O.S.J.J. Annual Report, 1906

Page 1


<Branb ]prior\? of tlJe

1bospttaI of $t.




of the

of 3erllsaIenl in lEngIanb.




CHARLHS CULL & SOX, 15, HOlIghfolL Street, Al(h~'ych, <filii 33, JrIoretOI~ Sf rect, S , Belgravia.



Report of the Commissioner for Special Services


Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve


I nvalid Transport Corps


Dancan Memorial Ambulance Station

22 24

I ndia (Hon. Organizing Commissioner's Report) Honours for Services I Sflue of Certificates


Income and Expenditure Account



Page. Members of Council and Ohapter and Executive Officers


Subscriptions and Donations to Hcad Office, from October, 1905, to eptember, 1906


Life Members



Honorary Life ~lel11bers






Memorandum as to Payments Report of the Chapter-General, including Report of Promotions and Admissions Obituary Notices


ubscription Form ...


Service :Medals


Form of Testamentary Bequest


Awards for Acts of Gallantry




Vellum Votes of Thanks_ Report of the Librarian Addendum containing report of D eputatioJ?; at~ending installation of H.R.H. the Grand Master of the JohanUlter Orden



Nominal Roll of Metropolitan District, Provincial, Colonial and Foreign 23



Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account to APPENDIX O.

30th 8eptem bel', 1906

tatement of Issue of Certificates and Medallions to Oentres , facillO"b Local ReportsPART II.


letropolitan District


(b) Provincial (in alpJtauetical oreler)

Report of the Committee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital, Jerusalem.

(c) Bl'iti. h Dominions beyond the

The Oentral Executive Committee of the St. John Ambulance Association ...


The Chapter of the Order of St. John (with llames of Members of Oouncil and Executive Officers) Current Pamphlets and Papers



iii.- outh Africa


iv.-Empire of India


v.-Straits etilements


vi. - I'll eeli terrallean ...

I 7



General ReportPrflsen ta tioll





9 12



I mportant Meetings


ii.-XewZealalltl ...

Report of the Ambulance Department of the Order, viz:-



i.-Australia PART III.


Report of the Chief Commissioner of the SL JOhli ~'\.lUbulance Brigade Index to ditto. N.B.

Parts 1., 11., and III., are independently paged.



Ube a;ran~ IPrtor}? of tbe ~r~er of Ube 1fJospttal of St. 50bn of 5erusalettt in lEnglan~. .$of,m:eign ~eab anb ~atton of tbe ®tbet.









K.T. ,

G.C.M .G.,

G. C.V . O.





P1'elate-H is Grace the Archbishop of YORK. Chancel101'-The Right Hon. Earl EGERTON OF TATTON. Sec?'eta1'y-General-Oolon el Sir HERBERT JEKYLL, K. 0.1\1. G., R. E. Receive1' -General-EDWIN FRESH FIELD, Esq., LL.D . Al171,One?'-The Rev. Oanon DUCKWORTH, O. V.O. , D.D. Registra1'-Major-General Lord OHEYLESMOP,E, O. V. O. Genealogist -Sir ALFRED SCOTT ScoTT-GArl'Y, C. V.O. (Garter). Di?'ecto1' of the Ambulance Depa1·tmentThe Most Hon. the MARQUESS OF BUF.ADALBANE, KG. L ibra1'ian- Lieut-Oolonel RICHARD HOLBEClIE. S6c1'eta1'y- Oolonel Sir HEP,BERT O. PERROTT, Baronet, O. B. Chcti1'man of the Britibh Ophthalmic Hospital, Je?'~tsale1J1,The IHght Hon. Earl EGERTON OF TATTON. Chief Sec?'etcwy of the Ambltlance Department-Oolonel Sir HEllBERT O. PERP.OTT, Bt. O. B. c;a~~i~tant

JExecutibe ®ffiCet$.

Assistant Di1'ecto1' of the A mb7blance DepcwtmentLieut. -Oolonel Sir RICHARD OARN AC TEMPLE, Baronet, C. 1. E. Assistant Receive1'-EDWIN H. FRESHFIF.LD, Esq., M.A. Assistant Libm1'ian-OYIUL DAVENPOP.T, Esq. Assistant SecTet(7,1'y-LoCKHART STOCKWELL, Esq. Acc01tntcmt-- WILLIAM R. EDWARDS, Esq., A.O.A. Hon. SeC?'eta1'y of the B1'itish Ophtlwlmic HOS1Jital, JenlsctZe?nLieut. -Oolonel J. T. 'YooLr,YCH PEROWNE. Assistant Hon. Sec1'eta?'Y ( fo?' Scotland) of the B1'itish Ophthalmic Hospital, J en£salem,J. HORNE STEVENSON, Esq. (Unicorn Pursuivant).

m:be QtoundL. The Oouncil consists of the Sub-Prior, as President ex-officio, the Executive Officers, and the following

Selected Members.

Sir JOHN FUP,LEY, O.B. Major-General J. O. DALTON , R.A. T he Right Hon. Viscount RNUTSFORD, G. O.M.G. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Oolonel O. W. BOWDLEP. BOWDJ,ER, O.B. Sir JA;\1ES D ICK, R.O.B ., M.D ., R.N.

Oolonel Sir OHARLESM. WATSON, K.C.1\1.G., O.B., R.E. Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D., LL.D. Major-Ceneral Sir OWEN T. BUItNE, G.O.I.E., R.O.S.I. Sir GEORGE HAYTER OnuBB, Baronet. Inspector-General BELGRAVE NINNls, M.D., RN. Sir RICHARD DOUGLAS POWELL, Bn,l'onet, K.O.V.O., M.D. Lieut-Oolonel Sir RIOIIAItD O. TE.]'.Il'LE, Bt., O.I.E.

m:be Qtbapter. ',file Ohapter consists of the Knights of Justice and Sub-Prelatcs, cle j!t1'e; the Executiye Ofh eers; the selected Members of Oouncil', the followill<Y0

®fficiating Qtbaplain~, Th e Rev. the Sub-Dean of the OIIAPELS ROYAL, The Rev. THOMAS W. WOOD. O.V.O., D.D. AND c;a~ :Jl\epte~entatibe ~nigbt~ of Qlirace anb lE~quite~, WAYN~IAN DIXON, Esq. The Right Hon. The Earl of L ATHOM. The R~ght Hon. the Earl of PLYMOUTII. Surgeun-General Sir "\VILLIAM TAYLOR, R.C.B. The: RIght Hon. the Earl of YARBOROUGII. WILLIAM D. JAME,', Escl. Major-General L. V. SWAIN1':, O. B. , C.M.G. Sir EDWARD O'MALLEY. BmIUND OWF.N, Esq., LL.D., F.RO.S. Colonel E. R PRATT. Th e Right Hon. Lord CLAUD HAMILTON. Lieut.-Oolonel IVOR PIlILIPP:>, D.S.O., M.P. EDWIN HAN. ON FRESH FIELD, Esq. Oolonel OUARLEI5 F. ST. CLAIR ANSTRUTHEUOolonel il' OLEMENT M. ROYD.·, O. B. THO;\IS01, M. V.O., D . . 0.

The following are the Knights of Justice: H. R H. Prince OUIlL'TUN OF CHLE WIGHOLSTEIN, K.G., G.O.B. H.~L Ring HAAKOX OF NORWAY, G.O.B. , G.O.V.O. H. H. Prince Ar.BEl~'l' OF SCHLESWIGHOLSTlnN, G.O. B., G.O. V.O. H.S.H. The Duke of TECK, G.O.V.O. H.S.H. Prince FltAXUI. OF TECK, ICO.V.O., D.S.O. Captain IL. . H. Prince Lour , OF BATTENBEllG, G.O.B., K.O.M.G., R . H .. H. Prince ALEXANDElt G~ORGE OF TECK , G. O.V.O., D . . 0. H.RH. Prince AH.TIIUI~ OF CONNAUGIIT, KG., G.O. V.O. Lieut. -001. TUE VENEN.T A IE HOLLAND, O. B. Sir J OIIN FUULEY, C. B. (Hon01'al'y Bailiff.) The Right Hon. Lord TANMORE, G.O.M .G. FRANCIS Ro llF:R1' DAYLE , E q. Sir THOMAS TORTH DICK-LAUDER, Baronet. Major Sir AUClIIBALD LAMB, Baronet. Oolonel ir HERBERT O. l~ERROTT, Bt., O. B. The Right Hon. Earl FEUI:El~S. Oolonel ir JAME, ' GILDEA, O. V.O., O.B. HENRY JOll LOFTUS, Esq. Oolonel BETHEL MARTIN DAWES. The Right Hon. LottI AlIlIIEH 'T OF HACKNEY. General Sir OIIARLE:> WARREN, G.O.M.G., K.O.B., RE. Major-General J A~m.· OECIL DALTON, RA. Oolonel AYLMER GOULD HUNTER-WE TON, D.S.O., RE. The Right HOll. Earl EGERTON OF TATTON. Oolonel The Right HOll. Lord WILLIAM CECIL,1\1.V.O. T

EDWIN FUESliFIELD, Esq., LL. D., ( H On01'Cl1'y Commander . ) His Grace The Duke of FIFE, K. T. The nigh t Hon. Loru BUAS 'EY, G. O. B. The Right Hon. Viscount 'l'EMPLE1'OWN. The Right Hon. Earl A~IHERST. The Right Hon. Vi ~conllt RNUTSFORD, G. 0.1\1. G. (Hono1'Ctl'Y Bailiff.) R MACLEAN MACLEAN, E q. An:l'HUP. FRANCI GnE:;H_ur LEVESONGOWEll, Esq. Lieut. -001. F. A. HEYGATE LAMBERT. 001. Sir OHARLES WYNDHAlII MURRAY, O.B. The Hight Hon. the Earl of RAN FURLY, G.C.:U.G. The Right HOll. Lord ... AXDHURST, G.O.S. I., G.C.I.E. ir HENRY AR1'HUIt BLAKE, G.O.M.G The Right HOll. the Earl of MEATH, K.P. A. Em-fUND FRA EH, E q. The Right Hon. Lord Mo "l'YN. The l\Iost lIon. the MARQUE OF BREADALBANE, KG. Hi Grace the DUKE OF PORTLAND, K. G'I G.O.V.O. Field-Marshal the Ri ght Hon. the EARL ROB EIlTS, K.G., R.P., F.([., &c. ROBEUT BllUDENELL OAuTEr., Esq.\ F.R.O.S. NOmrAN HAY FOR BE ,E q., F.R.C.S. (Edin .) Oolonel JOlIN ALEXANDER l'tLo\.N STUART, O. B., O.1\I.G. Oolonel O. W. BOWDLER BOWDLEP., O. B. The Most Hon. the Marquess of LINLITHGOW, R.T., G.O.l\I.G., G.O. V.O.

The following are the Sub-Prelates: The Lord Bishop of SALISBURY. The Bishop in JERUSALE;\f, The Bishop of BRITISH HONDl'RAS.

The Bishop of GIBRALTAR. Th e Bi, hop of l)uN.I!,DIX, (Primate of New Zealand).

The following Memorandum as to payments is issued for general information and g uidance :I .

All Cheques, Postal Orders, and Post Office

Orders whatever should be crossed


n:he (Sranb lPrior\? of tbe ~ rber of tbe 1bospttaI of St. 30hn of 3erusalelll in JEnglanb. -



Foundations, Oblations, and remittanc s ~ r

the Almoner's Departulent and for the b'eneral fund


Priory of the Order of the Hospital of J erusalen1 in England


J hn


crossed a abo\"e.

3. Remittances for the Ambulance should be made payable to the'



John Ambulance

Association," crossed as above. 4. Remittances for the J erLlsalem Hospital should be


pa) able



riti h


Hospital, Jerusalem," crossed as above. Banke rs' Orders forwarded on application.

(By order), EDWI



Rea£ver- Genera I.








J Em:. 'ALE)I IX EXGL.\XD ha the plea ure t report thc following promotion in and admissions to tho nlur during the pa t year :1 :'!1.(2)-Pl'ivl' and }{'liV1d uf JUcti a . Tho l\Iarque s f Linlith~)'ow , l~,T., ~. 1.~1. x., G.C.Y.O., (fro 111 r nigh t 0 f :rl'llce 1. A' Clwpluins. The Bi hop of unodin (I rimato of ~ elY Zealand). The Ro,'. Tholl1a~ Ihn1'1o El ·don. 1 ]{niu1it' of G,'uce. John 'allluol :rritfith , ltLR. .'. (fr III Honorary A oeiate). Erncst Lauric Hobin on, L.h. .P. (from Honorary A oeiatc). l\InJor- :rcnoral ir ,Villinm Forbe :ratnere, K. .E., D.'.O. ....Lll'O'e n-Liout- 10no1]:{ 1'e lerick ,Villiam :ribbon L.R .. P. (from Honol'lw,Y A oeiate). SurO'coll- olonel Eel ward lll'eton, M. . (from Honorary As ocinte). ir l\liLehcll Mitcholl-I'll III on Baronet (from Honorary As oeiate). Androw Clark, F.R. . '. (from Honorary A eiate). urgeon- ra.jor John Arnallt Jon , l.D. (fr III Honorary Associate) . Dcputy In pee tor-General Theodoro Julian Pres on, M.D., Ie

of the Order, should be 111ade payable to the 'Grand








Robert Jones, M. D. (frOlll Honorary Associate). :Major Thomas McCulloch, R.A.M.C. Sir William '\Vyndham Portal, Baronet (from Esquire). The Honble. Alexander Grantham Yorke, C.V.O. Sir Samuel Bagster Boulton, Baronet. The Honble. George Joachim Goschen. The Lord Desborough. The Honble. Thomas Allnutt Brassey. The Earl of Kilmorey, K.P., A.D.C. A s Ladies of Gnwe. Emily, 1\1iss Du Pre (from Honorary Associate). Teresa Eden, 1\1rs. Richardson. Ellen Bertha, 1\1rs. Tufnell. Elizabeth Anne, 1\1rs. :,Macpherson. The Marchioness of Bristol. The Countess Cadogan. The Viscountess Esher. The Lady Idina Mary Brassey: As Esquifre. Edwin Dawes. .As Honorary Serving Brothers. Charles James Tunks. John Lane King. William Hollings. :Major George Golbourn Tarry. Hugh Reginald Thomas. vVilliam Ed warJ Joseph Gilbert. Joseph Thomas Garner. Captain Gerald Hamilton Goddard, R.A.M.C. Cuthbert Nicholson. William Webster. Phineas Hayman. .A8 Honorary Serving Sisters. Mary Mackie, Mrs. Duncan Urquhart. Margaret Manson, Miss Graham. As HonoraTY Associates. Sarah Ann, Mrs. Rhodes. John George Addison. John Winter Dryland, M.R.C.S.

William Scobie Mackenzie, L.R.C.P. & S. Hugh Falconer Oldham, LB. Arthur Breedon '\Vade, 1.H.C.S. amuel Hamilton, B.A., l\1.B. John Ha.mmond Morgan, C.V.O., M.R.C.S. John Ma.cintyre, F.R.C.S.E. Lieut.-Colonel Henry Percival George Elkington, R.A.U.C. ,\Villia.lll Gray, I.D. Heaton C. Howard, M.R.C. . Sydney Monckton opeman, M.A., l\LD. Brigac1e- urgeon-Lt.-Colonel David Lennox. uro'eon-Major David Middleton Greig, M.D. 'uro·eon-Capta.ln *eorO'e HaIley, M.D. The selection of 1\1rs. Dunca.n rquha.rt and of }'.liss Margaret l\Ia.llson Gra.ha.lll is of exceptiona.l interest, these two ladies being Europea.n nul' es ,\'ho ha.ve been in the service of the Government of the Protectorate of outhern Nigeria. since the year 1895. Theil' na.llle were brought to the notice of the Chapter-General by the Rt. Hon. Alfred LyLtelton when ecretary of ta.te for the Colonies. The Principal ~Ieclica.l Officer of outhern Nigeria called pa.rticular attention to the devotion and self-sacrifice shown by them on all occa. ions, and on some of special stress, especially during the Aro Expedition, when they were enga.ged in the field, first at the ba. e ho pital at Ito, a.fterwards at Aro-Chuku, and finally a.t Bende, where their services were of great value. The Order has to laIllent the deaths of the follo'wing Members n,nd A socia.tes:-

Hono)'(wy J{night of


lice.-H.R.I-I. Prince Albrecht of Prussia, Grand l\Iaster of the J ohanniter Orden, on 13th eptember, 1906 .

of Jg tice.-Lady Daubeney, on 13th January, 1906. The Viscountess Knutsford, on 26th August, 1906. The Right Rev. Lord Alwyn Oompton, Ohupluins.D.D., on 4th April, 1906.



The Rev. Sir Borradaile Savory, Baronet, M.A., on 12th September, 1906. The Rev. Canon Thomas Richard vVhittington, on 29th December, 1906. K nights of GTace.-Surgeon-Lt.-Colonel Matthew Baines, l\I.D., on 5th May, 1906. lJ. Qt. Real'- Admiral John Bythesea, GB., C.I.E., on 18th May, 1906. l\fnjor-General Sir vVilliam Forbes Gatacre, K.GB., D .. 0., on 1 'th J anual'Y, 1906. George Thomas Hel'tslet, C.V.O., on 16th February, 1906. George Thomson, M.D. on 18th October, 1906. The Viscount Hampden, G.C.M.G., on 22nd N overnber, 1906. Ladies of G1Ywe.-The Countess Howe, on 9th February, 1906. The Lady andhurst, on 13th l\1arch, 1906. The Baroness Burdett-Coutts, on 30th December, 1906. E squiTe.John Dickson (H.B.l\I. Consul for Palestine), on 4th J ul.)', 1906. Honora?"y Serving B1'other.-Albert Robert Tozer, on 25th April, 1906. Honorary Serving Sister.-Sister Edith Atkinson, on 15th November, 1905. Honorary Associates.-Liollel ~ 'mith Be~le, M.D., on 28th March, 1906. John BlR,ckburn, M.R.C.S., on 7th July, 1906. John Cooper, on 30th August, 1906. John Winter Dryland, M.R.C.S., on 27th February, 1906.


His Royal Highness the Grand Prior and the ChapterGeneral have conveyed to the Chapter of the J ohanniter Orden the expression of their warlll sympathy at the lamented decease of their Grand laster, His Royal Highness Prince Albrecht of Prl1s 'ia, for lllany years past an Honorary Knight of Justice of the Engli ,h Order. A communication has been received fr0111 the> eCl'etary of the Bailiwick of Brandenbur o', stating that the member' accepted with true and wannest thanks the notification of the brotherly sympathy which was expressed by the Grand Priory of the English Order. The death of Lady Knul ford is most deeply deplored by the Order generally anc1 especially by the mem bel's of the Ambulance epar mcnl, of "which Lord r nutsford was for so long the Director and Chairman. Lady r nut 'ford ,vas always ready to attend meeting ' conn ctcd with ils oro'ani ation and development, and her valllaLle cryir (Iurin el' the outh African ,Varin the collection of ambulance maLerial and of comforts for the sick and wounded wi1110no' be gratefully remembered by the 1\Jembers of the Order and 1)] tho. e who so gre::ttly oenentted by her practical help and o'!'aci llS Yll1pathy with the afflicted and the di tre ~e d. The I iO'ht Rev. Lord lw)'nne Compton, a ub-Prelate of the OnIer, had offici::tted at the annual ommellloration services, and recently made a O'enerou benefaction to the funds of the 01' leI'. The Rev. 'ir Borrac1::tile ,'::tv ry was ::tt the time of hi death a selected mem bel' of the Council, and for sevcr::tl years previously had occupied the po t of Officiatin,_; h::tplain. He had long taken great interest in the affairs of Lhe Order, and while in office r::trely missed u,tLending it meetings. l\lu,jor-Generu,l 'ir ,Villiam :ratacre ,Vu,s admitLcc1 in recognition of the valuable work performed by him in the uppres ion of the plague epidemic in Bombay and elsewhere, and a melancholy interest i attached to his selcction, his death havin o' t::tken phce ill the Soudan before the official notification th reof could have reached him. The other Melllbers and As ociates deceased durin o' the J ear had chiefly shown their interest in special departmental work either connected with the t. John Ambulance Association, the



St. John Ambulance Brigade, or the British Ophthalmic Hospital. Mention must, however, be made of tho valuable services rendered by Viscount Hampden when Governor of New South ,Vales, and by Dr. George Thomson, a member of the J\Iedical Staff and afterwards Chairman of the Oldham Centre, whose efforts in the furtherance of ambulance work were unceasing in Lancashire and will be greatly missed by his conjTe1'es. Countess Howe ",vas admitted to the Order in recognition of services rendered during the South African ,Val', when she acted as Chairman of the Imperial Yeomanry Hospital COlllmittee. Her organising ability was only equalled by her elevation to the work, practical proof of which was nffordeel by the um of upwards of £140,000 being collected in a few month , while more than a thousand tons of hospital and other necessitie were sent out to South Africa for tbe benefit cf over 20,000 p:1tients treated wbile the Hospital was under the management of Lndy Howe and bel' Committee. The name of the Baroness Burdett-Ooutts was n ynonym for all that was humane and philanthropic in the charitable work of the country and the operations of the Order, e peci:111y in t.he relief of the sick, the needy, and the suffering, appealed to her warm-hearted sympathy. Reference must also be made to the lamented decease of Mr, John Dickson, for many years His Britannic Maje ty's Consul for Palestine, who was always ready to further with hi. advice and official assistance the work of the Order's Ophthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem, of which he was formerly the local President.

year. The Ohapter desires to express satisfaction at the continued progress and development of tho St. John Ambulance Association and of the it. John All.lbulance Brigade, and especially wishes to draw attention to the steps now being carefully considered, at the instance of the ,Val' Office, for the Ambulance Department to be of still grenter assi tance to the Military Authorities, should the country be engaged in hostilities of any magnitude.

The reports of the Ambulance Department and of the British Ophthalmic Hospital will be found in the Appendix. Much gratification will be experienced by the J\1:embers of the Order at the honour conferred npon the Ambulance Departlnent by the presentation by H.R.H. the Grand Prior at Itarsi on 17t.h February, 1906, of the silver Challenge Shield presented for competition among the Indian railways; and also of the presentation of a similar Shield, annually competed for by the railway companies of England and Wales, by H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg at the Portman Rooms on 10th May of the same

The Cbnpter is deeply sensible of the honour conferred on the Order by the Bniliff of Egle, Field 11arshnl His Royal Highness the Duke of Connnuo'bt, K.G., hnving tnken the chair at a meetinO', helel by kind permission of the Chnncellor at his bou e in it . .James's 'quare, in furtherance of the objects of the Briti 'h Opbthalmic Hospital at Jerusalem. It sincerely trusts that the result will be a greater and much needed increase to its fund " to enable the Hospital to carryon tbe beneficent W rk for which there seems to be an ever-O'rowing need in the Holy City anel urrounc1ing country. The following are the nward OTanteel during the year for act· of galbn try in aving, or attemptin o' to saye, life on land, and were pre. entecl to the recipients at "\larlborough House on Mondny, 2:3rd July, 190G, by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G.! Grand Prior, the members of the Chapter being in attendance: L\nTIX JEXXIXG an 1 PATRICK TUART (Fi1'emen.) BTonze ],[eduZ ' l11)(fiYled. For OTeat bravery dispbyed on the 6th May, 190,-, a.t BUl'o'h Quay, Dublin, on the occa ion of the accident in a sewer ",vhich took place there on that date, nnd for which eleyen other mOll were a.warded bronze medal , which were presented La them , at Dublin Castle, by R.E. the Yiceroy of Ireland, actin o' on 1)ehalf of R.R.H. tho Grand Prior on the 25th August, 1905. P. C. \.LBERT LIN"NELL (ll o?'thampton Con tab~du?'y.) Ce?'tificate of IIo)wu I' Awcwclecl. For presence of lllind di played on

the Gth July, 1905, at Northampton, in stopping a runaway horse attached to a trolley the wheel of which had come oft~ and tbe clriYel' of which had been thrown. P. 0. Linnell mado a dash for the reins, wns drago'eel [\, can iderable di tance bu t succeeded in stopping the anima1, when it was found that he had receivcd severe injurie .



JAMES 81 HWNS, THOMAS SunloNs, and JOSEPH DAWBEH, ( Firemen.) Certifi,ccdes of H on01W A warded. For di tinguished conduct displayed on the 22nd July, 1905, at Douglas Bank Colliery, ,Yigan, in endeavouring to rescue their foroman who had been overcome by gas in the mine. Each of these three men tried in turn to reach him. First Dawber was overcome, and then James Simmons, when Thomas Simmons rescued both of them, and then tried to roach the Foreman, but found it impossible, owing to the deadly fumes of the gas. THOJ\lAS HE~RY JONES (Jlloto?' Bus DT{ve?'j, GEORGE BUER HELLIAR (ldotoT Bns Gua?ocl). Certificates of HonOUT Awmded. For great presence of mind displayed on the 11th October, 1905, near Craw ley. The cc Yanguard" London to Brighton motor omnibus was running tOlyards Crawley when Driver J ones, seeing a miller's van with a pail' of horses coming towards him at a furious gallop, drew his omnibus to the nearside, o· t his passengers off, and then, with Guard Helliar, ran to 111eet the runaways. After throwing knee-aprons over the horsos' heads, they seized the reins, and stopped the team just short of the omnibus. The horses being big, spirited animals, both Jones and Helliar ran considerable risk in stopping them 'when at full gallop. P.C. FREDERICK H.A.RDI~G (]Jlet?'opolitan Police). Certificate ot' Honou?' Awcircled. For presence of mind ancl bravery displayed on 16th October, 1905, at Holborn Bars, on the occasion of His Iajesty the King opening the new Post Ofiice Buildings. A pair of horses attached to Sheriff Bowater's State carriage took fright at a band, and bolted. The driyer lost control of them, and within 20 yards of a ~ense 111aS of people P.C. Harding rode his horse at the runaways, and both horse and lllall were knocked down by the pole of the carriage. The impact, however, brought the horses to a standstill, and what might have been a very serious accident was ayerted by the bravery of the Constable, who received injuries to his head and thigh. ARTHUR EDWARD TUR~ER (Post?nanj. Certificate of Hon01ir Aw((/rded. For courageous conduct displayed on the 6th January, 1906, near the Savoy Hotel, London, in attempting to stop a runaway horse attached to a four-wheeled cab. Turner,

at considerable personal risk, endeavoured to stop the horse, but was knocked down, and the cab passed over him. He was taken to the Cbaring Cross Hospital, where his injuries were attendod to. The ervice 1'I1edal awarded for conspicuous services to the Order and its Departments, ,vas presented to the following by H.I .R. the Grand Prior at Marlborough House on the same occaSlon: CORPORAL HEXRY BEXXETT, t. John's Gate, r o. 2 Division, St. John Ambulance 13rio·f\,de. PHl'tATE J .DIE.' HmYORTlI, Headquarters Diyision, Preston Corps, • L. John AnlDulance Brign.c1e. LADY UPEHIXTE.'DEXT l\lARG.\RET NOBLE, Leicester Nursing Corp) 't. John Ambulance BriO'ade. 2XD OFFICEI' ilLlHY J ~\XE ll'DGE'), Loicester Nursing Corps, St. John l.mbulnnce Brio·ade. 'CPERL'TE~TDE.'T OF 'TonE . FHEDERICR G~\'RD:XER, Northampton orp , 'to John Ambulance Brio·ade. . .. •. EHGE.LTT UEon E TWI)L\:-) HIxEs, Headquarters DlvlslOn, orLkl111ptoll ('orps, SL. John .tl.!nbulnnco Brign.de. PruVATE JOSEPH B.\TES, Hcadql1mter Diyjsion Xorthampton 10rp , • 't. J o11n Amlmlance Brio·n.de. CUIEF •'UEGEO~T IULELE,' Corr ~', Ramsgate Corp, St. John \.1ll hulance Drigmlc. LADY UPEHLTTEXDE.TT E:JDL\ GOODIX, Children's Home Nul'. inn' Diyi ion, 'to John Ambubnce Brigade. n . LADY 'UPERI.TTEXDEXT DLYE BO'GRKE, Chile1ren's H ome '.T l."Urslllg D iyi ion, t. JolIn Am Dulance Brigade. 1. l' NURSLTG OFFICER AND LADY HOXORARY ECRET..lRY EDITH Bot:RKE, hilclren's Horne N lusing Divi ion, St. John Alnbubnce Brigade. CHIEF PEIU~TEXDE:X'~ J OSEPH OGDE~, Accrington Corps, St. John AU1bubnco Brigade. SERGEA "T TIro lAS PILKIIJGTO~, Accrington Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. PRIVATE J OR S~IITB, Preston Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. .... T


16 HONORARY SURGEON FREDERICK GORDON BROWN, No. 1 District Metropolitan Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERlr TE~DENT vV ALTER DUKCAN LIDDELL, St. J obn's Gate, No.1 District Metropolitan Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. 1ST AMBULANCE OFFICER THOMA P ATRlCK HOLMES, St. John's Gate, No. 1 District, Metropolitan Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigade. HOKORARY SURGEON" HEATON C HOWARD, No. 1 District, t. John Ambulance Brigade. DISTRICT SUPERI~TENDE~T OF STORES SHUTE B. PIERS, No. 1 District, St. John Ambulance Brigade. ASSISTJ.NT COl\DII SIONER J OBi: C. DEHH.AM, No. 4 District, t. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERINTENDEXT JOHN C. LINE', South Metropolitan Gas Co. Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. SUPERINTENDEXT ALFRED R. RUXDELL, Hospital aturday Fund Division, t. John Ambulance Brigade. PIUVATE ALFRED MARTIN', Haggerston Division, t. John Ambulance Brigade. SERGEANT L.cDIBERT HARGREA YES, Read Division, t. John Ambulance Brigade. CORPORAL RICHARD "\V ADE, Read Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade. 2XD NURSI~G OFFICER EDITII H l\l{DY, Hull Corps, Centra] N lU'sing Division. SUPERIKTE~DEXT GEORGE :MOORE ~IATHER, Ashford Town Division, St. J'ohn Ambulance Brigade. SUPERINTENDE~T WILLIAM "\iVEBSTER, Brierfield Division, t. John Ambulance Brigade. DEPUTY CO)DIIS IONEl{ J OH ~ S. GRIFFTHS, No. 2 District, t. John Ambulance Brigade. DISTRICT CHIEF SUPERINTEXDEKT FREDEIUCK SPRA WSOX, No. 2 District, St: John Alnbulance Brigade. While this report was in press informn,tion was received that the Governor of Trinidad, acting on behalf of His Royal Highnl;ss the Grand Prior, bn,d presented the "Service Medal" to CHIEF SUPEIUNTENDENT J OIJN" C.


RASPASS, of the Ironbridge Corps, St. John Ambulance Brigad e, at Sn.n Fernando, on 1st January, l S07, in the presence of practically the whole population, which was attending a public regatta on that day. Silver and bronze medals have also been conferred as under in recognition of very distinguished acts of gallantry in saving life at imminent personal risk on the occasion of the disastrous el1rthquake at Dharmsl1111 in the Punjab on the 4th April, 1905, when in ten seconds HJmost every buildino' b was in ruins , and 20 Europeans, 150 nati\'e soldier ', and several hunched natives in the Bazaar were killed outright. It was reported that these officer and the Gurkhas, in their efforts to re cue those buried, eli pla.yecl the utmost seU-cleyotion in spite of frequently recurring shocks of al'thquake, which rendered the task of approaching~ the LotLerin a l'uins most hazardous, and avec1 upwards of 150 per on from almost certain c1eath. Their gallant conduct was brollO'ht to the notice of Lhe Orcl l' by H.E. General Yi count ritchener and the 01llll1ittee of the Inclian Branch of the Ambnbnce epartment, and the medal 'were presented at Benares, except in the ca e of Lieutenant Duff, on the 21st February, 1 D06, by H.R.H. the I rince of V\ ales, Grand Prior of the Order, on the occa, ion of the pre entation of new colours to the 2nd Battalion 'outh 'taftorclshire Regiment. ILYEll l\IED_\L.' TO Iajor Patrick Hehir, Indian Medical 'enrice. aptain yril Grey tan field, 7th Gurkha Rifle. LieuLenant ,Yalter James EYan , I t Gurkhl1 Rifle. Lieutenant Donald Stuart Orchard, 1 t Gurkha Rifles. Lieutenant Barry Hartwell, 7th Gurkha Rifle. J,Jieutenant Beauchamp Oswald_Duft~ 1st Gurkha Rifles. 'uba br-Major Birbal N agarkoti, 7th Gurkha Rifles. 'ubac1ar Khial ing ourung, 1st Gurkha Rifle. 'ubadar Abiral1l GUl'lmg, 7th urkha Rifie . No. 1120 No. 383 No. 963 No. 1670

BRONZE MEDAL TO Colour Havilcbr Kish n ing Karki, 1st Gurkha Rifles. Hifieml1n SimpaLi Gllrung, " " Rifleman Chlll'anlOni Thapa, " " Rifleml1n Drio- in bo' Guruno' o



" B


No. 2112 Havildar Nar Sing GUl'lmg, 7th Gurkha Rifles. No. 2265 Havildar Kaman Sing Thapa, " " No. 2307 N aick Gokul N ewar, " " No. 3308 N aick Manbahadur Gurung,,, " No. 3316 T aickA~arSingGurung", " No. 2395 Ritieman Kamal' Sing Gurung, " " No. 2661 Rifleman Basante Rana, " " " " No. 3307 Rifleman :JIoti Thapa, No. 3487 Rifleman Nn,rbir Thapa, " " No. 3515 Rifleman TuJa PUll, " " rrhe bronze medal of the Order has also been a'warded by the Chapter-General, with the approyal of H.R.H. the Grand Prior, to Edward .James McGinn, in recognition of very gallant COllduct displayed on 3rd July, 1905, at Pukehohe tation, in rescuing an old man named Clifford, who attempt~d to Cl'.OSS the line just as a train was rapidly approaching. 11cG111n seeIng the danger Clifford was in, jumped off the platform, clut.?hec.l Clifford, and fell with him clear of the track. The presentatlOn was made by His Excellency the Governor, Lorn Plunket, Knight of Grace of the Order, at the annual meeting of the Auckland, New Zealand. Centre of the St. John Alnbulance Association. The Mayor ~f Auckland occupied the chair, there being pre,. ent Captain Bingham, A.D.C., Captain Bosca,\yen, A.D.C. ,the Anghcan Bishop of Auckland, the Rev. 1\1. H. Sutton, the French Consul, Drs. Grant, Inglis, and Keith, and Mr. J. J. Holland, VicePresident, and :111'. 'V, Rattray, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, and many others. The silver medal has been granted to Edward Nicholls, for conspicuous bravery in saving the life of Samuel Butle.r at the Lake View Gold Mines, Boulder, 'vV.A., on 18th Apnl, 1905. Nicholls has also been awarded the Albert Medal. The presentation was made on behalf of H.R.H. the Prince of \Vales, Grand Prior, by H.E. the Governor, Admiral Sir Frederick Bedford, K.C.B., on 18th September, 1906, at Perth, vVest Australia. The bronze medal has been voted to Robert Manuel, a coloured man, a porter in the employ of the Cape Government Railways, who showed great gallantry in saving the life of an old man who had fallen on to the rails at Rosebank, near Cape Town, on 8th October, 1904, and was in ilnminent danger of being cut to pieces by an approaching train, The medal was presented


by H.n.n. the Duke of Connaught, K.G., on 10tb February, at J ohannesbm'O', on the occasion of a review of the Transvaal Volunteers, His Royal Highness being accompanied by H.R.H. the Duchess of onnaught, H.R.H. Princess Patricia, the Hio'h COIDmis'ioner and 'ountess 8elborne, the General Offi~er Commanding the Forces in outh Africa and 'taff, The Military .'ecretary, 'aptain the Hon. Dudley 1\Illljol'ibanks, announced the name of the recipient of the award and also read a. brief s Latemen t of the service perforllled. His Royal Highness pmnec1 the medal on the breast of the recipient and O'raciously 5hook hands wi th him. The specifll yellum Yote of thnnks conferred on its recipiellts as nn acknowleelo'ment of their con picuous service to the . (\.mLmlance Department has been awarded to :Eclwanl Ilecllllayne Iorphet (Settle, YorJrs). Eelc)'nr reol'ge Palmer (Midland and Great N orthern Joint Raihmy ientre). , 'Valter J. Battis 'on (Lonclon & orth-'Yes tern Raihyay Centre), J 0 eph Gnyton (ditto.) E lward lIoLb, (ditto.) James A. 01'1' (ditto.) John Norman (ditto.) Georg'e Hogarth (IT es,rick 'entre). Dr. D. .~. Dnnrlkal' (Bombay Centre). l\Ir,·. Hl1rnet :'lIar} Y Hancock ( .,. orwood Centre). Irs. Ellc~l lTerLru de )'1'ne (~ onrood Centre). Arthur ::-;uLLon (:fO port Centre). George ogers Eel ward ( eli Lto. ) Frederick George Salter (ditto.) T


Latly 'Vat 'on report that £93 bas been collected during the year J OO.5-G toward' the 'um of about £120 required by the Hev. T. ,Yo 'Vood, Chaplain of the Order and Rector of I::lt,. John'.', Clerkenwell, to defray the oxpen e of t. John' Parish Hou e, including rent of Nul' e's Room. K ln' e Dashwood i,' still mnployed by Lhe Order a the Pari h Nurse. 'he continue' to occupy the furnished r00111S in the Parish IIonse; provided for her, rent free, by thi Fund. During the ] 2 months, froll) t. John' Day, 190;, to the same dnte in 1906, the Pm'ish Nurse attending the following cases:Medicn,l 22 ) Surgical ~ ( Total-114. Chronic Maternit.y f



The actual number of professional visits pa.id by the Nurse during the year was 2,038. The population of St. John's Parish is temporarily reduced, as certc.tin old streets have been pulled down by the London County Council, and the worku1en's dwellings to repbce them have not yet been built. The sick and convalescent poor have received, as usual, nourishing diets from the Almoner's Department when reconlmended by the Doctor, the Rector, or the N Ul'se. Milk has also been provided, which is particularly beneficinl in many cases of illness among children, who always form a large proportion of the cases under the Nurse's care. Lady Furley, Miss D alton, Miss Du Pre and Lady ,Vatson continue to visit, from time to time, the patients attended by the Nurse. Hospital letters for the admission of patients to the various hospitals in London have been kindly forwarded by 1\1rs. Pitt Draffen, Lady Murray and Sir Dyce Duckworth to the Abnoner and are gratefully acknowledged by him, they have materially helped to give much needed relief to those who would oLherwise be unable to obtain alleviation of their sufferings.

Three or four others,. to the memory of recently deceased Inembers of the Order, WIll be erected early in 1907. After considerable delay the London Uounty Council removed last autumn t~e dilapicl~tecl small houses adjoining the church O~l the south SIde, by whlCh the church wall is now exposed to VIew. The base. and about half-way up to the roof is the original wOl:k of. the I l1lghts of it., John when they erected the choir of th81r Pnory Church (c. 1170), and abovc this are the additions an I a~terations which were made by Prior Docwra, who extensIvely restored the Priory buildings in the reign ot' Iren~'y VII. In more recent times portions of the wall have been con.lderably damaged and afterwards patched up ,,,ith brick work, wIllI. t sevel'allal'o'e openinO', hollowed outin the thickne s of the wall are now to be se n, eyiclcnces of the lll-treatment to which thc building has been subjected. The Archdeacon of London a Chflllaln of the Order, has kindly inter0 'ted him elf about the reprt.irs nccc· ar~ t~ be done, and he hope to obtain a grant frolll the Eccle. la. tlCal ommis ioners to enable the work to be commcnced at an early date.

The last Report mentioned that ten memorials to deceased Members of the Order had been erected in the Chapel of it. John the Almoner, within the Crypt of St. J oh11's Church. During the year 1906 the following have been added to the memory of:SIR VI lOE IT H. B. KENNETT-BARRI~GTO~, M.A., LL. 1.,a Knight of Grace, and for many years a Deputy-Chairman of the Ambulance Department of the Order. SIR EDWARD H. SIEVEKI TG, M.D. a Knight of Grace, Physician Extraordinary to H.M. King Edward ,VII., one of the oldest members of the Committee of the St. John Ambulance Association. SURGEO LLIEUT.-COLONEL MATTHEW BAINES, V.D., M.D., a Knight of Grace, and member of Committee of the British Ophthalmic Hospital. REAR-ADMIRAL JOHN BYTHESEA, V.G, C.B., GI.E., a Knight of Grace. EDITH ATKINSON, Hon. Serving Sister, Matron of the Cama Hospital, Bombay.

r eyisecl

egulation a' reo-ard the wearing of the Insignia hayc Lcen al proyed by H.R.n. thc Grand Prior, and ha,e been issued to all .;\Iembers and A ociates. The Heceivcr- 'eneral reports tbat the Accounts of the Order haye been duly audited by l\Ie.· 1'S. Price, ,Vaterhou e and Co., Chartered Accountant. The Income ancl Expcnditurc Account for the year cnded 30th cptcmbcr last will be found at the end of this I' port. The figure therein contnlnccl do not appear to call for any particular commen t, except to say that the grateful thanks of thc Order arc due to one of its l\Iem b rs for the lllllllificcnt donatiun of OIle huncheel shares, of tbe total yalue of £1,000, in the t. J obn's Gate (Olerken",ell) ompany Linliteel. The Chapter has to record with the warllle ,t thank the gift U'?lll J,Jord Amherst of Hackney of a copy of the Charter of Incorporation and Statutes, hand ornely illuminated and emblctzoned at Lhe loll O'c of Arm, at thc uO'o'estion ani at the cxpensc of his Lordship. The yolume includes a .copy of Lhe letter from Hi Hoyal Highnes. the Grand Pnor, countcr-signeel by Hi Majcst.y the ov reign Head and Patron, to his Grace the Duke of }.l orfolk, Earl Marsha.l



of England, reqml'mg that the Charter of Incorporation should be recorded and recognised in his Department, and a copy of the warrant of the Earl :Marshal to the King's Heralds and Pursuivants authorising aIld requiring them to cause the said Charter of Incorporation to be recorded in the ollege of Arms. This volume is a rno t vn.luable addition to the Archiyes of the Order and the gratitude of the 1embers is due to Lord Amherst of Hackney for so kindly enabling the Order to be in possession of what is a most valuable record In a convenient forll for reference. The best thanks of the Order are also due to Lady Amher t of Hackney and her daughters for a gift of new offertory bags 'with the Arms of the Order worked by themselves.

?,olgotha and the HolV (eptdch?'e. (.MajoT-Gene?':hl Sir C. W. rv~lson, l{.o.B.) Presented by Colonel Sir Charles ,Vatson, K.C.M.G., R.E. I n J apane e Hospital (h~,'ing WaT-ti?1te. (111rs. Richardson.) Presented by the Authoress. A S1.tl'VI'J) of London. ( John (tow, 1598.) Presented by Edwin Dawes. FOLW l)hotogrClphs of the ?W1U eirposecl , oLdh Wall of St. jrhn'8 Oh1.LI'ch, Olerkenwell. Presented by H. \V. FinchaJn.

The Librarian reports the following presentations to the Library during the year 1906 : The Knights Hospitallus in Kent. (J. F. Woodman.) Presented by R. Brudenell Carter, F.R.C.S. The Visitation of Englancl aneZ TVale.. Vol. XII. (F. A. 01·ilJps). Presented by Colonel Sir Herbert Perrott, Bart., .B. POTtTaits of the Firve Last G1'c~ncl 111aste?' . Presented by Surgeon-Captain Brooks, M.D. . Two PhotognqJh of the Ohul)el of the Ho ~)ital of Ain sey, 00. L i?ne?'ick. Presented by the Librarian. (p,hotographs of the Ancient P)'ecepto)'ies of t. John, Sw~ngfield, and 111001' Hall. Pre ented by H. ,v. Fincham. Gran P I'ionito dell Ol'cli?'le di San Giovanni eZi Ger'LLsale?nnM in Inglete?7'c". Presented by Chevallier Bertini ' Secretary General du College Heraldique. Tra17.slation of above. Presented by Edwin H. Freshfield, M.A. The Royal A?'?ny 1.11edical OO)'1)S Ann'Ural. (iYO. V) Presented by Captain Halliday and Captain vVright Thompson. Stcdutes of the 1I10st lll'LM3trio'L~s O)'Cler of St. Putl'ick. Presented by Ulster King of Arms. R,evista del Ooller;io Arc"ldica, a7f?w 11, No. 10, and fOUl' cop~es of G?'an Prwrato dell 0 I'Gl~ne di San Giovan?1i eli Gerusalen~?ne in I ngleterra. (Nino Fail])lay). Presented by the :Marchese di Valdama. Photograph of the Main Staircu. e, St. John's Gate, and photographs of the 1I1alta HV8pital Phar?nacy J ars at St. John's Gate. Presented by H. W. Fincharn. P'l"Oceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. V ol. XXXIX. Presented by A. A. Gordon.

In conclusion the 1hapter-General desil'es to eXF~ess its thankfulness at the continued and developing utility of its ynrious branches, and hope, that the Members of the Order will feel ill1pre 'ed with the neces ity for contributing, both by personal and financial help as far as lies in their po"\yer, to extend the area of it· beneficent operation, both at home and in the Briti h ] )olllinion. boyol1l1 the 'cas, so that its tradiLionalreputation for the relief of tho who are suffering and in distress may still be 'worthy orits hi. tOl'ic pa t.

ADDEXD"clI. \\ hile this report "\,'a' in pre an invitation wa received from IIi Imperinll\Iaje t;r the German Emperor, throl1 o'h the Foreio'n Office, [01' a depll tation from the hapter-General to be pre 'ent at the Installation in Berlin of the ne"\dy-appointed +rand Ma, t -'1' of the ,J oh~i.nniter Orden. His lUaje ty the King ,,'as gracion 1y plen cd to nominate His erene Hio'hness Prince Franci of Tecl- and Lhe 'ccretary-Geneml, olonel ir Herbert Jekyll, K.C.M. :T., to re]1r . nL the Order. The ceremony of recervmg rince Eitel Fri d1'ich of Prus ia into the Order of St. John of J ernsalem anel of the In tallntion of His Royal Hio'hneBs as :Trand 11n tel' of the Bailiwick of Brandenbm'o' took place on March 1 th, H1O/, in the hapel of the Royal Palace at Berlin. In the yenin o' there "\ya a banqu t in the \\ eisse aal of the Palace. to which the 1\1em bel'S of the Order and Foreign D putation and the Netherland Minister were invited. Immediately before the banquet H.R.H. Prince Eitel Friedrich recei,ed Prince Francis of 'reck and ir Herbert J ek)'l1, and accepted f1'0111 th 111 the In ignia of the EngIi h Order. The followina' is a translation of the speech made by


His Imperial :Majesty the German Emperor at the banquet of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem :"Before raism o' our glasses to the health of the Grand b 1 . ee Master, I desire most heartily to express a gratefu greetmg cc of welcome to all those who have appeared here to-day to "ennoble the festivity. To the Prince of the Netherlands I cc express my heartiest thanks that he has not scorned to appear among our ranks and receive the accolade. I beg you, (( my Prince, (turning to Prince Francis of Teck), to lay my most (( hearty thanks at the feet of His Majesty the King of England " for sending a deputation uf the English Order over to us. ee To the Bailiwick of Utrecht I exprcs a wanl1 wclcome, an:l. (( bO'reet the bo'entlemen of the Maltese Order who have like" wise joined us at our table to-day. The last nlOnths have "shown what hard trials beset mankind in every sphere, and (( what hecatolll bs of human lives have been sacrinced In (( various catastrophes. All this is an indication to the ".Members of the Order that the first commandment for us (( all is charity to our fellow-creatures, and we will, therefore, "drink to the Grand JUaster in the spirit containcd in Lhe cc Scriptural words, ( Now abideth Faith, Hope, Charity, the e " , three, but the greatest of these is Charity.' 'Ve rai e our cc Q'lasses t,o the new Grand Master with the wish thaL it may b " be granted him to display a blessed activity in the furthcrance " of the objects of the Order." The following account of the proceedings appears in the DTordcleutsche Allegen~eine ZeitUli?,g of .March 20th, 1907 :t(

" Berlin, ~Iarch 1 th, 1907. By Impel'ial Command, the ceremony of ree iving Pl'in~e Eitle " Friedrich of Prussia into the Order of the Knights of I't . .John of " Jerusalem and of installing the Pl'ince as Grand ~Iast,er of the Baili wi~k " of Brandenbel'g, took place to-day in the form of a church c rCJll(;ll1Y ll~ " the chapel of the Royal Palace, and was followed by the j'ee ptlOll of c, a number of Knights (Rechtsritter), into the Order. In accol'Clance "with the court summons of the :l\fa.. ter of the Ceremonies, Count " Eulenburg, the Knights of the Order of I It. J olm, together with Prince " Eitel Friedrich and the gentlemen of his uite, assem bled at 10.15 a.m. " in the Hall of the Knights in the Royal Palace. Th Knights wore c, the well-known uniform of the Order, red tunic, high boots, black hat c, with white feather, with tbeir swords in a Eght colourcd lea.ther c, scabbard, the Rechtsritter wearing the black mantle with the cross of "Nt. John in wbite. Tbe Prince as Honorary Knight (Eh1'cnrittel') " wme the uniform of the Order without any mantle. At thc ,ame "hour there assembled in the Picture Gallel'y all the High Court t.

" Offieials, the 1ilitary Household and Privy Council of His MajeBty, " while in th Hall of Column', aBsembled the Knights of St. John of " I 'ovel'eign Princely f<1milies, Prince Henry of the etherlands, and c, Duke Adolf Friedrich of }Iecklenbul'g with their suites, and the " deputations of the Baili wick of trecht, of the German Order, of the " English Branch of the Order of I't. John, and of the Ialtese Order. " The uniform of the :JIaltes 01·del' very much resembles that of the " Order of I't. John, it is red also; the Dutch and EngliBh members " ctppearec1 in their special uniforms, white uniforms with black mantles " and white cro's. " In the Uhapel of the Palace the Court clergy were assembled: on " the right, by the altar, in the right-hand corner from it, was placed " the H.oyal throne for the Emperor, the purple sides of the baldaquin " ornamen tcd with the cros~ of. 'to John, and marshal' ba,to.o.l::! and a "cl'O"\Yn above it. OPI 0 'ite, raised on a one- 'tepped dai, was the c thron -like chair of the Grand }Iast81·. loon after 10.15 a.m. His "::'IIaj ,' ty the Emperor ctppe<1rerl in solemn proce . ion ;vith ~he Prince " and Prince '.'e· of th Hoya.l lIou.·e and of the oUler I OV81'elgn Houses " repr . nied here. His }Iaj sty proc; eded Ilia the Queen's Chamber, " through the Weit; e I 'anl, where a compa.ny of the Palace Guard were " drawn up a,' a Guard of Honour, to the chttpel; the Empre. shad " ehos n nlio'ht gl' y toilctt wiLh a b]acl~ hat. ) . . .. The Empre,)B wa,' conducted by the Crown I n~lce, Prmce Fr~~clnch ., Leopold g,t\' hi arm to tb \'own Prince" ;rnnce ~u~~ ·t Illlhelm " to Princess Eitel Fl'i (hich, Prince Oscar to Prmces Fnectnch Leopold, 'th lIel'editm'Y Granel Duk of Meekl nburg ,.'tr litz to Prince Albert C of HoI 'lpin-(-fluckshUl'o· nllcl th Prince of Hohenzollern to Prince C 'had of IIobenzoll 1'11. IYith th Empr S.' walked Prince. Yictol'ia c, Loui .. e a.n(1 they weI' followed by Prince Hermann of I 'axe-IYeimar, " Pl'inee '.\Jbcrt of I 'ehleswig-fIobLein, Prince Ernet of I 'axe-rUtenburg, C Prine 'hark of Ilobenzoll l'n n,n d Prine .LUbert of HoI tein-Gluck , bUl'a. '1'11 " Hoynl p r, onn~e,' were conducted to . 'eat' oppo ite the " altm' . in th llli(1c1l of the front row Rat lIer ~IaJ sty the Empre , " betwe'en th Crown Prince and Prince F riecll'ich Leopold. Behind " the Eoynl pCl'sonao·c.s ":Cl' seated ~he laclie '.., of the ~mite1 and next to " 'ountes.' Ul'ochc1odI (c1u'e Uy h lund the EmI res.) Pnnce, Bulow, " while th oLber la(li ,. im-itecl to attend had already taken their place (( beforehand' Iik wi'le 011 ih right llext to the ourt. eat, , the mini " tel''' and oth~r O'entJ men in \Tite~l had alrea.dy taken their place ~ before"hand and on the 1 ft thc Imperial Cha.nce11ol' (who is al 0 a Knight C of tl~ Onl~r of I't. .John of Jel'u.alem, and wore the uniform and "manU of the Urder but di 1 not tak part in the proce. ion) and the " Amb,ts.'actors 11n<1 their wi" . Next to th Imperial ha.nce1101' at "Madame Incuy , th n ~I. von I 'zogyeilye, ilIa,dame de Bernabe, 11' " Frank La.. eel] ~H, ptc. His 'JIH.j . ty the Emp 1'01' in the uni~orm of the reler in a black hat " with HO~1til1g whit plumes, and L'oundlll ' houldcr' the long black~antle " with el'min cOlletl' it.. daes h lcl up by page, , proceeded at 11 0 clock , from th Hall of (.!olumns with a h1rge suite, followed by the Prine " and Dcputcttion ' from forcign and other bral~che' of the Order anel the c, (rentl m n f the. uile ' who weI' a'sembled III the Hall of Column' to C'the IVeisHe I 'an.l, "'h l' he ctse llC1cd the tbron while the princely c, Knights of the 01'(1el' plctcecl Ll~ ms_eh'c on the l'i o'h t, the lepu tatio.o. " on the 1 ft, and the snit 0ppoBlte the throne. Th Emperor then g~ye c, the Mast l' of the el'em ni '8 the ord r for th start of the proce 'Ion " of the Knights of the OL'eler of I t. John, ':'hi<.:h. Jl1oY~c1 through the "Pictul' Gallery anel the ,Yeis'e '<.tal pa,st Ill ' }hJesty lllto the Chapel " of the I alace.



"The procession was headed by the first Marshal of the Order, who "waR followed by the Honoral'y Knights who had been invited ai'j " witne se., pages bearing the Knightly Insignia on a black satin " cushion the Honorary Knights who were to be received as Knights, "the 'ec~nd ~Iar. 'h1.1J of the Order, the Y nights and the Third :Jlm'shal " of the Order' three Honoral'Y Knights eal'l'ied the hu,t, manLle, and " Cl'OSS of the Order of the Grand :Jlaster, then came tbe representati ve cc of the Captain of the Order, carrying the s"word of the Order in tlw " scabbard with the point held upwards, the Tl'easur l' n,ne! Aecl' tary of cc the Order, the ' "W orkmeistel" with tho Gospel, tho Chitncellol' wi t11 " the Seal of the Order, followed by General Uount von Warton slebencc Carow, the 'tadtholder, and behind him Prince Eitel Friedrich, led by "the two Commi . ioners of the Elections, Ueneml Field ~[arsh(tl yon " Hahnke, and Herr von Bethmann IIoll weg. The pl'oce~. 'ion WetS joined " in the 'Yeisse , 'aul by the Deputation.', the gentlemen of the general " uite who wore the uniform of the Order of , 't. John, and two noblr "Hemlds. After these came Hi. :Jlaje. ty tho Emperor, follow d by the " Princely Knight· and Adjutant '. " The procession's arrival at the Uhapel of the Palace was heralded by " a blare of trumpets, and each Y night in tUI'll saluted the Empress. " The :JIarshals, Pages bearing the In. ignia, of the r Ilio'lu, the Honorary " KnightR beal'ing the Insignia of tho Grand ~[astel', vlaced themscln':-; " on the rigbt and on the left of the altar, the chief oilicinJs of the Orc1el' "grouping them 'elves about the chair of the Urand ~Iaster, \\hile the " Knights ctnd ,'ponsOl's took the s ats lJehincl the la,ttcl'; Prince hitd " Fritz placed himself on the right ,wcl the :-)tadtboldel' on tho left of " the chair of the Gmnd ~Ia .tel'. The Emperor ascended tlJe Thron\! " and coyered his head. The Princely Knigh ts and Deputatiuns l'ange(l " them elves bc. ide the Throne. "The ceremony began by the Dome Choil' singing thc 'I [alJeluja, " Lob, Pmis und EhI'. ' The Court Uhaplain Kritzinger read th Intl'o" ductory Liturgy a,nd the Dome Choir S(;1,ng the Es i ·t in koinem "anderen Heil.' " The reception of Prince Eitel Fl'iedl'ich as Knight of the Order then "followecl. The Prince advanced, led by th ,'tadtholclel' and ih,w 'ellol' " of the Order, before His Maj sty the Empcl'or who ask cl him' \\That " is Your Royal Highnes -'s desire 7' The Princc l'cplied : 'I desire to " be received and accepted as a Knigh t in the a eder of , 't. .J oh n of tb e' " Hospital at .Jerusalem.' The Emperol' f1n~we]'ed, ' The ac:ceptanc:e and " reception of Your Royal Highness is accord el, if you \\ill oh .. erv the " rules of our bl'othel'bood and conduct yourself as hcfit'> an honour" loving Knight and Brother.' " After tlle Chancellor of the Order had l'ead aloud the Knight':-; vo,,', " the Prince shook hands with the Emperor and tbe 8pon::;o]'s. The' " Emperor moved, to the sound of a trumpet blast, to 1,110 l'jgbt ::;idc of t]lP " altar; the Prince knelt down befot' Hi::; Maj sty on the J·jgh t knee, " and the Emperol', to whom tlle ,'tadtholder of the OJ·deL' had handed "the naked sword of the Order, struck the Prince \\-ith it on the "shoulder with the wOl'ds: 'Re a Knight ctnd just.' The Prince' was "then invested with the Knip;l1t's ml1nLlo by the 8tadtholc1cL' of tl1P " Order and two ,'ponsol's and l'ecei ved the Knigh t's Cms::; from Ih.; " Majesty, who had meanwhile resumed his seat on the r1'hrone. The "congregation sang,' Wach' auf, du Geist dol' Ol'sten Zo"ugen,' aCCOill" panied by trumpets. " The installation and investiture of the Prince as Grand :Jlaster began " thereupon by the, 'ecretary of the Order reading aloud th result of " the election, after which the, ftadtholder handed the Prince his notice

" of election with the words: 'Will you take the Oath that you will "perform the duties of Y0ul' office, as future head of the Order, as they " are already laid down 01' may bo laid down hereafter, and that you " will alwH,Ys bo goyernecl by them?' l\'ince Eitel Friedrich answered, " 'Y s,' and the Emperor then aclva,nced again in front of the altar, and " the Prince, conducted hy the, ' tadtholdel' amI the Chancellor of the , Order, (1'PPl'oachec1 and 1m It down hefore him. The Emperor " extended th naked llado of tbe, 'word of the Ul·dcr to him and the " Prince' htid !lis right hand upon it, while the Chanc llor' of the Order " read ttl uel the Octth, and th' Empol'Ol' then asked,' \Vill you swear " thi::; 7' and th Pl'inco roplied, ' I swear it.' Then the Honoral'Y Knights " a.dvancecl b c.u·ing the Insignia of the Grand Mastel', to a softly intoned , ch:mL by Lhc choir, and th ~ Emperol', ~tanding by the Throne, hung "the i),OSS of the Gmnd ~Ia':lt }' upon the Pl'ince from whom the Insignia of Knigh t had bcen removed, the • 'tadtholdel' of the Order amI " ,'ponsun; inve.'ted him with the 101lg black mantle of the Grand " :Jlastl'l', (lllCllmm1ecl him the hat with the fioatin o' plume". " Th> Prince ad vancecl bofo1'e tho Empel'or and said, ' I recommend the , Bn,iliwiek of Brandenburg of the Knightly Order of, 'to John of the 'Ilospitctl at .J el'u:-;alem and 111yelf a' its lJn1.lld .211 astel' to Your , Imp rial mlel Hoyal ~J ajesty's pl'otection and graee,' Lo which the , Empcror replied, Your Hoyal Highness and the Order may be , El.HSUL' d of my lloya.l Protection t1.nd Grace.' Thereupon the Emperor 'handed tll .. word to the Orand ~Ia ·ter .'aying, '"G se this sword " for the rlef~nc of the true 'hl'istian religion and the maintenance of " the Knigh l1y Orr1er for tIl ad vaneement of O'ood, ancl the ,'uppre. ·ioll .' of e\-il.' The Prinec, l' )ceiyillO" the sword from the hands of the " Empel'ol' p:ase it to Lh fOl'lllCl'. 'tadtholder, who mi~illO' it in his " right hm1Cl, cri (1 aloud, 1 mie aloft the un:heathecl sword of the " Orde!') in token that the rder ha.' a ~Ia tel' again~' The trumpet"' ljounc1ed, and th' ]~mlJcl'ol' " ctted him 'clf on the Throll ,Prince Bitel , Friedric:h took his place on tho Grand ~Ia~ter' .. clmil', and the choir " sang, " 'egne, s gn) 11 'l'l' (kn Orden.' "Th l' followed Lhe c L' mOllY of gi viug the accolade to (1. n um "!:ler of " Honorary KnighL:'> (HJ), which was c.1.ccompli.h d by th new Grand ":Jlastcr, \\ ith the sam CCl' 'monial as h forG. Pl'inc Henl'Y of the " Teth )lhuds, formerly an rIonol'ary Knight, \\'as th first to be "knight d. DuriuO' tIl hancl-. h,tking, PI·ince Bitel Friedrich . at on "the U mud ~L1..'ter'.' dutil', with 11 ad co\'erec1 and ct fanfare was , .'Olllldccl; th knighting by the Grand ~Iaster Wets accompanied by ".'oft music; he p81'fo1'1D (1 the ceremony by tIl altar, and then " invested the now Knights with 1ross <'1.nd :JIa.lltl at the Gmncl ~ra tel".' "chair. ]I ~ di:-;mi:-;::; cl thclll with tIl worch, I wish you luck, health, "and ~od's blessing.' " After tho congr o'ation had sung th 'IhI', di Ihr Ihrisi.i ~ "-amen "nellnt,' the fOUl't Clmplnin r l'itzingel' rea 1 th pray l' for Grand " Mast l' ,weI Orcl "\1', and the Lord'l-; Pray r. Th K ethcrln.llcl hymn of " thctnks, aecomp<1.nied by drum ' ancl tl'ombone::;, closed thi.' e remony. "'Vhil the trulllpets intoned th '\\Tilh Imu.. YOll Xlt~ . auen' the " procession of rnights of 't. John defiled with th il' ti1'ancl ~ra ·tel' " pat the Emp 1'01', th iaptain of the Or leI' c:alTyin~ th ull.'heathecl " HWol'cl in e1.el v,tnce ; then the Emp 1'01' and th EmIr,,' ttlso left the " Ihap 1. rrhe 'oleulll proccssion of Y nights broke up in the llall of " the KuightH."

~be a;rallb lPrior\? of t})e ~ rbe r of tbe INCO]'IE AND EXPE1VDITURE ACCOUNT

1bospttal of $1. 30})n of 3erusalenl in lEnglanb. FOR YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER, 1906.


INOOME. Central A dministrationMembers' oblations F oundations " I nterest on investments Ground R ent

Central A dministration£548 14 10 6H 6 3 352 9 8 52 10 0 60 12 3 5 5 0

Salaries Rent, rates and taxes Printing, stationery and general expenses Audit fee I nsignia and diplomas (loss on issue) Special g rants

1633 18


Ambulance DepartmentInstruction and sa le of StoresLecturers' and E xaminers' fees and 3249 16 2 expenses 1548 18 1 Salaries Printing, stationery and general expenses 893 6 6 ~64 4 fi OatTiage and freight 60 0 0 Organizing Expenses in Oanada . 6016



Ambulance D epartmentInstruetion and sa le of storesGross profi t on sale of stores Donations and ann nal subscriptions L egacy, Executors W. A. eaton Receipts from centres and detached classes in respect of instruction


In valid Tr'a nspor't Corp sFee. for removal of invalill



£4624 1 92 13 20 0

7 5 0

4521 13

0 9259

Inva lid Tra nsport CorpsE xpenses of removal of ill val ids, including horses, travelling, and incidentals 975 16 5 Salaries 717 10 0 Printing, stationery and general expenses 158 6 6 Repairs, depreciation and renewal of 87 13 7 carriages and appliances St. John Ambulance BrigadePublic duty and maintenance of stations Salaries Travelling expenses Printing, stationery and general expenses Uniforms

£1000 19 0 336 0 0 636 15 10 123 10 0 - - - 760 5 10

2410 14



2410 11


4 10



s t. John Amb ula nce Br'igade335 15 6 378 0 0 335 19 5 369 o 10 205 14 2


towanls Ma.intenance


of 201 16

201 16

- - - - 1624 9 11

Special Competitions

]90 18 10 9771

British Ophthalmic Hospital at J erusalemExpenses at London Office, print ing, stationery, and general expenses . . . E xpenses at Jerusalem, i ncludina salaries, housekeeping, drugs, repairs, maintenance of furniture and fittings, and general expenses




British Ophthalmic Hospital at JerusalemDonations and annual sub 'criptions Dividends anLl interest (on special funds) Payments by patients

3 10

1295 10

- - -- 11 71 15


69,l 6 2 199 16 11 28 0

0 1380 13 10

A l moner's D epartmentNurse's salary Diets

75 28

0 0 4 8 103

B a l ance, being Surplus of Income over Expenditurc





6 1

£14,948 3 1

Almoner's Department-Su bscriptions OJTcrtory, St. J olm's Day

96 11


2 11



77 11 6

£14, 948





]prior\? of the




of tbe



1bOBpitnI of $t. 30bn of 3erusalenl in J5nglanb. 30th SEPl'EJl1JJEfl, 1006.



To Sundry Creditors


British Ophthalmic Hospital Building Fund



ClIJ'l'Cl! t Acl,;ou Il t In hUJI(ILO]J(lol1 alll1 J cl'llsa1cIll






349 11 o . _ - - £2300 14



" Investments (at Cost)On General Account. 1.:51;) Us. gel. ~~ p. c. Canso\:; 994. 'hares of £] 0 eael! ill .'t. Jo11ll's G It", COlllpallY, Lilllilc{l Loan to • t. Johu's (:ate Company,



63 8 11 2 ]G3 0 - - - 12071 19

Lilllitccl £176-1 G... ficl, I Jl(lia :3 1'. c .. ' Lock , 2

" Capital AccountAs per last account Oblations Compounded Surplus of Income over Expenditure for year ended 30th eptember, 1906, as per Income and Expenditure Account

By CashAt B,mk-

" Special FundsSt. John 's Gate, a ddi tional Buildings Fund British Ophtha lmic HospitalInvested as per contra. £1 74 18 Lechmere Enclowmen t Fund Du Bois Endowment Fund 300 0 Proceeds of Entertainment at His M~jesty' Theatre in 1804. 2440 1 Legacy left by the late Katharine Lady L echmere, less duty and expenses 1773 11


426 2 12 10




0 0


£'10/7 13:. ,cl. Ibllk or Englanrl • to('k, 'A'aC:C()llllt £1000 Leeds 13r:lllfonl allll Halifax H.ailway (j p. c. gnalantee(l . 'tock Frceholtl Prop( I'ty








1 6:3

0 4

0 :3





6 0

17,16 4191

25461 1411 In respect of British Ophthalmic Hospital Endowment Funds£7 3 Us. 1{1. Ihllk of Ellsl<md .. tack, '13' aCCollllt £191 };).,. d. Illdia :}~]1. c. "tack £liii E<l::it Jlldi,! Hy. "Jr' Alllluity








6 0

(j3 u

44 01 18 ]1





-1566 14





" Sundry de btorsAlllbulallcc DCl'al'llllcl1t, less Reserye

:399 56

;cncml Un! 'tanclill"s

" Carriages, horses, ambulance stores and appliances on huud, auLl in II e " Insignia, medals and dies all ltllllll " Freehold Prop erty at Jerusalem " Fixtures and fi ttings111 Londoll At J cl'tlsalelll " Buildings adjoining St. includmg cost of site £ 58 ,455 13


1 10 12 2

270 73 37 39ti :300

0 0

7 6 4 10

0 0







Gate ,

£58,455 13 8


Having cxulIlincu Lite alJOvc Balance, heet and Income alld Expenditurc Account wiLh the books <Lllcl vnllchel's of the Grand Priory of the Oruel' of thc Hospital of • 'L. John of Jorusalem ill J~llglu,lld alltl with the J'cturus rcccivcd from Jerusalem we hereby certify them to be corrcct. 3, Frederick's Place, OlJ Jcwry, B.O. 2ncl Nay, 1907.




PART II. Report of the Committee of the Ophthalmic Hospital.





<tbc <Brant) {prior\? of tfJe


of tbe

1bo5pital of St. jobn of jer1l5a[enl in JEnglanb. -














I9 0 6 .

:f13ritisb @pbtlJall11ie 1bospitaI, 3 erusalent, BELONGING


~be (Sranb lPrioQ2 of tb e @rb er of tbe 'fbospitaI of St. 50bn

of 5eru sa [em in J5ngltlllb.

Wa tl on . l\lAJ ESTY Kli-l G ED"\VARD VII.


( Sove1'eign Head and PCtt"on oj the O,·de,·).

e&:amllt iUec.





:fJ3ritisb @phtbflllllie 'U)OspttRI, }crUSalel11,

1::Ticc-Qt b!lirma n. R. BHUDENELL CAltTgIl, E:-;Q., F.R C.S. (lIon . aons~tlti'fl.g Sl.t1·geon) .




{I:l)e (5 rllllb U)riot }2 of tbe 0rbcr of t be 1bospitu[ of St. 5 0hn of 5 el'll5tl[el1l ill J5l1g(allb.






iJffembm) oC Qtommittce.


(Sec1'etary-Geneml of the Order) . EDWIN FRESITFIET,D, ESQ . , LL. D . (Beceive1'-Generctl of the 0,·de1') . THE MOST HON . TIm MARQUES::; OF BltEADALBANE, R.G. (Di1'ecl01' and Clwi1'1ncm, Ambulance Depw'tment of the Orde?'). COLONr;r. SIR HRIWERT C, PJmROT'l', BT., C.B. (Sec1'eta1'V of the 01'[Ze1') .





~ Olt OtRtp ~ ccot! n taltt.

,\Y. R.

.$m:geott to tbe W.

~ o s p ital


EsIJ. .,

at ]etusalem.

E . CANT, EflQ. , M . D . , F . R.C.S .

~s s is t ant ~ o n ora tp

.J. H .

STr;vEN::;o~, Esq.,

A . C.A .

)!ssistant oS urgron. J . STRATliEARN, Esq . , M . D.

.s emtarp fot .scotIan'll. 9, Oxford Terrace, Edinburgh.

:lB aIt 1m s . LOlltlOll an(l '\Vestminster Bank, Limited , Lothbnry, E.C .

'OlllllliLLoo of Ma.nn,croillont of tho British Oph thalmic o~pi[;al hn,vo pleasllro in 11'0 'enting to the M em beni and As 'ociato.· of tho Ordor, and to their 'ub criuors gonerally, their nin te nth Annual Hoport. 'I'll hopo oxpru.· 'eel in the In. ,t Heport that n. meeting of f tul) 'cri1) 1'. would UO held "to call public atLention to the ncco .... iLy of furthor financial upport for tho lIo pital" ,\vas ronliso(l on Juno :27 Lh, 1 DOb . '\\'hon H.E.II. Tho Duke of ollunught proicld ov'r .L ()'flthering at 7, ·tt. James' 'quaro, kindl. ' 1 llt for tho occasion JJy tile'hn.il'lnan of the 'ommiLLo , Earl Egorton of TaLLon. AfLer reviewing the progrc of the Institution since iL founclation in 18 '2 and o a' 'lll'in ' his autlionco of Lho intor 'L he took in " ono of the fine t undel'tnkiLw of rocent YCelI' ' ," IIi Poyal Rig-hues pointed out how tho w0l'k had stoadily 0Town heavier year by year, and tinally appoalod to the philanthropic people of Ellojand to assi t in tho noblo worl~ of mitizratin o . tho teniblo ufi'oring caused by the nwages of ophthalmin, ill tho En t. His Royal Rio'hness wa ably followod by General 'it' hades , Varren, :1""• • "JIG., and Mr. Israel h ang-will, and Lho COlllmittee oTatefully acknowledge the receipt of .cl·±:3 7s., whi<..:h wa ' 'ubscribed a a re ult of the appeal. It. ha boen c1oci(lotl La add thi lllll to the Endowment Fund. At the fooL of this HOpOl'L will be fOllnd the comparative SUl'gicnJ taListiCB for the YOftl" l DO ~ a,nd 1906 whore by it will be at once perceived that tho work lla been heavier than ever,



::md Dr. Cant, in one of his letters, writes "I send the accounts and tatistics for _April. It has been a tremendous lllOntb for work, and the ~1.mount that has presented itself h:1s been considerably beyond Olll' powers to meet-a, condition which will continue till harvest cOlnes." That this work is nppreciated on the spot is shown by the fact that the Patriarch of the Orthodox Greek Church h:1s sent his Arch-priest to the Hospital with :1 don:1tion of £16 to maintain a bed for one ye:1r. The Committee feel that such confidence in the skill of the staff cannot but be a SOLU'ce of satisfaction to all the supporters of the Hospit:1l. During the year that has p:1ssed the agreement with Dr. Bn tIer, the assistant Surgeon, expired, and his place has been tilled by the election of Dr. J. Strathearn. In bidding f:1rewell to Dr. Butler the Committee are glad to oe:1r emphatic testimony to the excellent manner in which his duties have been performed :1nd to the high degree of skill and knowledge he has displayed. It is gratifying to be able to report that during the la, t twelve months the Sublime Porte has granted exemption ()f taxation to the remaining piece of ground which ,vas not. in ·ludc(l in the former Exemption hade. The whole of the property of the Order in Jerusalem is now held tax-free. The tablet to perpetuate the memory :1nd bencfactions of the late Lady Lechmere has been duly erected on the iele wan of the inner court of the Hospital. Mr. A. A. Gordon h:1ving left Edinburgh he resigned the po t of Assistant Hon. Sec. for Scotland, :1ncl H.1\I. the King ha lleen pleased to approve of the appointment of 1\11'. J. Horne tevenson (Unicorn Pursuivant) in his stead. The Hospital continues to be managed on the same economical basis as heretofore, and despite t.be increase in patienLs the expenditure in Jerusalem shows only an increase of £4G-ofwhich £30 are attribu table to the salary of a housekeeper to assist Mrs. Cant now that her duties are so much more onerous than formerly. To the many ladies who have so kindly subscribed for or nlade garments for the patients in the Hospital the best thanks of the Committee are due.

The Committee de~ire to place on record their regret at the bmcnLecl decease of Mr. John Dickson' H .B. 1\iT' Consu 'I f'or. P l' 1.1.. . a cstme, w~lO for many years past had taken a zealous interest III the HospItal and its welfare.


Feu?'w()'V 28, ] 907.



For the years ending December 31, 1905-6. 1905. IIl-P.lriellh 1l1mittecl


,, 62




Total A tit' llCln.nccs

33,3;)5 1,3 7

8 ,528 33,458 1,542



Ollt'[\ltiellts- ew


Opel'3.Liolls Aw\!stltetics ndlllinis(ercil

Table shewing heads of diseases treated during the twelve months of 1906, and number of operations performed. DIS1~A ES.

Out-Patients Disea.ses Diseasos Diseases Disenses Dis('ases Diseasos

of lachrymal apparatus of lids and conjunctiva of come;)' of iris of 1(,11S of globe

1 8

719 1

120 13 Total







:fi3ritisl) @pbtballllic 1bospitaI, :ternsalel11, BT<;T,ONGING TO

,,{!:IJe a;ranb If.\rior}2 of ti)e @rber of tl)e '(f)ospital of 5t. :tol)n of :ternsn (em in JEng (a nb.

List of Subscpiptions and Donations received fr om 1s t October, 1905, to 30th September , 1906 .

A nll~((t1 S%bscriptiolls

£ s. cl. A Friend Albright, Miss M. C, Amherst, The Earl Amherst of Haelene)', The Lord Anonymons Anonymous, per Dr. Cotton Barry, Sir F. Tress, Bart. Bartholomew, C. IV., Esq. Berners, C. E ., Esq. Bevan, F. A., Esq . Bles, A. J . S., Esq. Brinton, John, Esq. Burna, ~Iaj.-Gen . Sir Owen T. , G.C.I. E.; KC .S. I. Burne, The Lady Agnes Bustros, Madame de Bythesea, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Herbert Oapel, F . C., Esq. Carr-Dyer, Mrs. Carrington & 00 . , Messrs. Cattell, Mrs. Canl feild, :Miss S. F. A . Ohilds, C., Esq. , M.D. Chubb, L ady Olark, Sir J . A. Cook, F . H., Esq., C.I. E. Cooper, Miss H., IJrOl'eeds of Concert at Maiden llCacl Cotton, Chas., ES!J . , F.R.C. P . , M.B.C.S. 00u1chel', Miss

0 1 5 1

5 1 0 1



s. d.



0 0 0 0 10

1 1 5 5 2 1 2 :2 6 2 1 5 1 2



0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .r) 0 0 0 2 0

1 1 0 5 2 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 10 10 1 1



0 0 0 0 0

K ooh, lUI'''. .\ , C.D. ,> " n -GCll . .... King, Major AI thl1l' F. YY.


1 1


0 0

Cowell, J . ES(l' I),tllOI1, i\ Iajor-Gcnel'.t1 .T. C., IL\ . Dallol1, il l l's. ,J . C. Daltoll, MisH J\laria. Diek-Ln.uler, I'ir T. "., DarL. Dralfcn, :\11'!;. Pitt Dl'il1g, Mrs. Dnek\\'ortli, Sir Dyce, .i\J.ll. Eo i\ 1. T. Eg<'ltol1 of' TaLLon, The Earl Ellj~L()I1, Licut.-Col. G. ,'. Ell is Miss.\ . n1. EI ell glI, illi~s E. A. F!lIIJes, 1 . Hay, Esq., 1<'. H.C.,'). Edll!. Fl'itJlklill, K II., ES'l' Frasl'r,"\ E., ESIJ. FIl:shlield, I~., LL.D. Fl'csiJlil'ld, K 11., Esc[. Ftlrh'y, ~ir .JOllll, C. D. Galli ",)', \,is'·OtlllLe.'s (:0111<'1', :\1 rs. Crel' l1, .\lls. (: regol,)', 11. I';., I,:", I. iriIJl,],., .\ris>'. ill 1111'111'" 1111'11,,1( I' t> .IIallliltol1, .T. C. 1':sl[., M. \'.0. lIall'. :'Ill'S. :'I[n.rCllS IInr]ll'r, .T. E"<f., J\l. D. TIellry. C S., ES'I" .i\l. P. IIollJceIte, Lic'Il.-ColOIlcl H.. Holder, Nil JOllll . HOOjl"r, J. II. gscl. IllllJhanl, 11011. Aliec Hughl's, C:tpLnill '\'. IlllllLer- \\'esloll. Lielll. ·C"I"lll'1 .\. Hutto'l, Nl\l'gl'nll·Mnjor G. A. . heagh, Lord (per Dr. Bc?l)' Thorne) J acksOll, K, f;~S'[. . .J PphSOIl, Lady Joltllsloll, il liss D. E. Jone::" n., ES(l" L.D. Kay. Nil' Bronk, g.lrt.

G 6

1(11owle::;, 'il' LccH . Klllltsl'orc1, The ViHcount, G.C.l\l.U. Langma11, ' ir J . L., Bar/.. Lambert, F. ,\ . 11. , Esq . . Lccllnl0l'c, 1\ieliolas, les'l'

s. CZ.

1 11 2 ~ 1 1 1 0 1 0 5 ;J 1 1 :.l 2





6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


L s. d.




0 10





10 5

0 5

0 0





0 0

0 ~ ~ 0 0 ;; 0 0 10. 0 1 1 0

1 1


1 1


~ :.l :.l 2 10 ] 0

1 1 2

1 1 2


0 0

0 0 0 (I

0 ]0 0 10 1 1 2 1 5

1 1 2 1 5

0 0 0 0 0

0 10


5 ~




u "


0 0

10 10








10 10


0 0 0 0 0 0



5 0 :2 0 0 0 5 0

u "



12 AJl1L1Wl

S1tbscriptions. £ s. (t.

Loye'oll-Cow 1', A. F. ", E q. Ligh Lfoot, li s l. F. Limel'iek, The Dowager COllnLess of Lloyd, Mi s C. A. Lloyd, Mrs. n. Loch, The Lady Luca , F. A., Colonel LnlUley, L. C., Esq. Lntwidge, Mu.ior C. R. Fletcher McAuslallll, .Miss Mewlml'11, Mi s Milburn, . H., Esq., lIl.B. Monk, Mi s J. H. l\[orgnn, ]\[rs. Hickmnn 1I10sel)" A., Esq., 1.G. Mostyn, The Lurd Murray: Colonel il' C. ,VYllllham, C. n. Murray, 1 Li. · J. F. Newton, Lieut.-Colonel J. W. l\[arsdiu, RA. Ninnil;, Inspector General Belgraye Nott-Bower, CapL. J. 'Y. Ollertory at Church Parade, Brighouse Corps, '.J.A. n. Ottley, Colonel 'ir J. W., K.C.I.E., R.E. Pearce, The Dowager La,dy Penfolll, The Mi ses Perowlle, Lieut.·Colonel J. T. ' Vo01ryc11 . PelTins, C. W . Dysoll, E q. Perrott, Colonel ir II. C., Bart., C. B. Philipps, Lieut.-Colonel Ivor, D.S.O., 1.P. Poklewsh ·Koziell, Mons. Powell, Miss J . A. Powell, Sir R. Douglas, Bart., K.C.V . O., M.D. Platt, Mi. s Preston, Inspector-General T. G .. Priestley, Lacly Rabbi, The Chief. Randell, Mr .. E. Ree, Represelltati\'es of the late billor, ES'l' Roub, J. B. K., Esq., 111. B. RobillSOll, E. L., Esq. Rowley, ,V., Esq. Rowley, Mrs. Royds, Colonel ir C. M., C. B. St. George, Captain B. J .. St. L evan, Lonl (Quinquennial) Sale, Mrs. Sangster, Miss E. K. Sassoon, E. E., Esq.

n01!n! ions.

.£ s. tl. 220

110 .1 .j 0 100 ~

2 1 1 1










1 1 1

0 0 0



o 10

0 300 10






G 0

3 3 0 :2 2 0 110 110

440 2 ~


<Branl> }prior\? of tbe @rber of tbe

1bospita( of $t. 30hn of 3erllsalelll in JEnglanb. ~

2 0


7 0





0 0 0

o 10 ~ :2 10 10


0 0

220 110


o [) 2


0 0


1 1

1 0


0 0

0 0 1



JANUARY, 1906,



DECE IBE R , I9 06 .



220 330 1




110 2 2 0 110 5 0 0 110

10 10




0 0 2



1J3ritish @phtbahllic 1bospitaI, 3erusalenl, BT~LONGI



U'be <Sranb }prion? of th e ® t:b et: of the 'Ibospital of 5t. Jobn of J eru sa[ em in JEng[anb.

Wn tron. HI:' ~lAJE,'lY Kl.NG ED,VAB/D VII. (I 'ovC7'eign JIead


Patron of the Order) .

<commiUec. IE: I)ainll!l n. 'rITE RIGIlT HON. Tllg EAnL EGJ~llTON OF TATTON.

1ficc-Qtbairman. R. BHUDgNELL OAltTJ~I~, g,'Q., F.RO.S . (lion. Gonsnlting S1.wgeon).

QLtcasuter. EDW1.' FltE,'TIFIELD, ESQ., LL . D.


A nnll(l,l

8nlis/'j i (1/ inns

•'ftvory, Hcv. Sir Borl'ac1aile , Bart ' ) 111 lJ. A • .'cely, Sir Ohallcs, Bart. . · 'haw, Mi!';s Alice . .'hol'c. Hc\,. Oallon TeiglllllonLh, l\I.A. · illl'l,til', Thp \TP.ll. Archdeacoll, D.D. 'I oall, It, ES(l' , 111 ftr L, }<'. G., ES'j. 'l1Iith, ~Il's . .'. P. · 'lllyth, ('olollel Eo 'qllftnCC, '1'. 00]((" ES(h M.D. 'tollC, All's. . TClllple, Oolonel :'il' R. C., Bal'l., C.LE. Tbnckcmy, LnrIy . "


ilI.D .

lEx.officia i'Rcmbers o[ Qtommiltee. COLONEl, Slit Hlr.H.BEllT JEKYLTJ, JC.O.!l1.G., R.E. (Seereta?'v-General otthe 01'(le1'). EDWIN FRI'SIIFrr~T.D, ESQ., LL. D. (lteceive1'-Geneml ot the OJ·de?'). TIlE ~losT HON. T!Tf~ {Ar.QUESS OF BltJ~AnALnANE, KG.

TboJ'lle, .:'1[1'0.;. Toppillg, "\{iss TII"Clldow, Mrs. '1'11'0 Fl'iClHIs Vall Haall, C., EsC[. \' all glla 11- ~l ol'ga Jl, A lllcl'lll:tll W,ddey, Thollla"i, R'(l-, F.RC .. '. W:tltCl'S, ?lIi"","L . "'alloll, Major If. E. 13. '''IlIlLnge, Thc Lady "',wI, J. TAllgliel.l, Es(!. WalTI'll, (lclI.'il' Chas., G.C.~I.G., K.C.13., RE. Watson, 'olollel. 'il' O. M., 1\. C. B., C.l\I.G., R.E. \\'alsoll, Ln.dy . WdlillgLoll (. -.7. ) Centre, pcr)L D. Fishel', Ri'l' Willctt, J. E., E (I, William', .:'111'.'. Williams, J. R., E q., l\LB. 'Woodhall, Mi's Ang~lsta A. Yate, Licut.-()olollel A. C. YaLe, .:'III's. A. C.





0 0 0 0 5 1 1 10





0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 2 1 0 1 1

Yatc, C.)101lel C. K, C. '.1., O.M.G.

o 10 o 10

6 6







0 2 0


£;0 1

1 2 1

1 1 ~


Dow(tio I/S. £ s. d.

1 1

1 1

0 0

1 3

0 3

0 0

10 10


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 5 0 1 1 0





1 1 1

0 0

0 0 011






0 £207





0 0 0



LmUT.-COLO .TEL J. T . WOOLll.YCn PEJWWNE. ~ano'Cf!rp' ~ C collntant.

,\V. R. ElJ\\'AnnS, Esq., A . O,A. ~aspitllI


York, Ili s Grace the Archbishop of

(Di?'ecto1' ct?ul Chainnctn, A ?nbnZcGnce Department ot tlte OTdf-1' ). COLONgT, 8m JfEILRlmT C. PJmnOTT, BT., C.B. (Sec1'eta?'V of the Order).

;S urgeo n to tb e


Tbal·kemy, Co]oIIP].'ir E.('., Y.C., ICO.13. RE.


111 otto tat!!


at ]ctusnlcm.

W. E. CANT, EflQ., M.D., P.R.O.S.

~ssista n t .% urgfOlt. J. STRA'l'JIEAltN, ESlh M.D .

~s s is l a n t Jt1o nornt!! ~emtat' !! fat ~ catl n nlJ . .J. II . STIWENSON, Eflq., 9, Oxford Terrace, Edinburgh.

3Bankcrs. LOlllloll a,nil Westminster Bank, Limited, L othbury, E . O.

Grand Total, as per I ncome and Expen diture Account



13 .·II'ILIt«~

8nln," iptions £, s. d.

List of Subscriptions and Donations received by J. H. Stevenson , Assistant Honorary Secretary (for Scotland.)

From 1st Octobe?', 1905, to 30th Septembe?', 1900 . AnnuctL SltOSC)'iptiOllS .

£ s.

Auld, George, W., EsC]. Auld, Miss Auld, George W., E 'q., perl\Iacandl'ew, Miss A. G.. Macfie, Mrs . , Edinburgh Steel, Mis Wat!:;on, 1\1 iss Ay tonn, JlLllleS, !I:sq. Brown , Professor A. Orum, M.D., D.Se. Bruce, i\J rs. A. L. Beveridge, H emy, Esq., of Pitl'eavie Oathcart, John F., E sq. Oheyne, Harry, E sq. Darien Press, Ediuburgh Darling, Lady Storlllontli Davies , Mrs., Moffat F enton- vViugate, W ., Esq. F ergnson, Professor Johll, LL.D . Gordon, Mrs. IV. E. Jamieson, W. Allan, E sch M.D .. Jamieson, Mrs. Allan J ohnstoll, Christophel' ., Esq ., R.C. L ow, Geol'gei\l., Esq. Macfarlan e, W., E sq. Mack en zie, Miss Me Vi t ie, Ro bert, E sq. Mil1ar, Edward, E sq., of R ossie Miller, Alec. W., E sq. Miller, Miss E. P. Moray, Right H on . Anna, Oountess of N ewton, Mrs. D. Gray Pacon, Mrs . W. J. Pnlla!', Sir Rob ert Rankin e, J Ohll, E sct-, K.C. Rankine-Simson, C. S., Esq. Reaumall, James B., E sC}., D.Sc. , R oberts, T. J. S., Esq.








5 0

o 2 o 10

0 050 o 10 0 o 2 6 o 10 0

2 0


1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 o 10 0 110 1 1 0 o 10 (:) 1 0 0 100 o 10 0

o 10


110 1 1 0 o 10 0 4






Sn,vory, Hev. 'ir BOl'l'adaile, Bart. , M.A . eely, ir Oharles, Bart. . haw, Miss Alice . • 1!Ore, Rcv. Oanon Teignmonth, M. A. , illclair, TlI e Yell. Archdeacon, D.D. loall, R., Escl. Sll1fll't, F. G., E (1. Smith, Mrs. '. P. Smytll, Colouel E. financc, T. Coke, EsfJ.., M.D. tonc, Irs. Tem pIe, Oolonel il' R C., BarL., C.1. E. Thaekeray, Lady . Thackeray, Colonel 'il' E.l'., Y.C., K.O.B., RE. Thorne, Mrs. Topping, :\fi.s Twelldow, ]\[rf;. TII'o Friends \ 'a11 HMIL, '., Esq. \' anghau - ,\ Iorgan, Ahlerman \Yaklcy, Thollla, E"q. , F.R.C. Walters, Mis A . . Waltoll, :JlnjOl' II. E. B. 'Wantage, The Lacly Ward, J. Lan glield, ES(l. Warrell, jell.'ir Cha . . , G . C.~r.G., KC.B . , RE. Wat 011: Colonel. il' C. ilL, KO.B., C.M.G., RE. \Yatson, Lady 'Wcllington (J.7. .) Centre, pel' lII. D. Fi. hel', E "1 ' Willett, J. E., E sq, 'W illiam , Mrs. ,Yillialll , J. R , E~(h i\I.B. Woodhall, Mi's Augusta A. Yate, Lieut.-Oolon cl A . O. Yate, l\Ir . A. C. Yate, Colonel C. E., O. .1., O. M. G. York, Ili s Grace the Arch bishop of


Grand Tota l, as per Income and Expenditure Account J 10




0 0

0 0 0 0

5 2 1


0 0 5


0 1 0 1 0 o 10 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 1 0 1 1

o 10 o 10





3 :2 50


:2 0 2 0


1 1






1 1

1 1

0 0

1 3

0 3

0 0

10 10




0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 1 1 0

:2 1



0 0 011




1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0


2 2 0 1 0 0 110

100 1 0 0 o 10 0 1 0 0



Do)wtiolls. £ s. fl.


o £207





7 6



A IL1I1If11

Rose-Illnes, ~rrs . (E(lill bllJ'gh) Sal vese n, lIlrs. Charles Sco.t t, A T. S., EsC]. . . • 1l1lth, raJ·or-Ocller··l J'.J. G' D aVlI. 1~Oll ,'mith, Mrs. ( l~clinhllJ'tfh) •'te venSOIJ, II. J., ES(l~ Stevenson, J. II., Esrr. Stevenson, Hev. W. U. M.A .'tlll1rt, COIOl1l'] J. A . .i',,[an, C.·ll., C.~ r. U. • [narc, Mrs. Man Th01.nsoll, Jolin, E~IJ., 11 1II.D·., F.RC.l'.K , r Ol'1'le, H.. Jaillie:'oll, Esq .. TraveJ'~, Mrs. 'l'lIl'1lbnll, .\Il's. . [JJ'I[llhuJ'L, It. DOllie, ]~s ll ' Uslwl', Sir I:I)JJcrt, Bart..

List of Subscriptions and Donations received by J. H . Stevenson,

SuiJscri / l/ions .

0 10 0

Fr01n 1st October, 1905, to 30th Septembe1', 1900. A nnuctl

Auld, George, W., Esg. Auld, Mi s Auld, George W., E ·q., perMaeandrew, Miss A. G. Mac fie, Mrs., Edinburgh Steel, Miss 'V at~on , 11 iss Aytolln, Jallles, I~sq . Brown, Professor A. Crum, M.D., D.S e. Bruce, 1\1rs. A. L. Beveridge, H enry, Esq., of Pitreavie Ca th cart, John F. , E sq. Cheyne, Harry, E scl· Darien Press, Edinburgh Darling, Lady Stormonth D av ies, Mrs., Moffat Fentoll.-\vingate, W., E &q. F ergnson, Professor J ohn, LL.D . Gordon, Mrs. W. E. Jamieson , W . Allan, E sq., M.D .. Jamieson, Mrs. Allan Johnston, Christophel' ., Esq., R .C. Low, George M., E sq. Macfarlall e, ,V., Esq. Mack enzie, Miss Me Vitie, Robert, E sq. Millar, Edward, Esq., of Rossie Miller, Al ec. W., Esq. Miller, Miss E. P. Moray, Right H Oll. Anna, Countess of N ewton, Mrs. D. Gray Pa~on, Mrs. ,V. J. Pullar, Sir Robert Rankin e, Johu, ]~ sq., K.C. Rankine-Simson, C. S., Esq. Reaumall, James B., Esq., D. Se. , Roberts, T. J. S., E sq.

S1tbsCI'ipi ions.

Do nlttiu ns.

£ s. ct. 050

£ ,). d.


5 0

o :2 o 10 o 5 o 10 o 2 o 10





0 0 0



100 1 0 0 110 1 0 0 o 10 0 11 0 1 1 0 o 10 ti 1 0 0 10 0 o 10 0

o 10


110 1



o 10











2 2 0 100 110 ::>

200 1 1

0 0

0 0

o 10

0 0





0 )

0 ~




0 1


0 10




0 0 :l




0 0 0 0 0 0 0





0 10 0 5 0 I 0 0 10 1 1


Assistant Honorary Secretary (for Scotland.)


0 0







Contributions rec e ived at J erusa.Jem. Year ending Michaelmas, 1906. Col. amI 1\1rs. Angel Scott anll Passengers S.S. "Vectis .. Mr. Heilpern and Mi. s de Boros (.Jerusalem) C. J . Kenward Esq. (ILnglalld) T. R. Price Esq ., C.M.G. (Johannesl.Jl1rg) Rev. Mr. Hooper (Illllia) Donation, pel' Dr. Selah Merrill Mrs. Ba!{nal (Biarritz), per C. I'crowl1e, E.-ll· Mrs. , Vay (Jerusalem) Messrs. L emoine and Gclsthorpe (1\le>;sl's. T . Cook & .'on) Hospita l Money-box Miss Keightley (Jerusalem) Shoemaker Fund [leI' Dr. Splah lHenil1 The Patriarch of the Orthodox G reck CllUrell , J crll.'alellJ, To

hll Jll'(JrL It

£11 12 0 ]0 fi5 0 1 0 o 16 ] 0 I) 0 ]0 0 0 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6






1 16





£112 17



PART I I I . Report of the Central Executive Committee of the St. John Ambulance Association ,

Rev. H. B. Alford, for special purpose




being the Ambulance

Also, omitted accidentally frOlll last repol'tMiss Newton, Jaffa Miss Mabel Thorne, Ramleh

10 t:.

0 0

0 0

the Order.

Form of Beq uest. I give and bequeath unto the Treasurer for th e time Leing of th e I nstitution known Ly the llallle of THE BRITISH OPIITHAL 11(; H OSPITAL, J ERUSALEM, belonging to the Gra.nd Priory of Lhe Order of th e H ospita.l of St. John 0(' Jerusalem in Engbnc1, Lhe sum of .. .... . .. ...... .... .............. .. . [free of duty] to be applied towards accomplishing the Charita.ble design s of th e said Institution. N.B.-Land and Money secured on Land can now be given to chal'itabl uses under t he conditions enacted by t h e (( Oharitable Uses Act 1891, 54 & 55 Vic. c. 73.';

Department of




(J) +'


U !...


..... If)

:z w






« 3: ~ -<C 0::

:z 0::


Ou >- Qi ..c


. .



..c (f)









0 e



u ~



en W I





:':: -r;

(Gra nd Prior of t he Order. )

<J Q)



en en

« W


,.,c :.c ~


(Sovereign Hea d a nd Pa t r on of the Order.)



« -


.r ,~ u f- ..c









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trhe \B rRnb ]prior\? of the ~rbe r of the 1bospita[ of St. 30bn of 3eru 5R lenl in lEngIRl1b.










$t. lohn Bmbulance Bssociation





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S O~

15. H Ollghton Street. Aldt l·y c li. alLd 33 . M oreton S frect. S . Belgravia.


The Oentral Executiye Oommittee of the St. John Ambulance A sociation ... Th e Ohapter of the Order of t . John (with names of )Iembers of Oouncil and Executive Officers) Ourrent Pamphlets and Paper " • -General ReportPresentation ... Oompetitions Important Meetings Police Railways Report of the Oommi ioner for Special en-ices Auxiliary Royal Naval ick Berth Reserve Invalid Transport Oorps Duncan Memorial Ambulance Station India (Hon. Orga.nizing Oommi ioner's Report) H onours for Sel'yices ... I ssue of Certificates

Page. 3


7 8

~§J Rtroll.




(Sovereign Head a nd Pa tron of the Order).





(Grand Prior of the Order. )

19 :21 22

QrentraI 'EIccutlue Qrommittee. COllsisting exclusively of lembers and Associa.tes of the Order.

wirrctor of tbe ilmbuIallfe i3cpartmcnt (tnll QI:bainm1lt of 'ommittec. The Most Hon. the Marquess of BREADALBANE, KG. ~ssistRl\t IDimlor al\ll J]cput~ <!r.:1)ilirmRn. Lieut.-Oolonel, ir RICIIARD O. TE:~IPLE, Bt., O. I. E.



33 35

37 fi2

Ml 00





Statement of Issue of Oertificates and 1Iedallions to Oentre , facing L ocal Reports( a) Metropolitan District (b) Pro\'incial (in alphahetical order) ... ( c) British Dominions beyond the easi.-Australia ii. -..l Tew Zealand ... iii. -,·outh Africa iv.-Empire of India v. - trait Settlements vi.- Gibraltar

65 U

1 :j-1

luI 167

174 1 6

1 7

APPE DI 7 D. Report of the Ohief Oommissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade Index to ditto

Ulcputp tCljairtllRlt. :-:ill' JOlIN FlJllLEY, O. B. (Life Member of thc Oommittee Honol'is Causa.)

Head Office from October, 1905, to

Nominal Roll of Metropolitan District, Provincial, Oolonial and Foreign Oentres


~/)e <Branb IPriot'}2 of tbe @rber of tbe 1bospfta[ of St. Jobn of Jerusa [em in JEng[anb.


Income and Expenditure Account ubscriptions and Donations to eptember, 1906 L ife Members Honorary L ife Members Examining Staff ... Form of Testamentary Bequest Subscription Form

st. 30hn Eltnbu[allCe Els50ciatioll,




1 9 462

mcmbers. Major-Generul J. O. DALTON, RA. REGTXALD HArml. OX, E . q., F.RO. Oolonel O. W. BOWDLER BOWDLE[~ Lieut.-Oolollel E. ill. ''{IL. OX, O.B .. c.n. ' C.lILG., D . . 0., RA.)LO. N. HAY FonDE , E q., F.RO . . Edin. Sl1l'geon-Gelleral ir ALFRED REOfal, The Rev. T. W. WOOD. KO.B. WJLLIA~1 COLLI TGRlDGg, E 'Il, l'ILD. Colollel G. HUNTEr. O'ilLULEY. Oolonel 'il' J. W. OTTLEY, K O. I. E., Colonel it' LEES K~OWLEi-', Bt. R.E. Lieut.-Oolonel ir JAME R A. OLAI:1\:. In ·pector-Gen. n. NnmIs, M.D., R.N. Bt., O.B., F.RO . . E. . O. "WARDELL, E 'CI. l1t'geoll-Genel'al ,ir BEXJ . DII::-l urgeon- Iajor G. H. DARWIN, ~LD. FRA."KLI.N 1 KO. I. E. GEOHGE . ELLISTOX, E:q., ~l.H.O.. JOHX A~lUEL GmFFITlIs, Esq., OHlHSTOl'lIlm OHILD.·, E~rl" M.D. i\I.R.0 . . 001. O. J. TumBLE, O.M.G., L.R.O.P. urgeon-Oolonel E. Onn;TOX, ~I.D. General ir RICHARD HARRr.-ON it' ED\YARD L. O'MALLEY. G.C.B., .M. T. .. EOWIX DAwE , E . q. Oolonel it' CLE~1ENT ]\f. ROYDI'i, O. B. nrgeon-Majol' G. A. Hl'TTOX. Captain J. W. NOTT BOWER. Dep.- [11 p.-Gen. ~I.OOATE<::, J1.D.,R :r EDMUND OWI';:-f, Es'l" LL.D., F .R O.S. F. R C.I.SSIDI, Esq., M.D. Lieut.-Oolonel A. C. YA'f'E. J. A TLEyBLOXAM, Esq., F.R.C . . Admiral ALFRED JOlIN OHATFIEIJD, WILLU)I E. Al'DLAXD, E.'l ., M.RO. O. B. Oolonel T. H. HEXDLEY, C. I. E. The R ight lIon. J. L. IYlIAHTOX, P.O.

Er-officio iEembers of (Committee. i1' IIlmBEUT JEKYLL, K.O. 1.G., R.E. (Secl'etm'y-GenemZ OJ the Order.) EDWIN FRE HFIELD, Esq., LL.D. (ReccivcT-General of thc Order.) Th e Right JI oll. Earl EGERTO TOFTATTON( Ohairman,Briti h OphtlzalmicHosp1·tal.} Qrhief 'srmtarp. Oolol1 el Sir HERBERT O. P EH ROTT, Bt., C.-B. (Secreta'ry of the OrdeT.)


<Z'lccountnnt fftl'tJ ';stordtcepcr. WnLIAM R. EDWARD , Esq., A.O.A. ( Accountant of the Or-de?'. ) ~ra'tJ




Ube (Sranb IPrtor)? of tbe ~rber of Ube 1bospital of St. 50bn of 5erusalelll in lEllg(att~.

m:ue QtUapter. The Chapter consists of the Knights of Justice and Sub-Prelates, de j!tre; the Executive Officers; the selected Members of Council; the following

® fficiating <!tDaplai1t55, .s5obeteign 3t1eab' anb' ltl attO'lt of tDe ®tb'et. HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII., K.G. Q}iran'tJ l~ dot. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. .%ub-Wrior. THE








K .T.,

G.C.M .G.,


of lEgIt.



lEx£rtl tfb e ® ffir £\:~. P1'elate-His Grace the Archbishop of Yom\:. Ohancell01'-The Right Hon. Earl EGEnTON OF TATTON. Sec1'eta1'y-Geneml-Colonel Sir HEnBEnT JEKYLL, R.C.M.G., R.E. Receive1'-Geneml-EmVIN FRESIIFIELD, Esg., LL. D. Almoner-The Rev. Canon DUCKWORTH, C. V.O., D.D. Registm1'-Major-General Lord CHEYLESMORE, C. V. O. Genealogist-Sir ALFRED SCOTT SCOTT-GATTY, O. V.O. (Garter). Di1'ect01' of the Ambulance Depa1·tmentThe Most Hon. the MARQUESS OF BREADALBANE, K. G. L ibm1·ian-Lieut·Colonel RICHARD HOLBECIIE. Sec1'eta1'y-Colonel Nil' HERBERT C. PERROTT, Baronet, C. B. Ohai1'1nan of the B1'itish Ophthalmic Hospital, Jc1'tlsale1nThe I~ight Hon. Earl EGERTON OF TAT! Ox. Ohief SeC1'eta1'y of the A mb1tlance DeZJartment-Colonel Sir HEr:BERT C. PEnRoTT, Bt. C. B. ~~~i~tant

lExecutine ®ffiCCl:$.

Assistant Di1'ect01' of the A 1nb1Llance Depa1·tmentLieut.-Colonel ir RICHARD CARNAC TE?lPLE, Baronet, C. I. E. Assistant Receive?'-EmvIN H. FRE 'HFIELD, Esq., M.A. Assistant Lib1'a?'ian-CYlUL DAvENPonT, Esq. Assistant Sec1'eta1'y-LoCKHART STOCKWELL, Esq. Accountant-IYILLIAM R. EDWARD., Esq., A.C.A. Hon. Sec1'eta1'y of the B1'itish Ophthal1nic HOSlJital, Je1·1.lSalemLieut. -Colonel J. T. IVOOLnYCII PERO,\YNE. Assistant Hon . SeC1'eta1'y (t01' Scotland) of the Bn'tish OlJhtlzalmic Hospital, Je1'usale1nJ. HORNE STEVENSON, Esq. (Unicorn Pursuivant).



The Conncil consists of the Sub-Prior, as President ex-officio, the Executive Officers, and the following

Selected Members. Sir JOH::f FURLEY, C.B. Major·General J. C. DALTON, R.A. The Right Hon. Viscount KNUTSFORD, G.C.M.G. The Right Hon. Lord MOSTYN. Colonel C. W. BOWDLER BOWDU!R, C. B. Sir JAj\fES DI CK, R.C . B., M.D., R.N.

Colonel Sir CUAnLES1'IL WAT ox, R.0.1'II.G., C.B., R.E. Sir DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D., LL.D. Major-General Sir OWEN T. BURNE, G.C.I.E., R.C.S.L Sir GEORGE HAYTER CHUBB, Baronet. Inspector-General BELGRAVE NINNIS, M.D., R.N. Sir BrcHAnD DOUGLAS POWELL, Baronet, R. C. V. 0., M.D. Lieut-Colonel Sir RICHARD C. TEM PLE, Bt., C.LE.

'1.'he Rev. the Sub-Dean of the CHAPELS ROYAL, C.V.O., D.D. AND


1L\ep\:e~entatibe l1tnigbt55 of Q}itace anb' lE55quire55, W AYNMAN DIXON, Esq. The Right Hon. The Earl of LATH01I. The Right Hon. the Earl of PLYMOUTH. Surgeon-General Sir WILLIAM TAYLOR, R.O.B . The Right Hon. the Earl of YARBOROUGII. 'WILLIAM D. JAMES, Escl. Major-General L. V. SWAIN1<:, C. B.: O.lVLG. Sir EDWARD O'MALLEY. EDMUND OWTm, Esq., LL.D., F.R.C.S. Oolonel E. R. PHATT. The Right Han. Lord OLAUD HAMILTON. Lieut.-Colonel IVOR PHILIPPS, D.S.O., M.P. EDWIN H AN ON FltESHFIELD, Esq. Colonel CIIAltLEl> F. ST. CLAIR AKSTRUTHERColonel Sir CLEMEXT M. RoYD , C.B. THOMSON, 1'11. V.O., D . . 0.


The following are the Knights of Justice: H. R.H. Prince CHRISTIAN OF SCllLESWIG·

EDWIN FltE HFIELD, Esq., LL.D., (ilon01'a1'Y Oommander.) HOLSTElN, K.G.; G.C.B. His Grace The Duke of FIFE, K. '1.'. H.M. King HAAKO::f OF NORWAY, G.C.B., The Right Hon . Lord BRA EY, G. C. B. G.C.V.O. The Right HOIl. Viscount TE"lPLETOWN. H.H. Prince ALBEIlT OF SCHLESWIGThe Right Hon. Earl AmIER T. HOL TEI::-I, G.C.B., G.C.V.O. The Right lIon. Viscount KNUTSFORD, H.S.H. The Duke ofTEcK, G.C.V.O. G. C.M. G. (Hon01·(t1·y Bailiff.) H.S.H. Prince FHA NUl OF TECK, K.C.V.O., R. MACLEAN ~Lc\cLIi:AN, E q. D .. 0. Captain H. . H. Prince LoUl OF B.All'E::-I- ARl'HUR FIlANCIS GnE HAM LEVESO~GOWEn, E 'q. BEnG, G.C.B., K.C.~f.G., R.N. Lieut. -Col. F. A. HEYGATIi: LA.MBERT. H . . H. PrinceALEXA::-IDElt GEORGE OF TECK, Col. ir CHARLE' 'WYNDHAM MURRA.Y, C. B. G.C.V.O., D .. 0. The Hight Ron. the Earl of RAXFURLY, H.R.H. Prince ARTllUIl OF CO::-lNAUGHT, G.C.M.G. KG., G.C.V.O. The Right Hon. Lord A::-IDHUR T, G. C. . I.; Lieut. -Col. Tm: VE. EN J A IE' HOLLAND, C. B. G.C. I.E. Sir JOlIN FURLEY, C. B. (IIono1'Cll'Y BCliliff.) ir HEXRY AltTHUll BLAKE, G. C. ~1. G The Right Hon. Lonl TA::-I::.roRE, G. O. 11. G. The Right HOll. the Earl of MEATH, h.P. FnANCT. ROllEltL' D \. VIE. , E q. A. EO)IUXD FHA ER, Esq. Sir THo::'L\::; OIlI'll DICK-LAUDEr., Barollet. The Right:; Hon. Lord. Mo TYN. Major ir AIWllIB.\LD LA::'1B, Baronet. The nio t Hon. the MAnQUE S OF Colonel ir HE It BERT C. PEnnorr, 13t., . B. Bl1.b:ADA.LBANE, .K. G. The Right lIon. Earl FElumn . His Grace the DUKE OF PonTLAND, KG., Colonel ir JA~H;::; GILDE_\', C.Y.O., C.B. G.C.Y.O. HE RY J OllN LOFTUS, Esq. Fielu-Mal'shal the Right Hon. the EARL Colonel13.illTllEL 1'IlAllTIN DAWE.'. ROBlnrrs, K.G., KP., 19'.([;., &c. '1.'he Right Han. LOld A"IHEH. T OF HACKNEY. HOBEnI' BRUDE~ELL CAnTER, Esq., F.R.C. General ir ClIAULE.· WARnEx, G.C.M.G., NOIDIA_ HAY FOUEE', E 'q ., F.R.C.S. (Edin.) K.C.B., R.E. Colonel JOH~ ALEXA.NDER MAX TUART, Major-General J A)IE. CECIL DALTON, R. A. C.B., C.M.G. Colonel AYL::'lElt GOULD lIUNTEH,"YE 'TON, Colonel C. W. BOWDLER BOWDLER, C.B. D.S.O., R.E. The .Jlost HOll. the Marque of LIXLITHGOW, The Right lIon. Earl EGEUTO::f OF T ATTON . h.T., G.O.M.G., G.C. Y.O. ColoD.el The Right HOIl . Lord WILLIAM CECIL,1'I1.V.0. T

The followin g are the Sub-Prelates: The Lord Bi hop of SALISBUUY. The Bi. hop in J Elm 'ALE::'!. The Bishop of BRITISll IIoNDrnAs.

The Bishop of GIBRALTAR. The 13i. hop of DUX.I!,OlX, (Primate of N e\\' Zealnnd).

St. J ohn A?nbulance Associc(,tion.

Full information as to the work of the St. John Ambulance


Association, and its Branches, can be obtained on application to the Chief Secretary, St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, LondoD , E.C., by whom copies of printed papers will be supplied in reasonable numbers without charge, on Reference Numbers or Letters as follow being quoted.

Formation of Oentres

Reference. Pamphlet 57b.


Formation of Olasses in connexion with Oentres


Formation of Detached Olasses

P amp. b Dc

Mode of help by County Oouncils and other local authorities . Pampb. G.B.1904. Arm and otber Ba dges . Paper 74. Invalid Transport Oorps (Head-quarters)

Paper A.

Ohelsea I~firmary, London, S.W., for practical experIence in Hospital Nursing, &c. .

Paper 73a.

Syllabus of Instruction-Junior Oourse

Paper 40.

"First Aid Oourse

Paper 58.


" "




Rome Nursing Oourse

Paper 60.

Hygiene Oourse

Paper 85.

Cottage Nursing

Paper ~

Regulations for the cond uct of Examinations

Paper 80.

Medallion and Re-examination Regulations . Pocket Certificates


General Regulations, St. John Ambulance Brigade. . . . . . . Explanatory J nstructions for Forming Ambulance and Nursing Di visions of the St. J ohn Ambulance BriO'ade b •



Paper 56. Ref. Let. ~



Origin and Development of the St. John Am bulance A. sociation


The Police and First Aid


" Notes on Military Sanitation"

St. JOhl1 Bll1blllallCe Rssociation.


Pamph. T9~6 . Price ~is ts of all articles sold by the Stores Department r!th partIculars and estimates for Horse Ambulance Oarriages' Itters, Stretchers, &c., can also be obtained. '




H E Director and Ohairman and the Central Executi,e Oommittee have the honour to submit to H.R.H the Prince of \Vales and the Chapter-General of the Order of the Hospital of t. J ohn of Jerusalem in Englrmd this report of the progress of the Ambulance Department during the past twelve months. The mo t notable event o[ the year has been the presentation at Itlll' i, on 17th February, by H .R.H. the Prince of Wales, of the silver challenge hielcl and prizes presented for competition amono' the rllil way com panie of India, the winner beinO' the team repre enting the Great Indian Penin ular Railway. Particular of thi cOlnpetition will be found in the report of the Indian Branch. H.B.H. the Duke of Connaught ha become patron of the new I --o1'O'ani 'ed Trllnsvaal en tre, whj ch fell in to abeyance luring the outh African \\ aI', and H.R.H. Princes H enry of Bllttenbero' wa graciou ly pleased to accept the invitation of the Chapter-General to pre ent the railway hield and prizes offered by the Order for competition amon o' the rllilway conlpanie of Eno'land and \Vale , and the shield and other prizes competed for by the it. John Ambulance rigl1de) after the final at the Portlll11n Rooms on the 10th May. The judge in thi competition were the following lllemb l' of the medical taft':- olonel C. J. Trimble, . 1.G., L.R. .P., Deputy- Olllllli ioner of the No.4 Di trict of the t. John Ambulance Brio'ade, and Dr. W. E. Auclland, M.RO .. ) of \Vellino'borough, for the ruilwll,Y competition' and 1\11'. J. Maclean Carvell, L.R. .P.) of London) and hl r. E. Burdett Pooley, M.R. . ., Dalton-in-Furne ,for the Brigade competition, to all of whom the mo t cordial thanks of the Committee ha been conveyed [01' their Yllluable II i tance.


St. John A ?nbulci-nce Association.

St. John Ambulance Association.

Nine teams competed for the railway challenge shield which was won by the Lancashire and Yorkshire team with 232 points out of a possible 300. The points gained by the other railway teams were as follows :-Cheshire Lines Committee, 225~; Great "Vestern, 218; North-Eastern, 208; Great Eastern, 201; South-Eastern and Chatham, 196; London and North-vVestern, 195; Alexandra Docks and Railway, I9I~; and Great Central, 182!, In. the Brigade Competition the Dewar shield was won by No. 1. District, London (Causton Division) with 216 ! points. The points gained by the other competing teams were :-N orthampton district 214; Newport (Mon.), I97t; Nelson (Lancashire) I83! ; Newton Abbott, 173}; and Ilkeston, I70}. Many other competitions have been held during the year for the shields and other trophies which are now generously presented by employers of labour and others, with a view to encouraging not only the passes for certificates, but for keeping up the instruction once attained by frequent meetings for practices and exercises. Among these may be mentioned :-The Furness Railway Directors' shield, won by certificate holder from Barrow ; the annual competition for the Lanca hire [lnd Cumberland section challenge shield of the L. & N.\V.R., held at Morecambe, won by a team from Kendal; the challeno'e shield and prizes in connection with the Leicester Centre, the winners this year being the Edland Railway, \Vigston Division; the shield presented by the Right Hon. J. L. \Vhartol1, P.o., Chairman of the North-Eastern Railway Company, and a member of the Central Executive Committee, for competition alllong the employees of that company, won by a team from Leeds: the challenge shield presented by General Sir Charles arren, G.GM.G., K.GB., for competition among classes in the South Wales coal6.eld, the competition this year taking place at Pentre, in the Rhondda Valley, the shield being won by Ferndale: the shield presented by the Hon. E. L. Wood, of Temple New aIl1, for competition among teams from collieries in the Yorkshire Mines Inspection District, one of the conditions for qualification being, as usual in these competitions, the possession of the certificate or medallion of the Association ; the challenge shield presented by Colonel Sir 0. Wyndham Murray, C.B., the President of the local Centre, for competition among Bath classes; the

Argenta CL1P, one of the most valuable trophies for ambulance work in the kingdom, annually competed for at Blackpool among the ambulance corps in the north of England; this cup being won this year by the Kendal team; the Gala shield offered by the Amalgamated Friendly and Trade Societies of Gl'imsby, the winners being the Great Central Railway; the silver shield presented by Mr. R. D. Bain, Chief Inspector of lines for the Durham district., for competition among classes in the Durhaln coalfield' and the Dublin hallenge Cup, of ancient Irish design and of a pattern peculiar to Ireland, presented Ly Lord Iveagh, for competition among the Irish classes. The foregoing are but a few, selected as typical, among the large number of simila.r presentations. The value of these competitions cannot be over-estimated, as they not only give striking evidence of the importance of a kno'wledge of first aid to the injured, but encourage a healthy emulation and induce candidates for certi6.cates to come forwarcl in far greater numbers. Amono' the important meetinO' held durin o' the year for the pre entation of certificate, medallion, and label ', and for other plll'pO e' connected wlth the As ociation, may be mentioned tho e at (,he u ffolk Agricultural Show, Ipswich, that "Veteran and important l en tre, when the ambulance station Iya ,isited by Her Hio'hnc ~ Prince Loui 'e AuO'u ta of chleswig-Holu U stein; at Bil'lJlinO'ham Leed., 1Ianchestel', al'diff, and heffield, presided over hy the re pcctilTe Lord JIayors, and at Belfa t presided oyer by th Lady Mayore ; at underland, Port mouth, Ip 'wich and onthalupton, presided over by the ~layor re pectivoly ; at the ene1'al Post Ottice, London, ,,,hen the Po tilla terGeneru,l, the Right Hon. ydney Buxton, M.P., pre ented certificates and medallions to cla ses held amon o' the Po t Office employees; at the head-qual'ters of the Ho pital aturday Fund, Grn,y's Inn Road, the pre entation being ulade by Lady Agnes BL1rne, Iaj or-General 'IiI' Owen Burne, G. .I.E. , K.C. .1 ., in the chn.ir·, at Ha ·tino·s by IJll,cly Idina Bra e}T, the Hon. T. A. b ' Brassey prcsiding: at Burnley, by Lady O'Hagan' at Southampton by Lady Emma Crichton' at Canterbury, for an in pection of the Corps and Divisions of the t. J ohn Aillbulan~e Brigade in East Kent, the Committee being represented by Su' J ohn Furley; at Douglas, I ,Ie of Uan. II. Eo the Goyernor, Lord







St. J ohn A ?nbutance Association.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

Raglan, making the presentation; and at Rookesbury P ltrk, R ants, when .Mr. A. R . Lee; M.P., a former Civil Lord of the Admiralty 1 drew attention to the magnificent work done by the Brigade during the late war in South Africa. At the meeting at Portsmouth above referred to an interesting address was delivered by .Mr. Ba.ldwyn Fleming, an Inspector of the Local Government Board, who spoke with experience of the way in which the valuable work performed by the Association had been brought to the notice of himself and of many others connected with POOl' Law administration, especially as regards the training, given at Portsmouth and elsewhere, of the nursing staff connected with '\Vorkhouse Infirmaries. Other notable meetings have been at Reading, for presentations by Lady Carrington, and at Mardy, in the Rhondda Valley, eloquent tribute to the work of the Association being borne by Mr. ,\Villiaru Abraham, M.P. C' Mabon "). Mr, Abraham expressed his admiration of the humanitarian work performed by ambulance men, and stated that many times he and his fellow-agents and check-weighers had seen comrades lying crushed and maimed, bleeding slowly to death , yet while desiring to do something to alleviate their sufferings, had feared to do so owing to their want of knowledge of first aid. He was truly thankful that they had got beyond that sLage now. On the occasion of the visit of their Maj es ties the King and Queen to N ewcasLle-on-Tyne in July, the most satisfactory ambulance arrangements were made through the Deputy-Commissioner of the St. John Ambulance Brigade for the district. So excellent were the arrangements that it has been decided to print the local instructions as a specimen for general in£orn1ation of what can be done for the safety of the public by the Brigade on such occasions.

" Membel's of divisions and nurses will parade for duty on the 11th " July, 1906, at the Castle Square at the north end of the High Level " Bridge at 9 a.m. , "Medical officers must be equipped with surgical dressing cases, , haversac, and water bottle. " Every member, bearer, or nurse must possess a haversac and water " bottle filled, and a triangular bandage and every section at a dressinD' " station mU.'t be pl'ovided with stretchers surgical haversac wate~ "bottle, and blanket, and such other am'bulance appliances 'as they " may pos. ess. "'Yater can be obtained, other than from the water carts by tc applyinO' to police in charge of barriers. ' " FiL·. t aid will be rendered to troops and civilians alike and carried " ~?t a' expe~i~iously and uno. tentatiou.'ly as possible. ' " A~l casuahtle. .wll~ be conducted to and attended at the dressing . tatlOll at the ell tnct concerned, where proper returns will be made " and compiled, and handed to medical officer in charge to be forwarded " without delay to the Deputy ommi. ioner in char()"e~ , "A~l ca, 'e. lllU. ~ be ren?-o\red and treated in rear b of .'pectators, and ca,rn d to dres. mg .'tatlOn!:l for finalremoyal to ho. pital or home as " may h expedient. Two ambulance wagons, hoL' 'ed, will be in reacline at the di 'posal :: uf the '-;tr~tcbel: and b~arer cOll1l?an;y; on. telephoning through. the neare~t polwe otlicer to entral Police. tab on hould they be reqUlred. " All polic order mut b instantly obeyed. " After the prOOTe ' ' ha been completed, di 'trict . taff officers in charge , of the yariou. area will collect their unit. and march them to the " [lead QlU1l't 1''> of the Brigade, which ha ' been fixed at :JIe 1". Crosbie " a.lld Co.'s <";,'Lfe, ~orthumbedand 'treet, ~ewcastle where refreshments " ha\'e been pro\'ided. '


" THE AMBULANCE ARRAKGEMENT . .- \Vith the presence of so many " thou ands of people in the st1'eets, surging and swarming for hours, "there i. always the possibility of some unfortunate l)e1'sons bing "overcome, 01' hurt. For dealing with such ca. es t 1e • 'to John " Ambulance Brigade made adequate preparations as follow :"The following dressing stationR have been fixed where first aid "will be rendered, with medical officers, nurses, stretchers a,nd "medical stores located, SUP1)lied by the Tyne Brigade Bearer " Co., under • 'urgeon Captain Grinling, 3rd V.B.N.F., und I' • 'urgeon cC Major Beatley, and nurses and members of the. t. J olm Ambulance " Brigade under the command of. 'urgeon Lieut.-<";olonel J:i. W. Gibbon, " Vp., .Deputy Uommissioner, No.6 District, whilst units every 50 yards " wllllmk up these stations for immediate assistance if required.






:\0. 1. K o. l.-Dr. Anderson, Ma.jor :-;utherlaud, Torth En tern Central \'. D.]I!' D, Di::;trict 'tatiou. Secr~tary t. J olm A.D.TO. 1 'ta.tion, No.2- Dr. James From Centra.l Anderson, ~tntion to bottom 1\1aw on" Court, Mosley of Northumberland treet. ,'treet, u,lld after to o. 9. TOS . 1, No. 3.-Dr. W. J. mith, 2, antI 9. Barras Bridge Cab helter.

tretchers. 1 Tyne Brigade Bearer Co ........................ 4 Felling Diy. t. John A.B ....................... 2 ,Va,ter Cart.

t. John A.B ................... ..... 4

2 H etton Diy.

3 Felling Di \'. t. John A.B ... ........... .... , ..... <1 4 E. ramlington Div. t. John A.B. ......... 2 F elling Di,·., t. John .c\.. B. .. ..................... 2

COl\nL\ D TO. 2. No. 4.-Dr. ~1cDonn.ld, O. B. Palmer, J.P., T orth Road Police Di. upt. of ""tore, tU,tiOll. f't. John A. B. 5 N' ewca tle-oll- Tyne Di v. t. John A.B ............ B ottom of K orth- Ko. 5-Dr. ,rat-on, umberl::md 'treet Iillfi eld House, Eldon 6 Tyne Brigad e Bearer to T orth Road o ...................... treet. 3rd V.B . J. Fusiliers ... P olice , tation, after to No.7, No. 6.- urgecill Capt. TOS. 3, '1, n.nd 7 7 Cowpen Div. St. John rinlin g, .-\..B ... . .... . .. ............. The Jew Infirmary, T ew Patient Block.

4 4




St. John A mbulct-nce Association.

CO:NThIAND NO.3. Dr. J. R. Orease, No. 7.-Dr. Appleton , 8 Gatesllead Fell. Div., J.P . , Dis. Ohief Messrs. Dinning and St. John A.B . ...... .. ... Surgeon St. John Cook's Yard. Withernsea Div., t. A.B. St. John A.B ............ Iorth Road Police IO. S.-Drs. Goudie and 8 (a) Gateshead Fell Div. Station to Jew Wishart, St. John A.B ............ Infirmary. Nos. 5 Eldon quare. Tyne Brign.de Bearer 00. and 6. OOMMA JD JO. 4. No . 8 (a).-Dr. Miller, 9 Whitburn OollieryDiv., Dr. Johnstone, Dis. Grey Monument. St. John A.B ............ Chief Supt. , t. John A.B. No. 9.-Dr. Oort, 10 Tyne Brigade Bearer Farrington Court. 00. . .. ....... ......... ... From New Infirmary S. . Vol. Life Brigade to Grey's Monu- No. 10.-Dr. Crease, ment, 7, , (a) , 9 junr. ::Uajor Sutherland.

St. J ohn A mbulance Association. 1 2

2 -!

4 -! 4

" The remaining members and Hull Corps will do duty on the line of " route in proportion of twenty men to each Command. "Four Nursing f'isters will be placed on duty at each dre sing « station. "The Commanding Officer relieR on the hearty co-operation and " zealous di charge of duty, the bearing and courteous behaviour, quiet " and sympathetic, and unobtrusive a sistance of all rank '.

Large numbers of classes continue to be held for the benefit of the County Constabulary and Borough Police Forces, and the l\Ietropolitan Police of London. A London Coroner, Dr. F. J. 'Val do, lately remarked that in his experience invaluable service was rendered to the public by the police in the lDatter of first aid. In October, the Chief Constable of Leeds stated that 547 members of his Force were actually in possession of certificates or medallions, and 60 were undergoing training; at l\Ianche tel', the Chief Constable stated that with few exceptions all the members of his Force, apart from recruits, had either pas 'ed the t. John examination or were attending a course of instruction, ancl that nearly 3,000 cases of sudden illness or accident in the streets had received prompt and proper help at the hands of policemen during the year, the average number of persons requiring first aid in the streets of Manchester exceeding 2,000 a year for many years past. In a current report of the Comnlissioner for the City Police of London, it is statecl that the accidents caused by horses and vehicles in the city numbered 1,330, involving six deaths. In this Force the possession of the St. John certincate is a sine q1&a non for membership, and the following interesting case has been reported to the Central Executive Comlnittee by the Commissioner, Captain J. ,V. Nott Bower, who is one of its members.


"The House •'urgeon, Guy's Hospital, states that P. O. Tinkler " was brought in with simple fracture of shin. He slipped off the " kerb in Borough High • treet, breaking his leg, but called upon the (( bystanders for pieces of wood and handkerchiefs with which he applied "ji?'St (I i(l to himself; putting his leg in splint.', and then getting a " bystander to . ummon a .Jletropolitan Police litt r in which he was " carried to the hospital. The House . 'urgeon states the first aid was " skilfully applied and probably prevented a compound fracture."

Consequent on the enormous quantity of traffic in the :Metropolitan n.ron. the increase in the number of street accidents appears to be steadily progressive. As reported by the :Jletropolitan Police, these acccidents amounted in 1891 to 4,766. In 1901 they ren.ched 7,995, an increase of n. little over 42 per cent. in ten yen.rs. In 1903 they amounted to 10,363, an increase of over 26 pel' cent. in two years; and, of t.he 10,363, 154 were fatal. ome interesting figures were furnished by the Home Secretary, in roply to a question in the I-Iouse of lommons, as to the accident, 1,017, caused by vehicle in the month of October last in the street of London, inyolving per onal injury, 11 were caused by motor-omnibuses, 123 by motor car and motorcycle ', 13 - , by lllCchn.nically-propelled tramcars, 23 by hor edra,Yn tralllcn.rs, 44 by horse-c1rn.wn omnibuses, and 571 by other 1'ehicles. Of the 11 fn.tn.l accidents in the sanle month three "ere caused by motor-omnibuses, two by motor-car, one by a mechanically-propelled tramcar, one by a hoI' e-clrawn omnibu , and foul' by other horse-drawn vehicles. In N o1'e111bor there ,'-ere 42 n.ccic1ents invol1'ing per onal injury. Of these 1 were cau ed by motor-omnibuses, by lllotor-cars, 11 by mechanically-propelled tramcars, 15 by horso-drn.wn tralllcar , 43 by horse-drn.,yn omnilm os, and 407 by other vehiches. The fn.tal accidents numbered 23. Two were Cfmsed by motor-omnibu e , three by lllo~or-car , one by n. mechn.nically-propelled tramcar, and 17 by hoI' e-dra wn vehicles. These fio'ures show the n.bsolute necessity for the exten ion of the 8treet Ambulance ervice, and that every encouragement should be o'iven to the efforts of the member of the l\letropolitan Streets Ambulance Association n,nd others who for so long a time past hn.ve been porsistently moving in thi direction. The great increase in motor trn,ffic of n,ll kinds involves a C01'1'e ponding incren. e in the danger to which pedestrin.n arc liable; and

St. John A mbulance Association.

St. J ohn Ambulance Associ'l,tion.

though it is true that first aid may frequen tly be rondered on the spot, it is admitted by the most competent judge, the H ospital physicians and surgeons of London, that there is great room for improvement in the mode of conveying the inj ured. Many communications to the press on this subject have been addrossed by the President of the above Association, 111'. Reginald Harrison, F.R.e.S., and though it is satisfactory to record that a praiseworthy beginning has been made in the City itself by the provision of an electric ambulance carriage of an excellent pattern, and the contemplated provision of some fifty fir ,t aiel boxes in various parts of the City area, much stillromains to be done in the other portions of the Metropolis, which are Dot under the control of the City Police Authorities. The Departmental Committee appointed by the Home Secretary to enquire into cc existing facilities" for dealing with the cases of accident and sudden illness in the streets has been non1inated none too oon. When it is remembered that the first individun,l into who e hands the injured person in the street is likely to fall i the Police Constable, and that in the lIetropoliLan area it i ,tated that from 250 to 300 Constables are so severely handled overy year that they have to be kept upon the sick list for more than a week, many of them receiving injuries of a permanent character, the importance of a knowledge of first aid to policemen is too obvious to require demonstration. A valuable article inreferenco thereto, pointing out that owing to the continuous endeavours of the St. John Ambulance Association nearly the whole of the Police Forces had receivecl instruction in rendering first aid to the injured, lately appeared in an issue of the Lancet.

" The Singleton chair was u sed on five occasions, and its use greatly "facilitated the removal of injured men when accidents occurred in " places difficult of egress on board the vessels. " There were fifty injuries to the head and face ~ seven of injuries to "the trunk; 109 of injuri s to the upper limbs; including one of "fractm'ed ann; three of fractured forearm, and four of fractured cc fingers; forty-eight of injuries to the lower limbs, including two of cc fracture of the thigh, two of fracture of the leg and one of a fractured "toe. rrhere were also tw lye cases of burns, but of the 228 cases thus " enumerated it is satisfactory to record that in only twenty-two of " th m wa,,' it npce sary to use the wheeled litter to convey them to the " hospital. cc In thl'e instances the injured men were in the employment of other firms having contracts in the Yard. " The total number of cases attended during the year amounted to cc 2:31, an increa.'e of 39 compared with the previou,' year. The grand (( to tal of cases in which the members ha ye rendered qualified aid sinee (( the inc ption of the Cor})s in 1 91 i, now 27 7. " The car tain, ~Ir. I 'tobb., was pre, ent on 171 of the 22 ocea:ion,' (( on "which assistance was gi Ycn, and his assi. tant in the rivet tore, "Mr. TIson, wa.' pre ent a,t sixty-six ca es. The dressing of minor cut "and bl'uis s, and the l' moyal of foreign matter from the eye , " which goe' on at the av rage rC:1,te of about ninety-fiye ea, es weekly throughout the year in th rivet Btore, is pretty evenly , hared "betw 11 the 'e two member of the 'orp. . ~[any other member' al. o " rend reel cxe 11 nt ,' n-lc, notably ~Ie ' 81'S . .T. Kinnaird (42), " T. Fa,irclough (:30), '. I 'mith (:20), \Y. rquhart (19), G. Virtue (1 ), and (( J. Budd y, Yice- aptain (l-k ) and all were r ady a ' occaion, aro 'e " to aiford all the help in their power. " 'ixte n .vening drillB with the yariou. appliances were conducted "in the tn,rd by the captain between April and I 'eptember, and cc attend c1 tl1l'0ughout by an average of twenty-three memb l'S. The " si. tecnth ell'ill WetS an E .'hibiLion Drill in the pre, nce of the officials " of thc Y'(]'l'cl in order to bring befor their notice the general efiiciency " of th Corps, <1.11 1 some pra<.:ticctl dcmonstration ' of their work. The 'drill Wits h ld in th moulcl loft, and attended by ~Ies , T . "W hite 1 mwforcl, ~IacDonald, Douie, Guli:;ton, Armstrong, Bourn, Laverick, , Dr. Grillling, Hon. I urg on of the Corp', and numerou foremen and , , p ctatol' '. "The . hibition consisted of example, of bandage and tretcher work "and hand seat calTiag, and afforded great ati ·faction to the "Principftl of the Yard who witne _ed it. " To encouragc attendance itt th cvening drill" and to ac]nlo\Y!edge " the value of the work of the COl'l , the finn generou ly contribut d (( towarc11:l the " pen e, of the 9 1})S Annual ~icnic the ,'Ull1 of 10 ... Gel. "per mitn for all who qualIfied by attenclmg , yen of the eleyen " drills held pl'ior to Augu,. t Bank IIoliday. Twenty-three member" "fulfilled this condition, and , pent a very ,oeiable week-end under " can va ' at Barrasford, J orth Tync. The weather wa exceedingly fine " throughout, and the enjoyments of the holiday were many and yariecl. " On ~londay morning . everal of th member had the 'ati. faction of , l'endering fin;t aid to ;:\, lady cycli ' t, who, unfortunately f 11 from her " machine near the camp, and su tainecl'uch injurie ' to her head and " face as to render her un on, CiOll1:l for ome tiIll, On regaining " consciou ness she wa. removed in a conveyance to the village hotel " where she rec i ved medical treatment, and in the cour e of a week " sent a gl'atefulletter of thank to the member.


The Committee has again the pleasure to publish a report of the classes at the Walker Shipyard, N ewcastle-on-Tyne, a typical narrative of the Association's work at so many of the great centres of industry. " The Committee of the "Walker Shipyard classes in pl'e,'entin o ' their report of the wOl'k performed by the member dUl'ing the yeal' ending 31st December, 1906, have to record a fm·ther lal·g increa~e 1n the number of cases requiring qualified fh'st aid treatment as compal'ed with the previous year, but fortunately none of them proved btnl. " The members attended 226 cases of accident, and two of iJlness within " the yard, and at the request of the Walker Hospital Authorities, a "squad of the members conducted the transport of patientl:> on " three occasions. " " " "



St. J ohn



"A class of instruction was conducted by. the Hon. SUl:geon" Instructor, Dr. Grinlin o., from October 1 th u~ltll December 6th,111 the " Presbyterian Hall, an~ the weekly b~ndagmg cla s ~nd al 0 th~ " upplementary weekly stretcher dnll were sup~rmtend d bJ " \1' tobbs. The examination wa conducted m the J?1ould on December 20th, by Dr. Cromie, of ;Blyth, and o~ th thll·teen "c~ndidates who presenteo them lves, 111lle pas~ed, VIZ. : T-,hree f~)l' "medallions two for vouchers, and four for certIficate.·.. ]3 orty-slX " medallion: 62 vouchers, and 117 certificate hav~ b.een obtamed through " the Cor)s from the 'to J olln Ambulan~e AssoClatlOn. . " On be11al£ of the Corps tl?-e Com.mlttee h~reby express th 1~: ~est " thanks to Dr. Grinling for 1us co~tmued a. slstance and CO-OPel a,tlOn,' " and for the course of lectures ~lven ?y hIm to the ,c~a:s,. To, Mr. " f'tobb , for the thorough and pam. takmg cour ~ of. tramm& through ." which he put the Corps d':lring the Ulumer dnlls 1:1 the t ~rd, c.tn,~ " durin o' the "inter cour e 111 the clas , and .also fOl the atisfactoIJ " way ~ which he supen-ri. ed. eyery detail . for the comfort. and " . ment of all durino' the holIday week-end 111 camp, the Ollumttee . ' .. ~n e 0 f'In d ebt eCu1e 1, " enJoy have pleasure i!l agai.nb recordmg t lleu' sane1 0 f

"] ft

" conveying to hIm theIr hear~y ackno\:Tledgme~t. ., " "To the Firm the CommIttee agam tend~I the.lI be. t tha~k. .f01 " d 'scharo'ing all fees and expenses in connectron WIth the ex.annnatlOn, "f~r pro~dino' a bronze medallion for each of the canchdates who '. qualified fur bit, for supplying all. neees a,ry renewals o.f ~mbulance " to res and appliances, and for the mterest m and appl'eCIatl.):~ of. the " work of the Corps expressed thiough the attendance ~f the l: 1l~(;lp!1ls "at the exhibition drill, and through the sub tantial contnbution " towards the expenses of the annual camp.

In the railway world the same interest is displayed. in the progress and extension of ambulance classes, and ~he Dlfe.ctOl~ and high officials take every opportunity of ShOWll~g th81r Sll1cero interest in the training of the staff. The old-establIshed Centresthe North-Eastern Railway, the London I1nd N ol'Lh-\Vest rn Railway, the Great Eastern Railway, the Great '\Vestern ~ailway, the London and South-'\Vestern Railway, the Lancashll'e and Yorkshire Railway, the Furness Railway, the. Mi(lla~d and Great Northern Joint Railway, and the MetropolItan Rml-waycontinue to hold classes permanently; while the 'outh Eastern and Chatharrl Railway and the London, Brighton, and ~ outh ioast Railway, which have only hitherto held "detached class~s, " have been added to the list of Centres, the expenso of 111 anaglll 0' and maintaining the Centres being borne by the COl~lpanies,. as i customary in the case of railways. A knowledge of. fi~'st aId to railway employes is as necessary for themselves. as. It IS for the safety of the travelling public, and although It IS sta~ed that the risks in rail way employment are not so great:1s those In ~allY other industrial occupations, and that the number of rallw:1Y

St. J ohn A 171b'U"Zance Association.


servants killed by accidents connected with the movement of railway vehicles has shown a downward movement during the past first years, yet the aggreo'ates for the whole of last year show that from all causes 1,100 persons were killed, and 6,4GO injured, as compared with 1,073 I1nd G, 89 respectively in 1904. The number of passengers killed in 1905 was 148,as against 115 in 1904, and 2,36 were injured in 1905, as compared with 2,669 in the previous year, a sufficien tly large proportion to prove that without a kno,dedo'e of what to do in the event of a railway catastrophe o-reat suftering aHd probable los of life would be the result . The appointment of a Royal Conllllis ion) under the preidency of Lord 1\lonks,Yell, to enquire into an 1 l' port on certain questions rebtin o' to the health and safety of miners and the administration of Lhe Mines Act, has called attention to the imperative nece sity of all colliers and miners recoiving instruction in 61' t aid Lo the injured, and this ha been emphasised by tho str ss which ha. been bid by mining authorities upon the ilUl) rtance of men who are eno'no'ed in thi ' dano'eron occnl)a" v Lion 1)ein o' competent not only to render fir t aid, but in being specially trained in what is now known a!:) " 1'0 cue work," and the 11 '0 of life aYino' apparatu '. This pecial Lrainino' had been advocatorl as far back as tho y ar 189 ,and at a mo ting of the 'outh "oral ' and 1\1 0 n1l1 uth hire Mining Education Board, II'. Dayid ayie.', M.P., the PI' id nt, stated thnt he had personally experienced the difticulty from the want of information necosf-iary for penotl'alin o' the working of' min niLer explo iOllS, e pecially when a manaO'er and hi sn bordinale officials had be n killed or il~ur d. There wa already, he tatcd, a lnro'e number of amuubnce cla es held in the coalfield, bl!t there wa a general opinion that there hould be an oro'ani ation of 11 nnmber of practical workmen andrepail'Ol" , TIrOllJen, oyermen, and manag l' 'rho had pa ' eel the 'to John Ambulance A ociation cour e, and hould be trained to know the plan of the yurion collierie . . , how to put up 'heet and timber, [lncl apply oxyo·en. 1\11'. Davie stated that if snch a corp' wore leel by qualified medical lllen and colli ry Inanagers it woulll be of invaluable benefit after an oxplosion and many hve' might be saved. 'illlil:1r t.estimony has been borne by 1\[1'. '\T. Brace, l\I.P., Vice-President of the South '\Vales Miners Feder!1tion, who has pointed out that by the B


St. John A'invula·nce As oc iu,t ion.

establishment of a trained unit of the St.. John Ambulance Brigade at every colliery in the coalfield there 'was an ea ily available means of carrying this object into practical effect amongst the workers employed in the mines, quanies, and other indu tries a ociated therewith. The outcome has been the formation of a league for the South ,Vales District similar to that already formed in Yorkshire, in both cases with the cordial cooperation of H.M, Inspectors of Mines. The question of a funher increase of these leagues has been under consideration of the National A sociation, and frequent attention has been called to the value both of the Association's training, and of the cnmpetitions to promote efficiency, in the Coal Mines inspection report ' fOl: the year 1905. It is stated that, owing to the hearty snpport gn'cll by the delegates representing every section of the coalfield, the progress made by the St, J oln Alnbulance Association in thi' direction would seem to hold much hope for the future, At au inquest held in the Durham Infirmary in Augu ,t last on the Lod:v of a miner, who had received injuries while workin c)' in a pit at Brandon, a letter was read from the manager of the pit, '1\'110 spoke of the practical benefit the ambulance lllOyement h8d been in the accident. There were six certificated allllmlance men on the scene without delay, and they improvised a Louruiquet with a stone and handkerchiefs, and by applying a 1l1uftier stopped the bleeding from the femoral artery. They made splints of brattice deals, and they tied up the leg with scarves and baitpokes, One of the men tore up his shirt to lllake a Lanc1age. Hot coffee from one of the men's bottles was given to the injured man, and what was left was kept in the bottle and applied to his body. Although he had to l:w carried on a stretcher a mile and a half to the bottom of the shaft, the patient reached hOlllG within an hour of the accident. The Coroner said they eoulcl not have a Inore striking illustration of the value of awbulance work amongst tbe miners. The LUVOUT Gazette, published by the Board of Trade, . tates that the number of deaths from industrial accidents reported ill 1905 was 4,375, a total gre~'\,Ler Ly GOO than that for 190-1, and by 121 than the mean yearly number taken over the five years 1901-1905. These figures would prove that, in spite of precautions, there are certain occupations which entail special


It. JolL n A 'I71)n"l(i17. ce Association.


liabili ty to acc~dent, and consequent preparation on the part of tl~ose eno'aged In them to be prepared to render assistance in case o£ emergency. The Commi 'sioner for pecial GI3 , reports as follows:-

ervices, Colonel C. Bowdler,

., TJ,lC mg '1It B eal'el' Compltllies fUl'l1i~hecl b th B'" d ' , ,tYl e llga e mamtam LJl ell' e~La.blj~b1llellts anr1 efl-kiency " 1Jlet I tl 1 . , U l mg 1e past year all of them " rCo111 I'l )0 olheml , e~ 10 etUl1UH. sevcn cletYH trail1in a ett nr'l't· h ' 't 1 reIorts th 1 f b < lImy OSpl a s, " in!'; )octiOllS b ~:, on. e l'CSU ~~, 0 the trainings etnd the annual " 1- (l)tli ' , y ~Illhtmy 41.uthontIes were very satisfactory Total ,j C '1", 464 ran c ancl file < • c rI'l ]) J", le tuya ~ava.l AU'iIi,try "·k B r tl R " lIultintains . its efficiencv an(l co<nt'I'llU' el~ to I'neC 1 ,eserve 1 t~oroughly " J '' l J • TeaSe In I)OPU a1' t ' tl llgclt( e. A very considerable nUlllbe' f 1 1 Y In le " th'1 Cl'} tl10 .' 1 e, 1 0 men lave now been " ( 11 ;),U:, ~ 1. slJ Cf'Ul cuurse of .instl'uc:tion pl'o\'icled hv the Adml'!'alty ) VUeltH 111on-o -W'lt1' 'ltt X' , 1 H 't 1 1 ,J "of IUl'pS <1.11d c1ivil'lio;lS (T;t'~l\ ~Ltl' 11~~t'11)11 "<~I '3" anc at the heaclq uartel'S "




, rl'l

' .


~o •.

" \vOl'J~es~~7~~~'LS fl'?l~l the_l'oloni.al Hranc~le,' a~'e l'latisfetctol'Y, Am bulallce " Dom bny, On~~ !)~lt I~ \~~;,\. C~l~ hl'J,ll {02;,tmg ,111 Aus trali~, ~ ew Zealand,

:' 11~~1l~1(~C~( ~ Il~any. l~i

~\{l (~~~~Jl!e~ltt~,f f~~;~Kti~:~C\l~

ur:R~~: -;~~l~

U t s arc t tIle " 1)1'0 0 r > _ , ,J, }l l,epul t <llny, ])l'lgade furmatIOn.' III Ca.na.da, but no doubt C> s 1'> JelllO' lllac e III H.lllhula.nce in -truction," 7

In Lhis connection it may be mentioned that the Council of the Order has Leen in corre ponclence with the ,Val' Office'lyith resp,ecL Lo Lhe All1lmbnce Department taking over the aelministr.atlOn. of t!10 Home Mil~tary Hospitals, and the supply of the glCatel portlOn of thc .:JIechcal and 'urgical 'taff, and of Quarternla, tel" and, othor rnnk ,in Lime of war, If by means of the as. ,L'tance at the Officer and men of the t, John Ambulance ~rlO'ade, '1\~ho have alway 'hoi'ln thelll elve ,a in the case of the outl! fnc.1m m~cl Chinese war, a reaely to give their greatly val~l~d serVlces lor Lhe benent of the country, the Order i in a ~OSlLl~~l to carry out a.work of the groate t national and military ~ npOl t(~l~C~ ) should tlus country be ao'ain unfortunatelyengao'ed 1J? hostlhLlCS on a Im'ge scale, it will be a ubject for the 1110 t smcere congratulation. . It will L~ remell: berod that. it "\',1.S l'eporteclla t ye[tr that, at the mstance 0.£ L!le DIl' ctor (Teneral of the Army Medical ervice, the ASSocl~tlOn had published notes on Military anitation by Colonel II , P . : r . Ell~' \ 1\1 C') a lllanual whlCh " ha "mg t Oll, R . 1-'\'.1, ~roved ve:'y po~ulal', fl.nd has lU1tl an exten ive nle since that ate, ThIS subject has been taken in hand by the Army Council,

St. John A n~b'/,~lCf/l1ce Associatlion.

St. John A rrnbulance Association.

and it will be included in the curriculum at the Hoyal Military Academy, \~T oolwich, and at the Royal J\1i~tary Co~eg '. ~a~d­ hurst, and in the final examination of cadets In the senIOr d~vlsIOn. Lectures will be annually given at the Staff College, ~nd af~er ~he 1st "March, 1908, LieutenatLts win be required to pass In samtatIOn before their promotion to the rank of Captain. l\Ioreo.ver, classes for Officers Non-Commissioned Offi cers and men, WIll be held periodicall; at the School of Army a,n~tation ~t ~lde~'shot, when instruction will be given in both practIcal samtatIOn ]n the fiel1, and in the duties of water sterilization. It is gratifying to the Committee to have been the mea,ns, by the publica,tion of its text book on this most importa,nt subject for the benefit of members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade and of the Ar.my at large, of calling attention to the nee.d of knOlvledge .of a, subject the neglect of which has indisputa,bly In most cn.mpa,lgns l~d to a terrible loss of life, and frequently to dea,ths frOl11 dlsea,se ,vhich might have been averted. The importance. of a, coglla,te subject, viz., the training i~ a. knowle.clge .of hyglene, has 10~0' been advocated by the AssocmtIOn, whlCh mtroduced a. specla,l syllabus on this subject several. years ago, a~d lS very desirous that the number of classes mstructed therem should be considerably increased. At the instance of some 111embers of the Cape Town Centre of the Associat~on, and w~t~ the a,pprova~ of the local branch of the British l\1edlCal AssocmtIOn, a resolutIOn advocating the inclusion of this subject in the curriculum of ~ll Government aided schools in the Colony was recently passed In the Honse of Assembly, and will, it is anticipated, be p~'oduc­ tive of very good effect. In Cana,da, with the exceptIO~l ~f two provinces, the teaching of hygiene is compl:lsory, :l,S It IS also in Australia, while in the United States of Amenca the teaching of the subject is even more strict. In.N ovemb~r last lUr. Birrell, the President of the Boa,rd of EducatIOn, recerved a deputation from the Committee of the ledical Profe sion for~.ed in 1903 for the teaching of hygiene and temperance, the Bntl 'h Medical Association, the Advisory Board, and the International Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis ea subj ect which is also included in the Association's official text book on home nursing), and delivered a speech in which the Right Honourn.ble gentleman strongly urged the importance of a, scheme, adopted

by the Board of Education, for the teachinO' of hygiene and b temperance for the ::;cholars attending the public elementary schools, and sta,ted tha,t the ten.chers themselves might take up hygiene and temperance as a,n optional subject. - Having regnrd to the opinion expressed by these eminent authorities, it is grea,tly to be desired thnt the centres and branches of the Associa,tion will in future lllnke every effort to promote the formation of classes for instruction in the hygiene syllabus, for which course the Hea,d OfHce ha,s, it is to be regretted, issued less than 100 certiticates during the past year, not,vith ,tanding the fact tha,t it can now be ta,ken a::; part qualification for the III cbJlion.


21 v

Attention has been called in former years to the excellent hoI' e a III bulance . ystem in the ity of Liverpool. The City of .hlanche tel' i ' now O'reatly extending and perfecting its municipal horse :unbulance sy tel1l, which is a bra,nch of the Police Force and i manao'ell on the same lines and with the efficiency and d patch of the Fire Brigade, over 1,700 person h:wino' been m<wecl to the ho pital clurin o' the last year by the e yehicles. In the iL)' of Leice. tel' a number offirst a,iel ca,binets ha,ve been placed in the treet by the local centre. These boxe , which are kept locked, may ea ily be opened by breakino' a, o-las door in the salllC way a fire alarm. They contain plint, bandages, o slllellin ' alt, and other appliances for first aid to the injured, anel arc u ually -fixed to lamp po ts. The olllmittee has been favoured with a, copy of the reO'ubtions of the jIeclico-Physchological A sociation of Great Britain and Irebnd. I tis gratifyino· Lo find therefrom, that chiefly, it is believed, at the in tance of Dr. Augustine 0' owney, the Governing Boely has decided to adopt first aid a part of it cUl'l'icnl11ll1 for the a,\YtLrd of medallion and certificate. I~TALIJ) THA~SPOHT CORP,'. -

Durin o' the pa t year 1,4.6 romovals were carried ont, amono' t which may be mentioned the following' :-LOllelOl1 Lo Paris , Pari to Matlock J er e\'J to Oxford ' Lonclon to J er 'ey, a,nll 87 country journeys, the 1110 t important ~....

St. John A ?nbulance Association.

/:)t. John A mbulance Association.

being London to Liverpool (twice), London to SidnlOuth, Doncaster, Rylston (Yorks) and Penrnaenrnawr ; Epsom to Laceby (Lincolnshire), Queenborough to Bath, Manchester to Anede)" and ,Vellington (Salop) to Ventnor (Isle of \Vigbt). Many long road journeys ,vere also made. Special attention has, as heretofore, been given to patients of small means. The horses and carriaO'es as far as the TranslJol't Servicfl permittod, have again h ' been used in connection with the more illlportant public dutios performed by No.1 District, St. John Ambulance Brigade, during the year.

It has been br?ught to the notice of the Committee by the Boarel of Trade that It ha,s under consideration the desirability of Officers in the "Mercantile Marine obtaining a knowledO'e of first aid to the inj.ured, and it ha~ been decided that this k~10wledge shrtll be reqmred of all candIdates going up for a certificate of competency as master 01' lnate £01' the first time. The 1st of January, 1908, is the date on which it is proposed t.hat this new requirement shall come into force, and the Committee is making fUTano-ements for the provision of this instruction on a more extended scale than has hitherto been possible, owing to the short time in which ships belonging to the Ierchant Service remain in port. In an address delivered by Mr. James Cantlie, F.R.C.S., one of the oldest members of the Medical Staff, at the Commemoration proceeding of the Livino'stone College, held at the London School of Tropical Jledicine, attention was drawn to tbe great -ralue of a knowl edge of til' t aid to the injured not only to Missionaries, but to all of tho e who are about to take up re idence, or to travel in the olonie or other 1 lace abroad, "where medical men are few anll1:al' hetween. The Jecturer stated that he "wished a law (;ould be pel 'ed that an embargo should be put upon every ship - 111 barkin()' a l\li sionar,)' who did not IJossess such knowledo'e o , and uch a remark i equally applicable to all travellers who ha\'e not been adequately train d in the ubjects "which are taught by the A. ociation. It i gratif)'ing to report that the ,york of the Ambulance Departmont i · carried on with continued and increa inn' vio'our in all parts of the Briti h Dominions beyond eftS, e. pecially in outh Africa, where the J ohanne burg Centre has been reformed, and in eylon, lately vi itecl by H.B. Prince's Loui e Augusta of 8chle wio'-Hol tein. This Centre i under tho pre 'i(lency of a Knight of Ju tice of the Order, H.E. 'ir Henry Blake x.C. 1. +., and wa lately supplied by the Store Department with an ambulance wagon, kept at the Dikoyn, Ho pita1. His Excellency the Viceroy ha acceptod the office of Pre id~nt, and the Conntes. of Iinto, of Patrone s of the Illc1ian Branch. By kind pOl' mission of Her Excollency, cla ses have been held at tho \ri(;orogn,l Loclo'o, 'imIno The HonOrar)T Oro'anizinob t:> oll11nis 'ionol' [01' Inelin, LimIt.-Colonol A. C. Yate, report :-


The total number of persons who received assistance at this station during the yea,r was 344, an increase of 63, making a grand total of ] ,696 ca,ses since the station was opened in its present position. ST. PAUL'S A~IBULAN CE STATIO~.-During the year 5 5 persons have been treated at this station, an increase on the previous year of 53, making a grand total to chte of 5,949. Members of No. 1 District, St. John Ambda,nce Brigade, have as usual been on duty at all the more ilnportant services held in the Cathedra,l and on each Sunday throughout the year. The Committee has to acknowledge with gratitude a testamentary bequest of £250 to the ~ orthampton Centre by the late Mr. William Rae, L.R. c.P., M.R.C.S., of N ol'thampton. Considering the large amount of benefit conferred on the public at large by the Association and the frequent need for funds on a, large scale to carryon the work of the Brigade, the Bearer Con1panies, and the Auxilia,ry Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve, it is much to be regretted such a good example is not more widely followed. There has been an increase ill the number of classos for seafaring men, especially through the agency of the Missions to Seamen, in the ports of London and tho Mersey, a,nd through the encouragement afforded by the Chairman and Directors of the Hoyal Mail Stel1m Packet Company at Southampton.


2 '.1'J

St. John ..d mU1.da1(ce Associc(,tion.

St. John A mU7Llance Associatrion.

" "When, on the 1 th :JIarch, 1~01, a publi~ meeting was held, in the "Calcutta Town Hall, to inaugurate tbe Incha,n Branch o~ .the t. John "Ambulance l.S ociation, General 'irEd win Collen, the .JIlhtary :JIember "of the Viceroy' Council, wa pre ent and upported the movement. " He concluded hi speech by statl,ng th~t l:-e had the concurrence. of the ,e Viceroy and of the Commander-m-Chlef III all that he had md. In " respon, e to a letter from Vi count Knutsford, Lord Curzo;n of ~\.edlesto.n "had promised hi~ count~nance and SUPl?Ort to the I?chan Branc,h, If "e tablished. ThIS proml e he l'edeemed III Ma:rch, 190b, w hen. he f01 med "the Central Committee of that Branch and hImself became It Patron. "Viscount Kitchenel' at the same time accepted the po t of Pre,·ident. of " the Central Committee, and for the last two years has taken a,n actl\-e "and leading part in its work. "When Lord Curzon created a Central Committee, he elected ~he "Vice-Presidents and members of it with due I'egard for the yUle whIch ( they were expected to play: On that Comm~ttee aye represented a~ a « reference to the report ,vill how, the natIve prlllce of the In~lut1~ ( Empire the three areat sections, Hindu, :Jlohammedan, and ParI of "the population of °India, the H,ailways, the Volunteers, th l)olice, th ":JIilitaryand Civil "Medical f 'er,>J.ce', the Imperial 'erYlce troop ') t~le H Uhurch and the Mis ions, the Ci Yil 'ervice, and the Army. There I , "unfortunately, good reason to surmise tha,t, amid the pre 'sUl'e of "onerous official dutie ', the interests and needs of th f 'to ~ ohn " Ambulance Association have been overlooked by the repl' entatlves. « The Native f'tates, the chiefs and ofticial~ of which can, if they "choo e do more than anyone to make ambulance work of real value to « India 'are making little or no progress. There i , no rea.·on except " apathy, why ten or ~welve ?f the Indian ra~lw[LY , l~oul(\ l1?t be doing "what the Ureat Inchan Pemnsula and the Ea t Inclutll hmlwa TS have " been doin o' since 1902. They were given the same opportunitie, at the "outset, but they have l:-Ot u ed them. Each railw~y in ~ndi.a should have "its own challenge ~hleld, and selld the team \YhICh \YlllS It to .T abalpul' " to compete for the shield presented by H.R.H. the Umncl. Prior. ..:\.. « similar system might be adopted for the Volunteer,' and PolIce by en,eh " Provincial Centl'e, and the team that win~ the Pl'o\-inciul f 'hi leI 'hould (( be sent to represent the Province in the competition for the 'hield "presented by His Itoyal Highne,. the Grand Prior for the Volunteer (( Corps of India. A challenge shield for the Indian Police ha,' not ~Tet (( been provided, but once the Pro,incial competition ' m'e in titutecl I (( am confident that the shield for all India "will follow, if it i . considered (( desirable to have one. The knowledge and practice of fir,' t aiel should "surely foster discipline and humanene s among the native rankR of " the police.; and I think that all who know India well will agree tha,t (( these two qualities need to be fostered. " vVe hear nothing of first aid instruction among the Imp -rial f 'ervice (( troops, although they are maintained by the N ati ve I ' tate~ ; and it i~ to « the l' ati ve States that the St. J olm Ambulance As.'ocia,tion loob as one "of its finest field, of work. Each:N ative I 'tate has its TIe,'idency or Ci \'il " Surgeon, who is under the Ol·ders of the Director-Ueneral of the Indian " Medical Set'vice, an ex -officio member of the Central Committee. At the "present moment the J aipur Tran 'port Corps embodies the be .. t irregular "ambulance contingent in India. If the other Native f'tates would (( follow the example set by :Jlajor Dhanpat TIai in J aipur, Indict would " ere long possess as fine an ambulance reserve as could be desired. (( I have appealed on several occasions to the C.l\I.8., the Y.:JI. i.A, and (( Y.W.C.A. to take up fir t aid and nursing instl'uction systematically, (( and to organise ambulance and nursing corps Gtnd di \'isions throughout

:: India. I am s~n'.Y to ~a:y ~h!1t I ~ave ne:ve~' heard of the formation of " even one su?h COlpS 01. dIVISIon. rhe MISSIons of India neglect a field of work wl11ch they mIght render profitable alike to them,'elves a d t (( others. n 0 (( « In conclusion, I think it right to mention once more that no effort "has yet been mad~ to fOl'ill a fund commensurate with the scope of the work, and that WIthout such a fund work muc't stagnate F d ' " t' 1] t d' 1 ,~ , '. un s a1 e " par. lCU. at' Y wan e m or~ er that the Central Committee may be able to mamtall1 1a .,'taft' of « h' t tol'ga,lllsen; whose . . duty it would be to t,ra,,e1 everywere anc l111])ar 0 everyone ll1formation regarding the method d (( sJstem of .the f 't. John Ambulance As 'ociation. 1'3 an ". 01: ~her 30th Octo bey las t, nIl', :Jlorley was so good as to grant me an "ll1te1Yle\\ at the Ind~a Ollice. Aftel' some conversation he informed (( n~e that he "would wnte to the Viceroy, the Eal"l of :JIinto, and a k (( hllll t? t~ke : 0111e s~eps to develop the \York of the 'to John Ambulance ASSOCIatIOn 111 IndIa. A, the Counte 1'3 of Minto i a member of th ~: Orcl~l' .of I ' t. John of J.eru.'alem and the Viceroy a candida te fo~ ~~lm: SI011: surely the Inchan Branch mu t floul'i, h under their au pices. " .1, ent~~le to ~ay that .the thanks of th~ Central Executi'-e Committee " ale e, P clally due to HI Excellency VI count Kitchener, to Lt.-Col. (( A. E. rc~t , and to :JIr. ~eorge Lund, for service ' rendered by them to the Inclutn Branch durll1g the pa ·t year."




The. following di tinctions haye been sanctioned by His Majesty th~ Kmg. on the recommendation of His Royal Righne s the Pnnce of ,Vale and the hapter-General, in recoanition of con' . b SplCUOUS serVlCes to the Ambulance Department:Selected ((,_ IIono?'(()'y eJ'ving Bl'othen ;_ Charles James Tunk~ ( 1.11ckland Centre, New Zealand). John Lane Kino' (Leicester Centre). 'Vi~iam Holliners (1- orth-Ea tern Railway Centre). Ma.Jor George +olbourn Tarry (Leed Centre). Hl:0'~ Reginald Thomas (Dunedin Centre, T ew Zealand). ,Vllham Edward J 0 eph Gilbert (Manche tel' Centre). John Thom as Garner (Rochdale Cen tre). Captain Gerald Hamilton Goddard, R.A.M.C. (Orange River Colony Centre). Cuthbert Nicholson ('Vellino'borough Centre). \Villimn ,Veb tel' (Brierfield Centre). Phineas Hayman (London). EnTollerl (£ HonoTCiTY A ociutes;Irs. Sarah Ann Rhodes (\Vellington Centre, New Zealand). John George Addison (Sunderland Centre). John ,!\Tinter Dl'ybnd, LR.C. . (Kettering Centre). Willimn Scobie Mackenzie, L.R.C.P., L.R.U.S. (Leeds Centre). Hugh Falconer Oldham) M.B. (l\Iorecambe). -'0.


St. John A mb~damce Association. Arthur Breedon Wade, ~I.R.C.S. (Southampton Centre). Samuel Hamilton, M.R.C.S. (Newport, Mon). ,Villiam Gray, M.D. (North-Eastern Railway Centre). Heaton C. Howard, M.R.C.S. (London). Brigade-Surgeon Lieut.-Col. David Lennox (Dundee Centre). Surgeon-Major David 1'1. Greig ditto. Surgeon-Captain George Halley ditto.

Yell1&1n Yotes of Thanks have been awu.Tded to : Edward Redmayne Morphet (Settle). Edgar George Palmer (Midland & Gt. N. Joint Ry. Centre). Walter J. Battisson (L. & N.'V.R. Centre). Joseph Gayton ditto. Edward Hobbs ditto. James A. On ditto. John Norman ditto. George Hogarth (Keswick Centre). Dinanath B. N. Dandekar, L.M. & S. (Bombay Presidency. Mrs. Harriet Mary Fanny Hancock (N" orwood Centre). ~lrs. Ellen Gertrude Bryne ditto. Arthur Sutton (Gosport, Alverstoke & Fareham Centre). George Rogers Edwards ditto. Frederick George Salter ditto. PaTch1nent Yotes of Thanks hnve been Cf/wcwdecl to . George vVillianl Fligg (Orsett). Captain ,Villiam C. Blackett ( acriston). John Tweedie (Sunderland Centre). John H. Turner (Loughborough Centre). Lieut.-Col. George E. Twiss, R.A.M.C. (Southampton Centre). R. ,V. Hope Bunt (\Vakefield Centre). Leonard G. Moore, M.R.C.S. (Bristol Centre). Se1'vice JJ1 edals have been awarded to ; Margaret Noble (Leicester Nursing Corps). Mary J [,,,11e Hodges ditto. Frederick C. Gardiner (Northampton Corps). George Thomas Hines ditto. Joseph A. Bates ditto. Charles Cotton, F.R.C.P. (No.2 District).

St. John Ambulance Association.


Emma C. Goodin (Children's Home Division). ditto. Blye Bourke Edith N. Bourke ditto. Joseph Ogden (Accrinoton Corps). Thomas Pilkington ditto. John mith (Preston Corp. ). Frederick Gordon Brown, :M.H.C.S. (Metropolitan Corps). ,Valter Duncan Liddell ( IeLropolitan Corps). Thomas Patrick Holmes ditto. Heaton C. Howard, fR.C. '. ditto. • hute B. Piers ditto. John C. Derham (:K o. 4. District). John alvin Lines (Metropolitan Corps). Alfred Robert Rundell ditto. Alfred Im'tin ditto. John C. T. Ra 'pass (Ironbrido'e Corps). TJ a 111 hert HaroTeayes (Read Diyi. ion). Richard ,Yade ditto. Edith Hanly (Hull orp). George loore l'Iather (A hford Town Divi ion). ,Villiam ,Vebster (Brierfiell Divi ion). John Griffith ', LR . . . (.lTO. 2 District). Frederick 'prawson ( ... TO. 2 Di trict). f '.

The following Member and A sociates haye been appointed S n pel'ior Officers in the Brigade ince the i ue of the last report :'urgeon-Colonel Edward Cureton, l'I.D., Deputy-Commissioner No.7 J)i trict. .Jlajor J. A. Liebmann, Actin o' A i tant-Commi ioncr, Cape Colony Di trict.

The Corps and Division of this yoluntary and practical organization have been doing useful ,,-ork on occasions of public meetings, such as proce ion in the street, aLhletic meeting, football matches on Bank holidrty , holiday fe ti'Tal and the like.

St. John Ambu"lance Association.

St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

The various units not only in the United Kingdom, but also in His M[>"jesty's Dominions beyond Seas, are in a flourishing and efficient state, and those members of them who form the Auxiliary Royal Naval Sick Berth Reserve and Bearer Companies of the Army are keeping in touch with the duties they ll1ay be called upon to perform in the case of national emergency. GratifYing reports of the progress of this Branch of the Ambulance Department are received from all sources, and it is satisfactory to place on record the fact that the praiEeworthy work done at home by the Brigade is being emulated and followed in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and it is hoped that in the neal' future the Army in the Empire of India may also have Reserves from the Brigade to rely upon should their ervices at any time be required.

the Oentral Executive not to place on record its sense of the aid afforded by the Honorary 'ecretaries and others connected with detached cln.sses, and not least by its co-adjutators in the Greater Britain beyond the eas, who are sparing no effort to make the ",;ark of the Association known and extended wherever the English language is spoken.


During the last Session the issue of certificates has beenFirst Aid (male) First Aid (female) H ome Nursing (male) Home Nursing (female) Home Hygiene

19,859 5,965

777 :3,582 56

making a grand total to 30th September, 1906, of 6 7,449. The number of medallions issued to date has been 10.f.,3 G, and of labels 2,838. vVhen the institution of the bbel, only introduced last year, becomes more widely known this number must be very considerably increased, as all medallion holders are eligible on passing the necessary first aid examination. In conclusion the Oommittee desires to record its grateful thanks to the Committees of the many Centres established, especially to some of those who have been the longest registered, as for instance the Middlesborough and Cleveland Centre, which has now had 339 classes with a Inembership of 10,170, and the Dundee Centre, formed in 1884, which during the past session has held twenty-two classes with a membership of nearly GOO candidates, and many others, both at home and abroad, for their long continued and most greatly appreciated assistance, which, it is fully recognised, must have entailed considerable labour on the Executive and others of every grade. It would be ungrflclOus also for


~he .Oommittee desires once more to reiterate its deep sense of

obho'atlOn to the nlem bel'S of the Medical Profession for their freely rendered invaluable co-operation, without which the work of the As ociation for the benefit of suffering humanity could never have been carried to a successful issue, and which has frequently received, as it deserves, from H.R.H. the Grand Prior and the 'hapter-General the expression of a deep and lasting gratitude.

{tbe <Branb 1()rior\? of tl)e


of tbe

AMBULANCE Income and Expendit1we .4 CCO'l.tnt for

1bospitaI of St. 30bn of 3crnsalelll in JEnglanb. D EPA R T MEN T. the Y ear ended 30th Septernbe1', 1906.


I N0011E .

Instruction and Sale of Stores-

Instruction and Sale of StoresL ecturers ' and Examiners' fees and expenses Salaries . Printing, stationery and general expenses Carriage am1 freight Organizing Expenses in Canada




Gross profit on sale of storcs

1548 1








D onations amI annual subscriptions

92 13



L egacy, .Executors ·W. A . , eaton



Rcceipts from Oentres

0 0 5

Printing, stationery and general expenses





2410 14


Invalid Transport Corps. Fees for removal of invalids

Expenses and re1110 \'a1 of invalicl, including


4521 13


Invalid Transport Corps-


0 0

Detache(l Olasses in

respect of in, tructioll

- - - £6016

hor,'es, travelling and incidentals



975 16


717 10





'2410 l-!


R epairs, depreciation and renewal of carriages

7 13 7

and appliances


6 6

St. John Ambulance Brigade-

St. John Ambulance Brigade-

Publ ic duty and maintenance of stations

335 15






T ravelling expenses

335 19


Printing, stationery ancl general expenses



205 14

ta tion

:201 16

0 10 2


9 11

201 16

190 18 10

Special Competitions Balance, being sur plus

OOIl tribu tion . towards ':'laiutellance of

of I ncome over Expenditure




£11 ,871 15


We have examined the books and vouchers of the Ambulance De}Jartn~ent of the ~r~nd Pli ol'~ Income and E xpenditu re Accou nt fo r the year ended 3 Oth September, 1906, IS correct. 'I111S ACCOll Jl ther ein. 3, F rederick 's P lace, Old J ewry, E. O. 2nd .M ay, 190 7.

£ 11,871 15

r f


.the Order of the Hospital of t . J Oh11 of J erualem in Englalltl, and certify that the above OI111S part of t h e General I ncome and Expenditure Account of the Order, and i ' incorporated }>laOE, 'WATERHOU .E



St. J ohn A ?nlmlwnce As ()ciation.




St. 50hn Bntblllance Rssociation. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS,


(Receivecl at Oentral Office only, and 110t including those received by Local Honorary ecretal'ies of OentI·es).

A Donation of Fii'c Pounds and uJllI·(tnls constitutes a Life 111embcr. An Annual SllbsC1'iptioll of Firc Shillings (mel ~t1'1mnls constitutes an All?l1wl Membe?'. An A .. terisk

signifies an A nit1lal Subscriber.


s. u. 050 050


AnonYlIlolls. * Baker, Mr. G. * Bath, The Marchiones ' Dowager Berliner, Mr. A. * Bmee, 1Ilis, *' Oa.b·ow, liss E. H. 'Oapel, 11'. Frank O. lI- Oeely, liss lI- Ooales, Dcpnty In ·pector. a neral Matthew, n.N. * Oollings, li.·l:j 1\1. B. DiLto. lI- Davi >~, Mi A. * Da\ ios, Mi.. C. DllWC. , Mr. E. * Dixon, Mis::; W. A. * Eddcl1, 1\11'. H.. ;(. Imis, illiss A. 111. * Evclcgh, lis' * Frank, Dr. Philip. >\< Grcc1l hontc, 1\1iss * Haig.Browll, 1111". +: Hamilton, II'. J. G., M.Y.O. * Homer, Rev. H. PER

2 2 0 2 ~ 0 o 5 0 o ;j 0 5 fi 0 o 5 0 110 o 5 0 [) 0 0 o 10 0 o 10 0 1





o 10




* 1I1ewlJU1'l1, 1Hi E.




Morey, Mr. F. ... Mllir, 1I1i . 1. L. * Jorth, Col 13. N. *Nel on, 1Hi's Allna nJ. H. Parker, 1\li 's impson, jjlr . J. *' Terry, Major.General Astley " TJltlckera.Y, Col. .... il E. T" K.C,B" U. ;." R. E. * Touche, II'. J. K . lI- Walters, 1\[i. • Whitworth, L:ev. R. 1 r.




050 500 050




050 o 5 0

o 5 o 10

0 0 1 1 0 050 £46

WE T1\lI


5 1


* Priestley, Lady







0 0

" Fraser, Mr, A. E. II- Hatchard, Mrs.


\\Ii ' Emily




AN]) 5 1

050 050 o 5 0 110 550

C.B., l: . .-\..M.C.

* Maude,

0 110 220


Draffen, 1\h '. \Y. Pitt

0 0

050 o 5 0 050

* Fowler, Mr..


1 5

£ s. d

.. Jameso]), Dr. J. S. lI- Kay, Sir Brook, Dart. l< Laird, Miss Alice 1\1. .. Lovele. s, Dr. ·W. K. Macintyre, Dl·. .. I e aU)', Lt.·Col. George,

SLillwell, 1\frs.

B.\ N K. 2 0 200


£14 10



St. John A (mb~i.Jlcl;nce Associcl;tion.


St. J ohn Ambulance A ssociation.



10 10 10 0

N orwood Queensland

0 0


-Wellin gto n (New Zealand) .

£25 15



BI11btliance Bssociation.


LIFE MEMBERS. XOTE.-Tlte Life i1IembeTs attached to Gent?-es Me not included in this L ist.

DONATIONS PER DETAOIlED OLASSES. Arm strong Oollege . Rideford Bredbury and Romil fl \' Orouch End Dent Gawtho1'pe .





o 10



o 10

0 6

0 2 1 4



0 1 1 0

5 0 1 11 1 0 5 0



Great Mal vern Montreux Pontn cwy nydd , Vel],eck


ubscriptions and D onations




OONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS MA I NTENANOE OF STATIO S. Clapham F ootball Olub 0 7 Deutscher Radfahrer Olub o 10 Kl.I'ly Olosing Association o 10 Eldorado Cycling Club J 10 Epsom Grand Stand Oommittee 8 10 Hairdressers ' Athletic and Oycling Club o 13 H artley, Mr. J . H. o 10 Hignell, :Mr. H. J. 1 1 H ospital Saturday Fund 10 0 London Exhibitions, Ltd. 73 10


6 6 6 0 2 0 0 0 0

Lond on and India Dock 00. Pragnell, ~lr. Geo. Richarusun, Mrs. Royal Agricultural ociety . Rozenheim, Mr. J. H . 8hoe anu Leather Fair Torrance, Mr. G. H. Theatrical Sports Committee


0 o 10 o 10 50 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 o 10 £201 16

0 G

6 0 0 0 6 0

lIER i\lAJE~'l'Y 'rUE (.\UEEN OF SWEDEN. lIER ROYAL IIIGHNES ' PRI CESS BEATRICE, PRINCESS HENRY OF BATTEN DERG. A.H. Adair, lIli::;::; II . .i\1. Amher::;t of IInckmy, the Lonl Argyll, The \' cry H,cv. the Deal} of HarLulI, Mr::;, Alfrcd Darton, Mrs, Hopc Daker, :'\11's. F. 13, Berldillgtoll, :.\11'8. JJeJfol'll, IIel' Craee Liw Dl1che~::; uf Devall, 1111'. T. I\'. Beyillc, :\Ir. !<" W, Bolm, 1.11'. G" c. E. Doleko\\', .Mr. '. F. II. Brakspeal', .i\Ir. II. IIaY\\<l,nl 13rall~LOIl, :Mrs. J. G. Brea(lallJa,ne, lhe .:Jlarrluess of, K.G. Breadall.Hule, the :\Irtn;h iUlle::;::; of 13riLtell, Captain R. F., n.N. DruL:e, .i\lis.· hrislina 1. A. Bnsll'os, nlatlamc tle Byron, .i\ll'. J. L. OamplJell, He\,. 'laud Oampbell, ~lrs. Hugh Oapel, 1111'. Frank '. Oattell, Dt. O. Tl'cII' Ohichcster, Lhe I:t. H OIl. lite Earl of Olarke, Licnt.-Cul. A., M.D., l~.A ."r. C. Ooates, Deputy Illspector-General1\I. ,n .N. Collings, ~liss M. H. Ootton, MI'. Oharles, F. R.C.I' . Orcs well, 001. Pearsoll R. Orompton Oo-operative Provitlellt oc. Ltl. Orookshank Pasha, II. E. H arry 1\t, F.ll.C.~.

Darwin ~rl'. Geo. H., AI. D., F.n. C.r. Dawsoll, Li eut.-Ool. Dalton, :Major-Gcneral J. 0., T~.A.

Dawes, Mr. B. M. dc \!eLDon, Callt. Dixon, Lady Dixon, ill!'. ,YaYlllnall Drafrcn, :\1rs. W. PiLL Elb\\'ick Works Accident and Compensation Fund Ferrabo 'chi, 1111'S. Figgins, Mr. James Fillllcmore, lIon. Mr. Justice .Firbt Fruits (per J. A. H.) Frank, Dr. Philip Frank', i\lr. Chas. W. Fl'eshtield, Mr. E(h'i n, LL . D., F.~.A . Furley, Mr. I". W. Cooell, Mr. O. F . UulLhworthy, .i\lajol'-Gencral T., 1\1.1'. Gorllotl, .i\lr. A. A. Gregory, :JIr. Herbert Eo Hare, Mr. . H. Harrison, Dr. O. HaLcharcl, Mrs. Frank ileap, 1111'. Ralph Heap, Mr. Ralph, jul1l'. Hills-Johnes, General il' J., 1J.~., G. C.B. Ho. pital ,'atuI'llay Fund Ilughes·Ilulltcr, Lady, or PIa Coch. Javal, Mr. P. Orcmieu J en'oi c, Mr. . Olarke J crvoi e, l\li 's . G. larke Kemball, General il' .A.l'llold B., K.C.D.,



c. H. I.

L eney, Miss Longstafr, Mr. Ll. W . Luhy, 1111". Luca', lUI'. F. L. MeC.1usland , J\l i s A. O.


St. John A rnlJLtlu,?lce Associatiun.

St. John .A ?nb~du,nce Associution.

MeChue, Lady McCorquodale & Co., L td . , Messrs. l\IaekiDtyre, Dr. McKellar, Mr. C. D. MacLean, !III'. Robert MacLean McVicker, Mr. C. G. Madan, Rev. Oanon Malden, Dr. F. J. Martin, Miss F. :tI1axwell, Mr. J . W, May, Col. W. Allan Mitchell, Mr. A. C. Mitchell, Mr. John 1Il01yn eux, Miss Morgan, Mrs. A. Hickman Neve, Mrs. Everard S. Newton, Major J. W. M. Ninnis, Inspector-General B., 11.N. North, Col. B. N., C.B. Nugent, Mrs . Arthur Ogilvie, Major C. M. Orde, Miss E. M. Perrott, Mr. E. E. PlCkersgill, Mr. E. P., lILl{. C. S., L.]t. C. P. Phillips, Mr. A. Plumb, 1\11'. R. Poppelwell, Major I-I. F. vVehb Pries tley, Lady R13yher, Dr. Carl (St. Petersburg) Rivington, .Mr. C. R. Roberts, Field Marshal the Earl, K. G., JJ. Qt.

Rorlgett, Mrs. Richard B. Ross, General Sir J., G.C.B. S.D.R.S.D. Sancton, Mr. Philip Sharp, Mr. William Singleton, Mrs. E. Skerritt, Miss C. E. Steet, 1\11'. G. Carrick, F. H.C.S. Stirling, Mr. J olm Sweeting, Miss E. Taylor, urgeon-Major, M. D. Tomkins, Mr. Alfred Savill Tufnell, Lieut -Col. E. Vachcr, Mr. Francis, F.R.C.S. 'Waddy, Mr. H. Ed,rarcl, M.lt.C.S. Walker, 111' . Weston, Mrs. Gould HunLer'Whitaker, Mrs. Master Whithal'c1, :tIfr. B. l\I. Wightwick, Mrs. Williams, Colonel R. Wilman, Mr. Charles ,Yoollcombe, Dr. Robert LloYll, LL.D. F. I. lust., F . . ·. S., 111. n. I. A. Wyndham, Major G. C. Yarrow, Mrs. Yate, Lieut. -Col. A. C. Yate, Mrs. A. C. Yate, Cul. C. E., c.s.I., V.M.G. Yate, 1\1rs. C. E.


HONOHAItY LIFE MEMBEHS ( Eledccl i,L I'cco!jnitivlL oj (listillr;nishe(l service, in jluthei'intj the objects oj the ...issvciatiolL. ) AbiJoLt,




~1.1~.l' . .'.,

Arnold, Mr. E.

Almlhalll, Mr. A. A., I,.U.C.,·.1. Atlam, nIl'. Ba::;il J., ,M ,Il., & (Victoria). Adams, J\ll'. n., lILll.V.l'., L.F.l'.~.,



L.!:>.~C., F .J~. C'.~ . , ~1.11.C.l'. Arthur, nIl'. David, :.'11.1)., Glas.,

I,. I:'C. 1'. 1. C.M.

Wa::;. Adams, 1111'. J., M.n., C,;I1" Ellill., I,.S.A. Atlalll so ll, .iIII'. Ja111e::;, ~l.l). Adalll , Mr. Matthew A., I'.ll, ' . S . AiLchi::;oll , ;\11'. l{oderick, :11. D. & l'Jr,D., iIlel h. Aitkeu, lHl'. C. Crttw/'orll, :.'11.]). Aitken, 1111'. J . 1L., ~l.D., c.)!., Ellill. Alucl'Loll, ~lr. II. C., M.lt.C,S.,

Dlll'h., ~1.B.,

CalJlb. Aspinwall, MI'. J. l!'., ~r.lt.c.s., L.l~.C.P., Loud. Atkinson, Mr. K, M.Il.C.~., L.~.A. Atkiuson, 1\11'. II'. K, L,I~,C.J'., Loud. c .:l1., D.l'.ll.,


n. v.~.

AtkinsolJ, ~ll'. J. Mitral'll, )I.D . Atkin::;olJ, :Jlr. Rol)ert, :.'ILILC.,., L.S.A. Atkinson, .Mr. Thoillas H.., M.IJ., ~I.H.C.S., 1, .• '.A.

Ancllaud, ~lr. ,\y. E., M.ll ,C. S., L.ll.C.l'., Loud. I..H.C.P.L. AlllStcn, ~lr. A. ,V., L.ll.V.P. & J, . .".A., Aldridge, Mr. . EllioLt, ]II. n., C.]l I., Lond. I"j~.L' .S., Edill. Au::;Ll1l, Mr. John A., :.'I1.D., AL,er. Alexauder, MI'. '. R, M.lI. Au~Lill, :Jlr. John J., ~1.11., :.'11.1:.1[., ll.l.".r. Allan, MI'. C. M., 1>l. \., AGel'. , ~l.lJ., Edill. A\'erill, ~lr. CllUde::;, )I.J).,Dudl.,~Ll)', Po.S. Allall, Mr. H edol', ~I.J\., ~l..". Bage, :Jlr. Cha·., )1.1>., ~lelh., ~r.I)., B.~. Allan, ~\lr. '\'m .. )1.13., t' .)f., Was. (Victoria). Allan, ~lr. William T. Doyle, )Ll)', I:.lJI. Dagllell, }lr."r. H.,L.ll.I.' .P.E., Ellill.,L.:ll. All ell , i\il'. A, •'., :.'ILD. Haildoll, :Jll'. F. J., :.'ILl:' 0.:.'11., El.liu. AILOJI, K WhiLley, L.ll. '.1'., L.l:'l ' .~., llaillie, }ll'. 1)etel', )U>. L.M., Eclin. Bain, ~Il'. "'illialll, )UI., DUl'h. All t III !111 , MI'. C. A., :.'II D.,(,If.D., )I.J:.C./S., i1ahlwill, 1\11'.1". 13. J.,~I.ll.L'.:; , 1, . ."._\. Eng., I".ll.C.S., Eclin. lJalll\rill, Mr. T. A., D. ,\., DuG., :.'11.1) . , AmGl cr, 1\11'. J. Ricba nl::;ol1 , )l.H.C.S., :.'I[.n., L.ll.C.S.I. 1,.Jl.l'.1'., LOlld. Ball, Mr. Jo11l1 ~\ ., lIl.1:., :.'Il.I{.C.S. Allllcrsoll, iiII'. C. M., M.ll. Uank·,1III'. G., L.n.c.p.F., L.n.c.::;. Alld er::;oll, 11'. (~ OOl'gc, ~!.l>. Barclay, 1Ilr. ,rlll. Dowie, L.lt.V.l'., Anller::;oll, Mr. G. E. l'., )1.D., L oud., ~I.D., L.n.c .. ·., Edill. n.1;. (Cape '1'0\\'11 . Barclay, Mr. "'. M.: L.U.C.l'., I .. l:.C.~. Ancler::;oll, iiII'. J. " r., )I.A., Glas., :.'ILl). Hado\\', ~h. Artbur E., M.n., C .~l. Ancl erson, Mr. R. ,r., ;\f.lt.C.S" L.n.c.l'., Bal'llp~, }lr. Ernet, )I.D. & (,~I., "\1)(,1'. Lond. ( TO\\' ZealaIlLl). nalTow,~lr.G.A., ~LlLL. ., L.ILC.l'., LOIlI1. m. 'tirling, )I.D., Glas., Bartel', )11'. ,1'., :.'11.11 .. LL'C'.r., ;\J.UI.:ll.A.O. Andersoll, Mr. M. n., o. ~r. Dates, nil'. J. Curling, ;\1.1l. c.. . , 1,. n. C .1'., Audrew, MI'. F. ,1'., )Lll.C.~., L.ILV.l'. Lonel. Anrlrew', Mr . . , lI1.11.C.S. HaLes, 11'. ,\,illialll H.., L.U.C.l'., L.ll.C.:-;.I. AUlll'e\\", 1\11'. ,\,illiam, lIf.D. 13aneho!', Mr. ,I'. 1"., J .ll.L..'. & 1'. E. Angns, MI'. Henry, lII.D., AGel'., :.'II.D., Beardmore, .Jlr. C. Russell, L.ll.C.l'., C.lII. L01111., lIf.n.C'.s. Ann ersley, MI'. H. , ]II.n., &c. Deasley, i\1r. Jame· G., L.n.C.p., Edin., Anson, 1Ilr. GcorgeK, )Ln., n.l'., Cam],. L.F.P ... , G1a~. Applehe, Mr. E. A., L.n.C.r., Ellill" Be,tth, :Jlr. D<lyill L., ;\1.1:.C. '., Eug., L.F.P. & ,'i. , G., I.,lIT. J"Jl.L.l'., Lond. Apthol'p, Ml'. F. W., lIr.ll.C.~., Deaton, nIl'. Frank, :'Il.n., B.S . L.n.C.r. Beath , l\Ir. Henry, jum" ~I.R.C.S., Arliuge, 11'. John F., L.U.C.S., 1, .lLCU' .E. L.l:' .1'., Lond. Armstrong, Mr. John Hichal'lbo ll, Hl'attie, Mr. Hobcll, ;'II.D, , ;'Il.ll.C.S. lIf.n., c.1Ir., Edin. i1 eaumont, nIl'. Edga.r, lIl.Il.C.S., L.n.C.I'. Armstrong, Mr. Joseph P., M.D., Dl'ux. Beck '1', !Ill'. J. Eo A. G., M.D., e.lIL, ELlin., Amison, lr. T . ,1'., ~r. G., ClI.I3. L. I:. C.l'., L ond.


38 Honorary Life M emb ers .

St. John A ?nbul(('nce Association.


Deddoes, 1'111'. T. Pugh, n. A., Oamb ., 111. B., Brittin, 1\11'. F . 1\1., lIf. D. . Oautab. Brogden,1\I1'. J . K, L.ll.C.I'. , L.ILC.H.,ELllll. Behrendt, 1\11'. Maximilian R. J., L.1:.C.P., Brook, Mr. H. Darville, 1I1.11.U.S., L.R.C.S., Edin. n.p .II . Belcher,1\Ir. 0., ~I.B. Brooks, iIII'. F. A., KD., lII.R.C.S., L.lt.C.P. Bell, 1\11' O. W . J., lI1.R.C.S. Broomhead, Mr. Oha.3. ; M.D., Aber., M.B., Bell, 1\11'. J. \V., n.M., M.S. U.lII. Bell, nIl'. 'Vm., "I.n. c .. . , L.S.A. Broughton, Mr. H. '1'., 111. It.U.H. Bennett, Mr. R. G. Heuder, 111. B., C.lII., Edin. BrolVll, Mr. A. TellIlY'30n, M.D., ' . i\I., Ab el'. Benn ett, .JIr. Wm. E., L.R.c.r.,L.R.C.S.,E. Brown, Mr. F. Gorllon, lII.lt.C.H., L. I. Benson, 1\11'. A. H ., M.IL, F.R. C.S.I. Brown, 1\11'. G. A., M.ll.U.S., L./:; ..\.. Beresford, Mr. R, M.R .C.S., L. . A. Brown, Mr. J., M.D. Beresford, Surg. Lt.·Col., R tIe la Pocr, Brown, 1\11'. J., L.Il.U.S. !., L.ll.C.I'.!. M.D. Brown, 1\11'. J. 1\1., F.Il.C.S. Bernays, 1\1r. H. L., lILn.c.s., L.S.A. Browll, Mr. J. Percival, '}1..IJ., C11.13. . Berry, Mr. H. Martin, M.B.Cll.B. (Yjct. ) Brown, ~lr. R. 0., L.H.U.l'., L.B .. s.,Edlll. Bertrand 1\11'. E. de Lantour, M.U.U.H. Uro\\u, Mr. W. P., L.ll.C.I'., Edin., , " l'lll. Bevan, 1\11'. Tom ,V. , ~I.n.c.s., L.ll.C.H., .1£( L. R.C.P., Lrmcl. Bro\\'[.c, Mr. G.H., r..l:.c.l'.,Ediu., L.~r. Bibbings, 1\lr. J. R, "I. D., C. ,,1. ~rownc, 1\11'. Andrew, L. R. C.l'., Belin.: L: lII. Bigg, 1\11'. G. K. Sherman, ~1.R.C.H. Bro\yne, Mr. H. ~alJgley, F.ll.C.H., ]!'Llm., F.R.C.S., Edin. L.ll. C.l'., Edm. Bingham, 1\Ir. John J., M.D., St. Al1Ll. Browll~, Mr. Rob ert, "1.IJ., Dull., F. H.U.S.I. Binnie, till'. Alex. B., lII.D. & CH.D., Melb. Drownhehl, 1\11'. II . .M., ~['J:.G.S., Bird, 1\Ir. H enry, lILJ{.C.S., L.ll.C.l'., L.ll.O.l'., Eelin. Bruce, 1\lr. Hobert, )L n.U.H., 0.1'.11. Lond. Bird, 1\Ir. ,\V., lII.B., C.M. Dnmtill, }lr. Jame::; D., )J.D., C.)L , Ellill. Birt, l\Ir. Geo., M.B., Lond., M.ll.C ..·. Brunton, lIIr. John, )I.B., Ull.D., Glas. Beades, MI'. T. Parkyn, L.Il-C.1'. Brysoll, MI'. Leonard, M.Il., Edin., Blair, nil'. Hobert, )LD., Eelin., )I.B., C.ilI. )Ln.c ..·., L.U. C.I'. Blakeney, .ill 1'. J. n., L.R.C.p. Dllchallan, .Jfr. Peter, )1.D., c.)r., Glas. Bloomfiehl, 1\11'. G., L.n.c.p. Buchanall, ?llr. Waller, ~J.H.U.H., L.S.,\. Bloxam, 1\Ir. J. Astley, F.R.C.S. Bu~k, Mr. GIla . ''{m., )!.I:.U ..·. Blumer, 1111'. ,V. P., F.R.C.S., Ec1iu . Budd, :Jlr. ,Villiam H., )l.lt.C.S., Eug., Blythman, Mr. C. S., III. P•. C. S., r,. R. C.l'., Loml. lIr.e., V.)1. DlliHt,1\Ir. R. C., 111..\., I::>t. Awl., lJ.A., Bolger, Mr. P. T., L.R.c.R.,Irel., L.R.Q.C.l'. Oantab., M.O., Edin. Bull, lUr. William H., F. H.U.H ., Bdin., Rcllington,1\Ir.J.D., L.R.C.S., L. It.C.p. E. Bolton, l\Ir. R L., L. It. C. P. r;., L. n. c. s. L.Il. c.l'. , Lond. Bond, 1\11'. F. Fielding" ::11. D.; ELlin., DUllcle, MI'. A., )I.B., C.)L, Eflin. D.P.H., Lond. Bnrges,1\1r. R E., )LD., )I.CJI., D.,\., Bone, Mr, D. J. 1\1., )1. B., C. ~I., Edin. H. U. I. Bonner, 1\11'. T. Irvine, M.A., C.M., )l.D. Burgess, l\Ir.'Ym.:M.,M.n.c.::;., L.H.A. Boodle, Mr. George A. , lII.ll.C.S., Burnctt, 1\1r. E. J., F.l:.C.H. L.S.A., Lond. Burridge, 1\11'. B. E., M.B., C.lIr. Boor, Mr., M.D. BnrLon, Mr. S. H., F.lLO.f;., 1II.D. Bower,Mr.'V.G., J\I.H.C.H., L.n.C.p., Lond. Buss, Mr. H. D., M.lt C.8., L.H.A. Bowman, Mr. R., L.It.C.p.,L.n.c.s., E(lill. Butler, 1\11'. J. Kerr, M.D. Box, Mr. John , ;\I.B., OH.B. Buxton, MI'. Edwanl, M.D ., t . .l1nc1., Royce, 1\11'. J. G., L.ll.C.S., Edin. )l.lLC.P.) Edin. Bradbury, 1\11'. John, )I.JLC.S. Byrne, 1\Ir. P. Jas., L.r... '.1'., L.n.c .... , Bradbury, l\Ir. J. B., L.S.A. Edin., L.F.p.S., Glas. Bradley, .Mr. David, :'ILD., It.U.I., 1\lch. Oable, 1\11'. John, L.ll.C.I'. Etlill., L. lII., Brayton, 1\11'. J. G., L.R-C.P.E., L.ll.C... L.F.l'.S., Gla. . Brayton, 1\11'. Thos., L.R.C.P. E(1., L.U.C.S .. Oa(fyn, 1\11'. S. M., lILB..C.S. Edin . Oairns, 1\11'. P. R., L. U. C. P. & H., Euin., Brice, Mr. El'llest, L.n.o.p., L.n.C.S., &c. L.F.P.G. Bristow, 1\Ir. 'V. 1\1., 1II.ll.C.S., Oairns, 1\Ir. W. l\1urray, M.B., U.!lI., Etlin. L.R.C.P., Edin. Calder, Mr. J. Kinnaird, L.ft.C.l'. Bristowe, Mr. Herbert 0., M.D., Lond., Oalwell, M1'. WiUiam, lILA.ILU.I., M.D. lILR.C.S. Oampbcll, 1\11'. John, M.D.

St. J ohn A m,utdance .A ssociation.


Closs, Mr. J. 0., M.D" Eclin., M.B., C.M. Honorary Coaker, Mr. F. W, J., F.n.c.s., Eng., Life L.R.C.P., Lond. Ooldstream, M :'. A. H., M.D., Edin., :'I1.B., M emb er s. C.M., F.Il.U.s., El' jlln. Ooleman, 1\11'. '\T. \\T., lILn.c.s. Collie, lllr. R. J., M.D., Aber., M.D., C.M. Oollinette, nIl'. Frank ue Beauchamp, M.n.C.S.E., L.H.C.P. Collinson, Mr. J!'. ,V., M.ll., c.l'll., ill. It.C.s. Uolli5, 1\11'. Edgar, B,,\.~I.B., B.cn. Oxon. Connor, Mr. Samuel, )1 D., H.U.J., M.D. (,U.B., MdlJ. Cook, .J11'. Perciv,ll R, )I.B., B.S. Ooombs, Mr. Carey, 1Il.D., Lond. Oooper, ,\11'.11. 'lJcneer, ::II.lt.C.H.,L.n.C'.I'. Loud. Oopley, 1\11'. , tanley, F.n.C.S., Eng., D.P.H. Cantau. 0011)1, 11'. Charles J., )LD., C.ili. (Toronto). OOl'llwall, Mr. 'Y. 0., B.A., Dub ., L.n.c.p., ~I.H..l'.S., D.l'.lf. (I.). Eclin. Oharlesworth, 1\11'. II., M.lL u... . Oorrigan, Mr. W. J. , F. It. c./:;. Ohall'llcr, l\Ir.,Alfre(I,M.R.C'.S.,I,. 1:.0. p.Lond Oo.-grave, Mr. E. 1\lcDo\\'cl, A.B., M.D., Cheese\\'right, 1\11'. J. Ii'. , )LIt.C.S. Dub. Oht'ell!alll, Mr. Jluhcrt, )Ln., GH B. Oourtney, Ml'. G. B., ~r..\.., ('amb., M.D., Chc ·tnutt, ~Ir. .T 01111, D . •\.0, L.1:.l·.H . D.l'.H. L.Jt.C'.I'., Edin. ()Ol1tt·, Mr. J. A., )1.1)., Aber., M.B., C.:\f. Ohiltlc, MI'. C. P., 1".lt.C.... Cowchl' r, Mr. E. Holaud, L.n.C.p., Childs, fr. 'itri::;topher,)I..\., ~1. D. L. lL o.~. Chill, MI'. Ecl\\'in A" )l.B., ['.'11., Erlill., 'ox, 1\11'. A., )LB. 1".1t. G. s., Eng. Cox\\'ell, Mr. Charles F. )[. D., Oam b. Clark, 1\11'. Andrcw, F.n.C.H. Oraig, Jlr. Ja ., ~I.R.C.S., M.B., C.M. Clark, 1\11'. A. F. C., M.D., ('.;\I., Ahcr. Oraig. Mr. \Y., )l.B., OlT.B. Clark, 1\11'. Oeo., 1Il.£., c.'. ~1. Cr,w, l\Ir. Alexander, )1. n., C.M., Abel'. Olark, ~ll'. :JI. H., L.l~.('.l'., Ellin. Cmll, :J1r. George, ;\1.1> ., Aber., lII.B., C.M. Olark, Mr. Ralph Tu.te, L 1t.[' .~. , Edin., Oran, !\Ir. Jame , :lr.B., C.)L L. n.c.l'., Etlin. Ora. tel', Mr. E. E., L.R. C.P., L.n.c.!:>., Olarke, iIII'. l\.lbcl't E.. )LILO .... , Ediu. L.... \. , ~!.Il., Lonel. Om\\'fortl, .J1ajorGilbc~t te\\'art, l~.A.M.C., Olarke, 1\11'. E. ,\'eal'llc, D.SC., Edin., L.H.C.S. & P., Euul., D.p.H. M.D., :'Ir.n., C.'1l. Orawshaw,1\1r . . , M.B., CH.B., :lLn.c.s. Olarke, nIl'. Thomas F., )I.n.c.R., Orease, lUr. J. H.obertson, F.R.C .. , Edin. Orespi, Mr. Alfred J. H., r.Il.CP.I. L... A., LOlld. Clarkc, Mr. ,V., M.D. lIr.R. '.C. Olarke, Mr. ,V. J., )f.Il.C.~.) L.S .. \.. Oressy, Mr. G. J. L. n.e.l'., M.H.C.S. Olay, 111'. A., M.n.c.s. Orew, 1\11'. Juo., lI!.I~.C.S., L.n.c.p., Lonrl. Clay, Mr. Thomas 'V., L.I~.C.P., L.n.C.H., Oritebley, Mr. Hans G., l\! D., Edin. Eelin. Orocker, Mr. J., lILH.C.S., L.R.A. Olayton, l\h. A. J., L.n.C.p., Ellin., Orocker, .nIl'. Jame, M.H.C .. , L.R.C.P., L.H.C.S., E(lin. Lond. 01o.yton, Mr. J. S., M.n., Eclin. Orockcr, 11'. J. l\1eaclmore, M.n. C.. , Olayton, .1\11'. William 1\., M.D., 13rux. L.R.C.P., Lond. . Olayton, Mr. 'Vi1liam ilIayne, L. n. c .~., Irel. Oropley, Mr. Henry, 1". n. c.. . , ]~.l> H. Olegg, l\1r. lti chal'll , M.n., C.i\f., 1,.n. ' .1'. 01'0 s', Ml'. A. J., 1Ir.~., C .~!., Edm. Olements,]I,11'. R. N., L.lt.l·.P., Edin. Orossbelll, 1\11'. A. h.., L.U.C.p., L.l~.C.S'1 Olement.s, 111'. Samncl D., B.A., IJ.1t.l'.S., Ellin. L. It. 0.1'., Lond. Orossland, 1\11'. ,V. H. Close, M1'. J., M.B. Oampucll,Mr.,Ma.Lthew,M.B.,Clf.B.(N.Z.). Oantlie, Mr. J., M.A., Abcr., F.Il-C.S. Canlew, Mr. George A., lII.lt.C.S.E., L.S.A. Cal'lcLoll lIl1'. Jolm Shaw, L.Jt.C' ... . I., , L.ILU.l'.I. Ca.mes 1\11'. ill iall1, ~I.lt.u.s., Eng., L.~{.(·.l'., Lond. Oarroll, Mr. Joseph, 1Il.B., C.M., D.P.II. Oarruthcrs, Mr. J. U. Ba.xter, M.D., U .~r. Oarse, Mr. D,wid. D., ~J.J). Oarter, 111'. li'. H., :'ILD., F.r..C... Oarter, Ml'. Ronalll, 1\I.1)., )LILC.H., Eng., cLc. Oarvcll, lIlr. John Maclean, 1\I.ll.C.S., L.S.A., Lond. Oassan, Mr. Theodore, )Ln.C. '. Oaunter, II'. H.. L., M.D., J3l'1lx. Ohadwick, Mr. O. 1\1., "LA., Oxon, M.D. Oha!l'el's, Mr. Ed\\'u., 1<'.lL C.H. Ohallinor, 11'. illc:J1illan, M.lt.U.S., Eng., L.U . . 1'., Lond. Chapman, 1\11'. J. 11., ~I. B. Ohapple, Mr. W. A., M.D., L'ILll. (N.Z. ),


St. J ohn A ndyvlance Association.

40 Honorary Life lVle m b ers.

Crowther Mr. Erncst E., L.R.C.P. Dobie. Mr. II. Somervill c, L.U. C.P. & S.E . L. R.~ . S., Edin. Dobie, nIl'. J. N . , M.A., M.B. Orump, Mr. T . G., B.A ., (Camb.) L.R. C. l' . , Dobson, Mr. A., M.n..C .. . , L.I.. C.P., Lon~ . . . r ' "LB., B.C. CulIe SurO'con-Gellcral C. McDonoO'h C.I3. Dod<l, LlCul.-Col.,J.R., U .\ . M.C.,!h.D.,<c c. Culh~nc, ~lr. F. J . F., ;\Ll~ . C.S. 0' Doel(l, Mr. P. Vcrlloll, liLA., l\I.D . , lI1.11.C.R. Cureton, lUI'. Ed., M.D. , &c. L.y.C.P., Lond. Cuscaden, Mr . Georgc, L.n..c.s.,Ed.,&c. DOlllville, Mr E. J., L. n . C.p . , L oml., Dadachauji, Mr. Kavasji .l£dalji, L.M.& s. lILll.C.:-i. Dandekar, Mr. Dcnanath D. N aik, L. M. Dougla., Mr. Alcxandcr, 11[, A., lifo U., C.lIl., & I:l . , l3ombay. Edill . _ & DarlinO", 1\11'. Stevcnson, M.D. Donglas, Mr. Chas. E., M.l1 .,F.n .o.K.E., c. David~oll, :nll'. A., M.D., F. n.c.p. Donglas, Mr. Claudc, F.ll.O.R.,. L.ll.C. P. Davidson. Mr.'l'homasA., L.n. c.p.,L.l~.C.S. Douglas, MI'. J. J., J.D . , Edm. Davies, 1\11'. Charles D . , lILn . O.R., L... A. Dove,Mr. AugustnsC. , l'Ir.D., Durh., I\[.B., Davies, Mr. Dayid Ll., lILn., Glas., D. '. L.R.C.P., Etlin. Do\\'nes, Mr. ,V., M.D., B.CH. lJ.A.n.n.U.l. Davies, Mr. E., ;\LD . Drage, Mr. Lo\'cll, liLA., Oxon., M.D., Davies, Mr. Hugh E., L.n.C.p. , Loud., . 111. n., B.CH. M.R.C.S. Dl'lllkwater, Mr. H., ;\LD., Ellin. , 1I1.D., Davies, Mr. H. E., L.n.C.p. , Loud. C.M., M.R.C .. ·. Davies, lUI'. Siclney, B.A . , Oxon., M.D. Drydcn, Mr. ~as . Huntcr, L.n.C.p., Davies, 1111'. T. L. Kenrick, lILB .C.M., . L.J-t.C.R., EcllD. ELlin. Dllllgcoll, 1\11' . . J. IIepbul'll, L.n .c.p., DaYies, Mr. 'Yrn., lIl.R.C.S . L.ll. C.R., Eclm. Davies, 1\11'. ,Yilliam H., ::ILB., CILD. Duggan, 1\11'. 1\lo~herw ell, M.l~.C .. . , Davis, Mr. Arthlll'R., M. ll.C.S., L.R.A. L.n.C.l'., Edm: T Davy, :Mr . John, F.R.C.S. Duke, urgeon-1\laJor '\. A. Dawson, Mr. C., L.R.C.P., 'Lll.C. . DUllcan, Mr. '\~illiall1, L.]~.C.]>., Elliu., Da\\son , Mr , F . E., L.ll.C.P., Edin., L.n.C.K., Ecllll. , ::ILP•. C.S. Dunkley, Mr. ,V. " ., F.lt.C.P., Edin., Deamer,1\1r. G. E., L.R .C.P., L.R.C.S . Etlin F.IL.(~.K. Deane, Hr. John H., L.R.C.':., Edin. DUlllop, J\ll'. 'buldam II., ~!.ll., M.ClI., Denne, 1\11'. Francis V., ;'I.D., Brnx., H.U.I. 1\[ . P•. c.s., Eng. Dunn, 1111'. D . S., 1. D. Denne, 1'l1r. T . V. de, Ir. n. c. P., Ellin., Dul'llo, 11'. J 0111:, ]II. D. 111. R. C.I:l. Dul'llo, 1\11'. Lcslie, :M.B. Dennison :nIl'. T. S., lIf.ll.C . S., L.n.G.p., Dunallt,r.lr.T.A.,l\r.l~.(,.R., I,,]:.l·.J'.,Lontl. Lond. Dyer, 1\11'. Hemy G., 1II.D., Dnrh., Dc Renzi, 1\11'. A. C., M.R.C.S., L.S.A. . L.IU· . l'., :~d~n., 1'I1.1~.C.~. D evane, :nIl'. 'E. F., L.n.C.p. & s., Echll. Dyson, 1\11'. \\ ilham, lIl.ll. . D'Evelyn, :nIl'. A.1I1cNeill, B,,\..,Dllb.,lILD. Ea,des, 1111'. S. 0., \'.I:.C.1'., r..1~.l'.;;., E(hn. Devellish-Meares, 1111'. A. L., M. R. C. R., Eagar, 1\11'. H.., M. D. L.lt. C.P., Loncl. Eames, 1\11'. Chas. 'vV., ::II.U., C.)I., M.1LC.R. Devis, :nil'. H. F., TJ.Il.C.P., lILR.C.S. L. n.C.l'. Dickenson, Ur . A . Ncwtoll, M.D. EeelcR, 11'. A. Symons, lIt.n " c.]lI., Ahcl'., Dickenson, 1\11'. J. J ., M . l~.C.S. lILR.C.R. Dickey,Mr.A.A.G.,]ll.D., Jl.U.r.,.L.R.C.,·.I. B:ccles, 1\11'. W. oltau, 1I1.11 . C.~., L.H. A. Dickson, fl'. G. Cecil, ::ILD., Edm. Ed(loll'e£, Snrg.·Capt. A., ::It. n., Edin., Dickson, 1111'. G.W.,lILA.,Edin . ; l\I.B., C.~l. ~1.D., C. L Dickson 1\11'. John Dllnbar, M.D., P•. LT. I., Etlcn, Mr. n., 111.1). • l\LC~I. l£tlIYal'lls, MI'. B. E. J . , lI1.B., Etllll., C.M. Dillon, Mr. L. Gerald, M.D., R.U . I., LCTT., E(!lral'(l.~, 1\[1'. John C., L.IU'.1'. <c' S., L.1'IL E(lin., L.F.p. & ,' . , Dilton, 1\'11'. T . J . , L.R.c.s.Irel.L.n.c. p.Ire!. E(l\\'anls, Mr. R. 1'., i\r.1LC.R., Eng., Dimmocle, Mr. A. F . , lILD. ,Dllrh. , M.B. I..It.C.P., Lond . Disti n,Mr . II()\\'r\,n l, ~r.B.,M.ll.C.S.,L.]U'.P. I.:ge I' tOll , 1\11'. J. Jamcs, lIr.lt.C.~.,.L.lt.C.l'. Divine, 1\11'. JOllll, 1I1.l), C.M., Glas. Elrlcr, MI'. Vv., ]dLC.p. &H., h<llll., JJ.M. Dix, :;\11'. William R., nUl., JUi. I ~llcrtoll, Mr. John, M.D., St. All(!. , Dixon, Ul'. J. F., M.ll.C.S. L.lt.C.l'. LOllcl., lIf.R.C.H.


St. J ohn Ambulance A ssociation.


E llerton, 1\11'. J. F. H. , M.D., Bl'ux., Fitl:heory, Ml'. George , V., M.R.C.S., Honorary · L.R.C.P. , L.lII. . L.S.A. , L ond. Life Elliott, 1\11'. J. ands, lILB. , ClT.B., Edll1. Flavell Rev . Thomas Members. Ell~ott, Mr .. ":111. Hamilton, M.D. Fleet~v~od, Mr. T . F., F.R.C.S ., I re1. Ell~s, l\1r.Wilham l\1cDollough, .lIl.D.,~rux. Flem~llg, Mr. A . J., M.D., R.U. I., l\l.CH. EllIson, 1111'. Arthur, lILIt. C.S., B:l1g., Fleming, ~1r . H. H., ::ILB., Dub . · L.R.C.l'., Lond . :F letcher, Fleet-Surgeon ,V. Ba.inbriuae Elltson, Mr. E. H., liLA., Camu. ,lIL R.O. ti., It._' ., lI1.lt.c.S., Etlin. 00 J · L.R.C.p.,. L.S.A . , V.D. Forbes, Mr. John, M . A., B.SC., 1'I1.B., C.::IL EllIston, Eng.- mg. L t.-Col. G. S. , Forbes , Mr. N • Hay , F . R•. c· E Cl'Ill . , "" M.R.C.S., L.S.A. L.R.C.P.L. Elllbl~ton, ~lr . D.C., M.D.! Dmh., M.R.C.S. Forsytb, Mr. HoM., M.D., Glas. , 1II.B., C.M. Elllblmg, The HOll . \\. H., L.n.c.p. Fort, Mr. Thos., ::ILR.C.S., L R.C.p., Lond. , I,.F.!'.S. , Glas. Edin . En,'or, Ir. .Ji- W , L.n.c.p. Fothergill, Mr. J. R., M.D., tAd EttlE's,1I1r. ". J. l\lcCulloch, ~r.n . , Auel'., L.H.C.S., Edin. . ll., lIf.B., C.;\1. Fox, Mr. Jno. Raymond, M.B., Melb. ~yans, Mr. A. II., ::I['R.C. '., L. "A. Fox, i.1r. 111. J., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.,·., Edin. l'.JYans, 11'. C. J., ::IL1LC."., T,.::I1. Frankish, Mr. J. D., :lILD. , St. And., E\'alls, 1\11'. E., M.A., ::11.13., D.C., D. l'.n. ::If.R.C.S. E\'allS, Mr. E. B., ::Il.lt.c.s., L.lt.C.p.,Eclin . J! rallkish, 1111'. Thomas, :'>1.D., c.::If., B. <;C. Evan!;, Mr. J oh~, M. D. Franks, 1\11'. Kenual, A. B., Durh., 1II. D. Evans, Mr. O. C. P., 1'I['D., Dnrh., B.S. Fraser, Mr. J . J., lILR .C. '. Evans, fro ,V. G., :B'.H . C.S.,. L.n.C.I'. Fraser, MI'. John 1'., l\LR.C.S., Euin. Ever. hed, Mr. Arthm R. Fl?ld, ~I.ILC.S., Fraser, Mr. 'Ym. Duncan, ::ILB., C.::IL, L.R. C.P., Lond. Camb. Ewart, 11'. C. Theodore, ::II.D., Abel'. , Freeborn, ~Ir. John C. R. , ::II.A., L.R.C.p .. M.B., C.::IL Lond. ' Ewart, 1\11'. David, ::I1.B., B.S., F.R.C.S., Freer, urgeon-:\Iajor E. L uke Eelin. Fryer, Mr. John, ::ILH.C.S., L.. A. E\\:art, Mr. J., ::I[;D. Fryer, Mr. WllJ. F., L.R.C.P., Edin ~a~rbank, MI'. " . , :\1.n.c.~., L.K.A.. L.R.C.S., Edin. ., J<aw;lough, 1\11'. ':!-'. Butler, L.R.C.P., Edlll., Fuller, .ll1r. Alfred L., ;\1.R.C.S., Eng., &c. L.lt.C.R., 1£(1111. Fuller, Mr. Edward B., M.B., Edin. Falkner, ]\[1'. II. G., ::Ir.n.O.I:l., LIt.C.P.I. :F.R.C.S., Etlin. ' Far!Der, Mr. E. J. )I. D. , D.S., Dub. niv. Fullerton, MI'. F. ,V., M.D., Dnrb., ::II.B., Farmer,1\1r. ., ]ll.H.C.S., L.I{.0.P., Eclin., B. '. D.P.II. Fulton, 11'. G. C. H., C.M., Glas. FarCluharsol1, 1111'. D. P.lIIaclaren,~r.B.,C.:'IJ. Furber, 1111'. George H., ::II.R.C .. F<tlTar, Mr. H. An ·trl1 thor, :\1. A., Oxon.,::I1. D, }~l1r1ey, ir John, c. B. Farrer, Mr. (~eo . .Albert, ~I.R.C .. , Fyfl'e, 1I1r.'Ym. E ., ::ILD., D.C.,::If.A.,Cantab. ~. S.A. Gabb, 1\11'. C. Baker, :'ILR.C . . , L.R.C.P., Faw itt, Mr. Tho . , ::ILR.C.S., JJ.ll.C.P. Ec1ill . Featherstone, Mr. W. B., )I.D. ,. Gab,b, Mr. J. E., ::If. R.C .. , L.ll.C.P., Edin. Felln, 1\11'. A. Gel' hom, ~I.B., c.::I!., ELlm. Gnfluey, 1\11'. C. Burke, F.R.C .. , Irel. Fenoull~ct, 11'. E. C., L.R. C.I'., L.n.C.s., Gandy, 1\11'. ,1'., ::ILR.C . . , L. S.A. E<llll., L.l\r. Gaue, 11'. Edward P . ., :'I!.R.C.S., Fentem, .M, . Thomas, M.D., M.S., B. C., L.n.C.l' ., Lond. Edin., LL.]). . Gardner, 1\11'. H . ., ~f.B., C.M. (Glas). Fentern, Mr. P. heldon, lIl.D., Edlll. Tanlner, Ir. H. ", illoughby, M.D . Fento.n, 1111'. Mark A.nthony, :'II.D. Tarclner, nrgeon R. H ., LB., A.M .D. FenwlCk, Mr. PerClval C., lII.B., Garrard, M1'. ,Yo A., ::ILR.C. ' . lII.R.C.R. Garrett, 1111'. C. Dndley, :lII.R.C.P. Ferguson, Mr. J . M., L.R.C.p ., Edin. Garson, 1111'. J. Hill Ross, :\1. B., C.M., . I:.ll. C.R., Edill. . D.P.II. , Camb. F~eldll1g, 1\11'. Fredenck, M. D., Ec1in. Gars tang, Mr. E. M., M.D., St. And., F~nlay, Lt.-Col., L.R. C. P.I. , C.1'II.,R.A.M.C. L.R.C.P., Edin. F~sher, Mr. T heodore, lII. D., lII.B. Gascoigne, 1111'. ,V. E., L.R.C.S. F~sher, Mr. '1'hos., lII.R. C.S., L.S.A. Gaunt, Mr. , Villiam H., M.B. & C.!>I. F~sher, Mr. Welby E. , lILll.C.S. , Eng., &e. Gavin, 1\1r. McCallum, M.B. , CH. B. Fitzgeral u, 1\1:1'. C. Egerton, M.D . Gentles, 1\11'. T . L. , L.R.C.P., L ond., L.F.P.S. , Glas. D

/::3t. J ohn A mb'Ldance Aosociation.

42 Honorary Life Members.

Gettings, Mr. John S., L.R.C.S., Edin.,L. l\L Gr~ffiths, Mr. A . V.,.l\I.R.C.S., L.S. A. Gibb, Mr. ,V., L.R. C.P.E., L.n.c.s. Gl'~~ths, Mr. FranCIs, M.B., C.M. GiLb, Mr. W. Scott, M.D. . Gnftiths, Mr. H. Hathbon e, B.A., M.B., Gibbon, 1111'. F. W., L.lt.C.P., Edlll. . B.Clf., B.A.O., M.D. , ) L.l\L, L.n.C.S. Gnffiths, Mr. John S., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.I., Gibbs, Mr. A . N. Godby,ilLlt.C.S.,L.R.O.l'., ..Lond. Rh L d Lond. Gnffiths, Mr. P. ys, M.B., B.S., on. Gibbs-Smith, Mr. E. Gibbs, L.R.C.P.r., Grimbly, Mr. R. H., ill.n.C.S., L.S.A. Gripper, Mr...., 'yaUer, M.A., OantaL., D.P.R., &c. Gibson, Mr. O. P., L.lt.C.P., Edin. 1\I.Jt.C.S., J£Cllll., M.B., D.P.II. Gibson, Mr. J. H., l\Llt.C.S. Grogon?, Mr. W. A., l\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Gilbertson, Mr. Jame . H enry, l\I.n. c.s., Edlll. L.R.C.P., Lond. Grove, Mr. 'V.R., B.A., Oamb., M.B., D.C., Gildea Oolonel James, c .v. o., C.B. l\LR.C.S. Giles, 'JUl'. P. Broome, F.R.C.S., Edin., Gumn~ou, JUl'. James F.,' L.n.C.p. L.R.C.P., Edin. Guthne, MI'. J., M:D ..' Gla~., l\I.B:, C.M. Gill, Mr.J. W., ill. D. ,D.P. R., Lond. , M. R. C. S. , Gutteridge, .1\~r. ,V llklllS ('I aSJ1lallla), M. B., L.R.C.P., Lond. C.M. , Edm. . Gillon, Mr. G. Gore, M.D., Glas., M.B., Gwynn, nIl'. O. H., M.D., Edlll., l\LB.,C.)L C.M., F.R.C ... , Edin. Hadwen, Mr. ,V. R., M.D., St. Allll., Gimlette Ml'. J. D., M. R. C. . , L. R. C. P., Lond. 1\1. R. C. s . Girdler, 1'. G. T., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.s.,Edin. Hall, Lt.·Ool. L ees? R.A.l\I.C., loLR . C.S. Glen, Mr. John, M.D. Hall, Mr. T. GIbson ~., "L.R.C.S., Goddard, Mr. O. E., M.D. Irel., L.R.C.P., Irel. (New Zealandt· Goddard Oapt. G. H., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.p., Hall, Mr. 'Vro., M.D., Brux., l!'.lt.c.s.,Ed. R. A.'M. C. Halliday, .1\1r. F., 1\L P•. C.. , L. R. C. P. Godfrey, ML A. E., 1\LR.C.S. Hall~day, Mr. J. W., M.n.C.. . Godwin, Surgeon-Major O. R. Y. Hall~well, Ml'. R. N., M. R. C.S., L.S.A. Gokhale, Mr. Rashinath Narajen, L.1Il. HallIwell, Mr. T. Oates, l\I.R.C ... , L.n . c.p. , & s., (India). Lond. .. . Goodman Mr. Th omas H., lII.R.C.S.,L.S.A. Hallows, 1I£r. H. Pllllllllgton, M.D., Echn Gordon, ill'. W. A ., l\LB., C.M., Edin. Hamilton, Oolonel Hans B. H. Goudie, Mr. H., lILB., C.M., Etlin. Hannnerton, .1\11. J., M.D. GoulJ, Mr. T. Barnard. L.R.C.P. Hammond, Mr. 'Vm. l\I.R. C. '., L.R.a.p., Gouldel', Mr. F. S., M.R.C . .·., L.R.C.P., Edin., L.l\L Lond. Hampton, Mr. A. G., 1\!.D. Graham, Mr. Arthur R., M.A., C.M., Hancock, MI'. H. Ruskll1, l\f.R:'c, s, Oamb., M.B. HauD, Mr. H. F., L.R.C.P ., Edm., 1\LR.C.R. Graham, ML G. R. M., L.R.C.P.I., L.M. Hannah, Mr. \V. T., M.B., C.M., D.l:'.H. Graham, Mr. G. W., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Hardie, Mr. R. )f.B., C.:'1. Gramshaw, Mr. F. S., M.D., St. And. Harding, Mr. '\T., M.B. Granger, Mr. R. F., L.R.C.P. & s ., Edin. Hargreaves, :fyII'. GrahT~m, L.S.A., Lond. GraDt, Mr. Dundas. M.A., Edin., M.D., Hargreaves, Mr. 1'11. Kippax, M.D., Glas. , 111. 13. 1. B. Grant, Mr. G., M.B., C.M . Harmel', Mr. 'Ym. Allan, L.S.A., Lond. Grant, Mr. N. UeKay, l\1.D .1ILs.,(Ontario) . Harris, 1\11'. J. B., M.D. Gray, Mr. Alex., M.B., c .Ll1., Glas. Harris, Mr. 'V. rr., M.lt.O.S., L.S.A. (Port Green, Mr. H. M., 1\LD. Elizabeth). Green, 1'111'. ,Nilliam T., l\LR.C.S. Hanis-Liston, Mr. Llewellyn, l\1.H.C.S., Greenhalgh, Mr. A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.P., Lond. ;'1.13., CR.B. Harrison, Mr. .i\. ,V., M.D., Brux., Greenhough, Mr. V. J., B.A., Oamb., M.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.l:'. C.M. Harrison, Mr. E., 1\LA., Oamb., M.D. Greenwood, Ur. A., M.R.C.S. Harrison, Mr. S. Hope, L.ILC.p., Greenwood, Mr. A. Young, M.B., M.CR., M.R.C1.S. Edin. Harri son, Mr. T. H. H., l\I.R.C.S., Greenwood, Mr. O. D., M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., Lond. Greenwood, Mr. O. S., M.R.C.S. Harrison, Mr. W. A., M.D. Greves, Mr. E. H., M.D., Edin., M.B . , C.M. Hart, Mr. A. H., M.D., M.S., &c. Griffin, Mr. J., M.D. Hartley, Col. E. BaroD, IT.QI;., M.R.C.S., Griffin, Mr. 1., M. R. C. S., L. S. A. L. R. C.P., Lond.


St. John Ambulance Association.


Hartley, M1'. R. N., M.B., l\1.1:.C.S. Holmes, Mr. W. Reid, M.D., Aber., M.B., Honorary Harvey, M1'. A., 1\1.13., 1\LP•. C.S. C.M. H atherly, Mr. H. R, M.ILC.S., L.R.C.P., Holt, Mr. R. 0., L.R.C.P., Edin., F.R.C.S., Life Members. M.B. (Lom1.) Edin. Hatherley, Mr. S. Oldall, l\LILC.S.,L.R.C.P. Holthouse, Mr. T. Le Gay, M.lt.C.S. H atton, Mr. G. Stokes, M.D., Durh., M.B., Holtom, Mr. 0., 1\LR. C.S. D. S. Honman, Mr. A., 1\1. R . C. s . Hawthorn, Mr. John B., 1I1.B. & C.M. Hope, Mr. John L. A., ;'LR.C.S., Eng. &c. Hayes, Mr. II. W. McU.1ully, 1\LIt.C.P., Hopkins, l\Ir. Thos., M.B., CH.B., B.A.' L.R.C ... , Edin., &c. Horne, Mr. Geo., M.B., CH.B. (Victoria). Haynes, Mr. Stanley L., M.D., Edin. Horne, Mr. George, M.D., Edin., &c. :)1. R. . .'. Horne, Mr. J. Fletcher, M. D., St. And. lIealJ, Mr. G. H., !If.R.C.S. Horne, Mr. T., ~J.D. Heard, Mr. rr. G., L.R.C.l'. & 13., Edin., Rosain, Mrs. Harriett M. M., L.R.C.P., L.F.l'. & s., Gias., L.)L, Dub. L.R.C.S., Edin. Beam, Ml'. E. Le Fanu, l\L13. , Melb. Hosier, .Ml'. C. H. S., F.R.C.S, Ire1. Heathcote, Mr. B. A., ~r.B., C.M., AbcI'. Ho king, Mr. Archer, M.B., CD.M. , Edin. Hehblcthll'aite, Mr. H., M.n. C.S. Hossack, Mr. J. F., F. R.C.S., Eclin. Hedley, Mr. John, M.D. Howard, Mr. Heaton O.,M.R.C.S. Hellier, 1\11'. J. B., M.D., )LB., ;\r.n..C.S. Howard, Mr . .T., L.ICQ.C.P. Heury, Mr. O. Dawson, M.n., B.C., M.A. Howard, Mr. Jas., 1\LR.C.S. (Jantab. I-Toward, Mr. Jas. F., M.D. Henry, nIl'. D.O., M.B. , CH.B., Edin.L.M. IIowden, Mr. 1. D. Olark, M.D. Rotunda. Howell, Mr. R. E., M.D., C.::'1., Edin. H epburn, Mr. 'V. A., ;\LD., t. And. Howlett, Mr. Edwin, F.R.C.S. F.F. p.s., Glas. Hoyland, Mr. tenton ALD. H etley, Mr. H enry, M.D., )LB., Hoyle, Mr. George, M.D. ~r.n.s. l' . , Eelin. Hmlson, Mr., M.D. IIelmt, Mr. David Bennie. ~r.B., ~I. C., Hudson, Mr. H. E., lILR.C.S. E llin. Hngh e, II'. D. Arthur, M.R.C.S., H ew,tt, ]\[1'. John, ;-I.B., c.)1., E Llin. L.n.c.p. , Loud. Hewat, 11'. .1\1., ::'1.13., C.M. (Oape Town,. Hughes, Mr. H. G., L.R.C.P., Edin. H ewetsoJl, MI'. Richanl , )I.n.G .. ' . Hughes, Mr. H. L. , F.R.C.P., Eelin. Hey, .1\11' O. E. Milnes, LILA., Oamb. Hughes, Mr.H. Lewis, L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., l\LR.C.R., L. R.C.P., Lonel. Edin., L.M. Heygate, Mr. F. N., :)1. R.C .... , L. . A. Hughes, Mr. H. M., )1.B., 1\I.R.C.S. Hey., Mi'. Arthur, l\I.B., C.)L Hughes, Mr. 'Y. H., M.B., C.)L, B.SC. Hickley, MI'. A. Mackenzie, LlLR.C.S. Hl1nt,Mr. Robert, )I.H.c.R.,L.R.c.p.,Lond. L. n .c .p., LonLl. Hunter, Mr. E., L.R. C.P.E. , L.lII. Hick, Mr. R., M.r..U. . . Hunter, Mr. 'V. L., M.D., D.P. H. Higgins, Mr. hades H., )I.D. !-In band, Mr. J. 0., :.\I.D., lII.R.C .. , Higginson, :'11'. G., B.A., Oamb., L...-1.' 1 L.R.C.P., Edin. M lLC s . & p. Hutchinson, Mr. F. Blade, M.n.C .. , Hillahy, }\fl'. A., L.n.c.p., Lond., l\Ln.C. . Edin., L.R.C.P., ELlin. Hinelle, iIII'. Jnm e., L.n .c .p., Edill., Hutchison, Mr. F. . T., M.B., B. CH., B.A . Idl. C.H., Etlin. levers, Mr. Eyre, M.D., Dub. Hirst, Ml'. Alh ert, )['D.,F.n.C'.r. Illingworth, Mr. O. R., lILR.C .. Hirst. Mr. G .. . Shirt, "LB., C.:)1., Edin. Ingli, Mr. David Wood, "LD., GIa . Hi. lop, II'. W., M.n. , )Ln..C.S. Inglis,Mr.H.M.,M.B.,M .. (New Zealand). Hodges, II'. ,V., 1\1.R.C.S., I..R.C.P., Ingram. MI'. J., L.R.C.S., & L.R.C.P.E.,&C. Lond. Ireland, 11'. Oharles J., M.R.C .. , L.A .. Hodgins, Mr. ,Yalter W., )LD., B... Irvin, Ml'. J. H., 1\[.n. c .. . , L.R.C.P., Irel. HoO'man, Mr. J. L, l\f.n., C.lII. ( . Africa) Irving, iih-. J., M.D. Hogg, Mr. A. W., L.R.c.r., I,.R.C.S., Irving, Mr. ,Yilliam, 1\LR.C .. E., &c. Edin. Jac!' on, 11'. E., lILR.C .. Hogg, .1\fr. R. H., lI1.B.,M.n.c.s. Jackson, Mr. E. ., M.B., C.lII., Edin. Holden, MI'. Geo. H. R., )LA., Oamb., Jnckson, Mr. H. E. Atheling, L.R.C.P., M.D. Lond., U.R,C.S., Eng. F.R .C .. , Eclin. Hold sworth, Mr. A. T., M.D. Jackson, Mr. Joseph .T., L.R.C.P.E. , Holman, MI'. R., lII.R.C.S . L.ll., L.R.C.S.L Holm es, Mr. David, M.B. Jackson, i'll'. J. J., L.R.C.P.

44 Honorary Life Members .

St. J ohn A mbulance


Jackson, Depnty-Surgeon-General Sir Kclly, Lieut.-Colonel R Vandeleur, C.B., Robert W .. C.B. F.R.U.S., Edin., L.R.C.l'., Edin. James, Mr. AlfreJ, J., 1II.D. Kennedy, Mr. J. 'V. (New South 'Vales). James, Mr. F. P. R, L.R.C.p., Edin. Kennedy, Mr. W., F.R.C.S., Irel. James, Mr. P., L.ILC.S. K er, Mr. H., F.R.C.S. Jannie, Mr. R 'V., liLA., lII.B., C.lIL, Edin. Kerans, Mr.T. G., L.R.C.s.r.,lII.n.c.p.,Irel.. Jarvis, Mr. J. H. E., 111. R. C. s., L. R. C. P. Kerr, Mr. James, i\I. D., 111. A., Cantab. (New Zealand.) Kerr, Mr. Wm. J., M.D., UlI.B. Jay, Mr. l!'rederick Fitzherbert, M.D. Key, Mr. D. T. , M.R.C.S. Jeffcoat, Mr. F . H., B.A., lII.B. (New Zeal). Keys, Mr. C. W. Moore, JlLD., A.lILD. Jenkins, .Mr. J. J., L. n. u. S., L.H. c.p., Edin. Kilcanolie, Mr., lILll. C.S.E. Jennings, Mr. E., lII.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.p. Kilga1'l'iff, Mr. 111. J., F.n.C.S., Irel. (New Zealand). Kilkelly, Lieut. -Colonel, I1I.D., H.A.I1I.C. Jermaine-Lulham, Mr. F. S, M.ll.C.S., King, 1111'. F. Truby, ]\f.n., U.M ., Edin. Eng., L.R.C.p., Lond. King, Mr.RT. L.P,.C.H.,L.H.S.c.,I]'e1. ,L .lII. Johnson, Mr. John, lII.D. (Victoria). Kingcombe, Mr. A. P .. lII.H.C ... , L.. A. Johnson, Mr. Samuel, 1I1.D. Kingsbnry, Mr. Edward, :'I!.D., B.A., Duh. Johnson, Mr. Thomas, lILR.C.S., L.R.C.p. Kingsbury, Mr. G., I.D. Johnston, 1\1]'. A. Hammersley, lILR.C.S., Kingston, 11'. Pcrcy J., L.n.c.r., L ond ., Eng., L.R.C.p., Lond. lILR.C.S .. Eng. Johnston, IIII'. D avid Gibb, aLB., C.M., Kinnear, IIIr. 'Y. , lILB., C.I1I., Edin. Edin. Kinsey-Morgan, Mr. A., III. D., Durh. Johnston, Mr. John, I1I.D., Edin. J{ irkpatrick, Mr. William, D.A., 1Il.D. Johnstone, Mr. T., M.B., C.iIl. Knapp, l\1.r. Montagu H., lILn.U.S., Eng., Jones, Mr. A. Lloyd, D.p.H., Cantab., &c. M.ll.C.S.E. Kneale, Mr. J. C., L.n.C.p., Edin. Jones, Mr. Benjamin, M.D., Durh. L.RC ... , Edin. Jones, Mr. D., M.B., IlLS., lIl.R.C.S. Knight, Mr. A. 0., 1Il.R.C.S., L.. . A. Jones, Mr. D. Davies, 1II.D. Knight, Mr. Glen Alburo, lILll., Melb. Jones, Mr. D. M., M.D., Edin. Knight, 1111'. ,Yo H., L.n.C.p. & s., Edin. Jones, Mr. David T. Rocyn, 1II.B., C.lIL, Knight, 1111'. W. J. R, lILD., n.u .l. Edill., D.P.H., Oxon . Knott, Mr. Charles, lII.11.C.p., Edin., Jones, Mr. Francis G., lII.B., C.lII. 1II.R.C. '. Jones, 1111'. G. C., M.D. Knott, Mr. 'Ym., M.D., E(lin. Jones, Mr. H erbert, D.p.H., Cam., L.ll.C.S., Knowles, 1111'. H., 1II.n., Durh. Irel. Knyvett, 1111'. H. Ferrel'S, L.1LC.p., Edin., Jones, Mr. H. D., L.n.C.p., L.R.C.s.,Edin. L.lII. Jones, Mr. Hugh, lII.B., C.lII., Glas., D.P.H. Koch, Mr. W. V. Miller, 1\Ln., lILCll . Jones, Mr. H. Gladstone, L.S.A., Lond. Lacey, Mr. Allan R, L.R.C.l'.: Lond. J ones, Mr. Joseph, M.D., CH.B., Victoria, Lachlan, Mr. Geo. F., 11[,13., D.•. L.S.A. Laing. 1IJr. JamesT., 1I1.B., U.M., Edin. Jones, Mr. J. Amallt, M.D. Laird , MI'. Andrew J., 1II.D., C.:lI. , n.p.rr. Jones, Mr. R ees R owlanu, 1I1.n.c.s., Lamb, MI'. 'V. H., 1II.lt.C.i'., :'Il.B . L.R.C.p. & L.lIr., Edin. Lambert, Mr. F. S., M.ll.C.S., L.ll.C.p., Jones, Mr. Richard , L.n.C.p., lII.ll.C.S . Lond. Jones, Mr. Robert L., lI1.R.C.S. Lansdown , 1'111'. R G. Poole, 11[,11., Durh. Jones, 1'I'Ir. Rowland, 1ILR.C.S., L.n.c.p. T,antour, Mr. H. A. de, lII.ll.C.i'. Jones, Mr. R.;Nelson, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Lapraik, Mr. George, 1II.D., ['.:OL, GIas. Lond. LatImer Mr. H. A., M.D., Dlll'h. Jon es, Mr. T. Reginald, M.ll.C.S. L aurie, Mr. Caspar R, M.D., Buffalo, Jon es, Mr. Richard, M.D. 1ILR.C.S., L.n.C.p. , L.S.A. Jones, 1\1r. 'V. 1'I1akeig, M.D., Dl1rh Laurie, Mr. R, M.D., Edin. Jones. 111:1'. 'Vest Lavery, Mr. J. A., L.n.c.p., Edin. Joseph, Mr. Alan, L.n.C.S., L.R.C.p.,Edin. Lavies, MI'. Harry, lILIl.C.K. Joynson, Mr. Geu. T.,L.F.p. S.,Gl!ls.,L.S. A. Lawrence, Mr. Henry Cripps, M.D., Durh. Jukes, Mr. Andrew, L:n.c:s., EdlD. Lawson, Mr. G. Glong. lII.B., D.CII.,D.P.lJ., Jumeaux, Mr. BenJamm, lILR.C.S., L.l'tf. L.R.C.p., Edin. L eary, M1'. Edward G., M.D. Keith, MI'. Alexanrl er Ewing, M.B. L eash, 1\11'. J. T., lII.B. K eith, Mr. J. R, M.D., U.M. L e Cronier, Mr. Hardwick, I.U.C.P., Lond., lIL n . c. s .

St. John A mbulance Association.


Lee, Mr. B. J., L.S.A., Lond. McDonnell, Mr. Deuis, L.P,.C.S.I., L.A.H., Honorary L ee, Mr. Edwin, !ll.B..C.S. Dub., L.:lf. L ife Lees, 1111'. vV., lI1.It.C.S., L . . A. McDougall, Mr. Finlay, F.n.C.S.E., Members . L ega t, Mr. Amlrew, M.D., Etlin. L.R.C.p.E. Leigh , 1\11'. John Dickinson, M.D., lI1.D., McDowell, Mr. William C. \V., :ll.B., M.S. 111.1;., D.l'.l!. llcGachen, Mr. F. ,V. D., L.S.A., L.F.r.S., L eitch, Mr. W. C., L.F.p ... , Glas. Glas. L emarchallll, nil'. A. ,V., :lI.ll.C ... , Etlin., McGee, Mr. J. H., :or.13. et CH.D., :lLD., L.n.c.p., Loud. D. P.H., Camu. Macgregor, 1\11'. Geo. Rout., 1Il.D. L ennox, Mr. David, :lLD., Edin. L eslie, Mr. R ,Vhytock, M.D., It.U.I. McGregor, Mr. J., lI1.l{.C.S., L.R.C.p. L ewis, 1\11'. T. H., lIl.lt.C.S. McJanet, Mr. F. M., 1Il.B., C.M., Glas. Lewys-Loyd , MI'. Evan, lILll.c . .'.,Eng.,&c. McKenzie, Dr. A., M.n. Lilley, 1\11'. J. H., M.D. Mackenzie, 1'111'. Duncan J., :01.D. Lill ey, MI'. 11' .. J •. ll. C.S. & 1'., Edill., Mackenzie, Mr. Ernest, :01.D. L.F.p. & .. , Glas. Mackenzie, 1'111'. F.\Vallace,:lLB.,C.:lI.,Edin. Lillies, l\Jr. Herbert, :lI.H .C.H. Mackenzie, Mr. Henry D., :lLD. Lister, MI'. Thomas D., :II. D., LOllLl. :l \Iackenzie, Mr. J as., 1\1. D. Li.ttle, 11'. J., :OLD . Mackenzie, 1\11'. John, L.U.C.p., ELlin. Li.ttlewood, nIl'. 11arry, F.R.C.I';. Mackenzie, nIr. H. F., nI.D. Lloyd, Mr. E. J., M.Il., Abel'. Mackenzie, Mr. \V. S., J"lt.C.P., L.n.C.S., Lloyd, 11'. J o l'llan , ~r. B. Eclin. Lloyd, Mr. John D., :lI.n.C.K., Eng., MacFadden, 1\11'. C. J. R, nI.D. (Hon), L.ll. c. 1'., Ed in. III. B., C.:lI., Edin. Ll oyd, Mr. F. eymol1l', )1.])., Lond. Mackie, 1\11'. John, M.D. L ock, Mr. John G., :11. A., Camb., J..H.C.P., Mackinlay, Mr. Jame R., ~f.R.C .. M.ll.C. Mclnto 11, Mr. John, L.n.C ... , L.R.C.P., Eclin. Lotlge, :Mr. P. G., L.:lf., J,.S. "\. LOllwiclgc, :Mr. Will. C., ~1.1{.C . S., r.IcKisack, Mr. H. J., :lI.D. L.ILC.l'., Lond. MacKnight, Ml'. Cha . C.,:lf.B.,CH.M.Glas. L oe, Mr. J . . , :>r.lt.C'.S., L ..-·. A. McLaren, Mr. J. T., :OLB., L.R.C.P. Long, 11'. W. J., :>J.Il. McLean, Mr. C. J. Russell, :lLD., ELlin. L orcl,Mr. , aml.T., L.JLC'.p.,Lonrl.,:ll.n.c.s. Maclean, Mr. E. J., 1\LB., Ediu. Love, Ir. IIenry, B.A., :l1.D., Dl1l'h. Maclin, Mr. Th omas T., :lLD., GIas. Lovely, Mr. C. ewton, !lI.D., Durh. McLannahan, Mr. J. (Tunn, L.n.C.S.I., &c. Low, Mr. A. Bruce, :>1.D., ELlin. :MacLeod, :Mr. R A., M.D. ( ew Zealand). Lowe, 111'. ,Yo G., J.r., :'Il.l). :McMauns, 1\11'. L. trong, )1.D. L OIr.ley, Capt. 111. ::'1., n . A.:'ILC., lIr.n.c.i'., Mc ab, :Mr. A. A., 1\I.B., C.lII., Glas. Eng .. L.R.C.r., Lond. IIIc alty, Lt.· Col. Geo . ,V., C.B., :lLD., Lo\\'on, Mr. G., ~I.B., C.:'I1., Gh·. t. And., R.A.:'IJ.C. Loxton, IIII'. William B., F.R. C.. , Edin . McNaught, Mr. Grace, :'ILD. Luce, Mr. Riehard Harman, :F.lt.C.i'., :'IJ.D., McNeal, 1\11'. Jame , :lI.H.C.8., L.R.C.p. 1\1acneilage, Mr. D., L.n.c.p., Edin., Can tab. Lnckl1l!111, MI'. E. L .. ,r.n.c.s., L.ll.C.p. L.F.p .. , Glas. Lynam, 11'. It G., ~l.n.. c.s., :lL _\., :'ILB. MacNicltler, Mr. Jame. , :lLE., C.;\I., Edin. McAdam, :Mr. Robt., M.D. Mc,", illiams, :Mr. G. F., M.B., 1\1. .• McAdam, :Mr. Robert Loni. (Yictoria, Madde,'er, :Mr. John C., lILl>. 1\1cAlclowie, Mr. Alex. 1\1., :'ILl'. lIIflgg, II'. O. H. A., L..' .A., Lond. :McAlister H ewling, 1\11'. F., lI1.B., Mnins, Mr. John H., J,.R.C.P., Lond. C.:01. (N.Z.) . Malcolm, Mr. Chas., L.R.C.I'., L.R.C.S., McCandlish, Mr. John G., L,ll.c.r.,Edin., Edin. L.H.C.S., Glas. .r.Ialpas, Mr. J., lII.R.C .. , T,.R.O.p. Lond. McCarthy, Mr. Ju tin :McC., M.D. Ianley, Mr. H., liLA., Camb., C.:'Ir., B.C. Macartney, Mr. R, L.n.C.p., Edin. Mann, 1\11'. Chas. F. Grant, B.lII., :l1.S. McClelland, 1\11'. H. A. lI1.11.0.f;., Eng.,&c. Mann, 1111'. J. Bentley, M.ll.C.S., Eng. Macauln.y, Mr. D. J., M.D., Bl'llx., Manners, Ml'. ",Ym. Hy., ~f.B., c .1\1., GIas. L.n.C.S., Euin., L.l •. C.P., Edin. Manning, :Mr. Leslie ., lIf.B., C.M., Abel'. McCullagh, :Mr. John, L.R.C.S., Irel. Mantle, 1\11'. Alfred, M.D., Dl1l'h. 'McDonald, Mr. Geo. Bruce, lII.D. Marriott, l'IIr. C. 'Y., M.D., t. And. Macdonald, Mr. James, 111.13., C.1\[. , Marriott, 1111'. O. D., M.ll., Glas. Edin. Marsh, Mr. F., F.R.C.R.


46 Honorary Life Members.

St. John Ambulance Association.

Marsh, Mr. J. Hedley, !II.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Morrison, Mr. William, M.D. (Victoria ). Lond. Mortlock, Mr. R H., M.B. , C.M ., Edin. Marsh, Mr. J. J., L.RC.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. Morton, 1\11'. O. A., F.R.C.S., L. R.C . P., Marshall, Mr. G., L. R. C. P. Lond. Marshall, Surgeon-Major J. J. de Zouche, Mo s, Ur. "'V. J. A., M.B. , ~.R.C.S., Ire1., L,A.H. , Dub., L.M. Moxham, Ur. M. 0., !It.KC.S. Mart~n, Mr. Albert, M.D. MuglistOD, Mr. G. T. ",Y., M.D., Abel'. Mart~n, Mr. O. M., M.D. 1\luglistoD, MI'. T. 0., !II.RC.S. Mart~, 1\11'. J., M.D., St . .And.. Mul1l'o, 1\11'. F., M.B., C.M., Glas. Mart~n, 1\Ir. J . .iII. H., M.D., VICt. Ml1l'doch, Mr. Jas., L.ll.C.P., Rdin. Mart~, Mr. J. ",V. , M.D. Murphy, Mr.Oharles E.,L.R. C.l'.I.,L.lIf.&C. Martlll, 1\11'. S. E., M.D. Murphy, Mr. VV., M.B., C.lII., Edin. Masser, 1\11'. H. O. P., L.R.C.P.E., Uurray, Mr. O. F. K., M.D. :\1. H.. C. . Murray, Mr. James .A. J., B.lII., IlLS., Ec1in. Matthews, 1\11'. C. E., M.D., Oxon. 1\lurray,Mr. John Gawler,L.R.c.P.,L.lI.C.S. Matthews, Mr. J. C., B.A. , IILB., B.C. Edin. Matthews, .Mr. Valentine, M.R.C.S., L.S.A. l\!ulTay-Aynsley, Mr. J. H., IILR.C .... , May, Mr. Thomas F. L,R.C.P. (New Zealand). Maynard, 1\11'. J. Clarkson, III.R.C.S. Myers, MI'. ",V. ",Y., M.B., C.M. , Glas. Mears, Mr. F. C., M.D., Durh. Nairn, Mr. D.U., L.R.C.P., Edin.,L.u.C .. . , Mehta, Dr. Dhanjibhai Edin. Melvp1e, Mr. S., M.D. N airn , Mr, R ",V. , M.B. &, C.M., Gla'!. Nanavatty:Mr.ByramjiBormusji,F.H.C'.S ., 1\lelvlU, Mr. James, M.B., & C.M. Mercer, Mr. VV., M.D. Edin . Merryweather, 1\~r . .James, IILR.C.S., L.S.A. Nankivel1, Mr. H erbcrt, M.D. 1\1~tcalfe, 1\11'. ",~hlham, L.S.A. Nason, 1\11'. E. Noel, B.A., Oamb.,M.D.,&C. MICkle, Mr. Adam F. G., M.D., Aber., Jeave, 1\11'. Edward F. M., M.B. . B.M.! M.S. N eethli ng, 1\Ir.J. H., M.B., C.M. (S . .Africa). 1\1~ddlemlss, Mr. G., M.D., Durh. Nelson, Mr. T., M.D. M~burn, Mr. C. H., lILB., III.S., Durh. N evin, .!\II'. Robert, M.B. l\1~ll, Mr. Geo. S., M.D., Edin.. Nevins, 1\11'. Arthur E., F.R.C.S., Eclin. M~ll~r, Mr. James, M.B., C.M., Edlll. Newby, 1'.11'. Chas. H., L.R.C.P., L OI)(1., F.R.C.S. 1\IIlligan,M1'.R .A., L.R.C.P" M.R.C.S. M~ls, Mr. R. J., M.B., C.M., Abel'. . N ewman, 1\1:1'. William, M. D, M~lls, Mr. WIlton, L.R.C.P. , L.R.C.S., Edlll. N ewsham, 11'. Francis, M.RC.S. Jicholls, 1111'. Gordon, M.B. Mp1s-Roberts, Mr. E. A., M.B., M.S. l\1~lne, Mr. Alex. C., L.R.C.S. &P., E,lin. ~ icholls, 1\11'. H., M.B., M.R.C.S. MIlner, Mr. James, M.R.c.s.,Eng.,L.R.C.P. , Nicholson, Brigade-Surgeon Lt.-Col. E., Lond. A.M.S. Mobe.rley, Mr. s. H., IILR.C.S. Nicholson, Ur. J. ,Villiams, IILR . C.S. Nickson, 1\11'. Augustus, B.A., M.B. ModlIn, 1\1r. 1. GIbson, M.D. Molloy, Mr. Leonard, M.A., Du1:J., M.D., Nicol, Mr. James, M.D. M.B., B.CH., &c. Nightingale, Mr. John, lIJ.B., C.lIf., Edin. Molteno, Mr. V. G., B.A., M.B., B.C., Nixon, 1\11'. T. S., IILR. C.S. (Cape Town.) Noble, Mr. Saml. Clarke, M.R.C.S., Eng., Molyneux, Mr. H., M.R.C.S. L.S.A. Monckton, Mr. David H enry, F.R.C.S.E. Nockolds, Mr.Stephen. L.R.C.P.E.,L.R.C.S. Montague, Mr. A. J. H.,. M.D. Norman, 1\11' . .A. S" lILR.C .. . , L.ll.C. P. Montgomery, Mr. EdWIn C., M.R.C.S, Lond. ' L.R.C.P. Norman, ' urgeon Burford Mooney, Mr. Alex. P., B.A. (Hons.), M.D. Norman, 1\11'. J. E., M.D ., M.R.C.S. (Hons.) R.U.r. Norman, 1\11'. J. ",V., III.D. Moo~e, Mr. C. A., !'i.D. Norris, 1\1r. ",Vm. Perrin, M.B., ClI.B ., Moore, Mr. H. CecIl, M.R.C.R. Melb. Moore,Mr.HenryO.,M.B.,Dublin(Victoria) Northcote, Ur. A. B., M.D., Edin. Moore, Surgeon Lt. -Col. Sandford, M.B. Nnttall, Mr. T. E., M.B., C.M., Edin. ~o~~house, ~r. Bi M., M.B., C.~f:, Edin. O'Conn ell, Surgeon D. V., M.D. MOll~on, Ml. VI. M., PhysiClan and Od ell, M1'. W., F.R.C.S., liLA ., J".R.A. O;Donovan, Mr. T. J., L.H.C,P. & s.,Edin. M . urMge?n. orr:s, 1. F. H. , M.D. 0 Downey, Mr . .Augustine, L.R.C.r. & s. Mornson, Mr. J. T. J., F.P•. C.S. Edin., &c.

St. John Ambulance Association.


Ogilvie, Mr. J. H., L.R.C.S., Edin. Percival, Mr. Geo. H., M.B .., Lond., Honorary Oke11, Mr. George, M.n..C.H., L.S.A. M.R.S. C. Life Olllham, Mr. Hugh F., M.A., Dub., M.D. Perry, Mr. W. D., IILll.c.s.,Eng.,J .. ll.C.P., Members. Oli11hant, ~11'. Bruce, )1.D., Edin. LO:1d. Oliver, 1\11'. Ohas. Pye, III.D., Lond. Pestell, nil'. Jas. H., L.R.C.S., Edin. Oliver, Mr. F. H., L.R.C.P., Lond. Peters,Mr.James, L.R.C.P., Edin.,L.R.C.S., O'Moore, M1'. Henry, M.D . , Dub. Edin. . Onl, Mr. Frederic ,Ym., L.RC.P., lre1. Petter, Ml'. 'Va~t~r, M.B., C.lIf., Edlll. O'liiel1y, 1\11'. Geo. J., L.n.C. '.r., M.R.C.l·.I. Ph~ll?s, Mr. Pl~lhp, lII.n.c.s ., L.R.C.p.,Ed. O'Riordan, .!\II'. F., lIf.D. \h~ll~ps, 1\11'. C. H., M.D., Durh. Onnrod, Mr.Fray,L.IL C.P. ,Edill.,L.n.c.s., lh:lhps, Mr. G. A., M.lt.C.S., ~.~.A. Ec1in. Plalp, M1'. ",Vm., III.B., C,M., Edlll. Orton, ]1,11'. E. ,V., L.R.C.P. , Edin., L.M. P~ers, Mr. O. E., M.D. . Orton, Mr. John, IILR.C.I:l. PIke, 1\Ir. Joseph B., L.P•. C.P.: Edlll., O ~born, M1'. S., F.R.C.S. . lILRC.S., Eng. OslJurne, 1\11'. C. A. P., L.R.C.P., E Llin., PIke, 1\11'. ,V. Royston, M.R.C.S .. F. H.C ... , Edin. P~lch~r, 1\11'. W. J., F.R.C ... , .Edm. OYenden, M1'. ",V. H., III.D. P~lgnm, 1\11'. E. G., lILD., Edlll. , Oll'en, Mr. E. Lloyd, M.D. Mast. Snrg. ,Ecl . ~~m, 1\11'. F. E. de Beeho, L.r•. C.. , h el. O\\'en , Mr. J. H., L.R. C.P., EdilJ. l~nck, 1\11'. C. H., lIf.B. C.1\1., Glas. Owen, Mr. R F., III. 11. P~nkerton , 1\Ir. James, M.D., R.U. r. Ozanne, 1\11'. F. N., III.R.C ... , J"R.C.I'., P~l1n.ock, II' . Rl?, 1I1:D., Glas., . Lond. Pltlne, Mr. A. DnmmIc, L.R.C.f.\" EdlD. Pacre, 1\11'. David, III.D. Plant, Mr., M.D. Palin 1\fr. H. Venables, lILB., C."\I., Edin. Platt, 1\11'. ,Yo H., L.R.C.P. Pnlnl ~r, .!\Ir. O. pencer, L.n. C.p., Lond., Plomley,l\Jr. John F., M.D., BrllX .. IlL R.C.S. Pochin, nIl'. F. L., M.n., C.M ., Edin. P almer, 1\fr. F. Craddock, M.D., Brux. Pole, 1\11'. Alexander, M.D., t. ~nd . Palm er, II'. Jas. C., ~I.n., L ll ..... , Ellin. Pollard, 1\11'. Geo. H., M.D., EdlD. Park, .!\II'. J.R. . , J".R.C ... , L.ll-C.P., Edin. Pollen, 1\11'. Henry, M.D., Dub. . Parker, .!\II'. G., liLA., M.D. Poole, ~Ir. A. H., L.lLC.P., L.I!..C.S., Edm. Parkes, .!\fl'. L. C., LD., Lond. Poole, 1\11'. S. ",V. , M.D., Aller. Parke, .!\II'. W. H., Ln., lILR., Etlin. Pooley,.l\Ir. E. B~lrdctt, J,.R.C .... , Ire1. , Parkinson, 1\11'. has. Jos., M.B., Lond., L.ll.C.P., Edl11. lI1.R.C.R. (Viet.). Pope, .!\II'. Chas., 1,.n.C. S.E. Parkinson, .!\Il'. W. J., ~1.n.c.s., Eng. Pope, U1'. FraJlk 1\1., B.A., Camb., M.B., Pamell, IT. G. C., lIf.R.C .. . , L., .A. M.TI.C.P. Pnn,ey, 1\11'. E. 'V., ?>I.B. Pope. Major ",V. 'Y. , TI..A.M.C. . Parsons, .!\II'. Francis H enry,){. D. ,c. M., Gla . Potter, .!\II'. H any,)1. R. c. S., L. n. c . P., Edll1. P[)'1'80nS, 11'. Harry C., lILR.C.,., I..R.C.!'., Potter, 1\11'. H. Percy, l.D., Durh., Lo]),l. F.R.C.S. . Parson., .!\II'. ",V alter B., 1\[. It. c ... , L. ll. C. P. Powell, .!\Ir. TJ. L., 1If. n. c .. , L. R. C. P. , Edll1. Partridge, II'. T. , M.D. Pratt, Mr. J. ~allas, lII.A., Dub. , M.D. Patcrson, 1\11'. C. E., lIf.n. Pratt, 1\11'. Reglllnld, M.D: , Lond. Patrick, 1\11'. S. A., IILn.C.S. Pl'encl.ergnst,.!\Ir. \V.:powhng, M.D., lILA.O. Patterson, l\Ir. G. H. , M.ll.C.S., L.ll.C.l'., Pr~ntlce, Mr. Z~chanah, LR.C.. Lond. Pnce, 1\11'. DaVId, IIf.R.C.f.; ..' LR.C.P. Patterson, 1\11'. G. de Joncourt, B.A. , Dub., Price, Mr. E. 0., IILD, Edll1. IILB., 1\Lr..C.R . Pr~ce, 1\lr . .A. E., r.. S.A., L.IILn.C.p., Irel. Paul, .!\fl'. F. T., F. Il.C.S., L.n .C.r., Lond. Pr~chard,.!\fr. R .A., 1\I.R.C .. Payne, .!\fr. Henry, LD. , Ellin. Pr~tchard, 1\[1'. J. J. G., lIf.ll.C.S. Peach, 1ITr. C. ,V. , M.B. , lIL .. , Edin. Pntchett, .!\II'. ~~l11'y, 1I1.TI..C.S. Peake, 1\11'. A. ",V., lIf.R.C .. , L.n .. J'. Prosser, Mr. Pinlip B. P eake, 1\11'. Frederick E., 1\r.R. C.S., L.n.c.p. Proudlovc, Mr. F.dwd., M.B., C.lIl. Pearcey, .!\II'. J. J. ,Vandless, L,R.C .. Prout, .!\II'. ,Villiam T., B.II1.., IlLS. L.R.C.I'., Edin. Pull on , .!\II'. G. ., lIt.D., Edlll. P earcy, 1\11'. P. A., M.n., C.II!., Edin. Purchas, AIr. A. C., IILR.C.S., LB., c .. r. Pearse, Mr. T . F., M.D., Brux., J1urdy, 1\11'. James R. , lILIl., C.M., Abel. F.R.C.S., lILn.r.p., Lond. PurVIS, .l\fr. J. P., ~Ln.C.S., L.. A. Pedley, Mr. T. F .. M.D., Rrux. Quick, .!\Ir. Frank, !II.R.C.S Peirce, Mr. Francis, LD., Dub. Radford, .!\II'. ,Vm. , 1Ir.TI..C.S., J,.R.C.P., Pennian, Mr. Mitchell, III. ]l.C ... , lILB. Lond.

48 Honorary Life Members ,

St. Jokn 11 rnbu,lance A ocialion.

Ramsden, 1\11'. H erbert, Ln., Lond. Ito", Mr. M. 'I\T., IIl.B., (' )J.n., ./';., Rands, .Mr. St. J. 0., M.lLC.S. M. H.C.H., Ellg., lIoH.C.L'. LOllu. Hangooll, Rt. Rev. the Bishop of, M. D, RoulstolJ, J\lr. Willialll, M.ll., III.C II. Rattray, .Mr. J. M., M.B. III..\.O.,ll.V.r. Raw, .JUl'. ·W. E. L. .M., L.R.C.P.,M.ICC.S, ROUJ1d, Mr. Johu 0 ., Ill. It. '.H., L.n.c.l'., Rawlings, 1\11'. James, M.R.C.R., L.S.A. Lond. Rawnsley, Major G. T., It.A.M.e., Rowl', .1\11'. Joseph II., III. B., U.M. Al,or. M.R '" Rowe, 1111'. ThollJa lI\iLh, M.n., Edill. Rayner, Mr. Edwin, B.A., Lond., M.D. Howlands, fl'. David H., ~1.1) . Redman, Mr. 'IV. K, IILR.C.R., L.S.A., H.uIldoek, M1'. 'IV. J., 1II.lJ., lIJ.I~ .. s. Lond. l{nol, 1\1r. P., JdLC.P., IIl.IU'.H. R ees, Me Edward D., M.ll.C.S. Rllgg, 11'. U. L., M.Il.C.R., &e. L.R.C.l'., Lond. Hnillholl, 1\lr. U. Ji'., M. V., Durh. Reid, Mr. D. Boswell, M.lt.C... H.lllnbolJ, Mr. ,'ydney, ],.ll.C.!'., F.]t.('.R. R eid, Mr. Duncan J., M.B. Rusk, Mr. John, M.B., H.I'I!. Reid, Mr. T. Whitehead, 1I1.]).,St.And. Hussell, lr. John, M.A., III. B., I'. l. Renton, Mr. G., M.D. HuLheriord, Mr. R L., M.Il., H.V.l. Rhode, Mr. Thoma, M.D. RIILtle, Mr. Rollert, 1,.111., L.H. l~bys, 1\11'. W. L., L.R.C.l'., LOllll. Ityall, 1\11'. W. lL , M.LLC.!'., Ire1. M.R.C.S. t. ,oorge, ~lr. Ueortro, 1.1>. Rice, 1\11'. 'IV. R., B.A., Dub., M.n. ,'t, Ledgor, Mr. It A., lI1.Jl., O. I., Ellili. Rich, 1\11'. A. 0., ~r.n.c.s. ,'t, Legor, 1\11'. AlithollY York, B.A., Richards, Mr. J. T., H.i>l'., Eclin.,IILu.,C'.lI[' Oalltab., 1,.8.1\. Richanlsoll, Mr. Frederick E., L.n.C.I'. Sldl, Mr. K W. 11., M.lLC.H. & ,'., Edin., &e. 'almon, Mr. 11 any It., 111. n., ( '1I. 13., M ,1 b. Richardson, Mr. J. owell, M.D. •'alleleI', Mr. 'liltS., III.IU'.,'., 1I1.1l. Riddell, Mr ..J. .. cott, )1.V.O., )1.1\., Abor., ' 0.11 (le1's, Mr. Ellwanl A., II1.It-C.H. lILB.,C.M. ,ansomc, 1\lr. P. J., M.lt.C.H. Ridley, :Thlr. J. W., JJ.n.c.r. ,',will, Mr. Erlwin, '1.B., ('11.J1. Rigby, Mr. F. 'IV., ~J.ll., C.Jf., Edill. canUebury, 11'. Geo. J., L. E'l'. L. 1I1In., Rigby, Mr. Walter 0., )f.n., UIJ.B., Viet. H.C.P., (Victoria). Rigden, Mr. Brian, lIJ.Jt.U.H., L.N.A. ,c.;:lIT, Mr. GeOl'ge, 111.13. Rillgwood, Mr. JOIIll, L.H.C.~.I., IJ.lt.C.P.I. 'c,tLlilr, Mr. 1'. 1\1., 1Il.1~.(!.N. Robb, Mr. J. B. Ie, 1I1.A., Al)er., M.D. ,caLtol'ly, Mr. \\Tillialll, I\I.A., Aber., M.D. Roberts, M1'. Arthur, F.lt-C.,. Sclile!>illgor, IIIr., l.It.a.I>. (Victoria). Roberts, Mr. E. E., 1I1.11., M.S. choleflc1c1, Mr. L }!;., IIJ.D., EtlilJ. Roberts, 1\11'. Hugh Jones, M.ll.C.S., Schorn, 1\lr. A. Orfonl, ~1.1l., C'. 'I., Ellin. L.S,A . ,cotL, :Thlr. A. 'IV., 1I1.1Lr.fl. Roberts, J. Lloyd, 111.13. & a.M., Edin., -'cott, ~lr. . \\T., III. 11., ('. :'Ir., Edlll. D.p.rr., Eng. , coLL, Mr. \\T. 'l'ocher, M.A., ~1.1l., r'.M. Roberts, 11'. R. Lawton, M.ll., Loncl. .'ec(·omhe, 11'. C. \\T., )l.ll.('.R., Idt.U.I'., Roberts, Mr. Reg. J., M.A., ]I[.D., D.C. LOJ](l. Roberton, Mr. E., :lIf.]). ,clhy, Mr. E11ll111nrl 'V., 111.]). Robertson, Mr. RoM., ]I[.n.c.ll. ,'ell 1'8, Mr. H. BnrdftL, M.IU'.H. Robinson, Mr. A. 11., M.J). , ollers, Mr. 'IV. n . 1., M. U., ('.1\1., helin. Robinson, ~fr. A. H epworth , M.n., ('.IIL, SergeaHL, Mr. Edward, IIl.lt.C.R., 1,.ll.('.I'., E eli 11 , Lond. ,harp, Mr. Arthur .I., III.U., n.H.: I,011(l. Robinson, !lfr. Ernest L., M.n.c.s., L. R.C. P., Lond. hal'lllltll, Mr. E. W., T,. It. c. 1'., L. IU'.H., Edin. Robinson, Mr. G., M.ll.a.A., IJ.A.A. Shaw, 1\11' . .Tn.5., M.Il., ('.II1., Edill. Robinson, Mr. II. S., M.ll.C.A. ,'haw, Mr. T. ,'., Ln., G.IIf., Eclill. Robinson, Surgeon- Iajor Mark Sheaf, Mr. . A. ErnesL, 111. H.G.I'., EI1in. Rohinson, Mr. M. J., M.n., &c., n.V. I. ,hearfr, Mr.T.l'iLcaim, IJ.H.G.!'., JJ . lt. '.H., Robinson, MI'. R. B., M.D. Edill. Roche, Mr. T. F., J;,Jt.c.l'., Edin., L.lt.C.S., Rhelly, }\fl'. O. R., M.ll., Oamh. Edin. Sbepherrl, 1\11'. '1'hol>. W., 1,.lt.a.Il., E(lin. Rodley, MI' . .John, M.n.C.~. Shives, Mr. John, M.n., Allcr. Rogers, Mr. Bertram M., 13.A., Oxon., M.D. flllOJlC, 'urgrOIl-Major 'IV. ,J., M.1t.C.H. Eoper, Mr. IIerbertJ., 1ILlt.C.S.,L.l!.a.l'., ShntLloworth, Mr. G. K, B.A., LOIHl.,M.n. LOlld. Sir1clall, M r. J. B. M. n., A uor. Rorie, Mr. D., M.B., C.M., Edin. f:litleuothal1l, Mr. 'eo. \V., M.ll.C.R., L.Il.A.

St. John .A 1i~lJL(,lCl,nce .A ssociGl,lion.


'illlOll, Mr. ~l. ll'., M.II., ,'t . .i\lltl. ,'lenhollse, 1\11'. 'IV. M., IIl.Il. ( cwZ,oahtnd) Honorary impsoll, .1\11'. Jl onry, II.A., II!. II., 11.('., :-:ltl'phcn, 1\11'. 'IV. A., liLA., LII., a .~1. Life Uu,nLab., ,\I.H.U.N., ElIg., J.. It.!.'.I'., 'tewarL, 1\11'. F. Men., IJ.H.C.H. Members, LOJlc\. :-ltewart, 1\11'. . A., III.B., :'1.1\. 8ill'I'>;011, .1\11' . .Talllel:! H., 1\1. n. :-;tcwart, 1\11'. Will., 111.1). , iIliPSOII, 1\1 r. W. tl., ::I!.ILC.H., ::I1.1t.C.I'., ,'tidillg, 11'. D. II., \1.1>., Edin. II;diJl. :-;ll'rliClg, 1\11' . .Jl1lllt~H, \1.11.,1 '.)1. SilllH, 1\11'. Oeo. ,'., lIl.IJ., J)llIh l~l lI, ( I'. ,'tidillg, l\lr. RollerL, 111.1). illc\air, II'. J\ . LneUregol', 1I1.1J., Ab('r. :-;loekel', :Slll'g: 'al'~: K Glwcd, V.lI1.H ., '\1.1t.O.R., J ~llg., ,,\.c. SiJlt'bLir, 1\11'. ,lulitl, IIl.II.,M.H.I'.I·.,\l.ILc'.H. :-;k:w, Mr. Frant'iH D. A., \I.IJ. Stockwell, .1\11'. II'., lI1.I) . 'kelding, Mr. JI l'lIl'Y, ;'l.Il., ILl '., ILA. Hlokol', 11'.0., I.D. I::lkilillor, 1\11'. D., 111.11., ('II.:'I!., Aber. ,'Louey, 1\11'.1'orcy B., II1.Il.().H., L.n.. O.I'., Edin. (VicLorill). • killller, Jr. W. H., 111.11., ('.\1. f)torr, 1\lr. F. Arnotl, L,N .•\., !l.I'.II. ,'kipworlh, .l\lr. lInllcrt, L.ll.t'.I'.,!'. \1. ,( e. Sloth nl, Mr. Jlllllp;S, :'II.ILC.H., I,. N.A . '101111111, 11'.11., L.H.C.I'., Lon 1., \l.lt.l'.H. :-lll'c.;ltOIl, lr. J. LlOJlcl, ::IJ.Jt.l'.H., ],.H. '. 1'., 101l1(Lll, 1\11'. :-;. (~., ,iunr., l..n.c;. I'. Lond., , LOlld. lI!.It.I'.S. SLI'L'ttoll, 11'., ',ullllel, :'II.ILO.H. • melLoll, 11'. O. 'IV., :1II.II.U.R., L.11.t '.I'. ,'lrullg, Ir. J{,. U., J,.It. c'.I'., IJ.It. C.H., I~dlll., 1,.1\1. SlIliLh, ]\[1'. Edwill C. M., ;\1.1t.!'.H. llliLh, 1\11'. U. J:Wk~OIl, ".n.IJ.H.I.,,'lmyall,1\1I'. II'., 1I1.1t,{'.t;., 1,.1:'<;.1'. , L. It.('. I'., TI'l' 1. Lowl. lilith, Mr. II. 1l1l1l11ll(JIIII, "\1. H.r;.H., .'In,lIt, 11'. ,J. .I';rskinc, 1,. I:.( '. 1'.,I,.IL '.R. I,. IL( '.I'., LOlld. I£din. ,'Illilh ~lr. 111'nl'\', I.H .I·. I'. ,'lll.lrl, .i\Ir. T, 1.1)., )1.1:., ('.1\1. :-;lllIl1l: 11' .. 10>;. \\'., ;\l.lt.I '.~., l'~lIg., 1,.\1. SlIllIllIers, .1\11'. ,lolin 1'., L.H.('.S., Ellill., SliliLh, 11[1'. 1\1. LOIll,IX, \1. II.I '.S., L.I~.C.I'. 1,. It.t '. I'. ( CI\' Z,cnland ). .'lItherland, ~\lr. ('hris . .T., :'I1.1J. .'Illith, .1\11'. J{,. Bmdsliaw, 1,.I:.t' s., In 1. ,'lItherland, ~lr. ,I. A., .\1.1'., 1'.:'11., 1~(1i1l., IJ.ILU.P., I';(lill. SlItl(Jll, MI'. II. C., .".!I. "lilith, MI'. H. ,'illcluir, F.ILt'.I'.F., ,'lI"alln, JIll'. A., l\1.1l. I,.!~.('.H., Etlill. :-;II":I,)'lIe, 1\1r. F. (l., III. II., 1:.('., \1. \., lilith, ]')lr. ,'IIlI.I'ar. ·olls, I,.I:.( '. l'., I,. lI.t'.S. J. 'ant.al!. .'lIlith, Mr. fltl'lIlJ'lIrd, \I.Il. ,'\\,l'!c, .l\Lr. 1Iom('.(], 1\,t.ll.;"l.AII!l.,\I.~t.(,.H. , llIiLh, 1\[1'. T. ] IILIISOII, ,I. D., ])11111. HYlllfS, ,'urg. 1\l l1J I~. \\ esl, '\1. n., Elllll. SllIiLh, l\Jr. 'IV. ,I., ],.II.lol'., 1.1(.1 '.S., Edin. 'I'ulhnl, 1\11. ,\lfrl'll (;., '\1.1:., t'.)1. Hlllyth, .1\11'. R lillll'I',I~.n.( '.s .I.,I..ILC ' .l'.T., Tct1111,]in, Mr. 'has. 11., 'I.H.C.H. I;.~I. Tlltl', Mr. 1::l1L1Il1l'l, J\l.ll. , t IJ, 1\\ 1'. I" . '\7 Tllvlnr, l\lr. ,JltIIlf!-l, \I.ll. ,011 \. I'l., 1I[ J' C'S SOllthwt'll, .1\11'. l'. l~ I 1,.1; .1 '.1'., I.. I:.I;.H., Ta)ln1', 1\11'. ,/!lllIC!-l, 111.11., n.('][. I~dill. Taylor, [1' . .Jas., F. H.I'.N. K , Plllltoll, .1\11'. 'IY. nllllnc.;lr, F. n.I'.s. Tuylor, 1\11'. H. ll ltlll i1l(1lI, \1. ]). SpC'lIce, .1\11'. 'IVIII. Jas., 1,.H.t .1'., Etlin., Taylor, 1\11'. ThomllH, 1I1.1l.L'.H. E. I,. H.('.H., 1 1~lllli. Tllylol', 1\11'. TOlil n., :ll.Il. Teare, .1\11'. ,Iolill, "\1.11., 1'II.n. Spillk, 1\11'. K 'V., M.Il., n.R., T,Olld. pong, .1\1 r. lI nrry II. A. ()XOIl ) I.. S. \. 'I'ellll'le, .l\ll'. (:. J r., \1.11., I'. \1. , . [ll'iggH, 1\11'. K ]VUIlH, 111.])., Lillie!. Tt'lIljlloll1!1n, .1\11'. S'hltH., III. D., li;lllll. 8pro:lL, 11'. ,lanll'::! Il. , ~I.II., \I.ILI'.H. Tholllll"l. 11'. ]).tllll'l It('t's, :l1.1l. & ('ILl'.. Thonms, Mr. (i'o., \I.H.('.H. f)pl'onlle, .1\11'. A. Je. M.IU '.H. Pl'oullc, MI'. '1'. W., I..ILC '.H.I., L.K.('.().I'. Th01111tS , 11'. ,Iohn, 711.H.U.H. RqIlILIlCC', 11'. T. 'ol<~, ~1.Il., Ihlll ellll. Th(JIll;tS, ..tllr. H. D., 1,. It.C.l'.g., F.l:'(,. fU~ ., ~'lllir', 11'. ,I. I '~., ~I.I)., LOII(l. L.F.P.H.C:' • Lltek,1\lr. E. '., L.I~. '.1'.1., [,.\1., F.Il.t'.H., 'l'ho1l1rts, .1\11'. 'Y., M.Il. Irel. TholllJlson, Mr .. 1. H., 1,.Il.('.I'. l ' [,. M., lftlkrr, 11'. A. TI!., I.A., gtlin., ~1.1l. Irel., 1.I:.C'.N., lCclill.. . SLnmfonl, ]\11'. Will. A('k1'ill, M. Il.('.fi. Tholilson, .l\lr. Ihn'llty, (VletnJ'la). SLoel, .1\11'. 'N. /)yno, III. I)., t · .~I., 11.1'. If. TholIlHOll, li !i8 I I~. C., 1.11., ('. \1., Edin., 8Ll1eIu, .1\ I 1'. 'IV. Ie , III.II.('.S., I,. ILl'. I'. LOIiIl. hlt.I '.H., I,. ILl'. 1'. "SL"d,.1\1r. George 'alTi'k, ]0'.1:.('.1'. Thomson, i'lr. (i., ~1.1l., (.i'lI., Edin. St ,lfox, MI'. J. n., 1II.IU'.I>., Eng., I,.~ . . ThoJIIS011, 1\[1'. JallloH, !l1.l>. j




50 Honorary Life Membel·s.

St. J ohn A m bu lan ce Associatio??

Thomson, 1111'. J. R Menzies, ?LB., CH.B., , Vade, Mr. A . Breedon, M.B., C.M., Ellin." lUelb . (Victoria). M.R. C.S., L.S.A . T homson, II'. M. B ., ?I.B., ET. CH.M , Vakelam, lUr. Edgar, L.R. C.P. , I,.ILc.:.s., Thomson, Sir William, C.B., M.D. (late Ellin. P.RO.S. I re1.) Waldo, JUl' . FredJ., M.D., Oamb., M.B. T hornton, JUl'. Bertram, M.R.C.S . ,L.R.C. .P., Wale, Mr. Geo. , D.P.H. (Camb.), M.ILC .• Lond. L.ll.C.P., Lond. Thursfield, Mr. T. , V., M.D. 'Walker, lUr. A . W . , M.A., M.B., C.M. Tillstone, Mr. H . Rogers, M.D. ,Valker, Mr. A. ,V. H., M.D., ]3rux., Tinley, lUI'. T., M.D. , Durh. L.n.C.p., Lond. 'r opping, l.Ir. J. P . , M.D., Gla . ,Valker, JUl'. Bernard, M.R.C.R., L.S.A. Townsend, Mr. F . E., M.D., j\LCH., R.U.I. ,Valker, 1111'. Oyril H., B.A., Oamb. Trimble, 001. O. J., C.M .G., D.P.H. , F.R.C . . L.R.C.P.E. 'Walker, JUr. Henry, L.F.P. & R. Trott, lUr. Dudley 0., ?f.B., F.R. C.S. 'Valker,1\lr. H. A., M.ll.C .... , Eng., L.. . A., Trotter, lUr. Leslie B., M.D., Edin . Lond. Trotter, JUr. Robert Maxwell, M.D. ,Valker, Mr. J. Pixton, M.R.C.S., L.ILC.r., Trotter, lUr. W.O., M.R.C.S. Lond. Troup, Mr. George A., M.B. , C.M., D. & R. , Valker, 1\11'. John ,V., M.R.C .. ,L.n.('.l'., Tunstall, Mr. A. 0 . , M.D., Edin., l\r.B.,C. ~L Lond . Tmner, lUI'. A. lU., M.R. C.S. (Sydney) ,Valker, Mr. Samuel, M.R.C.R., L. M. T urner, Mr. A. Scott, L.R.C.P., lILR.C. . , Vall, Mr. D. L. M.B., CIl.B. Turner, Staff-Surgeon Emata WaJlaee, Mr. R S., L.F.J>.S., Glas., J .. . A. Tmner, Mr. H. Gunton, lILR.C.S., L. " .A. , Vallace, 1111'. John, ?I.B., C.M., H.KC., Turner, Dep.-Inspec. General Robert, R.N . (Public Health) E<lill . Turner, JUr. Thomas, F.R.C... ,Vallis, Mr. Freel :M., M.JI .C.R., J,.S.A. Turner, JUr. ,Villiam, M.D. Walpole- immon , 1\J1'. E., M.D., Dl11'h. Twigg, Mr. F. G., F.I{.C ... E., M.n.e.f'. ,Valsh, Mr. David, l\I.D., Edin. L.S.A. Wald, 1\1]'. A. BJack\ 'ood, M.B., B.C., Twiss,Lt.-Ool. G. E., F.R.C.S.I., R.A .M. C. Camb. Tyrie, JUl'. O. O. Baxter, M.D., M.C. Ward, 1\Jr. Francis, M.D., EtliJ1. Tyrrell, 1111'. "Tal tel', M.R.C.S . "Tard, }\fl'. J . P . . ,1ILlI . . fi.,L.J1.C.I'.,Lol Jd. Tyson, lUr. "William Josepb, M.D., Duru. "Tard, 1\11'. 1\1. A.., F.Il.C.S., Irel. Umney, 1111'. ,V., M.D., Lond . , Vard, 1\Jr. 1\fartindale, III.D., C.III., Abel'. Underhill, Mr. F. T., F. R.C .S.E., L.R.C.P., 'Ward, 1\lr. , V. Fii-her, L.Il.C.l'., Lond., Ellin. IlL 11. C. 1'., :Eng. Underbill, Mr. J . E., !>I.D. ,Vall'en, Mr. Wm., L.ET.L. Mid., ICQ.C.P. Upham, Mr. O. Haslitt, M.R.C.S., &c. Irel. Uppleby, MI'. J.G. ,L.R.c.:.p.,Edin.,L.R.C.S. 'Wanyick, Mr. O. teele, M.D. (Port Elizabeth). WalWick. Mr. F. J., M.B., Cantab. Urquhart, O. 'Tbistleton Dyer, 111.13., C.M., Water, :Mr. Harry G., L.R.C.P. Lond., M.D. M.n.r .. , Eng., Usher, Mr. William, M.D., R . U.I., B. Cll. , Vaters, ~l1'. John II., M.D., Glas., M.B., Valentine, Mr. William, L. R.C .P. , Edin ., C.M. L.R.C.S. ,~Taters, Mr. J. L ., M.B., c.!II . , Edin . Vance, Mr. VlT.J.,L.R.C.P. , Edin., L.Il . C.S . "Watson, Mr. A . 11., M.B.C.R. Irel. Watson, Mr. O. S., l\I.D., Etlin., !II.n., C . !If~ Vassalli, Mr. Jerome S., L.R.C.P ., L.R.C.S., Waton, Mr. J. 0 . , M.D. ELlin . 'Watson, Mr. ' Vm., M.Il . C.S. Vernon, Mr. A . Heygate, F. R.C.S., Watson, Mr. , V. J . , M.R.C.R., ?I.B., L.R.C.P., Lond . Lond. Yernon, 1\1r. ' V., ?f.R.C.S., L. R. C.P., Edin. Watthe,,'s, Mr. Herbert, M.D., Edin. Yincent, Mr. H. B., M.R.C.S. M.B., C.M. Yiret, Mr. B . P. , M.B. , L ond., L.R.C. P. ·Watts. Mr. James A. , M.B., M.P..C.R. Lond . Wangh, 1\T1'. Alexr., M.B., ('.M., GlaR . Yoisin, Mr. Ernest O. Bishop, M.Il.C.S., Way, 1\1r..T. H . F.,M.ll.C.S.,L. I~.C.p . ,Lond. M.R.C.P. "Waylann, Mr . .A ., M.B. Vores, Mr. Arthur, lILR.C.S. Weaver, ~Jr. , V. G., M.Il .C.S ., I..R.C.P., Vlacher, Mr. Frank, M.R. C.S., L.S.A. Lond., L.S.A. , ,,TacheI', Mr. S., F.R.C.S . , L.R. C.P. ,Vel,h, 1\11'. Hy. L., M.R.C.S . 'Waddy, Mr. H.E. , L.P•. C.P., M.R.C.S. Webb. Mr. J . Ramsay, M.n. , CH.B., Me1b.

St. J ohn A rrnbu lance A ssociation.


'Webb, Mr. T hos . L., M.R. C.S. , L.R. C.P. , Willis, Mr. G. Owen, L.R.C.P. Honorary Lond. Willoughby, Mr. W. G., M.D., L ond., Life Webb, Mr. 'Vm., M. D. , F.R.C.S. D.p.H.,Oamb. Members. 'Webber, Mr. H. W., ~LS., M.D., Lond. , Wilshaw, Mr. ,V. Grosvenor, M.D., B.A. &c. 'Wilsoll, Mr. A. 0., M.D., Rdin., lILE., C.M. , Vebster, Mr. Riclley M., M.n.c.s.,L.n.c.p. , ,Vilson, Mr. A. . Marius, M.D., Durb . , M.B. , EJin., L.D.S. n .s. "Vedmore, Mr. E., ?['R.C.~. ,Vilson, Mr. J. 0., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. ,Vcekes, Mr. Francis H., F.R.C.S. "Vilson, IIIr. J. Scott, M.D., Glas., M.B., Wellby, Mr. Stanley, lILn.,Oxon., M.R.C.S. C.M., D.I'.H., Oamb. ' Yest. IIII'. J. ,Veil', M.B., D.Oll., B.A.O., &c. ,Vilton, ~fr. J . P., M.B.C... , L.S.A. \ Vest,Ur.Lionel F . ,M.R.C .. ,L.R.C.p.,Lond "Vimberley, 1\11'. Oonrad 0 ., M.D. , Vest, Mr. R 1\1., M. R.C. '., L.R.C.P., Lond. ,Vingrave, Mr. V. H. ,Yyatt, ~I.R . C.S., L.S.A. , Veston, Mr. S. T. Darby, M.R.C.S. Witbers, IIII'. Percy, M.B., B.S.,lII.R.C.S. Wheeler, IIII'. William Ireland, M.D. Wolfendale, 1\11'. Geo. A., L.R. C.P.,L.R.C. S., Wbitcombe, Mr. E. B., lIl.H.C.S. Edin. \\Thite, Mr. O. Richanlson, L.R.C.P., ,Yolverson, Mr. Frederick, M.B., M.S. L.RC. '., Edin. \ Yood, Mr. John, M.D. White, 1\11'. E. A., ~I.D., Abel'. Wood, Mr. J. 0., L.n.c.p. \\ hite, fr. James H., lIf.ll. \Vood, Mr. "IV. A., M.D., B.S. "Thite, Mr. Nenam F., lII.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. ,Yoodcock, 1\11'. A. E., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., White, 1\Tr. R. R, ~r.R.C.R. Edill., L.F.P.S., Glas. ,Yhite, 1\11'. R ,V., L.B.C.P. "Voodcock, 1\11'. H. de Oarle, M.R.C.R. \\Thite, Mr. \Villiam, 1II.D. L.n. C.p., Edin., L.F.P.S., Glas . ,Yhite, 1111'. ,V. H., M.B. "roodhouse, II'. E. R, 111. 13., B.. , Durb. , YhiLehead, Mr. A., lI['B., C.M., ALeI'. ,Voods, 1\11'. J. F., M.D. \ Vhitehouse, :'III'. ,V. H., ;)1.1). 'Yood. , Mr. John B., J"R.C.P., L.R.C.S. Wbitham, ~lr. Robert, lII. B. Abel'. oods, Inspector-General H. 0., c.n., ,Yhitley, 1\11'. F. G. H., M.R.C.S. C.Y.O. M.D., R.~. ,Vhitw 11,Mr.A.H., L.H.C.R.,L.n.C.p. Edin . Woolley, Mr. Talbot, M.R.C "Thyte, Mr. J. Mackie, M.A., Edill., -r.r.ll. ,Vorger, 1\11'. Richartl G., ~['R.C .. , , Yiggin , 1\11'. B., L.ILC.P., L.n C.~., EJin., L.R.C.P. L F.P.S., Glas. ,Vray, Mr. G. Bury, )f.R.C.S., L.S.A. ,Vightman, Mr. Oecil F., F. H.C.S., Eng. Vhench, Mr. E. 111., F.R.C s. , Vilkinson, 1\11'. Auburn, M.D., DUlh., , Vright, Mr. J. 0., M.A., lILB., B.C. , 1II.B., n.R. Cantab. Wilkin on, 1\11'. A. l\IrKenzie, M.B. (Vic. )Wykesmith, 1111'. W., F .R.C. '., Eclin . , \ Yilkin on, Mr. Jame ]3., M.D., Edin. L.R.C.P., Edin. , Yilkin on, 1111'. J . 0., M.R.C .. . , L.R.C.P., Yolland, 1\Ir. J. H., ~r.R.C.S., L. . A., Lond. Lond. "rill, 1111'. 'Ym. J., ;)I.B., C . ~L Young, II'. A., F.R.C.S. , Villiams, Mr. E., L.R.C.P., Lon., M.R.O .. Young, l\lr. A. J., L.R.C.P.E., L.n.c.s.E., 'i\Ti1liam , l\Ir. Neville, j\[ A., Oantab, 1II.n. L.F.P. & .. G., L.:II. \\-illiams, 1\11'. R Morris, j\LB., C.M. Young, 1\11'. 0., M.D. , Villiams, 1\11'. \ V . R, L.R.C.P., L.n.C.S., Young, fl'. l\Ieredith, M.D., Edin., ?I.B. , C.M., D.P.H. L.M., Rdin., L.F.P.S., Glas. 'V~l1iamson, 1\11'. J. D., M . D. Young, Mr. ,Villiam M.D., C.lI1., Edin. , Vllks, 1111'. Geo., i>LB., M.C., M.R.C.S. Yule, l\I1'. R 1\1., M.ll. , Aber., M.B., C.lII.


St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

St. John Ambulance Association.


Childs, Mr. Christopher, M.D. Clark, Mr. Andrew, F.r... O.S. Clark, Mr. A. F. C., M.B., C.M. Clark, Mr. F. W., lIr.R.C.S., L.P-.O.P. Clark, Mr. G., 11[,£.) O.~r. Clarke, :MI'. W. Bruce, F.lt.C.S. Clegg, Mr. R. lII.lt.U.S. Coates, 1\11'. J. M., M .D. Coates, Deputy Inspector-General


EXAMINING STAFF. Abbott, Mr. C. E., :II.R. C. S. Abrahams, Mr. A. A., L.RC.S . Aitken, Mr. O. J. H., M. D. Alexander, Mr. G. Paton, M.D. Allard, Mr. J. H., M.D. Anderson, .Mr. J ., lILD. Anderson, Mr. J. ,Vallace, M.D. Anderson, Mr. Robert, 1I1.l>. Applebe, Mr. E. A., L.R.O.l'., Edin., L . M.

Appleby, Mr. F. H., lILR.O.S. Appleby, !III'. G. H. V., M.D. Archer, Mr. E. D., M.D. (Adelaide). Armstrong, 1\11'. J. R., M.D. Arnison, Mr. W. D., M.D. Ash, Mr. Percy R., lILR.C. S. Ash, Mr. T. Linnington, L.R.O.P., Edin.

Bowhay, Mr. A., M.D., D.P. lI. Boyce, Mr. J. G., L.R.G.S. Bradley, Mr. David, M. D. Braithwaite, Mr. Harrison, M.D. Branch, Mr. W. J., 1Il.D. (West Indies). Brand, M1'. A. T., ilLD . Brallthwaite, Mr. Harrison, F.R.C.S . Bremner, Ml'. A. 1\1., L.R.C.P., Edin . Brice, Mr. E., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.R. Brook, Mr. H. Darville, L.R.C.P., Lond.

M.D., F.ll.C.H., R.N.


Brooks, Mr. F. A., lII.R.C.S. Broomfield, Mr. , M.D. Broughton, Mr., lILR.C .•• Brown, Mr. A. Tennyson, M.D. Brown, Mr. F. Gordon, lILR.O.S. Brown, Mr. J., L.R.C.l'., L.R.C.R.I. M.R.C.S. Brown, Mr. S. Mewbu1'l1, ~LD. Atkinson, Mr. J. P. , lILR. C.S. , L.R.C.P. Browne, Mr. Rob ert, M.D. Audland, Mr. W. E., M.R.C.S., Edill., Brownfield, Mr. H. M., lILlt.C ... L . R.C.P. Bruce, M1'. Robert, lILU.C ... Awdry Mr. W. R., ~LB., Dl1rh., ;lLR.C.S. Bruce, Mr. ,Villiam, M.D. Baigen t, Mr. ,ViIliam, M. D. Brummitt, M1'. R, M. D . (Aclclaicle). Bain, Mr. D. E., lILD Buist, Mr. R C., ~LR.(" . .' . Baldwin, l'lfl'. F. B. Judge, :l1.R.C.S., L.S.A. Bull, Surgeon-Major ,V. H., L.n.c.p. Ball, Mr. C. B., 1Il.D. Bullock, Mr. C., :lLR.C.S., L.U.C.P. Bangay, Mr. Richard, M.D. Hurman, 1'.1r. F. J., lII.1LO . . . Barling, Ur. A. S., M.r•. c.s. Burnett, Mr. E . J., lILn., M.R.C.P. Barnard, Mr. J. H., M.D. (Paris) Burnett, Mr. J. R., M.D. Barnes Ur. Edgar. M.D. Burton, Mr. S. H., lILR.C.S. Barter,' Mr. W., lII:D . Buss, Mr. H. D. , lILR.C.S. Bauchop, Mr. James, lI1.B., C.M . Byles, Mr. J. B., M.R.C.S., L.R.O.P., Beattie, Mr. R., M.D. Lond. Beatson, Mr. George, C.B., lIr.D. Byrne, Mr. L., F.R.C.S.I. Beath , Mr. D. L. , lI1.R.C.... Cable, Mr. John, L.R.C.P. Beddoes, Ur. T. P., lILB. Calrow, Mr. Thomas, lILn.c.s. Bennett, Mr. 'Y. H., L.R.C.P. , Irel. Calverley, Mr. E. J. G., C.M.G., M.D. Bennett, 1\11'. O. H. W., L.R.C.P., Calwell, Mr. Wm., 1II.D. M.R.O. S. Cameron, J'yIr. O. J. , L.R.C.S. Bennett. Mr. N., M.D. Campbell, Mr. P., lILB. Benson, Mr. A. H., M.D. Cantlie, Mr. James, F.R.C.S . Benson, Mr. H. T. , L.R.C. P. Carey, Mr. Basil, M.D . Bentham, Mr. A. 0., lILR.C.S. Carey, Mr. F. E., 111.11. (Guernsey) Berkeley, Mr., M.D. Carleton. Mr. J. S., L.ILC.S.I. Berry, Mr. W., F.R.C.S. Carnes, :Mr. ,\V., lIr.ll.C.~., L.R.C.P. Bevan, Mr. R ., TJ.R.C.P.I., D.P.H. Oarr, 1\11'. Thomas, M.D. Bigg, M1'. G. Sherman, lILlt.O.S., F.R.C.S. Oarvell, Mr. J. M., lILR.C s. Black, Mr. L. P.) M.B., L.P•. C.S. Cassan, :Mr. T., M.R.C.S. Blackburn, Mr. E . "V., M.n.. O... , L.R.C.P., Cassicli, Mr. F. R, liLA., M.D. D.P.H. Cattell, Mr. G. Trew, M.D. Blackham. Oapt:l.in R. J., R.A.M.C. Chadwick, Mr. A., M.D. Blaxland , Mr. ,V., lILR.C.S., L.RC.P. Uhadwick, Mr. C. M., liLA., 1II.D. Bloxam, Mr. J. Astley, F. R. c .s. Ohalmers, Mr. George, lIf. n. Bond, Mr. F. F. , M.D. Chapman, Mr. , lILJ). (New Zealand) Bone, Mr. Douglas Oharlesworth, Lieut.-Col. H., R.A . M.C. Boor, Mr. Leonard, M.P•. O.S., (New Zeal.). Chestnutt, Mr.J., L.R.C.P., Edin., L.R.C. S.




Drinkwater, Mr. H., M.D. Examiners. Dryden, Mr. J. Hunter, M.D. DuJding, Lieut. T. S., It.A . ~I.C. Dnff, Mr. J., M.D. Duke, Col. A. \V., R.A.lILC. Dunbar, Mr. Eliza "YV., M.D. Duncan, Mr. A. James, M.D. Duncan, Mr. R. B., M .D. Duncan, Mr. ,Villiam, L.R.O.P., L.P•. C. S. Edin. Duncan, Mr. ,V., lILB. DLlnkle y, .LUr. 11.. ",u ' H. TV 1 ., F.Il-C.P., E ( l Ill. Dunn, MI'. S. S. Dul'llo, 111'. J., ~LD. Dutch, Mr. Hemy, M.D. Dnthie, Mr. E., ~LJ~., D . P . H . Dyson, Mr. ,V. , ilLB. Eades, Mr. Samuel Oliver, L.R.C.P., Edin. Eacral' 111 r. R 0 b er t ,:1[, D • o ,.Ll E'all' ~ n , 111 .L11' •J"'V • I ., M.D. Eavims, l\Ir. J. ,V. , :lLD . E,lginton, Mr. R. ,V., lILD. Edlin, Mr. E. Holberton, F.n.C.s. , Edin. Ed lvard . Mr. R. J., ::1I . r.. . C.S. Ehler, M1'. M., M.n. El1aby, Miss C. (Paris), M.D . Ellerton, Mr. J. F. H., :lLD. Ellerton, Mr. John, )I.D. Elliott, II'. B. G., L.R.C.P., L.R.C .... , Irel. Elli ton, Colonel G. ., M.R. O. S. Evans, Mr. 1'1.. , ~I.A., )1.B., B.CH. EI'ans, Mr. Alfred, )Ln., M.A. Evans, Mr. D. G., :lI.U. Evans, Ml'. E., M.D. Evans, Mr. EdlYanl Beynon, M.D. Evans, M1'. F. ,V., M. D . Evans, Mr. 'Y. 0., L.RC.P. Evatt, urgeon-lIIajor-Gelleral G. J. H. Eve, Mr. F. S., F . R C. S. Fairbank, 1\[1'. ,V., :lLR.O . . Fairclough, Mr., :lLD. Farrar, Mr. R A, )LD., )f.A. (Oxon.) Fenoulhet, II'. E. 0 ., L.R.O.P., Edin.,

Colcntt, Mr. A. M., M.n. Collie, Mr. Robert J., M. D. Collier, Lieut.-Col. H. C., RA.M.C. Collingridge, J\11'. W., M.D. Colling, Mr. C. d'A., M.B. (Guel'llsey) Colquhoun, Mr. D., :l1.D . • ( "ew Zealand) Connor, l\Ir., M.D. Conuor, Mr. ,V. G.; L.r.. C. P ., Ire1. Cook, l\Ir. Alcxallcler, lILB. Cool)er, Mr. G. ,Vbite, ~Llt.C.l). Oooper, Mr. H . . , :lLR.C.S.,L.R.C.P. CoPP.' Mr. O. J , M.I~.C.S., L.R.C.P. Oorbll1, l\Ir. T. 'Y.,)LD. ( onth Australia) Oosgrave, Mr. E. McDowel, M.D. Oontt , Mr. J. A., ;\[.D. Cran, Mr. George, :lLD. Crea ~, ~1r. J. Robert on, F.Il.C.S. Cre Ill, Mr. A. J. H., )LH.C.P., Irel., )1. Il. C s. Oressey, 1\11'. G. H., :lLIl.C . .• L.R.O .I'. Cress~, Mr. G. J., L.ll.C.l'., Irel. Crom~e, Mr. John, L.n. c.p . & s. Crooner, 1\11'. M. Le, :lLR . '. . Crook. hank Pa ha, His Excellency, . (Egypt) Crl1lckshank, Mr. B., M. D. Cuffe, urgeon-General C. Me. D., O. B. CCnrel tbon, Oolonel E., 1II.D. ut: crt, Mr. W. ,Yood, ~f.R.C.S. Dame.l, MI'. A. D., 111. B., F.n.o.s. Dar\YlD, II'. G. H., M. D. DaVIeS, Mr. D. Ll. M.B., L.n.O.S. Davy, Mr. R, F.R.C.P. Daw:lon, Mr. T. Moore, L.R.C.P., :lLR.O.S. L.n.C . • . D emetriadi, Mr. L., F.R.C.S. F' ' Ie1CJlen, I 1' •• a111 1., :II. D. Deut, lIIr. H . H. C. , F.Il.C.S. Fishel', Mr. D. L., M.n. D a 1 yssen, Mr. P. J., L.P•. O.l'. Fl's}le r, 1\1 J. 1'. ~v I I . II ., ;Ir .1~.C . . D ewar, Mr. T. F. F't' 1111'. J . B ., :lLD. 1 Z Imons, .LI Dickey, U1'. A. A. G., iIf.D. Fleming, fr. A. J., :lLn. Dickin, MI'. E. P., L.n.c.p. Footnel', Mr ..J. E., F.R.C.S. Dickson, Mr. Oecil, ilf.B. FOI'be S, I 1'. J ., '.. I.B. Dingwall, Mr. A., lILB. Forbes, MI'. 1: . Hay, F.n.c .. . , Edin. Dob on, Mr. A., lILR.O. '., L.RO.P. Forsyth, II'. R, )LD. Dodll, 1\11'. P. V., M.D. Frankish, Mr., :lLD. (New Zealand) Domville, Mr. E. J., L.R.C.P Franks, Mr. K., M.D. ( . Africa) Donaldson, Sm'g.-Major (Bermuda) Franks, Mr. R., M.D. Doolan, MI'. J. A. C .. ill-B. Fra er, Mr. J. H. P., :lLB. DDouglas, Lt.-Col. O. M., F.QI:., R.A. Freeman , II'. ,V. T., ~r.D'l F.R.C . . ouie, Miss M. B., M.B. F reel', .Ll1111'. E . L ., lILIl.C.S. Downes, M1'. E., M. D. F ryeI', 1I[ I 11 1'. J Oln, III. R. C. s. Drage, MI'. Lovell, liLA., M.D. Fmnell, Surgeon-General E. (Cannes)

St. J ohn Ambulance A . . . sociation.

St. J ohn A nl-bulunce Association.


Gallard , 1111'. J. R, L . A. Examiners, Galletly, M1'. W. G., 1\1 B.

Harper, Mr. H . C., M.D. Harpel', 1\[1'. J. W., M.lt.C.S. Galpin, .Mr. Hicharu, M.1'..c.s., L . . A. Harris, 1111'. C. J. J ., M.D. Harris, MaioI' F . ' Y., l~.A . 1\I. C. G ar1'e tt ,.11~I1'. C • D ., "''I. R .C. . ~ Garson, 11'. J. G., M.D. Harris, 11' S. G. V., M.n. Garton, 1111'. 'V., lILD. HaITi. 1\11'. S. G. V., L.R.C.P. , D.p.lI. I ~l 1'. P ., 1\ I . B. Harris, 1\11'. John, M. D. (New South Wa es ) Gau t eaume, 11 Gentles, Mr. T. L., L.R.C.P. Harris, nil'. S. C., M.D. Gibb, 1\11'. William, L.R.C.P., Ediu. HalT~ on, 1\11'. D . , F.R.C.S. Gibbon, 001. F. ,V., L.R. C.S.&L.R.C.P.,Ell. H ,1rnson, 1111'. R . Leeds, B.A. (Cn.mb . ), Gibbs-Smith, Mr. E. G. , L.R.C. P.r. lII.n.c.s. Gibson, 1\11'. E. V. , :'ILD. Harv ey, 1\11'. Alfred, M. B., l\I. H. CoO . Gilbertson, 1\[1'. J. H., L. 1'..c. p., Harvey, 1\11'. Eldon (Bermuda) M.R.C.S. Ha\'ell, 1\11'. C. G., 1\['R.C.S. Giles, Brigade-Surgeon P. B., M.R.C. S. Hawkes, 1\[rs,- Coghill, L.ll.C.P., i\Lll.C.S. Gill, ~Ir. J. W., M.n.c.s., L.R.C.P., D.p.rr. H ayle, IIII'. 'I. H., M.D. Gilroy, JUl'. E. , V., M.D. H elm, Mr. R Dumla , M.D. . Gimlette, 1\11'. Thos. E., ~1.D. H ellllerson, ~1r. J. H., M.D. (Adelalue) Glynn, 1\11'. R 1I1cilIahon, L.R.C.S. Hey, lUI'. Uilne., M.A., :ll.R. C.. , L.R.C.P. Goddard, Captain G. H., R.A.M.C. II~llaby, 1111'. A., L.R.C.P. Godding, Mr. J., 1I1.R. C.S., L.R.C. p. IIllln ell,1\1r. J_ S., B.A., Camb., M.D. Good e, 1\11'. A., M.P.-C.I:>. Hodges, Mr. William, M.R.C ... Goodman, 1Ifr. Godfrey, L.R.C.P. Holl'man, 1\11'. A. H., L.ll.C.I'.E .. Goodman, Mr. T. H., 1\1.R.C.. . Hogg, 1\11'. Walter D., :lLD. (Pans) Gorham, lUr. James Jobn, :'ILD. Holden, 1111'. J. S., :'ILD. Gray, Mr. A., M.D. Holt, 1\11'. H. M., 1I1.R.C . . . Gray, 1\11'. 'V. i\LB., C.:'II. Hooel,. Mr., )I. D. Greathead, 1\11'. J. B., M.D., C.lII.,M.R.C.S. Hopkms, 1\1r. T. , ::'LD. (South Africa) H osegood, Mr. S. P., lILR.C ... , L.R.C.P. Greemyoocl , 1111'. Alfred, M.D. Howard, 1\11' . .A. D. , ::'I.D. Greenwood, Mr. T. P., M.R.C. S. HO'l'>'ard, 1\11'. Heatoll C., M.n..C .. , L.R.C.P. Grei cr , Major F. J., ll.A.M.C. Howe, 1\11'. E. R, L.R.C .... Grel~fell, 1\11'. 'Y. F., M.R.C.S. Howell, urgeon- 'aptain, It.A.)I.C. Grey, iifl'. E. R, lII.B. Howie, 1111'. Alexander, M.D. Grier, Major H., R.A.M. C. Hoyle, Mr. George, M.D. Griffin, Mr. Innes, M.R.C.S. , L. ·.A. Hudson, 1\11'. H. E., M.D. Griffith, Professor T. ,Vardrop, M.D. Hughes, 11'. D.Arthur, .1\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Griffiths, 1111'. John, M.n..C.S., L.R.C.P. Hughes, 1111'. Hugh L eWIS, L. R.C .. . -Griffiths, Mr. P. Rhys, 1\I.R.C.S. Hunt, 1\11'. R., 1\I.R.C .._· . Hunter, l\Ir. E. J., L.ll.C.P., Edin. GrOObly, Mr. R. H., M.R.C.S. Groom, 1111'. Harry, M.R.C.S. Hurry, 1\11'. J. B., )I.D. Gwillim, Mr. R. D. H., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Hutchinson, 1\11'. J., :lLD. Gwynn, Mr. Charles, M.D. Hutton, Surgeon-Major G. A. Hall, Lt.-Col. Lees, R. A.:'ILC. Ingram, fr. R. E. T., ~r.D. Hall, Mr. William, M.D. Innes, Surgeon-General Sir John Ker, Halley, Surgeon-Oaptain G., M.D. ICC.B., F.lt.C.S. (Florence, Italy) Halliwell, Mr. T. 0., lIL1LC.S., L.R.C.I'., Irving, 1\11'., M.D. (New Zealand) D.P.il. Jackson, 1\11'. Allan, M.D. Hallows, 1\11'. H. P., i\LD. Ja ckson, IIII'. C., L.R.C.P., Edill . Hamilton, Mr. A . A . , 1\LD. (Adelaide) Jackson, Mr. E . . , Ln., C.1\I. Hamilton, Mr. J . A. G., )I.D. (Kapunda, Jackson, 1\11'. J, J., L.R.C.S ., L.ll.C.P. South Australia) J ackson, Sir R W., c.n. , F.n.c ... , Ire1. Hamilton, Mr. J. P., )1.D., (Kapunda) Jalland, 111'. ,V. Hamilton, F.n.C .. . Hamilton, 1\11'. S., M. D. J en kill s, Mr. E. L., )r. B., 1\f.lt.C. S. Hammond, Mr. W .. L. n. c. P., Edin., M. ll. C. s. J ennings, 1111'. ,V m. 111., 1\L R. c .. . Handfield-Jones, l\fr. C. R., M.B. C.S., Jepson, 1\1r. Edward, )LD. Johnst(me, }'Ir. J.: M.n. L.R.C.P. Hannah, Mr. T . , M. B., C. M. Jones, 1111'. Evan, M.D. Hargreaves, Mr. M. K., M. D. Jones, Mr. Herbert, L.R. C.S., Ire1. Harkness, Mr. "V. T., ~LB. Jones, Mr. Hugh, l\Ln. Harley, Mr. R. W., F.R.C.P . Jones, Lieut. -Colonel J . Amallt, I. D.


Jon es , Mr. J. Ow en, L.R. C. ,·., & L.lt.C.P. J011es, Mr. D. T. iL, M.lt.C.S. Jones, Mr. John R, L.ll.C.l'. Jones, 1\11'. O. C., 1ILB., L.ll.C.I'. JOll es, 1111'. '1'. 0., L.ll.C.l'., M.lLC.S. Jones, 1111'. W. Black? ~1.D. Jones, 1111'. l\lakelg, M.D. Jorulln, 1\11'. F. 'Y., M.D. Joseph, Mr. Alan, L.R.C.s. Keele 1I1r. J. Rushworth, ~1.n.c.s. ,L.1'..C.l'. Kelly; Lieut. -Col. R. Yanueleur, c. B., F.R.C.S. ( ydney).


Lynch, Mr. J., L.lLC .. ·. l\lacartney, Mr. R, L.ILC.l'., Edin. l\lacgilvray, Mr. ,V. J. H., L.R.C.p., Edin . Mackay, Mr. 1. D., ~l.B. MacKay, 1Ill'. ,V. 1\1., 11.D. l\lackenzie, 1\11'. Thomas, M.A., ~1.D. Mackinlay, l\IL J. K H., M.lLC.il., L.lLC.P. l\lackness, 1\11'. G., 1\l.D. . 1I1acLeod, Mr. 111. D., L.R.C.S., Edin. l\lacpherson, Mr. A., l\l.D. (Cape T own) 1\iacrobin, Lieut. -Col. Mc ab, l\11'. A . A., :.\r.D. Kelly,CaplainT.GoHloll,lt.A.~l.C.(~[),:II.D.l\1ah?ll, Thlr.,G. A. D. , M.D. Keys, mgeon C. 'Y., 1\1.D. l\1alllUs, l\laJor, R..\.)1.C. Kilkelly, Lieut.-Colouel C. R., C.M.G. l\1anley, l\11'. J. H. H.,f M.A. (Cantab ), lL A. ~[. C. :'1. B., 1\1. n. C. . . King, MI'. W. II. , i\1.D . ?![ann, 1111'. 'Y. S., M.R.C.S. Kingsbury, II'. E., M. D. :\ianmrs, MI'. ,V. II., :'II. B. Kinnear, Mr. 'Vm., M.B. 1\ln.rier, Chas. G. D., L.R.C .S., Ire1. Knaggs, Mr. R Lawforu, )LD. Markhalfl, nIl'. W. , ~LD. (Adelaide) Knapp, tafl' 'urgeon 111. H., M.R.C.S., ~Lu h, 1\11'. J. H., 1\1.1~.C . !'i., L. ll.C.P. L.n.c.p. , U.N . lLtrsh iifl'. J. H. Knowles, 1111'. F. J., 1\£.ILC.S. .Jlarsh, .\11'. James J., L.ll.C.P.,L. R.C.S., Knox, .\11'. C. F., )[ D. Edin. L ace, Mr. J. 1., J,.lt.c.]'. , Etlin. ~1ar.·hall, 'l1l'g.-Lt.-Co1. J. J. de Zouche, L aird, ~Ir. A. J., il[']) .. 11.1'.IL L.ll. C. ' ., Irel., L.A.H. Dub. L ambert, HI'. F . . , ~r.lt.t"!'i., L.Jt.C.P. ~larLin, .JIr. E. F., ~I.n. Langridge, lr. A. n., :l1.lt.C.H. :JIartin, l\Ir. J. ,V" i\L D. L apage, l\lr. 0., ~LD. :JIa sie, Mr. T., 1\LB. Latimer, 11'. H. A., :lLll.C. '., :l1.D. ~Lttthe\\' , :JIr. . P., )I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Laurie, Mr. Caspar R, :ll.H.C.~., L.ll.C.I' . .Jiatthe\\ ,Mr. T. G., :'ILD. Lawrence, Mr. J., M.lLC. '., L.ILC.l'. :Jlatthews, Mr. Valentine. M.ll.C .. Law. 011, Mt'. Geo., 'Lll. .\laYllal'cl, Mr. J. C., ~I.ll.CoO" :lLR.C.P. L eahy, Mr. A . • 1>Llt C. H. 1\l<.;Cal'thy, Mr. J llsbin .i\lcCullmn, Ledianl, 1\11'. II. A., :lI.D. 1\r.n.c ... L f!e, 1\1,.. E., M.ll.C.S. McDona.ld, Mr. J., ~I..\.., M.D. L ee, 11'. J. , 1\f.1LC .. ·. l\IcDol1ald, 1\11'. J , :lI.A., lILE., C.:'II. Lees, Ml'. \\'illium, M. R. C. s . lIlcEwan, Mr. D., :'1[, D. Leigh, Mr. T. Di<.;kin Oll, :lLD. lcEwan, Mr. 'Y. C., M.D. L ennox, Lieut-Colouel David, 1\LD. McFarland,13rigade- urgeon F. E. Le lie, 11'. D. A., :'ICD. McKellar, Mr. A. 0., ~L D. L eslie, Mr. ll. \\T., 1\LD. McLalluahan, ~Ir. J. G., L.R.C.P.I. Letcher, 11'. H. H., M.n. leNalty. Lieut.-Col. G., C.B., :lLD., Li. hman, 1\11'. R N., 1\LD. R.A.~LC. LittlewooLl, Mr. II .. F.R.C. ~[e l' , MI'. F. C., )Ln., )LR.C .. . Littl ewood,11r. J. 0., i\['R.C.S. :\[elvI11e,1\1r. "., :'ILn.C .. , L.n. c.p. Llewellyn, 1\11'. '1'. R, lIUt. a. Me.·siter, IIII'. M. A., 1\LR.C.S. Ll oyd, ,\11'. h. J., M.D. Metcalfe, )1r. R, :'ILD. Ll oy<I, l\I Mill<llelllis , Mr. G., :lLD. r 1'. J on1 <~11 " , 1'1' • • ,. C• S• Lloyd, MI'. J. D., ~LD. il1ilhurn, IIII'. C. n., :lLD. Locke, 11'. George, L.n. . P., Edin., Mill, 1111'. G .• '., 1\f.D M.ll.C.H. fliiller, nIl'. J. 'Y. , :lLD. Lon g, .Mr. Fred, M.ll.C.S. ~1illigalJ, :Jlr. R ~L, M.D. Lorraine, MI'. R. B., 1\f.n., c.)!. Mitchell, :JIr. E., :l1.D. Loveless, 1\11'. " TaIteI' K., I,.u.c.r., Ellin. Milne, 1\11'. Hobert, 1\[ B. Low, 1\11'. Charles, ]\[. B. (New Zealand) Moll lin, 1\11'. 1. Tibsou, M. D., L. . A. Lowe, Mr. G. J. R., 1\l,R.C.S., L.ll.C.p. l\[ofra.L, Rev. Dr., M.D. Lowe, 1111'. G. IlL, 1\LD. Moil', Mr. J. II., M.D. Lowe, Mr. 'Y. G., 1\[.D. M olloy, Mr. G. . , 1\L]). 1I10ntaocrne, Ir. A. J. 11., M.D. L O\\' I1~, d M r . C.J. ,L.R. C •P . , L. n, •C•S. Lowson, 1\11'. George, M.n. 100re, .l\Ir. H. C., 1\I.R.C.S.




St. John .i-1?nbulCl.,nce Association.

St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

Examiners. Moore, Mr. Milner, M.D. Pooley, Mr. E. B., L.R.C.S. Moore, Hon. Brigade·Surgeon Sandford Pooley, 1\11'. R. O. Mason, J.P., L.R.C.S., Morgan, Mr. E. W., 1II.D. (N. S. Wales) Irel. Morgan, Mr. H. M. , lILll.C.S. Porter, Mr. A. E., M.B., B.C. Potter, Mr. H. Percy, F.R.C.S Morgan, Mr. Llewellyn, lIL D Morgan, Mr. ,V. L., liLA., M.B.C.S. Potts, IIII'. ,Yo A., lIl .D. Morris, Mr. S. G., M.D. Poulton, Mr. B., 1\1.D. (Adelaide) Po,Yell, l\l1'. H. d., M.B. Morris, Mr. '1'. H., 1\LB. Morris, Oapt. Vv. A., lI1.B., R.A.M. C. Powne, Leslie, lIf.R.C.S. Mortimer, Mr. rr. D. Eo, M.D. Prance, Mr. G. H., M.D. Muir, Mr. R. D., M.D. Pratt, .\\Ir. E. T., lI1. B. Murphy, Mr. O. E., L.ll.C.S. Pratt, Mr. J. Dallas, M.D. Myles, Major, R.A.lIL C. Preston, Dep. Inspect. Gen .; T. J. Nance, Mr. H. 0., F.RC.S. Price, Mr. Arthur, 1\1.R.C.S. Neild, :Mr. J. E., M.D. (Melbourne) Prior, MI'. J., 1\LH.C.S., LU.C.P. Neilson, Mr. H. J., M.D. Pritchard, .\\II'. J. J., lI[.11.C.S., L.H.C.P. Nelson, 1\11'. Stanley, M. D. Purves, Mr. A. Scot t, Jl1. D. Ranson, Mr. 'V. E., M It-C H. Newby, Mr. O. H., F.P•. U.S. Nicholson, Brigade · urgeon E. Ratcliif-Gaylard, lIlr. J., M.D . Norton, 1'111'. A. T., C.B., F.R.U.S. }{awnsley, Major G. T., It-A.lI1.C. N orton, Mr. G. Everitt, lILR.B.S. Bay wood, 1\J1'. J. R. 1., lILH.C.S., L.R.C.P. Nyssen, i\ir. P. J. ue, M.D. Reed, i\lr. Oash, M.D. Oakley, Mr., 1II. D. Reid, Mr. Douglas A., lI1. D. O'Oonnor, Mr. VV. 1\1oyle, M.D., D.P.H. Reid, Mr. Duncan J., M.D. Odell, Mr. 'vV., F.R.C .. . , M.D. ReiJ, I1Ir. Edgar, l'II.H.C.S., loon. c.p O'Farrell, Mr. Oharles, L.R.c.r.) L.R.C.S. Reid, MI'. T. W., lILD. Irel. Resignol, Mr. A. Le, M.D. Ogilvie, Ur, J. H., LR.C.P. Reynolds, IIlr. R., 1\LR.C. '. Rhys, MI'. W. L., M.n.c.s. Oldham, Mr, H. F., M.D. Oliver, i\Ir. O. Pye, M.D. Rice, II'. W. Ric1lardson, lI1.D . Richards, 1\Ir. J., M.R.C .... , L.R.C.P.,. Orton, M1'. John, M.D. Osborn, Ur. Samuel, F.R.C.S. D.p.n. Owen, Mr. E., F.R.C.S. Riddell, Mr. J. Scott, liLA., lI1.B. Owen, nil'. O. R P., M.D. Rigby, 1'111'. ,V. 0 ., lIl .D., D.r.ll. Packer, Mr. 'V. H., M.D. Rigden, I1Ir. Brian, M.R.C.S. Page, Mr. H. 1'1'1., M.D. Riley, Mr. J. W., L.It,C.P. Robb, Ur. Jam es B. R., M.D. Page, Mr. H. W., F.R.C. S. Paisley, Mr . .T. , 1>I.B. Roberts, 1111'. Arthnr, lILD. Palmer, Mr. O. ., M.E.C.S. Roberts, 1\11'. E. A. 1'11. , M.D. Parker, 1\11'. H. G., L.R.C.P., F.P•. C.S. Roh er ts, Mr. Griffiths J., L.n.C.I'., Edin. Parry, Mr. L. A. , M.D. Robert, Mr. H. Jone , M.H.C ... Parsons, Mr. 'V. B., ::II.R. C.S. Roberts, Mr. Lawton, M.D. Partridge, Mr. S., M.B. Roberts-Dudley, Mr. F. J., M.n.C .. , Partridge, Mr. rr., JI['R.C.S. L.S .A. Paten;on, lVIr., M.D. Roberts, Mr. J. Lloyd, M.D., D.p.n. Patterson, Mr. G. dc J., L.R.C.P., Roberts, Mr. R J. , M.B . JlLR.C.S. Robinson, 1\11'.11. Henry, 1II.D. Pearce, Mr. G. H., L.P•. C.P., D.P.H. Robinson, Mr. A. Hepworth, lILlt.C. '. Pearson, Mr. O. Y. 1II.D. Rob~nson, Mr. E. L., 1II.D. (Guernsey) .11 1'. H . S . , M.R.O.f-:. Roblnso n, 1\1 Pendlebury, Mr. J. T., Jl1.R.C .S. Pennell, Mr. H., M.D. RobinsoH, Surgeon -Major, R.A.M.C. Perram, Mr. C. H., M.lLC.S., I,.R.C.P. Robinsoll, Mr. 'Y., M.D. Perry, Mr. O. M., M.n..C.S., L.R. C.P. Roper, Mr. H. J., M.ll.C.S. P eters, ~1r. A. J. A., L.P•. C.P., L.R.C.S., Hosignal, Mr. A. Le, M.D. Edm . .. Round, Mr. John Oornwall, M.n. c.s. Ph?ll?s, Mr. Ph;hp,lII.R.C.S.,L.n.C.p.,Edin. Rowden, Mr. L. A., JlLB. P~1l1hps,. Mr. O. H., M.R.C.S. Russell, Mr. John, lII.D. Plck~~~l1l, Mr. E. P., M.R.C.S., L.ll.c.r., Rutherford, Mr. Henry, M.D. '1 . m . St. Leger, Mr. R. 11., M.B., C.lII. P: gnm, Mr. E. G., M.B. , C.M. Savory, Mr. H., JlLA., M.B., B.C. P:m, ~ir. F. de Beeho, L.R.C.P.I. Scales, Mr. M., L.R.C.S., Irel. Plsa~l, Professor (Malta) Scatliff, Mr. P. M., JlLll.C.S. Pocllln, Mr. F. L., 1II. B. Scholefield, Mr. G. E.

E xa


~ ""'l'ners. Scofield, Mr. Harold, lIL ll. T ay 101', 1\.luI'. ,r ]i' . \I>' . I) ., M. D., lI1.R.C.S. S cott, Mr. A. 'vV., lIr.I~.(: ..'. 1\1)'101', Mr. F. '1'., lILlt.G. '. Sco tt, MI'. R. J. H., Ln. Taylor, illr. L. A . , M.H.C.S . Selby, 1111'. E. W., M.D. Taylor, Mr. '. RolJillson, liT. I)., F.IL.C.o. Scllers, Mr. R. BlU'dctt, lIL u. C. S . Tay lor. }Il'. Tom R., ;'II. D. Seve3tl'e, Mr. R, M.D. Tay lor, Snrgeon-Lieut.-Ool. William, lI1 . D. Shaw, Mr. Jame ', M.D. Templemall, Mr. Oharles, Jlr.n. Shelley, Mr. P. W. G., ;'ILD. Tetley, Mr . .If. IIarri'3on, L.R.C.r., E clin. ' helly, Mr. O. E., M.D. Thomas, Mr. A. Garrod, M.D. Shives, Mr. J., M.D. Thomas, Mr., M.D. ( Jew Zealand) Shonc, Mr. W. J., JlLll.C.S. Thom as, Mr. D. K, M.n. S~lUtileworth, MI'. G. K, lILD. Thomas, nlr. D. H.ecs, Jl1.n. SHldall, Mr. J. B., JlLD. Th omas, Mr.l:.D., LH.C.H., L.R.C.r., Edin. Siml) 'O Il, Mr. W. S., JlLn..C.". .., 'l'llOlll nus, .11 "I 1'. ",\T \ . ,u., i.!' T " n. E c. P. ,d 'In. , Sinclair, MI'. Robert, ;'11.]). L.R.C.S. Sk?,e, Mr. Francis, JlLD. Th olllpson, 1\11'. E. 0., Jll.D. k~lIner, Mr. W. B., M.B. Thompson, 1111'. J. Henry, L.n.c.p., Irel. Slop"'Ol'th! nIl'. II.,lII.ll. ' .... ,L.n.c.l'.,Irel. Thompson, Mr. J. IIiltoll, Jl1.B., lII.S. ::31eman, Lleut, -Oolonel, R. R, L. H.. \. Th olll [1son, Mr. ,Y alLer, F . H . c. s. Jll~dllle, ]1,11'. R ",,'. , ;'11.13. Thomson, .Miss Emily C., lI['B.C.;'II., Edin. l1l~th, M1'. 0., lILIt.U.H. Tholllsou,'ir '1'., C. B . (late P.RC.S. h el.) Sm~th, Mr. O. J., M. n. c. s. Thomson, MI'. G., loL n. Slll~th, Mr. G., Jll.ll. Th omhill, Brigade-Surgeon 1\1. (Guernsey) SmIth, Mr. II., fil.1>. Thllr:fielcl, Mr. T. ,I' .. ;'II.D. SIl1~th, 11'. II., 1I1.Tl. Ti (lt:omhc . iiII'. F. ., ;\I.IU ·.... , L.n.c.p. m~tlt, 11'. II. lIalUlllolld, M.P..(·.~. TOlld-Whitu, Mr. A. '1'., ;\l.lLC.S., L.R.C.P. Toll, MI'. J. T., lILll.G.H., L.I~.C.P. Sm:th, 11'. J. W., M.D. .1l1~th , Mr. Montgomery, lI!.D. Trimble, 0010nel O. J., <;.;\1.0., L.R.C.P. Dllth, Pl'ofc~'.lol' W. R., .\I.n. Trittoll, Mr. W. P., M.n.c .... ( Jatal) Trott, ;\11'. Durlley, )[.l). (Bermuda) outar, ]1,11'. O. II., JlI.B. (Au tralia). penceI', nil'. ,I'. IIenry, lILD. TUllta,JI, MI'. 11..0., lIf.D. pl'oulle, Mr. J ..",,'., I"ll.t'.l'., Ire1. , Turner, }lr. A, '., \Ln.(·.H., L.U.G.I>. L. n.('.s., E(hn. Turncr, llrgeon-Major Sqnance, Mr. T. 'oke, M. D. TlIm er, Dep. Insl'l'. -Gen. Houcrt, n.N. ,quare, Mr. '\~ . II., I..ICG.P., EtliJl., Tumcr, 1\11'. ,1'., JI\'l), (Whraltar) Tuxfonl, }Ir. R, )1.1:.( ' ./;., L.R.C. T'. .L.IU·.H., E,I111. SqUll'C, MI'. J . K, 1I1.D. Twiss, Lt.-Ool. G. E., F.1l.! . ••. I., l:' .-\.~I. f' . Stalker, Mr. A. t,;\\. D. Tyrrell, ;\11'. ,\Taltcr, JlUU·.S. rry ~OJl, ;\11'. 'Yo J., lILl'. (Umzinto) tamford, :'III'. ,I'. ~\ .; "I.I:,('.H. YeiLch, Mr. W. G., L.ll.C.P., Ec1in. tanto)), l\Ir. I,.H.r·.P. te(lman, Lr. 11., f, .Il. C.p. Vernon, MI'. A. H eygate, F.R C.. . Steel, :till-. .""T. D. , ;'ILD. Yemoll,;\lr. 'Y. , )f.R.C .... , L.n.C.p., Edin. Steele, Major ,Yo ~. , l1.A.lI1.l·. Yin cs, Mr. O. ,' ., )l.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. teet, II'. O. arnck, F.R.C.f-:. \'ol'es, Mr. Arthur, M.l~.C.f-:. tevenson, nIr. J., JlLR.C... 'Wade, Mr. 11.. B., M.D. t~W~l't, Mr. DUllcan, M,D. Waldo, Mr. F. J., lILD. St~rl~ng, nIl'. D. II., lIf.n. ,Yalker, 11'. James, lIf.l1.C .... ,Yallace, Mr. Thoma , 'f. D. Stll'hng, MI'. J. , 1IJ. B. Stoker, Mr. George, C.;'I1.G ., M.D. " Talli, nIl'. E. D., )I.l). Stoker, Mr. ,Yo Thornley, C.M o.,·;'I[.n. \Valpole- immoJl, Mr. K, lIl.D. Stot~1ard, Mr. Jame., Jlf.lLC.S. ,Yard , Mr. J. L. \Y. , ;'ILn. Sl1rndge, Mr. P. F., L.R. C.P., Edin. ,Vard , Mr. J. P. >-., ;,r.n.c ... Sturrock, II'. J. F., M.B., C.M. ,Yard , Mr. 1\1., ;\LD. uthel'land, Mr. O. J., lILn. ,Vard , 11'. 1. 0., M.D. Sutherlanu, Mr. J. A., JlLB. ,Vater, Mr. J. L., lILll. Sutton, Mr. A. M., M.D . Weaver, Mr. ,V. G., ~1.1{ . C .R. Swann, Mr. A., lI1.R.C. . . Webb, Mr. J. E. , JlI. B. Sw~yne, Mr. F. G., ]\[.D. ,Vebb, Major W. ,Yilfred, ;lI.D., I.M.;;. w111h06, MI'. G. R, fiLR.C.S., L.n. C.I'. ,Vemyss, Mr., M.D. Symes, Mr. E. ,Vest, M. D. ,Yestcott, Lt. -Oolonel ill clair, . M. G., Tannahill , Mr. J. F. , 1\1.n. B..A.lILC.


5 Examiners.

St. J ohn A 1nbnlc(,nce Associcdion.

Westmacott, 1'111'. F. H ., F. R.C s. 'W ithers, Mr. Porcy, M. B. vYhitby, MitiS L. L. R. C.P., Edin. V{ood, M.r. A. T., M.D . White, Mr. O. H., M.n..C.S. 'Wood, 1\11'. E . Stanley, M.R.C.S. 'Yhite, 1111'. Henry, M.D. Woodcock, Mr. H . de 0., L.R.C.P. Whitehead, Major H . R., F. R.C.S., l~.A.M.C. 'Yoods, I nspector-General H . 0., C.B., , Yhyte, Mr. J. 1I1ackie, M. D . c.v.o., M.D., U. N. Wild, .Mr. H . S., lIl.B..O.S. Woods, 1111'. J . :F., M.D. Wilkinson, Mr. J. B., M.D. 'Woodward, Surgeon-Gelleral G.P. M. , M.D., Wilkinson, 1111'. S., M.n..C.S. , L.n.C.p. F.n.o.s. (Sydney) Williams, 1111'., lIl.R.C.S. W'oodyatt, 1\11'. B. H., L.R.O ... , L.lt.C.l'. Williams, M1'. E. R., lIl.R.C.S., L.l:.C.l'. vVoods, Mr. J. H., L . JLC.~.I. ' Villiams, Mr. N., lIl.B..C.S. , Voolchirlge, Mr. A. '1'., lILH.O . ~., L.R.C.l'. Woollett, 1\'rr. S. 'V., lILI. Williams, Surgeon-Major (Sydney) Willoughby, Mr. 'V. G., )f.D. Wright, 1111'. O. F., M.D. Wilton, M1'. J. P., i\I.H.C.S. Wright, 11'. J. Oros ley, M.D. ,Vilson, Mr. J., i\l.D. Yolland, Mr. J. H., lILll.C.S. WilsOll, Mr. J. Scott, i\I. D. Young, Mr. 1\1., lIf. D. Winckworth, 1'111'. 'V. B., lI[.l~ . C.S. Yule, 1\lr. Robert M., M . T'. 'Vinslow,M1'. L. S. Forbes, 111.n..C.1'.





~lnbut nnLe

~ 6S 0 etatton.

gIve and bequeath to t he

Central Executive

ommittee for the time being of the St. John Ambulance A.·sociation the sum of £ to be applied, at

the di cretion of the Central Executive

Oommi ttee of the said A.. 'ociation, towards the philanthropic objects of such A ociation, and I direct that the said sum shall be pai 1, free of legacy duty, out of such part of my personal e. 'Late as may be legally bequeathed for charitable purposes.

St. John Ambulance A ssociation.






Blnbtllance Bssociation.

METROPOLITAN DISTRICTS AND COUNTRY CENTRES. TilE following I S a Nominal Roll of the Towns and Distrlcts where (( Centres" have been formed since the St. John Ambulance Association was estallisbed in 1 '77. The names and addresses of the Local Executive Officer' can be obtai.ned on application to the Chief ecretary, St. John', Gate, Clerkenwell, London, E.e. J\1etropolita.nFonned No.1 Di trict (Kensington, 'outh Kensington, Brompton, & Notting Hill, &c.) ] 878 No.2 District (City and Port of London, including Bloomsbury, and Ea:,t 188G London) 1879 o. 3 Distl'iet (St. James's, Whitehall, J\1ay fail', Hyde Park, S. 'Y. ) I. 78 o. 4. Di:tt ict (Bclgl'a via. and Chelsea) 1890 No.6 Di!'trid (Hammer mitb, Chi wick ancl Flllham) 1880 No.7 Ddric;l ( orth-Ea ·t London, 'lapton: etc., now included ill No. II.) 18 1 o. Di;;tl'ict (Pll tney, ,Yand worth and neigh bourhootl) 1881 No.9 District (Kilburn, and ol'th- West London, etc. ) No. 10 Di , trict (Brixton, Kcnnington, Dalham, lreatham, Clapham and 1882 ncigh hourhood) 1882 No. 11 Di ·trict ( outhwal'k and ncighbourhood) 1896 No. 1~ District (Hal'lcsden). 1 95 Polytechnic (309, Rcgent. 'trect) 1 92 Hospita.l. atUl'day Fund (54-, Gl'a.y'.' Inll Road). 1 96 Willesden Grccn and Cricklcwood 1 6 Belfast Ahel'dal'e - Ful'IIwl18 1 1 9 Belgmvi,1. 1 4Accl'ington ] 1 Berwick -n pon· Tweed Ahlershot 1 90 1 3 Bexhill Aldel'shot Camp 1 95 1 3 Bingley Alex,1.ncll'a Docks and Railway 1 7 Birchwood (Colliery) 1907 Oompany 1901 Birkbeck 1 1 All'l'oton 1 Birkdale (Lanc,\shire) 1 0 Am bleside ("WesLmol'clallll) 1 ] Bil'kenhead Ashrol'll (Kcnt) 1 Birmingham 1 Ashton undcr-Lyne 1 Birmingham (Erclington Branch) 1 Athel'stone 1 Blackburn 1 Aylesbul'y 1 Blackheath 1 Babhington 1 Bhwkpool 1 4Hackwol'th Colliel'y 1 Blackwell Oolliery I e 93 Banbury 1 Bh1.udfol'd 1 5 Bangor 1 Bognor 1 79 Bal'l1sley 1 Bolton and DisLri t 1 Bn.now-in-Furnes. 1 Bournemouth 1 Ba. ingstoke 1 Bradford 1900 Bn.th 1 Bridport 1 1 Battle (SusRex) 1 Brierfield 1 0 Beal'park Colliery 1 Bl'ighonse 1 0 Bedford 1 90 Brighton a.n d H ove 18 1 Beighton


St. John A 1nb'LdcinCe Association.

St. John A 1nbula1'lCe Association.

Bristol and Olifton Burnley (Lancashire) Burton-on-Trent Buxton Oambrian Railways Oannock Ohase Ooalfield (late Brownhills) Oanterbury Oardiff Oardiff R ailway Oompany Oarlisle Oarshalton Oastle Eden Ohard Oharlton Ohatham and District Oheltenham Oheshire Lines Oommittee Ohester Ohesterfield Ohislehurst Clay Oross Olea tor District Oleator Moor Oolchester Oolne Oork Ooventry Ooventry (Bedworth Branch) Ooventry CWyken Branch) Oumberland Mines and Quarries Oranbrook Oroydon Dalton-in-Furness Darlaston Darlington Deeside Derby Dover Dublin Dudley Dukinfield Dumfries N. B. Dundee Durham E 9.stbourne East Grinstead Ebbw Vale Eckington Edinburgh Edmonton Eton Oollege Exeter Farnham Faversham F estiniog Fleetwood Folkestone Forest of Dean Frome Furness R ailw:l.y Gloucester

]880 1883 1879 1889 1 98 18 3 1 78 18 9 1899 188 1 1 2 1889 1884 18 2 1892 ] 0 1904. 1 1 1 78

1878 1 78 1886 1888 1879 1890 1883 1 2 18 2 1 2 1 95 1882 1879 1879 1888 1880 1892 1886 1881 1881 1 93 1 93 18 5 18 4 1880 1883 1884 1883 1 90 1905 1879 1879 1878 1882 1883 1883 1882 1881 1886 1886 1900 1881

Gloucestershire Oounty Oouncil Gosport, Alverstoke, and Fareham Granby Gravesend Great E astern Railway Great Sonthern and \Vestel'l1 Railway of Ireland Great W estern Railway Greenwich Grimsby Guel'l1sey Halifax H andsworth Hanogate Hartlepools Hastings and St. L eonard' H ayant IIawkeshead Heavy Woollen District H ebden Bridge . Hereford H ertford H eywood (Manchester) IIolyhead H uddersfield Hull Ilkeston Ipswich I sle of Man l ::;le of Purbeck I Ie of Wight Jarrow J ersey KeIghley Kendal Keswick K ettering Kidderminster Kiyeton Park Oolliery L ancashire and neigh bouring Oounties Federation P. ... . ocietie L ancn. hire and Yorkshire Railway L ancaster L eamington (Warwickshire) L eeds L eicester L ewes Lichfield Lilleshall Oollieries Donning-ton Branch (Lilleshall Oollieries) Lincoln Liverpool Llanberis Llandudno L ondon Brighton and South Coast Railway I,ondon and North \Vestcrn Railway L ondon and, outh "Vestern Railway

1899 1899 1899 1882 1896

L oughborough L ou th (Lincolnshire) Lymington Lytham 1aidstone l'1a.1"ern

1898 1 96 1882 1881 1882 1881 1895 1881 18 1 1 0


~1e tropolitan RailwG~y






1 i 18 0 1883 1882 1887 1884 1 88 1 88 1 80 1 85 ] 83 1 5 1


1 84 18 3 1880 1884 1

1 1

1881 1893 1880 1885 18 3 1906 189 7 1899

] ]

1 1 1



1 81 1 81 1

Iarga,tc l'1arlow Ma.rske -by the-Sea ~ [elkshn,lll :i\I ' rtbyl'-Tychil ::'.1exl)orough l'Iidcllesbrough and Oleveland (including Stockton J3mnch) Midhtuc1 llnd Great N orthe1'll Railways Joint Oommittee


180 1

1 DO

Elton ::\1onmouth I oun tain Ash Telson Tewark-on-Trent T ewcastl >- upon- Tyne N ewpol't, 11] Oil . To rt.h Buck" orth 'hields North \Vales Cl)llieries Ffrwcl 'olliery Bmnch, 1 ~ . \Vale:-;, 'ulliery N ort hnmptoll North Brierh:y Torth Ba.-tern Hailway TorthAeet Torwicll orwoucl a,ad • 'yc1ellham X ottin"hu.m T unea,ton Oldham Olrlhi11 Ol'1llskirk Otley Oundle Oxford Oxford :r.Iilitltry Oollege Pltclilm,Jl1 PUl'kgn,te I enhryn Qmm'ie Per 'horc Perth P eterborough PiLley Plymouth Pole 'worth Polmont, .13. P olytechnic P ontypool and District POl'tS1l10U th Portsmouth (Gosport, F ort oll and Alverstoke) P ort 'l'alhot

1 1 1

0 -~


1 -1

lc Hl06



1 1

1 1 1

1 "6 1 l:l2 1 ·1

1 3 1

~ 1

1 '9 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 96 ] 81

Potteries (N ow North Staffordshire) Preston Ramsgate R ea.ding R eigate Richmond (, ' lll'l'ey) Ridclings Colliery Ripley Rochchtle Rothcrham }-{.o,':-; (H ereforclhil'e) R oyal Military Oollege (Slmrlhurst) RLwcley Hye . 'to Anne's-oll-Sea Nt. Helens (La,nell.hire) Nt. ilbry Cray (Kent) Nac1clleworth Sandgate Nandwich Setlton Oarew Seycnoaks Sheerness Bheffield Shetland Shipley ' hoe buryne . , Shrewsbury 'ittingbourne and ~1ilton Nkipton in -Ora\-en Slough 'methwiek 'uns of England I atI'iotic ~ll1d Beneyolen t ociety (Natal, Trans vaal, Orangia"Rhode ia) 'out bampton 'outham outh Ea 'tern aLd Chatham Rail ",a,y 'outhpol't South 'hield ' 'owerby Bridge ' tafford , talybridge 't:_weley tockport , tom'bridge treatha,m , underla,nrl urbiton "' utton Ooalfield ' wan ea winton ydenhlLll1 Tn,mworth T auuton r1'ib'hel£ Tonbridge Tunbridge ,V ells Twickcnham FIver ton

63 1


1 89 1881 1 93 1 70 18 2 1 78 1 91 1 6 1 1

4 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1900 1907 1 0

1 7 1905 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 3 1,,91

1 93 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 79 1 '8 1


St. John Ambulance Association. New Zealand, Jew llymouth " " IY ellington ,\TEsT INDIE·. N assc\u (Bahamas) Branch t. Kitt' (Leeward Islands) Bnlnch Trinidad (Port of Spain) Branch

Uttoxeter Wakefiekl Waltham Abbey vYarrington Waterford Wath-upon-Dearne Wedneslmry Wellingborough Wellington (Salop) \Yest Hartlepool Welwyn West Bromwich "\Teston-Super- 1are Weybridge Weymouth Whitchurch ( alop) \Vhitehaven Wigan Willington Quay and Wall. end Wimbledon IYimborne Windsor vYinsford \Y orkswortb \Yolverhampton Wolverton Wombwell Woodford IYoolwicb \Yorcester Wokington Worthing York BRITISH DOMINIONS BEYOND THE Bermuda Borneo (Sandakan) Canadian Ceylon Gibraltar Halifax (Noya Scotia) Hong Kong Malta 'Montreal Singapore (Straits Settlements) Toronto Vancouver (British Columbia) A USTRAJ,ASIA . Adelaide, South Australia (Branches--Port Adelaide, Glenelg, Mount Barker, Gawler) Brisbane Sydney, N. S. Wales Tasmania (L aunceston) Victoria West Australian NEW ZEALAND. New Zealand, Auckland " Christchurch " " Dunedin " " Invercargill " " Nelson



1 3 1 1 1 1 1

1 4 18 2 1 95 1885 1895 1890

1884 1 89 1 90 1889 18 3 1892 1892 1885 1891 1885 1885

SOUTTI AFRICA. British Bechuanah\nd (Vryburg) Ca.pe Town Ec\ t Loudon and Border, Reorganised Graham's Town IIeidelberg Kimberley King IYillimu's Town Ditto. Queen' Town Branch Malmesbury 1\1a ern l\Iatabeleland (Buluwayo) Mossell Bay Natal Orange Hi"er Colony (Bloemfontein) ReOl'gani 'ed Oudt, hoorn Paarl Port Elizabeth Ri versda.le Robertson , tellen bosch Transvaal (J ohanne, hurg) Worcester INDL•. Baluchistan Bangalore Baroda tl\te BengaJ Bombay Bombay and Ruoda Hailwa,y Burma Oalcutta Cen tral Pro vi 11 ces Hyderabad Jabalpur Madras Mysore The Jizam's State Punjab Quetta Shillong (As am) Silchar Simla Sind mgapore united Provinces of Agra and Oudh FORRIGN. Argentine Formosa Jerusalem Paris Riviera (O::l.11nel:;)

1 89 1 85





1 83 1 94 1 91

1904 18 ,[ 1 94 1 1 1 1 9·1

1 93 1 9·1 1 94


1904. 1 5 1901 1904 1


1904 1904 1901 1903 1903 1903 1901 1904 1904 1904. 1901 ]900 1904 1905 1903 1885 1904 1897 1889 1885 1889 1883





Name of Centre.


of j\Ien who have

COlli plele(l

a p.onl'se of I 11l8tl'uction.

No. 1 Dist. ... No.9 Dist. . .. No. 10 Dist. ... Accringtoll .. Ashford ... .. Ashton-u-Lyne ... Babbington ... Bangor . .. ... Barrow-in-Furness Bath ... ... Bedford ... ... Belfast ... ... Belgravia ... Birlllincrham ... Blackb~\'ll ... Bocrnor-oll-Sea ... Bolton and Dist. Birchwood Oolly. Brierfield ... Bristol ... ... Burnley .. . .. , Buxton ... ... Oambrian Ry. .. Oannock Ohase . . . Canterbury ... Cardiff Ry. . .. Oheshire Liues ... Oolne ...

recei yeLi



-=-----,----=-=-=_ F.A. 18.:--. F.A. I H.X.



1878 1881 1882 1" 4 1 1 9-1 18, 1885 1880 1900 18 0 1886 1898 18 0 1 85 ] 8 '5 1893 1 i8 1895 1889 1883 1889 1898 1892 1878 ]899 1904 1887 Onmberland~1.Q,)'. 1895 Ohester ... ... 1881 Darlington .. - 1880 Derby ... ... 1886 Dublin... .. 1881 Dudley... ... 1893 D1Hldee... .._ 1884 Eckinaton ... 1879 Edinb~rgh ... 1905 Farnham... . .. 1882 Faversham ...] 883

~~l~'~eeSs Ry .



-I -

1094 2213 22 787 113 5J9 24 513 15 ]927 1 4 - -286 18 3363 1 107 87 11 8691 95





]554. 663 -1H 1 3]5 :U";' 583 195 490 1655 58 7572 11124

358 zoE, 1988 56 1818 3 0 63 1 33 52 1365 :2329 1487 74 '1225 604 28 409 1027 470 452 432 757 , 103 505 7 64 396 396 344 40 318 :2520 1952 66\! 110 400 862 ] 0 859 2919 115 2449 !nO ,4310 fl63 46 H8 6085 31013 67:2 611 -- I 361 270 601 4 L 473

I -

I -




5'li 43 :2i91 7993 205 4.0 542 li9 1481 18 2826 99 780 47 ~55 20 1131 211 2860 'i 3 11 5 1H -1 03 128 96 3H 14 1114 13R 5622 ;1-123 42 i512 22J 10500 - -

2;8 37::.


= 23

1 05 9 a


8550 46 4i8 :~3 1006 76 471 38 514 3-114 15i. 736 29 ;;555 -4211 163 2 4 219 16:d 130J 1070 3292 85 741 42 9tH 60 100 2258 86 921 7926 107 254 65 _ 206 7 _ _ 815 ]6 229 2112 107 8 163 1351 _ 998 56 599 3 904 -1956 208 311 _ 2193 5!i87 g~l 65 2170 3130 20 213 _ _ 338 79 1223 88 1050 218 _ 65 161 -_ 228 __ 1

583 348 32 1931 5231 205 40 407 173 -952 12 2542 99 636 28 216 18 811 157 2312 64 H7 86 1249 1 108 69 252 14 818 116 4.210 ,382 41 5665 193 9]::l





HO --_ 237 S '1599 I 7140 249 _ 3i9 21 839 J3 36J 28 172 2064 113 562. 29 5113 _ _ 3302 ::'46 275 219 68 609 295 :,1547 67 475 19 810 52 367 1911 71 902 6573 106 2) 8 56 _ _ 205 6 _ _ 618 16 220 _ 2212 89 7 1173 _ _ 915 42 457 3 727 __ 639 1526 174 195 _ _ 15!ifi 3839 5a1 44 1270 2551 7 117 _ _ 207 23 989 54 525 175 _ _ 18 153 _ _ 122 __ _




No. of Womell who havc cOll1pleted a

conrse of iustrnctioll. I--=-,---~--=-

F.A. I R.X. -

466 16 961 6;') 534 21 182 11 134 4 143 -14 214. 804 53 22:15 9 434 79 H08 731 411 56 1108 7 21 38 182 2651 65 882 25 327 8 D1 381 35 321 586 10 260 60 100J 4100 37 238 3863 7f. 67 108 30 243

:::1i~~~ ~i~ -= ~~I -=

Gloucester ... 1881 Gosport&Ful'eharn 1899 Gt. Eastern Ry.. 1896 Gt. Western Ry.. 1896 Granby ... 1898 Grimsby ... ... 1881 Guernsey... _.. 18 1 Bastings & S. Leo. 1880 By. ,\y oollen Dist. 1 83 Bebdeu Bridge ... 1887 Heywood .. 1882 Hospital Satmday 1889 Hull ... 1882 I pswiclt ... ... 1880 .. 1905 IronbriLlge Isle of ,\right .. 1 S5 Jersey... ". 1901 Keswick . . ] i<8J Kettering .. 1893 Lan. & York. Hy. 1897 ... 1878 Leeds ... Leicester ... 1880 Li'i-eTpool ... 1880 Li,. SGll. Cookery 1Si7 Llflmlnono ._. 1883 LYl11ingtoll .. 1 884 Manchester ... 1880 Miuulesbrv ' Clevl 1881 Mirl.&.G.N. Jt.R. 1900 Millom... ..- 1888 Nonyood .. 1 92 Nelson... '" 18 '9 Newark-on-Trent 1 ~ '4. Northampton ... ]886 North Bucks ... 1898 Nt.-Easteru R\,. 1 95 18 4 N t-Sta[fordshire Oldham .. _ ... 1 4. Olley... ..- 1888 Penrbyn Quarry 1889 P('teruol'ollgh ... 1893 Polytechnic ... 189:"Portsmouth ... 1881 Ralllsgate ... 1881 ." 1893 H.eacli'ng Ricllmolld ... 1882 Rochdale ... 1886 Rotllerham ... 18 4 SheffielJ" .. 1878 Shipley ... ... 1896 Shrewsbury... 1879 Southampton .. 1880 S.E.&Ohathm Ry . 1906 Southport .. 1887 Sowerby Bridge... 1890 South ShielL1s ... 1883 Streatham ... 1891 S\\-illtOll ... ... 1885 Stockport ... 1883 Sunderland ... 1896 Tibshelf ". .. . 1878 Tonbridgc ... 1879 Tnn briL1ge Wells 1879 Wakefield .. 1906 Wellinghol'ough.. 1888 \Yestoll -snp-1!are 1880 York ... ... 1890 Adelaide ." 1884 K ew South ,Yales 1890 N. Z. Auckland 1892 N. Z. Dnnedin ... 1889 Oape Colony ... 1891 East London ... 1904 Johanuesburg ... Orange River 001. 1904 Bangalore ... 190-1 Bombay .. 1901 Oalcutta ... 1905 HyderabaJ ... 1903 Shillong ... 1905 Simla ... 1906 Sind ... . .. 1903 Singapore ... 1906 Rangoon, Burma 1905 Gibraltar .. 1903



rceei,'<!,! CtJrti ficates.


250 -306 740 2JO 417 158 134 95 95 106 134 274 128 119 405 577 1246 1186 1 1 267 488 1230 321 538 133 329 8-15 In9 94 27 35 1484 ] 323 468 765 237 183 8 241



215 75 :2197 1633 405 211 250 112 ::l025 553 407 1 351 _ _ 1039 707 192 32 46 20 32 2805 .4288 :20] 7 1208 £001 145 267 266 415 260 1107 654 220 90 2021 975 118 112 _ _ 152 33 _ _ 293 118 287 231 547 328 4.69 334 711 129 _ _ 113 125 277 66 841 398 943 457 368 216 _ _ 1'305 488 5855 1782 1078 1984 1312 1201 476 76 79 _ _ 13 22 _ 503 74 296 44 11 _ _ 40 18 14 _ _ 17 12 _ _






198 :203 205 2]4 93 126 88 61 73 500 _ 150 76 30 310 217 53P ] 67 116 1 418 1363 258 117 U2 25 752 286 33 168 27 :32 862 605 417 257 137 128 13,1 99 192

--136 314 127 358 270 129 92 255 92 725 796 499 1420 40JO 1410 169 179 III 1339 1786 667 19 71 19 33 54 24 54 86 38 184 178 139

252 III 283 30~r 357 199 17 188 21 522 467 122± 610 2603 809 164 154 219 126 ?-31 99 1461 843 702 388 1H6 955 187 118 1 0 107 603 1 385 3215 1201 30J8 1166 3230 I 1621 \1:211 139 19 238 2:!5 3171


--:::-, -...,..,..-,:-=-I -

F.A. _ U.X.

No. of Women who have

No. of Mel! who have !'Io. of Certi fi ea ted Pupils who ha I'e recei "cd


219 25 435 22 91 738 49

40 110 57 :d el

71 24 190 129 53 165

88 43 248 29 14 358 203 65




I 27



10 287 60 22

581 213




129 116 55 112 ]40 42 440 1511 12 71 58

23 52 45 -

147 58 183 206 44 211 125 31 167 107 1] 11 402 329 185 773 295 191 1.')66 652 697 652 ]25 130 116 30 1:2 ]20 14 11 168 84 46 16 988 583 371 235 470 259 231 111 966 515 290 198 90 44 :21 30 101 56 81 35 43:3 287 ] 85 150 512 2160 38 1377 2i6 2442 1129 5334 526 2505 1712 239 860 676 101 [:2 23 19 133 1 116 49 67 2;,41 -2644 _ __ 1:d1 179 58 1249 8-12 91 452 329 173 81 33 222 110 136 85 151$5 52{ 781 287 263 221 9 38 _ _ 1966 _ _ 814 475 603 90 198 38 24 81 45 20 95 13 2-! _ 53 1732 1294 215 64 1474 100!) 343 421 298 212 196 125 201 179 39 95 372 230 12 110 958 598 285 189 218 90 356 69 1615 783 2285 3i6 90 93 53 77 _ _ 101 24 11 11 _ _ 228 101 73 33 195 196 99 119 547 328 398 250 321 198 6 55 33 67 486 l04 158 83 _ _ 102 105 435 82 147 45 66 24 441 :!14 462 140 454 101 119 91 785 402 357 173 210 129 2 _ _ 49 89 9 817 360 97 3994 378 1260 752 204 73 1204 489 218 209 670 229 67 26 30 18 17 5 _ _ 6 _ 1 6 11 415 45 41 17 157 17 9 _ _ 32 15 13 6 _ _ 6 5 1 _ _ 1




cOlllpletcd a course of


recei,'ed Certificates.

completed a course of iustruction.

rcceived Ccrti Ii cates.

I fl.);,

F .A. I R.N'.

F . A. I R.N,



~~ I =

E8 41


56 90 12 15 38 127

-- I





29 37


40 16 14

24 13 20

28 14 11

43 32 11 18 16

212 44


133 18 4



202 32




86 13 126 38 56



72 R

143 92 94 130 :350 49 353 23


46 32 28 ]08 281 H10 17 42 24 47 J 05 10 14 87 204 112 25 58 9 6 91 7(;j2 621 436 256 Ii :33

532 21


]88 72 409 411 54 82 6] 112 71 8

32 71

94 92 27 23

107 46 30



5 1

29 35 20 1




_. 12 10 -


61 54

40 72

82 46 30 27 29 72

~i I ~~ I

2 2 4

= 4



11 4 60 108 10

Reformed 1900.







105 34

53 20


36 17

20 10 11 52

20 6










38 135 77 22

65 10-1 43 30




145 85 :27

115 44 47





20 8 25 21

5 10 58 3

17 4 20



6 34 26

6 13

136 150 39 1]4

4 30 17

2 87





166 15 35 63

79 12 30












18 16




22 33

54 91

11 10 24

10 26 29 10


10 20

1~ I ~

10 37

6 19


37 8

64 26 22 14



226 J 55 138 62


13 14 17

33 8


60 14

60 17 21 14 284 155 89 62 26

5 13 33

11 26 6


19 6"1 91 8

29 21 6

19 37 68 61 33 :2

Reorganized 1904.

17 230 11 20 11 86 2

26 26 11

13 17


Reorganized 1905.




15 1

1 11

21 25 6 1 2-1 12 31 3 2


20 3



20 25

35 3












Reconls incomplete.




2,J,6 59

11 3 9

12 5

Mell and 'Vomen. Latter half reckoned [from Jan . 1904.

22 1

26 35 6 6



1 15 49 114



28 4

10 25

~ 1

l;~ 98



40 :2

= =/ 1:


53 17 02 137



3. ·,


12 1 21

80 I 15

314 17





97 15 22 54 12


26 23 84 9




137 57 114 205


32 30 27




24 16 26 24






33 86 500 43 85 278



58 72 247 40

13 39 114 I --609 62 175 728 129





8 46 57 28




=1= =1=

164 553 12 11 101

Latter half from 1st [Sept. 1905.


1 80 6

753 28 4 9 3 66 3 30 75 20 40 '2 I 54 29 14 13 22 5 6 16



88 62 25 14

71 46 14


26 36 180

40 2 1


139 283




]6 22





82 15 56 60





124 72 371 261 36

Formed 1894. Re[organised 1900.



29 143 19 3 33 74

174 lL5

3 5 8





9 41 49 13 64 26


34 11









1-- I 1:2 15 - 1449248I 281


= 47 31 11 40 20





20 6li

30 -




456 398 201





28 67 80 258 91 197 732 Hi 6 ]07



45 13



]80 20




30 -


12 11 14



61 135 1039 17 32 18 -21 86 10 11 21 67 12 137 34 17 36 6 6 10 30

Reformed 1905.



11 36






122 17 70

13 72 7 109 33 94




16 /

=1 -

~I .

H. K.







10 34 40

16 4 184 75 4 47 38


~o. of Certi ftcated Pupils who ha ve rt ceived


Men and I Vomen. Later half sincc 1st [April 1905.


St. Joh·n A ?nbulance Associa,tion.



St. John Rll1bttlance Rssociatio11. LOCAL REPORTS.


(Kensington, etc.) <.: hah·JlI an.

The Rev. Lord Victor

eymour. JlonOl'al'Y Sccrctary .


Mrs. C. Ul'qulJart-Fishel',

C. t'C[uhart-Fi her, 3, Clevelaud Terrace, '\'.

3, Clev(;laml Terrace, ·W. Lifc lUcmbcl's

Miss Braby, Lally Hargl'cayes 13ro,\'n, l\lis HUll1ett, l\li s CTaven, Irs. B. L. CoheD, Majol'-GenerulJ. C. Daltoll, J~.A., General il' E. G. Fanhawe, G.C.B., Lady Fowler, Miss A. t . John Gray, Colonel ir Jallles Gildea, c.Y.a., C.B., The Rt. Bev. the Lorrl Hi hop of Petcrhorough, ~lrs. F. 'Y. Banis, l\Iiss Hnmphreys, Mr . Lean, Lady Montagu, Mi's B. Louisa Parker, l\Ii's Jary L. Parker, 1\)1's. Stl'eatfeild, The Dowager Lady TrelawllY, La!ly Treyclyan, l\Iiss Weld, l\Ii .. s ,Yilson, Hon. IIenrietta Wimlsor-Clive, 1\1rs. Anthony WingnelL1. lUc(Ucal

• all'.

Dr. Corthorne, F. V. DCllne, M.D., ,V. Fox ymons, M.D., R. Courtenay Gayer, Heginald Hayes, :M.D., L. Llewellyn-Powell, M.D., J. Rhodes, M.D., Arthur ,Vare, M.D. M.n.,

AN :rUAL REPORT. The following classes han been helJ, viz., first aiJ classes under Dr. Gayer, Dr. Hayes, Dr. Llewellyn Powell alld Dr. Dellne. Tl1l'sing classes under Dr. ,Yare, Dr. Dcnne, and Dr. Corthol'lle. eyeral or the large illdustrifl.l honses and establishmcnts in Kensington have encQ1lI'agccl their employees to enter the cla se , notably lessrs. John Barker, LtLl., Messr . Hunt, ano. l\Iessrs. Lyons ano. Co., Ltd., of Cad by Hall. F


St. J ohn A mbulcfJnce Association.

St. J ohn A ?nbglance A ssociation.

S tatem,ent of R eceipts ctnd Expendit~tf'e fO?' the yeCt1' encling Septembe1' 30th, 1906. R eceipts. Expenditure. To Olass F ees . £13 2 4 By Hire of Boys for Ola. scs £1 8 3 " Books and Bandagcs 2 11 0 "F ee to Oaretaker of Hall 0 7 0 8 11 3 " Head-qnartcr's Acconnt :, Postages 0 5 0 " Balance Surl)lus 5 1 10

£15 13


£ 15 13


Audited by us amI founel correct, VICTOR A. SEY~[oUIt, Glwil'l71an . O. URQUHA11T-Fr. HER, '1'J'ects1ll'er. LILIAN URQUHART-FISHER, Hon. Sccrctary.


H. R. H. Princess L ouise, Duchess of Argyll. Treas Ill'Cl' :uul lIoll. Sccrctul'Y.

( ·hail'll1an.

001. T. H. Hendley, C.I. E.

.Miss Maude T. Thomas, 103, Greeneroft Gardens, \Vest Hampstead, N.\V.

lUedical Staff. D~'s. Har~l\\'icke, C~lllni n ghall1, Winslow Hall, Sutberland, Adam 'Watson, Atklllson, Gibsoll, ~evJle Greeves, Je sop, Anderson Pink, Mallian, 1\Ia.::ervy, Parry, ~\"llell, Glover, 1\Icl\augham Jones. Roger , Smith Norwood Brown " Cook FleminO' T 0'

Hoberts, 'Yel(1, Olark, 1\Ieggett, McFadden, Granville, F. H. Jervis, ;\f.D., Jennings, )I.D., T. B. H. \Yrcford, ;)1.ILC.S.

ANNUAL REPORT. ince submission ofthe last report the Oommittee'bas been htl'enuthened and now numbers sevellteen members including the Chairman. The border~ of the district, have been fixed and extended so as to incluuc the greater parts of lIIarylebone and Hampstcad, aud ill the last named place there is a division of the t. John Arubnhlllce Bl'iga.de with which the entre co-opera.tes.


(City and Pm·t of Loudon). l·l'csi<lcnl.

Field Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught and Stl'atheal'll,



Life lUembers.

The Oorporation of the Oity of London, The Cutlers' Company, The FihmoJ]ucr ' Company, The Goldsmiths' Company, The Grocers' Company, The Habercla her' Oompany, The Mercers' Oompany, The Merchant Taylor' Company, Th e kinners' Company, Th e Surrey Oommercial Docks Company, Edward L. BamarLl, Conrad Bergman, Col. Sir Charles Wyndham Murray, C.D., Colonel Sir AnlJone G. Fife, Major-General Bryan Milman, C.B., J. and R. Morley, John :Morley, Ed"'in Freshfield, LL. D. , F . S. A. , Ernest L. Olive, Edward Howley Palmer, Pre cott anl1 Co . (Bankers), Ex-Sheriff Waterlow, Edward ,Yebb (British and Foreign Wharf) , MiRS Ford (Highgate).

'1'0 " " " ,j


Statement of R eceipts ancl Expenditure. RccciptF. Expenclitw·e. ReLlallce. £5 16 10 By Diary and Aduress Book Bronze ~IeL1alliolls 0 16 0 "Rubber Sta.mp ' 'ub 'cl'iption 3 1 6 "Postage Colonel Hcndley 0 10 6 "Bronze Mcdallions EX:lllJilla.tion Fees 1 11 6 "Printing . ilIeualliolls :1llcl Labels 0 7 6 "Head Office . "Htationery. . " Medallions and Lttuels " Balance


4 17 11

o 16


ti G

3 17



3 10


3 10

o 3 G o ~ 6 o 16 0 o1 8


3 10


(Balhwn, BattCl':)ca, Bri.ctu/t, Clapham, Kennington, Lambeth, Tooting, and neighbourhood.) No.3 DISTRICT. -METROPOLITAN.

(St. James's, Whitehall, Mayfair, JIyde Park, PllcZdington, BaysLcater, Notting Hill, Regent's Parle, Regent St1'eet, OJjord Street, etc.)


H. R.ll. the Pl'incestl Frederica, Baroness yon Pa\\'el Raullllillgen . Uouol'ary SCC 1'ctary lUIII Tl·caSUl·Cl'.


n. :JIorgan,

39, Aluerbrook Road, Balham Hill, London, lUc(lical Stair.

John Browll, L.ll.C.I'., J . }.I. OU1'\'e11 , i\l.lt.C. '., \Y. Ferris, ;\LD., L. :\1.D ., T. Pearsoll, L.R.C . I>. , H. G. Reid, M. D., R. 1North,1Il.D.

H.R. H. Princess Beatrice, Princess H enry of Battenberg. Lire lll ClIlbc l's.

The Marchioness of Bath, L ady E. Browne, W. L. Burdett-Ooutts, P. L. Chiosso, Ooates , Sir Frederick F. L. Cook, Bart., Countess Cowper, Col. Sir Aubone G. Fifc, The Ooulltess Granville, L. Vernon H arcourt, Mrs. Quintin H ogg, Th e Oountess of Ilch ester, James Jackson, ~:. Kelso, 001. E. H. Kennard, Miss Kingsmill, The Marchion ess of Lan sdowll e, H er Grace the Duchess of L eeds, Miss Francis Martin , Miss A. Miles, Samuel Morley, 001. Sir Oharl es Wyndham Murray, C.B., Lady Wyndham Murray, The Lord Reay, Miss A. de Rotllschild, Mrs. Leopold Salmons, Albert Sancleman, Fleetwood Sandeman, A. L. Savory, The Countess of Sefton, H. J. Tritton, Clarence Watson, Outhbert Wills.


Statcmcnt of ReGciptli a/Ul E.l..'pcnditu,·e



. lJc~Ianus,

the ycw' cJ1ding 30th Septcmber, 1906.



To Balance from 1905 • £33 " Class Fees and 'ale of Stores . :23




to ref., Examiner' Fees, anu I ncidcn tal Expen e' " I ostage, and Petty ExpellSe " Balance .



£56881 \YILLI A:\l





0 7 31 1 £56

lion. Scc)'ctCt?'yand Treasure'!'.


S t. J ohn .fl1n bu.,lance Association.


St. John A rnbu lo/I'/.,ce Association .


;Uc (Ucal 'Half.

W . H . Coke, l\I. R.C.P , L ond. , ~LR. C.S . , W . F . R . Coke, F. R.C.S., E . G. Colville, F.R. a.s . , C. Vernon , ~r.R. a.s . , L.RU.P. Lond . , D.P.D., Camb., G. 'Wilks, :M . B., )I.R.a .s, L.,· . A.

ACCRINGTON. I'l·csitleut.


H. H . Bolton .

R eY'. E. Greellsill, M.A. ANNUAL REPORT.

Treasllrer lllHI llOll. Scct·ctary.

J. Ogden , Amb ulance D rill H all, Accrington. 'Life lUcmbcl's .

A. E. Ball, H. H. Bolton, F. F. Grafto n, Mrs. W adsworth, C. J. 'W hittaker, L. Whittak er, :Mrs. Whittak er, Miss Whittaker, :Miss Janie ·W hitt aker. JU cdical Staff.

J. S. Clayton, ~r.D., F .R. C.S., E d . , R. Clegg. M.P•. C.S ., L.R.C.P., M. J. Fox, JJ.n.c.p., L.R.C. " . T . Franki h, l\LB., C.AL, B.SC., W . Geddie, M.D., C.M., A. Greenhalgh, I1LB., CH.B., A . Y. Greenwood, M.D., C.M., T . E. Nuttall, M.D., C. lII . , R. RuUle, L. R. C. S., L.R.C. P.I., H. 'Worsley, ~LB., C. M. AN NUAL REPORT. Interest in the ambulance movement in the Oentre area continues to be well maintained. Classes of I nstruction have been held as usual, also re-examination as indicated. A ne\v departure has been followed in a cour1:'e of Rome H) giene. Twenty add itional surgical havresacs have been distributed gratis to mills, etc., dnring the year, n~aking 122 of such articles now in use. They are maintained hy the Accrington Corps, S.J.A.B. Practically every mill and workshop in the entre's area have been so supplied within the last six years, and the distribution is much appreciated by workpeople.

The instruction by this Oent.re has been mainly the formation of a section at South Willes borough for women. One COUl'se o[ lectures for first aid and one for lllU'sing have been held, with the result that 11 gained first aid certificates, and 14 gaincd certificates. The Bricrade has ncrain Llone excellent work , 25 removals . 11111'Sillg b O O 11avlllg eell snccessfully 1111(lcrtakell. The great need of a propel' ambulance wagon [or the nse of the Oentre and 011t.lyi11g districts has long been felt, and teps are now being tnkpn to obtain the money necessary for the pUl'cilase ot' the same. .d. special cn,ll 1'01' funds will have to be made and it is hoped that the amount wia easily he forthcoming.

StCGtement of Receipts and KcpeiUlitlG1'e, 1905-1906 . E~_'1Jencl it UTe.

Receipts. To Balance at bank £3 18 1 01-1 8 in haud " 211 0 fees for Classes .," Entrance " ,'ale of Books, Bandages, &c. 1 19 0 8 7 0 " -., nbscri ptions £17 12


3~ 5~


By Expenditure over Income, Illustrated L ecture by R ev. J . T. Lawrence, "History of the Order of t. John" £0 " Stationery, Prin ting, and Advertising . 10 " Stores and Class Fees . 64 " Grant to Corps 100 " Ground rent, half year 15 " Collector's Commission per j',Ir. T. t:oyan . 8 "Postage and ,undry I ncidental Expenses . 4 " Balance 21 £225

7 10




£8 0 0 8 0

6 7


0 0 2 0

£17 12


8 5 9

J OlIX OJ~EEI~Y, C'hainnan. \1,'. F. B. JrDDrEl"l', Hon. T1·eclszo·er.

Statement of Receipts and E;rpenditu1'e /01' the yea?' ending Septembe1' 30th, 1906. Receipts. Expenditu?·e. T o Amount brought forward from bast account . £2 6 " Subscriptions & donations 204 17 " Stores sold and Class Fees 18 1 " Bank interest 0 3

By Head-quarters for to res Oonveyances for Examiner " PORtages and gratuiti.es " Balance at Bank . " in hand.



3 17 0 6

G 3 0 ;.



2 19


ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE. e lla il'JIlan. Abraham Park.

I·l' (' slfl c llt..


'Y OL'ship the 1Ia.yor. TrC:t ur ct'.

1I0 JlOJ' :l1'Y

John Amlrew, Oaroline dreet, Ashton-uuder-Lyne.

Se Cl'ctnJOY.

Daniel Hall, Lym\"ood, mallshaw, Ashton- under-Lyne. J.i fc 11('mJjcl' ·.

D. H. Cheetham, ~r.n., . Craw haw, ~[.n., 'Y. H. Hughes, jun., M.B., C.)f., 'W alter Newton, Henry Pap1e, M.D., L.R.C.P., ?lLR.C.S.

R. Dlell dale,

7 10

J . OGDEN, IIono?'a?'Y SeC1'eta1'Y ancl T ?·easu1·c1·. E xamined and fouud correct, anti all vouchers seen, 15th Dccember, 1906. JAMES DEAN, } II A l't THO~[AS PILKINGTON, on. lie. Z 01·S. (Passed) E DWARD GllEENSILL, Ohai1'1llctn.


:nt' 4li e al S taff.

B1easLlale, )r.n., G. F. Bowman, ~r.B., D. H . Oheetham. ~r.B., J. 'Y. Oorn , L.B.C.I'., L.R.C.S., . Oraw~haw, ;11. B., H.. Hamel', ~LB., _\. Hacl1iiton, L.R.C P., L.R.C.H., ~\ . Hilton, L.. A., 'V. II . IInghe ,,iun .. ~r.B., C.~L, J. E. Judson, )LR.C . . , L.R.C.P. , A. , . l\lcPhersoll, ~r.13., C.M., F. \V . ~Iann, ~r.B., J. 11. \Y. Mori on, ~LB., C.)f., C. Pearse, L.R.C.P., L.n.c.s., H.. Price, L.R.C.I'., L.R.C. '., Ed., Bi ett mitb, penceI' J. 'V. Talent, M.D., ~1.H.a . '., P. . Twomey, L.ll.C.P., L.R.C.S.



ASHFORD. I'rcsillent.

Sir .T ohn Fnrley, c . B.



John Ur eery.

W. F. B . J emmett, T he B ank , Ash ford.

llOllOl'ary Secretary.

II. Ponlton, "Clovelly," Mngnine Hoan , Ashfol'll ,

The c1nsses held dnring the year do not show so many new member a tho e of previous year, but they have exeelled in another way, in the fact that there has been a larger unmber o[ stndent· who passed their first allLl second ro-exams.: this we may say speaks well for the earnestness of the tuden t keeping up their kno\\'ledge in the work of first aid .


Statement of R eceipts and To " " " " "



E x'penditu?·e.


Bank Balance Cash in hand I nterest Donation Discount Centre Classes for Books, Examinn,tion F ees, &c. " ::Medallions ,. Am bulance :Men and Nur ing Sisters' Contributions "Ambulance :Men, for Uniform " Proceerls from Social., and Ashton Dramatic Soc. £10, Lacrosse Bellefit, £5 13s. lId. Ashton Operatic Society £10

£3 6 1 13 18 91 043 010 0 1 0 25 18 4 409

336 1


36 10 10

By Postage, Stationery, etc. £1 19 5! for Claflses 14 2 11 " Books, &c., for Classes 3110 " Medallions 1 9 11 " P ostage, &c., for Brigade " Books, Stationery, &c., 2 4 2 for Brigade "Expenses . 1'e Review, I nspections, Compe titions, OonferCllces , Fee, Fares, ancl Social 11 13 10 " First Aid ]\fatel'ialfl for baversarks, p011ches, etc. 11 6 5~ " Ovel'coftts, leggings, and clothing for Am bulance men and nursing sisters 19 1 0 "Agricultural how; route marches, and camp expo 4 8 7 1 19 6 " Furniture ancl repairs 15 5 o " Bank Balance 1 ~ 5~ " Cash in hand


£88 11




ChairnUlll. Col. Sir Thomas H . M arshall, C. B.

](011. Trca. nrer. T. ,Yebster, 241, Hi gh Street, Bangor.

1I01l. SecretnrJ'.

Ivor Davies, 125, High Street, Bangor. ~lcc1ical


A NUAL REPORT. There have not heen so many classes held in this Centre dnring the past se.. sion a~ the Committe.> woulll de ire. It i~ difficult to al:connt for thiR unless iti is that there are not allY industries here. ,Yr only held two classes last winter, one a ladies class (nursing) and the oth&r a Police and Postmen's cla s (first aid). :rearly all the memhers who werc entitled to sit for the exam. did so anrl satisfied the examiner. The Committee will continue to advel'ti. e the classes trusting that as they hecome more widely knowll and appreciated, the public will avail themselves more of them.

Statement of Ecceipt and E"'lJcndilu?'e f01' the yea?' ending Septembe?' 30lh, ] 906. E~/~pe?lditw·c . Receipts. To Btdance at Bank, 30th, 1905 I'


£-1 2 6 16 1 11



3 0

}A 7't

lIC.l O1·S.

£12 13

l>I' e ~i(l e llt

• D.L.

Uediclll Stn fT.

Statem,cnt of Receipts and E~11enclitu?'c, 1905 to 1906. R eceipts . Expe?lditu1·e. £2 11 5 16

6 3

17 18







1 1 3 17


£12 13


BARROW -IN-FURNESS. Eclwal'll ,Yall11am,

J . C. Dunn, L.R.C.P., Edin., D. M. Forbes, F.ll.C.R., ,Yo H. Hill M.D., C.M., H. J. Neilson, M.D. ' ANNUAL RRPORT. Dnying the year three first aid classes (two male all11 one female) have been held at tlns Centre. Th e number of memberR attending them a11cl their appreciation of ambulan ce wor~ shew no diminution. 410 cases of injury by accidents have been reported, of whICh 35 were conveyed h ome or to the hospital in the ambulance Vl'l.ns.

Sale of Books and Bandages. " Sale of Medallions . " D onation from the Babbington Coal Co.

3 0 0 9

Tl·cn'i lll'Cl·.

F. E. cply, Sherwood L odge, Nottingham.

Jlonol'nry SeCl'et nl'y. J. T. Walters, Babbington Collierics, "'otlingham.



£1 6 III o 15 1 10

THo .. H. MAR~HALL, Ohairnwn. Tho)[AS 'V EB.'TEll, Hon. Treasw·cr.

ScptelnDel 27th, 1906.

BABBINGTON. (~ hail·lII11ll.

By Secretary's Expenses tationel'Y and Printing. " Rent " tores " Examiner's Fees ,." Examination Expenses Halance


A13n .\H .\1[ PXGK, Oll(li1'?Il(11l. JOHN ANDREW, T)'ea.~u?·l'i·. DANTEL H.\LL, Hon. SeCI·etm·y.

Geo. Fowler, M. I.C. E.


Richard Jones, L.R.O . P . , 1LR.C'.S., Ruwlanc1 Jones, L.R . C.P ., M.R.C.S., E. J . Ll oyd, M.D., Corbet W. Owen, :aLB., E. O. Price, M.D.

Andited and found correct, N ovem bel' 22nd, 1906,

Pre. hlcnt. Charles H. Seely, "]'LP.


St. John A m bu lance A ssociation.

St. John A ?nbulance Association.

By Hooks and Bandages "Medallions . "Examiner's feeR, etc. Lecturers' fees "

£1 7

3 0 814

9 9 £26

GEO. FOWLEP., Ohainncm, F. E. EELY, TreaS~L?·e?·. J. T. W ALTERS, n on. Secreta?·y.



o o o 6

11011 Ol'lll'Y SC(,l'ellll'J' .

Thoma. Leary, 10, Keith treet, Btl 1'1'0""' in· Ful'll e!; . •

1'1'ca nrel'. The Archdeacon of Furness, Barro\\,. ~lccliC:ll

Allan Hntherford,

t . George's,


M. B., C. lII., Edin.

A':f TUAL REPORT. Progress of the Centre i well markerl. ComnJencing in 1 0 it has gradually gained in ]1nhlil' e till1atinl1 . The amhnlallce y tem ha had a wide extension in Barrow. E ·tabli~hments who 'e work.people, \1p to Ie than half a dozen years ago, were in great 1111l1lbe1' instrnctell allll certificated only through the promiscuous classes of the Centre, h[1\'e now become concentrated for the exigencies of their re pectiye bnsinc.se . In such respect the Fume Railway has formed a Centre; an(l the great hipbnildiug works of 1\1e T . Vickers ons and Iaxim ?rga:li ed a deta.chcd class. Thi conlpany (a tated by a director at a cIa' meetmg.lll June l ao t) has a Cor)1 of 0 11ll'mbers, 30 of whom paying the weate t attentIOn, and showing the mo t intere t in attendance at practi. e, wonle1 be paid . The Barrow Police, too, all of whose member' C)ualifying as ambulance men, have passed through the classes of the BOlTOW Centre for upward of a , core of ye3.rs, all~ are no",: formed into a detacl1ed cIa ; intent on . ecnrin cf extended facilit;~fl for 111 tructlOn, and pt'tLctises, which they feel " 'ill come to "'them by ha\'ing their assemblies at the

St. John A ?nb~I.,l(i?1Ce AssociciJtion.

St. John A 1nuulance Association.

Central P olice Station' affordino- better combination, and less interference with the routine of their oeneral' duties, than when, in small ~eparate parties, they could onlr, with somewhat l~stl'icted regularily, atLelld the ~entre's general clas~es . The Oentre since its commencement has ceriificated 83 pohcemen, and up to date 57 weal' the arm bado-e of the Association. A number of the Fire Brigade, 16, are also members of the B~rrow Oentre . the Town's ambulance van being 'kept at the Fire tation. Ambulance firemen fr~quently go with the v(ln when called for. in~e the introduction of the van, April, 1900, the call has been all3wered on 504.oceaslOn:'l. Th ere is also an Ambulanee Brigade in Barrow of 39 mem bel's. The Illghe t aIm of the Barro\\" Oentre, however, is in urging the mas'es to come and b~ taught the methods of the St. J ohn system. In this direction the Barrow Oentre IS e~rne~tly perseverino- ' has realised a considerable measure of success, and, expenenemg unabated pr~~ress, is sano-uine ot attainin g the Widest general application of the St. John system of " first ~id to tlie injmed" and" home nnrsing."

Murray, c . .8.) for the very generous gift of a hanJsome silver cllallenge bhield for team competition amongst holJ cl's of finit aid certificates wbo l'e!.iide in the area covered by the Bath Oentre and wliich was \\'on for the fil'bt tillle by the B Section of the Bath Oity Division, i3t. John Ambulance Brigade. I n August a. well attended meetillg was held at the Guildhall, when the ]}In.yor of Bath presided and the certificates and Challenge hield were preloented .


To " " "

Statement of Receipts ancl Ex])enclitnre for the yew' 1905-6. Receipts. E~('1)elldit/(?'e , Oontributions £10 13 6 By Men attending football field £5 2 Donations 8 8 0 and materials. . 2 16 Barrow Football Olnb 14 0 0 "Pl'intillg awl Stationery . Bank intcrest 0 1 6 "Sundries at D emonstrations, Exhibitions, and lads 1 13 " Oorrespondence, acc. postage and deliveries 3 1 4 16 " H ead 0 mee fees for Exams. " Rent of Rooms for Lectures 2 0 and Exhibition. " Paid Oaretaker, At tend(lnt at Women's Ola. s, and Serretary's office expen, es 10 3 3 10 " Balance

0 4



Strttem,ent of B eceipts and E~;pcnclitlt1'e fu? ' the yecw ending 30th Septembe?', 11:106. Receipts. E;'Pe?lclitli )·e. To Balance at Bank £0 9 3 By Heael Office Account £10 9 in hand 6 4 2 Ad vel'tising and Printing 1 0 " " Medallions. "" Subscriptions 5 6 0 . 0 11 " Expenses of ClaSSes Feer, from Olasses 4 13 6 1 8 " Medallions o 13 6 " undry paynlcllts" Stores sold " 2 6 6 postages, etc. o 18 " Oheque book 0 1 " Halance at Bank 1 4 " in hand 3 19



3 6 tj

9 5 0

± ~


£19 12 11

£19 12 11

Audited and found COI'\'l'ct, DcC'. 5th. 1906 .


J. PEAIlCE, Accountont. A. D_\.G, ' UAWE, Dtputy Clwii'?ilan. F. CLUT'JEltBl.:UK, Hun. Treasw·e1·.

• ,YTI:\"E¥

9 0

Ell:'lll ND

IlUGH I 'l'l~A\Y~OX,


6 0 0

Hon. Sec}·cta?'lj.

BEDFORD. l·l'C;.illCJl' •







Audited and fonnel correct J . BAclorouiiE, I A uclito?'s.


21st Janlla1'Y, 1906.



H er Urace Lhe Duchess of Bedford . ilOilOI'll)') S('('I'{'ial'Y :IlHl 'l'J·ca..,UI·cr.

Mr . . Alfrel1 Paine, ,Yh al'feLlale, GOh1illgton Road, Bedford. Mfc : UCIIlOCI·".

Th e DUl:hess of DeMorJ,

Haney Gold'lI1itlJ,



c. B.

General Sir John M cQueen, G. c. R. )[onOI':I1']' S('C I'('j Ary.


F . • prawsoll, 5a, Bridge 'treet, Bath .

Colonel H. F. 01 llttel'b llck , V.D ., Old Bank, Bath . Life il l eml)Cl', •

E. A. Bagshawe,

M.A . ,

of Bedford .

,l ('tlkal Si;tff.

BATH. Colonel Sir~ O. Wyndham Murray,

ir Frederick HOIYard, Adeline, Dllche

Chas. Ooates, M.D.

]Uc(licAl S'AW.

D. L. Beath, l\I.R . C. S. , L.R. C.P. , J.]I,1. Harpel', M.R. C.S. ANNUAL HEPORT. In pr~senting their annual report the Oommittee are again pleased to record that .a.Lll'ing the year three classes h ave becn held, one first ai(l for women, oue first aid ancl one nursing for men, 32 certificates in all being obtained. The Oommittee as in former years have to tender their thanks to Dr. D. L. Beath for so kindly having given the l ectures to the clasRes and to those Indies anel gentlemen who have heen instrumental in the formation and good working of the classes. rrhe Oomm ittee nave also to give their warmest thanks to their President (001. Sir Wyndham


C. Perl'am,


AI J K AL REPORT. The Ooltlmittee has 1'1('<1 nre in reporting a dceilled illcrea'e in tlli Oentre's work dmillg the past ye'l!'. }i'our cour'e .. of lirt aiel lectures \\"el'e attended by 47 ladies and 74111en. The result of the examination \\'a most sati factory; 411aLlies gained the first (lill uertificate, 2 the eX/1.111inlition "onchers and 1 the lllellallion. All the county a1\(l uOl'ough police passed, l'l;ce: iving 2 medallions, 9 !'e-QX<1millation ,-o uuhers and:; first :Jill l'ertiticates. The men, including 40 Midland R aihnlY, and 4 London and North 'W cstorn Ruil\\'uy (,J11"lo),e ,gninf'd 29 fil' taid certificate, 15 re-examiuatiOll voucher, and 6 m eda,lliolls. 47 latlies a ttellded the lllll'sing lectures, 46 receiving <:ertificate·. 50 of the 001111 h', and ~ of the Borough Police yoluntarily elltp.l'etl for the label, and all \\'el e sncce 'sful in pasing the btifl' examination. Thi was mo. t. gratifying to the OOl1lmittee, a a large percentage of these mell's medallions datell hack six to ten year. The labcl \\'as al 0 gained by 5 ladies, 10 men of the t. J. A. B. Di yi"ion, al\(l 3 Midland Rail \Yay elllploye. Ie everal ca es of valnable first aid \York huye becn reported; 32 by the County Police, but special mention llillst he made of sOllle good \,'ork done by three \I omen at the neighbol1l'ing village of ~tag~dcll. On the de 'uent of a balloon there Wit a deplorable explo ion of gas, and elev('n mell and boys l'II hed, with badly bUl'l1cO heads, necks and hands, for the kindly aid of' these ,,"om en . The doctor certillell that eyerything pos ible was t10ue to alleviate their nfTerings amI help given in conveying ten of the victims


St. John A ?nbulance Association.

St. John Ambulance Association.

to the County Hospital. These women received their medallion in 1897, when they started a well-equipped cupboard, k ept up by yearly subscriptions from th e villagers, with neccssaries for any emergency. The Committee offers its best thanks to Dr. C. Perram for his gratuitons lectures to the men; to the Instructress of the Red ford School of Cookery for the most helpful demonstration to the ladi es' class on sick ro om cookery. anel to the member of the Brigaele Diyision, who have rendered snch valuable aiel in 40 cases of invaliel tran port. The invalid appliances belonging to the Oentre have been in constant demand, and the ladi es of tIle Sicl, DieL Gnild have again di. tribnted, through the Di trict T urses , 1179 dinners and gifts of nourishing food, which have proved a great bOOH to the sick poor.


Statement of Receipts ctnd E[1]Jenditll?'ej01' the yea?' ending ScptcmbcT 30tlt, 1906. Receipts. Expcnditm·c. To Annual Subscriptions £2 11 0 By Bahll~ce due to Treasurer £0 11 7 " Fees from Olasses "Sale of tores, Books, Bandages " Medallion , Labels

53 ] 5


17 6 3 0 1 10

0 0 6



"Stores " Lectl1l'er'c; Fees "Examiner's Fees and Expenses . " In cidental Expenses, t. J ohn'8 Gate " Fire Insurance " Hire of Rooms and expenses 0 f Practice Classcs "Boys as models for handaging . " Me(lalliollS and Labels " Po .. tage and Printing " Balance in hand .


18 5 12 12



o o

3 19




The, fourth annual competitions fur .the Belfast Challenge Cup, and the Lord Mayor S Cup, were held at the T echmcal Institute, College S'Iuare, North, on 28th July, when Colonel :;\IcFarlaml, Dr. Calwell, Dr. Leslie, Oaptain BeD'D's and Captain Young kindly acted as judges. A team of firemen who are memb~r~ ~f the fSt. John Am blllance Brigarle hold the Belfast Onp for this year, and a team from St. James's Gate, Bre,yery, Dnblin, the Lord ~Iayor's Cnp. The Fire BriD'ade team also took fir t place in the competition for the Dublin Ambulance Challenge Cup.

Stctle'l1wnt of A cco~lnls f01' year 1906. Receipts.


To Balance from 1905 CIa s Fee. " Stores " Mellallion'l

£8 9 10 18 11 16 314


7 6 9 0

By Stores Account £15 17 Examiners' Fees, etc. 8 15 " Incitlental EX11ense,:; 4 4 " train's acc. (Printing) . o 17 " Expenses of Sec. anll Treas. " for Carriage, Postage, etc. 1 6 ~Ietlallions 3 14

9 0 0 0

£34 14 0 4

5 5


o Balance in hand




5 16 4 16

6 5

£3-1 18 10

4 19 10

o £7





Ollt'tantling accounts

£6 1 s. 10d. L. ilL\Go\v AX, Han. Tl'casll?'e?·. R. 'Y. LR. LYE, Hon. SeCl'etaTY. ,Yo Q. E\vART, Chairman .


ancl Tl'taSlll'C1'.

St((temcnt of Accounts jo)' RCCf'ipts. To Balance from 190.) " Donation , " Fee, (In(l Entrance Money




fourth Compctition, J111y 2 (h, 1906. E1')1enditzl1'c.

1 10 3 15 0 2 5 6

By Medals and Engraving " Printing and Adverti ing " Expen es of Competition

BELFAST. Balance in hancls of Trea.


£4 10 0 7 1 1

7 0 0

£5 1 7 0 3 9


Sir ,Yilliam Ewart, Bart.


Charles E. Allan.


Mrs. Magowan, Provincial Bank House, Royal Avenue, Belfast.

8 0

£34 18 10

NOl'cmbCl' 7th , H106.

E xamined with "OllChers and found correct, GEOFFREY HOWARD, ChaiT)}1(In, F. J, JOR. ELY~, Vice-Pnsidcnt. ELEAXOr. PAINE, Hon. SCC1'ctm'Y


UOllOrnl'Y Sccrcl n ric".

Mi. s Black, Glen Ebor, StrandtowlI, Bclfa t. R. ,V. Lesliu, M.D., St. Heliers.

Noz'cmba 71h, H106.




'Y"r. Q.




Chm·n)1an. Secl'ctO?'ics.

L\R't BLACK' Hi R. ,V. LE. LIE.r on.

Lifc )1 cm bcl'. .

John G. Austin, M.B., ,Villiam Calwell, LA., M.D, Stevenson Darling, M.B" Shnldam punlop, ?LD., T. A. Davison, L.J1.('.P., L.R. C.S., A. D. I£velyn, n.A ., LD., W. HanllltT~n EllIot, B.A., .M.D., A. Hampton Gray, M.D., 'N. T. R. Knight, :lCD.: H . L. 111. I. . . ls:l.ck, ~~.D., RlChartl ,V. Leslie, M.D., James A. Lindsay, :ll.A. , M.D., F.R.C.P., S. E. l'IIartm, M.A., LD., J. C. Martin, M.D., Gilbert '1al'shall, T,.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., George St. George, M.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., John D. McInto.·h, L.n.c.s., L ~.~,P., John Ru k, B.A., M. B., James Taylor, 111."8., Samuel Tatr, M.D., J. D. ,V llhamson, ~r. D. lUcc1i('al 81ntr.

Norm an Barnett, F.R.C.S., William Ufllwell, M.A., M.D., R. \Y. Leslie, M.D., F. McFarland, L.R.C.P. , L.R.C.R., JTiram Monypel1Y, M.D., M.n., D.CH., John D. McIntosh, L.R.C.P., L.P,.C.R., J. Rentonl, M.B., Geotge St. George,M.R.c.P., L.R. C.S ., Robert \Vatson, M.D., J. D. Williamson, M.D.

BELGRAVIA. lIonorary Sccl'ctary.

I~l'c',jcl Cl11.

The Rev. Cf1.l1on Fleming.

Colonel Tnfnell, -16, Eaton Jlcclicnl SI :lIT.

Life Jfemllcl'.

Hamilton Gatliff.

quare, S. '\\.



h, M.D., L.n.C.p., L.R.C . .

A NUAL REPORT. During the season two cla~ses were heltl, one fir t aiel fo], larlies and one for H ome Nursing at 46, Eaton 'Inare. Thirtcen of the candiclates pa sed in first aid and seven in Home ~Tl1l' ing anclreccivetl certificatc .

St. J oh n A ?nb ~/;lc&nce Associcdion.


St. John A ??~b~(;lance A ssociation.


Statement oj Receipt!; and Expenditw'e, 1905 -1906.


Expend it !tre.

Receipts. £23 14 18 11

To Balance in haud " Ladies Olasses


By Dr. Oahill's fees , £11 11 o "Stamps . ' 0 13 9 " Dist. Messenger Boys. 1 2 6 " U ay & William (paragraph 1 1 o llIo1'?~ing Post) . " Exam. Expenses-Ladies 3 9 6 Olasses 6 3 o " R eports . . 1 10 ~4 " Balance in hand

4 6


5 10

5 10

Audited and found correct, J OR G. GUBlHXS . JAH. FLE)IING,




H on. Scr:.l'etary .


H. , . II. Prince Alexand er OeorgC' of T eck, G.C.Y.o., n.s.o.

J. Courtenay Lord.

J. II. Blakeney: J,.R. C. P., George Oaclhury, Barrow OaJbury, Arthur Ohamberlain (Kynoch. Ltd.), lIle ·sr.. Ohance Brothers, Augnstus Olay, M.n.c.s., G. ~I. ~lkillgton (Elkington & 00 ., LM.), J. W . En.'oJ', L. n.C.p. , 'Y. H. Featherston e, )Ll)., ,Yo J. Gurbnt, )L]!., T. B. Gould, I_.R.C.P., J. F. Gnmmow, L.R.C.P. , S. HOMlly, ,'il' John O. Hold er, Bal't.,D. Holm es, )!.B., A. T. Holcls';\'orth, M.D" John KClltih, Jonhn Lloyd, ~1.11., W. A. Loxton, F.ILC.S., Edin" R. F . Mack enzie, )r.n., J. T. J. :'Iorri~ol1, F.R.C.S" T. K e] 'on, )I.D., Gordon Nicholls, M.n., E. W. l)aJ'.ey, )I.n., M. Hailing (Thc General Electric 00., Lttl. ), G. Thomas, M.n. C.f-; . , J ohn E. ",,'ilsoD, E. B. , Yhitcomhe, ~r.n.c" ., .T. II. White, )f.D . , ,Yo H. 'Vhiteholl c, )Ui. :n c eli c:! l 8 ta II'.


Chairman. W. Powiss.


Tl'c:l nl·cr. omercotes, Alfl'eto n.

Ufc .ucmucr.'. Sir Oharles ,'eely, Bart. tuart C. Wanlel!.

iUc(UcaJ Staff.

Oswald D. Robson,

M . A., )I.n . ,

Clement Iklchcr. )[.n. , P. Call1pbell, )r.n., II. G. Dain , M.n., '.V. Downing, .J. 'Y. Ell.'or, I..It-C.l'., \\T. B. Feather. tone, )r.n., \\T. J. Garbut, )I.B., J. F. TllllllllO\\', L.J~.C.P., T. B. :foul,l, T,.lLC.l'.,.T . T. H ewet on, )1.D., D. Holmes, 1IL13., A. T. Hold 'worth, )1.D .. G. II. Ha.rt, L.n.C.p., C. J . B. John, 011, L.R.C.P., ,Yo A. Loxton. F.n .C. ·., Eel., H. F. illackenzie, )I.D., J. Miller. )I.D., G. tuart [oore, ~r.n .. J. T. J. 1iol'l'i'ol1, F.R.C.S., Th oma. N elon, )I.D., James Neal, ~I.ll.C.: .. Gordon i\icboll , )r.n., E. W. Parsey, )I.D., G. 'V. Pmy~ll, "LB., W. A. Potts, 'l.D. , "\\T. R. Reith, )CD., " . J . Hobert, L.R.C.p., D. R. Rowlands, M . n., A. ,'tallley, L.1:.(,.1'., T. Thomas, ~r.ll.C ... , J. II. Trout, L . ll-C.P., E. T. ,Yalker, L.l:.C.l'., \\'. II. T . ,Yilkes, )r.l~ . . S., E. B. ,Vhitcombe, M.R.C.S., J. H. ,Yhite, )1. D., 'Y. H. Whit eholU;c, M. n. L.R.C.]'.,

J. ilIerriman ,

Honorary Secretary. S. A. J. Hill, Birchwood Oolliery, Alfreton.

J. H. Rogers, 12 , Col more R ow, Birmingham. Life iU cmucrs .

BIRCHWOOD COLLIERY. Oharles H ilton Seely,

Trca Slll'CI' altd Holt. S('cI·ctnry.





This Oentre continues to make satisfactory progress. A men's class has l,een h eld durinO' the year and was well attended. The examination ,,-hich took place in D ~cen~ber la t was held by SUl'geon-:Jlajor Hutton, who aftel'\yards complimented the men upon their skill in attending to various supposed injuries. A large number of minor accidents in and around the collieries have been successfully treatcll during tbe year. New classes for both men and women are now being formed.

In l're:-;elltin!.!; the t\\'enty-sixth alllllll\l report and . btement of accou~t your Committee lla \'el'leasure 111recorc1ing' th,1t the ,,'ork of the Centre has hO\\11 , atl factory progress, anel that the intere·t of the puhlic has been "-~ll maintained. Your Committee report "'ith plea 'me that His 'erene IIighness P.rI.nce Alexar:der G,eorge of Teck, G. '.Y.O. D.~.O., hns g-raciously ac:cepted the pOSItIOn of Pre~ldent m the place of th· late L ord L eigh. Th e accounts show a,'lll'plu ~f mcome over expenditure of £15 :3,:;. 10d. Twenty-three classe 11:""e b en held clunng the year :13 fil'~t n,id (men), 7 fil'::;t aiel (women), 1 nursing (men), 2 nursing (\\'omen) and 319 certificates is:'uec1 making a tobl of 9299 since the formation o~ the Centre. The grateful thanks of the entre are hereby tendered to those medIcnl gentlemen who gratuitously lectured to the cln'se.'. Th e Committee are gratifi d t.o be nble. to annOUl1C that their continued appeal to large employer of labour IS. now bemg respond ed to, as during- the current year' >yerallarge manufa,cturel::" h~ye m~u.g~rated ela ses in connection with their work.;. Since the last report t,,·o. ursmg Dn'1 lon of the Brio'ade have been formed one in connection with the works of ~Ies.r" Kynoch, L td., a~d the other under the'llu,pices of the Fa,thers of th ratory .. The efficiency and u efuln8ss of the gratuitous \\'ork of the Birmingham Corp, contmue under the able direction of the 'hief Superintendent, 1111'. Fred Gilbert. The fund of the Brigade show l'\, deficiency of £59 1 ls. 6cl. It i. no longer ,Pos ible for the L ocal Centre to supply the ,,-hole of the funds necessary for the Jl1tUll.tenance of the Oorp , and it is urgently l'ecOlmnendec1 thn,t public support sh.oulcl ?e gwen to the appeal f~r funds shortly to be i.~·med. All the mon y , ubscnbed IS cle\'oted to the pubhc benefit, no member of the Corps dcriving any pecuniary advantage whateYer.

Statem,ent oj ReceiZJts ancl Expenclit1tre fo?' the yew' encling Septcmbc1' 30th, 1906. EX1Jenclitu re.


By Books, Bandages, &c . " Examillation Expenses " School cleaning " R eut of School-ruol11 " Balance in hand

T o Balance Sept. 30th, 1905 £10 18 11 o 12 0 " Saleof Books a nd Bandages 506 " Subscriptions

£16 10 11


£16 10 11

E xamined ftnd found

Novembe?' 26th, 1906.

£0 10 3 383 050 o 10 6 11 16 11

CO IT 6ct,

YVILLIA~I P ow ISS, Ohainnan . J ORN M RIUUMAN, T,·easures·. SAHUEJ, A. J. HI LL, IIrln. SecretcLry.


St. John A 1nb1~lc(;nce Association.

St. John A1nbulance Association.

Stcttftment oj Income and EJ.1Jendit~we fo?' the yeM' ending 31st AUgUbt, 1906.

AN UAL REPORT. During the past year the Cen tre has sustained a loss by the death of the li:Lte Secretary, Mr. James Haw orth, who ball been acti vely engaged in ambulance work since the formation of the Centre in 1885. Since October last 102 men and women h ave compl eted a course of iu strllctiun ill either first aid or nursing with the result that 72 cprtificaies and 14. rnec!alliom; have been issned. The annual Review and Oompetition in connedion with the J ol'th East Lancashire Corps and Divisions of the Brigade was heltl in this town in JUlle and would, no doubt, have the effect of bringing the work of the Association and Brigade before the public.

I ncome. \ EJJpenditw·e. Clas Fees . £i 5 2 0 T o Head-qual'ters for Examiners' Stores-Sales Account 44 1 10 Fees, Exp enses , etc. £78 9 7 Subs0riptions 3 1 0 " L ecturers, Conveyance of Hire of Skeleton and Materials, etc. 0 13 6 Diagrams 2 2 0 "Printing, Stationel'Y, etc. 13 16 3 " I nterest on Bank D eposit " Po tages allLl Petty PayA ccount 1 13 9 men ts 3 14: 5 " Office Rent and Expenses 15 0 0 "Balance, Leing exce s of Income over ExpellL1iture for the year 15 3 10

By " " "

£126 17




BALAXCE SHEET, 31st A1JG~::;1', 1906. Assets. Liabiliticli. Sundry D ebtors for Class fees, H ead -quarters for Examiner&' Stores, etc. . . £86 14 8 Fees, Expen es, etc. £7 14 Stock of Stores on hand 12 13 7 Lloyds'Bk.,Ltd. CUl'rentacc. 12 14 8 Total Liabilities . 7 14 " Deposit acc. 61 15 1 Incomeal1ll Expemliture, viz. : Surplus at 31st Aug; 1905 79 19 11 Aclel Excess of Income oyer Expenditurc fo r year 1;:; 3 10 95 3 £173 IS



£173 18


BLACKBURN. <.:l1ah·ulau.

Th(Right Rev. Bishop Thorrrton, D.D.

Philip Preb})le,




Sccret :uy.

John Bell, Kim berley Terrace, Blackburn.

John L eeming, 3, Sudell Cross, Blackburn.

Lifc JIClUbcl·S.

The Marquis of Salisbury, J ohn Rutherfonl, M.I'. ltlcdical Staff.

Marmaduke Bannister, M.R.C.S., L.R. C.P., :M.B., John Barton, :M.lt.C.S., L.R.C.P., W. Briggs, M.B., B.S. (L ond.), A. F. Crinan, L.RC.P. , L.R.C.S. (Edin.), L.F.p.S. (Glas.), Riley Ounliffe, M.B., G. B. Elliott, L.R.C.P., Thomas Higson, lItR.C. S., L.R.C.P., Robert Hunt, lILR.C.S., L.R.C.P. (Lond.), J. vV. Lax, L. n.c.s., L.R. C.p., L.F.P.S. (Glas.), A. A . P. Moffatt, M.R.C.S., L.R.a.p., W. J. Nutter, M.B., Philip Prebble, M.B., C.M. (Ed .), James T. T. Ramsay, L.R. C.P., L.R. C. S. (Ed.)



6 9 6 t:i 6


BOGNOR. l~rc .


6 9


Audited and foullc1 correct, r ATHAJ. A. ~IITIT. PHILIP PREBBLE, ChaiJ'iilCCU . J. LEE~IIJ.-G, Hon. &Ci'etal'Y. JOH~ BELL, Hon. T,·easw·ei'.

Oclobcl' 3J'cZ, 1906.


I have exa:nined the above Balance Sllt'et with the book f1.Dd vouchers of the Bu'min gham Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association, aDd in my opinion it is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Oentre's affairs as shown by the books, and I hereby certify that all my requircments a& Auditor have been complied with. ARTHUR SHOllT (Chartered Accountant), 22nd Octobe1", 1906 . 21, 'Waterloo Street, Birmingham, Hon. AuelitOl'.


Statement of Receipts and E xplmditw'ej01' the yea?' ending SeptembeJ' 30th, 1906. Expenclitun. Receipts. T o Subscription £0 10 0 By Advertisements £0 19 " E xamination Fees 9 18 0 "Examinations 8 2 " 'tores old 7 16 3 "S tores 811 " Medallions 2 2 6 " Medallions 2 2 " Postage and Stationery . o 6 " Cash in hand o 4







W. H. B. Fletcher. Houorary :SeCl'ctllry :\1u1 Tl·caSUrcl'.

A. Whitehouse ::::tl'iekland, 21, High

treet, Bognor-OIl- ea.

)Icdical :staff.

IV. Conway Cooke, I..ll.C.l'. , Ed., L.M., Ell., ~I.n.c. F.

itwell Tidcolllbe, M.n .c.H., Eng., I,. n.C.l'.

A UAL REPORT. A nursiug class for W Olllbll \\'a IJeld in July, Dr. Tidcombe yery kindly giving the lecture. The ambulance nUl has been out 22 times; it was on the ground durincr the H orsc how in Auetu. t when it was requisitioned for one of the competito~s who was thrown whil~ jumping; it also wa in the procession on Hosp~tal aturday. Dr. Tid combe is giving a COUl' e of lectures for mell under the au plCes of the Boernor I n tiLute in ovemuel' and Decem bel'. t>

Statement oj Receipts ancl E.rpencliture, 1906. KcpenditllJ'c . By Balance at bank £0 4 4 T o Horse Expen es " ub C'riptio ns 3 14 0 "Expen es of CIa s " lIire of Van 7 2 0 "Book , etc. " R eceived from Classes 1 1 0 "Adverti ing " M eclalli0n 0 2 2 ,WeL tel' and W ebb . " tamps and heqne Book " ,Ya hing Van , etc. " Insurance " Balance at Bank, 30. 9.06 Rel ~eipts.


30th Octobe1', 1906.







o 9 1 1 o 3 o 6 o 19 o 5 011 £13

W. H. B. FLETCITER, Pl'esidcnt.




St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

St. J ohn A ?nbv,lance Association.




itlcn ••

Pl'C sicl Cll

William Nicholson.

( '''nirJllnn.

lUctl icnl S' a ff.


R. Arnsworth, ~I.R.C.S., R.. II'. Beesley, M.D., 'Walter H. Brazil, M.D., Lewis Brown, L.ll.C.P. , J. M . Coates, M.n.C.S., A. Cosgrave, M.n.C.S., Tho111as Evans Flitcroft, L.n.c.p., Snrgeon -Lieut.-Col. E. 111. Garstang, Alexander Glen-Park, M.B., c . ~I., Horace Jefferies, ~f.B., C.M., J. Johnston, M.D., J. Johnstone, l\LB., C.M. , Alfred Ker haw, lI[.ll.C.S., R. D. Mothersole, M.D., "Talter roni, L.n.C.p" F. R. Mallett, lIf.D ., Charles Macfie, M.D.: IV. Nutall, M. B., C.M., H. G. Parker, l\LR.C.S., T. IV. Pattinson, L.n.c.p., James Robinson, 1Il.D., J. Hilton Thompsoll, M.D., Joseph Thornley, ~f.D .

Statement oj Receipts and E:l..'penditw'e jO)' the yea?' ended September 20th, 1906.

" " " "

7 0

1 0

Expend itw·e. By Cash-Examinel"s Fees, Incidental Expenses£35 23 Stores " " l'.Ieclallions 13 " " Label 0




7 5 1


2 1

0 0

- -- -

£71 17

Octabe?' ] 8th, 1906,

£71 17


IV. NICHOLSON, P?·esiclent. JAME, BRr ' COl<~, Hon. Secreta?'Y, Audited and found correct, IY1\! . KEnSIIAW, } A 1ldito1's. JAMES OAR, ON,


tation House, Brierfield.

A. G, , mith, Quaker's Bridge, Brierfield.

Life iUclllbel'.

W . Bird, l\1.B.

iUc/lienl l'italf.


A TNUAL REPORT, The C011lmHte~ ha~' e mu~h pl.rasUic i~l [lgain reporting that the interest taken in amlmlanclJ work IS still mamtalll ed, belllg p ecia.lly .·hown in the a reat increase in the. number of mrlllb.ers receiving medallions. Th e Hon. Treasurel5's report sholYs a sattsfactory halance 1Il ham1, amI the Centre has been abl e to make arants to aS 'ist pooler dislri ct. The Centre has been a1lle to pre ent an aclllitionalbChallenae Cup yalne {he guineas, for the Annual Competition. There have been 23 classesbhelJ a~ fopow:. :-first aid for l~l e n, .ll ela ' e ' with 1 -1.pa e' ; fir t aid for women, 5 cla ~ ses ,nth 11 p~::>c. ; 11Ul'. l11g for lI1e~l, 1 cla~s wlth 28 pas 'c ; nuring for women, 6 cla:ses wlth 62 pa:se '. e(l])(h{latc haye 1'ecei\'eJ the Medallion. The annual compecitillll for th e Cnp l're.'enterl by nIl. ~'. K Beavi ' for certificate holuers, and Mr .. '(luil'c /01' m ~ dnllioll hold er. amI the .I..'oyice Cnp pre 'en ted by the Centre, wa hel(l at tho Zool ogical garclens on Jun o 16th. 'evpll t eanl. competed. The Dea,is and, ' rFli:'e'~llh \yzre \\'on by te;1l11' frolll tho :'IIilllancl Railway Goods Department, T~le I)VI~O up wa \\'011 hy a to:1lll from 1\le sr . J. Fry anJ ons, Ltd. Miss Rlseley IOl1dly presented the cuP' and medal. Drs. Bertram Rogers, Mather, Brickdale, Peake, Leonard, antI 'tack acted a jl1Jges.

Statement of R eceipts and E,l'lJcnditu)'cjo?' the yew' ending 29th September, 1906. Receipts. E~i.pellclitu?·e . ToBalanccfromlatyeur. £6014 " l1h cril'tion & Donations <1 12 " Fees, Fil'st Aid CIa ses. 51 15 ursing Clas es . 7 7 " Books and material sold 15 14 "

lUeclicnl Sta ff.

1I0Jlol'nJ'Y Trea lu'cr. t. John Burroughs, 23, Bridge Street, Bristol.

D. A, Alexander, :\I.n., O. 'Yo J , Bra her, ~I.n.c. ,' ., L.n.c.p, J. Paul EmIl, c.lI.!.?, l\I.ILC.S., L.f.;.A., A. Fortescue Brickl1ale, M.D., S. B. C~reell, ~I.B., J. Gnfhth, ~I.R.c.s., L.n.C.I'., \\T, D. Gnbhill, M.D., C.lII., J. J. '. Lucas, ~r.J)., J. , ' . Mather, l\I.B., C.~f. A. ,V. Peak!', l\I.Il..C'.i-:., L.Jt.C.P., F. E. Peake, nI.R. C.S., L.n.C.l'., R. Rolfe, ~I.D., D. M. 1I. Rogers, ~I.D., Frank Rose, ~r.R.('.S., L.R.C.P., J' Oclery , ymes, :'>I.D., J. 'V. Taylor, ~LIU· .s" L.n.C.p., W . .K. Will~, ~r , n . , J ohn \\allaee, )r.n.c.f.;. ) L.ll.C.P.: J. Young, M.D.

1I01l01'n)'y , eel·cUll')'.

Chail'rnan nnel Treasurer.

Jlonorary Sccrctnry. A. Richardson, )I.B., 66, Cosham Road, Dristol.

W. I'{inuus.

lIonornl'Y Secrc. :\1'y. James Briscoe, The In firmary , Bolton.



The Very Rev. the Dean of Dristol.

'l'rcas It rct'. Herbert Broadbent, Manchester & Oounty Bank, Ld., Bank of Bolton Branch.

R eceipts, Examiner's Fees and Travelling Expen es . £26 9 9 0 In cidental Expl3nses 23 5 StoreR 13 2 l'.Iedallion3 0 1 L abel




7 ByDooks&1IIateJ'ialspnrchased£10 1 1 6 0

0 0

'V. Bird, )LB., J. Hoyle, l\f.R.C.S., L.H.C.P., J. S. IVilson, l\f.B. ANNUAL REPORT. Th e Centre is still in a flourishing condition . During the past year, one male first aid and one male nnrsing class have been held with markell success. Practices continue to be well attended, the ladies being especially energetic in this l'espect. The competition for the Tunstall Memorial Challenge Shield was Leld in July, Crompton being the winners. The competition was however not a financial success, through (levoting so much time in working for a good resnlt from a competitor's point of view, we perhaps neglected the financial side of the aO'air. It is gratifying to report the fact that during the year our esteemed Chairman, Mr. I V. IVebstor has received the distinction of Honor!:Ll'Y Serving Brother of the Order of St. John of J ernsalem in recognition of his long and energetic service in connection with the ambulance movement. He has also, as Superintendent in tbe St. John Al1loubnce Brigade, rp.ceived the Service Medal for 15 years long and efficient service in the Brigade.



"Printing and tutionery, Adverti ing ancl Postages "Lecturers' Fees "Head-quarters acc. for Examinations " Miscellaneous " Balance in hand

4 21


38 9 10 56 17 £140



Amlited and found correct,


16th Octave?', 1906.


o o 8 o


BURNLEY. I're. ((lent. The Rt. Hon. Lord Shuttleworth of Gawthorpe, P,C, Chail·IlHln.

1I0nOl'nry SCCl'ctal'Y nnel Treasurer.

George Gill.

A. L. Garnett, 1, Red Lion Street, Burnley. G

9 6 1


St. J ohn A rrnbu lance A ssociati on .

St. J ohn A ?nbulance A ssocicdion.

lUC(licnl Sillff.

Statement oj Reccipts and Expenditu?'c f01' the year ending k)'eptembcr 30th, 1906. Receipts. Expenditu1·e.

J . B urns, L.R.C.P., J. VV. Clegg, L.S.A. , F . E. Cr ossley, M.B., T. G. Cl:uml:, :M.R. C.S., I1I.B. , H. A. Dixon, I1I.R. C.S. , J . M . Fergnson , L.n . c .p. & s., J . Gardnel, lILB. , A . E . Hodges, L.R. C.P. , J . H odgson, L.R . C. P. & s., R . Holt, L.R. C. P., F.n. c .S. , T . H olt, M. B., D.P.H., C. UcKay, 1I1.n., J. MackenZIe, I1I.D. , F . Marsden, L. R. C.P. e S. , C. ,V. Moore, 1II.n.c.s., J. O. Pemberton, L. R.~.~ . & s., G. S . P ullon, I1I.D. , A . M. Sinclair, 1ILn., J . H. Stephens, 1ILB., R. 111. " lutham , I1I .n. , J . Whittaker, M.B. ANNUAL REPORT. T he Oentre's work for the yeaI' ending 30th Septembe,r' 1906, l~ay be desc~'ibecl as " normal." AO'aiu there have been eight classes, seven m fi:'st alu an~ one l~l home nursiuO' . and the number of examinations (including those 111 connecllOn WIth the local Di~isions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade) have Leen 11. The. Tramwa:ys and Education Oommittee have cLll,tinued their good \,ork, t\\'O classes III .first aId being held for the Tramways Employes, and a t:ir~t aid class, and a: nursmg. class (both for women) being carried out under the allsplCes of .the Educ.ahon Oomnllttee. T he Burnley Division . J . A . B. al~o ag~in held a class t~ ll1crea~e Its num bel'S" all~ classes were conducted in connectlOll WIth the Oo-operatIve SOClet~ and thc .brancl. of the Girls' Friendly Society at Pickup Orott. Under the EducatlOn Comnllttee of the La,llcasbire Oounty Oouncil a class was organized at Holme: Of 6 men who completed a course of instruction in first aid, 75 secured the certIficate for the ~rst examination, and of 46 women, all passed. T\velve men passed.the ~l'st ]'e-C~~Jl1111a­ tiOIl and of 27 women "ho attenued the nurslllg class 25 obtamed ,the CClLlficate. :Medallions were received by 6 men and 12 women. The label, instituted last year, \Vas earned by 6 women (at Holme) and 11 men, all members of the Burnley Division, S.J.A.B.



Statement of Receipts ancl Ercpcnditw'c from 1st OCtObC1', 1905, to 30th Septcmber, 1906. Receipts. E [I,:penditll1·c . £18 15 <1 T o Balance in hand . • £11 7 5 By tores 9 8 o Stores 20 10 6 "Medallions 13 0 o " Medallions 9 12 0 "Examination expen e 6 6 7 " Examination expenses 13 11 6 "Oost of Puh I ic Meeting








"Printing, Stationery, and . Advcrtismg " Postages, &c. " B9.1ance in hand

o 18 o 1 18 6 9 0 o £59


Audited and found correct, GEORGE GILL, Audita?' Ctnd Ohairman. 22nd Octobe1', 1906. A . L. GARNETT, HonOTCtry




Ctncl T?·casm·c1·.

BUXTON. l>l'cs iele nt.

His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Chau:man.

H. A. H ubbersty .

K. G.

lIonOl'al'Y Sccr c t ar),.

T o Balance brought forward £11 2 " Proceeds of Men's Olasses, Fees 1 4 Proceeds of vVomen's " Classes, Fees 5 16 " Books sold 2 13 " Bandages sold 0 7 Received foJ' Meuallions 0 5 " do. lIIidland Rly. 00. 1 4 " Bank Interest 0 4 "" Su bscriptiolls 8 4 £31

8 0 0 0 0 6 9 0 0


By Postages, Stationery &c. " Printing, Advertising, etc. to Head Office. "" Payments Boys as Models Clerical Assistance "" G. ,Vood " Balance carried forward

0 11

£1 6 4 15 9 0 0 9 3 3 0 5 12 0


10 6

5 6

0 0 8

0 11

Audited and correct correct, A l't A. CHOFIELD, F. OOWLEY ':\IITII, on. 11C,l OJ·S. H. A. HUBBEnSTY, Ohctinnan. Lours ,VALL, IlOil. Secretary.


OctoOCi' 8th, 1906.

CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. 1' J'C-ii (} Cll t.

UOllOl'lll'Y Sccrctary.

The Bight lIon. the Earl of Powis.

J. D. Andrew, Cambrian Railways, Oswe try. Llfc :ncmbcr .. ,

Drigade- -'lll'geon-Colonel R. de 1a roer Bere 'ford, M.D., L.n.C.p., R. J. Ed'lYards, R. ,Yilliams, :\I.n.c.s., 1.1:,(.1'., LOIll1.. H. D. T1101111\, L.R.C.P. & s., Edin., L.n.G.I'., L.ILL '., L ;\L, Elliu., L.F.l'."., GIns.


:U c eli cal


Brigade-. Ul'geon-Co1. R. de la PoeI' Beresford, )I.D., L.n.C.p., R. J. Edwards, M.n.c.f'., L.n. '.r., Lond., R. Jones-Evan, M.R.C ..-· ., J. Pugh Jones, L.R.C.P., Lond., E. D!I.\'ie · Ree'l, ;\Ln. c.:-;., L.It.C.I'., L" .A., R. D . Thoma, L.n.!'.p. & ~ ., Ed., 'Y. H. R. Thomas. III. D., L.n.c.l'., :\Lll.C.S., Lond., 0 car B. Trumper, :-'LB., B.CH. (Yiet.), F.lt. "_., W. R. ,Yilliams, L.n.C.I'., L.n.C .. , Edin., L.F.r. '., GIas., L.M. AN UAL REPORT. The work of this Centre has shown a marked improvement. even classes ha,ing sat. for eX!1min.ation as conlpared with fiye in the previous years, the results being emll1ently satIsfactory. I n one case, that of Pwllheli, out of 20 members who l)l'esented themselves for examination there was not a single failure; and at Aberystwyth out of 33 who sat 31 passed. The Oompany's Ohallenge hielL1 was competed for in April at (for the second timo) Llwyn, Llanfyllin, the residence of tho Deputy Chairman of the Company, 1\11'. J . !arshall Dugdale, anu "a. won by the Llaniclloes team with 259 points out of a possible 300.

L . Wall, 2, Spring Gardens, Buxton . lU e <1ical S taff.

J ohn Braithwaite, M.D. , T. Buxton Flint, 1I.R. C.S. , L.R.C.P., L ond., W . T. H annah, M.D.


AN N U AL REP ORT. T he Oommittee are again pleased to report a successful year's work. T wo classes in first aid and one class in home nursing have been held and the results have been in every Via-V satisfactor y.

l>l'cSiflcnt auel ChalJ.·nlan.

II. O. Peake. 1I0HOl':U'Y Secrctary .



Oornell, 90, Aldridge Road, Perry 13 an, 13irmingham.

St. J oh n A ?r/)J~(;lance A ssocialion.

St . J ohn A ?nbu lance A ssocicttion.


Lifc )lcmbcrs. H. Martin Berry, M .13., CH. B. , J. K. Bu tter, M.D . , C. M. Aberdeen, R. A. S. E den , M,B. , C, ~L , D.P . H ., J . S. Getti ngs, L . R . C. S. E din ., L,M. , J . O. Maddever, M . D. lUcdicnl S.nff.

H. Martin Berry, M.B . , CH . B " J . K . Butter, M.D., C. M . Aberdeen, L. G. D avies, B.A . , M.D . Oantab. , R. A. S. Eden, :tiLE . , C.M . , D . P . H . , J . H olton, M. R . C. ", Eng. , '\T. H . Horton, ~LR.C.8. , E ng ., L.R . C. P., Lond., ' V . R osegood, M. B., 0.111., E. ,V. Jones, M. B . , L ond . , M. B . C.S., L . R.C.P . , F . " Tolverson, M.B . , M.,. ANI UAL HE P ORT. T here has been a decline in the number of classes I1nd students from the prrviolls y ear. T his \'\'as principally dne to the difficulty of obtaining honorary instructors where classes were wanted. The interest in first aid work in the district is as keen and healthy as ever. T he Shield Oompetition was held at Walsall W'ood on the 25th August. ix Oolliery teams entered, thejndge being Dr. L. G. Davies, D,A., ~LD., of Pelsall. The Oompetition was an exceedingly keen one, Fihley Oolliery, No.1 team being the winners , The runners up being IValsall ·Wood. '0 keen \yas the work that ol1ly one mark separated the nrst from the second team, and the Sl1me margin between the second and third .


Chnil'Jll nu.

Pl'esi(le ll t. , 11'

The :JIarchioness Conyngllam.

Georgc Collard.

JlOllOl'nl'Y SCCl'c 'n l'Y.

Tr CnSlll'el·.

F . IV. Fndey, " unbury," Cauterbury.

Mi s V . M. ::'!Ierrett, "Gulistan," Whit tahle Road, Callteruury.

Li f c Jl cm bcrs .

Z. Prentice, Sidney

)I.R . C.S . , Wachel', F.R . C.S.

T. IVhitehead Read, M.D.,

Brian Rigdcn, M.n.C'.R., Eng.)

lUccUc al S tafr.

J . Greasley, )LR.C.S . , L.S.A . , A. It Hench1ey, M.D., Z. Prentice, ]I[.n.c.:-;" H. O. Preston, ~LR,C.S., L.R,C. P., Brian RigLlen, ~LR.C.S., L.S.A" Lond., James R~id, F . R.C.S., T . ,YhiteheadReid, ~I.D., ~i(1ne\, IVacher, F.R.C.S., llaro1d "'acher, M.B., Frank ,Vacher, )1.R.C"·,, L . S.A., M . T. Williams, M. D., D.S., Lond., F.rt.C.S., Eng. , L , R.C,P., Lond, ANNUAL REPORT. This Centrc has been in a state of suspeuded animation during the past year, Ly reason of their being no Hon. Secretary to work it. Oonsequently there is nothing to report. As regards the financial statement, the balance, whieh at the end of the last year (30th ept., 1905) was £7 9s. 4d., is at the end of the 1 resent financial year £11 6s. 10d., the augmentation having been caused by the rcceipt of the annual subscriptions. There haye been no payments. T he issue of ccrtificates amI medallions remains the same as published in the last report.

CARDIFF RAILWAY. l'l'Ci> hlc nt.

Sir William Thomas L ewis, Bart. Cha il'Juan.

Trca, lireI'.

Jamed Hurman.

E. A. Hart. Honorary Secl'ctnl'Y.

Supt. D avid D avies, Oardiff Railway 00. 's Police. lUClli('nL S lafr.

Thomas \\Talln.ce,



AN UAL REPORT. The m.em bel'S of this Oen tre rendered first aid to 120 persons, an increase of 34 on the pl'~VlOlIS year .;,63 were cOllveyed to th~ ! llfirmary.; 19 to the eamen's Hospital; 27 as, lsted to theu homes; 11; after recelvlllg first aId were ahle to continue attheil' work . Fractures, 12 ; severe cuts, 25 ; scalp wound!> 10' severcly scalded 2' feet ~l1.d ~Htnds cru~hed an~l otbel'wi 'e severely injured', 27'. The remainde~' s~vere l1?Ju:nes and br~llsc~ to ddfcrt'n t pCLrts of thc borly, which required immediate first mdm th.e al>phCa~l?~ of colll. water pads and bandages. The am hulance carriacre wa brought 1ll~0 l'eqUls~tlO11 ~9 times to c011vey away the injured. The Centre tak"'esthe same l~cetl Illterest III thel!' work as they did when the Amhulance Briuade \\'as first eST~a l.lhsh;~l here, and.recen·es th e great e~t encouragemen t from the Presi(lellt, ,'ir ' : llhalll Iho~11as Le\\'l . Bart., and the Vi.ce Pl'esiclcllt, James HunnarJ. hsr1 . , also flOl.n thc :Mel.chants at the Docks. Thcre IS ol1e case \\orthy of the Ul'eatest praise whIch was In.](l beforc th~ n.oy,~l ~llll1[tlle ,'ociety, \'iz., Oil 30th April, 1906. T. E. Clc,,:s, a~.e 14 yea~'s, wl.llie assIsting to lIlJrlock a steamer at the Commercial Dry ~o~l~, aCllc1c~l.ta.ll) f,ell 111tO the water [liltl sank to the lJOttol1l of the Dock, He was 1 e cllcC,I. b} ,\\ Jlll.am Trenchard, foreman a~ the alJon Docks, to all appcarance dead, he ha \ lllg oeen 11~ t.he walel for senral 11llIlute.. A1'tifieial rc:piration was at OIlce reTs.Ol·.ted to Ly " llham Trenchard, \Yillia m ,'te"ells, CJ,[\.} les ,'parks, J osep1l ~Iol'gan, \\ Jlham J?empsey, P.O, 11, anJ scveral other members of this ccntre. Aftrr about twcnty nnnutes treatment brcathing ,,,a.' rcstored, and he \\'a, conYeyed acros the Docks O!l a stretcher when he agaill becamc unCOIl. cions, ull11 artiti.cial respiration har~ ngallJ to lJC rc.sortell to. Dr . .AIlClrCW, of 23, \Ycst Bute ,'treet, CardifT, then a!T~\'e(:.alJ(l sUI~erlllt.enlled thc treatment, After ~'leyes 11::1.11 sllfficicntly recovered he \\ a. \\ t a ppell III Llan kets HUll COil veyed home 111 a cal... William, 'te\'ens wa aw~nlQ(l the l~oyal Humalle ocie~'y'. Certificate. heing the director of the methou bcfore the a1'1'1va1 of the cloctor. e\'eral other cac;es ha\'c occurred whrre livcs ha\'o been savc,cl, through tl.e yalual,le knowledge of first aill; whieh \,ould otherwise ]~a\'e b,re.Jl 'a(;r~fjc:cl. ,At the la t ..:\unua1 Amhulance Dinner, E. -i~hol1, E q., ,t~~l\I.lllp 0" nel, o[1e1'('(1 to contnbute £10 lOs. allllll[llly to lJe un'ided into pl'lze' aJlll c()mpete~ for by member. of tl1i Cen tre . E\'el'ything necc: ~ary in t!le mattcr of Jl:atenaluntler the rale of cl'geant Oha]le Price, the Instructor, is ~cpt ~t . hort)c:lst~lJCe.s about the Docks an.c1 Work.' so that fi.rst aid can be quickly lellllelcd.. ltachce 1 held once a fortlllght dunng lhe wmter month, in a drill sh d !lroncled for the purpose. The Cen tre is self snpportiu rr und numbers 128 0 memllel's.


lIolloJ';)),Y SCCl·c tnl'Y.

J ame Pinion.

E. O. Lloy(l, Managers' Dcpt. , Ohe hire Line. , Central tation, Li,'erpool. )Jc(lie al Staff.


M.B " c.)!., E . E. Dowden, l1rgeol1-~Iajor G. DarIVin, M,D., J. A. M.B" J. R. H. Dubo111'g, L.ILC.P., L.R. C. ' .• A. Llewellyn Morgan, :'I.D., !II.H.C,:;., A. A . Mumford, M.D . , l~. II. We Lmacott, F.n,c .S., L.n.C.r.

J . Allams,

D oonan,

AN UAL REPORT. Thcl'e h~s beelll1 continued interest in fir.t aid shewn timing the pa c year, lllauy ofihe stn.n at to.ekport, .M:1llchesler .and ~ortll\Yich,havillg pa 'ell their examination succ~s fnlly, wllllsL clas es are belllg formed at other ·tations. The member COnll1lt:e to do gool! work anu at dirrcrent stations regular clas es are held to enable ~e(~alhon holders to keep up a standard of proficiency. The e cIa se enable the JU~lJOl', members of the. staff ~o also take all intere t iu the work . It i hoped to stJ l ~ further substnn~l'llly lll CI'CaSe the trength of the Oheshire Lines members dunllg thc ,rorthc? ,mng year, and llew cla ses have been In'omoted at outhpor t (N orth SLatlOu) , LIVerpool eutral, and Brun s wick. T he Association L abel is now p rcsen ted annually to mem bel'S of thc laff h oldi ug medallions wlto pass in proficiency.


St. John Ambulan ce Association.

St. John A mbulun ce A ssociation.

The Oheshire Lines Annual Oompetition in am bulan ce work was h eld at Liverpool Oen tral Station on F ebruary 8th, 1906, and 11 teams enter ed, th ese bei ng r epr esentat iYe of L iYerpoolCentra l, H uskisson Goods Station , H uski son H yd raulic D epartment, Birkenhead Shore Road Station, OhOl,Iton, N orwich, W arrington 0., ' Yarrington E ngineering Department, Manchester Oentral Station, Stockport, Tiviot Dale, and S tockport Goods D epartment. Keen interest was displayed throughout the competition and there was a good attendance of visitors. After an exhaustive examination theresnlt was declared as follows :-(1) W arrington Oentral tation, with 292 marks ont of a possible 300; Manchester Oentral Station second, 250 !l1n,rks ; W arrington Engineering D epartment, thi rd, 225 marks. As is the usual custom the Warrington tealU, being the winners, represented the Oheshire Lines in the 0 1)en Railway Oompetitioa held in L ondon in April and May, and in the fina l gn,ined second place with 2:25~ marks, t h e Lancashire Hnd Yorkshire ten,1l1 winning the Ohallenge hield by 232 marks. 24 teams took part in the competition.


COLNE. )'rCSi(lcllt.

Alderman II. Hewitt. Chail·lllll,ll.

Tl'e ar.lll'CI'.

T. Tillotson .

J . L. 'W ildman, The Park, Colne. 1I0UOl':tl'Y S e cre tal'Y.

J. Stephen on,


Oollingwood Street, Oolne.

Life lU"ml)c1·s .

A . A . G. Dickey, M.D., A . Heys,

~r.B . , C.lII .

JU e lliral Sta,r. A. A . G. Dickey ~I.D., Alec Grant, M. n . , C.~l., A. Hcys, 1II.B., C.M., A. Jones r M.n., ,V. L. Lovett, L.R.C.l'. & R.


H is Grace the Duke of \Ve tminster. Chnirmnn.

Tl·c n . Ill· C1·.

The Dean of Ohester.

\Y . H. Elley, Lloyd's Bank, Ohester. lIonOl'al'Y Secl'c tnJ'),.

J . Duff,

::ILD . ,

5, Abbey Street, Ohester.

lUe (lieal Stnff.

J . Giffen, F.R . C.S., G. Harrison, L.R.C.P. & Sutton, ::ILB.

., 'V. Lees,


D . O.

ANNUAL REPOHT. During the year little interest has been manifest.'d in ambulance ,,"ork, wllich is greatly to be regretted as the work is really philanthropic in its nature and a know ledge of it is of inestimable benefit to everyone. In order to induce the COllll1lUllitv to take greater iuterest in the "ork, it is propo"ed to hold a public m eet illft at which a special ~ectUl'er wil~ adv.ocate the claims o[ this work of mercy Oll the l~l1blic and the peculIar benefits It hnngs to them . Several cla ses \yere held dl1l'il1(f the year some of them were attendeLl uy a fail' number of students but few of the~e entered for the examination .

Statement of Receipts and E,i:penditu1'e (0), the ye(t7· encling 30th Septembe1', 1906. R eceipts. T o Balance £0 18 Fees Kensal Evening Sch. 2 2 " Ashton 2 2 " " Hoole 2 0 " SubscrilJtions" " Dean Darby . . ~ D uke of 'Westminsler 5 4. G. A. Dickson . Sundry tores 9 8


£21 14

9 0 0 0

Expcndilw·e. By Snndl'i('s (Dr. Duff) £0 9 He:HI Office t. John A.A. 1 7 " Phillipson . 0 3 "II Balance in hal1(l of Treasurer (Dec. ]5th, '05) 2 15

0 6 0

£2] 14.


During thc year two cln,sses in first aid anLl one in home nursing have been held and were fairly well attended. Out of a total of 16 who sat for examination 14 obtaineti certificates in Iirst aitl and f> sat for examination in home nU!'::,in Cf and all were succe sful. During the year 5 iiI' t aid ,,'all boxes ba\"e been erected in valious parts of the town and have In'oved very serviceable in cases of accidents. eventl cases ha\"e been reported where the first nitl rendered by members of the local Diyi iOll ha been commenteLl 011 Yory favourahly uy the cloctor; in a few instances of arterial bleeding life has probably been saved by the prompt application of the tOllrniquet. The total number of cases attended by our members is 187 and the ambulance carriage has been used on 77 dili'erent occasions.

'latement oj R ct;cipts and E .)]Jcndilu1·e.


R eceipts. To Oash in bank, Oct. 1st, 190;') £77 12 11 "Annual llbscriptioDs . 65 1 10 "nbs. for Seniees rcndereLl 3 12 6 2 '1 0 " nbs. from 1em bel'S " Books auLl Malerial sold 4 0 0 " Proceeds of Annual Tea and. Concert 2 5 2 914 0 "Olas Fees " Accidouts and Ilemoyal ·1 0 o 10 6 " aIe of paper, ptc. o 17 9 II Bank I nterest .

£13 17 8 .M aterial " Printing, " til. tionery, and 5 19 0 tamps " Hent , I{ates, Ooal, and 10 16 3~ Gas " Delegates and Competi3 19 3 tion Expenses 7 411 " ..:\.ceiden ts and Remoyals 9 1 7 " First aid wall boxes Tew Uniforms, caps and " 10 5 2 badges 11 1 " IIor e Hire " WllitewashilJg and repair1 2 0 ing room 5 4 0 " Oaretaker's S.1lary 5 10 3 " Exnmiutl tion Expenses " N ewspapel's and Magazines 1 10 10 " Tran ferreLl to building acc. 12 15 9 311 2 undl'ies . 1 7 3i "" Oash in ecretal'y's hands 66 12 bank, 30.9.06 do.


0 0 9

E xamined and found correct, showill Cf a baJance of £2 15s. 3u. in hands of T reasurer (in L loyd's Bank, to credit of s~parate account). E. NOEL H UMPllltEYS, Ohartered Accountant, I[on. Audito?·. Ohester, J anttary 9th, 1907.

£169 19


By Books and. Ambulance

£169 19


TO;l[ TILLOT ON, Chainnan . J . TEPlJEN ON, HOl1 . Seereta)'y. AmliteLl amI found correct, R013EHT LITTLE, } Audit01'S' GEORGE D Ul+:UDEN,



St. J ohn A mbtdanc() Association.

St. J ohn A m bulance Associat'&on.


J1IC(] i ea l Staff.



The Right H on . the Earl of Lonsdale.

J. B. Atkinson.

Trea surcr.

W. Benjl'f111, M.B., F . Oassi(li, M.D., ,Yo G. Oopestake, L . R . C.P., O. Fletcher, r{ Lawrie Gentles, L . ILC . P., Lond., R. ,Yo Gentles, M. R.C.,'., F. L. A. Greaves, F . It.C'. '., E. Oollier Green, M. ll . C.S., 'V. S. John, L.n.c.p., J. 'Yo King, :J1.B. , R. Laurie, M.D., R. Luee, F.n..C.S., Parry-Jones, ~1.D ., Reid, ~1.n.c.,., Sims, :J1.R. C. S., J. A. Southel'll, 111. R. c .. '., Thornton, ~1. n. L.ll.C.P.,

1I0noral'Y Sccretary.

,y, Leck, Oleator Moor, Oumberland .

G. Scoular, Fleatham, St. Bees.


Jle(lic:ll Staff.


E. A, Braithwaite, M.B " ,'ol, Briggs, lI1.D . , H. S, Byers, :tILB . , M . R . C.S., G. Oalderwood, 1II.D ., G. R. Oullin, L. n . C, S. & P., Ellin., L.F. P. & s., Glas., J . II. Dudgeon, L.R.C. P . , 1. Fletcher, M. B., C.M . , O. J. J. Ranis, M.D., E. J . Hay thol'l1 Lhwaite, M.B., J, 1. Lace, L,R.C.P" Ed., H, l\Iarley-Oass, ]\f.B., II. Mitchell, :tILD., J. Peuny,

It is a. pleasure to report that the past year has been one of continued satisfactory progress; 9 classes having been held, the members of which gained 166 certificates, comprising) 17 (male) first aid, 19 (male) nursing, and 30 (female) nursing certificates. I n adclition 79 males passed their fit' t re-examination, and 75 male and 4 females having pa.· ed their second re-examination gained their mel1alliolls. The local Division of t . .J ollll Ambulance Drigaue continues its work, anll at the annual inspection, July 26th, 1906, ,va highly cOlllmencled by the inspecting orricer, Deputy Assistant C01l1111issioller , . \\~ , 1lalkin,

D. SC" lIf. B.

A "NU AL REPORT. Fi ve classes n-ere held during the session with an average attendance of 30 mem bel'S. The question of providing horse or motor ambulances for the eonyeyance of injured persons is under the consideration of the Oommittee. The terrible catastrophe at the Oourrieres Oollieries has directed atten tion to the question of rescne and life-saving apparatus. The subject has been before the Oommittee and, although nothing definite has been clone, there seems to be :J. consen us of opinion that the Oentre might very properly include in its cUl'ri(;ulum the training of members in the usc of such apparatus,

Statement of Receipts and EXPCllcliturc fo/' the ycca ending S ept, 30th, 1906, Recc ipts. E.'pcnditurc. To tore ill haIll1,. ept. 1905 £5 14 6 By . tores in hand, ept.1905 £5 14 6 " l'htlance ill hanel, 30th, 'ept. ..J 7 9 109 " A<lwl'tisiJlg, Po tage, Print" 'uhscriptiullS 7 11 6 ing. Calieo and Oaretakeri 13 11 " "tares »01<1 " 30 O\'ercout. for Diyision 20 22 12 6 " ~l edallions " l?ees , 15 :JIe<lallions 15 10 0 " Examiner's Fees & Expense 14 Bank Illtere t, June 30, '06 1 :2 ~ ace., 'to J olm's Gate 12 " tores in hand, ept., 1906 6 0 (j "" Store Incillelltal Expen 'es 4 " " tores in hand, 'ept., 1906 6 " Balance in hand. , 32 II



J, R. Fothergill,

)1. D,

£119 16

lIonol'lu'y Secl'etary :nul Trca . nrcI'.

R. 1. Wilkes,

:JI.A . , B . r-.L.,

ilIarket Place, Darlington.

:2~ ,

£119 16

FnED , ,y, H'C'XT, FRA~CIS LEY, PJ'csir1cnt. F. OA .'IDI, ~1.D., Han, Secretct1·Y. MARGaRET DERBY. Han. TrcasuTer.

Lewi .~ E~stwood, L.n.. C.P., L.R.C.S., J .

H. Fothergill, M.D., J. LalYrence, j\I.D., 1>1. Il.. c., . , L. R. C. r., Surg. Lt. -Ool. G. l\licllllemiss, M.D., James Mnnro, L.R.C,P., L.P, . C. s . , H. O. Pearson, lII.B., C.)1., ,Yo Petter, ~1.D., C.~r. F . G. Martin,

Statement of Receipts and E" ,:penclitu1'e to 31st December, 1905, Receipts. B ''lJenditll1'e, £7 18 25 9

4 9

By Oentre fees, stores, caniage, etc, Balance in hand ))




DUBLIN. £25 14 7 13






H. M.






hal H. R. H. The Duke of Oonnaught, ll1111

( 'hairJlwll.

F , R. Davie . .

Audited and found correct, RICHARD

Han, Auclito)', Han. Sec?'etcwy ancl TrcaSlt1·e1·.


lIollorary Sec)'cta)'y.

J. Dallas Pratt,

)1.D ., F.n.C . . ,25,

Mes.1's. Darton, Boyce, 00 gravc, Pratt, Wh eelcr, Wright,

DERBY. Prcsi(lcnt.

Sil' Francis Ley, Bart, TreasureI'. ~r.


1I01l0ral'y Sccl'ef :1I'y.

F , Cassid i,


Trinity Terrace, Derby.

K, G., I\: , r.

Mi's F . IIogg, 4, Belg1'uye Road, Dublin. Lower Fitzwilliam

~ l c (1icnl



Audited and found correct,

NOL'embeJ' 7tlz, 1906.

iUc(HC:ll Staff.

To Balance in hand, 1.1. 04 " Fees and Stores

3 10 0 10 6 18 2 16 11 11 6 0 6 -1 10 °2

treet, Dublin.


i1 R. Jackson,


Mes rs. )IcOnllagh, Dallas,

ANN UAL REPORT. Two D ivisions of the t. John Ambulancc Bl'iO'ade (the t. James G(tte) and the Oity of Dublin . Vi count lY en.gh, has pl'eRenteS a ih'e1' Oup for competition, which has been won by the Belfast Fire Brigade. Ohs e' are being held by the outh of Ireland Il1lperiai Y eomaury, Boyal hi·ll Oon tabulary, etc.

St. J ohn A ?n bulance A ssociati on .


St. J ohn A ?nbulance A ssociation.


F. H ogg in ctccount 'With T he Royal Bank of i1'eland, L td. E xpenditu?·e. Receipts. 1905. 19 05 . . £25 0 0 A ug. 'l3. By Balance Oc t. 25 . T o Draft 1906. ept. 21. " Oash 0116 1906 . F eb. 5. 30 15 11 Jan. 13. Sept. 19. 20. 4 7 11 20. " Balance Feb. 21. 28. I nt. at 1~ p.c. ]\far. 20 . Cash May 18. Aug. 21. 31 . I nt. at 1~ p.c. £GO 15

H . H . S:E,LLA


DUNDEE. £30 11 1 4

0' 0

0 0 0 4 0 4 0 <1 10 0 0 '1 0 5 0 9 19 0 2 1 16


pro. Manager, Rathmines Branch, R oyal Ballk.

DUDLEY. Prcs if1 cnt. The Right Hon . T he Earl of Dudley, G.C.V.O. Chairman,

J. F . Higgs,

T.·c a s ul'Cl',

~I.R.C ...

S. , Yard, Wolvel'hampton treet, Dudley. llonol':try Sccr c' :try , iU c fli c al 8 ' n O'.

Dr. Brown, A. O'Dowel, A. E. Dando, :lI.lLC.S., L. R.C.P., J. F. Higgs, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C .P., Etlin., L. . A., lH. A . I1Iessitel', M.ll.C . . , L... A., n. l11ith, L.R.a.s ., Edin" L.S.A. , J. H. ,Vilkinson, ~I.R.C.S., L.R.C.I'. A KNU AL REPORT. D uring the year 2 male first aid clas es and 1 female first aid class 11a,'e beE:ll held. Dudley being a, manufacturing and mining district, accident are of every day occurrence, and only very exbaordinary cases are lJrought to the notice of the Centre.

Recf!ipts. T o Cash balance at Bauk, brought forward . " Class Fees received during the year .


and E;x:penclitw'e, 1905-6 .



16 10



£18 18

Expenditm·e. By Chief Office account " Class expen es )' Memorial plate " Postage., &c. " Lecturer's fees "Balance standing to credit of the Cen tre at Lloyds Bank, Dudley


£8 18 10 o 8 0 o 15 0 o 8 8 330 553

£18 18 TIIOS . Fm!:D. HIGGS, Ohcbi1·man. WAIW, T ?·easu1·er. A . J . SLATER, H on. Sec1'eta1·V .




Colonel J . Rankin .

"icc-Chail'man, Professor 'teggall, )I.A., CantalJ . , University College. 1I01101'l1I'Y

Secr c tary


Honorary AlIditOI',

E. T osh, C.A . , 11 , Reform Street, Dundee.

TI'ea SUI'Cl',

David Don, C.A., 104-, Commercial Street, Dundee. ANNUA L REPORT. T he Committee beg to repol t thflt 22 classes have been held under the "Dundee Centre" dl1l'ing the past session . The total number of pupils who have received a complete COl1l'lle of iustruction in "First Aiel to the Inj ured and 'iek" is 450 (353 men and 97 women). I n all 234 pupils have received .first aill certi.ficate , and 14 have received the medallion of the Association . The total number of pupils who have recei \'ed a junior COllrse of instruction on first aid is 84, of whieh 45 ha ve receiveu the junior certificatt~. The total number of pupils who have received instruction 011 home nursing and hygiene is 48, of \\'hich 29 have received certificates. The Committee have again to thallk the mem hers of the medical profession WI10 haye so kindly a sisted ill lecturing and examining classes dUl'ing the past session, al::3o those gentlemen who have acted af' secretaries at the various" Sections" under the" Dundee Centre." The COlllmittee haye pleasure in reportin~ that in December last they receiycd from the Dlll1<lee Town Council the snm of' twenty-five pounds terling, lJeillg amount voted by them to the "Dundee Centre" out of the Local TaxatIon Grant, 1004-05, iu ai<l of ambulance ,york in the city. The Committee are illllelJted to Dr. George Halley for ha viug gi v",n a Ian tern demonstration of first aid aUll am lJU lance wOlk in ~larch last. There was a lalge audience, and the c slides" tbrown 011 the 'creen, along ,yith the lecturer', rcmalks, proved both intere ting and ill 'tl'uctin, amI 1I"<::1'e 11llll:h appreciated. The Committee have al 0 to thank Dr. H. Hobert 011, Errol, for having giYen a public Jecture at Hait on the "Circulation or the Bloo(l." .:JIauy tl'ihute of amlJuIance skill of 01<1 pupils han' lJeen paill during Lhe past yea 1'_ rotaiJly two cases, the particular' of which have heen killllly flll'lli~hed by l'aptilill De\\flr, Chief Constal11o :-On 7th January last, crgean t '\'. ?llackay aucl COll ' tallIe C earga Peters \v hile 011 duty rescuell A,nllie iluttOll, a ,L'hool girl, at bel' residence, X o. I, Old Muirto\\'ll Roa:l, Loehee. he '\':1.S apparentl' Erdes' 1'1'0111 the clrects of ga poi ollin~, anu after twenty-five minutes' application of artilicial mf~all of I'espil'lltioll the girl was pronollnced out of danger. Ou 2ncl :\1arc11 la t, ('011 table Puton re 'cuetl Mrs. lIIurray, Albert treet, Lochee, who was fOUlHl in beel in an uncollscioll' conditioll throngh the elfects of gas poisoning. \\'ith difficulty he succeeded in rOll ing lIIr . Murray from her lethargy, a1)(i then administl'l'(:el an emc,tie, whieh pronc!d elfective. In bringing these cases to the notice of the general pnhlic, the Committee de,'il'e to empha i e the nece sity of ev p ryon8 acqniring a knoll'JeLlge of first aiel, e pecially in an indn trial centre like Dundee: allll thc.v woulu strongly recommend thnt oJl women should acquire a knowlcllge of c. J m ing," having regard to the vital importance to the sick or injured being well attended to d l1l'in~ their iIlne . The rirt competition by the l11elllhel'~ of the Dundee and Arbron,th Joint Railway Ambulance Brigade fol' the "fhmiltoll Ambulance Trophy "-a iIver Cup presented by ~Ir. Geo. G. }j amiltoll, G~neral Manager-was held under the auspices of the.,\" soci::ttion in AprilJa t. ix team entel'e~l for the competition. urgeonMajor Kinnear :lUU 'lll'geon-CilpLain Halley actCll as .iudges. :Each team was examine!l in ol'al, hal1l1aging, and tran port \Hrk. The maximum number of points \Va 260; and the rc nlt of the competition wa. as follows :-ht. Team o. I. ( ilver Cup); ~llll. Team "0. Y.; 31'cl. Team No. II. ; 4th. Team No. VI. ; 5th . Team No. III. ; 6th . Team No. IV . I II pre enting the Trophy, [ 1'. Hamilton congratulated the 'rinning team and thankcll the judge for the kilful way in which they had performed their al'd uous ell! tics. The eighth cOl1lpeti tiol1 for the Silver Challenge, hiel<3, open to all who hold the Ill' t aid certificate of the A sociation, and who reside in Scotlr.nll, took place in the Drill nall, Dundee, on a tU1'llay, 21st April. Fourteen teams entered for the competition . 13ligade- nrgeon -Lient.C

A. J. Slater, Grange Road, Dudley.

Statement of

Patrone. ,'I of Womcn' C1asscs. Dowager Oountess of Strathmore .

0 4

£60 Ifi



St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

St. J ohn Anl-bti.JlGl/l7ce Association.

Colonel L ennox and Surgeon-Major Greig acted as judge . The maximum number of points was 100, and the result of the compelition was as follo\l's:1st. Team No. VIII. , 75 points, (Siher hieM and Gold Badges) ; 2nd. 'ream No . I V., 68 points, (Silver Ba,dges); 3rd, Team o. X ., 65 points, (Bronze Badges); 4th. Team No. II .; 5th . Team N o. V. ; 13th , Team No . Y II. ; 7th . Team TO . VI. ; 8th . T eam No. I X.; 9th . Team No . XI. ; l Oth. Team No. I II .; 11th. Team No. XII. ; 12th. Team No. XI II .; 13th. Team No . X I V. ; 14th , T eam No . I. Colonel Hill presided at lha pre entation ceremon~r, and tlle result of the competition having heen announced. asked Lord Proyost Longair to make a few remarks. Lord Provost Longair 'a id that the "Dundee Centre" h:-\,(l now been in existence 22 years, and its usefulness and popularity seemed to increase 'with its years. During the rast session no fewer than 22 classes had been belli under the auspices of the" Centre," and that meant that in Dundee and Distriet between five and six hundred persons had been taught amlJulance \l'ork. It \\,:LS impossible to over estiulate on humane grounds and for practical purpo es tlle utility of such training, and in that cOllnection they felt greatly indebted to Drs. Lennox and Greig for their p1'ofes ional eryices a judges of the competition . The Town Council had yoted £25 per annum from the local Taxation Grant for this work, and he felt that there wa& not a penny better f;pellt than that £25. Mrs. Longair thereafter presented the hield and Badges to the winl1ing teams; nnd on the motion of Colonel Hill, Lord Provost Longair and Mrs. Longair \\'ere cordially than ked, a the proceedings terminated . At the Aminal Meeting of the Executive \lbCommittee, held on 1st J\fay, 1906, the annual report and accounts were read by the Secretary. Dr. Geo, Halley, the Chnirmnn, in mOl'ing the adoption of the rcport and accounts, thanked the doctors \\'ho had a sisted them during the past year; the Towl1 Council for £25 voted ont of the" Local Taxation Grant," 1904--5 ; the Tru 'tees of tile Drill Hall for the use of the Hall; and Mr. Emslie T o. t. C.A., fol' auditing the accounts. Dr. Templeman seconded, and the r eport ancl accounts " 'ere unanimously approved .


Balance Sheet as at 23rd April, 1906 . Assets. Stores Sundry D ebtors Cas11I n D undee Savings Bank 57 4 In British Linen Co. Ban k 44 12

£10 15 14 4

0 9





c:.:hairnlan. G. Stevenson .


J . H. 'Yells. Tl'C:'~l11' C \'

lU c tlical Stafr. G. H . 'iV. Jones, ]\LP., C. S.

:1Iul )(onOl'lUY S C(' I·c 'ar)'.

R. Dumblet.on, The Hollies, Eckington.

A TNUAL HEPORT. D uring the past year the work of the branch has co~tinued. to progress mo~t satisfactorily, and another very successful class was held III Ecklllgton . T here IS now a very large uumber of men capable of rendering first aid in cases of emergency. On several occasions lately, medical men and others concerned have borne testimony to the valnable work promptly tione by ambulance men who 11ave gone throucrh the cla:::ses, when accidents have occurred. The "'ork of the Association deser~es 1110re support from the public thau it receives. The Committee wishes to place on rc('oro it thanks and appreciation of the work of the Hon. Surgeon, Dr. ,Vest Jones, and of its Hon. ecretary, :Mr. Robert Dumbleton for their invaluable sen'iees for so many years. At the annual meeting, it was reluctantly felt neee. sary to secure another President ill the place of ir George R. Sit\\'el1, Bart., whose fl'clluent absences abroad ma(le it impossible for hil:1 to tak~ the act.ive intere t in the lwanch he used to do . The branch has been fortunate 111 secunng the services of J. H. Wells, Esch J.P., " 'ho ha manifested con::,icleralJle interest in the Centre for a louer lime. It was C(tually fortunate to secure the services of G. tCYCIl;;Oll, Esch ofthe Manor, Eckingtol1, us Chairman. He has always taken.a personal interest in the Cen tre, and has beeu a generous and &ympathetlC supporter.

Statemcilt of Rcceipts ((nd E "jJcndillli'e fo/' the ycar cnding 30th Septembc?', 1906. Ecccijd . EJ.]JcnditllTc. To Balancl) £0 16 11 By '.J . .d , A, H ead Office, for 1. :I 6 Books and bandages £2 6 " S UU 'Cl'l. P t'lOllS. , - 1'), ~ " Ca..;h received for matelial Reports 0 12 old 2 G 0 Examiners' feps 1 10 Incillental expenses 0 10 " ' talionery and stamps 0 12 " l3alance in hand 0 3 I

Liabilities. Local Taxation Grant, 19041905 • £:2;) 0 Balance being : Surplus at 25th April, 1905 £115 0 7 Less Deficit at Apri123,190613 4 I 101 16


£5 15

£5 15


I 8 8 6

3 3 5


101 16


£126 16






Exal11ination Fees . £34 15 I ecretary's Honorarium, 19041905 21 0 Prin ti ng, Ad verti:;illg, and I tationery . 19 8 Rf'nt of Lecture Rooms 7 Miscellaneous 21 6


Audited and found corrcct. 14th Toyember, 1906. , Emn~ J . HODEIlT ', Auditor. GEOIlGE TEYE.- ox, Clwinnan. RODEllI' DU:lJBLETOX, 1I0lloSeC. Clnd Treasllrci'.

Revenue and E'J;pendil1.L1·e Account fo7' pel'iocl to 23rcl April, 1906. Receipts. Examination Fees . £27 11 0 Class Fees 25 12 6 Subscriptions 35 5 0 I nterest 2 5 10 Out-Balance, being D eficit carried to Balauce Sheet . 13 4 7





£ 103 18 11


n G



D OIl OI·:'1'Y .. ('c r C':lIT :lIltl 1'l'c :.n1'(' I'.

G. Erskine Jackson, (;6, Frederick


o. A. , lIon. A uclitm·.

trect, Edinbnrgh.

Life :U c mb c l' •

A. . Cumming. :ll.D., W. A. J alllieson, M. U" . i1' J . Bn,lf?tH Paul (Lyon King of A r ms), The Earl of Rothes, J . H. Sleyen on (Umcorn PurSUlvunt) ir M. MitchellThomson, Burt., L Ully Iitchell-Thomsoll.

DON, T1·ectSUre1'.

D undee, ~ 4th APi'il , 1906. -Examined and found correct,

,Yo Allan Jamie on, M.D.

The Earl of Rothes.


£103 18 11

( '11:. il'JIlall.

J~ l' e1> itl C Jl' ,

lllt~ tli c al

R. Abernethy,

M, D., F.B.C. P.E.,

A. M. 1\Icl nto h, M,n., F.n.t'.s.E.




Dowie, :M.D., :lLl:,O.r.E. ,

F.R . C. ,E.,

St. J ohn A n~b~l,;lance Association.

St. J ohn A 1nbulance Association.

A NN UAL R EPOR T. T he Executive of this Oentre suspended its operations during the winter of 1905-~ , on representations by SOllle friends outsi~e the Asso?iation t.hat, by. doing so,. It would open up a way to enable thelll to oaer to come III and llllk theu' forces wIth those of the Association to the ultimate benefit of the common cau. e. The oITer, however, was eventually not made. The Oe~tre resumed i.t work in th~ spring; and in Uay, two classes in first aid, and one 111 home,.. nurs~Jlg "'ere ~rgaJ1lSell. I n spite of the season of the year, the class rolls recorde~ ~ ( entnes, ~nd 3 ( alten~an.ces,; 27 students passed in the examillati(lns, ~ became ehgIbl~ to r.ecelve the AssocIation s medallion, 4 of whom have actually applied for and receIved It.

Stcttement of Rcceipts cmd Expenclittwe fo'1' the yect?' encling J une 30th, 1906 .


Statement oj Recgipts ctncl Expenclitu,1'e!1'01n 15th June, 1905, to 30th SeptembeT, 1906 . Receipts. Expcnditun:-. T o Fees from Studen ts £9 17 0 By St<1tioneJ'Y uncI Ad vertis" Sale of Hand Books and ing £3 S 8 Bandaaes. . . 3 2 6 "Bab-nce due to Ur. A. A. Sale of f~Ul' medalEons GOl'dOll on 15th June, '95 0 16 7 " (bronze) 0 0 " Ambulanee supplies pur" Subscriptions 37 0 0 chas~(l from Head-qnar~ers 6 3 7 " Exanuners' Fees, etc., paId to IT ead-q narters (j 1 6 " Hire of LectureHoom 6 7 6 " " Models" 1 0 0 1 4 3 " Postages " ]I,J euallions 0 8 0 2 4 O} " Miscellaneou Balance in hand of Hon. Sec. and Treasurer £50

7 6

£2i 14


22 13




Receipts. E::epenclit1we. To Oontingency Fund . £30 0 0 By Removals . £21 " Balance in hand, June " Rent of Office and Quit 30th, 1905 9 5 4~ Ren ts . 10 26 4 0 "Examination Fees and " Receipts for Hemovals " Subscriptions and DonaExpenses 6 tioJls 19 13 0 " Stores 5 " Examiuation Fees and Ex" Prillting, Stationery, &c . 3 l)e11ses, Branch Olasses 4 5 0 " Medallions 1 Sale of Medallions, Books, "Postage, Oheques, Bill " Bandages, &c. 3 7 4 Posting 1 1 4 0 " Repairs and. ' unrlries " Lecture Fees, Town Ol::tss . 1 " Hire of Oharts and OarryBalance ill bank 34 o 12 6 ing Ohait' Balance in hand 0 (i 3 " Intercst to T OV ., 1905

IU e (lical , lalf.

H ugh F. Ealand, L.R.C. P . , L.R.C ... , Edin., L.S.A., Lonl1 . , H. Hine, L.ll.C.P., L ond., M.R . C.R., J . Hussey, 1II.D., 1II.R. C.S . , E. Robinson, M.D., Edin., . G .• loman, L . R . C. P . , Lond. , M.R. C. S. ANNUAL REPORT. D uring the past season three courses oflectmes on fir»t aid 11aye been given, viz., the usual winter course in the town by Drs. Sloman and Ealancl, at Frensham by Dr. Robinson and at Badshot Lea by Dr. Hine, when 34 candidates presented themselves for examination and 30 were successful, viz. , 11 first aid certificates, 13 vouchers, and 6 medallions. This now makes a total of 394 certificates and 15·1 medal1ions issued to the Oentre. T he Town Oorps has not hall quite such a busy year as the last but 71 cases were recorded. The ambulance van was out on 31 occasions and covered a distance of over 300 miles, including 3 from neighbouring villages to Guildford H ospital 20 to 30 miles, to Fleet Wokingham 40 miles, 2 Rindhead and Grayshott 22 miles. Other invalid removals were conducted to St. Bartholomew's H ospital 2, to Ohatham 1, and to Vauxhall 1. The annual distribution of certificates took place at a dinner presided over by Mr. A. H .• tevens in the towll, and at Frensham at a concert, where a presentation was also made to Dr. Robinson, who unfortunately has been obliged to leave the neighbourhood owing to ill-hea.lth.













12 10 16 3 15 5


£9-1 17


FAVERS HAM . P l'(' .. l d cn '.

Ch a iI·JU an .

Oaptain C. F. HOOIJer.

Right Hon. Lord lIarns, G.l.'Ll., r:,e .T.B. T ,·('a.,lI l'('J'. John Rigtlen, Oourt -'treet, Fanr. halll.

JlonOI':noy S ('(' 1'(" llTOY.

'. R. Ale'xandel', )I.:n., Gatefieltl Hon e, Fa,ersham.

Li fc l l c m l)('l' ... .

. R. AlexHl1tler,

)1. I) .. ,\\'.

C.. 'tUllt.

~ ' a (r,

.1I ('(l1c :ll

. R. Alcxallller, )LD., O. J. E,'cl's, L.n.t 1'., ,Yo Rcatchanl, :\r.n.C'.::4.

FARNHAM, The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Winchester. Tr easurcr. ][ollor a r :r S('('l'ct a l') . W . R. ,Vorsam, 24, Downing Street, A, ,Yinslacie, 115, East 'treet, Farnham . Farnham.


A. H. STEYEXS, Ohainilan. 'Y. 111. ,Yo R ...\)I, Treasw·ei'. A. ,Yrx, LADE, Han. SeCi'etc61'Y.


l ' J· csicle ll(.



£94 17


ALLAS JAMIEf-;OX, Olza 7,')/1 (nL. G. ERSKINE JACK ' o~, Hall. Sec. and Trwsw·c,·.



E. UO\\'llallll, )LB., p,

elby, )Lll.C.S"

Statement of Eeceipls and E;cpcnditw·c. Receipts. To 'ub criptions, 190.,1.-5 . " 1905·6 . " Ola s fe " Book., lJanc1ages, &e. ,,(Boughton) " Exam. fees (Boughton) "Medallions, 1 904 1905 'l

E.l'j)cnditu1'c. £1 ~

0 11 14 0 2 12 0 2 0 0 0 17 0 1 11 0 I 3 t3 0 4 13 0 ----3 Ii 0 Balance due Lo Trcasurer 0 11 5 <1

£39 11

By Balance due to Bank.

1 3 10


" Printing Reports " Medallions "undl'ies " Book' and Bandages "Lecturer' fee: "Examiner's fce ' "Incidental fee (Head Oftice) " Hallkeeper



7 19 o 11 2 12

0 0

10 10



3 15 11 110 1 10 0 £39 11


£2 17 o 19

0 7

£3 16



Value of tock in Land added


£1 4 2 1'2

3 I\Talue of 40 "

£3 16


tock 0111 in hand

Anc1ite(l and fonnd correct, 12th N'oyember. 1906. Fl1ASK CHO:-:;OER.


St. J ohn A1nunlance As.·ociation.

St. J ohn A mb~~lance Association.

ANNUAL REPORT. For the year 1905-6 two classes for men for instruction in the rendering of "first aid to the injured," were held in November and D ecember last, and were welL attended. It was arranged that the examillation of these two classes should be held on the same evening; 45 presented themselves for examination and 41 passed. 22 obtained their 1 t certificate and 2 failE'd; 3 obtained vouchers or 2nd certificates and 1 failed; 16 obtained their medallion anLl 1 failed. A class for November and December, for men, is now being alTangeu. In the Boughton section a course of lectures was given last February and 22 attended; 15 ,yere examined, 12 obtained their certificate. - 0 class was held at Greenstreet, hu t one is proposcd for the coming winter.

FROME. I'I'C hlcnt.


The nro t Hon. the -:\Iarqnis of Bath.

A. G. Hayman.

lIonOl':ll'Y 8ccrc tm'y.

Tl'ca . llrC)·.

S. T. Rawlings, Oriel Cottage, Frome.

G. ,Y o,Yiltshil'e, Bank lIou 'e, Frome.

Lifc Jlcmbcr",. Th e Royal Somerset Lodge of Freemason (No. 973), Frome. Serenaders.

The Selwood

llIe(lical S t:t ff.

E. Percival Cockey, :'II.D., A. ,I'. Dalby, L.ll.C.P., L.n.c.s.) Dupont, M.D., 'l\T. G. EYans, L. n.c.p . , L.R.C.S., Gardiner, M.ll.C.S., L.ll.C.P., C. IIell'S, M.R.C.S. Eng., L.n.c.p. E\l., F. Parsons, :'ILILC.S., SedJ.on, L.n.c.p., L.R.C.i'., fl.. yke ,Yard, :'IL D.

GLOUCESTER. Prcsidcnt l11ul CbairmaJl. J . M. Collett.

lIolloJ':ll'Y Sccrctary auc1 Tl'cn . nl'Cl'. T. ,Yo Wilson, 33, Dean's Walk, Gloucester.

Ass istaut Sc(')'c taJ·Y.

M. G. MatLy, 2, J Iethersett Road, Gloucester. J(cclical S taff.

,Yo Davis,

M.B., 1If.n..C'.!-l., ,Yo 'Y. Gro&venol', M.D., M.lLC.S., \Y. R. Hodges, :'ILn.c.s.

:'II.u., M.lLC ... , L.n.C.p., ,Yo R. Hauwen, L.R. C.l'., D.l'.H., Cantab., F. H. Sprague, lII.lt.c.s., L.U.C.P., L. ,Yilkin, L.P•. C.P., F.Il.C.S . ANNUAL REPORT. Durinf! the past year 6 classes ha\'e h(;en held in the city, 2 for men, 2 each first aid and nnrs1l1g for women: 22 mcn recei\'eu first aid certificates and 11 medallions; 32 women received first aid and 40 nursillg certificates, 4 gailling medallions. ince the re-construction of the Centre in 1900, 5 3 men have l'eceiYed first aid certificates and 140 medallions. In the \l'oll1en'~ classes 1 3 have recei"ed first aid and 206 nul' ing certificate', whilRt H have gaillecll1l~clallions. Fi"e teams competed in the Challenge hield Competition in December, the winners being tlJe Midland Railway Telegr~l'h I~eval'tment. Dr. Gl'iflith· offjt!iated as judge. The wheel litter purchased some tyne ~lllce has 11l'Oved to lJC most u&eful, belllg in u e nearly every day for remonng swk patients or cases of accident. The Brigade has 1.>een successfully started, and promises to he a great snccess .

) 'tatemcnt of Receipts and E.'·penditure 101' the ycm' endin!J 30th Septembel', 1906. Receipts. EJ'1)e/~d itu re . To Balance, Oct. 31, 1905 £3 0 1 By Working Expen e , illclml" Ca It rec 'in)d, suhscriptions, ing cOIllpelition, printcOlllpetitiollS, &c. 9 12 6 ing, postages & unclries £11 16 10 )' Balance in hauu 0 16 0 £1~


12 10

£12 12 10

J. M. COLLETT, Chainnan. T. W. WlL O~, Han. Sec. and Treas.

Prc. i<lcnt. His Grace the Duke of Devon. hire, K.G. Cltail'luan.


Jlonornl'Y SCCl'ctal·Y.

Right Hon. Sir John T. Hibbert, K. C. 13.

John Hope, General ~Ianager's Office, Barrow-ill- Furness.

JICtlical . tnIf.

R. O. Bowman, )I.D., :lI,U.C.S., L.n.C. p., H. Byers, :II. D., Durb., :lLR .C.S., L.lt C.P. , E. T. Ha"'ks\Yorth, L.RC.P. & s., Ell., L.F.P. & S. Gla ., II. F. ,Yarwick, lII.B., CH . n., L.n.c.::;.E. , L.n.c.p.E., L.F.l'.~.G., J. T. ,Yilliams, :'ILR.C. ·.E., L.A.C.L. ANKUAL REPORT. T he ambulance classes at Barrow, Haverthwaite, Mill 0 111 , Moor Row (including the staff on the Land N. ,V. and Furne.-s Joint Line), anu Ulverston, in connection with the Fumes. Railway Centre, have been well attended during the past term, and it has been found that the silver labels issued by the t. John Am bnlance Association to those members who have paRserl the fourth examination have l1een an inducement to the men to continue to take an intere t in amhnlance work after obtaining the medallion. The annual General ~Ieeting was held in the Fume s Abbey grounds on Friday, 15th June, and proverl to be a very successfnl one. ir John T. Hibbert occupied the chair, and Lady Uorpeth pre ented the silver lauel', medallions, and cert.ificates to the successful memuer·. The weather was aU that could be desired, and a large number of guests and members were present. During the afternoon the competition for the Directors' Challenge 'hield took place between teams representing the Barrow, l'.Iillom, Moor Row, and Ulverston classcs, with the result that Barrow were returned the winners, the Millom team being second, and ~\'ere presented with silver cruets and clocks respectively. Surgeon-Major Darwin Jndged the teams, and afterwards addressed the meeting on ambulance work.

GOSPORT, ALVERSTOKE, AND FAREHAM. I'rc .. i(leut . Field-Marshal H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, I'.G. ( 'hail·ullIn.

Brigade- urgeon Lieut.-Col. E. J. Hunter, Y.D., A.:'ILR., H.Y.I.n. Tl'CaSlll'Cl' :uut 1l01l01'nl'Y ccre t ary. W. M. Clay, Angle ey Lodge, Ah·erstoke. .Ueclical Stall'. urg. -~Injor II. Darl'ille Brook, A. :'I1.1t., D. r .lI. , H. M. Ca.e, Brigade - urgeon Lieut.CuI. E. J. Hnnter, Y.D., A.~l.lt., L.ll.L.I'., Ji'. C. 11. Il1ggletoll, :'ILD., :II. R. c.. 1:'. , L.n.c.p., In.pector-General II. c. ,rooLls, C.D., c.v.o., M.D., 1l.X., T. jUcK Terry, L.lLl':. P. & S., Edin., L.F.P .... , Glas., T. C. 'Wilkins, :lLILC.. , L.n.c.p.


F AREHA:JI DIYI ION (with POl'cheste)', Shetltielll, \\ ickham, and Titchfield). (;bah·lliau.

Mrs. J. Ramsay. Assls t:1llt ]Jon. Sccrctary. J. IV. Douge, West Street, Fareham .

lluuul'ary Secrctary. Mrs. Lenox Napier, Cltti field, Farebam. lIOllol'llry Tl'ca IIrci'. Capt. J . Ram ay, R.E., Cams Hall,Fareham. If

St. John A n~b'L~lcfvnCe A socicdion.


St. John A ?nb1~lcfvnce Association.



Th r Oommittee consiLler that there is crood reason to be satisfied with the work done during the past year, the results b of whi?h are very .similar t? tllose of the preceeding yrar. Eight classes were hel~ at. whlCh 234 puplls. were lUstrllcted? of ""hom 159 presented themselves for exanunahon ; of these 16 faIled and 143 r~~elvecl certificates, medallion, and 7 re-examination vouchers. Th ere "ere 5 cel'tlficates given for llrst aid and 29 for nursing, to 61 men and 53 women. Among those who passed were 2 Sub- Divisional Inspectors, 4 sergeants and 12 COllstables of the Metropolitan Police) and 13 men of the Hants Oonstabular:y. Th e le~turers of two classes received payment, the remaining lcctures were gIven gra~lUtou ly by the Honorary Medical Staff, and the Oommittee desire to express theu' thanks to the L ectnrers and Honorary Secretaries for their services. On the 21st of July.a gn,ud demonstration of first aill and nursing work ,,-as held at Rookesbury P~rk, Wlc,ldlam, by the kind invitation of fr. Altilur H. L ee, M.P., when notwlthstanchng an inclement morning there was a large attendance of interested spe.ctators .. On ~he ground, which was admirably adapteu for such purposes, was a ~os]JI~al tent .m WhICh ladies from Gosport, Alverstoke and Fareham gave demonstratlOns lU llurRl~g, and amonO' the events were ice accidents by meml'ers of the Fareltam ann 'V lCkham Divisions, pit accidents by membe~'s of the Alyerstoke Divi ion of the .Ambulance BriO'ade under the charO'e of :Supenutendent Ed wards and Ml'. Salter then eCletary ana'" other teams; shewill g methoos of resusciLation and bringillg U)l wounued from below' concludinO' with a sham fight admirably carried ont by volunteers of the Fareh~m Oompa:y of the D.O.O. 3rd V.B. Ramp l:ire Regiment .under .ergeant Whitear, by kind permission of the Oolonel Oommandlllg. After tIns allad.l~~11'lled, passing through the pleasure grounds, to the house wl1ere the Cel'ttilcatcs, medallions and labels w'ere presented by :Mrs. Arthur Lee: :Mr. Lee .then a(ldres~ed thosE' present, drawing attention to the practical ,alue of first n,~rl and. nnrslllg instl'uction, and to the splendid work done by the Ambulance Bngade 111 outh Africa: he also advocated the forma tion of re erves of ambula.nce men for war purposes both ashore and afloat. The Ohairman of the Oentre,. Drigade-. urgeon E. J. Hunter, V.D., then gave a short address and proposed a cordIal yote 01 thanks to :MI'. and :Mrs. Lee. A hearty vote of thanks was also passed to all who har1 assisted in the demonstration and especially to Mrs. Gawne, the District Honorary Secretary, for her services both in connection with the demon tr:1tiol1, and in extclHling the operations of the Association ill the neighllourhood of 'Yickham. The 00111ruittee regret to mention that the County Oouncil who have hilherto assisted the work of the Association very liberally will be unable to make any further grants owing to insufficiency of funds. :Mr. W. 111. Olay who has for the past ten years undertaken the duties of Honorary Treasurer and has acted as Honorary ecreLary for some years, has to the great regret of the Oentre been obliged to relillClllish the latter post which will be temporarily filled by I nspector General Woods, Jl. N. The warm thanks of the Oentre have been accorded him for his pn,st valuable .·ervices.


To " " " " " " " "

Subscriptions & dona.Lions Olass Receipts Technical Grant Ambulallce Department. Demonstration Stores 1.1iscellaneons Lee-on-Solent Balance from 1904-5

£8 10 23 14 19 0 ~ 10 ~ 14 2 19 o 11 2 0 38 1 £100


29th, 1906.



By Head-quarters Oharges " Stores " Printillg alld Stationery " Let'Lul'ers 5 " Amhulance Depal tllleut 6 " DemolJstl'aLiolls 0 " Miscellaneous 4 " Balance 5

6 6 0 0


'Y. M.

)'l'CS ltlcnt.


E. 11. Mundy, D.L.

G. Spencer, Stanley Lodge, West Hallam.

HOll. Sccretary.

Lifc llemb cl'.

J. H erbert, 3, Bennerley Street, Ilkeston .

Dr. A. Dobson.

17 2 3 10 4. :2 10 0 12 0 16 0 o 17 6 39 1 0

£10 17 5 10 4 11



EDWIN J . HUNTEH, Ohctinnan. OI,AY, lIon. Treasw'C?' and SeCl'cta1'Y'

. tall'.


A. Dobson, M.n.c.S., L.R.C.r. ANNUAL REPORT. . The Oo~mittee .reg.ret that n~ l'epol'~s have been. furnished to head-quarters of lecellt .ye~ls . Tins state of thll1gs WIll not contllllle as a most energetic and ent~u~Hl,stlC a~11bnhnce Illan has. undert~ken .the duties of Hon. ecretary. The wOlk Jll the Oe~tre has been C~)l1tlnllous sll1ce Its formation, although the records have been kept l~ a most erratlC way. The classes haye been well attended but the llum.bers pre eutll1g themselves for examination is much below what it ought to be. Dl1l'IJ1.g the past year no nUl'sing clas::; was helel, but a course of "Hygiene" lectures was gIven anll .,,"ell attended. It was. a ource of regret that no examination was heM, but the <?01ll1l11ttee trust, ~1Uch benefit was derived from the course. Three courses of fir t aId lectures were gIven by the Hon. urgeon, but two of these were detached classes.

Statemcnt of Rcceipts and E';rpc?l(litlt1'c to 30th Septembe?', 1906. ExpenditUi·e.



to res fol' OlassBooks and bandages sold Examinu Lion expenses, etc., from cancliLlate 10 Bronze Medallions.

By tores, £0 19

2 0 1 0 £3 19

t. J olm's GateBooks antI banrlages Examination eXIJenses 10 Bronze Medallions. Balance in hand


~I 6

£1 4 8 1 14 6 1 0 0 o 0 11 £3 19




DODSOX, TJ'ea5ltl'e?·.


Han. ) 'ec]'ctw·y.


The Lord Olaud J. Hamilton.

Statement oj Receipts and E ;)'pencZitu?'e fa?' the yea?' 1905-1906. lZeceipts.




B. GOll<lanl, M.n.c .. ·., L.R.C. l'.

UOJlOI':l1'J' S cretarl'. T. O. 1IIein, Loco' Department, G. E. Ry.,

tratforc1, E.

~U('cli('al ~ta fr.

O. E. Allam::;, M.n., 1l.~C., L011U., ~Lll.C.:-:., A. Allport, ~f.l~.l'.s., L.n.c.r., J. E. Becker, M.ll., c.)!., F. II. Hecl'ett, n.A., )LD., B.C., T. Helding. )!.Il.C.8., L.n.c.p., A: B~ll·ton, ~['D., M.A., J. N. Collins, ~l.D., O. H. Oonolly, )1.H.C. '., L . . ,L, J. J. DlCkmsoll, B. A . , M.ll.,l'I1.n.c. '., L.;;.A., . O. :Bade, 1,.Jl.C.P., L.n.C.i'i., :Bdin ., H. J. For tel', L.n.c.s., L.Re.p.r., F. ,Yo Fo tel', :M.lt.c. '., L.R.C.I'., F. D. Gray on, lIr.n .c.s ., L.S.A., H. Groom, ~I.D., J. . Hillllell, M.D., O. Jack ' 011, L.n.C . r., F. F . O. Jagger, lI1.Tl., Cll.B., Edin., A. H. Langl'illge, L.R. C.I'., )1.H.C.8 .. O. 'Y. Low, )r.n., O. J. Mansell, M.ll., H.. J. Mills,lILn., J. E. Molson, M.n.', A. H. JUoxon, lILR.C.S., I,.S.A., ' P. O'Oonnor, M.D., Dllrh., T. Rich:11'c1S0Jl, M.D., Bl'l1x., L.n.C.p" M.n.C.il., J. H . miLh, J'll.U.C.s., L.ILC.l'., J. tevellson, M.B., D.SC., J. F. T aylor, M.n..C.S., L .. S.A ., ,V. Tyson, 1II.B., M.ll.C.S., L.R.C.P., G. R. 'ViLon , M.B., D.C., A. 'Vnght, lIr.n.c.s., l.. ·.A., S. W. Woollett, )J.n.c .. , L.S.A.



St. John A mlmJunce Association.

St. J ohn A 1nbvJa'J'I,ce Association.

ANNU AL ImpORT. T he work of this Centre durin a the y ear has been actively carried on, 11 classes havin a been held for servants ~f the G.E.R. Company, 3 of which were held at statio~s where no ambulance classes bad previously been conducted . The Annual G.E. R. Competition was again a success, 28 teams competing, and the Challe~1g~ Cup, given by the Directors of the Company, was won by the March team, consIstmg of Messrs. A. E. lI1Ol,tlock, E. C. Cottage, F. W. Brundell, ' V. Goodley and W. L. Tabbitt, who represented the Company ill thc Railway Oompetition, and obtained a prize. The Ohairman, Directors and Ohief Officers of the Company continue to accord their hearty support to, amI great interest in, tho Oentrc, and by so doing assist materlally tho good work which the Oentre is doing.

ANNUAL REPORT. The Committee ~n preseutil1.g the aUllual report and statement of accounts for the ~)ast 1:ear, take tIllS. opportumty of thanking all who have so kindly as'listed them 111 then w~rk. DUl'lng the year. a class of Great Cen tral Rail way Poliee, Porters, etc .. ~1as ,bee~ mstrllcted by. Dr. 111:pson, \~hen 15 candidates completed a course of 111stlUch~n, ,and 14 rece~ ved. c 1 hficates 111 first aid. A dass of the 4th Grimsby (St. And~ew s) Co. Boys Bngado were sybseque.ntly instructed by Dr. Bruce, when 27 . candIdates completed a course of 111strucboll, and 1 rccciycd certificates. A ladl es ~lass wa.s also held at the G:rim'lby .Municipal Oollege lJY Dr. Bruce, when 8 candIdates eomplote~ a course oflll.-trnctlOn and all received certificates. Dr. Scott of Hull was the examlller for the former class &.ncl Dr. J. Leith "ratcrs for the two latter.

Statement of Receipts ancl


GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. ]'rc: i(lcnt. H.R.H. the Princess Ohristian of Schle ·wig-Holstein. sccr etary . Oentre Secretary, General Manager's Office, Paddington


Uel1ical SCalf. J. D. O. Allon, S. Andrew, O. R. Ball, O. R. Hi 'hop, H. Du J3oulay,W, T. 13]'1 'cae, F. J . Butt, A. J. Campbell, D. Mc.L. Campbell, J. . OarletoD, II. S. Ohallcnor, E. A. Ohill, R. W. Olark, E. L. Collis, W. Oooper, O. Corben, W. J. Oorrigan} J. Kynaston Oouch, i'l. Cullinan, J. 111. Carvell, '1'. T. Olemson, W. E. Coleman, J. E. H. Davies, ' . Daris, H. F. Devis, '1'. M. Dono,-an, E. J. Domville, 'l\T. R, Edmond W. Edmon ton, F. o. G. Ellertoll, O. O. P. Rvan , R. D. Evan', 'IV, Fairbank lI1ark Farrant, L. A. Francis, J. O. Freeborn, A. L. Fuller, A. Frecr, F. T. Gourlay, A. H. Grace, R. H. GrilDbly, S. B. Green. - Gaylard, W. Hammond , A. H. Hardwick, R. W. Haslett, W. R. Had\yell, ,V. Hodges, H. L, Hughes, G. Hollies, Jacob, G. H. Johnson, R. White Jones, J. ArnalU Jones, T. O. Jones, P. J. Kingston, W. Kirkpatrick, E. E. 111. Kelly, B . W. Lamb, H. A . Latimer, S. O. Legge, W. W. Leigh, J. II . Lilley, O. E. B. Limrick, O. R. Lunn, P. T. Lunn, J. Lytle, H. Lupton, O. E. Lovp,ly, A. H. 1I1artin, II. Mason, W. J. Mason, G. McDonald, F. L. lI1ilburn, E. A. 1I1ilner, Edwin Morton, J. W. 1\Iulligan, W. E. C. ~1urphy, G. F. ::'lIurrell, - lIIcGall. Jas. Neal, J . F. eyille, J. M. O\\'en, F. E. Paton, J. Pearse, E. Y. Pegge, O. Pollard, H. L. Porteous, Joshua Po"ell, C. Price, D. A. Reid, D. E. Richards, W. L. Rhys, P. A. Hoden, E. Ricc, D. T. Richards. W. O. Rowland, - Roberts, E. P. atchell. G. C. earle, H. O. 'harp, W. Salisbury- hart,e, E. Trevor horland, J. O. ullivan, T. D. ulliYan, D. O. Sutton, G. R. Swinhoe, ,'I'. pettigue, W. Taylor, E. Thomas, H. H. Thomas, H. Tibbetts, 'V. Vernon, R. Wade, E. G. Wa1ls, Noel O. Ward, E. H.'Va1'ller, H. W, Webber, S. T. Darby Weston, W , 1\1. Whitehouse, H. H. White, E. '1Yilliams , E. R. Williams, R. H. Williams, J. H . Wilkinson, S. Wilkin 011, J. T. Williams l H. L. E. Wilks, W. B. Winckworth, R. G. Worger, R. E. B. Yelf.



fOi' the yeai' ending Seplemue;o 30th, 1906 . E:'1JCndituJ'e.

To Balance 111 hand and Bank on Sept. 30th, 1905 .£15 0 10 " Oontributions, allo,,'ances, otc., received during the year 1 3 9 " tore,.etc. 3 1 9 " Medal~lOn~. . 2 12 0 " ExammatlOll Fees, etc. 5 9 6 £27

7 10

Tl'casuJ'cl' :tllli JlOllOl':tI'Y SeCl·etm·y. J . lIIo1'ley Dennis, 93, Weillolme Road ,Vest, Grimshy.




7 10

GUERNSEY. Chai.rman. ]'rc!.ldent. Sir T. Godfrey Carey. Major-Gen. B. B. D. Campbell, c .Y.o., C.B., (Lt .-Governor) . Donorary TI'ea m·er. JlOIlOl'3l'y Secrctary. Mi M. B. Oollings, Rev. J. Penfolcl, 1\:ep11 1 Place, Guernsey. La Yerdure, Guernsey. ~l('dicni


Francis E . Oarey, M.R.C.S.? L.)L, L.'3.A., C. d'Auvergne Oollings, )LD., )LB., :\L\., ~I.R.O.R., Erne t L. Hoblll '011, L.ll. C.l'., Lond., )Lr:.C ... , HOll. Brigade- uraeon T. H. Th ol'llhill , ::'I.n. n ,'talement of Reccipts and E.rpcnclitu;,c, 1905-1906.

Receipts. Tu Female Ola Fees " Mal e do.. . " Balance clue to Treasurer

E:l.'pelld itl! (e. £7 15 0 4 5 10 5 5 4

GRIMSBY. Cha i 1'1I1:l JI . E. Bannister.

. £3 3 6 to) e , etc. . 2 12 0 }.Il:dallioll 5 9 6 :: Oost of Exa~linatio~ls 049 undry Expen es . "Balance as underOnDepositatLincolnBank10 0 o I n hands of Hon. ,ecretary 5 18 1


Audited, compared \\'it t the ,'ouchor., and found correct. O. RCSHBY, Auditor. E. BANNISTER, Chai,.man. Octobcr 6th, 1906. J. MORLEY DEXNI', Han. Secretary (lnd T,·easurer.

ANNUAL REPORT. The awards gained during the year were 722 certificates, 423 vouchers, 218 medallions, and 2 0 labels.

Pl·esillellt. T he Right Hon. the Earl of Yarborongh.



6 2

By Balauce due from 1904-5 "Ad verti ement . "IIire of R ooms, etc. " Boy as Mod el " Printing " Lecturers' Fees " Examiners' Fee " 1edallion Exam. Fees " Incidental Expense " Postage, etc. . . " l")Iemil1m on £ 16. 6d.

£3 1 2 1 0


6 0 2 2 0 3 3 2 2 1 11 0 1 0



2 10


Examined and approved, AUSMAREZ LE COCQ, Han. Atld~·tor. J OlIN PENFOLD, lIon. Sec?·etm·y. MAny B. COLLINGS. lIon. 1'?·eaSH?·M·.


0 0 0 6

0 6 2

St. John A 1nbu lan ce Associati on.



lUcdicnl S taff.

Messrs. ,Ambrose, B~attie, Bennett, Broughton, Bronghton (Batley), Brown, Clay, E ley, Fall'clough, FIeld, Forsyth Fryer Garrett Girlil1a Halliwell Hall H~mmer~on, Laird, Lee, Milne, !I]~s~n, Moil:, Oldroyd:Shaw, P~ttersoll Pritchard' Pnor, RlChanlsoll, Sproullc, :::lellal's, 'haw, Stewart, Stuart, Smith, : tephenson' Suuderland, Thompson, ,Voous. '


PresIdent. Th e H on. T. A. Brassey .

G. L ock e, M. R . C.S . , L. R. C.r. J101101'al'Y Sec retary.

Tl·eaSlu·el·. F . D . H arding, L ondon and County Bank.

Dr . H . S . Gabb, 13, Cornwallis Gardens, H astings.

JU e (lic ai S tall".

H. S. Gabb, ~I.B., B.C ., A . H . H. Huckle, M.P,.C . s., L.R . C. P., F . B . L ewis~ G. Locke, M.n. C.S . , L.n. c . p., II. R Munsell, M.R. C. . , L. R . C.P.

L. R.C . P., L.R . C.S . ,

ANNUA L REPORT. T his year is more prosperous than last year. A large class of men and another of women at Baldslow under the management of 1\1rs. Ebden and Dr. Harry Gabu were successful in drawin a the kind of student we wish to see. T he elasses at the Central I nstitute were of i~proved type. T here remain however the old difficultics. in getting up a lively interest amongst young men in the work, though \\'e are hOplllg much from the example of members of the Brigadc.

To " " "

Balan ce Subscriptions Fees Stores

2 10

1 0 6 0 4 12 10





Examined and approved, EHNE:-;T E. Fox, Chal'tc1'ccl Accountant.

R. '\T.

1\lITC'HELL, Chninl1all.

GEOIWE LOCKE, lale SeC1'l'tnI'Y.


Walter Critchley. Trea s llrel·. H . W . Vickers, Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank, Ltd . , Dewsbury .

Statement oj i?CC( ipts ancl E ;:l.'penclillll'e fol' the yea?' ending Septembe?' 30th, ] 906. R eceipts. I Expendilul'e. To lhlaure [rom In .. t year . £0 3 8 By Medallions . .£ 3 0


£8 19 5 By Head Office 2 6 9 " torcs . ,," Observer," "Mail anti. 2 15 9 Times," "Argu " 3 6 10 " Printillg and tamps o 12 0 " Boy MoLlels " Hire of Room and Sundries 1 4 10 o 12 4 " Perigoe 10 10 0 " Lecturers 110 " Accountant . " Ambulance Brigade & Nurse 10 0 0 2 13 9 " Balance .


ANN UAL REPORT. During the year 8 first aid cla~ses and 2 women's nursing classes have been held and ,attended by 108 men and 54 women of whom 86 men and 52 women received certtfiu~tes. Vonchers were also l'eceivp.Q by 34- men . The number passing for l11e~alhons were 22 filell an([ 11 women. Nothing of special note has taken place ~nnng ,the yeal.', but thanks are again due to the medical gClltlemell who have so frtely gIven their services at courses of lectures.


S tatement of Receipts and Expenditn?'e, 1905-1906. Receipts. Expenclitu?·e. £26 1 12


St. John A mbulance A ssociation.


Ad vcrti, emen ts



Bank Illterest



]',IC( lalliolJs,

'tore, Exam. Fees, LondOH and Local Expensc')HaLlry ,'ection 7 10 DewslJUJ'y " 15 <':lcekheatoll ,'ection 11 8 Ha veil, -thorpe 5 11 Li vel' 'edge "" 3 5 \Y c t Riding Police 1 19 pecial to! c' II pplied to Eal'lshcu.toll 4 ,/. Balance uuo to Treasurer

0 3

6 0

0 1 0 0

" Dawson & Son, Printing reports and stationery 8 12 11 " IIeaLl-quarters for 'tores, Exam,Fees, ano. I ncidental Expenes 34. 4 5 ''''ccretary's alary 10 0 0 " Petty Cn h 2 4 0







9 7






Outstanding-Bittley £5 19:>. De,Y bury £9 1 '. tore in hanll £2 7 . 6u. AUllitcd and found correct, \Y. HAXSON', Auditol'. H. U. YrcKERs, Treasure;'.


Major Percy B. Walker.


](oJloral'Y Sccr e tary .

Duke Fox, De\\'sbury. is c)·ehll·)'. R. Gadie, :Field Hill, Batley.

Life ~U CJll-" C J ·s . ~Iajor Chaley Fox, Rol?ert Gallie, Messrs. G. and J. Haigh, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred HI~I, E. T . I ngham, MaJor Parker, S. H . Spedding, Lancashirc and Yorkshire

R aIlway Co. , Charles 'Wheatley, BirstallCo-operative Society, Ltd., IIeclnnondwike Co - op~rative Society, Ltd . , Batley 'Working Men's Club, J. Critchley & ons, B. Wils,on, M~ssrs. ,Vormalds and ,ValleeI', Ltd. , S. J. Chadwick, Dewsbury Pioneer I ndustnal SOClety, L td., Mark Oldroyd, Duke Fox, Major P . B.Walker, Geo. L ee, B. Bullock , Messrs. Crawshaw and Warburton, Ltd., Robert S,vau Balden, C. B. Crawshaw, Bettley Co-operative Society, L td. W . J . R . Fox, Batley, }.{, Sheard & Sons, Batley, R. Brearley and Sons, Batley, J . W . BlackbUl'll, Old Mill Batley.

l·I·C-.id c l1 ••

D . J . <':1'0 sley. (;ha i "lIla II.

Tl'ca-.ul'c r.

E. J . Cro:sley .

Geo. Habergham, 20, Market Hebdeu Bridge. JlOIIOl':IlT Se cr e t:ll'Y.

F. Rawson, "Thorn Bunk," I-Iebdcn Drillge. Assis tallt i'i CCl'<f:tl'Y.

D. F. Jackson, l:d, Royal l ,He

quare, IIcbLlcll Bridge.

~1t' llI-"Cl'


1). R Cairns, G. G. La\\" 'on, J. H. Thompson.



St. John A n~bulance Association.


lUedical StafT.


G. G. La\\'son, lILn., B,cn., D,l'.H., L. lII.; P. Pollard, M. D., Cam . , J. H . Thompson, L.R.C.P. & L.:.\1., hel., L. H.C.ii . , Edin., W. Thompson .

Ch n il·m a u.

I~l' es id ellt.

Dr. H. H . J. Hitchon.

His Worship the 1.1ayo1' (David. H(;aley) . A


St. J ohn A'Inb'Ldance Association.

NUAL REPORT . )(OllO)'al'Y Sccrctar y au tl Tl'cas nl'Cl',

The Committee has again great pleasure in presenting the annual report of the Centre for ]905-6. Two classes ha\'c ueen held c1lll'ing the year, olle in first aid (males) and one in nur ing (females). Two clas'cs in first aid and 11l1l'sing are at present being held and are attenlled by a good llllmucr o[ students. Female passes in first aid during the year is nil, nUl'Sillg 21, medallions nil. Ten mal(·s have obtained first aid certificates, 12 have pa~pecl their final examinatioll, an(l medallions 3. Total SillC(; formation of the Centre-females, 164 completed the course in first aid, 125 obtained certificates; 154 completed the course ill llursing, 130 obtained certificates; medallions 30. Males, 7 0 completed the comse in first aid, 636 obtainecl certificates; 47 completed the course in nursing, 2 obtained certificates, medallions 116. The Committee flgain expre s their than ks to the Hon. Auditors, lIIessrs. R. rrabtree and Son; al 0 to the medical stafl' fol' their courteous and untiring efforts in instructing the students; and corClially welcome Dr.•. P. }'ollard as a member of the stalf vice Dr. P. R. Cail'1ls, whose resignation is much regretted. Thanks are due to Mr. Y. Ackroyd for his kindness ill pl'oyiding a hail' mattress for use in the ambulance carriage, and to MI'. C. Dobertshaw for material for making bed·sheets. The Committee's thanks are also due to the local Education Committee for use of schoolrooms. The ambulance carriage has made 30 journeys during the year. Much ]))'ai cis duc to the Nursiu a Corps in wiunil1 c, tbe shield in the district competition. Dr. G. G. Lawson has linclly consented t~ become the Superintendent of the Am Qulance Brigade, under who e training they hope to attain a high state of efficiency. The Committee earn(,stly desire a more fervent ambition on the part of the general llUhlic to take up ambulance work, and hope that each mem bel' will assist thelll in their efforts to 11li1ke the work more successful.

Statement oj Receipts cmd Expenditu1'e


Messrs. Geddes, Hartley, H. F. Jeffery, Taylor, 'Yisken.

Statement oj Receipts Clnd EJ.'lJellclitu?·e /0)' 1906. R eceipts. E'J:pendttm·e. To:Balance Crom 1905 . £5 1 !) By. tores (. 'to John's Gate) "Medallion . " Due to •'ecreti1ry









0 0


4 6 2 11

"Examiners' Fees and cidelltal ExpelLes " Medallion " Slamps, Chccllle, &c.

. £1 14 Iu3 5 0






o 6 o

Outstanding Accollnts.

£6 0 6 450

tores . Examination Fees for two classes

£10 JrntlUl)'U



H. H. J. HITcnox, Glwinllan.

16th, 1907.


Hon. Sec. and T,.easwrer.




By Balance (lue to Bank, Oct. 1st, 1905 . £3 8 0 " Horsing Am bula.nce Car'ge. 21 4 9 2 13 11 " to res purcha ed 1 19 0 " Examiners' fees "Printing, tationelY, all(l Ad vertising 1 2 9 114. " tamps o 0 11 " Repairs . " Use of Co-operative Hall 050 026 " Use of chool 050 " Caretaker " Bank Intcrest 039 010 " ChelJue Book o 16 8 " Cash in Dank . 004 " Treasurer's hands

4 11


4 11

\Ve have examine(l t.he above aceonnts with the books and vouchers relating thereto, and hereby certify the same to be in accordance therewitlJ. R I CHARD CRABTREE & SO::\8,

OctobeT :2il1'd, 1906 .

;1( '(li enl SHl fT.

the vert?· e)ulil1g September 30th, 1906.

Receipts. To Cash in hand, Oct. 1st, 1905 £0 " Cash from Nursing Institution . . 7 " Sale of Stores, Class Fees, Re-examination fees. 9 " Useof Ambulance Carriage 16

Hebden Bridge,

Abraham Waddiugton, 134, Pilsworth Road, Heywood.

(Charte1'(xl Accountants), Auditors.

C 11 n i l' III cn.

l>r C'o hlcnt.


The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor.

a ,ille Cros. ley, Bart. ,Yyatt ar a el1t. llonol'n ry Sccre tnry ,

T I'c n ~ nr c r,

A. R. Rundell,

H. K. Hamilton Hoare, 54, Gray'::; Inn Road, '\T.

54., Gray Inn Road, '~. C. !tl (' (li e al !H afT.

John Forue

,M.A., D. .

c., ~I.n.,

.I1I ..


Reginaltl Ingram, :.\I.D.,

L . . A.


The work of the Centrc ha been Ci1.l'l'ierl on successfully dl1l'ing 1906. 3 first aid and 1 nursing clas for men h .. been held. The number of ca es tre~ted by £.1' t aider in c!larrte of ambulance uoxe' is llctl by the ambulance Comnnttee dunng 1906 was 101 band .151 ca e \\'ere l'emo\'ed to ho pi tal. The Right Hon .. the Lord Mayor, at n meeting !leln at the :'IIi1l1sion Houo;e in Afll'il, pre ented three Dlplomas ~f M.erit [or saving lire, also medallions to the Sllcce stul student who completed thelr course 0[' instruction HIllIer the Centre . On 30th June La 1y Agnes BU~'ne accompaniecl by General it' O\\'cn Bnrne kindly l)l:esent~d ambulan?e and nursmg certificates at the offices of the Centrr. The Committee icel greatly ll1debte~l to th.e non. Leetnl'el's for thcir sen'iccs, and to Lady Agnes und ir Owcn Burne for theIr continued interest iu the work of the Centre.


t. John A mbulwilce .d ~ ociation.

t. John AmbLda'llce A ociation.

R eceipts anel E,l'penditllJ'e from lOth Receipts. To Ambulan ce Diri'ionBalance from 1904 . £5 10 10 Donation 1~ 16 6 Member' ub criptioll u 15 1 I n talment~ for LlJiform~ 3 0 3 Jl Nm ing Did~ion­ Balance from 190-1 o 16 7 Member' 'ub cription 1 10 o " Part Payment for Remond by In .. alid Tra n port Corps 6 17 o " Ambulance Ola se lIember' Fee 19 0 ale of T ext Book , &c. -1 13 10 " ale of Ambuiance Boxe~ 6 15 0 ., ale of tore for A.mbulance Boxes 311 3 " pecial donation, re Ambulance Box o 10 o " Grant from Ho-pital atur day Fund .1~0 9 £1 -1


Jalluary, 1905, to th Jal1uary, 1906. E .l'penditul'c. By Ambulance Divisiontore Teneral Expen e Uniform Balauce in hand " XUI' ilJg Diyi ionGeneml Expel1 e Balance in haud "Oharge, lor remoral by Il1Yt1lid Trull port Oorps " A.mbulance Ola ,'e Exalniners' Fee, &c. Text Books &c, " Ambulance Boxe " tores for Am buJance Doxe , Printing allLl tationery ') Po t:1ge of Corre 'pondcnce aud "torc'



12 (f 7 1 913 3 2 9 3 1 12



7 0 0

670 19 3 67 15 7 45 13 () 110

3 G 0

£1 !



We have examined thi account with the books, youcher", alH! connterfoiI, aUll find them agree. Cigned) W. H. PAXXELL &: CLl .. ell Id,Jcd _1cColilltanl', Na/'ch 21st, 19013. 13, lhs::;inghull tl'cct, KO. ' \\'YATT ' _\llbE_ r, 'Iwirllum,





HULL. l>l'c ,~illcllt.

word "yery sati factory." Yery many ca e ha\-e occurred- 'everal hundreds on our large dock and railway -where ellicient, if not con pieHou , fir t aid, ha been rendered. The tlr~t aid in'ome of these case ha probably been con pieuous enough had they been properly reported and atteteJ. By some of our nur ina ::oi tel'S alone, o\'cr two hundred ca:c>; of lir-t aiLl, aud ye!"y nearly two thou all~ nUT ing vi~it are reportell, the latter in e\'c!")' ca-e under proper medical care.

Cash _lCCOlllll /01' the yco)' Clldtd 30th Septembc/', 1906. P"!JIHCJlts. Rt'ccillt.;;. Dy ~\.l11bulallce ''''anon : To Balunce ill hanel, It October, Repair', Hore Hirc, 1905 : llou:ll1g and In,tu" . £15:3 0 0 At Bank ance £~ 5 u,h 0 17 6 " ,torc' pUl'eha.'ed for ale of tore , :.\I(da!lion , " Pocket Certificlte~. Badges ""alt', tl.'e of CIa '"cs -1 allli Di\'i,ion', inclull,) I U ;):! and Bandage.,; il1!.!; :Jlcdallioll' aml CJas aml Examination -'I " Fee' D,~dges, Rep il'- and 1 () 1l'ellcwalsof ~\.l11bnlallce 2-1 11 0 nbscription6'~ ,) ]6 lioxe .. " on tribn tion'" for u'e of -I 0 -I " Ambnlancu "-a~t)n ., Cen tral ttice for Exa 111iner" Fee', Tr Yelling " Entrancc Fe" . '~l'hallengc anti In cidental expen 'es 35 11 1 1;) 0 Trophy" Competition ., 1 () , Lecturcr" Fee . 3 3 " Ran kIn tl'rl'!' t .: Printing, ~llherti ing 1 0 0 "'ale of Roll Top Dc k " and .... t.ttionCIT . 15 " Pas t:l gc,.; , Telegrams, etc, o 19 5 0 ,. Telephone Rell t 01l11l1i -sion 011 ~ale of 1 15 "rore' ,,:'(l;d:dliol1 for Challengc Trophy Competition (190.;-6) 4 7 " Cash at Bank, -, ept. :30,1006 £1i2 7 ~ Le~s due to '::ec, 0 1:3 ~ ---lil13

001. H . Fawcett Pnd


Tl'caSlIl'Cl' and

Dr. A. ,I',



cott, 139, Be\'erlcy R')ad, Hull.

Life JIcml>cr.,.

hlr. Walter Bailey, 001. B. Hobart, ILL,D,L., ~I es,r, Reckittand "'on Limited Messrs. Blundell, penee and Co., Limited. ' ~ J(c clicn 1 Sta fl'.

O. L, A~)pleton, P. R. A 11, D. H. Davy Dewick, ,J, Di\'ine, F. W. FullerlOll, R obert Gneve, A. E, Hart. , H. Henoll, J, Hollingworth, E. H. Howlett, A., Hammersl ey Jo~n ton, E. E. L a lett, J, Mac ~ichler, J. G. ~Ic,Yillie, 0, II. l\hlb~lrn, D, R. ~loll': ~Iary O. ilfl1l'doch, ,\~ . )[ulTay, it B. Poole, George 'ayag', A. ".' CO;t, A. T, ISSO~, J, ?utter, j ... E. ,'pl'oulle, ,Yo "tephen 'on, J, "'tothard, J, LeIth" aters. J. A. " eathenll.

AX'S "\L REPORT. , ~he e?uc~tio.na~ ,,-ork conducted bS this Oentre ha been, Llul'ing the pa·t yca.r, "elY satIsfadolJ: III 1ll0.st re peet. The llumber of da ses completed, "ill" ~3, i the l~l'gest but one I,ll any year for the past 5ixteen, aml ha beeu excecdeu ollly twice SlUCC the ,formatIon of th~ OelJtre. Inch the 'a111e lllay be aid of the Hum bel' of stud~uts llls~n~cted, examllled, a~cl pas. ell. As Icgtll'd the percentage of sncce 'fui ca,~dldate~, It IS the lo,,:e ,t for thIrteen year;;, a 'lery ati::;factory result in that it is fa~!ly ObVIOUS that, certtflcates have been obtained much too ea ily of late. This WIth the absolute lIlcrease of successful studcnt , undoubtedly justifies the use of the




The Mo t Honble. the :Jlal'qnis of Ripon, K.G" P,C., (Lord High "reward of lIull) , ( 'hail'luull.


£3-0:-3 _ _ __



11 .')

0 3 6~

0 11~



...Tcn:.-There are onrstan\lill~ liahilitie,., of the cnrre amounting to £91 -1:;. g,l.: debts due to tlh. nne a1l10ulltill~ to £2:3 I:!,;, 7 ~d,: a ~tock ('If tores on llllllll for ... ale ; al-;o .\ qnlllltity of appliallce' on hanl for pnblic and cla'· llllrpo c:;, ,\~e h(1.Ye anditell the accounts for the y~ar cnded 30th "'el'tcmber, 1900 and certify, that in om opinion the fvreLjoing ,;tatcl1ll'llt is concer. ,Ye ha\'e YCl'ified the balnncc at the l':lllkcr', IIOllG,;o,\", lL\I~nrs .\,\"j) Co" el,a I'lL I'f,1 A ,,'0 'II/I.ant;:. Hull, :30 h ...Y 'cmbCl', 1901j.


.·l't·. . illc.' ll • • Thc Worshipful the :J(nyor. 1101101':11',\' S('t'.

( 1I:l i 1'lIta 11.

Brigalle' nrg.-Lt,-Col. Ellistoll, y, ~l.S.




ou1cher, Bt.'el'hholme, Ip '\\"ich.

JII.' II i(' :\ 1 St all'.

Mc'; rs. EIHle., L,H.e,p" 1,.l·.C,I'i., Edin" Elli ton, ~r.H.c.8" Fryer, L,R.C,P., Gibb, M.D. , Hetherington, 1,,8 .. \, . Hossad~, F,l~,( .s" Edill" lloyland, ~l.D" Durh., Pater 'on, )LD., ,Yanl, ~r.D., Young, L.1:.C.l .. ~r.n.C'."


St. John Ambulance Association.

St. J ohn A 1nbulu/nce Association. Life lUewberll .

JlOllOI':lry SeC I·ctal·Y .

.Messrs. Barclav & Co., L d . , Bartlet, M. D., Mrs. Bartlet, Berners, l\'[iss E. Biddell, Bunnell Burton,' W. P. Burton, W . .T. Catchpole, F . T. Cobbold, J . D . Cobbold, .Miss Coulcher, W. S. Cowell, Eades, Elli . ton, E. H. Fison, Joseph Fison & Co., Ltd ., Footman, Pretty & Co ., Ltd., W. Fraser & Co., L td ., W. F . Fryer, Ford Goddard, M.P. , H ossack, Hoylanu, M.D., l\Iiss Leeder, Miss McI nnes, F. Nurse, W . F . Paul, R. S. & W. F. Paul & Co ., Ltd., \Y. Pretty & Rons, Ltd., Ransome', irns&Jefferies, L td., Ransomes & Rapier, Ltd., E. P. Ridlcy, E. R. & F . Turner, Ltd., F . Turner, F . ,Yard, M.D.

J . W . White, Thc Bank, I ronbridge .

AN KUAL REPORT . T he Centre has had an extremely useful and prosperous yenr. It has again had the honour of receiving royal congratulations. Its tent at the Sufl'olk Agricultural Show was honoured by a visit from Her Highness Princess Louise Augusta of Schleswig-Holstein. Her H ighness "'as pleased to express hcr be t wishes for the succe s of the Centre . One case was under the care of the medical staff and ambulance men for over four hours, and the man would prolJably have died but for the care taken of him. Eight classe have been helJ, many going through cIa ses in order to gain labels. About 80 have been gaineJ by the Centre this year. The two ambulance carriages have been in constant u e aud have moved 207 cases Lhis year as against 195 last year. The Transport nperintenrlent had to superintend a removal to lIIanche tel', and one of the carriages was takcn by train to orwich, to move a lady from house to house (about four miles) there being no ambulance service in that city. Besides this, the carriages have travelled hnnclred. of miles in an Ll rounel Ipswich, to move patients to hospitals or nursing homes. Men frolll three Divisions of the Ips\yich Corps, The First, Social Settlement and Orwell ,York, are unremitting in helping the transport work, which is the great feature of this Centre. Funds have come in well this year, and the debt on head-quarters has been diminished .

lUccli cnl S taff•

1. G. Boone, L.n.c.s., ' Y. Dyson, M.ll., N. Fox Edwards, M.B., G. N. S. Ilillyar, L.n. '. l' . &I-l., G. Mackie, ~['B., C. ilI., A. H. Priestly, ~LB., C. A. Reynolds, llr.B., D . W. Whitfield, ~Ln.c.t4., L.n.C.p. ANI UAL REPORT. An endeavour has 1)een made to obtain a rencwal of the f,fl'ants from the Technical Instruction Committee of the County Council, but so far with0ut success. The thanks of the Committee of the Centre, howcver, are due to them for their great assistance durillCl the past 15 years, which has enabled about 1000 men and women to pass througl~ the detached cla es, and about 500 to obt~in the Associatioh certificates of first aill, nursing and hygiene, and 150 the meclalllOns. Slat~mcnt

of Receipts (tnd Expeizclitu 1'c to 30th SeLltemve,', 1906. Receipts. Expenclit'l.l1·e.

To Donation, per l\lr. J. W. White £30 13 9 " I tores and books sold. 3 10 11 " ub cl'iptions 2 0 0


Balance £1 Dons. and Subs. . 91 Offertory, St.Mary-le-Tower 8 ~liss Leeder (Band, etc. ) 6 Removals 90 Stores, Examinations, etc. 62 Competition 1

0 0 6 6 17 0 15 6 18 3 5 4 10 0

£262 12

Dy Read-quarters, caretaker, etc. . £96 "Reports, I tationery, etc . ~3 ,,' to res, Examination, etc., 57 "Competitioll 3 "Hor,'ing for transport 4. "Fares, loss of time, . undries 20 " Towards Capital debt 5 " Balance 17


15 10~ 3 4~ 12 3 16 1 8 6 5 4i 0 0 11 3

£262 12

The Capital debt is reduced to £110 lIs. 6~d . I certify the above aCCOUll t to be correct. (Signed) T. EDGAU MAYBEW, A.C.A., Hon . Audito?'. Ipswich, Octove?' 16th, 1906. GEO. S. ELLISTON, Ohairman.

W. S. Knw. 'Y:I[' KEEBLE. MARY C. COULCRElt, Hon . Sccrcta1·Y.

IRONBRIDGE. I~r es icl en t.

The Right Hon . Lord Forester. (;hnil'llIlHL

Col onel J . A. Anstice, c.n.

Trea s urer.

J . C. T . Raspass, T weellale, Madeley,






ExamineJ and found correct, October 31d, 1906, P. . CHIL,YELL, Hon. Audito,·. J. 'Y. WHlTE, HOIl . Secretary.

Statement of Reccipts and ExpenclUU1'c fOT the yect?· cizding SelJtcmbcl' 30th, 1906 . Receipts. Payments. To " " " " " "

By Grant to Iron1.mdge Corps £15 6 11 "Head-rluarters1 13 0 Exam. Expenses 3 10 11 to res o 7 3 .Account " Chell ue book, Stationery, o 8 6 Books 14 IS 1 " Balancc ill Bank.

ISLE OF WIGHT. l·J'C.,itl l"llt.

H.R. IJ. Thc Princcss Chri tian. Il 0110rar y T l·ca" ll J'c r.

"lcc·l'l'c. itl cnt.

The Lady hahel Athedey.

II. E . .'tratton, ,Cypre

Jl Oll Ol' HI'y

Road, Newport.

~ C('l' c tll rjcs .

111'ISS E • A • Evelecrh 'hille Yie\\, , A\'ollllale Roall, NewI)Olt. 0 )


A. \Y. Drew, Miramar, Bonchnrch . ;U c tlic a l S taff.

Geo. ALlkin , L.n. C.p., ~I.ll. C ... , A. Banks, F.n.C.S., H. M. Barker, M.D., L.R.C,P., M.lt.C. '., V. J. Blake, ~I.B., B.f;., M.H.C. " L.R.C.P., B. Cunyngham Brown, M.D., B.S., Durh., C. G. Brouie, F.n.C. ·. , L.n.C .l'., F. J. Carter, lII.ILC .. , L.n.C.p., Lond.) J. owper, lILB., C.III. Etlin., H. 'Y. Ewell, lII.R.C .. , L. ' .A., . Fo tel', L.R.C.l'., L.R.C.· ,ELlin., J . Groye , B.A., J>f.n .,L.n.C.I)., 'Y. H. Harland, L.R.C.P., :lI:R.C. , ., A. Holli, M. D. , C.lII., M.lt.C.S., 'Y. J. Jollifl'e, L.U.C.l'., lILIt.C .. , J . W. Pl'ldmore, lILU.C .. , L.n.C.p., L. Preston, M.B., B.E., II. F . K. cott, M.D., B.CR., B.A.O., B.A., C. J. Thompson, lII.U. C.S., L. n . '. P. ANN GAL REPORT. The Committee are unablc to report, as they woulu wi h to, that more clase had been hcld Jnrincr the session than la&t year. In fact, thcre were fewer cla?ses than mmal, as thc Co7nmittee were unablc to get any assi~taDce from .the EducatIOn CommiLtee of tho County Council owin rr to the rules and regnlatlOns. The fun~s of n. l p as ma ny of the the Ccntre not being large, ,the Comnllltee are not au1.1 e t0 I1e

St. John A 1nb~l>lanGe Association.

St. John A ?nbulance Association.

village cIa ses as they would like, where financial assistance is almost :11ways retJ.uired. Th ere have been 10 classes during the !:iession; of these 6 were for women, 3 first aid and 3 nursing, and 4 were for men, all being on first aid. I n the 10 classes there were 1 i8 members, of these 122 entered [or examination, 103 of them being successful , 15 of the number gaining their medallions. The ambulance waggon belonging to the Centre, which i in charge of the Newport Di"ision of the Brigade, has been ont 28 times during the year cuding 30th June, 1906, covering a distance of 397 miles, the following being some of the places to which it ha'3 been :Oalbourne, Carisorooke, Cowes, Gunville, Niton, Pukhur t, Porchfield, Ryue ancl Shide. The best thanks of the Committee are due and are warmly offered to the lectmers, Honorary Secretaries, and othcrs who so willingly give their time and energies to the ambulance wOl'k. It is with very great regret that the Oommittee have to record their loss by the death of Mr. H. ·Wyeth, who had been theil Treasurer for so many years and was always intere ted in the work. JUl. H. E Stratton has kindly undertaken to accept the office of Treasurer.

mentioned in the last report, and it is "pleasing to be able to place on record that two members have been awarded the Proficiency Certificates and the Proficiency Medallions of the Hoyal Life Saving oeiety. This Centre has again supplietl an attendance of members at various meetings during the year, and aL the Battle of Flowers, on 26th July, some 16 cases were treater1. The thanks of the Committee arc again due to all who have in any way contributed to'Yards the success of this Centrc. Statcmcnt of Recdpts (mcl Kcpenditw'e. E.1,}Jcnditw·c. Receipts. £4 14 6 By Balance from last Account £9 17 11 To Examiner's F es " l\Iedallions 1 8 0 "Class Fees 11 17 0 " Stores 0 7 3 "Membership 5 2 6 " Renta.l of H all 5 0 0 "Medallions180 " Models 0 11 0 "Printing, adYertising, and ]lastage . 5 8 9 " Expell e' (re Battle of 11'1 0 \\"('rs ) o 14 7 " Balance to next account. 10 1 ,1


Statement of Receipts and E.t'penditu1·C, 1H05-1906. Receipts. E.~·penclit~t1'e. To Balance at Bank . £29 2 11 By Insurance £0 5 19 19 7 Reau 0 ilice Stores 11 9 " From Clas es 6 3 0 " Examination Fecs 12 2 " Subscriptions to Centre " 4 9 Acc .. "" Mr. Gibbs-Waggon Stationery and Postage . 2 1 12 7 "" Gran ts to Classes 0 2 " Oheq ne Book 12 8 " Balance at bank £55





0 4.




6 ti


1 4 6


Examined and found correct, , ept. 21th, ] 906. OLn I'll l\1ounAsT, \. ./-11((l't I o/·S .

P. LE 1\ r _\SCT:n:Il,


Chai1'?nan. STRATTO~, Han. - Treasurc?·.



1906. ,ept. 21.-13;- Balance at London City and Midland Bank(Hill treet Branch) . £10 1 4 E. & O. E., A. F. GRELLIEn, Han. Sec. and T1·eaSll?·er. Er::,r.sT O. B. YOIT" President. Sept. 24tb, 1906.


H. Octobet· 19th, 1906.





l'l'e"icl('ut. Oanon Hawn ley.

~ Han. Sccrctancs.


.Tohn Gardiner.


UOIlOl':ll'Y S(,(T('tal'Y .

Rollert.T. 'Iiirk, -1". 1\:e \\'i('k.

1\[rs. W. Bromley, High Hill. 1\e "irk.

JERSEY. i'LR.C . • .

Honorary Tl'casul'cr and SeCl'etal·Y. A. F. Grellier, 3, Bond, treet, t. Helier~, Jersey.

IUcclieal S taff. T. J. Aubin, ~I.D., W. Duret Aubin, M.B., Col. Hobert Batho, M.D., P. B Bcntlif, M.n.c. s . . ~. A. Bois, L.n.c.p., P. J. Brayn, L.M., J. C. P . Chappms, D. MET. '., 111. Ie Cr?l11er, M.lt.C.S., A. Dunlop, M , D., E. Ie Geyt, M.n.c.s., A. O. Goclfray, M.B., A. E. HIlld, ~.R.C . S., E. Marett, L.lL.C.P., lIf. J . McOartan, A. IE: Rossignol, M.D., E. H. C. SullIvan, M.R.C.S., Vi. \'17. Taunton, M.R.C.P., E. O. B. Voisin, lILll,C .. .

AKKUAL REPOHT. The annuulllleeting Ira. beld in the Crosthwaite ParUl Room on October 9th, 1906. Tbe succe, fuI canclillate ,,"ere pre~entetl ,yith certificates and medallions by :Mr. Ander '011, of Lairbeck. The lirt aid competition he1(1 on December 14th, 1905, harl the (lc.il'ed errect of infn, ing ne\\' life into amhulance work generally, the competitiolls of the se"eral item heing ,yell conte ted. The Hon. eCl'etary, Mr. George Hogarth, l'e.'ignecl after ~.J years ,ervic<', 21 year of which he has acted as Seeretary. It \\"as det:ic1ed that an appeal be malle to the inhabitants of Keswick for fnnds to carryon the work. St(ltcment (If BccciJ,{9 (lnd E_I]Ji'i/ditui'c. E,)'j}l:l1dill'J'c.



By Balance

P. Le Masurier and H. J. 1. Berry. ANXUAL REPORT. The Oommit~ee in pre3enting the fifth allllllal report, are pleased to be able to observe that thIS Celltre continues to maintain its devotion to the humane cause which the Association is established to promote and it is very arati(yina to the Executive that the zeal of the elder members re{uain as strong as ~ver. Though in some respects the wor~( of the Centre has been less active than in some years, 10 labels and 5 medalhons are awarded. -'ix re-examination vouchers and 10 first exaillinati~n certificates in ~rst aid have been gained. Six ladies also' qualified in home nUl'smg. Your Commlttee have to refer to the subject of practical life saving


'I('cli('al ~tafr. .T. H. Bnrnett, )r.n" ('.)[., l~tlill , ~!.J:.c ... , L.r..c.r .. Lond.

l·l·csi(ICll t aIHI Chairman.

E. O. B. Voisin.



lasses " Fees for Mell' " Fees for \\' olllen'· Ola se, "Grant from CUll1uerlnllrl Oounty Oonncil " ale of Stores

£8 1 0 15 1 ]7


0 1 14

0 1



£9 7 9

To Examination Fee " Printing " ·'tore. " :JIrdallions and Labels " Balance .

£3 15 1

0 1 0 3 11

1 1

-1 0 3 10




S. A. BROMLEY', TrcaSIl?·c1·. J. GARDIKEH, Chainllan.



St. J ohn A ?7~bulance Association.

St . J ohn A ?))}}UlWfl(:e Associaiio'n.



Tl'cas Ill·CI·.

l'l'C id e llt au(I Chairman.

John A. F. Aspinall, M.LC.E., M.I.;\f.E. (General nlanager L. & Y.R.).

'1'. T. Hall, Stam ford, Spalding, and'

J . Elworthy.

11 3·

H0l101'al'Y Sccl'ct.ary.

Boston Ban k, Ketterin g.

U. E. Mellor, Chicf Traflic Manager's Office, Manchester. Honorary Sccrct:1I'Y.

;Uc(lic al StalT.

E. R . Lane, George Street, Kettering. 11Ic41iC:lI Staff.

Harold Adcock, ~I.R . C.S . , John AllIson, ilLD., G. W. Baker, L.R.C . P.~ H. Burland, ~I.R . C . S., L eslie IV. Dl'yland, D.r.II., H enry Gibbous, M.D., D. L ee, M.D., Geo. l\Iack, ~I.B., John ~Iore , iiI. H.. C. S., J. L. Price, ilI.R.C.S., J. P . Roughlon, M. R.C . . , Arnold G. Tolputt, ~I.R.C.:;., O. YanVe traut, L.r•. o.p . AI I UAL REPORT.


' Ve desire ill the first place to Tecord with the dE'epest possible regret the death of Dr. J . IV. Dryland, one of the most de\'otedmcmlJers of onr medical and teaching staff, and for upwarLls of twenty years the strength and stay of the ambulance movement in the to\yn and district. The past year has been a time of quiet and <:!teady work . Ele\'en classes haye been held in the lO\Yll and locality-viz., for Illeu, four first aid and one nl1l'sing; for women, fonr first aid, two nursing classe. . The Oounty Education Committee ha ,e, for financial reasons, made such stringent rule .. with regard to grants towards am lmlauce classes that their num bel' will Le cOllsiclera 1)ly reduced in future. It is sati factory to feel that all possiLle advantage has been taken of these grants in past years, and that they lun'e been the means of firl1lly establishing the movement throughont the eli trict comprised in the Kettering Centr e. The Brigade and ~ ursing Division have been l1erioclically strengthencd ill a vcry gratifying way by men and \yomen who have pOl,scd through the cIa.' es. Tll!~ continued development of machinery in the factories of tbe town and <li hict involves a certain percentage of accidents-more or Ie . serious, and the services of' our Brigade men and nursing sisters are in frcf[ucnt requi 'ition, and highly appreciated. lYe should, however, welcome an inc!'ea:;e of financial help.

Balance ,'::,'hcet, 1905·6. Receipts. E,'·jJenditlll'e. To Annual Subscriptions £46 15 6 I By Balance (de ficit) l)rough t f or wa I'll . . . £9 "Head-quarter' Class sur· plus, per ~lr. H. Raby 1 12 6 " Ambnlance supplies 1 " Donation, Kettering Town " Oollector's L'Olllllli "ion 2 Harriers o 6 6 "BentofHead·quartersforyearl7 " Printing and Stationery 2 " Donation, N orthants Agri. Show Oommittee 1 1 o " H ebl)ert & 00. 6 "St. John's Gate, material " Sundry receipts, sale of 1 1 1 11 (less discount) . Stores, etc. o "Discounts reeeind on " Ditto . Nursing bauges . Stores suppliell to classes 1 3 9 " Storekeeper (1 year) 2 " Balance (deficiency ) carried " HelJbert & 00., equipment 14 16 8 forw arll and material " Postages and sunury small dii;bur~ements

£66 17 10

J. A. Adam, :\r.n., T. H. Agne\y, L.n.c . p., L.ll. C. S., T . .11. Angior, L.R. C. R. , lII.J~.C.S., G. Ashton, )I.D .. Y. Bate on, L.ll.C.P., L.R.C.S.: S. lIewburn Brown, 1I1.D., F. Oarter, r,.][.c.1'., J. IV. Clegg, r,.f:l.A., J. 11. Ooates, M.D., G. H. Darwin. M.D .. F.IU'.r., O. II. Dean , ~l.A.: :\r.n .. II. Elwell, ~I.l)., J. M. Herl11on, ~f.D .• T. Ho\\'ell, R. J\L ::\Iarshall, )f.13., J. II. I aylor, L.R.f .P., L.R.C .... , A. P. Percival ;\r.n., r. Pike, ~r.];., ~L 1\'. Pollard, ~r.ll., A. Robb, ~I.];., W. H. Robin on; M.lt.C.S., L n.c·.p., A. E. ,ellars, ~f.n.('.fi., r,.I~.c.1'., G. E. cholefield, )f.D., F. A. torr, B.A., D.r.II., n. 'Vaters, ~I.B., O. O. ,Yebh, n.A . , ~I.n., F. H. 'Vestamacott,


1~ 5 5 0 18 10


Passed at Annllal1'l1eeting, 6th Novemher, 1906. JOlIN ELWOltTlIY,




( hail'JlJaIl.

1·1· ('~jdellt.


The Right Illlll. Illl'hert J. Glad tone, ~r.I'.


( '11 a


UonoraI'Y SeCt·c tar:, ..

i !'Jllan.

rrof. II. Little\l'o,)(l,

The Lord Mayor of Lf'ed . IYalter Rowley,

~r."( '., F.n.C.~.

;\f.l.C.E., F ..' .A.

lIouoI'm'Y )o\{'Cl'Ctal'Y to " 'omeu's J)Cllal'tmcut :uul ('la",~cs for " "omen.


o o o

o 19


John Dal'l'an and 011', Heekett aml Co . , John Hepper, Jo cph J. J~ck_on, Densoll Jowett, ir Lionel ~I. willllertoll-Pilkingt?n, Burt: •. Bl'lggs Pne,tley, M.P., 'W alter Howley, :\lrs. Walter Ro\\ley, Ueo. Austill l1l1dlcl~, Josbua Tetley aml 011S .

9 2


£66 17 10

Examined and found correct, 5th November, 1906,

ANNU AL REPORT. The work of this Centre has been activrly cnrried on clllling the yen 1', 40 cla 'ses having been lle1 (1. The annual L. & Y. Hailway Oompetition was conduded ill March, alld was a SUCCI". , 41 teams competing. The Ohallenge hielcl was "on by the team represell ting North Mer 'e ~T c: oods tation, Liverpool, and the Pilkington Ollallenge Cnp. which i' held hy the team ohtaining second pla.ce, "'as gained by tile team re)1rc~en ting Hor\\'ich Loeomoti \'e 'W ork... The Korth Mersey team, rppreoentecl the L. & Y. Company in the Inter-Railway Competition, which they \\'011, and in recognitio n of thi achieH'l1Ient the Directors pre ented each of the men, together \\'itlt th e re~erye IlHl 11 , "'itlt a rolled-gold IYaltham watch and gold albcrt. Dnrillg the year 6,602 ca. es of accil1cnt \yere reported in \lhich first aid " 'a,' rellrlel'l;t\ hy tlle Jllen trainul nnder the Centre, mainly to Company's sen"ants. In allilitioll to the men \\'ho ohtaille(l certificates and medallion, 232 111en hav'e pas,'ed tlte lirt ye,tr re·cxamination llming the year, making a total of 1,146 since the formalion of the Centre: 13G men have a1.·o qualified for the label issued by the .Assoeiatioll, ma.king a total of 171 since the institution of this further reexal1lination.

:\Ir . Walter Dowley, A Iller Hill, MeamyooLl, Leerl. . Uaul{{'l·.,.

OHi ccs .

Beckett and Co., LeetL

20, Park Row, Leeds. Lirc

]1 (' I1I 1>C I'S .


IUc(lical 8 ta11.

H. J. Aitken, Edward Atkinson, R Hall Batchelor, H. Brown, J. :I~, H. Brown, 0, W. Buck, J. Duck, ,\Yil1iam Carnes, J. Olough, C' H. Co11ll1son, Arthur I


St. J ohn A 1nlJ'uiance Association.

St. J ohn

Ellison, BasIl Ewing, Julius Friend, Rober~ Forsyth, S. Griesbach, T. ~Vardrop Griffith, M.D., J. W. Haines, F. W. HallIday, R. G. Hann, ~. H. Hardcastle, Con table H ayes, R. Grey H eald, Geo. H. Heald, J. B. H ellIer, M.D., Vv. L. Hunter, J oseph J. Jackson, P. James, H. John on, J . C. Ke~'shaw, R.J~' ]~naggs, H. Littlewood, W. S. Mackenzi.e, A. McNab, B. G. 1>:-. M.oYl1lhan, J. NIght1Dgale, John O'Neill, E. P. Pickersgill, H. T. Prince, F. 1:.. Elder, H . J. Roper; L. A. R o\',den, G. H . Rowe, Sydney Humboll, C. ~ . ayory, M.D., Douglas ,ea ton, M.D. , George 1. harpe, D. ims, Robert malles, C. "IV. Smeeton, H. Archbold mith, 'Y. . Sprent, Joseph Stewart, Hugh Stevenson, C. H. Sykes, John Taylor, R. 'Y. Taylor, T. R. Taylor, M,D., W. Thomp on; Henry T owers, E. F. 'Trevelyan, B. W ainman, A. Wear, M.D. , L. F. ,Yest, S. H. ,Vood, H. de C. Woodcock, McGregor Young.

We baye aaain to record a gratifying increa e in th e number of classes, ~6 fir~t -aid and 6 mu? ing cIa es having been held. The prospects of al~1bulallcc work ll1 th e Colliery Districts in which this Centre has always taken al~ ~chve part, are very bright, an impetus having been giyen to the work by a com petltJon arranged for by the Inspector of Mines of the District. Although clll:s~es l~ave b e~ h~ld at many collieries during the 30 years thi Oentre has been ll1 eXIstence, It IS of course desirable that the train ed men hould be kept up to the mark by some means, and a competition should achieve this object, as \yell as imluce more men ~o t!lke up ~he work. The eyening schools have d?ne usef~11 work, a~lcl the ystematlc lU truc.tlO.n of the police and tramwaymell sitU contmues. ,"Vlth regal'll to the Jat~er It IS possible more might be clone, there are a l~rge numher of tramway employes but a small percentage only hold ambulance certificates. The thanks of the Celltr~ are again clue to Mcssrs. J. C. Kirk & on, chartered accountants, who ha,e kllldly audited the accounts.

StCtte1nent of Receipts and PCbY1lwnts, lYotembu 1st, 1905, to Octobet' 31st, 1906. R eceilJts. To Annual ubscl'iptions and £9 4 Donations " Receipt from Clas~es for 16,1 ,)n Class F ees and Stores ecretal'Y Kllance due to II " , 30 17 Leeds Centre

0 4


E :J.'llenclitw·e. Dy Baj,1.llce brought fOI'\\ard fro111 last acc. , 31st Oct., H105 tores 11 l1l'chasecl " Examiner' Fees anel In" ciden tal Expen .. es pa.iLl to Central Ex ecutive Committee Po tagcs, T elegrams, l'arcels, Travelling Exalld 'un<lry pene , Office expense " to 30th June, 1906 Allowance on Account " of Assistal1t ecretary 1st July, 1905, to 30th June, 1906 Printing and tatiolle!'y

£3 10 Iv 14

5 7






50 0 5 10





Examinell \\'ith the Voue;hers anu accollnts, aud found conect. (Signed)

J. C. KInK & Sox,

Chm·te7'ed Accountants. H, LITTLEWOOD, Chail'lncm. VIr ALTEJ~ ROWLEY, lIon_ SeC?'eta1·Y.


No'vembe1' 13th, 1905.

0 0 1



Th e Worshipful the Mayor. <:hail'JI1.11l.

I1onOl'ary Scc)·ctary.

R ev. Callon anders, LL. D., St. Mal'tin's Vicarage, Leicester.

F. H. Turner, 2 , Granby Street, Leicester. TI'(,HSlll'Cl'.

,V ortley ,' . L ovell, "May fields," ,t. P eter's Road, Leicester. Lifc ;'ICIII},Cl'.'.

Mrs. G. n. Ellis, ~1i .. s B.rough~on, Miss Fortescue, Lady King Hall, Sir Euward 'Wood, Mrs. Buck, MISS EmIly EllIS, Rev. H. J. Fortescue, M.A., Ml's. Wright. :U cclical Staff.

Anderson, L. H.C.P., L.R.C ... (Edin.), IY . .Astlett, ~1. R . C . ' ., L. n.c.l'., A. E. Barlow, !If.B., M.lt.C. ·. (E<lin . ), J. Berridge, L.It.C.P ., C. D. Bryan, M.R.C.S., L.lt.C.P., J. H. Blakesll'Y, F.H.C.H., IV. rick, ~Ll{.('.S., A!:itley Clarke, ~I.B., Collillgton, M.ll.C.S., L.R.C.I'. (Ectin . ), E. R. Co\Ycber, L. It-C,P., L.R.C.S., H. D. Davie , ~LD., M.H.C . '., C. Douglas , F.l:'C ... , P. G. Garrett, ~LI:.C .•. ,.ThI. Gunning, M.ll.C. '., L. K. Barri on, B. A., M. n., 'Y. Hemy, lI1.n" F. IV. McAlli ter.Hewlings, ~I.B., 9 ,~L , M. Holmes, lII.n.c.R.,J. Hunter, M.D., T. Hutchinsoll, :\!.It.c.s., A. \Y. Jenkin, :\I.B., B •. (Lond.), W . .Johnsto1le, M.n.C.s., • ul'g.·Ca)lt. 'l'. G. Kelly, M.D., F. Le\\'itt, :\I.n., M.R.C.S. , A. L. UncLeo(l, :\LA .. :\r.n., c .:\1., Pemberton Peake, lILR.C .. " L.R.C .P., F. III. ~ope, :-1.1>., lLL. (Can tab.), ~I. n. c. H., :\f. n. .1'., J. Payne, :\1. n. C. s., IV. Plant, :\I.R. C. 8., r. P. 'he3.1'1·]', L.n.C.l'. & .. (Etlin.), H. 'kipworth, :\r.n.('.s., R. eyestre, :\I.n., ThR.e.p., :\l.lt.('.s., J. S. 'loane. :'11.1:.( .S., maeon-Col. Bradha\\' mitb, R.A.:\LC. ,. F' . ' 'nllt '11. )1.I~.C."., T ..... T llomas, J"l:.c.P., ~ ~I.It.c.;., R. :J1. IYest, ~Lll.C. '.,, L.R.C.P., J. YOll11g, ~I.l:.C ..". T

A JXC'~\'L REPORT. Tb e COJl1mittee of tbe r.eiee~tpl C('l1tre .. nblIlit with plea. nre theil' t\,enty-sixth annual rr.porL all<l 'tate11lellt 01 aCcon11t. D111'iu" the llast twel\'e months there bas b<:en a. well-1l1aillt.ained interest ill tllC \\'ork of tl](~.\!;sociati()ll. and a full appreciation 01 the worth and 1l11portallce of the knowledge impartrcl. The working ha' become 1JeLtel' uuclel' 'lootl hy the general puhlic, awl oll1ployer. of hl'om are reali ing the true valuo of the 1110\'elllel. t. J~x c('llent classes IHl \'e been held in connection witb the :JIidlullll, Loudon autl .I.-orth ,re:;tcl'l1, al111 Great Central Rail\,,3.Y ' , and also amongst the e111ploye' of tbe Inl'gc illllustl'ial \york of the town. Good rCSl1lt~ \~'ele ~btainetl 1'1'0111 thl' b')l'ough police cIa.", a11(l the majority of the force now hold fm.;t alrl t'ertiliealos. •·ixt,,·thn:e clu:;sc.~ hi,,'e been held tlurin a the pa t year and 71:3 student' wCl'e eX!l11lillc(1, 6tH of whom obtained certificilt~·. :J1any certi'ficate hnl(le~'s \\·.cle 1'0'(;X:1111111('(1, i~I111 09 I11CddliollS i .. nCll to those p:1 '~illg their llualifying eXa,1l11llatl0J1. The C01111111ttel' again o IreI' rh'Jil' spe"iill thank' to the medical g~ntlcllH'1l \\'ho ye,t]' by year so kindly olrer tlwil' selTice~ a lectnl't;,r ; to the holder 01 the office of' eta.·s see ret aries, ujlon ,,,hom much of thc organisin rr "'ork fall, and to Me:; rs. Wyk es ('0. (HOlI. AI1(litors), for thein-aluable . en-icE' '. The Committee h~" e llI11ch pleasnre illreconling the I"a':!t that II.~1. the Kill g, on the rel:01lll11endation ot H.RII. the l)rill ce of ,Yales, Grand Prior of the Ordl'l', has :;anctioned the enrolment of MI'. J. L. King, Chief "'uperilltewlent of the Leice tel Corp', 'to John AllIlmlance Briuud Brother of the Oreler , in reco t>u llitioll of hi . ~ e, as an HOll. " l'\'illU 0 ·1 sp I~Il~1It servlC:CS t? the Centre anel Brigade. For oyer t,,'en y year' :J1r. King lla -' uutIl'll1gly al1l1 assltluously worke<1 in the interest of .c a1l1hulance ,. in the tOIYl1 and county. The 'om mittee cOllgrutult1tc tlleir Chief 'uperintenclent on the hOllour bestowed upon hi1l1, and exprc" an earne·t hope that he may long be fouwl helping forward the good. \\'ork in which be tl,ke' so lleep an intere ·t. They ato report with ~he ut.m.o~L satisfaction that to Mi .. Margarct X oble, Lally Superintendent oftIle nur.'mg DlvlSlon, and to 1\1iss Hodge-s, lirst ollicer, n11rsing Di vi 'ion, ha' been granted by H. III. the ~(ing Lhe Service Metlill. Fur mallY years 1he e latlie' have de\'otecl their timc and (merglCs to thc work in c011ncction wiLh first aid and nUl'sing, and the present capable organisation of ihe nUl'Sillg Division is t1. testimony to their loyalty anu (T










St. John A 1n7J'uJc(;1'l.Ce Association.

St. John A 1nuulance A ssociation.

devotion to that important branch of ambulance administratio n. Th e best wishes and h earty congratu lations of the Oommittee are offered to t11 em both. Th e h orse wagon, presented by ir Edward 'Wood, has been of g reat service ill cases 01' acciuents Itnd for removals . K ept ready for emergency call s <layaml night, its maintenance and working n ecessarily involve a heavy expense. 0 call is refn ed, and in many cases no charge whatever CUll be made. Your Oommittee feel, however, that the required funds ,yill never be ask ed for in vain . The Oommittee sincerely thank the subscribers for their support, and in view of the e:deml ed work, and therefore increased expenditure, ,,'ould appeal generally for greater financial hclp . Durin g the year a number of first aid cabinets have bcen supplied and ailixed in various prominent positions in the town. The contents con istillg of splints, bandages, and other first aid r equisites are for immediate use by the general public in cases of accident or sudden illn ess. As funds permit, it i the intention of the Committee to further increase the numocr of thesc cabinets . In conclu ion, the 01111l1ittee hope that much good work has been quietly accomplishecllinring the past year, amI they tru t that the knowledge of first aid may go on extendillg uutil cvery man is able to hclp his brother.



Statement of Receipts and Expendil1l1'e f01' the yeai' ending Scptember 'Juth, 1906. Ea'pcndil1l1·C . Receipts.

£] 0 T o Balance in l1an!\ " Subscriptions & Donations 57 4 6 44 1 0 " Stores sold 106 18 0 " Examination Fees 9 9 6 " Medallions " Warehouse and Factory Oollection. £ 6 15 3 less eXl)enses 12 6 6 74 8 9 42 3 6 " Transport Receipts " Oollection ,Yictorla Park, o 10 1 and Belgra,-e Pasture 911 11 " Du e to Treasurer

tores account: II call3 11 £3 cluartel's Examination Fce.;; a.n cl 8 1 1 I ncidental Expcnse 0 1 7 Local Examination Fee 1 5 (l Hire of ROOIlIS 1 11 (j 'torekc:eper's Gratuity 9 9 6 :Mellallions 5 16 0 Postage ane! Cuniage 11 2 3 Printiug and Stationery Transport Expenses, incll1llilJg r.Iaintcnuncc and 10:Z 3 7 torage of ,Yagon COlli }leti ti 011, Prizcs anll 5 15 0 Expenscs 6 Brigade"\V orkiug Expenses 43 0 16 0 Ad vertiillg ·1 16 6 Oollcctor's Oommi' ion Maintenance of Hand 1 10 0 Litters 10 0 0 Grant to Uniforl1l Fund 20 0 0 Secretary's Honorarium 1 0 6 InslJection expellses 1 1 0 Brasier Testimonial Fund 1 13 0 treet Oabinets, Fitting

Dy " " " "" " " ,. " " " " " " " " "





Th e Right IIon . the Earl of D erby, Tl'en~lll'(,l'

£30 12

outh Oastle •'treet, LiYCl']Jool.

' ,ire iU cm})(:r 'i . The Ea~'l of D e~'by, IC G., Lord Brassey, 1(. C. B., William Adamson, Thomas Bartlett, Edward Blbby, F . n.G.S., James Lister, J. T. Nickels, A. M. Smith. ~Ieelical

S taIT.

~1.1;., J. A. omett, L.n.c.p., Tho '. M. Dawson, M.D., 1~.lCh.al'd IInlllpl~)'er,. ;\f.Jl., J. R. JUcl'-OIl, M.D., Lle,,'c]]yn Morgal1, :M.D. , J. E. 1\c,"I11S, ~r.])., G. eott uerden lII.D . G. 'Wallace :JI.B . Thos M ills F R C .

).'\Y. )\[u1'1'ay Oalms,

I ra1.




. ••





• '-' . ,

ANNU MJ REPORT. During t hc year 2-1 classCf'. have ~)een held, yiz. , 17 male, 40 female and 3 nursing. T!1e work of the Uentr~ contll1~H'S 111 a sati, factory condition . The Oommittee note mlh plea 'ur:}, that t,he mterest J;'" till :\'e11 maintained by the Oity Police alld also by mo.t of the hllncatlOl1al Oomnllttees, III the area of the Oentre.


Mrs. Rowln,nel William UOJlOl'nry . ccrc tal'Y.

Tl'cn lIrcr.

W. O. Thorne, Dock Office, Li\-erpool. )lOJle> l'a I' Y

Mi s Fanny L. Calder, 49, Oanning treet, Liverpool.

A.s..,j I nnf Sccrctary. am pbell.

Miss Madie



Arthur Nimmo Walker. A'S. TUAL ImpORT. have been held, a,s usual,. in autumn an~l pring, and form a very '<llllal~le pal t of malJY ,,"Olllell s cducahon, both profes lOnnl and non-profe sional. T here 1S no tlollb~ that the stnely of this subject has been productive of mnch good Fll110ngst fill ectlOlls of leamers. .. Ola,'c


Expenclil1l1·C. By Uniforms £30 8 7 Less repayments 18 5 6 £12 " Bal:l1Il'e in hancl of Trcas., •'ept. 30th, 1906 £1 8 5 "DittoinBauk ]7 1 3 18

l're"ielen L

The Right Hon. Lord rostyn. 3

( 'hail'Jllan.

J. Adey

Ven . Archdeacon M organ . U01l01':U'Y


£30 ] 2




ALHliLell ancl found correct, & Co., OhaJ'le1'ecl .ll Ccowltants,


L ('icc~jel'.



ell , Bryn Mail', Llalll'ho

('('rcf al'Y.

L. J . Oonway, 110, 1\10 t)'n

treet, Llanduelllo.


Jas. Oraig,

J.Y01:emUej' 20lh. 1906.

nllel JlOJlo)'S\)'Y Sccl·cf:ll'Y.

J. O. Ellison, 6, "\Vellingtol1 Buildings,

Brigctde Uniform Outfit Account. T o Balance in hand of '{'reas. ept. 30th, 1905 £10 0 0 Ditto. in Bank 2 10 11 " Proceeds of Ooncert, at King's Hall, April 26th 7 0 10 "Grantfrom Celltre.Funcl 10 0 0 " Subscription, Dr. Pope. 1 1 0

Frank T obin.

lCG .

£3-15 17 11

£345 17 11



F.lt.C. S.,

' V.

. fnIT. ~I.J)., T . L. K enrick- Davie , M.B., E. Gooddy, D . Lawrie, M.D., F.n.l·.H.J~., T. Y. L ockhart-Mur e, 1>I.B., C.M., Edin.,

M.n., Thos. D altol),

H . B oM Williams, M. B. ,

C.M. ,

Oamb., E. R. ,Yoodhouse, i\1.B.,

C. :\f.

St. John A1nbulance Association.

St. John A 'I7~bulance Association.


Statement oj Receipts and Expenditu?'ej01' 1905. R eceipts. E':l'Pendit'l.6t·e.

ANNUAL REPORT. A first aid class for men was formed in January, 1906, and was well attended by

mo.s t members [of the police force, employees of the London and North 'W estern Railway, the Great Orllle Tramways and the National Telephone Companies, as well as others . . 23 candidate presented themselves for examination in May Jast with the followll1g result, 5 passed the preliminary examination, 8 the firt;t re-examination, 5 the fina.l, .and 5 the new re-examination for label::;. The leetures were given by Dr ..Lawne III the Church Honse. W e hope to continue theclaBses thi~ winter. The cert~fi(;ates and mCllallions gainell by the police were presented to them by the Chall'man of the Conway Di. trict of County J\lagistl'utes, which was duly noticed in the local ne\\' papers and satisfadory 1'1:' nIts are anticipated .

Statement of Receipts (mel


To Balance on 31st Dec., 1904 £4 13 "Subscnptions. 19 12 " Donations and special payment 1 0 "Fees. . 5 7 " From Hants COHnty COllncil 7 5 " Sale of Books 1 3 " "Badges . 0 ·1

j1'0?n 1 st Oct., 1 $104, to 30th Sept., 1906.

R.eceipts. To " " " " ,; "




Class Fees, 1905 Stores sold, 1905 Class Fees, 1906 Stores solu Ambulance Tablets Medallion and Labels Balance due to Bank

£0 0 1 0 0 0 5

18 0 10 11 6 18 11 12 0 14 0 17 5



By Balane:e " Examination, 1905 " :nIeuallio!1s, 1905 " Examination, 1906 . "Stores and l\ledallions . "Ambulance Tablets ,. Ad \'ertisillg " Postages and Sundrie~


£5 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

1 16 4 13 3 10 11 7

£11 By Bala,l1ce to new account



£j 17

0 9 3 (j


7 0

By Advertising, Stationery, £3 18 Printing, etc.. . ,. Exam. fees to Head Office 3 3 8 8 "Lecturers' fees . 5 15 "Nursing Division 211 " Store3 antl rep~il's of 3 9 " J-Jire of Rooms . 2 8 "Petty expenses of classes 0 4 " Badges 1 2 " Postage . 8 4 " Balance in hand, 31.1~.05

6 0 0 0 0




3 0 0 0 8 \)

6 0

7 4 1

PERCY C. HAYLES, Hon . Treasurer'. F. JElWARD, Han. BeCl'etal·Y. Enw AnD II. PE~lBER, Chairman.

AUlli tell and found correct, 5th January, 1906, A. FUIlBES.


6 6

6 5

Tr[((Sll?·C1·. L. J. COXWAY, Hon. SeCl'cta1·Y. AllEY WELLS,

MANCHESTER. l·'·c <; i«l c nC.

The Very Re\'. the Den.ll of 11anchestel', (Bi!:ihop Welldon).


(;h a irnlUU.

G. H. Danyin,


](OUOl'al'Y SeCl·c tary.


L. ::\1. Brol)D, :II-A., 17, Cooper :Dlanchester.

Captain A. Binyon, J eanfield, Bowdoll, lIlanche'tel' .


.UClli cal Staff.

G. II. Durwin, "Ln., "F.R.C.l'., ,V. J. Heslop, F.R.C.::;., F. H. ,Yestmaeott, F.R ..... , B. 'c.


Statement oj R,'ceipts awl E."GJ.7cnditli re



H.R.H. Princess Louisr, Duche.s of Argyll. (;hnirmnll.


E. H . Pember, R. c.

P. C. Hayles, l\Ianagar, Capital an(l Conuties Ba.nk, LYll1illgtOll.

HOIl. Sccl'ctnl'Y.


Col. F. Jerrard, ,Valhamptoll Villa, Lymington.

lion. Scc.


E. F . Chinery, Highlielu, Lymillgton.

To Balance ill Bltllk " Cla' fee' alllllll:lterial " In tere!:1t Oll Di\·idcllu.

£65 10 9 ~13 1 10 24 19 10

I,irc Jlcmbcr.

Mrs. IIescltine.

JIc(licnl SCalf. }I.R.~.S., L.S.A., D . P.H., E. F. Chinery, L.ll-C.P., M.lLC.S., L.S.A., F.R.C . S., F. lIatunu, ;\[.B., B.C. , )1.1',.0. ' ., L.R.C.l'., A. D. Pithie, L.Jt.U.l'., L.ILC.S.,

R. Bruce,





First aid classes were held for both lllell and womell; 23 mell and 16 women attended at least four lectures; 21 men and 10 women took the examinatioll alld of these 9 women ancl17 men passeu . Dr. Pithie was the lecturer, anu IllslJector~General H. C. 'Woods, C.Y. O., C.B . , I •. N . , the examiner. Tlle exaruination was heJd on 6~h AJ;>ril: The Hampshire Couuty Council have notified their intention of d1scontlllUlng the grant hitherto given in aid of these classes. This is to be regretted, as it will greatly increase the ditlicuJty of cl:Lrrying on ambulallce work.


the yea)' encling Septembm' 29th, 1906. E.rpcnclitw·c.

By Examiners' fees and material . £139 5 7 ., CalTiage of good and Po t a g e . 2 1 5 " ,Vorkingexpeu es, includincr rent of otlice, clerk's b . 1 sen'ice, pnnting, aL nrtisinCf and stationery 63 11 3 Balance iu b ham1 . 99 0 2


£303 1

£303 18


Investment· made by the CentrelIa,nchester Corporation LOlln, at 3~ per cent £511 0 0 11n.nehe ·ter Corporation £200, 3 p. c.Con olidateLl rock, co t 201 15 11 £712 15 11 Examined a.ml found correct, 1st Koyember, 1906, . G. II. DAllWIN, ill. D., HOIl. Alldttor. G. H. DAll\\'IX, M.D .. Ulwinnan. ALFJ~ED

Ban:ox, 'l'reasllrer.

L. )lEWBURN BROWX, Han. Secretary.


1 20

St. J ohn A 1nlJI1MmCe A88oci(lJion.


ANNUAL lmpORT. The Committee rlesire to place on record their en. e of the great loss the:y have su tailled by the death of the late Dea.n of Ma~che ter (Dr . nl ae1nre), who lor the In t five years has bcen their president. They are pleased to report, howevCl> that his successor, the present Dean (Bi hop , Yelldon), has kindly consented L? act lU tlH:t capacity. During the year 33 clas e have been hel(l nntler the an p1l;es of iln Centre (27 male and 6 female) ; 8 were composed of member' of the lII mlChester a11(l Salford Police, 7 in connection with the Manchester and aUon1 Corporation employees, 5 in a oeiation with clubs for mutual improvemeut, 9 under tile management of the technical and other schools of the dislrict, aml 4. not classified . This is an addition of no less than 9 cla.·loes C011ll1arecl with the prel'iol1s year, allll the Committee note with satisfaction the increased interest thus sho\\'Jl in am bulance ,vork in this disb ict.

MIDDLESBROUGH AND CLEVELAND. I'res ici ent. The Marquis of ZetlanLl, Ie T .

}Iajor Walter J OlillSOIl .

Trea s ure r. C. W. Shepperd, National Provineial I3allk, J\Iic1cllesbrongh. lIo nOl ':lI'Y Scc l'e l:ll'j e ..,.

,Yaynman Dixon and F. IIerbert }Iarsltall. }Ii(l,lle brough. A SS i tau t sec I' c lal'Y :lllcl S t Ol' cJH'Cl)(' I·.


llIith, TLes Iroll\\'orh. iIliclLllesbrollgh .

1 :21

AN UAL REPORT. The mosL 110tahle l'entnre of onr year's work has heen tho remarkable succt!ss which has attended clasi'es ill GreaL AytOl1, Yorks, a "i1la rl e of some 1 600 inhabitants. A pn11lic meetillg \\'a~ call(·C[ allel It(ldrE'ssecl 11.1 th~ villaue doctor 'and the loeal lIon .• ecrotary, rCfllllLing ill ovrr JlillCty na1l1es beillg given i~ to join the class. Included ltl110ng these were l:tndO\llH.'rs, residents, tradesmen, coachmen, alld gardeners, as well as agricuHl1I'al lalJourers alld miller.. 'ome of the latter were nominated anll paid for hy lIlC'ir cmployers. All who joinccl \\'ere chargeel Is . 6d . eaC'll, for hook a1](1 hanclage ; those "ho cou1rl afford paicl more up to full fees, and the clefieiL \l'llS madc up hy general fln1JflCriptioll, so that in the (,l1 rl the f'ixty-three who complel('(l tho full coursp, and passed tllP examination were pairl for at our standard rat.c of 5s. each . The OW)1('r8 0(' the Village J lall charged a rcduced rent for the lecLmes, nn(l outrlool' practjc~s \\'(>1'0 heW 011 tbe la"'11 of a lCfuling re .. idel1t. J\Turh harlllony and goorl fellling was enge1Hlereel, ancl we think this is an example which might well be followed ill village communities throllghout tbe country.


( ·lt n il·1I1:111.

It. ,fohn A mlndamce A88ociation.

'{((lcment oj ~ I WJ/lnts fiil' D 1IlUllths cll(ling 30th



ptcmucl', lDOr;.



. £1-1 10 Til .'nh.'eliptioll!' " ('In. _ Fl'P!' 1(j (j o Ll'ss 1'1'11\ ided for in 190:) a(;c. 12 10 o 33 Hi 'la. s Fep.' from El11ployer" » j;, 1;' Ontst:11lCling 1 5 Bunk Illlere. t :>


By \\'ol'killQ; expellses,'tr1111pS, •. lationery, Telc-

0 0 0

. \ II eli (1)1 ' .

J. J . Burton.

grHllls nml h-illlillg, £9 195 7(1., ll'ss IH'micled £9 11 fol' ill HlO;i nee. " .'. 3d. " P01'tC'ragc and '1'1 a \' ell iug 0 6 E:qJellflCS 5 9 " Rent of Office and Hoom ., Deficit all re-\'alnation of ;'t()r(; , &c. 5 11


£0;; 15

4 0



Assistant ecretary and ollll'r" . EXa1l1illa.tiOlI Fees alld Ineiclrntals " btorcsDepreciation ancl Conullle,l hy Clas_-cs " ,'mplus c:tlTied tlO\\,ll

Hfc ) l c IIIl,)c l'''. T he illarquis of Londonderry, K.G., '£he Marquis of Zetlancl, K.T., The Ander ton Foundry Co. , Lei., Ashmore, Beuson, Pea'c & Co., Ld., Blair & 00., Lt!. , Bell BrothelS, L c1. , C. F. II. Bolckow, Bolcko\\, Vaughall c' 00., L(1., Cargo rqcet IrOll Co., L c1., Carlton Iron Co., Ld., Cochrane & Co., 1.,('1., Craig, Tn.y lor & 00., Durham County Constabulary, ir Raylton Dixon & 00., LI1., Dorman, Long & Co., Lel., The 1I1a)'or an(~ Corporation of' Mirldlp.-lll·ough, The ~Iayor and COl']lomtioll or Stockton, .JIornson & Co . , The N orth- Eastel'll Hailway Co., K ortll-Eastern 'tcd Co. , L d ., ~orth Hiding C0l1sta1JUlary, Pease & Partncrs, Ld .. Richard'on , Westgarth & Co. , Ld. , Richard on, Duck & Co., Ropller & on, 8ir D .• alllUel on & 0., L c1 . , Sadler & Co., Ld., • kinningrove Iron Co.. Ld., Tee' CUllscrYallcy Commissioners, Tees Bridge &, Eugineering Co. , Ld., W . H . A. Wharton. Whitwell & Co. , Wilsons, Pease & Co. , Ld . '




:!2 17


3 7


£95 15



1·1 33



:U ctlical Stall'. Benson. C. Blue, JlLB., B. :M. Bone, M.n., E. l3urnctt, lILB. , Caldwell, L. R.C.P. & s., P . B. COllsirline, M.n., J. P. Clarke, M.n., J. , V. Edwarus, M.B. , John Ellcl'ton, M. D., S. Farmer, M.R.C .. ·. , - Falcoller, ;\f.D. , Miss J\land Feudick, ?If.D. , G. C. H . Fulton, M.n . , John Glen, M.D., Jno . C . Glen, L. ~. ~ . P . & s., John l-{ pdley, M.D., H. E. Howell, ;\l.D., C. M., H. W. Jflckson, ::\l.D., ,\V1111a111 Knott, M.D., J. B. L averick, M.n., 1'.11'& . H. II. Levick, ::\r.lJ., 1'.1. A. Le,ick, M.D., - L ongbotham, Jas. Mackinlay, 1Il . ]{ . C.S., ,V. l\lackinlay, M.D., ,'. II. Merryweather, M. R.C.S. , F . Munroe, M.B., 1'\IcsfleJlgel', M.D., E. T . corah, M. R.C . I-:i . , W ..Shand, M.R. C.S., And . .Steele, L.Re. p . & s., Jno. ,'teele, L. H.C . l'. & s., , V. vV. Stall1thorpe, Jr., 1\[.D ., Stall1forth,.' Y. A . Stephen, 1\[ . A. , M.B., J . Thomey, L.n.c.l'., F . E. T ownsend, M. D. , , V . Y. VClte11, L. U. C. l' . , J. ' Y. , Villiams, M.D. , S. , Yalkel', M.R. C.S., Geo . Yeom an, B.A. , L. R. C.p. STOCJ{TON BRANCH. J . A . Blanclfol'rl , M. lLC. S. , E. J . Cowen, M. lt . C.S. , G . n. D outhwaite, M. P..C .. ·., H. Fawcett, M.D., G. H ogg, M.D., T. H orne, M.D. , H . M . H llgllCS, M.n. , E. H . H unton, M.D., T. , Vatsol1, M.D.

G. H . Anderson, M.D., -

lIrt/a II ce

heel a at Oclober 31st, lDOe . AS8CtS.


Capital ll'l nl 31st lJeeclllbel', 100.i . . £1~O Res en'c AC(,OI1I1 t for re-cxn 111. aml for Clas- es at recluced PeesAt Deeembcr 31st, 190':; 7 Add-this yenr's surplll as auo\'c 33

I II r\,\lioilltl Proyincial Bank £ 6





,lo]'e in 'tock Dne for ,'toreH 0111 Due from Employers for 'las' }'ees Cn It ill hand, Hon . ecretary



21 16 0 1

9 0

45 15




7 £160

£160 AUl1ilc(1 an(1 found c01'l'ect,

J. J. J anu(tl'y1tli H107 .





St. J ohn A 1nbnlance A ssociation.

St. J ohn A 1nb ~dance Associati on.


R eceipts ancl E xpenclit'twcj1'o1n J'tme 13th, 1905, to Jtme 1st, 1906. Receipts. E )]Jenditu1'e.


'Y. iUarriott,

](onorary SccJ'e t a r y.

E. G. Pal mer (Melton Constable).

M. LC. E .

AN NU AL REPO R 'f. T he '\Iork of this Centre has progressed satisfactorily during l1ast se. sion, and good '\Iork has been done . One new Corps has been formed, there nolY being Corps established at palding, Holbeach, W isbech utton Bridge, oulh LYlln , King's L ynn, Melton Con taLle, Holt, Cromer, Norwich , and Y armouth, and it is expected one or t'\lO additional Corps " 'ill be started shortJy. T he present total mellluership of tbe Centre is 406. This figure doe!; not include those outside the Company's service '\Ibo have pased through the entre, nor tbose late Oompany's senant " 'ho baye left the service (about 50 in all) . The Challenge Cup presented by the officer of the Joint COl1lmittee, togethcr " j th money prizes, was thi year competed for at Yarmouth, and ,,'on by the W i bech team; thirteen teams entered . The judges, urgeon.Captain F . Brooks, Felix towe, and Dr. . O. Eade , Ip. ",icb, m ;re high in their prai e of the excellency of the " 'ork done at the competition. The , Yisbech team were rather unfortunate in tbe All England Railway Challenge hield Competition in Loudon, obtainulg eighteenth po ition out of twenty.four. All Curps are exceptionally ,yell equipped in the matter of material, a special fea.lure being the portable boxes of first· aid requi ·ite. always really in ca~es of emerg611C'Y.

T o L oan of Carriage " Mill and W ol'kshop 00 llections " D onations " CIa s Fees " Billiard Receipts " ocials " Room Account " Bank I nterest

£ 12 17 47 16 19 2 6 10 12 0 17 117 8 1 19

£226 12

9 11~


By 'tores and Carriage . £36 " Printing, Advertising, etc. 9 " Caretaker's wages 35 " I nsur::LIlce, Rates, Taxes and Licences 22 " Competition, Rel'iews, etc. 26 2 " Di Lrict Fund and. Corps 2 " Billiard Ta ble ocial 2 36 "" Room expenses . " Iutere t & Che'1l1e Dooks 30 >: l{ect'i pts in excess of 21 Income (see belol\')

7 I n Bank, 1 t June, 1906 106 17 III hand · of ec. 3 9

O. Yaugball.

JlOlL01' :\ ry


,I'. T.

D . Lang.


Secr(" :11'y.


of Trea .


PI·('. hlent.


7 2

( 'hail'lIIan.

Tl'e n . lire}'.





£21 10



5 11

£ 7 19 0 17

1 6

Examined the ahove Accounts with Youchers, Pa s Book, and Account Books, and founu '"me COlTcct. II. n,UU:ETT, A i"taut Borough Trea mel'. Xebon, Hth June, 1906.


The Right Hon. Earl ~IallYers.

W. Dolton.

C. T hornton, 2, Leeds Road. Nelson .




T. W. WilkinsoD .

11 11 0 5~ 2 0 18 7 7 11 l. 1 11 3

£226 12


AK?\UAL ImpORT. are conducted under the al1slJice!; of the ilIillom Joiut Education



:llc d ical S t .. ff.

T he classe Committee.




La'\'l'ellC~, Milloll1.

H . Bond, L.n.c .l'., L.R.C . . , J. 111. Huey, )l.B., L.l1.C.P., L.n.C. . , P. B. L .R. C.P . , :M. n.c ..·., H. F . , Vanl'ick, M.B., L.ll-C.P., L.n . C. .

17 16 15

110 In Bank, 1 t June, 1905 . . £109 Les ' unpre ented cheque 21

MILLOM. PI·c'id cut.



eC I·ctuI'Y.

J . Green, ~O, Crawford

treet, Kelsoll.

jU c(lical St:! fr.

H . 'Y. DUD, :\I.D., A. Findlay, :\I.D., M. Flack, )l.D., '1'l. Jackson, M . D., A. P . nIiller, :l1.D., 'l'.::\lLUphy, )1.D., A. E. To1llJillgton, ?l1.D., ' Y. O. Piper, M . D., 111. POZZle, :lI.D., Hichie, :\I.D., J. B. K. Ruub, :l1.D. .lNNUAL REPORT. The Committee have pleasure in presenting their eigh leenth annual report and balance sheet for the year elIding 31st May, 1906. The past year has beell one of steady progress all rounel. On 15th July, 1905, a lrades' uemonstration and gala ",as held, which enalJled us to reduce the delJt on the Anlbulance IIull lJY £150 . Three classe' have ueen held c1millg the past year, viz. , lllales fir:-t aid course, lad ies first aid class, and ladies .o..:l1l'sillg class. Tile cla~ses have IJeen wt'll attended, and have no doubt heen the means of sprcading the interest and kuo\\ledge of ambulance work and n1lJ'sing in tIle to'm. The allluulaJJce call'iage lla::; been ustd fo], 74 lemovals and :24 accideuts, making a total of 98 cases for the year.

IlOllOJ·al'.r Secre t a r .r all (1 T l'ca u re r.

E. Fairuul'll

~lil thorp.

Larendon Hon-e, X ewark.

Lire :Uclllbcr.

,n ('(lica L ~ t alT.

!lIrs. J. G. Bl'ullston .

F. H. Appleby, :\r.n. c , ., Ed.

ARNL\L HEPORT. Since the h -t report \l"e have hall a \rOlllell ·· til·.t aill cIn. '. "'hieb wa~ well attended, all of lhem lJeing teacl el' ill til, ,·arioll . ::ellool· in the tOWll. Fi('~t aiu knowledge has 1>een mo t U 'c rul in the engillcering works, at the railway station, and among~t the police, ca~e' re'luirillg attention occurring llaily .

NEWPORT (MON.) J~l' e ~

itl HI.

Viscount Tredegar. nOll.

Sec retary .

A . G. E . J . Fudge, "DeYo1'an," Oac1'1eol1, (near) Newport, Ion.

( ·h a il'lu:lu.

Dr. "'. Hamilton. n Ull. 'l'l' c a~ln·l' l'.

" T. G. Dun', National Provincial Baul;: of England, Newport.


StCttement of Receipts and Expenclitn1'e (01 ' the yea?' r-ndi11g Septembe?' 30th, 1906.

Uetlieal SCalf.

IV. Bas ett, M,R.C . . , T. L. D avies, M. lt. C.S., S. Hamilton, B. A . , :tILB., J. IIurley J, H. Jones, M.D., J. L ane" i\I.D ., T. G. L e1\'is, i\I.B., J. F. N eville: 11.. E. T onks, i\I. n . c . s ., C. S. Vmes, lILB.. C••. , H. E. IYilliarns, i\Ln. C. .

LR.C.P., L .R. C. P.,



We .are plea~~~ to say that a Cen tre haR now been formed at "ewport, to bring nIl ambulance tl'O~l;" III the town un~el' ono, control. A strong repre entative Committee has been appomted, and everytlnng POllltS to a successful issue. The Centr e havinO' been formed only as recently as Jast month, there is really nothing to report. n


Pre i!iellt.


T he ';}Iost H on. the Marquis of N orthampton .

J. B. Cooper. llOllor:ll'Y


Rcceipts. T o Balance at Bank D o. in ITOll. 'ec. 's hands " Annual ,u bscri ptions " Donations " County and Borough " Counci l Grants Class Fees " Stores " " Medallion s " Briga!lc Subscriptions " tores !) " Transport Fees " Uniforms anel Badges Bank I ntere t I)


Trea sllrer.

£ -J:) 14 5 18 31 1 5 10 6q 5 5 7 23 1 6 1 1 4 2 1 61 6 15 15 1 14


H. W. K. lIlarkham, G. C. ,Yells, I , Mercer's Row, NorthaDlI)ton. Gnildhall Road, .l orthampton .

£316 11

T he Duchess of Grafton, The Marquis of Northampton, Lady Robinson ir ~. ~. ~aSda,ll, The Northampton l Rugby Football Club, The Northampton Am~teul' T pe;;tlC .oCleFty , C. C. B~cke, 1\. BOllner, W. Cave, T . P. DOl'lllall Frail Bros · .LUanmng, . H. lHardhn, C. E. Thorpe, S. B. Wilkinson. ' .,


Castle Ashby Section. Chainnan. Th e Marquis of "orthampton.

Ti'ectSU1'cT and Hon. Secreta1·Y. R. G. Scriven.

Earl's Barton Section. Chai1·man.

Hon. SeC?·eta1·Y.

Rev. A. L. Armitage.

F. B. Lin e.

T1'ectS~l?'er .

W. G. Abbott.

Little H oughton Section. Chai?'11wn.

Hon. Sec1'eta1'y and T?'CaS1lTe?·.

C. Smyth .

D. D eacon.

Boade Section. Hon. Secreta?'y . S. W . Shouler.

T o'W'cester Section. Chairman. B. W entworth Vernon .

By Attendant., Clf:'l'k, &c. Printing, taiioneryaml ~ " Postage (CellU'e) 6 Ditto (Gorps) . 4 " tores for Classes " Lecturers' anLl Examiners' 6 " Fees and Expenses, 0 .) with In cidental Ex-J penses 0 l1ndry Expenses (Centre) 6 " Do. (Corps) Do. " Mellallions 0 " Brigade tores, :\Iaterial 1 Uniforms 0 " " " and Badges » Expenses of All11ua1 111Competispe(;tion, tiOIlS nllli Prizes Transport Expemes " Knrslllg Diyision, Post" age amI Expenses Bellanee at Dank " Cah in hall!l

£4 11


6 11 10 10 0 9 27 2 2




4 19

6 0 0

10 0 5 19 16 16


17 12


15 1 46 3


0 77




5 0 5 11~

T1'casure1' .

D on. Sec?·etcwy.

J. Hanbury Jephson .

D. N orman.

£316 11



Al1llitcd and fonn<l corJ'ect, G. W . GOIlDOX. J. B. COoPErt, Olwinllan. II. IV. K. :i\IAnKIIA~r, Hon . TrC((S1l1·C1'.


J. W. Baird, "I.B" B.CH., T . Cairns, L . R.C.P., L.n.c.s., IY. H. Chamberlain L H. CrOI)le'T F.R.C s ',' C •J• Evans ~"'1 . R< •C• S • , P . , . H'l E.. R.C.P., Ha'" L.R.C.S., J J" lc1ens, M. l).,' Illes ones,]lf. R . C. s., G. H. L e\us, :hI. D. A. LInnell '1 r. C S R A 111'11' M D III R 'I'D' P R' h d ' , .u. < • • " l. • 1.) 1 Igal1 • .; 1 • • c.s., \Y • • lC ar son, ~I.B., c.~I., IV. R. Rvan :hI Q C r I D St ' M D C 'I J T P S " Th J , •• ••• , • one .~l., erry, i\LR.C.S., . . \l ite, L . n.c. p., M. P'. C. S. '

· .,




Life iUcmbcrs.



St. J ohn AlJnuulance Associcdion.

St. John A mlntlance Association.

13th ,l'{or· mbe)', 1906.




Ilon. Secl'ctm·y.

A "'NUAL RET'ORT. Thc 'ommittce haye the plcasure of pre entillg their byenty-fir t annual report. The 1I"0rk of thc Centre has been well maintained during the year Thirteen ch"es hnse been held, namely : til' t aiel cla. se for men at the General lIo pital, orthampton; Thc COll1lllercial ,'treet S(;hools. l\orthampton; Bugbl'ooke, Potterspnry, YanUey Gobioll, Blis\\'orth, Hoade, and PauleI' pury. First aid clas.'c' 1'01 w01l1en at the General IIo.'pital aud Dllgbrooke. A first aid class for juniors at thc ,'chool of Dome tic Economy, Dallington; anLl nursing (;1as f'S for men aud \\'omenattheGelleral Ho l,ital. T\\'ocla .esheldbytheNorthamI)tonshire Education Committee at Kilsl,y were also examined by the 11.s·ociatioll. 331l1Upil entered the. e cla es. of ,,-hom 240 pas:,ecl the examination awl were awarded the certilicatc ot tho Association. ,'ince the formation of the Centre 6,72.J. pnpils ha,e been instrncter1 ill fil';;t ail1 and llur"ing of whom J,967 have gained certificates and 1,061 medallions. The Com lIli ttee again reconl the ;-alna ble scnices rendered by the members of the illetlical Profe,,'ion in the in truction of the e cIa es, and their thanks arc al'o tellllerel1 to tho 'C ladies alHl gentlemen who haye been instrumental in the fOl'ffi'ltiOll amI working of the cla'ise', amI to tht! member of the Corp, both men and nursing 'i ·ter , who so readily gaye their as_i 'tance to the Lecturer in thc practical work. r1'he Centre ha .'l1taillcll a se\'cre 10. by the Jnmcnted Lleath of Mr. John Cooper (an Iloll. A' ociatc ofthe Order of "t, John of JCl'll alem), the Chairman of thiR Committee fol' t11e past ix years allll one of the Yice -PresiLlents of the Centre. Mr. Cooper took n. keen practical interest in amlmln.nce work and the kind assi tance he al ways rendered to the Cen ire and Corps, particnlarly by en tertaining the members of the Corps and the vi. itors at De1n.pn3 each year 011 the occasion of the annual I nc;pection nn(l by giving lhe prizcs for tho nursing Division, will be long remem-

St, J ohn Amuulance A oC'ic(,tion.

St. J ohn A?11lbulance Association.


bered . The Committee are plea ed to report that his son, 1111'. J Ohl1 Bruce Cooper, has kindly consented to accept the vacant Chairmanship. The death of 11'. vVm. Rae, who ,vas a subscriber to the funds of the Centre for many years, is also much regrettell. Mr. Rac has shown his interest in ambulance work by bequeat.hing a legacy of £250 to the Association for the u e of this Centre. This mark of approval from a medical practitioner who had many opportunities of obserYing the work of the Association and Corps is "ery encouraging and is much appreciated. The 'ommittee would again dnw attelltion to the useful work done by the Corps during the year, as appearing from its report. The Transport work in particular is ·teadily increasing and demands the expenditure of much time al1(l attention, and great praise is due to those Oflicers and men who so ungrudgingly devote their time (sometimes whole days) to this branch of the work. The large number of cases of first aid rcndered during the year is a further proof (if Olle were needed) of the value of ambulance work to the community. The Committee have again to thank Messrs. Hughes and C . for providing ollice accommodation and other assistance, the Govel'l1ol's of the Northampton General Hospital for the use of lhe Out-Pt1tiellts' Buildillg, Mr. F. H, Mardlin for another kind donation of £5 towards the tca givcn to the mellon the oc-casion of the Annual Cup Competition, and Mr. G. \V. Gordon for his services as Auditor.



The Ch:.ir11lan and Dil'cc tol'. · or the North-Eastern Rttilway Comp:1IlY. 1·l'(~,~ i" C II(.

A. Kaye Bnttcrllorth.

(' lin i 1' 111:1 It.

'1'1'(' :1 SII I' C I· .

F. P cnty. 1I 0 11 0 1':lI'y 4 ~(' II(' l'a l

Geo. Jackson, P. Way 'Lorc-kccper,

Philip Burtt. Scc l'c ta ry .

TortlI-Eastel'll Railway, York.

()i Sf ri(' f S{'(T ('Ia l·j c .. .

D :nlingtoll Di~trict-'l'. If. CUITY, Dal'lingtoll. Hull " I r . II. H caley, lIuli. L ecds " W . A. Elliot, liarrogate. Milltllesbrough I I \\T. lI anx\\'cll, \\~est lIartl epool. IT '\\'castle " W. Hollin gs, Gnteshead. York , , ' . "'.'cott, York. H(' t liral


A. A. Alll'tthallls, J .n.c.:-:;., R. AlIlh'r:-ul1, L.n.('.s., \\T. D. Al'nisoll, :M.D., L.lL.C.l'.,


l·J'c:.illcll f.

W. W. Carlile.

i n u lin.

Brigade- mgeon Colonel W. II. Bull, V.D., F.n.C.R. 'l'~'ca

Ul'Cl' and Uonol':ll'Y Sccl·c t aI'Y.

S. C. H. Moberly, l\I.It.C ... , L.I:.C.l'., \Vinslow. iUetHeal .


W. Braclbrook, M.r...C.S., L.S.A., P. L. Benson, l\J.D., D.r.II., Bele.- urg.Col. IV. H. Dull, Y.D., F.n.C.s., G. ,,~ . Buxtou, l\Lll. '.s., Captain C. L. Deyns, M.R.C.S . , Bcle.- mg. Col. P. lI. Giles, v.])., F.lL< .S., F. J. Grindoll, M.Il.C.S., J. O. Harvey, J\Lr•. c .~., L.Il-C.P., P. Lak(' Hope, M.n.C.R., L.n . . 1'., Lieut. Vincent Howaru, l\1.R.C. , ., L.ILC.l'., C. H. Miles, L.R.C.p., '. C. II. Mol,erly, M.ll.C ... , L.ILC.P., E. Nicholson, J\L1l.C.S., L.ll.C.p., \V. G. Rutherford, L.n.C.p., L.R.C.S., II. T. IVickham, M,D. ANNUAL REPORT. DUling the past year classes wcre helel at Bletchley, 'Wolverton, a11Ll \Yin.low, the latter two being in connection with the L. & N.IV.R. Centre. Th e ,'il\,el' Challenge Cup competition took place at Olncy, by kind invitatiollof J. C. Hip" ell, Esq., at the Lindens . Seven teams competed, and the ('up was won by the 'tOlly Stratford team.

Stutemcnt of Beccipts cmel E');penclitnrc f07' the yeaI' ending Scplcinbc1' 30th, 1906. 'fo Balance .


" uuscriptions "MedallLOI1f:i . " Examination Expenses " Stores and Incidentals

EXlJenditu?·e. £16 11 9 1·1



3 2


8~ By EX'l.ll1. Expenses


lt eports 8 " Medallions 0 " 'undries

5 IO~


"S L01'e , etc., and Local




JI!.l>, L.lt. '.s., O. L. AppletOll, L.H .C.P., I..H.( .:-;., P. H. A. h, :l1.Jt.C.:-;., L.1:.V.1'., G. 11. Asll\\ill, '11.])., JlLlLl.~., L.ll.( .1'., \\T. Baigcnt, :ILl'" J. W. Beattie, :111.))., J. \V. Hlall(lf'uul, L.ll.V.I'., I..I:'C.S., F . .J. DUl'lllan, L.It-c.l'. Jll.lt.C'.l>., E. J. Burllelt, ;\i.Il., C.;\I., l'II.lt.C.l'., )1. 'altlwcll, L.lt.C.l'., LILC.s., A. Campbell, :ll.ll.,( ' ..\!., It. li. Clu l'k"ol1, L.a. ' .l' ., L.n.C.s., ,J. R Crcasc, F.r...C .... , L.I: ('.1'., II. J. Daggett, M.lt.C .. · .• 1.. IL('. 1'., A. I>. Da\'ics. ;\\.I: . C.:-;., L.ll.C.l'., \Y. Eardley, .\1.1:.( .s., 1..1:'(;.1'., H .... 1':I\im;, I.. ll.L I' .. 1.. lt.(·.s .. L.F.l'.!:'., D. L. Fisher, M.ll., c.:l1., A. 11. U. FI ' tchc1, :'I1.!l., lJ. .. , .A. lCull'ct. :I!. B. , c.)!., II. French, L.IU'.P., 1..1:.I ,.S., F. \Y. C~iblJoJl, r..I:.c'.S .. r..Tl.C.P., L.s.A., ll.I1y .. D.l'.H., J. Gillies, Id:.U.I'., 1..1(.I'.s., E. IY. Gilroy, :It.Il.,.T. C:rny, :ll.ll .. C.:lL, I\'. ~ray, :ll.D., :lI.B.,C.:M., T. I1tl1'kn c.... , ?l1.n., \ .:'IL, E. E.lIu:slett, :I['U., W. L. Ilickey. :lI.Il., :'ILn., A. Hillaby, L.I:.(·.T'., ~t.I:.c.S, N. L. Hood, 'I.Tl., :ll.ll., II. )1. Hnlt. :'If.J:.('.S., L.".A., D. P.H., .T. Holling'worth, \I.IL( '.S., 11. \\T . •hek on. :'Il.n., :lI.Il .. :l1.1l.('.S .. L.lt.\' .l'., lJ.P.II., \V . .fac![\1!'s, .\J.Il., W. D. ,1 l'1l'eNll1 , .\1.1[,0 S., 1.. lt.U.l'.) W.:Jl. .TCllll ill gs, ~LIt.C."" J. lL Keilh, )f.Il .• ~1.11., v. .\I., E. W. J\Cllll'. '\I.lt. '.:-:., L.S ..\ .. J )1. Lazenby, ~I.ll., D.S., ,I. J. Leigh . .\I.IJ., C'.)!., L.I:.C'.l'., I.I:.C."" JI.P.lI .• .T. P. Lightfoot, )LH.U.S., L.n. '.1'., 1. D . .\iackny, :\!.Il .. ('.)1., \\T. B. "lackay, )1.D., .\1.1:.C.:,;., J. E. II. lI1:t<:l-inl'y, L.ILU.I'., '\1.1l.U ... , A.D.ll.~ldlltyre, :H.B. ; C.Jr., \\T. H. Manners, M.n., C. .\1. . \\T. '\lotcall'e, .\LI>.,.\I n., '\Llt.C'.S .. 1..1:'(' 1'" J. ~. )lilue, :lLn., U. D. lIIitdlclJ :l1.1l., (' . .\f.. I..U.C.P., L.IU' .. '., J . .\lnll1'o. L.R('.J'., L.H.C.S. L.F.l'.:-:., L. J\I. , J. ~ieh(lboll . .\I.l:.l·.:-:., 1..1:. '.1'., D . . T. C. Olin't'. ;\1.11., C . .\I., T. G. Oll'stOll, }<' 1: ('.s., L.IU·.I' .• II. C. 1\'il1' 011, .\1. B., '.JI.. F.H.C.S" E. P. Pi(:ker .. gill, L.I:.C.l' . , :l1.1:.('.S., F. \Y. Pogson, f.. h.C'. 1'., I.. It. '.S., E. F. Pratt . .\l.n., D.:> .• L.H.C.I'., L. A. Ro\\'(l(' 11 , \1.1l, (Ul., \\T. A. G. Itussell . .\l.B., ('.JL, U. \T. A. Rollin 011 . .\LlLC.s., L.I:.C.I'., H. ltohinsllll . .\l.D., .'\1., H. IV. ,'meddle, :'Il.ll., c.'\1., IIy. :-;ll1ith, )I.D., M.ll.,IUl., \Y. 1\7. titaiIlLhol'IH', ~1.11., H.:-:., A. P. ,'teanmSOll, )I.Jl., )[ n., 0.:lI., R. :-iLcel, L. It.V.I'., I.ILU.S., D. ,'tewln!, L. H.U. P., L.lt. ' .1'., .T., lothanl, Jf. )l.C.s ., L.:-:;. \., D. F. 'L'odI1, L.n.G.I'., T..IU· . .'., A. \\Tilson, )[ n., B.S .• C. A. Wilkin 011, L.H.U.l'., L.n.C.H .• L.F.I'.S., IV. M. YO)]]1O.1I, )l.U., )f.r:.U.S., L.:-: .. \

Dalance in hand.

~ 17 0 10

16 16 £23 ]~ 8 13 £32


7 0 2~ 5~

5 IO~

W. II. BULL, Chairman. SYDNEY C. II. MOBERLY, lion. Sec. wul Trccts.

Ai 1 UAL HEPORT. Dllrillg ! hc last session -1;; cla.sses wcrc 1'01'111011, lhc numbor \\'ho p:bsecl the fit-se rc-eXltlllillatillll \\ n.' ~a7, aud 9 passl'll l'Xttllliu:1.lioll· for l,d)cls. Dlll'illg the y~a]' Cl\(lillg J Ulle 190u, om·mclllllcr. reported rCllllerillg fir t aid in 17 .....'i1 caes, ~uaklllg a. toLd sillce Jalllltll',)' 1 '96, or 70,;);)2. '011lpulitiom; were ngaill h'ltl, for \\'Inch the dil'l'clors olrcrl!(] f:JO in prizcs. 'ltic\(h; fot' (listrict compotition- are lIOW held by the Newcnslll', York, alHI Lcclh; districls, Hurl ('01' Lho 1907 competitioll ,the other three disLri ets, Hnd Lhc finnl compeLilion at York, \\ill c~tl!h Itaye a hield for thc winlling Lcam, challks to thc gCllerosity 01' t.hc Hight lIOll . John L10)'11 Wharton and the nobility 111111 gentry ,,110 resillc 011 Ollr system .


St. J ohn A 1nlni-lance A I:)ociation .

St. John A'mVLCtlance AS8ociution.

NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE. His Grace the Duke of Sutherland, K. G. JlOllOl':lI'Y Sc('ret :11'Y allll Tl·C:l . 1l1·Cl·.


R ev. 1. C. R. cott,)L A. , P enkhull Vicarage, Stoke-on-Trent.

Account No. 1. -Cou?tty Council A iclecl Classes. £6 10 6 Dy Balance brought forward £23 12 36 0 o " 'tores . . 9 10 3 1 "Printing . 1 17 " Fire and. Light o 11

T o Stores . " Grant ' . " Balance crlrriecl forward.

Pl'c.- iclcut.


" Caretakers . "Examiners Fees and Expenses. . " Postages and Parcels " Models and Sundries

• y<lney 'Y. Malkin, F.C.I.H. , Hock Cliffe, Cheaale, toke-on-Trent. JloIlOl':1l'Y S torc •• ccpC)·,

1l0JlOl':ll'y.A uditor,

F. Geen, Chartered Ac~ountant, Stoke-on-Trent.

James Cartlidge, 2, Lamb Hanley.


Litc lIcmbcrs.

His Grace the Duke of utberlalld, R. G., Her Grace the Dnchel:i8 of Sutherlalld, The North taffor,lshire Railway Company . Hon, Life llcllll'Cl' .

C. 11. Allen, )LA .. )1.8., c . )!., J. Fred Arlidge, L. l1.C.P, I,.n.C.s . , P. J. Byrne, L.R. C.P., L.n .C.. , Edin., F. de B. Collillette, L.n.C.p., Loud., )r.lt.(.~., T.~ . .\., James Craig, )I.B., Ec1in. )I.n.C.R., Francis E. Felllic, )r.l~.l ' .::;., F.Il.C. l'., G. Stokes-Hatton, )LD .. )1.8., Dnr., F.U.C.S.E., ~f.R.C.R., L.R.A., Lourl., Jame,,; Hilldle, L. H. C. P., L. Jt. C. R., Ellill., Ernest ~Iackellzie, )L D., A. }l. McAldowic, )1. D., F. I: .S. , Edin., H. Nicholl .. , )I.A., :M.D., (Calltah.), C . U. Phillips, )f.Jl., W. D. Pren<lergn«t, )LD., :l1.CH., )!.A.O., D.S.SC. , Jno. Ru sell, )1.,\., )['B., 'Y. D. 'panton }'.l1.C.ii., E . ill. :lIc(lical Staff.

1Iagnus Adler, )1.11 .f' . S. , L. n.C.p., Lond., A. Aitken, :lr.n., c.)f., . I\illg Alcock, u . n., Lond., ,Yo C. Allaldicc, )I.D., C.)L, Gla .. , C. ~l. .i\llcll, :1[' _\., :II. ll. , c.:\1., J. Frell. .-il'lidge, L.ll.c.r., L.I..C.S., J. Aspinall, )1.1:.C .... I .~ ..\.., E. A. Brunt, )LB., CII. )L, Edin., A. T . Unry, L. lt.C.l'., Ellin., 'r.ll.C, . 'i., Fng., P. J. Byrne, L.n.c.p ., JJ.H.C ... , F. C. Clifford, )r.n., 'V. J. Coyer, )I.ILl' ... , L.n.(~ .I'., Jas. Craig, :lI.B., EJin., :lLn.('."., Chas. F. Daly, )LD., Tho,;. Dixoll, )1.1:.( ' .<,., L.R.C.P ., Lond . , Franci E. Fernie, ·U.ll.C, S., F.It.C. l'., G. Francis . ,r.D .. (·.)L, Glas., L.)f.. Dublin, J. C. Furness. I.S.A . , Lon<1 .. Capt. It. _uu'. Mil., A. D. Gittens, .:11.11, ' • . ' ., L.n.c.p . , Lond., A . Hall, )f.n.c. s., J. T. Hall, [..1:.('.1'., LonLl., M. ll. C.S., G. Stokes-Hatton, :ilLn., )LR. , )l.J1..l.. S. Jas. Hi lllll c, L. ll-C . p. , 1,.11.C . .·. , Edin., John Leys, ;)1. A., )I.D., G. II. List, :lr.D., E. Mackenzie, ,Ln., J . Payne Ma singham, :lILR.C. S.. Surgeon-~Ia.ior l·t •. an.1 . Y. Al'tillery, A . i\f. ~rcAh1o\\ie, M.D., F.R.S., Erliu., T. H. P. }Iorl'is, M.n.C .. :., L.l~.C.l'., Loud. , II. Nichollb, M.A., ~I.D . (Cantal))., A. Parkes, )Ln.c.s., ,V. Partington, )I.lJ., c.)f., C. II. Phillips, )LD., ,V. Dowling Prendergast, ~LD., )LCH. )I.A.O., n . ;.; .• c., R II. Reacl, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Bernard Robinson, :lI.ILC.S., L.n.c .p., LOll!l., J . Rn,'spll, )f.A.: M.B., E. Somerville, )LD., F. R.C.S. , Edin., J . Steele, L. n.C.l'., L.JLC.R., Edill . , J. Vernon, )I.B., B.S., Lou.l., G. H. Williams, L.IL.C.p., L.n.C.S., Ellin., L.F.P.S. (Glas.)



£4.5 12 1~


3 9



o o

8 1



7 4



£45 12

6 l~

Account ]{o. 2.-Gellelal Glasses. 1'0 Balance brollaht rorward £2:3 11 7:\ " 0 . . . 21 1 11 " .B ees tore. 2 1 0 "" Meclallions 13 1 6 " Labels 2 1 6 " •'nbscriptionsThe President 5 0 0 • il' lI ill Child, Bart. 2 2 0 n. \\Tarrington e ,'on. 1 1 0 R. IIcalh & 'ons 1 1 0 J. H. IIaiue o 10 6 J. G . F'111l o 10 6 T. Arl'o\\'slIIiLh & ons. 0 [) 0 '. G . IIeath 0 5 0 Rey. D. UllUIl • 0 2 6


£] 02 15

Account No. To Balance carried rorward . £12

By Examiners' Fees and Expenses " SLores " t)tationery, Printing, and Auvertising . ,,~Iedallion and Labels " Fire and Light " Care takers " Fire I nsurance " Rent " Postage, Carriage of Parcels and undries " Trayelling Expense " Clerical A. Bistance " Balance carried forward


26 19 19 9

9 1

8 17 0

5 6 0 0 0 0


1 3 5 15

0 2 2 10

3 14 10 1 19 3 10 0 0 11 15 2~

£102 15

-N. S. Corps Gengi'al Licc01mt, 2 10 By Balo,llce brought forward £12



2 10


2 10

£12 2 10 ===;;;;

Balance Sheet, September 30th, 1906 . Liabilities. Assets.

To Balance clue to Treasnrer:roo 1 Account £3 No. Account . 1:2 " Balance-heing As:;ets oyer LialJilities . . 12








2 10


It is with pleasul'e that t!:le Committee present their twenty-second annual report. 'rhe work of the Centre has been carried on stea(lily and with satisfactory result. I t seems tolerably certain that not many days ever paRS in this 110pnlon am1 bu y neighbourhood without first aid being rendered by some of our students to persons who have snstainerl injury either at their ellJploj'll1ent or at home. A a natural consequence the importance of am bulanee work is increasingly realised by the public. We have had few changes in our medical starr. We greatly value the services of those who kindly continue to act as honorary lecturers, and we offer them our cordial thanks. The duties, too, of the class secretaries have been well fulfilled and merit our gratitude. T o the Honorary Auditor Mr. F. 0een, C.A., we also tender sincere thanks. and the same are dne to many who have worked in various ways. Once more we record with much appreciation and gratitucle the aule and persevering work of Mr. Sydney ,V. Malkin, our H onorary ecrctul'Y, whose exertions are beyond all praise.

] 29

By Out tanding Acconnts and Yalue of tockAs per torekeeper's Book . .£32 2 10 As per ecretary's L edger 13 10 o " Cash in hanclNo.2 Account 11 15


YDNEY 'Y. MALKIN, Local Hon. SeIJ?'etary and T1'eas1l1'er, R ock Cliffe, Cheadle, tatfs. th October, 1907. Allowell null ~igned at the Annual Moetin[f of the Committee, held at Stoke-ollTrent, this 31st clay or January, 1906. b . I NGLI' C. R. COTT, Chctinnan. I herehy certlry that I have cxamined the forectoin rr acconnt' with the books and vouchers, a11\[ lind t hem in ortl er and coneet. 0 b , \'ictol'ia CIUtlllbers, FlmOEltICK GREN, Chai'le1'ecl Accountant. toke-on- Trcnt. 9th Fcbl'lta1'y, 1907. K


St. John

St. John A 1J~b'LdCinCe Association.


H. R. H. Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein. '1'rcaSllrcr.

Sit' Ernest Tritton, Bart.

Genel'lLl Evans, C.B. , 6, Vermont Road, Norwood.



ANNUAL REPORT. Th e Centre regret to recorD the death of their President during the year. D r. Thom son has been very closely connected with the work of the Centre since its formation, giving the first course of lectures after its formation, an(l several cour.'e~ sillGe. His 10s'3 is greatly felt by all who have been connected with ambulance work in the town. For several years he acted as hon. secretary, and sncceeuecl on the death of 1'111'. S. R. Platt, to the position of president. Du ring the year only two n.mbulance classes ha\'e been helrl, both Ilrst aid, the lecturers being Dr. Fort and Dr. Uliver, who gn,ve their services gratuitollsly, and to whom the thauks of the Oen tre are due.




HOJlorary Sccrctary.

Mrs. Edward Colegrave, Bl'lLcebridge, Central Hill, N orwool1. Llfc lUClUbcl'S.

Miss Aste Urs. Belli, C. S. Belli, Mrs. Rice BY1'l1e, L ady Muriel Boylc, Miss R. Campbeli, Lee Gardner, Mrs. Hetley, Lady 1\1anns, Lady West. Ueclical S taff.

ANNUAL REPORT. The Committee in presenting the ann~lal report are. ~lad to state the N ?l'\I'ood Centre still continues to be in a very satIsfactory cond1tion, 8 classes fol' la.ch cs amI 4 for men were held last seSSlOn, with vcry good results. Statemcnt oj ReceiZJts and E;-cpcnclitu1'C, 1905-1906, E;t;]Jenclit11 re. Receipts. To Balance brought forward £39 15 6 By Sundries Examiner's fees 30 4 6 " Class Fees 13 J u " Mcdallions " Su bscri ptiOllS " Stores " Postage " Class Expenses "" Printing and Stationery . Donation to Hearl Office. " Balance carried forwartl .



0 5 8 0




0 fi

lYe have examined the ahove acconnt, and find it correct.



OLDHAM. Tl·ca . urC1'.

Thos. S. ,'chofiel rl, Liverpool and District Bank, Oldham.

G. E. Bil't\Yhistle, 5, Pa.rk Row, Otley. I,i rc )IClll bcl'''',

Ohairman. Hon. SeC!'f'tm·,II. (General), '1',·casw·c1·.

iUc tlicnl Sla JJ.

,Yo E. Dennett, L.U.C.P., Edin.

Col. W. O. Dawson . ,Yo E. neullctl, Jdt,( .1'., Edin.

AXNUAL REPOnrr. The COllllllitb e have ple<1surc in pl'csenting the annual report and balance sheet for the past year, a1l(1 tClltler lheir thallk· to all \l'ho bavc hel1'ctl in the \l'ork. To Mr. Cha .. Wal kl' l' fur hi~ leel me ,. OILl Utley," which added £16 to the funds of the Centre. '1'0 VI'. BClIuett for bis interest aIltl help. To ~lr. Ja . Geenty for the way he looks aftcr the trunsl,Ol't \\'o1'k, :l1lfl all o\\'Jlel'.~ and tenants of property for allowing hoxes to be placclllhel'eoll, alld also to tIll' (lonors of ubseriptioos. S[(ltclIlcnl of ncccipls ((lid E.iJl,cnditll )'c, 1905-1906.


C3 1 0


1I0Jloral'Y Sccrcta 1'J'.

£7 7 0 ]6 fi 0 2 11 ]5 1 5 4 15 13 10 10


E. ,'haw, Bradford Old Bank, Otley.

Colonel W. C. Dawson.

Arnold, M.B. , Austin, :LILD., Edgar Beaumont, L.R.C.P., J. G. Carruthers, :LILR.C.S., Curling Bates, lILR.C.S., Douglas, M.D., Duncan,. lILB., Annesley Eccles, :LILD ., Ferguson, M.D., Gandy, lII.R. C.S ., L,S. LI..., Melv111e Greell, 1I1 . D., Howard, M.D., L eathart, l\LD., Lacy, M.D . , MacLachlan, M.D., Macleod, )I.D., Uichael, l\LB., Poole, M.D., Robinson, M.D., Rugg, l\I.R.C.R., Swn.yne, M.R.C.S., Crewson Thomas, l\LD., Scott Turner, !\I.n.c.s., Ul11ney, M.D., 'Welby, M.D. , 'Wilkinson, M.D., Yolland, M.R.!J. S.




E.l'lJcncliture .

ncccipts. nalance in Bank If) 17 11 2:2 6 (j Received for Transport 1 1 -1 Ma.rch Ghyll Donatioll 106 'Ia.·s Fces 1 10 0 Loan of 'rell t IV. Wtllker's, Llll., per Box o G ,'ale of tores o f) 2 Olley Charity, per J. E. 13 l'llce 500 0' Otley l~J'ielltlly f-loei,ties A.-.ociution :3 0 0 30 0 0 .. Lcclmc, 'Old Otley" " Police V. Tl'l1lIes1llcll's Cricket maLch, pel' upt. tmin 1 I 0

To " " " " " ., "

UOllOl'al'Y 8<'crcl a 1')'. James B. ,Vilkinsoll, M.D., 6, Edward Str~et, Oldham.

Lifc lU cmbc1's .

I saac Bamford, John Walker Hague, Charles J. Jackson.

To TraIl port and Horse Hire £27 14 o " R. M. Pratt, for tores. 5 6 4 " lleall-quarter., splint, 1 4 3 bandages, etc. " Chas. ,Yalker, printing. 1 1 o 1 17 6 " Mechanics' Ill . litntc, rent o 15 o "C. kitts, ulallket " Entrance fee. to Compe2 6 tition o 2 o " Attendant 014 o " A. ,Valker, for bandage " ,r. ,'inclail' and 'on, 1 3 6 balance heet o 7 o " Postage and carriage o 1 o " Ke\" Chellue book 1 2 " \\Tall Boxes ,,13rigade for Ambulance ::'IIutcri,tl 5 5 o " L ecture cxpen e, "Old 14 1 o Otley" " ,Yo A. Dull, repairs to o 10 9 van, stretchers, etc. 1 11 8 " 11l1tlries 18 9 2 " Balance n.t Ball k


lUc(lic:t1 StaU·.

James Bauchop, M.B., J. D. Boyd, M. B., C. H. Buckley, M.P..C.P-., T. V. Cunliffe, M.D., Thos. Fort, M.P.. C..·. , II. Greaves, M.n.C.S., Heap, M.B., \\T. Jl ea1'l1, L.R . C. P., J . H enderson, J\I.B., Joseph Law, M.lt.C.S., John H. Lendrum, 11\.])., J. ,'. McGown,o , MD., 'Ym. Oliver, M.D., F. Rn,c1clirre, 1II.D. ) E. ,Vakelum, L.H.C'.l'.

£ 1 Allllited and fOllll(l corrcct,

C. E. CnAvB. r • ScplcllLbCl' 27th, 1!10G.

JA:';. HE:'\\\'I CK.

7 11


St. J ohn A ?1~btf.,lance Association,

St. J ohn A l1~b'Ldance Association.

] 33

Statement of Account 1905-6. Receipts.


To Balance, Oet, 1, 1905

( 'll:l i I·)ll:lll.

Pl'('s hlc ut.

" " " "

E. A. Young.

The Right Hon. LOld PenrhYll.

1I0no 1':1 I'Y SCC1'('I :l1'Y.

TI'C:1 SIlI' C1'.

R. Morris, Brynllwy<l, l kthesrln.

D. D. Dayies, Brynderwen, Bethesda.

lU c cl .i C:l I St:l l ...

E. A. Mills Roberts,





£2 ] 0 8 17 4 5 3 2


Honorary SUbSCIipliollS Active ..Members' Subs. l\IedalliOlls sold I ncidental Expenses, Ex~miuers' fees and expenses recei vecl from classes. 5 11 Stores sold 5 4 Discoull t on to res 1 11

0 0 0 0 2 3

ANNUAL REPORT. T he Committee in presenting the report for the year, arc pleased to state thnt exceptional progress has been made. First aid classes for men have been held at three parts of the neighbourho od, Gelli, Raehllh, and Betl1esda. During tIl? year 140 at for examination; passed juniors 13; fir t year, 2; second, 29; thud, fi ; fourth,5. The Committee feel greatly incl elted to Mr. E. A. Mills Roberts, IILl)', fol' his valuable sel'yiees as hon. Lecturer to n.11 the Centre,



16 3

6 6 6 3 0 3








H. . P.



Receipts and Expenditu1'e fa?' the yeai' ending Septembf'1' 30th, 1906. Receipts. E xpendihlTe. To Balance, 1905 £2 17 "Subscription by the Penrhyn Quarry Benefit Club 13 0 " Stores 8 1 " Medallions 1 18 " Fees for Clas es 3 3

By Printing, Stationery and Postages . £2 . " Uost of Medallions 3 Incidental Expenses . 1 " Examin er's fees and expenses 3 " Stores . 5 " Ilire of Rooms 1 " Dne for l\IeeJallio;ls sold '. 2 " Stores sold 2 " "" Fees outstanding 1 " Stores on hand, . 1 " Balance in Bank 3 " Cash with ecretary 2

17 2 11 13 1 10 5 0 9


REDIIEAD, J>,'esiclent (!"Ild Chairman. AUNDEItI:i, Han. Tnaslwer,

B. ,Yo ILoTT, Han. SecretCl1'Y ,


By Head-quarters for ExamineI', Fees and Ex£7 13 B penses 8 12 4 0 "Stores 3 6 3 "Medallions and Lahels o 14 6 6 "Printing 2 7 0 6 )) Incidental Exp<'nses 6 4 11 " Balance £29


DAVID D. DAVIES, Vice-Chai1'man R. lIiORRIS, Hon, &c?'etcI?'Y.


P l'c ., l cl cu t.

POL YTECHNIC. (;ll all'JU uJl .

IIis Grace the Duke of Fife, K.T.

J. E. K.

1'1'('a", UI·Cl·.

lIonOl':lI'Y )'ccl'c l a r y .

L. 1r. ILU'ri., F.l'. r. s., The Pulylcchuic, Regent 'treet, W.



H. litch elJ, The Polytechnic, Regent tl'eet, London.


Jl ctlical St a O·.

James Cantlie, F.n.O,::;.

(lnd 'l'rCctsU?·e?·.


)·l'c.,iclcn l. Dcpu ty Chnil·Jll:l1l.

Pl'csi(l cnt.

Alderman D. H. Redhead.

Fll'ltl Marshal II.RH. Lhe Duke of COllllaught and Strathearn, R,G-.

Councillor J. G. Barford.

La tl y

JlOJl Ol'l\l'y SeCl'c t:ll'Y.

T l'c:l S ttl'CI·.

F. S. P. Saunders, Loudon City & Midland Bank, Peterborough.

B. 'V. Ilott, 73, Alc1errnan's Drive, Peterb:>rough,

ItIc(liC:11 S I a IJ'. J, N. Collins, M.D., H. S, Cooper, lII.n.o,s., '\Tm . C, Croxford, L.n.C.p., IJ. R.C.S., W. Peach Hay, I1I.B., C.)1., R. 'V, Jolly, lII.n.o.s., L.S.A., II. Latham, 1II.B., C. II1. , B,SC . , Edin., J . A. Robertson, 1II.D.

ANNUAL REPORT. D uring the year emling 30th Septe111 bel', five COUl'ses of fin,t aiel Jectnres were delivered by m edical gentlemen in Peterborough, who gave their services graLuitollsly. Oue class of juniors did not proceed to an examination, and one I:)ellior class bas been examine,l so recently, that the res ult is not yet known. Five tealllS entered in the public compJtition h eld Oil 19th December, 1905, whpn the Keeble Chn.llenge Cup and chief prizes were secured by the GrcaL Eastern Railway teami>. Thirteen fortnightly practices with an average aLtendance of 18'3 were held dming the ",iuLe]' months, and in these practices the members o[ the borough police [o1'ce took part for the fir::it time.

I'l'c"id eu 1.

11.R. H. The Dllehess of Connaught and 'traLhearn. C.'ha i l·Ul nu .

SUlg.-Lt.-Col. Charles Knotl,


I)(' llu 1) ·C.' JllI i l'lIll1 U a n d "[rea., ILl·CI' . Jl

(ico. E.

11 is \\'01' 'bi P Lhe :\Layor, 'ullzens, "Glenthomc," I\:illg ton U()uor:tr,)

I'e eenl, Portsmouth.

~c(' I'C 1 Hl',)· .

Fred. J. Coward, The Woodlalld . , Laburnum Grove, Portsmouth. )(CIllOl':U'Y

,lio,!>i .. l lI ll I

Scc)'('l l1 l'jcl'.

l\li s D. Gil','e, 53, Clarence Parade. His I\. Sangster, 'WaterloovilJe, HanLs. Miss N. Scott Fosler, Braemar, St. Helen's Parade, Southsea. ),j


lUClllbel' .

Field 1arshal II,R, n. the Duke of Connal1ght, IC.G. 'rhe Hight lIon. Evelyn Ashley. ..1. O. Harm worth, Sir \\'illiam and Lady Dupree.

3 0 6 0 0 0

St. J ohn .1bnuuLance Associcition.

St. J ohn i!?nutdnnce AS80ciution.

iUetUcal StaU. L. K. H ackman, L. n.c .p. , L.S.A., H . F. Hann, L.R. C.I'. , M. R. C.S. , Ch us . Kn ott, :1'I. R.C.P. , Aston Key, B.A . , M.D., D.C., J . 1\Jalpas, L.n . C.p. , :1'I.R.C.S. , J . l\IcGregor, L.n . C.p. , F.R.C.S., G. McGregor, )f.n.u.s .. L.n .C.p., C. l\fayhew, L.R.C .P. , l\f. n.c.i'l., O. F . Newby, F.R.C.R. , L.R.C.P. , II. 'Y. l\[orley, M.R. C. '., Idl. C.P., J. H. F . , Yay, :1'J. R. C.S., Monbgue , Yay, M. n.c .s ., L.R.C. I'.



ANNU AL REPORT. The annua.l presentation of awards in cOllnectioll with the PortsmouLh Centre of tbe St. John Ambulance Association "'as beld in Lhe Mayor's HanrJueLillg R oom, on Tuesday evenillg, witb the Mayor (Sir Geo. E. Couzens, who is the H Oll . T reasurer of the Celltre, in the chair. T he pnrpo. e of the gathering was to present t he ?erLificates, medallions, and lauel' which had been gained dl1l'ing the past year. I? U~'IDg th~ past year the Portsmouth Oentre had added to its balance at the bank, by glvmg up Its room at 5, Pembroke Road, thus saYing about £10 in rout and gas. T en classes had been hel<l and attelll1ed hy 176 pUllils. 011e hundred candidates l~assed for certificates ill firs.t aid and nursilJg, forty-. ix candidates passed for medalhons, and fifteen meclalhollists obtained labels . , ince tbe formation of the Centre in 1881, 5,103 pen;ons have receivecl cert.ificates in first aid and nursing; 7 4 have passed ~he three examinations entitling them to receiYe medallions, and 30 labels ba\'e been IS. ued to holders of JIledallioll . The balance-sheet is of a very satisfactory naturc, anu sho"\\'s a llalance of £34 lls. 9el . I n th absencc of the Mayorp;ss through i?disposition, her daughter, 1\li s Daisy C011zeI18, presented the medallIons and certIficates, the latter signed by H.I"L H. the Duke of Connauuht. Th~s was followed by a display by the muses anu men, which proyecl enti~eJy satisfactory.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditure fol' the ?feCI)', 1st Oct., 1905, to 30th Sept., 19013. Receipts. Expenditul·e. T o Balance from last year £2...t 0 4 By Stores Aecount :C13 12 7 14 2 9 I ncidciltal Class and " Stores Account . " Expense. 25 0 5 14 19 ~ " Class Fees Balance in bank, 30th " Sept. , 1906 3-1 11 9 £63







Examined with vouchers anl1 pa. s book and found correct, 2nd October, 1906. C. LOUIS de 'YOLFF, 11011. AuditoT. I n the above statement of expenditure for class expenses elc. an amonnt of £ 4. 16s .. is included for rent and gas, for head-quarter rooms at 5, J~~Jllul'oke Road; thIS bemg the end of tenaney. The value of stores in hand is £10. CUARLES KXOTT, Ghail'inan. GEO. E. OOUZEN,', T1·easlweT. FRED. J . COWARD, H an. Secretary.


In the Autumn of 1905, fll'st aiel elasses were held for men and. women, the former taken by Dr. A. Ohalling Pearce, was atbmded lJY 9, of whom 6 obtainecl certificates, the latter taken by Dr. 1'all1plin, 12 atteuderl, !'j obtainecl certificates. The l1ursing class he1<1 early in 19013, was taken by Dr . Tamplin, 14 ladies attended, 5 obtainec1 eertificates, and 4 medallions. The Bast Kellta11lbulallee competition was he1<1 on 7th April, 1\:)06, at the Artillery Drill Hall. 'ix teams cOlnpeted with the following reo ults: 1. A hford, 214 points; 2. Ram. gate, Railway, 197; 3. ~ittingbourne, 191 ; 4. HamsgRte Police, 188; 5. Docldington, 186; 6. Ramsgate Town, 180; ont of 300 possihle points. At thc same time antI place the LOl'll and Lady Deeies Cup \\'a' competed for by the nursing division, and was ,yon hy Nursing Sister A. T. Grul11J11ant, Nursing "- ister K. 1\1. ,'avage, lJeing seconrl. The prizes were presented by Mrs. C. L . "W illiams, in the absence of the MarCJ.uis of Linlithgo\\, ,'ub-Prior of the Order, heing unable to be present, haying met " 'ith a severe accident. The judging was undertaken by Hon. 8urgeon II. O. JIowaru, of the Metropolitan Corp~, anel lIon .• 'llrgeon A. F. treet, of the \\Testg.ate-ou-Sea Di"i ·ion. Both cOl11peti~ions were a marked SLlcce ., ancl showell much Illlpro,-ement. The thanks of the C0111 milleo are abo (lue to Cap ~ain Vale, J.P., D.T, . , and Colonel Gilbert, for their gift of s1h'er SP0011S a,' prize. The th,lIIks of the Committee are also lIne to Genentl Sir Charles Warren, for generously presell Ling a, ilnr hield for allllual competition amongst the t1i visions aJlIl ections of the Ramsgn te Am bulance Oorps, the first competition for which will shortly take place. The work of the district nurse still proyes most l)elltlflcial, lhe aycr~tge of her "j.·iLS has been 9 per week , in one week 200 visits \I eJ' made. The total nnmuer of ,-isits paid for the year "'as c1,646. As the work has so much increased. the Uommitttlc ha\'c engagcd. the services (11' an additional T nu1'SC to as i t .I. ur·e Green.


Slateme,U of Ree ipts and Expenditure, 1905-1906. E,/:pcndill' N. Receipts. Ca~h

13alallLe frolll last £:10 10 Accouut Classcs at Tl'chnical ,'eh., " 1~ 8 Fcc" all<l Exam . 1 1 Philpott " • ull., r.It. •. lIon. ec. , Petty Cash, " ,'lores, Medallions, &c. [) (i

1 0 0 31

By Expense::; of East Kent AmhuJance Comp lion. £,1 14 " Printing and Ach-erti 'ing ~ 15 Head'(l nartel'S acconnt, " ,'tares, Exams., &c. 7 9 0 u" " Po tages lIon. ,'eC'., Petty Ua~h, 5 6 " :' tores, • tam]l , &c. 7 17 Balance in hanl' " Cash in hand 1 0







0 0 1 0 6 6 3~ 4~

AUlhlcr1 and fOllud conect this 9th clay of October, 1906.

L. ,Yo YAILl!~, TTice-President. P. l\IUlUL\ y (Lt .. Col. ), lioll. Sccrctm·y. CU.\ItLRS OOTTO::-<", T"casw'c,' and Ghai?·?lwn.

RAMSGATE. Pl'esi<lcnt.

General Sir Oharles ,Vanen, G.C. M.G., K. C.B., R.E. Chairmau au(l Treasurer. C. Cotton, F.R.C.P. 42, Spencer Square, R amsgate.

lIonor:lry Secl·etnry . L t . -Col. P. Murray, Grove E nd , Grange R oad, Ram gate.

Martin J.

G. H. R. Hohlen,


~L\", )1.D.

1I01101':lI'Y Se('r c tnl';r .

1'J'cn ~ lu·cr.

Charles Ootton, F. R. C. P.

T . P. Chard, 30, t. l\Iary's Butts: Reading.

C. Cotton, F.R.C.P . , ]\f.R. a.s . , G. Cross, L.R.C. P. , M.R. C.S., E. F isk, M. D. , Meredith M.D., C' H • T am pm, l' L.R. C.P., M. R, C,S· 1 F W d Powell , M.B., c . ~r., R. Smvth, J 00 s, L. R.C. P" lILR.C.S.

('ll nirllWn .

J' r ci!li(lellt .

Life :Uember. lUefli cal Staff.



A. G. mith, 51, Pell trcet, Reading.

"Life i11elllllCl's .

D . F. Oooksey (represcnting Messrs.

. and E. Collicr, Lttl.), G. H. R. Holden,

M.A . , M.D . , T he R ight lI on. G. IV. Palmer, C, B .•. teven .


St. John A ?n0~iJlance Associc!Jtion.

St. J ohn A ?I'&0 nlance Associu,t ion . lUc(licnl S laW,

Miss Floren ce Armitage, M.D. (Brl1x. ), G. S. Abram, B.A . , :tILB., M. W. Coleman, M . D., N. B. Clowes, :tILR. C. S., L . R.C.P., E. L. Cro}Jp, M.R. C. S., L . l~.C.r . , ,V. T. Freeman, M.D., F . R.C . S. , , V. J. Foster, F.l{.C.S., L. M. Guilding, :tIJ.B., G. H. R. H olden, M.A., M.D . , J. B. Hurry, M. A., M.D., G. H. lUnrrdl, M.D . , F . Elliott Meade, M. R . C•. , L.r".c.!' ., E. , V. Rowland, B.A., M.l~ . C. S., L.R . C.P., G. M. Wilcockson, L . R . C. P . & s ., Edin. ANNUAL REPORT. ~urin g the year one first aid and one llursing cIa s haye been held. Twenty-three gamed certificate::>, 6 re-examination vouchers, and 15 medallions. The allllUal competition for the" G. W. Palmer" Challenge Cup was held iu May, ",hell Ji\'e Leams entered. The Cnp was won by the S.E. Railway team. A women's COlli petition was also held, which proved very popular and successful. The ambulance movement in the town is becoming more generally known .

Statement of R ecciZJts and R eceipts. T o Balance in hand . " Subscriptions " Class Fees " Stores sold " Medallions. " Share of Printing R eport (Brigade)


£2 11 11 4 1

19 16 11 16 1

4 0 0 6 6




£32 13

fo?' the yca?' cncl1'l1g SeZJtembe?' 30th, 1906. Expenditw·e. By H ead -quarters ac.£4 3 9 Examination expenses 7 19 3 Stores 116 Medall ions o 10 6 " tores (Local) 5 5 0 " L ectnrer's F ees . 5 13 7 " Printing and Stationery 1 18 2 " Postage and Carriage 1 4. 6 " Hire of Rooms: Centre 1 15 0 " " Brigade 110 " Re-examination fee 016 " Hire of ben tead 010 " Cheque book 068 , , nlltlries 1 11 Jl " BaJance in hand


£32 13



ROCHDALE. ( 'hairlJlau,

l'j'('SiclcJl t,

Colonel Sir Cl'3Il1Cll t 1\1. Roycl!-l, c . B. , n . L. Tl'c:t surer .nul

Aillerman J. R. H eape. Sccl'("aI'Y,


A. 'Y .• haw, Spnrth Honse, Rochdale. ~Icclic:tl


Dr. And ersoll; J. A. Ashcroft, ,V. H. Batcman, \IT. H. Carse, J. Chad,,'iek W. P. GranL, H.. J, Harris, A, Jerlen:lIJll ; ,V. ,J. KelT, S. T. Lord, J. Rodley, and R. Burdett Sellers.

ROTHERHAM. l~l'c : i<lcJLt.

The Right R on . Earl Fitz,villiam,



'[l'(' :lSlU'Cl',

John Gibu ', Th e Old Bank, High, treet, Rothel'ham.

J. Simpson,

SCCl'c t:U' y ,

Cawclor H ouse, Rotbel'bam.

;\I.B., C.M. ,

Uc(licnl S taO',

H.. G. Riddell, lII. B., c .:lI.,

M.B., F.l{.C . •·.:

Eclin , ) E. C. Hulme,

:lLB., CIl.B.,

Viet., J. Simpson,

Edin .

ANNUAL REPORT. DUl'ing the past year foUl' classes have ueen held under the anspices of the Centrc. The'o were wellnttcll( lcd, amI the pen:entage of mem hers who presented tbemseh-e: for ('xamillatioJ] \\'<1. ' highly satifactory. The formation of the Rothel'ham Dinsion of the ' to Johu AllluulalH;e Brigade 1111 ' undoubtedly ·timulatecl lntel'e tin anlbulance work, and there i ' evidence that Lhc coming year will see a large increase in the num bel' or am bulanco pupils.

G. H, R. HOLDEN, Ghai?·man. CHARD, Hon, T 1'easu?·e?·. A. G. SMITll, E on. ScC1'eta?·y.

T. P.


lloJlol'lU'Y SeCl'(·tllrj c:.

1'lIr. and Mrs. A . Bridger, 63, lUount Ararat Hoad, Ricbmond .

Colonel Sparks, Dynevol' Gardens, Church Road, Richmond. F.R.C.S.

J. Williamson, J. 'Williamson,


M.D .

M. D .

Statement oj Receipts and E,1'penditw'e, 1905 -1906. Receipts. Expenclit1t?·e. To Balance in hand . £11 ] 6 3 By Hon. ec. , Postage "Col. Sparks 5s., Mrs. ,. Treasurer, ditto Sparks 5s. , 0 10 0 " Balance in hand " Hon. H. Brodnck 0 10 0 " Mrs. R. A. Smith 0 5 0 " In terest P.O. for 1905 0 5 0 " A. Bridger, Esq. . 0 5 0 . £13 11








6 6 3

£13 11


A. BRIDGER, Don. Secntary. RODT. ,V. Sl'AltKt;, 'l'reasu1·e?·.

tllll Kll'l of WharnclirJ'e.

IIliJ101'1IJ'Y S('CI'ctal';",

lU edical Slaff,

M. Gardiner,



Life iU em b cl's .

W. H. Batemau,

'I ' l'ell" HI'e I' ,

"l' e~ i(l (, Jlj.

RICHMOND. Tl'eaSlU'el',

"T. 1\lartiu,


Hemal'll A. Fit tl!. J\ )'I'>h,lalll )oi('crc lal';",

A. " '. Wumer, I " , York

treet, 'hdlielc1.

A T :rUAL HEPORT. In presenting the twcnty-foUllh alllluul rcport the Coltlmittec 11a"e pleasure in staling that much good wOlk ha!-l becn dOlle by the Shellielll elltre Lluring lhe pltbL year. 'rwcn ty-si~ [in;[ aid cla ·.es IHl. vo becn held as comparecl " 'ith t"ent) -one ill the previous year, alld, ill additioll to these, tho member of thirty-foUl cla, 'es (twell Ly eigh t first aiel and six lllll'Smg), helll in connection ",ith thc hefficlc1 Edncation 'ollllnittee EYolling Continuation 8chool, Itayc had the benef]t of examination by the Ofridal Examiller of the .A~sueiation. The total memuer. hip of the e classe was 26, as comparecl with 035 in the previons year. At the examination . held Oll behal r of the 'ell tral Exceutiye 31 studen t pased the til t examinntioll, 225 Lbe firbt re,exlll1lilllttioll, aUlI ~56 the becolld 01' final re-examination; 10 meda,llion holder~ havc al'o passed the re-examillation, entitling them to the lalJCl issuell hy the Association . 'I'll '0 Hames aLlLle(l to Lho'e of IJreyious year, make a btal of 15,257 passes sinco 1he rOl'J~lU tin;l of the ell tre. All hough the nL10ye is a . uLisfactory record of work dOlle dming the ptl t year, the COll1lllittee feel thal there ib stilll:oom for a vory consillel'l1lile extcnsion of ambulance \York in hefllelcl, 1I101'e espeCially amongst tho large works. They would, therefore, again urge upon all employer of

St. J ohm A ?r~b Ldc&nce Associcd ion.


labour the g reat desirability of encoUl'aging the formation of first aid cla&ses amongst th eir workmen. The following mem bel's of the medical profession have kindly acted as lecturers under the Cen lre during the past year :-Dr. E. ,V. Adams, 1111'. E. Barker Barber, Mr. Sidney F. Barber, Dr. Branson, Dr. Brown, Dr. Godfrey Carter, Dr. Aiken Clark, Mr. Eth elbert H earn, Ml'. J. R. IIill , Mr. , Yo T. D. :Thlalt Dr. J. Miln e (Wiucobauk), Dr. Rooth (Dronfield), Dr. R. W. Inn es -Smith , Dr. J. '~rley allcl Dr. Garrick Wil on. Further classes for the illstl'l1ction of members of the City Police Force. in ~rst aiel have been held during the year, and 34 OfHcers have passed the fir t exam lllatl~n, 125 the first re-examinatioll ann 15 the final r e·examinatio n. Very numerous msta,nces have occurred in which the knowl edge acquircd by the Police in the 'e classes has proved to bp of'the greatest value. The Amlmlance Bri a aL1e form ed i~ Sheffield seyen years ago has continned to do much good work by J11ai~lailling the h1gh standard of efficiency attained to by manya,mbulance Ill en in Shefljeld. The am.bulance c~rrill:ges pro~ided by the City 'Watch COlDmi ttec, and k ept at the Fire Bngade StatIOn m Rockmgham Street, have been much used (luring the past year, and .have proved of t~lC great~st nIne for th~ removal of injure(l persolls to the hospltals .. The Commlttee deslre to convey the]]' best thanks to the Hon. Secretary (Dr. I artln), the lectlll'ers, the class Secretaries and all those who haye by their kind assistance helped forward the work of the Centre.


Statement of Receipts and ExpenditnTejOl' the yecw endinfj Sol'tembe?' 30th, 1906. Receipts. I E~epe nditll1'e. To Anul1dl Subscriptions £1 1:2 o By lhl ance due lo Dank . £0 10 11 " Class Fees " Stores

90 14



6 3

"Examination Fees and Examination Expenses , " Advertising. . , " Printing and Stationery. "Postages . , . " Hire of Room s . " Assistant ee. 's Salary 1IIedallion s and Labels , " Miscellaneous Expenses. " Bank Commission . " Balance in Bank

I" £123



ANNlJAL REPORT. 'Ve have to report a very successful year as r egat'(ls classes, havin u gained 54 first aid anl 11 nlll'f.iing certificates, besides 5 passing the first re-examilH~tion amI 37 thc final for medallions. It is with g1'0at sorrow tbe Oommittee have to place on record the loss through death of oUt' late 11011. Secretary, 111'. D . F. Gril)bon, and also of one of our L ecturers and Hon. Life I1Iembers, Dr. Henry, mith. Mr. D. F. Gribbon was one o( the pioneers of ambulance work in this district and to his uutiringenergies we must give creLlit for the position we hold to-day. Th e certiJicates, vouchers, aud medallions were llreS(::lltetl by :Thlrs. Jallles Roherts, at the Annual Meeting held on 18th Octol)!:'r, 1906.

Statemcnt of Rccei2Jts ailCl E,I]}(mdit1l1'e (01' the yew' ended SClilemuer 30th, 1906. E,ljJcncliture.


To Bala,llec " Class fees ale of Htol'es "" MeLlallions " Bank int'l'cst





6 0 0 0





7 15 4. If.i


19 0 1 12 10

5 2






0 0 0

3fi 0 19 16 4



3 0






0 0 0 0

6 3

JOHK A. B1,;HTOX, ChaIrman. .JOllN 1. DAYlf;ON, T1'CGs1l7·e?·. FRRn. NEWELL, lIon , Sec1·etai'Y.

1 6

3 11 £123

£0 7 13y Stores .J. 1 ., E:m11lillation fees 2 ~ lll cill(·ntals at Il eal1 Ofliee " Ren t of Ambulance box. 0 1 " Printing, ~letlallioJJS, and " 2 4 Po tage ~ 19 P ent of Hoom " l)atien t 0 6 " Balance 11 8



1 2




. I have examined the Cash Account for the yea.r cnued , eptember 30th, 1906, With the Bank Pass Book and Vouchers, and certify the above to be a correc t summary of such Cash Account. GEOnGE FRANKLIN, Oha1'te?'cd Accountant, N ovember 20th, 1906. Sheffi elrl.

Pl'esident. J am es Ro berts.


St. J ohm A 1nb LdcfJnce A,s,socicfJtion.

SHIPLEY. Chait·mun. John A. Burton. Honorary Secretary. F. Je'well, 3, Park Road, Carr L ane, Shipley .

SHREWSBURY. Chall·m:lll.

l'rcs i.<lcn1. The Right Hon. the Earl uf Powi '.

Colonel F. W. Hobinson.

TJ'ca Slu·el'. George Butler Lloyd, Old Bank, hl'elVsbnry.

II OllOral'Y Sccre tal·Y. nrgeon Colonel E. ClU'eton, M.D " 9, College Hill, hrewsbury.

Treasurer. J. 1. Davison, Brad~ord Old Bank, L et, Shipley. Life IUcmbel's. T ', L Bonner, J)LA . , C. M. , i\LB., C. W. Eames, M.D., M.R.a.S., JJ.R . C.l'" F. G. H eard, L.R.C.P:, ~.F,P.S., L.F.P., L.F.S" Messrs. Ross, andUrabtree, Shipley Friendly and Trade SOCleties, GflO. C. Waud.

iU ctliClll StaJf. C. V. Bul ,trode, M.B., E. ,V. 'ooke, )LR.e. '., A. Jack 011, F.R.e.S., J. Lytle, M.D., H. H.ll acleod, F.Il.C.S.E., A. D. Roberts, )1.R.C.8., R. D e ta\\'ell, F.R.C . . , F. ",Vhincup, F.R. C.. . E.

IUecUcnl StatI'. W . T. Ainsworth, M.B. , C.M.,. T. LB onner, M.A., C.M., lILB., C. W. Eames, M.n., l\f.R.C.S. , ,L,R.C .P. , ,V. H. E lhs, J)LR. C. S. , L.S.A" J. Em erson, L.Il.r.p., L.n.c.s., W. Fostel, lILB. , M.A., M,P'.C.S" L.S.A., D.P. II., F. G. Heard, L.n.C.l' . , L,F.P.S ., L.F.P., ~.F.S . , V . Mosley, M. B., CH.B., JJ.S. A., J. F. Selkirk, M.D., J. Shives, M.D. , E. Thomton, M.B., B.A., B.C. , M,R.C S., L. S,A., "'IV. ,Yard-Smith i\f D F n C L,R. C.P. . ., . '. " . ,

The Centre hal? been very active, seven clas es haying been completed during the year and two arc at pr'3sen t being given. The death of Oa.ptain :\TpliaJ,n F,reemall Ollr Ohairman, has left", great blank; but we are fortunate III obtmulllg III Ins place Colonel F. 'V. RobinsolJ. '1'he local Dramatic ociety gave the l)l'oeeeds of a perrormance amounting to £1 towards the funrls of the Centre, ,which y,:as ,grate fully acknowledged by the Uommittee ; the great help which the medI cal stafr atIord to the Oentre is also very much appreciated.




St. J ohn A rnlYL~lance Association.

St. J ohn A mb'L~lCinCe Association. Statement of

Statement of Receipts and Ea'penditw'c jo?' the yea?' ending 30th SelJtembcl', 1906 . Receipts. T o Balance in haud Oct. 1st, 1905 " Snb::criptions and Dons . . " Shr opshire HOl'ticlll tl1l'i\l Society, Grant " D ramatic Society " Proceeds of Con~ert I I Fees, L adics Clas,' Nursing Class " " County Conneil for " "Constables attending Classes . " Shrewsbury T own Council

Expendit~t1'e .

11 H

5 5

10 10 18 0 o 15 4 15 3 10

0 0 6 6 0



o £52

0 15

0 0

£7 9 By Stores " Examination :Fces and 12 Expenses . II Purcha e of Presell:s for 3 3 Lecturer " Printing, Advcrtising, and 3 4. Postages . . 0 5 " Hire of Room ror Mceting II Shrew bury Nursing Div. 10 0 S.J .A.B. 0 7 undries "" Balance in hand, Sept. 30th, 19 17 1906

0 3 0


9 0


and Bcilance Sheet Receipts. Cush ill hand, Oct. I, 190;) £2 10 2 20 6 0 Dons. and l'l1hscriptiol1s 5 0 0 Li rc .JIem bc!' Class fees, sulc of' l)ook~, !i3 16 G medall iOlls ] 9 12 11 Entertainments 0 7 Can1 collC'ct iOllS <) .j

0 3

,CI07 1

fo1' year ending September 30th., 1906. Expendit1.I'f'e. By Hcad-quartcrs. . £7 5 6 " Examillations, hooks al'u matcrial ror classes, etc. 56 13 1 I I Efluipment, three stretcher depots . . 10 17 6 " Lieut. Spackman, postage 0 10 0 anu expenses . 7 II Adverti,>ing, jlrinting, etc. 13 14 6 3 8 " I ncirlentals ancnt classes 12 14 3 II Cash llalance in hand .









Eu l(/)/('{' Sheet. £52

8 10

8 10


£5 13 12 11

Books ill hallcl Cash ill 11:11111





Nil. 13ala11(,o Cr.




COLiutel'signccl, GEO. E. T'w L'f.; , Ilon. Sec1·elct1·Y.

CcrtifkfI rOl'l'cct,

C. F. II. ]31<: Ulll :\((llm, Ll. -Col.,


( 'h a il·m a n.

H.R. H. the Princess Louise, Duchoss of Argyll. 1.'1·c a surcr.

11011. Trcaslu·c,·. 1':X::lIl1inl'll unc1 fOllnd corrcct, G. V. Is ,\.l'KE, Capt .• 'rho 'ol111<lnght Ran£:er.- .



C'llCti,"wn {!f Committee.

Colouel E. nalJce, n.L. JlOJl Ol':ll'Y

L t .- Col. C. F . H. Beardmore, Aston H ouse, Netley.

£107 18


Exarninell and fonnd correct, A. E. COOPEIt, lnc01'1Jomted Acc01tntant and .1udito?'.

Shrewsbury, OctobeT 13th, 1906.

To " " "



Sccrctary .

Lt.-Col. G. E. Twis,', IL _\"M.C., N etley Clifl', etley .


Life lUember, .

Miss E. A. T wiss, Lt. ·Col. G. E. Twiss, A. B. , Vade.

l'I'(':-id Cll t.

( 'hail·ulall.

H. Cosmo Orllle Bonsor.

Eo C. Cox. . CCl· et :U'y.

II OllOl' !ll'Y

lUe tlieal Staff.

T. Gillespie, M.B., B.OH., A. Graham: L.n.c.l'., L.R,C.fo;., C. R. IIolYard, )1.1)., R. E. Lauder, F.R.C. S. , Edin ., D. Lawsoll, M.n.C.S., L.n.c.l'., 'IV . McCallill, )I.ll., B. eH., , V. P. PUl'vis, iII.D., )1.s . , M. A. HYUllC, )I.D., C. H. ~ttUllllcl's, ;\l.D., };.(m., B. N . Tebbs, M. D . , B.C . , G. E . Twiss, lI1.R.C.P.I., F . Il.C.S.I. ANNUAL ImpORT. D uring the year 17 classes were held whicl\ were attemlelll)y 351 pupils of WhOIll 263 obtained certificates, 22 re-examination vouchers and 22 medallion s, toLal 307. Entertainments :- .~ November 1905, Two amllulance llispla.,)'s aL Yictoria Skating Rink, Southampton; * FelJrllal'Y 1906, Concert and amuulallco t1isplay at St. John's l\Iission Hall, SOllthampton; February, 1906, Dramatic l'errOl'lllanCC aL Jubilee Hall, Netley; * April, 1906, Concert at Schoolroom, Ramble; * May, 1906, "The Goose Girl" at Philharmonic Hall, I outhamlJtoJl ; *Sel'tcnl bor, 1906, Concert and ambulanco display at St. John's 11ission Hall, Southampton. Presentation of certificates, etc., at ontertainments marked" lI'ere made by tho Countess of Hardwicke, Lady Emma Crichton, Col. E. Bance, V.D., D.L., .J.P., and by Lieut.-Col. Twiss, at the Corporation W orkl'nen's Dinner by W. J. l\Iiles, Esq., and to the "Mercury" /Joys by Captain Hoare. Ambulance material has been suppliod as follows :-first aid box at Corporation ,Vharf by the Corporation, Southam p ton . Stretcher Depots, oach consisting of a strctcher and surgical haVl'E'sac, at vVoolston, N etley, and H amble, through card collections marle hy larlief';, and a stl'etcller was presonted to the boys of St. J ohu's Mission by Lieut. -Col. T wiss.

E. A. Richards, Office of upt. of Liuo, ".E.&C.ll., London Bridgo



llccli(,:ll StnO'.

, R Ale"::tllcle1' '[ D . :\[ II ~r n (' N L S.A., M. Coateg, M.D., F.R.C.S. L. . A., .'- l. , ..' . T F . II. Col-o , )I.H .C.S., L.n.C.l'., R. .T. Dll!k, )I.B., (·U.B., Edll1 ., "\,. R. Etche, :\r.n., 1I.n.0. s ., I,.n.C.p., D.1'.H., E. C. F ellllulhe, L.ll. '.P., L.ll. C,;'", L.)1., G. H. Hacklley, :ll.ll.C.S" L.ll.C.I'" J. lla1llilLoll, L.n.C.l'., L.n.C . . , J . h. ~Iohnes, )LB., C.)L, A. It. Honchley I,.ILC.I'" 1,. n.C.::;., L.t'.!'.H., 1,.;\1., F. B . Je!fel'l ', M.n.C. '., L.ILC.P., .J: "\\T LillillrttO~l l~.Jl ',s., ;lr.H,t'.~., L.n.C.I'., J. T . McArthur, L. J:,.C.r., L.R.C.s., L.~? l'.: .. , H.. °D. ~lLlir, )l.D., M.ll.t'.H ., 1,,11,(;.1'., C. K :M llrphy, L.n.c.p.I. L.)I., I I ' l . C P Olil'er )LI) :lLTl. :\r.R.U.~., L.R.C.P., 1,.S . .\.., D.P.H., C. E. L 1, (' 0 T \'17 Paterson, :'Il.D . , \I.B., C.:\l., J. R. Rohcrt, lIr.A.,. LB., B.C., ': , ' atson, ;)I.A., ~l D., B.C .. ll.A., F.H.C .•. , lIL1\.C.,·., L.ll-C.P., J. H. 1:o11and, ;I!.R.C.~., L.S.A. ~..


c' • <' • • ,



. ,










.A JNUAL REPORT. Allhotl"h tho rormn,tion of this C~ntre II'a authorised. in May, 190.5, it was not until OcL~bel' thaL Lho various IlcLaih 1I'0ro got into \\'orkl1lg onlo!·. lllCO tbe latter elato over 700 ea.lIllic111,tm; lw.\'o qualified for corlilictltcs, 1ll01Iallioll '. or label , ~nd thoro is el'cry prospoct of t.hc oOlHillg.s~asoll !lrol'illg Ol'l'll m01:0 sncccssl,nl. Tile pl'lzes oll'orell by Lhc Dil'ccto!':; for COlllpctlLlOll are most ,kot'llly lough! fot, DO lcss~l~n.ll 10 tea,lll>; eOlllp~tillrt 011 tho lasL oe .t'ioll. I n man IS allo\\'Oll Lo en.lor [1, compelttlOl1 ll11less Iio luts jl.\sseJ au exa.lllill:llioll ror eortilica.te, I oueher, .moda,lllOll, 0.1' label, not lcss than lll'ol,'o months prel'iolls1y. This ensures Illell belllg re ,examlllecl yearly, and is u. slep iu the righL direction.


St. J Oh1u A l1ub~/..Jlcllnce AS8ocintion.

St. J ohn A 1nbnlance AssociCfJtion.

S tatement of Receipts ancl Expenclitu1'e, 1905-1906. Eo~penclit'l.b1'e . Receipts. £5 3 9 By Head OfJice-

SOUTHPORT. )·l·csiclcut.

Chairm all.

Rev. O. T. Porter,

The Earl of Lathom .

llo110l'ary Sccr c tal'Y :llul

T o Dalance Fees " Storcs " l\lcdallions "" • 'u bscl'i ptions

D . n ., T,r,. n.

Tl'C:I SlIl' Cl·.

J . E. Willett, 3, Park Road,


27 19 7 17 0 6 10 0

6 4 0 0

JU c clic al S taff.

F . J. Baildon, M.n., C.lIf . , S . M. BrolVn, M.D., ilI.ll.C . S., L.n. C.]'., T . B. Oall ard, L . R.C.S., A. E. Cox, M.n., C. ilL, S. B. FenD, L . n . C. p . , L.R.C.S . , L.F.r.S.G. , A. W . Hare, ilLn., clI.n ., IV . Maule, M.n., C.M., L.Jt.C.S., G. R. Penrose, M.D., F.R. C.S . I., J. Wilshaw, )f.B., crr.R., D.P.H., J. Forrester 'Wood, F.n. C.s . ! L.R.C.P. A

Expenditun. £1 6 14

6 4fi




By Ohief Office for stores etc. £H 4. " E xaminer's [ees, etc. ' , 6 14 " Balance in ban Ie 0 17

£21 15 11 Southport,

£2·1 19


£9 6 8y • 'torcs in Stock " Balance in hands of Tl'eas. L,) 12


£24 19





9 2


and T,.cas .

W. H. Gibson.

) ,lIcl k" ( 'la ... ~


SC('l'e t a l' ~.

Mi . sA. ,Yhiteley.

Pl'csl<lc ut. Jas. Readhead.

l ' I·CI\I;lI l'f' 1'.

\Y. Burnley, Halifax .Joint

tock Dank.

,l .. .,i .. t:m t Sc(')·e ta ry. LC"'i~

II, Olay,

1 , "lIma 'tr et,


o"erllY Bridge.

"l nclit o r .

'\'. GauhOllgcl', u, nlontague SO"'erhy Dridgc.


;1Ic 411cl\l S t a tI'o

'Y. TJ.· C:1 . l11'CI'.

F. Thirlwell, N. E. Bank, • outll Shiclds. UOllOl'al'Y SCCl'C1al'ic .. .

James Page.



U OllOl'ar y i'iccl'ct al';r .

J . R. Crease.


£51 11

F. Wilcock, 25. Jicholls Terracc, Tnel Lane, I 'owcrby 13riclgc.

Ch ait'lll an.


Rxaillined all!l certificd, TllO)'IAS A. Ih)lJ{ii, lIon. A~lclitOf·. Fit \XK TnIllT.WJ;LI,. lIon. T,·cosw·e?·. Ell 'EST D. NEI SO"", ~r.l .• TJon. SeCl'etcuy.


C. T.

Octobe?' 1st, 1906.

8 19 0 7 lfi 12


£24 19

£21 15 11 PORTER, Chairman. JOlIN E. ,VnLETT, Hon. Sec.

7 11 1 2 0 6 0 1 17 0


£51 11

Liabilities. '1'0 . 'urpl11~

Statement of Receipts and Expenclitw'e to Septembe1' 30th, 1906. Receipts.


tores Fees Medallions " Advert. and Printing Rent of Rooms anel Olass " Expenses • 'uudries and Postages " Balance in hand "


Dlll'ing the year the usual classes have bpen held in first aid anel nursinu for women ~llJ(le~' the auspices of the Local Education Aut.h?rity, and for men, chiefly in conuectIOn With those who belong, to or are about to, Jom the Bricrade and mcmbers of the ,y orking Lads' Oln bs. b ,

'f o Balance from last accoun t " Fees for classes " Sale of stores, etc.


E. B. Nelson, M. A., Seamcn's I nstitute, Mill Dam, South Shield.s. ltIc clic al S taff.

J' R. 9rease, F.r.. c.s., . L. n . C.p., Edin., J. R. Crcase, Junl'., LR. '.1'., Euin., 1 H. Gouchc, c. M., iII.D., Edlll ., 'YV . Gowans, M. D., J . H. II un t er, M. D., J . .1.1111 ace1ona1.u, C.M., :IILB., Eclin., J. 111 . Martin, ('.:IIL, :IIr.B. j


I~ presenting the twenty.-second annual report the Oommittee have pleasure in statwg tha~ the work of tlllS Oentre is being carried Oll with unabated iutercst and zeal. DUl'lng .the year 8 classes have been helcl, with an aggregate number of 162 students, ?i whom .only 9 failed to satisfy the examiners. '1'he Oommittee a lso have pleasure III r~cor(h.ng that dlll'ing this year Mrs. J, Roucrtson Creasc has, with the approval of ~lS ~r.aJesty the King, received the decoration of, and heen cnrolled as, an H01~. SerVill€? ~istel' of the Order of the Hospital o[ St. Joim of Jernsalcm in England, III recogmtIon of her services to the ambulance cause.

Perrin Drown, IC.n.!.'."., L.1l.C.1'.


Y. Fry.

A IN AL REPORT. In prl'senlillg thr annual report the Oom11li~tee are a~aill pleasell to rcconl that [1,. larlfe alllollllt of gooll "'01']- has hcCll accomplIshed c1ul'lng the year. The work 01 th; 'Cllt 1'0 lHl.' pro!!rcssed yery fltyonrably, iuterest in th e \\'ork has been maintained, t1ll'ltlte outlook [or next sc sion is also favourable. Dnring the year bro classes havc becn fOl'mcLl for illslnwtion-one for females (ill home nUl' ing) conclndell hy Dr. W. P. Browll, anLl one for l1':1.1es (in lir t aid) cOllducted by Dr. P. Y. Fry. The eh ... os have been VelY succcssful, for \\'hich grcat crctliL is duc to the illSt1'l1CtOl'. amI to thc student for the intercst they have taken in their shlllie . Sixtcen fCl;l[1,les joine(l for the first year, 10 for the second year, and 9 for the thinl year, total 35. Eleven malc joined [or the fir ·t yoar, 6 for the secoll!l year, 14 for the third. y('ar, and 1 for the fOUl th YCllr, total 32. Twcnty-ninc females llnd 32 males 111csellLccl them elvcs for examination. All passeLl. the examiner hiCfhly COlllp1imel1Lillg Lhe classes on their eflieieney. 'The ambulallce carringc has been u ed nineteen Limes since the 1st of .lItrlreh, 190f-. Ll1llenls havc rendcred very valuablc a sislanee in altel1!liu(r to illjnries varying in naturc, sll!'h as fraetmetl1t'g', fractured thirrh ev(:rc hlecclincrb case' and the dislocation of an elbow. They h::l,\'e al'o assistCll b , b ' I 0 . . 1 in the relll0val of acciLlent ca es allll in\'alicl~. One case t IC 011muttee WI> 1 to makc special mention of, \"hcre ,L lad of 'o nl(' ten years of age had the misfortulle to fnll into the canal, neal' Loek Hill .Thlill. P.C. Mapplebeck, who was on tlnty III



St. John Ambulance Association. St. J ohn A rmb1tZc!Jnce Associc!Jtion. lUcdlClll Staff.

Wharf Street, hearing the shout, at once ran to the place, and (with assistance) was successful in rcaehing the lad, who was to all appearance dead-rigid, cold, and white. ,Yith commendab le zeal, hOlYe"e1', the constable determined to resort to artificial re. piration, aud alter some COIl iderable eITol't the boy showcd ::;igns of animation. By steadily perscvering in this task he had the satisraclion of seeing the lad fully recover his breathing powers. He was taken home, and immetliately afterwarns Dr. Adams was c:tllccl ill, \\'ho saill the lad undonbtedly owed his life to the praiseworthy cfi'orls of the police·oIllce!'. The Committee aga,in desire to express their gratitucle to the mcdical staff-Dr. Brown amI Dr. Fry-for their continued devotion and yall1aule services in instrucling the students. 'Vithollt their assistance certificates and medallions could not have been obtained . During the year the Committee 11al'e suffered the loss of Mr. Tolley as Secretary to the A~sociatioll . It was with great reluctance that they ac;cepted his resignation. He has rendered very nlllabJe as istflnce lIming a period of fhe years ill that office. We hope that though he has retired from active senice hc willl10t 10 e his interest in the am bnlallce w ork. The students and ufficers desired to show their apprcciation of his cffol ts by prc. euting to him a gold mounte(l walkilJg- tick, suital.dy inscriueel. Dl1l'ing the year we are plea ed to say a nursing corps and an ambulance brigalle have been formed and duly regi .. teret1, and we hope they will give a great stil1ltllus to the amuulallce cause in Sowerby Bridge. In conclusion, the Committee beg to tender their thanks to all subscribers and friend who have in any way helpet1 011 the work, a11el hope that the future classes may be as successful as those of the past.

Vol. B. Bale, !\I. It-C.S., L.n.c.p., H. E . Bellamy, L.n.c.p, JJ.lt.C.S., Edin., L.M., L.F.P.& '. , Glas., F. Cant, M.R.C.S., I..Jt.C.P., Lond ., J . B. Chadwick, L.R. C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.F.P.S., Glas., L. M. F. Christian, M.B.C.JlL, Edin . , G. H. Darwin, M.D., St. And., F.R.O.I'., Edin., L.F.P.i'., Glas., H. J. Dickey, l\LB., B.S., J. J . Kent Fairclough , M.D., M.S., K.Q.C.P.I., Jl1.1'.oC.8., H. P. Ildel'ton, L.R.C.P., Edin., L.R.C.S., Ellin., F. ,Yo Jordan, M.D. , Durh., L.n.C.p., Lond., l\l.R.C .. ., JJ.8.A" R. A. Murray, M.n., Edin., M.n., M.S., E. Rayner, B.A., ;lCD., Lond. , M.B " F.R.C.S., L.S.A., H. G. Smeeth, M.D., JlI.B, B.S., T. H anson Smith, :\l.D., Durh., JJ.Jt.c.P., Edin., L.ILC.S. , Euin., D.l'.}!., Camb., J. ,Yortbington, L.n.c.p., Edin. , L.R.C.S., Edin., L.F.P.S., Glas.

Stctte?l1ent of ReCe1)Jts and Errpenclit1l1'e, Session 190G-1906.

Statement of Receipts and E'J'Pencliture to 30th September, 1906.




£47 12

IBy Postage, etc. o "S J.A.A.

£0 3 10 11 15 8 4 :1 9 3~ " Printing 6 Messrs. B. Mallinson & Sons 0 7 6 " Hire of Eoom 517 0 0 "" Boys acting as patients o 15 0 0 Caretakers 0 5 0 " Secretary 1 17 7 " Balance at Bank 21 12 3 6 " in Secretary's hands o 15 8~ ') 9 " 0 3


£47 12

,V. E.

The work of the Centre has ueen well sustaine(l during the year and the results of the examinations have been satisfactory. Ou 22nd Oetol)Cr, 1906, a Public Meeting was held in the Police Pa-raue Room which was very well attended. Th e Chair was. taken by MI'. A. E. Fern, J. P., (Chairman of the Centre) who ,vas supported by Inspector-General Belgrave Ninnis, M.D., the Mayor, Alderman George N clstrop, and many otllel's, and about 150 certificates, vouchers and medallions were presentcu by the Mayoress (Mrs. Nelstrop) to successful canuit1ates in the St. John Ambulal~ce examinations from the Evening Continuation choo1s anu members of the Pohce Force. During the evening illustrations of treatment in first aid were given by member. of the Police Force.




To Cash in hand £21 11 Interest 0 2 " In Secretary's hands 1 11 .Annual Subscriptions 11 1 " Alderman J. F. Cifty, C.C. " for Medallions 2 6 Students' Fees 6 10 "I, Foul' Students' Silver Medallions, 5/6 extra, 1 3 and Silver Label, 1/6 Books and Goods sold 2 15 ", Donations 011


£73 1

To Fees for Cia ses " Iedul1iolls " Mab'>rial. old " BRuk illtel'e t


4 1

0 3

6 0 0 1



P1·csident. WltI. BURNLEY, T1·casIWCI'. FRANK WILCOCK, Don. Sec1'eta1'Y.

By Balance Medallions " ?Iaterial bought " Advertising, &c.. " Bank interest " Central Offiee-" Examiner's fees and inciden tal expenses for year end ing 30th Sept., 1905 . Printing and tationery " Clerk's services "., Postage, &c. Balance




£4 15 8 1 4 0 o 15 5 o 17 6 026

10 15 7 4 2 0 1 7



0 0 0 9 9






Auditecl and found correct, l\'Larch 15 th, 1906, WlII. GAUKP,ODGErr.





I have examined the above accounts a.ml the vouchers relating thereto, and haye found the same correct. , V. CITALONER, Chm'lercd Accountant. Stockport, 231'cl Cctobe1', 1906.

STOCKPORT. Pt·csi<lcnt.


The Right Ron. the Earl Egerton of Tatton. '.fl·C:UJ nrc I' .

H. Bell, D.L.


A. K Ferns. UonOl'<ll'Y SCCt·c ' H)·Y.

A. Briggc;,

36, St. Poler's Gate, Stockport.




Th e Righ t Hon. the Vi ~coun t Cobham .

'.fl'~ll lU'Cl',

R. Lo wncle ,Enville treet t tourbridge.

HOnOl'1l ry Sccrc' IlI'Y.

Life JUclllbeJ's.

The Right HOIl. the E ad Egerton of Talton, II. .A. H. Sykes, D. L.



D. L.,

A. E. Ferlls,

R. G. Farqnhar, Burley Cottage,

tourbridge, L


St. J ohn



St. John A ?nb'l~lance Association.

A JNUAL REPORT. Durino' the year one clas fOl'lnen on first aid was held at Enville. Dr. H. H. R . Olarke g~ve a course of lectures n,t the Ohurch Schools, Enville. Twenty-two men entered and nine passed, three for the first time and six for the econd time. Examiner, Dr. L. A. Taylor. At the la t Annua,l reeting an ambulance di play took place under the direction of Dr. Kirkptttrick. The local Committee again acknowledge with thanks the help it has recei"ed toward d efraying the cost of the classes, and to the Urban District Oouncil for granting the free use of the Oorn Exchange for the Annual Meeting.


ANNUAL REPORT. Nothing of. special in tere.st has occulTcd during tllC year. Three classes have been held,. one. ladles home n11l'smg by Dr. 'tamm, 24 attended; 7 caUllidates entered for exallunatlOl1 ancl n.11 passerl; Dr. Swayne examiner. Oue ladies first aid class by DI:- Poeoc:{, 1.0 a~tended the c01:1'Se; 8 ca,~didatesentered for examination, aU passed; DI. PotteI, exannner. One ladlCs first aId elass by Dr. nr. Ooates, 19 attended the comse; 9 entCled for examination, 6 passed; Dr. Oarvell, examiner.

Statcmcnt of Accounts faT thc yea?' encling Septembm' 30th, 1906 .

SUNDERLAND. I» I'e .. i d ell t.

(;ba i r l llRll.

J. G. A(ldisrm.

1. G. Modlin,


JIolioral'y Secretary.

T'·('HSlu·e r .

II. , . IIanisrm, 7, The ,Yeo tlaucb,

T. J. French, 12. Dale Terrace, lTul \\'ell, underland.

11l1clurlalld. Li I'c J11'1II11c1'S.

11.. E. Be\'erillge, :\1 .n.

1. G. illoulin,





E. HcYcrillgc, 2\f.n., c.)~., J. Ohalmers, )1.n., C.)f., ·W. Hay, )L13., c.)1., J. llhLltllcmass: '1.D., 1. G. Modllll , :11.])., G. B. :Jlorgn.I1, jl1nJ'. :11. B., n.Ull., S. Raw, M.D., O. F. T odd. :11.13., 13.:-;, II. K Wallace, M.ll., c.~r., J. B. 'Vaters, M.D., Bertha M. W cbb, :l1.D.

Audited and found correct,

A. J.


Acting Manager, London Oity and Midland Bank, Ltd.

Janua?'Y 28th, 1907.

STREATHAM. Tl'ca n rcI'.

P i·C. idcn t .

H . R.H . 1'he Duchess of Albany.

Insp.-General Belgrave Ninnis, M.D., Brockenhurst, treathalll, S.,V.

llon o)'nry Secre tary.

Mrs. E. Ooates, Vancouver, Mitcham Lane, StreaLham,

. ,V.

.uc(li cal St.a ff.

M. Ooates, M.D., F.R.C.S., L ... A., R.N., A. G. O. Pocock, L. E. Stamm, M.D., B.A., B.SC., M. P,.C.S. , L . R.C.P.

M.n., L.n.c.p., M.R.C.S.


L.S. A.,

Statement of Accounts, 1906.

£71 19


Receipts. T o Balance( su bseq uen tl y transferred) credited to Oentre £7 11 1 "Oash received by Mrs. Bland, Jate Hon. Sec. . 11 19 10 £19 10 11

B-:tlance Sheet, 1905-6. E CC(!,ilJtS. EJ.'penditul'c. To Balance in hand, May, 190:)By Exam. Fees, Head,cll's. , £15 At bank . £:2 1 account 8 ' 'nh:criptions 10 16 0 ., tore', books, &c." ,'tores, hook,. &c. 1 IIel1d-qual'tel's account 17 0 li " Class Fees 27 5 0 6 " Incid ental expcnses Amlia Lion l?ce--CastlcOlass expcnse. . 5 " Pri II ti ng, 'lationery, &c. " town. 0 5 0 4 " Anuua11lIeeting expenses 2 ~ 16 Bo"l 'om petition O~ " ~Ieuallions o 18 0 " Bowl Competition . 8 " " "ecretary's expenses and " postages 2 Medallions 0 " Oa h at bank £1 19 11 in hand 5 13 10

By Cash paid to Oentral Office £14 5 " Mrs. Ooates, petty cash dishursements 0 3 ., Balaneeatthebankinravour of Oentre . 5 2


7 0

£19 10 11

I certify the above to be a true abstract of the bankers account of the above fund "3.S t aken by me, Oct. 1st, 190 6. ' E. OOATES, Han. S ec1·etaTY . Mrs. Ooat es Local H on. Secretary, volunteered to take over the d uties in March, 1906.


19 10 11 0



0 5



15 5


15 18


7 13 £71 19

2 0

9 2~

WM. DAYIDsox. Han. Audita?·. II. . ILuumlOx, Han. Treas1l1·er.

AN JUAL REPORT. T~le Committee b::n~e pleasure iu presenting its allnual rellOlt of the work done durmg the past seSSlOU by the Sunderland Centre. The Oommittee regrets that there has been a slight falling off ill the number of students examined. It must not, 11Owever, be forgotten that several attend the cIa es who do not sit for the examinations. This is to be regretted, as credit is only given for those examined . Alt~gethel', 248 students ,"ere examined this year. Of these, 144 obtained first year cer~lfieates, 48 second year vonehers and 36 medallions. Probably owing to the eXCItement of tbe General Election, the number of teams entered [or the Addison Oh allenge Oompetition was much fewer than usual. The Final Tie was held in t h e Large Hall of the Y.M. O.A., kinuly lent by the Oommittee, a large number of

St. J ohn A rnb'L&lance i1ssocic&tion.


S t. J ohn A rnbu lG&nce Association.

spectators being present. Drs. Gray and , Vall , of W est H artlepool, s,?ted as ju~ges, and put the t eams t hrough a most exhaustive test. Th e. Comnuttee cordIally cODcyratulate!? Messrs. Doxfol'd's t eam on winning the Bowl t hIS year, and trnsts that thisb result may stim ulate interest 011 the par t of other employers o.f labour~ and may encourage the formation of classes at their works. The Comnllttee desl.r~ to t hank the medical gentlemen who have conducted the classes. and the competttton, the H OD . Auditor (.Mr . W . Davidson, Junt'.), all who have lundly lent rooms, the subscribers, and the local press for their ready assistance.

AN N UAL REPORT. During the year two classes have been held, a nursing class for women and a first aid.. class for men, both being well attended. T he result of t he examination was very satIsfactory. A good number of candidates were examined for the first time and also for the second time and passed successfully.

Statement of Receipts and EX1Je1ulit'U1'e, 1905-1906. Receipts. E.;Jpendit1£re. To Books Sold " i::lnbscril'tions

£0 2 3 19

0 0



By Examiner's fees and Trll,velling expenses " I ncidental expenses " Postage and Stamps

SWINTON. Pl'csi<lcllt, Cllnil'UlIlll nnd Tl'Ca S1U·Cl·.

IIOUOl'llry SCCl'c t;u·y .

l'lI. Daniels, 57, Crossland Street, Swinton.

J. E. H . Drabble, The Bank, Mexborough, Swinton. Lifc U c mbCI',

C. S. Blythman,



£2 17 1 1 0 2

9 0 3




Examined and found correct, STUART ROBER.T

lUc (licnl S ta ll'.

]!'. Harvey, L.n .c.p.

M.R.C.S .


C. E.

WARDELL. Ohai1'1nan ctnd COUPE, lion. Secreta1·Y.


ANNUAL REP ORT. The S"'inton Centre was formed in 1885 since whell a class has been held annually except during the years 1902-3 when owing to Dr. Blythman's illness the, class was not held. A class was held during March 1906 when 40 students at.tendeLl the lectures 20 attended the examination passing satisfactorily . Several aCCldents have occurrecl during the year; signalman L. Henson gained a. gold m~dal for renderincy first aid to a Midland Railway Goods Guard who met wlth an aCCIdent hy having his leg run over and part of his foot crushed.

TONBRIDGE. l"rc. i{lcllt.

J. G. Talbot,

£4 1 1

9 0 3

0 By Rent of Room . "St. John's Gate Stores 4 "Medical Examiners F ees " Incidentals " Printing, Postage, etc. " Medallion " Carriage of Parcels


Ed. Plowright, Glenmount, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells.

D. D.

)(Ollor:U'y . CCl'c tUl'Y.

George E. £0 12 0 3 11 9 1 10 ~ o 10 6 0 68

o o

2 0 0 10


£6 12 11

TJ·c n. 11l'Cl'.

The Rev. Canon Tancock,

Statement of Receipts and ExpenclitU?'e f01' 1906 . ExpenclitM1·e. Receipts. To Subscription Outstanding To Balance .

M. DA~IEL~ , Hon. SeCl"etar!l. J. COLEY, Auditv?".

kinner, Rose Bank, Dry Hill Park, Tonbridge. ;U c tlj ral Sta ff.

IV. Allan Harmer,

L ... A.,

Eyre levers,

L.S. A.,

Ohai1'1nan. T?·easu?·e?·. Eon. Secreta?'Y.

Sccr c Cnl'Y,

Robert E. Coupe, 4, unny Bank, Tibshelf, Alfreton.

TUNBRIDGE WELLS. 1'1'(,8 i d c nt.

Lifc IU e mbcl'. ,

F. Marriott,


l"l'cs hlcnt.

~I c di cal



L.R.C. P.,

Statement of Receipts ancZ E.11Jenclitllrc for ycm' ending September 30th, 1906 . E xpencZitw·e. Receipts. To Balance from] 905 accoullt£4 11 2~ By H. O. for Exam. Expenses £3 8 0 " Redlal1Lls CIa s 3 0 at Redlands . 010 " Po tages 4 10 2~ " Balance in hand

Sir Charles Seely, Bart.

Sir Charles Seely, Bart.

Isaac Newton,

ANNU AL REPORT. One class has been held during the year, viz., at Redlands Asylum, with satisfactory results.


Cltail'mnll all(l Tl'CUSlll·CI·.

B.A., M.D., c.~r.,

M.l:.C . • .

£7 19

Stuart C. Wardell, Doe Hill H ouse, Alfreton .

~.r .


Stuart C. Wardell. S Cnff,

Lond., , V. A. Stamford, ~f.R . C.S . , EJill.

The Most Hon . The Marquis Camden. Trc a . IIrc r.

F. Wa<lham EICl's, Manor Lodge, Tnn bridge W clls.

UOllornl'Y SCCI'CCIll'Y

C. R. Fletcher Lntwidge, handon, Tun bridge Well .


St. J ohn A 1nbnlOlnce Association.


St. J ohn A mbulance Association.

lUcclicnl S.nff.

E. L. Adeney, M.D . , ' Y. O. Ay l ward, lI1.11..O . S., W .Bisshopp, M . D., F . Bisshopp, M.D., O. R. Orawford, M.R. O.S. , J. B. Footner, F.B.O . S . , J . Grace, M . D., T. C. Guthrie, lII.B., O. Lammiman, F.RO. " D. 7l. H. Llewellyn, P . L?w, M.D., F. Manser, F . B. l\lanser, M . D . , G. F. Ol(lham, :il1.J1.C • . , G .. Pardmgton., lII.D., J . PerkinR, :ilI.D., P. Perkins, M . D., E. Ranking, M . D., B. RIX, T .. 0. lhx, IV. Stamford, lIf. D . , E . A. Starling, :ilL D., 'Y. Towllsentl Storrs, O. VIse, l\!. D., G. T rustram

,y a tson,

F. R. C. S.

ANNUAL REPORT. T hree first aid classes have been held in TllnuriLlge ·Wells, one for women, (19 successful candidates), and one for men (7 successful candidates), a~ the Town H all, and one for men, the Rev . Dr. Usher, lecturer, (8 succes [ul candldate~); also two nursinO' classes for women, one in St. Peter's District (8 succcssfnl canchdates), and one at ~tbe Town Hall (20 successful candidates); the results have lleen very satisfactory. Several have been re-examined for the first time, and 34 (principally police) have passed for the medallion. S tatement oj Receipts and EJ.,'penclitlwe f01' the year ending Sez;tembel' 30th, 1906. Rece1pts. Expenditm'e, T o Balance from 1905 £2 13 6 £13 8 4 By JHedallions 2 13 6 Examiner's Fee 5 10 6 " Medallions " Oontributions from classes 13 13 4 "" I nciclental Expenses to do. 2 12 6 2 17 0 tores, Boule , Bandages, etc. G 4 2 " 57 Oantlie's Manual 2 1 0 "" The "Oourier" advertising 1 0 0 " 41 Oosgrave's Manual o 15 0 " The' 'Advertiser" do. 1 0 0 " 30 Illustrated Bandages 0 2 9 " Boys as models . 0 9 0 " Plain and other Bandages II . Ohamher , gratuity, " St. Peter's Olass, Exam . in Nursing 1 11 6 " materials 3 1 5~ .ii. K. Bald win p1'in ting 1 2 0 " R ev. D . Usher's Class Exam. in first aid 1 11 6 " Inr.idental expem;es 0 8 4 "" Balance 14 12 5~

£38 13 11


13 11

Vouchers examined, accounts audited, [lnd ronnel correct. OHA.' . S. , VICKENOEN, Andit01'. F. , VADHAU l~T':lms, Treasurer. C. R. F LRW'HE.ll L UTWll>GE, lion. Sec1·etary.

WAKEFIELD. Pre. B.J en ' . T he Mayor of Wakefield. Tl'e n SIIJ'er .

R. L. Prince, Westfield Grove, WakeficltJ.

JlonoJ'nl'Y SeCl'c tal',l'.

J. Pott, 29, Riug

treet, Wakelleld.

ill ecHcn ) S ta ff.

D. K. Clayton, R oulston,

1II.D., )I.D. , lI-LCH . , J .

Brux., L.B.C . P.E. , L. ll-C.S., G. G. B. Hein, L ... A., ,V. ' V. T homson, :ilLB., C.lIl., Aber., J, W , "Valker, ~Lll.C,S.,

L. R.C . P ,

ANNUAL REPORT. T his Centre has continued to do steady work, and for the winter session three large detached classes have been formed in connection with Ool1ierie in the dilltrict. T he Ammal Meeting was held on 19th October, 1906, under the presidency of the Mayor, who presented medals to the winncrs and the second team., in the "Milton " Ambulance Shield Oompetition . Mr, R. 'IV. Hope Bunt, the local Hon. Sec" owing to business engagements, resigned this position after ten years service. Mr. T, M. H arris, wh o h as been H Oll . Treasurer since the formation of this Oentre, also r esign ed, b ut both th ese gen tlemen will continue to serve on thc Oommittee. Mr, J ames P ott, Solicitor, has been elected H on . Local Secretary, and Mr. R. L . P rince, Barrist er-at-Law, h as been elected H on . Treasurer.


Ba,lance Sheet, October', 1906 . Rece1]Jts. Expenditu1·e. To Balance in bank, 31st Dec., By Dr. Forsyth, fee for Shield 190!i .£18 8 7 Oom ]leti tion £2 2 0 " Examination fees, stores, 0 1 0 " Oheque book . e~c. 6 14 .8 " Head-quarters, exam. fees " Bank in terest 036 amI s toros 10 17 7 0 1 0 " W. Y. Printing 00. )) Beaumont and aville, key~ 0 2 3 " T. P. RolJinson, ad.vertis1 1 0 ing Exp1'ess . . " TV.a,kl'jielclHemld, ad vertiso 16 0 mg . . " Balance in bank, October, 10 5 11 1906


G 9


H. S. T. M. R. 'Y.



President. TnCtsw·er. BUNT, Local lIon. Sec1·eta,1·Y.



WE LLIN GB 0 R0 UGH. l'l' e" lcl c lJ' ;\JI(I

( ' till i !'llian.

T 1'ca . lIr c l'.

Major P. E. Dulley, ][0 11 0 1':\1'),

T. E. Gravely,

ilver 't., Wellingborough. DOlJ o I'nry Assi tant Secr etary . '1'. H. Hilton, omerville, Wellingborough.

secrc tary.

,V. E . .iiudlund, Oxford ._tr'3et, 'IVellingborough.

Jlc clic:l1 .afl. R. T. Anlagh, :\f.n. '.1'., L.n.c.p., W. E. AuLllalld, ~I.R.C . . , L.R.C.P" L ond., H. , Bakel', ~Llt.C.S., L.n.c . p., . T.13axtel', L.n.C.p., H. Burland, :1\1.R.C.8., L,R . O. p., Lond., 'IV. 'Y. Olark, )LD., Etlin., J . Orew, lII.Il.C.S., L. '.A., H. Hollis, M . D . , Oaubb., 'V. l\1ackellzie, L. n.c . p., ELlill.,O, H. O\\'en, L,n.C.p . , W, Robb, lI['B., Gla'3, , ,V. 1. Wut"on, )l.D., Lonr! .

Statement of Receipts (t}ul E.1'Pendt'tu?'C Receipts. , £30 0 0 '1'0 nbs. and DOIlation 2 16 0 'ouu ty on 11ci1 Gra u t " Teclmicnl ommittee llo. 15 0 0 " ale of' , tores 9 14 5 " Ola's Fe 7 2 8 " For Trallsport 15 19 0 " Balance from Football " 4 1 0 match (for Trau 'porL) Balance from Ooncert 5 411 " ate at I ll. pection 1 12 3 " ,V. Lcwiu, for Tea 5 0 0 " 2 2 0 Oamp do. " D ne to Treasurer. 4 6 -1





f01' year ending Septembel' 29th, 1906, Expenditure . ) Dy Balance due to Treasurer. £3 1 5 " tore' and Renewals . 24 o 10 Lecturcr's F()es 21 0 0 " Examiner's Fees 20 10 0 1 9 0 ," Trall port Expenses 9 12 0 " Briga.de Expeu es 10 1 9 " Divisional Expeuses 3 19 0 Oamp Expell es "" Anunal I n pection 9 2 6 4 17 10 Printing, etc. . " nndries, Postage , etc. 211 3 " A ttellllance Prizes 1 11 0 " Iusurance 0 5 0




P. E. D ULLEY, President. T noi\L\.. E. Gp,AVELY, Han, Tr-ea,sm·e?' . ,V. E. A UDLAND, Han. Secreta1·Y. 1' . H . H ILTON, Han. A sistant Sec?·etar'y. A lldited auel fonnd correct, 22nu October, 1906, A. 0, 'l'noMPsoN.




St. J ohn Arnbulance A ssocicition.

St. Joh n A 1nbulance Association.

ANNUAL REPOR'l'. During the year twel vc classes have been h eld, six each for men and women, and as a result 195 certificates have been obtained. During the year a series of lectures by the Hon. Medical Staff have been giveu to holders of S.J. A.A. certificates on the value of a thorough knowledge of first aid anu home nursing, and these have bcen very mnch appreciated by all who attcnded.



Durincr the year five classes havc been held, three for women (two first aid and one nursiug)~ and two for men in first aid . Of those who presented themselves for examination 73 passeu. T wo medallions have been granted. Stcttement of l1ecp,ipts and E irpenditu1'e, 1906.

WESTON-SUPER-MARE. 1 7icC·Pl'csideu f.

)'I'cs idCJl' •

Rev. Prebendary D e Salis.

Rev. Prcbendary Aldridge. TI'eaSlU'el' mHl )(olLol'al'Y Secl'cf:u·y.

llcfliclIl S'lI.r.

H. S. Ballance, M.D., M.R.C.S., C. P. Cronch, M.D., M.R.C. '., G. F. Rossiter, M.B., M.R.C.S., L . . A. , R. Roxbnrgh, M.B., F . RC . S.E. , G. Temple, M.B., C.M. , J. Wallace, A1.B., C.M., B.SC. ANNUAL REPORT. Two classes for women were held during winter, one first aid, one nlll'sing. A class also was held for lIlen in first aid. l\lany certificates were the result of exaru inations, and six medallions.

;" " ,

Statement of Receipts and Expenditw'e, 1905 -1 906. l~eceipts . Expenditu1·c . per Classcs . • £ 15 9 0 By Balance due to Hon. Don. , Y. W.C A., per Treasurer £1 7 3 H on . Sec.. . 1 1 0 " Head Office for Examiner's Part payment of blackfees, books, bandages 10 0 3 board for Y.W.C.A . " Cheqne book and entry book 0 7 0 class, per Bon. Sec.. 0 10 0 " Mate] ial for bandages 0 3 9 Payments for Medallions 0 17 6 " Boys for classes 1 2 4 Subscriptions 1 8 0 " Hire of Room for Clas', Y .M. O.A . 1 1 0 " Black uoard for Y. W. C. A. Class o 13 0 o 17 6 " Metlallions o 10 0 " Station cry, postage, etc. 2 13 5 " Balance in halld .





Audited and fOUlld corl'eCG, 8th September, 1906, C. W.

5 6


YORK. )'J'es iclcll t.

W. H. J alland,

IfOllOl'fll'Y Secl'c' :ll'Y Inlel Tl·cm!Ul'Cr. D . L.

1 1

Expenditttt·e. 1 By Head Office, Stores . £8 7 1 "" Exam. Fees and 3 7 6 0 Travelling Exps. 1 11 6 " " In cidental Exps. 3 16 o " Balance in bank .




Lifc lUClllbel·S.

G. H. Tcmple, ~1.B., C.M . J. ,Y allaee, M.B., C.1I1. , B. SC .

Miss McAdam, 5, Raglan Circns, 'Yeston-sllper-Mare.

To ,

l1eceipts. To Balance in bank . £7 "Fees, Books, Bandages, &c. 10

J. H. Turn er, 17, High Onsegatc, York. ltfcflical S.nff.

W. A. Evelyn, M.D., III.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. , Robert Fen, M.R.C.H., L.R.C.P., H enry Foster, M.RC.S., Noel L. Hoo el , III.D., A. Kempe, S. L ong, III.D., P. Macdonald, M.B., A. vV. Metcalfe, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., A. B. ~ orthcote, U.D., H. W. Reynolds, M.R. C.S. , L.R.C.P. , J. P. Wightman, ;)f.R.C.S., L.RC.P.



"\'17. H. J ALLAND, P1·esiclent. J . H. Tup. TER, Han. Sec. and Treasurer.



St. J ohn A1nbulance Association.

St. J ohn Ambu lance Association.

A UAL REPORT. Th e Committce .of the Adclaide Centre have pleasure in recording that satisfactory progress h as agalll been made. In all 9 cllJ.sses \Yere formed ti first aid and. 3 nursing (i~1clu~in~ one for melllbel:s of the Australian Army 1IIddical Corps) witb a membcl'slnp 01 139 and 67 r espectlvely . The anllual demonstratlOn was held in th~ Exhibition Building on the 22ncl e}1tember under the presidellcy of Ihs Excellency the Governor, and the various items in the programme met ,,,ith the hearLY allproval of a large and representative audience. This Centre again gratefully acknowledges rcceipt of the Governnlent suhsic1y of £50. Th e annual statement of Receipts and Expellllitl1l'(\ shews a credit balance of £162 11s. 3u.

British Dominions beyond the Seas.



PI'C itlcllt.

His Excellency Sir George R. Le Hunte, Chait'llHlU aUfl TrcaSllrCI·.


I'a / rOll. His Excellency 'ir H arry H. Rawson, K. C. B.

K . C. M.G.

llOllOl'aJ'Y SCCI'C Clll'y.

B. Wilkinson, Brookman's Bdgs., Grenfell St., Adelaide.

l'l·c"ill c nt.

Bentley S. Connor, ~ , Santo Bdgs., , iVaymoulh t., Adelaidc.

The lI011. 'ir Frederick Darley, P.C.,

Life lUcmlJcrs .

non. TrCn 'llll·Cl'.

The L ord Brassey, G.C.B., L. YV. Bickle, T . W. Corbin, A. 1II. Siml)SOn, E . W. van Sendell, R. St. lIIark-Daw es, B. Poulton .

C. A. 1\1a'n\,c11, Redfel'll, ' ydlley.

,Yilfrill Docker,


7 7

0 4 12 8 1 1 i1

6 7 2 0 9 0 5 6




Ilcall Otlicc:

21, Ellllitnble Build.ing, George Street, Sydney.

F.C.A .. \.

" "

Donation' aucl Sub 'criptions 26 1 10 Clas' anli Examination " Fees :210 9 3 'ale of Books and tore 50 14 1 " Eautla ges 2~ 10 6 " 'llndl'irs 38 8 () " I ntere t, <wing Bank, " Dec. 31,t, 1905 1 6 0 .~




",. "

"" " " " "


W . B. VIr ILKINSON, Hon. T?·easu?·e?'. . B ENTLEY S. CONNOR, Bon. BeC1'eta?·y. Audlted and found correct, Tnos . PADMAN, Hon. Auditor.

Rent, Telephone, etc. 'ecreta!'}'" 'alary Examinalion Foes Postages, Petty Ca h, auLl All verb iug . Refnud, porting Clnb Bauk Fee' Depo it avingsBk.N. .",Y. III teros t " Co. 11 in Commercial Bank, .J..th cpt. Ca h ill hand

3 £-103


Boles R. Rainsford .

]Jalance 'heet, !J"III' clld iilY .J..Ill Seplambel', 1906. peilclil lll'a. R,]I'c ipts. I By Prin tillg, E.(tationer)" and To ash in bank . £53 10 1 £152 tores . Cash in halld 0 6 7


6 1

::!2 11 1 16 0 10 30 0 1 6

0 0 0 0 0

43 19

1 6






6 9 1 1

40 59 50



7 7 Cash in Savings Bank, £61 6 . Ot!.

Value of Stores on hand, £16.

11th April, 1906.

Sccrctary. P . ~r.o.

Li J'c '(e mtll' I·.,. The Rigbt lIOll. Lord Bra sey, ('.. (. fl ., Tite Right Hon . Earl Carrington, K.G., P.C., G.('.:\u•. , The Hull. "il' Frt'llcl'ick D,u'ley, (•. (' .:\1. G. , i\lajor-General ,'iI Edward T. H. Huttoll, C.11., K.l.lI!.C;., r:l'!Je Right HOIl. Yiscount Hampden, G.(,)I.<1 .. Yi COllnte IJ1l11lpd ell, C. R. '\"a1sh, 1\11'5. Ruter E. Roth, Alban ,ee, Dr. W. R. TOHllinsoo, 'nptaill J. ~l(,l'g('l1, U. D. l\Iitd)ie, b'. A. Boyce, J. Gauard, Captain J. L. Fawkes, M!'s . J. L'. Ellis, :.'Ill'S. R. 13. Tl'ilHlall, :.'Iliss Eadith '\'alk el', Mrs. J. mart, E. R. 1\1oser, ~\I]". G. LllJle-~ll1lljll ', r-I. ~lcNeil, - Hozlett, liss liall, F. A. Bell,)-I. M. Makin Oil.

Statement of Receipts and E xpendituTejO?' the yeo-?' ending 31st llIa1'Ch, 1906. Feceipts. E xpenditw·e. By Annual DemonstrationDisbursements . £20 AdvertisinO' 1 :: Printing b . • • 11 " Lectlll'ers anJ Exam. Fees 33 " Cost of 1\leJalliol1S 9 " Cost of T ext-books 7 " Cost of Ballda~es 3 Cost of DiaO'rams 1 :: Donation to t . J ohu's Gate . 3 " Office Expense;, in cl'ulling Hire of Rooms Postages, Petties, and T elepllOne . 3-1 " BalallcesBank of Adelaide £33 18 o Savings Bk. Deposit 126 15 o " Cash in hand 1 18 3 162

G.C.~r.G .

( 'lI a irUtall.

Licut.-Col. R. E. Roth, D . . 0.,

U OJlol':n'Y _llllli/OJ·.

lUc(Ucal StaCT.

R. Brnmmitt, ~I.R . C . S., L . . A., T. ,V. Corbin, ~I.R.C.R . , L .•. A., . Dunn , :\f.B., C.M., R. MellI. Glynn, L.Jl.C.P ,~ . & L. JlI. , A. Goode, ]\f.B., B... , A. A . IIamiltoll, M.B., CR . B., B.A., J. A. G. HamIlton, lII.B., L.R . C.S., R. Hamilton, L. & L. lI!. , & I<', and Q.C . P., L.Il.O.S . , J. H. Henderson, M.B., C II.~I., H. R. Letchpl', lI!.n., Cll.n., B . Poulton, M.B., OR.B . , lILR.C.S., ]\f.D . , H. A. Powell, M. B., B.;;., C. H. OUld!', JlI.B., OR. M. , J . R. Stevenson, lILB ., CII.ilL

T o Balance brought forward from last year . . £158 4 9 " Anllual DemonstratlOl1I?onations and Sale of 'lIckets 23 10 4 " Class Fees 42 1 6 "Medallions.. 11 5 3 " Sale of Text-books 10 1 6 " Sale of Bandages . 4 4 9 " Sale of Diagrams . 1 0 0 " Arm Badge . . 0 1 0 " l\lember's Snbscription 0 5 0 " Bank Interest . 4 13 6 " Government Subsidy 50 0 0


'Examined and found correct,




Hon. Audito?·.


yclncy, 13th ept. , 1906.

R EUTER E. ROTH, Chainllan. IIAS. A. l\1AXWEJ.L, H Ol1 . 1'I'casw·e?·.






St. J ohn A1nuulance Association.

St. J ohn A'mbulance Association.

Statement of L iabilities ((nd Assets at 4th September, 1906. Assets. Liabilities. Sundry Outstanding Accounts£35 16 Stores on H and (approximate Surplus, after providing for value) . . £40 0 a ll liabilities . 162 10 7 Stores not yet paiu for. 32 8 Fees due by Classes 19 5 Cash in Savings' Bk . N.S. W. 61 6 Cash in Commercial Bank . 43 19 Cash in hand 1 8 £198

13th September, 1906 .





0 8 0 0 1 6 3


ANNUAL REPORT. So ver y marked has been the progress of the work of the Tew outh Wales Centre during the past year that the Executive Committee, in presenting to the members the Sixteenth Annual Report, fee l justified in adding that in their opinion the expansion of first aid knowledge amongst the public will, in the near future, necessitate special efforts bei ng made to place this Oentre as an organization on a permanent footing, with a home of its own, and in connection with that movement they feel sure that the nobility of the cause and aims of the St. John Ambulance Association will commend itself to the pu blic for liberal support. T he year just closed has been a busy and most successful one with this Centre and many encol1l'aging requests for in, trnction have reached the Committee from localities outside Jew South Wales. With increased revenue the Committee have been able to accept reduced fees in many instances, and, as a consequence, the average number of members enrolled in classe has lJeen much larger than hitherto. During the year 53 first aid and home nm ing classes have been held. 'l'his number represents an increa. e of] 6 cIa ses OYer the preceding twelve months. 10] 9 men and women ha,-e attended a full course of iUEtl'Uction in connection with these classes, making a total of 11,242 in trllctcd since the formation of the New , onth Wales Centre. Of the 11n111ber attending the classes dming the past year 725 have gained certificates, 59 re-examination vouchers, alld 42 qualified for the medallion. Most gratifying results ha\'e been accomplished in the dIrection of ell' Branches as will be seen from the following summary:SYD~EY HAltBOUH Tm;:-;T.-The Commis ioners of the Sydney Harbour T rust govern a large body of employees, many ofwhol11 are likely to be called upon at any time to render assistance in cases of accitlent on the water. Wit.h their hearty approval a general meeting of the officers and employee. was held in the ity on the 16th March last, when itwasresoh-ed tofol'll, aBralichoftheAociation. Mentbel's wel'eatonceel11'olled and Lieut. Col. R. E. Roth de1ivereu acolll'·eoffir.taiu lectures to a large class, all the members of which passed the examination held sub equently. D EPAltTMEXT OF \\' ATEP, A~D EWEIUGE.-A Branch has heen firmly established. in connection with th is departmen t, and the 111 em bel'S of the Board HI1l1 Prillcipal Officers are displaying pract.ical interest in the formatioll of new classee. Dr. Stokes, Medical Officer of the D epart!11elJ t, is ~ivillg the instruction. <?RANGE:-The promotion of our work in this town has been enthnsiastically earned on Slllce the holding of a public meeting, and clnsses for civilians and members of ~~e .10cal.Fir.e Brigade are being conducted by Dr. N. R. Howse , V. O. I n the arlJolnmg dlstnct of LucknolV success has also attended t.he effort and large classes are being instructed by Dr. Watson. BLAY~EY . -The formation of this Branch was attended with some difficulty, but the perseveranl;e of some of our certifiented members resulted in the startin a of three classes with Dr. Purchas as the lecturer. b ,\VATSON.S' BAY.- I n a lllarine suburb like Watsons' Bay first aid is valuable, and yoill' C01111mttce were pleased to receive an application to form a Branch there. Over fiO membe rs joined the classes kindly conducted by Dr. Chas. W . Reid Port Health Office r, a nd gratifying results fol lowed itt the recellt examination. ' BATHUP,ST.-Thc ~adies of th is City met in May last a.nd formed a large firl<t aid cl ass . D rs. MachattIe and H urst 11l1dert00k the work of lecturing and examining respectively , with very goou results.


GLADESVILLJ<;. - Dl'. McDouall was approached by the residents of this suburb with a view to arranging an independent course of ambulance lectures. It was however felt advisable immediately aftcr thc lectmes began to qualify for the .As~ociation'~ certificate, and in this Dr. MeDouall kindly conclll'l'ed . The examination of the class ,vas held recently and was most satisfactory. Amongst .the ap~)licatio.ns for classe~ l'ecei~ed, by. the Secre.tary during the year may be men tlOned, 111 partIcular, tho e Irom GIrls Fl'lendly oCleties, 'YV orkin a Girls ' Clubs, thc varions Religious Bodie', Young Men's CluLs, Rifle Associations bpublic School Teachers' A sociations, <Llld 'ehoo18 of Arts. ' Tl~c .Police have .largely .avaiJe~l ~hemselves of the opportunities offered by the ASSOClatlon to acqlllre " Fll'st A III ' knowledge, and your Oommittee is greatly indebted to the I nspector-General of Polil'e (Mr. Thos. Garvill) for the interest he has manifeste(l in om work and encourage'ment given to the Police to join the classes. .A wcll attonded meeting of the Honorary Secretaries of branches and detached classes wa held iu :\f nrch for th e plll'pose of confeniug togethcr as to difticul ties experienred in form ing cla.·:-;es in some of the large subl11'ban llistricts. Alan y valuaule suggestions were m:lde, and it was re 'olved to hold similar gatherings half-yearly. The COlllmittee ofl'cr to the ;\iedi~a1 Stall', the Honorary Secretaries of Branches and Detachecl Glas es, ane1 mem bel's generally their warme t thanl.::s for the asistance gi ven to them in promoting 11 canse which is being uni vel' ally recognised as noble in it character, an(l in the extension of "'hieh snch gooll rc!;ults ha\'e been achieved by the New outh '\Vales Centre during the past year. • I n conelu 'iOll, the Committee desire to rrcol'll their appreciation of the serviees of the eC:'etar)" Mr. Doles R. Raim;fol'll, as they have uo hc itation in stating that the sucees of the year's work, as hewn by the report, is mainly due to his enthusiasm per eycranec ami exertion on behalf of tbe noble work of the As. ociation. '


l'rc itlCllt.

His Excellclll;y "ir Regina1J TullJot, 1(,('.D. His Excellellcy ,'ir John illu(hlell, K.C.M.C:.

J ame Edward


1I0UOI':I1'Y 'l' ['c a ·11l·cr.

( 'hail·Juau.

J . C. Anderson .

Johu Blyth. ~ ce l·c


hll·,}' .

J(OUOl'aI'Y A..ntIHor.

William Hamilton, Head Ollice: 41, •'elborne Cha1llber.·, :Jldbont'lle.

Robert '\\'tLllace,

l".F. LA.

'Lifc JICJlIl> C I·S .

Lally Cltllke, Lord Bra ' ey, G.l '.D., Captain W. F. . Mann, u. N. 'il' Matthcw Da,ies, Dr. llelll'y Uyles Tl1l'ner, The Marque ' of Liulithgow, K.T., G.c.)f.G., G . C. Y.o., Dr. Olivcr Penfold, Hi· Excellency i1' Juhn Mallden, K.lUI.G., eptil11us ~liller, '1'. J . ~r Hridc, J. M. Niall, Captain John Ogilvie, Robert. troud, The Ron. Frank tua1't, John ,\Yarren wanSOll, Hugo Wertheim, ,\Yilliam iddrley, W. '1'. Appleton, Thowas Clark, Da\'id Mill , II. Byron Moore. A NUAL REPORT. The Conncil of the Victoria Centre of the t. John Ambu1anec As,ocic1tion lIas much plea::;ure in presenting the twenty-third annual report to tbe l11embers aHd ubscriber . Dr. Charles August Altmann, Armadule, having delivered foUl' COUl"es of lectlll'es gratuitonsly, has been appointed an Honorary Life Member by the London Head-(luartcr. The ambulance service has done a large amollnt uf useful work during the past year. One thousand five hundred and ninety -six ea,ll were attended to, and fir t aill \\',LS re1ll1erecl in 175 rases prior to the remoyal of the injured to the ho pital. Thc distance tnwellell was abont 12, 69 miles. One hundred and twenty-oue call, could not be attended to, as tho waggoll were out attending to other ca es ; this is not likely to occur again, as your OOllncil has had a third waggon built, fitted up with overy convenience to minimi e the sufferings of

St. J ohn A rnuulO/nce A 8ociution.

St. J ohn A 1nbL~lu./}1Ce A,8ociation.


the injured . The Council again desir~s to i.l11pl:es8 .on tbe lI~inister of Educati?n , the principals of schools, and all elincatlOnal lllstltnt.lOns, the 11l1po~tance of formmg classes and having their pnpils taught what to do Ul case~ of aCClde~l~ and sudden illness until the aid of a medical practitioner can be obtamed. AlJlhLy to render first aid is uudoubtedly an important bn11w11 of knowleclge. The Council wonld also urae the holdincr of classes in connection with lUechauies' Illstitutes, dlOOls of uines Teclll1ic~l Colleaes, Australian Natives' Association, YOUllg Men'll and Wom;n's Associatiou, Gi~'ls' Friendly Societies, and kindred [lss?ciatiolls tl~a t aff~rd special facilities for o~'ganising .and holciillg classes; also III cOllnectlO~ wIth manufacturing C0111pa111es. Dunng the year .there haye been held. 8 JUen sand 11 women's fir -t aid classes, and two nl1l'Slllg (jlasses. 4.:21 pupIls haye been instructed of whom 194. passed their examinations for certificates, anu of whom 19 completed their COUl'lle Jor. m~clalliolls.. Of the ~9, 11 ,~'ere presenteti with medallions at the Annual DlstnuutlOn, by SIl' Samuel GIllott, Ciller Se cretary, on 30lh April 1906. '1'he total number of persons instructed lJY this centre now amounts to 14,750; of these 519 have succesfulJy passed their examinations. New classes have been opened at the Scotch College and the .Chlll'ch. of ~ngland Grammar Sch?ol. T he Council acrain desires to place on record Its contmued mdebteuness to the 1110(hcal gentlelJlen wh~ have SU generously given their time and labour to the illstl'U~tion of classes ill JUelboume aIHl suburbs, and throughout the State; to tbe ladles amI gentlemen who have so willingly undertaken tlIe dulies of honorary secretary, alld to whom the succe-s of the Sub-Centres has bec,n Illainly due; ullCl to the Pl'el;S, for the courteons manuel' in which they have opened their columns when requested to make public the philanthropic efforts and work of the Asso~iation , and to other I.IUJ:1Crous friends who have in many ways helpecl to further the III terests of the ASSO(,IallOll. The annual distribution of the medallions and certificates a'mrcled to tho e who passed the necessary eXEl:minations during the pa .t year took 'place in th~. ~lelboUl'!le T own Hall, on the evemng of Monday, 30th ApI'll, 1906. II' amuel GIll.ott, Olnef Secretary of the tate of YictOlia, made the presentations. The Arm,)' ~le(hcal Corps, under lIIajor Home, 111. D., formed a guard to receive the Chief, ecretary. MI'. J. Blyth, Chairman of Council, presided. The collection 'HIS mude by members of the Army 1IIedical Corps, and amounted to £9 17s. 3d. "First Ai(l" 10 the injurcd was illustrated by the pupils of the Association, a.nd prizes were a,ral'dcd .

To " " " :, " " "

Statement oj Eeeeipts ancZ E.cpcnclilu )'c, 1905-1906 . Receipts. E;)7JClldilU1'C. £193 19 0 By Office Fumiture

DOl1ations 124 11 Class Fees 57 13 Stores sold 1 7 Badges sold Medallion Fees 11 2 Annual Demonstration 12 3 Ambulance Service 652 18 Ba.lance forward . 160 0

£1213 15

8 6 0 0 4 3 6

£7 Printing alld Stationery 20 3 Examiners' Fees ] 00 Secretary . 17 Rent Office Boy Postages 7 Petty Cash 8 TelepllOne 2 Stores and Medallions 74. Special Examillation . 20 AllnualDemonstratioll.1905 3 1906 25 " " 72:2 "" Ambulance-Transport " BalauceColonial Bank 14.5 1 Less unpresenLed Cheque No. 502/4 £9 9 0 and Ko. 120 513 £ 15 15 3

, " " " " " " " " " "


Audited and found cOl'rect, R. WALLACE, 11th M ay, 1900.

B on. 1'1·easw·e1·.

F . F .I. A . ,

H (jn. Audii01·.


15 9 5 1 2 18 0 16

3 10

£1213 15


J. C. A

19 3 17 0 14




Ilis Exeellcl1cy .\dllliral LtJe llon. 'ir Frederick HeLlford, I'I' ("~ i d


(.II t.

IIis I10lJOlll' Chief Justice, ir Edward Stone. (' I1:\il'lIIall.

Gco. F. i\lc, YilliaJ\Js, lI () U Ol':lI':r

1I 0 1l01':l l'Y

?II. L.A.

T r e a s urc r.

Lieut. -Colonel Call1plJcll.

SC(· I·ctary.

1I(':\(1 0fli cc.

H. A. Gerlrles.

2, Beaufort, 'ileet, Pcrth, 'Y. A. L i fc JJcmJjel':o..

i:lir ,\rUm]' Lawle.r~ K.C'.)I.(:. . [tight Rev. Bishop Giblley. ...:l.dnJlml ir he(le1'1ck Dedford, G.O.B. ] I e di (' al . Ia ff.

A. 'Y. COII]wlly, C,. Su\'clllry, II. llonucks H. T. Kelsall, A. E. Randell, E. Paget Tlmt'. ton ,I'. Tretho\\Ull. ' .l\'X1'U~l.L


The Cuullcil of the '\'e,'t Australia Cel1tre of the ~'t . .Tohn Ambulance ASlSuci.atiull hay \ plea un' il~ pre. clltillg their] ;jth ~\.Il111Htl Hep0l't to member and sub 'cnl>e)':; .rur the year el1(hll~ l~ecell1ber :31::;t, }!JOti. During the year}O clal:ises were held, t?talllllg HOtudents, "lllbt ;'j(j succe.sfully pa"sed the exanlination. DUl'lng the year the \\'"c\.. Centre ",as sUCCe' ful in its application to the Order of St . .T obll, fur iti'l \ iher :.\ledal fo)' lnmery displayed in s,nill(f life on land on behalf of 1\[1'. Eel ward Xichull. fur gitllantry displayed in .-,wins; th~ life uf a fellow miner on the Ln,1\e Yie\\, C;uw:;ol::; Gold .\Line. The :\Ieclal wu 1)1'e 'en ted to :'Ill'. Xicbolls by the PlLll'Oll o.f the l>el'th Centre, Ilis Excdleucy Admiral 'ir F. G. D. Bedford, G. c. B., on the oeeaSlun of thu ,.\n II u<tl Pollee TOUl'llamellt, held at the Agricultural Show Grounds, Chtl'ell1ont, on \Vednesday ~eptember 19th 1906 in the pre'ence of a lal'g-e and t'uthusia ·tic Cl'O'Hl. ' , A ~al' as tbe . 'entre can ascertaiu, thi' i", the fir't prcsentation of its kind to take place lJl Allstl'ahtt. Out' btest ad vices frulll London convey the intelliaence that the sC~"'iees of the Preiclent, Lieut.-Colouel G. F. Mc ,\Villiam , P.:II.o.,"'Honorary Assoclatc of the Order, nre to he furthcr recofrni 'ed by recommendin(r him for pro.motiun to the :'anl" of Kllight of Gmee. Liel~'t . -Colollel On.mpbell, ato a mo t assIdll:0us worker III our Centre, ha . also been recommcnded for the grade of Honorary Assocl<tte of the Order. . These decoration" if gru,nted, will be a most fitting reward for th ' yeoman serVIce' render d to the local centre by the e two o·entlemen. The .c~nnual ~l e ting wa' held in tbe Queen" Hall, on Frid!ty, April 6th, ] 906, a11(l ;~tllS deCIdedly succcs~ful, ~he hallueing e~'owded with <'\, highly apprecia,tive audience. Ihroughout the evel1lug chsplnys were gl\'en by member':! of the Metropolitan File Brigade anrl Police. The members of the ,Association have again been able to pru,ctically demonstrate theac1nmtage' of n. knowledge of "firt aid." a many cn es hn.ye been treated by them durillg the yen.!'. 'ince the inception of the Centre 1,270 person have been in tructed in "first !lid a.ml nursing," n,nd 766 have secured the Association" certificate of proficiency. It is a plelLsurc onee more, to extend grateful thanks to the member of the Medical pro[es ion [or their kindness in lecturing a.nd examinincr cIa e, al 0 to the pres which at all Limes hn.s as istet! in the furtherance of our ,,:'ark. The Geneml Meeting of the subscribers a.nd students was held on Thur day, the 17th of I n.nu<1,l'Y, 1907, when Lhe n,nnual rcport and balance sheet was adopted, and t he Oouncil for Lhe current year elected.


St. John A ?nbulance Association.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

The memters of the Staff of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, who man the ambulance van and are holders of St. John Ambulance Certificates, have rendered first aid and carefully transported two hundred and thirty-six ca es during the year. The citizens of Perth during the past year having made judicious .use of ~h.e street fire alarms it has been decided to still further allow them the umque prlVllege of using the~ for accidents, thereby obtaining a much quicker service than would be po sible otherwi e. . . The thanks of the citizens are due to the Fire Brigades' Board for stIll allow1l1g them the use of the horse and permitting the men to undertake this additional service. The attention of the public is drawn to what is being done in the furtherance of ambulance work in Perth. The larO'e number of citizens as well as members of the Police Force who have passel'through the Centre's classes and received certificates, the regular attendance of members of the Brigade at all Race Clubs and Sports' l\Ieetin a , the free use of 96 street fire alarms, and the excellent serVICe of 1569 exchanO'eb telephones, whereby the speedy assi tance of first a,idel's may be summoned i; case of accident, wlll all tend to show the 42,000 inhabitants of the City of Perth that they are fairly ahead of the times in this urn,nch of the cryice.

Statement of Receipts ctnd E;rpenditm'e fol' the vcct!' ending DI'cc1I1bu 31st, 1906. Receipt.)'. To Bank balauce and Cash in £1-:1 hand " Medallion accoun t 3 R. H. Forman Class accounts" Davyhurst 1 1 Coolgardie 7 Fremantle Lumpers 1 Bunbury " 7 Kalgoorlie 2 Perth men 1 " Stores account " Annual Meeting-Proceeds 5 meeting. ;,; Subscriptions "" Government Grant50 Instructing Police 0 Bank interest £102


15th J antlct1'y, 1907.





5 16 2 15 19 19 2


10 1

0 6

0 9

0 2



7 6

0 7 6 1

E:cpenclilw·e. To HOllorarinm£10 0 0 Hon. eCl'etary 5 0 0 ASRistant " " Medall ion Aceoullt3 0 0 R emittance London 1 1 0 " Examiner's Fees 11 16 0 tores Accoun t 0 14 "" Printing accouut 6 13 9 " AdYertising account o 15 0 " Class account " Annual Meeting Expenses. 15 5 2 0 8 0 " H.efUlld- R. H. FOl'man 9 4 " Petty Cash expendit11l'c f) 6 £1 " Cash in hand 24 0 9 " Bank balance 25 7 2




R. A. GEDDES, Han. Sec?·eta?·v. GEO. F. MO\YILLIAMS, President and Chni?·?lwn. Audited and fouud correct, P. J. 1IlUN. TER, F.S.A.A. Y., lion. A~tdit01·.





NEW ZEALAND, AUCKLAND. Pre icleut of the


Zealand (·cub·cs.

ILE. The Governor, Lord Plul1ket,

R.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.

l'l'uicleut oj' thc Jlllcklan(l CCllt!·C.

His Worship the Mayor of Auckland. Ch:lil'Dl UU.

J. J. Holland.




C. J. Tunks.

lion. AutlHer.

A. S. Hussell.


W. Rattray, 7, Mercantile Chambers) Auckl::md, N . Z. Life ;'lcmbcI·s. M !'th]e lEad of Glasgow, Mrs. Rattray, James Dunning, ArtlJUr Myers, Hon. E. .ltLl C 1e son, Oolo~lial Sugar Refining 00., George Fowlds, l'rI.ILR., Panl Hansen, Rt. Rev. Dr. N ehgan. lUeclical Stan-.

D. Aubin, B.A., ~LD., B. S., Lonrl., lILH.C .• ·. E., L.R.C.P., Lond., A. S. Brewis, ~r.D., Durh., M.n.c.~.I~., L . . ·.A., II. O. Bennett, lILR.C.S.E., E. A. Bewes, M.P..C.S.E., L.R.,C.P., \V. Browll, liLA., lILll., C.M., Eelin., F. A. Bett, lILB., CH.B., N.Z ., John Onllg, L.IL~ S.I.L.IC., and C).C. P .r., J. L. Carolan, l\r.n.c . . E ., George 'Y. Cole, I,.lt.C.I'., Etlm., 1,.1".1'. & s., GIns., lIugh Douglas, l\LB., C.M ., Edin., B. J. Dudley, B.A:, !lr.~ . (! .H .J~, I,.n.C.p., G. Tous'ail1t Ginl1er, L.S.A., Lond., L.C.T'. & L.R.C.S., Edm.,:N. lch.ay Grant, M.D., C.M. , Out., \\T. Guiness, M.D., Duu., J. A. Going, lILTt.C.S.E., T .8.'\., Lond., Thomas O. II. IInll, L.n.C ... , Ire1., L.lII., & L.R. & Q.C.P., 11'e1., L. Fm~el' HUJ'st, :'Il.Jl., Tracy R. Inglis, M.B., ClI.n., IIIelh., H. Owen Jones L.ll.C.l'., Bdm ..' :"n.r. ... , Edin., Fred. 'I\,. R. J. King, :'Ir.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.p., Lond.: O:;borne .hlllght, L.S.A., LOlll1., :\I.I!.C.H.E., Margaret Lamont, M.D., Lond., '1. IIop Lewl.', L ... A., Lond., M.lt.C.H., P. A. Lind ay, 111., n.lIL, Eelin., G. de Clive Lowe, J,.It.C.~., & I,.n.C'. '., Edin., T,.:&'.1'.8., Gla '., J. A. Laing, :'Il.D., C.:'IL, Edin. "eorge Lapralk, ~I.n. & C.:'IL, Gla '., W. O. 'Y. l\lcDo"'ell, M.B., c.l\f., Eelin., Ii. E. l\Ia}'sal:k, L.U.C.I' . & L.It.c .. ·., Ellin., Peter ~oil'. N.B., ClT,n., J. Neil, M.B., CH.B., .Z., M.ll.C·.S., L.n.C.I'. Lon,1., A. ameron Owen, M.D., ELlin., W. H. Parkes, :M.n. (' C·.:\f., Ellin., A. Challinor 11 u l'chas, n .:lL , c.:\f., Edill., lILR . C.S., F. Maurice Pl1~'cbaR, ]\f.n., c.~r., Edin., J. '. PauRt, ;\LJ)., C.;U., 1I1elh., E. Robertol1, :'If.D.,C.lII., Elhu., l\!.ll.c.l'i., E. E. Rouerts, :'Ir.n., '.lIL, Edin., C. Rowley, M.n.c.B.E., L.n.C.p., 'IV. G. SeoLi, M.ll., DUth., lILIl.C.S., I,.R.A., Lond., E. \Y. harman, TJ.r..C.P. and L.ll.C.H., Edin., .... B. weet., :lI.Tl., C. D., ydney, G. T. mitb, ~Ln.c.s.E., L.R. \., LOllll., II. ,later, 'Ir.n.r.R.K, L.ll '.P., Lond., C. II. chumachel', 1II.B., ('ILL:., N.Z., II. 1. Trc~illller, ~l.Jt.('.:.,L.R.C.l'., Lond., H. ,Valker, L.F.P. & R. Glas., T ..0. \\~illiall1s, L.l!.l'.l'., L.F.P. & i)., GIas., J. B. ,Yilson, L.n.CP. & L.n.C . . , Echn., L.F.l'.S., CIa'. .\. ~UAL REPORT. The Committee haye great ple:L ure in presenting the fourteenth annual report of the 'entre, which is a record of lIlO. t satisfactory work. The important feature of the pa. t year ha\'e been the collecting of funds for the purpose of lH'oeuring a new ambulance wagon and more Ashford litters; the inauguration of a BnilLling Fund fol' the Ccntre, aud the large aLtendance at the lecture. The ommittee decided to place the collect.ion of donations in the hanel' of Mr. E. W. Page, who carried it out most nece;; fully nnc1met with a very liberal re ponse, the sum of £175 13s. tid. having been contrihntel1. lIe report (1 that t.he puulic were fully alive to the excellent work done in Auckland 11y the A sociation. The Building Fund commenced with a donation of £~ from the Hight Rev. Dr. Neligan. The 01l1miUee decided to tran. for Lo it the sum of £20 from the genera] fund, and to open n.ll accounL in the Aucklnllll k(wings Bauk in the names of the Ohairman of Committee a11(l the, ccretal'Y (!\II'. W. Hnttr:1y). A donation of lOs. 6d. and !'is. fol' in1ere.'t make the amonnt now to t1lC credit of the Building Fuud£25 15s. 6el. lt is hoped that, 1)y the liherality of the frionds of the As ociation, the amount will S001l he sllbsbmLittlly inrreuRel1. During the past yetH' two A.·Mol'll Litters (lull. three Hampers haye been imported for our Oishol'lle branch, the fuulls hfwing been collected by Lhe energetic secretary, Mr. E. II. MeUlll; one litter for om newly-formed T nuranga brallch; one for NorLhc0te, for which the cost was collecLed by Mr . Lawrence C10w ; and one for Devonport, paid for by slluscriptions collected there. An order has been s9nt for E.





St. J ohn Ambulance Association.

St. J ohn A mb~~lance Association.

one litter for Whanaurei paid for by l ocal donations collected by Mrs. E. Boult, who has done so much £;1' a~bulance work in that town; also for three [or the city and suburbs, paid for out of the funds collected by 1111'. Page. . . The lectl1l'es have been attende<l by no less than 37 pup1ls, the largest lJumber m anyone year, except the second year of the Centre's existence. . . The Committee would tender the sincere thanks of the members to the med1cal gentlemen for their goodness in lecturiug and examining, to all the Honorary ~ecre­ taries, an<l to Misses Bel,es, Mrs. Moore-Jones, the Devonport Borough ConnCll, the Thames County Council and the Oommittees of the Onehunga Presbyterian Church and the Tamaki ,Vest School, for granting the nsf, of the rooms [or the lectur~s. The Committee were much gratified to receive intimation that the Grand P ll ory of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem had, with the approval of U. R.H . the Prince of Wales, who is Grand Prior of the Order, awarded a bronze Medal to Porter Edward James McGinn, of our Railway Service. On the 3rd of July last when a train was approaching Pukekohe Station, an elderly man named Richardson CWrord was observed on the railway track on which the tram was. The Station Mastel' and others called out to him ,,;arning him of his dangel', but lie, being somewhat deaf, <lid not heal' them. McGinn, seeing the imminent peril in which Clifford was, ran to rescue him. Seizing him by his arms, he rolled over on the rough scoria of thc railway track just as the train came thundering down the line. So narrow was his escape that the engine actually struck Olifford's foot, fortunately without hl1l'ting him. What made McGinn's plucky action more meritorions was that he h,cd hardly recovered from the effects of a broken arm . The ,\Tench given to the inj merl lim b was so severe that he Wfl.S unable to work for some time afterwards. The Committee of the Centre sent an account of the occunence to His Exccllency the Goyernor, with a request that he would be so good as to bring the heroic aclioll of McGinn beforc the notice of the Graud Priory of the Order. This His Excellency kindly did, with the result t hat a bronze Medal was awarded to McGinn and was sent to the Goyernor who will presen t it at the Annual Meeting of the Centre. I n concluding their Heport, the Committee would again express the hope that the friends of the Association and the general public will accol'll them a libcral support in their endeavour to providc an efficient ambulance station for the city. Classes are now being formed in the city aml suburbs, and the lectures will ue commenced as soon as sufficient names are sent to the secretary.

Receipts and Expenditw'e fa?' the yea?' ending 28th Feb?'uarv, 1906 . Expendit'l.t?·e. Receipts. By Advertising, Printing, . £13 1 11 To Balance in ban k Postages,and Petty Cash £30 14 10 18 6 " Annual Subscriptions " Lecture and Examination 122 7 0 " Class Fees 31 ] 3 Expenses 18 3 0 " Medallions sold 17 " Medallions bought 45 2 1 " Books, etc., sold 54 0 " Books, etc. , bought 167 " PORtages, etc., Refunded 16 5 " Office Rent "Collection at Anuual " Hirc of Choral Hall and Meeting 8 9 4- 10 Organ " Donation, Choral Society 0 15 27 10 " Secretary's Salary " Fee [rom Gisborue Branch 2 2 " T onson Garlick anu Co. " N ursing Division, Gas, &c. 1 8 2 16 Ohairs " Savings Bank Iuterest '2 6 o 9 " Gas and Repail'3 . " Donations to Litter Fund 175 13 "Transferred to Building "Gis borne Branch f~r 25 15 Fund 39 18 Litters o 15 " Material and Appliances "Tauranga Branch for 81 10 " Drafts for Ashford Littcrs Litters 11 10 0 "Freight, &c. on A:;hford " Devonport Borough Counci1l9 1 4 7 4 Litters . " Oollected by Mrs. Clow . 6 9 0 " E. W. Page, contllli sion ] 7 0 " George Bros. for 'tretcher 2 2 0 o 12 " Repairing Stretcher 3 16 0 " Litter Fel's 1 0 'I Repairing Litters " D onation to Building 1 11 " Insurance on Litter Fun d and I II terest 5 ]5 6 169 7 " Balance in Bank . £490



£ 490



Assets and Liabilities on 28th Febnut?'y, 1906. A sseis. L' b' . . ' 1. Cas 11ll Bank, Litter Account£149 11 5 Ut ll~t~es. . " G?lIeral Acconnt J..9 16 N llle A hford LItters pel' last stock-taking 142 10 0 Olle Ashford Litter (new) 16 10 0 L css Depreciation 5 pel' cent on £142 lOs.


il. 7



151 17 Stock ou Ha.llCl, as pel' schedule 36 2 £357


6 5 4

Building F1mcZ. Right Rev. Dr. Nclirran dOll £5 0 0 Balance at Auckland SaYings " 0" "D J'. l". N. Kiug, dOll. . o 10 6 Bank . £25 15 I mUSlCl'l'Oll frolll Gcncral Acc:ol1uL 20 0 0 I II LeresL 050 £25 15


£25 15



'YIT, LrA~[ R.\.fTTIAY, ScC1'etco·y.

C. J . TuxKR, Han . TreaS1t7·e1·. Examined and compared wilh Cash Book, Bank Book amI Vouchers, and [olmd co l'l'cc:t, Allcklallll, T.~., 19th March, 1906.


. Ru. SELL,

F.X.Z .. \ . A.,

Han . Auditol'.



9 10 1 11

o o 9


l ' l'cs hlCJlt.

llonor 1\11'. Justice , Villiams,

( 'It a i 1'111 :111 .

Tl'ca".u·cl' a lltl

Dr. W . .T. Will.

.J. E. Bone Forster

6 4

6 6

o 4 5


cCl·c tnl'Y.


D. '01 1 Lir(~ J l c m bcl'S. H Ollor M~~lI :~~:~~ice~r.ll.,. ~f.n.c.p., The lbght ReI". Thc Bi hop of Dunedin His . IVIUmm ', ~11'. IV. L. Lil'in tr ·ton ' V J , Vill .J. 1 la(;pbel'son, ill.ll. c ~l 'V E '. , " ' , . ,. ,M. B. C. M. ]\11'. Ja '. J offs. ., ., . ' ,ailS, ~l.lJ., F. n. c. ., Jlt . Beadle, J unl'., ~Irs. Ewen, iU Nlic a l S tatI".

~\' llan, ~J. n. ~ C.)f., Edin. L E. Barnett, F. TI. c ... , L. n. C P L Rdm., ,,'(11'11 E" . DI Olll ti e11 . ., on. ,::II. C. M., W J ,' V. 1 L Lonw J )[ .B. , C;\[ "...c, ., c ~I n B ~ L B B., t . . attnn,:l1. D., C. ill., Edin. Hobt 01 'I " " .; .' ," Oll., U erment, :1I.lJ. c.,r Eclin G \. C'1 l' ltllC\)[,B., C.B., ~ ew Ze,tland, J. O. Oloss , I 'I .. ., . op am, M,D., ell' Zea land M l~ C L R D' o 'l,1I10l111, ~I.])., 'LH.a.p., LOll., JI.H.C'.S. 1Iil.r rr aret B ,: .' ~ . " _~ .c.P., . B. E. de L,tl} tour 'I H (' S II \ I L ' '" . llllcl...,.,hanl,::;, urO'eon ' T , ' . . . " ', . ..:1.. te autour, ;)r.n.c.:5 . .,\.. ])Olln} ' "" '(Ill., \\ . l"mns Jf.n lo'JlCf; \. I) '"~' l ' o·ts,)LA.,;)I.B.,C.iU., El Witc:hett ' ' ; ' . . . . . . , ;.' :\., .....t coner, ~I.B., (,.~J., lfrank 'Y. B l"l'min,': ~;~' ()~:~~., ~~\~~~., ~Jt~.~ellt·n.ltl, 1\1.]3., ('.~I., Ec1in, F.R.C. S., IV. A : ilr.1t.C.t:l~' I'g"V I" "E] ' ., 0 . II ' .LGjU on, ilI.B., C.J1., Ec1in., A. J'. Garland , ,.. .., C lll. ordon i\f P c· E ' H islop, M.ll., C.B., .l e,~ Z~ah!l(i '1' ::5., I",n.L'~p., lim., W . H Odges, 1\l. 13. , 0.1\1. Ec1in R II II 'ow' . lIock 11, lIf.h.C.S. , F.L. . , Geo. , .) . . 0",,,,, lII.R . C. " L. n,c.p., R. Gordon Ma.cdonald ,

. Ill.



)(0 11.

t., Bellelmowe , Dunedin

nO ll . •lutlHoI'.

::\11'. C. R. 'mith,



;)I.A., LL.)1.





St . .fohn A mbt~lance Associcdion.

St. John A mbulance Association.

L.R.a.p., Edin., L.F.P.S., Glas., T. G . McKellar, IlLB., a.M. , Edin. , J. 1\1:a~pherson, Ba H E dl'll K :McAdam M.B. N ew Zeala.nd, IlLR.a.s., W. J. l\1u11m, lII.B., . 11.0.., ' " "'T 1 Jew .,Zealand J. A. N ewell, B.A.. IlLB., B.CH., ..l, ew Z,-,cn.1anc, B• aH . , ' , T . N Z 1 1 F. Ogston, M D . , Aberdeen, Eugene Jos. ~ el11, IlLB., arr.B., ew ,-,ea [1.nc , .\V. F.R.C.S., Edin., III.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F. R. RIley, L.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., \V. R oberts M.R.C.S. , J. B. Sale, M.B., CH.B. New Zealand, J. H. cott, M. D . , Edin., 'IlLR. C.. , F.R.S.E., W. 1\1. Smith, ~I.B., B. CH., New Zealand, A . Stenhouse, lILB., B.CH., N ew Zealand, \V. [, Stenhouse, lII,B .. C.lII., Gl[1.s., ,V. E. Stevens, lII.n.a.s., L.P.C.P., W. Stew[1.rt, M.D. , Gl[1,s., L:R .C.P., L.]LC .~., Edin . , Jas. Sutherlalld, 11.13., C.M., Edin., . G . Trotter, III.D . ~ Eum., J. S. \V[1.1t, L.R.C. , ., L.F.P.S., Gh\,s., Jas. Whitton, 1I1.D., Q.u.I., L.R.C.~., E clin., \Vm. !.\'., Vheeler, M . D., B.CH. , B.A.O., Royal University, Ire., \V. J. , Vill, III.B., a.JIl ., Ecllll.,. D. H. Williams, M.R.C.S., L.n.c.p. , D.PH., Cam., E. H. Young, II1.B., crr.M., Echn.


Chairman and JlollOrRl'Y A.lUUtOl·.

O. P. Powles, F.I.A. N.Z .


.lU .



13 19 2 ]2 9

5 6 3 6 f)




0 16 0

0 0 0

, ~V. E. B~thulle, W. BartOl.l,.E. D . Bell, Benevolent I nstitution, ,V. C. Buchanan . JI.1[ ~ . J. Blllne, Burnham, Wilhams & Co., Chilton House Branch of the 1\Iilli.,tel'inrr o C~lll(~l'el~'S L~agll e, Th e COllnLess of" Raufurly, lUI'S. W. B. Fibher, Gear Meat Co. GIrlS IIlgh .Selioo; Branch of the Ministering Children'~ L eague, John Kirkcalrlie: :Mcssrs. L.evlll & C~., ~lI:s .. ' A. ,Rhodes, T. G. MacartllY, Manawatl1 Hailw9.Y Co., A. ~I. Mll c~, N. Z. lupping Co., A. E. Pearce, H. H. Sced, ,'haw, avill and AlblOll Co:' Mes es. J. Staples and Co., St. Peter's Church Relicf Guil<l 'l'errace O~llwegl\'LlOll~l Ch~ll'l;h ~rrustees, Tyser, 'llipping Co., Ullioll ,' .S. Company of N .Z. , ell~ngton CIty. C,oll,lle~l, .W cllingt?u. IIaruoUl" Board, ,V cllillgton Hospital Trust, \\ el.1Ulgl,OIl Lac;lcs. Chn ·tHln As oClatIon, ellington bleat Export 00., Wellin Clton Raclllg Club, \\ ellmgton Working Men's Club. b



Lite iU clIIbcl'" «(lcce:t'lccl

II. Adams, ,V A ~I.lt.c.I5., CI I

By General E'{penses . £27 16 11 " Class" IS 19 6 " Furniture ancll\Iaintenance 42 12 1 " M edallions . . . 17 15 0 " Anuual Meeting 11 2 6 " urse's Salary. 109 15 4 " Rent and Cleaning 69 1 0 " Rates, T axes and L ease 14 5 0 " Secretary 25 0 0 1 7 0 " Transport account . Am bulrmce " Expenses Saturday 6 16 4 " Repairs to .A III bulance Carriage. 12 0 0 " Deposit in Savings Bank. 49 0 0 " Balance in Bank Dec. 1906 15 0 f)





Deposit in Dunedin Savings Bank bearing interest £50. J. E. BONE, T,.CCtsw·e?·. I have examined the Books and Ac counts of the above Association and certify th at in my opinion the above is a correct statement of the Receipts and Expenditure for the year ending Nov. 30th, 1906. R. SMITH, F,LA., N.Z.


His E xcellency L ord Plunket,

K.O.M .G. , K.O . V ,O.,

[ol'ma Hon of (;cntl'e).

John Plimmer.

lIuJlol':lI'Y I. if

lU cnlbers .

'".It.C.I'., U. E. Auson ' ;\['D . , II . C ., Oantul) 1\I nc. C• s ., < , ., j . J•• ll:O.l> , . ,,' lal~p e, ;\1.11., 0~' ..1J., .Ii., ~['lt.C.H., n .p.lf., 1., 111. Campbell, 1\[.1,., crJ.], C p , 'nIt. T II" . . Z.,.T. C E\\'llrt, M.D. " l~dlll. II. R. Hathcrley , MI' . ,. C,S ., L . r.•.. \.. 'y c, 'II. \.? ll11tab., ~I.D., 11.<'., ~Ln.('.J'., O. D. Hcnry, ~I.A., Cal1tab., M.D., D. O., A.. ll osklllg, "l.n., y.~r., Edlll .. F. Mackenzie, ;\I.B., ELlin., H. D. Mackcl~ZlI), 1\\'D., A. fllal'tm, ,1. H., II. D. Perry, 1\I.R.C'.S., II. Pollen, 1\1.D., Dub., J. R. lu nly, ~I.D., 0.)1., M. W. Hoss, ~[.n., ~[.lt.( ' .l' . , ,V, Yonng, 1\J.D., C,~l., Edin.


Tl·n ... tcc ~ :

Governor of N ew Zeahlld.

Vlcc·PI'CSi(lcllt S.

The Lord Bi~hop of W ellington, His Worship the Mayor or Wellington, J. G, W . Ai tken, Rev. James Paterson, Mrs. S, A. Rhod es, Mrs. T . C. Vhlliallls.


ral Flln(!.

\\T. D. fishcl','. 1'. Powles, and H . H. , cccl. TJ'u..,tees: XUl''!iug 1'1111(1.

l\Ir . ,' . A. RhotIL., J. l+. W. Aitken, aml C. P. l)owles. NURSING (,arILl). 1~1I

I']'c <;i cl ('nt.

t rOllC.,,,,.

11 ,1' ExccllcllCY Lady PIUllket.


..A. Rhodes.

JlollOl'ary Secrc tary. Mrs. W. 13 . .Fisher (Lifl~ I ember.)

Jlolloral'Y SUl·geOJl.

Agnes 13cnJlelt.

.l",!»istan t XlIl'.,C.

Dbtl'lct Xnl''''(',

A. M. Doys, 55, Ghuznee £428 11


Jacot; Joseph.

r r



lion. Scc. antI 'I'l·cas nrcr.

W. B . Fisher, Thomdoll, Wellington. J.lfc ltJcmbel'.'! .

JNUAL REPORT . The work of the Centre has been carried on during the pa st year with more vigor than usual. A District nurse has been appoin ted, and during the year has attended many poor patients, the average number of "i.-its per mo~th being .150. ~Iel' work is much appreciated. Ambulance transport has be~n car n ed on satisracton.ly to the community during the year; the number of. aCCIdents and re l~ov~ls belllg about 400. Classes have been well atiended, and III the country Dlstnct., where the n ecessity for first aid knowledge is most valu(tble, a considerable incrcase has laken place. T o Balanr.e, Bank of Ze(tland Dec. 1905 . £21 " Ambulan ce Saturday Col. 179 " Special Sll bscriptions 53 " Dunedin l\lem bel'ship 60 " Branch Ba.lances 21 " Medallions 18 " Dunedin Hospital T rustees account, Transport 10 " Proceeds, Dr. Marshall's L ecture 9 " Collection, Annual t,1:eeting 3 " Savings Bank Withdrawal 50


E. Halcomhe-Brown .


A. ,-,oxton, 55, Ghuznoo


A J UAL REPORT. TI:o scope of Lho Centro continucs to widen, and the Committce is able to report consHl c]'n.l~]G prog!'cs~ Llming t~1C p[LsL J:'eal'. ,~'peciLtl elrorts to Pl'011l0CC the aim of Lhe ASSOCItttlOll prodnced au lllCl"Cu,se III the Hum bcr of am bllll1,n~e cIa e district . ' llUl'Slllg 1V0r1~ among the sick POOl', and rovenue from yarions SOlll"ce·. D emand for hor~e amlJt:]anccl:i Lo convey the sick and injured h[LYC becn frequent, and adllitional CalTI[Lg.c~ WIll ploball~y be obtaincd hortly for two or three inland Lowns where the auLhonLles favonr tIll ' metllod or Lransport. Two more Ashford litter have becn obtained for th~ city, and another has been onlercd ror the W . and 1\1. Railway Company. Dunng the yem' 29 clas es "'ere organised for the instruction of men and wom en in ". fir. t ai<l" and" home llursing," and among the pnpil \vere collcge student. .' l'~lh\ay employes and policemen. The two profel; iOllal t. J ol1n Amuu l~n ce Dl LncL nurses are kept very bu y, having paid 4,726 vi it to the sick pOOl' sI~lce. the la~t annual report. 0111e of the nur ing sisters ha"e as i ted the I?I8Lnct nurses 011 several occasions, anLl (t llumber of ladies h[LVO rcgularly provided llllen and comf"orLs for the patients. The Committce nnauimonsly clected ~lr. C. P. Pow:es (ts Ch(til'm(tll for the ell suing three years in rocognition of his valuable serVIces to the Centre for several YCl1l"S past. J l1st bcfore the end of tho JinllnciaJ


St. J ohn A ?nbt/;lc/;nce Association.

St. J ohn A ?nbl/;lunce Associc(;iion.

year a Bazau.r, organi ed by Mrs. S. A. Rhodcs and thc Nursing Guild? was opencd. by their Excellencies the Governor and Lady Plunket, and resulted In the 11m 01 £1,406 16s., being realised in aid of the I?istrict ursin& Fund. On th~ 22n'J of October, H is Excellency the Governor lllvested JUr... S. A. Rhodes WIth tho Insignia of Honorary Associateship of the On1er of t. John of J erusa~cm at Governmcnt Hou e in the presence o[ Lady Plunket and a ?-umber of ladles. and gentlemen who were specially in\ite~ to be present at t~e function . The Comrul~tec again gratefully records its sense of ll~debtedness. ~o vanous me~lber of. the. llled~cal profession for their valuable co-operation, recogmsmg that the l?strnctlOn Impm ted has been highly beneficial and far reaching in its ~frects . It wIll be seen [rom an inspection of the balance sheet that the receIpts for the year amounted to £2 041 Os. 3d. and that the assets of the Centrc have incrcased from £2, 77 17s. 6d. to £4,368 lIs.' lId . This highly satisfactory financial position is large.ly duc to tl.lC unremittin a efforts of the ladies and aentlemen who took such a pronnnent part m the Bazaal~ and the Committee desirc to emphasise its appreciation anu thl1Uks to all concerned. Balance Sheet f01' the yea?' ending 31st Octobe?', 1906. Expenditll?·c. R eceipts. 'l'o Balance, St. John AmbuBy amount paid to Mrs. . A. lance Association . £91 15 1 Rhodes, Iessrs. J. G. W. II " St. John AmbuAitken and C. P . Pmvlcs lance N ursing Guild 13 10 7 in Trust for investment " E xecutors of the late on account of Fund for 111 rs . M. R. Brown Nursing the sick poor of Bequest 37 6 9 Wcllington £50 o o " Subscriptions 158 9 8 "District Jursing ExpensesFees 129 18 6 Medical and urgical " Class ~ Stores and Medallions 31 12 6 requi ites, rent and Salaries of the t . John "" H orse Ambulance Transport Fees 96 15 6 Ambulance District () I nterest . 109 12 10 .cTllrses 290 9 4 o tores and Medallions 31 " T o collections, etc.Newtown Park . 32 2 0 Horsc Ambulancc Trans" 103 15 8 Botanical Gardens 20 17 6 port ervice . 40 10 0 Annual meeting 7 17 11 Police Instructors 13 13 0 N urse Palmer's Hospital 3 8 0 Examination Fees 26 19 6 St. John Ambulance Ad vertising and Printing 10 13 9 Nursing Guild: Deposit 6 0 0 tationery, Postages, etc. 13 5 7 0 3 1 Refunds and Rcnt M iscellaneous . 27 7 0 N et proceeds of the St. Miscellaneons . John Ambulance ubscription to t. Jolm's 5 5 0 Nursing Guild Bazaar Gate (annual) . held 24th to 31stOct., " Balance in Bank1906 . 1406 16 0 S.J.A.Ng.Gld. £19 10 7 S.J.A.A. 99 7 11

£118 18 L ess outstanding cheques 51 3


£64 15 4 61 15 o - - - 1 2 6 10 " Net proceeds of the t. John Ambulance Nursing Guild Bazaar, banked since 31st Oct., 1906 1406 16

'IV. B. FISHER, Hon. T?'easw'e?', Thorndon, Wellington, N . Z. Decembe?' 5th, 1906.

5 11



£J117 Hi



5 11

Andited and found correct, ClIAS . p, POWLER, F. I. A. , Z. , A 1lclito?',


£4417 15 'IY. D. FISHEll, llun. Trwsw'u, lhorntlon, Wellington, 1\.Z.




.. a l ron.


'IValter IIely-Hutchillson, G.C.~['G., Gu\ernor of thc


)'[·c "l41 c llt.

::'Iajor- rClwral E. 8mith Brook,


'01llll1ancling II.::'r. Forces, Gape Colony.

( 'Ita irm a n.

Re\". A. P. Deucler 11011.


Chief Rabbi.

Tr('a" ltt·cr .

'IV. B . Powis (Me. rs. Di\ 111e, rates & '0.), Lower Georg ' ~treet, Cape To\yn. H Oll. Scc l·c lary . LL.D., F . H .... L., F.R.G . .. ,

Li f('

" Cash in hand


Bctlance Sheet at 31st Octobe?', 1906 . Liabilities. Assets. £ ,H) 3 10 By \Vellington Trust and To 'undry Creditors C~tpit<Ll A cc. - Balcmcc Loan Coy., deposit . £300 0 0 " to Credit of Centre 4368 11 11 " Equitable building allLl I nycstmcut Company. 200 0 0 " Amount llaid to Mrs. . A. Rhoclcs, Messrs. J. G. 'IV. Aitkcn and C. P. Powles, in trust for investmcnt on acc. of Fund for nursing thc sick poor o[ 'IV ellington 2060 0 0 "Horse A1I1bulancc carriage, Wcllington 100 0 0 I\Tan gan ui 100 0 0 " " Palmer.ton tho " " (half-share) 50 0 0 Ashford Litters. 60 0 0 " tores 34 0 0 " Cash in Bank anu on " hand 1513 15 ()

l\1ajor J. A. Liebnumn, ~['A.,



Hosebank, Cape Town.

'I C lllbCJ ·~ •

.A, ,T. Fuller, Major ,T. _\ . Liebmanll, IV D. Puwi", L. 13. llluttS. '. c(lira ) ~ t:t fr. ,Me 'sl'" Alexander, L.R.C.s. hel., I,.l:.U.P., hel., G. E. C. AndcI\'oll. ~I.n ., .\ndel' on, h.,. M .. n.c.. , TJ.H.C.p., Arenhold, B.A., )1.11., :Jult, Staats }i~xnlllell, Germany, 13eu)<t1l11l1, )r.n .. '., L.n.C.p., Bosenherg·, ~I.B., B.~., Eclin., Budd. ~[,n.c ... , L.R.c.r., Carrc, M.ll., Brux .. )I:R.C.:::>., L.R.e.l'., 'illiers. 1\Ll3 .. :I!. ' ., Edin. , Clark, L.n.c.s .. Irel., L;n.c.l'., Irel., Collll1s, )r.D., )l.R.e.S.. L.H.C.P., Copeland, )I.H C.~., L.n.c.l'., Cux, .M.H.C.~ .• lJ.H.C.P., Dnrley-Ihl'Uey, )1.]). Dl1l'., Jf.R.C. ' ., )I.H . . 1', Elliott, )[,11., ~l.H.C. '., I"U,C.P., Eyre, )l.B., M.S., }i~cliJl., Fenhoulet, ~l.H.C.S., L.n.c.p., Forsyth, M.B.,.ll.S., E . 13. Fuller, lIl . B., F.B.e.s., Eclill., A. :Bullcr, 1\1.B., M.~., Eclin., nr.n.c .. , IIn,rns, i\!'R.C.s., L.R . :1'., L. '.A. , lIlt) os, ],.ll.e.p., 1re1., L.n.C.s., Trel., D. B. II ewa,t~ ~.l.ll., M .... , Echll., J . lie\Vltt ;11.],.,1., )LB., 1II . . , Edin., }'Il. L. liewat, ~I.D . , Ec1ll1~, .Iloff1l1?,1l, U .B., M.H., Edin., Do Jager, ~r.B . , M.S., Eclin., L.R.C. ,s . , L,H . . 1'., Eciln., K ldd, i\l.ll.C.H., L.R.C.p., n.p.H., rohler, 'Ln., (Berlin) bUtts


St. J ohn A ?nbulance Association.

Examen, de Korte, M.B. , L ond., M.R.C. S., L. R.C.P., L ester, l\[. B., 1lI. S . , Edin., t . L e&,er, B.A. , Cantab., L.S. A . , :Malan, l'rf.B., M.S., Eelin., Marshall, L . R.C.P., L. R.C . S . , Eelin" L,F.P.S.~ Glas., :l\Iearns, M. D., Aberel. , McGowan Kitching, M.D., McKenzie, M. B. , M.S. , Eelm ., 1\1c Tally, M. B., Bu,c. Sur., Dub., O. F. K. 1\1urray, lII.D . , I 1'e1., F.R.C.S . , Ire1., 1I1. 8ur., O. M. Murray, M.B., B3.c, 8u1'., Cantab. , McMullen, M.B., B. S., McPherso,n, :'ICB., B. m ., 1re1., Mitchell, M.B" Bac. ur. Edin., Teeth ling, M. B., M.S., Edm. , Oates, M.B., B.S., Edin. , Otto, M.D., Edin., l\I.R.C. S., Ortlepp, ,u.R.C.s. , J..R . C. P . , Lond., Pearson, M.D., Abel'" Paterson, 1lI.B., ilLS., Glas., Piers, lII. D., Abel'. , M.R.C.S . , L.R.C.P., Petersen, lII.B., lII.S., Edin., Pomeroy, M. ll . C. S., L. n . c . p., L ond., Roux . lILB., M.S., Eelin., Rutherford, M.D., Eelin., cbuller, l\I.R. C.S . , L . R . C. P., Smith, lII.B., C.M., Eelin., Stewart, l\['B., B.S., Steyen , IIl.R.C . . , L.R. C. P., Syfret~ ~['B., M.S., Oanta,b., ymonds, M.D., l\I.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Thomason, l\!.D .. D~ Villiel's James, 1II,R.C. S., L.n. C.p., 'Waldron, l\[.D., M.R. C.S., L.R.C. P . , A. 1\1. WIlson, M.D. , Durh., M.B . C.S., L . R.?P., R. A. 'Vil on, M. B., l\I S., Eelin., ' Veich, M.D., Basle, t~'aats Exam., Wells SImpson, l\I.N., B.S., Glas., F.R.C.S., A. ' Vhyte, l\I.B. , M.S., Edm., O. 'Whyte, L.R . C.P., L.R.C.S., Edin. , ' Vicks, M.R. C. S .. L.R.C. P., Wilkinson, M . B., Wolfe, Lic., Med. & Oh. L.S.A., Lond . A TNUAL REPORT. The Cou~cil has the honour to present, herewith, the fifteenth anllual report. The CouncIl regret to have to report the followincr losses from tbe ranks of the Executive : Rev. A. P . Bendel', Messrs. Earp, Full~r, Heatlie, Jones and Smuts. T he Rev. ~1r . .Bender has bee~ Chairman since 1903. Mr. Earp has hall It seat 0]) the CouncIl SInce the formatlon of the Cen tre, and was the HonoraJ'Y Treasmer till last year. 1\Ir. Fuller has done yeOl1lilll service on behalf of the As oClation since it was established in the Eastern Province, ancl "'hen he was transferred to Capc Towl1 was a most valuable member of the COlllmittee. Amoncrst the chancres in the H onorary Medical taff, the Council report, with velY O'~eat regret th~ departure from Cape Town of Drs. Piers and Harris. Dr. Piers has baeen lecture;' auel (1Xamiller since the formation of the Centre, and his kiml and yaluable sen' ices will be much missed.. Dr. ~alTis was examiner for the greater part of the year, ,ince his deparhue, hIS appollltment has been taken over by Dr. Arenhold. In recorrniLion of his long a,nd In,eritorious services to the Association, H.l\I. tllC King, on the recommendatIon o~ the Chapter-General, was llieased to confer the decoration of H onorary ASSOCIate of the Order of the Hospital of st. J ol1n of J erusu,lem in Engl.and on Dr: Piers .. The Counci.l hoped to be alJle to prcsent the decoration publICly on tIns occaSIOn to Dr. Pwrs at the hands of thc Prcsident, but his unfortunate departure has pre,ented this being done. Col. Hartley, v.c., Dr. John Hewat, l\LL.A., a.nd. Dr. McGowan Kitching have been elected Honorary Life Members of the ASSOCIatIon. The medal for sa,vin u life conferred on Porter l\lanuel of t~e Cape Government ~ailways, for heroism at Roseb~nk Station, was presellted to ~~m at a volunteel: reV:lew ~t JohannesIJ1:rg, by II.R.H. the Duke of Connanght, BaIlIff of Egle. It IS WIth SIncere expressIOns of recrret that the Oouncil heard of the demise o~ Mr. 9. B. Drew, fo!' JI1u,ny years tYle Honorary ,ecrctary of the De Bee1:s 8ec~IOn (KImberley) of thIS Centre. For special meritorious services in c~nnec~IOn wI~h a~bulance work during the siege of Kimberley, the Order presented h~m WIth a~ Illum~nated vote of thanks. The Council and the Sectioll have lost in h1m a most Inde~atlgable ~orker, whose memory will long be kept green amongst the workers of the dIamond nnnes. The nUlllber of men and women who 11ave crone through fir~t aid and nursing courses since the last anllual report totals 1~30. Amon~st thIS number are 72 who have been examined, 28 who have obtained the medall!on, and 5 who hav~ qualified for the recently instituted label. The number of P~lPlls who. have b~en lllstr~1Cted this year is far in excess of that of any preceed.mg year smce the 1ll.auguratIOll of ambulance work in Cape Colony. Several old sectt~ns have ~een revIved and some ,new on£:s. formed, and it is a particularly pleasmg feature that ~he move~ent..l~ exte.u.d!-ng to the. up-country villages. A mongst the m?st promwent sectIOns It IS gratIfymg to mentlOn the re-establisheel one at ~ort. Ehzab~tb, where most excellent work is being rlone. I nstruetion has be~n agam glven tlns . year to the members of the Cape Town Metropolitan Fire ~r!ga~e, the CorporatIO~ of t~1e City having been pleased to renew the grant, and It IS WIth .the utmost satisfaction that the Coullcil is able to report that the memfJers ~f the ~ngade .have .successfully attended to numerous cases of "first aid," auu of remova_ of pabents In the horse ambnlance. During the recent native rebellion in


St. John A ?nuulcIJnce Associcdion.

t h e sister colony of N atal, your Coullcil offered lhe services of men, nurses and siores to the Government of that Colony. T o all who so promptly resllollded to the call for duty on active service, the COllncil would tender their heartfelt thanks. It is most gratifying to know that in the hour of national need we possess a r.umber of trained first aiders and l1l11'ses who are willing to devote their services to the caUE'e of sufl'ering humanity. Thc question of teaching hygiene in schools, which elicited a most j~teresiing correspondcnce in the public press, and which was taken up by the professlOnal papers, resulted in a motion beir.g cal'l'ietl in Parliament, without a division, affirming the desirability of instructing the. chool children of the hicrber ~lasses in this most useful and necessary subject. The Council has carefully gone llltO the maLter amI, after due discussion, formulated a scheme ant! snbmitted it to the 8uperintend\3l1t-General of l£ducation for the purpose of carrying out the resoluLion of the nouse, Our Council desire to make it lmown, as widely as pos;;ible, that nothing is fmtber from thf::lr thoughts than to confine the lecturincr an<l examining to those members only who nre, at pref::ent, menJbers of the Hono~ wry reaical tall' of the Associalion. On tbe contrary, the Council hopes that Dr, Muir will approve of the scheme, the cost per head being exceedingly small, and tbat the members of the meuical profession throughout the Colony will assist in carrying ont what is really a national work of the utmost importance, for without their aid the scheme natura11y fans to the ground. ,Amongst the educational estahlishments in the Cape Peninsula \\'hich have taken up ambulance work, or contiuned it, must l)e specially mentioned 'to Agnes's Convent, '\Yoodstock, the Goorl Ilope eminary, and the, outh African College. The thauks of the Conncil are specially dne to ister M. J. 13erchnml1s anel to l\1iss Morton for their lively interest in the work and for their kind a.~ sisLallce. It is a 1l10St pleasing duty to tellder than ks to the varions mem llers of Lhe medical profcsion who ha,e so kindly placed their services at the disposal of the A ociaiion; to the Committees and Honorary 'ccretal'ies of , ections who arc the main sources of fostering the Association's \\'ork in the country eli trict , aud to the Pre's throughout the Colony for their ullya1'ying cot1l'te~y and for their great assistance in bearing Rloft the torch of ambulallcc etlnention. The fiualleial dcpression through which the Colony is pa sing has, lInfo1'tunately, not been witbout itt; elI'ect on this Centre. eyeral classes which it was intel1(lecl to form ha\'e ha,d to be abandoned o\ving to monetary consideraLiollR. The succe::;' of the past "'ill, it is sincerely to be hopeel, act as an incentivc to still further work, nIHI it is devoutly to be desirecl that the tillle may not be 1',\1' distant when e,rry to\\'n and village in this great Colony may Itave a pe1'111ane11 Uy esLRblishcd sec Lion of the 'L John Ambulance Association. RCVCIlltc and E:l'pcnclilllJ'c Account to 30th September, 1906. E1'}Jenditu1'c. Rf-VCIWf.

To 'ash l>1tlance brolwbt for£1<17 6 10 ward .rants, subscription, ute:. III 10 7 " 'ash rceci ,"cd for tores 38~ 1-1 allel 1mls Fees

£611 12


. £50 By Examination Fees 4 " Auditor's Fee " \.ecouutan t' Fcc (special 10 ,"ute) 5 " Hil'eufIIall, ' .~l.C.~\. .,etc., 75 " Clericu,l Assistant . " Oash refunded htmk (cheque 7 retul'llecl for ig'11Uture) . 264 " Purchase of 'tore " Po tage, Telegram, anel 46 a.bles " Office Fl1l'ni ture purcha ed . 19 " tationery, Printing, n,nel 36 Ad verti ing " Balance in b:mk as per pa 119 book




10 0 0

0 0 0

2 6 12


3 7 13 11 6




£6H 12


A neli tcd and found correct, ( igncd) MAYNARD rTA H, 11lcol'po1'Cltcd Accountant. \V. B . POWlt;, IIon. 'P1·caSU1'C1'.


Sl. J ohn A1nbulc//}we AS80cicilion.

St. John A rnbu lance Association.


Statement oj Assets and L iabilities j01' the year ending September 30th, 1906.



Assets. Balance, cash on hand . £27 19 Material on hand, value 16 7 Two Wheeled Litter. 15 0 Arcounts for Class Fees, Storcs due 6 11


David Roes . Jlonoral'Y Sccrctary :lJul J'I·ca Slll'cr.

S. Spence, T raffic Manager's Office, P . O. Box 173, East London, Cape Colony.

£65 18

Lifc lUcJIIltcr.

Wm. Booth Skinncr,lI1.B., C.M., Abcl'., James Stirling, M.B ., C.M., Glas. K. B. Alexander, R. M. O., E. Brooks,lII.B. & c., J. James Brownlce, M.B. & C. M., J . D ell Bridger, M.R. C" ., Cumming, M.B. , c.lII. , Cameron, ILlII .O., L. R.C..' ., P . J . Van Coller, E. R. Grey, B. A., 1\1.B. & C.B., Edin., Patrick P . Ganteaume, )1. B., C.lII. , E din ., Chas. J . Hill Aitken, I.D., C. J. Lownds, n.A., L.R.C. P. & D.P.H., Carl Moller, 1\I.B., Cll.B., J. Paisley, R.lII.O., M.B . , Rubidge, ,VITI . Booth Skinner, R.lILO. , lII .n., & C.M., Glas., James Stirling, lIr.B. & C.M., Glas. , T . F . Tarrahill, M.D.


Receipts. Balance £0 4 D onations . 25 5 Medallion requisitions . 10 1 Class Fees-incidental expenses . 7 0 20 11 " Stores . " Membership Fees, eight 2 0 " Oredit Toise River Section o 17 E ast London 7 18


0 0 0 9


Nov. 1905. To t . J .A.A. account, London Sept., 1906. " Ditto ditto ditto " Cape Town Centre account " Crosby Co. 's account " 1\IcJannet's account " J. G. Miller ACCOUlltCathcart " HopC's account . " Dr. -Jannabill's account " Medallion requisitions " Petty Disbursements 1)y Secretary " Balance, Cash in bankOI'. E. Lon. Centre 18 ] 1 "" Section 7 18 " Toise River " 0 17 " Oash in hand




S. SJ'ENCR, lIon. Sec. and Trr;asu1·er . 1I. B. CUJlIING, Hon. Auditol'.

ORANGE RIVER COLONY . His Exccllcncy the Earl of Selbol'l1e, P'c'., G.C.13., G. O. M.G., High Commissioner for outh Africa. Viscotl1lL Milner, 1'.0., G.C.~I.G. 1"1' 'S id Cllt.

His Excellency 'ir HamilLon Goold-Adams, K.C.M .G., C.B. Chairman.

IIi ' 'W orship the Mayor of Bloemfontein, W. '. Reid. Mf ' :'U crulJ er .

' V. W. Hodgins, M.D., Captaiu :T. H. +oddarc1, n.A.~I.C., C. T. D. Urquhart, M.D. .Joint 1l0JlOI':ll'Y Tl'c a lIJ· crs .

Captain G. II. Godllard, n..\"~LC., a.nd Hugh £4 14. 11 16 7 5 10 2 17 1 0


haw, P.O. Box ;,)45, Bloemfontein.

Ofl1cc . .

Public.; Health Olliccs, Government Building, Bloemfontein.


1I0JlOl'ary ;}.udHol' ·.

0 6

'W. J. C. Brebner and P. F. R. De Yilliers, Bloemfontein. M lli Cll1 Sta.T.


0 o 18 1 15 9 19

0 t:i 0 0

1 15


9 3 9 27

£73 17

£65 18


Joint 1l011VI'Hl'Y SccI·ctal'ics .


3 0

3 9 5

T . R. Bretherton and H. II. Greenwood, P.O , Box 545, Bloemfontein.

the yea?' ending Septernue1' 30th, 1906.

To " " "

£7 18 o 17 57 2



In presenting this, its second annual report, the Executive Council of the En,st L ondon Centre of the Association have pleasnre in recording another year of gratifying progress, and a still further extension of its sphere of operation:; in Lhis portion of the Colony which comes nncler its jurisdiction. Large n,nd successful classes have thi year been held in the following di tricts where til' t aid and home nursing knowledge has not hitherto been imparted, viz., East London , Vest, Cambridge, Molteno, and Toise River. eyeral well-a,ttencled cla ses haye also been held in other sections, East London, Oath carts, and Queenstown. The interest and activity in ambulance work amongst the members of the Railway Ambulance Brigade continues unabated, and the Executive Council learn with sati fadion of the formation of a similar corps at King , Villiam's Town. The gra,teful tlmllks of the Centre are again most cordially tendered to the medical gentlemen who hn,ve acted as either lecturers or examiners.

B alance Sheet

Liabilities. Or. East London Section " Toise River Section Balance

D. REEs, President.

l'tIc(lical Stafr.


8 3 0


7 9 11 11

£73 17


Targett Adams, A. M. Baumann, C. H. Bidwell, S. M. De Kock, H. F . Flockemann, lajor E. C. F. Garra,vay, onth African COll. t~bnlary, Captau; G. H. Goddard, It.A.~I.C . , W. W. Bodgins, W. Johnson, B. O. Rellner, H. O. Rellner, J. W . Krause, O. Krause, Y. Manning, A. E. W. Ramsbottom, ,Yo R. Scott, D . L To ill Ol'y, C. T . Urquhart, A. B. "Yard, Captai~ P. N. Vellacott, .A:C., Captain J. W. West, n . A.lILC., Lieutenant T. . Dl1ddmg, IL\..M.C., J. E. l!lCkman. C. Last, E. Duthie, G. . Clarke, E. ymonds, J. J. Lynch, G. Pratt Iule, A. G. Mi sop, J. M. Key, F. G. Rll:lst?n, E. rR. Holmes,. A. Mc'Y. :Treen, A. H. Jacob, E. C. S. Daniel, W. II. DlCkmsoli, r. B. BrodIe, G. Kennedy, W. A. Trumper, . Zavadier, H. S. Taylor, Grant Arnott,. A. 'l'o?kin, C'T'\\~ ' Sharp, J. J . Dunne, F . J. Brownfield-Ba,teman, P. ~. GIllespie, D ~~rcy \\ ll11ams,. G. Hoextcr, T. M. Bentley, G. V . D. Wall, R. LeIgh, 1\1. troll reIther, A. J. Baud, G. E. Brown, T. Heaps, J. Hunter, . Graham, H. A. Becl er, A. U . Parkhurst, J . J . Ross, C. W . Hunter, J . II. Whitehead, A. , V. Carter.



St. J ohn A mbulance Association.

St. J nhn A 1nb~~lance Association.



The following report SllOWS the progress nl[LlI from the date of the last report, published in December, 1905, up to date, 13th August, 100G: 13 male first aid classes, 1 ma.le nursing, and 1 female nursing have bren held and examined; 12 in Bloemfontein, 1 at Edenburg, and 2 at Kroonstad. The lecturers were: Oaptain J . W . W est, R.A . M.C. , Dr. A. B. Ward, Dr. E. Duthie, Major J . H . Parry, R.A.M.C . , Dr. D . M. TomOl'Y, Dr. A. H. r,lrkhurst, Dr. r. . Velhlcott, and Dr . E. R. H olmes; n.nn. the Examiners : Lieutenant T. S. Dudding, It.A. l.C . . Dr. "\Y. W. Hodgins, Major J . H . Parry, R. A.;\I . C. , and Dr. G. S. Olarke. The above classes comprise 4 military, 5 ra.ilway, 3 city, and 3 police, the awanh being as folloy\'s : first aid certificates, 121; re-examination vouchers, 17 ; metlallions, 4 ; bars (or labels), 6, nursing certificates, 3, n. total of 151 awards, mn.killg the grand total up to date, 374. The members of the mcdical si(tll' continne to lend their kind assistance in furthering the movement, and Dr. A. B. , Yard is particularly to be mentioned in this connection. It if) gratifying to say that 011 several occasions pupils who have passed. through the cIa ses have been of service to the medical Lafi' by carefully conveying patients from the station to hospital, both at Bloemfontein and Kroonstad, whi.ch assistance the docLord have ueen pleasell to have. Arrangements have been made for all patients arriving by train to be met at the station and conveyed to the hospital, and the resident surgeon of the National 110 'pital has promised to telephone the Ohief Superintendent of the Railway Oorps of the St. J ohn Ambulance Brigalle whenever he expects patients to arrive. At Kroonstad squads of the Brigade havc been frequently cltlleu out in the night to COllYey patients from the station to the hospital tlme, a considerable distance i which duties have been willingly performed . Classes arc 110W being hel(l at Springfontein, Boshof, Ficksburg, Bethlehem, Bloemfontein and Koffyfontein, the lecturers heing Drs. Dickinson, Clarke, Arnott, TOl11oty, J. and J . Hunter. In addition to the&e it is hoped shortly to start classes at Yiljoen's Drift, Thaba 'Nchn, alJel other places in the Oolony. The progress of the wOlk is in e"ery way satisfaclory. Oel'Wicates have been presented to sllccessful candidates by Major J. W. A. Rose, Ohief Superintendent, O. S. A. R., O. R. O. Oorps, t. J. A. Brigade, the Officers 00l1ll11ancling the.r orthumberlancl Fusiliers, Royal Field Artillery, Dragoon Guards and N orrolk Regiment; Mr. T. R. Price, C. M.G., and Dr. O. W. Sharp, Jacobsdal, the llttter at the same time being the recipient of a handsome gift from the members of bis class. I n1 recognition of their valuable services, the Oentral Executive Oommittec, t. J ohn's Gate, have heen pleased to appoint Oaptain J. W. \Vest, 1l ..\.M.C., and Dr. A. B. Ward, Honorary Life Members of the Association. Shortly after the last meeting news was received from London that H .R.H. the Grancl Prior of the Order of the H ospital of St. John of J erLlsalem in England, on the recommendaLion of the Ohapter, had been pleased to present Mr. T . R. Price, C.M.G" a Vice-President of the O. R. O. Oentre, with an illllminatell vellum vote of thanks in recognition of his valuable services to the Association, both in the Oape Oolony and the Orange River Oolony. Mr. Price has been connected with the Association for upwltrus ot twenty years. Oolollel Sir Herbert Perrott, Bart, O. B., Ohief Secretary or the Association, has very kindly promised the Oentre a number of bound anllual rcports, which will make an excellent addition to the library. It has been deemecl neces,'al'j' to obtain confirmation to certain additional ltppoilltments to the Staff of the Contre, and more especially to the Executive Oommittee, as it is desired to ensure th(tt futurc Committee Meetings will be well attended. The following aentlemen have reoianecl from tl~e Staff : ~Ir. E. Fairlie, Local Honorary Seeretary, Boshof; :Mr. O. F. P~yce, Execubvtl 0011llTIltt~e; the Honourable II. F. Blaine, R.C . , Executive Commitlce i Mr. F. W . R. F. Stuke, Executive Oommittee. During the recent trouble in aLaI, a number of members of the St, John Ambulance Driaacle volunteered for active servi~e, but the N atal ~ove1'l11~ent had no ocr-asion fur their assistance, having sllffiClently augmented Its staff by drafts from the Transvaal .Medical Staff Oorps. Some £200 worth of stores has been reeeived from the London head·quarters 0(' the St. Joh.n Ambulance Assoeiation during the periorl under review. 'With the arants and the money o~ving by various units of the Brigade, and by classes in the eOlony for stores s~pphecl to them,. a sum of £150 CRU be made up, anJ as material is constantly Issued, there WIll be no difficulty in meeting the account of the Association.



. Field Marshal II.R.H. the Duke of Oonnaught, R.o. I-11s Excellency tho Earl of Selhol'lle, High Oommissioner for South Africa . )"rcs tcl Cllt.

IIis Excellency the Acting Lient.-Governor Sir Richard. Solomon ,

rcC . M. G.

)(OllOI·:tl'Y T.·ca s ul'e l'.

J. E. Ferrar, Manager,


ataI Bank, Ltd., Johltnlleshurg .

Se cr e tary .

O. F . W . Durumy.

Oillces-159, SLock Excllange P.O. Box . 2960.

Buildings, J oh::mnesuurg.

B nu){.


atal Dank, Lbt, Johalll1eSUUl'g. HOllora ry JlluliC o r.

J. W. Bllekla,ncl, National13ank Buildings, ,'immonds Strcet, Johannesburg. Uedical

ta fT.

Lieut.-Ool. D . '\T. John. ton, F.lt.<'.::;., n.p.II., L.n.c.I)., Ellin., T . Kerr-Bell, M.B., ) . 1'.1I., Edwanl Archer-13rowll, M.D., :'II.H.C . tl., F. R. i\1artill, ~I.H.C.H., L.ll . C.P., ~r.B., Alcxllncler Fre,,", :'1.D., n.::;., Relill., G. Michie, )I.B . , )1.<:;, Aucrdeen, F. H. Oarlyon )['D., NUllllall Sheridan, )l.D., 'talJl('y \Til'alJ-Tlleed, )LR '.H., L.U.C.P . , JohnslOJI~ Broll'll, )l.n., Gla.·., Dr. lhant, D. 111. i\I. lUeill. ArT TUAL REPORT . The introduction of the St. Juhn Ambulance Association into the Transvaal dates a 111ll1Jllcr of years, but (lll'ing to LIte late war all records have Leen 10 t, and III rc'-ponse to It largely signe.tl re(lliisiliou from the leading citizens of the town ot' J()bal;llesl)~lrg, a,pulJhe lll.eeLlllg \la.s 1.Il:hl on the ~Oth April last, .the present Mayor (.T. \\. 9U!1l1l, ~S(l.), t~klllg .tlle Ohuu', .man,}' well knO\\'ll men Lemg prc eut. At ilns 1l10etlllg lho follOWing' rc 'olutlon \l'as put : It wus pro]1os'tt II,}' Dr. D. \V. Jollll.'ton illat "III on1er to carry ont a thorolwh system of training ill 'First Aid' amI' ..:\..mLuIance' ,,"orl- in the Tran, yaal iti consider0d (lesiruhle, au(1 this llIeeting herehy resoh'es, to re-eollstitute tbe Oentre of the I':ll. John Ambulance Associalion "hich lell into abeyance in 100." The proposcr having spoken on L11C lll'e(ls an(1 oujeets or formill!f u Oentre in this Oolol~Y, the resolution being secolltletl by Mr. Edg;ll' P. Rathboll~ was put to the lllPeLlllg anll <.:arricdullunimonsly. A provisional Committee \I'll ' then formed. The first meeting 01' the OUlllluittee \I'as helLl in the oHices of' the As oci:ltion on the ~7L~1 day or April, 190~, n.llcl i~ \I','~ decided to approach all the milling groups for theil' snpport and assl ' lallce. mco that cL1te the Contre has bcrltthercc1 0ureut way. ~'nr some con 'i<1eral)le time da 5es have been instructed under the administralion of the Oentral Sonth African Hailways in Pretoria a11(l teps ltl'e now beincr taken to [0 I' III clns')os ill Lhe DCl'al'tmen ts at .Juhan nesburg. 0 III presentillg tlti.' l'eport of' fi\'o months' work the Committee cannot bnt feel plea.sm·o ill roeording lho sltti:facLorj' progre s mado by the ('entre in so hort a period. It was nluinly tbl'Ough the efforts of tho hainnan (Dr. D . ,Yo Johll . ton) and the Deputy Ohairman (Col. T. R. Parrott) and. 1111'. Edgar P. Rathbone that this Oellll:e was formell, all(l the uonefit arising from these gentlellll'n" \l'ork cannot br. 1,00 lllghly app!'eciatetl. The interest taken in allllmlaneo work is Cfrowin lT DI)ace '1 . .. l I b 0 , ~ 10 va.l'luu~. 'ieetlO1~s funne( WOl' ,illg \\'ell, amI it is \\'orLhy of noto that since the ~Ol'IlHttIc~n of the Cl;lItre no less LlHlll 2~0 persons of both, c'Ce. are undergoing 1I1 Slt:ll~tI0l1 . At P!'l's~Il.L the 'ellt!'0 has HO wheelell ambu lance or litter of any kind but It IS LrusLec1 tlmt, With increased support, these most llCCOSSltry vehicles will uo purchLlscll aL an early daLe. ~)ack


St. John A 1nbulance Association.

St. John A ?nbulance Associcdion.

Your Oommittee are much indebted to the Press for their unfailing courtesy rendered in the publication of reports of meetings and other matters which h~s materially h elped to convey to the Public an id ea of the great u.sefuln ess of thIS Association. Th e thanks of your Oommittee are also due to the Mm e Owners; the General 1IIanaaer O. S. A. R. ; the Manager, 1\lodderfonteill Dynamite Factory; the Ohief OomlUi ~iOl~er of Police; the Ollicer-in -Oharge, Johanu esb urg Fire Briga~e ; amI many others for assisting in the formation of classes, also to the EducatIOn Department of the Transvaal for the use of schoolrooms in Von Brandis Square. Stcttement of R evenue and E xpenditw'e fl'01}1, the 11th J une to the 20th Sept. , ] 906 . R eceipts. Expenditw'e. T o Subscriptions and dons. £215 15 0 By Sec. 's Salary, Telephone, " Class Fees 12 5 0 Rent, Printing, Station· ery, and Bank charges. £96 13 5 " Cash at bankers . 131 6 7 £228






" Balance forward £131 6 7 Examined with Vouchers and Bunker's Pass Book and found correct. J. W. BUCKLAND, lIon. A1tdito?', J. E. FERRAR, lIon. T,'cas1we1· . O. F. ,Yo BURBUllY, SeC1·eta1·Y. J ohannesburg, 28th Sept., 1906.


H. E. the Viceroy. J'atl'ones s. H .E. The Oountess of Minto.

J'rc 'lclcnt of Chc CCJl1J'al COllllllHCcc.

H.E. the Oommander-in-Ohief.

l ' icc·l·l·CSic1 Cll t s. H. H. the Maharajah of ll1y ore, H.H. the Uah arn.jah Gaekwar of Baroda, G. O. . I.; RH. the Maharajah Scindia of GlValior, G.O.S.I.; H. H. the Maharajah ()f Jaipur, G.O.S.I., G.C. I.E., G.C.V.O. ; H.R. the Mil' of Khairpur, G.O.I.E. ; Sir Jamsetjee Jejeehhoy, Bart., O.E.I.

Vjcc·]'rcsitlcnts (Ccntral Committec).

The Ronbl e. Sir D. I bbetson, KO.S.I. ; the Rouble. J. P. Hewctt, O.S.I., O.I.E. ; the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lahore. UClubcrs (Cclltral COHuuHtce).

Surg.-General.W. L. Gubbins, O. B., M.Y.O: (P .M.O. , H.1\L Forces); Surg.General G. Bomford,O.I.E (D.G., I. 1\1.S.); Maj.-General Stuart Beat Oll, R.O. '. 1. , O.B. (I. G. of I mperial Service Troops) ; Maj.-General.A. A. Pearson, G.B., (I.G. of Volll:ltee rs ); H. \17. Orange, O.I.E. (D.G. of Education in India); O. D. W. H astmgs, O. I.E. (I.G., Punjab Police) ; Sir F. H. Upcott, K.O. V.O., C.S. I. (Ohairman, Railwn.y Boarll).; Ran\\'ar Sir Harnam SilHsh, K.O.I.E., of Kapllltl1ala ; The Ro.nble the Maharajah Bahadur of Darbhallga (representillg the Il indu Oommumty); the Honble. ll'Iahomed Shah Din (l'epresentiu(f the Mahol1ll1lcclan Oommun~ty); the II onble. Sir Ph erozesltah Mehta, ICO. I. K (r~presolltillg the Parsi COlllmul11ty) ; Lt.-Oolonel A. O. Yate (llonorary Organising OO!1l lnissioner for Inelia). f(OIlOl':tl'Y SCC1'Ct:U'Y

CCJltnll Committce.

Lt.-Oolonel A. E. 'l'ate, H.A.M.O. , Simla.


Lifc IUembel's. H. E. Viscount Ritchell er, Lieu t.-Oolonel A.. O. Yate, Surgeon-General Sir Thomas Gallwey, Surgeon-General G. Bond'ol'u, the Honbl e. J. P . Rew ett Sir Harnam Singh, Oolonel "W illiam Oapper, O. E. IIastiners the Hon. tLe 1\lararajah 13ahadur of Darbhanga, the Hight Rev. the Bishop ~ f? Lahore, and H. W. Orange.

Ar UA.L REPORT. Visit of II.R.H. the P?'ince oj TValf's to Inclirt.-The early part of the year uuder revjew was rendered mcmorahle in the annals of the Indian Branch by the visit of Il.R.ll. the Prm3ident of the Association to India. Occasional mention was made in h"\'st year's report of his visit, as it ~"\'ffected the t. John Ambulance Association but it Inl"\'Y be well to recapitulate the occasions on whioh the work of the AssociatiOl~ was)hrought under Hi.s Royal lJ ighne 's'~ notice. Durin?, tbe st~"\,y of the Royal Party at Bom hLY, and especmlly on tbe occaSlOn of the landmg and the e\'eninO' of the illuminatIOns, the Executive of thc Bombay Presideuey Centre, in co-operation ~\rjth the Military l edical for 'dressjner . . Authorities, made excellent arran'''el!1ents b <> stations" along t Ile pnnclpal routes, and first aid was effecti\'E~ly rendered to the casualties "hic11 occurred. nuc acknowledgment was received, through the Military ecretary to II. K the Goveruor, from ,'ir Arthur Bigge, on behalf of II.R.H ., and also from 'ir Archibald Hunter, Lieu t. -Geneml Commandill'T the \ Vestern Oommand and President of the Bombay Ceml e. <> At H!"\'wa,l :rindi, early in December, II.E. L ord Kitchener, President of the Central Committee, Indill,ll Brauch, on behalf of thl"\'t Branch, pre 'ented an addre s to II.R.H. setting forth the present sttLte of the work in India and the results already achieved. '1'0 thi8 a gmcious reply was returned by ,,'ir Arthur Bio-ge on uehltlf of the Prince. In Burma, 11.R.II. signed the first aid certificate recelltlyearned under the auspices of the Burma Centre, thus enormously enhancintr their value in the eye' of the recipients. '" Early in February II.R.H. ill,.;pected the team of the reat Indian Penin ula 1 ailway, which had won the Ohltllenge tlhielel for ambuianc~ work, pre ented by the Gl'ltllcl Prior and the Chapter (Jeneral of thc Order, in the pre\ious l\1arch, and furlllnlly cOlllmitted the ,'hield to their cha.rge. At Bellares, on the 2h1t Fehrllltry after the presentation of colors to the outh RtaiIordshire Hru-imellt,H.R.Il. the Plince of , Vales, ill hi · capacity as Grand Prior of thc Order, prcsented 22 life-Ra\ ing mechds t"l,wltrded by tbe Chapter General of the Order of the II ospital of Nt .•John of .T ermiltlem in E1Ighllel, on the recommendation of n. K the COll1mallder jn-Chief iu Inelia, and thc Central Committee, Indian Branch •'to ,J oh II Am blllal1l:c A soeia Liun, to officers tmel men of the l::;t anel 7th Gurkha Rifle for cOll";l'icUOL1~ gall all try eli.pItty ·el ill re~CllC "ork, after the eli "n ' trOll earthquake at Dh(\.nn~llb on the .all April, 1\)05. The followjng extract from The Iild ian Daily Telegraph of I'ebruary 23rd, i ' of interest : After the presentation of color thc Prince presented to a number of Officers, N on'ummis:ioned Ofticer~ and men of th ' G urkhn. Hifles, medals of the Order of t. J' ohn of J erllsnl'!ll for g,"\'lhmtry in .IL\ iug life on the occ:l8ioll of the earthquake at Dlml'lllsl"\'b lltst April. Liellt. -Oulonel 'I'll te, R. A. I. 0. . I1 0n. ecretary, Oentral Committee in Tnclit"\' tlt. John Ambulance At-'sociation, rettd the following- statement: " our I oynl IIighne s,-Thc disastrous 'tl1'thtluake of the ,tth April Itt t was felt with the grCt~test sevcrity at Dhannsala in the Punjab. In ten second' almost eyery building \l'itS a ruin. Twenty Europeans l"\,11(l oyer 150 natiye 'oldiers and eyeral hunch-ed lH~ti\'es in the bazaar wcre killed outright. The work of re cue commenced directly the jnitial ~bock \l'llS O\er and cou6nued uncea ingly tdl eht)', in pite of comsbmtly recutTi.ng sho(;ks " 'hieh rendered the task of approaching the tottering ruins 1ll0't h,tzanloll::;. It i~ cumpuled that 80111C 150 person were re.cu d from almost eerbtin deaLh. l~rom the htrge Humber uf gallant worker::; it has been difficult to select Lhe pMty paraded before om- Royal Ilighness. in the case of the rank <Ln<1- file, j t bas mainly heen clone by the votes of their comrade ' . 1 t"\'111 deputed to humbly I' '(Illest Your H,oyal Highness ttS Gmnc1 Irior of the Order of the Hospital of ::-It. ,) olin uf .T erll sltlem in JCnghJl(l to pre 'eut the mech.l awarded by the Order in aPlJreeit"\'tion of thc gt\lImltry lli::;phtyed by twenty-til 0 Officer::; and men of the Istalld 7th Gurkhl"\, Riflcs." The Prince th en jll turn present~d iher and bronze medals to the under-


St. John A?nbvJCI/nce Association.

mentioned Officers and men, pinning the medals upon the breast of each recipient:Silver Medals: Major Patrick Hehir, r.:~l. S.; Captai~ Oyril Grey tansfeld, 7th Gurkhas' Lieut. \Valter Jame Evans, 1st Gurkhas; LIeut. Donald Stuart Orchard, 1st Gurkha ; Lieut. Barry Hartwell, 7th Gurkhas; Subachl,r- Iajor Bir~al Nagarkoti, 7th Gurkkas' ubad"l,r Khial ino'h Gurung, 1st Gurkhas; Subadar Abll'am Gurung, 7th Gurkha.' Bronze Medals: Color Havildar Rishen Singh Karki, 1st Gurkhas. Rifleman impati Guruug, 1st Gurkhas: Riflema.n Churan~oni Thtl,pa, 1st Gurkhas; Rifleman Drig ingh Gurung, 1st Gurkhas; Havlldar arsmg Gurung, 7th Gurkhas; Havildar Kaman Singh Thapa, 7th Gurkhas; Naik Gokul Jeewar, 7th Gurkas' Havildar Kamtl,n SinO'h Tha,pa, 7th Gurkhas; Iaick Manbtl,hadur Gurung, 7th Gu~'khas; Jaick Amir Singh GUl'Ung, 7th Gurkhas; Rifleman Kama Singh Gurund, 7th Guakhas; Rifleman Basante Halla, 7th Gurkhas; RifiemanMoti Thtl,pa; 7th Gurkhas' Rifleman Narbin Thapa, 7th Gurkhtl,s; H,ifleman Tula Pun, 7th Gurkhas. At the close of this interesting ceremony the Prince inspected the United Provinces Light H orse, who were drawn up along the main. drive facing the para.de oTound. o Provincial Cent1·es.- There has been no addition to these during the year. Tho e from which reports have been received show a satisfactory record of work, especially Calcutta, Bombay, Burma, and the United Provinces. At the last named cen.tre a meetinO' was held on 1I1arch 21st, 1906, to pr sent to His IIonour ir James Dlgges La To~che, ICC . . 1., Lieut.-Governor of the United Proyinces Cl,nd President of the United Provinces Centre of the St. John Ambulance A socitttion, tl, vellum yote of thanks for services rendered to the A, ociation, from the Gmnd Prior a.ncl Chapter General of the Order of the Ho 'pital of St. J olm of Jerusalem in England, igned by 1LR. II. the Grand Prior. A \'ery encouraging accounL of work done was giyen by the Honorary Secretary, the 1 ev. 'V. C. G. Bollard. Each centre has been a ked to report direct to t. John's Gate. A list of Proyincial and other Indian Centres is appended to this report. Local CentJ'es.-These now number three, as the imIa, Centre has been added during the year . Its formation was due to the initiatiyeof Mr. V. Gabriel, C.Y.o., Incli:1n Oivil Service. At an infornmlmeeting held on the 2 th June n,t the residence of the Honorable 1'.hjor-General O. H. cott, it was decided to fOlm a Local Oentre of the ·' t. John Ambulance Association, with tl, view to [the 1'0' ivaI of A Committee was elected with the llonouraule ambulance work in Simla. Major General C. H. cott, c. B., as President, Mr. A. JU. Ker, as IIon. Treasurer, and Mr. V. Gabriel, c.v.o, as IIon. Secretary. During the Rea on five classes were beld for instruotion in "first ll,icl," \'iz. :--011e for ladies at Viceregal Lodge, by kind penni sion of H.E. Lady l\Iinto (who herself attended, -with two of the Ladies Elliot, all three ohttl,ining certificate); two for the Simla Volunteer Rifles, one for the Y.\V.C.A., and one for the Y. I.C.A. A class wa commenced at the Bishop Ootton ,'chool, but tl, combination of circum tances prevented its completion. Early next season it is hoped to recommence it. From those who obtained c, fiI';;;t Q,id" certifieates tl,mong the Volunteers, the Commanding Officer hopeR to form a permanent Bearcr 'ection. The Commitee is in cOrl'espondence with Mr. John ,'eo,ly, of Trimud l'U1l1 , ~outhell1 India, who hopes to be able to form a Local Oentre at that phce. Native States.-A letter, dated Indore,16th July, 1906, hlLs l)eC11 recciv d from the HonouralJle 1'.hjor Daly, Agent to the Governor-General, Oentl'al Indian Ageucy, stating that" it has been proposed to start at Indore 0, regllhl,l' (ambuhnce) ola,ss in the Imperial Service Escort and Transport of the Indore 8tll,te_ The State Surgeon has undertaken to giVA lectures to the class, and the lectures will commence o,t tl,n early date." The Nizam's State Oentre, under the guicbllce of Lieut.' 'olonel Gimlette, Residency , urgeon, continues its work; and ,L reoorcl of good work haR been received from the Chief :Medical Officer, Baroda State, where, howe\-er, work i' done on their own lines, and not in striot conformity with the AHROcilLtion regulations. Railwayscmd Voluntee1·s.-On the 26th March, 1906, the Lhird eompetition for the R o,ilway, and the second competition for the Volnnteer, Challenge, hield and prizes presented by the Grand Prior and Chapter of the Order of the 1l0spit,Ll of St. ,John of Jerusalem in Englo,nd, took place Rimulta.neouslyat ,JulJbulpor ' . The entries were disappointing, only two teams competing for each shield. A third team for the Volunteers Oompetition scmtched at the last moment. In the unavoido,ble a.bsence of the H onorary Secretary, Central Committee, the armng'ments were

St. J ohn A rrl-uulance Associu,tion.


~arriec1 tJllough by Majo~' George Lund, Bombay Volunteer Rifles, the HonoraI' 8ecrctm·y ". ~~l11lxLY Fresldency ,Centre, S. ,T. A. -'\" in communica,tion with th~ .J llblJull:~l. (\O~n.tr.e. The. eomp~tlllg t~ll,mR, eXtLllllners and representatives of the Voluntcel, COl'pH a,nd H"LI ~\Vay Omp:Ll11eH asseml)led in the Collccfe Hall at 10 am The was' elWI'wcl out hy 1'. h]' or A};' jJ e1·1, C· t!" -Ir ' h I ' V· .eXill1l11HLLlOll . T ' ' • " ", ) y, lLp aJus .D..un arc t anel' " lbon ,~ f. t~le LilI ..S. \\ hllo thc ~X'L1I111llLtlOn WlLS in Pl'Ogl'CHR the Oonference of V olnnLeclS ,mel RlLilway rCIJl'esclltatJves was held , "T ' ' G • L une1 presle . l'lng. , " .l.U aJ ot Present:

Major G. Lund, n. V. Rifles representing Col. Tate, R.A.M.O., . Hon . • 'ec., Oentral Committee for India. \l,pttl,ll1.T. Rowley, H.A., Adjutant, C. p, D. Volunteers. 1\[1' . .T, 8tuart-Brooke, 'hief :.\Icdical Officer , E. I. Railway. 1111'. H" F. H. Oooke, D. T. 8upt., G. I. P. Railway. ,_ 1\.[1'. F. Boy ton i-hlts, ReRident Surgeon, G. 1. P. Railway. I he I{csol 11 bum; passed ut the OOllference helel at .I uhhulpore on the 13th March 1 90~,), were ]'e:1~l and re-adopted for the eompetition of 1907. ' '1 he H 'solutHlns passed at tbis mceting are as follows :_ 1. That ,l copy of Re5~)lntioJl No. (j of 190.1 Conference be forwarded to the Ag:ents o! all R,l,?hmys, \\'ho are abo informed that the Chief Medical Ofii~er, 1£: 1. R:uhmy, had reported to the Oonfbrence that ull employees of ,111.~,.R~Jl "',ty (l~; 1. H.) WI,lO ol)bLined first f),icl certificate were granted H". ~.) fl?111 the. COmpltll) ~ unds, und that there were no less than 250 men bolrl111g " first (ud certtficate!'l." ~. \Vith .ref 'I:ence to Hesolutioll of 1905, it wa~ resoh-ed that all ca, es of sa\'J!1!S- Me 01' limiJ hy holclers of the .:\.s'ociatioll Certificate should be rep0l'te;l ~n (letnil [0 the HOllorary '- ecretnry of the Centle concerned, for tI'HnSnl1S_1()1l to the Honoml'Y ,'ecwtary Central Oommittee imla. :3. Tlll:t the JHO! Competition for both 'hi~lds be held at ,Tubbulpore in the tll'st \\'cl'k III l\[ar(~h, 1 D07. 4. ;:hat there be one ;;~t of ]~x,all1illenl for hoth competitionI"'. fi: Ihat fo~' the 1907 olllp,etth,oll, the teams competing be encamped as near tile I-\I[e of the E 'llllllllltlOll Ilall as possihle, Illld that a Contractor be sel·t:l·<1 to supply tIll' :'Ife11 's .\lessin',' at a uniform rate l)er dl'em l'n a 'I , b , < _\ L'S,' '1' ellt to IJe supphed hy the Oommittee. ~'o ('nl'l'y out thi~ Re.'ioJlltioll it was (kcidecl to approach thc Rail""l,y Ao'ent", the Ofli(;el's 'OlllllHulIlmg Yolunte 'I' Corp::; to fmllish I.E.P. Tent for their ~e l)ective T 'ams. G. Tlt:lt in the 1907 cO ll1petition, subj 'ct to the C:Clllsent of the Railway not ~. 'l~l'esente(l at tllis 'onferenc:L', a more practical examination be held, that 1.', lIlsteac1 of furllis~lillg' the Teams \\ i~h bandages and splints as heretofore, that unly SU(·1t ,nI:t~eles as are mentIOned Oll pnge 35 of the A ociation Manual, 1 DO J ];-,chtlOll, wcr' to lIe Rupplied. 7. TL Wils l'ec:ulnlHe!HlL'cl that the OHir-ial Hepul't of the Indian Branch for the year }!l0;' a~lc1 l!JOG ~1J()uld he sellt to all Hail\\'ays, ,mel Volunteer Oorp for g-en 'mllllfurlllallOll. The g:-':,Llllination of the Ureal. IncliaJl Peninsula and East In<linn Hailway Te'1l11 also. the J:Ollllmy Volullleer Hi~les and Caleutta Port D ·fenc:e Yoluuteer' in th~ s~ll ),]~c:ls laId clom!,ta ), ~lrdl'hel' work , (b) Cal'l'yiug- anel _Artific:inl H.e~pimtion, and (c) Il'eatment of 111]Ul'JeS, was conc:lurlecl. _A t :3.1,. p.m. the results were ('OlllllllllliC:il teel by l\f ajor Her!'y, 1. Jr. __ .• to 1\[ajol' Luncl, Il. \'. IL, \\ ho then annOllllt'e<l them anel tlwarclecl the ,,'hielcl::; and Prizes a uncler :-. Ea:sl flldi(w,. Rail/lJu,I/.-\Vinllel· of R'1.ilway hield 11y 27 points, awarded R . 75 111 Pl'1Z~H anl.ll'-llher Ihelges of Merit; GJ'wt Indian Peninsula Bailu;alj.-Awarded HR. fiO 1I1 111'1zes ;Ulcl 131'ol1ze nile 19-es of l\[pri t; EombalJ "'oZul1ll't:/' Rifles: - Winner of \~olllnteel' !-lhie1c1 hy 3:~ points, ,Lwimlecl J:{". 75 in pri~eR 11,11(1 iller Badges of Merit; G((l~lltt(L Port ] Je(nlce Volnlltcc}·s.- ,\\\,ill'{led H". [,0 in prizes and Bronze Badge of l1le~·lt. 'j'!Je leR~ WfiR a mo::;t thorough iLwl pnl.eticnl one, aml all the teams were "'ell tmmec1. At the C011<.:1 Llsion of the 00111l'eti tion three hearty cheers \\'ere accorded to the

St. J ohn .A.1nuulance Associcdion.

St. J ohn A 1nb'U"lance Association.


winners of the shields by their opponents, and by all the teams to Major L und and the Examiners. StoTe Depot.-Mr. George Lund! HOflorn,ry e~retn,r:f of the Bomb<~y Presiden?y Centre, continued to manage tIn, except dUrIng IllS absence of SIX months m England, when the duties ,,'ere ta,ken over by i'.ll'. n. G. Chrl;:. The thanks of the Indian Branch are due to both the .. e gentlemen. A stn,tement of n,ecounts .rendered on the 2nd May, 1900, showed a credit balance ofRs. 1.'692-12-1, from whICh a sum of Rs. 500 was sent to the account of the Central Oommlttee.

l 'all·OH.

II. H. The Maharaja of lysore. I 'l'esicl e nt .

The Honourable the R esiclent in Jl.Jysol'e, Bangalore. 1 "'ca Slll'(' " :ulfl Jl H II 01':U'Y ·CCl'l"ary.

Hon. Seeretary's Address.

H on . 8ec1'ol al'y.




Lli>T OF

'aptain R. l!'. Btancl,Lge,

Dr. T. F. Pearse Bengal .. . Oapt. R. F. tandage,I.1IT.8. .. Mysol'e .. . Oapt. G. E . Oharles, r.~r.s Punjab .. . Rev . J. Shaw Balnch istan W . N. Richal'llson, Sind United Provinces G. W. B. Clegg Lt. -Col. J. H. D. Gimlette, Nizam's State


37, Chowl'inghee, Calc:ntta.

Statement of Accotmts from 1st AP1'il, 1905, to 30th S eptember. 1906. Expenclit1l1·e. Receipts. Rs. Rs. A . P. 29 Postage 0 830 0 Subscriptions 11 T elegrams From Stores Depot, .J.A.A. 251 Printing and TYVing' 0 0 500 Bombay , tationery and Ofrice Ap103 pliances . 2 0 Oilice Rent . ]4 Railway Freight 14. Petty Expenses 622 Balance in ha.nd Rs.





Rs. A. P. From the Chief Secretary, S.J.A.A. , cheque for £21

310 12


Rs. 310 12


Presented in prizeR (cash) Towards providing and engraving I'ih'er and Bronze Medals .






11(' lII heJ's.

J l cd i l'aJ !o;'aff.


0 0 0 0 9



R esidency Snl'''eon

Li enL.-Col. H. Arm. trong, UUl., '<lptain .J. A. Drerl"e r '1" r, t·· 0 V COF" H ' C t ' \ V \. "\ r 0' • • • •, . , vap ,un . L ' I~) 'i\l ·J~~~\~l' t1p am . -: . ,\ ard, R.A..M.O., Lieut. G. "'IV. ::'Ilaconocbie I ~r S' leu. r . '. ute, ur.~., .flhss G. Lillingston, L.U.O.P. &:-;., Miss II. Moo~e, ·~;.~:

A. P. 0 3 4 0 1-1 0

8 0 12 5 4

1. ;11. s.,

Lieut. Col..J. myth, T.~r.S., Lieut. -Uol. "'IV. G. Cartel' 11.ev. J. H eron Re\- , 111 Tahal'd, F. ' C~1 IT, L oye11 J.'I ' , . .t"i. J.' • ' urray, D r. runr:Jogancl Mucluliar, ::\1. A. lllaigencledeva 111 udaliar.

IIaslemere, Bangalol'e. Punjah lub, Lahore. The Manse, Quetta. 5, Depot Lines, Karachi. 26, Canning Road, Allahaharl. Residency Surgeon, Hyuerabad, 0.1. E., LlII. s. Deccan. P. A. Ohurchwal'd ... .. Rangoon. Burma . . P. A. to 1. G. of Civil Hospitals Shillong. Assam .. . In abeyance Madras .. . SassoOll Institute Building, Born bay Presidency G. Luncl ... Bombay. Nagpur, C. P. Oentral Provinces Lt. -Col. PUYlldel', I. ilL. s. Jabalpur. J. McGavin Spence .. Jabalpnr Foreign Office. V. Gabriel, 0.1'.0., LO.S. Simla

Rs. 1,330





, i~lce bt Oeloher, 1905, e\'ery ende:woul' has lJeen made to orc.-al1lsl; til',.;t aid and 1111rsll1g ::\1 11011J J. alll1 rfil··· 'L' P'IC ton \ \'. .1 elas f 's Ifor r ladles. . By 'the - ' hell) " of ~:'IIi·s .. .... Js:; .D. , ~tS ~w, 0 tle:L ollll,g " om.en:; Chnstw.1l Association, t\I'O cIa" ·cs were :;ta.rtecl in hr:st atel and another 111 llUr:i111" ]'11s 11 1I1u01'e ' ·tllcl."'11'" 1 r ..,..,.. ' . \ s:; G . I Jl'11'In"s t on th e <.0oLors ~f the Z~llnna J\ J I"slon lI ospl ttl I, kindly undertuok the lec:tuJ'es ancl exa~i )atH:ns, hC:Ilt; fUl'lushed hy the C 'ntl'e with the necessary diagram' and api)~rat~l~. l{eccntl) the 1Ily»ol'e Dl1rhar lIn' IJecn 1Il()\'e<l lu urrre the officials of its \," , anel stuclenl,;. U'e' to nttCIOlcl cour' f Ieet Ul'es . onH.lfilOU:; departl1lellt» .1 . " . or cliti'crcnt coU , ..." st:::; 0 rst :uc, wInch It IS hoped "1.11 be (lOIlO during this yeaI'. ,)'lafclllenl of AC:C01/Ji/S Jur tlte ycal' eliding :30lh &plcmbU', 1906.

H:<. a. p. L1st

)Il' aI' I)ala IlCC lll'''u"l! t I"u I'\I"lI'I1 '" Heccil'ed 'frolll the Atljlltallt S. M. H.y. \TOllluleol's at lis. '2/ - cae II, \I' h 0 h ,we ullc1el'golle a iraillill" ill J1rst aid . "'.




o o

Rs. A. P. 250 0 0

60 12


Ri'!. 310 12


E. TATE, Lt. -Oolonel, B. A. AI. 0., IIo?w?'a7'Y Secretct?"!j

E'(111 lid iflli·c. Pay of clerk for ept. , '05 . UalTiage hil c to Lieut. Hunt er, J.;\I.P. Paid UOl1lmission on a . che<l ue for R ·. 5 IPay of clerk fur Od., '05 . " " Noy., '05. " "Dec., '05 . Uhargefor Ill' ing Ma.nnal ~O, anu 3 (loz certifiL'ate Ion ey Ord er OOll11l1i ion. Paid for 500 en I'elope and 3 pkt . noto paper Po:.tage tamp' Balance on hand, on 30th qltellloer, 1900

H u. p. 10 0 0 3



050 10 0 0 10 0 0



3..J. 13 0 060 . J. 7 0 020 51



Us. 132




Oent?'al Committee, In(Zictn B?'anch, St. J ohn Amuulance A ssociution. Calcutta, 3?'d Decembr-,., 1906.

Rs. 13'2

Ii.. F .



S'I.'ANDAGE, Ol1pt., I.M.S.,

Trcasll rcr and lIonorary Sec1·cta?·y.

St. J ohn .A 1nuvoIlunce .A sociatio11 .


BOMBAY. l'ah·on s. H is Excellency L ord Lalllington, G. e.lII. G., G. C. 1. E., Governor of BOlli bay, and Her Excellency Lady Lamington. )'l'C


General Sir Archibald Hunter, K.C . B., D.S.O . , Oommanding the Forces, Bombay . Life

~I CJU bel's.

L ord Northcote, G.e.M . G. , G.C.I.E., C. B., Lady "Northco,te, ?I., ~ir In,msetjee J eejeebhoy Bart., Da,mocler Go\'erdha,ndass, BOlllMlJl D. PetIt, LIeut.-Col. llal'\Vo~d, It. A. III. C. , George Lund, Sir Oowasji J ehangir, I. N. Goculc1a,s,. T. M. ~W adu,:,. C. I.E., Jehtwgir B. Petit, Vijbhucanclas Atmaram, Colonel , V. II. Rlcl,de}!, .1'\..esh;\'J1 Nathu Sailor Tribho,andas Muno'alda,s .rTathoobhoy, GO\'l1l'dhtulllas G. leJPal, The Agent, G. 1. 'Po Rail\yay, J . D. :B~orbes, Harischandra B. Na.ik Da,mlekal', L.l'I. &, ,., A . S . Moos. ) I e(lical Sta ff.

:Miss A . M. Benson, lILD., De }.lonte, M.D., Dadacha~ji, L.lII. & s:' MajorL. OhUde, LN . S., Lieut. -Col. Crimmin, Y.e., C.I.E., 1.lII.8 . , l:lCuL.- 01. Qlllcke, I.l'Ui . D . A. T urkad, N.D., Choksey, L . M. & S., Lieut.-Col. Dllllm?ck, 1. l.R., Arthur Powell, M.D., A. H . Deane, M.D., K. N. Gokltale, L.M. & S., ~jaJor A. , treet, 1.1'1.R., :Miss Meakin 1'1. D. Sir Balchandra K. Bbat"adekar, R. T . urilllan, 111.1>', Ka1iyanwalla,' L.M. & s., B. H. Nanavatty, F.R . . s . ~ Dinanat~l 13. K. Dandck~r, L.lII. & s., Captain H. A. L . Howell, 11.A.IILC., Lleut. TOlHll, ll.A.lI1.C'.I Major Jennings, 1.111. '., Lieut.-Col. J. ,\V. Anderson, 1.1\1., ". R. D. Guzdal', L.l'J. & R., Lieut. -Ool. Bannerman, 1.111. ., C. R. Marratt, IILD., :r.hss :T. M. Mehta, L.M. & R., Miss A. 1\1. Mehta, L. M. & S., A. D . Jilla, L.1II. & R. .AJ\"NUAL


The work of the Centre for the year ellfling 30th eptember, 11)06, indicales steady and aood progress. 174 males completed a course 01 instrllction iu first aid, of whom obtained certificates; 33 femalcs, of whom 26 qualiliecl. In llome Nursina out of 32 males Ii qmllified, and 13 females alJ (llH.lilied. In Homc Hygiene out of males 11 q nalifieLl. 25 males rlualilied for mcdallions. On 6th February H.E. the GOYel'llor, Lord Lall1ington, prescnted llIerlalliolls and certificates of tbe AssociatiolJ, when the G.LF. Hailway, B. V. Wiles, the Parsi Division of tbe Ambulance Brigade in cOllllection "ith the Oentle, anu the City Police paraded, and gave a LlislJlay of fir&t aid to the injured . His Excellency, in addressing the gathering, said:" I have on several previous oucasions bad the plcasure of adtlre 'sing the St. John "Ambulance AssociatlOn, but I think it is the first time I ha\'e had tIle privilege "of seeing anything of your metholls of work. I c:ertainly cndorse the remarks by "General Greenfipld as to the excellent way in which you performcd the duties of "first aid. To my inexpert eye there was nothing wanting in regard to the know"ledge of the men, and also for rapidity of action. I am very pleasell to think that "since two years ago tbe progress of the Association has beenmoro than sustained. I " am particularly please<l that a nnmher of the European Inspectors of Police have Ie qualifieJ themselves, and I havc had to-day the satisfaction of handillg them "their certificates of efficiency. I hope that he an encouragemcnt to many "others to acquire similar knowledge. The armed native Police have albo largely "taken up amuulance work. The ullarme!l Police, owillg to thcir heavy and " laborious duties, have not the same time to attend to the subject. All the Police "are a very hard-worked hody indeed in tbis grcat ciiy of Bombay, but considerable "numbers are receiving instruction in strctchel drill and the carrying of sufferers. " I congratulate them on what they have heen able to do. Then, again, there are " the G. 1. P. Volunteers and employees, and the BOIll hay Volunteer HiDes. I ]]lust also " refer to the Parsis. I extend to them my wannest eongratulatiolls. I thillk they "are a distinct example of what others in orllinal'Y civil life could do in this matter. " T hey, conjointly with the G.I. P. Volunteers, were largely instrumental in afI'ording




St. J ohn A 1nuulc&nce Association,


:: assisLfn?e.' a.s has been descl'iued to .ll~ uy General G)'e~llfield, at Lhe time of the Ro:ya. VJSlt.In Bombay. I daresay .J L IS very largely oWIng to their efforts that no "senous aCCIdent occulTed at that time. It is certainly I think a very great "achievement that Lhis city of Bombay should have snch a ~umbel' or'men who have "placed themselves at tbe disposal of instructors to learn these duties of first aid "and also of others in the way of llursing. I understand that many of them al'~ "quahfiod in ca.'e of warfar" to take their place amon(f&t those who ao to assist tLe :: wouuded. In th~ fighting line ollly tbe 'ery simple~t remedies ~re applied and the wounded s01c11el's are taken back to tIle base hospItal to be properly treated . "That is rcally the position of the Ambulance Association. The members save life :: at the Jil'~t outset, and thcn the patient ~s takcn to the hospital to he more carefully "lookpd ~ILer. Sn.rely they arc engaged 1Il a noble work. Every person is liable to meet WIth an accldent, amI eVel'yollc of us olwht to be illtel'c~ted in the work of the :: As~.ociaLioll. All ougl:t to trya]](l do somethillg to aC~lllile tll.at knowledge by " \~I1l(;h !le can ~'ell(1er aId when cal!ed upon, and thus perionl1 a kmLlly office in the tUlle of 11ced lIke thc gooli amantan of old. There are two essentials for those " who cngage ill tbi' work to po. sess. Tbe first is a certain al1lonnt 1)1' kill and the " other promptitude. I am yery glad to think that in this city of Bom1Jay so much "has heen donc to uring about thi ' very desirable instruction. I congratulatc those " gellLlelllcn who haVe speeially set themselves to undertake this training and also "those who arc iuterested in the 1L11mil1istratiou 0[ the Association. I k~ow of no :: gcntlelllall 1Il0rc ~1cser\'illg o[ prai ..e t.han MI'. Lund, the Hon. ecretary, who, llO llloLtn what hlS engagements 11llght be, ha ' 11e\'er [or one moment deviated "froIll his purpose of trying to bring Ll,i' Oentre to a state of perfection. I heartily "enLlor e the rClllarks of Ueneral Grcellfield that the puulic will rccoCfni e its need "anu sce its scope, anclliberally contribute to its funds." b , On 17th Fchruary la t, at liarsi, II.R.n. the Prince of ,\Yales, Grand Prior of the Order, pn'scntell the Hai.lway (,halJeuge ,'hiel(l and 'ilycr Mcdal of merit to members of thr. willl.'illg tcam for 19U5. elllplo) ees of HlP G.L P. Railway. The 1l0ll. ecretn.ry 01 Lhe PrcslllcIICY lelltre, )11'. eo)""'e Luud, was invited to attend anel ,vas presented to JI.H.H. the Pliuce of \Yale;;. 0 , The cOllI[l'liLioJ1s for 1906 for tIle Ohallenge hields presented uy H.R.H. the Prllleeof '\'ale.', Grand Prior of the Order, for aJlJlual competition among t Volunteer eOil's and railway elJlployce. ill IJl(1ia, was helll at Jubbulpore on 26th l\larch Ia t. The YOlllllicl'r, 'hi~111 was '1'011 II)' Llle ]}omuay Volullteer Rifle, and that forrail\\'ays hy clIll'loYl'es of the East. India I:aihmy hy 30 and 27 point· re ·pcdively. ~lcs T·. ll,ll'ashah Ku ',en\'anji Markel' and Dosabhai FJ'Ol11ji PalJthaki, locnl class , ec)'clarie" "ith the COll,'Cllt of tlte Oentral Exccutiye Committee, t. John's Gate, LII]](loll, ha\" cOlJlpiled :tllerati translation of c. Oatechi ilIon llome NtH 'ina " by , 0' • D r:;. 1' ))'o\\'n awl Oa)'vclL and e'lluestio11 ami l\ns\\"cr' upon Aml,uhLllce Work," 11,)' Drs. Martin alltI Martin, both of' which haYt~ been adoptcd as text books by thc Cen tre. The 1Il0 t illljlortant local dnt,)" ]lel fmmcl1 hy the fir t aiLl ccrtificatc 1101c1ers of the 13olllba)' Presidcncy Celltre \las 011 the occasion of the \'i it of T.R. 11. the Prince amI PlillCCSS o( '\\'ales to B01ll1my 011 Ilth l\oYClllher, 1905, when eycr 50 menlher were on d 1I t)', eiglt l tiJ'-;t aid stat ions hcing formcd Oll a route of th ree miles. Th e Cll es treated HUllI bered 2;1. The litter place(l at the eli 'posal of' the public with qualified certificate holll r ror the rcmoval of sUl'gical and other ca es, has been used 1i\"E~ timc during the year. It is gratifying to report that 011 21111 February 1906 a Je\\'i 11 Divi ion of the t. J olm Ambulance Brigade was formed in conne~tion ';'ith the Centrc. . ~mployees of thc Bombay, Barol1a, aUll Central India Railway are being ill trnctetl 111 fll'~t mel hy Dr. A. H. Deant', \1.1)., Ohief MeLlical Officer and it is hopcd that they will enter a team for the allnnal compctition for the Railway hield to be held in March next. The Committee have again to thank the members of the Honorary Medical taJi' for the 'alllubJe time deyoted to the \\'olk of the Centre, and to the Acting OOnJlllissi011el' of Poli.ce, Mr. W. L . B. ollter ,yho, ill the absence of MI'. H. G. Gell on leave, has greatly illtere ·tcd him, elf ill Lhe ill. tl'llcLion of the City I'olice in first aid alld stretcher work. L Division, ullllcr nperintellllent McDermott and 'nbI n pector Finan, were first in tho compeLition for thc Challenge hield for thc current year.

t. John Ambulu71ce..l uciatiun.

1 2

St. Jolu/' A mbulu nce A "ocia t ion.


Statement of Accounts for the year 1 ~t Odobe]', 1905, to 30th ScpiembCl', 1906. E.-epend itlll'e. B Receipts. R, a. p. a. p.


To Balance at beginning of 66,* real' . H35 13 ub cril'tion " Don , and





o 9

By Prinling , Po"tageanll Petty hargc " ~r etli('al I tores and Expell c ' in COllll ectio 11 with Attcnda:lt'e ' at Tournamcnts and . port. "Applianccs anI] CIJliipmen t for the Ui ty Poliue and Am l.mlance Corps of t. John Amlmlance Brigade Balance in bank Tolal



o o o .r!ccollnll'jor the year 1905-6.

15 11



R!'\. A .'. P. 1.01 53

6 o 3 10 1


Iloil . ','crctaJ'Y (I}ul Treasllrcr. J. P. GUEAC\Y, )[.[1., nrg.-Gcn., 1.)1. " ., Vicc-President. GEOUGE LUXD,

lstOrt.,190.'),Balance 27th Feb .. 1906, Y. 'Y. .A. C.l1cutta 23 0 27lh l<t:h., 1006, Y,\Y . . A. 1I00ITah . 10 0 3hl ~1:11.. 190G, Interest . 5 1 :2:3rd .T1111t', .. Purt Defenc' 10 0 f) .J 30th J Ulle, " Int ere, t 10th ,Aug-., " KLR. 1-11 0 ,)13th Aug., "BOlnhay . - I 10 P tty 10 0 FflIm Ilon. ~L C. 10 a

e.dl .

0 0 :~

0 0 0 0 0 0

CALCUTTA. )'atro ll :111(1 l'rc id cll' .

Rs. 11. P. 21 0 0 27 14 1 0

}~xc ~~~


0 1

0 0

2 14


Bills llresen ted hy Hon. 't~c.

BalanceBank Cash L e~s

His Honour "'ir Andrew Fra, er, K C.R.I., Lieutenant- :ro\crl1or of Dungal. Hi

23rcl .Tune, 1906, Printing 10th ~\.Ilg'., \'T. Locke &. Co. 27th .T une, 1906, 'hellue Dook :.!:3rd July: 1906. L ettel' Pdty 'ash


HOll. Rec

l'atl' UIl OfUl C {'eutre. Excellency Yi 'count Kitchener, G. C.B ., G.c.~r.c., COll1m<lllclCl'-iu-Chid in Indi a.







Rs. 1,367 10








1.304 to 9 4




0 6

, 'i cc -Patron s a nd ' ·irc-l· rc"id cnb.

Hon. Sir Francis Iacleau , KT . , K. C.. K.C.I.E.; The Yel'Y He\. K L,tfunt. C.l.l';. H . H . .Jiah'1.raj Aclheraj l3ijoy 'hand lI1aut,lb Bahaclur.

R ·. 1,:367 10


cl'tifi .t1 currect.


{;en c l'al ( 'o lllllliU ee.


"T. U. lIot-is_\.cK, 1£011. 1'l'caSlll'l." ,

T . Ayery, Lt.-Col. J. Billlling. Y. D .. \Y. Dmcishaw, Raj .], B enoy YnslmH n l11, W. A. Dring, J. Dough1:;, F. G, Dumayuc, K B. Eden, He\. \\'. K. Firminger, )1.A.., F. Froom, ,V. Banks G\\"ythcr, F.Il-I.B.A.. Lt.- '01. E. H 'my, Frank Larmour, Commander E. "'.Y. Petle),. It. .- .. c. r. E., ~Iaj or H. 'Y. Pi 19T1ll1 , 1. \L~., A. l!'. 1.1. AbdurRahman, Dr. G. D enisou R os, R. H. ~L Ru.tomjee, ~\... K ,-']lk, )1.1.\ .E., ,V. J. iillmons, Lt. -Col. Hon. H. L. :::,tel'hen, \\T. T. ~pillk, 1.l ohamj Kumar Proclyat Kumar Tagore, H. Martyn \'I-ells. K. C. I.E.,

A. M. D.,


Allan, )[. B.,

,V. C. Hossack ,

1.;\['S., l1f.D.,


BURMA. 1" 't''1i(l c nt.

Thc lIon.

) J ccU ra 1 S t a ff.

Banks, )[. D., ,A. Caddy, Frederick Pearse, ~r.ll.,

~I. D.,

F. R.I' ... , F. n . C.~.,

,\V. Krnn cdy, Major Hogu's,

AYEl tl, lHeTln ALLAX.

it' Hcrbcrt Thil'].;: ell 'W hite, R.C.I.E., r.C.~., Lieutenant GOYelJ1or or U1l\'11\!l.. (' II a i l' III all.


The LO:'ll Bishop of Rangoon. lIo11 () " al'~' 1'1'(' :1 '1 I11' (, l'.

Jloll ora,'Y Sccr c tary.

Dr. Frederick Pearse, Central 1.Iunicipal Office, Calcutta.

Dr. \\T. C. lIos:;ack.

AXXL'AL REPORT. The Committee are unable to recOl'cl the


lal ere amount of work which

char~cte.rised the two preyious years, but are sati:-;fied with'" the progre:;s made. l!~e\\er applIcatIOns for classes were recei veel, a,Hrl se\'eral insti tutiOllS \I hich had bad reO'ulal' ann~al classe~ were un~ble to organise them during the past ye[Lr. 'Tbe Uentl'~ has eontmued to IS ue certlfieates for classes on the Ea t Indian Rail\\'t~y [Lt phwes ou lside Calcutta. It was not found possible to hold a demonstration similar to that of

1',·(' a..,II1·CI· .

1I0U()1':11':r SC(' l' c tHlT .

P. A. Churulma1'll, Dank of Rangoon, LlLl., Rc\·. T. \\'lighl, n..\., 3, :'tmnll ROlli!, R,mgoo n. Hangooll. ANNUAL REPOHT. I nstructiUl1 ill fil"t aid 11a' been «1 \'ell to -Rl\JlO'oon P H·t Defencc Yolunteer . '" '" I '):I. ~tn~oon Boy::; , BrIgade, Port Tru::;t employes. t. ItlU!'S High 8cho 1, and un home' llUI'Xlllg to mellllJer,; of th , Y . ~l.U.A., H.wgoon. The Centre ba recei\'ed 1l111eh help from the following ledurers amI examiners: 01. H. K . Dll\'i-, l.:lI.S .. [ ajOl' l'. H. Hale, H .. \.\I.V., Il.K.ll., Cn,pt. N. K l1anling'. 1!. _I..lIl.c., Cltl't. \\T. ,,-: BI'll\\,ll, H.A.l1I.U., Un,pl. K l{ . Hll 't, l.~l.X., CuI. '1'. F.]{ ,tlley, Y.P., A . MUIJ'ay. ~Ii 's LtUllU, l~. A. l..\. X. \l. N'.~.

St. J ohn A rrnuulu,nce AS8ocrialion.

St. John A rnbulance Association.


Bctlance Sheet to Octobe)' 31st, 1906. ]J.o:pendil'ure. R eceipts, R , A, 1059 0

Donation and Fees. , ale.




0 0


torcs Printing and Stationery . Fees to surgeons, demonstrators, and examiners Freiaht and landing charges Exp~nses of mceting, 13th Fcb" 1906 Postages, telegrams, stamps Sundries Ooolies

582 10



0 0


0 7


46 15 11 5 4.

Rs.1062 Balance iu Bank of Rangoon 104 0


R '.1167


9th Novembt1', 1906.


lIon ,

] 85


7 8


0 0 0 6 6

6 3 9 9 0

A propos:tl was snl,miLLerl to Covernmeut fOI tIle tmillin(f of thc district police at D,l,CC!L and J)jbrug:Ll'h . The Li eutemLllt-Qovernor is of °opinion that ambulance cl:LHHes would l,e of little praetical use, lJ11t lC:;Hons coulel be impa.rted to the railway ]J()liee in the (;onstahbl' tr,Linillg school, w1lic,h it i" proposecl to e;;tablish . During the year ullrlel' review 479 pertiOllS in Easterll Bellgal, rna.inly cOllsbLbles, &c. , attended the clm~ses, ILncl ~ :3 completed their coun;e of illS Iruction, vf whom 205 passed the re,[ui;;ite eX:LlJlination a,lld were granted certificates. The cumpa.rati\'ely timaU numlJer who patiHed il'< mainly due to men being tru,n;;ferrell 01' employed on urgent duties ])efol'e their imltl'Uetion WtLS eompleteel. At the stations of Dibrugarh, Kohimn, and Tum, classes were held for the instruction of the sepoys of the military police hnttalions. At ,'hillong lectures were delivered to the students of the local High ,'chool and to thc police stationed there. L ecturcs were given ])y the medical officers of the Assam Vallcy and the, 'urma Valley Light IIor:;e, as opportunities oCCUlTed.



T1·('(tSW·lI' ,

PI'c s idcnt.




Major-General C. II. ,'cott, c.n.

llo1l0l"nl"Y 'c('r l'1nl·Y.

nOll ornJ'Y TrCns IIl'cr.

V, Gtlbl'iel, ('.v.a., FOl'eign Onice, , 'in11a.

A, :0.1. 1\cr, Alliance Bank of , imla, , 'imln..


His Highness the Tizam,

JU(' c1i(,1l1 StilII'.

The Honoral)le the Resident. Pl'CSicICJl' •

His Excellency the ?'linister, Rajah, 'ir Kishen Pershod Bahac1ur,

SlIl'g. Liunl. -Col, \V. R, L:l\\'l" 's.('rook, Major .\hlll :lIT:u·nn.IJ, ~illd:L , ~II'S, L'dttt'.'(m, ~I.I)., Lil' lIL.- 'oJ. A. E. Tait, I: .• \ . .'I.e.



I.~;.~r.])., ~i. nrallanah, )L1)., }J.P.I., D.P.H. , Cantab, , Ahmed Mirza, M.D., :'If.B.C.;\r., Eel., Abdul Gh<LllY, ~I.B.C.;\r., Eel., ~I.Tt.C.S . , Eng., J).P H., Oantab., 1Ilrza Karecm Khan, ;\l.]j.().~r., ]~c1., 1\1. . Taidu, ::,r.B.C .~r., Ed., J, :'Ilartin, L.R.C.P. &s., Eel., ,J. Farrillgtoll, T, B:l.IT'ett,

R. C::trroll,




Civil. 'urgeoll

K, C. I. 1<"

i\:\ l\"U A L


T. ~I.~.,

J. Gi1J1J,

JYluhamed Ashraf, A. Chamarette, Ahdul IUL 'ool, Muhallleei • 'l!affee, Klmwj:t :filoin-ud-din, B. Cornelius, Ahdul Hussain, Khwaj<t Ol)(:<lulla, Tafa-wl Yah Juner Lukman ·ud-Dowlab , Shaf1i-ud-Dowlah, Abelul Rll,h IJI on , Ahmed Ali, J~. P. Mitt~;', Mohi-nd-din harif, Al)cIur H.az~l,(;k, E. Balm, AitallHld-ul-Hn.I[, VJ('('cLji Dinshaw, Khwaja Azim-ucl-dia,

11 NUAL REPORT, The results of the yenr 1905-06 have l)een satisfactory. Ei"ht clasRes were composed of memberti of H,H. the Nizalll's troop:; anell'olicc, tdllHLtives. One class of members of tbe Hyderabad Volunteer H,iflps. Olle of EUl'opean Oflici:ds of H.H. the Nizam's service, allrl one ciao'S of laches l)elonging to the Yuung \Voll1 cn's Ohristian Association at JIyderal)acl, were trained in rellrlf'l'illg tin;t aid to tlte injured. Th e total numher of Inell traineel was ] 39, and women 1], out 01' \\ hicb 114 men and 9 women were granted certifie~Ltes Oll passing thu examination.


Tlli::; ("'nl l' ' lI'IlS f"l'11wcl lind!')' L111' )J:ltl'()lIl1~l! of J I i;! Excdlency the VIceroy and L1le COIlI111's.'i of ,\1 illtO. Tilt, J.lLLl!1' [,,"k all ar'lin! P<ll't in the W()l'k uf tIle Centre, alld IIUl':·;plf :lLtOllrl(!d on' of tIll ('II(II'S('S ful' larliuti whieb was lwlcl at Vicel'e~<tl Lodge, SilJlh. ()IIII l' first aid r'()lIr~(Cs "'PI'(' lIl'ltl for tIll' Vohmteers, L11e Bi,'llOp 'otlon ,',;hllol, tIlL Y()Ull~ \\T()UICII'S ()lll'isli<LlI ,Ass()r:illtiIJlJ, lLUcl the Y. M. '. A, It "'us Iltlf'lldl'd nISI) to II:we .' tal'tprl ('[assl'S fo)' th ' uolir;· allrl the raih\lLy employee., al 0 for It I:L\,~!; ~il'J,.; sduml at SilJd:~, 1)lIt thp Sind:;. s '[von is,'() slllJlt tlmt there waS no time lasL },I':U' to lllakl! a .'but. J t is l)('l'ecl that thl'se elltS.SI'S will follow thi. year. 'l'b" ('(!11I 1', ) hit;! lIot incUl'!'I·d :LlIy C:XjI':lISI'S Ill'}",nrl tIl!' pl'l/\'isiull of ]J<ln d:l,g'es , books, dr;., ol'lailll'd froJ(t till: glJlllh:ty I h'ptl!. 11 fl'C: of Its.:; \l'as 11"\'ied to (;o\'er Lhis from tIle larli,';!' (, IUil', I)ut fOI'l he 01 hel' class!'''; 110 e111l.l'g" \\ as lIllHle.

SIND. I" II' I'() II •

A. D.




'()jlIlH:l ]1'. Jl K elly. l i(·(··I"I'c'" iclc, ,,t s .

r d)(;;t,', I ,(',S.,


I>1I1 Shll\\, ('.r.~;.,

I';. }\f. PmU,


Yusufali AlII)hoy.

( ' hail'lllan.

SHILLONG, j'),CS i c) CIl'.

I nspector-General of Civil Hospita.ls, Enstcrn Bengal alJ(1 Assam. Major D, R.

U (UI ol'a I'Y Scel'('tal'Y. Greell, 111.1)., I.M,H., Oi\'il,'ul'geol1, ,'hillOllg.

II. lioll(lI'I\I'Y SCCI'ctlll'Y.

!::lli' E!hlllllld


1\1Ides. IIOllOI'!lI'Y


'ux, Bart.

A""i"tfw' SCCI'chlr). H.iellur<1sun.

1 .

1I(IlIc)!'a I'Y Tl'C'lI-1I1t'(' " •

•J. IL




St. John A ?J7,bli.JZanCe Associcdion.

St. John A muuZance Association.

Lifc lUcmbcl's. H. H. Mil' Sir Faiz Mahomed Khn,n Talpul', G.a.I. E.,-Mil' of. I{l~ail'pu r, A Cuminc, I.a.s., A. B. En.rle, I.e.s., Edulj ee Dillshn,w, e.I.E. , Yusufall Ahbhoy.

lUc4lical Staff. Lt.-Col. II. H. Johnson, n.A.M.e., .·.M.O., M.D., D.sa. , C.B., Major J. Ritchie, n.A.lI~.O., 1'>(,11., F.R.C.S. (J~dill. ), Major C. n. Martin, R.A.M.C., M.B., Captain J. H. DUglllU, ItA.M. e., IILB., ClI.D., Captain J. Kirkwood, I.)\[.~. , Lieut. G. A. D. Harvey, It.A. lILa., D. J. Gn,lloway, M.D., a.M. , M.R.C.p. Etlin., D. A . Young, M.D., D.l'.H. , A. F. FOl'stel', M.R.C.S., L.ll.C.P., Lim Booe Keng, M.B., C.1I1., Edin.

lU('dical SCaff.

Lieut.-Col. R. P. Baker, ]\J.D., I.M . . . , Lieut.-Ool. W. Ben,yor, "R.A.M.O. , Oap~. H. A. F. Knapton , I.M . . , V. E. Naz H r~th , nr.!?, S. 1\1. Kam, D.P.Il. (L ondon), E. Mackenzie, Oapt. J. D e Lima, LM.S. (retIred), Plres, L.R.a.p., penceI', L.lII.R., P. J. D'Souza, Hocll'igues, Khubcband, L. III. & s., B. Bharucha, L.lt. a.p., Asst. urgeon Almeida.

"~XCC llti vc t.:OlllIllHt ce.

Capt. A. H. Chancellor, W. King, E. V. Mitchelmore, R. D. Pringle, H. O. \V igh t\\'ick. )(011 • • cc'·cfal'lc.'1 and Tl·CflSlu·e.' • Rev. P. N. Hunter, W. A.. Harding.

A NNUAL REPORT. Three classes were held in Ka,rachi during the yeflr, one for instruction in home bygiene and two in first aie! . Two £rs~ aid classes were hdd in tll.e Khail:pur. ta:e. A large class, composed entll'ely of nat1V~, has been formed for lllstr,:c,tlOn. III fil~ aid and steps are beillg taken to orgam:;e other cIa es. Dr. OantlIe s FIrst ~ld 1Y1a~ual was translated into Silldhi during the year. 'With the railway a.nd t.he pohce it has aO'ain not been found possible to make any progres. The ExecutlVe Oommittee desire to record their sense of the loss ustained by the death of lhe HOll. Sirdar JUahom ed Yakuk, C.I.E . , who was a zealous promoter of the work of the Association in tlle Kha:irpur State. Statement of R eceipts and E~el)enclitm'c f01' the yea?' ending 30th Septemve1', 1906. Receipts. ExpenditnTc. B.s. :1.. p. R s. 11.. p. To Balance brought forward 471 13 6 By Rail freight and cooly hire 3 1 0 " Subscriptions 35 0 0 " Postage and telegrams 150 " Cost of six medallions re" Prill ting and stationery . 6 15 6 covered. 35 14 o " First Aid Manual, English 63 6 0 140 0 0 " " " indhi " Customs duty on medallions 1 10 0 30th Sept., '06. " Cash in hand 26 12 G " Balance as per Bank passbook 299 9 6


Rs. 542 11




Rs. 512 II

Examined and founu. corrcct, J. B. CmcllToN, H an. T1·caSll?·CT. H. C. M ULES, Chrd1'1l1rm. C. O. Cox, H on. Secl·eta1'!J.


Statcmcnt o[ Rrccipts and Expenditm't3, Receipts. E.xpenditzt1'e.

By ,



Thirty-two at 1 " Dcllit balance

candidates 32 ;2


00 26

To Kelly & IYalsh, First Aid Text Books "St. John's Gate, ~5 First Aid . "Adverti inglocal papers. "Subscription to St.J.A..A. for fi I'st comse 0 flectl1res " Postage and post cards .




12 5

50 40



96 34


'ingaporc, 2'2nll December, 1906.



D. PRlNGLE, Chai1'?nan ( acting).

IV~r. H ..um[xG, Han. T?'easul'el'.

P. N . HUNTElt, H an. Sccretar·y. A~NUAL


Thi 'cntre which W:1S origina.lly formed in 1 85, has been revived. Two eOllrileS of lectures ill tirst aid luwe been g-i,-en; 21 candidates gn.ined certificates, 1 the medalllOIl, and 1 the 1<1.ue1. St::vel'tll courses are arranged for the beginning of Lhe year, illld IJrl111ches have been e~tahlished at Penang and :Jlall1cca. Oonsiderable itltel'c~t ha been aroused in t!le re-furming of this Centre, and n.lready good work has been done by Rome of the member" in fir t aid in connection with the Tangor Peg-ar Duck and in its extell 'i"e hipping casualties are of daily occurrence, in which clt&e ,'t. John" men are now speedily recluiitioned It IJe. t able to meet the cm'l'gencics. It is genemlly admitted that a long felt need has been met by rt::-"tl1ltillg the Asueiatioll here.

Mediterranean . GIBRALTAR.

Straits Settlements. SINGAPORE.

.",·(';,i41 <'II"

II iH Ii:xcellellcy the 00I'c>1'1IOr, OCllcml, il' F. W. K F. Forcstier Walker, U.C.III.G., K.C'. n. ( 'Ita j 1·lllau.


nUll O!'

Sir ll. PiPOll


• -:l(1'01lS.

His Excellency the

oovel'11 or.


ir John .Anr1erson, R. C.IILG.


His Excellency the General Officel' ConnnalHJing the Troops, Majol' Gelleral R. In igo Jon es, v.v.o.

110'1/1)';\1'.' < SCCI·4'1I11·.r.

l"·(,I1""1'C I' .

R ev. A. B. Sackett, Epworth Hon se, l\Jaj ol' C. II. 1\[oore, A.P.D ., Gihru.lLar. 4 il, Ofllcon; Qtl's., Town Hange, Gibraltar. ~Icdi('al


Major H. A. L. TIowell, H.A.lII.C., l\ lajor O. L. Rollin so n, H.A.M.C., IV. TllI'llel', olonial Hos piLal.



St. J Oh1'iI A 1nuulance Association.


ANNUAL REPORT. Th e Gibraltar Centre has been reoro'anised by the direction, and with Lhe kccn interest, of his Excellency the Govel'llo~" General ir F. W . E . F. Forestier 'Valker, G. c. 1. G., K. C. B . Two cIa es were held through the hot season, one f~r the mem b 1'S of H. M. Dockyard, and one for the military. The lecturers and puplls gave 0(1 1: efu1 examination 9. out of 10 who sat recelved b a ttention to the work , and after thorooo'h certificates. It is fully expected that more will be done m the cooler autunm season.

Statement of ACCOWLtS. Expend1'tllTe .

Receipts. To Donations, Sll bscriptions, .£13 14 and Class Fees


Gibraltar. 30th Septembe?', 1906.


By Freight on Stores from London 4 cc. Head Centre Stores "" Advertising, printing, etc. I£xaminel"s fee " "Postage . " Balance Credit 4

0 7

3 0 6 0 4 3



£0 18 8 0 o 17 1 1 0 2

£] 3

H. R. PIPON SCUOOLES, Vice-P?'esiclent. A.. B. ACKETT, Bon. Sec?·ctct?·y. O. H. MoonE, Major, llon. 1'rcaS't61·cr.





$t. 3-0hl1 Elll1btllance 18rigabe.


llpcl'ior Olftccrs of the Bl'igtulc appointcd hy n.R.IT. the taff of the Districts

Chief Commi'siollcl"s Report



190 192 195

Deputy Comllli ioner' Reports:-



I. Di!Stl'icl ...


No. II. Di trict


.r o. III. District


No. IV. District


o. V. District


No. VI. District.


No. VII. District

COIOlli,tl Brall chrs


St. J ohn A ?nbul(~?1Ce BTigade.

St. John .il rn7J1/;lance Bri,r;Clcle.

Superior ~fficers of tbe :f13rigabe :appotnte~ b)1 1b.1R.1b. tbe a;ran~ ~rtor.

MR. '~T . H. MORGAN Hon. Serving Brother of the Order of the Hospital' of St. John of Jerusalem in England. March 1903.

<tbtef <tom missioner .

HOll. Serving Brother of the 01'(101' of tho Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. March, 1905.



I NSPECTOR GENERAL B. NI NIS, M.D., R.N. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. May, 1908.


<to11l11lissioner f or Special Ser" tces.

<tOllllllissioller. ~AJOR G. L. 1IIULLINH, .I\I.A., M.D., A.A.M.C.

COLONEL C. ' V. B. BO\VDLER, C.B. Knight of Justice of the Order oi the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. May, 1903.

ffie tlical ~tftce r in <tbief.

T\1R. EDMUND OWE , LL.D., F.R.C.S., Knight of Grace of the Ord er of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. May, 1905.

Knight of (.rn.ce of the Order of the JIo~pital of St. John of Jerusalem Euglaucl. A pri] , 1904.

ffietlicaI 0tftcer in <!bief.

IAJon A. E. PlmKI~s, :M.A., M.B., D.S.O. Hon. Servin!!~ Urother of tIle 0 rucr ,1 . 1 0 f t. John of Jernsalem in 0 f tl Ie H 0 pIta

lDepnt}2 <tolllm issioner s.

COL. C. J . TRIMBLE, C.M.G., V.D., L.R.C.P., 5th Lane. H.G.A. (Vols.) J.P. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jernsalcm in ElIgland. August, 1895.

MR. S. C. WARDELL, Knight of Grace of the Order ot' the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. August, 1895.


Novell! her, 1902.



Mn. T. ,I. DrX.'ON, J\LB. IT Oll. , erving Brothel' of the Order of the lIo pital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. ovember, 1902.

:.assistant COlllmissioner.


LIEUT.· OL. G. F. :\lC\YILLLDIS, M.B., (now deeeas rl).

Kmght of Gmce of the Orde!'

or the Hospital of, 't.

John of Jerusalem in Enoland.

Decem bel', 1901.

SURGEON-COLONEL G. 8. ELLISTON, V.D.) M.H.C.S. Knight of Graee of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Engln1H1 August, 1896.



£\ssis ta n t <tOl1l1n issioller.

Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. December, 1903.

SURGEON-LIEUT.-CuL. F. \V. GIBBON, V.D., L.R.C.P. Knight of Grace of the Oruer of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Englaml. December, 1904.



SOUTH AFRICA. Orange River Colony District. £\ssist<1l1t UOlllllllssiollcr. CAI'TAI G. H. GODDAHD, RA.;\I.C .. ~1.H.

Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. Jollll of Jerl1salem in England. February, 1906.

£\ssis t ant <t0111111issi oners.




i3l'oLhe1' of the Ord '1' of the IIosl'ibtl of t:lt. John of Jerusalem in EngLtllll. Decem her, 1801.


Cape Colony District.

Esquire of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England. November, 1896.

£\s51stant UOllllllis5ioner.

MR. F. D. MACKE 1ZIK Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Englflnc1. August, 1897.

MR. S. \V. MALKIN. Knight of Grace of the Order of the Hospital of St. Jolm of Jerusalem in England. April; 1898.

SURGEON-MAJOR C. R. LAURIE, M.R.C.S. Hon. Associate of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jernsalem in England. December, 1899.


Luon. G. BAIWLAY. HOll. Associate of the Order of the lIospital of t. John of Jerusalem in Enoland. Augut, 1903. b

V.D., .I\J.D., J.P.,

Hon. Serving Brother (If the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusnle111 in England. April, 1896 .


.I\IAJon J. A. Lnm;\IANN. lIon. Scn'ing Drother of Ule 0)'(1c1' of th e IIo pital of, l. John of Jerusalem in Euglrll)(l. eptembel', 1905.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade.

St. John A ?nb~dwnce Brir;ade.

Staff of IDistricts & [olonial 113rancbes.

No. Dis t r ict-COllljJ)'jsing the counLies of Cheshire, Oumberland, Lancaslllre, vVestmorelancl, the I sle of Man, and Ireland. Total: 9 Oorps (consisting of ~8 Ambulance and 10 Nursing Divisions), 70 Ambulance and 33 ursing Divisions, 3163 Officers and Men, 882 Nursing Officers and Sisters.


BRI GA DE DISTRICTS OF ENGLAND AND TVALES. No. I. District. -Comprising the Metropolitan Poli ce area (parts of Essex, Kent, Middlesex, and ~ulTey). _ . . _ Total: One Oorps, with 41 Divisions and 10. Nursmg DIvIsIOns 1223 Officers and Men, 157 Nursing Officers and.SIsters: Deputy Commissione1' in Charge of Distnct ( A ctmg). INSPECTOR GE ERAL B. INNIS, 1.0., R.N., St. John's Gate, Londoll, E.e. MR. S. 0 'BORN, F.RO.S. MR. F. D. MACKE Tzm.

District Chief SU?'geon Assistant Comrnissione?' Assistant C07T/,missione?' and Dist?'ict Chief S1.tpe1'intendent (Acting) Dist1'ict S1.tpt. Secretary Dist1'ict S1.tperintendent of Stores Dist?-ict Supe1'intendent T1'easu1'er

MR . MR. MR. MR.

"V. H. MORGA . \Y. If. H. PONTIN. S. B. PIERS. \V. H. \VINNY.

No . II. Dist rict .-Oomprising the counties of Berks, Bucks, Oornwall Devon Dorset Gloucester, Hants, Herts, Kent, part of Middlese~, Oxfo:d, Som~l'set, fiuITey, Sussex, Wilts, the Ohannel Islands, and Isle of \Yight. . ... Total: 6 Corps (consisting o~ 27 A.m.b~llance and 4 N ursmg DIYISIOns), 40 Ambulance and 7 Nursmg DIvIsIOns, 2188 Officers and Men, 195 NursinO' Officers and Sisters. b

Deputy Comrnissione?' in Cha?'ge of Dist?·ict.



Deputy Com,missione?' in Cha?'ge of District. OOL. O. J. TRIMBLE, O.M.G., V.D., L.RC.P., J.P. Bamber Bridge, near Preston . MR. J. O. DERHAM. A ssistant Commissioners { l\1R. L. \V IIITTAKER District Chief S1lperlntendent l\IR. A. L. GARNETT. District Superintendent 'ecrei{wy J\IR. 'V. ,'. \VOODCOCK. District Superintendent of Stores OAPT. E. B. POOLEY, L.R O. P . Di ·trict Superintendent TreaS1l1'er IR. F. DE B.-PUrr, L.RC.P.

No. V. Distric t .-Comprising the counties of Derbyshire, Lincoln, Nottingham, 'taffonl and Yorkshire (West Riding). Total: l L1: orps (con. iSLing of 4 Ambulance and 11 Nursing Division '),4.1 Ambulance and 7 ' ursing Divisions, 293 Officers and .1\1 en , -:1.12 Tlusing Officers and listers. Depuiy Commissioner in Charge of Dist1·ict. \V ARDELL, Esq., Doe Hill House, near Alfreton. District Chief 'ure/eon URGEON iAJOR \VEST·SYMES, M.D. .A~sis!ant Commis~i07ler l\1R. '. \Y. MALKIN. Di~t}'ict Chief uj}(:1'intendent l\In. H. O. ELSE. District Superintendent Secretary .l\IR. P. RATCLIFF. '.



MR. J . S. GRIFFITHS, M.RO.S., Redland Park House, Bnstol. Assistant Comrnissioner , URGEON-MAJOR O. R LAURIE, l\l.R O.S. Dist?'ict Chief Superintendent MR. F . SPRA W80N. Dist1'ict Superintendent Sec1'etary MR. 'V. J. PHILLIP,' .

No. III. District. -Oomprising the counties of Bell fOlll, Oam bl'i~lge, Essex, Huntingdon, Leicester, N orfolk, Northampton, Hu tlancl, uflolk, 'vVarwick, and Worcester. . Total: 7 Oorps (consisting of 61 Anlbulance and 9 NUl'sll1g Divisions), and 19 Arubulance Divisions, ~ 133 Officers and M 11, 276 Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Deputy Cornrnissione?' in Charge of District. SURGEON-OOL. G. S. ELLISTON, V.D., M.RC.S., 2, Museum Street, Ipswich. District Chief Surgeon MR. Vol. E. AUDLA D, M.R.O.S. A~sistant Commissioner MR. T. H . "\VOOLSTON. District Chief Superintendent SURG.-OAPTAIN .F. A. I3IWOKR, M.D. District Supel'intendent Secretary SURG.-OAPTAIN W. A. GmB, M.D., RA.M.U., (Vol.) OAPTAIN Il uGIl[s. Supe1'intendent Treasurer -

No. VI. District. - omprising the couuties of Durham, Northumberland, an 1 Y orksbire (East and Torth Ridings). Total: 1 Corps (consi ting of 6 Ambulance and 3 Jursing Divisions), 17 Ambl1lanc and 4: Nursing Divisions, 6 7 Officers and len, 171 Nursing Officers and Sisters. Deputy Commissione1' in Cha?'ge of District. SURGEON-LIEUT.-COL. F. \V. GIBBON, .D., L.RC.P., J.P. 12, Sydenham Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne. District Chief llJ'geon MR. J. R CREASE, F.R.O.S., Ed in. District Chitf Sllpe?'intendent l\IR. A. H. JOR TO, l\l.RO.S. District Superintendent Sec1'etary ( Actmg) MAJOR C. J , UTRERLA TD, V.D. M.D. Dist1'ict Superintendent of Stores MR. C. B. PALMER, J. P. Dist1'ict Superintendent TreasZl?'c?' MR. J. G. IODLI ,M.D.

No. VII. District .-Oomprising the counties of Brecknockshire, arnarvonshire, Denbighshire, Glamorganshire, Herefordshire, l\Ionmo uthshire and Shropshire. Total: 9 Corps (consisting of 31 Ambulance and 4 Nursing Divisio~s), and 16 Ambulance Divisions, 1:337 Officers and l\Iell, 55 Nursmg Officers and Sis tel's.

St. John A m{J'L~l(i?2ce



B1'iqade. <

Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Dist1·ict. COL. E. CURETON, V.D., M.D., D, Oolloge Hill, Shrew ·bury.

District Chiej Surgeon SUIW. LII1; T.-COL. J. D. LLOYD,V.D.lV1.D. Dist1'ict Chief Supe1'intendent l\1R. ~T. 'Y. \rI-IITE, 1\.1.13. Dist1'ict Superintendent Secretary SURG.-J\IAJOR J. ARNALLT JONES, M.D .

COLONIAL BRANCHES. Commissioner f01' 0'pecial Services. COL. C. W. B. BOWDLER, C.B. Total: 7 Corps (consistillg of 20 AmLulance and 4 Nursing Divisiol1s), 24 Ambulance and 12 Nursing Divisions, 91 Officer3 amI 1\1on, 391

Nursing Officers and Sisters.

Commonwealth of Australia. Com-missionel'.-J\IAJOR G. L. MULLINS, l\l.A., 1\1.D., A.A.J\1.U. 183, Liverpool Street, Hyde Park, Sydney, N.S.W. Medical Officer in Chiej.-MAJOR A. E. PERKI S, M.A., M.D., D.S.O.

New South Wales District. Deputy C01nmissioner in Charge oj District. J\1R. T. S. DIXSON, M.B.,

7, Elizabeth Street Sydney. MAJOR F. M. MARTI~, B.A., L. R.C.P. Dlstnct Sztpenntendent Sec1'etary 1\1R. B. R. RAI TSFORD. District Superintendent Treasurer J\1R. H. PRIESTLEY.

D~St1'~Ct Chiej ~upe1'intendent

West Australia District. Assistcmt C01nmissioner in Charge oj District. LIEUT.-COL. G. F. MC\VILLIAM., J\1.B., Perth.

New Zealand Branch. Assistant Commissioner in Charge of Bmnch. .. ~IAJOR G. BARCLAY, Palmerston, Otaga, N.Z. D2stnct Ch1,ej SU1'geon SURG.-.l\1AJOR J. O. CLOSS. D~St1'~ct Ch~ej Supt. (Wellington) IR. H. H. EED. D~str~ct Chlef ~upt. (Auckland) 1\lR. C. J. Tu KS. D~St1'~Ct S-upe?'~ntendent Secretary MR. J. E. BON E. D2stnct S'liper'/,lItenJent oj f5tv1'es MR. H. THOMAS. Dist?'ict Superintendent Treasw'er MR. H. HEP'iYORTH.

South African Branch.

. Orange River Colony District. Ass'/,stant Commissioner in Cha1'ge of Dist1·ict. CAPT. G. H. GODDARD, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., R.A. I.C., '" Naval Hill, Bloemfontein. D~st1'~Ct Chtej ~upe1'intendent CAPT. O. T. URQUHART, R.A.M.C. (Vol.) D1,stnct S'Ltpenntendent Sec1'etary MR. H. SHAW. . Cape Colony District. Assistant Commissione1' in charge oj District ( Acting.) . . M~JOR J. A. LIEBMANN, P.O. Box 1113, Cape Town. D~St1'~Ct Ch:ej ~~tfrge~n MR. O. F. K. MUP"RAY, M.D. D~st1'~ct Ch2ef ~~tpenntendent COLONEL R. F. STIRKE. Dtstnct Supenntendent Sec1·eta?'1) MR. W. T. WOOLLEY.

Report of tne Cnief Co mmi88ioner of the St. cJohn Ambulance Brigade for tne year 190~-1906. BRIGADE IIEAD-QUARTER , ST. JOB'S GATE,

30th September, 1906. TIlE y~al' ter~i~lating 30th September, 1906, has been an excee(.lmgly satls£ac~ory one .for the St. John Ambulance Brigade, resulLl:lg l~l the neL Increase III Inembership of 1795. Eighty-four n~w J?lvl~lOns have been formed, viz. :-twenty-six in No. VII. plstnct, fourteen each in No. II. and No. IV. Districts, nine each In No. V. and No VI. Districts, eiO'ht in No. III. District and foul' in No. 1. istrict. The 0 net increase in member~ ~hip in. each Distri~t, ~fter mal~ing allo:yanc~ for wastage Is-59 In No. I. Dl Lnct, 213 In No. n. DIstrict 279 in J o. III. District, 301 in No. IV. District, 252 in ' No. VI. District, and 731 in No. VII. District. .Th~ following table shews the number of Units in each DIstnct aL the end of September, 1905, and likewise on the 30th . 'epLember, 1906, the period comprised in this Report, with the Increase per cent. in each District. Yen r. 1905. 1006. 1905. 1906. 1 n05. 1906. 1£l05. 190ti. 1fl05. 1906. 1905. 1906. 1905. 1906.

Total No. Total (If Units. 111embership.

District. No. 1. J

1321 13 0 2170 23 3 2130 2109

47 51 69 7

o." II.

No." IlL

82 9 134 141

o" IY. Xu." Y.


30 2 51

4.04.5 3390 R350 606 5 561 1292

479 547

13922 15717

08 107

No." VI.


No." vn.


1905. 1906.

omparing these two year the net increa.se i 1795. Of this agO'regate the percentage of increase in the several Di tricts is as follows :.Distrid. No. I. o. II. o. III. No. IV. No. \T. J o. YI. No. I'lL ToLal inel'easc in 1906

II!aeasc. 4'4.6 per cellt. 9' 1 " 13 '09 " '04.


,t ]

.). ~


St. John J-i1no'Lulance Brigade.

St. John A?nuulunce Brig(ucle.

No. IV. Dis tric t has to mourn the death of Distric L Chief Surgeon G. Thomson, M.D., an energetic and zealous Officer, ever ready when called upon to act in his responsible and onerous position as Ohief Medical Officer in the District. His loss will be keenly felt by all with whom he came in contact. The death of R. S. Stewart, M.D., who held the posiLion of Hon. Treasurer on the taff of No. VII. District, has likewise been repOI'Led. His Royal Highness the Grand Prior has sanctioned the following prmnotion :Assistant Oommissioner No. VII. District, ~urgeon olonel E. Oureton, V.D., M.D., J.P., to be Deputy Commissioner in the same District. His Royal Highness the Grand Prior presented the erVlee Medal to the following members of the Brigade :-

p::;'dressed the Officers and )}len on the subject of Sanitation as applied to Forces in the Field. On Tuesday the Chief Oommissioner paid a visit of in pection. TO. IV. and .r o. V. Districts each held a Camp of Instruction at Black pool, in close proximity but quite separate and disLinct. Both of these were inspected by Lhe <hief Commissioner. Camps of Instruction are of very great advantage to the members of the Brigade, and they supply a great want in the matter of collective training. It is the expense incurred by each individual which prevenLs Lhem being very much more largely attended, all the cost being defrayed by the members. The new Drill Hall, presented by Colonel C. 1. and Mrs. Royds to Lhe I oehdale Corp", was opened on 'aLurday, October 21st, 1905, by olono1 <. 1\1. Hoyds, C.B.; Irs. Hoyd ', 'ir Herbert Perrott, the Ohief Commissioner, and a very large contingent of Lhe 10rps were pres nt. The following pIa 'es have Leen visited on duty in connection with Brigade requirelllent, viz. :-Preston, Rochdale, Bristol ( twice), Birmingham, Newport (Ion.), Kettering, ]3lackpool, and 'hcili Id. The onllni ,·ioner for 'peeial 'ervices'if informs me that the 1010nial nits of the Brigade nUInber 60, viz.: 26 Divisions in New Zenland, 1 G in Australia, 7 in 'ape Colony, (j in the Orange River 'o lony, 1 in Lhv Transyaal, and 4 in Bombay. 'everal Divisions are also in process of formation in the Transvaal. The eight Dearer 100upnnie' (St. John Ambulance Brigade) lllainLn,in their e. LalJlishlllent, and all attended the annual camps at York, 'alisbury PIn,in, Alder hot, or ,Yoolwieh during the year. The repolts of the l.rmy l\Ieclieal Officers who COllducted the camp <1ncl annual in peetions f the 'ompanies were in all ca es lIla L sati ·factory. Total sLrength of the Bearer OOllll anies, ] 5 oHicm' anI ..J:.G4 rank and file. The sLl'eucrth of tl1e Hoyal 1 aval Auxiliary 'ick Berth Reserve is now 593 in England and J reland, an inc rea e of ~20 during the year. The number of men who tD,ke a Ivantage of the courses of in 'LrucLion plovided at local head-quarters, on board ships of war, and in naval hospitals ashore continues to increas~, and t~e reports on the efficiency and conduct of Lhe reserVI t whIle under instruction are highly creditable to them and to the Briga Ie. It will be seen from thi Report that the work done ~y members of the Brigade lUl'in o' the year has exceede.d that 111 any similar period, and reflects the greaLest credIt on all concerned. The thanks o[ Lhe hief Comll1is ioner a.re gratefully ten lered to all [or work 0 choerfully undertaken and sacrifice of time, recreation and money so willingly borne.


No. I. District.- District uperintendent of tores . B. Piers; H onorary. 111geon F. G . Brown, No.1 (St. John's Gate) JJiyi ion; Honorary urgeon H. O. IIowal'd, TO . 6 (Oyclist) Divi ion; uperintendent J. O. LineE, TO . 19 (, outh Metropolitan Gas 00.) Division; Superintendent A. R. Rundell, No. 22 (Hospital 8aturday :Fund) Division; Superintendent W. D. Lidd ell, J o. 1 ('t. John's Gate) J)ivi::;ion; L a,ely Superintendent E. Goodin, TO . 1 (Ohildren's Home) TUl'sing Divi::;i()ll; Lady Superintendent B. Bourke, Nu. 1 (Ohildren's Home) Tur ing Diyision; 1st Amhulance Officer T. P. Holmes, No. 1 (St. John's Gate) Division; 1st Nursing Ollicer E. N. Bourke, o. 1 (Ohildren's Home) ursillg Division; Oorpora.! II. Bennett, No.9 (St. John's Gate, No.2) Division; Private A. Martin, No. 2 (IIaggen:lton) Division. No. II. Dist1·icl.-Deputy Oommissioner .J. . Griffiths; District Ohief Superintendent F. Sprawson; Ohief ~ urgeon G. Ootton, Hamsgate 'orps; Superintendent G. M. Mather, Ashford Town Divi::;ion. No. III. Dist?·ict.-Superintendent of to res F. Ga.rdner, Northa1l1pton Corps; Lady Superintendent i\l. Noble, Leicester Corps T ul'sillg Division; ::lncl Nursing Officer M. J. Hodges, L eicester Oorps, Nursing Division; 'ergeant G. T. Hines, Head-Quarters Division, Northampton Oorps; Private J. Ba.tes, Il end-<lllt1.l'tCl'S Division, Northampton Oorps. No. IV. Dist1·ict.--Assistant Commissioner J. C. Derham; Chief Superintendent J. Ogden, Accrington Corps; Supcl'intenclont \V. Webster, Briel field Division; Sergeant T. Pilkington, Accrington Oorps; 'ergeant L. Hal'grea\'es, R ad Divi 'iOll; Oorporal R. \-Vade, H,eacl Division; Pri\'atc J. Howorth, IIead-Quarlcl's Di\,j ion, Preston Oorps ; Priva~e J. Smith, Preston Corps. No. VI. District.-2ncl Nursing Officer E. IIardy, Oentral Nursing Division Hull Oorps. No. VII. Dist?'ict. -Ohief Superintendent J. C. Raspass, Ironbridge Oorps.

The presentation took place at Marlborough House on July 23rd, 1906. The number of transport vehicles, the property of units, is largely on the increase. To Ineet the requirements of this l)ranch of ambulance work it has been found desirable to appoint officers with special training to carry out this dULy. Great benefit to the public results as well as to members of the Brigade, ,vith whom the Transport ~ervice is very popular. Three Oalnps of Instruction were held during vVhi tsuntide. By kind permission of the Duke of Buccleugh the members of No. III. District held their Camp in Broughton Park, near Rette.ring, which was visited by His Grace on Whit Monday, who Inspected the arrangements and complimented the men. On the same day Colonel E. M. Wilson, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.,



LD., Rl: .,

Chief Commissioner. * Colonel BawdIer,



St. J ohn A rnbulance Brigade.

No. 1.

St. J ohn A m bulance Brigade.


Deputy COlnlnislJiolLer (.r/cting)-Inspector-GLolleral D. ~INNIS, M.D., Dist1'ict Chief Sw·geon-Ml' . S. OS130RN, F.R.C.S. Assistant C01n1/~issionel'-Mr. F . D. l\IACKEKZIg. Assistant Commissioner and District Ohief Supt. (Acting)-l\Ir. W. H. District Snperintendent S ecretary-l\lr. W . J. H. PONTIN. Dist1'iet Superintendent of Stores-Mr. S. B. Pmrcs. Dist1'ict Snperintendent Treasnrer-Mr. W. H. WI ' ' Y.




Th.e work of tb~ ~ecretal'ial department un(ler District Sllperilltl'>lHleni Secretary Fontlll, and, llpenntenclent Secretary S. II. Vilven, assisted by Superilltenuent H. J. HalI~tL, .Oorp?r~l~ H. W. Goodman and L. F. Haymall and PrivaLe P. G. Hnyman, of the l!~chsL Dl ~lslOn, has deman.decI much time anti devotion to duLy, which has always been Jorth~o.llllllg, the result bemg thai the records of the district are in a vf'ry complete condlilOn, and the general secretarial work of the district has much improved. They likewise are entitled io special thanks. The district is again indebted Lo the Rev. Oanon H aig- Brown for the nse of the gron nds o[ the Oharterhouse for the pnrposes of lhills and competitions. Thanks are also clue to Mrs. IIaig- Brown [or many acts of kiJH.lness. In conclusion, I desire to express l1lV indeMedness to all ranks for thc ever willinet and cOl~scientiou.s way i~l which th cy l~ave at all times during the past year carrieJ out thcl1" rCl'lpecbve duLlcs, thus contrilJUting to the general efficiency of the district. I have the honour to be, Sir, YOlu' obellienL 'en'aut, WILLIA:\I II. MvRGAK, Assi~lCtnt-aommi8Sionf')", and District

Chief I upcrintendent (acling). The Ohief Oommissioner, 'to John Ambulance Briga.(le, L John's Gatc, 01 'rk ellwell, E.O.




DIn. 10K,'





1st Oclobel', 1906.

Sm, . I have the hononr, in accoruance with your instructions, to sul)mit the [ollo\\"mg report of the state and condition of No. I. District. The strength of the District is well maintained four new ambulauce di vi~ions having been formed during the period Llnuer review: The publj~ duty carried ?ll~ is shown in thc attacheJ Duty Report, the nUlll ber of separate ~Lltles perfornI eclIS III excess of the average. All ranks havc responded well to the vanous calls, and the manner in which the duties bave beell carricd out leave~ nothing ~o be d~sireLl, and sho,,'s that an ranks continue to take a pride iJ; carrymg out tblS very unportant part of our ,York. The annual inspection was again l)y kind permission of the Oonstablc ancl Ohief Gover~or of the Tower o~ Loudon, held in the Tower Moat, on the 26th l\Iay, a total of .821 of all ranks belllg upon parade. The result was in every way mo"t satlsfactory. A route ?larch took pl~ce on tbe 9th June; 450 of all ranks paraded at Livcrpool Stree~ StatJOn, anti ~ntrallled for ·Wood Street, 'iValthamstow, whellce tbey lIlarchell to Ohll1gford. Partles of supposed wounded were sent out over a etood stretch of country, they. wer~ searc~ecl for by stretcher squads, treated ancl b~ught in to the base. for medlCal .1ll.spectlOll.. The work showed a marked improvement on that earned out on a 1'l1mIlar occaSlOn last year. The members of the dislrict attended Divine Service at St. John's Ohurch, on St. John's Day, J l.lJ~e 21.th; 404 of all ranks were upon parade. he OOl~petltIon f.or the" Massey Mainwaring" Ohallenge Oup, was won for the thlrJ year In succeSSlOn by No. 37 (Great Western Railway) Division. The team was nnder Sergeant A. E: Ev~ns .. ~~e "Osborne" Ohalleuge Shield was won by No. ~:S (L.J? & ~;O.R. VlCtona) DlVlSJOD, the team being under Oorporal G. 'mith. T he EfficlCllCY Oup was won by No.4 (Ley ton and Leytonstone) Division uncler 1st Officer J. T. Olley. ' The" Dewar" Shield Oompetition was won by No. 36 (Oauston) Division unuer 1st Olass Sergeant W. T. Galsworthy. The Distric~ Superintendent of Stores reports that all stores and appliances are in good and ~ervlCeable order. The alTangements made for the issue and return of stores,. as 111 the .past, have been excellent, and special thanks and praise are due io Mr. PIers and hiS staif of store men, especially Oorporal Bennett and Private Scarbro~, for the excellent way and condition in which the large number o[ articles reqUIred for each general duty parade, are issued.


A~lBUL .\

X(;E D [YISIO~:-;.

No. Funned. N Cl. Fanned. 1. t. Johu's Gate TO. 1 JUllC, 1 7 21. Dou lton eptembc r 30, 1 96 2. IIaggcrsLon July, 1 9 :25. Tottenham & Hanlp~tead 3. orth London Railllay Aplil, 1 90 Junction Railway Feurualj' . 1 £17 4. Ley ton and LeytollslClJlC ,1uly, 1890 '27. Acton May 16, 1 97 5. Ohildren's Home Dccember, 1 90 2. Harrow . June 21, 1 98 6. yclist lurch 7, 1 91 2!J. "~a1th3.m stow. Jan. 5, 1 99 7. Toynhee Hall . April, 1 91 30. East London . " 12: 1 99 9. ,t. John's Gate No.2 Feb. 15, 1 93 33.BerJ1lomlsey&Rothcrhilhe.Jlal.l0,1 99 10. t. lark's. )\larch, IS93 36. Oau. tOll Jall. 25, 1900 11. W mblcy and IIarlc~denl\lay IJ, 1 £)3 37. G."\Y.R. (Padclington) Oct. 1 , 1900 12. WaterI01\". June, 1 93 3"'. L.B.& .O.R. (\,idoria) Jan. 20, 190~ 13. King's ('ro's (G.N. R.) Oct. 4, 1 93 39. 'treatha.m . Jan. 30,1902 15. Ea t H a m . April , 1 95 40. Product. "\Yorks Feb. 6, 190:2 16. Londou, Brighton &. 'outh 41. ROYll1 Arcna.l October 1, 190:2 Ooast Railway ( :re\\' Oro .) July, 1 95 42. Damct Angu t:2 , 1903 17. Icrtoll & Wil1lblc!10n ,cpt. H, 1!J5 44. Wc t LOllCloll Division Dec. 13, 1903 1 . F'ulham . Nov. 13, 1 95 45. Korth Cambe1"\\"ell ept.2 ,1905 19. th . Metropolita.n Gas 00. Dec.5, 1 95/46. nfol'd Oct. ] , 1905 20. IIamp tead January 31, 1 96 4.7 . L B.& •. O.R. (Willo\\" 21. Bromlcy . lIlay 1, 1 96 \\Talk) Apl. 12, 1906 22. IIo pital aturday Fcl. July 27,1 96 4. Ealing June 23,1906 23 . Norwood Noyember 26, 1 96 49. Erilh Ppt. 25, 1906



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ohildren's Home St. J obn's Gate Wembley Balking Nor wood

Fonned. Dec, 2, 1 January 23, 1 May 24, 1 1 Jnnel1,1

90 93 £)3 93 !)6



6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Fonned. Hospital aturuay Fuml July, 1 96 "\Vimbleuon and niertonJune 11, 1 9 East Ham May 4, 1 99 Belgra.via ~ov. 2, 1 90 Balham ano • treatham Feb. 6, 1905

St. John A ?nbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigctde.



.,, '



... rn cd::> ,-,0 0'"






rn '"





~ Ul~~




~ ~


OJ Ill) 0 ' -

.o!E o~ So D:1w .q



.... Po ..

cJ3 ... P-< 0



Laying Foundation Stone of Jew PosL Office Buildings ... ... ... .. . 18 Opening of Ringsway ... ... 19 St. Paul's Oathedral-Guild of St. Luke's Festival '" ... ... .. 23 St. Paul's Cathedral-Nelson Oommemora· tion ... ... ... ... 26 St. Paul's Oathedral-London Ohurch Ohoir Festival .. ... ... Nov. 9 Lord layor's Day ... ... .. 15 Visit of H. l. the Ring of H ellenes to the Oity ... ... .. . Dec. 2 Crystal Palace-Football, Jew Zealand 'Ii. EnglanLl ... .. , ... ... 26 East Ham-Labour League dinner to poor children ... ... ... ... 28 East Ham - Tradesmen's Association Dinner to poor children .. ... 30 lIIildm ay Olub-Dinner to poor children ... Jan.3,'06 H olbol'll Town Hall-Tea to 1,000 pOOl' children ... ... ... ... 11 Tine Elms-Tea to poor children .. East Ham -Ratepayers' Association Meetin cr :rine Elms-Tea to poor people... . ..~ 17 Feb. 19 tate Opening of Parliament ... . .. 22&23 North L Olldoll I nstitute-Ohildren'sEnter. tainment ... .. ... . .. 27 St. Paul's Cathectral-Welsh Festi \,H,l ... M.13&16 Ohildren's Entertainment ... ... 15 Paddington - Oharity Football Match ... 31 " Footuall Cup Final .. Apr. 10 St. Paul's Oathedral-Passion Music .. 13 Wormwood Scrubbs (Good Friday) ... 'W ood Lalle-Hairdressers' Sports ... 16 Easter Monday-Alexandra Palace ... Battersea Park ... " Rlackheath ... " Bostal Woods ... " Brockwell Park ... " Bromley(Rent) and neigh· " bourhood ... . .. Ohingford, Forest Hotel ... " " Rising SUll " " " "NapierArms" " " "Robin Hood " " " Olapham Oommon ... " Crystal Palace ... " Ealing Oommon ... " Hackney 11.arsllCs ... " Hadley Green, Barnet ...



4 9

:2 -








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1 -




1906 .









6 9 7 1




2 -






1 1









33 1 1


4 15 :2





5 :26 27 2


4 2 2 -

22 20 14 20 18

3 3 2 3 2 -

6 4 5




9 1


1 3

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11 3





3 :30










I -

1 9




















2 2




15 3 18 ()


3 6 12 4 6 8 3 6 -

Easter Monday-Hampstea<lHeath, Upper tation ... ... Ditto, Lower Station ... " Rew Bridge ... ... " Mill Fields, Clapton . " Peckham Rye .. . " Regent's Park ... April ,." 'tl'eatham Oommon ... 13,14,26 ,Yanstead Flats ... ... " IV elsh Harp, Hendon ... " ,Vem bley Park .. " Wormwood Scrubbs ... " 28 Bellinghaul (SUlTcy)·-A thletic Sports ... ray Hetul'll of T.H..H. tIle Prince and Princess of Wales from I ndin. ... ... 17 Yisit of T.R.II. the Prince and Princess of Wale' to the Oity ... 19 Roxeth Hill (Hal'l'o\\')-laying foundation stone of Harrow oltage Hospital ... 26 Opelling of the Hearts of Oak Benefit Society's new oUices by T . M. the King and Queen ... ... ... Opening of new Vauxhall Bridge ... Opening of L.O.O. Elcctricity Generating , tatioll, Greenwich ... ... .. 29 Epsom ummel' Race fe cting ... ... 30 ... " " " 31 ... .. " " " June 1 ... .. " Monday-Alexandra " Palace " 4 Whit· ... Bal'llet .. ... " Battersea Park ... " Blackheath ... ... " 130 tal ,y oods ... " Brockwell Park ... " Bromley (Kent) .. " Ohingfon1, Forest Hotel " "NapierArm" " " " Ri ing SUll .. " " "Robin Hoorl" " " Olapham Oommon . .. " Crystal Palace .. " llackney Mal' hes ... " Hamp tcac1 Upper tntion " Lower tatiOll " Rew "Bri<lge ... ... " Mill Fields, Clapton ... "" P eckham Rye ... Regen ts Park .. . ... " SonLhwark Park ... " Stren.thn.m Oommon " Wan stead Flats ... " , Yelsh Ilarp, Hendon ... " W em bley Park ... " , Vorm wood Scrubbs ...

¢~ctl IV ~ ;:..




~ ;:..~


.... ;:l







'"'-' rn






1 1

1 3 1



1 -

2 7 11 3

4 2 2 5 2


14 6














10 ]




1 1 2 1 1 1 1


1 -






2 1 1







7 9 7




9 5 6

16 1 3 86 17














2 3 2 1

4 23 4



3 3 3 2 -

4 2 ~

13 14 12

7 2 15


27 :1O

1 2 2




7 7








1 2]

2 3 2

3 1 -


6 4






11 -

4 2








2 2








6 25 19 11 2.:i 12 5




9 6


1 -













8 5 ]7 2




24 27 4 5 7 3 1 35 9



.. .




-- -- --- -- ---









~.. ~-~









4 4 43


:::0 D:1ri5 .q

OIl C,)

5 3





] a9


0'" ~~













en .....



50 77

Members ou duLy.


-- -- --- --

1905. Oct. 16


11 3

1 9

5 3




St. John

St. John Ambulance Brigade.




Members on duLy.

Mp,mbers on duty. ,,;

;>" .... 00


.... 0 0'" I'ltlO 0 ....




"0 >l

'">loo "'-p ....'"

4-'mgs l::


J5 8.P-! ....









'" ~

..., '"00 a5


~~ ~

tot-. 'C

.900 ~




-- -- --- -- -

1906 June

4 fi

16 22 27 2


1 2, 7




12, 13 13 14

18 19 20,21 21

25 26 28



Ilford-Fete and Gala ... .. ... Theydon Bois, Riggs' Retreat-Children's .. . ... Outing ... ." Crystal Palace-Printers' SpOl ts GUllnersbl1l'Y Park-Sports ... ... Stamford Bridge-SlJorts ... ... THfnell Park-Sports ... .. ... Brentford-Sports ... ... ... Royal Agricultural Sho w, Derby .. ... Hammersmith-Fete ... .. . East Ham-Sports ... ... .. ... ... ... Lee-Sports ... Southwarlc Park-South London T emperance Demonstration ... ... Kensal Rise-Sports ... ... ... North Woolwich-l\Ieeting ... ... Newington Green-Carnival ... ... Richmond-Sports ... .. .. Lloyd Park, Waltbamstow-Fete ... Ilford -Sports .. ... ... East Ham-Sports ... ... ... Plumsteac1-Sports ... ... ... Southfields-Horticultural Show and Fete Paddington-Sports ... ... .. . Ilford-Carnival ... ... ... Bellingham-Sports '" ... ... Bostal-Willing and Shrewsbury Park School Treats ... ... .. Aeton-Flowel' Show ... .. .. . .Ash stead-Excursion ... ... ... Fulham-Fete ... . .. Ilfol'd-Horticultural Show .. ... Willesden-Hospital Fete ... ... Acton-Sports ... .. ... Hainault Forest-Opening Ceremony .. . ,Yalth amstow-Sports ... ... H arrow-Sports ... ... ... Plumstead-Sports ... ... .. Barking-Children's Excursion .. . ... Ha 11lmersmi th -Cal'll i val ... ... Seven Kings- Flower Show ... '" Crystal Palace-Sports .., ... Hyde Pal'l\:-L.C.C. Fire Brigade Heview ,Valthamstow-FHe .. . ... ... August Bank Holiclay-Alexandra Palace ... Battersea Park ... " " Blackheath ... " " BostaL ,V oods .. " :," Brockwell Park ... " Bromley (Kell~) ... " Chingford, ForestHotel " " " "Napier Arms" " " " " Rising SUll " " " " "Robin Hood"








1 1 1





1 -








1 -




1 -

1 1 -


-3 5




5 14

3 4




4. 11




17 9 7 5






13 1 15 10 -


2 2




1 8



3 2






6 1 7

24. 9 15 17



2 2

2 1 1














8 3 3 20 10 15



1 1 1 3 1 2











8 3 4 5





10 9





5 12 1 60 1 9





3 5








2 2 2



8 5 G

2 1 3 2 2

12 3

18 10 3 9











7 12


21 7















1 1





I'l ~L 0'"





"'0 0<1)



2 2 2





10 6 5 2


















1906 .' \ ug.

6 August Bank Holi(lay-Clapham Common " CJ'y~tal Palace " " Ealing COlll111011 " " H acklley [arshes " " J Jallll'steacl Rea th " U !lper • 'iation " Do. Lo\\' er S ta tion .. " " Ke\\' Bridge " " Mill Fields, Clapi0D " " Peckham]' ye " trea tbam Common ... " "" Waw.itead Flats " " ,V eish Harp, Hendon " " W em blry Park . " " \\' ormwood Scrubs ... " IIford-Fele ... Fnlhal1l-Fele •'outldielJs-Fele ... Tufllel1 Pl1rk- port ... .hillgfonl- ExcllJ' ·ion ... \\ illlbletloll-. porl ,Yealdstone- ports i\Iitcham 'ports 'hisll'iek- 'port~ H arrow- porls Ba1'killg- Uurni val IIol'11.ey-Carnival his\\'ick- Bont Race .. 'I'Y -tal PalaC'e- 'ports \\Tantls\\'orth COIiIl II Oll- FC: trH ome Hill-. polt , 'rot ten hUlll- ports ... 'tlllning To\\'n-8jlolts ... '" Brentfonl-Footl.allllnty lIming senson ... 'lnphalll Commoll " " " ... Ealillg """ JlaC'klley 1\la1'.hes " :, " H arro\\' " " " II rortl " " " 1\ orll'oou " " RC(fl'lI t's Park o J"", .. . \\' an. iE-at! Flats" ., " .. . C'lttphalll Com.-Oricket dut\' during senson Hackney rar hes ,,' " lill Field. , Chl ]lton" " R cgent\; Park " " • ont h\\'l11'k Park " " May 5 La Yicloria Park " " Oct. G Anstrian ExhihiLioll, Earl's COllrt







6 4 3

2 2



15 9

2 2

12 7 6 1

16 17 3 3











5 11



1 2

3 2

16 6






2 9 11 7 5 2 6



4 6 1 1

12 3

2 2 3 2 2 2



4 7 22 3

10 14





1 1

3 3 5 6 5 2




2 2

6 5 4 2~



2 2

31 7



47 10

177 19 30 72 42 1



47 102 105




St. J ohn A ?nbulance B?Oigade.

St. J ohn Ambula?1Ce Brigade.



:>.8 ...,.-

Names of Divisions.

;::::lm ~t(.I






District Staff Acton Division Barnet" ..... Bermondsey & Rotherhithe Div. Bromley Division " Oauston's Ohildren's Hom e Division Oyclist D i vison Doulton Division Ealing " East Hall1 ,, East London" Erith " Fulham " G.W.R. (Paddillgton) Haggerstol1 , , Hampstead " Harrow " Hospital Satunlay Fund Div. Ilford " King's Oross (G . N. R.) " Ley ton & Leytonstone " L.B. &S.O.R.(.l ewOross) " L.B.&S.O.R. (Victoria) " L. B.&S. O. R.' (Willow Walk) Div. .Merton & Wimbledon Division North Oamberwell " North London Rail way ,, " Norwood Products Works " Royal Arsenal " St. John's Gate No.1 " " " No.2" St. Mark's " Sou th lIIetropo litan Gas 00. " Strell.tham ., TottenhR.ll1 & Hampstead In . Ry. Toynbee Hall " Walthamstow " Waterlow " Wembley & H arlesden " West London Division " Barking Nursing Division Belgra via ,, Ohildren's Home TurS. Div. East Ham " Hospital Sat. Fund " Norwood " St. John's Gate " Wembley I, Wimbledon & Merton" Balham & Streatham " Total



0 CD ~




;: !'::

010 ...,.-

._ mm m

... gJ's <QE 'll








+l0 <) H





~o ~'"


Am 05 ... p. CD ...

,.co 0








OJ +'


.- 1:1


p.'O ::l


1:100 01 ... ...... CD


.!os Eo .q


CD rn




8~ '@ @ :-'h rnp... ~~ :>.~ %;0 ~W "'+' "ED"" ... !':: 01 p.-



Honorary Surgeons.

13 14

G. Brown, !II.R.C.S., J. F . 'Woods, M.n., Surg.-Major R. M. Ooffin, F.R.C.P., Edill.

29 26 15 13 31



Pte. F. G. Ealey.



Officers 6. Sergeants 5. Privates 20. Total effective 31. Reserve lllemuers 2. Increase since bst report 1. Drills held 40. Average attendance 5·:?,. Gases attended not on public duty 53. Anllual inspection 26th June. Tota.l on parade 12. Absent with leave 4. Without leav~ 15. Anllual re-examination, 29th Jan. Members l)a:>sed 15. Failed 2. Did not appear 10. Medallions 17. Service badges 11. Nursing certificates 2C. R egulation ulliforlll \1'01'11. Divi ion supported by members' subscriptions . The Division lla performed routine duties at Alexandra Palace, and St. Paul's 'athedral, and has also taken part in the following special duties :-Laying Foundn,tioll • 'tone of "Tew Po·t OUice buildings by H.M. the King, Opening of lungs\I'ay, Lord Uayor's Day. Reception of the King of Greece, Opening of Parliament, Barl's Court Exhibition, Visit of T.R.R. the Prince and Princes of ,Vale,; to the Oity. The Di"i 'ion has slightly decreased in numbers, but the members turn out well for duty. It is hoped tha.t recruiting will be brisk next year.



:2 :2 . ) .)


*1 1 *1 1 1 1


25 31



1:l 37 17 27 20



5 1 1 1

*1 1

2 2


2 1 1 1 1

*(1) (1 ) 1. (1 ) (2) (1 ) 2 (1) *(1) *(1)


1 2

1 1 1 1 1

2 2

9 51 2!l 10 --------------------------------~-----------* The ilonorary Surgeons shown in parenthesis are countc::d in the Am bulance Divisions.

H. Bird,

Supt. and Hon. Treasurer.

H. Ilett, 20 , Queen' Road, Dal ton.


1st Officer.

13 2·1 51 26 15 36 20

H. 'Yakely.

]0 10 '21 1 9 ]£)







1129 110 cone~pondil1g

[Formed 7.89.J





27 & 29,

Honorary Surgeon .

40 25

1 2




1 1

Sergo J. Oollins, 54, Lindon A ve11ue, KenaI Rise, N. \V.

Inspector of Stores.


1 3 1

Honora ry S ecretary.

D. Liddell, "Bequia," .;Uuswell Avenue, Muswell Hill, N.

23 1

J. Gidley Moore, L.R.C.P., J. M . Carvell, nI.R.C.S .

Supt. and Hon. T reas.



1 1 1

1 2 1


[Formed 6.87.J



1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1







Superintendent Secretary-So H . VILVEN.



1 1



"a~ 00 . ;...$ ~rn

Honorary S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. F. Twitchett, 11, Hall Street, Oity RoaLl.

1st Class ergt. T. Atterbury.

Oflicers 3. ergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 26. Total effective 33. Increase since la t report 2. Drills held 39. Average attendance 12. Oa es attended 011 public duty 46. Oases attendeel not on public duty 10. Annual in pection, 26th May. Total 011 parade 20 . Absent with leaye 2. Without leave 10. Annual re-examinatiol!, 20th March. Members pa ed 23. Did not appeal' 9. Medallions 32. Service badges 15. .r lusing certificates H. Regulation uniform \vOl'll. Material: 1 litter, 3 stretchers, 2 havresac , 2 cabinets, 26 water bottles. Divi ion supported by its members. The DiTision shows this yea.r an increase in membership owing to a successful fir'st aid class, 13 out of 11 candidate passing. Public duty has been performed on all occaSions when ordered by headqun.rters, and in addition, several ch,ildren's entertainments have been attended, as well as many football matches durmg the season. Q


St. J ohn A mb'/,~lance Brigade.



St. John Amb'/,~lance Br·igcule. [Formed 1.4.90.]


J. J. Dickinson,


Honorary Surgeon.

Pte. H. Coles.

1st Class Sergt. R. J. Hayes, 12, PpnsllUrst Road,







A. To ud- White, M.R.C.S.

:\U!.C . S.


Superint e ndent and Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

ergt. H. W. Goodman, 362, King ,'treet Hammer mith, ,\\T.

Hon . Treasurer CHon. Mem.).

, . H. '\ ilven.

2nd Officer.

J . T. Olley.

Charles J. Fitch.

Honorary Secretary.

Insp ector of Stores.

1st Olass Sergt. H. Marston, 58, Selby Road, Leytonstone.


Honorary Surgeon .

J. J. Olley, Acorn "illa, 91, Fairlop Rd., L tytonstone. 1st Officer.

T . JOH~' _.'

H. C. Howard, H. J. II allatt, 22, D erby Road, Ponder End.

Honorary Surge on .

outh Hackney, N.E.

Omee~' 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 11. Total effective 14 Decrease slIlce .last re})ort 1. Dri11 s b eld 84. Average attendallce 8 '26. ' Cases ~ttcnde.u on puuhc duty 120. Cases attended not on public duty 200 Annual InSpectIOn, 26t~ "tl!ay. Total on parade 9. Absent with' leave 5 Annlla~ re-exanllnatlO!1, 20th Jail, "Members pagsed 12. Did not appear 1I1edalllOns 11. SerVIce badges]O NurSing certificates 11 R I t' 'f worn. l\Iaterial: 2 stretchers, '2 ha~'l'esacs ,Yater bottle lar'fl e b~~n e~cHm ~ll~i~{o~ supported by mcmuer" subscriptions.' 'to,· _~lth.ollgh lJulllcric~llJ: a small divi. iOll, the interest and efficiency has been ,rell mallltallleu. The pnnCll~al duty undertaken has been the football and cricket duty Oil Hackney)Iarsh. TIns means that the Division has been on duty eYery Satlll'day aftel'llo?n (except the month of April) clurinfl the year. The station on tbe ma1:sh jlrovHleu by the L.~. is very comfortable, and of great benefit to both patlCnts and men. Th e DIVISIOIl has also responued to all the calls for duty from 11 eadcl uartel's.



Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Officer 1. Sergeants 3. Corporals 2. Privates 32. Total effective 38. In crease since last repOlt 7. Drills held 72. Average attendance 23. Cases .attended on public duty 26 . R emoval 1. Cases attended not on l~ublic duty 162. Annual inspection, 26tb Ma,Y. .Total Oil ])arade 31. Ab ent .wIth leave 5. , Vithout leave 2. Annual re-exammatlOn, 14th Feb. and 19th Apt'll. Members passed 35 . Did not Il:ppear . 2. Metlallion~ 27 . . S erv ic~ badge 11. ur ing certificates 3. RegulatIon umform worn. Matenal: 4 ht~ers, 7 stretchers, 33 boxes of material. Division sUPl)Orted by North London RaIlway Company, 110nations, and member,,' subscriptions. The Divi ion bows an increase of seven members for the pa t year, but the a\'erage attendance was below tha,t of last year. Th e efficiency is well maintain d. A concert and ambulance display was given b y per mission from Headquarters at Bruce Road Methodist Oburch on 1st Marcb, and was a grea,t SLlcce . Public duties were performed on every occasion when ordered. Great regret is felt ab tbe loss of two of our most energetic members--yiz., Oorporal Britton a,nd Private Roberts, tbe former baving gone to Oanada, and the latter to the o~th of England-where no doubt they will carryon tbe good work learnt amongst theIr old friends.



Surg.-Capt. A. C. Tunstall, M.D.

1st Class Sergt. (in charge) ,V. J. Hyrons, 37, East Avenue, East Ham, E. Honorary Secreta ry.


Honorary Surgeon .


Pte. T. J. Warner, 27, N orris Road, Bow, E.


Pte. A. J.


Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Corporals 5. Privates 35. Total effective 45. Average attendance 16. Case attended Reserve member 1. Drills held. 28. on public duty 77. Removals 4. Cases attended not on public duty 79. Annual inspection, 26th 1l1ay. Total on parade 33. Absent with leave 8. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 5th April and 12th April. Members pa~setl 31. Did not appear 8. Medallions 26. Service badges 22. Nursing certificates 11. Regulation uniform wom . Material: litter completa, 5 stretchers, 4 mal'!luees, 4 lJlankets, 4 waterproof sheets, 2 folding bedsteads, 8 folding chairs, 2 folding tables, 40 "ater bottles, 5 surgical havresacs. Division supported by its memlJers. Tbe Division shows the same strengtb as last year, and continues to be in a satisfactory state; tbe conduct of tbe members being in ev ry way crec1itrtble to the Divisionand the Brigade. The Division has underta.ken duty on all occar;ion ",hen ordered by headquarters, and frequently in connection with loc(\,l events. It is desired to record the kind assistance given by Superintendent L. Mackenzie and tbe men under his charge; and also by the officers and members of Police force on all occasions on which public duty has been performed on vVan steacl Fla.ts. The Division entered a team for the Efficiency Cup Oompetition, which took IJluce on 7th July, and was successful in carrying off tbe trophy.

Offi cer 2. ergeants2. Corporals 3. Privates 26. Total elfecti\'c 33. . Decr~ase since la t report 5. Drills hcld 3 . Average attendance 14 Annual 1.n P?CtI?ll, . ~6th May. Total on parade 1. Ab ent with leaye ]0: Annual ~)c-cxa~lll~l~tJOll, ~~h MarcIl. 1\le111 be~'s pass.ed 25. Did not 9.ppear 2. :JIedallion ' ~5. UlSlllg cCltIflcates 20. RegulatIOn ulllform worn. Diyi iOllUl)llOl'tecl L)'I.- it ll1CJ1lIJer . J . During the pa t year the Division has rer:eiYel1 a sub tautial ill!!l'ea e in strenerth by, the, e1l1'~lllle!lt .o f fiv~ ne~v melllb~rs, and the effiCiency of the inL1i,id~1UI lll(Jllbels has .1ICUl \\ell Jl][l.llltaJ1lCll. DrIlls haye becll fairly well attendcd. Duty h.as becll .1)erI0l·1~I(:d 011 all occasions when ordered, 'pecia l attention h::n'iller been gn'en, as III 1Il'c\'1ons year', to cycle race lllceting . n

No. 7 (TOY NBEE HALL) DIVISION. [Form cd 7.3.91."! IIJUIHil' \1: rEn.: TUY~HEE 11.\1.1" ::!\ CO)DIEHt'fAL 'll!EEl, Lo_-no~. E. Superintendent.

E. J. I';:illlbcr, ,3, Durhalll Ilott(1 Mallor l\ll'k, E. '

1st Officer.

2nd Officer

II. L. J Ol1es.

J. A. ,'. COlelll'lll.

Hon orary Secretary.

Inspector of Stol'es.

J. Hmill, J(j, ,pencer tl'eeL, G<'s\\'ell Hoad, E .

1st Cla Honorary Treasurer.

Ptc. 11. G. King.

'crgt. W. II. Becton.

St. J ohn A mb?tlance B'I·igade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

Officers 3. Sergeants 3. Corporals 5. Privates 46 . Total effective 57. I ncrea e since last report 1. Drills held 48 . Average attendance 20. Cases attended not on public duty 21 6. Annual inspection, 26th :i\Iay. T otal on parade 50. Absent "ith leave 5. ·Without leave 2. Annnalre-examination, Hth March. Members passed 49 . Did no t appeal' 6. Medallions 48. Nursing certificates 40. R egulrttion nniform WOJ'll T he Diyision still maintain its general eOlciency, tbe numerical strength shon'ing a slight increase. Every member is now in uniform. 'V~ regret ~o record the resignation of Hon. Surgron W. Black Jones, M.D., OWll1g to Ins haying taken up permanent residence in , Vales. Dr. Jones has rendered most "aluable assistance to the Division by bis lectures, demonstrations, and attendance with us on public duty Juring the past eleven yrars, and we desire to place on record our appreciation of his servicrs . The new station at Mill Fields quite justifies its existence, duty is taken every Saturday. The l\ lilhyall section returns of attendance, &c., show that the high standard of past years is well maintainerl umler the steady leaJership of Second Officer Coleman . We regret to have to record the death, ,,,hich took place in Jew Zealand, of O. J. ~avage, a for111er lll'ivate memher, n'ho formed one of \\'hich the team which won the Efficiency Cup in 1904.

Meuallions 13. Service badges 16. NursinO' ··fi . worll. Material: 4 stretchers 2 havresac "'2 C\~l ~I c~tes 15. HegulatlOn uniform shects, 1 lJox of splints and lJa;ldaO'es D' '.. a er ottles, 2 blankets, 2 gronnd 'rhe Di vision is still in a flouri 'l~n~ coud~~~lon su~ported ?y members. thrtt a good increase in mem bel'sbip ~vill tak~o~l~~~l d t~~el: l~ every ~'eason to believe members ha\'e respol1deJ well to all calls f,. 1 uuno teen tung year. The the cricket scason at Victoria Park TI 0: fut~ by headquarters, an(l also durinO' nUllI bel' of aeciJents in the ')ark d~rin 1~~e )~S :een a very mark.cd in creac:e in th~ report book, including two Jltal cases. g e season, 101 cases bemg entcred in the






Honorary S urgeons.

Eo Gou(lanl,

C. IT .



S uperin t en d en t .

Honorary S ecretary.

TVcmulc!J Scction. Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. W. D. Claridge.


S. Gaubert (Hon . ::'IIem.) Inspector of S tores.

Il clI'lcsdcn ,'cclion.

Ho n ol'ary S ecretary.

Inspecto r o f S tores.


Pte. F. Claridge. Honorary S ecretary.

1st Class Sel'gt. J. Lowe, 4~ Elmore Street, Canon bury, N.

G. Chillingworth, 27, Spital SC].l1al'e, Norton Folgate, E.

Honorary Treasllrer.

Pte. C. E. Tollatield.

Sergt. C. H.


C. Statham, 61, Grafton Street, Mile End, E.

R ' ~[~icer' 3. ergeant 2. Corporals 2. Privates 32. Total e!J'ec:tiye 39 . t el \ e 111 elll LeI' 1. Incrrase sillee laQt re) 01 t;; D'n 1 ~ attl'ndallCe .J O. Cu es attended on i~eal 1 :J. n;; lel(~ 02. .d.Yel'agc

~~Jt C~lJ~ ,~:~lthl~a~~ 2~. ,.

1~~~~~C M~; ~y l'l'~tar~nes pa~~~f~ld2e~~

ty Annual ill pection, Feh. Member_ )a ~erl ~]Itholl~ lea,\'e 3. Aunual re-e::caminatiolls, 19th and 27th Nur -incr ccrtific[t\e 20 ?1~1 ilOt3alPpear 4. Medalhons 20. ~el'\ice 1)'111('e 1. grollllrtr;heet ~c D:" a ena: Itters. 7 stretchers. mgical ha,re ac~. ll1 Cf . , . ,~. lVlSlon sllpported by local sulJscriptioll . 0


A~I flUJ,,\:\'CE

H 1


ftr eSllen Lam' :-Litter fitretclter Jirstaid 11 1" . u<1bu' 1 '" 11 ' . ,. a P lance.


'~~:~~l1e;:: '_~Lt~tOtl1 :atl'(~ t:-IL~ttfier, st~·etchl'r,. tir't aiLl appliance'. 'l J' 1 el, s Ie c lei, II' t aid al)I)11a11ce U 1 [1' . . variou Imbric ~nlltl'egsenlel~'Va e 1C1enc y o~ Lhe Divi ion has been wrll maintained. The "e 1leen carned throuO'h a 1 ··th tl 1 --. tdwo d ft ? in conu.ection with the to • ac oua l I1 JOll11l1 C' the Dlvi ion it w s f d 'bl '" . team 1'01' the Osbol'll ChallenCfe b 1 . 11 l' a oun pos I e to send in a Cup. Thongh ul1succe~sfl1l cal~~~·l 'cran(ff a te~:n also competet~ for the Effieiency b j I~n °tl the puzes, the competItIon lU1\"e greatly increased the illtere t of tl ~. 1 lemem el" 111 1e work III ovember 190~ b 1 ellSp ay was gi vcn at the W illest! All t l' l ' , D . an am II anee Tl 1e

t I'Cll cr t 1

~~~~~~:a~~cb:.t i~e


~~T~ife~l~:~ Co;t~1f'~( ~l~.)~~\a~f


Ho n o rary Su rge on .

S uperintendent.

• ergt. F .. _l1lith.


Officers 2. Sergeants 5. Oorporals 3. Privates 32. Total effective 42. Decrease since last report 2. Drill.s held 46. Cases attentled on puulic duty 60. Remoya12. Oases attended not on public duty 97. Annual inspection, 26th 1Jfty. Total on parade 29. Absent with leave 6. ,Vithout leave 8. Annual re-examination, 20th Dec. Members passed 32 . Did not appear 1l. Medallions 3l. .'en·ice badges 26. Nursing certificates 32. Regulation uniform worn. Division supported by members' subscriptions. The Division has slightly decreased in numbers since last yenr, but it has maintain ed its reputation for work. Duty nas been performed on all oeca i01ls when ordered from headquarters, and on many occasions locally. The thanks of the Division are tendered to Nursing Officer Mrs. S. Gent for her unfailing kindnes. on each Bank Holiday at Hampstead Heath.

A. G. Southcombe,

H. 'V. Cartel (lIon. )lc111.) Inspector of Stores.

Ho n o rary T reasurer.

H. Bennett.

A. Paull, }{yleeote, Wemlley.

::'IIacdonahl, :II. R. C. s.

Hono rary Su rge on.

J. Bremner,1>I.B.

[Fonl1 e(l 12.5.93. ]

HEAD-QUAl:'l'EI:S : ST. JOliN':> H~\'LL, ,\VE:lIDLEY.

No , 9 (ST. JOHN 'S GATE, No.2 ) DIVISION . [Formed 15.2.93.] HEAD-QUARTERS:


M. R.C.S .

Honorary S ec r etary.

W. A. Gray, 58, Rothhlll'y Roall, Victoria Park, E.

Inspe ct o r o f Sto res .

Honorary T reasurer.

T. Rayment.

H. G. Day.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Pl'lvates 22. Total effective 27. Drills held 48 . Average attendance 12. Cases I ncrease since last report 1. attended on public duty 10l. Removals 10. Cases attended DOt on public duty 86. Annual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 18. Absent wi.th leave 6. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 29th Jan. :Members passed 20. Did not appear 5.

~~l~l~\~~g o!~eratio.ns ~leces itat~J th:nren~~\'al ~r~l~ "iW~~~ \~:~l iJ~1~I~r1~;)S~'~ctJ~~' oruntillCf

l~CI'~l~i ~to~r}~t. ~lolln~t1 i1~

~1aiJl r07tds.



1e s lec

recocrnised the ambulance work in the dish·jct b;0 stantl 011 a IC refuge" at the j nnction of thre'e


Inspec t or o f Sto res.

Pte. S. Harper.

[F'ormec1 6.93.]

FINSBUHY nLu:KET, E.C. Honorary Treasurer (in Charge).

el'gt. C. 131'0\\,11, ,0, Clifton Fin!:lbury, E. C.



St. John A'in bulance B?·igade.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Sergeant l. Privates 14. T otal effective 15. Increase since last report l. Drills held 43. Average attendanc~ 4. Cases attended on public duty 13. Removals 11. Cases attended n?t on pubIlc dut? 35] . Annual inspection, 26th 1\~ay .. Total on parade 10. Absent with lea:e 2. Wlth~ut leave 3. Annual re-exallllDatlOn, 12th Dec. Members passe(lll. Did ~ot app~al 4. Medallions 12. Service badges 4. N ursing certi~cates ] 3. RegulatIOn umfonn worn. Material: 1 litter, 4 stretcher, ~ .s\ll'glcal havresacs, wa:er Tb ot~les , blanket, grl)llllJ sheet~, camp stools, etc. D;vlslon ~nI~ported by Mes~ls. ,'atellow and Sons, Ltd., and active and hon. members subscnptlOl1S an~l dOl1aho~s'IHlfl\ T he Division is formed exclusively of the employees engaged m the vanous depar~­ ments of Messrs. , Yaterlow & Sons, Limited, but owing to the nature ?f thell' employment, it is not always possible for the .member~ to .turn out for pubhc dl~ty. or to attend drill regularly . A case deservlllg mentlOn IS that of the rescue from drowning in the River Lee, on 30th April, 1906.' of a boy aged fif~een, 1.ly one of ol~r members, Private S. E. Fairclough, who went mto thp. water WIth nearly aHlns clothes on and brollaht the boy to land . Public dllty has been perrormed whenever possible. The Diyi i~l is indebted to the Education Committee of the London County Conneil for their continued kindne. s in granting the use of the l)lay ground of the Scrntton treet Schools, Finsbury, for drill purposes aud to Dr. Gordon Brown, for kindly acting as Judge at the annual com)l~tition !'or .the '~aterlow Departm.ental Challenge Shield. The march·out and first aid practice 11l Eppulg Fore.. t were blghly al'l)l'eciated by the whole of our members. No. 13 (KING 'S CROSS , G.N.R. ) DIVISION. HEAD-QUARTERS: R OOM



[Formed 14.10.93.J G.N.

Honorary Surgeons.

R. Main,


J . Brunton,

Ry., KING's CROflS.

W. Mailer,


M. B.

1st Officer and Hon . Treas.

Superi ntendent.

H. E. Hankin.

G. T. Cooper, 20, Arlo\\' Road,



Honorary Secretary.

A. A.. Atkins, 4], First Avenue Manor Park, Essex. '

Corpl. F. G. Cosburn, 129, Carlyle Road, Manor Park, Essex.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. Brickell.

Pte. T. B urden . ~fficers 3. Corporals 2. Privates 26 . T otal effective 31. . Decr~ase Slllce last report 24. Drills held 44. Average attendance 20 Annual lIlSpectlOn, 26th May. Total on parade 24. Absent with leave 5 . Without leave 7. ~lllllla~re-e~amination, 5.th Jan . and 12th April. Members pas~ed 21. Did no~ a~peal 5.. ]l,Ldalho~s 19. S~rvlCe badges] 4. Nursing certificates 14. Regulation umfOl.l1l WOIU. Matenal: 1 htter, 4 stretchers, 2 havresacs, 1 box of first aid matenals, 1 large hamper, 1 marquee, 3 bell tents, oil stove cups saucers etc blank~ts, waterproof sheets, etc. Division supported by me~bers" subscrip' tion~' donatIOns, etc. ' Th e Division mair:.tail1s its old standard of efficiency and thfl e' t f members at the weekly drills is very satisfactol"7 The Bank H l'd' P ldcet~ age 0 'ell tt d d l ' J' 0 I ay n les were " .. ~ en e , ~n~ .we agam beg to offer our thanks to the Beckton and Oyclist DlvIsl~n for th~ll: J.omt co-operation. The East Ham Borough Council continues to patrol1lse the Dl VlSlOn, and to materially as ist us. The ambulance and nursing cl~sses (for men), ~eld by the Borough Council, were very successful and we have gamer! mallY recrmts from them. Our annnal church parade was h eid on Sunday 22~d October .. The. number on parade was slightly ulJder our average, the totai be.m.g. HI, ll1cludll1g members of the East Ham and Barking NUrsilJ a DIV.!. 10Wl, and the followilla Divisions viz. Jos. 3 4 7 10 25 29 .J 40b Ass IS t an.t onUlll" . ~'T H b • 11lliorga,n and " . . " . " " anu J.. lOnel II. Dlstnct upenntendent ecretary'Y. H. PO~h]), rrOIll headq uarte:s, were also present. At the conclusion of an inquest on Hal ry Pndl.l, ".ho su tameJ a compound fracture of his arm while playing football, all~1 died lllr.n. few days from gangrene, the Coroner, Dr. ,Vynn Baxter, thanked Pm'ate G. Kmg for the efficient first aid he rendered to the deceased.

Win chmorc Hill. 2nd Officer and Hon . Secre tary.

P. J. Sebright, 73, Whittington Road, Bowes Park.

Inspector of Stores.

Scrgt. A.

Officers 6. Sergeants 3. CorpOlals 4. Privates 50 . Total effective 63. Reserve member 1. In crease since last report 3. Drills held 56. Average attendance 14. Cases attended not on public duty 1,210. Annllal inspection 26th May. Total on parade 31. Abseut with leave 29. Without leave 3. Annual re-examinatiolls, 6th, 13th and 20th March, flnd 22nd Jan. Members passed 42. Did not appear 21. Medallions 40. Service badges 21. Nursing certificatl's 26. Regulation uniform ,,·om. Material: litters, stretcher~, havresacs, &c. Division supported by donations and meruuEl's' c;ubscriptions, &c. Two fir t aid clas 'es "'ere held in March and April, 1906, the lectures being given by Drs. Main and Mailer, the examiner being Dr. Carvell. Th c Annual Concert \"as held on the 20th J anua!'y at the Northern Polytechnic I nstitu te, with the result that a considerahle sum was placed to thc credit of the Divisional rllnd s. The ~\Dllual inspection, march out, and church parade ,"ere all well attended. Including this year's cases. the members of the Di vision have attended to 10,067 accidents since the formation of the Division. Th e Division has paraded for duty on all occasions when ordered. The Division desi(es to record its thanks to the G.N.R. Co. for the use of Room No. 110 for drills, &c.; to the honorary surgeons for lectures and services; tu Messrs. Dymant and Painter for donations to prize funds; also to Mr. Sebright for his services in connection with the concert. No. 15 (EAST HAM ) DIVISION.

[Formed 5.4 .95.J


S. A. Stride,

II E.\D-QUAnTEns :


L.B. & S.U.

Honora ry Surgeon.


. Davies,

Ry., N EW

[Formed 10.7.95. J CROSS,


Superin tend ent and Hon . Treasurer.

)1.A., )l.B.

E. W. Tran <Ymar, District Locomotive Supt., L .B. & .C. Ry., New Cross, S.E.

Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Sto res.

C. E. Cherl'Y, 10, Wrigrrle 'worth Ne\\' Gros", '~E.


1st Clas

e!'gt J. W . Pearson.

Ofticers ~. ergeallts 3. Corporals 4. PriYatC's 26. T otal effective 35. Reserve memher 1. Decrease since last report 17. Drills helJ 53.. Average attenclance 2~. Cases attended not 011 public auty 217. Anllual lllspection 26th M~? . 'Iotal on paralle 9. Ahsent \\'ith leave 17. Without leave 9. Annllai re.~x.alllll1atJoll, 1 th Ma!'?h. l\Iel~)b2rS passed :22. Did not appear 11. Medallions 1 . el nee badges 14. N urs1l1g certdlcates 11. Hegllla tion uniform ,yorn . Material: 1 havl'esac, -! stretchers, 12 water bottles. Diyi ion supported by L.B. & .C. Ry. Co. aud by concert . The D1\:ision has clone much useful work during the year, a \'er\, large number of cases ha~lllg been attended to, exclusive of public l1uty. The reduction ill str~ngth IS cau. eel by the formation or a new Division in the near lJeiahbourhoorl to whlCh. ll1~lIy members haye bcen han. ferreu, .0 that they remain on the strellcrtl~ of the Dl tnct, though not of this Division. " No . 17 (MERTON AND WIMBLEDON ) DIVISION. H EAD-QUAJ{TEHS :


Honol'ary SUI'geon.

Honorary Surgeons .

F. J. McKettrick,

No . 16 (L.B . &S .C. R ., NEW CROSS ) DIVISION.


M. K. H urgreaves ,


Know. TON

[Formed 14. 9.95.J



Super intenden t and Hon . Treasure r .


C. Orchard, 27, El'pillgham Rd., Putney, S. W.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John Ambulance B?'igade.


Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

E . J . Ockleford, 15, Kingswood R d ., -Wim bledon, . W.

Corp1. W. J. Bould.



. "\Y.

Honorary Surgeon .

E . "\V. Lewis, M. H.C.S. Insp e ctor of Store s .

Hon . Sec. and Treasure r (in charge).

Oorpl. E. F. Fa"Vatt, 29, Oroel Street, Oastle Street, Battersea.

Pte. G. H. Ralph .

OIIicers 3. Sergeants 5. Oorporals fi . Privates 46 . Total effective 60. Decrease since ~ast rep~rt 26 . D rills h eld 44. Average attendancc 23 . Oases attended. Oil pll.l:JltC duty {5 . Removals 45 . Oases attended not on public duty 251. A l1 n ualll1spectlOll, 26th May. T otal 011 l)arade 40 . Absent with leave 13. "\Vithout l eave 7. Annual re-examination, 13th Feb. and 8th March . Members passed 53. Did l:ot apJl.e,ar 7. :Medallions ~2 . Service badges 41. Nursing certificates 43 . R egulatIon nndol'lll WOl'll. Matenal : 2 wagous, 10 stretchers, 1 litter 8 ambulance boxes blank ets, splints, etc. Division supportetl by grants from the Company and by tb~ III embers' su bscri ptions. Keen il:terest in the l?ivision and its work is still maintained in spite of the large ?ecre~se ill strength dUl'mg the pa~ t year,and the efficiency of the Division as a whole is ~n a higher sta te than heretofore. The chairman and directors of the company encouracre 111 every way the study of first aid. and in addition to the splendid work of art repr~­ senting the" Good amaritan," which is annually competed for by the ambulance memhers .at the Oompany's several centres, still present silver medallions to all wh.o qualify for them . A large number of cases have been treated, some of a mo&t senou lllltnre, and several instances of speClal commendation from medical ml:'ll and hospitals are ~·ecorded. Two ambulance wagons have recently been pUl'chased a ' a more effiClellt mcthod of removal of the injured . The Division is proud of thc eli 'tinction that, "'ith fom exceptions, the l~oyal Naval ick Berth Resel'\'i ·ts for thc Metropolitan District are drawn from it ranks. The Division retul'llS its sincere t than ks t o Sir George Li\'esey (the 'hairman of the Company), to Charles Carpentcr, E q. (the Chief Engineer), and to thc Board of Directors for the muny conces ions extenueu to the HI igade members during the year, and for the grneral encouragcment given to the fmtherance of first aid knowledae at all the cell tres of the company's ,yorks, many in tances have occurred in "hicl1 this kno'Wl~uge has oeen most usefully employed . The work of the Company being of a con tllJuons nature, a full meeting at drill or illspection i impo sible, but an excellent anrage ha ~ been maintained. Reponse ha been made to the several calls for duty recciyed from headquarters during the year. No. 20 (HAMPSTEAD ) DIVISION. II OLLY


Officer 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 12. Total efi'ective 14. I ncrease since last report 3. D rills held 51. Average attendance 2. Cases ~t tende.d on pnblic duty 30 . Oasts attended not on puu1ic duty 60. Annual mspectlOn, 26th May . Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 6. Annual re-e:.:aminatioll, 4th Feb. Members l)al:'sed 5. Did not appeal' 5. Mf'dallion 7. Sel'VlCe badges 6. N uri ng certificates 4. Regulation uniform W01'11. Material: 2 stretchers, 1 havresac, water bottle, handages, anu sp1ints. Division supported by members' subscription . T he D ivision has increased by three members since the last report, but the average atten(lance, at drill, has fallen very low indeed, but it is hoped the members will try to rally ollce more. Public duty has been performed at the fooLball matchcs at Queen 's Olub, Fulham and Ohelsea Football Grounds, and on )lulJlic occasions whenever possible. No. 19 (SOUTH METROPOLITAN GAS COMPANY ) DIVISION. [Formed 5.] 2. 95 .J H EAD-QUARTEUS:

H. Fox (H on. Member. )

OOl·pI. P. 'Wickens.

[Formed 13.11.95.]


Hon . Treasurer.

lnspector of Stores.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 21. T otal effective 27. D ecrease siuce last report 3. D rills held 40. Cases attended on puhlic duty 48 . Remoyal 1. Cases attended not on public duty 83. A nnual inspection, 26th }Iay . T otal on parade 21. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 1. Annual r e-examination, 15th Jan . Members passed 21. Did not appear 4. Medallions 18. Service badges 15. Jursing certificates 11. R egulation uniform worn. Material: 4 str etch ers, surgical h avresac, field hamper , 2 impr ovised havresacs, water bottle, sh eets, pillows, blankets. Division supported by members' and honorary members' subscriptions. T he work of t h e D ivision has a~ain been cal'l'ied on very succe sfully, a largc num bel' of cases have been treatecl by members on public duty and also in their private capacity. T he total membership is n ot so good as last year, but this is compcnsated for by the increased efficiency, which in a great measure is due to the spirit of competition engendered by the annual contest for the Harubro Efficiency Oup. The Division has undertaken duty locally on many occa&ions, and also in the street of the :Metropolis whenever ordered by headquarters. A strongmllster of members also took part in the annual march -out of the corps. I n conclu ion , the Division again desires to place on record its indebtedne s to the patrons and subscribers, to the President (0. T y rrell Giles, Esq. , J . P. ), for the val uable and practical assistancc afforded in various m a tte rs connected with the Division, to the H on. Surgeon for his continued energy i n the maintenance of the efficiency of the Division, to the nursing sisters for their co -operation and assistance, and to the members generally.


Honorary Surgeon.

Superi ntendent.

A. A. W ar d, :lL D.

J. O. L ines, 93 , W est En d L ane, H ampstead, N . W.

1st Officer.

Hon . Secretary.

W . G. B utcher.

Sergt. A. O. Griesbach, 48, Peckham P ark Road, Peckham, ' .E.


[Formed 31.1.96.]

BUlm HOUSE, HA:lIP. TEAD . S u p erin t enden t .

Honora ry Surgeon s.

J. T. H. Hudson, IIolly Bush Honse,

E. Jesop, l.ll.C.H. C'. J. R. Macfadden, :ll.D.

IIamp tead. Insp ect or of S t ores .

Ho norary S ec r eta ry.

CorpI. C. M. FOlder, 1, Furnes IIarlesuen, N . ' Y.

Pte . R. ., teer .

Roatl, Hono rary Treasurer.

l>te. "\Y. \Yarrcll. ergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Privates 26. Total effecliYe 3f. Officers 3. Incrcase billce la t report 5. Drills held 56. Animal in. pection, 26th May. Total on parade 20. Ab ent with leave 6. Annual re-examination, 16th Jan. 1I1e111he1'8 pa sed 21. Did not appear 2. Medallions 16. en-ice badges 10. Regulation uniform " om. Di vi ion supported uy mel1l bel" and voluntary sull 'cl'iption . No. 21 (BROMLEY ) DIVISION. II EAD-QUARTEUi:l :

Honorary Surgeon.

H. Yolla1l d ,

I1LR.C. S.

Inspector of Stores .

Scrgt. S. B ush.

[Formed 1. 5.96.]


Honorary S ecretary.

1st la s ergt. F . Field, 55, Southland Roatl , Bromley. Honora ry Trea surer

Mr. "\\. Oooling.


St. John A rnbulance B?Oigade.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Privates 24. Total effective 27. Drills helLl. 39. Average attendance 15. Cases attended on public duty 17. R emovals 3. Ca es attended not on public duty 41. Annual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 20. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination , 25th Jan. Members passed 20. Did not appear 6. Medallions 24. Service badges 23. Nnrsing certificates 20 . R egulation uniform worn. Material: Ashiord litter, 5 stretchers, 3 havresac5, 3 water bottles, 2 tents, splints, etc. Division supported by voluntary subscriptions, concerts, etc. The Division has had a very successful year. Its membership does Hot flag , and we are looking forward to a con iderable increase this year. The first aid and llursing courscs still continue to be well attended, most of the membcrs taking advantage of the in tlUctions given 1)y Dr. Yolland, under the auspices of the T echnical Education Committee.

Rurgeon, all the members of the Division that presented themselves for examination gained certificates. Our second church parade was helU (by permission of headqnarters) on Sunday, 29th July, 1906, at All Saints' Church, Upper Norwood, and, thanks to os. 16, 19, and oLher Divisions, proved a. great success. We are greatly indebted to the Upper Norwood Tempera nce Prize Band for their valued assistance on this occasion. The Di vision has received at the hands of the Crystal Palace Company many marks of appreciation of its servicel:! during the past year.






[Form ed 27.7.96.J W.C.

Honorary Surgeons.

R. Ingram,

M.D .

Su peri ntend ent.

M.A. , M. B.

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

A. R. Rundell, 34, Charlotte Stree~, Fitzroy Sq nare, "Y.

1st Class Sergt. R. W. H endon, 1, Ossian Hoad, trond Green, N.

Officers 3. ergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 25 . Total effective 32. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 38. Average attendance 10. Cases attende~ on pu?lic duty 279 . R emovals 19. Cases attended not on pnLlic duly 38. AnnuallDspectlOl1, 26th May. Total on parade 7. Absent with leave] 2. Wilhout l eave 13. Annual re-examination, 16th Jan. :Members po. sed 20. Failed 3. Did not appear 7. Medallion 20. Service badges 12. Nursinercertificates 12. Realllation uniform worn. Material: 1 litter, 7 ha vresacs, 8 stret~hers, 3 teu ts 1 aJl~blllance station box, 6 waterproo f sheets, 6 rugs, 36 water bottles, :2 hot water' hottles larae stock of bandages, drug, &c. Di yisioll s u pporteJ. by members' su hscri l'tiOl;S a~d d onations.


[Formed 26.11.96.]


Hon . Surgeon and Super intendent.

F. G. Swaync, M.A., ~LB . , 140, Church Road, Upper Norwood.

No. 24 (DOULTON) DIVISION. [Fol'meLl. 30.9.96.] HEAD-QUARTERS:


Honorary Surgeon. M.B., C.M.

R. G. Keitl, (In char"ge of division.)

Honorary S ecretary.

1 t Class ,'ergt. '. N. Bulcruig, 52, Plough Laue, 'Wimbledon, '. W.

Pte. C. E. Grey, 145, Ravensbury Road, Eal'lsfield, '. W.

Inspector of Stores.

J. Forbes,



Hon . Secretary and Treasurer.

Pte. G. A. Dawsoll, 9, Crystal Palace, tatiOll Roau, Upper Norwood.

Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. F. L. Dawson . . Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 14. T otal erT'ective 18. Dnlls held 46. Anrage attendance 1.0' Cascs attended on pnlJlic c1uty 72. ~emovals 10.. Cases attended l~Ot on public c1 ~~Y 6. Annual inspection, 26tll May. 'I. otal on p31ade 14. Absent WIth leave 1. V, ILhout leave 3. Allnual l'e.examinabon, 22~rl Jan . . l\1pmbe~'s passed 15. Diu not appcar 2. Medallions 13. Service baJges I. Nursmg certlficates 12. Rpgulation uniform worn. lITaterial: litter, 2 s~retchers, 2 !l~v.resacs, 2 water bottles, ) bell tent, flag and starr, rug, and tent eqmpmel?t: . DIVI.SlOll supported by memuerR' subscriptions alJd dOllaLio)] .. The DIVISIOn s.tlll CO?tlllnes to make satisfactory progress. 73 dilLies in all have been performed, lt1cludlllg Lord Mayor's Show, vi. it of the Killer awl Querll of Greece,. Sunday d 11 ty at St. Panl's, Openillg of ParIiamen t, return of 11. R. the Prince an.d Pnncess of 'Walb~, Earl's. CO'.lrt, Fi;~nl Cn~ 'l'i"e, "Daily Mirror" Gnla Day, Blass Ban~ Co~test, MetropolItan and City Polt.ce.B ete all.d Sports, Bank Holidays and nUl11elOUR Fete Days at Crystal Palace, also FIrework DIsplays twice weekly. The members ~ave ;'e.sponded ,,:e11 \\'~ell calle~ l:l:on fol' duty. A nursing class waf; held in N ovemhel 1900 111 cOl1nectlOn WIth the DlvlslOn, the lectures being given by the Hon.



Hono rary Treasurer.

CorpI. J. Carley.

L. J . .E. Hooper (Hon. Mem.) " A "

S ection.

(In charge of section)-Sel'gt. J. H. Lord. ectiollal lIon. 'ec retary-Corpl. H. E. Kilsby. Sectional In spector of 'to res-Pte. G. ·Warren . " 8 ' Section .

(In charge of 8cclioll)- 'el'~t. F. Rittman. 'ectiollal lIon. 'ecl'etury--CoI'Pl. J. G. I-leather. , ectioll~1,1 Inspector of tore -Pte. Hihbert. " C " Section .

(Ill charge of scctioll)- Pte. T. P~e\y . "ectional llon. Secretary-Pte. J. F. Magra. ergeunts 3. Corporals 3. Privates 3". Total effectivc 45. Offlcel' 1. h crea e :;ince last repC'l't 2. Drills held 94. AYerage attendance 11. Cases attended on l'uLlic duty 70. Rcmoyals 11. a es attended not on public duty 229 . Annual inspection, 26th nlay. Tolal on }luralle il4 . Ab ellt with leaye 2. Without le:wc 6. A 111lnal re-exuwinlltioll, ;2 th Feb. Memhel l)as ed 40. Did not appear 5. 11 edalliolls 22. "en'ice badgcs 11. :r ursing certificate 15. Regulation lmiform wom. Material: 2 slretchcr', 4 'UJ'gical huvrc:sac , 4 \Yater bottle ; bandages and splints for practice. Divi iOll . npportecl hy honorary 11: e:ll.bers. . The year has been one ot' rfood .teady work. The DI\'ISlOll has undertaken publIc duty ",henCHr po 'sible, 011 Clapham Common hoth on Bank Holidays and on 'utllrllayaftel'l1oons during the football allll .cricket ea.,ons .. It has al ~ ~a~en an active part in the variolls Field Day., &c., III co-operatIon With other Dlvlslons of the ilIetropolitan Corps. A new ecli'Jn (" C" , ec tion) ha bpeu rorm ed i? connection with the, pringfiehl Hall ,\'e 'Icyan l\1i sioD, ~\'~t1:dsl\'o~~h Ro~d, wInch shows promisc or largely incrca. iug the strpugth or the DlVI l?n. lh~ slllcere. thaJll~s. of the Di\'i ion are arrain clue to the lIoll. nrgcon, Dr. h. G. RCld, for IllS untmng energy and for theocoll1' e' of lectl1l'e' given to which the DiYi~ion owes its trength.



,''1'. Pc\.ur:s PAIU~II ROOM, Bl'RGOYNE ROAD, HAItRIXGAY. lin char-ge).

Hono rary Surgeon .

II. Uurray, Honorary S ecretary.


1 t Closs Cl'gt. E. (evcns, 3, ,,\' orce tel' Rd ., IIigham Hill. Waltham stow.

Insp ector of Stores .

1st C1a s 'el'gt. W. Barrell, Pto. E. II ollings\\"orth. 1, Stirling Rd., Higham IIill , Walthan,stow.

Honorar"y Treasurer.

Pte. L. Levin.


St. John A rrnbu lance Brigade.

St. J ohn A 17~uulance B 1 igacle. o

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Privates 2:2. Total effective 25 . Decrease since la~t report 2. Drills held 45 . A verage attendance 7. Cases attcnded on public duty 28. Cases attended not on public duty 33 . Annual inspection, 26th May. T otal on parade 12. Absent with leave 11. ·W ithout leave 3. Annual re-examination, 22nd May. Members passed 17. Din not appeal' 8. Medallions 24. Regulation uniform worn. Material: 4 stretchers, 3 surgical havresacs, S large water bottles, splints, bandages. Division supported by voluntary contributions. The Division has made steady progress dming the past year. Public duties have been performed on twenty-seven occasions. Taking into consilleration the nature of the men's employment, the drills, &c., have been fairly well attended. T he Di vision is still indebted to the Vicar of St. Paul's 011 urch for the fre e use of the church room for drill, &c.

again been enellent, and every call for London duty 11as been responded to, in addition to Illany local sports, meetings, etc. The Division has had thc misfortune to lose its Supcrintendent, who was obliged to resign on leaving the district, after more than nille years' ser vice, also of its sergeant, another old member. Pte. Deans has been appointed SuperintenJent, anu a sergeant and co1'pora111a ve also been appointed . Two members, the first in the Division, have joined the Royal Naval Auxiliary ick Berth Reserve, anu six members have gained the n1ll'sing certificate. The Division continues to find its services in request for removals in cases of illness, 23 having been carried out as against 13 last year.

No. 29 (WALTHAMSTOW) DIVISION. [Forl11e<l5 .1. 99 .J HEAD-QUARTER, :


Honorary Surgeon.


[Formed 16.5.98.]


N. & S. W.


II. T. Challis,

H. J. Thornton, M. R.C . ::;.


1st Officer (in charge).

Honorary Secretary.

ergt. F. ',V. tevens, IH, High t., Walthamstow.


F. T. Taylor, Essex House, Stainrorth H.oad, Waltbamstow.



Honorary Surgeon .


Inspector of Stores.

Pte. F. C. Edgell.

Honorary Treasurer.

l">te. W. J. Cardo.

Honorary Secretary (in charge).

1st Class Sergt. L. 'IV. Toller, Myra House, 25, Newton Avenue, Acton, IV. Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 12. Total effective 14. Decrease since last report 2. Drills h eld 38. A yerage attendance 9. Ca 'es attendeu on public duty 8. Cases attended not on TlUblie duty 20. Anllual in . pection, 26th May. Total on parade 6. Absent with leave 7. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 27th Feb. :Members passed 11. Din not appear 2. Medallions 12. Service badges 11. Nursing certificates 4. Regulatioll uniform worn. Material: 4 stretchers, 10 ambulallce boxes, 1 hamper, and material, vested in North and South Western Junction Railway Co. Division supported by Company and members. Th e Division is working in a very sati factory manner, the attendance at llrills being well maintained. L ectures delivered Ly Drs. Thornton and Wallace have been greatl.y appreciatecl, and have improved the general efficiency of the Division. The Division has again to express its cordial thanks to the Acton Educational Committee for use of the Priory School ground for drill purposes. I'll blic duty has been performed on several occasions.


[Form ed 21.6.98.]


Oflicers '2 . ergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 22. Total eflective 28 . Decrease sillce last l' port 1. Drills helcl 39 . Ayerage nttenJance 14. Cases att nd.ed 011 public dnty 30. R emovals 40. Cases attel1l1ed not on public duty 376. A l111ual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 12. Absent with leave 1? \\Tithont lpave 1. Anllual re-examillatioll, 11th )la1'c11 . :JIembers pas etl 20. Dld not appe'u 7. ~Iechtlliolls 15. -'e rvice badge H. Knrsing certificates 2. Regulation 11ll1form worll. :Jl<ttcrial: 1 litter, 6 .tretchel", 2 haYC1 ac., 1 ambulance box, 1 ttmt, splints, banclage", etc. Divi ion lIpportecl by the menJ?ers. Once ~t~ain we arc plea ed to :1y that the p~l t year ba~ been III ever,Y \~'ay .a. succe,,.;ful as its precleces ors, amI although OWlll(j to busmess and th~u' ll1~.bIhty to attend ell'ills, we have unfortunately lo·t many of our old members, lllcludmg some with .'.~\. . tlcrvice, new memhel" ha\'e l)een found to fill the vacancie. The number of cases treated at our Amhulance tation which is now open clay and night, is still illcrea. ing, 370 en cs having required our senic!:s, of which 40 had to b~ remoyed to huspital, nnd include ~5 frn,ctmes, 13 dislocation, and 5 cases ?f con~~s'lon. The ll:lual public dutie ' local and otherwi'e, IHLye been attended, nnd m addltlon two men cy the cricket and foothall sea,ons for duty at the Elms \I. ere detailed each week clurin •'porL' Ground. Owing to th~ kindness of the Di "trict Council in pla~ing at our clispotln.l for drill purpo es the pJaygr~und adjoin.iug .the ambulanc~ tatl~n, a yery useful amOlln t of i\'ork has been earned out whlCh It was found Impos Ible to do before in the rcstrietedpace at our llisposa1.

Honorary Surgeon .

G. M. Edwards,




Hon . Secretary.

C. C. Deans, 11, Peterborough Road, Harrow.

Sergt. IV. F. Hartmann, Crown Street, Harrow.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. ,Yo Hunt.

HI': .\ll-QUAltT ERS: JEwrSf(

I Blok,


,P. Hayman,

1st Officer and Honorary Secretary. T

E. Sup erintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

:Mr. A. Fillmore (Hon. Mem.).

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Pri yates 16. Total effective 20. D ecrease since .last report 4. Drills held 51. Average attendance 11'7. Cases attende~ on pu?llC duty 34 . Removals 23. Cases attended not 011 public duty 64. AnnualmspectlOn, 26th May. T otal 011 parade 16. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 2. An~ual re-examin.atiol1, 16th Feb. Members passed. 19. Did. not appear 1. MedallIons 11. ServlCe badges 7. Nursing certificates 6. Reuulation uniform worn. Material: litter, 5 stretchers, 3 havresacs, and" F. A." material at the following stati?n.s.: (1) Victoria Ball, Greenhill; (2) Mr. Bentley 's, Middle Road, Harrow. DIVISlOl1 supported by members' contributions. Th e Division.has continued to make good progress during the year, the number of cases treated hell1g 121 as compared with 98 last year. Attendances at drills have


Honorary Treasurer.

[Formed 12.1.99.J

Hamburger, 93, Grcen Lane, N.

,LOllg Lane, E.C. Insp ector of Sto res.

ergt. E.


O[}icers 3. ercyea.nt~ 2. Corporal 1. Pri\'ates 37 . Total efrectiYe 43. I ncrease ·i Ilce lastreport 11. Drills helLl 41. Average a ~tellLlallce ~ 7. Cases attennecl 011 public duty 113. Cases attelldeu n~t on pnbhc dnt.y 101:5. Annual inRpectioll, 26th May. 'rotal 011 parade ? (. Ab ent \\ Ith leu,:re 1~. WitllOut leave 3. Annual r c-examination, 6th Dec. lClllbe.rs pas e~l, 2(. Did not appear 1. Medallions 20. ervice badges 10. Nll~' Il1g certllicates 15. Recrulation uniform \\"orn. Material: 6 stretchers, 5 medlCnl hane ncs, ,Yater boltlc,>, plillt~, bandages, &c. Divi,ioll snpported by the lllellluer<:.


St. J ohn A rnbulance

St. John Armb'Ldance


DurinCt the past year the Di.vision has with great regret lost the services of Hon. -Surgeon,::>Dr. B. E. Myers, and desire to put on record their appreciation of his efforts during the six years' he devoted to first aid work. The vi vision has been exceptionally fortunate in securing the services of Dr. M. Blok as Hon. urgeon, whose devotion to the work, most interesting and instructive lectures, and readiness to assist in all directions, make for the greater efficiency of the Division in every respect. I A very handsome silver Ohallenge Oup pre ented by Sergeant Selinger, for annual competition amongst the members of the Division was competed for, for the first time, in June last, Assistant-Oommissioner Morgan and Dr. Blok kindly offici~1ted as judges. The Oup was won by Private A. de Meza. The general effici.encyof the Division has been fully maintained, the number of duties undertaken have been over the average, and the attendance at same satisfactory. Th e number of cases attended to when not on public duty are known to be far in excess of the figures given, many members objecting to publicity after treating cases. No. 33 (BERMONDSEY AND ROTHERHITHE ) DIVISION LFormed 10. 3.99.] HE.AD· QL".AnT~R

: J3ER~roNDf;EY

ETTLE~£E::\T, • . E.

Honorary Sec. (in charge.)

Hon. Surgeon and Treasurer.

1st 01. el'gt. '1'. aUllllel's, Oouncil Schools, Upper l~ennill gton Lane, ' .E.

A . Strattoll, M. D.



[Forll1ecl1 .10.1900.]

Officer 1. Sergeant l. Oorporals 2. Privates 26. Total effective 30. lncl'ease since last report 5. Drills held 7l. Average attendance 9. Oases attend ed on public duty 137. Removals 12. Oase. attended not on public Lluty 122. Annual insl)ection, 26th May. Tobl on parade 1. Ab~ell t with leave Without leave 4. Annual re-examination , 16th March. :Members l)a ed 22. Did not appear 8. Medallions 7. Service baLlges 8. :1' l1l'ing certificates (). Regulation uniform worn . Material: litter, 4 stretcher., 3 water bottles, 1 can, 3 surgical havresacs, 2 ground sheet, 1 blanket. Division supported by members' and voluntary subscriptions. The Division has done excellent work during the year, the number of cases treatell on bank holidays and other occasion', being m nch larger than usual. Durin Ct the cricket and football seasons the members have paraded well for Lluty at outl~\'ark Park, where a Lumber of cases have been treated; their services arc greatly appreciated by the various clubs who play there. The divisional strength has in(;reaeri by five members, and we hope for a furtber increase from a large iiI' t aiel cla now in progress. The mfHl1bers regret to record the resignation of Dr. alter (founder of the Division ) but it is gratifying to record ho\\ readily Dr. A. trattoll offered his services to fill the vacancy.



[Formed 25.1.1900 .]


8. ,I'.

Hon. Surgeon .


J. Brown, JlI.D., R.N.

G. S. EllistOlI.

Honorary Secretary.

CorpI. Ferris, 139, Clapham Road, S. W.

This Division continues to do us~flll work in the factories of Sir Joseph Oauston & Sons, Ltcl., ~nd ~1sew.here. The lllgh standard of efficiency attained in former yeare has been mallltal~ed m .spite of th.e absence of the Hon. Surgeon (Dr. J. Brown R. N.) whose contlllued lll-healt!J IS much regretted by all ranks. Public duty has been. und~rtaken on many occaSlOns, and the weekly service of the Division in con· neetlOn wIth. t.he ~oo~ball and cricket c:1nbs using the spacious playing fields in the North. I?~lwl~h chstnct has been much appreciated: The annual display given by the DlvlslOn m the grounds of the Oaustoll AthletlC Olub was a great success, and attracted !nl.'g.e crowds of spectator::;. Va~uable help was contributed by other outh London ?I VISIOn~, and the wOI:k proved Interesting and insLru ctive. The year just closed "tll remal11 memorable lD the annals of the division, owinCt to its success in t!le Dewar ~hield Competitioll . In the letropolitan district cOJ,gpetition the Divisl.on has. tWice been fi~st, and twice second in th e six years of its existence, and the vlCtO:y III the final thIS year was the reward of !:iustained hard work. It may be pel'l1lltted to pnt 011 record here the names of the team who received the Dewar Shield from the hands of H.H.H. tbe Princess Hemy of Battenherg. They were S.ergeant Galsworthy, Oorporal Ferris, Ptes. Bott, Stowe, and ·White. Th e promobon of , ergeant Gadsworthy to be a 1 t class ,'ergeant, is a thl)rouCthly deserved ho~our. H e .has been the mainstay of the Division from its foundatio~. and it wa .· fi ttmg that Ins efforts should recei \'e official recognition at tb!3 moment when his am hitions were realised in the D e'Yar competition .





Inspector of Stores.



Honorary Treasure,..




2nd Officer and Hon . Sec.

W. H. ?lIaunrler, 29, Courtney Road, Drayton Park, Highbury, N.

8.. E. Evans, Audit Office G. 'Y.Ry., Paddington ,'tation, W.

Inspector of Stores .

Pte. G. A. Beasley.

Hon . Treasurer.


' . C. Barnett.

O(ficCl'S 2. ol'pomb 3. Privates 26. Total efl'ectiye 3l. Illel'ea,e since last report 3. Drills held 5l. Average attendance 11. Ca es attellde(~ Oll pU:Jlic llnty 37. Remoyull. 'ases attenlled not on public duty 230. AllllUullw;pcctlon, 26th lay. Total on parade 2l. All ent with leave 6. ,Yithout leave 4. Annual re·examination, 22nd Jan. Member' pa ed 25. Dill not appeal ti. Medallion 23. cn'ice badge 15. NUl' iller certificate. 1 . ReCtulation lUlifor~n .,,"om. Material: wheeled litter, etc. Diy(ion uppol'tecl by n~ember • subsenpbolJs. This Di:'ision cOl:tinu~s to bc in a mo t ati f~etory condition both a regarel the membel'slllp anc~ finanCIally. There was an lllcrease of three member la t year. lIl~llY puullC dutIes have been attendcd, the men turning out when required. The ell'll I::; weI' ttl 0 well attendcd hy the Jllojorityof the member . . The ambulauce .. tation Oll Ruling ~oll1lllon is well . nppol'ted 011 alluank holidays, ca.-Is haye becn recorded on ~11 oc~asl~ns. A t~a~11 ,from the. Division "'a~ .Sl~C~C· CuI in rctaininfj th~ ".::'la sey Ma11l\\'anng Onp. '1111. J the thml year the Dlnslon has nceec(led m \\,ll1111n u this trophy. The effieiency of the Division is well ma.ntnined in all re pects. 0 No. 38



Pte. E. RIHld, 139, Olapham Houl!, ,'. 'Y.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Corpora1l. Privates 13. Total effective 17. Decrease sin ce .1ast report 3. Drills held 41. Average attendance 14. Oases ~ttende.d on pubhc duty 9. Oases attended not on pu1lic duty 75. Annual lllspectlO ll, 26th May . Total 011 parafle Hi. Abscnt with leave 2. All llual re-examination, 15th March. Mem bel'S passecl 15. Medallions 15. ervice badge l. Nursing certificates 13. R egulation uniform worn. Material: 2 IIa Yl'esacs and 1 stretcher. Division supported b Sir J oseph Causton & , ons, Ltd. I

Hon. Surgeon.

J. J. Marsh,


Inspector of Stores.

001·Pl. G.


Hon . Secretary.

el'gt. 'Y. O. P,lckham, :32, PUl'ksid' ,'treet, Dattel'sea, .


Hon. Treasurer.

C. 'Wright (Holl. )Iembcl').

St. J ohn A mU'L~lance Brigade.

St. J ohn A'mu'Ldu,nce Brigade.

Officer 1. ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 22. T otal effective 26 . Avernge a.ttenllauce 17. Cases I ncrease ince la t report 6. Drills held 40. attended on public dnty 3,1 . .Oases attended .not on pulJl!c duty 61: ~m~n al in spection, 26th May. Absent Wltl~ leave 20 . 'WIthout leave 2. l\nnualle-exam,mation 6th March and 4th Apl'll. Members passed 19. DId no~ appe~I 2. Medallions 13. Seryice b::tdges 9. Nursing certificates 13. RegnlatIon ll111forlll "orn. Material: litter, tent, 2 stretchers, 2 havresac , ~ ,~·~ter bottles, 2 blalll,ets, 3 camp stools, and a supply of splints amI bandages. Dl\'l 1011 snpporteLl by contributions and concerts. . . . On the whole the Division is working very sah factoi'll)" It sho~Ts a good increase in strength. Public dnty has been perform~d on all o.c~aslOns when ordereJ. A team entered for the Osborn Ohallenge lueld OompetltlOll, and was succe sfnl in ,,,inning it.

Annual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 1. An~ual l'e.exarnil~ation, 7th March. Members passed 24. Did not ap~1ear 3. Medalhon~ 16. ,erVlCe badges 10. Jursing certificates 12. Regulation nmform worn. Mat~nal: 4 s~retch(ll'~, 6 blankets, 6 surgical havTesacs, 4 large water bottles, oxygen rylmder (WIth alJphances), Lowmoor jacket, flag, bowls. Division snpported by grants and donations. Puhlic duty has been performed on all occasion~ when ordered by head-quarters, and at evera.llocal events. A very successful Omderella Dance was held in East Ha.m .Tow1l Hall on the 17th February, with the kind support of the L ady Sydney Ogilne G.ra.nt, of Grant, the late Colonel ir \Vm. T. Makins, Bart., and Mr. W. Varco Wilhams, J.P. A church parade was held at Beckton on the 26th UD'ust to which smrounding Division ent strong contingent. The valuable assistanc~ of 'the Beckton milita~y ba,nd were given on both occasions. At the close of the year a cour e of nun-Hug lecture' has been opened at North Woolwich under the H on . Ul"g~O?, Dr. J. \Yright Hill. The attendance and local interest shown are very


No. 39 (STREATHAM ) DIVISION. [Formed 30.1.02.] HEAD-Q"(jAnTER :




Sup erintendent.

Hon . Su rgeons.

M. Ooates,



:lLD., lL~ .


D~Yi . 60, Helix Road,

Bl'ixton Hill,



Inspector of Stores.

Hon . S ecretary and Treasu rer.

Pte. A. Oog. well, 155, Boundaries Ron.d, Balham, . \\ .



. B. Pharaoh.

Honorary Surgeon.

Officers 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 11. Total effectivc 15. A "erage attendance 6. Cases Decrea e ince la t report 1. Drills held 26 . attended on public duty 42. Removals 4. Oa. e att£'nc1ed not on puulic: duty 45. Aunual inspection, 25th llIay. Total on parade 6. Abscnt with leuye 6. Without lea,e 3. Annual re-examination, 15th Jan. :Jlembers pa, secl 10. Did I?ot appear 4. Medallions 13. Sen-ice bu,lges . NUl" illg certificates 5. Regulatlon uniform worn. Material: 1 Ashford litter, marquee, 3 .tretchers, 3 hane ac , 5 blankets, 12 "ater bottles, 1 large and 2 small hampers, etc . Diyiion supporte:d by members' subscriptiou8 and publ~c donati.oll . . . The Diyision althouah it did not 1l1crease 111 trength dId a conslderable amount of public and priYate ,,?ork during the year. Foyrteen publi~ duties were uncle~tak~l1. On all occa ions the DiYision had the corellal co"operatIOn of X O. 1 ~ ursmg Diyision for which the members tender their hearty thanks to ::\1i ' :; Law, and the nursing sisters. In the competition for the i]'-er cup presented by the HOI;. Surgeon of the Diyision to promote efficiency, c.orporal H. J. Erlm?l1.cl.' n.nd Pte: \\ . Sale tied; con~ equently each held the cup for IX month. The DWl'lon ha still no central station in Streatham for its equipment, and has ~gai? to thank the Re,'" Ranson , for allowina it to meet for instruction and practIce m the t. Alba.n s Pan.~lt 0 R oom.


'. J. W. IIiI' ch, A. Mail',

[Formed 1.10.02].


Hon . S ec. and Inspector of Stores (in charge).

ergt. R. H. Drummond, 9, Wickham Lane, Plum tead, .E.

M.lt.C .. ·.


Officer 2. ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 17. Total effective 22. DI ill' held 46. Average attendance 13' . ])ecrea e ince la't repOlt 2. Total Oll parade 17. Absent with leave 1. .\ llllllal inspection, 26th May. \Yi thoul leal'e 2. Annual re-examination, 15th ~Iarch. illemuers pas ed 15. Di(lllot appear 5. Medallion. 9. Hegulatioll uniform worn. Material: 1 Ashford litter, 2 iretcher', 4 llanesacs, 4 larue water bottle, splint., bandage, etc., and 1 hell tCllt. Di"ision l1pported by memuel" contributions and annual CODcert. Plll)lic dutie' have heen performed locally on many occaions. The funds of the Divi. ion have received very Il1ltterial a'i,tance from a concert held in the Town Hall, uncler the patronage of thf' Officer' of the Royal Ar enal. The Divi'ion ha well mainbtined it· efficiency during the pa t year, although owing to nl.rious causes there bit,.; been a slight decrease in numbers.



[Formed 6.2.02.]




Sup erintendent.

Hon . S urgeon.

J. ,Vright Hill,


E. A. Perry,

~I.B., C . ~\I .

30, Argyle Road, nrord, Essex. Inspector of Stores

Hon . S ecretary.

Pte. J Bristow.

Pte. J. ,V. Garrett, 4, ,Yiosol' T errace, Beckton . Hon . Treasurer.

T. Wilton, Esq.,

F.C. S.

(Hon . Member) .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1 . Privates 26. Total effective 29 . Average attendance 12. Cases I ncrease since last report 5. Drills held 45. attended on pulJlic duty 65. Removals 2. Oases attenc1eclnot on public duty 721.

No. 42 (BARNET) DIVISION). [Formed 2\,; .. 03.] IIEAD-Qu I.nTlmS: i\IES.l~s. OrTIl"(j:;u'lj N1:RSERY, NEW ROAD, BAIUET.

Honorary S urgeon.

O. F. Hardie, M.R.C. Hon . Sec. and Treas . (i n charge.)

Pte. E. Lovell-Mansbridge, 40, II igh trect, Barnet.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. W. H. Cutlm h.

Ollicer 1. Private H. Total effective 15. Decrcase 'illce lu t report 2. Drills held 1:2. A \'erage attcndance 4 '5. Oa es aLtellded 011 pllulic duty 1:3. Rcmoval 4. Alllll1ld ill pection, ~6th ll1ay . Total Oil parade 10. Absent with lea\'e 3. Without lca'"e 2. ~Iembel' p<t ed annual l'e-exulHinutilln 14. Medallion 6. Reoulutioll nniform \yom. nlaterial: <> ullllJulaliec sited, litter, 3 slretellers. 3 nrgical havre ltC" tent, flag, groun d heet, IJlunkeL, w(tter bottle. Division supported hy sub cl'iption a,nLl donations. 'I'he Di\'ision 11,1. taken public duty Oll Barnet IIiH on ,\Yhit- l onda,y and Aug-ust hmk holida.y,:;, at the X 'W Barnet Towll Fete rrnd Rport ,at t.. P:1Ul'S 'athcdml, and three full cby's duty ltt their aml)ulnl1ce sta.tion at Ba.rnet Fall'.


St. J ohn Arrr"ibulance B1"igade.

222 No.


St. John A mbulance Brigade.

HEAD· QUARTERS : STEYNE HALL, TIIE STEYNE, AOTON. 1st Officer (in charge) and Hon. Treas.

Hon. Surgeons.

SUI·g. -Capt. C. J . Beattie, M. B. J. 'Wallace, M.D.

T. P. Holmes, 7, Esmond Gardens, Bedford Park, W .

Honora/"y Secretary.

Pte. A . W. Jouruet, 109, Western Road, Westbourne Park, W.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Scott.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 17. Total efI'ective 23. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 48. Average attendanc'e ! . Cases attended on public duty 72. Removals 2. Cases atteuded n.ot on publIC du.ty 20. Annual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 6. Absent WIth leave 6. '\~Ithont leave 11. Annual re-examination, 5th Jan. Members passed 15. DId uot appear 2. Medallions 10. Service badges 6. ursi,ng certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn. Material : tent, stretcher, 2 surgIcal havresacs, water bottles, blankets, waterproof sheets, etc. Division supported by member' subscriptions and Local centre St. John Ambulance Association. During the year the Division .rost ~he s~r\'ice~ of its. Super~lltendent (Mr. W. L. Shrubsole) through ill-health, hIS reSIgnatIOn bemg rec~n.'ed WIth .w·e?-t regret by the members. First Officei' Holmes of o. 1 ( t. John s Gate) Dn'lslOn ha' acted as Officer-in-charge since February. ' Public duty has heen performed by th.e pivision. on many occasions during the year, also duty at local football fields. The DnTl, IOn deslt'us to record its thanks to the local Committee of the Friends' Meeting lIon.e, for the free use of a drill hall.


u?iform worn. Material: Ashford litter, with first aid box 4 stretchers lar e first md h~;nper, 3 havre a~s,. ~ marquees, blankets, waterproof sheets, 2 foldin'g bed~teadQ w~erb{ott\es, etr DIVI 'lOn suppol'ted by the members and public subscriptions. ~, , l~ lC c uty las been performed locally on many occasions, and also whenever OIdelecl hy head quarter::;. concert was held in the 11forc1 Town II II 12th October, 1905, .al:c~ rC.5ulterl in a substantial sum being transferred to t~e' d?~sional iL1n~1" rJhe D ylvISlOn al 0 benefited by the proceeds of a conccrt given at Ohigwell Jy 1e ore1 \ anderers' Football Club Minstrel Troupe. ' No .

47 (L. B . & S . C. R . WILLOW WALK ) DIVISION. lIEAn -QuAnTfl:n~ : 'VILLOW vYALK GOODS Honorary Surgeon.

.J. T. Clarke,

Honorary Treasure/".

Pte. H. Fribbens.

Mr. C. Reuter (Hon. Mem.)

Sergeant 1. Privates 11. Total effective 12. Drills held 46. Average attendance 8. Cases attended on public dnty 20. Removals 7. Cases attended not on public duty 96. Aunual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 1. Anllual re-examinatioll, 13th March. Members passed 11. Failed 1. Medallions 7. Nursing certificate 1. Regnlatioll uniform worn. Material: 1 Ashford litter, 1 stretcher, 2 medical ha\Tesacs, splints, etc. Division supported by members and donations. This bemg our first year as a Division we have made steady progress. The URulLI public duties, both local and otherwise, have been Sllcces fully carried out. First aid classes are now being held, from which we hope to obtain some good rccruits.


[Formed 1.10.05.]

Hon . Surgeon and Treasurer.


Honorary Secretary.

CorpI. M. G. Matthews, 13, Bathurst Road, lifOI'd.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 19. Total efrective ~4. Drills held 26. Average attendance 15. Cases attended on public duty 55. Cases attended not on public duty 82. Annllal inspection, 26th May. Totu.l on parade 18. Absent "lith leave 6. Annual l'e,examimLtion, 5th :Feb. :MemlJers passed 22. Medallions 13. Service badges 8. ursillg cel'tificatefl 15. Reguhttion

CorpI. . ,r. West. 33, Goldsmith Road, Peckham, S.E.

. ?ffi~er 1. ,erg-eant 1. Corporal 1. Primtes 29. Total effective 32. DlllbJwld 1.1. AYerage attendance 20. Oases attencleclnot on public dut 93 ~n:l~~al ~J1sp'ectlOn, 2litl1 [a.y. To~nl on parade U. Absent with lea\'e 17. A~1Uai le-ex'Lm~'HttlOl1,.10Lh Eeb. Mecla.lhons 11. Senice bn.c1ges . Nursing certificates 3 . :tugul~l.bOn 11l1lfol'll1. \~'~l'l1 by 12 members. Material; 4 stretchers and 'llnl!lll.n~(' • I~o~e> J)n'] 1011 • upportecl hy member" contributions. . \.s t!l1S Dl\'lSlOl1 \n:' olll.)~ formed in Apl'illast, and many ofthe mcmbers are without 1I11lform, the l'ubhc dutws performed have beeu ver~7 :atisfR-ctol'Y '111d 0 H urn'eon hft 1 l' . '. J , ' ur on. o ,~ eXl>~'es e( 11S eubre ...;atlsfacbon \\,1th the proO'ress made. The mellll)ers bC.'lllg l'ml\\'ny employees, It was not po iblc owin ... t~ their clutie f lal'f~ 't· number tu ·l.tLund the annual in, pection, 0 , or a


No .


[Formed 23.6.06.]




Hon . Surgeon .

G. Arthur, ;'Ir. B. Acting Superintendent.

Hon Secretary


J. D. Wright, OorpOnttiOI~ Electricity Works, S. Watts,' outh Eahn~. 12, 'uncll'il1ge Terrace, Little Ealing, W. .. , Officers 2. Primtes 2:3. Total effecti\'e 2:;. Dt\'lSlOll snpported hy \'olunLary cOlltributions and i making sati ·factory progress. No.


[Formed 25 .9.06.]

IhlJAJ)'QUAltTEIL ; 2~,'llUJlCn ROAD, EJ1ITII, Kfl:NT, Honor"ar'y Surgeon .

R. W. l\ln.ystOl1,




Member in Charge.

Ptc. . '1'. 'ollings, 22, Ohurch Road, Erith, lent.

Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.

Bt'Oad, ~, Dc'1.C'onsfield Oottage, Lower Road, Eritb. Oln<.:er 1.

Insp ector of Stores.

Pte. A. W. Rowe.

Hon. Secretary (in charge).



E. King Houchin, L.R.O.P. (Edill.) W. R. Magnus, 51, Stanhope Gardens, Cranbroolc Park, lifOI'd.


Pte. W. II. Peters.


Inspector of Stores.


Honorar"y Treasurer.

Honorary S ecretary (in charge.)

Sergt. G. Goodwiu, 43, Keeton's Road, Bermondsoy,



[Formed 13.12.03.]

l'lIaGCrial: con tribu tions.

Privates 21. Total effecti\'c 22. l'lIcllnllion 9. 1 strctcher, 1 hamper anel splints. Di \'ision supported by public


[F I'mec1 2.12.90.J

J [J';AD-QUAll'l'EJ:S: 'rILE ClllLlJl:g:-,"S lIo~m, BONNEH Ro,ln, Honorary SlIr"geon .

mg.-Capt. A. O. rrllllst:tll, M. n.


St. J ohn A 1nbulance B?'igade.


St. J ohn A 1nbulan ce BTigade.

Lady Superintendents.

Miss E. O. Goodin, Th e Childr en 's H ome H ospital.

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary. 2nd Nursing Officer and La dy Treasurer.

Mrs. Brnnning. N nrsin O' O fficc rs 5. Nursing sisters 21 . T otal eLTective 26 . . Practices held 29~ Average attendance 17. Cases attended not on p ubhc d uty 252. Cases privately nursed 978 . Annual i n spec~ion,. 26th May . T otal on parade 24 . Ab ent with leave 2. Annual rc-cXam1l1a.tlOn, 16~h allL~ 231'd J an . Members pasded 23 . Medallions 25 . Service badges 18 . R egulaboD u l11for111 W~l'll . Material: a complete nursing station eCJ.uipmellt allll 2 model for bandage pracbce. D ivision supported by member' subscriptions. . . . 'T he year has been one of teady progress, the 1I1terest 111 the \\'ork bemg well maintained,and the members have responded to all.the calls for duty. Although members haye resianed the numerical strength remam the ame, as new members IHwe filled the ya~anci~s . On 23rd J uly Mis E. C. Goodin, Miss Blye Bourke, and .i\l iss Edith Bourke received the Loner en-ice Medal awarded by tbe Order beinO' the first men;bers of a nursinO' di~'ision in the Metropolitan Corps to receiv~ this Udistinction. The presentation ~'as made by H. R. H . .the Prince of '\\'" ale' at Marlborough Hou e. A usual, a large numlJer of cases, pl'lvately nursecl.' have been reported by nursing sisters, their work being much appreClated by the patlCnts.


[Formed 23.1.93.]



Ho n ora ry SUI-geon s.

J . Calltlie, F.R.C.S .

R. Roberts,

~r.B .

1st Nu r si ng Office ,' a nd La dy S ecret a ry .

Lady Supt. a nd Treas .

Mrs. IV. . Gent, 52, Victoria Road, Strond Green, N.

J . C. Lines) 93, West En(l L ane, N . W. 1111'S.

Lady Inspecto r of Stores .

Mrs. Barnes.

N l1l'sing Officers 4. N ursing sisters 19. T otal eO'ective 23. D ecrease since last report 3. Practices helcl31. Average attendance 17. Annual inspection, 26th May. Tot<l.l on parade 17. Abse~t with leave. 6. Annual re-exam ination, 23rd Jan . Mell1bers passed 20 . Me(lalllOllS 20 . SerVIce badges 1 . Regulation uniform worn . Material : llursing equipment, havrcsacs, bandagc , splints, etc. Division supported by members' subscriptions. Though the Division bows a slight decrea 'e in melll bership since the last report, the work has been steadily carried on throughout the year. Owing to pressure of professional work, Dr. J . Cantlie has been obliged to partially retire £ro~ the active position he occupied in the Division for so many years. T he mem hers desIJ'e to place on record their thorough appreciation of his valuaule services. Dr. R. RobcrtR has kindly taken over medical charge of the ])ivision. The Division much regret Lhe n ecessity for the resignation of the late L ady 8u12erin~ellc1ent, Mm. , V..J .. Ohureh Brasier. T he crypt of St. John's Church was agam lundly lent by the VIC'll' and Churchwardens for the annual Chri tmas distribution of clotbing, toys, etc., to the poor, and the members desire to express their gratitude and thanks for sympathy an(l help gi\'en in connection with this work. The Di \-ision has re;;ponclec1 to all ctLlls for public duty .


Honorary Surgeon.

O. E. GodJard, Lady Sup e l' intend e nt.

M . D.

1st Nurs. Officer, Lady Insp . of Stol' es and Treas.

U l's. Alan Paull, Kylccote, Wemble)'.

Lady Secretary.

Miss Elye B ourke, ::l8, Victoria P ark R oad, N.E.

Miss Edith Bourke, 38 , Victoria Park R oad, N. E.

Mrs . Buss.

22 5

Mrs. T rain , Chaplin Road, Wembley. Nursing Oflicers 3. Nursing sisters 6. T otal effective 9. Heserve members 2. . D ecre.ase since last report 4. Practices held 26 . Average attend,ance 4. Annual lllspec(lOn, 26th May. Annnal re-examination 19th Feb. a~J ~.~t1~ lHarcl~. Membet'~ pass()c~ 7. Medallions 7. Regulation uniforUl worn . .M~t.el.ld,l. N unnng basket for }Ju bJlC dULy, also stores for loan and private nursing. D IVl l~n supported by members' sllbsCl ipLioLls. DUl'll1g thc past yea,r the Division has lo::;t two memhers, and two of the original me:nbel'~ ha.\'e l)een placed 011 the reseryc, thus reducing the strcugth considerably. It IS hoped, I:O\\:e vel', that as the result of lectures given by Dr. Goddard, the numbers 111n,y ,lg:mn lllcrer\,se \ and tha.t the good work done in the past by the division may b:,(;O~ltInuecl. Pl'a,ctic.es b8:"e uecn helel fortnightly as u un'!, and calls for puulic duty lea,dIly responded to, III spIte of the decrea e in numbers.

No. 4 (BARKING ) NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 1893.] lI EAD-QUAltl'EllS:



1st Nursi ng Offi cer (i n charge) a nd Lady S ecret ary.

Mr .. A. , . Oorkc, 201, Ripple Road, Barking. La dy In s p e ctor o f Sto res .

Lady Treas ure r.

Mrs. L . Olnney .

Mis' M. J . Coles.

. TUJ'sing Ollieer 1. Tursillg sister 10. Total e>fl'ectiYe 11. l 11crea c Slllce J.ast report 1. Pnl.etices llel(l 2,J. Aycrage atteuuauc;e 8. Cases attendcd 011 l'ubltc ~lllly 90. 'asc:; altentleclllot on publie duLy 123. Ca cs privately UUI' eel 9. /U1UI~,tll~lspeetiol1, 20th ilIay. Total on parade 7. Absent ,yith leave 3. Al:nuall't"l' xall1111ah~1l, 2nd Fel). )Lcrnhcr passcd 9. Medallions 11. ReQ'ulation ulllforl1: ~\'() l'U. i\IJ.tel'ltll: p~·c~. iugs, blanket', waterproof heets, bed cl'adle', ~lipper', hI'7~1('1!l t IS kettles, ClC.. Dl VI 'lOll sup]lortell by mem bel'S' su hscri ptiullS. I he ntlt.:ntlance .rlul'lng the year has been \,(~ l'y dl.ti:;bctory, and each mcmber ha shown herself anxlOU' to be ellicient. Public duty hns IJCell undertaken whenever ulc]erecl. l\lemuers continue to render guud .crvicc lucally, with excellent results .

No. 5 (NORWOOD ) NURSING DIVISION. [Formet! 11.6.96.] lIE \'D-QU.UU'E l:, ' Hon orary Surgeo n.

F. G.


M.A., :OLE .


. E.

La dy S u p erintendent a nd Lad y T reasurer.

Mrs. Oolegra ve, Bruceurirlge, N onyootl . Lady S e c ret a ry.

Miss DClltiLh, EccJcsbolll'l1C, Park Road, I\Tct Dlll " ieh. lll'sing Ofllcel's 2. Tursing sisters 19. Total effecti,-c 21. Decrease sincc last repol t~. Practices held 23. ~\ "crage attellllallce 12. Cascs attenclecl on pllhlic duty 1 9J. Oa cs privatcly lllH 'ed 93. Annual in pection, 26th lay. Total on parade 13. Ausent with leaye 2. Without Jeu\'e 6. Annual re-c~all1inaLioll, ~31'd Jan. Mcmber pas cd 17. Did not appear 3. Medallions 20 . er.vlce ballges 12. R cgulation nniforIll worn. Material: 2 stretcher' :2 litter splInts.. bandagc ,ctc. Division 'upportell by the member and hOllorary' member·: . D Ul'lll g: the past year as usual,. the mem bel'S htlyc nursed l11tmy cn e' among the poor III th ~ neIghbourhood, also nursll1g sIster' hn.n' been eut ",eckly to the local Cottaae lio l?l ttd, where Lhey IHwe given great 'ali -faction to the medical staff of the hosplt~"\,l. 'l' I;lJ l~leD1bel's of the Division h,we treateel a large number of fil"t aid ca es ~t their depot 111 the CrystuJ Palace clming the year, and 1t1.\'e n,lso taken duty m town when ordered .


St. John A rnbulance BTigade.

St. John ..A rnbulance BTigcule.


Nursing Officers 3. Nursing sisters l B. Total cITective 2l. Practices ~cld 41. Average aLtendance 13. Oases attended not on pU1Jlic duty 26. Oases. pnvatelYllursed 11. Annual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 17. Absellt. wIth leave 2.. Annual re-examination, 15th Feb. Members passed 19. 1\1cd.alholls 19. ServICe badges 16. Regu lution uniform WOl'll. Matcrial: splints, feedll1g cups, bandages (roller and triangular), kidney basin, ice bag, air cushions, etc. Division supported by members' sUhscriptions. 1'hc Divi ion continues jn a very satisfactory state, the pnwtices a,re very well attended. The Divi ion has to record its regret <l,t the resignation of Mrs. Randall (the la,te Lady Superintendent), after seven years' service.

[Formed 7.96.] HEAD-QUARTERS: 54 , GRAY'S I NN ROAD, E. C, Honorary Surgeons.

R. I ngram,

J . Forbes,

M.D .

M. B., O.M .

1st Nurs . Officer, Lady Sec. and Lady Treas .

Lady Superintendent .

Miss E. Mann, 79, Gore Road, S. Hackney.

Miss J . O. Mann, 79, Gore Road, S. Hackney.

2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.


Miss E. Danks. Nursing Officers 5. Nursing sisters 9. Total efTective 14.. . Practices held 12. Oase attenued on public duty 159. Annual ll1svccL~on, 26th lIlay. Total on parade B. Abse~t with leave 4. . Anlll~al . re-e:~nllnatlOn, 1 Oth ]~eb. Members pa seu 12. Medalhons 12. RegulatlOn un~folln "ol.n. The past year has been a time of really hard work, both. ~u.bhc and pnvate; the greatest interest is still maintained by the members of the DlVlSlOn.


1\1. IT. Hargreaves,


Lady Secretary.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss ]'.L Reeder, Hamilton Road, 'Wimbledon.

I1Irs. III. M. Timpson, Hope Oottage, Morden Roall, :;)lerton.

Lady Treasurer.

Lady Inspector of Sto res.

1\1iss L. Slaymaker.


E. Adam.

Nursing Officers 2. Nursing sisters 7. ToLal ell'eetive 9. Decrease since last rel)ort 3. Practices held 42. Average attendance 5. Oases attended not on public duty 70. Oases privately nursed 40. Annual inspection, 26th May. Total on parade 9. Annual re-examination, 15 Lh Jan. 1\1em ?ers passed 9. Medallions 6. Servi?e badges 4. Regulati.o~ ~1Diform worn. Maienal:, havresac, hamper, bed and beddll1g, bandages, &c. DIVlSlOll supported by members subscriptions and local support. . . . _ . The Division although numerically less than last year has, If allythmg, galllccl 111 efficiency, and conLinues to manifest its usefulnes. . omewhat hetwy call are ma.c1e upon the Division for public duties, these, however, have been cheerfully 1'8 ponded to on all occasions. The thanks of the DiviSIOn are due to the kind patrons and supporters in the neighbourhood, and the value of the voluntary services of the lion. Surgeon Dr. M. K. Hargreaves, cannot be o\'er-e timated-his pa,in taking kindness and zeal'largely accounts for the great amount of enthusiasm displayed by the musing sisters, who are ever ready to respond to the call to duty.


F . J. McKettrick,

Mrs. N. Harrop, 75. Byron Avenue, East Ham. Lady Inspector of Stores

Mrs. Eaton.


' (lR



l\I.B., C.M.

Lady Superintendent.

[Formeu 4.5.99.J

P. R. Wallis, L.S.A. Lady Secretary.

Miss L. Suckling, High Street North, East Ham. Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. Hurclen.




Honorary Surgeon.

J. J. ]',1a,r8h,

lIf. D.

Lady Superintendent.

Lady Secretary.

Miss E. Hankey, 4.3, Lexham Gardens, 'W.

Miss l\I. J. McOonnell, 16\:), Queen's Gate, S. \V.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss A. Hansley SmiLh.

lliss E. Riueout.

Nursing Officers 2. Nul' 'ing sisters 10. Total effective 12. Decrease sinc~ last report 6. Practices held 20. Average attelllla,nce 9. Oases attcndell on public duty 37. Oases attended not on public duty 22. Oases privately nurscd 10. Annual in pl'ction, 26th May. Total on parade! . Absent with leave!. Annual re-examination, ~5tlt J;LlJ. Members p:.t 'sed11. Medallions 11. en'ice hadges 7. Regulalion uniform W01'l1. Material: tent, stretcher, 2 ambulance hampers, and 2 boxes of tores. Division supported by members' su h, (·riptiollS. ] e~iclos Lhe a.bove-mcn tiolled pri n"te ctt'e , the nursing isters of this Division h;\\'o clmillg thi yotn ha,cl t" very large number of other case8, as they hase in their pri\'a te capac:ity been giving cla,ily hell' ill the out-pa,tient·' department of one of the Londull hospitals. Public duty has beon undertaken on all occa ·iolls when ordered. The clecrease in effecti\'e strength is owing to the re-orgtmi ation of the Division.


1 ,




Honorary Surgeon.

M. Ooate.,



1st Nu rsing O fficer (in charge), Lady Secretary and Treasurer.

lis' L. J. Law, 21, Mrmville Roau, Upper Tooting,


Nur 'ing Officers 2. Nl1I' ing si tel' 11. Total eJroctiye 13. In creasc since last report 3. Practice held 22. Average attendallce . Annual illspeetion, 26th lay. Total 011 parade Absent without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 23nl March. Members pa ed 9. Dicl not appear 2. Meualliolls 9. Service badge 1. Regulation uniform worn. Material: bandages and plints. Di vision u pported by mem bel'S' ub criptions. The Division ht"s tt"ken public duty on all oeca3ion when ca.lled upon-and s.evera of the members have attended at the Jubilee Hospital, West Brompton, to aSSISt the permanenb nursing staff.


St. John An&bulance B?'igade.

St. John Ambulunce Brigade.


No.1 1.




Desc1·ipli on.

Bermondsey Settlement, Farncom be Street, Jamaica Road, S.E.

Ambulance ,Vagons, Littcrs, Stretchers, etc.

St. J ol1n's Gate, Clerkenwell .

2./ St. Paul's Cathedral




1 .1.

Avu.ilu.ule from 7 a.lll. Lo 11 p.m.

Duncan Memorial Ambulance Station, West I ndia Docks


Ccntraillall , Brollll ey, Kent.


General Post Office.


Ashford Litter, Stret cher, Hamper, eLe.


East Ham Boroug h Coull cil 's Fire ' talion, Ma nor Park Railway taLiol1 , Ianar PI' .



IIarl estl en IIigh R oyal Oak


el_'_S_ta_t~io_n~.~~~A~S~'h~f_OI_·d__L_i_tt_e_r,__et_c_._________________ Available at all hours.


The Yi ctol'ia H alJ , H an o\\,.

Borough of Hackney Haggerston


Hyde Park Corner.

Toynbee Hall, Street, E.

Ashford Litter , ,' tt'et ch er, etc.

Acol'll 'I ilIa, Fairlop Ley tOll Ston e


Ashford Litter, etc. I Available at all hours.




First Aid

h OIl1' .

/ Litter, h etch er and Fir t ..Aid Applian ce .

R oad,



59, Sclhy R oad, LryLon s tone.

, tret ch cr and First Aid Appliances.

_ ___ Available during th e llay.


107, Iurchison Road, Ley ton.

Stretcher amI Fir t Aid Appliances.

Ayailable Juring the d!l.Y.

Stretchers and First Aid A l'pliances. 2



23, Wellington Roa<I, Fore· t Gate

lretcher and Fir t Aid Applian ces.


South MetropolitanGasWorks, Canal Bridge entrance, Old Kent Road, S. E.

Ashford Litter Appliances.



A vailable during the day.

Aid 2·1.

A vailable at all hours. T he Children's Home, Bonner Road, E . .


A yail al)le at all hour .

.A. vailable at all hours.



Litter , tretch cr, Applian ces.

5, loil" Roacl, IHol'll

Ashford Litter, Stretcher and First Aid Appliances.

Available from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 11.





A 'Mord LiLter, Stletch er, &c.

A y,l ilalJle :'l.t all




A\'ailable from 9 ft.m. t o 11 p.lll.

Stretcher and small Hamper.

Available from 10 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. 8.


A \'ailaule at all hours.

Box containing Stretcher and First Aid Appliances.

6. /_S__ t._p_a_n_c_r_as__ p_a_ss_e_n_g__

Bryanston Working Men's Clnb, Lisson Grove, 'IV. C.


Litter, ct c.

trcct. near

A vailable at all hours.


alld First Aid

Avail able a t allltours. Box containing Stretcher and First Aid Appliances.

A vailable at all hours.

Ludgate Hill Railway Station

Litter , •' tretcll crs, Applian ces .

LiLlcr, ' b 'etch er, A ppl iances. A vailable at aU hours.




t. Luke's Institute, Bromley Common, Kent.

Sundays 2.30 p.m. to 8.30 p. m.

Available during business hours.


St"tch" anu Fi"t Aiu Appliances.

A vailaule at all hours.

Ashford Litter, Stretcher, Hamper, etc.

This station is open from 9 a.lII. to 6 p. m.






District .

A vailable at all hours.





Litter, Stretchers, and First Aid Dressings, Antidotes, N ourishruents, &c.

A vailable at all hOUls.

112, High Street, Walthamstow.


Litter , tretchers, Appliances.


Fir t



Available at all homs.


668, Forest Road, WaILhamslow



tretcher and First Aid Appliances.

Available 8 a.m. to 11 p.m .

No. 1 26 .

St. J ohn A rnbulance Brigade.

St. J ohm A ?nbulance Brigade.




Litter, Stretcher, ppliances .

Harrow Road, Sudbury

and First


No. II.-Southern and Western District.

A vailable at all hours.

27 .

Li tter, Stretcher, Appliances .

Station Yard,London & NorthWestern Railway, 'Vembley




Available <'lt all hours 28 .

The Lodge, Wembley Park



Stretcher and First Aid Appliances.

Available at all hours. 29.


Kilburn Provident Medical I m,titute, I, Greville R.oad, Kilburn

DepILty OO?n?nissione1·-M.r. J, S. GmFFll'llt;, M,It.C,S., Redluml Park IIouse, Bristol. AssistCf.71t Com?nissionm'-SUl'geon-JHajol' O. R. LAURIE, M.IUJ.S., Reclruth, Oornwall. District Ohief Sllperintendent-Mr. F, SpnAw,'oN, 5a, Bridge Street, Bath . Dist1'1'ct Superintendent Sec1'etCt1'?f-Mr. 'V. J. PHILLIPS, 35, Henleaze Road, Bristol

Ashford Litter, Stretcher, &e. REPOR'l' OF THE DEPUTY OOMMISSIONER.



Saxby and Farmer's Signal Works, Oanterbury Road, Kilburn

Ashford Litter, &c.

Queen's Park Station (L. and N.W.R.), Kilburn


Brondesbury Station, Metropolitan Rail way


Hampstead Station, 33 . [ West Metropolitan Railway

• tu'tcher.

Oottage Station, JHetro34. , Swisspolitan Railway



~ .





Hill 36 ,

112, Shirland Road, Pacldington, close to Welford's Dairy

30th Septembc?', 1906. IR,-



The last eight stations were establishecl and are kept up by the No.9 District, Metropolitan Centre of the St. John Ambulance Association, the Committee of which issue a very handy little map of the District shewing the stations .

I have Lh honour to ::;ubmit my report for the No. II. District for the year t!nding 30th ' cptcmber, 1906. Fifteen new Oorps and Divisions have been sanctioned ; - 'levedon Di\'i ' ion, Marine Divi~ion (Bri 01 Uorp, ), Ruton Dill Division (Bristol COl'p~), liortield Divisiun (Bristol Corps), Imperia.! Di vi::;ion (Bristol Corps), Clifton and A"ol1mouth Divi~ioll (13ri$Lul urps), Camborne Division, Five A he::; Divi. ioll. \ ilie borough Divi::;ion,l ing::;teigntun Divi::;ion (Xewtol1 Abbot Oorp::;), Abbot kerswell Divi 'ion (Newton Abbot Corp::;), TOl'quay Division, \Veston- 'uper]\1::I.1'e Divi ion, Oxford Nur "ing Di\i::;ion, \Ve tgate and Margate Nursing Divi ion, The following Officers in the district were pre ented with the Service ledal by Il.l-t, ll. the Grand Priur at MnrlborouITh Hou e;Dcpnty-Uommission c)' John t), Grifliths, Di&tl'ict Ohief 8ujJcf'intcndelit F. }>rIlWSOI1. Ohir:1 Surgcon Ctllcl Ohicf Superintendent Ohclrles Ootton, Sup('?"i nlendcnt . I. Mather. All the Di\i 'ioll' hn,,"e been in pected during the year by the Di trict'taJI and Ofticcr~ appointed fur thi purpose-a. large number \\'ere inspected by myself, nnd I have no he itrttion in . tilting t1Utt the llunlity of work a.nd elliciel1cy of the members has grea,tly improycc1, and i ' worthy uf this fine orga.nization, It i, u. pIca, 'LIre to note the rapid 'trides nltlde in the tra.n~purt <1nnngement of this eli,triet. In Bristol there n,re five a,mbulance wagon, Redruth, Tewton Abbot, and IJasting~, have each obta.ined wl1.gon during the year; and Bath, ittingbourne. Oxford, and H eading, have wagons n,t their eli po it1. This muvement on the pa,rt of the Brigade is llluch appreciated and encouraged by the geneInl public. The F. Bearer Oompa.ny is now complete, and equipped with the new khaki uniform-its work in camp was considered excellent, and it ha ' a !,{ood re en'e of men. The RUyed .l Tn,vttl Auxiliary "ick Berth R 'e1'\"e is al 0 progl'e ing teadily. I ca.nnot speak too highly of the pain taking a,ud self-denying work done by the lIon. Ul'geOl1:;, and all other ambulnnce and nursing Officer, a well as by the whole of the member of the Brigade in t.he district. If it were po Ible to haye the Diyi ions brought togeth l' in a camp or otherwi e, the ight would be somewha,t urpri ing to tho e who are not cogni ant of the work of the Brigade. I have the honour to be, iI', Your obedient ervant, J "OliN S, GRIFFITHS.

Knight of Grace, 01'de?' of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. DCjJltty- Oom?nissione1' of No.1I. District. To the Ohief Oommissioner.


St. John A 1nbulance Brigade.

St. John A?71bu.iance Brigade.



Oorps Date or Divisions . when formed . Ashford Town Diy. April 1, 1 79 'l'unbridge 'Yells Diy. June 1, 1 80 Bath City Div. . Jan . 17, 1889 Oxford Division . Jan . 5, 18 9 N ewport (I. of W. COlI'S) Div . . . . Feb. 19, 1890 Guildford Division . . Mar. 3 1890 Bristol (City of) Corps . Feb 20', 1 91 R amsgate T own (Ramsgate Oorps) Division . A pri1 ~8, 1 91 F aversham Division . May 6, 1891 Portsmouth Oorps Nov. 1, 1 92 Chichester Divisiou April 20,1 "93 R edruth " Oct. 1 1893 R eading " Dec. 13; ] 93 L~ndport " . JUly 1, 1 84 ]\Ih ll Bay (G. W. Ry.) Div. Feb . 1, 1895 W estgate· on-S ea Div. . Mar. 2£1, 1895 Ryd e (I. ofW . Corp) Di\,. May 8, 1 95 Ventnor (I. of VY. Oorps) Division . . . l\Iay 24, lc95 N ewton Abbot Divi sion . Oct. 29, 1895 Boughton-under-Bl ea n Di\'.May 4,1896 Caterham Division . Mav 1 1 96 Dover Division . . Oct: 12; 1 97 Ramsgate S.E.B. (Rams gate Oorps) ,Division . ApI. 26, 1898 R amsgate Pollce (Ramsgate Oorps) Division Ap1. 26,1898 Christch mch Division ~I a1'. 20, 1899 I sle of Wight Corps June 15, 1899 Ramsgate Corps . June 18, 1399 East Cowes (I. of 'V. Corps) Division. . J nly 7, 1899 Wroxall (I. of W. Corps) Division . . . Jan. 9,1900 Ashburton Di vision . l\1ay 1, 1900 Eastbonrlle (L.B. & R.C. Railway Division) . May 17, 1900 W est Cowes (I. of W. Oorps) Division. . Aug. 3 1900 St. John's (I. of W. Oorps) , Division . . . Nov. 10 1900 Shanklin (1. of W. Corps) , Division . . Feb. 11,1901 D oddington Division Feb . 28, 1901

Date Corps when formed. or Divisions. 1I1ay 4, 1901 Watford Division D ec. 4, 1901 Exeter (City of)" Alverstol<e " . Dec. 1 , 1901 Birchington-on-Sea Div. 1I1ar. 12, 1902 April 7, ] 902 Greenstreet Division }\lay 1, 1902 Bexhill " May 20, 1902 St. I ves " Junc 26,1902 ,Yare " Aug. 5, 1902 BOlU'nemon Lh " Aug. 13,1902 Hastings " Oct. 1, 1902 Chatham " Sittingbourne" . Sept. 9, 1903 andown (1. ofW . Corps) Division . . Oct. 2-1, 1903 Alveston Division . Nov. 16,1903 Canterbury" . Feb. 8, 1904 Ha~ lemere" July 1, 1904 Wolverton" Aug. 12, 1904 Goclalming" Aug. 24, 1904 Stonehouse" • e}Jt. 30, 1904 Southam pton" Oct. 2, 1904 Folkestone" 1\1ar. 6, 1905 Oxford Corps April, 1905 Woodstock Division April, 1905 Gloucester " . Aug. 19, 1905 Portsmouth and District Oorps . . . ept. 1, 1905 Portsmouth Police Corlls ept. 1, 1905 Cleyec10n Division . Oct. 21, 1905 1Iarille Division (City of Bristol Corps) . Jan. 15,1906 Cambol'lle Diyision . Feb. 17, 1906 Barton Hill Div. (Oity of Bristol Corps) :]I.1ar. 25, 19')6 Horfield Div. (do. do.) Mar. 25,1906 I mperial Div. (do. do.) Mal'. 25, 1906 Five Ashes Division . ApI. 21, 1900 Willeshorollgh Division, May 3, 1906 Clifton ancl Avonl1louth Div. (City of Bristol Oorps) . . Aug. 1, 1906 Ringsteignton Division (Newton Abbot Corps) Aug. 6, 1906 Abbotskerswell Division ( JewtonAlJbot Corp.) Aug. 6, 1906 Weston Super Mare Div. Sept. 20,1906


Ramsgate Div. (Ramsgate Corps) . . . Oct. 29, 1890 Portsmouth Div. (Ports mouth Oorps) . Ana. 1, 1895 Ludgvan Divisiun . Feb~ 28 1899 Reading Division Mar. 6: l899 Watford " M:ay. 4.1901 Lymington " July 28; 1902

Hastings Divi::.ion . Aug. 28,1902 Bath " . Apl. 21,]904 Oxford Division (Oxford Corps) . . Sept. 30, 1905 Wcstgate-on-Sea and Margate Division . Mal'. 20, 1906 Portsmouth Parish Infirm. Division • Sopt. ], 1905

of Corps and Divisiolls.


2 \ 1 - 1 2 12 18 - - 17 19 1 1 12 15 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 33 39 13'l.th " .. , - 1 1 1 2 1 36 42 Bonghton-ullIler.Blean Diy. 1 2 - 1 16 20 * BOlll'1lemouLh Vi vision ... - 1 1 - 2 "tJ 21 Bristol (City of) Corps ... 1 1 3 - A Division.. ... 1 1\ 33 - I; " ... . .. 1 1 6 5 26 39 3J -- 0" '" ... - - - 1 - 2 1 2 - Murill e Di"isioll ... 4 1 _6 l~ ~I ~)7 U5 *B,trtOIl Hill" ... - ~ 39 IIorfie l c l " ... 1 1 1 3 GG .Impe r i a l " .. , 1 1 1 2 1 Clifton & A vonlUouth Di \'. - . - 1 1 2 3 29 371- - - Camborlle Divi ion .. 1 1 1 ~ '\ :W ~;; Cantcl'bnry" ... - 2 1 1 :3 13 CuLt'rliam " ... - 1 1 1 11 Chntha.lll " .. , 1 1 1 2 I 16 Chie1Jcster " ... - 1 1 :2 LJ 19 - - Cle\'odoll " ... 1 - - :W 2 1 - - - - Dotlllillgton), ... 1 1 1 2 1 16 22 - - - Dovor " ... - ~ 1 1 4 \ 27 35 Ea tbOlll'llO(L.13.& •. C)Di\'. - 1 1 2 13 17 - 1 E\etor Divi iOll ... 1 1 ,1 5 .f0 61 - 1 - _ _ l"avel' ' h a m " .. - 1 1 1 2 39 41 - .- - Five A h e s " .. , 1 1 1 12 15 - Folke·tone" ... 1 1 - 30 3~ - GO 1_ Cilonce .. t e r " .. l '] 5 *Godulilling" ... - 1 ] :2:2 21 - - Greenstreet" ... 1 2 17 201- - - 1 24 - GuiltHonl" ... 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 *IIaslemere" ... 1 ] 1 :2 13 1 - 2li - - Hasting " ... 2 1 :2 I ~1 2 1----1 '10 of Wight Corps .. . 1 - - 22 ZJ * Ea:> L Co wes " .. ~ I ewporL " ... 1 1 - - 20 23 ~!:l 1 *H.yde " ... ,.1 ] 2 12 1 i SallcIoWll "" 1 1 2 16 21 , lHLllklin ... - 1 1 Hi ~O 1 St. Johu'stRyde) Div . ... -- 10 U 1- 1 *Ventllor Di\'isioll .. Mill Bay (G. \V.lt) Div. ... 1:3 17 I - - -1 1 1 HI1105 - 3 I 1 NC\\'ton Aubot Oorps .. 1 1 J Oxford or]! ... .. . 1 ;)5 1 1 -- :2 3 Oxiol'll Division ... ~D 1 1 1 ] \VooLlstock " .. - ~ Portsmouth allrlD i t . Corps 1 1 - Portsmouth Police Corps 1 2 1 - 233 210 ] :.n - - - -1 *Lallclport Div. ... 1- - - RamsgaLe COl'pS ... 1 1 -1 I - 2 3 29 J 30 Town Divisio n ... 38 47 - - - -Police 1 1 1 6 - -- 1 1 1J 15 1 - *Rnilway "" R ea(lillg 1 1 2 4. 6 l10 54 - - " - 1 3 19 25 R eel I'll tIt 1\ 1 -

Al\'erstoke Division Alvoslon" AshbtuLon" Ashford "

... ... ... ...



:~ =\=



'l7 1 ;~~ 57




23 1



- -


St. J ohn A'inbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Ambu lance B?Oigade.



oj ~






Names of Corps and Divisions.

bIl :;:I [/.)


, ,













NURSING DrvT roNI';. Bath Division ... Hastings ... " L udgvan ... L ymington " ... " *. Oxford '" P ortsmouth " ... " P ortsmouth Infir. Div. .. R amsgate Division ... Reading ... " Vat ford .. " Vestgate & Margate Div. -









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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 2 -







61 64




1 1 -


1 -

2 1 -


2 -


I 1









17 1 2 1 I

11 11 13 35 14 20 49




<Ii ....






.3 (/J






























E. J. Hunter, M.n..C.S.



3 ....0




Honora ry Su r g e on s.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -


I' 1 1 1 1 I 1

1- J7 ~2 1 1 3 ] 1 18 I - 24 1 1 1 1~4 1 16 I I 18 1 15 1- 8 1 - 16

1 24 5 21 25 27 1 21 17 10 18

I 5 113719 21102 I 181921751 9 111 1 311

1120,1 and last ycar's figmes

Returns have not been recenreu from Divisions marked *, have been used. t Hon. Surgeon included in Ambulance Division. Statement-l D eputy C'ommi. sioner; 1 As ist. Oommissioncr' 1 DisLrict Ohief Superintendent; 1 Di.trict Superintendent Secretary' 185 Offi cel's ·'19,J. ercrt~. anu Uorporals; 1,819 Privates, n,nd 181 Nursing Sisters. ' Total (appr~xil1late) 2383. COUNTY Dr. TRIBUTION OF OOP.PS A D DrvIsroxs. Berks-Reading Ambulance, Reading Nursing. Bucks-Wolverton. Oornwall-Oamborne, L udgvan Nursing, Redruth, St. I ves. Devon-Ashburton, Exet~r, Mill Bay, Newtoll Aubot OOlpS. Gloucester-Alveston, Bnstol Oorps, Gloucester, I'tonehollse. Hants-Alvel'stoke, Bournemouth, Portsmouth Police, Portsmouth N lll'sing, Portsmouth Infirmary Nursing, Landport, Lymington Nnrsing, Sou tham pton. H el'ts- Ware, ,Vatforu, Watford Nursing. Kent-Ashford, Boughton, Canterbury, Chatham, Doddington, Dovel', Faversham, Folkestone, G~'eenstreet, Ralllsgate 'l'own, Ramsgatc Police, Ramsgate Ul'l>lJ1g, Ramsgate Railway, Sittinghomlle, Tnnhl'irlgc Wells, vVestgate.on-Se'1, vVestO'ate and Mar(faic Nursill(f ViTillesbol'ongh. <> 0 0 ' Oxford-Oxford Oorps, Oxfol'(l Nursing, Woodstock. Somerset-Bath Ambulance, Bath Nursing, Olevedon. Surrey -~a~erham, Godalming, Guildford, liaslemere. Sussex -OhlChester, Eastbourne, Hastings Ambulance, Hastings Nursing, Five Ashes. Isle of ' Vight-Binstead, East Oowps. Jewport, Ryc1e, Sandown, Shanklin, St. John's, Ventnor. '

F. O. H, Muggleton, M.D.

Superinte nd e nt .

Honorary Sec r et a ry .

G. R. Ellward .. , 51, Joseph Street, Gosport.

Sergt. F . G. Salter, 38, Avenue Road, Gosport.

Honorary Treasure r .


1 1 1

[Formed 18.12 .01. J




[/.)~ bIl >.~ 'O+'> '00 :;:I '"




23 25 25 18 15 13 17 41 16 23 54


-- - -





]7 21 22

2 1




- -- - - - - -








... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


P, :;:I




i;; ;r:~


Sittingbourne Diyision *St. I ves " Son tham pton " Stonehouse " T unbridge Wells " Ware " Watford " Westgate-on-Sea " Veston-super-J\Iare" Willesboro' " ,T 01 verton




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>.. .... (/J




Pte. F . Oooper. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 12. Total effective 18. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 33. Removals 26. Cases attended not on public duty 9. Annllal inspect ion, 6th ept. Total on parade 16. Absent without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 4th ept. Members passed 14. Medallions 13. I 'erviee badges 2. Nursing certificates 10. Regulation uniform worn by 1 OfJicer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 9 men. Material: 1 'lagon, 3 stretchers, I Ashford litt er, 1 sUl'gical havresac, splints, etc ., yested in Al vcrs toke Oell tre I .,T.A.A. Division supported by members' subscriptions and concerts. • evera1 member of the Di vision joined the cIa. es n,ncl passecl for the Em' and for I ecbllion. It is the fil'tit time we have ha.d the honour of being inspected by our Deputy 0mmissioner, [tnrl we hope it will not be th e la t. H e spoke for some length on the I . T, A. ' . B.R. anel J am glad to Ray that 1 ergeant and 6 privates hrwe joined . Th e AnJ1un,1 D emon'trati oll was held n,t R ookS-bury Park, Havant, kindly lent by ]\[1'. A. L ee, J\LP., and proyed a great RLlcce~s, Mr. A. L ee preRenting c rtificates, etc. PriH'tte ' G. Dn,\i s, F. Hobh, A. 'V. O. Bla.ke and F. ,V. T. Blake recei\'ed thell' . ervice badges. During the year we haye had cn,lIs from 't . .J ohn's a.te to c011\'ey patient' from the Railway tation to homes.


[Formed 16.11.03.J llEAD-QuAnTETIs: JUBTLEE HALL, ALYE 'TON. Ho n orary S urgeo n.

E. B. Hartnell,

~I.l1. C . S.

S uperin t enden t.

Hon o rary S ecreta ry.

L. Jolly, Ah-es ton House, Al"eston.

G. H. Riddiford, Monica Villa, Rllgeway, Glos.

Officers 2. Privates 17. Total effective 19. Drill: h('ld 16. Av erage attendance 15. l\ledallions 14. Material: 2 stretchers, spliu t" bandages, etc. , yeo ted ill Di "isional Oommittce. Di "ision supporlell by the public.




"T. ..Ashburton Lam bsheud, Ea t .

GIIOOL, AsnBUHTON. 1st Office r .

IV. '1'. Butchers, East Street, Ashburton.


Hon. S ecre t ary and T reasurer.


[Formed 1.5. 1900.]

Ins pecto r o f Sto res .

Pte. J . H. Wills.


Ofllcers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 12. Total effective 15. Increasc since last report 1. Drill. held 31. Average attendance 7. Removal 12. Oases attended not Oil public duly 12. Anllual inspection, 20th ept. Total 011 parade 13. Absent with leave 1. Without leave 1. Anllual re-examination, I til Sept. Members passc!l 13. Dill noL appeal' 1. Medallions 14. Son'icc badges 6. Heglllation llllifol'llI WOJ'll hy I OIliecr, I . el'gettnt, and] 2 men. Material: 1 wheeled liLLer, 2 stretchers, 1 Clill'l'gency ca '(', rugs, splint" bandages, etc., vestee! in ])i visiolla 1 OOllllllittec. Di vision supported yol U11 tal',\' ('011 tri bu lions. rrhe num her of remon).ls ~).gain 8hows tUl inCl'Ctl,sl'.


St. John A??~brulance Brigade.



St. John A??~u~dCf,nce Brigacle. BOUGHTON-UNDER-BLEAN (KENT) DIVISION.


Honorary Surgeon .



1st Offi ce r .


E. J. Bowles.

G. M. Mather, 33, Hardinge R oad, A bford, Kent.

Inspectol- of Stores.

E. C. Flood, M A., 't, Augustine's College, Hem ps tell S tree t.

\V 111.

M. R . C. S.

1st Officer.

F . G. Warwick.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. W. F. Miles.


\\' Cll 11 alll .

tl'eet, Bath.

Inspector of Stores.

OorpI. W. A. Bryan t.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Oorporal1. Plivates 36. Total effectivc 42 . Increase since last report 8. Drills held 43 . A vel'age attendance ~O. Oases attendeu Oll public duly 8. Removals 29. Cases attended not on public duty 6. Annual inspection, 24th July, Total on parade 3~ . Absent wiih leave 3. Without leave 7. Annual re-examination, 24th July and 25th Oct. Members passed 34. Did not appear 7. Medallions 27 . Service badges 11. N llrsillg certificates 13. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeant!-;, 1 corporal, and 12 men. :\Iaterial: 1 ambnlance wagon, 6 stretchers, allcl small surgical havresac, vested in Ba,th Centre S.J.A. A.. Division supported by mem bel'S' subscriptions. The year has been a progressive one and the strength of the Vi vision has increased. A squad of men has been on duty at most of the Athletic ports held in Ba,th alld the neighbourhood, at Bath Races and Horse how and Point to Point raccs at Hinton. Many members have received the nursing certificate. Colonel Sir ,Villiam lurmy having presented a handsome Oballenge Shiel d for annual competition amongHt holders of the first aid certificate, several teams competed, and aftcr tt kecn conleHt the Shield was won by B team. A good detLl of transport work h~tS b 'en dOlle. The Division was inspccted IJY District Chief Supcrintendent f:lpraw:>on who exprcs:>ell himself well satisfied with their work and appeo.mllce. A, c[uad of men will bt! on duty at the Football matches durillg the wintt!r.




fol~;~l~~llll~~c~~X~~;r~~~d"it~ln~~t .:~H i~~g:w~; railw~ty fc~cilitles, ~l~e ~~~j~;~;' o~~~e~! ~~~ miles).



,t, el8 1£t111 (3 ullles) or Canterbury Hospitals (7


IIl~Al> 'QlT UtTETI ,


Hon. Surgeon,

F. \ Boltollllcy, n.~\.., 1st Officer.

D, Glb'OIl.

[Formcd 5.8.02.]



\ Superin~endent and Inspector of Stores.


0, J . AusillJ, \Yolvcrton Road, Boscombe, Honorary Secretary.

O. II. n. Au till, JU1ll'. ,\'oll'erto11 Road, Bos(;ombe.

Sergeants 2.

Superintendent and Hon . Secretary,

A. B. Moore, 9A, York


. 0 meers 3. Oorporal 1. Pri vaLes 16. Total elfective 20 I nCI ease blllce labt repo ,t D '11 I I ' Cases attended IIOt I '. 1'1 S lC II 19. Average attclHlance 10. Removals 8 al'a(le'10 AI , tOll. 1,ll1bllc clllty 20. Annual inspection, 16th April. Total o~ P . )Sen IIltllcave2, W'Ll tl 8 .. 21lcl April. Members passed 11 D' tl It lOll eave . l\nnudl re-exammatlOu, (j. ursinu 'C!' " •. I. no ~l~pear 8. lHeclalhons 4. ervice badges n COl Ilcates 5, l.rgl1laiIon ulIllorm worn hy C) om . l I d mell. Material: 4 stretchers . 11 , :-' cels, corpora, ~ln ctc "'atel' l.otiles all 1 1 "Sl1l o ICa laVlesac, first aIel box, sl)lints, bandaO'cs ., u, ( ),Wl'CS'tCs vestell' D'" I Co, sllpp~rted b'y l~llblic cOlltl'ihutiOl~~ al'J(1 proceed~nof e~;~~,lt~7;~ > ~Illmittec. Divisicn .I~ l.S gl:n,t lfYlJIg tu h.t,·e tu l'c(;ul'cl an il1cl'ea,'ein the nUlllbe l,ller s. l'

Ollicers 2.


C. W. Smith I'tocker's Hill, Douuhto!; Faversham • 0,

Inspector of Stores.

BATH CITY (SOMERSET) DIVISION. [Formed 17.1.89. Re-fol'tllcc111.7.1900.]

Honorary Surgeon .


2nd Officer ~nd Honorary Secretary.

A . '1'. 0 as tl e, High Street, Boughton.

Honorarv TI-easurer.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2, Privates 33. Total effective 39 , Increase since last report 1. Drills beld 30. Average attendance 15. Cases attended on public duty 4. Removals 17, Co. es attended not 011 public duty 5. Annnal inspection, 16th April. Total on parade 2l. Absent with leavc 14. Wiibout leave 4, Aunual re-exal1lillation, 29th Scpt. lIlembers passed 33. Did not appear 5. Medallions 19, ervice badges 3. Nllj' ing certificates 18, Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officer, 1 sergeant, :2 corporals, and 20 men . Material: 1 litter, 8 stretchers, 1 bampcr, 4 havresacs, 1 carrying sheet, 3 snrgical howl, 1 bandage sboot, bandages, splints, etc., 1 square tcnt and flag, 7 \Yater bottles, vested ~n Divisional Committee. Division SUppOl tcd by Centre S.J.A.A, and pubhc con tribu tions. Drs. Oolville alld Fox arranged a dramatic performance in the Corn Exchttnge which pro,ed a great success realizing a net profit of £-13 1 , 10d., £30 of which was kindly handed to the uperintendent of the Dilrision by Dr. Ooh-oille, to wh01'n our best thanks are due. The Ea, t Kent Ohallenge Bowl kindly gil'en by the Ramsgnte Centre for Oompetition, was this year won by members of this Division. Removals continue to be the chief work of the Division. Ex-Mayor of Hythe a ked the Divi ion to remove him to London; he was pleased with the way the work was carried out. Superintendent Mather recei,'ed the ervice IedaI.

D. L.


1st Officer.

Corp I. W. Jordan. Honoral"V S ecretary.

[Formed 4.5.96.J


Honol-ary Surg-eon.

F. Coke,


[Formed 1879.J

Oorporals 3. Pl'ivatas 2l. [No report l'eceiYed .]

Honorary Treasurer

W. T. Gale, Esq" Lloyds Bank. Total clTective 28.

(CITY OF ) BRISTOL CORPS. lFormed 20.2.1 91 as a Division.] [FoJlIJcclll, l.H)Ol as a Corps.] llJUD-QrAI,TEH~: BJ~\UD PLAIN IIoe~m, Bm:-;TOL. Chief Surgeon and Ch ief Supt.

O. i\. Hay 111 all, :\1. j), Killg~Loll Yilla, Cliftoll, Bristol.

_ Supt. S ecretary.

M. Froud, 1, 't. 't(' l,]leU 'S Clla11llICl", Bristol.

Supt. for Transport Duties.

'aptain J. J!' . Trezise. Supt. of Stores . ROT I . . nc, Lt, J,L.B.

Superint ende nt Treasurer.

Torman . de Jersey, M.A.

(Eight A1nlmZunccDh'isiuns),-Oificel's 30, ergeants 27 . Corporal 26. Privatcs 336 . Total cfl'ectiye 4] 9. . The. cnLll'e property of the Oorps aud its Di"isions is vested ill the Finance ' (Jo mlmlteEl. ' '~A" D~vi ion do puhlic duty where requircd, they ta,ke tbe Empire The'ltre undei' t hell' RpCCI:1.1 ca.re. ' olD" Division. Tear]yall th? mcmbcrs belong to the ('F" Bem'er Oompany, Officers an],d. l11teln. ,we very keen on thoU' wurk, A good llumber went iuto Cltmp at alisbury P ,un I1H pn,st summer. 0 ' (J'CD\'~ 1)il'ision is mOl:ltly .compo::;ed of men bclonuin u' to the Rov·:tl N'1V'11 ,\.u xili"ry ~"l1 C, erth Reserve . 1'11(;y co 1 pUu1-1'10 C1nty at t11()'"People's '" PalaceJ" -'unday afternoon . L





St. J ohn Ambdance BTigacle.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade.

R orfield Division. Some of these men l11so belong to the "F" Stretcher Bel1rer Co. Barton Hill Di\ri ion. Members take especiaJ duty in connection "rith Colston R all, and attend 200 or 300 cases of illness, fa,inting, fits, etc., in thc course of the year at this place of entertainment. They also attend at the monster gatherings heM on unday afternoons and evenings. Imperial Division has a fine equipment. ome of the members assi t in the T ran port department. Clifton and Avonll10uth Division has only recently been formed. r,[embers are on duty at the Zoological Ga,rdens, and at the Avonmouth docks, where they are able to render a large amount of first aid. The Marine Di\ri. ion consists of about 140 Officers and men . Their work is mostly in connection 'with the Bristol docks. The Transport department rendered as istance to about 4000 cases of illness and accidents during the year. There i al 0 a bnmch T ransport department at Redfield.


Officer:" 2. '. ergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 3 . Reguln,tlOD ulllfol"m worn by ') Offi 2, 9. Total effectIve 46. The majority of the memhers a;e l"lif\~r:, m~~gea~ts, 3 corl?orals, and 39 men. of them put in numerous l1ttencl:mces' with ~he t' 01 entgc1.gec~ 111 large works. Some • ranspor carnage.






Hono rary Surgeon .

J. ,'. Mather,

Honora ry Secret ary. Pte. S . Egerton, 62: Brigstocke Road , St. Paul's, Bristol.

Officer fo r Tra nspo rt d ut ies. A. Cotton .

Insp ector of St ores. ergt. F . Brice.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 33. Total efIecti ve 37. I ncrease since last report 14. Drills held 41. Average attendance 16. Cases attended on public duty 1,502. Annual in pection,5th Oct. Tolal on parade 22. Absent without leave 15. Annmd re-examination, 5th Oct. ilIelllbers lla ' cd 21. Did lIot appear J 6. Medallions 21. ervice badges 4. N ul"ing cel'lilicat.es 7. Regulation uniform 1V0rn by 5 Officers, 1 scrgeant, 1 corporal, and 20 men. Division supported by the public.


Ho norary Sec retary. Sergt. H. A. H. Pullin, 22, Camertoll Road, Greenbank, Bristol.

1st Officer. A. W. Cooke.

Officcrs 2. Sergeants 6. Corporals 5. Privates 26. Total err~cti\'e 39 . Drills held 43. Average attendance 17. Annual inspection, 231'(1 June. Tota! 011 paradp 38. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 2n(1 Aug. Memhcrs passed 39 . Medallions 14. Nursing certificates 5. Regulation uniform worn hy all. The Division is entirely composed of members of the "F" BeMer Co., the majol'ity of \yhom went to Camp at Bulforcl.


S uperi ntend ent. Ho norary Secret ary. Ins pecto r of Sto r-es. A. Froude, Raleigh Rd ., C. Dawkins, W. Uaille . . Bedminster. 36, South ville Place, Bedminster. Officer 1. Sergeants 2. CorlJoral1. Privates 2. Total efIecti\'e 32. R eserve member 1. Drills held 40. Average attendance 15. Allllual inspection, 20th Sept. Total on parade 28 . Absent without leave 4. AlIl1Uall'e-cxanlinatioll, 23rcl Sept. Memuel'f! passeu 28. Did not n.l'Pl;)ar 4. Medallions 22. Nursing certificates 19. Regulation uuiform \\'orll by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal , ancl 28 men. Division supporteo. by pul)lic. All the men of this Division belong to the Royn.l raval Auxilim'y. ick Berth Reserves, and nearly all have passed the <'),(]vancen firRt tl.icl examinatiun.


Superinte nd ent. R. Parker, 34, Belmont Road, St. Andrew's Park, Bristol.


Honorary Sec retary. Cm'pI. L. Pe<rler 4, Matthews Road, nro~rfi~lds, Bristol.

Ins pector of Stores CorpI. E. tradling·.

[:B ormed 1. 8. 06.]

E, ST. PrrILTP-~ .

Super intend ent. F . Morrish, 26, A.rley Hill, S tokes Croft, Bristol.

Superi nt end ent. C. W. Jupe, 39, Henleaze Avenue, Bri tal.



Honorary Surge on T. A.. Green, ~I.D.·

officerR " . ' ergean t. "


Superi ntendent. F. Holmes 1, Whitelaclies Road, Clifton. 2.

Corporal::; 3. Privates 29. [ 0 report receiYed.]


1st Officer.

P. E. Billing.

Total effective 37


. [Formed 25.3.06.]


Hon. Sur-geon . A. 'IV. Peake, M.ILC.S.

1st Officer. Hon orary Secretary. Tratt, Corpl. F. T. Reed, :36 Gluuce ·ter Road 20, 'eymour Road Bristol. ' Bishop ton, Bristol. ' OUice!'R 2. ,erg-cant 1. COlI 1 3 P ' lora s . nnttes 27. Total effective 33 Drill::; held 21. .A \ era"e a.ttcnc1al1ce 9 "lseR tt, l I b ' . ~ltendedll'()lL un publioduty 16. ~\.llnuaiillsp~cti;~l ~l~(t~\~~ePU ~~t~f~ 12. dCa1:s .l: Jscnt WIt 1 h~11\ e 3. ,\,ithont le'we 13 A' , 1" '. . n para e I. i\IemuerR pas~ecl ~:3. Did notal)l)cnr 10 :M~chlrnnuli1 l~-eX~nllna.tlOD, 1 th ept. o 'l't'fi .. t , lJ " . , 1 0 1 1 . . en'ICe badrres 7 ur 'n e 1 C,l es I. :\oegulatlOl1 umfurll1 Wurll lJv .) Ollice" 1 . .. 00' 1 g ~Olllen. J\ht ,·" l ' l L t I D ' " J ~ 1, eJgeant, <J corporals and I ell,l . re c ler. l\'l~lUll 'llppol'ted by the pUblic. '


(CITY OF BRISTOL CORPS) IMPERIAL DIVISION. [Formed 7.11.0-1.J IIFAIHltJ,~H'rElh : \\T. 1. and II. O. 'YILL "Ton 'I.e 0 F'OTO In,- B ED~II~ TER, BUISTOL. ."Ho!,or·ar·y Sur-geo". Superintendent. Honorar-y Secretary. 1< . I~. l~eakl', 'I.H.C.s. A. ]! . .Thhtellell, Oakleigh, OOl'p1. E. Lee, Akarol1, LeIgh 'IV uucb, 13ri tol. uuth ,-'treet, Bedminster. 1st Officer. F. Gllnn. -



,'OmC~l'S 3. "ergen.nlR 2. Corpoml,,!. Printte ;}I. Total effeotiV'e 'ase attended on ubI' 66. DIlIl;; belel 10. A yemg'c attenclance 31. ~{,elllond 5. 'n es attended noton public duty 2'1 ' AnUU 'l l ill ~ct' 10 d~ty 1 4. Total on pa.mde 3i. Absent with le"we 1 \ Vithollt·l. _ .)~ y lOIn, 2;}th~~ay. L' 99tl J '1" e,\\ e -D . .i:l..nnua. l'e-exanlllla 1011, .~ ). l1l~e. .tl embers passed 3. Failed 1. Did t . ')6 ~ -. < Nlll'SlJ1tr c'rtln t, ..) ]J I" no appem - . llIec1alhol1s U. • t> ca e~ _LC . :.egll a.twll ulllfOl'll1 worn by 2 Officers') 'CT • corpam!s, :1.Ild 1;) men. Material: 1 Ashford litter, ~tretchel' 1l11~di~[),1 ~~o.c,ants, I sets uf sll!ll1ts, () blankets, 11 otllplete outfit of bancho' (roU' 01' a (1 <t • ),1\O Ielsac, etc vest'd' F' C . . ' '" ' 11 1'1tln ' 1l ar) 'l' lf 0 "\\lrl~IJ lllltnCe 0Il111uttec. Dl\lSion ~Uppol'tcd by the IJublic 'mel 0\\, D' allc . . l IS. ' " 'Chis DivisioJ\ 11ft::; aRsistecl Lhe 'rm!lsl)Ol't DOl)'ut1l1Cllt 1'11 til C1't,' '1 b . . of \.1 ,'1 1 \JOG r . ySlllce L lC eU'1l1l11Uo' :1,11 1 1' )11 , ,-RO!\C lllg two men on duty cadl night and on ~;1tlll'dn,y aftemo °l1S .:tnd 'H)~G~y I::lllmbys. l he LamLert I::lhield was WOll by th competition team in Febru'ary


(CITY OF BRISTOL CORPS) MARINE DIVISION. [Formed 15.1.06.] Honora ry Surgeons.

B. M. H. Rogers, M.D . A. L. Flemming, ~r.R.C . k .


St. John A ?nUUlrince Brigade.

St. John A rmbulance B rtigade.


J. l'.I. F. Brickdale, MD. J. J. S. Lucas, M.D.

Om cel'~ 3. Scrgeant 1. Oorporals 1$. Privates 13. ToLal cffeciivc 20. D ccrease since last report 4. Drills held 36. Averagc atLenuance 13. Oases atLeJldec~ on pu))lic duty 12 . . Remo\'als 2. Oases attended lIOt on public duty 10. Annmd lllSPCCtlOD, 16th Apt'll. Tolal on parade 17. Absent with leave 3. Annual re-cxall:inaLi?ll, durillg. Sep tm.lI bel'. Melllbers l!assed 15. Diu not appear 3. l'.Iedalhons 13. . Re!rulutlOn UlllrOrll1 \\orn by 10flicer , 1 sCl'creant 0 ' 3 corl)orals , and 6 m en. Matcnal: 3 stretchers, . 3 medical havresacs ' 3 watcr lJottles '6b Ha(Js , 1 llole, . sphnts, bandages, etc. , vested 111 Divisional Commiitee. Division supporteu by IH emburs' subscriptions and voluniary contributions. Public duty bas again been carried out at the various fetes, carnivals, sports, &c., and on the Oounty Urickct Grounel. ~

Offi cer in Cha r'ge.

J. F. Trezise (Supt. for Transport Duties Oity of BristolOorps.) 20, Somerset Square, R edchffe, Bristol. 3r' d Office r'.

2nd Officer.

1st Offi ce r.

L. R. Orew.

E. G. Oantle.

J. Blackford.

CATER HAM (SURREY) DIVISION. [Formed 18.5.96.]

5th Office r.

4th Office r'.

L. K. Archer. P . J. Veale. Officer (Additional for Transport Duties) J. 'V. H. Trezi,e. Officers 11.

ergeant 11.

Corporals 6. Privates 97. [N 0 r eport recei \'ell.]


Honorary Surgeo n.

Superi nte ndent.

W. Bln.ckwood, hl . B.

T. O. Quintrell, 11, Moor Street, Oamhorn '.

Acting Hono rary Secretaries.

Inspector' of Sto res.

Ptes. J . 'V. L ean and H. T. Robinson, Ohapel House, Oamborne.

Pte. S. J . Pengilly.

Honorary Treasurer'.

Mr. S. J. Geach, The Bank. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals~. PriYates 20. Total effective 25. Drills h eld 24. Ayerage attendance 17. R emovals 5. Cases attended not on public duty 33. Annual inspection, 22ncl ept. Total on parade 22. Absent without leave 3. Material : a litter, 2 stretchers, surgical havresac, water hottle, splints, etc., vested in Divisional Oomlllittee. Division supported by \'oluntn,ry contributions. The mn.jority of the members of this Divisi on are miners and mechanics, and the constant demands ID::tde on them for" fir t aid" fully justify the exi!';teuce of such an ambulance division in the town. A commodious room has been acquired as .L H eadquarters. As a permanent first aid station, its situation i admiril.hle, and acce~s to the building in cases of emergency is easily obtained. The ambuln.nce carriag ' belonging to the Urban District Oouncil ha been ph1.Ced at the disposal of the division when required. On 23rd June a motor cycle accident occurred a mile out of Oamborne, in which two riders were severely injured. Two corporals n.lld nine men were on the spot with the ambulance litter in fifteen min utes. Arral1gemen ts hu,vel)een made with the local football clubs for a squad of men to be on duty at all the home matches played during the present season.


[Form ed 8.2.04.]


Hono rary Surgeons.

A. R. H enchley, M. D .

1\1. T. Williams,

M.B. , F.B.C.Ii.


Hono rary S ecretary.

V. Page, la, St. George's Place, Oanterbury.

Pte. A. J. Wood, 17, Sun Street, Canterbury.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. E. W. N owers.

Honorary Surgeon .

,\V. fll. Bligh,

Total effecti,' 125.



Hono rary Treasurer.

Mr. F. W . Furlry (Hon. Mem .).

Superintende nt and Hon . Secretary.

A. J . Riley, 3, Oedar Road, Oroydon.


Offi cers 2. 'ergeant 1. Pl'i"ates 11 . Total cO'ectiye 14. I ncrease !'ince h,t report 3. Drills held 1 . Average attendance 4. Remo,als 16. Oases atLcllllerl not on public duty 33. SCl'viee 1>ac1o-cs 8. TIl·rrulation uniform worn by 1 Olli ccl', 1 sergeant, amI lJIell. Material: woode~ Ambulance Station, Oatcl'hulIl Valley, hriek lnlilt AlIlunlallce k tation Upper Oatelham (The Bates MClIlori,Ll). 2 wheel. litlers complctc, 3 . trcLchers, 2 liftiug bourcls, 3 l\Iorgan havl'esacs, 2 regnlallOll \\OaLel' hotlles, 0 men's \yater boLLles,1 blaukcls, 2 \\'atel'proof sl?eets, st~Lion fnl'nitnr e, aUll, all exlra supply o.r splints, J!an,l::\ges, c?tton \yool, first mel clresslllgs, alld boxes ot plastcr, vcted III Exrcutl\"c COlJlllllttee, t.J .A. A. Di\'ision Sllppol'tec1by local suhcl'iptiono . The \\'heellitters ha\ (; b(;(;11 u O'e d on :ixteell occasion. Twel,"c ca es have been t:1kc~1 to tbe c.ottage IIosl,ital, three to th patient'· hOllle, anel one to the Railway ::-\tatlOl1. An llllportant c,t."e of l' 'moyal took place on 31st Augu.ot when a patient was tnmhl!Ortccl to Bognor. The lally \\'a::; placed on ::;tretcher at her residence, nearly a nule from Caterham ,'tatioll, and conveyed to the H ouse at Bognor without r'l11oYal from I:;tretchur, alth()u~h there were two change::<, ,tt Croydon and Brighton. This was performed without any su1fering to the patient, although it was one of the hotteHt cln.y of tbe Hummer.




[Formed 1.10.02.]


1st Offi ce r.

Superint endent.

D. 13. 'cott, 43, BaHam Road, Ohatham.

W. McIntosh.


Honorary Secretary.

T. Brooks, '19, Rochester Inspector of Sto res.

W. Bow.

treet, Ohatham . Honorary Treasurer.

R. J. Oooper.

OlIicors 2. ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 16. Total eJlective 21. Decroaso since la t report 15. Drills holll 26. Ayerage attendance 15. Cases atLelllleu on public duty 63 . Removals 5. Oascs attendedllot on public duty 119. Annnal inspection, 13th cpt. Toial on parade 11. Ab 'ent with leave 4. Without leave 6. Annual re·examination, 27th "'opt. Members pascO. 12. Diu not appeal' 9. Mellallion 16. el'vice badgc ' 15. Nnrsing cedi/icate 17. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Offi cers, 1 cl'geallt, ~ corporal, and 1-1 men . Material: 1 litter, 6 strelehers, ti havresacs, 6 water bottles, ho pitallllal'qnee with eomplete furniture for senne, spare banda,ge , splint, charts, ctc., ve. ted in Divi ional Committee. Di vision supported by Oorporation anu pnulic con tribl1 tiOll . The Division continues to attend n,t n.ll the large as emblies in the town, and always find plenty in need of theil' service. now ttmbult'l,llCe station, kindly built by the Oorporation for Lbe Division, h,\s been opened. It is now fully equipped and available for use dtty or nigh t.

St. J ohn A ?nvulance Brigade.

St. J ohn .A ?nVUlUl/'LCe BI igacle.



[Formed 20.4.93.]



F. Skaife, M.R.C.S.

E. E . Street, St. Martin's House, Chichester.

Honorary Secreta r y and T reasurer.

Inspector of Stores .

Sergt. H. G. States,45, South Street, Chichester.

Pte. H. Holder.

CHRISTCHURCH (HAMPSHIRE) DIVISION. [Formed 20.3.99.] (N 0 report received).

CLEVEDON (SOMERSET) DIVISION. [Formed 21.10.05.] HEAD-QUARTER::;: MEN'S OWN HALL, STATION ROAD, CLEVEDON. Hon . Surgeon and Supe rin tendent.

Hon . S ecretary.

Surgeon-Capt. E. G. Stocker, Y.M.S., Holmesdale, Clevedon.

Pte. T. Michell,· The Triangle Post Office, Cleyedon.

Pte. E. H. Coles.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Privates 16. Total e£fective 22. D('erease since last report 2. Drills held 34. Average attendance 11. Cases ~LLel1d~d on public duty 2 . Cases attendeJ not on public duty 28. Annual lllspectlOn, 16Lh April. To tal on parade 13. Absent with leave 8. Without leave 1: Annual re-examination, l:Jth June. Members passed 19. Did not appear 2. Mcdalholls 21. erviee badges 8. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation unifolU1 worn by 3 OUicers, :J sergeants, 1 corporul, and 16 men. Material: 4 stretchers, 2 hampers, 2 surgical havl'esacs, 8 water bottles, rug, stretcher cover, 2 carrying sheets, vesteu in Divisional ollllllittee. Division supported by voluntary contributions.

DOVER (KENT) DIVISION. [Formed 12.10.97.]

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Privates 15. Total e£feciive 19. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 28. Average attendance 10. Removals 16. Annual inspection, 7th ept. Total on parade 17. Abscnt with ~eave 2. Annual re-examination, 26th and 2 th ept. Members l)assed 18. Medalhons 10. Service badges 9. Nursing certificates 8. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 1 Offi~er, 2 sergeants, and 13 men. Material: Ashford litter, complete, 3 stretchers, carrymg sheet, waterproof sheet and pillow, 2 fitted ~aVTe~a~s~ tJ. water b?tL1es, bla:n~{~ts, bandaaes and lanterns, vested m DrvlslOnal CommIttee. DIvlslon o , .sl)lints t , flaas 0 , supported by subscriptions and donations. . . No less than sixteen cases of removals of casuaJbes and slCk persons were attended to and the medical men of the city show an increasing tendency to amil them 'elyes of ' the services of the Division. A feature in the year's training was the holding of open-air drills and practices during the summer months in the grounds of the Hospital, under conditions suggested by the IIouse urgeon. One of ~he new pattern fitted hayersacs has been added to the stores, and the Ashford htter ha been oyerhauled.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasu rer.

Pte. H.


Officer 1. Privates 20. Total e£fective 21. Drills held 18. Average attendance 5. Case attended on 11t1lJlic dnty 1. Cases attended not on public uuty 7. A.nnual inspection, 2 th, ept. Total 011 parade 12. Absent with leave 5. 'W ithout leave 4. Annual re-examinatioll, 2 th ,'ept. Members passed 11. Did not appear 9. Material: 3 stretcher ', 1 surgical ha\Tesac and water bottle, splints, bandages, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions and public donations. New stretchers, ambulance, haversac, and watE'l'-bottleshave been obtained.


Supt. and Inspector of Stores

1. D . O. Howden, ~r.v. C. E. illurphy, L.ILC.r.

II. L. Lawes, 8, Elllls Yale Road, Dover.

Hon. Secretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

W. A. Knott, 20, Alfi'ed Road, Buckland, Dover.

'ergt. G. Plater.

Officers 3. ergeant l. Corporals J. Privates 27. Total effective 35. Decrease. i nee last report -1. Drills held 46. A vel' age attendance 14. Oases attcnded on public eluty 2. RelllO\'als 16. Cases attelllied not on public duty 13. Annual illspeciioJJ, Easter Monday. Total on parade 15. Absent without leave 20. Annual re-examinalion, 14th June. ~lembcrs passed :l0. Diel not ap11ear 13 . .Medallions 19. :Tnring certilicates 11. Re[,Tulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, J corporals, and 26 men. Material: wheelell Jitter, tretchers, bandages, splints, etc., ve 'ted ill Diyi'ional COl1llnittee. Division supported by mem bel'S' suh criptiOllS and public contri1mtions . .A ncw wheeled Ii tter wa . presented to the Di riion hy Cunon Bartram a' a thankoffering to Go(l [or the n :c:u\'el'Y of ~Ir,.;. Bartram from a seriou illne . The Dediea.tion • 'en'ice took place on the :l3rd :Jlay, and since that date the litter h~ been used on nine occa:-;ions. Yat'ious puhlic function ', such a Fetes, Football Matche. ,~unday 'chuol }'c:>tivuls, port·, &c., have been attended.



Superintendent, Hon. Sec. & Treas .

P. Selby, M.R.C.S .

T. Potts? Doddington, Sittingbourne.

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. W. 11. Anderson.

[Formed 17.5.1900.]


Hon orary Surgeon.

H. IIabgood, M.D. In charge, Hon. Sec. and Treas.

Acting Inspector of Stores.

E. Elphick.

crgl. E. Ilunllq, 26, Oommercial Road, Eastbourne.

Omcer 1. 'ergeant 1. ol'porals 2. Privates 13. Total effecti\'e 17. Decrease since la t repolt 2. Drills held 18. Average attendance 10. Hemovall. 'asl's atlellucrl not 011 public duLy 26. :Jle(lnllion 7. Regulatiolllllliform worn by 1 sergeant, ~ corporals, and 1:3 I1len. Material: 1 litter, 2 b·ctchel'., h~y~·e. aes, llag, charl~, splint, bandages, rug, waterproof sheet, etc., YC!-ited 111 Dlvlsional Committee. Diyisioll 'upporlec1 by yolnntar), contributions.


H . C. Norrington.


lFormed 4.] 2.01.J


J. A. W. Pereira,


L.lt.C.P., M.D.

Su peri ntendent.

E. A. Bowden, Port Yiew Terrace, H eavitree, ur. Exeter.

Hon . Secretar ies.

Sergt. F. River, 29, Mansfield Road, Exeter. Constable WrcforLl (Police ectiotl B), 16, St. Leonard'::; Avenl1e, Exetor.

Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. M. P. Young.

St. John A 1nbtdcince B1·igade.

St. John Arnbulance Brigade.

Officers 2. Sergeants 4. Oorporals 5. PriYates 40. 'Total effective 51. Increase since la t report 1. Drills he1d- Scction A, 41; Scction D. '27. AveraO'e attendance- ection A. 17; ,ection 13, 15. Cases attell(led 011 public duty °89. Removal 1. Oases attended not on pub.lic duty 66. Annual inspection, 19th Sept. Tot al on parade -16. A l,sen t \nLh leave 5. Mem b.ers passed annual re-examinations, 50. Medallions 17. el'l'ice badgell 5. Regula~1011 uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, aud 20 men. Matenal: 2 wheeled litters, -1 . b'etcher , 1 first aid box, 2 blankets, 2 ambulance hampers, complete set of :;plintf', bandages, etc. , 2 water bottles, 1 Brigade flag, vested in Divisioual OOllllllittee and the Watch Oommittee af Exeter Oorporation. Thc ,\latch Oommittce snpports ection B; cction A is supported by voluntary subscriptions.

&c. R ev. HlIll]Htlld v l'y kinclly ftrrn.ng (1 a Churall Paracle in :lid of tbe fUl1Cb of Lhe Division. All Lhe DiviHiullS ill Ea,H L rant were inviL 'd, allc1 a htl'ge num]) r of nlem/Jers a,LLellclod. Uy lhe kiJldllCHS (If thc PJ'csidenL of tllc FolkcHtone EooL\;all Club we have been it.hle to usc Lhe Club Ground during thc summer, whiah has proved ~~ groaL l)oou to the Division.




LForllled 19 .. 05.1

llEAl) -QlJ"\R'l'lr,m;: OLI) rrl'.AMWAY CENTHI';, INDIA ROAJ).

Honorary Surgeon and Sup eri ntendent.

F. G. Sprague, M.lt.V.S., The Lawn, Brnllswick Roau, Gloucester.


[Formed 6.5.91.]


Honorary Surgeon .

O. J. Evers,

M. D.

Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

1st Officer.

O. E. Olinch, St. Anns Road, Faversham.

A. P. Shel'\\'ooll.

Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

E. L ongley, Forbes Road, Faversham.

G. Amos.

Officers 3. Oorporals 2. Privates 39. T otal effect.ive 44 . Increase siuce last report 18. Drills held 31. A veragp attendance 11. Removals 10. Oases attended not 011 public duty 55. l\ledallions 10. Regulation unif'ollll worn by 2 Officels, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 18 men. Material: 6 stretchers, wheeled litter, 4 ambulance baskets, 2 havresacs, cal'l'ying sheet, etc., ye ' Leu in Divisional Committee. Division supported by mcm bel'S' Stl bseriptions and volt1l1tal'y con tri bu tiOllS. The spacious Drill Hall has been secured through the kindness of J. Rigden, Esq., which should be of great use.


Sergeant 1.

B. F. Eastwood, Ferndale,

Oorporall. Privates 12. [No report received. J


Total effective 15.



Honorary Surgeon.

P. V. D odd, lILR.C.S . 1st Officer, Insp. of Stores, and Hon. Treas. (in charge).

F. A. Adams, 7, Tontine Street, Folkestone.

T. W. Wilson.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privat.es 58. Total effective 60. In crease since last. report 20. plilJs h eM 37. A\'erage attendance 18. Annual illspection, :L th .'ept. Total 011 parade ~6. AhsCllt \lilh leave 1. Without Ipava 30 . .Allllualre-examinatiolJ, l~Lh and 19th July. Menlbers passed 30. Did not appear 29. M llalliollS 32. 1\1ateria,1: 11:) ·t.retchers, 11 hnvresacs, splints and bUlldagell, yestcll in Di\'isiona.l Com mi llee. Division snpported by voluutary contribution.


P. illilll:ltill,

[Forll1crl 1\:)04.1

Superintendent, Hon . Sec. , Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treas.

W. "\\'. Uil)IJoll ', :.!2, TOII'llend 'tract, C:o,lalllliug.





Privales ~2. ToLal cm~ clive 21. (r 0 rcpol t rcccivecl.)


Fi ve Ashes, T unbridge Wells. Officer 1.

Hon . Treasurer.

1\1. G. Malty, 2, IIethersett Road, Gloncester.

lFol'lnc(l 7.'1. 02.J

[Formed 21.4.06.J In charge.

J. N. H all, M.P•• C. S. (since deceased).

Hon. Secretary.

1st Officer and Hon . S ec.

G. O. P"atficlrl,

en trecL, Ill'. 'ittingboul'llc.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

I? Court.

W. G. Ray.

o meer l. ol'poral& 2. Privates 17. Tolal effective ~O. Dccrcn e since last report~. Drills hcllll3. A\'eruge altenclance 7. Removals 11. 'ases u LLelHl ell lJot 011 l'uhlie dnty 20. A1llll1al inspedion, 16th April. ToLal 011 parade 0. AhllcnL with ICHYC 1 J. AUlJual re-exalllillation, ~9th cpt. Memhers jlassCll ] O. DiclllOt appear 10. MCllalliolls 15 Ul'sing cel'tilicales 1. Rcgulation uuifol'l11 \l'OI'll by 1 Oilicer, 2 corporals, and 13 mOll. Material: Ashl'ol'll liLter, ~ Furley strctchers, ambulall~e lmmpcr, banc1nges, 'plillt·, oLc., vesLed ill Divisional Committce. Division supported hy public contlilmLioIls.

Hon . Secreta,-y.


Pte. P. May, 42, Oanterbury Hoad, Folkestone.

Officers 2. Privates 30. Total effective 32. Increase since last report 7. D rills held 47. Average attendance 13. Oases attended on public duty 8. Removal 1. Oases attended not on ]!ublic duty 42. Annual inspeetion, 16th Avril. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 11. Annual re-examination, 3rd JUly. Members pn.ssed 16. Did not appear 15. Medallions 8. R egulation uniform WOl'll by 1 Officer and 28 men. Material: 5 s tretchers, 5 havresaes, 30 water bottles, etc., vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by the public and members' subscriptions. Public duty has been carried out at all the large football matches, regatta, fairs,


[Formed 3.3.90.]

lIJ£Au-QuARmw:;: LEA PALE LA TE ROOl\l:-;, GUILDFOltD. Hon . Surgeon .

F. R.



J.P., 111.)).

1st Offi cer.

J. 'IV . L ambert. Inspector of Stores.

Corp1. B. W. Wells.


1\1. Williamson, Merrow Dene, GuilMord. Hon . Secretary.

\ V. Broughton," llledmol't'," Nightingale Hond, GuilclJ'onl. Hon. Treasurer.




St. John A 1nb~~lance Brigade.


Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 18. T?tal effective 2·1. Reserve members 3. Increase since last report 8. Dnlls helll 8. Average attendance 7. Cases attended on public duty 51. Hemovals 10 Cases aiteJllled n ot 0 11 public dnty 6. Annual inspection held in September.. 'l~otal.on V:ll'ade 13. Absen t with leave 5. ·W ithout leave 6. Annual re-eXamll1atlOn lJ) Septell1uer. Members passed 15. Did not appear 8. Uedallions 12. Nursiug certilieates 6. R egulation nniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 se~'geant, 2 cor~orals, allli 1~ men. Material: horse ambulance coach, 4 Ashford lttters, 1 set 01 wheels for hiLer, 1 hamper, 2 havresaes, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contributions from public. . The Division has ha,d a fu11yea.r of work, beSIdes the large number of cases to and from the County Hospital and to London. A certain number of members .were on duty at the Fire Bl'iga.de Camp of England and Wales, held at Shal£or(l Park, lU June, for about fi ve days attending to forty cases. Cases are. moved to th~ Oounty H ospital from a radius of about ten miles. Th.e JUayor of Guildfol'cl yery kll1cUy presented the certificates, vouchers, n.nd medallIons to the successful members of the first aid class.


[Formecl1.7 . 04].



C. P. Strong.

R. Phillips, 7, Fo 'Ler Villas, Liun Lane,


Sergeant 1.

Corporals 2.

Privates 13.

Hon . Surgeon .


J. A. Oatley, CasLIe SLreet,

Officers 2.

(I. W.

Priv<),tes 22. Total eIfective 24 . (N 0 report reccived . )


Honorary Surgeon .

C. J. Thomp

Superinte nd ent.

Honorary Secretary.

Hon . Treasure r .

Pte. J. O. Williams, 60, Olarencc Road, Newport, I sle of Wight.

Inspecto r of Sto res.

Pte. F. Pinnock.

Pte. F. Peacb.

Officers 3.

(I. W.

Privates 20. Total effective 23. (No report received.)


Officers 4.

[Formed 13.8.02].


(1. W.

E. V. Matthews.

'mgeants 2. Primtes 23. Total efrective 29. ( 0 report received.)


Wm. R. Manley, 2, Upper Park R oad, St. L eonards-on-Sea.

L. L. Preston,

" 8,


Supe r int ende nt and Hon . sec.



CorpI. H. French.

tockham, Elmfield, Ryde.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. G. Jame .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 21. Total effec!,ive 26. Drills held 45. Average attendance 13. Cases attended on puulic duiy 7. Removals 26. Oases attended not on public duty 82. Annual inspection, 10th Sept. T otal on parade 16. Absent with leave 8 . \Vithont leave 2. Medallions 20. Nursing certificates 11. Regulation uniform WOl'll 1),)' 1 sCl'geUont, 2 corporals, and 17 men . Matelial: Horse ambulance to carry 2 palicllLs, [I,llll titted for either single or pair of horses, Ashford litter, 3 stretcJlers, ~ carrying sheets, havresacs, tourniquets, splints, bandages, etc., and 20 titted elllt'l'gency cases, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by public contributions. Through the liberality of the public the Oommittee were this year able to purcha e a horse ambulance. On 18th July last, our subscribers were invited to view the new ambulance van, and after a demonstration of ambulance work by tbe members, his Worship the Mayor declared the new vohicle ready for public service.

OlJlcers 2. ergcant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 16. Total effective 20. Drills held 25. Annual inspection, 27th 'cpt. Total on parade 11. A bsen t wiLhouL letwe O. Annual re-examination, 15th, ept. Members passed 9. Diu not appear 10. leualliollS 13. 'ervice badgt's 3. Nursing certilicates 7. Ret,rniaLion uniform ,,"om by ~ Officcrs, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, alld Hi men. Material: stretcher', Jl<wrc 'ac, pliuts, bandages, water bottles, etc . , ye tell in Divi ·iollal C01ll1lliltc. DiviRioll snpported by subscriptions and donation. The Division is this yei\,l' the holder of Lhe I Ie of \Yight Ohallenge hield (presented by the late Ohief uperintendent Dr. Blake).



[Formed 15.6. 99 .]

H. ]1,1. Barker, M.D. Hon. Secretary.

Chief Surgeon

Chief Superintendent.

V. Blake, M.B., "Elsinore," Ventnor,

L . L. Preston, M.B., \Vyndbam IIonse, Melville Street, R yde, I sle of Wight.

Pte. W. H. Brown, Selsey Cottage, George Street, andown, 1. or Vl.

[Formed ~4.10.03.J




Honorary Surgeon .

I sle of Wight.

[Formed 10.11.1900.]

HEAD-QUAltTEllK: TECllNIGAL SCHOOL, ST. Jon Hon . Surgeo n (acting) and Treasurer

Inspector of Stores .

Honorary Secretary.

[Formed 8.5.95.]

IIEAD-QUAltTEHS: TO·WN HALL, RYUJ~ . Hon . Surgeon .

G. L ocke, M.R. C.S, 47, Wellington Square, lIasLings.

J . H. Hayle.' .

Clarence Rd., N cwport, I sle of Wight.

H EAD -QUAl1.TERS: BnASSEY I NSTITUTE, HA 'TINGf'. George Locke, III. R. C. s. F. B. L ewis, L.R. C. P.

1st Officer.

J. \ V. Gibbs, Olivia,

Oll, 111. It. ·.R.

Total eITective 18.

Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer.

[Formed 19. 2. 00.J


A. Banks, F.lt.C'.f'.

Honorary Surgeons.

[Formed 7.7. 99 .J

Victoria Road, East Cowes.

(N a report received.)




II. W. Ewen, M.lt. C.S.

Haslemerc. Officers 2.


St. John A mbulance

R. Pitt, North

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. W. II. Jew.

treet, Sandown, LW. Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. J.


St. J ohn A ?nbulance B?Oigade.

St. John A mbula nee Brigade.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Private 12. ToLal t'lfecLive 17. Decrease illce last report 1. Drill s held 16. Average aLLelHlanee 10. Rcmovals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 15. Allnual ill . pedio)), 27Lh cpL. Total 011 paradc 9. Absent with leave . Annual re-ex:lll1inatioll, 13th Sept-. Mem hers passed 10. Did not appeal' 6. 1I1edallions 13. Nursing certificates 2. Iaterial: 2 stretcher, 1 hampel', 2 havresacs, splints, elc., vest eel in Divisional Committee. Divi ion supported by the public. R emovals have been undertaken. One, which necessitated COl1\'eya,nce by trn,in to steamer, gave every satisfaction. Two men nre on dnty every Saturchty during the winter months on the andown United Football Field.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 13. Total effective ] 7. Reserve members 3. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 24 . Average attendance 10. Removals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 135. Annual inspection, 19th Aug. Total on pam(le 12. A1Jsellt with leave 3. -Without leave 2. }\ Imual re-examination, 31st May. Members passccl 15. Dicl not appear 1. J\t(,(!ftllions 8. Regulation uniform WOI'll by 2 Ofiieers, 1 sergeant, ami 3 men . l'\lo\terial: 2 stretchers, 1 Ashford littel, 2 havresacs, 2 water uottles, Rplints, etc., vcstecl in G.W.R. Division supported I)y member' subscriptions.



J. Cowper,


Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treas .

Supt. and Hon. Secretary.

NEWTON ABBOT (DEVON ) CORPS. [Formell as a Divi sion 29.10.95 ; as a Corps 20.2.06 .] HEAD-QUARTERS :

Pte. R. H. Knight.

O. H. Snook, , Vest Hill, Shanklin, 1. W.

Officer;:; 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 16. T otal effective 21. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 25. Average attendance 14. Removals 13. Cases attended not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 27th Sept. ToLal on parade 18. Absent with leave 2. 'Without kave 1. Aunual re-exa,lllinatioll, 26th Sept. Members l)assed 19. Did not appear 1. Medallions 13. Service badges 4. Nursing certiticates 9. Regula,linn uniforn' worn by 1 Offieer, 1 sergeant, 2 cOlporals, and 13 men. Malerial: 2 hampers, :6 havresacs, 5 stretchers, 1 \\ heeled stretcher, 1 rug, air cnshioll, splints, hanclaljes, etc., vestcd in Divisional Committee. Di vision supportcd by members' snl.;scripliollS and concerts. Three teams from this Diyision were entered L\nd competed for the 1. ,V. Cup on on the 22ndNovember, 1905, and had the pleasure of being first and second. There were six teams competing.

(NEWTON ABBOT CORPS ) ABBOTSKERSWELL DIVISION. LForllle(l6 .. 06.J IIE .\.D -Q1:.\.IlTl!;ll';: I .\'TIO~Ar,

Acting Honorar-y S ecretary.

,"'el'gMllt 1.


Officers 2.

G. H. Corney: Fnirlawn, Ventnor.

:M.A. , M.B.

Sergeant l.

Privates 10.

Total effective 13.


Total cffective 17.



\.TlO\" ,\I~

'CJlOOL, ]~l~GSTElGl TO'\'.

Acting Honorary Secretary.

T. J. TI. Pari ridge, Oakford, Eingsteignton.

[Formed 3.8.1900.]

(N 0 report receivecl.)


Private 16.


(N 0 report received.)



II. T. I'mith, Ahbotskel'swell.


Hon. Surgeon.

Chief Superintendent.

W. J e\\"cll, 11, Linclcll Terrace, Newton A !Jbot.


(TMce A lIlbnlancc Dirisions. )-0 flicers 1. ... ergeants 3. Corporals 7. Privates 91. Total ell'ective 105. Drills held 19. Average atlendance 21. Case attended on public duty 1. Removals 11. Cases attended not on puhlic duty 12. Annual in. pection, 15th ept. Total on paraele 63. Ab ent "'itlt leave~. -W ithout leave -10. Allllual re-examillatioll, January . .Members passed 50. Di(lllot appeal' 53 . Medallions 37. Service badges 33. Nursing certificatcs 27. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Oineers, 3 sergeants, 7 corporals, and 67 men. Malerial: 1 wagon, 3 liLters, 10 strp.tcher.. , 10 street stations (fully equipped), rugs, pillow ', water bottles, ha\'resacs, splints, bandages, cle., vesLed in Lo cal Centre '. J. A. A. Di vi,,;o11 supported hy vol untary contributiolls. inee the last annual report the Division has been formed into a Uorl's with t\\O new Divi ions made in the adjacent villages of Abbotskerswell and King teignton, rC~[lectively. In conse(luence of the generous support afrornecl by the public, a lIew and up-Lo-date wagon ha just been addcd to our Ii t of stores.

(I.W. CORPS) VENTNOR DIVISION. [Formed 24.5.95.J

H. S. Bassano,


Ch ief Surgeon.

R. II. Grimbly,

Hon. Surgeon.

,'erge~L11t 1.

Privates 16.

'l'otal ffl'edire 17.


[Formed 9.1.1900.]

H E \l)- QU_\.l~'l'EltS:

(No report received.)

~9.10. 95.]


Sup erintendent.

Honorary Su rgeon.


[Fonned 1.2.95.J


Honorary Surgeon .

W. H. Webber,


Superintendent and Hon . Sec.

A. J. Tlott, 12, Smeaton Terrace, West Hoe, Plymouth.

J. J. Scrase,

' V. H. Oros. man,

1. H. . ,

49, Wolborough

treet, N ewton Abbot.

Inspector of Sto,·es.

Honorary Se cretar-y.

W. Jewell.

Sergt. J. Rice, 42, Hilton Roall, NeiVton Abbot. Honorary Treasurer.

I te.

1st Officer.

G. p, Roblin.


Ollieers 2.

Sel'geallLs 3,

n. Knight.

Oorporals 7. PriYlll6S 57.

Tota,l eJ1eetiye 69.


St. John A 1nbulance Brigade.

St. John A 1nbulance Brigade. OXFORD CORPS.

[Formed n.s a D ivision, 5.1. 89.

Reformed 1.10,98.]


Chi ef Superintendent.

1st Officer.

Chief Oonstable A. T, Prickett, Town Hall, Portsmouth.


251 2nd Officer.

~Ioss .

C. Cleminson.

Chief Superintend e nt.

3rd Officer.

4th Officer.

1'. E. Foort, 138, High Street, Oxford.

S. Dorey.

H. Taylor.

( T wo Amb1£lance Divisions).- Officers J .

(One iVlusing Division).-Officer 1.


ergeants 3.

Corporals 4.

ursing sisters 24 .


Privates 73.

Total effective 109.

[Formed 1.] 0.98].

Tl EAlJ-QUAP.TERS: 138, HIGIT STREET, OXFOIW. Honorary Su/"ge on .

J. R. C. Freeborn,



L.R.C.P. Acting Inspector of Stores.

Supe rinte ndent and Hon . Sec.

F. Dearle, 138, High Street, Oxford.


[Form ed 1904].


Honora ry Surgeon. L.

T . F. Thorpe, Ial'k et 'treet, ,Yoodslock

R.C. P .


A. G, Goodwin.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 48. Total effective 55. Drills held 36. Average attendance 23 . Cases attended on pll blie uuty 46. Relllovals 21. Cases attended not on public duty 102. Annual inspection, 25th. 'cpt. Total ou parade 28 . Absent with leave 22. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 17th July. nIemoers passed 29. Did not appear 25. Medallions 23. Regl1lA.tion uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 29 men. Material: litter, 7 stretchers, 2 e(1uipmen t boxes, 7 havresacs, splints, bandages, etc.) vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contribution .

H. Cand well,

Officers 7. SC'l'geants 23 . Uorporall. Privates 209. Total effective 240. In crease since :ast report 11. Drills held 26. Average attel1clanee 60. Cases aLtcl1rlccl. on puLlic duty 1 9. Anllual inspection, 6th 'cpt. Total OJ] parade 80. AI.JSellt wILh leave 160. AnHual re-examination, 15th May. Mel1lbers passed 2l. DHI ll?t appear ~17. lellalliolls 57. Corps supported by Portsmouth Police authol'lty.

Honorary Sec retary and Treasurer.

T. Ashford, H ensingtoll Terrace, Woodstock. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. COl'porall. Priv(1tes 25 . Total effective 29. Drills hel,l 30. Average attendance 13. Cases I ncrease since last report 16. attended on public duty 2. Removals~ . Cases attended not on puhlic duly 26. Annual inspection, 27th ept. Total on pamrle 16. ALsent ,yith leave 13. Annual re-exCl.l11ination, 29th May. Members passed 9. Did not appear] 9. 1I1edallions 9. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform WOl'll l)y 1 Ollicer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 3 men. Matenal: 1 AsltfonlliLter, 1 stretcher, medical h:1vrl'sac, splints, etc. , vested in Divisional Committee, Division supported by concerts, eLc.

Hono rary Surgeon.

F. ,V. ,Yay,

Superintendent (Ac t ing).

J. llIalpas,



Officers 2.

Sergeants 2. (


[Re-formed 5.05.]


Surgeon-Col. O. Knott, V.D., lILIt.C.S., Li z Ville, Elm Grove, Southsea. Ch ief Superintendent.

J . Ia1pas, :lLll.C.S., 4, Fawcett Road, Southsea. (Two Ambnlance Divisions.)-Offiecrs 10. Sergeants 25 . Corporal]. Pl'i\'ateR 227. (O'ie Nt£i'si/~g Division.)-Nmsillg Officerli 4. JUl'sillg sistel':-:l 48. 'foLal cfleclive 31C. (PORTSMOUTH AND DISTRICT CORPS ) PORTSMOUTH POLICE CORPS. LForlllc!l 5.7.05.] IIEAD-QUAlt'l'J~ltH: 'l'ow~ HALL,


Hono rar y Surgeons.

L. Hackman,

?!f,p•. c.s.

C. A. S. Ridout,

M.I>•. C.S.

Tolal effective 22.

Pri\'ates 1.

report recei veil.)


[Formccl 18.6.99.]

IIEAD-Q"L\I1TEJ:S: DIULT, HALL: YOW" ,THEIn, RA:lfSG.\TE. Hon . Surgeon and Chief Superintendent.

C. Colton,

F.lt.C. P.,

42, ' penceI' • (ll,[lI'e, Ram:gatr.

(Three Amblllrmc(! Division ). Oflieers 7. ~c1'geants 9. Corporal 4. Privates 79. (Onr. NIIJ'sinU Di1:isioil). O[liccrs 3. Tnrsing sister. 1. T otal effectiye 120. Oorps sl1l'}lorte(l by Ralllsgatc Oentre ,'t.J.A.A., public subscriptions, and ,Yatch COlllmittee of Town COllneil. The sellior '01'l'S Onice)" \\'ere as u 'unl rcsponsible for the anangcment for the hol(ling I)f tllc East l\ent alllln.lallec cOlllpetition ,yhich was held at the Artillery Drill II all , all(l \\'hic-h was a lililrketl succe.. The Tl1l'sing" Division is mo t useful aH(lmo, t belJcficial. -1,;iii vi ,i t" havc l'cen pair] to the sick poor ill the town. (RAMSGATE CORPS ) TOWN DIVISION. Hr. ,\n-QUAItrr.I~.':

CO)DlEl:F()IlIlS . 'ronFs, Yom,- .

Hon. Surgeon.


84, Fawcett Road, 'outhsea.

)I.11 C.R.,

A, L. Jack on, :l(1)., D. . . wllville Road, BrotHI 'lairfl.


2 .4.91.]

TT:E1n' ,


Superintendent and Hon , Se c.

F. 'Y. Conconi, 17, "elson Crcsccnt, Ramsgatc.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

orp. W. F. Clark.

E. Fisk, :lI.D.

Omcer: 2. •'ergeaI; ts 2. 'ol'porn.ls 3. Private 29. Total cffective 36 . Deerense since last report 5. Drills hcld H. A"erage attendance 1. Cases attcncled 011 l>l",blic tlilty 3. Removal ' 27. Ca es attended not on rublic duty 29. Annual inspectioll, 10th April. Tolal 011 p:lrade 20. Absent with leaye 11. Without lo[\'\'e 5. AUlluall'e-Qxamillatiol1, 23rd and 29th May. JIlembcrs pa eLl 29. Dill Hot appear 6. :Jledallions 21. ,.ervicc l)(l.llge~ 33 . Tl1l'sing certificates 4, HpgllluliOll lliliforlll WOI'll by 2 Oflicers, 2 sergeanL~, 2 corporals, and 20 mell. 1I1:1terial: 1 liLler, 12 strcte-liel's, 5 surgical havre acs, 1 tent, etc . (wheeled litters and stretcllers are kept ill thc Town H all and Police talioll, all(l stretchers at four (lepi',Ls, of' wllicll one is at the General Hospitttl) ycstc,l in Jbm sgate Centre, 8L.J.A.A. Divisiun supportedl,y sullscripiiollS and public donations. I

St. J ohn A 'YItl)ulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.






Hon . Surgeon.

F. 'Wood ,

[Formed 26.4.98.]

W. B. Jones, Chief Constablc's Offi ce, Ram sgate.


Hon. Secretary.

1st Officer.

Sergt. H. R. Thornton, Chief Oonstable's OOlce, Ham sgate.

H. Oreedy.

Office~'s 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 3. Privates 19. Total effective 25. Decrease sllIce last report 1.0' Drill s held 49. Average attendance 15. Removals 40. Ca~es attended not on. ]!ublIc duty 30. Annual inspection, 24th SeV t . Total on palad e 23. A.bsent wIth leave 2. A~llual re·pxamination, 24th Sept. Members pa~sed 23. DId not appear 1. Ue(lalhons 6. l1rsing certificates 4. R e!!ulation l1mform worn by 1. Offi cer, 1 sergeant, 3 cGrporals, and 19 men. 11aterial: 1 :tlnbnl~ nce bus, 1 lItter, ~ stl:etchers, 3 (lressing cases, 1 patent sack for bringing tlowllst.alrs,.l. r:tarquee, wInch IS erecte,l during the annual sho w on the show field, vested III DlvlsLOlla l Committee . . Division supported by voluutary contributions. 'Ve Juwe added to our stores thIS year an ambulance wa"on which has been doing good work. 0 ,

Officers 3. Sergeants 6. Privates 38. Total effective 47. Decrease since last report 3. Drill s held 24. Average attendance l!L Cases attended on public duty 0. R ellloVEds ;::;]. Aonual.insl~e(·tion, 20th D ec. Total on parade 43. Absent witllleave 4. Annual re-exanlluaLlOll, 20th D ec. :Members pa ,ed 43. lIIedallion. 45 . Material: 2 litters, 2 stretchers, an,j (lre~!';incr rast', YC teel in Ramsgate Oorporation. Di\'jsiOll snpported by RUlllsgate Corporatioll. (RAMS GATE CORPS ) RAILWAY DIVISION.

I ergeaut 1.


Privates 12.

Total effective 15.

Hon. Secretary.




F. E. Meade, )I.R.O.S.

E. I alt, 23, Oaversham B.oad, Reading.

2nd Officer.

3rd Officer.

Inspecto r of Sto res.

IV. Hilliaru.

T. P. Chard.

• 'ergt. Beaumor:t.

Officers 4. Sergeants 4. Oorporals 6. Privates 40 . T otal effective 54. Drills held 40. A vcrage attendance 28. Cases attended on publiC' duly 53. R emovals 2. Cases attelldeJ not 011 public duty 252. Allnual inspection, 29th, 'ept. Total on varade 29. Absent with leave 14. With out leave 11. Auuual re-examination, 30th :JIay. :Jlembers passed 46. Fa.iled 1. Diel Hot appear G. i\lel lallions 26. Service badges 14. 1 lllsing cel'tilieate~ 15. Rf'gulatioll ulliform WOl'l1 by 4 Olficers, 1 sergeants, 6 corporals, allli 18 IIl cn . 'Matl~rii..Ll: liUer, ambnlance wagon, 6 stretchers, havresac, 27 water hottles, handage wiwler, splillts and bandages, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supportcrl l)y members' sul)scriptions and public· contribll tions. During thepastyearpllblic duty lias lJeeullildertakell fin the followingocca'i(llls:X ewbury Races, raiden Earley Race Meeling, Heading Temperance, and Purl ey Liberal Fetes, Reading 'Vorking ~Ien's Regattas.

F. Eichens,

Hon . Secretary.

8ergt. S. H. James,

[Form ed 18.10.93.] FOnE STnEET.

R. J. Parson c;, 33, Fore Street, Redruth. Inspector of Stores.

.'ergt. K





Ri chards.

Hon . Treasurer.

Olliecl's 2.

Sergetl.nt l.

Corporal 1. Private 21.


Hon . Treasurer.

J. WickeiL.


Hon . Surgeon.


T otal effective 25.

[Formed 29.9.03 .1 "mEET.


oble; L. R.C.l'.

O. W. Price· Ellis, 50, High Street, ittinguourne.

Hon . Sec. and Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. L. R. D t'lIee, 26, ,'tatioll Road, I'itlingl)oul'lle.

A. Arnold.

Officers 2. ,ergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 17. T otal effective 23. D ecrease sillce la. t rel'ol'~ ·1. Case attende(l 011 puulic duty 10. R emovals 9. Case~ atteu(lerlnot Oil ]lulJl\(; duLy 15. Annual in. pectioll, 16th April. Total on parade 5. Al)scmt with 1ea\'e 9. Without leave 9. Annual re-examination, ~9t11 ,'ept. MelIllJer' pa. ed 13. Did not appear 9. I eclalliol1s 11. ur:ina "el-tilicate 1. J.1e l-:'lllation ll11if'OI'1Il ,,"om by 2 Ollicer', 2 sergeallt., 2 corporal., and G mell. MaLt'I'l;l1:" 3 'tretchon; havresac hallliler carJ'Y'ina J " n . Rca-Eelwarc1s" liiler' S1lrot, bdl tC'llt, ~jlllllts, handage.;, ctc., ','estecl in Dil'isional COlllmittee. Diyisioll sUJlL'"1tcd hy l'llblie an<imemuers' snu:;,cl·iptions. SOUTHAMPTON (HANTS ) DIVISION.

Honorary Surgeon.

J. II. P. Fmser,

111. IJ.

[Fol'lnec1 1905.J


H. A. Oross, Eton Cottage, Dy er Road, Freemantle, I'onLhalllptol1.


~I. D.


Sergt. J. I tevens.


Honorary Surgeon .

Honorary Surgeon .

Inspector of Stores.

J. Cooper, The. tuelio, t. he .. I

[Formed 13.1 2.93.]




H. R. Hill, Fore Street, St. Ives.

[No report received.]





(1'\ 0 report received.)


[Formed 20.5.02.]

Hon . Surgeon.

L Tichol1s,


, ergt. G. "IV. Feal'l1, 21, Winstauley Crescent, Ramsgate.

7, Chapel Place, Rall1sgate.

:ll.lU'. S.,

Officer 1.


Hon . Secretary.

Hon . Surgeon and Supt.

G. Cross,


[FOl'llleJ. 26.4.9 .]

T. GEORGE':-; Gn[XA. I"u~I, R.O[';G\Tf:.

Hr;: ,I.D Ql'ARTRR' :


Hon. Secretary.

"IV. T. Fulford, :2, L ower Cedar Road, 13 'vois TUWIl, • 'on tlllllli ptOIl.

Hon . Treasurers.

J. II. Fraser, M.ll. alld W. T. Fulford. T

St. J ohn A'i71bulcince Briga,de.

St. John A rnuulance Brigade.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorpo.ral 1. Privates 22. T otal effective 25. Decrease since last report 22. Drills held 27. Average attendance 15 . . Oases attended on public duty 3. Oases attended not on public duty 212. .Annnalmspection, 26th Sept. Total on parade. 20. Auscnt with leave 2. .WIthout leav,e 3. Annual re-examination, lOth Apnl. Members p;tssed. 23. DId not appeal 1. Medallions 16. Nursing certificate 11 .. RegulatIOn ul1lrorm ;VOrI: by 1 sergeant and 21 men. Material : 3 street statIons, 1 Rea Edward slItter, 7 Furley stretchers (telescopic), 1 old stretcher, 3 al)~1ian~e. ~oxes, 3 bla~ kets, an(~ ~ ,number of splints and bandages for practice, vested III DIvISIOnal Oommittee. DIvlSlon sup. .' ported by voluntary contributions. The efforts of the Division have been dIrected towa~'ds sl:,pplYlllg eqUipment for street use, and owing to the generooity of some. of the .mhabitants three perma~ent stations have been erected; these include one litter statl?n and two stretcher statIO~s fully equipped with litter, stretchers, blankets, and appliances. These arc placed III the three busiest parts of the town, and were opened for use on the 20th July, 1906.

. Officer 1. Oorporal1. Privates 11. Total effective 13. Decrease Slllee lafit report 4.. Drills held 27. Oases attended on public duty 15. Annual Jl1spect~on, 20th Sept. Total on parade 11. Absent with R emoval 1. leave 2.. Annu~1 l'e-eXaUllnatlOll, 12th Sept. Members passed 12. Medallions 10. Material: RegulatIon l11urorm worn by 1 Officer, 1 corporal, and 13 men. 3 . s.tt:etchel', havresac, hamper, splints, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Divislon suppurted by public contributions.



Hon. S ecretary.

J . G. UcLannahan, L.R.C.P., S.L, The Mount, Stonehouse, Glos.

F. Davis, Regent Street, Stonehonse, Glos. Ho n. T reasure r.

Insp e ctor of Sto res.

J. H. Blakey.

J. Perry.

Officer 1. Privates 17. Total effective 18. Decrease since last report 15. Drills held 24. A v~rage attendance 11 .. Case'> attended on public dnty 7. Oases attended not on publIc duty 11. Annual.ll1sJ;>ection 28th Sept. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 2. Annual re- exanlll1atIOI1, 29th Sept. Members passed 14. Did not appear 3. Me~allions 13. :M aterial: 4 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, 2. can~a.s . havresacs .wIth ba~d~&es, 4 water bottles, splints, Brigade flag, vested III Divislonal CommIttee DIVISIOn supported by voluntary subscriptions.



Su peri ntend ent.

O. H. Hall, :U.D.

O. J. Painter, 7, Rudolph Terrace, Bushey .

Hon . Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

W. G. 'tanley, 59, St. James'Rou,d, 'Vatford.

H EAD-QUAItTERS : treet, M.A., 1st Officer.

W. T. Storrs, M.R.C.S.

J. Lester.

Pte. O. Norton.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 11. Total effective 15. Reserve member 1. Drills held 18. Average attendallce 11. Oases attended on publir. duty 10. Removals 79. Oases attended not 011 public duty 17. Annual inspection, 11th Sept. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 2. Medallions 12. Service badges 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 11 men. Material: 2 stretchers, water bottles, havre. acs, and one amuulance chair, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contributions. The removals, under the superintendence of the local surgeons, have been the principal work of the Division.

WARE (HERTS. ) DIVISION. [Formed 12.6.02.] HEAD-QUARTERS: MrSSION HALL, AMWELL END, WARE. Superinten de nt a nd Hon . S ecret ary.

In s pector of Sto re s.

O. J. Dewbury) South View, Francis Hoad, Ware.

Pte. A. W. Adams.



Honorary Surgeon.

A. F.

J. Kinmont.

Sergt. W. F. Muffett.

J. Woolman.


O. R. F . Lutwidge, Shandon, Tunbridge W ells.

1st Officer.

Hon. Treasurer.

A. H. Tull.

Officers 2. OoqJOrals 2. Pri\rates 13. Total effective 17. . Dnlls ,held 2~. Ayerage attendance I? Cases attended 011 public duty 25. Removal 21. Cases attended. not on publIc. duty 11. Annual inspection, 21st Sept. Total Ol~ pal'alle 9. Ahsent WIth leave 6. WIthout leave 2. Annual re-examination, 6th ~pnl an~ 11th lay . 1l1emb~rs pa~sed 9. Did not appear 8. Medallions 9. NursllIg cCl'tt~caLes, 11.. RegulatIon ulllform wom by 1 Officer, 2 corporals, and 12 U1en. Int(,1'l~1.1: 2 lItters, 3 stretchers, 3 surgical havre acs, 4 waLeI' bottles, havl'csacs, splIn t.~, bandages, etc., vested in Public Library Committee. Di vision supporterl hy memuers' subscriptions, and contributions are occasionally rer.eived for removal ea es. The doctors of the town have malle use of the Division clurinO' o the year for removiug cases to t.he hospital, amI people are very pleased to have us.

S uperi nten de nt an d Hon . S ecretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

[Formed 4.5.01.]


Hon . Su rg e on .

Ins pecto r of S t o res.




1. Yenis, 16, Station Road, 'Yestgate-on-Sea. 2nd Officer.



Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

O. Ca e.

G. Pedder.

om COI'S 4. el'gcants 2. Privates 35. 'l'otal effective 4]. Decrrase sillce last report 2. Drills held 21. Average attendance 19. Cases attended noL on Illlhlic duLy 20. Annllal inspeelion, 16th April. Total on parade 17. Ab ellt with leave 15. 'ViLhout leave 9. Mellalliolls 21. Service Badges H. Nursing cel'tifiu3 te. 18. Regulation uniform worn by 3 0 Ilicers, 2 sergean ts, and 24 men. ialel'ial: litter, stretchers, surgical hanesac, box first aid appliance, carrying chair, pinal carriage, 16 water uotLle , sct of diagrams, books and variolls appliances. Divi ion supported by members I:mbscription~ and voluntary contributwns.


Hon . Secretary.

Sergt. J. . Cox, G. H. Temple, M.B., Eclipse Cofree Tavern, Ailanthus, WestonPalmer Street, W. . 1'.1:1re. Super-Mare.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. W. H. Foster.


St. J ohn .Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A mbulance

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privn,tes 14. Total eifective.16. Drills held 8. AveraO'e attendance 10. Cases attended on pubhc duty 1. Ca~es attended not on pnblic d~lty 5. Medallions 6. l' ursing certificate ~. Regul atl~n uniform worn by 1 ergeant. Material: 2 stretchers? 1 set of SplIlltS, vcsted 111 Divisional Committee. Division supported by the publIc.


Act ing I nspector of Sto res and Hon . Treas.

Acting Supt. and Hon . Sec.

J. Maple.

J. W. Taylor, 1, King ley Villas, H erbert 1{,oad, S. Willes borough.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 20. Total effective 23 . Drills held 13. Average attendance 12. Removals 8. Cases attended not on public duty 61. Annual inspection, 18th ept. Total on parade 15. Absent \vith leave 7. ,Vithont leave]. Annual re·examination, 11th, ept. Mem.ber. passeJ 18. Did not appeal' 5. Medallions 14. .r llrsing certific~tcs 2. Mn,~enal: 1 Ashford litter, 1 stretcher, spliuts, etc., bandages, and .dre Sl~g :ested Jll Wlllesborough Parish Church. Division supported by voluntary c?n.tnbutlo~lS. . ,. . T he Division after an interval of six years, reJomed Bngadc. Reglstered ~th May, 1906. Since rejoining, the Divi ion ~as .made great J?rogress, mem bel'') are t.akmg up the work enthusiastically. The pnncl~)al cases ot removn,l ha;e been fellln.le patients from Willesborough to Ashforcl statlOn, tbence by .E. & O.R. to London Bridge and Guy's H ospital.

M.P•. C.S.

Lady S ec. and Treas .

Miss L. Austen.

:Miss A. L. Elliott, 9, Claremont, Hastings.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 22. Total effective 24. Reserve members 2. In crease since last reporL 6. Practices held 42. Average Cases attended on public duty 8. Cases attended not on public atLendance 13. duty 27. Case privately nursed 1. Annual inspection, lOth 'ept. Total on parade 11. Annnal re-examination, 29Lh June. Members passed 13. Did not appear 8. Medallions 19. Part regulation uniform worn by 1 nursing Officer and 22 nursing si 'tel's, viz., cap, apron, collar and cuITs ; bonnet and cloak (by lady superintendent). Material: bandas.es, thermometers, hn.vre. n.c, bed, pillow, sheets, cooking utensils, etc., vested in vi vi~ional Committee. Division supported by members' su bscrip tions and yoluntary contributions. The Nursing Division has made great progre s during the past year, both at practice, puhlir, and other dnties. LUDGVAN (CORNWALL) NURSING DIVISION . 'YIIITECRO.'~,

Pte. R. S. Mantle, 105, Church W 01 verton.



Miss H. 11. Baker, " Trellorwin," Toweclnack, Penzance.

Inspector of Stores.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 49. Total effective 54 . Drills helJ 31. Average attendanc~ 25. I ncrease since last report 7. Removals 5. Cases attended not on public duty 70. Annual inspection, 29th ~pt. Total on parade 33. Absent with leave 7. Without leave 14. A~11lual re-exanll~a. tion, 27th Sept. 11 embers passed 26 . Did not appear 26. MedallIons 21. nr mg certifica.tes 5. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergean~. and 12 men. Material: 6 stretchers, 1 complete and 6 incomplete hftvresacs, splmts,. et.e., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscnptlOns and voluntary contributions. . ,Ve have made six stretchers and have several more m hand, and hope very soon to have a litter or transport wagon. The call upon our services is rapidly growing. [Formed 21. 4.01. J BATH (SOMERSET) NURSING DIVISION. HEAD-QUARTERS: TECHNICAL SCHOOLS, BATH. Lady Superintendent and S ecretary.

Miss E. D. 1\1.. Farwell, 11, Laura Place, Bath. Officer 1. Nursing sisters 17 . Total effective 18. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 24. A verage attendance 5. Cases atteuded not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, Septembel. Totn,l on parade 6. Absent with leave 7. Withont leave 5. Annual re-examination, Mn.l'ch and September. Members passerl 6. Did not appen,r 12. Medallions 12. Reguln.Lion uniform worn by 1 nursing officer and 3 nursing sisLers. Material: roller l)[1,n.d~g:es, splints, chair bedstead with blankets, vested in Bath Centre S.J .A. A. D1VISlOtl supported by members' subscriptions.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

Lady Secre tary .

Miss E. L. Dudley.

Miss A. ,V. Daker, "Tredorwin," Towedllack, renzance.

Sergt. M. 1\1. Lewis.

[Formed 28.2. 99.J

Lady Superin tendent.

1\1. It.C . .'.

J . O. Harvey, l\I.U.C.S. Hon . Sec. and Treas .

1st Officer (in charge).

J. H. Adkinson, 7, Victoria Street, W 01 verton.

Mrs. L. D. Ward, 126, SeGllescombe Road N., St. Leonards-on-Sea.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

T. Mndge,

Hon. Surgeons.

P. L. Hope,

[Formed 14.8.02.J


Honorary Su rgeon.



Lady Sup erintendent.

l\r.R.C . ~.




H EAD-QUAHTERS: Honorary Surgeon .



Honorary Treasure r.

Ir. W. K. Dn,ker.

o01 (;er. 2. lU~iDg sister 3. Total ell'ectil'e 5. rrncLices held 13. Average attendance 3. Cases attended not on public duty 12. Cn.ses l'ri\'n.Lely lH1I'f'e(1 7. Meda.1lions 4. l\Iaterial: amhulance hamper, ba.nd~ges, elc., vestecl in Divisional Committee. Di\'i ion Suppol'teJ by members' ubscl'lptlons. LYMINGTON (HANTS ) NURSING DIVISION. IIEAD·Q1.TAllTEllS: LITEIUllY


Lady Supt. and Sec.

Honorary Surgeon .

If. H. l\In,ll1Iill, 1st Nursing Offi cer.

JUl'. . A. Pack.

[Formed 28.8.02.J

Mr . . E.


hinery," Hightiehl," Holme, Lymington.

Lady Inspt. of Stores. li~

M. Baclcock.

Lady Treasurer.

Mi s E. Alcler.

Oilicer 3. .r Ul'sing . i -tel' 18. Total effective 21. Increa e sin~e la~t report 3. Practice held 2. AYerage attendance 13. ea es attended not on public duty 4. C[I c privately nursed 5. Annual in pection, 26th Sept. Total on parade 11. Ab eut with leave 3.. ,Yithout leave 7. An~ual re·exn,mination, 13th 'ept. Member pa eel 13. DId not al~pear 7.. 1\Ied~lhons 17. Service badO'e 4. ReO'ulation uniform worn by 2 nursmg 01licers and 12 o 11l1l'sing sisters. b Malerial: air beds, ail' cl1shions, feeding cups, cn,rrying chairs, sheets, pillow case~, splmts, ice bag, bed pans, hn.nclages, thermoJljc~ers, hot. ,\:a~er bottles, bed rest cradle, bath chairs, etc., vested in Divisional CommIttee. Dlvlslon supported by members' 11 bscriptions and ell tcrtaiument.

St. J ohn .L1 ?nuLdu,mce B?·i[jcule.


(OXFORD CORPS) OXFORD NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 30.9 .05.J Lady Superintendent.

Honorary Surgeon.

J. C. R. Freeborn, M.A.,

l\li R. A. tono, 78, Woodstock Road, Oxford.


N Ul'sing OffiGers 2.

Nursing sisters 2-:10. Total effective 26. [ 0 report received. J


1\1. A. Rey, B.A., M.B. Lady Superintendent.

1st Nursing Officer and Lady Secretary.

E. R. Sang tel', Hunstanton, ,Vaterlooville, Hants.

Miss E. E. Gieve, 53, Olarance Parade, outhsea.


Officers 3. NUl' iug sisters 2'1. Total effective 27. Practices held 23. Average attendance 13. Cases attenJed on public duty 5. Cases attended not on public duty 20. Cases privately nursed 6. Annual inspection, 6th ept. Total on parade 12. Absent with leave 12. 'Without lea.ve 3. Annual re-examination, 3rd Aug. and 21st Se]Jt. Members passed 20. Did not appear 6. Medallions 24. Service badges 5. Regulation uniform worn by 2 nursing Ofticers and 12 nursing sisters. Iaterial: splints, bandages, blankets, . heet , folding table, bronchitis kettles, flag, tent, etc., vested in the Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' ubscriptions. On the 7th February the Lally Superintendent and 10 nursing sisters were on duty at the Oharles Dickens Birthday Tea to 800 cripple children. On the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th June, the Lady uperintendent and 11 nursing sisters were on duty at the Royal County Agricultural Show.



Honorary SLlrgeon.

H. W. Morley, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Act ing Lady Supe rintendent and Secreta ry.

Sister F. Dickenson, Portsmouth Palish Infirmary, P01bmouth. Nursing Officers 2. Nursing sisters 16. Total effective 1 . Decrease since last report 7. Practices held 16. Average attendance 20. Annual inspection, August. T otal on parade 18. Medallions 15. Service badges 17. Material: all appliances at hand on the premises, and available for working a complete hospital. Material vested in and Division supported by the Institution.


OIlicers 3 Nursing sish's 18. T otal effecLive 21. Increase since last re,l)ort 2. Practices hel.cl 36. Average attendance 10. Cases aLleIHlecl .not 011 publlc duty 3. Cases pnvately nursed 3. Annual inspection, 16th Apnl. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 11. Annual re-examination, ] 7th. May and 7th July. Members passerl 19. Did not appear 1. Medallions 18. S.ervlCe badge.s 1~. Regu~ation unif0l111 worn by 2 nursing Officers and 9 nursing lsters. Part1allndoor uUlform :V?l'l1 by len~aining number. Material: waterproof sl:eets, hot water ?ottles, broncllltls kettles, mhalers, etc. ; blankets, sheets, pillow sltps, u.nuel' clothll1g, bath chair, : l?i?al conch, carrying chair, leg rests, etc., ve ted 111 Lo~al Cc~tre .J.A.A. DlvlslOn supported by subscriptions. In 'prese~l~lJlg tIllS report we have to record that the Nmsing Division has paid 209 . wk VlSltS. On 15th March, 1906, thc prizes [or effit;iency and attendance given by the Ramsgate Centre, were presented by the Presiuent of the Centre, Sir Charles Warren, and were awarded (,0 Nursing si tel'S M. A. Jarman, and M. Dunbar. Two service badges were al 0 presented at the same time. On 5th April the East Rent All1bul.ance competition was hl'hl. when the Lord and Lady Decies' Challenge Cup wa adjudged lo ~lll'sing sister A. Grnmmant, this being the third time she has been the 'uccessfnl wmner of the cup, and the second prize to Nursing sister R. M. <wage.






Honorary Surgeon.

Mi s M. F. Armitage, L. H.C.P. Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Superintendent.


Mrs. Chard, 30, t. Mary'S Butt, Reading.

. Taylor.

Lady Treasurer.

Lady Secretary .

. A. Wood, 33, Caver bam Road, Reading.

Mi S F. A. Chandler.

fficers 2. "ursing is tel'S 15. Total effective 17. I ncrensc . ince last revort 1. Practices held 23. Average attendance 9. Cases attended 011 public cluty 19. Cases nLtendetl not on public duty 33. Case pri\'ately nursed 1. Annual in pection, 29th, (-'pt. Total on parade 6. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 7th :'lay. lembers passed 13. Did not appear 3. Medallion 1-1. Reaulation uniform worn by 1 nursing Officer and 4 nursing iter. Ma.terial: nursing hamper for u e on public duty, bandage, splint. , winder. , vested in Divi iOllal Committee. Divi ion , npporte:i by members' sub. cl'iplioll and public. ervice havc been rendered in public at a Liberal Fete, Temperance Fete, alvationists' Mass leoting, and at regatta on two occasion.


C. H. Hall, M.D.





Honorary Surgeon .

Lady Superintend en t.

R. Smyth, :or. D .

Mrs. A. Cotton, 42, Spencer Square, RamsgaLe.

1st Nursing OffIcer and Lady Secretary.

1\1rs. F. \Y. Hinds, 57, Queen St., Ramsgate. Lad y Insp ector of Stores. ~ll's.


Lady Treasu rer.

JI is ..; L.



1st Nurs ing Officer (in charge.)

Miss A. Pitkin, 24, Aldellham Road, New Bu hey, Hert .

Lady Secretary.

Ii s A. Bull, 4, t. Alban's Road, '\\ atford.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss E. M. Cailes. Officers 2. N ur ing sister . Total etl'ective 10. Decrea e since last report 3. Practice held 17. A"erage atten~ance g.. Cases attended not on public duty 4. Cases privatcly nursed 3. Annll.alll~ pectlOn, 19th Sept. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 1. Annl1alre-exummatlOll, 29th ept. Members passed . Did not appear 2. ledallions 7. Iaterial: amlll:lance l~an:pel', vested ill the WaLford Public Library. Diyision supported by lllembers sub. cnptlOlls.


St. J ohn A ?nbLulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.



Honorary Surgeon.

A. F. Street,

M . D.

Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. M. E. Church Brasier, Blenheim, Clifton ville, Margate.

Lady Secretary.

Miss L. E . Dundas.

Jursing Officers 2. Nursing sisters 16. Total effective 18. Practices held 10. Average attendance 6. Medallions 4. R egulation uniform worn by 1 nursing Officer and 1 nursing sister. Material: surgical havresa,c, bandages, etc., vested in L ady Superintendent. Division ,mpported by mcmbers' subscriptions. This Division which was only formed on 20th March, has made steady progress.

No. IlL-Central and Eastern District.

Deputy C01nmissione1'- Surgeon-Colonel G. S. ELLISTON, Y. D. • t. Edmund's, Felixstowe. ' D istrict Ohiff Slll'gcon-Mr. W. E. AUDLAND, M.R.C.S., 5, Oxford Street, vVellingborough. AssistaHt COlnmissioile1·-"1IIr. T. II. 'WOOLSTON, Kingsley Park, Northampton. District Chief Superintenclent- lll'gcon-Captain F. A. BROOK" :M.D., Major House, Ipswich. District Superintendent SecretMy-Surg.-Capt. W. A. GIBB, M.D., It.A.M.C. (VoL), l\laj or H ousc, St. Edmund's, Fclixto\\'e. DiBtrict S!tperintenclent TTeaS!tre1·-Capt. HUGllES, 1, Mercers Row, N orthampton.



mEET, I PfiWICH . 'lOth October, 1906.


I bn,Ye tIl· honour to su IJlnit the following a my annual report for No. III. Dit:;trict for the year endin s 30th :::\eptember 1906. l'rigade work ha.· been a(;tively carried on during the year: and the various Corps and Di vi iuns in the eli tl'iet l!n,\e ImLde cOIl~it1erable and satisfactory progre~. L a ·t year there wa~ a slight falling- off in the numerical :-;trength of hoth ambulance and nursing di \isions, lJUt I am ulad to state that during the year under review, there ha' been n, substanti,Ll i11cren e, lUore particularly in'ome of the larger 'orp'. During the year eight new Di \'jsiOl1 . have been formed: viz. , three in the Birmingham Curp., n, Midland Hail\\'·ty Division in the Kettering COI1)S, the Coyentry Ceutml Diyi 'ion, the "tmtford-upun- .Ayon DiviioD, the Lei(;e tel' Corporation TramWtLYS DiYlsion, ll.l1d the Kyno(;h ),fursing Di\'ision. The anl1lml inspe(;tiolls have he n carried out in <"\, sati factory manner, and I belien: c\ery unit wa inspected durillg the yelLI'. In this il1lportn,nt work I haye heen ably assisted by Assi ·tant- 'ol1lmis, ionel' \VOOlstOll, Chief urgeon Auc11and, and 'urgeon-Oaptain Brooks. There was a large muster of tbe N ortllall1pton Corp ' at the ann nal inspection in Delallre P'LI'k. At the clo e of the proceeding, the ambulan e and nursing division ' were ho. pita,hly entertained in two Inrg Ianluees by J. Cooper, Esq., J.P., who was uPllorted by the Jar(l uis of K orthampton, the Di , triot "taff, and everal yisiting Officers from Leice::>ter, Birl1lin rr ham, \Yellingborough, and Kettering. The death of Mr. Cooper n, few \V eks after the in 'pection "rill prove ,10 great los ' to the Northampton Corp::>, as for many years he htl.d been a munificent upporter of it fund!';, and h!l.d c\lwcl.y taken a deep in terest in its welfare and efticieney. The annual inspectiolls of the Hirmino'hmll, \ \Tellingborout('h, ,md Kettering Corps were sucee fully carried out, at the bttcl', fifteen members of the Kettering Division pamd d, who belonged to the Royal Naynl ick Berth Reserve. They had ju t returned from their :1l1l1ual training, t1011d spoke in high term of thc \my they were treated by the Admiralty Officials.

8t. John


Am)mZwllce BI·i[j(~(l(' .


ABSTRAOT OF OORPS AND Dl V 1I:lJONo. The annual District Oamp of Instruction was held at , Vhitsuntide in Brough ton Park, near Kettering, by the kind permission of his Grace the Duke of Buccleucb, wl?en 352 officers and men attended. The Brigade marched into Oamp on Saturday evenmg headed by the Kettering Rifle Band, and were under the command of Assistant Oommissioner "Woolston, who acted as Oamp Oomnl<Ll1dant. He WHS abJy supported by theDi trictSta.ffincluding Ohief Surgeons AudlH.lld R.nd Nelson, Oapt. Gibb, Oaptain Hughes, and Ohief uperintendents Harvey Reeyes, Hilton, Gilbert and Luck. The arrangements for the Oamp were complete in every detail, n,nd a very useful programme was carried out. On Whit Monday the Oamp and Briga.de were inspectcd by bis Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, wbo was [\.Ccom} a.nied by Earl DaJkeitb, Oolonel , Vilson, O.B., D.S.O., R.A . M. O., and others. Hi Grace subsequently add res. ed the men, and expressed his pleatlure, at seeing so many well-drilled B.nd disciplined ambulance men enca.mped in his Park. The feature of this year's Oamp was the lecture on Oamp Sanitation delivered by Oolonel "Wilson, it initiated a course of instrllction on thi important subjcct which will be carried out d nring the winter session. On Tue day, the Ohief Oommissioner inspected the Oamp, and sub equently witnessed bearer company practice and field movements in the Park. The Oompetition for the Markham Oup was carried out on Wednesday, and was again won by a Birmingham team. In concluding this report I mu t again thank A si tant Oommissioner 'V oolston, Ohief Surgeon Audland, Surgeon Oaptain Brooks, and the Di trict Staff for the valuable help they have given me in carrying out the various Brigade duties throughout thc year. I have the honour to be, 11', Your obedient servant, GEOllG[!;


Knight oj Gmce, O?'der oj the Hospital oj St. John of Jerusalem, Deputy OO1nmissio'll,er, No. III. Dist?·ict, St. John Amblblcbnce Brigade. To the OMif Oomrnissione?·.


Names of Corps aml Divisions.

DisLtid SLllfl' Ash hy-dc-la-Z::ouch Bed/onl Birmillgham Oorps Hca(l-ljuarLcrs te\rarts & Llo}lls La\\' I 'y S Ll'eet Monulllellt Lanc _ elso11 'treeL now Hill en tral La Lion KYllOcllS Burlillgton Hall Hales wen .. Ourzon trcct IIockley Mitchell & BuLler Ooalville romer ] mlley Felixtowe ,ippeswyk Hallaton IIayerhill Ipswich orjlSNo. 1 Di viioll No.3, t. John' Police :To. -1, oc. ,'ettlemellt o. 5, Orwell \Y ok Kettering orp Head-II narters Broughloll "'Burton Latimer Ol'flllfonl Midland Hailway Pytchley *Rothwell Ru hton Twywell Leicester Oorp' Barwell Earl hil ton ... Hinckley Leic tr.'l'ralllwys.Oorptn. L.&N.W. Ry. Town Di vLion Wheatsheaf ... Wig Lon Magna 'Vigstoll LB. Work. 1'.Ien'sOoll. Y.I\l.O.A. MU1lllingll'cc ". MarkeL IIarhorough Melbournc




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21 18 35


24 21

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31 32 15 20





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29 1

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22 60 25

1 1



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St. John Ambulance Brigade.

t. J ohn A ntbuZance BTigacle.



.d.lllblllance. b





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29 12 28




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15 17

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19 257280

Statement.-l Depuly Commissioner, 1 District Ohief . 'urgeon, 1 Assistant 001l111lissioner, 1 Distri ct Chief Superintendent, 1 District upcrintelldent Secretary, 1 District Superintend.ent Treasurer, 191 Officers, 197 I ergeants and Corporals, 2,015 Privates and N l1I'sing Sisters. Total (approximate) 2,109. * No Report received-last year's figures.

D "le fOlmeu.


Corps or Divisions.

Datc when formeu.



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Corps 01' Division s.










3 61 - --


27 10

1 1 1 1 1 --- -- -- -- 6 6 8-1 72 197 6 -

16 18 17 20 28

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;.d<: . 0> oeo


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Northam ptO]) Corps ... ... Head-quarters ... BlisIVol'th ... ... Earls Barton ... ... Kislingbury ... ... Paulerspury ... ... Roade ... ... Stoke Bruerne ... ... Olney ... ... ... Oundle ... Overseal ... ... ... Rugby Smethwick ... Stratford-on-A von ... N. E. Warwickshire Corps Coventry Central ... Coventry Co-op. ... Foleshill & Longford ... Leamington ... Nuneaion Town .. . L.&N.W. Ry. Wellinghorough Corps ... Head-quarters ... Bozeat ... ... Finedon ... .. . Higham Ferrel'S ... Irchester ... ... I rthlingborough Midland Railway ... *ll.ingstead ... ... Rushden .. .. Wollaston .. . .. Wolverhampton





Names of Corps and Divisions.





. Nov. 14,1882 Leicef:Ler Oorps Tow1l Div.(LeicesLcr Corps) Nov. 14,1882 NorLhalJlpton Oorps . May 4, 1 8u IIead-(lllarters Div. ( J ortha11lploll Oorps. . May 4, 1886 Earl's Burton Div. (N 01'thamploll Corps) . Mal'. 24,18 8 Hoade Div. (NorthamptOll Oorps) . JllllC 30, 18B8 Wellingborough Corps I cpt. 1 J I earl-rluarters Div. CWcllillgllorongh Corps) April 1 9 Y.M.C.A. Div. (Leil.!ester . . . lay Hi, 1 90 Oorps) 'Workillg M ell's Oollege Vivo (Leicester Corps) . "o\'. 1, 1 90 lJ igltam Ferrel'S Division (Wpllingbol'onghCorp) Jan., l!Jl Dudloy Division cpl. 2 , 1 92 IOU]tOll Vivo ( orthallll'tOll Corps). . . Oct. 2, 1 92 Panlersbl1l'Y Di V. (N 01'thallll'toll 001p. ) 10.1'. ], 1 93 l.'t Di ". (I ps\\'ich Corps). J nly 13, 1 93 1\1 arkel Harbol'ongh Di v. Oct. 17, 1 93 l\ettering Oorps Oct. 18, 1 93 II oal l(lnal'ters Oi vision (Kettcring orps) Oct. 1 , 1 93 TUllgye's Div. ( 'Illetlmick Corps) .. ~ 95 Ell.hllcH Divisioll C\\'dlillgborongh 'orps) . Jan. 30, 1 96 Ringstead Division (\\'dlillgbolongh Corp .. ) . ilIar. :W, 1 96 WoJ1aslon IJiyisioll (Wellinghol'Ongit Corp.') . April 2, 1 9G Finl'lloll Divi!>ion (Welling11orollgh 'orp·). . May fl, 1 96 Poli(;o Divi,;ion (Ip,;\\'ich . . . Oclol,el', 1896 'Ol'ps) Uo zpat Dil'isioll (Wcl1inglJOl'ongh Corps) Dec. 3, 1 96 TIIYII'cll Division (Kettering 'OI'P:) . Dcc. 18, 96 JniSll'orllt Div. ( 01'1,11UllIl'tUll Corps). . April 2, 1 !'l7 II'LltlillglJorough Division (\\' ellingborongh Corp) Mar., 1 97 Il'chpslcr Division (WcllillgllOrongh C01'ps). 1 97 H.U.llLoll Di,-j:;ioll (l~ctlcring COl'ps) . Aplil 3, 1897 nlll'aLoll ' L'OWll Divisioll 11ny , 1 f)7

, toke Bruerne Div. (Northampton Oorps). . May 29, 1897 8t. John's Division (I ps. . July 29, 1897 wich Oorps) Wheatsheaf Di vision . Sept., 1897 (Leicester Oorps) Roth well Di vision (Ke ttering Oorps) Dec., 1897 Ounale Division. Feb. 28, 1898 Leighton Buzzard Div. Feb. 28) 1898 IIallaton Division. . Feb. 7, 1898 Orwcll Works Division (Ipswidl C01'])s). . Oct. 13, 1898 L. & N. W. R. Division (Leicester Oorps) . . Nov. 1, 1898 Little Houghton Div. (Torthampton '01'ps) . Nov. 26, 1898 Me(lbo11l'lle Di vision Mal'. 3,1899 IJ ayerltill Divisioll . . April 20, 1899 D.l veIl try Division (r 01'thalJ1pton Corps). June 2, 1899 Ft:lixstowe Division . Oct. 30, 1899 OtldfelJolVs Dil·. (Ip'lwich Oorps) Dec. 6, 1899 1p~\\'ich Corps 1900 Desuorough Divi. ioll (Kettering 001pS) . Feb. 9, 1900 Drix\\'ol'lh Di v. (01'thamptoll Oorps). . April 9, 1900 Asltby-de-la-Zollch Div. . April 13, 1900 I\i,;lingbul'Y Div. (.r 01'thamplon 'orp) May 29) 1900 W ig·ton Iagna Division . June 29) 1900 (Leice tel' Corps) . Nuneatoll (L. & T.W .R. ) Division Aug. 12,1900 'romer Divi ,ion Mar. 19, 1901 Dlll1cll11rch Diyision April 20) 1901 Burton Latinler DiYision (Kettcring Corps) May 2, 1901 Coventry Co-operative Aug. 26, 1901 Division . . Broughton Division (Ketept. 21, 1901 tering Oorps) Nov. 3, 1901 0\-crsea1 Di\'i ion "ov. 2'2, 1901 DeMorcl Di vi ion r eWefohl's Div. ( methDec. 19) 1901 wick Corps) . arborough Div. (LeicesterOorps). . Dec. 12, 1901 now Hill ( :T. 'IV. R.) Div. Birmingha.m Corps . Jan. 14, 1902


St. J ohn A 1nb1..&la1We Brigade.

St. J ohn A 1nb'U,lance Brigade.

Oorps or Divisions.

Date when formed.

Oentral Station Div. (Birmingham Oorp ) . . Jan . 14, 1902 N elson Street Div. (Bir· mingham Oorps) . . Jan. 1902 Lawley Street (M.R.) Div. (Birmingham Oorp) . Feb. 1902 Folesbill alld Longford Division . . . Mal'. 25, 1902 Oranford Division (Kettering Oor]Js) . . April 23, 1902 No. ~ Social Settlement Division (I pswich Oorps) Apri126, ] 902 Barwell Div. (Leicestcr Oorps) . . . llhy 2, 1902 Wigston (111. n.) Division (Leicester Oorps) . . .May 25, 1902 Olney Division . . .May 23, 1902 Monument Lane (L . & N. W . R.) Div. (Birmingham Oorps) . . . Feb. 25, 1902 Birmingham Oorps . June 1, 1902 Smethwick Oorps . Aug. 1902 Rugby Division . . Dec. 12, 1902 Messrs. Kynoch'sDiv. (Birmingham Oorps) . . April 27, 1903 Earl Shilton Division . May 1, 1903 (Leicester Corps) . Pytchley Di vision (Kettering Oorps) . . June, 1903 Burlington Hall Division (Birmingbam Oorps) . Mar. 11, 1904

Oorps or Divisions.

Date when formed.

Ourzon Street (L. & N. W. R.) (Birmingham Oorps) . . . April 11, 1904 Wednesbury Division . July 23, 1904 No. 2 (Stewarts and Lloyd) Div. (Birmingham Oorps) . . . Aug. 30, 1904 Ooalville Division. . Jan. 19 1905 , Volverhamptoll Division Mar. 28, 1905 Gippeswyk Division . April 4, 1905 Leamillgton Division . April 4, 1005 No. 1 (Head Qrs.) Div. (Birmingham Oorp) . April 12, 1905 Hinckley Division (Lei. . Aug. 19, 1905 cester Oorps) No. 10 (General Electric) Div. (Birmingham Oorps) . . . Aug. 2 , 1905 Midland Rly . Div. (Wellillgborough Oorps) . Sep. 12. 1905 Midland Rly.Div. (Kettering Oorp ) . . Dec. 12, 1905 No. 12 (Hockley G.\V.R.) Div. (Ril'mingham Corps) Feb. :2, 1906 Leicester Oorporation TramwaysDiv. (Leicstr. Corps) far. 17, 1906 No. 10 (Halesowen G. W.R.) Div. (BirminghamCorps) J\[ay 9, 1906 Coventry Central Div. (N. E . Warwickshire Corps) June 9, 1906 Stratforu-on-Avon. Div . . June25 ] 906 J'0.13(IIJitchell&Butler) , Div. (BirminghamCorps) Aug.14,1906

OOUNTY DISTRIBUTION OF OORPS AND D IVISIONS. CENTltAI, D I~TRICT . Buck inghamshire-Olney Division. Leicestershire-Leicester Corps, Ashby-c1e-la-Zouch Division, Ooalville Division, Overseal Division, Hallaton Division, Meclbonrne Divisioll, Market Harborough Division. N orthamptomhire-N orthamptoll Corps, '\Vellingbol'ough Corps, Kettering COl ps, Oundle Division. Warwickshire-Birmingham Corps, N. E. Wal'\\ickshil'e Corps, Stratford-on-Avon Divisioll, Rughy Division. W orcestershire-Dudley Division. Bedford 'hire-Bedford Division. StaITordshire-Smethwick Corps, Wolverhampton Diyision . EASTERN DISTRICT. Es. ex-Manningtree Division. Norfolk-Cromer Di . . . ision. ufTolk-Ipswich Corps, Felixstowe Division, GIPpcswyk Division,Haverbill Division.

DrniHoN· . DrsTmcT. Leicestershire-Lcicester nr iug Divi ion. N orthampLon hire-N orthall1pton ursing DiY.is.ion, I~eLtel ing nrs~ng D~v~s~on, ,Yel hngborough N llrsi ng Di YISI~n, RlIlgsteac1 N :lI'Sl1l~ :O.IVISIOl1, Rushden Nursing Divi 'ion, Irthlmgborough Nursll1g DIVISion . NUIl. ' IKG



llrfolk-I pswich Nul' ing Division.



Honora ry S u r ge on .

A. Orcharu,


Leicester N ursin a Di v. (Leicester Corps) . . I pswich Nursing Division .(I pswich Oorps) . . R lllgstead Nursing D iv. (Wellingborough Oorps ) Kettering Nursing Div. (Kettering Corps) . Northamptou (head-quarters) Nursing Division (Northampton Corps) •

1886 Oct.


Mar. 20, ] 896

Nov. 21,1898 Sept. 27, 1899

L eigh ton Buzzard N ursin.g Division . . Irthlmgborough N ursin a Di v. (IVellingborough . . . Oorps) . Rushuen :N ursing Division (WellingborongJt Oorps) Burtol! Latimer Nnrsina Division (Kettering Oorps) " . Kynoch JUl'sin a Vivo (Birmingham C~l'ps) .


4, 1900

July 3, 1901 JUly 3, 1901 l\1ay 23, 1902


l\r, n.c.l'.

1s t O fficer.

T. IIellHelcl.


Sup eri nt en d e nt a nd Hon . T reas u rer.

C. E. Baxter, 15, mi by Road, Ash by-ue-la-Zouch. Hon o rary S ecret ary.

A. J. Baxter, New Bl1l'ton Rd., Ash hy -de-Ia- Zonch .

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. PrivaLes 13 . Total effective 1 . Drills held 42. A v('rage attenuancd 8. Removal ' 6. Cases attended .not Oil puhlic dllty . Annnal inspection, th Sept. Total 011 parade 12. Absent. Without lcn,yc 6. Anl1ual re-examination, 30th ept. 1I1e1111>('1' ra'seel 9. DId l.lOt appcar . Medallions l~ . ervice badge 5. Nursing certificate 10. Regul~~.lOl~ ulliform WOI'I1 by 3 Officers, 1 el'geant, 1 corporal, aUlI 13 men. 1Ilatellal. liller, 4 :tretchcl's, &c., ve 'ted in Divi iOllal Committee.

Aug. 14, 1906




Hon . Surgeon .

Slll'gcon-L iell t. O. H. P erram, M. D., 55, Rrom ham Road, BedfoI'll. 1s t Office r a nd HOIl. S e cre ta ry.

S. W, A(lam" 43, Cla1'cl1<1ol1 tl'eet, BeMonl.

Hon. T,-easurer.

H. P . Bowling Trevanion .


St. J ohn A n~b~&lance Brigade.

St. J ohn ATnbulance Brigade.

OfRcers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 11. Total eII'eetive 16. I ncrease since last report 4. Drills held 14. Removals 40. Annual inspection, 1 th May. T otal on parade 16. Annual re-examination, 19th June. Members passed 12. Did not appear 3. Medallions 8. Regnlation unllorm woru by 1 Sergeant. 2 corporals, and 13 Olen . Material: 2 regulation bavresacs and two streLchl3rs, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by public contributions.


[Formed 1.6.02.]

Ch ief Sur'geon .

Ch ief S uperi nte nd e nt.

T. Nelson, M.D . , C.M.

F. Gilbert, 72, Oam bridge St.reet, Birminghanl. S uperinten d e nt T reas u rer.

S upt . S ecreta ry.

S uper intendent, Hon. Secretary, and Inspector of S tores.

lI. Willi:llllli, Deed lWoocl, I3eecbes Road, Blackhcath, Birmingham. Hon. Treasurer.

O. A. Lloyd. Officers 2.

S('lgeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 26. Total effective 31. Ill crease since la.st. rcport 4. Drills he leI 45. A veragc attcncla.llC'c 1. Case~ atlel1(~ecl on pl~blic duty 16. Oases attended llOt on public (lll~y 1,:3-:10. AllllualllllipectlUlI, lst Bept. ToLal 011 paradc 26. Ahscnt with leave 3. "WIthout leuvc 2. Annnal rc'-examinatioll, 12th Jan. Mcml,rrs passed 24. Metlallions 17. N Ul'sing certificates 4. Rcgulation unirol'lll worn uy 1 Officer, 1 scrgean t, 2 corporals, and 21 lllell. MRterinl: 1 horse am bnlallcc van fully equipped, 4 stretehcrs, ~ centl'?,l cnpboarcl amI 8 hranch ('uplJoards, stocker] \lith all necessary bandage!';, sp11n1s, mIs, plaster, cotton wool, &e., &c., 1 slll'Cfiral ha vreeac 4 blankets v~st~(l in 'te\\'al'ts & Lloyds, Limited. Division sl1pportc'J. hy ,'tewart~ & Lloyd;, Llllllted. Re~el'\'e me1ll hcl'S 2.


J. H. Rogers.

J. H . Hawkins,



82, A hted Row, Birmingl.am.

(TM1'teen Ambnlance Divisions). Officers 28. Sergeants 13. Oorporals 15. Privatcs 292. (One N~l1'sing Division).-Officer 1. Nursing si tel'S 19. Total eII'eetive 368. Reserve member 1. I ncrease since last report 59. Material: 10 wheeled litt ers, 16 army stretchers complete, 19 snrgieal havresaes fitted complete, ] 7 squad wnter bottles with stra]Js, 6 valises, each containing 1 pair blankets and ground sheet, 6 rubber tourniquets (in tin cases), 15 spale sets splints, 350 triangular bandl1ges, 18 lanterns, 76 armlets, 2 Brigade flag, 1 hospital tent, suudry roller bandages, and one bandage roller, 4 stretcbers with automatic heads, 1 stretcher with telescopic handles, vested in the staff. Oorps snpportell by Local Oentre, t.J.A.A. On the] 6th F ebruary, 1906, the Ohief Oommissioner vi ited the Oorps, when he presented certificates to the winners of the Birmingham Shield, and to the teams gaining second and third places. The annual district camp at BrouO'hton Purk, K e ttering, from 2nd to 7th June, 1906, was attended by Ohief urgeOl~T. el on liT. D.; Ohief Superintendent Fred. Gilbert; uperintendent Secretary J. H. Huwkins j Superintendents, D. H . 'Williams and J. Lacon; and 65 T . C. O. 's and Privut es. The annual inspection of the Corps was h eld on aturday, 1st eptember, at the Drill Hall, Thorpe Street (by kind permission of Oolonel O. J. Hart, commanding 1st v. B. Royal Warwickshire Regt.). 194 members of the Oorps were on parade unLler the command of Ohief Superintendent_Fred Gilbert,


(BIRMINGHAM CORPS) (No.1 ) HEAD -QUARTERS DIVISION. [Formed 4.05.] HEAD-QUAP,TERS : 72, CAi)IBRIDGE STREET, BIRlIIINGITAl\I. Ho n o rary S urgeon and Acting S uperintendent.

F. V. MilwarLI, F . F.. C.S., 91, Cornwall Street, Birmingham. Officer 1. crgeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 18. Total effcctive 22. I ncrease since last report 2. Drills held 20. Averagc uttendance 8. Cases attendcd. on pu?lic duty 14. Hemovals 2. Oases attended not on public duty 32. AnnuallllspectIOn, 1st Sept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 2. Without le~ve 9. Annual re-examinat~on, 26th JulJ:' and 6th June. Iembers passed 10. Dld no~ appe.ar 11. MedallIons 9. ServlCe hadgc 1. Nursing certificates 4. RegulatIOn umform worn by 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 2 mcn. Material: Headquarters' stores, stretch ers, and Stl rgical ha vresacs, &c., 1 \\' heel ed Ii tier vested in stftff Birmingham Oorps. Division supported by members . '


A. D. McQueen, l\LB.



Hon. Surgeon.

T. H. Gould, M.n.C.R. Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer

1st Officer

J. Dlluley, ,Ueorge Arthm Ron,Ll, altlcy, Birmingham.

F. Ohaloner.

Hon. Secretary.

Ins pecto r of Sto res.

Sergt. J. 'W alker, 1:2, od'olk Roael, El'llingtoll, Birmingham.

CorpI. J. Hoss.

Privates 4±. Total effective 51. Officer' 3. ,el'geallts:>. ('orporal 2 In crea e sincc lasl report] :-;. Drills beltl 31. Ayerage attendance 14. Oases n.Ltl'n<lerl 011 pnblie c1l1ty :30. l{elllo\·n.ls 4. Oases attended lIOt on public duty 330. Anllual inspenion, 1st '('l,t. Total Oll paradc ~2. Abi:ient ",ith leave 7. Witbout l eavc ~:!. A1lnual re·examination, 30th -'ept. Member pa, eel 29. Did not appear ~l. Medallions 17. J lll'~ing celtifi.ca te .. 12. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Oflieer, 2 ..;ergeants, 2 corporal.', alld 15 :11en. lIlnterial: 2 wheeled Jitters and n nal equipmenl, "estell in lIlicllnllrl Ry. Co. Dil'isioll snpportell by members . ,Ve hu\"c hurl the <Ii tinction of \I'inlling' the Birmill!,5ham Chall >nge hield from the No.6 ( :rl'>fl.t ,Vesteru) Di\'isioll who bad held it for se\'cml years.


(BIRMINGHA M CORPS) No. 5 (NELS ON STREET) DIVISION. [Fonl1cll 7.12.01.] IlE .\'D-Ql'Al~TRIt:;



Hon. S urgeon.

D. H. Rowland,


Hon. Secretary.

Pte. T. \'{alli ', 45, Vy e .. treet, Himl inghalll.

,[,REET COU~CIL ScnOOL. Supt. and Hon. Treasurer.

J. Lacon, :2 , Broughton Road, IIandsworth. Hon. Treasurer.

J. Lawn.

OfUeers 2. ergeallt 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 19. Total efreetiYC 23 . Decrease since hLst report -1. Drills helll 3-1 . Average aitelllianee 14. Oase attended on pnhlic llnty 5. Ca es allcnc1c(lnoL olll'uulic duty 15. Alll111al in pection, l ' t, ~ellt. Total en p:.tracle 1. Au ent with leave 1. 'W ithout leavc 4. ~nnual re -exillllillutioll, 16th ~lay. Memuers Jlil sell ~O. Did not appen.r:.d. MedallIons 15.



St. J ohn A rmu'Ldance Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nbuj((/nce BTigc(;de.

Service badges 15. Nursing certificates 5. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, ] sergeanT, 1 corporal, and 18 men . J\bterial: 2 stretchers, 1 mcdical havrcsac, vested ill '\ elson Street Adult Sunday chool. Division snpported by the N clson Street Ad111t nnllay. 'chool. (BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No. 6 (SNOW HILL , GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY) DIVISION. [Formed 14.1.02.] HEAD-Q UA J:TEllH: CAlIIBltIDGJ~ SJ JtEET, BIltl\IINGIIAl\I, Sup eri nten d ent and Hon . Sec.

Hon . Surgeon . J. Neal, M.D .

,V. Harris, 42, Booth Street, Han(lsworth.

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J.

C. H. Overbllry.


Officcrs 2. FJcl'gen.uf. 1. Corporal 1 P " ., . Decrcasc sincc last report 1 D "11' '.) lIvates 23. Totn.l effectlve 27. On pllblicdllLy 7. Removal~9 lIC~.h~ldt20·lA\.cmgeattc'nrlallce]2. Cases attended inspcctio n 1s't Sel)j' 'I'oLal . .ts,les a tem ('(1 Il0 L 011 pnlJlic Lluty 288. Annual , ,. on para< c 15 A] ' t ' I .. Al111na~ re.examinatioll, 2nd Sppt l ' i ] ~.:en \llt 1 lea ve 3.. WIthout leave 9. lIIeua lh olls 11. Nursina certificat~. ~ em pa.sse(1 1~. DIll HOt appear 10. 1 sergeal1 t 1 c01'l)01'al ~lld 22 s {"1 h c~lllatlOll UJllfOl'lll worn hy 1 0 [ficer 2 . I 'j , mell. .\ atenal· l amlul 4 l' . St~rgLCa lavresacs, splints anu stOl'('(:! I 1'] J alIce van, stretc lers, Llllllte<l. Divi(:!ioll snpnortctl1 [ r ' , p. a~el a lOnt "'orks, vested in Kynoch I>Il.hlic duty 1m:; heen 'pel'forn~~(l \'~~l()~l~l~ I~1.1~lt.e(:: and mCIlJ l);l's: flti1)scrip~iolls. ' Oh:ll'l ty B[)ol'b; 3.11(1 011a1u] l ' D 1,1.1 n1111",ham "llel ]<..rrlUl'rton Dlspen ary . , ' , ) C l ' alll Olnonstl"LtlO ,t A I" , the fOl'llmLion of n Ln.cli e" T ursin' D' ,,:. ' 1nll, C c. llot." )10 feature has been g 1\ 1:'>1011 , ' strong.



H arris .

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corpora.l1. PriYates 17. 1'otal efl'ect ive 22. D ecrease since last report 20 . Drills h elJ loa. A yerage attendance 7. Hemovals 44. Cases attended not on public duty 50. Annual inspection, 1st ept. Total on parade 2. Absent with leave 19. , Yithout leave 1. Annual re·examination, 23rd April, May, and 30th Sq)t. Member s pas!';ed 21. Med allions 15. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 12 men . Maim ial : 2 Ashford litters, 3 Furley stretchers, 1 t elescopic !:itretcher, 1 invalid currying chair, 1 ambulance chest, 2 fnlly·equipped portahle ambulance boxcs, Iwd 5 clastic tourniqu ets, vested in the Great Western Railway Co . Division supported by Great W estern Railway Co. and members. Teams formed of members of the Division secured all the honours in the a.l~nual G. 'Y.R. competitions, gaining first and second place in the sectional, a,ncl fir. t in the final at Paddington . One member securing' for the third time the medal and prizc annua,lly awarded for the best individual of the G. 'Y. R. competitionR, and taking part in the competitions at Portman Room on lRy 10th.


N? 9 (BURLINGTON HALL) DIVISION. [L'orllled 11.3.04.]

Hie\D-QIAIlTEn. : Bu ItLINGTO .- H ALL, Awro.- MA.-OP.. Hon . Surgeon .

H~nol'ary Secretary.

1 te. F. A. Pu.rkPl' 49, ArcllilJalcl ,'trpct, Aslon ~fallo;"



J. II. Onnol1r1, ;\Ln.(J.~!'

\\ . J. , pemllovc, 4, William Street, A . ton ~lallOl'. Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. U. Wilson.


G. S. Moore, L.R.C.P. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. T. Dale.

1I I': \1)'I~C

Superintend en t and Hon . Secretary.

J. Gal'l1ner, Ill, Cook ey Road, Smallheath, Birmingham .


\ ItTFItS :

:I:E .\ I' \\TEsTr.n~

Hon. Surgeon lJ. ' llllllll~U11 , ~1.1l.

Acting Inspector of Stol'es.

'uqd. l']I<1l1C'ellll'.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Private 24 . Total cffecti\'e 29. D ecrease since last report 3. Drills held 34. Average atten<lallce 15. Cascs attendeJ on public duty 8. Removals 4. Cas~s attended llOt on pnhlic duly 215. Annual inspection, 1st Sept. Total on parade] 9. Absent with leave 10. Annual re-examination, 1st and 29th April. III em bel'S passed 28. Medal] ions 17. Service badges 9. Nursing certificates 6. R egulation uniform worn by 1 0 mcer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 20 men. Material: 1 "'heeled litter, 2 st relcherfi, bandages, and splints, vested in Divisional Committee. Divisio n supported by tllC members. (BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No . 8 (MESSRS. KYNOCH'S ) DIVISION. [Form ed 27.4.03.] HEAD-QUARTERS: l{YNO Crr, LIMITED, VVITTON, BIRMI 'GllAM . Hon . Surgeon.

H. E. Jessop, L.S.A.

Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer.

S. Nutt,

77, Tintern Road, Perry Barr.

Hon. Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

Pte. C. M.obley, 145, Gravelly Lane, Erdington.


1st Office l' and Acting Hon . Sec .

Hon. Treasurel'.

Pte. J. H. Willdnp.

R \IL\L\ I ,

F. \\T. I\nkel. Lraso\l'C's Yi ew, J [alcso\\,ell. Hon. Treasurer.

Sergt. ,J. U. W)'lr1.

" ~f1icel''i~. ~ ergeallt 1. Corporal 1. PriYates 11. Total efJ'ectiYe 1 1~lllls helll -11. A.\'cl'lgc attl'IIIl:1I1CC. Ca. 'S altel1llctl on pnblic lJnt 4. Cases 011 puldLC duly 11. Allllual iuspection .1. t SCIJt. Total oK 11::1.1'ade Q n t]l I IIllerl ' .." A 'I )sellL 1 \Ill 1 J e,,·\VC 12 . , \\T'1tl. Ion l 1ca\'e .2. AllllUaI rc·cxall1lJluiloll th eI)tu. . \ l'1I1 lCI'S passed 13 Dill IH t .. 1 "1 I 11' > . '.. ]1 ' ' . " ,. . ) . a VI.,e,tI '. l\ e{ a lOll 1. heguln tlOll tull tonn "'orn• j 1 , ~,ll ,:,c'l.l1L alll13 men. Dl\'lSIOIl snpportecl ]))' contrihutiolls from memLers all(~ , .I tl lCPUuIe.


(BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No . 11 (CURZON STREET, DIVISION. [FormL'/IllA.O,L ] lIE \I) -QlJ.\.It'IT';W';: OlJl:Y-I)' RTI~lmT Hon . Surgeon and A cting Supt.

U. C. 11010111'1',




1)ale ElId, Bil'lllillgha.lll. In spector of Stores .

Plc . ,J, II. Bl ackwel l.




1st Offic er and Hon . Secretary.

F. L HhllW, 96 l1ankr ' Road, Small Heath, BirJ1lingh ·l.m. Honol'ary TI'easurer.

Mr. 'W11J. Thoma. (lIon . Mcmber).

St. J ohn A17lUvlal1('e BI'igucle.


Sf. ./()it/i? .A In!) td")1 re Br igru7e.

O fficer 2. ergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 31. To tal effectiv e 35. , I ncrcase since last report 6. Drills beH 39 . Ayerage attcnrlance. 13. Cases attended on public ,Iuty 27 . Remo\'al 9, Cascs attc]l!lecluo.t on pub~c dl1~:y 314. Annual inspection, 1. t • ·cpt. Total on pUl~arle 21. Absent wIth lcnyc oJ. ,'} thO~lt l eave 11. Annual re-exall1ination, 29th Apnlnll!116th .'cpt. Mcn~IJf'rs Jl~:'. ed b. Dill not appeal' 19. Mcrlalliou~ 15. 1\1l1. ing ccrtificate.l. Re~ulatlOll lllllforlll \\"om by 1 O fficer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and l1IC]~. Matell<~l: 1 litter, 3 ~trctchcrs, 1 s1..o:c chest. 1 store cupboard. ·1 boxes, 'JIHllltlty of "l,lmt·, Landagcs, ctc., ycstc(l 111 L. & 'N .W. Ry. Co. Division supported by L. & N.W. R\'. Co. ancI mcmbers . (BIRMINGHAM CORPS ) No. 12 (HOCKLEY G.W .R. ) DIVISlON. [Formed 2.2. 06.1 HEAD-QC_-\RTElt:



Act ing Hon . S ecretary.

Hon . Surgeon and Acting S up t .

E. W. Battle,


E. Lewi.',

Pte. J.

R. c...

2 , Headinule\' Ull .., HU1J(l:;\\'orth. :-,

Hampstead Roao, Handsworth.


Act ing Hon . T reasurer.

Acting Ins pector of Stores.

Ii. E. J. ·Woodward.

Corp1. H. G. Fletcher.

Officer 1. , erpeallt 1. C01'lJOral 1. Pri mtes 21. Tot,d eO'I'c:ti,:e 2 i. . D rill helJ 22. Ayeraue atteuclanl:e U. Casco attcude r1 not on IJubltc duty 2li·L Annnal in. pection. 1 t :·~)t. Total on pamJe. ,J. Akeut with le;1,\,c .1. ,Yitlirmt leave 1. ~Ietlallion" . ~laterial: 1 Ashford hUeI', z :tretclielS, Z lIlCrllCaj havre acs, splint, etc., l'esteJ in (T. W.R. Division supportedl))" the IJIC'll1llU'';. (BIRMINGHAM


J, \\'hitLolne,


Acting 1s t Officer and Hon S ec.

G. E. l\:ingsnorill, 'a pc Hill Brewer)", Binninghall1.

Officer 1. Privates 20. Total cflecti\'c :n. ea es attenlle.1 not 011 pul)lic duty 4. .\Jat"l'ial: first airl 10.,. s: cOlltaillill_~ usual appliance:', vested in )Iitchell & B'ltler", Lilllited. Didsion SUl'l'ol'terl 1JY ~lEchclJs & Butler'S, Limited. COALVILLE DIVISION (LEICESTERSHIRE ).

[Fonncrl 19.1.0;).J

H EAD-Q'(jAr..TL1~S : HALJ:-'\'AY HOU:-,E.


Actin g 1st Offi cer.

Hon . Secretary.

'Y. Y .. cotto

CO!'l)l. F. Allen, Wisbf"ch Cottage.', Highfieltls Lrcet.

1nspector of Stores.

Pte. R. Wilkinson,

Honorary Surgeon

A. Hlll tOll,

)1 . 1),

Sup erintenden t .

1st Officer.

F. E. Barclay,

F, J. Emms.

Thc 'YaIT('ll, Cromer. Hono rary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

R. L. Ral1llall, ~IOlll1 t " tn:ct, Croilicr.

Honorary Treasurer.

~I. iJav;pll (llon. ~lembE;r.)


,J. j\r'tlle.

Offir,,!,:; :3 . ~crge<1.11t 1. C')J'pol'al1. Primte,; 17. ToLal efl'ective 22. I lll.l'casc siul;c lLlst report ·1. Vt1lt:; helJ 3, Average attcllda1Lcc 13. Renlovab 5. Case. ilttcndecinot on publiC' dilly H. AlJImal illSpcctioTl, ;jOth June, Total on par·lIlt.: 15. AL.H Ilt with ICilve 7. Anllllfl..1 re-exalIliuatioll, 19th ,'cpt, :Jlerubel's pa :sed 1. Dl.l not appeal' 3. ':\IedalllOl!.~ 1:3. ,'clvicc harl"es 8. Kursinu c'Jltiticatc;' 10. Regnlatiou uuiforlU worll 1)\.- ~ Ufficer:; 1 ser"cullt 1 cOl'l,oral alld ' 1 ' I 3 strete 1ler., carriage,J lun rc ac,'.plin 0 ' bandagcs, , &c., 1 -I l!JCll.. .,.at?l'l<1.:· t l)ox, tent, WIth JittlJJg', HtretchcI eO\'cr, wutCl' bott]o, white CUllva:s Imvresac', 6 fitted 1J()xls ill the to\~'Il: ~.('., &c., vC':llc rl. ill,IJi\'i,iollal COllll1!ittee. l>ivi~ioll supp'Jrted 1Jy volul!tary COli tllIJll tlOus awl sHU" 'npt]()ll . • \. ~ill'~(,; 11 ull.dJl' I' ~)f drill. held., ud a hi:,{b aserage atteuc1auct. The competition fv] l],: Ea"t . \.l1"l!all C~]allcllge 'liP \\'<\ ,\cry keen, Crvll1el' (the holdcn,) being IJeuten tin' 'yt,; 11' l)y f'JUI' IJ',lllh Ollly, 'llHl NJllIlJlg III fvr the 8(,C011r1 prize. DUDLEY DIVISION (WORCESTERSHIRE ,.


Ho norary Surgeon. ,J.

JJ. \\' ilk\ll!;


:\f.l!. C. .


Honorary Secretary.

\\'. E. IIaltl,llJ(l, ,,'ul\'ulli.l1J1pt u lI ':ltl'f'{>t lJadlt''y. In spE'ctor of Stores. . ·Pl'~t. C. (Jllh.



pI. .J. 11. \\ horto]],

(3rall"l.l l~O.lll,


Hono rary Treasurer.

Corpl. E. TiLLctt:"

Ollieer,,~. .'cl'gealll. 1. CU1'1'01\t!S G. l'ri,"ate:; ·19. Total elrcctiYC 60. lncre.l e illcc la t report 7. vlilb hcl(1 4~. Avui'U.!.(c attendallce 36 . Ca.-es attended 011 l,ublic lluty U. ltelllo\"ab 3. Ca~e' attended 11 Jt Oil pllbli.:: lint)' 100. }"l1l1I1Ul ill .. pceti(lll. ~ til .July. Total 011 pani<le 0~. .\l,~cl1t with le,l\-e ~o" 'Yithont 1· nl:2. .\lllll! d rc-C'xn,lIIilllliol . 2 l11 July. )Iell1IJer:;: l,a~ ell :2Li. Failed 1. Did l10t aJlpC;l1 :J:J. :'ll'd d lion :25. , J'\'it'e b'\li.,p :2~ .... -nr. ill'" cCl'tilie,llf . :H. Herrulation lluirorll! w(J1'l11J), 1 Olliccr, 1 " r,;"n ", 5 corporaL: Ullfl 10 !lIelJ . .Jluterial: ti "urgieal ]11H" a"', Ij lJ',tchcl, ;-,pliut.·, rlia;p:l1l1.·, hed, etc, ye~t\.:ll ill lJi\'i,iollal Committee. vi\·i.ioll . u[l}lortcri 11)' lllclltlJerS :111,1 voluntary COlltri.iJution:-. . \ In,.~e lllllnl) I' IIf In rnb nttelHli:rl eamp at Ul'(JlI~ht'lIl Park Kutcring, and the Vl1rlley tealll W"I'I': "Wl: ',,,fnl ill ' f ttill>.;" illto the filial for the JltLrkb.,U1 'll"dlt.:u 6 f· 'up fIJI' lIw:-ecowl ti!lle ill llC(:t' ion, _\. te, 111 WLb aho ent~r c1 fol' the Dewar ,'hiehl 1;')lIll'ntiti'JIl WIth \ ery ':1.tj,facLv]'y l'I~"ult... The JJi\-iion ha' illC'l't.; l,ed froll 23 tv 60 mellllJel sin t II ['f'(' .P"lb.


Honorary Surgeon .

R. '\. Jamie,

[ForTlled 13.3.01.)

HEATJ-QUARI£llS: Cf)C_ ClL ,'CHOOL, CltO~rbl~ .

13 (MITCHELLS & BUTLER S , DIVISION . [Formed 16 .06.]

HEAD-QUARTET'.. : CAPlo: HILL nI:EWI~R\, ,·)lE·lllWIC'K.

Hon . Surgeon .



Hon . Treas urer.

Pte, H. )Iason,

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 23. Total dfectil'e 29. I ncrease since last rCIJort 11. Drills held 24. Average attC:lJdance 13, Cases attended on pulJlic duty 20 . Removal 1. Cases attended not on puIJlic duty 9. A.nnual inspection, 16th Sept. Total on pararlc z2. A1JselJt with leave 7. A III Illal re-examinatirJl1, 16th :·Pl't. I em hers IJassed 13. Dir1not ajJjJ,:al' 1;:;. .Medalliolls 1~. R egulation uuirol'lII worn by 1 Officer; 1 sergeant, 2 COl porals, and 21 me1l. Malf'ria.!: 4 stretchers, 4 h;l\'l'eSaCs, 2 sets splints, allrl slIpply of trin.nglllar balHlages, V(-"tl'(l ill Di\'isional Committee. Division Slll'lJlJlted by II1Clllbers and the ]lubE".


n.tA lJ-QI

\.II EI :- . . l.

lForJl1cd ~O.10 . 80.)

,J HL •..., PA!.I. H RlJo)I. FI'! L-',{,O\\'1::.

Honorary Surgeon.

,J. II. lIal t,


\1.1',(., .

Su peri ntendent.

.-'. R Harlo{;k, '. COllway," Bath Roarl, FelixstolYc.

Hon. Secretary and Hon . Treasurer.

Cnl'l'l. \\'. (,. Billeuy, 7;" Killg ,'Lrut;t, "'alt01l, .1l1J'olk.

Acting Inspector of Stores .

Ptl'. 1\.




St. J ohn A 1nlJUlci/nce Br1:g((.cZe.

St. John A1nbnlcvlIce BTigwZe.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Oorporals 2. Pri vatc.' 20. Tobl ell'ccLi ve 25 . I nerea 'e sinee last report 6. Drills hclll 4.1. Average aiLcw]nmc 10. Removal 1. Oases attendcc1not on puLlic (luLy 3. 1\ 1ll1l1a,1 illspceLioll, Hth ~ l nr ToLalon parade 25. Allnnalre-examinaLioll, 4th April. Members 1)[1S8ell ~3 . Did not <1'Pl)car 1. Medallions 13. Service uadgcs 11. t1I'sing certi fiCd.Les 12. H egu 1;\ t ion uniform worn by 2 OlTicel's, 1 sergeant, 3 corpo1'<11s, and 10 mell. Material:] Fur1e.\ stretcher, fiplinLs alld bamlages, 1 surgical liavl'l'sac, vestell ill D~vi :iOll111 OomlllitLtl' . Division snpported by volulltary donatiolls awl members'. sub ..C1'l1'tlOllS.. ... Five more members have joined the R.N. A. S. D. H,., lll<1kmg elght fwm thl ])1 \'JSJOll. The S.B.R. were inspec..:ted by Deputy-Illspeulor General Pl'cstun, It. T., who c\.lJl·essed complete satisfaction.

1s t Offi ce r , Hon . S ec. a nd Hon . Tr eas.


In sp ecto r of Stores.

T. H. PoLLcr, 124, WiLhel'sfield Road,

Corp1. T . Morris.

lJ averhill.

Hon. Surgeon.


Ofliccl's:L. Sergeant 1. OOl'po.rals 2. Privates 10. Total effective 15. Dccrcase &illCe last reporL 2. Dulls hcld 35. Average aLtendance 8. Oases aLLcnded on puulic lluty 23. H.emovals 1. Oases attenuednot on public duty 12. Alllllml inspeclion, 18th 'ept. TOlal 011 parade 12. Absent with leave 3. Allnlla~ re.examinati?ll, 1 tit . 'cpt. MCI~Jbers passed 1~ Did not appcar 4. MedalholU; 14. ,ServlCe hauges 1~. N l1l'smg cel'tiueates I. Rpgulation uniform worn by 2 Oflicers, 1 sergc:l.ut, ~ corporals, and 10 men. .i\1aterial: litter 4 .sL.r~Lchers, 4 1.lavreSacf:i,. ~J~UUlallce box, flag, splints, blankets, &e., vested i~ DIVJS:OllU.lOOlllJl1lttee. DIVISIon snP110rted by members' subscriptiolls and public COll tnuULlOl1s . .A I';(!uacl competed [or the }~ast Anglin.ll Ambulance Ohallenge Cup. il detachment took :1111buln,nce duty at the Essex COUllty Oycling and Athletic Race MeetinCf .tt 'helmsford, :tncl at the IIn,verhill GaIn, and 'ports on ba.nk holiday, 0

A. ,Yo P<1Lerson, )I.D .

F. H. Gooderham. 15, Martin Roau, Ips\~'ich.


Inspect or o f Stores.

C hief S urgeon.


[Formed 4.05.]

PEOPLE'S HALT" SrOKg, !P;;\\· ICll.

Ho n. S ec r-et a r y and Hon. Tr-easLlr-er.

Ptc. A. H. 'Y. Moffatt, lOS, Rectory Roau, Ipswich.

Sergt. A. Knox .

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Oorporal 1. Privates 11. Total efl'cclive 18. Decrease since last report 3. Drills helll 50. Aver,lgc u.tLem1ance 7. Oases <1ttended !Jot on 1mblic duty 15. Allllual illSl'c<:Lion, 27th Sept. Total 011 paradc Ab ent with leave 4. \\Tithout lca\'e 6. Annual re-eXall1ilH1LiulI, ~OLh Scpt. Members passed Did not appeal' 10. ledallions 8. Knrsillg certificate 1 Material : 1905 patt., Flll'ley stretcher, ~ scts splill Ls, 1 lw,vresae (mcdical), lJanrlagcs, &c., vested in DiyisionalOommictee. Diyisioll supported bymell1uers' subscriplions and public donations. The Hon. Surgeon gaTe some interestin;,;' leutures, and (I, wdl-orga,]lised concert arranged last October on behalf of the funds uf this Di,\'1sion was supported 1)y the Deputy-Cummi sioner and the Chief Surgeon of the lpwich Oorp:,;. A team was entered to compete for the East Anglian Ohnlleuge Oup. .l. S(luad wa!.; abo in a.tteJldance fOl public duty a,t the StokeJ!'lower :->l!ow Oil August 6th. '1'he mem b J'S n.re doing good work iudiyidually in treatiug a.ccidents, and a.lso in as:,;isLing the Yttrious " boys' brigade" orga.nisations, etc.) in the town.


"lh;w IGKE

H on . Surgeon and Superintendent.

W. T. Hedley, :LILU., Hallaton, Uppillgham. I nspector- of Stores.

Pte. G. '1'. Fl'isby.


[Fol'll1ec17. 2. 9 .]

11 ALLA roN.

Acting H on. Secretary.

Ple. II. 8-locock, Hallaton, U ppingllam. H on. Treasurer.

Pte. R. J . Killingrcy.

Officer 1. Sergeant l. OorjJoral 1. hivates 16. Total elrective 19. Drills helll 50. Average attendance S. Oases attcnded not on public duLy 3. Annual inspection, 28th Sept. Total Oll parade 15. Absent with leave 4. Annnal re-exanllnatioll) 21st Sept. Members passed 16. Dill not alJpear 2. MCllallions Regulation uniform WOI'll uy 1 Officer, 1 Rergeant, 1 corporal, and 12 JIlen. Ma,terial: 4 stretchers, 1 meuical havresac, splints, and lJandages, vesteel in Di vi:,ional Oommitlee. Division supported by the public.


39, Hwn STIlEET, HAVEhlllLL.

Honorary Su rge o n and Superintendent.

T. H. Goodman, l\r.r..c . ~., 39, High Street, Haverhill.


O. K.c1es, TJ.n.U. l'., 4.7, St. llelen's, treet, I pswivh.

(Five .Limblllallce Divisions). -Ollieers 11. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 7. Privates 142. (UM Nursing Division).-Ofticer::i~. NUlSillg sisters 40. Total elfective 205 .

(IPSWICH CORPS ) No. 1 DIVISION. [Fol'metl13.7.93.] HEAD-Q 'AllTEllH:


(lD!BULA~(,E ST.\.TION).


H onorary S urgeon. 1..1',. A,

G. M. lletheringtull, .JI u e11111 'trCe!.

Super'i n tendent.

T. Damant, OlIl'istcllLlJ'ch Piuk, Ipswich.

Acting H on. Secl'etary and Hon. Treasurer

,Yo R Lofts, U, Woodhuuse ,'trect, Ipswich. Ollieel's :!. 'ergettnt l. OOl'pomls 2. Privates :25. ToLal ell'eclive 30. 1I1cl'('a.'c since l<1~L reporL 5. Drills held 53. AYcrage attclHltlllCC 11. Cases ,lLt('IHled Ull lluhlic (l11ty In. Relllo,als U. Oases atLclldeu not lil) pnblic duty 17. AlIlIllttl illspeclion, ~Hh'ept. Total 011 paralle 1 . Absent \\ith leave 4. ,Yithout le~vc . Allnua.lrc-ex<1mil1aLion, l-1Lh i\lay ami 17th'ept. l\Iel1llJers passed 20. Dltlnot appeal' 9. Medallion Hl. Nur:;ill" certificate' 15. Herrulation uniform worn by :2 OOiecrs, 1 scrgeant, :2 corporals, aI~l 17 mCll. lIIateri~l: 1 wheeled littcr 1 stretcher, 1 haYI'U;;al', anti lrux \Iith first aill appliance" ye tcd in Local Oentre' ".J.A.A. Divisioll supported by memucrs' nlJscriptioll and Oentrc. ' A team compet cl for the East Anglutn 'll<tllenU'e Oup, ttnd 'ueceecled in recraininrt it. One member has joined the Royal Xaml Auxiliary Sick Berth H.e elTe. '" 0


[Formell10.1 96.]

(I n charge).

III 'peclor A. Hamllloncl, InRJlcctul' of Policc, Towll Hall, IpFi\\'ich. 0111cer 1.

PriYates 53. Total elfective 54. (J.. 0 rcporL reeeiyed).

(IPSWICH CORPS) No. 3 (ST. JOHN 'S) DIVISION. [Formed 29.7.97.] HE.\'J)·QUAIlTEU': , 1'. JOliN'::; SCHOOL

Roo)!, IpSWICH.

Ho n o rary Sllrge o n .

S uperinte n dent.

A. Yonng, ;,r. n. C. is .

W . W. I.mitbers, 8 , "t. John's Rtl., I pswich.

Hon . S ecret a ry and Hon . T r'easurer.

Oorp. D. B.. Brown, -12, Ringlulln B.d., I pswich.

I ns p ector o f S t o re s.

Corp. 0, Wcbb.

St. John A 1nbulc&nce B?·igc&de.

St. John A mbulunce BriguLle.

Officers 2. Corporals 2. PriYl1tps 15. Total effecLive 19. Drills h eltl 25 . A\'erage attcndance 17. R c movals 2. Cases aLlcndcd not on Jlllblic duty 3. Annual in p ect ioll, 24.th Rept. Total Oil parade 11. Ab. el1t lIithout leave . .tlhntHtl re exam ination, 7th Feb. ,1\1embcrs passcLl 15. Did 110t appear 4. Medallions 9. Nur iug certi0cate~ 3. Reg ulation uniform WOl'll by 1 Officer, 2 corporal, al1(116 m en. l'Ihttel'lal: lItter, 2 stretchcrs, ambulancc cnse, splints, vE'sted in Divisio nal Committce. Division supported by m embers.

(Nine Ambulance Divisions)-Offic crs 13. Scrgeants 15. Corporals 11. Privates 101. (One N'l.tl'si?l(J Div ision)- Jl1l'sing OJli cers 3. Nursing sistcrs 35 .




Honorary SUI-ge on.

IV. F. Fry er,

L .ll. {'.l'.


i'i .

G. Curtis, 149, Bishop's Hill,


Fore Hamlet, Ipswich.

ToLal dl'ccLivc 23 . '1'he Oorps dinner was held on Felml:U'Y th, 1906, when 167 N,O.O. and privflteiattended. After the dinner DepuLy-illi'ipecLor Geneml Prcston, ~r. D. R . X., preseu ted the certifica,te' and u.l.dges to the mcmbers of lhe R. N. Auxilia,ry Sick Berth Resen e, being s nppurtpd hy A sif.ltant-Cu1l1misRioner W ooli'iton, l\hjor Sir A. de Oa.pell Brooke, Bn,rt., and other gellLlemen. By kindness of H is Gra.ce the Duke of Huceleuch the annua.l di triet ca.mp was hcld at Broughton P,nk frum ,June 2nd to 7th, ,tuel was a.ttel1c1ed by Chief 'uperi l1lel1dell t II. Lu ck, 'uperin tendent , 'ecretctry E. R Lane , lion. urgeon L. ,V. Dryland, together with, 'upel'intenclent G. Dixon, and 40 . C. O. 's .md privf\,Les. rfhe Curps lmucl uf the K ettering Rifles \\'itS also in attendn,nce under the u.tton of Mr. T. Bo. Prestoll, and was much appreciated.


Hon. Sec. and Treasurer.


Offi cers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 23. T otal eD'ccLiye 2<:. Decrease since last report 1. Drills h eld 23. Average attcllllance 8. Annual inspection, Sept. T otal Oll paralle 9. Absent with leaye 1 . 'W ithout leavc 1. AnIlual re- examinaLioll,1 th J uuc . Members passed 10. Did not aplJen.r 1]. Medallioll s 21. Service badges 9. Nur, ing certificaLcs 9. Hegulation uniform worn hy 20ITicers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and :20 men. M flLerial: ambulance box, stretch cr., :md other appliances, l'esteLl ill thc Social ,'dtlelllent ExecutiYC. Division SU Pl'Ol'tcd by it!> o,Yn me1llbers . Three members ha\'e been in trumental in rescuing and saying life, ,j",., Mcs rs. H , Hawes, ,V. Ellis, and . J. Mouser; the last-named recei'ed the 'eHum certificate of the Royal lllllllane tlociety, in recognition thereuf. 'l'lJii'i j:,; the :second presentation to tl. J. Mousel' from the same suurce since the furmatiull of the Division.

(IPSWICH CORPS ) NO.5 (ORWELL WORKS ) DIVISION. [.Formed 13.10.9 8. ] llEAD-QUA l~TElt ' : OUW ELL


Honorary Surgeon.

F. W ard,

Il'SWI Cll.


J. 1)a\\,5ey , 65, L evingcoll R oao, Ipswich.


1st Offi cer.

Hon . Se cl-etary.

R. A. Ellis.

Pte. R. lJ o\\'anl, 26, Withipoll Street, lpswielt .

Insp ector of Stol-es .

Hon. Treasurer.

Plc. A . ClIlllmell.

Pte. J. R. Ulapballl.

Offi cers 3. SCl'gP<lllt 1. Corporal 1. Pri\-a tcs ~6. T oLnl e!l'ecLi \ e j 1. Decrease sincc last report P. Drills helJ ~O. Average aitemlancc 12. T olal on parade at annual inspcction 5, Absent with leaye 26. Alllluul re-exalllillal io)], ~±th April. Members r assed 26 . Did not appear 4. Medallio ns:2 . 'cnicc badges 9. Nursing certificates 14. R cgulation u11ifol'l11 ,rom by 1 Ollice]', 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and. 25 men. Material: 4 stretchcrs, and cupboard s of lil'st aid. appliallces in all principal departments, vcsted in Hansomes, , ims, and Jefrcrics, Ltd. Division supported by member,,' subscript ions and. grant frol11 the fill11.

Honorary Surgeon .

D. D. Lce,



G. Dixon, W illiam, trcct, Kettcring.

Honorary S ecretary,

In spector of Stores .

1st 'lass ~ergl. II. Haby, ,'Lal1\f'unl R oad , Kctteriug.

Ptc. K D. ManD.

'ergeants 1. Corpol'al 1. Pl'iYate<i 4.. Toia.l cfl'cctive :;5. O!lic;crs ~. Iucrease . illec last report ,1. DriU~ llClc1 35 . A n:ragc aLtelHlance ~O. Cascs altcnd ed on pulilic dilLy 15. RC1110vnls O. Cnsl'~ altended nor 011 public duly lUO. A.nllual ill"l'eclion, 21st Jill.). Tulal on parade 1·1. AI)senL "ithout lca\-e 11. Annual re-cxnmination, ~IHl OcL. Melli IJl:' rs IltlS!,d j]. Dill llOt ap1'car ~J. M edallions U. R 'gulalioll umlu!'Jll WUI'll II,)' ~ Ofiicen;, ·1 sergeants, 1 curporal, aud 39 mcn . l\Ialcl'i,tl: 1 hOl" 'C \"ago1l, ;3 "hecl liUcl", 1:2 stretchers, :20 tirt aill boxe' lully e1luil'pctl, ye~tcd ill Dlvisiunal CO)lllllitlcc. Diyi'ion SUl'l'ortcd I),)' volnu tar)' ~u bSl!ri ptiOlIS. e\'eml mure lllell11)ers n.l'e wen,rillg the re;;uhttiun uniform. ~\. combined cIa s h a,ving' been held Iur nursing, and the .L '.tval ~ick Berth H.e 'e1' \-e sllmtds hav e attended pll bli· fUllction', hUi'ipital spuds, cycle para.des, and chur(;h pamdet>. Three UJlicers, 2 ::;er<reants, 1 cOll'oral, anel 30 men attended the Brigade camp and nre'ltly benefited by the ini'itructiulls. TllK men of the Huynl ::\'"antl Auxiliary 'ick Berlh H.e~el'\'e jOlll'l1eyecl to l )lymouth fur n, \\'ee].;:·s tmining in the ::\'"a\",tl lIo pital. Through the kindness uf Ulll' Chid :-inrgeon, L. '\-. Drylancl :mcl ::'11";. Dryl<lnc1, the competitiun fur the Luek Chnlltmge Cup was cumpeted for at their residenc , L onrluu Hoacl, and \"'1<i wun lJy the ~'1uad uncleI' CUl'pural Milhtr; the same S!1uacl aIKo ,,-iuning' the cumpetltiuns prOlllute<l hy the Broughtun Di\ isioll a. few "-eeks preyiuus. Pri ",L'S \\ere also gl\'en 11)' the Chief, 'urgeoll tu the llLHt;iug sisters. and Ily Chicf ,'ul'er11llellclen t 11. Lllek, to the police section attending the panttle, .L\. \(.;1')" pleaillg' duty \\:1 :'; IH'rro1'1llecl nt the do'e of the competitiull by the judge, hie[~l1P , l'in tendcn L lI ancy Hee\es, .i.' Ol't hn 1l1ptLlll, in prei'ielltillg 'hid :-iuperilltellllent II. Luck, with n magl1ific:cnt reguhltioll <.:ane, in recognition uf his sen'ices at the Brigade (;amp , Broughtou P.U'k.



[Forme!l 25 .10. 93.J



. J. Butcher, 109, Alan R oad, Ipswich.


[Fonllcll 1 .10. £13.1

D _\Y


21.9 .01.]


Honorary Surgeon.



'l'olput t, lII.H.r,s.

HEAD-QUA ltTERS : CHUllCll I Ni;TLTUTE, KE'l"l'Elll::--U.

In Ch arge.

Chief Surge on .

J, W. Dl'ylalld, Chief Superintendent.

II. Luck, W cstonville, Ketterin g .

M.ll . C. i; .

Superintendent Secretary.

E. R. LUlle, Georgc, L, I\eLlcring.

el'gt. A. J\Ieau ll clll, Bronghtun, K cLLel'ill g . Acting Inspector of Stor·es.




Acting Hon . Secretary.

Pte. '1'. Cha jllllall, Kettcring Road, Broughton. Honoral-y Treasurer.

Pte. F.


St. J ohn .A 1Jl.:unlnnce BTigcicle.

St. J ohn .il1nbtdci11ce Brl'igacle.


Orricer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 12. T ot,d eff\·divc 15. Drill s h elll 26. Average a.ttendlwcc 8 . Cases aLiended not Oll pu~lie duLy 51. Annual inspection, 21st July. T otal 011 paradc 7. Ab cut WIth l eave ~. Without lea.ve 7. Annual re-examination, 2.::;th Sept. Members Im~sed 10. Did not appear 4. i\[Cllalliolls . Service badges 5. Jursiug eertiHca.Les 7. Regulation uniform "'Ot'll by 1 scr(rennt, 1 corpoml, and 11 mell. lIIatenal: 2 stretchers, splint.', bandages, &e. , °vested in Di visiOllal OOlllilli ttce. Division supported by voluu tary con tribu tiOllS.




In char-ge and Inspector- of Stores .

Honorary Sur-geon.

H. Burland,


[li'ormcd 1.01.J

Sergt. A. J mId, Dukc 't" Burton Latim cr, K ettering.

ill.lL ' .~.

Hono rary Secretary.

Pte. J. 1\1. .\nstin, 6, Yietoria Terl'Ctl:e, SLatioll noad, Burton Latimer.



LFol'llllOll 6.1. 03 .J


In Charge.

Sergt. A. P. Lewis, Pytchley, KetLering. Acting Hon . Secretary.

Corpl. II . .Mic1<lleLol1, PyLe-hl ey,

l~ eLterjng.

Insp. of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. II. Buckley.

Pte. J. Hnckley .

.SergeanL 1. Corporal 1. l)rivaLes D. T otal e[fective 1]. lasL repol'L ]. Drills hel(l 27. AYet'aue attendance 20. Cases a.Lt~ncled ~~ot 011 public tlnlJ;.37. Allllual illSpcctioll, 21st July. Total 011 parade 7. Aliseut "ltlt len.ve ~ .. \\ ItbouL lellv e~ . Allnun.l re-examinaLion 21st Sepl. 1\Iembe1'~ pas .ell D. DId not rlppenr 2. Medallions 9. Jmsillg ce~·tificates 10. Reg~llatlollllJllrol:m worn by 1 serg.ealll, 1 eorpQral and 8 men . .MatE'l'ial: 2 stretchers, s t~L~o.1I box, surglCalllane::;ae, SphlltS flncI hn.nclage:;, yested in Divisiollal Committee. DIVISlOll supported lJy volulltary contributiolls. Decrease




tamf01'd and Spalding D[l,uking Co.


Hon . Surgeon.


[Formccl 5.0:2·1

Hon. Secretary.

In Ch arge.

T. D. Tewitt, Cranford, nl'. Kettcring. Hon . Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Rev. R. C. Tltursficld.

Pte. F . Bailey .

Scrgeant 1. Corpoml1. Privates 10. Tolal el]'ecti ve U . Decrease since last report 1. Drill s h eld Hi . Average attendance 11 e11\ova1 1. Cases [l,ttended not on puhliG (luty 20. Annu[11 inspection 21st July. Tolal on parade 6. Absent 6. Merlallions 10. Nursing ~el'lijjeates 6. R egulation unifol'lll worn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 10 men . l\laLerial: 1 stretcher, medical chcst, bandages, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by pu1J1ic.



Hon . S ec. and Insp. of Stores.

Hon. Tr'easurer.

'el'gt. Quincey.


O. W. J Olles, Station Road, Kettering. Acting Insp ector of Stores.

W. Sanders.

,ergcanb 3.

'olporals 3. Primtes ~O . [No re pOl' l lecei yetI. J

A. W. S. l3eC1vell , 40, Oxford Street, Kettering. Acting Hon . Treasurer.

W. Hart.

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Printes 29. Total effective 33 . Drills.helJ 2~. Average attemlance 10. Cases att.ended not on public unry 2. AnnualmspectlOll, 3] st July. Total on parade 1 Absent with leave 4. Withoul leave 11. Annual. re-examination, 25th ,cpt. Members passecl 10. Did not appear 23 . MedalllOns 23. Material : 1 wheel litter, 7 stretchers, 7 dressill" cases, and 3 sets of splints, vesteJ in Divisional Oommittee. Division suppoitecl by Midland Railway Oommittee. rr:he Division has not made satisfactory progress this year owing to the various dutl~S .of the members cl~shing with the drills, etc. The ensuing year stn,rtec.l well, and It ~s hoped by arrangmg .the drills, etc., to suit the members, and by strict attention to busmess to show a grea,t Improvement in future.


IIF _UHg;AHTJ';l:S: \\ 'OI:KI~(: MI~~'.' l X>;'Ll'ITTE.

Chi ef Su rgeon.

Sup erin t endent.

Gil;lrtln~; M.D.

Inspector of Stores .

J. Cl'llickshallk, e1'ut. A. BaJlJford. 32ct. Cranronl Tel'. , lIal'lrol'oll"hRd. " E.illgstliolpC. Ol'lhampt~n. ' T

Hon. Tr'easurer.

C01'PI. J . I\T. ESS[l,Ill, RultLon, Kett ring.

Acting Hon. Secretary.

T oL::tl clr~cti\'e '.27.


Hon . S ecretary.

H~ .\D QUARTlo;ui::l: KI!:TTElUNG .

Acting 1st Officer.

1st Obss Sergt. G. Miller, Hotliwell, nr. KeUering.

Pte. O. F. Bishop, 1, Brillgn Sllcel, RoLlmell, Kettering.



In Charge.

John More, 1,. lL l'.I'.


Sergt. J. Hart, Oranford, Kettering.

[Formed 1~. 07.J


ergean t 1. Privates 11. T otal efrecLivc 13. [No rE'llort received].

Officer 1.

Pte. A. Cooper.

. Ofli L'cr~. 'l'l'ge<lllt 1. COI'pomls 3. PriY<ltes H. T otal efJ'ecti" e :W. Dnlls held 20.. A :-erage attendance . 'a 'es attended not on public duty 30. Allllua~ I'c.~xn, ll1l1~atlOn,. 26th . ellt. ~Iel1lhers pa. ~ed 9. Did not appear 11. lIIedalholls 20. I\ ~gulatlon 11l1l~0I'm "'om by 1 0111cer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, aud 1ll ~ 1l:. Matenal: 1 wheel httcr, 5trc:tchcr~, 21 splint, 2·1 handage , 1 medical box. DlVISlOlI supporLed by l'ublic contributioll '.



[Formed 1 .1~.9 6.]


Hon . Surgeon.

J. "IV. :ailll'1',

M .D ,

Acting Supt. and Hon . Secretary.

Hon . Treasurer.

Rev. \\T. IV. D enneLt, M.A., rrwywell Heetory, Thrapsloll.

Mr. J. ll'ortcscue.


St. J ohn A rmUtiJlunce BrigucZe.

St. John A ?nbtdance B?'igacle.

Officcrs~ . Scrgeallt 1. PrivaLes~. Total cJI'edil'c 11. I ncrease since In. ,t rcport 2. Drills helcl:21. Avern.gc n.LleJl(la.]Jeo fl. .A11l~l1al illspection, 21st J 111y. Totalon parade G. Abseu t with leave 4. Ann l1alre-e~a,nlln~llOn, 29th epl-. ~[clllbel'S pa. ed 7. Did not appear 2. ~IcLlal!iolls 4. Hegl1.lutlOll um[orm wnl'll hy 1 sergeant allli 7 mcn. Malerial: stl·(·tchel', meLhcal chrst, splmts, l~and?-gcs, ctc., \'e:;Lccl III Divi ' jowd liOllllllittce. Divi:;ion supported by volulltary cOlltn\'l1tlOn . . .Although there is only a slight increft '0 in the numerical trellglh of tIns smaJI Di vision, the ironstone mines ha\'o gi yen its members consta,nt work.

LEICESTER CORPS. [Fot'mcd 14.11. 2.] Hl,AD-QUA IlTEHS:



Ch ief Sup eri ntenden t .

C hief S urgeo n . Superintendent Secl-etary.

Officrrs 2. Scrgeant 1. Corporals 2. Pri"nles 13. Tulal effcelive 18. T>c('r('ltse silH'l' last repol L 3. Drills llrlel 15. AvrJ:lge attCl1(hllCe 9. Ca es aLtellClc(loll [,Illllic dnty 75. Relllovals 3. Cn.ses attemled not 011 public duty G2 . AIIll\\:L1 ilispecLioll, Ill" .Tnly. Total 011 patatlc 1:3 . A l!Scnt with leave 3. '\Vithont 1t',tvp:2 AlIl1n,t\l'r -eXHmitlalinn, Fell. Mrmll('l's pas8e(116. ~Ietlalliolls . Nursing certilieale 1. Uegnh:iol1 1111irot'1ll \\'om hy 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 5 tnf'lI. MaLerials: :3 strckhcrs, 3 havresacf., lnrge 1Il1l11hel' or splints n.llcl banJages, also 1) lir~t aid lions 1'1n.cccl in ractory, ycsled ill Divisional COlllll1ittre. Division SIlPPOrt ,(lilY volull tar)' COli tribl1 tiollEl.


(Eleven Ambulance Divisions)-Ofl:iuet's 2 . Sergeants 16. Corl'0rals 12. Privates :2-12. (One i.Yl61·sing Division)-Otlicers 5. Nursing sisters 32. Total crrccliYe 3:);;. :Material at hrad-quarlers, irrespective of Divisioll::;: large and well,c(lnil'l'cd amunlance ten t, borsc aw bulance wagon, 4 wheeled litters, Hi strelchers, ;) ~arge medical chests, 9 medical havresacs, and a large (lnantity of bandages, Sl'llllts, \\'ater bottles, aud rugs. It is gratifying to note that the regulation uniform is no\\' worn by DO OIliecl's aml men, and 36 nursing istet's; ,1. tut,.l of l:2G. The accident aml inmlid tmnspurt sen-ice has clone good ,,-ork, 274 cases being cleaJt with. ] irst ,till en.binets ha\(~ he en ph1.ced in mrious peU'ts of the town for the free U.3e of the puhli<.:. 'l'hruur,;h the kill!lness of the OlliC!:'l' commandlll(r the 1st Volunteer Dn.ttalion Leit:estershire He~iJllent, o . Colonel R. Haryey, combined drill wero hold in the drill hall anel thc magazllle squa,re, and were well attended. Two church parades have taken place. The allnu~tl challenge shield competition was held 011 }I'ebruary 2.J.th, 1 DOu, ,urgcull-cnptmn Gordon Kelly, and Surgeon-captain Pemberton Pea.ke, a.cting ai:l judgei:l. Bight tea,ms competed.


[Fol'l1led :2.5.0:2.]

HEAD·QUAltTEW:i: CO-Ul'El~ATI\' E HALL, U.Ut\\,ELl j.

Hon. S urgeon

E. L. ,fl'lIkillS,


[Formerl19.8.05.] 'I'IIOULS, HL'CKLEY .

1st Officer and Insp. of Stores.


i\. Mehe\\', Priol'Y Cottage, Leicester Rd., J lillCldc}", m. Leicester.

Acting Hon. Secretal-Y.

Acting Hon. Tr-easurer.

Ptc. L. Bll rleiglt, ~:2, 'halll's, 't., II illcl-lpy, HI'. Leiceslcr.

'. Berton.

OJlil'CI:i~. • crgeallt l. Corporn.h; 2. PriYltte ' 26. TlJtul efJ'ectiyc 31. Inc)'(', ':il' . illce lu~l n ' pol't 9. Drills hclll 32. Ayerage atLendullce 16. Case nUclldel[ 011 ]iHlllie Illlly 1, . llClno\-als 2. C,tse.') attended not Oll puhlic duty 9. AlIlllHtl inspection, l1t1t .luly. Tolal 011 l'anl<le 9. Au Cll t "itll leave 9. 'Without 1 '~l.\'c 1:3. .\lIllll,t! n'·esanlillatiou, 2~11l1 Feh. amI 5th April. Mrlllbers passed 29 . Dill 1I0t : qrJl'~ ;Lt' 1. ,\1"llit1li01l8 \.I. H 'gl1lalioll Ilnirol'lII wom by 1 man. Material: :3 sll'clehL'r.·: :3 \\'all'l' l,ulllt·', 3111l'dieul h:tnen.es, hdmy bo\\'l, splint:; and llanclages, lUlll 1I'l\l'l'bllirL('l', \'I'siecl ill Divi"illllil COl\llllittec. Di\'isioll sUlll,ol'leLl by members' subscl'ipLiolls anrl vuluntary cOlltrihutiolls. For thu Jir:-;t tim ' a tent (kill(l1y leut tu us ful' the day) was erected on the ,,'port.' UWlIU<l at llilld:le " where \\'e \\'en' nb]' to treat tlll' minor ttccielenti:l to greater n.dyal1t:t~·e.

Superintendent and Hon. Secl-etary.

A. E. Higdon, lligh '[rl'eL, Bal'\\'ell. Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. W. Harvey. W. :::illliLh. OJficers 2. Sergen.nt 1. Corporals 2. Privates 19. Total effective 24. Drills held 20. Average attendance . Removals 2. Annual inspection, 14t.h July. Total on l)araLle 9. Absent with lC;lve 2. ,\Yilhout le<1\'e 13. Annual re-examination, 12th Sept. Members paHsed 14. Did not appeal' 9. Medallious 1. Nul' ing certificates 11. Regulation uniform \VOl'll uy 1 Uilicer, 1 s(;rgcaut, 2 corporals, au(l 8 men . Material: 1 Ashford littcr, complete, 2 Fnrley stretcher ', 1 ltavl'esac, 1 waier bottle, 12 first aiu boxes in factories, vested in Divisional Committee. Di vision su pportecl by vol un tary con triuu tions. This Division is well supported, the collections in f.wtories where we hewc first ~~icl boxes, being ample to keep up supplies.


Ho n orary Su rge ons .

Pte. W. II. Woolman.


F. G. Uri ·e.

P . O. Garrett, l\I.lt.C.S . W. Yorke, L.n.c.p.

Hon . Treasure r .

Corp1. J . II. Jlill.

T . H. Matthews.

S uperintendent Treasure r-.

Inspector of Stor'es.

Inspector- of S t o res.

Superintendent of S tores.


G. O. Dobson, 315, East Park Ron.ll, Leicester.

W. T. liriLk, 1I1.1t.C .. ·.

Hon . S ec r e t a ry.

PLc. II . A. Hailey, 3, ,'Ln.tion Ron,el, El,tl Shiltoll.

J. L. Eing, 27, Garellc10n :::ltl'cct, Leicester.

F. }\l. Pope, B.A., M.D .

Hon. Surgeon.


In C harge.

Sergi. W. :::ltcvensoll, Earl Shiltoll, l1l'. Leicester.



Tll.\\IL'.\1t DLl'ur, ABEL\,

Ho n . SUI'geo".

F. W. L



;\1. D.

Acting Hon. S ecretary.

II. 11. W ltJ'ller, 9, Havelock 'treet.


1st Officer.

A. Paliller, 25, IIUllli1tOll t., Leicester. Acting Inspec t or- of St o res.

F. Aubrey.

Omccrs 2. ... ergen.nt 1. orporal 1. Pri\'ates 2. Total efroctive 32. Drills held H. Average attcndallce 12. nses atlelHle(1 011 puillic c1uty 21 Ca es attel1(]eLillot on ]1\11>lic dnty 33. Annual ill 'pcctiOIl, 11th July. Tolal on parade 2. Ahsellt wiLh lc,we ~;i. Without ll'[LVe 5. Iedn.llioll, n. JUI illg cerLificatcs 3. H,rgnlaLion tlllirol'll1 worn hy 1 JIlall' Lmm\\,[\y uuiform by oihel's. iat0l'ial: ] ~Ll'eLcltl'l', G s'b; ur ~l'lint~, fj (Io;!' Lri1l11g111:t1' halldage<;, G lilst nid C':tlJilld', li.:\':'t~ at clqllJts :t1l(1 jl()\\'ct' st:tLinll, vl'sted in (Jorpomlioll 'l'ralllwaYI:l Department. lhn lon sUl'pol'LcIl by Oorporation Tm11l\\'ays (JOllllllitLcc n.llLl mcmbcrs' snlrsl'ription .


St. J ohn



S t. J ohn A'inbulance B I·iljciCle.



Ho n o r ary Su rge on .

1s t Offi ce r .

A. French, 11, Monsall Street; Leieesler.

1 t Class Sergt. C. 1I1ycock, 65, Moat Road, Leicester.

Hon. Secret ary and Inspector- of S tores.

II. Elliot, 48, ]u,irfielll Street,

Officer 1. Sel'creants 2. Privlttes 12. Total eJrecLive 15. Decrease sillce last report 13. Drills llL'ld 17. A,'erage atlendance 12. Case. attended on public (luty 17. Cases attended not OIl pnlllic duLy 30. Annnal illspection, 14th Jnly. '1'0 tal on para.de G. A?sent \\'1th leftre~. Am.lUal reexamination, 29th Dec. Members passe{l 13. Did not appear 1. Medallions .11. .r lll'sincr certificates 3. Re~nlatioJl uniform worn hy 1 corporal aml 7 men. MaLennl: ~ stret~hers, 2 mr{lical hnvresacfl, splints, etc., vcslell in L. & . W. By. Co. Division Suppol'teu by L. & N. W. Ry, Co.

Pte. L. Folwell, 61, Cherry. tr el, Wigston.

•'outh \Vigston.

Acting Ho n . S ecre t a r-y.

(i n charge.)

[Formed 29 . 6. 1900.]

Hon . S urgeon an d Hon . Treasure r . E. H.. l'owchel', L. JL C.l'.

HgAD-Q,UAIlTEl1S: L. & N . W.R. GOODS DEl)Al~TIIm T, LmC I'STEl1 .

T . N. ThoJl1as, III.n . C, R.


Officer~ 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 13. ToLal effeclive 16. I llrl'en,se sil]ce l~sL report 1. Drills helr1 30. A verage attendance 10. Cases :ltlellrle.cl on public (luty 21. Cases aLLenr1e(1 not 011 pulJlic duty 40. Annual lJU:lpe?tlOl!, 14th July. Total Oll parade 3. Al)sellt \lith lcave ]:3. Annual 1'eC'xltl1l!natlOn, .~7Lh 'ept. Memhers passe(l U. Di(] lIot appeal' J. l\1f«lallions 13. NllI'Sl;lg certlfl~ates 2. Regulation l1nifol'lll \yom 11y 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, anel 7 1I1l'II. Malenal: 2 stretchers, 1 hall1per, :3 llalTesaes, :3 sets of splillt!'l, uandarres cte., :'e. t~cl ill Divisiollal COlllllJiilec. Division Slll'l'OI Led hy llIembers and pu'i'Jli~ COIl 11'l1)\J ll()n s.



[Formed 14.11.82; l'e-follllCd 1900·1

IIrnn-QL\ltTBltR: A\!1ll'LANOE HALL.


Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer-.

Hon. S ec. and Acting Insp. o f S to res.

'\T. J. 'Dlacuamara, 76, WellingLon •'t., Leicester.

CorpJ. II. W . l\lnl'tin, 30, Gipsy IV1 . , Leicester.

o[ficer 1.

Corpol'al 1. Privates 18. Total effecti vo 20. Heserve members 2. lnerease siuce Ia t report 6. Drills held. 35. Averaf?C' attendance (. Cases attendee] on pnl)lic (]uly :.W. Cases attel1(lecl 110t Oll l,nhh(' duty] n. Annual inspection, 14th July. Total on para(]e 7. .\ IJsenl with le~vc ~. ,Vilh,lllt leave 11. AlIlluall'e-ex<tll1inatioll, 11Lll Oct. len11)(']" passc(] ·1. DiU not apppar 16. Medallions 7 . NUl'fling eertificatcs 7. Regu laLioll l1l1i ro II I: \~ 01'11 h) 1 Omccr, 1 corporal, and 4 Ilwn . Division sUl)porb] uy lllellllJers' sul)scllpLlOnf'.



IIEAn-QuAHTEP..s: WJmATf;lIEAF ,Yolms, Lmcm·;'nm .

Ho norary Surgeo ns.

S uperinten d en t.

W. 8. Aslell, ~r.U.(' . " . ,J. Hunter, ~r..\., ~r.D.

F. Spencer, 211, WeHord Hoael,

Acting 1st O fficer.

J. U. Powell.

Leiccster. Honorary Secretary.

ergl. L. Tron Lt, 128, Knighton Fields Hoau, Leicester.

Inspector of S t o res.

Ho norary T r easurer.

C01'pl. W. Coleman.

Pte. L. :l\loLLersheu(].

Corporals 2. Privates ~4. Total eJrective 33. Officers 4. Sergeants 3. Decre<1s~ sinee lu.st report 1. Drills held 24. Average attencJance 12. Cases attenued 011 public duty 14. Relllovals~. Cases atLpllllcJ lIot 011 pulllic {luty 96. Annual inspection, 14th .June. Total Oll pamele 24. Absent with leave 6. ,VithouL leave 3. AlInnalre-ex<1T1lination, 31st )\1arch and 4th April. MClIIlJers passed 21. Dill notappcar 10. nle(lallious 22. Service lJUdges 5. NursilJg certificates ~~ . Regulatioll unirorll1 W01'11 by 2 Officers, 2 "ergean Ls, 2 corporals, amI 8 1l1cn . MaLenal: 3 stretchers, 2 ropcd sheets, ] havresac, 1 emergellcy cll:se, 6 alllbulallce .eases, 1 ambula1~ce Cll pboard, triangular an(l roller l)aIHlages, spl mts, ctc., vesteu 111 the Co-?pcrab ve Wholesale Society. Division supported by thc Co-operative Wholesale ~oeieLy .

c. 7.02.]

Hon. Surgeon.

.T. ,\JI(lcrsoll,

Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer .


\\'. 111'(·l[lIlIOI'C. 'lll'ny ;'lreet, \\Tig!itOIl Magna, lIeftl' Leicester.

Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

l'tr-. A. \\'. ~) hC' lpl', J\irl,.]ale 1:0;1(1, •'ollLh Wig.'loll.

C01'p1. .1. I:' TJeeson.

Oflicel's:2. ,ergl'nlll 1. Corporals 2. Primt<'s 12. Totnl cffeclive 17 . D('creo'l:';c since lnsL n'!,or! G. Drills lll,ld 20. A \ crage a LteII (lilnce 9. Cases attended 011 lrnl,lic duly ·10. H~IlJl)\',ds,. ';tsp.' attrnclcd not 011 Illlblic duty 50 . Annulll inspcl'tion, Hth Jnly. rotal Oil l)amlle 9. Al)'ll'IIL wilh leave . Allllual re-ex!1.lIIinaiirJll, a]st l\Iarcll. 1('lllhers passed U. Faih' ll 1. ])i(l 1101 nppeal' 1. Medallions IG. JlIl'~illg certifi(!aie 1. Regulntion unirorm WOI'll Ir)' 1 oOiee]', 1 sergeanl, 2. corpol'llb, alld 9 1l1l'11. nluterial: liLter. ~ stl'etehers, 2 medical llavn'sacs, Spllllts, cte., ,"clcrl ill Di\'isiollal Committee. Diyi'ion supported IJY pnhlic conlributions. '. :-llJ,tW hur,·t nnieose \ ein rig'ht leg'. Ji'm;t aiel rend 'reel hy fi(;tillg'-COtpornJ J. ~ . Lel'S()I1, prj nttl' .J. "\. \\'ill:1.r< ,mel.J. Rusl!\\'ol t h. Patien t laken to infirmary on htLcl' 011 .hllll:try 20th, HlOG. On ...\]>ril 2;;th, COlllli(' Lnllgtoll, fifleen years old, fcll elm.\'11 eIllIHUlklllt',lll IllH:,fmdtll'l·.d LtlJJ:t lwe~ iilHlIn, riglIL.lvg. First ;tid reJl(lcrec1 1),)" H.ctlllg·-(·mpoml U. J L :-ilgel', n",;]str'd hYl'n\';1.tl~]1. RWalll '1.IIrl, 111'crilltenc1'utBl'·l1.dmore; CU\]\ eyed tu 1II1i mUll') Ull Ii ttel'.


Ho n. S ur-geo n .

.T. R.


S uperin t endent.

10lwe, F.ll.U.S.

4], 2 nd 0 ffi ce r-.


~ . Langham, edar Hoad, Leicester.

Ho n . Sec r'eta r·y.

~ l al'tin. ~5,

O. Richardsoll, OI)ltll , lrcd, Leicester.

1st O fficer-.

J. F. Timson. Inspector of Sto res.

fk'rgl. J. T. Akicns.

St. J ohn A 1nb'Ldance B1·igucle.

284 Officers 4. Sercreants 3. Privates 52. T otal erfcctive 59. I ncren.se since last report 1. Drills held 19. Avclagc attcllliallt'e 22. Oaflcs attellde 1 on public duty 21. Total 011 parade at al~nua.l inspection : 25. "bSCll.l with leave 15. ,Yithont lcave 19. Annllal,...re,cxam~natlOn,. ,21st ~ept. ) J\[clllh,cIS )[L sed 30. Dic1110t appear] 2. 1I lcdalliolls '2r. N\1l's1l1g ~crtlflcates 24. l\,P gllh~tIO II ~1lli[orJll WOl'll by 1 OJllcer, 1 sergeant, and fi men. Jb.t~wL1: 2 stretchers, s,ph lll~~ bandages, ('te., vested in " Torking Men's Ooll('g. VIV1S1011 supporlcd by lllCIlIU(,IS snb criptiolls. (LEICESTER CORPS ) Y.M.C.A. DIVISION. IIEAD- QuAltT lms :




BUIL])II'GS, LOKJ10N ROAD, LlCl ESTElL Sup e r"i ntend ent.

Hon . Sur'geon. D. Brynn, M.n.C.R.

W. Oatlin, 6, Fairfiel(l Street, Leiccsler. Insp ector of Stores.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer".


[Formed 3.12. O~.]


J. V. ,Yard.

High, treet, Ma nniugtree. Inspector' of Stores.

H on. Sec. and Treas .

IV. K .'almon.

E. J. I.o\'ell, Mistley, Essex.

Officers 2. Corporal]. Privates 15. Total effective 1 . Increase since la t report 6. Drills held 12. .A vcrage u.ttcl1l1ancc 9. Oases attended not all public (lnty 2R. Annnal in pection, '2nd j\larc~. ~'olal un parade 9. Absent with leaye 2. -Without ll'tl\,o 7. Annual re-eX<lllllllaboll, 211Cl March. Members passed 9. Did not appear 9. Jl.lec1~lli01~s. . hterial.: 2 strc~e ~1 ~rfl, 2 havre. acs complete, 2 street boxes, vested 111 Dl vlslOl1al OOJl1ullLLee. Dn'JSlOll supported by snhscriptiolls of members.



MARKET HAHnOltOUGIL Sup erinten d ent.

Hon . Surgeon. A. Durrallt, lILR.C . S .

U. Groen, 1)2 ,

Hon . S ecretary and Tr'eas.

COI·pl. C. R. Knighton, 15, GOlVard ::)t., l\IarkeL Harbol'ollgh.


TIiO'h , <:>

t., Market Hal borough.


D. 1)nkp, ~1. n.( '.s., l:rout Eu lOll.

T. 'kefiillgton, nteclhonrllc, TIr.

Hon . Sec . and Tr'easurer.

el'go<tnt 1.

Officers 2. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 2. Privates 1. ToLal c fre ctive 25. Decrease since last report 3. Drills llCl cl 33 . Avcrage atlcllllallcc 13. Cn. 'Cf; aLLclIc1ct1 Oll pubEc duty 7. Rcmovals 23. Oases aLlendoll not Oil pulllic (lllty 31. Aunual inspection, ~6th July. ToLal 011 parado ~l. J\!Jse nt with leavo 'l. Annual

Market HnrlJol'ongh.

Inspector of Stor"es .

ergL. D. U!:lhcr, Mellbollrnc.

. W. GarIielJ.


Oorporal 1.

Privates 1.

Total effedive 22.

I ncr('ase Slllce last !'cPOl't . Drills held 30. A "crage attenuance ~O. Hemov[1,l1. Oa~e nltenlled n?LOIl 1>l1bl1c duty H. Annual inspection, ~8th 'cpt. lotal on parade 1 . A~) 'eut wlth leavo 4. A~llnal re-exfltl1illatioll, 15th May. Members passed 17. Dl!l l~Ot appcar 1. ICllulltons 12. 'e!'vice bn,clgcs 5. Regulation ulliform WOI'll by ] OtlJccr, 1 . scrgeant, 1 corporal, anCl 7 11Ien. Material: 2 stretchers, surgical 1m Vl'esac, spllll ts, bandages, 'Tes ted in Di visional Oommittee. Division supported hy member;; anll hOllorary members. [Formed 4.5.86.]



Chief Surgeon .

R. A. Milligau,

Chief Superintendent

:\1. D.

,Yo H. Dee\'(:.',

4, Oastilian Terrace, :r orthaJl)pton. Supt Secr"e tary.

Sup erintendent of Stores.

H . Wilkin .'on, 69, Billing Roml, 1\orthumpton.

F. O.


(, ·i.l· rlmbulance Dipisiolls).-Ofllcors 16. cl'geants 8. Oorporals 7. Privates 205. (O~lC Nu/'swlj Di!:ision).-01ficcrs 4. Ul'sing siters til. Total effective 301. 1- • IlYer eup was gwen by J\lr. . T3. \Yilkill on a. member uf the Local Centre 'oll1111ittce .. l~his will be an anllual cumpetltion. 'The Corps are \'ery grateful to the cl,onor for b~ kllldness. The Corps \'ery 111 uch regret to report the clc(\,th of ~Ir. ooper, \\·bu.:h took place on August 30th. lIe ha heen a 0'00c1 friend to the Corp. :'11'. IV. Jhe, n localmedictll pmditioller died durillg' the .re~r and left £250 to the orp . lIe al ways took gren,t ill tcrest ill the work. It is heing arrnnged to sturt a fU1!.rl fOl.' a pcrmllUcl~t hen,d-qul1l'tenl, anel with such a ' tart grent hope. axe entertnin d ?f It bel~lg accol11ph~hecl shortly. 'rhc tnl.llRllOl't taft' 11<'\,\'c ttgain been \'ery bu_y, and It hns stIll be '11 carned out \'oluutm'ily by the member ' . This work is naturally Yery hi'Thly a[lpt'ccin,ted in the town and suburbs. (NORTHAMPTON OORPS ) HEAD-QUARTERS DIVISION. [Formed 1. 5. 6.] IlIoaD -QUAlt1'811S:

Acting Inspector of Stores.

,'crgt. W, Tooth.

[Formod 3.3.90.]


Hon . Sur"geon.

1st Offi cer".

H on. Surgeon and Superintendent. 8. Bree, M.B.,



Omcer 2.

Officers 2. Serge:1l1ts 2. Privates 25. Total effective 29. Incl'ease sillce lao t report 16. Drill. helel 26. Averagc attl'l1clnllC:~ 9. Cases attended on public (luLy . Remov<ll 1. Oafles~ attended nO.t Oil pnhhc (lt~~y 14. Annual inspection, 14th July. Total on parade lb . Absent WIth lenve 5. " .lthout leave 10. Al1nual ro-examination, 21st Sept. ill.emorls .1;assed H. Dlcl I.lOt appear 15. Medallion: 22. Seryice badge 1. :rl1l'Slllg c~rbhcllte~ : ~cg_ulal1On uniform worn by :2 OflIcel's, 1 ergean t, an~l ..men. ~l~t~lln 1 : 1 . tJ CtChCl, skeleton, splin ts, bandflge., elc., yeoterl ill tho DI VISI011. Dl vt. 1011 snpported hy the SUllscription of mem bel S.

HEAD,QU .\HI'Ell.' :

re-cxam~llaLioJ1,. 1st May. Members paq<;ed 24. Medallions 17. Nursing certificate 1. Regul~tLon uUlform worn Ly 1. OfTi ccr, 3 sergeants, 2 corporals, and ] 8 men, lI~atenal: 6 stretchc~'s, wheel httel', wagon,. 5 se.ts. ~plillts, anel .goorl supply of h,1udages, and medlCal havl'esac, vestc(l 111 DiVisIOnal Oommittee. Division supportc(l by members' suhscriptions and volulltary contributions. Gooel work has been clone duri.ng the yeat'. Fifteen mcmlx!rs attended camp at Broughton Pn.t-k. The new W(I,go ll provided in 1905 has proyed t1 grel~t acqui itiOll.

Pte. F. D. R eevo.

Sergt. J. B. ?llool'e, 4, Willow Street.


O. J. EYans, 111. R.C.S. H. Oroplcy, F.IL C. S.




Honorar'y Surgeons.

T. Oairn , L.ll.C . r.

D. tOlle,

M. D.


A. II. Rice, 21, Billing Road, Jorthampton. Honor"ar"y S ecr'etary.

Ptc. A. E. Oox, fl, I urser Road, N orthamptoll.



St. J ohn Am,bul((;'/1ce Bffigacle .

St. J ohn A m.7nwmce B?'i[J(( 7e.

Officer s 6. Sergeants 6. Co1'polals 4. Privatcs 112. Total effective 128. . Reserve members 2. I ncrease since last report 29 . Cases attencle<] on llUbbc duty 49 . Removals 137 . qases attellded not .on public duty H2. Annual ill pect~on, 7th July . Total on l~arude 79. Absent \~lth le~ve 49. Annu~l re-exalll~natl~lls dmin O' March ant! Apnl. }lember passed {9. Did not appear olD . l\leLl:llhons nO . Servi~e badrres 3:2. Nnr:;in O' certificates 30 . Hegulation uniform \\'om by :2 Ollicer. , 6 sergeant ~ 4 l:orporals, ~nd 47 men . . Material: 1 ,,:agon, 6 litter,,! 12 drill stretchers, 5 havrcsacs, 10 stretcher stations ancl first aid uoxes uelollglllg to the Corps, 13 stretcher station!'; and 4 first air] boxes belonging to pnvate o\\,l~er., yestc:tl in Northamptoll CentreS.J . A.A . Divisi.on supported bYJ1lembers' sub Cl'lptlOns and public cOlltributions. . . . . . A handsome cup has been presented to the DlvlslOn by JUl'. S. B. ' Vllklnson, for individual efficiency. The competition for thi trophy will take place annually, and is open to corporals and privates ,,-h? are enicient for the preceding year~ The cup and prizes were pre ented at the SOClal eyenmg held i'(m'ember 2:3rcl, .1900. A team from this Divi,ion are the holders of the y1110n Eccles cup. "ernce meclals ha\'e been O'ranted durintf the year to two member of thi Diyi. ion, Sergeant G. Hine>;. and p~ivate J. A . Bates. About 30 Officers and men attended the eli trict camp from June 2nd to June 7th, 1906. i'(ine tran port removals were undertaken in oue week during this year, which constitutes a record for the Diyi ion. (NORTHAMPTON CORPS ) BLlSWORTH DIVISION.

[Formed 2.4.97.J

[1,' d ~ orme 8.1 DGO.]



Honorary S urg e on .


I ' .



In charge.


. 'Cl·gt. J. G. BntILr, 45, Stanley lloall. N orthalllpton. '

; Hon., S ecre t ary and Treasu rer.

CorpI. C. J. ballaster, 'chool HOllse, Eislingbury.

Offic~r 1. Sergean t 1. COJ'poml 1. Pri v~tes 7 T 1 . . Decreasc Slllce last report 8. Drills held36 A":' ota eflectlve 10. Case' attended llOt 011 mbli 1 ' . v~lagc a~te))tlance 5. Removal 1. parade 6. Ausen t with le~ ve 1 c ,V~~{ AI~I1tHl.l llJSpectlOll, 7th July. 1'otal on 1 Members passed U Di<l not a' 13 ~la.l·tle 3" Annual re-exalJlinatiOl1, 28th 1I1arch .r . }lpear '. 11 e a 11 Ions 6 er' 1 1 1 R I" l1llJlorl11 worn hy 1 serrreallt 1 c. 01a . 1 14 . ':'lce at ge. egu atlOn of ilrst aiclmatel'ial \'~sted 1:11 °01.J )1 , [ltll< C men . Matenal: tretc:her, and vali ' e I ' 1 t lamp on entre J A A D'" 1'0 Uti tar)' 5U bscril'tiOllS, prnrceds of concert, etc. .... II'lSlOI1 llpported by

0:[ i



[Formed 1.3.93.J

'l'l[fi; ,'CJl00Li-;, PAULEHSPURY.


[ 0 l'q.ol't rel'eil'ecl.J

In C harge.

Hon o rary Su rgeo n .

W. P . Richardson,


crgt. F. ,Yo Norman, Bliswol'th.


Hon . S ec. and T reasure r .

Inspector of S tores.

Pte. O. Young, Blis\rorth.

Pte. T. Chap11all.

Ollicer 1. Sergeant 1. PriYates '27. Total effective 29. I ncrease since last report 16. Drills Leld 33. Ayerage attendance 14.. ea 'l'S attended on public duty ~. Cases attclllied not on public duty :H. Anllual inspection, 7th July. Total on parade 20. Absent "itlt 1('11.\'e D. Annual re-examillation, 27th 1\1arell. .nlellluer pai'sed 13. Dillnot appear 15. l\lec1allicl]] ' 12. Service badges 12. Regulatioll uniform \I'om 11)' 1 sergeant <; }Hl 11 111en. )JatL'lial: stretcher ami. equipment, vesteLl in Northallll'ton Centre I '.J .A.A. Diyisic.n supported by public contribntions. The Blisworth Division were succe::;~ful this year in \I-inning the c:hallt;Jlge CU}J presented by the ~Iarquis of Northampton .


[Fonllcd ~4.3.Sb.J


Honorary S urg e on .

W. J. Baird.

W. G. AlJbott, New Bartoll House,

J. AulJott.

Earls Barton.

'ergt. J. Kirk. ?lliltoll Cros ing. Bli~\lol tho

Hon. Secretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. C. ]-':attems.

•. Ollicer 1. , ergeallt~. Pril'ates 31. Total ell'eetiYe 33. II~l:l ase Slllce last l'ep01:t 23. Dnlls held 35. Average attendance 15. Removals 2. .ea t;S attended not on pttbhc duty 10. Annual in llection 7th JIllv ' L' t·l ' . d "6 Abellt ,'tll . 7 A I ' ' J ' 0.1 onl1ala e~.

en.\ e . nnua re-examlliation, 20th March. :Menl bel'S pa ed 6 D'd lIledallions 6.lIlatel'ial : 1 stretcher and Lox l11l:it aid lll~ teri:l ,e]te . tl~1 ~orthalllptoll Centle '.J.A.A. Diyiion SUPlloltecl hy members'· U I. crlp lOllS. "1





1st Officer.

Su peri nte nd e nt .

In charge (Acting).


Pte. G. C. Ull1'<lner No. 1. , Ry. CoLt~., Ho:ttle.

~Ot t~F~ar




Honorary Surgeon.

W. lI. H.Y<ln,

[Fonned 6.


Ho n . S ec. and Treasurer.

l:'te. F. B. LilJe, EilJg 't le<.t, Eat! Bartoll.


Hon. Surgeon (Ac t ing).

W. P. Rit:lJanlsoll,

Officer in C harge (Acting) and S up t . of S tores.

)I.B., C.;\1.

Ins pector of S tores .

Sergt. W . Lord. Officers 3. Selgeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 17. Total elJectiyt.' 23 . Decrease since last report 6. Drills h e1d 36. Average attenuance 11. Hell JoYa!s 6. Cases attended not Oil Imblic dnty '2.7. Annual illspectioll, 7th July. Total on parade 13. A bsellt with leave 10. Anllual re·examinalioll, 2211<1 )lnrc:h. lIlel11?ers p~s.sed 16. Did not appear 6. l\ledalliol1s 15. Servit:e lJaug(' 4. N Ul'smgcertlficates 2 .. Regulation uniform \yorn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeaut, 1 cOl'poral, and 12 lll~n. Matenal : wagon, litter, 3 stretchers, 1 surgical havre'3ar, canying sheet, splmts, and bandages, vested in Northampton Ccntre , S.J . A.A. Division supported by p ublic subscri pti ons.

F . C. G~JdlJer ( 'npt. 01 16, Cynl

Honorary S ecre tary.


Phi I1p.,


loke BltlCl'lle, Towee tel'.



tore), ortJullu pton.

In sp ect or of St ores .

J. Woodwal'll.

. Ollicer 2. Privates 10. Total elfectiYe 12. Decrease .11lce las~ report 2. Drills held ~5. Average attelltlance 7. Cases att~nd~d ~~ot ~ll1bllC duty J. Al111na~ in~LJectioll, 7th July. 'rota,] on parade 2. tbsl llt. wlLh lea\ e 10 . . Annual re-eX<l.Il11natlOn, 12th April. Member 11[l sed 10. Icc [llh~ns 10. lIIatenal: 2 stretchers, 2 ha Hesacs, 1 box of fir t aid ma terial. veste~l 1~ .J: ol'thampton Centre .J.A.A. Divi ion llpportCtl b" yoluntary' contnbutlOns . J



St. J ohn A rn1b~dCl/nce B1'igci.Jde.

St. John Ll'Inbu,Zc(/)we Brigade.


T~le Division has not made such good progress as in past years, lack of interest havmg bee.n shown by a fe.w. ~f th.e memb~rs, t~ese have now. resigned, and the future appears bnghter, as the DIvlslOn IS finanCIally In a sound posItion.

[Formed 18 -!.

Re-formed 22.5 .02.] •




Hon . Surgeon.

F. J. Grilldon, r.n..C. l . S ec. and Tr-easur-er. Supt., Hor

RUGBY DIVISION (WARWICKSHIRE). [Formed 12.12.02.] Act ing Inspector' of Stor-es .

S . t 111 H\,'d eIg . l' yl, 1 •

W. Knight, ] 4, High Street, Olncy.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporal1. Privates 18. Total effective 23 . Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 35 . A v~rage attendance 1 . R elllovals 7. Cases attended not on public duty 6R. Annual lllspectIon, 25th Aug. T.otal. on 'd 1 Absent with leave 2. , Vithout leave 3. Annual re-exanllnail?n, ~~\~ eU aY' Members passed 22. Medallions 22. Service badges 6. N ursmg cel\ificates' 20. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer,. 2 se~'gean ts, 1 ?orporal, an~ ] 7 men . Material: 1 Ashford litter, 4 strctcher , 3 tiI:st all.\. bae?s, 1 an' bcd, 1 an pillow 1 carrying chair, 1 carrying sheet, a large qu~ntlty of sp1111 ts, bandag.es? ~nd dressi~gs, 2 bed rests, 2 bcd pallS. al~Ll. ~ll matenal necessary for ,the D~~ls~on, vested in the Divisional Committee. DIYISlOn supportect by members subscnptlOns and public contributiom;. . We have had a very bu y yea,r, an~ a, lot o~ good work has been dO!le. ,1:1 connectlOn with the R.:N. A. S. B. R. a clu. s for SICk nursmg, and adn\.nced first md \\ a.s held .. Also a supplementary course wa giyen by the Hon. Surgeon, .for tho .e who ha~l pre' lOU ly failed. As a result nearly eyery member hold the nu~"mg certlficate: ~'lve members of the R.N.A.S.B. Reserve went to Oha,tham for theu course of tranllng, ancllater on three more proceeded to Plymouth.



Superintend ent.

Ho norary Su rgeon.

C. N. Elliott,

[Formed 2 .2.98.]

R. Knight, North

i\L B.

1st Officer and Inspector of Sto r-es .

treet, Onndlc.

Ho norary Treasurer.

J. Hay es.

Pte. E. 1\1. Harvey. Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Privates 17. Total eIl'ective 22. Cases attemled Oll llublic duty 2. Removals 4.. Annual illSp~ctioll, .13th Oct. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 6. IIIeualhons 14. Nul' ll1g certIficates. 13. Reg;ulation uniform worn by 2 Officcrs, 2 sergeants, and 17 men. 1\Iatena~: wheeled litter, 4 stretchers, 2 hampers, 2 water-bottles, bell. ten~, ~&c., vested III Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contnbutlOns.


Hon . Surgeon .

Hon . Su rgeon.

F. ,V. Ord,

V.D., M. D . , J .P.

Su perintendent.

G. J. German, Hall's Collerie ,

Hon. Secretary.

Swadlincote, Burton-on-Trent.

J. Carlton, Overseal, Ashby-de la-ZolLch.

In spector of Sto res.

Hon. Treasurer.

J. Coles.

Inspector of Stores .

Pte. J. JOJ1CR, 31, Arnold St., Rugby.

Sergt. W. Lloycl. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 18. Total effcctive 22. Reserve member ]. D ecrease since last report 7. Drills helel 52. A vcrage attendance 13. Removals 7. Cases attended not on public Juty fiO. Annua.l inspection, 15th Sept. Total on parade 17. Absent with l:aye 5. Anllual re-examination, 27th Sept. Members passed 18. Failed 1. DId not appear 2. Medallions 16. Service badges 9. Regulation unifnrm worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 18 ruer.. Material: 9 stretchers, 6 medical havresacs, 1 army 1)~1l tent, 6 doz. bandages, 4 sets splints, 6 army blankets, water bottles, charts, vested III Di visional Committee. Di vision supported by public COIl tributiolls.

Pte. R. J. Whales.

Honorary Treasurer.

T. B. Eden, ::'LA., J.P . Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Cnl'porals 3. Privates 26. Total effectiye 32. Increase. ince last )'(:port 3. Drills held 52. A veraae attendance 16. Cases attended. on pul?lic duty 42. R emovals 13. Cases attended not on lJublic duty 195. Annual ll1SpectlOn, 6th Oct. Total on paradc 28. Absent with leave 4. Annual re-exan:ination, 14.th. and 21st Sept. Members passe(l 30. Did not appear 1. l\IeLlalhons 22. Servlce bn.dges 18. Nursing certificates 18. Hegula tion uniform \~'Ol'll by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 24 men. Material: 1 Ashford lIttcr, 6 stretcher, large titted nursing hamper, fitted medical chest, 5 surgical havresac , 16 water bottles, 4 blankets, waterproof sheet carryinCf sheet and hospital . 1 COIllP1etely, vested in Divisional Committee. ' 0 , tent htte( Division supported by members' sub. criptions and public contributions. The Di,-ision has increased both in number and eqillpment. The annual district C,Ulljl helel in 13roughtOll Park, lettering: wa attended by a detachment. A route march to Dunchurch where barer company field work ,va gone through, took place on 'eplembcr Hith, and proyed "ery in trllctiYe. The equipment has received a most u.~eful addition durin cr the current year by the purchase of a, ho.pita] tent and fitl.mgs. A Ii tter and first a,id station to accommod~\.te the Ashford litter, and enable :;a111e to l)e in-tantly a,nl,il",ble in ca e of accident, is bing erected in the centre of the town for the u.-e of the Division at n. nominal rent, by the Urbllll Di ·trict Council.





[Formed 1.4.05.]


Honora ry Su rgeon.

I. Pitt, Superintendent.

\Y. Hall , 71, Dibble Road,


\V. J. Parsons, 227, Clifton Road, Rugby .

Acting Hon . Secretary.


Superintend ent.

Brigade Surgeon Lt. ·001. C. Dukes,

meth wicle Acting Inspector of Stores.

J. -W illiams.


Acting Hon . Secretary.

ergt. A. J amcs, Rolfe Smethwick.

tl eet,

Hon . Treasurer.

Alderlllan ,Yhyman.

Oillcers 2. ergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 51. Total effective 57. Increase since last report 11. Drills held 23. Average attendance 21. Cases attenLled 011 public duty 1 . Removals 34. Case attpndeu 110t 011 public duty 1674. Annual inspection: 29th ept. Total on parade 38. Absent with leave 7. Without l eave 12. Annual re-examination, 28th ppt. 1I1em bel'S passed 37. Failed 1. Did not appeal' 18. lIIedallions 19. .r ursing certificate 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 20 men. Material: 8 ·tretcher , 3 chest, 2 havresacs, water bottle, 4 sets of 'plints, 4 rug, ve ted in .'methwick Centre S.J.A.A. Division supported by Local Centre and contributiolls. Th e DiviRion was represented at the annual camp of No. III. district by the Superint.end nt, two ergeants, and 'even pl'iy:tte...

St. John A ?nbul(J/nce BTigade.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.


Hon . Surgeon , Superin tendent, and Inspector of Stores. A. Thol11son, lIf. B. , Payton H onse, tratfol d· on-Avon. Hon . Treasurer.

Hon . S ecretary.

J. Stevenson (H on. Mem .).

G. H. Burgess, 20, Broad Street, t ratford-on -Avon.

Officer 1. Corporals~. Privates 16. Total effective 1.9. MaLerial: 1 stretch er, 1 havresuc, vested in Divisional COllllluttee. . upported by the public.





Officers 2. Scrgeant 1. Privates 16. T otal effective 19. In crease sin cc last repor t 3. Drills held 43. Average attendance 14. Cases ~ttenlled on l~ublic ~uty 205 . Removals 21. Cases attended n ot on public duty 64. Annual 11l pectlOn, 18th Aug. To lal on parade 9. Ab.~ent with leave 8. Withl)ut leave 2. Annual re-examination, 26th Jun e. Members pass cd 14. Did not appea:' 4. Mellalliolls 9. ~egulat~on uniform worn by 1 Sel'gpallt and 10 men . Matenul: 2 stretchers, splints, tnanglc roller bandarres, aUll 4 hand-baCls with ap pliances, vesLed in Divisional Committee. Divisi~n supported by ~~mbers' 511b5criptiolls and donations. The Divi~ion has done good. service during the year. The number of accidents at cycle sports and foot hall matches being exceptionally large, and some most seriou~. At two ~pOl'ts on 21st <l,ud 231'd of June, seven men had to be removed by stretchers and cat'l'iages.


Chief Surgeon .


Honorary Surgeon,

J. O. Orton, M.D. Acting Supt. Treasurer. Col. 'Wyley, Y,n.

Chief Superintendent.

R ev. W. Dore Rudgard, liLA., Longford Grange, Coyentry. (~ix


G. Webster,

M .R. C. S.

In C harge.

Hono rar y S ecretary.

Cl'!jL. A. C. 'Wil kin, BCllworth Road, Longford, Coventry.

Cor pi. J. Davenport, L ongford Grange, Coventry.

Ambulance Divisions).-Officers 12.

Sergeants 8. Corporals 6. Privates 113. Total effective 139. Early next year a horse ambu lance will be stationed at headquarters-at, preRcnt there is not one either at Coventry or uneaton. ~ challenge cup h.aR been pIe. ented for competition among the' \'l1rious Divisions formmg the C~rps, 111 the. hope tllat zealous find energetic members may become keener than ever III all first aId work. ,


Hono rary S urgeon.

E. H. Kinderdine,

11[, P" . C . ~ .

Ho n. S ecretary.

In cha!'ge.

W. H. Bartlett.

Acting Sergt. A. R . Howe, 10?, King E(lward Uoall, Coventry.

GleuGoe , 'Vavcley Road, Coventry.

Acti ng Inspector of Stores ,

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. O. L amm .

Pte. J, Cannon. Offi cer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 14. Drills held ]2. Av erage attelldance 7. Cases Annual inspection, 18th Aug. T otal on parade 14. uniform wom by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 14 men. and 1 water bottle, vested in Divisional Centre. subscriptions anel p~lbljc contributions.

Total effective 16. attend cd not on public duty ~. Ab ent with leave 2. R eglliation i\laterial: 1 stretcher, 1 havresac, Division supported by members'



Rice, M,D .

In spector of Stores .

• ergt. W. II.

Inspector of Stores.

Rev. 'V. D. Rudgard.


Oflicer 1. ercyeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 1. Total effective 24, D ecrcasl1 since la t repOl t;:3, Drills helll 51. Avemge attendallce 17. Cases attended on public duty 36 . Rcmovals 2. Cases atten<lel1 1I0t Oll public duty 19. Anuual insj,ection, 1 th Aug. Total on paradc 23. Abent with leave 1. Annual r e-examination, 2ith ~larcll. Mel11hers pa ' 'ed 22, Did not appear 1. Medallions 17. ervice lndgcs 10. llrsing certificates 16. HegLllation ulliform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergealJtR, 3 corpol'lll , alJd 1 men, ~laterial: 1 "'hee1er1 litter, 4 ~tr6tchers and rug. , -1 :'JlIlgical 11a vre 'ac , 4 \\uter hottleH, 4 bags for football duties, 4 tents, dreSSing bains, ~plilltS, &c. Diagrallls, Hag, belts, ponche , overcoat, \Yater bottles, hayresac, anu Jeggillg~ for tllc Di\'i ion, vested in Divisional Committee . Di\'i ion snpl)orted by mCll! her and con trilm tions , .-'quad~ have attended football mutuhe', and other POlts in the neighhourhood. T he Di\i"ioll was repre.entecl by a team in the competition for the Dewar hield , 1110 ,t of the men attended camp. Ten men have joined the Royal X [tval Auxiliary iek Berth He$elTe, and were in. pee ted by Deputy·in~pector General Thos. J. Pre. ton, n.x.:ll. D., in 'pecting-o tllcer, n . T.~ .B.H. Eight men have taken uch'antage of the seven (by;;' tmiuing' abron,d ~hip and in lHl.n.l ho pitt.l.


H on. Su rgeol1s.




1st O fficer, Hon . Sec .. and Inspector of Sto res.

J. W. Cotton, Compton Honse, Fol eshill Road.

.T. F. II. Li,llellon, i'Il.n., T. E. C. Colc, :II. A., lIL n. Acting Hon . S ecr·etary.

O. O~lJ()!,lIe. 5, RCgr>llt 'L, Leamington.



Acting Superintendent .

J, F. IT. Ellm'ton, :\r.n., Leamington. Hon . Treasurer.

A. C. l)ickerillg.

OOlcCI'. 2. • er~I'allt 1. Corporals 2. Private 17. Total ell'ceti\'e 22. DccreaHc "illce la t J'PPOl'L 3. Drills held. 37. Average attendanco 11. Ca es attende\l on public duty ;30. R emo\'al 1. Case attel1l1ec1 llOt Oil public duty 2 .


St. John Ambulance BrigciJde.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance BT'igade.

AnlJual inspection, 18th Aug. Total 011 parade 7. Absent with leave 7. Without leave 8. Annual re-examination, 20th and 27th Sept. :Members passed 14. Failed 3. Did not appear 3. Medallions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 serg~ant, 2 corporals, and 15 men. Material: hor~e. a.mbn lance, stretcher, ~1avresa~, spllDts; &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Dlvl~lOn supported .by pubhc donatl?ns. . The chief event of the year was the Warw1Ck Pageant, wIth 7,000 people ~mcludll1g performers) on the ground each of the six days, where a squad of men wIth ambulance tent, nurses, etc., were present each day. JUen are always on duty at the summer weekly fetes at the J ephson Garden, at football matches, and ?ther gatherin a-so The horse ambulance has been found most useful on several occaSLOns, both for ca~es of emergency and the conveyance of invalids to and from a distance. (WARWICKSHIRE, NORTH-EAST CORPS ) NUNEATON, L .N.W . RAILWAY DIVISION. [Formed 12 .. 1900.] HEAD-QUARTERS:

L. N. ,V.

Honorary Surgeon.

.A. Nightin gale, 3, Glebe Road, Nuneaton.

T. B. Woodco ck, 7G, Abbey St., Nuneaton. Hon . Treasurer.

W. Lock.


Pte. C. Bartlett.

Superintendent Treasurer.

T. H. Hilton, Somerville, Wellingboroug11.

J. E. Graveley.

Superintendent of Stores.

C. Nicholson. (Ten Ambttl(L1~Ce Di~i~i~ns) .-Officers 21. Sergeants 11. Corporals 5. Privates 205 . (/?oyr Nlt1'smg .D~vtSwns).-Officers 8. Nursing sisters 70. Total efftlctive 320. It 1S very grat1fy1l1g to be ahle to report the substantial increase of 48 in the

strength of the C?orp '. The total number of cases dealt with during the year was no les than 1,763, ll1cludmg 98 transports, n.nd 75poor people, who were nursed in their homes.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 28. Total effective 31. Reserve members 3. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 30. Average attendance 12. Oasas attended on public duty 13. Removals 10. Cases attend ed not on public duty 35. Annual inspection, 1 th Aug. Total on,paraL1e 3. ~b ent with leave 28. Annual re-examination, 2nd Sept. III em bel'S passed 11. Did not appear 19. Medallions 21. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeaut, ~ncl 9 men. Material: 1 wheeled litter, 6 stretchers, 2 ambulance hampers, 2 medlcal havresacs, 2 am bulance boxes, waterproof sheets, water bottles, cru tch cs, blankets, rugs, etc. , large stores of all necessary applian ces, vested in the L. . ,~ .. Railway Co. and Divisicnal Oommittee. Division supported by members' sl1bScnptlOns and pu blic con tTibu tions.

Inspector of Stores.


Chi ef Superintendent.



[Formed 8.4 .89 .]

Hon. S ecretary.

W. J. Clap ton.



[Formed 9. 88.]

L. P•. C.P .

Inspector of Stores.

A. J. E . Randle, Knntsford House, Edward Street, Nl111eaton.



A. Joseph, Superinte ndent.



Hon . Secretary.



Honorary Surgeons.


E. Audland, H. Hollis, M.D .


W. W. Olark, ~!.D . W. J. Watson, M . B.

Super intendent (acting).


icholson, Broad Green, Wellingborough.

Officer 4. Sergeant 3. Privates 27. Total effective 3-!. Decrease. iuee last report 1. Drills held 2 . Average attenlIance 19. Removals 67. Cases attenued ]lot on. public duty 312. Annual inspection, 8th Sept. Total on parade 32. A~scnt w1th leave 2. Annual 1 e-examination, 25th Sept. :ilIembers pa cll 29. Did not appear 1. Medallions 25. Service b::tdaes 19, NlUsing cel'tifi?ates 17. Regu lation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 3 sergea~t ·, and 27 men . l\latenal : 1 horse am bulance, 2 wheel litters, 3 bath chairs, 25 fltretcher , 14 medical havre'acs anll hamper, 40 water-hoUles, 3 tents, ]0 set of splint, and large resen:e of. general stores, vested in Corps' Officers. Divi ion supported by public con tnbntlOlls. p ~ea,rly all the DiYlsion attended the camp of in truction beld at ,Vhitsuntide in Bl:oughton 1 ark, the eat of H.i Gra.ce the Duke of Buccleuch. nperintendent C. NiCholson ha,d the honour of belll" made an H onorary ervin" Brother of the Order in recognition of con'picuou ervices to the ambula.nce department. '

Sergt. G. Hall, 13, Willington Street, Nuneaton. Honorary Treasurer.


J. Shelmerdine (Hon. Mem.).

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Oorporall. Privates 20. Total effective 24 . Decrease since last report 2. Drills h eld 26 . Average attendance 13. Ca.ses attended on }Jublic duty 52. Removals 13. Cases attended not on public duty 84 . Annual inspection, 18th Aug. Total on parade 15. Ahsent with leave 2. Without leave 7. Anl1l.al re-examination, 30th larch. Members pafl ed 17. Did not appear 7. Medallions 14. Service badges 24. ~Ul'sing certificates 10. Regu lation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 1 corporal, and 16 mell. Material: 1 Ashford Jitter, 4 stretchers, 1 hamper, 1 large cupboard containing splints, bandages, diagrams, blankets, waterproof sheets, bowls, medical dressillgs, 1 ambulance hox, and 110wmoo1' jacket, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by the public. A squad of men attended the district camp at K ettering. Brigade forms have been sent out for a "Tomen's Nursing Division, in connection with this Di\'i ion .


Honorary Surgeon.



[Formed 3.12.96.]


Hon . Secretary.

A. Roberts, ,Wollaston Roa.d, Bozeat.

Omeer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 10. Total effecti\'e 12. Rescrve mem bel's 2. Dtlcl'ease since last report 2. Drills helJ 33. A.\'erage attendance . Removal1. Cases attendeJ not on public llnty 45. Annnal in peetion, 8th 'opt. Tota.1 on parade 6. Absent with leave 2. ,Vithout leave 4, Anllual re-examination, 31st Aug. Members paRsed 11. Medallion 3. en-ice badge., 4. Nm."ing certiflCute' 8. Hegulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 10 men. M.a~el:ial : 1 wh eel litter, 3 stretchers, 2 Rets splint., 3 111 clical havresacs, yes ted in Dlvl.'LOllal Committee. Divisio n supported by public contributions.

St. J ohn A rnbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nb'Ldance B?Oigade.



[Formed 5.5.96.J



Hon . Surgeon and Treasurer.

,Yo Itobb,

Honorary Surgeon . Act ing Hon . Treasurer.

Officer 1. Privates 7. Total effective 8. R emovals 2. Medallions 4. Nursing certifi cates 3. R egu lation uniform WOl'~ by 7 men. Material: 1 wheel litter alld honse, 2 stretchers, 2 havl'esacs, 1 set sphnfs, 2 ",'ater bottles, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by the public.


R. Bugby.

Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores .

. (,Bugler), A. Thonlpson, Hlgh treet"'\\ est, lrthlincrl)ol'Olluh o o·

•'el'gt. H. Sharp.

Oflice.rs 3. el'geant l. 'orporal 1. Privates 25. Total effective 30 C. In~rea:,e smcc last report 9: Drills held 44.. Average attclluance 22 . l{em~vals 7. .<l~es ;ttended not ?n puGlIc duty 14. Annual inspection, 8th ept. Total on p,nade ~3. Absent wlth leave.5. ,Yithout leave 12. Annual re-examination, 3rd Aug. Membe!. passt;cl1. Medalltons 1 . en'ice badO'es 10. minD' certificates 12. 0 Rt'gu\atl?ll u.lIlf~rn~ \\'01:11 uy 2 Ol!i.cer., ~ sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16men. Material: 1 Asl.f?l(l 1.1t.l~l, .., stretch.ers, 5 Ill.edleal havre aes, splints, bandage::;, lint, etc., vestecllll Dl'\'ltllOnal Co 1I1lln l tee. Dn'ision npported hy the public.

Superint endent and Hon . Treasurer.

Ho n. Surgeon.

J. Crew,

: Tow~ HALL.

3 r d Officer.

E. E. Eatly, Manton Road, !l'thlingborongh.

G. W. Ohapman.

H. W. Oooper, Ohurch St., Finedon.



H. Burland, L.R.C.P. Honorary Sec retary.

29 5

A. O. Groome, East L ee, HighaIl1 Ferrers.


Insp ector of Stores.

1st Offi cer and Acting Hon . Sec.

I s Officer H. R. Patenall, Bron Dinas, Rushden.


COR,PS ) MIDLAND [11 o 1'111 oll 16.6.05. ]


1st CIa s Sergt. J. Dettles.




Honorary Surgeon .

W. I. ,Yatoll, :lLB.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 2. Total efTective 32. Increase since last report 3. Drills held 35. Average attendance 14. Removals 3. Ca os attencleu not on public duty 24.0. Annual inspection, nth Sept. Total 011 parade 20. Absent with leave 4. "'\Yithont lea\'e Annual re-examination, 8th Sept. Members passeu 25. Ditlnot appeal' 6. Regulation Ulli form \Y01'11 by 2 Officers and 1 sergeant. Material: wheeled litter, 6 stretchors, bell tout, splints, and handages, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by volulltal'Y contriuutioll s. The wheeled litter ha been used three time" and 44 all illght duties have becn ta,ken. Twenty men from the Di\'i. ion attended the camp at Broughton. Thanks to the help of the Operatic, ociety and friend who arranged a "taGlea,\l" entertainment' our finances how a balance of nearly £6 in ha,lld. , Ve ::,_re indebted to the nlayor and .l\Iayore , 11'. and Mrs. T. Patenall, for so generou,]y entertaining the Diyi ion at the annual meeting, and by their kindnes giving us a good fStart on thc year's ,,-ork. 'iVe also thank Mr. Clifton for allowing us the use of his paddock for drills, etc. (WELLINGBOROUGH CORPS ) IRCHESTER DIVISION.

[Formed 1897.]

6 \


Hon . S ecretary.

I II. Franci ,

Pt e. D . 1\'I orns, .

, .tl.ngc Laue, I\'ellingborough.


euwick Road, Wellingborongh.

Officer.1. 'cl'geants 2. OOl'pornb 2. Primtos 3;:;. Total elfectil'e 40. In crea e . IIlC<' la.·~ report 3. Drill' held 40. Average attendance 15. Oases attended l:Ut 011 pnhltc duly 20. AUllual ill Iwctioll, th. ept. 'l'otal on parade 28. A~).ellt With l-I1.\·e 12. AlIlI~lal rc-<'xalllillution, 23rcl .'cpr. Membeli-l pa eel 3J. ?Id .~~ot apJl~ilr ~ ... l\[cllalilOl.lr:. 22. Ht'gulat.ioll ullirOlill worn by 1 Officer, 2 eloeall.h, 2 COl pOI,lls, and 2;) 111('11. l\latenal:] \\'heeler litter 4. stretchers 6 set. ,phnt., hallllagc.'. l\:C., \,(';,ted ill the l\lil1lal1u Railway COI1lP~llY, DiYisi(J~ S11 PJlortr~l .b~· 1lI~1ll hel'. Stl hseri ptiu11S. T!lc DI \ lSJOn IS no\\' 1Il unifurill, anel at the. ame time placcd on a O'oml substan tial footlllg. ~\.. permanent 'hed ha.' l)cen provided fur the Di\'ision's \I'h~ellittel'. (WELLIN GBOR OUGH CORPS ) RINGSTEAD DIVISION. IJEAD-QUAHTEI:S: TEJIPEILI.XCE

[Formed 2 .3.96.J



Hon . Secretary.

Acting Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. J. W. Purbery, ,"YoUaston Hoad, Irchester.

Pte. T. Sawford.

Pte. J. J. Shrives.

Privates 15. Total pfTective 15. Drills held 16. Average attendance 13. Cases attended not on publie duty It;5. Annual inspection, 8th, ·ep£;. Total on parade 8. Absent without leave 7. An11ual re-exam~natiol~, 27th Sept. l\IemlJers passed 8. Did not appear 7. Medallions 9. Regulatron ul1lform worn by 12 men. Material: wheel litter, stretcher, 5 havresacs, 2 water bor,tles, 2 sets Splillts, vested in Divisiollal Committee . Division supported by publiC' sl1bsr.riptiollS. Private O. Green of this Division has rendered fir t aid in 133 cases from 1st October, 1905, to 31st August, 1906.

Supe rintendent.

J. Perry, High 'treet, Rillgstead, Thrapstolle.

,Yo 1'.lackcllZie. L.n.c.:>. Hon . S ecretary. \\~. "a\\'fonl, Ringtead, 'Ihrapstone.

Oflicers 2. CorpJral l. Pl'iYates 17. Total e(rccti\'e 20. Dccrease illl'e ]a.,t l'l'port l. Dlills helll 19. .Ayernge attendance 9. Ca. es altcllued .on l'ul~lic duty 3. Relllonh; 2. Ca e attended ]lot 011 puL,lic duty 40. Annual ltlSlltctl~n, ~9th J '11y. Tutal 011 pan.lLle 12. AI> t'llt witlwut leave . Annual. re-t'xallllll~tlo~l, ~ th, ~ug. MClllllcr' passed 1-1. Dic1 not appear 5. l\lcuJ.lholls 14.. 1\ lll'smg cel'Lilic:alcs 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 officer J corporal, allli 11 men. Material: wlwel litter, 1 stretcher, 3 hnsl'esacs, 3 wate;' bottles, and lJell tellt, vested in Diyisiollal Committre. Di\-ision supported by voluntary cOllLrii.Jlltiolls.


St. J ohn A 1nuulo/l1ce B1'igc~cle.

St. J ohn A m,uLdance Bri{jcl-cle.


[Formed 1896 .J




Hon . Surge on .

T. Swindall, 28, Moor Road, Rushuen.

H . S. Baker, M.B.C.S.

Hon. Treasu rer.

Inspector of Stores.

Actin g Hon . S ec retary.


Corp1. A. Prigmore.

Pte. Claud Childs, Crabb Street, Rushden .

' V. Ashdowne.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 29 . Total e£I'ective 33. Reserve members 3. Decrease since last report 1. D rills held 45 . Average attendance 24. Cases attended on pub lic duty 3. Removals 12. Cases attended not on public duty 149. Annual inspection, th Sept. Total on parade 27. Absent with leave 1. 'Without leaye 5. Annual re-examination, Dec. and ept. Members passed 27 . Did not appear 5. Medallions 24. ervice ba,dges 14. N ursing certificates 19. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergean t, 1 corporal, and 28 men . Material : 1 litter, 9 stretchers, 3 sets splint, 8 water bottles, 6 havresac s &c. , vested in Officers of Division. Division supported by voluntary contributions.


Ac t ing 1st Nursing Officer.

niiss O. Richardson 84, Aston Lane, Asto~.

Ac t ing Lad y S ec. and T reasurer.

Ac t ing Lady In spector of Sto res.

:Mills M. Lawri.e, 17, Beacon Hill, Aston.

~li.'s N. Mills, 14.5, Ohurch Lane, Aston.

. .Officer 1. Nursing sisters 19. Total effective 20. Regn.latlOll uIllforl1l WOl'll by 5 nmsincr sisters. Material: 1 lJed bal1cla a es vested 11l Kynoch, Ltd. Divi ion Supp~l'ted by RYl1och, Ltd., ami'membef.s.' etc.,


Honora ry T reasu re r.

Sergt. J . A. Drage.


Total effective 15. Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Privates 12. D ecrease since last report 6. Drills held 50. Average attendance 10. Removals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 95. Annual inspection, 8th ept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 28th Aug. femhers passed 13. Did DOt appear 1. Uedallious 14. ervice badges 14. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Sergen.nts and 1 ~ men. Material : wheel litter, 4 stretchers, 3 medical hanesacs, water bed, bath chair, waterproof sheet, 3 water bottles, 4 set of splints vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions and public contributions. Sergeant Drage has treated no less than 70 cases.


La d y S ecretary. 1111'S .

[Formed 2.05.J

Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.

Oakleigh, Wolverhampton.


La d y S uperin t endent.

1st Nursing O fficer, Lady S ec. and T reas u rer.

Ul'S . .E. H.. Lane, Georcre "tl'ect , b KcttCling.

l\liHs M. J. Clark, 26, Gold 'treet, Kettering.

Hon . Secreta ry.

2nd Nursing Officer.

H . R. Beavon, 12, Oak Street, W 01 \'el'hamptoD .

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Pl'i vates 28. Total effective 35. In crease since last report 3. D rills held 25 . A vel'age attendance 23 . Cases attend ed on public duty 3. Cases attended not on public duty 63. Annual inspection, 23rcl Sept. T otal on parade 24. Absent with leave 11. Annual re-examination, 4th Sept. Members passed 34. Regu lation uniform worn by 2 £ficers, 2 sergean ts, 3 corporals, and 14 men. Matcrial: 4 stretchers, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members.


IIullle, Mclclrum, ,\~esterfielcl Road.

Officers 2. I lll'sing sistcrs 10. Total effective 42. lust report 9 Pructicc':) held 15. Avcracre attcllc1ance 8. Anlluallll:;pectlOll, 24th 'crt. .Total 011 paraue 13. Absent withle~\c 26. Without lea.,rc 3. AllI~l1ul re-cxa1l1111aholl, :H.t May and ~7th .'ept. Mellluers pas'ed 21. FUIl~d 1. DId 1l0~ appear 16. MCllallions 31. Rerrlllation uniform worn b ~ O~l~cer ,a~Hl 11 .nlll'slIlg ~itcr~. Mate:'ial: baudag~ ". splints, beds, bedding, Cal'l'yill~ chall,. '~:;teJ lJl Ip IVlCh Centre, .J,A.A. DI\'lSlOn npported by memuer:;' llb CnjltlOll~. N l1l'~ing .~i~ter.' were on duty at the ~u{folk ,Agricultural Show, and two were reudermg fin;t mel, when Het· lIighne~' Princ " of 'chleswi'l'-llolliteill, vil:litecl the tent. Tll y \\'el'e allio on duty at the 'uffolk Police ports, a~cl at u children' fete. :Ml'Ii. IIel'bu1'll II ume ~ot up a 6~d. sale which was II greilt succes., and udded £2 lOs. to the fUIl(h;, alld llursm" ~l,,;tel' Leeder in variou ' way' handed o\'er £6 15s. 6d. orne of the m;;nbel'~ l:t~ellde~ a church pitr~lc1e in cOllllection with the medical Guild of t. Luke. Ilw VI n:;l011 l:itlllmeetl:lltt ~llss Coulcher" bOll 'e.


1st Offi cer.

L. 11. lienlsworth, 51, Rolton Lune, I pi:lwich.

Illcrc~'c slll.ce

Hon . S ec . and Insp. of Stores.

M. Christopher.



Honorary Surgeon.

S. E. Baxter, ",r. H. c. S.

lII.D . ,


[Formed] 0.94. J

1s t NUl-sing Officer and Lady Treasurer.


[Formed 2.4.96.J


Lieut.-Col. C. A. MacMunn,

'YOl~Ks, , VnroN, DIl:l\IINGIUl\I.

Hon . Surge on .

Hon. S urgeon.

Pte. G. F. utt, Queen ' Vollaston.


[Formed 16.8.06 . J

H. E. Jessop, I,. ' . A., H on. Surgeon to Ambulance Diyisiol1.



Mrs. M. Farmer. Officers 3. ursing iter' 35. Total etrective 3 Decren. e since last report 9. Prac:tice held 17. Average atteudance 19. Cn es attended 011 public dnty 1:2, aml12 trallsport cn ·es. Uases attended not on public duty 20. Ca os privlt~ely nurseu 3. .Annual inspection, 21st July. Total on parade 16. Ab ent wIth leave 8. 'WIthout leave 14. Annual re-examination 23rd May. Members passed 13. Di<l not appear 25. lIlellallions 31. ervic~ badges 1:2. Regulatioll nllirorm worn by 3 Oflil'er', and 1 nursing si tel's. Material: >

St. John AmlmlCiJlCe BI'iyacZe.

St. John A 1nlJLdance Brigade.

mackintosh sheeting, bell rests. bell crullle., hot·\\'ater bottles, bronchitis k ettle splints, uandage., etc., ve~ted in Divi ional Oommittee. Division supported lor m ember'snb,criptions. The Northampton hire Agricultural how was held in K ettering in June, and nursing si tel'S a.ttended elm,jug the ,,,hole of the two clay. in a tent prO\'ieled with beel, first aid, and nursing appliances, and treated t'YelYe ca e of aceident, fainting, and su nstroke. Nursing appliances h(\Te been purchased by the Oommittee of the Di vision. This Divi ion since its formatioll nine years a.go ha been ill, trumental ill launching ten of its members as ho pital and missiona.l'Y nul' es.

Three ~,ur"il1g sisters ha~e. gone into th~ workhouRe infirmary to 1Je trained as nu.rs~l:i . lh c alll1~al ?ompe.tltl~mi were helcllll November last, the judges Leing Dr. M.lll~gn.ll, ~.j)., lJ15tnct Uhlef ~urg . 'V. K AudIt-mel, )J.H.u.f-J., allel A~sif;tal1t - Com­ mls~101l~r1. II: ' Voolston. ~0ll1e \'cry guoel work was done, and the prize were agall: klll.elly gIven by the chml'l11a.1l of the Local Celltre, ~lr . .J. Uooper, J.P. Two





Honorary Su rgeon.



Hani on,

B.A. , ::ILB.

[Fonncll 1 86.J

2nd Nursing O fficer.

3rd Nursing Officer.

Mis l\1. E.

1I1iss .JI. J. Hodges.

lIIni. 111 . E. Adcock.

son .


Lady S ec. and Treasurer.

L ady Inspector of Sto res.

l\L i~s A. A. Pollanl, Knighton Park Rd., Leicester.

Miss J. A. Asher.

Officers fi. Nl1l'sing si ·ter 32. Total erfcctiYe 37. Practices held 17 . Average attel1lln.llce 3:2 . Oases attended on public ducy 17. Oases attended not 011 public duty 1. Oases privatcly nul' ed H. AlIlllWl inspection, 14th July . Total on parade 34. Absent with leayc 3. Annual re-examination, 2nd and 14th Dec. Members l1assed 36. Medallions 39. Regulation u11iform ,,"Ol'll by 4 Officers and 32 nursing sisters. Material : bedstead, bandage, sl'lillts, etc., vcstcel in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by the members. The interest in the work of the Divi ion has been ,yell main tainec1. On 23rd June 100 blind and 223 cripples were taken to Hunstanton for the clay, and at the reque>\t of the Oommittee 12 n ursillg si. tel's accompanied them. There were no seriou' accidents, but 13 cases of minor illnes were ttttendecl. Eight Illll'sillg' Ri ·ter:; were in attendance at the Abb6Y P ark how.


R(jO~I, UlIUllUJI S'J'HEE'l', 'YELLIXGBOHOUGH. H on. Surgeon. )I.D.

'Y. 1. Watsoll,

L ady Sup erintendent.

1st NUl'sing Officer. ~ILl

l1Ursll1gs1ste~'s were 011 duty at the Free Gltl'c1ener::;' Fete, which was held at Delapre Park on ,VIllt-.;\Iond,ty.


lIIi.·!'; l\I. Noble, 9, HolJalt ,'bect, Leicester .

Lady Superintendent.

1st Nursing O ffi. and Lady Secretary.

l.Liss A. ;)Illith, 17 va, lIIill Roall, ellingborough .

.Jhss G. E. TUl'ller, .JlidlallLl 'tatiOlJ W ellillgboroug h . '


omccrs 3. Jltl'ing sistcrs 31. Total effective 34 . Increase 'iucc 1<1 t r~port 17. Practices held 30. A vcrage attcnuance 10. Oases attended !lot 011 publIc duty 26. Ca. ('s privately nursed 64 . Annual illspection LIl ('pt. Total 011 parade 23. Al,Sl·11t; \\'il11 lea\'c 11. Al111\1a1 re-examinati01/ :Zi)~h ,sept. Melllbers .pas ed ~1. l>illnoL appeal' 12. l\IPllallions 19. Rc«ulati01{ ll111fo.r:l1 \l'ol'n hy 3 Ofhccrs alHI 31 llUl'.'iug si:;tcl'l:i. Di\'isioll supported by members and !ncnd '. During the wil1ter session, lectures weregi\'en by Dr. ,Vat on of ,Yellin"lJoro' on . Distl ict ..l ursing " ; hy Dr. Crew of Higham, on " Qualifications ofaX u~e ,,'. by Dr. Audlnncl of \\Tellintrhoro', all <', 'anitn.tioll" ; and by Dr. Burland of Fi~e~lon Oil "The Treatment of ,'carlet Feyer case.- frulll in('ubation to comnlescence. " ' T

(WELLING BOROUGH CORPS IRTHLINGBOROUGH NURSING DIVISION. [Fol'lllctl 3.7.01.J IIE\D-QU_\'HTEll~: Hon orary Surgeon . Ruilil, I.H.t'.P.




Lady Superintendent and Inspector of Stores.

.Jll's. ,'. William, 'carhoruugh 'trect, IrthlillglJorougl! .

[Formed 27.9.99.J HEAD-QUAllTRRS : OUT-PA'rmX'l'~' BUILIJ1XG, Ttl" HOSPITAL.

1st Nursing Officer.

Acting Lady Secretary. ~Ir~. R. .\1. Bi~ley,

l.lis.· H.. Ha\\'lin.

, Lime Terrace, Irthlingborough .

Hono rary Surgeon.

'V. H. Chamberlain, Lady Supt . and Treas.

:1\1rs. 'tY. H. Reeves, 4, Oastilian Terrace, Northampton.

L.R.C.P. 1st Nursing Offi cer and L ady S ec.

Miss L. l\Ia\\' by, 6, Oastilian Street, NO! lha11lpton .

2nd Nursing Officer.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

.i'lIiss K . BraMord.

1\1iss E . Osborll.

Officers 4. NUl'sing sisters 61. Total effective 65. I ncrease since last report 1. Practices held 24. A vcrage a ttellLlallce 31. ses attended on public duty 4. Oases attended not on public dnty 73. Cases pnvatcly nursed 24. Annual inspection, 7th July. Total on paraue 39. Au:ent with leave 20. Without leave 6. Annualre-examinatious, 14th and 21.t 1I1arch, 13th June, ~nd 26th Sept. Members passed 47. Failed 2. Did Hot appear 15. Medal~lOns 47. Regulation uniform 'Torn by 5 Officers and 3,) nursing sisters. Matenal: 1 mattress, 2 pair sheets, 1 pair blankets, 1 q nil t, 1 clinical thermometer, 1 . bath thermometcr, temperature charts, 5~ doz. roller bandages, and 8 doz. tnangular bandages, vested in Northampton Ccntre S. J. A. A. Di visioll supported by proceeds of whist drives, etc.



Officer 3. Nursing si ten, 11. Total e!fective 14. . Pracilc~s held 29. Average attendancc . Case attended not on pnblic duty 29. Oases plT~raLoly nur. ed 11. Annual inspection, th ept. Total on parade 6. A~)sent WIth leave 8. Annual re-examination, 4th cpt. Member pH sed ]2. DId l1?t al'pea\ 1. Med(~lIions. 12. 'en'ice badges 9. Regulation uniform \rOl'll by 2 ~lliceJ's UUll 11 ntH lllg sIster. Matcrial: l\lackillto 'h 'heet, air cnbion , feeulll~ ?UPS, etc., \'e:;tc(l in Divi 'ional Uommittee. Diyi'ion supported by suuscnptlOll' of llIcmlJers anLl contriuutions. Forty cases haye been att nded; ancl a great number of person haye amilecl themselves of the lck-room. Appliunce/-l lent by the Diyision.


~O. 3. 96. J

HEAD-QUARTEl1 . : Tr':~IPEnA.TCE HALL, R1Xl;,o.;TE .·\J). Honorary Surgeon .

. .N. Mackenzie, L.n.c.p.

Lady Superint endent.

1\1rs. '. Kuigh t, Ringstelld , Thrapstone.

Acting Lady Secretary .

l\Ii s II. Pen telow Ring tead, Thrap tone.

St. J ohn A'inbulance Brigade.


St. John Ambulance B?·igude.

NursinO' Officers 2. N ursing sisters 14. Total effective 16. . 1 b . ) l·t 1 . Practic es h eld 30. A verage . attendance 12. Oases I ncrease smce as t leIo t' 28th AnO'ust ddt mblic duty llo . Annual re·exannna 1011, "'. • ~~:~b:rs ~~ssedOI;5~ Medallions ll . Regnla.tion uniform worn by ~ .N~ll'sm~ Officers auld 7 Nursing sisters. M.at.e~'ial : splmts, bandag~~, , an~ 1l1llSID b box ve ted in Divisional Oommittee. Dn'lslOll supported by sl1bScnptlOns.


Hon Su rge on .

O. R. 0" en,

L . R. C. P.


Lady Superint en d ent.

1st Nursing Offic er and La dy S ec.

lUI's. H. E. Vaun, " Ohichele Oollege," Higham Ferrel's.

Mi~s Emma Iargetts, 3, Orabb Street, Rushtlen.

Lady Inspector of Sto res and Treasurer.

Miss Ellen Newell, 2-1, York Road, RushJen. Officers 3. K nr ing sisters 14. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 8. Practices heltl 3 . A~Cl'age attemlunce 11. . Oases attended on pulilic duty 4. CfLS(;S attemleJ not on publlC duty 137. T' Annual 111spection 8th Sept. Total on parade 12. Absent wilh leave 1. ~\ Ithout l~ave 4. Ann'ual re-examination, 18th Sept. :r.Iem bel's passed 11. !all~d 5. .DId not a ear 5 Medalliom: 11. Regulation uniform worn by 3 NurSlllg Oilicers .and I~Pnursin'O' sisters. Material: water-bed, steam-kettles, thermometers, and va,l'lons smaller n~rsing regui ites, ,ested in Officers. Division sllpp:)rtetl by members and public contributions. . . . The work of the Rushden nursing sister has been carned on III an effect! ye manner. One hundred and thirty- even ca es have been treated. At the Co-operative Fe tival held in Rushden, a contingent attended.


No. IV.-N orth Western District. Deputy Commissione1·. Colonel O. J. TRIMBLE, C.M,G., V.D., L.R.C.P., 5th L ancashire Royal Garrison Artillery (Yols.), Louth Honse, Bamber Briuge, ncar PresLon.

cO?n?n2SSUJneTS " J. . {Ml'. .

O. DERlIA r, Ohief Oonstable, Blackpool. Mr. L. ,VlIITTAKER, Sunnyside House, Accringtoll. District Ohicf SU}Je;-intenclent. Mr. A. L. GAll TET'r, ], Red Lion 'treet, Burnley_ District S11)1e1'intenclent oj St01·es. Capt. E. H. POOLEY, L. R. C.P., Dalton-in-Furness. R. '.0., Lancs. District SUIJerilltenclent T1'eCtSIl?'e1·. :Mr. F. DE B.-PIM, L.R.C.P., Barrow'forel, near N elson.

A SS2S. tan t

Dist1'l'ct Superintendent Secretary. Ball1 bel' Bridge, near Preston.




WOODCOCK, 178, Stat.ion Roau,



L OUTlI HOUSE, BAMBER BItIDGE, NEAR PRE. TO T. 30th i:JeptembeT, 1906.

SIJ:, I have the honom to submit my alillual repOlt as Deputy Commissioner fo!' l' o. II'. Di trict, t. John All! bulance Brigade, and in doing i,0 it affords me thevery greate t plea nre to notify for your information a substantial increase in number. nlHl general efficiency throughout the area under my charge. At the close of the year there were 9 001'pS (comprising 28 ambulance divisions) and 10 nUl'.ing divisi'Hls), 70 ambulance divi ions and 33 nur"ing divisions, altogether III uuits a· again t 134 units in the preceding year. The strength is constituted a fo11o\\'s :-6 Ohief urgeol1s, 3 hie!' uperintendents, 140 Ron. Surgeons, 56 'uperintenclents, 5 Ambulance Offiuers, 130 Sergeauts, 133 Oorporals, 2,630 Privates, yielding a Lot.al of 3,156. The nuring uivi5ions con ist of 30 Lady upel'in tendell t ·, 25 N Ul'sing Offiucrs; 827 ursing isters, in all 2. Including a Di trict tali' of 7, t.he tigures give a grand tolal for the whole district of 4,045, being a net illerene on last year' figmes of 301. New amhulance units have been formed a under :-Wigan, Oity of Dublin, 'hafte umy (Bdfa t), Levellshulme (Manche ·ter), ,Yaterloo, POlt 'nnlight, ale and A ·hton-on-lIlersey, We thoughton (Bolton). :rew nlll':sillg divi ions have been forllled as under :-Edenfield, ,Yarrin gtOlJ , BootIe, Wha.ley Bridge, Victoria Hall, (Bolton). 'l'he after-named units with a strength 011 paper of 11 haYe been strllek off, and are not includetl in the above figures :-Aska1l1-in-Fllrne s, Littleborough, Millom, Penrith, Uherstoll, AskHm-in-Ful'lle s Nursing, Orav,shawl>ooth Nursing, Ulvel'ston :rut'ing, IVha.lley Nl1l' in,!?;. The Oldham Oorps has again been subdivided into 4 ambulance and 1 nUl'sing divisions, and the l\Iilnro\\' anll "'ew lIey Division of the H.ochdale Oorps bas withdrawn from the Oorps and is now a separate unit. Thi action was taken on the grounds that :r ew Hey \\'as some considerable distance from the headquarter of the Rochdale Oorps, rendering it excessively difficult for the Milnrow anti ell' Bey men to cDmply wiLh Brigade regulations. lIaving regard to the withdrawal of the 9 units before enumerated in the strellgth of District, I should like partiuularly to point out tbat in each instance, for some years past, there appeared a great slackness and want of interest in Brigade ambulance work, and after doing all in my power through Illy Brigade StlliI'tO keep these Divisions alive I have been reluctantly obliged to now strike them off. Although this action has been takE-lJ, there is no necessity why at some future date some, or even all, of these defunct units should not again be reconstituted and re-enroll etl .



St. John A??1bulclJ'nce BT·igacle.

I have the very sad duty placed upon m e to record the o.eath of Dr. George Thomson, who had a . hort time prior to his demise resigned through ill-health t.he position of District Ohief Surgeon. It " 'ould ill become me to allow this opportulli ty to pass without endeavouring to testify to the very able services rendered by Dr. Thomson to Brigade ambulance work in No. IV. District. H e was a man cndowed with the utmost tact; he was a capital organiseI', and he inherited tbe secret of managing men. '1.' h e loss of a man endow ed with these capabilities can be ,yell under tOO<l, deplored, and univ ersally regretted. Hi s funeral was attended uy a member of my sta lf, who represented the District on this occasion. Th e very flue drill-hall presented to the Rochdale Oorps by Colonel O. M. and Mrs. Royds was opelled on Saturday, October 21st, 1905, by Oolonel O. M. Royd s, C.B., ill. P. Accompallying Colonel Boyds \\'ere Sir Herbert Perrott, 0.13., yourself as Ohief Oommissioner of the BrigaJe, Mrs. Royds, ano. the members of the ,Di trict staff. The Rochdale Corps was on parade and pre ented a very smart appearance. After Oolonel Royd had unlocked and opened the door of the drill-hall, Oolouel Sir H. Perrott ullveiled the donor's tablet in the entranee hall, and the opE'ning was afterwards com pleted by Oolonel Royd 3. J list before the function closed a yory interesting presentation was made by Mrs. Royds to Chief nrgeon anel Ohief nperintendent R . B. Sellers, consisting of a piece of plate and an illuminated ado.ress. This token of respect was to record the llutiring interest disl11ayell by Dr .• ' 11ers in ambulance work in Rochthtle. On December 9th, 1905, the Earl of Lathom unveiled a memorial tablet fixed above a bed at the Preston and County of L ancaster Queen Victoria B.oyallnfirlllaJ'Y· Thi3 bed was presentQd to the infirmary by the friends of the men belonging to the t. John A.mbulance Brigade from Preston and Di trict wh o 10 t their lives in the South African War, and was dedieated to their memory. Sir '.Ym. Tomlinson, Bart., the Right Worshipful the Mayor of Preston, together with a large and influential gathering ,yere present. The Royal Naval Auxiliary Sick Berth Reserve still continues to be Yery popular and attracts a large number of men for emOllllellt, the total number at present serving hom thi. area being 95. On all sides the men speak in the highest terms of the treatment meted ont to them by the Admiralty. The three Hearer Oompanies organised in this District appear to lIe up to their strength and in a most efficient condition . The illtroduction of the khaki uniform has given much satisfaction to the men serving iu these companie.· . The following trophies outside those introduced by the North-cast and 'outll-east Lancashire Oorps anll Divisions were competed for during the year:Nursing Shield, held at Preston May 5th, won by Blackpool Nursing Di\'i ion. Argenta Cup, helo. at Blackpool June 16th, won uy Kendal Division. Tunstill Shield, held at Brierfield July 2Bth, won by Orompton Divisiou. Orosnelcl Shield, held at Warrington Sept. 2211U, won by Orompton Divi. ion. The first District Oamp was formed on aturday, June 2nd, 1906, at outh. lore. Black pool. A total of 1 4 officers and Jllell were present in camp, and a very interesting and instruetive week was spent, although the details of camp life au (1 managemcnt were new to all concerned. The Oamp was under the command of A.ssistant-Oommissiuncr Whittaker, District Obief Superintendent Garnett occupying the position of Adjutant, which be carried ont in a l!I(1st tactful and efficient manner. The dutics of Oamp Quartermaster devol ve(l llpon District SupcrintenJent Secretary W ooucock, and from the testimony of all concerned the camp catering and management proved highly satisfaetory . The pitching and /leneral conduct of thE' camp were excellently carried out and in every way satisfactory. On June Bth you, • iI', as the Ohief Oommissioner, inspected the camp, and you were good enough to express satisfaction witb all you llad seen. This was most encQuraging and will materially help us in our seconJ annual encam pm ent, which it is proposed to hold at Knott End, near Fleetwood, in August, 1907. Th e North-ea<;t Lancashire Corps and Divisions H.eview was held on June 23rc1 at Blackuul'l1. A complete report on this inspection was furnished by 11Ie to you. Sir Harry Hornhy, Bart., very hospitably entertained to luncheon the officers who carriecl ~ut the organisation of this review . There were present the Mayor of mackburn. Bishop Thornton, and ot}ler gentlemen. Th e South-east Lancashire Oor'p~

St. John A1nuulance B1'igade.


and Division Review was h eld 011 Jnl 2Btl D . by Assistant-Oommissioner DerhallJ d I at . nkJ,nfield. The parade was in spected also been furnished. Wretch ed ~antl a .dll~aI l o( the 1Jroc~ed.lI1gs has in tllis case Mayor of Dukillfi eld offered hospitaltt; ~el tlcolllrietely spOllea the parad e. The accepted. 0 Ie 0 cers concel'l1ed, which was gladly


I~ response to the application made b the S ' Agncnltnral Society I arranged fo d t eOletary to the Royal Lancashire which the 'ociety's ~how Wc),S 0 l' e a1 s 0 ambu!ance duty during the dates un August, 1905. The Lancaster &~Lat Lallca~ter, bell1g t~le 2nd , 3rd, 4th, and 6th d~ys,.a (letachment from the MOt:e~~~n~~Cl:ife~. on the st~bon dl1l'ing the first three D.lstnct Sllperintenuent of 'torcs P 1 taklllg duty on the last day. kll1dly took the medical duty N ,0.0 et,a~l( on. Surgeons OlLlham and Lamport of the Pre. Lon Nlll'singDivi i~l1 lllSlllg S ers nnrlel' Lady 'upel'intendentHoward The f:lecl'eLary (Mr. Bohane) t' ~ere 011 .. uty uuring the ~el'iod the show was open: than ks for tlul set'vices rendered~ J~I~~:I~~ to eX'p1'e~s IllS enti!'e satisfaction alld ,,,ere of a serious nature. cases receIved attentIOn, some of which




In J:eviewing the ,,'ork of' the Uri ratle . I .. . can WJ th great conlidence report geg . 11.n V. Dlstnct clllnng the past year I A.s ~ll organisation we are well co~~~~tul~~plOvement of a very substalltiaillature. chStlllct regulations which biml us togetl . d. d 'V\~ave also the advantages of very ~~l an ena e us to work on the same lines. I would like to noint out that so f. al of!icel' of ullits~al'e now exercisincr as .le ~rea l1nd~r my charge is concemed, the ledge of' regulatiolls whi;h enabl~satfPeclrllllterest III acqui]'il~g an accmate know~1l1cler their co III 1l1an'd. For SOllIe I.C,m 0 t t~lor~ughly supel'vI.se and. guide nnits. lrll obtaining from ullits the al1l1ualrd~~~n~~a~alle~le~~r\~as Be~eeetl~gly IgI~at difficulty orms werc then 0[' a te<1iou' and c n r. 1 . Y llga( e . egu atlOllS. These and simplified Bl'iuarle forms has .0 lp lC~te~ natl1le, but the ll1trodnction of new I'ctl1lw>. arc now llanded in ill :11 u~ g~ eo, n~a. nre l:emove(l thi~ di (Jicnlty, and IH'ol1lptItllde. b ea llum CI of lllsiallces With much mOle



t 't f l ' on tl}ePDisl~:\lcl \ ~lankJll.g n~~st cOl:diall), thegelltleI be . t .'b t t a}. It IS. 1elteratIng what I have tImes receivetl from the e rel1t1em e~1 II n e ?, tie cordla.l. 'llpport I have at all is entirely dne to their untfrin cr efJ'orts Ti~:atlsf~~toy ~OSltlOlJ of .No. IV. District lIl'geons of Oorps and Divisi()I~ ' Tl' B" me an {a ? th.e Cll'ef and Honorary without the s(Lcrifices and assi~t~nee bl:''ito~~,g~de as a]\O~gal~lSatIon. wOllld entirely fail e the ambulance and nursing officer . r t.l D~on.1 y t Ie me(henl profe~ iOI1. To obligation . SOle 1 tnct 1 also neire to express my In closing Illy report I tah the 0)

lIJ~n ~I'ho occupy tile po ilio;lS s~ld (or some year past when

I h:n-e the h011ol1l' to he , i1' , Your obedient ervant , OITARLE J. THIMBLE T 1 D, jJut Ij CummissiuflC;' No IV D' t .' t J t B' u t Ir C/wi Commiss/IIIU I, St. J ollll' .lmuulrlllCc B,.;"gadt:. . IS IIC, . . L . •



Formed. Hey'\yood Division 5 June, 1883 " "re-formed16Jan.,1 894 4 May, 1886 ,Viusford Diy. 'W alton-le-Dale Div. 15 Jan., 1887 Barrowford Diy. 29 Dec., 1887 Headquarters Div. (Preston Oorps) 25 Jan., 1888 Police Di \rision (Preston ~5 Jan., 1888 Oorps) 15 May, 1888 Oolne Di visiou Oct., 1888 Nelson Oorps Sept., 1 89 Brierfield Division 20 Nov., 1 '89 Padiham " June, 1 90 Burnley" 11 Nov., 1890 Accrington Oorps March, 1891 Hapton Division 24 ApI., 1 91 Olitheroe " Sept., 1892 Belfast " Dec., 1892 Bacup Oentral Div. "(Rochdale 10 J llly, 1893 Oorps) 22 Jan., 1894 Royton Diyision 12 Apl., 1 94 Penrith " 24 June, 1894 Keswick " 10 A)Jl., 1 95 Reddish "" 22 April, 1 95 Crewe 25 May, 1 95 Read " Aug., 1 95 Bury " 2 Sept., 1 95 Tottington " 12 Feb., 1896 Edenfield " 18 Feb., 1 96 11lorecambe " 1 Sept., 1896 H azel Grove" Equitable Div. (Oldham Oorps) 1 Oct., 1896 Horsedge St. Div . (Oldham Oorps) 1 Oct., 1896 Adlington Division 26 Oct., 1896 P .S.A. Div. (Oldham Oorps) 7 Jan., 1897 Southport Division 8 Jan., 1 97 Ohester " 16 Jan., 1897 Foulridge" 30 Jan., 1 97 Askam-in-Furness Div. 1 Feb., 1897 Warrington Oorps 25 Fch., 1897 Whaley Bridge Div. 5 ApI., 1897 Haslingden Oorps 18 l\lay, 1897 Rawtenstall Division June, 1897 OrawshawlJooth " Dec., 1897 13 Feb., 1898 N ewchul'ch" Blackpool " 15 May, 1898 Radcliffe Division 21 June, 1898 Rishton " 17 Noy., 1898 Kendal Division 10 Mar., 1899 Head-quarters Diy. ~Bolton Oorps) 21 ApI., 1899 Newtown Division 29 May, 1899 Hartford Diy. (Oldham Corps) 14 Sept., 1899 Dalton-in-Furness Div. 30 Nov., 1899 A.bram Oolliery Division 5 Jan., 1900

Formeu. Great Lever Div. (Bolton Oorps) 13 Jan., 1900 Leyla.lld & Farington Div. Feb., 1900 (Preston Corps) 27 May, 1900 " Ul verstoll 4 July, 1900 Barro\\'- in-Fnrness " , Aug., 1900 Haverigg (l\lillom) " 9 Aug., 1900 Blackburn Division 4 Sept., 1900 Dllkintield Diy. HoLl barrow (l\lillom) Division 17 Sept., 1900 Leigh Vi vision 19 ept., 1900 Whall ey Div.(re-instated)27 ept., 1£100 Stockport Division Feb., 1901 Macclesfield " 26 Feb., ] 901 Lancaster" 24 ApI. 1901 ,Vbitworth Div. (Roch10 June, 1901 dale Corp) Millom Iron vVorks Div . 10 Jun e, ] 901 2 June,] 901 Orompton Divi ion 20 July, 1901 Alsager Division Milnrow and J' ewhey Div. (Rochdale Corps) 29 July, 1901 Ashton-under-Lyne Div. 8 Aug., 1901 'W estwood Div. (Oldham Oorps) 1 Oct., 1901 Norden Div. (Rochda1e Oorps) 22 Nov., 1901 Frenchwood Div. (Pre.ton Corps) 23 Nov., 1901 Castleton Di v. (Rochdale ]7 Dec., 1901 Corps) Farnworth Div. (Bolton ] 4. Mur., Hl02 Corps) 1 April, 1902 Li verpool Division 15 April , 1902 Altrincham " 25 April, 1902 Longdendale " 2 July, 1902 Whitefielu " Bred uury and Romiley Division 19 A.ug., 1902 Salford Div. (Manchester 30 Dec., 1902 and Salford Corps) Hulme Diy. (Man chester and Salford Corps) 1 Jan., 1903 Littleborough Division 2] :May, 1903 Trawd en Division 18 June, 1903 Hindley Division 13 July, 1903 Todmoruen Division 27 July, 1903 Ardwi ck Div. (Manchester and alford Corps) 31 July, 1903 Bootle Division 5 Oct., 1903 1\lersey Mission to Seamen Di vision 31 Oet., 1903 Dublin (St. James's Gate) Division 7 April, 1904 Lytham Division 2 July, 190-:1: IIorwicl1 Division 8 Aug., 1904 Orossfield Diy. (,Yarrington Oorps) 23 Jan., 1905

St. John A'lnbulamce Brigade. Great Lever Div. (Bolton Oorps) 20 Feb., 1905 Knutsford Division 20 Feb., 1905 Northwich" 20 Feb. 1905 Victoria Hall Div. (Bolton ' Corps) 9 March 1905 Chorley Division 15 May' 1905 Astley Bridge Div. (Bolton ' Corps) 25 May, 1905 Manchester Corporation Tramways Division (Manchester and Salford Oorps) 21 Sept., 1905 NURSING

Formed. Oldham Division (Oldham Corps) 15 ept., 1 Bal'l'owt'ord " 22 Dec., 1 N elson" 15 Oct., 1 Coh:e" 1 May, 1 Pachham" 10 Dec., 1 Bl~l'llley" June, 1 Ohth eroe " 23 Oct., 1 Roy ton " 10 i\lay, 1 Accrington Div. (Accrington Oorps) 12 May, 1 94 Cen tral Division (Rochdale Oorps) 25 Jan., 195 PrestollDiv.( Pl'estollCorp.) 27 May,l 95 T ottingtoll Divi iOll 2 ept, 1 95 Bury" 11 cpt. , 1 95 Blackpool " 13 Nov., 1 95 FOllll'icIge " 30 Jun., 1 97 \\Tn,ltoll-le-Dale Division 4 Feb., 1 97 Bacup " Ap!., 189 Mor~cambe " 30 June, 1899 K eS\l"ick " 2;l , cpt .• 1 99 Askam-ill-Fmness Div. 23 ilIay, 1900 N e\\'chnrch Diviion 30 Jan., 1901 Lythal1l Div. 6 Mar., 1901 Whalley I iv. 10 June, 1901 Cl'a\\"shawbooth Div. 7 July, 1901 UII'er tOll " 10 July. 1901 11 ,mtenstall " 27 July, 1901 I

Wigan Division 14 Dec., City of Dublin Division 19 Dec., Shaftesbury (Belfast)" 27 April Levenshulme Div. (Man' chester and Salford Corps) 21 May, Waterloo Division 13 June, Port Sunlight" 2 Jnly, Sale and Ashton-on9 July, M ersey Divisi~n vVesthoughton DIY. (Bolton Corps) 25 Aug.,

305 1905 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906


FormeLl. Milll1'oW and New hey Div. (Rochdale Corps) 29 July, 1901 Ashton-under-Lyne Div. 8 Aug., 1901 Brierfield Division 18 Oct., 1901 Blackburn" 5 :Mar., 1902 Dalton-in ·Furness Div. 6 i\lay, 1902 Crompton Division 15 Aug., 1902 l.iverpool" 19 Aug., 1902 Willsford" 25 Jan., 1903 Trawu e n " 18 June 1903 Castleton Diy. (Rochdale ' Corps) 6 Aug. 1903 Whitworth Div. (Rocbdale ' Oorps) 19 Aug., 1903 Rauclitfe Division 5 Ocr., 1903 lleywood" 8 Dec. 1903 Jorden Di vision (Rochdale ' Oorps) 25 July 1904 Todmol'd en Divi!>ioll 27 March' 1905 Adlington anll H eath ' Oharnock Division 22 Apl., 1905 Edeuneltl DIvision 9 Oct. , 1905 Warrington Diy. (Warrington Oorps) 4 Dec. 1905 BooUe Division 26 Mar. 1906 Whaley Bridge Div. 16 Aug.; 1906 Victoria Hall Div. (Bolton 0,)1'1' ) 17 Sept., 1906


Che bil'e-Alsagel', Altrillcham, Bredlmry aUll Romil ey, Chesler, Crewe, Dukiufield , Hazel Grove, Hollingworth, lennt ford, Macclesfield, Newtown J'?r.tl~wich, Port Sunlight, Sale, Whaley Bridge, and Win ford DIVlSlons. CUllIberland-Haverigg, HodbulTow, Keswick, Milloll1 allll1)eJll'ith Divisions. Lall cash ire Corps-Accringtoll, Bolton, IJasling(l en, J: elson, OlJham, Manchester . . .. and alforu, Prest.oll, Ro chdale and 'Ya1'l'ington. Lanca lure DlvlslOns-Abram, Adhngton, Ashton-under-LYll e, Askam-in-Fnrness, Bacu p, J3a~'l'o:\'fol'll, Bano,," -in -Furness, BlaJk burn, Black pool, Bootle, BnerJielu, Burnley, Bury, Chorley, Olitheroe, Colne, Crawshawhootb, Crompton, Dalt011-in-Fl1rness, Ed enfield Foulridge, Hapton, H eywood, llindley, Horwich, Lancaster' Leith, Littleborough, Liverpool, Lytham, nIorecambe, Newchurcb' Padiham. Radcliffe, Rawtenstall, Read, Reddish, Ri 'Mon, Roy ton', Southport, Lockport, Toc1morden, Tottington, Trawden, Ulverston, Walton-Ie·dale, Waterl(1o, Whalley, ,Yigan and Whitefield. ' We tmol'eland-Kendal Division. Irelancl-Belfast, Oity of Dublin, Dublin ( t. Jame, , Gate), and haftesbury (Belfast) Divisions.

St. John A mfndance Bl'igade.





..,.; ., .... '0" 00


Names of Corps aud Divi sions .





....v :.a 0 *Abram Colliery ." ... Acc rington ... Adlin gton .. ... ... Alsager ... Altrin cham Ashton-under-Lync .. . .. Bacnp .. . Barrowford B,uTow -in -Furness ... ... Belfast (Beifast)Shaftes bury ... Blackburn ... .. . Blackpool ... Bolton Head -q u 'tel'S Astley Bridge .. ... Farnworth Grea t Leyer H orwich .. Victoria H all ... -Westhonghton ... .. ... Bootle Breubury & ROllliley Brierfield ... ... ... Burnley .. , .. Bury ... *Cbester ... .. Chorley ... ... Clitheroe ... ... Colne ... Crawshawbooth ... .. , ... Crewe ... Crompton ... Dalton-in- Furllt3ss Dublin,S J ames'G'te City of Dublin ... Dukir;.field ... ... Edenfield ... ... ... Foulridge .. . ... H apton ... HaslingJen ... Havel'igg .. , ... H azel Grove .. . .., Heywood .. Hindl ey ... ... Hodbarrow ... ... Kendal .. ... Keswick ... . .. Knntsforu ... .. . L ancaster ... .. . L eigh ... ... L iverpool ... ... Longdendale ... L ytham ... .. . Macclesfield .. . Mallcllester &Salford Salford .. , ... Corporation Tram . Hul me .. '" Ardwick . .. ... L evenshulme .. . Milnrow & Newhey Morecambe ...

.. .





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43 49 85 101 -19 2-i 2t 23 2f) 33 3 1 38 42 2 37 2\' 15 10 33 37 71 72 24 29 10 14 1'159 70 2'1' 73 83 2:2 2;') 20 1 :2 30 ~2 26 ] 7 19 11' 33 35 1 :28 3-1: 2'2 2 30 37 It 29 3:; I!'27 3:2 Ii" 22 1 I 37 -i1 17 27 0\)] 40 ·H) :H ;2;') ~9 33 40 :3 :2 30 1-\














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13 -


10 15

Nelson ... Newchureh Newtown ... Northwich . . . Oldham Co rps Mum ps Equitable ," estwood Contral Padihalll ... Port ' unlight Preston .. .





11 16




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12 -


26 38 2;') 23 8 38












9 13




34 25




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21 21

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Nam ps of Corps and Dlvisiulls.











Am buiance.





















l'l ....,



' 0~ "

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

..c:: ...,



71 31 17 20 1 ]6 26 5 1 ]5






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25 10







1 -


1 -





55 7 17 13 9



Reports Itaye !l ot becD r eceived from Divi.:ion marked thus * figure are given. tam e Hon. m geon llS in Ambulance Unit.

26 12 -


58 9 19 1-1 10


16 9 19 16 17

17 10 19 17 1









1- - - - 1- - - - 1- -1- -

13013326303139 17



2 1






25 '827 899 Last yeaT's

Statem ent :-Deputy OOl!lmi ioner , 1; Assi tant Commis ion ers, 2 . District Chief upel'intend ellt, 1; Di trict upt. ecretal'Y, 1; Di tric! npt. of Stores, 1; DistTict Supt. Tl'ea nrer, 1; 31 Officer , 263 ergeant and corporal , 3,157 men and nUTsing siters. Total (allll'oximate ) 4045.

St. J ohn A mbulance Br'igade.


Bt. John A mbulance Brigade.


,V. R.


Sup e rintendent.

Honorary Secretary.

2 nd Offi cer.

T. Caspell.

Pte. A. M. Hart, Bickershaw Rouse, near Wigan.

Officers 4.


1st Officer.

R. B. Mawson, Bickershaw House; nr. Wigan.

~I.D .



Honorarv Surgeon .

Honorary Sec retary.

Sergt. T. Aldred.


Chief Superintendent.

J. Ogden, S.J.A. B. Drill Hall, Bull Bridge, Accrington.

Hon . Treasurer.

Private C. Howells, ,'ellr.

Private H.


unn .

Officer&:!. Privates 23. T otal effective 25. Increase since last report 3. Drills held 44. Average attendance 14. Removal 1. 'ases attendcclllot on pnblic duty 15. Allnual impection, 12th ~ray. Total on parade 22. Absent with leave 3. Annual re-examination, ] 3th JUllC. :r.,.Iembers passed 24. Medallions 21. el'vice IJadgcs 17. Nursing certificates 16. Regulation uni,rorIll worn IJY 1 OIIi.ccr and 22 men. l\Iaterial: 3 stretchers, havresac, wall box, spllllts, bandages, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by mem bel'S' . lIbscriptiollS, conceIts, &c. The thrce ick Berth Reservists have undergone a week's training on board H. M. Sllal'tiate," off the I sle of Wight. (C

1st Officer.

Superintendent of Stores.

A. II. Barnes.

W . H. Bullock .

Officers 5. Sergeants 6. Corporals 5. Privates 85. Total effective ] Ol. Decrease since last report l. Drills held 98. Average attendanue 44 .. Oases attended on public duty 19. Removals 104. Cases attended not on ,PublIc <l\lty 18. Annual ill pection, 18th AufS. ~'otal on l~arade 7l. ~bseDt WIttl leave 24. Without leave 6. Annual re-exanllllatlOn, lOth l!eb. , and vanous. dates, . ,1I1emLers passed 98. Failed l. Medallions 63. Service badges 4. lll''lll1g certIficates 39. R eunlation uniform worn by 5 Officers, 6 sergeants, 5 corporals, and ~5 men. Uaterial : ambulauce wagon, litter, 17 street boxes, 115 havresacs at nulls, &e., and 9 at head-q l1arters, 14 stretchers,. water bottles, bed rests,. bed cradles, crn tt: hes ' 1Sl)lints bandaues &e., vested 111 the Local Centre Com mIttet'. Corps : , b , '1. t' supported by Local Centre and voluntary contnuu lOTIS.



Honorary Surgeons.

W. C. Rigby,

E. Rush\Yorth, King's Mere, A1sagerl Stoke-oll-Tren t.

Pte. T. 'Woodworth, Mereside, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent.


R. Clegg, ~f. B. A. Y. Greenwood, 1I.D.

Sup erinte ndent.

M. II.

Inspector of Stores .

Sergeants 2. Privates 43 . Total effective 49. [N 0 report received . J

Honorary Surgeons.

Honorary Surgeon . ayers, M. It. C. S.

F. A. Linton.

Insp ector of Stores.



F. J. Mayes, )I.ll.C.,'.

M .B.


Vl. Blackbul'D, 4, Canal

t., Adlington, Chorley, Lancs.

Honorary S ecretary and Treasurer.

CorpI. E. Blackledgc, 48, Market St., Adlington, Chorley.

Inspector of Stores .

G. D arbyshire.

Officers 3. Sergeant l. Corporal l. Privates 19. Total effective 24 . Increase since last report 2. Drill s held 4l. Average attendance 2~. Cases attended not on Imblic duty 16. Annual inspection, 19th May. '1:'ota1 on para~le 17. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 3. Annual re·exammatlOl1, 10th Apnl. Memhers passed 20. Did not appear 2. Medal1ions 13. Service badges 7. Nursing cel'tifica tes 7. R egulatioll uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 19 lllen. Material: 3 stretchers and hamper at h ead-quarters, and 12 hamper<; at workshops, &c. , vested in Divisional Committee. Division supportecl1.Jy concerts, soirees, and public contributions .

ALTRINCHAM DIVISION (CHESHIRE ). [Formed 15.4.0'2. ) II E.\.])-QU.\HTEIl.: MAllKE1' HALL, ALTltI)\UL\i\I.

Honorary Surgeon.

II. G. Couper,



J. L. 'VoL tenllOlllle, Carr End, AltrincballJ.


I nspector of Stores.

avigation B.d.,

Pte. G. ·White.

Honorary Secretary.

Pic:. H.

Honorary Treasurer.

haw, 13, Ol:'dar Road, Hal e, Altrineham.

Corp1. W. Foster.

ofIieer 2. , 'ergeau t l. Corporals 2. Privates 33. Tolal effeclive 38 . Increase sillce last 1'e1,01t 13. Drill:; hcld 1 . AYerage utleudanee 14. Ca. es attt'llcled 011 }lublic dUly 2~5. Relllovals 15. Case, attellded not on public duty 147. AlJllual inspection, 27th June. Total on paradc ~. Au eut with leaye 6. 'Yithout leave 4. Anllual re-cxamination, ht Aug. Member~ pas~ecl 24. Fuiled 1. Diu !lot appeal' 1'2. Me(luliiollS 16. Nnrsillg certificates 11. Hegulaiion uniform "'om by 1 Ufticer, 1 SCl'g(·uut, 1 corporal, aud ~3 men. lIlaterial: 4 ~tl'cteher , 5 surgical ha\Tcf-laes, 4. waleI' bottles, li notice LOllrds, 6 \Yall boxes, ~4 pouch equip lllents. eharls, &c., v(: ieu ill Divisiollal Committee. Division snpported by menlbers' ~llbs{,l'iJltiollS allll volunttlry cOlltrilmliolJ '. EighLeen ll1elllbel'~ hi1.VC .ioinc(l tlte R. .A .... B. Resen'p, alld ha\e been in rected by Dcpnty In speetor-Oclleral Prestoll, R. .; he expressed llilllseli' very well pleaed with all tlte Ineu CliO.. I ha\'e rec:ei\'ed .pecial prai~e from the llJellieal men in I>clcrenec to thp. Ul'l'angelllelits llla(le for the tJansport of a patient with parts of llis :;}lille removed, after a rail way accident ill Amcrica. ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE DIVISION, LANCASHIRE, [Formed .8.0l.J IIEAD -QUA ltTEW;:


I xs-I'ITUTll;, A::;lITo)\-'{;:\DEll-LYXE.

Honorary Su rgeo n .

Supt . and Hon. Treasurer.

Oapt. A. Hiltoll, A.i\I.R.

D. Hall, LylJ\\'ood, mallshaw, Ashtoll-under- Lyn e.



Hono ral'y S ecretary.

II. 'VinterboLtolll, 13, Talhot ,'treer, Ashton-under-Lyne.


St. J ohn A?nbulance BTigade.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Inspector of Stores.


Pte. H. Moore.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 38. Total effective 42. Decrease since last report 2. Drills hel.d 59 .. Average at~enda~ce 23. C~ses attended not on }JU blic duty 44. Annual mspecbon, 7th A Pl'll.. 'I.otal 011 pal a~e 29. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 10. A~nl1al re-ex~_plln!ltlO]), 5.th Api'll. Mem hers passed 32. Did not appear 9. Medalhons 24. N llI'smg cerbficate~ 4. R egulation uniform worn by ) officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, alld ?9 men. Matenal: 4 stretchers, 4 surgical havresacs, 8 rugs, ~'oller bandage mac111~le.' ~ag and staff, cnpboards and drawers, splints, &c., vested m Local Centre. DIvISIOn supported by mem bel's' subscriptions. . . ., . . , . There are now only seven leqUll'lng the regulatIOn ul1lfol:~1.1. Legg~llgs are" OIll by allmem bel's, and overcoats haye been served out to those takmg part III the camp held at Blackpool during Whit week.



Honorary Surgeons .

F. W. Rigby, J. P. BrowD,

W. G. Lam bert, 8, Pembroke St., Bacup.

:r.LB. ll1.B.

3rd Office r and Insp. of Stores.

N. Woodhouse.





Honorary S urgeon.


H. Anderson,



J. McLarty, 160, Ramsden Street Barrow-in-Furness. '

Honorary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treas.

Pte. W. Bradley, 27, Baden Powell St. Vickerstowll, Barrow-in-Furness. '

Sel'gt. J. Craig.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Cor])orall. Privates 33. Total effective 37. Decrease since last report 2. Drills heW 45. Cases attended Oll public duty 97. Remoyals 12. Cases attended not ou public duty 694. Annnal inspection, 26th July . . Total on parade 30. A.bsent with leave 5. ,Yithont leave 2. Annual re-exanllnu.tlOn, 15~h March. 1I1:e111 Lef~ passe~ 36. Medallions 30. Service badges 1'2. N l1l'::;lIlg cel:tlflcates 2l. Re~ulatlOn u111fol'111 worn by 2 0 lIicers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 31 meJ?-. Matena 1: 6 stretchers, 6 surgical havI'esacs, water b~tt~e. ' ru~s, 6 sets of splmts, a~d 4 str~at .wall boxes, vested in Di visional Committee. DIvlSlon .s~p'ported hy members snbscnptlOns and voluntary contributions. T~le Dlv~ . lOn has .made progress during the year, and has been commended for effiCle~cy .m fir t a~d and transport of the injured in cases of serious accidents occurr.lt1g 1Il the vanous la.rge works, and in doing duty in the public streets, at athletlC sports, regatta, football matches, &c. Members of the S.B.B. have done duty on H. M. S. "Empress of India" IlUU at Plymouth Naval Hospital.

Hon . Treasurer.

Hon. S ec.

1st Class Sergt. W. Brown, 254, Todmorden Road, Bacllp.

Pte. J. A. Law.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 28. Total effective 37. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 50. Ayerage attendance 20. Removals 4. Cases attended on public duty 100. Annual inspection, 31st July. 'l:'0ta~ on parade 24. Absent with leave 2. ,Yithout leave 11. Annual re-exammatlOn, Members pas5ed 29. Did not appear 6. Medal1ions 13. Service 23rd July. badges 19. Nursing certificates 23. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 27 men.. Material: aml.mlance. waggon, 15 wall boxes 3 litters 6 stretchers, 1 surgIcal havresac, rugs, splints, bandAges, &c., vested in Divi.si~nal Committee. Division supported by voluntary contributions. Fifteen members of the R. N.S. B. Reserve did duty uuring a week in August in the Royal Kaval Hospitals at Haslar and Plymouth.


Superintendent and Honorary Secretary.


mith, Chief Fire

tation, Chichester Street, Belfast.

Officer l. Privates 7l. Total effective 72. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 18. Average attendance 18. Oases attended on public dnty 2,5 1.. Removal 2,413. Annual in pection, 31st May. Total on parade 46. Ab ent WIth leave 26. Allnual re-exanlination, 13th April. .Member::; passell 20. Did not appeal' 52. Medallions 3l. Firemen's uniform allu St. John ' ann badge. laterial: 3 ambulance wagons and 12 stretchers. Di \'j ion upported by the Belfast Corporation. Tu1mbel' of ralls r.ecedived fr011l October 1st, 1905, to eptelllber 30th, 1906, 2,0 1; l ance not reqUIre 168; number of Cll es remoyed 2,413. am.JU


BELFAST (S HAFTESBURY ) DIVISION . [Formed 11A.06.J Honorary Surgeon .

O. M. Mitchell,


1st Officer and Hon. Sec.

A. Laycock, 17, Walton Street, BarrowfoI'd, nr. Nelson.

Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. S. Street.

ergt. E. Pilkington.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporall. Privates 15. Total effective 19. Decrease sillce last report 2. Drills held 32. A v(>rage atteuuallce 12. Removals 3. Cases attended not Oll public duty 32. Annual inspection, 21st June. Total on parade 17. Absent without leave 2. Al111ualre-examination, 3rll May. Membf'l's passed 17. Did not appeal' l. Meclallions 9. Nursing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 12 me11. Material: 7 stretchers, 17 appliance boxes, rngs, splints, bandages, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by socials and subscriptions.



Hon . Surgeon .

G. D. Williamson,


S uperintendent.

C. A. Hill, 2 ,'Yaring treet, Belfa t.

Hon . S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores .

E. J. Garrett, orthel'll Bank Buildings, Donegal quare Wet.

,Yo H. Watterson.

Hon. Treasurer.





Omcers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 24. Total effective 29. Drills held 27. AYerage attendanco IR. Ca es attended not on Jlublic duty 2. Anllual ill pection, 31 t l\lay. Total on parade 29 . Absent with leave 2. ,Vithout leave 2. Annual re-examinntioll, 26th eptember. 1I1emhers passed 12. Did not al'pear 1G. [edallio])~ 9. "erviee badge 1. Material: 14 i and'lges, 1 set of dies and 4 splints, vesLeLl in Divisional Committee.


St. J ohn A 1nbulance Brigc(,de. BLACKBURN DIVISION (LANCASHIRE). [Formed 9.8.1 000 ]. H EAD-QUARTEItS : 14, PItESTON



Hon. Surgeon and Sup erint endent. Inspector of St ores.

Oliver T. Malou ey, 351, Accrington Road, In tack, I3lackburn.


[Formed 15 . 5.9 .]

J. Johnston, ~I.D.

Honorary S ecretary.

Corp1. T. L ee,

Oorpl. W. Catlow.

Officer 1. Sergeant l. Corpura]s 2. Privates 10. Total effective H. D ecrease since last report 5. Drills held 4.5. Average attendance~ . Cases attended on public duty 1. Removal 1. Cases attended not on pl~bhc duty 6. Annual inspection, 8th September. Total on parade 8. Ab ent wIth leave 1. Vilithout leave 5. Annual r e-examination , 21st August. Members passed 11. Did not appear 2. Uedallions 8. Service badge 1. ursing certificate 1. R~gu­ lation uniform WOl'll by 1 Offi cer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 10 men . :Jlatenal: 2 emergency boxcs, 4. stretchers, 3 surgical havresacs, 4 stretcher rngs, .&c:, vested in Divisional Committee. D ivi ion supported by members' subscnptIOns and vol un tary contributions.

Honorary Surgeons.




Hon . Surgeon .

li' . Hobiusoll, iII.D. (In charge).

ergt. W. II. \\'allb:mk, 4.0, Baxell'lale • 'treet, Bolton.

Inspector of Sto res.

F. L omax, 13, Wyl'esdale Road, Bolton.

3rd Officer J. Hardy.

(Seven A?nb1~lctnce Divisions)-Officers 14. Sergeants 6. Corporals 5. Privates 213 . (One Nt~rsing D ivision)- Offi cer 1. Nursing sisters 13. Total effective 252. The past year has again been most successful. A new Ambulance Division has been formed at Westhoughton and Nursing Division at Victoria H all. Arrangements are in halld for the formation of a Nursing Divisio n at H eael-quarters and Horwich. The men of the various units have rendered excellent til' t aid services at public gatherings and in the various mills ant! works . The A Bearer Company is now at full strength with 3 medical officers. This year's encampment at York was a great success. The R. N. A. S. B. Re!;erve continues popular, nearly 100 men are enrolled in the Reserve, and most encouraging reports are to hand on the work of the large number who have been on board H.M. ships or at the naval hospitals. Th e Corps paraded to receive Major-General Baden Powell on his vi. it to Bolton, and he warm ly commended the work of the organisation . All the Divisions have now secured most suitable head-quarters.

Hon . S ecretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte .T. Riley, 29, Co. op. treet, Astley Bridg!', BOltOll .

Pte. J Kay.

Officer 1. • ergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 22. 'rotal efI'ectiye 25. Decrea.'e since la t report Dl'illt> held 30. Average attendance 18. Annual inspection, 2 tIl June. Total on l,arac1e 6. Absent "'ith leave 9. Without leave 9. Annual re-examination, l -lth Aug. Member pas ed 10. Did not appear 14. Medallions 8. Nl11' ing cel'tiflcatcs 9. R egulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 14 mell. Material: stretcher, sl1l'rrical havresac, sl)lint· bandacres ··· supporte d by members' snb 'cription " and public contributions. ' h , et c. D 1\'110n



[Fonned 23 . 5.05.]


R. H. O. Hill. Officers 5. Sergeants 3. Corporals 3. Privates 59. Total effective 70. I ncrease since last report 3. Drills helcl 40. A verage attendance 35 . Cases attended not on public duty 9. Annual inspection, 20th June. T otal on parade 5l. Absent with leave 12. Without leave17 . Annual re-examination, 28th Feb. , 18th, 20th, 21st June. Members passed 60. Did not appear 8. Medallio ns 23. Service badges 8. Nursing certificates 8. R egu]ation uniform worn by 5 officers, 3 sergeants, 3 corporals and 59 men . Material: 8 stretchers, 5 surgictl.l havresacs, 15 water bottles and 12 sets of splints, vestecl in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions.

1st Class. ergt. W. Ru s hton.

Offic er:. 3. Sergeants 3. Corporals 3. Privates 73. Tolal effectiv e 82. Increase since last report 17. Drills helt! 50 . Averacre attendance 39 . Cases attended 011 pl~blic duty 100. .Annual inspection, 28th °Jul1e. Total on pararle 3l. Absent WIth leave ~l. "lVlthont leave 40. ~l1nual re-examination. 11th Sept. Member.s l'asse~ 2·1. Did noL appeal' 55. Meda llIons 40 . Nursillg certificates 60. Regul~holl u111fo1'111 worn. by 4 Officers, 3 sergeants, 4 co rporal s, ami 54 men. Matenal: alllbu]ance statIOn, 7 street boxes, 7 stretcl1e1's ' ; 7 : sUl'crical havresacs , , . sp1:llt~, water bottle:, &c., vested. in Tltlstees. Corps supportecl by members' suuscnptIOn::; and voluntary contributIOus.

1st Officer an d Han . Sec.

2nd Officer.

J. "IV. Johnston e, M.D. Honorary Treasurer.

9, Beverley Hoad, Bolton.

H EAD-QUARTERS: POLlCE BUILDI NGS, SOUTTI KING STREET, BLACKPOOL. L. G . S. Molloy, M.A ., M.D. G. Gosling, T. Donnelly, 6, Church St., F.S.Heaney, F.R.C.S. (1.) 29, CambridgcRoad, Inackpool. Blackpoo1.

[Formed 21.4.99.J

Honorary Surgeons .

J. H Thom pson, M.D.

B. G. Elliott, L. R.C.P., Killl'ide House, Witton, Blacklml'n. Acting Hon . S ecretary.



Hono rary Surgeon.

'fREET, FAI{~'\'ORTH. 3rd Offi cer.

A. H odge, )LIt.C.t>., L.ll.C.P.

J. Harely, 114, Yernall Bo]ton.


omcers 2. Private.. ] T otal eITeeti ve 20. Deeren e since last report 2. Drills held 45. A veracre attendance 11. Annual inspection, 2 th J nne. Total 011 l)nracle 11. Absent witl~ ]euye 5. Without ]eaye 4. Annual re-exalllination, 26Lh Jllue. Members passed 16. Did not appear 3. Medallions 14. Nursing certilicates 9. Regula.tion uniform worn by 1 Officer and 18 men. Iaterial : 2 stretchers, 1. llrgical havresac, SplilltS antI bandages, ve tecl in Diyisional Committee. Divi::;ioll supported by public contributions . (BOLTON CORPS ) GREAT LEVEn DIVISION, HEAD -QuAItTRTIS : ST. Hon . SUI'geon.

T. 'Y.

Patti1l s 01l, ~r.



(In charge).


[Formed 1 .2.05.]

• el'gt. 0 Roydell, 33, LUIlISdcll :h'cet, Bolton.

Hon . S ec. and Treas.

Pte. J. II. Acker, treet, Bolton.

6, Ve1lture

St. John .A n~bl~lulnce B'l'igade.


St. J ohn A?nbulance BTigade.

Officer 1. Sercreant 1 . Privates 28. T otal effective 30. Iucrease sin ce last reportb 7. Drill s held 49. Average a~tendance 17. Cascs attended on public duty . Cases attended not on. pubhc duty ~.O. Annual illspection, 28th June. Total on parade 19. Absent with lellye 4 .. \\ lthont leave 7. Annnal re-examilutioll, 24th April. Me11l?ers P3:ssed 21. DId not. a~)pear 8. Medallions 5. Nursing certificates 4. RegulatIon \1111[oI:m w~r~ ?y 1 selgean~ and. 22 men. "Material: 2 stretchers, splints, etc. , vested III DIVI lOnal CommIttee. Di vision supported by public and members' subscriptions. (BOLTON CORPS ) HORWICH DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 8. . 04 ]. H EAD-QUARTER,


1st Offi cer (Acting).

Honora ry Surgeon .




H. \\Tard, 41, Pioneer t., Horwich.


Inspector of Stores .

Honorary S ecretary.

E. C. Ferries.

Pte. F. Severs, 5, Bk Chapel St., Horwich.

Officers~ . Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 22. Total effecti\'~ 26. .) Drills held 45 . Avel age attendance 13. Cases attelllled not on jlu blIc th~~y 3~ . Annual inspection, 2 th June. T otal on parade 14. Absent With le~ye 4. \\ Ith?l~t leave 8. Annual re-examination, 4th Sept. Members pas.sed 20. DId not alll~eal o. Medallions 12. NlU'sing certificates 17. .Regulation umform worn by 1.ollicer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 18 men . . ~I~tel'lal : 1 stretcher, 1 ha~~'e ac, syh~ts, . &c., vested in Divisional Committee. DIVlslOn supported by membels sub CLlptlOllS and public. 1 b r Twenty -one members have enrolled in the R.N.A:S.B Reserve; 19 1ave een or th eir week's training and they \,ere highly pleased III every way.


1st Office r (in charge).

Li.eu t. J. Wood,


n. o. s.

N. Barlow,

Hon . S ecretary.

W . Hibbert, L ecture Hall, Westhoughton, nr. Bolton.

Town Hall,

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. Carey.

Pte . J. IIunter.


7, Lawrence

[Formed 1 .9.02.J

T . CllAlJ'H nOr ,'E, RO)IILEY.

Sup erintendent.



"T. \\T ar bl1lton, 70,'toekpolt Road, BrelIbllry, nr. Stockport.

Hono rary Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

D. 'later, treet, Romiloy, ,'lockport.

W. Williams.

Honorary Treasurer.

},Ir. II. ,'pellcer (lIon. :Jlem.). 'erg aut 1. 'urporal 2. Private 22. Total cffective 2 . 01Iieer ' 3. Drill . held .31. _A yerage atte;lllance 20. Ca es attended not on public duty 17. Alllluallllspccnoll, tth July. 'lotal 011 paralle 20. Ab ent with leave 5. \Yithout leave 3. Anll.nal re-exanlination, 22ncl May. MemherR pa~ ed 25. Did not appear l. Ml'dalhons 16. Rc.gulaliol.l uuiforlll worn by 1 Omcer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, al.ld I! .n~el1. Mater~a,l: 1 ht~e~·,. 2 streteher~ , 1 emergency case, splint; &c., vesteclm DIVI lOllal CommIttee. DIVISlO11 supported by public contributions.


Act in g 1s t Officer.


Inspector of Stores.

Officers 2. Sergcants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 211. Total effective 34. Increase sillce last report 3. Drills held 49. Averagc attendance 17. Cases attended l:Ot on public duty~. Annual inspection, 19th JUly. Total on parade 2l. Absent with leave 7. 'Ylthout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 6th JUly. Did not appear 12. Medallions 26. Regula.tion uniform Mem bel' pc1s~ed 21. worn .by 1 o/bcer, 2 ~ergeants, 2 corporals, and 22 men. Material: 4 stretchers, 1 medIcal hamper, splInts, bandages, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions, concp.rt·, &c. The Division i again indebted to the Education Committee for their kindness in allowing the free use of a 1'00111 at the Tech.nical chools fO.r drill. purposes during the year. A team entered. the Laucaslnre and YorkshHe Railway Company's annual ambulanc~ competition and sl~cceeded.in winning the shield, thus qualifying for the I nter-RaIlway Challenge hlCld, whICh they won by 232 points out of a pos ible 300.

"T. Lee,



S. Benson, Police Office, Bootle.

COI·pI. J. Tarbuck, 72, Runrose Rd., BootIe.

J. Heap,

Hon . SU rgcon.

Su perin t endent.

M. R. C.S .

Honorary Secretary.

Hon. Secretary.


A . Hatton,

Honorary Surgeon .

Honorary Surgeon.

Officers 2. Privates 17. Total effective 19. Increase since la t report 4. Drills held 54. Average attendance .10. Case attended on public duty no. Removal 5. Ca es attendeclllo.t on publIc duty 10. Annual inspection, 2 th June . Total 011 parade 14. Absent WIth leave 5. . Annual re-examination in JUlle. Members passed 16. Did not appea:'~' i\Iedalholls 12. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 14 men. Matenal: 2 siretche~s, :l surgical haVl'esacs, ~ water bottles, 12 leather kure caps, 3 roller b~n~l~ge machll1es, splints, bandages, etc., vested in Victoria. nall Trustees, Bolton. Dl \'18lO11 suppoltell by Victoria H all Trustees and members.



'1'. P. Blade,',

Pte. E. Heap, 443, Bury New Rd., Bolton . 4-13, Bury :x ew Rd., BOltOll.

[Formed 5.10.03.J


[Fonnetl ~6.2.05.)


Hon . S urgeon.



Hl': AD-QUAHn:ns:


\\'e!;thou~htoll, llr.

Bolton. ilI.B.

Pte. W. E. Tonge.

Officers 2. Privates 33. Total effective 35. Material: Two stretchers, splints, banclages, &c. Division Sl1 pportec1 by and the public.



Honorary Surgeons.

W. Bird,

Hen . Treasurer.


[FOl'lllC<l9. 9. J

J.'. WilsOll,

J. Hoyle,


)I.H.C. ' .

Superintendent and Hon . Treasurer.

W. Webster, Station H ouse, Brierfield, 111 enl bel'


1st Officer

Honorary Secretary.

R. H arrison.

Sergt. A. G. ;'mith, Quakers Bridge, Brierfield.



Inspector of Sto res.

\V. Danson.


St. J ohn A'InuuloJnce Brigade.

Officers 5. Sergeants 2. Pri.vates 30. T otal dfectivc 37. I ncrease since last report 2. Drills held 33. A. verage attendance 22. Cases attended on public duty 2. Removals 14. Cases attended no~ on public du~y 97. Annual inspection, 26th June. Total on parade 29. Absent WIth leave.4. WIthout leave 4. Annual re.examination, 30th April. Members passed 32. lJIdnot appear 2. Medallions 22. Service badges 12. Nursing certificates 28. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 sergeants, and 30 me? Material: 1 l~ttel', 9 stretc~1Crs, 2 surgi.cal havresacs, 22 en:e~'g;ency boxes, splmts, &c., vested.lD ~he Commlttee of the Brierfield Centre. DIVISlOn supported. by volunt~.ry contnbutlOlls, lecturcs, &c. During the ycar competitions have becn attended, and i~ is cn~o~uaging to state tbat, with an entirely new squad, "'e have been su?cessfulltl obt~l1lll)g first, second, and third prizes. Sergeant W . Webster has recClved the SerVIce medal and has also had the honour of Hon. Sen-ing Brother of the Order conferred upon him.

St. J ohn A muulance BTigacle.


CHESTER DIVISION (CHESHIRE ). [Fjormed 16.1.£17.] HEAD-QUAJ~Tfnu;:


Hon. S urge o ns .

G. Harrison,


OUicel's 2.

Inspector o f S t o res.

D. C. Sutton,

Sel'bcreallt 1.


Pte. H. Underwood.

COl'llol'all .


Ttl lY' • 0 a ellectn'e 22.

[No report received.]





Hon. Surgeon.

A. MacI, intosh,

111 B.

S uperintendent.

Honorary S urgeon.

R. 1lI. 'Vbitbam,

[Formed 6.90.]

M.B .

J. 'Wilkinson, 30, Thursby Road, Burnley. Inspector of S tores.

Ho norary S ecretary.

Sergt. J. L. Colburn.

Sergt. F. Dixon, 51, Brougham St., Burnley. Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. F. Owen. Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 29. Total effective 35. Decrease since last report Drills held ±7 . Average attendance 18. Cases attended on public duty 4. Removals 2. Cases atteudell not on public duty 72. Annual inspection, 3rd July. Total on parade 32. Ab, ent with leave 2. "Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 22nd ~Iay, and 26th Sept. Iembers passed 36. Did not appear 8. Medallions 16. ervice bal1ges 8. Nursing certificates 9. Regulation nniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 ergeants, 2 corporals, and 29 men. Material: 4 litters, 12 stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, 11 street boxe , each containing stretcher, haversac, ancl ambulance material, and 160 ambulunce bags in mi.lls and work shops, vested in the Divisional Committee. Division supported by the pu bli.c.



Honorary Surgeon.

F. B. Holmes,


I'. Enscr, 14, Hanson, treet, Bmy. Hon. T reasu rer.

Hon. Sec.

Mr. J. Cox (Hon. Mcm.)

Pte. J. Dun 'tel', 11, Argyle Street, Bury.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. A. Ensel'. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 27. Total effective 32. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 48. A verage attendance 16. Cases attended on public duty 56. Annual inspection, 25th Angust. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 5. 'Vithol1t leave 10. Annual re-examination, 22ud March. Members passed 27. Did not appear 4. Medalliolls 13. I ervice badges 3. N nrsing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 26 .men. Material: 13 stretchers, 1 surgical havl'esac, Splillts and bandages, vested 111 the Divisional Committee. Division supported by mel1lbbl'S subscriptions and pnblic contributions.

R. Ashton, Springwood Oottage, IIeapley, Chorley.

Inspector of Stores .

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. G. BOl'tfielll.

Pte. J. L. Smith.

.Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Private ' 37. Tota.l effective 41. Annual . Decr~ase SllICe~u. t report 16. Drills held 33. Average atLrndance 1 IllspectLon. ~3th cpt. Total on parade 26. Absent wi.th leave 2. Without leave 13. .le!lu.lllo11s 4. Regulatio~1 uniforlll worn hy 2 officers, 1 sergeant, and 22 men. :'~atenal: 2 tretcher!:i, 1 surgIcal haYl'esac; these are the property of the Divisioll. \\ e ha~'e. 11.1;;0 .the use of 1 str~tch~r. ~vbieh is the property of the Chorley Co-opel~~l\'e OC!ct:y, Ltd., ve~tc? III DI~lSlo~lal Oommitte!). Division supported by ulC.'mhel sub cnptlOns and publlC contnbutlOns.


'1'. MAllY', ' OLD

Honorary Surgeons.

E. Onne, ~l.B. II. Y.. windale, L.R. G.P. :i.


1st Officer and Hon. Sec.

H. Stopforth, 5 ,Railway Road, Chorley.



S uperintendent.

1\1. H. Dawson, 40, 'Yell Terrace, Clitheroe.

1st Officer.

Honorary Secretary.

'Yo Hu ·hton.

Corp1. J. Mitchell, Wcst Vie I"' , Clitheroe.

I nspector of Stores.

'eigt. W. II. Wilson.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. R. Garner.

ergeants 3. Corporals 3. Privates 17. Total eflective 27. Ollicers 4. Decl'ea e 'ince la 't report 2. Drills held 47. Average attendance 11. Removals 8. Case ' attenued not on public duty 16. Annual in pection, 11th July. Total on parade 11. Absent with leaye 1. Without leave 15. Annual re-examination 6th, ~7th :llld 27th 'cpt. lembers passed 1 . Did not appear 7. Medallions 18: N ursmg certificates 16. Heglllation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 3 sergeants, 3 corporal, and 15 men. Material: 1 litter, 9 stretcher, 1 surgical hayresac, 6 'wall boxes, 15· boxes of first aid anI)liances at mills' 1 air bed 1 bed rest 1 bell tent , 1:' " 1Jar: d a:ges, sphn ts, &c., vested in Trustees. Division supported by mell bel'S' subscnptlOn and voluntary contributiolls. During tb~ :year sever~lmore ~f the. mills ~ll this District have been supplied with boxes contallllng u varlety of first uHl applIances, and three additional street boxes ha~e been erected containing stretcbers, splints, bandages, etc. At the lamentable accldent at the Jubilee mills in April last, a number of members tnrned np and rendered great service, five stretchers being employed in removals, etc. I



St. J ohn A ?nbldciJnce BTigacle.

St. J ohn A ?1~bvJance Brigacle.



Honorary Surgeons. Superintendent.

E. Scott, '25, Bridge

A. H ey,

W. L. Lov ett, L. R. C.P.

A. A. G. Di ckey, M.D.

b'eet, Colne.

:!If. B.

1st Officer.

2nd Officer.

T. Burrell.

W. H eap.

Absent with l eave 10 Witho t I . 14 A I Members passed 28. 'Did n t 11 eav~ O· nnua. re-examinati on, 19th Sept. N' t'fi 0 appeal 1. Med allI ons 20 Service b d 9 Ul'SlJlg cer I cnte 1. R egulation uniform worn by ] Officer 1" rages . and. 14 m en. Material· Larcre nantit f t ' selgeant, 3 corporals, anll emcrgency box, vested inoD~-isionJ CO~l~'~t<;t 4 stD~c~l~r', 2 surgical haVTesacs, con trihntions anu concert. lee. lVlSlon supported by public at ~~~c~~l~~l/~;~I~~:Il&Ilo~:v~~'~t~~~:, one corporal, and two men attanued the Camp

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Secretary.


Pte. E. Baldwin.

Sergt. J. Steph ensoll , 22, Collingwood Street, Colne.


Honorary Treasurer.

M r. J. L. 'W ildman, J . P. (Hon. Mem . ) Officers 6. Sergeant l. Corporals 2. Privates 40. Total effective 49. Der.rease since la&t report 4. Drills held 32. Average attendance 25. Cases attended on public duty 5. Removals 55. Cases attended not on public duty 143. Annual inspection, 5th July. T otal on parade 39. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 8. Annu al re-examinatiCln, ] st March. 'ThIem bel'S passed 37. Did not appear 9. Medallions 21. Nursing certificates 21. Regulation uniform worn by 6 Oflicers, Material : horse ambulance, 2 wheel litters, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 40 men. 8 stretchers, 4 wall boxes, vested in Committee of local Centre .J.A.A. Division supported by Colnc Centre and public subscriptions.


Superintendent and Hon . Sec.

Honorary Su rgeons.

E. L. Compston, 1\1. B. R. J. 'Warrington, lIf.D . I nspector of Stores.

Pte. F. Shenton.


I .

Harding, 376, Burnley Road. Crawshawbooth. Honorary Treasurer .

}\[r. A.

E. Heap (HOD. nlember).



and Hon . Treasurer.

A. \ . Da vies,

1\1. n.



Superintend ent and Hon. Sec

C. ,Vilson, :lIf. D. C. H. \V. Bennett, M:. R . C. s.

F . H. 01dham , 25, ' tamforc1 Avenue, Crewe.

In spector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. T. Fishel'.

Officers 3. Sergcant 1. Corpor[11s 3. Privates 33 . T otal effective 40. I ncrease since last report 7. Drills held 33 . Average attendance 17. Cases attended on public duty 13. Removal 1. Cases attended not on public duty 2H (42 of th ese to hospitals). Annual inspection, 1st Sept. Total on :parade 16.

n. .

Sup erintendent.

Morton, Pingot, Shaw, nr. Oldham.

Honorary Secretary.

1 teo H. Evel'lugton, 9 , Ash Terrace, ,'haw, nr. Oldh am . Inspector of Stores.

'el'gt ..r. Abbott.

OlH c:el's.~. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 32 T 1 ". I ncrease Sl11ce last report 1 D "11' 1 ld 56 . ota eJle"tlve 36. attenued i l L ' . . II S Ie .' Average attendance 2. Casc' parade 35. 0 A~l~erRt~~{tfl ~~~ /7. Allnu~1 ll1spe.ctio~, 2nd Aug. Total on 11assed 31 D 1 t . ~nnual le-exammaholl, 20th I 'ept. Members r . II no appear 4. MedallIons 17 Nursing c e1t'fi t l' R l' uniform worn 1)\' :2 Om cers 1 sercreant 1 co. ' . I 1 3 2 1 ca es ot. • egu atlOn bo 6 t 1I 'b" IpOla, all( men. l.Iatenal· 6 wall .x~s.' s re C ler., 4 surgical lla vresac &c. ve teu' D" ... 1 ' . . Dlvlslon .St~p.]lol'tell by members' subscripti~ns al;d d~natio~~. lvlSllllla CommIttee. ~he DIYlSI~1\ I,l.a been succes '~u~ 5n winning the Cup for 'enior (uads in the a{llil IOU.", also the Tllnstill Challenge >..;hleld, and the d C ge 11e t 01 the .-ecolHI year, '0 that for the 1l'0ent veal' thre(; . Id h Ie s an one up are h'illd. J

~1~;S~~~~S~t~;ll~~; Cor~s.




Officers 3. SergE-ant 1. Privates 25 . Total effective 29. I ncrease since last report 6. D rills held 39 . Average attendance 15. Cases attended not on public duty 46 . Annual inspection, 4th ept. Total on parade 28. Absent without leave 1. Annual re-examinatioll, 3rd April. nlembers passed 19. Did not appear 8. Medallions 11. Service hadges 8. Knrsing certificates 6. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 25 men. Material: 1 litter, 8 stretchers, 2 surgical bavresacs, 9 rugs, 8 water bottles, 7 wall boxes fully equipped, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by public contributions. Eight men attended the Camp at Blackpool.

COl·pl. W . E. Ankers.






Honorary Surgeon . Sup eri nte ndent.

T. F. Forster, ~1.n.c .. ·. Hono rary S ecret ary.

J. H II. Grigg, K elso11 treet, Dalton-in-Fumes .

Pte. R. Chapmall.

Insp ector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. .E. H. Howard.

ergt. H. Akew.

Oflice~'s 2. I 'ergeant 1. COl'poral1. Private 1. Total C'Jfecti\'e 2') lllcrea'e Sll}(~e lust report 1. Drills h eld 29 . Averacre attendance 6 - 1.> -. I 5 C·\~l'S alt ! I t b1' d b ' n emova ,. ~ CIll ec lin on pu lC nty 3. AUllual inspection <JIst ~'e)l t T tl s . ~anHle 12. Ab:;e]lt with lcave 3. . 'Without Ica\'c 7. ~~ll~l1al're.e~allli~;~io~n ~lst cpt. Member pa scd 11. DHl ]lot aI11)el1l' 10. l.IedaIlion 10 .. ' badcres 9. . . .N· · '(j t 9 R egulatioll uniform WClJ'll by 1 Ollicer l'lcreant . elVlce '0 1l1SlI1g certl caes . 1 corpo ral, amI 17 Illen. Material: 4 stretcher' ti sct of 11lill t ' 3 ~ o. r '1 ha\Te'ac , &'C., vu; ,ted'JJl D'lVl..IOna I C ' lllblCa omnllttee.·Dil'ision supportell by ,the public.

DUBLIN (CITY) DIVISION. [Formed 1 . 12.05.] IIEAD-QlJAltTEns:

Hon . Surgeon .

C. R. l:Srowne,

M. D .


Supe rinte ndent and Hon . Sec.

John Thompson, 62, Lower Gardiner treet, Dublin.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. P. J. Cahill.

TREE'!', DUl.lLI~.

Hon. Treasurer.


. Wein ,tock, L.D.S.

St. J ohn A 1nbulcI;nce B1·igade.


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 3. Privates 31. T otal e~ective 37. Drills held 46. Average attendance 15. Oases attended on publIc duty 5. Oases attended not on public duty 61. Annllal inspection, ] st Marc~. :rotal on pa~~ade 23. Absent with leave 6. ,Vith out leave 8. Annual examlD~tJOn, .16th ov. Members passed 27. Did not appeal' 9. Medallions 3: RegulatlOll u ?lform '~.Ol'l~ by 1 Officer, 1 corporal, and 4 men; arm badge by l'emalD~er o~ n~e.mbels. jl,[at~llal. 4 stretchers, 2 medi cal havresacs, splints, &c., vested III DlvlSlOnal Oommlttee. DivIsion supported by members' subscriptions.


[Formed 7.4.04.]


H. G. Deans,

1st Offi ce I'.

2nd Officer.

3rd Officer.

P. L. Pielou.

O. A. Robertson.

G. Dick. Inspector of Stores.

Oorp1. E. J. Ooffey .

Officers 4. Sergeants 4. Oorporals 7. Privates 71. T otal effective 86 . D ecrea e since last report 7. Drills h eld 43. A verage attendance 40. Annual inspection, 2 th Feb. Total Oases attended Hot on public duty 4 O. on parade 7. Absent ,yith leave 4. , Yithout leave 4. Annll,al r e-examinati?n, 25th F eb . Members 11a';sed 64. Did not appeal' 21. Medalllons 20. Nursmg certificates 69 . ReO'ulation uni.form WOl'll by 1 Officer, 4 sergeants, 7 corporals, and 32 men. Material: 2 litters, 1 ambulance basket, 6 stretchers, 6 large white havresac ', 2 water bottles, 2 flags, bandages amI splints, 2 small drums and 1 bugle. Division supported by Messrs. A. Guinness, on,~ 00., Limit ed . I am pleased to report that forty-foUl' men have now got the uniform, and I am hopeful that more will follow, 'fhe following Sick Berth Reservists attended courses of training : -5 men went for a course of training on H.M.S. "Empress of India, " 7 on H .M .S. "Hood," 2 on H.M.S, "Nile," 2 on H.M.S. "Trafalgar," 6 on H.M.S. "Niobe," 1 Oil H.M.S. "Europa." In July, two teams went to Belfast and won the Lord Mayor's Oup and t,,'o sets of medals.


Honorary Surge on (i n charge).

E. A. Clarke,

M.B.C. S.,

Weymouth Villa, Dukinfield,

lll' .


Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Secretary.

Pte. J, Brierley, Thornclifl'e Lodge, Stalybridge.



N. Ashworth, lrwe11 Vale, Edenfield, ll1'. Mancbp.ster.

Honorary Secretary.

Act ing Inspect or of Stores.

Sergt. 'Y. Haslam, Tol' View, Edenfi eld, near Manchcster.

Pte. W. Bl'amoley.

Honorary Treasurer.

PLc. G. Pickup.

J. Lumsden, M.D., 4, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin.



Honorary Surgeon .

Honorary Surgeon and Supt.

Honorary Secretary,




. Spencer, St. James 's Gate, Dublin .

Blr?~[Jacl e.

St. J ohn A 1nbulance

Sergt. J. T. Molyneux.

Hon . Treasurer.

1\11'. A. Perkins (Hon . Member.) Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 17 . Total effective 19. Drills held 35 . Average attendance 10. Annual inspection, in March. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination,. in March. Members passed 12. Failerl 2. Did not appear -!. Metlallions 5. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 17 men. Material: 3 litters, 4. stretchers, 1 havresac, &c" vested. in 10calOentre S,J.A.A. Division supported by voluntary contributions. An inspection and annual review of the South-East Lancashire Oorps and Divisions were held at Dukinfield, on July 28th, 1£106, after which thc Mayor of Dukinfield (Oouncillor G. H. Kenyon, J.P.) entertained the officers in the Town Hall. A squad of four men and the Hon. Surgeon attended the Oamp held at Blackpool during. Whit week.

Officers 2. el'geallt 1. Privates 20 . T otal eO'ective 23. Decrea'e since last report 5. Drills held 33. Average attenclance 15. Cases a!tended not O l~ public duty 34: Annual inspection, 2 th June. Total on parade lr. Ab ent wlth lea\-e.2. 'Ylthout leave 4. Annual re-examination, 25th ept. ~Ien:bers pas edl . D~d not ~ppear 4. Medallions 16. ervice badges 6. Nursing certlfi~ates , RegL~laholl umform worn by 2 Officers, 1 ergeallt, and 20 men. Matenal: 1 htter, ( stretchers, 6 wall boxes, 3 stretcher cases, 1 snruical haVTesac. ) water bottle, ,5 ~ets of splints, vested in Diyisional OOllllllittee. "Division sup: ported by subscnptlOns from members and general public.



Hon Surgeons.

1st Officer (i n C harge).

A. A. G. Dickey, :'LD. W. Doyle, lIl.B. Hon . S ecretary.

Pte. J. Huggin , 14, Dlcnheim Place, Foul ridge, Oolne.

J. T.

mith, 16, Ohapel Foulridge, Oolne .


Inspecto r of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer,

PtE:. T. Hargreaves.

ergt. F. Bulcock.

Officer 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 1. Total effective 22. Drill held 41. Average attendance 13. Removals 3. ase attended not on pnblic duty 10. Annual in.pection, 21th April. Total on parade 19. Ab ent without leave 3. Annual re-cxamination, 21st April. Members pa ed 19. Did not appear 1. :JIedallioDs 14. ursing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Olficers, 1 ergeallt, and 16 men. late rial : 'Yheel litter 2 stretchers 1 hamper, 1 surgical havre ac, bandage and splints, ye trd in' the Division: Division supported by public contributions and letting of Ambulance Hall. This year the Divi ion were m:ces ful in winnin e, the "\Varrinc'ton ilver Challenge Cup" at the allnual reyiew at Blackburn ill °June. Five me~1bel's took part in the amp held ill \Vhit-week at Blackpool. One officer, one eroeant and fiye privates have undergone a week's training connected with R.N.'! .. B~ R e erve, 011 board II. 1. . "Europa."


Honorary Surgeons.

J. H. Shotton, L.n.C.r. In Charge.

J. G. Jones, M.D. Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treas.

Sergt. T. Oar tel', 33, Man che tel' Road, Hapton , 111'. BUl'Illey.

Pte. '. II. Knox.

Honorary Secretal·Y.

Ptr.>. C. E. ,Vhi tham, 76, Manche tel' Road , Hapton,



St. J ohn A nub~&lance B?-igade.


St. J ohn .A. ?nbulance Brigade.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 16. Total effective 19. . Drill held 13. Averaae attendance 8. R emoval 1. Cases attended not 011 publtc duty 15. Medallions 5. Nursing certificates 4. Regulation unif?rm worn by 1 eraeant and 16 men . Material: 1 litter, 3 stretchers, 1 su.rglCal l~avr~sac, 5 ambulance boxe at works in village. Division supported by puuhc contnUl1tlOns.



HEYWOOD DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 5.6. 3; Re-formed 16.1.94.]

46, Regent Street, Haslingden, 1I1anchest-1'.



I nspector of Stores .

Hon . S ec retary.



Sergt. . Conlton, Fail' Hill, Helm hore.

E. Graham.

Officers 2. Sergean t 1. Privates 18. T otal effecti ve 21. Drills held 20. Average attendance 9. Cases Decrease since last report 8. attended ~ot on public duty .12. Annual inspection, 8th July . Total on parade 9. Absent with lease 4 .. Without leave 8. Annual re-examination, 17th Se}}t. M embers passed 12. Did not appear 8. Medallions 1~. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 Offi cer, 1 sergeant and 19 men. Material: 1 Ashforu litter, 4 stretchels. :2 medical havre ac', splints, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by public contriuutions.


Ch ief Surgeon and Ch ief Superintendent.

J. Broomheacl,


Honorary Surgeon .


H. F. Jeffrey,

Hon. Treasurer.


Pte. E. Millie, ,Duuley Street. HE'yWOOLl.

Inspecto r of S tores.

Hono rary Treasure r .

Pte. T. Jackson.

Pte. H. Ashworth.

Officers 3. ,'ergeant 2. Corporal1. Privates 15. T otal effective 21. Decrea e ince last report 1. Drill' held 45. A verage attendance 11. Ca es atten(lcd not Oll public duty 29. AUllual lnspection, 1 th July. Total on parade 13. Ab en with lcaye . Al1lJUal re-examination, 11th ept. Memuers pas eel 20. :Jlpdallioll' ] 5. "en'ice lJuJge 15. Nuring certificates 12. Reg11lation tmiform "orn jJ,Y :2 Omcrls, ~ ergeanL, 1 corporal, and 15 men. ..\Ia1.erial: Jl street 1I0\:0 ,-1 retcher" ye ted ill Local Cen tJ e . J. A. A. Diyi ion supported by local ub. scriptioll=<.



W. H. Tomlin on,


Superi ntendent.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. R. Gosling, 8, Cooke, t., Hazel Grove.

Pte. T. Sayer.

Act in g Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. Smith.

Superintenden t .

G. J. BOllchier, 'tr:l.nge,,·ays Hou e,

1st Offi cer and Honorary Secretary.

J. E. Hotlkin on,

9, Hodge

treet, ,Yigan .

Officers 3. ,cl'gennt 1. Corporals 2. PriYates 36. Total effective 42. Dccrea e inee last report 3 Drills helu 2. AYerage attendance 1. Annual iDRpectioD, 30th June. Total on parade 21. Ab~ent with leaye 4. ,Yithout leuve 14. Anllual Ie-examination, 15th }\lay. Member 1)3 ed 1. Did not uppear 23. Medallions ~. Reglliation nniform \Yorn by 3 o111 reI'S, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, a[111 34 men. ~Iaterial: 2 havresacs, 3 tretchers, sl,lint ,&c. Diyi ion supported by ~I e r. Cromptoll nnd 8hu\l'cro ,LtJ.


J. Johnson, Poise Cottage, T orkington, Hazel Grove.

Honorary Secretary.


Platt Bridge, ,Yigan.

J. Crelling.

Officer 1. Privates 5. T otal effective 6. lIIeda11ion 6. Material: 4 stretchers, 4 havresacs, 4 water bottles, and 1 flag, vested in Hodbarrow Mining Co.


Honorary Surgeon.

T. M. Angior :U.I!. C. ..

Inspecto r of Stores.

Jack on, 1, Bankfield R oad. H a verigg, illillom.

t., Heywood.

Hono rary Secretary.



J. T. Hardm an, 22, Wild

J. T. Almorth.

Officer 2. eraeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 26. Total effecti\'c 32. Increa e ince last report 2. Drills held 49. A"Verage attt>ndance 16. Case. a tended not OIl public duty 10. Annual inspection, 25th July. !ot~l on parade 20. Absent with lea"Ve 6. , Vithout lea,'e 6. Annual re-exa111111atlOn, 12th ellt. 1lIember~ pa sed 23. Did not appeal' 9. Meuallions 13. Service bmlges 19. 1\ursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeants, :2 coq,oral. aud 26 men. ~laterial: 5 street boxes, 1~ str;t?hers, 1 .wall box, 7 surgical havre ac, splints, bandages, &c., vestetl m Clllef ulJenntendellL. .,. Corps sllpported by public contributions. The Corps ha had a -very prosperous year. FUHlDclally l~ has ueen the he.t ) eit!· ince it formation . The annual mill and work 'hop collectlOn ,,,a takell, and \Va agaill very satisractory. During the ummel' the gentlemen of the tUWll and the members of the police force played a cricket match. The proceed, £26, was handed oYer to the Corps fund.


Super intendent.

M. B.

1st Offi cer.

COl·pI. 111. H. Grcen.





Hono rary Surgeons.

II. F. '\ \\ll'wic k, J.


~r. B.

Sup erintenden t.

. Ford, 13, Lapstone Road, Mi1lom.

Hu ey, :'oLB. Honor-ary S ecrEtary.

Pte. W. Harris, 125, Albert treet, Millom, Cumberland.


f::1t. J ohn A ?nlJL~lance B7'iuwle.

t. John .A 7nbnlance BJ'igaue.


OfJieors 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 10. Total erreclive 14. Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 29 . Oases attended on public duty 15. Removal' 3. Oases attended not on public uuty O. Medallions 10. ervice bado-es 6. .r ursin€; certificates 12. Material: ± stretcher, 4 havresacs, 4 water bottles, splints, bandages, &c., ve ted in IIodbal'l'ow Mining Oompany, Ltu. Divi iOll supported by Hodbarrow Mining Oompany, Ltd.


[Formed 10.3.99J.



Hon . Surgeon.

Major W. B. Oockill,



Harrison, 2, Ash lIleadows, I\:endt\l. Inspector of Stores.

1st Officer.

Oorp1. J. Leighton.

O. W. Heslop.

Hon , Treasurer.

Hon . Secretary.

Pte. J. 'V. Dent, 8, Park Ayenue, Kendal.

Pte. J. II. 11achel .

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privaies 26. Total errecti,'e 33. Increase since last report 4. Drills held 30. A"erage attendance 17. Oases attended on public duty 20 . Removals 27. On es attended not on public duty 77. Annual inspection, 30th Aug. Total on p:1rade 23. Ausent with lea\'e ·l, 1\ ithout leave 6. Annual re-ex.amination, 20th ept. Member pa sed 2. Did not appear 4. Medallions 24. Service badges 20. N ur ing certilicate Hegulation taterial: uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 25 men. horse ambulance, field ambulance station, A bford litter, 8 tretchers, 6 urgical havresacs, carry heets, rugs, sets of splints, water bottles, &c., ve tell ill Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by members, hOll. member, aud jluulic snbscri ptions. By the acquisition of the "Argenta" Oup and the winning for the third year ill ,"uccession of the "Tunstill" Ohallenge Shield, the Di "i ion's recon1 i as follow : North East L'l.ncashire Ohallenge Oup (1901), Ol'osueld Challenge hield (1901, 1902), Syml)ns' Eccles Oup (1903), "Tunstill" Challenge hieh'l t1903, 1901,19 0 5), "Argenta" Ohallenge Uup (1906). Strenuous effort are being made to raise rUlllI for the erection of new headquarters. It is hoped that thi will be accompli hed before next; year's report. One or two member attended the Oamp at Blackpool, and 1st Ol:1sS ergeant \Yright was chosen for the post of Oamp ergeant.lIIajoJ'.


Hon. Surgeon .

Lieut. -001. S. Fennell,

J. R. BUl'llett,


C. S.

T. J. Ed wards, :Jlaisonette Hale, Oheshire.

Hon . Secretary.

Acting Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. G. P<:ers.

Pte. A. N ewal\.

Officers 2. Oorporal1. Pnvates 18. Total effective 21. Increase sinco In,st report 3. Drills hold 49. A,'erage attendance 10. Oases aUemled on public duty 12. OaseR attended not on puhlic duty 17. AnnnaL in pection, 21st July. Total 011 parade Ii). Ausent with leave 3. ,Vithout leave 1. Anllual re-examinatiolJ, 7lIt Aug. McmlJers passed H. Did not appear 6. Medallious 6. Regnlation uniform \\'01'11 by 1 oorporal, an(l 6 men . Material: 3 stretchers, 2 surgicn,l havresac ' , phy iological uiagrams, splints, balldnges, &c.: ,'e Le<l in Divi:iollal 'ommittee. Divi ion supported by offioers and memher , and puhlic contri bn tions.



Honorary Surgeon.

II. O. Lamport,

Sup erintendent.

M. B.


Honorary Secretary.

Roooroft, Borough Police

Inspector of Stores.

ergt. G. Kitchell, ,12, Wellington Rll., Lancaster.

Pte. T. Kernan.


J. Jones,

In charge (pro. tern.)

A. May, 37, Olarence t., Leigh, Lancs.

1\J.13 .

Honorary Secretary.

J. M. OuttS. 13,

ergt. P. S. Todd, qnare, K swick .


Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 17. Total effective 21. I ncrease ince last report 4. Drills held 32. Average attendance 9. Remova 1 6. Oases attended not on public duty 6. Annual inspection, 1 th ept. Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 1. 'Without lean 3. Anllual re-examination, 14th Sept. Me1l1bers passed 16. Did not appeal' 4. Medallions 9. ervioe Nursing certificates 7. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, badges 5. 1 sergeant, and 10 men . Material: 1 Ashford litter, 2 stretchers, 1 surgical havl'esac,1 emergency bag, splints, &c., vested in local Oentro S.J.A.A. Division supported by public contributions.

Sergt. S. Wilson.

DlULI. HALL, 1 T V.B.llI.R.H. 00.

Honorary Su rgeon.

J. Garuiner, :U1ain treet, Keswick. Honorary Secretary.

Honorary Treasurer.


1st Officer (i n charge).

2nd Officer.

tation, Lancaster.

Oflicel's 2. el'gcant.:2. Prin1.tes 2 ToLal effective 32. Drills held 46. A verage attendance 12. Oases Increase since lasL report 10. attcnded 011 public duty 1. Ollses attended not on public duty 54. Annual inspection, 10th July. Toial 011 paralic 22. Absent with leave 4. Without leavo 6. Anllulll re-examination, 25th ApriL Memhers pa sed 20. Did not appear 11. Mc(lallion 19. ervice ba(lges 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 oILicer, 2 sergellll t , amI 12 men. Material: surgical ha \Tesac, 2 stretchers and splint, vest cl ill Divisional Oommittee. Di,-i 'ion supported by public and members' nb criptiuns.


Honorary Surgeon.

1st Officer (i n charge).


Pte. W. J. P. Daniels, Ollerton, K nuLsforu.





Yonllgson, 8, Oharles

Inspector of Stores.

t., Leigh.

Pte. J. II. Oal yert.

Honorary Treasurer.

orpl. T. Guest. Oflicor 1. Om'pOl'al 1. Privaie 24. Total elrective 26. Decroase since In,· t report 4.. Drills held 16. A verage attendance 17. Oases attendcd on public duty 6. Oases aitended not on public duty 25. Annual inspection, 1 t Aug. Total on pn,rn,(le 13. Ab 'ent with leave 2. 'W ithout le:1ve 11. .Annual re-examination, 26th 'ept. Member pa sed 1. Did not appear 7. Medallions 22. Scnice badge 1. N ur ing rertifica tes 10. Re~ulation uniform worn by 1 corporal all(l 21 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 2 medical havresacs, splints, &c., ve Lcd in Divisionttl Oomnlittee. Division supported by the pnblic.

St. J oh11 A mbulance BTigade.

St. J ohn A 1nbLdance B1'igacle.



[For med 1. 4.02. ]

HE AD-QUARTER/; : 6, , VELLINGTON BUILDI:t\Gs, SOUTn CASTLE STHRET. Superintendent a nd Hon . Treasure r .

Hon . Surgeons.

'1'. M . Dawson, L.R.C . P., L.R.C . . (Edin.) L. A . Morgan, 11[. D., M.R.C.S.

J. C. Ellison, 6, W el lington Buildings, South Castle Street, Liverpool. 2nd Offi c er a nd Hon . S ecret a ry .

1st Offi ce r a n d In s p ecto r of Sto r es.

J. Roberts, 6, ' Vellington Buildings, South Castle treet, Livcrpool.

' Y. H. Pugh.

Officers 5. ergeants 2 . Corporals 2. Privates 73. Total effective 82. I ncrease since last report 35 . Drills held 5. Average attendance 34. Cn es attended on public duty 21. Removal:; 2. Cases attended not on puhlic duty 181. Annual inspection, 2 th July . . Total on parade 51. Absent with leave 15. 'W ithout leave ] 6. Annual re-examinations, 8th, 16th :May and 26th cpt. Members pns ed 70. Failed 11. Service badgcs 11. Regulntion unif'ol'll1 worn by 3 Officers: 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 35 men . Material: 8 stretchers, 4 surgical havresaes, ve"teLl in Liyerpool Centre S.J.A.A. Division supported by public COIlt ributions.

Honora ry S ecret a ry.

Inspec tor of Stores .

Pte. G. L atchford 6, Waterloo Street, Hurdsfield; Macclesfielu.

Pte. A . Snape.

. Officers 2. Sergeant J. Privates 23. Total effacLive 26. Drills hel(l 32. Averucre attendance 9 Cases I ncrea e Sillce last report 15. ~ttende.d on public duty 12. Cases attended not on pl~)lic dnty 11 . A nua 1 lIlSpectlOn, 7th JUly. " Total on parade 17. Absent with leave 7 . 'uT'l'l tnl eave l\ I IOU 2. A nnua 1 re-cxamlllabon, 13th AlW. 1I1cmh 'rs Illlssed 15 DI'(l 110t " . 10 111 d 11' 9 ' . 0 ' . <_ppeal. e a 1011 . :-;ervlc~ hadge 1. RegulnLion tlllifonn worn hy 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, and 1.5 men. 1I1n.tel'lal : fi stretchers, 4 llllvresacs, 7 wall boxes set of first aid sl1.n~r.le lor ea::h man, r?serve snpplies, &c., veslt:rl in Divi i~lIal Committee. D 1VISIOn snpportell by publIc amI mCllI hers' subscriptions.


Acting S uperintendent.

J. Cryer, M.RC.S. (Iloll.'urgcolI, Hulme Di\'ision). Ho n . S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores.

1 ' ( Otticcr 'Y. A. Brnn t,

upt. R. C. Done.

7, Embd cn 'treet, Hulme, ltlanche tel'.


[Formed 25.'1..02.]


Ho n o rary S urge o D.

H. 'V. Pomfret, M. D. Honol'ary S ecret ary.

Pte. J . D. Couuan, Rose Bank, Hollingworth, Cheshire.


[.Fonned 1.7.04.]


Hon . S ec r etary.

J . J . Parkiusoll, 58, Commonside, Lytham.

J . Jackson,

6, II emy 'trect, Lytham.

Officers 2. Privates 8. Total effective 10. D ecrease since 1a t report 2. Drills beld 24. A ;'erage attl'lldance 5. 'ases attended 011 public duty 2. Removals 4. Alllll1al in. pectio]], 21st l\Iarch. Total on parade 5. Without leave 5. Medalliolls 10. Divisioll supported by members' subscriptions.


[Formed 27.2.01.J


J, H. 1\1arsh, M.R.C. S.

Diviswns)-Om"ers 10.

1st Offi cer and Hon . Treas.

R. 13. Hall, 51, Newhall Street, l\1acclesfield.

Corporals 7,

,el'geants 5. Tolal cfr cti vc 167.

Privates 145.



(Fit,!' A mhuZIIl!cc

B. A hworth.

Officers 2. Corporal 2. Privates 9. Total elfecli,'e 13. Drills held 18. Average attendance 10. Removal I ncrease since last report 2. 1. Cases attended not on public dnty 67. Annnal in 'pecLion, 29th, ('pt. Total Oil parade 8. Absent with leave 1. ' Vithout leave 4. Annual re-('xHllIilll1tion lOth Aug. :Members passed 8. Did not appc:1r 4. :Metlalliolls . H.egulation uniform worn by 2 corporals and 5 men. Material: 1 stretcher, ] llavrel'ac-, 1 water l,ottle, splints, bandnges, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported uy voluntary contributiolls.

A . M. Eason, L.R.C.P.

Hon . Treasurer.

R. D. Orall, M.lt.C.S. (Iloll. 'Ill'geon, Salford Division).

J. 1I1a1's11a11, 3, ' Yood lrect, Hollingworth, Cheshire. Inspec to r o f S tores and Hon. Tr'eas u r'er.





Honorary Secretary.

Pll'. "', l\(,lItOll, ~7G Je w lIank L Ollgsigllt, MaHcbe ler.


i\LL 'CJ[E. TER.

Inspector of Stores.


Corp1. W. Morri~oll.

Honorary Treasur' er.

J1tt'. K. \ral h. 'ergC!11l l. ol]1orr.l 1. Private. ' 25. Tot· 1 cfl'ecti\'e 27. In crease since la:t report 6. Drills held 17. A~'erage attenrlance 10. Cases altclllletl.oll pUl.llic duty 114. RClllo,'n ls 3. Cac attcnued not 011 public duty 17. .A~~1l1l1l1 III l'l'ctlOll, 2 tit June. Total on Jlllmue 9. All ent "ith leave 9. \\ ltlJout le:lve 9. .\lIl1uall'P-.exlllllinalioll, :20th'ept. McmhCls pa 'seLl10. Did not appcar 16. fcclalliOlls. Tnn;illg certificate 1. Reg111nlioll ullif'OI III WOI'll by 1 serg,~allt, 1 C,orp?ral, ~l.l.d. 9 1lll'1;. ~~<LLerinl: ~ ~l:·etchers, 1 havlc:snc, splint, hancla,:, cs~ ve. tetl III ~l\blOn[l1 OlllllllLlcc. DIVlJ!On snpportc(l by mcmbers' suhscnpbolls and occa lonal donations rrom the puulic.



Honorary S ur'geons.

J. rye!', f.ll.C. ' . O. II. \Vood .:ock ,

J. Pringle, ;\1. Il.




S uperintendent.

II. C. l\Iallning, L, Harold treet, Old '1'rarronl, l\lal1cltcsler.

1st O ffice l-,

Hono r ary Secretary.

W. A. BruuL.

ergt. J. lIlal·till, 29, l'eml ,c rloll treet, Old Trafl'ord, .l\lanchc tel'. Honor'ar'y Treasurer.

Corpl. '1'. lHdGnlry.

St. J ohn Ambulance B 1'igade.

St. Jolin A ?nbulcIJnce B?'igacle.

Officers 5. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 3S. Total cffective 47. Increase since la.,t report 6. Drills held 47. Average attendance 22. Cu,ses attended on public duty 422. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Annual inspection, 2Sth June. Totul on parade 27. Absent with leave 14. "Wi thout leave 6. Annual re-examination, 5th April, 3rd May, and 23rd Aug. :Members passed 39 . Did not appear 5. Medallions 22. Service badges 13. Nursing certificates IS. R.egulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 2 sergcants, 3 corporals and 30 men . Material: 4 stretchers, 3 surgical havrcsacs, 1 dressing station first aid box, 4 blankets, 1 store chest, splints, &c., vested in the Divisional Committee. Division supported by subscriptions and aunuul concert. A large first aid station outfit has been added to the material of the Division, this being obtained through a donation sent by the Lancashire County P olicc for services r endered at their sports. T\\'elve members are enrolled in the RN.A . . B.R, and several have und ergone a week's ir:struction at D evonport and Portsmouth.

Officcrs 2. Sergel:J,nt 1. Corporal 1. Privates 33. Total effective 37 . Incrcase since last report 9. Drills h eld 47 . Average attendance I S. Cases attended on public duty 169. R emovals 11. Cases attended not on public duty 295. Annual inspection, 2 th June. Total on parade 20. Absent with leave 17. Anllual re-examination, 19th and 26th Sept. Members passed 20. Did not appear 16. Medalli ons 12. Service badges 2. NUl' 'ing certificates 2. R egulation uniform WOl'll by 2 officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and 25 men. Material: 4 stretcheni, 1 havre ac, 1 storc box, splints, bandages, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Di vision sn pported by su bscri ptions. A school-room for drills and other pnrposes has been secured in a central position, an increase in mem bership is expected 011 the completion of classes now being belel under the HOll. urgeon.







Honorary Surgeon .

Inspector of Stores .

H. E. Edlin, ;l1.1:..C.S., L.R.C.P.

Pte. J . E. Lord.

Honorary Secretary.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. E. L. Yeardye, 14, Highfield Road, Lev enshulme.

Mr. G. Paulson (Ron. Member. )

Officer 1. Privates 23. Total effective 24. Drill held 14. Average attendance 16. Medallions 13. Material : ~ stretchers, 1 surgical havresac, 6 ,rater bottles, vested in Divisional Committec. Division supported by the general public, co llllcillo rs, and. members' subscriptions.


Hon . Surgeon.

HEAD-QUARTERS: QUEE "s ROAD CAlt ...:RED, ~lAN ClIEf)TER . Hon. Surgeon.

R G. McGowan, ~I. D.

1st Officer (i n charge.)

Hon . Sec retary.

J. Mellor, S, Dixon treet, Pte. J. B. Bovill, 49, Thomas t., Newton Heath, Manchester. Cheetham Hill, Mau~hester.

Officers 2. Sergeant l. Corporals 3. Privates 26. Total effectiye 3~. Drills held 49 . Average attendauee 12. Cases attencled on public duty 133. Removals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 50 . Anuual inspectioll, 2 th Jll11e. Total on parade 23 . Absent with lcayc 9. Annual re-examination, 13th Sept. M embers passed 31.. Meualiions 2. Nursing certificate 1. Corporation uniform ~yorn. ~y. all. Matel:lal : 2 st~e~c ~l ers, splints and bal1clag{'~, 1 set of diagram!>, vesteu lU DIVlslOnal COllumttee. DIvlslon supported by Tramways' Committee. (MANCHESTER AND SALFORD CORPS) SALFORD DIVISION. [Formed 30.12.02.J H EAD-QUARTERS:


Honorary Surgeon .

H. Isherwood, 7S, Hnclc1er. field Road, New ITay, Hochdale.

Hon . Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. II. Barrctt, 73, New Hay Roull, Milnro\\,.

Pte. Honlcrn.

Pte. J. Heywood.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Private S. Total cffectiIC 10. Decreasc iucc la t repol t 2. Drills hehI 20. Removals 4. Cases attended not on public duty 11:2. Medallion" 7. R gulHtioll uniform worn uy S men. Material: ,Vull boxe' alld:2 trctcher', vc tcd in Di\ iional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contributions.

Ho n. Surgeon and Hon. Treasurer.

H. F. Oldham, ;I['A., ;l1.D.


Honorary Secretary.

J. T. Barbel', 145, Chapel Street, Stockport, Cheshire. Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. C. McBride.

Pte. W. A. Leigh .

chola Grecll, .illorecambe.

1st Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

J. A. Willis.

COl·pI. G. Dixon. Hon . Secretary.

crgt. A. E. Brlllilltoll, Killg

treet, l\Iorec:ambe.

ergeallts 2. Corporal~:2. Private 3. Total effectivc 45. Oilicer. 3. RC'ler\'e membcr 1. In crease 1'ince III t report 11. Drill. helt1 45. A ;'erage attcll(lanee 16. ase attended on public duty 1. Removal 34. Annual in pertiOll, 20th JUlle. Total on parade 33. Absent " 'ith leave 5. "\Yithout leave 7. .A.ullual re-examination, 20th June. Mel1lbCl pas cd 33 . Did not appear 11. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Omcers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, amI 24 men. :l\IaLerial: 1 littcr, 4- stretchers, 2 medical havresuc, 6 sets of sl1lints. Division supporLed by puhlic contributions. NELSON CORPS (LANCASHIRE ).

[Formed 10.



THEEl', ~EL. ON.

C h ief Su rgeon.

C. D one, 40, Bradshaw treet, Moss ide, Man chester. Inspector of Stores .

[Formed 18.2.96.J

Su perintendent.

J. Bro\I'll, 50,

Super intendent.

R D. Crall, lII.R.C..

[Formed. 29.7.01.J

Acting 1st Offi cer.

J. Chadwick, M.lt.C.s.



J. B. K. Robb, ,V. Jackson, M.D.



Ho no,"ary Su rgeons. A. Finlay, M. B.

1st Offi cer.

H. Bn,llui,ter, 1 , Regcnt :-:ltreet, Nclsoll.

T . Murphy, L.R.C.P. Insp ector of Stores.

1 te o W. ll acking.


St. J ohn .A ?J&bulance B?' igade.

St. Juhn A ?nUUMI>nCe BTigade.

Officers 5. Scrgeants 2. Privat es 27. T otal effecti ve 34. D ecrease since las t r eport 10. Drills h eld ;;7. A ver age atten dance 17. Cases attend ed on public duty 3. R em oval s 86. Cases attend ed n ot on p ubl ic du ty 96 . Annual inspection, 12th July. T otal on parad e 2 ~. A bsen t with leave 4. Witb out leave 8. Annual re-examination, 15th March. Members passed 30. Medallions 13. Service ba dges 3. Nursin g certifica t es 3. R egulation n niform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sClrgeants, and 23 m.en . l\1aterial :~ 1 amb ul an~e wagon , 1 litter, 10 stret ch ers, 3 h avresacs, 2 s urgICal h amp ers, 9 , boxes at mIll , wa t er bottl es, sp lin ts, band ages, &c., ves ted in local Centr e S. J . A. A. COf}1S supportcr1 by l ocal Centre and donations from the public.

Offi cc rs 4. Sergeants 3. Corporals 3. Privates 44. T otal effective 54. D ecreasc si ll ce last r eport 12. D rill s held 44. Average attendance 22. Annua1 in spection, 12th l\1 ay . To tal on pa rade 39 . Ahsent with leave 16. 'W ith out leave 8. Annu al r~-examill atio n , 12th , 19th , 26th, ept. Members passed 42. Fa il ed 1. D id ll Ot a ppeal' . Med all ions 37 . R e~lllation ulliform wom b:f 3 Officers, 3 sergea nts, 2 cor porals, and 27 me n. Matenal : 5 Fl1l'ley stretcbers, fi rst aid box, m g ical Ita vrcsacs, spli II ts.

OLDHAM CORPS (LANCASHIRE). [Formed 1.10. 96 .] H EAD-QUAUT Jt; llS :



Honorary Surgeon.

Inspector of Stores .

Honorary Treasurer.

J. Bullen.

A lderman E.


BA~K, .sEWTO\\·X.

Hon . Surgeon and Hon . Treasurer.

A. W hitehead , LU . C. P .

1st Office r (i n cha r ge).

A . S. 1Iliddlcton, Buxton Rd ., Ne"to\\'n, 'tockport.

Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores .

COI·pI. J. W . W right, 2, W oodsiue Cottages, ewto\\')), Stockport.

W . Roxby.

Hon . Treasure r .

A . Whitehead. Officers 2. ,crgeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 11. Total eJl'ectire I;'). Drills held 11 . AYerage attenclance . Cases attended on pulllic duty 9. Ca::.e::. attended not on public duty 16. Annual inspection, 7th JUly . Total Oll llarade . A bsen t with l eave 4. W ithout leave 3. Annual re· exallJinatiol1, :2 th cpt. Member s passed 7. Did not appear 7. Merla l lions 8, Regulation uliiform WOlll by I sergeant, I corporal, and 11 men . Material : 2 stretcher'. I hal1ljln, bed ret. bronch itis kettle , quantity of roller and triangular ballclages, and 3 ",at~r bottlei-. vest ed in Di visional Committee. Division snpported by members ' snb.c1il'lioll. ant1 public contributiollR .


Hon. Surgeon and Supt.

.T. A . C. D oonan, " L B., Witton H ouse, N orthwich. 2nd Officer and Hon. Sec.

E. R obinson, 109, Ohurch R oad, N orthwich .

Hon . Secretary .

, VITTON Boys' SCHOOL, NOHTHWICII. Chi ef Surgeon.

P . L. Armstrong,

lIf.B .

Inspector of Sto r es.

J . Aidley .

. Cochrane, 204, Littlemoor Lanc, Oldham.

(Fo1l1' A ildml({J/ce D i visiuIB)-Officers 5. Scrgcants 4. Corporals 3. ~rivates (One lITu/'sing Divisioll)-Oilicers 4. Nul' ing sisters 34. Total effechve 136.


Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 22. Total efrective ::.!6 . I ncrease since last report 5. D rill s held 44. . A verage attendance 13. Ann ua l inspecti on, 28th Au g . T otal on parade 16. Absent wit h leave 4. Without leave 6. Annna l r e-examination, 18th Sept. Members passed IS . Did not appear 7. R egu lation un iform worn by I sergeant, 2 corporals , anu 16 llien. Material : 15 fully eg nipped street boxes, 4 stretchers, I Ashford litter, vested in lJiyisional COlllmi ttee . Division support ed by the publ ic.

J . P . Gallier. Hon . Treasurer.

W. Hobinsoll.



Honora ry Surge on .

J . Fort, ::\l.R.e.s. Officers 2.

1s t Offi ce r .

Bow STltEET. Honorary S ec ret ary.

J. W. Woolley. J. \\T. Millar 3, Lanc1seer, trect, Ohlham. ergeants 2. Privates 17 . Total effective 21.

Annual inspection 4th Augu l. R egulation uniform ,,"oJ'll by all. !;npported by lllemuers' sub cril'tion.


OLDHAM CORPS (EQUIT A.BLE DIVISION). [Formed 1.10.96] H E \ )l-QU,\.HTlm· : GHEEXAC'llE, HILL CO-Ol'ERATlYE 1s t Offi ce r .

n . J:1.('];;



Ho n. S ecretary.

H igher lack

W. H. Hey\\'ood, $13. Ripponclen Road, OlcllHllll.

l~al':ll, O~U hUll I.

Olliecr 1. Prinlle 2-1. Total elfec:ti\'e :25. Allnual illspection 4th Augu t. Rt'gnlatio1J lllJifol'lll \\" Olll by all, \,eteu in the C(Jrp~. 1> i \' islO 11 S lll'portell h,)' lIH.'lll bcrs' u b 'cri ption '.


[Formed 1.1.97.]

IlI' .\J)·QL\.nTn~ : TlIE TEm'EHA::\( E IL~LL, D [(om,: • TI!EET. 1s t Office r .


. Forrcst.

Hono rar y S ecretary.

J. I othwell, Railway View, ~IuDlps, OldIJam .

Oflir'cr 1. 'crgcant 1. Corporals 2. .Private .. 25. Total effective ~9. Annual ill 'pl'cLioll, 4th August. RegulatIon um/orlll worn by all. Diyiioll supported 11,)' llIembcrs' ubcl'iptiollS.


Se r gea nt (in Charge.) 1st Offi cer .


Chief Surgeon and Acting Chief Superintendent.


Sergt. A. E. Rothwell, Bippings Bank, Burnley Ru., 'Yutcl'foo t.


J . B. Wil kiUSOJl , M.D ., H ealth Office, T own H all, Oldham .

In Charge.

A, Coutts, :U.n.


11 . chofieltl, 539, Fox Den Lon Lane, IIollinwood.

[ Fomlell1.10.01.]

WE."I'''·OOD, OLnlIAM.

Ho n o rar y S ec r e t ary.

J. Bl'llJuur}" 1 , Albion ,_trect, Oh1ham.

crgeu1Jt 1. Corporal1. Privates 20. Total effectiye 22. Allnual inspection, 4th August. Regllll1tion uniforlU WOl'll by all. supported by members' su u8criptions.

Divi ion

St. John A ?nbulCin ce B",·igade.



[Formed 20.11. 89. ]


M. Sanders, 44, :Milton St., Padiham, nr . Dnrnley. Honorary S e cretary .

Ptr . J. T. Pilling, 12, Green Terrace, Padibam, nr. Burnley . Inspe ctor of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

P te. G. H. Milnor.

Pte. , Yo E. Bayliss.

Officers 2. SErgeant 1. Corporal 1. Privates 23 . T otal effective 27 . Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 39 . Average attendance 11. Removal. 22. Cases attended not on public duty 217 . Annual i nspection, 3rd March. T otal on parade 14. Absent n'ith leave 3. , Yithout le[Lve ] O. Annual re-examination, 2 th Aug. Members passed 17 . D id not appeal' 9. Medallions 8. .Nursing cprtificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer ~nd 2 men . 1Ilat~nal: 1 horse all1b~l­ lance wagon, 1 litter, 5 stretchers, 1 surgIcal havresac, splmt, &c., vested ll1 Divisional COm !11ittee. D Ivision supported by public contributions. PORT SUNLIGHT (CHESHIRE DIVISION).


Act in g Su pe r intend ent .

Hono rary S ecretary.

C. K. Atkinson, 26, Park Road, Port Sunlight.

PrIvate A. BadcW!', 5, B ath Street, Port llnlight.

Officer 1. ~ ergeants 2. Corporals 4. Privates 39. Total effective 46. D rills held 9. Average attendance 28. Annual inspection, 25th eptemher. Total on parade 35. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 7. Annual I'e·examination 28th September. Members passed 37. Did not appeal' 9. Medallions 16. Malerial; T he Division has the use of 1\I essr~. Lever Bros., Limited, materi[Ll. 1 Rea E(lwards' litter, 9 stretchers, 1 medical havresac, splints, etc.,l wagoll, vested in Me Sl'~. L evel' Bros., Limited. PRESTON CORPS (LANCASHIRE ). H EAD . QUARTERS :

[Formed 25.].88.]

Ch ief Surge on a nd Ch ief Sup e r intend e nt . !II. B.,

2, Chapel Street, Preston.

Hono r a r y S e c ret a ry.

Corpl. W . H . Buckley, 8, St. l\Iark's Roau, Preston. Inspe ctor of Stores.

Honora ry Tre asu rer.

Sergt. J . ·Woods.

Corpl. E . F . l\Iillillgton .

( T h1'ee Amb16lance Divisions).-Officers 8. Sergeants 6. Corporals 7. Privates 69. (One NW'sing Division).-Officers 6. Nursing sisters 54. Total effective 160. (PRESTON CORPS ) HEAD-QUARTERS DIVISION.

[Follmd 25 .1.8

P te . J . H odgkinson , South Meadow Lan e, Preston . Officer~ 5. Se rgeants 5. Corporals 6. Privates 38 . Total effective 54. I ucrease smce .last report 2. Drills held 47 . Average attendance 27. Cases atte~ded, on publIc duty.' sever.al. Cases at tended not on publie duty, numerom, not l epol ted. , Annnal ll1SpectlOn, 19th J Uly. Total on parade 51. Absent with leave. 2: W ithout le~ve 1. Annnal re·examin.ation, various dates in Sept. Membels pa ~ed 41.. DId not appear 11. Medalhons 27 . N ursing certificates 20. ~egulatlOn umform wor~l by 3 Officers, 5 sergeants, 6 corporals, and 38 men . Mat~rlal: 2 ambu lance carnages, 33 first aid boxes, 3 litters, 20 stretchers, 10 snrglc~l ~lavresacs, &c., vested in Trustees. Division supported by concerts and su bscrl ptlOl1S.



Ac t ing Hon . Se cretary .

Pte. M. Williamson, 3, Lark Hill Rd., Preston, Lanes.

. Ollicer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 9. Total effective 11. . De c l~ase Sl11ce la t report 3. Drills held 37. Average attendanct3 7. Annual lll . pectI?ll, .19th July. Total on parade 10. Absent without leave 1. Annual re -eXa nllnfttlOll, 20th Sept. 1\1 e111 1ers passed 10. Medallions 10. Nursing certifi cates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, and 9 men . Material: 2 strct?hers, 1 h "resac, ve ted in Divi ional Committee. Divi,ion supported by the pllhllC. (PRESTON CORPS ) LEYLAND AND FARINGTON DIVISION. [Formed Y.97 ; Re-formed 2. 1900. ] HEAD-QUARTER


Hon. Su r g e on .

Ac t ing Hon . Secreta r y a n d Treasurer.

Pte. F. Norris, 6, Andrew Terrace, Leyland, nr. Pre ton.


Officer 1. Corporal l. PriYates 22. Total effective 24 . . I llcr~a. e ince last report 1. Drills held 32. AYerage attendance 11. Annual 111 rectIon, 19th Jllly. Total on parade 15. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 7._ AI~nllal re-exami,nution, 25th 'ept. .Members pas ed 7. Did not appear 16. erVlce badge' 5. N.urslDg certificates 5. Regulation ulliform 1\IedalllOlls 8. worn by 1 corporal and 20 men. Mu.tenal: 4 stretchers, 2 first aid boxe' yes ted in Divis~olla.l Committee. Division snpported by meJnber~' subscriptions ~nd public COl! tn bu tlOl1S. RADCLIFFE DIVISION (LAN lJASHIRE ). HEAD-QUAllTEllS:


Ho n orary S urg e on .



J. E. H olden ,


Corp!. J . Pemberton, 92, Church R adclilfe, Manchester.

Superinte nd e nt.

G. Harrison, 25, Rossall Street, PrestolJ.


Entwi tIe, 11 , Cross Lane, RadcliIIe, l\Iallchester.

Honorar' y Se creta ry.

A. Ramsay,

M . B.

[Formed 2l.6.9 . ]

S u p erint enden t .


B.A., M.ll.


Hon . Surge ons.

[Formed 3.7 . 02 .]


Ho n. S u rge on .

P. Fraser,


W . H. I rvin .Sellers,

2nd Officer.

C. O. tan well, L.ILC.P., FrenchwooJ Avenue, Preston.

[Formed 2.7.06.]


J. A. L end ru m .

Hon . Secretary.



om cer.

T. F. N ewma n.


Honorary Surgeon.

G . Grant,

St. J ohn A ,.,,~bulan ce B",'igade.

In sp ecto r of S t ores.


CorpI. R. Clarkson.

Hono r ary Treasurer. .!}II'.

W. Bowker (Hon. l\Iem.) y

St. J ohn A ?,/,7JJL/;Zance Brigc/;de.

St. J ohn A ??~b'L/;lct,nce B ffigade .


Officers 2. Sergean ts~ . COl'p~ral s 4. Privates 31. T otal effective 39. , I ncrease since last report 1. Dnlls h eld 52. A veragc . attendancc 22. Cases attended on public duly 8. Cases attended not Oll .publIc duty 10.5. Annual inspection, 14th July: ~otal on parade 27. A1Jsent.wIth leave 5. :VIthout leav~ 7. Annual re-examlllatlOn, 22nd March. Mem bel ~ passf:d 32. D](lnot appeal 6. Medallions 32. N ursing certificates 25. R egulatlOn umform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 32 men. Materi,al: 11 stl:e~c~lel's: 2 stretcher boxe~, and 16 wall boxes, vested in Divisional CommIttee. DIVISIon supported by pubhc contributions.


A . A. Edward, )l.D. Hono ra ry S ecretary.

Sup eri ntendent.

T . H. Yardley, 10, Grange Avenue, Rawtenstall, 111' . Manchester.

Mr. A . A. 'W hitehead (lIOll. !l1em.)


Officers 2. Corl)oral 1. Privates 21. Total effective 24. Decrease since last rellort 6. Drills held 46. .Average attendance 10. Removal:; 16. Cases attended not on public duty 22. Annual ill llection, 6th Oct.. T ?tal on parade 12. Absent with leave 4. Without leav~ 8. Anllual re-exanllnat~oll, 27th Feb. and 18th Sept. Members passed 19. DId not appear 4. :Medalholls 16. ervice badges 3. Nursing certi~catcs 9.. Regulation uni/orm. worn by 1 Officer, 1 corpural, and 16 men. Matenal: 1 lItter, 3 ~tretchers lor dnl1 P~ll'pOSeS 4 street stretcher stations, ) 1 smaller wall boxes, 2 surgICal havl'csac', and 2.S!}llad water bottles, vesteu in Divisional Committee. Division supported by puGlIc COlltributions and collections, mostly from large works. The number of removals by litter on rail has exceeded con iderauly any previou. year, and hav~ beeD: unde~take~ at t~e rpC(uest of the Hon. .'urgeolls, who have expressed theu entire satIsfactIOn. 'Ihe usefulness of the serVIce of the lJ1en, ancl the ready response to undertake transport duty with the Brigade litter ",h n calle.l uJ..>on by their officers are commendable. One member attendell the Camp at Blaekpool. Unfort11l1~tely the Whit-week ho1id~~' in this town cOlnmel~cillg at the end of Whit-week preventeu. mallY of those ambltlOus to attellc1 from dOlllg so.


[Formed 25.5.95.].


~EAl{' HLA(,KIll'R.

T •

S uperintendent.

Honorary Surge ons .

J . G. Jone::;, M.D. Nannidh Hai Dharmavin, L.R.e.p.

S. J. '. Hindle, 7, FOIt treet, Read, neal' BlacklJ111'TI.

Honora ry S e cre t a ry.

Cor)l1. R. ,Vade, 16, Buckshaw 'l'errace, Bead, near Hlackb11l'll . Ins p ec t or of S t ores.

Pte. J. M. Blundell.

Hon orary Treasurer.

Pte. W. Wilkimon.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporal 1 . Privates 12. Total elJ'ecti\'e 17. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 3S . A\'erage aitendallce 7. Cases attended not 011 public duty 14. Annual inspection, 1Dth June. Total on pitrade 10. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 5. Al1nualre-examination, 19th March. lYleU11Jers passed 11. Did not appear 4. l\1edallions 15. Service badg~s 1 G. Regulation uniform worn by 1 officer, 1 corporal, am1 16 l!lell. .. l\~atel'lal: <1 stretchers 1 wall box, 2 surgical havresacs, rugs, &c., vested m DlVu;IOllal COnlmittee. 'Division supported hy members' and public subscriptions, aIH1 entertainments. T wo of our men have, during the year, been presenterl with the long-service medal of the Order.

[Fol'lllcl10 . 4.95 .]


Honorary Su r g e on s.

J. S. Cooper, L.R.C.P.

T . II . SmIth, L.n.C.I'. .

S u peri nte nd e nt.

W. Rollms, 218, Reddish Road, Reddish, near Stockport. Honorary S ecret ary.

Ins pect o r of Stores.

Pte. J .• mith, 20, • alislJUry Street Reddish, Stockport. '

Pte. J. Hall.

. Officers 3. Sergeallt 1. Privates 13. Total effective 17. e Decl'e~se t~Hle\16asht rSeport 3'''1 Drills held 25. Average attendance 9. Annual r -examlll~ lOn, t ept. 1) embers passed 5. Did not appeal' 10 Med a 11' , 16. ServlCe badges 2. Nursing cprtificates 8. Regulation llnifo;m worn b~n~ OIDcer,. 1 s~r{S~al1t, and 1~ men. .i\I.a~erial: 4 stretchers, emergency boxes, &c .. vested III DIVISIonal COlTIllllttee . DIVISIon 'upported by subscriptiOllS. .

Hono ra ry Treas urer.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. H .

Pte. C. Hindle, 14, 'to ~lal'y's Terrace, Rawtenstall, J1)' . }1anche, tel'.



ROCHDALE CORPS (LANCASHIRE ). HEAD-QUARTEltS: Tow~ HALL, ROCHDAI.E. C hief S urg eo n an d Ch ief S u p eri nte n den t .

R. B.

ellers, M.R.C'.S. , Townheacl House, Rochdale.

(Fon!' A m.bulancc Divisions ).-Officers 12. • ergeants 4. Corpolals Privates 90 ~Fotll' Nztl'sing iJirisions). -Officers 8. tusillg si tel's 92. Total effective 214 . .


[Formed 10.7.93.J



Hon. S urgeon and Hon. Treasurer.

.T. Rodley,

Hon. S urgeon .

"\r. P. Grant, )Ln., ?>I.R.C.S.


Su p erintenden t .

J. T. Garner.


2nd Officer.

J. D. Howarth.

Hon, Secret ary.

Coql1. W. Helshy: 51, Castlemere 't., Rochdale.

3rd Officer.

W . . Ree. Inspector of S t o res .

CorpI. J. Richardson.

Officers 5. ,ergeant ' 2. 'ol'porals 5. Privates 44. Total effective 56. Decrease since last report 7. Drill' held 52. Average attel1l1ance 33. Annual inspecti?n, .14th July. Total 011 paraLle 47. Ab ent with lcaye 9. Annual re-ex.allllnatlOll, 3rd April au!l 4th ept. Members passed 54. ill edalliolls 35. crVICC badges !.!1. l11'sing c I'tilicat s 28. Regulation uniform worn by 5 Officers. 2 ,ergellnt, 5 corporals, and 44 men. Material: litter, :33 wall boxe , 9 stretcher, spllll ts, bandages, and ,surgica~ h~ \'!eStlC, vested in Local Cen tre S. J. A. A. Diyi ion sl1]1port('ll hy 111eI1l1)('rl'; . nbscnpbon . and public contribution '. 011 0 'touer 21st, ]905, the New Drill Ilall was rOl'lllerly open II hy l~' Clement .M. Hoytl , <:. B. Amongst tJ~e l,lUlllerons compauy present were Sir H . Perrott Hart., Inspector (:I'neral N'1Il illS , hief COl1ll1li ]onel'; Col. C. J. Trimble' Y. D., C.~I.U., DcpuLy Comll1i~ ioner, with all his District tall'. C:l'eat illteIt' twa' 8110\\:11 by tlle public \1:110 filled th~ lIall, lea ving little loom for ambulance and llurSlIlg meilibers. Alter tllc o~le.ll~llg ceremony, Lady Royd ., on behalf of the 1111 'mhers of th~ ,two Central DIVlSlOlI, pl'~ ented a il\'el' sahel' and illuminated a.ddress to Clll 1 . 'urgeoll and Chief 'nperilltendent R. Burdett ellers. On 'atm'dIlY, 'el>tell~ bel' 8 tit,. 1906, the whole Di vision p;uaded for duty on the ocea ion of the CorporatlOll. JubIlee (50th Anniver a1'Y of Incorporation) and attem1etl to several cases of aCCIdents, &c., &c. During the year the Order of t. John of Jeru~ale11l confel'l'cd on SLlperintendC11t J. T. Gamel', the t1i.~t inction of Honorary Se~'vll1g Brother of the Order, for long and conspiclloU sen'ice relJdel'ed to the BrIgade and the St. John Ambulance Association.

f::5t. Jolin Ambulance B?'igade.

St. John A ?Tl.bulance Brigade.




[Form ed 17.12.01.J


HEAD-QUAHTER.: C OUNCIL Sc nooL, CASTLETO', LANCA RIIlRF.. 1st Officer and Hon . Treas .

Honorary Surgeons .

S. T. Lonl,

T. E. Tbomm ason, . 89, II anover St., Castleton, Lancaslllre.

M. H.C ...

O. ,Yhite, L.R.C.S.

Inspecto r of Stores .

Honorary Secretary.

Privates 16 Total effecti7e 21. o~·pora. A. vera~e attendance 27. Annual Officcrs 3. Sergeant 1. D ecrease since last r eport 1. Dl'lllsullei~ 48Absellt with leave 6. Without leave inspection, 14th J llly: ~otal on para .. e irenl bel'S las~ed 18. Did not appear 1. 3 Annual re-exa.nllnatlOn, 25th Apl~~. .t·fi~cates 6 R CClulation uniform '. S· b da s 6 .l.~urslDg c e l l . '"' Medalhons 14. erVlCe a oe co1 ' . oraI and 16 mell. Material: 3 wall boxes, worn by 3 Officers, 1 serge~nt, 1 b , &c vested in Divisional Committee. 4 stretchers havresac, splInts, an age, c ., . . Division supported by public and members' subscnpbons.



Hon . Surgeon. i\L B.

[Formed 25.11.01.J

Pte. T. Hamer.

J. J. L each.

2nd Officer.

J . H. Whiteman. Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. P. Lomas.

Oflicers 5. 'ergeants 3. Corporall. Privates 20. Total effective 29. I ncrease siuce last report 1. Drills held 41. Average attendance 10. Cases attended not on public duty 36 . Annual ins]Jection, 17th July. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 13. Annual re-examinatioll, 19th Sept. and 4th Oct. Members pas cd 8. Did not appear 18. NursinCl certificates 15. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 3 sergeants, 1 corp0r~, and 22 men . Material: 6 "'all boxes, water bed, bandages, 8 st!'l~tch ers, sjJlints, &c., vestell ill the Officers and Divi iOllal Committee. Division supporterl by members' c;ubscripLiOllS.

[Formed 9.7 .0 6.J Honorary Surgeon .

J. A.. K. Renshaw, M.D. Act ing Sup erinte ndent.

A. liall \V oodhead, ,,1. B. hi holme, ' ale, n1'. Manche tel'.

Divisi on

supported by public contributions.

Inspector of Stores .

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. W. Warlmrton, Raihvay tation Rouse, Brooklands. Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. Geo . Jones.

Mr. W. Fairclough (Hon . Mem.)

Officers 2. crgean t 1. Corporals 2. Privates 18. T otal effective 23. Drill held Hi. Average attellclance 15. Ca es attended on puulic duty 3. I nspection held 26th 'eptember. Total 011 parade 20. Absent with leave 2. Without leave]. Material: 3 stretchers, 3 havl'esacs, and 3 water bottleR, vested in Tru tees of Divi:ion. Division supported by public contributions. SOUTHPORT DIVISION (LANCASHIRE).


[Formed 10.6.01.J


L. Anderson, M.D.


H. West,

Honorary Treasurer.

Pte. J. H.. Starker.

Pte. A. Holt.

Honorary Secretary.

Corp1. E. Grimshaw, Inspector of Stores.

Pte. W. Grimes. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 16. Total efl'ective 20. , Decrease bince last report 2. Drills held 27. . Average attellc1allce 18. C~ses nded DOt on ublic duty 38. Annual inspectlOn, 14th July. .T olal on paI~~e Absent ,\ ithPleave 2. Without leave 7. Annual re-eXaDllnatlOll,. 25th M~mbers assed 7. Did DOt appear 12. Service badges 4. ~egnlal~Ol1 llDlform worn by Officer 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, al1d16 men . Matenal: 6.\\ a~?~x.es, ~ stretchers, 60 splints, bath chair, bandages, and. ha~resac, vested III IVlSlOna Oommittee. Division supported by voluntary contn?utlOns. TI WI ' t -th The SU) ort of the public has been of an encouragmg chara?t~l:Ie 11 WOl Urban D~frict Oouneil provides a roo~ for drill, &c. The Dlvislon has the supervision of the Oouncil's ambulance vehIcle.




J. Illingworth, 76, Tithebarn Road, outhport.


561, Market Street, Whit,,·orth.



B. Helln, L.ILC.P.

E. A. Stott.,

[Formeu 8.1. 97.J


Honorary SUI"ge ons .

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

I nspe ctor of Stores .



1 Corporal1. Privates 14. T otal effective 16.. 1 O ffi C tt ded not on pub1Jc duty 1 . cer . Drills held 43. Average attendance 16. 'a ea~~s a Ae~sent with leave 1. Without y Annual inspection, 14th J.ul TOi~~l~~Pp~ll d 1l1e'mbers passed 8. Ditlnot appear leave 5. Annual re-examll1a .1On,. . i l l ' 1 r I ral and 13 men.

t. riate~f:ld:al;~~~t~~~r a~J~~~t~op~i~~~f%'~~, ~~~fek~l; ~i vi~~~~al c~o~~mittce.

R. W. Pickering,

20, Spring Garden St., Roy ton .

Pte. A. H all, Meadow Bank, Bamford. Hon . Treasurer.

R. Young, M.D.

D. Stansfield, 449, Rocht1ale Road, Oldham.

Hon . Secretary.

Inspector of Stores .

Honorary Surgeons.

Superintendent and Honorary Treasurer.


W. H. Carse,


Pte. R. H. A. Howarth,



[Formed 22.1.94.]

Honorary Secretary.

Pte. H. Stott.

T. Breaks.

W. L. Bentley, L.S.A.


"Vest Street, Southport. Honorary Treasurer.




Officers 3. ergeaut 1. Corporals 3. Privates 30. Total effective 37 . I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 39. Average attendance 17. Cases attended 011 public duty 2. Ca es attentled not on public duty 33. Annual inspection, 9th July. Total on paraue 24. Ab ent with leave . ·W ithout leave 5. Annual r e-examination, 17th Sept. Members pa 'sed 19. Diu not appear ] 6. Medallions 8. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer , 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 30 men . Material: 3 stretchers, surgical havre ac, splints, &c., vested in Divisional COlllmittee. Di vision supported by members' snbscriptions anu public contribution!>. Seven m embers attended Brigade camp at Blackpool.


St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

St. John Ambulance B1'igade.


[Formed 8.2.01.J

Honorary Surgeon .

Honorary Surgeons.

G. Skeen, M.B.

H. G. Smeeth, M.D.

1st Officer.

Pte. J. Ollerensh aw.




[Formed 27.7.03J.

Honorary Surgeons.

1st Officer and Honorary Secretary.

J. L. Russell, lIf. B. H . Thorp, lIf-B.

J. T. Binns, 36, Garden Street, Todmorden.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

ergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 18. Total effective 22. . Officers 2. Dnl1s !leltl 4~. Average attendance 16. Oases attended not on public duty 26. Annual lllspectlOl1, 18th July. Total on parade 19. Absent without leave 3. Annual . re-ex~mination, 30th March. Members passed 20. Did not appear 1. RegulatIOn ullIform.worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 19 men. Material: 3 stretchers, ~ surgICal havresacs, 2 wall boxes vested in Divisional Committee. Di vision upported by volun tary contributions. ' WALTON-LE-DALE DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ).

Honorary Surgeons.


G. F. Oollins, L.R.C.P.

harpIes, L.R.C.

Officers 3. Sergeants 3. Oorporal1. Privatcs 29. Total effective 36. Decrease since la t report 14. Drills held 30. Average attendance 20. Annual inspection, 22nd Sept: ~otal on parade 24. Absent with leave 3 .. "\Vithout le~ve 9. Annual re-exammatlOn, 6th Sept. Members passed 25. Dd HOt appeal 9. Medallions 14. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 3 se~'gea,nts, 1 corporal, and 28 men. Material: 12 first aid boxes, 4 stretchers, splInts, ban~la~es, and havresac, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported. by subscnptlOns. TOTTINGTON DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). MARKET




Superintendent .

Honorary Su rgeon.

A. H. Poole, L.P•. C.P. & S.

R. Masser, 241, Bury Road, Tottington.

Hon . S ecretary.

Pte. J. Robinson, 235, Bury Road, Tottington.

Sergt. A. Hebblethwaite.

Officers 2. ergeants 2. Oorporal 1. Privates 11. Total effective 16. D ecrea e siece last report 7. Drills held 24. Average attendance 6. Annual inspection, 4th July. 'l' otal 011 parade 9. Absent without leave 7. Annual re-cxall1~naLioll.' 3rd ept. Members passed 5. Did. not appear 9. Medallions 6. Regulahon ulllform worn by 2 ergeants, 1 corporal, and 10 men . Material: 2 litter, 4 stretcher, 2 surgical baskets, and 1 surgical havresac, vested in Di,isional Oommittee. Division supported by public donations.

[Formed 2.9.95.J


Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treas .

el'gt. T. Parker, 2, Taberner Terrace, Higher Walton, Preston.

Pte. W. Crowther.

[Formed 15.1.87.J


Hon . Secretary (in charge).

Pte. J. Barstow.

Pte. W. G. Ounliff.

OorpI. S. Robinson.



Inspector o f Stores.

Pte. J. Robinson.

Honorary Treasurer.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 28. T otal eirecti~e 36 . Drills held 50 . Cases attended on ~ubllc dyty 20. Increase since lao t report 5. Oases attended not on public duty 80. Total on p~rade a.t. anuual mspecbon,. Absent with leave 10. 1,Yithout leave 12. RegnlatlOn umform worn by 1 offi cel, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 24 men. ~raterial:. ~ ~tretchers, 2 havresacs, sto~e che t, &e., vested in Divisional Oommlttee. DIVI 'lon supported by voluntalY contributions. . d f tl: 11 Squads of men have attended flower shows, open-all' fete, sports, an oo)a matches during season .


Inspector of Stores.

Pte. H. Laycock, 11, Bankfield Street 'Yin ewall, Trawden, neal' Oolne. '

Inspector of Stores.

Sel'gt. J. H. Moore, 10, Royal George St., Stockport.

1st Officer.

W. H . 1,V alton, 17, Hall Road, Trawden, near Colne.

Hono rary S ecretary.

J. J. Or111e, 28, Cambridge Street, Stockport. Honorary Secretary.

[Formed 18.6.03. J



E. A. Goulden, M.D.



J . Adam ,

lI!. B.


C hief Sup erintendent.

Oapt. W. 1,Yaring, Latchford House, Latchford, Warrington.

( Two Ambnl(lJ!ce Divisions).-Officers 9. Sergeants 6. Oorporal1. PriYates 71. (One NUl's i llg D ivision ).-Officer 1. Nursing sisters 17. Total effective 105. WARRINGTON CORPS (HEAD-QUARTERS DIVISION ) [Formed 25.2.97.]

Hono rary Treasurer.

Sergt. Grindrod.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 11. Total effective 14. D ecrease since last report 1. Drills helel 48 . Average attendance 7. Oases attended on public duty 5. R emovals 2. Cases attended not. on public duty.20. Annual inspection, 26th June. Total on paradl3 6. Absent wlth l eave 3. .Wlth out leave 5. Annual re-examination, 4th Sept. Members passed 5. DId not appear 8. Medallions 7. Nursing certificates 9. R egulation ,uniform worn. by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, and 11 men. Material: 5 wall boxes, lItter, and surglCal Division supported by members'subhavresac, vested in Divisional Committee. 'criptiol1s and public contributions.


E. Baldl'Y, 125, Church Street, Warrington. 2nd Officer and Honorary Secretary.

T. J. Hulse, Langham Villa, Mo.nchester Road, 'Yarring ton. Ins pector of S tores.

Sergeant H. Holloway.

1st Offi cer.

H. T. 'Yilliams. 3rd Officer

F. Taylor.

St. J ohn A mbulance BTigade.

St. J ohn A?nbulc€J'nce Brigade.

Offi cers 4. Sergeants 5. Privates 37. Total effective 46. 'ases Decrease since last report 8. Drills h eld 31. Anrage attendance .31. U 6 attended on public duty 36 . Removals 8. Oa es attended not on p~b{lC Idut y 8 , Annual inspection 20th July. Total on parade 36. Absent WIt 1 ea~~ 8 'Without leave 2. 'Annual re-p.xa~inat.ion, 31st May .. :Memb~r~ passetl 34 P~~t~~On appear 12. Medallions 40. SerVIce badges 19.. Nurslllg ce~·tlf1r,ates 16 . . eon al umform ,yom by 5 officers, 5 corporals, and 2f men .. ~r.atenal : stretchels'.1111oIC . haversacs, bandages, etc., vested in the Oorps. DIVIsIOn supported by \0 nnlalY con tribu tions.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporal 1. Privates 07. Total effective 43. Increase since last report 7. Drills held 59 . Avcrage attendance 20. Oases attended on public uuty 10. Oases attended not on public duty 90. Annual inspection, 7th July. Total on parade 34 . Absent with leave 7. Without leave 5. Annual re-examination, 21th ~Iay and 26th, ept. Members pai'sed 31. Did not appear 11. Medallions 20. Service l)u.tlges 10. Nursinrr certificates 5. Regnl~tion uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeallts, 2 corporal~, and 26 men. Matenal: 3 street boxes, 14. first aid boxes, surgical havresnc, hrll tent, 6 stretchrls, and a good stock of splints and bandages, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by members' suhscriptions and puhlic contributions. Fourteen members attended Oamp 0(' In strllction held during 'Whit "'eek at Blackpool.






[Formed 23.1.05.J


Hon . Sur'geon .

J. Adams,




1st Offi cer.

Hon . Secretary.

S. J. Studer, Helvetia, Sto<.:ktou Heath, Warrington.

J. Rose.

Pte. G. Dale, Hood Lane , Sankey Bridges, ,Yarrington.


Hon . S urgeon.

T. T. Macklin,


'Y. F. Mowle, QuC'ell Street, Whalley, Blackburn.


Honorary Treasurer.

I nspector of Sto res .

Hon . Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

F. J. Lon!.

Ple. J. Bruhl.

Ple. A. G01'nall, Killg Street,

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Pri\'ates 34. T otal effective 39 . Decrease since la t report 13. Drills h~ld 40. Average attendance 47. O~ses attended not on public duty 46. Annual Jl1SpectIOn, 20th July.. ~otal on palade 30. Absent with leave 8. ,Vithont leave 1. Annual re.exanl1uabon., 31st !tIay. Mem bel's passed 38. Medallions 1~. Nursing cel tificates 2. ~egulatJon un~form worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 15 men . . Mat:r~a~: wheeled l~tter, 6 stretchers 2 medical havresacs, splints, &c., vesteu 111 Dlvl~lonal 00mnnttee. Division supported by J. Orosfield and Sons, Limited.


T. H. AgnelY,

L R.C . P .

'V halley,


Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 15. Total effective ]8. Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 26. Average attendance 10. Cases attended not 011 ]lublic Llnl)' 7. Anllual inspection, 20th June. Total on parade 8. Absent with leave 10. Medalliolls 7. Regulat.ion uniform \Yom by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal. ant! 14 1I1 ell , vesteu in DivisiolJal Oommittee. Division supported by public subscriptions and annual soiree.

WHITEFIELD DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 2 .7.02.J [Formed 13.6.06. J HEAD ·QUARTEltt;: EL)I'



Su peri ntendent .

Honorary Surgeon .


vV. V. H. Smith, 14, Mount Avenue, Orrell, neal' Liyerpool. Hon . S ecretary.

Private 'V. H. Davey, .• Welbeck, ' Waterloo Park, "Talerloo. lnspector of Stores .

Honorary Treasurer.

Private H. E. Baron.

Private A. W. Kirk.

0 9)cer82. Sergeant 1 Oorporals 2. Private817 . T otal effective 22. D rills held 19. Av erage attendance 12. Oases attended not on public dut~ 2. Annual inspection, 18th Sept. Members passed 18. Did ~ot apl~e~r 3. Medal.hons 6. Material: 3 stretch ers and set of splints, &c., vested m DIVISIonal OommIttee. Division supported by the public and memben' subscription




Hon. Surgeon.

A. J. Youug,


J. W. Oro ley,


37, George Hon . Secretary.

Pte. 'V. lIardl1lan, 10, Morley -' t., ,rhitelielcl, Manch ster.


t., Whitefi eIu,


Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

001·P1. J. Clegg.

Mr. J. Hilton (Hon. Mem.)

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Corporal. 3. Privates 19. Total effective ~5. Decrea e since last report 2. Drills held 50. AYerage attendance 19. Oases atLended on public llnty 2:,). Hemoval 1. Ou. es attelllled not on public duty 5. Annual inspection, 7th July. Total on parade 23 . Ab. ent with leave 2. Annual re -e xamination, 27th March. l\lembers pa sed 2cl. MeualliOlls 21. ervice badges 7. Nursing certificates 17. Regulation uniforlll worn by ~ Ofticers, 1 sergeant, 3 corporals, and 19 mell. Iaterial: 6 fltretcher , hane ac, 12 wall boxes, plints, bandage, tent, c ·C., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by melllbers' sub cripliolls and voluntary contributions.


1st Officer.

Honorary Surgeon.

J. Nall,

J. H. ,Vidclop.

M.R. C. S.


Honorary Secretary.

S. Bagshaw Horwich End Whaley Bridge, , Stockport. '

Sergt. G. S. Wllite, The Level, ,Yhaley Bridge, Stockport.


Honorary Surgeon.

M. G. JUcElligott,







Hon . Secretary (in Char'ge).


Honorary Treasurer.

Ins pector' of Stores.

Pte. J . H owarth .

Oorporal T. Olitlleroe.

Sergt. C. Eccles, 122, Bal'Jlslcy

[reet, \Vigan.

Honorary Treasurer.

Pri "ate \\.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Officer 1. Sercreant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 35. T otal effective 40. Drills held 31. A~erage attendance 11. Aunual inspection, 1.6th J une. T otal on parade 29. Absent with leave 5. .'Without leave? Matenal: 4 stt'e~c~~rs7 2 surgical havresacs, 2 water bottles, sphnts, &c., vested m Hon. Surgeon. DIvIsIon supported by the public. Owina to t he danaerous work of most of the men, "first aid" is rendered so often as to be~ollle almosta part of t h eir daily labours, and as soon .a~ .the case is "seen t o" it is forgotten. and not reported at the meetings of the DIVISlOn.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 15. Total effective 18. Increase since last. report 4. Practices held 15. Average attendance 8. Cases attended ~ot on publIc duty.6. Annual inspection, 19th May. Total on parad e 9. Absent With l eave 5. . Without leave 4. Annual re·examination, 19th May. MemLers passed. 9.. DId not appear 7. Medallions 7. Division supported by lUembers' subscnptlOns and publie contributions.






Hon . Surgeon.

2nd Officer.

Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent.

J. 1\1. ,\Y. Morison,

W. I. Buckley.

B. H. "\Voodyatt, L.R.C.P., St. John's Vicmage, Over: Winsford, R.S.O., Cheshire.

Hono rary Treasurer.

Mr. A. Moreton (Hon. Mem.)

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 3. Privates 28 . 'l'otal effective 35. Cases Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 36. Average attendance.1. attended on public duty 16. Removals 5. Cases attended not on pu?hc duty 189. Annual inspection, llth July. Total on parade 17. Absent Wlth leave 1~. "\Vithout leave 7. Annual re·examination, 8th Aug. Members passed 2 DId not appear 6. Medallions 20. Service badges 12. "ursing certificates 9. R~gu­ lation uniform worn Ly 2 Officers , 2 seraeants and 2 men. 1\Iatel'lal: 0 , 3 cornorals, l' 1. litter, 6 Fnrley stretchers, 11 surgical havresacs, 4 emergency bngs, &c., vestee m Urban District Council. Corps supported by public contributio1ls.

BACUP NURSING DIVISION (LANCASHIRE ). [Formed 4.98.] HEAD'QUARTER': KING STREET, B.-\.CUP. Honorary Surgeons. F. ,\\r. Rigll)', :OLB.


P. BrO\\Il,

1st Nu rsing Officer and Lady Secretary.

Lady Superintendent .

Miss M. Sbephel'll, 13, Albert Accrington.


Officers 2. Nursing sisters 27 . Total effectivc 29 . D ecrease since last report 1. Practices held 47. Average attendance 20. Cases attended not on public duty 8. Annual inspection, 1 th Aug. 'l'otal on parade 20. Absent "'ith leave 4. Without leave 5. Annual re.examination, lOth Feb. Members passed 25 . Did not appear 4. Medallions 25. Regulation uniform 'I' oI'D hy 2 Officers and 27 nursing sisters, except bonnet and cloak . Material: bedstead auti bedding, water pillow, water bottle~, brrmchitis kettles, Lox of appliances, &c., vested in Accrington Centre S.J. A .A. Division supported by members' subscriptions and grants from Centre. At the Annnal Review of the North East Lanca!!>hire County Corps, thc DivislOll won the second prize and the third prize in squad cODlpetition at the sn.me event.


W. C. Rigby, lII.B. F. J. A. Mayes, M.R.C.S.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss 1\1. Wiuuows, High Bank, Adlingtol1, Lancs.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss E. H addock, Dyson House, Chorley Road, Adlingtoll.

Miss M. A. Sharples .

Miss Lanton.

Officers 2. "ursing sister~ 2~ . Total eITective 24. ln crense since lust r~port 6. Practices held 23. Average attendance 24 . Cases ~ttende(l. not on publIc duty 4. Cases privately nursed 11. Annual inspection, {lil Apt'll. Total on parade 19. Ab ent with leave 4. Without leave 1. Annual ]'e-exall1~l1atioi~, 5th April. Members pa. sell 17. Did not appeal 6. Medallions 15. RegulatlOll Ul~lfol'll1 \Vol'll by 1 Officer auel 22 llUrsing isters. Material: bandages (roller anll tnangnlar), bandage machine, SplilltR, etc., bed and bedding, vested in AS~lt0.n-u1lder·LYlle Centre, . J.A . ..:.\.. Division supported by members' subscnptlOu-', etc.


1\1iss M. E. Fletcher, 310, Blackburn Rd., Accrington.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss Daw on, "Clayhi.l1," tockport Rd., A hton-under-Lyne.

COl'pI. A. Grant, 17, Wharton Bridges, Winsford, Cheshire. Sergt. J . Bratt.

1st Nursin g Officer.

Mrs. M. A. Rowbottom, 84, Newmarket Road, Ashton-under. Lyne.

lIL B.

Lady Secretary.

Honorary Secretary. Inspector of Sto res.


Lady Treasu re r .

Miss E. Fairclough.

Lady Superintendent.

1\1rs. .1\1. E. La II', 2, A5hcliffe, Bacup.


1st Nurs ing Office r and Lady Inspect or of Stores .

Mrs. R

2nd Nursing Officer.

1\1iss E. A. Hackiug.

tnbbs. Lady Secre tary.

l\Iiss 1\[.

iIll P OU, ] 5,


treet, Bacn p.

O/llcers 5. Nursing ~i ·ter 29. Total eITectiye 34. hehI 44. A vuage attenuallce 10. Cnses attended not on public duty 10. Ca 'es pl'lYately nursecl 11. Anuual in pection, 31st July . Total on parade H . Absent with leave 4. \\'ithout leave 16. Annual re-examination, 24th l\Iay. Member pasEed :20. Did not appear 12. 1\Ieda.llio1ls 27. Hegulation uniform ,,~orn by 3 Otlicers aUll 29 nursing sisters. Material: ho pital bed and bedding, all' and water bed. ick room utensils: bed l)all feeding CUI) measllrin a glass, ' ~, 0 · . I t Ilcrmometel', roller and triangular bandage, c1lIllca splints, &c. Diyi ion supported by member' uo cripholl . Practi~e


O. 1\1. 1\1 itch ell,


Lady Sup erintendent.

Miss R. A. Preston, '\\'ootllJine, Barrowford, near Nelson. Lady Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

Miss C. Booth, Whittycroft, Ba.rrow1'ord, near N elon.

La dy Treasurer.

1\1rs. E. Smith.

St. John A ?nbulcI;nce BrigcI;de.


St. J ohn A rrnbulance B?'igade.

Officers 2. Nursil1 C1 sisters 14. Total effective 16. Decrease since last report 1. P~actices h~ld 39. Averag~ attendance .14. C.abes attended not on public duty 14. Oases pnvately nursed I. Annual lllspectlOn, ~lst June. Total on parade 7. Absent with lea~e 3. 'Without leave 6. . Annual re -examilJation, 3rd May. Members passed 9. Dl.J no~ appear 6. 1\~edallIons 13. l\laterIal: 4. ~oxes, Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 14 ny~'s~l1g SIsters. 2 snrgic!ll havresacs, water bottles, &c. Dl VISIon supported by mcm bel s sn b scription and mill collections.



LFormed 5.3.02.]

SCHOOL, BLACKBURN. Lady Superintendent.

Hon . Surgeon .

Miss F. Aspinall, Heatherlea, Azalea Road, Blackburn.

B. G. Elliott, L.R.C.P.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

Mi S J. A. Richmond . Officers 2. Nursing sisters 15. Total effective 17. I nc!'ease since last report o. Practices held 32. Ave.rage attendance 10 .. Cases a ~tended on public duty 2. Oases attellded not on publIc duty 6. Cas~s pnvately llursed 2. Annual inspection, 8th Sept. Total on parade 11. Ahsent WIth leave ~. ,Vithont leave 4. Annual re-examination, 5th Sept. Members pa sed 12. DId not appear 4. M6dallions 13. Service badges 16. Regulati01: nniform w~n: .by 2 Officers and 15 nursing sisters. Material: splints, bandages, lInt, etc. DIVl!llOn supported by members' subscriptions. On September th four nurses, with men and doctor, were on duty at ir Harry Hornby's Political Garden Party, 8,000 people present.


[Formed 13.11.95.]


L. G. S. Molloy, M.A.,



F. S. Heaney,

F.r. . C. S.


Lady Superintendent and Secretary.



1st Nurs ing Officer.

",V. V. Barlow, M.P'.C.S.

Miss E. Giulow, 73, Hampstead Road, Liverpool.

Lady S ecretary.

Lady Inspecto r of Stores.

:Mias McElllea, 177, Bedford Road, Bootie.

Miss M. J. Ormsby.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 9. Total effective 11. Practices h eld 25. Average attendance 7. Oases attended not on public duty 20. Annual in pection, 19th July. Total on parade 7. Absent with leave 4. A1Jlll1a~ re-examination, ?6th A.pri1. Members passed 4. Did not appear 6. l\1.e~aPlOns 10. ReglllatlOn 11l1lfonn worn br 1 OLficer and 5 nursing sisters. DlVl Ion supported by members' subscriptiolls and pu blic con tributions.


",Y. Bird,



Lady Superintendent.

Miss 1. Lee, 5, Halifax Road, Brierfield, near Burnley. Lady Secretary.

l\1is J. Grcgson, 11, Ann

trcet, BricrfielLl, neal' Burnley.

OLficers 2. Nul' iug. isters 9. Total etlective 11. Decl eo. e sinre 10. t report 4. Practices held 36. .Average attendance 8. Cases attended not 011 public duty 11. Anllual ins}lection, 26th Jl1ne. Total on parade 10. Ab ent without leave 1. Alllluaire-examination, 4th June. Members passed 10. ~l edallions 10. Regulation uniforlll worn by 2 Officer and 9 nursing sisters. 1\latenal : bandages, splints, bamper, bed and bedding, vesteu in Brierfield Centre S.J.A.A. Divi. ion supported by Centre.

Mrs. V. 1\[, Orille, 1\1arshall Gatc, Olaremont Park, Blackpool. 1st Nursing Officer.

nIiss n1. H . Hartley. Officers 4. Nursing sisters 43. T otal effective 47. Increase since last report 16. Practices held 46. Average attendance .21. C~ses attended not on public duty 24. Cases privately nursed 11. Anllual lIkpectlOn, 26th Sept. Total on parade 27. Absent with leave 9. Without leave 11. Annual re-examination, 19th July. Members passed 13. Did not appear 32. Medallions 16. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers and 18 llursing sisters. Material: air cushions 17 ambulance wall boxes, 2 surgical havresacs, bandages, splints, vested in Divisi'onal Oommittee. Division supported by members' subscriptions.


Hon. Surgeon.

J. Wood, M.R.C...



Honorary Surgeon .

J. Gal'UllCr,

Lady Superintendent.

~r. B.

Miss M. A. teYens, 34, Park Grove, HD.ITiet ':)treet, BUl'11ley.

1st Nu rsing Officer and Act in g Lady Secretary.

1\1 iss L.

im pson, 80, Greenhill Terrace, Albioll Strect.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss 1\1. E.


Lady Treasurer.

[Forllled 16.9.06].

Miss 1. J. Gal'11ett.


Olli.cers 3. "'lusing sisters 38. Total efrectiYe 41. Increase since last report 8. Pra.ctices held H. A vel'age attendance 20. Cases attended on public duty 3. Cases attended not on public duty 50. Anllual inspection, 3rd July. Total on pD.ra.de 37. Absent with leave 4. Annual re-examination, nth and 27th cpt. Members passed 34. Failed 5. Did not appear 2. Medallions 33. RegUlation uniform worn by 2 Ofricer ' and 34 nursing sisters, wearing indoor uniform. Material: 3 water bottles, 2 bed rests, ~ air cnshions, 2 waterproof heets, 2 bed pans, bavresac, splints, bandages, &c., vested in Divisional Committet'o Division snpported hy members' uhscliptions, mill collections, anu pu hlie con tri butions.

Lady Super intendent and Secretary.

Miss M. Smith, 69, Castle treet, Bolton . Lady Treasurer.

Miss J. E. Higham. Officers 2. Nursing sistars 13. Total effectivc 15. Regulation uniform wor11 by two Officers. Material: bandages, s11lints, &c. Division su Pllorted by mem bel'S and Hall Trustees.


St. J ohn A 1nbulance B1'igade.

St. J ohn A ?nbu lance Brrigo,cle.




Lady Superintendent_

Honorary Surgeon .

F. B . Holmes,

Miss S. A . L omax, 102, Walmersley Road, Bury.

M. B.

La dy Inspector of Sto r es .

1st Nurs ing Officer. ~hs .

Miss M. Ourrie.

E. Micklelield, 14, Buckley Street.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 32. Total effective 35. I ncr ease since last revort 6. P ractices held 47 . Ave.rage attendance ~9 . Annual inspection, 25th Aug . T otal on parade 13. Absent wIth leave 6. . WIthout leave 16. Annllalre-examination, 31st July. Members vasseo. 14. DId not.appe~r 20 . Medallions 2l. R egulation uniform. worn by ~ O~C~I:S and 16 n,ursmg ~Is.t~rs . .l'l1aterial : bell, bedding, bandages, SVlInts, vested 111 Dlvls~onal Oomnuttee. DIVIsIon supported by members' subscriptions and public contributIons.

La dy Secretary and Inspec tor of Stores .

La dy Treasurer.

Miss M . E. Smethurst, R ochdale Road, Shaw, Lancs.

Miss G Kay.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 8. Total effective 10. Increase since last report 2_ Practices held 45. Average attendance 7. Oaoes privately nursed 2. Annual inspection, 3rd Aug. Total on parade 10. Annual re-examination: 27th ept. MembeJ'~passed 9. Medallions 2. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 8 nursing sisters. Material: splints, bandages, bed and bedding, vesterl in the Division . Division supported by sub'lcriptions .


TllEET SCIJOOLS, DAI:i·Ox-rx-Fur.~Esi':.


Ho n . Surge on .



G. E . Orme,

H . V. S,yindale.

M. R . C. . .

Lady Sup e r intendent .

La dy S ecreta ry.

Miss N . Andrew, 112, St. Paul'sStrect, L ow Moor, Clitheroe.

:Miss E. Hargrea\'es, 59, Ohatburn Rd . , Clitheroe.

Officers 3. I ursing sisters 32. Total effective 35. Increase sillce last report 19. Practices held 42. Average attendance 15. Oases attended not Oll public anty 8. Annual in pection, lIth July. Total 011 parade 17. Absent "ith leave 1. , Yithout leave 17. Annual re-examination, 27th MarcIl. Members passed 13. Did not appear 20. Medallions 24. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 25 nursing sisters. Material: llandages, splints, &c., vesteo. in Trustees. Division supported hy public subscriptiolls.



Hono rary Su rge ons.

A. A. G. Dickey, i\LD .

Lady S uperin t enden t .

~L B.

illrs. )L A. Pooley, ilIarket Place, Dalton-in-Fnrness, R S. 0., Lancs.

La dy S ecreta ry.

Lady Inspect or of S t o res.

Mrs. 111. HateRon, ,Hall, treet, DaJton-in-Fu1'l1ess, R. .0., Ln,ncs.

.lIlrs. )1. BJacklJUrn.

La d y T reasu r er.

Mi . s K. Grigg. Officers 2. N nr ingi ·ters 11. Total effective] 3. Decrease since la t report 2. Practices heltl 21. Average attendance 5. Oase' attended not ou public duty 6. Oa e. privately nUl' e(l 7. Annual in pection, 5th Ma.y. Total on parade 5. Ab.ent with leave 1. Without leave 7. Annual re-examination, 5th illay. Members pa ell 5. Dill 110t appear 7. Medallions 14. Material: water pillow, ail' cushion, sheets, rugs, 2 pillows, bottle, macintosh sheeL, vested in Di\'i ional Committee. Division sn]lporteo. by social and ubscriptions.


H. G. Deans, )r. B.

Lady S ec. and Treasurer.


. A. Hartley, 2, Ohapel Fold, Colne.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 24. Total effective 27 . Increase since last report 5. Practices held 37. A verage attendance 9. Oases privately nursed 6. Annual inspection, 5th July . Total on parade 10. Absent without leave 17 . Annual re-examination, 13th March. Member passed 14. Did not appeal' 11. Medallions 13. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 20 nursing sisters. Material: medical chest, splints and bandages, vested in ~'rustees . Division supported by subscriptions.

Lady Secretary.


1\. E. Ratcliffe, 173, Ro,e Bank,

[Formed 12 . . 02.J


Hon . Surgeon .

A. V. Davies, M.D.

1st Nu rs ing Officer.

Miss S. Dewhurst, 426, Rochdale R0ad, High Orompton, Shaw, Lancs.


1st Nursing Officer and Lady Treasurer.

ill i. ' ilf. K

'nlisbnry, 60, Market

treet, Edenfield,



Officer 2. Nursing sisters 9. Total efTectiye 11. Practices held. 37. Average attendance 9. Oa es attended not on puLlic duty 13. On es privately nnrsed 2. Anllual inspection, 2 th Jnne. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 2. Annna.l re-examina.tion, 29th JIay. Member pa sed 10. Di\ri ion ~npporte(l by memher .. nbseriptiolls nUll public contrihution .



[Formed 9.10.05.J


Honorary Surgeon.

W. L. Lovett, L.lt.C.P.

Lady Sup e r intend e nt.

Mrs. E. Taylor, 9, Duke Street, Oolne.

A. J. Oross,


Honorary Surgeons.


Towx GATE. Lady S uperintenden t .

Honorary S urgeo ns.

A. A. G. Dickey, "r. n. W . Doyle, :lCB.

Mrs. R. II . Richmond Hole-in-the-Wall Inn, Fonlritlge, nenr Oolue, Lancs. Lad y S e c re t a ry.

Miss F. M. Stephenson, Town Top, Fonlridge, near Oolne, Lanes.

St. J ohn A rrnbulance Brigade.

St. John A rnbulance Brigade.

Officers 3. Nursin g sisters 5. T otal effective 8. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 48. Average attendance 4. Oases attended not 011 public duty 8. Annual inspection, 24th April. Total on parade 6. Absent without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 21st April. Members passel1 5. Did not appear 1. Medalli0ns 5. Regul ation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 4 nursing sisters. Material : splint~ and bandages, vested ill Divisional Oommittf'e. Di vision supported by letting of H all and public contributions.




Honorary Surgeon.

Mrs. E. Pearsoll, 20, John Street, Heywoo(1.

G. Geddes, M.D.

Officers 2. Nursiug sisters 16. Total effective 18, I ncrease since last report 7. Pl'aetices held 38. Average attendance 8. Oases attended on public duty 10. Oases privately nursed 3 Annual impection, 11 th July. Total on parade 10. Absent with leave 5. ,Vi thout leCl.ve 3. Annual re-examination, 3rd July. Members passed 14. Did not appear 3. Medallions 5. Regulation uniform wom by 1 Officer and 6 nursing sisters. Material: bed, splints, bandages, &c., vested in Heywood Oentre S.J.A.A. Division supported by public contributions.




Honorary Surgeon.

1st Nursing Officer.

J. R. Ruruett, M. D.

Miss M. Gatey, 4, Eskin Street, Ke wick.

Lady S ecretary, Inspector of Stores and Treasurer.

1I1iss A. Adamsoll, Market S(1uare, Keswick. Officers 2.

Nursing sisters 7. Total effective 9. (No report received) .



A. M. Eason, L.R.C.P. Lady Superintendent. Mi ~s M. E. Ascroft

Lady Secretary.

Miss E. Keates, Holm e L ea, Lytham.

5, Oecil Street, Ly tha~ .

. . Officers 2. Nursing sisters 12. T otal effective 14 . . ~ecl~ase Sillce last report 5. Practices beld 26. Average attendance 11. Annual 1.11sp~ctI?n, ~lst March. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 1. Annual ~~~~:~IT~~atlOn, 29th May and .27th Sept. M.embers passed 11. D id not appear 2. 1I s 13. RegulatlOn umform worn by 1 Officer and 1 nursing sister 10 wear a texcept cloaks and bonnets. Material: bed, beddinO' mackintoshes w~teI' pillo'" 110 water ·t d'111 D'" ' .o~ . ", . . baO' 0' ves e IV1SIonn.1 C Jomnllttee. DIvlslon supported' by members' su b ·cnptlOn.


Lady Secretary.

J. Ohadwick, :lLR.C.S.

Miss M:. J. tott, 3 , Bent Gate Street New hey, Rochdale. '

Officer 1.

Nursing isters 11. Total effective 12. [ TO report recei \Ted. ]


H. F. Oldham, M.A., M.D.


[Formed 19.8.02.J


A. P. H. Simpson, M.R.C.S. 1st Nursing Officer (in charge) and Lady S ecretary.

Miss E. F . Cattley, 30, Peel Street, Princess Park, Liverpool. Lady Insp ector of Sto res.

Mrs. A. Geelues.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss E. .M. Capstick.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 14. Total effective 16. Decrease since last report 3. Practices held 22. Average attendance 9. Oases attended not on public duty 14. Oase privately nursed 1. Annual inspection, 12th May. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 4. Without leave 1. Annual re-examinatioll, 7th May and 25th June. Members passed 13. Did not appear 2. Meuallions 14. Service badges 4. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 9 nursing sisters. Material: bedding, pillows, cushions , bandages, splints, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members' subscriptions ano. public contributions. In the District Nursing Oompetition held at Preston, on M ay 5th, the second prize was gained by a squad from this Division. Public duty has been undertaken on the occasions of two Royal visits, and the May day procession.

Lady Super in tendent.

Lady Secretary.


. E. Lee , 137, Ell~ton Hoad, lorecalllbe,

Miss Lambert, 66, Eu ton Road, Morecambe.

. Officers 2. Jnr ing sisters 15. Total effective 17. Decrease smce la t ~'eport 6. Practices held 2C. Aye rage attendance 7. Oases attended not on pnbhc dutJ~ 9. Oases pr~vately nursed 6. Annual inspectien, 20th Ju?e .. Total on parade, 10. Abseut WIth leave 3. Without leave 4. Annual re-exam~natlOn! .20th June. Members passed 10. Did not appeal' 6. l'lIec1allions 11. Regula.tlO~ u1l110rm ,:'o1'n bJ:' 2 Omcers and 14 nursing sisters. Material: water bcd, IHttel bottles, all' cllslllo.n, beel rest,. an~ ~t?er nursing requisites; splints, bal~dages, and ban~age m~cl~111e, vested 111 DIvIslOnal Committee. Division suppOl ted by members 'ub cnpbons and voluntary contribution .


J. B. K. Robb, ?:.A" M.D. A. Fmdlay, M.B.

A. P. Millar, M.D. W. Jackson, M.D. '1'. Murphy, L.R.C.P.

1st Nursing Officer (i n charge) and Lady Secretary.

Miss M. SaIisbnry, 67, Whitchall Street, N elson.


St. John A m bulan ce Brigade.

St. John Ambulance Brrigacle.

Officers 6. Nursing sisters 33. T otal effective 39. D ecrease since last report 1. Practices held 45. Average attendan ce 18. Annua l inspection, 12th July. T otal on parade 30. Absent with l eave 1. Without leave 8. Annual re-examination, 5th Sept. Members passed 22. Did not appear 12_ ,Oaps, cu ffs , aprons, worn by 35 nursillg sisters. Material : nursing hamper, bed, splints, etc., vested in local Centre S.J.A.A. DiviRion supportell by dOllations from Oentre Committee.



[Form cd 27 .9. 95 .] H EAD-QuAP:rERs: PARISIl 0 nURCIl Honorary Surgeons.

Mrs. A. Howard 2nd Nurs. Off. and Lady Sec.

Miss O. Fitchie.

:Miss Sowel'butts Highfield, Ashton -on.'R ibhle.


3rd Nurs ing Officer and Lad y T reas.

Miss A. A. Hawortll , 17, Brooklands, \V aterfoot, Manchester.

Mi<;s A. B. Brown.

SyS;) .

Officers 6. Nursing si t . >:4 T eGrease since last report 9 p. t' otal effective 60. att:~tle~ on public ~Llty 36. Cases1:~t~~~feJe;1~t40. A v~rage attendance 36. Oasos ~~ll. cd 6. Anllu al1!) 'pcdion 19th Julv '1' t 1 on publIc duty 44. Oases privately Tlthont leave 14. Annuai re-exan'" .0 a on l.Jarade 36 . Absent with leave 10 M~ll1bcrs passed 56 . Failed 2. MeL1~~iltLlOl1,;- 16th M~y, 5th, 12th, lSth July: l~lllfo!'I1l WOl'll hy 4 0 trice I' ' and 12 l?~lS ;)4: ServlCe badges 18 . ReClulation slslers . .. Matcrial : hedrlin cr , linen cll l1UI.Sl~~ sistcrs; part. ulliforll.l, 37 °nursin g k ettlcs, splints I:> bantlarrcsesta' Sllllgltcl al havresac, all' pillows, air cushions vested 11 C' D'" nc 1 0 leI'. useful . Illl'l.sIng . . &c. ' r 1. • ~I ps. 1 VISIon suplJorted b necessanes, fh e DIVISIon WOll the Chall I . 1 Y vo lllltaly contnbubom;. ' at 'quad Oompetition, heltl a't ~;~~~bl~~~l d 2 3 .\l~ N. E. Lancashire Corps and Division the Review in the aftel'lloon. ' . ! ( nne, 1906 ; also gaining first prize at D

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 14. T otal effective 16. D ecrease since last relJort 4. Pn, ctices held 14. Average attendance 5. Annual inspection, 2Sth Aug. Total on parade 7. Absent without leave 9. Annual re-examination, l Sth Sept. Membe1s passed 7. Did not appear 8. Medallions 14. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, and 14 nm ing sisters weal' l)art, viz., bonnet and cap, aprons, cuffs and collars. Material: bed and bedding, splints and bandages, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supportetl by public con tribu tions.




[Formed 15.9.85.] H EAD -QUAHTERS:


J . B. L endrum, M.D.

Miss Moore, 63, L ansdown Road, Oldham.

3rd Nursing Officer.

:IIliss H. Ogden.

Officers 4. Nursing sistcrs 34. Total effecti Vii 3 . D ecrease since last report 2. Practices helel 35. Average attendance 15. Annual inspection, 4th Aug. 'l'otal on parade IS. Au<;ent with lea,e 2. Without leaye IS. Annual re-examinations, 17th Oct. Members passed 37. RegUlation llllirOl'ln worn by 2 Officers and 20 nursing sisters. Material vested in Divisional Committee. Divi5ion supported by members' subscriptions.

Hon . Surgeon.

G. carr,

Lady S uperintendent and Secreta

B. A . , :\l.B.

lI11ss . A. 0pcllshaw 2, H eber Stl'eet, Radcliffe.


OI11ccr. 2. ursing sisto' 25 T 1 Pra.ctices held 26 .I.. vel'a e .,ttel 1 27. . .. ~ g.o II allce IS17 . Caseota tteffective d 1 nl1llalm pactIon, 10th July. Total OIl ara~le 15 s a en ec. not on public duty 6. lea\'e 8. Anllual re-examination 20thP i\I . I . lItbsent WIth leave 4. Without aI~p"a.l' 7. i\IcJallion 25. P~rt unifor~~c w .embers pa ed 19. Did nut Dl\"ISIOll supported by members' subscr' t' Olll: apron, collar and cuffs. . Ip lOllS ane1 voluntary sub criptions.




Hon . Surge on .

W. Robert on, l"Il.C.l'.


J. G. Jones, 1>!.D.

Lady Superintendent and S ecretary.

Miss L. Gregson, "Westwood," Padiham.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 12. Total effecti ve 14. Decrease since last report 1. Practices heltl 29. Average attendance 5. Cases attended not on public duty 2. Annual inspectio!), 3rd March. Total on parade 5. Absent with leave 1. 'Without leave 8. Annual re-examination , 2ith Sept. Members paRsed 5. Did not apDear 8. Medallions 5. R egu1ation unifOlm worn by 1 Officer and 12 nursing sisters. Material: bed, bedding, splints. Division supported b y annual town collection.







Mrs. K. F . Wilkin . on, SllIlllysi(le, \\Terneth, Olelllalll.

:lnd Nursing Offi cer and Lady Secretary.

•. ,



Act ing Lady Supe rinte nd ent .

Hono rary S urgeon.


24 , G1' a f ton Street, Preston ' .

1st Nurs . Off. and Lady Insp . of Stores.

Lady Sup e rint endent.


Lady Super intendent.

T. H . O. Derham, :31.D., C.M. A. E. R.ayncr, lIf . D., O. i\I.



~ady Secretary. S 13. 'hephenI


Billcotc FarJ1l, Rawten'tall.

GlIll OL, RA WTE::\ ' l'ALL. . Lady Silperin t ende nt .

MISS A. L. Whitehead Ahday L ea, Rawtenstall. Lady Inspector of Stores


L. H orton .


Olli cel's 2. ursina siste 10 Ttl I'i' Increase since last rellOrt 2. 0 I'S. 0 (l, euectivc 12 attended not on public duty 1 PAl'acticle~ held ~S. A verage attendance 10. C llllua III l)ectloll 2-{ Lh eIlt '1' t I ases . . 11 ' . 0 a on parade 12. A nuua1 l'e-exltJ1l11mtion 29th i\I . I lati~n uniform worn by 1 Olficel~1 c ~i:'lt ,.eltbe~·~ l~ scd 11. . Medallion 4. RegnsurcrlCal havl'esac v t d' I'" • ella. il.l1 ages, phnt, bed and beddillcr .~ . D ' .'. es e 111 i lllance Oommittee of the A 1. 1 .1 0' D IV1slOns. IVISIOIl supported by public contributions . muu ance allu Nursing

St. John A ?nb ulan ce Bri gade.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.






Honorary Su rgeons.

"yy. P. Grant, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

J. Rodley, M.R.C.S.

Hon. Surgeon .

1st Nurs ing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.

L. Anderson, 1.r. B.

Miss L. Hill, 9, Hall Street, Whitworth, Rochdale.

1st Nursing Officer.

Lady superintendent.

Miss H. Clarke.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stol"es.

MiRS L. Whatmough, 417, Market Street, Whitworth, Rochdale.

Miss E. , Yhi pp, "The Elms, " Rochdale.

Miss O. Marsh . . Miss A. Clough, 24, William Street, Rochdale. om's 5 Nursin a sisters 55. Total effectlve 60 . 0 cel. p? f held 43 A veraae attendance 30. ases Increase since last report 15. lac !Ces. t"on 14thoJuly Total on parade attended not on. public du~ 31 A~nu::e~l~~~~~a~io~ 11th April amI 12~h Sept. r 54. Absent wIth leav~. nnua 15 Medallions 40. Reaulation uniform worn Members passed 43. DId ,nut aJ?le~r. <)'lntll'sin a sisters weal~ indoor uniform only. by 5 Officers and 3~ ~1lUSl1lg SIS .els, .... 'cal h~vresac bandaaes bed and bedding, Material: k~ttle, Spll'lt l~mSp'JRApbAnts, ~~;ilsion support~d by n7em'bers' subscriptions etc. vested 111 local Centre . . . . and'voluntary contributions. 2nd Nurs. Officer and Lady Secretary.



Officers 2. Nursing sisters 7. Total effective 9. Decrefls e since last report 1. Practices held 34. .A verage attendance 5. Cases attendeu 110t on public duty 13. Oases privately nursed 4. Annual inspection, 14th July. Total on parade 8. Absent without leave 1. Annual re.examination, 25th April. Members passed 8. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 7 nursing sisters. Material: Bath chair, splints, bandages, &c., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by voluntary contributions and socials.



Ho norary Surgeon.

Lady Superin tendent.

[Formed 6.8.03].

W. L. Bentley, L.S.A.

Miss . Kershaw, 33, Oharles St., Roy ton.


COUNCIL ScnOOL, ST. MARTI~'. · STREET, OAWfLETON. Lady Superintendent and S ecretary.

Honorary Surgeons.

Mrs. E. A. '1'weedale, Arncliffe, Rochdale.

S. T. Lord, M.rt.C.S. A. Lomas, M. B.

Lady I nspector of Stores.

Mrs . 1\1. E. Swindells. Officers 3 Nursin a sisters 17. Total effective 20. 0 . ...' p. '\ices held 48. A verage attendance 12.. ases Increase Slllce last repOlt 4. lac bI' 1 t 16 Cases pnvatcly attended on public duty 4. Cases attended not on pll lCJ ul~ Absent with leave Medallions] 2. nursed 6. Annual inspection, 14th Jul~. T~ltal bon yara e d '18 1 . t' 25th Apnl J.l em elS passe . iieau!~~~a U~"~i;l~~~~~I~n l~;' 2 Officers and 17 nursing sisters. Material: 6 cnsbio~lS, bed rests, bronchitis kettles, ice bag~, hot :yater~)otJles, an~ bat~~s~:~\t~~ebn~i~~~~l~i tosh s~eets, feDe~i~1~ cups, b~tthdcbhyamlr'emSP~~~!?~ll :s~r;l~t~;ns aC~~l pn blic contributions. CommIttee. lV1slOn SUppOl e


W. H. Carse, 1l1.B.

'T. PAUL'.' SCHOOL, ROCHDALE. 1st Nu rsing Officer.

Miss A. Ashworth, 398, Edenlielu Rd .• Norden, Rochdale.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss M. R. Hall.

Miss R. A. Ashworth.

Lady Treasurer.

Mrs. S. Wild.

Officers 2 J ursing sisters 13. Total effective 15. bI' Practices held 39. Average attendance 10. Cases attended not .~n 1 pu e ~c duty 20. Annual inspection, 14th July .. 'l'otal on parade 11. b A.bsent ~vd l2eavDid Without leave 2. Annual re-examinatlOn, 8th May. Mem elS passe l~Ul'sin not appear 2 Medallions 11. Regulation uniform worn by 1 officer and 13 benf. sisters (inclo~r). Material : bandages and splints. Division supported by mem subscriptions and socials.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 9. Total effective 11. Average attendance 8. Oases Illcrease since last report 1. Practices held 23. attendeu not on public duty 25. Cases privntely nur. ed 15. Annual inspection, 16th July. Total on parade 9. Ab&ellt with leave 1. \Vithout leave 1. Annnal re-examination, lIth July. .Members passed 8. Did not appear 2. 1.1edallions 5. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer and 7 nursing sisters. Material: splints, bandages, water beu, &c. DivislOn supported by members' subscriptions aDd public contributions.


[Formed 27.3.05.J


1st Nu rsing Officer (in charge).

J. L. Russell, M.B.

Miss A. Eastwood, 1 , White Platts treet, Todmorden.

Lady Sec retary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss A. Whitehead, 8, Stansfield t., Todmol'den.

•Miss M. E. Barker.

Miss M. A . R. Pickup .

Officers 2. Nursing si tel'S 16. Total effective 18. Practices held 46. Average attendance 16. Decrease since last report 13. Annual inspection, 22nd Sept. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 2. Annual re-examination, 4th July. Members passed 16. Did not appear 1. Medallions 4. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers and 16 nursing sisters. Division supported by su bscri ptions.


A. H . Poole, L.U.C.P. Lady Superintendent.

Miss M. Peers, Meadow Head, Tottillgton,

Lady Secretary.

Miss Bentley, Walshaw, nr. Bury. 111'.


St. J ohn A ?n bulance B1'igade.

St. John Ambulan ce Brigade.

. Officers 2. Nursin g sisters 9. T oLal effectivc 11. D ecrease ince last report 3. Practice!; h el d 29. A verage at tendallce 6. Cases att ended not on public duty 40 . Cases privately nUl'sccl 20. Annual inspection, 26th J une. T otal on parade 6. Absent without leave 5. Annual re-cxamiu!1lion, 4 t h ept. Mem bel' l 'as~ed 6. Did not appear 4. Medallions 8. ParL uni form worn by 1 Officer and 9 JlUl'sing sisters: collars, culTs, caps and nprons. Division snpported by membcrs' suh (;l'iptions.

, t' NUl'sing Omcers 2. ~ursing sisLers 17. T otal e ITeciive 19 P l ac ICC.,! held 22. A vel'acrc attcJldance 10 AI' . ' T ota.l 011 pamrle ] 2. Absent with I .' nn ua ll1SpectlOl1, 2 0 t~ J u ly . 31st May ]'vIII eave 3. '\Vlthout leave 4. Al1lluall'e-exammation , . om )cr:i passer 12. Did )Jot a1)1)ea' 6 '1 u II ' . . . ' supporter! by menthel's' subscri l ,tions. ,r . e a IOns 13. D IvislOn




[Formed 18.6.03 .]

[Formed 27.7 .06.J



Honora r y Su rgeo n .



i\L Il.

L a dy Secl'etary.

L a dy I nspec tor of S t ores.

l\l iss H. Schofielll, Lane House, Trawuell .

Miss E. E. 'W ilsOll.


P' ' f '

F. Oollins,


B. L.I!. C. l'.

A cting L ad y S ecl'etary.

L a d y T reasurer ( A cting).

Miss L. Cha<l\, ick.



M. B.

L a dy S upe r inte nd en t .

Miss l'l1. A.. Hackett, 197, Oxford L ane, Warrington.

L ad y S ec r et ary .

Lady I ns p ec to r o f St o r es.

M iss M. Bindloes, 42, Grappenhall R oad, Warrington. Lady Treasure r.

Miss E. .Tollcs.

Miss Eo C. R onald .


\\'OOUYlltt, .\f.l:.C.S.

[Formed 26.l. 03]. CIIOOLS.

L ady Superintendent.

Miss L. A . L. A~jJinall-Dndley Wharton Lodge, Win '('onl H.. '.0., Ch~shire. Lady Secretary.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 16. Total effcctive 19. Practices bcld ,10. Average attendance 20. Casps D eerea.se since last report 7. attended not on pnhlic uuLy 9. Case: pl'i~atcly lllll' ed 3. Anllllal illSpcctioll, 4th .Tuly. Total on parade 16. Ab ent WIth leave 3. Annual re-exall}ination vario~ls dates. l\Ieml)el'~ 1'asse.(l 17. l\1~t1all~ol1s 16: Regulatioll uniform \Y01'11 2 OffiC~l:S and 17 nurs1ng slslers. ~J.alellal: all' cnshioll, waterproof sheets, brollch~tls l~e~t~rs, l)cd l'es~, and otl.le:·. nursing necessaries; splints alld bundages, vestec1111 DIVISIOnal 0011lllllitee. DIVISlOll supported by members' suhscriptiolls.

J. Adams,

l\'lSlO)] supportcd by mcmbcrs'subscriptions

H onorary Surgeon.

Miss A. K Fi 'heI', 4, Bank Terrace, Hough tOll Lu,lle, 1I1'. Prestoll.

Honorary Su rge o n.

Total eITrctive 21.

lIE \J)'QUAlll'EI::: HI(.1{ ,'l'ltL!::'! ( 'OU1\C IL

Lady Sup erinten d en t .

Miss E. J\1arginson.

Nursing sisLcr~ ID.

alld public coull'illudo))'. res, etc.

[Fonned .1. 2. 97.]

M iss A. E. Cooper, Pro pect Hill, Higher WaltolJ, lll'. Prcston. L a dy In sp ecto r o f Sto re s.

Ollirers 2.

}'l edl~~i~~le~'i i~l(l ~~~ ~\'e.m'l·e aitelHlallcc 10. :'aes atteucletlllot on public dllty 6. clinical therll1~lllrtr1~r11;:t-, l:~<l, l11!lLL~~S~ ~lIack11ltosh shect, l)e(l, craelle, bath and

Ho n. S urgeon s. f.

Miss K Mellor, Whaley Bridge, near, tockport.

Mr.~ . J. Tul'llcl', Furness Vale, near Stockport.


harple., L.R.C.P.

L ady S uperin t endent.

all, M. R.C.S.

A cting L ady Secretary.

Officcr l. Nul' ing sistcrs 19. ToLal effective 20. Practices held 4l. A veragc atteudancc 13. Cases ailelJded not 011 pu 1,] ic d lIty 12. Annual inspection, l~th July, Total OJ] parade lG. Absent ",ith leavc 1. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 30th }'Ja1ch. },Iemhers passell 12. Did Ilot apIlear 7. Hegulation uniform worn by 1 OJricer and 1 nursing sisters. },l aterial: air cllshions, bell re. ts, water hot LIes, bed pans, ,"csted ill Divi, iOllal C01ll1l1iLLec. Division supportcd Ly vol un tary contributions,



H onol'ary S urge o n.



}'Iiss ~l. Healhcote, 'Ways


Wins/'ol'll It '.0., Oheshire.

. , .. ' Offiee] ','~ . Nlll!-lillg ~i:lers 19. T out! cfl'edi\'e 21. . I llCt~.1. C SIIl(,P h..,l l'!'l'ul'L e. l'mcl]cl'''' hel d '27. Axet'Urre 'lltcllllancc 9 Anllual i}.I.S~'Cl'llOll, 27th . ·, l·pL TO.Lu I.oll parade l~. AI"C!lt ~\'i~h lea\'e 5 .. ,\Yithout f ,1\ c 1. AlIlIu :d rC'l'X,lllllllnllOn, '27th I 'cpt. l\lellll)crs pas 'et! 10 D' l t appcal' 10. l\h:dnlliom; !I. Herrulaliun llllliOl'lll "'orn l)v ~ ornc' '1 1~ II ~1O ~l:;tcr~ ~t:1Lcli I 1 ' ,.., • 'CI S <tIl( ;) 1Il1l'.·llJg '•..... '1 ' i l .: IUVle nc.; e.ItI(·rgl:lJ(·y bug ill 1'oss('s:;ioll of eacit lll cmlJel' ancl12 callOll' IO~ , 'l·e.it'd. 1lI rh~ll ~t:;lnct COlilleil. Dn'islOll snpported by Urban Dl trict OUllCI am pnbltt; cOlltl'llmtlOlls.



St. John A n~bulance Brigade.

No. V.-N orth-Eastern District.

D epttty OO?n?nissione?·-Mr. S. C. WARDELL, Doe Hill House, or. Alfreton, Derby. D ist?'ict Chief SU?'geon-Surgeoll-Major E. WEST-SYMES, M.D., A.M,R., 30, Prescot Street, Halifax. Assistant Omn?nissionm·-Mr. S. W . MALKIN, Rock Cliffe, Oheadle, tafl's. Dist?'ict OMej Snpe?·intendent-Mr. H. C. EL E, Tinsley Hou e, nr. heffield. Dist1'ict Snpe?'intendent Secretary-Mr. P. RATOLIFF, Moorlands, tapleford, Notts. REPORT OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER. DOE HILL HOUSE, NEAR ALFRETON, DERBY. HIRE, October, 1906.

SIR,I have the honour of submitting my report for the year ending 30th eptember, 1906. I am glad to be able to report that the interest in tbe work of tbe Brigade continues to grow year by year, wbich is shown by the fresb Oorps and Divi ions formed since last year, and the much higbet' state of efficiency of the members. The total number of ruen and nurses in my di trict shows some sligb t decrease from that of last year, but tbat does not denote any falling off in the interest taken, but ratber points to the fact tbat tbere are very few men or nurses but wbat are efficient and bona .fide members of the Brigade, and not merely paper members, if I may so call them, as many were before the system of yearly inspections and returns were not 0 stringent as now. New and important Cmps and Divisions have been formed at Sowerby Bridge, Spalding, Bradford Midland Railway, Scissett, Rockingham Oolliery. Shipley Midland Railway, and Duffield, in some ca es with I ursing Divisions attached, and others are still in course of formati on. Most useful work wa done by units from my District on the occasion of the Royal Agricultural Show and King's visit at Derby. The ambulance arrangements at the Show were controlled by Assistant-Oommissioner Morgan from Brigade Head-quarters, H on. urgeon Cassidi, of the Derby Division, being in medical charge, and were excellently carried out, the ambulance station in the Show Yard being very well arranged. The men were supplied by the Derby Division, and the nursing sisters by the Tibshelf Jursing Division. On the day of the King's visit, I had under my charge for street duty 300 Officers and men from the different Oorps and Divisions in my District, who had many cases to treat of different kinds during the day. The day was very wet, and I cannob say too much for the admirable manner in which they stuck to their duties, under somewhat trying conditions. The Oamp at Blackpool during Whit-vVeek was again well attended, nearly 300 men being under canvas, and was a pronounced success. The arrangements were entirely carried out by District Ohief Superintentendent Else, District Superintendent Secretary Ratcliff, and Superintendent Chambers, of Rotherbam, and were exceedingly well done. The Oamp being quite up to any I have seen in the service, and the conduct of the men without reproach. The value of a week's training cannot be over-estimated, and I hope to have another and still larger camp this year. My Assistant-Oommissioner, Mr. Malkin, and Staff, have again been most assiduous in their duties, and my thanks are due to one and all of them for the efficient manner in which they have discharged them. These duties necessitate a

St. John Ambulance B'i'igade.


eonsiderable amount of work and time in inspecting the different Oorps and Divisions nearly all of who~ have bee,n insp~cted duri,ng the year. There are also many complaint~ to attend to, whICh neceSSItate time, patlence, and tact in dealing with. I should especially J?en tion t~e most effici,en t ,way in which my District-Superin tenden t Secretary, ~r, Rat?hff, does hIS wO,rk, which IS :nost arduous, and continually growing, causing hIm to gIve up almost dally some consIderable portIOn of his valuable time to the work of the Brigade. Some little misunderstanding took place at Bradford during the year, but I am glad to report that has been got over, and the Divisions there are now in good. w~rking or~er: I propo,se, with your sanction, to further, increase my Staff by appomtmg a DIstrICt Supermtendent of Stores, and a DIstrict-Superintendent Treasurer. This will still further reduce the distances the different members of my staff ~av~ to take for inspections, and will conduce to the more efficient working of my Dlstnct. I am glad to be able to report that the standard of the Brigade Officer is much improved, and my thanks are due to both officers and men for the zeal with ~vhich th~y carry out the arduous and voluntary duties, often at great expense and mconvemence to themselves. I append a list of Oorps and Divisions with order of seniority and distribution of same. ' I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, TUART C. "IV ARDELL, Knight oj Gmce of the Order oj St. J ohn, Deputy-Oommissione?', No. V. Dist?·ict. The Ohief Oommissioner, t. John Ambulance Brigade.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John A1nbulcfJ?1ce Brigade. ABSTRACT OF OORPS AND DIVISIONS.




~~ :;:;~ (/)-0 U~ .... 0)0)




(/) '-4-'








L incoln Oorps ... ... ... 1 1 A Division ... ... ... - " B ... ... - " " ... 11fadeley .. . ... - " 1\lanstield Division ... ... - '" N orth Bierley Division ... . .. - N:r orth Lindsey ... - ... NJ' orth tans Oorps " ... ... 1 t Burslem Division ... .. - Ho.lmerelld ... ... ... - " ... Hanley ... .. . - " ... *.Milton .. ... -- Newca ·tle " ... ... .. . - " T raction Division ... - Potteries Elect. Rail \YD.y Di \'ision ... ... ... - Shelton .. ... ... - " ... Tunstall ... ... - " '" Peakdalc ... ... - " R ockinglwlU ... ... .. . - " ... H otherham ... .. . - " .. cis.:ett ... .. . - " Settlc ... .. . - ... S heffielll Corps " ... ... ... 1 § S hil'ley Corp' ... ... .. . 1 t A Division ... '"


" " I,"

n 0






... ... ...


F (.Mid." Ry.) Div. , ...: owel'by Bridge Division ... palding Di vi ion ... ... S tockbriclO'e ., ... ... 0 ntton ... ... " .. . T alke ... 'I ill helf Oorp " .. . ... \vT ellleck Division .. . ... T oolley and Darton Di vision Torksop Division .. , ...





... ...



... ... ... -





'0 .... Q<!.l




",'" "' .,..,::: ._ r:n .~ ~ ....... "'h






.... .5

~[IJ ~o ::>'E-<






Q'" ... ...,0 ':::", Q"'" ;...

'" .....

Kame of Corps and Division.

1 _I 11 ]0 107 125 1 Babbillgton Oorps .. . . .. 1 1 1 3 25 31 Barnoldswick Division ... 1 1 2 21 25 Belper Divisioll... . .. 1 1 1 10 47 60 Birchwood Oorps .,. .,. 1 1 2 15 19 Bir tall Di vi ion ... ." 1 2 10 13 Boston Division ... ... 1 1 5 33 40 Bradford Oity Division ... 21 21 Bradford l\IidlanJ Railway Di,ision ... - Brighouse Oorps ... ... ... 1 1 1 1 1 -!" 1 7 41 54 Bro"'nroyd Division ... . .. - 1 1 4 19 25 Buxton Division ... ... ... - - 1 1 3 ] 3 18 Cleethorpe Divi. ion ... .. - 1 t 1 6 28 36 Denaby and Cadeo}' Di,ision ... - 2 1 2 9 43 57 '" ... ... - 1 1 7 29 38 Derby Diyiioll 1 1 1 1 1 Dewsbury Oorps ... . .. 5 1 1 3 17 22 Batley Division ... 11 3 20 25 Oleckheaton Divi ion ... Dewsbury" .,. - - 1- - 1 1 1 5 25 33 2 1 7 40 50 l\lorley " .. . 1 1 11 12 18 Os ett " .. . 11 1 I 3 23 28 Ravensthor11e " .. . 1 1 4 9 60 75 Digby Divi ion... .. 1 :2 13 16 Duffield " ... . .. 6 10 .. -. 1 1 1 ] Earby " .. . .. ... - - - - - '21 6 Eastwood and ,Yatnall Di yj ion 2 13 6 ... - - - - - : . ! 1 Eccle hill Division ... ... 3 ~2 29 ... - - 1 '1'- 6 26 33 Elland " ... .. . ... - - - - - 1 1 1 Ooole "... .. . ., 21 29 .J 10 "Halifax " .. . . .. ] 125114 H arpur Hill " .. . .. . ::: --! 1 : H aslanll " ... ... 6 29 . 36 Heanor Di \'ision ... . .. .. - - - - - : . ! t 1 G 33 42 . .. H ebden Bridge Oorp. 1 38 45 " Di \"ision ... *Oragg Vale DIV] 1011 9 13 1 H eckmond\yike Di'l"ision 10 16 1 1 Huddersoeld Oorps .. 1 1 2 5 1 16 20 1 " A Divi ion ] 1 1: ~ 16 21 " B " Ilkeston Oorps - · 11 -!" 1 2 1 9 54 65 " .A Di vision 1 5 4] 1 47 " B " Keighley Oorps -1- - I 3 1 1 1 A Di'lision " 1 1 3 29 34 1 1 3 19 ~4 " B " 1 1 3 10 15 " 0 " 1 3 25 29 " D " Kidsgrove Division ... 1 1 15 17 L eeds Corps 1 1 1 3 A Armley and W ortley Div 37 44 B Holbeck and Hunslet D iv 1 33 36 o Burley and Kirkstall Diy. 16 19 1 D N orth Leeds Division 2 24 30 1 E Stanningley and Dist. Div. 9 10 F Garforth Division 2 48 58 H City Tramway Division ... 1 2 65 69



.... 1'2

Name of Corps and Di vision.







1 1





















1 1 --









- I-









.. . .. .. . -








1 1 2 1




















- I











4 2 3 6 1


1 1 -

1 1



-- -





1 1











1 1 1 1

1 -

1 1 1 -

2 ,)

5 3 2 10





2 2



3 ::l





1 1





'" rn


:5 0


6 1 2 3 3 3

1 1 9 2 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 t 21






.. . ... .. . -



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1 1




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24 16 14 22 24 15

2 33

17 17 28 28 21

1 17 19 17 21 20 25 10 14 28 33 55 63 27 ~9 18 22 16 16 8 11 41 53 60 75 25 28 27 32 137 161 2 20 25 17 22 16 20 13 16 11 13 26 27 16 20 31 39 19 ~1 27 36 11 16 28 42 43 49 2-1 '29 38 -17

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John A mb'l.{,lance Brigade.




en~ eo


~ 'C • ",rn P ..+->



.:i 0

'CI'" t\l+>



Name of Divisil)ns.

::> ~




.S ~








.- ...,... ~.n







H ~-

NURSlNG DIVISION:;. .. , .,. *Babbington ... '* Barnoldswick ." ... Bradford .. ... Brighouse .,. .. , *BrowUl'oyd ... ... Dewshury Oorps-Batley Oleckheaton Dewsbury ... .. , Morley ... ... ... Rarby .. , Eccleshill .. ... .. , ... Elland ... Rebden Bridge ... .. , Huddersfield ... ... Keighley ... ... Shipley ... ... *Sowerby Bridge '" ... Tibshelf and Birchwood









66 7 12 34 17 30 22 29 8 7 17 15 14 15 17 29 26 14





1 1 1 1 1 1

... ...

... ...

... ... ...




1 1 1






1 1 1



... ...

.. . Totals

* Signifies no return received.








1 1 1 1 1 1


1 1 1 1 1 1 1


1 2 1 1 1 2 1


1 1 1 1 2

- - - --- - - - - - - -


69 9 15 38 20 33 23 32 10 9 19 17 17 1 19 32 27 18 425

Holds both positions.

:): Same Hon. Surgeon in Ambulance Division.



",eo -' ~~ • .;3


§ Staff officer.

Statement-l Deputy Oommissioner; 1 Distri.ct Ohief Surgeo~; . 1 Assistant Oommissioner' 1 District Ohief Supermtendent; 1 DIstnct Superintendent Secretary'; 263 Officers; 3.44 Sergeants and Oorporals; 2,738 privates and nursing sisters. Total (approXImate) 3,350.

Tibshelf Corps • Birchwood " Tibshelf and Birchwood Nursing Division Babbington Oorps Doncaster Division North Staffordshire Oorps Bradford A Division. Welbeck Di vision . . A. Arm ley & Wortley Div. (Leeds) Blll'sle!l1 Division (N. Staffs.) • Eastwood Division Railway Division (.1: • Staffs.) • Newcastle Division (N. Staffs.). Bal'11oldswick " Rudder field Oorps Derby Division . Dewsbury Oorps . Tunstall Division (N. Staffs.) Etl'llria Division (N. Staffs.) Lillcoln " Keighley " " A Division " B " Keighley Nur. " W orksop ". Milton Divi ion (N. Staff.) liarnoldswirk K ursing Division. BJ.bbingtou Nm iug Division Hebllen Bridge Oorps Heanor Division EMby " DIJwbury JUt' iug Division " cw Farnley Di vi ion . lorley Diyi ion (Dewsbury) IIl"e ·tou Oorp l3elper Divi.ion Dem~by and Oadeby Divi~iou Bradford, 0 Divi ion n




hipley Oorps " A Division " B " Sheffield Oorps Haworth Di\'i ion (Keighley) Kew Farnlcy Nul'. Div, Harpur Hill Division Digby Division Halifax " Ruddersfielc1 1: ur. Div. Batley Nul'. Di'V. (Dewsbury) Leeds Oorp E. Stauningley Division (Leeds). Wirksworth Di vision Brighouse Oorps B. Holbeck Divi ion (Leeds) MUll. ficltl"

1887 1888 1888 1889 1890 1890 1891 189] 1892 1893 1894 1895 1895 1895 1896 ] 896 1896 1896 1896 1897 1897 1897 1 97 1897 1897 1 97 1897 189 1 98 1898 1898 1899 1 99 ] 899 1899 1899 1 99 1 99 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1901 1901 1901

North Lindsey IrOll Dist. Div.. Batley Division (Dewsbury) • Ossett" ". Reckmondwike Division • O. Burley, Kirkstall and Dist. Division tLeeds) Sutton-in-Ashfield Division Buxton Division Wool1ey Oolliery anel Darton Div. F. Garforth Division (Leeds) D. North Leeds Division (Leeds) G. Wortley Division (Leeds). Electric Traction (N. Staffs.) Brighouse Nursing Div. . Brownroyd Dyeworks (Bradford) H. Leeds City Tramway (Leeds) Talke Division EIland Division Elland N Ul'sing Divi sion H almerend anu District Div. Otley Division . 'ilselen Division (Keighley) Boston Di vision Bradford Nursing Division Eccleshill Divi ion Birstall Division (Dewsbul'Y) Yeadon Division ( hipley) 'hipley Nursing Division Earby Nursing Di vi ion Hanley Div. (N . tam,). Peakdale Division Goole Division etile " lUyLholmroyd Divi ion (Hebden Bridge). . . Raveusthorpe Div. (De\\'sbury). " ~ Morley Nursing Div. Bradford Tramway Division Rasland Division Shelton Division (N. tafL) Oleckheaton Division (Dewsbury) Kidsgrove Divi ion Rotherham Division tocksbridge Division Ecclesbill Nursing Divi ion l\Iadeley Divi ion Oleethorpes Divi ion North Bierley Di vision Oleckheaton NUl'. ing Division Sowerby Bridge Division Sowerby Nursing Division Spalding By. Division Bradford M.Hy. Division Scissett Division Rocki.ngham Oolliery Division. hipley M.Ry. Division .

1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 190~

1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 190-1 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 H105 1905 1905 1905 1905 ] 905 1906 1906 1906 1906 1905 1906 1906


St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A mbula/i'LCe B?"igade.




Hon . S urgeon .

H. J. Neilson, Derbyshire-Corps :-Birchwood, Tibshelf, Ilkeston. Divisions :-Belper, Bux t on, D erby, Heanor, Harpur Hi'll, H aslaml, P eakdale.

C hief Super intendent.

Superintendent Secretary.

Geo. F owler, )I.I.C. E., Basford Hall, ottingham .

J. T . W alters, Babbington Collieries Nottingham.

G . C. Fowler. 1st Officer.


2nd O fficer.

o'Callaghan .

3rd Officer.

. Kirk.


4th Officer.

Staffo rdshir e- Corps :-North Staffordshire. Divisions :-Kidsgrove, Madcley, Talke. Yorkshire- Corps :-Brigh ouse, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, H ebden Bridge, Keighley, Leeds, Rotherham, Sh effield, Shipley. Divisions :- Barn oldswick , Bradford Midl and R y., Browlll'oyd Dyeworks, Denaby, Earby, E cclesh ilJ , Elland, Goole, H alifax, H eckmondwike, N ew F arnley, N orth Bierley, R ockingham , Settle, Stocksbridge, Scissett, '"'ow-erby Bridge, W oolley.


Su p erintendent of Stores.

Lincolnshire- Corps :·-Lincoln . Divisions :-Boston, Cleet horpes, North Lindsey, Spalding. Nottinghamshire-Divisions :- Digby, Eastwood and Watnall, Mansfield, Su t tonin -Ashfield, Welbeck, Wor ksop.



Hon. T r easu r er.

' V. Clements.

Mr. F . E. Jeely (Hon. :Mem.)

Officers. ergeants 10. Privates 107. Total efJ'ecti\'e 125. 'ase attended not on public duty 410, oj' which 35 were conveyed home or to the Ho pital. Mec1Bllions 125. ~ur ing certificates 3. Regulation uniform worn by 6 Officers, 4 sergea,nts, and 10 men. .All have regulation uniform, except caps and belt.. Material: 2 Yans, 2 litter.. , and ambulance material, ye. ted in the Babbington Coal Co. Corp upportec1 by the Babbington Coal Co.




Hon , Su r g e on .

II, B. .Alderton,

[Formed 21.3.95.]

Super inte nd e nt.

1".H. . P.

T. Baxter, Cliffe House, 14, Far East View, Barnold wick, yill Colne.

Ho n . S ecre tar y.

1s t Officer.

Pte. R. Baxter :25, ::Jlosley Mtl'eet, Bal'lluldRwick, \-in. Colne.

J. \Y. Baldwin.

Ac t ing Inspec t or of S tores.

Ac t ing Hon. Treasure r.

Pte. ' V. A. Pear ·on.

Pte. G. H. Hartley.

Otticer' 3. :::iergeunts 3. PriYllte~ 25. Total effectiye 31. Re erye ll1emuel' 1. Decl'ea e since la t report 3. Drill held 40. Ayerage attendance 15. Hemoval ' 23. Unties attendpd not on public duty ] 56. Annual re-exalllination, 13tb 11a1'(;h. ::'IIemuers pas 'ed :2. Did not appeflr 2. ::'Iedallions 15. 'enice ba,c1gcs 12. :;:\uI"ing cel'tifica,te 12. Hegulation uniform worn by 3 OHicers, 3 'ergeaut" and 25 men. Material: 1 ~\..shford litter, 6 stretcher::;, 10 surgical han:csaclO, 'lJlints, bandages, \'estecl in the Diyi. ional COllllllittee. DiYlsioll supported by pll blic :sub cl'i ptiOll '. During the year a number of accidents, etc., hn,ye been attended to. :l\ early all the mllls in the place are now fitteclllp with surgical han sac. A nllmb r of the mell haye recen tly passed the nursing examinatioll, with :t \'iew to joining the Royal X. nil Auxiliary 'ick Berth Re ene.


[Formeu H . 8.99.]


HOIl , Su r geon.

R . A. Johnston, L, ll. C. P.


St. John





Sergt. A. Spencer, 22, Belper L ane, Belper.

W. M. Moreton, 42, Ford Street, D erby.


Hon . Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.


St. John A1nbulance Brigade.


Hon. Secretary.

Pte. W. Meadows.

J. Hitchcock.



A . E. 'WilsOIl,

Sergeants 2. Privates 2l. Total effective 25 . I ncrea~e since last report 2. Drills held 37 . Average Attendance] 6. R emoval1. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Annual inspection, 15th Sept. ~otal. on parade 11. Absent with leave 13. , Vithout leave 1. Annua~ re-examlllatJ~n, 7th Sept. Members passed 23 . Did not a~pear 1: MedallIons 17. ServIce badges 10. NUi sing certificates 9. RegulatIOn ulllform worn by 2 Offi cers, 2 seraeants and 21 men. Material: 4 stretchers, 2 water bottles, 2 havresacs, splints, cloths, etc., vested in the Divisional Committee. Division snpported by honorary members and members.

lII. D.

Hon . Sec. (in charge.)

A. lIackford, 12, Witham Place, Bosio]). OLlicer 1.

Sergeants 2.

In spector of Stores.


Privates 10.


J. Husson ,

Total effective 13

("0 report received.)



[Formed l.1.02.]


Hon . Surgeon.

V. Baie on,

(In charge).

W. Crowther, Fernbank Avenue, Bingley, YOlks,




R e-orgalllseu . 1 2 .2.06.] Fum STATION ,NELSON


Su peri nten dent. 'tad~ey, 1;:;3 "1 1 't "\ v , II aI'S 1. reet, Aal'shfield, Bradford.

Hon . S ecretal·Y.

,sergt. J!. Manion, 4 , Whiteflehl Place Girlingcon, Bradford. '

(No report r eceived.)


Honorary Surgeon and Treasurer,

O fficers~.


[Formed 3,6 .03.]

Inspector of S tores.

Oorporal E. Rees,

Hon . Treasurer.



Superinten dent .

Hon. Surgeon .

O. D. Robson,

'Ym. Powiss, Birchwood Colliery, Alfreton.

:t.I.B., C.lIf.

1st Officer, Hon . Sec. and Insp . of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

S. A. J. Hill, Birchwood Coiliery, Alfreton .

Mr. J. Merriman (Hon. Mem.

Officers 3. Sergeants 4. Corporals 6. Privates 47. Total efrective 60. Drills held 35. Average attendance 33. Oases attended on public duty 40. R emovals 5. Oases attended not on public duty 100. Annual inspection, 24th July. Total on parade 60. Annual re-examination, 17th Dec. Members passed 59. Medallions 50. R egulation uniform worn by an ranks . Material: ambulance wagon, stretchers, splints, vested in Divisional Committee. Corps supported by pu blic COD iribu hons. The Corps was on duty at Derby on the occasion of the King's visit, Many of the members attended the Blackpool camp.


[Formed 10.7 . 03.]


Honorary Surgeon.

R. A. Forsyth,

3rd Officer and Hon . Treasurer (in charge).


Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. W, E. Winfield, 9, Quarry Lane, Brookroyd, Batley.

Mr. -II. Friih (lIon. Mem.)

[Formed 1888.]

T. D. Overing.

OOkers.2. ~ergeanls 2. Corporals 3. Privates 33. Total effective 40. Decrease smce last report 19. Drills held 50 A\'erage attendance 2~. 0 aitelHled. Oll pu~lic dt;iY 1. Removal 1. <.:asc~ attended not on ublic duty a~;s Annual 111 'pcctIOn, Total on llal'acle <.>. "0 L\. Abse Il t WI'tPlIOU t 1eave• 1 O' . .10th Au!:!. ~ A 1 Mllnna d 11' re-exanllllatIOll, . , . 23rd Ma\'J ' Members l),lsse'l L ~ ')6 - . D'u 1 no t appear 13' ,e, a 11?~ erVICe badges 5. Nmsing certificates 9. Reglllatioll unifol'll~ \\Ol~ )) ~ 0 cers.. 2 erge~nt, 3 corporal, and 27 mCll. Material; 5 sLretcher' medIC,al haVl:esac, J pole 1.1tLer~,. ~ C,llllP sLools, 11 waleI' bollles, 3 ruus, s lints' and ~abnd~ges, etc., vested III DI VISIonal UOllllllittee. Division SUPllOl'tell bv Plmblic' contn UllOllS. J 'e\'eral 'criollS acciden t ' were attf'llclucl to at Pecl ParI, G'lla' on 4tl I :-tL . I . ' , < L I a n e v J une ' " I L' t P k' a t l ong ar11l\'a and Frurweathel' Grecn "u'ni\"ll Oll 11th Jul Garde P t >] L J 1 \ , " . y, ane IS Cl' ar ~ 11 l~r y O)~ ~ ~ u ':f .. ,..: TfJutc march wa.' beld 011 the th '8eptemher at ,V 'ke \1 Ith th~ 1\ Ol'L~~ bnc~·I~y. Dm.lOn, headed by the 7th Company Braelford .Boy~' Bri;ad~ Bugle Rmd. I he Dl\l 'lUll also attended the ~layor's Church P'u'Lde on 19' th v b her 1905' D,C\I'S IJury 'J,lUrc I1 I) ante1e OIl :n~t ,April, 1806 ; and Xorth '" 0\enlBrierley 1, Parade ~~l l.Jth.Julyand ~3rrl HepLumber, 1906. ~\.lllhulance competitions were attendcd Eccle::;lllll on Uth .ruly, and Batley 011 11th AllffU ,t ihe Bradfo'd D' . . " il ' I 1 t J' 1 ·l '11 ' ,., , I 1\'IS1011 WInnllJ()' '. ~ er moe H ::;. a 'Jcc ,es 11 '. ~ergeant Hi~I{JTO 'u, Corporal Grimley, Corporal lIinch~ l~!~,. and I n \'a~e, artwl'lght, accompalllecl the I. Dearer company to ,Voolwich for t ell annual trnlUlllg fr~:ml 29th July tullh August. Eighty-three ea es hnvo been sllccessfully treated dlll'lng the year, and se\'eml removals to the Royal Infirmary.



_ L




Inspector of Stores.


T .


Officers 2. S ergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 15. Total effective 19. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 4.0 . Average attendance 12. Cases attended on public duty '2. Removals 3, Oases attended not on 1mblic duty 30. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 15 men. Material : 3 liiters, 2 stretchers, banuages, etc., vested in Divisional Committee . Division supported by public contributions.

In Charge.

M. Coulon, 15, Wilfred treAt, Bradford. Privates 21. Total effective 2l. ( TO report received. ) BRADFORD TRAMWAYS DIVISION (YORKS .). HEAD-QUARTER H :

[Formed 22.10.02.]


Hon . Sllrgeon and Superintendent.

S. W. Rhodes, L.S.A., 37, Victor Road, Bradford. (No report received,)


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nbttlance B?"igude.



[Formed 14.3.02.J


Chi ef Superintende nt .

Chief Surgeo n.

F. F. Bond,

H. L. Thornton, . Castle Hill House, Rastl'ick, Bl'lgbouse.


Supt. S ecretary.

Hon . T,-easurer.

Supt. of Sto res.

Mr. H. Greenwood (lIon. Mem.) S. Cockrort. A. Thorn ton, . 42 Thornhill Roatl, Rastnck, , Brighouse. . . . . 6 8ercycants 2. Corporals 5. Priv~tes 4.1. (One A?nb1Ll~nce ~L~~~wn). O~01c~~s4 . NUl~incr sisters 34. Total efrectlVe 92. (One N161's~ng .uw~stOn). Ice '. 1 ~l1blicsubscrilILioll" . Corps supvort~d by. mel11 ~~IS am a.~d increased its Rtl'ength and efJUlpThe Oorps has wellmamtamed ltS etliClencr'tl Park Ohurch 13righousc, on 24th ment. The allnual church parade was held a . deb the membCl~<; of the Corporation, June, when the JI.layor of Bnghouse, accompallle y attended.


1st Offi cer.

Hon . S urgeon and Superintendent.

II .

T. 'IV. Al'I1ison,hl.n., The Poplars, Rastrid:, Brighollse.

Eo Evans.

Inspector of Stores.

Honora ry Secretary.

Pte. A. Thomton.

OorpI. A. T . Greaves; 21, .Allan Road, Bailiffe Bridge, nr. Hnghouse.





Hon . Surgeon.

1. Mossor,


Hon . Secretary.

E. Thorn ton, 35, Fairbank Road, Bradford.

uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 scrgeants, 2 corporals, and 10 men. Material: 3 stretchers, havl'esacs, splints, etc., vC8ted in the Divisional Committee. Division supportcd by public and workshops. During thc past year we have enterecl teams at Lhe various competitions held in the district with goOdl'eSlllts, being successful in winning the silver cup at the Haworth and Oxenhope Friendly ,ocieties' Oal'11iv,~l on 9th June. Second prize at Cleckheaton, 2 th July; and second prize at Batley, 11th August. On 23rd .June we took duty at Great H orton 'ports and 'arnival, and also gave a display of ambulance work.


Honorary Surgeon.

J. E. Ilarburn,


M.R.C . •' .

J. Shelmerdine, Macclesfield Rd. Buxton.

Honorary Secretary.

In s pector of Stores.

Pte. O. Haswel l, Fairfield, Buxton.

OorpI. J. F. Pine.

Officcrs 2. ergeants 2. Oorporal1. Privatcs 13. Total effective] 8. DeCl·ea. e sincc last report 1. Drills held 42. Oases attended on public duty 24. Removals 15. Mcmbcl's P,1 'sed annual re-examination 15. Did not appear 2. Regu h1Lion llnif'ol'lll WOI'll by 1 0 (fleer, 2 sergean ts, ancl 1 corporal. II thc oCl:a.c;ioll of Hi Majesty ILLtending the Royal Agricultuml how held at Derl)y this year, wu ~ent 10 men. We also had a team in the L. & 'IV. Ry. Oo.'s contest, when our team were the winners of the Co. 's shield. T.


~ C r )ol'als 5 Privates 4.1. ToLal cffectivc 50. Officers 2. :sergeants 2. 0 '·U 1lC'11 4.0 Avel'acrc attendance 25. Oases Decrease since last report 2. J1 S l . l 't' on 2 t~ J u1y Total on parade t blic duty 30 Annua ll1SpCC I , '. 1 t M d 1 attenc e no 0!l pu ·W.'tl t leave 2. Annual re-CXaI11111aLlOl1, s ~y. 40. Absent vnth lea,:,e 8. I IOU Medallions 35. Service ba(lges 2~. NurSlUg Mem bel's passed 41. DId .not apl~ea.r 8. . b 2 Oilicers 2 sergeants, 5 corporals, certificates 27 . Regu~.aiI~\ u:~~!lmn~:~:;le!, 3 calTiag~ stretchers, 10 st~'etchers, and 4.0 men. Matella.. 11 boxes and 4. stretcher boxes, rugs, dIagrams, 4 surgIcal haversacs, 6 emelgency wa l' t~ tees of Corps. Division snpported by 12 bugles and 1 drum, etc., etc., ves t eC.m ~ns member/ subscriptions and publ~c .C?J1tl'lbutlOn~~ 'oined the" II" bearer company, Twenty-five members of thhe D~lsl~n .~a:e ~~E'pltal. Aldershot, in charge of Chief and of these 22 attended a~ t ~ . am)rl g Surgeon Bond, for a weeks trammg.



A. lIlarriott, 'West Park Road, Bradford. Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

H. Mason.

J. W. Procter.

P' t 19 Total effective 25. Officers 2 Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. l'lva es tt' d d 011 public duty 12. Drills held '25. Average attendance .19. 0~7es ;nn~~~leinSll(lction, 14th Sept. Removals 11. Caf;es attended n?t on pubhc \ytfthOl~t leave 2. Annual re-examinaTotal on parade 18. Absent Wlth lea,:,e 5. , 9 Medallions 17. Regulation tion, March. Membcrs passed 15. DId not appeal .




Hon . Su rgeon and Sup erintendent.

W. II. Fisher,


1, Alexandra Road, Oleetho1'pes.

4th Offi cer.

Hon . Se cretary.

D. Thompson.

E. W. Frayne, 91, Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes.

Officer 2. ergeants 2. Oorporals 1. Privates 28. Total effective 36. Drill held 28. Average attendance 12. Cases attended on public duty 12. Cases attended not on puhlic duty 19. Anllual ill 'pection, 29th Sept. Total on parade 14. Absent with leaye 7. \Vith out leave 15. Amlllal re-examination, 5th Oct. Members passetl 11. Ditlllot appeal' 24.. Iec1l111iollS 6. Nursing certificates 2. Material: 3 stretch ers, 1 surgical basket, bandagc and splin t , vestetl in Divisional Committ,ee. Divi ion snp]1orLecl hy members' suuscripLions and public. This Division wa::; forllled on 20tL September, 1905. The memberR have increased during the year. Thu 'L-l'1.mn Di::;tl'iet Uouncil at Cleethorpes 11<'1\'e built an ambulance shelter on Lhe promenade, and memb ' rs of thi Di\'ision han.! clone public duty there during the RcaSUll. The Ooullcilluwu also kindly provided u with a surgical ba ·ket.





Honorary Surgeons.

F. G. Twigg,

:Ul.It. C.S.

Superi ntend ent.

W. H. Ohambers, The Dale, Oonisboro.


I. IIney,

L . . A.

1st Officer.

H . . Witty.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John Ambrnlance B1'igade. Acting Hon. Secretary.

4th Officer.

M. Soar , Morley H ouse, Denaby .

"lY. V. Simpkins. Acting Inspector of Stores.

Acting Hon . Treasurer.

Sergt. T. Brough.

A. H. Barnard.

Offi cers 5 . Sergeants 3. Corporal' 6. Privates 43 . Total effective 57 . Increase since last report 27 . Drills held 52. A ve~'age at~endance 27. Removals 17. Cases attended not on public duty 67. Anllual lllspectlOn, 7th June. Total 0 11 parade 24. Ab ent with leave 32. Annual re-examination, 7th June. Members passed 55 . l'IIedallions 22. Regn.lation nnifol'l.n worn by 4 Officers, 3. sergeants,. 6 corporals, and 43 men. l'IIatenal: .~heel lItter, .12 stret~h.eI:s, SplllltS, watel bottles havresacs yested ill the Dlvlslollal CommIttee. Dl VISIon support ed by memb~rs Colliery' Company, and public contributions. The sh~ength and efficiency of this Diyision continue.s to stea~ily incrcase. Th e annual pre entation of certificates was made a~ a publIc entert~l-mm,ent on the ~th April, 1906, at which Mr. "IV. Walker, H. 1. ChlefInspector of mmes, gaveanac1nurahIe address on ambulance work, and particularly commended the servic,es of. tl:e t. John Ambulance Brigade. Two Officers and 22 men a,ttendec1 a, week s tl'mmng at the camp at Blackpool. A full set of new first-clas instrument hitS been pl'esent~c1 for the use of the bel-nd, which is in excellent training, and of full complement. ' IX new stretchers h ave been presented to the Division. DERBY DIVISION.

[Formed 25. 1. 99.]



(~:ix A?~bnl~mce J?~v~sions). O~cers 19. Sergeants 10. Corporals 15. Privates 137. (Fowr 11 t~?'nng DtVLSwns). ~nrsmg Officers 9. Nursing sisters 89 . Total effective 279

l\Iatrl'lal : 1 wflgOll, 2 litters, 2 street boxcs with stretchers 4 street cabinets' 2 alilbula1lce iiheets,. ua~ldages, and splints, vested in Officers of'the Corps. Corp~ Sllpp1llterl by s111)SCnptlOllS. The Divisions of the Corps have worked vory well together during the year. (DEWSBURY CORPS ) BATLEY DIVISION.



Honorary Surgeon .

W. H. II. Ben nett. Hon . Secretary.

D. France, nusscll ,'treei, BaLley.



H. Allott, Branch Road, Batley.

I nspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

A. Keighley.

J. W. Shaw.

Offi ce rs 2. ,crgeant 1. Corporals 2. Pri,'ates 17. ToLal effective 22. neser ve mem her ]. D ccrea. c since la:t report 4. Drills held 31. Averaae attl'lldnnce 1~. Cases at LCllc1erl 011 pllhlic duty 6. R emovals 70. Cases attend~d 1I0t 011 l~l1hh t' (Iuty 2~. ,\lIllUal inspcction, 4th, ept. Total on parade 17. Absent \\'llll lr.n. l'c 3. 'Wlthout lellve 2. Annual re-examination, 1st Aua. Members pa.sse(~ 17. D[(ll~ot npp~al 1. [ '(lallio ll~ 10. ~erTIce hadges ;j. NL1~sing certifi calcs t .. ....Regillahol~ l1:ulol'D1 worll .hy 1 OllIccl', 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 16 mell. . Ahout 10 case,' of lllJ my alJ(~ • urglCn,l l'~moyals hase been dealt with by the Dilision 111 thc ho)';;e am blll:tl1ce. A slln~r cup wlth 5 electro-plated 1'0'e bowls, and 5 aneroid uarometers IHwe 1ICen g-iyen by t hc Di\'i~ion for a,11 ambulnnce competition.

Hon . Surgeon and Treasurer.


F. Cassidi, M. D. J.P.,


Acting Hon . Secretary.


H. G. L ey, Willington,

nr. Derby.

Pte. F. Grice, 114, Oxford StTect, D eTby.

J. A.

Hon . Su rge on .

utherlalld, )J.13., O. M.

Inspector of Stores.

Corp1. G. Smedley.

Hon . Sec. and Insp. of Stores.

Pte. B. Liley,

Officers 2. Sergeants 4. Corporals 3. PrivaLes 29. T olal efredive 38. Decrease since last report 12. Drills h eld 29 . Average attendance 17. Cases attende!l on public duty 84. Removal 1. Cases attended not ou publie duty -1-1. Annual inspection, 25th July. Total on parade 34 . Absellt with leaye 4. Annual re-examination, 21st Feb. Memuers pa~sed 21. Did not appeal' 13. I edallioll 3. Nursing certificates 19. Regulation uniform worn oy 2 Officers, 4 ergeant ,3 corporal, and 28 men. Material: 12 stretchers, 4 havl'esacs, 12 water bottles, bandages, splints, etc. , vested in Divisional Commiitee. Diyision snpportecl by voluntary contributions. Th e Division continues to prosper and the work i getting more appreciated by the public. The Division was r epresented :1t the Royal Agricultura,l Show, when the King visited D erby. DEWSBURY AND DISTRICT CORPS (YORKS .) .

[Formed 3.4.96. ]

Parrett i-;trcet, Ule<.:kheatoll.

Chief Superintendent.

Major P. B. Walker, V.D., Lees H onse, D ewsbury .

Su pt . Secretary.

C. Th orneR, 72, "lVestgate, D ewsbul'Y·

Superintendent of Stores.

Su pt. Treasu rer.

J. Whitehead.

E. H. Fitch.

Acting Hon . Treasurer.

Pte T. Wilson ,


[Formed 3.4.96.~

lIE .~D -QllAllrEll:-;: Dl~ILL HALL, DEWSnURY.

A. 1\1. Deane, ;\r.n.

Chief Surgeon .

BrigcHle SUI'g. Lt. -Col. E. Lee, M. R. O.S.

3rd Officer.

H. mithson, 12, Brook treet, Dewsbury.

Ollicer-; 2. 'crgcallt 1. Corporal 2. Privatcs 20. Total efli~ctive 25. In creasc 'illce .lu,'t rcport Drill' held 3 . AYClUgC attcnllance 33. Cases o1t tCIl(lcd. 011 pll.lllIc dllty 2:3. RClllo\'aL·~. Cases attencleLl not on public duty 9. Allllllal IIlSpectlOll, HII ,'ept. T ol:tl Oil pal'3.de 6. l\bsent with lca\"e . Without leal',' 1~. A211111a,l l'c~eXalllillatiou, 19t1l July. illetubcl's lla~setllli. Did not appear . .\ledulhOIlS I. oel'l'lec badge l. Hl'g'llaholl uniforlll \l'01'll by 1 Officer 1 sel'aeant :2 ('Ol']H)l',tiS, ant! 12 men . . l\Iatcl'i!tl: stretehet·s bnndncres 'and splint. vested i~ Oflieer,' aJtd UUll1lnittee. Divi -ion snpported by I:lembersoand public sub~cription



1st Officer and Hon . Sec.

II. l!'owler, TwceJalc Street, D ewsbury.

Supt. and Act ing Hon . Treas.

E. Y. Barraclough, Glen Thorn, ayile Town, Dewsbury. Inspector of Stol"es.

Pte. J.

'. HuskissOll.

Officers 3. Sergeallts 2. Corporal. 3. Pri~"ttes 25. Total ell'eetive 33 . Re erve member ~. D ecrca e ince last report 3. Drills held 40. Average attenclance U. Cases attellliel l 011 public duty 6. Un. es attended not on pnulie tlu ty 101. Removals Anllua.l inspection, 4:th ept. Tota.l on

St. John A ?nbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade.


parade 20. Absent with leave 8. 'W ithout leave 5. Annual re-examination, 31st July. Members passed 19. Dill not appcar 13. Medallions 18. Service badaes 10. ursina certificates 10. Regulation lllliform worn by 2 Officers, 2 s!;~geal1ts, 3 corpol7'als. and 26 me,u . Material: 1 wagon, 1 .litter, 6 stretchers, 1 SUl'aical havresac. bandages, splmts, and plaster, vested llJ the Offi ccrs and Comn~tt()c. Division snpported by members '1.lId public contributions. Our members have been on duty at football matches, gala, and miners' demonstrations. At the park there were oyer 0,000 ,-isitors and 26 accidents tr ated. Four of the R.N.A. .B.R. have had a week' training at Plymouth, and one of the B ear er Company a week's training at Cambridge Ho pital, Aldel'shot. ixteen of our members also attended the camp at Blackpool.


L. F. West, M.R.C.S.

Sergt. A. Hargreaves, 1, Zoar Street, Morley.

Act in g Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasu rer.

3rd Officer.

Acting Inspector of Stores.

W. II. T err.y,

Honora ry Treasurer.

Pte. Ji'. Conyers.

Corporal A. Holt.

Kl1owle, Mirficlll .

Officers.2Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 23. Total efI'ective 28. Decrease Sll1ce last report 1. Drills held 32. Av erage attendance 13. Cases attended not on. public duty 20: Annual inspection, 4th Sept. Total on parade 11. Absent WIth leave _8 . 'Y1thout leave 9. Annual rc-examination, 30th JUly. Mem ~ers pas~~rl 14. DId not a.ppear .14. Med.alliOl1s 17. Service badges 2. ursmg celt1iIcates 4. Regulation u111form worn by 2 Officers 1 seraeant 2 corporals, and 9 men . Material: Ashforrl litter 2 siTetchers ~edical kit b~x 2 .s~r~et boxes, splint, bandages. etc., vested' in the Divi~ional Committee: D1 VISIon supported by public and membcrs.

GILTBROOK HALL, NOTTS. Acting Superintendent.

1st. Offi cer.

G. 'W ardle, Giltbrook, Notts. 2nd Officer.

J. G. Rowley.

3rd Officer.


J. Rigby.

4th Office,' and Hon. Secretary


[Formed 19.6.1900



Honorary Secretary.

Sergt. Wm. L edgard, BroomeI' Street, Ravensthorpe.

Hon . Surgeon .

Officers 3. Sergeants 3. Corporals 4. Pri "atps 40. Total effective 50. I ncrease since last report 7. Drills held. 7. A yerage attendance 30 . Cas~. attended on public duty 26. Removal 1. Cases attellded not on public duty Anuual inspection, 4th Sept. Total on para(le 2. Absent with leaye 1 . 'Yithout leave 30. Anl1ual re-examination, 220d and 2 th July. :Mem bel'S pa cd 24. Did. not appear 24. MeLlallions 17. Nursing certificates 4. Kegulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 16 men. .Material: strete-hers, splints, bandages, litter, and ambulance hamper, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by sub eriptions. During the year two stretchers have been obtail1ed.

G. S. nIill, M.D.

Honorary Surgeon .

T. W. Sproulle, L.R. C.S.

G. R N orthwood, M.R.C.S.

T. A. Syke".

Bergt. F. Walker.

[Formed 19.7.04.]



Honorary Secretary.

J. D. Pearson, 24, Colville Terrac e, Thorpe, Wakefield .


DIGBY COLLIERY DIVISION (NOTTS. ). [F:)rmed 19.9.1900.]

J. J. Jackson, L.R.C.P.



2nd Officer.

F. Smith, II caley Lan e, Ossutt.

Acting Hon . S ec,-e tary.

Sergt- A. Walker.

42, \Vesle)' St., 0 sci!.

T. Cooper, Ea twood Road, Kim uedey, 1:\ otts. In specto,' of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

ergt. J. Cham ber:;.

Pte. J.

Officers 6. ,crgeants 7. Corporals 2. Private' GO. Total effective 75. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 21. Average attendance 36. Annual re-cxalllillatioD, 23rLl Jan. Mcmbers passt!cl 27. Did not appear 47. Medallions 63. 'cr\'ioo uadges 18. TursinCT certificates 74. Regulation uniform ,,"om lJY 6 Oflicers, 7 sergeants, 2 cOI'lJorali;, ~nd 60 men. Iaterial : 4 stretchers plints, bed amI bedding, vested in the Divisiollal Committee. Divisio~ UppOl ted by . ub:;cription . Parades hu.\'o been held all fir.'t unday in each month clurin a the Q'reater part of the year, ul 0 practice one night each week. 0 0


Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. J. R evill .

Corpl. J. W .. tallsrield.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 12. T otal effective 1 . 1n crea1Oe since last report 2. Drills lteld 33. Average attendallce 9. Casec; attended on public (luty 3. Removals 10. Cascs attC1!ded not on p'llJlic duty 11. Annual inspection, 4th SP.pt. Total on parade 11. Absent wilh lea \'c 1. Without leave 3. Anllual re-examination, 16th July. lIIemuer .., passed 13. Di(luot appeal' 4. Medallions 10. tlel'viee badges 4. Nursing cerWicate~ 2. Regulation unifOl'1Il worn hy 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 8 men. Material: 1 wagoll, 1 litt er, 4 stretchers, splints, ctc., "ested in the Divisional Committee. Divi. ion supportccl by the public.

1 90.]

lIE.\.D-QUAltTERS : YOL1l~TRER DHILL H.\'LL, Do~c"\. (No report recei v ell. )


DUFFIELD DIVISION (DERBYSHIRE). [Forllle(l14 . . 06.] lIE'\l )-QU_\HrEH~: PAttIH

Inspector of Stores.

yson .

Hono rary Surgeon _




In spector of Stores.

Pte. 1<'. Good\\-ill. OOiccr Drills 11 Irl ccrtificatc 1. snppol·terl by Progress is

Roo;\f, DCH'IELD, ;-\lL DEnny. Honorary Secretary.

el'gt. T. 1\1 . JOlle., 4, Hail\\'ay Terrace, Dllflield, 111'. D(;ruy. Honorary Treasurer.

Corp0ral F.


1. Cl'geullt 1. Corporal1. Privates 13. Total cffectiYe 16. 8. Avcl'ngr attcndUlll'C 7. Mc(lallions 7. enicc h,l(l a e 1. J'UI'ing .f\1aierial: 2 strctchel'~, \'estc(1 ill the Di\'iiollul UOlllmi'ttee. Di\'isioll mcmbers' sub.'cl'iptions llll(l jlublie contrilJlltinlJs. bcing made with obtuining Lhc nece '$11'Y equipment.


St. J ohn A ?nb'LI,Za?2Ce Brigetde. EARBY DIVISION (YORKS.).



A. FaJconcr,

St. John Ambulance Brigc~de. EARBY.

Superintendent .

,Yo Dickinson, ApplC'gi\'rth, En,rlly.

l\I.B., C.?lf.

1st Offi cet-, HOIl. S ect-etary and Tt·easllret'. ]~n,rby.

S. V. H eap, Thol'llleigh,

Officers 3. Corporal 1. Privn,tes 6. 'l'otn,] (f cti vc 10. D ecrea e sinCll last report 10. Drills belel 32. Avemgc n.ttcmlancc 8. Cases attended on pn blic dll ty 7. Removals] 1. Ot.ses attended l~ ot on pu bl ic clu.ty 37 . Annual inspection, 12th Sept. Tott.l on parade 7. Abseut WIth lea ,~o 1. Wlthout ]ea"e 2. AnTIual re-eXamilll\,Lion, 12th 'opt. 1emLer passed 7. DId n ot app ar 2. Medallions 9. enricc bUllge 3. Nursing certificates 9. Reguln,tion uniform worn hy 3 Officers 1 cOrl)oml n.nd 6 men . Materil.l: \V heeled litter, str et cmcrgency box, ' , I . store cabin, 4 stretcher" 18 IH.ncsac , 3 water bottle., splint):., ballCln.ges, t res.1I1gs, etc., "ested ill the Di visiona.l Committee. Division .uppol'tec1 by member;;' su bscriptiOllS and public cOlltributions. The Division pcrformed public duly at Derby on thc occasion of the Kin g':,; visit. A new wheeled Ii Lter has been provided by a generoUis patron. Til· R. . A. ',13. Re ervists luwc undergone hospital training during thc YC[\,I', ci Lher tLt Plymoll th 01' at Ohatham.


[Formed 23.6.94..]

J\!rWllA::-;rT('H ' HALL, EAXTWOOO,

Hon . S urgeons.



D. M. Forbes, F.R.C.R, .T. R. Calder, T,. R.C.P.



Fr}'al', The Grangc, Eaxtwood, ..Jolls .

1st Officer and Acting Hon. Treasurer.

Officers 4. Sergeant 1. Corporab 2. Privates 22. Total effective 29. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 43 . Average attendance 13. Case atLenderl 011 public duty 1. Rf'moval 1. Cases attended not 011 public duty 12. AI~nual illspectioll, 29th Aug. Total on paradc 20. Absent with leave 1. Wlthout leavc 8. Annual re-examination, 12lh Sept. Meml)crs passed 21. Did not a ppca r 6. Medallion!'! 26. N llI'sing ccrti ficatcs 14. Regulatioll uniform \YOl'll by 2 Officcrs, 1 sergcant, 2 corporals, and 16 men. Matcrial: 4 streLcnel's, 3 havresacs, 3 watcr boLLlcs, spli nts, triangular ba mlagcs, physiology charts, ctc., vested in J.hr 0 fficerR anrl Divi sio llal Commi ttec. Division supported by mem hers' su uscriptions and public cOIlLrilHltiOlls. TIl<' DiviHioll is in f\, good finn,neial pO!'!ition. On 16th Junc a number of men were on cll1 Ly at thc I rlle Cu,rlli val. On 14 th J LIly the Di viRion turn d out for cl uty at the Eccl(",dlill 'n,l'l1i \ltd.


[Formed 3.03 .]

IIEAJ) -QUAll'l'E!{S; SOUTH E:-<D Bo.u:1> •'CITOOL. Ho norary Surgeon and Superintendent.

G. ] roylc, ~r.I)., l~lizaheth . 'Llcct, Ellanc1. Acting Hon orat'y Secretary.

ScrgL. C. A.


'I'osslallfl, :l, Fl'UlIci;;. 'tl'pet, 1~llallll.


Corpl. W. 1?1l1'llis~.

Ofl1cer ]. • 'el'geanls 2. Corporal;; 4. I)rivates 26 . Tolal errec:Li\'e 33. Decrease sillre last report 4. Drills held 29. Anllual illspcctioll. 2211cl cpt. Total on I'flraclc 17. Ahscnt with leave . 'Yitlt ont lpavc 8, All1lual Ic.exalliinatillll, Ith July. l Clllllers]ln sCII 17. Di<lnot appeal' 15. Medallions . Regulation 1I11il'II1'11l " om Ily 1 Oflicel', 2 scrgcants, 4 corporals, and 22 mCII. Material: 1. stl'l'lehcl's, 2111 'clical havresacs, splints, etc., vcsted in the Dhisional Comnlittce. Di\'i, ioll !sllJlporlcu hy Lhe puLlic.

3rd Offi cer.

H. Lindley.


J. II ..NIillership.

Hon . Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Corpl. H. Saxton, Moor Gleen, N ewthorpe, Notts.

Corpl. F. Onn11.








[Formeu 5.04.J


Honorary SUI-geo n.

A. M. ":rs1;il11',

Officers 5. Sergeants 5, Corporals 8. Pl'ivates 68. T oLal cirective 6. Drills held-Easbl'ood 31, ,Yatnall -12. Averagc D ecrease since last report] 5. attpodance-Eastwood 27, Watllull 45. Cases attel1lled not 011 public duty 25. Annual inspection, 20th Od. Total on parade 53. Al)sellt with leaye ]2. Without l eave 21. Annnal re-examination, 16th Nov. Members passed 55. Did not appear 28. Medallions 41. Service badges lfl. ursing certificates <!5. Regulation uniform Worn by 3 Omcers. Material: 6 stretchers, water hoWes, ltavl'l'sacs, splints, bandages, charts, etc., vested in Divisional Conlmittec. Division supported by Messrs. Barber, 'Valkcr & Co., memLcr~, alld friends .



:>1. ll.

F. Tenney.

1st Omcet', Hon . Secretary and Treasul'er_

Inspector of Stores.

J. " ' . Rougl,ton, 7;', larsltland Road, Old Uoole .

·ergt. W. E. IIlllcbin on .

Oflicers 3. • ergeant 1. orporall:l 3. Privates 2~. ToLal effective 29 . Drills held ;30. Avcragc aLtellllallce 10. 'ascs attended on public duty 7. Cascs nLlendeclllot 011 public duLy 30. Annual illspection, 4th Oct. Totaloll JlArade 12. Wi thou t l!',wc 6. AlIuual re-examination, 21 t Oct. A Lscll t ,dLh leave 1 J. l\[elllllCl'-; passcd 15. If'ailed 2. Did not appear 11. Mcclallions 4. Material: 3 £lrelchcl's, 1 surgica l havl'esac, 12 kJlec - cap~, 1 Brigade flag, splin ts, bandage, etc., vesteu in Lhe Divisional CommiLtce. Division supported by public con tl'ibll tious.

[Formed 30.5.03.J




Hon . Su rgeons.

F. G. Heard, L.R.C.P., J. W. IIainsworth, M.n. Superintendent.

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

W. B. lllinglVol'th, 7, Prospect Street, Eccleshill, Bradford.

B. IIillas, 22, MOUll L Road,

Inspect or of Stores.

Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. F. Chapman.


Ecclesll ill , Bradfol'u. Pte.

G. Horne.

A l1.\l1Y


[Formed 22.5.1900.]



Su peri ntenden t.

1st Officer.

E. J. ChrisLie, l Olla House, IIalifa,x. Hon . Se cretary.

S. Anty , Insp ector of Stores.

F. Ellllllelt, 16, Bnll1 swiek • 'trce!, II aliflLx. OOl ccrs 2.


• 'rrgcanL 2. (

Uorpolttl1. Privates 5. 0 r'}lOrL receivecl.~

T. P. Penrose. ToLal efrective 10.

St. John Ambu lance B?Oigade.


St. John A m bulumce B1·igade.


[For med 20. 5.1 900.J H .1£AD-QUARTERS : H ARPUR H ILL, BUXTON .


Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Surgeon .


J. W . Mellor.

J. Braithwaite, M. D.

Honorary Treasurer.

Honorary Secretary.

J. B . Bosley.

Robert Parker, H arpur H ill, Buxton .

Officer l. Sergeant l. Privates 12. T otal effective 14 . D rills held 10. Averacre attendance 8. Annual inspection, 7th Oct. T otal on parade 9. Absent with~u t leave 5. Medallions 12. Nur~ing certificates 6. R egulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 12 men . Matenal : box, havresac, 3 stretchers, and extra material, vested in D ivisional Oommiltee. Division supported by members and public. .. . . Several cases of a very severe nature, lllcludmg three fatal aCCldents, have r ecelVed attention.


[Formed 24.12.01.J



Hon . Surge on .

J . II. Thompson,

J. A . E. Beuuett, The Green, Hasland.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasu re r .

Pte. G. 'Vhotton .

Pte. J . T . Austen.

Officer l. Sergeants 2. Oorpornls 4. Privates 29. Total effective 36. I ncrease since last report 4. Dl'ills h.eld 42. Average attendance 1. Oases attended on public duty 7. Removals 4. Annual inspection, 13th Oct. Total on parade 16. Absent with leave 20. Annual re-examination, 21st Oct. :Members passed 34. Failed 1. ~ledalliol1s 25. Heg111ation uniform worn by 1 Orricer, 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 29 men. lIIaterial: 7 stretchers, 2 havresaes (fitteJ), 4 l'Uas, bandages, splints, etc., vested in Trustees of Division. Diyisiol1 sllpported by ~embers' subscriptions and public contributions.


Officers 2.

A . M. Holmes, M.B.


'ergeant l.

Oorporall. Privates 9. ( 0 report receiveu.)

Ho n. S urge o n a nd Sup erint e nde nt.

\V . H. Turton, ~I.B., Barlborough House, Heanor. 1s t Offi ce r.

J . Wood. Honora ry Treas urer.

Mr. T . :Mayfield, J.P . (Hon. Mem.)

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 4. Privaies 33. Total effective 42. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 2l. A verage attendance 16. Oases attended on }Jublic duty 29. Removals 15. Oases attenuecl not on puhlic dllty 153. Annual inspection, 2nd Aug. Total on parade 35. Absent with leave 7. Annual re-examination, 2nd Aug. Members passed 85 Dill not appeal' 5. l\1euallions 21. Nursing certificates 30. RegulatiJl1 unitorm \l'orn hy 20mcel's, 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 33 men. Material: 6 stretchers, water 110ttles, havresacs, splints, 2 flags, 12 doz. bandages (Eamal'ch), \\'atpr pillow, etc., vestell in Divisional Committee. Division supporte/l by subscriptioJls of members and local contTibutions. The Division as regards discipline, smartne.'s, and efficiency is in a very satisfactory state. During June, 15 men, under 1st Officer 'Wood, attended the Oamp at Blackpool. On the occasion of His Majesty the King's visit to Derby in July, 18 men were present on duty. On 21st July, at an open competition held at Eastwood, the Oorps won the silver cup for bandaging and the Challenge Oup for the March Past.

Total effective 13.

[Formed l. 4. 95. J HEAD-QUARTERS: STUBBINS BOARD SCIIOOL, REBDE Acti ng Hon. S urge o n.



1s t Officer a nd Hon . S e cr etary.

G. G. Lawson, M.B.

J . H. Wilsoll, Oakville, Hebden Bridge.

2nd Officer.

In s pe ctor of S t ores.

J . II. Harrison.

T. Dawson.

OfIicers 3. ergeant l. Corporals 3. Privates 38. Total effective 45. I ncrea'3e since last report 4. Drills held 3 . Average attendance 20. Removals 30. Ca es attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 11th Aug. T otal on parade 13. Absent with leave 2l. Without leave 11. Annual re-examination 24th July. Members pn. cd 30. Did not appear 14. lIIedallions 35. Nursincr ~ertifi­ cates 19. . R?gulniion uniform ,,:oru by 2 Officer, 1 sergeant, 3 corporal~ and 38 men. Matenal: am bnlanee carnage, 8 stretcher, 7 street boxes with baskets Rl'lillts, anrl bandage!', ve teu in Local Centre .J.A.A. Division supported by IIelldcn Bridge r llr:-;illg Institution.


Pte. J . L acey, Park View, Heanor. Sergt. Annable.

Hon. Secretary.

OorpJ. T. H. Whiteley, 19, Bank Bottom, Oragg Vale.

[Formed 21.9 .98.]

Hono rary S e creta r y. Act in g Insp ector o f Sto r es.

Sup e r inte nd e nt.

Wm. Barnett, Budd Olough,



M.D .

Cragg Vale.

Hon . S ec r et a ry.

Hon. Surgeon and Superintendent.

J. Buckley, L.S.A. , York House, Hasland.





Honorary S urgeon.

R. H.

haw, M.lt.C.R.

S uperin t endent.

E. A. Wharton, 173, High treet, Heckmon r1wike.

4th O ffi cer.

Hon. S ecretary and T reasurer.

G. W . Hahn. haw.

,'ergt. F. Waddington, 20, Princess treet, Reckmondwike.

In spector o f Sto res .



Ofncers 3. ,ergeanL l. Oorporals 2. Pl'iYates 10. Total effective 16. Decrea. e since h&t report 5. Drills held 3 . Average attendance 10. Removal 1. Oases atlendcu noL 011 public duty 20. Annual inspection, 10th ept. Total on parade 14. Ah'ent lIith leaye 1. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination ~8th I ept. Memhers passerl 12. Did not appear 3. Medallions 10. 'ervice hadges 6. Regulation uuirorm worl1 by 2 Ollicers, 1 sergeant, :2 corporals, and 10 men. Material: 5 stretchers, 2 surgical havresac, etc., vested in Di yisional Uom III i ttee. Di \'ision Stl pported by publ ic con tribu tions.




[Formed 1891.J TO RES,


.<\. LBIO~ S'rHRRT, HU])DEIPFu;Ln.

Chi ef Su rgeo n.

F. ' V. H,,,billson,


Sup erinten d en t S ecretary.


4, N ew N orth Road, IIuc1der field.

n . Rop'r,

Dyson ll'eet, rO\e Pla(;e Dalton, lIuddt::rsfieid. I


St. J ohn A mbtd ance B 7·igade.

S t. J ohn A 111uulance B?·igade.

Hon . Surgeons.

Superintendent Tr-easurer.

E . G. Ooward, i\I.B . O. D . Pye Smith, l\LB .

G. W. H u.igh.

Two Ambzdance Divisions.-Officers 10. Sergeu.nts 2. Oorpol':1ls 2. Privu.tes ..\ ul'sing Division. -Officers 3. Nursing sisters 15. T ota,] effective 6-1.



F . R . C.~.

[Formed 1901. ]


1st Officer and Inspector of Sto r es.

S e cr-eta ry.

Honorary Surg eon .

T . H. Edwards,


3~ .

J. E. Orosland, South Street, O. 1. Gree ner, Hillhouse Lalle, H llddersfield. Huddersfielu .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorpond 1. Privates 16. Total effecti ve 20. D rills held 31. AveraO'e attendance 10. Cases attended on public duty 6. Removals 2. Oases atte~ded not on public duty 22. Annual inspection, 13th ept. Total on parade 13 . Absent with ll'ave 7. Annual re .exaJ~ ination, 14th Se.pt. Members passed 13. Faile.1 1. Did not a.ppear 6. :MedallIOns 13. Ul'Slllg certificates . Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16 men. Material: 4 stretchers, havresacs, Rplints, water bottles, bandages, shoot, e te., vested in Oorps' 0 fricers. Division supported by members' f\U bscri ptions and pn blic dOll a tions. I.




Hon . Surg eon .

H. O. Baldwin,


S u p e rin te nd e nt .

G. W. Garside, Acre

M.R.C . S .

1st Offic e r .

H . . Whiteley.

J. L i versedge.

Officerfi 2. Sergeants 4 . (Jorporals 5. Privates 54. Total effective 65. Drills heM 60 . Avcrage attenuance 28. Oases attended on pl1blie duty 12. Re movals 6. Annual inspection, 13th Oct. Total on parade 48 . A1Jsent without leave 17. Annual re·examilJal.iolJ, 24th May and 3rtl June. Members passed 52. Failfld 2. Diu IlOt appeal' 11. :M edallions 29. N \1l'sing certificates 11. Regulation nniform worn by 2 Omeers, 4 s("rgeants, 5 corporals, and 5:1 men . Material : 6 stretchers, surgical hal'rpsacs, splillts, rugs, havresacs, water bottles, etc., vested in D i visional Oomlllittee. Division su pporled. by members' sn bscriptions anu public C011 Lri btl tions. 'quads have on several occ~tsions heen ref} uisitioned tor public duty, the most prominent of which was the visit of n .M. the King to Derby. (ILKESTON CORPS) " B " DIVISION.

Officers 3. Sergeant l. Oorporal 1. Privu.tes 16. Total effective 21. D ecrease since last report 11 . Drills heIr1 31. Avera.ge a.ttendance Oases attended on public duty 6. Removals 2. Oases a.ttended .not on public du~y 22. Annual inspection, 13th Sept. Total on parade 9. Absent wlth leaye 5. " lJ.thout leave 7. Members passed annual re-examination, 10. Failed 2. Did not appear . ~Iedallions 3. Nursing certificates 2. R egulation uniform worn by 1. Officer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16 men. Matel'ia.l: 4 stretchers, han~s~c., splmts, water bottles, band~tges, shoot, etc., vested in Oorps Officers. Di VlSIOn RupPol'ted 1)y members' subscriptions and public donations. ILKESTON AND DISTRICT CORPS (DERBYSHIRE).


1s t O fficer.

E. H. Tatham,

[Formed 9.8.99.]


Honora ry S e cretary.

1st Officer.

S . J. Maltby.


Ch ief Sup eri nten d en t.

S. 'lough, Steeton Ha1l,



S uperin t endent Secre t ary.

.J. A. Jowctt. illall\'illc Road, Keighley. (Foll7' AmbtLZctncc Dirisio1ts).-Otliccr· 9. (One NUl'sin'j Division). Omcers 2.

'crgeallts 5. C0J.'porals 7. Privates 4. illg sislers 17. Total efl'ective 12-i .




[Formed 17 .3.97.J

'nuncll STI:EET, hEIGHI,EY.

Honorary Surgeon .

J. _. Dobie,

Corporals 9.

Privates 95 .

[Formed 9.8 . 99.]


Sergt. A . J. Mosley, 3, Stamforu Street, I lkeston .


Ch ief Su rgeo n .

'\T. ScatterLy, M.A., M.n.

Superintendent .

J. Harding, 9, Neville treet, Keighley.



[Formed as n. Division in March, 1 07, as a Oorps in To yember, 1900.]

A. Dobson, l\I.R.C.S . , Bath Street, I lkestoll .

Sergeants 5.

l.lJIlcy Honse, I1kesloll.

Ofliccl' 1. • crgcau t 1. Oorporaisi. Private,; 4.l. Total crrecti ve 47. Drills he-Id 60. Avel'a~e atten(1ance 18. Alllll1al inspecti01l, lath Oct. Total on parade 35. Absellt " 'ithont lcave 12. Anllual re-examination, 24th 1\1ay and 3rcl June. 1'Ilemhers passed 37. Diu not appcar 10. Medallions 19. Nursing ccrtificaLe:; 7. 1 egnlatioll uniform lI'orn by 1 0 flicer, 1 serg('an t, 4. corporals, amI 41 mell. MaLerial: 6 stretchers, .. nrgical haYl'e. ac ', splints, rugs, havresacs, water lJoLtle', cLc., vesterl in Divi. ional Oommittec. Divil:;ioll supported by members' subscril)tions and publ ic con tribu tiOllS.

Chi ef Sur-ge on a nd Chi ef Supt.

T wo Amblblance Di!Jisions.- O fficers 4. Total effective 113.

[Formed 9.8.99.]


treet, L indley, IIuddersfield.

Acting Honorary S e cretary.


2nd Officer.

H. F. Merry .

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

OorpI. J . Pounder.

.Mr. P . M. Ohester (H on. Mem .)

M. A., M. B.

Hono rar y S ecreta ry.

1st Olass "el'gt. W. Parr, 22, Aireworth Hoad , Keighley.

ergeant l. Corporals 2. Private 29. Total effective 34. Officers 2. Increase since last report Drills held 50. Average attendance 14. Cases attended not on public duty 28. Annual inspection, th ept. Total on parade 2l. Absent with leave 11. Without leave 2. Annual re-exami.nation, th and 20th ept. Medallions 20 . ervice badges 7. Members passed 29. Di(l not app~ar 4.. N ursing certificates . Regulation uniform wom by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corpora ls, and 11 men . Material: 8 stretchers, 6 snrgica,l havresacs splints, bandages, etc., conjointly with" B" Division, vested in Officers of the Corps. Division snpported by p ublic contribn tions.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Amvulance

(KEIGHLEY CORPS ) " B ,. DIVISION. [Form ed 17.3.97 .J

K. S. Melvin, T.

~ oble,

M.D .

Acting Inspecto r of Stores.

Pte. W. Midgley.

33, Lister Street, Keighley .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 19. T otal effective 24. I ncrease since last report 1. D rills held 53 . Average attendance 13. Oases attended not on public duty 69. Annual i nspection, 8th Sept. T otal on parade 18. Abscnt with leavc 3. Without leave 3. Annual re-examination, 8th and 20th Scpt. Members passed 19. D id not appear 4. Medallions 12. Nursing certificates 11. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 14 men. Division supported by public contributions.

(KEIGHLEY CORPS ) " C" DIVISION. [F::>rmed 8. 99.J Hon . Surgeon .

Superinte nd e nt.

F. Hudson, Alma Street, Mythohms, Haworth. In s pect o r of Sto r es .

Hon . Treas u re r .

Sel'gt. F. 'Y. Ricllards.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 10. Total cffective 15. Decrease since last report 6. Drills held 44 . Average attendancc 10. Cases attended not on puhlic duty 59. Annual inspection, th Sept. Total on parade 11. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 2. Annual re-examination, th Sept. Members passed 11. Did not appear 3. Medallions 8. N ur iug certificates 3. Regul~tion uniforlll worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 9 mell. Matenal: stretchers and havresacs, vested in Divisional Oommittee . Division supported by voluntary contributions.

(KEIGHLEY CORPS) " D " DIVISION. Hon . Surgeon . Hon . S ec retary.

Pte. W . Smith, 5:3, T ufton Street, Silsuen.

In sp. of Sto res.


Hon . T reasure r.

Pte. A.

huttleworth .

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Oorporal 1. Privates 25 . Total effecti ve 29. I ncrease since last report 10. Drills held 49. Average attendance 14. Removal 1. Oases attended not .on public duty 14. Annual inspection, 8th ept. Total 011 parade 16. Absent wlth.1eave 8. Without leave 5. Annualre-examinatioll, 20th Sept. Members passed 22. DId not appear 7. MedalliolJs 12. Service badge 1. Nursinfr certifi?ates 10. Regnlation unif~rm worn by 2 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 22 men~ Matenal : 6 stretchers, 1 medIcal havresac, splints, etc., vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by public contributions.


J. O. Furness, L.S.A. , Oapt. R. A. M. O. (M.), Kidsgrove,

Ch ief S urgeon.

C hief Superin t endent.

Superin t endent Secretary.

A. Ellison, ;'l.ll.C.S.

('Will. Matllieson, JUlll'., to 5th April, 1906).

A. E(lclisoll, 24, Park Avenue, Armley, Leeds.

Superintendent Treasurer.

E. E. Dalton.

(Eiyht A mbltlanceDivisions).-Oflicers 15. crgcanls 10. Corporals 12. Privates 232. ToLal elfeetive L!69. The Annual Compcli tioD, which is. opcn t~ all Divisions of the C~~'ps, to~k place in March, and this year resulted 111 the • (lll'1od fr~l~ H; (Leeds CIty TI~~way) Di\'i~ioD winning thc ,hield and Mc~lt1Js. ChIef-Surgeon Eames, tlhlpley, and Offi 'cr Allott, of Batley, actcd as Lbe Judge.. G. Beare~ Oompany (composed entirely of membcrs of Leeds Oorps) continue::; to make \'ery sahsfactoryprogre... The standard of efficiency is high. The r.O. .'s and men of the Company ha\'e thIS year heen provided with new serge uniform::; to he WO;!l ?l~ Bearer Co~pan.r duty ~he memh 1'8 of the UOlllpn,ny \\'ent for their Annual I rmmng at the Cambndge Ho pltal n,t Alcler::;hot in August H10h. ..A T u]'1;ing Divjsion i ' now almo t completed.




Hon. Secret ary.

T. A . Woolrich, 26, Heathcote Street, Kidsgrove.


Honorary S ecretary.

F. Whitaker, 3, The Hollies, Tong Road, Armley.

1. Kaye, :3, Lamie Groye, Annley, Lee(ls. (Per. npt. J. McOullagh.)

In cha rge.

Sergt. H. Swinburn, Olifford St., Pte. H. B. Spencer.


(In charge).

[For med 1.10.02.J


LEEDS CORPS (YORKS.). [Formed 1900.J

upt. J. McCullagh,

O. H. A. Maggs L.S.A. Hon . S ec r et a ry.

Oflicer 1. Corporall. Privates 15. Total effective 17 . Drills held 26. Avemge attendance 10. Annual inspection, 6th O~i. .Total on pant(le 13. Ahsent with leave~. 'Without leavc 3. A~l1ual re-examlU.atloll, .29.Lh , ept Members passed 11. DHI not apllear 2. MedallIon 1. RegulatIOn umrOlm worn by 1 corporal and 8 men.

Ac t ing S uperintendent of Stores.


Pte. J. Holmes, Pte. F. Parker. 157, ~lyltle Termce, Oross Roads, nr. Keighley.

M. Wakefield.

J . Oakes.

Honorary Surgeon .


Hon . T reas u rer.

In s p e cto r of Stores.




,er g eallt · 3. orporols 4. Privates 37. Total eO'ective 44. . ~ Ilicrea!'c sinc la 1, report 10. Drills held 30. Oases attelld~Ll Oll l:ubh~ duty (~; RI'l1lovals 6. Oases attellded not on public Lluty 260. ~.nnltal111 pectlOll~ _5~ Altai Total 011 parade 1. Ab ent "jtll leave 10.. ,,\ lLhout leave 16. . nnu~ re-exal1lination, lOth April. Members pas ed 23. DId not appear 21. M~dal.hons.l (. Nlirsin<r eertiflcates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 3 sergeants, 2 COIpolal~ ,~nd 18 lllel~ Material: 4 stretcher 1 litter, 1 havre (lC, 3 street elllergp~cy. oxes, bnll(lafr~ , lint, etc., ve 'ted in Le~ds orps. Diyi ion snpported by .uhscnptIOns. It i~ with rcgret that we hn,\-e ~o r. ~o~'cl the death of H. Myers, "ho had been for some years Ofricer in charge of tlns ell \'l 1011.






4th Offi cer (i n charge) and Acti n g Hon. Treasll r er.

• . Mortimer, Globe Road, Holbeck. Hon. S ecretary.

Corpl. E. J. Bontle, 2, Canonbnry Mouut, Eiland Road, Leeds.

Act ing In specto r of Sto r es.

W. Sharpe.


St. John A'in bulance B'I·i gciJde.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 33. T otal effective 36. Drills held 44. Average attendance 12. Annual inspection , 25Lh Aug. ToLalon parade 7. Absent with out leave 29 . Regulation uniform worn by 1 OIlicer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16 men. Material: 2 stretchers, mater ial boxes, bandages, etc., vesteu in Leeds Oorps. Division supported by volun tary contributions.



Honof'ary Surgeon.

,V. Oarnes, Sergt. in charge.

S. Basnett, Win chester

C. S.

lIf. R.

Hon . Sec. and Inspecto r of Stores.

treet, Armley.



1, Ohurch View, KirksLall.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporall. Privates 16. Total effective 19. Decrease since last report 5. Drills heIr! 25 . A verage attendance 10. Oases attcnued on pllblic d nty 10. Removals 6. Oases attended not on public duty 80. Anuual inspection, 25th Aug. Total on parade 12, Absent with leave 7. Medallions 3. RegulaLion uni form ,yorn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 8 men. Material : 2 stret.chers, 4 cases of first aid appliances, vested in Corps 0 Dicers. Di vision snpported by voluntary contributions. The members have had a great amount of n.mbulance work to do this ycn.r at the works where they are employed, and have proved themselves eflicient first aiclcrs.

(LEEDS CORPS) " D " (NORTH LEEDS ) DIVISION. [Forllled 12.1900.1 H EAD-QUAI1.TEHS: S. LUKE'S SCliOOL, N onTlI STl~EET, L[>;El>~. Honorary Surgeons.

D. Sims, ~I.lt.C.S .

J. O'Neill, L.ILC.P.

4th Officer (in charge) and Hon. S ec.

Pte. D. Forster.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporab 2. Plivates 24. Total effective 30. I ncrease since last report:2. Drills held U. Average attendance 16. Oases attended not Ott public duty] 25. Annual inspection, 25th Aug. :Meclalliol1s 6. Service baJges 7. Regulation uniform \\'orn by 1 Ofiicer, 1 sergeant, 2 eorporals, and 10 men . Material::2 stretchers, handages, lint, wool, splints cic., vested in Officers of Leeus Oorps. Divisiou supportell by volulltary cOJltribuiions,


J. McOonechy, M.B .

Sergt. G. H. Walton, 15, Somerset Road, Pudsey.

Hon . Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. A. Binns, 12, AllJert Street, Greenside, Pudsey .





Sergeant 1. Privates 9. T otal effective 10. Decrease since last report 3. Annual re-examination, 7th June. l'tlem bel'S passed 8. Did not appear 2. Medallions 5. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant and 8 men . Material: 3 stretchers, bandages, etc., vested in Officers of Leeds Oorps. Oorps supported by puulic contributions. Eight members belonging to the G. Bearer Oompany had a week's training at Cambridge H ospital, Aldershot, during Bank I-Ioliclny wcek.

381 [Formed 29.4 01.J

Honorary Surgeons.

O. H. Sykes, L.R.C.P. , J. E. Gaines, M.R.C.S. 1st Officer.

Acting Hon . Secretary.

R. Routledge, Jr.,

Sergt. J. W. McKenzie, Bramley T errace, Kippax.

Trench House, Garforth, Leeds.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 4. Privates 48. Total effe ctive 58. Incre~se si?ce last report 7. Drills held 16. Average attendance 20. Regula tlOn umfo~m worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 4 corporals, 18 men. Material: 4 . s ~r ~tchers, splm ts, bandages, wool, &c., vested in the Officers of L eeds Oorps. DlvlSlon supported by voluntary contributions.

(LEEDS CORPS) " G " (LOWER WORTLEY, FARNLEY, GILDERSOME) DIVISION. lForrued 2.12.01.J (N 0 report received.)


4th Office rs.

I. Kaye, 3, Laurie Grove, Armley, Leeds.

W. Hewitt, J. W. Bellamy.

OfficeI'll 3. Sergeant 1. Privates 65. Total effective 69. ,Drills held 24. Annual inspection, 25th August. T otal on parade 5. Absent WIthout leave 6-1. Members passed annual examination, 27 . Failed 5. Did not appeal: 37. Medallions 8. RegulatIOn uniform worn by 2 Officers and 1 sergeant. Matenal: 1 stretcher, ambulance box, and materials, vested in Leeds Oity Tramways. Division supported by Leeds Oity Tramways.

LINCOLN CORPS. [Formed 17.2.97.]

Inspector of Stores.

L. Sykes, 8, Oromer Tenace, Armley.

Hon . Surgeon .

St. John Ambulance Brigade.


Chief Sup erintendent.

F. . Lambert, lILR.C.S. R. Deighton, 2, Oecil treet, Lincoln. (Two Amb1llallce .Divisions).-Officers 5. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 4. Privates 40. Total effeclive 52.


[Formed 17.2.1897.J



. Ohater, M.D.

2nd Officer.

J. E. Diekinson.


1st Offi cer.

Oooper, Garmston House, Lincoln.

Hon . Secretary.

Oorpl. A. Lupton, 3<:19, High treet, Lincoln .

Inspector of Sto res.

Pte. J. A. Graves .

Officers 3. ergeants 2. Oorporals 4. Privates 24. Total effective 33. Drill held 26. Average attendance 13. Oa es attended on public duty 25. R emovals 2. Oases attended not on public duty 1,225. Annual in pection, 7th JUly. Total on parade 2l. Absent with leave 4. Without leave . Annual re-examination, 13th ept. Members passed 26. Did not appear 6. Medallions 16. Service uadges 7. Nuring certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 sergeanis, 4 corporals, and 24 men. Material: 1 litter, 3 surgical havTesacs, 3 water bottles, 3 stretchers, splints, rug, etc., vested in Oommittee of Lincoln Oorps. Oorps supported by public contributions. The work done in the large engineering works has been very satisfH,ctory. A few of our members attended the District Oamp. B1

St. J ohn Ambulance B1'igade.

St. John A ??1,bulance Brigade.



[Formed 1903.]


HEAD -QUARTERS : D RILL HALL, BROADGATE. Honora ry S ecret a ry.

J. J . Nelsey, G.N.Ry. Yard, Brayford Street, Lincoln . Sergeant 1. Privates 16. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 9. Drills held 23. Avenl:ge atte?-dallce 9. Removals 20. Cases attended not on public duty 50. Annua~ mS'pectlOn , 7th July. Tot~l on parade 10. Absent with leave 7. Annu.al re-exammatl~n, 13th Sept. Men:b.els passed 13. Did not appear 4. MedallIons 16. ServlCe badge 1. NUl~llJ~ certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sel:geaut and ] 5 m.en. Matenal. 1 Ashford litter, ] stretcher, 2 ambulance boxes, splmts, etc., vested III G. N . Ry. Co. Division snpported by public contributions. MADELEY DIVISION (STAFFS.).

[Formed 3.8.1905.J


Hon. S u r ge on .

G. Boulton, Jl.Iadeley, Newea tIe, Staffs.

A . B. Gittins, M.R .C.S.

Inspecto r of S tores.


[Formed 21.9. 05 .]


Honorary S ec r etary.

C. Dearden, L.S.A., Storr Hoube, '1Vyke, Bradford.

CorpJ. J. Hopkinson, 4, 8cllerc1ale Terrace, IVyke Common, Wyke.

Inspector of Sto res.

Ho n orary Treasurer.

Pte. E. Craven.

Rev. A. Craven.

Omcer 1. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 24. Total effective 28. Increase since last report 9. Drills held 41. Average attendance 12. Cases attended on public duty 2. Cases attended not on public duty 18. Annual in pection, 14th May. Total on parade 25. Absentwith leave 2. Without leave 1. Annual re-examination, 14th May. Members passed 25. Did not appear 3. Medallions 8. R egulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 10 men. Material : 2 stretchers, 1 medical havresac, splints, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Divi ion supported by members' subscriptions and public con tribntions. The Division is greatly indebted to Abraham "Woodhead, Esq., for his very generous gift of £55 for uniforms and materials.

C. Pye. Officer l. Sergeant l. Corporal1. Privates 14. Total effective 17. Decrease since last report 2. Drills held 42. Average attendance 11. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 41. Annual inspection, 1 th ~fec. T otal on parade 9. Absent without leave 8. I~dallions 2. Regul~tion U111 onn worn by 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, an.d 6 men. .ll~a~enal: 2 stretchers, splints, b~ndages, etc:, vested in Divisional COlllllllttee. DIVlslon supported by members and public contributions. , A successful concert waS held, and as a result, with the proceeds and m~mbe~s subscriptions, eight uniforms and a new stretcher have been purch~sed. F.ust aId classes are again taking place this winter, a large number of names belllg sent lll.



Honorary Surgeon.


M. R. J. Behrendt, L.n.c.s.

T. H. Hardy, 0, Parkinson Road, SClluthorpe,

Hon . Secretary.


Hon o rary S urgeon.

'IV. J. Wordsworth, M.R. C.S.

R. K. Child, 10, Portland T errace, Mansfield.

Honorary S ecretary.

H. G. Chaney, 73, Cromwell T errace, Mansfield. 1st Officer.

Inspector of S tores.

Honorary Treasurer.

G. W. Nicholson.

J. Berry.

W. F. Jolly.

Officer~ 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 22. Total eU'ective 28. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 26. Average attendance 14.. Cases attended on public duty 21. R emovals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Annual re-examination , 5th Aug. Members passed 15. Diel not appear 12. Medallions 22. Nursing certificates 12. R egu lation uniform worn by 0 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 22 men. Material: 3 stretch~rs, 2 set of splints, bandages, etc., diagrams, and stores cupboard; also a first aId box for use at the Grand Theatre, vested in the Divisional Committee. Division snpported uy members' subscriptions and public contributions.


[Formed 20.6.99.J


W. Priestley: 46, Long Row, Farnley, nr. Leeds. [N 0 reFort received. J

CorpI. D. Cutts, Sulton St., Scuuthorpe. 1st O fficer.


Inspector of S tores.

. Mclntosh.

Pte. C. L. Shepherd.

Officers 3. ergeallt 1. Corporals 2. Privates 15. Total effective 21. Drills held 45. Average attcmlan(;e 7. Cases attended on public duty 7. Cu es attended not on public duty 15. Annua] inspection, 26th ept . Total on parade 9. Ausel.lt with leave 4. '1Yithout leave 7. Annual re-examination, ervice 23rd Aug. Members pas eel 12. Dill not appear 8. Medallions 11. badges 5. ursing certificates 4. Regulation nniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 15 men. Malerial: 4 stretchers, 2 snrgieal havresacs, Division rugs, splints, water hottle ', etc., vested in the Divisional Committee. su pported by voluntary contributions. \V e are again i11l1ehled to ?lfajor Dove, the officer in command of the local companies of the 3rcl V. B. Lincoln Regiment, for the kindnes shown in allowing n the use of the DrilllIn.ll a,s our head-quarters.


oLIl'AN.-\ ,



Chief Surgeon and C hief Superintendent.

J. :B. Arlidge,


D., Olican11"

toke-on -Trent.

(Nine Ambulance DilJision,s).-Officel' 15. el'geants 10. Corporal 10. Private 208. Total eO'ectiye 243.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John A1nbulance Brigade.




[Formed 11.9. 97.J

[Formed 18.8.93.]



Honorary Surge on .

J. Russell,

Hon . Surgeon.

M . B.

J. Aspinall,

Supt. and Acting Hon . Sec., Insp . of Stores, and Treas.


Officers 2. Privates 17. T otal effective 19. Increase since last report 2. Drills held 38. Average attendanco II). Removals 3. Cases attended not on public duty 3. Annual inspection, 19th Nov. T otal on parade 13. Absent witbout leave 6. lVledallions 14. Servicc badges 8. N ursing certificates 8. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer anu 15 men. Material: 1 Asbforo. litter, 3 stretr.hers, 1 surgical havreRac, water boUle, bandages, splints, etc. , vested in the Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by concerts, etc.

Officers 2.

Lowe, Boys' School, Milton, Stoke-on-Tl'el1t.

Sergeant 1.

Hon . Surgeon.

F. C. Clilford,


Hon . S ecretary.

Pte. T. Harrison.

1st Office r and Inspector o f Stot-es.

F. Hancock, 107, Heathcote Hoad, Miles Green, Bignal End, Staffs. Hon . Treasu t-er.

ergt. E. Scrivens.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporal1. Privates 17. Total effective 21. Drills held 46. Average attendance 12. Removals 6. Cases attended not on public duty 205. Annual inspection, 22nd ept. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 29th ept. Members passed 14. Did not appear 6. Medallions 11. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Ollicer, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 11 men. Matarial: 3 stretchers, haVTesac, waleI' bottle, bugle splin ts and bandages, vested in Divisiona.l Committee. Horse am bulances, th~ property of the neigh boming pits, are at hand for use. Division supported by public donations and members' subscriptions. The past year has been a year of solid work. The men working in the pits take bandages with them, and have helped over 200 cases.


[Form cd 6.03.]


Hon . Surgeon.

J. A. Davie,

1II. B., C.lII.

Sergt. (in charge) and Hon. S ecretary.

J. Gough, 8, Mersey Street, Hanley.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasu rer.

Sergt. D . Deaville.

Corpl. S. Gough.

Officer 1. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. Privates 20. Total effective 25. Increase since last report 3. Drills held 25 . Average attendance 10. Cases attended .on pub.lic duty 20. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 178. Annual lllspectlOn, 19th Nov. Total on parade 20. Absent without leave 5. A nnua~ re-examination, 18th Sept. Members passed 5. Did not appear 19. MedallLons 9. Nursing certificates 6. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 2 cOl:porals, and 20 men. Material: 3 stretchers, 1 litter, 1 surgical haVTesac, 30 tnangular and 20 roller baudages, vested in North Stafl'ordshire .Rail.way Co. Divisi0r;- supported by North Staffordshire Railway Co., public contnbutlOns, and members weekly subscriptions. On 28th June a squad of men were on duty, at Derby, on the occasion of the visit of the King to the Royal Agricultural Show held in that town.

Corporal1. Privates 10. [No report received.]

Total effective 14.


Hon. Surgeon .



1st Office r , Hon . Secretary, Inspect or of Stores and Treasurer.

T. W. Boardman, T own Hall, Burslem, Starr·s.




. Hatton,


Sup erinte ndent.

Hon . Secretary.

C. Allard ice, )f.n., King Street, Newcastle, Staffs.

S. ""Vade, 4, Knappers Gate, Newcastle, Staffs.


OJricers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 28. Total effective 33. Decrease since last report 11. Drills held 35. Average attendance 15. Cases attended not on public duty 17. Annual re-examination, 7th 'ept. Members pa sed 26. Did. not appear 5. Medallions 25. • ervice badge 1. nr. 'ing certiticates 3. Regnlation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, ~ corporals, and 14 men. Material: 2 stretchers, 1 surgical havl'esac, 4 watu bottles, 4 havresacs, quantity of splints ano. bandages, v()sted in Divisional Committee. Division supported by public con tribu tions.


Hon . Surgeon.

O. II.



Sup erintendent.

Hon . Secretary.

E. J. Browne, 79, elwyn Street, toke-on-Trent.

F. Hatch, 92, London Road, toke-on-Trent.

Officers 2. ergeallts 3. Corporal 3. Privates 55. Total effective 63. I ncrease since last report 10. Drills held 16. Average attendance 40. Cases attended on public d.uty 10. Cases attended. not on public duty 16. Annnal reexamination, 5th and 6th cpt. Members pas ed 58. Did. not appear 4. Medallions 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 3 sergeants, 3 corporals, and 55 men. Material: 5 stretchers, 100 bandages, 3 sets splints, 1 havresae, vested in Potteries Electric Traction Co., L ttl. Division supported by members. The Division entered four squads in the Annual Competition for all North taffordshire, the first squad winning the challenge bowl and medals, the l'ema,ining squads taking second, third, and fourth pln,ccs, thus securing all places offered.



1st Offi cer and Hon . S ecretary.

R . Bn,gnall, 55, Elgin

tt'ect, "helton.

St. John A rrnbulance Brigade.


Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 27. Total effective 29. . Increase since last report 5. Drills held 9. Average attendance 4. MedallIOns 28. Service bada'es 5. NursinO' certificates 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 serO'eant ~nd 27 men. 1I1aterial; litter and stretchers, vested in Torth Staffordshire Rail~ray Co. Division supported by North Staffordshire Raihvay 00.


Hon . Surgeon.

R. H. Read,

Hon. S ecretary.

Sergt. H . W. Latham , G. P. Hyslop, 23, Pump Street, Hawthorne Oottage, Stoke-on-Trent. Hartshill, Stoke-on-Tn:nt.


Inspector of Stores.

Acting Hon . Treasurer.

P te. J. Mitchell.

Pte. R. Govan.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privates 18. Total effective 22. I ncrease since last report 2. Dnlls held 26. Average attendance 14. Cases attended on public duty 2. Removals 2. Cas~s attended not on public duty 50. Annual re-examination, 24th Sept. Members pa sed 11. Diel not appear 10. Medallions 15. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Oilicel's, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16 men. Material ; 4 stretcbers, 1 medical havresac, water bottle, 12 doz. roller bandages, 1 roller machine, splints, etc., vested in Company's stores. Division supported by the firm and its employees.


A. J . Podmore, Goldenhill, Tunstall, Staff's. Privates 16. Total effective 16. I ncrease since last report 5. Drills held 23. Average attendance 12. Oases attended on public duty 2. Removal 1. Cases attended not on public uuty 31. Medallions 2. Nursing certificate l. Regulation uniform worn by 16 men. Material; lAshford litter, 2 stretchers, Splill~S, etc., vested in Divisional Oommittee. Div ision supported by the public.

St. John A rnbulance Brigade. ROCKINGHAM COLLIERY (YORKS.).


V. J. Greenhougb,


Honorary Surgeon.


T. W . Norton, L.R.C.P.

H. Wardell, Hoyland OOlDmon, nr. Barnsley.

1st Offi ., Hon . Sec. and Treas.

J. Taylor, Hoyland Oommon, Dr. BarDsley.

Officijrs 3. SergeaDts 3. Oorporals 6. Privates 41. Total effective 53 . Drills held 35. A verage attendance 32. Oases attended not on public duty 2. Annual inspection, 7th Sept. Total on parade 53. Annual re-examination, 6th Oct. Memuers passed 52 . Medallions 19. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 3 sergeants, 6 corporals, anu 41 men. Division supporteu by members' subscriptions and puulic contributions.


Sup erintendent.

J. D. Kenny, M.D., R. G. Hiddell, :iII.D. 1st Officer.

G. E. Wells.

H. C. Ohambers,

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . Treasure r .

Pte. E. Hoyle.

Sergt. J. Barker.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Privates 8. Total effective II. Decrease since last report 3. Drills held 26. Average attendance 8. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 15. Annual rll-examination, 27th Oct. Members passed 9. Did not appear 1. Medallions 9. Material; stretcher, appliances at the head-quarters of the Division, and in a street box vested in the Division Division supported by the public. ' . The Division has raised enough money during the year to provide uniforms, which are now on order.

unnyfield, Beighton.

Hon. Secretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

J. W. Gilling, 1 9, 1\Iasbro' treet,

J. Gibbs.

Rotherham. Officers 4. ergeants 4. Oorporal 7. Privates 60. Total effective 75. Increa::;e since la t report 2. Drills held 42. Oase attended on public duty 6. Oa es attended not on public duty 15. Allnual in pection, 6th Oct. Total on parade 43. bsellt ,vith lea,'e 10. ·Without leave 22. Annual re-examination, Nov. Members pa sed 3G. Did not appear 37. fedallions 31. Service badge l. Nul' ing certificates 4. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 4 sergeants, 7 corporal , and 1 men. lateri"l ; 4 stretchers, havresac, water bottles, splints, ru~s, etc., yested in Diyisional Oommittee. Division supported by members and voluntary con tri bu tions. One officer and 29 men attended the No. 5 District Oamp at Blackpool. A new Diyision has been formed at Treeton, an outlying village, wbicb bids fair to become an important unit.

SCISSETT AND DISTRICT DIVISION (YORKS.). [Formed 5.4.06.J Honorary Surgeon.

W. Bell,



1st Offi cer (in charge).

W. H. Greenwood, High Street, Denby Dale, Huddersfield.

Supt. and Hon . S ec.

Rev. A . H. Hatfield, Bathamgate, Peakdale.

[Formed 12.4.06.J





Honorary S ecretary.

Hono rary Treasurer.

Sergt. J. Wray, High Bridge, Scisselt, Huddersfield.

Pte. E. Exley.

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Privates 25. Total effective 2. . Drills held 15. Average atlendance 17. Cases attended on pubhc duty 3. Removal1. Oa:o;es attended not on puulic duty 12. Annual inspectiOl:, 1st. ept. Total on parade 14. Ausent with leave 10. 'Without leave 3. RegulatIon llmform worn by 1 ergeant and 5 men. Material; stretchers, 2 rllg~,.1 wall box, 1 bugle, splints , bandaO'es DivlSlon supported by the 0 ' etc., vested in Divisional Oommittee. public. We have obtained permission from 1essrs. Torton, Schoueld, and orton, of Scissett, to use one of their rooms in Cuttlehurst Mill for our Headquarters and drill-room.


St. John A m bulance Brr-igade. SETTLE DIVISION (YORKS.).

[Formed 15.4.04.J

St. John A?nbulwnce Brigade.



[Fonned 1.10.99.]



Hon . Surgeon.

Supt. and Hon . Secretary.

T. Stuart, lIf. D.

E. R. Morphet, H alstead, Settle.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasu rer.

Pte. H. Foxcroft.

Pte. R. Clark.

Officers 2. ergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 27. Total effective 32. I ncrease since last report 7. Drills held 53. Average attendance 15. Oases attended 011 public duty 3. I.emovals 7. Oases attended not on Imblic duty 12. Absent WIthout leave 1. Annual inspection, 4th Sept. Total on parade 30. Annual re-examination, 21st May. Mem bel'S pa ed 29. Did not appeal' 2. Uedallions 24. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 25 men. Material : 1 litter, 8 stretchers, 1 hood and aproll, 6 pairs leather slings, 1 canvas carrying sheet, surgical havresac, 4 water bottles, 3 first aid boxes fittl'd for use on football fields, 4 wall boxes fitted with first aiu appliances, diagrams, mannakin and ca e, rugs, splints, and bandages, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Division supported by mem bel'S and public subscriptions. Two men went from Settle to the N o.5 District camp at Blackpool at ,Vhitsuntide. Two men, members of the I Bearer Oompany, went for a week's training to the Royal Herbert Hospital, Woohvich, on 21st July, 1906 . SHEFFIELD CORPS (YORKS. ).

[Form ed 12.99].

Chi ef Surgeon.

Honorary Surgeon and Sup erintendent .

E. Barker Barber, L.R.C.S.

A. Aiken OlaIk, C.M.

H. O. Else, Tinsley House, nr. SheffielU. Super inte ndent of Stores.

Supt. A. O. B. Pennock.

Honorary S ecretary.

S. O. Else, Tinsley,



Honorary Treas urer.

Mr. B. A. Firth,

J. P.

FOt~1' Ambt~lc£nce Divisions.-Officers 4. Sergeants 10. Corporals 11. Privates 137 . Total effective 162. Increase since last report 19. Drills held 26. A verage attendance 60. Annual inspection,17thJuly. Total on parade 82. Absent with leave 14. Without leave 66. Annual re-examination, 4 days in November. I\Iem bel'S passed 98. Did not appear 62. Medallions 38. Service badges 33. Nursing certificates 30. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers, 10 sergeants, 11 corporals, and 137 mcn. Material: stretchers and splints, havresacs, water bottles, cupboards, blankets, waterproof sheets, drugs for first aid, vested in tbe Oorps. Oorps snpl)orted 1y subscriptions, mostly from large works.


[Formed as a Division 1.10.99; as a Oorps 6.6.03.J

C. W. Eames, M.D., Ohurch Lane, Shipley.

Supt. Secretary.

T. Allen, 20, Belmont Orescent, Shipley.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

Sergt. H. Bowers.

1st Olass Sergt. J . D. Busfield.

(Six Ambt~lance Divisions) .-Officers 11. Sergeants 5. Oorporals 6. Privates 103. (One Nursing Division).-Officers 4. Nursing sisters 29. Total effective 157.

OO-OPERATIVE HALL, SHIPLEY. 1st Offi cer and Hon . S ec. (in charge.)

J. H. Potter, Fern Bank, BailLlon, Shipley.




Hon . Surgeon.

T. John ton, lIr. B. Oorp1. O. 'Yaite. Omcers 2_

ergeant 1.


[Formed 1.10.99.J

Officers 2. 'crgeaut 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 17. Total effective 22. Drills held 49 . Average attendance 10. Oases attendeel on public duty 12. Removals 3. a es attended noL on puhlic duty 56. Annnal inspection, 22nd Aug. Ab ent with lea ye . Without leavc 1. Annual rc-examinaTotal on parade 13. Members passed 21. Medallions 16. ervice badges 12. tion, 27th June. Nur ing ccrtificates 20. Regulation uniform WOt'll by 2 Ofiicers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16 men. Material: bandages, splints, stretchers, etc., vested in the OfIicers and Oommittee of the Oorps. Division snpported by members' sub criptions and voluntary donations. e\'era~ member, who are on the tr ngth of the I Bearer Oompany, went for six days' traming at the Royal Herbert Hospital, \Voolwich. One or two members wenb to ::"\ewcastle-on-Tj711e, to as i t the Newcastle Diyision, at the Royal Visitof His Majesty the J ing.

Hon . S ecretary.


1st Officer.

J . T. Green.

Offieers 2. ergeants 2. Oorporal]. Privates 20. Total effective 25 . I ncrease since l~st report 3. Drills held 49. Average attendance 18. Oases attende~ on p~lhhc duty 8. Removals 2. Oases attended Dot on public duty 30. Annual mspechon, 22nd Aug. Total 011 parade 16. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 4. Aun.ual re-examination, 27th June. Members passed 19. Did not appear 5. MedallIons 1 ~ . Service haJges 7. Nursing certificates 10. Regulation Material: umrorm WOl'l~ by 2 Officers, 2 sergeani s, 1 corporal, and 17 men . ba:n~l~ges, splInts, stretchers, etc., vested in Officers and Oommittee of the Oorps. D1VIS10ll supported by memhers' subscriptions and voluntary donations. Several of the members who form part of the I Bearer Oompany, which has its Headquarter at hipley, went into trainillg for a week at Royal Herbert Hospital \Vool wich. '

V. Mosley, M.D.


Chief Superintendent .

Honorary Surge on and Superintendent.

T. I. Bonner, Oarr Lane, Wind hill, Shipley.

crrOOL., YEADOX. 3rd Offi cer (i n charge.)

J. D. Bn ficld, 59, Manor Lane,


Inspector of Stores and Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. J. Hargreaves. 00rpora11.

Privates 16.

Total effective 20.

o report received.) (SHIPLEY AND DISTRICT CORPS) " D " DIVISION.

[Formed 3.05.]


H. Hebblethwaite, lILR.C.S., Deal H ouse, Burley-in- vYharfeliale. Inspector of Stores.

Pte. J. Barkcr.

Hono rary S ecretary.

Oorp1. F. Irithyman, Spring Gardens, Burley-in- Wharfeda1e. Honorary T,-easurer.

Pte. A.



St. John Ambulance Br·igade.


St. John Ambulance Brigade.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privates 13. Total eIIective ~6. In crease since last report 1. Drills ll eId 24. Oases atten~ed on .publJc dnty 8r Removals 4. Oases attended not on public duty 62. AnnualmspectIOn, 22J?-d ~ug. Total on parade 5. Absent with leave 8. Without leave 3. Annu~l re-cxamIllab?n, 27th Sept. Members passed 13. Did not appear 2. MedallIons 2. Nursmg certificate 1. Material: 3 stretchers, 1 store chest, 1 ambulance basket, 3 army rugs, 3 sets splint, etc., vested in Divi ional Oommittee. Division supported by private subscriptions and concerts. . . W e are gre3.tly indebted to W. H. lVhtchell, Esq., J.P., for loan of Dnll Hall, free of charge. (SHIPLEY AND DISTRICT CORPS) " E" (OTLEY) DIVISION. [Formell 13.10.02. J



[Formed 2.06.J


Honorary Surgeons.

G. L. Barritt,

A. R. Douglas,

lILR . C. S.

Supt. and Hon. Treas.


Hon . Secretary.

W. J . Monncy, Station House, SpaldiDg.

A. Preston, ,\Vinsover Road) Spalding.

Officers 3. Sergean t 1. Oorporals 4. Privates 31. Total effective 39. Drills held 20 . Average attendance 15. Removals 4. Oases attended not un pu blic duty 9. Material: 2 stretchers, 2 ambulance boxes, vested in Great N orthel'l1 and Mitl. and G_N. Railway Oompanies. Division supported by members and public con tribn tions.


1st Officer.


J. Snowball, 53, Albion Street, Otley, Y orks. Honorary Secretary.

Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores_

A. Jowett.

J. Gott.

J. Geenty, 41, North Parade, Otley.

Officer 1. Oorporal1. Privates 11. Total effective 13. D ecrease since last report 2. Dri1ls h eld 36. Average attendance 19. Oases attended on public duty 11. Removals 3. Oa 'es attendelt n~t on public duty 108. Annual inspection, 22nd Ang. Total on parade 8. A?sent 'o"lth leave 5. An~uat r e-examination, 18th Sept. Members passed 10. DId not appear 3. Medalltons 11. Service badges 7. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Officer, 1 corporal, and 1~ men . Material: 1 horse van 1 litter, 7 stretchers, 11 ambulan ce boxes, vested III the Otley Oentre S.J.A.A.' Division supported by public sub criptions, concert:>, e~c . We are fortunate in having raised £46 within the la t eighteen months for eqUIpment thanks to the generosity of the Otley public. A few of the men attended the Ann~al Oamp of Instruction, held at Blackpool, during 'Whit Week. (SHIPLEY AND DISTRICT CORPS) " F " (MIDLAND RAILWAY) DIVISION. [Formell 27.8.0<:l..J 1st Officer.

G. M. Vickers, Queen's Road, Manningham, Bradford. Hon . Secretary.

Ins pecto r of Sto res.

J. Green, 21, North St., Ra"dan, Leeds. Officer 1.

F. Simms.

Privates 26 . Total effective 27 . [1' 0 report recei ved].


[Formed 1.1.06.J


Hon. Surgeon.

P. V. Fry,

1II.R. C.S.

Hon . Secretary.

Pte. T. Seed, Egerton Street, Sowerby Bridge.

1st Officer.

J. T. Haigh, 64, Sowerby Green, Sowerby Bridge. Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treas.

Oorpl. L. Olay.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Plivates 16. Total effective 20. Drills helJ 12. Average attendance 14. Divisioll supported by th e public.

[Formed 27.6.05 . )


Hon. Surgeon.

F. V. H. Mossman,

Acting Superintendent and Hon . Secretary. L . S.A.

Officers 2.

J. O. Kenworthy, Outts Villa, Deepcar, nr. heffield. Privates 19.

Total eIIective 21.


[Formed 20.6.01.]


Honorary Surgeons .



E. :MitcheU,


Superintendent .

A. H. Bon er, Forest Lodge, Su tton-in-Ashfielll .


1st Officer and Hon . Sec.

A. E. Wingrove, Nesbitt treet, Sutton-in -Ashfield.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

OorpI. W. H. Slack.

Mr. O. H. ,Yh etton (HOD. Mem).

Officers 4. ergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Privates 27. Total effective 36. Decrea e since l~st report 2. Drills helll 54. Average attendallce 16. Oa es attended on publIc duty 20.. R_e n,o,,:l 2. Oases attended not on public duty. llumerou. Anllual re-examIllatlOn, I th ept. Members l)assed 24. Did not appear 10. Medallions 17. Tursing certificates 22. ReClulation uniform worn by 2 Officer, 2 sergeants, 3 corporal, and 27 men . lIlater~l: 3 stretchers, first aid appliances, and material both for practice and for use on duty, vested in Divisional Committee. Division snpported by members' subscriptions and public contributions. T wo officers and 39 men went to Camp at Blackpool. Th e camp was a great success. The ~l1pt: ~nd 1st Officer .went . to the Royal Naval lIo,pital at Plymouth £v~ seven days trallllllg 1~1 connectIOn \nth the R. T.A . . B.R., and the experience ga.lned there should pro\'e Inyaluable. Three men were sent to H. l\I. >v . « Albion," stationed at Chatham, for a course of seven day' training. TALKE DIVISION (STAFFS ).

[Formed 24.3.02.]


Honorary Surgeon .

J. Steele,

L. R . C, P.

Inspector of Stores.

Pte. E. Jones,

2nd Officer and Hon . Secretary.

R. Taylor, 17, t. Sayiour's tr'eet, Tal1<:e , Stok e-oll-Trent , Hon . Treasurer.

Mr. J. T. Orimes (Hon. Mem.).


St. J ohn A?nbnlance B?·igade.

St. J ohn A ?nb'L&lance Brigacle.

Officers 2. ergeaut 1. 00rpora1 2. Privates 11. Total effective 16. I ncrease since last report 1. Drills held 21. Average attendance 9. Annual in pection, 29th ept. Total on parade 12. Ab eut with leave 4. Annual reexamination, 27th ept. Members passed 14. Did not appear 1. Medallions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, and 8 men. Material : 1 tretcner, bandages, and splints, vested in Divisional Oommittee. Diyi ion supported by members' subscriptions aud public donations. Eleven men are nmy wearing the" Regulation" uniform, and it is expected that the remaining members will shortly be supplied.

Office rs 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 24. Total eITective 29 . Decrea e ince l~st report 4. Drills h eld 34. Average attendflllce 13. Oases ~ttende.u Ol~ publIc rluty 6. Oases attendeu not. on public duty 44. Annual lD pectlOll, I th Oct. Total nn parade 23. Absent WIth leave 5. ,Yithout leave 1. Annua~ re-examinati()n,. 16th. Oct. Members pa sed 27. Did not appear 1. llIedalllon ' 15. . Reg\~latlOn uUlform w~rn by 1 Officer, 1 Jrgeant, 2 corporal, and ~4 ll\.e~.. l atcl'lal: . D stretcl:e:s" surglcal havre ac, splint, bandage, etc., vested lD DIVI 101lal Oommlttee. DIvISIOn supported by public contribntions. WORKSOP DIVISION (NOTTS .).


[Formed 18 7. ) HE_'I.D·QUARTEn. :


Ho n o ra r y Surgeo ns .

W. A.

tamford, M.R. C. .

C hi ef S upt. (Acting) and Ho n. Treas .

S. O. Wardell, Doe Hill Hou e,

lll' .

F. Marriott,

L •. A.

Ho n. S ecretary.

L. OO\'i'ey .

F. Jackson, 10, Yictori!1 Terrace, Tibshelf.

Officers 4. Sergeants 5. Oorporals 5. Privates 2. Total effective 42. Resen"e members 4. Decrease since la t report 74. Drill held 25. Ayerage aUendance 19. Oa es attended on public duty 17. Removals 12. Oases atteuued not on pnblic duty 33. Annual inspertioll, 7th ept. Total on parade 31. Ab cut with leave 11. Annual re-examination, 21st Dec. :Member passed 40. Medallions 37. Service badges 29. Nursing certificates 10. R egulation uniform wom by 4 Officer, 5 sergeants, 5 corporals, and 2' men. Mn tel'ial: w[\'O'on, Ii tter, stretcher, am bulallce boxes, ve ted in Ohief nperintendent. Di ion supported by public contributions. A party to repre ent the Oorp attended on public duty at Derby on the occa ion of the King's \-isit. A few of the member attended the camp at I3lackpool.



1st O ffice"

E. G. Allen.

Honorary S ecretary.

O. J. Alletson.


[Formed 1891.]

Ho n. S ecretary.

Lady Superintendent.

1\11';0;. G. Fowler, Bn ford IIall Kottinghum.


1st Nursing Office,' and Lady Secretary. fill'S. J. T. 'Yaltl.'r, Tht.l Cliff, Cinder Hill.

_~msing OftiCCI" 3.

2nd Officer. In spect or of S tores.

XUl';o;II1L:' :si:ter' 66.

[. : 0 repol.'t l'ec:ei\'ed.J

Total effecti\"e 69.


ergt. F. Mal tby.

Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Privates 43. Total effective 49. I ncrease since last report 10. Drills held 25. A.-erage attendance 16. Oa es attend~d on public du~y 30. :aemovals 12. Oa. es attendeclnot on public duty 15 . MedallIons 27. N \ll'Sll1g certlficates 11. Regulation uniform worn by 4 Officers. 2 sergeants, and 43 mell. Material: 1 wacron, 7 stretchers 3 hampers 1 havresac splints, etc., vested in Divisional Ooml1litt~e. ' , , Two sergeants and 12 men went to Camp at Blackpool on 3rd June, 1906. WOOLLEY COLLIERY AND DARTON DIVISION (YORKS .). [Formed 10.10.01. J

[Formed 19.4.94.J

Cr:->JlER HILL. :\"OTTL-l.H,UI.

Hon . Surgeon.

'Y. II. Hill,

,Yo Kitchen.

J . W. Moore, Belph, ,Yhitwell, Mansfield .



E. G. Hamlyn, Welbeck, Work 01), N'ott

1st Officer and Hon. T reas urer.

1 t CIa s el'gt.

011icers 2. ercreant 3. Corporal 4. PriYate 3 T otal elrecliYe 47. Re eryc membcrs 3. Increase ince la t report 3. Drill heIL1 27. A,erage attendance 14. Co. e attended ou 1mblic lluty 3. Remoyals 25. Oa es attenlletlllot on public duty 66. Anllual in pection, 16th Aug. Total on parade 39. Ab 'ent with l(,l1\'e 8. Annual re-examination, 24th July. Members po. ed 3 . Did not appear Meuallion 16. 'en'icc badges 11. Nnr ill (f certificates 20. R egulation uniform worn by 2 OJl1cer, 3 cl'geant, corporat, antl 3 men. Materittl: waCTon, litter, 7 ·tretchel' , 7 hane ac , 7 water bottle, etc., ve ted in Di\'i iOllal COlllmittee. Divi~ion supportell by public contribution .

S uperinten d ent.

)I.D .

Inspector of Stores.

CorpI. W. H. 'mith, 24, Prior Well Road, W ork op.


Ho n. S urge o n.

,'I'. T. Orawford,

TREET, \\· 011I-. 01' .

Ho n. S urgeon and S uperintendent.

J. Davie .

Acting 4th Office r .


[Formed 1 97.J

... mg. -Capt. A. J. H. i\lontague, ~r.D., 35, Potter treet, ,York op.

3rd Officer and I ns p . of Sto res .




II E,\.D-Qt:_\Hl'ER·


Hon. Surgeon.

II. '. _\Jcl ertoll,


II.ut. Lady Superintendent.

1\1is ~


J . .A .... neath, 6, '\\?e::,t _\.\"enue Barnold ·,,-ick

Lady Sec,'etary.


[Formed 10.2.97.]

Lady Inspector of Stores.

E. Eh\'orth, 33, ,Yellington 'treet,

Mis' B. 8.b'll'ples.

DnrnolLlswick. Lady Treasurer.


Ho n. S u rge o n.

G. H. Pearce, L.ll.O.P .

4th Officer a n d Inspecto r of S tores .

G. H. Jackson, 56, Woolley Colliery, Darton,

Hon. S ecretary.

Sergt. F . Knapton, 17, Woolley Oolliery, Darton, lll'. Bal'llsley.



Hon. T reasurer.

Mr •.J. IT. Wilkinson (Hon. Mem. )

N' ursing OUicer:2. l. ~ Ul'Sillg i , ter ' 7. T otal e£l'ectiyc 9. Decren e since ln~t report 1. Pmclices held 42. A, ernge att lldance 6. Oa es attended not on public duty 16. AUllual re-examination, 13th March. M embers pa sed 7. Did not appear l. R eguln tion uniforlll worn by 1 n Ul"ing Officer and 7 nursing si",ters. :'Iraterial: splillt~ and bandages, \'e ted in Di,i 'ional Committee. Diyisioll supported. by public contribution . .

St. J ohn A ?nbulance Brigade.

St. John A m bu lance Brigade.




[F ormed 27.6 .06.]

[F ormecl l0.1 900.]



Honorary Surgeon.

J . U. I nverarity,

Honorary Surgeon .

J . H. Woods, L.n.c.p.

F . R . C. P .

Lady Superi ntendent.

1st Nursing Officer.

Lady Superintendent and Lady Secretary.

1st Nursing Office r.

Mrs. E. Rees.

Miss L . J. Gadie, Field Hill, Batley.

Miss E. Willans.

Mrs. E. J . Chapman, 35, St. J ude's Place, Bradford . Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss E. Field, 9, St. Margaret's Terrace, Bradford.

Miss A. E. Tempest.

N ursing Officers 3. N ursing sisters 12. Total effective 15. . P ractices held 14. Average attendance 11. Cases attended on publIc duty 6. Cases attended not on public duty 118. Cases privately nursed 17. Annual Alln~ al inspection, 15th Aug. Total on parade 8. Absent wit~1 leave 7. re-examillation, 9th Aug. Members passed 14. MedallIons 10. R f'gulatlOn uniform worn by 2 nursing Officers and U nursing s,isters: . .Material: 4. doz. tria ngular bandages, 4 doz. ro ller bandages, vested III DIVIsIonal CommIttee. D ivision self-supporting.


Honorary SurJ!;eon. M .B . 1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss M. G. Thornton, Castle Hill House, R a trick.

Mrs. H. Edwards. Claremont Villa, Brighonse.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

2nd NursinJ!; Officer.

:Jl rs. M. E. StOlT.

Mrs. R. A. Watson, Lee fltreet, Waring Green, Brighonse.

Nursing Officers 4. N ursing sisters 34. Total effective 38. I ncrease since last report 10. Practices held 40. Average attendance 22. Cases attended not on public duty 13. Cases privately nursed 3. Annual inspection, 28th July. Total on parade 35 . Absent with leave 3. Annnal re-examination, 1st May. llI embers passed 23. Did no t appear 14. Ueuallions 24. Service badges 7. Regulation uniform worn by 4 nursing Officers and 25 nursing sisters. Material: 8 beds ana bed linen, 3 bed pans, 2 h ot water bottles, 2 air cnshions, feeding cups, enemas, wallets, diagrams . splints, etc., vested in the Corps Trustees. Division snpported lJy members and public contribu tions. F or the senior members of the brigade a special course was taken in sick cookery, which proved of much interest. T he object of the course being to show the extent: variety, and proper methods of preparing food for the sick.


[Formed 7.7. 05.J


J. H. Rowe,

r.!.B . , C.M .

Lady Supt. and S ec .

M rs. E . Marriott, IVest Park Road, Bradford .

1st Nursing Officer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasu rer.

Miss F. J. K eigh ley.

Mrs. L . K nowles.

Mrs. E . Potter.

Nursing Officers 3.

N ursing sisters 17.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 30. T otal effective 33. Decrease since l ast report 4. Practices held 22. Average attendance 15. Annua l inspection, 4th Sept. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 16 . ·W ithout leave 8. Annua~ re-examination, 2~th Au&" Members passed 11 . Did not appear 21. lIl edall~oIls 28 . . Part of ul1lform, VIZ., .c~p~ and aprons only, worn by all. Material vested III Commlttee and Trustees. DIvlSlon supported by subscriptions.



Honorary Surgeon .

J. A.




3rd Nu r s i ng Offi c er a nd Lady Secretary.

Miss S. Burn hill, Mount

Lady In s p ector of Stores.


B. E . J. Edwards,


T otal effective 20,

treet, Cleckheaton .

A ct i n g L a dy Treasurer.

fiss A. Archer.

1Iliss A. Wolfenden.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 22 . Total effective 24. I ncrease since l~st report 7. Drill' held 19. Average attendance 17. Cases .attended on publIc duty 6. Cases attended not on public duty 52. Annual inspection, 4th ept. Total on parade 4. Absent with leave 11 . Without leave 9. .Annua~ re-examination, .19th ~uly. Members passed 17. Did not appear 6. MedallIons 13. RegulatlOn umform worn by 1 nursing Officer, and 5 nUl' iner sister. faterial : bandages. plints, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Divisio~ supported h,)' pu blic contributions.


R. Beattie,

M.D .

1s t Nu rsi ng Officer a nd L a dy S ec r et ary.

2nd N ursing Offi ce r .

Mrs. A. Cave, Pro pect View, Leeds Road, Dewi:ibury. L a dy In sp ect o r o f Stores.



iIlr .


Lad y Treasure r.

Mrs. Harrison,

t. J ohu's Yicarage.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 29 . Total effective 32. Practices held 16. Average attendance 10. Decrease since last report 2. Cases attended Oll public duty 6. Cases attended not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 4th Sept. Total on parade 20. Ab ent with leave 3. Without leave 9. Allnual re-examination, 31st July. l\lembers passed 22. Did not appeal' 9. Medallions 31. Regulation uniform worn by 2 nursing Officers and 13 nursing sisters. Material: complete box of bandages, splints, etc., vested in Diyisional Comm i ttee . Division su pported by members' subscriptions.


St. John Ambulance B?'igade.

St. J ohn A ?nbu lance Brigade.



[Form ed 3.10.04.J



Hon . Surgeon .

2nd Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.

Honorary Surgeon.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasurer.

1st NurSing Officer.

Mrs. E. Thorpe.

Mrs . Markuy.

Mrs. S. Fielding.

Officers 2. Nursing sist ers 8. Total effec tive 10. Decr ease since last rep ort 12. Practices h eld 21. A verage attendan ce 16. Oases atten ded n ot on public duty 24. Cases privat ely nursed 18. Annual inspection, 4th Sept. Total on parade 5. A bse~t wit h leave 5. A~ nual .re-examination 2 t h July . Members p!1ssed 9. MedallIo ns 10. P art of umform IS'YOrnaprons,' caps, an~ cuffs a?-~ .collars. Material: b~ndages,. sP.lints, etc., vested in Divisional Oommit t ee. DIvlSlon supported by publIc subscn ptlOns.


[Formed 8.7.03.J

Lady Sup er i ntend ent.

G. Hoyle, lIf.D.

1111's. L. H oldswor th, 10, A lbion St ., Morley.

H. Markby, lILR. C.S.


Mrs. B. A. Webster, 93, Oatherine Street, Elland . L a dy Insp ecto r of Sto res.

1\1rs. H . Akroyd.

Lady S ec r etary.

Lady Tre a surer.

Miss O. H awley, 102, Southgate, EIland .

Mrs. A.

I ngham.

. Officers 3. Nursing sisters 15. Total eITective 18. DecreaE:e Sl11ce lac:;t ~'epol't 2. Practice.' held 23. A vel'age attendance 14. Oases attended noL or.1 publIc tluty 20. Anllual inspection, 25th Sept. Total 011 parade 1~. Absent WIth leave 5.. Aunual re-exall1ination, 4Lh JUly. Members passed 13. Did 1I0t al~pear.J. l\1ellalllo~s 17. Regulation uniform worn by 3 nursing Officers an,l 9 llurslIlg slster's, i:ll havmg mdoor uniform of cap, apron, collar, etc. Material : beds, bandages, tOlll'lllquets ; use of well-furnishec1 ambulallce house vested in the Officers of the Division. Division supported IJY members' subscripLidns.

H EAD -QUARTERS : COUNCIL SCHOOLS, EARBY. Lady Supe rint endent and Secretary.

Honorary Surgeon .

A . F alconer, M.B., C.M.


Miss lH. H olgate, 16, Oemetery Road, Earby, yia Colne, L ancs.

IIEAD-QuAnTEI:s: STUIlllL':-J BOARD ScnOOL. Hon . S urgeon.

Acting Lady Inspector of Stores .

G. G. LttIYSOIl,

Miss P . T urner. Officers 2. Nursing sisters 7. T otal effedive 9. Decrease since last report 2. Practice held 24. A verage attendance 6. Cases attended not on public duty 6. Annual inspection, 12th Sept. Total on parade 6. Absent without leave 3. Annual re -examination, 12th Sept. Members passed 6. D id not appear 2. Medallions 3. R egulation uniform worn by 1 nursing Officer and 7 nursing sisters. Material : bandages, splints, dressings, vested in Divisional Committee. D ivision supported by members' subscriptions and voiuntary contributions.

L ady S uperintendent.


1st NLlrsing O fficer and L a d y Sec.

Irs. M. II. Fo.ter, Ilangingroyd, IIebclell Bridge.

Mis O. E. Brown, Stalhcim, 'Wadsworth, Eebden Bridge.

Nursing Officers 3. Nm. ing .. i. (el'd U. Total effectiye 17. In,Tease since last report 4. Practice:; llcld 33. Ayerage attendance 9. .Annual in pcction, 25th, cpt. Total 011 paradc 13. .Ahsent with leave 3. 'Without leaye 1. Anllual re-examination,25th cpt. J\Jeml'ers p'lS cd 13. Did not appear 3. Medallion' 13. Regulation uniform worn by 3 llUl'sing Oflicel's~lld 10 nUl'sing i tel's.




[Formed 16.12.1900.]

Honorary Surgeon .


Lady Superintend ent.

F. G. H eard, L.R.C.P.

H on. S urgeo n.

Miss E . Hillas, 35, 100rsicle Road, Eccleshill, Bradford.

Lady Secretary.

M rs. L . H ill as , 22, Mount Rd., Eccleshill, Bradford.

A. L. McOully, M. B. L a dy Supe r i nt end en t .

1st Nursing Officer.

Miss l\I. A.


Act i ng Lady In sp ect o r of Sto r es .

Mis. lieaton, Brook treet, Mal' 'h, ll udderstielcl. L ady Secretary.

Miss P . Simonette. Officers 3. Tursing sisters 17 . Total effective 20. D ecrease since 1ast report 8. Practices held 24. A verage attendance 16. Cases attended not on public duty 8. Annual inspection, 29th Aug. Tot~.l on parade 15. Absent with leave 1. -Without leave 4. Ann ual re-exammation, 19th Sept. Members passed 14. D id not appear 5. Medallions 14. Regulation uniform worn by 2 nursing Officers and 17 nursing sisters. Material: hospital bed, sheets, blankets, pillow, splints, roller and triangular bandages, vested in D ivisional Oommittee. D ivision supported by members' subscriptions and public contributions .


Thewlis, Holmc PIllee, l\hr 'h, H'lddersfielcl .

1st N ursing O fficer.

Miss LitLlewood. L ady I nspector of Stores.

?lIiss Hoper.

Nursing Officers 3. Nursing sisters 15. Total effectiye 1 Decren.se since last report 3. 'a~e" attell'led on public duty 6. Removals ') O:1ses attended not on public duty :38. Aunual inspection, 1:3th "ept. Total 011 pm'a,cIe Ab~ent \\ iLh leaH! li. \ \Tithout lc!LYC <1 . l\Iemhe1'8 p,lssecl mlllllai l'e-e:mmllll.tioll 10. T ill HOt app 'al' 7. ~ [ ec1alliolls 11. HeguIt1.tioll uniforlll worn hy 3 Hm' 'lng OtticerH. It.terl,1.l : lx.ndage shoot, bhLukeb:; mld sheets, cot, etc., \e ·ted in Oorps' Ofliee!'s. 01\'isiol1 supported by III 'muer::)' suuscl'iptions and public donations.



St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. John A rmbulance Brigade.

2nd Nursing Officer.




[Formed 3.97. ]


Honorary Surgeon .

H. S. Brandel',

M.A., ]\[. D. Lady Secretary.

Lady Sup erin t en d ent.

:\1l's. F. Waring, 5, Sunny :Mount, Keighley.

Miss R. A. Midgley, 63, Devonshire Street, Keighley.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 17. Tutal e[ective 19. Decrease since last report 1. Practices held 23 . Average attendance 10. Oases attended not on public duty 2. Annual inspcction, 8th Sept. Total on parade 13. Absent with leave 6. Annual re-examination, 8th and 20th Sept. Members passed 15. Did not appeal' 3. Medallions 13. Part uniform worn. by 1 nursing Officer and 17 nursing sisters-collars, cuffs, cap8, and aprons.. ~fatel'lal: baudages, bed and bedding. Division supported by members' subscnptwns and voluntary contributions.

NEW FARNLEY NURSING DIVISION (YORKS.). [Formed 3.1900.] (No report received.)


C. W. Eames. 1st Nursing Officer and Lady Sec.

Lady Superintendent.

Mrs. L. B. Potter, Feln Bank, Baildon, Shipley.

Mrs. U. Eames, Mount View, Shipley.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

2nd Nu rsing Officer.

Miss J. Robinson.

Mrs. E. Allen.

Officera 3. Nursing sisters 29. Tolal effective 32. D ecrease since last report 14. Practices heltI 20. Average attendance 21. Oases attended not on public duty 50. Annual inspection, 22nd Aug. Total on parade 21. Absent with leave 10. Annual re-examination, 28th June. Meruhers passed 32. Medallions 31. Part uniform worn by 3 nursing Officers and 29 nlll'sing sisters-cap, apron, cuffs, collar, and badge. Material: roller an(1 triangular bandages, splints, hospital bed, bedding, sheets and blankets, vested in Divisional tJommittee. Division supported by members' subscriptions and public donations.


Hon . Surgeon. lII.B.

Mrs. A. Stockton, 5, Albion Grove, Sunny Bank, Soweruy Bridge.

J. A. Adams,

Nursing Officer l.

Nursing sisters 26.

Total effecLive 27.


W. A . Stamford,

M. P•. C.S.

Hon . Surgeons. L.S.A .

F . Marriott,

Lady Supt. and Treas .

Mrs S. C. Wardell, Doe Hill House, near Alfreton.

O. D. Rooson,


1st Nurs i ng Officer and L ady Sec.

Miss E. Smith, Church Fl1rm Blackwell, near Alfreton.

Mrs. H. Bennett


3rd Nursing Officer.

Mrs. Beastall.

J ursing Officers 4. lll'sing isters 14. Total effective 18. Reserve mem bers 2. D ecrease since l~st report 5. Practiccs held 24. Average attendance 10. Ca~es attended on publIc duty 26. Cases attended not on public duty 7. Cases pnvat~ly nursed 10. Annual inspection, 7th ept. Total on parade 9. Absent wlth leave 9. Annual re-examination, 21st Dec. Members pl1ssed ~8. ~edallions 2~, Regull1t~on llniform worn by 4 nursing Officers and 14 nursillg sIsters. MaterIal vested ill Lady Superintendent. Division supported by voluntary contrioutions.


St. J 017. n A'inbulance Brigacle.

St. J ohn A n~bulc~nce Brigade.


[' 1'. " 0 .13' 1:>aln1er T P ., <a ll11'nl'n gf d'J VISIon .. b as < , t. Oo:11ery, a,n~l Ins rhl'e?tors have ertuipped the men and built a~l . an:bula~c~ S~.~ttl.on [or first (~ressmgs, tlHJ:t .IS replete with every requisite to reduce p~~n .. <Ulcl suffeung. He bas mfuserl It SPll'~t of. devotion to help in the Oolliery cllt:itl.lCtS of orthumb~rland and DurhlLl11, whlCh WIll bring a sistance where none was obtamltble, a.nd hc IS wn.rmly supported by all the Oolliery owners and line managers. Thefirs~ annual competitions [or the District ilver Shield a.nd Oups District l3ronzc 'h~eld, Deputy Oommissioner's CLlP, C. J3. P~tlmer Cup for mining divisions were he~dll1 the New.ct'Lstle-on-'l'yne Hiding ,'chool Grounds, by kind Vel'mission of th.e Officer cOl~:manclll1g the Northumberland Hussars, the prizes being afterwards plesented by :::h~' I Valter.Plummer, who addres 'eel a. large gathel'in cf as to the utility of a knowledge 111 first a,ld. '" Tl~,e c.Olnl~etit.ions amongst the nursing divisions were held in the same grounds for the Hltchle f31lve.1' Ohallenge Bowl" anel lIull ,.poons, and the competitors were afterw'~l'ds en~eria1l1ecl hy the nursing sisters of the Newcastle Division. The lllspectlOn of the Felling Division was perhaps the mo::;t successful function of the year. In tl~e precence of a greft t glLthering they marched pa t with their band he,'Lrers, wn,~~m, ,ll lters, a?cl stretchers, lwd the Right Hon. Lord H.lwensworth, and th~ Vener~l~le . 11' Oha'!'le~ Mark Palmer, ]3a,rt., who acldre seel them after the conclusion of my o~Clall1lspectlOn, 8aicl, "Tht'Lt it was marvcllous how so much could be done with P~"LctlCt'Llly ~'~~v material in so few week~. ': . The. a,nnual inspection of Hull Corps p.'L . ed oft tmly well. The Tewcastle Dn'lRlOn dId duty at the Yorkshire Show at r-.Ild(U '::;l~oro, ~'Lncl were well <luartel'ecl ancl.chcl some good work under Superintenclent A. L. GIbbon. :fI~llch can yet be done ll1 the :Northern District, where so many l'Lmbuhmce men eXlst. In c~nclu ion, may I conyey my thanks to my District taft, and all Officers for the Ulterest they have taken in the work during the pa ·t year. I have the honour to be, -'ir, Your obedient "ervant,

thc .,.. untiring tenergy of 1 Through f · )een ormed at

No. VI. District. Depnty Commissio?Lm'-Slll'geon- Lieut-Colonel F. ,V. GIBBON, V.D., L.1LC.P., 12, Sydenham Terrace, N ewcastle-oll-'l'yne. Dist1'iet Chief S~wgeon-Mr. J. R. CREASE, F.R . C.S ., Ed., J.P., Ogle Terrace, South Shields. Dist1'i.;t Chief Supe1'intendent-'M..1'. A. H. JOIINSTON, M.n . C. S., L.R.C.P., 497, Anlaby Road, Hull. Dist1'ict S'npe?'intenclent See1'etary-Major C. J . SUTHERLAND, V.D., M. D., Dacre House, South Shields. Dist1'ict Swpe1'intendent of Sto?·es-IHr. C. B. PALMER, J.P., Wanlley Hall, P elaw-on-Tyne. Dist1'ict Sgpe1'intendent Treasw·e?·-Mr. J. G. MODLIN, M. D., Roker Avenue, Sunderland.




Septcmbc1' 30th, 1906.


I have the honour of submitting my annuu.l report for year ending Septemb r 30th, 1906. The year has been full of changes, and event of great interest in Jo. VI. district. I regret to haye to report the loss of my District, Llperilltendent Secretary, Ot'Lptain George Ogilvie, whose death took place somewhat Kudclcnly in the early pa.rt of the year, and the resignu.tion of my Di trict ",uperintendent of Stores, W. G. M orant, whose office of Chief Oonstable of the Oounty of Durham , pre\'ented his gi'v"lng that amount of attention to his duties as he should haye wished. Their places have been filled by three well-known workers in first aid in the Jorth, Drs. Sutherland and Modlin, Hon. Associates of the Order, and O. B. Palmer, .T. P., of Wardley Hall, son of ir Oharles 1\1. Pn.lmer, Bu.rt. The visit of their Majesties, the King and Queen, to N ewcastle-on-Tyne, brought together 300 men and 100 nursing sisters, who took duty in the Oity and l'Lttended to some 700 cases, and for which work they were personally complimented by a mes age from Queen Alexandra for their devotion, and their kind attention to the wants of the populace, on a day that will ever be remembered in the annals of Northern Oounty events, by its terrible downpour of rain, and the creation of the Borough as a Royal city. I take thlli opportunity of thanking the Right Hon. the Lord Uayur, , 'ir Joseph Baxter Ellis, Ohief Oonstable J. B. Wright, LL.B., and those who 0 kindly placed their houses, shops, and yards at the disposal of the Brigade as "d ressing stations;" Messrs. Bovril & 00. for a good ly supply of nourishment; and all H on. Surgeons, Superintendents, and members of Divisions for their kindly assistance, and generally for the order and discipline on this memorable occasion. Thanks is also due to the Ohairman u.nd Directors of the H. & B. Ru.ilway 00., Hull, for granting their men leave and passes to attend the Royal '"lRit, and to District Superintendent Palmer ~Ll1d 1\1rs. Claude Palmer, of 'Vardley llall, Pelaw, for so very hospitably entertaining the members of outlying units from Hull and elsewhere in our first ambulance camp in the North, which was 0 well organized under their direction, and so perfect in its commis ariat as to win the eulogy of Sir Leslie Rundle, K.O.B., &c., commanding the Torthern Division of troolJs on his surprise visit to Wardley Hall Oamp during his tour through the district n,t that time. The divisions have maintained their strength and efficiency throughouL the y'[\'r. N --:v divisions have been formed at Dudley Oolliery, Felling, ,Vhitburn, Addison, Gl'l1;kle, and Blaydon Burn Oollieries, and nursing divisions at ewcastle-on-Tyne, 'Yhltburn and Hull (,Vestern); with a total of 162 officers and men, and .[0 nursing slsters.

]1 e~lmg




Kniyht of Grace of the O/'der of St. John, Deputy Commissioner, No. VI. District. To the Chief COli/missioner, SI. John Ambulance Brigade.

LIST OF CUl:I'H A 'D Dl\'lI'3IO .-H IN Hull 01'pS . 1. 2. 6 " Central Divi ion . 1.2. 6 " " Ul'. ing Di"i ion 1.2. 6 Gate. head Fell Di"i 'ion 17.12.$11 ,Vith eru en. Divi:'ion . 4.5.99 Hull Oorps, Western Diviioll, 9.6.99 " Eastem " 17.7.1900 South hield. url'3ingDiyi 'ion 2-1.9.1900 HullC01'llS, Ea.· tem ursingDiv.14.9.01 H etton-le- IIol e " . 19.fl.01 South, hiehl Polic'e Division. 5.12.01 Malton Division . 11.4.02 N ewca. tle-olJ-Tyne Diyision . 10.10.02 outh ",hields Vol. Life Brigado 19.5.03 HullCorps,!Hull & Barnsley Ry. Di vi ion ( J eptune treit). 7.7.03 Walker Division . 5.1~.03 COUNTY


OIlDEn OF SE~IOllITY, 1905-1906. ,Valker Xursing Division . 5.12.03 lIull Corps, Great Central Ry. Di"i 'ion (Pier) . . 3.6.0'\' Ea t Cramlillgtoll Di vi ion . 1 J. 6. O,\, Hull Corp., Hllll& 13al'llsley Ry. (Alex. Dock) Div. 7.8.04. 'owpen Colliery Divi ion 23 .2.04 Newcastle-on-Tyne Ul'singDiv.24..10.05 Dmlley Colliery Division . 18.11. 05 Felling Colliery" 27.11.05 'Nhithul'll Colliery " 10.5 .06 " " Jursing Div. . 19.5.06 Acldison Oolliery ( tells) Div. 23.6.06 Grinkle Mines Divi. ion . 1 .. 06 HullCorps"Ye tern l1r ingDiv. 24.9.06 Blaydon Burn and Dist. Div. . 2.9.06



Northumberlan~l- ,Valker, JewcasLlc-on-Tyne and NUl' ing, Cowpen Colliery, East

Cramhngton, Dnclley Colliery, Blaydon Blll'll, Addison Colliery. Dl1l'ham-South Shields Police, Vol. Life Brigade nnd ursinO' Hetton-Ie- Hole . Gateshoad Fell, IVhitlJll1'1l amI Nursing, Felling."" , Yorkshll'e-llull Oentral, Ea.tern, ,Vestel'l1, lIull and Bl'Ll'1ls1ey, Clltral Div. aml Alexanura Dock, lIull Oentrn.l, Eastel'll and ,Vcstelll Nursing, Malton, Beverley, Withernsea, Grinkle Mines.

St. John A'1nbulance Brigade.

St. John A mbulcLnce Brigade.






~ os


rn ..., ....~ +>




"" :.a

A ddison Oolliery Div.




Division B laydon Burn Colliery & District Division ... oowpen Oolliery Di v. . .. D udley 0011. & Dist. Di v. E ast Oramlington " F eUing Oolliery " Gateshead Fell " Grinkle Mill es " etton -leHole H " .. , H ull Oorps ... Oentral Division ... Eastern Gt.Oent.Ry." (Pier)Div. Hull & Barn ley By. (Alex . Dock ) Div .... " (Neptune t.)" Western Division * Malton " Di v. N ewcastle-on -Tyne S . Shields Police " v. V 01. Life Brigade Di " Division Walker * w hitburn Oollierv Div. W ithernsea DivisIon






N URSING Dlvlsro 'S. H ull Corps, Oen t. N urs. D. Eastern Nursing Div " Western Nurs. Div. N"ewcastle-on-Tyne S outh Shields urs. " * Walker Nursing "" W hitburn Oolliery " " ... D istrict Staff .. , Total


.... +>



* Beverley


j+> ~

. ~~~ui '"be '"p.+> ~ ... >:l '" P '" p§ a> ~ ClJ 0~ 0










~ '" C ....



p.rn p. 0 ::I ::I rn rn





1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


























































































- -







+>'" '3<.> cO osp. ,o!El ",,,,

1 1 1 1



1 2 1 -

1 -


"'+> p.>:l

'00 ~


rn't:l PIE Ȥ 't:l .... Zo os H




6 21 4 36 5 25

2 1 1 1 -







"I- -



20 4 20 3 2 30 6 19 3 11 4.

1 1


























- 1 30 17 19 74 537




1 1 1 1 1 1











20 30 27 15 44 33 17 47 4 43 34





Hon . Treasurer.








t Included in Ambulance Division .


31 31

1st Officer and Ho n. S ecretary.

Honorary Surgeon .



. Gates, Grove Lodge, Beverley.



[N 0 rcporL received.] BLAYDON BURN COLLIERY AND DISTRIOT (NORTHUMBERLAND .) LFol'lned 2 .9.06.]


Honorary Surgeon.



'. 1. Gaf.l1puell.


F1,1<:M1 'GyrE TA 'NEllY, BEVERLEY.

HE.\D -QUAI:-mns:

29 43 3-1 -

26 28

W. Hall.

Officers 3. ergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 20. Total effective 26 . Drills h cILl 21. Average attendance 16 . Oases attended not Oll public duty 5. Annual inspection, 29th, ept. Total on parade 19. Absent with leave 2. Without leave 5. M e(lallion s~ . Material: litter, 7 stretchers, medical havresac, splints, &c., vested in Stella Ooal Oompany. Division SUppOl teu by I nstitutc, company and JIl emuen;.


Ofli.cers 2.


Acti ng Superin tendent.

C. Todtl, 11, Oowan Street, Winlaton, Blaydon-on-Tyne, Durham . PrivatI::, 1.

Total elleeti\'e 20.

2 H

14 2,1 16 9 6


J. Oromie,

t I ncluded in District Staff.


1st Officer , Hon. Sec., and Insp . of Stores.

J. '1'.

[Formed 2.4.04.J


Honorary Surgeon .

3 161 858

Statement-l Deputy Oommissioner, 1 District Ohief Surgeon, 1 District Ohief Superintendent, 1 District Superintendent Secretary, 1 District Superintendent of Stores, 1 District Superintendent Treasurer, 80 Officers, 74 Sergeants and Oorporals, 698 Privates and Nursing Sisters. Approximate total of all ranks, 858 .

* No returns.

N. Yeats, 92, Addison Oottages, Blaydon-on-Tyne.


3 67 - 26 - 12 12 - 22 - 14 8 -


Inspector of Stores (Acting).

Honorary Secretary (Acting).




26 24








J. Grace.



F. R. Simpson, Hedgefield House, Blaydon-on-Tyn e.

:M . D.

H. Purvis.



'" rn

Acting Superintendent.

Honorary Surgeon .

J. W. Smith,

1st Officer (Acting).











t:l Z


1 1





2 2



5 32








7 33 5 26 -



::I'" ... <.>

1 1



be •


18 2 25 3 2~ 1 11 5 36 4 26 - 15 1 43 -

1 1 1 1 1

+> '"os :> 'k p...

>:l .....



1 1 1


3 20 3 20 -


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1






1 1 2




1 1 1










0 SO OIl IIlrn rn'" ... 0 +> <1 rn '"




....... "" p.-o >:lbe "'''' ot:l pc

1 1



... 0 0'"



... 00 OSC




.~ CfJ







cott, 23, Double Row, Isabella Pit, Newsham, N ewea tle-on-Tyn e.



Dower, 53, Deleval T errace, Waterloo, Blyth. Honorary Treasurer.

J. W. Rc,'eley.

Officers 3. Oorporals 2. Pl'i,'ate 25. Total effective 30. Increase since last rel)ort 9. Drills helel 30. Average attendance 19. Oases u,ttenued on public duty 5. Removal 1. Oases attended not on public duty 64. Annual re-examination 5th May. Members pa eel 29. Medallions 14. Ul'sing certifICates 15. Regnlation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 corporals, and 17 men. Material : 3 stretcher', 3 rug, havresac, cabin et, ·10 triangular bandage, 4 sets of splints, 3 dozen roller bandage, water bottles, vesled in Diyi 'ional Oommittee. Division snpported by members' subscriptions and 1mblic contributions.

St. John A ?nbulctnce Brigade.

St. John A rnbulwr/ce Brigacle.


Officers 4. ScrgeanL 1. COJ'llOl'a,ls 4. Privates 36. Tolal erfecLive 45. Dl'i11s held 36. Average attendancc 27 . Cases attended on pulJlic duty 23. Removals 0. Cases attenc1ell not on puulic duty 30. AUllllal inspection, lst Sept. Total on parade 42. AbselJt with leave 1. Without leave 2. Annual I'e-examinaLion, 20th and 22ncl Feb. Mcmbers passecl 43. Did not ap}Jcar 1. Medallions 9. l{egulaLion uniform WOl'll by 4 Officers, 1 sergeant, 4 corporals, and 36 11Icn. Material: whl'C:) litter, 10 streLchers, 2 surgical havresacs, 2 wall hoxcs, h~ncl cart, eollapsiule hed, 3 large wat~r boWes, basills, rugs, splints, flag starf and fl ag, vested ill Colliery Company . Division snpportecl by Collic-ry Company. The DivLl'ion held a 'onC'ert and Dance on May 26th, when funds were raised to fDrm }1 prize fund. Thil' was added to largely hy friends, and a Ohallcnge Shield and Oup WE-re lJOLlgh t. The Challenge. '11 icld ~m(l 'up were presented to the winners ;\ t the alln ual inspe0tion, hy the H on. AgnC1i Lidd ell, daughter of Lord Ravel1sworth. The 'hield is call eel Lhe "Ravensworth" ~hield, ~tnd the Oup the ,. Liddell" Cup. ..-\. Illost suec:('I'. ful Garden Party was held at ,Yardley Hall, the residence of the Acting Hup rintencl nt, on the oc:oasio11 of the annual inspection. L ord Ra\ ensworth anel ~ir C. L 1',11me1', Bart., ~I. ]>., addressed the mon con(fratulating' them 011 their appellr:1llCC. Th e Di vision held a Ohurch Parade on "und~y, .J une 10th, at H eworth Pltrish Church, when detachments froUl neighuouring Di\'isions were pre ent, thc total number u!:'ing 115. On the occasion of the King'tl \'isit to Newcastle, 42 members of the Diyision were on duty.




Hon . Surgeon and Acting Hon . Treas .

J. Wisbart,

Acting Supt. and Insp. of Stores.

T. Creigh, 11, l\IidJlo How, Dndley.

M. D .

Acting Honorary Secretary.

J. A. Crabtree, 5, Angerton Terrace. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 22. Total eO'cctive 27. Drills helli 27 . Average attendance 19. Cases attended on public duty 3. Cases attended not on public duty 25. Annual inspection, 14th Aug. Total on parad e 22. Absent with leave 2. 'Without leave 3. l\laLerinl: 4 stretchcrs, surgical havresac, splints, etc., vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by members and public. The Division has made steady progress, having enrolled eight new men . orne member attended at Tewcastle on the occasion of the King's visit. everal serious cases of accident in the Dudley Oolliery were removed to their homes, a,nd two speci<11 ones to Royal Infirmary. EAST CRAMLINGTON DIVISION (NORTHUMBERLAND ). [Formed 6.11.04.] HEAD-QUARTERS:



Hon. Surgeon and Treasurer.

J. Anderson,


M.A., :tILB.

Supt. and Hon. Secretary.

W. II. Bird, 1, Single Junction Row, East (Jramlington.

Acting 1st Officer.

K Wilson .

Superintendent (Acting)

C. B. Palmer, J.P., ",Vanlley H all, Pela w -on-Tyne.

1st Officer, Hon . Sec., and Acting Hon . Treas.

W. Handyside, Brandling T errace, Felling-on-Tyne. 2nd Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

W, Troy,

Sergt. A. Bloomfield.

Insp ector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. A. R obins.

Pte. II. M. Allen .

Ollicc\'s 3. el'geallls 2. Corporals~. Privates 26. T otal effectivc 33. Decrealjo silJ~e lal:iL report 9. Drill llc1<.1 10. AYcr,\ge aLlellllauce 10. Cases atLenLled Oil pulllic <.1uty 9. Cascs attentled 110t un public LIuty 7. Annual in. pection, 2Ulh ,'cpl. Tola.l 011 parade 1 Ahsent wiLh lea\'e n. With out lcave 6. AllllWll re-cxttlllil1<tliol1, 19th .A pril. nlcmuel's pa sed:ll. Did not appear 12. i'tl e(lalli olls 15. ,'ervlce badgc' 6. RegulaLion uniforlll ,,"om hy ;3 Officer, :lcrg' IJtl:i, :4 eOI'[lol'a1.·, aud ~4 mCll. .M aterial: amlJUlance chest, -1 stretchers; hampel', surgicltl llan-c'llc, 21 water boLLlc ', 24 hancsacs, ve ted in trustees. Di \'isioll Sl1 pPOl'tctl hy \'olull tal'y conll'ilm tiOllS. Tell new l1ni[urll1~, 1 water 1 utlles, and ~ 1 !la,He,'aes lla\'e been upplied. Twentyth e offic.:el'l:i ancllllt'll paraded for duty on .J nly 11th, when Their ~Iajestip · The Kin O' and Queen \'isil ·d :;:\ ewc.:astlc. Two Leallltl c:ull1pded aL X ewca::;tle on 'aturday, J Ull~ ~nd ill the Di::;tl'ic.:t 'olllpelitiollS, willlliJ1g the, 'ihel' Ohallenge 'hield and Distric:t 'ta n Uu!'s. The D 'puty COlllmissioll TS' Cup and Medals by ' pointlj and the Bronze bullcnge 'hield by 11 points, and only lo::;ing the C. 13 Pulmer Challenge Bowl (fur Minillg Di\'isiulls) by point'. GRINKLE MINES DIVISION (YORKS ).


Honorary Surgeon .

Pte. T. Wilkinson, 3 ,Hichmolld 'treet, Gateshead.

Alcxa:HIc\, RO:1d, Gateshcad.

Pte. J. Strong.

D. McFadyen Millar, 111. B.


Hon . S ecretary.

J. Tric:key,

Inspector of Stores.

[Formed 27.11.05].


M. D.

Sup erin tendent.

1st Officer.


[Formt>d 17.12.94.]

Honorary Surgeon.

H. Anderson,

T. Curran.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Pl'lvates 11. Total elrectivc 15. AYerage attendancc 25. Casc,' Decrease since l~st report 7. Drills held 43. ~ttende.d on publIc duty 1. Cases altclldE-'d not On puulic: duty 163. AIlDual mspect1On, 15th Sept. Total on parade 15. Annual I'e-cxaminaLioll, 19Lh April. Members passed 12. Dill not appeal' 2. ledanions 5. R egulation uniform WOl'll by 2 Officers, 1 . ergea~t, and 11 men. Material: aml.mlance hampcr, surgical bavresac, am l.Jlllance cablUet, 4 stretchers, 4 rugs, 4 la}'O'e and 14 mall \\ atC'\' bottles 4 sets ?f splin~, 16 havresacs.. 1 ~aJ?(~age macbil1~, °3~ dozen assorted bamlages', 4 ela1>.tlC. t(lUrlllqllets, vested in Drn 10nal Committec. Division supporled by subscrJ]Jt1OJ1S, concerts, etc, I n July the ,,-hole of the members attended on the occa ion of the King's "il:iit to r ewcastle on July 11th, under the charge of lIon. SU.rgeon .cott, ~f Hull. During the same month the officers a~d membel'~ wer~ provIded wIth ul1lform ; gencrous grants of ~?ney from those lDterested in Bngade work were made, the Dlvision also subscnbmg.



[Formed . 06.J


Hon . Surge on .

J. W.



Hon . S ec. and Hon . Treas. (Act in g) .

G. tephenson, Port J\lulgrave, IIilluewell, R. .0.

Act ing Supe rintenden t .

J. HillCe, HillC:l'est, Whitby. Inspector of Stores (Act ing).

G. Adamson.

Officers 2. Privates 15. 'l'otal effective 17. Aunual inspccLion, 9th epL. Total on parade 16. Absent ,yithont leave 1. Medallion 1.

St. J ohn A rnbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn A'inbulance Brigade.


2 havresacs, 9 small havresacs, 9 small and 1 large water bottle, 6 ground sheets, 60 triangular bandages, a supply of varions splints and 1 rug, vestcd in Hull Centre St. J. A.A. Division supported by members' suhscriptions. During the year our men have done duty at the" Hull Fair," and also at J ew castle on the visit of H. 1. the King, also at the Sunday • chool Demonstration, where some two thou and children were assembled. Eight men do duty weekly with the " Hull Boys' Club," where some thousands of minor cuts and bruises are attended in the course of a yea.r.




Hon . Surgeon .

A. S. Watson,


1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.


J. Adamson, M.D ., H etton Honse, Hetton-Ie-Hole. Inspector of Stores and Hon . Treasurer.

T. Mills.

T. Robson, Belgrave House, Easington Lane, Hetton-Ie-Hole, R. S. O.

(HULL CORPS ) EASTERN DIVISION. [Formed 17.7.1900.]

Officers 3. Oorporal l. Privates 43. Total effective 4.7. I ncrease since last report 10. Drills held 24 . Average attendance 1~. Oases attended on public duty 47 . Removals 10. Cases attended not on ubltc duty 10. Annual inspectio.n, ~Sth July. Total on parade 33. Absent ,,?thout leave 14. Annual re-exanllnatlOn, 19th May. Members passe.d 15. Dld not appear 31. Medallions IS. 8ervice badgcs 6. Regu lati oll u.mrorm worn by 2 Officers. Material: Ashford litter, 5 stretchers, blankets, SplllltS, hot and cold water bottles, collapsible bed, vested in Divi ional Committee. Division sUP110rted by proceeds from concerts, etc. . . . ' The Division consists almost entll'ely of n11ne1'S. It has been tWICe on pU?lIC dut.y, viz. :-On the occasion of the Royal visit to J ewcastle, :1nd on the occaRlOn of the l\Iiners' D emon tration at Durham. A young woman was removed by mea.ns of the Ashford Litter from Hetton Downs to Houghton-Ie-Spring, a distance of 1~ mil~s, the litter had to be got o\,er a gate four f(;;et high, the fe~t was suecessf~lly ,wc?mp!lshed. The Division i making arra.ngements for eOn?Uet111g cl~ ses of llls~ruetlon 111 fi~"t aid and nursing during the year, and hope to still further 111Cl'ease theu member::;lup.


HULL CORPS (YORKS.). [Form ed 1.2.S6.] HEAD-QUARTE lt

Chief Su rgeon.


Chi ef Sup erintendent.

Surg.-Capt. A. W. S(;ott.

M. Hoppel', 63, COltlllHll SLreul, Hull.

Sup erin tend en t Se cretary.

Supt. of Stores and Supt Treasurer.

J. H. "Wingate.

J. O. Vaughan, 4.5, Belvoir St., Hull. (Si:J~ A1nb~Llance Divisions)-Officers 22.

(TMee NU1'sing Divisions)-Officers 10.

, ergeallLs 12. Corporals 20. Privates 173. ursing sisters lOr;. 'foLal ctfective 342.


Honorary Surgeon.

P. R. Ash,

JlLR . C.S .

1st Officer.

W . T. Atkinson.


[Formed 2. 6.]


Superintend ent.

F. H. Vaughan, 244., Spring Bank, Hull. Honorary Secretary.


Honorary Tr easurer.

Sergt. H. H oggarth.

Sergt. T. Penn.

Officers 3. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 4. Privates 33. Total efl'ective 4.3. Decrease since last report 7. Drills held 26 . Average attendallce 27. Case. attended not on public duty 301. Annual inspection, 23rcl June. ToLal on parade 35 . Absent with leave 4. Without leave 4. Annual re-examination, 2nd April. Medallions 27. ervice Members passed 37. Failed 1. Did not appear 4. badges 55. Nursing certificates 31. Regulation unirorm worn by 3 Officers, 3 sergeants, 4 corporals, and 17 men. Material: wheeled littcr, complete , 6 stretch ers,

E. F. Kranse, 17, Grosvenor Street, Hull. Honorary Secretary.

1st Officer.

'crgt . G. A. Dobl)s, 69, "W estcott St.

II. E. Humphrey.

Honorary Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

COl·pl. E. Elli ...

'ergt. A. '1'11 nrloe. Officers 3.

• el'geanLs 2.

'orporals 3.

Privates 26.

Total errective 34.

J Ileren,se since last r porL 11. Drills beld 32 . Average aLLendaDee 17. Removals 9.

Cae::; atl ' lHletl Dot 011 puhlie duty 1 O. Annual inspection, 23rd June. T otal 011 paralIc 29. Absent with leaw 5. AnlJual re-examiuation, 17th April. i\I 'mbers passet117. Diclnot appear 16. :r.iulu.lliollS 11. Service l ,adges S. :Tursing cerliljcaLes 3. Regulation uniform wuru by 3 OlIicers, 2 sergeanLs, 3 corporals, and 24 men. Malerial: cltretchel'!:;, surgic:a.1 havresac, 'YaleI' bottles, splillts alld bandages, yesLed in Hull Cen trc •. J .A. A. Divi .. ioll ::;npporie(l by coneerts, ete. The III mber were on l'uhlic duty at Hull Fair, in East Park on Good J!'riday and Easter ~Iollda) ; at ewr<lstle-on Tync, on the occasion of the ,i. it of their l\bje., tieR thc King and Queen; Einl.;·.toll HOYer Football 'ports and Gala; Temperance 1 elllollslratiull in En.t Hull; East Hull Flower how and Brass Ba.nd Contest; Boys' Olub Oamp. It is vcry gratifying that during the year, )1e8srs. Reckitt's & 'on LLd., and hrough the llHtnnger, .T. Young, ES(h the Briti::;h Gas Light Co., Ltd., lUl\ c kindly pro\'icled tho:-lc Illemhers "bo joined the Divi ion from their works ,,·ith unifol'lllt:;. fur \\-bid) we tend ' 1' our :;incercst thnnks. Through the kindness of .Me, 81'S. J. l'4tuuL and ico. \\rri~ht, the oftiecr:-l and 111uml)ers of this Di\'i ion weI'P asked to accept the ambulance hou '0 at the Victoria Dock, which wa opened by the )Iayor, Councillor Hiehnrclon in Octoher, 1 \:14, anel con·i ·ts of n. wooden building, wheeled litter, lretcher \\-ith prin~' mattrel'S and hood; which \\ ,ts sp einlly pro\'icled fLlr the doekcn; in case of al'cident; it i.. now named Victoria . \mllUlnnce •' ta_tion ; we hn.Ye had it thoroughly cleaned andl'el'ainted and it has been us.el on senmtl ol'ca:-;ions. Our most .luee!'e thanks are due tu ?I[e ·n;. James ::::\tout nnd GeoJ'P'e '\Vri"ht for this most acceptahle gift, nnel to tile. 81'S . "W nde & on:<, Ltd., fur their kindness in a.llowing the station to he kept on their groullds. Our thanks are also rlue to the Directors of Mes ri:). us::;ons Bros. & Co., Ltd.: for pl'O\iding a first aid en.binet for thi" sta.tion. T


Corp. G. H. Cobby, 105, pri ng Bauk, Hull.

I nspector of Stores.


Honorary Surgeon.

O. L. AppletoD, L.R.C.I'.


lIUI,T, Boy;;' CLUB, HULL.


Hon . Su rgeon.



R. W. Winter, 3, Park A venue, Perry treet, Hull.

Fullerton, M.D.

1st Officer and Hon . Treasurer.

W. Lord . Hon . S ecretary.

J. W. impson, 5, t. Leonarc1s Road, Beverley Road, Hull.

Inspector of Stores.

ergt. C. H. Cuthbert.


St. John



St. John Ambulance BTigade.

Offi cers 3. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 3. Privates 3~. Total ell'ecLive 40. I ncreasc since Jast report 13. Drills heJd 24. Average attendance 19. Oases attenued on public dnty 5. Removnls 2. Oase~ aLtended llOt .011 public c1uty.35. Annual in pediou, 24th Junc. Total 011 parade 21. Absent WILh leaye 3., .·WIthout leave 13. Annual re·examinaLion, 13th May. Membcrs pass cd 19. Jjalled 4. Did not appear 16. :iUcdallions 15. J nr~ing ccrtificate 1. Rcguh~lion uniform worn by 2 Officers, 2 scrgeant~, 3. corpora,ls, ~lJd 18 n.len. l\1.n,tenal: 1 wh eel litter 3 stretchers 4 amLulancc c,.blUets, q11anllty of splmt · and llUnunges, vested in Di~i~iol1al Oom:llittce. Division supported by members' subscripLions. This Di \'ision has 1l1 ••de grea,t progress, having put into unifol"lll. 2~ oHicers an.c1 men a,nd by va,l'ious mea,ns raised sufficicnt to p~y for then:... ~ C~ll~lllgCI1 t fro111 tIns Division wa on duty a,t Newcastle on the OCC,1,S1011 of the Kmg s V1SIt.

All our members are now in uniform. A tcam represented the H.B. Railway 00. at the Railway Ohallenge Shield Oompetition at L ondon in May, ] 906. They also represented the lIull Oorps in the competition at Blackpool for the Argenta Oup in June, 1906. They were successful ill winning the Hull Centre Trophy on June 23rd 1906. An imrroved First Aid Cabinet, called the" Neptune" Ambulltnce Oabinet, has been designed hy the officers, and adopted 1::y the H. B. Railway, and has also 13 members did duty been supplied to various firms in lIull and :r ewcastle. at Newcastle on the Dcca ion of the visit of lIis Majesty The Kin~, in July . Our thanks are due to thc directors and officials of the II. B. Railway Co. for valuaLle assistance during the past year.



Honorary Surgeons.

E. E. Laslett,

J. D. 1'IlcWillie,

1st Officer (in charge).

A. Stead, 67, Steynbl1l'g SLreet, New Bridgc Road, lInll.

LB .

Hon. Secreta ry.

Pte. J . W . Rhodes, 1, Bilsby Terrace, Durham Street, Hull. Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

Pte. J. W. Priest.

Sergt. A. E. Clarkson.

Officers 2. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 4. Privates 21. Total e(J'ecti\'e 29. Drills held 19. Average attendance 18. Cases aUeneled OJ] public duty 10. Oases attended not on public duty 168. Annnal inst,ection, 24th June. Total on parade 25. Absent without leave 4. Annual le.examination, 20th May anJ 20th Sept. Members passed 16. Failed 9. Did not appear 3. l\lellalJioll 14. Reg~lla­ tion uniform worn by 1 Officer, 2 sergeants, 4 coq,orals, and 21 men. Matenal: 4 stretchers, 3 dozen triangular bandflges, 2 water bottle,', 2 colourel1 diagram,', 2 sets splints, 1 balldage machine, vested in Hull and Bam. ley Railway Co. Division supported by members anu voluntary contrihutions. Nine of our members did duty in ewcastle during the King's vi::;it in July last. They have also during the year held two B.1,lls ltnd raised sufficient funds to place the members in uniform.

[Formed 9.6. 99.J



Hon. Surgeon.


J. Grieve,


Sup erintendent and Hon. Treasurer.


1st Officer.

A. O. Carter, fI, Pn·toria Street, HawLhorne ..8...Ycllue, Hull.

T. H . Johnson.

Acting Hon . Secretal'Y.

Act ing Inspector of Stores.

G. W. TIall, 90,

'lumocr Street, lIull.

OOl'pI. II. Broadbent.

Officers 4. ergeant 1. Corporals 4. Privates 25. T otal effective 34. I ncrease since last report 9. Drills held 27. A"erage attendallce 12. Oases attendeel not on public duty 388. AUllUn.l inspection, 231'1l JUlle. Total on parade 18. Absent without leave 16. Annual re-examination, 1st May. ]l,lem1>e1's passed 15. Did not al'pear 17. MeclalJjon~ 12. f:;prvire badges 2. Nursing ccrtificates 2. UrglllaLioll uniform worn ~Jy 2 Officers, 1 sergeant,. 4 corporals, and 7 men. Material: 1 Furley stretchcr, 1 ullproved stretcher, 1 surgIcal h~Yre ac, 1 al1l1mhLllC hox containing splint, banclages, l~Dee pa~s,. etc., vested lJl Hull Oentre, .J.A. A. Divi iolt supportcrl by TIlrlllllers subscl'1ptlOn . I

MALTON DIVISION (YORKS ). [Fonned 14-.4.02.J lIE ID'QUAltlEUS : OORN l~XUllANGE, MALTO);,. (N 0 l'c'port recci\'cu).


[Forllled 10.02.J IlE .I D-QUAIlTEltfl:





Hono rary Surgeon. Honorary Surgeon .

D. R. Moil', Actin g Super inte nd ent.

1st Officer.

F. Wilson, 204, Alliance Avenue, Hull. Honorary Sec retary.

Sergt. S. Nunns,74, Bean ,'t., Hull.

J. M. Gover,

lIT.A., lIT.U., CH .B.

T. Lamb.

Inspector of Stores.

Honorary Treasurer.

I::lergt. R. Agar.

OOl'pl. T. Alvin.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Corporals 2. PlivaLes 36. Total effective 43. I ncrease since last repurt 13. Drills held 42. Average attendance 19. Oases attended on public uuty 4. Oases attended not on public duty 114. Annual inspection, 24th June. Total on parade 43. Allnual re·examination, 27th May. Members passed 31. Did not appear 11. Medallions 25. Service badges 2. Nursing certificates 2. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officcrs, 2 sergeants, 2 corporals, and 34 men. Material: stretchers, bandages, splints, surgical havresac, water bottles, etc. , vested in Hull and Bal'l1sley Rail way 00. Division supported by members'subscriptions.


A. L. Gibbon, 12,'yLlen ha,lll Tenare, ewca. tle-on.Tyne. In spector of Stores.

Oorpl. W. R. Thrower.

M . D.

Hono rary Secretary.

Oorp1. W. C. Holt, 24, Hotltbl11'y Terrace, ewcastle-Ol1-Tyne. Honorary Treasurer.

el'gt. G. R. Ourry.

Olliccrs 2. ergen.nt 1. Oorporals 3. Privates 20. Total effective 26 . I DCl'eaSe si nrC last report 3. Drills held 37. A "erage ~ttelldal1ce 13. Oases atlendce) on public duty 46. Oases attended not on pu~hc duty 18. ~llnual in&peeLion, 20lh cpt. ~otal. on parade 16: Ab ent WIth leaye 3. "~Ithout l eave 7. Annual I'c·exallllllatlOl1, 1 th Api'll. Members passed 19. Dld not appeal' 6. l\Ic(lt1,lliolls 17. Service hadges 4 . . Regnlation nniform \yorn by 1.0ffiee.r, 1 scrgettn t, 3 corporal,', anll 20 mcn. Un tenal : 1 111l1~ulanee eablllet,.4 stI.e~c~lels, 4 sets splints, 4 havl'osacs, 4- watel' lJoLLle~, bauda.ges, Illlt, ete., ve~telll1l ~)l:l lOl1ul Oommittee. Divisio n supported hy pnl>hc donatlOns aud members sub cnptlOlls.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.

St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

The most noteworthy event of the year has been the acquisition of the regulation uniform which i now worn by all members of the Division, and has been obtained solely the efforts of the .members. :r,he Divisio~ turned out and ;:l,id public du~y in the streets on the occaSIOn of the VISIt to the CIty of H ,1\I. the Tung, and agmn were in evidence at the Yorkshire Agricultural Show at Middlesboro. On February 21st, The Felling Colliery Division, nnder Supt. Pa,lmer, visited the H eadquarters of this Division. Supt. Palmer presented the certIficates., and n.lso handed to Lh e members of the Division, who were entitled to them, erVlCe badges.

stn.nc1ard . The Division has been on public duty :-November 11th, 19,05, at the OlJenillg of thc New Dock at Seah.am Bar.hour; ~uly ~1th, on the occaSIOn of the King's visit to Newcn.stle. On t~IS occas~o?- t.heIr ,dutIes were most arduous. ~he Division have sent teams to 7 puuhc competltIOns c1urmg the yen.r,and have had var;ymg successes, viz.: -twice first, t,vice second, and once fourth, fifth, and sIxth respectively.




[Formed 5.1 2.01.]



W. Scott, Chief Oonstable's Office, South Shields.

vVelb eck Road, "Walker. Honorary T reasurer,

PLe. Virtue.

Ollicer 1.

Privates 30.

Total eITective 31.


Inspector of Stores.

O. McOormack.

[Formed 11.5.1906.]


Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 20. Total effective 28. Oases Decrease since last report 1. Drills held 19. Average attendance '27. attended on public duty 64. Removals 8. Annual inspection , 31st ngust. Total on parade 28. Annual re-examination, 26th April. l'iIember~ pass~d 27. Medall~olls 17. Reaulation uniform worn by 1 Officer; others wear PolIce nmform. MaterIal: waO'on ~tretchers and dressings . Thcre are three Divisional Police tations, where str~tcl;ers (wheeled) and dressings are kept handy, and 4 fire call boxes, which contain a stretcher; all are connected by telephone to the Oentral Office. Material vested in South Shielus Oorporation. A draft of the Division were detailed for duty at Newca tIe on-Tyne upon the occasion of the Royal visit in July, and the di vision lJerformed duty in the streets ou the occasion of the National Lifeboat D emonstration in September. During the year a Competition was held for 5 Silver Cups and 5 ilver Medal, presented by Alderman Robert R eadhead, J.P., Alderman T. D. 1arshall, and Justices and members of the Council of South Shields. The Cups were presented absolutely to the mnnin O' team, instead of having to be won three times. Alderman R eadhead has provided the necessary funds to supply cups for further competition. S. SHIELDS VOLUNTEER LIFE BRIGADE DIVISION (DURHAM). [Formed 19.5.03].

Han . Surgeon.

J. G. D. Cort,

Act ing Supt., Hon . Sec., and Inspector of .Stores.

O. W. Wheatley, l\larsdeJl,

LIt . C.S.

D. Davis.

R. Leary.

Ofilcers 3. ,ergeants 2. Oorporals 4. Privates 19. Total effective 28. Drills held 22. Avpraae attendance 15. Oases attended on public duty 15. Oase nttendctl not on public duty 10. Annual inspection, 2~nc1. 'ep~. Total .on parade 20. Ab ent with leave 1. With~ut leave 7. l\ledalllOns {. e.r~lCe haLlgc 1. Material: ·1 stretchers, 1 surglcal ~laVreSa0, ] large box contall1ll1g fir t aid appliances, splints, ballllages, wool, lm~, pIa tel', etc., etc., all the property of the 11 arton 000.1 00., Ltd., vested III the Harton 00[11 00., Ltd. Division supported by Illemhtl's .. The Di\'ision attended on pubhc duty at Tewca .t~e, on July 11th, 1906, on the occa ion of 'Their MajL tie (The Ying and Queen) VISIt. WITHERNSEA DIVISION (YORKS ).

Han . S urgeon.

A. E. R. \V. L en.ry, The

J. R. Orease, Junr., M.R.C.S. 2nd Officer.

J. Page.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 28. Total effective 34. I ncrease since last report 8. Drills held 30. Average attendance 12. Oases attended on public duty 4. Annual inspection, 19th Sept. Total on parade 20. Absent with leave 5. Without leave 9. Annual re·examination, 30th April. Members passed 17. Did not appear 16. JUedallions 15. Material: 5 stretchers, a1J1uulance hamper, 4 havresacs, 7 waler bottles, uandages, splints, blankets, dry clothing, beels, aud many requisites for shipwrecked mariners, vested in South Shields Volunteer Life Brigade. Division supported by contributions. The year ending September 30th, 1906, has been the most successful the Division has experienced since its formation. Much of its s uccess has been due to the addition of n ew members who have greatly helped to keep the Di vision up to its

[Formed 4.5.99.]


Superin tendent.

Honorary Surgeon .

ou \,11 Slllelds.

Act ing Hon . Treasurer.

Acting 1st Officer.


J. W. Buckland, 12, Winches ter Street, S. Shields.


Honora ry S ec l-etary.

L. W . J. Jagger, Central Police Station, South Shields.

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.


Pte. J. Bnckley, 46, Foster Street, Walker.

2nd Officer and Hon. Secretary.

1st Officer.

T. G. Young.

LFol'med 5.1203].

Honorary Surgeon and Superintendent.

R. P. Dawson,


Han . Surgeon.



tores, \Vithernsea.

Honorary Secreta ry .

G. H. Batty, 7, Queen treet, outh Withernsea.

proulle, L.H.C.P. 1st Officer and Honorary Treasurer.

H. Anthony. Inspector of Stores.

COl'pI. C. W.


Offil'el' 3. el'geant 2. Oorpol'al1. Privates 11. T otal effective 17. Drills held 19. AveraO'e attendance 9. Oases attended on public duty 5. Removal 1. Oase attenued not on public duty 6. Annual inspection, 26th ~pt . T otal 011 paradc 10. Ab ent with leave 5. 'Yithout leave 2. An?ual re-eXanll~la­ tiOll 26th cpt. Members passed 10. Did not appear 6. Iedalhons 8. Nursmg certificate 1. R egulation uniform worn by :3 Officers 2 ergeants, 1 corporal and 10 men. Iateria1: 2 stretchers, 1 hamper, 2 rugs, 1.5.,,:atel' bottles, 13 haversacs" splints, and hallllagef', vested ill Divisional Centre. DIVIsIOn upported by members subscriptions, entertainment, &c. . On the occn. ion of their 1\In.jesties visit to Newcastle m J Illy, 1 officer and 8 men were detailed to attend.

St. J ohn Ambu lance Brigade.

St. J ohn A 17~bulance Brigade.





Hon . Surgeons.

E . E. Laslett,

lII. D.

Lady Superintendent .

Iiss A. Jackson, ~r. B.

Miss M. J . Hare, The Limes, Crystal St. Hull.

Lady Super i ntendent.

Honor-ary Surgeons .

Miss 111. C. Murdoch, L.R.C.P. & S. G. Derwick, L... A. 1st Nurs i ng Off. a nd Lady T r eas.

Mrs. C. Whcatley, 112, Park Grove.

Mrs. R. Kran e, 17, Grosvenor Street, Hull.

L a dy S ecr et ary.

L a dy Treasurer.

E. Jarman.

S. Backwell.

2nd Nurs i ng Off. and Lady Sec.

Miss E. Hardy, 61, Spring Street, H ull.


Nursing Officers 3.

Nursing sisters 12.

'l'otal efl'ective 15.

[N 0 report received .]

3 r d Nursing Off. and Lady Insp . of Stores .

Miss L. Railey, 7, Cogan Street, Officers 6. N ursing sisters 67. T otal effective 73. Decrease since last report 2. Practices held 20. Average attcndance .46. C~ses attended not on public dnty 208. Cases privately nursed 192. Annual lJ1SpectlOn, 22nd June. Total on parade 44. Absent with lcave 5. , Vithont leave 24. .Annual re-examination, 9th April. Members passed 47. Diu not ap~ear 2.5. ~J edalholls.47. ReO"ulation uniform worn lw 4 nnrsinO" OlliCHS and 27 nt1l'smg sIsters. lIIatenal : 1 b~dstead and mattress, piilow, 3 p~ir sheets, 1 pair blankets, quilt, 2 wa.ter beds, air cushions, berl rest, bed )lans, hot water bottle, waterproof sheets, ~eodll1g ('u_ps, splints, triangular and roller bandage, bandage wllldel's, .an~ other 1?-u.r .mg maLenal, vested. in the Hull Centre, St. John Ambulance AssoClatlOn. DIVlslon snpported by members' sub criptiolls, concerts, &c. .' Four officers and 14 nursing ister \vere on duty I1t the Fa.lr StatIOn, fr?m the 10th to 16th October, 3 went on duty with PCl1rson's fresh a.ir trip for 10 l' childr~n, when 2 000 of the waifs of the City were taken for a day in the country. FIrst nursing officer ]l,lr. ,\Theatley, 3rd nursing officer Miss Bailey, alld 11 nurs~ng si ters left here for outh hields, to be ready for duty next da.J. 11 nul' mg officers I1nd nuring i:::;ters \\'ere on duty in Newca.<;tle on the occ[1E1ion of the yi it of their nIt1jesties, the King a,nd Queen. On Thursday,. the 12th J l~ly, the fir t di trict competition for nursing sisters wa hcld in outh lllelds, for whlCh two teams from this Divi ion were entered, the 1 t prize, t\, ih'er hallenge Cup, ,,~o,s awa,rded to nursing sisters Jl.Iiss L. Vaughl1n, Mrs. 'J'o\\'llend, J\Iiss Petty, and Jl,lls Reever, who each received a beautifully de igned Silver Spoon, ngraved With the n .r ul?, 231'd, ewcastle Coat of Arms, as 11 personal momenta of the occasion. 2nd nursing officer Miss Hl1rdy, attended at Jl,Ia.l'lborough Hou e to receIVe her L onO" Service Medal from H.R.H. the Plince of Wales, Grand Prior of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. During the pa t yea.r 1,93~ vi ' its hn.\'e been paid to the 192 ca e , which have been privo,tely nursed .


L a d y S upe r inten d e n t and A ct in g S ec.

W. E. Alderson, M.D.

Mis E. B. Brelltnall, 23, E lington Terrace, N ewcastle-on-Tyne.

Lady In sp ector of Sto r es .

L a dy T re as urer-.

l'lliss W . Alderson.

Mr . J. Routledge.

. K ur iug Officers 2. N nl' ing sisters 12. Total efredi \'C H. Practices helJ 23. AYerage attendance 13. Ca es atteDlled on public duty 26. 9ase !lttendt'll not on public duty 13. Case privately nursed 1. Annual Inspectl?U, ~9th ptember. '1'0 tal 011 parade 13. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-exanUl1atl.0J1, 231'~ March. Members pa ed 11. Did not appear 2. 1\ledallions <c . R~gulll.tlO!1 ullJ~orm \\'ol'll by 2 Jnrsing Officers and. 12 nursing sisters. Matenal: Spllllt·, trIangular and roller bandage'. Divi iOll supported. by members' and public sub. cription .. On July lIth, 1906, on the occn ion of the Royal "isit to Newca tIe, a detachment wa on public duty.



[Formcd 14.9.01.]


Honora r y Surgeon .

J. Divine,


Miss A. Hargreaves, 21, Westcott Street, H ull.

L a dy S ecr etary and Treasu rer .

Miss F . E . Hargreave', 21, vVestcott Street, Hull.

Lady In s p ector of Stores .

Miss E. Salvidge.

Officers 2. Nursing si ·ters 26. Total effective 28 . I ncrease since last report 1. Practices held 20. Average attendance 14. Cases attended 011 publie duty 5. Ca. ('s attended not on public duty 43. Ca ('s privately l1mse.J 42. Annual inspection, 22nd Junc. Total 011 parade 9. Ab. ent with leave 7. Without leave 12. Annual re-examination, 23nl April. Members passed 17. Diu not appeal' 10. :Medallions 19. Hegulation uuiform WOJ'll hy 1 Nursing Officer and 5 n\ll'Sill~ sisters. Material: bandagcs, splints, and tour1liquet. Divisio1l. upPOl'lcd lly snbscriptions. The Division was well rcpregentecl at the Hull F,~ir Station in October, and u.lflo at the various Church Pam.cles, &c. A mORt successful • ocial Evening wn.s held, at which prize.-, meda,lliolls, certificates, &c., were presented by Dr. '1'1111111111 to the nursing sisters.


H onorary Surgeon.

1I. Gonrlie,



[Fonucd 26.9.1900.] HIELDS.

L ady S upt., S ec. and Tr easurer.

Mr '. J. R.

rea. e, 2, Ogle Terrace: South Shields.

L ady Inspector of Stores.

Ii s J. Grey, ROSIllOUllt, Harton Road,



Officer 2. Nursing si tel'S 22. Total effective 24. I ncrease ince la t report -i . Practices held 27. Averaae attendance 9. Cil: es attended 011 public d.uty 80. Ctt e attended not Oll l>ubli~ duty 50. Cases pI:n-ately nnrsecll1. AllnWtl in p('ction, ~9th ept. Total on parade 10. Absent WIth leave 3.. Without leave 11. Alllluairp-exa.mination, 2 tIl April. Members MCllallions 13. en'ice ba.daes 2. ReO"lllation passed 11. DId not apl)eal' 9. 'f 0 U111 or~l. worn by :2 .I ur 'ing Ofllcers and 16 nUl' ing iter.0 )raterial: large (plan tItleS of lllll' ing requisites, water and ail' beds aud. cushions, bed and bedding, waterproof sheets, leg Tests, bed linen and blanket, bronchitis kettles, ice bags, and many sick room requi'ites, bath chairs, carrying chairs, spinal rarriagee, &c., Division up ported bV special donations and vested in Divisional Committee. colI ections. On the vi it of their Ia.jesties, The King and Queen, to N ewca tIe, on 11th July, 1906,11 detachmtnt was on duty. Over 70 cases of first o,id were treated, Dl


St. J ohn A m uldance B Tigacle.

) It. J ohn A m uu lance BTigade.


R. P . Dawson,


No. VII. District.

)lr . A. Lee, 10, Wcstbourne Garde]ls, Walker.

;)J.B .

Lady Inspecto r o f S to r es.

La dy S ecre tary.

"Jliss ,'hea, \Ve]1,cek Roa(1.

,\1 r". 0). E. GrJ.llam, 23, ,Vcsthonrne GarJcn ., 'Walker. Oflieers 2,

fFormed 5. 12.03 .]

Lad y Superin t e ndent.

Honorary Surgeon .

Nursing istels 14.,

Tu:al effective 16.

DfJjJl(ty ('rJinmissio,LfJ'-, '11J'!!eC)11 Colo]]"1 E .CUJ'E'!'C'T ~ " , ~ )": V . I ),'

, 'hrcw'lhnI'Y·


lJ i.~tl ·il'l (hif-( SlIl'gcoll-Smgcoll Licut. -Colonel .T. D. LLOYD, The Monnt, Chirk, North W~les.

Di ~ll 'i"l .')'/lj'Jr'riillrilllrul .)'(,n'eta'·V--1 Ill'('eO)1 1faJ'OI' J' " A Jo 'EL' '1 r)., At.11C!'avon, " .. , AI,. ", Port Tulll()l (GlllnJ.) .

[Fornwl 19 . .J.] 90fi]. HEAD-QuA TlTEHS: WliITUL'll~ COLLIElll' ,~('HOOJX

Lady S upt., S ec., Acting Inspector o f Stores and T reasurer.

chool House, Marsden, I 'outlt

,1.['., C 0 11 ege R'll 1 ,


iJislncl. Uhicj Supei'iiltendenl-Mr , J . W. \YIII1'£, A.J.Jl., The BalJk, IrOll Bridge, Salol'.

(X 0 nport rcceiYc(1.)

Mr, . K. ~I. Rob 'on,




NllIsing Otiicers 2. "ursiJlg siter. . Total effective 10 . . Practices held 1 . Average attendance 6. Cases a tt~llded Hot on llUulJc rlll ty 11. -Cases privately nUl' ed 16. Annual ilJ~]le{'tiolJ, !9th •'ept. Totoal Oil. pamtle G. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 1. ~le<lalholls 2. Regll1at)o]1 1111liorJII WOI'll by 1 Kurslllg Ofl1cer and 4 llursillg si .. tcr... ~Jaterial: Al1JIll11allce llalJlppJ', be(ll~aJJ, ice head IJa ff , clinical thermomet.er, llath tbermometer, balJdage', rollcr m:lclllne, first aid ap~liaJJces, etc., vesled in divisional committee. Division Sl1Pllorted IIY members' SUh3Cliptions, general pulJlie, and Colliery Co. . On theocca .. ion of the King and Queen's visit to Xewcastle, .July 11th, 411ur.-ilTIg sisters and Lady I ' upt. were on duty, 1JUt their scn'ic·e: ,,,ere not required ()wing to the excellence of the arrangements whieh were so complete ancl so well ca.1'l'iec1 rJut. A good upply of nursing and fil st aid rcrlui:-;ites have l)(:en obtained thrCJugh the liberality of a few friends, and the:;e llave already 1>et11 in brreat l'erluisitioll. Thallks are due to the IIarton Coal Co, for the u, (: of a l'oom to drill in.

REPORT OF TIlE DEPUTY CO~I1JL', '104 ~ER. .";flt,

f .!J:l\P t!Jq hlll]{)l~~' to fonn~)'(l yrJU. my a.nntHll. J'el)ort of the Dj~trict for the year 1.!)lrlll1~ ~, IJtc'l1l bl'l' 'lOth, 1!lOu. lJ IIrJug tIll,,; IJt:l')(lc1 ~8 new uni t" have l)ctn formed, awl St \11 L1 {jf lIw wcalu·l' and IJIl)l'lJ ;{;attel'crl TJ ivi;;i ow; llH.ve l)e;en (fl'ouped into CI~rp:'i H, will 1)1.' ill:n in the I'l'l)()rt (Jf tITI; Uhief OOlllmif;:'i(Jm:r, thfj )'c"ulthoped for hy tIlls b to flJ~te\' aurl ellc()uragc zl'allllld t1le .'pirit of clIIulation. I!" y~'nl' 11Il"" 1)(,1'11 Ol1~ of. te;arly jJl'og'I'C :-; anel r·on,soliclalion. Beginning with the (,111l1111atJlIll tlJ"t, "at CIlIrk, tbl'(JuI,11 tile !Jlj'ljitality of Licnt.-O()lonel Lloyd , the ,T 0


""(;\\'I)1Jl't lad a~alll 1)1~lJIg ,.,uc:r!U... flll, amI tIJIl Iwr,{JlIling (·lItitlt.<d te) IJold for the year tl.l:lt ,"j.]cIJdirl II:I"].'IJ~ t}lI.! "(jl'if~it.h ..' :\lpIJHJ)'ial CUll." Tlti,.., I)eautiful trophy (the gl!t (J,r Vl'lJuty UUI~I1111", HJIl<.:I·.J. Gnftlth,), wah IlJ'cSeJltl'rl IJY tli( Rev. Griffiths to the WlIlllllJ'r tl'HIII at _ (;WpOl't, anrl Iwndl'r! by IJIe to tlte offic(;!' ill c!Jar',re of the J. T e \"1)Ort OOI'P' . 0 It i with lJIlich l'l.!~l'et tlsat J ha\l; til 1'1 POl't to you the de,lth of ,tnotJler member fir tbe Jji:-;tl'i<;t ,'talf, , reft:r tll 1)1'. t('\\';Llt, uf BJ'irlg(~ End, who to the regret of all tile llIC1ul J{~I': IJf Xu. \ " J ., jl;t :-;erlll \\ ay (JII • 'I!ptmu her ~ th, fro In lUllg trou 1;1 e. I am able to. t:Lt . tb'll aft·!' :"IJIlIC (;UITlJ I"JIIclCIlCC at the huuel:; of :;,\11'. \\'hite, the Taff Vale H.:1I1\\'"y 'u. h:l\" !.!'l'allterl tu Ifl 'IIlb 'I of tbe Bl'i:;,ldlJ the :mlUe railway conce&;ioni a" thl' EIl~li,.,h rail ways Jw \0 hi thcl'tlJ been ill the hal)it of doing. Effort;; attended hy C:1Jlh)(]..J'al)/I· liN' .. ". an} I)eill" lll:lrle by tIll: Di,tl'ict Ohid ,'ul'geon to procure a 'halll·II'.! > UlI» 1)1' TI"JjJliy fr1l' XI). V If. JJj 'tl'jet, and all'eady more tlum £:30 has l)ee11 Hlib erilJl:d ()I ' proJlli. cd. The ( 1)IUlliittl'l} Ilf t;he ~llti()Jml Ei,tI!ddfocld h~vinlf Ill'lll'OYl'rl IJf tho finnl l'1))J1lJetitilJll takllJ:'; plac!} at the Ei,..,terlrlfoclcl. Lieut.-Colond LllJyd rIe I 1'\'1::-; thl' "I'ateful t!J~III,' of th ' IJbtl'i(;t, for hi.~ exertioll,', as also are my thallk,.., dlll' to IJi,.,tl,lc·t Chi,f 'ujll;lillt 'lIrlelJt .J. \Y. \Vhite, amI "l1rgeon-~lajor .f(lll"S, tIll' "tlll'r ~titff Ofli('I!" (Jf tIll: 'lIIpS. :tncl Diyi"ional Officers and Ton_ COlJllui:-;.i(lIl1;;rl (Jflil ·l.!'" ;twllnt'll for their rlf'\'l)te(1 s(:rvice. Ev ery lInit with the cxC'(!ption of {J1l!} OJ' two ha\'c 1)E:eu 11l,'peC'tc'rl hy lJIe (Jl' one or ollwr of tlill lJi .,triet ,'ta fF, <lnd U}("Jlll'agin l r report:; hase C{»III~ in, this is :sati:;fcLctoJ'Y wlll:Tl it j,.., IJ{J/'III) ill IIlilHl t1mt lIIallY (If the units ill. pect(;(l Ilan only b ell n~coglJi,.,erl f(lJ' a fl W IlIIJlllh,. TIle COIIIl'ptitilJll for tlw • 'ir 'harles \\ r<lITl·n 'hield \Va a, great tillCCP , , awl IIllwh of the ellthu ia III (J\'()kcr! \Va:; clue to th(; 1'1 e.(mce of the dOI1(JI', who hcad .. r] till: IIl·OC·I: .. :-;ioll to the cOlllpeting Ii 'Id. ~\'" there were .. o mallY team "', the jurlg ',-; har! all their tilJlI: cut out tu <ret dow! in tillle to returll bome th;tt clay. The Ohail'lJIan and lJl('1I1bcJ':-i of tIle lc)cal (,()lJlIJlittee, amI ::'1r. '1'0111 Davie, the lioll. ,'ecretary l11'e tu 1)(; c'01J1fnttulaterl UpOIl their excellent al'l'angement '. III the ('(Illr!;e of the year J i:-,:ued a lJi:;trict Order to c\'ery unit, and pointed out our respectl\c (lbligati{)lls and duLic;;; if this meets the cye of any officer in charge uf a twit in ... ro. VTI., I hope he will see the need of knowing the Brigade Regulations in (JI'du!' to f,lcilitlLtlJ Illy part of the \\'ork, !Lnrl thllt a.t Ilead(lUlll'ter ' ill London. I am glad to SflY lImt t1wJ'e i' :L great iJnjJl'o\'ement in the retul1l>l for the pa~t year. At the re(lucst of the Mining .l£ducatioll Board I attended a meeting convened at Oardiff, I




St. J ohn A?1~uul((,nce B1·igade. A 11RTRACT or,' con PH AND DIVISIONS Names or Corps and Divi::;iollH.

St. John Ambulance Brigade.


for the purpose of di cussing the advisability .of forming Rescue Brigad. s in connection with ambulance. I addre sed the meetmg and hope further extensIon of arubulance ma,y follow. Last month I u.ttended a meeting of the Colliery Owners andl\1ana o'ers held at Wrexha,m; the Colliery urgeons were present, the III eting having be~n O'ot too'ether mainly by Lieut.-Colonel Lloyd with the help of the urgeon to th~ Colli~ry Owners. It was una.nimously resolved to hold t),mbulance classes at every pit and afterwards to join the. B~·iga,d~. Appended ~ be.g to. hand you alit of Corps and Diyisiol1s, in order of sel1l0nty wIth a County dlstnbutIOn of the same. I have the honour to be, Sir, Y our obedient Servant, EDWARD CURETON, D~}Juty

1'0 the Chief Commil1sione?', St. J ohn Ambulance B?·igade.

Commissio?lel' No. VII. Dist?·ict.


Date "hen formed.

Corps or Divisions.

Madeley Division Nov. 30,1891 Shr8wsbmy » May I, 1895 I ronbridge Corps lIletr. 20, 1896 Mar. 20, 1896 I ronbridge Division Much 'Wenlock Division May 20, 1896 » Se]Jt. 14,1897 Dowlais Jacldield Division Jan . 20, 1898 Brynmawr " ept. 13, 1 98 " Mar. 21, 1899 Goodrich Chirle Division . ApI. 17, 1904 Pelll'hiwceiber Division June 14, 1904 Portmadoc Division . July 20, 1904. Blaina » Oct. 2, 1904 N ewport (Mon.) Corps Oct. 8, 1904 Ab ergaveuny Division Oct. 8, 1904 Treherbel't, :r o.1» . Oct. 19, 1904 Hereford Ci ty Police Di v. Dec, 22, 190-1 Hereford Railway "Jan. 2, 1905 Aberfan Division . May 25, 1905 G.W.R.Ironbric1geDiv. July 5, 1905 Merthyl' Vale Division Aug. 8, 1905 Blaenau Festiniog» Jan. 25, 1906 Llwynypia "Feb. 5, 1906 Mardy Corrs . Feb. 17, 1906 RhonddaFach,No.lDiv. Feb. 17,1906 Marshbrook Division . Feb. 28, 1906 . A pl. 4., 1906 Cardiff Corps Cardiff City (Head-qrs.) No.1 Div. ApI. 4, 1906

Corps or Divisions.

Date when formed.

Cardiff, G.W.R.(Loco.) Jo.2 Division . A pI. 4, 1906 " G. '\T.R. (Pass & Goolls) No.3. Div. ApI. 4: 1906 Bedlinog Division . Ap1. U, 1906 Ferndale, No.1 Division A p1. 15, 1906 Shrewsbury Ry. 'tat!).» May 2, 1906 Fochl'iw Division May 23, 1906 Pentre & Tynybidw fay 23, 1906 Collieries Division . lay 25, 19015 Cambrian Colliery Div. Ton Pentre Division . May 25, 1906 Great 'W estem Colliery, (PolltYPl'idd) Division May 28, 190() Ystrad Rhondda . May 2 , 1906 Mountain Ash Corps . JUlie 1 1906 Marcly, Yo. 2 Division J Ul1e 20, 1906 July 15, 1906 Merthyr Division Abel'tillery Division . July 21, 1906 , '. vV!J-les BonIer Corps July 2·1, 1906 July 2-:1, 1906 Tl'edegar, No.1 Div. Talywain Division . July 26, 1906 'hrew bury Loco. Ry. Div. Aug. 13, 1906 Shrewsbury Corps . Aug. 16, 190t5 POlltypool Road Div. . Bepl. 6, 1906 Treorchy & CwmparcDiv. Sept. 11, 190G ,'ept. 11, 1906 Pontnewydd. Division ,'cpt. 17, 1906 Dowlais Corps . Sept. 29,1906 Tl'eLlegar, TO. 2


Sbrew8bury Division Iron bridge " Madelcy "

May I, 1995 Mar. 20, 1896 Mar. 20, 1896

Broseley DivisiC'n . Much Wenlock Di vision Jackfield Division


England-Hereford, Monmouth, and Salop. yVales-Breclmot, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Glamorgan, Mcrioneth.

May I, 1 99 J ulle, I, 1 99 Dec. 12, 1903

Aberfan Divi ·ioll Au crti ll ery :, Blaenaw FeHtiniog Div .... Blaina Divi -ion ... Brynmawr " ... Cardiff Corns ... City Divi:r;io11.. .:: G. W.H. Loco. Divi ion G. W,R. Pass.& Goods *Chirl( Diyjsion... '.' .. Dowlais Corps ... .. . Bedlinog Division .. . Dowlais» ... Fochriw" .. . Ferndale " .. . Goodrich » .. . Gt. ~V~s~.ColJ. (Pontyp1'icld) DIv] 'IOn ... Herefon1 Oity PoliceDiv. ::: Hereford Rail \l'ay " ... Ironuridgc 'or[ls ... n.w.H.. Division ... Iron briL1ge Division '" 1\Iac1elf'y " ... Marcly Corps... . .. MCl'tl1yr 1301'0' Division .. . *.Merth}'r Vale " .. . 1\Jountain Ash Corps ... . .. N ell'port orps... Alexandra Dock Diy . . .. Towll » .. . Hailway " .. . * Pelll'hi wceibel' Di vision .. . Pentl'c&Tynyuidw)l ... Porlmadoc " ... Rhondda Fawr o1'ps .. alllbrian olliery Di\,. Llwynypiu. Division ... eron PenLre " ... Treorchy&cwm Parc.Div. Treherbert Di vision ::: Y -tnl.ll Hhollrlrla" new. uury COlI'S .. . , hl'ewsbnry Division ... ,'hro\\' bury Loco. Diy. , hrowsbur'y Ry. , L t." Mar'h Brook Div. Son th Wales Border Corps AbergavcllllY Division... })Oll tnewyd(l " '" Pontypool Boad " ... l'alywain » ... l'redegar, No, 1 " ... » No.2» .. .

-1-- =1 i


] 3 18 -



22 24


---1- 1 5 - -- 1 - 2 1 ]1 - -

i 2 ~ I ~~



-1 -

1 -


- - - ~ == -






-- -



- ----

3 4

24 21 23 33


1 1 38 17 I 23 1 1 2 4. 36 11-5 1





I- 3 I a 1 I 3 1-1 I -- 1 1 ---I-- 5 1 1 1 7 1 2


]8 15 8



_ _ _ _ _

3 - - - __ 25 24 26 38 J



__ __ __ - -

_ _ _ _

_ _

_ _

_ _ _


18 89 2:'1 _ 41 --

_ _ _

7 - - - __ 23 20 13 -



__ __ __

1 - - - __ ]2 [ ]3 -- - - _


1-_ - - - -

1 -










1- -

1 3 1 1 3 - 1 1- 2 - 1 1 3 1 1 - - - 1 - 3 - _ ] _ 1 3 1 _ ] 3 - I1 1 3 - 1 1 ~ 1 3

20 16 1-1 12

-- I

26 21 18 17



2 -

31 35 H , 19 25 30 15 20 1I.i:.W 20 25










- - -- - - - - - - - - - ---- - - -



: : -=- =- ---I ~ I= Total

27 3] 29 22

9 11----_ 2:; 31 - - _ - - _ 10 5t5 21 42 - _ ---11 3 16 ~O l - _ --- 1 ] ~ 1 1 76 80 1 1 2 - 1J----_ -- 1 1 3 ]7 ~2J 1 1 22 L. _ - - - 1 - 1 3 19 21 - - - ---1 1 3 15 20 - - - - - - - 1 - - - 17 18 - - - ---1 ] - G 27 3:; - - - 1 1----- 1 1- 2 1 22 - - - - - 1 1 - 1 16 19 - - - -- 1 1 1 4 3:~ 40 - - - - _] ] _ 1 19 22 - - - 1 1 2 3 26 33 - - - - 1 _ 3 19 23 - - - -

unsJ.TG DrYI!'roxH. Brosel cy Di vi ion Ironbridge » Macleley " 8h rew. bury " Dist. taff



=1 I


1 ]1 1 I 16 1 14 1 1

'I "1 H /221ll91'0llll235121 ' : +! 7


14 10 17 16


* No report recei "ed; last y ar's j]gures.

Statement. -1 Dcputy COll1ll1isRionel" 1 District Chief Snracon' 1 D)·st·· t . f S l~pelJll ,. t Ien; t 1 D" . ' ' CJ lIe ene . 1 tnct ,upenntcllLlent 'ecretary; 1231 0 OfHcers and mellC . 57 NurSlllg Offi cers and SIsters. ToLal 1292. 11 ,

St. J ohn A n~b~~lan ce B?"igade.



St. J ohn Ambulance Brigade.

[Formed 20.5 .05.J


Hon . Surgeon .

D. J . Davies, 67, 1\'[oy Roau, A berran.

J . O. Euwards, L.R. C.P. Honorary Secreta ry.

Honorary Treas urer.

R. E. Rei, 1, Mervyn St., Aberfan.

John Jones.

Officers 2.

Sergeant l.

Privates 13.

Oorporals 2.

Total efJ'ective 18.

1 horse ambnlance wagon, 4 regulation stretchers, 2 surgical havresacs, a quantity of splints and bandages, 2 blankets, 2 waterproof sheets, vested in Divisional CommitLee. Division snpported by public contributions. This Division continues to make excellent progress. The members being most. energetic in their duty_ I have to record that the Miners' Federation bas again made a grant of £5 in aid of the funds. This being a Colliery district, accidents are very numerous, and the services of tbe ambulance men are required daily, and employers as a. rule render generous financial support. BRYNMA WR DIVISION (MONMOUTH ).

(N o report received.)




[Fol'meu 21.7.1900.]


Hon. S urge o ns.


R. P. Adams, 100, King Street, Brynmawr.

IILB . ,

Act ing Supe r inte nd e nt.

J. R. Powell, Duke Street, Abertillery.

O.M. Hon. S ecretary.



Inspector of Stores .

Davies, 91, Prince s "'lrl'ctr Abel'tillel'Y, Mon. Hon T r-easure r.

J. M:atthews.

A. l)owel1.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 22. Total 27. ,Drills held 10. Average attendance 21. 00, cs a.ttended not on public duty 19. Annual inspection, 12th Oct. Total on pamde 27. 1\1atprial: 4 stretchers, 1 havrcsac, splints, Yested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by subscriptions and public. BLAENAU FESTINIOG DIVISION (MERIONETH ). Hon . Surgeo n a nd Su pt .

R. Jones, M.D., Issalt, Blaenau Festiniog.

[Formed 2.).1.06.]

1st Offic e r a nd Hon. S ec.

W. M. O,,-cn, 3, Wynns Ro(u1, Blaenau, Festiniog.

Inspector of .Stores .

Sergeants 2.

In s p e ctor of Stores.

Ho n . T reasurer.

Pte. A. 1'1. Bain ton.

Pte. R. W. Lewis.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporal1. Privates 17. Total effective 22 . Decrease since last report 5. Drills held 44. Average attendance 19. Oases attend d on public duty 3. Removal1. Oases attended llOt on public duty 47. Allllual inspection, 21st cpt. Total on parade 19. Absent with leave 1. Withollt leave 2. Annual re-examination, 12th Sept. Members passeu 19. Did not appear~. l\Ieuallions 8. J'llr~ilJg certificate 1. Regulation uniform worn by 1 OJlicer, 1 sergean t, 2 corporals, ann 18 men. Material: 4 regulation stretch r , 1 -urgical haYl'e ac, 2 blallket , 2 waterproof sheets, quantity of splints, hand ages and chal t·, YO ted ill Di\,i.,ional Committee. Divi ion snpported by mem bel's' Sll b criptions and pn blic conlrihn tiolls. 'eyeral competitions have been attended, and 2nd and 3rd prize have been won. The members bayc rendered fil':;t aid in a large number of cases in the coal mines of the district, sume of which were yery serious. The Oommittee b'Tatefully acknowledge the recei pt of the handsome donation of £:J from the Miners' Federation (Blaina Branch). Th,mks arc abo tendered co the BrynnullYr Urban District Oouncil for the ire ~ u~e uf the Old Town Hall a' llend<luarters.

Hon. T reasurer.

E. Morris. Officers 2.

,V. L. Pritchard, ?tLB., C.M.

heehy, L.R.C.P. & .'.

S uperint e n dent.

Ho n ora ry S urge o n .

D. '1'. Rocyn Jones,

E. Rowlands. Oorporals 3.

Privates 24.


Total efJ'ecti\'e 31.


LFormed 2.10.04.]



C h ief Superi ntendent.

Acting S upt. S ecretary.

hief Ooustable W. ~IcKellzic, Nevian Road, CtlruiJ\'.


Su peri nten d en t .

!\I.B., B.S.

W . Oldham, 18, North Blaina Cottage, Blaina, MOll.

Hon . Secreta r y.

Inspector of Stores.

E. C. Lawrence, 77, High Street, Blaina.

Pte. J. Ros. iter.

Hon. Treas ure r .

Pte. T. Wiltshire. Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 23. T otal efJ'ective 29. Cases I ncrease since last report 3. Drills held 47. Average attendance 33. attended on puulic duty 11. Removal1. Oases attellcled not on jlllblic duty 25. Annual inspeotion, 14th July. Total on parade 28. Absent with leave 1. Annual r e-examination, 27th April. Members passed 21. Di(l not appear 7. Mcdal!iolls 11. Regulation uniform worn by 2 Officers, 1 sergeant, and 2 corporals. Material:

[Formed 4.4.06.]

C h ief S u rgeon.

T. 'Wallace,

J . F. Dover,

[Formed 13.9 . 98.]


wash, 147, Orwys Road, Oardiff.

( Thri'l' AmlmZultce Dirisions).-Oilicel' 4. ergeallt l. Total ell'ectin 7 ' . (CARDIFF CORPS) CITY DIVISION. Hon. S urge o n.

R. J.


mith, )LB.


Officer 1.

Pri nltes 24.

Oorporals 2.

[Formed 4.4.06.] H ~-< S ecretar y.

. Gay, 53, Eyre Street, Oardiff. Total eJfectiYe 25.

(CARDIFF CORPS ) G .W . R . LOCO . DIVISION. (Under control of Corps' Officers.) Privates 21.

Privates 71.

Total cITective 2 L

[Formed 4.4.06.]


St. John A 1nbnlcmce B rigade.

St. J uhn AmlJL~lance. B r'igade.


T he Division has made good progress during the year. A new Ashford litter has been purchased, and the contract has been let for the building of an ambulance station at the Dowlai Police . . tation. A conspicuous case of successful first aid was rendered by Evan 'V. Davies; a child fell into the water, when Davies at once jumped in and wa a11e to r eSClle the child (which had been under the water 3 or 4 minutes), and after applying artificial respiratIon the child completely recovered.

[Form ed 4. 4.0 6. J (Und er control of Oorps' Officers.) Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Treasurer.

W. H. Phillips.

J. Hud son.

J. Davey .

Sergea.nt 1.

Corporals 2.

Privates 23.



Hon . Surgeon and Acting Supt.

[Formed 17. 4.04 .J





Offi ccr 1.

Corporals 3.

Privates 33 .

Sergeant 1.

(No report recei \'eLl.)

T otal effective 38 .



[Formed 3.9.06,J


D. John, 13, Fountain

Su pt. S ecretary.

A. Lucas, 12, Oharlotte Street, D owlais.

Privates 78.

T otal

effecti ve 86.


Bedlinog. Acting Inspector of Stores .

E. Davies, 44, High Street, BeLllinog. Officer 1.

Privates 17.

[Formed 12.4.06.]

Acting Hon . Treasurer.


J. L ewis, 5, Edward's T errace, Bedlillog. T otal effective 18.


C. Thomas.


Sergeants 2.

nee Divisions}.-Officers 6.

L . n . C. p.,

Hon . Treasurer.

treet, Ferndale.

Acting Hon. S ecretary.

E. T. Owen.

Hon. Surgeo n and Supt.

1st Officer.

Clay Hepbul'l1, Dany-Bryn, Ferndale.

E. T. Owen, 16, Edwards Terrace, BeLllinog.

Acting Treasurer.

W, J . Ballard.

1. W alters,

' Y.

M.lt. C.S .

Officers 2. ergeauts 2. Oorporals 4. PriYates 36, Total effective 44 . Drills held 16 . AYeragc attendance 27 . Cases attenLled not on public duty 12. Annual inspection, 22nd ere. Total on paude 31. Absent with leave 8. ,Vithout leave 5. Regulation uniform ",om Ly 2 officers, 2 sergeants, 3 corporals, a.ml 17 men. Material: 4 b'etcher, 1 havresac, vested in Diyisional Committee. Di vi. ion Stl l'pol'ted hy VOll111 tary con tl'ibutions. '1'he .I. TO. 1 'cction team won the !:-'ir Charle' ' Vanen .<;\..mbulance hield, June 9th, th~ ~o. 2, 'ection team being second out of 12 competing teams from the Rhondda Yalley· . The members are all wol'l;:e1" in the Colli erie , and in many ca 'e have been able to minimi.e injury and pain when accidents ba\'e occurred to fellow Worker ' .

Act ing Superintendent of Stores. Am 'n~la


Hon. Secretary.

L.n.c. p.

Police Supt. W. J. Oauton , Police Station, Do\ylais.

As, E~lBLY

[Formed 15.4.1906.J

Hon . Surge on .

T. Thoma s,

Ch ief Su rgeon. Ch ief Superintendent .

T otal effective 25.

In Charge.

(N 0 report received.)

H. L. Hughes,

Privates 23 .

J. G. Price, Polic13 'tation , Ebbw Vale.

Lt. -Col. J . D. Ll oyd.

Sergeant 1.

D. Jenkins, 5, Pleasant Viaw, Pentwyn .


Hon . Treasurer.

Corp1. J. Jones.

Hon . Sec retary.

HoI' HOllse , l!'ochriw.


Sergt. Jack on, Llewyniciel, Chi de

The Mount, Chid\:.

Inspector of Stores .

Officer 1.

E. Davies,

Hon . Secretary.

Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent.

J. D. S. Lloyd,


T otal effectiv e 26.




(U nder charge of Corps' Officers. ) Sergeant 1. Privates 38. Total effective 39. Increase since last report 12. Drills held 30. A verage attendance 15. Cases attended not on public duty 27. Annual inspection, 14th July. 'fotal on parade 29. Absent with leave 3. Without leave 6. Annual re-examination, 25th Aug. Members passed 27. Did not appear 11. Medallion s 10. Nursing certificate 1. Material: 1 Ashford litter, 5 stretchers, 1 medical havresac, sp1ints, etc., vested in DivisionalOommittee. Di vision supported by the public.



Honorary Surgeon .

,A. CutfielLl, 1st Officer.

Vi ctor Wade, Th e 01 <1 R ecto ry, Wel sh Dicknol', nr. Ross,

B.A., )I.R. C .. .

Hon . S ec. and Hon . Treas.

R cv. Prebendary eaton, Goodrich Yicarage, 111'. Ross.

OfficE:rs 2. Private 5. T otal effective 7. Drills held 16. Average attendance 5. R emoval 1. Ca es attended not on public duty 2. Annual inspection, 7th Oct. Total on parade 7. Anuual re-examination. 10 th Oct. Member pa cd 5. Di<l not appear 1. ~redallious 4. Material: 1 stretcher, 1 ambulallce hamper, splint, vested in Fir t Office r and Hon. Sccretary. Division supported hy sub. cription . One ca, e tLttended th -'eptembcr, was a. man who fell Rome 20 feet o\'er rocks in the Pari 'h of \Velsh Bicknor, and Lroke his tlligh; three member of the Brigade assi"ted the Doctor to put him in splints, and two of them drove him to the Ross Cottage lIospital.

St. J ohm A ?nbulance Brigade.

St. John A ?nbulance Brigacle.


IRONBRIDGE CORPS (SALOP)_ [Formeu 20.3.96.]




Superintendent Secretary_

A. W. Bartlam, Tontine Hill, Il'onbridge.

Acting Superintendent and Hon. Treasurer.

Hon. Surgeon.

J. W. Davi on, Rhondda H ouse, Pontypridd.

O. Roberts, M.D.

Acting Inspector of Stores.

Act ing Honorary Secretary.

Oorp!. E. Brown.

D aniel Evan, 17, Haulybryn R ow, H opkinstowll, Pontypridd.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 18. T otal effectiye 23. Drills held 15. Average a,ttendance 12. "afles attended no~ on pnlJhc clll~Y 17. Annu al ill pection, 22nd Sept. T otal on parade 14. Absent wIth leave 2. -WIthout leave 7. Medallions 1. Regulation uniform wom by 1 Sergcant, 2 Corporal , ~llli. 9 men. Other members wear arm badges. Material : 2 Furley str~t?h.ers, 2 medIcal hanesacs. splints, 2 water bottle, vested in Divi ional Centre . DIvlslon supported by the public and thc G. IV. Colli~ry Co, ~td. . , . Twelve members bave been eqUIpped ,nth umform.s .d.un~g tl:e pre ell~ ye,t1., ~t is expected in a short time to have the wh~le of the DIVlSlOn1D umform: Euclea\ OU I S are also being made to get a permanent dnllroom attached to the CollIery.

(TMee Ambnletnce Divisions).-Officel's 4. Sergeants 4. Corporals 2. Privates 46. ( T hl'ee NW'sing Divisions} .-Officers 6. Nursing sisters 35. Total elI'ective 07.


Hon . Secretary.

H. C. \\~ooc1hoLlse, ;)I.B.

Pte. J. H. Abraham!;', Coalbrookuale Station, Coalbrookdale.

Omcer 1. Privates 12. Total effective 13. D rill held 14. Average attendance 12. Cases attended not on public duty 12. An nual re-examinatioll, 10th March. Membcrs pa 'ed 12. Medallion 1. Material: stretcher, &c., Yested ill I ronbridge 'orp8. Division supported by members'

snbscriptiOll~ .




Super intendent and Acting Hon . S ecretary.

Hon . Surgeon.

E . H. Oollcns,

. G. mith, City Police Statioll,


Hereford. Inspector of Stores.




Hon . Surgeon.

N. F. H. EU"'tlrds,

Hono rary S ecretary .

ergt. F. R Jones, Roper's Hill, Ironuridge.

)f.n .

Hon . Treasurer.

T. MunD.

Mrs. U l1n.erwootl .

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 15. Total effective 20 . Drills held 29 . Average attellllance 15. Case attended no~ on pub1it; cluLy 31. Ann nal inspection, 2 th Oct. Total OJ) parade 20.. Annual 1 e'()Xal~lillatio.lI.' 1.·t ()V . Mem bers passed 10. Did not appeal' 9. 1IledalllOJls 2. RegulatlOll uJlllonll worn by 1 Officer and 3 men; others wear caps and police uniform. Malcrial: 1 stretche~', splints, and bandages, vested in Divisional COlllmittee. Supported hy publIc codribu bons. This Division is being well supported by the public with regard to subscriptions.

Officer 1. ergeant 1. Private ' 9. Total elrcctive 11. D rill held 1. A\'erage attendance 7. 'a. es attended on public duty 1. Ca cs ~tttendeclnot 011 public duty 25. Allllual inspcctit)ll, 2211cl 'ept. Total on parade 7. Ab ent with le:1\'c 3. Withollt leave 1. Anuual rc-exalllination, 22nd 'ept. :MembeJ's passetl 9. Dill not appeal' 1. Iedallions 7. Regulation uniform worn hy 1 ergeant aJHl 9 men. Material: littcr, 6 ' tretcher, llanclage , &c., vested in Ironbridge Oorps. Di vi ·iOIl npporle(l by public con tribu tions.




Hon. Surgeon.


J. H. L illey, nLA ., M.D.

A. Aukins, Hop Pole notel, Her&foru.

Acting Hon. Secretary.

Acting Inspector of Stores .

Supt. S. Smith, Oity Police StatioD, Hereford.

'1'. 1\1 unn.

Hon . Treasurer.

Mrs. U ndcrwood. Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 8. T otal effective 13. Increase since .last rcport 2. Drills held 31. Average attendance 10. Cases attended not on public duLy 4. Annual inspectioll, 28th Oct. T otal 011 parade 11. A bsent without leave 2. Annual re-examination, 1st Nov . Members paflsell 3. Did not appear 9. Medallions 5. Hegulation ullifonn by 1 Sergeant aud 1 man; others wear caps and railway uniform. Material: stretcher, spliuts and bandages, vested in Divisional Committee. Division supported by pl.tblic contributions,

Honorary Surgeon .

lIRl>l'. HmE.'

Acting Hon . Secretary and Inspector of Stores .

O. A. Reynold ·, ;lI.B. Comt

, el'gt. G. J. Debne}', treet, Madcley, hropshire.

Officer 1. crgeallt~ 3. ol'pcwal 2. Privates 25. Total efl'ectiye 31. D ecrease since lnst repolt 11. Drill. heltl 19. Average attendance 14. Cases attend cd on public c1uty 2. Case attended not on l'ublic duty 85. nnnal inspectioll, 22nd ,ept. Total on para.tle 12. Ab ent with lea\'e 6. Without leave 13. Annual re-examination, 22ml Ppt. :MembeJ' passell 1. Dill not appear 12. :Medallion 29. ur illg certificates 5. Regulatiun uniform ,,"om by 3 ergeant, 2 corporals and 25 men. Material: 6 stretcher, ha\Tesacs, plint·, bandage, and horse amlmlance wagon, ye ted in Iron bridge orps. Di vision supported by public contribution"




Chief Surgeon.

S. G. Morris,



Acting Hon. Secretary.

Chief Superintendent.

{ Two Amb7~lance Divisions).-Officers 3. Sergeants 3. Oorporals 4. Privates 46. Total effective 56 . Drills held 30. Averaae attendance 20. Removals 4. Oases attended not ou public duty 12. Annual ~spection, 22nd Sept. Total on parade 51. Absent with leave 5. Annual re-examination, 8th Sept. Members passed 52. Did not appear 3. Medallions 9. Regulation uniform worn by 3 Officers, 3 Sergeants, 4 Oorporals, a:nd 46 men. Material: 1 am bu1ance litter, 4 stretchers, 1 havresac, 1 water-bottle, wIth large num bel' of extra splints and bandages. Litter and stretchers the property .of L ockett's Merthyr Oolliery 00. ; 1 stretcher belongs to the Ohief Surgeon, Dr. Morns, vested in the Ohief Superintendent. Oorps supported by voluntary contributions. The Iardy Oorps comprises two Divisions. All the member are in uniform . The Oorps intends holding a competition meeting at Eisteddfod, on December 1st, the prizes have been obtained by donations from the Earl of Plymouth, i1' J. 1'. D. Llewelyn, Sir W. T. L ewis, and other gentlemen. The Workmen's Institute has provided the Oorps with excellent Head-quarters, and it has also been fitted up as a permanent first aid station. A considerable amount of first aid has been carried out in connection with those injured in the mines. No. 1 Squad won the Oounty of Glamorgan Shield for South 'Wales and the West of England.

(MARDY CORPS) No.1. (RHONDDA FACH) DIVISION. [Formed 17.2.06.] Superintendent.

H. E. Maltby, Ewelme Villa, Mardy.

J. Phillips, Mardy Police Station.



R. Lee,

D. Davies, 17, Mardy Terrace, Plymouth Road, Merthyr Tydvil.

M. B.

Hon . Secretary.

W. H. Jones.

1. E. Jones, 2, Ohurch Street, Tydfil's Well, Merthyr Tydvil. Hon. Treasurer.

J. Davies.

W. J. Wood.

1st Officer and Hon . Secretary.

W. A. Oooper, 10, Beadon Street, Mountain Ash.

Inspector of Stores.

Hon . T reasu r er.

T. Dane:;.

T. W. Phillips.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. Oorporall. Privateg 75. Total effective O. Drills he~~ 18. Oases attended not 0I?- public duty 80. Annual inspectioll, 15th Oct. lotal on parade 42. Absent wIth leave 38. Annual re-examination 15th Oct. Members passed 79. Iaterial: 6 stretchers, 1 Ashford litter i ambu~anc~ oa ket, ve ted in Divisional Oommittee. Oorps supported by public con tn b 11 bons.

NEWPORT (MON. ) CORPS. [Formed 8. 10.04.] HEAD -QUAltTERS:

Tow~ HALL.

Chief Surgeon .

S. Hamilton,

)1.]3 .

Chi ef Sup erintendent.

S uperintendent S ecretary.

\V. J eSSCIll:lIl, ::\Iearlow Park. :r ewport, (Moil.)

G. II. Osborne, 50, OapelOrescent, elVport (Mon.) Hon. Treasurer.

Ohief Oonstable A.

(Three Amlmlctnce Divisiolls).-Officet·s 9. Sergeants 3. Tobtl ell'ective H.

Officers 3. Sergeant l. Oorporals 4. Privates 34. Total effective 42. Drills held 19. Average attendance 27 . Oases attended on public duty 14. Oases attended not on public duty 45. Division supported by members' subscriptions.


Oorporal ' 4.

inclair. Privates 58.



Hon . Surgeon .

J. Ilurley,

ergt. D. L Phillips, 51, Adeline N ewpol't, ::\1011.


1st Officer .

D. Buckley, 19, Pottery Road, Newport.

L.n. C.p.s.

Acting Hon . Secretary.

Acting 2nd Officer.

Inspector of Stores.

Act ing Superintendent.

H. Dluett, 3, W oodlanll Roau, ltiOUll tain Ash.

I1EA D-QUA}{TEll~ :

Act ing 1st Officer.

Hon . Surgeon.


Supt . of Stores.

4th Officer.

Hon. Secretary.

[Formed 18.6.0e.]

Hon . Surgeon .

A. G. E. J. Fl1Jge.

(MARDY CORPS) No.2 DIVISION. lFormed 20.6.06.]



H. D. Jones,

Oorp. J. W. Lewis.

Sergt. , Yo Lisk.

J. Wallace,


Acting Hon. Treasurer.

Act ing Inspector of Stores.



Oorp. G. Evans, 2 , Griffith Street, Mardy.

T. E. Richards, hLE., Mardy House, Mardy.


St. John

St. John A 1nbt~lanGe B1igade.


Inspector of Stores.


OorpJ. A. J. Green.

Oflicers 2. ergeant l. Oorporals 2. Privates 17. Total effective 2:2. Decrease since last report 4. Drills held 27 . Average attendance 16. Oases attended 011 public duty . Removal l. 'ases attended not 011 public duty 357. Annnal illspectioll, 1 t 'cpt. 'l'oLal on parade 1. Ausent with leave 3. 'Without leave l. Anllllall'c-examination, oOth -'ept. Members pa sed 21. Medallions 19. ursing certificates 4. . Regulation uniform ,,"oJ'll by :2 Otlicers, 1 eraeant, 2 corporals and 17 men. Material: 2 litter, 6 stretchers 5 havre aes, spli~ts, etc., vested in the Alexauura Dock & Ry. 00. Divi ion supported uy Alexandra Docks allu Ry. 00. and members' contributions.

Honorary Surgeon .

O. Richardson White,



Nisem Villa, Merthyr Vale.

Hon. Secretary.


T. M . Jenkins. Officer 1.

Sergeant l.

Oorporals 2. Privates 16. (N 0 report received.)

G. ,V. Ry.

HOIl . Surgeon.

Total effective


1. F. Neville,

L.JU' .1'.



1st Officer.

J. H. Hill, OlLpel Ore cent, Newport, 1\1on.

t. J ohn A ?nu'ulu?lce B Tigade .

t. John ...d. muulance B?'igade.



Inspector of Stores.

Hon. Secretary.

.corpl. W. Roberts, 31, Arthur 1\1on.

t., N ewport,

ergt. G.

torey .

Officer 2. ergeant 1. Corporal 2. Privates 19. Total cll'cctive 24 . Decrease incc la t r eport 5. Drills helJ 50. Average attendauce 12. Ca. es attended on public duty 5. Cases attended not on public duty 96. Anuual inspectIon, 1 t cpt. Total on paraJe 22. Ab ent without leave 2. Annual l'e-examination, 30th ept. ~Ielllbers pa 'sed 22. Din not appeu.r 1. ~Iedt1.11ions 15. N ur ing certificates 2. Regu la lion uniform \VOl'll by 1 Officer, 1 sergeall t, 2 corporal, an,1 16 men. Material: 2 han ac and 3 stretcher, " ested in Divisional Committee. Di"ision supported by public contribution.




[Formed 20 .I. 04.J

Towx HALL, PORT:\LI.Dor.

Hon . Surgeon and Superintendent. ;\I.D., Tall-yr-Onell, Portllladoc.

1st Offi ce r .

H. R. GnlliLhs,

R. G. Roberts.

Hon . S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores.

A. Evan', 4, Britallnia Terraec, l'orl111adoc.

1. Davie.

Hon. Treasurer. IInghe~

J. O.

(lloll. n[clllber).

"'C'l'geants '2 . Corporals ·1. Privates 27 . Total effectiv6 35. t rcport 10. Drill ' held :~~. Average n.Ltelld:ulce 14. c attcucle(l 011 puhlic (Inty 1. Rellloval 1. Case attended not ou pnblic (luty 2~. Annual insp 'dion, ~ Lh ept. Total 011 parade 20. Ahsent with lea"e 2. ,Yit hout leave ]3. Memher;; pa '::;etl ~O. Dill uot nppe£ll' -1. j\JeLlallioD 2. R cgnl:ttion uniform "om hy 1 Ollicer, 2 ,'ergeants, corporal, and 12 men; the l'e t wiLh ba.dge, i.e., 15. Mnterittl: ~ stl'etehel's, 1 medical havl'esac, splints, etc., ye ten ill Di\'isiunal ollllllittce. Divi 'iullupported by private ubscriptlOns and the public. ~lnny accidents have been aU IHled, !'ieYeral n:ry ~erioll;:;. Oflicers 2.


11J crelL~e Ilincc la





2nd O fficer" and Hon S ecretary.

II. C. L€wi ', 7"

orpOl'atioll Road, NC\\'port, ilIon.

Officer 1. ergeaut 1. Private 22. Total effective 2·J, Drill.' held H. .A ver£lge altelHlance 11. Ca~e attended 011 public duty 4. a e .atttmdell not on public duty 163. Annual in Pl:'ctiOll, 1 t ept. Total on parade 1. r\bsent with leave 1. ,YiLhout le(1\'e 5. Annual l'c-examination, 30th ept. Members pas ed 20. Dill not appeal' 4.. Medallions Nlll'illg cerWicutes 4. Hegulation uniform worn by 1 Ofricer, 1 . ergeallt, and men. iIlaterial: 4 stretcher 2 surgical ban'e ac ,1 brigade th'lg, l;blallkct, quanLity of matting, plinl. and bandages and rubber gloyes, vested in Di \'i"ivnal Committee. Di \'i iOll npported by public cOlltributioll . Public duty has been performed on .ix OCcllsions in conjunction with the Pail",ay and Dock Din ion, viz. :-XewIJort teeplechase in Xoyemb r, H105 (2 clay.'), and May, 1906 (2day'), Lifeboat aturday, 1 th ~\.u gu·t, and the opening of the Tmllsporter Bridtfe by YiscoLlnt Tredegar on Uth "'eptember. On clwh oc:c:1~ion c:a~es were treated, O'!1e acciden t to a rider at the Steeplecha e. being a \'ery se\'ere one. The Diyi ion \YU in pected by the Chief COllUllissioner Belgrnye ?\inni., )I.I)., R.X., on 17th February, and paraded in the Drill Hall with the Dock and HaihY:lY Divi ion. Two Church Parade were held during the year, and were "ell att ·llc1ed. PENTRE AND TYNYBIDW DIVISION (GLAMORGAN). [Formed 23.5.06.] Hon. Su rgeon.

IV. E. Thoma,


Acting Hon. Secretary.

Y tracldRhoidda,

J. Jone , 4, PJeaant • treet, Tl'eorclly.

Glalll. Acting Inspector of Sto res.


Acting Hon . Tr"easurer.

MePher Oll.

D. II. IIanis.

Officer 1.

Prtmtes 17.

Total efJ'ectiYe 1 .



[Formed 30.9.1906].

Chi ef Super intendent.

T. Da "i 'fl, 1, Quecll . tl et, ( '1.(

-l7l1blllw/(:e Dirisivlls.) -Ofiiecr.· Ifi.


Tota 1 efreGt i


"cants .

\.e'" 1tiO.

Pon tre. Corporal .. 6. Private 131.


Hon . Surgeon .

H. U. ,Tones, '1.1:.

-' LYIl \ClI YAI E

lHOOJ, .

Actrng Supt. and Hon. Secr-etary.

T. Prll'l', 1, \l orton Terrace, Uly,lach Yal e.


Inspector of Slor'es.

Hon. TreasureI'.

A. L. D,1\ it!.

T. Prothero.

Olliecrs~. :-\ergeant 1. 'urpnml 1. Pri\'ate: 1. Total elTecti"e 22. Drills held ~O. AHrage attel11lallce Li. _~llnllal in 'pectio n, ~~nd "cpt. Total 011 parade 13. .\.b. cut with le,\\'l' n. Anllual rc-examination, 1 til "'e pt. Membe r' pased 21. ilh·(lalllUlls 1. Material: 3 strctelters, 2 hamperR, 1 b.ne.ac, 1 water boltle, ,estell ill DirisiolJal Committee. Di\'isioll supported by the puhlic.



l'1I00LH, LI \\,YXYPU.

Hon . Sur'geon.




Officers 2.

Hon. Secretary.

tation, Penrhiwceiber.

Sergeant 1.

Corporals 2.

CorpI. G. R. Birch, 68, Pelll'hiwceiber Road, Pemhi \\'ceilJer. Privates 15.

(N 0 report received.)


Total efl'ecti ve ~O .


Acting Superintendent.

olIieel" ~.

?ll.D., J.P., C.C.


T. J. Bryer, Police


Acting Hon. Secretary.

D. Enms Bryn De 1''''), n,

Hon . Su rge on.

R. ,V. Jones,


[Formed 11.l.i.04 .]



ergeall t 1.

'. E,'an , bcoed Ll wynypia.


Total effective 19.




LIBRARY, '1'01

Hon . Surgeon.

T. L. LlewellYll, M. n.


St. J uhn Ambulance B ?'igcide.


St. J ohn A'1nb1,,£'lunce B'i'igade.

Acting 1st Officer'.

Act ing Supe r intend e nt.


E . Edwards, BrYl1mafollal ydd, T on Pentre. Ho n. S e c. and Treas u r e r.



' V. Davies.

Officers 3. Sergeants 2. Oorporals 2. Privates 33. Total effecti~e 40. Drills held 17. Avcrage attendance 23. Oases attended not on publIc duty 40. Annual inspection, 23nl Sept. Total 0)1 parade 12. Absent :vithout leavc 28. Annual re·examination, 22nd Sept. }.lembers passed 12. DId not appear 27. Regulation uniform worn by 1 Offic~r. Material:. ~ .stretchers, 2 hanesacs, a~~ water bottles, vested ill Ocean CollIery 00. DlVlSlOn supported by mem bel s subscriptions.

C hief Superintendent.

A. II. R. ~outham, vYy Ie Oop, ,'hrewsbury.

(Foul' Ambldance Divisions).- Omcers 10. Sergeants 5. Oorporals 6. Privates 62. (One Nlt?'sinr; Division).-Omcers 2. Nursing sisters 14. Total effective 99.



J. LytI c,

[Formed 11.9.06.] HEAD -QUARTER : , VO:RKMAN'S I NSTITUTE. Ho n. Su rge o n.

J. R. Armstrong. M.D. Ho n. S ecretary.

Acti ng Su perint en d ent.

W. Price, 212, High Street,

B. Bees, 11 , Park Road, Owm Parco

Treorchy. Ho n. Treasurer.

Inspe ct or of Stores.

T. Thomas.

T . H . Hope. Officers 2.

Sergeant 1.

Privates 19.

Total effective 22.



Han. S urgeon.

W. O. Hind e, M.TI.C.S. 1st Officer an d Han. Treasurer.

Acti ng S upe r in t en d ent .

J. Parry.

J. Ritson, Tydraw, Treherbert. 2 n d Offi cer.

G. Payne.

Ins pector of Stores.

Han. S ecretary.

W. Scott, 11 , Station Terrace,

E. T. Bell.

Treherbert. Officers 4. Sergeants 2. Corporal1. Privates 26. T otal effective 33. Increase since last report 3. Drills held 32. Aye.rage a~tendance 1:2. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 17. AnnnalmspectlOn, 24t~ Aug~ t. T otal on parade 15. Absent with leave 8. Without leave 10. Reg~latlOn umfor111 worn by 2 officers, 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, and 16 meD:. .. l\Iat~nal : . 6 stretcl~el:s: 2 ambulance boxes, 1 haYTesac, 1 rug, vested in D~vlsl~nal Oommittee. DIY! lOll supported by members' s ubscriptions and publi? contl'l~:)UtlOns. . .. General Sir Charles Warren has very lnndly gwen a hlelc1. for competItIon amongst the various Divisions of the Rholldda. Valleys. The heaVIest 108s was. the resignation of Hon. SurgeonC . H. Greenwood, F.R.C.S., to.take up another. appollltment, and the help and instructions he freely gave at all tl;me. ]l any 11111101: cases were attended to by members individually, both in the Oolhery and on the Rtulway. One case in May, three members attended a young htd, a cleaner, who wa knocked down by a passing engine, and injured about head and houlder .

Surgeon 1.

COl'porals 2.

Acting Hon. S ecretary.

J. Hammond, 18, Oross Street, Ystrad Rhoncllla. Pl'intes 19.

Inspector of Stores.

Sergt. H. Wilson.

OITicers 3. el'geants 2. Oorporal 1. Privates 20. Total effective 26. De(,l'ease since Ifl. t report 2. Drills hclrl 22. Aycragr attendance 13. Oases aitcndell on public duLy 208. R emovals 21. OR.-es aLlellcled not 011 public duty 188 . Annllal inspection, 23rll 'cpL. Total 011 11a1'[1.'1e ] 8. Allse11t with leaye 2. Wit.hout leave 6. Allllual re.ex[\,mination, 231'11 Scpt. Mem hers passed 20. Did not appear 5. Ieclallioll s 14. Service badges 16. RegnlatiolJ uni form worn by 1 officer, 2 sel'geflllls, 1 corporal, and 17 men. Material: ,Yagon, "wheelcd Jitter, 6 stretchers, compresscrl (hug Cflse, :3 hanefl[lcs, watc)' hottle, hanc1agcs, the cquipment for a small fiel<l dressing station, hampcr , &:'c., "ester1 in the Ofli cer in charge of the Division. Di vi.'ioll :npportl'cl by (10na Lions from Ocntre anel ])1(,111 bcr:-' sn oscriptions. 'onsiclemhle prac-tir·,tl instruction in the open country ha. been given. Great progr('s,.; ha.,.; heen mall" in :-;ignalling, many of the member heing fairly proficient with thL Rt'll1aphorl:' ("oell' , and n. considemhle numher with t.Iol':-ie, and to recognise the ,m·ious bugle calk and the usu[\,l necessary arm . it-,rnal. A llew litter station has hcen ftl'nl,n~l'd, wherl' the litter, complt!te with hane<\ac, water bottle, &c., is ready for inRtfl,l1t ww. day or night. The first ttiel boxes hn,\'e l)een placed about the town. PulJliccluty included two day::; anrl lwo nights fl,t the Shropshire fl,nd 'Ye t Midland A gricultuml Rhow. three days and two nights nt the Shrewsbury Floral Fete, and the great fire n t Sln'('\\,sllUl'Y '- chook '1'he Rystcm of calling the members by 111eRsengers (who also ar-t as hospital ol'llerlies) has heen pl'rfected. The remomls included those of persons to LiYCl}Jool, Birmingham, and other cities, for operations, and the lmnspol't of pe1',;ol1'; from the cOllntry to the local infirmary.

(S HREWSBURY CORPS ) LOCO. RAILWAY DIVISION. [Formed 13.8.06.] Han . Surgeon.

A. D. Roherts,

~['R.C .. ·.

Actil1g 1st Officer.

Acting Inspector of Stores.

E. J. J'. Rul1batham, 10, Oliflord ...'trcet, Ofli ccl's 2.

D. T. Oarter

hrc\\- hm)'.

!-lcrgt'n.nt 1.


Privates 16.

Total effcctive 23.

Total cffective 21.


L. E. G. Ile "'oo1l'son,


Officer 1.

J, 1. Williams, i\LB.

P. F. Timmis, 26, Wyle Oop, , hrewshu ry.


Ho n. S u r ge o n a nd Acting S upt.


1st O fficer, HOI1. Sec. and Ho n. Treas.


E. J. Phillips, Ystrad Rhondda.

[Formed 26.8 .06 .]


Inspector of Sto res .

M. Davies, Arf, Ton Pentre.


Acti ng Su per'i ntendent H. J. McNaught,

L.F.I>.~ .

Hon. Secretary.

G. R. Maw on, 39, Greenfield Strect, Shrewsbury.

Tlte ])il111t, 'h]'('l\sIJury.

Hon. Treasurer.

Inspector" of Stores.


W. Onions.

omcers 3.

Scrgean t 1.

Oorporal 1.

Pl'i\'nte 14.

T otal effective 1 El

St. J ohn A mb'u,lCl//l ce Brigacle.

St. John A ?nbulance Brigade.






[Formed 11.9.1906.J


Hon . Su'-geon .

G. Higginso1l,

B.A., lILn.C'. S.

1st Officer.

Hon . S ec. and Inspector of Stores .

O. 'Y. Terry,

ergt. E. Thomas, Rail \Tn,y Station, [arsh urook.

Station Inn, Marshbrook,


ergeaut 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 12. Total effective 17. Officers 2. Drills held 15. Average attellllance 12. 03.ses attenued on public uuty 136. Removals 2. Oa. e attended not on pllbli~ duty G. Annual inspection, 30th opt. Total on parade 11. Absent with leaye 2. ,Yithollt leave 4. Annual ro·examination, 30th ept. Members pa sed 11. Did not appe;1r 5. Medallions 2. [aterial: 1 stretcher, hannages, splints, and first aid box, ye:;ted in TIon. Sec. Di \'ision supported by member subscriptions. Through the xertions of the memberS a permanent first aid. tation has b~cn fixed opposite the railway station. It i fitted to hold a. ,tretcher, bandages .• plmts, and all requisites for rendering first aid. The di\igion took }litrt in the Floral Shuw in Auo'nst, where the pre ence of :1 cro,,-clullmbering more than sixty thousfl,nll perg()l1g need the constant a.ttel1dance of it part of the Briga.de in this neighhol11'lwucl.

[Form ed 21.7 .06.J


Hon. Su'-geon.

Acting 1st Office,' (in charge).

A. W. Ilnyles, :-r.n .. 5.

E. E. Lippiatt, 0011ll1lhia Villa, Orange Road, Pontnewydd, .MOil.

. Officers 2.

,ergrant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 14. Total effective 19. Average aLtoJl(lancl) 18. Jl.lalerial: A few ban<lagps and splints. DIVl lon snpportell by public a11d membors' subscriptions. pr~lls held 6.



Hon . Surgeon.

n. '\'.

lIa. lctt,


Acting 1st Officer and Hon. Sec. (in charge).

A. J. Englalld, IVYll elle, Nc,,- Inn , POlltypOOl.


Act ing Inspector of Stores.

Acting Hon . Treasure,'.

W. B. Bevan.

A. G. Taylor.

Chi ef Supe,-intendent.

Ch ief Su rgeon. teel, Y. n., ~r. D.

,V. D,


, T. Beard, Grosvenor Roan, Abergayenny.

(Six Ambulance Divisions.)-Officers 13.

ergeant 6.

Oorporals 12.


Privates 120.


Total effective 151.

Honorary Surge on .


ergt. J. L cwi , Brecon Ro,Hl, Ab ergavenny.

Hon . S ec. and Treasurer.

Acting Insp ector of Sto res.


PtC. W. RieharLls.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Private. 3J. Total efrecli\'e 35. I ncrease since last report 5. Drills held 47. A \'erage altencIallcc 9. Ca es attended on public duty ~7. Removals 4. Annual inspection, 15th July. Total 011 parade 23. Absent ~\,Ithout leave 12. Annual re-exami.natiolJ, 1Gth 'cpt. Members p.assed ~l. Dld not appear 13. MpdalliollS 14. Nul'. ing certificate 10. Regulation u11lform worll ~y 1 Officer, 1 sergeant, ~ corporals, and 1 mell. Material: ~ str~t?l~ers, 2 snrgl?al bavre~a~s~ bell tell t, blankcts, spli n ts, bandages. etc., \'Cste(l 111 DIVISIonal Ooml1llttee. DIvIslOn supporled by members' subscriptions and pllblic contributions. TIllS Divi ion has clone very good work dnring the past year. Th ere helve been several removals in the town, and it is now rccocfnised that when l110vinu to the hospital, or any other tran po~,t work are reC} uired, "'thi Division cn,n and will carry them out. The Town Oouncil has decided now to provide II liUer fur tbe Town and this will greatly facilitate our work '

:">1.13., B.CIL, B .. \.C.

Acting 1st Officer lin charge.) x.

In C harge.


Pte. J. F. Reynohls, 30, Park Abergavenny.



Hon . Su rgeon .

[Formed .10.1904. J HEAD-QUARTER


J. DOllelly,


L. D. Gamble,


orn cers 2. I crgenllt 1. orporals 2. rrivatrs 25. Total dJ'cctivc 30. Drills held I. Anmgc atlcllJanec 15. Ca es nLlcmled not on ]Iublic duty 6. M ctlall iOll.· 1~. iI la lerial: tltrelchcl', splin ls, alld halHlagcs. Di \'i. ion upportecl by !nemhers' sull~cripliollS . .A!lout a duzcn of the ll1emlll'r' ha\'c takcn pmt in competitions dming the year.



Acting Hon . Secretary.

F. TllcbYcll, ;,:1. '0ll1me1't~iul Rou!l, Taly\\'ain. Acting Inspecto,- of Stores.

Pte. J. J. Dayies, D, Emlyn Terrace, 'l'al~ \rnin.

Acting Hon. T,·easu,·e,·.

Pte. J.

Pte. A. E\'an::s.


Olllcel. 2. crgeant 1. Corporals 2. Pri\'ate 15. Total etlectiye 20. Drill ' helLl 12. Av rage attcllclallee 18. a C attendc(l 011 public duty 3. AnnnnJ i1lspection, 23nl ~ept. Total 011 paradc 12. MeLlallioll' 3. Material: tretcher, baudagc, and splints, \'e ' tcd in Diyi iOllal omlllittee. Division . llP}lol'tclI by members' !>ub eril,tioll . and puhlic.


Hon . Su"geon.

H. G. Drown, ;lr.n.c.s. Hon . Secreta,·y.

Pte. J. J . Leach . 35, Lower Ooronatioll "It., Tred egar.



Acting 1st Officer and Hon. Treas. (in charge.)

R. 0' 011ll0r, Elmwood, Tretlegat·. Insp ector of Sto,-es.

Pte. W. Duyies.

St, John A rrnuulc(;nce B?·igade.

St. John A ?nbtulance Brigacle.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Private~ 15. 'Fotal effective 20. D rills h eld 11. Average attendance 13. -:A-nJ1ul1l lllspe~tlOn, 25th Sept. To tal on parade 15. Absent without leave 5. Med allIons 5: .1\.Iatenal: stretcher, bar:dages, and splints. vested in Divisional Committee. Divislon supported by publIc and members' subscriptions. . , Effort are beingmade to get funds to properly eqUlp and umform the members before the end of next year.




HEA D-Q,UAHTEHS : TIm I NSTITUTf£, MADELEY. Honorary Surgeon .

C. A. Reynolds,

Lady Superinten d ent.


E. A. Ev[.ns, The Furlongs, Madeley, Salop.

Acting 2nd Officer (in charge).

Acting Hon . Sect·etat-y.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 16 . T otal eITective lB. Decrease since last roport 1. Practices held 13. Average fl,ttendance 11 . Cases attendcd not on public duty 39 . Cases privately nursed 22. Annual inspection, 22nd Sept. Total on parade 12. Absellt with leave 5. Without leave 1. Annual re-examinatioll, 22nc1 Sept. Mcmbers passed 12. Did not appear 5. Medallions 12. Service badges 10. Rrgulation unirorlll worn by 1 Nursing Officer and 16 nursing sisters. Material: Led and bedding, bandages, etc.: vested in I ronbridge Corps. Division supported by public contributions.

W. Morgan, 19, Jam es treet, Tredegar.

Pte. J . Lloyd, Kim berley T errace, Tredegnr.



G. A. Brown, M.RC.S.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 20. Total effective 25. Drills beld11. AveraaeaUendance 13. Annual inspection, 25th Sept. Total on parade 13. Absent~vitho.~~ I.eave 12. M.edalliolls .4 ... Material: strptcl1er, sl'lil?lsal1ll bandages, vested 111 DlvlslOnal Comnllttee. Dlv1s1;m supported by pubhc anti members'subscriptions. This Division is in a very extensive Colliery district, and there should be a large increase in the membership.


[Fol'mecl1.5 .1 95.] HEAD- QUARTEHS:



Honorary Su rgeon.

GlY11ll(' Piggott, L.U.C.P.

Lady Superintendent.

Miss C. E. Hughes, Brooklancls, lH eole Brace, •'hl'ewsbury.

L ady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores .

J!IiRS E. Bowdler, Sulton Roatl, Bellc Vue, 111'elYsbury.

Miss Urwick.


Lady Treasurer.

Honorary Sut·geon.

Miss L 1I10rris.

W. Dyson, M.B. Lady Super inten d ent and Treas .

1st Nursing Off. and Lady Secretary.

:Miss H. C. Potts, The Bank H ouse, Broseley.

Mr . J. Jones, The Lindens, Broseley.

Jur illg Officers 3. Nursing sisters 11. Total effective 14.. Decrease since last report 2. Practices held 15. Average attendance 10. Cases attended not on public duty 20. Oases privately nurscd 5. Annual inspection, 22nd Sept. Total on parade B. Absent with leave 4. ,Vith out leave 2. Annual re-examination, 22nd Sept. Members passed ]]. Diu not appear 2. Medallions 14. Service badges 14. Regulation uniform worn hy 2 nursing officers, and 9 nursing sisters. :U aterial: hospital bed, splin Ls, bandagcs, &c., vested in I ronbridge Corps. Division supported by members.


Mrs. M. H. White, The Bank, Ironbridge.

1st Nursing Off. and Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. E. R. Andrews, Lilac Cottage, Ironbriclge.

Nursing Officers 2. Nursing sisters B. Total effective 10. Decrease since last report 1. Practices 19. Average attendance B. Cases attended not OIl pulJlic duty 22. Oases privately llursed 6. Anllual inspection, 22nd Sept. Total on parade 9. Absent with leave 1. Annual re-examination, 2211rl Sept. Members lnssed 9. Medallions 10. Service badue:; 9. ReguhLtion uniform worn lJY 2 nUl'sitlg officers and B llursing sisters . M~terial: bed sheets, mackillt~sb, Landages, splints, &c., hospital and tent equ ipment for two patients, bath cha1rs, &c., vested in Ironbridge Oorp:;. Division suppor ted by members.

OfIbers 2. Nursing sii:iters 11. Total eifecti,"e 16. Practices heM 23. Average attendance 9. Cases nttended on puhlic dnty 60. 'ases atLelltlecluot on pnblic duty 15. Annual inspection, 15th August. Total 011 parade 16. Annual re-examination, lIth May and 6th ept. Members passed 15. I edallions 12. en'ice badges 7. Regulation uniform WOl'll by 1 nursing Officer and 14 llursing si tel's. Division supported by grant from hrewsbury Ccntre and members' sub cl'iption Public duty was undertaken at the H orticultural how (2 days) when every member turned out, and some 50 cases were treated.


St. John A mbulance Brigade.

St. J ohn




New South Wales District. DI STRIOT



STAF.I!~ .

D eputy COlnmissioiw1·-M.r. T. ,'. DlXSON, :lLn . District Chief Slbpe1·intenclent--Ma.jor T. }\[. MARTI"', B.A., Dist1'ict S1bpe?'intenclent T1·easm·e1·-Mr. II. PlUES'l'LI~Y. Dist1'ict Sllpe1'intenclent Secl'etrtTy-Mr. B. R. H,AIN. ·FOlt!).

L.RO. P.


Commonwealth of Australia. CO?n?nissioner.-Major G. L. MULLINS, M.A., M . D., A..A. M. O. jJ1eclical Office?' in Chief-M ajor A. E. PERKINS, M , A., M. B., D.S.O.

REPORT OF THE COMl\IIS lONER. 183, LIVEllPOOL TllEET, HYDE PARK, SYDNEY, N. '. 'V. 31st J anucl?'Y, 1907.

SIR, I have the honour to submit the annual report of the St. John Ambulance Brigade in Australia for the year ending 30th September, 1906. So far the Brig'1cle has been formed in only two States of the Commonwen.lLh-New outh ' Vales and '\Vest Australia but I believe that during this year outh AustralitL will fOl111 a third district. 'The work done by the St. J olm Ambulance Association in Queensland and Tasmania, leads me to hope that before long the Brigade will be establi. 'hcel in those States. In New South Wales the work is proceeding satisfactorily. 1 have pcrsollally visited the country Divisions, and many of the metropolita.n ones. The allllual examinations have been carried out by the Brigade Officers. In '\Vest Australia the Brigade does not make much headway, but the ssistantCommissioner informs me that he intends forming Divisions in the l<1l'ge inland Centres this year. A feature of the work of the year was the Brigade Camp which was held at Ln. Pel'onse in September. Th e D eputy-Commissioner was in charge, but I exercised a. general supervision. It is hoped that the Brigade uniform will be worn by the members within the 11 E'X t few months. The Royal Kaval Auxiliary Sick Berth R eserve has made no progress during the year, and I fear is not so popular as it should be. The report of the D eputyCommissioner for New South Wales is attached. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient Servant, G. L ANE MULLINS, M.D., Major A.A.l\LO . Knight of Grace of the O?'de1' o( St. J ohn uf J e·rtlsalem. Comrnissione1' (Ot· the Commonwealth of A ~lstrali(,. The Commissioner for Special Services, St. John Ambulance Brigade, London.



I have the honour to submit the Annual Report of the 'to .John Ambulance Brigade in New outh ,\Vales for the year ending 30th September, 1906. All the Divisions have been inspected either by the Commissioller or by myself, and sometimes by both. Th e annual examinations h,"w e lJeen carried out by the Brigade. Officers, or when deemed de irable by 111yself. The new Divi 'ions formerl are as follows:TVate)' and Sewerage Bocbrcl Dieision.-This has been formed in connection with the great bmnch of the public 'en'ice which ha charge of the ;,Ietl'opolitan 'Vater 'upply anrl .'ewemge. Uaph1in Edward I'. toke., .\..\.. JI. c., is acti\'ely interesting hi11l~elf in th . working of this Division, which i~ uncler hi ' carc. The Board ha ' ·how11 it::; appreCil1,tion of thc efforts of lts employees by providing six fully eqL1ipped medicine chest.' and six tretchel's. JIa/'bow' Trllst Division.-This is:1 Di\ i~ion formed in connection with a tate Public 'en. ice which employs 500 PCI'.·OIlS, of whom, including Officers and men, ahOl! t 100 ha,\'e becn illstrL1ctecl by Lhe As:-;oeiation and pn scd Lhe examination for first :tid, and many h1'we expressed a desire Lo join Lhe ,'t. John L\.1I1 bulance Brigade. Thi 1110\ 'Illent is gl'C<Ltly clue to the keen intere·t cli~plttyecl by the superior officers of the towll, amI it is with great plea'-:lll'C that I note Mr. II. 1). 'Val'b, B . •l . I. 1. C. I';., l~ll gineel'- in-Uhief, has undertaken the cl uties of upcrin tenclent. 1\1oreo\'er, the Trust hns pro\"icled an mnbulunce outfit as well a' granted the u e of a large room for practice free of cxpem;e. EIlI/wre Di7.:i 'iOll.- This promise' well, 0111e Go\'el'llment Tramway employees of considemhle expcricnc·e in nrst aiclluwe taken n. very actiyc part in its formation, and htwc be 11 t1ppointecl to po itiolls. Enjield Scction (of flu IVcl)tcm Suburbs Division}.-This will proyc a useful accession to Lhc mother Di \'i:io11 whieh has proved of great service, more especially in the tmnport of thc sick, and which has been ll1uch Rppreciated locally by the medical pmctitioncl" of the suburbs concerned. Ji·ophies. - The !loth Ohallenge Shield was won for n. seeond time l)y the Gleho ])i \"ision. The \ery keen in terest shown ill this eompetition has lll'oyed of ine timahIe valu . in raising thc st,llldarcl uf til, work. 'I he l\luliins Medal (kindly presented by 1\1rs. G. L ane Mullins) was won this year hy Miss Bignell, of the Glebc XUI' ing D ivision, anel excrts /1 similar beneficial influence to the -'hield . CCWtp oj Instruction. -This was a great fe,l.tl1l'e of the year' work. For it inception t1nd the mtl.na.gement of details Rnd their execution we are indebted to the 'ommis ioner, Maj or Mullin., and it is "ery gmtifying to tty that not a bitch o(;curred. For marquces a.nd other camp etluipmcnts we owe a deht of gmtitude to Brigadier Geneml Gordon, C.B., tate COll1m;tncltl.nt. Although only twenty-five Officers and men were uncleI' can vas, there is every rca on to believe that _thel:e will be n.n increased number next year. The sitlH1,tion chosen wa the hlstonc one of La Perouse, and in the forest and scrub nea.r by, very good improvised stretcher work was executed. I


St. J ohm A n~b1~lance


St. J ohn Ambulance BriGacle.

L ectures by Major Mullins (the Commissioner), Major Morgan Martin (District Ohief Superintendent), myself and others upon various subjects were followed with interest. The camp lasted three days, The discipline throughout the timc wns excellent. The whole of the Oity Press gave great prominence to this movement, new in Australia, and their general co-opern,tion has been of the greatest assista,nce to the Brigade by making its purpose known <1,11 over the State. A visit to the Inspector-General of Police by the Oommissioner, the acting District Superintendent Secretary (Mr. Boles R Rainsford), and myself, to bring before him the desirability of the formation of Police Divisions throughout the State, was received very sympa,thetically, His prompt actioll in communicating 'with the members of the large service under his control has had already valua,ble results. The District Superintendent Secretary (1\11'. Lconard Dobbin) ha,ving through press of other duties been compelled most reluctantly to resign, Mr, Boles R . Rainsford, who has been for three or four years Secretary of the As ociation, was appointed to the post. Mr. Rainsford has for many years been an enthusiastic worker in connection with the As ociation III various phases of its work, and for some time was acting Honorary Treasurer of the Oiyil .Ambulance and Tran port Oorps, as well as for some months our Acting District Superintendent ecretary during the absence of Mr. L eonard Dobbin on leave. The characteristic sympathy, skill, and energy, wllich he ha shown in matters concerning the Association, ha,e already produced "aluable results since his entry on permanent work in the Brigade.



DeZ'1.bty- Oommissione1'.



.... 0 0'" ~o 0 0

COI'l'S or Division.


iJ:I w

Distric·t 'taJI ... . .. Oivil Ambulance and Tram;port Corps ... . .. Balmain Division ... Head-Il uarters Division , .. ew town Division .. Enmore Division,.. ,., Gasworks " .,. .. . Glebe "... .., IIa.rhour Tru ·t Di \ision .. . Lithgow " .. . ,Yater and Hew. Board Div, 'Western Suburbs Divi -ion .. . , Vollongong Division ..

- 1-



3 -

*18 10


*40 -f3

42 5 14

12 40

1 -

3 20 1:2

43 5 14 4 38 12

I -f3





36 10





Glebe Division Western Suburbs Division Gasworks Division Newtown Division (O,A.&T. Oorps) Balmain Division (O.A ,&T. Corps) Head-quarters Division (O.A.&T. Corps) Lithgow Divi ion Wollongong Division Water and Sewage Board Division Harbour Trust Division Enmore Division

F01·1ILCd. Mar. 20, 1903. ept. 9, 1903. Sept. :20, 1903, May 3, 1904. 'ept. 13, 1904. Nov. ] 7, 1901. July 17 1905. Sept 2, 1905. June 1<!, 1906. June 25, 1906. Aug, 31, 1906.


- --'.

1 .j


u ll o -1 187 - 4 -

Mar. May June Aug.

20, 30, 7, 8,

1903. 1904. 1904, 1904.






1 1






'- 1 - 1


60 285

* The total ·trength of the Divi:-;ion not having been shown III the report, these figures are tn,ken [rum the 1905 report. I' The total strength of the Di vi 'ioll is not SllOWll in the rcport.



[Formed 1.5,04.J YDKEY.


Ch ief Supe rintend en t .

Ch ief Su rge o n,


Glebe . . Balmain Division (O.A.&T. Oorps) Head-quarters (C.A.&T. Corps) Jewtown (C.A.&T, Oorps)

1 1 1

Balmain Div (O. A. &T.C) ... Glebe Diyi -ion .. . .,' ]Iead-qurt . Div. (C.c\...&T,C.) i'i"ewtown Div, (C ,A. & T,e,) -

G. Armstrong,

A. Palmer,

lILB .


S u perint en d en t o f Sto res .

J. E. Peters. During the year 3,223 cases ha\'o been attended to. Of ~hese.2,3. 4 were com-eyed to hospitals and homes in ydneyand suburbs. The ohnnficatlO.n 15 ~s follow. : GovernllwLt Cases (the e compri Goyernment employee) : Police, aval, l\lilitary, Railway and Tramway Department cases, transport conducted for Government Medical Orricer, and pe<.:ial ambulance e1'\'ioes for the various Go\'ernI?e~t departments 2 2 . accidents to wharf labourers and seamen and general shIppmg, 144; accide~ts in'the streets tram vehicle and otherwise, 356 ; accidents in fadories and from buildings 219' 'accide'nts at sport ·, meeting~, 196; aocidents in dwelling houses, 89; fe~ale dases in all classes, 1, 146 ; ca es occurring on undays, 221. T aken in comparison ,vith the last yea,r's .work, the in?rea e is hown to be 5~3. cases; Precis of total number of eases:- I edlCal and surgIcal transports on practItlO~ers certificates and casualty transports inclusiYe, 2,3 4 ; accidents at . ports' meetlI~gs, 196; treated B,t stations according to principles of first aid a~d chrected to medlC~l pra.ctitioner or hospital for furthe r trea.tment, 426 ; calls to aCCldents where first aid

St. John Ambu lance Brigade.


being rendered, patients were able to proceed home without further aid, 86 ; calls where services were not required, 131 ; total number of cases, 3,223. Attendances a~ the various. sports an~ recreation gl~ounds .~tle now a suming very la.rge I roporb ons, the aCCldents dUl'mg the year bemg 52 m excess of last year. This work is a se\-ere task on the Oorps' resource, but owing to the v:tluable assist:tncc given by members of various Di"i ions, it has been able to carry out all it has undertaken. T.he O?rps ?as now in it po session four :tmbuln,nce wagons in good order, besides havmg nllle litters. The pn.st year has been a fltirly satisbctol'Y one financially, the revenue from the vltriou sources being well mnintained m[LY be accepte(l as evidence of the popularity of the Oorps and its appreciation by the public. I n May last pos ession was taken of the premises at the new railway station buildings, kindly provided by the Railway Oommis ioners of N ew South \Vales. They are found to be very convenient, and allow of facilities for expeditious work.


Inspe ctor of S t o res.

Oorp. H. P. Henderson. Officers 3. ergeants 2. Oorporals 5. Privates 33. Total elfective 4. 3. Increase sincc last report 2. Drill s held 38. Average attendance 10. Oases attended not on public duty 55. Annual illspection, 10th , 'ept. T otal on par3.~e 15. nnual re-examination, 16th March and 10th Sept. Memhers passed 17 .. DId not appe:1r 24. Medallions 1'2. Matcrial: wheeled litter, 3 ambulancc klt~, 2 water bottles, 6 r gulation str.etcher~, triangular all~l .r?Jl er band[Lges twd spl mts: a1 0 quantity of material for ImprovlHed work. DlvlslOn supported by. ~embers subscriptions and dOnl1,tlOns from local branch, ,'to J ohn Ambulance A. ·SOClatlOn. The Roth Ambuln.nce Ohallenge Shield was won uy this Division for the second time.



Honorary Su r g e on .



Superi ntendent.

G. H. Regan, Foreman Street, Tempe.


G. Allan ,

BALMAIN DIVISION (C.A.&T. CORPS. ) [Formed 13.9.04.] 384. ,



Ho n. S urge o n.

C. U. Carruthers,

S uperintendent .

R. L. O. \Va,rd, 3 4, Darling. trcct, Ba,lmain.


Ho n. S ecretary.

T. D. Drake, "Malttt," Batty, treet, Balmain. During the year several r~si~nations took p!<we, and in conse<1 uence the rcgu];tr work became deranged, but It IS hoped the recent [tppoin tment of llew Ofliccrs will lead to renewed enthusiasm on the part of the members.



Ho n o rary S urge o n.

F. J. T . Sawkins,


S uperintendent .


M. B.

Ho n o rary S ecretary.

Reato, ,Yynclham G1'o\'e, Alexandria, Sydney. Inspector of S tores .

Sergt. W. M. Ford.

CorpI. J. 1. Schofield. Hon . Treasurer.

Pte. W. Spears. . Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporal 1. Privcttes 8. Total e£Iecti ve 12. Dnlls held 28. Oases attended not on publi c duty] 14.. Annul.tl inspection, 17th Sep t. Total on parade 6. . .A nnual re-exa:mination, 17th 'ept. l\IemlJers passed 6. DId not appear 6. Medallions 2. Matenal: band~vres and splints. Division supported by members' subscriptions. 0

K McCann, 58, mith Street, Summer Hill.

~I.B .

Ho n. S ecretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

R. Lain g, JlIlll' . • ' . Brittl)l1. Officers 2. 'ergeant 1. Oorpora,ls 3. Privates 32. Total effectiye 3 . Increase since last report 12. Drill.' hcld- head-quarters, 29, Enfield SectIon 21. Average attendance-hen,d-q l1al'lers, 1 ~, Enfield .ection 9.5. 'a'e attended on puhli . duty-heacl-fluLuters- 2i, Ellfield ::-)ection 2. R.emoyals 31. ()ase~ atten?ecl not 011 public dllty-head-<lua.rter, 36, Enfield. ectlOn 12. .t\nllu<:l m pectlOn, 13th D ec. Annual re-e.·a.miul\tion, 20th Oct. Members pa sed RO. Dlc1 not appear 8. Medallions 4. Material: 2 whreled litters, 1 hand stretcher, 2 emergency che, t" station furniture, drugs, clre ·t;ings, etc. Divisioll supported uy \'oll1ntary con trihutions.


GA ·WOl:I{. ,



Hon . S urg e on .

W. F . Litchfield,



Sup eri nte nd e nt and Hon . Treasurer. l\I.B .

1st Officer.

W. T. McDonald.

'N. J . Harris, 29, L ombard Street, Glebe. Hon . S ecret ary.

Corp. S. P. W estman, 6, Silver Street, St. P eters.

[Formed 21.0.03.]





Hon . Surgeon.

1\1. ,J, Gunning, 2~9, hurch -' b'eet, 'nmperdown.

'IV. H. Read, M.n. Hon . Secretary.

Hon. Treasurer.

'V. II ayeR, 163, K cnt trect" Yllney.

J. '1'. Daly.

Officers 2. Pri\ates 1~. Tulal efrectiye 11. Drills <l.l1d pracLiceshelrl 31. A\erageattcll~l1,llCe 9. Material: 1 "heeled litter, 2 &tl'etchel' bamlaCles and oLher Jlece~sary applH\llccs. Re'igUlLtions lU~'e t<~ken pla.ce dming th e y 'al'. It is .hoped th,\t with the. f~:·th?r enrolment of members as thc result of a sllct:ess[ul fir ·t md da s ', 0111e good \I orr... WIll be a,ccomplished cl uring the ensuing yeltl'.


GLEBE DIVISION (SYDNEY). [Formed 20.3.03.]


S uperin t endent.

Hon. S urge on .

(No report r eceived. )



St. J ohn A1nbulance Brigade.

Hon . Surgeon and S uperintendent.

Oapt. II . Kirkland,

:M.B., A. ,UI. C.,



'V. Hon . Sec. and Treasurer

R. Ru~ ell, Lithgow.

Officer 1. ergetmt 1. Oorpomls 2. Prlva,te 10. T otn.l effective ~4 .. The annual in pection Wl\S held on 1 , t D ecember: and the ,mnual re-exn,nunahon.on 10th ovembor. l emuel'S pa sod 10. A s the 1'0 ult of further enrol~lents dunng th e year, the strength of this Division is now 23. Number of drIlls durmg year, 30. Avorage ttt tendanco, 8.


St. J ohn A 1nbulance B1'igc"de.

St. John A 1nbulance Brigade.


GLEBE NURSING DIVISION (SYDNEY). [Formed 20.3.03.J Hon . Surgeon.

Hon. Surgeon .


Oapt. J. K err, M.B.

II. F. Fredericks, W ollongong.

Hon . S ecret ary.

Hon . Treasurer.

J. E. Gleeson, , Yollongong.

P. S. Jon es, Jr.,

Lady Superintendent .

Mrs. E. S. Sturrock, 11, Mount Yernon St., Forest Lodge.


Lady S ecretary.

Lady Inspector of Sto res.

fiss A. Banks, 1, D erwent Street, Gl elle.

Miss J. Atkins.

A .Oroft.

Officers 2. Privates ]0. T otal effective 12. Drills h eld 8. AveJ:nge (~ttellc1ance 8. SOlle good work in first aid and tran port have been performed during the yca,r. Members have attended:sports, and other gathering . The divi ion is allowed the use of stretchers belonging to the Town Oouncil B,nd ho, pita'}, and it has its own supply of splints and ba.uclages.

(Details not to hand.)

BALMAIN NURSING DIVISION (C.A.&T. CORPS). [Forl1JCd 30.5.04.J Hon . Surgeon .


Lady Superintendent.

Miss M.

S. Finlay, F.r-.C.S.


Iyles, 204, Evans St., Rozelle.

Lady S ec l'etary.

Hon . Surgeon.

Sup erintendent.

E. S . , tokes, M.B.

C. T. Trickett, 14, L 'Avenue,

Hon . Sec retary.


Hon . Treasurer.

P. J. Braine, 341. Pitt Street, Sydney.

J. Oolvin.

This Division has recently been strengthened by further enrolment from two successful first aid classes. Regulations have been issued for drills, and the members of the Board of W ater Supply and Sewerage have provided the necessary material.


:Miss K. Myles, 204, EI'alls

Hon . Treasurer.

Miss M. l\IcLardy.

Ll'eet, Rozelle.

Nursing Officers 2. .e m'sillg sisters 19. T otal efi'ecti\ e 21. Pr:1.cii cps h, 'lel ~(j. "\.Yer<l,ge att('J1(h\Jlce 10. FirsL aid cases attended not on public duty;3. Anllll:l.l il1spedion, 11 th Oct. 'Total all paJ'a.de 6. Annual re-examination, 1Hb Oct. i\1l'll1lJers ptlsserl 6. Did not appea.r 13 . lII ecbllions 9. 1\Ia.tel'ial: splint, ]m,ucla,gc::>, ctc. Di\1.>:ion suppo l'tecl by memhers' contl'ibutiollR.


R. J. Millard,

[J! ormcd 7.6. OJ..] YDNEY.


Super inten dent.

Hon . S ecretary.

Inspector of Stores.

A. H. Thomas, Harbour Trust, Oircula,r Quay, Sydney.

T. Tooher.


s Ga11ow[1,y.

Lady Treasurer.

Mr.. H. Marshall.

This Diyision is formed in connection with the principal Harbour Tru, t ill N ew South Wale. Lembers are being enrolled from amongst succe sfnl members of two large first ~i~ classes recently instructed. .Regular drills haye been organised, and the OommlSslOners of the Trust have proVlded ambulance materials. [Formed 31.8.06.J



C. Von -del' H eyde, Marricb ille



,rest, 26;:;, A1Jcrcr011l1,ie I'treet, Rellfel'11.

. B:mbury.

E. P. SinclaIr,

III. A. 'Vanh op, Denholm, 18, George Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Secretary.

Hon . Treasurer.


Lady Superinte ndent.


Street, Redfern.

H. D. ,Ya,1sb, M.I.C.E., IIarbour Trust Circular Qua,y, Nyclney.

D.P.H., 1II.B.

Hon . Surgeon . Y. Bowker, M.B.

Road, Dulwich Hill. Ho n. Secretary.

Inspector of Sto res.

A. T. L e Breton, 40, Rockford

C. H artley

Street, Erskineville. Hon . Treasurer.

J. J. Spellman . The strength of this newly·formed Division has just been increased by furthl!' enrolments from a successful first aid class. The Division possesses some ambulance material.

ur ing fficers 2. Tul'sing sisters 37. Inerl'ase since last report 9. Oases priY'1.tely nursed <.:. Annual impection, 9th Ocr. 1[em1>or8 passed 16. Did no~ al'pe,l.l' 23. r.h·CltlllilJll.' U. Material: roller and triangle lJandages, splint", cotton \\'oolantllint. Di"i ,iun supported by members' subscriptions. T

NEWTOWN NURSING DIVISION (C.A.&T. CORPS) [Formed 8.8.04.J Lady Superinte ndent.

Hon . Surgeon .

H. Da.vips,



Mrs. E. E. Laing, 15, Reiby

Lady S ecretary.

treet, Eumore.

1st Nu rsing Offi cer and Lady Treasu rel'.

Miss L. \ ,{hite, ()~, Kensington Road, :-iUlll111l:Jl' Hill.

Miss A.

l cillillan.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mr ' . .i\I. Gilby. l'mctices held 23. vera"e attenchnce 12. Annual in pection, ~Oth ept. M,l.terild: splints, bn,]1cb"'es, pillow, sheet::; alJc1 Lh1.nkets, and clinical thermometer. <=> • 1 The Di\"ision h~l.s hendittecl by l\,dditional enrolments from one Ilm sll1g c.\ s, olle first aid, Ilnc1 011' rc-examilUttion for medallions held during tIle year. Ohanges ha\'e been ll1Mle in the p 'l'sonncl of the Ofliccrs, owing to the re ignation of the Hon. , ecrctlll'Y, ill]'>,. L itlle, alld lu tlpcetur of Stures, ;'Iiss , Yillinllls, their pltlces being taken hy Miss \,{hite und Mrs . .i\I. Gilby, elected at n. meeting held on ~:2nd li'ebruary, 1906.

St. John A 17~bulance B?·igade.


Th e L ady Superintendent, Mrs. L l1ing, has been on leave of absence for six month s to enter one of the ydney hospitals for a periJd of training. On the 29th August, an open evening WllS held on the occa,sion of the pre en tation of first aid cel'tifi ca tes, at which the Oommissioner, Major Mullin" Oolonel Roth, and Mr. Boles R. Rainsford were pre ent. Members have at different times rendered first aid and nul' ing service, trel1ting a fr.-t,ctured humerus, fractured sku ll , sprtti ned ankl e, and lJllrns and scalds on several occa ions.

St. John



[Formed 29.1 2.04.]


Hon. SUI' geon .

O. Burkitt, L.R . C. P .


J. O. K. J efI'reson, 2, Bel1ufort Strect, Perth.

Hon. Secretary a nd Inspector of Stores.

A. 'White, Beaufort

treet, P crth.

Hon. Treasurer.

L ieut. -001. Cl1mpbell. Aberdeen treet, Perth.

Officers 2. Oorporal 1. Privates 11. Totl1l eifeetiye 14. Annual inspection, 5th Sept. Total on parade Ab::,ent with leave 2. \Y ithout leave 1. Annual re-examination, 5th ept. I ember pas ed . Di"ision supportecl hy donaticns. T~ e Division maintains its efficiency, and continues to do good and useful work. Durmg the year we have attended all gatherings, shows, and races h eld in th e suburban district, GLnd hl1ve attended to a considerable number of accid~])ts. D ivisio.n are now being formed on the goldfields, at Boulder, Kalgoorlie, I1nd Ooolgardle. It is desired to place on r ecord the assistance rendered to the P erth Diyi. ion by the members of the Freemantle L umper ' Union, which has o\,er seventy trained men. Without this a sistance the Division would not h(LYe been able to do a much as has been done during the pa t year . Th e e men have now form ed a Diyi ion but are still assisting us in every way. ' The ~eed of a di tinctive unifo~'m is much. felt, and we are con tantly a ked by the racmg clubs to adopt a umform. It l ' hopeel that uniform will s hortly he provided. W e have again to thank the ,Vest Australian Turf Club for a elonation . al 0 the H elena Vale anel Belmont Park Turf Olubs for donations received in reco(;nition of services rendpred. to




Assistant-Ov;ILmissione1'.-"tIiajor G~~o. BAIWL1\..Y. P almerston, Otago. Dist?'ict Chi~r Slwgeon.-Surgeon- fn,jol' .T. O. CWFlH, George Street, Dunedin. DistTict Chir;! Snpr'1'inlendent.- Mr.lI. Jr. ,'glW, V,tlun,tion Departm ent, Government Buildings, \Vellington. Dist?'ict Ohief !:htpe?'intenclent.-Mr. C . .T. TCNKS, ,'hortht nc1 Street, Auckland. Di t?'ict Sllpf1'intenilent S ee1·etm·!J. - 'MI', J. E. BONE, Forster 'trcct, Bclleknowes, Duuedin. District Snjle1'intenrlent 0/ StoTes.-J\Ir. II. TlIO)fAS, Th ames 'treet,Oamarl1. j)ist rict i:Illpe?'intenclcnt 1',·cctsw·el'. - Mr, ll. IIEPWOltTII, The SqlHLl'C, Palm erston Torth. It l~POR'l'

West Australia District. Assistant-001J'/,missione1·.-Lieut.-Ool. G. F. J\IC\VILLIAMS, lILB.,A.A.M.C., P erth.



OTAGO, NRW ZEALAND, 21st Deecmbe1', 1906 . IR,

I ht'l,\-C the honour to report n. Lo thc . talc of the St . .J olm Ambulance Brigade in N ,w Zettln.nt1. Stttisftwtory progn:. s continueR to ue madc, and. ince the date of the puulication of Lhe la!'!t annual report, four ambuln,nce and one nUl', ing divisions h<1,\'c been added to the roll of the Brig:tdc in the Colony, the total . trength now standing at 652 as Itgltinst C02 bl' ' I ve months ago . Thc older unit:-; havc well maintained their strength, a.nel are stcadily extending their usdulness, while ,1.111ong t the young'er Di,isioml con.,idemhle enthusiasm exi'lts. One faet worthy of mcntiull is the formntion during tbe year of three Railway Diyi. iOll!'!. 'rhe fil·,.,t of the. c \Va. formed hy the employees of the Government Railway Reryi(;e at Pal merston 1 T orth, a.nd to it m llst be allottecl the position of being the first rail way unit to be formed in connection "'ith the Brigade in New Zet\land. Following this, the employees of the \Vellington- ~Iall a\\'atu Railway Compnny in W ellington ol)tain'd the necessary sanction and formed a strong Diyi. ion, and later till a. Railwt1.Y Vi"i,.,i ol1 was formed at Iuyercnrgill. To the la. t·namecl i' due the di tinction of h'in!.S the mOtit ROll thedy unit of the Brigade in the world. During the year the necessary strdf has ueen appointed to aRsi~t the As istantC01l111li!'!::,ioner-in-cha.r lr u, in the propel' aclmil1istmtion of the Brigttc1e. In making these appointments duu t\ttention lu'll1 to l)e gi"en to the peculiar geoi,,'Taphical po ition of ~ ew /'; ·aland. For A.·so(;it1.tion work, the Colony is at the present time practically (;on t1'olluel l)y four Cen tre's, viz., A1H.:klll1lcl, \'iTellington, Ohri tchurch and Dnnedin, lmd in selectill~ Ollice1" to act as lllcmhel's of the Brigade 'taff, it was arrt\nged as far as possihlu fOl' one U1' mol" Oflicers being in the territory of each 'enrTu, in order that the work of the Briga<le might be properly supen·jsed and controllecl. As:1. re.·ult of these appointments I anticipt\tc that there will be a further stillllll u!; gi\ en to Ollr \\'ork. ])lIl'iu[4 the y'ar s '\'eml amhulance competitions IHwe been held at different phw 'S, aud teams frum \ ,tl'ions eli l'isiol1s ha \ e competed and gi\'en good exhibition ' uf work. The ltttenrltl.lwc of mcmbers of tlw Brigade at ~pOl'ts, 1'1\'e meetings, etc., is being g-mcltl,tlly u\.tl'llclec1, while the number of caseS uf transport carriecl out by the Brigade is steltclily inereasillg. 1 anLi(;ipatu that during' the forthcoming year tt Humber of llew di\'i'ion will be fOl'll1 ecl. lliopc to see amllllbllcc c1illtiiuns shortly ·tmted at L yttleton, Httmpdcn, H erh 'I't, I ~ mow, and ]{ i IeI' 'clale, and 1l Ul'sillg eli l'ii-iiollS at }'1asterton , lilton and other pla(;es. l! nIl c1etails of the strength of the Drigt\(lu arc t,';'yen in the attached ab tract of CUl'!>;:; nnel di,islOns. I have the honoUt' to b', il' Your obedient 'er"ltnt, GEO. RU\CLA y Major, T. Z. V. l1uno1'aJ'!.1 Jlssociate of the ( nlel' oj St. John of J C1'1tsalem. J1ssista nt- 00111 111 issioner. To the Commi'siOller for tlpecial 8e1'\ iues, tit. John Ambulance Brigade, t. John's Gate, L ondon.

St. J ohm .A ?nb'LI.llance BTigacle.




St. John A?nbulance Brigade.




Fo?'rned. P,'Iolmerston South Denni tOll Palmer ton North Ry .. W elli ngton-l\fanawater Railwa.y Co. 's Young M,'IoU's Ohri tin.n Association (Wellington) . . In vercargill Ru,il way

Dec. 21, 1 92 Dec. 11, 1 95 Oct. 1 , 1 99 Jan. 1 , 1900 l\Iay 1, Oct. 2 , Oct. 25, TOV. 24, Dec. 1

1901 1902 190,1 1904 190,1

Hon . Surgeon .

D ec. 9, 190J Jan. 6, 1906 F eb. 6, 1906

J. O. Oloss, M.D.

TOV. 5, 1906

W. G. North.

ApI. 30 , ApI. 29, , ept. 22, Oct. 5, Oet. 31, 1\J ar. 21,

J. E. Bone, Forster Street, Belleknowes, Dunedin. 2nd Officer.

J. J.

W. W. Wilkinson.

J. Johnston, 24, Maitland Street, Dunedin.

Nov. 12, 1906 Dec. 18, 1906

Officers 5. Increa e SInce la t report attended not on public duty Corps upported by members'

,ruly 1, ept. 7, l\ln,y 30, , ept. 22, 1I1a.r. 5,

]905 1905 190:; 19 05 1906

Privates 49. Total effective 54. 1. Drills held 17 . Average attendance 14. Oases 9. Transport cases 5. Annual in pection, 27th July. sub 'criptiollS.


Su perintendent.

B. J. Dudley, ;lLR.C.S.

C. J. Tunks,

1st Officer.


3rd Officer.

. Johnson.

Hon. Secretary and Inspector of Stores.

Thn.me. Palmerston South Onehunga Petone . Christchurch

1 95 1902 1904 190,1 190·1 1905


1st Officer.

TUp,SING DIVI 10 'S. Dunedin Wellington Oamaru OwtLka Palmerston Torth Auckland



Formed. Dunedin Auckland Oamaru 'IVellington . Palmel'ston North Fire Brigade 1Iasterton Owaka Ohristchurch P etone






hortland Street, Auckland.

HOIl. Secretary and Treasurer.

H. 1\1. Doull, 30, High

treet, Auckland.

Inspector of Stores.


cd -'

Corps or Division.



....,'" .~



D i. tl'ict Staff ... .. ... D unedin .. ... A uckland .. , .. '" oamaru ... ... .. \\Tellington ... ... P almerstcn North (Fire Brigade) Masterton ... ... ... Owaka ... ... .. Christchurch ... .. Petone ... ... "Palmerston South ... .. Denniston ... .. . ... Palmerston Torth Railway ... 'Vellington-1\Ianawa.ter Railway ... Y. l.C.A. ,V ellington .. Invercargill Railway ... ... NUR.·ING Dln.·IOxs. Dunedin ... ... ... Wellington ... ... ... Oamaru ... ... ... Owaka ... ... ... Palmer. ton North ... ... Auckland .. ... ... Thames .. , .. ... Palmerbton outh ... .. . Onehunga ... ... ... Petone .. . ... .. Christchurch ... .. ... 'rotal





.... er.

l:i~ I » . ~ I t~~ 8> ?§ ~g .~ ~ e~ I en.i; I §8 ~~ ~~ Z~ r::

Ie .



'2 "'::: ... 0 = To o Q) .:-~ ::: t./)


=0 «l



1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 3





2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1







3 1

1 1 2




tOrn ~=E

2 1 1 1


I --

J. F. Derrick. g>~










,1!) 14 11 20 25



























21 15






35 30 9

.... Q)d

13 15 16 18 13 11 33 2

















Officer 3. Privates 14. Total 17. Arrangements have been made with the Volunteer Bearer Corp for the use of their rooms, ancll\Iember of the Division will al 0 haye the privilege of attending lectures gi "en by the medical staff.




rn ....,'" co-



1 1 1 1 1 1



~ Y1~ I s-~ -



- --



OAMARU DIVISION. [Formecl18.10.98.J

51 17 14 25 32 10 17 17



Han . Surgeon .

A. .



















2 1 1




1 1 1 1 1

3 1


30 42 21 20 17 32 ]2 2 ]0


2 1

1 2

~I.lt.C.S .


H. R. Thomas, Thames

treet, Oamaru.

Hon. Secretary.

H. 1\1. '. Grenfell.

A. Griger, Thames

treet, Oamaru.

Inspector of Stores.


A. C. Buist . Officers 3. Privates 1l. Total effectiye 14. Drills held 12. Average attendance Cases attended on public duty 7. Removals 10. Case8 n.ttended not on public duty 9. Annual inspection, 4th August. Total on parn.de 9. Ab ent with leave 3. Without lel1"e 2. Annual re-examinl1tion, 13th ept. Members pa ed 12. Did not appear 1. Iedallions 8. Uniform worn. Division supported by the public. At nearly all the local sport' meetings the Di\-l.sion has been represented, and most of the football matche during the sea on have al 0 been attended by some of the members. l\lemuers have always been ready to give their services for removal, etc., and this work has at times been recognised in a tangible manner by donations to the funds.

36 43 2-1

23 21 36 ] 14 -- 1 29 ] 1 12 ] 2 1 ~5 29 - - -- - 1 1 3 4f1 50 7 22 1313 ' 28015 -9111 282 652 -


1st Officer.

I -





[Formed 18.1.1900.1


C. D. H enry, M.R. C.S. H. E. Gibbs, III.B. F.R,C. , H. A. H. Gilmer, M. D.



St. John A mbtda?1 ce Brigade.



1st Offi cer.

H. H. Seed, Government Buildings. Wellington.

J. Resant.


[Formed 1.12.04.]


Hon . Surgeons.

Hon . Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

O. V. Dixon, 9, Oxford Road, Wellington.

M. "\V. Ross,

A. Roulston.

Officers 5. Privates 20. Total effective 25. .,.,redallions 11. Drills held 10. Average attendance ~2. r. ~u During the year II'. C. P. Powles resigne d t h e supel:m t en dency . of the Division, a position he had occupied with advantage for some consldemble tIme.

W. D. Perry,


M. R.C.S.

F irst Officer (in charge).



Hon . Secretary a nd Treasurer.

Inspector of Store s.

J. C. Ralpb, Torey treet, Petone. OfficerR 3.

.J. Smart .

Sergea,nt 1.

Corporals 2. Privates 13. Total effective 19. Average attendance 6. Annual inspection, 27th Sept. Divi ion supportcd by members' subscriptions.

X umber of drills held H.

Tl)t~1.1 on parade 11.


M. Campbell, M.B. G. Wilson, M. B.

W. R. Stowe, lILR.C.S. C. W. Peach, M. B.




1st Office r.

Officers 7.

Privates 25 .


Officers 3. ergeant 1. Corpomls 2. Privates 15. Total effective 21. Drill held 17 . Average attendance 10. Removals 2. Cases attended not on public duty 12. Annual in pection, 23rd June. Total on parade 13. Medallions 3. Di vision upportecl by members.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer. .J:

D. Guffie, Palmerston

R. W. Wheeler.

The Square, Palmers ton North.

W. R. Hall, Broad Street, Palmerston



M. D.

L. Giorgi.

W. H. Barnard.

H. Hepworth,

[Formed 9.12.04.]

Hon . Surgeon.

2nd Officer.

1st Officer.




Total effective 32.

DENNISTON DIVISION. [Formed 6.1 06.] MASTERTON DIVISION. [Formed 28.10.02.]


Hon . Surgeons.

A. Hosking,

U. W. Rose,

lILB .

L. H. L ewis, Chapel

A. E. Wilton, Queen Street, Masterton. Privates 7.


treet, )Iasterton.

enr., Owaka.

First Officer.

Second Officer.

H. R. Rix.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

D. Wratten, Owaka.

C. L a.tta. 13.

Total effective 17.

CHRISTCHURCH DIVISION. [Formed 24.11.04.] Hon. Surgeon.

H. McC. I nglis,


Hon . Sec. and Treas.

Inspector of Stores.

Officers 2.

J. Edward. Privates 13.


C. Bird,


J. Penman , Denniston.

Total effective 15.


F. McLatchie.

Officers 4.



[Fol'meu 25.10.04.] Superintendent.



.J. R. Palmer, JJenniston.

Total effective 10.

Hon . Surgeon .

T. McKibbin,

'V. J.

Hon. Secreta ry.


Officers 3.

Hon. Surgeon.



. W. Peach,


Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.

Inspector of Stores.

A. Crow, Kaiapoi Wollen Coy, Christchurch.

J. Burns.



J. Grieg, Rail way, Palmer ton North.

Hon. Secretary.

J. Grant.

Ins pecto r of Sto res. A. Thompsoll.

Officer 2. Privates 11. Total effective 13. Thi is the fir t pur Jy Railw(I,y Di\'i -ion formed in the colony.


A. 'V.


A. E. Pollock, 'VeJlington-Jlamtwatu Railway Co., 'VeIling-ton.

IZHrd. )LRC.'.

Hon. Secretary.

Officers 2. Privates 15. Tota.l effective 17. During the first year of their existence the members h~ve .sho~n considern.ble zeal in equipping themselves, and under theIr Han. 'urgeon s dll'ectlOn have. reached a high state of efficiency. Depots have now been placed ready for emergencIes.

Hon . Treasurer.

.T . • 'tone, R!1.il\V~ys, Palmerston North .

1st Officer (in charge).



Hon. Surgeon .

Inspecto r of Stores.

Geo. Andrew, 'Vellington- l\lan awa,tu Railway Co., 'Vellington . Officers 2.

Privates 33.

A. Ca~sil.

Total effective 35.

St. John A ?nbulc~nc e B?·igade.

St. John A mbuZcmce Brigade.




[Formed 12.1 1.06.J

Hon . Surgeon . Super in tendent.

Hon . Surgeon .


. Elliott,

W . hipton: Y.M.C.A., Wellington.

N. B.

Hon. Secretary.

Inspector of Stores.

G. Adair, Y.nI.C.A., W ellington .

F. Thirkell.

Officers 2.

Privates 2R.

T otal effectiye 30.


Super intr:ndent.

Hon . Surgeo n.

J. B.


[Formed 1 ,12.06,J

W. Stewart, Railway,Yorkshop ,Inyercal'gill.

M. B.

Inspector of Sto res.

Hon . S ecretary.

T. F.

C. W. Kirk, Railw'ay Workshops,

. Rudel.

K. McAdam,

Lady Superinten dent.

Miss M. E. Bruce, Test Street, Oamaru.


1st Nurs ing Officer.

Lady S ecretary.

Miss L. Creagh.


. Bee, Wharf treet, Oamaru.

Lady Treasurer.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss L. :'101·ley.

Miss M . Beswick.

Officers 3. Nursing sisters 21 . Total effective 24 , Practices held 12. Average attendance H. Annual inspection, 14th August. Annua'! re-examination, 6th 'ept. l\lembers passed 19. ::'1edallions 14. Division supported hy members' sub criptions. Keen interest has been taken ia the work of the Division, a,nd the Hon. urgeon (Dr. :'IcAdam) has taken great pains in the tuition of the members.

OWAKA NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 5.10,04.J Hon. Surgeons,


A. Privates 7.

Officers 2.




Total effectiye 9.


T, I1IcKiubio,


Lady Superintendent,

1I1iss E. Dutton, OIYaka.


TDm '


Lady Inspector of Stores ,

11i 's C. Du ttOll, O\\ak:1.

:JIrs. C. Burton.

Officers 3.

ursing sisters 20.

Total effective 23.

Lady Superintendent,

Hon. Su rgeons.

Hiss J. D. Hooper, 55, Melville treet, Dunedin.

L. E. Barnett, F.H.C. , E. H. 'W illiams, ::'>1. B. 1st Nurs ing Officer.

2nd Nursing Officer,

3rd Nursing Officer.

Mrs. W. Forre ter.

fiss A. :'Iendelsohn.



Lady Secretary and Treasurer.

E. J. Reeves.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Lady Treasurer.

E. ,'ood, 105, Forth Street, Duneuin .

Miss H._Fisher.

1\1iss M. Begg.

PALMERSTON NORTH NURSING DIVISION. [Fonnell 31.10.04.J Lady Superintendent,

Han , Surgeons ,

:'IrS. H. nlowlem, Church treet, Palmer::; ton X orth,

towe, ~I.R.C.S. O. \\T. Pea.ch, ::'lLn.

\V. R.


Lady Secretary,

1st Nursing Officer.

Miss :JI.

:rtlrs. A. McGregor.






Agnes Bennett,

AUCKLAND NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 21.3.05.J Lady S uperintendent.

Hon . Surgeon.

nIl' . L. I mith, The Heaton, Nelson treet Auckland N.Z.


2nd Nursing Officer.

1st Nurs ing Officer.

Mrs. W. B. Fisher, Thorndon, 'Vellington . Lady Inspectors of Sto res.

Mrs. "\V. H. Pearson .

Officer 4. Nursing 'i ler~ 17. Total effecti\'e 21. Practices helel 17, Ayerage attendance 10. Flr ' t aid eel e' attended not on public duty 19. Oas nun;ed priyately 6. Annual in pection, 11th JUly, Total on parade 13, Annual re-examination. 2 th 'ept, :Member' pa'sed 13. Regulation uniform wurn. i'lIaterial: steam kettle, hot-water boitle, bed tead and bedding, etc. Divi 10n upported by members' ubscription, The Diy} 'ion i in a healthy conditiun, Member;.; a,re greatly indebted to the Hon, urgeon for the lectures, etc., ddin:red c1 Ul ing the year.

M. B .

Lad y Secretary,

Miss D. E. Fuller.

Officer 1. Nursing sisters 42. T otal effective 43. Medallions 16. Upon retiring from the position of H on. Surgeon, Dr. I sabel Watson was pres~nted by the memhers 'wit~ a E>uitable wedding gift. Th e majority of the NUl'::;ing Sls~ers are thoroughly qualified to undertake practical nursing, and their services are avaIlable to supplement the services of the St ..John Ambulance District Nurses.


l1i s 'harrett.

nIiss McDowall.

K. :McDougall,

Hon , Su rgeon,

niih-erton, :Main Palmers ton North.

Lady Inspector of S tores.

Lady Treasurer.

Officers 6. Nursing si. tel's 30. Total effective 36. Practices held 13. Average attendance 26. First aid ca es attended not on public duty 11. Ca es nursed privately 3. Annual in pection, 25th July. Total on par[ule 22. Annual re-examination, 15th Sept. Members pas ed 24. Medallions 26. Regulation uniform w?rn. Division supported by members' ubscriptions. The attendance dUl'lng the year has been very good . A team of laelies took part in the annual demonstration arranged by the As~ociation.


Ii . M. :'IcLeod .


Miss M. Eclmi ·ton, I brox, "Wood Lady Treasurer.

Mi S E. Thorne.


:JI. Web tel'.

Lady Secretary.

tt'eet, Ponsonby, Aucklanu, N.Z. Lady Inspector of Stores

Miss E. Homer.

Officcrs 4. NUl' 'ing is tel'S 32, Total effective 36. Practice helel 15. A,'erage attendance 1. Case nul' ed primtely 6. Division continues to mn,ke "ery satisfn.ctory progress.

Th e

St. John Ambulance Brigade.


St. J olin A ?nbulance Brigade.


THAMES NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 1.7.05.J Hon . Surgeon.

Lady Superintendent.

G. Lapraik, M.B.

Mrs. J. Ensoll, Mary Street, Thames, N .Z.

Lady Sec . an d Treas.

Lady Inspector of Stores.

Mrs. W. Wilson, Mackay Street, Thames.

Mrs. E. R. Oarpenter.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 12. Total effective 14. Keen interest is taken by t he members in their work, and the Hon. Surgeon hag taken great pains to impart instruction.


Lady S ecretary.

Lady Inspector of Stol'es.

1\1iss O. Hill, Palmerston South.

Mrs. O. Barclay.

Officer 1. Nursing sisters 28. Total effective 29. The members continue to take great interest in the work.


W. G. Scott, M.D.

Lady Superintendent.

1\1i s A. K. Gillman, Queen Street, Onehunga, N.Z.

Lady Secretary.

Lady Treasurer.

Miss E. Fleming, Grey Street West, Onehunger.

Mi,> O. Ounningham.

Officers 2. Nursing sisters 10. Total effectiye 12. Practices held 12. Average attendance 9. Annual inspection lIth Sept. T otal on parad~ ?'. Medallions 10.. Division supported by members' sdbscriptions. 1\T The Dpl~lslOn has made satIsfactory progre s under the iustruction of Dr. Scott and .I.' urses nestly and Fleming.

PETONE NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 22.9.05]. Hon . Surgeons.

M. 'Y. Ross, i\LB. W. D. Perry, M.B.C.S.

Lady Sup erintendent.

Mrs. 1'.1. Perry, Hutt Road, Petone.

1st Nursing Officer.

Mi S E. Oarter .

Lady S ecretary.

Miss E. Kibblewhite, Nelson St., P etone.

Nursing sisters 25. Total effective 29. Officers 4. Good work has been done by the Division at the various meetings, etc.

CHRISTCHURCH NURSING DIVISION. [Formed 5.3.06.J Hon . S urgeon.

W. V.



Lady Sup erintendent.

Miss E. Twose, Harewood Road, Christchurch.

. 1st NurSin g Officer and Lady S ecretary.

1I11SS E. 0 , Oowan, Marshlands, Christchurch. 2nd Nu rSing Officer and Lady Inspector of Stores.

Miss J. Staveley.

Assistant Oommissioner-Major J. A. LIEBMANN. District Ohief SUTgeon- II'. O. F. K. MURRAY, M.D. District Superintendent S ec1·etary-Mr. \V. T. WOOLLEY. District Chief Supe1'intendent-Oolonel R. F. STIRKE.

[Formed 30.5.05.J



Hon. Surgeon .



3rd Nu rsing Offi cer.

M.iss L. Molineaux.

. Officers 5. Nursing sisters 45. Total effective 50. . Durmg the sbort l?eriod that the Diyision has been in existence considerable lllterest has been manifest by the members, and there is every prospect of a successful future.

REPORT OF 'l'HE ASSISTANT OOMMISSIONER. R OSEBANK, NEAR OAPE TOWN, 30th September, 1906. IR, I have the honour to present, herewith, the first annual report for the Oape Oolouy Di. trict. The Brigade, here, consists of seven Divisions, of which six are in Cape Town and one iu East Lonuon, comprising :-10 Officers, 4 sergeants, 8 co rporals and 97 l)riYates, making a total of 120. . The work of the year has bee n, geuerally speaking, most satisfactory and the drIlls have been well attended. Opportunities for public duty are few and far between, but wheu the Brigade ha been called out, the response has been hearty and the ,york done excellent. The number of cases treated and removed by the members of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, a list of whi~h is appended, proves (were it needed) the utility of the work auu the great interest taken in it by .the members. . Being uuuble, personally, to vi it East London, partly OWlllg to the long rall,:ay journey (over 1700 miles), I requ e~ted Major Brownlee, D.S.O., Oommandlllg " A " 00., C. M. O. (V) to be good enough to uuuertake the inspection on my behalf. His report reads as follows : TEMBA TI, ALEXANDRA ROAD, KING WILLIAM' TOWN, 22nd Octobt7', 1906. "OD the evening of Saturday, the 20th October, 1906, I made an inspection of "the Railway Diyi ion of the t. John Ambulance Brigade at East Loudon. There "were present: Hon. Surgeon Dr. W. B. kinner in command, 4 sergeants and "corporals and 15 men. The division presented a YBry smart appearance onrarade. " After inspection they were put through variolls movements by the serge~nt a.nd " corporals, including marching past (under the ~onorary llrge~n); n:arcblllg w.Ith " closed and open tretchers; preparing and ClOSlllg stretcher ; first ald banuaglllg Land liftinO' wounded and the restoration of the apparently drowned. All these <. exercises ~ere performed in a highly sati factory manner. The equipm~n~, books, " etc., were in order. May I be permitted to add that the greatest ~redIt 1S due to "Dr. Skinner for the efficiency to which he has brought his men, nnalded as he bas « beeu by any drill iustructor or out ide help." ( ianed) JOHN INNES BROWNLEE, Major, OtIic~r Oommanding, "A" 00., O. M. O. (Y).

St. J ohn A ?nb'L~lance B1·igade.

St. John A1nbu.,lance BJ'i:J(JcZe.

I should like to avail myself of this opportunity of cordially thanking Major Brownlee for his very kind assistance in taking this in5pection which proved so satisfactory to him. The great financial depression through which the colony is passing accounts for the number of changes in the rank and file, men are continually leaving the sea port towns in order to try and seek better prospects np-country. I n my next report, I hope to be able to make mention of at least two nursing divisions, one in Oape Town and one at 'Woodstock, enquiries have already heen received respecting their formation. I haye the honour to be, Sir, Yom obedient Servant, J . A. LTEBJ\IANN, Major. Hono?'a1'Y Se1'ving B1'othe1' of the 01'CZe1' oj the Hospitcd oj St. John oj Je1'1lsalem in England, Acting Assistant Gommissione1·. To the Oommissioner for Special Services, St. J obn Ambulance Brigade, London.

,11Orsec1 ambulance, litter, 2 stretchers (not ::It. John pattel'l1), 3 first aid boxes on fire -ellgines (property of Oorporation), havre!;ac, water bottle. Di vision supported by Corporation.

45 2


Fonned. East London Railway. Jan. I, 1904 Cape Town Oorps Metropolitan F. Brigade Sept, 6, 1905 Young Men's Ohristian A sociation . Sept. 8, 1905

O.G. Railway, Good O. G. Ry., Read-qrs. O. G. Ry. , Passenger Staff 'Voodstock

Fonned Sept. 24, 1905 Oct. 4, 1905 Dec. 19, 1905 Dec. 19, 1905


Corps or Divisioll .


2 ...,

'" t:5 c 0


o ....






ht5 -



1 1 1 1 1 1 1








tEB-" -




W. J. Schuller,


HEAD'QUAnTEl::: Y.M.C.A. BUJLDrNG~, UAPE Towx. Hon. S urgeo n .






s::..<> .... .,.., c ce


.......'" 00








";;i ..:. 0




CD [/]








12 16


P 11

10 13


20 5 30

22 6 33








A. Al'ellhold,





H. L. Attrirlge, Sea Point, Cape Town.

CAPE Towx. S u p erintenden t .

A. :M cIntosh, Bury treet, Oape Town.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Oorporals 2. Privates 8. Total effective 13. Decrease since last reJ.-lort 6. Drills held 24. Average attendance 12. Removals 4 . Cases attended not on public duty 48. Al111llal inspcction 26th Sept. Tohl on parade 13. Annual re-examination, lOth Sellt. Members passed 12. Material:


Su peri ntend ent.

~r. n.

J. ,Toyce, O.G.R. Good' Dept., Oape'1'o-w11.

Officcr£ 2_ ergeant 1. 'orporal 1. PriyateR 10. Total effectiye 14. Dp.crcac:;c si Ilre la t report 4. Drill: hcld 15. Average attendance 10. Annlla I in~pectioll, ~lst 'Pl1t. Total on parade 14. Absent " 'ith ]eaye 3. l\Iaterial : haYl'csac, \rater boltle. Divisioll supported by members.


llE.'dl-QUAll'J'EJt .:


- - -I- - - - - -

[Formed 24.9.05.J


GOOIli'; DEP,\llnrEKT,

Hon. Surgeon.



Superintendent and Hon. Sec.

Budd, 1II.n.o.fl.

Officers 2. Sergeant 1. Corporals 2. Privates 17 . Total effective 22. Increase since last report 10. Drills helJ 27. Average attellclance 5. Annual inspection, 28th Sept. Total on parade 7. A hsrnt with leave 10. Without leave 5. Annllal re-exaillination, 25th ,ept. Medallions 3. Material: 2 f;tretchers, 2 havrc acs and 2 \rater bottles. Di vi8ion su pported by mem bel'S Sll hsC'riptions. The Di\'i ion having passed the initiatory stage is now making good progress, and the efficiency of the men improving. The lIon. Sllrgeon has he en indefatigable in his encleayonrs to proll1ote the interests of the Division, and as the reo ult of his lectures 011 first aid several ncw names ha\'e been recently added to the strength. The members have rendered first aiel on several puhlic and private occasions. A detachmcnt, u1lder the snpenision of Dr. Budd. with a complete camp e'1 ui pment, and surgical reguirements, attendeu tite Annnal Agricnltnral Show h elcl1ast February. It is anticipated that further progress will be made during the next Brigade yea!', ;and it is hoped that the members will soon he provided with uniform.

r.ti • .......






Y.M.C.A. DIVISION . [Formed 8.9.05.J



District Staff ... ... ... Cape Town Oorps ... '" ... O.G. Railway Goods Division ... C.G. Railway Head-quarters Div. ... C.G. Railway Passenger Staff Div. ... Metropolitan Fire Brigade Div. ... Y.M.U.A. Division .. ... Woodstock Division ... ... East L ondon Railway Division ...



Hon. Surgeon.




Oltkcrs 2.

1st Officer.

Hon. Sec. and Treas.

W. Thomley.


W. H. Thornley, Chief ACCOUll tan t's Office.

ergean t 1.

C01'po1'3.11. Privates 14. Total effectiye 1 . 1906. Members pa 'ed 7. Material: water Lretcher, n:sted in .J.A.A. Division supported uJ its

Alll1Ual re-examinatioll, All gust,

boillc, sl11'gical llavre ac, m embers.






H o n . S urgeon.


. Well,


Officer 1. ergeant] . Prinltes 8. Total effectiye 10. Decrcasc since last report 2. Dnlls h eld 13. Average attendance 7. Cases attellded on public cll1 t,Y 4. R<.'ll1ovals 2. A nuual inspection, ~1. t ept. Totfl l on parade 9. Material: stretcher, havre ac, water bottle. Dlvlson supported by members' slluscription .

St. J ohn A 1nbulance B rigade.

St. J ohn A ?1?,btdan ce B1·igade.


T he member of this Divi ion belong to the C.G.R. Passenger Staff and the case treated \\'ere attendcd to \\'h ilst on duty. The members of the Diy:ision being on duty at the terminal station are immediately ayailable :in ca e of acciuent. T hedrill haye been "'ell attended. A material iucrea c :ill num bel's is expected as soon as the new clas has been examined .

WOODSTOCK DIVISION. [Formed 19.12.05.]

45 5

ORANGE RIVER COLONY DISTRICT. Dr. TRICT STAFF. Assistant Commissioner.-CAPTAL- G. H. GODDARD, R.A.~[,C. District Chief Superintendent.-C.\l'TAIN C. T. RQURART, M.D., R.A.1If . C. (Y.). District Superilltwclent Secretary.-i.lr. H. 'llAW.



Hon . Surgeon .

A. P. M. Anderson,

Officer 1. Corporal 1. Pri mtes 4. Total effective 6. Decrea e ince la ·t report 4. Drills held 17. Average attendance 5. Annual inspection, 1 th "ept. Total on parade 5. Material: hoI' e ambulallcc, b 'etcher, han-e ac , water bottle. Di,i ion snpported by members' sub criptiolls.



Ho n. S urgeon, S upt., and Inspecto r o f S tores .

W'. B.

kinner,:\[' B. ,


2 n d Office r .

A. E.


East London.

10 -ER,


1st Officer.

E. John ou. Hon. S ec r etary and T reas urer.

J . Mori Oll, Accountant' Department, Cape Governmen t Hail way.

Officers 3 Corporals 2. Pli\'ates 2. Total effectin 33. I ncl'E'a e since last report 4-. Drills held 42. Average attenoallC'e 13. Cases attended on public duty 5. Removal ]7. Casrs attended not Oll pulJlic duty 30. A~nual inspection, 20th October. Total on paraue ~O. A b 'rllt "'ith leaye 2. ~ltbout lean 3. Annual re-examination, 5th and 7th July. :Members pa~' sed 22. Dld not appear 10. Medallions 12. Regulation uniform WOI'll by 2 officer, 2 corporal, and 17 men. Material : stretcher" 4- urgical han'e acs, 12 cam'as havre acs, 6 water bottle, 2 wheeled ambulance littcr. Diyi ion SUppOl ted by Cape Go,ernlllent Railway. e,eralmembers lla,e resigned during the year from varion can es and se,eral have been mond away from East London by their heads of departmellts. There are now 22 ulliformed members in the Division and thcy presented a Yrl'Y lllart appearance at the annual !nspection ano were specially complimentell by 11ajor pro,,:nlee, .D . . 0., Cape MedIcal Corps, on their efficiency. A much higller standard 1~ belllg aImed at, ~nd ~everal recruits ha \'e intimated their \\'illillgness to join. Stretcher quads WIth litter and necessary appliances "ere pre elit for two days at the ~ast Lon.don A~'icnltural ho\\', hut fortunately their services "were not,. reqmred. ,Dul'lng the SIX day of thr "Currie" Cup Tournament (Ruguy ) for outh Afnc~, held III East Londoll, the Divi ion sent a squad eYcr)' day and on five occa lOn _ they wele able to render first aid, aftrr\Yards takill(' the illjl11ed players to their hotels. <-


29th Octoba, 1906. Ut,

I have the honour to fon,anl yon herewith Returns for the year ending 30th 'eptelllber, 1906, for the Corps and Divisions in the Orange River Colouy Di. trict. The progre~s of the work in the Orange Riyer Colony during the past year has been in every way excellent, and I am confident that the strength of all units will be ub tantially i!)crea ed during tIle ensuing year, ",hil t I am hopeful that other units will he formE'd before very long. As will be een from the accompanying report from Ditriet Chief uperilltenl1ent C. T. Urquhart, ;'I.D., a number of in pection ha\'e beeu succe ~ rully carried out, and in all ca es the members of the Corl' and Division' concern cd haye exhibited a keen intere t in the work, which peak \\'ell for future l'rogre . I regret that I han not personally been able to take an eti"e part in the work of the District during the period nnder re\'iew, as, owing t o ill·health, I han heen pre\'ented frOllll'eturlliug to theDi tl'ict, but I haye always lH~ en in clo ~ e t ouch with the work, llud am l'lea' ell to be able to record myappreciation of the eyer-willing manner in which all rauks of the Brigade in my Di trict han ' Ct nied ont their dutie ' . I am eSl,ecially indebted to Di trict Chief "ul'Crintellllellt C. T. 'Ul'<plhurt for the great ll " i tunce he has gi\'cn me. He has conducted all in pections in the District on my behalf, and his per onal upel'Yi ion ant! u(lyice ha\e been of con:iillerable yalue in aciYancing the work in the Orllllge RiYt' r Colony. I am al 0 milch indc:htell to ~Iajor Ho e, Chief urt. C. . A.R. (O.RO.) Corp:i, and to Lieut. packman, ' hiet' upt . Bloemfontein Corp, for their \aln.tule h l'lp during the pa t yCll!. ~[.r Di tri ct uperintencient'ecretar,\', )11'. haw, continue to carry out hi duties 1ll he . ame highly efficient malllLCr which ha markrd hi - work in preyiou yeal - . I hu\e thE' honour to be, iI', Your obedient en ant,

G. H.


Assi tant Cvmmis ion cl', O.R.C.



Tht' C:ommi sion,'r jn' Sflcrial Scl't'icl! , St. John .Llmbulal!Ct B/'ig(1d~ . Pl'nLlC HE.~LTH OFFICE. , xO\ EHN~IENr BGILDING-., BLODfFONTEIN.

6th October, 1906. .IR,

I han! the honour to report that during the year now ended I ha\'e inspected the ftlUO\\'ing Diyision' of the ' r. John _\.mbulance Brigade. Early in the year I y:i ' ited Kl'llonstad t, and inspected the Rail way Di \'ision, which had been newly formed under ~l.- rgt. Y'{. B. Canter. The member \Yere Yery enthusia:;tic, and their ~ul:>sequent pru~ress hits been consider:lule. n the 29th eptembet' I in peeted tbe C . . A.R. (U .K '.) Corp:; under bief Superintendent J. ' Y. A. Ro'e. For thi in pection the Kroon tadt Railway Di\-i lon, under lIon ..... ur~eon :lnd . . uperiutendent E. Duthie, cumbined with the Bloemfontein Rltilway Dl\lsion, under uperinhmdent A.

-157 ~hckay. and the ~pecrion 'W;~ ill erery W:ly :1 ~ucce:.::. I hore th, . nex- ~'e. l' ~'her Rail'W. , Di,isiollS "illlh ,e been formed. and b: t the next annual ill pecn n t t be Rail'W' ~ Corp- will be a wry COn5} erably l:n;er one. On t hi- oecnsion the.m Yemellt~ were ren' correcrl, executed . and ~lye _ e'at pIe, "-UIe to the h r;;e c wd 01 onl kC'l". The me~be :: 0: thi;; orp~ dei>en'e _Tea t credit. for it )i; only. fter a h: 1 d, Y" Wd ' that the, c' n rind rime 0 pur:sue he ,york of the Bri;:. de. s peci.l than"'-~ a e' due '0 the' Gen~r:u ~I, na--. er of the emral ~ uth .-i..frican R· il'Wa,:-~. T. R. Price. e,:"r.I.> .. for t he b nd.: me 'Wa,~be h· ~ trea -ed ,he r::lihn.:rnen and the f· ~iliDe" he b: ~ ,,13ntel for

forwardin.! tbe wor' 0' the Bri'-o de. I illspecred the :: uth .-Uric.;: OllSt bularl, F oot Branch) Diyi.si"'n un er Fn, ~mbuL nce Officel T . Connor, in the ab-ence 'of the Surerimendem:. ~L 'or G. D . G1 ,. T he member:s 'Went throu!!h their drill .111d exerci_ s with tbe 1-,rc-eision t be e:s:p~eted onl, from tbe thorou!:!:b'manner ill whicb the,:- had 'J<;'en trained. I ill ill5peCted tbe PrisoIi' Dinsion of the Bloerniomeill Cdp. under Se ;t. H. H owle--. and: lthou_h he men of thii> Di,-i~ion : re frequently hellle tr, n,,:err to 0 her sr' tions. their enthusi: "'m W: - l-.eyonri pmise. I .Iso in"l- ctc-d tbe 1 y Dinsion of the Bloemfontein OlpS, under :3ul->€lintendem: 'Y. 'I er ... nd., thoueb disappoinnn; in number:s. hey m. de a good appe' I. nce. con5idering the dis!ld,', nunder which the, baye bboured. On the :?9th "eFember he illst annual Di.;,-ric tl e To'WD Hall. Bloem:on ein. ':::e,en -iuad.s compe -ed.. Lieu-. T . s . Dud llle r. ..L. I, C' •• kindly. -;:;j.s-ed me in jud='ill; the competitoI~. and after the moSt l: Ie 'ul .. lld s&1rehinz examination-the Prisoll Di,i;;ion-the h ~t Di,i5ilill form - c. me '( first. iollow.od b, the ~econd P olice team. and bird y be rir~ Po' ice fe< m . _\. number o· citizen- con ributed prizes.• nd a ::1 eci 1 CDmini- ee eo11",c( f the amounr required. Durin~ the meetin r of che South .-Uriron ) Iedical ConD'e.::"-. on the iny-j. 'on L'oIonel Porrer and the office' of tbe R. A. ~I.C. shtioned a BIoem'lll-elll., n Home' was v,en on the R n l.ller:s' Ground . Blocmfon ein. 'Wben a mu,. ,ucce:"-: 11 :dllbition of~ambuh nce 'Work W· ",'i'en. '1ken p: rt in by the Y'ri us Di ;,,1 n::- ·f tIle City, as well as 1.y he R . .A.}I. C . , alun", "iIh· company of the. -orio k Re _'1men:. who ~,e a realistic mimic battle. 2Jm. H. F . ,,-it: n. the ",ie of the .~C,ilL! Lieur~,Gowrnor. graeiou,,- y pre.sen-ed the prize~ whIch h. d been e in d,: the i,.n'i(;: omperi ion. T he whole of the di"play w. " under the cha "e of L ieu. allrl (,.lu. ner· ::\[a tel' H. 2packillan, R . A. 1L c .. Cbief SUI erintenden- of the Bloemfontein L' rp, 0 whom all the credit of a mo;;t succe5"-ful pelfOlmance i" due. Thi" offic(J' h. ' und r· taken a ,er, difficult ra, ' in 5upen-isillg the Bloemfolltein orF. and it is chiefly 0 his exertion:: that the P ri:son Dinsion carne to tbe front. t he Di". ric, illit:ti 1 n . I "hould like to xpre.::' the rep'et felt by : 11 he seenon:: of the Bri _., e in he Orange Ri,er Colony D i5rriet a tbe illne. '" i C, pt. G. H. TO( d.l . 1:.A .. .l,C., - istam Comnri-,ioner of the Di;;tric . '- nd :0 expr tbe bote -h. t he Ill. y .. h e to resume hi;; work in this colon, at an &11'1, da e. I n ennclu,,-ion I \\'i:-h t 1 'rinz to yom norice the in,aluable work Performed by tbe Di..:: riet '::: uperin ' endell- " ",-r t:.ry . }Ir. H ugh 2ha'W; ,,'h05e a .::i-t· lll:e has been of the eTea est yaIue t) me 1-'et'l II .~Iy. : nd to all the Brig-ade in ;eneral. I ha,e in-peeted the whole of the 5 ore~ ... n( audi the book- of the ,ariou' Diy}sion;;, and found eyer, hiD...:::: t1 iactvn'. I ha,e the honour t ' be. ~ir. ' "I"our obedient ;;er'. n t. C. T HIHLET0_ ' r .r.QCH..I.r.T, ,LD ..


Capt. G. H.


:r. q" r DlI h', n,






C -.i ~


D i.:. rn < ~ ",;f Bl elll' 'Il' ~111 C;.-" ili\'! , i P ;ice



x- .

- :r=







-x - -


.. ;;,


-. -





7: "






5 1





8 ,;0




0>0 .)


1 1 1

[F ~l.


•. 1.








10 1,17


I.i '1, 11 I 'l\1,11. l:.,\ .. l.l .. :'Il',-:. y H ,'._t 1. h". :I"oll-~ill.

n,r.H •• lol • . n.

S uperin t endent Trea s urer.

S uperintendent S ecl'e t a!),


40 20

: , ' , 1.'r:s-. C h ef' S uperintendent.

C h ef S urgeo n











S uperin t enden t


_1. J, Hr.



,L. ,


St ores.


Di'tri ' Chit,T... GODDARD . R .A. 1f.C .

.dssi ta zt CtJl]l,11li"ionCi', O.B. O.

D ~stric

L I'T OF C ORP~ ,L'U D ln::o-Io:s-

Formed. City D i,'. B oemfontein Corp" J an . :?u: 1905 B loernfontelD D i\-ision (C. ~ .•·LR. Corps) . ~Iar . ~ 1905 ,,-, ..~. C. F oot P 0lice Di\' . (Bloemiomein Corps J une 21. 190,'j Bloemfontein Corp' "ep. :Z:::, H0 5



. S. A. R. orp~ K r un ... tad D i ,-i:;ioll C. _. _~. R . Corr s) P ri::'un Di,. tBloem , fOnteiu Corr ;: } ... prinJnte'in Di"i:,ion ~l'. ~ ._~ . R. Corp:"')

Formed. F eb. 11 . 1900



H'E A;-' L \ r.l El.~:


H.\ LL.

Ho n. S u r g eon .

F ti. 11, ] 900


1£1, 1906

Ins pecto r o f S tores.

~ pl. ~£1.


,\Y. ,\Y . Hockin:-, :-r. n . S upe r in t en d en t . ' Yo COOl ef. I n~ ,1:- ,, ~ •• Blo

ft . '.


,\\'Hht;\' W.


~Foln.LU 2

B. lE)IFI. ,'TEl:S-.


P;l1'kl m r. Ho n.

llIf lit ill.

.1.0 -.]

L. :'.--\ . S ecre t ar ~ .

f'c. _·L Chaa"id,. 1'.0. Box 421

n: 'll!ll

nrL'ill .

Hon. T ,·ea s urer.

1 tl. 11. Ht:':: 'ed ,

4 58

St. John A ndJLdance B rigade.

St. J ohn .A. mbulance BTigade.

Officers 3. Sergeant 1. P riva tes . Total effective 12. Decrease since la t report 10 (due to m mbers leaNing Bloemfontein). Drill:,; held 40. Ave~age attendance s. .Annual inspect.ion, ~7th Sept. Total on parade 7. Absent. wIth leave 5. M e?~ll:on 2. Matenal, chagTam . b:mdages, plinh~. etc. y~sted 1~ the S. J, A.B. DIn IOn supported by member' ub cription. The regula,tlOn . u~Iform ha not yet been obtallled, but the Uniform FundllOw amounts tl~ £ and It I hoped that tl:e mem?e.rs of thi~ pivi i~n will soon be uitably clothed. A class of young men al~xlOus to .J0~n the hngade I now under instruction by Hon. ~urgeon Hodgm , and It IS hoped that the next report will show a substantial mcrease lU numbers.

men transferred to out-station, but it is gratifyi ng to h ear that their interest has not diminished, and that steps are being taken to form other Divisions in the colony. Great zeal and enthusiasm has been shown by the Divi ion during the short time it ha been established. Attendances at drills, etc., have been good, and a keen interest has been taken in Brigade matters generally. During the year a first aid class bas been held, the lecturer being Dr. T. D. Tomory, fiLO.H . , which class helped to strengthen the D ivision, and fill up gaps made by transfers, etc. The Division has been greatly encouraged by the continued interest taken in its progress by :Major A. A . C. 1 elson, D irector of Prisons, O.R.C., and by his generosity in offering prizes for a Divisional Competition held in June last. The annual inspection W:1S held in September, the District Chief uperintendent, Capt. C. T. Urquhart,1\[. D., being the inspecting officer. A S(lUad from this Divi ion had the honour of being first in the annual District Competition held in the Town I-L.ll on 29th September. Cbief uperintendent Lieut. H. .paclmmn , R. A. M. c., has recently introduced the drill of the Royal Life ayjng ociety. Two quads hrwe been selected to take part in the display to take place at the Ramblers' Ground for the edification of the outh African ;'Iedical Congress. The Division clos s the year with a balance of £3 17s. 3d. in its favour .




Hon . Surgeon .

Captain P.

1 •


F.R.C . R.

Su peri ntenden t.

Major G. D . Gray,

. A.C. ,

1st Amb u la n c e O ffice r.


Hon . Secretary.

W. Yo un ger,


L ieut. T. Connor,

Inspector of Stores.

T . Denniston .


Hon . T rea s urer .

J. O. C01(lUhoUl1.

Prellen t Rtrcngth : 3 0 £ficers, 2 11 Oll-com m issioll ed officer. , an d 3. rri \'11 tes. Total effective 43. X 0 member of this Divisi~n has attended a pu blic pnrade or funct~on on am hulanec duty alo~e, althongh at all t~m.e. members of this Pi"i ' iOll haye to he present on poliee duty . . No ~ember ?f the ~IvI~lOn wear ambulance uniform. but all weal' the badge Oll .theJr polIce clotlllng. It IS (hfficult to keep the Division up to its present strength, O~'lllg to the fa.ct t~lat m~n are ofte~ tran ferred from here to other district, and fresh men comlllg I~ th~Ir place r~q.u~re to go through a first aiel cour -e h fore tll y can fill the vaca~~I~s ll1 the DIVIsIon. uch cour es are held periodically. The members of the DIVlslOn have attended no Ie s than 120 ca es (approximately ) durin'" the past year. 'vVe have bee~ handicapped a little through lack of funds to carry o~ the work. The South Afncan Constabulary very kindly sup]Jlied a few roller ba~dages, also a few charts for use at lectures, but other appliance such as stretchers SpllI~t , etc., have had to be borrowed ~n. order that we might he able to maintain ou; e~Cl~ncy. . We ha,,~ had one competItIOn confined to the Di\-i~inn, at which the DlstrlC~ h1ef uperllltendent ex-pressed him elf highly pleased. The prize ' in thiR competl~l?n were presented by. our o~vn officers. In the fir. t annual Di, trict C?mpetItlOn ~~ were u.cce ful Ir: cat'9'lng off the second and third prize., tOfj th Jr wIt~ an addItIOnal pnze of £<>, kindly p1esented by Lieut. Colonel .T. Fail' As lStant-I nspector-General, S. A. c., O. H. c. '



Ch ief S u perintenden t .

Chi e f Su rge on .

A. B. -Ward,

Major J. W. A. Hose, (' .. . A.H.V., 1'.0. Box L!34, Bloemrolltein.

)1.1: . (' . ..

Ofliccr 6. ergcflnts antI Corporals 5. PriYate'361. Total effecti\'e 72. Annual in pcction, 29th 'cpt. Total on parade 55. Absent with leave 12. Without lea\'e 5. Hegulatioll uniform worn by -1 Ollieel , 2 sergeants, anJ 50 private:. The 'orp, con. i t of the Bloemfontein, Kroonstad, and pringfontein Railwa.y Divisions. The latter Di\-1sion has not yet got properly tarted, but the progre s of the Bloem fon t in and Kroon tad Di i ions is all that could be desired. The trength of the h.tter Di visionR haR h en gTefl.tly increa ed since the elate of formation. A number of remov::1.l1l h ..l.\'e becn effected from the st,LtiOIl to ho pital, both at Y roonstad and Bloem fontein, \\" hil numerou.' ca 'es of a more or le~ 'eriou nature have been attended to. The annun.l in p ction of the '01']1 wm; held on the Railway Recreation Ground, Bloemfontein, the im1pecting officer being Di trict Chief uperintenclent 'a pt. C. T. rq llhal't, ;\1. D., ,,-ho expre sed his ati ·faction at the manner in which the drill was carried out, and the'martne s of all on parade. Further facilitie. ha\'e been afforded for b coming efficient, and the General Manager, C., .A.R., T. R. Price. Esq., C.~I.G., contillues to encourage the work in eyery way. Retr nchmen t among, t the employee has had a pernicious effect on the trength of the Corps.

BLOEMFONTEIN CORPS, PRISON DIVISION. [Fonned ~9.-J.06.J In ch a rge and Hon Treas .

el'gt. H. Howlett Central Prison, Bloemfontein .

Hon . S ecretary.

Pte. T. U. Cllal.lill, Central PrisoH, Bloel1lfontein.

Inspector o f S tores Pte. I'. Wcd<leJ".l,ooll.

Sergeallt 1. Privates 11. Total effective 12. in Pl:a.c~lces held 27. Re-examination, 10th ept. Menlbers llassed 2. AlJllUal b sPJCtlOIJ, ~9th Sept. Total OJ?- parade 12. Material: 1 streteher (on loalJ)' 5Jllil1t.~ a~? ages, dIagrams, field dressll1gs, etc. Division supported by G0yemmellt graJlt <> annu~l~'y) and 1I1~mbe1:s' subscriptions. ' t~~e D IViSIOn has sll1~e .ItS formation in April la~t made steady progre,s with ve)'y ..:. IS actory results. .V anous cases have .been tl'ea ted, ]Jrinci]Jally injuries tu pl'i;;u]} 1'3 h e· g· wounds resultmg from quarry aCCIdents; :dso various faintin<f and uther tits ave een treated by member of the D ivision. \ Ve have been unfurtunate ill having .






Honora r y S urgeo n .

V. Mal1ning, Superin t e nd e nt .

A. D. Ma.ckay, Railway Burean , BloemfolJ tein .


Ho n. S ecret ary.

"ergt. J. H . l'enfolJ, Loco. Dept., C. ·. A.R., Bloemfontein .

Inspe c to r of Stores .

Hon . T r e a sure r .

Pte. A. Jervis.

Pte. J . "'IV. Tetley .


St. J ohn A n1,lJ1dance B1'igade.

St. J ohn A1(LUlll(tnce Bi'igcuZe.

Officers 2. ergtlunt 1. Corporals 3. P rivate 34. T otal effective 40. I ncrea esince la t report 10. D rills beld 27. Ayerage attendance 19. Remo"nl 4. Ca es attended not on public duty 61. Annual inspection, 27tb Sept. Total on parade 39. Ab ent \yith leave l. Annual re-examination, 5th March, 5th A.pril, 31 t May, aud 10th July. Member pas ed 15. Did not appea l' 7. l\ledaJliolls 4. R egulation uuiform worn by 1 Officer, 1 ergeant 3 corporal, and 26 men. l\Iaterial : 6 b'etcher, 6 fir, t aid ham pel", splin ts, bandages, &c., \'e ted in C. . A . R. Diyi ion supported by C. . A..R . administration and member' sub cription . It is reO"retted that owing to no proper record' hiwillg been kept during the first half year~ the returns are for the remaining half year only. The Diyi ion, howeyer r i on a ,ery ati factory ba i, the actual treng-th being tf'n more than last year. nIuny of the resignations are due to tl'itn~fel's and men leaving the en-1ce. Mell1ber~ haye done some good ,,'ork in first aid during the year, especially in the workshop, where accidents, either serious or othen,i'e, are of almost daily occurrence. A tluad on pecial duty has attended four race meetings in Bloemfontein in uniform, and fully elluipped for any emergency. At the fir t annual Di trict Competition tbe first team of this Dirision came in fourth, but it is hoped a better account ,\ill be given next year, a thi year wa a first attempt, and in consequence con idern.ble nel'Yousne" pre,ailed. During the year a picnic and three promenade concerts were held, which, if not succe ' ful financially, were all that could be de 'ired socially, and in bringing the ambulance movement before the public. The C. . A.R. admin tration continue' to encourage the movement in eyery way pos ible, and it is hoped that the trength of this Di,i ion "ill be greatly augmented during the en uing year. The Division is on a sound financial footing, the 1>alance in hand !\,t end of the year being £73 is. 3d. C.S .A . R. (O.R C.) CORPS, KROONSTAD DIVISION. HEAD-QL\TITElt. : R-\ILWAl"

[Formed 11.2.06.]

Ix 'TITu'l'E, Knoo~ TAD.

Ho n. S urgeon and S uperintenden t .

E. Duthie,

~I.B., Kroon tad.

Ho n. S ecretary and Treasurer.

In s pector of S tores.

Sergt. J . Paton, ).Iaintenance Department, c. S. A. R, Kroonstad .

Pte. C. H. )'larran.

Officer 1. Sergeant 1. Privates 1 Toial effectiyc 20. Drills held 34. Average attendance 20. anuual in peC'tiol1, 29th ept. Total on parade 14. Absent with leave 5. Uniform worn. Material : 1 lilter, 3 tr tcher • bandages, splints, &c., ye ted in the C. . A.R. DiYi~ion supported by C. . A.R. and members' subscriptions. a number of ca es of first aid have been attended to during the year, and remo'-al' effected. C .S.A.R. (O. R.C.) CORPS, SPRINGFONTEIN DIVISION. Hr:AD - QL\.RTETI. :



[Formed 19.5.06.J


H on. S urgeon and S u p erinten d ent.

G. S . Clarke,



EMPIRE OF INDIA. BO MBAY CORPS . Chief Su peri ntendent.



Honorary Surgeons

D. B.

B. B.

K. E. Daclachallj i, L.~r. &S.

. Daud ekar, L.:\l. & s.

Fourth A mb u lance O fficer.

Hon. Sees . Treasu,"ers and Insps. of Stores.

"Cl'geau t D.



~Ial'k cl'

and 'erg 'lIlt D. F. Panthaki.

fficcl's 3. ~er("l!ant;; 4. 'orpornls L Pnntto 41. Total dlecti\-e 52. DrilL hdll 1i. ~\.n~rage attendtUH:t' ~.::. ',l_'Os attended on pllblicduty 1 . Case 'I attencll!tl not Oll public tJuty :20. In:<p ·ctiun. on p,lmde 2. .:\bsent WIth l.e,n~ \c . \\~ithotlt k:wc:i. ill ·tlalliolls 10. ~ ur"ill~ certificate,; 1~. Annual re-eXallllU:1tlO11, XU\., 1noo \.lllllem], '1'" pa sed. Hl-:;Ilbtloll uniform wom. :JIaterial: 0 stretcher'. 1 !l;l\Tesaes, .10 knee caps, =,pllllt", bandages, etc. Divi"ion upported by public subscriptil1n. DllI'illtr the year tllo work h:\.' heen well maintained, and the Dl\' i. ion till cOlltillnp~ to make excellent pr0gress. The average attendance at drill an(l Ill1lJlic dnty i gootl with :l corl'e:-;pnllllillg increase in geneml etticicn 'y. The littl'r ha.' lIeI'll ~sl'll for trall port lin' times. "pel'ial drill- 1111.\"e been helll at till' Elphilltlllle High ~ hool pI ty-gl'L1llllcl, awl th(,.n~:lrchillg anclilrill. hL.". marked illll'rO\'L'1l1 'nl. Duty h'1S hL'L'll UlHlert.tkell at. pUUhl' sporL. ~lltl the DnhIon lu\' also heen " -l'll reprcscntctl at othel' puhlic dlltJe·. The 1110 t lllll'ortaut local duty perf'orlilell \I'll' 011 the oc(;a ion of' the \'i"it of T.R.H. the Princc ant! Prince -: of \rales to DOlllhny on 8th :\ol"elllhe]', 1805. "'hell 40 mell.ber» werc ou duty, eight 't.ltion" bl'il1!:.:" fOl'l1lcll Oll a. 1'011 c of three mil Ti, e C;bC - treated 1l1l1!lbcrctll~. B OMBAY N URSING DIVISION.

[Form cd l.10.04.]

Honorary Su rgeon.

ilh jllr \\ . E . .T e1l11lU';_, )I.ll., (N 0 rt' port reeei veil. )


BO MBAY CITY P OLICE D IVIS ION. Hono,"ary Surgeon . L. ~1.

D. B. 1\. Dalltlek r,

e ~.

DllIing thc ye,ll' 0 drills han. 1> 'en hL'l<l at the H eall Police Office ompolll'll. Duty has helll ulltllltakcn at tit Fthltball nlld Hockey Tnnrnaml'nt '. Th e progrc.;' of' till' Divi,'ion i-; good. Th o,\1I11nal 'ompL'titioll Ii)!' the Poliet.; ~·ltiehl, pre,,;clltt.'d by Mr l:el1l'''(' LUllll l1 onol"llT ~ecretalT Il l11ll1lay Preid 'nc), Ctntn', for ,\llllWl! 1'"11'll'l'tiLil~l ;\mon:'st Poli',c Te-lllls. \~':~s hcld :it the H ead Police \)!tice 011 thl l:ltlt ~l :ll'l'h In -l. ;c.The EXalllinl-I'.~ \\"L'H':-Lit'Ilt..T. Fairhairnc, l' ..\..:\r.c., Dr . .'I. . rom_!! I, all.l ])1'. A. II. nl'all l.', O.~I.n., n. n. ,\: 'l. Rail",ay. The ,'hiehl \\':b "'Oll hy the L l>i\isinn 'l\;\m by 10 point-.


Officer 1. Privates 9. Total 10. .~~a~erial: stretchers, ambulance hampers, bandages, &c., yes ted in the C. . A.R. DIVlslOn supported by C.S.A.R. and members' subscriptions. Ii number of ca es of injury have been atte1lded to. It is expected that thi Di,~sion will make considerable progress during the en uing year. No member are yet III nniform, but it is hoped the whule Division will be properly equipped shortly. TRANSVAAL DISTRICT. C.S.A. RAILWAY (TRANSVAAL) CORPS . No.1 (PRETORIA) DIVISION. LForllled 15.11.06.] Kumbel' 01" IlleIllbel's 24.


n. B.

[Formctl 1 11 05.]

Fourth Ambulance Officer.

Hon . Surgeon .

1\ Ihll(lt.:};:,ll'.


8: _.'.

S. E. Baker. ,'ergc-llit l. "'ol'pl11';\l" 2. PriYak 15 Total ell'eeliyc ::!O. _ Drill- held ,10. .\.\'U'f1g' ntt.'ntlnllce 15. Ca:es atlen<lcll on pU~lh" .lluty~ }.'. Cnsl's alll'!Illl'.l lint (1]J pnhlic dnty 1.1. l\ledallion 1. .A11l1ua1 rl'-cXall111l:\tlOll. ~ 0\-. Alllllellllll'r~ P:lssl·rl. .;\Lateri,\I: ·1l:itrdchl'r~, :! haITl'sac'. :20 knee-caps, ,:;pllllb, halldag('~, tTe. Di\'isiolluPl'ortul hy public ~nhscriptlOll. . Durin·' [hc yenr th!' "ork of fir-[ ait! has heen well k~pl up, alILl the httcr h:l_ hel'l1 II ftll' tl"llnSpOl't t\\iee. Drill~ hn\'l~ heen helll at lhe ,Je"i'h High ,-choor" 'olllp n unc1. Duty h:Hl heL'n unlil-dal"e n at the Football, Rugl~y and. ~I? ckr;T')\\lWllllellls. '1'1.0 eaSt's trt'ntetl ll\lll1],eretl }:l. The pro!.!"re s of the DIY1SlOn 1.'; ,"cry sltlisfndnry. The hier nperillte11l1ent. :Jlajol' Lund, ".n.B.Y.R:, "l~ell in 'peLting the Di\ ision clllnplimentell the members all the excellcnt ,,,.ay III \\'ll1~h thoy lwrfonnetl their llJ'ill, their kill ill nr~t aid \\'ork, ami tho OfliCIt'llt w:\y 111 which they had cal'l'iell out their public 11ulies. Ollke!"s~.




I~DEX . P,~ GE.


A Diruion (Bribhouse Corps (Ciryof 8ri.;;r lC 1})8 (Hudde121idd orp) (Ilkc>sron orps (Keighley Coq.;; (Lincoln Corps I' ,shipley Coq:.;;


A.bbor~kerswell DiYi~lOn


Aberian Di,-j"ion Di,-j"ion Abertlner, Diyi:;ion ... ~-\..bI.'tm Colliery Diyi::.ion Accrin",on or.;; Accrin~ton X m,in.:! Di,-jsion ~-\..cron Di,i-'on ~ Addison Colliery Di "i 'ion Adlin-.ton Di,-j;ion ~.uding.ton and Hea h harnock Xursin!:! Di,i"ion ~.uex< ndra Docks Di yi:;iun X e"Wport :)Ion. Corp") AL.;ager Di,-jsion Altrincham Diyision ~.u yerstoke Di ,ision ~.u\eston Di,-j.;;ion ~-\...rdwick Di,ision ~-\..rmle, and "-onleY Di,-j:;ion Ashb~ron Diyisiou' .. Ashb,·de-la-Zouc:h Di,-j"iou Ashford Town Di,ision Ash ron -tmder- Lyne Di ,i~ion ., Xm5in<; Diy. Astle, Brid!...e Din,ion Auckiand C~-. Z. Di \"isi n Auckland (X.Z. Xm 'i.'1~ Di,-. B Din ion, CIty of Bri,.,r ,(Corps) " (Hudder,;field Curl's) ., (Ilkesron orl's " (Kei<;hley Corps) I' (Line-oIn Coq)s) ~Shipley Corp") Babbin"rou Corp' Babbingron Xm:illg Di'biol1 Bacup Di nsion Xursin~ Di,-j"ion Balliam and "'"treatham Xm.:in; Di.,ision Balmain (~-. . W.) Din,iol1 ,. (X.. W.) Xursill; Di,. Barking X ursing Di ,i ion .. Barnet Diyision Barnoldsmck Di,ision i\u~ing Diy} iOll ... ~-\..berQ"l1wnn,


310 3id

,,- -j v.


3:P -11'



30':: 30: 3J.~ ~1t3

-103 30 ...


30P 30P 235 ~35 0.",) -




201 ~30

30£1 3J.3



.uP :)3'::

310 311 3i 3 :? 3"P 303 n


310 343

22i 43 4H

225 221 363 393

B:urm,ior Di ,ision ... Xm.::ing Di,-j,iol1 B:lITO\Y-ill-}~urne.::" ~Di,isilll B:lrwell Di,ision B:trrol1 Hill Di .... ision , .. Barh \City) Di,isiol1 X m.::in£!" Di,-j"Wll B: tley Di,-jsiol1 ., X ur::;ing- Di,isicll Th:ckron Produd"- ,York.;; Dlv ... _ Be fOld Diyi:::ion BedlinO'! Division Belf~bt DI,-jsion Bel...:ra ,ia X l11sin~ Di ,-j ... ion Bell'e!" Di,-j"ioD Bel'm0ud:,ey ,1lld H rherhithe I\"1SlOU B \"erh:y Di,-j ...ioll Bin_Ie; Divisiou Bil' -}n,: d lorp" Birmill::-h; m 01] ,"BiI'S ~ll Di,i"iOl1 Bl,1L:kl,um Din"lOU X m sin;.:' Diyi:;i 11 Blal'kl ... 1 Di,-jsiol; Xlll,'ill_ DiYi--io11 Hlaenau Fe5n11l0~ Di,-j,,'111 Bl. ina Di,-j:,ion Bbnlun Burn olli~'I,\" and . Di,;rrict Di,·i"ion.. . Eli... \\ rth Di "i"ion Dloemfolltein U'I'''' .. Di\"i iOll C . . _\.R orps) ... B, ,1 ton Corps Bombay 011)::: BOmO,lY Ptll~e~ Diyi"ion • HY P~)IiCe Di\"i"i 11 Je~"'dl Di,i,ion X min:..:- Di "i,ion Boorh: Di,i"iol1~ X 111 -ill ~ Di \" i. ion BO,to11 Di,-j,ioll BOJghron-under-Bkan Di"i"ion Bou~nemourh Di\i 1011 Rozet t Di ,-jsiol1 Bradford iry Di"i"'l011 iry ~ -ur,;ing 1"blon " .JIidl:mc1 R1ih\a ,- 1 i \". , TramwH y Di \"i,iol1 Eramley Di,-j,;ion • redbu~y and Romiky Di,-j"ion Brierfield Di,-jsion •

310 3-1:3 311 ~':-O

::!3!l :2~0

Hri'rfid t ~ - U1"1ll_ Di "i,i II Eri hOll'~ q , SllI"-.;l l1_ Di,-j"i 11 1'1,,[(\1 1 Y ~ f l 11'" 1'1 mIt'\- D \ ',i 11 El ... It'~' Smiu!! Di, i,i lJ u~h't 'Il p- \"i~Oll wllr\'yd I1h rk ... D n ... i n



X 111

Pn'111ll,' \\ r


II _

1)1' 1,1






n ,

l~l;rlin~t nIh 1.1 1 1\ i,i II Burh \" III K, - -,r'111 ]li\"i,i 11 Burl~;'"Il1-\\-l :it. hl Dhi ... i 'Il I urnil'Y 1)1\ 1"1 1




3 ti 3~ !


h Diy.












31 '

t· .")



: '6


..... -1

:2 l)O






31 s 3 ..

:2513 30g




:2:20 :201 4:20







;) 0

3u3 ~1


403 304 3134


- )'






344 31::


., .,




. ;)

:24"2 0;1 n;;


4:P 31:: 4131

401 -:101 4tH 4tH

31'3-15 30~31

237 :203

305 394 305

llq ., Ry, b



3 0




:l ... IJi,", .... '"1eTl\\1l nd,· II'. 1)1 . _, I a ,., ll_er" :l rDi,', " l b·Hh. 111 :.1lld Dbtr' 'r I i\'i-i n ht. 'tel' D- "i ion Cl.-~he~t r Di"i,it)n luklren s II )me T)IYl"lOll Childreu's HOIIHl XurSlllg IIi\', Chir - Division lh,)rl ,. Di, ,.,1 n hri"tchur h X Z Di"I<:llll :\ur..; 11_ Di,. _- z_ ltV Di, i"i II lill't miollt 1ll l'0l"}'''Cit~· of Rri ... t 1 l'rp' , CHY of Exeter Diyi.;;i('ll Clt~, 0r II ad'lu,u d D1\I"1 'n ( nrditf 01'1''') Cinl Ambulance and Tra1l5plwt









". 1


- < •


-,/) c· •





~T • • W.

lIl'I'IOll •, X ur~lll~ lIi ,isioll ... Cleethorpc 1 In Illil .

:.0 ~lp

3:20 404')-r\ _.v





~Ol :2:2 ~l .J.~O

311 4-10

4:,0 1:'1 ~;~7


1~~; ~109




DI'h II I UIl hi IX] ) L' \q ,., X Z. _-111~1ll_ 11'. E. 1)1\'1,;1l111 '-,j,1l I Y l'l'q"') 1

E'din'T Dl' 1,1 n EarJn:' DIY1S1l)!l , XUI'in_Dl'lslOn Ear\', B''l"toll T)~n';;l 11 Earl :-;hilron Di,-i'lOll Ea;:.t!"'l1rne L.B.&"' . . ) Di\,. Ea",t 'l)We,; Di, j"wn Ea;:.r r:HlIllll~tl)\l I n I, wn Kl,:;rern l'i\is~l)n \liullll'rp, ) .. ... -ur"tn~ Di\"isil'll Ea,:;t Ibm Di\ i::;it)n • X urSillg" I) i ,. is i,)ll

3"20 HI)


:. :2:) ~~



30ti "2 - t> "2~O

::!-1:3 "2-l;

40-1: 401 -!l::!

no :2~t1


St. J ohn A 1nbulance Brigacle.

St. John. A mQulance B?1igade. PAGE.

East London Division East London Railway (0.0.). Divi ion Eastwood Division Ebbw Vale Division Eccleshill Vi vision , Nursing Division Edenfield Division " Nursing Di vision EIland Division " r ursing Division Enmore Di vi ion ( J. S. 'V.) Equitable Divi ion Erith and Di trict Division Exeter (City of) Division F Division (Shipley Corps) Farnworth Division Fa versham Division .. . Felixstowe Division .. . Felling Colliery Division Ferndale Division Finedon Di vision Five Ashes Division Fochriw Division Foleshill and Longford Division Folkestone Division ... Foot Police Division (Bloemfontain Oorps) Foulridge Division II T ursing Division Frenchwood Division ... Fulham' Di vision Garforth Division .. Gasworks ( ydney) Division Gateshead Fell Division. Gippeswyk Division ... Glebe (Sydney) Division II " Nursing Division Gloucester (Oity of) Division Godalming Di vision ... Goodrich Division Goole Division Great Central Railway Pier Div. Greenstreet Division ... Great Lever Division ... Great 'Western Colliery Div. G. W. R. Di v. (Iro11 bridge Corps) G. 'V.R. Locomotive Division (Oardiff Corps) ... G.W.R. (Paddington) Division Passenger Goods G. 'V.R. Division (Cardiff Corps) Grink1e Mines Di vision Guildford Division Haggerston Division ... Halesowen Division Halifax Division Hallaton Division Halmerend and District Division Hampstead Di vision Hanley Division ~


45,* 372 4~1

372 396 321 3,*7 373 397 4.40

331 223 213 390 ;313 244 _~73

40·1 421 294 244

421 291 2H

458 321 347

333 212 381 439 405 274 438 441 2015 245 421 373 407 245 313

422 -123 419 219 420 405 245 205 271 373 274

384 210 384



Hapton Division Hn,rbuUl' Trust Division lIarpu l' lIill Division ... IIarrow Division Hasland Di vision Haslemere Division Haslingden Oorps Hastings Division " Nursing Division II::werhill Division Haverigg ( Iillom) Division lIaworth Division Hazel Grove Di vision liead-qrs. Div. (Birmingham Oorps) [lead-quarters Division (Bulton Oorps) ... Head-(]ual'ters._ DiviRion (Oivil Ambulance and Transport Oorps, N.S.W.) .. , lIead-quarters Div. (Kettering Oorps) ... Head-quarters ( .S.W.) Nursing Di\'ision) O.A. T. 00r1)S Head-quarters Division (Northampton Oorps) II cad-quarters Tursing Division (~orthampton Oorps) lIead-quarters Div. (Preston Oorps) ... Head -q uarters Di v. (\Vellingboi'ough Oorps) ... Head -quarters Nursing Division (Wellillgboro' Corp::;) lieanor Di vision Hebden Bridge Oorps " Division " Nursing Division Heckmondwike and Li\'ersedge Division IIereforcl Oity Police Division " Railway Di vision Hetton-le-TIole Division Heywood Di vision " 1'\ ursing Division Higham Jj"'errers Division Hinckley Division Hindley Division Hockley G. \V.R. Division Hodbarrow Division ... Holbeck and Hunslct Di vision ... Horfield Division Horwich Division HORpital Saturday Fund Div. " Nursing Di vision Hudclersfielcl Oorps Nursing Division ... " Hull Oorps ... Hull & Bal'l1sley Ry. (Alexandra Dock) Division ... Hull & Bamsley Ry. (Neptune Street) Division ...

321 440

374 216 374 246 322 246 257 ~74

322 378 3~2


313 438 277 441 2 5


332 ~93

:399 374 375 375 397 375 4~2

4:!2 406 323 34 ~91

2 1

323 27~

323 379 239 314 214

225 371'5 397 406 408


Hulme Division lIfOI'd Division llkeston and District Oorps Imperial Division Invel'cn.rgill Ry. Div. ( T.Z) Ipswich Oorps " Nursing Division Irchcster Di vision Ironbridge Corps " Division " J ursing Division Irthlinghorough Division " ursin!! Division Isle of Wight Corps .~. Jewish Division (Bombay Corps) Keighley Oorpfl " 1'\ ursing Di vision Kendal Division Keswick Division " 1'\ ursing Division Kettering Corps Nursing Division " l" idsgrovc Divi8ion King's !'ORS (G. T.R.) Division Kingsteign ton Di vi",ion Kislingbllry Di vision Knutsforc1 Division Kroonstad Di \'ision (C. . A. R. Corps ... .. Kynoch Di \'. (13i1'mi nghn.m Oorps) Kynoch TllIsing Division Lancaster Di\'iRion ... Lanc1port I ivision Lawley trect (:;\1. H..) Birmingham Corps Leamington Di "isio11 ... Leeds City Tl'llmway Di"i'ion ... Leed'orps Leicester orporation Tmmwltys Division Leicester 'orps " i\ llrfling Division Leigh Division Levenshulme Division Leylanrl and Farington Division Ley ton and Leytonstone Division Lincoln 'OI'PS Li t11gow Di vision Li "e1'pool Di vision " T ursing Division Llwynypia Division L.&~T.W.R. Division (Leicester Oorps) .. , IJ.&N.\V.R. (1'\uneaton) Division L.B.&._.O.H.. ( ew 1'0 ) Div. " (Victoria) Division " (Willow Walk Div.) Longc1endale Division Lowel' ,Vortley Division Luclg\'an Nursing Division Lymington Nursing Division

327 222 376 239 448 275 297 294 423 423 432 295 299 24G 461 377

89 324 32·1 348 276 297 378 210 249 2 7 325 460 270 297 325 251

269 291 3 1 379 2 1 ~ 0 298 325 32 333 206 3 1 439 326 3-.1.8 ,*27

2 2 292 211 219 223

326 3 1 257 257

465 PAGE.

Lytham Di vision Lytham Nursing Division Macclesfield Division Madeley Di vision (Staffs.) " " (Ironhridge Oorps) ursing Division " " Malton Division Manchester and Salford Oorps ... Manchester Oorporation Tramways Division Mannil1gtree Division ... Mansfield Division Mardy Corps Mq,rine Division (Bri ·tol Oorps) larket Harborougb Division Mar bbrook Division ... Masterton Division 1\Iec1bourne Division ... Meribyr Division MertIlyr Vale Division Merton and 'Wimbledon Division l[ess1:8. 1\ynoch's Division. IIl.F.B. Division (Oape Town) ... Midland Ra,il way (Kettering Corps) ... ( bipley ,. Oorps :\lidlalld Ry. (Wellingborougb Oorps) Division ... Mill Bay (G.W.R.) Di\ision 1\ [ilmow and New hey Di vision ... " " Nursing Div. Milton Diyision Mitchell arid Butler's Division ... Monument Lane (L. & N. W.R.) Division MorecamlJe Di vi ion ... " N ur ing Division Morley and Ardsley Diyision " N ur ing Di vi ion Mountain A h Corps ... ~I um ps Di vi ion T elson Oorps " Tursing Division Nelson treet Division N ewcas tIe on -Tyne Division Newcastle-on-TYl1e.l. ursing Diy. Tewcas tIe u II der-Lynle Division N ewchurch Diyision " Nursing Division ... New Farnley Diyision " 1'\ Ul'Sing Di yi ion ... T ewpol't (:\lon.) Oorps " (1. of W.) Di vi -ion Newton Abbot Corps ... J ewton Abbot Division Tewtowl1 Division " (J . . W.) Division " ( . . W.) Nursing Div. Norden Division Norden Tursing Division

326 349 326 382 423 433 409 327 328 284 382 423 240 284 430 446 285 424 424 211 270 452 278 390

295 248 329 349 385 272 269 329 349 370 :::96 425 331 3:29 3019 269 409 413 3 5

330 350 3 2

398 425 247 2-.1.9 249 330

0138 4H

336 352


St. John A mb'Ldance Br'igade. P AGE.

Northampton Corps ... " Head-quarters I ursing Division North Bierley Division .r orth Oamberwell Division Torth-East Warwickshire Oorps North Leeds Division ... North Lindsey (Iron District) Division North London Railway Division North Staffordshire Corps North Staffordshire Railway Div. Northwich Division ... Norwood Division " I ursing Division IO. 1 Division (Ipswich Corps) IO. 1 Division Mardy Corps No. 2 Division Uardy Corps N uneaton Town Division Oamaru ( . Z.) Di vision " (N.Z.) Nursing Division Oldham Corps Nursing Division " Olney Division Onehunga (N. Z. ) .N ursing Div. Orwell Works Di,-ision Ossett Division Otley Division Oundle Division Overseal Division Owaka (N. Z . ) Division " (N. Z. ) Nul' ing Division Oxford Corps Oxford Division Oxford Nursing Divi ion Padiham Division " Tursing Division Palmers ton (T. Z.) North Fire Brigade Division ... " " North Ry. Division " " "N ursing Di v. " (N.Z.) South Div. " " " Sou th Nursing Division Paulerspury Division Peakdale Division Penrhiwceiber Division P entre and Tynybidw Collieries Division ... Perth Division, W est Australia Petone ( .Z.) Division " Nursing Division Police Division (Ipswich Corps) Pontnewydd Division ... Pontypool Road Division Portmadoc Division ... Portsmouth and District Corps " Infirmary Nursing Division Nursing Division ...


285 298 383 222 290 380 383 206 383 385 330 214 225 275 424 424. 292 445

44.9 331 350 2 8 450 276 370 390 288 288 44.6

449 250 250 258 332 350 446 447 449 447 450 287 386 426 426 442 447 450 275 431 431 427 250 258



Portsmouth Police Corps Port Sunlight Division Potteries Electric Traction Div. Preston Corps Preston Nursing Division Pretoria Division Prison Div. (Bloemfontein Corps) Product \Vorks Division Pytchley Division Radcliffe Division " ursing Division Rail way Di vision (N ewport, Mon., Corps) Ramsgate Corps Town Division " " Police Di vision " Railway Division " I ursing Division }1... vensthorpe Division Rawtenstall Cen tra.l Di vision I awtenstall Central Nul'S. Div. Read Division H eadin g Division " Nursing Division Reddish Division Redruth Division Rhondda Fach Division Rhondda Fawr Corp. ... Rin gstead Din ion Ring tead Nursing Division Roade Division Rochda.le Oorps " Oentral Nursing Diy. Rockingham Oolliery Division ... Rotherham Divi~ion ... Rothwell Division R oyal Arsenal Di vision Roy ton Division " Nursing Division Rugby Division Rushden Division " Nur ing Division Rushton Division Ryde (1. of W.) Division St. Ives Division St. John 's Division (Ipswich Oorps) ... St. John's Gate, Di vision " " No. 2 Division " " Nursing Div. St. J ohn's (Ryde, 1. of W.) Div. t. Mark 's Division ... Sale and Ashton-on-M!trsey Di visio n Salford Division Sandown (I. of W.) Division Scissett and District Division Settle Division Shaftesbury Division ... Shanklin (1. of W.) Division


St. J ohn A 1nbulunce Brigade. 250 332 385 332 351 460 458 220 279 333 351 425 251 251 252 252 258 371 334 351 334 252 259 335 252 42-1 427 295 299 :2 7 335 352 387 3 7 279 221 337 353 2 9 296 300 279 217 253 275 205 208 224 24.7 20 337 32 247 3 7 388 311




Sheffield Oorps Shelton Iron, Steel & 00301 Co. Division Shipley and Distri(;t Corps A Division " " ]3 Division " " C Division " " D Division " " E Division " F Division " "" "" Nursing Div. Shrewsbury Oorps " Division ... " ursing Division " L oco. Ry. Diyi::;ion ... " Ry. Stn. Division ... Sil den Division Sittingbourne Division 'meth lvick Di vi"ion ... now Hill (G. W. R.) Di"i ion ... Social>. ettlement Div. (Ipswich Corps) ... Sou thampton Division outh M etropolitan Ga' Co. Div. 'outhport Division outh hields Police Di vision ... " Vol. Life Brigade Div. " Tursing Di vi. ion outh \Vn.l e Border orps •'owerby Bridge Di viRion " T l1rsing Diy. ,palc1illg' G.J..T.I. Division Spring-fontein Di \'ision ( ' .. ' A. R. Oorp,,) ... tanningley and Dilitrict Division tewart's and L1 0yds Di lision ... tockport Di vi ·iOll tocksbridge Division 'toke Bruerne Dil'ision ... tOllehol1~e Di vision ... tnltforcl-upon-Avon Dil'ision ... Streathall1 Division fll1tton-in -Ashfield ))i"i'ion T!llke Divi.·iul1 Tn.Jywaitl Division Tham es (r . Z.) N llring Di vision Tibshelf 'orps " and Birchwood Nur::;ing Division T oc1morclen Di ,';sion ... " N Ul'sing Division T on P cntre Division .. , T ottenham and H amp ·te:ld In. Ry. Di\'i"ion Tottingtoll Division ... " Nnrsing Division 'fown Division (L eicester Oorps) " (ewport, I on. , Oorps) ... Toyn bee Ihll Di l'ision Trawd cn Divi::;ion

388 386 388 389 389 389 389 390 39 0 398 429 429 133 429 429 37 2fJ3 289 270 276 253 212 337 4]0 410 413 -130

39 0 39 391



290 2~0


3Hl 431 450 392 39 33 353 427 215 338 353 2 2 426 207 339

Trawden Nursing Division Trcclegar No.1 Division Tredegar TO . 2 Division 'l'reherbert Division .. , Tl'eorchy and Cymparc Division Tun bridge 'vVells Division Tunstall Division Twywell Division Ventnor Division Victoria Hall Division Vi ctoria Hall Nursing Divi sion \Valker Di vision " I ursing Division "\Valthamstow Division 'Valton-le-Dale Division \V alton-Ie-Dale Nursing Divi::;ion \V are Di vision "\Varrington Oorps ... "\Varri ngton J:\ ursing Division \Varwickshire N.E. Corps Water and Sewage Div. (N . . W .) Waterloo Di vision 'Vaterlow Division 'Va.tford Division " Nursing Division \Velbeck Division VI! ellingborough Oorps ... " ur ing Division W ellington (N.Z.) Division ... (N.Z.) Nursing Div. " 'iVellington Manawatu R ail way Co's Division Wembl ey and Ihrlesden Division 'Vembley Nursing Division ... W e t Cowe (1. of W.) Division W estern Division (Hull Oorps) ... \\Testern Tlll'sing Div. " \Vestel'll uburbs ( ydney) Div. "\VestO'n.te-on- 'ea Divi ion \\Test~ate ~'"tlrsing Division 'Vesthoughton Di"ision 'Vest London Di I'ision "\Yeston-super-Mare Dil'lsion \\'estwood Di\'ision Whaley Bridge Division Wha,ley Bridge Nursing Div. Whalley Divi ion WheatshenJ Division ... \Vhitblll'fi Colliery Di\'ision " Tur,ing Di\'. Whitefield Dil'i 'ion .. . Whitworth Division .. . " TUl' ing Di vision .. Wi,yan Di\'i, ion W i~ ton lII~1"lla Diyision ~ (111 R.) Division Will esbol'ough Division " 'iVimbledon anclllIerton Nul' ing Dilision "\Vinsforc1 Division ,, N uI'sing Division

354 431 432 428 428 254 386 279 248 314 344 411

414 217 339 354 254 339 354 290 440 340 209 255 259 392 293 299 445 448 447 209 224 248 409 413 439 255 260 31.J. 22~

255 331 3,10 855

341 282 411

414 341 336 353 341

2 3 2 3

256 225 342 355


,st. J ohn A rrnbL&lance Brrigade. PAGE.

vVithernsea 'Division ... Wollaston Division Wollongong Division ... \Volverhampton Division Wolverton Division ... \Voodstock Division (Cape Town) ·W oodstock Division ... \\Toolley Colliery a.nd Darton Div. \Vorking M en's Oollege Division (Leice tel' Corps) ...

411 296 440

296 256 454 250 392 283


\Vorksop Division Wroxall (1. of W.) Division Yeadon and Guiseley Division Y.M.O.A. Division (Cape Town) Y. M. C.A. Division (Leicester Oorps) ... Y.II1.C.A. (Wellin gton) Division Ystrad Rhondda, Divisioll

393 248 205 453 284 448 428

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