pre~elll a llur~iJlg elasR for fem~les IS belI:g helc~, " 'ith an aLicntlance of 23, The lllllllher of fcntllles who have oltamed fir t alLl celtlJieat s ,1ming tho year is 16; two hayc p~ ~,tl tbei,r fir't rc-cxamination, and fiye their Jlnul whi1. t foUl' have oUtail1ecl thclr medallIon. 0111' or bro attempts to form iiI' t ~id eln 'e lot' mall': have l'ecll ma(le, but owing to an insufficient number 01 pupils prescnling thclllsclns for e1l1'olm,el1t" the clase 11[1\:e l~ad to ~e cancelled. Niue male,' have pa.'sell their fir:-,l re'exal1nl1alJOlI, and ~O thcu fJ1la~, ,,11l1 ,t 10 males lla 1'0 olJtaillc(l their medallion:;. The COllllllit tcc agalll expre~' It ' thanks to the 11011. amlilnrs, ill,s, rs. R. Orahtrce awl .on, for their much-apprccia~ed ser~ice'; also to tll\~ 11lcllical slafl' for their tlnliling cllorts in imparting vnllla1~le!1l 'trnchon to tbc studcnt:-. The CellLml EXf'l'utire 'Ollllnittee of th c A. ,0ew tlOn lIa been pll'ascll during the year to a\\"Unl Drs. J. II. Thompson, P. J~.. aim', and C. G. Lall on, the certificate recogllising them as honorary hie, members, of the As 'ociation, fnr their di ,tingui::.lll,l1 sen-ices to the Ccntre. 'Ihe Oonulllttee al 0 extrncl its thank to the Local Elll1cation 'ollllllillee ror u e of choolr~oms for til£' plll'jlOSC or hol(ling lccture" c"\amill:1tiollS, etc. Tho nmbul:1llee .c·l1lTl~g.e has made L\\cllty-pight jOl11'lle,j,' during the yeal·. N'nmerous case' of f~r ,t tud efli?lentl,Y relldered ha\'e he en perfor11lrd 1,y members of ~hr Centre. ~be C0l111ll1ttee IS de:-irous of more enthu, in III ],l'lllg shown in IiI' t aul \lork, e,pccml1y a!l1ong~t the Inalc , aml to ohtain thi they reCltH'st YClY 1ll('11lbc:r of the Celltrc,who has not, yet pas cd beyond the prelilllinary cxalllill.ntioll, to pCI' evere aud ohtnm the 1l1ed,al~~on ; abo to crea.te a clcire amoJ1gst tbo e \11th ",1101ll they ,york to take up tbe \lOll- ,0 that whw occasion arisc, tht"y lllay hc of nIne in being able to render fir t aid flicienlly. Statemcnt of Receipts (lnd E,cpc II clii 117'C, 1901-5. R eceipts.

E .)·}IClldilll?·c .

T o Oash in hall(l,Oet. 1st, 1\')0-1 £0 0 nsltin Bank, Oct.l 1,1901 011 :: ursing Institntion . 7 0 ale of 'tore. 'In, Fee·, " R e-exulllilla.lioll fcc 9 3 " Use of Alllhnlanee OalTinge 1:3 (j " Bank Intcrcst to June 30th 0 0 " Oa It clue to Dank 3

5 5

£;j3 12


0 6 0 ~



Stores in hand £1 13s. 8d.

H. U. YWlCERS, T?·easU?·e?·. W . H ANSON, A1tclitol'.

Dy lIor'ingA1llhul:l1lceCar'ge,£17 I I ' 'torcspnrcha,etl . 3 6 " Examiner' fces . 7 11 "Printing, ' tatiollClY, RIlLl 1 14 Allycrtising . "Postage fur Brigade and 2 10 Centrc o 16 Rent 'an' taker, etc. . o 4 " RC'I1airs to Ambulnnce box o 1 "" 'hcqne 1300k o 0 "Bank har(ns . o 0 " On 11 in Treasurer's hands


£33 12


6 6


St. John A m}nda /lee


St. Joh/Il Am7mZwI1 ee A.<;8oe iutio11.


JU e tli cal S talf.

Statement oj Aceount oj Clothing Fnnrl, 190-i-5. Receipts. E.-rpenditlwe. To OashinBank, Oct. 1st, 190-i £-i 12 9 Dy Uniforms for Nl1l'sinO' Div. " Balance of Demonstration, pel' J. H. "Wilson . " Balance from Dance and upper of Nursing Div. " Bank Interest to June 30th " . ubscriptions, uniforms and badges sold

and Repairs to Unifo;ms " Cash ill Bank

1 13 10

7 0

8 1

8 2




£14 19


John Forbes, liLA., n . RC., liLt., c.~I., Reginalu IlJgram, l\LD., L .. ·.A.

£14 18 10 0 0 2

£14 19


lYe have examined t!1e aboye accounts with thp books and vouchers relatincr thereto, and hereby certIfy the same to be in accordance therewitll. b .


(Ohartered Accountants) A llclit01'S


Hebden Bndge,


HEYWOOD. {'hah'lUlln.

His Worship the Mayor (Alfred Smith).

Dr. H. H. J . Hitcbon .

)[onorary Secr c tary a nd T r caSlu'cr.

Abraham Waddington, 13-i, rils\\'orth Road, Heywood . JIe tlica l Staff.

Messrs. Geddes, Hartley, Hunt, H. F. Jefferis, Taylor, Wisken .

Statement oj Receipts ancl E.1:pe7lditw·e jOi' 1905. Receipts. Expenclit1l1'e. T o Balance from 1904 . . £8 6 10 By Stores ( t. John's Gate) " Olass Fees . I I Uedallious , II Books, bandages, Stores

2 1

0 0

0 0

and 2





" Inciclen tal Expeuses Examiners' Fees . " Medallions . " Stamps, Oheques, I tationery Oash in Hon. ec. " Treasurer's hands

. £5

an tl

4 10

1 16 1 0












7 1

H. H. J . IIITcno::\, C'hai1'1nCtn. ABRAHAM

To Amhulance Di\'isionBalaltce from 1903 . £.1 Donatiolls 8 Meml)cl's' ,'ubscriptious of In tulmeub for uiforllls 5 Grant from • t. J Ohll Amuulance .\.S ·OCilttiull 1 " NUl'sing Di\"i~ionMe1l\bcr~' Suuscriptioll' , 1 " Part Payment for Removal' by III \'alid 1'1'.1 nporl Corp,; li " Ambulance CIa ",.,0::;Memller'Tees. U ' , ale ot' Text Dook.·, &e. " ale of Amlmitwce Doxes :3 ., 'ale of ,~'tores for Ambulance Boxes 1 " Grant from Hospital attn'tla.y Funll 9i



TIy Amul1lance Division£7 19 11 I tore:; . 10 11 11 0 General Expense" 9 13 If 11 Unifol!l1s. . 5 10 10 0 Balance in hal1l1 . " N Ul'sing Di ri!:>iOll021 11 Balance from 1903 354 General Expenses o 16 7 0 Balance in !laud . "Charges for removals by 0 Il1y.tliLl Transport Oorps 11 16 0 " Amunlance Cia ~e'6 Exall1iners' Fec', &c. 9 9 0 0 Text Book~. &c. 9 15 10 0 "Ambulance Boxe. . 29 1 0 " tores for Ambulance Boxes 4-i 2 10 G ,. Repairing of Litter and 3 :1 0 E(lllipmellt 5 6 2 "l:)linting and tationery , " Po tage of Oorrespondence 3 9 2 and tores 9 '

10 ~

10 13 1

:3 H 4: 10



In stock: Books and bandages, 120.

Novembe?' 22nd, 1905.

AKKUAL REPORT. The work of the Centre has beeu carried on successfully dUl'ing 1903 and 1904; 9 classes }1aye been held, viz. 7 first aid, and 1 nUl' "iug for men, and 1 first aid class for women. The Oentrll has also issued ou loan upwanls of ] 50 ambulance boxes fully eCluipped to subscribers to the Hospital Saturday Funu, employed in workshop, factorie , and railway hunting and goods yards in and around London . The boxes are placed under the charge of Cll1ltlilied first aiders. The number of cases treated since our last report amouuts to 0,745, and 39·1 serious cases" ere removed to hospital. The 'ommittee feel greatly indebted to Lady Agnes and Major-General ir Owen Tudor Dume, for the killLlly interest they take in tbe work of the Centre, anll also to Dr. Reginald Illgram and Dr. Jolin FOl bes for their yaluable services as hOll. lecturer!';.

Bccei[lls and E,i1JCndilui'c jrom 12th JanUClI'Y, 1904, to 9th JClnuary, 1905. Receipts. E'pendltl!rc.


Octobe1' 21st, 1905.

Pr CS id cn t .







,\~e lHl\'e examined this account with the books, youcher., and counterfoils, and

Ii ud them agree.

}.[(t1'ch 17th, 1905.

( ignecl) \Y. II. PA);::\ELL & Co., Chartcred ACCollntanfs, 13, lh~"ingl.all tt'eet, E.O. '\'Y .\'1'1' .\lWg~T, Chail'lnan.

'Y. G.

,VADDINGTON, lIon. Sec. and T1'ectStt1'e1'.


Secrctary .


J'n's id cJlt.

The WOl'shi pful the Mayor.

l'l'cs iflcnt.

The Right HOll. the Lord Mayor. Chairman.

Wyatt Sargent.

Tl'c n SlIl·cl'.

H. N. H amilton Hoa re 54, Grays I nn R oad, L ondo;1, W. C. Honorary SCCl'c ta l'Y.

A. R. R undell, 54, Grays Inn Road, L ondon, W . O.

lIUllorar,,- Scc . antI Tl' c n 1I1'Cl'.

(; II a it· lit a n.

Brigaue Surg. Lt. -001. Elliton, "'" ~I.


Miss Coulehel', Beeehholme, I p wich.

lUctlica I Sta tl'.

Eades, L. U. C. I'., L . I{ . C. ,· ., Ellin., Elli ton, i\I.n.c .. , ~ng. , Fryer, L . R.C . P., Giub, ]\f . ]) . , H etherington, L.ti.A., L01ll1., HO::;'ack, F.R.C'. ' . , ELllll., Hoyland, :.\LD. , Durh., Paterson, 1Il. B. , , Yard, 1\['D., Young, L.l:.L'.l'., Lond., l\f.n.c.:-:., Eug.


St. JOhi~ Amlndance Association. Life


It .


J 0 1~n ..fi n ),7·'Llc&l1ce A.·.·ociation. vUe I

~.ClIll.H." ·S .


Messr . Barclav & 00 . , Lll., Bartlet, :II. D., .iU1' . Bartlet, Berners, l\Iiss E. Billc1ell, Bunnell Burton,' ,V. P. Burton, W . .T. O;ltchpole, F. T. Oobbold, J. D. Oobbold, l\Iiss Ooulcher, O. H. Oowell, W. . Oo,,'ell, Eadcs, Elli. ton , E. H. FisOll, Joseph Fison & 00 ., Ltd., Footman, Prett,\' & 00 . , Lt(l., W. Fra er & 00., Ltd., W. F. Fryer, Ford Goddard, M.P . , Hos 'ack, Hoyland, M.D., ~Iiss L eeder, Mi .. McInnes, F . Nur e, 'Y. F. Paul, R. S. & W. F . Paul .. ' 00. , Ltd., \Y . Pretty & • OilS, Ltd., Ransorues, ims&Jefferies, L td ., Ransomes & Rapier, Ltd., E. P. !lillley, E. R. & F. Turner, Ltd., 'Yo 'l'urner, ,Yard, M.D .

."" C.i4l Cllt. The night. IIOll . Lord Forester. TJ't: a.,Ul·el'.

( ·l1ni),lUltll .

Colonel J. A. Au tice,

.J. O. T . Raspass, ;\LL\LE., Tweedale, illadeley, • 'alop.

c. D.

ANNUAL REPORT. T he Oentre has had a most successful and prosperous year. even classcs have been held, six of them under the Education Oon:lllittee of the Town Ooullcil, the Oentre arranging the examination. Dr. Francis ,Yard gave a fOUl'th ~ucce' ·ful cIa,' at Orwell ,Yorks, and has DO\V, in consequence, been made an hon. life member. 11'. W. P. Burton and .ilfr. W. S. Oowell are !lew life members, and the late Mr. J. E. Ransome, had also given agenerons donation. The Head-quarters contillue to he a great success. A secolld ambulance carriage, a brongham, ha Leen bought, alld both carriages have travellcd hundreds of miles in and round Ipswich. The acting Transport upel'intendent, Mr . KeeLle, has valuable testimony both from doctors a.nd patients of the value oithe work. From heaLl-f'[nartel's 105 ca es have ueen attenLleu to, and as will be seen from the balance-sheet, the actual sum paid for horse hire has been £50. Street accidents are still attended free. Mon ey has come in \\'el1lhi year. AU the current expenses are paid, and the expenses of the second ca1'l'iage and the deficit of last :veal' are also wiped out. The sum of £7 has been paid off the capital debt owed to the Hon. Secretary, Miss Oonlcher, bnt this debt still stands at over £115 . The local Report \yith pictures of the ambulance cal'l'iages, will be bent to anyone desiring a copy.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditw'e fo)' the yea?' ci/ding SC1Jtcmbcr 30th, 1905. R eceipts. Paymcnt!;. To Balance (for Oarriage) £13 17 2 By Dalance to res, £710s . ..td., " Dons. and Subs. 138 9 3 Oentre, £9 lOs. 4d. £17 0 8 " 'Y. P . Burton 5 0 0 " K ew Oarriage 56 3 6 " W. S . Oowell 5 0 0 " Head-quarters, caretaker, " :Messrs. Joseph Fiso nand

00. , L td . . " J. E. Ransome " Removals " Stores, Medall ions, Examinations, etc.

etc. 5 0 0 " Reports, • tationery, etc. 5 0 0 " • 'tores, Examination, Oom. 81 12 10~ ]leti lion . " Uniform 27 13 3 " HorSing carriage for transport " Sundries for Transport work " For Uapital debt . " Balance in hand . £281 12

The Oapital debt is now £115 lIs.


4 4 U 12


2 10 1 11 0 50



21 10 10~ 7 0 0 1 0 O~

£2 1 12

6~d .



; Stores in hand worth £6 17s. 5d.

I certify the above accounts to Le corrcct. . (Signed) T . EUGAR 1'.lAYlJEW, A.O.A . , lion. Audito?" I pSWICh, October 13th, 1905 . GEO.





MAlty O. OOULCllEIl,

Hon. Secl'eta'r y.

ISLE OF WIGHT. llo llo)';!,'Y T l·c a ., ur r .

J',·c i 41c ut.

II.R.ll. '!'he Prin ce!:>s Ohristian.

Hugh Wyellt, The Red House, Tewport.

JlO Il O l':ll',}' SC('l' C l:ll'i c . •


l tll e Rotal, 1 E. A. E\ elegh, ~hilllJ \ ,.leW, A VOIll 1\.. \\'. Drew, WUivl'rtoll , Newpor .


:Uc (lic al Staff. 'I.. 1hlll" .F It c::; H. M. Barker, )I.D . , L.R.C.P. , Ueo. AIlktllti, L.It. C.P., ,,1.1..( . !'i. , 1. • • ,~' . . . . ; ' H UUll"'ll'fhum Bro\\'n, )I.D . , u' \r.J Blake, ;\I.B., n.H . , :ll. I.. .S., L.l..C.l.,. J 0 Lond ' .•. D' "1 '()'G J ) . 1'0 F I' U' 1 [' U l' F. J. Oarter, ~1.H.C.I' . , L.n . c.p., . B. '., Llr 1., . . .uIOll ' .. <• • • • , '. '~ : . , . , , . A. . Foster L.ll.C. l' . J. -'o w\1er, ?LB., C.)1. E(llll., 11. \~. ~\~,e~,/1.~':· 'H' Itll:la~d L.RC.P.: )I.R. C.. L.lt.C.~-, Edlll., J. Grove', D . .\.., :'>1.1'\~'J"'J' 1'1'-[1' ' L n'" l' ~r {, C S. L. Preston I II 11' C;\1 .•. . , .cl.. . 0 l.', :II. 0. , ... , .~I. I'. .u . ,.,s , . . 0 I e , . '. v.0 . ,J - 'l'homl)~on M.R.C •• , " 11 . If . T 'colt , ;\1.1)., 13.Cll., B.A.O., 13.,\'., . . , ~I.D., D.~., •


~1 l'

L. n. C.l'.

ANI UAL REPORT . .. t, t able to announce that the same The OOI:lI11ittoe in makl~:lg , llts tl'ep~l: b~;te t~~f l)erhaps is hardly to be eXl)ected. number o[ classcs were he u as as ye.u, .. . \ ' 0 )laces where it had The work, however, has beel~ s.tar:~~ a~al:~ . 1~1 ~~e o~h~~e ~a vc been H classe droppcd ['or ~0I:1e years, and tIns ~s . \ ~tt~ f~~t~l,)first aill, anu 7 nursing, and 5 dUl'lllg the SeSSlO?; o~ the~e 9 \\ e:~ ~l \\ 0 ll~e' 1-1 cia ses there were 303 member!:> ; were 1'01' Illel!, ..t fir~t ~1L1, and.l ~~ll!,;llllio ;l\l~em bein ef succe sful 13 of the number of these 1 0 entered .101' eXamll1.a lOn, b . of the 13instdau Diyi ion of the gaining thei l' ll1e.dalllOl1s.. Besllles. Lh~ e, 7 mcm ~~~ re-examinatiun yonchers. The Brigatle have gamed thell' l1ledltll.lOlJ~, a~l~ : tl~e t the services of Dr. Barker, of Oommittee haye great ple.as~ll'c lU lepol tlU l~ 's of the Association have been anuown, and ~r. E \\:en of Ea~T~ Oowe ,as e? tllel 'ior oHhe Order of the Ho pital rccognised by II,IS 1\laJes1ty tl~c KE~llIg1~1l~ tl~n~lt~~t~lle"; have been made Honorary of St John o ( Jel'llSa ern 111 ng a,nu, J • lOt' h'ch is Associates of the Order . Th? ~l~lbulll'~lce \\'a~~(~ld~el~~gll~~e~ ~~l~ 3~\~~{e; d~U'ing in charge of the I owport DIVISion ~f the d~l~r,fl ' f .19 9 miles the followinD' beiDD' thoyearendiug30th June, 1905, covonng a IS ance 0 ~, 0 b



St. J ohn A1nu'ulamce A sociation .

St. John A n~ u ~&lance A. sociation.

some of the places to "'hich it has been: Blackgang, Brighstone, Oalbourne, Oarisbrooke, Oemellt 1\1ills, Oowes, East Oowes, GUl'llard, Porch fieltl , Ryde) andown, Shanklin, Shide, and Ventnor. The Oommittee has agaiJl mur.h pleasure in oirering their best thanks to the lecturers, hon . ecretaries, and others who devote so mnch tilUe and energy to ambulance ,,-ork ; in this way helping many in their time of need .



Statement oj Receipls anel Bcpenditm'e, lU04 -1905. E:J,:pencl it It?'e. Receipts. To Balance at Bank £4 1 6 By I nsurance " From Classes " Subscriptions to Oentre " Oounty Ootmcil Grant for Olasses held in 1903-4 .

38 16 11 6 8 6 29



Head Office Stores " Examinl1tiol1 Fees " "" 1\11'. Gibbs-,Yaggoll Acc . . " Stationery and Postage "Printing . Bl11ance at bank


£78 11

£0 1

22 6 1

o 29



5 0 1 10 7 10 8 9 7 3 1 0 2 11 11

Th e Oommittee is pleased to be able to report that the past year has been one of cOlltinued satis factory progress. Though perhaps numerically the attendance has been less .. trong than last year, there has been considerably more zeal shown by both sexl's. The results in both classes arc very gratifying. Finaneially, considering that the Centre is absolutely self-sllpporting, the balance in ]land is satisfactory. The attenda1lce of members at the various race meetings, Hower shows, etc., has been much appreciated, and at the Bl1ttle of :Flowers, on Th111'sday, 24th August, and the following illumination, they were again instrumental in attelll1ing to some 17 caRes, some of\\" hich were serious. Life-saving drill on land and in the water is now being taught to members, and it is hoped they will embrace the opportunity of acquiring n. k nowledge so valuable in a sea-girt hIe like .Tersey.


8 PrC 'lidcJl' a1l41 ( 'bail·lIIan.

Cor.NELlUS ALTEll, Glzairmcin. HUGH ·WYETH, Hon . Treasure?' . E . A. EYELEGlI, 1 rr ALFIlED ,YILLIA:\I DnEw, 5" Ll01L

Ang1lst 1 th, 1905 .

TI'ca llrcr.

J. Elworthy. Co




T . T. Hal1, Stamford, palding, and Boston Ban k, Kettering.

UOllOral'Y SCCJ'ctary.


Lifc nClllb el·S.

E. R. Lane) George Street, Kettering.

E. O. B. Voisin, I1LR.C. ::l . lIollol'al'Y T1'c a 111'CI' and Sccr e tary .

treet, St. Helier., Jersey.

Balance 'heet jo!' the year enclinq i11ichaelmas, 1905.

;U c 4Ucal S taff.

T. J. Aubin, :\LD . , W. Duret Aubin, I1LB . , 001. Hobert Batho, M.D., P. B. Belltlif, M. R.C.S . , O. A. Bois, L.P•. C. P . , P . J. Brayn, L . I1!., J. O. P. Ohappllls, D. :\1ET. c., ~I. Ie Oronier, M.R.C . •·. , A. Duulop, M.D., E. Ie Geyt, M.n . C. S., A. O. Godfray, ~r.B., H. Higgins, I1LR.C.S. , A. E. Hind, F.R.C.S., E. Marett, L.n.C.I'., U. J. ~IcOaltan, A . Ie Rossignol, I1I. D . , E. H. O. Sullivan, }'JI.n.c.s. , \Y. ,V. Taunton, I1I.n.c.l'., E . O. B . Voisin, }'JUt-C.S. Statement fo), the yeco' ending 3lst .d llgust, 1905.



T o Examiner's Fees £4 14 6 Medallions 11 17 0 " Stores 0 7 3 " Rental of Hall 7 5 0 " Models o 15 6 "" P rin ting, ad vertising, and postages 6 0 7 Gratuity 1 0 0 "" E xpenses (re Battle of Flowers) o 16 8 Ba1ance to llext account . 9 17 11

By Balance from laf>t Account £10 15 11 " Olass Fees 13 19 0 " Mel11bershi]) 6 2 6 " 11edalliolls 11 17 0



190 4-5 . To Annual uQscl'iptions . £44 13 " D onation, Jmy, General Ho pital 0 6 " Oollection, Fuller Ohapel 1 0 "Ditto per Rev. A. Lindsay, Desbol'ough 1 2 " Donation, Midland Bam1 lub 0 7 " Ull ion 'la s, ,urJllll , l)el' Mrs. Lane 1 6 " Discounts received on 'tores. llp plied to classes 1 2 " Kettering Parish 011 mch, s hure of 'ollectio ll 1 9 " Baln.nce (deficiency) carrieu /'orwun l 9 12


£42 14





1905, Sept. 13. - By Balance at L ondon Oity and Midland : Bank ( H ill Street Branch) . £9 17 11 E xamined and found correct , Sept. 13th, 1905 .

O. G. BLAMPIED, } A l't O LIVF l~ Mou l~A ''1', L-dlfi '/, 01·S.


H arold Adcock, :.r.n.C.R., John Allison, M. D., G. W. Baker, L.R.C.P., H. Bnrland, M. ll.C.R., J . " Tinter Dryland, M.n.c . s . ) Le. lie W. Dryland, }'JI.R.C.S . , H enry Hbbons, M.D., D. Lee, ~LD., Geo. lack, }'Jf.n., John More, ~r.R.C.,., J. L . Price, ::-.r.n . . ,'., J. P. Roughton, ?I. It. l' . '., Al'llold G. Tolputt, ~r.n . ,s., O. YauYesirant, L . n . . P.

P .l·csi(lc nt :ulIl ( 'hail·lUau.

A. F . Grellier, 3, Bond

J . W. Drylanc1, M.R.C .S.

~[c<lj C :ll



E. & O. K, A. F. GRlCT,LIER, lIon. Sec. cmel T 1·eas1l1·e1·. (Signed ) ERNEST O. B. VOISIN, P?·cs7·clent. Sept. 22nd, 1905 .



1904, Oct. 1. 0 By Balance (deficit) brought fonmrd £5 10 6 6 "Ambulance upplies 9 5 0 10 " Oollector's Commis ion ( el'geant avage) 247 10 0 6 " Rent to Lady-Day, 1905 7 16 0 " Belts 4 5 0 6 " Rent due lid.·ummel', 1905 1 4 " lhnclages 4 1 9 6 ,. Printing and tationery 3 7 6 " IIibbert & 00., Accollnt 450 6 " Rent due Michaelmas, 1901) Rc fresh III ell t for:eompetiti ve ·clnadlOJ1. ,Dewar hield, 2 (April 15th, 1905) . 4 12 3 7 " t. John's Gl1te, trctchen; 3 17 5 (Ie Ji count) " Postages and ul1l1ry small 145 dis blll'semell is



E xa illin ed and passed, 31 t October; 1905. J OlI N


E !. W OJlTIIY Prc iclent ((nd Gha i1'1I1((n . I

All d ited an u found COl'l'C'ct, IIF.NH. y R AllY,


St. John A ?7~b'L/.;lcilnce Association.


Twelve classes haye been conducted by members ot the medical starr in the tOIYIl and villages during the past year, viz. : 4 first aid and.2 nUl'sing classes for mCI!, anu the I ike for women. Twenty-scvcn per on8 a ttel1lllllg th ese have passed tIle)!' first re-examination , and 6 obtained junior ccrtificates. 'rhe year's work shows an increasing interest in the movement, and steady progress throllghout the l.li~tl'ict. Ambulance men in ullifonn, with ambulallce wagon anel wheel liUer, tretcher, and appliancps. arc always available at their fine head-qllarterR, Kettering Chmch In sti tu te ; while the 'IYomen's N l1l'sing Division, meeting fortnigh Lly for practice at the Urban Council Chamber, are always ready \\'ith their invalm.ule help. Tile services of both are in constant request and highly appreciated .

KIDDERMINSTER . Pl'e i (1 cnt.


Dr. J. L. Stretton.

Tl'cns 11 l'C l' • E. C. Newmareh, Metropolitan Bank, Kidderminster.

D.r.II., C. J. Trimble, C.JlLG., L.R.C.P., Westamacott, F.lt.C.S., J. D. Wilkinson, JI[.D., W. Wright, !\l.D. B.A.,


Sir A. F. Godson, M.P.

St. John Amunlcilnce A,'sociation. II.



\Vaters, Jlr.n., F. H. 'Williams, 11.r...C.S., J. C.

ANNU AL REPORT. The work of this Centre has been actively carried on durinCl the year 34 classes having been held. The annual L. & Y. Railway cOlllpetitiOl~ \ras helel in March :tllll was ~ success, .29 tcams competiog. The Challenge hielcl was won by the tea~ representlJlg IIorwlCh Loco. Works, and thcy represented thc C'0Jllpany in the InterR~ilway ~?lllp~Lilioll" gaining ~he fift.h position in the preliminary ronnd and the thll'<l po 'It101l 1Il the fmal. 'IVIth a view to fmther ell conracrin cr ambulance men on the L. & Y. syst~m,. ir Georgu Pilkington, one of tlle dir~ctol's, gave a silver challenge cnp, wInch IS to be held by the tcam gainin a the second position in the L. & Y. competition, and, in allclition, the DirectorsO ga\'e the sum of £25 to be expended in. prize for the Iir·t ~ix tea.llls in the competition. Dllring the year 7,0 [) cases of aCCIdent were reported JJl Willdl fil'st aid \\'a rendered by the men trained in tbi Centre, mainly to ()ompany's servants. In addition to the men who obtainerl certificates and medallions, 226 men have passcd the first re-examination durincr the year, making a total of 914 since the formation of Lhe Centre. Thirty-fiveOmell have also 'lualifled for the label which is now is. ned by the Association.

DOll. SccJ'c'aIT. C. A. Drew, The Mount, Chesler Ron,rl, IGddernlillster.

Lifc ;UCIIIIH.' l's.

J. L. Stretton, O. C. P. Evans.


lUcclical S. nil'. J. L. Stretton, L.n.c.p., Lond., M.ll.C.Fl., L.S",., O. C. P. Enl.l1:, M.D., Durh., M.n.C.S., L.S.A.


1I01101·:1I·.r St'Cl'('f:II'Y

Secretal'Y. H. E. Mello r, Chief Traffie 11 anager's 0 lice, l'Ifanchestel'. ;Ucdical Stair. J. A . Adams, M.n., T. M. Allgior, r,Jt,c.8., M.n.c.s., A . Anld, ]\f.n., 'IV. II. Bateman, JlLn., A. H. Bllrgess, F.R.C.S., F. Carter, L.1LC.P., J. \\!. Clegg, I •. l; .A., J. M. C?at8", M.D., G. II. Darwin, M.D., F.IU '.P. , J. H. II. Dobourg, 1•. IU'.l' ., I..JU'.8., H. W. DUll, M.n., A. M. Erskinc, JII.n., W. J. Fleetwood, ~I.])., A. Y. Greellwood, ]\f.n., l? IIolllles, ]\f.R., A. Eo IIi,ICll c, I •. n.C. P., J. Johnston, LD ., BOo 1\f. Marshall, M.a., O. V. McCormack, Jlr.n.G.s., L.1U·.P., A. 1'. Percival, JlI.B., P. Prebule, M.n . , A. Robb, ~f.B., W. H. Rohinson, Jlf.n.C'.s., I•• I1.C . 1'., G. K Scholcfieltl, M.D., 'IV. Shaw, r,.H. C.l'., L.R.C.S., A. B. St(;warrl,L.!t.c.I.'., T ,.n. c.H. , F. A. Stol'r,



\"iTalter Rowley,

ecl' 'al'.\'. M.LC.E., F.S.A.

' \' OIll{'ll'S n CIlal'hll (' uC :\Jul ( ' Ia ~.,e" 1'01' " ' Oluen.

:Mrs. Wall ' l' Ho\\ley, lUdel' Hill, Meall\\'ooll, Leerl'. naul{{'l'.~.

Ofli ces .

neekdt aIlll Co., LeuIs.

20, I1 al'k Ro\\', Leeds. I, j ft'

.ll(,1II1)('I·~ .

John D:nmn alHl ons, Ikl'kl·Lt. all(l '0., John IIepper, H. Bcn:oll Jowett 'ir Lionell\l. \\'illllertoll - Pilkillgtoll, Bart, 1\1'Igg' Priestley, M.l'., Walter Ro\\,ley: !iiI'S. WalleI' Rowl!'y, l:eo. Austill uddick," oshua Tetley alld Oll . .

]"1'e,' id CII'.


( ' 11 at 1'111 all. The Lord Mayor of Leeds.

)f. I'.

Prof. II. LitUc\\,ou(l, F.U. C·.I'.

- - - - - - - - ---

John A. F. Aspinall, JlLLC.E., JlLI.M.E. (Gencral Manager L. & Y.R.).


( ' hai I'1l1an.

The work at this Centre is progres 'ing satisfactorily, the lIUmhel' of studcnts averaging much Lhe same year by year. The ehool of Sciencc alld Art now rendcrs valuaule a sistance by giving grants for first ;lid and nUl'sillg. The life of th(;Centre depends on the generosity of the medical staff wlto give 1I1cir ~crviccs voll1llLlu ily. They have done this since the formation 0(' the Ccntre, all(l theil' kintill!''iS is lI1lu·h appreciated in the district.


. lIel'hcrt J. Gladstone,

l"l'e~itl c u'

Thc Righ t



1r. J. Aitkell, II. Bro\\'n, ,J. W. II. 13ro\\'n, C. W. Duck J. Buck, William 'al'lles, J. 'Iough, I. n. Collinso)), Arthl1l' Elli~oIl, Da il E\\'ing, Julius Friend, RoherL FOI'~yth, . ,ricsuaeh, T. 'IranIl'o]) Grillilh. ~I.D., J. \Y. Hain es, F. \V. 1hlliday. R. C. lIan n, A. II. IIurdea. tIe, Cunstable Ihyc , R. Grey H eald, Geo. II. lIeald, J. 13. H ellicr, )I.T)., \Y. L. llnnter, P. Jallle, John Oil J. C. Kl'rshaw, R. L. Knaggs, II. Littll\\\'ood, W. . MackellZil" A. McNab, B. G: A. MOYllihall , J. TighLillgalc, John O'Neill, E. P. Pickel' 'gill, II. T. Prinep I". K. Hd er, II. J. Roper, L. A. R owden, G. H. Rowe, ytlney Hllmboll, . B: Savory, 1\1. I)., Douglas ~etttoll, l\1.1l., Ccorge nt. Sharpe. 'ims, Rouert maile, C. W. SlIlecLon, 11. l\rchbold mith, 'IV. . prelll, Jo eph tewal't, Hug h Stevcllson, C. If. ykcs, John Taylor, T. R. Taylo!', )I.D., W. Thomp.oIl , Hemy 'rowen;, E. F. Trevelyan, 13. 'IYt.inman, A. Weal', lIf.n., L. F. 'IYest, . H, 'IYood, de C. Wooclcock, McGregor Yonng .



11 2

St. John A1nbulance As'ociation.

St. John A ?nbulance Association.


Henry, M.D., F. VV. lIIcAllister.Hewlings, lILB. and C. M., Jamcs Hunter, M.D., A. \Y. Jenkins, M.n., B.S. (Lond.), lll'g.-Oapt. '1'. G. Kelly, lILD., "F. Lewitt, lILn.C.:-;., A. L. MacLeod , liLA., M.Il., C.lIL, J. II. Nicholson, L.S.A. (Lond.), Peacock, lILB., B.. ·., Pemberton Peake, M.lt.C.S., J"n.c.l'., ]'. M. Pope, M.D., (CanLab.), 1ILIt.C.S., lILll.C.l'., H.. Pratt, 1II.D., (Lond.), 1'. P. 'hearer, L.R.C.P. & s. (l~din.), A. kipton, M.l~. C.R ., .'kipworLh, lILlt.C.S., R. evestre, L.ILC.P., lILlt. C. s., J. ,'loane, 1I1.1~.l'. s., 'urgeon-Ool. Bradshaw Sidney F. 'mith lI['lt.C.S., &c., '1'. J Thomas, L.lt,O.l'., lILlt,O .. ·., R. M. W~st, lILILC.S., L.R.C.}).',

During the year there has been a gratifying increase in the l1umuer of classes 26 first aid and 2 llUl'sing classes having been hel<l, The Centre has :mfI'cred a se~'ere loss owing Lo the death of 1111'. Ed\\'arc1 Atkinson, \\'ho had acted as chairman since the formation of the Centre in 187. lYe have UCCl1 fortunate however in securincr the ser~'iees of Prof. Hany Littlewood , lIf.:-;C., F.lt.U.S., as c]laiJ'lllall. 'CIa ~es al~ now. belll~ cond~eted und.er the au piCCi> of the W est Riding CounLy Council in eOll· ne?tlo:l wl~h va;'~ous ev~mng schools,. amI one l1:ay eXjlect further deyelopmeut in tIllS ~lrectlOn. Ihe subjects of first alll allllnursl1Jg appeal to all and the ystematic carrylllg on of classes. year after year will be productive of m11ch good. The tbanks o[ the Centre are agalU due to :Messrs. J. C. Kirk & 011, Chartered Accountants, who have kindly audited the accounts.

Statement of Receipts ancl Paym ents, jVovembe1' 1st, 1904, to Octover 31st, 1905. Receipts. Expendit 1l1'(:.

T o Balance, 31st Oct., 1904 £6 10 9~ " Annual Subscriptions and Donation . . 10 5 0 " Receipt from Classes for Class Fees and Stores . 167 17 7~ " Balance due to Secretary, Leed Cen tre. . 3 10 5


By Stores purchased . £67 1 " Examiuer ' Fees an(l Ineid en tal Expenses paid to Head-quarters Ofriee . ,16 19 " llnJry DisbllrSel1lellt~, and. eeretary'~Travellillg Exp enses, etc., to 30th J uue, 1905 Hi 1 "Allowance 011 Account of Assistullt ecretary 1. t July, 1904, to 30th June, 1905 50 o " Printi1lg and Statiollery 7 4

3 10


3 10


o 2

3 10

Examined with the Vouchers and accounts, and found correct. ( igned) J. C. KIllK & ON,


Cha1·te1·ecl Accountants.

LITTLEWOOD, Chcd7'1nan. IV ALTER ROWLEY, llon . Secretary.


No'vemve1' 13th, 1905.

LEICESTER . l'l'csicl cn 1.

The Worshipful tlw Mayor. Chairmall.

Rev. Canon Sanders, LL.D. St. Martin's Vicarage, L eicester.

J(ono rll1'Y ,·CCl'(' IIl}·J' .

F . H . Turner, 2, Granby Street, Leicester.

Trca sll}·cr.

'Wortley S. Lovell, "Mayfield," St. Petcr's Road, Leices ter. Ll f c ill Cll1 b CI·s .

G . II. Ellis,. Miss ~rougl.ltoll, Miss Fortescne, Lady King Hall, Euward \\ ood, MIS. Buck, 1I11SS EmIly EIlts, Rev. H . J . Fortescue, M.A., Mrs. Wright. iU ctUc al Sta tr. Anuerson, L.P•. C. P., JJ.R. C.S . (Edin.), M.iss Frances Armitage, M.D. , B.S., Astl tt, :.\LR.?S., JJ.It.C.P., Astbury, M.ll.C.S., L.U.C.p., A. E. Barlow, M.lLC ..·.. M.n. (Edin.), Bernd.ge, L. R.,C.;, .,' Br~ggs, L.R.C.P., J. H. BlakeslC'y, F.R.C.S., I V. (;t:ick, M.H.O.S., Cole.man, lIf.J..c.s, A~tley Clarke, liCE., Cogswell, M. R. C.H., L.n.c.p . (Lolld.) Coll~ngton, M.R.C.S., L.ll.C.P. (Edin.), E. R. Oowe!ter, L.n . C.p., JJ.n.C.s. , H. D: Davl~S, M.D., M.ll. C.S., C. Donglas, .F.It.C.S., P . G. Garrett, f.l1.C.S., Gunni11g, :r.~. R. C. S' 1 R. Hancock, M. R. C. s., (E<lm,), L. K. Hanison , n. A. , lIf. 13'1 Wallaoe TMrs .


YOUllg, M. It. C. R.

A KUAL RI!;PORT. The COlllmitLec, in reviewing Lhe \\'ork o[ tIle Leiccster Oentre for the vast year, are glad Lo be able to report that th eir efforts Lo impart instruction ill Lhe renclerinO' of first aiel to Lhe injlll'etl have met with gratifying success. Tho number of elasse~ in Lown and cOllnty has been up to the average, showing tllat lhe interest ill ambulance work is well maintained. At the exalllilltLtiollS held 011 l)ehalf of the Central Execlltive, 53 stlltlents passc<i sa Lisfactorily. lJUl'ing the ses ion 245 members who already po.'se.sC(ltheir lirst ai(l cenitieatc , ha\'e been re-examincd. These fi~nres ac1l1ecl to those of prc\'iol1s years, lllake a total of ,4 6~ certificate holders ill~e tb~ formation of Lhe Uentre ill 1 O. llccessful classes ha\'e been helu Juring tbe year at several of the large works in the town and district, awl also at the ~li<.llancl [lnd GreaL Oentral Rail\\,!ly " It is satisfactory to llote that 27 members of the Borough Police pa .. sed their fir t ait! examinatioD, a large perccntarre 0 [' t1le force being now (ll1ulifi d Lo rellder f1l';;;L aiJ. It i.' a pIca 'me to report that the police h,we treated a large number of cascs rno t ere<litably ulU'ing the year. It is to be recorded with satisf,wtion that IIis Majesty Lhe King, on the reeOlllll1elldaliol1 of H.R.H. the Prince of Wale., Urand Prior 0[' tho Order of 't. John of Jerll alern in England, has sanctioned Ll.e enrolment of the He,'. H.llon :'anuers, LL.D., Chairman of the C0111l1littee,.as HOll orary j .. ociate o[ lhe On1el', in recognitioll of hi long enice in fnrth enng the work of the am bnlance department in this anu Lhe N orthamptoll Centre. Fir ,t aid ha been rendered throughout the year in numerous cnse. The Pres reports 'ome of the \\,01+ tllat is ~H!colllplishecl, hut there are hundreds of minor cae occurrillg weekly in which suffering ha:-:; beeu relieyed by first aid promptly rendered, and of which nothing is he,nel except in the little circle immediately concerned. The good work heing clone encournge' the 'o1l1111ittee to main tain their l,tbour ' and to ~till rely upon the generous support of !tIl l:bsse~. It is yery gl'lttifying to report that the publi c nppenlll1acle hy til, \Jll1111ittee for gl'eater .·uppurt, to strengthen and extend the work, btl .. resulte(l in [\, snbstantiltl increase in suhscription' [md donation. The 'ommittee decided tu clisl!Ulltinue the street colJedioll this year. The atllrday factory [\.llel \l'ol'k!:ihop collcction proyed succe!:isful, and the ( '01l11l1ittee appreciate the kindncss of the cmpluyers in allowing the collection to be taken on their premi e" and heartily thanl- tlte workpeople for their really and generous respon~e to the appeal. A s in furiller ye,trl'l, the 'ollll11ittee recul'll the ntlultble sen icc:; rendered hy the members of the meclieltl professioll in the intruction uf classes, ancl their thank are tenclered to th()s' hltlies aud gentl 'men \I 110 h<1,e heen instrumental in the formation anel good workillg of the chtss "~ . In eOllse<lueJH:e of the incren';Cll work in the COUllty, Dl·. Lynn Jenkins, uf ] (in ckle)" has been ttl pointed by the H ead Office ,1n ,ldeli tional offie.:i,\.l cxaminer. Th · 1ll1llLml eompetitioll for the Challenge, 'hieltl and prize, ', open to team. of Illell holding th ' first a,i<1 e.:ertifieltte of the AssocilttiuJl reprcsenting the different Di\-isions of the L eicester 'orps of lhe Brig-ad" took p1n,ee at thc drill hall, the l'ewarke, on ~a[;urelay. F ebruary 25tb. 'aptnin '1'. GonIon Kdly H.A.)l.C. ()r.), and Captaiu Pemhel'ton P eak" It. A.)I.C. (\,.), ",ere the judges. A clebtiled account of the competition [tlld pI' 'sentatioll of prizes will b · found in the 'hief nperintendent' Brigade repurt. 'rhe 'ollllllittee t1esil'e to Imy ,\. tl'ibuLe of respect to the memory of the bte :JIr . .T. G. ~Iobh', who for llltlny yenl" 'I',t · it ntlnetl member of the COlllmitte , ,.nel they take this opportuui Ly of recorcling their high appr cia,tion of the services he.: so willingly and eheerfully gl\'\'c to the work ill whieh be took so deep and helpful l\.ll interest. I n l!ollclullill g' tlwlr twenty-fifth mlllunl report, the Committee would ell1ph llKis' tlH' e\'cl'-gl'()\\ in g ill1jlol'tnll " of It knowleclg' )f first .tid, so thltt pn,in amI su lfering nmy be ~\.lle\j'lte(l amI hUnlltll life prolunged. They trust that tho future may iJ· e\ '11 hl'ighter for the ambulallce Ct\U::;0 than the past has been, ,,-ith its gmnd r ecurd of usef ul work accomplished,

St. J ohn 111nuulance Associcdion.

St. J ohn A ?77,b'Ldc~nce .Associcd ion.


;1(c clic'al : talT.

Statement oj Receipts and Expenditm'e fu], the VCO? ending Septembe?' ;)Oth, 1905 .


Expcnditw·c .

Receipts. T o Subscriptions & Donations £70 1 51 2 " Stores sold 96 15 " Examination F ees 15 0 " :Metlallions " Saturday and Factory Oollections £80 1 6 less expenses 15 0 9 65 0 39 4 " Transport R ece ipts " Collections, Victoria Park, 0 10 and Pasture , Oollection at Shield Pre£6 1-1 4 sentation less expenses 4 5 1 :l 9


2 I 0 0

9 0



By Balan ce due to Treas. £2 4 6 cpt. 30th, 1904. "Stores account ; H eall9 46 1 quarters " Examination Fees l111 d 75 1411 In cidental Expell c 1 7 0 " Local Examination F cc 2 6 0 " Hire of ROOlllS 1 11 6 torekceper's Gratuity 15 0 0 "" Mcdallions 5 3 5 " P ostage and Oarriage 12 10 5 " Printing and Staiione ry ., Transport Expens('s, incll1lliug Maintenance and 84 5 6 torage of \\' agon " Competi tion, Prizes allll 5 11 0 Expenscs 19 13 11 " Brigadc'W orking Expellses 7 17 ':l " Oollector's Oommit; 'ion . "Maintenance of Hand 1 12 6 Litters 6 10 "GranttoUniform Ftl.12 5 5 0 l ess repaYllIcll ts 7 5 6 20 0 0 " Secretary's Honorarium " Balance in 11:111(1 of Treas ., 1 0 8 ept. 30th, 1905 £340



l\llll'ray Oairns, M.:H., J . A. COl'l1elt, I,.n . C.I' . , Thos. M. Dawson, M.D., Hichard HUllIphreys, M.n., J. R. JlHl,-ol1, ;'1.)., LlcmellYll l\I01gan, ;,r.D., J . E. Nevins, ;'LD., G. cott ugden, M.D., G. 'Walla('e, )J.B., Tll os . l\1. \\Till.-, F .ll. C. f'. , Irel. A GAL REPORT. During the year 26 classe. lw,\"e ueen held, \ iz., 21 male, 2 female and 3 nursing. Th e work of th e Centre coniinues in a . atis ractory conrlition. The Oommittee note with plraisUl'r tllat the illt~re tis. till well maintained by the Oity Police anrL also by most of the Educational Committers, ill the area or the Oentr~, but at the same time r egre t the growing tentlency on th e part of some of the Educational Oommittees in not having clllali/1ec1 m edical lecturers, allrl so preventiug the students from gaining thc certificate of the As oc.:iaiion.

Statemcnt of Rcceiflls and E"'lJtllditlll'cjl'om 1st Oct., Radjlts. To lhl a nce la L .A. eeonn t " nbscri pLion and Don "Clas Accouut " Intereist

1~ 0 9 ·1 0 56 ·1 7 300




to 30th Sept ., 1905.

E .<jlCl1cl Ltw·e.

By Ofllee EXl'en>e'

£5-1 9 11 63 10 8

" Dalallce .

o 7




Anuited and fonnel correct,

F. TUBIN, Clwinnall. J. C. .l!:LLI.·ON, llon . Secrctarlj and Trcasurer.

30th Scptcmba, 1 D05.


BrigCLde Unif01'1n Ontfit Acconnt.

Mrs. How laud Williflll1s.

Receipts. T o Bal. in Bank, Sept. 30th, 1904 " Grant from Ocntre Fund

11 5

E J.'penclil1b?'e. £2 15 12 10

8 6

TI'C ;t ~ IU'C t· .

£:2 0 0 13y Cirant to Officers . o 10 6 " llnLlry Expenses . OlD " Bank Obarges " Balance in hallrl of Tl'eas., S~}lt. 30th, 190':; £10 0 0 " Di Lto in Bank 2 10 11 12 10 11


JrOJl Ol' :U'Y


. Thorne.

Sccrc tar y .

. Fanny L.

'alder, 49, Oanlling treet, Liyerpool.

Ho noral·y.l ... i ... taut Sc n ·c l ar y .

1i58 Macli e Oaml,bell, Th e Olel House, Grasseudale, Li~'erpool. J( N lic al


Arthur Jimmo ''{alker.







AwliLell and founll co rrect, ,VYKES & Ou., CharteTecl j/ccowllcmts, Leiceisier.

Dece?l1,ber, 1905 .



he en held ,Ui uSlIal-firsL aid anel nursing. Th e lecturer (~Ir. Arthur Timmo \ V".lker) is well sali;;fietl wi til the progrest; of the cb ' set;; 36 atteuclccl in first aiel :l,nd 13 for mll"ing. Th· in\"<tlitl coolang demon. tration after the llUl"i ng course is con idered to be n, \ ~ ry \,tlun.ble help. 'TILl'; classeR h,l.\"

LIVERPOOL. I' l'es hI en t. T he Right lIon. the Earl of D erby, ]( . 0. 'l'l'(' n ~ Ul'('l'


1I0JlOl'l lI'Y

(;Jw it'JIl all.


Frauk TolJin. 8cCJ·c I:u·y .

J . O. Ellison, 6, Wellington Buildingil, South Castle Street, L ivcl'llool. I,H e ]UcmIJ cl·s .

The Earl of Dl~r hy . K.C., Lord BrM3scy, K. C. B., William AlLu!lsoll, Thomas Bartlett, E llWUl'cl lJiuuy, F.ll.c;..S., Jam es Lister , J. '1'. Nie;l.ccl::" A. l'll. :::imitl!.

l'l' C~ i4lc Jl t.

The Right HOll. Lord 1'.10 tyn. e'ba it'Ulan. Ven. Archdeacon Morgan.

Tl·c a SUl'Cl'.

J . Ac1ey \Vell s, Bryn l\iair, Llamos,

JI 0 11 () l';\ I 'y Sc' /" '{' I ;\I·Y.

L. J. OOllWa.y, 110, l\lO:;Ly u 'trecL, Llundl1dno.



ltIcdical Staff.

Jas. Craig, M.B. , Th o . Daltoll, 1Il . D., '1'. L. Kenrick-D avies, lI1.B. , E. Gooddy, F.R.C.S., T . V . Lockhart-Mme, IlL B., C. M., Edin . , H. Hol<! 'Williams, M. B., C. 1I1., Camb., E . R. 'Woodhouse, LB., C.lII.


l'rc . i(lc nt.

G. H . Darwin,

T he Very Rev. the Deall of Manchestcr, D.D.


H . H. R. Princess Louisr, Duchess of Argyll.


1'1'ca K.


Secr e tary.

Captain A. Binyon, Jeanlielo, 130\l"OCll, Manchcslcr.

:Ucd i c al . (alf.

G. H. Dan\-in,

M. D . , F.lt.C'.I'.,

I,adics ' IIOll. Scc. l'l.Irs. E. F. Chinc)')" HIghfield, Lymillgton.

Lirc lUClllll c l'.

Mrs. IIeselLil1c.

Extl,mincr8 fccs and m a l c r i a l . ,Vorking Expen c', including ca1'l'ia u e of Goods, Postagcs, taLionc)'j', Printing, and Allvcrtising .

0 3 0 0 0

£35 16






founel correct,

G. II. DAH\\,IX,

M.D .. Chail'lnCtIL Ar FIlED BI;\YON, l'?'CCtSll1'CI'. L. MEWBUR - Bnow:x, Han. Secrcta?'y.

NovcmbCt' 2nd, 1005.


l',·(' ... ldetlj.

Statement of Receipts and Expcnditw'e fo7' 1904. Reccipts. . E[I'JJcnclilw·c. 31 t Dec. , 1903 £5 7 :2 By Ad vertising, tatiollcr,)',

~alanc.e 0.11 ~UbS?l'lptlOns. . . 19 0 S~ecla.l DOna~lOl1S and refn~ldl 16 Flom Hants Connty CouuClI <1 11 Sale of Hand-Looks . 1 1 F ees 4 1



£165 17 11

lU c di c al S j afT.

" " " " "

Heslop, F.H. '.1>., L.l~ . C.l'., F . Jt.C'.R., D.. ·C.

Statcment oj E.)"·pcnclitlll'c ful' lhc ycm' cnding Scplcmbc?' 29th, 1905. £106 17

R. Bruce, 1Ir.n..~ ... , I,. S. A., D.P. H., E. F. Chiner)" L.ll.C.P., lILll.C.f>., L .. ·.A. F.R.C .. ·. , F . l'lIa.t Ul'lll , M.B., B. C. , M. ILC. '., L.R.C.P., A. D . 1)'thl'C 1 ,L. n .C . P., L. ll.U ... ,' L.F.P.S. ANNUAL REPORT. A nursing class for women was held, 22 nlade more or Ie. s attendances 11 completed the course .and 9 ~Jassetl ; 31 mCll seni.ill their nantes for a fir t a'ill class; 2~ c~lUpleted fOUl lectnres, 19 faced Lhe eXanll11er alld 16 ~aLisj-jecl him . Dr. A. D. Pltlne was the] ectUl'el: au? I nspector-General H. O. 'Woods, c. Y. 0 . , u.n., n. ., ihe examiner. The exallunatlOns were helLl on April 19th, 19 05.


,V. ,r.

F. II. ' Ye.tmacoLt,


P. C. Hayle!>, Manag~r, Capital anll Counties Bank, Lymington .

Col. F . Jerrard, , Yalhampton Yilla, Lymington.

L. M. Brown, B.A., 17, Cooper Street, Manchestcr.

AN UAL ImpORT. During lIlc year 2J clas. os llUvc been held UlHler Lhc au 'piccs of this CenLre (19 J1Iale aud .J female); were compo. erl of nlembers of Lhe l\lauchester and SaUord Corporation employecf>, 0 in connection with the Techuical and other chool of the <1i . tI iet, 3 in as<;ocialioll ,,-iih e1uk for mnlual ill1}1rOvelllcllL, 1 in connection with lhe C:Cll 'ral Po. L Olliec, and 3 not clastiified.



lIl. D .

II OllOI'ary SCCl'ct a)'y.

1'1·C:1. ' nrcI'.

AN JUAL REPOHT. .11. firs~ ai.d class for men was formed in J.anu~ry, and the lectl1l'es werc ginn by D I . D.avIes 111 the Cll.meh House. 'I.'he ~xanllnat10n took place 011 April 15th, when 7 certificates wera gmned,.6 re-exammahon youchers. and 1 mellallion, \I hich, wil h 3 of the ," onchers, wcre gamed by memlJers of Lhe Police Constabulary here.

E. H. Pember,


St. J ohn A1nuuuvnce Associcdiorl.

St. J ohn A 1nb'Ldance Associat io11.

Thc ])la.rllni::; of ZeLland,

Ma.jor Walter Johu on.


T r e".,11 r(' I·.

Printing, etc. . . £6 12 10 "Donaiion to Hearl OOice 3 0 0 ,. Exam. fees to IIead Oflice 1 11 0 Lccturel' . fees o " . . "Tu Nursing Divisions . 3 0 10 " Head Orriee for torcs . 1 5 fi " Ford and Co. for Stores o 10 0 " 11 ire 0 f Rool1l::; 4 7 0 ,. Postage aml uud ries 1 15 9 " Chc(lLlC Books . o '2 ti ,," , 'n bj ecis" for Clclsses o 9 ti " Balallce in hand, 3J.1~.04 4 1:3 7

£35 16


E])"\VAltD H. PE~IBI!;Jt, Ohair·man. Ii' . JEHllAllJJ, H on. Scc?·cta1'Y. Pm~cy C. R AYLEH, Han . T?·caSlt?·c1·. fi I] have .ch~cked the abo~e accollnts wi~h the vOlw\1el'S anll ban k pass boo k a nd lnc evel[') thmg eOl'l'ect (WIth the exception that ihe Bank 113s enolleollsly ('l'~c1 i tcd a snm 0 6d . undcl' the head of" fees" instead of as a " refull d.") . 12th J an16a1'y, 1905. A. FOltBJl;R, H an. A11clitO?.

C. \ \T.

heppal'll, Xational l)rovineial BlLl1k, Midllle::;brongh. IIIIIlOt ' at' y ~l' (,l' e t Hl·j C,,,.

,Vaynnmll Dixon and Ii'. Hcrbert Marshilll, Midlllc ' bl'ongh. 1,.i j'(' lIl·tII\)(·l·S. Thc i\lal'(lui' of'Lollllonderl'Y, K.G., Th' j)lanJlli of Zelland, K.T. , The Anderston FOllnd ry Co., Le[., Ash lllore, Ben::;oll, Pea. c & Co., Ld., Blair & '0., Ld., Bell Brothers, Ld., C. .E. II. Bolckow, Bolckow, Yangllan &, Co., LLl., Cargo J!'lcet Iron Co. , Ld., Carlton IrOIl '0., Ltl., L'ochraul' & Co., Craig, Ta.ylor & CII., Dnrham Connty (JonslalJl1lary, ir Rayltoll Dixon & 0., Ld., Donnan, Long & Co., Ld. , The M;tyor anrl Corporation of liddlrsbrongh, The Mayor allli Corporation of 'Lor-klon, Morrison e 00., The N ol'th-Eastcl'l1 Hailway Co., N orth-Ea ·tern teel Co., LI1., North Hidincr Conslalmlary, Pease & Partncr', Lel., Richard on , l Ye tgarlh & Co., Lel., Rich~rllsoll, Duck & 0., Ropner & 011, ir B. llIlluelsoD & 0 . , L d., aLllcr & Co., Ld . , kinnin uroye IrOll Co., Ld. , Tees Con erYilllcy 00111111i sioner', Tres Bridgc &, Enginceri~g 0., LI1 . , W . R. A. Wharton. W . W hitwell & Co., , VilsolJ:-J, Pca e & Co., LeI .

llIClli(' al


G. II . Andt'l'son, :1\[.])., -- Bcnson, '. Blllc, "L n., n. 1\ L Bone. :l\Ln., E. Burnctt, IlL)}. , Cal d \\' 11, L. !: . C' . P . & H., 1'. n. COll::;idiue, l.B., J . 1'. larke, "I.n ., J. W . Edwards, IlL B. , John Ellerton, lIl.D., S. Farmer, M. H. . R., - Falconer, ~[.D . , :Mis


St. J ohn A ??1bnlcwce .118 'Ociu.tion.


St. J oli n A'Inlni.Jlu//l,ce As. ocicLtion.

.Maud Fendick,lILD., G. O. H. Fulton, l\Ln. , John Glen, M.D., Juo. O. Glen, L.R. C. P. & s . , John H rdlc,}'; M. D . , H. E. Howell, M. D. , C.1I1., H . W. Jackson , LD ., W i llia 111 K nott, M.D . , J . B. L averick, M. n., Mrs . M. A . Levick, lII.D . , M. A. L evick, lILD. , Jas . Mackinlay, l\LJ1 .C. S., ' V. Mackilllay, LD., S. H . lHerrY II'cather, 1I1. 1LC.t;., F . Munroe, ~ r. 13 . , Mcssenger, M.D., E. T. Scorah, :\LR. C.t;., \\T. hand, M.l~.C.S . , And . Steele, L.n.c.p. & s., Juo . , tecle, L.n.C.I'. &s. , I V. IV. ~tailllhor[le, Jr., 1I1.n., IV. A . Stephen, M.A., l\Ln. , J. Thomey, L.nc. p. , F. E. Town cnd, M.D ., IV. Y. Veiteh, L.I :.C.P., J. IY. \\ illiam ,1II.D., S. \\TaJker, M.n.c.s., Geo. Ycolll<ln, ll ..\ . , L.ll-C.P. STOCr;:TO~ UI~A~CH. J. A. Blandford, M. I:.C.8., E. J. Owell,]I[. I:.l'.~., G. H. Douth\\'aite, M.R .C. 8., H. Ifa\\'cctt, M.D .• G. IIogg, M. n., T. Home, M. ll., H . l\I. H ughes, lIL B. , E. H . Hunton, 1Il. D., T . Wat~on, 1. D. ANNUAL REPORT. T here has been nothing very special or novcl in our \York thi .. ycar to rcport. By the kind invitation of om President, thc 1Ilal'<llleSS or Zetland, a rc"ic\\' anLl inspection was helLi. at hi 1'e iuence, l\ Iarske Olel Hall, on :Jth Augu ·t of this year. \\'h Cll , owing to its being in the centre of OUl· district, thcre was a largcr attelldance than ever, viz., 95 men and 215 '''Oillen. They were inspeetc<1 l,y lll'geoll- ;\lajol' II nUon who expres cd great satisfaction with their crncicllcy. The mcclallion alld certificatcs were presented by thc 1I[archiones of Zetland, awl all were 1110 ·t hospitably cntcl'tained by the Mar!]l1css and Marchioness. At the cnd of 190-1 \\'e had a balance in hand of £144 as against £119 at thc end of 1904.

J],(!.;cipts and E.1;penclitw·"/l'om June 13th, 1904, to J une 1st, 1905 . E'']Je1!clitttre.

Rcceipts. £:3 :3

To Loan or Oarriage Books lLlllI Lorcs " DonallOll . '" N elsoH Foothall (Jlnb I 'chool ,'ports . Poliee and Tradesmen lass Fees " Billi'Lrcls. . "" l\l cm hers' flt! \ lscn.p l'IOJ~S . AtnlJllht1l~c 11 ·,,11 Recelpt,· ""Rcfreltl11cllL l',ar . Ballk I nlcr(·.L "" '111Idry rccelpts . "Rneial' . ,,:Mill 'oliecLiolls

6 3 !)


17 7

116 1 2 ~

G 55

7 6 3


0 0 0 0 oJ 3 0 fj 6 10 0 9 ;~ 0 :2 9 4~ 19 ] O~

0 0 0 11

. £10 5 IIorse Dire. 27 16 Book anu I ' Lores 2 2 Donations 5 9 Examinations 2 5 Dillial'll Tn hIe 12 16 " Amuulance Hall o 10 " Rcfre IlllH'nt. Bar 4-± 17 "" Bank I ntcrcst 217 » Po tage . 2-1 15 " Rates and Taxes 1 1 " N 6wspapers, &c. 2 8 " ,"nuclries . Repairs to Ambu. Hall . 21 6 3 15 " Prilltincr alld • U"tionery " 0 1 13 " ,'ocials . Oarctakcr . . 36 3 "» Reviews lwd Com " pcb rIon 17 19 7 5 " Fnrnishing, eLe. . 8 11 " Uniforms

By " " "



8 0 0 1 3 6 9 6 7 6



11 0 3 4~

6 1]

£234 17 In Hank, I ' L ,Jnnc, 190r, . f87 19 In hand ' of ee. 0 17

MILLOM. ( 'hail·UtaH.

UOllOI':lI'Y S c ('n: I:lI·Y.

D . Lang.

W. T. Lawrenc'3, l\lillolll. P. B. Stoney, lIr.n . c.s., L.U. C.P.

A NUAL REPORT. T he classes are conducted undcr the auspices of thc l\I illom Join t Ed ncatioll OOI1l11li ttee. £256 10

( 'hail'lIl:ln.



'l'homa~ Barton,

fI, Oarlcton

JUeelieal S laif.



£256 10


:i1 1

Exalllill (llllc Accounl ' aml nlwk Pa'~ Book amI f0\111t1 amc correct. lI. B \I':Jtl~l'T, A ~i ·ta nt Borough Trcasurer. _

, Villiam Bolton.

Tl'Ca . 1I1·cr.

O. T horntoll, 2, L eeds Road; Nelson.


Rceil,lsincxccssofPaYlllcnt 2112


T. W. Wilkinson .

1 6

£ 16 7 I n Balik, 13th Junc, 1£)01 . . £63 10 11 In hamls of Trca . 3 13 4~

;Uc elieal S laU·.

Pre. lelent.


'1'0\\'11 Hall, ~ el'ol1, 16th Junc , 190;). trcct,

N elso11 .

OIl,\\:I.¥.:-; TJ[ol~~To~

lloll. Trw'lII·cr.

T .,Asl'inalJ, M.D ., H . IV. Dun, M.ll., c.;\ I. , A. Findlay, M.D., 111 . ]). , Flauk, M.D., vVilliam Jackson, L. U. C.l'. & S., L.lIL, 1I1.D. (DnlX.), A. 1'. l\lilla,l', ]11.1>., O. Thl. Mitchell,lII.D., T . l\Iurphy, TJ.Jt.C.P . & H. , L. l<'.l'.S., L.1I1 . , A. E. NOl'millgtOll, M.D., W . O. Piper, lII.D ., J. B. K. Rubb, M. D. :I.. NNUAL REPORT. T he OOlllmittee has great pleasl11'e in presenling its 17th Annual Report and balance-sheet for t.he year endillg 31st May, 1905. DnrilJg the past year SOllle tifty students have sat fo~' first aid, nursillg, aud rc-cxamination; the great perccntage of t h ese h ave been lau18s, and the ardolll' and interest which lLIl have tlLkcn in the l ectures, so killtlly giv.en by Dr. D un and Dr. Flack, arc veryappl'01ll'iale with the success thcy have attallled, as each stuclcnt hetS sllcecetled ill satis(ylllg Lhe exalllincl', Lieut.- Ool. O. J . T rimule, c . lI1.G.; V.D., in thc variollS tests given for xuminatioll. During the past y~ar the death of the PresidclJi, Aluenllall John Wilkinson, J.P., took p lace, and tlllS , to our ambulance 1ll0VClllellt alol1o, was an incident of a most regrettable nature, as iu Nelson our lale Pres i(len t's llame was a houHehold ,,"Ol'll. I? concl us ion , ~he 90111lllittee !Je:~ to. exielld t.o all who have ill <tlly way assisLed, eIther by contnuutlOll or otherWl~e, lLs lllost SlUCel'C aucl eonlial Lilanks.

NEWARK-ON-TRENT. nOllora)'y SCCl'clary.

Edward F[tirbu1'll Milthol'p, Larcnclon HOll e, J ewark.

T he Righi H on. EttrlMall \'cr

;Uccli c al SIan'.

Li fc :llclIl "'CI·.

Mrs. J.


'. BrttlJston. A


App10by M.n.C.s., Ed.

NU.\ L lU~rORT.

. . . tl1e 1,t8 t 1~. . 'sue 0 there i ' llothiu cr to ' Ve h·:1\'c h'Ld no ell. " or re-eXimml<LtlOll :;lI)(;e , f tl ' 1 <:> report'. rl'l~e numbe1: of eertiiie,.LI.: ,lUll lllcti,tlliOll hullkl';; 1S therc oro 10 :o;,Lil 1.:.


St. J ohn A1nbulcLnce AssocicLtion. NORTHAMPTON.

Statement of Receipts and



The Most H on. the Marquis of N orthampton. Trca S1U·Cl'.



llonoral'Y SCCrclal'Y.

H. W. K. Markham .

G. C. 'Wells, I , Mercer's R ow, N orthampton. LUe UClIIbcl's .

T he D uchess of Gra fton, T he l\Iarq uis of Northampton, L ady Robinson, Sir H. E. Randall, T he Northampton Rugby Football Club, T he Northampton .A.lnatenr Operatic Society, O. O. Becke, IV . Bonner, , V. Oave, J. Ooopcr, T. P. D0l'!11an, Frail Bros. , T. Manning, J:!'. H . Mardlin, O. E. Thorpe, S . B. W ilkinsoll . ~lccU c al

Sla fl'.

J . W. Baird, ~r.B., B. CH., 'r. Cairns, L.n.c.p., L.ILC ... , ' Y. H. Ohamberlain, L.n.c. p., L.R.C.S. , H . CropLey, F.lt. C. S. , C. J. Evans, M.n .. s., P . S. Hichens: M. n., E . H arries Jones, ~r.R.C.~., A. Linnell, ~r.Jt.c.s., R . .A. MilLigan, :II. D.: M. H.C.H., P . Richardson, :lI.B . , c.:lr., ' Y. H. Hyun, M.Q.C.P . I., D. Stone, M . D., .M., J, T erry, M.R.C.S. , P. S. White, L. ll-C.I'., M.lt.C.".


C as tle A shb y S ecti o n. Chai1'lnan,

T ho Marquis of Northampton.

TnCtsw'CI' and lIon. Secl'etary. IL G. Scriven.

Ea r l's Ba r t on Sect io n. Chai1'1na1L.

Hon. Scc1·clm·y .

Rev. A. L. Armitage.

F. B. Line.

St. J ohn A 17~bulance Association.

T1'CaSl~1'Cl' . W. G. Abbott.

Expendit1~1·e .



R oa d e Section .



7 4 0 7 10 850 09 6 10~


101 15 0 7 2 O~ 13 15 9 2 8 3~

25 19








65 16 10

o 10 7 83 14 3 5 18 8~


£416 15 Audited and fOlU1d correct, G. W . GORDO

D . Deacon.

Hon . Scc1·cta1·Y. S. W. Shouler.

15 8

TTeaSttTe1' .

Hon. See1·ctaI'Y.

J . Hanbury Jephson.

D. Norntan .

ANNUAL REPORT. The Oommittee has again the plea ure of reporting a year of teac1y progle~R. First aid classes for men have been held at the General Hospital, Northampton, and at "Velton, Blakesley, rrowce tel', Brackley, and Earl'~ Barton; anel for women at the General Ro. pital and at Blake ley, Farthillghoe and Towcester. Nursing classes for women have been held at the General Hospital and ,'to Michael's Road Ba,ptist School, Northa,mptoD, and at Blakesley; and two first aid clas. eR for juniors luwe been held at the D omestic School of Economy, Da.llington. A total of 3 :2 pupil ' entered the classes, of whom 276 passed the examination and gained the ARsociittioll'~ certificate. The Oentre has now been in existence for nearly 20 years, alld the work, especially that of the OorpFl, has increa. ed so much during that period tha.t the Com mittee appeal for furtheJ' 'upport from the pllblic to enable them to increa.se the gl'a,llt. to the Oorps, and also, if possihle, to establish perma,nent head-quarters for the Uorps, where material can be stored and practices held. the need for whieh has 1011'" been felt. Referring to the st,ttemel1t of receipts and expenditure, attention i~ c11'l~wn to the fact that the accounts have this year been made up to the eud of 'eptemhcl' instead of to the end of June as heretofore. AFl the financial year of the Associ,ttion ends on September 30th, and mo~t of the other Oentre.' m!1ke up their a.ccounts to that date, the Committee considered it woulcl he more convenient Lo adopt the R,tme course. The result for the present year is, however, flomewhaL mislea.ding', itR the accounts covel' a period of a year allel a qumter, and in Rome inFltancc ' indude Lhe receipts and payments for two ycars.


J onN COOPER, Chairman. H. , V, :K. ~l ARKHAM, Hon, T,·easu,·e1· . G. . 'VET.L. Hon. Secrcta1·Y·

11th Dccembe?', 1905.

T o vvc es t er S ect ion . B. Wentworth Vernon.


llon. Scc1·cta1·y Clncl T" casw'c}',

C. Smyth.


f01' the yea1' ending SelJte?nbe1' 30th, 1905.

T v Balance at Bank . £123 14 10 By Expenses of Annual I nspection Do in HOll. ee.·s hantl~ 13 6 4~ Attel1dan t., Clerk, &c. » An~ll1a1 ubs. (2 years). 57 1 9 6 " DOllatiolls 1 10 6 " Printing, 'tatiollel'yall d Postage (Cemre) " f Donation 01' )eeia1 1 " 2 6 o " Ditto (Corps) Prize', J. Cooper, U'",sq. Store~ for Classes . County and Borough " Lectul'ers'and Examiners' 97 0 0 " Council Grants 7 1 0 " Fees and Expense,', " Class Fees with I ncidental Ex38 7 6~ " " tores penses (2 years) . 1 18 0 1I1e(1a11iol1s 2 19 6 " Sundry Expenses (Centre) :: Briga(1e Subscriptions Do. Do. (Corps) 4 19 11 :, " tores " 77 13 6 " Medallions . " Transport Fees . Bl'iaade Stores, llIatenal 16 2 6 Uuiforms and Bauges Uniforms "It Bank I nterest 1 16 6 " 0 " and Badges. " , Expenses of Competitions " and Prizes (2 years ) , ,. Transport Expeu~es , Nmsinfl Division, Post" age and ~ Expenses Balance at Bank " Cash in hand

L it tle H ou g h t on Sectio n . Chai1'1ltan.





W. Oarlile, M. P. Chllj('Jlllln.

Brigade.Surgeon Lieut.-Colonel W. H. Bull, TI'ca "I1I' C),


S. O. H. Moberly,

V.D., F.n.C.R.

II OIlOl'lll'Y Sc cr c tnry.

M.ll.C . S., L. R . C.P. ,

U ccli ca} Sluff.

Win lo\\'.

I Benson ',1'.'P '1'.)u~, J',t ~ ~~1, ~.· J~:c:.::


D.l'.H., Bcle. -Sul'g.Col. Oaptain C. L. Deyns, Oaptain F . J . Grindoll , M.n.C.s., Btlo.- urg. Col. 1 ., II .. GIle~, ; · 'P. Lake Hope, M.n .c.s., L.n.C.p., '[ l' C S J • 0 • B arve".Il M. I •. C.S., L.1..C . . , . " • ••••• , ., • II n1110. I•. n.C.p., . . H . .ll~Io')erl\7, ~ J Vincent lI ow:1l'u, :lLR.C.S., L.n .. 1., . . , ,V G Rutherford L,n .c.p., M.n.c.R., L.n. '.1', E. icholson, Ln . . '., I•. n.C.r., ,~ . , L. n. c.s., H . '1'. \ Vickham, M. D. , . A W. Brn,Llbrook, M.ll.C.S., I•. S. W . H . Dull, \' .n., F.I:.C.H . ; G.


ANNUAL REP ORT. 1 1'1 t hIe r W ill low II olver ton and D Ul' iu g t h o past year cIa ·sos w 1'0 helt at ) e ~ · t'21: took pla'co at W ongh toll MI1!'C' h Gibl ,ol1. T he .j l \fe~· C.hnl ~ell ge. Z~lP tComlP\~T 1 J Lori. Fotll'leam entered H Oll se, Blotch ley, by k l!lLl mvltu.tlOll or lOll.-? D~ )o,'r tment) team, and t he ell!) was won by tho Blotehley ( Locoll1ot~ve I


Statellwnt of Bec;eipts and E xpenditlwej01' the yeal' ending Septembe7' 30th, 1905. Rec;eipts. EXlJenditw·e.

To Balance Su bseri 11 tions " Examination Expenses " Stores and Incidentals "" Mcd allions


£15 9 2

3 8 6 6 8 1 1

4 0




9 16 11







n.H., ,V. ,V. Stainthorpe, M.n., 13.1'., A. P. SLeavcnson, 1lI.JJ., M.B., C.M., R. Stcel, L.ll.a.l'., L.n.c.s ., D. Stewart, L.IUJ.p., L.lt.C.S., J. Stothard, M.n.c.s., L.~ ..\., D. F. 'l'oclll, L.U.C.I'., L.lLC.fl., J. Thorney, I,,1t.C.l'., L.It.C.fl., A. 'WilsOll, M.B., B.H., O. A. 'Wilkinson, L.lt.G.P., I,.It.C.S., L.F.l'.S., ,V. L Yeoman, ;)1.B., M.n.a.S., L.i'.A AN UAL REPORT. Dl1l'ing the pa 'L se~sion 49 classc s were formed, the number who passed tbe first fc·examillatioll was 369. During thc ycar ending 30th Junc, 1905, the members reportecll1, 61 cases of first :l.i(~ l'l:llc1ercd, lI~aking a total .since th~ fOl'matio~ of the> CeJltn.l of ;):3,301. CompetitIOns "'ere aga,lIl held, for which the dl\'ectors ofiereu £50 in priz:e'. ,Foul' bl'onz:e medallions and one certificate lI'ere awarded to men at Darlington, Bishop Aucklaucl, ",,'est llartlepool, Blyth, and Hull, for special first aid services re11(lel'e<1 aL those places, and thc awards were handed to the men by Lady Gibb at the final competition. M.D.,

By Exam. Expenses . £~ 6 8 " Stores and Incid entals Ex. 4 1 1 50 Local Reports 0 7 3 . .," Medallions 0 2 0 Sundries 7 12 8

" Balancc in hnnl1 .






T he Chairman and Directors of the North-Eastcrn Railway Oompn,ny, Pl·cs itlcllt.

(;hail'lII:1 It.

Sir George Gibb.

F. Penty. UonOl':U'Y

Iris Gracc the Duke of 'uthcrland, Ie G.

Trcas 1I1·C1'.

Rev. 1. C. R , cott, ~r. \., Pcnkhull Yicaragc, Stuke-oll-Trent.

orth·Eastel'll Railway, York.

F. Gccn. Ohal'terel1 Ac:~onntant,

Darlington Dii3trict-T. H. Cuny, Darlington. Hull " W . H. Healey, Hull. L~eds " W . A. Elliot, Harrogate. ~flddlesbrough " W. Hanswell, West Hartlepoo1. Newcastle " \V. Hollin hO's , Gateshead • ' T I ~ on " G. W. Seott, York.

The :r ol'th


,l> •

. . . , .,




J( onoJ'ary S lor cl. eCIlC I'. Erncst Fox, t. Peter's Chambers, Glebe treet, toke-on-Trcnt.

J, if c IU CHI ucrs. ulhcrlallll, K.<:., ITer Grace the Dnche:s of 'uthcrland, Lalror. lshiro Hail way 'olllpallY. ](0 11. LiJc

lU c clic:ll Staff.



Sccrct :tl'Y alul Tl'ca

.'y<lney 'Y. Malkin, F.e.I. ... , Oliffe, Oheadle, • toke-on-Trent.

Hi~ eli'aco the Duke of

L,n.c.s., R. Anderson , l\f . D., L'" l' C' L A. . A. Abrahams, W D . .,., 0 . L . Al)l)letoll , L. l'c • c· •r• , .R.C.S., : . Al'IIlSOIl, M.D., L. ILC.P., L.R.C.S., P. H. Ash, ALIt.C.S" L.I~.C.I)., H. AshwlIl, M.D., l\Ln.C.s., L.n.C.p., 'Y. Baigent, :;\l.D., J. W. Beattie, M.D., l\; W. BI!ll;dford, L.R.C.p., L.R.C.i:l., J. H. Buchanan, l\LD., F. J. Burlllan, L.R.C.l'. A·R~C.S., E. J. Burnett, M.B., C.:lL, ~r.lLC.P., ]H. Caldwell, L.ILC.l'., Llt.O.i'., L' Campbell, ~LJ3.,C.:lr., H. G. Clarkson, L.n.O.l'., L.r...C.i:l., J. R. Orea!;e, F.Jt.C.R., E· R. C. P., H. J. Daggett, M.Il.C.S., L.R.C.l'., A. D. Davies, l\I.I~.C.S., I..ll.C.J'., W. ardley, ~r.R.r.s., L.ll.C.P., R. S. Elvins, L.R.C.P., L.lt.C.S., L.F.P .... , D. L. Fi hel' i\LB., C.M., A. H . B. Fletcher, M.B., 13.S., A. Fon-est, M.B., C.M. , II. Fl'c1\ch: ~.p..c.P., L.lt.L:.S., F. ,V. G.ilJhon, L.n.c.s., I,.R.C.P., J,., .A., B.nY.,D.p.Jr., J. Gillies, B 0 .M. ,\\T T.r•.Hc.p., 'l I..P . •. p.s., E. 'V. Gilroy, LD., J. Gmy ' M,., . GI'ay "u'I .D. 'I D 0 r L'R cal C\less~ l\~.~., C.M., E. E. Haslett, M.D., ,V. L. Hickey, M.D., 1If.13., A. l-lillaby, P., lI['1..C.S" J . H. .11' I N. L. Hooel, :If.n. ' M.B. , H. 111 . Holt- , '[]' C' S L S A 1) l' 11 . 0 ll1gSWOl't 1, i\f. H. G. s., H. 'Y. Jackson B , .[ R C' ..<.~., L. I',.C'.I'. , D .l'.I[. , ,V J . ' M.D. , 111 ","'" J 'R aC,(I,:'e8, :r.J.B., W. D. JefIel'son, ;'If.R.C.S., L.lt.C.P., W.1'.1. Jenlling>-l, lIi.It.C.S., B', . helth, i\!.D., ~I.B., C.~I., E. ,V. Kemp, l\f.l~.C.i:i., 1,.S.A., J. ~l. LazenlJy, M.n., L:~·.'C J. D. LeIgh, l\r.~., C.M., L.n.c.p., 1,.ILC.S., ]).l'.lT., J. P. Lightfoot, lI['1:.C.S ., l\f-tcl .. P., 1. D. Mackay, M.n., C.M., 'V. B. Mackay, M.I)., i\1.R.C.i:l., J. E. H. Gilley, L. R.~.r., lIr.n.c.i:l., A. D. M. McIntyrc, 1II.B .. C.M., 'V. H. 1IIannel's, i\I..B. ,C.M.,A.\\.Met0alfe,M.D.,;)LB. " M.P'.C.S. LllaI"J l! 1I1 'llle , i\11' G'13 ~1ttch 11 .. .. , . Q. lV 1 • . h, . . J N· e , M.B., C.lII., L.n.c.p., L. Il.C.S., J. MUllro, L.RC.P., L.ILC.H., L.F.l'.S., L.M., . lCholson, M.ILC.fl., L.I!.C.P., D. J. C. Olivcr 111 n C 111 T (' Owston F J1.c .... , L.n.c.p., II. C. Pcarson, M.B., C.M . Ir.Jt.C.~ . 'E:'P ·Pi)l<el·.'crl·ll" L t' 01" ilfRCS F W P " . '0' .•... , . ogson, IdLC.P., L. R.C.f>. E. F. Pratt 111]3 B S L I' a I' I A · •. ... , . 111 ' , ,y A G . ', " . . , .' " . . \. . . , J. • R owden n ,.B., ~.lII., . . . Russell, M.n., C.M., G. V. A. RoulI1>-lol1 , 1I1.1'..C.fl., L. ,.c.P., R. Roblllson, i\1.]3., C.nI., R. Smeddle, M.B., c.lIr., Hy. ,'mith, i'l1.D.,



1I01l01'1l)'Y _\uclitol'.

Dis trict Sccrc tnl'ic . •



Philip Bl1l'tt.

G ClI era 1 Sccret fll'Y.

Geo. Jackson, P. ,Vay Store.keeper,


} t. JOh'l7, A mbLdc~nce Association.

St. John A ?J~bldance Association.

. ,..,

• ,

•• ,


. ,


'.1\[, Allell, 'LA., :lLn., ('.:lL, J. Fn'd Arlidgc, L.ll.C.r" I..H.C.S., P. J. Byrne, J..ll.U.I'., 1,.1\,('. '., El1ill., F. lle B. Cullinctte, L.n.C .l'., Lond., ~LH. ·.S., LS.A., .James Cmig, ,\I.B., El1in., ~l.lt.c.i'., Fnllleis E. FCl'llic, :lL H.C' .• ·., F.H . C.l~., G. Stukes.llaLlull, \1.])., )1.:>., DllI·., F.U.t·.H.E., 1I.R.C.H., J..~L\., Louel.! Jamc HllIdle, ],.I~.l'.l'., L.l~.('.~., Editl.. Ern<:st .MackclIzie, )['D., A. 11. l\lcAlclo"le, ~r.D., F.IL., Editl., II. Nicholls, 'I. \., ~[, D., ('mtLall.), '. H. Phillips, ;lLn., 'Y. D. Preuclerga t, ~1.1l., ;\I.L·II., M.A.ll., n.s.sc., Jno. Hussell, )1. \., ~I.D., 'Y. D .• 'panton, F.R.C.:;;., Edin. lU Cllical Stair.

Marrnlls AllIeI', M.ll.C.H., L.n.C.l'., Lond., A. Aitken, M.D., C.M., . King Alcoek, JI[.I1., Lon(1., \\. '. AllarclicC', lI!.Il., .:lL, Gla·., C. 1\1. Allen, ~I.A., ~r.D., G.;\r., J. Fred. i\rli(lg', I.. Il.c.r., 1,.1:. '.H., J. Aspinall, ~I.n.c ..s .. 1..:-3.A., Gco. Mc. Ill. Bro\\,l1, M.n., C.JlL, 1~clill., E. A lll'l1nt, :I['B., ClT .:I[. Edlll.,~ A. T. ?ll1'y, J,.I~,C.l'., Eclin., l\!.H.L'.S., Eng. P. J. Byrne, I~.n.c.l'., ;,.~:.c.s., ]i. C. ClIfford, lI!.n., ,V. J. 'ovey, M.l~. !.f;., 1,.1:.0.1'., Jas, CraIg, M.I,l., Et.lIn., M.p.t· ..R., Chas. F . Daly, ~l.]l., Tho:>. Dixoll, ;\l.ll.('.R., L.n.C.I'., Lond:, 1t l':111CIS, E. :Bel'lll , 1II.H.l' .. ·., F. It. c. 1'., ;. 'Y. Fl'anci , ~1. n., e. ;\1., c: lnR., r.. ~r., D lIulIn, J. C. ] lIme ·s. 1 . H.. \., LonLl., C'l]lt. II. \.'l.C. Mil., A. n. GiLleH', JlI.J:.C.s., LIl.C.l'., Loud., A. Hall, ;\1.1l.C.S. .T. T. Hall, T..IU·.I'., LOllll., ;lr.n.c. '., A. C. Harkncss, L.n.C.l'., L.ll.t' . . , G. tokesHatton, M.n., ;\LR., lIl.n.c.s. Ja . IIillllle, L.n. c .I'., },.11.C.S., Eclin., John l.e,)", ;lI.A. ;\1.])., }. n. Li·t, ;\LI1., E. [ackenzie, ]\f.D., J. Payne. 1a ingham, M.n. ':,., ttl'ucoll-Mn.jol' 1st S. a III I .V. Artillery, A. M. McAILlo\lle, M.D, F.n ... , Etllll., T. P. ~1~1'I'i:, lIr.n.C'.f;., T~.l~.C.I'., LOIlll.; H. Ticholl '. ~I..\., 111.]). /Canta?J., A. P;ll'kos, ;I!.n.C .•. , \\T. PttJ'tington, M.D., C.~r., C. H. PlllllJps, :lLll., \\. Dmylmg Pl'eII llcl'ga.st, 111.1)., M.CI!. ALA.O., U.S.tlc., R. If. Head, ;\1.]:'('.15., 1,.1:.C P.,' Dl'rnard Rohin':ion, lILlt.C.S., L.n.v.l'., LOIl(l., J. l'u"'srll, 1II.A., 1I1.11., E. omcr\'llle, AI.])., l~.lt.('.S., E(lin., .r. Leele, L. ll.C . 1'., 1•. n.C.H., Etlilt., K O. Tllllm:ln,.J.:s.A., ],.1:'<:.1'., .T. Vel'tlon, lILB., n R., Lowl., Davit1 F. ,Yalk cl', B.A., r.n., G. 11. 'Ylll1tllll S, LoTI.C.l'. L.R.C.H. gclin. T,.]~.P.S. ( ,In.s.)



St. John A'inbldCl/nce AS8ocic(,tion.

St. John A rnbnlance Association.

ANNUAL REPOR'l'. It is with plea ure that the Oommittee present their twenty-first annuall'eport. Vi[ e regret to have to record the death of two members of our medica,} staff, Mr. A. V. Griffiths, of Fenton, and Ur. E. -White Jones, of Longton, both of whom had rendered, as lecturers, valuable services, which will be much mis ed. Death h,ls edso removed from among t us Mr. G. Oumberlidge, who had represented t-ltnfforc1sbire Oounty Oouncil for many ypars upon the Oommittee of our Oentre. \Ve offer the heartiest of welcomes to Sir Hill Ohild, who bear <"\, name, honoured tLlUOllgst us for many years, as that of a late much re pected PI' sident of our Oentre. It is illterestillg to notice that, of the whole number of cla.sses held during the pa 't year. about half were held in country pla.ces a.nd about half in town. This affords UR much satisfaction, for it has ahv,.ys been our de ire to llleet the needs of each kind of district. The aid given by the Staffordshire Oounty Oouncil has been kindly continued, and is of the greatest service in provicling classes which could not otherwise be main tainecl. The number of per ons who have now passed through a course of instruction forms an appreciable proportion of the whole population. As a natural consequence, one hea-rs more seldom now of such unfortunate mistake. as were common in the days before knowledge of hygiene, first aid and nursing was Ie s easily obtained. As our work steadily de,elopes we may with every confidence expect that every yeflr "ill see more suffering prevented and more lives prolonged. \Ve offer our renewed tlHmks to tho e who so very kindly give their service (in eyery Cfl e entirely unpa-id) as lecturer. Also we tender an expression of our gratitude to the various holders of the office of secretary to a class. The duties are often onerou and trying; t.hey have been undertaken willingly and well fulfilled . Honorary services of considerable importance are al 0 rendered by the auditor, Mr. F. Geen, C.A. ; and there are mfl,ny to whom we are indebted for various kinds of help. \Ve beg them fl11 to accept our thanks. At the clo e of another year we offer congratulations a. \Yell as thank to one whose patience, courage and ability have done 0 much to ma.intain and improve the excellent condition of our Oentre, and to promote the good cause far and wiele-oul' H onorary ecretary, Mr. ydney W. Malkin.

Account No. 1.-C0U11ty Council Aided Clctsses. To Stores " 7 10 6 By Balance brought fOl'\\'a\'(l £5 17 3~ " Balance carried forward. 23 12 9~ "Stores 8 7 10 o 5 6 " Printing 1 0 o " Fire and Light 1 10 o " Caretakers . " Examiners Fees and Expen see 12 11 6 194 " Postages and Parcels I, Motlels and Sundries o 1 10 £31




Account N o. 2.-General Classes. '1'0 Balance brought forward £52 3 7i By Examiners' Fees all<l Ex" Fees 24 11 o penses . £3 1 "Stores . 24 8 3~ "Stores 24 " Medallions 14 0 6 "Stationery, Printing, [111r1 " Subscriptions 11 19 o Advertising 10 " L abels 0 1 6 "Medallions 14 " Labels 0 " Fire and Li gh t 0 " Oaretakers 0 " Fire Insurance 0 " R ent 3 of " Postages, Carriagc Parcels and Sundries 5 3 " Travellin g Expenses 10 " Olerical Assistance 23 " Balance canied forward £] 27

3 11



No. 8-N. S. COTpS

Gen~ml ACCD1tnt.

I By Balance brought forward

To Balance carried forward . :C~ 10 £12

2 10

0 6 6 0 0 0 0


3! 0 0

11 0 14


2 10


2 10

I By Balance brought forward. £1

. £~10~

To Cash

£1 17 10~

17 10~

£1 17 10~

Bctlctnce Sh eet, Seplembej' 30th, 1905. Liabilities, Assets. By Out tanding Accounts and To Dalance due to 'l'reasnrel'Yalue of tocko. 1 ACCOll U t . £2:3 12 9~ As per torekeeper's r o. ACCOllnt 12 2 10 Book .£45 o o " Balance-heing Assets over per ecretary's As Lit.bili tics 63 16 Ledger 9 17 8 " Oa h in handNo. 2 Account 23 14 7~ 21 0 0 " C.C. Grant £99 1'2

£99 ]2


NORWOOD. )'(· e .


H. R. H. Prince s Ohristian of chleswig-Ilol tein. TI·easure]'.


ir Ernest Tl'iLLon, Bart., M.P.

Gcneral EYan, .n., 6, Vermont Road, orwood.

UOJlOl'al'Y SeCI·ctnl·jes.

illr . Ell ward Oolegrave, BmcebriLlge, Oell tral lIill, N onyood.. 1\1rs. Ea tln.ke "mith. LIf c llcmbcl's.

O. ,'. Belli, nIl's. O.

Belli, Mrs. Rice Byrne, J. Dcnlith, Mrs. Woodly lIIanson,

Lally West. Jleclica I StAIr.

Al'llold, M,n., Austin, ~LU., EllgarBeflull1011t, L.R.C.P., J. G. Carrnther , l\J.TI.C. Ourlina Bt.tes, M.lt. c. s., Douglas, M. D., Duncan, M. B., Annesley Eccle., lIf. D., Fergus~l\, lII.n., Gandy, lIf. R. 0.:-;. , L.s.A., Melville xrcell, 111.11., Howard, ,M.D., Lacy, ]\[.D., lacleod, :1l.D., Miclw,el, IILl3 . , rayne, II1.D., Poole, M.D., Robm on, M.D., Rugg, II1.1t.().S., SwaYlle, M.lt.C.S., Crcwson Thoma J M.D . , cott Turner, !'Il.B., u,s' l Umllcy, M.D' I WeluYI LD., Wilkin 011 1 M,D, Yolland, 1II.TI.'J.S. K




YD~EY 'Y. 1\L\'LKI , L owZ H an. S ecrctCt?·y ancl T1'eaSll1'er, Rock Oliffe, Cheadle, lflO'. 10th NOL'emuer, 190.). ,\]]o\\'e<l UlHl . igncrl at th e AUllnalMeeting of the Committee, held at toke-onTrent, thi l:3th day of Ja.unary, 1906. L -GLI' C. R. COTT, Chairman . I hereby certify that I haye cxamincll the foregoing accounts, "With the books and voncher , and find. them in ordcr and correct. Yictol'ia 'hal1lbel's, FltEDEIUCK GEEX, C7zarte1'cd Accountant. toke-on-'l'! ent. 11th December, 1905.

( 'hnil·mau.

5 2 1 10 ]5 2 2


Account No. 10.-EquilJ1il ent Pimcl: N ewcastle Division.


5 ] 10 11



St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

St. J ohn A lI~bulance Association.

ANNUAL REPORT. It is with aratification the Committee are able to announce that the Centre still continues inc a satisfactory condition. Last May, H.B.H. Princess Ohristian graciously presented certificates and medapions .gained by pupils in t!le Oentre. The Ooncert Hall in the Crystal Palace bemg lundly lent by the dll'ectors for the occasion. Statement of Receipts and Expenditm'e, 1904-1905 . Expendit1we . Receipts. £2 10 0 By Medallions To Balance from 1903-4. 7 8 3 Class Expenses , £34 10 5 account 2 2 2 . . 36 3 6 " Po~-tages " Olass F ees 1 14 5 11 14 0 " Printing and Stationery. " Subscriptions 23 16 5 5 8 10 "" Show expenses " Stores 10 10 0 un dries " Balance carried forward , 39 15 6


£87 16


7 16


We, the undersigned, have examined the above account, and find the same correct. J. RICE Byu TE, Dcputy OllCtinnan. Y IOLET OOLEGRA YE, HonomJ'Y Sec?·ctal'!J.

NOTTINGHAM, Pl'esitl ent. Joseph Bright, Mayor of Nottingham,

TreaS UI'CI' nutl


ccr c fnry .

Francis N. Ellis, Debdale Hall, Mansfield. l l ccU ca l S t a ff.

J. F . Blurton, I.R. C.S . , W. Harrison Ooates, lILH.C.S., Bruce Etlge, M.R.C.,·., G. A. Ferraby, M.R.C.S., Hervey Francis, M,D., A. Fulton, M.D., G. F. Gaillard, R. Giddings, M.R.C . S. , Miss Henwood, J.J.S.A., IJeelis, ;'>LR.C.S., He}Jworth, Jacob, M . R.C.S . , Johnston, lIf.B., W. O. Kirkwood, Lander, M.R.C.S., E . 'V. Paul, M.R.C.S., John Smith, M.B., W. R.. Smith, M.D" J. E. B. nell, lILP..C.S., J. Sutherland, M. D. , Holmes Thompson, M.D., W. Tibbles, M.R.C. ,., vVatkins, L.n.C.l'., J. 'Watson, M. R . C. S., Williams, lILR.C.S., ,Yillies, !>I.R.C,S.

OLDHAM, Pl'C ident. George Thomson, Trea s ure r.

Life lU c m be l·S.

Isaac Bamford, John Walker Hague, Oharles J. Jackson. iU ccU cn l tafl'. James Bauchop, M.D., J. D. Boyd, )f.n., O. H. Buckley, M.R.C.,., T. V. Ounliffe, M.D" Thos. F?rt, )Ln.c.S., II. Greaves, )I.n.c ... , Heap, M.n., vV. Hearn, L.n.C.p., J. M. Illverunty, LIt.C.l'., Joseph Law, M.lt.C.>;., John B. Lendrum, )f.D., J. ,'. IcGowan, )I.D., 'Ym. Oliver, M.D., F. Raclclirfe, )l.D., E. ,Yakelam, L.RC.P,


Dnring the past year four cour e'3 of lectures have been given, two first aid classes and two nursing. Both the first aiJ classes were for maIrs, and one of the nursing classes was for IIHde: ulld the other for females. Dr. Cunliffe gave three courses of let.:ture , alld Dr. Oliver one, an(l in each case rendered their services gratuitou ly and the thallk3 of the Oentre arc 'due to them. Though not in connecLion with Oldham Oentre, another gratuitous cour'e of lectures has been given ill Oldham to the employees of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway 00. resident ill the district by Dr. Wilkin ·on. A large number of the men and women, who have previoll ly obtained their certificates, meet regularly for practice and lectures in connection with the OldluLm Oorps, and by this means keep themselves efficient in rendering first aid.

OTLEY. Trea s urer. J obn Ed on, Bridge A venue, Otley.

Colonel W. O. Dawson.

A CONSIDERABLE addition has been made to the number of those who hare received medallions. Be ides these, 65 person have pas ed their re-examinations. About half the number of men who have pa sed exn,minn,tions are coal minerA, and a large proportion of the remainder are railway men. Statement of Rece?:pts and Expenditunfro?n Octover 1st, 1904., to Septembe1' 30th, 1905. Receipts. Expenclitm·e. T o balance in hand . £0 1 10 By cost of Meeting at Ex"Discount allowed on change. £0 10 10 Stores received 2 17 7 ,,1 set Diagrams . o 15 0 " Amount received as Fees o 15 0 ;)" " from Olasses . 30 11 6 " 100 Reports 086 " Balance due to Treasurer 1 14 0 " Payment to St. John's Gate for Examinatiolls and Incidental Expenses 31 19 o " Postage and Stationcry o 9 7 " 09.bs, &c. o 7 o £35

4 11


4. 11

JOSEPH BRIGHT, P?'esident. FRANCIS N. ELLIB, lIon. SeC?·ela1·Y .

M. D.

U 01l0l'al'Y Secretary. James B. 'Wilkinson, M.D., 6, Edward I..: treet, Oldham.

Thos. S. chofield, Liverpool and District Bank, Oldham.

Pres iclellt .



](o llOl'a r y

J. Oliver, 4.1, North

treet, Otley.

crctal'i e, . Mrs. F. Atkinson, MarkeL Place, Otley. lU c c1ical S.a'T.

Life lU c mbel' •

Col. W. O. Dn,wson. W. E. BenueLL, L.R.C.P., Edin.

W. E. Bennett, L.n.c.p., Edin.

ANNUAL REPORT. The Committee has plea nre in Ilgain presenting its annual report and balance sheet for the past year, and they Lake thi opportunity of thankillg all tho e who have so kindly as iste(l them in their work. The donation of the Otley Friendly ocietics, the Otley 'harity TJ'\lsLees, lIellry Dacre, Esq. (half proceeds of concert), anel the Police al1ll Trade men's, n uJll. "'truin, were innt:'ed v ry welcome, ,,,ithout which, OUl' balance wonl(l have been very .. mall, our fund haying been heavily urLlwn upon by the pmchase of stores ; also a llH1rC]ueo at a co, t of £11, wh!?h the Oommittee arc desirous of 1 n.nincr out at the rate of lOs. pel' week or portlOll of week. lYe also thalllc Dr. BunneLL for his kindness ill a sistiug tho memhers in their study and l)l'actice of first aid, anel to ull other fr'iends "'ho have kindly, upported 1I during the y(;ur.

12D t. J Oh11 A 1nb1.lJla11 ce A



Stcttcmcnt of Rcccipts allct ],,';vpcnclit nl'C, 100,1-1905. E;I'jJClId it li1·C. Rccciptli. .£19 1 .1.:22 9 it By 1I,1rsc 11irc To Halance f) 0 o " l\ll'clln,nics' llls!illlte ;~ I:l " Otley Charity Fund. " H. J\!. Pratt (j 11 1 1 " l\Ial'ch Ghyll Donation o 2 o " H . .1\1. 1'1"Itl t, sell L ill misllth 0 'J .II. , 'Ion'.', splilllR, hooks, :3 3 o "" Friendly Hocielics o ]0 o uall<lng H, dc. II 11'. Ed. OrelwcR Examiners' FCPR, TrnvC'lo 10 G " TClllpcrancc Union ling nlHl Illcirlenltd lex. o 6 o " lVil1lll1ing 'lnb 1 ] (j o [) I ,ILd i os 'lass " .1\[1'. W. A. Bull 11 0 II Marquce Tellt, cit:. " Police v. 'l'I'IHlesmcl1's Cricket 1 1 :~ C. ,Valkor mi1tch, 1'0, llJlL., Lmin((1011.)10 1 "" Postoge, railway farc, pte. 9 " Proc('ec]s or 'OllC01'1 7 8 7 I! " :1\1 eelHtllics' 1)l'l'osi t rei lll'l1 c1 " Mr. 11. l\1(luwwy 1 .\ from Ollcert, FII nr1 o " '1'111'('(' AIIIIJ\lllu\('(' hoxt·s o n " Heccive(l 1'10111 'l'ri1l1s]>ol'L " ,V. Ij~. Turll er HorRe and I'ILlI IIire 11! 17 6 o H " 'Wu shil1g 1 Hi o II Pool DUllk 8I1lpI0'yl'es " • ix lnCl1 Lo Sheflield, 1 r, railwllY flLl'l's " .l\lr, II. Daere, I ftLll'pl'oel'eds of 'ollcerl givel1 . 126 o (j " rl'. Hl'o\\ll, sLa l iOllcl'Y, cL , 1 ] 6 10 o 1 " Lo.c1 ies Class Ifecs . " 1~(h\'l\l'!l M 11.\\'SOl1 o 1 o 4. 0 " .T. '1'. ?lIU1111 " R. M. Pmtt, r Inn(l " LOo.ll of Tl'llL, ro,J. l11.rston 1 0 0 " W. DI'(,Ill'l'lilTc o " Wei'll y Iten.ding H.onlll ".l\1('challics' lkposil, l'l! COllCCl't " H,el'l11Hl 10 Brigi1cle, re F!'iel1clly fjo{'idi('s " gil LrnllCO fees to COlllpeIi Lioll o fj I o " ChelJllo Books o " nOlllllioli to Brigade Hi 17 " Balall co Itt nllllk


o o o



£71 11

£71 11


0 (j


0 6 6 G 8 1 (i


o o o

o o o 11


An<lite(l 11m] fOlllld cOITect,

Octover 3t'cl, 190f).

II. It.


C. E.

1"1'('s lllt' 1I1 1111(1 ( ' lI n ll'lII <1 I1, Aldcl'lll!lll W. D. Nichols.


10 0


U(' IIIII y ( ' hllll'lll ll ll,

'oullcillol' J. U, Bu,l'lon1.

H (' (l iI'a l Hfn fr.

St(l/em lit (Jf .·/reolwi 1DO I It CCC ipt8. .co 11 To Balllll e<"Oel. I , 1no 1 ,j (j j IOllol'll!'Y SlllIS('1 ipf iOIlH " AC'li I'l' l\1l'111 h('!'H' :-)\1 lis. :l ·1 " l:n('l'iv(,(1 1'01' ~ledllllllJll!i. 0 !l " 111l'id('1I1 ILi I';x pt'll St's, lC. '11111fj " ·1 illers' I'l'l':; Ill](1 ('xJ>l'lIses J 0 ~'Horcs " mil L froln J 11111 Is C. , ~ ~

By Prinlillg, •'LI\IIOI1('IY nll(l £~ ]6 I'n lngl·. 0 1;j 1\ d \' 'I'I isi lIg " 'os I. IJ r ~1l'dlllli'lIlS 0 !J " 11I ('idl'lllal I'>, III'\1HI')I 1 11 " 11; 'u lllill ('r's I'('es !llld l'XPCIISl'S ;j II) " " tu!'e:; 4 0 :.l :3 " II ire of ,JtoOIllS 0 ~ " 'hequ(' Book

U 0 li

li !J



t1 n 7

To Balancc-Class(''!, Fccs £'2 " ,'alc of Hook s, &e;. 1 "Hllllse;riptioll hy thc 1)ell1'1IY1) Ql1a1'l'Y Benc fit 'Jub 9


0 7

0 0






flresiel, lit ((wl ('1m il' III (tn. lIulI. 'l'rcu·!trcr.


B, W, If MIl',

7 0





0 17 0 7 ~ 0 0 J'I





£] 2




"PrillLillg , "Hilvor .Mrdal " !f irr: of ltoonls " ] llciclcli Ln.l gXP"1ISCH " Bull111 co

DAVI» D. DAVII~S, T)'easul'er MOJtJtTl; Hun. S('.c?·etc~ry .






By H!'l1rl -qtHLrlc l's for 1t1l1inpl', }i'e;ps 111111 ]lCIlSPS


It IInl ,~,

It'. ,'. P. Sejltcml!fw 30th, 190r;.



8 \V~1 .

1l1(' (1 !(on ) ,'talr.

lleceipts (lncl E;"21Mdit1we fm' the yew' Receipts.

'16 17


lIollorlll'Y H(' (' I ' ('fal'Y , l~ctlit'Hdn.

E. 1\. Mills ]{ol)cl'tH,


" BldllllCC ill Balik 'ush wilh ,'ecrotDry

R .l\lol'l'iH, BrYllllwyd,


II. lJllLl 1I11 II ,

]~'.I·}JC ltd it II I'C.


E. A. YOlillg.

TI'(' II HIII'I" ',

'ro:fOl'd, L .• · .A.,

A .r AL l:I I;POR'l'. lhll'illg llie yCHI' ltll1!Jlt1ILlIC:(' work III Jll'!el bOl'Ougll hm! Illite]!) stl'/L(ly jll'?grl':'S, As. IL rl'SIl!l 0[' Ihn'(' 1I(~11 attclltiell ('Ollnws 01' Il'durcs and lllu I'C'('XHlllllilltlllllS ul cl'rli li(.:tll'd pupils, l'Olldllc:ll'd by 11I('lldlll),:; or till' IlIl'u! lllCliiclll HLILlI~ ;j ' lin!~. ai(l (. 'rlili('aII'H, 11 n'-l'XlllllilllltiOI1 \'OllChl'I'S, Illlt! !J 11Il'dlt1111ll1H 111'1'(' It\\nnlc:tl. 1',lght !('II II1S (·Iil(·!'!!(l 1'0)' till' Alldlltlllll!'C CUIIIP!'! IllOlI , lhl' (:1'('lt[ IGustl'l'lI l~t\ih\'lly ,'l'l'uilic 1)('1)1\11111('111 ) I (,<LIII H('(·ttrill" 1111' I,('chlo ( 'llal1l'll"l' (J1l11. Illld IIcatll'r dlll'llig tl](: , t ' I " • I 1. l'Ollll'dltioll Il'd to a falling 011 III Ill!! 1'I'('p ipiH 11'0111 Il; lJIIL H SIlCCI'sslll SIIIO,lIIg C01ll'1.)'t, pl'I'o;id('d (In')' II)" III ~ \\'o!'sldpll~I·.l\ l ll~'1J1 (Ald('III1,lI1 1J: II: l~.cdhetl.d, gs'l', .J.I'.), II11Ldo 1111/1'1\(1:; 1'01' thal. OpporllllllllL'S 101 IIl'ddy practice 111 lil'sL n.Hl work were ;dfonled ill till! Willl!'I' 111011tll:>.

( 'h a i"lIIaH ,

D. D. Davies, DrylJUel'\VCll, Bdllrs(b.

B. W. lIoU, 7:3, Alcl('l'lIIILll'H Dl'lvc, l'ctcr IJ :>rougll,

,Jolill N. ('ollill s, .\J.ll" II. Spellol'l ( 'ooper, \1.1l.c;.:-;., \\'111 . ' I..IL(·.S., Will. 1'('111:11 li llY, \I.JI., ('. \1., J'. \\' .. Jolly, '1.ILl'.s., \1.11., C', \1., II.S1'., Edill., JOhll A. !'obC'I'l!)llll, \1. ll.


1',·.'s l,I(' ul, Thc Hight 1l0ll, 1,01(1 PClll'hYIl,

IIUII HI' II" y H(· (·I ·(' I a ,·.) ,

'1'1'(' 11 '1 111'.'1', F. ~. 1'. Snlllll]I'I'S, LOll!loll Ci ty & ~ I it! IIL Il!l Bilil k, I'et('I·lJl)l'ougll.


'nA v J':N.

'1IlSflCH we I'C





A NLJAI. ltlCPOH'l'. Tile Pl!lIrllyll (~llllrl '.Y C'elilre lIaH dOli!' IL ~mLisl'tlt:Lol'y YClLr's work. held in lirsL flid ILlld a7 111011 gained c('rlilimL(·s.

an,l Vice-Ohainnan .


0 (j

•",·(,.,III (' ul, HiH Gmcc thc Duk' of Fife',

( ·h a ll·m a ll •

J. K K. Hlllt1cl.


' l ' I' ('IlS 111'(' ,', h II. !TILITis, I".C'.I.H., Tho Pulyll't'hlli(', It('g<'llt Ntr't'L, W.

11(' (II(' al


~r (· l' (' Car.l"

Holler! ]\l iLt'll!'I!, '['ho l'olytCl:hllic, ]t('genl , 'tn'ol, Lon(loll. \V ~ falr,

,JltIlICIi ('Il11llil', 1".11.( '.1'1.

0 G ()

G 0 '\ (j

0 4 :3 1



St. John Antb'L&lance Association.

St. John AmbL&lance A sociation.


Prc i<lcnt. General Sir Oharles ·Wu,rren, G.c .~r.G ., R. C.B., R.E.

l'l·csident. Field Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Oonllallght and Strathearn , K.G. La<ly President. lI.R.H. The Duches of Oonnallght and tratbearn. ChairJUHn. Surg.- Lt. 001. Oharles Knott, l\I.R. C. P.

Lifc ~Ic)Ubcr. Oharles Cotton, F. R.C.P .

Dcputy·Chail·man Hncl Tl'eIlSlu·er.

.. G

S 11

Ucclical talf. Sllrg. -Major J. Ben.'y, M.R.C.S., T. R. Bowden, 1\LD. , O. Cotton, F.R. C.P., G. Oross, L.R.C.P., MeredIth Powell, M.n., c.:l1., O. H. Tamplin, L.R.C.P., F. " oods, L.R.C.P., . ·Wynne, M.D., E. Fisk, M.D .

His IV orship t.he Mayor eo . E . Oouzens , "GIen tl10rne, " rr' '>.lllgston, Orescent, Portsmouth.

1I01101'HI'Y Sccrct ary. Freel. J. Ooward, The ,Voodlanc!s, Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth. . Honorary A i -tant . ccrctaric, • ~hss B. Gieve, 53, Olarence Parade . J ~hss IT. Sangster, ,Yaterlooville Han t~ MISS N. Scott Foster, Braemar, St. Helen's 'Parade, ·Solltbsea. Lifc iUcmbcr FielJ Marshal H R H th D k , . f The Right H on . EveJyn Ashley: " e u e 0 Oonnaught, ILG. S' "\,7'11' A. O. Harmswol'th II' ,11 Jam and Lady Dupree. .


~Ic(lical Stnlf. LSA H F H :tILR. C.P., Aston Key 'B'-A ' '~r D' . B"C 'J ~J lanll, L. R.C . . P., M.R.C,S. , Ohas. Knott L ' •, " , ., , . .11 a pas L Rep J 11 ' .R.C.P., F.R.C.S., G. McGregor 1\1 P. C S L ' M.R.C .. , . .l,IeGregor O. F. Newby, F.R. C.. L.R-C.P , "H' ';~ ·;1 ',R,·C.P" . 1I1aybew, L.ll . C.I'., M.R.C .. .' 111 ' •, . I f . 11 01 l ey 1\1 R C S L I' ,Yay '1 n C S ' " . . . . , . ,.C.P ., J . H . F, ,Va" ' 111 .R. C.S., .ll ont:l,crue '" , " ....... " L.R.C. P. J'

L. IT. H ackman, L R C P

C· .. ,

. ANNUAL REPORrr DUl'm g the year the Portsmouth Oent' b . ' . ~lasses a~tended by 158 pupils. A totall~f f~5contlD.ued Its good work, having heJd 8 111 :fiTst aId and nursing and 20 c d'd t 1 candIdates have pas, cd for certificates f h ' an 1 a es' lave pas5ed fo'~ tb e metIa 11'IOn, "mce . . t' tbe f orma Ion 0 t e Oentre in 1881 5 002 and nursing, and 738 have won b~ l~t·sons b,ave received certificates in first aid at .the Town H all on October 26th l~n. '1 he Mayores~ at a snccessrul practice 9 ga~ned during the year, the chair l;einO' t'aE~~s~nted the ce:iJfi.cates and medallions Dl. Knott, Mr. Fleming, Inspector-Ge~leral II t;\~ Mdayol, "ho "as snpported by . . 1 00 S, R.~., Hnd the local HOll, S ecretary, !Ill'. Ooward.

f E'6;


Statement oj ReC(;'/,R'pts ~tnd Expendit1l?'IJ fo?' the year, 1st Oct., 190-:1 to 30th Se1)t 1905 ece'/,pts. '. '1 ., • To Balance from last year £34 19 5 B ExpenclLtw·e. " Stores Account 6 18 10 Y Stores Acconnt . . £6 0 0 " Olass :Fees





7 0

"Olass an d lucid ell tal Expenses. " Balance in bank 30th Sept., 1905 .'

)[onorary . ccrctary. Lt.-Ool. P. Murray, Grove End, Grange Road, Ramsgate.

Chait'Ulan :nul Tl'ca, lIl·Cl·. Oharles Ootton, F.R.C.P. 42, penceI' quare, Ramsgate.

21 24 £51

6 0



~lIARLES KNOTT, Ohainnan . GEO. E. OOUZENS, 'l'?'eaStt?'e1'. FRED. J. OOWAUD, llon. Sec'reta?·y.

During the 11ast year the work in connection with this Oentre has been well maintaine(l, but it is regretted that tbe attendances at the classes have been small. The Ea t Kent Ambulance Oompetition took place at the Artillery Drill Hall, on Thursday, 2-Hh November, 1904. Eleven squads competed, Dr. Heaton Howard acted a jllllge. Tho result of the COlllpetition was as follows :-(1) Ramsgate Railway ection, 7 ; (2) RaUl gate Police, 74.; (3) Doddington, 72; (4) Ramsuate Town, No.2, 71 ; (5) Ramsgate Town, No.1 , 60; (6) Oanterbury, 54; (7) G~een treet, K o. 1, 52 ; ( ) Green treet, TO. 2, 17 ; (9) ·W estgate, 46; (10) Dover, 45 ; (11) Faversbrtm, 41. Each me11111er or the 1st and 2nd teams received a ilver spoon engraved E.K.A.O., 1901. i\h". Gilbert \'ery kindly gave five in the nursing Divi5ioll, judged by Dr. 'otton. NUl' c Grummant took the Decris Oup and NUl' e Long the eeonel prize. Mr. llolfield kindly gave the two prizes for the nUl' ing Divi ion. At the close of Lhe COl1lpetition Lady Rose ,Yeigall gave away the prizes. Hon. 'llrgeons Heaton Howanl, Cotton, and Woods spoke on ambulance competition work. The competition wa nnuer the able management of Hon. urgeon F. ,Yoods, RamsgLlte Oorp, , .J.A.B. During the year Dr. Ootton wa promotell Knight of Grace, anu Mr . Ootton wa enrolled as an Honorary erving ister of the Order of t. John. Thauks are due to Drs. Tamplin and F. Wood for their "aluable aid in giving lectures on fir t aid and nursing, and to the medical staff for their great interest in the work of the Oentre.

Statement of Receipts and Expcnclitw'e, 190-1-1905. Receipts. To Oa.~h Balance from last . £2l3 16 3~ Account II S.A. ,Val' FUl'(l Balance 1 1 1 pel' 001. Gilbel-t 0 6 <1 " Badge" etc., Police Div. Oash, Pctty lIoll. (Sec., II Lores, Medallions, &c. 3 4 3



with VOLIeIleIS · amI pass b ook. and found conect 17th (/ctobe?' Examined 1905 In the of d't Of' L OUIS de 'WOLFF, H on.' Auditor. . . expen 1 nre or class . f. h d expenses etc." an amount of £9 12s. IS ll1cluded for rent and g The value of stores in hand is £l;'s, 01 ea -quarter rooms at 5, Pembroke Road .

~bove ~tatement


Expenditure. By Expen es of East Kent Ambulance Oomp'tion. " Printing, Advts., and Postage llead-q uarters account, " torea, Exams., &c. ec., Petty Ua:-<h, Hon. II tore " tamps, &c. Oentre Prizes for Oorps "II Ba1ance in bank Oasb in hand



7 111








7 6 1 6~

3 4 10 0

5 0 2


£ 31




7 7

Audited and found conect tbis 17th day of October, 1905. L. W. V AILE, Vice-P1·esident. P. MURltAY (Lt.- Ool. ), Ron. Seaetm·y. OlIARLE::; OOTTO , T1'easnre1' allcl Chainl1an.


St. J ohn A 1nb'U.iance As ociaiion.

St. J OhT/; A1nbl/;lu,nce Association.



]'I'cs i<lcnt.

(;11 ail'lll:l Ii.

G. II. R. Hokl en, M.A . ,

Jl.Iartin J . Sutton. T rcn S1l1'Cr.

DonoI'al'Y SeCl'ctlU·Y.

T. P. Chard, 30, St. Mary's Butts, R eading.

A. G. Smith, 51, Pel1 Street, Reading.

Colonel C. M. Royds, C.D., M.I'. Trca~urcl'

Lifc lUcmbcrs .

UCflical Sf aff.

Miss Florence Armitage, III.D. (Brnx. ), G. S. Abram, B.A., IIl.B., JI.I. W. Coleman, M.D., J . B. Clowes: lILR.a.s., L.Ra.p., E. L. Cropp, lILn. c .I'l., L.n.c.p., vV. T. Freeman, M.D., F.n.a.S., 'IV. J . Foster, F.Il . C.. '., L. M. Guilding, III. B. , G. H. R. Holden, liLA., J)LD., J. B. Hurry, liLA., M.D., G. H. Murrell, M.B., F. Elliott M ~ade, ~LR.a.s., L.R.a. l'., E. 'IV. R owland, B.A., :If.H.a.S ., L.ll.C.P., G. 111. WIlcockson, L.n.C.r. & ' ., Edin.

Statement of Receipts ancl EiJ..'penditm·ejo?· the yearen(Zing September 30th, 1905 . Receipts. ExpencUtzol'e. To Balance in hand . £2 8 10 By St. John's Gate" Subscriptions 15 0 Examination expenses . £10 17 " ClasR Fees 24 19 2 tores 14 3 " Stores sold 16 9 5 Medallions 1 6 "Grant from Education " L ectmer's Fees 21 0 Committee 10 0 0 "Printing. . 2 4 " l'lfedallions . . 1 6 0 "Postage and Stationery 15 " Nursing Division, share of " Hire of Rooms: Centro . .J 0 printing Annual Report 0 9 0" " Brigade . 4 2 " hi?lrl on cup with engravlllg . o 6 6 " Repairs to Litter 2 10 o "Sundries . 2 6 " Balance in hand 2 19 4



7 5


lllUl )(0110r:lI'Y ·ccrefal·Y.

ArLbLU W. , haw, Spnrth Honse, Rochdale.

G. W. Palmer, C. B. tevens, G. H. R. Holden, liLA., M.D., D. F. Cooksey. (representillg Messrs. S. and E. Collier, Ltd.)


eha i rlliall. Altl erlllan J . R. Heape.




JU cdical Staff.

L. Ander '011; J. A. Asheroft, P. Baillie, W. H. Bateman, W. H. Carse, J. Chauwiek, R. J. IIaITi s, A. Jefl'ersoll, J. A. Johnson, \\T. J. Kerr, S. r1' . Lord, J. Rodley, alltl B.. B. Sellers . AN

Statemcllt of Receipts ((I/(l EJ.'1Jcnditlll'e fOI' yca?' ellding adobe?' 20th, 1905. Beceipt . Expenclitw·e . To Ba.lnllce brough t for\\'cLl'Cl £19 1 8 \ By Donation for furnishing " V~tllle of lore, Oct. 1st, Drill H all . . £15 0 o 9 7 " ,'lores from IT ea(l-qllarters 13 10 5 1901 " tOles ::'01,1 (iming year. 1 G [) 0 "Exam. Fees and H ead7 4 6 " " "from 1<1 t ace . 3 10 10 I) uarters accou n t 2 12 6 " Examiner'· Fep 11 fi 0 "Incidental Expenses o 9 ., " from la i acr.. 2 5 0 :> ecretary's po:;lages 220 0 ;; 11 "A i tant ecretary " Balik interest 6 17 0 " tore;; rctnrncll to Heatl" Outsianding acc.- tore 5 5 10 3 19 3 " tore in hand o 15 0 " undries 11 19 4 " Balance

7 5

G. H. R. HOLr.EN, Ohairman.


the last meeting thi· 'entre has been the fortunate recipient from it 1'resiclen t, Colonel R oycls, c. B. , Y night of Grace of the CIrcler of t. John of .T erllsalem, and frum ~Ir::;. Hoyc~,;, L ltcly of Grace. of the Ol:c1er of. 'to John ?f J eru alem, of the mo -t "enerou. gIft of It handsome clnll hall, wlth. ntJ'lOU rooms III (;ollnectioJl, which ha already greatly ::;tim ulated ambulance work III our town, and cannot fail to he of iIlYalultble ,'enrice in the future. 'INC},;

£65 15

£65 15



Pa sed at Annllail\Ieeting, October ~7th, 1905.

T. P. CHARD, Han. T?·easU?·e?·. A. G. SMITH, H an. SeC?·eta1·Y.




](OIlOl':lI'Y Sccretarics.

Colonel Sparks, Dynevor Gardens Church Road, Richmond . '

I'rc ' iclcnt.

M1'. anrl Mrs. A. Bridger, Ashdene, MountArarat Hd. , Richmond.

The Right Hon. Earl Fitzwilliam,

LIfc lUcmbCl· . •

W . Bateman, F.R . a .S.

J. Williamson,

M.D .

lUedical StnLf.

Matthew Gardiner, ]\f.B.

J. Williamson,

M. D.

o o

£13 10





llo110ral'Y Sccl'cf Ill',}' .

John Gibbs, The Oltl Bank, IIigh ... treet, Rotherham.

J olm impson, Cawdor HOll e, Rotherham. nccUcal StntT.

State.ment oj Receipts and Expenditu're, 1904-1905. Rece~pts. Expenclitw'e.

1904. To Balance in hand . £10 9 1905. " In terest for 1904 . 0 4 " I sleworth College, Exam. F ee 1 10 "Subscriptions. . 1 10


R. G. Ihuclell, M.B., Etlin., F.n.r.S. , Edin' J John impson, J)I.B., a.lIL , Edin.

1905. By H ead -quarters, Examiner's Fee & Incidental Expenses £1 15 " Hon. Sec., Postage . 0 2 " Balance in hand 11 16 £13 13

A. BnIDGER, Han. Sec?·eta?·y. ROBT. W . SPAnKS, T?·easu?·(l?·.



o 3



The Oentre has su taiued a 'eVCle 10 s by the death of Mr. C. A. Locke, 111. R.C.S., L.R.C. P. He was a mORt attraetive lecturer and energetic HOll. ecretary, and materially assistell in the movement whic~ has letl to ~he formation of the R otherham DiviRion of the St. JO],l1 ,\ mbulance Bngade. Dunng the year there have been many m eetings for practice ill rCllClering nl':;t aid to the iu.iure~ , and these have been well attended. ew aroulld ha,s hce11 opened by ihe holdlug of a cla s at the Midbncl R ailway Sheu bat Canklow, for which tlistr.ic.t a cup has been presented by Mr. Geach (Loco. Sllperiutelld ent) for annual competItlOl1 .


St. J ohn A ?nb'L~lCinCe Association.

St. J ohn A ?nbt~lctnce Association.


Force in first aid have been held during the year, and 32 officers have passed the first examination 3 the first re-examination, and 2 the final re-examination. Very numerous in'stances have occurred in which the knowledge acquired by the police in these classes has proved to be of the greatest value. The Ambulance Br~ga~e ~ormed in heffield six years ago has continued to do much good wOll~ by ma~nta.mmg the hi.-rh standard of efficiency attained to by many ambulance men m the dlstilct. The an~bulance carriages provided by the Oity 'Watch Cvmmittee,. and kept at the Fire Brigade tation, Rockingham treet, have been much used durmg the past year, and have pro\'ed of the greatest value for the removal of injured ~ersons to the ~ospitals. The Committee regret to have to report that th~ Treasurer s account agam ~~ows an a.dverse balance, the sum of £6 lOs. lld. bemg due to the bank. Additional annual snb.-criptions and donations are appealed for to place the Oentre in a better n.nancinl position. The Oommittee desires to convey its best thanks to the Hon. ecretary (Dr. Iartin), the lecturers, the cIa s secretaries, and all those who have by their kind a')si,tn,nce helped forward the work of the Centre.


TI·e n SUI·CI·.

The R ight Hon. the Ea.rl of ' Vhnncliife. Honor:ll'Y Secreta)·y .

John W. Martin,

Bernard fl. Firth . A


i tnut Sccr ctary .

A. W . Warner, 18, York

treet, Sheffield.

Statement of Receipts and Expendit7.wejo?· the yea?' ending Septem,be?' 30th, 1905. Receipts. To Subs. :md donation " Olass Fees "Stores . . " Balance due to Bank

£20 14 63 ~

0 6

E xpendit1.l?·e. By Balance due to Bank . " Examination Fees and Examination Expenses . " Advertising. . . " Printing and Stationery. "Postages . " Hire of Rooms . " Assistant ec. 's Salary "Medallions . . " Miscellaneons Expenses. " Bank Oom mission less I nterest

I 430

6 10 11

£8 ]8


31 15 1 17

6 4

6 12


3 ]8 1 6 30 0 7 2 2 18

9 6




0 9 4



£94 10


Tre a s ul'cr and Don. Secr etary .

( 'ltairman.

Rev. J. O. Elliott,

M. A.

John H. Burrows, 18, Broan.way,


:ll c clical Staff.

£94 10


. Anol,

. I have examined the Oash Account for the year ended eptember 30th, 1905, Wlth the Bank Pass Book and Vouchers, and certify the above to be a correct summary of such Oash Account. GEORGE FnA~KLIN, Cha1'tcnxl Accountant, N ovember 11th, 1905. heffield.

Julius Ore aI',


SHIPLEY. ) ' l' C

John A. Bnrton .

Jame Hob erL


Trea . Ill' C I' .

I~ presenting th~ Twenty-third Annual Report, the Committee has pleasur


statmg th~t a consIderable amount of good work has been done by the heffield Centre durmg the past year. Twenty-onefirst aid classes have been held, and, in addition to. these, the members of 38 classes (30 first aid and 8 nul' ing), held in connection WIth the Sheffiel~ E~ucation Committee Evening Continuation 'choo1s, have had the benefit of exammatlOn by the official examiner of the Association. The total membership of these classes was 635. At the examinations held on behalf of the CentI:al ~xecutive 346 tudents passed the first examination, 154 the first reexammatlOn, ~nd 123 the second or final re-examination. These figures, added to those of prevlOus years, make a total of 14,44.2 passes ince the formation of the Centre. Although the above is a. satisfactory record of work done during the past year, the Committee nO.te with regret that, both as regards the number of classe h~ld and the membersh.IP. of the classes, the figures show a falling off as compared WIth recent years. ThIS IS doubtless due to the depressed condition of trade duril1U' ~he greate~ part. of the period under r~view, whi?h resulted in fewer classes being held m connectlOn WIth the large works m the neIghbourhood. The Committee would urge upon all employers of labour the desirability of encouraging the formation of first aid class~s amongst their employees. T he followmg mem.bers of the medical profession have kindly acted as lecturer under the Centre durmg the past year :-Dl'. E. \ V. Adams, ir. Sidney F. Ba,rber, D r . Barraclough (Chapelto~n), Dr. VV. Branson, Mr. V. G . . Dearden, Dr. Godfrey Carter, Dr. A. Gray DugUld, Mr .. H~rbert Hallam, Dr. J . Miln (Wincobank), Dr. R oot? ( Dr~:mfield), D r . Scott (Dmnmgton), Dr. I nnes Smith, Dr. Sorley, Dr. A . GarrlCk W ilson. Further classes for the instruction of members of the City Police



i d cnl.

Secr e tary .

D. F. Gribbin, 1, Ivy Road, Moorhead, Shipley.

J . 1. Davi~on, Bradford Old Balik, Le1., bipley.



Life U CllllJcr .

Gro. O. Wand, hiple)' Friendly all<l Trade ocieties, Me SI'S. Ro s, "ilk, and Crabtree. ) J c cll cal

S tair.

'V. T. Aill~worLh, )I.B., c.~r., Tho. Irvine H. ~onner, M.A., C.M., j\l.B.~ O. ,Yo Eames, M.D., C. M., j\l.n. c . .. , L.lU·.P., ,V. H. Elll, M.R C.R . , L . . . A., J. EDlers~n, P rJ."I' c· ,\Y' Foster , fil.B. , )L\., j\l n.('.~., L .. . k, V . P.lI., F.lk'G.1Heald, J •••• 1• ., v • •, "., lJ. lt. '. 1'., L.F.r.H., L.F.1'., L.r-.H., Y. Mosley )1.B., CH.n., L.i".A., J. F. e -In:, M. D., J. 'hives, M.D . , ll. 'Illith, L.ll. '.1'., L.ll.C . . , I •. F.P . ~., E. Thornton, :tILB., B.A., co L ' A , . .... . ,Yanl- 'mith, F.H.U . '., :LI1.13., (,ll.D., L . R C.P . B ' ~ll' C l:t., •• ,




ANI UAL REPORT. \ Ve have again hall a very ucceHsful year, haying held two classes in first ~id an~ three in home nursiuO', all of which htwe been well attended. The Oommlttee I plea ed to note that °three of our lecturers, I?rs . Eame , B~nner, and ~eard, have been electeu. Hon. Life Members of the ASSOClUtlOl1. Ou:' smcere than~s are ~ue, and we respectfully offer them, to the Directors of the lupley Oo-operatIve oClety for allowinO' us the free use of their rooms during the pa t y~ar. I n order that our classes mayObe marle more efficient and interesting the Oomnllttee pl'.opose to plll'cha e a skeleton and other apparatus for the use of onl' lecturers. The certIficates, you?hers, and mCllalliolls gained d uri ug the year \\'ere prcsen ted to the successful candldate~ by Mrs. EaJlles, at a pul>lic meeting, on 14th October, 1905.


St. J ohn A1nb7.&lance A sociation.

S tatement of Receip.ts and Expenditw'e f01' the yea?' ended SeZJtembe?' 30th, 1905. Rece~pts.

T o Balance . " Olass fees " Sale of. Stores " ~~e.d;lilOns " Ie c.ler . " Bank lUtelest


Expendit'L~l'e .

£6 7 13 15 7 15 I 16 0 15 0 7

5 0 3 0 0 3

By Stores . . £7 7 7 "Examination fees . 6 2 0 " I ucidentals at Head Office 2 12 6 "Rent of Ambulance box . 0 1 0 "Printing 0 17 0 "Patient 0 6 11 " Medallions. I 16 0 " Postage and Oarriage 0 9 5 " Balance in bank 11 13 6

£30 15 11

£30 15 11 JOHN JOlIN

A. I.

D. F. GRIBBI ,Hon. Sec?'ela?·y.


Pl·cs hl cllt. The Right Hon. the Earl of Powis.

Captniu Williams Freeman.

Trc a s urcl'. George Butler Lloyd, Old Bank, Shrewsbury.

Hono rary See r c C:II· Y. Ed\\'ar<l Cureton, M.D., 9, Oollege Hill, 'brew ·bury.

C hairman.

lUe clical S taff.

E. 'II'. Oooke, 1II.B.C.8., L.R. C.P., A. Jackson, F.r-.C.S., J. L tIe AN


M.D., H.



ev;:e~ Oe~tre ~as bee~ veory .active an~ll~ublic illtel'est ill the work bas been keenly .


nay, t e . b~ef-OomnllSSl(\nel' of the

t. John Ambulance Bri grade iu the of ~SlC t\ e g supported ~Y the Headmaster of Shrewsbury chool anum bel' Nin~1: s~~l~equeentl~ hd~~ a~tedndl11g to. receiv~ their certificates; Inspector-General • e lvele a most Interesting address.

~~n~ly ~aITe ~o~n. and dlstnbuted the certiflcates to the successful candidate



Statement of Receip~s and Expenditt~?'e fa?' the yea?' ending 30th SeZJlember, 1905. Rece~pts. E . d 't T o Balance in hand 0 t I t xpen ~ w·e. 1904 c, s, By Store~.. . £7 17 1~ S b . .' . . £4 13 0 "Exammabon Fees and " u scnpb.ons and Dons. 10 16 6 EXIJenSes 9 16 6 L adles. Class 3 17 6 " S un d' ' " Fees 'N o 11 8 01 nes f or Lectures "" ursmg 3 6 P nn . t'mg, Advertising, and. Oad tass o3 " " " e OJps . 4 7 6 Postacres 2 0 Oounty Oouneil .for " Hire ol"Room fOl.' Generai " " Oonstables attendlllg lUeeting & 1 8 6 Olasses ' c.. . Div. St. . 1 5 0 "Shrewsbury J.A.B. grant towards rent of quarters . 5 o 0 " Balance in hand, ept.30th 1905 ' 1 8 5


£ 28

Shrewsbury, October 6th, 1905 .





Examilleu and found correct, A. E. OOOl'EIt lncorpor'ated A ccotmtant and A 11dit01·.

)'l'es icl c llL

H. R. II. the Princess Louise, Dllche. s of Argyll. ChairJuall.

The Mayor of 'onthampton, Col. E. Bunce, D.L. UOJlora l'Y SCCl·c lary .

TI·c a s uI'CI'.

Lt.-Col. G. E. Twiss, R.A.M.C., Lt.-<.:ol. O. F. K. Beardmore, A.P.D., Royal Victoria Hospital, N etley. Royal Victoria Hospital, NeLley. Ufe ~r c lllb c r · . Lt.-Ool. G. E. Twiss. A. B. 'Yacle. ~f C tll c al St a ff. T. Tille pie, M.B., B.C., A. Graham, L.R.C.]'., L.R,C.S., E. . Hall, )I.B., ~LR.C . S., Lt.-Ool. B. H. John tOil, c.n., It.A.~r.C., )LD., J. Rushworth Keele, L.R.C.P., LIt.C.S., II. Knight, :\1.1t. .:-;., L.ILC.l'., R. E. Lauder, F.R.C.S., Edin., Major O. B. Martill, ll ..\.:\l. '., )LB., C.}[., L. C. ?!lariill, :\I.ll.C.S., 'V. P. Purvis, )LD., )[,8., M. A. HYl1ne, ~l.D. )LB., O. II. "auntler , ;lLB., B.C.H.

BlJRTOX, Clzainnan. DAYISON, T1'eaS~~?·C1·.

Macleod, F.R.C.S.E., R. De Stawell, F.P•. C.s., F. ,Yhincup, F.R.C.


St. J ohn A1nb~&lance Association.


A :r :rUAL REPORT. This Oentre, though originally estab1ished in 1 0, having been in abeyance for some year., Lieut.-Colonel G. E. Twiss, B.A.M.C., on 17th larch, 1905, ~ent out circular:;, ete., with the object 0[' re toring it to activity. On 7th nIay, 1905, a meetillg was bellI in the Municipal Huil,lings, outhamptoll, ,,,iih the illayor (001. Bance) in the chair. A. resolution was pa 'ed nnallimou 1y to revive the Oentre, and vice-pre::;i,lent , committee, etc., \\'ere appointed. On 19th July, 1905, H.R.H. The Prince' Loui e, Ducbes 0[' Argyll, vi ited the Royal Yictoria Ho pital, Ketley, and, on the solicitation of the lIon. ecretary, graeiou ly con ented to be President of tbe Oentrc. It i hoped tilut, when the ohject· of thi Asoeiatiol1 are more fully known and aplreeiated hy the illhullitnnts of outhampton and its neighbourhood, the l' u eitation of this Oentre may prove" Pro Utilitate Hominum," attract large uum uers to it varion. cOUl"e., materia.lly a si t the recently formed local unit of the t. John Al1Ihnla.nce Brigade, ami if war h0111d ever again break out take its p~ace with credit in the as i tance ami nursillg of the sick and woundel!' The re ·exannnaLion certiHcrttcs were presented by II'S. Quill, " 'ire of mg('on-General Quill, at the R.A. 1. '. 'ports, on 16th Angllst, 1905. The relllaining cel'titicatt:s will be dnly preented publicly during the mouth of October. Statemellt of Accowtls CI1ul Ba lance Sheet from ~Iarch to Scplembcl' 30th, 1905. Recclpts. E1'lJenditll?·e. To Dons. and, ub cl'iptions . £6 1~ 0 By Lieut. Spackman, po tage, " Fee. Irom Ola e 6 19 0 Advert. . ami tationery . £3 4 10 " ale of Hook 2 13 u "Printing, AdYerti ing, anu Goods 2 4 0 o 0 " tore " Caretaker at Wool ton for 050 Gas 2 10 2 " Balance iu hand £16





Liabilities. Due on Head-quartersAccouut, tore and Examination Fee . £7




Balance Sheet. Assets. Oash in hands of Treasurer Saleable tores Liability

. -to) 10


:3 0 2 15




£7 5 6 £7 5 6 C. F. H. BEARDlIlOllE, Lt.-Ool., Han. Treasurer. Auuited anu found correct, Septembe1' 30th, 1905. II. O. HERBEllT, ('apt.


St. J ohn A?nb'L1.Jlance Association.

St. John Arnbulance A880cicdion.


Stctternent of Receipts and Expendit~t?'e, 1904-1905. Expendit~tr". Receipts. £39 lf1 0 By Balance

)·J·CS hI CII t.

To Fees tOI'es " l\Iec1n11iolls "» J. Heac1h(,2.,l (uollation) .

(~ hn 11'111 au.

Th e Earl of Lathom.

Rev. O. T. Porter, n.D., LT,.n.

J[OllO]'nry SCcl'c lllry :uul Tl'CnS1U'Cl',



o 16



G 5 0

J. E. IVillett, 3, Park Road, Southport. IUc tUcal S I alT.

F. J. Baild.,oJl, M.D., C.M., S. M. Bro\\'n, !lI.D., M. H.C ... , L.n. c.l'., T . B. Oallan], L.R. C. . , A. E. Oox, M.B., C.M ., S. B. ,Fenn, L.n. C.l'., L. R.C ... , L.F.P. ' . G., A. IV. ~a~~,.t;·D., Cll.B., W. Maule, M.B., C.M., L.lL •.•.. , G. R. Penrose, M.n., F.lt. C.• ·.I., . I S law, M. D., Cll.D ., D.P.H., J. Forrester l\Tood, F.R.C.S . : L.R.C. P.


Balance in hand


A NUAL REPORT. Classes have. bcen hclel at the Lach;' Olnb and aL lIoly Triuitv chonls the laUe\' 11l1der the au 'pICes of the Ambulance Brigade, and first aid aud-Iltlr ' ilia ~lasses havc been couducted il? connection with the, 'ciCllee and Art chool of tuo '.fown Oouncil. A. number of certIficate holders also have been re-examined.

Statement oj Receipts and Expcndit1t?'e to Scptembe?' 30th, 1905. Receipts. E~rJlen(lit'l.'re. To Balance from last account " Fees for classes " Sale of stores, etc.

Balance ill bank " Outstanding accounts Il

£5 10 4


5 14











£4 12 Southport,

Novembe1" 20th, 1905.



By Ohief Ol11ce for stores ele. £5 12 "Examincr's fees, etc. ' 8 '1 Postaere etc 0 5 " b'" " Balance in bank 1 6



Liabilities. '1'0 ,'l1lHll'Y Cn·,lilol's " B:dlwce surplus

52 16 5 3




o o 9



20 17


By Bal. in hanrl of Hon. Treas.£5 3 " 'uudl'y llehtors . . 9 0 " ,'tores iu tock. 8 13

£22 1 G 9

£22 16



Fn .\;\]{ TllIJ~L\\'I: LJ, .

3 9


25 9 6 15 13 1 o 16 9 3 0 8 4 1 4 o 15 9




lIon. TJ'ulsw·er.

Awli tell, 21th May, 1905, TllO~L\S A. Bl:-;'JC ' , lIon. Auditor'.

o 4 '1



Trcn 1I1'C1' .

W. Burnley, II ali fax Joint Stock Bank.

II C)llOI'l\ l'Y l'\N·l'Ctlll',)'. PORTER, Chairman. JOllN E. I\TILLETT, llon.

F. Wilcock, 25,

O. T.

Sec. and T?·eas.


Jas. Readhead. Chairmall.

E. B .



l'I'('!oti tlfOllt IUU] ( ·ltnlrlll:lu.


Jam es Page.



TI· Ca. S lIl·CI·.

F. Thirlwell, N.E. Bank, South


)fouOI'ury . '('cl'ctaric '.

e1son, M.A . , , ' eamcn's In stitute , Mill Dam , ' outh , bields. 1tJCcliCHl S tIlIT.

, J .. Robertson Orease, ~.R.C.S. Edin., Orease, Jnnr., L.R.C.P., L.n.c.s., Edin., Gouche, .C.M., M.~., Edul., Gowans, M.D., llullter M.D., Macdonald, C.M., M.B., Echn., J\1artlD, M.B., C.M. ' AN UAL REPORT. T~le ~.ommitte,e ag~ill tender thanks to lllC hOIl. medical staIf' and Lo Lhe lIon SeC! etatles of the vallO us classes. Hel)Olts arB to h nIlrl of val "1 tl.l '.1 d .1 I . Oll' ·t d t · . 1 tl 0 . " c f u e aILl rell ereLl Jy 1 S U ~n s, anLl 1e OlllIl'Ilttee are encollracred to cOlltinue the good 'l ". d on by thIS Oentre, and again ask [ t9 WOl ( caille which has been so readily accorcleu ~rl1J~Il~O~~l~~~~c~1 o;e~~~:' sYll1pathy aud support

icholls TClTace, ' oll'erby Brielge. ltl('tJlcal S taW.

IV. Perrin Brown,

J. R. Orease.

Head OfIice" Examination Fees, &c. tOles Medallions » Advert. and Printing " Rent of Class Roomfl, etc. Postages and, undries


F . It. (. S., L. It. C. P .

Percy Y. Fry.

A :r:r AL REPORT. In presenting the annua.l report Lhe 'oltllllittee are again pleaseu to record that a hu"e amount of lIooll work has beon accomplished during the year . The work of the Cc~Lt'e h·ts ]lrogr~lised vcry favourahly, illtere·t ill the wC).rk ha' been maintained, and Lho nuLiook ror Lhe next ses .. ion i'l abo ft1Volll'ahle. DUling the year two cla' e have been fOl'llle,l for instrllction in first aid, olle ['or females (conducted by Dr. ,17. P. Browll), allel 011 for males (conducterl I,y Dr. P. Y. Fry). The elas ('s have been very suC'ccl-;s['ul, for which grcat crelliL is due to the insLl'l1ciol'S anlI.to ~he stU(]~nts for the interc.,t Lltey have takcn in their sLllllies. In orrl'r to 'lllalify for exanunation it ifl a cOllelition Lhat fOllr out of livo lcctures shall be attcnded. Fourtcen felllale:; joilled fa\' Lhe ill'S\' year, 9 ['or the second, alld ~G f~r thc tl,iru year-total, 39. Ten mdes joilled for Lhe fir:;t year, 1G for I'e exanulmhon econd year, and 6 for the third year- total, 32. Thidy-cight fl',nall's. allcl 29 lIlal? pr~sellted themselve for cxa1l1ination. All pas';ell, lite examiner 111ghl)' cOll1phn~enhn~ the ela lies on theil' efliciellcy. The :ulI1Jlllance cal'liage has ueen n. e.d 1 tun?s WlCC. .la,:ch 1 t 190J. I'3Ludellt., IHL\'c l'elHlerc,l vltlul1ule as ·istn.llce 111 attollcltllg to IIlJnne, the relllOval of accillellt cases awl invlt1ills. Olle ca:;e the Oommittee wi 11 to specially melltioll, where a lucl was cllught in thc machinery itt a mill, having his thigh broken nnel being otherwisc severely inj 11I'ed. A lady past, tllll.CIl t wh~ ha ppcncd to be neal' hurried to Lho scone 0[' accident, :111(1 rellclered all posslule as'lstance. . The do?tor who aLlellllocl the case said LhaL very great credit \Va oue Lo tl~e lally III 'lue t~OIl, she having applied the uallchr,c ill a \'cry clcxteroU'l mallner wlll1 the h elcl the limb , • • ::> III POSItlOll.


St. J ohn A 1nbulance Association.

St. John A1nbnZance A. socia/tion.

The Oommittee again express their gratitude to the meuical staff, Dr. Brown and Dr. Fry, for their continued devotion and gratuitous services ill instl'l1ctincr the b students_ Without their valuable a.ssistance certificates could not be obtained. The Con:mittee also wi h to tender their best thanks to Dr. Fry for his great kinllness in taklllg the place of Dr. Dunn, who left the district after havincr commenced the instruction o~ the male ~lass. The Committee beg to tender their ).go t hearty thanks to all subscnbers and fnends who have in any wa)' helped 011 the work.

£19 6 8 014 0 1 8 10 11 1 0 2 4 6 14

0 0

o 11 1 17 o 12

0 6 6



Expenditure. By Head-quarters . £8 9 W. Ackroyd: Prill ting, etc. 4 3 " Messrs. B. Mallinson o 16 " Hire of Room 4 1 " Messl', . iddall and HiILon @ 1 "" Boys acting as patients o 15 Caretakers 0 5 " ecretal'Y 1 ]9 " Balance at Bank 21 11 " 111 ecretary's hands 1 11



4 0 0 0 6 0 0 1~




](0 1l01':lI'Y 1'1'c n lU· C I·.

R. Lownc1e', En\'ille

I1onOl'al'Y Sccr etary . The Rev. A . Hermann Thomas, B.A., 19, outh





. 'Y.

;Ucdh'al Staff. ::'I.D., L.n. C.p., )l.n. u ... , l.S.A., ~Iatthc\y Coat es, )l.D., F.R.C.


Statement of ACC01tnts faT the yect?" ending September 30th, 1905. Receipts. Explmdit1.uc. To Balance brought forward £21 16 3 By Expenses of Olasses . £13 6 4 " Subscriptions 4 1 6 "Printing An11. Report, etc, 2 1 6 " Fees for Classes 21 2 6 "Advertising . . 1 12 6 " Corn Exchange Expenses, Annual Mceting . 0 5 0 " Hon. Secs. Expenses- Postage, Stationery, Petty Cash, etc. . . 1 2 7 " Clerical help . . 1 1 0 " Balance in London City anu MiLlland Bank . 27 11 4. £4.7



vouchers being duly produced, and found correct with the bank

Septem ber 25th, 1905

In. p.-General Belgrayc Ninni , M.D.,. Broekenhur t, treatham Park.

A TNUAL REPORT. 1904. Thcrc haye been c1a e as follows c1nring the past year: Po t111 C11 , firt aid cla held by Dr. Coates, in lay; 7 attelHled COUl' e ; 5 call11itlates examin ed by Dr: Brown, Oct. 3lot. All pas eel. Ladies {h ·t aiel clas , by Dr. L. tamm, examined by Dr. F. G. wayne, Del:. 23rcl; 19 candidates; 1 pu eJ; 2 for medallion pa. sed; 2 attelltlcll cour 'e. 1905. Ladies home nUl' ing cla , by Dr. Lonis tamm, examined by Dr. J. Robinson, April 20th; 11 candidatcs; 13 pa. eel; 1 medallion gained; 23 attenu eLl covre; Ladies Hrt aid cla " , by Dr. LOllis tamm, examined by Dr. . Robinson 9 canuidates; 8 passed; 19 attentlecl COUl' ·C. '




Donora I':!'

\r. E. Burton,





'VM. rrOLLEY, Han. , eCTctaJ'!}. Auuiteu and fonnel corre('t, WoM. G \U1'I1ODGEIL



II. R. H. The Duche s of Albany.


'Y. H. GIBSON, P?·csident. ,V::.r. Bun ' LEY, 1' rca UTei'.



1\11', . Ooates, Yallcouver, l\litcham Lane,


l'j'csi<l cnt. The Right Hon. the Viscount Cobham.

A:.:. NUAL REPORT. During this year two classes for men and one for women on Ji.rst aid and al 0 one class for nursing fOI' women were held. At the last annual meetillg an ~m bulance display took place under the direction of Dr. Dudley, w lto was assIsted by Nurse Black well. The local Oommittee aClaill acknowledge with thanks the help it has rcc6ive<1 towards defraying th~ cost of the clm; 'es, and to the U l'ban District Oouncil for granting the free use of the Oorn Exchange for the annual meeting, On 31 t July, 1905, a motor car accident happel1el1 at Pedmore, and Dr. Kirkpatrick reports that :-" Thorou Clh1y sati factory first aid wa rendered by Inspec tor Grillin, P. C. Bevan, and P. Gibbs." The COlllmittec rcgrets the resignation of Mr. Hellley 'atcbell, ,,-ho 11a. filled the l)ost of Hon. i:lecrebtry sillce o"ember, 1900, with great ability, and mucll satisfaction to the Uomll1ittee ; and congratulate:; thc Association on having secured the services of the Rev. A. Hermann Thomas as successor to Mr .• atchell.


Statement of Receipts and Expenditw'e, Session 1904.-1905. Receipts. To Cash in lUl.nd Bank interest " I n Secretary's hands "" Annual Subscriptions . E. E Pollit-fol Medal " lions Students' Fees "" Miss E. Rawnsley 5/6, Mr. G. Hooton 5/6 Books and Goods " \, Donations



SWINTON. ]'r es ltlent

/lIHI TI'CmnU'Cl',

J. E. Drabble, Uexborough Bank


'winton. lUCtlical Sf aa.


. BIythman, l\f.R.C.S.


1\1. Daniels, 57, Cro · land


winton .

F. Harvey, L. R C,P.

Lift.' :Uc lllbcl'.

C. S. Blythman, Milton House, winton. A NUAL REPORT. The Swinton Centre was formed in 1 5, incc which a class has been held an~uall.r, oxcept during the years 1902 and 1903, when, owing to Dr. BIythman's senous Illnes , the cll1 s was not hell!. A cla::>s was heW during !II arch, 1905, ,,-hen 38 . studen.ts attended th~ lectures; 36 aUenuecl the examination, and pas ed satlsfn:ctonly. Several aCCIdents have occurred during the year, and have received first alu treatment, which has proved illOSt valuable, and has testified to the yalue of first aid knowledge. L


St. J ohn A mb'LdcLnce Association.

St. J ohn A m bu lance A ssociati on .

Statement of Receipts and Expenditu1'e f01' 1905 . Receipts. T o Midland Railway Fees . and Medals . " Manver's Main Subs . . "Part Fees, two Silver Medalliolls . . " Fee paid by Mid. Ry. men " Brollze Medallions . " Great Central's Ry. Fees " A. Dawson, part Fees . I, Questions and Answers, solu to members " Balallce .

Expendit1.we. By St. John'!; Gale Account Uedallions " Room "" Rent of "Prillting . . " Postage ann Stationery " Stlmps " Oarriage and deli very of parcels

£2 16 0 220

o 11 0 o 8 6 060 o 3 6

TON BRIDGE. £5 12 10 1 15 0 o 13 0 o 2 6 010 0 31


J . G. Talbot,

TI'cn lIl·cr.

Eu. Plowright, Glenmount, Southborough.

T he R ev. O. O. T ancock, D. D.

)(onOl'ary Sccr c tary .

George E. Skinner, Roso Bank, Dry Hill Park, T onbridge. 0



lUc4licni Staff.

,Yo Allan Harmer,

o 12 0 185

L.S . A.,

Eyre lovers, B.A . , M. D . , C. M. , I saac Newton, L.R.C. P . ,

M.R . C. S.


7 11




ANNUAL REPORT. Three clas es have been held during the year, viz., at T onbridge chool, Redlands A 'ylum, and eal, near evenoaks. Prevalent sickn~ss reduced the numbers presented for examination, but the results were fairly satlsfactory.

Han . Secreta/I·Y.

Statement of R eceipts and Expenditure for Receipts. To Balance 1904 account Examination Fees" Seal Olass Tonbrillgc chool Class Redlands Ola s Store old " Medallion Fee

TIBSHELF. Prcsid cnt.

Oolonel Sir Oharles Seely, Bart.


Chan'man antI Tl'Ca SlU'CI·.

lIon OI':U'y Sccr c tal·Y.

Stuart O. Waruell, Doe Hill House, Alfreton. Life

M. P.






1 19 1 14 2 7 5 0 2

6 0 9 3





By H. O. for Exam. Expenses £6 1 0 5 17 11 tores. " " tationcry, Telegrams, " Postages, etc, . o 11 11~ 0 2 0 Medallion " Balance in hand 411 2~





OIIARLE~ O. TANCOCK, Ohairman. EDWARD PLCJ'\'RIGHT, T 1·ectSw·er·. GEORGE E. KINNER, Han. Secretary.

Oolonel Sir Oharles Seely, Bart.

encling September 30th, 1905. Expendit1~1·e.

£2 15

Robert E. Ooupe, 4, nnny Bank Tibshelf, Alfreton. ' ~I ember


Stuart C. Wardell.

~J e (li cal



F . Marriott, L.S. A., L ond., W. A. Stamford, M. R.C.S., Euin.

I'resid e nt.

The Most Hon. The Marquess of Abergavenny, K . G.


Thr~e classes l~ave been held during the year, a first aid class for women and a TIrst aId and llursmg class f~r men. Eleven male candidates and 6 female presenteu themselves b.efore the exam~np.r for first aid, alld 10 ntale candidatos for 11l1r ing, all of whom satisfied the exanuner. New classes are now being held for the current year. Statement of Receipts and EX]Jenditt~1'e, 1904-1905. R eceilJts. To " " "

Books Sold 1:)ubscriJ:!tions Stores Balance in Treasurer's hand


£0 18 5 7 o 15


o 11


£7 11


0 0

E'JJpencl itm·e. By Stores, fro111 lleadquarters Examiner's Fee "" Incidental expenses Postage and Stamps


£2 o 3 18 1 11 0 0

10 9 6 5

£7 11


Examined and fOUllU correct, STUART ROBEH.T

O. ' VARDELL: Ohair171,an and T 1'eas1we?'. E. OOUPE, H an. SeC?·eta1'Y.

Honoral'Y SccI·c lary.

T ,·c a . 111·c r.

F. Wall ham Elcrs, Manor Lodge, Tnn briuge ,YelL.

O. H. Fletcher Lutwidge, handon, Tunbriclge Wells.

E.L.AIlency, ~r.D., ,Valtor O. AylwarLl, M.ll.C.S., W.Bi · hopp, M.D . , F . Bissh?pp, ;\LD., R. Orawford, ;\I.n.c ... , \'Y. G. E:1rle, J. B. Footn~r, F . R.C.S., N. Hay-FOlbes, F.lt.C.S., Grace,M.D., T. O. Guthl'io.)I.B., O.Lamllllman, F . R.C . . ~ Llewellyn, Percy Low, M.D., J. Malden, .F.Man or, G. F. Ol<l~al1l, ;\I.1LC . . , G: _Pardlllgto~, )I.D., J. Porkins, M.D., P . Perlons, M.D., E. Ranklllg, M.D., B. RIX, T .. 0. Rl'i:, Stamforu, M. D., E. A. tarling, M. D., Towl1scnu torrs, O. VI e, :-.r. l'., G .



Trnstram ,Va tson,


F. R . C. S.

ANNUAL }lEPORT. Threo first aid classes havo been held at Tllnbridge Wells. Oue of which, of raIlway men, was hold at the . E. & C. Railway station. The other t,:o were f~l' women . A first aiel class for men was also held ~t Blackhurst. Tl:e lesuIts wel.e very satisfactory. everal candidates were re-examllled, for the first time, and othel S finally with success.


St. John A?nbulance Association. St. John Ar;nbLdance

Statement of Receip~s and Expenditu?'e fo?' the yea?' ending Septembe1' 30th, 1905. Rece1pts. Expenditwre. To Balance from 1904 £14 17 5 " 48 Cantlie's .Manual. 2 8 0 1 2 6 " 45 Il~us. ~l'lan . Bandages " 2 Plam ~nan. Bandages 0 1 0 " Esmal:ch ~ .Manual Paper 0 1 7 " Ex~mlllel s fees . 2 2 0 " IncIdental Expe?ses. 1 1 0 " Dons. ~rom Men s Class 0 5 0 " MedallIons 1 5 0 £23


By Head-quarters £0 6 10 "Stores. : 2 18 0 "Examiner's Fees, and Incidental Expenses . 4 14 6 "Cantlie & Cosgrave Manual 0 2 0 "Boys at exam ina tions 040 "Washing Bandages o 4 10 "Medallions . 1 5 0 "Balance 13 4




ANNUAL REPORT, The Centre has sustained a severe loss by the death of Mr, David Dudley who hal'; been President since its formation in 1888, and who ever evinced a keen practical interest in its welfare. lIe is succeeded by his son, Major p, E. Dudley, who has for many years been a member of the Committee, and a keen supporter of the movement. During the year 13 classes in first aid and nursing have been held, and of the 205 students who presented themselves for examination 185 succeeded in passing.



Trca tU'Cl' au(l HOlloral'Y Secl'etary


Vouchers examined, accounts audited, and found correct. CRAS. S. 'WICKENI)EN, Audito?·. F. "\VADRAlIl .ELElt., TreasU1·er. O. R. FLRTORER LUTWIDGE, Hon. Sec?'eta?·'!.f.



Miss McAdam, 5, Raglan Circus, 1Yeston-snper-Mare,

Rev. Prebendary Aldridge. Lif


John "\\'allace, lILB., O.M., B.SC. ~Ic(}ical


. Ballance, ~I.D., ~I.l1.().H., C. P. Crouch, M.D., ~I.R.C .. , G. F. Rossiter, Ln., M.lLO .. ·., L.~.A., R. Roxlmrgh, ;\l.n., F.R.().S.E., G. Temple, ~I.B., C.M., J. "\Yallace, M.n., CUL, n .. c. AI. UAL REPORT. Classes lHwc been held during thcwinter, 1904-5, atY.M.C . .A., also at Y.W.C.A., and at Uphill for fir t aid, the result being that pupils have on two or three occasions rendered cfficient aid in ::;irect accidents and thereby minimised suffering. H.

WELLINGBOROUGH. Pl'csl(}ellt an(} CbuiJ·man.

Tl'ca . urel'.

Major P. E. Dulley.

T. E. Gravely.

llOnOl'Ul'Y SCCl·ctUl'Y.

HOUO)':n'Y As, istUllt ('crctal'Y.

W. E. Audland, Oxford Str'3et,

T. H. Hi~ton, omenille, Welllllgborough.


Statement of Receipts ancl E.cpenditlLl'e, 1904-1905. Expenditlt1'e, Receipts.

ItIcdical Statl.

W. E. LAndland, L.R.C.P., Lond. " H. S. Baker ,. ;u n c · L r. c p T R p FM.R.C.S., B . .. ., .,. . ., . . B axter W W' C1 _kc, " . eJ?-netts, M.KC.P., H. Burland, M.n.c.s., L.B.C.P., Lond., . . al., M.D., Edm., J. Crew, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., H, Hollis M D Cantab WW' tMackenzIe, L.R.C.P., Edin., C. R. Owen, L.R.C.P. W. Robb 111 'n 'Gi~s "YV a son, M.B., Lond., E. J. Woolley, M.D. ' , .., "..


Subs. and Donations . £34 0 6 County Council Grant 39 8 0 Technical Institute Hi 0 0 Sale of Stores 569 Class Fees . 10 15 0 Received for Transports 11 10 6 County Show . 1 1 0 W. Lewin, for Tea 5 0 0 Due to Treasurer. 315


Octobe?' 14th, 1905.



By Balance due to Treasurer. £17 19 8 " Stores and Renewals 17 12 1 " Printing, etc. 1 14 10 "Examiner's Fees, Head Office . 20 0 0 25 4 0 " Lecturer's Fees. "Sundries, Postage, Telegrams, Carriage 775 " Transport Expcnses 16 7 0 " Division EXl)enSes 470 " Brigade Expenses 3 10 10 " Insurance . o 5 0 " Camp Expenses 1 14 6 " Inspection 9 0 10 £125


P. E. DULLEY, P?'csident. TnoMAs E. GRAVELY, Hon, Treasu?·e?·. W. E. AUDLAND, Hon. Sem·clarv. T. H. HILTON, Hon. Assistant Sec?'etarv Audited and found correct, . A. C. TnoMPsoN.


£6 6 211 1 10

6 6

6 6

£10 " Balance dne to Treasl1\'er 190-1-5 .

Statement of Receipts and Expenditu?'e fo?' year ending Septembe?' 29th, 1905, Receipts, E xpenclit1.we.

To " " " " " " " "

To Fees pait1 for Classcs " Books and Bandages sold " u bscl'iptions

By Hire of Rooms for Classcs " HeaLl. Office for Examiners, Book, &c " Pos tages-Boys for Classes "Balance due to Hon. Treasurer, 1903-4




8 12 10 040

o 18


£11 15


173 £11 15


Audited and fOlllld correc!;, P. W. WARBY,

SeptcmbCi' 11th, 1905.

YORK. )Jl'csiclcnt.

W. H. Jalland, D.L, is Cl'chu'Y all(l Tl'ca Ul'er. TUl'ller, 17, High Ousegate, York.





"YV. A. Evelyn, M.D., M.R.O . . , L.R.C.P., Henry Foster, !\I.R.O.S., Noel L. Hood, M.D., S. Long, M.D., P. Macdonaltl, M.B.,.A. ,Yo MetcH,He, )['D., M.R.O .. , L.R.O,P., A. B. Northcote, }oLD., H. "\V, Reynolds, )r.n.o .. , L.R.O.P., J. P. "\Vightman, M.R.O.S., L.R.O.P. ANNUAL REPORT. This year has been a very qniet one in the Centre, only one class having been held, a first aid class for mono Certificates have, however , been awarded for the first examination, and fourteen candidates have passed the final re-examination.


St. J ohn A mb~dance Association.

St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

Statement oj Receipts and Expendit~we, 1905. Receipts. Expenditu1·e. To Balance III bank . . £ 8 2 1 By Head Office Storrs £2 7 "Fees, Books, Bandages, "" E~am. Fees and &c. 7 11 0 Travelling Exps. 4 !:I 1 1 " " I ncidental Exps . " Printing . 0 3 "Expenses in forminO' o 10 Class, Stationery, &c. ~ " Balance in bank 7 1



£15 13

Octobe1' 28th, 1905.


£15 13

6 6


British Dominions beyond the Seas.


6 1



Auditeu and found correct , W. A. ·WHITE. 'N. H. J ALLA TD, P?·esident. J. H. TURNER: H an. S ec. and T1'easu1·(!,1'.

ADELAIDE. J·re:,j(lellt .

i1' George R. Le Hunte,

His Excellency

JIOllor3ry Secretary.

Ch airmall alltl T r easurer.

W. B. Wilkin on, Brookman's Bugs., Grenff:ll St., Adelaide.


Bentley S. Connor, Santo Bdgs., Waymonth St., Adelaide.

Lit'e nc m bers.

The L ord Brassey, R.C.B., L. 'Y. Bickle, .A. M. Simpson, T. W. Corbin, B. PoultOJl, E. W. Yan endcll, R. St. Mark·Dawes. ;U Ctlica l Sta tl'.

E. D. Archer,

'Y. Blaxlaud, )I.H.C.S., F.R.C .... , L.R.C.D., B. Brummitt, M.lt.C.R., L . . A., T. ,I'. Corbin, )I.R .C.,., L . . A., . Dunn, ~I.B., C.M., R. M. lynn, A. Goode, ~I.B., r .. , A. A. H amilton, )I.B., CH.B ., B.A., J. A. G. Hamilt oll, ~r.B., L.H.C . . , R. IIamilton, L.H.C. , ., L. and L.:hl., and K. and Q.C.P., J. 1I. H enderson, M.B., CII .)!. , H. R. Letcher, M.B., Cll.B ., B. Poulton, ~I.B., CH.B., M.lt. "', II. A. Powell, M.B., U.:s., C. II. ontar, M.B., CH.~I., J. R. tevenson, M. B., CII.!lI.


A UAL REPORT. Tb e iommi tee, in presenting the Report of thi Centre for the twelve months ended 31st Larch, ar pleased to slale that exceptional progl'e s ha been made, 13 first aid and 2 UUI' 'ing cla.:e husing bet:ln form d, with a total memben;hip of 310 and 49 reo p ctively, howing an inc rea e oyer lm;t year's re uIt of 137 first aid members and 29 nursing member'. Th e O1ll1l1ittee are gratified to find that the opinion expres eel in last year's report, ylz., that a the object:> of the Associll,tion become more generally known a far greater number of people will avail them eha of the ac1nmtage to be deri,ed from attending the lecture', ha been fully borne out, and they again desire to impre s upon the principals of chools and all erlncational in titution the importance of forming cIa es and having their pupils or members taught how to act in ca es of accident and udden illn ss un til the attendance of a medic<"tl man can be obtained. 'J hey confidently assert thu,t the ability to render fi)' ,t aid is one of the mo, t important branches of education, and there i no doubt llw,t school offer the be t opportunity to acquire thi knowledge, at the time when impressions are mo t deeply made. The Committee d eply regret that, o\\ing to pI' ure of bu ine s, 11'. W. Herbert Phillipps was compelled to re ib'rn hi position a Chairman and Trea urer of this ientre. Th ey de ire to place 011 record the indebtedne of the entre to him for the unremitting care and attention he ha alwaY' gjYell to it affair. On the retirement of (1'. Phillipi S, II'. ,V. B. ,Vilkin 'on ml unnnimou 'ly elected as hi successor. fl'. Jam e P. R oberts wa appointed a deputy· chairman, and Dr. R. Mc. M. Glynn's name has been tl,dded to the examining taff. It is with extreme regret the ommittee have to r eport the death of one of the life members, Mr. John Howard ugas, who at all times showed great interest in the work of the Centre.


St. J ohn A?1~butance Association.

in ~:e ~nnual Dfem~n~tl'ation was he~d ~n the Adelaide Town H all in September last vel' eT;PI esenc: ~ a al ge and appreClatl ve a.u~lience. His Excellency the Governo;' th/y;~:.cllYI~~:~~~~!:~'t:~ll=:~,~e~. th~ certlfic~te.s and medallions •• warded during by member of th 0p li F c lve l?mo:n tmtlOns of ambulance work were given e 0 ce orce, AustralIan Army Med' c I C 1 I b cert~cated members of the Centre. I a Ol'pS, ane a so y


lIou. 'frca Ill·cr.

F. J. H. Hart.

15th April, 1901).


£351 15


,V. B. ,VILKINSON, H on . T1'easW'e?' 'ted B Ji;NTLEY S . COXNO It, H on. Sec1'eta?:y Alldl amI found corl'ect, . TIl os . P ADMAN IIon 11. d't Value of Stores on hand, £16. ' . . 11 'I' or.


Life JlemlJcl·S.


£351 15

F.e.A . A.

The Right Hon. Lord Bra sey, C.l'.n., The Right Hon. Earl Oarrington, p.c., G.o.)[.(;., The Hon. il' Freuel'ick Dttrley, G.t.)I.G., Major-General ir EUlI'ard T . H. HuttOll, c. B., K.e. M. G. , Thc Right Hon. YisCOL1llt HamllLlen, Yisco L1utess Hampden, O. H.. \ralsh, 1\1rs. Reuter g. Roth, Alvan Gee, Dr. \Y. R. TOBllinson, Captain J. lIlergell, U. D. Mitcliic, [I' . A. Boyce, J. Garrard, Oaptain J. L . Fawkes, "\11's. J. U. Ellis, l\Ll's. R. B. Trindllll, ~li 's El1dith Walker 111'. J. 'murt, E. R. Moser, :\lrs. U. Lalle·;)lulliu., H. l\1e ... Tcil, - Hozlett, .filis HaU, F. A. Bell, H ..M. Ma kinson. Ai{ UAL REPORT.



Lieut.-Ool. R. E. Roth, D.S.O., P.)I.O.

Boles R. Rainsford.

J(c:ul Oflice:



Sccre tary.

( ·"airJllan.

21, Eqnit(lble Building, George Street,

During the year .the .total passes were 176 first aid and 29 nUl"in O' In addition to of students of former clas es have been h~id etnd 3 pa sed of this C~nt ' y. e c a ss hO~ks of the ~entre it is shown that since the estltblishment .. I e In 18 4, t e1 e has been IS ued 2 253 fi' t . 1 'fi .' . ]ul1lor certificates and 323 ' . 'fi' IS ale certl cates, ll1cludll1g 205 . , nUlslllg certl cates In ac1c1it' il well .lllst~ucted, passed through the cIa t d ·d· lon, many pup ,ell ually €Xall1lllatlOn. ses u 1 not present themselve for


G.C .~I.G.

Uouoral'Y ,"udUoI'.

:~: ~!~:e, r~-e~~ml~aho~

0 6 3

ir Frellerick Darley,

'Wilfrid Docker,

haye so willingly performedPthe d t' e f t;Jte, also to the la.elies and gentlemen who of the sub-Centres is to alar e ex~e~~s 0 . onorary ecretanes, to w~Ol~ the succe to time a record of the work ~f the Ce~~.~' a~~ to t~e pr.ess for pUblu;]ung fl'~m time ge~tlemen whose services contributed tow~rd ' ~~_~ 0 "h'1sh to tha,llk the ladle.s and emmently successful. s ma ~ll1g t e annual demon tratIon so

. £33 17 SaVIngs Bk. Deposit 122 1 " Oash in hand 2 6

K. C. B.

J> .. cSiclc H t.

The HOlI.

me~f:a?o':f;i~~~~ C;:~ire to acknowl:dge th.eir ind~bt~dness to the members of the in the cify and in diff~r::;e :~t~~~e~~usly glv:n thelr tIme to ~he in tl'uction of cla ses

' .


)'at I·OU.

the Government ub idyof £50, members of the railwa p ease to. state that full a?vantage has been taken, by mittee have sub equenlIyS~!:ndbFotlice ,:orce, fof the liberal terms which the Coma e 0 allange or Government employee Th e annua I statement of rece' t d d' . to the credit of the Centre on 3Ts: ~~ar e~pe~il~ur~ show~ ~ balance of £158 4s, 9d, h rLlld to the value of £16, c ,w st III addltlon there were stores on

Statement of Rec~ipts and Bxpenditw'ejo?' the yea?' ending 31st lJIct)'ch 1905. Rece~pts. E' To Balance brought forward B AI" xpMclztlll'e. from lust year £168 . Y ( vert1 ·lllg. . . £21 16 8 "AnnualDemousrra'tion12 11 "Alll:ual DemonstrationDonations and Sale of pIs.l.mrsements. 16 1 4 Tickets " Pnntlllg " 14 0 3 20 !5 7 " Lecturers anu Exam. Fecs 59 7 6 " Class Fees "Medallions . 72 11 5 " Oost of .l\1euallions . 3 1 6 " Sale of Text-book~ : 2~ i~ 9 " ~ost of ~ext.lJooks . 20 fl 8 " Sale of Emel'~ency Books 2 17 ~ " ~ost of 11,lllel'gency Books 5 17 o " Sale of Bandages " Cost of Bandages 3 10 6 " Sale of DiaO'rams . ~ ~ 0 " Oo~t of Diagrams. . 3 1 Jl Loan of Di~grams . 0 15 6 " OHic: Expenses, including " Bank Interest 3 16 3 Ihre of Rooms, " Government Subsi~ly 50 0 6 Postages, Petties, and o Te]cl'llOne 46 8 7 " BalaucesBank of Adelaide £35 19 0 Lel:is ul1presented Ohcrlue 2 2 0


His Exccllency Sir Harry H. Rawson,

:anJ]~~eCO:~em~~~e:g:!,~ tOtckI~owledge receipt of



St. J ohn A 'Ina ~/,;lance Association.


In presentin~ the Fifteenth ~\llllunl Heport the ouncil haye much plea ure in te::;tifylllg' to the marked progre::; which ha ' taken place throughout the year in the work of dis::;emimtting fir::;t aid knowledge by mean' of branches and detached cla ' es in '"'1.rioll.· parts of the. 'tu,te. TIli · increased activity ha' been in large measure due to the earnest co-openttion of the member' of established branches, and, in some instances, to illlliyidual c1eyotion to the ambulance cau e by practical and untiring a si .Lance in the formation of debtchccl cbs es. Fre'h intere t ha also been mH,nifestccl in SOUle of the citie and town ' of 1\ew outh ,\VaJes, and as the result of public In >etings new branches h.1.\'e been formed. In l'e\"iewing the li , t of classes held it is notecl with Rati::;f'1.ction thl1.t It grent deal of first aid instruction has been gi\ en to the tClLehing , taff and senior ;ehohll's at Public and Pl'iYate 'chook This, in addition to the numerous il1l1uiries ma,cle during the year by tho'e identified \\"ith Public ::)chuul::. in particular, point ' to the recognition of such necessary knowledge in the ' j' ·telll of tuition now being carried out by the Department of Public Instruction. Mellll,er,; of the ~letropolitan antl'uburbllll Police .Force hn,\'e been in tructed in fir::;t aid and the pn1.ctical sympathy e.·tended to our cause by the Inspector-General of Poli(;c, hm; been greatly appreciil.te<l. The ::;uuurbs huye been wellrepre 'ented by classe::; which htwe added substfl.Util1.11y to the roll of certificated members, and in the cities n,nd towns of the "-' tn,te better l' cords than usual hn,\'e been established. The effect of this nutrked development of our work hft been to add con ' iderably to the revenue of the Centre as will be een from the Trea urel" tatement and the Council feel deeply grn,teful for the following additions to the funds ; - "ir ,\Villit1.1n ::\Iacleay's estate; Pel' ::\lc srs. J. J. Fletcher and II. 1\1. lakin 011 £100; lIospital a,turda.y Fund £10 ; ::)tucl 'heep alesmen £5 ; ~ Tational porting Club £1 16s. In analysing the work for the year it i found tha,t 37 classes h::we been formed and instructecl a,nd that students to the number of 727 have attended a full cour"e of lectUles of whom 512 obtained the .A soci,,,tion certificate and 15 qu:tlified for the meda.lli~l1. '1'he number of member' instructed in fir't aid and home llur~ing since the fOl'm'ttion of our Centre now total 10 , 223 , which mu t be con'idel'eu . .a highly . sn,tisfa.ctory and a, fact which will doubtless as ist to awn,ken general publrc lllterest III the further advancement of the objects of the t. J."A.A. The work of the St. John Ambulance Brigade has been progre ing sati factorily during the year, and additional divisions have been formed at \Vollongong Lithgow alldliead-quarters of


St, J ohn A ?nb1.dance Association,

Oivil Ambulance and T ransport Oorps, Sydney, lore than usual interest was taken in the" Roth" hield Oompetition, held on 10th June. Seven quads competed for the Shield, the winners being the members of Ba.lmain No. 2 quad. In January last an intimation was received by this Oentre that his :Iajesty the King ha,d approved of the selection and admiflsion of Lieut.-Ool. Reuter }ij. Roth, D.H.O., P.~1.0., as a Knight of Grace of the Order, and of On,pt. Leona.rcl Dobbin as a.n lIon. Associate of the Order. Advice reached ydney later on in the year that the distinguished decoration of Knight of Grace of the Order had also been conferred upon Major G. Lane Mullins, 111.,1, M.D., Oommis ioner for Australia of the t ..John Ambulance Brigade, These gentlemen received the warm congratulations of your Oommittee on receipt of the intimation. I n December last Mr. G. H. vVilliams, a member of the Executive Oommittee, who has rendered valuable assistance to our cau. e for some years and an active worker in connection with the Fresh Food and Ice Go. Branch, found himself obliged to retire owing to departure for outh America, and it was with much regret that his resignabon was accepted. Miss E. O. Elliott. al 0 an energetic worker a,s eCl'etary of the Ashfield Branch, resigned her position in June and received the thanks of the Oommittee. An unu ual but interesting feature of our work has 1een the forma.tion by Mr. A. E. Taylor of a jllYenile cIa at Paddington, the in truction and exa.mina.tion of the boys being kindly undertaken by Dr. ·W alton mith and R. E. Roth respectively. It i pleasing to note that all the bOYfl sllcceeded in gaining the J ullior Oertificate. In the absence of a Oentre at Hobart, Tasmania, your Oommittee were asked to sanction the formation of clas es in that city under the auspice.· of this Oentre, and one has already been in. tructed and examined. Dr. T. ,·'torie Dix on happened to be visiting Tasmania. at the timtl the request was receiyed and kindly assisted in making the necessary arrangements, especially by conferring with . ullle of the leading citizens, including employers of workmen engaged ill cln.ngerous handicraft in districts where medical aid is not readily. if at alL available. On 19th July last Lieut.-Ool. R. E. Roth delivered an interesting lecture on ambulance work to the members of the F:\ydney ,Vharf Lallourel'q mon on the occasion of a demonstration in first aid by a . quad from the Glebe Di yision, ' ..r. A. B. The very favourable peeches made at the conclusion of the lecture point to the early formation of a branch in connection with that nion. In view of such gmtifying results attending the operations of the N.S. ,V. Oentre during the year just ended the Oouncil feel it incumbent upon themselve. to expre s the ·warme. t grtttitucle to tho 'e members of the medical profession who have so un elfi.-;hly I"rlvell lllud} of their valuable tin1e to the work of formation and instl'Uctioll of cIa, ses, aml t.o the secretaries and officers of branches alld detached classes for their efforts to promote and maintain the classes successfully. The Oommittee desire to exprefls theil thallks to their ecretary, Mr. Boles R . Rainsford, for his untiring energy and good wurk during the year.

Balance Sheet, 9th Septcmbe1', 1905. E·1'7Jemlitl~re .

Receipt3. £1 0 0 T o Oash in hand . Amonnt or Oash at " Hmlk, as per prevlOus . 7 11 11 s La tem en t Donation and SubscTip· 120 19 0 " tions Olass and Examination 1 G 9 9 " Fees Salc of Books and Stores 51 7 7 19 16 0 " Eau!lages 46 3 6 " Sundries

By Rent of Offices, and . £40 0 Telepho\le: . P1'illtiu<I StaLlOllery, all(l " n' 125 1 Stores . 47 13 . 'ecretary's I'a1a1'Y " J<~xanlillalion . 3:2 0 Fees . " UonatlOn, . , . JAB . ., . 15 0 ""Donatif'll , Civil Ambulance 25 0 and Transport tores . " Repayl1lent of Arl\'ances . 40 0 Postau(,s Petty Oash, and " b' 2,1 4 Ad vertisillg . 0 10 " Bank Fees


£150 19 14th September, 1905 .







261h Slplel/zbcr, 1905.

,\' ILFltID

1 7

£150 19






8 0



" DOCKEl:, F.e.A.,\..,


VICTORIA. r J'c~ hlc1lt

•-at l·on.,.

Il is Excellency Sir Regillald Talhot, K.!',B. Ilis Excellellcy I'il' John lIlatllll'n, K .C.~l.C~ ,

Jaill e' Ed\yard KeilJ . UOJl O},:\I'y '1'I'C a " 1II'C1' .

( ' hail'Jllan.

J, O. Antlerson. J( OllllraI'Y.t\ll(lit o l'.


n C lIIlH 'I'i\ .

t' ap am


Robert Wallace,



F :tIlallll 11.N . ir Matthew DaVIE'S, Lady 01 a1'1,{c , LOld Brassey, . f'·L.' 1'lll(lo'", r:1' G. '.M G., 0.0 .1".0" l 'l)"(l111>~so 1111 b ,"" 1 e' '1' tll'ller, The:tl Dr. 11!'1l1'Y (;y . _ E~cellcllc' ir Jdm ~Iadd! ' ll, K.l'.~r.G., epDr Oliver Penfold, James Alt1,l:n, I ils ,.: 11 C) lain John Ouilvi(' Rollel t troud, tin;l1s Miller, T . J. M'Bli<1(J" lJ· ...1\., H l , '\\;~l~()ll IItl"o b\\,ertheill1, , Yilliam 1"' 1 tuart 0 III \ lInCll ,., t'> I The II on. J!t'fln { c, 1 .01 + David :tIlills II. Byron oore. Si<1<1rley, ,V. T. Appleton, T 10Bla!> ai', ' t

9 0

0 0

l'ltiliec1 correct, 12th 'eptel1l1Jel"/19~5, I{EtJTElt E. ROTH, Claar/iI(Jn. F. J. H. II .\IlT, Iloll. Tl'ca, w'e]', BOIES R. l{,.u~ 'FORD, SecrctClJ'!J. Examine!l anel fOUIlIl corred, JI, Auditor,

,Yilliam Hamiltoll, 41 II cad 0 flice : , I 'clbornc Cham Del'S, Melbourne. 0

4 6 0


Sccl'c tnry .

Assets. Approximate Value of Stores 011 113.11.\ . £25 0 StOl'(-S not ~'et pai(1 for and F 'cs cl\le by Cla.-;sps 42 2 Drl'osit [wings' 13k. I .fl. W. 30 0 Dank Balallce as per Pa:s Book fi=3 10 Cash in haml 0 6


349 11 1 D CPOS}. t a\' lllgS). . Pk J . .W.30 0 0 " Bank Balance as per 53 10 1 Pas. -book 0 6 7 Oash in hand

John Dlyth. State'ilw/~t of Liabilities (lncl Assets (It 9th September, 1905.




Liabilities. Sundry Outstallding Acconnts . £19 1 Sm'plus after providing for liabilities. 131 18


St. J ohn Ambnlunre A , sociation.


UAL REPORT . . . A , ~..." f the t. JClh n Ambulnnce A~~(C:HltlOll IH,~ The ounC:ll of the "\ lc:lOlla LIllI e 0 1A al H. ' POl't to the members amI much pleal:>ul'e in pre 'enting the b, elllyseconc nnu . uhscribers. . 1 t1 1, lh (lurin" the pu t year of Dr. T he Oouncil l' grets to ha,,? .to I'CCOl'C . ,.1,e c ell. I' D. A.'=' l'esswell," ho resigned T horn:15 H ewleLt, one of the Ol'lgl11Ul ?lClllOeJB an~ ~~~well was [\oting-chairman for in August owing to pressure of busmess. r. r ,


St, John

St. J ohn An~bulance Association.

some time. Both of the deceased gentlemen alwl1yS took an active inter t in the work of the ssocil1tion. l\Ir. George Ohri tie, hl1ving removed to ydney, forwt1,rded hi resignation, which wa accepted with much regret. Dr. R. L. McAdam was elected a member of the Council. Dr. Glen Kni,rht, Port Melbourne, and Dr. J. H. l'Gee, Brighton, IHl,ving delivered four co~rse of lectures gratuitou ly, hrwe been appointed honorary life member by the London Head-quarters. The ambulance service in charge of JHl'. II. A. Osgood, ha done a Hl t alllount of useful work during the past year. Nine hundred and ixty-three calls were u,ttended to, and fir t aid to the injured w-as rendered in 106 ca es, prior to .the removal of the injured to the hospital. The eli tance travelled wu,s about 5,500 llllle. One hundred and two calls could not be attended to, u,s the waggon was out attendiu!;- to other cases; this is not likely to occur again, as your Council hu,s had buil t a 'econd waggon, with every convenience to lllinimi 'e the uffel'ings of the injured. The Oouncil again desires to impre s on the Minister of Education, the principal:; of schools, and all eduC11 tional in titution , the importance of forming clas 'e u,nd having their pupils taught what to do in ca es of accident and uc1den illness until the aid of medical practitioner can be obtained. Ability to render first aid is undoubtedly an important branch of knowledge. Schools, above all, afford the best opportunity, at the age when impressions are most deeply made for learning what to do in ca es of accident. ~ an inducement, the fee for school pupil has been reduced to 5 . for a course of lectures on first aiel, and a certificate is awarded on p:1ssing an examination. The Council would also urge the holding of clas e' in connection with Mechanic::;' Institute, Schools of Mines, Technical Colleges, Australian Xatiyes' _b'ociatioll, Young Men's and ",Vomen's A 'sociation, Girls' Friendly ocieties, anel kindred associations, that afford pecial facilities for organi ing and holding classe ; abo in connection with manufacturing companie . An Annual pecial Examination for prizes of £5 5 ., £3 3s., and £1 1.., is held in the month of 1\1arch each year, open to all who have pa ed a first aid examination, and have not obtained a prize at any previous examination. This exanllnation acts as a stimulus to the acquirement of a more thorough knowledge of how to render first aid to the injured. The examination this year was held by permi::;_-ioll of the Right ",Vorshipful the Lord Mayor, in the Melbourne '{'own IIaIl, on atLll'day, 25th JYIarch, 1905. even teen candidates presented themselves, and were examined by Dr. Springthorpe and Dr. R. L. McAdam, on whose report the Councill.,,'arCled the first prize to Miss Bertha Clark, Carlton , ub-Centre; the. econd prize to Miss J\Iinnie Grove, Port Melbourne ub-Centre; and the third to Frederick ;,Iawson, of North Fitzroy Sub-Centre. During the year there have been held 3 Men's and ",Vornen's first aid chkses, and 4 nursing classes; 259 pupils have been in.tructed, of whom 154 pa 'ed their ex ami nations for certificates, of whom 30 completed their course for medallions. Of the thirty, 17 were presented with medallions at the annual elistrilmtion by .Janet L ady Clarke, on 1st May, 1905, The total number of persons in tructed by thi Oentre now amounts to 14,329 ; of these 9,365 have successfully passed their examination . New Sub-Centrefl have been opened at Star-of-the-Sea Convent, Elsternwick, Torth cote, and Lorne. The Council tenders its grateful acknowled€,rment for the subscriptions and donations received during the past year. The Oouncil again desires to place on record its continued indebtedlle 's to the medical gentlemen who have so generously given their time and labour to the illstrU(;hon of claRses in 1elbourne and suburbs, and throughout the tate; to the htdies and gentlemen who have so willingly undertaken the duties of hon. , ecret~1ry, and to whom the success of the Sub-Centres has been mainly due; and to the press for the courteous manner in which they have opened their columns when re(luested to make public the philanthropic efforts and work of the Association, and to other numerous friends who have in many ways helped to further the interests of the Association. The annual distribution of the medallions and certificates awc),rcled to tho e who passed the necessa,ry examination during the past ycar took place in the Melbourne Town Hall, on the evening of Monday, 1st May, 1905. Janet Lady Chwke made the presentations. The Ambulance Corps under Major Horne, M. D., formed a guard


. to recelVC Lady





fr.J Bl tIl Chairman of Council, presided. The .. [ ~lilitia Ambulancc 'orps, and amounted collec~ion wa4s1ll1n,~i.. ~~fn~~el~h~ injm:ed W~'ls illustrate(l by the PL11!j~s of the to £12 3s. C • .c lIS < 1d . . ::\1 's (;OmpetltlOn' first A·socil.tioll, anel thc £Oll?win~l~'~es G,\cl'e r;~V~'1~l~t' p~:~~~ :wa~ ~~~-~rdccl to the . ort~l pl~ize, £.1 5s. ; ~eclond pnz~, ~" t~ tl~e' Bnllarn.t lh.ilway Squn,(L \Vomen's ('_ompetl~ l!~llzroy. ' (lUa~l, t 1~ e~ollC .'p~lze. ,1> 1 to the ;,li::;::;es Bertba 'lark :lllc1 illllll1le I..! bon: first pnze, £2 2::;. , "its (1\\ a1 Ctel! (1 l'l'ze £1 b to the ::"Iis -es NellIe ' ~ 'J N 'tl S 1b Oentre' IC .econ 1) -, - ., - ., Br18ll, Car tOll I ~l 1. l,.., - 1 K'l 0 Itre The judcres of the competltlOlls were fill::> Bowie nnel Lyle ::"Iullro, val' ton, n)- e l ' , T I I ::\I'G ' J R ;'1 Thomson, ttllcl R 0, en e c . Dr". .. Annun_l . - Rtntemen ee, '. 't ~0 f'R ecelp . t"l H1 EXI)encliture duly audlted, show::; a balance The S , 1 of £160 Os. Gd. to the credit of the Oentre.





Statement oj .flecciLJls ((nel &1']Jcllclitw'c, 1901-1905. Rcccipts. To DOllation ' .... 11 hscriber -' City Oouncil Railway I,Ola - Fees 'tores old " Bn(l cr cs soleI " MGcl~llion Fcc' Tran port Fccs . " B8.lance fOl'\\'nr(1


By Printing and lalionery .£11 15 6 0 0 0 0 19 9 15 9 -1 0 9 0 363 4 3 134. H 7

. £53 75 50 5 30 2 22



27 " Examiner· Fees 150 " ' ecretary . 13 " I cut 6 "Postage::; . " Petty Oash 2 " Telephone 6 " Medallions Am bulance" 0011 tract or 227 61 Repair, etc. . 101 K ew eCOlld ",Yaggon Special Examilla.tion . 15 " AnD ualDemoll .. tru lion, 190-1 24 Balance-Colonial Bauk . 2 2 , , Lc' Oherplcs llnprc en t ec1 1 -<)<) J



£ 1

£ 1

2 10

3 0 0 0 0 11 ]0 10 0 8 6 0 0



-1 6 3 5 0 0 0 6 0 H) 10 19 -1


2 10

J. '. A:-<nrm. O~, llon. TJ·cClsw·O'. Audite!l nUll fOllml c!llTl'cl, R. 'Y ,\T,LACE , 1<'.1<'.1.,\., llun. Awlilo?'. 12th Jlc1Y, Ir105.


His Excellency Admiral til HOll.

il' Frederick BeMonl, G.t.n.


His Hon oUl' Chief Ju tiee. ir Edward



It A. Geclcles.




Licut.-Oolonel Oampbell.

Geo. F. Mc"\Villial11s, 'r.I,.A. JlOllOJ'llI'Y ~('('l'ctlll'Y.


_lllclH or.

G. OUllningham. Life ;UCIIIJJCI·S.

nCllcl Officc. 2, Beaufort, treet, Perth, 'Y. A. .

• Ricrht Rcy. Bishop Glbney. ir ArLhur Lnwley, 1\..0.)[.0. . 1:>, • Admil'l1,l il' Fl'cdel'lck Bel1!OJ(3, G.O.B. JUecllc'lll St;l fl'.

A. VV. 'onne11y, C. Ooventry, H. 11ol'1'ocl\: , H. T. Kelsall, A. E. Randell, E • P aCIeL Thurston , 'Y. Tretlto"-!lll. I:>


St. J ohn A mb1.dance Association.

ANNUAL REPORT. Th e Council of the West Australiau Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association have ll1uch pleasure in presenting their fOUl'teenth annual report to members aud subscribers for the year ending 31st D ecember, 1905. Owing to a request from H ead-quarters in London, we are now closing o~r :real' earlier thau usual, so that the reports and balance sheets may be preparecl 111 time to appear in the report published by the H ead Office, and containing the work of all Uentres throughout the globe. We are not yet in receipt of the grant of £50 given by the Government for instruction to members of the police forces. This is a perpetual grant, and is gi"en without respect to llumbers. '1'he Centre being compelled to instruct all members ,,'ho hand in their names, we feel sure that this grant will be continued. That all 111embe1's of the force should be competent first aid men is patent to all, and, with the facilities offered, there is no reason why this shoulJ not be so, besides offering a strong argument for a continuance of the grant. Your Council regret the removal of ergt. mith, but our loss bas been the gain of Coolganlie. As a com pliment for the good \,ork performed in the pa~t by ergt. Smith, the Oouncil decided that he should retain his seat on the Oouncil. Classes for instruction of the police were held in Coolgardie and Cuc. Owing to the Police Tournament, no classes were held in the suburus. A team from the Central Station, however, carried off the open first aid competition. 'We are communicating with the Commissioner of Police to obtain his permission for all first aid men to wear the Association's 1auge. This, whilst not interfering with tbe men's uniform in any way, wonld be the means of keeping their first aid knowledge up to date. The total number of students who have had instruction this year were 116, whilst 54 sucC'esfully passed the examination . -We have yet to examine some classes ill the country districts. During the year Uessrs. Cunningham, Lap. ley & Stinton (who were 1r1entioned in last year's report) were made Honorary Servillg Brothers of the Order, and during the visit of their Excellencies L ord and Lad y K orthcote to this • 'iate, the two former gentlemen were invested with the insignia, this eyellt taking place at the Oitizens ' Ball given in honour of their Excellencies' vi~it . The presentation was most appropriate, L ord and Lady Jorthcote being respectively Knight and Lauyof Grace of the Ordar. The annual meeting was held in Queen's Hall in April, and was a great success, fully 3,000 persons being present. A small charge ,vas made for booking seats, for which the sum of £7 5s. was received. During the evening our worthy patron, His Excellency Admiral Sir F. G. Bedford, invested Dr. Geo. F. Mc,Yilliams \vitlt Lhe insignia of H onorary Associate, His Excellency being pre ented with the CenL]'f~'1; framed certificate of Life Mem hership. Competitions were given by the Ladies' First Aid and Nursing Classes, the police and others. The Splatt Wall trophy was competed for and carried off by the }Jolice team, and now becollles their prolJerty. Your Committee was Eleized wilh the importance of instructing the senior scholars of the State Schools, and, through the kind interest of the Headmaster of the James Street School, a class was conducted there last November. About 30 lads attended, but, owing to the preparations for the annual conccrt and vacation , no examination was held. We hope to finish this as soon after the re-opening as possible. We have again to point out tbe benefit arif"illg from having a kno\\lec1ge of first aid work, severalmem bel'S having during tIle year rendered good sen'ice ill cases of accidents. At the Easter encam}Jment several members of the Association ofl'ered their services to the military authorities as volunieers to man the field. hospital. This service was accepted, and we were thus able to treat several cases of a seriolls natme which would otherwise have calleel for removal to Perth. The salIle men1hers ha\e since been performing the duties appertaining to the Australian Army Medical Corps. A large class was formed amongst the members of the Fremal1tle Lumpers' Union, when over 30 attended the lectures. Bnubnry Union also formed a class, which has yet to be examined. The result of the examination of Fremantle was so crediLablc that the Union have decided to form another class. This is a good object-lesson to


St. J ohn A 1nlJ'Ldance Association.

other Unions, whose me1li1ers are liable to ll:eet ,with accidents from the, nature (o f their avocations. Oareful handlillg in the hl'st Illstallce .may save ~ UDlO~ ~oun~~ in sick ,a Y alll1 the small charge for iustruclion made 111 tbe e c asses, ll~gS 1 within t)lO 'reach of all. In the case of tlt.e Frcmantle cl."ss, the f~es wCleyald by. f the Union. The coml,et,tion for File Bl'lga.des, fIJI' \~lJlch tl1e Oentre glvet\,OUl sil ver Jl1ellals was hdcl tltis Yf'ar at Boulder, anu, after very keen COli. pe l ,lOn, was WOll by' tilt' Kalgoollie tealll. This being the-ir first att~mft, refle~ts c~e~:doe~ both instructor a1111 men We would like to see Illore 0 t Ie COUll I} 1'1 orgallisi llg clases alliongst their llleill bel'S. A reducecl fee is given for thIS purpose, and should b more largely avaIled of. ,. . . , (lour 14 ears' The Lotalnllmber of stucleuts who hftve l'ecelvecllDstl11C~lOn dUlln" , y. I work 11uIllher },130, whilst 710 certificate" have bec,n IS~lled . . O~l~~ t~ ,sev¥~e returns not bein(1 vet at hanel we ale unable to glVe t Ie cOlrec ol1les.. . number of' passes ~\'ill he larg(J},., ,:B~o)' the sallle rea.'on, we ~re ~ot a~lerJ to pl~~a~~ all\' statemellt of' assets ~Llld lialJlbt1es. A large quanhty olb s~oles b;\~'o on l~le to Cc~ tre ', correct retlll'm of stores 011 hand 11a,ve DOt yet 1', ac e ~lS . . e al e a )resenL a slllall credit halance, ill creased by lees from ,onc ub-C~utte. . en I \Yc a:raill \"ish to thank the lllellll 'e l',' of lh~ mechcal, pro.fesslOn, who have glv much v~luahle limo ill lecturing and cOndllC,l1ng exalltlnahons a~o to the. ~~,ss ' which 11m, atall time" flll'therecllhe il1~prests 01.0Ut' work> alJd to t If ~Iltl e~eeadl~~ of the variol! nh-Centre for the a 'sislance glyeu. \\ e havc to ~ Ian , l,e a 11 the Domestic. 'choal (Mi s Jordall), \\'ho has been of great help 111 a~.l tlllo at a Laclies' 'lm;ses. The following medical gentlemen haye had th il' names placed on the I:ife yulaey (Perth), Anderson (RalMellllJcr,,' roll ror en'ices rendered :-Doctors (foorlie) ll ill (Kalgnorlie). b ' AIIDE:-;]l .~[ BY CUAUDIA ,". . On behalf of the As ociatioll of the. West Allstrali:ll ~entre, I am ~~:~~ord~~i~~ to ll1ace Oil l 'ecol'Il the 1Il0st "alliahle ~ernc . rendered I,) 1111. J, Dr' R. Jed CIS Ikl rt l' {fOO \\01' · on our hi,', terlll of olIice as ecretary j al 'o to £th. \V . 11 . P·lk· I GlI.1f:, °l~} ~'IC\i,'ILLIAl[~ ~,(). . l. , C' Ill' 11 E alcl'll ,0 I 10' S. Ch(lit'ill(ll! TVIJ,~l AllstmZwiL Centre .




((lid E''J lcllll itlt re, 1905. B"/I( lid ilure. £10 To Honorarium "ecl'dary 5 7 " Ditto A ~istallt 'ccl'etary 0 I " Ola. s aCCOlln t 1 Hen t () r Hooms . 2 3 Boys fol' Cla::; e . o ,. Expenses Annual 'Meeting 17 " Duty ~Iedalliolls 0 0 " . tnrc,; ACI'Ollll tHE. . Wigg & • 011 I o ., Prilltin!.,( at'C01111t . 2 " Athertislllg accouut 0 " 'lores AceOllll LPart Payment t. J. A. 0 5 13rign,de Typc\\ri tel' , ,llndrie ' 11 , Typing.fn·ights,amlcul'tillg 2 " Coolg:udie Celltre1 las acconnt Expcu,'e 1 Balallce held 1)' 'ec. " Petty OasltPo 'lag, ,Yires, anu l1111lries 2~


B ,,·t /pli. ny BUllk halullce a1Hl Cash on '. hal1el as last rcport £21 17 63 ,1 ,. C'lasaccoullL . " , ton~s accollllt,'ale of ,'[orI'S 7 B()(,b fU1l1 B:ulge. 1:2 6 Proceet],' hO f' kil!g Allnual ., -t :JIL'cti llg . :.. DOllatio)1s.' rrl'l1~lccs (~l1e n's ITal1 2 T Ol'l It ,ulJ1ll'ban Bicycl' Club . 1 1 1 10 " ,'ul)scl'illtiol1s H,cfnl1cl 1'1'0111 t. John o 6 Amhulance Brigalle


" Dank balance £ I ~o

9th J almctl'y, 1906.



o o o o 10 o 6 ~



11 6 16 8


o o 5 4 19 2 :2 10 19


£105 1 . 14 2

9 0




,J. A. i\'\(J'nl<:LL, lhlil. TrNt llI'C,·. ,J. O. l\. ,1J~FF ItI:SON, .. LctillY 1[011, . 'C'·l'c/m·y . Audited alld f'ollllli correct, . G tW. OUNN I~(JHA~I, lIon . .A lld~lol'.


St. John Arrnunlunce Association.

St. J ohn Ambu"lance Association.


. H:E. The Governor, Lord Plullket, K.C.v.o. RIS Worshlp the Mayor of Auckland, TIle Hon. E. Mitchelson. Chnil'lUnu.



J. J. Holland.


C. J. Tunks.



. H llssell.


,V. Rattray, 7, Mercantile Chambers J AucH:tnel N. Z \...,


I.ifc ,1'cmbcl's.

S The REafirl ?f Glasgow, 1\1rs. Rattray, James Dunnina Hon E. Mi tchelsoll, Oolonl'al ugar e DIng 0o., George Fow Ills, 211. II. It. 0" illcdical


E. D. Aubin, M.R.C.S.E., LRCp Lond' A S B . M.R.C.S., Edin. L.S.A Lond' "0 B ., tt' . rewIs, :\I.D., Dl1rh., M R , ., ., . . en11e, M It (' E E ,\ D .•. C.S.E., L.n.C.p. "\V. Brown M \. . . . .... , . LI... ewes, aeorae '\-. Oole "IoIE·'e I:I.ll . C.2I1., Edlll., J. L. Oarolall, M.P•. C.s., Edin. Ed Douglas, III.B., ~.III., Edi'n. B. J. Dl'dt;· " , ~n., L.F.~. & s., GIn:., Hugh saint Girdler, L.S.A., Lo~d., L.C.; ;;~~A., )I.JE~:··' E~lJ1., J,:It.c.l'., G. TOllSS c.lII., Ont., ,V. Gl1iness 1II.D. Dub 'J A 'O C:' " (111.,}\ . McI\.ay Grant, III. D., G. H. H all, L.U.C.S . , L• ~I &'L &"Q c · p' rOllng'TIILn,cR·s.Er··' J..S.A., LOlld., Thomas u ., o.L'-. re racy ]' H. Owen Jones, L.R.C.P Edin L 'R'C 's' E·d'· F ~'T Ilg IS, IILn., (H.B.,Mell)" ' , . , ..... , ' 111 II R J Ie L.R.c.P., Lond., A. Osborne Knight L A L 1" . • . . mg, :\f.Tl.C'.,'., Lond., M. R. C. s., P. A.. Lindsay B'1I1 .. ~;; ~~~., :.\[G·~· Cd" s·O' lr~. Hope Lewis, I,. Fl.;\ ., r L.R.C.S., Edin., L F P S Glas j 'A" L· .• , m., . e Ive Lowe, L.n.c.p., & ' ... , ,., . . amg,2IID C2I[ Euin G L '1 11.B. & 0.211., Gl as., 'V. O. VV. McDowell 111 B .'" E~l'" " eorge n.praH, & L.R.C.S., Edin., J. H. Neil M B CR ~ CUL, m., A. E. Mar. ac:k,L.u.C.P. Parkes, IILB. & c.lII., Edin.,' 'Ohalii~~r P~'l~ M.ll.C.S., L.~.C.P., ~0!1f1., W. H. P as b t chas, F. 111. PUl'ehas , lIT .B. , C'I . •, .Edl'n ,. J ;lID B.)L, C.2I1., 1IIll Edll1., :\r.n.O.· ., M.D., O.M., Edin., III.R.C .. ·., E. E. 'Roberts :\1 B ' ~I ·'E~··M., 0 e ). , E. RoLerton, W. G. Scott, IILl)., Durh. ?II.R.C.S L S ~ • 'Lo" 1' · 'E ' Ill. , l·owle R.C.S.E., _l ' G. B ' ., . <.)1 f:i" nc . lurmun L It 1 L .•... E C S , E um., . Sweet M B S G' T ." •. C.p. ane L.S.A., Lond., H. Slater, M.;'.C.S:E." L"~'~'P yeney, ; . <llllth, III.It.C.f>.E., ~on\c\:"l hams .0. II. ,c:bumacher, M.B., CH.B., N.Z., H . Walker, L.F.P. & S 'Glas . Glas., J. B. Wilson L.R.C P L R C ~ Ed'" • . ~ IG , L,n.c.p., J,.F.P. & S. , . " •... , 111., L.F.P .. , las. '











y, )[,


ANNUAL REPORT The Oommittee have great pleasure' .' Annual Report of the Oentre record' m pr~~entmg to t~e members the Thirteenth The Oommittee take this 0' ortun .mg ano er .very sat1~factory year's work. and Lady Plunket their sin~~re tha~k o~ ten~enng.to thelr Excellencies the Governor the work of the St. John Ambulance A~so~~ ~ e ac;~ve . sympathy: they bave hown in would prevent him being at the A 1 :t10? Fmchng that bls other engagements Governor kindly consented to res~~u:he ee~mg of the.Oentre, His Excellency the to the successful members b~for h' dcertIficates, gamed during the past season Government nouse on Saturda ~ IS eparture from Auckland. He did so at Onehunga, and Otahuhu OlaIs' ~nt;Iary 21st, most of t~e members of the Oentral Worship the Mayor the Hon eE~ Mell~ghpresent to receIve their certificn,te.. ni~ ·' d gave an lIlterestmg ' . a dd ress, re f errmg to the work" of th Itc elson ' who I)res'd . Ie, e season, and urgmg on those qualified the


desirability of forming Nursing Divisions ?f the St. J o~n Ambulance Brigade. His Exc.ellency the ?over~or, before pre entmg the certIficates, also made a brief but forcIble speech, III wInch he stroll'fly endorsed the recommendation of the Mayor, and e.xp~'essed the pleasure it af~orc1ed him to assist in the good work of the As oC'latlOn. After the presentatIOns, H er Excellency Lady Plunket entertained the member at t1fternoon tea . .I~ .affords the. Commi ttee much satis~action to be able to announ.ce that N ursi ng DIVISlOllS of the ~t. .Tohn Ambuhnce Bng-a,de have now been formed m Auckland and at the Thn,mes, with every prospect of long and useful careers before tbem. Tbouab the St. John mbnl,1,llC'c A!:l~oci:1,Lion and the. 't . .John Ambulance Briaade wo;k under c1i!fercllt he:1,<18, they work together for the benefit of suffcring humfl,~ity. The Aucklmld r ursing Di vi 'ion meets at the office of the Auckland Oentre for the fortnightly pmclices. Th e past scason has been cbaracteri.eel by tbe large number of classeR held, the large attenc1mlce at the classes, amI the high standard of efficiency attained by the mcm b 'rs. The lecturcs were attended hy more than 200 pupil, of whom 117 passed. Very few of the·se who had attended the requisite number of lectures to entitle tbem to lJe e:-mminecl omitted to avail them·elves of the opportunity. Of the 169 wbo prescnterl thcm~cl \'es only 3 failed to paRS. t the ::'lunicipal Oha.mbers Dr. H. Owen J olles gavc the lecturt's on first n.icl to 35 ladies, of whom 20 pas. ed in First Aid and (j gained the med'1,llion. IIp. aftet'w,uc1s g:1\'e the Nursing L ecture to 26 ladies, of whom 16 paRscd in .. Tur,.;ing and gained the medallion, as did 3 ladies who passed in 1 ursing' laRt YCllr, but were unable to attend the lectures this eason. Dr. :McDowell g,we the lecturcs on H ome Hygiene at thc office of the Oentre to 12 ladies. Througb nna\'oicbhle cam:ie: the course of 1'ctures was unduly prolonged, the cOllserluence bein!.!; lhat emly !) la(li ,::\ presented them eh-e for examination, of whom 4 passed. At the oHice of the 'entre Dr. J. Ihl'c1ie "Teil ga\'e the lectures on fir t aid to 1 men, of whom 13 pas:ed in fir.' t aiel, 1 the first re-examimttion, and 1 gained the 1l1echllion, H e subsclllHmtly gave the l. Tun;ing L ectures to 11 men, of whom passed and on' !.!;ained the medallion. At nehunlTc"\, Dr. cott gave the fir t aid Lectures to 1 I!tclit's, of whom '* passed in first aid and g gained the merla,Hion At Otahuhu ])1'. Ho",ley 1 'ctur'rl on first aid to 21 laclie , of whom 21 qualified, and 15 presented themseh'es for 'n.mination, all of these passed. Dr. Bewes gave the first aid 1 etmes nt Otahnhu to 16 men, of whom 7 presented them elve, for examination. At the TbmncR Dr. Lnpraik g;\\e the TII'St aic11ectures to 12 laclie_, of whom 10 passed, nnrl to III 'lllh 'rs of the Fire Brigade all of whom passed. lIe al 0 gave the nul' ing L ecturcs to 1 Indies. 16 of whom paRsed in nUl"ing and 1 gained the medallion. At Paema Dr. Gilhert. mith lecture(l Oil first aiel to 16 members of the No.1 Ohincmnri HiHes, of whom I! present 'd themselve for exnmination, and all passed. At "Vhallg-arei Dr .• "'eet gave the fir,.;t aid lecture to 9 ladie of whom pa seel. The 'onnnittee would tender th ir hearty thank to the above-named medical gentl 'men for their kindne ''i ill leC'tllrinl{ ; al.'o to Drs. Aubin, Girdler, Grant, Hall. In!,i'li s. Knight, Lincls:ty. :.'IlcJ)o\\' ,11. Xeil, Parke., Pab. t, Rowley, later and ",Ya1ker and '[t'o Tllnkti for their gooclnesR in e":1,mining. and to l\1esllmne' Boult and Wi! on, MiR80s Hames !1,1lel ",Ving-ate, and :Y[essl's. Booker, O'Brien and TOrltl for their valu:1ble l1ssisbl11ce as lass.~ eCl"etal'ies. There ha, heen no incrense in the number of Ashfonl Lilt 1':'1 dmillg the p,tst year, but those which have bcen provided have proved of g l'en.t henen L. 1\1rs. Lawrence Olow has been collecting ub criptions for the p11l'])ose of procuring one to be stationed at Northcote, and ha met ,,;rith gratifyinl{ 'lUCC ss. There is also a probn,bility that litters will hortly be procured for our Thames and G ishorne hranches. The financin.l results of the year are just ,thout on a par with those of the previous one, and the Oommittee would again urge those who have ;1,ttended the lectures to become annual subscriber, and to ask their fri ends to do . o. There i~ every indimttion tha,t the eo. on whi ch i' about to begin will he ,1, \cry sil.ti.'f,tetol'Y one, an(l daRse, are as .. ured in the Oity and in several other pLLCeR. 0 11' Gi"borne Braneh has been pltlcec1 on a satisfn.ctory footing by tbe 10C[11 IIonomry Secl'etn,ry. [I'. E , II. [tum, a,nd will shortly re ume the lecture. There is every pl'Oh:1hility of an extension of the work at Paeroa, and of the formn.tion of n, branch :1t Wn,i hi. rrh ommittee n.re extremely glad to know that teps have been tn.ken in the directi n of forming classes among the employees of the uckland El ectric Tramway ompn,ny. Th esp. cannot fail to be of great benefit to the men themselves, and to the travelling public.


St. J ohn A1nlJL/;lance A880cic{;tion.

St. John Ambulance Association.


Receipts cmel E.cpe,lditul'e jar the yert/' cnding 31st lllco'cli, 190G. Receipts.

By ArlYerti. ing, Printillg, Postages,ltlld PefLy ':1.·11 C:2G " Lecture alld ExmnilJaLio11 Expenses 21 Icdallioll c:; bough t 14 "" Books, etc., bought If) " Ofrice Rent 11 " HircofOhoml IIfLll, clc. 4 " Tonson Garlick :1l1l1 '0. Chairs 1 ,\rhlrcss to Bar! of HalJflll'ly :2 "" Gas Fittillgs for Olli('e 1 " Painting 1\<1111(> at Unice . 0 " , cCl'etary's ,'alary 30 fllaterial antI Appliallc('s b "" Li ttel' tatiUll at II. JI.Arcarle 1 " IllsllJ'allee of Littel's 1 " Bala11ce in Dank. 1 :3



o o


1 11

142 10

Books, etc., in stock



0 5

£172 12

Mrs. Nusbelski.

;Ucdj c al ' taff.








Ii 6 G 0 13 li





1 6 G 0

0 2 16 10 1

£1:ifi 1

0 0 0 0 ]J


Assets (mel LiaMlities on 31st March, 1905. Oash ill Ballk Ashfol'd Litt.ers leO 0 Less llepl'ecia tion 7 10

,U c J)ll.H~ I· s .

Un;. 1Iilsolil.

Eapcnclit ure.

To Balance in bank £7 12 2 Class Fees 66 19 9 " ,Medallions soltl 15 10 0 " Book., etc., sold " Postages, etc., H efunded 331 131 107 " Amlual In bscl'i ptiOllS " OollecLion at .A 11 nual 7 1~ 6 " 1I1eeting 8 2 9 Donations" Ohoral ociety 0 15 0 1\. Z. L. & lll. A. 00. 0 12 6 JUrs. Boyd 0 :2 (j Savillgs Bunk Illterest 0 6 1 "" lIIatPl'ial and A !lplialJ ccs wId 1 J 2 Ashford Litter Fees ~ ~ 0 " Collected by jfl's. Olow " for N orthcote r\ sliforc1 Litter 6 ]0 0 £155 1

l\f ['s. H.. HeaLon Hhodes.


L iab i lit ies. OfJice Rent . l\bLerial and A pplia11ces NOl'thcotc As11('on1 LiLter Snrl'lllS of A"scts OVCl' Lia bi Ii ties




0 G

6 10


o 15


L 1,1.\:\[ R.\', "J H \ Y,






cmlitl(j 31st Dccember, 1905.

Receipts. 3bt Dec., 1901

To Balance ill UJlion J\uuk ..cu " ,'llbscl'iptioln; 2 DOllatiolls 2 " IUl'ses' Regi~tcl' Fel's 0 " liurse AlItlJltlo,nee Wagguu 101 " Ledlll'e Fecs ·ll " ;\leclalliolls 2 " Hooks awl ~ l aLcrial ~o " Disl·O\llILs. 1




0 0

16 19

G 9



1!) 1






6 10

£172 12


C. Mort.oH Andcr!:>ol1, R. W. Andcrson, P. T. Bolger, F. G. M. Drittiu, A. C. Ve I~ellzi, O. g. Deallier, Q. 'IN. 1<'llzHenry, K P. :-:;. Galle, O. D. Orcc11\\'ooll, H. 1II. Inglis, E. JCJlllillgS, L. I. Manning, I. W. Peue]l, A. O. Talbot, B. 11. Moorhollse, A. T. F. lllickle, J. A. J. Murray, D. M. Nairn, 'IV. 11. Ovcnden, J. U. Palmer, II. CUlIIpton Pal'sons, F J\lcl3euli ,'lewal't, "IV. ThoJllus, .~. HowarLI, ,1'111. IrvillCJ" P. H. Cuuk, Ultarl s Hazl ett Uphalll, II. D. Adalld ..J. R. 'lbolJlas. Gl'~lH1Jll C 1111'IJolI, f. S. Clayton, W. Dialllond, II T. Thacker, Jus. Cooke, W. U. H argreaves, A. J. OrcharLl, II. Hunter, P. W. Hislop, R. Yolcklllal~, J. P. Millingtoll, U. T. W. Littlc, .J. 11. '. JarviR, .J. P. I). LcallY, B. Locklllg, A. Milne Thol11pson, J. Harpel' Reid, "JL D. Cruickshank, n. Hodges, If. U. Barclay, II. Tewan, J. 1. W/1,1'1'011, II. E. Owen, J. E~ Trcyor" P. V. ~Iulll1l1ersley, J110. t VCIISOU, W. K Gibson, . J. Oook, J. A. e\\'ell, '1\. ,eI'l1011 11 one, A. C. aJldsteill, \V. J. Crall, R. Bowell Hogg, Gcorge LYOll.


Scc1'eta I'!f.

C. .J. Tl':-;J{., lIon. l'r'eoslIJ'c)' Examined and comparecl with Oash Rook, Balik Dook ancI YOllel)('>rs, an(l foulld correct, A. S. Rl:~S ELI" F.N.Z.A . A., lIon. Auditor. Auckland, N. Z., 6th AP1'il, 1905.

CHRISTCHUROH. l'res ilIcnt.

His EXGellency the GOVC1'IJOl' of Ncw Zcalallcl. ( ·hail·mall.

His Worship tile Mayor of Ohristchurch .

11011. '. ' I·CIISIII·CI·.

II. J. O. Jckj 11. J.:;U7 1


W. F. Hilsr,n, 111, Mallchcster Strcct., OI'I'istcltmclJ, N.~.


E"'lJf!11(1 it Ii re. 1805 By lIol'f'e AliIIJltlame Waggon£59 12

" " " "

Arl\'crLisillg . . Pl ill t.ing aUl1 • tutiollcry . ,Iecretary'. alary Oarctaker City COllncil Postage' aull Telegrams " Fire III manee " Book.' alill "Jlateriul " New 'J'y rcs to IV aggon . •'Ut'SCI il,tioll Lo Amuu· " l:l.lJce Brigade • " Hire of Hall, Annual Meeting' Hiro of Chairs, Anllual " Mceting " Mellallioll J. II. FOllntain': Llonation " paid to A 1l11mlauce Bri"a.lc n 'I leque "Dank Oharge, nook and Exchange Bo"s' ALtcnrluncc at Lec" J tures . " Doctors' Exam . Fees CtllTiag of Parccls " ('o~t ~f Ln:Luhcl's ullcl ., Boxes sllpl'liec1LO Police Latiolls. • u1ll11'Y ,'mall ACCOllllls S\ .. t Dec. By Balallcc in Ullion Bauk I


5 0


12 17





5 0 3 1 1 19 11

0 3 6 6

5 0

3 0 2 10

o o o o






2 17

o o

3] 0 0

1 10

o 11 16 ] 1 3 135

£327 1


o o

Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Liabililies.


H orse Ambulance Wagg,m £100 0 Four·wheeled Li tters, one Stretcher, and six Hampers, say 20 0 Skeleton 11 0 Books, Bandages, and Diagram " 20 0 Stretchers and Boxes at Police Stations 16 18 Cash in Bank 135 8



0 0 0 0

Sundry A ccountsIlorsp. Am bulance aggon £ 19 St. J ohu's Gate [or Books 3 ,stationery 1 ullllry Small Accounts 1 Carctaker City OOLincil 5 Balance to Credit . 273


2 3 5 6

6 3







o o

0 9 £303


II. J. C. JEKYLL, .lion. 'l'I·casUrel'. Christchurch , lOth January, 1906.

Anditcu and [OLlllU cun'ecL, OLLn IELl Hllm;.,


ANNUAL REPORT. . . Th~ Committee, in pres.enting its TW()ll~y.Ol'~t Anl1l:ul Report has pleasure in success wlnc~ has attencl~dlts efforts dUl'lug the past L\\'elye mouths. ha shown hI. per.sonal llltcrest in the work of the AH!';ocitltiull by pre Idmg at th; Annual. Ieetlllg III Febru<1,ry last, when he ex}!!'e ·tied his 0\\,11 <tnd L!!:d~ Pll1nket S good W1 h~ for tI~c SllCCet-ls of .the Association, Rpeaking of it as ?0ll1o 8:n e~cellel1t work III a qUlet uno tentatlOllB manucl'. Fuurteen dl1ses for lllstructlOn III J!'ir t Ai?, H ome. T Ul' 'illg and llygiellc, followed by x;ullilllltiollS, have been beld U1 t~le CIty of Chn. tchurch, and at Denniston, Fairlie, amI 'rimllI'll. The per.on attenclmg same .con It-lted of males ::I.llel females of all dnHset-l of the comTI?-umty, v.:-ho hav~ availed theJ1lseh'es of thi very necessary kllmdcdge, ?howlllg. grea.t lllterest m the work. The number of those \\ho tlttelldcu a COUl'!:ie of mstruc.tlOn IS 255, of whom 153 obtained certificates llu-d 6 qualified for meda~ons. The t?ta.lnum~er o~ p rOllS who have attended the lectures since th· es~abhshment .of tIns Centre IS 4, r :3.3, ~f whom ~,615 p::I.Rscd thcir cxnminlLtiollS, and 50r have quahfied for the ARsoclatlon s medallion. The 'ommittee has Lo clel'lur' the death of the H on . J. T. Peacock, M.L. '., who was a uenerou subscriiJer to the f~nds of the Cent.re.. The Committee de -ires to thlml~ the meclical mell \\ ho so kllldly ga,ve ~p. theIr bme .to the requi ite lectures as well as to the e{pHtlly responHibie task of exammlllg . Durm 0cr the yeol' ·'11'.. y\\V.r B • D'· . •• .1l lxon f \Juliel't 1 neee!:ii;ary to re 'lgn the office of Secretary and 111'. vV. F. Hilson htl.s been appointcd ill hi ' phwe. It~errmg to the HlS .E~cellency


His H onor 111'. Justice Williams. Chair·mun.

'J'1'ca S llI' Cl' 1111(1 11011. SN:J'('/lIJ'Y .

Dr. W. J. Will.

J. E. Bone, Forster St., BelleknO\\ eH, Dunedin.


lUcclical Staff. ~Vm. WAllan, :tILB., C.lII., Edin., L , E. B::LrneLt, F.P•• C.S., L.R.O. p. Lon M J3 C 111 , 111 J Cattan lIIB C1( E"l' IC , . , .. , .. , J O · 'Clos~ ~ c, ... ' "., e 111., R 0 )t. hurch, :tILB., c.n., Tcw Z eall1ll<1



D. Colquhonn, M.D., M.R.c.r., Lon., M.n.O.S . , I a.rg<1ret B. Cruickshank, Surgeon, B. E. de Lautour, lILn.c.s., II. A . de L autou!', M.H.O.S., A. Douglas, M.A., !If.B., O.lII., Edin., 'V. Evans, M.n., F.lLC.H., Frank W. B. Fitchett, iII.B., OU.M., Edin., Jas. Fitz,;eralcl, "LB., 0.]\[., Belin., F.R.C.S., ,V. A. :Fleming, lILB., O.M., Edin., R. V. Fulton, M.D., C. :I[., Eelin., ..r. Garland, )Ln.c .• ·., L.R.O.P., Edin., W. Hislop, "CB.C.B., ew Ze::dand, T. ~1. IIoekon, M.R.O.S., F.r,.H., R. Gordon 'M acdonald, L.Il-C.P., E(lin., T,.F.l'.S., Glas., T. . McKellar, ;'tI.B., C.)[., Eelin., J. Macpherson, M.B., C.'f., Eclin., K. Mc~\cln,lll, ;I[.R., ow Zealand, )LR.O.S., 'V. J. :Mullin, M.B., B.crr., Tew Zeal!lUd, .r. ..:\.. ~Tewcll, n..\., 'LB., n.OH., ew Ze::l.hlnd, F. Ogston, ~I D., Ahenleen, l-Cllg ' l1c .Tos. O'Neill, )I.B., CILB., I Tew Zeahnel, F.R.O.S., Edin., "LR.C. '., L.R.C.P., Lon. F. R. l iley, L.R.C.T'., LOll., F.R.C.S., 'V. . "V. Roberts, lI.R.C.S., .T.13. n.1e, 'I.B., cn.B., TOW Zcaland, .J. II. 'cott, M.D., Edin., "Llt. O.S., F.R.S.E., 'V. r.r. mith, M.B., B.orr., 'n,111., .\. St nhouse, lILB., B.OIL, Tew Zealand, "IV. M. 'tenhou'ie 'Ln., C.M., Gln.. . , 'V, ]-C. Stevens, M.R.C.!';., T,.R.C'.p., L on., Jas. Sutherland, i\f.n., C.'r., Eelin., T. G. Trottcr, 'LD., Eclin., J. . \Va.it, J,.R.C.S., L.F.P. '., Glas., .Tn.s. Whitton. )f.n., F.R.C.S., 'Ym. ~\. 'Vheeler, )f.D., B.Cll., B.A.O., Royal niver 'ity, he., 'V ..T. 'Will :I[.B., C.Jr., Eclin., 'V. II. Borri e, ~LB., C.~L, Edin., Geo. Hodges, :\I.B., c." ,Ec1in., '. II. Gordon, )1.11. B.eH., lTew Zealand, E. Blomfield, ~I.D., B.S., Lon., ~\. H.. Falconer. )['B., B. n., H. H. IIogg, )LB., C.B ., ?\ew realand, M.R.C.D., L.H.C P., Lonel., B .• 'earlly, )I.R., Eng'. , E. II. \Villiml1D, :1f.B., R.ClI., New Zealand, )f.n.c.s.,L.n.c.I'., Lond., D.I'U., Cn,mh, D. II. Young, ~I.B., ClI.M., Edin. A~ r?\UAL REPOI T . Thc yl'ur just clo!'1Cc1 has b 'n!1 ,"cry sUCCIJS ' Eul one, the work of in trllction in first :tirl to til' injured hn..s becn yigurollsly pushed forwurd, 1110re particularly in the outlying' clistrids. 'l:1,;se~ lut\' been held at O::l.mam 2, Invercnrhrill, ~Iilton <1 (2 mcn, 2 \\'()lllL'n) 'liuton, ,,'aitn,ti, Pl\lmel' .lOll, Kaitangata. In conjunction with the Yoluntcc1''; of the Otago Dlslrict the folluwing classes hase been held: B. Battery Fiehl Artillery, .1 o. ~ , l11pany G .U'rison Artillery, .l U. 2 Company Engineers, "L\o.2 'ompnny "L\.Z.:JI. Field Hospital. 1\0. 1 B:tttulion Otago Rifle ', Popotuno Ritk:~. Dun ·(lin cl!\ 'ses : 'Vom ·n·· fir·t aiel (2), 'Vomell's uursing (2), :Men's first ;Liel. Amhulance ~n.turd1ty was oh,;et'Yoc1 on :Jlarch 2;Jth, when the public respouded in a lib ralll1nnncr to the appeal un l)ehalf of the 'entre" fund. The Transport \\"(1rk has he n ('uni '(luut in a 'atisfn.ctory manner, and where nece sary trainedmell h:L\L' b, '11 sent to help in removal of sick and injured, thi ' branch of the work has proved I\' gl":tt l)l'ssing to many ·ulfercrs. Tile Centre is deeply indebted to the lllcdil',\'l fal!lIlty of the 'ityand '0l111try di tricts for their vull1[l.ble ttiel. Receipts anel E.l·pClldillll'e. /01' the year 1905. Receipts. E .l'pcnclitllJ'C. , £13 10 11 To Balancc ill IHlll k, :'Iay, 1005 £:32 6 1 By General Expenses. 17 5 9 " Bral1l!h Balance . . 31 5 7 "Hent . , 15 13 9 " DlIllcdin l\lclllb 'l'ship 72 7 6 "C!a Expensc " Vol unLccr Examination " AdLli tional Iaintenance 24 1 3 Fce~ 2 J 0 and Repairs 6 19 1 " nb 'l'l'i pLion 14 5 0 » Medallion 12 2 o " Alllluall\lccLing 'ollectioll 3 7 " Annual Meeting 3 o 1 » Ambulance, aLul'clay 47 15 10 ,,'nlarie anll Fees 2 9 6 " 1\[cuallions 20 12 0 » Ambulance ttLu!'day " Am buln,nce Oarriage and Trunsport ervice 19 7 6 » Depo it in Dunedin ayings Bank 60 0 0 " Balance in Bunk of New 5 Zealand . 21 13 T


O.M. , Ed111., G, A. Oopland, lII, D., New Z ea.l::Lnd, M.R .C.S., L.n.c.p.;





Life 1U Clll\)CI'S.

Col~uhoun, lIJ:D., lII:R:C.P., The Hight R ev. the Prill1 tlie of Jew Zealand, IS HonOI Mr. JustlCe Wilhams, ~lr. "V. L. Li\'iuoul:ttOll, ' vv''. J . '\17]'11 V V , 111.1)., C.b!., W . E,vans , 1II.D. , FRO . . . S. ,J. Ma cph erson, M.B., C.lIf ., .J as. ]3ettc11c, .Jullr.



St. John A 1nvuln1?ce Associc"lion.

St. J ohn A1nbulance Association.







I havc cxamincu the hooks and accounts o[ the abo\'e A 'sociatioll, and certify that, in my opiniol\, the above i n. conccL statement of LIte rcceipts ano expenLliture for year ellllillg 4th D ecembc\', 1905. C. R. MITll, F.I.A.N.Z. Dllneclill,

December 7th, 1005.

J. E.




St. J ohn A ?nbulance Associution.

St. J ohn A ,mbulance



Prcsident St • .John Amlmlllucc Nurs ing GlIlhl.

M.B . , C.M., A . Martin, M. D. Lond . , F . W . Mackenzie, B.M., Euin., R . D . , Mackenzie, M.D., J. M. Mason, M.D., L.ll.C.I'. Eclin., J. A. 1I1ac(10nnel1, M.D ., C.~L, II. J. McLean, M.n., E. J. O'Neill, M.B., CIl.B . .J: .1:';., urg ..-Capt. N .Z. VI. Cont., H. D. Perry, ~Llt.C."., II. Pollen, M.D., DlllJ ., Eo E. POl'l'ltt, ;\I.B., F.R.C.S .., J. R. Pl1l'dy, ]\1. B., C.~I., J. S. Pl1l'dy, ;\LB., C.M., ,'mg.-Capt. N.Z. VI. Cont., Ehzabeth Platts-Mills, M.D., crr.D., M. "\\'. Ross, M.B., :M.lt.C.S., ,Yo , . Hoss, l\I.B., n.CH., B.A.O., A. nI. 'u,lludel's, :lLn., C.M., ]J.l'.lI., '. F. , cott, M.B., C.M., ,'. ,'kerman, M.H.C.S., L., .A., J. ,'orley, M.B., C.;\I. Etlin , ,Yo II. ,'towe, l\f.ll.C ... , L.lt.C.P., Lond., J. O. Toss\I'ill, ~[,n., c.~r., Edin., 'V. R. TyLhl'rirlge, M.]U·.';. , L.R.C.p., L.l\!, T. 'V',A . Valcntine, l\l.B., c.:.!., Isahel Watson, L.n.C . I'. & S. Eclin., G. \Yilson, B.;\[, Edll1., 'V. Young, M.D., (":'11., Edin., F.R.C.S.

Mrs . S. A . Rholles.



Ris Excellency Lord Plunket, ICC. v.O., Governor of New Zeala.nd.

(;I! a i1'nl:l 11.

lIoIl01':n'Y A1UliCol'.

H. Ha.dlow Seed.

O. P. Po\\'le , F.I.A. '.Z.

Hou. SOli citor.

Jlon. Sec. :ulIl 'J"·CHSlll'c r.

E. Balcom be- Brown.

W . B. Fishel', Thol'lldon, Wellillgton . Lifc iU c lIIlJc r s .


Barton, E. D. Bell, Benevolellt I nstitution, W. O. Buchanan, Mrs. J. Burne, Burnham, Williams & Co ., Ohilton Honse Branch of the 1I1illi~tering Ohildren's L eagne, The Oountess of Ranfurly, 1111'S. W. B. Fi. her, Gear Meat Co., Girls' High SrllOol Branch of the Ministering Ohildren's League, John Kirkcal,lie, Ie rs. Levin & 00. , 1\1rs. S. A . Rhodes, '1'. G. Iacarthy, Mallawatl1 Hailw'lY Co., A. H . .Mile, N. Z. Shipping 00., A. E. Pearce, H. H. Seerl, 'haw, avill and Albion 00., Messes. J. 'taples and 00., t. Peter's Church Helief ,uild, 'l'enace Oongregational Church Tl'l1stees, 'l'yser hipping Co., Union . S. Oem pany of . Z., Wellington City Council, Wellington Harbour Board, Wellington Ho pital Trllst, ellington Ladies' Ohl'i tiall Association, ' V ellington Meat Export Co., \-Vellington Racillg Club, Wellington Working .Men's Olub.


Trns t ces : GCll cra I I"Ullcl.

W. B. Fishel', C. P. Powles, and II . H.


Trus te es : Nur. in g Fund.

1\1l's. S. A. Rhodes, J. G. W. Aitken, and O. P. Powles. JUccUcal SlnlT.

H . Adams, M.lt.C.S., L.R.C.P., G. E. Anson, :.r.D., B.C., OalltuL., M.ILC.t;., L.R.C.p., ' J. R W. Anderson, M.D., W. Anderson.. 1I1.Il., C.M., ,V. Baxtel'-Gow , 1II D. , C.M., EJ In., • A. Oameron, M.B., CH.B., L.S. , 'Y. A. Chapple, M.D., cn.H., .Z. , 1II.R. C.S., D.p.IT . (1.),1\1. Oampbell, 1If.n., ClI.n. N.Z., W . H . Dawson, F.R.C.S. , l\f.B., C. M., D.P.H., H. T . Dawson, ~r.B., 0.;\1. AbeI'd., J . E\\'arr, M.D., Edin., J . J . Edg.al', l\I.B., C.M. , J. S. Elliott, ~I.B., CII.B., P. O. Fenwick, M.B.C.S., W . K. Fyile, M.A., Cantab., M.D., r..C., 1v1.R.C.p., Lond., H. E. Gil)bs, 111. D., F. R..... , A . G. Harvq, l\I.B., B.C., Cantab., II. R. IIatherly, M.R.C.S. , L.n.C.p, l\1.13., Lond ., C. D. Hcnry M.A., Cantah., l\r.n., n.r'., E. A. ,V. Heuley, ~[,R . , R.ClI., B. A. O. , Duh., W . E. Herbert, M.D., F.R.C.~., Belin., 'V. J. H . H islop, M.B., F. Il.C.S., .A. Hosking, M.D., ClI.M . , E!lin . , C. B. Innes, l\f.n" Lond., A. ,V. I zard, M.A . , 1If.13 . , B.C. , l\f.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D. Johnston, L.n.c.p ., ELlin., D. G. Johnston, M.B .. C.M., Glas., J . H . Kemp, ~I.B., B.C., W. A. Logan, L.n.c.p ., F.R.C.S . , J . P. D. L eahy,

Oontinued progress in ~he anll~a:l. op~1'ations of. the Centr.e is th~ most prominent fealure for 1'eco1'(\, the \ anous actl ntws III connectIOn therew1th ImYlng L.een not only fully lll<lilltained but illCl'ea ed. lli· Excellency the Govel'l1or presIded at the "'elleml l'uhlic llleetilw and distnbute(l the Medallions and Oel titicates :Hvurded dUl'llIg the prey~ou~ y~ar. Tlwre was a h~rge at~~nc1allce, illC~udillg Lady Plun:e~, the Blhop of \\ ellillgloll, ane! other IJl'ommtmt CltlZen:-;, and ex('ell~nt pe~ches "ere llHlde by Lord Plunkct, He\'. Dr. Gibb, l'>rofessor Brown Drs. EllIott, Fmdlay, and Iza.l'cl. . ..:\. c,lpital cleUlOnstn\,tion vf ttmbubnee work was gi\ en by members of the Police [01 ee anel the t. .J obn ..:\..mhulauee .L\ lI1'sing Guild, who \\'ere accorded a hearty ,,?te of thanks Oll tbe Illution of the Pl'el';ltknt. The ditrict nursing work among the sIck pOOl' has been e!l1eiently ciU'rietl out, 101 l'rltien ts ll<l.\'illg been ~egl~tered and :W/J visit , paid from lst )\O\ellliJeJ', lVOJ, to ~bt Oeto~er. 190J . . lhe HO.rse AllllJUItLlIt:e Tmnsp()l'l ~er\lee hilS bet:ume a permanent neeeslty, 232 patIents ha nng lJl:ell eUllyeyed clming tIIU (·oneslJunding lJ\Ol~lUcl.. .. . . l\\'ellty-L\\'u ,. Fil'st .:\id .. and "l!owe ::\ UJ'slllg dn se:; ll<t\'t.! L)(.;C11 orgamsedlllee hk t repurt, 13 being for men aud ~) fur women. The Ouml~ittee gratef~llly at:kllllll led"e:; dUllatiun:; uf £ti~,;3 1 ~~. I d. frum the promoter:; of "1' e Olde E11glI~he Fayn;," c:fj(, fn;m ltll nuouyllluu' cOlltl'ilJulol', {~,jU frOJ~l the Exeeut?l" of the late ':'lr. '. D. lz,trd. ant! £11;') 1 Is. lOd. frum lUlllual subscl'lbel'!". nalll1l10U' vote of thank:; an; :tceordct! to tlle ilull .•\lcdit:ill Stelff ,l,nd nHious offiee-be~,re~'~ ~f t.he ~ocal brandl of the AssociatIon. The eertlficd btntemcnt of a,; 'ets and lIabllItles lllclIcate an illerea~e of Hearly J':900 III the ,l:;:;et . [01' thu t\\'ehe month. , the totnl bahmce to the credit of the Centre bcing £2.')/1 17s. lit!. .. First AIel .. has been frc'lueully l'elllleruLl duri~g the past year by members of the _\..s::;(Jcin hllll in the'\' ellington D i:;tl'iet, the follo\\,lllg' bemg a few of the case ~l~al t lI'ith : -1 . •\. plumber ill " large establishment fell frulll the :'Sccund story, ' tnkmg the cd«e of a Joi:;t with hi leg ju:;L beloll' the knee enp, mnklng' a hu~e gash. He Wits tr~aLed l)y ~les:;l's. C. E. Ha11'h aud Cox, who d~allsed wound WIth \Yater and t:nrbulie a(;itl ;;olutiun, applIed Lirc:;illg, lJOlllld up wlth roller bandage; and sent patient to the hospital. :-;ub:;e(llIelltly VI'. Ewart sent a me sage to the eff~ct that he \\'a:; \I'ell pletlsecl with the" First Aid" treatment. 2. A bhol1l'er workmg' at the (Juceu':; ",h,\']f met with <'I,U ac.:c.:illent, sust,tining bad cut, on he"d, ?heek, a,nd ~10S~. 'I1'irst ,Aid" \\'elS rendered by ~ll'. A. H,ol1l·ton, who, after \\'a"hu~g the pa~le~t S illj llJic~, <..:lipped hail' around \\ uunt1s on head, applied narrow stnp' of 'beklllg plaster, amI ll.·ucl tri,lllgl1!ttr bal1thtge~. :3. A fireman \\,~lS knocked clown o,~ La~btoll hHly ,tl'ikinlf llw l)twk of his hcn,d on footpilth, e<'lllsmg a large cut \\ l~h plOfn e bleeLlill'f <lnctrellli 'l·in,,· him in:-;cnsible. ':'11':'1. ,Yo 13. Fi 'her, \d1O \\ ilS paS 'l?g at the tilll(;, u~~'l'o\\'ed a basil~ltnt1 water from a sl.lOpkeepel> and poekt!t handk~re1llef~ .from by:;tn.ll<1t!I·s. ,\Yas lte c1 p,ltient' beall, nppllCcl StyptlC m~cl pi,d, b.oUIlll II ouud tillllly, ,lllll left nmn in ebarge of a. [riuncl, who took him to Ins \'essellll a c,lb .. -:t. ~\. hlcl ,\'bout 11 years of :1ge Wl,S w,~lkillg on the ThOl'l1don Esphu~aclc.:, acc~~~pa~le.cl by ~\\'o hdies, when he was suddellly nltat:ked by a large bulldog and e: elcl) bl~ten.'1~ld tOl'll [l.i)Ollt lJolh legs ])efOI'C he cuulll be I' 'scuecl. :;'lies Til. ,T. ~I?lhs '~llcl "\\ . \\ hJ~e were the lin;t Lo go to his ll,:;sisln.nce. The t!og Wil uen,ten oU fi\e h.mes before It eouId be finn.lly secured. 'rhe boy WiU:l badly hwcrn.wcl, amI Mr. Ilolhs washed. the wound:; II ith water n.ncl,l,lltisepLies, applied firm bandages, a,nel h:111detl the pt,bellt over to Dr. H elll'Y, who subselluently arrived on the scenc. I'


164 To

" "

" " " ""


" "

" "

St. J ohn A 1nbulance Association.

Balance Sheet fo?' R eceipts. Balance, St. J 01111 Ambulance Association . £46 St. John Ambu" N ursillg Guild . 14 lance D onation (Anonymous) . 250 " (Ye Old Engiishe Fayre). 653 I zard Oharles Beard Bequest 250 Subscriptions 145 Class Fees 105 Stores aud Medallions 37 Horse.A mbulalJce Transport Fees 116 I uterest . 44 Collection at Annual Meeting 10 Exchange, etc. . . 0 St. John Ambulance Kursing Guild: Deposit 5


the yea?' cnding 31st Octobe?', 1905. J!)xpendit t61·C. By amount paid Lo 1111's. . A. 2 2 Hhodes, l\lessrs. J. G. W . Aitken and O. P. Powles 17 10 in Trust for invesLl1lelJt 0 0 Oil aeeount of Fund for Nursing the sick poor £1100 12 7 " Nll1sillg the sICk poor of ,\' elllllgton- .,Lial'iC:l, Rent, and llJiscellaneolls 0 0 11 10 expenses 214 17 4. Stores alJd Medallions 38 " Horse AllJbuiaJlce Trans10 7 " port Service 92 6 0 Police III tructor 30 " Examination Fees 17 9 12 "" Ad verti::,ing and Printing 23 0 3 tationer.Y, Po tages, eLe., 10 " Mi"cellaneous 6 3 . 35 "" Sub cription LoSt. Jo1m's 5 0 Gate (auuual) . 5 Don. to St. Jobn's Gaie " (Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem) 5 St.J.A. Nur::,ing Guild" Withdrawal . 6 Balance in Bank" S.J.A.A. 91 15 1 S.J.A.Ng. Gld. 13 10 7 105 "I



2 10

.'.·c '! itl cut. ( 'h

8 9


14 10



1 0 0 6

2 ti 11 11 5






5 8 7 7

£2893 15

OHAS. P. POWLES, F.I.A.N.Z., Auditor.

W. B. Frsmm, Hun. Treasurer, Correct,

ILE. ,ir "Yalter IIely-IIutchin on, G.C.M.G., Governor of the Oolony. Ma.jor-General E .... mitb Brook, c. B., Oommanding II. Dr. Force1l, Oape Oolony.

£16 0




W. B. FISHER, Hon. T1'ftasul e1', Audi ted and found correct, Thol'lldolJ, ,VellilJgton, N.Z. OlIAS. P. PmYLER, F.I.A.N . Z., Auditor. Balance Sheet at 31st Octob"T, 1905. Liabilities. Assets. To Sun~ry Oreditors . £15 17 7 By Wellington Trust and "Oapltal ~cc.-Balancc Loan Ooy., cleposit . £300 0 o to Oredlt of Centre . 2877 17 6 "Equitaule BuildiJ1g and Invest. Ooy. . 200 o o " Amount paid to Mrs. ,'. A. Rhodes, Messrs. J. G. W. Aitken and O. P. Powles, in trm,t for investment on aec. of Fund for nursing the sick poor of Wellington 2010 0 o "Horse Am bulance carriage, Wellington 100 0 o " 'Yanganni . 100 0 o " " Palmerston Nth. " (haH-share) . 50 o o " Ashford Litters, Skeleton, etc. . . 30 o o " Books, diagrams, etc., on hand. . . 12 0 o " Oash in Bank 91 15 1 £2893 1fi


St. J ohn A mvulance AS8ocicLtion.

Thorndon, Wellington.


a i .·llIa Il.

Rev. A. P. Bencler, JlUII.


Ohief Rabbi.


E. .J. Earp, (}.[e8Sr1l. 1hxwell an d l£a,rp) 'to George'

treet, On,pe To,,'U.

Life JI(·llIbeJ· .. .

lI o ll. SI't· .·e l"l''y .

A. J. Fuller, Major J. A. Liebmann,

Major .T. A. Liebmtl,nn, Rosehttllk, O<Lpe TOW11. Jh'cli('al


Messrt-l. " lexa,ncler, (De Aar~ L.R.a.H., Ire1., L. H.C.P., Ire1., C .T. An~ler on, ;}I;R.C.S., L.H.C.P., Benjamin, ~!.lt.('.H.,L.R.a.p. I.. S.A., Bo enberg,M.B., M.I:>., Edln., Oarre, M.p., Rrux., ~Llt.C.H., L.KC.!'., Dttrley-1Lutley, 'r.n Dur., ;\LH.C. ' ., )I.R.C.P. Lond. & Echn., Elliott, ~r.))., M.H c ... , L.H.C.P., Fellhoulet, ~I.R.().S., L.lt.O.P., E. B. Fuller. )LB., ~I : ., F.JU'.H. Edin., F. lIanis, )I.R.C.H., J•. R.C.r., L.S.A., B. Hewat. il1.B., ~r. '., Bdm., .1. ] [ewltL, ~I.I,.A., )1.B., M.S., Bdin., }'L lIe\vat ~1.D., Bdin., II.aye, L.R.C.P. Irel., L.R.t'./';., Ire1., Hunter, )I.B., Jr.I:>., Ec1in., Kohler, ilLD., (Berlm), 't~atsT ~xamen, de Yode, )1.£., M.H.C.~., L.RC.P., Lester, '. F. K. ~IuJTn,y, M.D. Queen s 'CmV'. Irel., F.RO.H., Ire1., M.~., n. .1., lILA.O., R.'U.1., 1\Ic?'\ally. :1l.B., B.. , Durh., ~eet~g, i)I.B., ~r .. '. , Edill., Pearson, ~r.n., )r.;' ., Aher., .J. Peter:;en, )f.B., ill. '., Edm. , ,PIers, 'I.V., .\'h~r., ~I.Jt.C.:-:;., L.H.C.P., 'teYe1l1l, 'I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., yfret, )l.B., i)I. ., Cantab, \\\d<1 1'011 , ~1.]J .• ~I.R.C '., I•. RO.P., A. :'Iarui 'ViLon, ul.]) . , Durb., ~I.R.C .. , L.R.C.l'. R . .A.. ,Vilson, ~l.B., )[ S., Eelin., 'Volfe, Lie., Med. & Oh. L.. A., Lond. A~NU.AL REPORT. i\In.jor- enernl E. S. Brook 1m. succeeded Major-General Mile a President, and I!tjor .J. A. Liebman has he en appoint cl Honorary "ecretary. The. old Oentre ha been eli vided into two by the creution of iL 'eutre at Ea t London. whICh emhraces t~e J~astern J islrict:s of the olony anel the TnUl kei. Owing to the depre ed finanCIal (;onclitioll uf the CuloJlY tllu Railway Department and the llarbour Board ha\'e been obliged to \\ ithhold th' '''ra.nt ill aid of the instruction of their employee and con eq uently the number of p~pil:; has materially decrea ed . The ouncil ~a brought to the notice of the Order the .' "olden deed" of Porter }'lanuel of the O. G.R. who .!Lt the imminent ri'k of hi · life ~t\'ed an old man from being killed by an expres~ tram. 'fhe date of the \.nnua.l Meeting has been altered to October to coniorm With the wi, he expres 'cd by lleacl-q uarter . Bnlance Shect, 30th April, 1905. Liabilities. Assets. To grants, donations, fLnd IBy goods in stock as per chts1l-fees . £J 73 17 9 tock heet . £ 145 12 10 undl'Y creditor . 7 10 , Depo it in O.G.H. " "':LYings Bank 150 0 0 " Oa h in bank, a per pa s book 146 19 11 " Oash in hand. . 0 6 11 " Balance at debit of profit and 10 s 3 6 11




£4 1


E. J. EARP, non. T7'eaSll.?·(l1'. I hereby certify the above balance sheet to agree wjth the book of the Oentre. J.l1ay 26th, 1905. MAYNARD NA H, IncO?")Joratcd .dcC01llLtant.




St. J oh 11 A 1nlniJlance A .. ocic&tion.

St. John A r;nb~iJlciJnce Association.

Statement of Assets emil L iabilities fa?' the yea?" ending Septembc?" 30/,h, 1905.



Assets. £7 17 Balance, cash on hand 9 6 Material on ha11l1 15 0 Two , Vheelen Litter. Amount 0(" Clas. Fees dne, lmt 1 1 110t paid (n,pproxim[lte)

I»rcsidc llt.

DaviJ Rees . IlOllOl':ll'Y SCCl'Ct;U'Y :111(1 1'1·ca 81u· c l·.

Wi lliam S.

icoll, Traffic Manager's Office: P.O. Box 173, East L onllon, Cape Colony.






o o

I East London ,'ection balance

7 12 9 25 11 10






D. REE.', P,·csident. ' Y. . NICOLL, lIon . Sec, and T?·p,aS1L,·e1·. 1I . B. CUMn-w, IIon Altditor.

Lifc ilIcmbcr. vYm . Booth Skinner, lILB . , C. M. lUcllic al S taff.

011as. J . H ill Aitken, ;lI.B., Robt. J. Oameron, ILlII . 0., L . U.C. ' . , Patrick P. Ganteaume, )I.B., c . lII . , Edin., E. R. Grey, B.A., ::ILB., ClI.D., Edin ., Ohas. J . Lownds, B. A., L. R . C. P. & s . , D . P . II . , J. Lyncb, L.ILC.S., J. l)aisley, H. ;lI.O . , M. B ., Wm . Bootb Skinner, Il. M.O., ::II.n . , 0.::11., Abert!. , James 'tirling, M.B . , c . lII . , Glas. , T. F . Tal'l'abill, M. D. ANN UAL REPORT. I n presenting the first annual report the execntive council of the centre have pl easure in recording with satisfaction the progress made in allllmlauce work during the past year; i t was maiuly tllrough the elrorts of our \\'orlhy l'l'esid~ll t LlJat a centre of tile Association was fonned in East Loudou to Lave coutrol oyer alJ1bulance matters throughOllt the bOl'Ller di. trict of Gape Colony, and the bcncfit tllUs conferren canuot be too highly appreciated. The interest taken iu alJ1blllallCe work throughout the district continues unabated, the various sections working under the ccntre doing ,,,ell, ant! it is eSllec;iully gratifying to note that since the formation of the centre less than a year ago 175 p upils have attended classes and have gained 71 certificates of yarious gmues, ant! 14 medallions. T he ambulance wheeleLl litter, the property of the centre, is kept at the Frere H ospital, and Las 011 many occasions been Illade use of uuring the past year for the transpo rt of the sick and inj ured: aud lUuch goou work has been done in this COllnection by the members of the Association, ant! of the Local Railway Amlmlance Divisio n, which ill efficiency aud the up-to-date equipment is second to llone in South Africa.. T he executive council would take this opportunity of expressing its al'prceiatioll of the v<tIuable service~ relldel'eu by the meilluers of the IlleJical staU' of the centrc.

Balance Sheet for the yectJ' ending SefJtembe1' 30th, 1905. Receipts. ExpenclitttJ'c. T o Balance . . . £3 0 0 By Juta & Oo.'s account . £0 12 6 " Class Fees, I ncidental Ex " Oape Town Centre account 0 :3 0 llenses, East London " St. J .A.A . accoUllt, Loudon 13 16 11 .::)ection . . . 3 13 6 "Freight on l\l atelial 3 6 10 " D ons., East Lon. Section, 9;2 0 "Crosuy 00. 's account 1 0 0 "Sale of Uooks and. " Davidsou 's account 0 1 li Bant!ages . . 4 7 0 "Norton's accouu!.. . 0 0 1 " CreJit Balance, East Lon. "Petty DislJUrsements by Section . 7 1:2 9 cClctary 1 12 7 " 1\I eda11ious 2 18 6 ",\Iedallious. . ;2 1 0 " Balance, Cash on handCr. Oentre 0 4 4 " East Lon . Sec. 7 12 9

7 17 1

£30 13


- - -£30 13



H is EXt'cl1ency the Earl or

el1>01'11e, 1'.1 '., n.C.13., G.r'.l\r.r.., High Oommi.ssi.oner ror ,'outh Africa. Yiscol1l1t ~Iilll~r, 1'.( '., n.C'."\Ln. ). J' <: ~ id e nt.

Hi. E~rcllell (,'y ,'ir IIamilloll ;oohl-A,1am~,

K.C.:I['(:., C.B.

( 'hail'lll:1n.

Hi' \\'or~hi]llhe jlayor of l3l0cJllfonlciu, W. 11. Heid. Lifc .1 I('III"ers .

. ,'II . C',0 d l.11 I' 'Ll , r , .... \. :If .C. , C . T . D . Urquhart, ;l1.D. \V. W. HOllgin, ;lcn., C'aptulll!. .Jlliut 1I0IHII'al')'

l ' r<::1 ,~lIr('n,.


T. R. Brelh('rtoll aneln. H. C:rcen\\'oocl, P.O. Dox 5-15, Blocmfollteln. .Joint Jlonurar,}' S(,(:l'c lal'lcs . O'''pt:l.in G. II . Goddard, ]: ..\.:ll.l' . , alit1 fI ngI1 '11,1\\,. 1) •0.

. Do~ -

54;:; , Blocmfolltclll .

Otll cc ...

Public IIeaHh OtJicc , GO\'e1'1lI1lCllt Buillling , Rlcemfontein. JlolI()l'ary t~lHUtOI' S .


W. J . C. 131'l'1In<:1' anti P. F. R. De Yil1ic1' , Bloemfontell1. M('41il' nl



Tarc'clt Adams A. ilL naumann, C. H. Bicl"'cll, .:Jl. De Kock: H. IFij· l 'JO a' '1' E' .C. LI? . C"\lT'\\\"l\' 'oulll Al1'ican 'Confltabulary, ' ] lO 1loc,e1l1ann " , '.; , ]"]1 HCaptam 0 K G. 11 el' , Goddard It.:\. ;lLC., W. \\' . 11 0CIgins, \\'. J01111 ',011, O. \. P lieI', 'r • e, n J W is:.1'ause O. Krausc, Y. i\iannillg, A. E. \\. I~a1l1 ,hot!011l; \\. R. . cot.t, ,M' TUlllor~ C. T. 1'Ill11111rt A. U. \\';lnl, Caplall~ i. 1\. ,e]]:1cot\, t:ij' '']\.:t.:]: , · t: J , \,J' \\'ns t }' \. ~[C' L' icntentlnt T. '. lJudlllllg, It.A.)l.C., J. b . }C ,C'lp 'un \ " , ,. . . . . , J L I G P tt '\ Ie '. 'c Last 'E Duthie, G. 1:). Clarke, l!.. :::iymond , J. . yuc \ T., 1''1 un' lAl1al(\ ' 1\'1'" 'J ' i\ l Ko\' F G Rl]·tOIi E. l{. Holl1les, A. i\lc \\ . L~reel1, A. . . 7. I:; op, . , J' • ., , " I~ B I' l' I-elllled ,' \\T A rone, ,:. _ ~ J~" ' • • • J acob E. C. '. Dal1i~l, W. H. DickillSO II, 1. " " " I' H ::3 '1' I . Gri\.ut Arnott A J. l on]dll, C. '\\ . ::5bal[l, Trumpel', . ~llVa( leI', . , '. ay) Ol, :l "11"" D' -\.rc' , Yillitll1l G. r J ]) llllIlC l! ..1. l3rowlllielll-b .. telllnll, 1. A . bl ~ l~e, 11 -'LI j \ T Foil' I ,. . ' 1 l~ I C' \ ' J) W ·dl H. Leicrh l\l tro ICl lcr, l L •. ), \, lI oextcl', 1'. !I. :lent cy, To ' , ' \ ' t,' 1 '" 1'1 l3echr A U Parkhill' t , U. K Brown, '1'. H eaps, J . H unte r,. G. ul'H H\,ln~ .. . . ' ,. • J . J . Ross, C. W. Huu ter, J . II. W]ntch el1c1, A . \\ . Caltct.





St. J ohn A1nb1dc!J?1ce Association.

S t. J ohn A nd)ulance A ssociati on.



A grati fying feature of the work in t he Orange River Colony is that not a penny has been paid to medical practitioners as fees for lecturing or exallJining, nor to any other pel' on. T he Government of the Orange R iVer Oolony has very kindly decided to give an annual grant of £25 to the funds, and the Oentral South African R ailways a grltnt of £10 annnally, The Oorporation of Bloemfontein has given a donation of £25, and it is hoped that this may be made an annual grnnt. Tho Oentre is on a tho roughly sonnel basis, and the work is on the increflfle. T welve classes, viz. , 11 first aid, and 1 home hygiene, have been beld si11ce Lhe 1st JallUfll'Y last (the date of our last report) but this number will be exceeded during tho ensuing year. Over 60 members of the loca l police force pos e. s certificates of proficiency i n first aid, and nursing lectures are being given to them. It is hoped that the funds will admit of an ambulance wagon being purchasell next yeltr . Ambulance hampers have been placed in cnuflpicuous positions arouud the Oity of Bloemfontein. First aid lectures have been delivered at the Grey College, the Oentral Prison, South African 00nstab\11ary Barrack, and the Oaledonian .'oeiety's rooms, also at Kl'oonstad, Smalcleel, pl'ingfontein, Heilbro11, and Jacobsdal. The Oe11tre being represented in nearly every town and village in the Colony, it is certain that each succeeuing year's results will be better than the preceeding ones.


Statement of Revenue and Expenditu1'ejm' the yea1' ]201-1905, Receipts. 6 0 0 6


By Ooncert Expenses £45 15 1 " Oarriage on tore", Shipping Agent' Charges and Postage 14 15 3 " Paiu St. John Ambulance Association" Incidental Expenses " 5 14- 0 tores 81 9 5 "" Hire of Rooms for Lectl1res 5 18 6 I I Rent of Post Omce Box . 1 1 6 " Stationery, Printing, and I. R. Stamp . 18 2 6 " Cheque Book 0 5 0 Balance in Bank 8 8 9

" £181 10


£8 43




5 6

£181 10

A 8~et8 .

Oash in Bank Value of Stor es in h and Sundry Deb tors

93 2 £144 15


Liabilities. St. John Am bulance Association, Stores £45 Balance after providing fo r liabilities 99


8 10 6 10

£144 15

Oompared with cash book and fou nd correct,

P. F. R. W. J. O.



} n on. Auclitors. J oint } H on. T reas'urer·s.


l're 'iclcnt of th c <-c ntI'al ()ollllUiUee.


H. E. the Cum manuer-in-Ohief.

ILK the Viceroy.

' ice-I'res icic nt .

Jl 1I tho nhharaJ··t\1 or ~l Y"ore n . I I . theMallarajahGaokwnrofBaroda.G . ~ .lS. I. f; c l' ' . G l' . G 0 S I . H H the Maharaja 1 u II II. ,the 1\lahan1Jah Cllll 1i1 ot \\'a 101, . . .. ,. . . r ' . • G 0 I E' '.' G S I l E G 0 V 0 . Il .H . the MIL' of KhanpUl, . ... , ..'v . • :, u . ' v . • . , •••• , J alpur, Sir JalllsctJee JeJeebhoy . C • .'




' -i CC -.'rcs hlc nt!> (Cenh'al (.'omwiCc ce).

The IIonble. ir D. I bbdson, ,!\..O . . I. ;. the. Houule. J. P. Hewett, O.S.1., O. I. E. ; the Right Rev. tho LUL'd DIShop o[ LahoLe. lUCJlluc r S (C.' c ntral ()OlllllliUcc). I 1 1.' 0 1I1 GOB (P M 0 H 11 Forces); Surg. SU1'O'.-Gcnoral lL'Thus.Gal\\ej',ll. . . . . . . " . ; . 'iJ' -t"tf'd Cll'· Gcncr~l G. 13uml'ord, O.I.E (D.G., LM .. ); lIlaJ.-G,el~tra .la ol' °eL'~~~~ ial ( I G of Yolullteers)' Maj.-General 'tuart 13eatson, O.l~. (1. 0; 01 Illlpel. H T: . s)· II \\' O;'a11"o (D.G. 0(' EtlllcaLioll in IuulU); Ka.u\\"ar 11' ;rn~n~ ,~oor l' C of K~p~ll'thalit . O. D. W. Ha.::.tl11gs, C.I.E. (1.G., UlIJa p~i?l:~') Ne~'ide Priestley, ('e~lf'tal'.Y, Rail.way Doarl.l); The Ho.ubla. the ! I l' I I . of Darhlu.l.IJ"·l (relll'cseutuJV the Hmdu OOllll1111111tyl, the lila I111l'aJ I 1 J<\ \al UI b' "I "1 1 J Co llluuitj')' hi> nL.d lollled ,'lw,lt Dill (repre euting t Le 1\ ~ 10JUllHl an. ,111 . ~ ~:l~n]j~;lble , 'ir Pheroze 'hah ~lchla, h.O.I. K (repl~es~ntlJlg. tlle P~r 1 COllllllUlllty), Lt.-Colunel·A. C. 1,tLe (liullurary Olgalliing CUl\IUJU:SlUUel' tur I lllhtt). •




T o Stores £25 18 " D onations ann Annual Grants 80 2 " Class Subscriptions 11 14 II P roceeds of Ooncert 63 13 II Refund Postage . 0 2



JlOIl Ol', II' j' ~C(.'l·c Car .\

( 'C1Itr:11 ( 'o mmiU ee.

Lt,-Culunel A. E. Tate, H.A . ftl.O. Li fc :ll c luuc l'S.

. L'leu.-. t C 0 1uue 1;\ C • 'Pate II. E. Viscount KltcheJlel', LL 1. ,

Gal\wcy, SllJ'gcon-Gellcml G. BUlldol'll: the ~Iullule C010llcl \\' illium Cappel' u.nu C. K IIu"tlllg . l'u"lL b ,

llrucoll -Genel'al ir ThOlllUS ~ He\\'t:tt J. 1. , i1' HUl'11alll


St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

With reference to the approaching visit of H.RH. the Prince of IVales it was decided that an address should be prepared and presented to him ou arrival ill Judia, reportillg th0 progre s already made ill this coulltry, which addl'es~, with any answer he may be graciously pleased to give, may Le published in tIle Press. Under covel' of a letter dated lIth July, 1905, Sir Herbert Perrott, Ohief Secretary, St.J.A.A. forwarded d etailed in st ructions Cor th e guidance of the Oentral Oommittee of the Indian Branch, dnl,\\,n up by Lord Breadalbane und the Loudon Oommittee. Th ese instructious lay down vcry clearly and fully the lines along which it is desired that the expansion of the Iyork ill Imlia mny procced. It is hoped that iu tim e the wealthy and bene vol ellL classes of the population of India may provide a capital fund to meet th e CUlTellt expenditure of the OenLral OOlllllJittee out of the intere~ t accruing thercfrom, and that Pl'oviucial Oentres lllay al 0 endeavour to raise similar Provincial fuud ' ; in both these respects emulating the way the Japanese support their R ed Oross Society. At presellt tbe ollly d cfinite source of income that. the Oentral Oommittce can look to i that provid ed by the profits of the Store Depot at Bombay. Provincial C(mtl'as.-TJJe number of these, properly speaki1lg, is eight, viz., Bengal, Punjab, Balu chistan, ",ind, Ul1ited Provill ces of Agra anti Ou<.1h, BUl'llla, Bombay, and Oentral Provinces. 1n Assam, tilough a good J eal is apparently b eing done by independeut workers, th e proper organisation of a centre has not yet Lten achieved . I am in correspondence with some of the l eading oilicials, who have already promised their sympathy and support, and it is hoped that shortly t.he Dew Province of Eastel'll Bengal and Assam, which was called into existell ce ~o lately as October 15th, will have its properly organised Oentre. The Madras Oentre, I r egret to say, is still in abeyance. The latest recruit to the Provincial Oentres, that of Burma, prol11i~es to rival those of Calcutta and BOlllbay in activity a11d llrosperity. On July 7th a preliminary meeting was convened by the Lord Bishop of Rangoon to consider the p ossibility of establishing a Provincial Oentre. Among the speakers were the Bishop, Dr. Pedl ey (who mentioned th a t d etach ed classes hall ueen h eld in Rangoon as far Lack a:-:i 1883), Dr. Douglas, and Major O. H. Hal e, D.1:;.O ., RA.1\I.O. It was 1'e 'ohed that a Provincial Oelltre should be formed , and a Oommittee, with lJowt r to add to th eir 1lU~nber, was appointed. At a first meeting of this OOl1Jmittee, a letter was read from His Honor Sir H erbert \V hi te, Li e ut. -Gov el'llor, expressing his in terest in tlle formation of th e Burma Oentre, and staLilJg his willingn css to act as its Patron. The following office bearers were elected :-Patroll, His Honour Sir H erbcrt White, Lieut. -Governor i Ohairman, the Lord Bi. hop of Rangoon; Vice-Ohairman, llrg .. Oolonel T . F. Pedley, V.D. ; Ho!1. Treasurer, R ev. Thomns 'W right, B.A.; Hon. Secretary, P . A. Ohurchward, Esq. The following consented to serve on the Oommittee :-H. S. H ar tnoll, E q., 1. O. . , Oom missioner of Pegu; Oolonel Davis, 1.1I1.S.; Oolonel McOra e, 1.1\1. S . ; Major Hale, RA . ~1:.0. i Dr. A R J. Douglas, Dr. H. n. L. Joy, antI nJaung Ba hin, ;dunicipalOommissioner. Excellent reports have been r eceived from th e Honorary Secretary, and classes have been h elel or arc in COll tem plation among the Y.1I1. O. A., St. Paul's High Schonl, th e Governm ent Oollegiate School, the HallgoOll Baptis t Oollege, the Ladies in Oantonments (o rganised by 1\1rs. Harvey Ad1tl11son, wife of the Ohief Judge), the Europea n Police OOllstables, the Port Defence Volunteers, aud the Port Tl'llst. Th ose last have decided to have thl ee classes. Reports from the Bellgal and Bombay Presid ency Oentrrs shew the great es t activity, and are more satisfactory in every way. The Bombay Oelltre still enjoys thc distinctiun of being the only Indian Or::ntre whi ch has orga11i8ed divi sions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade : it possesses a Ladi es' Nursing Division alld a Parsi Division, both of which are excellently reported upon: it has been Jll'op'lsed, [Iud it is unrIer th e consid eration of a Sllb -Oomlliittee, to forDl a R esen e to augmcllt tlle Nursing Estahlishlllent in time of war, to be divid ed into two sections, (1) iOl'Duty in the Fiehl : (2) for Base Hospitals. Local Centres. -Those at Ballgalore and Jabal pore are at presellt the oIlly ones. 1'he former, with Oaptain StanJage as Honorary Secretary, appears to be doin a 0 sLcady work, as is no doubt the latter also. Native Stcttes.-As far as is known there has been no marked increase of activity among the Native States during the past year. It is hoped that sOllie impetus may be given by the visit to India of H . n.H . Lhe Grand Priol', wIto, through

St. John A I)nbulG~nce




1 ] ope tl t 1 en at HyclClauacl (Deccan), he may Sir Arthlll Bigge,. has eXl)l'eS~ec. a la rll~:~ also promised to acknowledge th e see something 01 Lhe work le1lJg Ol1e, all , . t' I H H the Gaekwar of serviccs rendcred to thc St. J 011 n Am bulallce AssoCla lOn Iy . . l lar to be TIoda. 11 ' 1 ' 1 (1 State Oentre undcr 0 01one I G'llll 1e ttc , 0 . I .' E ., a I,plied'H Ie )(ela)a .' . "Fi '. A'I" "Ilvg1ene" and' ome allowed to i:--Hu~ thril' .oWI~ certl£ca~e~, 1 t Il~i e l~I:St meetin a ~f the Oentral 1'1 nrsing." TillS applJCal10n ,,'as 1 e (11 C( O. f I, Cfoorl \l o~k being done and OOllllJlitiee, [l1Id.su(]~cicnt. proof,~e111g frthcol~l·l1~ti~n ~I.I:S °gnlllted, with the proviso the sound orf!alllsatJoll.?f the Centlc, t, Ie 1,C Gate lIe &.ll h ered to, and li sts of that the form of cerilficatc ~lserl a,t \ °t~n 5 t th e 11 011 01'ar), ecretaq, Central celti lieatrd ]1 r1'SO l18 bc st'nt from tJme 0 lllle 0





illJllu. ., 190~ Lt '01011CI Yate addrcssed the H oubl e. Major Daly, On thc liltJl annUl,) . .J, . . f ntre at Indore for th e Agent tn tll? Go\'e1'J1or-Gcllcral, 1Ir¥a1~lir~ \1~~l~0}~~~~~1O~:10a:s~~er ,yas received to the ell l m l Ill dl!l AgCllC)'. I n a I CP) , en Cl , d and r elnested thaL the efl'cct that 1lnjor D aly ~l,provcd of jl}le t pr?Pf~a~~ ;'~~~ll~~hed TI~is was done, but 1ICCCSSUI-Y hook' llnd l'ap ~r on tll(' f;U IJCC nnE? 1 . . as '-'et no further com11lunication ha uecll .rcccllYed . 1 t ,1 tl e t J obn Am bnlance J 'f l ' I ' I In dia wlncl1 la\,e ae op eu 1 . h Ruill('((IjS.- 1(' ral \I"~YS 1!. . ,', .' I ' -Th e Great Indi all Peninsula, t e HI the R a' lutana- Malwa, the A 'soc-iat ion . y;,telll of Fl1'st AId J1J, tJ uellon a e; . East In diall, the HOlllhtLy-Baloda ulJd. Ccntral In han aJ Indi a~l the M adras the ncngal- 'ngl'UI', the Outth a11(1 Rollllkhancl, the on tl1 , L

Son them l'.lall1':ltta. f t J e'l 11 nae hield and 011 tIl e 13lh 1\lal'cl1, 190f), thc i:ic.colld cOlll l 'etition 01' lr - l~ e t.- • prizes prc ellted lJY the C:rallc1 1) nor anc1 Oharlter of the Ord er of St. John of ). .. ftl 1 .... t11 March is appcnded:Jcrllsalelll to~k p1l1ce . The follo\\,ll1g,a~conllt from the IW?1:cl ~ at IJul:bnl )ore. After con ultation with " Th is competItIon ",.as heh~, a. la. t ) ~a1, l ' , \ . 1 cl that the winner oflast " the arrcnts of the \'anonf; l'iull\'ayt' lllt.c1rstec, 1t 'l~la, (.:C1l r t " I nt n])" the teams o 1 I' II . I J'a1l\\'a'-' shon l allange 0 I "'-'ear the Greal 1H 1311 enlll.'l1 a, J " t't' JlllJlmll'ore wa" selected J , . • 190fi 1 s I ct the plaee 0 f com pc 1 lOll. " 'f "c0111pellllg 111 , : ' am .-e t , ~ I', I three of thc ((realest railway systems 0 "and rightly. It 1 c:dl'CIl1~I) cc nya '") ,111.l 11 ]'e1~((nl- ~arrpur meet there. It " Indi a thl' "East Imliall, Grrat In dwll I e,I1.11~sula: al ( ) 0' t11e 13th 1J arch the "i~ ''11'~int :;talioll .11)11 ol1'ers many facll111es. At t1~ .a:11.1. °fn e several raih~'ays . 1 . 1 1 thc rr-presen ~1L l\e 0 t1I ' , " com pCling trams, t Ie .lll( gcs, ane . . nt "'cre Li eutenant-Oolon el A. C. "a ,5c1l1bl(]clillthcOolle~I>, IInI1. Amongtho.se.lllce r the t John Ambulan ce c. Yatr, the IIonol'~),y C?rgani~illg ~olll,T~' ~ll~'icl~ol D., '.0.' ; r.J fljor L. illitch ell " A.'.'ociution ill I nr1w,; L1eutrllant- 0 one . " . M';'or A. G. H end ley, LM.S. ; " and Lieu tena11t L . Pall l1.ll t. all of the R 1\.. 11. 0" 1 ~. 'Watel Dist ri ct Medical .. Dr. J. ,tllalt Brook<.', Ohip!' 1lellil'al Oll1cer.: ar1\Jr ~o1'b~ of the reat Indian " Oflicrr of the En,t I UI1ian H.H11way ; nIl'. Rapel U ( . 1\'1' Boot'11 of the Omlh and , . Peni.nula Rai.I\I'ay; nll'. Gc~rgr ,L~1l1d, H~l~\'~r the ~~st Indian 1{ailwayY ~lun" Rollllkhanc1 hne . and CaptlU1l \\ 111te, Al Jill D E ' 'hatterton anwed ']1 'I III 1'is1l01,of ~a(tlllll' 1'. '),le ' , , "tccrs. ,'0011 a.Ller o.c oc;: Ie ), . ' . J~Ubl;1 lore. H is Lordship opened the "at tcndee.l II)' 111. Oha,lllall1 and tl?c h~pl '\~1~01~ncl Yatlc to adllre, s the m ee ting. "p1'ocrcd1l1g. by calling upon Llcnlena1 lL tIlt h '1(1 heen made among the j " Oolonel Yalc lll'irfly alltHlec1 Lo t.le l~rogre:;sf II l' JUlin a thc fom years that I t s and :Tab\"c ~late 0 DC I"" l n H · "rnilways, po I ICC, YO un eel, t' tadcll hy bim had been in Il e. e "had elapsed si1lce thc . y lem of org'ln1~a.1~n s la t year pre ent to compete (thc " aiel that, althollgh only thrce teaJ1l " ele, '~ lll1dia beincrunaccountnblyau ent) , "Hcnaal· a cr pllr:l1lcl BOlllhay-Hal'otlaand Oentl, '1' 1'11° the interim had hern o "l I t 1 . (tl'C made 011 ral \I n'l's "llolle thc c' t le ac na ]110 0 " , . co of the Indian Empire ",a. so "ron ·illerahlc. The creation of crnlrr~ i.n each 1~rovl13;1 a·' 1 ~radr\l 'Bombay Emma, . tl t t f Ie 'en I lro\,111cc~ \'12. ' " 't' O <' , "n eal' co nljl I ctJOll la Oll 0 C \ ." 'n en I rhi~tan N ort h-'Ves t Froll leI' "Punjah, Unitell Province, Central Pro\'ll1crs, : l~ica'JJ ;lothilla llnd nin e had "l")rovin ce, A sam [111(1 intl, 0111y on had l10 1~~ PI'~~lt ~f ~ranLinCf ~alid certificate. " established properly cOIl:"l itlltrd ce~l t.re~ f . As 110 to r'lilwavs tl~at th ey shou1L1 he " i· veslcd ill th e Pl'OVillClal CCl:tI'CS It lS 0 111lP~~ a~cr.. bic lha"t pach railway bonld " ('s taLli"lt c<1 and in good work11lg 0]'(1e1'. ~t \\.1 . .es~~oits h~atlqual'ters for (.hoire. "he a Lil'r .1\1elllhc['?L' [1 Provi ~l c i al Oentl'l".~.ln.t ~ea1t A. team fOl: the competition, the "In d cyohug sprcwl atten~1Cll1 to the tf1'1~~llnh? e European uudnatiYe, shonld " general training up to a fan' standard 0 a amp Olj s,








" not be overlooked. Th e difficulty of gettin g classes consistently together in India " for inc;truction were such as only rail way officials conld realise. Colonel Yate added "that he had received letters frolll the Honble. Mr. J. P. H ewett, the Honble. Sir • C F. Lely and Mr. Fox-Strangways expressing regret that they conlunot attenu the " competition . "The Bishop of agpur said that the cause of the St. John Amhulance Association " was a goou one, as had b~en proved ill many ways in Great Britain, in the Oolonies " and in South Africa; but that a good cause sometimes fell to the ground for want of c, a man to work it. However, that man had been found in Oolollel Yat e, who had c, combined the command of a regiment with the con duct of the work of the 'c Association, and though tied down by his comnland to North- W est frolltier stations, " had by his pen kept the work ever growing and extending both a11long Emol'eans "and natives. It was most earnestly to be desired that there should be now no retl'O,c gl'ession. The presellce both this year and last of the Army Meuical Officers of the "station as examiners was the best possible proof that the St. John Ambulame " Associatiou had the confidence of the Army and its Medical ervices. "The examination was canied out by 1I1ajor L. Mitchell and Li eutenant L. Pallant, " of the R. A.M. O. and Major A. G. H endley, of the I. M. . Lientenall t-Oolollel O. E. " Nichol, D. S. 0., of the R. A. M.. 0., acted as Mod erator. Each team was distinguished c, by a letter knowu only to Oolouel Yate. ,\,hile the examination was goillg OIl, the " Oonrerence of Raihvay Representatives was held, Lieutenant-Oolonel Yate presiding. " The chief resolutions passed \yere these: "l. :Members of the team that wins the Challenge Shield to be debarred rrom " competing for the next five years. "2. R t'commentled that members of Railway VolunteerOorps who are not railway "employees should be allowed to compete for the Volunteer Shield . "3. Volunteers who are medical students or holo any medical degree or diploma to " be ineligiLle to comprte for the two Challenge hields. 'c 4. Noone is eligible to compcte ror both ShielCis. If a railway employee is in a " non-Railway Volunteer Corps, he can eled for which hield he will compete. "5. Sergeant Instructor of Volunteers are not to compete. "6. Proposed by Mr. George Lund and secollLled by Lieuteuant-Colonel O. E. Nichol, " D.S. O., that this Oonferellce do recommend to the agents ofrailwflYs that if pORsible "employees attending First Aid classes or the competition for the Railway hieltl " should not suffer any loss of allowances and overtime. "7. That in future it must clearly be understood that teams not arriving in time for " the commencement of the competitions will he disljualified. "8. That notable cases of saving life or limb during the past year by holders of "St. John Ambulance certificates be reported to the H onorary Org<1ui ing "Commissioner with a view to their being brought to the notice of the Cell tral " Executive Committee aL St. John's Gale. "The examination of the three teams in the suhjects laid dowll, viz., stretcher work, "carrying, artificial respiration, and treatment of injlll'ies waS conclude(l by 2 p.m. "The results were communicated by the Modrrator to 00Jone1 Yate, who then " announ ced them and awarded the Shield and prizes as nuder: "l. Winner of the Shield, the Great Indian Peninsula R ailway team, with 396 " points: awarded Rs. 106 in prizes and silver badges of merit to those who were not "in last year's team. "2. The East Indian Railway team, 366 points; Rf;. 75 in prizes and a brollZe Lodge " of merit to tho~e who were not in last year's team. " 3. Rajputan:t-Malwa Railway team, 296 points; Rs. 25 in prize'. "The t eams of the Great In dian Peniu."ula Railway and the East I ndian Railway "were both most carefully selected and highly trained. In the stretcher . . . ork. for " instance, the Great I ndirtll Pen insula team was aWilrded 98~ per cen t. of the possiole. " Both these two railw::1Ys have clnriu oCf the pa .. t veal' done eX.3eed in Cf ly good work anet "rna d e exce 11 ent progress. The n on-appearan ce . on the scene of the 0 Bl· ngal-Nagl'Ul" "and B. B. an'l 0. 1. teams, the entry of which Iialt been notiti ecl. W'IS a great "~isa)lpoilltment. Th e team from Ajmere hau only jnstcompletC'd it,; first COlll"f'e of "lllstruction, and it is not therefore surprising that it rounel itself outpaced . I t is to :: be ~lope(l t~at ~oth the Born bay -Baroell-\. and Oentral In dia and thr Raj pll tana,Malwa Rallway will h'lve a good account of them se lves in 1906, as also the promised teams " from the Oudh and R ohilkhand and the Bongal-N agpur Raihvays.


St. J ohn A rrnbulcvnce Lissocic&tion.

St. John A?1~bulG&nce Association.

" It \Va,s hoped that the Ma<1ras, South In(lian, and Sonthern Mahratta Railways would send teams this year, hut they did not do so. "At the conclusion of the competition three het11"ty cheer!'; were accorded to the " winners l)y the less succes!iful teams, aud by all three teams to Lieutenant-Oolonel " Yate and the i\1orlerator amt J urlge s ." It i>; hoped that at the 1906 competition, again to be held at Jal.alpur, more railway will enter teams, copies of the conditions for the competitioll have been seutin Sumcirllt numbers to admit of their distrilmtion to every head of department and (lil;trict officer, sllch officers in the case of one company exceeding 50 in number, and !leces, ttl'i ly :::cattcred over an immense mileage. Vulnntce1"S. - Th e first com peli tion for the Challenge hielLl and money prizes presented by II , R.H. the Gmnrl Prior and the Ohapter General" to encourage ambulance work among the Volunteers of the Inlliflll Empire" was held at Calcutta on 20th M arch, 1905, Only two teams entere(l-those of the Oalcutta Port Defellce Volunteer Rifles a11ll of the BontlHLY Yolnllteer Riflcs. Both teaJ1lS were well trained, the Oalcn Ua Port D efence Y olnn teer . winning after a clo e con test. A. silver ba<lge or merit was grante(l to each llle1l1her of hoth teams, ten in all ; and prizes to the n.lne of Rs. 125 lI'ere abo awarder!. It is llOl'ed that there will be a much hetter entry for the next competition . ,11fticient notice ha\"e been ~ent out to adlllit of copies being seut to all com pan ieil and detachplent of Volunteer Corp. General tratfol"ll Collins, Inspector-Gencral, has he en HI,ay fr0111 In dia mo t of the l)resent year. WIth his kind co-operation 1 hope to be able to push the work more among the Volnnleer 'orp: of Inllia durin!! the ensuing year. ],n7)c1"i(lZ S ef"l'icc TJ"uups, Polici' (IncZ ,'ehools.-A rrgard; Imperial en'ice Troops and Police Ili a' e llothing to all<1 to last year's report. A." regard choo1s much the sal1lc llllly be ~aid. The concise manual of Fir t Aid, Home NUl" ing anel Home Hygi ene, elra\\ 11 up by Drs. Wilkie Dl:an. anrl H. N. Gokhall', both on the Medical . taff of the Hom hay Centre, ~ll1d which wa. ' laid hefore the choo1 Text-Book Oommittee of the Punjab. ha::; \)('('n returneel hy ~[l". DelL Director of Pnhlic Education, Punjab, who tales that the expert to \I' hom it ha been .. nbmitted had all been unable to find tilile to read the manu'clipt. The latter wa<; certainly unim'iting, but I ha,8 no\\" had it typed, and propo e to ::;ulJll1it it again . Thl', ,'t. John .imbulancc IJri(wde in India i still ulll'epre.entpd except in the Bombay Pre idcl1CY Centre, which maintains, as alreatly mentioned, a Ladie' Nursing Division and a Par'i Men's Di"i ion. This latter dnring the past year proYitled daily 'quads for renuel'ing "Fir t Aid" at the Parsi Cycling ports, when nine casualtie' were treated. They al. 0 pl"Oyided quads at the Hockey Tonl"llalllent. During the Prince of 'Vale" vi it they, and the Bombay Centre, generally unner the , upelTi-..ion of Mr. George Lund, the Honorary ecretary, worked most ac1l11intbly. :'Ifr. LUllll "itlt c01l1menllable zeal collected the men and materi.al at hi tlispoal, and joine(l hands with the :\Iilitary MPllical authoritie to make the Ambulance 'tatioll!:; pl'epal'ell to tackle ,1BY emergency. :\Iol'e than thi .. lIe made ample arrang menh for casnaltie. among the Civil population, which included the Chilc!rrn's ~tands at UniYersity Garden" the t. Xayier College, from the Tim es of / I!(lia huilrlinO"s to the 'ehool of Art near Yictoria Terminus, KOlthhrook Garden, and at Oho\~p.'lLt.\'. ALleqnate utl'UlJgem.ents were also malIc .ror the n,igl~t of t.he illumi1Hltion, The illlportanee ot the nboye may be l'ealtsed when It 1 rememuer d that the illhabibmts or Bomba,\' number IIp\l'aro of 600 000. As already mentiolle(l, it i projlo 'eli to fOlm nt the BonJlluy Centre a re~el"\e to augment the nul' il1Cf e.Labli hlllent. ill time of war. The 11lC'llical pl":t.cLiLioner of Bombay have bren il~fo1'111 ecl by circular letter that the t. John Amhulance ~rigaoe i prepar~d to supply a litter wi.th trainell attellllant .. for the remoyal of aCCIdent C,lse or patIent. sufrering from non-conta!?,iou: di eases. . Store Dcpot.-':.lr. George Lund , H onorary ""ecretary of the Bombay Pr~ I?ellc'y Oentre, ha<: continued to mutl<tge thi .. throughout the: year. The AOClattOll I greatly in<1eblell to thi gcntlonmn for the manner ill which he 1:a managed the D epot , and ' J 1)17 bot'vinCf hl' . 0cyratuitou5 sel"l'ices reduced the \\'0l"k11l~ eXIlel]. e to a b minimum. c,




St. J ohn A 1nb~/;lGl/nce Association.



St. John A ?r/;bulance A sociation.

ASSAM. Preliminary report on the work done in Assam dnring 1904.-05 ill connection with the t. John Ambulance Association. A Preliminary Committee in connection with thc St. John Alllb111a])ce A. sociatiol1 has heen constituted in Assam with the Adlliinistrativc Medical Officer as the Pre idcnt, and the Civil Surgeon, hillong, as thc Secretary, anLl thc rollowing officials and non-officials as members : Civil urgeo]), Kamrnp (Gauhati) ; Mlln hi Azar Hussain Khan Babadur (Gauhati) ; :Manager, Dibru-.:3adiya Railway, Marghcrita; Civil l1l'gcOll, ylhet; Rai Dula1 Chandra Deb Bahadur, Go\-ernmcnt Plcaner, Sylhet; Officer commanding Surma Valley Light Horse, ilchar; Civil urgeon, Lakhilllpur, Dihrugarh; Officer Commanding, hillong Volunteer Hifle. C'hillong); In rector-Gcncral of Police, Assam, hillong; Otricer commau(ling As. am Val1!:'y Light Hor e (Dibl'llgarh). Pamphlets conceruing ambuhnce instruction wcre circulated among tbese members aml their opinions invited as to whcther, how far, and in what way, the teaching of first ai(l to the injured might be introduced into A sam . Thc Civil Surgeon of Shillong, with the help of the Head Master (B.ev. 1111'. J. C. l~\'aDs), held, dnring the months of Junc-Augnst, a sHics of cIa ses aL the local lli gh School for SOl1S of the senior students, pupils, teaebers, and village schoolmasters from the surrounding villages. At Gauhati the Civ11 nrgeoll delivered a rcw leGtures to the profcsc;ors and studeuts of the Cotton Colleue. At first mall)' candidates signified their intentioll of joining the class, b71t practically 11011'(, attended. An attempt ",as made to make a special \'ernacular cla's 1'01' the polic(' and ot~lers who were not conver .. ant with English, but the Di Lrict npcrintendellt of Pohce was unable to artange for hi men to attcnd regularly, o\\"ing to theirheing con.tantly on duty or transfer. ,11b criptions were raised locally for pUI'l'ha ing apparatus for imparting instruction. Amuulance work at Dibrngarh has hitherto been confined to the military police. A. native officer and eleven sepoys ",('re tolll ofr by the Commandant to learn" First Aid." All Assistant Sm'gron of the Medical School.was appointed to lecture on the subject. The lectures were made as pracLical as possl.bIe. The sepoys showed considerable aptitude, especially wi th regard to bandagl~lg. They could apply bandages as skilfully as any medical stndcnt . AnatomIcal models and other articles belonain a to the local mcdical school were utilised for the pUJ1)ose of instruction. In th~ L~shai Hills Battalion instruction on "First. Aid" used to ~e given by the Civil nrgeon of thc distrirt beforc the formatlOn of any Comnuttee in connection with t . .John Ambulance Associatioll. A class is held yearly in this battalion, two mcn from each company being pickcr1 out to go through a course. An examination is afterwards held, and certificates arc prall~e(l to the succ~ss~ul candidatcs. In the collieries of Assam Railways and rradmg Company, Ll11uted, therc are European foremen ill charCfc who have the reC]uisite knowledge ot "First Aid," havin a crone throll crh a COl1l~ e of trainin Cf in England previous to joining the service of tll~ company~ Thc Assam and l~'l11a Valley Branches of the Indian Tea Association Wl'l'C addressed on the subiect. Th e form er replied that "as the ll1e~ical supervision of tea-~ardens is so ample awl ?Olllp~ete a~, prr.sent, the necessIty for the 'pl:OpO ed schen~e is not of pressing Impor~ance. Th e latter branch of the AssoclatlOll have n0111111ated a l'eprcsentativ(' of. then' own to serve on the Committee. The Commaurlallt of the Surma Valley Llght Horse, Silcb~r, has made alTangements for the teac1ling of "First Aid" to the m embers. of 1.1l~ corps. Th e two other COlpS at Dibrugarh and, ltillong h,we expresse!l thfll' wIllmgness to serve on the provincial committee, llUt no practiGc has yet b.een reported. From Sylhet headquarters a report has been received that no practlCal bendit woul.d rfsult in starting a course i.n the town. J 0 factorics cxist there, and hence aCCIdents occur very rarely; thus there is no 11ceel 1'01' thc pllulic to know emergency work. Th e class of people available-namely, Zeminrlars awl office. clerks-won.ld not care to attend lectures which woul(l be of no monchl1'Y benefit to them 1ll future. A non-official gentleman of that town-Ra.i Dnif'l Chandra Deb Baharl ur-has, however, taken sufficient intercst in the matter to

make some suggestions. Application has been marle to the Benrral Government for papels. LhaL will ella~)le the ~olJlll1ittee to consider the app1icatioOn to this Province of thell". metholl. of lI1structlOll, uy means of a Central School of Hospital Assistants who w111 then lllstrnct the police of their district.

BANGALORE. J'l\t1'011.

II. H. The Mahn,raja of 1\1ysore. ('1'e. ilient.

The Honourable the Re::;ic1eut ill ilIy::;ul'e, BcU1galore. Treas Ilrer allli Uouorn 1')' secre tary. Cll.ptain R. JT, tanclage, I. ~l. S. Li fc


L icut. Col. J. 'myth, U1.S., Lieut.- 01. 'IV. G. Carter, Rev. J. liel'oll, Rev. A. M. 'l',tbarcJ, Mr. :F. ' Curr, ~[r. Lo\'(~ll Murray, Dr. Al'umugam i.luclalial' nIl'. Ma.igended ,'a. r.I udaliar, R. D. ' .U cllil'al Staff.

L il:!ut.-Col. II. Arm:tl'Ollg, 1.'1. ... , U,tptaill .J. A. Dredge, I.M.8., Captain C. V. U?wcy, R.A.M.C.,. 'aptnln W. :\.. ,\Tn,rd, R.A.M.C., Lieut. G. :'hconochie, 1.;11. ' ., Lwut. M. F. \Vllltc, I.)l.H., LWlIt .•J. B. D. Hunter, I.;lLH.


~\'~- :2'rLT AL HEPOHT. On the sllgge tiun of Brig. -CJem.:ml.T. E. Nixon, U.B., tu re-urga,nize a Centre in Dang,tlul'e in c()ulleetion with the ~t. J olm Am bulitnce As "oeiation, a meeting wa' COll VeIll.:cl itt the ~Iayo Ihll on ,hull.: :Wth, 1901, uncleI' the patrunage of H. H. the ltlalmmjn, of 1\ly ore, the Honuurable the Hesic1ent in ~l.rsore bein'" in the chair, when both Bnti::;h aud.l. ative cummlluitie' were \\'elll'epre::;ented. The reult of thi meeting \\w; timt Us. ~30 wen: subsc['ibed fur the inauguration of the local bmnch, and geueml and executi \'e committee ' were elected. ::)i11ce the l'c-organiz,ttioll of this Centre, :i da~se" have bel:!l1 formf'd for in truetion un nrst ,tid to the injured; 2 for Ba.nga.lol'e Rlfle Volunteer"; 1 for la,dies; 1 for :-;tudents a.nd olticinls' and 1 fur 'outhem J\la.ll<'tmtn. B.nilway Voluuteers.


'ta/ctllent of Receipts ailCl E,epeiUlillll'e. E.vpcILdilMc. R:-;,

, 'u u 'cri p Lion, [ees f rOlll 'tuc1en t ., &c. .


Rs. 4.09 JOHN

H.. F.

a. p. 0



I urcha e

apparatu, stamps, books, &c., lighting charge, 0<1.1'l'iage hire to lecture, ,md pay of a clerk Balance on hand, on 1 t October, 1906 .


'~lYTll, PrelJidelLt. TAN DAGE, Ct\.pt., 1. ill.S.,





334 10





Rs. -109



J.'rea31~1'CI' and lIoILorCl1'Y Secrcta?'y.



It. John A?nbu.llance Association.

St. J ohn A ?nbntm1Ge A sociation.

hown much t.p)llic,,,tion at their classes to acquire such proficiency." Dr. Dhunjisha, H. Mchtt., L . 1. & '., of Baro(ln, has compiled a Guzera,ti tntllslation of" 'ykes' 11an ual on Home Hygiene," which has been adopted as a text book by the Oentre. Dr. K. . Gokhale, L. t.1. & '., of Bombay, has translated into ~larathi" Martin'::; Questions a.nd Anl';wers on Amhnln,llC'c ,York," whi.ch has also been adopted as a text book. Dr. Nalla\'<\tty, F.R.O ....'. (li;din.), hn instructed a clas·. o,t Ah,medabad of 25 mill employee.·. At Poona Dr. Gokh,\.le, L.:'II. & ., has contmued hIS cour'es of lectures n.t the M!\le o,uel Female Training Oolleges. The Centre h,l.d a tent anel exhibit of text books, t\pplia.nces, e(lllipment, o,nd an o,mbulance in connection with the 130m ba.y 'allibl'Y Associt"tion t\t the Agl'icultunl.l and Industria'! Exhibition of the Indic\l1 Tt"tional Congre 's held in Bombay in December and January, and were ,,,warded t" certificate of Ililfh OOmmbll(h"tion. Armngements o,1'e being made under directiol1 of the P.::'.1. O. "'1301111)<ty Brigade, hy which Stations for JErst Aiel in connection with the illilitary Medical Authorities will lJe manned by Members of the Nursincr and Ambulallce Di\'isions of the St. John mbulance Brigade and of the G.LP. '" J{,tilwo,y empluyees on the line of route on the arriyal. of Their Royal Hi ... hnesses the Prill'e ancl Prince::;' of \V,lles. Arrangements WIll be made for " ~ation'" un the eyellin cr of the Illumina,tion~ . The Committee haye again to th,~nk the ~lembers of the "'Honomry l edical taff for the valuable time deyoted to the work of the Oentre. Statcment oj ACCOlLllls jo!' lhc yeur 1st Odobe?', 190-1, to 30th Septcmber, 1905. c.

BOMBAY . J>nh·OllS.

His Excellency Lonl Lalllillgton, G. C. AI.G., (1.1.':.1. E., Goveruor of BOllllmy, and Her Excellency Lady Lamington . J>l'C . if1 cllI.


ir Archibald Hunter, K . C.B., n . ~.o ., Commanding The Forces, Bombay. ]Ic(lienl 8 tnll'.

JUi s A. l'lI. Bensoll, :iII.D., De JHonte, 1II. lJ., Dadachanji, L.M . & s., Major L. Childe, 1.M.S., Lieut.-Col. Crirnmin, v.c., C.I.E, 1.:\1.::;., Licut.-CoL Quicke, 1.;)l.~ . D. A. TUl'k ad, )I.D., Choksey, L.M. & s., Lieut .- Col. Dimmock, 1.;\1. '., Arthur Powell, M. D., A. H. Deane, 1I1 .D., E. . N . Gokllale, L.lI1. & ., nlajol' A. tl'eeL,1.1I1.H., Jliiss Mcakin, lIl.D., Sir Balchandra E.. Dhat\\adekar, R. T. Nal'imall, 111.1)., Kaliyaml'alla, L. :I1 . & s., (Ahllledauad), B. H. Nanavatty, F.R.C.::;., (AllllleJauaJ), Dinauath B. N . Dandekar, L . lII. & 1:;., Captain II. A. L . How ell, It.A.I1I.C., Lieut. To bin, 11.A.1I1.C., JUajor Jennings, 1.111.:;., Lieut.-Col. Boyd, 1.111.1;., Li eut.-CuI. Harwood, R.A.1I1. c. ,Lie:ut. -Col. J. 'V. Anuel'soll, 1. I11.:;. (Ahmedabad), R. D. Guzdar, L.l\I. & . . , Lieut.- Col. Bannermall, I.1Il .s. , C. R. JUt'l,rratt, 1I1.D., W. Wilkie Dean ', M. D., llliss N. M. J\lehTa, L.1I1. & 1"., Mi .. s A. M. Mehta, L.1Ir. & s. A~NUAL


No event of importance occurred during the year under 1'e,ie"" but steady tmel good progress was made in the ,,"ork of the cenlre. 393 male ' completed tt COUl'. e of instl'llction in 'Fir t Aid, " of whom 313 obtained certificate. 19:' fenHl,le , of \\ horn 155 qualified. In Home 1\ur-ing out of 20 men 12tIualified. 6 females, all <lualified. Nine men and five women II ualified for the l\lechlllion. The Nursing anel AmlJUhmce Divi ion of the tit. John Ambulance Brigade, temporarily attached to the Oentre, completed the required number of practices during the yea.l', and pa~ 'eel the tUlllual examination to the entire sn,tisfaction of the E}.amining MedionI Ollic 1', Dr. "W ilkie Deans. The Parsi Di\'iion of the St. Johll Ambulance Brigade PH:; 'ed their anllual examination by Lieut. -Oolonel Faunce, H. A.1l. C., the Officel Commaucliug, 'lation Ho pital, Uolaba, wbo ill his report "aid :-" Oertined that I ha\'e examined and " found them qualified in Ambultmce Drill awl' First Aiel' in aCCOl'<.bllce "ith the "Manual of the H..A.M.l'. I should add thcl.t tbeyare particularly dliciellt and 'c paillsta,king in their work." In conequence of the exoellent lepurt it wcu.; lesohed by the :Managing Committee that 24. of the ~lembers, forming 4 ,'tImtds, be lH'O \ ide I with uniform, etl'.1ipme1lt and with an A 'Mord wheeled litter. Under directiull of the Commi sioner, Mr. Gell, and their own Officers, the Bomlx\y Police are being organised into a Divi ion, drillcd and instructed 111 First Aid, uut owing to their arduous duties and frequent transfers, progress is neccs::;ctl'ily slow. The propo ~~l of the Honoral'y Secretary to form a reser\'e to augment the :r ursing E tablishment in times of war hc"8 been refcned to a Sub-Committee, and i now under consideration. Arrangements have been made for a wheeled litter a.nd bearers to be placed at the disposal of medical men for the removal to ho pital 01' elsewhere of accidcnt co,ses or patients suffering from non-contagious diseases, and it has been availed of on seveml occasions. The Annual Competition for the R ailway Ohallenge ' hield was held in March at Jubbulpore, an~ it was again won by the G.l.P. RaiJway Volunteers. The first alUlUal competition for the Ohallenge Shield, pret;ented by H.R.lI. the Prince of \Vales, Gra~ld Prior of the Order, for competition amongst Vol un teer Oorps in Ind ia, was held SImultaneously in Calcutta and Bombay. '1'he 'hield was awarded to Calcutta, the Bombay Volunteer Rifles receiving Silver lll edais and H . 20 perman. L ieut. -Oolonel Faunce, R . A.l'l. C., the Officer Oommanding, 'tt"tion Hospita l, Oolaba, in his report ::.aid :- " The Squad showed an excellent c\ll-round knowledge of l!'il'::;t .C Aid and are particuh.rly good in their practical work. They gained 323 marks "out of a total of 362. I consider the result very good, and th,tt the men must have



B.)'jJcnd iture.

'1'0 Balancc al h .ginning of year. 337 11 " DOll'. ami , u1l:;cripLioll~ 1G37 10 11

By Printing , PostagealHl Petty Charges :, .Mellical ~ol'es aud ~x­ pen 'e III cOlluectlOn " 'itll Attenuance at Touruament ancl . port. " AppJiallce' for ill tl'llCtiug Police and lllelllber·,'t. John AlllUUlance tll'igade " Tent Flll'lliLll1'e . . " Uniforills aud part eq nipt,;ll1 ell t, Pari DiYi~ion. [ "t.J .A.B. " A bford "W h eeled Ambulance . " Ba.lance-Ca It . In bank





p. 3 0 9 9

Rs. a.

H . a. p.


7 '

69 78




141 66

0 !)

0 0



231 1:2 5 11 600 9

0 0

H' .1 975




( 'igneLl) R. 1'f. Gmu:N}<'IELD, (Br.·Gcneml), /01' thc PJ'esident. ,EOIWE Lu ' D, H Ull . See. ancl.Lldill!J HOI!. 'T1'CClS1ll'c r

RANGOON, BURMA. )~all'on.

Th e H Oll.

it' Hcrbert Thirkell White, C.I. E., I. U.~. )'l'e ' idcn1.


l ' he Right Rcv . .\ . ~l. Enight,


n .. Lord Bi hop of Rangool1.

Tl'cas nrc I'.

lIonol':u·.l' SeCl·e. :1l-Y.

Rev. T. Wri ght. 1I.A., 3, :::>trallll R OtHl , RaIlgoon.

P. A. 11l11'chwC1rd, Commercial Bunk of I ndia, LtL1., Rangoon.



St. J ohn A1nbuiance A socicdioll.


St. John




Li I'c ;llcmbcl'S.

Th e HOll. i1' Heruert Thirkoll W hite, K . V.I.E., l. c.i:i ., Lt. -UoyC J'llOl', The Righi Rev. A . .\1. Knight, D.D., Lord Bishop of Rallgo on.


A NUAL REPORT. ince the formation of th e Cen tl'e in J lily last the followillg classes have heen held: St. Paul' High chool, Ladic clas; the El1l'opeull Police; The Rallgooll Ha,ptist College ; The t. J ohll's Collpge; Th e Mounted III rantry Volunteers; The Rangooll Port Defence Volunteers. The memben of the Medical Profcssioll ill Rangoon have aceorded the Centre their hearty upport and co· operation, and havc in all instances given their services voluntarily.

Hi Highne s the


The Honble. th e Resident. "l·csid c nl.

Raja, . ir Kil:ihen 1 el'shacl Maharaja Babndur

1<. c. I.E.

(Prime ~1ini. ter).

UonOl'al·.V S('(·1'('laI'J'.

Lt.- 'oloncl G. H. D. Gimlette, ~I.Jl., 1.)1. '. , ('.I.E., Resir1ency .'urgeon and Director, H. H. thc Tizllm's Meelical Department. ;tl('(lical Slatr.

'. F. CnIToll

Pl'CSidcJl t. The HOD. the Chief Comrui siol!er of the Central Provinccs. (jhail'm:lu of Committcc.

IIOll. SCCt'ctary :uul

Thc Commissioller, N agpur Division.

'I 'l·C:l .

Lieut.-Col. C. L. Swainc,



·.F,C' .. ·.


M.D., D.l'.H.,

1.M .• .

A "'UAL REPORT During the year three classes have been held, yiz., byo in first aiel anel one in home hygiene. The home hygiene cht::;::; wu.s held by Dr. L oui ' e 'mith the lady doctor of the Dufferin Hospital. Nine ladies attended thi::; chtl:i· ,tuel out of thi::; one came up for examiuation, pa sed, ,.nd obtained a certificate in home hygiene. Of the two first aid cIa ses one w,.s held by Rl.i Bahl.dur l::i. X. Barat, ;)I. B., 1I0u e Murgeoll of the Mayo Ho pital. Thi class was attended by 12 P"l"i::; employecl in the Empress Mill . They were most enthusiastic and keen to qualify them elve·. Ble\'en came UI for examination, all pa. sed and obta.illed certificates. The second fir·t aid class was held by Assistant 'urgeon J. Robertson and the memuer::; a.ttendillg all belonged to the 1\agpur Volunteer Rifle. Ten attended thi class, of this se\eu came up for examination, pa ed, and obtained certificl.te . At presen t another c:l,Ui ' composed of employes in the Empress ~Iills is ulldeI'o'oing instruction under Rai B,.hadur ". T. Barat, ~I.B., at the Mayo Hospital. <::>


Rs. As. P.

Subscriptions Sale of Books

158 0 0 800

Balance; Cash in hand Rs.4 15 6.



JIyelel'ah;tcl. A a re.'ult of th 'entr~'s work smc' lts mftuglll'it:lOll :11. May, 190-1, five dfts eR in first aiel !\nd stretcher clJ'lll howe heen. he~(l. T'~ 0 ,\ele compo ed ~f lIlemhc.1' of II. TI. the :\iz,tm', city police, two the ,chstm:t ,pohce, and one of H.H. artillery All the cl:tS"1CS were composerl of n~t.l"es. Thc ~otal nu~ber. of .men trnineel wu 70, llut of \\,11ic·h 61 wert' e;ntnt 'r1 (,l'l'hfif'utb on P lhs1n!,(' the '\umll1ution.

SIND. 1'1'C'" hl(,Jll.

F. •Ioinl UonOl':lry

1 12

6 0

143 22

8 7

6 6

Rs. 166



Bank: Rs. 17 8 O. Balance Total: Rs. 22 7 6

C. L. RWAINE, Licut.-Ool. I.M.S. , Hon. Secretc£1'V, Central Provinces Celltl'e, Nagpol'c. W. PAGNELL, Lieut.·Col. I.M.S. , Hon. Sec?'etCt?·y, Central Provinces Centre, N I:l.gllUl'.

I. c.~.

IIOllOl'llr.)' 1't·C:1. llrCI' •

H. ,Vhitl,y mith (Karachi), W.


Richard ·on.

J. H.


Ufe lh' lIll.l Cl·S.

128. As. P. Pnrchase of Appliances, cic. 126 14 0 Stationery 14 4 0

o 10

O. Beaman,

eCl·cfllt·i(' ...

Talpur, G.C.I.~., ~[ir.of l~h uirpul', A. Oumine, Ell111jec Dill. haw, C.LE., tl1sufalJ Ahbltoy.

II. II. Mil', ir Faiz Jlahomed


Balance 0

Dr. R.

T have llluch plenslll'e in r 'conlin!.!; the ';,ltisf.aetOl:'Y }'l'Ogles:-. ?f ~he moyement in

1904, to 30th September, 1905.

Postage One Cheque Book

Rs. 166

I.)U\ .,. M.D.,


Miss Louise mith, M. D.; Rai Baha,1bul' . N. Barat, M. B., As 'istallL llrgeoll, lIIayo Hospital; J. Robertson, Assistant ,urgeOlJ, Civil Station Di 'pensal'Y, Lieut.-Ool. C. L. Swaine, M.D., D.P.II., I.M.i:i.

0/ Receipts and Expendit1l1'tJ, 1st Octove?',

'aptnin .J. Gihh,

)[nhummecl ARhraf, A. 'hamar ' tte, .\ bdnl Ra.'ool, )f ul1<1.mmecl . haftee, Abdul JIausain, Kh\Yaja Obedulla, Taf.tzul Yah .Jung·, Lukrua~-uc1-I?owlah,. haffi-udDowlah, Abdul Rahmon, .\.hm ed .\li, B. P. ~Iittar, ~Iobl-llCl-dlll. ,,-han~; Ab~ur Razack, ' >l1io1' A,-;siRtant, ur~eons, E. !1alm.' .L'ut~mad ul:lIll'1' K~H\Jl; ~Io~n~ud-dll1, Viccaji Dinshnw. Assistant-. 'urgcoll:, h.hwaJa z1l11-ud-rbn, and B. Cornehu . .

JUcdicn I Statr.



~h\,llannah, Jf.D.,n.p,H.(Cnntnh), Dr. Ahm <l ~[il'zn" )L n ., )I.B '. C.Jf; (Edm.), Dr. Ab;lul Ghany,)f. n. ,C.)f., EeL, )1. R. C, S .. n. p.n. ( 'an tah), 111'. :. ri~za Karnl1 l,;-han, )f.B:; c, M., hd., Dr. ~L G. Xaidu, )I.B., c.)!., Eel., ,'lll'geOl1S .r. :'iartlll . .T. Farrlllu-tOl:, 1'\: Barrett,


1.(' ••• ,

A. B. Earle,

T. '.S.,


;lIecli{'al Slatr.

Lieut. -Col. R. P. Barker, 111.])" 1. II1.S. , Major A. ~table" H.A.M.C., Capt. H. A. F. Ktlapton, r. LS., Capt. D. O. IIyd e, lL\..~!.l· ., Lieut. .D',Ah el'l1, n.A.".l.t:., V. E. Jo,zareth, )l.D., . 1\1. Kaku, 1).1'.11., Lon., E. :JlackenzJe, Capt. J; De LIma, r.~r.f;., Pil'e ', L.R.C.P., penccl', L.M.~., P . .J. D''''Oyz,l, Hodrigue. hhubchantl , L.)!.&S., B. Bharncha, L.Il-C.P., A i ·t.- \\J'geon AlmcHln. A NUAL REPORT. ,'ix dasses werc held c1l11'ing the year-fhe for intl'uctioll in nr:<t .aid work, and one for re-examination in first nid and home nursing". Thl' e fin.;t md cla?Se were held in the Khnil'pul' Stl.te, and two in Knntehi. ~ix ladi es wore re- :xall1lll.ed, and all of them won the Associlttion's med!.11ioll. .A lurge cIa, s eompos d entirely of nati ve., hft be 11 form ed for instmctioll in home hygiene, and. tep, nre b?illg ..,ta ken to ol'g•• ni, e elnRRes fo1' instru ction in til'Rt aiel in the J ~myen .T u¥nna.th High S~l~oo: n.nc1 the incl Mndl'e eh-tul-lslnm. Amhulance work 1 pl'ogre lI1g 111 th e Khullptll

St. John A mbulance A sociation.



State. Classes composed of men belonging to the tate troops and tudents from th e indu trial school, were formed during the year with excellent re ults. An application has been made for permission to form a division of the Ambuhl,nce Brigad e in the State in order that the men may be capable of rendering ervice in time of war. During the year H. H. the Mil' of Khairpur, became one of the Vice- Pre. identR of the Indian Branch of the A sociation. The Honourable Sirdar i\Iuhamm,l,cl Yakuh, c.r.]<~. , Vazir of the Khairpur tate, is actively intere ting himkelf in ambulan ce work. With the railway and the police it has again not been found posfible to make any pl'ogre~s. The E xecutive Committee de ire to record their Rense of the lOSR ustainecl by the death of Mr. Tahill'am Khemchand, C.r. E., who has been one of the Vice-President of this Centre since its formation in 1903. Statement oj Beceipts ancl Expenditnrejo,' the yea?' endiny September 30th, 1905. Rs. a. p. R. n. p. To Balance 44 11 6 By Rail freight. awl cooly " Su])scriptions hire. 125 0 0 7 11 o ~ !l o 60 8 0 ., Postage' amI Telegrams " Class Fees " Miscellaneon. o 12 0 " Printing aJHI Lationery 25 13 o " ' tore, Books, and Bandage :2 1-1 o 31 4 o " 1\ledallions 10 0 o " ~l iscellaneons 16 14 6 " Cash in h::']1C1 , Balance as per Pa s Book 454 15 o Rs. 634 15

H.. 634 ] 5



Exalllined ancl fOllnd correct, H. MULER, Chairman . .T. B. CmcHToN, H on. T1·ea.~1li'e/ ·.



Hon. S('c/·c!(1J'!J.



lohl1 Rll1btllance 1Brigabe. ------ -=== = = = = = =


ChniJ·lllllU. K . c. M. (• .




}'t'e i(lenf .

Sir Matthew N atham,

,VlTIT J1V , ;lfTTlT,



H on . .I!'. H. May,


0 .;1[,(:.

1I0JlOl':1l'Y Secl'clal'Y aud Treasurcl'.

Rev. F. T. Johnson, LA. ,. t. John' Cathedral, H ong Kong. IUedi cnlS'a.r.

Hon. T. M. Atkin son, M.B., P.C.M.O., H on. F. ·W. Clark, l\f.JJ., D . P.H., O. For yth, Erlin., "YV. V. M. Koch, ;\f.D., l\f.CH., F.O. ,'tedman , 1\1.11., n.R.

M. n., B.eH., F.R.C' .S ., ;I[.11..C. S., L.S.A.

ANNUAL R};;PORl'. Altogether six ela ses ha\'e been h eld durillg the yen 1', viz., fOLlI' for iustl'tlction ill first aid, two for men and two for wornell, alld two women's c:la ses ( 01' in Lrllclion in home lIlusing. T\renLy men anll forty-six WOllH:n havc received first aid rel'Lificates and thirty womcn have ]'cceived certificates ill home 1111]'Sill~. Of these laUer the majority have registered themselve as willing to scrve as voluuteer llllJ'SCS ill ease of need and till1S the available llursing stu,ff I)f the Colony has been cOllsirlcrahly increased. His Excellenry I:)il' Mattltew NtLtltall, K. C.lI[' G., to \rJtmlC stim ulatillg influence much of the illC'reasecl interest ill the work of the Associatioll is duE', has accepted the post of Presidellt of the Oentre ill pl:1ce of the Hon. F . IT. May , (· .M .n., resigned . Th ere have been three additions to the medical staff in the person.' of thr Hon. Dr. F. 'Y. Clark and Drs. Koch anel Forsyth.

1 2

nperiol' Officers of the Brigade appointed hy II.R.II. the Granel Prior • lan of the Districts

1 3

Chief Comllli 'ioner's Report

1 6

Deputy COllllllisioners' Reports :-

1\ o. I. District ...

1 9

TO. II. District


No. III. Di. tricL


No. IV. District


No. V. District


1\ o. VI. District


No. VII. Di trict

409 421

Colollial Branches 0

St. J ohn A 1nb'L~lance Brigade. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA. (tOlllllllssioner. MAJOR G. L. MULLINS, M.A., M.D.

Superior ~fffcers of the 1J3rigflbe Bppointeb b}1 lb.1R.1TJ. tbe C3nlnb fi)rtor.

Hon. Serving Brothel' of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem .England. April, 1904.


Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of May, 1903.


IS, M.D., H..N. t. John of Jernsalem in Ellgland.


COLOr EL C. ' V. B. BOWDLlJ:R, O. B. .Metltcal


~fffcer In IV O,VEN,

F .I{.C.S.,


en'iug Brothel' of the Order of the Hospital of ·t. John of Jernsalem ill Englan<l. November, 1902.

:assIstant (tOIll1111Ssioller .

LIEUT.·COL. G. F. i\lC\YILLIA~I', M.B. HOll.

As.'ociale of the Onlel'

Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jem alem in England. August, 1 95.

BRIGADE-SURGEON LmUT-OOLO EL G. S. ELLISTON, V.D.) 1\1.1 .C.S. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in ElIgl!11ld . August, 1896.

JR. J. S. GRII!'FITHS, 1\J.R.C .•. Hon. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of Jerusalem in El1glalld. D ecember, 1903.

SURGEO::\-LIEUT.-CuL. F. 'V. GIBBON, V.D., L.RC.P., 1st Durh. V. 1LE. Hon. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of J el'l1salem in Englaml. D ecember, 1904:.

:assistant (tol11l11lssloners.

MR. J. C. DERHAM. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Ho spital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. April, 1896 .

MR. T. H. 'VOOLSTON. Esquire of the Order of the Hospital of t. John of J erusalem in England. November, 1896.

MR. F. D. 1\1ACKE 'zm. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of • t. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1897.

MR. S.

' V.


Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of 'to John of Jeru salem in England. April, 1 98.

SURGEON-MAJOR C. R. LAURIE, M.R.C.S. Hon. Associate of the Ord er of the Hospital of St. John of Jernsalem ill England. D ecemher, 1899.

MR. ,V. H. MORGAN. Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. l\f arch 1903.

SURGEON-LIEUT.-COLO EL R. CURETON, V.D., M..D., Hon. Asso ciate of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerllsalem in England. F ebruary, 1904.

MR. G. B. COURTN EY, M.D., (Acting), June, 1904.


Serving Brother of the Oreler of the Hospital of St. John of Jel'usalem in England. March, 1905.

of. 'to John of Jel'Usalem in England. 190~.

NEW ZEALAND. :assistant Commissioner.



A:,:;ociate of the Order

or the

lIo pital of. 'to John of Jerusalem August 1903.




l\1R. S. C. \ VARDELL, Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Ellgla1lCl. August, 1895.

ur the Hospital

Decem bel',

JDepll t}? (tom misSIoners. LIEUT. ·COL. C. J. TRI IBLE, C.J\l.U., V.D., L.R.C.P., 5th Lanc.

R.G.A. ('loIs.) J.P.

t. John of Jerusalem in

JDepnt2 (t011l1llISsioner. l\l]t. '1. '. DIXSm~, M.B.


Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospilal of St. John of J ern alem in England. May, 1905.

1.A., M.B., D.; .0.

'erving BroLher of the Order of the Hospital of England. November, 1902.

(tol1llllissioner for Special Ser"ices . l\:llight of Jnstice of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jel'u alem in England. May, 1903.


.Metlica l G)tffcer In (tblef.

(tblef (tol11l11issioner.



Orange River Colony District. :assista 11 t (tOllllllissioner (£lcti no)·

'APTAI::\ G. H. GODDARD, H.A. 1. '., ~1.R. Dec ·mher, 190·1.

StRft of IDistricte & [010niR1 :fl3rRtlcbes. BRIGADE Dl -'TRICTS OF E~TGLAND AND TVALES. No. 1. District. -Ootnpl'i . ing the l\Ietropolitan Police area (parts of Ess x, K ent, Iidllles x, and. 'nney). Total: One Corps, with 37 Divisions and 10 Nursing Divisions 1150 Officers a.nl1 ~len. 1 G:2 ~ ll1'sin!! Officers allL1 • 'i tel's. Deputy COl7w/'i.~si()neJ' in Charge of District (Acting). INSPECTOR GE::-\ERAL B. NI~r IS, M .D., R.N.,

Gate, London, E.G. MR. . 0 BORN, F.R.C.S. In. F. D. IACKE TZIE.

St. John'

District Chief lll'!/(',on A ssistant Commissioner Assi tant CO/l1,mi siol/N ((7ul District Chief Superintendent (Acting) District Itpt. Secretary District Superintendent of Store' Di. trict Sllperintendent Treasurer I

1\In. 'Y. H. 1\IORGAN. 1\1 R. 'V. J. H. POi TIN. 1\IH. . B. PIERS. iR. ,Yo H. ,VI NY. No. II. District. -Comj)risillg the countie of Berks, Buck , Cornwall, DeVOll, Dol' et, Glollcester, Hunts, Herts, Kent, part of Miadlesex, Oxford, Somer ·pt, nrrey, II ex, \Yilt, the Channel Islands, and Isle of ,Yight. :r ' ... Total: 5 Corps (consisting of ~O Ambulance a.nd 3 urslllg DIVISIOn ), 40 Amhnla.nce and 6 Nursing Divisions, 2013 Officers and Men, 157 Nursing Officers and SiStfll'S. Deputy Commissioner in Charge of District. . MR. J. S. G RIFFITJIS, M.RC . ., R etlland Pa.rk Honse, BrIstol. A ssistant Commissioners SURGEO -1\1 AJOR C. R. LAURIE, 1\I.H.C.S. 1\fR. G. B. COURTr EY, M.D. MR. F. SPRAWSO . Dist1'ict Chief Superintendent MR. ,V. J. PHILLIPS. Dist1'ict Supe1'intendent Sec1'etary


St. John Arnbulance B rrigade.

No . III. District. -Comprising the counties of Bedford, Cambridge r Essex, Huntingdon, Leicester, Norfolk, Northampton, Rutland, Suffolk, 'Varwick, and orcester. Total: 7 Corps (consisting of 54 Ambulance and 8 Nursing Divisions), 19 Ambulance and 1 Nursing Divisions, 1880 Officers and Men, 244 Nursing Officers and Sisters.


Deputy Comrniss'ione1' in Cha?'ge of Dist?'ict. BRIGADE-SURGEON LIEUT.-COL. G, S. ELLISTON, V.D., M.RC.S., 2, Museum Street, Ipswich. District Chiej Surgeon MR. 'V. E. AUDLAND, M.R.C.S. Assistant Commissioner MR. T, H. 'VOOLSTON. District Chiej Superintendent SURG.-CAPTAI F. A. BROOKS, M.D. Dist?'ictSupe1'intendentSec?'eiaTY SURG.-CAPTAI 'V. A. GIBB, M.D'r RA.1\I.C., (Vol.) Superintendent Treasu?'er CAPTAIN HUGHES. No. IV. District-Comprising the counties of Cheshire, Cumberland, Lancashire, Vvestmoreland, the Isle of Man, and Ireland. Total: 9 Corps (consisting of '24 Ambulance and 9 Nursing Divisions), 68 Ambulance and 33 Nursing Divisions, 2925 Officers and Men, 819 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

St. John A'rnuulc('nce BTigacle.

District Chiej SU1'geon MR. J. R CREASE, F.RC.S., Edin. Dist?'ict Chiff S1lpe?'intendent MR. A. H. JOHNSTON, M.R.C.S. Dist1'ict Superintendent Secretary ( Actmg) CAPT. GEO. OGILVIE. District Supe7'intenclent of Stores CHIEF CONSTABLE 'iV. G. MORANT. No. VII. District.-Comprising the counties of Breckuockshire, Carnarvonshire, Denbighshire, Glamorganshire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and Shropshire. Total: 2 Corps (consisting of 8 Ambulance and 5 Nursing Divisions), 14- Ambulance and 1 Nursing Divisions, 483 Officers and MeD, 78 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Assistant Commissioner in Charge of District. SURG.-LIEUT. COL. E. CURETO , V.D., M.D., 9, College Hill, ' hrewsbury. District Chiej Surgeon LIEUT.-COL. J. D. LLOYD, M.RC.S. Di t?'ict Chiej S1tperintendent MR. J. 'V. \YIIITE. Dist?'ict Superintendent, ecretary MR. J. AR ALLT J ONE " 1\1. D. District llpel'intendent Treasurer i\lR. R S. ,'TEWART, l\1.D .

COLONIAL BRANCHES. Commissioner jo?' -pecial Services.

Deputy C01nm,issione?' in Charge of Dist?'ict. LIEUT.-COL. C. J. TRIMBLE, C.M.G., V.D., L.RC.P., J.P. Bamber Bridge, near Preston. Dist1'ict Chiej S1t?'geon MR. G. THOMSON, M.D. Assistant Commissione1'S J MR. J. C. DERHAM. ) MR. L. WHITTAKER. District Chief Superintendent MR. A. L. GARNETT. District S~tpe1'intendent Secreta?'Y MR. W. S. 'iVOODCOCK. Dist?'ict S1tperintendent oj Stores CAPT. E. B. POOLl:£Y, L.RC.P. Dist1'ict S1tperintendent Treasure?' IR. F. DE B.-PI1I, L.R.C.P.


Deputy Commissioner in Charge oj District. S. C. WARDELL, Esq., Doe Hill House, near Alfreton. SURGEON MAJOR WE T-SYMES, M.D. MR. S. W. MALKIN. MR. H. C. ELSE. MR. P. RATCLIFF.

District Chiej Surgeon Assistant Commissioner District Chiej Supt?'intendmt District Superintendent SeC1'etary

No. VI. District.-Comprising the counties of Durham, Northum· berland, and Yorkshire (East and North Ridings). Total: 1 Corps (consisting of 6 AmbUlance and 2 Nursing Divisions), 11 Ambulance and 2 Nursing Divisions, 472 Officers and Men, 134 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Comrnissione?' in Charge of District. SURGEON-LIEUT.-COL. F. W. GIBBON, V.D., L.R.C.P., Tyne Dock, South Shields.



Commonwealth of Australia. COInmissiollel'.-:\IAJOR G. L. lULLINS, M,A., M.D., 66, Darlin§.!h urst H,oad, yuoey, I., '. \V. Aledical OtJicer in Chiej.- MAJOR A. E. PERKI ', M.A., l\I.D., D.S.O. New South Wales District.

Deputy Commissioner in Charge oj Disi?'ict. . DIX:-;O~ , 1\I.B.,

1\1R. T.

Dis/rict Chief 'nperintendt nt District 'uperintcndmt 'ecretary District, 'llperilltel1iZellt Tre£! lIrer I

No. V. District.-Comprising the counties of Derbyshire, Lincoln, Nottingham, Stafford and Yorkshire (\Vest Riding). Total: 15 Corps (consisting of 44 Ambulance and 12 Nursing Divisions), 36 Ambulance and 6 Nursing Divisions, 2918 Officers and Men, 472 Nursing Officers and Sisters.


7, Elizabeth Street, Sydney. MAJOR F. M. MARTI IR. L. DOBm . 1\JR. H. PRIl:£ TLEY.

West Australia District.

A. sistllnt


in Charge



LIEUT. GOL. G. F. ~IC\VILLIA lS, M.B., Perth. New Zealand Branch.

A ssistan t COJnllli:;sioael'in Charge of Branch. MAJOR G. BARCLAY, Pa.lmer ton, Otaga, N.Z. South African Branch.

Orange River Colony District.

Assistant Commi'sionel' in Cha?'ge of District (Acting.) CAPT. G. H. UODDAI D, M.R.C. "" L.Re.p., R.A.1\I.C., J aval Hill, Bloemfontein. Distl'ict Chiej Supf3 l'intendent CAPT. C. 1"'. Un,QulIART, R.A. I.C. (Vol.) District S1perintenclent Secre{(ll'Y 1\IR. H. HAW.

t. J ohn .A. ?nbnlance B?>igade.



Report of tne Chief Commissioner of the St. eJ ohn Ambulance Brigade for tne year




'ept('mbcr, 1905.

TH~ state and conclitio~ of the Brigade for the :rear 1901-5 is nl')' s~tlsfactory. The m.:mencal strength has largely increased' at Lhc ame

hme the general effiCIency of the mcmber and of the ol'cranization has b'y no mean climini heel. Forty-eight new Diyision hay~ been form ed srnce the i sue of the la t report. FourLeen of Lhi numb r hay 1)(, C11 formed in No, Y. District, ten in No. IY. nine in 1\ o. YII , eirrhL in No, III., £lye in No, II., and t,yO in :r 0, I,; and us the wn, Lngc h~s llot been, "Ver;y larg~ the grand total of oIllcers, nursing OHien's, mCll alHl nursrng SI tel'S IS 13,922, distributed as follow's:Distn'ct. J' 0 , I.

Y ea;', 190.,1.. 1905, 1904, 1905, 1904. 1905, 1904. 1905, 1904. 1905, 1904, 1905, 1904, 1905,

" II. No, No," III. No". IV.

" V. No. No," VI.

" VII.



T ola 1


0./ Units.

Jlcmbash ill .

45. 47. 6-1, 69, 79 ,

12 1. 1321. 1723, 2] 70. 1 63 , 2130, 357 , 3744, 3131. 3390. 5 0, 606, 425. 561.

2. 131. 131. 9,

9 . 21. 21. 20, 28,

--125 1.

4,19. 479,

1904. 1905,


Comparing the, ~ two ye~rs the 11et incl'ease i, 1,311. Of Lbis an'oren'nle the percentage of 111Cl'ease 1U the several DisLl'ict" i,' as followH:~o <":l Di5trict. No, I. No. II. No. No. No. No. :roo



IV. V, VI.



in 1905

Inc?'errse. 3 ·12 per cen t. 25 '91 " 14'33 " 4 '61 8'28 <1 '4 7 32 '00


" "



0" n

1 '7

l m.lmlanc(' B?'LgadC'.

DuLy in Lhc puhlic ,Ll'C 'Ls an(l open spac ~ has 11 '11 '\.(ell, i\'ely eflnil'I1 ouL, <1:-'; in former r a1' , full d'Lailt> of "w hich "will h found in III 1'l'Ptll't,.; fUl'Ilishe(l hy 1) 'puLy 'Olllllli~~ioll('n; ill charge of 1 li:-;ll'it:LR. :\ 11111,\' IdLI'!'. of Lhanks h<1\ l' he 11 1'ecei\'c(l froJll local authol'ili 't) (''\.pl'C~~l11g npplI'('iaLioll of LltL' Yalual)h' aid l' 'mlel' 'd on 'uch oCCn.~iOllS. The fOt'lllULinll )f a Ill'\\' l )i~tl'i 'L (.~\o. \ ' 11.) cOlllprising 'Yal's <ulil ~hl'opsbil'l' l'l'i'cl'l'ell (0 ill llh' las( . \Jllluni }'qHll'l 11a,.; he'll n ~n'at Sll 't'e~s full'y cOlliil'mi ll g l'lll'll1l'l' ("pel'lelll'e ,iz., lhat '(llllpacL Di st1'i 'Is, Sllltdll'lloUlfit lo l' 'llllel' pL'l''iullnl SlIPl'1'\ [sion pu~slhle, llllL of sl.lllici nt l'.-lcnL Lo 11' tl ~OUl'" of lll'idl' nIHl Cl' 'diL to Llll' Ulli' l' in hal',r!, t"l' mol' fl'l' llHl>1I1h' ru;nlls in 1(11"" Bri ,r<llll' 111 'llllH']'shill llHlll \\'11 'I'} Lh' J li stl'il'L b is . Ll l', Ll'llsi\" an(l UIl' Hllils ,.;ll sl'altl'l!,d thaL ills]!e'Lioll h)' tho,.;' ill auLllOl'ity is 01 \\'01'1- uf lahtlul' o1l1ll ('XPl'Il~(, alttl is ill man)' in::;Lal1 '\" p'rfulll:tllJ',\' if 110t illljl()ssihll', HI'll1ll'lIIg lh' al'l'a~ of l)isLl'id~ 11" Ill. al111 l \ T" hus result ,d in illl'I'L'nSl'll aeLiyity ill thus' })istl'i 'Is, and Lhl' adtllLioual l)l:-;Ll'id fornl\'d (~( . \'11.) bids fail' lo rallk in aft''' ,\'l'llrS as a lal'g(' antI impol'tant UIlt'. lIllI'tllll l'nr] ', 1J('ll l' ':\Ol'tlulIll[llnn, l>'longillg (0 "011'. Harold 'Y inl'lhn L\l1l\, wns \ L'I',' kindl) pl:L<','d a( UIl' lLispmml nf '0, Ill. Di:-;Ln'L h,\" hilll fill' till' jlUqlllRl' nf Iwlding (Ill' ~\llll11al 'amp Llt' Inst.l'uelinn, TIll! result of llll' HIl' 'Lill!.! ,'tv Ili!.!hly ~a(l,.;ract(ll'\', lwilltY lllust insLnldiy(' , C'" nllt! \l'r," \\'1,11 aLL'lll!'ll. ~\ 'amp was like\\'is' hdLl h,\' 11l'lUh,l's III ~n, Y. Ili,.;Ll'id. I\lal'kpllllI Wit,.; lIll' lucali(y sl'l 'd('I1. In hoth 'a111jls 'lI\1l'<1\ O\l\'S Wl'n' lllildl' to illlilaL' fl . r1use\,\' a~ pu",.;ih1 the (luli thnt wLlllltl ha\'l' til 11, lll'l'fol'llll'll aftl'l' all adillll ill altl'llllillg Ln lllllllran::-pol'ling wlHllldl'll f!'lllil tIll' fil,11 1. TIll~"; , 'amps are ld' \'('1'," gr 'at \'alll\, ill l'llahling ()Jli( ' 'l's <\llll 1111'11 (II pl'tll'til'ally o1pl'l,\' knllwledgl' gailH'll ill LIIl' Led Il\,l' H!lOlll alll1 Ill'ill 1[nil , lind \\'t'1'<' i( !lIlL for ihl' l' . · pell. ' CLlll:-; '<}upn npon SP('lll lill g i\ \\'l'('k undl'l' (';lIl\ as till' 111l1ll11l'rs alll' llding \\'ol.tld h' l tll 'gl' l: il1l'l'eu~l'd, Hntllllll1'1' l'illllpS \\'(lldd he lll,ltl. T1\(' following plat'l'~ Itan' 11('('11 \' i~itl'd: • '\lI'l'\\"shl11',)' (L'rice), Ihi~lnl, BI,,11111, 11';;\\'i('1t (l \rit'(,), 1,I'!<'l':-;(l'I', ll(ll'lllll, all11 L '('ds. Till' I'd 1I'l'llll'nt (II j\lr. \\' . ,J. l 'lltll't'11 nn1~il'l' (on p n~inll), Ink Bl'i gadl' l'hil'l' :--in]ll'l'iltil'IIl1l'llt, Nt. ,Jldlll .\II!1nt!nlH' l' I ~rigalle, on acc(lullL uf 11 I,.; Ill "l1 t b, is gl' 'at ly (tl Ill' l'l'grl'llt'll. \11'. Bl'ilsil'l' baR 1), 'n Clll1n ' '(l,d WiUI .. \ nlll\tJnn 'l' \l1I1'I~ fill' ujlwal'd llf L\\ l'll(,\-[iv ,Yl'HI'S alld in quit(in~" Londoll (0 li\" ill Ilis lla(i\' l~ tU\\ nIle lS n. 'Linti' 11 i·: n 011 111 '(Iieal HlIYl 'e. l'('(,irellll'nL h<t~ r'IH!l'l'('d SO llH' Ill1111ilienLioll of (h e sta ll' aL II 'iu1-qLltLl'kl~ llL'( 'l'SSa l',\'; t Itl l'e~lt1L Sll fa\' Itas [11'0\ 'd sat.isfa'Lor.)', ' 111 (' I'llllU\\"ll1g appoint Illl'Il("; Hnd promu( iUlls l'L'l'O\1l111 'Illl ,d hy l he 'hid C0ll1111issiulU'I', ha\'I' hl'l'n appru\' ,d h' illl' 'hapl 'I' Ucncrnl <11111 Hllndiulll'(l by 11.1Ul. Llll' (:ral1d Pl'illl': 11'. Il:dllllllld (l\\ l'l1, 1",ILl'.I-\. (U hl' ~r('llicn l Ollil'l'l' in ( 'ltid. :-)ll \'gl'1l1l LiulL. 'u!. 1". \\', (; I hhon, \ .11., 1,. ILl ', I'. \ ";";lslant. 'Ol\l111i~l:'iolll'l' to Ill' ) l'puLy '()llllllis~llll1l'l' l\'o. \ ' 1. l) istl'ld. 1\[1'. L. \\'h ittnli.l' I', ]}i ~ ll'ld Chid NUjl('I 'iIlLcnt!I'ld, III 1)l' . \ ~sisla1l1 C0I111lli ss iUlll'l' Tn. 1\ '. [)i sLrid. 'apl<lill U. I I. (:mltlnl'd, JLA.~l.t'., I.n .. 1-\" Lo l)l' . : \ 'ling . .: \ ~Risln ll(. C(llllmi ~~io ll '1' )l'tl1lg' H iver '01011), DisLrict. ~











The Commissioner for 'pccial I'cryices* informs me that the departments l.mder his immediate charge continue to progreso sati. factol'ily. Accorcwlg to the latest a hices, the Colonial unit of the Brigad.e actually regi tered no,y lJumber 51, there being 22 Dil'isiolls in ITCW Z ealand, 15 in Australia, 7 in Cape Colony, 4 in the Orallg' RiYer Colony and 3 in Bombay. In acld.ition to these, seyeral an' in course of. formation in variou parts of I outh Africa. Cape Colony j. 110W a DI trict, with an Acting Assistant COlllmissioner, Major J. 11. Li(1)lllUllJ1, in charge. There is every prospect of the early formation of Di vi. iOllS in Canada. The eight Bearer Companies (I't. John Ambulance Dri(facle) fulhT ?lainta~l their s.trength. All have attended the usual anml~l camp.' <~f lllstruc~lOn at ~lChfield, Al~lershot, or \\T001 wieh, and the oflicial reports of the mspectlOns held durlllg those camp.~ awl of the annual inspedion,.; bel.d. at the local head.-quarter of the Companie ' are in all cases very satIsfactor~'. The number of honorary surgeon' of the Drigad who haw been appoillted to the Companies is now 13, ncarly all of whom have :alre~dy vol~mtarily passed the examination reguirerl to be lJa.'sed hy medIcal.oificers of the Vohmteers. T otal strength of the Dearer Compame., 13 officers ancl 464 ralJk awl iile. The Royal ~ aval Auxiliary I'ick Berth lie cnTe now numlJcr.· 37: in England and Ireland, and a good contingent ha latcl y heen mi.-erl from the units of the Brigade in Australia. The Resenc 'teadil,r incl'eases in strength, and. the amlUal reports of the Iu.'pcctil1f! ),Iedical Omccr of the Resenre and the reports of the ~ T ayal ),Ieclical Oilicers ull(ler W110lIl Lhe ~en have served c1uring the pa t year, in man-of-war COUl'ses at S '(1 awl III ~he courses of instruction in naval lanu hospital.. , l)ea1' uniforlll testlmony to the efficiency of the resenists. The thanks. of the Chief Commissioner are dne to all gm<le fur tlwil' ~heerful 0 ?ec1ience to orc1.ers, ancl for their reacly co-operaLioll in fmtllCl'mg. the ~bJects of the ~l'lgade. To the J)e}Jnt~r COlJlmissio]]ers amI oLlie.], Officers ill charge of DIstricts for their valuable assistance ill }ja11tenin" ~he bmden o~ adl1linis~l'ation l)y the careful 8upeni. ion c'xel'~if-ir(l them oyer then re pechve areas. To the OfJicers of the T\Ip(lical I'LaIl' for the zeal and cnel'gy they haye shown in <leyotiwf. 0 lllUC·h tilll!' from their engrossing anc1 exacting profession to impm-t U~at iJIstl'ucLioll to the member.., without which the .first aid a .. sistalJ(~c, alway, aL the sl'l'\'iG(: of the PUNIC, woulc1 be a .'ource of dal1grr insteu<l of safet\'. It shoulcl l)e a great satisfaction to all to know that' theil' .'('nice. are fully appreciatec1 hy those who profit lJY their work. .


BELGHAYE XlxNm, )I.D., R.X.,

Chir'i Commissioner. *

Colonel BawdIer, c. JJ.


} ft. J olin A rn})uZnnce B tigacle.

St. J ohn A munLance Brigade.

No. 1. District.

DeJlut!J COlilinissioilcr (A ctilty)- lll spector-Gtneral B. XI~~IS M. D., R.N . District Chief Sm·yeon-11r. '. O:;UOIl .·, F.R.C.S. Assist(lnt ComI/1issiuner-"Mr. F. D. MACKE.-ZIE. Assistnllt Co1lt?l1issiollu {Iwl District Ohief Supt. (Acti'l lg)-Mr. "\V. H. MORGAN. iJistl'iet SlljJCI'ilLtcncient Secrefar!J-;'lr . "\V. J. II. PO.'TIS. iJistrict S/ljJCI'intenrleill of Stores-Mr. . B. PIE I{ ' . lJistrid SIL1Jerintendenl Trccun!rC/'-"Mr. \\T . II. "\VJ~ ~Y.






II IUD-QU ARmllS, JOIL -'s GATE, CLEHKESWELL. 1st OcloOCl', 1906.

, ~ I J! ,

In acco\'(1a.nce with vour instrnctions I have the hOllOur to suumit the folloll'ill" rep 11'[ of the state UI[(1 cOlHlilioll o[ :1\0. 1. Di trict. Th e ~tlll strcngth cOllljiarCll with b t yC 'l.l' sho\\'~ an illcrcase of 40, which lila), lJ(! COil 'i dl'rell very s:lti~:,1·uetory. . Pnl,lie dllty, IlS will he SCCIl II)' the Duty Report aLtaclteel, ha been \\,ellma111 [ail1l'el, llicillben; au, \\'c riu~ to all calls, Ullel shewing a contiulleu interest in this most importallt part of the work o/' the Di tricl. . The allnual i\l'l'cction ",us l,y kinel pcrmission of the OOll~Lau]e and Clnef (~(}\'l'lllOl 01' the '1'o\\'er 0[' Londoll, again llclcl ill the To\\'cr i\luat, on the 27th 1I1ay, a to ct! of ;,6 cf all rallk:; being upun IHuade. The re ult 'hl' wecl a continued stute clli ieney. A lllMCh out was held on the 13th ~lay; 552 of all mnks paraded in Finsbury Circl1s, nUlichcrl to Li\'crpool 'trcct tatioll, and entraiued for naresbronk, thence tlle route was to Chingl'ord. Partic:; of wounded wcre :;ent out over a p;oo~ tretch ot' coulltr\' allel \nrc scu]'cllctl fa]' hy stretcher pql1atl', treated alld hronght III to the llllSC 1'111' lI'I~(li lal in.' pectioll. The \\hole WllS 1110 t, ,'lICCC ,·fn1 and in tructlYe. The m01ldiers of the Di:;ll'iet attemlccl Divine en'ice at \\Tctminster .libbey, on the 4th Jlllle . The cOtllpeliLion for the "l\las,'!'y l\hinwaring'.' Challel~g~ 911j1 wa won for the ,sec.)utl yrar ill sllcec:,siolt by the Grcat Westel'll l{.ll]lI'U,y Dt\'lSlOll, uuder. Corpl. ~ l:r~el' . The c, .3hol'lI" Ohallenge 'hielLl \las \\ 011 uy the :North London Rlllway DnTl 1011, IInder OOI'PI. I 'h lkespear, amI llte '( IWieit'ucy" Cup wa:; ag,tin wall by the ollth Metropolitan (hs COlllpany Di\'isioll, under "'er.~t. Ke.\' C. Thc Alllhnl llllce tution a,t the Royal Agt'icnl Lnra.! ' ciety of Ellglantl's Show Yartl, Purk Royal was agnin phtcet1 in cll uge of the District.. . The 'ujlcrill tcnd('ut of , lor's rcpol'L that all store:; and appliance. are 111 goo~ all(l scn'iccal)lc order. ~pec:iu,l Llla.nk.· al1l1 praise are (Inc to nil'. PIers and IllS sL.df of slorclllcn [01' tho \'Cry careful awl ellicient way in which the tore a,re H] ways kcpt. The arl'Ungclllcll ts maele for the is ne and return of stores au all Occrt'iions of pnhlic <luly IHwe bcen e x c e l l e n t . . . '£11 C IIp 'ri n tcmlen t SecrcLn.ry hlts (lcvoteJ mnch tune a,nLl cnergy to his tl€.partl1Ipnt, wit,h great, llceess. II e has been very ably n~si teLl. lhroughout the year by • upt. Vilven, 1 t Clas Sel'gt. Ji ullaLt, COI·pl. Goodman, and Private L. F . and P. G. Hayman , and other members of Lhe Cyclist Di\'isiolJ, to whom thanks are due .



T he District is again indebted to the R ev. Canon Haig Brolvu for his con tin ned! kind permission to use the grounds of the Charter House for the purposes of drill and competitions. I n conclusion I desire to express my indebtedness to all ranks for the cver willing and conscientious way in which they have carried out their various dnties ihrongltout the year. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, ,VILLIAM H. MORGAN, Th e Chief Commissioner, St. John Ambulance Brigade, St. John's Gate, Olerkenwell, E.C.




Assistant C'omm issi011,eT and Dist1'l'ct Ohief S'l.lpe1·intendel~t (Acting) .


1904. Nov. 8

9 17




N 0.



St. J ohu's Gate No.1 June, 18 7 22. IIospital Saturday Fd.. J u]y 27, 1 96 Haggerston. July, 1889 23. Norwood oVCl1ll,el' 2(), 1 96 North London Railway April, 1890 24. Doulton . 'epb'l1lber 30, 1 96 L ey ton and Leytonstone .T uly, 1890 25, Tottenllam & Halllp. tc:l.I.l Children's Home December,] 890 J nnction Rail way Feln'naJY 8, 1 07 Cyclist . March 7, 1891 27, Acton ~lay 16, 1897 7. Toynbee Hall . April, 1891 28. Hanow . Junc 21, 1 9 9. St. John's Gate No.2 Feb. 15, 1893 29, Wa1thamstow. Jan. 5, 1 99 10. St. Mark's. fllarch, 1893 30. East London . " 12. 198 11. Wembley and HarlesdenMay 12, 1893 33 . Bermondsey&Rotherl1i lheMal'.10,1 99 12. Watel'low. June, 1893 36. Causioll . Ja11. 25, 1800 13. Ring's Cross (G.N.R.) Oct. 4, 1893 37. G. 'Y.R. (paddington) Oct. 18, 1900 15. East H a m . April, 1895 38. L.B.&S.C.R.(Victoria) Ja11. 20, 190~ 16. London, Brighton & South 39. Streatham. Jan, 30,1902 Coast Railway (New Cross) July, 1895 40. PrOllncts Works Feh. 6, 1902 17. Mertol! & Wimbledon Sept. 14, 1895 41. Royal Ar 'enal October 1,1902 18. Fulham . Nov. 13, 1895 42. Barnet . August ~8, 1903 19. Sth. Metropolitan Gas Co. Dec.5, 1895 44. ,Yest London Division Dce. ]3, 1903 20. Hampstead January 31, 1896 45. North Cam Le1'well epL. 28, 1905 21. Bromley May 1, 1896

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6,


F01·rned. l. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Children's Home St. John's Gate Wembley Barking Norwood

Dec. 2, 1890 January 23, ] 893 May 24, 18~3 1893 June 11, 1896




St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John A 1nbulance Brigade.

6. Hospital Satl1l'day Fun<l July, 7. Wimbledon anli MertonJnllc 11, 8. East Ham May 4, 9. Belgrn.via TOV. 2, 10. Balllam and Streatham 1i'eb. 6,

18% 1 9


!I!) !I~

] H105


26 1905. Jan. 17 26 Fcb. 4 11 20 to


23& 24 Mal', 18


1 5 15 21

Funeral of thc late Dan Leno Lord Mayor's Day ... Yiit of their l\Iajesty's the Eing and Quccn of Porlugal to the Guildhall ... Chlll'ch CllOir Fesli 1'<11 t. Paul's Oathedral... 'pecial Achell t "ervice do. Dinner to 1,000 1)001" Cllihhen, East Ham Dilmer to .Aged POOl', Battersea Hatcjlltyers' 13all, East Ham .r ortlL of tbc Thalllc" Cross COllll try Association. \\' \Jl111>lc)' ... Ol'ellillg of Parliament .. Tmclr~l1lell's EulcL'laillll1cllt to POOl' 'hi Idren, Cal,lJiug To\\n Cltihlrcn's Puny 1,000 eu(;h night Yisit of T.R. II. the hil1(;c allLl Prince '. of ,raIl'S to East IJam ... Foothall :Jlat(;h, Ellglaml alld cotlalld, 'rystal Palace Y.:Jr.U.A . .I?e tn'al, Albert Jlall FootLall 'up, Filial Tic, Crystal Palac'c 'onthel'll 'ulllltics Athll,tic 'port " IJel'lle

lIill 24

-- -- --- -- --13


1 ] 50







5 3



2 2








5 2





21 10







2 4



1 5 19


9 9



IIainlre sen;' 'ports, Putlley YcludlOlllC Cood Friday- \Yurlll\\,ood '(;rUhllS Easter ~lo1111a)-AlexaI1l1n 1'illace Hatter'l'a Park " Hlilckheath " Do, tal \Y oods " Brockwell l'Ulk .. . Bromley (Kcnt) .. . ,." Chi II g I'tll'll " " "Rising .'un" " I' "Rohin lIood," " In phallI CUnllllon " Crystal Palat:c .. . " E,{lillg 'Ollllllon .. . "., IIa(;kllc,)' n!ar.lle · IIll.1l11'stcaLlUcath, Uppcr ,. S lillion ... Ditto, Lo\l'l1' talioll " l)cckhulll Rye ",. tl'eatlIu11l U()11l1l1011 ,VallsLeu(l Flats ... " ,Vel sh En'!' I" lI ell'lon " \\'embley Park " ,Vorlllwood cl'nbb: " Putn ey A tltl Lc. Cln L ports, " Pllille\' Yl'10dr0111c ...


3 9 2 16


1 1







2 11


6 1




21 16

3 2





2 2

1 1 1

13 10 1 2 7 1 15 18

1 1


1 1


9 2 31 12



7 16


Members on duty .

Members on duty.


"0 Q


>" ... en

~~ co: ~ ~~~



4>~> ~&';:::

... 0 04>






JlSP-i o

---1905. .May 30 31 Jun e 1 2 3



" " " " H ospital Sports, East "

" ""

.. . Ham ... .. . Fire Brigade Sports, Herne Hill ... .. . ;5 Arrival of H. M. the King of Spain .. . 7 Visit of H.M. the King of Spain to the Guildhall... .. .. ... .. .. . 12 'Vhit.Monday-Alexandra Palace " Batter ea Park.. .. . " Blnckheath.... .. " Bostal ,V oods . . . . .. " Brock well Park ... . .. " Bromley (Kent)... .. •, Ohingford .. . . .. " " " Rising Ull" " ,,"Rohin Hood" " Olapham Oommon ... " Crystal Palace.. .. " Ealing Oommon... . .. " Hackney Marsbes '" " Hampstead Upper tation " "Lower tation :, Peckham Rye . . . . .. " Streatham Oornmon .. . " ,Yanstead Flats.. .. . " 'Welsh Harp, Hendon ... " ,Yembley Park '" .. . " 'Wormwood Scrubbs .. . Oart Horse Parade, Regent's Park ... 13 Ohildl'ell'~ Excursion, Theydoll Bois ". 15 Garden Fete, East Acton ... ... ... 17 Tobacco Trades' Sports, Stamford Bridge Ground... ... ... ... '" Oentral London Railway Sports, Acton .. I nauguration of the L.U. O. ,teamboat Service ... ... ... 24 Printing and Allied Trades Sport~' 'o/'vst~i Palace... .. ... .'... ... Oonstitutional Olub Sports, Putney Velodrome ... ... 25 Hospital Sunday Fund, Friendly ·.s·ocieti·~s Service, VV 001 wich ... ... . .. 30 Visit of T . .I\1. the Ring and Queen to Harrow School .. . .. . ... . .. I slington and District Schools Athletic Association Sports, Tufnell Park .. School T reat, Upper Warlingham ... .. . JUly 1 Demonstration, Homsey .. . ... .. . Ilford Men's Meeting Sports, Il ford .. . 3 I naugnration of Diocese of South lI'ark .. . 5 AlIl~ual Picnic of S. W . O"ipples Branch Ealll1g Flower Show, Ealing ... . ..


1 1

8 9 8 8

2 2 2 2

10 5





9 4 55










)3 13






1 1

8 3 11

3 3





3 3 2


1 1 1 1


1 II -


21 12


2 1 1 1

=1 1

-I 1


2 3 7 8 3

5 3



5 16 1

7 3 Ja

10 4

5 5 17 4 7


19 12 8 1 11

4 4


10 1

4 3


1 1



5 8

1 1













-I 1








4 2

9 12 1




~ ':~


rn ...










7 9

... Theatrical Sportll, Stamfonl Bridge Demonstration, Protestan t Ohildren's ... ... ... Alcxandra Palace Olapham Football Cluu 'pOltS, Putney ... Hospital aturclay Sports and Procession, 1 ... .. .. Ilfonl ... Grove Road Athletic Olub Sports, Acton ... chool Treats, 1700 Ohildren, 'iVickham .. Sports, 12 Early Association Closing ... .. .. Richmond 14 West London chools, A l hletic Sports, tUlllfol'd BriLlge... ... ... . .. 15 Pa(lclington Oycle Olnb Sports, Padtlillgton 1 East Ham Ho 'pital ports, East Hum ... PlllImtead Dilltrict School ports, Plum... .. ... ... steall ... 19 IIacldoll Hall, chool Treat, Conlsllon ... ... Acton Flower, 'how, Acton .. . ... 20 IIammer mith Ual'llintl ... ... 1 Ilforll IIol'ti('ultll1'al Low, Ilrord ... 22 Harrow Athletic Olub 'ports, Harrow Royal Ar'onal Employees Athleliu Sports, .. , ... ... ... Plulllstead Kensington Amatenr Athletic As ociation ... ... ... ports, Acton 1 L. C. O. Fire J.>rigl1rle Royiew, Victoria Pk. 2G Oharter of Tncorporatioll Celebrations, 1 .. . ... ... ... Wimbledon ... . .. 27 Unionist. Fete, Tufnell Park London United Electric Tramway ports, .. , ... ... ... Brentford ... .. , ... Ohl1l'ch chool Treat, Barking 29 Postal Athletic and Oycle Meeting, Putney Aug. 7 Oycle port, High Beech ... ... ... -August Bank Holiclay-Alexandra Palace ... Batter ea Park ... " " ... 1 Blackheath " " .. Bostrd Wood " " Brockwell Park ... " " Bromley (Kent) ... " " ... Ohingford " " "N a pitlrA rill " " " " "Rising un" " " " "RobinHood" " " " Clapham Oommon " " Orystal Palace ." " " Ealing Oommon ... " " Hackuey Marshes " " J] am p8 tead L ow\,r " " .. 1 Station 1 D o. Upper Station " " Peckham Rye ... " " treatham Oommon 1 " " Wanstead Flats ... 6 8


2 2


5 4 1














9 1 9



1 9







1 -




3 2




4 \













6 6


7 3









-- - - - July










'0 ., ...,

CD ...... en

Ul~ ~

- '"






CD 0


- - - - --- - - - - -

Summer R ace Meeting, Epsom Downs


S t. John Amuu lance Brigade.

St. J ohn Ambu lance Brigc&de.


1 1 1













4 4 4 11 4 2


1 1




4 15









5 13





3 2 4:

6 -



2 1 3 2




,1 2

15 ~

1 1

19 4





17 9

7 9 13 2 5 7




7 7


7 3 1


11 8









17 20 10


10 19







1 2

3 17



St. John

St. John Ambulance BTigacle.



1905 Aug. 17

August Bank Holiday-Welsh Harp, Hendon " " , Y e m bley Park . " ",Yorl11\\,oou ScruLs T emperance Fete, Acton .. .. Do. do. Bishop's Park, Fnlham Palace .. . FeLe, Il ford .. . . .. 8 Central CluL Society, Children's Ontin er • Theydon Bois ... ... ... .~. 17 Chis wick Tradesmen's, ports 30 A Lhletie ports, MiLchalll alld TOotlllg Sept. 2 Battersea anu Wandsworth Co-operati\'e Society's Fete, Wandsworth ... . .. IJorts, 14 Tottenham and District School Tottenham 20 Croydon and Th orn tOll Heath Cycle Carnival... .. Football Duty during season, Brentford Football Gronnd .. ... . .. Ditto ditto Ealing Football Gronnd ... " " nford "" " " Regent's Park" " " " " "'anstead Flats " " " " Claphalll Oom. " " ... " " Haekney Mar." Cricket Duty dllringseason, Hackney Marshes : " " Clapham Common " " Mill Fieltls, Claptol1 ... " " Victoria Park ... " " Regent's Park .. 1.10.04to 30.9.05 Alexandra Palace, twice weekly ...

1 1

6 5

2 1





5 5 6



9 5 5




1 Total

2 10



6 3 13 3


2 5

12 6

3 2




Mpmbcrs on dULY.






2 2 2

10 12 34



5 3 2

19 4


20 60



5 8


3 73 30






Distli('L ,'tarr A cton Division Barllet " .. BI']'lllonrlsry & Rotherhithe Di \'. Bromley Divisiun Cun. LOll's " Chilrlren's HOlJle Divisioll C)~c.:lisL DivisOll Duulton Di vis ioll East lImn " East Luudon " Fnlham " G.W.R (Parlrlingtoll) II agger8ton " IIall1 1'8 t pall" lIano\\' " 1l081)ital atnl'llay FUllil Div. King'sCJ'os~ (G.N.H.) " Leyt()n & Leytonstone " L. ll. & . C. H.. (1. ew Cros,,) " L.B.&f) . . I{. ( \' ictol'ia ) " }\J crton & Wimbledon " North 'aml)ol'wcll ,." J orLh Londoll Rail way J 01'\\'0011

Pl'odll c t.~

\\T orks Royal Arsenal • t.'John'sGaLeNo. 1









1 ~


1 :2








1 *1 1

;'0 19 2








1 1 1 1

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22 23 24



21 ,j

13 '2G





29 14 31

1 1




*( 1) (1) 1. ( 1)



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( 1) (1 ) (1 )


. :.T.o..:. tn.:..:l---.:~~1:__.: :. : 1 1 -2- --3- '-5-0

* The Hon orary Snrgeolls shown Ambulance Divisions.

1 1


St. 'i1al'].;:':> " " ouLl! ~lctl'opolitnll (la. Co. "" • trpD. til all1 " TotLclllulIl1 &: Ham]l 'tead J n. Ry. TOYllhee Hall " Walthul11sto\\' " Watcrlow " IV ml)ley & IIl1rll' dOll West London Di\'ision "" Barking. Nursing Di\'i~ioll Belgravla " Children's Home ~urs. Diy. East H am " IIospitld • 'at. Fnllll " .I: orwoo<l J' • t..Johll's GaLe " \Vemhlpy " Wiml)lcrlon & Morton, J Balham & tl'eaLhalll" _________


L_ 10 :20

1 . )




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22 , 10

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parenthc. is arc coullLl'd in the COl'll'sponding

St. J ohn A ?nb'L~lCinC~ B ?'igacle.



S t. J ohn A ?nb'L~lance B rigade.

[For m ed 6.87.J


G. Brown , M.R. C.S. ,

J : F. , Yoods, lIr.n. , J . Gidley Moore, M.ll.C.P., Surg.-MaJor R. M. Coffin, F.R.C.P., Edill .

'V. D.

1st Officer.

Supt. and Hon . Treas.

T . P. Holmes.

Liddell, "Bequi~," Muswell Avenue, Muswell HIll, N.

Inspector o f Sto res .

Honorary Secreta r y.

Pte. F. U. Ealey.

Sergt. T. D . R ussell , 18, Lancaster Road, West Norwood, S.E .


[Formed 7.89.J

H EAD -QUARTERS: 27 & 29, HAGGER. TON ROAn. Supt. a nd Hon . T reasurer.

Honora r y Su r g e on .

H . !lett, 20 , Queen's Road, Dalston.

H. Bird, M.R. C.S.

1st Offi cer.

H. 'Vakely.

Insp ector of Sto re.;;.

Honorary Secretary.

F. Twitchett, 11, Hall Street, City Roatl .

Officer 1. Sergeants and Corporals 6. Privates 24. Total effective 31. Decrease since l~st repol t 9. Drills held 100. Average attendance 33. Cases ~ttend~u on publIc duty 7. Cases aLtelllled not on public duty 130. Annual lllspectwn, 27th :iUa)' . Total 011 parade 26. Absent with leave 5. A ~lnual re-examination, 1s~ March, 19th .auu 26th May. Members pas ed 27. DId JlO~ appe~r 3. MetlalhonR :-6. S~rvLCe ;)adges 11. Nursing cel'tificatE-s 2. RegulatIOn umfonn worn. Iatenal: 4 htters, I stretchers and 32 boxes of material. Division supporteu by orth LOl1l10n Railway Company and (lonations. The Division shows a decrease of nine members during the ra!3t year hut the eillciency of those remaining is well maintainetl. A team has been 511CC'e sful in "Willning the" Osborn" Challengc •'hielLl. Public tluty has been perfO! med on 11 occasions, the attendance being good. No. 4 (LEYTON AND LEYTONSTONE ) DIVISlON.

Officers 6. Sergeants 4. Privates 20. Total effective 30. I ncrease since bst report 1. Drills held 41. A vcrage R eserve members 2. attendance 6. Cases attended not on pllll1ic dll ty 31. Anllual inspection, 27 (h May, 1905. T otal on parade 13. Absent ,yith leave 6. Without leave 11. .Anllua~ re-examinatio~, 13th Feb. Members pa::;sed 18. Did llot appear MedallIons 1~ . ServIce badges ~ ' . .Nur ing certificates 12. Regulation uniform worn . Matenal: 2 ~u:v~·esa~s . Dn'lswll supported by members' subscriptiuns. T he state of the ~lVlslOn IS a?out tl:e same, showing a slig11t increase in numbers. It bas taken part 111 all publIc dutIes throughout the year, and is still doing regnl~r duty at the Alexandra Palace. It has also done special duties on several occaSlOns.

1st CIa. s Sergt. T . Atterbury.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Privates 22. Tota.l effective 31. Decrease since .last report 1. Drills held 31 . Average attenclancp 11. Cases ~ttend~d on ,PublIc duty 61. Cases attencle<l not on 11l1blic duty 40. Anllual lDspectwn, 21th l\lay. Total on parade 22. A llselJt with leave 3. ,Vithout le~ve 6. Annnal re-exam~natioI!, 11th May. l\Ienlbers pa.ssecl 2-1. Failed 1. DId not. appear. 5. Medallions 31.. Service badges 12. Nursing certificates 14 . R~gnlatw~. umform worll . Matenal: litter, 3 stretchers, 2 havrcsacs, 2 calliuets WIth req~ll~l~es, and. 26 water uottles . Division SUprol'tE,;d l,y its members. .T~~ D l.vlslon aga~n s~ows a small decreae ; in other respects the efTiciency or the D lvlslon IS well mamtallled: . !>- l1~W class is under formation, and we hope Lo lll'ing up the strength of the DIVISIon lJl the near future . Puulic clnty has been per formed Oll all occasions when ordered. [Formed 1.4.90. J


[Formeu 7.90·1

IJ EAD-QUAllTEP.S: ACOflN YILLA, 91, FAIRLOP RO.\D, LEYTO::\}3TO_-E. Honorary S urg e o n .

A. TO Ll d- White, M.R.C.·. S uperin t endent and Hono r ary Treas u rer.

J . J . 0111-')" ACOl'll \,iUn., 91, Fairlop Rd., LE:ytonstone. 1s t Officer.

J . T. Olley. Ho n o ra ry S ec r et ary.

Insp ect o r o f Stores

Sel'gt. H . Marston, 5 , 'elhy Road, Lestol1stone.

Pte. B. Green.

Olilcers 3. 'crgeallls 2. Corporals 2. Privates 3 . Tolal erfccti\'e 45. Hescne melllber 1. Decrease since la·t report 5. Drills held 29. AYerag~ attendance H. Cases attellllcLl on pulJlic LInt,}' 61. Rellloval ' 4. Case ' attended not on public duty 74. Anllual inspection, 27th ilIay . Total on paraue 36. All 'ent with leuse 3. "W ithout leave U. Annnal re-examination, Hh April, 19th May, and Ctll Feb. MeJ1lher ' pas 'cll 39. Di ll not appear 3. Medallions 27 . ervice batlges 32. Nur"ing cCltifica,tes 14. Regulation unifo1'l11 worn . Material: litter complete, 5 strelchers, 1Il1arquee:, 4 lJlankets, 1 waterproof sheets, 2 folding beLl st.ead, folding chair , folding taLle, 40 \\'ater bottles, -l. surgical havre acs . Di,islon supportetl by its members. The Division 'hows tUl increase of five memuers during the year, and is ill a satisfactory condition. Dutie were Ul1Llertakell on all ocea iOllS when ordered, the attendance being ,"cry ati factory. In connection \\ith the duty at ,Yullsteau Flat, thanks are dne to HIlt. L. McKenzie and the men uncler his charge, and al 0 to the onicers amI members of the police for their yalneJ a istance. The conuuct of the members has lleen all that could be tleirecl, and creuitallie Loth to the Division anu the Briga(Ie .




[Formed 1.12.90.J


Ho n o ra ry Su rgeon.

mg.-Capt. A. C. Tun tall, )J.D. Hono rary S ecret a ry (i n charge).

Honora ry Surgeon .

1st Class Sergt. R. J. H ayes, 12, Penshur t Road,

J. J . Dickinson, l\I.R. C.S. Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores .

1st Class Sergt. W . J. H yrons 64, R uskin A venue, Manor Parl~, E .

P te. H. Coles.

onth Hackney, T.E.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 12. Total eITectiye 15. D ecrease since last report 3. Drills held 32. Average attenLlance 7. Ca es Annual attended on pu]Jlic d u ty 80 . Cases attended not on public duty 10,1 1ea,-e 2. inspection, 27th l\by. T otal on parade 13. Absent with Annual re-examination, 1 th Feb. :Members pa'lsed 12. Did not appear 2. p

St. J ohn .A ?nb'ulol/lCe B?·igc~cle.

St. John .A?nbulance Brigade.

Medallious 13. Service badges 9. Nursi ng certificates 9. R egnlatiol1 u~i~o.rm 'Worn. Material : 2 stretchers, '2 havresacs, water bottle, large box, etc . DIVIsIon supported by members' snbscripti?ns.. . . . AlthouO'h there is a decrease III the ntlluencal strength .o f t h e DIVISIon, the attendanc~ at drill and the general efficiency of the men. has ]111prove r1. Duty has been und ertaken on Hackney Marshes throughout .tl~e. cncket and football. sea ons, and some 90 cases ha,e Leen attended to. The DlVlSlOl1 bas also been fanly well represented at the various public duties performed dnring the y ear.

Fields, Olarton, during the cricket aurl football sea!';ons. We regret to record the death of 001'1)1. • t . W. Knight, \vho died in D ece:nber last. He volunteered fnr duty in South Africa, and saw a good deal of ser-vice there. Several members of the Division attended the funeral service at 'Yalthamstow. A former member of the Division Mr. C. E. King, also passed away in March last in Soutll Africa. He also served during the war, and at the conclusion thereof remained in the country in GO\'ernment service. The Mill\\'all section, uncler econd Officer Ooleman still maintains a high standard of e(ficiency. '

No. 6 (CYCLIST) DIVISION. [Form eCi 7.3.91.]

No . 9 (ST. JOHN 'S GATE, No.2 ) DIVISION . [Formed 15.2.93.]


HF.AD-QU..I.l1.TE l'l"'; :


HE..I.D ·QL\.]rrl~I~-" :

Jonx's GATE, E.C.

J. Bremm'r,

)I.l~.C . s.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

1st C1. I gt. H. J. Hallatt.

W. J . H. Pontin.


[Formed 27.4 . 91.J

2 , CO~DIEItcrAL




Honorary S ecretary.

1st Ola s ergt. J. Lowe, 43, Elmore, treet, Oanonbury, N.

Insp ector of Sto res.


Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Priva,tes 21. Total elrcciive 2 Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 49. Average attenclance 11. Annual inspecti~n, 27th May. Tota.l on para(le 16. Absent with leave 11. W~t1lOut leave 1. Annllal re·examination, 21st March . Members passcd 26 . DId l~ot !1ppear 1. Medalli.Ol~s. ~. Service had~es 19. Nursing certificaLes 1 . RegulatIon uniform ,,01'11 . DlVl lOn supported 11y Its membe~·s . . AlthOl1 a b there has been a sliaht clecrease Jl1 the nUl1lcncal strength of the Division ~llce last year, the efficien~y of the members is well l1laintaiJl~d, and.the drills have been well attended . Du ty has been undertaken on all puhbc occaslO.n. when ordered, while cycle race meetings have :e?e~verl special atteJltion. PCC181 thanks are due to various members of the DIVlSlOll who have rendered valuahle clerical assista.nce to the District Superintendent ecretary in dealing with thc annual records of the District.


L. Han'kes,

G. Chilling\\'orth, 27, pital,qllare, :r orton Fo 19atc, E.

H. "~. Goodman, 362, hing • trcct, H ammersmith, \'1,'.

1±, Baalbec Road, Higl1bnry, N.

;II. B .

Superintenden t.

Honorary Secretary.

Superinten dent.

. H. Yih-ell,


Honorary Surgeons.

Honorary Surgeon .

H. C. H o\yard,



Honorary Treasurer.


ergt. O. H.


Officers 3. 'Cl'geall[S 5. UOlporals 4. Privates 32. Total efrective 44. Dccrea'c ince last lellort 3. Ihilb held 29. Average attendance 25. Cases atteJllicc1 on p111)lic duty ::i0. Ua.·c attended 110t on public duty 90. Annual inspection,27th l ay . Annual re-examination, Jth Jan. ?lembcr · pas ed 37. Did not appear 5. Medallion. 2. . I elvice badges 21. Nuring certificates 22. R cgnlation uniform worn. Material: ul'igacle che t, bandages and splints. Division snpported II}' Illenl hers' sul)scriptions. Public duty has been performed on nine occasions. The general efficiency of the Diyision is good and tIle attendance at the \\'eekly drills excellent. There is a small clecrca~e in nU11I11er t.llis year owing to the wce(ling out of the non-efficient member. . The thanks of tIle members are tendered to tbeir Divi. ional urgeon, Dr. Bremner, for his kindness in delivering a eries of lecture, the benefit derived therefrom being greatly appreciate(l hy all ranks .

No. 10 (ST. MARK 'S) DIVISION . [Formed 3.93.] E.


• T. l\L\.1:1-"1-i CHCItClI



Honorary Surgeon.

'Y. Superintendent.

E. J. KimLer, 83, Dmhalll Road, Manor Park, E.


Honorary S urgeon.

B . JOlles, ;lr.n. 1st Officer.

2nd Officer.

H. L. J ones .

J . A. ,t . Colcman.

A. G.

Inspector of Stores.

CarpI. A. H. R ose, High Road, Ley ton,

1st Olass Sergt. W. II. Becton . E.

Officers 4. Sergeants 3. Corporals 5. Privates 44 . Total effective 56 . Drills h eld 49 . Average attendance 64. Cases attcnded not on PU~)lic duty 34.0 . Annual inspectlOn, 27th May. , Total on para(le 4.3 . Absent With leave Without leave 3. Annual re- exam ination, 5th April. Members l)assed 52 . Dicl not appear 3. Medallions 35 . Nursing certil"icates 3. Regulatior~ uniform \\~0 l'l1. Material: 8 stretchers, 8 havresacs, 8 water l.)ottles, surgeon s hox, sphnts, bandaae~ blankets &c. Divisi.on supported hy members' subscriptions . TheOstt:ength of the Division remains exactly the same as last year . The Division has done duty as usual at Bostall Heath on Bank Holidays, autl the members ha~ e responded well to the calls for public duty. A new station has been opened at 111111


;ILl:' ( .".


Honorary Secretary

C. • tatJHI.I1l,

Pte. 'Y. A Gray, ;; , RothllUry Roall, 'Whit e Fu ·t Laue. Yictol'ia Park.

61, Grafton

Hon. S ec. and Treasurer.


trect, :Mile End.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. II. J. Vickery.

Pte. H. G. Day.

Ofl1cers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal 2. Pnn,tes :H. Total eO'cctiyc 26 . Dl'il b held -1 . .1"crage a tteudance 11. Ca es I ncrea e since Ia·t report 1. attenc1ell on public dnty 79 . R emoval 1. Cases attC'lldetl not on public duty 176. Anl1ua.lin spectioll, 27lbMay. Anl1ualre-examination, 3rtlApril. 11emberspa ec123. Did not appear 2. Nl1l'. ing cerLificates H. Regulation uniform WOl'll. Material: 3 strctch ers, h a,'TC ac, 2 wat er lJOttles, 2 blanket, 2 ground sheet, box of splints an ll banclagc·. Division snpportecl by membcrs. SilJce the laRt report u]] Honorary l1l'geoll hlts heen appointecl, \\'hose ervices have bee11 grea.tly appreciatell, and will add 111I1Ch to the gener1l cfficiency of t11e Division, in which he take a great interest. rublic duty lla Leen undertaken


St. J ohn A'mbulance Brigade.

St. John A ?nbulance B1·igade.


on several occasions and on each Saturday throughout the cricket season a detach~ lllent has been on 'duty in Victoria Park, a total of 79 cases being treated. In several instances the injurell baye been cOll\'eyed to hospital or to their home!:;.


[Formed 6.93.]


Honorary Secretary.

Pte. S. E. Fairclough, 50, Mount Pleasant Lan e, Upper Clapton.



Sup er-i ntendent .

Honorary Surgeon.

C. E.


A. Paull, l\ylecote, ,\Tembley.


TVembley Section. Honorary Secretary.

Hono rary Treasurer.

Pte. W. D. Claridge.

Gaubert (HOll. 1\1em.) Inspector of Sto res.

Pte. F. Claridge.

B m'lesclen Section. Honorary Secretary.

Honorary Tr easurer.

H. W. Carter (H on . Mem.)

Pte. F. C. Tollafield.

Inspector of Sto res.

Sergt. F. Smith. Officers 2. Sergeant 2. Corporals 2. Privates 30. Total etfecti,'e 36. Drills held \\ eekly. A vel'age Reserve mem bel' 1. Decrease since lac t re pOI t 7. attendance 10. Cases attended 011 puLlic duty Remon]s 3. Cases attended not on public duty 52. Annual inspection, 27th May. Total 011 parade 2 . Absent with leave 8. Annual l'e-exalllinatiolls, 22nd and 27th Feb. Members passed 35. Medallions 20. t:iervice badges H. Nul' ing certificate.> 15. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 3 litter) 7 stretchers, surgical havresacs, rugs, groulld sheet, &c. Division supported by local su bscri ptiOllS.


. Harper, 7, Catlin •trect) E. C.



No . 13 (KING 'S CROSS, G.N.R. ) DIVISION. [Formed U.10.93.]



H arlesden Lane :-Litter, stretcher, first aiel appliances. Sudbury and ,Yembley, tatiol1 Yard :-Litter, stretcher, first aiu appliances . The Lodge, ,Yembley Park :-Litter, stretcher, iiI' -t aid appliances. Harrow Road, Sudbury :--Litter, stretcher, first aid appliance. No.1, Carlyon Cottage., Alperton:- tretchel', first aid apl.Jlianc:es. The strength and general efficiency of the Din ion has been well maintained. At the commencemellt of the year Dr. Traill-Thompson kindly gaye a coursc of first aid l ectures. In October, 1904, Mr. and :\Irs. R. F. Hodges kiuclly arrallged a concert at Harlesd en, which \ras a great SlH.:CeSS; and an entertainment by the Westminster Piel'l'ots at ,VemlJley also increased the fund s of that se(;tion . In. November, 1904-, an ambulance display was giYen at the ,Yillesden Adult chool, whicl: \\'as much appreciateJ. Altogether public duly has been undertaken 011 51 occaSlOns, and three transport cases were succe!:;sfully carried through. Th e COlll bined drill of No. 1. District in EppilJg Forest was thoroughly enjoyed, the practical field work being greatly appreciated . It is allvays a matter of regret when old members cease to be e.tfective members of the Di,ision, and during the year ergt. Middleditch has passed mto the reserve after 12 years' service, and in J. Tollafield, Se111'., the Harlesden Section loses one of its original 11lembers. Th e great need of the Division has been an Honorary Surgeon at H al'lesden . Dr. Norman lUacuollalLl has kimlly consented to join th e Brigade in Octoller. This will greatly aid the efficiency of tlie Division. On Saturday, September 30th, a display was givcn at the Acton Lane ,Vorks of the Metropolitan Electric Li ght Company, and it is hoped the effect will be.the formation of a first aid class among the employees and new mcmbers for U13 Bngade.

Sergt. C. Brown, 80, Clifton Finsbury, E.C.

Sergeant 1. Privates 13. Total effective 14. Drills helll 51. Average attendance 6. Cases attended on public duty 15. Helllovais 16. Cases attended not on public duty 341. Annual inspection, 27th iII:1.Y. Total on paralle 1~. Ab 'eut with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 2nd Feb. and 26th :Jhy. Mcmller' passel113. Did not appear 1. :Medallions 13. I ervice ba'lges 4. Nursing certificates 11. Regulation uniform worn. Material: litter, 4 stretchers, 4 surgical havre. acs, water bottles, 3 blanket·, grl)uud shcets, camp stools, etc. Division supported by Messrs. ,Yaterlow and ons, Ltd., and mem bel'S' subscriptions. The Vi VI'ion is formed exclusively of the eml)loyees engaged in the various departments of 1\1es rs. vVatel'low & 'ons, Limited, and, owing to the llature of their employmcnt it is not always pos ible for the members to turn out for public duty, or to regularly attend drill.. The members have att~~ded 356 cases of nccident or udclen illness durmg the year, 16 case .requll'lng re~n?v.al ~o hospital, and public duty has been performed \yhenever po slble. Th e Plvlslon ~s indebted to the Education Committee of the London County Councll for theu cOlltinued kinclne sin crrantin cr the n e of the playground of the Cl'utton treet chool , for drill pnrp~·e , a~tl to Dr. Gordon 131'0\\11 fo:·. first aid in -truction, anrl also for kindly acting a judge at Ollr annual competltlon for the Waterlow Departmental Challenge 'hield.


Honora ry Treasurer (in Charge).

Inspe ctor of Stores.

[Fonned 12.5.93.J

p,\ . .E~GER


G. ".R.

CO., KrxG's CROSS .

Hono rary SU rgeons.

R. Main,


J. Brunton, outh,

2nd Officer and Hon . S ecretary.

P. J.

W. :lI1ail er,

)1. B.

1st Offic er and Hon . Treas.

Super in tend ent.

G. T. Cooper, 7, Lothair Roall Fin 'bnry Park, N.


ebright, 73, Whittington Road, Bowes P ark,

H. E. Hankin. Insp ector of Stores.

ergt. A.


Officers 6. Sergeant 3. Corporals 6. Privates 45. T otal effective 60. Reserve members 2. Cases attended not on public duty 1,171. Annual inspection, 27th May. Total on p3.l'ade 37 . Absent with leave 22 .. Without lea,e 1. Annual re-examination variou datcs. Member passed 54. Dld not appear 3. Medallions 33. ervice badges H. Nursing cel'ti/lcates 25. Regulation uniforD:l ,~orn. Material: stretcher~, havre ac ,&e. Division supported lly members' subscnptlOn', donations, &c. . .. A first aid cIa s was held in October and Novemher, 1904; lecturer, D1Vl lOnal Hon. Surgeon J. Brunton, )[. B , the examiner being Dr. Carvell. The annual concert of the Division was held at the Ath cll ll!um CamLlen Road, Hollo\yay, I ., on Thur day, January 26th, 1905, and was very sl1c~essfnl, a good programme being yrovid~d. Th e members of the Division have reported 1,171 ca e lor the year 1900, makmg a grand total of 8, 57 sincc its formation . The Divi ion h~s paraded for duty on all occasions when ordered. The Division wi hes to record It thanks to the Great N orthern Railway Company for the valnable a sistance given by the grant of a room


Superintendent, Hon . S ecretary and Hon. Treasurer.

for drills, lectures, etc., and also to the H onorary Surgeons for the lectures and services given by them. Thanks are al 0 due to Mr. T. A Painter, the former Superintendent, for his kindness in promising to give a prize for competilion in the ensuing year. In conclusion, it is very gratifying to record that the Division generally is in a higher s ta te of efficiency th an hitherto.

E. ,V. Tranglllar, District L ocomotive Sllpt., LB. & ,'.C. Railway, New Cross, S.E. I nspector of Sto res.

Sergeant J. W. Pearson.


Honorary Surgeons.

F. J. McRettrick,

E. R. Houchin, L.n.C. P.


Sup erintendent.

S. A.

triLle, L.S.A.

1st Offi cer.

A. A. Atkins, 41, First A venue, Manor Park, Essex.


St. J ohn A mbululnce B1'igacle.

St. J ohn Ambulance B?-igade.

W. R. Magnus.

Honora ry S ecretary.

Inspector of Sto res.

CorpI. F. G. Cosburn, 129, Carlyle Road, Manor Park, Essex.

Pte. J. Brickell.


Officers 2. Sergeants 4. Corporals 5. PrivatE's 41. 'Fotal effective 52. R eserve lllem bel' 1. Decrease since last report 16. Dnlls helli 52.. A vel:age attendance 22. Cases atteJlde<l not on public duty 305. Annual InspectIon, 27th April. Total Oil llaralle 23. Ab 'ent with leav~ 2:';. Without leave 4. ..Annual re-examination, 16th A}Jrilo MemlJ~rs passed 26 . DId.not appear 2D. nIeclalllous.30. Service badges 25. Nursing certificate:; 19. Regn~a~l?n ulllfonl1 " '0111. ~laterJal: havre 'ac, 2 stretcher, and 12 watcr bottles . DlvlSlon supporteli by l,roceeds of concerts held during lh e winlcr. . . The record of the Dirision for the past year IS a very .s?hsfactory one. A large uumlJer of ca.es have again receive(l Jirst aid, and tIle Dn'~SlOn has bee~ .,yell representeu at public uuty. There bas Lecl1 a very con 'lderable a~(~l~lOn to the melllber:!hip, which will still furth er auv:1l1ce the usefulness of the DIYISlOn.

Honorary Treasure,'.


Pte. T. HunlE'n. Officers 5. Sergeant 1. Corporals 4. Privates 45. Total e(fective 55. I ncrease since last report 11. Drills helLI 70. A. nrage attcndance U. Ua es attended on public duty 60. Cases attended not on public duty 2. Annual inspection, 27th May. Total on parade 41. Absent "'ith leave 9. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 27th Jan. lembers passed 40. Dill not aprear 12. Medallions 31. Service badges 15. Nursing certiJicates 25. Regulation umform worn. Material: 2 litters, G stretchers, 2 havresac, Lox of fir ·t aiel materials, 2 large hampers, 2 marquees, 2 bell tent. . oil stoYe, cup, saucers, etc., blank~ts, waterproof sheets, etc. Division supJ:lorted by members ' subscriptions, donatlOns, etc. The work of this Division for the past year has, on the wholp, been satisfactory, but attendance at public duty leaves much to be desired. Th e Bank Holiday duties were well attended, and the whole of the work ef6ciently performed. The attendance of two members of the Cyclist Division upon these occasions was of great assis tance. T~e. ~eektoD Division also joined us, which materially lessened the work of the DlvlslOn. We b?g to thank these Divisions for the as. i tance so freely given. The Ilford SectlOn has been formed into a separate Division, to date from October 1st, 1905. This will reduce our strength by 1 Hon. Surgeon, 1 First Officer, 1 Sergeant, 2 Corporals, and 22 Privates. We wish the new Division (No. 46) every. success, and congratulate First Officer 1l1agnus upon his promotion to Supermtendent. The East Ham Borough Council have aClain extended their patronage to this Division, and have very materially assisted u;' The annual Church Parade of the Division was held on Sunday, October 23rd, 190J, and was attended by a total of 150 0f all ranks. Th e following Divisions were represented:Nos. 3, 4, 7, 10, 29, 33, 40, and No~. 4 and 8 Nursing. TIle most important local duty performed was on the occasion of the visit of T .R. H. the Prince and Princess of ,Vales to East Ham on Saturday, March 18th, 1905, wh en 69 members of all mnks were on duty, eight stations being formed on a route of 2~ miles. The cases treated numbered 14.



Honorary Surgeon .

J. S. Davies, M.A., M.n.


HE \D-Q'lJARl'E11S



Honorary Surgeon .

M. K. lIargrea Yes,

)1. ll.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. J. IIttlJ'is, 70, Drayton Ganlells, West Ealing, W.

[Formetl 14.0.95.]



Super intenden t and Hon .



ol'cltal'll ,

5, BrooJ1lwooll Rll., \\' allch;",'nrth Common, ' . ,y. Inspector of Stores.





OIIicel's 2. ergeantOl 2. COlporals 2. Private 24. Total effect~ve 30. -1 Increase since last 1'e pOl't ' . Drill ' held 60. Cases attende.d 011 p~lbhc ')~11 t Y",10 • Rellloyais ~. ase attcndellllot on pU1Jlic duty 116. AUllnalll1. peetum, ~/th _lay. Total on parade 26. AI) 'eu L " 'i th leave 2: Without ~eaye:3. .Ann~al I'c-examination, 30th Jan.. Mcml~ .rs passed 24. DId :lOt appea:' ;)'. ?Iedall~on.;~ .. ~cn"ice ballucs 15. lTUl''>lllO certtticatc>i 19. RegulatlOn ullllOlm "Oln. Matell . 4 strctcheL's~ surgical ha\Tc;e, lield hamper, :2 improyi eel, havre ac . water bottl~" sheet, pillow>i, l)lanket... Divi 'ion supporteu by members aml honorary membels subscri ptiOllS. f Thc work of the Di,"isiun has becn cal'l'iell on yery snccc' fully, the results, so. ar as tile llulllber of CllSCS (~20) treated is concerned, beillg in exee s of :my lwenous year. A case of sOl1lc"'hat morc than usual interest was that of the attemp~edre cue of a drowning \\'Olllllll hy thc'llperinlellllent, wh.o, almo.t 1'ull1 c~othed, dlyed fl'o~n the Em ball killen tat \\' estminstel', and, at great l'lsk to hl1l1sell, anllo. t uceeeded llll crettin" her to shore" hen he "'as himsclf overcome and had to be a 1 tell.out. T 1e ~ase ,~a<; reconllllel~dell bv tIle authorities to the Royal Humane ' oClet1, and 'ul'erinlendent Orchanlluis been awarued the ociety' bronze medal. Pu?hc tlnt'y wa' performed on 53 occasion. The Executive are d,e irou ?f expl'e 5mg theIr ((raLiocation in havinCf secnred the llatronabCle of . 'IF 11 xIlts, E 'q. , J.P ..'. as h b . PI' sidenl wbo has already shown a yery kllldly ane1 p1'3.':! t'lcal'IU t eres t'III th e p 0 ItlOll of the Dj~isioll and is doin" llluch low:ll'lls their e tabli bment ou a more permanent , b 1 .. t' f 1 d om& basis. Therc is also much eanse for 'uti:sfaction in t 1e acqlll 1 Ion 0 alan . cballe])ge cup, presenteu hy ~. Er!c IIan:b~'~, Esq.,.)[. P., i~ fulfilment of ~ prom~~: made last year. In cOllclnSlOll, Lhe ])lvls10n clesHes agalll to place ~ on lecord indebtedness to the patrons and sub .:!l'ibers, to the llon. 'urgeon (M. ~\. .. HargreilyeS, Esq., M.D.) 1'01' his untiring ellergy ill the maintenance. of the effiCl~ncy of the Divisioll, to the nursing sisters for their un clfish eo-operatIon and devotIOn to duty, and to the members generally.



St. John Ambulance Brigade.


.St. J ohn A1nUtdance

[Formed 13.11.95.]


S. ,V

Honorary Surgeon .

E. '\T. Le,ris,

M. H. C. S.

Inspecto r of Sto res.

Hon. S ec. and Treasur-er- (in char-ge).

Pte. R. Gale.

rte. :Eo F. Favatt, 29, Orbel Street, Oastle Street, Battersea.

Officer 1. hivates 10. Total efrective 11. Drills h eld 53. Average attendance 4. Cases Decrease since last report 4. attended on public dnty 40. Removal 1. Oasts attended not on pulJlic du.ty 60. Annual inspection, 20th :May. Total 011 parade 6. Absent wit.h len,ve 3. '\~lthollt leave 2. Annual re-examination, 2 th Feb. Members pa8sed 6. Failed 1. DId not appeal' 3. Mt'dallions 4. Service badcre 3. NnrsillCf certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn. :Material: 2 stretche~s 1Ia vresae aJ~d water bottle. Division supporteu by members' su bscriptioll . ' , In adllition to tIre public dutics ordered by Hcad-quarters the Di"ision hn.s again paid srccial attcntion to duty Juring the football seas~n at Queen's Club, Chclsea, aod Fulham grounds.

The Di vision returns its sincerest tlHLllks to Sir George Livesey (the Ohairman of the Oompany), to Oharles Oarpenter, Esq. (the Ohief Engineer), anel to the Board of Directors for the encomaging snpport that bas at all times been given to the furtherance of first aiu in all the Oentres of the Oompany's works, and for many concessions extended to the members of the Brigade. The work of the Oompany being of a continuous nature, a full meeting at drill is impossible, but a good average h[1<; beell nmintaine(l. Response has been made to the several calls for duty received frol11 Hea<l-(luartel's during the year. A display ,\-as given at a gathering organised by the Mayor ancl Oouneil of Oroydon for the funds of the loeal hospitul, and also at a similul fUllction promoted by the Mayor of Lewisham.





Honorary Surgeon .

A. A. Waru,

S. E.

Super-i ntendent .

;\LR. C.. .

J. O. Lines, 93, West End Lane, W. Hampstead, N. \V.

Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. A. O. Griesbach, 39, Hardcastle treet, Peckham,


Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores .

H. Fox (H an. Member.)

Pte. E. T. Pridmore .

.Officers 2. Scrgeants 5. Privates 79. Total effective 86. In crease Slnce l.asc report] 3. Drills held 40. Average attendancc 25 . Oases attende~ on pL~bhc d~lty 65. Removals 51. Cases attended not on public duty 5 4. Anllual mspectlOn, 2rth May. T otal on parade 53 . Absent with leave 13. ,Yithout leave 20. Anllual.re-examination, 14th March. Members passctl55. Did not appeal' ~O. MedallIons 49 . ervice badges 54. N nrsing certificatcs 26. Recrulat.lOn ulUfo~'n: ~vorn. Material: 10 stretchers, 6 large water bottles and 12 sl~lall, h tter. ~lVlSlO~l supported by grants from the Company and by the Blembers. .A. r.evlval of l.nter~st h~s t aken place during the past year in the ranks of the Dlvls1on, rcsI~I~l1Jg, III sp1~e of several resignations, in an in creased memhership of 13. ?he. Ohallm~n and.l?ll'ectors of the Oompany encourage in every way the study of ~ l s t. a1d, anu , m adtl1LJon to the work of art representing the" Good Samaritan " 'v~llch 1S an nua~ly competed. for by the members of thc several Oentres, they ha~re plesent~d 20 sl~ver l1Ied~lllOns to the men who duly qualified for tbem. A larger llUm~)el of cases th~n h1thert.o have been treated, apart from those dealt with on 11Ublt~ duty, tbe regIster s.howlI1g a total of 584, and, in upwards of 20 instances, the. tJ eatrnent evoked special commendation from the surgeons at the h ospitals to whIch th.e ~~(rerers were conveyed . The DlvI~I.on fee~s proud of the distinction that, with two exceptions, the Royal ~ aval Au x1hary Sl?l~ ~erth Rcserve for the Metropoli tan Di,;trict are dra wn from 1tsldr~llk~ . c The DlV1SLOll was again successful in retainin u the Effi ciency Oup tllUs 10 1ll~ 1t lor the sccond year. 0 , G ,Dunng t~le .~ummer an active par~ waR taken in n. display held in the Recreation 10unds '~lthlll th~ :v?rks, at wluch about 5,000 visitors were present, of whom 650 honom ed the D1VlSlOll as .guests at te~ afterwards. A mimic battle was arranged , the naval wen and troops talnng part lJell1g volunteers in the Oompany's employ.





J. T. H. IIud on, Holly Bn h Honse, The 1Iount, Hampstead, 'S.W .

Honorary S ecretary .

Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. C. JI. Fowler, 1, Furness Roall, lIarlt!sdcll, K.\\T.

Pte . R. Steers.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. ROAD, LO~DO~,


[Formed 31.1.96 .]

Honorary Surgeons .

[Formed 5.1 2.95.] GAS


E. J e 'so!" ;\1. It. C. f;. O. J. R. :Jlacfallclen, ;\1. D .




G. E. Warren.

Omeer,; 3.

ercreant 2. Corporal 4. Privates 20 . Total effective 29. Inc1'ea:e ince 10. t report 4. Drills heM 45 . Aver~ge aLtcllllancc ~~. AUllual in pection, 27th ~lay. Total on parade 22. Absent ,nth leaye U. \\Tlthout le<we 1. Aunlla.lre-examination, 31 t Jan. Members pa sed 22 . Faile(l 1. Did not appear!. Medallions 3. Regulation nnifon:n ",.orn. ~Iaterial: 4 stletcher', littcr, 2 havrl'sac , ~ water bottles, 2 ulankets, 2 all' p1llows, bandages and s plin ts. D i vi 'ion su pportell uy mcm bel'S' sn b cri phons.

R " ~ITe lIlemuer {


r. Lnm':-; I ~ ' TrTu1E,

Honorary Surgeon and Superintend en t (Acting) .

J . H. Yolla1It1,


Inspector of Stores .



. Buh.

[Formed 1.5.96.] BrW)[LEY CO;\DIOX , RE~T.

Honorary Secretary.

1st Cln ergt. F . Field, 55, outhlauds Road, Bromley. Honorary Treasurer.

::\Jr. W. Oooling.

!Ilcer 1. ,erg ant 2. rri yates 24 . Total efrecti ye 27 . In cren.'c illce lust report 1. Drill llelL141. .... , !'aCte attendance 1. Oa es attended on public (Iuty 34. Removal 4. Ca es atten(I~1 not on public duty 40. Annnal in pcctiotl, 27th May. Total on parade 25. Absent witllleaYe 2 . .Annual re-examination, 2nJ .Feb. Member pas ed 24 . Diu not appear 2. l\IedalltoDs.22. 'en'icc llll,dges 23. nrsing eertificnte 15. Regulation uniform worn. Matenal: Asltlord litter, 5 stretcher, 3 medical havre acs, 2 ,,'ater uottles (squad), 2 tents, splint, etc. Division supporteJ by yolnntary ubscriptions, concerts, etc. . . Th e Di\'i ion has had a very sueces ful ycar the a\'el'a.ge atten~ance at dnll ~1elllg more than formerly. First ail l clas. es, held ul1Ller the allsplCes of t11e HIgher Edueaticu Oommittee of the Oorporation of Bromley, were well attenc1e.Ll both ?y new men , the members of the Division, and as many of the l\Ietropohtan P ollce attach e(l to the Bromley tatio n a co ulll bc sparetl. Th e crvice of Dr. Yolland as instru ctor, and 1 t Olass ergt. Field as Han. ecretary anll c1emonstrat~r to .the 39 courses of fir t aid and nnrsincr of 3:27 lecture, resultlll g 111 . 301 o (with an acrcrrecrate 00 0 . first aiLl certificates, 170 nnrsing certificates, and 0 mc(hllhon ) has beeu gIven


St. J ohn A ?nb~da?we B?'igade.

St. John A n~~ulance Brigade.

\yithout intermission for a period of ten years. During the year the Division lias been publicly thanked. vy the Corporation of Bromley, the Bromley ",ports COIlImittee, and the Silver Prize Co-operative Band for fin,t alll as::;i'ltance on sc\'eral occasions. As a mark of appreciation the May or and COl'llol'ation aUended ill state the annual Chmch Parade of the Dirision, on 'rhich occnsioll his Grace the Bishop of Croydon preached.

No. 24 (DOULTON ) DIVISION. [Fol'Dleu 30.9 . 96.]



hm ROAD,


[Formed ~7.7.96.] IV.C.

Ho norary Sur-geo ns .

R. Ingram,


J. Forbes,


.A. R. Rundell, 34, Charlotte Fitzroy

M.A., M.n.

Honorary S ecretary and Tr-easurer, Stree~,

11llare, ",,' .


1st CIa ·'ergt. R. W. ll ellllon, trout! Greell Hoad, 'trund Green, K.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. J. BUlJdy. Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. PriYa.tes 24. Total efrective 31. In crease since last report 3. Drills lleld 48. AYerage attcllllallce '2E. Cases attended on public duty 220. R emoyals 18. Cases att nded not 011 public duty 64. Aunual inspection, 27th l'lilly. Total Oil parade 1. Absent \Iith lean 4. IYitll cut leave 9. Annual re-examination, 2·H h Jun. l'llel1luel's pUb 'ed le. Fail u 1. Did DOt appear 10. l'lledallions 16. Service badg s 6. Kursin u celtiJ)cutcs 9. ReCfulatlUn uni~orm worn. Material: litter, 7 haneac', 8 stret~lllL" 3 telrts, an0111lau:e station box, 6 waterproof sheet, -1 rugs, 36 water votUe , :2 hot 'Yater llOttles lal ('e stock ?f bandages, dmgs, &'c. Di vision upporteJ by l1lemuert.' u b cri IJtio;l . al~d donatIons. The Diyision continues to make ~atisfactory progress, and has carried out a InJ ge amount of public duty during the year.



Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.

F . G. Swayne,

[Formed 26.11.96.J

:'>f._L, :\Ln ,

140, Church Road, Upper Norwood.

Hon . Secretar'y and TreasLlr'er

Pte. G, A. Dall'su1I. 9, Cry tal 1'nl<1('e . 'tatioll H.uad, UP1 ,cr l\Ol'l\Ol d.

In spector of Stores.

Pte. Ji . L. Da\rSoll. ,Oflice l' 1. Corporal 1. Privates 16. T otal cIJ'ediye 1 . In crease Slllce ,last rep~j't 4. Drills held 4c. A YeJ'age aLtellllullce 8. 11.I'S attendc~ on p\1~hc duty 15. R elllovals 8. Cases aHem/ell IIOt 011 public duty . ~nnual ~nsp,ecllOn, 27t~1 May . Total on parade 10, Al,::;tllt "itIt leayc L:. AUlluui le,ex.amJnatlOll;,. 13th Ii.eb. 1II(>mbers passed 13. Did lloL attelld 3. ~lcdalliull 11. SerVIce badges I. NurSlDg certificates 10. Rf'gnlatiollllllifollll \rom. :Thlatel'ial: ]jttt'l', 2 stret~l~ers, 2. h~.~resacs, 2 :va tel' vot tles, v;ll tell t,. f1<~g all c1 sta fr, [llld tell t C(lllipm~llt, lU<$' . .DlVISI?ll Sl1Pl~Ol tcd lJy members SUbSCl'lptlO11S alJd dOllatiolJ~. The Dlv~,slOn stlll cO~ltllln~s to bItOW great ilJJ}Jronmellt. TIle men,jJcl" Imye atter:de~ dlllls all(~ ~JU1)h~ dutles \\h en called UPOll ill a 1ll0bt SDLisfaelol} l1Iallllel', cODslderm.g how dlfhcnlt It h~s been for many of them to leave their el11lJlo}ll1tllt. A first aId cla~s was h~lu III N oven.1Jel', 1904, in cOll1lection with tIle Diyi sioll. ~even out of lUne callc~lda tes passed the examination. Tlle II 011. Surgeoll 1, il1dly oav~ the lectures. PuhllC duty has been perfol'DleLl on 68 occasions. The Divi siol1 's se1lrvl;es have I)ee n greatly ~Pl?reciated by the Crystal Palace COllll,all)" who killtlly a o"ed the members to dnIllll one of the larue rooms inside the bllildiJ1C1 which lIas proved a great boon . 0 0'



R G. R eid,

1\1. n.

Honorary Secretary.

1st Class Sergt. (i n charge).

Scrgt. J. H. Lord, 17, Horsfol'll Road, Brixton lIill, '. IY.

S. N. Bulcraig, 3a, I\Test Gardens, T oolillg, '. IV. Insp ector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Corpi. II. G. Danco.

L. J . Hooper (Hon. Mem .)

OfI1cel' 1. Serge[luts 2. Corporals 4. Privates 36 . Total dfectivo 43. Iucrea. e since last rcpNt 2. lJlills helJ O. Ayeragc attendallce 12. Ca 'es attende( l on public duty :21. Removals 3. Ca. es aUel1llelll1ot on pl1lJlic duty 130. .Annual inspection, 27th lIlay. Total 011 l,al'atle 80. Abs~l1t with leaye 2. 'Without lea\'e 11. l'~nllllal re-examimttioll, 15th lIIaroh. nielllhcls pas ed 32. Failed 1. Did not appear 9. Medallions Hi. en'ice lJallges 10. Tursing Ctl incale:, 15. Regulation unifurm \y orn. .Material: '2 stretcber, 4 medical ha, n:sac ' , 4 s'luao water bottle. Di\'isioll '111'por1c11 by bOllorary members.


,'I'. l)AuL'~ Clll'J~C'Il Hoo:'>r, BntGOYNE RO_\D, IIARRIXG-\.Y PARK, N.

(I n charge).

Honorary Surgeon .

If. "Jlnrray, Honorary Secretar-y.


1st CIa s el gt. E. teven, 3, \\'OIl:C tel' RLl., Higham Hill.Waltham:;to\\'. Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. L. Le\'in,

1st la s .'ergt. ,\V. 13arrell, Pte. F. II ollillgworth. 1, Sterling lilt, Highum ,street, \\' al Lhan.sLolI' .

Omccr 1. ergea.nts 2. COl'porall. Privales 23. Total efl'ediye '27 . D ecrca, e . incc la~t rl:l)ul-t J. Drill::; helll 45. Aycrage attclll1aJlre 9. Caes attcllded 011 pllUJiC tint)' ,15. Cae' allemled not on l,ub,lic duty 15. ~llnual insl'edioll, :17lh May. Total 011 pltl'alle 15. Ab~ent \nth lea.\'e u . " .lthout lmve 4. AlIllllal re-cxllminatlOll, ~Oth April. Members 1'a:; Ttl ~3. DlII ,not appeal' 3. ~lellallions :2:,.'cl'\'icc l)atlgl::; 1:3. llegnlation nllifol'll1 "orn. ~Iate~'lal: 4 stl' tch r , 3 h:'-LYre 'ac~, ~ large waleI' bottles, 113 'mall ditto, Lanuage', plllltS, &c. Divi~ioll supported by tho public. . The Di"i 'ion has lllade stcally )ll'O"l'l' clurilJlf the l)at 'l.'e[1r. PublIc duty has n I:> J • I ' been perfurll1cd Oll 3li occ115iollS. Takillg into cOllf.iderntion the Jlatnr~ ?i, t Ie, ruel~ s employment, the Ihills. etc., halt' Uel'll fairly \r ell attellllell. Th e DIVllon IS shU indelJtccl to the Yi ear of 't. PHlll'!:) Churc:h for the frce u e of tIle chmch room for 11lll'poses of drill, etc.


[Fonnell 1G.5.9~.]

;'1'.\1'101\, N. &

. W. Jl'.:\l'. Bs.

Honorary Surgeon .

II. J. Thol'1ltOIl,

l\r.1U· . ~., L.l~.C.l' .

Honorar'y S ecretary (i n charge),

1st Class

el'gt. L. IV. Toll er, ,Mym Hou sc, 25, Nelll on Aycnue, Acton, W,

Omcer 1. el'getlnt]. l)riyute 11. Total efrccti\'e 16. D ecrease sin co last report ,1. Drills h 111 3. AycmO'(; attendance 9. ell es attended on public duty 10. H.emoY[l1 1. Cases a.ttenrl~l11ot on public duty 45.



St. J ohn Ambulance BJ'igacle.

Anllual in . pection, 27th May. Total OR parade 7. A bsent with leave 3. Withont 6. Annllal re-examin~tion, 7th March and 26th May. Members passed 6. Did not appeal' 9. MedallIons 15. Service badges 10. Nursin rr certificates 4. R egulation. uniform wO.rn. Material: 4 stretchers, lO am bulance b~xes, 1 ham per, and matenal, vested 111 N orth and South 'W estern J uuction Railway Joint Com· mittee. Di vi ion supported by Company and members. The eonl~ition of the Division continues very satis factory , although the membership has lIghtly decreased. The drills and lectures have been well attended. The Directors ot' t~1e .Oompany make .a y~arly grant .for competitions amongst the m~I~1 ~ers ,. an~ l~ lS hoped that thI S \\,111 tend to Increase the membership. T he Dlvlslon IS stlll111debted to the Acton Educational Committee for their kindness in grallting t Ile use of the Priory School ground for drill purposes. Public duty has been performed on several oc:!asions. le~ve


[Formed 21.6.98.]


Honorary Surgeon . Hon . S ecretary.

H arrow _

Pte. C. C. Dean, Peterborough Road, HalTow.

Inspector of Stores.



Honorary Treasurer.

H. Hun t .

A. Fillmore (Hon. Mem.).

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates ~ T otal eOective 31. Increase since last report 10. Drills held 60. Average attendance 11. Cases attende~ 011 pu?lic d~ty 37 . R emovals 13. Cases attended not on public duty 4 . AUll ualmspectlOn, 2/th May. T otal on parade 20 . Absent ",ith leave . WithOl~t leave 3. Annual re-exa~inatio::, 24th ~Iarcb. :Jlembel's passed 13. Failed 1. DId I~Ot appear 16. i\IedalllOns 1/. ServlCe badges 9. Regulation uniform worn. lIIat~nal : ltttel',. 5 s~retchers, 3 havresacs and first aiclmuteritLI at the following statlOns : P) YlCtona Hall, Gl:eenhill; (2) "Ciren," Roxeth Hill, availaule at all hours . Dl vlSlon supported by ltS members. The :pivision has done good work uuring the year, the number of cases treated comparmg "'ell with the record of previous years. Attendauces at drills and uuties h~ve ,been excell~nt. In l1al:ch the Division lost the services of First Officer '~ atk1l1s , who re~lgne? on le~vmg to take up \\'ork in Burma. Th e H on. Ul'geoll kmdly g~ve a senes of first a~cllectures ill the spring, which were well attemled and resulted m 12 ll.ew members Joinin~ the DiviSion: . ~~\1bl.ic duty has been perfo~'med ?n many occaSlOllS, and the servIces of the DlvlslOn 11l the removal of ca es of Illness to the Cottage H ospital continue to receive the appreciation of the local doctors.


11 2,


M .D.

[Fonneu 5.1.99.

[Formed 12.1.99 ]



Sup erintendent.

Honorary S urgeon.

B. E. :Myel',

~I. D .


P. Haymlln,

,Long Lane, AlLlersgate

treet, E. C.

Inspector of Stores.

Corp .

J. Ham1.Jl1rger, 93, Green Lanes, J.

.J:T .


Officers 3. Corporal 3. Privates 26. Total effective 32. Decrease since la t report 5. Drills helll 39. Average attemlance I ·! ' Ca e attended on public duty 56. Cases atlelllled not on public duty 35. Annual inspection, 27th May. Total 011 parade 23. Ab ent "ith leave 9. Ann ual re-examination, lIth Jan. ille1l1 bel'S pased 21. Did not a ppoar 10. Medallion 17. Sen'ice baclge 10. X l1l' 'ing certificates 11. RegUlation uniform \Yom. :Jlatcrial: 6tretehers, 5 medical ha\Tesac , water hottle,.;, pEnt, bandage. &c. Divi 'ionnpportecl by lllelll],er.". The past year has been une\'cntful. The cfficiency of the Di,i ion ha been '\811 maiutlliuCll, not",ith tanlling a slight clecrea e in the member hip . Duties ha,e been undcrtaken hy the Division a u uul on many occasions.

No. 33 (BERMONDSEY AND ROTHERHITHE) DIVISION. [Form ed 10.3.99.] IIEAD-Q1L ulT;.;nS: Dl;;Il;llO:\DSEY

. E.

Honorary S ec. (in charge.)

Hon . Surgeon and Treasurer .

A. Salter,


el'gt. 1'. aUllLlers, Council chool . Upper Keuniugton Lane, .E.


In spector of Stores.






Honorary Surgeon .

H. T.


1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.

G. 1II. Edwards, M.n. Super intenden t .

,Yo T. Ball, Oak L odge, College R oad,

leave o. Annual re-examination, 9th April. Members passed 14. Failed 1 Did not appear 13. Medallions 17. ,'ervice badges 15. Nursing certificates 2. R egulation uniform worn . Matcrial: litter, 4 stretchers, 2 havresacs, ambulance box, tent, splints, bandages, etc. Division supported by memlJel's. Th e past year has n.gain been in every way a decided succes". The number of cases treated at the D ivisional Ambulance tation durin oa the year was 37 of which 76 required removal to hospital. The u ual public dutie'3, both local 'and otherwise, have been successfully carried out. An intere. tiner event in connection ,,-ith the Divi!:iion took place on t:1e occasion of the marriaer~ of First Officer F. T. T aylor, who was pI' ented with a marble clock. Dr. Chnlli~ made the presentation on behalf of tho members.

1st Officer.

F. T. T aylo r, Essex House Stainforth Road, Walthamst~w.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores_

Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. F . W . Stevens 14, High St., Walthamstow.

Pte. F. C. Edgell.

Pte. W. J. Cardo.

officer.s 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 24 . Total efIecti vo 29 . Incr ease smce last report 2. Drills h eld 26 . Average nttendan ce 13. Oases ~ ttend~d on public duty 76. Cases attended not on public duty 368. Annual lUspectlOn, 27th .May. T otal ou p3.rade 9. Absen t wi th leave 15. , Vithout

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Pri \'t1.tes 22. Total effecti \'e 25. Increase since la t report 1. Drills held 45. Average attemlanee 9. Rtmoyal 1. Cases attended not on public duty 51 . Annual in.:pection, 21th May. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 3. ,Yi tllOut leave Annual re-examination, 28th April. l\Iembers llus!:ied 16. Dill not appeal' l\Iellallion 9. ....en-ice ballges 10. Jursing certilieates 5. Hegulalion uniforlll \Yorn. Material: litter, 4 stretcher', case, 3 W<lter bottles, 3 sUl'Cfical huvresacs, ground heet, blanket. Divisio n supportecl by members' and \-Ollll~t<1ry subscription. The Division h.as made steady progre s dming the yell~', and ha performed .p~ll.~lic duty on all occaSlOllS wh en onlerell by Heau-quarters. 'Ihe strengUl of the. DIn lOll shows a~ increase of one during the year. First aid classes are now l.>elllg helLl, fr om wl11ch we hope to obtain some good recruits.


St. J ohn A muulance B l'igClcle.


ft . J ohn A 1nlnuance B rigacle.

Inspector of Stores.


[Formed 25 .1.1 900 .J

139, CLArUAi\I



G. S. Elli ton, 9, Eastcheap, K C.

J. Brown, L.n. c.p.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary S e cretary.

CorpI. Ferris, 139, Clapham Road, S. W.

Pte . E. Rudd, 139, Clapham Road, S. W.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 16. 'l'otal effective 20. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 35 . Average attendance 14 . Cases attended on public duty 14. Cases attended not on public duty 75 . Annual inspection, 27th May. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 5. Annual re-examination, 20th March. Members passed 19. Medallions 15. Service b::tclge 1. N ursing certificates 13. Rcgulation uniform worn . Material: 2 bavresacs and stretcher. Division supported by Si r Joseph Causton & ons. The efficiency of the Division has been well maintained during the past year, although, owing to various causes, there is a decrcase in numbers. Two teams were entered for the District Preliminary Competition for the Dewar ~ hield, lJeing placed first and third respectively . A fter this excellent result it was unfortunate that our representatives did not do themselves justice in the final at Portman Rooms, only succeeding in gaining third place. A scratch team was also entered at the last moment for the Osborn Shield, only failing by two points to gain the trophy for the second time. Much public duty has been undcrtaken throughout the year, and excellent work has been done during the cricket and footba.!l seasons in the large number of lJlaying field around East D ulwich. I n the factories of Sir Joseph Causton, L td., the Division renders frequent first uid, und receiYes gratifying pmise from patients and doctors alike. It is deeply regretted that, o\ying to a fall when alighting from an electric tram on his way to a practice meeting of the Division, Dr. Brown has been on sick leave for the past three months. Thc Division looks forward to the early return of its kindly and esteemed Hon. Surgeoll, who has done so much to raise its efficiency.


[Formed 18.10.1900. J CARLTOX HALL, ,VE.


PAnK o

Su p e ri nten dent.

Hon . S ecretary.

W . H . Maunder, 29, Courtney R oad, Drayton Park, High bury, N .

Sergt. A. E. EYnllS, Audit OfficeG.W.Ry., Parldington I'tation, 'Y.

Ins pector of Stores .

Ho n . T reasurer.

Pte. G. A. Beasley .

Pte. S. C. Barndt.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 24 . Total clfecLive 28. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 74. Average attendance 9. Cases attellde~ on p:lblic duty 24 . Remoyal 1. Cases attenrlecl not on public duty 5. AnlluallllspectlOll, 27th May. Total on parade 19. Absent with lcave 5. , Vithout l eave 4. Anl'!-ual re-examination, 16th Jan. Members passed 20. Did not appear B. MedallIons 24. Service lJadges 11. Nursing certificates lB. Re a 111atioll ulliform :v~r~l. Material : wheel litter. Division Sl1l1portecl by members' suh c~iptions . T he DlVlslOn has performed public duty on all occasions when ordererl. A team from the Division has again succeeded in winning the "l\lassey-l\1aiml"aring" Challenge Cup. Good progress has been made in drill, and the general clficiency of the Division bas improved.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. J Toomey.

Su peri nt e n d e nt.

Hon . Surge on .

G. Wright (Hon. Member).

Officer 1 . Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 16 . Total effecti,e 20 . Average attcndance lB. Ca.ses attended on public duty lB . Drill;; hcld 47. C... 'es attended not on public rluty 65 . Annual inspection, 27th May. Total on pa],[llle 6. Ahsent with leave 13 . 'Without leave 1. Annual re-examination , 21c:;t ",\ lareh. Members passcd Hi . Did not appear 4. Medallions 11 . Service bnllges 6. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation nniform \"orn. Material: litter fitted with first aid box, tent, 2 havres:ws, 2 water bottles, 2 stretchers, 2 blankcts, splints and handages, etc. Division supported lly cOl1trilmtions and concerts. The Divi ion is still working in a very satisfactory manner, the attendance at tlrills being well maintained. Public duty has besl1 performed on all occasions when orderell . The Division is greatly inclehtecl to the Hon. Snrgeon, the Yiscountess Falklancl and nursing sisters of No.9 Division for their kindness in lwesenting thc Didsioll with a litLer of the latest pattern, which was very much needed for n~e Oll public duty .


[Formecl30. 1.02. J

S upe r i nt end en t .

Hon. S urgeons.

A. ,Yo Dwis, 60, Helix Road, Bl'ixton lEll, . W.

M. Coates, )[. 1J. , It . _-. W. E. Burton, )I. D.

Inspec t or of S to,-es .

Hon. S ecreta,'y a n d Treasure r .

Pte. A. Cogswell, 1ii5, Donnclariu,' Road, Balhnm, S. W.


. B. Pharaoh.

Ollice!'s 3. Corporab:2. Privates 11 . Total clfectiye 16. Decrea'c silll!t:I b·t n·port:3. Drill heltl 3:2 . A\'erage attenLlance 7. Cases attend eel 011 l,ull\ic Ilnty ~:. Hell1(wa\s 5. Ca. es attrnrle.l Ilot on public duty 3B . Anllual inspection, :27th ::'IClY. Total on parade 9. Absent ",ith lraye 2. 'Y.ithout leave ;;. Anllual re-examinalion, 12th Dec. Member. pa'sed 11 . Did not appear 3. Metl<tllion U. .'eITicl' ha.rlges . Nursing certificates 5. Regulation uniform \l'om. nLaterial: 1 Ashford litter, marqufe, 3 stretcher, 3 hane acs, 5 blanket) 12 \Yater l)ottle , lnrge :1lld 2 mall hampers, etc. Division upported hy 111embel's' subscription, etc. . . The Di\'ision (luri.ng the year has unllertaken a con Hlerable amount of publIc and pri \'ate work, amI; a the nUIll bel' of member is not ~arge, ~he duties fe!l ome"'hat l,e~wil'y Oil the few who \\'ere ahle to rencler publtc ervlce . Pte. ' \ .. Hunt helll the sil\-er cup prc entell l1y DI·. 1.1. Coate, n. x., to promote general efficlency, for the second yell!' ill S\H;ce. "ioll. The Di\'ision desires to thank Miss Lama J . Law and the n\l\'Sc' generallv of .l.TO . 10 I\nrSillg Division for their support at 1110 t of the public clubes undertaken rluring the ycur. The equipment of the Division i in a . atisfactol'Y condition, and has hcen cOllsillembly augmentcrl. The London County C?ll1~ci l 11£1. vi~lg decilled to l'ro"ide all am ~mlallce service for th£1. ~ Jl?rtion of LO~llon wlth1l1 n. radl\\s or three miles from Cha.nng Cross only, the DI\'I 'lon have deCided to proeeed with the scheme for esta1)li 11i.110' an ambulance tation at the Fountain ot' on the Green, ' treaLham High Roael, ItS so"'c,l1 as the necessary authority shall have hepl! obtained . The Division h£1.: again to expres its cordial thank to the Rev. M. Ranson for the use of ,'t. Alban's Parish Hoom for its meetings for instrnction ancI prnctice.


Hon. Surgeon.

J, J. Marsh,

M. D .

[Formed 30. 1.02. J PAnK STATION, S. W . Hon. S e c ret a ry (in ch a r ge).

Sergt. W. C. Packham, 32, Parksicle Stree t, Battersea, S. ·W.



Hon . SUI'geo n.

J. W. Ilill,



[Formed 6.2.0:3.J

Co. '::; PnODe'TS ,YOI:Ks, BECKTOX, E. S uperintendent.

K A. Peny, 30, Argyle Road, I Hord, E sex.


St. J ohn Ambulance BTigacle.

St. John A rnbulance B?·igacle.

Inspecto r of Stores

Hon . Secretary.

Pte. J Bristo w.

Pte. J. ,Yo Garrett, 4, Winsor T errace, Heckton .

Hon . Treasurer.

T. Wilton , Esrt., F . C. S. (Hon . Member). Officers 2. ergeant l. Privates 21. Total eO'ective 2-1 . Average attendance .12. Cases D ecrease since last r epor t 4. Drills h eld 40 . attended on public duty 35. Removals 2. Ca 'es attendellnot.on public duty ?:2.9. Annual inspection, 27th May . . To~al on paralle 18. Absent WIth leave 4. :' Itllout leave 2. Annual re ·exammahon, 29lh March . Members passed 22. DId not appear 1. Medallions H. ervice badges 10. N ursin~ certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 4 stretchprs, 6 blankets, 6 surgIcal haYl'esacs, 4 large watel' bottles, oxygen cylinder (with appliance ), L o,,-moor j acke t, flag, bowls. Di\'ision supported by grant and donations. . Public dnties haye been perfo~mec1 locally on many occaSlOllS and wh ene-:e1' ordered by Head-q uarters. The fund~ of the Division have recei vel! yery matenul assistance from the proceeds of a Clllderella dance al;d a dramatIc perfonnance (kindly g iven by the Ilford Dramatic Club) in the East ~am Town Hal.l, under tl:e patronage of Lady Sydney Ogilde-Grant ,of Grant,. the Blsbop of Ba1'klllg, Col. ~ 11' \Vm . Thos. Makins, Bart., Governor of to e Gas LIght and Coke Company, and the Mayor of East H am .




An. E~AL,


Hon . Sec. and Inspecto r of Stores.

Honorary S urgeon.

Sel'gt. R. H. DrumInol1(l , 9, ,Yickham Lane, Plumstead.

C. J. W. Hirsch, 1LILC.S .

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. C. Hallock. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 22. Total effective 21. Decrease since last r eport 4. Drills held 42. Average attendancp ~3. Co.;. es attended on public duty 3l. R emo \'als 2. Cases atteuded not 011 pu~)hc (luty I Annual inspection, 27th May. Total on parade 17. Ab. ent \\'ltb lca \'e 2. Without leave 5. Annual re -examination, 9th March. nIemhers pnsse<l 10. Did not appear 4. lIIedallions 10. Regulation uniform WOI'll: . . Material: litter, 2 stretchers, 4 haYl'esflcs, 4 large \yater boLtles and teut. Dn'lslOn snpported by mem bel'S' contributions and CODcertf'. T he Division continues to make Rteady progress and well maintains its efficiency. As the result of a successful concert given last season, the Di\·i.ion ba. hecn able to purchase stretchers, ha vresacs, water-bottles, anLl a tent. Public duty \YaS undertaken on many occasions. The Div.ision has to .e~rress its regret. at th~ loss of the Superintendent, who has been appomtccl to a IlllhtalY commaud III 1n(11a.


tent, Ashforcl litter, 3 streLcllers, ulanket, ground sheet, water bottle 3 surcrical ha~re~acs, spli nts and bandages. Divi&ioll supported by clonations' and ~ub­ scnptlOl1s. Dl~riug the past year the strength of the Division has been slightly increase(l. Pubhc duLy has been ulldertaken on six occasions- 'to Paul's Sunday duty New Barn et Towll Fete ancl Cycle 'po rts (three casualties) Barnet Fair (three' days 13 casualties), Herts. I mperial Yeomanry Gymkana. ' >

No. 44 (WEST LONDON) DIVISION. [Formed 13.12.03.J HEAD ·QUAltTEltS :


Hon . Surgeon .

Superintendent and Hon . Treas.

Sm·g.-Capt. C. J. Beatlie.

W. L. 'hl'l1usole.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. H. B. Miller, 2 8, Latimer Roau, W.

Pte. J.


Officers 2. ergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 21. Total effective 27 . D ecrease since last report 1. Drills held 61. Average attendanc'e 7 . Cases altended on puulic duty Sl. Cases attendecl not 011 public duty 35. Annual inspection, 27th May. ToLal on parade 11. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 4. Aunl1al re-examination, 27th Jail. l emuel'S passed 17. Did not appeal' 9. Medallions 10. 'ervice badges 4. Ul':-;ing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn. .M aterial: tent, tl'etcher, 2 surgical havresat!s, 2 water bottle, set of uiagrams. -1 Llallkets and 2 waterproof sheets . Division sUl>pol'tell by members' sub 'cliptions allLi by the Acton Branch 't o John AnlLulance Association. Public duty has ueen performed 011 7 occasion (including tho e Llming the football season). The Divi:;ion ·till cnjoy' the free use of a good drill-hall and cla. -room, for which valuable pri vilege it is indebted to the COllunittee of the local Friends' Mecling Hou se .

No. 45 (NORTH CAMBERWELL) DIVISION. [Formed 2 . 9.05 .] Total efJ'ectiYC, 12.



Honorary Surgeon .

Captain .A. C. Tunstall, M.D. Lady Superintendents.

No. 42 (BARNET) DIVISION). [Form ed 28.S.03.J H EAD -QUARTERS : MEf.:Sns .



TI:.EET, B.\n~Er.

C. F . Hardie,

Hon. Sec. and Treas . and Membe,' in Charge.


Miss B. BOl1l'ke, , Yietoriu Purl.. Hoad, N.E.

1st Nurs ing Office r and Lady Secretary.

Miss E. Bourke, 3 , Victoria Park Road,

Honorary Surgeons.

T. Tbyne, M.D.

Iiss E. C. Goodill, Th e Chihlrell's H ome Il ospital. BOllner Boatl, J.E.

:II. R.C.S.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. W. H. Cutuu&h. Pte. E. L. Mansbridge, Cots\\'oltl, "Vooel Street, Barnet. OfIicers 2. Privates 15. T otal effective 17. In crease since last report 2. Cast's attended on public dn~y 27. Remoyals 4. Annual inspection, ~7th May. Total on parade 9. .Absent WIth leave 5. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 30th March. Memb ers passed Hi. :Material:

outh Hackney, N.E.

2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. E . Drunnillg. Offi cers 5. Nursing si Lcrs 21. Total efl'ective 26. D ecrease since last rcport 3. Prnctice ' held 35. Average attendance 17. Cases attended not on public duty 353 . Cases privately lJUl'sed 1,311. Annual in spection, 27th May. T otal on parade 2-1. Ab ent with leave 2. All1ll~al r c-cxamination, 7th and 13th Feb. Members pasded 25 . Mellallions 26. ServlCe Q


St. J olt/,f/ A rn1uulance BTigade.

St. J ohn A rnbulance B1·igc!Jcle.

badaes 16 R eaulation uniform ,vorn . :Material : a complete nursin g station cquipment, a iending li brary, aml a mod el for ban uage p racticc. D ivision su pported by members' subscriptions. . .. ' . I n spite of the fact that t h e strength of the DIvIslOn has slIghtly decre,a?ed, eveI,Y call to d u ty bas been fu lly responued to, which proves t hat the members lIltcrc~t IS wellllJaintained. P ublic duty d uring t Ile year has ueen underta~{en on. al.l occaslo~ls when orucred. Somc of the member s continue to assist at medIcal m IssIons, " '1111e others attend l)l'ivate n u rsing cases in their districts.

M~t.cI:io,l: Nursing basket for pnulic duLy, also stores for l l)an an(1 private TIlwing. D IVISl?n snpported by melllbcrs' subsCliptionH. . DUl'lng the past yeal: prae;iices .havc L,ecn wcll atLendcrl and a ready response glVelJ to calls fl)l' pnlJhc duty wlllch has becn carrieci out on all occasions when ordercd.


[Formed 23 .1. 93 .]





Honorary Surge ons .

R Roberts,

J. Cantlie, F . B.. C. S. Mrs.

,V. J.

1st Nurs. Officer, Lady Sec . and Treas.

C. Brasier, 2 n d Nurs. Officer and Lady Insp . o f Stol' es.

Mr&. W . S. Geut.

Mrs. J . C . L ines, 93, West Elld L ane, N. W.

Ollicers 5. NUl'!;illg siloilers 21. T otal eITective 26. D ecrease since last report 3. Praetiee::; llelJ 29. A veragc ai.tenc1ance 20. Aunual inspection, 27th May. Total 011 parade 19. Absent "'itll leave 7. .Annu;l re-exawination, 1st March, alld 19th May. 1IlelUbers}ia sed 24. Meu.alhollS ~D . ...,ervice badges 19. Hegnlatiou uniform w?r~l.. l\laterial: large lJur.lll~ ellUllJment, 3 havresacs, bandages, spli II ts, etc. Dl vlslO.n Sl~}lported .uy sllusenptlOlls. The efficiency of the Division has been well lI1Ulutallled dUl'lng the ycar, anLl the progress has been steady unJct' D~loi . Cantlie an.u ~obe~ts, to, "hom. the llJenll,crs beg to tender their sincere thanks . The anllual lllstuuutIOU 01 clothmg took place at Christmas 1904, wben the crypt of St. John's Church was again killtlly leut by the R ev. A . , Voous, a large llUlllbel' of garments, with pre. ellts of cake, toys, etc. , being given to the pOOl' of the district, aud the members b~g to th~J~k. all t llOse who encollrage and help in this good work. ,'everalmC:'muers of the DIVl·IO.ll havc been enabled throuCfh the kindness and interest of Dr. Oantlie, to atlend dally or weekly in their' privat; capacity at the Juhilee Hospital, Earl's CO.mt, to ~ssist the uurses . T his has been of great uenefit, thc matron of the ~lOSP,1 t? 1 ha vl~lg eXI!l'essed her thanks for the help rendered. Many nle111 bel'S are stIll gl vllIg theIr serVlCes several days a week. The members have responded for calls for duty on all occasiolls when ordered. The members of tbe Divisiolll'egret exceedingly the enforced alJEence of the Lady 'upcrintendent, alld extenu to her their syllll,athy.


[Formed 24.5.93. J


Honora ry Surgeon .

C. E . Goddard, Lady Superintend e nt.

M .D.

Lady Secreta ry.

Mrs . A . S. Corke, 20 1, R ipple R oad, Barking.

Barking. La dy In s p ector o f Stores .

La dy Treasu rer.

Mrs. L. Clnney .

i\Iis M. J. Coles.

Oflicer ]. Nursing sistcrs 9. T otal efJ'ecLive 10. Jncrease since last report 3. Practices held 20. A.Yeraffe attendance 9. Ca e'S attende(l on public ~uty 40: Cases atten(led 110t on public d~ty 152. Cases privately llur,ed 12. AnDl!all?SpeetlOn, 27th nhy. Total on l)arac1e 8. Absent with leave 3. AlIllUa~ re.exallllnaho~, 28~h Fell. 1I1embe.rs passcd? Did not appear 4. MeclalllOlls 8. H.egl.l]ll:hon umform '~'~rn . Matenals: DreSSIngs, hlankets, waterproof !\heeLs~ lJ~d cJaclles, slIppers, lJl'onclnlls kettles, etc. Division snpported by memuers' snl)scl'lpLlolIs and volulltar,f Hllpport. ) DI~rilJg the year tllerp has lll'en a good incr?ase in the strength of the Divi ion. I nlJllc duty lIas lleul lllJllrrtakrn on all OCca.SIOns when orrlered the attendance of lIlCluuers alway lJeing vcr,}' satisfactory . '


Honorary S urgeo n. wayne, M.A., M.B.

'ny,"rAL PAJ,ACE,

[1!~or11lcd 11.6.96.]


Lady S u pt., In s pector of S t o res a nd T r eas ure r .

F. U.

Mrs. Colegra vr, Hl'acelJl'idge, Norwood.

1st Nursi ng

Offi ~er

a nd Lady S ecret a ry.

Miss 1\1. VilJicrs, GO, Central Hill, Norwoorl. 011iccrs 3. Tmsing . istcrs 20. Total effcctivc 23. Practiccs held 21. A "erage attelluallce 20. Oa cs attended on pnhlic duty 190. ~a~e. ~ttl'l](lccl nl)t on public duty 2. Ca. e privately nur.'ed 130. Annual lJi·llcdlOl1, 27th l1aj'. Total Ol1 pa.la(le 1-1. Ab ent "'ith lea\'e 6. Without leaye 3. ,AnlJuo~ re-exalJliJ1aLiol~, 14th Fcb. Icmbers pas eel 16. Did not appeal' 6. MedalllOns 22. Cl'ncp. hadges 10. Rcgulation uniform \\'orn. 1\Iaterial : 2 strctchers, carriage, splint·, hallllagcs, disinfectants, Jl1l'c1irine., etc. Division Sl1JIJlOl:tetl by mem llcn,' anc1110norar,Y III em hers . Dnnng the past year this Division has been very acti\'ely employed both at the depot, Crystal Palace, amI in thc neigblJomhood. MeJllhers of thc Divi ion have also uudertakcJI public duty on all occasions when ol'uel'eu.

No . 6 (HOSPITAL SATURDAY FUND ) NURSING DIVISION. [Formcd 7.96.J II EAD-QUAl1Tlm:-;: 54, GnAY':-; L'N Ro,\J), IIoLBoHx, E. C.

1st Nu r sin g Off., La dy Insp ector of Stores a nd Treas.

Mrs . A. Paull, Kylecote, , YemlJley .


1s t Nursi ng Office r (in ch a rge). ~lrs. G. Clarke, 201, R ipple Road ,

~I.B ., B. C.

Lady Superintendent.


Mrs. BUbS, RosmoYlle, Wellll)ley.

Ho no ra ry S urge on . Lady S e creta ry.

It I II gram,

M rs. T rain, Glelll'OSa, "Velll l.Jley. Officers 3. N ursin g sisters 10. T otal effective 13. P ractices h eld 23 . Average attendance 6. All nual inspection , 26th May. T otal on par ade 8 . A bsent with l eavE:' 6. All llual re-exam ination , 13th and 27th F eb. Members l!assed 12. 1l1edallions 12. Service badges 5. R egUlation uniforlll WOrD.

La dy S u p e l'i nt en d e n t.

,I. /).

1st Nursi ng Offi cer, Lad y S ec. an d T reas.

J\li ss ,J. C. llIallll, 79, Gore Rond , f)outh fI achlPY, N . :E.

~ l iss

E. E. Ma1111, 79, Gore Road, . outh [lackller, N .E.


2nd NUl'si ng O fficer an d Lad y Inspec to r of St ores. 1I1i~s

E. J. Dallk ·.


S t. J ohn

21 ()


B 1'igade.

Officers 4. Nursing sisters 10. T otal eITective 14. , Increase since last report 1. Practices held 13. Cases attendel~ on ]Jubhc duty. 70. Annual inspection, 27th May. T otal on parade 10 . Absent "nth leave 2. ~Vlth ­ out l eave 1. Annual re-examination, 4th March . l\1embers passed 11. ~ DId not appear 2. Mednllions 13. R egulation uniform worn . Division su lJporteu by subscriptions and Hospital Saturday Fund. . . . .1 ' This D ivision has had another very busy year. Great mterest IS bemg stIll mamtained by the members, and mnch good work ha~ been none. Tl~e Div~sion has ta~en duty on all occasions when ordered. :Many pnvate cases of firs t !\1!.1 anu nlU'smg have also been attenued.

ft. John A mb'Ldc('nce Brigade.



[Formcd 10.6.98.J HEAD-QuAr.TEHs :


Honora l'y Su rgeon.

U . K. Hargreaves, Lady Supe ri nte nd e nt.


Lad y S ecret a ry an d Treas u r e r

Mrs. U. M:. Tiill]Json, Hopc Cottage, Morden Road, M.erton.

Mrs. E. Adams, Lynton, Trevince Road Cotteuham Park, Wimbledon.

Lady Inspecto r of St o res.

Miss L. Slaymaker. Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 10. Tolal effective 12. Decrea e since last re]?ort 1. Practices helu 40. A verage attendance 7. Cuses attended not on public duty 83. Cases ]Jrivately nursed 34. Annual inspcction, 27th May. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 1. Annual Ie-examination, 30th Jan. Members passed 11. Medallions 10. Service badges 3. Regulation uniform WOl'll . Material: havresac, hampel', bed and LeLilling, linen, roller, bandage, machines, &c. Division supported by concert, local support, anu members' su bscri ptions . T he Sisters continue to hold their weekly meetings and gooJ. practice is oLtuiucd thereby. The Division has been very actively elllployed during the ]?ast year, and the intercst throughout has been keenly JUaintainecl Ly the ruembers, who woulll take this opportunity to thank the Hon. Surgeon for the instruction he bas given, which is greatly appreciated. The Division hilS reS1JOIHled to all calls for puLEc lluty,


[Formed 4.5.99 .J



Ho n o r a r y Su r g e on s.

F . J. McKeltrick,

M.B., C.M.

P . R. Walli ',

L .. ·.A .

Lady Sup e r inte ndent.

La dy S e c re t ary.

Mrs. S. Randall, 97, Meanley Hoad, Manor Park.

Mrs. N. Hanop, 75 Byron Avenue, East Ham.

Lady Insp ector of Stores.

Lady Trea s u rer.

Mrs. Eaton . Mrs. C. Hurdeu. Officers 3. Nursing sisters 18. 'r otal effective 21. Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 44. Avcrage aLLenuance 13. Ca~es attended not on puIJlic duty 57 . Cases privately uursed 33. Annual inspection, 2nd May. Total on l)arade 16 . Abseut with leave 5. Annual re-examination, 2nd F eb. Membcrs passed 18. Did not appcar 1. Medallions 18. Scrvice badges 10. R egulation uniform worn. Matcrial: mackintosh, sheetings, bandages, splints, bron· chi tLg kettles, feed ing cups, etc. Division supported by meUlbers' subscriptions. T he strength and efficiency of the Divisiou is well lip to the standard of previous years and contiuues in every way satisfactory.


[Fol'mer15 .7.99 .]



Honorary S urge on .

J. J. Marsh, M.n. Lady S uperintendent.

Lady S ecretary.

111 iss Evelyn IInn key, 43, Lexham Gard ens, S. 'Y.

l.1iss 111. McConnell.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss A. H.




Lad y T reasure r.


:JIiss E. Rideout.

. Officers 2. Nmsing sisler' 16. Total elfective 18. Decrease smc J Ja.st report 2. Practices held 20. Average attendance 8. Cases at~enued 011 p,nb!lc duty 25.. Cases attendcd not on public dnty 48. Cases p~lvately nn~' e(l ~: Annllal lJ1spectiol1, 27th May. Total on parac1e 6. Absent WIth lertve (. ,II Itliout leave 5. Annual re-examination, 16th Feb. Members pa ~ed. 11. Did not a~pear 6. l\ledalliOllS 17. Service hadges 8. Regulation lllllfolm w.ol:n: .i\Iatenal: 2 ambulance hampers, stretchcr, tent, 2 boxes of storcs. DIvIsIon. UrllOrtccl hy members' subscriptions. ,rhe Di~.i ',ion 11uring the past year has done m11ch good work in nursing many sellor~s pllv <tte C'lses, an l1 hac; also rendered valuable first aill on a number of occ~~lOns. Th~ death of their Ilrst OrDre.r .a~ld Inspector of Storcs, Lndy Kennett llilll.ngtOI1, has been a gr.eat 10 s to the Dl\'.ls1on and 11111eh felt hy nil its members. PublIc dnty has been performed on all occa lOllS when orclcretl.



[Formed '27.1. 05.] JIE\.n-QUAll 'jBR>i:

I e,



, '.'\Y.

Hon, S urgeon.

M. Coales, l\Iis. L. I.



Lady Secretary and Treasurer (in charge). La,,', 1\ orhilon, ~l, :'Ifnnville Road, Upper Tooting,


. Officer 1. ursing sister 9. Total elfecti\'c 10. Pracb~es hel~115. _ Average a~tpJld,tJ]cc 7. Cases attended not 011 public duty 65. Annual.lI1SI~echol1, 21th 1\1ay. Totalonparac1e. bscntwithoutleave2. Annual re-exan:nnabon , 1st,March, 19th alHI 26th .May. Members pa sed 8. Failed 1. Medalh?IlS 9. . e~'\?ce burlge 1. Regula,tlOn uniform worn. Material: bandages aTIIl sl~lmts. .!?lVISIOU upportec1 hy members' ubscriptions. Dunn o the mght months thc Division has been in exi ·tenee the members have unclertaken puhlic duty on all occn. ion' when ordered.


St. J ohn Ambulance B rigade.

St. John A ?nbula1we B ?Oigade.

No·1 12.

D istrict.

Ashford Litter Appliances.




This station is available at a1l hours. 13.



South MetropolitanGasWorks, Canal Bridge en trance, Olel Kent Road, S. E.



The Childrell's Hom e, BOllller ROllll, K

Litter, StretcllCrs, and First Aid Dressillgs, Antidotes, Nourishlllents, &c.

TIli ' station is ulHler the control of the authorities of the HOllie and is availahle at a1l hoUl's.






St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell .


St. Paul's Catheural

Duncan 1I1emorial Amunlance Station, Wes t India Docks




Litter, Stretcher, and A ppl iances. Tilis station is <lvailahle at H II hOlll'S.



This station is availal,le at all hours.

tation Yal'<l, LOllCloll'& ol'th\\T ('stCI'll Railway, Wellll)ley




Tile Lotl ge, WemlJley Palk

SUllday:; 2.30 )1.111 . to 8.30 p--:-;n.-



Litter, Stretcher, Appliances.


As11 Conl Liller, Stretcher, Ham per, etc.

This station is open from 9 a .m. to 6 p.lII.





This station is available at all hours.


Th e Poplar',

Amhulance \Yagolls, LiLLer', Stretchers

AshfOI'll Litter, StreLc:her, Hamp cr, ell!.


tretcher ullcl First Aid Appliances.

TIli: statioll is available fit all hoUl'".


This station is open uuring busilless hours.


4' 1General Po!:o t Office.

Box cOlltuining Stretchcr Appliances.


Firs t Aiu


I --------------------A~va~i'la~b~l-e~~~t-a~l~l'h-o-ll-rs-.-------------------------5.

Box conLaining StreLcher and First Aiu .A ppliances.

Lnugate Ilill Railway Station




Available at all hoUl's


Bryanston IV ol'king 1\T en's Club, Lisson Grove, W.C.



4.4, Claremont Road, Highgate



Borough of Hackney Haggcl'ston

Club, 1

Hyde Palk Corner.


Ashforu LitLer, etc.


This station is available at all hours. 11.

Fel'lldalc, Kymberley Harrow.




First aid a pplian ces, etc.

"Ih1s statlOl1 1S ava11aule at all hOUIS. '.

Ashford Litter,

II ltI'kslirll Lanc, Oak

11 cal'



n :t.111.

- ---


tl' tchcr, etc.

to 11 1',111.

Ahl'ol'<l LitLer,

tlctcher, &c.

This stution is available at all homs. rrl) \'111)(' e H ,,1 1 COl11l1l crci,d --I ----- -------------------J .. , tretchel's and First Aid Ap11liances. iStreet, E . This station is availahle from 9




i :Lvuila.llle at all hours.

Th e "Victoria Hall, Harrow.

Ashford Litter, Stl'eLcllCl' and First Aid Al'pl ian ces.

This station is availal)le at all hours. 10.


Stretchcr and First Aid Appliances.

This station is available at all hours.


This statioll i:; !1\'ail<tl,Jc frolll

StreLchcr and small Hamper.

Tllis station is available from 10 a.m. to 12.30 a. m.





Fir t

Stretcller nIH] First Aill Appliance ..

tngcs, Alpcrtoll ThIS



This station is aV.1ihtble at all-11Oms.

A vailahle at all hour, . 6. I_S_t_._p_a_n_c_r_as_,_ p_a_ss_e_n.g__

Litter, 'trctclJer, Appliancc '.

3, C,tllterburj' Terrace, .'urlhury

Kilhnl'l1 Pl'Oyident 1\1(,llica1 Inr:.titnte, 1, Grcville Roail,


to 11 p.m .

As1J[oI'U Litter, Stretcher, &c.

KillJl1rll ~3.

Saxhy and Farmer" ignal \ York, Canterb11l'Y Road,

lCi1 burn

Ash ford Litter, &c.

St. John A 1nb~/;lCfmce BTigade.


NO. ]




Brondesbury Station, ]l,feh'c,politan Raihmy


West Hampstead Station, Metropolitan Rail ')lay


Swiss Cottage Station, Metropolitan Railway


Mark's Hill





Queen's Park Station (L. and N.W.R. ), Kilburn


Ht. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.



No. II.-Southern and Western District.

DL'jJllty OOl11l1lissioncl·-)Ir. J . . GnrFFl1'II!ol, ~r.n.c . s., Reclland Park House, Bristol. A sisiant OOil!;niIiSioilCi'-, llrdeon-ilJaj or C. R. L .\l'RJE, :'If.n.C.R., Reelruth, Cornwall. Assistant OOill1nissioIlU-)Jr. O. B. COrnT~EY, :'Ir.n. , outll Mym1l1s, Barnet. Di,lo'ct Ohief Sllpcn'nlcllclCill-)Ir. F .. 'P); \ \r:-ox, 5a, Bridge trect, Bath . DisiJ'ict SUjJ(J'intcndclll SCCf'c{(I)'[j-)ll. \\T. J. PHILLIPS, Rockleaze Ayenue, toke Bihop, Bristol.


112, Shirland Road, Paddington, close to ,Yelford's Dairy


The last eight stations were established and are kept up by the No.9 District, Metropolitan Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association, the Committee of which issue a very handy little map of the District shewing the stations.

, In, I haye the hOll0lll' to 'I\!llllit 11ly report for the year cnLling epternl)er 30th, 'I'll' follo\\'ing Oorps allrl ne\\' Di"isions ha\'c heen . anetioned during the Y'Hr. o"fo\'(l 'orp~ (the formatioll of thi wry pl'ollli illg tlllit heing mainly due to the encrgy of Chief .'njlcrintt'Jl(lcllt Fool't. ably a. i tCll hy the Hon. Ul'geon Dr. Frcehurn), onthampton, Folkcstone and Glollccster Divisioll The City of Bristol Corp, the large. t in this cli.·trict, 1Ia been fOl'hmate in secming Dr. liarlesHnYIll<1n, .T.P., as Chief nperintenL1ent. Dlll'ing the ,)'1'0.1' the following Omcer of thi' eli triet have been awarded the , en'icc Medal by H.R.n. the GruJJd Prior:- nperintellclent Thorpe, Wood toek; ,'tl]lPrintcll(lent Lawe', Dovel' . l~t Officcr Moore, Bath. All the important Divi.'ion· ha','e becn inspected dming the year by As istallt Commissioners Dr. Lalli ie and COIll tncy and Di trict Chief uperilltelldent pnl.\\'son. and also hirr, 'upcrintcnrlcllt Dr. Cotton, \\"ho in pected ome of the Ea t E llt Diyision'l. I helll a comhined III pecLion at Ram. gate of tIle Kent Corps and Di"i.ions. at the cOllclusion of which n'cneral, ir Charles 'Wal'rE'l1, (U'.)1.G., K.C.l'., adclres ed the men . I am plea 'cd to report that the geneml efficiency of the "ariou units i markp.dly inl]ll'ovillg ill e"cl'Y direction. Much credit is due to the "ariou teams who ulJ(lel'took the journey to Bl'i tol for the semi·lino.l Competition for the D ewar Challengc hield, the jmlges on this occasion lll'ing the laic Dr. Arthnr Griffiths amI Dr. tewal't. both memherR of the No. VII. District Staff. Th[' Oompctition was won hy the.r ewton Abbot team. I take this opportunity of thanking all tho e Officers who have rendered me \'ery great a i tn,nce during the pa t year. " In eonrlucling thi r eport I rcgret I havc still to draw the attentIon of certUll1 Officer in charge of Corps and Divisions to the neces ity of my receiving the aunual returns more punctually, as delay cau [' great incom'enience, and failure to end in these returns is al 0 likely to lead to great di appointment when application are sent in for erviee Medal and Badges. I have the honour to be, iI', Your obedient sel'\Tant, J ORN GnrFFITIIs . To the Chief Commissioner, t. John Ambulallce Brigade. H10.i.


St. J ohn A ?11bula11ce B?·igade.

St. J uhn A 1nbulunce B rigade.



:u\:l.\ ...., 00;'". .



Corps Date or Divisions. when formed . Ashford Town Div. . April 1, 1 79 Tunbridge 'Y ells Div. . June I, 1 80 Bath City Div. . Jan. ]7, 18 9 Oxford Division . Jan. 5, 1889 Newport (I. of W. Oorps) Div. . . . Feb. 19, ]890 Guildford Division. . lIlar. 3, 1890 Bristol (City of) Corps . Feb. 20, 1 91 Ramsgate Town (Ramsgate Oorps ) Di,ision . April 28, 1891 Faversham Diyi ion . May 6, 1 91 Portsmouth Corps . Nov. 1, 1 92 Chich este r Division April20, ] "93 Redruth " Oct. 1 , 1 93 R eading " D ec. 13, ]893 L and port " . July 1, ] M lIlill Bay (G. 'Y. Ry. ) Div. F e1J . 1, ] 95 Westgate-on-Sea Div. . Mar. 29,] 95 Ryde (1. ofW. Corps) Di,' . May 8, 1895 Yentn or (I. of 'Y. Corps) Di,ision . . . May 24, 1895 N ewton Albot Divi sion . Oct. 29, 1 95 Dougbton-lll1der-Blean Div.lIlay 4,1896 Caterham Division . May]8, 1896 Dover Division . . Oct. 12, 1897 Ramsgate S.E.R. (Ramsgate Corps) Divi , ion . Apl. 26,1898 Ramsgate Police (Ramsgate Corps) Di\'i. ion Apl. 26, 1898 Christchnrch Divi. ion l\Jar. 20, 1 99 J.le of Wight Corps . June 15,] 99 R a.msgate Corps • . June 18, 1 99 East Cowes (I. of W. Corps) Division. . July 7, 1899 Wroxall (1. of W. Oorps) Division. . . Jan. 9, 1900

Corps Date or Divi ions. ,.... hen formed. Ash hnrton Di vi ion . May 1, 1!)0() Ea stbourue (L. B. & S. O. Railway Division) . May 17, 1900 West OOIVes (I. of W . Corps) Division. . Aug. 3, 190()J St. J01l11'S(1. ofW. Oorps) Divi iOIl . . . Nov. 10, ] 900> Shanklin (I. ofW. Corps) Divi ion . . Feb. 11, 1901 Doddington Divisio n F eh. 2 , 1901 l\Jay 4, 1901 , Yo. trol'll " D ec. 4, 1901 Ex eter (City of)" Ah'erstol<e " . D ec. 1 , 1901 Hil'cliington-on- lea Div. Mal'. ] 2, H102 Greenstreet Divi sio n April 7, ] 902 Bexhill l\l ay I, 1902 " St. I ves May 20, ] 902 " ,Yare Jun e 26,1902 A ng. 5, 1 ~02 Boulllemouth "" H astings Aug. ] 3, ] 00:2 " Chatham Oct. I, H102 " ittingloll1'ne" . ('pt. 9, 1903 Sando"'n (1. of'W. Corps) Division . . O,·t. 24, 1 fl03 Ahestoll Diyiion Noy. ]6, Ifl03 Feh. 8,lfl04 Canterbury" Ha~Jcmel'e July I, 1004 " Au g. ] 2, ] !)04 Wol" erton " Godalming All g. 24, ] 904 " 8 el,t. 30, ] flO 1 Stonf'llOul'e Oct. 2, ]flO~ Southampton "" Folke. tone 1\1 ar . 6.] fin:) Oxford Corps " Allril, ]! 0:) Wood stock Divi sion April, ] \-\05 Glouce tel' Aug. 19, If 05



R11l11sgate Div. (Ramsgate Corps) . . . Oct. 29 1890 Portsmouth Div. (Ports ' mouth Oorps) . . Aug. 1, 1895 Ludgl"au Division Feb. 28, I c 99

Rf'ading Division W atford Lymin gton "" IJ ilslings " Bath


Mar. Mar. July Ang. . ApI.

6, \ 99 4,1901 28, I!'102 28, ] fl02 21, If 04

~.~ .~.!:. ;:l ~::



Dislric t tall' ... 1 Al rerstoke Di vision ... ... Al "eslon " Ashbnrton ... " Ashford ... " Bath (Oily) ... " ... tBexhill " ea Diy. .. tBil'chington-onBongh tOIl-nullet'- Blean Div. Bonrnemol1th Division Uri Lol (City of) Corp CanterlJl1ry Di \'isiol1 .. Catel'ham ·.. " Chatham · .. " Chichester · .. :):Chl'i t.ch\ll'ch " · .. " ... D OlhliJ1gtoll " ... Do\'er Eastbourne (L. B."&, .C)Diy. ... Exeter (Cily or) Di\'. FavC'1' ham .. " .Folke:-.tone .. . " (i louces leI' .. " ,ociallllillg' ... -

... ...







~: Haslcllll're

"I I U asling. I sle of Wigh L COI'l'S :::Ea.t 'O\\'l'.' II N c\\'\'orL II :::Ry<l~


" II




~.= 00 ;...


2 -




CJ ::1;-' '.1)"0





















'- -









:t" enlnor Di\'1 Ion :tWe::;t o\\'es ... 1" :::Wroxnll ... ... Mill13ay (0. W. H.) "" N e\\'toll AbboL .. " Oxfol'(l Uo!']!... Oxiol'll Divi iOIl ... 'W oodstock .. Portsmouth and"Di ·t. CO!'P ' POl'tsmollth Police Corps .. . L ltlldpol't Di\'. Ramsgate Corps ... Towil Divi 'ion ... " Police ... " Railway " ... " " R en.dll1g ... " R ed I'llLh " SitLingholll'l1e " St. I ves ... "I I SonthampLon ... Stonehouse .. " Tun bridge \V ells ... --


... .. .












-- -



























1 1




1 -


1 1 ] 1 J -








1 - -

1 1-



1 1 -


1 1 - :2 1 1 1 *1 1 1 1 1











1 4 2 5 2

J 31 14. 3 21




39 22 1 1]

IJ 16 O~




2 2 1

!?J 13 Hl 16 -




1 -



:2 1 1 4 7

9 8 4f)

-1-1-- _v 0'1 -


1 -

-I - -1-1






]0 18 J1 3:2 2

17 1





2 1 2 14 1 15 1 9 1 3 ~1 15 :22 3 14 3 214

1 4

~I= i1 -

7 -











1 6 I

21= -

70 ~

23 1 19S 18 2 -

1 -






3 1


1 1-


1 1 1 ] *1 1 1 -














> .;:




1 -









- - 1 I 1 1 2 1 2 1- 1 1 J 1 1 -- - -- J 2 2 1 -- 1 - 1 1 -


1 1 1 1



2 14 1 1 3 2

1 -





1 -













..., '"

..., '"Vl :Ii



1 1




-2 \--










1 -




1 2 -























_. --














~ ~ ~


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -




J :2

3 2 1 3 1






.. - - 1-- -


2 -






... -



... -



- - - - - 1 -




; .;




.- - - -


.. -

1 1

2 -



-g ~





.. . .. -





1 1 1 1 -




.. -











1 -


.. .



- I --

g ';-' ~






~II rJ1


- - -




~ :.JP ~$OQJQj<1>?Q)'3~ - 1= 0;'" t.L ::.."'" 71":j "'a:; Za:; .~ [ 0._ .- =: ~-::: :... ::r:1 ::: 1;;5 Q; >. '1i 1= 0 :--'0 -"'"



~I >. 'I.



-- - -

" Div. ... t. .Tohu's lRyde)



'" § -<1.= .Q~ o 8 rr.





71":j ':;; ~.~ .=:'" o~ ...,.5

Names of Corps and Division




..". '"




34 41



4 1


2 1 1


6-1 29 21 21 -



3 1 1


43 3~


St. John A1nbu{ance BriguJde.



.,:.. I:








... ... -

... -

NURSING Drv!. lONS. ... Bath Divi ion .. , Hastings " Ludgvan ... ... Lyll1ington "" Portsmouth allcl Dist. COlpS. Portsmouth Diy. ... Portsmouth InriI'. Div. " Ramsgate Corps Ramsgate Div. ... Rcading ... " Watford. .. " Total I 1






.- '"









... '"

<\1 C

... 0 0"

.-oi ..., ... '"







-' -



1 1













1 1 ] 1 -

































1 7 7 1 J I 41





to c




17 J2 2 37 1 3 ·10 1

1 2





-- -






]9 20 3 15







.- -

] - - -







1 -





] 1 -





1 2 1 -


1 1
















...,.,.... vi ...., ~'" CIl



. ::: ri. 'in .... rn ~2 <\1;.. ::1'-

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~ 'i: .

».-0 en~ ::I <) ::II" :-,1" ..oc 8'EQ) 0 ; : enQ) =0 c.. ::t:cii ..., -02 <t1 ro




en'" ».lJ .... ..-



..., .,


.,'" en""

0 ~.~ ::I <\1'- ..::::'" ::IV: "'v: 015 ...,.;1 o..~ .~.~ . " , C)~ Q) I" .~ C) Q;:: ~c: JJ :.. ",,,,

Names of Corps and Di \'isions.

"Vare ,Vatforcl Westgate-on-Sea ,Yolverton


~ .... 1: p.. ._ "0 ::I>'


St. John A n~bulGLnCe BriguJcle.


I :38









14 J1


:1 1 U~~l(jf~ 1

cLe., and ~9Lll July, Bund of' ll ope D ell1ol1sLraLion; fiJ'st n,ill has be 11 I C11do I'cll 011 threo occasioll!;. l\lentlJols also aLll']HliJlg at f'ooLi)tdl llJatcllCS. A largc IIUlJlbcl' of cai:les ha\c bceII treaLed when 1J0L OJ! pllillic duLy, several leLtcrs and 1lJ('ssa"('s of COlllll1clulalioll huvo uecJI rcceived frolll slll'gceJlls alld ulso l'aLiclils ulJd Lhcir f~i(>lIds 011 Lhe curcrul \my ill wbich sufi'el'cl''; btL\ e uecn baJlclled. Drill!; huve lJeell well aLLellllc(l. Thc lhanks or the Divisioll is l1gain due to Dr. Mulpns, ,'upcrintelJ(lcllt of the POll~lIlouth Divisioll, for huldillg lhe l'e-eXttllliliatioll 011 ] ~lh I:lcptellllJer, when all Lhe nlClltbcrs passed. The AlJlJl1al lw;peeLioll was hcld Oll 17th August, at )'ollsJIIonlh, hy As~i:;Lllllt-COllllJJj~si()JJcr C. H. Lamie, i\I.J~.('.H., who expresscd hilllfiClf suLii:lfiu<l witl! Lhe progress the JIIell had IIltvlc since la~L i11S1'cCl;oll. The efficiellcy of LlIO Diyisiou has IIluel! improved, Lhallks to Lhc unLiring energy of SuperilJlendellt J~dward~. At Lhe AlIlbuluJlce })cl1IonsLr(l.lion aL 'UlIIS JJull, 11'al'clIHllI, kindly leub hy Oaptldn H.lUIli:l:ty, l\lrs. l{allisay presellLcd scrvicc lmdges tu three llJembcrs of Lhe Division, viz .. ,'ergeullt F. J. ,'Hlu·l', Corporal II. Head, ltud 1'Iivale J. J. Saunders. Thc t1eJIlOlIstm.lioll was (1 gmllli l:>llCCCSS. Impeclor-Gencral Dr. ,\' oolls, 11. ~. auel 1I1l's . JtUIlJ.llY beiJlg rcsl'ollsiblc for lho UClllOlli:lLraLion.

ALVESTON (GLOUCESTERSHIRE) DIVISION. [Fol'lI)(.'11 16.11.03.] IJ.E.\lHlU,\llI'Eltii:




Retul'l1s haye not L,een rcceiveu from Di\'isiolls l1Jarkcd t, <Lnd last }'rnr's figuI'cs have been used. Marked thus * holds hoth ran ks, viz., lIon. Su rgeon all(l , upcrin tendcn L Statement-l Deputy Commissioner; 2 As>;ist. Coml1JissionC'rs; 1 DiHh'i 'L Chief 1 District, 'uperintcllflcnt , ecrt'lary; 171 OfJiec'rll; 100 "Cl'gts. ao(1 OOl'l)Orals; lS04. l\[ell and nrsing, 'isters. ToLal (appJ'oxi matc) ~170. ~llperilltendellt;

JUUll, EE IlALL, AI.\lV,[,O~.


L ..Jully, A[\'cslon


Honorary Secretary.

l\IH'i:llon, Glus.

U. 11. l{llltl ll'urd, MOllica Villa, H.uge\\'uy, Ulo~ . Ollicer 1. PrinLtCl)] Total elJ'ecLi\'e 19. Increni:lc sillce hsL repuI'L~. Drills helll 11. Avcl'ltge Illtellllalice 12. Allllual il\'pl'eliulI, :,hll ), U\'. TuLal Ull parade l!l . .\lalorinl: j sLretchcrs, liplints, ualltlllges. The JIlelilbers uf Lbis lJi\isiuli 1I:1\'e su"L,lIl1cd tlio illlerC', t ill the \\,ulk throughuub the YCll!', allil bu\'[' , LLl'IIllt-d rl'gularly lh ' practico f.llld dlill held l'ulllligbllyat tho AI \'es[oll .J ulJilee l'alish lhll (wit II Lhe exeeplioll or the SUllllllcr lIJulith . when they have l'celJ occ\Jpiull \\iLh their hnneslillg). III Illy Opillioll the whole Di\'isiull r"how U lllUl'ketl illll'ru\'elllellL ill lheir \\'ork allLl will, 1 tillst, COli tiHllc to cyidence the SlLIJIC illlel'c~L therein. L .


ALVERSTOKE (HANTS) DIVISION. [Fol'lnerllS.12.01.] IIE_\n-QUAllTJWF;: IJwn > Tll"'J:T, Go, POIlT. Honorary Surgeons.

E. J. Hunter,

L. It.C.I'.

F. C. H. illngglcLon,



Honorary Secretary.

G. Edwards, 51, .J osepl, Street, Gosport.

SCl'gt. F. G. Saitrl', Eldm'He1d, 27, King's Roall, Gosport.

Honorary Treasurer.

Ptc. F. Cooper. . Officc),s 3. Scrgeant 1. Corporals 2. Pl'ivates 10. ToLal crrectivc 16. 'ascs aLtf'lHlcll Dnl1s hcl.d 41 . Cascs aLtelldcrl 0)) public (luLy 3. RCJ1Jovflls 17. n~t on publiC duty 12. Anlliud inspcction, 17th Ang. Total 011 lllLrade ]2. Absrnt WIth leav~ 4. AllIlual rc-cxfLminaLioll, 5th Sept. 11emhers PlLQSC<l 14. Mcdallion,; 12.. ServIce bad~es 3. NUl'sill~ certifieatcs 11. H.egnlatioJl ll11ifol'Ill worll l,y 1 Orflcer, 1. sergcant, 2. corporals, and S mCIl. Matel'inl: wAgOI!, stl'ctcllcl'!;, A:'ll:f?nl lItter, 3 su rgl cal havresaes, fllllints , etc., vesteel in Alvcl'stoke Celltre. DlrvlSlon supported by mcmbers' snb~cripLiolls ami COllccrls arrangC'(llIY Division. rhe work ~f the ~'ear has heen snLlsfactory. Mell1be r'J have Jlcrformcd pnilli e duty on two occaSIOns, VIZ., 30th June in Gosport Park, Athlctic Cluu f:lPOl'ts, Cyelc Raccs,


: Till'; GI~A~Ii\l Ut

lFol'llwtl I.G.I000.1



Hon. Surgeon.

1st Officer.


W. T. 13utcllet", Easl 'lrcct, ALIJlu'lOll.



Hon . Sec. and Hon . Treasurer. PtO. '\\'. ,'. Lu.JI1UHltCU.tl, Grallllllar ,'chuol,

Inspecto,- of Stores.

r Lc.

J, II. \\' ills.

~\ ~h ulll'LulI.

Ofliccl'::! 2. Scrgellllt 1. Pl'inltcs 11. Total ellcclivc H. siuco lust l'ellOl't 1. Drills llelll 30. A \Crttg' uLlelltlttllcc S. H.clllontls S. Casei:l attellded Ilot Oil pu1>lie duly 11. Anullal inspeclion, 21sL I:lept. Total Oil puru.tle 11. AiJHeJlt wilh lcave~. Wilhullt leavc 1. Allllual l'c,cxttllliuuLioll, ~lst Hept. l\1elllbers passecl 11. Did not appear 2. nicllnlliolls 10. el'\'iee 1>adgcs .1Hogulntioll uniforlll WOI'll 1>y 1 Oflicer, 1 scrge111Jt, lIud 11 )])ell. MaLcrial: 1 \\h cled liLter, ~ stl'elchers, 1 1Il I'gcllcy case, rug, splints, btmdagc', etc., ve Lcd in Divisiollal COJllJlliLlce. Divi~ioJt supported by pllblic tllltllllClIlUCl'S' suuHcripLiollS. Tho lIlolllbership of Lbc Division llus relliained ttuout the samc, n,nd tho interest in tho work has ucell \\ellmainlaincd. The drill has lIluch iJl1pl'ovell in mUl'tllC'S dllc, principally, Lo litO appoinLment ILlltl services of 'crgr'ltlJt Lo\cridge, formcrly Drill Insll'uctor 0[' Lhe A, Oomptllly, Hay Lor HnLtalioll, De\,olli:llllre Regilllcnt. The eall on thc lilemb 'rs ['or rcndering assistallcc in case~ of lirst lI.ill hos been llormal, while Lho in creas ill tho 1It1lllbcr or rcmuvals shows Lhat thc Hcnic('s of tho Division aro heeolJlillg IlIOI'C widcly appreciated, and wc trust this and the gcnel'u.l ni1ll8 or Lhc Divisiull will morit LL conlillulllICC of the flnallcild support, which llas hithcrto becH u.cer)l'{lctl by LlI' puulic. Dect'etL~c

St. J ohn A ?nlJ'ulamce BTigacZe.

St. John A'Inv'U,la,nce BTigade.



[Formed 1.4. 79.J




Honorary Surgeon.




F.R.C.S .

1s t Offi cer.

Superintenden t.

E. J. Bowle .

G. 1\1. Mather, 33, Hardinge Road, Ashford, Kent. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. W. Jordan. Honorary Secretary.

wagon, 6 strctchcrs, and SllJall smgical havl csac, vestcd in the Committee of the Bath Centre. Division supported uy mClllbers' sliuscrivtiollS. i\luch goou work has becn donc during the year, and there has becn a slight incl'ea 'e in numbers. The members of thc Divi::;ion were on duty at the Somerset Agl'iclllLural Show and also at the Horsc , how, several cases werc heated. At the annual inspection in June, District Chief-Superintendent F. prawson, the inspectiug Ollicsr, cxpres cd himself \'cry wcll plea_ed with thc apllearance and work done by the mel11bers of the Division. A large number of transport cases ha\'e beeu dealt with dnrillg the year, and patients and friclllls have exprcsscd their appreciation of the "<1y ill which the work has bccn done in gratifying terms.

Honorary Treasurer.

W. 'Venhall! . St. Augustine's College, Hempsted Street, Ashford. Officers 3. Sergeant l. Corporals 2. Privates 32. Tolal effective 38. I ncrease since last report 18. Drills held 2. A ,erage attendance 1 .9. Cases attended on public duty l. Removals 23. Ca es attended not 011 pllhlic duty 16. Annual inspection, 21st ept. Total on parade 20. Absent:with leavc 1. Annual re- examination, 2 th Scpt. Members pa sed 31. Excu eel 2. Did not appcar 4. Medallions 14, en,ice badges 3. llfsing certificates 18. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 18 men . Uaterial: 1 litter, 5 stretchers, 1 calTying heet, 1 hampel', 2 havresacs, 1 bandage shoot, bandages, splints, 3 surgicaJ bowl, etc" vested in Committee of Division. Division SUppOl ted by public subscriptions and local Ccntre. This year has been f1. record one for ours, the oldest Division, the number of members having almost doubled, eighteen being added to our roll. <reat illterest continues to be taken and good work done in all departments, cspecially thc l'cmol-als of sick patients to or from the Cotta.ge Hospital; this forms the greater lH1l't of our work, long distances by wagon to country places, 12 and 16 miles out, oeCll pying many hours (this year the aggregate wa :217 hours), 'ivhich the members cheerfully give gratuitously, receiving the warm congratulations of the medical staff for ('rvice.rer.:.dered. Here I should like to thank Snperintendent IGng, of the Leicester Division, for his ready help so cheerfully given, and the as i ·tancc rendcred to n. patient I sent to Leicester by rail, who was placed on strctcher in railway carriagc at Ashford, 12 nOOIl bain, and met at L eicester, 6.30 p.m ., by Superintendent King with A. ,ragon on a stormy night, who remol'ed patient to her home, reLu1'lling my stretcher the following day . Dy invitation several members a sistecl the Dovel' Division at the inauguration of a Folkestone Division of the Brigade, also attending Church Parade at Canterbury; Cauterbury Cricket (two days), and the local fnnctions. Twenty members mllstered at the joint inspections of Di'i'ision of East Kent, held at Ramsgate on 21st SeptemLer, when congratulations "'ere accorded all Divisions present by the Deputy-Commi:sioner anu Sir Charles Warren. 'everal bad accidents havc been attended, and first 3,id rendered by members working in the S. E.C. Railway Works during the year.

E. C. Flood,


M,A . ,


Honorary S urgeons.

J. O. Haney, S. Oiliccrs 3.


Sergeant l.

CorJlorals 2. ( :r 0

D. L. Bp-ath,

1I.H. C. S.

1st Offi cer.

F. G. Warwick.

A . B. Moore, 9A, York

trect, Bath.

Inspector of Stores .

COl·pl. W. A. Bryaut.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporall. Privates 28. Total effective 31. Increase since last rOl)Ol't 2. Drills held 36. A veragc attenclance ] 5. Cases attended on public duLy 8. Removals 39. Cases attended not on pulJ1ic duty 2 Annual inspection, 27th June. Total on parade ~3 . Absent with leavc 5. 'Without lcave 6. Al1nualre-examination, 27th June and 26th Oct. Members pa,sed 27. Failed l. Did not appeal' 5. Medallions 24. Scrvice badges 4. Regulation uuiform WOl'll by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal and 8 men . Material: 1 ambulance



Privates 16.

Total eifp.cti,e 22.

report recciyeu.)

BIRCHINGTON (KENT) DIVISION. [FOl'Illl'd 12.3.02.J lIE.\.ll-Q1.:'All'lEW..,:


'CHUUL, Al.JHOX RO_\'D, Blll(.!HlXGTO_'.

Hon. Surgeon and Supt.

II. E. ,Yorthington, )l.l:.U.:s., "

),camores," Bir(;bington.

Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treasurer.

'ergt. J. F. BIoy, Park Lane, Bil't:hington. Olliccr l.

orpornl l.

el'gcant 1.

Privates 15.

Total eiTecti\'e h.

( :r 0 rcport recei vetl.)

BOUGHTON-UNDER-BLEAN (KENT) DIVISION. [Formed 4.5.96.J HEAD-QU.l.InElt·: '1'lIE OLll MIl'. 10K HOO)1, BOL'GIITOX, lll'.


Honorary Surgeon.

w. A.


Utt 'Lle, High Stl'cet, Bough ton.

Inspector of Stores.


C. R.


Honorary Secretary. borter, J lIur., 35, ~ach'il1c Hoad, Bexhil1.

1st Officer.

Honorary Surgeon .


Pte. W. F. Miles.


)1.1:.C. t:l.

2nd Officer and Honorary Secretary.

C. 'Y. lllith, •'tocker's Hill, Boughtoll, Faver ham . Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. II.

. Culling

Oflicel's 3. Corporal l. Private Q Total ell'ective 13. Drill' helu 23. Avcrage attendance . Rcmovals 4. luC! ease :since la::;t rCl)Ol't 1. Cases attended not on public duty 25. Annual in. pection, :2 tIl ept. Total on pa.rauo 10. Absent "'ith leave 3. Annual re-examinatioll, 3rd April. 1I1emb.el:> pa sed 12. Mcdallions 4. crvice badge ). NUl' ing certificates 3. Regula~lOn tlUif'Ol'lll WOl'll by 2 Officcrs, 1 cOl'pol'Ul, tlnd 8 men. Material: 4 stretellers, surglCal ltavresac, first aid box, splints, banuagcs, etc., ,yater bottles and havre sacs, vesteJ. ill.Comlllittee of Division. Division ::;upportcd by public subst:l'iptions . . The membcrship of this Divi ion remains about tHe samc as at the tuue of la t ~·epol't. The elliciency is well mailltaiuell and member' interest in the work lllCl'Cases.

St. J ohn A ?nbv"lance B?'igade.



S uperintendent and Inspector of Stores.

Ho n. S urge o n.

O. J. Austin, 'Wolverton Road, Boscombe. Honorary Treasurer".

Hon o rary S ecretary .

1st Officer".

O. H. G. Austin, Janr. 'Wolverton Road, Boscombe.


T. Gale, Eq., Lloyds Bank.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Privates 21. Total effective 28. Drills held 45. Average attendance 19. O'~ses attended on public duty 64. Removal1. Ca es attended not on public duty 15. Annnal inspection, 20th Ang. Total on paradp. 23. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 1. Annualre-examillation, 15th 1I1arch. Members passed 25. Did not appear 2. Medallion 19. N u]' ing certificates 10. Regnlation uniforll1 worn by 2 Officer, 2 sergeants, 3 corporalfi, and 10 men . Material: 2 stretchers, 6 mackintosh sheets, 4 rngs, dre 'sing ba ket and contents, tin case and contents, cupboard, sundry bandages, etc., vestell in Bournemouth Centre, St.J.A.A. Division supported by subscliptions. The Diyision has attended during the year the followillg function, etc. Conversazione in connection with the Royal ,Vest Hants Hospital and gaye a display. Team went to Bristol in the District Competition for the Dewar hield, 26th l.Iay. Members did five days duty, night and day, at the Hoyal Oounties 110w ill Juue and had fully equipped hospital tent with four beds. Members did duty Oil all Bnllk holidays, pier illuminations, etc. Elementary school fete, when there were 10,000 children present. Oompetitors at Sway took first and third prizes. On several oeca. ions the division have gone out wi th 4th Hants 1. Y. on field days, etc. The Bournemouth Corporation have undertaken the maintenance and upkeep of ihe . lreet am bulances and stretchers, asking the di vi 'iOll to uudertake the ovel'sigh t of .al1le. The services of the Division have been fully appreciated by the To\\'n Ooullcil anLl the various Committees which it has been brought in touch with. • e\-eral of the men with the superintem1cllt are about to emol themselves as members or the A.R.N.S.B.R.


[Formed 20.2.1891 as a Division.]

[Formed 11.4.1901 as a Oorps.] HEAD-QUAHTERS:

C hief S uperintendent.

O. A. Rayman, :lLD. Kingston V ill a , Clifton, Bristol. Hono ra r y S urge o ns. F. S. Mather, M.B.


S upt. S ecretary.

M. Froud, 1, 'to

tephen's Chambers, Bri::;tol.

Supt. of Stores.

R. O. Tuckett,


S u pe ri nte ndents.

A Division-F. Morrish, 26, Arley Hill, Bristol. B Divisioll-C. W. )upe, 39, IJt'lIliaze Avenue, Westbury, Bristol. o Division-A. Fronde, Raleigh Road, Southville, Bristol. (TMee A?nb~dance Divisions). Officers 11. Sergeants 14. Oorporals 15. Privates 228. Total effecti ve 268. I ncrease since last report 85. Drills heM 188. Oases attended on public duty 408. Oases attended not on public duty 956. Transport cases by cal'l'iage 368. Fires attended 15. Horse Ambulance Station, open day and night, 100, Barton Rill Road. Telephone, 438x3 transport for accidents, fires, or cases of sudden illness. Ambulance Boxes and First Aid Stations. - Tramway Centre. Top of Stokes Croft. Old Market Street. Messrs. Lysagh ts, Feeder Road. :Messrs. Lysaghts, Kingsland Road . .uath Bridgt::. Bedminster Bl'iJge. Mill Lane, Bedminster. Eud of East Street, Bellminstel'. Ashton Gate. Lawrence llill Railway BriJge. Oolston Rail . A. ,V. Peake, 111. B.. 0. S. F. E. Peake, 1Ir.n.c.s.


[Formed 5.8.02.]


F. O. Bottomley, B.A., M.D. Daniel Gibson.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade. The Oorps consist of tbree Divisiolls:-A. Division.

'With sections at Broad

P~a.il~, ~~l'ton Hill, Bedminster (Imperial 'ection), and AVO!llnouth (Dock Section). ~L DlvlSlon. IIead-rluarters, Telllpltl Back, to which Division the F. BcarerCompany

attached, IIodiel(l ectiolJ. O. Division. Read-quarters, Temple Back, to which the Royal aval ick Berth Reserve is attached. The steady progress of the Oorps, since its formation in 1899, lias been more than maintaille(l dUl'ing the year. everal classes for instruction in first aid have been IJeld in various parts of the city, and many of those who obtainell certificates wele afterwards eurolled in the Corps. ursing classes for those members who had not yet obtained the nursing certificate have been well attended, with vcry satisfactory results, none of the candidates prcsenting thelllselves for examination havinCl faileLl Lo satisfy the examiners. A new ection of the Corps, numbering 65 membe;s, have been formell at Bedminster, consistilJg elltil'ely of Oflicers and men connectell with the Imperial Tobacco OowpallY, and of these tIVenty men are already in uniform. The OIIicers of Lhe Corps take this opportunity of ofJ'el'ing their warmest thanks to the Direr'cors of the COlll pany for, not only providillg a drill room and affording every opportunity to their employ6es to attend the classes, allcl, aftrr their enrolment to take part ill public duty, hut also for lending their stretcher anLl ambulance litter ("01' all purposes of duty. Another ection, of twenty members, has been formed at Avonl110nth, amI I wish to congratulate this ection upon the progress malle, and their presellt state of efIlciency. By the kind permission of the Bristol anitary Authority an extremely well-fitted ambulance station, containing every requisite for first aid has been erected upon the TJ'amwrLY Centre, and three ambulance uoxes, fitted with stretchers and other appliances have been pla('f~ll in lJe(lmiu. tel', in addition to the stations already in existence iu the various uu y thoroughfarcs of the city. The life saying stations of til Bristol IIu11lalle ociety, 15 in nUIll bel', and extending along the course of the river an(l Hoating haruonr and clock from Hanham to Avonn,onth haye been under thc carc of the COI'1's. Excellent "'ork ha heen done dming the year by the Transport ection with the horse ambulallce carriage, which is kept ill readiness for duty day and Ilight, upon receipt of a tclel'hone call or other message. In addition to the llaily ClL,;es 1"01' trau:;port for tn~et accillents and cases of smlden illne ,which are continually occnning, the removal of lIlany patients to and from the various medical institutions 01' from one pl1l't of Bristol to another, and to other parts of the country, lJaYC heen ullc1prtaken. The Corps has alo Leen regulady engaged in the tramport of palien ts ("or tIJ(' Unarrlinns of the Poor of Bristol. The am bulance carriage hilS Leen pl'e~eut at all the seriolls fires which haye oCCUlTed during the year (on ona oCl.!asioll aL two in one night), aull attended all public functions and demonstrations \, here large cro\\"dH were likely to asscm bJe. The Corp were on pn blic d 1I ty in the streets when Lord Rohert · viited this city to unveil the Memorial to the Glouce tel' Rrgiment, and also when GClleral ir Reclvers Buller came to Dristol ; on each of these oeea ions the crowels were "ery large and many cases attended to. In Junelast ihe 'orps atlel1l1ed the Carnival held at t11e Zoological Galdens in aid of thenristol Royal Infirmary, at which there were many thollsand vil::itors. "OO1e forty mem bel'S of the Oorps were 011 tlu ty each tlay dnring the whole week that the carni "al lao tetl. A squad of men have attendetl all week day perfolmances at the Col ton Hall, and ale always present at the crowded ervices held in the afternoon aU.d evel1inCt ,wd al 0 at the PCOI)le's Palace on ullllay when theu n in this builtliJ)Cf 0' Sl'rviecs arc freqncntly required anll much a]Jpreciated. At all the match~s of the Bli'Lol Oity Football Olub, and the variolls Athleti:! ports and other puhlIc e,ents at the County Gronnd, a squad of men have beeu on duty, amI have frequently been called upon to render first ail!. . Dnrillff the winter the fo11o\\'in(l health lectures were given at Broad Plam Hon e, and wer~ largely attended and n~uch appreciated by members of ~he Brigade and their frien(ls :-Thnrsday October 6th, Dr. Barclay Baron, subject, "Food anLl Drink." Thursday No~el1lber 3nl, Dr. E. H. Oook, subject, ,,"Tater and it::; Impurities." Thnrs~lay, D cembel' 1st, Dr. George Par~{er, snbject, ::The ~eeding of I nfal1ts." Thursday, January 12th, Dr. Mulll'o nllth, subject, ExerCIse aml liealth." Thnrsday, February 9th, Dr. hingleton milh, subject, "The tempera· ture of the Body flS influenced by Food and Olothing." Thur day, March 9th, Ho~l.­ Sllrgeon A . ' Y. Peake, subject, "Ail' and Ventilation ." The Royal Naval lck Berth Reserve has increasen in number to 36 men. The report of I nspector-




St. J ohn A m bulance Brigade.

St. John A mbulunce Brigade.

Gelleral Preston, R.:X., who held the annnal inspection is most gratifying, and those members who at.tended for a week's training at the Royal Taval Hospital at Devonport were also reported "excellent." Th e F Bearer Company, of 5 men,.who fO.rm a re'erve for the Royal Ar1l1.y Medical Corps was commendec.l at t!le annuall11SpectlOl1 by the inspecting Officer, and those of the Company who \\'ere 111 camp for a week with tue regular force!: on alisbury Plain, brought back an excellent report. from the Officer commanding.


[Formed 8.2.04.J


Honorary Surgeons.

A. R. Henchley, ~LD.

M. T. "W illiams,


Su peri ntend ent.

Honorary Secretary.

V. Page, la, St. George's Place, Canterbury.

\\. II. Bentley, n.A. (Oxon.),

I nspecto r of Sto res.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. E. W . Nowers.

F . W. Furley

1 , Oaten Hill, Canterbury.

Officers 3. Sergean t. 1. Corporals~. Privates 17. Total effective 24. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 44. Average attendance 13. Ca es attended on public duty 17. Removals 6. Cases attended not on puhlic duty 35. Annual inspection, 25th ept. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 1. Without leaye 2. Annual re-examination, 1 tlt Sept. MemLer IJa,'sed 1. Failed 1. Did not appear 3. Medallions 6. N' ursing cerWicates 12. HegulatJOn uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 5 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 3 medical havresacs, 3 water bottles, 6 flags, 1 pole, splints, bandages, etc., yested ill Committee of Division. Division supported by subscriptions of members and voluntary contributions. Steady progress and good work accomplished, as shewn by the number of ca 'es treated, can be reported from tllis division. The member hip slle\\', a slight decrease from last year, but there arc several recruits only waiting to obtain certiIiL'ates before joining. There is a general spirit of keel1nes amongst the lllel1l1lers and the drill and first aid work a!'e quite up to the llJark and gained un. tinted praise at the Annual Inspection. Through the kindness of the Mayor and Corporation \\'e have this year been granted the 11se of the space under the Corn exchangr for ollr wcekly meetings and, as this is right in the ceutre of the ('ity, it is a great convenience. Public duty has been carrieo. out on the occasiolls of the Hospital Carnival Yal ions Athletic Sports and Flower Shows, and on the Couuty Cricket Grouud. In N'ovember last tIle division was represented for the first time at the East Kent Ambulance Competition held at Ralllsgate, and ca.me through the ordeal very creditably, beating several of the older estalJlished divisions. This year the division was honoured by being requested to arrange for the Annual Ohurch Parade of the East Kent divisions to be held here. This took place on Sunday, 2nd Jnly, and \\'ith the kind permission of the Dean and Chapter the Parade attended the afternoon service at the Cathedral. Some 120 were present, being the largest Church Parade yet held in this part of the district.


Honorary Surgeon .

W . 1\1. Bligh,


Superintendent and Hon. Secretary.

A. J. Riley, 3, Cedar Road, Oroydon .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 14. Total eiTective 17. Increase since last report 6. Drills hcld 14. Average attendance 6. Removals 23 . Cases attelJded not on pulJlic duty 32. Service hac1ges 9. Hegulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 8 men. ::'IaleJ'ial: wooden Ambulance •'tation Caterham Valley, brick built Ambulance Station, pper Oatel'ham (The Bates


Memorial), 2 wheel. litters complete, 3 stretchers, 2 lifting boards 3 Mor an lJ uvresacs, ~ regula~lOn water uottles, 6 men's water bottles 4 blankets' 2 waterpl~oof sheets, ~ta~lOn furmture, and a qualltity of extra splints, b~nJages, cotton wool, fir,;t :fie.I~ .clI essmgs, and boxes of plaster, vested in Executive Committee St J A A D IVISIOn sllpported by local suh cl'iptions. ' .... The membcrs of the Divi. ion ltave done very valuable work durin a the past year as, ?-lthough ,the number of cases. treated is one less than the p;evious year tll~ accIde~lts J:a\ e he.en of a more senous nat me, seven being of broken bones. The f~llow~ng I a 11, t :-frac~lll'ed l>kull, broken ribs and othcr injuries 1, compolmd flactUl e of leg 1, ~roken tlnglt 1, broken legs and pelvis bone 1, broken leg 2 broken collar lxme 1, hl'lllsed arm 1, lacerated hand 5, lacerated head 1 sudden ill'ness in th e s~reet 2, it'an.!'Ipo:'t of invalids 15. The wheel litters hav~ been used on 23 occas~ons, the III1l ht~er 13, and the Valley 10. 16 cases have been to the Cottage H ospl.tal, 5 to the,Pat1ents' homes, and 2 to the railway station. The transport of Il1\'all~s has e~t~tled great lahour on the members of the division owin ff to the very llllly COn(htlO~ of the di, tl'ict, ancI the great di tance some of the canes have ueen. The ma.n w1th the broken Jegs anel pelvis bone wa, brourrht 4 miles through t01~rents of ralll, and a: night. In June last a gentleman ''\\'as transported to Lel.ce tel', h,r the wheel lItter, going the whole distance on same, the ca e being Yery Sf'J'lon and I t was necessary that he should not be moved more than necessary. The whole of the property and stores ale in a good cOllditjon.



H\LT ",



Honorary Surgeons.

R. Trant,


F. B. Jefl'crie ,




F.1LC.S ..


1st Offi ce r.

,'('ott. 14 ,(;]cncoe Hoad. Clt'ltham.

W. :\lcIlltO h.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. Brook.. HI, Roc·be tel' Terrace, Cllatllalil. Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

, 'ergt. \". Duw.

Pte. R. J. Cooper.

Ofli (;el'" 5. •'ergeanls 3. 'orl'oral 3. Privates 25. Total effective 36. Illerca 'C 'inte l,at report 9. Drill: belrl 20. Aycraue attendance 22. Ca "es ntll'ntlcl~ Oll }ll~llhc tlnt).71. R~1I10\'a b 5. 'a es attendeoJ not on public duty lti3. AllllUal111 'pectlOn, 20th, (:pt. 'Iotal all parade 32. Ahsent with leave 2. With out l?fi\,~ 2. J\llllllal rc.exfil!lillatioll l .5th April. .:'llemher pa ,'ed 33. :\Iedallioll 22. , e)"vlce badge 16. l1l'Sll1g certl!Jeatc 1. Heglllation uniforlll WOI'll by :2 Officer ~ "erg:ean t , ~ corpora]:;, amI 11 mr;n. :\Llterial: Ito pital JIIarquee anci fnll equip~ lllellt lor ,'amc, 211tters, stretcbe.r, 7 lll'gical hane 'ac,., 6 water llOttles, book find (;h.a1:t.·, rug., slJ<tre 1,allClages, spll11ts, etc., Ye. tell in the 'ollll1littee of DiviioD. J)1,\:v;lOn ,M;P) ,orleel lJ'y Corporation a wI 'pll hI ic nL. cri ptions. Ihe dl\'lSlOll (;?l1tlllUC'; to lllake ·ail·factory plogre 5, the member a a whole ~ttelJd the practlccs regularl.y, anJ are yery eIlth" ia'tie ill their work. It ha Increaserl slightly ill numhel' during the 'year, alld a the Olle or two illeflicient ha,e bcCl: weeded ont, lli ~'i,'!on Cn.ll he said to he ill a yory healthy condition . The e(lllll'llIent ofthecll\'lsion IS III excelleut condition, ('\'cral aclLIition ' to tore havinG' he n made: PulJlic duty ha heell done on every occa ion of note in the town. Th~ most }Ir01l1l1Jeni of.which was the v!sit of H.M. the King Oll two occa ion' during the year. III Apnl a !urge clas' 111 fhst niLl wa' heltl at Rainham a neiahbourinO' \'ill~ge of which a large llumber joined the divi ·iOll which has l;laele aORainhan~ sectJ~ll. . '~I~e Rain hal~1 Challenge. 'hieltl \\US \yon this yea! by the Rainham 'eetion of tJllS dIV1.1On. DUl'lllg the year a large number of Brigade men who haye joined tIle n.N ... B.R. have bl3(,11 spendino a week in Chatllal11 for their annnal trainin c, and have paid a visi.t to the divi~io~. And I take this opportunity of a king all those J11~n who clunng the COllllllg year may he in Cha tham to call upon ns, or, IJetter sblllct us know \\'hen they are to anive. Th e Annual In pection was helel on


St. J ohn A ?nbulcl//tce Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nb1dance Br·igade.

232 Sept. 20th, who kin dly he was well formalities,

the I uspecting Ofiker bcing Di trict Ohief Supel'inteudent F . Bprawson broke his joul'lley to the Oounty I mpection at Ralllsgate Lo do 0, and plea ed with all he saw, ,,-llich perforce hau to Le limit cl to mer~ a the men had to immeuiately go on pnblic duty that eyel~illg.



[Formed 20.4. 93 .]


Sup erin t enden t .

Hono rary Surge o n.

F . Skaife,


E. E . Street, St. Martin's House, Chichestcr.

]\I.l~. C. S.

CHRISTCHURCH (HAMPSHIRE ) DIVISION. [FOll1lf'l120.3.99.1 S uperintendent.

Honorary Surgeon .

'Y. E.

;\1.1\ . , nT. D.

O{ticers 3.

Oorporal 1.

D l.'crease since last report 3. Drills held 44. Average attendance 12.6. Oases attended on pub.1ic duty 1. R emoval 1. Oases atteudeJ not on public duty 47 . Annual ll1SpectlOll, 21. t ept. Total 011 parade 8. Ahsent with l eave 16. Annual l'e-extLmination, 16th May. :.'II embers passed 20. Did not appear 3. Medallions 13. Nnr ing certificates 9. R egulation uniform \YOl'll by 3 Officers, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, ano. 17 men . Material: 4 stretchers, 2 hampers, 2 surgical havresac, water hoWes, rug, stretcher covel', 2 eal'l'ying sheet., ve tec! in Oommittee of the Divisioll. Di\'i ion supported by voluntary ub.'criptions. First f1.id ha.' Leen relluerecl in a larger numbcr of cases thau in any previous year. T he ,york has r eceiyecl vcry favourable reports from members of the Medical profession. Th e puhlic appreciate the services of the member.; of the division as is shewll by their gcnerom; contributions to the funus.

Inspector o f Stores.

Honorary S ecretary and Treasurer.

Pte. H. H older. Sergt. H. G. States, 45, South treet, Ohichester. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 14. Total effective 1 . I ncrease since last report 1. Drills h eld 35. Average attendallce 9. Removals 10. Annual inspectioll, 16th Aug. Tobl on parade 15. Abscn t with leave 2. \Vithout leaye 1. Annual re-exa!uination, 26th and 27th 'ept. lI[ el1lLers pas~eu 17. Medall ion 11. Service badges 11. N lll' ing certificates 9. R egulation uniforlll worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, and 13 mcn . Material: Ashford litter, 3 stretchcrs, carrying sheet, waterproof sheet and pillow, 2 fitted havl'esacs, 4. watcr Lottle', bandages, blaukcts, Hag ', lanterns, vested in the COlllmittee of t he Division. Division supported by 1mbscriptions and llonations. On eight occasif)J1s during the past year the sen-iccs of a S(IU(lel, or more, h(ll-e been requi&itiolJed for public duty, and each time a sufficient !lumber of Il1C1l1UCl'S have turned out. No ca ualties occUl'l'eLI all either of these occasioll. . Th e attendance at drills al1LI practices has been very gOOl1. T en cases of removing casualties 01' sick persons to the Hospital 01' to the ,\' orkhouse I nfirmary 1m I'e been attended to, auu uo difijculty "as experienced on either occasions of getting enough members together to cany out the removal. The attendance at the I nspection m1S vcry satisfactory alld the men shewed con iderable smartne. s in carrying out the orders of the Inspecting Ottice r. A carry ing sheet has been pl1l'chased, and has proved a most useful aduition to the material belonging to the diyision. .A sfluad was entered for the DCII ar Shield, hut I,'as ullable to attend the preliminary competition, Bristol being so inaccessible from Chichester that the men would have been completely unfit for c01l1]Jetition 1I'0rk when they got to the spot, CI'e ll if thc cost of getting there bad not been prohibitive. Th e finallcial positioll i omewhut improved . The regular income i still very sUlall, <luLl a more geUel'OllS sllpport is needed to maintain the state of efficiency which is ainled at.

L. Burnett,

Privates 22.


IF" Cutle Christchurch.


Total ell'ectil'e 26.

(No report receive!I) .

DODDINGTON (KENT) DIVISION. [Fol'lu eu 2 . ~.Ol.]

DOVER (KENT) DiVISION. [Fol'mc!112.10.97 .] HF..\.D-QL\IlTEns: ROYAL VICTORI.-\. HO .·PIT"\L, DO'-ER .

Hon . Surgeons.

Supt. and Inspector of Stores

J. D. H Olnlen, :'ILn. E. E. }ll11'phy. L.n.C.p

H . L. Lawes, . Elm.' Yale Road, Folkestone Roa,l, Doyel'.

Ho n. S ecretary.

Hon T reasurer.

Pte. W. A. Knott, 20 , Alfred Road, Ducklaml, Do" er.

,'cJ'gl. G. Plater.

Officers 3. ergeant 1. Oorporal 4. Pril'ates 31. TotfLl elfcctive 39. In ::l'tHse illJC hst rep')rl 1. Drill~ held 4. A,'crage attendance 19. Oases atien eel on public (lutv 4. Re1l1ol'al' 7. Oit e' attended not on public dnty 23. Annu'll ill pectiolt, 27Lh ,'ept. Total Oil parade 20. Ab~el1t with leave 9. Without l ea.ve 4. Annnalrc-eX'lmill.ltioll, ~Oth .Tuly. ",lember' pa·cd3~. Did not appear 5. M Cllnlli oll.' 1;'. Xl1l'sing certiticn.tc. 9. Regulatiou uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 scrge'lnt, 4. corpol'lll', an!l :31 mcn. ~Iaterial::2 stretcher.;, baullages, splint, etc., vested in the OOll1mictee of the Dil-i'ion. Dil'i:ion Suppol'teu by public and mcmbcrs' contributions. Th e pa ·t ye3.r 11'1,<; hecn sncce..;:fnl. In t\0,'em 11er the l1perintentlent made a sUl'[1l'i c call upon the membel's of the divi 'iou, their 'crvice being requi itioned at K ca l'l1sey 'tation at 8 o'clock p.m., some tlYO mile alyaY i the result W<lS most gratifying, in les than an hour ~O men, bringing " ,1l'iOll appliances, had reported thcm. elvcs, they were thrmked for thl'ir'lllartlle;~ alld amon~ letter l'eceil'ed, oue f,'oll1 the :.'Ilayor or Dover congratulated the (ii .... i ion in being in nch a high state of elHcieucy alHll'e'lLlillC ,to ad in such a bo(ly. A \lozen member were on duty on the .8..rllllilalty Pier at the depHtllrc of H. M. the King in April, two cae refluiring th ei r seryicc·. In July, 1-1 memher' went to OI1'ltham, thc occa ion being the King's vi~it to opcn the Royal K 'l l-,ll IIo.'pit·l1. The Annual Church Parade was h elu a.t O:mterbul'Y C,ltherll'tll, 16 memher attending. The 8uperintenr.lent proceeded to '\LL\'lbol'ongh 1I0n 'e in July to receive hi "'erl'lce ~l ed;tl from H. R. H. the GranLl Prior, aud since then the HOll. "'nlgeoll ami members of the division presented him wi th ~t lal'ge portmit of himsclf 11 llJ(l~oll1ely framcu and an otficer'~ wagger tick with hi .; 11l1me npon each . Thc Folke tone divi ion (\\'here h e hall bcen a isting th e fOI1lHtion ) al 0 presentcd him with (t ilver teapot. lIIemller have been on dnty at all chool treats, anu also football matche , their presence being much appreciated.



Honorary Surgeon .

P. Selby,

H. 1st Officer.

H. O. N orrillgton.

T. Potls., D oddington, SittingboUl'lle. Inspector of Stores.

,'e rgt. ,V. H. Sergeants:2. Oorporal1.

Ano. erson. Private 18.



J . W. \" ilk .

l\f. n.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. S ec. and Treasurer.

\V. Rhodes.

Sergt. E. lluntley, 26. Commercial R oad, Eas t bo u l'l1 c. Ofri cer.;; 2.

T otal efJ'ec li ve 24 .

[FornleLl17.5. 19 00.]

Su peri nten dent_

Honoro ry Surgeon .


Superint ende nt, Hon . Sec. & Treas.

Officers 3.


Sergeant 1.

Oorporals 2.

Privates 1-1.

T otal eifecti\-e 19.


8t. J ohn A mbulu.mce Brigade.

St. John A rnbulance Brigade.


FOLKESTONE DIVISION. [Formed 6.3.05.] D rills held 15. Avcl'aO'e attendance 12. Cases atiendtdnot on public duty 25. l'lIedallions 11. R egulation uniform ,rolll hy 1 <?ffic~l', 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, rllld 14 men. D ivi1-ioll supported by voluntary contnbutlOns.


Honora ry Surge on s.

A. E. Larking, ;\I.D.


LFormed 1,] 2. 01.J


Honorary Su r g e on .

J . A. W. Pereira,

TllEET, EX!o:TEIl.

S u perinte nd e nt.


E. A. Bo\Yllen, Port Yiew, Heavitrce, II r. Exeter. 1st Offi cer.

H. Wheeler. Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

Insp e ctor of Sto res .

Sergt. F. Rivers, 29, Mansfield Road, Exeter.

001')11. 1'11. P. Young.

Officers 3. el'geants 4. Corporals 5. Privates 3S . Total effcctive 50. Decrease since last report 3. Drills helLl 41. Average att ndance 14.6. Cas s attended on lJUblic duty 67. Cases attended not 011 public duty 52. Allllual inspection, 30th, ept. Total on parade -1. Al sent with leave 2. Anllual "('e,examination, 1st Oct. 1\1e1111Je1's passl'clJ fl . 1'l Jeda lJions 23. 'enice badg . 2. Nursing certificate 1. R egulation uuifollU 1I"0l"Jl hy 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 eorpul'als, and 18 men . Material: 3 stretcher, splintf', bandages, hamper, 2 blankels, '~·h.e~led litter, Brigade flag, and first aid box, vestecl in the Oommittce of the Dn' l&lOn. D i vi ion supporled by su bscriptions. ECTIOX A .-The division has made steady progress during the ycar and the wOlk done by the members is now 1Jcginning to be )"ecogllised 1JY the l'n1Jlic. rr:he meDluers of the Oity Oouncil together with the :Mayor allCI Corporation accol1lpall](:d the men of the division to the Oathedral on the occa. ion of their first Ohureh Pamele on I 'unday. Public duty has ueen IJCI formed on sevcn occasioll., viz., TrHdcs Exhibition at Victoria Hall (10 day!»), Bevon Oounty Agl'icultnral ,1Iow (3 days), Post Office Sports, PolIce Sports, Regatta, Unveiling of General Buller's stat~lC, and Exeter Oyclists Ca1niva1. I n March last a social evellillg and dancc (at winch the Mayor and J\Iayoress were present) was giYell by several ladies of' Exeter at the Barnfield Hall in aid of the funds of the Llivision, wllich resulted in a little over £10 being Landed to the Treasurer. The thanks of tIle memuels ale duc to them fot' their kindly effort, and also to the Ohief Constable of Exeter for IJermitting them to use the Police Parade room for drill purposes. A flag has been 1)] csentecl to tLc division by a memher who wishes to remain anonymous, and to whom our thanl{s are also due. SECTIOX B.-The services rendered by the n.en of tlIis section ha,'e lJecn to persons 'rho have met with accidents in the strects. In 17 cases the injured persolls were cOlli'eyed by litter to the Royal Devon and Exeter HO<l ita 1.

P . V. D odd, ;\LD.

1st Offi ce r and Honorary Treas ur e r .

Hono r a ry S ec r eta r y.

(I n charge) F. A. Adams, 7, TouLine Street, Folkestonc.

P. May, 42, Cantel'lmry Roaa, Folkestone.

Officcrs 3. Pl'ivaL('s 22. ToLal effecti,'e 25. . t. 5 30 Avul'a"e atlondallce 11.S. Oases attended on pulJhc flu)l D 11·'11 Sl'elc1 , ' . ~ z'" tl ' t Tota Oil. Oases aitemle(l not Oll.l,ulJlic <lntJ;:. ~:3. "\\,J:tl;lllt~lI1l1 .1~e~tlO1l11eJaJ;ione~) Nursing I'Hade S Absellt \11th lcave 10 . \ 1 IOU ea' 0 .'. 1 'u ~~rt iticat~s 2. Material: 4 stretchers, :2 havre.ac ·, .2 \,atel~. b~ttjes, etc., ve tell Di ,'i~iOIJ. DivisiolJ snpported by lllemuers alH1IJubhc snbscIlptIons. 7',


. ,


Honorary S urgeon (acting).

The Lawn, BnlllS\\ick Road, Gloucester. , F. G. ,pragne,.u~I.It.".I';., Officer 1.

PriYates 39.

Total errecli,'e 40.

GODALMING DIVISION. [Fot'lllt'u Hl04.] IIEAD'Q1..:,UlTEI:. :

Honorary S urgeon.

1' . .Jliuchill, L.I:.L.l',



Ho.n. Treas. S up erintendent, Hon. S ec., Inspector of S toresGa nd .1 1 ~:2,

"\\r. \Y. U ilJUOllo;,

TO\\,lletl ll ,'treet,

oua mlllg.

Orliccrs 2. Primte 22. ToLa.1 etledive 21. 11' d t 1 aLtendcd not on PU) lC U Y • " Drills held 26. A, eragc attelldallcu 11 . C U CS. t . 1. ttle ve ted in .' l' 1 I . ·uc SpllllL' elc. a. Ot u o , lat31ial: A. hlol~L1 . 11Llel',. .ll~c( lea la\~l. : I 1lJel~lbel" ~lld pulJlic subscriptions. ])i ,' i~' iol1al OOl1mllUee. 1) 1\'1 SlO 11 SllppOl tC ll hj ) t le tl kl'1 J11e ~ ot' the Mayor of . . . t ·t l ' 1 IUrllll'( l t ll'Otl rr j1 Ie 1 ,>" J The DIVIS1011 was1 s al C( .Ull D" 1 'It' 11'n 'llltl seYel"tl otll('r rreutleme:n . l' 11 1. Es lJ 1" l' llll L as ~\ III C I , ' < b. 1 Godalnllllg, '. 0 uell, ([., .. J 14th 1901 "heuit wa' tlllalllllJO\l Y 0(' Lhe tOWIl, callillg.a.1~nl,l~c .Jll'l'tlll.g ~~l. l~lle b ' i~ llin u ' an appeal to the public for dl'cillCll to start a Dl\'l~lOll tll Lhe DIstlld, <11so J I' I:> 'I'lle '1 1)llc'11 lias well .. f ' J 't ,'Ll tl e 1ll'ce' 'a ry app HlllCt' . <, SUbSCllptlOIIS ~o mills 1 I ,,1 1 1 .• ,!',' 1 Ashford littcr, 1 llIedical haVl'c ac, 1 !-ouppoltL'll "lltL.· h .ellalJlc1l \\rlLOvl~\~~e.l.lle .. '>ll11ellllJer:; alld(ltill~ \l'erehelde\'eIY 1\1.ll>1I lUS_ , . 1 1 \\"a t l'r 1JO tLI e, sp 1ll1Ls. , eLe ' . IC ,., .. r, lt ,,1' ThrOlJlfh the klllL ness 0 f D 1.' ,,('ok, tIle IllclIlbcrs o.tlCl~\111lg H~Y. l.lb 5:l1nstmlec\ 11 ' lalltelll sliLle , during 1<.1 II onhl,)" lcctllrl's Wl'l"C glH'1l 011 1 b) slUl.oc-J, 1 t e amI ~ ere lIltH;h apprcciated. the" illtcr JIlOlltl!S These II ero lllusL 1I15trl1C 1\ , l'il'st aid has been rClIdcrcd ill 'c \"\~ral cases.





Roo;\[s .




Hono rary S u r geo n.

O. J. Evers,

)T. D.

Su perintendent, Hon . S ec. an d Hon. Tr'easu rer.

O. E . Clillch,

Hon . S urgeo n.

t. Anlls Road, l"avclsllalll.

1s t Offi cer.

In s p ec to r of Sto res .

A . P. Sberwood .

G . Amos .

Officers 3. Corporals 2. Privates 21. T oUI1 o(fccti,'c 26 . D rills held 34. Avrra{!p attendance 14'2. H.emovnls 39. Oases aLt(:mled n ot on pubJie duty 22. Annual in~pection, 21st i)l'IJt. Total Oll parade 9. Ab~ 'lI t with l eave 17. R egulation 1l11ifOlm worn 11Y 2 OflicCIS, 2 cOlpOlals, and IS llIelt . Material : 6 stretchers, wheeled litter, 4 8mlJulnllce baskots, 2 11a\ rc'sats, (:tc., vested in D ivisional Conrl11itlee. Divi~ion &uIJ]Jortcd l,y jJublic aIHl menlbCIS' subscl'iptiollS.

"\Y . L. Drown, 1s t Offi ce r a nd Hon . S ec.

G. O. P atfleld, Grcellstrcel,


Ins pecto r of Sto res.

J!. Court.

Hon . T reasu rer.

W. G. Ray.

SiLtillgboul'llt'. [1' t', c)') ),' , L . 1 Tobl e cc n e -~. Oflicers 2. OOl'po ra 1s 2 . I 11\ it e s . < 1 14 R emo\'a1 6. Cf C altC'11C (lll( . 1) II' Jl S I10,1 l 1 26 • A,le1"a • D ccrcase !;;lll('e last rcpo r t 4. ' b t' .) - tll -' ept Total on Cuscs aLlendc(l n ot 0 11 }lublic duLy :'.5 . A l~ll\'~ ~nsl ~1l1~~;~1 ~'c,exami~atioll , 10th l ,al'aJe 6. Ausel1t witlt lcave Hi . "\\ Ithou L eu , c . lll'.

t. J oln1- A muaZu11ce B) igade.


St. J ohn Arnl)'/,dct-nce Brigade.

May .

Members pa sell 20. Did not appear1. Medalliolls 16 Tur ing cerlifi19. Regulation uniform worn by 1 O[fcer, 2 corporal, and 14 men . Ma terial : A , Lforu litter, 2 Ful'ley stretcher, amullla nce hamper, baudages, plin ts, etc., ,ested in Committee of Dil'ision. Division upporteLl uy public subscriptions. Tl1e divi ion continnes to lllake progres , and though numcrically weaker than la·t year, the members are enehu ia tic in their ,,·ork. ince Ia t report tl\'O more member ha1'e obtained the regulation uniform. On the occasion of H. M. the Eing's visit to Chatham in July Ia t, this rlivi 'ion sent eIe,'en men for public duty. Ten members wcre pre. ent at the Church Paraue for did ions in Ea t Kent, on tbe Sunday following t. J obn's Day, at Callteruur,)', when a gooJ. number marched to the Cathedral. ~ate

Although the strength of the Divi. ion uoe' not inerea e numerically the ,,"ork p "rfor mel hy it during the year arron1 us enry sati·faction. The I nvaliJ Transport wo rk is be.!oming b:ltter known and apprer:iatell, with the re.ult that there have been 33 remoy,\l,; (lnrill~ the y~ar agtin t 20 of the proyiou year-three of which were to L'JIHloll. Dllrin~ the yea.r an Ahforel litter ha':l been aJJed to the ,. IIllterhl " an 1 h l. p,oy;!d ,t u )Ol! to m'lny in mliJ ' dming removal ISLE OF WIGHT CORPS.

Han. Surgeon.

Y. Blake,

1st Offi cer.

Hon . Treasurer.

J. W . Lambert. CorpI. B. ,r. ,r ells. Pte. A. KOJf>s. Officers 3. Corporals 2. Privates 11. Total effective 16. R eserve members 4. DecreaBe since lnt report Drills held 8. Avcrage attendance 6. Cases attellllerl on public duty 3. Hemovals 127. Cases attenLlell not 011 public duty:2 . Annual inspectioll, ~ th I cpt. Total on parade 7. Ab ent wi~h leave 3. \\,i thou~ leaye 6. Medallions 12. TUl'Sillg ecrtificates 7. Rcgulation uillform worn by 3 0 llicenl, 2 corporals, and 11 mell. Material: horse aliI hulance coach, Ashford litter, 3 ~retchers, havre:>ac, splint, etc.; "estcu in the Committee of the Di"ision . Divi ion supported by ,'olulltary . lib. cril'tion . The .discipline of the divi ion is wellmaintailled, though .·cyel'a.lmemhrrs haye left Gmldforu, yet those remaining haye Imt increa eu interest iuto the \l'ork . The transp?rt coacll travelled about 1,000 lIJiles in removing >;0111e 127 patient. Athletic Sports, Football l\Iatcbe and Horse, hOI\-s have beell attencled lie ides ]1],'n on duty \lith the coach. The Surgeon comnlencp.' a further first aili class thi winter, which is hoped will increase our memher hip. The majority of the ea cs ar e moyed to the Cou.nt.v Ho~pital and to L Olldon for private nursing estaiJlishl1lentf', the cases to the Hospital arc III an area of about 12 miles. Th e trail_port coach which we purchaseu five years ago is illct'pasingly Oil demand. The yi it of the A sistant Oommissioner in the summcr roused the llIen alld resulted in a gain to the di\'ision. HASLEMERE (SURREY ) DIVISION. [Formed 1.7.04]. H EAD-QuARn:ns : To\\,:-; H _\'LL, EA. LTDlEnE. Hon . Surgeon.

C. P . ,'trong. Officers 2.

Sergean t 1.


R. Phillips, 7 Foster Villas, Liun Lane, H aslemerc. Corporals 2. Privates 13. T otal eITective 18. (No report J'ecei ved.)


[Form ed 13 .8.02].


Honorary Surgeon.

F. B . L ewis, L . [L C.P . Honorary Secretary.

Superintendent and Hon Treasurer.

G. Locke, lII.R.C . S, 47, W ellington

(l na re, H astings.

Inspector of Stores .

,Vlll. R. Manley, 2, Upp er Park R oad , CorpI. Fren ch. St. Leonards-on·Sea. Officers 2. I ergean t 1. Corporals 2. Pl'ivaLt·s 16. Total e ffective 21. Drills held 47. Average attendance 10 ' 19. Helll ovals 33 . Oases a.ttended not on public duty 79. Annual re-examination, 20th March. Members passecllS. Did not appear 1. Medallions 21. ursing certificates ] 2. R egnlation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 19 men. Material: Ashforu litter 3 stretchers bavres~c, ~arryiJ?-g sheet, ~o~lI:niquets,. ~~lints, bandages, etc., 20 em~rgen cy cases; vested ill Committee of DIVISlOll. DIVISIon supported by public subscriptions.

"Elsinore," Yentnor, I sle of ,right.


)1. Willialll on. ;\lerl'O\l' D elle, Guil(lfo ld. Inspector of Stores.


(Ten Ambulance Die/siuns.) Officer 19 . ergeants S. Privates 155. Total effective 1 7.

Superinte ndent.

::II. D .

[Formed 15. 6. 99.J

Chief Superintendent.


F. R. Ru,' ell,



[Formed 7. 7.9 ].


Honorary Surgeon .

A. Bank,

Super inte ndent.

F.ll.C.~ .

W. R ead, \Yelhrood Lodge, report recei \'0(1. )

.,. 0


II F_\1)-QlJ,\ n

l'EJ\.' :

Pri 1'<\ te :2:2.

J. A. Oatlty, Castle treet, Yictoria Road, Ea t Cowe . T otal elrcl:tinl ~-:l .

(I. W. CORPS ) NEWPORT DIVISION. IIL\J)-Q -_u: rhHs: Tu\\':-; IL'l.LL, Honorary Surgeon .

O. J.

[Formed 7.7.99 .]


E\\"Lll. ::ILH.C'.S.

o !liter'~.

[Formcd19.~. 90.J



Super intende nt.

TlIOIllP~UII, lIl. ILI'.S.


To\\,:-; IbLL, EAST COWE . .

Hon . Surgeon .

II. \Y.

Corporals 5.

1st Officer.

.T. "\\? Gibb', Oliyia.,




'larellce Rd. , N c\\"port, I:; le of\\,igh t. Hono rary S ecretary.

Hon . Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores .

Pte. J. O. \\ illial\1', Pte. F. Peach , Pte. F. P1I1I10ck. 60, lal'eme Roa.d, Se\\"p'Jrt, l Ie of ,right. omccrs 3. Pri\'ate 20. Toral ffectiye 23. I n'rease sillce la t report 6. Drill ' h eld 3:1. ~\.\'emge nttcnlance. U. C~l'es attended 011 pnblic unt,\'~. Remol'<tl 31. Cu:>e' attelllieu lloL 011 pllbl~c dnty 22. Annual in·pection. 1 th Augn ·t. T otll O!l par<1de 13. Ab 'ent With leave ~. ,Vi lhout le;.I·e 1. Annual re-exalllinn.tioll, :2:ith "' pt. Members pJ. ell 19. Did not app"ar 3. 10llallioll' 15. :r lll':;ing certificate 13. Re~nlation uniform worn by :2 Ulti ce r.~, ancl 1~ men. )[aterial.: nlllbnlan e wagol?, htter, . tr~tcher , l'ng3, carrying ch li l', hampers, hctvl'e ltC';, pllnt" etc., \'e Led 1Il I 'le 01 "\\ Ighc Centre. Dil'ision snppol'teJ by public ub~cl'iptioll. . ... The 1)"1, t year In been one of (llliet useful work, the ?ffiClency. of the I?1\'1 'lOn bcing \\,r,ll 1I111.inLained . The mcmber are taki ng gre~tel' lI~ terc't III the unlls and pt'J.etices, etc., each when called up 11 to render first ~ud hwe done so to the satisfaction of the metl ical pl'i1.cti tioner and the pll blic. Dr. Th om p '011 h~~ again d evotet l much Lime and trouble to the Dil'i:;ion , hi COlll"C ol lecture bell1g well attenrlccl and mu ch apprec ittted. Th e year 1m again been a .,'ery busy ?ne in tran p or t work, th e amulllt1llce wagon luwi ng been u ed 31 tune ', the dl tunce covered being 443 milcs . I am pl ea eel to report the attendallce ~t the annual r e-exam ination and in. pection wa Illuch better this year, t he latter belllg hel d on a more cOllvenient day for th e members than 1I nal.

St. J ohn A mbtdance B1'igade.



[Form ed . 5.9 5.]

St. J ohn A 1not/,lance B rig(.ule.

(I.W. CORPS) ST. JOHN 'S (RYDE ) DIVISION. [Formed 10.11.1900.)


S uperintendent.

Hon . Surg eon .

A. Banks,

E. V . .Matthe " s.

F . R.C.S .

Officer 4.

o-:Cl'geant 2.

Pri,ates 23.



L. L. Preston,


H EAD-QL\.llTEll :


B. :U.


Hon. Secretary.

Pte. W. B. Bro\rn .

[Formed 2·1. 10.03.] ,\ ~DU\YK.


R. Pitt, N orth


treet, o..;aotlo\\l1, I.'Y.

Inspector of Stores .

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. W. Kcntfield .

Pte. J. TewLery.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. PriYates 13. Total dl'lctiYe le. D eerea e ince la t report 2. Drills beld 14. Avernge aHClldal1ce 11. Cases attended not on public duty 6. AllDual inspection, 1th Ang. 'Total on llarade 12. Absent with leavc 1. 'Without leave 5. Anllual re·ex: 1minatiol1, 2!lth Au g. Members passed 13. Did not aPi ear 4.. Medallions 12. 'msillg certificates 2. Material: 3 stretcl1ers, llOod Ul!d apron, 2 surgical lw\ ]'(~a\:., hnm}lcr, chair, splints and bandage. , \C, led in lhc Committee of Di\ i ·ion. Di,i~ion SUj pOl ted hy members' subscription. The diyision although showing a sligllt decrea e i in a catifnctOl'Y cOllllitioll, alld few recruit are nece .. ary to n l:lke tlle Lllill · and }ll actices n .Ol e u~ellll. Dming the year the division ha,e entered three Competiticn. , \\ inning Ollce . A lJlOll~st the mo t important case attended to \\'ere comminuted flactlll'e of leg aud fra<:lmcd rib.

In spector of Stores.

Offi cers 2. ergeant 1. COl'poral1. Privates 16. 'fotal effective 20 . I ncrease iucc la t report 3. Drill' held 30. Annual inspection, 1 t h Aug. T otal 011 pa1[Hie 9. Au cnt \\'iLhont leave 11. Annual examination, 6th ept. Member pa sell 11. Did not appear., . Medallions 11. Nul' ing certificates ~1. HcgnlaLion uniform \y orn by 2 Ollicel's. 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, anu 16 men. Mater l.al : tretcher, ha\'l'esac., water bottle., etl'., n~te(l in Committeeof Divi ion. DivislOU snpported by 'ubcril'tiOllS and llonlllion '. No eriolls ca e of acciLlpllt htl occUl'l'ell in the tIi tricL dming the year, but se,eral case ' of millor importance have be('n atteude(l l,y melllbtJr of the diyiion. Five new members have joinerl the !li\'i~ioll, aml two have :esigueLl. One ll1an itill erYing with the Con~ta.bu1n.ry in "'onth j.fl'ica .


(I.W. CORPS ) SHANKLIN DIVISION. [Formed 11.2.01.) T . PA1;L"




B.\.iI~Ll~ .


. 13assano, Oflleers 2.

[ForIlled 24..5.95.)



Hon. Surgeon.





ergeant 1. ~Xo

H. Comey, Fairlawn, Yentnor.

Pri\'ate 10. Total effective 13. rcport recci\'C,l.)

(1. W. CORPS ) WEST COWES . [Formed 3 . . 1900.]

,I'. ' H EAD'QlTARTEllS :

'Y. 'tockham, Elmfie1d, Ryde. Pte. j, J ame .


Honorary Surgeon .


Supt. and Hon . Secretary.


'Total effectiyc 29.

T . J on~'~,


Ho n. Surgeon and Treasurer.

(No report received .)



In Ch arge.

Hon . Surgeon.

Pte. E. E. Biuill, 'Terrace Road, Wet Co we .

Tockoltl;l, L. n.C.l'. Ollicer 1.

Total efrccti\'e ~.J.

Pli\aLe. 23.

Hon. Su rgeon.

J. Cowper, Supt. and Hon . Secreta ry.

C. H.

nook, West Hill, Shanklin, I.W.



In spector of Sto res and Hon . Tr eas.

Pte. R. H. Enight.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 19. Toial effective 24. I ncrease since last lelJolt 7. Drill s held 35 . AYe13ge atielldullCe 12.3. AllDu al inl:'pection, 18th All~. Total on }Jarade 16. Ahstut " ith leave . AllllUal r e'examinaticll , 2 th ept. M mbels pr·s ed 19. Did llOt apl 'ear 4 . .11ctlalliol1.' ]5. S ervice badges 5. Nmsing certificates 11. Regulation llniiOln' " Olll 1)), 1 Ofiic r, 1 sergeant, 2 cOlporall:', and 14 men. Material: litter, 4 str tehers, 4 haY1 ~acs, bath chair, Rplints, \\':tt er bottles, rn g, etc ., vested in COlllmittee of' Division. Divi5ion sup}Jorted by lllfllluer5' SULSCliptiune, procceds of concerls, oncl cloJlation . even lJew lllcm LeI'S have . .The divi.sion contiDlles to make satisfactory progress. Jomed durmg th e J ear. Th e attelldance at drill has heen " ell maintailJed. lTir:::t aid.. ~as .been rendered on several occasions. Through the gcnerosity of a lady resldll1g m the towIl, a velY haICclsome silver cup "as givcn for Comp tilion. 'I li e Competition took place in N ovember, 1!-104 , open to the divisi0ns of' tll e I s]e of Wight Corps. Seven t eams compe ted and \y e had the }JleasUl e of being l ,]aced filst and Recond Owing to the I nspection of Corps tnkillg place in Augu st, s vcn of the m embers were unable to attend, Augu st beillg the m ost uusy mouth in the year at Shanklin.

lFonncd 9.1.1900.]

Hon . Secretary and Inspector of Sto res.

Pte. 1'. Jellkill, \Yro\:nll, Ill' of ,Yight. l'rgeaul :2.

Plinltes 9.

Total efrectiYt~ 11.

1'I1a1e1'i[l,1: 2 t1'etchcrs, llanc -,lc, \'{3te11 III .J.A../L members' suuscl'ipLioll '. (No rl'port rccciyed.)

Diyi ion


llpportcd by


HlU D-Qu.\ nTEI~ ' : illlLL 13.\Y " L\'TIO~, PLDlOUTII .

Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

W. II. W ebber,


J. A. 11ott, 1~ "'mcaton'Terrllce, Plymouth. 1st Officer.

G. P. Hobliu . Offi cers 3. erg ant 1. Co1'pOlal1. Prinlte <. . Total crrectiYe ] 3. D ecrease slnco la t report 12. Drill hel!] ~ J. Avernge ntlcmlaJlco 5. RemoYal- 4. Cases attenLled not OIl public duly 71. Annu:11 ill peclioll, 15th Aug. Total on


St. J ohn Amb'LdCi?1Ce B1 igCicle. o

parade 4. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 7. Annual re-examination, Mal'. Members passed 10. Did not appear 2. Medallions 7. Service badaes 5. Reaulation uniform worn by 2 Offi cers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 6 men. Material: 2 stJ?etchers, littel, 2 havresacs, splints, and 2 water bottles, etc . , vested in G. '\T.R. Di,Tision supported by members. It is to be regletted that the number of meJllbol's of this division has decreased n-hich is not altogether the mon's fault n. they could not attend; but good and useful work has been done.


[Formed 29 .1 0.95. J


R. H. Grimbly,

J. J. erase,lII.n.c.S .


Su perintendent.

\Y. Jewell, 11, Lindcn T errace, 1:\ e\vton .A bbot. Honorary S ecl'etary.

Inspector of Stores.

Oorpl. J. Rice, 42, Hilton Road, Newton Abbot.

1st Olass I ergt


Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Privates 70 . Total effective 77. I ncrease since l[\,st report 38. Drills held 38. Average attendance 28. Cases attendeu on public duty 63. Removals 19. Cases attencleu not on public cluty 102. Annual inspection, 17th Sept. Total on parade 36. Absent with leave 30. Without leave11. Annual re-examination, 12th 'ept. l\lemoerspassetl29. Dicl not appear 47 . Medallions 18. Regulation ulliform wom by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 29 men. Material: litter, 7 stretchers, station erluipment box, 7 havresacs, splints, bandages, etc., vested in Oommittee of Division. Division supported by voluntary donations . The division is still increasing allcl has had a most successful year. Our numbeJ~ have increased r(J.I)idly, and \Ye had great pl(:asure in congratulating our Superintendent on forming a Oorps hero anLl receiving the rank of Ohief uperintendent. Our duties are also rapidly increasing, ancl great interest is shown in the work by the members. The Freeborn Ohallenge Bowl was again competed for, and after another very hard fight was l'etl1ineu by last year's winller. The Fire Brigaue with grel1t eourtesy have connected two or our men to their hcacl-cluarters by telephone, o that we are now able to tum out to all " lire calls. " The inspection was helu by the D eputy Cummissioner who was pleascd with the appearance of the men anu their ,,·ork.


Honorary Treasurer.

Officers 3. Sergfants 4. Ol)rporals 7. PriYates 45 . Total cfTectivc 59. Increase since last report 7. Drill h eld 49. Average attendancc 27.39. Oases attenueu on .public. duty 2. Removals 11. Ca es attended not on public du~'y 133 . Annuallllspecbon, 30th. ept. Total on parade 42. Absent ,,-itll leave . Wltho~lt leave 9. A~1Jlnal l'e- exam inatio..l1, .20th Ja,~l. Members passed 117. 1\I~dal1lUns 31. Sel'vlCe badge 3. 1\ llr. ll1g certificate. 26. Regulation um,rorlll worn by 3 Offi cers, 4 sergeant, 7 corporals, n,ncl 32 men. lIiaterial: 3 htters, 10 stt,p~chel':3, 9 hlankets, 12 water bottle, 12 havresacs, splints a11 cl band~ges,. vested In Lf) cal COlnmittee of Centre. Division supported hy Yoluntal'Y COll tnbu tions. The strength of the division is maintained. Its efficiency is prove(l hy the fact that a squad was .selected ont of the " 'hole of No.2 District to C'Ol1lpetc in London for the Dewar Slneld; and although they ,,-ere not successful in carryiJ1(f off tl lC coverted Trophy y~t they took a "ery creditable place at the contest. Thet> number of cases of first altl attended (133) and of rem ovals (11) speaks for it elf. The thanks of the Officers and men are dne to the Urhan Oouneil for rrrantinCf thcm the free use of a hall in which to drill. b 0 [Formeu as a Division, 5.1. 89 .

H EAD-QuAnTER.· : 138,




Pte. H. Knight.



St. J ohn A rrnbulCince BTigade.

Reformed 1.10. £18. ]


Ho norary SUI'geon.

T. F. Thorpe Woodstock.

A. U. El more, )r.n.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

T. Ashfonl.

T. Ashford, "W oodstock.

Officers 2: prgeant 1. UOl'poml1. Primtes 9. Total effective 13. Decrea e ince In.st report 6. Drills helLl 24.. Average attendance 6. Cn fS attended on public duty 7. Oases attended not on public <luty 1. Annual in pec, tion, 17th 'ept. Total 011 pa,l'l1{lc b. Absent with leuye 3. Without leave 5. AUllualre-extLll1ination, Jth April. :Members passetl 11. Dill not appeal' 1. Medallions 1. Nursiucr certilicates:2. Regn1t1tion uniform \VOl'll by 1 Officcr, 1 sergeant, D 1 corporal, and 3 mcn. Ma.LCJ'H1.1: snrgieal ht1.\·rl' 'ac, stretcher, . plint , 2 blankets, etc ., vested in Oommittee of Division. Di\'i 'ion upported by voluntary contributions, concert, etc. Dlll'in" the past year the tli"i ·ioll ha lost two or three usefnl members by removal to other towns. ulIlcricallv the {li\'i~ioll i now at a very low ebb, but the few who do still belong axe all gooll iiI' ,t aill men, energetic antl hard working. PORTSMOUTH AND DISTRICT CORPS.


[Re-formed 5.05.J

HEAD-QU_\.RTlms: PORT·)[()UTH.

C hief S uperintendent.

Ch iet Surgeon .

T. E. Foort, 138, High I'treet, Oxforu.

Surgeon-Ool. O. Knott, V. D. , :1'I.H.C.S., Liz YiUe, Elm Grove, Southsea.

( Two Ambulance Divisions) .

Officers 3.

S ergeants 3.

Oorporals 4.

Privates 79.


[Formed 1.10.98].

HEAD-QuAPslms: 138, HIGn STREET, OXFOnn.

OIIieers 10.

Sergeants 25. Corporal 1. rrivate. 216. Nursing Officer~ Nursing sister' 48. Total etTective 303.


[Formed 5.05.J

Honoral' y Surgeons.

L. K. Hackman, lILll.C.S.

Honora ry Surge on.

J. R. O. Freebom. Superinte nd e nt and Hon . S ec.

Inspector of Stores.

F. D earle, 138, High Street, Oxford.

R. G. Scars brook.

O. A. S. Ridout, F.R.C.S.

Chief Supel' intendent and Hon . T reas.

1st Offi ce I'.

2nd Officer.

Ohief Oonstable A. '1'. Prickett, Town Hall, Portsmouth.

J. loss.

O. J. U. Olemill on.



St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigacle. 3 r d Offi ce ,-.

4th Offi ce r.

Hon. S e c. and Insp ecto r of Stores.

J. Moss, Town H all, POl tsmouth. Officers 7. Sergeants 23. Corporal1. Privates 198. Total efl'ective 229 . Cases attended on public duty 144. Removals 114. Cases attended llOt on public duty 14. Medallions 55 . Material: horse ambulance carriage, 7 litters, and 7 stretchers, first aid appliances at all stations, vested in Police authority . Division supported by Police authority. H . Taylor.

S. Dorey .


Honora ry Surgeon .

J . 1I1alpas, M.ll,C.S. , 84, Fawcett Road, Southsea. Sergeants 2. Privates 1 . Total effective 22. (No report received.)

F. W . ,Vay, M.n.c.s. Officers 2.


[Formed 30. 10. 02.J H EAD-QUARTERS: RADSTOCK. In Ch arge.

Honorary Surgeon.

R. G. Worger, M.R. C.S.

Pte, G. H . Street, Vernon Villas, High St. , Mill Norton, Bath. (N 0 report received.)

RAMS GATE (KENT) CORPS. [Formed 18.6.99.] HEAD-QUAUTERS: DRILL HALL, YOlt]( STREET, RAMSGATE. C hief Su perinten d en t .

C. Cotton, F.R.C.P., 42, Spencer Sqt;are, Ramsgate. ( FOU1' A?nbttlance D ivisions). Officers 8. Sergeants 8. Corporals 3. Privates 91 . (One N1brsing Division). Officers 3. Nursing sisters 16. Total effective 129. I ncrease since last report 8. Annual inspection, 21st Sept. Total on parade 63. AbfOent with leave 42, Without leave 24. Corps snpporteu by Ramsgate Centre, public subscriptions and ,Yatch Committee of Town Council. T he Corps is steadily growing, and generally is in a high state of efficiency. By the formation of a section at St. Peter's and Broadstairs the town eli vision has con siderably increased its numbers, all the members of which are well trained ambulance men, and as snch have done good work. Drills and field practice have been continued as in former years. The nursing divisio n still continues doillg excelJent work allJ its influence is most beneficent and is of untold atlvantage to the sick pOOl' among t whom 4026 visits have been paid. Th e police divi ion excel in am bulance drill, and do excellent ,york when called upon to render fir, t aid. It is greatly regretted that the division as a whole is not efficient according to Brigade regulations on accollnt of no re-examination having been passed by the members. The n: inimU111 re(luired for" efficiency" is such, that with but little more interest anu management the w.h?l~ of this imp.ortant division would be in a high state of efficiency. The railway dlVlslon have agalll shown what men may do by sheer hard and continuous work, by their ability to win competitions-their practical work is distinctly good. All the stores are in good and serviceable condition, and the ambulance depots are maintained as usual in the to,,'l1 and railway stations, with an additional one at the General Hospital.


F . ,Vooc1s, l\LR. C.S. 1s t Officer.

H . Creedy .

Sup e r inte nd e nt.

W . B. Jones, Chief Constable's Offlce, Ramsgate. Ho n. S ecretary.

H . R Thornton, Ohief Constable's Office, Ramsgate.

St. J ohn Amb ulance Brigade.


Officers 3. Sp-rgea nt~ 5, Private:; 41. Total eff13ctive 50. Iil"rea'ie since la'lt report 1. D rills h eld 26. A verage attendance 18. Cases atten le(l on pnhlic (lnty 0, R Olli wed" 62. A'lnllal inspe.:tion, 21st Sept. Total on p t!'lele ~1. A.1):;ent with leave 26 . .Ma, l dlion~ 42. 11 tterial: 2 li tte rs, 2 stretchers, an 1 dres'3ing c.:L'le, ve'3ted in R Lm'igate C rporation. Division supported by Watch Committee. Thn s~rvices l'en(lered by the division hwe been to p er.wlls who hwe m'}t with ac~ident'J in the stl'eets, the vicinity of the Royal H Lrbonr an,l the sands. In 22 c l.S13S the inj mel have been remove.! by litter to the local hospital, or to their o\\'n homes.

(R AMS GATE CO RPS ) RAILWAY DIVISION. [Forme 1 26.4.98.] HinD QUAllTER..': • r. G[I;ORGE'.' GYM~ASLU~I, RUBG\TE. Hon. S ecreta ry.

Ho n. S urgeon an d S upt.

G. Cross, l>LU.C.S., 7, Chapel Place, Ra ll1sga teo


Sergt. G. W. Fearn, Wiostanley Crescent, Rlmsgate.

Office r 1. • crgcant 1. COl'poral1. Privates 12. Total effective 15. Drill ' helll 13. A\'erage attenrlu.nce 11. Annud.l inspection, 2ht Sept. Total Oil parade 5. Ab'lent with Ie ve 10. Annua.l re-exu,min'1.tion, 17th and 21th ?lIay. M ' mb ' l's pts. ell U. Ml.terial: 2 stretchers, haVl'eS'lC, splints and bau,lages, vested in S.E. & C. H,u,ilw.1Y Company. Division npported by Rlilway CJmpn.!1y to a limitee[ excent. The wor k of this clivi :ou 111.'> b len very satisfactory t11rouJho'lt the year. A lll.l'g,) nllmher of l'lilw,Ly CJ. e have b~en att13111e 1 tLt R<l.m'l~pte and llhrga.te. Th e divi-;ion W,tS sncr.e . rul in a'~i1in winnincr the ~a t Ke:lt Ulnllenge Bowl for the second yen.r in sn~ce ~ion, a.ud gain')ll second lllace in the ". E. & C. Hailway Com petition.


E. Fisk, l>f. D. F. Brightman M.ll.C.il. Inspector of S tores.



F. Clark.


[Formed 2 .4.91.] STltEli:r, R .uI GATI!:.

S uperintendent and Hon. S ec.

F. ,V. Conconi, 17, N elson Crescent, RamsJate. Hon. Treasurer.

E. Fisk, )f.D.

'crgear.t 1. Corporal 3. Privates 3!. Total elfective ·n. Offieel" 3. In crease since last re\lol't 13. Drill ' held 50. Av erl1ge attenlLtnce 13. Col es attenclell on puulic llnt.y 2. l~elllovals 23. 0 Lse. attended not 011 public duty 33 . Annu ·l.l in peeLion, 2l~t ept. TottLl 011 p 'u,<~da 20. Ab ent with out leave 21. Allnu t~l re-ex: 'tl1liu'ltion, 15th ~hy. Members p'1.<; e 1 :2. Dill not appear 11. l\1e(l:t1 lions 21. Service bt~elge U. :r m" i llg certificate 5. HI~gl1lation uniforlll \VOl'll by 2 Ollicer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 2:3 men. Ma.tel'ial: 1 Jitter, G stretchers, 5 havr esae', tent, (wheeled litters allel tretchel" are kept in the TOlyn Hall aurl Police 'tatioll, all(l stretcher. at the Towll u,nrl fIarb ol1l' tution, ane! at four depot'll, "esLed ill n. ,lln 'g,~te Centro, St.J.A. A. Di\'isioll snpporced by fe e~ and public ub eriptiollS. The clilrision is still thoroughly elfic ient, and by the formation of a ection at St. P dter's and Broad 'tail's, the llnmb13r ' have inCl'e:l ed very con ·itl el'a.bly. Be'ides the usnal weekly drills the divi'ion has hatll1 good deal of out of tloor pra.etiee; a "call" was a.1'l'tlnge(l for at t. L'1.\Vren e R:tilw.ty tation on the 6th FehruMY in the evening, and W.LS responded to by 1, Ollico l's and 111 .n of the to\vn and 1 ergeant 0(' the R:~il\Vn.y Division bringing up appliances, tl't.:tcllcr.;, liLtur', etc., ttl' l'iving 15 minutes from Lh e receipt or the telogram, though the station i ' over one, mile from head-qnarters. In April the tlivision hat! a ma.rch ont with the Arttllery Volunteers, but on this oceaSiO(l so few of the ambnltlllee mon attendeu that nothing practical was attempted. On Ea tel' Uonclay l~ li eld pmetice wa arranged for with

St. J ohn A ?nb1.,Llance B?'igacle.

St. J ohn A rnbulance BTigade.

the Dl1l'siug division, and the CanterLnry ambulance division at NeLher Court, ancI some good practIce was had in the ,yay (,f drill ann first aid work. On May 20th the division turned out on the ani\'al of the East Kent Mount eu Rifles ("100 strollg) under Col. Lord Ranis, G.o.s.I., for theil annual training at TI nmi'gate, and 111)011 the request of Lonl Hanis the amhulance efluipment and stcres were placeLl at hi ' lordship's disposal Llming the yi it, the Yeoll1alll'Y being without their l\l elliea l Officer. Dnty "'as undertaken at the East Kent Agricultural 110"- in July, allel during that 11Ionth field parades were held " 'eekly at Southwood. At LIte Church Parade at Canterbury 160 of all ranks attended the service at the Ca.thedral, Ihe special preacher being the Rural D ean of 'Yesthere . Thirtee n Oflicers amI lllen altendec1 from Ralllsgate includillg the Chief llpel'intendent who " 'as in comlllallll of the parade.

Officer.s 2. ,ergeant l. Corporals 3. PriYates 29. Total effective 35. I ncrease Slllce last report 17. Drill s held 47. Averaue attendance 8 Cases attellde~ 011 p~lblic duty 5. Hemovals 10. Cases atteDd~d not on pnblic'duty 35. AnnuallnspectIoll, 25th ept. T otal o~ parade 32 . Annual re-pxamination 25th Sept. Members passed 31. Mellalliolls 6. Regulation uniform "'Ol'll by 1 Officer 2 ~e:~eants, 4 cCirporals, and 7 men. Material ve£:ted in Diyisional Committee: DI VISIon supported by VOlUll tary C011 tribu tiOllS. _The d_ivis~on has pa . ed througl~ a very snccessful year, and the efficiency has been "ell mallltamed. A Challenge ~u.p. has been. procured and will be competed for anu?ally by memb~rs of the (hvlSlon. PublIc duty has been lJerformed at the AgrIcultural. how In June, also at the ,Vhibiuntiue failS at Redruth Pool and t.~ay. erVlCe has also been again rendere!l in serious mine accidents at v,'hich one senon~ ca~e of devressed fract~ll~e .of the skull was treated and the patie~t removed to ~he Mll1elS HO.'IJltal. Th e dlV]. IOn are DOW occupying very commodious premises ~n tl~e centre of th~ tO\,n, and t~le equipment is well up to the demands made upon It. .1 he ,~or~( done IS well recoglll 'ed by the public, ,,,ho continue to help financially. It IS grattfYlllg to report a big increase in the membership, and steps are beiDu taken to place the new members in the regulation uniform. n



S uperintendent.

Hon o rary S urgeon .

F, E. Meade, )l,R.C.S.


alt, 23, Cavert;ham Road, Readilig.


1st Officer, Hon. S ec. and Treas u rer.

T. P. Chard . Officer~

F. 1st Officer.

Inspector of S tores.

Corpl. Beaulllor:t, 223, Ca\'el'SIHllll Road.

Sergeants 4. Corporals 7. Privates 64:. Total efrectiYe 7fl. I ncrease since last report 13. Drills held 44. A verage attendance: 32. Cases attended on public duty 3l. Removal 3. Cases attended llOt 011 public duLy 115. Annual inspection, 231'd June. Total on l'awde 43. Absellt with lca\e 12. Without leave 24. Annual re-examination, 1 th and 25th May. :Jiel1lheIS pa~sed 57. Failed 3. Did not appear 1. Medallions 30. ,en-ice badges 14. Nmsillg certilicate:; 21. Regulation llIliform \Yom by 4 Otlicers, <1 sergeants, 7 corporals, and 20 men . 'Material: litter, 6 stretchers, havresacs, water bottles, bandage "illd e!', splints and bandages, vested in Committee of the Division. Division sl1PIJortcd hy mem bel'S and contriuu tions. The members during the year have she" n yery keen interest in the ,york of the divUou, which each year is becoming more appreciated by the puhlic. In Decelll Ler last a house to house amI street collection was organised by which an alllOl1nL of £35 was collected. During the year the division bas been very fortunate in obt.tining the services of F. Elliott Meade, Esq., M.R.C .• '., as their H onorary urgeon who devotes a great amount of time and energy in connection with the chills of the division, as a result of which efficiency in all ranks will be maintainell. Pnhlic dnty has been unllertaken during the year on th e following occasions :-1\Jarden Erlegh Steeplechases (4 days), Temperance and Pinley Fetes, Reading Toml and Working Men's Regattas (3 days), large meetings at Town Hall allll Newbury Races 2 days) .




Hon , Sec. and Treasurer.

C. 'Y. Elli., JO, High, 't reet,

el'gt. L. H. Dellce, 20, l\e\\' Road, 'i tt ill g UOUl'll e.

'ittingbourne .


Inspector of Stores.

Pte. A. Allbeny. Officers 2. ,\:l'geants 2. CorJloral 2. Pl'irates 21. Total efrective 27. D ecleaseiuce la.st rel/ort 2-1. Drill. held 23. Ayerage atteudaDc(l15. Ca es attellclc(~ Oil p.uullC duty 9. Remoyal· I. Case attenc1eclllot Oll public duty 23. AnnnaIlllspectloll, 21 t 'ept. Total on parade 12. Ab ent \\ ith lea\'e 10. Without leaye5. AUllnalre-?xaminatioll, 3nl Aug. l emLer pa ·.. ecl H. Faileu 2. Dic1l1ot appea,r 10. l\lcdalhOlls 11. Nur 'ing certificate 1. l{egnlatioll uniform ,rom by 2 Ollleer ', 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 7 lllen. laterial:" Rea-Eclwalds" litter, ~ 'tretc.hers, .J~~':resac, hanljl.er, CalTyi~l~ ~ltair, bell tent, ~plint '. baDdage~, etc., \ested. Ill. Dn lSlOnal COlllullltee. DI \'l IOU llj1porteLl by publIc and member' 8U bsen l' hOllS. There i ' .a sligh t decrease in llum bel' thi yeal' lmt the efficiency i till improyinu. , e ~·entlenou.s ea e' han~ been atlend?c1, i.l1cluLling 4 remoYclls to London ho pitaf. It I hopell WIth the new cla 's 1I0W helllg tonned to be ablr. to report an increa e in number next year.

ST. IVES (CORNWALL) DIVISION. [Formed 20.5.02.] lIE _\lHlt',\I~TEI~S: Till'; HUIG_\DE ROO~I, , 'r. I\ ES.

Hon . Surgeon .

J. M. Ticholl,


S uperintendent.


II. R. Hill, Fore treet, 'to h e .


Su pe r inte nd e nt.

Honora ry Surgeon.

F, H ichens,

~LD .

R. J. Parsons, 33, Fore Street, RedlllLh. Honorary S ec reta ry.

CorpI. G. W. BurreUs, 7, Fore Street, Rec1rnth. Inspector of Stores.

Honora ry Treasurer.

Corp1. S. James.

J. Wickett.


Hon. Surgeon.

C. H . Johnson, ,Yest View, Priory Av enue, CaVel'Shalll. 2nd Officer.




Inspector of S tores.

J. Cooper, Th e 'tullio, t. I yes.


E. W.


Hon. Treasurer.

ergt. J. 'lc\·ens. Omc~rs 2. Sergeun t 1. Corporal 1. Pl'iYat e 21. Total eIrective 25. Iu crease SInce la t rcport 7. DrilL held 36. .A Yerage attendance 14. Remoyal 1. Ca ·cs atte11l1ed not on. public duty 25. A1llll1al in pection, 29th ept. Total on l 'arnc/o 1 . Ab 'ent WIth leaye 1. ,Vithout leaye 6. Annual re-examination, 29th


St. J Oh17 ..Amlndm'lcc B?'1g{(cle.



cpt. Mem 1)er pa 'sed . Did not appenr 1 G. :r.I e<lall ions 7. 11 oguIn Lion tmirorm worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeallt, 1 corporal, ancl 13 l1len. Materinl: 3 f'lreLellers, 3 hn,resacs, water hottles, knee-cap, splillts, baJ1(l~tges, and rOOl1l fllnlit Ille, vesteel iu the Committee of the Divi . ion . Division S\111110rt('(1 Ily voluntary fOntlbC'liptiollS, u]1plemenled by allowance from C011ncil ofCr, 5s. ycnrly. The work of the divi"ion throughout the year has IJccll salisfactory. Atbtchcd to the division nrc a large 11\1m1Jer of Ilshermcn, :tJl(11.lIese take a great inlcn'st in the drills and also iiI'S!' aid.work. This knowledge have proycd of great yallle to them. Th e cases attenr1ed to dnring the year 1Ia\'c IJCelJ fcwer than previonsly. 011P case of removal was carried out and a complimclltary tcstimonial l'ecC'ivccl from lhe doclor who reccived tIle palient.

SOUTHAMPTON DIVISION. Honorary Surgeon (Acting).



P. FrasPI',


Ill';'" IJ-QUA Il'l'J'; II::; Hon . Surgeon .

. II. Forbci;,

[For1l1cd 1905.J

Hon . Treasurers (Acting).

,· r.;

Hon. Surgeon , Supt., and Hon . Treas.


C. lL F. LnLwidge, Shalleloll TUllbridge \VedIs. '

1st Omccr.

Inspector of Stores.

J. Lesler.

,'crgl. W. 1<'. MuffeLL.

Hon . Treasurer.

l'te. C.


WARE (HERTS .) DIVISION . lFonll(oll lII' ,\II -f.i. l .\J~·J'l'.o·l·• .·

IIL~J"'" ...,., v.,

II A [,I" A ;II \I'g[,L ]'.... II, \ \' AIlE.

Superlnlcndcnt and Hon . Secretary. I.


Inspector of Stores.

J. lJe\\'lmrr, l<'mllcis Hoad, \\'arc.

l'le. A. W. J\(lalJlS.


r,HI1'TJ(J' Hc)()\\, ·.


Hon . Secrelary.

J. O. nicLallnaJlan, L.n.c.p., F. DaviR, The Mount, Stollchouse, Clos. Regent f:)lrC'('t, StOIlr.IIOllSC. Officer 1. Privates 32. Total efJ'(:eti vc 33 . Drill s h eld 27. Average atten(laTlce 21. CaRC., nLLpJ1(lerl )lot 011 pHI,lie duly 11. Annual inspection, 29th Sept. ToLal 0)1 parn(le 25. Allf;Cllt with leave 8. Allnual re-examination, 25th Aug. 1Ilellll)crs )laflR('cl 30. Di(l lInt apjlPar ~. Medallions 6. Material: 6 streteJlel'S, 2 flnrgicaJ llavresacs, 2 cun vas havJ('s:IC'l with bandages, 4 water IJottIes, sjJlillts, BrigadC' flag, YcstcIl in COll11nitleC' of tllc Di vision Division Sll ]IjJorted volunlary Rll hscri ]ition s. Great interest ltafl heen shown l)y the lIlemllcrs, thc (hills llave 1Jf'Cll \\'cll aUeJHlecl, and good progress marle. The Ins!,ccLing Officer Jlighly cOlllplilll(,lllNI the HiC·n 011 their smartness ancl knowle(lge of Llleil' work There were six "(lecrertsr.s" elnrillg the year, chiefly police wllo wpre movce1 to oLller clistrictR, 1J1lt lIille "illc:rcafJ('s" compensated for thesc. Tlle most important caRe for tIle year O(:clllTcd a,t a, fire ill Strond, where one of thc nlcnl1)crs, P. G. lJan ce, reflcllecl 5 w01l1cn from tIle roof alld rendered first aiel to two wllo were badly lJUrnec1, anll conveyed them to hospital. lIe obtained the 1n'0llze medal of the Society for thc Protection of Life frolll Fire Ullel £1 Is. A very successful Dramatic Performance was Ile111 cllnillg Ule yelLr by wllich the funels of the division were eonsi elel'al)ly augmented.


Superintendenl and Hon . Secrelary.



Bevois TOWll, ' oulhalllpton, Officers 2. ,'ergeu,nt 1. Corporal1. PriYales 43 . Tolal rrectiyp J7. Drills held 11. Average aLLencJ :wce 20 . Cases atiPJJ(lerl on plllili c (lnly O. Cases attended not on public duty 58. Annllal insll('C'iioll, ] 9lh Aug. ToLaloll )lrtrarlc 2J. AlJ. ent with lleave 3. \Vit.!l out leave 20. Medallions 19. Nursing cel'!i(icate 7. Di vi ion Sl1 pportec1 hy tll e jill bl if'. This division of the Briga(le haviJIg he n in exisLence for a few JIloJIt,lls only tllcre is very little to comment upon. The first (hill was hel(l Oll thC' l'lLll of ~lay, ] 905, and from then till now the \\'ork has l)een carrie(l ont under c1ifTicullie.,. Thill tlley will be surmounteu we have no douht IH1t not till jlubliC' intcrcst klf; IJ('('n nronse(l and financial airl secnree1. Tllis is IH.oing graclllally accol11]1Ji~hec1. Tl)(' J11C'1l11lCrS shew a keen inlerest in ille work anel C'onsiclcrillg that ille (]rill s Jwve l)eClI conell1clccl mostly without strr.tcllcrs, Uley arc J1Iaking stpa<ly progress. j'C'1'111111IC'llt hC'rt(lquarters have ]lot yet l)een seClJr(~el , ])C'goti:ltio1JS now pcneling. It is lloprcl UIAt when the next report is due the c1iviRion 1\ ill be well fleJ'l'ec1 wiLli IJoxe of I1l'l'linnc(,9, stretchers and stretcher siations. 0 mccrs hold acting raJ] k ol1ly. A P]lOilltJllCll ts not yet conflrmeel.

lIEAT>-(g:Alt IEI:f>: ,TO:-;EIlU1

TllE TUWN lIALL, 'J'I I'Illll JlJl.J, \VJ~Lr,:-i .


,J. II. Frascr, -;\1. n. amI W. T. Ful forel.


V.lt.r .~.,


" , orn,c.Cl'S 3. .'ergl'al!L 1. Privates 11. Total effective 10. ResOl ~e, I1le1ll1)OI 1. Ill crC'ase SII1(,O lll!;t rcporL 2. Drill!; held 18. Gases attended OIl pu~h( rl~lLy 20,. HClIIOVLLls 04. Uases atLelldcd 1lot 011 public duly 12 ~1 eclallloll':! 12. '(,I' Vl~C IJa:lgcH 2. ItegnlaLioll uniforll1 WOl'll hy ] Officc!', 1 sel'(feant' D~d ..~1 1I1Cll. .luU·llal: 2 stretchcr!;, IJasket, llu,vrcsacs, walcr hoWes vesled in th~ 1~ISlO11 .. ))IV1l:;1011 s~l]ljlorlcc11J'y voluntary sulJscriptiOllS. ' L he l~r!II('~pal ~~C~SI0.W; Oil which, l.hc divisioll has atLel1(lerl 011 Jlllhlic (lilly, lin':': eClI, R. III (Ollile I ) CtllS, at tllc l~rHlrrc Raccs the Aflrieultur'd 'how etc TI ]'e,lI1~~:t,I~,. llllrler .the snpcrinlpIHIl'Ij('e '" of' the Local "~rgeolls, 'ill~rea8e' ill l~umL~~ CVC!) ,}lal. IJIl1"lllg tIll' pa t yeur lltere IluI'e Lleen G4 r;ascs. Tlll'Je wt'l'e 20 Ctt 'es of uocldclIls .al.t~'lIdcI.l Lo while 011 public duly, alJd 12 l10t on public (lilLy. '1'110 'work of llc . dll'ISI011 11ICleascs eyery yoar. The cflicielley of tbe (1' ." " . ,11 lll:lllllallled. 1\ ll:il0U IS '~e

A. Cross, Eton eoltng , nYPr Road, freeman LIe, ,'olll hanljltoll.

Hon. Secretary (Acting).

'Y. T. Fulford, 2, Lower Cedar Road,



Superintendent (Acting).


t. Juhn .A mLiL!-lU/IlCe lJr'iu wte .

1lJ:..\O-(ll ( Honorary Surgeon . U. 1I. H ull, ~r. ll.

.\ItJr',It:-i :

L ' llll:'\I:\, \\' Al

FI)it JJ.

Superi n lenden l.

('. ,J. Pailller, fiO, ,'L

Hon , Secrelary.

W. O. ,'lallley 50, St. JnlJ)()S' Hou.c1, '\'atrord. .

l'll,'I , 11

ll"Ollllcrl '1 .5.01.j


Inspeclor' of Slores.

A. 11. TIlIl.

1st Officer.

Hoarl, Walf'o\(l.

F. \ \'. l'elers.

Hon . Treasurer.

,J. WOOllllall.

0YiC'l'rs:3. GorporuhJ 2. Primll's 1:t. 'rolal C'(Jeclil'C 17. J~etl'crtse SII)(·e. IltsL rcport ,\, Drills lle]ll ~J. A\cI'ngt' aLlellt1!LlIC 11. 'a"S ~LLell(lct~ Ol1jHI!d1C <luty 10. RClIlOvalH ] 5. 'asp" aLtcllded l10L 011 ]lublic duly U I ,111l1ln.,11lIfJ]leclI0I1, 27tll ,'?pL.. Tolal 011 jlu1'Ilde 13. Ahs(,lIl \\'iLlI l!'ILvc~. \\'ithnut M~~~II~' AlIllULLI re-~xallllllal.l?lI, ]ULlI JUIll'. l\hlllbers pHss('cl14. JJitll10t nppl'IH~. 2 e ' 1~11~ fl. ~llrsiJIg c'rtdlculcs G. ItcgulalifJll 1I11irUIllI \\'Ol'1l 11\' 1 Ollic!:I', I ~lPOIUIH, 0,1111 Y 1IIl'1l (baclgps 1I'01'111JY l"('l1milldc·I'). l\lalel'ial: A,<;JI1'oril1ill('1' COll11]1 e (0, Illlccled lIlLer, 3 HLl'eLehcl's, 2 sUl'gical havrcsucs t'ndl JllUlI Ims E:'lllel'" 'JlcyIUVI'f'fHlC ' ] s, Hj' I"l11l<;, cLc., vesLcIl ill Public LilJ\·a)"y. n D' . . ' IL11Ulllso] . I,a VO Sll}>[l )Y 0(. 111{1. telltl IVIfHOIl slll>llol'ted l)y 0\\'11 slluscl'il'tiollS, lIJelltlJ'rs l,ayili lf fol' ullifol'lll 'll1tl all cxpellses. 0 '


St. J ohn A'inbulance B)'i[jcule.

St. J ohn A'inbulance B'I'igade.

The division althoucrh less in numbers has obtained several useful Hew men. During the year great efforts have been made to rai~e money to purchase a ~vheele.d litter. This was done by means of Popular Entertamlllen ts . Sll~ce purchasmg tIllS litter, transport " 'ork to and from hospitals has been undertak~n wIth a great amount of success. The men have during this year purchased ulllforms for themselves. I nterest in ambulance work in the town is at a very low ebb, but we hope by persistent outdoor work, to awaken the people up, and thus secure recruits. ,V e have nothing out of the ordinary to report.



[Formed 29.3. 95.]



Honorary Surgeon .

A. F . Street,

1. Venis, 16, Station Hoarl, \\Testgate-on- ea.


2nd Officer.

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

F. Stanley.

J. Kinmont, Cuthbert Road, W estgate-on- ea.

Hon . T reasurer.

Inspector of Sto res.

O. Peddcr.

C. Case.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Privates 37. Total effective 43. Drills held 23. Average attendance 1.4. R emovals 11. Cas~s attellll.e,d not on public duty 21. Medalliol1s 21. Servlce Badges 14. NurSlllg eertlfLCstes.1 . Reaulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 corporals, and 24 mell. l\ltLtenal : stl~tchers litter suruical havresac box first aid appliances, cal'l'yillg chair, spinal carriacre 1'6 wate'r uothes set of di~grams, books and variolls al'pliancel:l. Division sllppo~t~d by members sl~bscriptions and voluntary contri1J?tions: . The d.ivision is making steady progress and. the.work carned 011 IS much aPLJreclated by the public, as efficiency has been wel~ mal11tamecl, all ~hc mel~l bel'S ]JOlllg very keen in their work. A course of first aId lectures was klllCUy gl\len by the HOIl. Surgeon during the wiuter months, and was lUuch appreciated by the memlJCrs.





Ho n. Surgeons.

P . L. Hope, lI1.R.C.S.

J. O. IIarvey,


Hon. Sec. and Treas .

1st Officer (in charge).

J. H. Adkinson, 7, Victoria Street,

Pte. R.

W01vertoli .

. Mantle, 105, Ohurch 't., ,\y 01 Vel'toll.

Insp ector of Stores.

Sel'gt. M. 1\1. L ewis. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 40. Total effective 47. I ncrease since last report 20 . Drills held 23. Aver-age attendance 20. Removals 5. Cases attended not on public duty 112. Annual inspection, 30th Stpt. Total on ]Jarade 31. Absent with leave 6. 'Without leave 10. Annut'l,lre-examination, 26th Sept. Members passed 31. Did not appeal' 15. Medallions 26. Nm 'ing certificates 10. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Ollicer. Material: 6 ~tretehers in eourse of construction, 2 surgicallul.Vl"esacs and 6 incomplete, 7 rugs, splints and bandages, vested in Committee of the Division. Division supported by mel11bers and public subscriptions. This is om first year as a division, and we have made great progress as regards efficiency and increased membership. Many serious accidents have been uealt with in s uch a manner as has ca.lled forth praise and commendation from the medical men and the 1)\1b1ic. We are not yet fully eCluippecl, but have beeu able to lJUrchase 8 haversacs, 7 rugs, poles and can vas for 6 stretchers, which we are lllaking ourselves, together with 8 sets of socketed splints made by members. At all Annual In spection Superintendent DearIe of Oxford exprcssed great satisfaction at onr work.



[Forme(l 21.4.04.]


Hon . Surge on .

W. McD. Elli,

Lady S upt. and Lady Secretary. ;\1.


E. D. 1\1. Farwell, 11, Laura Place, Bath.

OQ]cel"s 2. Nursillg sisters 19. Total effective 21. Decrease since ~ast report 2 Practices held 29. Average attendance 8. Cases a~tended on pubhc duty 8. Cases atteuded not on public duty 1. Annnal inspection, 28th ,'ept. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 7. Without leave 4. An11u a~ re-examillation, ~8th S~I?t. Members passeCl .9 . Failed 3. Did not appear 8. .Medal.II011s 13. RegulatIon um.form wOl:n by 1 nUl'smg officer and 3 nursing sisters . 1\Iatenal: roller bandages, spltnts, chall' bedstead with blankets vested in CommiL,tee ~a~h. Centre. Division supported by members' subscriptio)~s. 'I~lC lhy) Ion has undertaken public duty on two occasionf;, first at the, omerset Agncllltumi ' how and afterwards gave their assi tance at the Bristol Cal'l1iYal for 3 day. During the year one 11m ing 'ister ha Clone for trainin a to a London ho 'pita1. The Lady llperintenrlent and 3 l1urs~)a sister hav~ adopted the regulation uniforlll during the year. b



Hon . Surgeon.

A. II. Huckle,

Lady Superintendent.

1111'S. L. D. Ward, 126. edlescombe Road, t . LeonarJs.

;\1.R. C.H.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Sec . and Treas.

liIi's L. Austin.

A. Elliott, 9, Claremont,

Hasting ~ .

Officer 2. Jursing sil:lter 20. Total effective 22. Reserve member 1. Decrea e since In ·t report 2. Practice held 33. Average attendance 12 '9. Annual re-examination, 30th J nne. Members passed 13. Did not appear . Hegnlation uniform WOl'll by 1 Officer and nul'. ing sisters wear part, viz., bOl1l1e~, cap, collar, cuffs, and apron. Material: bandages, thermometer, 11l.wresa"s, hed plllow, sheets, cooking utell 'ils, oliye oil, ve. ted in the Committee of the Division. Division supported by lllemh('l's' subscription. During the period October 190 land l\larch 1905, Advanced Cookery for InvaJids WIlS tn,ught by Mi "Tells ([ualified tl'acher in Cooker'y) at the Tower Road and 1\lount Plea ant chool. Grant of £5 given by the Education Anthority for the same. Attendance. of lllHsing si tcrs during the year de erve prai e. Prize for atlendanccs to be glyen, also for most eflicient bandaging. pecial Illention is made {Jf the zeal and attention at the various (lrill' of an the llUl' iller si ·ter ilnd of the nntiring patience and zeal of the Honorary, urgeon. <> ,



Honorary Surgeon.

T. Mudge,

[Fonned 28.2.99 .]

Lady Sup erintendent.

Ii s H. 1\1. Baker, " 'l'redorwin,' To\\'eclllack, l'enzanc9.

1\1.1t. G. S.

Lady S ecretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

l\Ii 'S A. ,Yo 13n,1\:el', "Tl'eLlorwin," 'l'owell11nck, PenZflllce.

l\lis E. L. DlILlley 'Crowla ," Llltl g\'an, Penzance.

Honorary Treasurer.

1\11'. W. K. Dakcr. Ollicers 2. ur~illg si::lters 3. Total orrectivo 5. Average at tondllllce·1. Case attended not 011 public duty 4. Oases pl'l.vately nursed 10. Annual inspection, 29th opt. Total on pararle 3. Absent wlth leave 2. An nunl re-examination, :),9 Lh '"'{'pt. Member passed 3. Did Pl'ilctic~s held 13.


St. J ohn A m,QulCt//lce B1·igacle.

St. J ohn Ambulance B rigade.

?ot appe~r 1. :Med.al.li?ns 4. . ]\.I~terial: !tlllbulance hamper, bandages, &c. , vested Comnllttee of DlvlSlOn . Dn'llon supported by members' subscriptions . One member has given lessons in Elementary Physiology in her school throuahout the yeal> A dis.trict llllf e has been e tablished in the village in which two ~f the nurses hyc. T hIS of course has taken away cases. Howeyer the members hope to keep up their knowledge, as long as it is possible to keep togcther.


250 III



H on o rary S urgeo n.

II. ,y. Morley, Nursing Offwer 1.


~I.r...C . i:L, L. ILC.I'.

Nnrsillg sisters 24..

L ad y S upt . a nd L ad y Sec.

H on o l'a l-y S urg eo n.



Mrs. E. Chinery, "IIighfielu ," Holme, Lymington.

F. H. Matulin, M.n.C.S.



HE\l)-QL'AH'l'EltS: 'rE('II,'reAL

1\1rs. A. Pack.

L ad y I nspt. o f Store s.

L ad y Treasurer.

:Miss M. Badeock.

Mrs. J . O. M. King.

Officers 3. Nur~ing sisters 15. Total eifective 18. Practi?es held 25. Average attenda~ce 1 Ca es attended not on pnhJic duty 5. Cflses pl'l~ately nursed 7.. Annual mspectlOn, 16th Aug. Total on parade 14. Absent wlth leave 1. .'i'hthout leave 2. Annnal re-examination, 11th Sopt. Members passed 16. DId not appeal' 1. l\Icd311ions 17. laterial: 3 stretchers, 4 blankets, beel rest cradle, 3 ail' pillows, 3 feerling cnps, bath chair, 3 hot water bottles, 3 al)lbuJance hanlpers, vested ill Lhc Ambulance CommitLee. Division supported by members' ubscriptions and a grnnt from the Centre. The me::nbers of the division have made great progress, and haye improve(l very much .dunng the year, and are much indebted to their H 011. ,'ul'geon (Dr. l\Iaturin) for hIS lectnres and c~nstant attendance at the practices. They were nearly all pr:sen.t at a demonstratlOn and. competition in connecLion with the Canlp held at S"ay In August, 1905. The Judges expl'es eel themselves extrC.'mely pleased with the work done hy the ~1urses in the hospital tent. The division itCfluitterl itself very ,yell a.:; the msvecbon, and was praised by Assistant Commissioner Laurie.





Hon . S urgeo n.

O. Knott, Lady Su pe r i ntend ent.

Total effective 25.

[Formed 28.7 .02.J



1st N ur sing Office r .


lII.lt . C.P.

1st N ursing O fficer, Lad y Sec. and T r eas ure r .

Miss B. Gieve, Miss K. angster, H unstanton, Billett Avenue, ,\'aterloo [;3, Clarance Parade, I 'ouLhs a. Ville, B ants . . Officers 3. Nursing sislers 24. Total effective 27 . , D ecrease S1llce last re~)ort 4. Practices hele1 23 . Average attendance 1 G. Oa.ses attended on publiC du~y 3. .Cases attended not on puLlic duty 15 . Oases p~lvately nursed~ . AnnnallnspectlOl1, 17th Aug. Total on l,arade 9. Absent ,vlth le~ve 15. WIthout lca~e 3. Anll~lal ~'e-examillation, 21st July and 15th cpt. Members passed 26. Me~alh~ns 25 . Service badges 6. Regulation uniform wom by ~ Officers and 14 nUl'Sln~ ~lsters . Material: splints, bandages, lJlalJkets, sheets, fo~d~z:g t able, tent, bl'oncllltls kettles, etc., vefited in the Divisional Committee. D lvlslOn supported by members' subscriptions. !he year's work of Lhe Nursing. Di vision has heen vel'y satisfactory , useful " 'ork bemg done ~y t h e members. ~ubll(; duty wasn ndel'taken upon 8Lh November, 1904, on t h e occaSlOn .of H . R.B. Pnncess H enry of Battenberg attel1lling LIte re-openinrf of St. T~omas Pansh Ohyrch, Portsmonth. At a Tea given to 600 cripple childrcnbllY the D lCkens. Fell?wshlp on February 7th, 1905, the Lady Superintendent, 1st Officcr and 15 l1urslllg slsterll rendered valuable assistance.

'CHOOL, ILuI·GATE. L ady S uperintendent.

H onorary S urgeon.

]\[1 .

L N. "'yllllO, )[.]).

42, ,'l,cncer

A. Cotton, rplare, Rarnsgate.

1st Nursing O fficer and Lady S ecretary.

MrOi. F. W. Hinds, 57, Qmen •·t., RalllOigate. L ady T reasurer.

L ady I nspector of S tores.

Mrs. Dun bar, 77, High . treet, R,tJ1lsga te.

l\Ii ',:; L. E.

\Y alkel'.

Oflic:et'!:i 3. :Nursing si, tel" 16. Total ell'ecti\'e 19 . Decrease since In. t reporL 3. l'rartices held 3G. Average attendance 17. Caes attend II 011 1'u111ic duty·1. Ca 'es privately 11\ll'. ell 4. Annual in pectioll, 21st .'cpt. Tolal 011 ]larade 14. A1'scllt with le:1\'e 5. Annual re-examinatiol1, 1 th ;\1<ty. l\IendJers passell 18. 11edalli01ls 17. ,'en-ice badges 10. Regulation uniCol'1ll WOI'll by 2 Omcers and 7 nuring ister '. Malerial: waterproof sheet, hot \Vater bolLIes, blanket, bronchitis kettles, feeding cups,heet , pillow slips all(l 1tuuer clothing, hath chair, spinal couch, carrying chair, box of first aid appliance, vested iu Local Oentre. Division snpported by subscriptions of members . At the East Kent Ambulance CompeLition held on ovembcl' 21th, 1(.104, the Lord aUll Lady Decis Challenge Cll p, and the first lwize was ad.i lldgeu to nUl' i1lg 5isler A. Grummallt, antI the seeol1l11'rize to nursing si tel' F. J . Long. lYe haye to record the re 'ignation, aftcr 1 month service, of Mr. Blll'ton icol, n HOIl. Surgeon, amI the appointment of Dr. G. L. 'Wynne, as hi succes or, dated February 15th, 1905. On the 16th of March the prizes lor elliciency antI attemlance, given by the Bam gate Centre, were pre ellted by Capt. Vaile, ill the unavoida1Jle absence of 'ir Charles \ Van 11, first prize being accorded to nll1'sing sisler M. II. Jarman amI the econ~l to lllll'sing sister A. Gl'Ullllllant. Five :el'vice bUllges \l"ere pre:enlecl on tbi. oeca 1011 . On April 21th some of Lhe nm'es assi ted the local cliyi.ions in ambulance practice at Tether 'ourt 011 the oCea'lion of a Hehl day. Pnblic duty was undertaken on July 5th and 6th nt tl'e Enst l\cllL Agricultural how, the Lady. nperilltemlent an(l 12 nursing sisters being on dnLy, hy reliefs, throughout the two dny , 4 c~se .were atLenllecl. TIle 'ul1lJllittee desire lo t11n11].:: se\-erul lI11ri-iing sislers [01' thmr kmuly h Ip in making bcef Lea for some of the lllore de tilutc ca e uncleI' nurse Gleen's eare. The stores of the di vi ion arc in good and el'\'ieeable ortler.

READING (BERKS) NURSING DIVISION. [Formec16.3.99.] IIEAD~QuAn'l'gRf;: E:I~Cl'~ ROAD. 'C1l00L, RE_\DI~G. Ho n orary SU/' g eo n.

l\ l i!:iS ]\1.


L a dy Su pe rint e nd ent .

lths . Ohard, 30,'t. Mal') 's Dntt., Readillg.

Armitage, L.l:.C . P. L a dy Ins pec t ol- of Stores.

i\l is~ Ohunce.


S t. J ohn A 1nb 1.u ance B J'igo.;de. Lady Secretary.

S t. J ohm A rmbulance B rigade.


Lady Treasurer.

Miss L. A. W ood, 33, Oaversham Road, Reading.

Mi s F . A. Ohandler.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 14. Total effective 16 Increase since last report l. Practices held] 6. Average attenclance 9.8 . Oases a ~~ended 011 public duty 17.. Oas~s attended not on public d uty 33 . Oases pl.lvately nursed. l. Anllual lllspectlOn, 23rd June. Total 011 parade . Absent wlth le.ave 4. \Vlthou~ leave 4 . Annual .re-exa.mination, 17th Oct. Members passed 1.3. F ailed 2. .Medal}lol1s 12. RegulatlOl1 umforl11 worn by 1 Officer and :3 llursing sl~ters. l\Iater:a~: wlUder.s, . ~plints, bandages, n11l' ing hamper, vested ill the Oomnllttee .of the DlVlslO.n . D IVISIOll supported by members' sub. criptions. Se.rvlCe~ on pubhc dutJ: h.ave been rendered by the Lady SuperintelJ dent and nurslllg slster~ at SalvatlO l1lst Mass Meeting, Friends Oongre. s, Town H all, Temperance Fete, P rospect P ark and on two Regatta days.


No. IlL- Central and Eastern District. Deputy Gommissione~'- urgeon-Oolonel G.• t. ELLli:iTON: V.D., t. Edmul1(l's, Felixstowe. Di'tn'ct Chicj SW·fJcon-Mr. W. E. AUDLAND, M.ll.C.S., 5, Oxford Street, Wellingborough. A ssistCtnt Com.missione1·-M 1'. T. II. \YOOL. 'TON, Kingsley Park Northampton. District Chief SltlJerilltendellt-.'lll'geoll-Oal'tain F. A. BHOOJ{', lII.D., St. Felix, Felix towe. Dislt'iet S/I]1Mintenclent Sl'l,/,etan/-.'ul'g.-Oapt. W. A. GmB, :'I.D., It.A.lILC. (Yol.) , ~, Park Place, Forl11eran Road, I pswich. District Sape)'intcnclent TrrJasw·e,·-Oapt. IIUGHES, 1, illercers Row, Northampton .

Honorary Surge on .

C. H . Hall,

M. D .

1st Nursing Officer (in ch a rge.)

Miss A. Pitkin, 24, Altlellham Road, Bu hey.


Lady S ec r e t a ry.

illi. s A. Bull, 4, t. Alban's Road \Yatfor,1, Herts. '

Lady Inspector o f Stores .

:lIlrs. E . Wilson. . Officers 2. Nursing sisters 11 . Total elrective ]3. Prach.ces hel~ 16. Average attendance 9.5. Oases attended not on public duty 4.. AnnualmspectlOn, 30th S.ept.. Total on l)arade 9. Absent 'rith lcaye l. Without leave 3: Annual re-ex.all1ll1atlOD, 30th Sept. Members passed . Di<lllOt allpear 4. lIIed~lho~s 6. lIIa~e~'l~l: 1 ambulance hamllel', vested in the Oommittee of the Pubh c LIbrary. Dlvlslon supported by memuers' subscriptions.

2, ~In,

1I1USEU~[ TREET, I p~WICH. 30th 'ep/ember, 1905.

I ha\'e the honour to uhmit ihefollowinga my nnualReportfor ... ~o . III. District fol' the yel"l' ending 30th September, 1905. Tbe n"riou~ 'orps and Di\'i~iol1' in the eli trict luwe made considerable progress chll'ing the past year. There i' [t :-.light falling off in the numerical trength of both ambulance Imel nursing Divisions, partly owing to the weeding out of non-efficients and to the l' >.fol'ming of .. ome of the older torps and Di\"i.iol1 in the central portion of the district. On the other lutnd the interest taken in Briga,cle work is both teady and increasing, anei the Oorps and Dj"isions in the district ha\'e ne\'er been in a better stn,te of efficiency than at the pre"eut time. Eight new Divi ions hun been formed during the year, ,"iz., two in the Birmingluun '011)', one in the Leicester Oorps, one in the , VeUingborough Oorps, the , Yo]yerhnmpton Di, i::;io11, the Ooo.h'ille DiYlsion, the Leamington Di\"isioll, and the Gippeswyk Di\'ision at Ip \\'icb. All these new unit have 1)een formed iu important and populou:-; centres, and I continue to han:! .-everal enquil'ie . ,,,ith regard to the formation of new clivi 'ions in ':triou' parts of the di trict. \ Vith the energetic help of my district st!1.ff eYery unit was inspected during the ye,H'. 'rhe 13i l'mingham, ::\" ortlmmpton, L icestel', and \Vellingborough Oorp , held their ;tnnulll inspection during the SUlllmer months, when, a.s U Ultl, these g:1therings partook more of the Chltl'i1.ctel· of an ttl11huln,llce review. The weltthel' on each occa ion was l)eautifully fine, und there were exceptioll<tlly good mn tel's, the fir t aiel work [1.ncl field drill being w[1.tched by a htrge and influential company. I attach much impol'tlUlce to these n.nnmtl inspection. being held on aturdn-J afternoon, the lllusters are good, the field work not only iuteresting but in tructive, and the presence of spectn,tor::; keeps up the esprit de corps, and forms :1 good recruiting ground for nutinbtining the strength of the Corp::l. The report, of the inspecting Officers were uniformly good, a.nd ,A. sistn,nt· 'ommi' ioner \Voolston, who in pected the llmjority of the S!lmUer units, ::;t:tte' that con iclemble progre has been made in efficiency and discipline, a.nd tlutt the pntctical work of the Brig,tde Illtd been carried out in ,t satisfltctOl'Y maun 1' . 'The ,,,nmu,,} Di-;trict Oamp of Tn truction was held hom June 10th to 15th, on a field at H Olton, by the kind permis ion of Mr. G. n . \Vinterbottom. Officers fi:nd men to the numher of over 300 were present, a large incrense on lttst year, prOYIng h ow pOpUh11' these cnmps of in'tl'ucLiol1 (l.1'e.



t. J ohn i1nbulance B"iU(lcle.

t. Joh'n A mb1da1Ice BI·igClcle.

AB THA T OF C RP" AND DIn:' [0 -.'. I \," as assi ted 111 my dutie a' camp commalld:mt by Assi 'tallt-ComJlli' iuner , Yool tOll, who acted a econd in cOlllmand, and to whose energy the en,mp largely owe it OTeat uccess. urn'eon-Captain Brooks the Di'trict Ohief Superintend en t, acted a b Oamp Adjutant. 0 Captain Hughcs, tile Trea urer \yas Mct' President, Captain Goa,cher again undertook the duti of Qnartermn, tel', while Di -trict hidurgeon Audland wa P.M.O. Th e weather unfortunately spoilt some of the early parades, but on the Monday at the commanding Officer' parade a scheme deyi ed by the camp adjntilllt wa~ worked out and proyed of great utility. Two bearer companie' were formed exactly under R. ~~.M . . condition with transport and r ser\'e' . Patients with label» ::;howing injuries "ere di tributed oyer the country. The tretchel' S(luad' search'd for and treated the patients, bringing them to a collecting t<.tion whence they were pas,;ed on to a dre sing station, where C?ief urgeon' Aucllallcl and X el 'on e:-..pla.inctl to the men who treated the cases any mlstake" c e. .A new departure in ambulance competition \Va initiated throll',h the gencro ity of Lieut. -Colonel H, 'V. K. Markham, who wished to encourage the a,yerage ambulance man, and not only a picked squad, to train himself in the llutie' that be "'ould haw to perform if called upon to sen-e w-ith the army 111 time of emergency, a 11l the late outh African 'Yar. The competition, beside. un examination III first aid, included the pitching and h-iking a tent, the duties of a, stretcher bearer at and after au engagement, &c. Colonel Murkham presented a handsome cup to be lmOWll a' " the Oamp Cup for promoting field training," to be competed for annually, und also money prize to the amount of £-:1. s. The cup wus won by u Birmingham team, Pytchlq, Dudl ey, and Foleshill being next in order. I am 'trongly of opinion t hl.t this competition conducted on entirely new line will bi\ e the lllen more insight ill to field work than they eyer had before, und I am per::;onally Yery gl'il.teful to olouel Markham for hi great kindlle, s. On Tu e~day, the Chief Commi sioner inspected the camp, and witnes»ecl some bearer company practice, and uu 'equently 11l addre::;::;illg the Brigl\(le, spoke of tbe valuable nature of the \york done while in cnmp. In concluding this report, I wi -h to add a word of thanks to the memher" of th· district stuff not only for the great amount of help they 11llYe <'lnm me 111 this Inr~e district, but for the zeal and untiring energy they at all time::; displ:.y III Drig-ade work. I haye the honour to be, Sir, Y our obedient t;cl'Yant, GJW I1G I~ tl. ELLIr:;TO~, Kn1'ght oj Gracc, Ordcr oj the lIospit(ll of St. Jollil of Jer/lsalem . Deputy Oommissioner, No. III. Distrid, SI. John Ambulailce J:riljwle. T o the OMcj Oommissioncr.


-- - ---------


Kames of Corp and Dil'isious. d c



Distlict 'tall 1 1

1l. hhy-dc-ln.-ZOllCh

BeMord ... Birmingham Ol'p H ean-qn:.ll'lel" tcwart: e Lloytls Lawley ~treet ... IOlllllllcnt Lanc _Tehon .'trect ... now Hill ell tral ta tion ... Eynochs Bl1l'lington lInll Tellcrnl Electric OUlzon "trect Ooah'illc rOllle!' .. . Dudley .. . }'el i" to\\C ,ippe \\'J'k lIalllltoll lIa \'el 11 i 11 Ipswich '01'i':T(). 1 Di\'i:-.ion 0.3, 8t. John' roliee .. , Ro. 1,.'oc .• 'etllmt. 0.5,01'\\·c11 \\'1\ Kellcl'i Il" 'OI')1s H(',l\l-~IHnter' ... Brough lOll Bnrtun Latimer .. ern 11 ron 1 Pytcltley Rollmell RII 'Ilton ... Tw,)\\'l II Leamington L eiec'ter " Ot'ps Bal well Earl 'hilton Hin ck]p), L .&N. ,\\r. Ry. 1'0\\11 Did. ion Wh eatsheaf ,Yig ton LnglHl ...



Wi g~ton

2 2

:2 2

1 1


1 1 1 1


2 i)

1 1 1


11 11 17 2:3 20


I 36

32 2 20 Hl ~8










17 1 25 l'


1 1

1 1





1 1








1 1

4. 1

,) 12




11 10 10

3 50 Il 13


1 1 1


2 1 1 1

6 1




1 1 1

1 1 1 1











3 1

21 15


l '

1 1 1

1 1

1 11

25 5 26 21 22 21 11


26 13

31 15

1 5 2

IS 51 10 10 20 10



22 5 11 12 :2 H -1 99







H 18 8 ]0



1 '}, 3

1 1



1 1

1 1

,1 1 1 1







12 27 21












5 20

1 1




~; I 42~i

37 2" 2·1 16 1 2;1 1:1






l' 1 ,"i3


M.H ....

,York. l cn's 'oIl. Y.M. ~ .A. 1I1u1l1lingll'co MarkeL IIal'hol'ongh Melbollrn o ... Northampton Oorp Hcac1 -fl11artel'S Rlisworth Earls Burton I\:i lingbury Pan lerspllJ'y R oadc ... Rtoko 13r11c1'110

1 1

3 1

"'1 :::1


1 1



10 11















St. John A 1nut"lance B1'igacle.

St. John A 1nbulance B1"igacle. A RSTRAOT OF OORPS AND DIVISIONS. Ambulance.



N allies of COI'PS and Divisions.








·c -"


A Olney ... ... Ound1e ... ... Overseal ... ... Rugby ... ... Smethwick ... Warwickshire Oorps Ooventry Oo-op. N uneaion Town ... L. &N.W. Ry .... Foleshill &Longfd *'\Yednesbury ... Wellinghoro' Oorps Head-quarters ... Bozeat ... Finedon ... Higham Ferrel's ... Midland Railway Irth1ingborough * Ringstead .. . Rushden .. Wollaston ... W 01 verha111 pton ...




"" 5

.- '" 0 .9 "'~

,<0 ...,






































1 1 1 1 1




...,'" ;0. .;::




1 1









1 -




23 17 24 23 42 13 21 30 22

3 1


....cd ~


1 4 1 4



-- ---- -- G 6 6 76 54









tlO I'l


3 2 2 4 2








1 1 1


OIl ...

""0 I'lo-

1 1 1


1 1 1 1 1




2 5 1 1 1











1 1 1 1 1

1 1









...o til'" ...,'"I'l ...... '" ~'" o~ ·c .o!S






3 3 4.




'" '0 '" oen

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.... '0









2 12 7 25 37 17 18 27 17 26

28 22 29 29 46 2 16 26 33 27 -

3 37 14





1>,' ....


",I'l ... 0 0'" I'ltlO

I ~~


'" ~~

2 0

'0", cd...,



...'" ::l

'"Ill< p



















+ + +








15 -




11 13 22 -

D ,.tc whell f 0 llll ell.

Oorl.Js or Divisions.

Date when formeLl.









13 14 25 -

-- ------ 20 163 15511882 4. 6 11 227 248

- - - - - - --

Oorps or Divisions.












.d ....,




1 1 1






til I'l


















29 37 21 20 32 21 32


Nursin g.


:): Hon. Surgeons included ill Ambulance Divisions * No Report received-last year's figures. . Statement:-1 D epl~ty 90mm~ssioner, .1 District Chief, urgeon, 1 Assi taut OommissIOl~er,.l DlSt\'l~t Ohl:f Supenntenden t, 1 Di -trict Superintendent, ecretary, 1 !?2stl'lC~ uperlllteI?en~ Tre~sure r, 183 Officers, 163 ergean ts anu. OOl'pCll'a1s, 1, I (8 Pnvates and NursIng, Istel'S. Total (approximate) 2,130.

Leicester Oorps . . Nov. 14, 1 2 Town Div.(Leices ter Oorps) Nov. 14,18 2 Northampton Oorps . :May 4, 1 86 Head·quarters Diy. (Nor· thampton Oorps. . May 4, 18 6 Earl's Barton Di y. (N 01'thamptoll Corps) . :JIal'. 24,1 8 R oade D i v. (N orthalll p. ton Corp.) . June 30, 18 8 '\Yellingborough Cur!Js • ept. 1' Hearl'(lUal'ters Div. (,\Yel. lingbol'ough Oorp ) April 1 9 Y.~I.O.A. Div. (Lei0estel' Corp) . . . :i\1ay 15, 1 90 '\Yorking J.lell' Oollege Di,'. (Leicester Corps). ov. 1, 1 90 lJ igllam Ferrel'S Division (WellinglJoronghOorp) Jan., 1 91 Dud10y Division . ' e p t . : 2 , 1 -92 Monltou Di,'. (lJ'orthampton Oorp) . Oet. 2, 1 92 Paulcrsbury Di v. (Nor· thalll ptOIl Corps) . ~lar. ], 1 93 It Di,'. (Ipswich Corps). July 13,1 93 Market Harborollgh Diy. Oct. 17, 1 93 Kettering Corp . Oct. 18, 1 93 H eadquarters Division (Kettering Oorp ) . Oct. 1 , h 93 Tttllgye' Diy. ( 'methwick Oorps) . .. : 95 RushLlen Division (WeI. lingborongh Oorps) . Jan. 30, 1 96 Ring tead Division (WeI· lingbOlongh Oorp ) . MaJ'. 20, 1 96 -Wolla tOll Di\'i ion (Wel· lingborough Oorp ) . April 2, 1 96 Finedoll Di vi ion (Wellingborough 'Ol'p). lay 5, 1 96 Poliee Divi 'iOll (Ipswich Corps) . . Octouer, 1 96 Bozeat Division (Welling· bOl'ough Oorps) D ec. 3, 1896 Twywell Division (Ket· tering Corp) . Dec. 18, 1 96 Bli worth Diy. (North· ampton Oorps). . April 2, 1 97 Irthlingborongh Division (Wellillghorollgh Oorps) Max., 1 97 hche tel' Division (We1lingborongh Oorps) 1 97 Ru lttOll Division (KetterilJg Oorp ) . . April 3, 1 97 N uneaton 'l'OWll Division May , 1 97

Stoke Bruerne Diy. (K orthampton Corps) . . May 29, 1 97 St. John's Division (I ps· wich Oorps) . . July 29, 1897 ,Yheatsheaf Di vision Sept., 1897 (Leicester Corps) Rothwell Division (Ret· tering Oorp ) Dec., Ollndle Diyision Feb. 2 , 1 9 Leighto n Buzzard Div. F eb . 2 , 1 98 Hallatoll Division. . Feb. 7, 1 98 Orwell Works Divi 'ion (Ipswich Oorps). . Oct. 13, 1 98 L. & . ,\Y. R. Division (Leice tel' Corps) . . Nov. 1, 1 98 Little Houghton Diy. (Northampton Oorps) . Nov. 26, 189 TIleLlbou1'l1e Divi ion Mar. 3, 1 99 Haverhill Di vision . . April 20.1 99 Dllvelltry Divi -ion (Northam ptOll Oorp ). . June 2, 1 99 Felix to\\'e Division Oct. 30, 1 99 OdMellows Di\'. (Ip'3wich Oorp ) . Dec. 6, 1 99 Ip wicll Oorp .. 1900 Desbol'ollgh Di vi iOll (Ket· tering Corps) Feb. 9, 1900 Brixwol'th Div. (orthamptoll Oorps). April 9, 1900 Ashby.de·la.Zouch Div .. April 13, 1900 Ki lillgbury Di,·. (Northampton Corps) Uay 29, 1900 ,\y ig ton Magna Division (Leice tel' Oorps) . . June 29, 1900 "uneaton (L. & K. W.R. ) Divi ion. Aug. 12, 1900 Mar. 19,1901 Oromer Divi ion DUllchl1l'c:h Diyi. ion April ~O, 1901 Burton Latimer Di'ii ion May 2, 1901 (Kettering Oorps) Oo,'entry Oo-operative Diyi ion . . Aug. 26, 1901 Bronghton Diyi ion (Ketept. 21, 1901 tering Corp) 0". 3, 1901 O\'er eal Di dsion Nov. 22, 1901 Hedfonl Di \'i ion Nettlefold's Div. ( meth· wick Oorp ). . Dec. 19, 1901 N arborol1gh Div. (Leices, tel' OOI·p). . . Dec. 12, 1901 now Hill (G . W. R.) Di,'. Bir11lingham Oorps . J au. 14, 1902


St. J ohn A ?n ~ ldance Brigade.

St. J ohn Arm,bldcmce Brigade.

Corps or Di visions.

Date when formed.

Central Station Div. (Bir. Jan . 14, 1902 mingham Corps) . N elson Street Div. (Bir · mingham Corps) . . Jan. 1902 Lawley Street (11. R. ) Div. (Birmingham Corps) . Feb. 1902 Foleshill and Longford Division . . . ill ar. 25, 1902 Cranford Division (Kettering Corps) . . April 23,1902 1\ o. 4 Social ettlement Di,ision (I pswich Corps) A1wi126, ] 902 Barwell Div. (Leicester Corps) . . . .May 2, 1902 Wigston (ill. R.) Division . May 25, 1902 (Leicester Corps) . Olney Di vision . . May 23, 1902 Monument Lane (L, & N. W . R.) Div. (Birmingham Corps) . . . Feb. 25, 1902 Birmingham Corps . June 1, 1902 Smethwick Corps . Aug. 1902 Rugby Division . . Dec. 12, 1902 lIlessrs. Kynoch'sDiv. (Birmingham Corps) . April 27, 1903

Cor1)S or Divi ions.

Date ,,'hen formed.

Earl hilton Division . Ua,) ], 1903 (Leicester Corps) . Pytchley Division (Kettering Corps) . . Juue, 1903 Burlington H all Diyisioll (Birmingbam Corps) . Mal'. 11, 1904 Cllrzon Street (L. &, N. W . R.) (Birmingham Corps) . . . April 11, 190-1 Weclnesbl1l'Y Division . July n, 1904 No . 2 (tewarts and Lloyds) Div. (Birmingham Corps) . . . Aug. 30, 1904 . J eW. 19, 1905 Coalville Division . Wolverhampton Division .Mar. 2 1905 Apl'il4, 1905 Gippeswyk Division Leamington Division . April 4, 1005 No. 1 (Head Qrs.) Diy. (Birmingham Corps) . April 12, 1905 Hinckley Division (Lei· cester Corps) . . Aug. ] 9, 1905 No . 10 (General Electric) Diy. (Birmingham Corp) . . . Aug. 2 , 1905 Midland Rly. Div. (\Ye11iugurough Corp) . ,ep. ] 2. 1905

18 6 Oct.


Mar. 20, 1 96 Nov. 21, 1898 Sept. 27,1899

Leigbton Buzzard Nursing Division . . Irthlingborough Nursing Di v. (\Vellingborough C01pS) . . . . Rushden ursing Division (Wellingborough Corps) Burton Latimer Nursing D ivision (Kettering Corps) .


Bnckinghamshire-Olney Division. . . . " .. Lei(;estershire-Leicestel' Corps, Ashby-de-la-Zouch. I?1:'ISlOl1, Coah'1lle D~v~,,~on, Overseal Division, Hallaton DIvlslOn, Merlbourne D lvlslon, Market Harborough Division. N ortliampton ·hire-N ol'thamptoll Corps, IYel1ingborough Corps, Kettering COl ps, Ol1ndle Di\'i ion. Warwickshire-Birmingham Corps, Coyentry Division,. ~~mchl~'ch Divisi~n,. ~oles­ hill and Longford Division, Rugby DIVISion, uneaton DIVISIons. IVorcestershire-Dndley Division. . .. Beclfordshire-Betlford Division, Leighton Buzzar~ PIV1SlO~. . . . taffordshire- methwick Corps, \Yeclnesbnry Dlvlslon, 1\ olvel'hampton DIYlSlOn .



Norfolk-Cromer Diyj, ion. . . . . . ... , ulrolk-Ipswich Corps, Felixstowe Diyision, GIPpcswyk DIYl 10n,Haverhlll DIY) JOn. un'-IXG

Drn, lOX "


I3edfordsllire - Leighton Buzzard Nursing Divi ion . . . Leic:estershil'e-Leicester Nursing Divi ion. 'ol'thaml,tonshi l e-N orthampton K ur ing DiYi.si?l:, BnrtoJ? La timer N urs~ng Division, KeLtel ing l1l'sing DlVIslOn, Wellmgboro~gh ~ n.r .mg Division, Rin a , tead Tur ing Division, Rusbden Nul' mg Dl\'l lOn, Irthlingbol'ough Tnrsing Division .


Leicester N ursin g Di v. (Leicester Corps) . . I pswich Nursing Division (I pswich Corps) . . Ringstead N ursing D iv. (We11ingborough Corps ) Kettering Nursing Div. (Kettering Corps) . Northampton (head -quarters) Nursing Division (Northampton Corps) .



4, 1900 E.\STETlN DISTRICT .

July 3, 1901 J nly 3, 1901 May 23, 1902

Suffolk-I pswich "tusing Divi ion .


St. John A mb'L&lance B?'igade.

St. J ohn A mbulolnce Brrigude.


REPORT FOR THE YEAR EJ: DING 30TIJ SEPTEMBER, 1905. The Corps consists of the following Divisions-


Honorary Surgeon .

A. Orchard,

Sup erintende nt and Hon . Treasurer


C. E. Baxter, The W oodlands 15misby Road, Ashby-de-Ia-Z;uch:

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.

T. Heafield.

CorpI. H. J. Owen .

Pte. A. J. Baxter, N ew Bl11'tOll Rd. , Ashby -de-la- Zouch

. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corpol'al1. Privates 14. Total elfeotive 19. Dnlls. held 43. Average attendanccl 11. Removals 8. Oases attended not on publIc duty 6. Annual in l~ecti?n , 26!h July. Total on parade 16. Absent without leaye 3. Ann~lal re-exammahon, 23rd cpt. Members passed 1') D'd t aPl?ea,r 6. l\,redallions 12. erviee uadges 8. N l11'sing certificates 9. ~'RrO'l~lat~l~n uruform .by ,3 Offi cers, 1 se:'geant, 1 corporal, and 14 men. l\latel'ial : 4. s.tJ:etchels, httel, band~ges, splInts, &c., vested in Committee of Divisioll D lV1S10n supported by publIc subscriptions. .




Hon. Surgeon and Su perintendent. Slugeon-Liellt. O. H. Pen'am, ~1.D.,



1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

S. "IV. Adams, 43, Olarendon , h'eet, Bedford.

55, Brombam Road, Bedfol'l1.

Hon . Treasurer.

H. P. Bowling Trevanion. " OfE.cers 2. Corporals 2. Privates 11. Total effective 15. R Dnlls h~1d 1~ Average attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty ]0 emoval s ~ . nnual i~spe?tion, 2nd Sept. Total on parade 9. Absent \\'it1~ leave 6.. Annual re-ex~mmah?n, 2nd Sept. Members passed 9. Did not a) )ear 5 Medall:ol1S ~' .. R egulatlOn. ulllform worn by ~ corporals, and 11 men il\teriai ves!e~ 111 PI ~lSlonal ~omnllttee. Division supported by subscriptions, . 'I hIS DlvlslOn contmues to render a large amount of invalid transport.


T. Nelson, :lI1.D. Chief Sup erintendent.

F. Gilbert, 72, Cambridcre Street · . 1 I:> , B 1rmIl1g lam .

Supt. S ecretary.

J. H. Hawkins, 82, Ashtecl Row, Birmingtam.

Superintendent of Stores.

Officers 26.

A. R. Tozer. Sergeants and CorlJorals 21.

Supt. Treasurer.


J. H, Rogers. Pl'lvates 26:2. T otal effective_309.

(EZeven Amv1dance Divisions. )

N o. Name. 1. Heall-quarters 2. ~ lewarts and Lloyds 3. Midland Railway 4. L. & . ""V. Railway 5. Nelson treet 6. Gt. Western Railway 7. l\lidlanrl Hailway 8. Kynoohs 9. Burlington Hall 10_ General I£l ectric ] 1. L. & N. W. Railway

Addl'css. Camhridge Street Hal es O\\'en Lawley Street Monument Lane N elsoH , treet Snow Ilill ufI'olk treet 'W itton Aston Wit~on

Cnrzon, traet

Supt. Hon. Su?·geon. F. Victor Milward, F.Il.C.R . D.H. ,Villiam s A. D. l\IcQueen, :lIr.B. J. Dudl ey T. B. Gould,lI1.R.c.s. .T. Henton White, )I.D. .T. Lacon D. R. Rowland, M.D. 'Y. Hanis .J. Neal, ill. R. C.. J . Gal'liller G.StuartMoore, ilr.R.C.S. fl. Nntt H. E. Jessop, L.S.A. \,y.J.Spen,llove D. Holm e.', :\l.B. G. A. Wilk cs, )LD . Clement Belcher, :lI1.D., I).P . R.

During the year the Ko. 1 (Heael-quarters) Diyi ion has ueen formed, and another ne\\" Di"isiclll-J: o. 10 (General Eleetric)-was sanetionerl eptelJ1her 11th, 190:,). It is gratifying to note the llUllIl)er of men ,Y caring the uniform, the increa e during the year haying IJeen 26. The first 'hurch I>arade of the Corl's ,,-as beld on unday, October 9th, 1904, when a total of 171 marched to the Pali h Church headed by the rity Police Banel. The. ell110n was preached by Lhe Rector of Birmingham (Archdeacon Diggle), who on·l·red to the Corps a very hearty welcome. The annnal competition for tl1C Hirmillghalll hallpnge hield was lJeld at the Athletit: In titute, John Bright ,'tl'eet, 011 Koyemhel' 21st, 190-1, the l~igllt HOll. the Lord 11ayor (Councillor H. II. Berkeley, .1.1'.) pre. ic1ing. Eight teams competed. The examiners "ere Assiblllt C01lll11issioller T. II. Woolston, Di trict Chief. 'urgeon ,'I'. E. Audland, and CII icf ~l1perin tenden t ,'I'. Haney Reeye.. At the eOl1clusion of the competition the Lord Mayor announced that Ko. 6 (G. \\. Hailway, 'now Hill) Diyision were once more the winner of the 'hidd, .rTo. 3 Divi ion heing '!:lCOlHI, and Xo. I Di'dsion thin!. The winning team cOll'i ted of .'ergt. . 'Y. ::'Ilerrick (in charge) and Ptes. P. Fletcher, JOl1l'l1eaux, Vanlner, and Fillney. ,Yh ell the regiment amI han I of the Cold ·trealll Guard: paid an official \'i it to the city, awl were reeeiyecl by the Lonl ~Ia:ror, on Decl"mbcl' 31 t, ] 90-1, a large CODtingpnt of the Corps, uncleI' the cOl1l1l1tlml of the Chief l1perintendent, turued out for street dnty, anel on nnday, January 1st, when the regiment attended a special lunch Pararle to the Parish Uhnrch in the afternoon, and the band of the regiment gaye a sacred concert ill the Town IIall in the eYening, -12 members of the Corps attended for dnty. During the wiuter months the Chicf urgeoD deliyered a course of nm ill~ lectme'l at Head-!lnarter to men drawn from the yarion diyi ions, se.-eral of the lectures beiug illu trute(l by limelight diagrams. '1'he examination of these men was conducted by Dr. Richard '011 H.ice, B.A., of Coyentry, and 1 members pa Rell. The'e lecture will be continued. On March 1 th the Lord Mayor held a l'c\'icw of all the military force of the city. A large 11umber of membel of the Corp an<1 the memlJers of the taff attp1Hled for treet duty. 'Ihe Birmingham teum entered fOl' the Dewar hallenge "hield, and obtained second place. The sudden death of the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor (Councillor R. H. Berkeley, J.P.) wa a great 10:s to the Corps, as hi kiJlflly intere t in it gave great encouragement to its In.bol1l's. His funeral was attended hy the tafl' amI members of the Corps. The n.nllual District camp at Hortoll, Northampton 'hire, from June lOth to 15th, 1905, was attel1lled by Ohief 'nrgeon T. K el on M.D., Ohief nperintenc1ent Fred Gilbert, uperintenc1ent ccretary J. H. Hawkin , together with uperintendent Lacon, and 52 :r. C. Os. aud lll·ivates. The Birmingham contingent "Were pecially complimented by the Colollel OOlllmanding, and, in a competition open to thc whole camp, won the" Markham" Cup, which \Yo. competed for for the first time, the teams beillO' selected by ballot from each Corps and Diyi ion attending camp. On August 26l]\ the annual in. pectioll of the Corps was held in the grounds of Cottesmore Priory, Edgbaston (by kind pennis 'ion of Wm. L. heffield. Esq.), the In.sp~ cting Officcr being urgeon-Col. G. . ~1li ton, Y:D. Y.M.,. (De'pl1ty Oom1111 RIOller No. III. District), who was accompallled by As 1 tant C011111nsslOner T. H. Woolston. A totaJ of 176 ,,,ere on parade. In the evening a moking concert was held, presided over by the Chief nperintendent. urgeon-Ool. Elliston) Assistant T

St. J ohn AmbuJance B rrigacle.

26 2

St. J oh n A r(~bula n. ce B?·igade.

Commissioner '\VOOlStOll, Proressor Sanndby (Birmingham Univer~iL~'), alld.l\1~mhers of the local. tatl· atLt-ndl't!. DlIl'll1,!! the evel,illg tbt' Dep uty Com'. l~Sloner dl~tnhl1ted nUl ing certificates, alld. ill the cour e 01 llis ~'e11lal':\s, ('ong]'atu~aled (Illel lljlt. Gilbl:'l't UpOll beillg elee. ed to tl,e HOllorary 'cn'wg Brotheillood ,f the Oldc!' 01 the Ho-.pitalof t. Jt~l1l or Jerllsalem III ElI).!Lllld. Prlde'sor :il111l1.by then dcll\'e~'ed a most iuteresting addre. s of <I higltly I:'tlconl'1Ig1l1g (·hal'actel'. ~\\,lll~ to the (;Ollt!lIl1al increa e in n 1111l bpI'S, and ha vi lIg ill view the goorl WOI k t IJat lS being a(:conl pl~-.hed throughout 1,bp city, it i tit.. 'ital.]e that a llt'l'l1lallCltt .Head-qual'tl'l's o f .tlle C?0I')lS shonld be e~tClbli hed, and tIle :-tall a1'" ul'~el1tly. HI'P"almg to til!:' gl:llpro~lty ot the public for donations that this objcct may be attalllltl a' early as po luI.

Ho n. S ecret a ry.


I ns pector of Stores .

Sl'rgt J. Walker, 1:2, Norfolk Ronel, ErJingtoll Birlllinghalll.

Corpl. J . Hoss.

Oflicrrs 3. crgeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 29 . Total effective 36. Dt'crease since la.. t report 17. Drills behl.n. Average aLtendance 21. Removals 3. Ca 'es aLtemleJ on pnblic duty 221. Annual inspection, 26th Aug. Total on pmHle 2:1:. Absent with leave 2. 'W ithout leave 10. Annual re-cxaminatio?-, ~1Lh ,~ept. Members pass eel 25. Dill not appear 10. Medallio;s 17. Nur,;lllg certtlwates U. Regula.tion unirorm WOl'll by 1 Officer 2 seraeants 2 corpomls, allel 15 :nen. lIaterial: 2 wheeled litters anll u nal equipment bvestecl in "liI1l1t1lll Rtilway COlllp:tny. Division supporLe(1 by membcrs. '







Ho n orary Su rgeo n an d Ac t ing S u p erin t e n den t . F. ~lil\\'anl, F . II,. . ' ., 141, ,reat Charles t., BilluiIlgham.

Ih;,\lI-QT.... \ltlEt:": LII;\J)o. ' e NORTH '\\'ESTEltN GOOD,' OFFICE, ~1(J , T\(EXT LANg, BIJl;\[[XGlIA~L

Hon o rary S ecretary.

Serge. J. T. Firth . Officer 1. !';crgfant 1. Corporal1. Privatcs 17. Tolal e!Tecti\'~ 20. Drill held . AVE'l'age attclldan,·c 10. rases attendcd not. 011 pllllllC duty 25. AnJlual illspection, 26th Ang. To~al Oil J1<1.l'~tle 10. Ahsent \~' lth let:ve 10. l\lt.. (htllions 9. cnice lladcres 1. Nl1I'sl1lg cE'rtlilrate 1. Begnln1,JOll llJ1lfol'1l1 ,,"om 11y 1 sprgeant and 1 corJlOrnl. Matenal: IluLd-qnarters' store, vested ill the stall'. Divisioullpportetl by IlJPmilers. The formation of this Divi ion \yas only . anctiolled ill May, 1905.



Honorary S urgeo n .

A. D. McQueel1,


Hon. Surgeon and Acting S uperintendent. :'If.n., 1 ti, ~lonu1l\cJ1t Road, Bil'lninghum.

.T. A. II. 'Whitt'

Hon. Secretary.

E. illiflilJ,


Hon. Treasurer.

\ ' idoria HIl., A ton.

Pte. Eo Wil on.

OIliI'ct'1. .'C'l":C·l11t 1. Prinlte 22. Total eO'ertive 24. Incll't1.::'L' si1JCC ~asl I·L'P'lll:.!. Drills 11ehl12. ,A,Tcl'1ge attendance 7. Cases atlcllllet! 011 jlnillic dnty 3. en e' attcnlle(l not 011 public duty 21. Annual inspeetioll, ~GLll Ang. Total on parade .1. Ahcnt I\'ith leavc 2. Without lea\'e 18. AlJllua~ rc-e\nlllil~ati~ll, 30th. :'cpt. :Memhel'. pa sell.,' Did not appeal' 15. MedallIon ' 10. ~ Ut'Sll1g cel' tlhc~te' 2. Rcgnl,ltlOll ullliol'Jl1 wom by 1 Officer, 1 eOI poml, alHI10 men. tllntenal: 1 stretcher, arubulnllce torc che t ve ted in 'to ,)Ohll Ambulancc Brigadc. Division Uppol'tcd uy public. ' Thc Division lIn donc goot! work during the past twelvc month.


S uperintendent, Ho n. S ecretary, and Inspector of S tores.

D. H . Williams, Beechwood, Decches Road, Blackbeath,


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corl'oral1. Privatcs 23. Total effective 27. Increa e since la·t report 6. Drills h ld ·10. 11 "erage atteudauce 1D. Relllo\'als 46. Case ' atleuded not on pul,Ee dllty 1,025. Alluual inspection, 20th A l1g. Total on parade 23. Absent with leavc 3. Without I 'ave 1. AllllnHll'P -exal11illatioll, 14th May. Memuers pa ::;eJ 22. Failetl 4. n10da11ion8 G. Regl1lcttioll unil'ol'lll worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, aud 17 mell. nLlterilLI: 4 "tl'l'tchel's, 1 ambulance van with stretcher, bauuages, Sll1i11ls, &c., vcstcll in 'tewarts & Uoyus, Limited . Division supported by Stewarts & Lloyds, Limited.


NBL 'o:-;

Hon. Surgeon.

D. I. 11.0\\'1 all (1::;,

Hon. S ect·etary.


Hon . S u rgeon.

T . B . Gould Su pe r inte ndent a nd Hon . Treas ure r .

J , Dudley, 8, George Arthur Roau , Saltley, Birmingham.

M.H , C. S.,

Eng. 1s t Offi c e r

]T. Chalollel'.



Supt. and Hon. TI'easurer.

M.ll., F.H.C.S.

Pte. T. Wallis, -1, \f Bit·lllillghIt1l1.



~ , Broughton Road, IIaud:;\\'orLh, Dil'llliughum.

J. Lacol1,

Inspector of Sto l'es .


Ptc. A. Webb.

Omccr 2. el'geant 1. Corporal 1. Priyaw~ 23. Total efrectiYe 27 . Dccroase since last report . Dri Us held 45. AYeragc attcndance H. Cases attended noL on pnLlic Linty 12. ~\lJllnttl in pcctiOll, 20th Aug. Total on pamele 21. Ab ent with leaye 2. \Yithollt leavo 4. Annual rc-examination, J.9th July. Members passed 23. Did not appeal' 3, MeJalliolls 17. 'en'ice badges 7. Nursing certilic1ttes ;~. Regulation uniforlll WOl'll by 1 Ofilcer, 1 el'geallt, 1 corporal nnel 20 mono Material: ~ strctchers antl1 surgical havre ac, v('sted in Nelson Stroet Adult chool. Diyisioll supported by Nelson trcet. Adult chool.

St. J ohn A 7nbu lance Brrigade.

St. J ohn A rnbu l((/Y1rce BrigacZe.


undertaken at El'!lingtoll Charity Sports ()ll 'Whit MOllehy al1(1 abo 011 Labour Day. The pulllie are manifesting their appreciation of the work lJY practical sympathy anel support. Theil' first aid work has received the commcndation of local surgeons anrl of the General Hospital, Birminghnm.



Sup eri ntende nt an d Hon . S ecre tary.

Hon . Su r g e on .

J . Neal, 111. R. C. S.

IV. Hal'l'is,42, Boolh treet, Hantlsworth.

1st Offi cer.

Ins pector of S t ores .

O. H . Overbury.

Pte. J. II. Harris.


Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privates 37 . Total effective 42. D rills held 56. Average attendance 14. Oases attended on public duty 49. Removals 18. Annual inspection, 26th Aug . Total on parade 5. Absent with l eave 37. Medalliolls 15. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 13 men. Material: 2 Ashford litters, 2 stretchers, 2 surgical boxes complete, and store chest, vested in Great \\Testern Division supported by Great ·Westel'll Railway Oompal1Y· Railway 00.



D. If 01111 es,

Hon . Su rge o n.

Superin t endent and Hon. Secretary.

J. Gar<1l1(>r, 5, Louise Terrace, Bordesley Park Road, Bi I'llIillgllum.

In specto r of Sto res.

Pte. T. Dale.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. J. II. Widclll]>.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. l'rivate:; ~8. Total effective 3~. I ncrease since last report 11. Drills held 36. Average atlelJ(lallee 14. Oases attenueJ on public duty 5. Removals 3. Oasl}s attendeu lIOt Oll pulJlic tluty ~26. A.nnual inspection, 26th Aug. Total on paraue ] 9. Ab. ent with leave 13. Anllual re-examination, 25th June. Members passed 18. Virlno t appear 13. Medal! iOllS ] 8. Service badges 9. Nursing certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 OfIicer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 14 men. Material: 1 wheeled litter, 2 stretchers, bandages, and splints, vested in the OOlllmittee. Division supported by the members.

S uperinte n de nt .

W. J . , pendlove, 4, ·William 'treet, Aston Manor.


Hon . S urge on .

II. E. Jessop,



S uperintendent.

S. Nutt, 4, Dunsil1k Road, WiLton.

Hon . S ecretary and Inspector of S tores.


OfIi.rer;>~. • Cl·gt·ant 1. 'orporal1. Privates 16. Total effective 20. Increasc since last rcport 1. Dlills heM 38. Average lLttendallce ]0. Oases attcl1llerl OIl puhlic duLy 72. Removals 2. Oases altende{lll~t 011 public duty 143. AlIllultl inspecLion, 26th Aug. Total Oll pararle 13. Ah~ent WIth leave~. ,VItho\lt lca\'(' G. Anllual re-exalllinatioll, Dee. and .Jan. Members passell 10. FaIled 2. DId lIoL appear 7. Lec1allions 6. Nursing ccrtilicatcs 6: RegulaLion u1Iifonn worr~ by 1 OfJiter, 1 sergeltllL, 1 corpoml, awl 7 11Iell. l\1at0I'1al: st)'cLr~her, ualluages, splmts, &c., vesLe·rl ill D[\·[. iOll. l>ivi:;[Oll sUl'l'orteu by membcr". . The lllClllbl'l"s 0(' t hi:; DiYisioll bavc clol1e useful work dnl'lIlg the past year, and their service:; at local sports, clc., havc been ill a ppreciati ve clemand. It is worthy 0(' note that W:tl ll'l' Jell's, E sq., has reql1iitionecl om services fot' four months of lIight duty at CurZOll Hall, tit ollly pla~p. or public entcrtainment in Birmingham havinCl a Bri<rll,elc unifol'lllcLil1lan ill cOlllmuOllS attcndance. t:> t:>

(BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No . 10 ~ GENERAL [Formed 9.05.]

Il ~:An-QcAn'l





Hon. Surgeon and Acting Superll1tendent. <l,

A. Wilkes,


"Wittolll<o(HI, lbLoll, Birlllingham. Hon. Secretary.

F. LOllgden. OiJi ce l' 1. Privales I. Tolal efr cliyc 19. DivisioJl :;uj1Jlorted lJY Cellcral l(~lt'cllie Company, Limited. (BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No . 11 (CURZON STRE ET L & N .W. RAILWAY ) DIVISION. [Fornw111.1.01.]

Pte. O. Mobley, 154, Aston Lane, Perry Barr, IIancls\Vorth. Officers 2. ,ergeant 1. Oorporall. Privates 24. Total effective 2 I ncrease since last report 10. Drills helu 20. Average attendance ] O. Removals 24. Oases attended not on pl1~)lic duty 167. Annual i)Jspection, 26th Aug. Total on parade 23. Absent ,nth leave .4. Without leave 1. A1Ill1lal re-ex~minatio~, 17th Sellt. Members rassed 26. Did notalJpcar 1. MedalliolJs13. N ursmg certlficates 11. H egulation uniform worn by 1 0 fJicel', 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 15 men. Material: ambulance van, 4 stretchers, spliJ1Ls, and stores placed about works, all vested in Kynoch Limited. Division supporLed 1)y Kynoch, Limited. ' T~e men have made steady. progress uming the year, and the Division is now puttmg forth every effort to u11lform the whole of its members. Public uuty was

001'1'1. F. A. Parker.

PLp. B. WilsOll, 166, Gcrl'ltrrl Street, AstOll illallor.

(BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No. 8 (ME SS RS . K YNO CH 'S) DIVISION. [Formed 27.·1.03.] LION \VOltJ{~, VVlTTO.: ,

Inspector o f S tores and Hon. Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.


G. S. Moore, L.R.C.P.


Han. Surgeon.




Ih.A J) -Q lTAll·I J';Hf;: OUJl%O_ ' • TImET Ha n. Surgeon and S upt. (acting).

'. BelcIH'l', M.D., 11.1'11., Dale Eml, Binllillgh~J11. In spec to r of St o r es.

Pte. J.

n . mack \\'e 11.


1st Officer an d Hon. S ecret ary.

Pte. F. G. 'll:tw, 76, Bankes Road, , llJall Heath, 13irmillgb,tm. Ho no rary Treasu r e r .

1\ \ 1'. Wlll. Thomas (ll on. Member).

O fllcel'S 2. Sergeants 2. Pl' ivatef; 25. Total effecLive 29. Decrease since lasL report 8. Drills helel 50. Averago a.LLcndanee 15. Oases ~Lttell<l ed Oll ]1111Jlic: uuty 10. H.emovals] 1. 'ases attended nol on publicunty 2 7. A lll1lHtl inspection, 26th Aug. ToLal on ptuade 26. A bscnt with leave 3. Annual

St. John A rnbulance Brrigade.


re-examination, 20th Aug. and 17th Sept. Members passed 14. Failed 1. Did notappeal' 13. Medallions 8. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, alld 7 men. ~laterial: 1 litter, 3 stretcbers, 1 store che5t, 1 cupboard (sLore), 1 surgical h ampel', 4 boxes, quantity of sl)lints, bandages, etc., vested in London and North Western Rail\\a.v Company. Division supported uy. London and North 'Western Railway Company and meruuers.


[Fol'meu 28.9.92.]

II EA II-QlJAJt'l'Ellfi: S'1'O}l)'; S1'l~RET, DUIJLI!:Y.

Honorary Surgeon .


J. II. Wilkinson, :l1.n.C.f;.

W. IL Ha.ltl.llld, 'W 01 vel'hal1lpton

Corp1. J. H. \ \' It orton, Grangel eigh, Grange St., Dudlev.

Sergt. O. Ollis.

[Formed 19. 1.05.]


Honorary Treasurer.

Corp1. E. Tibuet.ts.

Honorary Surgeon .

R. VY. Jamic,


1st Officer (in char'ge).

Hon. Secretary.

T. ,Vard en, 8 Park Road, Ooal ville,

Pte. F. Allen, Wi bech Cottages, HighfielJ St., Coalville.

I nspector of Stores.

Hon. Tr'easurer,

Sergt. W. V. Scott.

Pte. H. H. Ma on.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 15. Total effective 18. Drills held 28. Average attendance 17. Caf>es attellCled on llUulic duty 11. Removal 1. Cases attended not on puulic duty 8. Annual inspection, 23n] cpt , Total on parade 12. Absent with leave 4. ,iVithout leaye 2. Annuall'e-examillation, 20th Aug. Members passed 16. Did not appeal' 1. Medallions 13. Material: 2 stre~chers, 1 ?-~1 ~ulance . c(~r!'iage, 1 havresac, bandagcs, splints, et.c., veste(] in Committec of DIVISIon. DIV1slOn supported by members' contriuutions and ~up­ ported by the public. Since. its formation the Division has made steady progress, chiefly through the ll elp and ~sslsta~ce ~f.a.1ate member of the RA.M.C., who bas rendered vuhutule help in formmg thIS DIV1slon . Several members have resiCfned the mell l'el1loyil1C! toeek emp~oyment. Several cases have been attended, b~th 'Oll public cluty anJ DOt on publIc duty, also one reruoval from Coalville to Leicester.


[Formed 13. 3.01.J

Officer 2. ergeallLs 4. Corporals 5. Privates 42. Total effective 53. In crease since last report 10. Drills held 43. Avcrage attelldalll;e 30. Ca es att ellded 011 pnblic (Iuty 37. l{emovals 5. Cases attenued not on pllhlic duty 100. Anllual inspection, 31lth July. Total on parade 52. .A b:,ent .without leave 1. Arl1l\lll rc-t'xn.millatioll, 2 til 'ept. l'IJe!1\be rs passel] 31. DId not apl 'ear 21. M edn.lllOns 17. cn'ice uadges 2~ . Nnring certificates 21. l:{eg\llatiou uuiform WOIll ]'Y 1 0 meer " 3 serg~allt s, ~1 corpora Is, alld a3 l\I el~. 1\!a.! ~'ial : 4. sUl,gica l havr\:,sacs, 5 sireteher!;, 51'I111t , diagrallls, bee], dc , yc;:;ted 111 DIV!filOUal COllllllittee. Di\'isioll supporl eel lly IIlellillers. . ' Tllis DivislOIl 11a. lliadc rilpid progre. s, therc l)ellJg an JI1 crease of 10 memhers. A l al "e 11111l11,cr al tem1etl call1p. At tIll' alllltHlI iu!;pcctioll tile llIen were Slliart in drill :11lCl :Il'llcilralll'e. A nsnal tlrc lllclllbcrs tnrlled ouL 011 all public occa.iolls. Tea~ls \ven' (ntcre(l ror the DI'Wdl ,'hield ;.1l1d ~l,lrkham Challf:'lIge Cup, \\Ith very satlsfa. tory re!'l1lt:. 'vveral route num Ires \\ere anallgcd, and proved a great S~IC?~SS. Du ri lIg the yea!' two ell 11rc11 Pil radcs. have bt:'en ~tt;u,leu. AI thol1gh the DIvIsion lIas i Ilcrcas d fr(' ll\ ~3 to 53 mom bel" III twO ycar!;, It 1 ' hoped \ 0 largely add to these llUIIl\lcr!;. It was with l1Iltch regret tli'lt the ll1ember leal'll~cl that the Hon. 'ecretary (Corpl. M. l 'hri-,t"l'hcr) .Iratl ]'cs~glled 011 ~ccollnt of lea~' illg Tt he town, but are pleast.cllo lra1'll that \If' is stili cOllt~11Ul11g IllS good work l.n '\\ ~h'.erhampt~~ Div 1S1 11 11, where hI' has bfPll prolllotecl to !nst officer. In recogllltlOll 01 hi 10 ytals conllectiol1 with DlItllt,y Divisioll, ,'ul'erinlelident :Willialll E. Hartlallll.. on hehalf 01' Lhe Illentbers, pre. entel] hilll wilh a framed illuIl11llatetl a(ldre . DUllllg the year a course of nursillg lectures have beGIl given by the Hon. Surgeon.


Honorary Surgeon .

A. Burton, M.D. Honorary Secretary.

R. L. Randall, Mount Street, Cromer.


F. H. Barclay, Th e 'Warren, Oromer. Inspector of Stores.

J. Kettle.

FELlXSTOWE DIVISION. 1st 0 ffi cel'.

F. J.

HEAD-Q1.' AltTEl::-; :

Ellllll .


J. II. HUlt,

Honorary Treasurer.

[Formed 20.10.99. J

JOllt;'S PAm:-;n Roo)!, FFLIX,TO WE.

Honorary SUI-geon . :I!.ll.C.:>

E. .11. 11 al~sell.

Offieer~ 3. Sergean t 1. Corporal1. PJ'ivates 13. Total effective 1 . Decrease Slllce l~st report 2. Drills held 35. Average attendance 13. Casp attended. on pu~hc duty 1. Removals 9. Cases attended not on public duty 1~. Annual.ll1sl?ectlon , 30th Sept. T otal on parade 14. Absent with leave 4. Allnnttl re-eXamll1~tlOJ1, 3~th Sept. Members passed 15. Did not appear 2. 1\1edalliOlJs 12. ~ursmg certificates 12. R~gulation uniform v,'om 1)y 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 c01poral, and 14 men. Matenal: 3 stretchers, 1 carriage, havresac, splint casu, bandages, &~., 6 wall.b?~es completely fitted and fixed auout the town, vested in Local CommIttee. DIVISIon supported by suhscriptiolls and volulltary contJibutiOllS. . Another sne?e.s~ful year has to be recorded. For thfl third time sillce its formation III 1901 the DIVISI01: has ~een successful in winnillg the East Allglian ChallelJO'e up ., O~e member ~s also m the.R:0yal :t:faval Auxiliary Sick Berth Heserve. Loc~l mtel~st m. the :volk of .t~e DIVISIOn IS well maintained, and medical men arc unalllillOus III thell' recogllltIOll of the efficiency and skill of the mem bel'S.


tJ'cct, Dauley.

Honorary Secretary.

In spector of Stores,



St. John A mbulunce Brigade.

Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.

CorpI. W. G. ElllellY, 75, King 8Lrcet, " Talton , Sulfolk.

Su peri ntendent.

. R. Harlock, "Oonway," Bath R oad, Felix towe. I nspector of Stor-es.

Pte. A. J. Bl'owes.

Ollicer 2. ,ergeani 1. ol'poral 2. Private 14. Total eIrective 19. Ill l'rea, e ~illce ht t report 1. Drill ' held 26. Av~rage ~ttt'n?f1llCe 13. R ('l110\,ttl 3. Oase. attended not on public duty 1. Annual 1Il pec~lOn, 22nd ~Iay. ToLal on pLLrade 16. A hscnt with I~a\'e 3. AlIllU?,1 re-e,:xanllllatl?ll, 16th .1lIay. :Mem hcrs pa sell 16. Did not appeal' 2 . ledalhons 11: erVlce uarlges 10. NUI''ling c,'rLifiCdote 11. HeguLltioll uniform wnrn uY.1 Olhcer. 1 sergeant, 2 ~or­ ]I"r,lIs, au(] 12 ItWIt. Matcrial: 1 Flirley stretcher, sl'llIlts alld bandagt' , 1. snrglCal Ita vl'osac, VP I o( I in COlllmittec. Division S11 [l ported by VOlllU tary donations and l1tembcrs' subscri ptioll . The Divis ioll h" s ml1intHined its strcngth, and has had several .c~s~s ?f traw; por l. l)r. IIalllilLoll lIart , \\'ho was flllpnillterl HOIl. ~ ll~'g!~Ol1 to t.be DIVISIOIl III Al)ril 1905 intends hol<1in O' a COllrse of first n.icllectl1l'es dUllllg the wmtel' aud it is "




St. Juhn .A m{ndance BJ·igacle.

St. J ulLn A Tl1uulance Brigade.

expected that the membership will be greatly increased nfter the examination. First Officer I1!1rl00k l:as been prollloted to the rank of superilJtenoent. IIe attellded the camp of lllStl'llctlOL: held at IIorton dllrin Cf ,\Vhit.'un week but was unable to tal'e any of' the 1I1en, who find it impossible to l~ave their occnp~tion at that 1 eriod ~f the year.

OlTiccl'!;:l. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 12. Total effective 17. Decrease fliuce last report 2. Drills held 39. Average aLtendanee .9. Cases attended 011 public dilLy 13. H.elllovals 6. Cu.ses aLtemled J~ot on publie du.ty 14. Annual inspl'(;tioll, 23]'(1 ,'ept. Tolal 011 parade 11. Absent WIth leave 3. ~lthout leave 3. Allllual re eX1LlIlinaliol1, 18th ,'cpt. ~lC1ll1Jers passed 13. DId not appear 3. ~Ied'lllion~ 13. ervice lJadges 11. Nursing c:el'tifieates 8. R.eglliation uniform WOl'll 1JY 2 ffieers 1 st:'r"e~llt, :l corporals, and U men. Matenal: Ashfonl litter, 4 stretcher:;, 4' ha\'l'lJ~a(;s, flag, splints, bandages, blankets, surgical box, &c., veste(l in tho C0Il1111 ittce of the Di vision. D i visiou supported by members' and public Sll bscri pLiollS. A (,Ol1l'se of lectures was givcn by Ule lIoll. 'u rgeon, and was well attended . . A squall COlJlpctel1 for the EasL Anglian Alllbul~n?e Ohallenge .C.up, and took tbu'rl 1,j'loe. The sallle S!luarl cOlnp~te(1 ill. t~l~ l'rel111llu:llY competlLloll for the Dewar hielLl, &c. A deluchmellt 01 the DIVISIon took ambulance duty at the E.ssex Oounty Cycling anu Athletic Meeting at Ohellllsfol'll, and at tho Bank Hohday SP0LtS aL lIa.Ycl'hill .


[Formed 1905.J HEAJJ-QUAltTE11 : PEOl'LE',' HALL, Ip, WICli . Hon. Surgeon.

A. ,V. Pitterson,



Hon . S ecretary.

F. H. Gooderham.

OOl'P1. C. Benham, ,Oowell trcut, IlJ ';\\'ich.

15, l\Iartin Roali, Ipsw'ich.

. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privates 17. Total effcctive 21. ,. Dnlls held 26. Allllual ilJ~l'ec~ion, 26th ept. Total 011 parade 12. Abscnt ,,:th leave 9. Annual l'e-e.xanllnatlO 11 , 19th elJt. l\Iembers passed 13. Failell 1. DL~ not appeal' 6. MedalllOlls 12. ]I\' nr iug certificatcs 5. Material: 1 streteher, splInts, ~alldage , &c., ve ted in DivisiolJal Oonlll1i~tee. Division sllJll'ortcll by members suhscriptiollS.

~his Division has ~(!en duly approved of alld sallctioned. Mr. Bolton I'mart (Vi ~rd,en o~ the Peo~.l~ s Hall) :~'il.lingl.y. o,rrel'ell that hall for head-qllartl:'rs, w/ti(;h ~[f:l .'~ as glat~fully c1c(;epted. 1 ]ns DIVl~lon~ thongll only llavillg' bee]) in existence fOl SIX months, have made great progre .. s. Tile HOIl. urgeon luis gi\'el' a fieries uf monthly lectures. ,.eyeral J~lemhel's have 1.eell calletl upon to rellder first aid. The ~.embels ar? not eC]llll'ped Wlth .llJ?iForn.ls, but it. i · hoped in the Jl('ar flltll],U uuiforJlls ".111 be o?tallled; but, ~s tlle DIVISlOll 18 <;olcly slll)!,orte(1 hy its 1l1l'lIIbers' snhscriptlOllS, thIS wlllllecessar.lly take. .'OlIJe tiJlle. The 1lJ(:l1lbers be<r to ackllowiedcrc with many thank '. the dOllatlOlls ",hICh they have receivcd, alld which have enableJ them to buy rua tenal. [ForlllCd 7.2.9 .J HEAD-QUAR1'EllS: "TUE BgWICKE Al~MS," H ALLA'J'ON. Hon . Surgeon and Sup erintendent.

W. T. HeLlley, :.\LD., The Oross, IIallaton, Uppingham. Pte. G. T . .Fri 'by, Hallaton, Uppingham.

Honorary Treasurer.


R. J. Killingrey.

Office.r 1. ,ergeaut 1. C01'])Oral1. Privates 16. Total efJ'ective 19. . Incr~ase Slllce last report 6. Drill s helt! 26. Average attelldance (j Annual mspectl0I?-, 13th Sept. Total on parade 9. Auseut with leave] O. AllIlUtll reexannna:tlOn, .11th ept. 1l1em~ers passed 13. Diu not al'pear 5. l\1cIlalliOllS 9 RegulatlOn ulllf'orm wOJ'ulJY lO/heer 1 ser!leallt 1 cOl'l,oral a 1 10 1\1" ]• 4 st· t h' 1 I . . I' ,. b' ,n( llIell. JJ lll-el' Ltl : 1 LO? ers, ?a.~pel, sp tnts, and bandages, 4 \\'ater holtles vesLed ill Divi"ional ComLllltl~e ... DIVISlOll supported by the Loeal Public. ' The DIVISlUll has \\'elllllailltaineu their efIiciellcy Tl1el'e lIas . b. lId' . . '. . ,. b een all J. lIerease 0 f SIX mem els, ane ac ILlOltalwterest 1S beIng takelt in the work of the Divisioll.


[Formed 20.4.99.J


Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent.

T. II. GoodllJan, M. H.C.IS., 39, High Street, IIaverhill. 1st Officer, Hon . S ec. and Hon. Treas.

R. Potter, 124, Withersfield Road Haverhill.



[Formed] 900.]


Ip WICll.

Chief Surgeon.

Eacle', L.JLC.l'., Manor JIonse, 'to Peter's, Ip~wi(jh.


[Formed 13.7. 93.J

'A)l1:bL ROAD, Il'SWICli.

AI: ILl\" :


Honorary Surgeon.




T. Da.mant,

L.,' .. \.

()hri~lclll\l'ch Park, Ipswich.

Hon . Secretary and Hon . Treasurer ( pro tem .)


Hon. Secretary and In spector of Stores.


"'. R. LollS, 1~, Woodhouse, ' treet, Ipswich. OlTIcers~. Privates 23. Total effective 25 . Drill hl'l11 21. A\'ul'age attendallce 10. Oase. attended on public ~dllty 2. t. Relllomis 2~. Oases aLleuucd Hot u11 public duty 13. Annual inspection, 20th Tot.al on]l rade Iv. Ab'ellt with le<.1.\'e,3: ,\Vitho~lt leave 7. ~nnual re-e.xaml11a tion, 1 Lh, 'cpt. 111 e \11 hers pass.ed 19 .. ,hnled 2. DIU HO,t appear 3. ledalhon .. 17 .. Nursin Cf c<'rtilicate' 17. ReuulatlOll ulIl!orm worn by 1 Olhcer and 1 m~u. Matellal. wll clea liLt 'I' 1 slreLdleJ' 0 1 bavre~a(' autI tin box "ith lirst aill al'l'lw.llce., vested in Local Oelll;·e. Divi iO:l ,nppurtell' by members' snbscription t'Lllll Centre. The Di\'iiSioll lIa ' !lOW got into \\,Mking o](ler, alld since March hn made very good progress. At the eOlll]lctiLion fur the KlSt AJ~gliall Oh.all(,l~g~ .Cup, held Oil May lith, l>ix t'iUllS compl·teil. . '1'110 slJUtul e.l1!' 1Il uy tlll~ DI~',J Lon came out seCOII(1. Thc ll1ell are kecn at ULell' work, and, With the hclp ol thell lIon. urgeoll, trllsL that a good account may \.)(3 gi \'en :111other year.



IJl sl'l'ctor A. llamJ1l011,1, Inspcctor of l)oliee, Town llall , Ipswich . (No rC!,ort received).


Inspector of Stores.

COl'pl. T. C. Morris.

[Fol'melllO.1 96.]

(I n charge).

Honorary Surgeon.

A. Young, ;\LH.C.S.


r. JOlIN's


[Formed 19,11.97.J



W. W . mithers, 25,

t. John' Rd., Ipswich

St. John A n~bulance B?',igacle.


Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Chief Superintendent.

COl'p. C. Webb.

II. Luck, "\Vestonville, Kettering.

Corp. D. R. Browll, 4:2, Ringham Rd., Ipswich.

Officers 2. Corporal,,; 2. Priyulf's H, Total efJ'ectiYe 1 . M edallions 10. Nursing certilicates 5. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Offi cer, 2 corporals, aDd 14 men . 1I1aterial: litter, 2 stretchers, splints and cases, vE'sted ill the Committee. Di vi ion snpported by member . (IPSWICH CORPS ) No.4 (SOCIAL SETTLEMENT) DIVISION. [Formed 26.4. 02.] HEAD'QUARTERS: SOCIAL SETTLEMENT, IpSWICH.

Honorary Surgeon.


W. F. Fryer, L.R.C.P. and s.

G. Curtis, 149, Bishop's Hill, Fore Hamlet, Ips\I'ich.

Hon . Sec. and Treasure r .

Sergt. S. J. Butcher, 109) Alan Road, Ipswich. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 24. Total effective 29. Drills held 33. Average attendance ] O. Cases aUelJdecl on pu blic dn ty recorded in Corps record. Removals done from Bead·qll<lrters at \\ hi<:h our memLcrs have assisted at< required . Cases attended not on l ,ublic duty, lll:l1lCIOllS cases. .Annual inspection) Oct. Total on parade] 5. Absent with leave 8 . 'W ithout leave 6. AllllUal re·examination, 18th Oct. 1I1e111 bel'S 1'a sed 14. Dill not apl1car 14 . Medallioll ' 21. Service badges 9. Nur.ing ccrlificates 9. Hegulation ulJifurm WOJ'll l.y 2 Oflicll's) 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and ;,:0 men. MatHial: 2 stretchers, al1l1111lulH(, easc, splints, bandages) etc., I'ested in the Social dtlt"ment. Diyisioll sUPl10rtcd by its nlembers. This Division is maintaining its efficiency in first <lid. A team competell for the East Anglian Challenge Cup, but failed. We have lo~t members by reigllation, hut it is pleasing to feel that all are trying to maintain a real Division. An al'peal is being made for funds to purchase a COlli petition hield: and" e hope befole thr ,,'inter is over to be the bappy posses ors of such a trophy. (IPSWICH CORPS ) No.5 (ORWELL WORKS ) DIVISION . [Formed 13.10. 98.J HEAD·QUARTERS: ORWELL "\VORKS,

Honorary Surgeon.

F. Ward,

IPswrcn .

Sup erintendent.


J. Pawsey, 65, Levin gwn Road, Ip wicll.

2nd Officer and Hon. Sec.

I nspector of Stores.

R. A. Ellis, 86, York Road) Ipswich .

Pte. A. Cammell.

Hon . Treasure r.

Pte. J. K. Clapham . Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 34. Total efI'ectivc 40. I ncrease since last report 10. Drills held 23. Average attendance 14. Cases attended on public .duty 5. Removals 3. Uascs attellded l]Ot on public duty 30 . AnnuallllspectlOn, 25th July. Total on parade 20. Ab ent wiilt leave 20. Ann ual re·examination, 21st ept. Mcmbers rassed 10. Failer! 1. Did not appear 28.. Medallions 29. Service badges 9. tll'sing certificates ] 8. Regulation l.miform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 25 men. Material: 4 stretchers, cupboards of first aid appliances in all the principal departnlellts vested in Messrs. Ransomes, Sims, anu Jefferies, Ltt.!. Division support d by 'ltl t'f-srs. Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, Ltd. KETTERING CORPS. HEAD-QU ARl'l!:RS :

[Formed 18.10.93 .]


J . 'YV. Dl'yland, M.H . C.H.


St. John A mbulance Brigade. Superintendent Secretary.

E. K. Lane, George St., Kettering.

(Eight A mlmlance Divisions)-Officers 11. Sergeants 11. Corporals 9. Privates 130. (One NW'sing Division)-Nursing OJIicers 3. ursing sisters 43. Total effective 207. During the past year the Corps shows ~ slight increase. of members. rr:l~e tr~nsp.o.rt work Ita:, ueeu very heavy, seven,.llollg.dlstan(;e cases bellJg removed. 1he first ald statiolls ill the town have proved of great service. Five Church Parades have been held, and have ueen \l eU attcnded. Our best thauks are due to the Kettering Urban Di"tl'iet Council 1'01' their kindness ill placing the 'tamford Road Schools at our service for tIle co III petition. li'olll'teen 111en have jOllled the Anxillary Royal aval Sick Uerth H.esel've and werc insJlleted by Deputy Inspl-ctor General Theo. J. Pre ton, ILK.) M.D.: Inspel.:Ling Utticer Royal Kayal Siel~ BertI: Rese,rve. ~he anllual illspedion took ]Jlace 011 August 19th, 1905, the mpeo:tlllg oflicers belDg Di:,tril't Chief t:lur 1f eoll Audlallcl and .Assistant COllJll1issioner ,\Voobton, WllO stated thut Lhe \\ ork LloJl~ was llighly satisfactory. Melll1Jer:, of the Corps ~H\\~e attended various puulic fetes. A patt'y .01' offic:ers a~ld IlIcn. atteJld~d the DlstJ}?t cal~lp at Horto)), <tllli delived gleu t bClleht fron~ the 1IIStlU~tlOl1 reCel ycd there. I he glau,lOphone or ,'ul'erintclldcllt DixOIl WilS bighly appleclated at the camp cunc,er.ts: '1 he cOlllpetitiull lu1' thc Chiel upCl'intt:llllellt's Cup "'HS held ut Pytcldey, Cblet upt. l{ce\'e~ , 01 }, orilw III ptOll, lJt:illg Lhe juuge. Through ~he kllld lIe!::>s ~f th~ Hon. Snrgeon alld 1111'S. DryJand the Curps spclIL an cnjoya~l:- attel'llOOll a~ thcn resldell.ce, Ol'\:ily Lodge, tea uuiug servcd Oll the lawn, a cOlllpelltlOU 101' the slsters also taklllg place. (KETTERING CORPS) HEAD-QUARTERS DIVISION. [Formed 1 .10.9 3.] IllUD·Q1.d.llTElt · : Cunt 11 b 'lTITTE) EETTE1U ."G. Superintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

L. \\'. Dl'ylullLl,

)!.It . C . ~.

G. Dixon, "\Yilliam 'treet, Kett eri.ng. Inspector of Stores .

Honorary Secretary.

1st Clas:, ergt. n. Rally, Hockingltillll H,oad, Eett 'ri ng.

Pte. nlallJl.

Oflicers 2. el'gcl1llt 3. 'oJ'l'0ml]. Privates 45. Total erl'ectiYe :=i1. Re. ervc l11e:lIlJers~. Iuert'ase siJl(;c b t report 14. Dril!s held ~6. Axerage atlellclallt'e 17. Cascs altclllled Oil pnblil.: lluty 20. RCJl10yals 51. Cases aiteJ1c1Cll not 011 publie duly lOti. Allllual ill . pcdion, 19th Aug. Total on 1'rLmde 36. Ahsent "ilh 1'ayc ti. "\\'ithont lea\'e 11. AllllUal re·e.·uminatlon, 12th cpt. M mbt'rs paS:l d '27. Failed ,3. Did not appenr nll.dallion ' 13. }, ur~illg eCl'lilicates '21. Eegu.laliull llllllul'lll 'ro~ll uy 3 (~llicers,.3 e.rgeaJlts) ) corporal, anLl 30 mell. M 'lt~ J'lal: 1 }101'.e \\.'lgOll, 3 whecled 11tte1 12. tl.etchel , 20 first uill 1Joxes tully C'IU1}ll'ctl \\'1th Sl'llllb, l!rLllcluges, elc., YC 'led III C0111llIiUec. Diyi 'iou l1pported by vuluutary !'ul.scriptiollS. , The Di \li~iou has lllud . gooll pl'ogres ' dnring the year. The ~lel11 bcl's haye done wOl'k at the '\\' ol'kllOU 'C IlIfi1'llHlry at llight, I'O!' which tltey lCCel\'cd the thanks of the Unanliull'l. The wagon bn,s 1,roved to be of greale t yalue. Eleyeu members llave joined tb' Naval 'ic:k UCllh Re ·enc. '1\\0 ?fficers, olle ,e rgeant.' and enro.! lllell at tend cd the Uriga,du call1p, :md gJ'l'U t ly bcneh tIl c1 loy t 11 e 111 truchon. quads h av\.J attcnded public fUlldiulls-IIo. pibll SpOlt , Cycle parade, 111111 Chu!'ch parade. Thronglt the I,illtllles~ of OUl' HOll. 'nrgeon L. \r. Drylnllll allll. 111' : Dl'ylnnd the m embe!'s of the Division spellt a most clljoynlJle afternoun at thl!1r res~lle Jlc:e) LOll.don Road. During tca the COl ps hUlld played sC\'cl'al selectioll'~ .. Al.o prizes were glyen by Chief upe;'intellllellt Lnck for a COl11pctition for the lltU' l11g 101slelS.



[Formed. 21.9.01.]

IIEAD'QUAnTI~HS : D.\Y St'llOOL!-;, DnUUOllTO '.

Honorary Surgeo n .

In Ch arge.

Insp ector of Stores.

A. G. Tolpntt, lI1.It. C.S.

ergt. G . II. Carter.

Pte. A. Meaehem.

Honorary TreasUl-er,

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. 'V. H. Johnson, Little Cransley, Bronghton, nr. Eettering.

Pte. F. Maniott.

Officer l. Sergeant 1. Privates 12. T otal effecLive 14. Reserye members 3. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 36. Average attend~llce 8. Cases attended not on Imblic duty 53. Annual in pection held at Kettenng. Total on parade . Absent without leave 6. Annual re-examination , 20t~ Sept. Members p~ssed ~O. D id not appear 3. :Medallions 17. Nursiug certlficates 7. RegulatlOll uillform worn Ly ] ergeant and 9 men. Material: 2 stretch ers, splint'l, &c., vested in Committee 0[' Di,-ision. Division supported by voluntary contributions.

Sergeant 1. Corporal l. Privates Ie . T otal effective 12. [ncrease since last report 1. Drills held. 30. A verage attendance 34. Cases attended not on public duty 25. Annual inspection, 19th Aug. Totiil on parade 6. Absent with leave 4. vVithont leave 2. Annual re-examination, 11th April. Membcrs passed 12. Medallions 10. Nursing certificates 12. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and 8 men . Material: 2 stretchers, tation box, surgical havresac, splints and bandages, vested in Committee of Diyisiou. Division supported by voluntary contributions. The Division has been successful during the past year, having sent eight members to the camp, also for running second in Colonel Markham's Cup. The Division so far is progressing satisfactorily. (KETTERING CORPS ) ROTHWELL DIVISION.



Honorary Su rgeon.

H. Burland,

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. J. 111. Austin, 6, Victoria Tenace,

lation Road, Burton LaLimer.

Treasurers .

The tamford and Sl)alding Bauking Co . Officer 1. ergeaut l. Privates 11. Total eLrective 13. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 24 . Avera ere attendance Ca os attended not on public duty 115. Annual illspection b ] 9th Auer. Total on parade 6. Absent with 1eave 3. Without leave -1. Annual' re-exaJllin~tion in Oct. Membel~s pass~d 10. Did not appear 2. Medallions 12. NUl' 'iug certificates 12. RegulatlOn umfonn worn Ly 1 sergeant .and 11 men. Material: 1 teut 1 litter, 2 .stretchers, 2 ambulance baskets, splInts, meter bottles etc, "esLeJ in CommItte~ of P.i,:isioll. Division supported by suLscriptions, co~cert;, eLc. :rhlS DIvlslon fell off a great deal the first half of the year, but what is left is dOlDg a great deal of good work.

John More,


Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. C. F. Bishop, 4, Bridge 'treet, Roth wen, Ke tterillg.

'ergt. Quincey.

Officer 1. ergeants 3. Corporals 3. Privates 20. Total effective '27, Hegulatioll uniform worn by 3 sergeants, 3 corporal.-, and 20 mell. 'fhe report for the Rothwell Corps i' far from encouraging. There has been a great fallillg 011' in member, owing, 110 doubt, to the depres 'ion of trade. etc., and many hu ve left the town to seek elllploymellt in other p1aees. But we are hoping, by ,trict attention in looking up 01<1 member, to giye new life to the Diyision. Chief uperintellflent Luck (Kettering) has ,-if::ited the Diyision, and we feel pleased to report that it 11a . rou cd fresh intere t in ambulance work. (KETTERING CORPS ) RUSHTON DIVISION.

In Charge . Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

T . B. Newitt, Pte. F. Ba.iley. Rev. R. C. Thnrsfield. Cranford St. Andrew, Kettering. Officer l. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 10. Total eO'ective 13. Decl'ea~e since last report 2.. Drill s helJ 12. Hemovals 2. Cases aLlclldeu not on publlG duty 20. :dIeclalhons 10. Nursing ;;ertificates 6. R ecrulaLioll uniform worn by ~ sergeant, 1 corporal, and 10 men. MaLerial: 1 stretcher 1 medical chest, splm~s, bandages, etc., vested in Divisioual Committee. DiYisio;l supported by the pubhc.


Honora ry Surgeon.


ergt. A. Bamford. ruickshank, Rushton Hall Gardens, Rushton.

Essam, Ru:;hton,


[Formed 6.03.]


Pte, A. Cooper.


J. W. Gainer,

M. n.


[Formed 1 .12.96.J


Supt. (acting) and Hon . Secretary.

Rev. 'Y. ,V. Dennett, Twywell Rectory, Thrap tOll. Hon . Treasurer.

Sergt. A. P. Lewis, Isham, Ketterillg. Corpl. T. Buckl ey, Pytchley, nr. Kettering.


Mr. J. Fortesque.

In Charge. Hon. Secretary.

Hon . Treasurer'.


ergeant 1. Corpontl' 3. PriYates 15. Total effeetiye 21. Officer ' ~. Decrease iuce la t report 1. Drills held 22. AYerage attendance 8. Ca es attended not on public duty 14. Rcmo"als 2. Annual re-examination, 2 'th ept. Members pas cd 9. Did not appeal' 1l. Meda1lions 20. Hegulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and men. Material: 1 ,,,heel litter, 1 carrying sheet, 4 stretcher" 2-1 ~plillt, 24 bandages, 2 water bottles, 3 havresacs. Di\rision supported by YOlulltary subscription

Hon. Surgeon .


Inspec tor of Stores .



Hon . S ecretary.

Corpl. J.

Sergt. J. Hart,


[Formed 3.4.97.]


[Formed 23.4.02.J



Hon . Surgeon. Hon . S ecretary.

1st Class ergt. G. Miller, Rothwell, 111'. Kettering.


Hon . Sec. and Insp . of Stores.

H. Gil.Jl.Jons,

J. P. Roughton,

In Charge.

Hon . Surgeon.


erg . A. J udel, Duke t., Bnrton Latimer, Kettering,

[Formed 12.97.]


[Formed 4.01.J

In charge and Inspector of Stores.

l\LILC. ' .


St. J ohn A. ?nb'v.,la1~ce BrigciJcZe.

St. J ohn A. ?nbv.,lance Brigade.


Insp . of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. II. Buckley.

Pte. J. Bnck ley.

Officer l. Privates 7. Total eLl'ective 8. Increase s ince last report 1. Drills held 19. Average attendance 4. Ca es attended llOt on public duty, a considerable number. Annual re-examination, 15th Sept. Memb ers passed 7. Meuallions 3. R egulation uniform worn by 6 men.

St. J ohn Ambulance B1·igade.

Sl. J ohn A 11~bulance BTigade.

Material: 1 str~tchel', 1 medical ch(>st, bandages, stores chest, diagrams, etc., vestcd in COlllmittee of Divi ion . Divi 'ion supported by voluntary ul,scriptions . The year has been olle of' quiet \l' ork. The Division is of evell greater v~lue than formerly, as the neighbouring I ronstone pits which have bren f?r ye:ll:s carned on as qua.nies are now cOlwerted into mines, and the llangc1' of aCCldeut IS eonscqnently in creased . It is h01l(>d the Division will, ho\\ eveI', .rise to the occasion.

Com missioner expresReel hi IllOlel r In nch plensed . H e cOl1lplimen ted all on their smart appeara.nce,.Lhe IIt11'sing sistel:s, who ."'ere all in regulation uniform, coming iu for a full sl:are. of 1I,ml ~', The anll11al,lIlspecLlOll was hel(l July 8th, the illspeeting officer being Dlsll'lct Cluel ,urgeon W. E. Amlland , l.JLC' . S. Th e memher::; 011 pararl e numbered 145 .. At Lite close of the inspection, Lhe illRpecti ng officer eXJlressed him self fp:eatly grattfiecl uy t.i1e apI~earallce 01 thc p(lrIHle. Th e work done by the lIursing sisters desf'rvc(1 specl!!.I Imll se. rIe waf! pleased to sec more members ill uniform, and expressed the hope that the corps\\oul(l he l'epresenteel aL the annual camp as lIe felt quite sure il woulll be of great advantage to tIlC COl'pS as a ,,·h ole. '


LEAMINGTON DIVISION. LFol'me cl16.3.05.J HEAD'QUARTEltS: Dnu,L HALL. S uperintenden t (acti n g).

Hon . Su rgeo ns .

DI'. J. F. II. ]Werioll, Leall1ingtoll.

J. F. H. Ell el'toll, ;\LD. T. E. C. Cole, ;\r. A., )\(. B.

Hon. Treas u rer.

Ho n . S ecreta ry.

G . G. Osbol'n, n, Regent St., We. t, Leulllinglon.

A. C. Picking, l\I<llwgel', Lloyds Hank.

Oflil:ers 2. .. ergean t 1. Corporal 1. Privates 21. Total elreuli \'e 25. Drills held 22. Averacre attendallce 8. lt emoya l 1. Cases altellde(l nut on l'uhlic Juty 20. l\Iedalli(\~s 6. Brigade uniforlll WOl'll by 1 sergeallt, 1 corporal, and] 7 llll:n. Yest ed in Diyisiollal COllllllittee. Division sUPl/orted by puLlie sub criptiolls and concerts, etc., alld the Brigade. This Division has only lately been formed, will eloublless become a strong on?, and will supply along felt waut. It hids fair to he well supporte(l by the publIc and authorities in Leamington, when its work Lecollles better kllO\\n. LEICESTER CORPS . [Formed 14.11.82.J TIm lIIAGAZI:-\E, LEl cE.'l'En .


Chief Superintendent.

C hief Surgeon .

F. M, Pope,


J . L. King, '27, GarellClon 1 'trect, Leiccstcr.

B.A., M . D .

Su peri ntendent Secretary.

G. O. Dobsoll, 315, Kast Park Roall, Leicester.

Superintendent of Stores.

T. B. MaUhe\\'s.


'()-()I'};JL\TI\'J~ HALL,

Hon. Surgeon .

[Formed 2.5.02.J

]J .\llWELL.

Superintendent and Hon. Secretary.

T. Cl'ick, ~l. lU· ...

A. E. Higclol!, hilton Road, Harwell.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

"T. I LllT(>Y.

W. ,·l1Iith.

'ergl'ant 1. ol'pora1s 2. Pl'ivates 21. Total effective 26. Oflic!'l's 2. Drills h elel 27. 'ases aLtclHlcll on puhlic (luty 25. R f' moval 1. Cases atLl'ncl('cll~llt Oil pllhlic lluty yO. Annual inspection, th July. Total on parade 20. fdlsent With 11':I\'e 3. \\ Ithont leave 3. Annual re-examination, in March . Tlll'sing certificate 1. Hegulatioll uniform l'Ilel1lbl'l's passed 2:i. l\Jcclttllions I . WOI'll 11)' 1 ().llicer, 1 . rr,~callt, 2 corporals. amI 7 men. 1I[alClial: 3 Furle), tl'etchers, 1 Ashford hUcl', I hanesac, 1 waleI' hoWe, 12 hoxes in ,Y ork ho]!., qnantily of Sl'llllts, l,andng<'s, ctc .. ve tecl in 'ollllllittee or Division . Di\'i. ion 'uPllorted by volllntnl')' snit criplillll . . The IJi\·i'.i.ioll still continues to clo good work csper.ially ill the "tHiollS wOl'kshops ll! the tllstnct. It has also ha(l lhe hOllollr of winning the L eiee. tel' Challencre 'hicld . 0

S uperintendent Treasurer.

F. G. Brise. (Ten A?nbl6lc~nce Divisions)-Omcers 27. Sergeants and CorJloral::; 21. Privates 201. (One Nltl'sing Division)-Officers 5. .r ursing sisters 32 . Total eacctive 2 9. The past year has been one of useful work, and although a deerease in Lhe slrengLh of the corps has to be recorded, clue lIlaiuly to fn.illll'e on the palt of !l1l'mber. Lo eOllfoJ'll1 to the Brigade regulation " this is IJeing cOllnterbalanuell by the aelc Ii lion of!l. ne\\' Di vision already working satisf~lctorily at Hillckley. The COl'pS cOllsists of 41 clivi"iolls, 10 ambulance andlullt'sillg. The prill eipl e evellLs l.Jeing the AblJe), Parl - Flo\\'el' how and Sports (two days), llursing sisters on duty both days, and the Fosse Footba.ll Club Sports. In adJition, cletaehnlents have Jlerformed weekly duties througllout the year on the Victoria Park and l3elgrave Pasture Recrcn.tiou Groullds. First aiel has been rendered to cricketers and JooLballLlrs ill llO less LIlan 131 cases. The efficiency of the Ilursing Division is again welllllailltained. The annual Challenge Shielrl competition took place Oll F ebr uary 5th. 1905, t.he first place being gained by the £a1'\\'e11 Di visioll . The COil test was a very keen one. A large and inftuential gathering of the melllbers and friends of the Corps Look place at the King's Hall, Grll.lld Hotel, 011 April 15tll, ullller Lhe presicIcncy of his Worship the Mayor, Coullc-illor S. Hiltoll, wh en tIle Challenge Shield and l'ri%es were presented to the wlIming teams by InspeetoJ'-Orncl'al Belgrave Ti llllis, l\I.]).,lt.N., Chief Commissioner of the I::Jt. John All! Iml a nce Brigade. Previous to Ole presentation, the Chief OOlllll1issiollCl held a short inspection of the Oorps alJd its erluipments, aud in closing his remarks at the inspection lIe purticnln.rly elllphasised the great importance of members of the Corps keepillg themselves thoroughly efficiellt in the knowledge alld application of first aiel. As regards the cC]lli]llllent of the ambulance tent, wagon, litters, stretchers, havresacs ancl medical chest, the Chief


n:n,': '''oon

T!tEET ~


Honorary Surgeons.

1'. (L nand!. ;l1.lt.('.S. \\T. York e, 1,.1:'<'.1'. Hon. Secretary.


[Formecl1.5.03.] HrLTON.

In C harge.

"C'l'gt. W. n. ten-u,-oll, Earl 'hilton, 111'. Lei ce~te r. Inspector of Stores.

11. A. B!til ... ~, ('pI. \\. A. H c1graves. 21, ,'tltLioll ]toad, ElIl ·lliltcJlJ.

Hon. Treasurer.

rtc. II. Woolman.

'cl'g'ants~. COlporals~. Primlcs 15. Totul efli:C'livll 21. Ofli cel's 2. Drill .. llcld I. AVl'rnge attendance 10'7. Case" attended 011 [lublie duty 63. 'as\" ,tHended nut 011 [lllltlic duty.n. AlIuual ill pcdioll , Lh July. RCllIoval 1. Tolal 011 IHuade ] .J. A usellt with lca\'e 2. Without l e'lve 4. AllIlUall'e·exalll in~L.i'l!l, Felt. l\I(>1I11'crs passed 16. Ditluot a.ppcar 3. Medallions 11. Hegulalion ullllorlll \\'Ol'll ll) 1 sergl'n.llt, :l corporals, and 1 llIall. 1I1aterials: 3 streLcher', 3 havl'l's!tc<', ·1 \\'at r !JoUle', 1] tirst a.id hoxe pla.ced ill factori e' aud workshops aJ~d. ~ large c[lllllltity 0[' triangular and roller halldagc::;, \'ested ill Coml1littee of DIVISlOll. Di\'isioll lljl]1orted by lllclIlbeni ami public ub criptiollS. 'ix Ill elllbel's turn out weekly T.lle Divisioll eOllLilll1eS to mako steady progre·. tll1l'lllg the football season. Ambulallce boxes haye ue II placcd in 11 factories aMI workshops, pl1l'ehn.sed by public (lollation, antI kept up rrolll the same source. ,Va also have stationed at dill'erellt places about the village three stretchers and three havresacs (surgical) .

St. J ohn A rrnbulance BTigcLde .



St . J ohn A rrnbu lance B !'igade.

[Formed 11.9.05.]




1st Officer and Insp . of Stores (Acting).

Hon . Su rgeon. ~\.

E. Lynn Jenkins, l\f. R. C. S., (Acting).

l\lehe\\', Priory ('ottage, L eicester Rd. , Hiu ckley, nr._Leicester. Hon . Treasu rer.

Hon . Secr-etary.

Pte. C. Sefton.

Pte. L. Burleigh, 22, Charles St. , Hinckley, nr. L eicester.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates lB. Total effecti,'e 22. . M.aterial: 2 stretchers, 2 havresacs, 2 water bottles, and good SUI)ply of sphnts, bandages, etc., vested in Committee of Division. Division supported by members and public subscriptions . . .. Although not anctioneu till September 11th, the. DIYISIOn at~encled Olle 0.1' two meetings, sports, etc., in July and August. The eqmpment ment.lOnell above I th e Division's o\\'n property, bl ~ we al 0 have a 'Th~eled Ashfonl lItter p~ll'r~)ased by the Council for our use, as they could not legally gn'e us a money subscnpboll, kept at the Urban Council Offices.






Honorary Surgeons.

Superintend en t.

YV. S. Aslett, M . ll.C. S . J. Hunter, M.A., ;If. D.

F. Spencer, 211, Welford Road, Leicester.

1st Offic er.

Hono rary Secretary.

T. B. Matthews.

Sergt. L. Trout, 12 , Knighton Fieltls Hoad, Leicester.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Corpl. W. Coalmau.

Pte. L. l\lottershead.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 26. Total effective 34. I ncreas'3 sint:e last report 2. Drills held 24. AYerage attendance 13. Cases atteu(lcd not on public duty 94. Annual inspection, Bth July. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 4. \\Tithout leave 14. Annual re-examination, 12th April. Members pa. sed 19. Did Dot appear 13. l\ledallions Hl. Service badges 5. ur 'iug certificates 1:2. ~egulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, awl 4 men. Matenal: 3 stretchers, 2 roped sheets, 1 havre ac, 1 emel'gency c~se, 6 ambulance cases, 1 ambulance cupboard, triangular and roller bandages, splll1ls, etc., yesteLl in the Co-operative Wholesale ociety. Division supported by the Co·operative Wholesale "ociety. Tl~e .Wheatsheaf Diyi 'ion still maintains its efficiency, there is nothing of specml Importauce to report.

Honorary Surgeon .

T. N. Thomas,

)I.R.C . •.


Superintendent. Hon Sec . and Hon. Tn'as .

L. C. ,V' atkins, 6, Garfield

treet; Leicester.


E. R. L'owcher,

Pte. ,Yo True. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates lB. Total efrectiYe 21. Drills held 32. Average attendance 14. Cases attended onpubhc duty 14. Cases attendeel not on public duty 23. Annual il~SI)e?tion, Bth July. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave B. Annual re-exammatlOJ1, 5t~ Sept.. l\Iembers passed 20. Medallions B. Nursing certificates 6. Regul~hon umform wo~n by 7 men. Material: 2 stretchers, 2 medical havresacs, splInts, etc., vcsted III L. & N.W. Ry. Co. Division supported by L . & N.W . Ry. Co.



Hon . Surgeon and Hon. Treasurer.

I nspector of Stores .



Honorary Surgeon .

R. Sevestre,


1st Offi cer (Acting).

L.H.C.P .

Hon. Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

H. Elliot, Fu.idield Road, South Wigs ton.

Pte. L. Folwell, 15, Moat t., Wigston Iagna.

Oalcer 1. crgeant 1. Privates 13. Total effecti\'e 15. Drill. he1cl1. Average attelltlanc(;l10. Ca'e attended on public duty 19. Ca es attended not on public duty 43. .A nnual insl)ection, th July. Total on parade 4. Absent with leave 10. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 13th ept. Members passed 13. Did not appear 1. Medallions 9. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 supernumerary officer, and 7 men. Material: 1 hamper, 2 tretcher, 3 hayresacs, water bottle, 3 sets of splints, bandages, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions and public subscriptions.

i\I. A., i\I. D.

Supe rintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

W. J. Macnamara, 76, Wellington St. Leicester.

Hono rary Secretary .


H. ,\V. Martin, 30, Gipsy R(J.,

[Formed .7. 02 .]


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 11. Total effective 14. Reserve members 3. Decrease since last report 5. Drills helo. ~3. Avera~e attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 4. Cases attended nO.t on publIc duty 7. Annual inspection, Bth July. T otal on parade 11: Absent Wlth leave 3. Annual re-examination, 21st Sept. Mem bel'S passed 9. DId not aPl?ear 4. Medallions 6. Nursing certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 5 men. Material: stretchers, bandages, splints, havresacs, etc., all on loan from Centre. When Division was reformed all materials were kept by members of old Town Division who left Brigade. Division supported by members' subscriptions.


Hon . Surgeon.

J. "\ ndersoll,

L.n . C.l'.

Super-i ntendent.

YY. Bl'e!1dmol'e, Cherry treet, '\\'igston Magna, Hon . S ecretary.

PLe. A.


Sylvester, 71, Kirktlale Hoad, outh \\,igstotl.


Leice tel',

Inspector of S tores.

Corp1. J. H. Leeson.


St. J ohn A mlndance Brigade.

St. John A 1n b ~/'lance Brigade.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. 1""> l' i vates IS. T otal eITccti ve 22. Decrease since last report 3. DJ'ills held 24 . Average attendance 15. Cases attended 011 puLlic duty 120. R emovals. Cases attended ~lOt on llUblic duty 4.0. Annu al inspection, th July. T otal on p~rade ~. Ahsent 'inth lea'i'e ~5. ~ledal­ lions 16. Kursil1O' certificate 1. Regulation Ul11fOl'l11 worn by 1 OillCCl, 1 selgeant, 1 corporal, anu 9 ~nen . Material: .litter, 2 s~retchcl's.' _havresac~,.2. \\,u,Ler bot~les, splint, etc., vested in ,Yig ton MIdland RaIlway DI'VlSlOn. DnrlslOll suppoo ted by public Stl bscript.ions. . . . .. Steady progrcss has bpen m~de dlll'1~lg. J:ear. A n ew drIll. hall Sltuated III Cl~lkes R oad now named lIIidland Rallway DIVIslon Ambulan ce Bngade has becn obtal11ed . N ew Ltter e tabl ished Octobcr 1904, also two new stretchers, new havresac and new water bottle.





J. S. Sloane, F.R. C.S.


1st Offi cer.

Z. Langham,

J. F. Timson .

41, Cedar Hoau, Leicester. Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Sec,oetary.

2nd Officer.

Sergt. J. '1'. Akiens.

Pte. O. Richardson, 16, Ccdar Road, Leicestet·.

' V. Martin.

Officers 4. Serueants 3. Privatc 51. Total eITecti l'e 5 . Drills held 20 . Average battenclance 20. Cases atlende.l not on public duty 17. Annual inspection, 8th July. Total on parade ~l. .Absen~ with l.ea\·e 11. \\~ithout leave 25. Mem bel'S passed annual re-eXall11l1atlOn 2 {. FaIled 1. Dill not apnea!' 29. Medallions 20. Nmsing certificates 19. R egulation unifurm worn by£l Officer, 1 sergeant, and 5 men. .M.a~erial : splints, bandages, a~ld 2 str~tc~lers, vested in Working Men's College. Dlvlsl on supported by members snu cnptlOns.

H[!;AD -QUAltiEHS: MA~NI)\GTnEE, E;;SEX. Honorary S ecretary.

P. V. 'iVarrl, Oxford Rl1., l\Ii tler, E~sex. E. J . Lovell, Rose Cottage, ilListley. Officer 1. C'Ol'[IJI',tl 1. Privates 10. T otal effective 12.



[Formed 15.5.90.J

I<. A. Durt'aut,

~!.n .c.s .

Sup erin t endent.

1st Officer.

'G, Green, 52, High St., }Iarkct lIarb orollgh .

J. Shore. Inspector of Stores.

Corp1. C. R. Ellighton, Pte. W. H. Bnxwell. Uowarc1 'treet, Market lIarborough. Officers 3. Sergeant~ 2. Corporals 3. Privates 20. Total effective 23. Drill' heltl 49. Average attelldallce 14.. Case attended on public dnty 1. Rem ovals 2. Cascs attcmlell not 01\ l'uulic ll11t,}' 52. Annual inspection, 31st Aug. Total 011 parade ~2. Ausent with leave 4. ,Yithout leaye 2. Annual re-examination, 12th Dec. l\Iel11ber~ pa sed 24. Did not appear 3. Medallions 12. 'ervice u:lrlges ] 1. :\nr:;ing cerLificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 2 OfJiccrs, 2 scrgeallts, 3 corporals, and 20 men. Material: 5 stretchers, 3 sets of splints nlHI uJ.IlLla~e ·, ~ ambulance wagons, 1 Ashford litter with hood, "estell in Diyi::;ional COllllllittec. Diyision suppoJ'ted by public subscription and member" sllkcriptions . The mo.t notable feature of the .\ ear lIa been the acqui ition of a new wagon sub. scribed for lJ,}' reoiuents in the lIeigldJul1l'hoocl. The ne\\' wagon by which patients can l)e con \,t;yecl with the mi nimulll of Lliscolll fort, 11a already heen of great enice. ixtecn member.' attel1l1etl the c:1mp at Horton in Whit un week, and spent a most instrncti ve and enj oya ble tim e.

Honorary Surgeon . M.

n.c .. . Hon . Secretary.

T. keOlngton, l\[eLlhol1l'llc,

M.n. C.R.

ergt. D. U her. Me(lbourne, .Market Harborougb.

Market Harborollgh . Hon . S ecretary.

Sergt. J . D. l\l oore.

W. Catlin, 6, Fairfield Street, Leicester.

D. Dnke, Superintendent.

Hon . Surgeo n.


[Formcd 3.3.99.]

lIEAD-Qu\.ltTlm. : "REI ILLE Am.r:" CLUB Roo:\f~, nIEDBoUnNE.

HEAD-QUAP,TER : Y.M.C.A . Roo,,!., LET CE!:>TER.

C. D. Bryan,


H on. Su rgeon.


[Formed 1902.]

1st Offi cer.

Honorary S ec. and Treas.

[FCJt'med1.11.90 .]

Insp ector of Stores.

Pte. F. D. Reeve. Officcrs 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 10. Total eITective 14. Decrease since last re1101t 10. Drill s held 22. Av erage attendance 6. Cases attended on public duty 9. Cases attended not on pU1Jlic duty 22. Annual inspection, 8th July. Total on parade 9. A1Jsent with leave 2. WiLhout leave 3. Annual l'e~examination, 24th Aug. :Members passed 10. Did not appeal' 3. MedallIons 10. Nursing certificates 3. R egulation uniform worn by 2 OfIicers, 1 sergeant, and 5 men. lIIaterial: skeleton, stretcher, bandages, splints, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division snpported by members. During the year we have lost our Hon. Surgeon Dr. H. R. lJancock, who has left the town through illlless . His place lIas been filled hy Dr. C. Douglas Bryan, M.R.O.S., L.n.c.p. Mu.:!h valuablc service has been rendered to the pulJlic ill the parks, several severe CaSI)5 l)eing treated .


Inspector of Stores.

Corp1. W.

. Garfield.

, Officci's 2. Sergean t 1. Corporal 1. Pri mtes 10. Total effecti ve U. D ecrea esinceln trcportl. Drill llehl2:2. Avcrngeattellllullce10 . H.emoval1. Ca es ntten(ledllot 011 pnblic duty 12. AUlllUl in pection, 13th cpt. Total on parade 12. Absent with leaye 2. Annual re-examination, 2nd 1111.)'. Members passed 9. Did not appear 4. Medallions -.1. enrice barlges 5. Regulation uniform worn by ] Officer, 1 ergean t, 1 corporal, and 7 wen. ~Iaterial: 2 tretchers, surgical havre:;ac, splints, bandages, etc., yes ted in Committee of Di"i ion. Divi ion npported by members anel honorary members. Goou work has been rendered in the several case of accident.

NORTHAMPTON CORPS. [Form ell 4.5.86.] HEAD-QUAIn lmN: N OItT1L\.l\[PTON GENEJUL H o.'l'ITAL. Chi ef Surgeon.

R. A. Milligan, l\J . D.

Chi ef Superintendent

W. H. Been:, 4, Castilian Terrace, I orthaJllpto,1.

St. J ohn A 1nbulance Brigade.

St. John A mb'L~lance B1"igade.


Supt . Secretary.

Superintendent of Stores.

H. "Wilkinson, 69, Billing Road, N orthampton.

F. 0, Gardner.

(Seven Ambulance Divisions)-Officers 18. Sergeants 8. Oorporals 6. Privates 172. (One NU1'Sing Di'l:ision)-Officers 4. Nursing sisters 60. T otal effective 268. Pro aress has been made in the various divisions of the corps, two of which, namely Bliswgrth and Kislingbury have ad opted the regulation uniform. A very successful amateur performance organised by the OhiefOonstable, was given in December, 11art of the proceeds being given for a campfulld. The band attached to the corps also attcncled the camp. The nursing competitions were held at th e H o pital on Noyember 2nd, the prizes were again generously given alld presented 011 Decem be.r 7th by J. Oooper, Esq., J. P . Mr. Oooper, who is the chairmau of the Oentre Oomnllttec an~l Dr. R. A. Milligan (the Ohief Surgeon of the Oorps) have been made H on . As 'OClates of the Jrder. 'The H ead-quarters team wou the Final District Oompetition in th e Eastel'll District and so had the honour of representing the TO , III. District at the fiual competition'in L ondon, A special appeal has been made to the public for sub.criptions and donations with the object offounding a permanen t h ead .. q uarters in J orthampton. A church parade was held at Blisworth, June 26, 1905, The offieers of the coqls attended annual inspections of the Olney Division and Kettering and 'Vellillg . borough Oorps. The transport service has again had a busy year, both wagons being in almost constant use.



the oClc~sion of the unveiling ofthe meJl1Ol.'ial tablets at the Town H all to those ",110 sel'YC( Lh. Afric a. A scct'.10n [ rom tIe 1 01 ney DIVISIon . . . under Supt. Knight ' were also IIId t ou [ .l\I ,~n tlll y 01 .the abo.ve ceremony. T he annual re-examinatiolls were held in m c I, Ie examll1ers bemg : Dr. tone M.D . Mr. T Oairns I R 0 pM' O' 1 F,Jl.C'.S., Dr. Iillirran :-'f n " ' , L lOp ey, J,

••• ,

I 'l ~hirtJ:' memlJer~ of tl;e' Head-r]uarters Division attended the District Oamp of U~~t1~I~lC~I~~t at IIorton [rom Junc 1,0th,. 1D95, to June 15th, 1905. Four members 1DO" b, . .Lloyrl wO.n thc. L. . \\. DIstnct Oompetition at Rugby March 14tb 't ;;'I th \ elgeant agalll takll1g the first prize for indivirlual work. Th e T ransport a las een vcri' busy. The average number of removals pCI' week bcing 2:25.




\\. p, RI chardson,


In Charge.

Acting ergt. F. W. -orman, I31isworth.


Hon . Sec and Tr easurer.

In spector of Sto res

Ptc. O. Young, Dliswol'th. Pte. T. Chapman.' . Omcer 1. PriYates 12. Total effective 13, last )'eport Drills hId 34 , A'' eragc a tt en d ance (\;J . en 111('reuse .. ' . t 1 1 Slncc I 1 j' 1 1 . , '~,L:l clIe C( not 0~1 pH I IC (uty 15. Annual inspection, 8th July. Total on prll,l(lt 8. All. ent "~lth lC:1ye G. Annual )'e . exami llatioll 29th March, Members lias '(.1 12. Ierlalholls 12. ervice badge 4. Re(fulatioll uniform worn 1) 1. act ll~g sir~eallt and 11 men. i\Inleria 1 :. ~ ~tretcher ~'tl1ll 1 am hulanee hal1lpel~ '\ estell)1l 1'1 01 thamp10n Oentre, .J,A.A, Dn'1 '1011 upported by public subscription.



Ho norary Su rgeons.

C. J. Evans, H. Oropley,

lII.P•. C. S. F , R.C.S.


T. Oairns, L.n.c.p. D. tOlle, M, D. Sup erintendent.

A. Rice, 21, Billing Road, N'ortllUll1pt(1U. Honorary Secretary.

BOARD '('11001,S, E'R ., 1,.

B AnTO.-.

Honorary Surgeon .

W, J. Baird, Su perin t endent.


1st Offi cer,

W. G. Ahunlt, elv Bart Ol! Honse Eal Is Darton. '

J. ALbolt.

Hon . S ec. and Treasurer.

Pte. 1", D, Line, King treet Earls Barton. '

I nspector of Stores.

Pte. A. E. Oox, 85, Purser Road, K ol'thamptoll. Officers 5. Sergeants 6. OorpOlal 3. Privates 5, Total efl'ecti,'e U9. Reservc members 3. Decrease sincc last report '2. Drill ' hel(142. Avelage attendance 25. Case' attended on llUblic duty 2 . Removals 130. Oases attended DOt on public duty 17. Aunual inspectioll, th July. Total 011 parade 54. Absent with leave 27 . ,Yithout leave 18. Annual re .. exal1liuatiolls, dming March and April. Memler passed 60 . Did not appear 3. Mellalliolls 39. ervice N 11l'sing certificates 16. Hegulation uniform \\01'11 by 1 Ofiicer, 6 badges 26, sergeants, 3 corporals, and 40 men. Matelial: 1 wagou, 6 litt.ers, 12 drill stretchers, 5 havresacs, 10 stretcher stations and first aicllloxes lJelonging to corps, 13 stretcher stations and 4 first aiel lJoxes belongillg to pnnlte OWller', Yest(jd in N orthampton Oentre S,J, A,A. Division supported by puLlic and lllel1lLers' subscriptions. Much progress has been made during the year, and nearly all the mem hers of this Division are wearillg the regulation uniform, A new section was form ed from the successful candidates at the Midland Rail way class. A special inspection was held by Assistant Oommissioner T , H. ,Voolston, on 'l1nday, October 1st, 11eillg postponed from the previous unday . L ectures werc gi ven (lming the first half year as follow, L ecturers : Dr. I'tone, lIr.D.; subject, "Electricity in its relation to Man." Dr. Hitchens; su1dect, "Consumption." Mr" 'wanuell (dental sl1l'geon); "Our teeLh and how to preserve them." ShOlt Papers 011 the vl1l'ious POiSOIlS were road by the Superintendent Secretary. 11e111Lers hayc been on duty at the weekly cricket and tootball matches, both on the racecourse and county groullcl throughout the year, and at the N orthampton Amateur Athletic Olub I 'ports, Sports for the Gcneral H ospital and Police ports. Street duty has bew undertaken [or the cycle parade, aml 011


'el'gt. W. Lord, OniCCl:S 3. ergeant 1. Oorporal 2. Privates 23. Total eHective 29 . , Incrc,l e 'lllee la t lepOl't 9, D.rills held 39. Average a.ttendancc u . Removals 6. ea .cs attcll.dcll not 011 pul~lrc duty '25 . Annual in pection, 8th Jnl. ~ot'll ,)011 pala(~e 15. Ab. Pllt WIth le(L\'e 3. "Yitbout lea.ve 11. Annual re . examill~" t~on, ~3nl MUl ch . lIl~mllers l~a.s. eel 10. DId not apllear I". :Jlcdnllioll 14. er . VICC lJa.dges 5. Nl1l':l1lg c:ertlilcates 2. Regulation uniforlll \rorn by 2 Officer ' 1 sel'{Seant, 1 corporal, a!Hl 13 men. Matcrial: 1 ,,,agon, 1 litter, 3 1re1chers, a;ld sphn.t~, ctc .. v~!:lted III Northampton Ocntre, .J.A.A, DiyUon supported by publJc subscnpLlons.



Ho norary S urgeon.

P. ,'. 'White,

;\I.R.C . .

[Formcd ,1900.]

In charge.

el'gt. J. G. Butler, 45, tanley Road :r orthampton .

Hon , Secr etary and TI"easurer.

orp1. 0 , J. 13allastcr, School Honse, IGslingbnry. OfficCl: 1. ,el'geant 1. Oorpoml1. Privates 14. Total efl'cctive 17. D ecl'case smc la. ~ report 4. Drill hcld 2,1. Averagc attend:l.Jlce 7. Oases attenel ed I~Ot on publI C tluty 26 . Annual in . pcction, th July. Total 011 parade 8. Absent WIth leave 7. With out lelL\'c 2. Annual re-examination, 16th March.


Members passed 9. Did not appear 7. 1'lIedallions 8. Regnlation uniform worn by 1 corporal and 4 men . 1'lIaterial: 1 stretcller, and a valise fully equipped with first aid material, vested in Northampton Centre S.J.A .A . Division supported by proceeds of concerts ancl pu blie and mell! bel's' snbscriptions . An equipment amI uniform fund was started in the villnge with the result that the stock of material have b@en added to and brought up to date, and. five members were assisted into uniform.


Sup erintendent and Hon . S ec.

A. Linnell, lILR.C.S.

J. T. Pilkington, Panlerspl1ry, near 1'o\\'ce Ler. Honorary Treasu rer.

Rev. J. B. Rarri on . Officers 2.

Privates 19.

Total effective 21.

Increase since last report 13. Drills held 14. Average attendance 19. Oases attended not on public duty 9. Annual re-examination, 29th March. Members pa sed 20. Medall ions 4. Material: 1 stretcher amI box of first aid material, vested in Northampton Centre S.J.A.A. Division supported by voluntary subscriptions _ The schoolroom previol1sly used has not always been ayailable lately for drills, and it is feared that difficulties may arise during the coming ,,'inter in this respect


Supe rintendent (Acting).

W . H. Ryan, lILR.C.P.

J. Kirk, Blisworth Orossing, Dli::.\\'orth. Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. S. 'IV. Shouler, Roade, Northampton. Officer 1. Privates 9. Total effective 10. D ecrease since last report 3. Drills held 19. Average attendance 9. Cases attanded not on public duty 6. Annual inspection, 8th July. 'rotalon parade 5. Absent with leave 5. Annualre·examination, 'March. 'Members pa ed 7. Did not appear 2. Medallions 7. Badges are worn by all. 'Material: 1 . tretcher and box of first aid material, vested in Northampton Centre "'.J.A.A. Division sup ported by members' suhscriptions.


OLNEY DIVISION. [Formed 1 84 . Re-formed 23.5 .02.] RE.\.D-QUAlt'l'EIlS : 11, HWlJ STREET, OLNEY. Hon . Surgeon.

F. J. Griudon, :lI.r•. c .... , Hi.gh Supt. and Hon . S ec.

W . P. Richardson,

M.B., C.M.

Honor ary Secretary.

G. S. Phipps, Stoke Bruerne, Tow cester.

F. O. Gardner (Supt. of tore), 16, Cyril Street, Northampton. Inspector of Stores.

J. 'Yo odwal'l.l.

Officers 2. Privates 10. Total effective 12. Drills held 26. Average attendance 8. Oases D ecrease since last report 4. attended l:Ot on public duty 50. Annual inspection, 8th July. rrotalon parade 2. Absent. WIth leave 10. Annual re·examination, 6th April. 'Members ]lassed 11. Medal~lOns 11.. Badges ,,·.om. Material : 2 stretchers, 2 havresacp, and 1 box of first ald matenal, vest(l(lm Northampton Centre S.J.A.A . Division supported by voluntary subscriptions.

Inspector of Stores.

OUNDLE DIVISION. [Formed HE.\n-QU.\.nrE1V: FIllE BItIGADE Honorary Surgeon.



TATIOX, OU_-DLE. Su peri ntendent.

Elliott, :\r. n.

R. Knigh t, Korth, treet, Oundle.

1st Offi cer, Hon . Sec., and Inspector of Stores.

Ho norary Treasurer.



J . Hayes, :North • trect, 0I111(l1e. Pte. E. 11. Harvey. Ofl1ccrs 3. ergeallt.· 2. Private. 17. Tolal e(rectiv~ 22. . Removals 4. Medallion ' 11. "ursing ce1'tifica~e 13. Reguh~hon ulllf01m WOlll by 2 Ollicers, 2 ·crgeil11t., alHl 17 men. 1htel:utl: \Yhe?led h.tter, 4 stre~c~l~r , 2'hamppl' , 2 water·bottles, h~ll l~l1t, &c., ye tetlll1 Comnnttee ot Ccntre. DIVISIOn supportell hy vol untary con I nbut;oll

OVERSEAL DIVISION. [Formed 3.11.01.] . ,< E, \L 'T.\TIO~, ~EAR AS1JBY·DE·L.\.·Z01:CH. H EAD·QUAllTETh: O" EI' Hon. Surgeon .

F. ,I'. Orel,



O. J.

~erman .

Castle Gl'l·sley, Bl1l'ton·on-Trellt.

1st Officer'.

Hon . Secretary.

F. Frec tone.

Corpl. J. Carlton, Over eaL lIl'. Ashby-de la-Zonch.

In spector of Stores. Officer in Charge.

treet, Olney.

Sergt. W. Knight, ]4, High treet, Olney. Pte. G. C. Raban. Ofli cers 2. cl'geants 2. Corporall. PriYates 23. T otal effective 28. D ecleao.;e since last report 5. Drills hell128. Average attendance 17 .. R emoval 1. Annual inspection, 15th July. Total on parade 2~. Absent wIth leav~ 3. Annualre .ex alllination, 1st May. Mcmbers passe(126. DHlnot apllear 1. MedallIons 9. , rviee badges 6. Hegl1lation uniform \~orn by 1 Offic.er, 2 sergean.ts, : corpor~], and 20 men. Mcl.terial: -1 tr ·tchel", splints, 3 bags, all' bed a]J(1 pIllo\\. ~S~l~Old Jitter blankets and a11 necessary material for the efficient working of the DI\l 'lOn, veste:l in the Olney Divisional COlllmittce . Division supported by members and public ubscl'iptions. Dl1l'ing the past year the \\'0t1~ has been \\'ell maintailleLl. A ve.ry. succe~sful concert was IH:: ld a11d as a result, wIth the proceeds and nlen.lbe1'·. ~1~sCfll'tJons, eIght new unifol11ls have heen pnrcha 'etl. 'ix melllher~ of tlllS DIn 1011 attended the camp of in tl'l1ction at Horlon. The material is in goou cOllllition and always ready for usc.



St. J ohn A 'ITl,bulance Btiywle.

St. John A ?1~b'Ulance B?·-igade.

l)te. J. Coles.

Hon . Treasurer.

ergt. W. Lloyd.

Officers 3. ergeunt 1. Corporal l. Private 24. Total effective :?9. C In Cl'ea e .. illce la:;t report l. Drills held 4:2. .t\.Yeracre attendance 20. aseattended not on public llnty flO . Hemovals 6. Anllu~l ill pedion, 26th July. Total 011 [1<l.1'a.,lc 2. Ahsent \\ ith 1 aye 1. l~nnual_ re-exalllin~tioD, .30~h ~p:. Menlb!'}' pas ell 25. Did not nppe:u 3. l edal~lOns ~D . Reg111atJo? unl~nlm ,~ oln by 2 Oflict.rs, 1 . ergeant, and 1 COl'jlora1. Mate!'wl: 9 stretcher.', :2 iiI' t .al~l.ba ket , buudage , splillts, allil watl'r boules, \'ested III Local COIllJ1llttee. Dn'IslOll supported hy )luhlic sub~criptioll . . , Th e Di vision still CO li t innes to make excellen t progres , and the mem bel s b~, e spare<l no (l'ort to mainta~n their tat~ of efficiency, J~10 t of the.lT~E~11bel' atlen~!I.~g tIle annual camp from WhICh til y llenvell grcclt bencht. The D1YISIon ha snfi 1 d

St. J ohn A rnbulc~nce

a great loss through the death of two of its lllOst prominent members, Corporal H. Grier and Private T. Jones. A greater part of the memuers attended the fun erals. Hon. urgeon H. McEvoy has unfortunately for the O\Terseal Division, removed. fr?ll1 the di trict, but he was not allowed to leave without some token of appreclatlOn from the members for the great tro~lble he had taken in bringing the Division to a state of efficiency; the Division bas been fortunate in getting Dr. F. W. OnI's con sent as Hon. urgeon . The ambulance work in the district has been very llluch appreciated.


St. J ohn Arnbulance B?'igade.


[Formed 12.12.02.]

Chi ef Sup erinte ndent.

Hey. ,V. Dore Ru(1garrl,

Sup eri nten de

"T. J. Parsons, 227, Clifton Road, Rugby.

Brigade Surgeon Lt. -001. C. Dukes, Y.D., M.D., J.P.

Honorary S ecretary.

I nspecto r of Sto res.

CorpI. H. F. Tow ers, 45, GrosYenor Road, Rugby.

Pte. R.

J. ·Whales .

Honorary Treasurer.

T. B. Eden, M.A., J.P. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Cnrporals 3. Privates 23. Total effectiye 29 . Increase since last report 4. Drills held 52. Average attencJance 17. Cases attended on pnblic duty 27. Removals 11. Oa es atteuded not on public duty 101. Annual inspection, 23rd ept. Total on parade 29. AUl1ual re-examination, 22ncl Sept. Members passell 28. i\Iedallions 22. Nnrsing certificates 1. Hegnlation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 23 men. Material: 1 A.-hrord litter, 6 stretchers, large fi tted nursing ham per, fitted medicn.l che t, <1 sUl'gical havresacil, 4 water bottles, 4 blankets, \mterproof sheet and carrying sheet, ye ted in the Oommittee of the Division. Division supported by the meUlbers and public subscriptions. The Division has had a most successful yen.r, the attendn.nce of alll'anks for drill and public duty being excellent. The members are still attending to large numbers of cases when off duty. A detachment under the command of the, uperinLendent attenJed the district camp, held during Whit-week ill Horton Park, Northampton. The funds having beeu raised, an Ashford litter (with hood, apron, etc_), was purchased by the Division, and will become more useful. till, as soon as a public iaLion is provided for it. A course of lectures in first aid given by the lIon. mgeol1, resulted in 9 members of the police force and 11 others obtaining certificates.


[Formed 4.05.J


Hono rary Surgeon.

I. Pitt,

M. D.


Honorary Secretary.

Vl. Hall, 71, Dibble Road ,

Pte. A. Candy, 193, Cape Rill, Smethll'ick. Sll1ethwick. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 42. Total effective 46. Drills held 12. Average attendance 28. Case~ attenlled on public duty 31. Removals 8. Cases attended not 011 public duty 750. Annual inspection, 2 th Sept. Total on parade 40. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 28th Sept. Members pas eel 26. Did not appear 19. Medallions 10. ~egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, alld 12 men. Matenal: 12 stretchers, 2 havresacs, 6 chests, vested in Divisionnl Committee. Di vision Sll pported by mem bel'S' su uscri ptions. The Division lias made good progress during the six !llonths it has been formed .



Chief Surgeon.

Snrgeon-Capt. J. O. Orton,

::II. D.

[Formed 4. 9. 05.] COVENTRY.

Hon . Treasurer.

Col. ,\'yley, Y.n.


Longrord Grange, COYentry. (Fanl' Ambulance DiL'isions)-Oflh:ers. ergeants 6. Corporals 4. Privates 86. Total e£fectiv~ 104. This Corps has been so recently formed that there is nothing to report.



Hon. Surgeo n.



Honorary Surgeon.

R. Rice,

)L D,

1st O fficer, Hon . S ec., and Inspector of Stores.

J. W. CoLton, Compton Honse, Foleshill Road, Coventry.

OfJ1cers 2. ercreant 1. Pril'ates 13. Total effective 16. Decrease since last repol'L 4. Drills held 39. Average attendance 10 .. Cases attended on pu1Jlic duty 46. Removals 8. Cases attendcel not on .pubhc duty 41. Annual iu ' pection, ~2ntl Jllly. Total on pamele 9. Absent wlth leav~ 6. ,Yithc)ut leaye 1. Annualre-exn.millation, 2 th Fbb. )lem1)el's pas cd 15. Medalhons 9. llegll1ation uniform worn uy 1 sergeant and 5 J~len. i\la.te.ri~l: 2 stl'etc.hers, .'I)]int 'trian"ular amI roller ll<llldacres &c., yested l1J the DIYlSlOnal Commlttee. 0 0' Di vision suppor leu by mC111 bel's' suU. cription and c1ona.tions. . .. There was a. ('ail' attendance at the annual in pecllOll. The Dlvlslon has done e)Cceptiollally good 1I'0rk dllrillg the year. There al'egreat difficulti~s in keeping the mel1luers more tltnn one year on account of l"l'1l10yal., etc., but tIllS year we have ix men ill uniforms alllI'hope soon to lla\'e another six as fund, " 'ill allow.



C01: RT.' , KL'NEATOX.

Hon . Secretary.


A. J. E. Hal1l1le, Ed\\'ard J llll ea ton.


Cor1'l. G. Hall, 13, Willington Nnneaton.

Inspector of Stores.


Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. U. Bu,t Llelt. ~Ir. J. 'helll1erlline )Ion. lem.). Oflh:er l. 'ergl'itllt:Z. Corporal 2. PriYates 21. Tolal etrective 26 . Incl't'a 'e .illce la t report~. Dlill heill 37. A\'Crage nttendance. 11. Cases attellliell on 1'1lulic duty 40. l:emol'aL 9. Ca 'e:; attenuedllot on pub.1lC duly 51. Annual ill:;jJeciiou, 221lL1 July. Tolal on parade 19. Ab 'ent Wlth leave Without leave 1. Atllll,al l'e-examination, 2ht "ept. Members pa ed 20. DId not appeal' G. Medallion,; 15. erlfice bn.dgt: 22. ::\'ur:;ing celYlicates 9. Regula tioll 11llifollll worll 1)), 1 0 ilieer, 2 ergeau ts, 2 corpomls amI 1 (1111en'1 Bad~e~ 9. Matcril11: 1 A It[ord lit.ter, 4 slreicher , 1 humper, 1 large cup )o~rc eouta~lllng &pliuts, bandages, tliagrall1s, ulan.kets, \\'aterpro.of sl~e~t~, bowl , m~dlCal clre~s;.n~s, 1 amuulance hox, n.ull llowlIloor Jtwket, yested III Dl\'lSlOllal Comnllttee. Dn 1 lon snpporLed by the pllulic. GreaL pl'ogl'e s ha. been macle thi year. Nearl~~ 100 cases haye.been treated. A llotab1e event occurred: a memorial "'as um'eiled 111 Jallllnry by 11' Redyers Bl~ller at J Ulleaton cled icatetl to the nm bu lauee men and oth rs who served in outh Afnca ; Oil that day there lI'ere 10 officers and 70 men from NUlleaton n.nt! eli ~l'ict on par~de ulltlel' Lhc command of Assi. rant Commissioner Woolston. The Teehlllcal EdueatlOn Committee havc madc a grant of £10 ihis year for first [aid lectures, which are well a.Ltended.






St. John

A n~bulance

Honorary S u rgeon .

Su pe ri nte nd e n t.

A. Joseph, L . R.C . P .

St. J ohn A m b t~lance BTigade.


A. N ightingale, 3, Gloue R oad, NUlleaton.

Hon. Secretary.

Hon. Treasu,-e r.

Sergt. T . B. -Woodcock, 76, Abbey Street, Nuneaton.

Pte. W . Lock.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 30. Total effective 33. R eserye members 2. Drills held 26. Average attendance 17 . CasesaLtel)dcd on public duty 38 . R emoyals 11. Cases attended not 011 IJU blic duty ?o5. A nnua l ins}Jection, 22nd July . Total on parade 6. A.b~ellt with leave 24 . ' Vi thont leave 3. Annual re·examination held in April and Aug. i\l clllbers passed 19. Failed 1. Diclnot CLppear 12. Medallions 19. Regulation uniform W0111 uy 1 Officer, 1 sergeal1t, and 6 men . Material: 1 ,~heel eu lil tc-r, 6 (,1'el,{:he1',', 3 medical havresacs, 2 ambulance boxes, "ater)ll'oof sheets, Llan kots, water bottles, cmtc11es, rugs, etc., stores of all lleeessary reqnisites, .-etcu in theL . . 'V. Rail· way Company amI the Diyisicual ComuJittee. Diyision SUppOl ttd Ly members anu pu blic subscriptions. Ycry satisfactory progress has been made during tho pa t twel ve mun t hs . A team reprel>enting this Division competed in the railway cOl11pany's hallenge hield district competition, and ,yas awarded second place. Menlbcrs of this Di\ i. ion 11ave attendeu many public functions in the town and neighbourhood, viz., foothall matches, unveiling of the South African ,val' memorial, Ho;.pital at unlay, life boat d emolJstration, sports, etc. , where npo11 each occasion their services were called for.


Super intend e nt (add it ion a l for Transpo r t Dut ies).

C. Jicholson .

(Nine Ambtblance Divisions)-Officers 21. Sergeants anu Corporals 13. PrivatE's 1 8. (Thee NW'sing Divisions)-Ollicers 7. Nursing sistcrs 61. Total dl'ectiye 290. During the year the Corps hus dealt " 'ith 110 less than 1,160 cases, made up as follows :-86 rcmovals by horse amlmlance and litters, 33 1001' patients were llnrsed in their homeR, 109 accidents, allli 902 tirst aid cases. TIle general efticif'llCY of the Corps has been well maintain d. Fire OIlirers and sixty-lOUl' mell attelHled the district camp hel<l at HorLon Park. On 29th July thc Corps \\as inspected by the Deputy Commi5sioncJ', 'mgeon-Colonel V. S. Elliston, V.D . , \\ho met with a hearty r eccption. 'omo 220 members of the corps were 011 parade. The Corps are very deeply iu(lebteu to Dr. Plass fur so kindly placing tlte beautiful playing tields of the grammar school for the occasioll. On the 5th July Chief 'upel'intendent T. H. Hilton, 1st Olficer H . Francis alllIlst ClHss Sergt. E. C. ,meathers had the honour of receiving their long sen'ice medals front Lhe hallus of ll.B.. H. the Prince of Wales at MarllJorongh Hon r.


H. G. ' Yebster,

,Yo E. Anc1bnc1,!\I. D. ,Yo J.

,Yat~on, M.D.

A . C. Wilkin~, Station Roa d , Longford, Co\'entry.

Honorary Secretary.

In specto r o f Sto re s .

P te. J . D avenport, Longford Grange, Coventry.

COI'P1. W. II. 'ephtol1.

Corporals 2. Privates 22. Total efreclive 27. Officer 1. Sergeants 2. I ncrease since last report e. Drills held 56 . Average attendance 13. 'a~es attended on public duty 52. Removals 4. Cases attenlIed IJOt on pnldic dul} 2. Annual inspection, 22nu July. Total on parade 25 . Ab.ellt with h'aYe 1. Without leave 1. Annual re·examination, 15th Feu. }'hmuers passed 1. Did llOt appear 8. Medallions 12. Service badges 7. N nrsing certifiea tes. H eglllation unifolm "om by 2 sergeants, ~ corporals, and ~2 mell . Material: 4 ~tl'E;tchers all(lrugs, havresac, 4 bags for footuall duties, Lells, llouches, greaLc('atf:, and water bottleH ancl leggings for t he Division, 2 large ,YaleI' bottles, dl essillg basins, splints, anu bandages, tent, flag, diagrams, staLion 1'lale, vested in tlle Divisional Committee. Division supported uy suuscripliollS and proceeds of elltertainmen ts, etc . T he men r,ave been very regular in their attendance uoth for drill and public dlliy. T he formation of the N , E. Warwickshire Corps hal> kuit together tho~e ellgage r l in ambulance work in this district and will be of great benetit. 'ixteen officers and men attended the camp at Horton. NeaJly the whole of the Divif'ioll WHe present at the unveiling of the war memorial at Nuneaton by General Sir Redvers Buller on J anuary 28th.


[Formed 9.88.J


Chief Superintend e nt .

T . H. Hilton, Somerville, Wellingborollgl1 .

Sup e rintendent Treasurer.

J . E . Graveley .

'IV, W. Clark, )I.D . E J. \\'oolley,

H. Hollis,


B.A., M. B.

1st Offi cer and Inspect or of S tores.

S uperin t enden t .

C. Nicholson, ClIee eLane, 'YellingLorollgh.



Honorary Treasurer.

S ergt. in C harge.

M.R.C.S., L.R.C . P .



Ho norary Su rge ons.


Honorary S u rge on .


T. E. Granly. Officer 7. el'''eants 3. Priyute ' 28. Total eO'eclive 3",. DecrE'a,e since last report:? Drilli'i llold 34. A ycrnge attelHlancl' 20. l 'ases attemled on pnblic duty 21. R 'l1lovals 59. Cn -es altcnueclllot on public duty 2 5. Anunal inspection, 27th July . Total on paralIc 35 . AL cut ,,-ith.JeaYo 1. Without Ica".e:3. A nnual) e-examination, 30lh Ang. 1lcmIJer pa: el132. Dld not appeal' 1. Medalllons 2. Ntll'~ing certificates 31. H.egulalioll lllJit"or!1l W0111 hy 6 01l!eer ,~3 sergeants amI 30 mcn. Matcrial: 1 hor~e anJlmla11l:c, 2 lItterl>, 3 bath chall' , 2n stretch(;1~, 14 han'pers amI hayre [tc,', 40 water-hotlll's, 3 lents, 10 Eets of spli.nL, .a~c~ a largc reSl'ITO of general stort' , YC~letl in Olticers of Head-linal tel'S tafL DIYlSlOn supportc,l hy the public. .. The Division has well maintaineu its rC'putatlon dl11'mg lhe past year. ilIany ea es hayo ueen ncceSSfllll} remor!.:l1. pel ial mention should 10 made of Olle me<.lieal transport case, ill charge of ht O/li cer IT . Frand , at Darn loy.


n :m; : ' YELLJ?\GllOROUGH. Ho n. S ecretary.

Honora ry Su rge on .

A. Roberts, ,W ollastoll Roa,d , Bozea t, n1'. Wellinguorongh.

F . Bennctts, l\L R. C. •

Ho n. T reasurer.



OOlccr 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 12. Total eJl'ecti\'e U . R eserve melllbors 5. DecrcasE' since la ' t report 1. Drills held 37. AYerage altend ance . Cases attentlell l10t on puL1ic linty 31. Annual in. pection, 29t~1 J~lly. T otal on parade 8. Absent with leave 1. Without leaye 5. ~n1ltHd re-examl~lab?ll, 14 th JUly . Members passed 13. Mellallions 6. en-ICO lladge 1. N Ulsmg


St. J ohn A 'Inbtdc~nce B'I"igacle.

St. J ohm A'inbulamce B rigade.

certificates 10. Regulation uniform worn by 1 scrgeant and 12 men. Material: 1 wheel litter, 3 stretchers, 3 medical havl'esacs, water bottle~, 2 sets of splints, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by public s ubscriptions.

bandage::>, ctc., vcsted in Divisional CommitLee. Division sUl1 ported by the public. The besL thanks of the Division are due to the public for suuscripLions given to enahle us to carryon om duties, find also to the Rev . A. F. KillgscoLe, of Burntwood, Staffs. (and Oxford university), who kinLlly volunteereu his services and preached at oUt' annual church parade 1Il aid of our funds.



[Formed 5.5.96.J


Honorary Surgeon.

H. Burland, L . R. C. P .

F. Oooper, Ohurch

t., Fincdon.

Officer 1. Privates 7. Total effective 8. Drills held 13. Average attendance 7. Removals 2. Oases attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 29th July. Total on parade 8. Allnnal re-examination, 2 tIl ept. Members passed 7. Meda,1lion 1. R egulation uniform worn by 7 men. Material: wheel lilter, 2 stretchers, 2 havresacs, set of splints, and 2 water bottles, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by,the public.




[14'ol'l1\c(116.6.05.J IIEAD-QUARTEHS : ClJUltCll STJml,T, '\'ELLINGDOltOL'GH.

Honorary S ecreta ry.

D. Morris, 22, Scnwick ROild, \Vclliuguol'ougb. Privatcs 37. Total efrective 37 . Reserve memhers 4. Drills helel 2. Average attendance 22 . Removals 5. 'a. es attendcel not 011 public duty 45. AIIllual inspection, 27th July. Total on parade 31. .tl.usenL with leave 6. Annual re-examination, 17th 'ept. Mem1JelS pased 33. Did not appcar '.1. Medallions 16. Material yestecl ill the Railway OompallY, oLher material loaned by IIeacl-(lUarters. Diyision supporteJ by the membc!f:i of the Divi.ion. The Division has been formed Iroll1llle elll}lloyee3 of tbe Midla11rl Railway Company, and gi\'es promise of bcing one of Lhc upst of the 'Yellinghorough corps.

Honorary Surgeon.


J. Orew, M.D .

lIEAl)-QuAI~Tlms: TE)IL'EH \NL!lo; !fALL, RING ·TE_\J).

Supt., Hon . Sec., and Hon. Treas.

A.. O. Groome, East Lee, Higham Ferrel'S.

Insp. of Stores.

1st Olass Sergt. J. Bettles.

1st Offi cer.


Hon. Treasurer.

J. Perry, l{illg::;l ·;ttl, Thrcll'::;tolle.

L. H. '.1' .


. Weekley.

Hon. Sec.


Lawford, DUllford Road, Ring tead. Corp.Jl·al 1. Pri\'ates 16. Total eO'ective 19. Dccreasc ince la t report 1. Drills helll 16. Ayerage attendance 8. Cases aitelldell on pu ulic duty 10. uscs attcndell not on pu hlic du ty 41. Removuls 2. T otal 011 parude at ullnual inspc:cLion, 13. Absent with leave 3. 'Without leave 3. Annual re -ex aminaLion, 2nd J 0\'. IeJ1lbers passed 11. FaileJ 5. Did not appeal' 2. l\lcdallions H. N Ul'siug certilicates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 officer, J corporal, and 13 meo. IaLeria.l: wheel litter, 3 stretchers, 3 havresac , 3 water bottles, Ul'll tellt, ve tell in Local COlllmittee. Division supported by subscriptions and general public .


11. '. llttker,

;)1. U. C. s.

Honorary Surge on and Treasurer.

1st Officer.

O. E . Eatly.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. A. W. Smith, 4, Nene View T er race, Irthlingborough.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. R. Sharpe.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporall. Privates 17. Total effective 21. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 35. Average attendance 10. Removals 2. Oases attended not ~n public dllt.y. 68. Anoual inspection, 29th July. ToLal on parade 13. Absent WIth leave 4. '\Vlthout leave 4.. Annual re-examination, 4th Oct. Me~bers pas!;ecl 19. ~id not. appear 1. Medallions 10. Servicc badgcs 3. Nursing certrficates 9 .. RegulatlO11 ulllfor~n worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 18 men. Matenal: 1 Ashford htter, 5 strctchers; 5 medical havresacs, sp lints,

[Formed 30.1.96 .J




Hon. Surgeon. Hon. Secretary.



'Y. Mad cnzil',


Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 25. Total effective 29. I ncrease sincc last report 1. Drills helel 22. .A. verage attendance 11. Removals 3. Oases attended not 0~1 public duty 24.9.. Annual inspection, 29th July. rrotal 011 parade 18. Absent WIth leave 2. I"hthout leave 9. Annual re-examination 2,8th Sept. JHem uers l~asseu 1.6. Did not appear 1~. Medallions 16. N Ut'sing ce/ tlficates 17. R egulatlOn umCorm wom by 2 OIlicers, aod 21 mcn. Material: 1 litter, 6 .stre~cl.l~I'S, bell ten.t, 3 me.di.c~l havresacs, first aid cahinet, splints, etc., vested 111 DIVlsl~ual Oommittee. DlvlSlon supported by voluntary contrilJUtion. . The work of first aId has been well kept up, 2-10 cases have lJeell reported. The lItter. has been used for transport three timcs, and twcnty-two all-night duties with the SIck .have been reported. Nineteen men of the Division attended the Oa.mp of I nstructlOn at Horton Parle The finances of the Division arc in a satisfacto ry state, and our thanks are due to 1st Officer Patinall for waiting on the subscribers.


Supt. and Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Surgeon.


H. R. Patinal!.

W. Robb,


Honorary Secretary.


windull, 2 , Moor Road, Rushden.

In spector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Mr. J. "\\'. Ashclo\Yne. Corpl. A. Prigmore. Pte. A. Laywood, 3, Oakley Road, I ushclell. Olllcers 2. crgeants 2. Oorporall. Privates 27. Totul effective 3:2. Heserve mCllll'e rs 3. Decrcase sinc(~ 1a t report 4. Drills held 43. A. "erage atL('udn,llcc 23 . 'ases attended on puulic Juty 1. Rellloval' 9. Case utlentlCLl not OIl puulie duty 137. Anllual ill pection, 29th July. Tolal on parade 26 . Absellt with leuye 5. Without l ea"e 1. Annual re-examination, 2 Lh ept. l\lelllbers passell31. Did not appeal' 10. Medallions 21. Jlll'sillg certificate 23. H.egulaLioll uniform worn by 1 OIliccrs, 2 sergen,nt, 1 corporal , auJ :2 men. Material: 1 litter, 9 ·trcLchcrs, 3 scts SpJillts, water boLtle , 6 l\ttvre acs, &c., vosted in Officers of Divisioll. Divi~:;ioll supported by volllntary contribution. W e have to report a falliuO' ofr ill lllllllbe))s, partly due Lo Lhe gCllPral delll'ession in our stu,llle Ll'I1de wlJich has caused lImllY of Oul' member Lo leave the town. A large muuber of OLlr members again atLemlcll the brigade eUl1lp.


St. J ohn Amb ulance BTigade.

Se. J ohn A muulance B Tigacle.


Hon . Secretary.

Honol-ary Surgeon .

S. E. Baxter, lIf. H. C.S.

LFormed 2. 4.. 96.J

TO~ .

Pte. G. F . Nutt, Queen Street,

Honorary Treasurer.

,Vollast on.

Sergt. A. Drage. Officer 1. Sergeants 3. Privates 17. Total effective 21. D ccrease since last report 2. Drill s held 47 . Average attendance 12. R emovals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 82. Aunual inspection, 29th J uly . T otal on parade 11. Absent with leave 7. W ithout leave 3. An nual re-examination, 5th Sept. Members passed 18. Did not appeal' 2. :Medall ions 18. Service bad cres 18. :N ursing cer lificates 7. Regulation unifol'm wom by 3 sergeants an d 16 ~en . Material : wheel litter, 4 strp.tchers, 3 medical hanesacs, water bottles, ~water bed, waterproof sheet, bath chair, l'ug, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division snpported Ly public subscriptions and members. The year has been one of steauy progress and the interest in the movement well maintained, both by the members generally and the public, who have generously responded to the appeal made for equipment.


Hon . Surgeon and S upe r inte nd e nt. Hon . Secretary.

M. Chri topher.

II. R. Beavon, 9 , Rayleigh Hoad, W 01 vel'liampton.

Officers 2. Sergea1lts 2. Corporals 2. Privates 26. Total efl'ectiye 32. Drills held 26 . Averaae attendance 15. Annual inspection, 20th Aug. Totaloll parade 28 . Absent withOleave 4. Annnal re-examination, 28th Sept. Members passed 22. Did not appear 9. Medallions 10. Service badge 1. Nursing certificates 2. Material: vested in Oommittee of Division. Division supported by members. T his D ivision was formed ill Februil.ry, 1905, under Lt. -Col. C. A. Uac runn, M. D. T he officers hope and confidently expect that the Division will become a hrge anu useful one. T he first annual in paction was held on Augnst 20th, 1905, by Assistant Commissioner T. H. ~W oolston . The Di vision will shortly go in for uniform.


[Formed 10.94.. J


1st Nurs ing Offic e r and Lady Treas u rer.

J . F . H Oiisack, F.R. c.s.,'_Edin.

L. A. Henlsworth, 51, RoHon Lane, I p!:l\Yich. Lady S ecretary.

1111'S . A. E . Hume, Meldrum, Tuddenham Road, I pswich . Officers 2. Nursing sisters 31. Total effective 33 . I ncrease SillCC last report 3 Practices helel 17 . A "erage attcll dance 10. AnDual inspection, 25th Sept. Total on paraue 13. Annnal re-exarninatioll, 31st May. Regulation uniform Members 'Passed 20 . Did not appear 14. MedallioDs 23. worn by 1 Officer and 11 nnrsing sisters: Material : bandages, carrying chairs and sheets, splints, bedstead and becluing, etc. , vested in the Centre. Division supported by its own members' subscriptions. T here has been a slight decrease this year in the niembers. T hree have left the town . T hose who have regularly attendeu have greatly appreciated the lectures so kindly given by the HOll. Snrgeon 1'1'11'. Hossack, wh om the Dlv ision presented. wit h a motor horn and fOllntain pan, as a slight token of gratitude. T he L ady SU]?t. Miss Coulcher, has felt obliged to resign her post after 11 years service, much to her





lFormed 21.11. 9 .J COUNCIL CiiAlIfBEll, KETTEIUXG.

UHB\N 1) Un'JU ''1'

Ho norary S urge on .

J . W. Drylaml, lIf. n.c.::;. Lady Su perintendent.

Mrs. C. W. Lane, GeorCfe Ketteling. °

b"t Nursing O fficer, Lady S ec. and T reas urer.


Miss 1\I. J. Clark, 26, Gold Kettering.


2 n d Nursi ng O ffice r .

Mrs. ~lintJie Farmer. ..

Lieut.-Col. C. A. UaCUUllll, Oakleigh, vVolvcrhamptol1. 1st Offi ce r.

regret amI also to the members of tlle Division The Divis'. . n illumillated address appreciating her YaluaLie services a~l~ll f~l~~~~C~. he~ ~\'lth an~ ~xl']'esse(1 a hope that. ~h.e may at some futme time agaillO oec :1 ~;Utl\e \:~~1~~ pOSlt~Oll. L~st year the Dln..l~11 gave its s1'11'e fnurls (£310~.) to the Jentre 'Th' yeal .It has gIven £2. The DIYbion still meets at Miss Coulcher's hons .. a:1d So 1 IS nAOttl~lng to pay fol' rooms. Three 11l11'sing sisters were Oil puLlie duty at 'a cl 11'lu l~Ss e e 111 August. There was a Ch mch ParC1rle in October 190 < • t·. re!lh the 11 ]', 1 '11 f t L I ' oj, 1Il C011l1ec Ion WIt Rev 1~11ca ,\~7llI.~ _0 t l ' ub{e, al\d an appropriate Sel'010n was preached by the late . an l l " 01 1 . A out 30 of our member "ere present.

[Formed 1905.1



Officers 4.

Nlll'sillg sisters 43.

Total effective 47.

~a~d;ll.~t ~~~~~~eJ 8'11 o~ \;1~'a1~il ~~~el~{;~tl~Ce 6.21. C~~:e pl~~.~::y~d ll~lll:S;~1 blic clllty


ll1SpeetlOn, 19th Aug. Total on paraele 24, Alrsent \yith leave 5 \,\~:tl 1~nllaJ l 1. AI~lIua.l1'.e-exalllinati()n, 24tll May. Members pa. sed 20 Did t IOU ,eave Reglllatioll 11111fo1'm \Y01'11 by 3 Oflicel':O;, an tI 17 l111rsincr ist~l's l\[at~~' t~)peal. 26 . chart '. ],alldage~, .1~llt, tow, g'lllZe, carboliC', eLc., vested in th~ Xnr ' ill: '. p~llltS, COll1nlllt~:: .. Dl\'ISlOl1 SllppOl'tel~ by llIel~lb('rs' llhscriptions. . n DIVISIOnal , Th:. ~I\ I~lOlI, altbough 101' a bille .snflel'ing a slight 10 s of member'hip throuah lenl0\ tl} ]ablltl 0lthe !' cau es, keep. up Ils work al1e1 is unceasincrlt· useful in the to!n an d nClg 1 OUl' 100 d . b J "


[Fot'mcd 1886.J

IIEAD-QUAllTER. : THE OLD TUWN HALL, LnCESTER. Honorary S urgeon. Lady S uperintenden t . 1,. K. Hanison, D.A., ;\f.B. Mi. s 11. Noble, 9, Ilohart, treet, Leicester. 1st Nursing O fficer. 2 ~ d N urslng . OffiIcer. 3rd Nursing Officer.

!IIi " M. E. }lllS.'OI1.

!lk M. J. Hodges.

Lad y Inspector of S tores.

~Ir . M. E. Adcock.

Lad y S ec. and Lady Treas u rer. !Ili~ s A. A. Pollanl ( hanhoe"

l\liss J. A. AsheI'.

Knighton Park

R~ad, Leicester.

, . OlIieel's 11 . NUrsing .sister. 32. Total effeetiye 37. I ncl ease Slilce la L I,-eport 7. PractICes !lCld 17. A verage attendance 32. Cases ~~l\encle~ 1~~1 011 pUb!IC duty 13. Cases jll'lvatelynursecl 13. Annnal inspection, th allclY1' Btl °l~al 0111.1Pmabde 27 . Absellt WIth leave 10. Annual rc-examination 4th ). . J.l om" er"~.llassecl 36 . J.l. 1.100 '111'IOn 3 o. ~ R egn latlOll ' . ' by 4 Olli "1 eu umform worn . tl eeg au .32 nUIt;Il1g SIsters. Matenal: bet! tead, bal1llacre splint etc vester1 ll1 "Ie .0mnllLLce of the Nul' ing Divi ion . Divi ion uppol~ed by the 'men~bers 1he SIsters havc attellued public ullty when called upon. . t


'Y. II.

Chamberlain , L.R.C.P.



St. J ohn A mbulGmce Brigade.


St. John A muuZunce B?'igade.

1st NUl-sing Officer and Lady Sec .

Lady Supt . and Treas.

Mrs. 'Y. H. Reeves, 4, Castilian Terrace, Northampton.

nIi S L. lIIawby, 6, Castilian Street, Northampton.

2nd Nursing Officer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss K. Bradford.

Miss E. Os born .

Officers 4. ursiog si. tel's 60. Total effective 6,1. Increase since last report 8. Practices held 34. A vcrage a ttelldullce 25. First aid cases attended not on public duty 70. Cases privatcly nurse(l 21. Annual inspection, 8th July. Total on parade 34. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 15th and 22n(1 March. Memhers pa~sed 33. Did not appear 30 . Meualliolls 31. Hegulatioll uniform worn by 3 Officers and 26 nursing sisters. Material: the Division use the material belonging to the corps, which is provided by and vested in the Northampton Centre S.J.A.A . Di"ision supported by members' subscriptions. The Division has made good progress during the past year, and there is all increa c in member hip. The attendance has been better than in any previous year. Two nursing sisters have been to the Northampton Crippled Children's ea-side Colony for a month in attendancc on 33 crippled children . They carried out their dutics in a most satisfactory manner. ome ill tercsting competition. were held in X onnl ber last, the prizes again kindly been givcn by the Chairman of the Local Celltre, J . Cooper, Es'l" J.P . One llltl'sillg sister has gone into the NOlthampton General Hospital to be trained as a nurse, and one into the workhouse infirmary, lllakilJg altogether 11 who, since the formation of the Division, have left to be traiued as nurses.


4 .. Without leave 1. A.llnual re-examination, 19th Scpt. Members l'assed 11 DId not ~ppea~' 2. 1\Iedall1on.s 13. Regulation unifOlm worn hy 3 ursing Officers a 11 nur.smg. s~s~ers. Matel'lal: Mackintosh sheets, air cushions [eeUill(f Cll s et~( ve .-lted bin ~lv.lslOnal Committee. Division supl'orted by eontritmtiolls ~f ~e~ll;el:~ anu su SCl'llJtiolls. Fair progr~s.s h~s been made dnril.lg t~1e year.. Thirty-ollc cases have been ~tteIlded.. l1\11ss 131 agg, one of thc nursmg sisters, (hed of spotted fever ill February ,,11 .. ~J~lntu • at~rd~,y the nur~es gaincd the .first ]!rize for a decoratcd car subject' VlSltlllg the SICk ; also pnzes for bandagll1g. '








Lady Supt. and Lady Secretary .


Mrs. Knight, Rillgsteau, nr. Thral'stone.

. N nrsing Officer. 2. ur 'ing sisters 13. Total effecti ve 15. PrUj(;:I.CCS he.lfLl 12. Cases attenue(l not 011 pu!.Jlic duty 70 . Meuallions II. R egu thlOll Ulll 01'111. W?l'll by 1 r ursing Officer and 9 Nursing sisters. Di \'isioo supported Ly subscnptlOns.



• THEEl',

IIEAD-QUAUTEIl': ALFllED Hon. Surgeon.

C. R. Owcn,


L. R. C. P.

Hon. Surgeon .


1. ,Yatson,


Miss A. Smith .

G. E. Turner, lidlall(l

[Formed 3.7 .01.]

Honorary Surgeon . I •. R.C . P .

1st Nurs i ng Officer.

Miss R. Ra IV lin.

1st Nurs in g Officer and Lady Sec.

nIl's. II . .E. Vann, " Oh,ichele College" IIlgltUll1 Ferrel'S.

Miss W. V. -ash, 17, Manton Road, Rushden.

1.lil>s E. Newell.

W ellingborollgll.


W. Robb,

Lady Superintendent.


Officers 2. Nursing sisters 15. Total effective 17. Practices held 14. Average attendance 8. First aid cases attC'lldecl not 011 public duty 45. Cases privately nursed 9. Annual in spection, 29th July. Total on parade 15. Absent ,,,ith leave 2. Annual re-examinatioll, 29Lh Sept. Members passed 16. Meuallions 13. Regulation uniform WOI'll by 3 Ollicers and 11 nursing sisters. Material supplied by Wellinghorough Corps. }\f atel'ial: Yeste(l in COlllmittee of Corps. Division supported by IIead-q uariers.



Lady Inspector of Stores and Treasurer.

Lady Secretary.

1st Nursing Officer.

'TltEET C01; XTY

. I

Ollicers 3.

~I:ach.~e~helu 39.


nrsing sisters 22.

Total ell'ccti,'e 25.

Aver!geattellda~ce 13 . l'as(;sattenuednotonl'ublic duty40.

Cases pllY,ltely Dlu'seu 1r. AnllunllllSl,ectlOn, 29th Jl1ly. Total on parade 13. Absent wllh leave 1. Without leave 11. Annual re·examination, 1st AllCf. lIlembers lJass~d 14. Did not appear 10. ':\lecJalliou~ 23. Regulation unilor~l ,,"om by 3 Ollicers anu 24 nursing si ·lers. Material: water-bed (large), bronchitis k ~tt.l~, therilloUle~ers, ho~-:\'~ter !.Jottles, drinking cnp , bandages, etc., ye~teu in Dl,':HnOl~al.qolUm~tl.e~. ~lVllOll. suppo~t~Ll by members aud voluntary sub cription . . lhe :NUlSlllg DIVISlOIl IS l1lakuJ(f satIsfactorv proCJless an(llllany cases have beell attendeu. Th e loss of l iss W. C'y. Nash wiil be °relt I as she has done good wOlk a 1st Olllcer Uurillg the past year. '

COUNCIL SCHOOL, IrtTllLIXGBOllOUGa. Lady Superintendent and Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. S. Williams, carLorough Street, I rthlingborough. Lady Sec retary .

Miss L. Shortland, li'airholme, IrthlingbolOUyh.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 11. T otal effective 14. D ecreasc since last report 5. Practices held 20. Average attendance 8 '5. "Cases attenued on ]JUblic duty 1. Cases attended not on public duty 24. . Cases lJrivately nursed 7. Annual inspection, 29th July. Total on lJarade 9. Al)sent ~ilh leave


St. J ohn A rnuuZance B 1'igade.


No. IV. -N orth Western District. Dcputy C()Jn1ll1·ssi01W·. L ieu t. -Colonel C. J. TltDlDLE, C. :\I.G . , V . D. , L. ll.y.l'., 5th Lancashire Royal Gal'l'ison Artillery (Yo Is. ), Lonth House, Bumuer 13nuge, near Pre ' tou . lJistTict Ohir:/ Sw·geon. 1111'. G. TlIO:\l 'OX, :\LD. , 5, Huddersfield Hoad, Oldham . .JIr. J . C. DE ItlLDI, Cllier Con~taule, l3lackpool. Assistant C()mmissianers. { 111'. L. 'WlIITTAKElt, SunJly~iue House, Aceringto11. Dist?'icl Uhiej Sl~pei'intendent . 1111'. A . L . GAll~ETT, 1, Red Lioll ,'Lreet, Buruley. District Supe1'ilttellclent Secretary. 1111'. I \'. '. WOODCUCK, 17, Station Roau, Balll bel' Bridge, lIear Preston. lJist;'ict Sltpc'l'intendent oj Sto;·cs . Capt. E. B. POOLEY, L.U. C.l'., Daltoll-in-FUlII(:SS R.I '.U., Laucs. lJ ist1'ict SUlle1'intenden t T1·eaSn7·e'l·. 1111'. F . DL B.-PD1, L.ll. C. l'. , 13ano\yfo1'U, l1(:ar K elson .

REPORT OF THE DEPUTY C01DIL ION ER. L OUTH HOUSE , 13A:\lllElt BUrDGE NEAll PHE.'TOX . 30th ,"'eplemuer,1905. 'IR,- I have the honour to sulJlllit my report as Deputy Comlllissioner for Ko . I \r. Distri~t for the year endillg the 30th I epteJlIlJer, 1905; ... ( . At the close of the year lltad uuder my charge 9 Corl'~ (COlll'p~l~lllg 24 a,llluulame and 9 nursing divisions), 6 amlJulance and 33 llurslllg dl\'lSlOU: ~f I~ COU1~t separately the Divisions forming the Corps there are altogether 134 UUltS III o. I \ . D i vision . The twits consist of 6 Chief Surgeuns, 4 Chief 8u perillteudents, 14.7 lIon. SurgeOlI , 55 uperintendellts, 55 Amuulance Officers, 125. ergeant", 117 Oorporals . 2,408 Privates, yielding a total of 2,917 of all ranks . . , The :N ur"iug units yield the following figure', 30 Lady SupenlltCl.tde~ILs, ~O Knl'sing Officers, 769 fursing sisters, totalli?g l~. For. the ,,:hole dlSL1:lCt ~lllS give. a grand total includiug the District I tall of 3, {44, uelllg an mCl'ease of 166 on the previolls year. . . . T' , Kew formatiou. are reported as [01l0",'s :-Crossfiel'I.r~l~'lslOn ~\\ alTI~lgtoll ~?rl' · J. Great Le\'cr Divi.sion (Bolton Corps), Kllutsforu Dl\' 1SlOll , }\orth\\·.lCh DI~'l~l?ll, Yictoria Hall Dh'ision (BOltOll Corps) I Chorley Division, Astley Hndge Vl\'I;,lOll (Bolton Oorli~), :Jlancliester Uorporation Tral11\\'ays Diyision (Jlallchester allcl, 'alt?ld Corps), Todmorden Nursing Di vi"ion, Ardlillgtoll anu . H ea ~lt Cltalllocl~ N urslllg Division. T he after-naUled units have either ceased to eXist or are" sleel'lllg fOl the present. " ~Iersey ~lision Vi vision, Police Division (Preston CO!'ps), High.ton D ivision . I have never lJelieved ill wiping out a uuit so 10lIg as tbere 15 any l,~sslule chance of resuscitation. I may Lere add that had it not been for the decreasc III t!1C K ursina units the increase lJefore Hamed would have ass umed a much lUore sulJstalltUlI charact~r. r have to say how nmch the \,'hole District regrett~d the ~el'iou~ indisposition of Chief ul'geon T hollison, and llow l1luch \~'e ull.s!>ed IllS asslstall~e and counsel. ,\V'.) now have tlle satisfactioll of welcolluug Lllll back restored III hea1th. I nspection duty has lJeen performed by tLe D istrict, 'tall', only !Six uni.ts failirig to carry out this parade. On all siues I am assured of illlprovcmellLs both III t he mem bel'S parading and the appearance of the meu together with au increase .0f CfenE:ral efficielJcy. I regret to l'elJort that a few units do Hot yet appear to reallse the importance of I nspection Parade and are altogether in wbat I describe as a "slack conditioll." My own observatiolls when carrying out inspections lead me to the aame conclusions as those eXl,ressed by ille District Staff. T he conuitioJl of tlle three Bearer COlllpallies fOl'lued at Bolton, Preston, alll1 Oldham appear to give satisfaction to the authorities. At the p resent time 210 llIen Lave joined the A uxiliary R oyal Navy Sick Berth R eserve. T he special and ad vanced training given to t hese men makes t hem extremely valuaule as firs t aiuers. 'This


shollh1 l)e a very IJoliular service, alld I alll sOlllewhat disappointed that up to now so pOOl' a rCl'ollse has lJeen llIadc to the call fol' VOlllll teers for this Re~erve . Frolll illi'ol'lllatiolJ at my disposal I feel conlident that the tiCal' future will redeem the lJas t, and that TO. IV. lJistl'ict will play its part in tllis patriotic 'i·ole. 011 .J1ay 27th I had tlte l,lcasure (by the kind iJ1vitation of Chief Superintendent I 'ellers awl Officer::,) of Ol'Cllillg the ellllJ rooUl conllectcti with the H ead-quarters of the Rochua1e Corps. This is a bl"J.(;iou~ well e(luipped alld fnl'Jlished room containing a fiue lJilliad table together with facilitie::s for games anti readillg. I inspected the -onh-East Lancashire Corp and Divisions at ,'outliport Oll Juue 24tL . T he parade was exccpt iOllally ~lUart awl thoroughly satisfactory, SOlUe 900 am lJUla11 ce officers aUll lllen \\'ith llursing offi(;cn; <.LIllI lIl11'siug sistels lJeing IJresent. Sir George Ptlkiugton exieudedhis hospitality to til!:: . executil'e &taU', judges aud officers in a lilO~t Wllerou~ llI<lllllt:r. H is Worship the Mayor of ::>outhport expresseu his interest in w; lJY ueiug present on tllC l'c\'iew gl'ounJ.. I abo attended and iuspected the parade of the, 'outll-East Lallcashire COlPS alld DiviiollS at Ashton-uuder-L yne on July tho Thc IJarade .,tatc showed a~ IJciug pl'e~eut 3 6 of allrauks. I ba\-e to place ol1l'ecord Illy thauks Lo Altiel'luau Kersall, the Mayor of fuhtoll-umler-Lyne, for Lis eourte .. y alld hospitality cxteuuecl to thc judges alld officers. Both these ill pcetioll \\,(~le highly erec1iLabk ttl all coneerue<.J, in lJlany cases I was llluch itllpressed uy the soldier-like ueariug of ~OUle, in fuct wany of the uuits . The knowledgc of drill and the contrul displayed by the offiCers o\'cr tlleir l'especti ve com mands al'l,eared to lue to lJe of all aecUlate aud most sati:.facrory uut.ure. Of the nursing ulJits 1 tallJ10t eXjlres too high ,tll opilliun. ,'mart, clean, (luick, auJ apt in their wol'l,:, the CXallllJlc set by tlIe~ rl uuits is worthy of elllulatioll. I need no!; here l'lololJg llIy relllUlk" a I . UblllitLcfl two reports u(;aring 011 t.hese two parades, anJ in tlJ(;sc 1 cnlarged 011 the special JeaLlll'es refluirilJg lIoticE: froUl me. Ol! ,July lst U cOUJpctitioll \\a lLClu at Blackl,ool for the trophy knolYn as the Al'gellt,l 'uP'. 'lhib "a canied 011 U)' tbe Xelsoll tealll. I \\as also "ery l,leased to bee that til(! lIuH Curl' was repn: eULeJ at tlii!S te:;t. Ou the o(;casion of His ':'lajc~L) ';, \ i~it to )Iallche!>tel' 011 J lily loth, 50 llIell of the :JL.l.nclie:;ter auJ ,'alford CUI'l'" tUIIlI.:(l Ulit fur ::,trect duty. I regret exceedillgly that the Chief Constaule of Muuehe. tel' coulu 1101.. !Sce hi~ way tu recolllllieud Llle Lord ':'1ayor to accept. the seryice!:; or offiecrs au<i IIIcn Ul'aWU frul1l lIui t!S ulltside ':'Lllldlc~ter, although I lI1ade early upplif'atioll to hilll to allo\l' we to t'ul'llish officer.;, Ulen aud uurses for duty. The Dj~trict COld'erellce \\as llel(l at LyLhal1l onqJlel1luel' :Llld, 1905. I u llly au ence, A si!>tullt COllllui !:Iiollet' Whittakcr \'ery kinuly oceul,icu tIle chair. The gathering '"as exLl'elllely iutcrcstillg. :JlallY l,oiub uearillg on the elliciency and well ueing of the DisLl'iet \\'(;re disclls cd iu u. tt!lL'lJCratc auJ lJllsine:;~-like mannC'r, and one or two papels eontainillg very illslructi\'e llHtlter were read alld enjoye:! oy the Coufel'ence. ]>crsoll<l11y I aliI ill favuur of tltis gaLheriug as it gin·s an opportullity for officers to lJceollle aefjuaillteu aUlI cel'taillly add~ to the good fetlillg prc\'ailing tLrolighout the distlict. UlI ,'ejJtenIlJcl' :L:3nl, lUO;), the cOllJpetition for the ~lU::iiug I'hield took place at LytllallJ. The uUIlliJer of tealll!S elltering were llot so great as in former year,lJUt tlie \\'ork done \\'a::, reported Ull by the judges as ueing excellent. The I~oehdale l.Y m iug Divi!>iou cunieu oLl' thi~ tl'uphy. Uu the occa~iOll of the vii t of H. It. II. b'jllcess Louise to Black burn anJ Burnley (HI .'eptelllucr jOtb, 1905. allllmianeelluty wasllllucltakell auu eanie<l out in a highly crl;dlLulJle 111(.\.1II1Cr at l3lackIJLJl'll uy o1ti(;crs, lIlen aud nlil'silJg si ' Lers [roUl the ACl'l'ingtoll UOl'1' , auJ Dlal:klJul'll Diviiou, aud at Humlcy by the officers, men, and Jlllr:;ill" si~Lcrs from Lhe 13ur1l1ey Division . I Ita\'e rccei\'eu frOlll the :Jl ayor of BlllCkl~lIu a letter of corJial thanks . I Landed to you a special report on this sulJject, aWL attaclled a eo1'), of this letter. At tlie lllceting the R oyul LaH<:alIire l\gl'icultlllal ,'ociery held at Li \'erpool un AU~I\.'t 31d, -iL11, 5tli, 6LlI allJ. 7tb, IVO;), the Li\'l:llJOul Dl\iioll auLl X UI . iug lJlvisioll, ullder tb(; elItll'ge ot 'uperintcudclJt Elli~on, took over the charge 01 the alubulullce stutiolJ aHd l llovilled details of sllrgeons, lllen, and nursing sisters. I hold fi011l the. 'ecrctary of the I 'oClety a lettci thankiug lllC /01' the very excellent and eJlieicllt II1:11111c1' in ,,·!ticl! this duly \\'a~ eal'l'iell ont. Altogether 37 eases were treated, tllree ueillg of a scriOllS llaLure, auJ one 0(' the latter was l'cnJOved to the ho. pilal. . . U1ll1er the llirections 01 DisLrid Chief 'nperilltenucllt Garnett and Dlstr:ct llperintcJldent 'l'rea!Surer l'illl, Lhe coml'etiLion for the CrossfielJ ~hield was carned




St. John A'1nlndance BI 'igwie.

out. Th e final tc t for Lhc trophy wa.' held at Warringlon 011 October 28th, 1905, and after a close compeLition \\'a ' won by lhc LetWI from LIl<.' Crompton Di\·ision. :!Il~ssr . Joscph Crossfield and OIlS, provided p,'izes 1'01' the winners alit! hospitably ell tertained thc J uclges a \ld com peting tealll . afLer til c COlli peti Lion. Ou OcLobcr 7th, 1905, Lhe compeLiLion for thc TUllstill hield was held aL Brierfield. This fundion is conducted entirely by the Hlierli elJ DivisiOJI,11l1cl lHings together each y enr tt largc number of squads coming from No. IY. lWcl V. Di trict. This bichl \Va. WOll by Kendal. Owiug to the increasing duties throwll upon the District taff by the dcvelopmeut of the district, as notifiell in brigadc circular, II. H. n. l he Grand Prior sancLioned Lhc promotion of Dis lrict Chief uperintendell L Wb itLaker to be As~istall L Com mi sioncr. Following 011 thi , District Sl1pel'inLcm1ellt ec retary Garnctt becanlo Distri ct Chief utJcriutellClenl, and Private W. . \Voodcock of the WalLon- lc-Dalc ])i\'i'ioll was appointed District upel'intcl1uent 'ecretary. To facilitaLe a beLLer holel being rclltined on the unit in No. IV. Di 'lriel, I cousiderell it wisc to divi.de Lhe distrid into area' a. signillg one or morc of the 'e area Lo the charge of a member of the District 'Laf!' or other 'uitablc ofliecr. I had in view Lbe carrying out of combined drills aIHI prac.:tice , and nftcr ha,ving read lhe· report subUliLted to m e by Lh c ofIicers in charg o[ lhe c areas I am lli lillclly or " opinion tlu~t th e method ndopLed has actcd well anLl considerably j\ll'Lherell Lhe objccts I had in view. I havc to thallk Assistant Comllli sioner Whittak er a lllt Di triet Chief Superintend enL Gal'llclt for thc carrying through thi' p1ltn and the construction of thc map. In conclusion, 1 d csi re to thank collectively [\nll in(li\'idut1.lly Illy DisLrict tltt!'. To Lhe encrgies of thesc officers and the evcr rcady wilJillgnc 's on lheir part whi ch is al\\'ays at Illy disposal, I aLtrillllte the h ea lthy und prospcrous cOlll1itiol\ at pl'l'st'n L e:x;isti.ng in the :roo 1 V. Di~Lrict. To the Cbiel' a!Hl H onorary 'urgcolls the Dl tnct I beg to expre . Illy l11debtcd ne. fi for all they huye done in im,truelionul work amongsl Lhcir 1'e 'p ecLivc OOl'l's iUld Diviiou. No \\" oldscan record ail (IlHllely the work and ,'clf-sacrifiee eli played by Lhe ambulance ancilll\1'sill" ofticers lhroll "liout the enLire DIstrict. To Lhese gentlemen and lallies I now ~cconl my "I'~leflll o~liga~ions. This constituLes my anl1ual staLemellt for the ambulance y~nl' le\,11llnating eptcmbe r 30th, 1905. I sineerel) trust it may merit your opproml. I ha\'c the hono\lr to he, Your obedient SClvOllt,





Deputy Commissioner, N o. 1 V. Dist1'ic:t, S.J. A .E. To the Chief Commissioner.



IlJULA,'CE OOltl'H AND Drvl .' IO .NS.

Formc(l. Heywood Di vision [) J unc, 1 83 " "rc-formcd16.Tttn., ]8n~ WilJ ;;l'ol'll Div. 4 May 1 6 ,Valtnn-l c- Dn,lc Div. H; .lan.' J 7 Bltl'l'()WI'Ol'tl Div. 29 Dcc.; 1 87 IIelttlclultl'lcl's Div. (Prcston 'Ol'ps) 2fi Jan. 1 Poli(~(' Di"i;;ion ( PI' sLon ' '.lr11s) ~5 .lan., ] 001 Ill' ])i\'isiOIl )5 lay, 1 Nelson Corps OcL, 1 Brierfield Division f-\l'Pl., 1 1';tcliIt1111l" 20 ov., 1 Bl1l'l1ley" ,Jt;lIP, 1 A(~l'l'i ngtnn 'Ol'PS ) 1 No\'., 1 ]lupt OI1 })i,io:;ioll l\lal'clt, 1 CliUlcroc 21. A ll " 1", , ' e j1 L., 1 BelrasL " HltCtl P " Dec., 1 'ntral Div. (Rochdalc '01']1") 1 0 .1111y, 1. n:3 Royloll J) ivi8ion 22 .Tall., l en l remi 1h ] "'~ A p I .1 " , .III KeslI'ick" 21 ,IUIH', 1 fll Rc(ldish ]0 A [l I ., 1 (l~ " . f) 'rl'\\,c " ~2 A pl'il, 1l. \) .. Reac] 'r " ~J 1'1 \ ay, 1"~ l ;':) Bury" Aug., 18H:) Toltillgloll " 2 Sept., I, n;; Edclllicjc]" 12 FI']) ., 1 f)(j l\lorl'cal11hc " I e Feb., l Lnt) Haz!'l (:I'()\'I'" 1.'epL,I ,-% ECjuilaldc ])i\'. (Oltlllil111 Corps) 1 Oct. . 1 96 II orSl'clgr SL Diy. (OILlIH1.lll . 'Ol'jls) I O('t., 1 9G A(llillgtoll lJi\'i;;io11 20 Od., 1 ' nti P. . A. Di v. (Ol(lham 'orps) 7 ,} <til., 1 ( 97 • 'otllhporL ])ivision .Jall.,l l H7 Oltosll'1' " ] 0 ,I all., 1 Hi FOl11ri(lge" 30 .1 an., 1 n7 1 I,'ph., lc!17 A!)kI111l-iJl-J.'uI'lle·s Div. \\'alTil1g1nn 'orps 2:; F('h., l ~ \li "'.Ylml!'.)' Bri(lgp Di\'. G ApI., 1, n7 IIaslillg!lcll '01')1;; 1 l\Iay, 1 117 Ita\\' hlst .. ll Di vi 'iOll .J \111 e 1~ 97 CrawHha\\'l)ooth " ]) c.: 1 07 Ncwchurch" 13 Feb., 1 9 Hlac:kpool " Hi lay I R arlclil]'c Di vision ~1 J 11 II l" 1 RishLoll " 17 01'.' 1 ]\cl1(la1 Dil'isioll 10 J II e;l(l -lluarlcl's Diy. {Bolton Corps) 21 ApI. ] 99 N \VtOW1\ Divi. ion 29 M!ly' 1 99 IltLl'tronl Div. (Oldham ' Corps) H .'cpt., 1 9\) D,tltoll -in-f1'lll·lless Div. 30 J ov.,1 !)9 AIII'am Collicry Divi.'ion 5 Jall. , 1900 :l'cat L '1'('1' Div. (Bolton 'OI'pS) 13 Jall., 1900 LeyltLll!l & Faringlon Div. (PI' SLOll Oorps) Feb., 1900 27 .!II ay, 1900 UIvcrston " -1 Jl11y, 1900 Bal'\'ow-in-Ful'l1ess " lIavel'igg (I11illom) " 7 Aug., 1900



Formed. Bln.ckb\11'J1 Division 9 Allg., 1900 ])\1 kin fir-I!l Di v. 4 .·ept., 1900 JJoclbal'l'ow (Millom) Division 17 Sept. 1900 Leigh J)ivision 19 , c pt.', 1900 Whallcy Div.(re -i nstaLce1 )27 •'cpt., 1900 , Lockport Di visio]) 8 F h., 1901 1\1 ltccle~field " 26 Feb., ] 90J Ln.llcaslct' " 24 A pl. 1901 Whitworth Div. (Hoeh(laIc 'Ol'ps) 10 ,June, 1901 Millom Iron Works Div. 10 JU11e, ]901 28 J line, 1901 Ur0111]1t0l1 Divi sion 20 July, 1901 AI sagcr Divi sion Mill11'Ow a1J(] rwhey Div. (Rochdalc 'orps) 29 Jllly, 1901 AShtOll- unclcr- Lyne Di v. 8 Aug., 1901 W esLwood Di\,. (OI(lhan1 'orps) 1 Oct. , 1901 orclon Di v. (Rochdale Corps) 22 01'., 1901 FI'el1cll\\'00c1 Di v. (Prestol1 Corps) 23 r 01'., 1901 'asLlolon Di v. (Roc hdn,lc ('orps) ) 7 Dec., HlOl ]~ll1'llwol'l h Diy. (Bolloll JI. Mar., 1902 'Ol'ps) Liverpoo l Divi ,ion 1 April, 1902 lfi April, 1902 AlLrinc hltlll " 2!l April, 1902 Longcl c11I1lde " 2 Jnly, 1902 Wltitelicl!l " Bl'crll'l1ry nnd ROJ11iley Division Hl Aug., 1902 , alrorcl Div. (~ l ltnchester antl.'nlfonl Corps) 30 Dc., 1902 Hulme Div. (MancIH'Rler ltl~el o.lfon1 Corps) 1 Jan., 1903 LiWeho)'()\lgh Division 21 May, 1903 Tmwdell Division ] Jlllle, 1903 lIil1tll cy Divi 'ion 13 .Jllly, 1903 Toclmo1'llrll Divisio n 27 J Illy, 1903 Anlwick Div. (Manchester and ,1111'01'(1 orp') 31 J\lly, InO:3 Boolle Division 5 Oel., 1903 Mcn, y ~1 i'i 'ion to l'anH'1l Di\'isioll 31 Od., 190:3 Dl1hlin (. 't. Jamc,' iale) Division 7 April, 1!l04 Lytham nivi ~io ll 2 July, 1901 Horwi ch Division Aug., 1901 01'0: fidel Di v. (Waningtol1 orps ) 23 Jan., 1!l05 G l"ttt L verDiI'. (Bolton Corp'll 20 11' b., 1905 1Cnnt 'fonl Divl,'ion 20 Feb., 1!l05 orthwich" 2011' b., 1905 , ictoria I [all Di\,. (Bollon nrpfi) 9 Mn,rch, 1!l0;) Chorlcy Division 15 Mlty, 1905 Astl 'y Bridge Div. (Bollon Corps) 25 May, 1905 Man che tCI' ol'porntion Tramway J ivi sion (Ma,l1chcst rand 0.121 • t ' pt., 1905 forel Corps)

AB . .:'fH.AO'L' OF Xnrsin9'.

Ambuiancp. I



Names of Corps and Divisions.

St. John A ?nbulance B1·igade.






0 · ....


Oldham Dh'ision (Oldham Oorps) 15 Sept., lu85 Barrowford " 22 Dec., 1 K elson II 15 Oct., 1 Oolne " 1 May, 1 Padiham " 10 Dec., 1 Burnley" June, 1 Oli theroe " 23 Oct., 1 93 R oy-ton" 10 May, 1894 Accrington Div. (Accri ngton Oorps) 12 May, 1894 Oentral Division (Rochdale Oorps) 25 Jan., 1895 Pre ton Div. (Pl'estonCorps) 27 May,l 95 2 Sept. , 1 95 T ottington Divi ion Bury" 11 cpt., 1 95 Blackpool " 13Kov.,195 Fou lridgc " 30 Jan., 1 97 , Yalton-le- Dale Diyision 4 Feb. , 1 97 Bacup " Apl., 1898 l\Iorecambe II 30 June, 1899 :he "ick II 24 Sept .• 1899 Askam-in-Furness Diy. 23 l\Iay, 1900 K ewchnrch Di vision 30 Jan., 1901 L ytham Div. 6 Mar., 1901

Formed. 10 June, 1901 7 July, 1901 10 July. 1901 27 July, 1901

Wh alley Diy. Crawshawbooth Div. Ull'er. ton " Ra,,,tenstall " lllilnrow and Newhey Div. (Rochdale Corps) 29 July, J901 A hton-under-Lyne Div. 8 Aug., 1901 Bri erfi eld Division 1 Oct., 1901 Blackburn" 5 Mar., 190Z Dalton-in·Furness Di v. 6 1\1ay, H102 Orompton Division 15 Aug., 1902 1.iverpool" 19 Allg., 1902 Willsford II 26 Jan., Hl03 Trawtl e n " 1 June, 1903 Oastleton Diy. (Rochdale Corp) 6 Aug., 1903 ,V hitIYorth Di\'". (Rochdal e Corp) 19 Allg., 1903 Rad clifJ'e Di,ision fi Oct., H103 Hey"'oocl " 8 Dec., 1803 Norden Di vi ion (Rochdale Corps) 25 July, 190 1 T orlll1ordrn Diyi ion 27 i.Iarch, 1905 Adlingtoll and H tath Oharnock Diyiioll ~2 Apl., 1905


Cheshire-Alsager, Altl'incharn, Bredhnry anLI Romiley, Che tel', Crewe, Dnkillfi chl, Hazel Grole, Hollingworth, l\:l1l1t 'ford, Maccleslie1cl , ~ewto\\'Jl, Torthwich, Whaley Bridge, and Winsfol'd Divi ·iOll·. Cumberland-Haverigg, H odbarrow, Keswick, Millolll and PenriLh Divi~il)n L ancashire Oorps-Accrington, Bolton, Haslingclen, Tel son , Oldham, lIlanch este r and Salford, Preston, Rochllale aud ,Yarrington. Lancashire Divisions-Abram, Atllington, Ashton-under-LYl1e, Asleam-in-Fume. , Baenp, Barro,,-[onl, Barro,y-in-Fnrness, Bla.:!klnll'n, l31ackpool, Bootle, Brierfield, Burnley, Bmy, Chorley, Clitheroe, 001ne, Crawsha"'hooth, Orompton, DaltC'll-iu-Fl1rne, Edenfield, Foulridge, Hapton, H ey,,'ood, Hinllley, Horwidl, Lallca ter, Leith, Littleborough, Liverpool, Lytham, Uorecambe, N'ewrhUl ch, Padiham, Radc.lifl'e, Ra,ytenstall, Read, Redd ish, Ri Mon, ROStOIl, Southport, Stockport, Toc1mol'den, Tottington, Trawr1en, Ulverston, Walton-Ie-dale, Whalley, and ' Yhitefield. W estmoreland-Kendal Division. Ireland-Belfast Division, Dublin ( 'to James ' Gate) Division .













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A bram Colliery ... 1 Accrillg to 11 ... Adlingtoll .. .. Alsagel' ... - Altrin cham A htun-UIlLler-Lyne \ -* Aslmm-ill-Fnl'lless Baenp .. . . . - -Barrowfol'd Bn now -in -Fl1l'lless ... - B elfnst ... ... , -- Blackburn ... Blac:kpool ... ." 1 ... Bolton 'orps H eacl-CJ.uarters ... -Astley IJrit1ge .. ... - Fal'llworth Great Level' Horwich Victoria Hall BootIe Bl'ellbUl',Y & Romil ey Bl'ierfie1( 1 Bmllley Bury Chc.ter Chorley Olitheroe Colne Orawhawbooth Crewe Orompton .. , Dal ton-ill- Fnrn~ss Duhlin Dnkinl1elcl ... Ellen fiolll .. , F onlridge .,. Hapton 1 JI a ling(l en Hav e1'igg .. . H azel .1'0"e If eJ' ,,"ood .. II i1lI1l ey H oub,UTOW ... K endal Keswick Knnt . [onl .. , Lancaster ... *Leigh ... ..·1 *Littleborongh Liyerpool ... L ong<lendale Lyth l11n Maccle field Manel le.tel' &Sa1fo1'u Salforu ... Corpora tionTl'am. Hulm c .. . Al'dwick .. . *Millom MOl'ecambc 1 N elson

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17 30 20,769

Reports have not been received from Divisions marked ll1l1S * figures are gi ven. t Same Ron. Surgeons as in Ambulance Unit.

I -

* 14



Last year's

.St~tement : -Deputy Commissioner, 1; District Chief S '0 • 2 ; District Chief Superintendent l ' D' t " S Ult)eon, 1; A SI tant Com Supt. of Storas, 1; District Supt. TreaslU:er ' 1 .IS 3~~t o~rt .. Secretary, 1; District -corporals. 3177 men and n ursin cy si,ters T t ' l'( , / cel s, 2':l2 scrgean ts and , 0::' • a a aFPl'OXlmate) 3744. 111 lSSlOlleri'i,

1st Officer.

F. A. Linton .

R. B. Ma\\'son, Biekershaw Hon. e, Ill'.

Irigan. Inspector o f S to r es .

Honorary S ecretary.

2nd O fficer.

. Clgt. T. Alurcd.

Pte. A. ~r. Hart, Dickershaw House, near 'Yigan.

Officers 4. ,ergeants 2. Pri\rates 43. Total effective 49. In erea e since la. t report 3. Drills held 32. Average attendance 2-1. Cases a tt 'llc1ed not 011 public duty 30. Al11111al in pection, 6th May. Total on parade 33. Absent with Ie aye 5. Without lea\'e 11. Annual re.examination, 27th ept. MeJ11 bel'S pa'ed 33. Did not appeal' 1:). ioIedallions 40. Regulation uniform WOl'll liy -1 Officer, 2 serCfeants, a1111 40 men. ?lIaterial: ambulance carri~ge, 7 stretcher . . plint., bandage, &c., \'e:ted in Abram Coal Company, Ld. Division Ul,porterl by tIle Company.







S uperin t en d e nt .

Honorary S urg e o n.

'Y. R. Dix, ~L D.


[Formed 5.1.1900.]




36 13

=1= I -






ii' i-






'20 -



2 -


1 -



T. Ca. pell.


Ne'lychurch Newtown ... Northwich ... ... Oluham ... ... Padiham ... *Penrith Preston Corps ... Head·quarters ... Leyland ... Frenchwood Radcliffe ... Ra.wtenstall ... Read ... ... Reddish ." Rochdale ... Ccntral ... 'Whitworth ... Castleton ... Milllrow& N ewhey N orden ... Roy ton ... ... Southport ... . .. • tockrort ... ... Todmorden ... ... Tottingtoll ... ... ... T ra\"den ' " *Ulverston . .. ... Walton-Ie-Da.le ' " Warrington ... Crossfield ... Whaley Bridge .. Whalley ... ... 'Whitefield ... ... Winsford ...


St. John A 1T/,bulCi11ce Brigade.

St. John Am,uulance Brrigade.



[Formed 11.11.90.]

JIE .\D-'1UAI1T)~I'S : BL'J.L BHIJHlt-:, KI)\G ;"'U,EET,

C hief S u peri ntendent.

Honorary S urgeons.

R. Cleg",

A. Y.

J. Ogden,

~r. n.

Gr~cll\\'oo(L ~L

Superintendent of S tores.

,Yo H . Bullock.



.LA. B. Drill Hall, Accrington. 1st Officer.

A. H. Barnes.

Ofllcer 5. ergeallt 6. orporals 7. Private 4. Total effective )02. In crea e since la t report 19. Drill. held 9. .-\ "erage attendance 45. Removals . Case att nded on public duty 47. Ca es attended not on public duty 9. Annual illpectioo, 9th cpt. Total on parade c ; . Ab ent with leave 11. Without leaye 3 . .Annual re-examination, 1 t ~Iarc:h, anu other dates. ~Iembers passed 100. Meuallion 62. ,crvice btulge 55. Nnr;;ing certificates 42. Regulation UlliJ'or1l1 worn by 5 OfIicer, 6 ergeant, 7 corporals, and <1 men. itIaterial: aml)l1lance wagon, litter, 17 tred boxes, :2 havre. acs at lill, and 90 at headq Hitrters, 14 tretcher, water bottle, hed re t , hed cradle, crutches, p1int, h;111<lage., &c. Iateria.l "e tcd in the Local Centre CommitteE'. Corps supported by grant· from Local enll'e Committee and donation from the public. The general inlerest of the members i maintained . Drills ha,'e beeu well attended. The routine work in tile new Drill Hall ha been plaecd on a good workable footing, but it i a matter for regret that the E Bearer Company amI tbe Royal Na\ral 'ick Berth He erve arc not taken I1p by the member. The pro\'i ion of sl1rgical havre. a'3 in mills and work 'hop , etc., is much appreciated. Removals by horse ambulance van have taken place on occasions, chieAy from thi di'trict to ho pitals in the loc:J.1ity. The "an ha travelleu ollle 500 mile. The Corp won the fir t prize on the field at the annual re\'iew of the North-Ea t Lanca hire Corps and Divi ions helu at outhport in June. A contingent took duty at Blackbul'll on el'tem b l' 30th, on the OCCR ion of the vi it of Her Royal Highne Prince LrHli e, 40 cases being a ttelldecl to. Pll blic du ty has been undertaken n,t children's field clay', football ma,tche , firework, rete, allu the like. A camp of instruction wa held at Long Pre ton, Yorkshire, during Whit week. It was a succcsS. The men contributed illilil'iuually to the co t, 60 officers being in cam1 , including As istant Commissioner Whittaker, Di trict Ohief llperintenJent Garnett, and t wo men from the Padiham Division. The long ervice medal of the O ruer of t. John has been a\\'anlccl to C. Goruon, of thi Corp, who ha been connected with ambulance work for 21 years.


St. J ohn A rnbulance Bl'igacie.

ADLINGTON AND HEATH CHARNOCK DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 26. 10 .96.J H EAD-QuAnT}-.:ns: A",fBULAX CE Roo:\[, CHORLEY STRli:ET, An LUWTO::-r. Hono rary Su rge o ns .

,17. O. Rigby,

F. J. l\Iayes,


",Ln. C. R.

S u p erin t ende nt.

' V.

B!ackblll'lJ, 4, Canal St., Arllington, Chorley, Lancs.

Honora r y S ecretary an d Treasurer.

In spect or of S tores.

Oorpl. E. Blackledge, 4B, Market St. , Acllington, Ohorley.

Pte. G. Darbyshire.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privates 17. Total effective 22. Decrease since last r eport 4. Drills held 43 . Average attendance 201. R emo \'a l 1. ~ases a~tencled on public duty 1. Oases attendE:d not on public duty 23. Annnal IDSpectIOn, 3rd June . Total on paralle 15. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 5. An:1l1alre-examinatioll, 27th June. Members rassed 17. Did not appeal' 3. MedallIons 13. Nursing certificates 7. R egulatioll uniform worn by 2 OHicer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, ana 17 m en. Material: 3 stretchers, 1 hamper at head· qnarters and 12 ha mper., at works. Diyision supportcd by subscription, concerts, &c. T l:e work of the Division has bef'l1 satisfnctory during the year. A ro om has been 8.cqUlred where ihe Division meet, whi ch is a great advantage.

St. Joh1'~ A 1nbulance BrigacZe.


Offirers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 20. Total effective 25. Average attendance 12. Oases D ccrease since last report 7. Drills helel 52. attt'nded on public duty 2...l0. R emovals 7. Oases attendefl nO.t on public duty 136. Annual inspection, 19th July. T otal on parade 17. Absent With le~ve 4. 'Ylthout lea\-e 4. Annual re-examination, 7th June. Members pas. eel lB. Did not appear 6. MNlallions 11. Nnrsing certificates 10. Hegulaiion uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 ser· ge'an t, 2 corporals, and 15 men. 1\1 att'l'ial: 4 r;tretcbers, 4. slll'~ical havresaes , 4. surr,ical water bottlcs, 6 noticc boarrls, 6 boxes, 24 pouch e'1mpments, vested in th~ Divi. ion. Division snpporteel by members' subscriptions and donaiions fr om the puhlic. Public eluty h as heen nndcrtaken for fo~thalJ clubs, :fiowt'l' s.hows, sports, e.tc., and many communications ha,:e !)een reeel\'e(~ ~x.rr(,~slllg gl'atltulle . for serVlCes rend ered, accompanied by '\11>. cnptlOlls. The DIVISIon IS now well eCJl1lpped .


Ix. TITUTB, A SllTox - LJ"DEn -LY~E. Superintendent

Honorary Surgeon.

Oapt. A. HilLol1,

D. Hall, Lynwood, mallshaw, Ash ton -under- Lyn e.

A. ;\1. R.

Honorary Secretary.

P te . ,Yo II. Winterbottom, 13, T albot. tt'eer, Ashton-under-Lyne. Inspector of Stores_


Ho n o rary S urgeon.

S uperintendent.

M. H. Sayers, M.R.C . S.

E. Hushworth , I~in g'. Mere, Alager. Stoke-Oll-Tl'en t.

Hon orary S ecretary.

Pte. T. ,Yood worth , l\I eresid e, Alsa,ger, Stoke-on-Trcnt. In s p ect o r o f S tores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Private O. Howells, Senr.

Pl'intc II. Nunn.

omcers 2. Pri va tes 20. Total effecti \'e 22. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 67. AYerage attendance 11. Ca~es attended not O? public duty 10. Allnual inspection, 16th 'el,t. Tot al on paratle 11. Absent With leave 11. Without leav e 2. Annual re-exam ination, 31st 1\J <1y . Members pass~d 21. Medallions 16. RegUlation uniform "'orn by 1 Officer, and 20 m~I1:. Mater~a!:. 3 stretchers, 1 havresac, 1 wall hox, bandages, &c., ve ted in DIVISIOn. DIVISIon sUPllOrted by snhscriptionR, concerts, &c. Duty was undertaken at the Alsagel' and Belchton • ho\\ s. The route marches and combined drills dUl'inu the year have been \Cry well attended. 0

Pte. H. M oore. Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 40. T otal effecti,e 44. In crease since In. t report 10. Drill helll ...l8. Average ~ttendance 25. Oa, es altenrlecl on pnhlic clnty 2. Cases attended not on pu~hc dnty 89. ~nnnal in pcctio!], Bth April. T ota l on raral1e 27 . Ab ('nt mth leave .2. "Ithout Ie \-C 15. Annl,al re- examination 7th April. l\I emhers pas ed 30. DId not appear 13. Medall ion 7. Nursing certificates . Regulation uniform worn by ] officer, 1 ,el'geant, 1 corporal nIHl 29 m Cll. Material: 4 tretchers, 4 surgical h~v.1'~sac~ , B rugs. roller bandage machin e, splints, &c., "ested in Local Oentre. DIVISIon IS supported by uhscriptio ns anr1 donations. . .. . An in pection aI1l1review of th e out h-East 1.<111 ca. !l11:e Oorps and DIYI IOns w~s h ele1 at A hton-nnder-Lyne, by the Depnty-OOmnllSlOnel', on July th, 1900. uperintcllllent-Treasurer F. c).:) D. Pim \Va . in command, and t!lere \\'as a .large mn tel'. The lay or (All1pI'l1l:tn "\Yillialll 1\el'sall, E. fJ. .) clltertamed. the officer. Th e inltahitants of the Doronrrh did n.ll in their 1101Y('r to makc the r eView a succe. Th e Depnty-Commi ioner exll1·e .. e(l himself plea. eel \\'ith all .h,e a\\". D~uing the winter m onth . com. e of lectl1lcs ll ayc llee11 given by 12 dlfierent medICal men. Route marches 11a\-e been well attendcd. By pel'mi ' sioll ~f the Chief Oon~table(John Sewell, E q.), practices haye been h eld with the CorporatIOn ambulance yan.


HEAD-Ql..'AllTEI1· : N.l.TIOX .\T,

UAnKET HALL, Ar; lnI XC lI .H1f.

"' . B. 'oOk,)L n.


Su perintenden t .

J. L . Wolstenholme, Oarr E' lcl , Navigation Rd . , Altrincham .

CHOOL. , ASK ..D[-lX-Fun:\E.·

Honorary S urgeon .

Ho n orary Su,"geo n.

H. G. Oooper,


Inspect o r of S tores.

Hon orary S ecretary.

Inspector" of S tores.

Pte. E. Fry, Steel t., Akalll R. ' .0. , Lancs.

Pte. J. Fulton.

Pte. G. White.

Honorary S ecre t a r y.

Hon o rary T reas u re,-.

Pte. II. Shaw, 13, Cedar R oaJ, Hull,

Corpl. W. Foster.

Hon. T reaSU1-er.

Pte. T. Hutchins on . Offi cer 1.

Privates 17 . Total Crre<;tlvr IS. [N o report r eceircd. ]


St. J ohn .A?nbulance B1·igacZe.

St. John .A ntbulunce B1·igude.



Honorary Surgeons.

F. ,V. Rigby, J. P. Brown,

Superintend e nt.

,Yo G. L ambert,

M.D. M.B.

8, Pembroke St., Bacup.

3rd Officer and Insp . of Stores.

N. ,Yoodhouse.


Hon. Sec.

Hon . Treasurer.

1st Class Sergt. W. Brown , 254, Todmorden Road, Bacup.

Pte. J. A. Law.

Offieers 4. Sergeants 2. Corpo rals 2. Privates 25. Total efTective 33 . In crease sin ce las t report 1. Drill!> held 41. Average attendance ] 8. Removals 4. Cases attended on public duty 12. Cases attended not on public Juty 79. Annual in!>pectioD, 27th .May. T otal 011 parade 29. AbseDt with leave 2. Without l eav~ 2. Annualre-exalllination, 26th June. .Members passed 31. .Medallions 20. Nursing certificates 7. Regulation uuiform \Yorn by 2 S ervIce badges 18. Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 25 mcn. .Material: amuulance wacrcrOl1, 15 wall boxes, 3 litters, 7 stretchers, 1 slll''''ical havresac rncrs splints band~ges &c., vested in the Division. Division supporteJ by voh{nta~y' subscrir~ions. '


Honorary Su rgeon.

C. M. Mitchell,

Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. E. Pilkington.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. COl'poral1. Privates 13. Total effective 17. D ecrease sincc last report 3. Drills held 43 . Average attendancc 11. Remoyals 2. Ca~es attended n ot on.lmblic duty 35 .. Annual inspection, 24th July. Total on palade 10. A usent WIth leave 1. \'hthout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 30tl~ .March. Members passed 12. Did not appear 4. Medallions 9. Tursing certificates 11. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer 1 sercreant 1 corporal and 13 .men. Material: 7 stretchers, 17 appliance boxes, '1 surgical h'ane ac, 3 ;·ugs. splmts, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by the memuers' and public sub. criptiollS, &c.




Honorary Surgeon .




Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.


mith, Chief Fire 'tation, Chichester Street, Belfast.

Officer 1. Privates 67. Total efrectiYe 6 . Increase since last report 5. Average attendance at drills 18 . Cases attL'nded on pnhlit: duty 2,536. H.emovals 2,362. Annual illpection, Hlth May. Total on pamc1e fi1. Ab ent "'ith leave 17. AlillUal re-exanlination, lOth March. Members pa eLl 49. J! ailed 2. Did not appeal' 17. Medallio11S 27 . Fireman's nniform ant! regulation arlll badge are wom. Material: 3 ambulance wagon and 11 stretcher. Divi ion nppolted hy thc Bclfa·t COlporation.

A. Laycock, 17, Walton treet, Barro\Yford, nr. "'clson .

Pte. S. Street.


Material: 6 stretchers, 6 surgical havresacs, 4 street boxes, 6 water bottles, 6 rugs, splints, banJages, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported hy pu blic subscriptions and mem bel's' cOlltributioll . The Division has made progress dnring the year, anJ has been commended for efficiency in first aid, and transport of the injured in cases of selious accidents occurring in the vario\1s large works, and in doing Jut)' in the public streets, at athletic sports, regattas, football matches, etc. Mem hers of the S. B. R. diJ duty on H. 1. . Royal Oak and at .Plymouth R o) a1 Naval Ho pital.

1st Officer and Hon . Sec.


Honorary Treasurer.





Superintenden t .


J. McLarty, 160, Ramsdell Street, Bal'l'ow-in -Furness.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treas.

Pte. :V. Bradley, 27, Baclen Powell St., VlCkerstown, Barrow-in-Furness.

Sergt. J. Craig.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. I ncrease since l_ast report 6. Drills h eld attenJed on pu?hc c1u~y 82. R emovals 11. 1,~08. AnnualmspectJOn, 25th July.. '1'?tal "'.lthout leave 6. Annual. re-exallllnatIoll, DId no~ appe~r 4. 1I1eda llIons 30. Service RegulatIOn ulllform WOl'll by 2 Officers, 1

Privates 35 . Total effective 39. 44. Average attendance 19. Cases Cases attencled not on public duty on p arade 30. Absent with leave 3. 30th March . Mem1cfs passed 34. badges 12. Nursi ng certificates 21. sergeant, 11 corporal, and 35 men.



Honorary Surgeon.

D. G. Elliott,

L.lc.C.l' .


J. Leeming, 3,

udell ero. , Blackburn.

Hon _ Secr·e ta r y.

Inspector of Stores.

el'gt. . T. HOp\\'OOll. 72, Gcrnlcline treet, HlacklHll'l1.

Pte. W. Catlo\\".

Oflicer 2. crgeallb 2. Uorpvral 1. Privates 1-1. Total effective 19. Decrease ince la t report 2. Drills held 49. A,' erage attendance 10. Ca e attended on public duty 35 . Ca c. ttttendell not on public duty 11. Annual in pectioD, 26th July. Total on parade 13. Ab cut with lel1ve 1. "W ithout leave 5. Annual re-examiuation, 27th June. Memb!:rs pa ed14. Did not appear -±. Meuallions 4. Nursing certificates 2. Regula tion uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 ~ergean ts, 2 corporal, a nd 13 men. Material: 2 emergency boxes, 4 stretchers, 3 surgical havl'esacs, 4 stretcherR, rugs, &c., vested ill the Divi ion. Division supported by public and mem bcrs sub cl'iption '. The following is a copy of a letter received from the 1\1ayor of Blackburn, a.cknowleuging scrvice 011 'atunl&.y 13. t : Town Hall, Blaekbul'l1, October 2nd, 1905. Deal' ir, -Pray accept my sincere thank!> for the valua.ble help which yon and the members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade gaye on the occasion of the visit of Her Royal Highness Princess Louise on atl1l'day last. I understand that in all the cases in which their a si5tance was needcd it was given in a very prompt and effective manner, a.n(l was highly appreciateJ. Pleaso convey to the members of YOlll' Corps my acknowlegment ot' their assistanco.-Yonrs faithrnlly, J .I.ME.' KAY, 1\1ayor. Street nuty was taken by the members on the occasion of the unveiling of theQueen Victoria Memor ial by Her Royal Highness Prin cess L oui e.


St. J ohn A 1?1_b~Lla1lce B?'igacle. BLACKPOOL DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). H EAD-QUAllTl£HS : POL ICE BU1LDlNC,',

Honorary Surgeons.

[Formcd 15.5.98.J

ounr" KIl\ G SnmE'J',


St. John


1st Officer and Hon. Sec.

L. G. S. Molloy, :lLA., !II.D. O. Gosling, T. Dounelly, 6, Church St., F.S.Heaney, F.H.C.S. ( l.) 29, Oa,lllLridge Road, Llack)lool. Blackllool. 2nd Officer.

R. H. O. Hill. Officers 5. Scrgeants 3. Corporals 3. Pl'i\'ates 56. Total effective 67. In crease since last report 3. Drills held. 42. A vcrago a t telHlanco 35. Cases attended not on public uuty 10. Allllllal illSllcctioll, 8th June. Total on parade 57. Abl:)~n t with leave 7. Without leaye 3. Aunual l'c-examination, 2nd Fob., 13th ~pl'll, 29th 1ll~y and 8th June . . 1IIcl11b~l's passed 64. Did not a}lllear 1. MellaJholls 30. Sen-Ice badgcs 8. urslllg certlficates 8. Regulation lluiform ,,"om by 5 officel's, 3 sergeants, 4 corporals and 55 men. Material: 8 stretchcrs 5 havrcsacs, 15 water bottles and 12 sets of splints, Ycstell ill Di vision. Division 'supported. by members' subscriptions. A section of this Diyision has been formcd at Fleetwood cOllsistinrr of 16 men all wealing the .Brigade lllliform. Second Officer Hill has l~resellted. t~ the Di\'isi~n a handsOllle shIeld, to Le competed for annually by membcrs (jf the Division. The competition is for squads of foUl' men in cltaroc of a selo-eant or corporal. The first co.mp.etition was held last .l!ebruary. Tho ~ergcant o~ corporal in cLarge of the '~'lJln lllg sq nad holch, the slncld for t,,,elve months, and each mem uer l'ecei ves a stl vel' medal.

BOLTON CORPS (LANCASHIRE). HEAD-QlJAl~TElU:;: AltTILLl',ltY DltlLL HALL, BOLTOi"' . Ch ief Superintendent.

Inspector of Stores.

F, Lomax, 13, Wyresuale Hoad, DoltOD. 3rc1 Officer J. Hardy. (Six Ambnlance lJil;isions)-Officers 10. Scrgea.uts 7. Oorporals 5. Privates 163. Total ell'ectivo 1 5.


Victoria lIall and Astley Bridge . It is intenued to for111 a uew Divi:,iOIl at Bradshaw. l ,'11e mcu of the various uivisiollS have rendercd exc:ellellt first aid serVICC at public cratliel'ings and ill the various mills auu works. The A Bearer Cotnp<my conlinue~ very popular, anti attended at Aldersho t in .August. The work for L1lll Royal .J: avai Sick Berth Reserve has ueen attcllueu wIth marked success, close upon 70 mell havin<f Leen elll'olled: Exccllent reports are to hanu on the men's \\' ork on board. warship~ and., at the Royal T aval Hospital. Several of the new combined classcs are ill progress, auu the instruction giyell 011 the.advan~ed firs~.aid and sick llursi ng is of great value. The Coq)S was lllspected. 111 Apl'll uy held Marshal Earl Roberts, K . G., etc. The regulation uniform of the Brigade is no\\ worn by almost. every member of the Uorps:. The .divi~io11s have all obtained. sui lable lt ead.-<j uarters, the Fam \\'orth Dl \'l'Hon ha~mg J ust ~ecured a most convellieut drill-room, free of all cost, through the luminess of the officers of the 2ncJ Volunteer Dattalioll L. N. Lanc. RRgilll ent.



"1'. I)_'UL'I' .,~

( In charge).


't'lIOOL' , ASTLEY '-'

Hon . Secretary.

[Formed 21.4.99.J

Honorary Surgeons.

J. H" Tholllpson,

:ll.D .

J. \17. Johnstone, ~l.D . 1st O fficer.

J. Heap. Ho norary S ec/-eta/'y.

Honorary Treasurer.

CorpL T. Lee, 89, Beverley Hoad, Bolton.

1st Class 'crgt. W. Itllshton .

Officer::, .3. Sel'gealltf. 3. Corporals 3. Priyates 56. T olal efrccLi\'e 65 . Decrease Sll1CC l~::'L report 37. Drills ltelu 48 . AYCtaue aticJJ(lalJ(;e 34. Cases att~nded on llliuhc " duty 20~6 . ,.Aunual iuspectioll, b 5ill 'LPt. T otal on palade 30. AUsellt 'n1h leave ': \\ ItllOlit lea\'o 28. AllllUal rc-eXalJlillatioll. 25th JUly. Members IJa?sed 3~ .. DId not al'l'car 26 . J'll edallious 26 . N ursilJg eertificates 23. R~gu~~tlOll lllllform worn .by 3 Ollicers, 3 sergeants, 3 corporals, aud. 45 men. Ma~ellal : aullJulance stabou, 7 ::,t1'eet boxcs, 7 stretcllcrs, 5 sUl'o-ical havr.esacs, S1,JIll~tS, &c, vested inTI ustecs. Division support cd Ly Iltelllbers band pubhc suLscnptlOllS. , Th e l~ast y.eal' has bcen. the illOSt successful ill the lli"to1'Y of the Boltoll Corps. 'l ~e declease l.n membel'shlp of the ll cad-<luarters Divlsion is Jarrrcly due to the tlansference of men to the ll ewly ·formed divisions. The H orwich Division is now attached to the Bollon Uorps, and new units have Leen fOlmed at Great Lever,



Hon . Treasurer.

he . J. Eay.

SCI·.,t. W. II. \\'allbank, Pte. J. Riley, 4.0, B~xenuale tltloet, DolLon. 29, Uo. op. Streot, Ai:illey Dridge, Dolton .

,'el'ueanL 1. Corporal 1. Pri\'aLes 31. Total efl'ectiye 33. Drills heIdI ~ Average attemlauce 11. Anuual in pcCtiOll, 5th Sept. Total on l,ar:J.lle It). AUi:iellL witll let1vo 1. With out It!ave 10. "\.unual re-examination, 2 tll ,'ept. MelllUljl'S pa ' 'ed 1 . Did Hot apl't!ar 15. ::\leuallions 7. Kursing cel tijit:atci:i 9. Heglliatioll ullilorJll \\01'11. by 1 scrgeant 1 COl'}.Jo:'n:i, and. 14 meu . Matcriell: ::;treLciter, surgical havrei:iac, splmts, bandages, etc. Dl\'lSlOU supported by meID LeI'S and pn blic.



3rd Officer.

Honorary Surgeo n .




A. Hodge,

J. Hardy.

:11. It. c. S.

Olliccl's 2. ~rgeallt 1. 1'linl.tc~ 19. Tutal efl'ecLi\'e 22. DeClease I;incc lai:it loport 4. Drilb helll 4.9. AY~rage attelluau.::,~ 12. Anllual inspcction, :Jth ~ept. ToLal on parade 11. Absent \nth It!tLYe 3. \\ Ithout leaye 8. Anllual re-exalllination, llih Jllly . Memueri:i passed 16. Did not appear 5. n!el1<1.11ioIlS 3. Rugulatiou uniform ,,"om by 1 UIlicel', 1 sergeaut and 19 men. Iatcrial: 2 strelchers, ha vresolC, spliu t ·, &c. Division supported uy members' nud public snbscl'illtious.


Hon. Surgeon .

'. \\r. Pallin:,ol1,


ST. 1\Ll.1t1-\.':::; CllUlU.m IIul,;' (1 11 charge).

crgt. G Boydcll, 3:1, LUJll:,uen 'treet, Dulton.

'E, DuLTO~ .

Hon . S ec. and Treas.

Pte. J. U. Acker, 6, Ycntmc treet, Boltoll .

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Pril'ates 21. Total efl'ecti ve 23 . Drills held 36. Avel'a"e attendance 10. Anuual inspection, 5th c}Jt. Total on parade 19. All 'c ut witltbleavc 4. AlIllual l'e-CXamilliILioll, ~.J.th April. Members pas::iecl H. Did not appeal' 8. Medalliolls 3. NlIlSilig certiI1catc 3. Regulation uniforlll WOI'll Ly 1 :,crgeall i, and 1 pl'iva tes. Material: 2 stretchers! surgical ha vresae, splints, bandages, etc. Di vi:,ion supported by melllbers aUll puuhc.

St. J ohm A n~uulc~nce Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nuulunce Briqade. ,



1st Offi ce r (Ac t ing).

Hono r a r y Su r geon .

J. M. Coates,

H. "Ward, 41, Pioneer St., Horwich, Boholl.


Inspector o f S t o res .

Honora ry Secretary.

Pte. F. Severs, 3, Gooch


b'eet, Horwich , Bolton.

Pte. E . O. Fenier.

Officers~ . Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 22. Total effective 26. I ncrease siUl:e last report 10. Drills held 50 . AveHlge attendallce 13. Cases attended on public duty 4. Casesattencletlnot on public duty 8. Annual inspEction, 5th Sept. Total on parade 19 . Abseut with leaye 2. Without lcaye 5. AlJl1uill re-examination, 19th April. Members passeu18. Did llOt appear 7. Mcdallions 6. Nm;,ing certificates 15. Regulation uniform \Yorn by 1 officer, 1 serglant, 1 corporal, and 17 men. Material : 1 stretcher, 1 havresac, splint, &c., vested ill the Divisioll. Division snpported by subscriptions . Two men are on duty every 'aturday Oll the Railway Illstitute Football Field.

usc of a room at the 'l'eehnic.al School, for d.rill pl:rposes, during the coming year. ~ ~cam en tered the Lancashl~e a:nd Yorkshlre RaIlway Company's Itnnual compeThe team also took a second prize at tltlOll, and won the second pnze Jll the final. an am.bulance competition at Ormskirk. On July 27th the members had paraded for dnll when n~ws was received that a terrible railway accident hau happened at Hall Road StatlOn on the electric line of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. The members were immediately supplied with ambulance material and with promptituue hastened to the scene of the disaster, having to go three miles per train and walk one mile; but on arrival it was found that almost all who had been injured had died.


S uperintenden t .

Hon o rary S urgeon.

T. P. Blades,



n. c. 1'.

'Yarburton, 70, tockport Road, Breubnry, tockport. Inspector of S tores.

Honorary S ecre t ary.


Ho n. S ecretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. W. E. Ion, 30, Highfield Road, Bolton.

Pte. E. Heap.

Ho n. S urge o n.

J. Wood,

L.P•. C. P.

Officer 1. Plil'ates H. Total effective 15. Decrease since la~t rellOlt 3. Drills held 36. A yerage atlendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 26. Rel1loval1. Caes Httendeu llOt 011 public duty :29. Annual inspection, 5th Sept. Total on lJaraue 10. Absent "ith leave 1. "Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 28th Sept. ~hllluers passcd 9. Did llOt apl,ear 5. Medallioll 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Otfictr and men. Matel iul : 2 stretchcrs, 2 surgical huvl'esacs, '2 water bottles, bandages, splillts, etc., Y(:sted ill Di vision. Di visioll snpporteu by Victoria Hall.


Pte. D. later, treet, Romiley,

7, Lalvrence

Pte. W. W. Williams. tockport. Ho n ora ry T reasurer.

:r.Jr. II.

penCeI' (Hon. Mem.).

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 23. Total effective 2 . Increase since last reiort 4. Drills held 41. Average attendance 14. CaRes attendeunot on public uuty 16. Annual inspection, 9th ept. Total on parade 20. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 29th August. Member. pased 2-:1. Did not appear 3. Medallions 15. Regulation uniform worn uy 1 Oflicer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 17 men. Material: 1 litter, 2 sU'etehen:, 20 ,,'ater bottles, 20 havresac , 1 emergency case, splints; bandage, &c., vested in the Divi ion. Division upported by members antl public subscriptions. Duty was taken at Romiley Oricket Club sport. The Division is now supplied with uniform.




S uperintendent.

Ho n o ra ry S urgeon.




S. Bensoll, Police Station, BootIe, Liverpool.


Inspect o r of Stores.

Ho n o ra ry S ecret ary.

Oorpl. J . J . Boltoll, 44, "\\'adham Ru., Bootle, Li rerl!ool.

Pte. J. Oar p ) .

Hon o rary Treasurer.

CorpI. J. Tarbuck. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorpora,ls 3. Privates 24. Total efrccti\c :.H. Decrease sillce last report 20. Drills held 49 . Average attendance 22. Ca&es attended not on public duty 20. Annual inspection, 17thAugust. Total 011 parade 21. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 6. Annual re-cxaminatiolJ, 1st JUlle. Mem bel'S p.lssed 26 . Did not appear 4. MCLlallions 24. Regulation unif Ollll, except great co~ts and leggings, \\ om by 1 Oilicer, 4 &upernumerary oilicers, auel ~O men . . ~~tenal : . 4. ~tretchers, 1 medical hamper, splints, banunges, &c, vested 111 the D~v~s~on . DIVISIon suplJortLd by mellluers' SUbSClil!tiollS, cOl1cr,rt~, &c. T he DIvlSlon reglets to report the resignation of the late Supel'iutencltnt V,r. Moore, who took such an active part in the fonnativn of the Divisi(,n. The Divi8ion is again indebted to the Education Comlliittee for their kindness in allowing the flee

Honorary S urgeons.





. Wilson,

J. Hoyle,

:II. B.


S uperintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

". 'Yeb. 1st Officer

R. HarrisoD.


tn.tion Hou e, Brierfield,



Inspector o f S t o res.

Pte. T. E.


Ofllcers 5. Sergeants 2. PriYateR 2. Total effective 35. Increasc since last report 3. Drms held 41. Average attendallee 16. Cases attended on public duty o. Removals 12. CR es attenued not 011 public duty 83. Anllual inspection, 30th ~lay. Total on parade 26. Absent without leave 9. Annual re-examination, 6th April. Members passed 25. Ditlnot appear 7. Medallions 15. Service badges 15. Nursing certificates 13. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officer, and 31 men. Material: 1 litter, 9 trctchers, 2 surgical havresacs, 22 emergency boxes, splints, &c., vested in the Committee of the Brierfield Oentre. Vi vision 'Supportcd by volul1to.ry subscriptions, lecturcs, &c. The Division continues to keep up its strength and efficiency. I n October, 1904, the annual competition for the Tl1llstill Shield was held, when 25 squads fro~ .all districts competed. The Division also had iu March, 1905, the annual eompetltlOll . f members of the Division for the President's Oup, when three squads competed ,y

St. John AmlJHlc~?lce B?'igClde.


St. John A ?J/,bulance B1'igacle.

BURNLEY DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 6. 90.] , ,'ILL H EAD- 0<UA RTE' I ...", :DJ

Roo'[ ~10 " " , "'-

R. 111. "hi tbam,


II UI'CII STI'EE,'j', BUT"! 'L"',"" . ~, "J"~



Honorary Surgeon.

J. Wilkin Oll, 30, Thul by R oad, B Ul'1I ley.

~r.B .

Hon . Surgeon.


A. Mackin tosll, :\[. D .

I nspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.

ergt. J . L. Colburn.

t., Burnley .

ergt. F. Dixon, 51, Brougham

1st Officer and Hon. Sec.

H. Stopforth, 5 ,Rnil\\'a-y R oa-d, Chorley.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasur-e r .

Officers 2. S ergeants~. Corporals 2. Privates 37 . Total effective 4-3. Increase since la t report 10. Drills held 49. A verage attendance .1. Cases attended on public duty 6. Remo vals 5. Cn e attelllletl not on pl~bhc duty 54-. Annual inspectio n, 4th July. T otal on pa-rade 31._ Ab ent wltl1 leave 3. Without leave 9. Annual re-examination: Gth July and 26th eptemher. Members passed 38 . Did not appear 4. Medallions 1. J lll'sing c;rtificate 12.. R egll}ation ~uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 corporal., and 3r men . lI~a~enal: 4- hUer , 10 stretchers 2 su!,aical havresacs, 11 street boxe, each contalllmg 1 stretcher, 1 haversac, ~nd amb~lance material, and 160 ambulance bag. in mills and workshops, vested in th e Division. Division supported by the publIc.

Pte. J.


r. ~L\Jn.-'.



Honorary SUI-geons .

Sup erintenden t.

G. K Or111e, :'II. n. II. N. "'indale, ;\1.1:.".,';.



Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeon .

F. B. Hohlles,

[Fol'll1ell 8.9 5.]


Y.M.C.A. Roo)].,


•. Enser, 14, Han on

)1. B.

Hon . Sec.

treet, Bury.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. fr. W. H oward 10, D evon Street, Bury.

jUl'. J. Cox (Hon. Mem.) Inspector of Stores.

Pte. A. Enser. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 30. T otal elrective 33. Drills held 45 . Average attendance 12. Ca e. I ncrease since last report 6. attended not on public duty ?O. Annual inspection, ~6th Angust .. Tot~l on l)urude 22. Absent with leave 3. "lthout leave Annual l'e-exnnllnatlOll, rth ept. Members passed 21. Did not. appea~ 11. Medallions 16. 'enice hadge 3. Nursin a certificates 8. ReaulatlOll ulllfol'ID worn hy 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 30 men~ Material: 12 str~tchers, 1 surgical 11a vresac, splin ts, c' c., vested in the D ivision. Division supported by members and public subcriptions.

M. II. Dawson, 40, ,Vell Terrace, Clit1eroe. Honorary S ecretary.



J. Mitchcll, 54, We t Viel" Clithel'oe.

Inspector of St ores.

Clgt. W.

Honorary Treasurer.

H. Wihon.

Pte. J. R. Gamer.

OlHecr' 4. ergeaut· 3. ol'porals 3. Private 19. Total efJecti-ve ~9. Decrea e iucc la t report . Drill hdd 63. Average attendance 11. Case' attentled not on public duty 29. Removal 13. Annual inspection, 19th July. Total on parade 14. Absent with lean 2. ,Yithout leave 13. Annual re-examinatio11 , 7~h July .al1tl3nl August. :llle~nber pn sed 21. Did not appear 6. Medallions 1 . Nur~lIlg certJficate 19. Hegnlabon uniform worn by 2 OLlicer 3 ercreant 3 corporals, antl19 m~lJ. laterial: 1 litter,. ? .stretcher , 3 wall b~xe, f urgical han sac. 1 tent, splInt, bandage. , &c. DIVl IOn supported by public ub cl'iption . Dl1I'il1g the year the Divi ion ha pro"ided in every mill ill the town bo:\e contailling ewry l,illtI of mnterillllikcly to be neetled in ca e of accident.


]7, DEnuYI'IlEET,




D. C. Sutton,


Pte. II. U ntl erwood.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Pl'ivtttes 18. Total ell'ectivc 22 . Drills be::lll 18. Av erage attendance 7. Annual D ecrease since last report 2. inspection, 14th October. Total on parade 6. Absent with lel1ve 3. Without leave 13. Annual re-exam ination, 12th Se]!t. Members passed 2. Did not appeal' 18. Medallions 14. Material: 3 stretchers, splints, etc., vested in the Division.

colt, 5, hort b'eel,


tephellsoll, 2~, Collingwood

.\. Hey,.;,


1st Officer.

2nd Office r.

T. Dlll'l'ell.

'''. H eap.

Ho norary S ecretary.

Sergt. J. Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Surgeons.

G. Harri son,


\Y . E. Lovett, r .ILC.P.


Sup erintendent.

CnE. TEll.

[Formed 15.5. u.]

Honorary Surgeons .

A. A. G. Dickey,


T otal on



. • mith .

Officer. 3. Sergeallt 1. Private 53 . Total effective 57. Drills h eld 1. ArCl'age aUrlJuaJ1ce 23. Annual inspectioll, 12th JUly. parade 37. Al> ent without leaye 20. Medallions 2.

1st Offi cer.


R. Ashton, Springwood Cottage, Heapley, Chorley. Hon . Treasure r.

Ptc. G. Bortfieltl.

Pte. F. O\"e11 .


Inspector of Sto res.

b'eet, Collle.

Ptc. E. Bahl"in .

Honorary Treasurel-.

J. L. ,Yildman, E q.,

J .P.

(ll on. Mem.)

Officer G. ergeant 1. Corporal1. Pl'inl.tes 45. Total errccti\'e 53. Inrreasc sin ce la t report G. Drill held 39 . AYerage atl emlall ce 26. Remo vals 70. Cases attcndcd not 011 public duty 169. Annn al in 'pectiol1, 4th Jnly. Total on parade 37. Absent ,,,ith leavc 2. ,Yithont leavc H. Annn all'e-exl1minati0ns 2nd Feb. l\Iember passed 3u. Did not appear 12. Metlalli ol1 ]. ervice badge,


St. John Arnbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigcicle.

16. Nursing certificates 21. Regulation uniform W01'l1 by 6 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 45 men. l\faterial: 1 ambulance wagon, 2 litters, 6 stretchers, &.c. Division supported by public subscriptions. Twenty men have joined the RN.A.S.B.R, a number of whom have been to Gosport and Plymouth for training.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 30. Total effective 35. In crease since last report 7. Drills held 55. Average attendance 20. Cases atten(led not on public duty 26. Annual inspection, 30th Sept. Total on parade 30. Absent with leave 4. 'Without leave 1. Anllual re-examination, 26th July. }\lem bel'S passed 33. Did not appear 1. Medallions 20. Nursing certificates 19. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 Corl)orals, and 30 1110n. Material: 6 wall boxes, 6 stretchers, 4 surgical havresacs, &c., vested in the Division. Divi ion supported by subscriptions. Tho Division attended the parades of thc NorLh-East Lancashire Corps and Divisions at , onthport, also that at Ashton-under-Lyne, where the Division won the ''lil.·on and tockhall Challenge hielcl. The Division have also won the Crossfield Chal1enge Shield.



Honorary Surgeons.


E. L. Compston, M. B . R. J. Y(iTal'l'ington, M.D .

F. Compston, 733, Sunny View, Crawshaw booth, Manchellter.

Honorary Secretary.


Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. W. N. H arding, Reedsholme, Crawshawbooth, Manchester.


Pte. F. Shenton.


Honorary Surgeon.

Honorary Treasurer.

T. F. Forster,

Mr. A. E. Heap (Hon. Member).


Officers 3. Corporals 2. Privates 18. Total effective 23. Increase since ~ast report 7. Drills held 38. Average attendance 12. Cases attende~ on pu?hc duty 2. Removals 7. Cases attended not on public duty: 55. Annual mspecbon, 8th August. Total on parade 18. Absent with leave 3. 'Without leave 2: Annual re-e~aminati?ll, 2nd May. Members passed 20. Did not appear 2. MedallIons 9. Nursmg certliica~es 6. . Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 corporals, and 18 men. Matenal: 1 lItter, 8 stretchers, 2 surgical llavresacs, 9 ~'u,g~, 8 water bottles, 7 wall boxes fully equipped, &c., vested in tbe Division. DlvlslOn supported by public subscriptions.

J. H. H. Grigg, Bleak Iloue, Da.lton-in-Furness.


Honorary Surgeons.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. 11. J. Woodburn, 22, Rawlinson St., Dalton-in-Fl1l'ness.

Inspector of Stores .

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. E. II. Howard.

Pte. J. Saladine.

Olllcers 2. ,ergeallt 1. Corporal1. Pl'intes 17. Total l'ffective 21. Decrea, e since last report 7. Drills held 30. Average attendance 13. H.emovals 5. Ctt 'es attcncled not on public duty 36. Annual in pection, 8th 'ept. Total on ,Vithout leave 2. Annual re·examination, para(io 17. Absent with leave 2. 8th epL Iembers pass cd 17. Dirl not appear 3. Medallions 10. ervice badges 6. :r ur ing certificates 10. Regulation uniform w01:n by 1 Officer, 1 crgea.nt, 1 corporal, and 17 men. Material: 4 stretch.ers, 2 s~l1'gICal havresac" 1 .u:~ICal box, ~ \Yall boxes, splints, 1 illvalill cal'l'ymg chall', &c., vested 11l D1V1S10D. Di\ri. ion supported by ocials and public subscription.

CREWE DIVISION (CHESHIRE ). [Formed 22.4.95.J Superintendent and Hon . S ec.

C. Wilson, M.D. C. H. 'vV. Bennett, M. R. O. S.


DUBLIN (ST. JAMES 'S GATE ) DIVISION. [Formed 7.4.0-:l..J

F. H. Oldham, 25, Stamford Avenue, Crewe.


Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. T. Fisher.


J A~rE"


Honorary Surgeon and Supt,

Officers 3. Privates 30. Total effective 33. Increase since l,ast report 18. Drills held 26. Average attendance 10. Cases ~ttencl~d on pubhc duty 8. Cases attended not on public duty 52. Annu al lDspectlOn, 16th Sept. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 3. Annual .re-examinatio~, 20th Sept. Members passed 21. Did not aprear 10. MedallIons 14. Servlce badges 7. Nursing certificate 1. Regulation umform worn by] Officer and 4 men. Material: 4 stretchers 2 sUl'erical havresacs em~r~enoy boxes, &c., &c. Division supported by annual cdncert :nd public sub: scnptlOns. Public duty ~as been undertaken on every possiblc occasion, and the public generally recogmse the usefulness of the Division.

J. Lnm:den,


3rd Officer.

C. A. Robertson.

P. L. Pielou.

J. Hollillay.


4, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin.

2nd Officer_

1st Officer. Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. T. ainsbmy, St. James's Gate, Dublin.

Pte. E. J. Coffey .

Officers 4. Sergeant 4. Corporals 4.. Privates 1. 'Iotal effecti\'e 93. Drills held 33. Average attendauce 43. Docl'ea e since last report . Annual inspection Removals o. Case attended ]lot on public duty 567. 23rd August. Total on p,l,rude 5. Absent with leave 8. Annual re-examination, 7th Dec. and 5th ept. Membcl" pa sed 72. Did hut appeal' 20. :\Iaterial: 2 litters, 4 trctchers, ] emergency basket, splint., bandages, etc. '. ~e ted in the Division. Divi 'ion supported by Ie. rs. A. Guil1nes. on ,V, Co., Llmlted.




Hon . Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer.

A. V. Davis,


Supe ri ntendent.

H . Morton Pingot, Shaw, nr. Oldhanl.


Honorary Surgeon (in charge).

Honorary Secretary.

E. A. Cla.rke,

PtS. H. Everington, 98, Ash Terrace, Shaw, nr. Oldham.

Hon . Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt ..r. Abbott.



Pte. J. Bl'icrley, Thornoliffe LO llge,

,YeYlllonth Villa, Dukillfield. Inspector of Stores.


Sel'gt. J. T. Molyneux.


St. John A n'l,bulance Brigade.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 17. Total effective 19. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 35 . Average attendance 12. A~1Uual inspection, 4th October. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 9. Meclallton 1. R egulation uniform ""om by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 17 men. Material: 3 litters, 4 stretcher, 1 havresac, &c" vested in local Centre. Division supportcd by voluntnry contribu tiona.


St. John A'n'l,bulance Brigade. HAPTON DIVISION (LANCASHIRE).

[Formed 3.91.]


J. R. Shotton, L.R.C.P.

J. G. Jones, M.D.

Inspector of Stores.

Se r g ea nt in Charge.

B. H. Knox.

Sergt. T. Cartel', 9, Back Manchester Road, H apton, Burnley.


[Formed ] 2.2.96. ]


Superinten d ent.

H. G. Deans, M.A., M.D.

N . Ashworth, 1rl'le11 Yale, Edenfield, nr. Manchester.

• Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. ",Y. Haslam, Tor Yiew, Edenfield, near Manchcster.

Gorp1. D. Freeman.

Honorary Treasurer,

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. C. E. Whitham, 76, Manchestcr Road, Hapton, Burnley. . 16 . Ttl 19 9 Officers 2. Seraeallt 1. Pnvates 0 a , effective d" C ses ' . o. 1 D ·'11 l'cld 26. Averaue atten 8n(;e . I a D ecrease slUce last I epol t . 11 s,' t'fi atcs 1 °ReCflllation uniform ' .... orn 'ill u eel' 1 c . I:> 1 l ' 1 ty 193' t, tll' t,ttenc1ed 1l0L 011 J?11 ) IC c.n t 1 .~ 1 suruical havresac 3 ambulance_Lags, b 16 men. Matel'lal: 1 litter, s Ie c leis" 0 ., ' \vater boWes. Di vi ion supported hy pubhc sub Cl'lptlOliS .


Pte. G. Pickup.

[Formed 18.5.97.]


Chief Surgeon and Ch ief Superintendent.

Officers 2. Sergeant]. Corporal 1. l:>l'ivates 24. Total effective 2 . Decrease since last report 4. Drills hf'ld 51. .Ll.Yerage attendance 14. Cases attended on public du ty 3. Cases attended not on pH blic duty 31. Annual inspection, 26th Sept. Total on parade 14. Absent \"ith leare 2. ",Yithout lcave 12. Annual re-examination, 12th Sept. Members passed 20. Did not appear 7. Medallions 17. Service badges 6. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 24 men. Material: 1 litter, 7 stretchers, 1 surgical havresac, 6 wall boxes, 3 stJetcher ca es, ] waier bottle, and splints, vested in Division. Division supported by members and puhlic subscliptions.

Ilcae l, J. n .urOOl1l Sup erintendent.

E. Grabam.

46 , Reucnt Street, lIaslingllen, lllanchester. 0

1\1 .., B

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. '. C. Coulton. 4, Fail' lIill, ll elmhore, nIallchetcl'.

Pte. 1\1. H. Green.

Inspector of Stores.

1st Class

el'gt. ·W. Grecnwood.

om r 2 eraeants 2. Privates 26. Total effective 30. ce s . 0 D .'n 1 Id 51 Averaere attPlldance 16. Cases Decrease since la t report 6. Il S ,Ie . . C)l 1 Total on parade 26. attendell not on pnblic (IuLy 6. lAnnu~111~Sp~f;~on6t~;t lep~ y. 1\lembers passeLl 23. Absent wilh leaye 4. All~1tla re-examl~\e ball a es 9. . N\U'sin a certificates 3. Did no~ appea~' 6. ~Ie,dall1olls 14: 11 ks Cl v~latel:iaf: 5 street box~!", 9 stretchers, RegulatJon Ulllforlll "0111 hy all ~~ '& vestelL in the Chief lllJerintendent. 3 surgical havresacs, baUl1age , ~p 1.llt, c., Corps snpl)Ortcd by Imblic sllbscl'lP,hOI~.\ 'ear thonoh the attf'ndance of member The CO!'ps has, had ~ yery s~lcce ~ 11 )~siti~n is n~uch hetter than it lIas been for shows ~ light fa~lll\g 011. Tht ~l1al1~l~~)\i~ have taken greater interest in the \\'01:k a conSiderable tJme past, all( Ie I 'the 1araLles for the different corps 111 than hitherto. r~h~ ~orl's 1:0.:; tal.{e,n pa.rt 1I1 ycrJ beneficial. A new street box has the Rossenc.1n,le DiVISIon, "Inch h;n e pIov~d iection WIth the Primitive l\Ietholli~t g beell pres nteLl by :;ome °Tflthbe YOUI1 l1,len ~J~~l~~~~her and the l1snalrequisites, and it 1e ox COll tt1ms d 1 1 1 1 t H ,t ·lill aden • C 100 a , !:> ;, t,' t '. ' ble to several of the mills an \YOI' ~s lOpS. has been placcd 11l a ell llC accessl



[Formed 30.1. 97. ]


1st Officer in Charge.

A. A. G. Dickey, M.D., W. A. Doyle,


J. T. mith, 16, Chapel 't., Foulridge, near Colne.

Hon . Se cretary,

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Huggins.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. T. Hargreavos.

Pte. F . Bulcotk.

Officers 3. Privates 19. Total effective 22. III crease since last report 1. Drills held 47. Average attendance 11. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Removal 1. Annual inspection, 9th May. Total on parade 18. AbseI!t ,yith leave l. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 6th May. Members passed 18. Did not appear 2. Medallions 1. Nursing certifi?ates 8 . . Regulation uniform worn by 1 Offi cer, 1 sergeant, and 17 men. l\fa.tenal: 1 ht~er 2 stretchers, 1 surgical hamper, 1 havresac, handages and splmts, vested 111 the Division . Division supported by public subscriptions and letting of Am bulance Hall. The members have taken part in various competitions, but have not been successful. One sergeant and fhre privates have during the year joined the A.R.N.S.B. R eserve, and have undergone a wcek's training on board H.M.S. "Royal Oak" au Chatburn.


[Formed 7.8.1900.}


Inspector of Stores.

VV. Jackson, 1, Bankfield Road,

Pte. J. CreUing.

Ha verigg, Mil 10111. Oil' . 1 Privates 5 Total effective 6. . lcer . < I <)' Medallions 6. Material: 4 stretchers Decrease since last report 3. Remova St ~i' the Hotlbarrow l\Iinlllg Oompany. 4 havre~9.Js, amI 4 water uottles, ves el 111 Di vision ~ upporlec1 by the Company.

St. J ohn A ?nbulcmce B?'i gcLde.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade. H





Honorary Surgeon .

W". H. Tomlinson,

. J. Johnson, Torkmgton Lan e, Ha zel Grove, Stockport.

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. R. Gosling, 35 , Great Moor St., Stockport.


Su pe ri nten dent.

Honorary Surgeons.


F . R. C. S.


Pte. T. Saycr.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. H. Bowden . .Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 26 Ttl . o. a effective 29. lucre.ase Slllce last report 3. Drills held fi2' .nsp~ctton, 9th Sel)t. Total on parade 12 t Av.elage attendance 14.. Annual mat.lon, 25th Sept. Uembers passed 21 D'd sen WIth Jea,'e 17 . Annualre-exam~~rttfi?ates ~1. Regu lation uniform ,,;orn lhynoi ag~al' 7. Medalliolls 16. Nnrsincr atenal: lItter, 4 stretchers, 1 ham er 1 ' " cer, 1 sergcan t and 28 mell~ dages, vested in the Division. Divifio~ s nppOl box'.t5dstbleet ",a~l cases, splints and bane y pubhc donations.

Ab .

H . F. 'Warwick, J.


Hu ey,

S. Ford, 84, AlLert Street Mi11om.


M.B .

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. J. H. Jenkinson.

Pte. W. Harris, 125, Albert Street, Millom.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 15. Total eITecLive 19. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 36. A verage attendance 8. Cases atlended not on I nblic duty 0. Annual insp2ction, 17th Sept. Total on paralle 13. Absent with leave 1. "Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 9th 'cpt. Members passed 13. Dill not appear 4. Medallions 111. Service badges 6. Nursine, certifictltes 12. Material: 4. stretchers, 4 havresacs, 4 water bottles, splints, bandages, &c., ve.-ted in the HodbalTow Mining Company, which supports the Di visioll.


[Formed 10.3.99].


HEYWOOD DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). lFormed 5.6.83,' Re-formed 16.1. 94. ] HEAD-QUARTERS'.


Honorary Surgeon .

H. F. Jeffrey,


1st Officer.

J. T. Ashworth. Inspector of Stores.

Pt e. T . Jackson .

1st Officer, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.

Supe rin tendent.

C. W. Heslop, Winuermere Road, Kendal.

J. T. Hardm an, 22 , ,Vild St ., Hey woo. d Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. E. Milne, 8, Bradley Street. HE'ywoocl. Honorary Treasurer.

I)te. H. Ashworth .


Honorary Surgeon. ]If. R. C. S.

G. J . Bouchier, . trn.ngElways House Platt Bndcre , o , Wi oun. I) ·





J. R. Burnett, 111. D .

. Officers 3. Sergeant 1 Cor or I . Decrease since last re ort 3 p., tl S 2. P1'1vates 39. Total effective 45 Inspection, 6th May T;tal . Dlllls held 26 . Average attendance 25 .A. Annual Absent with leave 4. 1 n11u:l 23. Regl;lation .. embers passe 1 27. Did not a . 39 men. Material' 2 str worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant 2 .17. m Messrs. Crompton and ' hf"resfcs, bandages: &c., , ·, )Y W 10111 Dl VISIOn is supported .


Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. W. Leighton.

Officers 3. 'ergeallts 2. Corporal 2. Privates 22. Total effective 29. Dlills held 31. Average attendance 21. Decrease ~ince la~t rcpurt 2. Cases attended on public duty 10. Reilloyals ~6. Ca es attended not on public duty 4 . Anuual inspection, 2-ltb Aug. Total on parade 20. Ausent with lea\'e 7. ,Yithont l ea.ve 2. Annual re-examination, 8th Aug. lembel's l)a sed 2 . l\1ed,Llliolls 23. Service ba.dges 15. NUl'ing certificates . .Hegulation uniform worU by 3 Ollicers, 2 se"geallts, 2 corporals, and 22 men. Material: ambulance wagon, ficlu amlJuhl.l1ce station, 1 A hfon1 litter, stretchers, 6 urgic,ll ha\'l'esacs, wa.ter buttlcs, &c., vested in the Committee of the Division. Division supportell by member amI puulic sub criptions. Keen in terest is taken in ('oillpetition work. .For the second time in succession the TUl1still Challenge bield has become the temporary property of the Division. The No. IV. Di trict \Va represented in the Dewar Shield Oompetition by a ql~ad from this Division. The Division has to regret the death of Pte. Theo. arginson. Invalided home from 'outh Africa in 1900, he never regained health, anu died in J nly lh is year. A uniform parade of his comrade5 attended his funeral. Duty has been taken by members at all the principtll show , sports, and football matche in the district. The year's work has been carried on to the satisfaction of the police and hospital authorities.

Honorary Su rgeon .

J. E. Hoclkll1s011, 20, Gower Street, Ne,·\·town. Wigall.

re-examin~tion 7t~n lal;de~. u~T! Ifol~

Harrison, 2, Ash Meadows, Kendal.


Superinten dent.

1st. Officer and Honorary Secretary.



lIIajor ,V. B. Cockill, M.D. STltEET, HEYWOOD.

Officer~ 3. Sergeants 2. Cor )oral 1 P .' . llvates 16. Total effective 22 Decrease sll1ce last report 3 D I'll attended not on public duty 56' A 1'1 s/~eld 45.. Average attendance 9. . Cases nua Absent with leave 8 Annua'r r: 1.nsl~~CtLon, 2nd August. Total on parade 14 Did not appear 5. Se~vice badaes 8-ex~mlJ~ 1011, l~th Sept. lIIem1ers pas ed 16' worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants l' COl') u~'Sll1g certlficates 12. Regulation uniro~'n; and ] ~ ~lreet boxes, vested i~ L .lt~, ~nd 16 11~el.).. Material: 5 stretchers subscnptlOns. oca en I e. DIVISion supported by pll hlic

T. M. Angior,

Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

Withol~t )~:;e ~Jr


2nd Officer.

J . M. Cutts.

1st Officer (in charge).

J. Ganliner, ~lain Street, Keswick. Honorary Secretrry.

Sergt. P. S. Todd, 13, Main Street, Keswick.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 13. Total eITective 17. 1nm'ease since last rCI ort 2. Drills held 2 . Average attendance 7. Removal 8. Cases attended not on public duty 9. Annual inspection, 21st Sept. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examlJ1ation, 12th ept. Members

St. J ohn A ?nb'L('lance Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nbulc~nce B1·igade.

31 8

passed 16. Medalli ons 8. Service badO'es 5 N" . uniform worn by 3 Officers 1 serO'eant 0 d'10 Ulsmg certtfi.cates 7. Regulation 2 stretcherR, 1 surgical haVl!esac ] ~mer~e~1~ b men. Matena.l : 1 .Ashford litter~ g local association centre. Division supp~rtel bya d b~~~B1~s, Sl}hDt, &~., vested in The Divi ion maintains its efticienc . on :1 u Ions .ron~ patIunts. an allo,Yance "for services rendere/;' . The OOlOne~ the Dlstnct recently made had given as istance. This was a )lea~~n: case.w ele m~I~lbers of the Division c 1 b publIc recogmtlOn of the Division's. usefulness.



LFormed 21.5. 03.]


Honorary Su rge on .

Pte. J. F. Bamford, 49, Whitelees Road, Littleborougb.

J. A. Ashcroft, M.D.

Honorary Treasurer.

Ins p ector of Store s.

Pte. H . Whitehead.

Pte. F . Howarth. Officer 1. KNUTSFORD DIVISION (CHESHIRE ).


[Formed 20.2.05.]

Sergeant 1. Pri,ates 6. Total effective 8. [N 0 report recei ved.]

HALL, .u.XUTSFOIlD. TT HEAD· QUARTER : O.LD lotlIIART'-E'r ..... Hon . Su rgeon .

1st Officer (i n c harge).

Surgeon Major S. Pennell, 1Ir.n.. c.s.

T . J. Ed wards, :Jlaisonette Hale, Chester.

Ho n. S ecret ary.

In spect o r of S tores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. W . J. P. Daniels Ellertoll, Oheshire. '

Pte. J. Rigby.

Pte. A. Newall.


[Forllled2J. 4.01.]


Su perintendent.

M. B.

Hono r a r y S ecretary.

R. RooCl'oft, 27, Owen Road, Lancasler Ins pector of S t o res.

Sergt. G. Kitchell 7, Ayr Street, Lanca~ter.



Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. T. Kernan.

Scrgt. S. Wilsoll.

Officers ') P 11 " \,t Drills helJ. 44 2.ASergeantf! . L'~' a cs 18 . Total effecli vc 22. . vClage avtendance 10 C·· tt 1 1 . "se~ a el1~ ce 011 publIc duty 1. Oases attended not on public dut 0 on parade 13. Absellt 'lith leave ,\T'tl n~tlal lUspectlOn, 31st May. Total 27th Sept. Melllbers passed 15 'D'd I IOU eave 6. Anllual re-examiJ1ation uniform WOI'l1 by 2 serge~nts and 8 ~e~ot a~pea~.6. Medallions 15. Rcglllatiol~ havresac, vestcd ill the Division D" '. Matellal: 2 stretchers and 1 ;,u),crical subscriptions. . IVlSlOn supjJorted by membcrs and p~b1ic



LIYERPOOL. S uperintendent. Hon. Treasurer and Acting Hon. S ecretary.

T. M. Dawson, L.R.O .P. L. A. ~101'gan, ~r.D.

J. O. Ellison, 6, \\'ellillgion Buildings ortb, outh Oastle trect, Liverpool. I nspector of S tores.

Pte. W. H. Pugh. Officcrs 3. o..;crgcants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 40 Total cffective 47. Dccrcn ei ncc last report 1. Drills he lcl 56. A velage attendance 25. Oases attended on public dnty 36 ]{emovul1. Cnses attended not 011 public duty 22 . Annual inspection, 31 t May. Total 011 parade 35. Absent with leave 7. Without leave 5. Amlual re-examination, 17th May and 13th cpt. Members passed 44. Did not ap11ear 1. Mellalliolls 20. crvice badge 11. Regulation uniforll1 worn by 2 Officcrs: 2 ergeu'nts, 2 corporals, allLI 26 men. ~laterial: 8 -hctchcr , 3 surgical havrcsacs, slllints, bandages, &c., vcstcd in Liyerpool Centre. Division supported by public COlllribntions. Public dnly was undertaken on thrce oCCO,'iOllS, viz., May Day procession, Royal Lancashirc Agricllltmal 'how (Ihc days), and the unvciling of the Memorial to the King's Livcrpool Rcgimcilt by Fiel(l :\lHrshal Sir Gcorge 'White, v.c., etc. Leiters of thank werc receiYc(1 from the Lord ~Layor, the Hcad Oonstable, and the Secretary of the Agric.;ultural. 'now. Thc neael Constable bas at all times shown the greatcst courte y allll kindness to the 11lcllll)cl's.


Ho n o rary S urge o n.

H. 'Y. Pomfret,

~r. D.

Ho n o rary S ec r etary.


LFormed 19.9. 1900]

HEAD-QUARTERS: DH.ILI. HALL, LEIGH. Honora r y S u rge on .

Sup e r intend e nt.

J . Jones, M.B.

R. R. Mea.eock, Oourts Hotel,

Insp ector of S t o res

Pte. M. Bate.

LeIgh, Lancs. Officers 2.

Pte.J. D. Oonban, Rose J3ank, Hollingworth, til an0hestcr.


Oorporals 2. Privatcs 26. Total e[cctivc 30 [No report rccci vcel.] .




Hon. S urgeo n s.

Drills 11elel~ffi] cerAs 2. OorPttoral1. Privates 15. 'rotal eITective 18 ". veraae a endanc 7 0 . at tended Dot on public ll~t 8 A e '. ase~ attended on public dut.y 5. Cases Absent with leave 2. ,Vitlou't lea~~l~al 1~~~~~;Jtl, l~th .Sep~. Total 011 paradc 9. passed 8. Dill not appeal' 9. 1'Iledalli 2 Ie-examllla.tlOlJ, ls~ Aug. MC11l1)crs 1 corporal, and 3 mcn . Material: 2 o.~~lcal . H.~gnlatlOn llDlfol'm worn by . ha~1 ~s.acs, 2 tretchers, 2 watcr bottles, blankets sl)lints bandH es t SUl b public sl1bscripti~ns, Offiders andgn;~~l~~;'s~ested III DIVISIOn. Division snpportecl by

H . O. Lamport,


[Formcd 25.4.02.]

1s t Officer.

J. Mar hall, 3, Wood treet, Hollingworth, Manchester. Inspector of S tores and Ho n. Trea sure r.

Pte. B. Ashworth .

Officers 2. Oorporal. 2. Pli yatcs 7. Total effccti ve 11. 11. Oases Decreasc since last rcport 8. Drills held 2. .A. v('rage attcndance Total on attended not on lJUblic dnty H~. Annual in pectiol1, 30th July. strete her, parade 10. Absent without leavc 1. ~l edallioJ1S . ~l aterial: 1 Division 1 havresac, 1 water bottle, splints, bandages, &c., vested in the Diyision . supportecl by voluntary contributions.


St. J ohn A 1nbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.


1st Officer (i n ch a rge ).

A. M. Eason, L. R. C.P.

Hon . S e c ret ary.

J. J. Parkinson, 58, Commonside, Lytham.

Pte. J. Jackson, Beach House, Lytham.

Officers 2. Privates 10. Total effective 12. Average attendance 7. Cases D ecrease since last report 3. D rills held 20. attended not on public duty 3. Amlual inspection, 19th April. Total on parade 7. A bsent 5. Medallions 6. Material : stretcher, havresac, splints, &c.


1s t Offi ce r a nd Hon. T reas .

J. H. Marsh, lILR.C.S.

R. B. Hall, Holly Bank, Higher Hurdsfield, Macclesfield.

Ho no ra ry S e cretary a nd In s p ect o r of Sto res .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 24. T otal effective 28. I ncrease since last report 5. Drills held 48. Average attendance 1 7. CaseS' attended on public duty 170. Removals 8. Cases attended not on public duty 33. Annual inspection, 16th Sert. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 15. Annual re-examination, 23rd and 30th August. Members passed 24. Did not appear 3. Medallions 9. Service badge 1. Nur.:;ing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 2 officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and 24 men . Material: 4 stretchers, 1 havresac, 1 store box, splints, bandages, &c., vested in the Division . Division supported by subscriptions. A fresh Head-<]uarters, centrally situated, has been obtained.





Officers 2. Privates 9. Total effective 11. Drills held 42. Average attendance 6. Cases Decrease sinee last report 1. ~ttende.d on public duty 5. Cases attended not on public duty 20. Annual InspectlOn, 9th Sept. Total on parade 6. Absen t without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 9th and 23rd May, and 20th June. Members passed 9. Did not appear 1. Medallious 8. Service badge 1. ReCTulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, and 9 men. Material: fi stretchers, 4 havresacs~ 7 \Vall boxes, 12 cmergency boxes, etc., vested in Central Executive Oommittee. Division supported by members' and public suCscriptions.



Honorary S urge o n.

S u p erintendent.

'V. Stewart, M.B.

C. Radcliffe, 210, Stockport Road, Denton, Manchester.

Ho n orary Secret a r y.

Pte. A. Snape, 129, Newton Street, Macclesfield.


I nspect o r of S t ores .

Corp!. F. W. RiclHLrdsoll, 182, Upper Lloyd St., Moss ", ide, Manchester.

Corpl. W. Morrison.

Ho n o rary Treasu rer.

Pte. N. Walsh. Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 16. Tot I effective 21. Increase since In t report 4. Dt'ills beld 43. Average attendance 9. Oases attended on public duty 194. Removal 2. Cases attentled not on pu~lic duty 177. Anllual inspection, 16th ept. Total on parade 9. Absent wIth leave 4. ,Vithout leave 8. Annual re-examination, 21 t Sept. ~IelUber'3 passed 15. Did not appear 5. Medallions 11. .r LU ing certificates 2. .Regulatioll uniform worn. by 1 Officer 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 11 lUen. ~Iatel'lal: 4 stretcher, 1 surgIcal havresac', 2 water bottles, bandages, splints, &c., vested in the Committee. DiviJion supported by public suhscriptions.

Hono ra ry S urgeon an d S u p eri nte nd en t .

J . E. Smith,

111. B.,

120, Alexandra Road, Manchester.


Insp ector of Stores .

Ho n. Treasu rer.

Ho n. S ecretary.

Supt. R. C. Done.

Supt. C. Radcliffe.

1st Officer W. A. Brunt.

(FV'l.L1' AmblLlance Divisions)-Officers 11.

Sergeants 5. Total effective 123.

Corporals 9.

Privates 98 .


R. W. Cran, lII.R.C.S. S up eri nte ndent.

R. \ O. Done, 40, Bradshaw Street,

Honorary S ecret ary.

Moss Side, Manchester.

Sergt. J. T . Barber, 204, Barton Lane, Eccles, Mancheater.

Inspector of Stores .

Honora ry Treasure r.

Pte. VY. A. Leigh .

Pte. C. McBride.

(Formed 1. 1. 03.) HEAD-QUARTER : Z10


SCliOOL , HULl>lE,

Honorary S urgeo ns.

J. Oryer, lILIt.C.S. O. H. \Vooth:ock,

J. Pringle, M.D. l>1.D.

1st O fficer.

W. A. Brunt.



S u pe ri nten de nt .

H. C. Manning, 77, Hadfield treet, Old Trafford, Manchester.

Hon. Treasurer.

Inspecto r of St ore s .

Pte. T. McKinley.

Corpl. W. Fardoe.

Hon o rary S ecret ary.

ergt. J. Marlin, 129, Pemuerton treet, Old Trafford, Manche ter. Officers 4. Sergeauts 2. Corporals 3. Privates 32. Total effecti ve 11. Decrease since la'3t report 1. Drills held 4 . Average attendance 23. Ca es attended on public duty 648. Hemovals 4. Cases attended not on public duty 50. Annual inspection, 16th Sept. Total on parade 24. Absent with leave 10. Without leave 7. Annual re-examination, 17th August. Members passed 35 . Did not appear 3. Medallions 2. Service badges 5. Nursing certificates 1 . Regulation uniform worn by 2 Omcers, 2 sergeants, 3 corpor~ls.. and 29. I?~11. Material: 4 stretchers, 3 bavresacs, blankets, &c., vested in the DrvlSlon. DIvISIon supported by subscriptions and annual concert.

St. John A ?nbulance BTigade.


The Division continues to make steady ]lr~wess . Publ~c duty has be,en perform ed on many occasions, including the Royal VISIt t? t~e. C.lty on July 13th. All thc public gatherings are attended Ly squads from tlns DlVlslon.


1st Officer (i n charge).

R. G. McGowan , M.D. Officers 2.

Corporals 3.

Offi cers 7. Scrgeants 2. Privates 05. T otal cffective 44 . D ecreasc since last report 9. Drills held 17. Averagp. attendance 14. Cases attended on \mblic duty 2 . . Removals BO . Annual inspection, 14th Sept. Total Absent wIth leave 1. ·Witbout leave 21. Annual re-examina()n parade 22. tion, 2Bt~1 Sept. Members pas .. ed 2]. Did net appear 16. Failed 1. Medallions 8. ~ervlCe ~adges 10. Nursillg certificates. 6. R egulation nniform worn by 1 Offi cel, 2 smgeants, and 26 men. Matenal: 1 ambulance wagon, 4 litters and 6 stretchers. Corps supporterl by voluntary donations and fees paid by th~ members.

Privates 26.

T otal eITectiye 32.



Honorary Surgeon .




Sel'gt. A. E. Rothwell, 8, Dale Street, 'Vatcrfoot. Inspector of Sto res.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. Collinge.

Pte. E. ,chofield.

. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 19. Total effective 21. Dnlls h eld 45. Avera~e attendance 12; Annual inspection, J 5th August. T otal on parade 7. Absent wIth leave~. "ithout leave 13. Annual re.examination 26th Sept: Melll?ers passed 13. DId not appear 7. Medallions 12. Service badO'e~ 6. .urslllg ?ertlficates 9. Regt~ation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, and 15 l1l~n. ~Iatenal.: .1. htter, ~ .. t~·etcher , 10 wall boxe, rugs, splints, bandages, &e., vested III the DIvIsIon. DIn 1011 upportetl by public subscriptions.

Honorary S ecretary.

Hono rary Surgeon and Treasurer .

Corp1. A. E. Brazinton, 23, Lancaster Road, Morecambe.

H . F. Olllham, :liLA., M.D.

In Ch arge (pro tern ).


Hono rary S ecretary.

J. "'IV. Hudson , L.R.C.P. Officer 1. Privates 6. T otal effective No report l'ecei ved.


A. Coutt.,

Pte. J. Bonney, 635, BacHp Road, , Yater foot, 111'. 1Ilanchester.

Honorary Surgeon.



Hon . Secreta ry.

J. 1\1ellor, B, Dixon Street, J. B. Bovill, 49, Thomas St. , N ewtonjH eath, Manchester. Cheetham Hill , l\Ian0h ester.

Sergeant 1.

St. J ohn A nd.JUlance BTigc~de.


Insp ector of Sto res.

J. Brown, 50, Schola Green L ane, l'.lorecam be.

Pte. J. Willacy.

NEWTOWN DIVISION (CHESHIRE). [Formed 29.5.99.] HE\D-QVAJU'EItS: , VO[UC, CANAL BANK, ~E"'row< . Hon . Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer.

O fficers ~.

Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 30. Total effective 34. I ncrease since last report 21. Drills held 42. Average attendance .10. Cases attended on public duty 9. Removals 24. Cases atlended not ?n publIc duty.l 0. Annual inspec:tion, 21st June. T otal on parade 15. Absent WIth leave B. WItl?out leave 11. Annual re-examination, 2ht June. Melllber~ passed. 14. DId not appear 19. Medallions 16. Sen'iee lJadges 2. N ursll1g certIficates B. R egulation uniform worn by .1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal,. and 23 men . Material: ambulance wagon, 1 lItter, 4- stretchers, 2 ?a:rresaes, splInt.s, l)andages, &c., vested in Division. Division supported by subscnptIOns and publtc.


A. 'Yhit.ehead, L. n.C.p .

1st Officer.

A. . Middleton, 92, Buxton Rd., K e" town, lll'.

H onora,'y S ecreta,·y. COl·pl. J. W. WJ'iglit, ~. Wood .·ille Coltngc. , Kewtow]],

ncar 'tockport.


Inspector of Stores.

Pte. W. Roxby.

Officers 2. ,'ergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 11. Total effective 15. Drills h~lcl 30 . Cases attenll~d on public duty . I ncrease since la -t report 2. ~emovals 3. Cases attended no~ on publIc duty 1.' Annualm pection, 9th ept. l otal on parade 6. Absent WIth leave 1. WIthout leave . Medallions 6 Regulation uniform WOIll. by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 11 men . Material; ambulance stretcher box, 2 strctclwl's and 1 ambulance hamper. Division snpported by member and public subscriptions.


J. B. R. Robb, :liLA.,

~I.D .

Honorary Surgeons.

T. Aspinall, M.D. H. W. Dunn, M . B . W. Jackson, M.D.

A. Findlay, M. B. T. Murphy, L.R.C.P. Officer (in charge).

W. Bolton, 92, Ev ery Street, N elson .

NORTHWICH DIVISION (CHESHIRE ). [Formed 20.2.05.] Hon. Su rgeon and Su pt.

Hon . Surgeon.

1st Officer (acting).

J. A. C. Doollan, M.n., Whitton llonsc, .J: ol'lltwich.

P. L. Al'Il1~trong, ?LB.

J. 1"). Gamer.

2nd Offi cer (acting) and Hon. Sec.

Inspector of Stores.

E. Robinson, 109, Church Street, N orthwich.

Pte J. Aidley.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. ,V. Robinson.

St. John A1nlJldwnce B?'igacle.

St. J ohn A1nbulance BTigade.


Officers 4. Sel'gean ts 2. Corporals 2. Pri va te~ 58. ?,otal eO'ect ive 66. Drills held 30. Average attendance 20. Al1llUal ll1SpectIOn, 29th Ju ly .. T?tal on parade 32. Absent with leave 16. 'Without leave 18 . Annual rz-examll1at~on, 20th Sept. Members passed 44. Did not appear 20. Medallions 36. Matenal: 4 Furley stretchers, bandages, etc. Division snpporterl by snbscriptions.


J. S. Jones, 16, Greenacres Hoad, Oldham. Ho n. S urgeons .

T . Foot, li.R.C.S., J. Law, ~r.I:.c.s., J. Banchop, M.B., A. G. P. Thomson, )I.B. 1st Officers.

Ho n. S ecretary.

J. S. Forrest, T. Hall, H. Jackson.

Sergt. N. Cochrane, 93, H erbert,

HEAD-QUARTERS: ltIFLE VOLUNTElm DE1'OT, ST. 'V1LFltED ST., PHE.,)'lON. Chief Surgeon and Chief Superintendent.

W. H.




2, Chapel Street, Preston.

Corp1. ,Yo H. Buckloy, 8, St. Mark's Roatl, Preston.

C hief S u perin t e nden t .

Ch ief Surge on .


Honorary Secretary.

[Formed 1.10. 96.J


J. B. Wilkinson, 1\1. D.


t., OIJham.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. J. 'V oocls.

Corp1. E. F. Millington.

(T7I1'ee Amlulance Divisions).-OrIicers 9. Sergeants 6. Corporals 9. Privates 66. (One .Nlli'sinU Division).-OIlicers 6. Nlll'sing si!:lters 63. Total effective 159.


[Formed 25.1.88.J

Hon . Surgeons.

Officers 9. Sergeants 3. Corporals 4. Privates 78. Total effective 94. Decrease since last report 48 . Drills held 52. A~erage attendan~e 3. Annual inspection, 7th Oct. Total on parade 44. Absent wlth leave 14. 'Yl:llOut le.ave 36. Annual re-examination 17th and 31st May. lIIemuers passed ::>'.J. Dld not appear 36. Medallions' 43. Nnrsing certificates 35. Regul.ation .uniform worn Ly 7 Officers, 3 sergeants, 4 corporals, an~ 62 men. lIIatenal: ~ltters, stretchers, surgical bavreEacs, water bottles, ftrst a.ld stree~ b?xes, vested 111 Oldham Corp. Division supported by members and puhlJc subscnptIOns.


H on o rary S urg e o n.

G. Grant,

M. Sanders, 44, Milton St., Padiham, nr. DUl'lIley.


Hono rary S ecretary.

Ptr.. T. Pilling, 12, Green T errace, Padiham, nr. BurnIe). In s pect o r of Stores.

Ho n o rary Treasurer.

Pte. G. H. Milner.

Pte. W. H. Ba.yliss.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Privates 23. Totll:l efrective 28. Drills held 47. Averaae attendance 9. Cases attended on pub11c duty 6. Rem ovals 24. Cases attended n~t on public duty 232. Annual inspection, 1 th ~'eb. Total on parade 18. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 9. An~1Ual re-exanll~a­ tion, 8th Sept. Members passed 15. Did not appear 12. Medalhons 8. Nursmg certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by.1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 1 cO~' poral, and 25 men. Material: 1 ambulance wagon, 1 htter, 5 stretchers, 1 slll'glCal havresac, &c., vested in the Division . Dl vision supported by subscriptions.

PENRITH DIVISION (CUMBERLAND). [Fonned 12.·UJ.J.] HEAD-QUAP-TERS: CRP-IST Cnup,CII PAltli->H ROOMl:l, PENltlTlI. Ho n o rary Su r g eon s .

J. Altharn, ~I.B.

J. E. Holden,

A. Ramsay,


Superi ntendent.

G. Hanison, 25, Rossall

treet, Preston.

1st Offi cer.

2nd Officer.

T. F. Newman.

J. A. Lendrum. Hon. Secretary.

1, I 'outh :Jleatlow Lane, Preston.

Pte. J. Hodgkinson,

OfIicers 5. I 'ergeants i!. Corporals 6. Pl'i\'ates 36. Total eff(ctiYe 52.' r - - ~ DeC'lca. e sillce last report 9. Drills held 41. A.verngl3 attendance 27. Cases attended all pu1.1lic duty :20. Cases attencle(l not on public duty nnrnerou~ but not reported. Annnal inSllection, 29th June. Total on parade 13. Ab ent with leave 8. Without leaye 1. Aunual re·examination at various clate' in ept. Members pa~sed 4:3. Dill not appetlr 7. nlerlallions 33. 'en'ice badges 20. Nursing certif1eates 26. Regulation uniform \YOi'll Ly ·1 Officers, 5 sergealJtR, 6 corporals, and 36 men. Material: 2 ambulance caninges, 33 first aitl boxes, 3 litter , 20 stretchers, 10 surgical havre acs, &c., vested in Trustees. Division supported by concerts and SUU~Cl'iptiOllS.




Hon Surgeons.

A. P. 1IIoolley,



C. O.

ta11\\" ell , L.R.C.P.

Oflicers 2. 'ergeant 1. Corporal 1. PriYat s 10. Total efi'ectiye H. Drills held 30. Average aLtcl1l1allce 10. Cases attended not on public duty 6. Anllual inspection, 29th JUlle. Tolal on paracle 13. Absent without leave 1. Allnnalre-exrtillinatioll, 26th Sept. Members passed 12. Medallions 11. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 1 ergeant, 1 corporal, and 9 men. Material: 2 stretcher. Division supported by memuel'ti' sul)seriptions

S uperintendent.

G. H. Biden, L.n.C.l'.

L. Robertson, 5, Castle Gate, Pemith.


1st Offi cer.

H. H. Bolton. Hono rary S ecretary .


Ho n o ra ry Treasurer.

Mr. Neville (HOll. Mem . ) Pte. B. W. Lovejoy, 27, Wordsworth St., Penrith. Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Privates 5. Total effective 10. No report received.

~. 1900.]



Hon. Surgeon.

P. Fraser, M.D. Honorary Secretary.

Corpl. R. Baynes, 49, Union Strect, Ley land.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. F. "orris.


St. J ohn A ?71uulu'/l1 ce B?'iyade.


8 1. J ohn A ?TI,bulance B?"igacZe.

Officer 1. Corporals 2. PrivaLes 20. Tolal efTecti ve :23. In crease since In L report 2. Drills held 31. Average 11ttendunce .14. Cases attended on publi c duty 7. Removals 6. Oases 11ltended not.on public duLy. 26. A nnual insrectio n, 29th June . Total Oll pamcle 14. Absent WIth le11\'e 3. .Wlthout lcave 6. Annual re-examination, 2 til A11 gust. Members pa secl 13. DId not appear 9. Medallions 14. Service badges 9. nr ~llg certificate H. Regul~­ tion uniform worn by 2 corporals, and 20 men. MaterIal: 2 stretchers, 1 first aId box, 1 h av resac, 2 water bottles, aJld splints. Diyi.ion supported by JlJeJl1ber~' subscriptions and dances.



21. 6. 98.]

TOWN Y_\ltlJ, ,VUTTTAK EJ\ , TnEET, RAD CLIFFE. Superintenden t .

Honorary Surgeon .



Y\' . EntwLtle,

1] , Cross Lane, Radcliffe, Mancllester.


Inspecto r of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.

Oorp1. R. Olarkson.

Oorp1. J. Pemberton, 92, Church Street, Radcl iffe, Manchester. Honorarv Trea surer

Mr. W. Bowker (Hon. Mern.) tOfficers 2. Sergeants~. Corporals 4. Privates 30. Total effective 3 . Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 52. Average attcndance 19. Oaf.e attended not 011 public duty 50. Annual inspection, 15th July. Tolal 011 pararle 26. Absent without leave 12. Annual re-examination, 6th March. ~lemlJers passed 35. Did not appear 2. M edallions 35. N nrsing certificates 2fi. RI)~ulatio11 uniform worn by 1 O[8 ce1', 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 32 Illen. ]l,Iatenal: 11 stretchers and 16 wall boxes, &c., ve.-ted in Division. Di vision supported hy public subscriptions.



C llO OL~, Rr';AD,



Honorary Surgeons.

A. A. Etlwarcl,


W.. Wrigley,



T. H. Yardley, 10, Grange Avenue, Rawtenstall, ]l,lallchester. Honorary S ecretary.

Pte. W. E. Hoyl e, 373, Bacup Roarl, Clough fold, neal' ManchesLer. Insp ecto r of Sto res.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. C. Hindle.

111'. A. A. WhiLehead (lIon. ]l,le111.)

Officers 3. Oorporals 2. Privates 25. Total effective 30. In crease since last report 8. Drill s held 54 . Average attendance 8. Cases attended on public duty 8. Removals 11. Cases attended not 011 public duty 19. Annual inspection, 15th Sept. Total on parade 19 . Absent with leave 4. Without leave 7. Annual r e-examination, 28th Fel). ann 2 th .TUlle. Members passed 15. Did not appeal' 13. Medallions 12. 'ervice hadge 1. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 corpurals, and 17 men. Material: 1 litter, 5 stretchers, 15 street boxes, 1 havl'esac, vestell in the Division. Division supported by public subscriptions. Much advantage has been derived from tlle route marches and combincd drills with the other divisions of this area uncleI' Assistant OOl1l11)issioner L. WhiLtaker. Duty was nndertaken at Lhe local Agricultural Show. Members have a1'!0 r endererl good service in transport cases. The litter has been required on six occasions to remove patients by rail to Manchester Infirmary. Efforts are being made to aquire more suitable premises for purposes of (Irill.





aJ1llirlh li a1 DIII1J"lllavin,


,' ..T. .'. IlilHll e, 7, Fort Street,

n c. 1'.

Head, 11rar Blackburn.

Honorary S ecl-etary.

CorpJ. H.. W ade, ] G, Hlll'ksllltw T errac'e, Head, ncar Blackbllrll. Insp ec tor of Sto res. PLe . ~l. uncll'l1.


Honorary Treas urer.





Offi ccrs 3. el'geanL 1. Corporal 1. Privates 15. Tolal effective 20. Oases Dl"CreaSe since la t. report 4. Drills held 3S . A n~rage attencla11ee 10. atLe II rlecl not 0,/.1 publIc duLy 8.. Annual inspection, 31st July. Total 011 pitrade 13. A~~eI1L" It It lecw~ 2. 'YIllllJut leave 5. Annual re-examination, 15th Ma ' . Me.lllhmsyasselI17. Did not appear 1. Merlallions 15. Service badges 16. Re ~1la~lOl1 m.l.l forll I ."'01'11 U! 1 officer.' 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and H; men. Material ~ 4 stl.etehels, ~ .".all box, 2 surgIcal havrcsaes, l'llgR, &c. vested in Division Oommlttee. DIVJSIOIl sl1pJlortetl h'y meml)ers' and public subscrilltiol1s and enterlain]nen(s. ' ' Dnring the .rear .rrll tIle 111en llu\e he en supplier1 ",ith watf'r-hotLles. marcJws and nplrl drJils han' 1)('C11 wl'll attendce1. '

R onte

REDDISH DIVISION (LANCASHIRE) . [Formed 10.4.95.] ITg ,\ ll-Ql_\ In )': 1:,,: lIm 1,111''' 111:111

• I JI()!)]'I',

lhmnl. I!.

Honorary Surgeons.

T. II.

nlitll, T..

It. C.l'.



[Formcrl 2;;.5.95.].

Honorary Surgeons.

J. G. .TonC' ..


.T. f1. Coopcr,

W. J1011ills, ~1 ,Rcdllish Road, Rec1l1iilh, nelll' Hono rary Secretary. "lilith, ~O, ,'ulib1I\ny Street.

Pte. J. }{ecl(lish, • lockport.

T,. J:. ('. P.


Inspectol- of Stores.

Pte. J. Uall.

. OIlice]'s 3. ,'ergcHllt 1. Privat s 16. '1'olal cO'ectiyc 20. . hlclL'~ac;e ~Inlce last rcport ]. Drills helel 32. Averagc attendance 10. Anllual lllspec 1011, Ul 1 cpt.. T?(al 011 pamlle 13. AlJ. ent with leuye 3. "Without leave 4. Al1nlla~ re-exallllnatl?l1, 27th ,cpt. Member ptt<;serl 16. Did not appear 2 . . MedallIolls 10. ,.erYlce hallgC's 2. Nmsing ccrtificates . Regn1atioll uniform WOt n by 1 £ricer, 1. >;crgelln t, a 1111. 12 Jllell. Malerial: litter, 4 . tretchel's 8 emergency boxes, spltn ts, &c., v('sterl in Lhe OOl11l11i Uee of Lh e Di "iion. Divi;iol1 supported hy donallOl1s all(l SUbscriptions.


ROCHDALE CORPS (LANCASHIRE ). IJI~ \.jl-QUAItTlm.·: 'J'()W~ HALl" ROCH])ALE. Chief SUI' geon and Chief Sup erintendent.

H.. H. ,ellers, i\I.H.(·.~.,TO\\llhencl Hotl se. Rochllalc. (Five AmulLZancc Divisiotls). -OflicerR ] ri. ,'t'rgeants G. COl'pomls fl. Private 106. (Five Nn1'sing lJhi:;iolls).-O/lieers. Tnrsing sister. 1. Totul eO'cctive 228.

(ROCHDALE CORPS ) CENTRAL DIVISION. [Formed 10.7.93.]. Hon . Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer.

J. Rutlley,

Jll.n . l'.:-:.

Hon . Surgeon.

J . A. Johnson,


St. John A?nbulo/nce Br igacle.



J. T. Garner, 95, Mill1l'oW Row, Rochdale. 2nd Officer.

J. D. Howartb.

3rd Officer-.

Hon . Secretary.

W. S. Rees.

Corp1. 'Y. HeIsby: 51, Castlemcl'e t., Rochda.le.

Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. J . R. Richa.rdson. Officers 5. Sergeants 3. Corporals 6. Privates 49. Total effective 63. Cases I ncrease since last report 7. Drills held 54 . Average attel1l1ance 35. attended on puhlic duty 15. Removals 260. Ca es attended not 011 puh1ic duty 104. Annual inspection, 12th August. Total on parade 55. A1Jsent with lcayc . :llIembers passed 60. Annual re-examination, 11 th April alld 5th Sept. Failed 1. Medallions 39. Service badges 21. Nnr ing certificatE's 32. Regulation uniform worn b.\' 4 Officers, 3 sergeants, 6 corporal, and 4 men. :1.Iaterial: 1 'wheeled litter, 9 stretcher, and 33 wall boxe , 2 icc balls, 1urgical l1a ne [lC, splints, and bandages, vested in Local Centre. Di,i ion supporte(l by public and members' subscriptions. This year hus been the most eventful one in the history of the 001'1)S ince its formation. A splendid new drill hall and head-quarters hus lJcen pre. ented by Colonel and Mrs. Royc1s, which will be formally opcned on Saturday, OctobE:r 21st. Thp. Amhulance Divi ion was successful in willning the seconJ prize-" a siher cup "-at Ashton-under-Lyne on Saturday, July tho At the opening of the new Falinge Park, on Allgnst 5th, the members of both Ambulance and Nursing Diyisions "'ere on duty. Public duty ha::i been taken at the yarious football grounds, sports, and agricultural shows.


Honorary Surgeon.

P . Baillie,

::'1. D .

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

561, Market

E. A. toU, t., ,\Vhitwol'th, Rochdale.

Honorary Tr-easurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. A. Holt.

Pte. J. H. 'tarkey.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 18. Total cffcctive 22. Decrease since last report 3. Drills lleld 45. Average attelldance 7. Cases attended not on public duty 26 . Annual inspection, 12th Aug. Total OD parade 1~. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 9. Annual re-examination, 13th April. Me~bers :passed 12. Did Dot appear 9. .Medallions 19. 'ervice badges 19. RegnlatlOn ll.mfOrlU worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 17 men . Material: 1 wheeled litter, 6 wall boxes: 4 stretchers, &c., vested in Division. Division supported by public subscriptions. Public duty has been undertaken at football matches, agricultural shows, etc.


[Forllleu 17.12.01.J


1st Officer and Hon . Treas .

Honorary Surgeons.

S. T. Lord, M.ILC . S. C. R. White, F.R.C.S.

T. E. Th ommasoll, 89, Hanover St., Castleton , l'.Ianchel:;ter~

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. T. Breaks, 95, H anover Street, Castleton, l'I1anchester.

P te. H. Stott.


St. J ohn A muulance B?'igacle.


Officcrs 3. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 17. Total eITecLi7C 22 . Drills held 45. Average attenrlance 13. Anllual inspection, 11th August. Total 011 parallo 16. AbsOllt with lea,ve 2. 'Without leave 4. Annual 1'0examinatioll, 19 tll A pri!. 1\[onll)e1's passell 17 , Did not appear 3, :ilIedalliol1s 19. nrsing eCl'titicH,tes 6. Regulation uniform worn uy 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, alH1 1.1 m ell. :Matcrial : 4. tl'ctehers, 3 wall hoxes, splints, handage', c' C. , vc~ted in Division. Di\' i ,ion ~upportcd hy voluntary eontrihutions and members .




Ho no ra ry S urge o n.

J, Chad\\ iok,

1s t Offi ce r .

J . Wall hank, Highet' Bradley.

M.lt. U.S.

In spector of Sto re s .

ewhey, Rochdale.

Hono rary T reas urer.

Pte. J. T. IIortl ern.

Mr . L. Fielding (IIon. Mcmber).

Oillcl' rs 2. ,crgcant 1. Privates 9. ToLal efrcetive 12. Drilh; hcld 35. A "crage attendance 7. Oases D eerea 'c since la. t report~. attellded llOt on publie duty 20. All1JUal inspection, 12th l\ ug. T otal on parade 8. Ab 'cnt williont leave 4 . AnlJual re-examination, 18th April. Members passed 11. Medallion ,' 9, ,'en'ice badges fl. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, aUll9 men . Material: 6 wa.ll boxes, 2 stt'oLehers, &c., vt!sted in the division. Di\'i 'ion supported 1,,)' voluntary eontrihutioll .


Ho n . S urge on . arl;e, M. R..

"IV, II.


1s t O fficer.

Hon . S e cre tary.

1£. L. Appleyanl, 4, 'Willow BUllk, Bamford, lJl', Hochclale.

Pte . A. H all, l eadow Bank, B,Lnd'onl, 1ll'. Rochdal e,

Inspec to r o f St ores.

Ho n. T reasure r.

Pte. J . W . Jlydc,

Pte. R. ,\Y. Grcenhalgh,

Oflicor 2. Oorpoml1. Private ' 13. Total e[fective 16. Dom'en e . illec last H:porL 3. Drills hold 4. Average attendance 9. Cases attended not 011 public duty 3. Anllual ill. pc.:ction, 12th Aug . T~tal 011 parade 10. Without lcu\'o 3. AJlllual re-examinatIOn, 1 th l~ pril. A bsent \\iLh leave 3. M embers pa sell 14. Did not appcar 1. Medallions 10. Nul' ina certitlcates 1. l\cgnlal.ioll uniforlll worn by 1 orncrr, 1 corporal, ancl 12 me n. Material: 1 stretcher, 1 a m bn1a.nce box, splilll~, eo., vc Led in tIte Division . Division supported by volu ntary oontriblltio1H;'

ROYTON DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [ l?onl1Cll 22.1. 94 .J IIEAD-QUAltTlms:




Honorary Surgeons.

W , L . Bentley, L . S.A .

R. loulI g, i\I.D . R. W . P iekcl'i ng , L,S ..\..

Superintendent and Honorary TreaS lll"er.

D, SLans fiehl, 449, R och dale R oad, Olrlh a m. Honorary Secretary.

Pte. R. H. A. lI owal'Lh , Sprin g Gardell St. , R oy ton , Ill'. Ohlh am .

"II', L . H all , i\r. D . 2nd Officel".

J. II . Wh iLe man, Inspector of Stol"es.

Oor p1. p, L om a .

St. J ohn A 1nb ulance BTigade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

Officers 6. Sergeants 3. Co rporal 1. Privates 18. T otal effective 28 . D ecrease since last report 15. Drills .held 43 . Average attendance 14. Oascs attended not on public duty 29. Annua l inspection, 23rcl ept. T otal on parade 1. A hsent ,,,ith leaye 6. 'W ithout leave 4. Allnual re-examinatioll, 13th Sept. Member pas cd 17. Did not appear 7. Medallions 14 . Nursing certificates 1. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 3 sergeants, 1 co1'p0ra,}, and 19 men . Material: 1 wheeled litter, 6 strptchers, ambulance wall boxes, splints, bandage., &c. Diyision SU1)porterl by members and public donations.l

Ofl1ccrs 3. Sergeants 3. Oorporul1. Privatcs 43. Total effective 50. D ecrease ince la t report 6. Drills beld 42. Average atbmdanee 24. Annual inspectioll, 16th Sept. Total on parade 33. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 12. Annual re-examina tion, varions dutes. Mem bpJ's passed 36. Di:1 not appear 12. Medallions 16. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 3 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 43 men. [aterial : 3 stretchers, 1 havel'sac, and 12 emergClICY wall boxes, vested ill Oommittee, with the use of the Corporation ambulance carriage. Division snpporteu. by subscliptions.




J. Illingworth,

Hon . S ec. and Ins p ector of Sto res .

Pte. J. Greg. on, 30, Pine Grove,


'Y. l)al'klllson.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 31. Total eil'ective 36. I ncrease since last re]lort 13. Drills Ilthl 43 . AYerage attelldnnce 17. Cascs attended not on public duty 88. Annunl illS]Jection, 24th July. Total on. rarade 25 . Absent ,,,ith leave 6. Without leaye 5. Medallions 8. Nmsing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Oflicer and 31 men. l\lulcrial: 3 stretchels, 1 surgical havresac, splints, &c. Division supported by menlbCls' and public subscriptions.




Inspect or of Stores.

Hon o rary Treas urer.

Pte. W. G. Ounliffe.

Sergt. J. Grindrod.

Officers 2. 'ergeant 1. Privates 12. Total elfective 15_ Decrease since 1a t rrport 9. Drills bel(l 33. Average attendallce 8. Oases attended not Oil puulic duty ~O. Annual inspection, 12th 'cpt. Total on parade 11. Absent wi.th leaye 3. Without leave 1. AUJlllal re-examination, 12th ept. :1\[e111he1's pa ed 10. Did not appear·1. Medallions 5. Nnr 'ing certificates 9. Regulation uniform "om hy 1 OfIicer, 1 sergeant, and 12 men. Material: 7 wall boxe , 1 Jitter. e'C., vested in Division Committee. Diyision supported by member'suuscription and l'uulic contributions.



Honora r y Su r g e on s.

E. A. Goulden,


H. G. Smeeth,



1st Offi ce r .

J . J . Orme, 28, Oambridge Street, Stockport. Inspec to r o f Sto res.

Honorary S ecretary.

PLe. W. Battersby.

Sergt. S. Hamel', 20, Pitt St., Stockport. Hono rary Treas urer.




·W. H. Walton,

~L B.

Hall Road, Trawdell, Ileal' Colne.

H. Thorpe,

M.B. M.D .


Pte. . Gott, 1, Skipton Road, Tralnlen, neal' Colue.

. Robin on.

Pte. H. Driver.

[Formed 27 .7.03].


J . L. RlIssell,

Inspect or of S t ores .

Honorar'y S ecretary.

Honorary Treasurer.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Privates 23. Total efl'ectiye 31. Decrease since last report 7. Drills held 48 . Average attendance 15. Oases attended not on public duty 70. Annual inspection, 9th Sept. Total on parnde 15. Absent wi.th leave 13. Withont leave 3. Annual re-examination, 2nd JUIIC MeInbers passed 24. Did not appear 5. :MedalJiolis 21. Regulation Ul1i1"0I111 worn by 1 officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 24 men. Material: 3 stretchers, ~ havresacs, &c., vested in the Division . Division snpportec.l 1JY volun tary con tri 1m tions.

Hono rary Su rge ons.

1s t Officer.

Honorary Surgeon.

Pte. IV. A . Downham.


S uperi nten d en t .

Pte. J. Robinson, 235, Bury Road, Tottington.

Ho n o rary Treasurer',



Hon. S ecret ary.

:-6, Tithebaru Road, 'onthport.

H. ,\'e t, )r.n.


R. Masser, 241, Bury Road, Tottington t near Bury.

A. H. Poole, L.lt.C.P.

Superint ende nt.

S. D. Fenn, L.ll . C.l'.

[Formed 2.9.95 .J



Hon orary S urgeon.


HO l1 o r-a r-y Su r g e ons .



1s t Officer and Ho norary S ecret a ry '

J. T. Binlls, 36, Garden Strect, Totlmorden.

Inspe cto r of Stores.

Hono rary Treasu rer.

Pte. J . Barstow.

Pte. W . Orowther.

Officers 2. "'ergeant 1. OOl'poml1. Private. 18. Total effective 22. I ncren e since last report 2. Drills held 47. Average attendallce 16. Ooses aUendetl not Oil pl1uEc duly U. AllllUo.l in ' pecLion, 221hl JUlle. Totnl on parade 21. Absent witliout leayc 1. Regulation uniform ,,"om by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 1 mell. Material: 3 stretchers, ~ smgicul llane acs, 2 wall boxes, &c., vested in Oommittee. Di"j ion snpported by voluntary sub criptions.


Hono rary S urgeon.

J. B. Our tel',

S uperin t enden t .

H. J . l\Iucklill, Lightburlle lioad, Ulverston.

1'1. n.

Hono rary S ecre tar y and Treasurer.

Pte. J . S. Whitham, 47, l\larket Ofllcel's 2.


t., Ulvcr-stoll.

Corporall. J0

In s pector of Stores.

Pte . . W. Palfel'IDan.

l'l"i\'ates 17. Total effective 20. report recei ved .

St. John A'Inlndance Brrigacle.

St. Juhn A 1nbu~Cince B1'igacle.


Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 26 . Total efTective 31. Decrease since last report 23. Drills held 29. Average attendance 19. Cases attelHlecl on public duty 7. Relllovals 3. Cascs attellded IJOt on public duty 3, . Annual inspectlOl1, 26th May. Total on parade 20. Absellt with leave 11. Meclalliolls 7. Nursing cel tifi caLes 3. Regulation uniform WOl11 by 1 0 fficer, 1 sergeant, 1 corpora!, an(l 6 mell . Material: 1 litter, 3 stretchers, 2 medical llalTesacs, splints, ballclages, kc., vesleJ in the Division. Division supported by J. Crosfielc1 and ons, Li1Jlitcll.



T. Sharples, L. R. C.S.

G. F . Collins, L.R. C.P.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. A. Hebblethwaite. Honorary Secretary.

Honorary T,"easurer.

Sergt. T. Parker,

Sergt. R. Bradley.

2, Tabcl'ner Terrace, H igher ,Yalton, Preston.

Officers 2. Sergeants 3. Corporals 2. Privates 16. Total efTective 23 . Dcrease since last report 6. Drills held 37. Average attendance~. Annual inspection, 30th May. Total on parade 11. AbseD;t without leave L. Al1l~ual re-examinatioll 20th ept. Members passed 8. Dltlnot appear 13. MedallIons 13. Reaulatio;l uniform worn by 1 o(ficer, 3 sergeanL, 2 corporals! ancI 25 men. Materiaf': 2 Jitters, 4 stretchers, 2 surgical basket. ,. and 1 surgIcal havresac, vested in the Did ion. Division s111)ported by the publIc.


[Formed 25 . ~.97 .]


J. Adams, :;II. B. Ch ief Superintendent.

Capt. W. 'Waring, Latchford House,' Latchford, ,Yarrington. 1st Offi cer.


H. T. ·Williams.

S. Baldry, 125, Chtuch St., Warrington.

3rd Officer.

2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.

T. J. Hulse, Langham Vi.lla, Man chester Road,

F. Taylor.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. II. Holloway.



[Formed. 22.1.05.]


II. Allan, M.B.

J. NaIl, M.RC. '.


Honorary Secretary.

S. Bagshaw, IJorwieh End, Whaley Bridge, • tockport.

Pte. G. '. Whilc, The Level, Whaley Bridge, tockport .

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. J. H. \YidJup.

Pte. J. Howarth.

OfJicers 3. ergeallts 2. Corporal 1. PriYates 30. Total efI'ectiye 36. I ncrease sincc last l'epoJ'L 9. Drill~ held 54. Average atte11l.lance 14. Cases attencle(1 011 ]lllbliu (Illtyl. Cases aUended noL on public duty 65. Annual inspection, Hth • ept. Tolal 011 parade 2 . Au:>ent without leave 1 . AlIlluall'e-ex<lmination, lcLh June. ~lel1lbers pa. secl 13. Did not appear 21. l\lellalliou' ]:). '('I'\'ice 1Jatlge. 10. Nll1'sing certificates 6. R egulation uniform worn by 1 0 flicer, 2 sergean ts, 1 corporal aud 25 lI!cn. Material: 3 street boxes , 14 fir~t aid boxes, 1 sllrginal hanesac, 1 bell t ent, 6 tretch('ls,'plil1t , etc.: vested in the Di vi~ioll. Di \'ision supported by 111 em bel'S' and public subscriptions .

WHALLEY DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Re-forll1ed17 . 9.1900 .] HEAD-QUAIlTEIl : As, E)f13LY Roo)[s, "'nALLEY, Hon . Surgeon .


T. 1'. Macklin, M.D. Policr

W. F. Mowle, tatioll, Whalley, Blackburn.

Hon . Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

Pte. A.

oOl'n all,

King trect, ,'{halley, Blackbut'll.

OUieers 2. ergeant 1. Private 16. Total efl'ective 19. Increase since last report 0. Drills held 41. Average attendance 12. RenlO"mls 4. Cn.. es aLteIHIe 1 not 011 llllhlic lluty 9. .Annua! in pection, lith April. Total on pn.ralle 11. Ahsent with leave . Annual l'e-exa,minalion, 29th ~lay. Members Dill not appcar 9. Medallions 9. Regulation naiform worn by passed 9. 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 16 mell. Materia!: 3 stretcher, 3 w,lll boxes, 2 havresac , splints, handn.ges, &c., vesteJ in the Divi ion. Di"i ion ul'ported by members' and public subscriptions.

WHITEFIELD DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 2 .7.02.J Hon . Surgeo n .

J. Adams, M.D. Superintendent.

1st Offi cer.

Hon . S ecreta ry.

S. J. Stuu er, H elvetia, Stockton H eath, Warrington.

J. Rose.

Pte. G. Dale, 74, Wood Lane, Sankey Bridgcs, \Varrin g ton.

Pte. F. J. Lord.



Hon . Surgeon.

Honorary Treasurer.


Honorary Surgeons.

\Varrington. Officers 6. Sergeants 5. Privates 45 . T otal effective 56. Decreaqe since last report 2. Drills held 33. A vernge attenr1allce 32. Cases attended on pn blic duty 50. Removals 8. Cases attended 1l0t on pH blic d l1ty 120. Annual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 42. Absent WIth leaye !. \Vi.thout leave 7. Annual re-examination, 2nd June. Member. ]1a eel 12. Dill not appear 13. Medallions 47. Service badges 18. Nursing certifi~ates 16. Regu~ lation uniform worn uy 5 Officers, 5 sergeants, and 31 men. Matenal: 8 stretchers and a quantity of first aid appliances, vested in the Corps. Corps supported by 1mblic donations.


Sup e r intendent.

A. J. Young, L.n.C.l'.

J. W. 37, George

Hon . Secretary.

Pte. 'IV. Hardman, 10, Morl ey "'t., ·W hitefield, M.an ch ester.

l' os ley, t., WhitefIelJ, Man chester.

Insp ector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

CorpI. J. Clegg.

Ple. J. Hilton.

St. John A mb~~lance B?Oigade.


St. John Ambu lance Brigade.

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 21. T otal effectiv e 27. lncrease since la t report 2. Drills held 52. Average attendance 18. Oases attended on public duty I) . Removal 1. ea es attended not on public duty 45. Annual inspection, 1 t July . Total on parade 2~ . ,Y ithout leave 5. .Annual r e-examinatioll, 29th ~1arch. Uembers passed 25. DId not appear 1. MedallIons 22. R egulation uniform worn hy 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, ~ corporals, and 20 mell . Material: 7 ambulance wall boxes, 6 stretchers, 1 surgIcal havre ac, 1 bell tell t, splints, e-C ., ve ted in the Division. Division supported by menilJers and pu1lic su bscri phons. . The efficiency of the Division is of a higher standard than last year. PublIc dnty was taken on the occa ion of the fete and gala lleld on eptember 2nd, 1905. The members attend at football matches, and their assistance is much appreciated .




Hon. Su rgeons_

W. O. RiglJy,


Lady Superin tendent.

F. J. A. Mayes, M.R.O.S.

Lady S ecretary_

Lad y Inspector of Stores.

MiE's E. IIarJdock, Oemetery Road , Acllington, Lanc_·.


iss ill. A.

t. John's Vicalage, Over, IVin sford, R. S. 0. , Oheshire.

Officers 3. Kl1l'f'illg siters 11. Total efl'ective 14. AYerage attelltlal1C'e 10. Division snpporteu by varIOUS funds.

Hon . Su rgeon.


Honorary Secretary.

1. W. Morison,

1st Nursing Officer.

:'liss '. J. Collister.

:\f. B.

Lady S ecretary.

Pte. A. Grant, 21, ,Ybarton Buildings, WinsforJ, Obe ·hire. Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

:llIr. A . }'1oreton (IIon. Melll.)

Officers 2. ergeants 2. Corporal l. PriYates 35. T otal effective 40. I ncrease since last repol t 11. Drills held 54 . A ver[1ge atienc1allce ] 7. Remo, als 6. Cases attended on public duty 24. Cases attend~d not on jl1I1Jlic duty 370. Annual inspection, 19th July . Total on parade 19. Ahsellt \\'ith leave 1fj. ,Vi tbont leave 6. Allnnal re-examillatioD, 4th July. Memher8 ],assec1 32 . Dill Dot appear 7. Medallions 13. el'vice badges 12. N11l'Ring certificates 9. Rrgnlation uniform worn by all ranks. Material: litter, 6 FUl'lry slretcller , 11 smgical havresacs, 4 emergency bags, &c. Division. ul'portecL hy public sn 1JscriptiollS.

illiss A. Dawson, Clay Hill, Officers 2.

Xmsing sister::: 16.



Total eJrective 1.

Honorary Surgeon. :\l.R . O .~.

Lady Superintendent .

Miss M. Eo Fletcher, 310, Blackbu1'l1 Road, Accringtoll.

;3. Anll ual re-examination, ::.rel1allious 10. Re~lation Material: bunc1age , ~)achine supported by melllbers' an J




ln cl'ense since last report 9.

}In mdc 13. A uscnt with l<:a \"e~. \\' itllout leave 7th April. illcllIlJer. llilsscll1fi. Dicl not aPl,eur 2. uniforl1l ,,"om hy 1 Ottiee!' all(l 5 II\lJ'sillg si.tel's. uallua.ge. , splillts. etc., Yestecl ill Divisiull. Division public i)uusel'iptiollS.


'C,HOOL, .bRA:\L

Hono rary S urgeon.

[Formed 12.fi.94.J


A. Greenhalgh,


tockpol't Road, Ashton-undel'-Lyne.

I ractil'<: heM H. Average attellrlance Ca -es attended not on public 19. Ca. es pri\-aLely llUl'."Cll 1. ,8,ll11ual in pection, th April. Total on

HEAD-Ql;_UtIEIl.· :


Miss E. Fairclough.

HE_\.D-Ql;ATITEl:,,: ~lEC}[A:-;I<'S' lXl'TIT UIIOX, ~ ·HTO_--UXDEIl- LYXE.

W. I. Buckley.



Lady Treasurer.




2nd Officer.

Corp. J . Bratt.

Miss 1\1. Widdows, High Bank, Adlington, Lancs.

[Formed 4.5. 6.]

Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent.

B. H. Woodyatt,





.'.B.ook,:\I.D. Lady S ecretary.

Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. A. l~nipe, 1 , Dalton Road , A.kam, R. '.0., Lanes. TlI1'.'ing si~ters 9. Oflicer 1. N o report recei yed.

1lrs. M. J. MeHon . Totnl effective 10.

1st Nurs ing Officer and Lad y Sec. ~Iiss ~I.


'hepherd, 13, Alhert Sheet, Accrington.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 27. Total effective 30. Decrease since last lelJo1 t 5. Praetices held 44. AYerllge attendance 23. Casi:s a ttend ed not on puulic lIu ty 4. Annual illSptctioll, 9th Sept. Total on pa rade 27. A usent "'ith leave 3. Annual re-exal11inatioll, 16th March. lIIelli1J ers passed 26. Did not appear 3. lHeliallions 19. Regulat ion llllifcIlll wom by 2 Officers and all nnrsing sisters. Material: uedstead and ueddillg, water pillo,,', ,rater bottle, bronchitis kettles, thermometers, uox of appliallces, splints, uanllage14, &c. Division supported by local subscriptions and special grallts from the AccrillgtoH Centre, S.J.A.A.



HALL , 1\:1:\0

[Forllied 4.9 .]



Honorary Surge ons .

Lady Sup erintendent.

F. W . Rigby, J. P. Browll,

1\11' . M. E. Law, 2, A beliIl'e, BacnI!.

:\LD . ;lLn.

1st Nurs ing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores _

Mrs. R


2nd NUI'sing Officer.

1li s E. A. Hack ing. Lady S ecretary.

Miss 1\[, Silll pson, 15, Scarr

treet, Bacup.

St. John A 1nbulance B1·igade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Br;·igade.

Officers 5. Nursing sisters 29 . T otal effective 34. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 43: A verage attendance 12. Cases attended not on public duty 9. Cases pnvat~ly nursed 6. Annual inspection, 9th June. Total on parade 24. Absent wIthout le.ave 10. Annual re-examination, 8 tIl and 22nd June. Mem bel's passed 24. DId not. app~ar 8 . Medallions 30. H.eO'ulation uniform worn by 3 Officers and 29 llUl'Slllg sistcrs. Material: hospital b~dstead ail' and water bed and cushions, thermometer, bedding, bandage, splints, &c. Di,:ision supported by voluntary contributions and members' subscriptions.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 29. Total effective 31. Prl1cticcs held 46. Average attendance 17. Cases Decrease since last report 7. attended not on public duty 22. Cases privately nursed 21. Annual inspection, 31st May. Total on parade 16. Absent without lel1ve 15. Annual re-examination, 31st May. Members passed 15. Did not appeal' Hi . Medallions 15. R egulation uniform WOl'll by 2 Ofl1ccrs and 29 nursing sisters. :Material : 2 smgical havresacs, ail' cushion, bandages, splints, anel 17 ambulance wall boxes, vested in the Division. Di vision supportecl by mem uers' subscriptions.






U. lH. Mitchell,

Hon. Surgeon.


Hono/'ary Surgeon.

Lady Superintendent,

:ilfiss I. Lee, 5, Halifax Ro'lcl, Brierlield, 11eal' Burnley,

Bird, :11. B.

M.D .

Lady Superintendent.

Lady Secretary.

Miss R. A. Pres tOll, ,\Tootlbine, Barrowford, near Nelson. Lady Treasurer.

Lady Secretary and Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. E. Smith.

Miss C. Booth, ,"'n itty Croft, Barrowford, neal' Nelson .

Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 13. T otal effective 15. Decrease sin ce last report 2. Practices lleld 40. Averflge attendance 7. Ca::,es attended not on public duty 28. Ca es privately nmsed 7. AI~nua~ inspection, 24th July. Total on parade 7. Absent 8. Annual re-examllHLtlOn, ~larch . Members passetl 7, Did not appear 7. Medallions 9. Regulation uuiform worn by 1 Officer and 13 nursiug sisters. Material: 4 ambulance boxes, surgical havresac, water bottles, bandages, &c. Division supported by members' a!ld puhlic su bscl'iptions.


Miss J. Gregson, 11, Ann 'treet, Brierfield, llear Burnley. Officers 2. i-. Ul'~ing si ·ters 13. Total elIective 15. Ill crease Silll'e last report~. Practices held 31. A "erage attemlance 8. Ca"es aLLl'llded not on 1 uhlie duty 10. Cn.e l'rivnte1y Illll'secl 1. Annual inspection, 30th May, Total on parl1.l1e Ahsent with len,ve~. ,Yithont lea\'e 5. Amllla1 l'c-eXamillutioll, 18th April. 1lcml)ers pa 'sed 7. Did Dot appem 7. Medallions 7. Regulation unitol'T1l ,,"Olll by 2 0 mcers and 13 l1lw'ing sisters. Material: amlmlallce 1Iillll]1Cr, ~l'lil1ts, uanc1ages, etc., ycsted in Centre Committee. Division sllpportcll J)y yolulltary " nb~eription . The Division snccecrlec1 in willning the Bli.H;kpool Laclie" •'hield at the Korth Ea·t Lanca. hire re\ iew 011 JUlIe 17th, 190;), and also took fir t prize at Ba1'l101dswick on - eptelllher 16th, 190;).

BURNLE Y NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Forme!1 6.93, J LFornlcll 5.3.02.J HEAD-Qu_\.TtTEI:S:


Tl:EET, B1Jn~\LEY.

H EAD-QUARTERS : AlIBULANCE ROOMS, RrClli\IOND HILL, BLAOKBUllN. Honorary Surgeon. Hon . Surgeon .

B, G. Elliott,

Lady Supe rintendent.

Mis F. Aspinall, 42, Azalea Road, Blackburn.

L.R. C. P.

Lady I nspector of Stores. Mi~s

J. A. Richmond.

OfIicers 2. Nursing sisters 10. Total effective 12. D ecrease since last report 1. Practiees held 34 . Average attendance 9. Annual inspection, 26th JUly. Total on parade 12. Anl1ual re·examination, 20th Sept. Members passed 10. Did not appear1. ME:dallions 12. R egulation uniform worn by 2 0 fficers and 10 nursing sisters. Material: splints, bandages, etc. , vested in the Division . Division supported by memuers' subscriptio ns. The Division took duty on the oceasiou of the visit of H. R. H. P rincess Louise.



M. A "



L ady Superintendent.


Miss M. A. teyen, 66, O,;hol'11e Terrace, Alhion treet, Burnley.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

:m 's nr.


L ady Treasurer.

illiss E. I. Gal'llett.

ingletoll .

OIHcers 2. N'msing sisters 31. Total efrectiYe 33. D ecrease since last report 2. Practiees hehi 44. .A.Ycrage attel1dance .17 . C~ es attended not on public dnty 19. 'ase' pri\'t'\'lely nur·etll0. Annual 111 pectlOn, 31'd May. Total on para!le 25 . Alkellt with teave 1. ,Yithont leaye 7. Anuual re·examination, 24th May and 27th 8cpt. Melllber' pa sed 32. l\I e(1allions 24. R egulation uniform worn by 2 Oflicers and 9 nnr ing sisterc. Materi'l.l: 1 bed and bedding, 2 water bottles, ~ air cushiolls, 2 oil sheets, 12 heel rests, splinL, bandages, Divi ion snpported by sub criptiollS and collection.' I .J &c., vested in Division.



Honorary Surgeon .

Honorary Surgeon .

L. G. S. Molloy,

J. Ganiner,

F. B. Holmes,







Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary .


lUi s ' . Brellnand, 1, Spring Street, Bury.

Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

1st Nu rsing Offi cer and Lady Treasurer.

Lady Inspector of Sto res.

Mrs. V. M. Orme, Marshall Gate, Claremont Park, Blackpool.

1\1iss S. A. L omax.

1\1r . E. Micklelield.

St. Joh n A ?nb~da11Ce B?"igClcle.

St. J ohn Ambulance B?Oigcicle.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 26 . Total effcctive 20. Decrease since last I dPort 2. Practice held 45 . Average attendance 16. Cases attended not on public duty 16. Oases privatcly nursed 14. Annnal inspection, 26th July. Total on parad e 12. Absent with leave 8. "Without leaye 9. Annual re .. examinatioll, 1 th July . Members pa ssed 20. Did not appeal' 8 . Medallions 23. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 14 nur ing sisters. Material : bell, bedding, splints, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions.




Hon. Surgeon.

1st Nursing Officer.

A. V. Davis, 1\I. n.

)lis S. Dewhurst, 426, Rochdale Road, High Crompton. haw, Lanes.

Lady S ec,"etary and Lady Inspector of Sto res.

l\liss M. E.



Honorary Surgeon .

G. E. Orme, 1\[, n. C. s . Lady Superintendent.


methurst, Shaw, Lancs.

Officers 2. Nm'ing sisters 6. Total effective 8. Average attendance 6. Cases D ecrease since last report 6. Practices held 49. atl'ended not on public duty 1. Oases privately nurs·qd 3. Annual inspection, 30th Sept. Totftl on parade 7. Absent with leave 1. Annurrl re·examination, 26th JunE'. Memher. pass cd 7. Medallions 3. Division supporterl by members' sub .. '3cl'iptions.

Lady Secretary.

:Miss N. Andrews, 112, t. Paul's Street, Low :Moor, Clitheroe.

Miss E. H argreave', 59, Chatburn Rd., Clitheroe.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 14. Total effective 16. D ecrease since last report 2. Practices held 46. AYerage attendance 14. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 19th July. Total on pararle 14. Absent with leave 2. Annual re .. examination, 5th ept. Membcrs passed 7. Did not appear 8. J\[erlal1ions 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 15 nursing sisters. Material : bandages, splints, &c. Division snpportcrl lJy 1llemher.· subscriptions.


Hon . Surgeon.

Lady Superintendent.

A. J. Cro", )r.n.

:'IIrs. :JL A. Pooley, Market Place, Dalton .. in .. .l1'l1rne·s, R. .0 .. Lanc.

Lady Secretary.


Lady Inspector of Stores. :,\11' . Blackburn.

Mrs. M. Bate 'on, ,Hall. 'treet. Dal ton .. in . Furne .·, R. .. 0., Lanc.'. Lady Treasurer.


1I1iss K. Grigg.

Honorary Surgeons

A. A. G. Dickey, l\LD.

'V. L. Lovett,


Lady Superintendent.

Lady Sec. and Lady Treasurer .

Mrs. E. Taylor, 9, Duke Street, Colne.

Miss S. A. H artley, 2, Chapel Fold, Colne.

Officers 3. Tursing sisters 19. T otal effective 22 . Decrease since last report 5. Practices held 36. AYerage attendance 13. Annual inspection, 4th July. T otal OJ) parade 14. Absellt without leave . Annual re .. examination, 31st January. Members passpd 11. Did not nppear 9. Medallions 15. Regulation nnirorm worn by 2 Offi cer. and 19 nursing sisters. Material : medicine chest, splints, band3.ges, &c., \'ested in local Com .. mittee. Di vision supported by public subscriptions.

Officcr. 2. jur ing sitcr' 13. Total efrectiYe 15. Practice helJ 19. Average attcnliftnce 5. Cases attended not Oll puhlic duty 13. Cases privately nlll' cIl 9. Annual in pection, 5th May. Total on parade 5. A.b eut with leave l. 'W ithout leave 9. Annual re .. examination, :;th lIIay. Members passe' I 7. Did not appeal' 7. l\Iedallions 11. Material: water pillow, ail' cu hioll, waterproof sheets, pillows, ctc., \"ctell in Diyiion. Di\"i ion .u pported by public su hscri ptions.


P ,UlKfXHO:\"


Honorary Surgeons .


A . A. G. Diekey, 'V. Doyle, M.n:




CLlL~E .

Lady Supe"intendent.

.Jil' . R. H. Richmond, Hole .. in .. the .. '\Yall Inn, Foulritlge, ncar Colne, Lane.

[Formed 7.7 . 01l

Lady S ecretary.

Lady Treasurer.


l\liss . 111. Taylor, 23, Town Gate, Foulridge, nr. Colno, Lanes.

l\li .. E. B'lllks.

Hon. Surgeon.

R. J. Warrington,

Lady Supt., Lady Sec., T reas., and Inspector of Stores (Acting).


Officers 2.

Miss M. A. Rcroy<1, Cl1l1l'ch Street, Crawshawbooth, Manchester. Nursing sisters 27.

(No r eport rer.6ived.

TotaJ effective 29 .

Above figmes art:; for 1904.)

Om.cers 3. N'ur ing isters 8. Total elreeti\'e 11. D ecrease since last report 1. Practices held '016. Ayeruge attendance :l. Cases attended llOt 011 public duty 7. Annual in 'pection, 9th lIlay. Total 011 parade 8. AbRent 3. Annl1nl re .. t:;xamination, 9th May. :Membel' pit 'sed 7. Did. 11.0t appear 2. lIledallivns 3. R egulation nniform worn by 2 Ofl1eel' and 6 nursing SIsters. Division supported by letting of Ambulance Hall and public subscription.

St. J ohn A 'lnbulance B1·igacle.

St. John A'lnbulance Brigacle.


Officers 2. Tursing sisters 17. Total effective 19 . ! ncrease since last report 2.. P)'ac~iccs 11 eld 35. Average attendance 10. Cases pl?vately l1msed 2. Aunual ~nsp.ectlOn, 19th April. Total on parade 16. Absent wIth l~ave 3. An~ua~ re-exammatIon, 6th 1~ay and. 21st 'ept. Members passed] 8. Med~lllol~s 13. el'VIC~ budges 4. RegulatIon umform \rorn by 1 Officer and 2 nurslllg Sisters. Mate1'lal: ambulance box, mackintosh, splints, bed and beddina bandages, &c. , "Vested in the Division. Division supported by members. b' The annual Conference was held here on eptem bel' 2nd. The competition for the Nl.lrsing Challenge hield during thc samc month, at which the Division obtained thml place.



Honorary Surgeon .

1\1rs. E. Pearsoll, 20, John Street, Heywoo(l.

G. Geddes, :M.D.

Lady Secre tary.

Miss 1\1. A. Bridge, 21, Bury New Road, IIeywood. Officers 2. Nursillg sisters 9. Total cffective 11. held 47. Average attcndance 4. Ca, es attcnded not on public duty 16. Cases pnyately lJUlsed 2. Annual impcctioll, :2ncl Aug. Total 011 paradc 8. Ab ent WIth leaye 3. Anl1ualre-examination, 26Lh Sept. Members passed G. Did not apP?ar 5. Regulation uniform wom uy 1 Officcr alld 4 nursing sisters. Material: bed, spl111IS, bandages, &c. , vested in Heywood Centre, S.J . .A.A. Divi~ioll supported by public subscriptions.



MORECAMBE NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 30 .6.98. ] lIEAD-QUAIlTEllS: 101, EusToN ROAD, JI0RECA;\IBE. Honorary Surgeon.

H. F. Oldham, :\I.A., M.D . Lady Superintendent.



HOOl\f, 1(1' SWIC"K.

. E. Lees, 137, Eu;;tOll Hoad, MorecanLbe. Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Store s . 1st Nu rsing Officer.

Honol-ary Surgeon.

J. R. RUl'llctt,



Miss 'Jl. Gatey, 4, Eskin 'trcct, Kc;;\\'it:k.

Lady Secretary, Lady Inspector of Stol'es and Lady Treasurer.

l\lif;s A. Adam Oll, l\larl,ct (luare, Keswick. Oflicel's 2. Nur"iuu si 'tel'S 7. Total effective 9. ( TO l:~l'Ort l'eceiyed).



impson, M.ll.C.S.

liliss A. Lam bert, 66, Euston Road, Morecambe. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 21. Total e[]'ective 23. I ncreaso since last report 4. Practices held 42. An rage attrndanee 7. Cases attended not on public duty 5. 'ase privately nnr ed 6. Annual in pectielJ, 26lh Junc. Total on parade 13. Ahsent "ith leaye 1. ,Yithout leave 9. Annual re-examination, 26th JUlle. lember' pas ed 12. Did not appear 10. ~le cJalljons 12. Service hadge 2. Regulation uniform " 'om by 2 Officers and 3 nur ina sisters. 1\la.terial: waLe~' ?~d, air cn ' hion, watcr hot,tle , m~ckilltosh heetings, b~ndage , s"pltllts, &c. DIVI 'lOI1 upportecl by melllbers subscnptions and voluntary contributions.


Hon. Surgeo ns.

A. P. H.

Miss E. Duxbury.

H. ~f. Hemler 'on,

M. n.

[Forllled lIUO.89.] HEAD-QuAnTEll

1st Nursing Officer (i n charge) and Lady Secl'etary.


Miss E. F. CattIer, 30, Peel Street, Princes. Pm'k, Liverpool.

Honorary Surgeons.

l\1iss E. l\I. Oapstick.

Mrs. A . Geddes.

Officeis 2. Kursing sisters 17. 'l'otnl effectivc Hl. Decl'rase since last report 4. Praetiees lteltl 36. Average aLlellt!ullce 11. Cases at~ended on public duty 27 . Cases attelllleel not 011 IJublic duty 4. Case pl~lvately nursed 1. Annual inspet:tiolJ, 31sL 1\1ay. Total on lmrac1e 1 L Ah;ent WIth leave 5. Annual re-examination, 29th May. l\lembers passed] 2. Did Hot appear 5. 1\le~allions Regulation uniform ,yom by 1 Oflicer and ll11111sing slsters. Matenal: ueddmg, lath stretchers, Villows, cnshions, baudages, splints, &c., "Vested in. t~l~ Divisiou. Di vision Snpl)Ol ted uy mellluers' and public su b~(;l'iptiolIS. The DlvlslOn took duty at the Royal Lancashire Agrlcultural Show for 10Ul' clays.


LYTHAM NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Formeu 11.3. 01.] IIEAD-QuARTEl'.s: UOU>'\CIL ROOM, LYTIIAM . Hon . Surgeon. Lady Superintend ent.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Treasurer.

},1 i~s 1'11. E. As(;roft, 11, Park Street, Lytham.

Miss E. Keates, H olme L ea, L ytham.

Miss J. Dickinson.

Jackson, )LD.

'1'. nlnrphy, L.R.C.P. T. A pinall,

Lady Superintendent.

M rR .



Lady Secre tary and 1st Nursing Officer.


. J. "'alkel', 31, Pine Street, Nelson.


34, Pine

ali bl1l'Y, treet, 1 el on.

Oflicel's 9. Nursing sisters 31. Total elrectiYe 40. In crease since la t repolt 8. Practices held 45. A "eruae a tLemlance 15. Annual inspection, 11th cpt. Tota.l on parade 22. Ab ent wfibont leave 1. .Annual l'e-cxa1ll~natiol~, 2 th ept. ~Iem bel'S pa sed 26 . Did not appeal' 7. Iedallions 21. RcgnlatlOn ulllf'onn worn by 2 Ollicers and -1 nursing si tel' . Material: 1 nursing hamper, beel, splints, etc.


A. 1\1. Eason, L.ILC.P.


J. B. 1(. Robb, M. A., l\I.D. A. P. lillar, M.D. A. Findlay, M.B. H. W. DUllll, M. B.

Lady Treasurer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.


Honorary Sut'geon.

. Sugdcn, L.S.A.


cnooL, ,\VATEllFOO1'. Lady Superintendent.

l\Iiss F. Ficldon, 7, IIareholme Terrace, Clonghfohl, nr. l\lallchester.

St. John A ??'&bulance Brigacle.

St. John A mbt~lc~nce Bri gade.

Lady Secretary.

Officers 6. Nursing sisters 63. Total effective 69. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 40. Average attendallce 35. Oases attended on J:>ublic duty 10. Oases attended not on 1mblic duty 30. Oases privately nursed 14. Annual inspection, 29th June. 'rotal on parade 46. Absent with leave 16. 'Wlthout leave 7. Annual re-examination, various dates. Members passed 47. Failed 3. Did not appear 17. Medallions 50. Service badges 16. Regulation 'uniform WOl'll by 4 Officers and 8 nursing sisters. Material: bed and bedstead, bedding, linen chest, surgical havresac, &c., vested in Oorps trustees. Division supported by voluutary subscriptions. Public duty was performed on various local field days. The Division took part in the North-Ea t Lanca hire Oouuty Oorps review at Southport on June 24th, and gained first place in the review and second prize in the squad competition. I n the Di trict Nursing competition, held at Lytham on eptember 23rd, the second prize was . ecured by a team from the Leyland section of this Division.

Iiss A. A. H owarth, Brooklands, Mill Eud, N ewchurch,



Officers 2. N ursiug sisters 18. Total effective 20. Decrease since la t report 5. Practices held 33. Average attendance 7. Iedallions 14. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 1 Officer and 1 nursing sister. Material: splin ts, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Division supported by voluntary contributions.




Honorary Surgeon.

J. B. Lendrum,


Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. :M. A. Jones, 16, Greenacre Road, Oldham.


3rd Nursing Officer.

2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.

:Miss H. Ogden .

:Miss :Moore, 63, Lansdown Rd., Oldham.


Officers 4. Nursing sisters 36. Total effective 40. Increase since last report 8. Practices held 45. Ayerage attendance 15. Annual inspection, 7th Oct. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 21. :Members passed 23. Did not appear 16. Annual re·examinations, 2nd Oct. Medallions 24. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers and 21 nUl' ing ister . Material: bandages, water beds, pillows, beu re ts, and a variety of nursing requisites. Divi ion supported by members' subscriptions.





Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

Hon. Surgeon .


[Formed 5.10.03.]

Miss S. A. Openshaw, 135, Egerton Bank, Radcliffe, Manchester.

~1.B .

Officers 2. ursing sisters 25. Total effecti.ve 27. Increase since la t report 5. Practices held 33. Average attendance 15. Annual inspection, 15th July. 'rotul Oll parade 14. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 12. Anllual re-examination, 14th illarch. Members passed 16. Did not appear 10. Mcdallions 17. Divisiou supported by voluntary sub criptions.



[Formed 10.12.91.]

H EAD-QUARTERS : Gp.OVE LANE, PADIII.A....\L Honorary Surgeon.

J. G. Jones,

Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.



Officers 2. Tursing sisters 13. Total effective 15. Increase since last report 4. Practices held 28. Average attendance 6. Cases attended not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, 18th Feb. Total on parade 7. Absent wiLhout leave . Medallions 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 orucer and 13 nursing sisters. Material: beds, splints, &c. Division supported by annual town collections.



Lady Super i ntendent.

Mrs. A. Howard, 24, Grafton Street, Preston.

1st Nurs. Off. and Lady Insp. of Stores .

Miss C. Fitchie.

e HtlOL, R.lWTE:N ' TALL.

Lady Sup erin tendent.

Miss E. Taylor, 90, Laburnam Cottage, Burnley Uoall, Rawtellstall, ..\Ianche tel'. Lady Inspector of Stores .

Lady Secretary.


Miss H. Taylor, 90, Lauul'llllam Cottage, Raw tell stall, :JIanche tel'.

s K. Tl'egidga.

Otticers 2. 1: l1rsing sisters Total etfective 10. Decrease since last report 5. Practices held 26. Average attendance 4. Ca es attended not on pu1Jlic duty -!. AllllUal ill pection, 15th ept. Total on parade 3. Absent with leave 2. 'W ithout leaye 5. Annual re-examination, 24th Aug. Members l)assell -!. Ditlllot appeal' 5. Medallions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 OIlicer and 8 llursinab si tel'. Material: surgical hane ac, splints, banuages, &c., vesteu in the Division. Division snpported by public contributions.


Honorary Surgeons.

T. H. O. Derham, ~I. D. A. E. Rayner, M. B.


Hon . Surgeon.

\Y. Rohertson,

Miss L. Gregson, "Westwood," Padiham, Burnley.

M. D.


2nd Nurs. Off. and Lady Sec.

Miss H. S. H. Sowerbutts, Highfield, Ashton, Preston.

3rd Nursing Officer and Lady Treas.

Miss A. B. Brown.




Honorary Surgeons.

J . Rodley,


J. A. John on,

Lady Superintendent.

1\Iiss E. Whipp, The Elms, Yorkshire t., Rochuale.


1st Nursing Officer.

Ii s A.



St. J ohn A?nbtdance Brigade. Lady S e c ret a ry.

La dy In specto r of Store s .

Miss A. Olough, 24, William Street, Rochdalc.

Mi s H. Clarkc.

Officers 4. Nursing sisters 41. Total effective 45. Increase sincc last rcport 13. Practices held 57. A veragc attendance 18. Oases attended not on public duty 33. Oases privately nursed 2. Annual inspection, 12th July. Total on parade 33. Absent with leave 9. Without le~ve 3. Annnal re-examination, 12th April and 6th cpt. Members passed 37. FaIled 1. Did not appear 5. Medallions 30. Service badges 5. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers and 41 nursing sisters. Material: kettle, spirit lamp, splints, surgical havresac, bandages, etc., vested in local Oentre. Division supported by members' subscriptions ~md voluntary efforts. One officer and 21 nursing sisters " 'e re present at the South-East Lancashire revielV held at Ashton-under-Lyne 011 July 8th, aUlI succeeded in gaining the second place with 93 marks ont of 100. A squad gained the No. IV. District Nursing Ohallenge Shield at Lytham on Septem bel' 23rd with 367 marks out of ·100, beillg first in theory and practical work. An officer and 13 nursing sisters were present at the opening of the new park at Falinge. The opening by Col. Roycls of the new ambulance drill hall, given by Col. and Mrs. Royds, will take place on October 21st. It is certain to prove of the greatest use to the members of the Corps.


Lady S ecretary.

J . Chadwick, M.R.C.S.

Miss 1\1. J. tott, 3 , Bent Gate treet, Newhey, Rochdale.

Officer 1. Nursing sisters 11. Total effectiYe 12. Decrease since last report 5. Practices held 26. Average attendance 9. Cases attended not on public duty 12. Cases privately nursed 10. Annual inspection, 12th Aug. rrotal on parade 10. Absent with leave 2. Anllual re-examination, 18th April. Members passed 10. Did not appeal' 1. Medallions 11. Service badge 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 10 nursing sister. . Material: bed, bedding, bandages, &c., vested in the Division. Division sll})l1orted by voluntary subscriptions.


Lad y Su peri ntendent.

A. Lomas, lIf. B. S. T. Lord, M.n.C.S.

Mrs. E. A. 'l'weeclale, ArncliITe, Rochdale.

Lady S e c reta ry.

Mrs. Rigg, 185, Manchester Rd., Oastleton, near Manchester.

La dy Inspecto r of Stores.

Mrs. M. E. Swindells.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 13. Total effective 16. Decrease since last report]. Practices helel 49. Average attendance 11. .Annual inspection, 121;h Aug. Total on }Jarade 12. Absent with leave 4. Annnal reexamination, 1.9th April and 13th Sept. Members passed 14. ' Medallions 9. RegulatIon ulllform worn by 2 Officers and 13 nursing sisters. Material: air cushi?~s! bed re~t~,. a variety of n Ulsing reqnisites, splints, ball dages, &c. , vested in DlvlslOn . DIVISIon supported by members' and public subscriptions.



1st Nurs in g Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Surgeon .

Miss L. Hill, 9, Hall Street, Whitworth, Rochclale.

P. Baillie, M. D . L. Anderson, :\r.n.

Lady S ecretary.

Miss L. Whatmougb, 417, Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale. Officers 3. ursing sisters 7. Total effective 10. Decrc::lse since last report 4. Practices held 35. Average attendance 6. Cases attelHlecl 110t on public duty 10. Case privately nursed 1. Annual inspection, 12th Aug. Total ou parade . Absent without leave 2. Annual re·examination, 13th 11 pril. Members passed 8. Medallions 8. 1I1aterial: Bath chair, splints, balJdages, &c. , vested in the Division. Diyision supported by voluntary contribu· tiOllS and socials.



1st Nurs ing Officer.

Honorary Surgeon .


H. Carse.


Mi S A. Ashworth, Park ,Tiew, Norden, Lancs.

:\1. B.

Lady Treasurer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lad y Secretary.


Miss 1'.1. R. Hall.

nIl's. S. ·Wild.

R. A. A. hworth.

OfJicers 2. :rlll'sing si tel's 13. Total effective 15. Drills held -12. Average attendance 6. Annual inspection, 16th August. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 3. Annual re·cxamination, 9th May. :\lembers passed 12. A.bsent 2. Divi ion supported by voluntary subscriptions.



Honorary Surgeon .

W. L. Bentley,

L. S. A.

Lady Superintendent.

1'.1i s . Kershaw, 33, Charles St., Roy ton, Oldham.

Officers 2. ursing si tel's . Total effective 10. Decrease since last report 8. Practiees held 39. Average attendance 8. Cases at.tenued not 011 public duty 96. Cases privately Utu'seu 14. Annual inspection, 231\1 Sept. Total on parade 10. Annual re·examinatioll, 14th ept. Members passed 9. Mcdallions 5. Regulatioll uniform worn by 1 Officer and 7 nursing sisters. 1I1aterial: splints, bandages, &c. Di viSIOn snpported by members' and public subscriptions.


Lady Secretary.


Miss A. Eastwood.


Miss A. Whitehead, B, .Stansfield St., Todmorden.

I" i


1st Nursing Officer.

Hon . Surgeon .

J. L. Russell,

[Formed 27.3.05.]

Lady Inspector' of Stores. ~:Miss

M. E. Barker.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss :ThI. A. R. Pickup.


St. John A?11,bulance Brigade.

St. John A n~bulance Brigade.

Miss A. A. Naylor, 1 Albert Terrace, Hiuher Walton, nr. Preston . b

Miss A. E. COol)er, Prospect Hill , Higher Waltoll, nr. Preston.

Lady Treasurer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss E. Holgate.

Miss E. Marginsou.


Lady Secreta ry.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 23. T otal effective 26. Decrease siuce last report 4. Practices held 44. Average at~endance 14. bl' duty 4. Cascs attended not on pubhc Juty 20. atten d ed on pu lC . . 30t} 111 Total on parade 21 Ahsent privately nursed 4. Anuual lIlSpectlOn, 11. a}. 'nation 21st SCI)t . Members 'tl 1 3 'Without leave 2. Annua le-examl, . b WI) eavc ' . t . 10 1\lclbllions 19. R egulation uniform worn y ssed 14 DId no appeal . .ll l ' . h' a Officer ~nd 23 nursing sisters. Matelial: mackin~osh s :~et~ng, au cus Ions, b ronc111't'IS 1ce ttl"-, &c . Division SUI1I)orted by members SUbsCllphons.

Miss Bentley, 4, Hall Street. \Yalshaw, nr. Bury.



Hon. Surgp-on.

Lady Superintendent.



A. H. Poole, L. n . c . p . M:iss M. Peers, Meadow H ead, Tottington, nr. Bury.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Superintendent.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 29. Total effective 31. Decrease since last report 11. Practices held 25. Av erage attendance 14. Medallions 13. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, and 29 nursing sisters. Material : splints, bandages, etc., vested in t.he Division. Division supported by Members suuscriptions and other efforts.


Officers 2. Nursin g sisters 12. T otal effective 14. Decrease since last report 4. Practices held 26. Average attendance o. Cases attended not on public duty 48. Annual inspection, 12th Sept. 'l'otal on parade 9. Absent without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 12th Sept. Members passed . Did not appear 5. Medallions 10. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Oflicer and 12 nursing sisters. Division supported by members' subscriptions.


La dy Secretary.

Miss J. Charnley, Factory Row, Bi1lington, Whalley, Blackburn. Total effective . [ 0 report received.]


Honorary Surge on .

G. Skeen,


1st Nursing Officer.

M. B .

Mrs. C. Green, 9, Skipton Road, T rawuell, nr. Colne.

Lady S ecretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss H. Schofield, 38, Lane House, Trawden, nr. Colne.

1111'S. E. E. Wil on.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 18. T otal effective 20. Increase since last report 3. Practices held 39. Average attendance 13. Cases attended not on public duty 18. Annual inspection, 2~th June. Total on parane 1 . Absent with leave 2. Material: air cushions, bed-rests, water-bottles, &c. , vested in Division. Division supported by members' subscriptions.


Honorary Surgeon .

B. R. Woo(lyatt, L.l:.U.P.


Lady Sup erintenden t .

Miss L. A. L. A pinall-Dl1llley, . Wharton LOLlge, Winsfonl.R. ' .0., CheshIre. Lady Inspector of Sto res.

Lady S ecretary.

.Miss F. III. G"rner.

Miss 1. He<1tlll:ote, \Yays Grcell, \\T in~ror\l R. '.0., 'heshire.

Officers') :fur ina ~i tel" 13. Total efl'ectiye 15, bl' d t 92 Practice held 2·1. A;~rage att(:l~d,aIlC~ 5. Ca e l:tt;nde~Eo:n~n \~~~~h l~ea~! 10: Annual in 'pection, 29th July. 'IotU1\ 01l,palal e'd 7 D1'd not al)pear 7. . t' 2~tl el)t 1)1em )ers 11a . Allnual re-exannna JOll , . I 1 . . ' . , , 2 Omceni alld 11 musillg ister. Meda1liolls 10. RegulntlOn ullllor~ \\ ~1ll & re -ted in ,'\insford U. D, C. Material' ambulance hamper, 1~ fir t :lld ba o ' bC" " t' Division 'suPl)Orted by U rbun Council and public su SC1'1P JOn .



rFormed 10.7.01.]


Hon . Surgeon .

Lady Superintendent and Lady S ecretary.

R. O. Bowman, M.D.

Miss M. Gawith, 23, Lightbul'll Road, Ul verstone.

Officers 2.

Nursing sisters 8.

Total effective 10.

[No report received .]


Hon . Su rgeons.

T. Sharples, L .P,. C.P.

G. F. Collins, L.R.C.P.

CUOOL, "\YI:;\SFOlm.


St. John A 1nbulc~nce BTigacle.

No. V.-N orth-Eastern District.

St. J ohn A?'nbulance BTigade.

rlad to re )ort most favourably on the .turno.ut and Sutton and Ilkeston, a~d ~m ~ )ress 111 rthanks for the efficient way m whIch tl:e equipment. I ~a.~~ agam t~'i~)the ea~ b my Assistant Commissioner Mr. Malklll work has ueen carned.on fdl taIT :!amel i District Chief Surgeon E. West- ym~s, and t!le oth.er mem~~l~ 0 dmYt ~l ' and District Superintendent Secretary RatclIff, Distl'lct Chlef Snpenn en en se! '11 for me to carryon the work of the without whose help it '?~l~ic~f ,~~~'1~osi:1 ~:ry large. My thanks are also due to .all district as t!lO amoulI?-\~. ~}lor carryin Cl ont their duties and keeping uI~ the hlgh the officersof111 efficlcncy 1~1y: lIS LIC0 f tl Ie d'(rereL~L C01'1)S and divisions under theu several standard I commands.

D eputy Commissioner-lir. S. C. WAnDELL, Doe Hill House, nr. Alfretoll, Derby. Distl'ict Chief Surgeon-Burgeon-Major E. WE T-SnlE , M.D., A.M.n., 30, Prescot Street, Halifax. Assistcmt CO?n?nissione?'-Mr. . ,Yo MALKIN, RockclifJe, Cheadle, taITs. Dist?'ict Chief SItZJe?·intendent-Mr. H. C. EL E, Tinsley Hall, nr. heffield. Dist1'ict Sl6pe1'intenclent Secl'etary-Mr. P. RATCLIFF, Drummond Rd., I1keston, Derby.




I have the honour of submitting my report for the yea.r endinf eptember 30th, 1905. I am glad to report continued increase in the members of the Brigade in this District chu'ing the year, and a better state of general efficiency than I have known. The new Corps anll Divisions formed during the ye:tr have been encouraging, aud several more are in course of formation. The total of Brigade members notwithstanding that one or two important corps have ceased to eXlst, being the largest I have had the hononr to report-the numbers being 3,390, as against 3,133. The whole or nearly so, wearing the regulation ulliform of the Brigade. I am glael to "'eport the formation of new nursing divisions without which 110 divi 'ion or corps can be considered complete. The ambulance work connected with the King's visit to Sheffield on July 12th was admirably done by units from various corps in my district, 281 being on parade, treating some 1,200 cases in the streets during the day. The arrangements were under the command of my District Chief Superintendent, and reflects the greatest credit on him for the way the whole of the work was carried out. The men and nnrses being Oll duty from 10 in the morning till 6 at night. I am pleased to report that owing to the interest and energy displayed by my ,'taIT most, if llOt all, of the corps and divisions have been inspected during the year, and on the whole their reports as to their effectiveness are most satisfactory. The second allllual (lamp was held at Blackpool this year during Whit week and was most sllccessful, .attended by no less than 316 officers and men. The conduct of the men during the whole time was most excellent, and they were much improved by their week under (lanvas. TheOamp reflected the greatest credit on the men and officers who were in command, and here again I mu t express my thanks to District Chief Superintendent Else, Chief SU~'geon E. Barker Barber and my District Superintendent ecretary Ratcliff, who carned out the very onerous duties that devolvell on them to my entire satisfaction. held the inspection on the Wednesday, the men were exceedingly smart in :aU theu' movements and ambulance work, while the camp was a pattern one. It is to be hoped another camp will be held next year, as I cannot speak too highly of the value of the week's training to both officers anelmen. It must not be lost sight of, :h0:w~ver, that all ex,Penses are borne by the men themselves, and I must express my .OplllIOll that some aIel ought to be g iven on occasions of this kind to help a movement ~hat h1l:s proved itself of such value to the country as in the last war. I made an -1l?-S:p~CtlOU of over 300 men on July 29th at Tibshelf, at which the following corps and ,dlvIsIOns were represented : -Sheffield, Eastwood, Tibshelf, Birchwood, Mansfield,



I have the honoUl' to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, STuAr:r C. ,V ARDELL, Knight of Gmce of the Orcle/' of St: J~hn. Deputy-Commissioner, No. V. Dlstl"l,ct.

The Chief Commissioner, . t. John Ambulan ce Bl'lgade.


St. J ohn A rnuulance BTigade.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

AB TRA CT OF CORP AND DIV I IO S. I n No.5 District there is 1 Dermty Commissioner and 1 District Chief Surgeon.

I~"'-0 ._ 0









... ...






Ilkeston Oorps ..." Keighley" ... A Divis ion

" "

" "


0 D

" ,,

... ...

... ...


... ... ...

... ... ...

Kidsgrove Divisio n ... ... Leeds Oorps '" A Armley and Wortley Div B Holueck and Hun slet Div o Burley and Kil'kstall Div. D North Leed s Division ... E Stanningley and Dist. Div. F Garforth Div ision H City Tramw ay Division ... L incoln Corps ... ... Mansfield Divisio n ... Madeley " North Bierl ey Di vision ...


... ...


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I O~ ~:= . ~ ~


... ... .. . ...


I ::~ -.r. ~ 0 --.

I"::: '" ':/]-

Kame of Corps and Divisioll.

Babbington C011)S ... Barnoldswick Division Belper Division ... Birchwood Corps Bradford Bradford Tramway Diyi ion .. Bo ton Division ... Brighouse Corps ... B rownroyd Dye Works Div .... Buxton Division ... Cleethorpes Division ... D enaby and Cadeuy Diyision D erby Division ... ... Dewshury Corps Batley Division ... Birstall Cleckheaton" Division ... Dewsbury ... " Morley ... " Ossett Ravenstborpe "" Digby Division '* Doncaster " Earby " .. Eastwood and ,Yatnell Division Eccleshill Division Elland " Goole " Halifax " H arpur Hill " HaslanL1 " Heanor Division Hebden Bridge CorJ..!s Cragg Vale Divi : ion Heckmondwike Division Huddersfield Corps .. " AD iyision



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Name of Corps and Division.

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.. . .. . ... -













iJ~ 1 -= ~ I

,. New Farnley Division North Lindsey " North .. tafford Corps Burslem Division Elect. Traction Division Hanley Division :Milton " Yewcastle " Railway " Halmerend " Tunstall ,. " helton Peakdalc Division Rotherham " ettle " hcffi elu Corps hipley Corps " A Divi.sion ,: B "





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i~ i~46

1 4 39 1 1 22 1 \1 1 3 19 1 - - ,10 1 1 3 14 1 1 1 11 2 1 70 1 1 3 20 1 ~ 27 111


" E " Sutton Divi ion Stocksbridgc Division Talkc Division Tibsh elf Corps Welbcck Division 'W oolley and Darton Division Work op Diyision

1 1


1 1

22 21


t 1 1

20 14




24 24 11 19 14 73 '25


~ I i7 1 ~~

1 2 1 1 1 11 6

16 20 10 13 13 15 2 3 19 21 31 10 ]5 1 92 119 2 [ 33 39 4 27 33 34 H

1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 t 1 .



5 \ 3 \ 91 \ 39 \ 65 32523492902


St. J ohn

St. J ohn A ?nbulance B?"igade. LrST

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -if.- - - - .~ .







l3 en

Name of Divisillns.

'" 1'::1 en~ 1>,1'::1


'"d'" ",+>





Un bbington... ... ... * Barnoldswick ... .. . Bradford... ... .. . Brighouse ... ... .. Brownroyd ... . .. Dewshury Oorps-Batlcy ... Oleckheaton Dew ·bury ... 1I10doy ... Eccl eshill.. .. . Earby ... ... EIland ... . .. RoMen Bridge .. . Ruc1cleJ'sfield .. . Keighley .. . *N ew Farnley '" Shipley... ... Tibshelf and Birchwood




1 1 1

:t 1 1



:t -

* Signifies no return receivecJ. Same



1 1 1


T otals


1 1 1 1 1 1



1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1

30 24

3 2

17 3·J Hi :3 I






0 1 1 1


17 1') 1 !)

]0 ]3



1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1





1 1:3



Hi 37









IIolds both positions.

,'urgeon in Ambulance Division.

. Statement-1 Deputy Oommissioner; 1 District Ohief 1 District 0111'ef llrg '011; 1 ASSistant Oommissioncr; ' npel'intelldent ; 1 District Snperintendent Secretary,' 274 om cers ; 325, S ol'geants and Oorporals; 2,786 men and nursing sisters. Total (approximate) 3,390.


TibshclC Uorp!; . ] 7 Hi I'd l\\ ood " ] 8 Tibshclf ILll(l Birchwood lll'si ng Vi visioll 1888 Bllbl)iJlgtoJl Ump!; 1 8!) ))onC(~H LeI' Vi vision 1 00 NorLIt i:ll!dron18biro Corps 1 flO Bmdf'ol'rl A 1 ivisioll 1 HI 'Wel1Jeck Divi':lio\l , 1 01 A. Alildey & WorLlC'y Div. (Leo<l8) 1 ()2 lllll'!;le:n Divi!;ion (N. 'tarrs.) ] fl3 Ea':lL\\'(Jo<1 Di visioll. 1 fl 1 H:~ihmy Division ( ... ,'lttfL.) 1 D!J Te \\'casLJp Division ( . ,'tarrs .). 1895 Bl~l'l1()llI 8\\' ick " 1 \J:) Iiurlder81ielllOorpi 1 fJli ])crlJY j)i\'isioll . ) ()(j ])owHlmry (JOl'jlH . . 18% TUllslall Division ( turfs.) 1 DG lGtrl1l'i l~ Divisioll (N. SLl1fl':;.) 18% Lillcoln " lSfl7 Koighley " J 8fl7 " A Division 1 D7 " I~ II 1 !J7 ]\pigh loy HI'. " ] !J7 \Vorl 'so p l l ' 1 D7 Mi lloll Di vision ( ., 'Lam,.) . 1!J7 Bt~rllol(lswi(:k 'msing Divi ion. 18D7 JhhlJingtoll tusing Division 1 fl 11 ebt1en Bl'iclge (orps 1 !1 If eallor Di vision ] 0 J~:n,l'hy II • 1 JJe\\shtlry ttl'sillg Division 1 'ew I~al'1l1cy Division , 1 Morley llivision (DcwslmI'Y) 1 DO IlkesLoll Uorps 18!)!) lklpcr Division . 1 DO D(,lHtby a\ld UlLflcuy Division 1 Dfl BraMonl, U Division 1 flO J, D i l l DO Shipley Corps . 1800 II A Division 1 flO "






21 20

2 4

--- --- --- --11






Shcffic]{l 'orps. , lIt~worLh Diviflioll (Keighley) New F!tI'nJc.y tIl'. Div. ] [aqml' Ilil! Division , Dighy Vi visioll Halil'ax II IIudclel'sfiolcl NUl. Div. BaLloy Nul. Vi\'. (DowshUl'y) Loeds 'orp:; . . lC. I'Lanningly Division (Leods) Wil'ksworLh Divisioll. BriglloUfw Corps

18flO 18flO

1 flfl

1!100 1000 1000

1900 IflOO • 1000 • 1000 . ] noo • 1000 1 DOl

B. JI olucek Divisioll (L cds) Mallsfield " . . ol'th Lillch:ICY Iron j)isL. ])iv .. Batley Division (Dc\\ slJ\lry) OsseL~




] DOl H101

lDOl 1!JOl

1 n01 JI t'ckmolHlwiko J)iviHioJl C. Umley, I<il'kslnll ltllll Dist. ]!J01 Division tLced!;) ] !JOl I'nLtoll-in-Aslllield Division 13l1XlOll Divisi(JU . . IDOl Wooll!'y Colliery nnrl Darton Div. 1 !)01 ]1'. Cal'forllt Divi:;ioll (LC'ods) . 11)01 D. ol'Lh Leods Divisiou (Leeth,) IDOl O. ,\'ottley ])ivisioJ\ (Leeds). InOl 1001 Eleel l'ic: Traction (1 T. 'Lairs.) . 1DO~ Brigltomle Nmsing Div. 131'0\\ lll'oycl lJ yewor\'s (Bradford) 100~ 'ast1p['()\'(l I1.lIrl Disl ricL Div, . lnO~ II. Lcpds Ui Ly Trall!Wn.y (Leeds) 1!l02 1002 Binglry Divisioll 1()0~ Talke Division. Ifl02 Eiland J)i visioll . 1002 EllHllcl Ntlrsillg Divi sion 1fl02 J[ltlllll'rC'lHI :md Dis LrieL Div. 100~ Otley lJi vision . . 100~ ,'ibc\l'Il l)i vision (K<:igh ley) 1!IO :} Hostoll Di vistoll 1 nO:l Ihn.cli'orcl 1l\'sillg Division 1 ! IO~l l£cdcshill Divi: ioll 1no:~ l ~irsLnll IJivi!'i ion (DcwslJllry) 1 flO~3 YC'adon ])ivisioll (, 'hil'lcy) 1fl0:3 I 11 i pll'Y IIrl'-i Ilg Vi vision 100a gurby tIl'sillg Di\'iHioll 190·3 J [uIIley Div. ( ., 'Lan's). 1flO 1 Peakdalc Div1l:l101l l\JOt Ooole Divi<;ioll . ,'ettle " . . . 1901 nlylitoll1lroycl Di\'isioll (lIehllcn Bridge). . . ]fl04 RUVOllslhorp Div. (Dc\\'slmry) , 11)01 ](101 [oriPy Ntlrsillg Div. " 1flOl Bmt1iol'tl TI';(l11\\'I1.Y Division 1 flO 1 " II'irclllen':; Division 1 no 1 IIasl!lncl Di visioll 1DO ~ ~hullon Division ( T. ,'lnfl's.) 'leckhl'ltLoll Divisioll (Dew:;bnry) 1f)O~ 1f)05 ]{idsgl'Ove 1>i visioll 1005 H.olhl'rhnlll Division 100;; I'tocksbridge J)ivi<;ion 1905 Ecclcshill \lI"sillg Division 1005 larll'ley DIvision 1DOG C'loel.holpcs J)i \·jsioll 100:; fortlt BiC'r\l'y Division ]. 05 OlocklteaLoll NurHillg Division


St. John A ?nbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A mb ~dcLnce Brigade. BABBINGTON CORPS.





[Formed 29 .6. 89 .]


Hon . Surgeon.

H. J . Neil OU,

Derbyshire-Corps :-Birchwood, Tibsh elf, Ilkeston. Divisions :-Belper, Buxton, Derby, H eanor, Harpur Rm, R asland, Peakdale. N ottinghamshire-Di visions :- Digby, Eastwood, Mansfield, Welbeck, W orksop.

Sut ton -in- Ashfield,

Lincolnshire- Corps: -- Lincoln. Divisions :--Boston , Cleeth ol'pes, N orth Lindsey. -Staffordshire- Corps :-North Staffordshire. Divisions :-Kidsgrove, 1'I1adeley, Talke. 'Yorkshire-Corps :-Bradfol'd, Brighouse, Dewsbury, Huddersfield H ebden Bridge Keighl ey, Leeds, Sheffield, Shipley . ' , Divisions :-Barnoldswick,_ Brownroyd Dyeworks! Denaby, Doncaster, Earby, Eccleslu ll, Ellan d, Goole, R ahfax, R eckmondwi ke N ew Farnley, North Bierley, Rotherham, Settle Stocks: bridge, W oolley. '


Chief Superintendent.

G . Fowler,

Su perintendent Secretary.

Bn ford IIall, N ottinghn.m.

J. T. W alters, Babbington Collieries, T ottingham.

jlLl. O. E. ,

2nd Officer.

1st Offi cer.

, O'Callag-han.

. Kirk .

3rd Officer.

4th Officer.

W. Clement .

H. X orth.

Superintendent of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

G. C. Fowler.

F. E. 'eely.

Officers 8. ergeants 10. P rivates 107. T otal effective 125. R emovals 55. Cases attended not on public duty 418. M edallions 125. N ursing certificates 3. R eCfulation uniform worn by 6 Officer, 4 ergeant, and 10 men. All is worn, except wai tbelts; we have shoulder belt, and caps with a straight peak. Ma,terial: 2 ambul?,nce y[tnS, 2 litter, stretchers, ambulance baskets. bla.nkets, &c" vested in the Babbmgton Coal Co. Corps supported by the Babbmgton Coal Co. During the year two fir t aid cla.. e ha,\'~ been held, at which m~ 1i ?f the ~embers attended for instruction and to a Slst the ecretary of the Centre m mstructmg the candidates in practical ,york. T here have been 41 ca e of more or Ie serious injury I' ported and attended to by members, of which 55 ell es had to be conveyed to hospital or home.


Hon. Surgeon. L. R. C. P .

II. B. Alderton,



Su pe ri ntendent.

T . Baxter, Cliffe IIou e, 14, Far Ea t View, Barnoldswick, "ill. Oolne.

Hon . Sec reta r y.

Pte. R. Ba,xtel', 25 Moslcy'h'cet, BM'nold wick, yia, Collle.

1st Officer.

J . W. Raldwin.

Inspector of Stones.

Hon . Treasurer.

P te. T . W il on.

Pte. T . Johnson .

Officers 3. ergean t 3. OOl'porn.l 1. P rivates 27 . Total effective 34. ReselTe member 1. I ncrease since last report 1. D rills held 42. Average attendn,nce 1. Oases attended on public duty 60. R emoval 15. Ca e attended not on public duty 56. nnual in,pection, 21 t Oct. Total on para.de 21. Ab ent with leave 1. 'Without leaye 12. 1\I eda.llions 15. en'ice badge 12. N"ursing certificates 12. R egulation uniform worn by'3 Officer" 3 el'geant, 1 corporal, and 27 men. Material: 1 .f hford litter, 6 tretchers, G medical hane ac, plints, bandages, etc., vested in the Officer of the D iyi ion. Diyi ion supported by the public. A squad of men was sent to heftield on the occasion of the R ing's ,isit to tha.t place on the 12th July last. They tr a,ted over 100 cuses, and were complimented on their work. At the annu al inspection, the Inspecting Officer (District Chief- upt . Else) complimented both Officer s and men on the ,,-ork he had seen.


St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Arnb~dance B?'igacle. BELPER DIVISION.

[Formed 14..8. 99. ]


Hon . Surgeon .

R. A. Johnson, L . n.c.p. Superintendent.

Hon . Secretary.

W. M. Moreton, 4.6, Ford Street, D erby.

Sergt. A. Spencer, 22, Belper Lane, Bel per.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. Rodgers.

Pte. W. Meadows.


Sergeants 3. Privates 18. Total effective 23. I ncreaHe since last report 2. Drills helel 3 . A verage lltte~ldalJce ] 9. Cas~s attended not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, 11th Oct. 'Iotal on rarad~ ;~. Absent with leave 6. Annual re-examination, 8th Sept. Members. l)a~sc~ ~ . M d 11" s 17 Service bado-es 10. Ulsing certificates 9. RegulatIon ul1lform w;r: ~OD 2 Officers, 3 serge~nts, and 17 men . . Material: 4. stretchers, ~ :y~ter bottles, Y2 havresacs, splint, cloths, etc. , vested 111 the CommIttee of the DlviSIon. Division supported by hononvry members and members.

BINGLEY DIVISION. [Formed 1.1.02.] (I n chal'ge).

'Y. Crowther, Fernbank

Avenue, Bingley, YOlks,

(No report received . ) -



Superi ntendent .

Hon. Surgeon.

,V m. Powiss, Birchwood Colliery, Alfrctol1.

O. D. Robson, M. B., C.M . 1st Officer, Hon. Sec. and Insp . of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

S. A. J. Hill, Birchwood Colliery, Alfreton.

Mr. J. Merriman (Hon. Mem . )

Officers 3. Sergeants 4. Corporals 6. Privates 47 . Total efrective 60. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 32. Average attendance. 38. Cases attended on public duty 50 . Removals 12. Cases attended not ?n publIc duty 140. Annual inspection, 29th July. Total on parade 60. Absent wlth leaY~ 1. .A]~llual re-examination, 15th Dec. Members passed 59. l\Iedallions 45. Reg~1atJOn UlJljOl~l worn by all ranks . l\Iaterial: ambulance wagon, str~tcher, ~pl~nts, vester! III St. J ohn Ambulance Brigaue. Corps supported by publIc snbscnptlOl1s.


[Formed 3.6 .03.]


Honorary Surgeon and Honorary Treasurer·

A. E. Wilson, M.B. Hon. Sec. (in charge.)

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. Chas. Sharpe, 57, Sydney Street, Boston.

CorpI. W . J. Husson.

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporal1. Privates 8. T otal effective 12. Drills held 37 . Average attendance~. Oases D ecrease since last report 4. attended on public duty 14. Removal 1. Cases attended not 0l!- publIc duty: 5. Annual re-examination, 26th Oct. Members passed 11. MedallIons 2. Nll r~lDg certificates 2. Regulation uniform ..won~ 1 serg.e~n~ and 8 men. Matel'la~; stretcher, surgical havresac, vested III DIvlslon. DIVISIon supported by membels subscriptions and public donations.



Since the last report we have unfortunately lost seven men thl'Ough removals, and owing to oLhers heing UlH1hle to attt'wl on acconut of business. We have obtained three lIew men, aile from Lincoln Division, which leaves us with a nett oeCl'ease of fonr . DUl'in,g the year we have pnrcha.'erl a water-bottle, anrl caps for the men. We hope to be able to get the fnll uniform IJefore the present Drigade year is out. Men were on l'itrade llming the anllual fail', and have also attelldetl two football matches. .At the first footbrtll match a case was deal t with.

BRADFORD CORPS . [Formed 1.10. 91.] CE:-'''lun }'lllE STATJO~, NEL. ON STREET.


Chi ef Supt. and Hon . Su rgeo n.


G. Lodge, F.r:..C.B.I., Lee lirlllse, Lcsterhall ,Bradford . .

(11LW Ali/bull/lice DiL-isioJls).-OlIicer' (()Ile XllrSl!IU Dirision).-Otlicers 2.

'ergeants 3. Corporals 4. Priyutes 107. Nursing sisters 36. Total effecLi\e 160.


[Formed 1.10. 01.]

CE~l'l:'\'L FlllE STATIO~,


Hon. Su rgeons.

V. Bate on,


2nd Offi cer.



1st Officer.

S. Rhodes,



Hon . Secretary.


Inspector of Sto res.

F. Manion, 43, Whitelield Place, Bradford.

J. Naylor.

Hon. Treasurer.

Eo Rees. Ollicers 4. ~ergeant 1. • COl'1lOral ' ,1. Privates 50 . Total effective 59 . R esel've ' lI1emuel's 4. Dcerea e since last report 11. 'Dl'Ills 11eld 50. Average atLenda.nce 2:3. Oases atteurlerl 011 public tluty 100. Removals 4. Case attended not 011 puillic duty ~O. r\nnual inspection, lfilh Ang. Total Oll parade 26. Absent with leavc 1. Without lrmve 33. Anllllal re-exami1lation, 31d May. :Members passed 27. Dill not appeal' 30. :Jlellallions 37. ervice baJgeH 10. Nursing certi!icates 10. RcglLlatioll uniform wom by 5 officers, 1 ergeant, 4 corporal, and 37 men. Material: Htretchers, medical llane. ac, table, 2 pole litters, camp stools, 8 waler IJottle', etc., vested ill thc Bradford Corps. Corps supported by Bradford entre. Dnrillg the past year every crrort hns ueen nH1.t!p, by the uperintenclent to bring the internal organisation of Corp' matter into a most perfect state. In addition two ell"orls !Jave been m,Ltle to enlist tlIe l'ulJlic intere"t in ambulance "'ork in Bra I fort! and to strengthen it. III connection with the Bradford Corps Divi ions the large l-illIll of £53 "so was l'ai~ed towards a total expenditure of £61 lOs. 10d. ,Ye llavC now 011(' slll'geon and 13 men in the 1. Bearer Company. Hon .• urge on Lodge and Pri va tes oulon, Grim ley, II iuchliJfe and Cartl\Tight accompanied the 1. COlllpany to Liehfield for the al11lual training, viz. , July 30th to Augn t 5th, 1904-. Public duty wa: undertakell at Peel Park Gardens on June 12th and 13th; at Manningham Band Coutest, June 17Lh; at ong Carnival, July 1 t ; at l\Ianningham l)ark Gala, July 15th; at Fairweather Green 011 the same day, and at the Lifeboat Demollstratioll, August 19th, when a man wa unfortunately killed by the lifeboat whepl rUllllillg over hi' heaJ. AnoLher noteworthy eveut \,a the King's visit to Sheffield, where HOll. llrgcon' Loclge and 13n,tesoll tbJ public duty. ,Yith a view of assisLing Brigade mem bel'S to fl1l'ther renllcr them elves efficient during the coming winter mouth., the Education Authority have kindly placed clas es at the di po al of Brigade members in the subject of Fir t Aid and Nursing, at t. Jame' cho01, und er th eir own officers.



F. Schofield, Thol'l1hill House, 1'hol'Jl bury, Bradford.



2nd Officer.

W. H. Gelderd.


St. J ohn A ?nb L~lance B?'igacle.


Inspector of Stores.

Hon . S ecretary.

Hon . Treasurer.

T. B. Moseley.

H. Palmer.

E. Bussey, 6, Maidstone Street, Killinghall Road, Bradford.

St. Julin A rmuulwnce Btrigacle.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Privates 57 . Total effective 62. Drills held 39. Average attendauce 12. Cases attenued not on public duty 9. Annual inspection held in August. Total on parade 27. Absent Oll duty 35. Annual re-examination, 26th Sept. lHe111bers passed 17 Did not appear 45 . Medallions 4. Nursing certificate l. Regulation uniform worn by 3 oLlicers, 2 sergeants, and 50 men (tlaining uniforlil) only. 1Ilaterial: ~ stretchers, haversac, 2 blankets, splints, uandages and 8 ambulance eases, vesteu. 111 the Corlls. Corps supported by annual subscriptions. A squad of men took part in the annual J:>ublic duty at the Gala held at Pee~ ~a~'k, Bradfonl, on ,Ybit Monday aud Tuesday, 1905. The members of the DlvIslon turned up in strong force at the annual inspection held August 16th, H105, at the Fire Brigade Station, Nelson Street. On Septemher 26th, 1905, the members were given an opportunity of attending the annual re-examination, but unfortunately only 17 memuers were able to be present, the majority of the absent ones being on duty. Unfortunately the duty of tram,Yay men interferes with the attendance at practices and other parades. The Tramway Committee have kindly granted us a room for practices, etc., in the centre of the city, which, I think, ·will encourage the members, and we shall be able to show a better result next year. It is with regret that I have to announce the retirement of our Superintendent F. ehofield, who has removed from this city, having been appointed to the position of General Manager to the Ley ton Corporation Tramways, Octouer 1st, 1905.




cnOOL, BmGHouI-lE.

Ch ief Superintendent.

Chi ef Surge on .

F . F. BonJ,

H. L. Thornton, Castle Hill House, Brighouse.

lILD .

Hon. Secreta ry.

Inspector o f Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

lst.-Cl. Sergt. A. Thornton, Pte. S. Cockroft. Mr. H. Greenwood (lIon. Mem.) 42, Thornhill Rd., Rastrick, Brighouse. (Ambulance Division). Officers 5. Sergeants 3. Corporals 5. Pri\'ates 4.2. (N'1.bTsing Divis£on) . Officers 4. Nul'. ing sisters 2-1. Total efl'ccti VE' })3. The attendances at practices, parades, etc., during the lJast year has been in every way satisfactory, and the equipment of the Corps lIas again been considelably innreased. Besides the various duty pal'ar1es attended at home, members of both Divisions \yere on duty at Sheffield upon the occasion of the Royal visit. A most useful practice was held on Iliarch 1 th, when supposed accident in some quarry workings were treated in first aid by the men, brought into a station. and thence sent by litters and ambulance \raggon to a base hospital established in some neigh bouring schools, and here taken in charge and treated by the nursing sisters. At our annual Chlll'ch Parade, in St. Matthew's Church, Rastrick, a new departure was made respecting the disposal of the collection. This was kinr1ly handed over to 11S by the Vicar, and forwarded to head-quarters for the benefit of the Hospital of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. lYe are pleased to be able to notice a satisfactory increase in numbers since making the last report.



Hon. Surgeons.


T. W . Amison, M.B . Ii'. A. StOlT, B. A .

P. M. Davies, Brooksfield, Brighouse, Yorks

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. A. Thornton.

CorpI. A. T. Greaves, 21, Allan Road, Bailiffe Bridge, Brighouse.


Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 5. Privates 42. Total elfective 52 . Ill crcase since J.ast report 4. Drills held 38. Average attemlallce 34 . Oases attell(led. on lll~bhc duty 6. Removall. Cases attended not on public duty 69. Annl1allDspcctlOn, 29th July. Total on paralle 36 . Absent with leave 10. ,\Tithout leave 6: A~l1Jnal re-~xaullnatioll, lIth API:il. lIen:uers passed 4~. Did not appear 8. MedalllOlls 34: Sen'lCe badges 26 . urslng certificates 37. Regulation uniform worn by 30lhcers, 2.sergeants, 5 cOl~ol'als, and 42 men. Material: 10 stretchers, small mal'!luee, 3 carnage stretcliers, dlacyrams, rl1 CYS etc. "ested in trustees of Corps. Division supported by members and l'uulic sUbscription.' The past year bas been one or steady work and procrress. Tursi))u lectmes wele gi ven .Ll~ll:illg the fi.rs.t half year uy Hon. nrgeon Arnison. Twenty· t\\'o lllembers of the Dlvlslon have JOlllell the Il Bearer Company, with Chief-Surueon Bonel as officer in corunmnd. Chier- 'Ul'geoll Bond, llon. Surgeon Ed"'anls, tUJcf19 men joined the H Bearer Company camp at Lichlidu durillg Whit week. Eiuht. 111en under ChiefSupl., 'l'.hol'llton, with Hon .• 'tugeon .Al'lliso~l in attendance, ~\·.ere on duty at Filey OI~ }\,Int !llonday for the motor tnals. :B ortunately no accldent occurred. The DIvlslon pamded for duty on August 11th, Oll the occasion of the yisit of General Booth to 13righouse. :Members \\ere on duty at the Yictoria Mill fire ill Briuhouse. where a fireman, inj mell IJY a Callin u \mll, recei \'ed attention. Mem bel'S° of the DiyisiOll alo attendell for sired dutyO at 'hefIielc1 on the ol:casion of the visit of their Majeties the King and Queen.


Hon. Surgeon.

I. :Mossop, F.I:.C.:;., Eclill . Hon. S ecretary.

C01·1'1. E. Thornton, 35, Fairbunk Road, BraMord.


A. Marriott, 96, Auerdeen Place, Lidget Green, Bradford. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. D. Dennison.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. J. W. Procter.

'ergeants 2. Corporals 2. Private 19. Total effecti'-e 25. Officers 2. Decrcase sillce .10, t report l. Drills heJJ 2l. A\'el'age attendance 18. Cases atteuued. on pu~hc uutyl0. Removal 9. Cases attendeu not on public duty 185. AlllJUal.ll1sp.p,chon, 16th Aug. Total on parade 24. Absent \l'ith leave l. Annual re-exam:llahon! . March. lIlelll hers pu sell U. Did not appeal' 12. Medallions 10. Reglll~tlon 111lliornl \Iorn by 1 Otticer, :2 sergeant·, ~ corporals, aud 10 men. Matenal: stretchers, haYl"L'~acs, etc., YO tell in the Committee of the Divi ion. Division su l'Ported by u bscl'iptiolls. The Di"iioll maintains it elliciency and strength, and continues to do uoou and usetul work. During the year the Divi ion have (,iven their be t attentio~ to the many carnivals held in the City of Bludfol'd fo~' the benefit of chal'itie hayincy supplied men for duty, anJ also giving exhibitions of ambulnnce \york, \l'i1ich, w~ are pleased to say, \y~l'e yery well appreciatecl by the sl)eetators. On July 15th a squad of men. under the Superintendent succeeded in \rinlling the 'Y. E. Aykloyd CbaJlenge Slneld and gold medals: at Lister Park Cami,'al, after a keen contest with the most popular Divis,i0ns ill the ·W cst Riding of Yorkshire. On the same day men also attended carmvals held at Esholt and Princeyille. On Aucyust 16th the Division w~s iuspected ~y Surgeon-Major ,Yest ymes, :lLl1. (District Chief- nrgeon), and comphlllen ted by lum on their etticiency. The Di lisioll look fonYard with great hope to\\'alds the future, and anticipate considerable addition to the ranks.



Honorary Surgeon .

J. E. lJarburn,

l\Ln. C.S.

Honorary Secretary.

. Pte. C. Haswell, ClIfton Bank, Fairfield, Buxton.

Super intenden t .

J. Shelmerdine, Market Place, Buxton. Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

CorpI. J. F. l)ine.

Pte. W. Goodwin.


St. John




OfJieel's 2. ergeau t l. 00rporl11 1. Pl'ivl1Les 15. ToLI11 frc eLn~e ] 9. Drills held 41. Average MLOlldance 9. Uu.scs aLLc)](lcr1 011 [llll~ll e .!IuLy 10. Removals '1. Oases atLendcd 1l0L 011 jluu1icduty :30. All II uI11 I'c-e,xu II IIlHt.t 1.011 , 19th Sept. J\Ilcmbersl'<tssell12. Did IloLttppcul' 6. iIl edalliOils 10. llrslllgcedillcatcs.18. Regulation unirorm \VOl'll by 1 0 (ficel', 1 scrgcallt, .1. c?"llOml, UIlC) 1(j Illcn. lV~.!1L~1 IlLl: 2 litter' 6 streLchers, 11avl'esac, WilLer boLLles. ])lV1SlOll slIPl'ort?d by sllbsCI11~LIOIJS . The y~!1r has hecn 11 year of much pl'l1eLieal work, dealing wlll~ 1I1lLily u~C1r1(:lIls flom motors, cycles, alld oLhcr canses. Twclv' mOll altr1ld ed Lhell' MOHl CrnclOlls Majesties tIle .King allel (~ucen's visil Lo ShclTie1d, WhCl1 wc llad nlu.ny (,I1S,l'~ ; 11 ?sl'l.lal Slludaydcmomliruiion at Buxton; a1Ho Oycle Parllrjr' altclIC[f'tl ,lhu\l Oll. Ih e J)~VIS101l have becn hard a t work ill trctting subscriplioll!; 1'01' L1lC ercctlOlL o~ a l~C\~' staLIOlI rOl' litter and appliances to tlealat once with street :lccidollt'l. Tho staLIOlI lH lll. tllO Cl'lIll'C of the tOWll. It was crocLed at n. cosL of n I'f)u L£30. Tho grol1l1!l has lJ~cll gl v 'II ],y t.he Duke of Devonshire i light and slolle givcn l,y Lhc LOWIl. The BI?gadl' .IIlLVU lIOW two station' two liLLcrs, six strctchers, cLe. \\fe ,dso IIILc1 n !CU.1i1 011111 '11 111 (!OlltcsL for the London aud orLIt WestcJ'll H.n.il\\'ay OOJllpally's hit·lel, \\'hell .tlIU)' Dilly I01<L it by three poill ts. L. Turner was l he (;aplaill of L1I('. III Len~allolltll l{ad Companies' conlest of tho London allcl JOl'th We~l(' l'll H!ul\\'.n:( .( Ollll'HIlY, and C. Clark was also in that Letl,m. They are llIcmbcrs of l3uxLoll DIV1SlOlI,


[I"ol'llll'd ~O.O.Or,.]





Hon. Surgeon and Supel·inlendenl.

W. II. FiHIICr, Officer 1.

1, Ale. 'alldm H.oad, UlecLho!'l'l' Pri vaLes ~~. ToLal f'lrL'di\e ~3. (No l'epol'L rucuin;d).

:'II. B.,


C,\I)I·.DY COLLI Elt\' ,·C'1I00LS. 1st Officer.

,V. II.

II. S. \\ ill.y.

UhallJiJl'l's, Tho ])ale, COllisl)ol'o,

Hon . Sec. and Insp. of Stores .

[F01'lflCU 25.1.00.]

IIJ£AD-QUAJtTEltS: LIVJ~J:~AOI'; S'l'HRET, DEJtJlY, Hon. Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer.




H, G. Ley, WillillgtOll,


Chief SUI'gcon.

Inspector of Stores .


l't e, G, SlIIc(lley.

Hon. Secretary.

Pte. W. T. Oocker, 25, Old Chcslcr Hoad, DerlJY,


J)Jo;W. Ill'ltV.

Chlcf Superintcndcnt.

Brigadl ,.'llIg Ll. -Uo l. K Lr'c',

~l.ll.( ' . ,' .

l\lajo!' P. B. "'nih!',

Supl. Secrcl<lI'Y

],I'C' .

lI on,'l', Tkwshury.

Supcrinl nd "t of Stores.

C. '1'1 I Ill'll Cfi, 7'2, Wcs LgltLe, IJl,\\"IIIII'Y.

,I. Wllilehe:ad, 0-;, c:lL

Supl. TI'o<lsurer.

A. Brc:H I'If'y.

Officers 3. Scrgeant alld Corporal 2. J'l'ivatrfj 2:). TOI.al c'f1~c:ti\'r: ~jO, " Drills held 52. Average atte1lf1allCf! ~G.3 . AUliHal 1II.)I(;(;LIO II, I L11 ad. lolul on parade 28. Abscllt wiLh leave 2. Alllilial lC-CXlll1lillll~ioll, 71.h aLl. !>leIlJi lr l:/i lJassed 22, Did )]ot a1'1)('al' 7. 11r:dalli(JlIs 10. U('gnlall.o ll l\~ltlrlllll. \\orn by ;J Officers, 2 sergeantH and corpol'a]:.;, awl 20 JlIC)I. J\Iatcllal: IILlel', G f:Jhf'leh.ol's, splints, ctc., vcsted ill the Divisioll. Divi!-iioll sl1p]lorLr:r} I)y lIlCJltI)(:IS awl Collioty COTl1l!any. . . , The Division has made lcmarkal)]e p)'(Jurcss c1ul'lllg tllC' year III slllal'lIt('~8, ell Ill, and efficiclley. MallY lIIell lefL rlmillg tll~ F:JlIike aL t.he local eollierieH ill 100:3, ll:llCl the vacancies ltave ueen Jllleu by lICW OIiCH. 'rIle Divisiolt ItrJol'tcd Llle 1:('gllltLllOll uniform during the year. Sevcn mClnl)cl's or Lli(' ~ivision WCllL lO. CUlll]> f(ll' tUlJlllal training ill haHaliou drill, etc., to Blael<Jlool ilJ \VJIIL week. Pubhc (~lILy was ulso undertakeu on t.hc occasiolJ of the visit 0(" Lbe J{illg alld QUCCH Lo BhefJleld.


IJI'.,\IHlI'AI:II,.r:. : ])1:11.1, 11 A 1, [.,

Hon . Treasurer.

W, V. Simpkins, 145, Co-op. Terracc, Dellahy.



[fonlJcd 1 fH)J.


Hon . Surgeon.

F. G. Twigg, i\[.ILO,fl.

Officer!; 2. f-lcrgctLn til 4. UOI'POI'ILIH 0. Pl'i vaLes :HJ. Tolal crrl!r'Li vn flO. ])r'Cl'llllHO Silll'ulaHt I'llPlll'L 0. lJi'ill H hpll1 2!1. Avr'J'll"e 11LtelldalH' e ~O. CascH nL(r:l\ded 011 public dilLy 1:10. nPlllOVlIl H 2. CHHes atLell~ccl 1I0t rJII pllblic' dllty 1<1. AJ1IlIlId iIlHjlr,c'Li(lIl, 2GLh ,July. Total Oil pHl'ude :l(i. Allso ll! "iLh Ir'IlV(' '1. WiLhOllt JelL\(' 10. AilliluLl l'(· .ex IIIJliIlHLiulI, 8lh 11',, 11. J\1c'IIJiH'I'H IIIlSH/;r/ <15. Did Ilot IIppelll' fl. 1\1 crJ al Iion S 4 'I. ~)corvice hadgpH 1 G. N III'Hi IIg r'crti[i(;alcH 2G. j{/'gl1l l~L i Oil llil i ("0 I'll I WOIII hy 2 fTieerH, I HCI'gI'lLlIls, fi corporalH, Hnd :~!) IIICII. J\lnLr'riHI: 12 sLn'Lehe rH, 12 wILLr)!' IH)lIlr,H, 61mvl'I'HaCS, lJallr1aw's, s )llillLi:!, &e., vesLcr! ill J)ivi Hion. ])ivi 'lio ll sl1pporLl'd hy VolllllLlry cllliJscripliollH. The Dlvi sio ll IliailiLlt iliH il s I'llieir'llf'y, nllliollgli It aligllL r1r.r:l'c:08/: is lloLie'c(l ill tlle rf'lllI'lIS. Illirili g tlif' firsL h;,jr yenr n, COllI'S!! or Ir'C'llll'(:H 011 " ll olJle II ygiene" waH givC'lI l)y J)r , 11'. Ollssirli, 1\1.1)., tlio 11 011. ,lIl'gP011 of' ihn Ili viHi!)II, ~5 111(:11]1)(')"1; of thc dassos )1:1 ;sillg Lho C'XILlllilJlILioli 111111 gn,illillg e·f'I'Lilic·tLLes, Lhc: CXILl1lill/'1' I,pillg })I'. Lit L1clVood, or l\lltll f!fie lcl. The! !;(,(,Ollrl parL of' Lhc YC'(1,r WIlH L;d{cJII IIJl by r1rill~, tItC'lU l,cillg cltl'l'if'tl (JIlL ill tlte OjJ('II, 11'. L( ~'y, I I~S'l" .T.P., killllly IIllowillg thr; 11'1(, of tho Bruwl,l111 (1rolllld s for Lhis lllirposr', ,lIId abo 1'01' Illf' 1I111l111l1 ilifl/lC.clioli. J'lIlJlirl (luty hilS IH'C' II lnkl:1I Oil rO\ll' oc:r:Il~iOIlH, vil.., til!' vi~it. "r llip Killg flild QIIP.1'1i Lo Rh cffic·1(l, JlIly l~LIt, 1005, ",liPII IIoli. f)Ul'gr'O I\ nns!;irli, :'II.I!., ILlirl f'igliL lJIell l")lre!HJ lIlcel thc Divisio ll ; at, 'Hllda), ~ch()ol ('('s lival , I,,:ld 011 ,VltiL TlIC'. rlay, ] ~ 1l1P-1i werc: f)]1 duty; Blilld of I rope ('I'sl iV1L1 1 G wcre Oil duty; Illirl at LlII' Lift:},Imt d<:llIollfllmlioll 1 IlIr:11I1Jl'I'I; tllrll '<1 111'. A 1I1111i1,or or r:nSl'S \\,('rr: IlLLl!lIrlr:r1 to at c'neh of' lhe 'C r1elllollfllmLiollH, agaill }Jl'tll'i llg Ihc: \'nllle of It lmilll'd hody of 111<:11. Tlt/: ])ivi, ion WitS rrprr;ir.lltr:rl aL tlw Ihig:tdl' ('!lllli' 1i!,lrlIIL nJnr:kjJool rlmillg Whit \\·I'I' k. Olli' thnl,],S nn: due In Lhe loc:nl 11I'r',''!, \\'lliC'lt iJlt !:! 1'1' II rI 1'1'1'11 r:vt'ry l~ssiHln.nrr' lo the f)i viflioll by ]lIlhliHhing Brigltrll' Ordr:rHIUlil oLher 1llltLlf'rs in COIIII('r.:lioli wiLh Lho J)ivi~i()11 f'n~f' 01' co~t.

II;. J1. Filell, Batl"y. /Jivisiolls). Ollicl'l', ~O. 1S1:Ig<'iLII18 10. Cor)lomls 1~. 1'I'imlos 1;)1. (Full! NUrsill!l IJt t:isi(J/l,~). Ill 'si lig Ollic'{:I'H \1. T lIl'sillg sistC: I'81 0;1. Total Cm~('tl \'1' 307 l~ xc(Ollcnt work hilS Ilc('n ClLnic:el ouL this Y('ILI' hy tIll' (IOl'pS, IIlnilily Ficld l/ ospilill work, LhI'OIif'1t IlIfl, L of Lh(: IIII'IIIIH'I'S heillg in I~!'arl'r (lolilpalliC' awl Ta\ II ,'ick BC'I't11 ){csnl'~l'. Tho UUI'P"; IJl'illg r'f!IIIIHHHHI of 11 ])i\ IsiolJs, it is the intention to lnnku applir;It LiOIl rll)' II I~f' IreI' UIJIlIjI:t1IY 1'01' 0111' COI'I", jI)'()vidilJg fj 1Ialll!:S arc givl'1l ill. AIII illilll III' , (·IJIlII'(.liLIOIlS hav(' 111'1'11 1J(,ld lhi8 yC'tU' Il J rolloWfl :- Thol'lIc's Uup, WilllJ!'I'H, Hllii'll'.r UOl'l's i It n\'!'lJslllfJl'pP ('lIp, WilJlI('IS, J(lIoLtillglr!y L. Hnrl Y. Hailll'lLy; IlatlC'y UlIP, willllr'I 'f), 1\J1ultilll!l .. y L. IIlld Y. Hailwny; ClockhcltLOII COIlJI'<'litioll, \\IIII1I'I'S, Brndford I'olic:t'. TWI) IIf'W lJivisioliR have hI' 'II r()rmed, vil.., UI(!('khefLloli f111!1 Ulr~('kll!;llt()11 1i ll'si IJg, nlld both u.r(' ill lhorollgh working ordcr. OsscLL IJivi ... ioli lrav(· IJllrC'111I !~d'L h/Jl'f:Jn Hlllhlllltilee f'lLrl'iago (:e)slillg £135, thc wholo ItillOlllJ l ill:i IIg silliscri hcrl i II [hi' 1,,\\,11. 11'011/' of 0111' J)i vi"linlls ha \'u 1I0W a 11ol'so nll11nllllll(;O l'll'l'vic;c. TW<:lIty-t1ll'l~I' of 0111' 1111'1111)('1'8 uLlellr!ecl L1lc Itllllllni CILIIIP aL BI ,L/'kpool, Illid \'(:I'y IlItJ(;h 1lf'l li'lilf'd hy lIl£' l'xpl'I'ielll'f' ILlld illStlllCtioll rCI:c ivell; all:lIJ twelll.y \\('1'1: 011 dllty !It 8hf'ffir·lrl Oil tile DCCIt, iOIl or the I: oyal visil. During 1110 HlIllLlll'ox I'pirlcillir· ill Iltu lOWII 01\1 ll1!!uJlll'l'S h11ve giv('11 cvery lL'lsi.'L:IIICr.. Ptc'. Jt. Fox W;lS C'flld,i1wr ilL LIICJ 1)()Hl'ital. 1'1 1'.J. Bl'oWII, IllllhlllllllC'O drivcr. ThlPc ladies voltlldr'UI'I,t! liS 1I111'~eS, ILlJrl 0111: WitH HC'c(~JlI('d ; also nL OSHcL~ Lhe wirlow of Lh ~aLe l'L('. It. (JI'ILC~! ' (wllO eli/'ct 1I111'.'iillg Lho sick ill dJllLll A('rica) volullLccre(l her RerVl('CIi allci WILt-! fLf:c·l'pL(:d. Mrs. OmGo did vllillnldu work Ulltil Lho IHlHpi tal was (!Iosf'fl. All these tnfJlli1)(! rH wcro v!~e(;illaLotl, IL)Hl we aro Lhllllkfnl lIoL nllO 0(' L111'1ll ('olltrartoll Lho discase. (Sf!'!'11 AI/lUIIIII/l r;r.


St. J ohn Ambu lance B rigade. (DEWSBURY CORPS) BATLEY DIVISION.

St. J ohn A'InlJL!Jlcvnce Brigade.

[Formed 5.9.1900.]


Honora ry Surgeon .

district camp to be held at Blackpool next year. A squad from the Division Wl're successful ill willlling first prize in an ambulance competition at Birkenshaw. everal meJllber' attende(l heflielll for public duty on the occasion of their Majesties the King und Quecn's visit to that city on July l~th .

H . Allott, Brauch R ottd, Batley.

, Yo H. H . Bennett, M.D.

Hon . T reas u re r .

In s p ector o f Store s .

Hon . S e c ret ary.

Pte. A. Keighley.

OOl·P1. D. France, Purl well Lane, Batley.

J. W .


haw .

Hon. S urgeon a nd Supt .

crgeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 20 . Total effective 26 . Officers 2. R eserve mem her 1. Decrease since last report 1. Drills helLl 35. Average attendance 10. Remoyal O. Ca e attendell not on puhlic tlut}' 20. Annual inspection, 6th Sept. Total ou parade 15. Abscnt with leave 7.. ,\Vithout lea,ve 4. Annual re-ex[L1uinat1on, 27th July. Members pa sed 20 . Dld no~ apI)e~~ 5. Medallions 10. eHice badges o. NUl'ing certificates 7. Regul.atlOll l1l~lfonn ""OI'n h'-' 1 Officer ,.;J ') serO'eants 2 Corl)o1'[\l aml 15 men . .Matenal: 2 lIttcrs, J 0" . d . 2 set (liagruJ1l , 6 stretchers, 4 water bottles, 4 lHl\T?sacs, 4 .et~ pllllts, veste 1U the Ofricer as Tru tee Di vi ion supported by pubhc u hscnptJOns. . even memuer of BriO'ade ,,'ent to can'p nt Blackpool, and three lllcillber. (ltd duty at heffield on the ~ccasioJl of the King's visit. At the opening of Town: Ihll 22 members did duty all day iu streets and 1IInrket quare.

O. D. Garrett, JI[.H..C.l>., ,Vest Town, De\Y~bury. 2nd Offi cer a n d Hon. S ecre t ary .

11. Fowler, Tweeuale

3rd Officer and Ho n. Treasure r .

t., Dewsbury.



Barraclough .

In spector of Sto res.

Pte. J.

'. Huskisson.


mEWSBURY CORPS ) BIRSTALL DIVISION. [Fol'mell10.7.03.] HEAD-QUAIlTEH.S: PRO~PECT MILL, DlflsT.\LL. 3 r d Officer (in charge) and Ho n . Treasul'er_

Hon. Su rge on.

R. A. Fursyth,

T . D. Overing.

M. D.

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 17. Total efl'ecli\'p 21. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 26. Average attendallcc 10. Hemovals 2. Annual inspection, 5th ept. Absent without leave 20. Anllual rc-examination, 18th July. lIIembers passed 15. Did llOt uppear 5. Medallions 3. R<'gnlalion uniform "'orn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, amI ]5 men. Material: 3 littl'rs, stretcher, bandages, etc., vested in members ami Committee. Division supported by public subscriptions.

(DEWSBURY CORPS ) CLECKHEATON DIVISION. [Formetl10.5.0fi.] HEAD-QUAr.TEH.S : FIllE uthel'lancl,



4th Offi cer (i n charge).

C. M.


mithson, 12, Brook Street, Dewsbury.

Hon . S e cl-et a ry.

Pte. Geo. Haley, Spen, Cleckheaton .


Pte. J. T . Dixoll.

"'ergt. 'Yo E. WinfielJ, Brookroyd Lane, BirstalJ.

Hon . Su r g e o n .


Ins pector of Stol"es.

Hon . S ec r etary.

J . A.

Ofliccrs 3. ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privutes 30. Total eA'ective 36. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 44. Ayerage attendance 28. Cases atleD(led on public duty 20. Removab 16. Cases attended not on puhlic duty 40. AlIllual iUl'pectioll, 5th "ept. Tolal on paralle 25. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 6. Allllual re-examillation, ht Aug. :fIlemller pa 'ed 19. Dill not appear 16. Mellalliolls 2. 'en'ice Ladges ~4. TUI'sing certificates 20. Regulation uJliform worn by 3 Oflicer, 1 slrgcnnt, 2 corporals, alld 2,1 m611. Material: litter, 2 street boxe , 6 ·tret.elters, 2 surgical havre acs, shoot, splints and bandages, yested ill Ollicers and C0I11111ittre. Divisioll supported by suuscriptions.

I nspector of S tores.

Pte. 13. Liley.

Hon . T reas u rer.

Pte. S .

harp .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 13. Total efrective Ii. D rills held 21. Averu,ge attcndance 15'61. Cases attended on j1nhlic duty 10. R emovals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 4. Annual inspection, fith ept. T otal on parade 4. Absent with leave 13. Annnal re-examinalion, 20th J uly. Members passed 16. Medallions 7. Regu latioll uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergea?-t, 1 corporal, and 13 men . 111 atel'ial: 2 stretcher, splints, handage;l, e(c., v ested. l~ Officers and Committee. Division supported by members and public subscnptlOn s. S~nce the Divisioll was formed very good progress has been made, all the members havmg been fu lly equ ipped with uniform, etc. T he men 11ave attended d r ill s llnd praetices vcry well indeed, and h ave all signified their in tention of a t tend ing tl1e



Honorary S urge o ns. ~r.Il.C.~ . ,

L. F. Wet,

J. J. Jackson, L.It.C.P.

1st Officer (in charge).

Ho norary Treas u rer.

Pte. T. A .

J . D. Pcaroll, Thorpe, IICHl' \\Tnkefield.



Ho norary Secretary.

In spector o f S tor-es .

Sergo A. IIargleuye',

Corp1. H. ,\'e tel'llJan .

1, Zoar

treet, .\lorley.

Ofliecrs 3. ergcl1nts ~ . COl'poraIti 4. Private 34. Total effective 43. I ncr a. e since last report 1 Drill ' held 7. .\ yerage attendance 30. Case! attended on public duty 3~. Rcmontls 4. Oa e atteudcd not on public duty O. AUllual inpectiol1, titl! 'l'pt. Total on parade 16. Ahsent with leaye 1 . Without leave 9. Annual re-examination, 23rd und 25th July. Members pa ed 29. Did 110L appeal' l~. Mcdallions 16. .r ursillg certificates 4. liegnlatiou uniform worn by 1 0 fliecl', 1 crgcan t, 2 corporal, and 16 men. l\laterial ~ stretchers, spl ill Ls, bandage, Ii LtCl', and am bulcmce hamper, vested in the Committee of UII'Di,·isioll . Divi ion supported by ubcriptions. A ection has been formed at Ardsley. The members have attendpd for public duty at the l orley clHniYal, rootballmatche", and other events in the di trict. The Division wi h Lo render thanks to II. inclair, Esq., District Loco. uperintendent, and P . . 'W alker, E q . , Diyi:,ional uperillteudent G. N . R., for their kiudne s in obtaining room [or drill and u e of stretcher for the new section at Ardsley .

(DEWSBURY CORPS ) OSSETT DIVISION. [Formcd 19.6.1900 J Honorary SUI-g e on.


. Mill,

M .D .

2nd Offi cer (i n c ha rge).


lilith, lI eal ey Lallc, Os ett.

Hon . Treas u l-e r .

Corp!. J. W .


St. John Ambu lance Brigacle.

St. Juhn .A muuZu.mce Bl'iyade.


Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. 01ayt(3I1, Mark et Place, as ett.

Pte. J. R evil l.

Officer. 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 12. Total effectiye 18. Decrease since la t report 7. Drills held 17. Avera"e attendance . Removals 10. Oases attcnded not on public duty 20. Annual i~spection, 5th Ppt. Total on parade ' . Absent with l eave 5 Without leave 5. AnnmLl re-examination, 22nd July. I embers passed 10. Did not appear 7. Medallions 11. 'enTice badges 7. Nl1l'sing cer tificates 3. Hegulatiun ullil'ol'Il1 \yo~'n hy 2 Ofli cers, 2 sergeallts, "2 corporals, and 8 men. Material: -1 stretchers ~lld htt~r ::Jld horse ambulance, vesteu in Oommittee. Divi ion supported by publIC ub"cnpbolls. At the class held for home llursin a three of our member attentled- ergt. A. Walker, Pte. J . ClaytolJ, Pte. U1l1pleb/ I am pleused to report that the .tI:-ssoeiation a nd Brigade have succeeded in purehasing a horse alllbnlance ca1Ti~ge Jor O~srtt, with all the late t improvements, costing £135. The money was ob~altled hy lH·lvn.te and public subscriptions. Sillce it was l'eceive~ on September 23rd. It h ~s iJe.en oltell in use. T his district being situated three n111e from allY hospItal, It WIll be of .great service to the town.


T. W. Sproulle, L.R.O.S.


Honorary Secl-eta ry (in charge).

Sel'gt. W. H. Terry,




Onloers 5. Sergeants 7. Oorporals 2 . Priva tes 63. Total effective 77. Increase since last report 3. Drills held 21. Average atte1Jdance 38. Annual inspection, 23nl Sept. T otal on paraue 61. Absent with leave 10. Without leave 5. AIll1ual re-exall1iltation, 11th April. Members passed 34. Did not appeal' 42. Medallions f3. Service badges 18. Nursing certificates 74. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 6 Officers, 7 sergeants, 2 corporals, alld 63 men. Material : 4 stretci1e l's, splints, bed and bc(]tliug, ve"ted in the Oommittee of management. Di"ision supported by workmen' . nhscripLion . The D ivision maintains its efficiency Hnd strength, anll continues to do good and useful work. A llmsillg t:lass was helll dl1l'ing the early part of the year, anu. was well attemleu. by the members of the Division, and at the examination was highly p raiscd hy the examiner. As a proof of the Division's intere ·t in ambu1ance work, It has carricll ttway this year, for uest lJanJaging, ~ilyer cup; for U&st marching, silver cup; the latter has been won two years in succession, ana now becomes the property of the Divi ion. III severing my (Supt. W. Walker) connection with tbe Digby Division (whidl I formed in 1900) I am proud to know I am leaving a Division of great al11uulanee ability and interest, and tru~t it may long retain its pruHLI and excellent posilioll .



[Formed 1890.]


ergcants ancl Oorporals 3.

Privates 56.

T otal effective 61.

(N 0 report received.)

Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.



[Formed 19.7.0,1.] RAVE'STIIORl'E.


Pte. A. Holt.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. PriYates 25. Total effective 27. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 24. Average atteudanee H. Annual inspection, 5th Sept. Total on parade 9. Ahsent with leave . Without leave 10. Annual re-examinatian, 1st Aug. Members passed 13. Did llOt appear 1:3. :Medallions 7. Service badges 2. :rursing eertifil'u.tes 4. Regulation llniform worn by 1 sergeant and 1 man. Malerial: A hforn. litter, ~ l'b'etcher, medical kit box, 2 street boxes, splints, bandages, etc. , >osted in the Divisiona.l (Jommittee. Division supported by public and mC'lllhers. During the year the Division has done good work in spite of the severe drawhaek <:aused by the small-pox epidem ic. Many cases have heen attelldpc1 . Th e street boxes have been used several times, which shows their uspfulness. Th e alllln al !Competition, which was held on August 19th, was very successful. Fir t prize for ~mbulance competition, being the Raven thorpe Sill'er Ohallenge Onp (pl'esentpcl by Messrs. J. ann. T. Nevin), along with five gold medals, ,,'as \yon hy the L. & Y. R. team; second prize, five silver mf'dals with gold centre, by BraMord OiLy Police. Before the competition our President J. Nevin, Esq., J,P., oppned an ambulance wall-box containing stretcher and all other requisites for relldt'l'ing fir.t aiel, this being the seconll alllbulance wall-box erectecl in thl' district at the xpellse of Lhe -public. Members continue to take great interpst in the work, and their conduct, is apprecil1ted by all classes. Thanks are due to Messrs J. and T. evin for their kind assistance, and also to all others who have in any way a3sisled the Division.

DIGBY COLLIERY DIVISION. [Formed 19.9.1900. ]


2nd Officer.

3rd Offi ce r .

G. Sinfield.

J. Bigby.

4th Officer and Hon . Secretary.

T. Cooper, Eastwood Hoad, Kimberley, Notts. Illspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. T. Walker.

Pte. J. SYSOD .



'Ym. Dickin 'on,

)J.B., C.:lf.

1st Officer, Hon . S ec. and Treas.



Inspector of Stores.

ergt . J. II. Bury.

Officers 3. ,'ergeant 1. Corporals 2. PriYates U. Toti\l effectiye 20. Drill!:; held 3~. Average attendance 13. Remo\'i1.1s Ci\ e attended not on public duty 2:3. nUut\} in!:;poctioll, 27th ept. Total on parade 17. Ab ent with leave 1. Without lelwe 2, Annual re-examination, 27th Sept . l\Iembers pa ed 17. Diclnut nppeitr 2. :Jlethlliou ' H. enice badge!:; 7. XUr'ing certificates 9. Regulation uniform wom hy 3 Otticer", 1 'e rgeant, 2 corporab, and 1-1 men . )Iatel'ial: street emergenc:y box, 4 stretcher:, 1 ba \'l'esacs, 3 water bottle-, plints, bandages, stores' bo.·, etc., \'ested ill the Committee. Di\'i 'ion !:;upportecl by member,,' and public suhscriptions. Notllith!:;tanding con 'ic1emble change in membel"hip, the effectiye total ha been kepL consLttllt, and the educ,ttion,\l \I'ork of the Diyi 'ion ha not suffered. Removals of patients to hospita.l 11a.\'e iucreased in the past year, and the purchase of a litter is contemplu,tec1 . 'l'be members of the Di"i!:;lon enrolled in the }I..uxiliary R.N. ick Berth Reserve continue to tn,ke an actiyc interest in the e1'\'ice, and eight of them have had it socond course of hospital tminillg at PlYlllouth.


1st. Offl cer.


8. V. lIeap, A.C.p., 'l'hornleigh, Ei\rby.

Hon . Surgeon .

J. G. Bowley.


Hon . Surgeon.

A. :Fakoner,


[Formed 13.4.90.]

[,formed 23.6.94..]



Hon . Surgeons.

D. 111. Forbes, F.lt-C.S.



1st Offi cer.

2nd Officer.


W. Goodson.

Lindl ey, Th e Sc'hool 110use, Be:HlYale, Nell'lh orpe, N otts.


l ,. n.C . p .

3rd Officer.

J. Il. 1I1illcrshi p.


· G7

St. J ohn An7.b1£,Za11Ce B?'igacle. Ho n. T reasurer.

Hon . S ec r etary.

OOl·pl. H. Saxton, 1\Ioor GrCCll, NcwthoJ'pc, NoLts. Inspect o l- of S t o res.

Hon . T,-eas U/-e l-.

001'P1. F. Cllllll. OOl'UI . F. PIl\'(ly . Officer. 5. crCfellllts 5. Oorporal 10. Privatc ] . Total cO'cciiv' 101. I ncreasc since lasll'eport 9. Drills held 57. Avcrago attrtlllnll('c 5G. Cosrs attended on puhlic Lluty 40. Alluual ill pcction, 2nd cpt. 'I'otal 011 pamdu 71. Absent without leave 30. Annual ro-examinatioll, 2Gth , ept. 1\lelllbol's Medallions 47 . Service badges 1. Nl1l'silig passed 57. Dill not appoar 44. certificates ~3. Rcgulation uniform WOI'll by 3 Omccrs. ~ 1 :\leri!Ll: 7 strctchers, 8 waterproof sheots, 'I'ater bottles, ha\'l'('sacs, 'plints, baIHlagcs, charts, &c., "esLed in Oommittee of managcment. Division supported by Mcssrs . Barbel', WalkoI' & Go., and a few frienel, . Excellent work has been dOlle this ycar, rrnd tho Divisioll, by thrir smartnesH alld conduct, continues to grow 111 publie fav011l'. Tho Division llfis sllslaiued a gl cat 10 s in the dcath of thcir estcemed SUl lcrinlendc11t, and ",ir"h to plnoe OJI rccord their very ueep OlTOW. The funel'dl WI1 attonded by a fu111llu tel' of Lho Eastw(lo(l and , Yatnall Corps, allcl al 011 large 11l11sl(ll' from the Dighy AlIIhlllnllco Diyisioll, which wa ' cluly appreciated. Ollce more \1'0 aro ill(1e11tctl to 1\l e!'-f'rs. B. ,V. & Cn. and a few friends, "ho, hy their kilJ(lnesg, on able Lhc Divisi')Jl to vi"iL (il imshy nll(l Oleethol'pc for a day's elljoY1llrnt. The 8u1lclay 1'I1l'11dcs C01ltiIlUO to he \It'll attended, and at a llrum-heac1 serviec held ill eple111bel' llF~al'lls or £fi wnH collel'll'll. Great ]1rai.e i duo to our lIon. 1l1'gcon, Dr. Cnlrler, for his valuahle- aiel, a11d on the occasion of his marriage some tangihle p1001' of the csleem ill which he is hl'ld was shown hy tho mem bel'S.


[Formed 30. fl . 03.]




Hon. S u rgeons.

F. G. Heard, L.n.C.I'., J. IV. IIain worth,


S upe r inte n dent.

1s t Office r a n d Ho n, S ecretary.

W. B. Illingworth, 7, Prospect Street,

B. IIillas, 22, l\[Ollllt Roael, Eccleshill, UracHal'll.

Eeclcshill, Bradford. Insp ecto r of S tores .

Pte. F. Ohapman,

Hon . T reasurer.


G. Homo.

Officers 4. Sergeant l. OOl'poral& 2. Pl'ivntes 25. Total cfl'cctiye 32. Drills held 43. Averagc atLC'lIdallCC 20·S. I ncrease since last rC'port 7. Cases attcn(lrcl !lot 011 public duLy 21. Oases attend cd on pulllie duty 33. Annual inspcction, ~llLl Sopt. '1'0 tal on paradc 20 . AhscuL wiLh ]('!l\'c 5. Without leavo 7. . AIIllual re-examinntio11, 21sL June. 1\[c'111110rs pHi>HCd 27. Did not attend 3. l\lcdalliolHi 24 . Nl1l'sing certificates 14. H.cglllaLi(l1l UllirOIJ1l \\om by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 eorporals, and 15 11lC'1l. l\laLorial: 4 sLr ,tcllcrs, 3 hanesacs, 3 water bottles, splints, bandages, etc., vesled ill the OfIiccrs IllICl GOIlll1Jittoe 0[' tho Division. Division sUl>l)orted by public: and menlbcrs' sllhscri]ltio)JS. The Division has been fortllnate in seeming Dr. J. W. U~Jills\I'o rth as lIon. ~urgeon , acting with Dr. F. G. IleaI'd . Public duly was undcrtakpn ror Olle wC'('k lJl October at the Braclford Exhibition, also at the I dle and Ecclcshill CUl'JIi\'als, when nino cases were treated . Although there has heen a deel'casc of sevell ill Ihe Ambulance Division, we have l11ude a good start with a Nursing Division, hayillg 29 members. ELLAND DIVISION. [Fol'med1.11.02.] H EAD-QUARTERS : SOUTH END SCnOOL.

Honorary Surge on and Supt.

G. II oyle, IIi. D., Bll1'leigh H ousc, Elland. (Hon. 'urgeon) F. A, Storr, B.A.

Honorary S ec r e tary.

Oorp1. J. H. DcanIc]} , 8, Bath Street, E iland.

In specto r of S to res.

001'PI. W. ll'lll' II iss. ])Lc. 'I\, . Moorhouse. OfIicer:-; 2. ,ergeanls~. Oorporals 4. l'rivatrs 29. Tolal clrecLive 37. Deercase since last report~. Drills llClrl 35. Avnnge atLcl111allcc 16 . Gases atLelltleLl Oll puhlie duty 50 . AlllHlu,1 inspection, ] Dth Ang. Tolal on parade ~5. Abscnt lIiLhO\lt leave 1~. AllIlUall'e.exalllllH1tiulI, 10th Aug. 1\lembers passed ~1. Di(l not Hppcar 11. McLlttlholls 18. Hegulalion ll11iform wornliy 2 Oflic1 'l's,:2 !>cl'geants, 4 cOl'pomlH, amI 2 IMI!. lalerial: 4 slretehel'H, 2 mlier boLtles, ~ sUlgical lHwresal's, eLe., vesled ill the '0ll1 IlJi Lle(l. ])i"il';iol1 supporLed by .·uhscriptiolls.

GOOLE DIVISION. [Forll1rll 5.01.] III';AIJ-C~U \llTl<:lts: L \Nt: \SIlIJt1~ ANI) YOIlKsl 1 [IU~ HI\I L\\ \Y CO's, 01"1"[('11: .

S uperi ntendent.

1st O fficer, Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treasurer.

Fred T(' JIII C)' , 20, .l\lanihfidd HOllcl, Goole.

75, .Maishlallll ROltll, Gook

Hon. Surgeon.


1. Erskinc,

~J. D.

Jolin \\'. H.ollgi,Loll,

Inspeci.or of Stores.

cl'gt. \\'. IIlltchim,OIl. Oflicers 3. ,'ergcnnts 2. 'ol')loruls ,\. Privates 33. Total efr~cti\'e 42. Decrcaso r"iJlcc last rC)lol't 1. ])I'ills held .j. Avumge ntlenclallLo '4. 'ases atl'lldt'd 011 jluhlic duty G. Gasl" nLlcJ1Ll (1 not 011 pulJlie dnty 73. Anllual illspeetioll, ~[)th May. Tutal 011 l'nradc ~O. Absent \I ilh lea\'e 3. 'W ithout 1('aYe 19. AIIII\1al rc-examillalion, 2GLlI lay. J\leni1lcrs pass('(1 20. 1 iLl 1lol appear 2], 1\ll·llnlliolls 21. .l\lnlerial: :3 ~tl teh l' , surgical havre oe, splints, 11anc1agcs, etc., vcsled ill Lhe COlllIlJiLlc('. Dirisioll . Il)lPl'ltl'cl 11y the lltllliic. This Divisioll has 1II IH1c sll'Hely allrI sHtisf'H,;tOI'Y ud\'[\I1eOlllcllt tlmillg the ]last ycal', thollgh :-;r,l1]( or llio nll' lllhcl's li:l\,C Jlot allendecl as rcgularly as eoulLl lie deSired. (llhcr JIIelll!'OI'S have tll'pli(>(l thl'lllselns HI)' dose!y to L1lc \york, and tnk(ln n wl'y nctive intcrest ill sallw. 'Ire hay' alretldy recein(! n, goodly Jllllliber of 8111'1'0It('I'S, allel htt\'e gnoll pl'oll1ise of many others as tIle Division IH;'COlllC' bettor e~lahlishctl. The sen'ices of thc J;l'igalle l11en h:tH~ hel'll oflercd to all the COJIImittel'S of the v:trions locnl 1'IIhlic fc. livnl ' . WllI 'l'c lhe sl'rviecs of' the Brigal1e have heon Hl:l'l ptcllthc nlPl1 lml'c lJ(!cl1 \\'cll Il'(!oill'cl, :1l1cl have ]1l'o\'e(l or real uud vnlllable assistallee in rCllciCJ'illg 1iJ'~L aid; the l'Olllllliltces of lllC rc~tivnls eOllCClll cl tClldE'rillg thallks for the alll'llCI1lI1CC of the nl'igtu1o , At Lhe pl'csclIL Limo we :lre making l1. special el1'llrt [.;) securc ullirol'llI.




'\NITAlty Y ,U:ll, HALL

~2.5.1900,] '['HlmT,


1st O fficer.


K J. Ohrislie, lonn. 1I(1\ISl\ Halifnx.

•. Ant.'"

Ho n. S ec'-eta l-Y.

Inspectol- of Stores.

F. EIII1I1Ctt,16, BI'Ill1S\I'ick Htre'l, Halirax. T. P. P IlJ'O:-C. Ofl1cers 2. ('rgl'f111l'~. COI']lOlal 1. Privates 5. Total efr clivc 10. l)ocJ'('!\SO illce last l'l'jlorL fl. Drill . hcll1 40. A YCI'(1gc at tcnd!tl1ce 7 '3. Case attcllllcll 011 puhlic c.lnty G. Cascs attendcd Jlot 011 publie tluly 29. Annual inspcctioll, 10lh 1\l <1.Y. 'rolal 01\ pttJ'nele 0. A hSClll \I ith le'a\'c 1. Alllluull'c-cxaminat iOll, 22nd Fell. .l\T rllJ lion; ]lll!'sl'll 1n. MClIull ions 7. SPJ'\ it'e hadge 1. Hegnlntion 11llirol'JII \\'01'11 by 2 OfliterH, 2 scrgC'uIIl:, 1 corporal Hn(l 3111C11. lntrl'ial: .·tl'dehcrs, ho,111[1(1rs, walet' bottles, Htlee!. boxc's, \\herlcd liltrr, olllhlllnnce \\'ngoll \'c -ted in the olllmit tcc of tlic Division. Division S\l]1]1ol'tell hy 11lcmhc]'::;. ,ood work has beon dOlle (luring tho YC1U' ill eOHlI dion \lilh footballlllatehe .


Hon . Surgeon .

J. Braithwaite, M.n.

[Formed 20.5.1900.] HAHl'UR HIT,T,. In s p ecto r of Stores.

Pte. J. W. 1\1ellor.


S t. J uhn A ))/'unlance B ri[j(~rZp.

St. J ohn A 1nbuZa1(ce Brigade. Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. R. Parker, H arpul' Hill, Buxt on.



P te. J. B. Bosley. HEAD-QUAllTlm::; : SellOOL Bo _um, Cn.\GG YALF .

Officer 1. Sergeaut 1. P r ivates 12. T otal effective 14. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills h eld 2 1. A verage attendance 8. R emoval 1. Cases attended not on public duty 15. Annual re-examination, 18th Sept. l\lem bel'S passed 11. Did not appear 2. Medallions 8 .. Regulation uniform worn by 1 ~eJgean t and 12 men. Material : 3 stretchers, surgIcal hlwresac, box, etc. , vested m L ocal Commit t ee. D ivision supported by public subscriptions. T he D ivision makes steady progress. N ine of the members attended D islrict Camp at Blackpool gaini ng considerable benefit thereby.


[Formed 22.12.04.J

H EAD-QUARTETIS : ASSEMBLY ROO:i\L, HASLAl'm. Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.

J. Buckley, York House, Hasland.

Hon. S e c retary.

Pte. A . E. Bennett, T he Green, Hasland.

Inspector of Store s .

Hon . Treasurer.

P te . Geo. Whottnn.

Sergt. S. W. R eeves.

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Privates 29 . T otal effective 32. Drills ReId 28. Average attendance 21. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Annual inspection, 16th Sept. T otal on parade 26. Absent with lean 5. 'Without l eave 2. Annual re-examination, 26th Sept. Members passed 13. Did not appear 19. Medallions 23. Regulation uni form worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, and 1 men . Material : 8 stretchers, splints, bandages, 2 havresacs (fitteJ), 4 water bottles, 4 havl'esacs, vested in T rustees of Brigade. Division sllpported by members su bscriptions. HEANOR DIVISION.

[Formed 21. 9. 98 .]


Supe rint e nd e nt.

A. M. Holmes, )1. D.

W . H. T urton, )1.B., Badborough H ou 'e, Heanor.

1st Officer.

J . Wood .

Honorary Secre t a ry.

Pte. J . L acey, Park Yiew, Heanor.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

P te J . Hartshorn.

itl r. T. Mayfield, J.P . (ll oll. Mem. )

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. P rivates 35 . T otal effective 44. D rills held 30. Average attendance 27. Cases attended on pub lic duty 130. R emovals 16. Cases attended not on public dnty 141. Annual inspection, ] 4th Sept. Total on parade 37 . Absent with leave 1. W ithout leave 6. Anu ual r e-examination, 7th Sept. :M:embers passed 42. D id not appear 1. MeJallions 19. N ursing certificates 22. Regulation uni form worn by 2 Officers . Material: stretchers, water bottles, bandages, havresacs , splin t s, etc., vested in Committee. D ivis ion supported by contributions of members and local subscribers. T he fact th at the Corps is no t entirely supported by p ublic subscription iuterferes with the growth of the Corps. D uring May , 20 of the Corps attended the Camp a t Black pool. On J une 12th, 19 men attend ed a t Sheffield on the occasion of His Maj esty the King's visit t o t h at town . T he d iscipli ne of the Corps is satisfactory. A t t~ e a nnual i nspect ion on September 14th , Percy Ratcl iff, Esq., t h e DistTict Supermtendent Secretary expressed his satisfaction with th e work and app earan ce of the men.

Ho n. Su r g eon .

J . H. Thompson,

::I1.D .

S u peri ntende nf.

Hon . S ecretary.

Wm . Ball1ett, Budd. Olough,

Corpl. T. H. Whiteley, 19, Bank Bottom, Cragg Vale.

Cragg Vale.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. PriYates 9. Total effective 13. Average attendance 9. Removals 5. Cases attended not on D rills held 13. public Juty 7. Annual illspection, 30th Sept. Total on parade 6. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 4. Annual re-exalllination, 30th May. llIem1ers passed 4. DiJ nut appear 8. illedallions 3. ~egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 9 men. Matenal: 2 stretchers, :-;treet box with banrlaaes, splint, etc., vested in Hebc1en Bridge Corps. Division supported by H ebden Bridge N ursing In ·tihltion. (HEBDEN BRIDGE CORPS ) HEBDEN BRIDGE DIVISION. [Formed 1. 4. 95. J HEAD-QUAltTERS: STUlIBING::! BOAUD


1s t Office r an d Ho n. S ecretary.

2nd Offi cer.

J. H . 'Yilsoll, Oahille, HelJtlen Bridge.

J. H. Harrison .

In specto r of St ores .

T . Dawson. Officer 2. ergeants 2. COl']loral 3. Privates 34. Total effective 41. Decrease since la·t report 32. Drills held 3 . Anrage attendance 22. Removals 2 Case attended not on public duty 13. Annual ill pection, :10th ept. T otal on parade 24. Ab ent with leavc 1('. 'Yithont leave 7. Anllual re-exammation, 30th JUay . Members pas'ed 31. Did not appear 10. Medallions 23 . Kursing certificates 19. Regulation unirorm WOI'll by :2 Officer, 2 'ergeants, 3 corporal, and 34men. Material: am bulal1cc cn,rriage, 8 stretchers, 7 street boxes with baskets, splints, and bandage'!, ve ted in Local Centre. Division supported by Hebden Bridge District NllI"ing I n tirution. Although there is a decrease in n 1IJ1l hers, the interest in the Brigade is well maintained, and the ::mtlook for tl1e future is yery promi ing. Six of the member ha\"e joined. tIle H Bearer Company, and underwent a week's training at Lichfield Military Hospital during Whit week. Five men al 0 attended the ambulance camp at Blackpool. One squad of men were sacce sflll in "'inning the Muraatroyd Challenge Cup, open to Brigades in the parish of Halifax, and helJ for the l~st two years by the Brigbouse Corps. HECKMONDWIKE AND LIVERSEDGE DIVISION.

[Formed 27. 3.1 901. J

H EAD-QUAItTEllS : CHunoH SOHOOL , llEOK~IOXDWIRE. Honorary Surge on.

Su pe r i nten de nt .

R. H. Shaw, :i\I.R.O.

E. A. Wharton, High


Heckmondwike. 4th Offi cer.

G. W . Hallllshaw.

Hon. S e creta ry and Treasurer.

gt. F . Waddington , 20, Princess treet, II eckll1ondwike .

Inspector of Stores.



Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Primtes H. Total effectiye 2l. D ecrease since la!Jt report l. Drills held 47 . Aycmge attendance 13. Remoyal1. Cases attended not on public duty 20. Annual inspectioll, 30th Aug. Total on par ade 16. Ah~ent" ith leave 3. 'W ithout leaye 2. Annual re-examination,

St. J ohn A rrnuldc&nce Briuc&cle.

St. J ohn A ?nu1dance B?"igade.


27th Sept. Members passed 19. Did not appeal' 1. Medallions 12. Service badges 6. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Offi cers, 1 sergeant, ;3 corporals, al~d 14 men. Material: 2 surgical havresacs, 5 stretcl:er~, and wan box, vested III Committee. Division supported b¥ voluntary subSCrIptIons.

Inspector of Stores,

G. A . Bra,dley. Officers 3, ergeant 1. OOl'}~oral1. Privates 27. Total effective 32. Reserve members 4. InCl'ea. e smce last report 8. Drills helrl 28. Averaue on IJublic duty ~( . Rem ova. ls 2 0 ases '" attencia,nce 12'50. ' Oases attended ~ d 1 atten on PU)J' llC duty 3D. Annual in 'pection 14th 'er'Jt T 0 t·a1 on parad e 19 . ' ec not' hI Absence WIt ea\e 5. ~V1thout leave 2. Annual re-examination, 29th .June. Members pa sed 18. D1d not appear 13. Medallions ~{ 'er\'; b d 4 l'I.T' t'fi 6 R ' I' , . , .•ce ages . 1.' ursmg cer 1 cate,. egu atIOn umform ,"vorn by 3 Officers 1 serueant 1 ~I' I ., '" ,corpora1 an d 17 ~en . ,1.' t~te:la : 4, str~tcher::;, 1 havresa?, ,4, Welter JJottle", 2 sets diagrams an,cl sundlY S~llll,tS, \ e ted 111 Oorps Officers. DIVISIOn supported by member' d prlvate SUbSCl'JptIOns. s an "(T'


[Formed 189.J..J



G~ILD RomI ,


Chief Superintendent,

Supel'intend e nt Sec retary.

J. R. Cheetham, West Parade, Hucldersfield.

II. Roper, Dy on Street Grove Place, Dalton, Huclc1ersfield.

Superintendent of Stores,

Supel-intendent T reasurer,

J. H. T. Jowett.

G. W. Haigh.

Two Am,bnlance Divisions.-Officers 9. Sergeants 2. Oorporal' 2. Private 43. Attl'sing Division.-Officel's 2. Nur ing sisters 19. Total effective 77. (:t\0 report received . )



Hon . Secreta ry.

Hon. Surgeon.

J. Ellenfield, 19, Rose Street, Tunbridge.

F.R.C.~ .

T. H. Edwards,

Inspector of Stores.

1st Officer.

K Leech.

O. 1\1. Greener, Hillhouse Lane, Hudder field.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privates 16. Total effective 20. Reserve members 5. Drills held 28. Average attendance 11. Cases attended OIl public duty 7. Removals 2. Oases attended not ?n puhljc duty, 26. Annual inspection, l4.th Rept. Total on parade 12. Absent WIth lea\'e 5. ,\Vlthout leaye 3. Annual re-examination, 29th June. Member passed 18. DId not appear 1. :Medallions 7. ursing certificates 10. Regulation uniform \\'orn J)y 2 Officers, 1 serD'eant 1 corporal and 13 men. Material: 4: stretchers, 2 hanesacs, 4 water bottl~ 2 dets dia,vrams, sundry splints and flag, yes ted in Corps Oflicers. Divitiion supported by me~bers' and private 'mbscript~ons: ... The interest in the work has been well mamtamed, and the pl'ogre. s of the DIn 'IOn has been encouracnnO'. Although there has not been a great increase of membership, a higher standard efficiency has been attained. The balance sheet is much improved from previous years. Four male fir t aid cIa ,'es haye IJeen held during the year. On the occasion of the sad railway accident at Huddersfield, on Good Friday la t, several of the members (7)'were in attendance with stretchers and materials, rendering valuable assistance in first aid work. It was with feelings of regret tha.t the Officers accepted the resignation of their Ohief Surgeon, Dr. F. H. Knaggs, who 1'e igned in J une last. He was a splendid worker, and had the in terests of the Oorps at heart. T he Officers were vary sorry to part with his services, a.nd were plea ed to know from him that he was still willing to help in the way of a lecture if called upon to do so. Y




H. O. Bald \vin,


c. S


1st Offi cer.

F, Marsden, Rose Oottage, Yews Hill Road, L ockwood, Huddersfield,

H. S. Whiteley.


[Formed 9.8.99.]


Ch ief Surgeon and Ch ief Supt.

Hon . S ecretary,

A . Dobson, M.R. C.S , Bath Street, Ilkeston.

\\T. Fletcher (Hon. Mem.)

1st Officers.

2nd Officers.

S. J. Maltby. H. H. Tatham.

B. W. Maltby. H. F. Merry.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Corpl. J. Pounder.

Mr. \Y. Fletcher (Hon. Mem. )

O~cers ? ergeants 4. Corpol:als 10. PriYates 101. Total effective 120. Increa e SlllCQ last l'f'port 33. Dnlls helu 4 . Ayeracre atten· 1 anc 23 C , d .1 bl' d ~ < 0 U e '. ases a tt en eu on pl1 IC ntY:J· Removals 2. Annual inspection 9th el t Ttl parade 106. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 5. An:1l1al re-~;ami~a~io~n 2-1t1: ,Aug, a~ld lOth, 'ept. l\Iembel's po, 'sed 112. Failed 7. ~Iedallions 40 Kursin' eertlhcates 24. Regulation unifol'1ll worn uy 5 Officers 4 st::rgeants 10'c' 1g and 82. lIn. 1 e M t . I 6 stl'e t c1]ers, surgICal . ' 6 fnll sets and , 0 1 pora s, .1' a ena . : hane aes, 6 half sets of s~)l~n.ts, rugs, bed nng, havresacs, water bottles, etc., vested in Committee of DlVlSlon. Corps supported by members and public subscriptions. . The pa:t year has beeu an eventful one. The attendance of all rank durin 0' the lattel~ half has be~n &oo~ .. I attenue(~ with a squad at heffield for public duty 0;' the oecaSlOn ~f the KIng s "ISlt· ~o that Clty. In addition sections have been on duty at the HOSPlt~1 por.t and .Agncultural how, at both of which the men had frequent calls. Thell·. ernces belllg greatly al 1preciatec1. This year ,,-e have removed two cases to hospItal.


[Formed as a Division in March, 1897, as a Corps in Sovember, 1900.] Chief Surgeon.

W. Scatterty,

Ch ief Super intendent.

S. Clough,

M.A., lIf.D.

teeton Hall, Keighley.

(FOil?, Amb1~lc::nce pi~i~ions).-OfficC1:. 10. e~'geal~ts 4. Corporals 9. Privates 68. (One NWStf~g DWLSWn).-Officers 2. Jl1l'Slllg SI tel'S 1. Total effective 111.



2 ,

[Formeu 17.3.97.]


Honorary Surgeon. M.A., .r.LB.

J. N. Dobie,

G. W. Garside, Acre Street, Lindley, Huddersfield.

H 0 n. Sec reta ry.



Su peri nte ndent.

Hon. Surgeon.


Su pe ri nten dent.

. J. Harding, 9, N evllle Street, Keighley.

1st Officer and Hon . Sec .

'IV. Parr, 22, Airewol'th Hoad, Keighley.

St. J ohn A 1nbulance B rigade.


St. J ohn A n~ln~lance B rigade.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 4. Privates 18. T otal effective 26 . I ncrease sinco last report 4. VriUs heM 52 . Average attenllance 11 . Cases attended not on public duty 28 . Annual inspection, 23rd Sopt. Total on parade 9. Abseut with leave 13. ,Vithout leave 4. Annual re-examination, 23rd Sept. Members passed 21. Did not appear 4. Medallions 17. Service badges 7. Nursing certificates 5. Regulation uniform WOJ'll by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 8 men, vested in the Oommittee of Oorps. Division supported by members aud public subscription .


[Formed 22.4..05 .]


Hon . Surgeon (in charge).

E. A. Tnrlm ftn, L. ' .A., Prospect Villas, Kid 'grove, tulfs .

Hon_ Secretary.

T. A. W oolrir.h, Market Street, Kidsgrove.

I nspector of Stores_

Hon. Treasurer.




[Formed 17.3.97.]


Honorary Surge on.

K . S. Melvin,



M.B .

~ oble,

Lister Street, Keighley.

Honorary Secretary.

E. Ratcliffe, 42, Damcns Road, Keighley. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 18. Total eITectiY(l 23 . Increase since last report 7. Drills held 49 . Average attendance 13. Annual inspection, 231'd ept. Total on parade 1. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 23rd Sept. Members passed 20 . Did llOt n,ppeaI' 2. Medallions 11. Service badges 7. Nursing cCl'tilirates 10. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 c01'l)ol'als, and 11 men. (KEIGHLEY CORPS )




Hon. Secretary.

Inspecto r o f Stores .

Sergt. T . W. Ricllards.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 16. Total effectil'e 21. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 50. Average atteuclancc 10 Helllovals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 54. Annnal inspection, 23rd Sept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 1. \Vithont Ipave 9. Annual re-examinatioll, 23ru Sept. Members passed 12. Did not appear 8. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 6 n;en. Material: hanesacs and str~tc~ers, vested in Committee of Officers. Division supported by puulic sub scn ptIons. (KEIGHLEY CORPS ) " D " DIVISION. HEAD-QUARTERS:

T ow

L . R . C. P.

[Formed 1.10.02.]


Hon. Surgeon.

Sergt. H. Swinbnrn .

[Formed 1900.]


Ch'ief Surgeon.

A. Elli

Oil, )[,lLL"S.

Chi ef Sup erintendent.

Sup erintendent Secretary.

'\'m. :Jlathieson, Junr., 5, Kirk tall A venue, Kirkstall.

A . Ecldison, 24, Park Ayenue, Armley.

Super-intenden t of Stores (Actin g).

Su peri ntendent Treasu rer.

Supt. J. MeCullugh, (A. Diy.).

E. E. Dalton .

Hon . Treasure r .

Pte. J . Holmes, Pte. F . Parker. Myrtle Terrace, Cross Road, Keighley .

In charge.



F. Hudson, 15, Alma Street, l\Iytholll1es, lIu,worth.


D. McDonnell,

M. 'Wakefield.

OITicer 1. Printtes 11. Total eITective 12. Drills helel 30. Average attendance 9. Cases atteudeLl not on public duty 10. Annual illspeclion, 30th 'ept. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 1. Without lea\-e~. An1lual re-examination, 2nd cpt Members passed 9. Did not appear 2. Matenal: strelcher, &plints, bandages, uressings. Division supported uy memuers and public sub criptions. The Ki(lsgro\-o Division is ~ <;mall but thoroughly efficient Division, with every prospe.ct.o.f a lnl'~e increase dtuil~g thc. coming year. There is every prosr ect of the Dl\'lSIOn being ahle to provide u111form, thus enabling them to take part in competitions and perform public duty.

: IrA "WORTH .

Hon .• Surgeon.

O. H. A. Maggs,




Hon. Secretary.

Pte. W. Smith, 60, Turton Street, Silsden. Insp . of Stores .

Pte. A. Shuttlewortll.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. R. Bradley.

. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 16. Total effective 19. Drills held 44 . Average attelldance 9. Removal1. Cases attended not on public duty 17. ~nnua.l inspection, 23rd Sept. Total on parade 11. Ahsent with l e~ve 1. Without leave 7. .Annual re-examination, 23rd Sept. Members passed 12. Did not appear 6. Mcdalholls 8. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by.1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 8 men. Material: 4 stretchers, medical havresacs, splmts, vested in S.J.A.B. Committee. Division supported by public .

(Seven Ambulallce Divisions).-Olticers :22. 'crgeallt 9. Corporals 14. Privates 201. Total elJ'ectiye ~46. Annual inspection, 17th JUlie. RegUlation uniform worn by 12 Oflicers, 9 sergeants, 14 corporal', and 100 mell, ve~ted in Officers of Leeds Corps. COIPS supported by voluntary subscription'. The work of this Corps ha progresecl most sati~factol'ily clllling the pa t year. In March 11 competition was hold which was open to all Diviions ot the Corp, and prizes of a iIver hield to be held for 011e y<"ar andiher llledal to the lllem belS of the willning . quad were offered. This 1'e 'ulted in the squad from C Division being dcdared the winners. Chief 'urgeoll Eames, 'hipley Corp, and . . tafJ ergt. Pa) 11<", n.A.M.c., kinrny acted as judges. On J nll,e 17 th the Corps ,,'a!:! honoured by a vi it from the Cbief Commissioner, who cOlldnctec1 the annual inspection. It is to be regretted that the attellliance \"as not at all satisfactolY, owing probably to the very uall \nathu' and the distancts many have to COJ11e. After the in~pectioll the Uhior 'uperintelllient on behalf of the officers of the Corps pre ented to the Chief COllllllis~ioller, a fralllel1llllOtograph of all the oilicers of thc Corps, this photograph lJoilJg a 1'edncell fac- imile of that pre ented to ex-clrief 'Upel'illtendellt Armitage. The Chief Commi iOller then pre ented to Chief Slll'geon Elli!:!on and liOll. llI'geoll lements framed cel'tillcate of Hon. Life Membership in the t. John Amlmlance As ociation . Unfortnnately Hon. lll'geon Ca.rnes was unuhlo to be present ill order to recei\'e a silllilar certificate. A number of ~he employees of the General Post Ollice 11a\'e al 0 applied for mr1l1u('r 'hip of tile TIngar1e, and a new Di vision it beillg l'ol'llH'tl 1'01' them. It is a1 0 !lopell that a llCW Division will formed in HOl'sr~rlh clming the next lew moulhs, a nUlllhel' of applications 1nving been recei\'cLl 1'1'0111 enlhu iastic tlmUUlallee men iu that Vistl'iet. Dl1I'illg the ycar permission has been grallted to lllake lip G Dea.rer COlllpal1Y from Leech; CO~'p~ 11l IlllJcl's entirely. This has easily been arranged and there is a1'0 a. reselTe of :20 pcr eenL of thc slrcllglh waiting for el1l'olment. Chiel' 8ll1'geon Elli;;.oll



St. John A ?nbuJc{'nce Brigc{,de.



with H on. SLll'aeons Sims and .McConechy have been appointc(l office rs of ~l~e Oompany. Hon~ Surgeon in~s accompauied the ~118n:ber~?f G O~mL~~n!. to the Royal H eruert H ospital, ,\Y o01 wlCh, where a most lllstrnctne." an.d llltelestlllg week's work was gone through, uperilltelldent Secretary ~dcl.! 011 acts a~ w anant officer in the Com pan)'. The prospccts of the Corps are ?eheved to b~ better now than ever before. It will be noted that there is a decrease lU m~l1~bcrsll!p, bnt this has mainly resultetl from the cutting off of those who ar~ not efficIent. Every opportunity is taken of senlling men ~o foo.tball matcl~es, cal'll! va1~, spons, etc., ~nc1 much excellent work has been done 111 tIllS " ay clnl'lng the year, and a nUlllber of most interesting letters haye been received frol1l strangers who have come to L eeds for these evellts, have been injured, and havc becn attendetl to by mcmbers of tbe Corps.


Su peri ntendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

A. A.


J. McCullagh. (Acting Superintcndcllt of, 'tores).

lIlac~ a b, :\L B.

Honorary Secretary.

4th Officer (in charge).

H . .Myers, 8, Strawberry Street, Armley.

• ergt. J. Whitaker, 3, The Hollies, Tong Road, Al'lnley.

Officers 3. .. ergeants and 001'l)o1'81s 5. P1'i\'ate 2G. Total eO'ect.ive 3-1. Drills held 31 . Average attendance 14 . Oa:cs attcndeel. on p~lbhc ~lllty H. Removals 2. Cases attcllJec1not on public duty 506. Anuuall11 p.eL' LIO n, 11th JUJl;. Aunual re-exaUlina.tion, 23rd March. i.lemuers. passe~ 25 . Did not apre~r J. Me(lallions 10. Nursing certificate 1. RegulallOn ul1lform WOI'll by 2 0111cer, 5 seraeants and corporals and 17 men . Material: 4 stretchers, baml8ges, etc., ve tea in Officers of L eeds Corps: Division supported by public contribution'. . This Division still continues to progres.. It ha been ,,:e11 ~Hllp?rtell by publIc subscriptions and closes the year with a balance in hand WhICh IS lJelllg used Lo provide uniforms, etc., for the remainder of the lllembers. Of the r~mo\'als 011e was a patient \yith a fractured leg and the other was of a mt1ch more senons l1~t11l'e. The patient was sufferillgfrom a broken neck. He was removed t~ Leeds II'h~'ll1ary, and is progressing as satidfactol'ily as possible at the date of tlns report (IIvc llIonths after).


Hon. _Surgeon. A. Ellison, lIf. R C. S.


4th Officer (in charge).

Hon . Secretary.

S. Mortimer, Gloue Road, lIolbeck.

Cp1. Bontle, ormanton Place, Holbeck.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 26. Total c(fccti.vc 32. Drills held 38 . Averaae attcndance 10. Cases uttendeel Oil public duty 6. Cases attellueLl not on public duty 148. Annnal inspection, ] ~th ~uuc . l{cgula~ion uniform WOl'll by 2 Officers, 1 scrgeant, 3 corporals, and 10 Pl'l.v~t~s . ~latel'lal: 2 stretchers, ba.ndages, etc. , ves tell. in 0 (ficcrs 0 f Leeds Oorps. DIvIsIon su pported by public subscriptions. . This Division remains in a healthy state. The members take duty cvcry evclllng at the Queen's Theatre, and have given great sati faction to the lU~nagelllcllt who coutinue to gi ve all the su PPOl't they can. The mem~)el's also contlllilc to. do good servicc at football matches, carnival, etc. There IS every prospcct o( a lllOSt satisfactory time ahead.







Hon . Surgeon a nd Sup eri ntendent.

,\Y. Oarnes, M.n.C . . , Oardigan Road, DUl'ley.

Hon . Secretary.

Pte. H. ,\Vretit, 72, Kirkstall Lane, Kirkstall.

Officer 1. Corporal1. Pl'imtcs 12. Tutal effectivc 14. In crease sillce last report 3. Drills hcld 52. Average tLLtendance 7. Cases attellued on pnblic duty 40. Oasc,; attcnded not on public cluty 80 . Total 011 parade at rLllllUal iu.;pccLion 5. Absent with lca,'e 5. ,\\Tithout leave 4. Medallions 5. Regula lion uniform ,rom by 1 corporal, and 7 men. Mate! ial : 2 "tretchers, 3 store boxc , 2 havrc ·ac., bottlcs, spliuts, bandages, 3 boxes for first ail I appliances, vcsted ill Ofliccrs of Leed:; Oorps. Divi~ion ~upported by public su hscri ptiOllS. This ycur the Division has had the honour of winllillg the sih'el' shield and five gold centrctl medals open to the Leeds CorlJ':; to be competed for annually. It may be of illterc.t to add about the above competition that the day previous one of the team was LlcbMl'cu through accident from taking part, but through thc COLlrte y of the orHcials another lllaE was allowed to take the place of the patient. The most serious case attcllLlcd to all tluty was at the Leeds Sports, a cycli~t frolll DUl'row-ill-Furne s. He had been throwll from his uicycle for a distallce of about 10 yarc1li amI hall about 13 lacerated and contuseel wounds. During the ycar f}llacls 11a\'e entered 1'01' two olhcr cOllll'etitions anLl ha\'e done satisfactorily. O\\'ing to ami 'nlldcr ·tanlling thc allllual rc-examinaLion could not be held when arrangcd for, uut has Ilecl] arrall,;('rl for early in December.


[Formed 12.1900.]


Hon . Surgeons.

S ergt. (in charge).

D. Sims, 1. H.O. '. R. O. J t1.111eSOll, Ill. B. A. B. '. ,'tewarL, L. '.A.

L. Sykes, " Oromer Tcnacc, AnnIe,)', Leed·.

J. O'N'eill, L.Re.p. I nspector of Stores.

Hon . S ecretary.

cr1-:,t. L.

'ykcs, ,CrOllIC! TCl'l'llcc, Al'lnlcy, Lecd .

Pte. D. Fo tel'.

Officer" -1. crgeallt~. Oorpol'l1l' 2. l)rintcs :to. Total cfl'ecriye 2 ' . Drills helll ~6. Ca.e,; nUclIde.l ull ]Juulic L1uty 56. Relllo\'al 1. Ca es attended not 011 public duty] -17. Total Oil parade at inspection :W. Ab 'eut "'itb leaye 3. Witbout letl,ye 5. AIlllnal re-examination, 27th, cpt. McnJiJcl's IHltised 15. Did not appeal' 9. MeclalllOlls -1. 'cnice llltdgc G. N'ur:;ing cerlilicates 3. Regulation uni.form worll hy ~ ·crgcLl.nt , 2 corpoml ., and mCll. Material: 2 stretchers, boxes, splInts, ballclages, ctc ., \'etitcli ill COllllllittce of Leells Corp '. Diyi 'ion snpported by public contributions. 'rhe Diyisioll though lc s in nUlllucr' than in preYion:; ycurs i' till ill a atisfactory cOlldition. Public Jut,)' lIa' I)CC11 undertaken on enr,}' po ible oeca ion. Five memhers belong to G Beurer Oompany, and hat! a week's tminillg at the Royal Herbert Hospital, '\roolwich, tlmillg Augu .. t Dank Rulilla.\' week.


Hon . SUrgeon.

Dr. J. McOoneehy.

Corpl . (in cha t'ge).

Hon . Secretary.

G. lI. W ll,l tOll , Pte. ll.. Bill)) , 1:3, Albert Street, Grcenside, Pudsey. 15, Somerset R oad, PUll ey .

St. J olin A 1nb'L('lance

St. J ohn A 1nbulance Brigade.


Officer 1. Seraeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 10. T otal effective 13. Drills held 44. A~el'age attendance 8. Cases attended on public duty 48 . Ca.ses attended not on pnblic duty 85. Annlial inspection, 17th June. An~ual re-examination , 25th May. Regulation uniform worn by all members. Matenal: 3 stretchers, bandages, etc., vested in 0 ffieers of Leeds Corps. Corps supported by voluntary contributions.



Honorary Su rge ons.

C. H. Sykes, L . n . c . p . , J. E. Gains, M.R.C.S. , J. L ocke, L.R. C. r. Hon . Secretary.

4th Officer.

1st Officer.

R. Ron tledge, Trench House, Gar t'orth , Leeds.

H. F.

W. W. Brownridgc.


Officers 5. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Privates 40. Total eIT!:-eLive 51. Regulation unirorm worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, 18 priyates. 80 cases have been treated during the last year. Division snpportecl by public subflcri ptions. The committee of the New Silkstone anu Haigh 11[001' Collicry Accidcl.t Fund have granted £50 towards maintaining a cenLre of the Brigade at Allel'tol1, BY'\lutcr, this is under the charge of O~cer H. F. Smithson; £40 was ubscl'ibed by the public at Garforth and Allerton . At the local carnival at Garrorth a competition was arranged for members of F Division, five teams entered, Rippax won first prize, value 30s., Garforth econd, value 15s.



Officers 5. Sergeants 4. Corporals 5. Privates 48. T otal effective 62. D ecrease since last report 10. Drills held 26. Average a.ttendance 16. Cases attendeu. on public duty 50 . R emovals 7. Cases attended not on public duty 1,025. Annual re-examination, 16th Oct. Total on parade 32. Absent with leave 12. , \Tithout leave 18. Annual re-examination, 15th June. Members passed 43. Did not appear 16. Medallions 25 . Service uadges 7. Nursing certificates 6. Hegll latioll uniform worn by 3 Officers, 4 sergeants, 5 corporals, and 39 men. Material: litter, 3 stretchers, 3 havl'esacs, ~ water bottles, dressing basins, splints, bandages, etc., vested in the Lincoln Corps Committee. Corps supported by public subscriptions. During the last year the Corps has made steady progress in the work, and at present the Corps is (loing its be t to raise the standard of efficiency . The members of the Corps are grratly valued in the various large works in the city and on the railways. Duriug the typhoid epidemic several members helped considerably in the nursing, and were cOlllplimentecl by the doctors. The Corps has had two Church parades, one to the ancient Church of the Order of St. John at Eaule, where a good many relics of the knights of St. John still are preserved. The R~v. W. E. Batt preached a historical sermon on the subject of Eagle ancl District and its connection with the Order of St. John. The second Church palade was to St. Matthias Church. The -collection at this service was towards the funds of the Corps.




Hon . Secretary.

Hon . Su rgeon.

_\... B. Gittins,



8tatf .

Geo. Boulton, ),Iacleley, Newcastle, taff .

Inspector of Stores.

C. Pye.


Super intendent (Acting).

Isaac Kaye, 3, Laurie Grove, Armley, L eeds. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 67. Total effective 69. Annual re-examination, 29th June. Members pas ed 19. Did not appear 50. Regulation uniform '\Yom by 1 Officer, and] sergeant. Material; strctcher, ei('., the property of the Leeds Corporation. Division supported by Lerds City Tramways . This Division is likely to become one of the best in Leeds Corps.

Oflicer 1. ,erge:lllt 1. Corporals 2. Privates 15. Total effectiYe 19. Drills held 9. Average attendance 15. Ca es attended not on public du y 4. M edallions 2. Materia'! : 1 streteher, splint, bc'Lndages, etc., yes ted in the Divi ion. Divi ion supported by members' [mel puhlic subscriptions. 'The Dil'ision since it, formation has made steady progre " A cour e of public lectures are being giYell by the lion. ,'urgeon, which is fa.irly well attended. All members lU),I'e shown great interest in first t'Lid work, a.nd attended practices well. First ['Lid hu' heeu rendered promptly 011 several occasions.


[Formed 13.3.01.]


Hon . Surgeon.

W. J. Wordsworth, :r.LR.C.


Chief Surgeon .

Honorary Surgeons.

F. S. Lambert, M.R.C.S.

J. S. Chatel', M.D . , aud G. Lowe.

Ch ief Sup erintendent.

4th Offi cer.

R. Deighton, 51, Rasen Lane, Lincoln .

W. Cooper.

Hono ral-y Secretary. jI, .

Lupton, 34.9, High Street, Lin coln.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary T reasurer.

J. A. Grayes.

Dr. Cllater.

1st Officer and Hon . Sec.

G. 'IV. Nichol on, Maiden Villas, N ottinghulll Roatl, Man field.


R. H. Childs, 10, Portland T errace, Mansfield. Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

J. Berry,

,Yo F . Jolly.

Welbech Street.

OfIicer:: 3. Sergeant 1. Corporal 2. Privates 19. Total effective 25. Increasc since last report 2. Drills helu. 39 . Average attendance 24. Cases attended on public duty 105. Remo\'al 1. Cases attenueu not on public duty 18. Annual inspection, 7 th Sept . Total 011 parade 21. Ab. ent with leave 2. Without leave 2: Annual re-examination, 27Lh Aug. Members passed 20. Did not appear 4. Medalhons 18. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 19 men. Materials : 3 stretchers, 2 set~ of splints, bandage, etc., diagrams, and stor es cupboard, vested ill the Committee of Division. Divi ion snpported by members' aud public subscriptions.

St. J ohn A ?nlnUOfnce B?Oigacle.

St. J ohn A?nblUance BTigade.


Th e work of the Division has been well maintained amI we are making stea(ly progress. Olle officer, 1 sergeant, and 2 men attendel1 the camp at Bl:1ckpool amI it is hOl)ed more ,",ill be able to take advantage of the camp next year. The lIon. Surgeon, 1 officer, 1 sergeant and 6 men were on duty at Sheilield on the occasion or Lhe Royal visit, July 12th, also 1 officer, 1 sergeant and 9 men paraded at the review· at Tibshelf, July 29th. T wo nursing cla ses haye been commenced, one for ladies alld ODe for men, both are well attended .



In charge.


Prie. tley, 46, Long Row, Farnley, nt·. Leeds.

Otlicers 2.

Privates 20.

Total effective 23.

[N" 0 reI ort l'ecei ved.]


Privates] 9.

[FormeJ 21.9.05 .J

Tolal effective 20.

Ofllcel's 2. Privates 15. Total effective 17. Decreasc siuce In. t I aport 2. Drills held 45. AYerage attendance 2-1. Removals 9. Ca~e:;attell(led not Oil public (Iuty 6. Annllal re·exalllinuti.on, :2 th, cpt. Members pas.eel 13. Did not alJpeal' 3. Medallions H. en'ice badges 7. N'nr"illg eel tificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Ofllcer, and 15 lIIen. ilIaterial: Ashford litter, surgical havreRac, water boLtle, 3 stretrheI's, splints, bandages, etc., vested in the Divi ion. Di\'1 ion supported by concerts, &c.



[No report receired .]


[Follllcd 1: C"C'C\'J'IIUI: I'E.

Honora ry Su rgeons.

M. R. J. Behrendt, L.R.C. p.

D. R. Miller,

:\1 D.

Supe rintenden t .

'1'. H. Harely, 80, Pm'kinsoll Roael, Scullthol'pe, nr. Doncastcr. 1st Officer (act ing) and Hono rary Treasul'el'.

H. S. Mdntosh. Hon . S ecretary.

CorpI. D. Cutts, 6,

Inspector of Stores.

utton 't., SCllnthorpe, Dr)l1castel'.



Officer~ 4. el'geaut 1. Corporals 2. Pri\'ates 14. Total efJ'ecti\'e 21. D ecrease smce l~st report 7. Drills held 38. AYerage attellclullL:e 10. Cases ~ttend~d 011 publlc duty 7, Cases attended not on puLlie Juty 13. AlIllual lUspectIOll, 16th Sept. Total Oll parade 10. ALsent with leave 10. Without l eave 1.. Anl1l~al re·examination, 24th Aug. Members pas ed 15. Did ]jot app('ar 4. Regul~tlOn HllIform worn by 2 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporal., and 15 lIlf'n. 1\~atena~ : 3 blankets, 4 stretchers, balld~ges, roll plaster~ sundry splill ts, lmll<lage fl~n:te.' tm bo~t~e~ 2 havresacs, and clOtlllllg, etc., vested 111 the COl11l1liltee of the DIVISlOll . DIVIsIOn supported by voluntary suhscriptions ami the member .

F. Hancock, HJ/, Hcathcote Hoad, ilIitel:> Green, Bignal End.


HOIl. Treasu rer.

Hon. Secretary.

HEAD· QUARTERS : OLICANA, STOKE-ON-TRENT. Chief Surgeon and Chief Superintendent.

J. F. Arliclge, L.R.O.p.

(Nine Ambulctnce Di?)isions).-Officers 17. Sergeants D. Corporals 11. Privates 195. T otal err'ective 232.

cl'i \'en .

OUiL:crs 2. • 'crgeant· awl COl'poml 3. Private 19. Total e!1'ective 24. Decrease. ince ]a t report 3. Drills heM 5 . Average attendance 11. Remonls . Cases attended not on public tInty 55. Annual inspection, 16th cpt. Total on parade 17. ..\ hseut without leave 7. .i\1Il1l:al re-examinatioll! ept. ?3nl. Members passed 1/. Dill 110t appeal' 6. Me(l11lhons RegnlatIOll u1l1form worn by 1 Officer, 3 er(1eallt· nnd (;orpol'ul', ami 7 men. Material: 2 stretchers, han'esae, water bottle, bugle. splillts all(l halHlacres. Horse all1bnl<lnces ar~ the p.!Op.er.t~ of the neighl,olll'ing pits and are 0 at ltall(l for lise, vesteel ill COlllnll~te~ ot Dl\'lsIOn. Di visiollupportetl lly public elona tiOll . and members weekly. u ?scnptlons. . The Di\'isioll lIa stcallil), gaincIl ground, and 1I0W is rec<'gUl eel ~ a ,neces Ity to tl1C di~trict. The members all work at the I,it, 0 haye vlenty of expenence. One squad "'as ent to the Blackpool CllllJP, ami hope to send all next time. In th~ CO!1lpetition for Hanley 'np, our men malle a Ycry gooJ ho,,,: A~ an expl~s10n at Rookf'!')' Pit six men were very hadly burnt. Our men rel1lIered liI'·t aId 011 the pIt.bank. We are looking forward to a better year still in the onejll t starteJ. Eleyen ul1lforms have ueen obtainell during the year.



J. longh,

C. H. Phillip, 1I1.D.

R, Mer l'y

[Form cd 6.03.]

T_\TION, " . . RLY. Inspecto r of Sto res.

S ergt. (i n charge).

Hon . Surgeon.

[Formed 1900.1

CorpI. E.

ergt. T. ll,ll'ri. on, 94, Werdon Road, A_lIclle)'.




1st Offi cer and In spector of Stores.

Hon . SU I'geon.

F. U. Clifrol'll,


Hon . Treas. (Acting) and Insp. of Sto res.

T. 'Yo Bou,nllllull, '1'OW1I Hall, Burslem, Staffs.

[Forllled 20.6. 99.]


~r. A., lIf. B.

J. Russell, Supt. and Hon . S ec.,



CorpI. D


trcd, lIallley.

Hon . S ecret ary.

J. Gough, 8, Mersey treet, Hanley.

Hon . Treasurer.


. Gough.

Ollicer 1. Scrgeant 1. CorJloral 1. Privates 19. 'l'otttl err~ctive 22. Increase ~illce holt report 7. Dl'ilb held 3-1. Average attelllla.llce 15. ea es attend<,d on public duty 1. Remoyul 2. Case aLielldell not on public duty 98.


Se. J ohn Am)JidCl71Ce B?'igade.

T otal on pararl~ at in spection 21. Annu~l re-examination, 24th Sept. Members passed 13. Dld not appear 8. lIIedalllOns_ 10. Regulation uniform worn by 1. sergeant,. 1 corporal , and 19 m~n. 1Il~tenal: bandages, splints, 3 stretchers, lItter, surgICal havresac, vested In N ortn taffordshire Railway 00. Divi ion uppol'ted by Xorth tatfordshire Railway 00., public sl1bscriptiClns and member' weekly contribution . ' The strcngth a~d efficiency of this ~iYi ion continues steadily to increase, seven ~ew me bel's l~avl11g been enrolled durlllg the past year. Alll1lcll1 hers take greelt In ter~st 1Il thell' work. Men haye attend~~ at football matches, athletic sport, the H orticultural how, and on July 12tb, 1900, a. <-.luad of men were 011 dntv at heflieltl on ~he occasion o~ the yi it of the King and Queen to that city . Lectures have been d~hvered each '.nnter by our Hon. ,urgeon O. H. Phillips, :'L D., and it is due to hls valuable asslstance that we arc qualified to hold the po itions we do. I





Hon . Surgeon.




1st Officer, Hon. S e cretary, Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.


L owe, Boys' School, Mil ton,


. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 10. Total effective 14. Dnllls held 16. _ A",:erage ahttendallce 12. Ca es attended not on public Juty 4. ...£inllua. re-examln8: tJOn , 5t ept.: . Iembe~'s pa sed 12. Did not appeal' 1. },Iedalh~ns 9. Sernce badges 3. :r; urslng cerllficate 3. Regulation uniform "-am by 1 Officer,. 1 s~r~e~nt, 1 ~o!'~ora1, and 9 men . lIIaterial: 2 stretcher, plints, etc., vested lU Dl VlSJOn. DH'J.)jlOn supported by self hell'. A


It J uh n .A 1 fLU tdu/nce B ri[Jacle.




Honorary Surgeon .

G. II. Li t,

F. Hatch, 92, London Road, 'toke-on-Trent.


HoI" . Treasurer.

Hon . Secreta ry.

E. J. Browne, 79,


F. Fox.

treer,. toke-on-Trent.

Officer!:! 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 47 . Total effective 54 . Decrease ince 130 t l'e]lort 3. Drills held 17. Ayerage attendance 35. Oases attended on [ll1blic dnty 5.. Annnal re-ex~Inina~ion, 2 til 'ept. 'M;lllbers passed 24. Did not appeal' 29. MellalllOns 4. R:egulatlOn UI11 form worn by 2 Officers, 2 serge~nts, 3 corporal'. and 46 men . Matenal: 2 stretcher 50 bandage., 2 sets .of splll1.ts, carroll oil. roller bandages, and cotton wool, yested in the Pottenes Electnc Traction COl1pany, Limited. Two qlH\U ,,-ere enterell for the c01l1petition held in Hanley P~rk, and were succe :;ful in winlling the ecol111 prize, 10' ing the fir t by only one POll1t. A great alllount of hanl work!ta been (lone LIming the year by OUl' Hon. , l,rgeon Dr. Li ·t, to whom great cl'eclit i· dne for working the di\'i ion up .to it present sta.te of elJicicncy. A luge number of cases ha\'c lJeen attenJed to whIle olf dm)" details of which are not Lo IJand. J



ROl'x]J Ho"l' 'E, • TOKE-ox-TREXT.

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.


Hon . Surgeon_






1st Officer.

W. O. Allard ice, :\f. D., Ring Street, N e I\'castle, Staffs.

A. Oanyer.

Hon . Secretary.

S. \\Tade, 4, Knappers Gate, ewcastle, Staffs.

Offi.cer~ 3.

Inspector of Stores .

W. Banks.

Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 39. T otal effective 46. [ncrease SlUce last report 12: Dlills held 52. A vcrage attendance 25 . Removal 1. Oases ~t,tenc1ed not. on 1.lubhc duty 43 .. Annual inspectioll, 26th ... ept. and ~tith Jail. lotal ~n p3lacle 3. ~bsent wIth leave 8. Annual re-examination, 2211 d Ser~: . .M:e~~J~lS passed 36. pld nO.t appear 8. Medallions 25 . ervicc badges 4. Nlll smg cel ttficatcs ~ . R egulatlOn umform .worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals an~ 26 men. lIfatenal: 2 stretchers, surgical havrcsac, 5 havre aes 5 water bottles s~h~~s, bandages, and 2 sets knee pads, vp.sted in Newcastlc-unde:'-Lyme Division' DI VISlOll .sl~p.rorted by public subscriptions. . The DlvlsIon has tnrlled out men for lJnblic duty on six: occasions uurinu the pat year, and has been successful in winnillg t.hc ~ymons Eccles Unp alJel also tile N. S R. Ohal~engc Cu p, and first and second pl'lzes III 8:n open competition at Alsayel'. Over. 4.0 cases have be?n at~ended to by tIle men at thell' various places of em pl oymen t and 1U the streets .. '1 wo bves have been saved by the use of artificial respiration in two cases of drowmng.

R. B<1I,,''11a11, 55, E16rin treet,


Officer 1. Sen;eant 1. Primtes 22. Total effecti,-e 24. Drill held 10. A \'e1'a"'e attendance 5. Gel e. attended not on IJublic duty 6. Annual in'l'ection, 1 th X 0". Total yon. parade. ,I:. Ab ent wi tho~t leay~ 20. ::'Iledalhon' ~O enice bac1~es 3. ~ ur:;ll1~ certificate· 1. RegulatIOn ~orm wurn by 1 Officer and 1 erg-eant. :\lateri:ll.: . :2 litter' and 6 stretc~ers, ~e~ted ill t.he .l. ~ orth taffonbhirt RaihnlY Comptmy. Din '1011 supported by the ~ orth taffordshire Railway Compauy. (NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE CORPS ) COAL CO . DIVISION .



M.H . C.S.

G. P. IIy. lop, IIawthorlle Oottage, Harbhi1l, toke.

Inspector of St ores.

Pte. J. Mitchcll.

Hon . Secretary.

Su peri ntendent .

Hon . Surgeon.

R. H. Read,


ergt. H. 'Y. Latham, 23, Plllnp treet, 'toke-on-Trent.

Hon . Treasurer.




Olticers :2. ergeant and 00rpora1 3. Pl'iYates H. Total eifectiYe 19. _ Dnlls hell1 :H. AYerage ~ttenlla~lcc 1~. Cases att~lldellI~ot on PTl~bIic duty T otal on pantc!c at annual 11l pectlOn 10. Absent With le~\ c~ .. \\ !thout leaY.e ~. Annual re-examination, 17th ept. Member pa sed 1 {. Dlr1 not appear 1. M eclalliol1S 4.. Regulation uniform \rOl'll by 20 llicers, 3 ergean t and corporal '. alll~ 14 men. Matc rial: -1 stretcher, hampel', '\'ater bottle, roller bandages . 1 oller machine, 3 set of sll1int , oil, , etc ., ye 'led in Oillce Yard, Brooks treet, Hanley. Di vision supported by the [11'111 aud employee .



St. J ohn A ?nbu,lance Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nbl&lance Brigcfode.


Superintenclent selectel1 and the umwoiclal?le interval that elapsed befo:'e the apI~oint­ IDeut of his sue-cessor. 'teps arc now bell1g taken to thoroughly equlp and uniform the Division by melll1S of public subscriptions, awl donatiol1f; to this en~ J:?ay be announced from the Rotherham Centre of the St. John Ambulance 1\". oClatlOn (20 guineas) a11(l the Feoffees of the Oommon Lands of Rotherham (10 gmneas).

[Formed 1.10.04.J H EAD-QUAr..TEH



Hon . Sur-geon .

Dr. G. 'Williams, L.R.C.P. Hon . S e cretary a nd T reasu re r .

I nsp ecto,' of Sto r es .

Albert J . Lea, 4, \ranl Street, Tunstall.


J . Hcap.

Officer 1. Privates 10. Total effectiye 11. D rills held 32. Medallions o. Material: A hfOld litter complete, 2 stretchers (F urley), havl'esac, water bottle, 2 sets splillts, vested in Divi ion. Division snpported by public subscriptions. T his Divi ion "'as disballded aml mo~t of the members left. ,ome or thc memlH.'l's wi. hed, ho\ye"er, to keep it up, and myself bcing nonrinated Hon. ec. alld actilla as officer till one ,ras appointed . more men joined and things are now crettillC'r bet tel~ etc. Thcra IYas no re -examination or ini'i]lcction, as the Chief urcrC~1 Arliclrrc 110t know the Divi ion had been reformcd . The wOlk of Ufe year h~~ 1 cen drilling, etc.




Honorary Surgeo n.

V. J . Gl'eenhoL1gh,


~r.D .

Su pt . a nd Hon . S ec.

Rev. A . H. IIatfield, Bathamgate, Peakdale. Buxton.

Inspecto r o f S t ore s .

Ho n . T reasur'er.

Pte. E. Hoyle.

Sergt. F . Barkcl'.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Plivatcs 11. Tota.l efJ'cC'tiyc 1 L In crease since last report 1. Drills held 32 .. AYerll(rC atten(lance 10. Cases attended .not on lJllblic ?llty 12. Annual iuspection, 7 thO Oct. Tobl on IJarade 9. A bsent With le~ve 2. Wlthout leave 3. Annnal r~-exal1lination, 13tll ~cl>t. l\ielJll-eI'S illatCl'ial: stretcher, alllbntlJll:e 11ass?d 11 . Did not appear 2. Medallions 13. apphances at head-qnarters of the Division, and in a strcet llox vested ill the D ivis~on. Division suppOltecl by the public. ' O Wll1g to the severe locnl depression in trade allll the larue nUln bel' of mcn 011 t of w ork in this district, it i .. difficult to obtain either funds o~ new 1IIrm1101. Under t he circ1llllstallces the Di \'ision has dOlle well to maiu tail! its strength.


[Formeu 1904.J


S u pt . and Hon. S ecret ary.

Hon. S urge o n.

T. ,'tllart,

E. R. llIorphet, Halstead, SeLtl e, Yorkshire.

~r. D.

Hon. Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores. Pte. ]I. Foxcroft.

Ptc. H. Clark.

Ofliccr:i~. :-)ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 20. Total effecli\'e 25. I ncrcase sillt:e la t report 3. Drills held 5U. Avel-'age attendance 13. Cases attcnde(l on plll,lic (luty 2. 1:e1110\-a1s 7. Cases attended not on llllblie duty 27. Anllual illSlll)('lioll, l~th .'cpt. Total 011 parade 23 . Ab.sent with leave.!. Annual re-exallli.nation, 19th :JIlty . IIIcmlrers pa sed 2.J.. MedalllOl1s 11. Reg111a~lOn uniform \\om by ~ Oflicer!:l, 1 se]'genll~, 2 cor]101:a1s, and 19 mcn. Matenal: 8 stretdlL']'S, hood aml aproll, wheeled htter, sl1rglca~ havresac, 3 waleI' bot~les, 4 street \\'all boxes, 3 port:tble hoxes 1'01' use.oll. f~o.tball i1e~Ll~ .. l'llgs, baur1ages, Spllllt> ami storc eupllllarc1. ve ·tcel in COJllmiltee ot DlnslOll. DIVlSlOn supported by publIc amI mcmhers' "UhSCliptiolis. . , ~ The Di\·i .. ioll ha made progrc::;s LIming the year, 2 nlell 11:1"e r~slglleLl aUlI ;) new members elll'ollcll. Thc atLel\C1allce at (Iri\1s has hren gOOl1. l'ulJhc dnty was taken at "'helliclll Oll June 21th on tlle occasion of the athletic ports and eptembel' 9t h 011 the ,,\ uricll1tural • ho\\'llelr1. Durill <r the football sea.~on, all! bulance duty \\a::; take~ of the ettle tcom itnd al oO~he Git!gle\\'iek tcam. A. pecial match \\"1' Hrl'ilngell ll('tIYcl'll the ,'cille ~llHl Glgglc.'W1Ck team,;. and the yr?ceecls were ai.Yell to tliC ('nnLls of tIl(> .'cllle Di\'i.'i.oll t..T.A..B., 111 al'preClatlon of the ii~'viccs Tcndcred lly thc nlllhnlonce men. DUling the year uniforlll.' ha,-e been pl'ovi(lerl for tho men. The Supcl'illtL'mlent ulll1 3 men attenlled the BrI~a~l~ camp of thc TO. V. District at 131ae1;:pool at Whitsuutide. Tbree lllell ofth~DI\'1 lon,ybo ::tn~ llIellllwrs of lhe 1. Bearer Company \\ith Hend-(]lHll'ters at lll]l}e\'. \Tent to Lichfi.elcl for training from July 30th to August 5th, al1ll the report ot the men on their retlll'Jl I\'as \"Cry sati::; fac to 1',)' •


J. D. Kenny, M.D . , E . B. Jago, lII.B.


J. W . Gilling, 1 9, Masbro' Street, Rotherham .

E. D. Dartcr,

C. Chambers, Sunnyfield, Beighton, Hon . Treasu rer.

J . GiLb , Sheffield a,nd Rotherh:1lU Bank.

Officer 3. Privates 70. Total effective 73. D rills held 11. A:verage attendance 24. Oa es attended on public duty 2. Cases a t tended not on publIc duty 52. Medallions 42. ursing certificates 4. Matel ittl : 4 stret?hers. 2 ~v~t.er bottles, splints, bandages, lint, etc., vested in the Divisional Commltt~e: . D IVJsl.on supported by members' and public subscriptions. T he I?lVJslon haVJng been so recently formed, not much opportunity has obtained f.or pubIJc ,,;ol'k; but stea.dy and continual progress in drill a,net iustruction may ue l eported. The Corps has suffered somewhat by the loss, thr ough death, of the fi rst


C hief S urgeo n .

Sup e rint e nd e nt .

near Sheffield. Hon . S e c reta r y.


[Formcd 12.99].

C hief S uperintenden t.

H. C. Else, Tinsley House,



Hono rary S urgeon and S uperintendent.

..:\.. A. OL'1.1\.;:,

C. ill.

L. H. C. S.

Su perintendent of S tores.

A. C. D. Pennock. S uperin t endent.

·W . B. Y. Brittain .

Ho no rary S ecret ary.

Ho n orary T reasurer.

Sergt. II . E. Daggs, g~, Wake Ron<l , t;harrow, Shellield.

]\[1'. B. A. Firth, J.P. (Hon . Mem.)

O flicen; fi. Sergeallts 1-1. Corpora.ls 13. PriYatc!:'.I11 . :rotal efJ'cc!ive 1·13 . Drills hcll1 ~. Average ttttcllclallce 60. AUllnalln 'pectIoll, 19th f\ 01' .. T?tal on parade 121. Abscnt with leave 16. 'Without leave 3. Allnl1~l re-eXaJlllnatl~~ , 4 clays in October an d Jovember . Mcmbers passed 76. Dld llOt appear tiD .


St. J ohn A 1nbulance B7'igade.

St. J ohn A 111)J1,dunce Brigade.

Medalli ons 36. Service badges 26. Nursing certificates 30. Regl1lntion uniform wom by 4 Officers, 14 sergeants, 13 corporals, ami I II mcn . Material: stretchers and spliuts, cupboards, blankets, waterproof sheets, uniforms, great coats , h avresacs, water bottles, bugles, drums, YE'sted in the Corps. Oorps supported by subscriptious, mostly from large works. The efficiency of t?e Corps has been generally maintained during the year. A larg~ ~n~ount of p~blrc duty has beeu done in the city-Charity Carnival, Trades' E xhlbltlon, each mght for over one month; Toney-Alexander Mission, each eveninO' f~r. a mont? ; Sunday eveniug services all through the year at the Albert Hall; th~ VlSlt of Prll1cess R.emy of Battenberg Il.n~ .tl:e visit of His Majesty the King. I thank mo~t. heartily ~hose Corps and DlvlsIOns who helped Sheffield when Ring Ed ward VIS ited the CIty. Over 1,200 cases were attended to Oil that occasion . Sheffield took an in terest in the Second District camp held at Blackpool during 'W hitsun week, 1905.

uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergean ts, 1 corporal, and 16 men . Material: 4 stretchers 4 water hottles, surgical l!avresacs, triangular and roller bandages, splints &c.' vested in OIlicers of Committee of the Shipley Divi:;ious. Division supported by member~' :;ubscriptiolls an~ ~ublic donations. . T he Division cont111ues to make satlsfactory progress. Pubhc duty has been undertaken on the following occasions :-City of Bradford Exhibition, one week in October 1904; Shipley Glen, four days at Eastertide, wben thousands of people Friendly and Tratlcs' Societies' gala procession; for street duty on visited July 1st 1905; King's visit to Sheffield; several members volunteeretl and were A.ccepted for duty on this occasion . Several members (9) have joined th e new I Bearer Company, with ~head-quarters at hipley . Some members were present at District camp at Blackpool during Whitsuntide. ~our members were present at annual trainillg of I Bearer Company, S.J.A. B., at LlChfield.

SHIPLEY AND DISTRICT CORPS. [Formed a Division 1.10.99 ; as a Corps 6.6.03.J HRAD-QuAItTERs: CO-OPERATIYE HALL, SIJIPLEY.

Ch ief Surgeon a nd Ch ief Supt.

C. W. Eallles,


S u pt . S ec r e tary.

ChUl'(;h Lane, 8hipley.

Inspector of Stores .

T. Allen, 20, Relmollt Crescent, Shipley. Honorary T reas ur e r .

Corpl. H . Bowers.

Sergt. J. D. Bllsfield.

(Five Ambulance Divisions).-Officers 12. Sergeants 4. Corporals 5. Privates 74. . (Nu1'Sing Division). - Officers 4. Nursing sisters 49 . Total effective l48 . Smce 1~3t report the qorps has continu~d to make good progress. Although we h~ v~ !lot lllcreas~d J1umencally , YElt. t.h~re lS a gl'eatel' increase in efficiency. Otley Dlvlslon has deCIded to become a DlvlslOn of the Corps. Duties have been undertaken at various public functions at the different Di \'isions in the various towns and vi~a~es in.which they are situated. Several of the officers and men went to the D lstnct ca.mp held at Blackpool, and rleriveu great benefit by their attendance there. I t JS unfortunate that during Whit weck the majority of the melIlbers are unable to lea.ve home. Last D ecember the formation inspection of I Bearer Company took place, with head-quarters at hipley. From JUly 30th to AuO'ust 5th th~ Compall~ wellt for training to the Hospital, Lichfield, some 14. l1le~beJ's of thIS Corps gOlllg up f~r training. A contingeut from this Corps were on duty at Sheffield on the occaSIOn of the King and Queeu's visit.


[Formed 1.10.99.]





Hon. S UI-geon.

1st Officer and Hon. S ec. (in charge.)

Y. Mosley, ]\[. n.

J. II. Potter, Fern Bank, Baildon.

In spector of Stores.



[Formed 1.10.99.]

Hon. T reasurer.


ergt. J . D. Busfield.

Onlcers 2. 'ergeant 1. Corporal ' 2. Privates 1. Total elrective 23. Increa'e sincc la t report 1. Dlill. hcld 51. Average attendance 11'2. Ca es attended on puhlic duty 1;)_ Removnls 2. Cases attended not on public duty 2. Annual inspection, 26th July. Total on parade 17. Absent with leaye 6 . Annual re-examinatioll, 2 th Jllne. Member pa sed 20. Did not appear ~. Medallions H. eryi(;e badges 5. r\nr ing certificates 1. Regulation uniform 'worll by 2 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporal, aJHl 17 men. Material: 4 stretchers, 4 water bottles, nrgical havre ae, triangular roller bandages, splints, etc., vested in Divi iOllal Committee of the'hipley Division. Division supported by members' subscriptions und public donation. The Division still pro pel's. Public duty has been performed as follows :-City of Bradrol'd Exhibition, one week ill October, 1901: Easter Fe tivities at hipley Glell, foUl' days; hipley Friendly and Trades'Societies' Gala; street duty, Hi. Maje ty's "isit to heltield, July 12th, 1905. ome of the member went to So. V. Di trict camp, at ,\\,hitsuntiLle, at Blackpool; al'o some were present at the annual training of the I Bearer Company, .J.A. B., at tation Ho pital, Whittington Heath Barracks, ncar Lichfielrl, from July 30th, 1905, to August 5th, 1905, when a useful week was SpCll t. The Burley ection of this Diviflion, 11a ving increa eel in numbers, is now a separate Did ion, uutler the name of D Divi ion (Burley-inWharfedale).


Honorary Surgeon a nd Superi nte ndent.

T. I. Bonner, 1st Officer.

J . T. Green. In s pector of Stores.

Sergeant Bowers.

M. D. ,

Carr Lane, Wind hill. Hon. Secretary.

Am b. Officer J . H . Potter, :Fern Bank, Baildon. Hon . Trea s ure r .

Sergeant J. D. BW:lfield .

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporal J. Privates 17. Total effective 22. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 51. Avcrage attendance 14 '2. Cases a ttende~ on p';lblic duty 16. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public d uty 80. Anl1uallllspech on, J uly 26th. Total 011 parade 17. Absent with l eave 4. Without le~ve 1. Anr:ual re-examin_ation, 28t h June. Members passed 20. Did not a ppeal 1. Medalh ons 15. ServICe baLLges 6. Nursi ng certificates 20. Regulation


Hon . S urge o n_

T. John ton,




3 r d Officer (in charge.)

J. D. Bn field, 59, Manor Lane,


Hon . S ecretary.

Inspecto r of S tores and Hon. Treasurer.

CorpI. C. Waite .

Pte. J. llal'greaves.

Onlcers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 16. 'l'otal efrectiYe 20. Decrease since last report 7. Drills held 3 . AveruO'e A.ttcndance 14. Cu cs attended on pnb1ic duty 10. Removals 2. Ca cs uttend~l not on public tIuty U. Total on parade at anllual inspection 12. Absent with len,Yo 4. ,\Yithont leave 4. Members passed. annnal re-examination, 16. Did not appear 3, Medallions 4.

St. J ohn A1nbu[(mce B?"igade.

It. J uli n A mUu,lwilce Bri[j(uZe.

Matcria l: 3 stretchers, medical h avresac, splints, handa.ges, etc., \'C~tcd ill D ivisional Cnllllilittee. Division supported uy subscriptions and YOlllntnry dOIJatiolls . TllC Division has not made mnch progre~s c1nring the year, several of the members doing duty at 'heffielll on the occasion of the yisit of their Mnjcstics the K ing and Queen. The drills ha ve beGn uetter attended . I hope to he able to pu t some of the members itlto llllifol'lll shortly.

STOCKSBRIDGE DIVISION. LFormecl 27 . 6. 05.]



Ho n. Su rge on.

4th O fficer and Ho n . S ec r e t ary.

H .:HebLletlmaite, ~I.R.C . S .

·W. G. Murray, Durley-in- \\'lJ[uf'edale.

Ins p ector of Stores .

Ho n . Treasurer.

Pte. J. W . Myers.

Pte. G. E. Brcaley.

Officers 2. Corporal1. Pri\'ates 10. Total effectin ] 3. Drills held 48. .A I'erage a tteUllancc 8. Uase.~ attended Oll puillic J 11 ty 10. Cascs attended not on 1mblic duty 15. Annual inspection, 20th J ulr. Total Oll parade 6. Absent with leaye 6. Without lea\'e 1. Anuual re.eXa11Iillatloll, 15th Aug . Members passed 12. Uedallion 1. Nursing certificate 1. nlaterial: stretcher 3 sets spliut·, 46 triangular bandages, ye ted in Divisional Committcl'. DivisiOl~ sn !,portecl by private subscriptions aud concerLs. Starting in Angnst, 1904, we became a section of 13 Divisioll 'hil'ley alld District Corp', and wer.e made a Division in March Jast. Public duty lIaS lJL'C ll done by members at Sll1pley Glen at Easter, and at Sheflield ou the occasion of' H.M. the King's vis.it. \\-13 are illde~ted to our Pl:esi,lent, W. H. Mitchell, ES'h .J.P., for 10al1 of drill hall frce, and, With an assurcd lIlCOllle, soon hope to ha \'13 ull t he BIen in ,uniform.




Hon . S UJ-ge on .

1st Officer.

W . E. Bennett, L.lt.C.P . Hon . S ecret ary .

Pte. J. Greene, 36, Orchard Street, Otley.

J . , nowball, ;)3, AILiou ,'treet, Otley.

Ins p ector o f S t ore s .

Pte. J. Goll.

Hon. T reasure r .

Pte. A.

J o\\'cl1.

Officers 2. Privates 13. Tolal effectiye 15. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 20. A "erage attendancc 13. Cases attended on public duty 30 . Removals 34. Cases aitenrlell not 011 Jlublic duLy 70. Anuual !nsp.ection, 26th July . Total on parade 11. Absent ',yitll leave 4. Annual rc-eXamll1atlOn, 19th Sept. Members passed 14. Medallions 10. Reuulatiou uniform worn by 1 Officer, and 13 men . Material: 2 surgical llane. ac , ~ water ))ottles, tent for ambulance duty, ambulance pan, Ashford litter, boxes, etc., "ested ll1 t~e Otley Centre. Division supported financially by the Otley Centrc. \\ e are pleased to report that the year has been a highly satisractory one as regards ambulance \York, as onr men have been called on in numerous cases. I n a moior car smash, seven miles from Otley, three or four WE're injUl'ed; one died, basc 01' skull fractured; anoth er, femur broken at knee, and several others inj mel!. Ani ved ll.t the scene and attended to them very successfully. l Ye have a squau 011 duty every Saturday at football matche5, and we attend all ]lublic functions . lYe olso llad a squ~d at ~hef!i?ld during the Ki n~ and Queen:s visit there. The experience glLined d~nng t h lS ViSit was Vely uenefiClal. I n Apnl we commel1ceu an active canvas t o raise 1l10r: ey for thc purchase of uniforms. We had thc pleasure of getting snfricien t fl)r 13 pn vates. It ~peaks w~l1 for the enthusiasm displclycd by our llle!l, anu also shows t h at the pubhc appreciates our effol'b,.



Ho n . Surgeon (Act ing). l~ . J. Mossman, L. S . A .

Acting S uperintendent and Hon. S ecretary.

J. C. Eenworthy, Cutts Yilla, Deepear,


Shellielcl .

Omcers 2. Privates 19. Total effective 21. Drills hel{l 10. Average attendance 10. Ca es attended not o,n pul)lic d.uty 6. ~ledallions 7. Material: horse ambulance, 3 stre~c!l~rs, SplllltS, tourL1l,qnets , bandages, etc., vested in Sann~el ~'ox ancl Co., Ltd. DlVISIOU supported Ly Samuel Fox alJd Co., Ltd., anLl snbscnpbons of members. ., . This Division has only heen formell a short tillle, but 1S gOlng on faIrly ,,:el1. ,Ve are 10okil1 c, lorward with conlidencc to thp. grcatly improyed attel1danc~ and lllcreased membership dnrillCY Lhe comille! l\ilJter. First aid has been renclercc. 1Il a number ?f casr.s durill" the y~ar hy the l~en whell not Oil public {Iu~~. Flv~ J.nen tool~ part 11l the alllbul~~ce compctition in aid of the ShefhelLl .MedIcal Chantles on , aturday , July 22ncl.


[Forme{l :.J.0.6 . 01.]

IIEAD-Q"("AI~I'EI~::;: S1'. M01J"'L:\.' HALL, SUTTU:\-L·-A~llFIELD .

Hono rary S urge ons .

R. ~ eslJitt, Su pel-i n te n dent.

A. II . Bonser, Fore:iL Lolld e , ::) u ltOll- ill-Ash field.

L.ll. C·.I' .

E. illitchell, ~r. D . 1st Officer and Hon. S ec.

A. E. ,YiJlgron, HarLhnck Lane, ,·uttun-in-A::.hlield.

I n spect or of St ores .

Ho n o rary Treas u re r .

Corp1. 'lack .

:\11'. C. H. \Y hetton .

Olliccrs 4. ,'ergeanb~. Uorporals 4. Privates:4. Total ellectiyc 38 . l nerease since last report It>. Drills heki 5~. Average attendallce 16 . Cases attelllied 011 pnlilie dnty 4.9 . Rell10nls 3. Cases attended ll~t on public du.ty 20. Auuual impeclicu, 14th 'ept. Total on paraLle 2t> . Absent WIth l~ave 4. ' Ylthout leave 8. Annual re-exaIllinatlOn, ~lst 'ellt. l\lembers passecl24. Dlclnot appear 12. Medalliolls 10. Kursillg eertitieates 15 . Rcgulation uniforll1 ,,"om Ly 2 Officers, 2 sergeant, 4 corporals, allll30 men. .Jlaterial: 3 stretchers, 3 sets. spltnts, .c~s~ 01 llledieal appliances, 17 \Yater uottles, ~ag, electrotype, \'ested III the D1VlSIOn. Division snppul'teJ Ly lllelllber::; alHl j J n u l ! c . . . There has been an incl'ea e of It> new members dUJ'lllg the year. The tuuds of the 13rigade were augmented by £15 a the resn~t of a i:aJICY Llress .b.all held in the Town Hall Juring J aunary, 1905. The tllluual llistn butl.un uf ce~·tlhc~tes took place at a soiree on Easter MOllday, when ~ antlmlance, 1.3 s1l'k J.ml'Slllg, 0 ho pual course, 4 auxiliary sick berth resel'\'e COlUse, 5 alhtl1leer~ s:ck lllU lllg \\'el'~ a wanled. .A drum head service (by permission or Deputy UOlllnllSSlOner) "'as held III the La\\'n Park on Sunuay, June Hh, 2.30 p.m . The Hev. E. I'. Eykyu awl the surpliced choir of St. Michael's Church, torretller with the Brigade's u<1nd of ~4 players, eOllduetell the serv ice anclleLl the si~c'ilJV. Tbe day was beautifully tiue, and a large crowd were present. The result ~'as'" most successlyl. A \o~lectioll ~,:us taken ill aiel o~ the camp funds. An ambulullce .liand, :yearmg ~be pngade umtorm, !las Leen ob.t1l:JI~ed . T heil' servi ces are in val ua ble ll1 hel pmg to raIse 1nnJ::. and po pulansmg the Dl Vl::;l011 , aud for route marches, etc. T \\'o oflicers and 18 Illen attended the camp at Blackpool during Whit \Yeek . T he Division furuished fOllr lllell 1'01' the fatigne party. Two oillcen; and 14 men attended to take dllty in thc streets clmillg the yisit of their Gracious Majesties the King and Queen on J uly 12th. Two men of tho A.H..N.S.B.R. were sent to Chatham on boal'll the batLleship " R oyal Oak," and iwo me ll were also sent to the Royal N aval H ospi tal Pl ymou tll for a week's specia l trainin ou . T welye new lllelll uers of the Bri"ade Itave J' oil1ed 'Lhe Sick Berth H.eselTe d nl'illCY the year, making a total of 25 o o. I volun teers . . tlix Church pa rades have been attended dunng thc summer mont IS.


St. J ohn A ?nul&lcl11ce B?'igcule.

St. J ohn Amut&lance Brigade.

I m ust again acknowledge the excellcnt serrices r endered by the officers d uring the year, e pecially t o }?irst Officcr W ingrove, whose wh ole attention seems devoted to t h e service. A special word of praise is also due t o Sergt. Frowe for his services in d rill.

WELBECK DIVISION. Hon . Su rge on .

S u p eri nte nd ent.

O. J. Alletson.


Honorary Surgeon .

Supe'"'i ntend e nt.

J . Steel, I"R. C. r . Hon . S ecretary.

Pte. R. aylor, 17, St. Saviour's Street, T alke, Dr. Stoke-oil-Trent .

J . B. Orimes, Holly Villas, Lawtun, Kidl'grove, nr. Stoke-on-Trent. In s p ector of S t ore s .

Hon . T reasu r er.

Pte. E . Jones.

1111'. J . '1'. Crime" CHon. 1I1C111.)

Officers 2. Scrgeant l. Oorporals 2. Privates 10. Total effective 15. D rills held 31. Average attendancc 8. Annual inspection, 30th ept. Tolalon parade 11. Absellt with leave 4. Am1nal re-examination, 26th cpt. MemLcrs passed 13 . Did not appear 1. Medallions 10. Material: stretcl1er, bandagcs, and splints, vested in Divisional Committee. Divisioll supported Ly public subscriptions and contributions of members. The mcmbers of this Divi. ion continue to maintain a state of high efficiency. Although the numbers have somewhat decreasecl during the past year, it i not fI om want of enthusiasm, but to inability to attend drills, and in severul instances the removal from the district.

Ins pect o r of S t o res .

'Y . .I'\1oore.

'ergt. F. Maltby.

Officers 4. ergeants 2. Privates 33. Total effcctive 39. Drills heW 30 . Average attendance 18. Oases attended un public duty 10. Removals ~O. Cases attclIdellnot on pulJ1ic duty 10. Annual inspection, 7th ept. Total on paralIc 3l. Absent with leaye 5. ,Yithont leave 3. Annual re-examination, 29th .'ept. Menlbers passed 30. Dic1110t appeal' 8 . .Medalli(Ji.J 25. Kursing certificates 11. Material: \\"'agon, 7 stretchers, 3 ha1l1pers, havresac, splints, etc. 'l'here is a slight increase ill memhcr hip. Camp at Blackpool: one sergeant and 12 privates, JllllC 25th. 1905. Two s(luads did duty for the Primrose League demonstration at W clueck 011 August 1si, 1905; three S(t uac1s (lid duty at heffield, July 12th, 1905: two squu,d:; at Lhe Welbeck Agricultural 'how, August 8th, 1905; one squad at the Athletic ports, August 9th, 1905.


G. H. Jack on, 56, Wooll ey Collipry, Darton,

Sergt. ,1. K. Wilkinson (hon. mem.)


Hono rary S urg e on s.

W. A. Stamford,

M.R.C. S .

F. Mal'l'iott,

Surgeon-Major G. A. Hutton.

L .• . A.

C hief Su pt. and Hon. T reas.

S u p eri nt en d en t (Acti ng).

S . O. Wardell, Doe Hill House, nr. Alfreton .

R. H. F. Uepplt'white.

1st Officer (A cting).

2 nd Office r .

3rd Office r and In sp. of S t o res.

R. S. Challands.

G. Lee.

J. Davies.

4t h Office r (Acti ng).

L. Cowell .

Hon . S ecret a ry.

Pte. R. E. Ooul1e, 4, Sunny Bank, Tibshelf, Alfreton. Officers 9. Selgeauts 6. Oorporals 12. Privates 92. Total effective 119. Reserve llIcllllJers 9. Drills held 38 . Average atlendance 97. Ca,.,cs attended on public duty 43. Hemovals 20. Cases atlendeu not on puulie duty 50. Annual ins}Jertioll, 29th July. Total on parade 115. Absent with leave 4. AlllJual ro-exalllination, 29th July. ~lelllbers l'assed 115. Did 1l0t appeal' 1. Meclallions 11&. Service badges 40. Regulation uniform WOJ'll Lyall ranks. :Material: \YaUOll, litter, stretchers, allllJulalJee boxes, vested in Ohief Superilltelldcllt. Div~ioll supported by public suLscl'il'tions. I nterest in Brigade work has beell well maiutained during the year, alld valual)le work has been done. The Corps has ueel! 011 public duty at ShelIiel(l 011 the occasion of the King's visit to the city, and numerous cases wore attended to in tile strens. Many of tIle mcm bel'S attended the Blackpool cam 1), and cleri veLl III ueh belleJlt fr011J the week's traillillg.


Barn ley.

Hon. S ecretary.

Hon. Treasu rer.

[Formed 1887.]


4th Officer and Inspector of S tores.

Ho n . S urgeon.

G. H . Pearce, L.n.O.p.


2n d Officer.

W. Kitchen.

Hon . S ecretary.



E. G. Hamlyn, Welbeek, Worksop.

:i\f. D.

1s t Office r a nd Hon . T reasurer.

TALKE DIVISION. [Formed 26.3.04.]

[Forme(l 1891.J


W . T . Crawford,


'ergt. F. Knapton, 17, Woolley Colliery, Darton, nl'. Barn ley.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Oorporals 3. Privates 27. Total effective 33. I ncrease since last rcport 14. Dlill held 50. Average att~llda1lce 19'2. Ca~es attelllled Oil public (luty 20. Cases attended not ?1l pubhc dut~. 44. Annual impection, 2Ull Sept. Total ()11 parade 29 . ALsent w1ih leave 3.. \\ ithout leave ~. Annual re-examination, 19th ept. Members passed 16. D1d not appear Hi. Medallion' 9. Regulation uuifollli ,,"om by ~ Ollicer, 1 sergea~t, 3 corporals, and 26 men . Ma.teria,l::3 Fnrlcy stretchers, surgical ha~'esac, SP~ll1~S, bandages, etc., vested in the Committee. Di vi ion snpported by pubhc subSCrIptions. The Division has made very poor progres during the lirst half-year. T?e secon.d half-year is very sati. factory, baving an illcrea. e of ] 6 memLer , W110 ob~amed theIT first aid certificates in May of thi' year. Eight men spent one week III caml~ at Blackpool, and have derivetl great benefit from it. Soven men were sent to Shettield for public duty during tho King's vi it on July 12th . Nearly all the men have done public duty in the surrounding distl icts at football matche , flower shows, etc. On September 2nd the D ivision was in pected by the District Chief upe~"'intendent Else, who spoke very highly of the men for their neatness and cleanness lD dress, al 0 for the able manner in ,."hich they had gone through their drill, an.d for the attendance at drill during the second half-year. A generous donor has Just forwarded more than enough money to dress the remainder of the men in uniform.



Hon. Surgeon , Supt., and Hon . Treas. A. J. H. Mont ague, M.D . ,

1st Officer

E . G. Allen.

35, P otter Str eet, Worksop.


St. J ohn A n~bul(inCe B?'igade.


Honorary Secl'etary.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. A. Davidson, 26, Oentral Avenue, , Vorksop.

1st Olass Sel'gt. H. Makin.

St. John A muulance Brigcule.


Officers 2. Seraeants 4. Oorporals 4. Privat.es 34. Total effective 44 . R eserve members 3. Increase since last report 9. Drills held 25. Average .attelldance 13'03. Oases attended Oll public uuty 44. Removals ]8. Oases attended not on public duty 27 . Annual inspection, 20th July. Total on.par~de 39. Absen t with leaye 3. , Vithout leave 2. 1\1embers passed annuall'e-eXammatlOn 43. lIfedallions 21. Service badges 16. Nursing certificates 6. R egulati?ll uniform worn by 2 Officer 4 seraeants 4 corporab, and 34 men. Matenal: wagon, litter, 7 stretchers, '7 bavl~sacs,'7 water botLles, etc. , vested in the Oommittee of Division. Division supported by public snbscriptions. . . . T he general efficiency of this Di vi~ion has becn well n~alD tamed. Tl~ e membershIp nas increased and it is pleasing to observe a marked IJ~prOvement I.n .the average attendance at drill. At the annual inspection the Asslstant Oomml lOner . Malkin spoke in flattering terms of the general ,~ork and a11pearance of. the 11: em bel'S. lIfuch valuable first aid had been rendered rlUl'log the year, and the mhabltants of Worksop and di3trict continue to appreciate our elrorts.





Lady Sup erin t enden t .

Hon. Surgeon.

W. H. Hill,

[Formed 19.4.94. J


Mrs. G. Fowler, Basford Hall, Nottingham.



1st Nursing Office r and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. J. T. W alters, The Oliff, Oinder Hill. Iursing Officers 3. Nursing sisters 66 . ~otal effective 69. . . Practices held 8. Average attendance 33. Iec1alllOl1s 66. RegulatlOn umform worn by 1 nursing Officer and 1 nursing si tel'. Material vested in the Babbington Ooal Oompany. Division supported by the Bahbington Ooal Oompany. During the winter months the members of this Divi ion have met for pru,ctice and instruction; also have assisted the Secretary in in tructing the candidates in practical work.



Hon . Surgeon .

P. Lodge, F.n.c.lS . Lady Super in tendent.

2nd Nurs ing Officer.

1\1rs. E. J. Ohapman, 6, St. Jnde's Place, BrarHord.

Miss .M ary E. ReeR, 21, Oowper Place, Bradforu .

Lady S ecretary and In spector of Stores.

Miss E. Field, 9, St. Margaret's Road, Bradford. Officers 3. Nursing sisters 36. Total effective 39. Re ervc members 5. Increasc sincc last report 1. Pra':l tices held 32. Average attelHlance 26. Oases attended on puhlic duty 326. Oases attcnded not on public duty 24. Oases privately nurscd 11. Annual inspection, 16th Aug. T otal on paratle 22. Ab ent with leaye 7. 'Yithout lea\7e 10. Annual reexamination, 1 th May. Memhers pas eel 30. Did not appeal' 8. .Medallions 2. Rt>gulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 22 nursing si tel's. Material: 42 triangular hand ages, 29 roller ballllages, 6 to,,-els, 4 flags, 20 shorts splints, 4 long splints, 1 ladies hamper, togcther with other llursing material, vested in Bradford Oorps. Division supported by the Bradford Oorps. Th e Division has maintained steady progress, the attendances have been very good, and the illterest well maintained. The Dl\'i ion ha taken part in the work of the OOI'P-> during thc last 12 months, vi?., at the BraMord City .Exhibition during October Itt t (1904), at Peel Park G'1las on Whit illol1elay and Tuesday, and at other public C[trni\-als. Fifteen nur ing si tel' , in charge of Lady Superintendent Ohapman, atte11lled at , hem.el'l durinf{ the Ro.yal yisit, when their sen'ice were utilised in charge of ronte stations. The annual in. pection was held 011 August 16th, 1905, by District Ohief urgeon 'Yest yme, when 22 officers and nUl' es were on parade. The re-examination took place on May 1 th, 1905, by Dr. Heartl, Hon. urgeon, of Eccleshill, ". hen 30 officer and nul' e attencled an,l pa eu without a failure.



Honorary Surgeon .



Lady Superintendent .

Hon. Surgeon.

H. O. Alderton,

[Formed 10.2.97.J

Miss J. A. Smeath, 6, ,Vest Avenue, Barnoldswick.

L.R.C.P .

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

M. E. Elsworth, Wellington Street, Barnoldswick.

Miss B. Sharples, 42, Oobden Streeb Barnolds,vick.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss A . Baldwin, 43, Oobden Street. Nursing Officers 2. Iursing sisters 8. Total effective 10. Increase since last report 6. Practices held 45. Average attendance 8. Oases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 21st Oct. Total on parade 7. Absence with leave 1. 'Without leave 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 nursing Officer and 8 nursing sisters. Material: splints and bandages, vested in the Officers of Division. Division supported by members' and public subscriptions. Work done by members during the year has been satisfactory. At the [mnual inspection Ohief Superintendent Else expressed himself highly satisfied with the general efficiency of the Nursing Division. It is to be regretted that the annual re·examination was not held.

B. E. J. Edmud , Lady Superintendent

:Mr!=;. H. Ecl\mrds, Olaremont Villa, Drighou e.

:M. n.

1st Nursing Offi cer and Lady S ec. 1\1ISS }'I. G. Thornton, Oustle lIill House, Rastrick.

2nd Nursing Officer.

Lady Inspector of Store s .

Mrs. Storr.

Mrs. R. A. Watson, Lee, treet, Brighonse.

Officers 4. N ur ing i. tel's 24. Total eITective 2 . In crease since last report 11. Practices held 46. A ~-erage attemlance 22. Ou es attended on public duty 80. Oase attended not on public duty 19. Oa 'o' p~'ivately nursed 1. Annual inspection, 29th July. Total on parade 27 . Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 11th April. Ielllber pn. ed 27. Medallions 12. Regu, lation uniform wom by 4 Oflicer and 19 nul' ing iter. :Material: bed and bed linen, air cushioll', hot water bottlcs, enema'>, bed pan, etc., ve ted in the Corps tru tees. Division snpported by member' and public ub criptioll . The Division has paraded for public duty OIl three occasions during the year, 11 am ely, the Royal Progre s at hefIielll, the vi it of General Booth to Brighou e, and the school feasts at Whit untide. Th e number of 11tH ing sister "'ho attended on thcse occasions was very satisfactory. The Division entered the competition for the Wilson Oha1lenge Shield (open Lo the members of the ursing Division in the


St. J ohu A ?n7n~lCffnce B?'igcule.


parish of H alifax), and succeeded in bringing the trophy honle. . One exceedingly useful combincd practice was lleld . A nursing clas~ and a first aHI dnss have been conducted and brought to a successful issue, while the eqnip1l1rnt of the Division has been largely augmented. : BROWNROYD NURSING DIVISION.

[Formed 7.7.1905.J

HEAD-QUARTERS : BROWN TlOYD. L ad y Su pt . a nd L ady Sec.

Hon . Su r g eon.

J. H. Rowe,


Mrs. E. }\'[a.rriott, 30, Scholemoor Road, Lidget Green. L a dy In sp ect or- o f Stor-es.

1st Nursing Offi ce r-.

Miss F . J. Keighley.

Lady T reasu rer.

Tursing Officers 3. 1\ur ing sisters 17. Total effective 20. P ractices held 10. Average attendance 15. Ca.ses attended on public duty 22. Cases attended not on puolic duty 7. Oase plin.tely nureel 2. Ieclallion 7. Regulation uniform worn by 2 nursing Officer and 6 nursing sisters. r,l:1terial: all nursing requisites, vested in the Oommittee of the Di,ision. Divi~ion supported by members' sub criptiol1s and public donations. (DEWSBURY CORPS ) BATLEY NURSIN G DIVISION. HEAD-QUARTERS: HORflE AlI1BUT,A 'U f!:

[Fornled 8.1900.J


Hono rary S urgeo n .

J . II. WO:Jds,

L.U. C.P.

Lady Supe r i ntend ent and L a d y Secretary.

1st N ursi ng O fficer.

Miss L. J. Gadie, Field Hill, Batley.

Miss E. Willans.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 34. Total effecti\'e 37. D ecrease since last report 2. Practices held 15. Average attendance 21. Annual' inspection, 5th Sept. Total on }!al'ade 21. Absent with lenve 8. 'Without leave 5. Members passed 23. Did not appear 13. Annual re-examination, 27th July. Medallions 18. Regulation uniform "'01'11 by 2 Oilicgl's and 35 nnrsing sisters. Division supported by members' subscriptions. The year has been one of progress. MallY of the nursing sistcrs have helped the district nurse in her work, and thus mu('h good has been accomplished by the Brigade members. (DEWSBURY CORPS ) CLECKHEATON NURSING [Forltled 29.9 .05.]


HEAD-QUARTEltS : FIRE STATION. I-'on. Su r geon .

J. A. Sutherland,

Officers 3. Nursing sislers 34 . Total effective 37. Practices held 16. Average aLtelluance 12. Decrease since last report 4. Cast·s atLended on public uuty 6. Cases attended aot Oll p\lblic duty 20. Cases pri viltely llu)'"ed 1 O. Annual inspection, 5th Sept. :rot~l on parade 28. Absent witll leave 2. 'Without leave 7. Anllual l'e- eXanllnatlOn, 1st Aug. i\lembers pas~ctl 24.. Diel not appear 12. Medallions 37 . Regulation uniform. worn by 2 O,ncers alHl15 lIlll'sin<r sisters. 'latel'ial: complete hox of bandages, sphnts, etc., vestell in Officers and C~ll1ll1iltee. Division supported by members' sul)scriptions. (DEWSBURY CORPS ) MORLEY NURSING DIVISION. IIEAD-QUARTERij:

Miss C. Allison.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 15 . Total effective 17 . Regulat~on unifor!ll.~orn by 1 Office!', and 5 nursing sisters. Material vested in t he Comm Ittee. D lvlslOn supported by subscriptions. DEWSBURY CORPS ) DEWSBURY NURSING DIVISION.

[Formed 1. 99.}


R. Beattie, 1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.

Mrs. A. Ca ve, Prospect View, Leeds Road, D ewsbury.

L ady Treasurer.

L ady I nspecto r o f Stores.

Mrs. Mark hy.

Mrs. E. Thorpe.

Oflieers 2. Nul' iug sisters 22 . Total effective 24. sillce last report 10. Prnctices held. 19. Avera~e attendance 12. Cases a.ttendeel on publiC' duty 6. Cases attendance not on pub11c duty 10. Cases l)l'i vilLely 11 ursed 4. Annual inspection, 5th Sept. . Tot~l on 'parade 13. Absent with leave 3. 'Without leave 8. Annual l'e-eXUmll1atlOll, 2::>th July. Members p'l.ssl'd U. Did not appea:r 9 .. Medallions 2~ . !Regulation unifo.rm worn by. 1 nursing Onicel and 14 nurslllg sIsters. Matenal: b~ll~ages and Spllllts, vestedlll Ofli ep],s H.l1(l Committee. Division supported by subscnptlOl1iS. D ~e l'ea .. c


COli 'elL


L ady S upt., S ec. and Treas.

Hon . S urg eo n .

A. FalkOllPl',

[Formed 8.7.03.J



M. IIolgate, Hi, Cemetery Road, Earby, via CoLne.

Officer 1. ... lll'~ing 'ister89. Total elIective ]0. Increase ~illce last report 4. PracticeI-; h ld 31. Average attendance 10. Oa e' attendccl not on public duty 12. AJlnun.l inspection, 27th, 'ept. Total 011 para.de ~. Absellt with le,we 1. nlluall'e-examillatioll, 27th. 'ept. Nlembel's pa. sed 9. DId not lLppear 1. Medallion 4. Regula,tion uniform worn b>T 1 nurs~ng: Officer and 9 nur~ing si,ters. Divlliion supported by membeI'::)' a.nd pUb~lC sub ·cnptlOns. ECCLESHILL NURSING DIVISION.

Lady Treas u rer-.

Miss A. A rcher.

2nd Nursing Officer and L ad y Sec.

Mrs. L. Holdsworth, 10, Albion St., Morley.



Miss S. Burnhill, Mount Street, CleckheatoD.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

M .D. 2nd Nursing Officer.

Mrs. R. Stead.



H on o rary S urgeon.

II. 1\lal'kuy,

3rd N ursing Officer an d L ad y Secretary. M.B.

Mrs. Harrison.

Miss E. A. Doleman.

!vIr . E. PoLter.

Mrs. L. Knowles.

Lady Tre as u re r .

L ad y In sp ecto r of St o res.




L a dy S u p erin t end ent.

Hon . SUI-g eon .

F . G. lIetwd,

[Formed 12.8.05.]


Miss L. Ililbs, 35, 1l00rsicle Road, Eccleshill.

L a dy Secret ary.

Mrs. L . Hillas, 22, Mount Road, Eccleshill.

1st Nu r s i ng O ffice r.

Miss M . A.


L ad y In s p ecto r of St ores.

Mi s E. Richn.rdson . N ul'sing Officers 2. I IUl"sing sisters 27. TolK...l effectiv 29 .. Annual im;pection, 20th Sept. Tota.l on pamde 23. Ab 'ent wl~h lea.ve 4. W ithout lelwe 2. 1\leda11io118 5. Reguh.tion uniform worn by ,2 nUl"Sll~g ,Officer a n d '23 nursing sister'. D ivi 'ion SUI ported by members' ~Jl~l ~ubhc subscl'lptlO~.: Altho ugh the Divi'ion has ouly recently been forme?, lt liS a !1erLl thy condltlOJ1. T he services of the members are much sought after 111 thc (h~tnct, and, uncleI' the tuition of the lion. Surgeoll, the Division is making steady progre s.




St. J ohn A l1~bulance B1'igade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.





Hon. Surgeon.

Lady Superintendent.

G. Hoyle, M.D.

Honorary Surgeon .

lUI's. B. A. Webster, 93, CatherinE' Street, EIland.

H. S . Brander, M.A., Lady Superintendent.

Lady Secretary.

Miss B. A. Midgley, 63, D evonshire Street, Keighley.

Mrs. F. 'Waring, Sunny Mount, Keighley.

1st Nursing Officer.

Mrs. S. Fielding. Lady Secretary.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss C. HaYI1ley, 102, Southgate, EIland.

Mrs. A.


. Officers 3. Jursing sisters 17. Total effective 20. , Pracllces held 33. A verag~ attendance 16. Cases attended on public dn ty' 98~ ~ases ~ttended not on publIc duty 14. Cases privately llursed 30. Annual mspectlOn , 19th Aug. Total on l)arade 10. Absent with leave 5. "\Vithollt leave 5: Annual re-exam.ination~ 19th Aug. Members llassed 10. Didllot appear 9. lI!:d~lhons 19 .. ReglllatlOn umform ,rom .by 3 nursing Officers and 10 nursing Sl~t~l~ . 1IIatenal: bed tead, bandages, sphuts, ve~ted in the Brigade COJUtlIittee. Dn'lSlOn supported by members' subscripLions aud concerts, etc. StefLcly wO.rk has gone on through the year. Fifteen members went to Sheffi~ld on the occaSlOn of the King's visi t there, ami (lid good work.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 18. Total effective 20. In crease since last report 4. Practices heM 23. A vel'age attendance 1~ '8. Annual inspection, 23rd Sept. Total on parade 12. Absent with leave 4. WIth· out leave 4. Annual 're-examination, 23rd 'ept. Members passed 16. Did not appear 3. Meuallions 14. Regulation uniform worn by 1 nursing Officer and 11 nursing sisters. Material: bandages.

NEW FARNLEY NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 3.1900.J Officers 2.

Nursing sisters 13.



Hon. Surgeon .

G. G. Lawson, M.D. Lady Supt.

Mrs. 111:. H. Foster, Hangingroyd Road, Hebc1en Bridge.


1st Officer, Lady Sec. and Treasurer.

Miss C. K Brown, Stallheim, Heuden Bridge.

. Officers 3. Nursing sisters 10. Total effective 13 . Del'l'ease Slllce last .report 9. Practices held 41. A v€rage alteucbnee 8. Ca. os attended ~ot on publIc duty.3 . Annual inspection, 30th ept. Total on parade 10. Absent , WIth leave 2 . . WIthout leave 1. AllllUal re-examination, 30th cpt. Jlt1embers vassed 10. DId not appear 2. Medallions 11. Recrulation unifot'lll worn by 2 nHrsmg Officers and 10 nursing sisters. h


Miss H eaton, Broad treet, Marsh, H uddersfield.

Total effcctive 15.

(No report received.)


M.B .

Lady S ecretary.

Mis::; 'l'hewlis, Holme Pla.ce, Larsh.

1st Nursing Officer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss Littlewood.

Miss Roper.

Nursing Officers 2. Nul'. ing sisters 19. Total effective 21. . Case~ attended on pUblfC: duty 4. Cases attended not on public duty] 7. Annua.I mspe?tIo~, 1 4~h Sept. Total on pararle 19. Ahsent with leave 2. Annual re~am~na.tlOn, 2?n~ June. Iembers p~ssed 15. Did not appear 6. 1Iec1'1.1lions 15. bleg~ atlOn umfOlm worn l?y 4 nurslDg Officers. Materi'l.l: 1 lJandage sheet cob ~lHtets abnd ~he~ts, vested 111 Corps Officers. Divisiol1 supported hy members' "1nd pnva e su SCl'lptlOllfl. < ~b,e inte~'e~t in the .worle o~ the Tursing Divi 'lon has been well maintained. Se,'eral ac1chtlOl1S of eqUIpment 111 uniforms bave been made 'l"vo fi " t ,'d I ,. have h h ld l ' 1 r • I S cl.l C asses , eel: e . c un~g t le :y:ear. The Nursing Division also deeply regret to have to rep?~t t e reslgnatlOn durmg the year of Dr. Jj". Douglas Turner who held the f~sl~on Of. Filon. Surgeon to their Division, and has left the town. He left us with e est WIS les for the future from every member of the Corps,


Lady Superintendent.

Honor-ary Surgeon. mith, L.R.U. P.

Irs. W. Earne::;, :Mount View, Shipley.

1st Nursing Offi cer and Lady S ec.

2nd Nurs ing Offi cer & Lady Inspector of Stores.


:Mrs. L. B. PoLter, Felll Bank, Bailllon, near hipley.

1111'S. E. Allen. (Assistant, 1I1iss J. Robinson.)

Officero 4. Nursing sisters 49. Total effective 53. I ncrease sin ce la ·t report 2. l)Iaclices beld 24. A "erage a ttenc1ance 32 '9 . Cases attende(l on public dnty 12. Caes attended not on public duty 53. Annual inspection, 26Lh July. Total on parade 30. Absent with leave 16. \\ ithout leave 7. Annual re-exaTllination, 29th June. ~lerubers pa seJ 23. Dill not appear 29. Medalliolls 25 . Regulation unifol'm worn by 4 nursing Ofllcers and 42.nnrsing sisters. 1I1aterial: hosl)ital bed, heet, ulankets, pillow, Splillt , roller and triangular bandages, vested ill Comnlittee of the Corp. Division supported by members' subscriptions and jlllblic donation . This Division still impl'oYes. Public duty was undertaken at the Cily of Bradford Exhibition during the week ell ding October til, 1904. Dr. Henry mith, the Hon. Surgeon, has not been able to attend tIming the pa~t year owing to a serious illness, but the dUlies of that office hav e been carried out by the Cbief ;3urgeon.



HEAD-QUAR'J'EHS: Till HELF. Hon. Surgeons.

W. A. Stamford, M.E.C..

F. hl'riott, L.S.A.

Lady Supt. and Treas.

Mrs. S. C. "Wardell, Doe Hill House, near Alfreton.

O. D. Robson, M.R.C.S.

1st Nursing Officer a nd La dy Sec.

Miss E . mith, Church Farm, Blackwell, near Alfreton.


St. John A ?nlndumce BTigade. 2nd Nu r s ing Officer. ~irs.


St. J ohn A ?7~bLdCl/nce B'l"igc&de.

3rd Nurs in g Offi c e,'.

H . Bennett.

Mrs. Be:1stal1.

4th Nu,' sing Offi ce r a nd La dy In s p ector o f Sto res .

1Irs. John Ward . . ursing Officers 8. Jursing si tel's 19. Total effective 27. Decrea e SInce l~ t report 11. Practice held 26. Average attendance 12. Cases at~ended ~n pubhc duty 20. Annual inspection, 29th July. Total on parade 12. A sent. wIth leaye 15 . . Ann~:1l re-examination, 3rd Aug. Member passed 27. :ed~l?ons 27. R.egulatlOn umfor~ worn by 27 nursing Officers and nursing sisters. ate~blal . vested III Lady Superlltendent. Divi ion supported by voluntary contn utlOns . . Inte~est has been well maintained during the year, and several Dew members made SI~C~ \ ; end of the l~st year. The members attended public duty in the streets of . e e donh the occaSlOn of the ~ng's visit, and rendered v:1luable aid to numerous cases, an ave been very useful III many private cases.

No. VI. District.

DepntIJ Oommissione1'-Surgeoll-Lient-Oolonel F. Di.~tl'ict

Ohief Stt?·geon-Mr. J.

Dist1'id Ohief






L . R.C.P.,

Tyne Dock, South , hields. OlUUSE, F.R.C.S., Ed., J.P., Ogle Terrace, South Shields.

A. H. JonxsToN,

lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P.,

497, Anlaby Road, Hull. District Sllpe1'intendent SccTCtm'Y (Acting )-Capt. GEO. OGILVIE, 36, Thomas Street, South Shields. Dist1'ict Sllluwintenclent of Sto1'es- \Y. G. MOr-ANT, Chief Constable, County of Durham.


101 ER .


I have the honour of submitting my report for the ye:1l' ending eptember 30th, 1905. The eli.. trict i~ m:1de up of 1 Corps with diyi ions lU Hull, and 13 dinsions in orthumbel'hmd n.nd Durh:1m. I mn gla.d to inform you that the inten"iew I had with the N.E.R. delega.tes at York, ha 1'e ulted in some 72 men in Hull, a, sisted by my very old friend, Dr. Stotha.rd, and Mr. 'Y. N. Btl.rtle, as upermtendent, expre ed a de ire to form a orth Eastern Railway Corps there, and I feel a ' ured that should you sanction thi forma.tion, many other cliyision ",ill form from the 1\. E.R. Centre. I ha.cl gren.t hopes that we ~houlcl luwe largely increased our numbers from the Cleveland eli ·trict, and Mr. J. J. Baine's mining district . .After much thought ,md careful con ' idcra.tion they all agree to remain where they are, nOr can I convince them thn.t their vll.l'ious league working with the ame object would vastly improve their sta.tlls and the knowledge of their illdi\"idual members, hesides the grell.ter recognition from the c, Orller" for continuous elTices by their joining the Brigade. They all prefer to work on in their own 'VH.y to obt,t,m the coveted medallion of the As ociation, and tru t that their League competitions which permit of some few men winning a prize from ye;\l' to year to be of sufficient merit as to infu e interest in the whole of their member", and to qlHl.lify them 3,' a body equal with members of the I3rign,de, who'le uDit are system:1tically re-examined and in pected yearly, and who e high stanclard of efficiency i vouched for not in the few, bu t in every instance. Much work has heen done by the divi ions during the pa t twelye months, and progress is being made to carry out the intention of the Hull Corp to build headquarters in the city. With a view of increasing the eSjJ"it cle C01'PS the staff haye in ha.nd many competitions for the en 'lling year, viz., the Deputy-Oommis ioner's Oup, the District taff Oup, anr1 subscriptions have been received by me towll.l'cl other trophies from the lYbrquis of Londonderry, the Duke of Northumberland, Lords Arm trong and Barnard, the Lord Bishop of Durham, :'IiI' , VaUer Plummer, hf.P. , W. . R ob on, K.G., 1f.P. , Geo. Renwick, E'q., M.P., A. R . lmmbel'lfl.yne, Esq., an d by Dr. Cre:1se, from M essrs. J oomer & Co., Scott & Mountain, the Northern

St. J ohn Ambulance BTigct;de.

St. J ohn ATnbulct;nce Brigade.

Press and 1\1 E.rcantile Dock Co., and more is expected from ship owners and mining bodies to fOl'm a prize fund for competition uetween divisions and hold ers of first aid certificates in the district. A District Camp is to be formed at Homsea in August, 1906, and promises to be well attended. The whole of the in pections have passed off with much credit to all concerned. The re-examinations have been carefully conducted by the District Chief urgeon. Dr. Crease, and the Ron. Smgeons, and all the divisions fuund well up in the theory and practice of their work, and the interest in the work generally is well maintained . Much public work has been performed, and stores are accumulating, and are much used by the residents in the various districts where divisions meet. The District Chief Surgeon reports that the divisions near here were all examined in first aid, and the various reports forwarded, with the exception of Cramlington, which has not been sent in. The Divisional Surgeons, one and all, carried out their instructions as regards the conduct of the examinations and inspection of the surgical appliances in possescion of each division, and are thus able to report that all are in a satisfGtctory state. r likewise express ~my thanks to the M edical Officers of the divisions in this district for their co-operation and ready assistance on all occasion . r regret ,ery much that the Auxiliary Royal Naval ick Berth R eserve does not r eceive that recognition it deserves, but trust the new year will not only see the district largely increased, but a Reserve formed of no mean size. r desire to express my gratitude to the di trict staff for their co-operation and support during the past, and with their grea,ter desire to do more, I am confident that our united efforts will materially increase the membership and u efulness of the Brigade in the north. }\tIy thanks, too, are due to those donors towards our prize fund for " \ Villing workers of a noble band," antl to the workers themselve , men and women, who have made my duties light and pleasant by their kindness and courtesy. r ha,e the honour to be, iI', YonI' obec1ient er\'ant,





T o the Ohiif C0111missionel', S t. J olm Ambulance Bn:gctde.






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Ne\\" castle-on-Tyne,", S. hicltls Police " v. Yol.Life BrigatleDi " Nul' ing Division " 'Walker Nur ing " " " "\ViLbernsla




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tBeverley Division Cowpe11 Colliery " East Cramlington ,. Gat eshead Fell. " H etton-le- II ole " ... llull Corps ... Cen tral Division En, tern " "\\'e tern IIull&13arn "leyHy.Div. Alexandra Dock Diy. Oentral Pier Diyision Oell tJ'al Nursing Div. Eastelll


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D eputy-Commissioner N o. VI. District, St. J ohn Ambulctnce Brigade'.

~ >l

ci .::1 0-4





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1 21




12 10 45 375 1 - :



3 127

tatcl1lcnt-l D eputy Oommissioner, 1 Di tl'ict OLief Surgeon, 1 Di trict Chief Superintcndent, 1 District Ohief ecretary, 1 District Ohief uperintendent of Storcs, 54 Officer, 45 ergeants anti Oorporals, 502 Privates and Nursing Sisters. Approxilll ttte Total, 606. tame returns as 1904. Lr

T OF Oonp~ AND

H nll Corps


1. 2. 6 " Oen tral Division 1.2. 6 " " Nursing Divi ion 1.2. 6 Oateshead Fell Division . 17.12.9-1 Wi thernsea Divi sion 4.5.99 ,Vestern Divisioll, Hull . 9.6.99 Eastcl'll " " 17.7.1000 Soutll hields JmsingDivision 26.9.1900 Easte1'll Nursillg DiYision, Hull 14.9.01 H etton-Ic- llole , . 19.9.01 South 1 hields Police Division 5.12.01 .ill alton Divi ion 11.4.02 OOUNTY



1904-1905. N ewca tle-on-'ryne Diyi'ion . 10.10.02 outh ",ltields Vol. Life Brigade 19.5.03 Hull and Bam 'Iey Raihyay 7.7.03 Di vision (1\ eptune) 5.1~.03 Walk er Division 5.12.03 " Nursing Division Great Oentral Railway Divi ion 3.6.04 (Pier), Hull 11.6.04 Ea t Oramlillgton Diviioll Hull and 13al'l1sley Division (Alex. Dock ) 7.8.04 Oowpen Colliery Divi ion 3.04




N orthul11 berlaml- alkel', N ewcastJe·on-'ryne, CO"'pen Collier.)', Ea. t qramlington. Durham-South hields Police Vol. LiCe Brigade, ouih hields NurslIlg, H ettoule-Hole, Gateshead Fell. . Yorkshire-Hull Oentral, Eastern, W estern, Hull and Barnsley, Oentral PH~ r, Alexander Dock, Hull Central ancl Eastern Nursing, Malton, Beyerley, Withernsea.

t. John A ?nu~dance Brigade.


St. J ohn A ?nuulo/l1ce Briaacle.



Honorary S u r geo n.

G. Savage.

1st Office l' a nd Hon . S ec r et a ry.


M.D .

. Gates, Grove Lodge, Beverley.

[N 0 report recei ved.]



[Formeu 3.04 .1


Hon o rary Su rge on.

J. Crom ie,

S uperintendent.


n. Honorary S ec,'et ary.

Pte. R. Dowey, 12, Baker Terrace, COWpCll Oolliery.

J. R. Ferroll, Isabella Pit, Blyth. Ins pector of S tores .

Ho n orary Treasurer.

Pte. J. T . Scott.

John W. Reyeley.

Officers 2. Corporals 2. Privates 17. Total effective 21. Drills held 22. Annual inspection, 7th Oct. I ncrease since last report 2. T otal on parade 15. Absent with leave 2. ·Without leave 4. Members passed annual re-examination 15. Did not appear O. Medallions 5. Arm badge worn. Material : 3 stretchers, 1 medical havresac, splints, vested in Cowpen Oollicry, St. J.A.A. Divi ion supported by members and public.

Ollieers 2. Sergeant 1. OOl'porall. Privates 38. Total effective 42 . Increase since last report 19. Drills held 39. AverJge attendance 12'9. Oases attended not on public duty 9. Annnal inspection, 21th June. Total on parade 19. Ahsent with leave 17. Withont leave 6. Annual re-examination, 13th April. Members passed 12. Did not appeal' 29. .Mec1alliolls 18. Service badges 5. Recyulatioll uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 19 men. Material: am~)Ulance chest, 4 stretchers, 1 llamper, 1 s1ll'gical navl'e,'ac and 3 water bottles, vested in trustees. Division snpporteu hy voluntary subscriptions. The di vi.sion during the past ession has made good progress, and there has been an increase of members of 19. Thirty-nine drills held, with an average attendance of 12 '9, this apparently low percentage being due to the new members having joined at the latter part of the Session. An ambulance cabinet for the toring of all material l)ossetOsed has been obtained. At the annual competition for prizes kindly given by Mrs. llarrison, there were six teams competed; there has neyer been so many teams competing in pre\'ioll years. Dr. Crea e, District Chief> urgeon, acted as judge. The thanks of the diyi ion are due to III r . Harrison for her annual support to funds, and also to the ladies and gentlemen who h;1\'e responded to the division's call for funds.



Hon. Surgeon.

1st Officer and Hon. S ecretary.

A. ' ,Yatson, ;)I.B.

T. Robson, 2, ,Yalter Terrace, Ea ington Lane, Hetton-Ie-Hole, RS.O.



Ho n. S urge o n and T reasu re r.

J . Anderson,

Row, East 0l'amlington. 1st Officer.

Ins p ector o f S t ores.

T . Curran .

Pte. J. Strong.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 18. Total effective 22. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 30. Average attendance H. Cases attended not 011 public duty 146. Annual inspection, 23rd ept. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave l. "\Yithout leave 8. Annual re-examination, 27th .ApliL Material: 4 stretchers, 4 rugs, 4 \\ ater bottles, I smgical havresac, 4 seis splints, 1 ambulance hampel', 16 havresacs, 1 Lalldage machine and 4 dozen assorted banda.ges, 4 ela~tic t(llll'lliquets, vested ill Committee of Divi ion. Division supporLeu by members and honorary members' subseriptiolls alld socials. This division is making steady progress in efficiency. Six members have left owing to removing to other districts; and seven new members have been enrolled. Two sections attended the Fore. ter's High Court Demonstration at Jewcastle on August 7th, 1905, and also entered two competitions. Regret that the returns of the re-examination have not yet come to hand.




Honora ry Surge on . Sup e r inte nd e nt.

J. T r ickey , Alexander Road , Gateshead .

R . AlldersoD ,

Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treasurer.

T. Mills.

S upt. and Hon. S ecretary.

"\V. H. Bird, 1, Single Junetion

M.A., M .B.

Officers 2. Corporal 1. Privates 34. Total effeetiye 37 . Inerease iuce last report 7. Drills held 36. Average attendance 16. Casess attemled on puLlie duty 7. Removal1. Cases attelllled not on public Jnty 19. Annnal inspection, 26th Aug. Total on paralle 30. Ab ent with leave ? WiLhout leave 5. Annual re-examination, 6th June. Members pas ed 19. DId not appeal' 17. Medallions 11. ,ervice badgc 4. :Material: I t~nt, 1 Ashford litter 4 stretchers 3 hot water bottles, 6 water bottles, blankets, splInts, bandage, 1 coliapsihle bell,' etc., vested in Di \'isional Committee. Di vision upported by proceeds from annual concert. . . . The division during the year has made teady ~rogress. The~'e 18 a shg~t mcrea e in members from the first aid cb, ::;ef; and hope stIll to further mcrea e thIS strength during the next year. The diyiioll ; , doing u ef~l work in re~m~g patients t? and from the infirmary at unc1el'land. On the occaSIOn of th: 1I1111ers I?emon tratlOn at Durham, thirty member ' were 011 puhlie duty, som~ ~r<!m I a.m. untIl] 2 ,p.m.. One case was remo\'ed to hi ' home n,t Hetton. The drn. IOn regrets the reSIgnation of their Hon. Surgeon, James Ada,mson, LD.


Hon . S e creta ry.

Pte. R Uoates, North Eastern Bank, L ow Fell.

Inspector of Stores .

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. A. Robins.

P te. H . M. Allen.

[Formed 1.2.86.]


Ch ief Su r g e o n.

lIl. D .


A. W. Scott, i\r.n.c.s. Sup e rinte nd e nt Secret a ry.

J. O. Vaughan, 62, Welbeck St., Hull.

(Six Ambtblance Di1Jisions)-Offieers 18. (T wo NU1'5ing Divisions)-Officers 7.


C hief S uperinte n de nt.

:M. Hopper, 63, Coltrnan Street, Hull. Supt . of Stores an d Hon. Treasu r er.

J . H . Wingate. Sergeants and Corporals 22. Privates 148. Nursing sisters 95. Total effective 290 .

St. J ohn A ?nbu.,lnnce Brigade.

S t. J ohn A 1nbulance Brigade.



[Formed 1.2.86 .]


Honorary Surgeons.

Su pe r i ntend ent .

P. R . Ash, lILR.C.S.

J . O. Vanghan, 62, Welueck


Sergt. W . T. Atkinson , 9, The Avenue, Li.nnoous Street, Hull,

F . H. Vaughan. Insp ector of Stores.

Honorary T reasu re r .

Sergt. H . Hoggal'th .

Sergt. T. Penn .




[Formed 17.7.1900.J






S u p eri ntendent.

Ho n o rary Su r g e on .


Ho norary Su r g e o n.

D. R. Moil', liLA . ,

E. F . Krause, 17, Grosvenor Street.

Acti n g Su perinte nd e nt .

Sergt. A. Th urloe.

Sergt. J. Howell.

Officers 2. Sergeants 3. Privates 18. Total effective 23. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 27. Average attendance 12. Removals 3. Oases attencled not on public duty25 . Annual inspection, 3rd June. Total on parade 15. A.bsent with leave 3. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 16th May. Members passed 14. Did not a,Ppear 8. Medallions 10. Service badges 5. Nul' ing certificates 5. Regulation ulllform WOrll by 1 Officer, 3 sergeauts, an.c1 8 men. Material: 3 stmtchers, 1 havresac, a goo(l supply of bandages and SplllltS, etc., vested in Hull Centre S.J.A.A. Division l:lupported by members' subscriptions and cont;ert. This division has not made any grea.t progress in numbers. It i. , however, hoped that next Session will show a great increase, as new headtluarters h[we been secured, which are more suita.ble and better situated. The lectures by Chief Surgeon Dr. Scott, Dr. IIollingworth, and Dr. Priest Sha.w, were highly apprecin.tec1. A competition was held when District Ohief Superintendent, Dr. A. H . Johnston, a.wn.rded the prizes to 'Ptes. Kennedy, Dobbs, and Mackman. The me~ber~ attended public duty : Hull Fair, Football Olub, the Sunday Scbool DemonstratlOn III East Pa.rk, the Temperance Society Demonstration in East Park, Yorkshire Agricultural , how, the Boys' Olub Oamp, and the Boys' Brigade Oamp. The annual concert wa.. held in Ripon Hall. Alderman Dr. Holder, J.P.,. Colonel Fa,wcett Pucll:ley, Mrs. H~lder, Mrs. Pudsey, and others. Mrs. Holder, wlfe of Alderman Dr. Holder, J.P , klndly presented to those members entitled to them, seryjce stars, mecl<tlhons anc1 certificates.

Sergt. R. Agar.

Ho norary T reasure r .

COl·pl. T . Alvin .

Oltieer 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 4. Privates 21. Total effective 30. Decrease since last repurt 3. Dri1ls hcld 33. AYerage attendance 17.3. Cases a~tcllded on public duty 3. Cases attended not on public duty. 1. Annual inspection, Hh June. Total 0!1 parade ~30 .. AIlI1U~~ re-exammation, .2 th May. Memuel's pa 'leel 29 . MetlalllOll' 16. 1\ Ul'smg certIficates 2. RecrulatlOll uniform worn 1Jy 3 0 mcers, 2 sergean ts, 4 corporals, and 21 men. Material: stretchers splint·, ualldages, 1 water bottle, 1 surgical havresac, vested in H. & B. Ry. Co: Division supported by members' llbscl'iptions. This c1ivi .. ion has made great progre.'s during the past year havllw put every m~mb ' 1' into f~ll ~niform, ap being n~w paid for. By yariou ~ethod~ they ha\'e riused the cntll'e .a~11.ount III about 111n.e months, of. '~hlCh tl:ey are justly proud. Team fro111 the elln lOn b:we competed III all competItIons helcl in this di trict. A competition wa held in January, 1905, for promotion, with the result that a 1st Officer, two sergeants, and four corporal were nominated for promotion. A first aid cia,s!'; has now commenced, which it i ' hoped will increa e the strenoth of the division. Our decrea e of three is ca.u ed hy members being tran ferred to other stations on the Hull and Bal'll,'ley R~til,,"ay. Members ha"e done public duty on frequent occ<'], ions. The member' are llldebted to the directors and officers of the Hull and Barnsley Railway for ach-ice and a.ssi tance during the pa t year.


Pte. G. A. Dobbs, 119, Newbridgc Road. Hono ra ry T reasu r er.

1st Officer.

T. Lamb.

In spec tor of Sto res.

Pte. '. NUIlIlS, 74-, Bean St., Hu1l.

Honora r y S ecret a ry.

Ins pector o f Sto res .


F. 'WilsOll, 204, Alliance Avenue, lIull . Honorary S ecreta r y.

Officers 3. Sergeants and Corporals 7. Privates 40. Total effective 50. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 27. A verage attendance H. Removals 60. Cases attended not on public duty 340. Annual inspection, 3rd June. Total on parade 38. Absent withollt leave 12. Annnal re-examination, 31'0. April and 1st May. Members passed 41. Did not appeal' . Medallions 31. Services badcres 29. Nursing certificates 24. Regulation unirorm WOl'll hy 3 Officer . 7 sergeants ~ld corporals, and 14 men: . ~Iaterial: 1 wheeled litter" stretc~er., etc., vested in Hull Centrc St. J.A.A. DIVISIOn supported by members sull cnptlOlls. This division maintains its position as an effective unit of the Brigad , in this its nineteenth year. A team competed for the Hull Oentre Trophy also again at the annual competition at Keighley. The good work done at the lIull Boy' Club by members attending there to treat the injuries of its members has been continued. Fiftcen members have had a week's training under canva with the Volunteer R.A. M. 0 ., Artillery Volunteers, etc.



Ho n orary S ec r et ary.

1st Officer.




Boys' CLUB, HULL. S uperintendent.

Hon. S urgeon.

F. ,Yo Fullerton, }oLD.

R. ,Yo Winter, 3, Park Avenue, Perry Street, Anlaby Roall, Hull. Hon. S ecretary.

ergt. R. C. Fostcr, 2, Abucy-dalc Cl'esc('nt, Fliuton

treet, Hessle Road, Hull.

Inspector of S tores.

Hon. T reasurer.

CorpI. C. II. Cuthbert.

CorpI. N. Lord ,

Ollicel's 2. Sergeants and Corporals 3. Privates 2~. Tolal effective 27. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 27. Average attcnclance 19. Case a ttcl1de(~ on pu~lic dnty 2. Removal 3. Cases attended not 011 puulic duty 40. Annna.lmspcdlOu, 4th June. Total on parade 16. Annual re-examination, 21. t l\Ia.y. Members passeu. 22. Did not aPllear 4. Medallion 5. Nul' iner certificate 1. Regnl~ttioll ullir()l'l1~ worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporal 0 and 9 men. M:.ttena~: 1 wheel lItter, 1 stretcher, and a. <)l1alltity of splint and handage , etc., yestec1 In Great Central Railway Company. Division npported by members' COli fributions. Th.e etticiency of the eli vision ha.s been well ma.intained dnring' the past year. Pubilc duty has b ~n performcd at lIymer's Oollege Grounds, and at the three parks, also at the YorkshIre Agricultural how. The division ha,\-e during the pa t year secure(l for theil head-quarters the- lIull Boys' lub Room, where there is plenty of room for the members to drill. First n.id chLsses have been held during the yen.r. A

S .t John A 1nU'Li-lance B'l'igade.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance B rigade.

squad of five privates in charge of Sergeant R. O. Foster from this diyision, had the honour of representing the Hull Corps to cOll1p~te fur the Argenta .Cnp ~t BIae;l,::p~ol, July 1 t, 1905. Thirteen members have dUl'mg the year gone mto tne regula.tIOn uniform. Forty-two cases baye been reported as treated by members i many more are treated than are reported.

. During t.he pa~t year thi.s d~vision bas made little progress, the only notable event m the. essIOn bemg tbe wmmng of the Hull Centre Challenge Trophy. 328 cases of fir.st.3:1d have bee~ .reported by ] 0 members, some of tbem being severe injuries. DIVlsIOnal competI.tIOn was. beld ~:m June 6tb, District Cbief uperintendent Dr. A ~. Jobn~ton, kmdly actmg as Judge. The division has been well represented on publIc occaSIOns, and at the Oorps Drill held in the public parks,




( "0 rcport receivcd).

Hon. S ecretary (in charge).

Hon. Surgeon . 111. B.

[Formed 14.4.02.]



J . G. Mc ,Vill ie,


Pte. A. Stead, 20, Sieynburg Stlect, "ew Bridge Roael, Hull.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. H. Stephen on.

rte. E. Clarkson .

Officer]. Privates 2 Total elTective 29. Increase since last rel'on 2. Drills h eld 26 . AVt'l'age attendancc 2l. TIclllovals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 139. Annual i)lSI,eetion, 4th Jllne. Total on parade 21. Absent ,yith leave 2. 'Without leaye 6. Annual .) c-cxamination, 21st May . Members passeLl 23. Did not appear 5. Medallion 1. Division supported financially by members. This division although still in its infancy, is makillg very rapid progress ind eed, the members having placed themselyes into full uniform lJractically within twe1\'e months of its formation with but very little cost to them elyes. Accidents on the dock have been somewhat heavy during the year, the members having dealt with 130 caRes, some of which have been yery serious ones. otbing i more atisfactory than the number of cases which have been treated from the wall boxes, which were placed on the dock in April last i altogether 118 cases having been dealt with during the ix months, of wbich 72 were at one box. Tbis is a proof tbat first aiders :1lld wall boxes were never more needed than they are at the Alexandra Dock. \Ve also feel proud to mention that this division represented the H. B. Railway Co. at the Railway Challenge Shield Competition held in London at t. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, in 1\1ay, 1905, five of our members taking the opportunity to haye a look round this old building, which to them was most interesting. Two successful social evenings have been beld during the year, both of "hich haye benefited us with a good balance to add to our funds. T


[Fol'n:ed 9.6.99.J


Honorary Surgeon . 1st Officer and Inspector of Stores.

A. O. Oar tel', 7, Oornwall Gardens, Wellsted Street, Hull.


[Formed 10.02].


Sel'gt. 'T. Johnson.

M.D .

Sup erintende nt .

Honora ry Secretary.

A. L. Gibbon, 7, !Inchon ,' t., Tyne Dock.

Oorpl. W. O. Holt, 24, Rothbury Terrace, Heaton.

Insp ector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Oorpl. W. R. Thrower.

ergt. G. R. Ourry. ergeant 1. Oorporals 3. Privates 17. Total effective 23. Olliccrs 2. Dccrease illce la t report 11. Drill held 41. Averaae attendance 10'58 Oases ~ttelld~d 011 ,111lbli? duty 8. Oases attended not on n puLlic duty 2. . Annual lllr:,pectl?n, .13Lh ept. Total on parade 16. Absent without leave 7. Annual re-exall1~uatlOI~,. 31'1l May. Memo.ers pa s d ti. Did not appear H. Medallions 10. RegulatiOn utlltorm worn by 1 Otlicer. .i\Ia terial: 5 stretchers 4 havresacs 4 water ~ottle '. 1 allllJ\~lallcc cabinet? ~. scts spl~n.t.' bandages, lint,' and dres U;gs, etc., \ ested 111 COI~llllltte~ of. the DIV)SlOn. DIVISIon upporteu Ly public su bscril)tions and members coutnbutlOJ)S. There i a decrea 'e of eleyen in the strength of thi divi ion, due to the striking off the r~ll. o.f c: rnl "ho ~you~d not make tbemseh'es efficient. The general efficiency of the dn~I~IOn IS well mal1~tall1ed. Member turned out three days and performed duty ~t t~le I empcrance Fe tl val on June 27th, 2 tb, and 29th, ,,-hen first aid was rendered 111 eIght ca::;c:';. M~'. A. L. Gibbon, who wa ' appointed uperintendent in tbe place of Dr. Gourley, ,,:a5 111 cbarge. .11ecial efforts are now being made to raise the neces ary !unds to pl'onde memb.er wlth uni~orm. It i hoped that tbe number will be lllcreased from the fir t mel cIa es, wl11ch are to be commenced on October 11th. Dr. W. E. Alder 'un has been appointed Hon. urgeon, nce Dr. Arni on re igned.


Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privatcs 19. T otal effective 25. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 27 . Average attendallcc 13. Remo .... al 1, Oases att~llded not on ~ublic duty 3~8 . . Annual inspection, 3rd June. Total on parade 10. Absent Wlth leave 1. WIthout leave 9. Annual re-examination, Members passed 15. Did not appear 9. Medallions 17. Rr.rvice 23rd May. badges 5. Nursing certificates 2. }{rgulation uniform worn by 3 Oilicers, 1 Material: 1 Furley and 5 improved sergeant, 2 corp~rals, and 11 men. stretche~s, 1 surgIcal havresac, haVI'e~a~s~ water bottlcs, bandages, and splints, vested. II?- Hull Oentre, S.J.A.A. DlVlsIOn supported by m embers' and public subscnptIons.



Hon . Surgeon .

1st Officer.

T. G. Young.

[Formed 5.12.01.J SOUTH



Major O. J . Sutherland, M.D., Y.D.

Hon . Secretary.

OorpJ. T. B. Whitehead, 33, Clyde Street, Hull.


Honorary Surgeon.

W.E. Alderson,


E. E. Laslctt, M.D. Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer.


W. Scott, Chief Constable's Office outh Shields. 2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.

L. W. J. Jagger, Oent~'al Police tation, onth hlelds.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. O. McOormack.

O(ficer~ 4. Sergeants 2. Cor110rals 2_ Privates 21. Total effective 29. Decrease smce last report 1. Drills held 14. Averao'e attendance 28. Oases attcuc1ed on public duty 68. Removals 6. Annual insl~ection 16th June Total ~~s;:rade 28. Abs.ent with lcave 1.. Alln~lal re-examination, 28th April. I\lembers I. d 2? .Meda.lho.lls 17. Regt~latIOl1 umfo~'m worn by 1 Officer. Material: wago)), stleLchels, and dlesslllgs, vested lU South hlelds Oorporation. 01

4 06

St. J ohn A ?TilbuZance B?" igacle.

) t. John A r;nbuZance Brignde.

The squads were detailed for duty at D urhn.m Agricultural Show. mbula,~lce appliances '\Yere on the field, and the hon. urge on in attendance: also at the laymg of the foundation stone of the new municipal buildings, when a large concourse of people were present.


Mrs. R. Krause,17, Grosvenor SLreet, Hull.

2nd Officer. 1st Nu r sing Off. and Lad y Treas.

J . Page.

Mrs. O. ·Wheatley.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 20. Total effective 26. ..... I ncrease since last report 8. Drills held 29. Average attendance 10. Oa. es attended not on public duty 1. Annual inspection, 30th Sept.. T?tal on parade 1.5. Absent with leave 3. 'Without leave 8. Annual re -exannnatlOn, 24th Apnl. :!Hembers passed 8. Diu not appear 1 ~. M~terial: 4 stretchers, waLer ~ottl~s, aU1bulance hampel', bandages, e~c. ; and 111 Bl'lga~e house, stores of clothes.. restorat ives, blankets, beds and beddmg, for use of shIpwrecked men, vest~d South Shields 'Volunteer Life Brigade. Division supported by voluntary contnbut~ons .. This division has increased in strength by eight. There have been no pubhc d?tIes to perform, and as there have been no wrecks, our sen'ices have not been req~lred. Two of our members, Private Matthews and Vasey, haye performed very credItable duty in connection with a bathing accident on the so~th beach. On. el~temhel: 26~h, at 7.15 a.m., while the member of the Wistoe Batlllng Olub were enJoYll1g theu chp, their attention was drawn to cries for help proceeding from some people about 600 yards along the sands. Matthews and Vasey ru hed ,vith o.thers, .a~ld f~)lm~ that some men had brought from the shore a lady, who had got mto .dIfficultIes. 111 ~he strong sea that was running, and was seemingly dead. They applIed first aId wlth the good result that life was sufficiently ~estored to enable them to remove her to the police cabin where warmth could be obtamed, blankets &c. from thp. V.L.B. watchhouse, hot coffee and help from the coastguard station. They succeed.ed after two hours' work in restoring her sufficiently to enable her to be taken home 111 a cab, and Dr. Orease summoned .


WALKER DIVISION. lFormed 5.12.03J. HEAD -QUARTERS: MECHANICS I XSTITUTE, ,\VALKER-ON-TYNE. Honorary S u r geon a nd Superin t en d e nt.

Welbeck Road, Walker.

Honora ry Secretary.

Honora r y Treasu re r.

Pte. J . Buckley, 46, Foster Street, Walker. Officer 1.

La dy Su p erintend e nt .

Miss M. O. Mmdoch, L.n.c.p .

1st Officer and Hon. Secretary.

M. B. ,

(HULL CORPS ) CENTRAL NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 2.2.86.] Honorary Surge on .

J. R. Orease, Jnnr., M.R.C.S.

R. P. Da.wsol1;

Offir, ers 3. Sergeant 2. Oorporal 1. Privates 6. T otal effective 12. Drills held 15. Average attendance 5. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and 2 men. Material: 2 stretchers, 1 hamper, 2 boxes as hampers, 2 rugs, water bottles, haversac, splint and bandages, vested in Officers of Division. Division supported by members' subscriptions.


Hono r a r y Su r geon .

J. W. Buckland, 12, Winchester Street, S. Shields.

Privates 30.

Pte. Virtue. Total effective 31.

(No report received.)


1st Officer and Honorary Treasu r er. Inspector of Stores.

Miss L. Dailey. Officers 5. Kursing sisters 70. Total effective 75. Increase since last repol t 8. Practices held 25. Average attendance 3~ '6. C~ es atteTIlled not on puulic duty 77. Cases priyately nursed 4. Annual InspectIOn, 3rd June. Tota.l on parade 35. Ausent with leave 5. Without lea.vc 35. Annual re-examination, 8th May and fith June. :Members passed 42. DiLl not appear 32. M el1alliol1s 53. ervicp badges 1. Rcgulation uniform worn by.4 nursing Office~s and 21 llUl'sing sisters. Material: 1 lJetlsteau and mattre s, 1 pall' bla.nkets, 3 pall' sheets, 1 (luilt, 2 water bed., 2 mackintosh ..11eets, 2 be(l rests, 4 bed pans, 1 bl'Ol1<;11 iti kettle, 1 hot wa.ter bottle, 6 feeding cups, 3 air cushion, 1 water bottle and glas , 66 splints, 7 dozen triangular bandages, 8 dozen roller bandage, 2 ballllarre wllldcr and other llucin 0Cl ma.terial, vesteu in the Hull Centre, "'t. John " ' , Ambulance Association. Diyi ion 'llpporle,l by member' sub criptiolJ : concert, &c. Tht; work of the di\-iion ha' been well mu,illtained, the practices and lectures ha,e been well attended' 37 nU1'S1n'" si -tel'S huxe made them eln's efficient according to Bri trade relfulations: Four Officers and 15 11 ur ing si tel" ,,-ere on duty ut the Fu,ir Station fro~n October 10th to 13th, 190-1, 1 Officer and 2 nul' ing si. tel" always being on duty from 9 tl.m. to 12 midnight, a change being ll1ad~ every fhe hour'. About 50 cUSe~ were treated. On 1\o\'embcr 16th the annual reUnIon "-"S held, the :\layor and MaYOl·e. ..\lderman and ~Ir. F,trmd kineUy presiding, and ma.king the pre entations, they were upported by Alderman Dr. Holder itlld :\~r '. Holder, and. Mr. and :\Irs. DUllloulin. One nursing sister received her 3rd sen'ICe star. two the~ 2nd, and two their l::;t. The (;ompetition prizes were n.1so presented, and 11 gamed att~ndance prizes for attending eyery meeting on the sylla.bu~. The 1I1ayor 'poke yery hI~hly: of the work done by the nursing sister' among the 1(;k poor. _On .J ul.y 6th, thr~,e::\ ur ' mg Officers and 6 llU\'singi 'tel" ,,-ere on rluty at the Yorkslllre ~ gncultural h.ow, and there huye been a lI'oocll1umber of first a.icl CD. es reported when not on puuhc duty. There bave been 2,5-16 yisit, paid to the 84 case that haye ~een pri\'at~ly. nursed, :md we feel that thi' i a good record of work done among the SICk and sllfl'enng poor.

(HULL CORPS ) EASTERN NURSING DIVISION. lFormed H.9.01.J Hono r a r y Su r geon .

J. Divine,


La dy S uperi nten d ent.

1I1i 'A. Hargreaves, 21, We tcott treet, Hull.

Miss F. E. Hargreaves, 21, , Yestcott lreet, Hull.

. \.. E . Sproulle, L.R.C. P.

Oorp1. O. W . Smith .

3rd Nursing Off. and Lady Insp. o f S t o res .

La dy Sec ret ary a nd T reasu rer.

Hon . Surgeon .

Rabt. W , L eary, The Stores, Withernsea.

2nd Nu rsin g O ff. an d Lady S ec.

Miss E. Hardy, 61, • pring 'treet, Hull.


WITHERNSEA DIVISION. [Formed 4. 5.99.]



H. Anthony.

La dy Ins pecto r of Sto r es .

Miss E. 1\1.


Officers 2. Nursing isters 25. Total effective 27. I ncrease since last report 1. Practices held 21. Average attendance 12 . . Oases attended on public duty 5. Cases attended not 011 public duty 15. Oases J?l'lvately nursed 24. Annual inspection, 31'(1 June. Total on parade 12. Absent ,Ylth leave 1] . Without leave 4. Annual re-oxamination, 26th June. Members pas eel. 15. Did not appear 11 . Medallions 24. Hoglliatioll uniform worn by 2 ursing Officers


St. J ohn

St. John A 'mb'Ldance B?nigade.

and 1 nnrsina sister. Material: splints, bandages, and tourniquet. Division supo . . ported by members' subscnptIOns. . . . The Eastern Nursing Division has an increase. of SIX 111 the membership .~or the year ending September 30th, 1905. A first aid class has bee? held dUl111g the Session, but owing to the illness of one of the Officers, no nurs111g. class has been formed, hence our increase is not so large as formerly. Three pnzes have been awarded for-I. Competition for best all r~und w.ork ; 2. ~ttendance; 3. Best sen of notes on lectures delivered. The annual 111specbon was fairly well attended, onl,)' four being absent without leave. The division wa r~presented ~t the. Hull Fall' Station in October. A concert was held during the SesslOn, at whJCh pnzes, medallions, certific:1tes, etc., were presented.

SOUTH SHIELDS NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 26.9 .1 900.] HEAD-QUARTERS: 9, CATHERINE STREET, SOUTH SHIELD . Mrs. J. R. Crease, 2, Ogle Tenace, South Shields. H. Goudie, lILE. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 18. T otal effective 20. Practices hell~ 19. . Average attenrlance 9. I ncrease since last report 1. otal on Cases attended not on public duty 19. Annual 111spectlOl1, 30th Sel?t. parade 8. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 11. Ann.ual rfl.exam111:L~lOn, 28th April. Members passed 8. Did not appear p. MedallIons 20. Sel~vlCe ~adge8 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 NU~'smg Officer. 8: nd 13 nUl:smg Sl ~ers . Material: large qnantities of nursil1g and sick r?om reql~lsl~es, vested 111 90mmlttee of nursing division. Division supported by pubhc subscnptions, members fees, etc.



R. P. Dawson,

M. B.

Lady Secretary.

Mrs. S. E . Graham, 23, Westbonrne Gardens, Walker.

Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. A. Lee, 11:>, Westbourne Gardens, -Walker. Lady Inspector of Stores.

:Miss Shea, ,Velbeck Road.

. Officers 2. Nursing sister!! 14. Total effective 16. Practices held 12. Average attendance 1G. Cases attended not on publIc duty 18. CaRes privately nursed 9. Annual re-examination, 26~h April. . Members pass.e~ 5. Failed 5. Did not appear 5. Medallions 9. MaterIal: all SICk room l'eq~ls~tes, vested in Committee of Division. Division supported by members' subSCriptIOns and socials. The Walker Division has not made much progress during 1904-5, the numbers are not so large, but hope to have an increase shortly.



No. VII . District. Assistant Oommissioner (in Oha?'ge)-Surgeon Lieut.-Col. E. CURETO~, V.D., M.D., J.P., College Hill, Shrewsbury. Dilitrict Ohief Sltrgeon-Surgeon Oolonel J. Do LLOYD V. D. , M.D., The Mount, Ohide, North Wales. ' Dist?'ict Ohief Sltpel'intenclent-lIr. J. W. WRITE, A. LB., The Bank, Iron Bridge, Salop. Distl'ict S1tpe?'intendent l'?·eas~£(e?·-Mr . R. S. STRWART, M.D., Angelton, Bridgend (Glam. ). Dilitl'ict Superintendent Sec1'etCtI'Y-- urgeon Maj or J. A. JOXE . :M.D., Aheravon, Port Talbot (Glam.).

Lady Supt., Lady Sec. and Treasurer.

Honorary Surgeon .





lOXER. HRE\V:3EURY, November 7th, 1905.

I It,

I have the honour to forward you my annual report for the pa't year. Durina this period new uuit, have been formed at the followina' places :-Blaina. Aberaav~nny 0 ' 0 T l'e·Iler b ert,. II er~ford (two divisions), Aberfttn, Wellington G. oW. R., l\Ierthyr Vale,) and one umt winch hn,d dt'opped out, hn,' now become an active and useful dinsion. Nearly all the Corp' and Divi 'ions htwe beeu inspected by me or one or other of the district .. tuff, tu whom I offer my grateful th,mks not only for thi-, but also for the zen,l which they h l\,e thrown into the work, and it is encoul'Cvrincr to find as the re:;ult of their inspections that reports of a most favourable nat~'e °come to hand. ::\Iy D;:;trict 'hief urgeou has been yer}' alert to test the knowledge of the divisions which he ha in pected tl' to their fir::;t <lid. l<'spent my annual holicla.y in going through the colliery district, of orne parts of \Va.Jes and Monmuuth, and W,t' much impressed ,vith the zen,l 'hmvn by the new di,·i'liol1!;. But on the other ha,nd it wa,s borne in upon me the great need of more fir:>t aid, followed by Brigc),de work in the e parts. To mention one place only, where there were 70 r.:l'rtificate holder' annngst 3,000 collier:>, but here through the splendid effort' of the lor.::1.l doctors. we h'we two clivi 'ions anel five first ,),id cb,'se' in progre s. North \Vales has been carefully "isited by the district 'ta.fl', but i'=i ~low to move, wlth the exception of Bla.ne,1,U Fe:tiniog a.nd Baja, where we hope to ta.rt ,,-ork next ye,u·. ~ T ewport, :\Ion., is to be congratuhlted upon its ucce" in "'inning the A ciation 'hielcl ,.nel the Dewa.r Trophy, as is al'o Portma-doc in secming the Cambrian hield, for the . econd time. The p,l. t year hilS been one of stefl,cly progre s fl,nd con 'olidation. Haying in the di. trict uch large area,' where Brig,ttle work i alm:rt unknO\Yll, it follow' th ..),t gre,tt efforts and 1l1,l,l1y visit, become nece "ary before our work is thoroughly gmsped: and a vi"it i' productive of more results than all the conespondencc. \ Ve have good re<1. on to hope thn,t the Roy,.l N av,),l ""ick Berth Re el'ye will be Iuch useful work of a public nature has been represented in the district next ye,1.l'. done by the various units, a., i' recorded in their annual report': and om best thanks are due to those Officers of Corps ,),nd Divi ion for bringing their member to uch a high state of efficienC'y, and especi,)'lly to the honorary urgeons for their devotion to <luty. I \vi'h to place on record the grea.t los' which the di trict ha' u'tailled by the untimely de,.th of the D istrict Chief uperintendent, Dr. A. D. Griffith', a more v,),luable Officer it would be impo sible to obtain, and the ddrict join' with me in deploring hi , sudden end. r.rhrough the kindness of his friends his memory will be perpetuated in ,1, permc),nent ml),nner. It is pleasing to be able to state thl1t General ir Chl1r1es ,Van'en hl1 mo t generously give n a vl1lua.ble trophy for the hard-working It.ds in the Rhondda Valley, and the district takes this opportunity of offering to him it gra.teful thank'.


conclud.ing. t~i~ r~port I wish to .thank the qhief Commissioner for his ready and help 111 .lllltmtmg and spreadmg the Bngade movement in Wales and the adJommg countles. ' I haye the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient ervant, EDWARD CURETON . A ss~stant-Commissione)", in' cha1'ge To the Chief Commissione?', of No. VII. Dist1'ict. St. John A mbttlance B1·igade.


, .I~




'+" r::



i5 Aberfan Division ... Abergavenny Division ... Blaina " Brynma,wr '" "]) .. , Chirk Dowlais Goodrich "" ... Hereford City PoliceDiv .. .. Hereford Railway ... " ... I ronbridge Corps *G.W.R. Division ... * Iron bridge ... " *Jackfield ... -*:Madeley "" *1'.1uch Wenlock ... Merthyr Vale Division N:r ewport Corps ' Alexandra Dock Div. .. , Town Railway "" .. . *Penrhiwceiber Division ... P ortmadoc " S hrewsbury ... " * Treherbcrt




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31 .


May 1, 1995 1ar. 20, 1 96 Mar. 20,1 96

Broseley Divlsi0n . Iuch Wenlock Division Jackfield Division

:May 1, 1899 June, 1, 1899 Dec. 12, 1903

England - H ~re rordshlre, Ionmout hRhire, and hropshire. "'IV alcs- Brecknockshire, Carnarvonsl1ire, Denbighshlre, Glamorganshire, Rhire.





July 20, 1904 Oct. 2, 1904 Oct. 8, 1904 Oct. 8, 1904 Oct. 19, 1904 Dec, 22, 1904 Jan. 2, 1905 May 25, 1905 J nly 5, 1905 Aug.~8, 1905






Shrewsbury Division Iron bridge " Madeley "


Date whcn formed.

Portmadoc Di,ision Hlai 11a " C\\'jlnrt (nIon.) Corps Aberga venny Division Treherbert :r o. l " . Herelord Oi ty Police Div. Hereford Railway " Aberfan DivIsion . G."'IY.H. Ironbl'itlge Div. Merthyr Vale Division

Nov. 30, 1891 May 1, 1 95 Mar. 20, 1896 Mar. 20, 1 96 May 20,1896 Sept. 14, 1 97 Jan. 20, ] 98 ept. 13,1 98 Mar. 21, 1899 ApI. 17, 1904 June 14, 1904 NUR





Madeley Division Shrewsbury " Ironbridge Corps Ironbrillge Division . Much Wenlock Division Dowlais ,. Jack fiehl Division BrynmawT " Goodrich " Chirk Di vision Penrhiwceiber Division


Corps or Divisions.

Date when formed.

Corps or Divisions.







DIVISIONS, *. Broseley Division I ronbridge *. Jackfield " " Iadeley " Much -Wenlock S hl'ewsbury ... D ist. Staff


St. J ohn A 1nbulc€Jnce B?Oigade.

St. John A 1nbulance Brigade.


In Charge.

Hon. Surgeon .


Honorary Secretary.

R. E. Rei, 1, Mcrvyn

Honorary Treasurer.

t., A hcrfan.

John J one.

Oflicers 2. ergeant l. Corporal 2. PriYates 13. Total eli'eetiye 18 Drills heltl15. Averagea.LLellllance o. Uaterial: 2 stretchers pliut, bandages vested in Divisional Committee.


Col. W. D.




S. T. Beard, 2, Ross New Road, Ab ergavenuy.

* No report received: last year's figures, t Same Hon. Surgcon in Ambulance Divi~ion. Statem,ent.--1 Assistant Commissioner (in cha' e ). 1 D" . 1 District Chief Superintendent· 1 D' -t " t S 1€F. , Istnct ChIef Surgeon; Superintendent Secretary. 476 o'fficer;s ~~~ m~g:I ~noteNnden.t TOreffiasnrer; 1 D.istrict Total 561. ' ursll1g lOers and SIsters.

Dayia J. DaVIes, 67, Moy Road, Aberfan.

. Euwards, L.R.C.P.

8 18


[Formed 20.5.05.J

HEAD-Q1:ARTEIli5: DmLT. H .\LL, lilEIllllYR YALE.


69 80


teel, M.D. Hon. Secretary.

Sergt. W. A. Cooper, 13, King treet.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. W. J. Hodges.

Pte. J. F. Reynolds.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Corporals 2. Privates 25. T otal effective 30. I ncrease since last report B. Drills held 4.7. Case attended on public duty lB. Cases attended not on public duty 47. Annual inspection, 17th Aug. ~otal. on parade 13. Absent with lcave 6. "'IYiLhout leave 11. Annual re-exanllnahon, 6th J.une and 24th Sept. Members passed 19. Did not appear 10. Meda.lliolls 4. Nll1'smg certificate l. Regulation uniform worn by 1 officer, 1 sergeant,

4 12

t. John ..d mULdunce B)'igade.

St. J ohn A 1nuulcince B rigade.

co rporals, and 18 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, bell tent, blankets, waterproof sheets, splints, bandages, etc., vesteu in a local committee. D ivision supported by members' contributions alld donations. from the public. Great progress has been made by this division during the past year, the members haye worked well together, and by doing so have sufficient fund in hand to provide uniforms for the majority of their number, besides providing the necessary equipment for the division to carryon it first aid duties. The members have been on public duty on several occasions, and have had many serious accidents to attend to both then and in their private occupations. The membership has substantially inm'eased, and there is every prospect of it doing so still more as it becomes better known.


LFormed 2.1 0.04.J


'Worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corp rals, and 18 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 1 surClical havTesac, 2 blallkets, 3 waterproof sheets, a goou supply of splints, bandages aud ellal ts, vested in Uommittee of the Division. Division supported by public subscriptions and members' contrihl1tions. . The division continues to make steady progress, although numerlCally not quite so strong as last year. The division attended for the purposes of public duty on five occasions, viz.:- The opening of the new line at Brynmawr, Brynmawr Sports Visit of Field-Marshal Lord Roberts, v.c., to Abergavenny, Brynmawr Fair, and Lifeboat aturday at Newport. The members are con tantly rendering first aid, especially to the coal miners of the district, where accidents are frequent . Twentytwo of the members have at their own expense equipped themselves with regulation uniform, except great coats and field enrice caps. The Committee gratefully acknowledge the htmclsome donation of £5 from the Miners' Federa,tion (Blaina Branch).


Hon. Surg eon.

T . J. O'Donovan,

CHIRK DIVISION. [Formed 17.4.04.J

Supe r intend e nt,

L. R. C. P . &



W. Oldham, 18, N orch Blaina Cottage, Blaina.

Hon . S ecreta ry.

E. Elkins.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 21. Total eITective 26. Increase since .last report 10. Drills held 4. Average attendance 20. Cases a~tended on puLhc duty 14. Cases attellded not on public duty 16. Annual illspeubon, 16th Aug. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 5. Annual re-examinatio?, ) 5th :May. Members passecl15. Did not appear 10. Mcdallions 11. Regulation HUlform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 21 men. Material: 1 ambulance wagon, 1 surgical havresac, 1 water bottle, 2 regulation stretchers, 2 waterproof sheets, 1 hlanket, a large quantity of splints and 4 bandaues vested in Comn:itLe~ of the Division. Division snpported by member and public ~lb~cri]ltions. ThIS bemg the first ye~r of .this division excellent progress has been made, the members and general public havrng taken a great interest in ambulance work which has been carried out to the satisfaction of the medical Officers. vVe ha.ve atte~ded to .a large number of accidents during the year, some of them very seriou. ,Ve ha.ye had an horse am~ulanc.e waffon placed at our disposal by our generous uppol'ter. We hav~ succeeded rn uniformmg the whole of the members, and ha,ye an excellent eqUIpment of stores, the whole of the expense being obtained by the enerrry of the members. b [Formed 13 .9. 98.J


Hon . Surgeo n. L.R.C . P .

Supe r intende nt.

R. P . Adams, 100, King Street, BrynmalVl'. In s p ect or o f S t ores .

Pte. A. Baill ton.

Ho n. S ecretary.


Sergt. Jackson, Lle\\'j'niciel, Chirk,

The Mount, Chirk.

H on. T reasu r e r .

Surgeon-Col. J. D. Lloyu,

Oorp1. J. Jones.

Pte. T. ·Wiltshire.

111 . Sheehy,

M.R.C ... ,

Inspect or of S t o res.

Hon . Treasu r er.




Hon . Su rgeo n.

J. D. S. Lloyd,

Inspector o f Sto r es .

Pte. F. C. La\'iTence, 77, High Street, Blaina.



Hon. S ec r etary.

Corpl. B. Thomas, 85a, Bailey Street, Bl'Yllma\\"r, Hon . Treasu re r .

Pte. R. W. Lewis.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 22. Total errective 27 . Decrease since .last report 3. Drills held 49 . Avel'age attendance 18. Cases attended. 011 pu~lw duty 5. Removal' 2. C.lses attendeu not on puhlic duty 43 Ar~l. lUal mspectlOn, 16th ApriL T~tal on parade 16. Absent wiLh leave WHltOl~t leave 3. . Annual re-exammation, 28th Sept. Members passeu 26. MedallIons 6. Se1'v'.c'3 badges 3. N llrsing certificate 1. Regulation uniforlll




Officer 1. ergaant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 33. Total efIective 38. sillce last report 13. Drills held 25. Average attendanc~ 13. Cases attended on puulic duty 6. Rl'lllOVals 13. Cases attended no~ on public duty.55 . Annual inspection 26th Ana. Total on parade :H. Al.Jsent \nth leave 7. WIthout leave 7. All1n~al re-exal~linatioll, 26th Aug. :JIembel's pa sed 35. Failed 1. Did not appear 1. Medallion 1. I~eglliation uniform worn 1JY 1 Oflic_el', 1 sergeant, 3 corporal·, aUll 17 men. l\latenal: 4 ~tI·etche1's (army pattern), 0. squad water bottles, 6 pairs of. pltnt , 70 ba.ndages (tl'langlliar and roller), 1 surglCal havresac. Division supported l.Jy Yoll1ntary contriuutiolls anu entertainlllents. Illcrea.~e




Hon. S ecretary.

Hon. S ur-geon.

11. L. Hughes,

Arthur Lucas, 12, Charlotte Street, Do\\lais,


Officer 1. Pril'ate 25. Total etrective 26. Drills helli 16. Avera.ge attelldance 10. Remol'al l. Ca 'es attended not .on public (lllty 12. AUlIual in:pectioll, 23rJ Scpt. Tolal on 1,arade 21. Abent \uth le[ll'~ 4. 'Nithout len,\"C 1. Annua1 re-examination, 23rcl cpt. Members passed un;ing eertilicate 1. Regulation uniform 21. Did not appear 4. ~leda.lliolls 12. \YOi'll by 1 man. Material::2 stretcher, .p1int, etc., vcsted in Committee of tbe Dil'ision. Divi ·ion supportetl by sub Cril'ttOllS and concert. Owing to the fa.lling .off in membership the di \'i 'ion did not meet £01' drill from May 1902, until Febnll1ry 1905. Since it're-formation the diyi ·ion 11a' made good progrei-ls, and there seem' every prospect of its becoming l1: tl'ong and usefulRone. e\·eral serious accidents lw.ve been attend cd to by members III 1\leS.l". G uest, een, & Nettleford's iron works and colli erie . A concert to pro\'ide funds for the diyision WetS held on Thur day, October fith, 1903, and this was soucces ful that it was repeated the following aturday. The annutll in-pection by H. . "tewart, Esq., M.ll., 13ric1gend, District 'uperilltendent Trea urer, wa held on "aturday, September 23rd, when there was a good attendance of members.


Honorary Surgeon .

A. Cutlield ,

B . A"

M. R.C.S .


St. J ohn A 1nbulance B1·igade. 1st Officer.

Hon. Sec. and Hon . Treas.

Victor Wade, The 01(1 Rectory, Welsh Bicknor, nr. Ross, Herefordshire.

Rev. Prebendary Seaton, Goodrich Vicarage, Ross Hereforc1shire.

Officers 2. Privates 5. Total effective 7. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 14. Average attendance 5'7. Annual in spection, 7th Oct. Total on parade 6. Annual re-examination, 13th Oct. Members passed 6. Medallions 4. Material: 1 stretcher, 1 ambulance hampel', splints, vested in First Officer and HOD. Secretary. Division supported by small subscriptions. This division was inspected by the District Chief Superintendent on October 7th, and although small in numbers, acquitted itself in a satisfactory manner. HEREFORD CITY POLICE DIVISION.

[Formed 12.12.04.J


Hon. Surgeon.

E. Morris,


St. J ohn

(Five Ambulance Divisions) . -Officcrs 17. Sergeants 6. . Corr~orals 5. Privates 59. (Five Nw-sing Divisions}.-Officers 8. Nnrsmg sIsters 50. Total effective 136. Increase 6. The year clo es with a slight increa 'e in numbers as a result of the formation of a new divi ion by the G. \V.R. men. The vellum certificate of the Royal Humane Society has been awarded to a corp~raJ,. and al~o to a 1st class sergeant of. the o.Ol1)S, for the saving- of a man from drownmg m the nver . evern, and a long patIent tnal of succe ful artificin.l respiration. Part of funds obtamed from the bazaar last year, has been used in purcha ing a hor e all1bL~lance to ~arry two ~tretchels ?f an up-.t~-date make constructed to the Chief upermtendent s own desIgn, and hIghly praIsed. by 'olo~el Lloyd, District Chief urgeon, and District C?hief .'uperinten~ent -:Vhlte, when in pecting the Corps. It has been n ed many times m connectIon WIth the Madeley \Vooel Company's Mine, and found most us~ful. . During the early pring Dr. C. Rey?olc1s took consIc1~rable troubl.e. m training the men who were to represent the Corps 111 the Dewar bleld CompetItion at Tewport, l\1onmouth.


M .ll.C. S.

Superintendent and Inspector of Stores.

S. G. Smith, Poplar Villas, Grand Stand Road, Hereford. Hon . Secretary.

Hon. Treasure r .

W. Davies. City Police Station, Mrs. Underwood, 29, Castle St. Hereford. Hereford. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 15. Total eJJ'ee:tive 20. Decrease since formation of Division 2. Drills held 34 • Average attt'ndance 15. Cases attended not on public duty 3. Annual insl ection, 28tll Ot t. Tolal on parade 20. Annual Ie-examination, 27th Nov. i\lembers lasf;cd 15. Did llOt appeal: 4.. Vested in the Divisional Committee. Di vision su ppOl ted by voluD la ry snbscnptlOns.

t P roposed) Hon. Su rgeon.

H. C. ,YoodhoLlse, OIficer 1.


Privates 10.

Dawley, Salop.

Total effective 11 .



[Formed 12.12,04.]

Honorary S ecretary.

ergt. A. W. Bartlam, Tontine Hill, I ronbridge .





N. F. Edwards,

M.A., M.D.


Inspector of Stores.

Honora ry Secretary.

Superintend ent.

Hon . Secretary.

A. Adkin s, Hop Pole Hotel, Hereford.

W. Davies, City Police Station, Hereford.

Hon . Treasu rer.

[Formed 20.1.98.J

Honorary Surge on .

Hon . Surgeon.

J. H. Lilley,

[Formed 20.3.96.J





Pte. G. Edwards.

Sergt. A. J. H umpl1J'ies, Furnace College, Coal port Road, Iron bridge.


Mrs. Underwood.

[Formed 30.11.91.J


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 6. Total effective 11. Drills held 34. Average attendance 13. Decrease siDce formation of Division 6. Removal 1. Cases attended not on public duty 2. Annual inspectioll, 28th Oct. Totalo,n parade 11.. Annual re-examination, 27th Nov. Members passed 11. ::M.e~a~IIO,ns 6. M~tenRl: 1. s~l:etcber, 1 set of splints and bandages, vested in tbe DIVISIOn s CommIttee. DIVISIon supported by subscriptions. IRONBRIDGE CORPS. HEAD-QUARTERS:

J. C. T. Raspass, Madeley, Shropshire.


Inspector of Stores.

1st Clas!:. ergt. J. Bowen. (IRONBRIDGE CORPS ) MUCH WENLOCK DIVISION. [Formed 20.5.9 6.] HEAD-QUARTERfl:

Hon. Surgeons.

Chief Superintendent.

C. A. Reynolds,

1Rt Class ergt. J. W. Fletche~, Court Street, Mac1eley, Shropshire.

[Formed 20.3.96.J


F. J. Hart, L.R.C.P. N. F. Edwards, M.B.

Honorary Secretary.

Honorary Surgeon.

W. Dyson, M.B. C. A. Reynolds,


Honorary Surgeon.

F. J.

M. B.

Supt. of Stores.

H. W. Thomas, New Tree House, Madeley, Salop.

Su perintendent.

F. J. Danks, The School H ouse, :Much Wonloek.

Hart, L.R . C. P.

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. T. H . Thompson, Barrow Street, :Much Wenlock.


St. J ohn

St. J ohn A ?nbulCince Brrigade. MERTHYR VALE DIVISION.

[Formed 21.7.05.J

Honorary Su rgeon .

C, RicharJson 'White, L.R.C.P., Nisem Villa, Merthyr Vale. Officer 1.

Sergeant 1.

Corporals 2.

Privates 16.

Total effective 20.

NEWPORT (MON. ) CORPS. [Formed 8.10.04.J HEAD-QUARTERS : TOWN H ALL. Chief Surgeon.

S. Hamilton,


Chief Superintendent.

Superintendent Secretary.

W. J esseman, Meadow Park, Ne\"port, (Mon.)

G. H. Osborne, 50, Capel Crescent, Newport (l\lon.) Hon . Treasurer.

Supt. of Stores.

Chief Constable A. Sinclair (Hon. Member.)

A. G. E. J. Fudge.

(Three Ambulance Divisions).-Officers 7. Sergeants 3. T ota.l effective 83.

Corporals 5.

[Formed 8.1 0.04. HEAD-QUARTERS :



Hon. Surgeon .

J. Hurley, L.R.C.P. 1st Officer and Acting Hon . Sec.

D. Buckley, 19, Pottery Road, Newport.

Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. A. Green.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporltls 2. Pl'i vates 21. Total effective 26. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 25. Average attendance 14. Oases attended on public duty 6. Removal 1. Oases attended not on public duty 348. Annual inspection, 17th Sept. Total on parade 18. Ausent with leave 8. Annual re-examination, 24th Sept. Members passed 25. Medallions 17. NUl' ing certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Otficers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals aml 19 men. Material: 4 stretchers, 2 litters, 5 havresacs, 15 sets of splints, 26 dozen triangular bandages, 36 dozen roller bandages, ample supply of olive oil, salyolatile, boracic acid, etc., vested in the Alexandra Dock COl1llJany's name. Division supported uy Alexandra Docks and Railway and members' contributions. The work of this division has been very satisfactory, they have turned out for public duty on six occasions, viz . :-Newport Stee]Jlechases in Tovember, 1904 (two days); Newport Steeplechases in l'llay, 1905 (two da.ys); the inspection of the Boys' ewport Athletic Brigade by Major-General Baden-Powell in June, 1905, on Grounds, when a number of cases were treated; Military Tournament and Sports at Abergavenny, on August 30th. From a competitive point of view this division has done well, a team winning the Railway Challenge Shield.


[Formeu 8.10.04. J

HEAD·QUAP.TERS: TOWN HALL, NEWPORT. Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.

Vacant. (Division controlleu by Corps' officers.) Sergeant 1. COl'poral1. Privates 22. Total effective 211. Drills held 42 . Average attelldance 10. Cases attended 011 public duty 5. Cases attendecl not on public duty 215. Annual inspection, 17th Sept. Total on parade



8. Absent with leave 1: WiLhout leave 15. Annual re-examination, 24th Sept. Medallions 13. Nll1'sin cr certificates 4. Members passed 16. DId not appear 8. Hegulation uniform worn by 1 ~ergeant, 1 corporal, and 3 ~ell . Material: 1 strete.her, 2 surgical ha:rr.e~acs, 1 brign,de flag, a quantity of splints and bandages, vested lU t. J.A:A .. p~vlSlon supported by p~lblic subscriptions. The work of thls dlVlSlon has been very satlSfactory during the past year they ha.ve turl'~e~ .out for ,Public duty on six: occasions, in conjunction with the railw~y and d~cks dlVlSIOns, VIZ.:-:- Tewport Steeplechases in . ovember, 1904 (two days) ; ewport teeplecha~es m May, 1905 (b~o days); the mspection of the Boys' Brigade on NeW})orb Athletic Grounds by laJor-General Baden-Powell; Military Tournament and ports at Abergave~ny on August 30th, being the visit of Field-Marshal L~rd ~?~el't. On eac~ occaSIOn a number of cases were treated . The prospects of tIll dIYl~IOn are ve:'Y bnght, the men are. very keen, and we are looking forward to the ensumg year \Ylth every hope that thIS good work will receive the support both financially and numerically it deserves.




Privates 68.



I. F. Nehilla, L.R.C.P. Hon . S ecretary.

"\V. Rohelt ,14, Alma

Hon. Treasurer.

t. , Newport.

G. Storey.

Officcr 1. 'ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 25. Total effective 29. Drills held :32. Average attendance H. Cases attended on public duty 6. Cases attended not on puLlic duty 32. Annual inspectIon, 17th ept. Total on parade 29. Annual re-examination, 24th ept. ~Iembers -passed 23. Did not appe!ll' 5. ~IeLlallions 10. NUl'siIlg certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 2 corporal, anI 6 men. Material: stretcbers, 1 medical havresac, vested in t. J.A.B. Division snpported by voluntary contributions and public su bscriptions.



Hon . S urge on.

R. ,Yo Jone , ;)LD., J.P., C.O. Superintend ent.

Hon . S ecretary.

T. J. Bryer, Police Station, Penrhiwceiber. Officers 2.

Sergeant 1.

Corpl. G. R. Birch, 6 , Penrhiwceibcr Road, Penrhiwceiber. Corporals 2. Privates 15. 'l'otal etfective 20.

PORTMADOC DIVISION. [Formed 19.7.04.] HEAD-QUARTERS: TOWN HALL. Superintendent.

H. R. Griffiths,


D., Tan yr Onen, Portmalloc.

Hon . Secretary.

Pte. A. Evans, 9, Madoc Street, Portmodoc.

1st :Offi ce r.

R. G. Roberts. Hon . Treasurer.

Mr. J. O. Hnghes (Hon . Member).

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporo.ls 3. Privates 18. Total effective 25. Drills held 24. Average attendance 17. Cases attended not on public duty 13. Annual inspection, 6th Sept. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave ,8.


St. John A muula'J?ce BrigacZe.

St. John A'Inu?dcvnce BrigC/o/de.

Annual r e-examination, 6th Sept. Mem bel's passed 24. Did not appear 1. l\1edallions 10. Uniform worn, arm badge No. 2. Material : stretcher, 1 medical havresac, splints, etc., vested in Division. Division supported by public. This being the first year of the division, great progress can~10t be reported. At ~he same time I am able to say that the men have taken great pams to master the dril!-. Ohief. urgeon Lloyd of Chirk, at the in pection, complimented the men on the~r efficiency, and also on the fact of the Portmadoc team, wh~ are nIl members ?f thIS division, having won the Cambrian Railways Ohallenge Slneld for the second time.



Hon . Su rgeons.

J. Lytle,


J , 1. "\Vil1iam ,


Sup e r in t e nd e nt .

1st Offi cer and Hon. Treasurer.

.T. Parry.

S. Phillips, 2, Station Terrace, Treherbert. 2nd Offi cer.

G. Payne.


Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

'V. 'cott, 11, Station Terrace.

E. T. Bell.

Officers 4. ergeants 2. OOlporals 2. Privates 22. Total effective 30. Drill held 17. Average attendance 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant 2 .c~r~orals, and .16 men ... ~laterial: 6 stretchers, 2 ambulance boxe , vested i~ DIvlsIOnal CommIttee. DIVI IOn supported by public and members. On the 29th Oct., 1904, four member. attended to an accident to railway employee On 20th. March, 1905, two members attended railway who had been run over. employee who had been run over, havmg leg off and other injuries. On 11th July 1905, ' :a.tt town ollie:y exp~o ion.. Twel ve men on d l1ty for forty hours. On~ ~embeI plCked up lad wI~h hroKen tlllgh. He rendered first aid, and had the patient 1l1.bed. IIe was complImented by the Hon. Surgeon, who arrived in twenty-five mlllutes.

1st Offi cer, Hon. Se c. and Hon. Treas.

Supe rintendent.

P. F. Timmi., 26, Wyle Cop, hre\\·sbnry.

A. H. R. Southam, 20, Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury.


Inspe ctor of Stores.

Corp1. O. Bird. Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Corporals 4. Privn,tes 19. Total effeclive 28. Cases attended on llublic duty 115. Drills held 23. Average attendance 20. Removals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 68. Annual inspection, 24th Sept. Total on parade 19. Absent with lea~e 6.. Without leave 3. An~ual re-examination, 24th Sept. Members passed 2;:). Dld not appear 1. MedallIons 14. Service badges 16. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 4 corporals, and 16 men. Material: wagon, wheeled litter, 5 stretchers, 3 havresacs, dressing case, water bottles, ,Yaterproof sheets, bandages, basins, blankets, lamps, hot water bottles, drugs and instrumell ts, etc., and 6 first aid boxes in various parts of the town, vested in the Superintendent of the Division. Division supported by mem bers' subscriptions and Local Centre. The past year has been a satisfactory one, and con iderable progress ha been mnde in bringing more discipline into operation. The divi ion is now workecl on military lines, and the results are encouraging. In addition to three first aid station in the town, and the litter and wagon station, the Officer haye arranged for six boxes containing bandages, splint, and first aid remedie to be placed on walls in conspicuous positions. In connection with the division there are wimming, boating. hockey, boxing, recreation, and shooting clubs, which are "'ell supported by the members. Public duty performed include two day' and two nights at the 'hropiShire and West Midland Agricultural. hO'\-\', two days and two nights at the hrew bury Floral Fete (when 100,000 people as emble), the ,Yhit-MondtLY Friendly. ociety's Festival and Sports, the Fenguern Boat Club Regatta, the Shrewsbury wimming Club Gala, the Lifeboat Saturday, the Oycle Carnival Processions, the Police Sports, and numerous local flower shows, races, and sports. One of the best bits of first aid work wa. rendered in March last, when the engine man at the Oastle Mineral ,Vater Manufactory got his hand entangled in some everal shafting, whereby his right arm was torn off between shoulder and elbow. of the firm's employees are members of the division, and within five minutes a tourniquet had been applied, the stump of the arm wrapped in antiseptic wool, and the injured man was on his way to the local infirmary on a stretcher. His subsequent rapid recovery was attributed to the speed of the application of first aid.



Hono rary Surgeon.

'V. Dyson, Lady Superintendent.


1st Nursing Off. and Lady Secretary.

:Mi. is II. C. Polt" The Bank Hou e, Bro·eley.

111". J. Jone , The Lindens, Broseley.


Lady Superintendent.

1st Nursing Off. and Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. M. H. White, The Bank, Ironbridge.

]\11' . N. Andrews.

. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 9. Total effective 11. Practices heltl 1. AYerage attendance 9. Ca es attended on public duty 2. ases .attended not 011 public duty 33. Cases privately lIursed 20. Annual lllspection, 29lh July. Total on parade 11. Annnal re·examination, 29th July. 1IIeruber p~ sed 11. Medallion 11. •'er"il;e badges 6. Regulation uniform worn by .2 Nursmg O[fice~'s and 9 JlurSi~lg .i tel's: Material: ho pi tal beds, tent and eqmpment, bath chan, .xc., yestetl 111 IroJlbndge Corps. Divi ion upported by members. Thi~ clivi ion \Va only. called oyt on public ~luty once during the year, ""hen it supplied a hoslntal tent ful~y eq Ulpped With two nUl'smg Officers and four iter, assisted by a. squad of mel~ ~vIth the a,~bulance ""agon from the Ironbridge Oorp. There were two ca.es reqUlrmg ~ttentlOl1, although there were orne thousand at the Sports' and Regatta. The mterest of the members ha been well maintained durinO' the year, and the nursing sister haye been mo t useful in attendin u' priYate ca es ~nder the doctor's direction . 0




Hon. Surgeon.

G. S.

. Hirst,

1II. B .


Hon. Surgeon.

N. F. H. Edwards,



Lady Superintend ent. 1II.B.

Miss E . E. Jones, The Calcutts, Jackfield, Salop.

St. J ohn A'inbulan ce Brigade.



St. J ohn A m bulance Br igade.


[Formed 20.3. 96. ]

H EAD-QUARTERS : T HE I NSTITUTE, MADELEY. La dy Supe r i ntendent.

Honorary Surgeon .

O. A . Reynolds,

M . B.


Mrs. J . E . Raspass, Madeley, Salop.

Officers 2. N ursin g sis ters 17. T otal effe ctive 19. C~ses I ncrease since last report 6. Practi ces h eld 16. ~verage ftttend a nce ~2. attended on public duty 9, Cases attended n ot on public d ut~ 63, Annual lI1s~chonl 31st J ul y T otal on parade 12. Absent with l ea ve 2. \VIthout l ea ve 3. d 19ma re-exami~atioll, 31st July . Members pll:ssed 14 . D id not a~l~ear 4. ~~e a lOn s 1 3 Service badges 10. R egulation um form worn by 1 NUl ~ll1 g Offi cel and 1117 " SI'<ters lIIa t erial ' bed and bedding, 1 dozend b tnan gul abr .a uu 1'0 e1' a " nlUSln . l l · , , , ban dages, vested in I ronbridge Oorps. DlVIslon supporte y mem CIS .


Commonwealth of Australia. C01nmi~sio)!e)', -::. ra.j OI' G. L .

;\[ GLLI:\S, ;)I. A., :If , ]) , , A. A,;) f. O.

l1!ediwl O.1licl'I' 'in C'hicf-::'In.j oI'


)LA., ) L n .,



1 3, L n-EHl'O( IL • 'TREET,



[Formed 1. 6. 99 .1 HEAD-QUARTERS : PARISH Roo)[, M UCH W ENLOCK. Honora ry Surgeon.

La dy Su perint en d e nt.

F . J, H art, L.R. C.P.

Mrs. O. L. D ankR, chool H ouse, Much '\Venloek.


[Form ed 5.95.]


La dy Su p e ri nt e nd e nt,

G. G, Piggott, L.R.C.P.

Miss C. E. Hugh es , Brookland, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury.

st Nursing Officer.

Mrs . Howells.

Lady S ec retar y,

La dy Inspector o f Sto res .

Miss O. C. Hu gh es.

Miss Urwick.

Lady T reasure r.

1IIiss M orris. OffiJers 3. Nursing sisters 13. Total effective 16. Practices held 26. Average attend a n ce 10. Cases attended cn }lu bli c U,l1ty , 48. Annua] inspection , 30th Jun e. Total on parade 15,. Anllu al , r c-~Xamlllat lOn, 30th June and 11 th Aug. Members pa ssed 15. Medal~lOn s ~2. Sel v l ~e, b,adg es 7. Dl vlslon snpR egulation uniform w orn by 2 Officers and 13 11l11;sm g s],steys. ported by g rant from Shrewsbury Cen~' e and members Sl1 bscnptlOns . This division continues to do good qmet work ; the m em bers turn out well when called on for publi c duty at the ,:arious fetes and ~hows h eld a:.'l ll,u uJly . Iuch ,'\o\'o,rk is done privat ely, but no r ecord IS k ept,. ~h.e ,AsslSt~nt-OomIDl sslOn e1' of the dlSt~ct gave a m edical h amper for the use of thIS dlYlSlOn which h as proved of great serVlCe, and to whom our thanks are due for it.


P_I.RK SYUXEY, X, '. ,\V. , JCtiW{lJ'!J,


) , ,I ha\',~ th~ honour to .~t11JlIlit thl'_ \'nllual Report uf the. 't o John A muulance LJ'l gaclL: III Austl'tllla, for lile year (,lIrllll'" ~elJtemhel' ;.lOth IVJ,) J ~l1l'ilJ~ tJIl; ,)'ear L ieu.t. -Colonel .\l(,\\ 'illiullls.;\I. H. , all llu~l(jl'iU'Y ...:bsociate of the Order uf. t. ,J Uilll, \l'as apl,omtul l)y H , lt 1L the Grand Prior .\ ssi~tnnt COl11mi~ioner for \\' v.;t •\. ustraha , Glle Di \'i"jull ha~ I)eell funned in Perth. and others are in course of fUl'lllatHlJ1 III the JaI''''U Illillin~ centres ' III . 10\\ ~olltlt \ Vales tlll'ee lle\\' . \ mlmlance Di\'isioll s lmyc lJccn formed one in ~yrllll,;y, UlIl,; ,It Lith~~\\:, a c:oal l1lillin~ c:entre ill thc Blue :'IIountaills, ancl one at \\ ()110lI"Ul 1~', a co,lllll111111" centl'\;! 011 the :;outh cun~t. The"e Di\'i::;ion.' haye done ~()()cl wurk sin('c their fUl'lJIatiull. One D i\'i. iLll~ (lh~sol1" l"uC:to]'y) has e:ea~crl to exi ,t, and twu other ha\~e done \'ery lItt le work (lunll~ the year. The tutnlnl1111ber of meml)el" in the Dri"ade remain::; a l )~ut the ameas last ycar. T hi.' is l1ut due to lac-k of interc,t on th~ part of the O HIC'e rs, but to th~ fact thn,t mUll,)' mel11bul'!; \\'ho tuuk up the work of the Brigade as a ~l~\'.elty, lo~t thel!' cn~hllSlaSll1, and, as the effect of their resignation, the Yariou' Dl \' l ~lUns IHl\'e heeu rebe\'ecl of a llullll)(~r of cll'one~ . Increa-'ed efficiency all roun d has l)eell th . re:-.ult . D ~ll'ill~', t.h~ l'u..;t }ear I per::.onally \ j~itecl and inspected e\'e1'y ambulance and ll lll':m.g chn"loll 111 ~ ew ~outh \Valu~, 11.llcJ the Deputy COlllmissioner 'visited mo t of those III the metropolitan district. The annual re-examination' were carried out by the Brigltcle Ofti('er~. Dr. ~ . J amie 'on, Di trict Chid ,'ur~eon, founel him!'ielf unable to continue the du ties of h is ofti('e. and I'L·,igncd . ~ ,.'1~',h e R oth ~.:\. I1lIJlllancc ChalleJlgt .'hiL:ld mlS Wall hy the Dalmaill Di\'ision of the In l A ml)t!lallc:e and Transpurt Corl's. after llll excellent contest, T he M ullins lIl e<la.l ( prc'L:lIte(~ bY, ::.\lr",G:',Lallc .:'I I ulli~ls) "'as wou by ::.\J iss i\I. . \... W auhop, of the Ilen,cl -(lun,rter~ .1. Ul·::.l11g Dn'lslOll of tIlL: en 11 . \.lllIJulance and T Jallsport Corps. Th e 1 oY,Ll • "'aml ~\.t.Ixi l inl'Y Nick Berth R esel'\'e ha' made good pl'ogre~s during the year. A. bout forty nH::mhers lHwe applied for enrolmen t, a n el in abont twenty-five c:aSes the enrolmcnt l!<1s been. compl.ett:d , ~taff- 'ul'geon B ohart, R.X . , is acting on lJehn.Jf of the Inspectmg Mechcnl Office r, H. . ~.A. '.R Reen-e, in the matt er. I ha'.'e to thank the ll1L:mber of the d istrict ::;taff in New 'o ut Il '\Va,les for the h elp t hey h ~we gi\'ell me d urin g t he year. I hn.\'c the hOllOUl' to be, ~'ir, Y u ur obedien t "'e rnUlt, G. L ,~ XE M CLLI X>' , ;\J. D . , Ma jor A ,l\. ) I. C. K niuht of (}race of the OrdeJ' oj Ht. J ohn, UOlll1Jl issionc )' jO i' the Commonwealth oj A It {?·aliet. ']' h e ()onl1n i ~, ion el for ~' p eci tt1 el' vie:e;; i:l c..J oh n Amo llla,n ce B ri o... nd c , ' L oudon. D1


St. J ohn .A mU1dance Brigade.

S t. J ohn AnlULi-larnce B?·igciJde.


New South Wales District.






Ch ief Surgeon.

G. Armstrong,



U. Cnl'rnthers,

Supe r inte nd e nt.


T . Worsley, North Street, Balmain .

Ho n . S ec retary.

In s pe cto r of Stores.

R. IT. C. ,Yard.

Offie .rs 2.

,crgea,nt 1. 'orporal 1. Privates 16. Total effective 20 last report 7. Drills held 24. Avera'fe attendance 10 Re~o\'al­ by lIttcr 9. 'a.ses attended not on puhlic duty 43. Annual inRpection' 18th e t" ~otal on paradc H."I .A h<,ellt \I ith leave 5. ' Vithout len.ve 1 Anllual're e .p . c. , - xamlnat 1 tl ·"1 1 "pt .. l ' emher~ passed 14. Material: stretcher, splints bandages etc a erJa psterl 111 '0l11lmttee of Divi"ion. •'upported by membet:s' subscri )tions' The Hoth AmlJUlunce 'hallenge Shield was won by this Division. I·







Ch ief Superi nte nd ent.


Supe r int en d e nt of Stores.

S uperinte ndent.


' V. Kcato, ,Vyndham Groye, Al exa n d ria. In spect or of S tores.

CorpI. J. 1. Schofield.

'rawfonl, Ro.-alincl , trcet, Jorth ,relllCY· Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. 'Yo ,pears. 'orporal1. Prinl.tes 6. Total effective 10. . Offi('cl's 2. •'ergcant 1. Dnll- helcl 1. 'a 'CH lltteml 'cl not on public duty 6. Annual in pection 1fth :tIl~y. Total on pm·a.de 9.. Annun.l re -exmnillH.tion, 4th ,_cpt. :Memher. pa~ed i. DId not rtpp ' ar 2. Mednlhon. :2. Material: lmndages and &plint. Division supported hy 111 mhers'suhscriptiol1.'. N E WTOWN DIVIS ION (C.A. T . CORPS ). ITF,\I)-(~UARTRJl:-;;

J . E . Peters. During the year 2,710 cases bave been attended to. Of these 1,972 were conveyed to the ho pitals and homes in Sydney and suburbs. The classification j a follows:Government cases, comprising government employees, lolice, nayn,1, military, railway and tramway department cases, ttansport conducted for the Government, medical Officers, and special ambulance services for the various Government deptwtments, 244 ; accidents to wharf labourers, and seamen, and general shipping, 149; accidents in the streets, tram, vehicle, and othenvlse, 255 ; accidents in factories and from buildings, 121 ; accidents at the sports' meetings, 144 ; n.ccidents in dwelling houses, 79 ; female cases in all classes, 9'27 ; cases occurring on .. undays, 226. I recis of the total number of cases :-lIiedical and surgical transports on pmctitioncrs' certi:ficates and casau1ty transports, inclusive, 1,972 ; accidents at sportH' meetings, 141 ; treated at the stations according to the principles of first aiel, <\1lCl directed to medical Officers or hospitals for further treatment, 423 ; calls to accidents, where, after first aid being re1ldered, patients were able to proceed home without further aid, 70 ; mdlH, where services were not required, 101; total number of cases, 2,710. All the important sports' meetings and large public gatherings were attended by the members of the Oorps, when the permanent members were assisted by the members of the various divisions. The Oorps possesses one pair-horse wagon, one single-ho rse wagon, and eight wheeled litters, all in good order, and vested in trustees. umber <Jf permanent staff, 10. Corps sUfpo)'ted by public subscriptions.

[F ormet1 ]~{. 11. 04. ]



Honorary Secretary.

Selgt. E. 'V.


A. A. Palmer, Ln., 149, ElizalJeth yclney.


Honorary S urgeon.

F. J. T.

TEY. -l)





G. H. Pickett.

Hon . T reas u rer.

Ambulance Oorps and Divisions. 20th IIIa,rcb, 1903. 1. Glebe Diyisiol1 . . 2. ' Ve tern ubUt'bs Division 9th September 1903. 3. Gasworks Divi ion 20th ~eptember, 1903. 4. Mort' Dock D i v i s i o n . . 23rd eptemhel',] 903. 5. Civil Ambulance and Tran port Omps 1st by, 190-1. 6. Jewto\\'n Division (O.A.T. Oorps) 3rd ~lt"\,y, 1904. 7. Balmain Oorps (O.A. T. Corps) . 13th eptember, 1901. 8. Head Quarters Division (O.A. T . Oorp ) . ) 7th November, 1901. 9. L ithgow Division 17th July, 1905. 10 vVollongong Division 2nd 'eptember, 1905. JUHSING DIV1 '10 -fl. 20th farch, 1903. 1. Glebe. . . 30th fll ay, 1901. 2. Balmain Oorps (O.A. T. Oorps) 7th.June, 1904. 3. Head Quartels (C.A. T. Corps) 8th Augmit, 1901. 4. Newtown (C.A.T. Oorps)



D. T. Drakc, Ratty Street, Rozcllc.



[Formed 13.9.04.

Hon . Surge on .

Depltty Com?nissio;~er-Mr. T. S. DIX ON, M. B . Dist1'ict Chief Sltpe1'intcndent-- l ajor T . M . IARTIN, B.A., L.R.C. P. District Superintendent Secreta?'y-Oaptain L . DOBBIN, A.A.S.C. District S1Gpe?'intendent T1·easw·er-Mr. H . PRIES'l'LEY.


S u peri ntendent.

Honorary S urgeon.

,\\'. ,_'pcllcer, Ho n. S ecretary.

Ollicers 2.

G. H. RegHIl, :F01Cman


In spect or of S t ores.

A . Lc Breton, Tram Deput, IT cwtO\\,ll.


f-lerget1.11ts 2.

[Formed 3.5.04.]




Lreet, Tempe.

Hon. Treas u re r . CO]'pl.



ol'poml. 2.

Primtes 36. Total eff ctive 42. in pectioll, 15th June. Total on 5. Annual re-examinabon,2 th ept. ~ l eml~C1:s pa.'sec1 13. Dlc1 llOt appear 29. Material: splint, banch-tn'es, dc., ve 'terl. ll~ 1\'11 Ambulance and 'Transport Oorp.. Di\'i::;ion upported l~y pul'lic flU bscl'lpLlOllS.

Drill~ held 36. A\ ~l'<"\'gc attendance 9. Amlual l;al'lHle ~6. AlJscnt \nth Ictwc ~1. \Vithout le,"\'\'e


G"S\\'OI',l:"., .,," 163 ,

I'ET'r \.

]ll.l!. ( 0

S'J'J>EE'l' "

Yn~EY .

Sup e r int e ndent.

Hon . Surgeon .

'iV . II. Re:lll,


A. E. Lee. report receiycd.)

St. John .A 1?-dn~lance Bri[)culp.




W. F. Litchfield,



Hon. Surgeon.

Superintendent .

Hon . Surgeon.

Oaptain J. Kerr,

W. J. Hc1l'l'is, :; , Burtoll Street, Glebe.

fiLB .

Inspector of Stores.

LITHGOW DIVISION. [Fol'mecl17.7.0iJ.]

Hon . Treasurer.


Hon . Surgeon.

, . Finlay,

Lady Superin tend e nt .

F.n.C . . r.

Miss I. 1\1y les, 204, Evan t., Rozelle, Balmain.

Lady Sacretary.

Mi s K. :til) 1es, 204., Evan Rozellt'.

Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.

R. RUf;sell, Lithgow.


Officcr 1 ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Pri\'at~s 10. :rota~ effec~i\'e 14. Drills held 20 . Average attendance 12. Annual m . pectIOll, uOth ept. Annun.l re-examination, 30th ept. Total on parade H. Members pas 'ed 13. Division supported financia11y by members' subscriptions.

Lady Inspect or of Stores.


Miss M. McLaJ'dy. Lady Treasurer.

Officer 2. Nursing . isters 17. Total effecLive 19. . Dnlls.11el<:l 25. A "erage attellc1ance 12. Anllual inspection, 17th AuO'. Annual r~ -eXl\Jllll1atJ.on, 2 th ept. Mcmbers p<\ssed 12. Did not appeal' 7. 0 Material: d~ngl'ams, tnallgular and roller b,mclages, and clre~~ings. Division supported financlUlly by members' :,ubscriptions.



1\1. J. C(11) cr.

M.R.C.S .

(No report received.)



Hon . Su rge on . :M . Il.

Hon . Secretary. R. Laillg, JUDl'., 4-, Morris Street,

Sup erin t e nd en t (Acting).



Hon . Surgeon . P.


Jone , Jr.,

Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. E. . turrock, 11, Mount Vernon St., Forest Lodge, Glebe.


Lady S ecretary and Treasurer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss J. Atkins.

Mi. sA. Bank', 1, Derwent Street, Glcbe.


G. Allcn,


Su peri nte nd en t.

Hon. Su rgeon.

J. B. McIlroy,


J\liss :tiL Middleton.

Hon . S urgeon and Superintendent.


A. Oroft.

This D~v~s~ou was formed in September, and has had no time for practices for the year. Dl\'lSlOl1 supported by mcmbers' subscriptions.


)I.B., A.A.M . C.,

H. F. Fredericks, W ollongong.

R. Osborne, Wollongong.

Oorporal H. P. Henderson.

Oaptain H. Kirklantl,



Hon . S ecret ary.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Oorporals 2. Private 36. Total effective 4l. Increase since last repon 5. Drills held 4.3. A.ver~ge attend,l,llCC 12. Oases attended not on public duty 50. Annu.al re-exammatl?n, 21st Sept . . Memb~rs passed 16. Did not appe:1r 25. ~fedalhons 9. Matel'l~l: wheeled litter, Wlth splint, bandages, etc., stu.tioned at Messrs. :tI~a sey Har1'1s, 35, Bron,clway, GI.ebe, tWO stretchers (bl'ig~l,de pa.ttern), 3 ambul~n?~ klts, 2 water bottles~ bandn,ges, . plmts: and materIal fOl lmproDsed work. DIVlSIon supported. fi,nancmlly by members subscriptions and local branch, St. John Ambulance AssocU1t~on. . The Division can turn out two stretcher Slluads complete WIth regulatlOu stretcher " first aid chests, and water bottles, n,nd hopes to complete two more stretcher squads during the coming year.


Officers 2. Xursing isters 1. Total effective 20. Practices held 52. Average attendance 26. ,,:l.nnual in pection, 21st Sept. Total on parade 10. Absent with letwe 10_ Anuual re-examination, 21st ept. lILl,tel'ial: roller and tritmgular bandages, Me.mbers pas e\l .1.1. Medallion. 3. sphnts etc. Dl\'lSlOl1 supported by member' subscriptions.

58, S'11i~h Stl'eet, ummel' Hill.


Hon . Treasu rel'.


S. Britt011.

Snmnler Hill. Officers 2_ Sergeant 1. Corporal:; 2. Pm-ates 25. Total effective 30. Drills held 24. Average attendance 24-. Number' of r.emovals 1JY litter 25. Ca. es attended not on public duty 32. Annual iU'Ipection,30th 'epL. A.Jll1ual re-eX:1ll1ination, 30th Sept. Memhers po,ssed 24 . Failedl. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions 5. Material: 2 whe131ed litters, 1 h:md stretcher, splints, b:'llclu.ges. dressings, etc., material vested in trusLees. Division supported financi!111y by voluntary coutrilJutions.


4. 0,

Hon . Surgeon .

O. V. Bowker,




Lady Superintendent.

111 is 111. A. , Vauhop, 18, George Street, Redfern.

1\1. B.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss S. West, 265, Abercrombic Redfel'll.


Miss E. Watkins.

Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. H. 1\181'shall.


St. John A mbuZa,'nce Brigl.1de.

St. J ohm A mb u,lance B?--igade.


Officers 3. Nursino' sisters 36. T otal effective 39. Annual inspection, 4th April. Tot~l on parade 27. Absent ,,'ith leave 12. An~ut\I re-examination, 19th Sept. :Members pa,sed 27. I edailions 2. Materu~l : bandages, splints, etc. Division supported b'y ll~e~l~ers' sub cription . The MullUls Medal ,,'as won by Mis' M. A. W auhop of thIs dn'lslOll.




Mrs. E. E. Laing, 155, Enmore Road.~Enmore.


Mrs. E. Little, 4, "Watkin

Miss E. McMillan.

treet, N ewtown.





Lady Inspector of Stores .

Lady Treasurer.

1 tIL Ap1'il,

Miss A. "Williams.

Miss A. Mc li1lan.

West Australia District. Assistant-Commi.ssione1-.-Lieut.-Col. G. F. ~IC\YILLlA~[

, JLB.: A . A.Jf.C.,






IY. A.

Su perintenden t .

Hon . Surgeon.




Officers 3. Nusing is tel'S ~3. Tota.l effecti\-e 26. Practices held 12. Average attendance 6. Annual in pection, 12th Aug. Material : roller and triangular bandage '. Di,"i ion supported by members' subscriptions.



Lady Secretary.

1st Nursing Officer.

O. Burkitt,


Lady Superintendent.

Hon . Surgeon .

R. Davie,

Assi3tant COllLmissioner-i1Lo\.,JOR G.


J. O. K. J effreson, 2, Beaufort treet, Perth.

Hon . Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

Private T. E. Probert. Officers 2. Corporal 1. Privates 31. Total effecti \'e 34:. Drills.held I? Average attendance 7. Cases attended not 011 public duty 52. Annual IDspectlOn, 12th July. Total on parl1de 13. Absent "olthout leaxe 3. AunuaL re:e:-:~rnination, 8th TOV. . :Members passed 9. Regulation uniform (temporary). DIVlslOn supported by donatlOns. The Division is indebted to the military department for the u e of a elI·ill room, and also for the assistance given by appointing an instructor in drill. The memLers of ~he Division act.as the local Corp~ of the Australian Anny Iedical Corps and were lDspected by MaJor General H. Fllln alld ul'geon-General IV. D. C. "Williams, C.B., of the Commonwealth Military Forces, during their 1'e pective vi. its to 'We t Australia. Members of ~he DivisioJ?- have atten~ed all the meetings on the Metropolitan Race cour~es, the vanous football matches, blCycle sports, police tournament, and the Royal Agncultural Show. There have been fifty-two attendances at these gatherings and in all twen ty cases have been treated. '

In ubmitting my econd annual report upon the t . John Ambulance Brirrace in the Colony of Xew Ze~land, it bri\'~S. me plea ure to state that highly atisfactOlY progre s has been made m the orgamzmg of unit during the past year. I\,h.e~ :eporting twelve m.onth. ~g.o, the Brigade c~n ist~d of four ambulance corps a,nd dl\'l JOn , and two nurslD!5 dl"V~Sl.o~s-a total of SlX umt. During the pa t year .IX ambulance and three nUl'::;mg ell'. 'lOns ha\'e been added to the strenoth, givinO' a total of ten amhulance corp. and divi "ion" and five nUI'l-iing di,olsion. t> t> During the year ambulance di'ol'ion in exi ·tence at ~Ia. terton and Palmerston Korth (the latter in connection with the local fire brigade), were brought under the rule of the Brigadt', and units ,,-ere al 0 organized at Owaka, Chri tchurch Petone and Palmers!on 'outh. Xur'ing division' were formed at Oamaru, Owaka, and Palmerton ~ orth. Twelve months ago the local membership of the Brigade tood at 170, while this year it tanc!' at 35~"'-a ati ,factory acb-ance. In my uext annual report I hall be able to include a nursing di\'i 'iOll formed at Auckland, and I hope that at Christchurch also, uch a unit will be org3.nized. There are a number of town in the Colony where I nnticipate that ere long the Brigade ,,'ill gain a footing. Already I 11<1-"e received a good many el1l1uirie, for further information in reference to the ohject" and work of the Brigade. t the larger centre:; members have been called upon to carry out a con iderable amount of tran 'pOrt duty, and the demand in this direction made upon the BriO'ade are steadily increasing. 0 Iuterest in the work continue to he well maintained by all rank , and the further prosp ct::; of the Brirrade are decidedly promising. ppenc1ed is a tabulated statement howing the dettlils of the strength lD Tew Zealand. I have the honour to be 11', Your obedient>..: ern\lJt, GEORGE BARCLAY, Major, llon. Associate of the Oi'de/' ot' {he Hospital of, ·t_ John of Ji 'J'l1 a/em, Assistant Commissioner in Charge. T o the omll1i ·joner for pecial en'ices t. John mbuhmce Brigade, London. .. TOTE.-The mell11Jer 'hip now numbers 502 a which ha. been corrected to the 1st _\pril , 1906.

' hown in the following abstract.

&t. Juhn rlllLullLuJlce B"'!.JuAle.


't. John A'inlmlance B rigcule.




2 .5 Ji



Corps or Divisions.


"'''' SV




..:i:: 0


Cui <t t=

'-0 0., ;:;~



'-' <.>

~a: :'3 ;...





,,; OJ

I'"0)'". ...










bO • ~~

District Staff ... 1 I .. -- Dunedin .., ... ... 1 1 3 oJ. Auckland ... ... .. . 1 1 Oamaru ... ... ... 1 1 1 9 IV ellington ... .. 1 :2 20 '" Palmerston North (Fire Brigade) 2 25 1 4 Masterton ... ... ... 1 2 .4 Owaka ... 2 2 12 .. 1 '" C hristch urch .. , ... 1 1 1 13 Petone ... 1 :3 ... 1 12 '" Palmerston South ... 1 1 17 1 Denniston ... ... ... 1 15 1 Palmerston Korth Railway .. , 1 13 KUR.IKG- Dn'IsIOK A uckland .. ... .. . - - - - D ulledin ... ... ... - - - - IV ellington ... ... ... o amaru ... ... .. . ollehunga ... ... ... o walea ... ... ... P almerston Korth ... '" South ... '" " T hames .. ... . - I-- P etone .. . .. ... - Total -1-12T17TlT 196
















1 53 10 12 23

















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2 3 -1 -











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29 29 11 23 12 18 ]7 25 1'2 24

",V. G. North.

A. G. Pilkington.

• hortlall(l ,treet, Auckland. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.

H. M. Doull, 30, High

trcet, Auckland.

Inspector of Stores .


J. F. Derrick.

26 H 21

Officers 2. P!'intte Total 10. Di\ isiulllll'l'oltecl by memher::;' subscriptions. \\T t ha\'t~ he en enal)l.:d to do a fair amount of trunsport work fOl' medic.,l men and t Itt betels o~ pr1\ n te ho.'pi ta ls and nursing home.-. These continually called for the use of OUl' 11 tters. Also dl1l'in~ the foothall :-; '<\son eyery ~aturday there \yere three or four of Ollr men prt:sellt at the Foothall round, Alexancln~ Park, and a lot of t:lln(l ,,"ork was (lone fur II hich thc hig-he t commendation was recei\'ed from the Auckland H lI~b.r Iliou'::\ 1edicltl Ollic r, (lllcl they JHlYe furnished us with a fully' e'Juipped 1ll ·diul] ha~, and pay our l:ar fares to and fro, and gixe a ub tantial dOl1tttioll to Ollr funds. Our lllemh , l's haye also been pre:-;ent at nearly all the large pul,lie function.·, picnics, ~TC., ancl their sen'ice~ were fr <Iuen tly retllured and al '0 mudl appreciat ·d. The [uIH1· are in n. satisf.lctory state.

23 C)_I


M . D.

1st Officer.

1st Officer.



Hon. Surgeo n .

[Formed 11.12.93.J

O. J. TUllks,


DUNEDIN CORPS. [Formed as a Di\'ision, 1 92.1

J. O. Oloss,

AUCKLAND DIVISION. Superintendent.


H 2 -S~30 502 ]

}Jrac!.ical illustration of hrillging a drowning man to shore was given at the- Frederick l'it~'eet .Bat~lf:l for the hencfit of member - who were there to gain experience in tIllS Chl'ectlOll. }\Iember" attending regularly have been supplied with roller bandage. , &('., for home practiee. The priucipitl cases trel~tecl during the yelll' ,,-ere a· follow::; :-A man 10 t in Pine Hill Bush. found unconscious and sl1ffering from exposure. Epileptic fits (3 cases). Fracture of the hrea t bone at roothallmatch. :Fracture of humerus, forearm, rib" fo t. • calp wound with concu' ion of the lmtin. Lo.'s of two fillcrer ~~t a"rmills. IVound of hand with seyering of palmar tll'tery. Lacerated wound ~f hand between thul1l.b nJ?cl forefillger cau e(l hy large sJwet of glas.· hreaJnng when patient was carrylllg It. lI~emorrhagc of the ho\\'el::;. Rupture cau ed by falling on a tent peg .1 t }l'ol'l)u/'y Oamp. Rupture cau::;ed by receiving a severe kick on the football i!,"rounc1-. H upture of the muscles ca.uscd by a stack of timber falling on the back of a man's legs.

7 17 16 16 20 17 14


J. E. BOlle, Forster, treet, Bellekno\\'es, Dunedin. 2nd Officer.

J. J. O. Johnson .

3rd Officer.

IV. W. -Wilkin on.

Hon. Sec retary and Inspector of Stores. D. Love, Town Hall, DUl~euin.

Officers 5. Privates 48. Total effective 53. Increase since last report 9. Drills held 9. Average attendance 16. Cases attended not on public duty 30. Annual in pection, 21st April, 1904. Total on parade 24. Absent ,,\~th leave 11. -Without lea';e 3. Medallions 30. 'orps supported by members' ubscriptions. Two teams from the Oorps took part in the first aid demonstration at the annual distribution of medallions 2.nd certificates of the As.oe:illtion. e\'eml members of the Brigade attended the winter course of first aiel lectures, to assist the 8tudents '~o master the practical wO,rk. During the . e;:;sion Dr. Closs ga\'P au adclreRs on 11l1l'sing 111 genera], and the upennkndent (Mr. ,T. E. Bone) h"" f::ri en instruction in the subjects of" Oirculation," "Digestion," and" Absol'lJtion," and on the" 'ick Room." On Saturday afternoon, 26th November, the Brigade assemuled ~t Logl~n 's Point Qu~rry, and spent the afternoon treating cases, improvising f'tretchers, and carrying patient through the manuka scrub and over obstacles, &c. On the 10th December a

OAMARU DIVISION. [Formed 1 ,10.98.J III

\lH.,lU \HTFn.':


Hon. Surgeon .

1'1.. :-;. Uarlal1ll,

)1. L:.t'.S.


II. R. Thoma, Thame::; Street, Oamaru.

1st Officer.

11. M.



Hon . Secretary.


ngol', Thltme "treet, Oamaru.

Inspector of Stores.

W. U. Verey. Officers 3. Pri\'ates 9. Total effecti\'e ] 2. 1 )I'ill~ helel 10. .L\ \ erage attcnunllce 7. ases attended 20. Removal 1. AUllual re-examination, ~bth ,T uue, ] 901. ~ lembers passed Did not appear 3. ~Ieda. llion.' 0. Di,i::;ion supported hy the puulie. l>rill ' during the year han been fairly well attended by the members, and in all ca1ie~ where the fService' of the Brigade were rC(luired they were cheerfully gi\'en. The Brig!~d has been represenied n,t n.ll the variolls loeal sport meeting" but h:tppily their H l'\'ice were not re'luired at any of the 'e. During the yet~r the services of thc Brig\tde have be n requisitioned 3 times, 1 of which were for the removal of patients. The fuuds which now total l~pproxilll!ttely £26, show an incl'et1 e of some £6 for the year. During the year it was decided to llispense


St. J ohn A'mbulwnce Brigade.

St. J ohn A mb ularnce B?Oigade.

with the memberR' annual subscriptions. The membership continues about the saJ?eas last year. vVe have been unfortunate in 10sil1:g a few meD?-bers, but t~e VH,canCles have been filled by new one. vVe hope durlllg the commg year to ll1crease our membership, and this should be made easier by the fact that the St. J olm AJ~1bulance­ Association hold first aid lectures during the winter mouths, and from tllls source we hope for an incl ease to our roll.

WELLINGTON DIVISION. [Formed 18.l.1900.]

H. E. Gibbs,

M . n.

O. D. H enry,

Hon . Surgeon .

H. McC. Inglis, r.I.B. Superintend ent.

1st Officer.

H. Langford, 1.82, Cu 'hel Street, Chnstchurch.

Officers 3.


Total effective 16.


[Formed 1.12.04.J

Hon. Surgeons.

M. 'Y. Ross,

Inspector of Stores .

Hon. S ecretary.

A. Roulstone.

O. V. Dixon, 9, Ox ford Road, ·Wellington.

Total effective 23.

Hon. Secretary a nd Treasurer.


G. 'Wilson,

M. n.


C. W. Peaeh,


L. Giorgi.

Officers 3.

Total effect.i'·e 32.

Pl'imte 17.

Total effective 20.


Hon . Surgeons .

L. E. BaI'll ett, F.H.c:....


E. H. William,

Lady Superintendent. )f.n.

Hon. Secretary.

Su perintendent.

A. E. Wilton, Queen Street, Mastel'ton.

L. H. Lewis, Ohapel



Officers 3. Privates 4. Total effective 7. Drills held 18. Average attendaJlce 3. Oases attended on public duty 27. attended not on public duty 10. Division supported by public subscription.

OW AKA DIVISION. [Fol'meu 25.10.04.] Superintendent.

Hon . Su rgeon.

Chus. Bird,


enr., Owaka.

First Offker.

S econd Offi cer.

F. McLatchie.

H. R. Rix.

Hon . Secretary a nd Treas urer.

I nspecto r of Stores.

D. Wratten, Owaka.

Ohas. Latta.

Officers 4.

R. IV. Wheeler.



Hon . Surgeons .

A. Hosking,

Private 12.

Total effective 16.


Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.

MASTERTON DIVISION. [Formed 2 .10.02.]

T. McKibbin,

Superintendent. 1st Officer.

IV. R. Hall, Broad Street, Palmerstoll North.


[Formed 9.12.04.]

E. H. Olark.

Hon . S ecretary and Treasurer.

M. W. Rose,

Total effective 16.

D. McDonald, P[llmer ton

G. B. 'mith, Jllllr., Palmer tOll

Privates 25.

J. O. Smart.


The Square, Palmers ton North.

Officers 7.

Pri\'ates 12.

2nd Officer.

W. H. Banlard.

H. Hepworth,

Inspector of Stores .

Hon. Surgeon.

W. R. Stowe, 1st Officer.

Sup erintendent.

W. Cox.

J. O. Halph, Richmond treet, Petone. Officers 1.


First Officer.


11. The division is progressing favourably, the average attendance at parade being 12. There are prospects of the wembership increasing considerably.

~I.B .

W. D. Perry,


E. J. Jenkins, Fitzherbert 'treet, Petone.

~) edallions

M. Oampbell,

J. Burns.

Private 13.

J. Besant, Railway Offices, Wellington.

Privates 20.

Inspector of Stores.


Superinte nd ent.

Officers 3.

T. Morten.

Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

Hon . Su rge ons.

H. A. H. Gilmer,


T. B. Craw::;haw, 76, Papanni Road, Christchurch.



Oa ea

1st Nu rsing Offi cer.

1\11'R. ,V. Forrester. Lady S ecretary.

2nd Nursing Officer.

MisR A. Mendel ohn. Lady Treasu rer.

1I1iss Andrew, Mrs. 'V. Forrcster. High treet chool, Dunedin. Officer. 6.

Mis J. D. Hooper. 55 MelYille beet, Dunedin.

Nul' ing si. tel'S 29.

3rd Nursing Officer.

1\11S. E. J. Reeves. Lady Inspector of Sto res.

lis' H. Fi her. Total effective 35.

. Decrease since last report 3. Pra(;tices held 8. Ayerage at tcndance 20. Cases pnvately . nursed 3. Annual inspection, April ctlJ, 1904. Total on parade 21. Absent '\lth leave ~~. Medallions 1. l\laterial: Im'ulicl ehair, bed, bed-re ts, hot wat.er bags, bl'onch1~ls .kettle, splints, bandages, &c. Divi ion supported principally by mem bel'S' sub Cl'1ptlOns. In August a lesson on sick room cookery was given by l\Ir . l\Iillr1' at her residence, London Str.eet. The. Division sent eight members to take part in the Annual DemonstratI~n held 111 the Ohoral Dall in May. Members also assi ted in the street collectIon on Ambulance [lturday. Several cases were attended to by mem bel'S


St. J ohn A ?nu1.,dciJnce BtigciJde.

St. J ohn A ?nuLdaTIce Brl'igade.

olll'ing the y ear, and four members demonstrated the practical work at the Ambulance Olasses. Six new members joined during the session, but unfortunately five left, leaving the roll number at 35 . . . . . . Dr. 'Williams, Hon. Surgeon, attended seven meetlllgs, and the DIV1SIOll WIsh to place on record their appreciation of his able and instructive lectures.

1st Nursin g Officer.

Lady Se cretary .

Mrs. A. McGrego r.

Miss M. M. iIliLvel'toll, Main Street, Palmers ton J orth .

Lady T reasurer.

L ady Inspector of Stores .

Miss McDowell .


Officers 6.


Nursillg sisler.' 17.


Total effective 23,


Hon. Surgeon . l\f.:S,

Agnes Bennett,

Hon . S urgeon.

Lady Superintendent.

A. H. Porter, L.n. c. P.

Lady Inspectors of Sto re s

:Mrs. l'II, H. Pearson.


Mrs. L. Smith, The Heaton, Nelson treet, Auckland, N,Z.

Mrs. D. E, Fuller. Lady S ecretary.

1st Nursing Officer.

Mrs. ,\Y. B, Fishel', Thorndon, '\Vellington.

Mi .' M. :\IcLeorl,

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 41. Total effectiye 43. Practices held 12, Average attendance 30. Oa es nursed privately 96. M edallions 16. Material: Nursing requisites, furniture of office and cottage. The work is gaining the warm approval of an increasing number of ladies. The resi!!l1ation of Dr, Elizabeth Platts-Mills was accepted with regret, and Dr. Isa"bel ,"latson was appointed as Hon, Surgeon. During the winter months fortnightly meetinO's were held, and Dr, '\Vatson delivered some most instructive lectures. The committee is most grateful to those ladies and gentlemen who contributed to the fund for nursing the indigent. A proposal was brought fonvard to augment the nurse fund, and subsequently a committee was formed and bazaar held. Thanks to the strenuons efforts of everyone intere ted, the re ults were eminently satisfactory, over £900 being raised for the fund. It is hoped that a second profe sional nurse will shortly be appointed, Dr. '\Vatson having resigned, Dr. Bennett has been appointed Honorary Surgeon.

2nd Nursing Offi cer.

Miss M. '\VelJster. Lady Secretary.

Miss:ilI. Edmiuton, Ihrox, ,Vooll Officers 4.

treet, Ponsonby, Auckland, N.Z. Total effective 33,

Jmsing ::;isters 29,

THAMES NURSING DIVISION, [Folmerl1.7.05.] Hon . Surgeon . LUl'l'~lik, ~I. n.

Lady Superintendent,

i\Ir., J. 1£118011, ),[ary


L ady Secretary. ~lackay -'trcet,

Thnmes, N.?:.

ilfr'l. W, \\'ilsOll, Oment's 2,

:rl1l'."ing ,islers


treet, Thames, N.Z.

Total effective 14.

PALME RST ON SOUTH NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 7.9.05,] OAMARU NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 22.9.04.] Lady S u perintendent.

Hon. Surgeon.

Miss M. E. Bruce, A yon

K. McAdam, M,B, First Nursin g Officer.

Hi ·lop.

1\li.;;s N . Bee, Wansbeck

Lady Treasurer.

Miss M. Beswick. Total effective 26.

Hon . Surgeo ns. l\f.B. T . McKibbin, M.Il.

Lady Superintendent . Lady Secretary and Treasurer.

Lady I nsp ect or of Stores .

Mrs. J. Burton.

Miss O. Dutton, Owaka. Nursing sisters 18.

E. Cumming, PdlllCl'str1ll ,'outh, X. Z.



Total effective 27.

sisters 25.

ONEHUNGA NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 30.5 .0 5,] Hon . Surgeon.

\V. 0,

Lady Superintendent.

:JIi. sA. 1\. Gillman, Queen ",treet, Ollchnnga, N.?:.

'Cl)tt, )r.ll.


[Formed 22.9.0.,)]. Lady Superintendent.

H on . SUI'geons.

Miss E , Dutton, Owaka.

Total effective 21.

11 Ir.s, :\1. Perry, Hutt Road, Petone.

M, W. H.os~, :'If,B, , V, D. Perry, :'ILR.C.s.

Lady Secretary.

1st Nur-sing Officer-.


}:. Kibblewhite, Total effecti \'e :2

Ii"" E. Cattel'. Officers 4.


:JL A. inclai 1', High chool, Palmer ton onth, 1.\, Z,

Lady S ecretary.

treet, Oamaru.

OWAKA NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 5,10,04.] A. Stenhollse,

Lady Superintendent. ~[i·s



Lady I nspector of Stores.

1\1iss L. Morley. Officers 3. Nursing sisters 23.


treet, Oamarn.

Lady Secretary.

1\1iss L, Oreagh,

Olficers 3.

Hon. Surgeon.


r l1l'"iuf,;' si"terfl 24.


[Formed G.1.06].

Hon . Surgeons.

M. Oampbell, M. B., W. R. Stowe,

M.R.C.S., l\LB.

A. Martin, M.D.,

O. W, Peach,

Hon SU I-geon.

S u perin t~ndent.

Han . Secretary.

W. J. Cmn, M.n.

,T. l:>enman,

.J. R. P,.lmer, Denuiston, N. Z.


Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. H. Mowlem, Ohurch Street, Palmers ton North.

OfHcers 2.

Pl'i.\("tas 16.


Tota.l eft'ccti,c 17.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigct.-de.

St. J oh n A ?nb'Lt.-lclJnce Bri gacle.




[Formed 6.2.06J.


Sup e r int e nd e nt .

J. Greig, Railwa.y Station, Palmerston North. Officer l.

Privates 13.

H on . S urgeon an d S u p e r intendent.

W. B. Skinner,

Total effective H .

f. Ll.,


1s t O ffi ce r.

E. Johnson.



Assistant OOlnmissioner (Acting)-Major J. H. L iebmann. District Ohief Sll?·geon-}.I r. O. F. K. Murray, 1r.D. District St£[le1'inte1ulent Secretam- II'. , V. T. ' ,-,"oolley. District Ohief Snpe?'inlendent-Oolonel R. F. tlrke.


Sergeant 1.

[Formed 6.9.05.J

Oorporals 2.


Privates 15.

Privates 9.

Hon. S urgeo n .

Officers 2.

Distrit:t Chi!;f SUjlel'intcnclcnt.-

[Formed 2-1.9.05.J

,J ..Joyce O.G.R. Goods Dept.,

Oorporal l.

Privtl.te' 1-1.


'<'pe Town.



M.D. ,

R. A.:'If.


P.O. Box 545, Bloemrontein. ~ER.

Privates 18.

[Formed 4.10.05.J

Total effective 19 . [Formed 27.10. 05 ,J

A. S. "Vells, M.B. Sergeant 1. Privates 10. Total effective 12,



Total effective 1 .

Ho n. S urgeon.

[Formed 19.12.05. J

Ho n. Surge on.

Officer 1.

C. T.


Hon. Surgeon . Forsyth, B. A., M. B.



H1oemlolltein. Di!>lrict SUjJUillLwclcllt Secrctary .-),Ir. II.

GODJ)AI:n, )r.r..C. ' ., R.A.)I.C.,

S uperintendent.

)1 D.

ergeant 1.

ORANGE RIV ER COLONY DISTRI CT. DI, 'TRIUT TAFF. Assistant 0011/ III issionei' (((cting). - O.-\ l'TAIX G. H. Bloem fOil tein,

Total effective 11.


Officer 2. ,el'gE'anL 1. Corporals 3. P,ivates 23. Total effective 29. Dccrease sincE' last report 1. Drills helr1 2. Average attendal1l'e 14. Cases attended on public duty 2. Remol'als] 5. Ca es attended not 011 public duty 13. An nnal iuspectioll 6 LIl May. Total Oil paracie ~6 . A hsent wi til Oll t leave 2. Annual rc·e .~alilinatlon, 8th April. MemherR pa. Red 25. Did noL appeal' 3. Mcdallions 7. l~egl1latioll llnirorm WOl'l, bV ~ offirrrs, 1 sergeant, 2 eOl'porals, and 12 men. Materi,tl: military tl'ctcher, 4 surgical ha\Tesacs, 4 amhulance baskets, and 2 two·wheeled ambulance litterR. Di\'i iOIl llppOi t pd hy C'olouial GoVel'llllJent. Tile work nOlle hy the Dil'i ion ror th e past year is YelY flati factory. The attewlance at drills "arie , a. sel'eral or the melltbers are sent up the line from time to tinle on ra\h\ay duty. TJle men take a k een interest ill the work, aIHI we ha"e lJeell tnclying carernlly the paper. SPilt de>;cribing the competitions held by railway COlllp:l.llleS in E"gland, and Ilre cndeaYOlll'ing to model our work 011 the same lines. A fnll . et or 'l'avodovski's Rope ling eC)lIipment for carrying eight stretchers in a railway goods bogie trllck i k el t on hand, and the members are frequently exerci ed ill quickly fixing it up and in loading.

Tota,l effecti \'e 20.

Ho n. S u rg eo n H . Budd, i\L H.C.S.

Oorporal 1.


H o n . S ecr etary a n d Treasurer.

P . G. Holloway, P. O. Box 173, East London.

A. McIntosh, Hd.·QtrR. LF.B. Bury treet, Oape Town.

Y.M.C.A. DIVISION. [Formed 8.9.05 .J

Officer 1.

urgery, Ea.· t London.

S u p erint en d e nt.

W . •T. chuller, Officers 2.

42 5

A . P. 1'.'1. Anderson, lIl.ILC. , . Oorporal1. Privates . Total effective 10.

Gon: lt:-::IIE:\T BUILnrXG. ~3rcl Odobel', 1905.


[ It,

I have tbe honon\' to suulllit tho follo\\' ing report 011 the progre of the Brigallo ill the Orange HiveI' ColollY for the past year. On e Corp has so fa I' heen forJlled, cOllll'ri -illg three l)iyi ion . , with a total ~ tl'ellgLh of 1 Ohief 'ul'geon, 4 Honorary " urgeOll'l, 5 Amlmlttnce Oft1 cer ', 1 ergeant ann 77 Private. All Divisiolls arc making good progrc s hnt up to the jlrescnt I haye been able to hold one ill pectioll only, Yiz., that of tbt' "B" (Railway ) Di\'i ·iOll. 'rhi , in pection \\'a ' madc Oil . . pt('lll her 27th, bl'rorc [,large llunl bel' 01 pcctator ·. The Di"isioll pre. entell a ~nlttrt appearance, allli perl'ormetI their work ill a tho lough manller. Prize \,cre giyen away Oil the conclusion 01 the di~play, one to the be ·t all·rollllll mAn, antI one eath to the be 'L ll1an in each squad . The following gentlt'mell kindly assi ted me in judging to wbom the prize were to Le gi\'en: Colonel Macnamara, R.A.M. C., 1'.lII.O., O.R.C., Captain J. W. 'Ve -t, R.A.lIf.C., Examiller Lo the As ociation, District Chief llperintenc1ent Urcluhart, fl,lHl Honorary 'ul'geon Wald. The Central outh African }{ttilway, have done everythillg possible to encourage the olllplo)'ees to take an interest in the work, and a::, a 1'0 lllt other di"i~ions will hortly be formed at provincial taLiolls.

St. J ohn A 1nbula12Ce BTigacle.


St. J olL n A 111bulance Brigacle.

.i\Iy district taff con isiinO' of Di trict Ohief nperintendent Oaptain Urqubart and District npel:intend ent b ecretill'y haw, havc ably as i ted me c1nring the pa t year. I ha"\e the honoHl' to be, iI', Your obedient servant, G, H. GODDARD, Oaptain, TI ..\.:lf. C"

Acting Assi tant Commissioner, Orange Ri7:e1' Colony District, St. J ohn Ambulance Bl'igICle. Th e Oommissioner for Special Services, St. Jl)hn Ambulance Brigade. [Formed 28.9.05, J


F. \\'. R. F.


S uperin tend ent T reasurer.

The Rev. Oanon H. W. Orford, Old st. Andrew' , Bloemfontein.

H. H. Greenhill, P. O. Box 172, Blocmfontein.

Officers 10. Sergeant 1. PriYates 77, Total effective" It is boped to shortly add a Xnrsing Divi ion to this Oorps. The Corporation of Bloemfontein has been good enough to allow the Oorps the use of the TO\\"ll Hall for th e p11l1)ose of holding combined practices of the Divi~ious, &c. This being the fir t Oorps formed in the Oolony, special efforts \"ill be made to en.-nre it. position al\\"a'y~ being first.



Sup erintendent.

Inspector of Stores.

". B. \Yithel"lm.


Officers 2. Sergeant l. PriYates 19. Total effectivc :2:2, Division supported by mem bel'. , sn lJscription ·. One officer only is at present in ulliform, but a nllifullll fllJJcl Jlaq I een started, and it is hoped tbat \'ery shortly all member will be ill l'u~:--(' .. "ion of the prescribed uniform.


)f. D .

Hon. S ecretary.

Private J. H . fenf"olJ, C,S.A. Railways, Bloemfoll tein.

Hon . Secretary.

Hon . Treasurer.

J. G.

[Fol'llll'Ll 2.3.04.J

1st Offi cer.

A. S. Mackay, Rail\\'ay Burean, Bloemfontein . Inspector of Stores.

Pri vate A. Jervis.

Inspector of Stores.


T. Denniston.

Officcr 1, aUlI 31 men. A llUIll bel' of lccturc Oil Homc r ur iug ha' becn deliyered to the members of the Divisiull by thc Honorary 'nrgeon. 'ixty cases haye been treated by members of this Diyision SlDce date of formatioll.

EMPIRE OF INDIA. BOMBAY CORPS. Ch ief Superintendent.

G. Lund.



Honorary Surgeons.

:\I.B ., :--; . .\.t:.

Superintendent (Acting).

[FormctI2 . . l.0':;.J

Hon . Surgeon .

l'a(~kman, R ..-L::II. c.,

. \ 'cllacott,

11. J. Hart, Pol icc , tation, Blocmfon tein.


W. W. Hodgills,

1'.\TIO~, BLOE~n-OX1EIN.

Police 'tation, Bloel1lfolltcin.

M. J. Hart, Police Barrack., Bloemfontein.



[Formed 21.6.05.J

Hon . S urgeon.

l'itptaill P.

W. YOllnger,

Su peri ntendent of Stores.

A . B. ,Yard, V . ManlJing,


tirke, Ruihvay nun'au, Bloemfontein.

Superi ntendent Secretary.

Lieut. H.

Medallions 3. Regulation uniform worn by all ranks. MaterIal: 6 stretchcr, 6 first aid hampers, splints, bandaO'e!'l, &c., vested in the Ocntral Soutll African Rail ways. Division supportcd by th~ Oentral • outh African Railways anclmembcr ' subscription . The Viviion is now on a firm footing, and al thoucrh it has not reached the strength anticipated 011 its formation, eithcr owing to ma~y of the members havincr bcen transfclTcd or hftl'ing left the sCl'\'l(;e, it is hoped that Jurin c1 thc next Bricrad~ year the numbel' will be grcatly incrcaseLl. The Railll'u,y Administration °ha::; proyilleu a hcad·quarters for thc usc of the Divi 'ion, anu it is mainly owing to the hclp reeei \'ed from thc ~\d millistration that the Division has made such rapid progrcss.

Ch ief S uperintendent.

Chi ef Surgeon

D. 1Il. Tomory,

Absen~ with leave 1 Private.




Hon. T reasurer.

Pl'iYate J. W. Tetley.

Officers 2. Privates 27. Total effective 29 . D ri1ls held 42. Averagc attendance 18. Oascs attended not on pulJlic duty 10. Annual inspection, 27th Sept. Total 011 parade, 2 officers al1Ll 26 pri\"ates.

Hono rary Su rgeon.

\Y. 'Y. Dean:;,

[Formeu 17.6.04.J Fourth Ambulance Officer.

Kayas J. M. Motisha.

:\f. D.

Hon. S ec., Treasurer, and Inspector of Stores.

Darah[\, X. Marker. Officcr 1. ergeant' 2. Corporals 1. Privates 32. Total effective 39. Drills held 19. _\.\'erage !1ttcndance 2-!. Oase attended on public duty 12. Cases attended not on public duty :2 . ..:\.unual in~pection, lIth June. Total on parade 27, ~\'h::;ellt "ithlen.ve.J. \ Yithout leuse 2. M edallions 7. Nursing certificatesJ2. Annual re-examination, 5th July. Members passed 37. Did not appear 2. Regulation uniform \\'01·n. illateria.l: 6 tretcher, -! ha ne ac , knee cap, plints, bandages, etc, Divi::;ion upported by public ub"cription. The mernben;hip of the Di,ision ha been ,tently during the year. The ayerage attendance at drill ha' been gooel, with a. corresponding increa -e in general efficiency. I":levernl speci'll drills h<1se been helel at the Elphim;tone High chool's playground; the rnn,rebes from and to ~rahlbar lEU and the drill howed marked improvement;. Duty bas been undertaken at public sport::;, on holidilY::;, and the Diyj ion has also been well r presented at other public duties when called upon by head-quarter. .A rrangemeuts are Geing made under dil ee:tion of the P. M. O. Bombay Brigade, by which stations for first aid on the line of route will be munned by members of the Ambulance Diyisioll of the t. John Ambulance Brigade, on the arrival of their Royal I1ighllCSP,CS the Prince and Prince s of \ Vales. Arrangements will also be made for " 8tatiuns "on the c\oning of the illuminations.



St. J ohn A m,bulance B'rigade.

St. J ohn A 1nbularnce B1·igcu..Le .


BOMBAY NURSING DIVSION. [FormeJ. 1.10.0-1.. ] Hono rary Su rgeon.

Major \ V. E. J enning!;,

~1. D.

1. ~I. s .

The number of meetings held durin 0cr the year was 12, with an. ayeragc. attendan~e of 14 members. The thanks of the Divi ·iOll are due to Major .T e.lllUl1.gs for Ins services as hOl1ol":1ryuro-eol1. Arrangements are being n~ade. nnder du'ectlOl1 of the P . M. O. Bombay Bl"igad~ by which" stn,tlons " for first :lld ~ be mo,~ll1ed by m~m­ bel'S of the Nursing Division on the line of route, on the ar1'1vo,1 of then Royal 111ghnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales.

BOMBAY CITY POLICE DIVISION. Under direction of the COlllmissioner, Mr. Gell, and their own Offic.ers, the B?mbay Police are being organi ed into a di"i ion, drillcd and instr.uctec1 1ll ~rst ald, but owing to their arduou duties and frequent transfers, progress IS necessan1y slow.


A Division (Bloemfontein Oorps)

(Bradford Corps) ... (Brighousc Corps) ... : 0 (IIudclersfield Corps) (Keighley Corp ) " " ( 'hipley Oorps) A1Jcrfan Di\ision berga \'ellny Di vision Abram Oolliery Division .t\ccrington Oorps Ac-cl"ington X lll"1;ing Division Acton Vi vision AcHing-ton Division .Aldington and IIertth Charnock llr::.ing Diyi'ion Alexandra Dock Division ( T e\\"port )lOll. Oorp:) Alsrtger Division .. Altrincham Division .. Al\"erstokc Division Ah-eston Division AnllYick Diyi 'ion .Armley rtud \\'ortley Di"i5ion Ashburtou Division .. A . ·hhy·c1e-la-Zouch Division Ashford Town Division A 'hton-unclel'-Lyne Diyi5ion ursing Di v . Aslmlll-in-Fllrne s Division ., Nursing Di\'. Astley Bl'Hl<rL Di\;sion Auckland (4 '.Z.) Divlliion Auckland (~T.Z.) Xuring Di, . B Division (Bloemfontein Corps) (Illldclerfield Corp.') " " (I'" eighley Ourp ) " (~hipley Corps) Ba,hbington 'orp Babbington l1l" ing Division Bacup Di \"i8ion " N ll1'si ng Di ,'i~ioll Ba.lballl and I::\treathalll Nursing Dil'ision Rtlmain (N. '. , V . ) Divi'ion ., ( T. '. W.) Nursing Div. Barking ursing Di \"isioll .. Brtrnet Di\"i iOll Ba,rnolc1swick Division " ursing Di vi ion ... ." Barrowforc1 Division... " Nursing Division Barrow -in -Furness Division Barwell D ivision " "





436 174 358 370 371 31 411 411 301 301 33-1 207 30:2

335 416 302 30z 221

225 321 37-1 2:25 260 '~26

303 335 303 33:i 307 429 433 436 370 37:2 3 5 35.1

390 30:1. 335 217 423 425 215 212

3G5 390 301 336 30:1. 275


Bath (City) Division .. . " Nursing Di,ision B~ttley Diyision Nursing Division ,. Beckton Products ,Yorks Div .... Bedford Division Belfast Division Belgravia X ursing Division Belper Division Berlllondsey and Rotherhithe Division Beverley Di''lsion Bexhill Diyision Bingley Diyision Bin tead Di,'lsion Birchington-on- 'ea Division Birchwood Corp' Birlllingbam Corps Birstall Division Blackburn Division ., .I. Tur ing Division Blackpool Di''lsion " Nul' iug Diyiion Blaina Division Bliworth Di"ision Bloemfoll tein Corps Bolton Corps Bombay Corps BOlllhrty Paree Di "ision " City Police Di,'l ion " Nursing Di vi 'ion BootIe Diyi ion Bo ton Division BO'Jghton-lInder-Blean Di''lsion Bournemomh Di,'l ion Bozeat Di'-1sion Bradford Corps , Nursing Diyision Bmmley Division Bredbury and I omiley Division Brierfield Di l-ision " X ursing Di \-1 ion Brighouse Corps ., Nursing Di'-1sion Bristol (City of) Corps Bromley Di'-1sion Bro eley XUI' iug Di ,'isiol1 Broughton Division ... Browllroyd Dye , Yorks Division 0, Tur iug Division Brynma,,'l' Division ... Burlington H all Divi ion Burley and ICirkstrtll Di'-1sion

226 249 362 392 211 260 305 217 356 209 400 227 356 237 227 356 260 362

30G 336 306 336 412 2 1 436 306 437 437 43 43 30 356 227 22 2 7 357 391 375 309 309 337 35 391 22 205 419 271 359 392 412 265 375




Burley -in -' Vharfec1ale Division Burnley Division " Jursing Division Burslem Division Burton Latimer Division Bury Division " N ursing Division Buxton Division o Division (Bloemfontein Oorps) " (Keighley Oorps) " (Shipley Oorps) Oanterbury Division ... Oape Town Oorps Oastleton Division " Nursing Division Oaterham Division Oauston Division Oentral Division (Hull Oorps) ... " (Rochdale Oorps) OentralNursing Div. (Hull Oorps) Oentral Station (M.R. Division) O.G . Ry. Goods Div. (Oape Town ) " Hd. -qrs. Div. " " Passenger StaITDiv. " Ohatham and District Division Ohester Division Ohichester Division ... Ohildren's Home Division Ohildren's Home Nursing Div. Ohirk Division Ohorley Division Ohristchurch Division " (N.Z.) Division Oity Division (Bracllord Oorps) Oityof Bristol Oorps Oity of Exeter Division Oivil Ambulance and Transport Oorps N.S.W. Oity Tramway Division Oleckheaton Divi ion ... " Nursing Division .. . Oleethorpes Division ... Olitbel'oe Division " N ursing Division Ooalville Division Oolne Division " Nursing Division Ooventry 00. -op. Division Oowpen Oolliery Division Oragg Vale Division ... Oranford Division Orawshawbooth Division " Nursing Division Orewe Division Oromer Division Orompton Division " Nursing Division Ourzon Street (L.&.N.W.Ry.) Division Cyclist Division

3 6 310 337 3:-9 272 310 337 359 437 372 3 5

230 434 328 344

22 210 402 327 407 264 43.1 434 434 231 310 232 197 213 413 311

232 431 357 228 234 422 1 9 362 392 360 311

338 266 311

33 2 5

400 369 27'2 312 338 312 266 312 339

265 198

St. John A mvulU11ce BTigacle.


St. J ohn Ambulance

D Division (Keigh ley Oorps) " (Leeds Oorps) " ( hipley Oorps) Dalton-in-Furness Division " Nursing Div. D enaby and Oadeby Division .. D enneston (N. Z.) Division ... .. D erby Division Dewsbury and District Oorps " Division " Nursing Division Digby Oolliery Division Doddington Division ... Doncaster Di vi ion Doulton Division Dover Divi ion Dowh'tis Diyision Dublin (St. James's Gate) Div. Dudley Division Dukinfield Division .. . Dunedin (N.Z .) Oorps ( .Z. ) Nursing Div. " E . Diyision (Shipley Oorps) Earby Division " Nursing Division Earl's Barton Division Earl hilton Division Eastbourne (L.B.& .0.) Div. East Oowes Division .. Ea t Oramlington Division) Eastern Division (liull Oorps) ... " " N ursing Divi ion East H am Divi ion " T ursing Division East L ondon Division East London Railway (0.0.) Diviflion Eastwood Division Eccleshill Vivision " T ursing Divi 'ion Edenfield Division EIland Division " ~ursing Division Exeter (Oity of) Divi ion Farnworth Division Favergham Division Felixstowe Division Finedon Division Foleshill and Longford Division Folkestone Division ... Foulridge Division ." ursing Division Frenchwood Division ... Fulham Division Garforth Division Gasworks ( ydney) Division Gateshead Fell Division. General Electric Div. (B irming ham OOrpfl) Gippeswyk Division ... "


372 375 3 6 313 339 360 4~~3

360 361 363 392 ::lu I

2:32 3(j,)

207 232 413

313 2(i7 313 ,j '2

4:31 3 G 365 3fl3 2,1

275 233 2:37

400 402 407 202 216 209 43f1 365 366 393 314

366 394 234

307 201 267 2

2 6 235 311 ::l:39

325 204 376 423 400

265 268


G lelle (Sydney) Division 424 H oI heck and II unslet Division, .. ursing ])ivision 4~5 H orwich Vi vision GloucuHtur (Oity of) Di visiou ... ~:JJ IIospital Saturday l~unrl Div. ::: Goclalming Division ". 23:') " Nursing Division Goodrich J)i vision ... -113 IIuddersfield Oorps ... .. . Goole V iviF;ion .,. 367 " X ursing Di vision .. . Great Oentral Ra.ilway Pier Div. 103 Hull Corps '" ... .. . Greenstreet Di vision .. , ... 23:'; lIull & Barnsley TIy. (.Alexandra Guilc1forc1 Division ... 2:36 Dot-k) 1)i vision ". ., Gre,lt Len!r Division... ... 307 II ull & Barnsley Ry. (Neptune G. W .R. Div, (Irol1briclge Corp;;) ·115 • 'trl'ct) Diyision ... ... G. \V. R. ( J")~t(ldington) Division 210 Hulme Vi vision lIaggerston Division.,. 106 Ilkeston and District Corps H a.lifax Dj vision 307 Ipswich Corps .. , I lalla.ton Di \'if;ion ... . .. 2f:i " K ursing Di I'ision lIalm oroncl and District Dil'ision 37fJ IronlJriclge Corps II ampst ad Di l'i::;iol1 ... 20iJ " Division H all ley Di vision 370 " J. ~ursing Division H aptoJl Di vision 3H) Irthlingborough Vi vision llarplll' Ilill Dil'ision , .. 367 " X ursin!! Vi I'ision IIarrow Di vision 20 I. Ie of ",\Tight Corps ... II asland Di "i ion 30 J ac1dield Vi vi. 'ion lIaslelllere I )jyisiOll 2;36 " ~ ursing Di I'isi on lIaslingelcn Uorps 31.') Keighley Oorps Hastiugs Di,i8iol1 2:36 " K ur illg Di vision " 'Ul'sing Di vision ~J9 Kendal Di"ision Havcrhill Division '26 Keswick Division Haverigg (Millom) Dil'i ion ., ),-ursin g Di vision 315 l1a.worth Division 1 7 Kettering Corps Ha.zel G1'ol'e Dil'ision 316 Xur"ing Dili ion " J [pad-tF'.·. Dil-. (Binl1in~'halll Uurpc') ~6~ riej,.;grol·e Di\ ),,)011 ... U l'ad-quarter Division (Bolton }\ing's Cross (G.:0.-. R) Di"i ion orp.·) ... K islingbury Di I'i::;ion 30G H ead-I] llarturs ])i I'isioll (Ci IiI Kllubfon1 Diyi.'ion •\.llll JllJance a llel Transport Lancaster Dlli::;ion 'Ol'!,s, ' .. ', '\T. ) ... I~au(11'ort DiyisiOll 1:23 lIeacl- t lll1l.rters DI". (Kettering La wley treet (':'I. R.) Birmingbam 'orpH) ... , .. Uc)rps... ... ... 271 IIead-quarters (J. ' •• '. \\T.) TnI' . Ill" J~eall1illgton ])i\ i. ion .. . . .. ) 0 D 1\'11;10n ',.\. T. 'orps ... Leeds (Jity Tr(\lllway Dil'i ion ... IIeacl-cIUu,rlcr,' Di "isiou X orthL(;eds UOIpS amp ton orps) 2 0 Leicester Uorps Ilead (luarters Div. (Preston " .l'ur.·ing Divi-ion 'orps) ... 32:; L eigh Di\'ision .. IIearl-rluarters Di v. ('YeUi ngLeyland and Farington Diyi. ion <) -{ horough Oorps ) ... ... ~ Ley ton amI L eytollstone Div. H eanol' D i l'islOn 36 J~il1coln 'orp' liebclen Bridge orps Lit1woe Division 369 Jj ttlehorough Di \'isio11 369 " Dil'ision " J. 'tll'sing Division Lil'erpool Division 391 H eeklll ond ",ike and Li versed "e 'ursing Divi ion " Division ~. L. B.&: . C.R. (~- cw 'ross) Diy. 369 H ereford 'iLy Poli(·c Dil'ision .. , 114 .. (Yictol'in.) Di vi ion " Hailway J}il'ision 414 L.&XW.R. Di\'ision (Leicester Ifetton-le- J (ole Di "ision Oorps) ... ·101 H eywood Divil;ion 316 L . &J. T . 'V.R. (N'uneaton) Division " Tursing Dil'i ion 340 Longdenc1ale Di vi ion High am Feners Division 2<.: Lud gvan K ur ing Di vi iOll Hinckley lJi I'ision 276 Lymin gton Nursing Di"ision liiurlley Division 316 Lytham Division IIodbarrow Division Lythtlm T ursing Division 317 "



44 1 PAGE.

371 308 206 215 370 39c.! 401 401 403 321 371 2GD 290 414 416 419 2

292 237 415 419 371

305 317 317 310 270 291 37;3 201 2 1 31 31 2,12

262 ~7 -1

376 373 274 2fn

31 325 197 376 424 319 319 3..l0 202 210 276 :2 3

319 249 250 320 340

St. John A ?nbutance B?·igacle.




320 377 415 420 405 320 322 279 377 279 430 279 416 203 264 434 289 239 322 329 344

380 263 3U

341 363 393 424 415 420 322 341 263 405 3 0 323

341 378 395 416 237 24.0 323

423 426 329 345 279 291 378 213

375 378 196 378 381




Macclesfield Di vision Madeley Division (Staffs. ) .. . " (Ironbridge Oorps) ,, . ursing DivislOI1 " Malton Division Manchester and Salford Oorps ... Manchester Oorpora,tion Tramways Division Manning tree Di yision ... Mansfield Division Market Harborough Division Masterton Division Medbourne Division ... Merthyr Vale Diyision .. .. ,. :l\Ierton and Wimbledon Dn'lSlOn Messrs. Kynock's Division M.F.B. Division (Oape Town) ... Midland Ry. (Wellingborough Oorps) Division ... Mill Bay (G.W.R.) Division Millom Division l\Iilnrow and New hey Di vision ... " " Nursing Div. Milton Divi ion Monument Lane (L. & N. W.R.) Di,ision Morecambe Division ... " Nursing Di,-ision 1\1orley Division " Nursing Division ... Morts Dock (Balmain) Division Much Wenlock Division Nursing Division Nelson 'Oorps " Nursing Division Nelson Street Division Newcastle on -Tyne Division Newcastle under-Lyme Division N ewchurch Division " Kursing Division ... Kew Farnley Diyision " Nursing Division ... N e"-port (Mon.) Oorps " (1. of W.) Vi vision Newton Abbot Division Kewtown Division " (N.S.W.) Division " (N.S.W. ) Nursing Div. Norden Division " Nursing Division Northampton Gorps ... " Head-qua,rters Nursing Division North Brierley Division North Oamberwell Division North L eeds Division ... North Lindsey (Iron District) Division North London Railway Division North Staffordshire Oorps North Staffordshire Railway Div.

St. J ohn A mbulance Brigade.

Northwich Division ... Torwood Division " Nursing Division ... No.1 Division (Ipswich Oorps) N uneaton Town Division " H.ailway Div. (TO. 2) Oamaru (N. Z.) Division ... " (T. Z. ) Nursing Division Oldham Oorps " Tursing Division Olney Di \ision Onehunga (N. Z . ) Nursing Div. Orwell \ Vorks Vi yision Ossett Division Otley Division Oundle Division OYerseal Di,ision Omtka (N.Z.) Diyision " (N. Z. ) Nursing Division Oxford Gorp Oxford Division Padiham Division " Nursing Division Palmerston (N. Z.) North Di v .... " " Torth B.y. Divi ion " " ,,1. Tursing Div. " (N.Z.) 'outh Diy. " " " Sou th K ursing Di "i, ioll Paulerspury Di,ision Peakdale Di,ision Penrhiwceiber Di,ision Peurith Division Perth Division, 'West Australia, Petone (rT. Z.) Division " Nursing Division Police Division (Ipswich Oorps) Portma,doe Division ... Portsmouth and District Oorps " Infirmaryanel N ursing Division " Nursing Division ... " Police Corps Potteries Electric Tra,ction Div. Preston Oorps " T ursing Di vil5ion ... Product 'Yorks Division Pytchley Division Radcliffe Diyision " Tursing Division Ra,dstock Di vi. ion 1{a,il\Va,Y Di vision (1\ uwport, Mon., Oorps) H.al1lsgate Oorps Town Division " " Police Division " Railway Division " Nursing Division Ravensthorpe Division Rawtenstall Central Divisio n RawtenstaU Oentral Nul'S. Div.

323 206 215 269 2 5 2 5 429

432 324 312 2 3 433 270 363 3 6 2 :~

2 3 430 432 240 210 3~J 34~

430 431 43~



R ead Diyi8ion Reading Di vision " Nursillg Divil5ion Reddi ·h Division Redruth Division Ring-stead Divi::;ion I ing::;teacl Tursing Division HotherlU1l1l Division Rushden Division H.on,de Division Roehda,le Oorps Centml Nursing Div. " Rothwell Division Royal ..:\..nmnal Di I'ision Roy ton Di \'i::;ion " 1\ ur::;ing Di vi 'ion Rugby Division Rushclell Dil'ision " J. Tmsillg Di vi -ion Rm;hton Di\'i ·iOll Ryde (1. of W.) Divi::;ion St. hes Division :::It. Jolm'l5 Division (Ipswich Corps) ... 'to John's Gate, TO. 1 Dil'lsioll " X o. 2 Division " " 1. lll'l5ing D i\'. t. John';' (Hyde, 1. of W.) Di\'. ,'t. :;\[ark''l Diyisiou ... 'alford Diyi 'ion Sandown (1. of 'Y.) Division 'ettle Division I 'hankliu (1. of 'Y.) Division Sheffield Corps :::lIteltoll Iron, -'teel & 'onl Co. Division _, hipley and Dil5triet Corp. . .. " " A Dilision " " B Di vis1011 " " Di ,'ision " " D Division " " E Division " .. Xur -ing Div. Shrewsbury Di lision ... ,, •ul'si 1\ g Division ilsc1en Di \ i8ion , 'ittingbourne Di\ision Smeth\l'ick Dil'i<.ioll ... Hnow Hill (G. W. H.) Divil5ion ... Social 'ettlemellt vi vi::;ion SOllthn,mptoll Division :::lonth Metropolitan Ga Co. Di,'. ,'olltltport Dil' ision Suuth Shiultll5 Pulice Division ... " 01. Life Brigade Div. " Tur::;ing Di I'itlion Stn,nningley a,nd Ditltrict Di vi.' ion 'tCl\'l\nl's 11,nd Lluyds Division ... 'tockport Division Rtoek;:;hl"ic1ge Division Stoke Bruerne Di vjoion ... T

4.33 2 2 3


417 324 126 431 433 269 417 241

251 250 241

3 1 325 3:1.2 272


326 313 21:4 417 2"12

213 24~

243 251 364 326 343

327 244,

2&1 327 :2J 1 ~~9 ~9:3

3 2

1.9 :2 2 327 313

273 212 329 3,15 :2'J

2 9 :293 273 23 2-15 269 196 199 211 239

199 320 2;3 3 3

23 3,,3

3 1 3 1 3 ! 3 5

3 5 3,,6 3 6 395 41 -120 372 245 :2 ,1 ~61

270 246 20·1 3:10 ·10G ..lOG

40 373 262 330

3 7 :2



Stonehouse Division ... 'treatham Di \'i:;io11 , ' utton-in-Ashfield Divi ion Talke DivisiGn Thames (X.Z.) Nursing Division Tih;helf Oorps " a,nd Birchwood X uroing Divi. ion Toclmorden Di vi:;;ion ... " Nursing Diyision Tottenhal1l and Hampstead In. Ry. Divi..ion Tottington Division ... " Nursing Di vision Town Div1l510n (Leice tel' Oorps) " (Newport, ~Ion., Corp') ... Toyu lJee Hall Di vision Tramway ' Di "i 'ion Trawden Diviion " Tursing Division Treherbert Divi. ion ... Tunbridge Wells Division Tun ·tall Division T,v)'1vell Di "ision Uherston Division ,. X ill" ing Division Ventnor Diyision Victoria, Hall Diyi ion \Vall~er Diyision " i\ ursillg Division \Valtham tow Division \\r alton -le-Dale Di v1::;ion Walton-Ie-Dale Tursing Div. \\'are Division \Varrington Oorps \Vm'"ick hire r .R Corps \Yl1terlow Division \Vatford Divi::;ion " Kursing Di,il5ion Welbeek Di vi ion 'Yellingborough Oorps ... " N ur 'ing Divi ion Wellington (N.Z.) Diviion ... " (XZ.) Nuril1g Div. ,Yem bley and Hnrlesden Division 'Yembley Xursillg Division ... We t Oowel5 (1. of \V.) Di\i::;ion "\Ye'tern Division (Hull Oorp ') ... \Yestern Suburbs ( yc1ney) Div. \ Yestgn te-oll- 'en. Di vi 'ion \\Test ~Lonc1on Di \'i 'ion ,rhaley Bridge Di,-il5ion \ I'halley Di \'ision " N ur::;ing Di,ision "\ \Theatsheaf Division Whitefield Division .. . Whitworth Divi ion .. . " Nursillg Division ,Vi LTston Mag-nn, Divi~ion ~ pr.l{.) Vi,ision

246 211 3 7

3 8 433 3 395 330 435 207 331 346 276 416 19 357 331 3,16 418 247 3 2

273 331 346 239 30 406 40 20 332 346 2,17 332 2 4 201 247 252 3 9

2 6 292 430 ,132 200 214

239 404 424 24 213 333 333

3,17 277 333 32 345 277


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